93729-94074_09-17-1932_10-19-1932I rb o rr/ sem\ i' I\\ saavor+vis eo nv,ane �ar�ouvr� 9=�IIIII �-illlll SZ•TIIIII _I vlrlIIII sill O -i i SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTVENT Jf ROLL IDENT1 FI CATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTIOII DATE TO RE DESTROYED I Lim Cc --Y- LIMITED RETEIITION DATE 111CROFILP D CONTENTS O e NUMBER OR MANE OF FIRST DOCUM[:NT OF REQILAR CONTENTS 37- 9 U a r NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT 111CROFI1,I1ED SIGNED 1 Operator JOINT CITY COUIITY MICROFILM BY Super, so, ' Ordlnanoa No. C. F. 93729 Dti.( 7 Y H /Introduced An ordinanoe aoanding Administrative Ordlnance No. 32A. passed Augs.t 20, 1914, as emended by Ordinance No. 3570 and subsequent ameudmont:, entitled -An Administrative Ordinenoe relating to the Civil S—loe Bureau Of the City of St. Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations 'therefor.- THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Seo ties I. That Ordinance No. 325071, approved August 20, 1914. an amended. - be and the acme is hereby further ananded by striking out all pf segtion 50, end by inserting 1n Ilea thor sof the following, `I RULE VIII - - - UNSKILLED LABOR SERVICE Bea. 50. (a) Deployment Register.--The Civil Service Bureau shall maintain a 1 11f persona el}g1Dle to employment In She Usekilled Labor Servi Appl Soa,I. for sash aatvlee' shall conform to the requlr to in S:.tione 15 to fa of those rules. The names of candidates who meet the requirement. and pas: Lle taste for employment in thin service, unle4: otherwise disqualified, shall be placed on the Employment Register s000rd- ing to priority of filing of application. The persons upon t 4 each register shall not lfy the Bureau when they change address. 0 (b) Appointment and Ro-amploymant.--Appointsent or re-employment in the Unskilled Labor Service shall be upon requloiti.n from the appointing officer and by oarti fication from the anskilledlabor employment register. Certification shall be according to priority of standing on the list, the eli- gibleoqqdeach list whose application ewe first filed shall be first o. tlfied and appointed. (e) Lay Off.--In case of reduction of forces 1. the Unskilled Labor Service in arW department, the laborer. in such 'department shall be laid off in the inverse order of in.1 standing on the Employment Register,. the last one regia6erad to ' be the first leld off. I—edlate report of such lay off shall besent to the Civil Service Bureau, and if the Bureau finds that others on the Employment Register with lane seniority than those 00 laid off ere employed In acme other department, then the Bureau 93729 Introduced �� '_`j Irl 7't#V c 1. oreinance —ding Administrativ.: Crdlnance So. 32501, passed August 20, 1914, ne n.:cnded by Ordtncncs No. 3$70 eau sobahquent amend,�inty, entitled ^An :2 ni nl atrativo Ordinance relating to tiie Civil :ac.rloo Aur:ou of the City or St. :'nu1, appr.vl,C Ind adoptirg rine, and r gulations 'th... for.• Thi COU14CIL OF Thi: CITY OF ST. -AOL DOES ORDAIN: to y „sc tion i. That ordlnanes•1• 3250!, vad 1.,a t 20, 1914, ae amended, ba and the camo 1. horeby further i.endod by vt,i,in,, out 11 of Ceotlon 50, and by inserting 1n lieu thereof tr.e folio Ihg: RULE VIII UNSKILLED LABOR SIRVICZ Sec. $0. (a) leaployment Regl.ter.__Ihe Civil Service Uuraau eh all maintain n list of persons e11;lbll to 1^�q1,ymont in the Uvekilled Labor Service. l:pplScante for s..b .i7, los .hell conform to the r hulrnr..onte in Sections 1$ to lb of these rules Tho n of Bandl dates ar. lta meet tho ante and pace Uro tests for employment in this servic+,sunless oth .di disqualified, shall be pl:_,, an the Empleymmt Register accord - dug to prior lty of fS11ng of ap pllcoilon.a I, er cone ups¢ such register shall notify the Bur.uu 1h.n th,y chongo add -d - (b) Appointment and Re-amploymont.--Appointment or -employment in the Unskilled Labor Service shall be upon requiai tion from to appointing officer and by eartlfication Ir om the unskilled labor amploym int reglater. Certs float'.. .hall be ¢ ording to priority of .t_.c', on the list, the eli- gible on such list shoes ¢ppli.sti— —a first filed shall be first certified and appointed. (c) Lay Off, --In lase of reductio4 of fares. In the killed Labor Service In any department, the laborers in such dap e<tment shall be raid off Sn the invcrso order of their standing on the Employment Regleter, the last o regi at aced to be the first laid off. Inwodiate report of ouch one orf .ball be sent to the Civil Service psreau, and if the Bar... finds that .p other. on the Employment RogVeter with leas seniority than those so laid off are employed in some other depsrtment.,,then the Bureau (., z„u. t.ri Alcon from 't— regi=tor m -apply, l'ursn ,;;1L trntl on In on—rd ,,Ith nubdlvl cion (n) thla ert;c tion, a ,rle rite oatnc ro5l stet o to euah 1nDor.rs the onto of fill",: of roma ra-appllcotian. SAVING CLAUSE: (n) i.'il p s haldln, c ^S1 n.rvice lobo, —de for empluymcnt i Cumzon Labor .^,ot-vl oo anall have their �n , Cpl sc adron 'Lite [hployuant liegl star In a i'th _ n j0 and ,c..rdlnf to the ori orlty of filing or t;-1, appli-tions o--apollostionn upon,.blah t.. �1c o ont -tn- —dF. (if n'Li” 1, .c_oe auto affect) v. _; .;Ie,uea�s card "t the tli till, r J �.1y1 .. e. 1:. in �r- ltd shn11 certify trt.h laid -orf —tknrs to ...It other deportment for -employment and, if n cry, each other deoart,�ent ohnll ' then mnke 3 lny ofP eocoYalnp to thin n.,tlon, The 9urc n, shall follow 16 a e proced.ura mitt r got to the r uaining depnrt- onte oo that the laborers actually empl oy,d by the city ,hall rat all Limo,, o arly no posolDle, be Lno se pith to, hi gheot seniority (prlatlty of fillre) on t— Finploymont 1. glet or - 'I) tabor cards. --•Stns Civ11 = rvl ce :+ G,t zli isono Lo e o lab or.r, ''ar nppolntm,nt Yror, 2oreLi,tern a lnbor id—tlf,.catlon —I. : o10 c_rd sin tll c tcln tine laborer -c nadross: lmocr1p21 -, i,I r. n=b,, sh-dngn Fri or 1, 5 of , regi,tr:, t ion. `.11 ldantificotionCard, I,sued to laborers ,hall r mnito tn� �repar ty of I"'C"11 ervlco Nuroeu and shall ' De raturnabl"f., for a preps, `ronson, by 4,e Uur aou. ..uch Id notification Card, no I ben n-tr snsf_,bl e, and an;/ por- n involved in t—transfer or elt,rati,n of such —d. ,hall bo du11¢y of a misdemeanor. (s) Fnilu.-e to klpllt.--Lntorsr, certii'1 ed f'r rnn Lha ;>upinyment teglt•s eh:ill r t to Lhs officer or person design atel nithin 1{(i h o from tis Iio.o`of —tlin� o notice to tholr last % .. _ If t,cy nr, nobly nble too report, their a Both m ny1 t,o nrlt' r^.1 of the r'.ppo I,tlrQ ofl'Sc e: -,t t1a c - 1'os.,.-,—io%— be kept in thr. regi,t,r In their orl roll c re.. ",lint•oth -l— t.,eir o - a ni. ea s,oll De et,iok.n frch 'bms :,>loyntH_gist Cr. (f) dspnrrtlon.--lni• :'aborar , s Ss u rr.ted i`rom .. •_rvic, for c, o::ho ro fu ses a.p point -ant, ar�loyxient, -o.ploym,;n L," llobc etllckatt from tLo ,agister srt a.. othonA ro pr,vidod In nubd lvlelon (e) of Lula —tion. (,) LN1orer^_ r,ho fail to coin lata th,Ir a1;p11cat lone, n.,, xh line", s,.;.II o— bs r fell to report. for I,- Leets 11--, entered on ns io-,plo;,—t �togl.oter,,nd their _fpl icnt ions ,boll ba caracoled. (., z„u. t.ri Alcon from 't— regi=tor m -apply, l'ursn ,;;1L trntl on In on—rd ,,Ith nubdlvl cion (n) thla ert;c tion, a ,rle rite oatnc ro5l stet o to euah 1nDor.rs the onto of fill",: of roma ra-appllcotian. SAVING CLAUSE: (n) i.'il p s haldln, c ^S1 n.rvice lobo, —de for empluymcnt i Cumzon Labor .^,ot-vl oo anall have their �n , Cpl sc adron 'Lite [hployuant liegl star In a i'th _ n j0 and ,c..rdlnf to the ori orlty of filing or t;-1, appli-tions o--apollostionn upon,.blah t.. �1c o ont -tn- —dF. (if n'Li” 1, .c_oe auto affect) v. _; .;Ie,uea�s card "t the tli till, r J �.1y1 .. e. 1:. in �r- ltd —.1.1 to L fl t -Y in at 1 1 7 of —h Pereon sha11 h.avc Promotion uto ns c.nr.xdnte in Sieh nx'_oilnation or test• �cnti— 111. t,.,, ­fut nna be in forgo r— and of—I Sts 'be'g" —1 Y— ,,,,A,d by me c-n.ii JAN 6 933 --A SCOTT. I hereby ,,go by the 0,,nell the above-menti—d arc ordment t. :e c ivl vi ce Rules. Civil s-eloe Commissioner (9-9-32) Adopted by the 4r --Jill — — ---- -------------- Yeas- - Nays_ /fAV � MCDON ALU PEARCE / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL Nay. / R_ PRESIDENT <M AH ON EY) Y ¢as- Nays_ i � MAY � /ROSEN P ,j`•�/l ' /WENZEL f /R_ PRESIDENT (MAHONEY _..1� Yeas. . / MAY /M.DONALD I /PEARCE )� ROSEN 1 TRUAX / WENZEL jMR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council.._._... _.....____..193__.__ Yea.. Nay.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council_____.. _ _ ____....193_..... Yea.. Nay.. /1Ic..N`ALD PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council Yea.. Nay.. a //MAY I McDONALD PEARCE / F / ROSEN \ a A /TRUAX Y WENZEL Y /MIL PRESIDENT �-G Y �t Adopted by the Council_._ _.. 7— Y— Nay.. MAY "McDONALD 4jPEARCE -, ROSEN TRUAX / WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council__._.. _......__.193___. Yea.. Nay.. �6 / MAY /MCDONALD PEARCE _ C (/ J' r 6 TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) / f Adopted by the Council_____.. _ _ ____....193_..... Yea.. Nay.. /1Ic..N`ALD PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council Yea.. Nay.. a //MAY I McDONALD PEARCE / F / ROSEN \ a A /TRUAX Y WENZEL Y /MIL PRESIDENT �-G Y �t Adopted by the Council_._ _.. 7— Y— Nay.. MAY "McDONALD 4jPEARCE -, ROSEN TRUAX / WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) C i T Y OF SAINT PAUL pV'~ LAW DEPARTMENT December 29th, 1933. To the 00—u it Gent 1 ems n Z aft t: aoL hereto the decision of Judge Loevinger in the case oY State ex rel. Zdward Bruce vs. City of St. Paul. Harol d :Jr. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and John B. Probst . You wi 11 note that the Court has sustained a the intex-px,etat i oa placed upon Section 101-M of the Char- ter and the Civi 1 Service Rules by this office, which held in ePYect that common or unskilled laborers must be employed a cX re—employed in the order of their position on the ellgjble list, which position 1e fixed r by the time oY their application for employment. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. Copy. STATE OF MINNESOTA, DISTRICT COURT, County of Ramsey. Second Judicial District. State of Minnesota ex rel. Edward Bruce, Relator, -vs- The City of St. Paul, a municipal cor- poration; Harold F. 600drioh, City comptroller, and John B. Probst, Respondents. The above entitled matter came on for trial before the under- signed on the 20th day of November, 1932, at a General Term of said Court held in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Said relator was represented by McDonough & Diehl, his attorneys, and said respondents were represented by Edwin Murphy, Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of St. Paul. It was i agreed between said parties that the evidence would be submitted in the form of an agreed statement of facts and that argument. would be had thereafter. 9=id matter thereafter again came on for hearing on the 22nd day of December, 1932, upon an agreed statement of facts and upon argument of counsel. Now, therefore, after having been fully advised in said premise. and havlow duly considered all of the evidence herein, the Court finds as Facts: 1. That relator, Edward Bruce, on the 4th day of October, 1932, was the bona fide holder of a labor card Issued to him In 1931 by the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, and that On. that day he was appolntedby Herman C. Wenzel to do common labor work and dId perform common labor work for a period of eight hours on said day. 2. That respondents, Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and. ex -officio Civil Service Commissioner, and John H. Probst, as Chief Examiner In the Civil Service Bur eau, refused and do refuse to certify that the appointment of said Edward Bruoe and the work per- formed by him on said day ware In ec.,orda ^.cr -ith ttr pr iAions of Copy. STATE OF MINNESOTA, DISTRICT COURT, County of Ramsey. Second Judicial District. State of Minnesota er rel. Edward Bruce, Relator, -VP- The City of St. Paul, a municipal oor- poration, Herold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and John B. Probst, Respondents. The above entitled matter came on for trial before the under- signed on the 20th day of November, 1932, at a General Term of said Court held in the Court House in the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Said relator was represented by McDonough 6 Diehl, his attorneys, and said respondents were represented by Edwin Murphy,, Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of St. Paul. It was agreed between said parties that the evidence would be submitted in the form of an agreed statement of facts and that arguments would be had thereafter. S=id matter thereafter again Came on for bearing an the 22nd day of Deoember, 1932, upon an Speed statement of faots and upon argument of counsel, Now, therefore, after having been fully advised in said premises and baving duly considered all of the evidence herein, the Court finds as Fact.: 1. That relator, Edward Bruce, on the 4tb day of October, 1932, was the bona fide holder of a labor card issued to bim in 1931 by the Civil Service Bureau of the City of at. Paul,. and that on that day he was appointed by Herman C. Wenzel to do common labor work and did perform common labor work for a period of eight hours on said day. 2. That respondents, Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and ex -officio Civil Service Commissioner, and John B. Probst, as Chief Examiner in the Civil Service Bu�esu, refused and do refuse to certify that the appointment of said Edward Bruce and the yDrk per- .or Aid by him on saki day were in accordance +Nth t7. provinione of (2) the Chaster ef•the City of St. Paul and of the Civil Service Rules established under said Charter. 3. That said appointment of tdward Bruce by the said Herman 0. Wenzel was made pursuant to the fifth paragraph of Section 50 of Rule 8 of the Civil Service Rules. 4. That the said fifth paragraph of Section 50 of Rule 8 of the Civil Service Rules was added thereto by Ordinance W34, approved February 10, 1928. 5. That on October 4, 1932, laborers in the city service were appointed pursuant to the second and sixth paragraphs of Section 50, Rule 8, of the Civil Service Rules and Seo. 101-9 of the City Charter. That for some time prior to October 1, 1932, appointing officers had made appointments of common laborers according to the said fifth para- graph of Sec. 50, Rule 8, of the Oivil Service Rules, but on August 9, 1932, respondents Goodrich and Probst were advised by legal opinion of Lewis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul, that this provision was contrary. to Seo. 101-M of the City Charter and that unskilled or common laborers should be employed in the order in which they bad made application and had qualified. S. That pursuant to this ruling, respondents Goodrich and ?robot prepared a list of common or unskilled laborers, on which list the laborers were placed according to the date of their appli- cation and oualiflcations for work as such laborers, and notified all appointing officers and all registered common laborers that on October 1, 1932, appointments would be made pursuant tosaid seoond and sixth paragraphs of Sec. 50 of Rule 8 of the Civil 8erviee Rules and Sec. 101 of the City Charter. 7. That on September 30, 1932, all laborers employed by the City were laid off, in order to start the new system, and on October 1, 1932, laborers were certified by the Civil Service Bureau to the various appointing officers who made requisition therefor,.in accord- ance with thd-eforesaid second and sixth paragraphs of Bao. 50, Rule 8, of the Civil Service Rules, and Sec. 101-M of the City Charter. S. That the requisitions on October 1, 1932, were for two 8 (3) hundred fifty laborers, and respondents Goodrich and Probst, in response thereto, certified the two hundred and fifty names first upon the labor priority list. 9. That on October 4, 1932, the said two hundred fifty laborers were the only ones certified by the Civil Service Bureau to appointing officers. 10. That on Ootober 1, 1972, and on October 4, 19320 the position of the said Edward Bruce, relator, on the labor priority list was number six hundred eighty. As Conclusions of Law, the Court finds that the respondents are entitled to the judgment of this Court dismissing said alterna- tive writ and denying to said relator any relief herein. Let judgment be entered accordingly. Dated December 27, 1932. Gustavus Loevinger, ' District Judge. MEMORANDUM. This matter came on for hearing pursuant to an alternative writ of mandamus issued on the relation of Edward Bruce, requiring the respondents, the City of St. Paul, Harold F. Goodrich, City comptroller and ex -officio Civil Service Commissioner, and John B. Probst, Chief civil Service Examiner, to reinstate him as an em- ploye of the City of St. Paul. The Charter of St. Paul (Obap. VII) creates a Bureau of Civil Service and divides the Civil Service of the city into two 0198900, namelyi classified Service and the Unclassified Service. The Unolessifled Service includes all officers elected by --)the people, all heads of executive departments, a secretary to the mayor and one deputy for the bead of each executive department, and the superintendent and all principals, teachers and instructors In the public schools. The Classified Service includes all other officers and employee, subject to certain exceptions not here import- ant (Seo. 100). The Charter authorises the Civil Service Commissioner a I to subedt rules for the Oldesified 8ervioe to the oounoil for its approval (fto,101I, Thele rules must, among other things, provide for the proper olaseifioation of all offioee in the oivil earvioe, (8ubdiv. A), for the Creation of eligible lists in the order of their rating in ezaminatione to remain in foroe not more than two years (d); for the appointment to fill a vaoanoy of one of three persons who are rated highest on the appropriate list (f); for tempor- sey employment without examination, with the ooneent of the 0ommis- sioner in oases of emergenoy, which shall be for not more than sixty days (h); and for the appointment of the unskilled laborers in the Order of priority of application after such tests of fitness as the Commissioner may prescribe (M); Sea. 105 of Chap. VII of the Charter provides that no person holding a position in the Classified Service shall be paid for his services nnless he has been certified by the Civil Service Commissioner as having been appointed and has perform- ed services In accordance with the provisions of the Charter and the rules established thereunder. These Charter provisions are controlling and as far as they go are self-executing. State ex rel. ]_furlough To, McCall, 137 Minn. 155 - Pursuant to the Charter, Civil Service Rules were approved by the City4%unoil in 1914 known as Council Ordinance No. 33501. These rules have been frequently amended. By them all positions in the Classified Service are divided into three general classes, known as Graded Service, the Ungraded Service and the Common Labor Service. (Rule I, See. 3). The Common Labor Service is classified into three ranks, namely, A, B and C (Rule I, Seo. 8). Laborers in these ranks are to receive green, yellow and white cards, respectively (Rule I, Seo. 8) as soon as they are found eligible for registration (Rals,VIII, Seo. 50B). Eligible lists expire by limitation of time in one year from date of posting. (Rule II, Seo. 33). Emergency employes under the rules can be appointed for not to exceed five days (Rule III, Seo. 77). Candidates for employment in the Common Labor Service shall, when qualified, be placed on the eligible register. in the order of the seniority of thrir application (Rule VIII, Seo. 50, and. Par.). (5) A holder of a civil service laborer's card, not employed, is entitled to have his name placed on the waiting list and to be certified for appointment In the order of priority on such list. Rple VIII, Seo. 50, 6th Par.). These rules as here outlined are not attacked. It to obvious that the Charter and the rules above referred to subject to exceptions, here immaterial, contemplate that substantial- ly all employee of the City of St. Paul shall fulfill certain require- ments and are apparently intended to accomplish in the main the three things usually attributed to Civil Service employment, namely: (1) pre- ferment of employment on a basis of merit orseniority, (2) security of tenure as against removal or demotion without cause, and (2) free- dom from the juggling of jobs for political purposes. In 1926 an amendment to the rules was approved by the Council whicb, while leav- ing in force the provisiMe above referred to, included the following new paragraphs "Appointing officers are authorized, without requisition Or notiO6 to the Civil Servioe Bureau, to appoint or reinstate, as the oase may be, any bona fide bolder of a labor card, and Snob appointment or rein- statement may be for any plass of employ- ment in the Common Labor Service for which the particular card is applicable," (Rule VIII, Boo. 50, 5th Par,) It is this paragraph whioh is particu- larly under scrutiny here. As appears from the Findings of Pact, the relator, Edward Bruce, on October/4, 1933, was No. 680 on the elt_libillty or priority list. On that day only 250 laborers had been certified to appointing officers by the Civil Service Bureau. Notwithst ending that the relator waa not among those certified, he was appointed by an appointing offi- cer. The appointment was made under the fifth paragraph of Seo. 50, Rule VIII, above quoted in full. The respondents Goodrich and Probst refused to certify such appointment, claiming relator's appointment to be in violation of the second and girth paragraphs of Seo. 50, Rule VIII and the Charter. The precise question is, was the appointment of the relator lawful? The question must be answered in the negative. (s) All successful candidates for the Classified Service except unskilled (common laborers) go upon an eligibility list "in the order of their rating in the examination" (Chap. VII, Sec. 101, D). All unskilled laborers are entitled to appointment "in the order of priority of application." (Ibid, M). It is difficult to conceive how the provisions of the fifth paragraph of Sec. 50, Rule VIII are reconcilable with the letter and spirit of the Charter. Unskilled labor obviously cannot be preferred by any teat for skill. Ito charter right to preference must be based on seniority. The Civil Service Commissioner alone presumably has an authentic list of persons cualified for appointment in the Common Labor Service in the order of seniority, He alone would be quelified to inform the appointing officer who is next in line. If the appointing officer may appoint any one holding a labor card, without notice to the civil Service commissioner, the eligibility list and the right of seniority or priority are obviously ignored. Insofar as the fifth paragraph in question authorises any appointing officer to appoint any holder of a labor card without reference to the eligibility list on file in the office of the Civil Service Commissioner and to the right of priority based on the time of application as shown by said list, it is null and void. The appointment of the relator being in violation of the Charter, in that it ignored the priority rights provided for in Sea. 101-M is illegal and the alternative writ must be discharged. It was urged on the argument that the interpretation of the Charter here adopted would work a hardship upon many worthy holders of labor cards. The benefits of a rotation of employment among the unemployed as a relief measure were stressed. These considerations are beyond the power of the Court, of the City Council or the Civil , Service commissioner to take into account. If it is deemed that the Present Charter provision is unsuitable to the existing conditions and a change is desired, such action must be taken by the voters through an amendment to the Charter. Loevinger, J. Laid 3rd. &app.—� i�-r Aa„I,ioa -- Yeas / \ay. }'cap N— /IcUoncl j \f�l).�nald 1'ca rcr \\'enzcl \i �...I / \tr. Pres. M9 ),, ncy 11r. pl—, \Iahoncy -d� erqin -17T 1`1- .1- b, 111, A 'di" b. i t:.,, 6f... ly.l.th'--Py 'id. . . . . . . . s d by ad-ln,7 t, lXad, ti,to­­ 6 roll -1, c11 11 end It— -I..t,i.) . . . 71 1 C: I and by -idi.g t. Gr: , 10 f the • u P_ -b I 61,.$f 9-9�: 1 1 find by eddlnp t, .rade 4 -f the !-t ... ;e—c, of 3 -kid —l— 6 ta, tltl.. and linos: \a,. 4..=carport ; tt"d vet 4t... 1--h.— Mlde SUR 5- 1 TU -E" tie t' I i 1., In,; . . . . . . . . . . I nG t I t1l, nd 11—: D'A— . . . . . . . 41 tied ,byI— :—t—nbne —11—of oald 1 t -d 1 'z_ bn ... i—,d .hiO.,, _,p-t., 4n. $', 5m 7f 711 and by Mding to "s— 7.of -- k-hintenanco '—ill Of said r— ti.. 6 the I ti "d "n .. 7v... C—tlk- of ': I. . . . . . . . . N 00 1 and by -ddihg to Crede 8 0r the UIriOsl 7—is. Of .,id ^eatlon 6 tho following title: Bf...Chi,f Clark --Surma If 9u11djh,s Indby adding to Grade 11 If the Ii.sellej,eous If said 6 the fOl 101ing title and line; lle ... rhyri.al :Safety None Hone Ind by striking out In L -d- 4 If th. : int—ncs —vice If eaid .—thin 6 he fo 11 OvinG titles and line,; 4J ... L—p Light— . . . . . . . . . . . 3d 5f, 61 4k ... L—P V...h I. . . . . . . . . . . . 3d. 5f. 61 and by ln.—t1bC In li.0 thereof tbO f.11 ­j, titl, :.Id line tr— 1—p .-0, 3d 5f, 6- -nd the 5W Is 16 hl—by further —ndld by striking, 11 ,f d —3 inserting in 11.e there.! Lite d. M!7,'1LLXD LjC,l --c UO.killd L,b,,rviaca Ie r. ereby dol:�,d to I—. any rdin­y un- .ki ii. d 1 Ob Ork 00 t in'. I �c :%'Y 1�1111-? I d k.—l—Jg— Obilit y Ikj 11, Or experience, 'ch st rest see 'Pinp;. raking 1­1--lh—l', 1—di., In'. -1 . blill. .1.. .1 �.' k I 'I co �! 1. clud, t,, f,11O..-J, tjtj-_ Only. Unskilled T,.b.— (b) Labor Service sIlAlppb.einin ­." . .InItt—,nts tIj,.h t,5,O0 o f — 5 111sd these rule I. _O ,­ further ­ndOa by ,.d the -Ad Cll�— -td ­ U--. the foll—Ing subdl��11— ­il —bydofln L�b— .Miro so a "Id. ub- zpaalt -b—: !va,. Hitch iieLcr til L,bor - -ti.. Ill. If, 2(� fro-. —,I aft— - i - P Adopted by the Council _._......_193_.._.. Ye... aY.• \IAY � ��\IcUONALU PEARCF: L� /ROSEN TRUAX / WENZEL wo / MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ki -11, �-;; INAdopted by the Uouacil ___.._.__193____ Yeas. Yes.. Nay.. .til MAY ✓ McDONALD PEARCF: McDONALD ✓ ROSEN /PEARCF: /r ROSEN / WENZEL �q TRUAX WENZEL f MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) — —fid- i 1 Adopted by the Council _ _... -__....193__..._. Yeea. Nays. �! MAY / _ /MCDDN AI,U 1/( PEARCF; ROSEN TRUAX I i /"1YENZEL /MR.PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council_..._- ..__._._.193........ Yea.. Noy, --MAY McDONALD PEARCE / ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ✓ �+Ei3• � Adopted by the Couucll .__........193.._... Yeas. Nny.. MAY McDONALD PEARCF: ROSEN TRUAX / WENZEL - MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Couucll ...__.....1915_..`.... Yeas.Nay.. / MAY --"49” PEARCE / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL --MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) � J Adopted by the Council-- _. _----- --- ._.193__ Yee.. Ney.. / MAY MCDONALD PEARCE / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL R. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) 1 . t Adopted by the Council _. __.._._.._.193__.... Yea.. Ney.. MAY I %ICDONALD PEARCL ROSEN TRUAX ' WENZEI. /MR.PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ,may, i Adopted b� Council-__. _.-_ .._..193_...... �yeue, Nay.. /. MAY /McDONALD/ PEARCE ROSEN i TRUAX / WENZEI. / MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) n..@. 1 . t Adopted by the Council _. __.._._.._.193__.... Yea.. Ney.. MAY I %ICDONALD PEARCL ROSEN TRUAX ' WENZEI. /MR.PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ,may, i 0 H.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C. iW of mi . .. CITY COMPTROLLER -no.. gepte.ber 12. 1932 TO THE COUNCIL. The changes in the maoompeeTIng awe.awent to the .jell service rules were requested and ere re000mended far the following __- The title of physiotherapy Aide is stated tobe nweesnry in connoOtlonwith hgnthe use school and superintendent ariippl daatdochildren I the titles of Refrltar � Nwha.ioel Equipment (Auditorium) ere required to take care of the new squjpme-t in the enlarged mditorium; the tiaolow of Airport Attendant, Ore..house Gide. Golf Ranger, an arstaker of yen are included to overcome various irregularities pointed out is the ylanagen report, cad the titles of Light Truck Driver, . machinerytake C ad of o:Ittas. conditiions In the public Work. Departmentopaints6� out :Its. in the rlanagan report. TheI. Ionic. of the semi -.killed labor title- In the skilled labor dlvi.lon Of the ordinance was requ:.ted. I understand, :killed a recent meeting of the Council when 11r. Probst explained the procedure relative to the leaning of the new labor cards. The creation of two ndditi... 1 .ewe title- i- still pending. A. .00n a. a oo.fereno.can be had with the commis -Sc -ars oen —ad. and the ep..Ifi.ati—. compl-ted, thea. will be p-. - ted in a separate smandm..t. ReePwtfu�� Comptroller and Civil service Commissio.er sc—temaer 13th, 193P. See. C. U. uw. Civ'.1 S-1—' .e. areata O—ittee, City of 4aiat Paul. Dear Coeml ss3oaer: ktteehed plane. flna ea ora3nPnce Psiead]^c Ordinance 90. 325 3 (C"il Sera].. Rn' ee) coverinr the _Jdied labor _rvlc., ate. and also letter f V— .1. B. Probst his P— pose in draftier. it. Thee orelnanee vne referred to the Cl,,ti Service and Reference Coomittee far study a d roc —dation. The ordlneaCe vas not fomgtly �. ntro Awed. Tonne vary truly. City Clerk. 3spLmbar 13th, 1932. Ho C. R Nqy, Com > of Pnnlic Utili tine, (ch—l—. civil S. ndCommittse) City rr 9.Snt Paul. Dear C Seaioner[ Attached plea nd o nanca. Cozen ail Fila 90. 93667, e,aending Drdt.— 325. <Cs -11 Sarvica Rale.), ooverl w. the w le labor ea rvi ca, etc_ Thta p finance sae mid over o aak Lo 3apt®ber 20th, e.nond ..fling d referred to Civil 9ervi ce Coe mitt.. for their reooemandatl— To- -e: vary t—ly, City Clerk. ye1Lo-.ber lett„ 13jP- Yr. ".d ­d Di Ph7, Cas-crce 9ull,An,, St. Fain, ,lanneao ta. Dear Sir A, directed by the Conocil,+ .ncloeinZ here,ith a copy n' m ordinance -—ding ordinance lio• 3:50: (Civil Servlca tiulee) Sa —,—d to '...c Lelr— Service. Thi. or.'.tnanca a referred to you for your cones daraiion. It .aa not f.—Ily introduced in tl— Council. Tours vary tra . City Clerk. Sept—ber l7th, 1W. Yr. '.eorve Slronharss C-'u,f r..•s. �SagloS-�s -_�. vi s., ri Co®ittee. Du1191 n^. Deer pr. �sal'.sas L directed ty cns Co Cjj. we are ema loeirw herewith e copy o: en rdl--—endiry'; Ordinance :+o. 3250] (CSrtl 4arvice :tul ea) ire regard to the I -b., Service, etc. 'CLS. orLlnarce z -rad to yo•ir Co ,...ittee for considoration. It was not for- a11y introduced in the Cuvncil. Your- vary truly. City Cl—k. E. T. Diehl M epa�NOUGH 8e DIEHL Sap lamb ar 23. 1932 To the City COo—a La St. Paul, Minna sofa Oentlemen.s– Cn 23. 1932. at 2 P.M. a meeting was held by your Honorable Bony Yor the purpose of passing on an amendment to the propoead a v rules to the Civil Service Ordlnaece.rNonoAt that time the n la a proposed were rejected by youraD le av Body. and it ares auggaated that a meeting be held shereby Mr. Pr bet, Civil S--L'cc Co l.sia ner, Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel. and �ysa 1Y a to see if we could decide on the matter as proposed by �Z Yr'obat. At that time no agreement wag b Streach them to and Mr. Probst stated that he would draft rule, and service to P:.. far the purpo sa oY allowing the' committee on labor ae pas. on them. on Septa bar 16. at 2 P.M. a meeting sae held by a Committee of the labor —ice, and at that time the;o 'tt.tee rejected the naw rules and prefers to work under the Charter and section 10, mh esraby appointing officers have the authority to appoint and employ in so oo rda—oe with Lhe title. and grades anumereted in action 6, 7, arra 8 (under Civil -Service rules and classlflast conal s e in their judgment may De ec eeeary for the each n bar oP pa rsoo us a Live department.. rsper tre.—s—tioa Y the bunine es in their ,pea I hawra -It­M informed by L'r. Riordan of the City Clerk's office that on Sap to bar 16 blr. Prob.t. Civil Service Commisssgionid' had placed before tba Council the n w rules. and aoaompany which rules at Lachad tYaa ra to w s lettere to your Honorable Body would give anyo= read lz.it an ini stance that I, sgeelf, had helped to draft the trews: r -s 3_ as a bmittee by mr. Probst. S. T. niehl MCOONOUGH 8c OI EHL _y blr, Prob at atatad. ^R'hat eating was held by bh'. Anderson, Corporation Cotinael. hlr� Z.cl yard f. OS -hl, representing labor service, and myself. Fo 11 owvr2—,E, thl-meeting, the aoc ompagyixig amendment to the Civ11 Service Ordloance vae drafted to provide for new rules �o v'e rrii zag iza unskilled labor service." That letter I. rather vev a and inwirite, ant I rant to sake it clear that I had nothiz>.g t do vith the drafty of the new rule.. A. repre.entati vice employees, I believe that the rules n £ort a and ££act at the pre Bent time are valid legal rules and noit into na S at era nt with the Charter; that the n In office who p"ee"d the 1 e a that w e put into effect well — and we , no doubt, legally adv 3 sed at the time. Very truly your-, EDWARD T. JIERL ETD,Uff kms._; , ..,......,... CITY OF ST. PAUL CIVIL SERVI(':EraU READ �� s.ptemb.r 16. 1932 TC TBE CITY COUN03M.s in eco ordaacs ..i sh the Council'. r.gne.t of Acgu.t 23 a meeting wee. held 7.3 Lia AQ-. L. L. Ad.,._. Corporation Counsel, and mr. Sherd T. Dl—h1. rapresen.timg the city laborers, yollowimg this meeting t a000wga 3r-2 ag amendment to the civil sorvios ordinance m drafted to provlaa for a new rule governing the msldlled labor escudo.. An easlysl ss er the pay roll. for the letter half of August .hors that there -- only 798 persona os the city pay rolls she wars employed I- """ 3- or employments in the entire city service. dietribnted ass rolloreas = ..;d. 151 Parks• Pleygtounde•md• p blio Buildings 50 3p�oblio utilities 200 Ystbl io Works 390 P1-b11a Safety 798 Of thiaus bar 324 hold yellow, cards and 73 hold kite card.. It 1. likely tlaai Dna the priority list Is put into effect on October 1 the number of labor•ara Lhea employed will be considerably reduced and the ohmge over to Llan new plan will be oomparntively simple. It Ss gw1126 probable that at least the first 800 nanoo an the priority :LL L r►111 have to be certified to meet the requiremonto os October 1• 1-- Lo the feat that a considerable number certified are at present a2. a dk— employed or have moved away. or died, or for other reasons -311 not be vallable. A ohao]c of the first 860 names on the priority list has al- ready been made by tea Sires is four departments mwwe tid above and it 1. eatima.-L Lha2 et the laborers employed in those departments during August. approocimatel_V, tea% ass, be reached in the first 860 names. In addition. e11 thoaa a rrorkIng on yellow or white cards in the send - skilled labor -3p -, sloes can be retained on provislonal permit. until 11 ate are astabli ah aa. 8eepwtf 11 . dpprovsd• �C=ism Chi of ffinmiaer Civil 3nrviae Coram snioasr JBP-B and by inserting OXte— Gt-e.da 4 of the I. ralntonaece Service of said section 6 Lho fo110111G grade aria tltle:s: Gii ADE 41�-- ' 411- _ -t 1-r Rnnger Ilona None 411- - .LS 9112 Truci< D11— - - 41 : 5a, 9, ok —1 by ddine. to (.Yeas j of tl,o _.:aln tena..00 ser':Sce of said sec tlen 6 the f.11ocln, title .and 11nc:: Batt—Y -p 1rm-.:_ - 4d 7h and by ndding to C:r-1- _ of t:1e It n.ln terronae '. vice of said .c. tion 6 the f allocln l; thio 11ns:: 6n - - -_20 :d TIhinary Oporato., 4a, 4',b, 5. 7f, 7h a d b-• adding to C ao 7 of the t-alntanance Cerv"e of 'aid action 6 the r,11,r:lne :.1 .:1e 9raa lino: 7v_ _ -C •ir-etsKOr of Zoo . . . . . . . Iione None Section II• i.nd t.sa said Ordinance SIo_ 32501., as mended, is hereby further ed by etri Klug; o,at all of -o tlon 5 of aald ordinrnce, and lneerting 1:, i1e� th4raof tAa to lloving: F3 _ tI NSXI'a.Lls'O LA'OR SuRVICr• fa) aroIha l;n skilled Luhor S rvlca les hereby deeld to m an} ardin:-ry ue- nk111adE1abor-k not Snvolving any [aeci•'.'_Szsd kns rl edge, abi llty-, r}c111 uxc _r ie h o. in- cludc t:1or_oliu,.: in�,; title onlT/: 111ed (hoar- rral« . b; and bl' addl:�x to Gra== of t'a cz .ala L�nar:co .._rvic5 .I s.LLd re..l.n 6-�- ro1is, :ln[, "Ll, ..nd 111, gm,..r lri,t Tru plc vrlv.:r 4). 6k end by sdaluf to Cr ade (, of t_.. ,-1 -. ntn� ncvlca of tsld 1 -ti -6 t.,. [.11 0 r.1ng tit to and lIn�s: 6n...•io•d ,—Itl nory operator .. 4s. 5d, 5- : 7f. 71, .nd by sddln., to C sd- 7 of tree R.r is Lcisn ar.c., ::orvl ce of .,id �.tlon 6 the roller SnR title and liu s: 7v,..c. -t,"l®r �r _oo one ! aoae and by adding to Crado 9 or the GI-1-11-r-vloo of -id raction 6 the f.11ovdng tit1 s: df...GhleL Clar:c--?ur_ .0 or '_ulldln-s randby ed"Ir. to Grad- 11 of `l" 1'.loce11_uo rarvloe .f ."d; %Ion h I_ Poll..'. inr tit I. -.nd line: Us. .._-hy steal Dir -at -r --I ub11c —r-ty None I:or.e and by strlking out In Grid- 4 of th- '-e Antsn — ",rola. of sold .^..tion 6 the fo 11-Is,g tltl.s and 11no.: 4J:. .Lan=p l.dghter _ 3d : 5f. Ga 41c..L—p caster 3d 5f. 6e and by inserting in li-u tree -roof tk.o roll oving till, v,d line: 4J---Lia-p ..or!<or _ 3d '< 5f, 6e -x„cilon _I- ;-d the said n-9 Sn soca ..o. 3=�'G as -Tined, is noroby furtbor mended by str1:<Ino O,t .--!.1 or .,.=c tie:, Ei or sato or.)i­oc, and 1nsertlne In lieu tneroof the foilo.,in9 C. UN �<ZI.L Ifo L,�,.._1 r;,':vxce:---(e, Tile jsr,Killod Lnb or ''-rvlce ie _ oby dociara d to - an Tiny .rdlnn.-y .n- ch111od l morInv .loin[; any e'p ecl a..l aed ;c oa:lsd go, ,bill ty, seclll, xner len, s ,I.k end a:ov - c.0 , street e ing-orakS.ng loatll �,tllnt ork Wagon s, so ciml l.xr cic+s a3of^, rk..v This (s _rv1.e -all in- clude th er foll.ning tltl< only �o U"" l-d ..ab o rer (b) Appolntsonts: Appolnt—nts to %us Unskilled Labor f.'orvio- sn•-ill ba in accordance with .octlon 50 of these rola.. . . . . . . . . . . —d by dd,nr to �-I- -F �h' q-- of "Id "'ti'o t— foll.,in, It I a ck mss— cap 'rr-nrrt ,io.r . . . . . . . 4t —d by add 1,g to the b�i.t-- z-- of ..14 —ti— 6 t;�e follow Ing Froud —hl—y —t— . . . . 41, S-, 5- i 7f, 7h end bydding 10 t-� ­� -, of -­­ ,, jint­c, of veld Sactim 6 the fell-Ing title area 1. 1!:,; 7— of Non- 1 None and by adding to Cr -,f It.. (.1—i—I Service -,f -1d weluou 6 th. r.ljoKnG tl tl -Chi.f Clark--P—s— of Pulld inks � l by edal-g to the of d —%1-- 6 t. f.'1—i. tlil "s +srrd line: lie Myd—1 DI—to—P.1oll. Safety Note Nono end by striking ax t :In G—Aft 4 of the L',inten—e F rvios or said sootion 6 the f'llov'lng title and 11-- 4-1 :i—p IAghtar . . . . . . . 3d 5f, 6e la-i- . . . . . . . 3d 5f, 60 end by i..—tina I- llou the t­ foll­J,g tjtl, and line 4 J _ „tract L—p . . . . . . . . 3d 5f, 60 .�anct ion IT. And -.I.. No. 3250}.. L3,,—!o,I, I. her.by Nb- -na,d by all c,I` -­tj— 3 - a"d -11—,, —1 2nsertin,; -SKrILLA-,(M Lab— J. --by u-1-1 to :-,-n �.y -din,ry on- '_rIz of I ,,TV,,, ,;,y .led ability. p .".2 3 streetfL raki,F, lo—_ i.t. -9 v, on,. �Imjj­ la,, f In- elude titl, only: or Lobo— (b) AppoIntaonte: Appointments to the Unskilled Lobo S—Mbe In —co,d—a with Se,tion 50 of the.. —:L-- a6 October 19th, 1932 Hon. a- F_ Ooodrlc-h, C!t: Comp -a-- -o l lar. Bui l d1. r>�� Dear Si T = The C1ty c --1l laid over the two p-61,4 ordinance. c reatlnv title. and relative to the labor service to OC Lobar 19th and —o—.ted yoo and Nr. Probst to appear at that Z Zma cad advise thorn whether or not yon .cold app --e a - dirr, the ordinance .itch create, the varl— titlea I -W strilcln , ont Section 2 relative to =.killed labor sad semi -skilled labor and passlry'. the ordt- as �eadad. that I., that part cr-11W,, title. in the e1_awasl n"ed service. It -PP— a to be their Idea that a aew ordt— cea be lntmdQeaa the matter n red by Ssetion 2 of the _ d1r,Y, ord1r-oce, if da.ired.� Toms very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pi.l of Mm-. CITY COMPTROLLER ®. September 23, 1932 TO THE CITY COUNCIL: Upon eritten request. of several com- mi. lonarm for addltl onal change. 1n the civil .stub. anal—.% sour before you (which prop-. several sex titles smd a ohangs in the re -grading of the eemi- e Killed labor title.). I hereby recommend that the socomp saying amended page #2 be inserted 1n plane of page (/#2) now 1, the amendment. Reepeotfully. 41, Civil Service commi..ioner n ,. J 93731 CITY of ST. PAUL ,.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEC ee CO CIL �i760LUT10N �iEN ERA, �' � Fish WBEREAS, Loverinm g–LongbothaCompany, a Minnesota oorpor- ation, and Jamas Lack Company, a MJ—esota Corporation, as oontrQotora, heretoYore entered into a contract with the United States Government, providing Por the making of the excavation Mad the erection oY the Youndation Por the new United States Poet Office Building, to be located at the southeast corner of Third and Jackson Streets, in the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, in the proseout ion of said contract by said con- traotors, the x cl_rill and the pavements on said streets adja- cent to the site oY said building, were oaused to settle and said pavements to crack and to be otherwise damaged and to be rendered insecure ror ordinary travel, and WHEREAS, there is a balance oY the contract price due and payable under said contract, by the United States Government to said oontractors, the payment or which will be held in abey- ance until a ra gase oY all liability on the part of the United States Government to the City of St. Paul, by reason of the work performed by saidc ont ractore, has been obtained, or said under - fill and said pavements and the ourbing along said streets adja- cent to said site bave been restored by said contractors, and WHEREAS, it is s,dvi Sable that the work necessary to such restoration be held in abeyance until after the coming winter season, now there Yore be, it RESOLVED, that upon the conditions that said contractors shall furnish to the City Of Saint Paul a satisfactory agree- ment in writing, binding said contractore unto the Said 01ty of Saint Paul to mage all such restorations of said underfill, pavements nd acurbing as have been made necessary by reason of the said work oY said contractors, sad to erect and maintain a suitable wooden renoe upon and along said Third and Jackson Streets adjacent to said Site, within the roadways of said streets at a distance oY at least ten rest :EXom the curb lines thereof, until such restorations have been made by said contractors, to the satisfaction oY the City Engineer and .at,ia date nRt_ later a���,.o,, than June 1, 1933, together with a satisfactory eui�eiy on��for' the faithful and satisYaetory performance of said agreement, and ` upon the further condition that said contractors shall procure ,R0 it with the City of Saint Paul public liability insurance COU. Yew Nays Adopted by the Council_...__.........................193_.... May _ McDonald -Pewee-. __.....In fac-or pproved`_... .. .193_... Trunx _..._Agaanet Wenzel - ' - M yor Mr. President Mahoney ona�e•� m Gv G..I � CITY OF ST. PAUL .,."` NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FORM policies, sufficient to indemnify and save harmless the City of Saint Paul from all liability to third persona by reason Of injury to person or property, or both, to the extent of $25,000.00, as the result of the coaQitions aforesaid caused by the said work of said contractors, the City of Saint Paul shall accept such agreement, such surety bond and such insur- ance policies and the undertaYixxgs axxcl indemnification provided thereby in lieu and instead of any, claim or claims which might otherwise exist in favor of the 01ty of Saint Paul and against the United States Government by reason of said work of said contractors; the said agreement, stir ety bond and insurance policies shall be approved as to fox -m zoad execution by the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay. Adopted by the Council _...$EP.._....f ?..193...... Mey Pearce .._........_ 1. favor !-`P Approved ... .......193.... Rosen �� Mayor Mr. Pre.id,- nfahoney o�� a m•. A, _ "„ (3732 /1 CITY OF Sr. PAULNo. O _ r FJZ OF THE CITY CLERK '� r C C) L 1 c' 1UIION—GENERAL FORAtc F `e �,g),i R RESOLVED WSEREAS, The mploy'ea o1 the City of St. Paul hereinafter named have furni shad a bond Inde mal Eying Che Bald City Sa the amounts herelna£t err da sig aatad: and wprwme S, TI a aeu re ty on said bond is the Great American Indeomlty Company, aad tiers Corporation Counsel hes gp-,.d saki bond as to form and aze c-zi ti on: and IIH FREAS, 3a id e�loyas and the amounts for ehich tbay are Sndemnlfled are ser e— Fred Fred LovellDa putt' Commis aioner o£ Finance $5,000 C. M. By at rom Clark, Depart-.nt of Fi.—o. 5,000 Ed x. Jabnke •• " " 5,000 George P. Dl - 71 a • " 5'0� rginia Menz " " n 5'000 La—ace L. Solar " 5'000 Paul Froelich " " 5'000 Otto Hose 5'� Nathan App leb— ^ • " 5,000 Gertrude M. Lauer— " 5,000 THEREFORE, ba 1 i RESOLVED, that said indemnity bond be and the same 1 a hereby sip --ad and amc eptad_ COCNC.II.MEN vee No Adopt d 1,t1, c,��r,rai SF 7 i j0' ns eyJirry�L� /pearie I„ Fx�v<>e A,d IU,f /�innen \7nvur Wen•Et? `-� �. - .M preem,•,rt ni,.h.„—r Sept. 19, 1932. P -iv" BOM appey.yyG Depart -t If Fin Employes. DEPARTIW.NT OF FINANCE. by moo CITY OF ST. PAUL .93733 CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REEOLUTIOH—GENERAL FORM.... WHIMS, The Certified I" & Peel Company has made Applica- tion to the Council for a permit to. erect n retail Ise station " the east 60 feet of Lot 5, Black $4, Town of West St. Paul, located ft the north side of George street between Stryker and Hall avenues; and WHIMS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph P, Section 6 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council Is of the opinion %bat nuab permit should be granted; therefore, be It BZSOLVZD, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to imam to @aid Certi fied Ice & Yuel Company a permit for the erection and maintenance of sold station, the building to be in accordance with the Building Code. This permit to granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. I'_ COUNCILMEN N,y, Ad,,ft-d by th, C��,�—il "")193 Nf.y Nr—„ App -',•d.__.193 Ag.u- Nl,, President Mahoney VL HLD_�— CITY OF SAINT PAUL lv G.P:*el 01 NA;-- s OFFICE CNF CITY CLERK wLij .t w F- Cscorn. ar Cta4 .nd Com--- e/ R--.- -.qm� OO September 14th, 1932. Yr. L. L. tndereoa, Corporatlon C—sel, Bolldiag. Deer Sir! The attached applioatl oa oS tLa Cartlfied Ice ha1 Co. for permleeioa to a act a ra tail I— eotatloa o n Saet Go feet o£ I: try. Bl—lc 94-a!-- £ Weet St. Paul - on Porth aide of Gge SL_ batw— Stryker end EE.11 Avee, eor approved by e1e�o COaac it toda�p and referred to you for the proper r 1 ti— great irs� the Y.—. vary truly, City Clerk. pW CARD NOTICE! TII1: E'OMbI ISSION EIi UP 1'1\A\C4: -- - Wit. P-1, Minn.. Sept. 31 _ Im Pursuersi.—f t �Yur rnl'h 7", 'c(Iun 1, al nmrnilcJ, [ Ii��ildinp %�nr yrn nre I�rreby nntifrvl tLuL tlu licstio of — - - hl r acs- a�'_7aalG➢` --- - < 60' of ct ur w�ntinue rctnil iec aLntiuu luuitcil lrt 5�L b1 cB4 Tavm £ Y( t S* pn� 1Aaof OOOTga St b tw st & Aall ------ for —id—ti— r I�efnrn th, ('ounril of iLc [1lJ' of �l. 1'vul ii will corns vl� c i the i$ oil Chaca>cr . tncrcitY Hall and Cnurl Ilm�ne IAiilrling „� tLo daY of Sent. 193 2 nL Ill i dock A. M. MILTON 110S;N C:ummiaeioncr ! 1'inanro. G1TY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS. PLAYGROUNDSeANDI PUBLIC BUILDINGS CITY OF SAINT PAUL c piW of Miaee. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W LUA/ F. SCOTT, Cny CJ. U ..d Com..lslo.., d R.sbin .jw�U ♦ngnet 26th. 1932 Hoa. F. 1/. %x-os.z, ome Cr oS P -F. & P. Bldgs.. Building - Dear C.-A-ioaer: GLt -�-�d hereel th plass. find eppli cation of the Certified Ice d: B1ae1 Compeory for p. lesion to maintain and operate an is sin tion o,o th. northaset corner of Stryker Avenue end CFaorges street. The Co®c 11 todeW referred this application to your depart- ment For 1sxv.stigntion emd report. Torara emery truly. City Clerk. Ay,.t 31ct, 1932 Hones ms Zt-- 11—, Comer oT Finsace, Bni l dine _ Dear Corsmi asioneri Appl i cal 4X— Sae Deem made by the Certified Ice & Teel Comp.—Ky. 252-111? 'deet Wet er St—t. for petm1ee10n to lataia a d Operate an ice etatlou — the mrthmst —r- of Stryker Aveane end George Street. Will set a date of hearin; end notify the 1nL er-aa tec3 property —rs of s,ioh :nearing? TO— very truly, City Cleric. THE CERTIFIED ICE 8z FUEL COMPANY "ST�PAUL. MINNESOTA Aa gua t 24 , 1 9 32 The Honerable Council, City of St Paul, Gentlemen: V. hereby petition the 12L e_,ble Members of the Council for permissioa to maintain and operate an ice station on the Nort)z Hast corner of Stryker Avenue and George Street This location is zoned commas ial property and is described as Lot 6,BlocX 84 Wast St Paul proper. A petition of 103 adjo is ing ree ldente Se in file with the City ClerK_ Very truly yours, T13:M CRRTIBISII ICE & BUBL CO. LAY -. MR Fm COUR`r E(D"S GOAL SERVICE CA I2IVEAVIEW 1900 C I TY OF SAINT PAUL GpNel of Minne.oe. E:" E P A RTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.n,h .ad Minn".. Sr. - JOHN H. Mc ONALD, C -- c -1.1-1 -- c-1.1 ., Sept—ber 7th, 1932. Yr. im. F. Scott CSLy Clari. Saint P,m1 . Yi naa sots.. Deer Sir, IIadar Bata of Angoet 26th, 1932, you referred to onr Bnroan the application -r Ti.. Certified Iee and ]uel Company to oondnet en ice station . t o bee operated on the northeast corner of Stryker Avenge sad fi-9. Spree>t . for iavestigatioa. Oo_ =aspector bas sada repeated calls there and foo t Lha Iee Ho_s clo _42, . so of camas, it is Smp... ible for m to raeo®end for or -gal eat —3 Ia application. Toora respectfully, Y.D. BPS -S. Sef Heelta Offi.sr<� Inj ty of 't I t t—� t1l instn 11.t i f the 'Id 1 ti, . � � 1- ��;,, , �; -� - . � i-. T i - �; Ad'-- ----A I 17u-e� i Aare, - ndr.-_ i9 9G'• 4r.r ,,eaej 14/ Addreer.�A;!d Name ftddeeen}may,! Addrena - - Ns e Address�l_l x!.11 -L ��i!�fy 1 Address Address / -' fA'rL, Ac.cress t - Address v% �..` ^.'d rev! P.ddress /L </_/ ,;.J• _Asd-v._ -/ -i Ad ^ren Ad9tt•erc.,� V W We, the ❑rider =_!geed rea!dent:o o! the irm edfe:e cic 1.:!ty of Stryker Ave.and Croree Sta.,her.T pelf tfor. the nonerI m erh era of the "ity Council to €r e�' "'he Cer `.lffed Ice & Fuel Company a Permit to continue the onrration of the Sce ntati�n maintained elnce Clay 1931 an the Southeeat co r.er a. Stryker Ave.and George Stn. Name l i_ �.--P Address/, -A5--- Address Addrene I � Addr2 5 Name U //J AG y�11—e Address - ,�1.n-AddressL7 fiat¢ Named 7`/> eee ZAddres-lb' Addrene �ia�L%i1...4ddreee /'fid Addren elyl/'�y�b•n3^'� 1T Address / Name_ Addrene ,20, Addrene Z�4, Nerve 'M 'q l� _iName J Address 11�.`w, a�� __Addreee //v✓Jp-�'ln'/�.'jo-'„""'p"-�-� Name ��_l'L Name Addrene Addrene Name " Name- Address AddreeaY�S i��GGG Name ;lame d Address Addreee / Naze Name Address �y0'4 1Y-/' _ Addrern ;,� f f v � fa,the undersigned resldentso of the mediate vicinity of stryker Ave.and George sts.,hereby petition the Honorable Company of the ermitity to continue thencil torooperation of thet The 108 e loestation al Company p maintained tinoa May 1951 !h the Southeast corner of Stryker Avt.asd George Sts. ), / dross Address 9a4/�L � • �, %/,..�` s,,lt��.r sap L - Addriss i y Wall Neste -hu4.. Address t l - II , IA/U..,w.,(,.,..Q Addraa/,'• _ r � gess - l i..c:-.,_.�---Aen/.�L� Address fes` '� �_��Address gemsReal- Address n �7L Addri",111 , / Aadriu a Mae— Addre S "dress I C 4, l Nam = ` % Na, a �4 X3734 CITY OF ST. PAUL .,,s " NO.. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RE LVED That the applioation of the Moorman Investment Company for permission to areot a public garage on Lot 3, Block 12, Hobert 6 Randall'■ ASd tion, located at 501-509 Minnesota street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to hetrolxy authorised and instructed to issue a permit therefor. u1mNc�c.ticr:r 1',�ny 1btCTTisiS&Tii— I� ayc 'FTe,r,F- Wcr,zc!- _ �.ARai not ' j Mr. Pme id-- N4 fih—y Ad,—d I, tI,r ('„ui„il _ 193_ Anl,rr,.....I hi nyur CITY OF SAINT PAUL C,JUI OF Ml.ns OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILUAM F. SCOT, Oh C6,k .nd Co..I. ne d R.—a- .®. September 15th, 1932 Lr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, gull ding. Dear Sir: The attecbed application of the Moorman Investment Company for permission to erect a public garage on lot 3, Block 12, Roberta & Aandalle Addition, located at 501-509 1(SmeeoLa Street w referred to you today by the C-11 for the proper resolution granting said permit. Your. very truly, k City Clerk. NC'IiC3 Cil ..PPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A FL'BLIC G,.: tGE1 'lotioe is hereby given that pursuant to Sectior. Iio. 7210, or the City aint P--1, hllnne—l", .l:P11—tion will be, --do on to t,4E City Council o£ t e City of Saint Paul,, `Iinnesota, -'Y —Hen to era ct a public —age on the following descrlb- od real estate,, It—t:—d in Pansey Councy, itinnescta, to ;it: Lott/ Block /Z - N Addition, int Paul, MI--t—On t y� ��// s!de of J _ St.anndGdd1 /O�LfT Number :� p/ _ SO :z o/w»� st.� ..aged at ,a int Paul, I.Iinne sot a, p � .J;i �:- STATE OF MINNESOTA. - C.-ty o/ Reuse. rd - >3va i),..i n Y mow n �rir,� >li tn�• i mea n�...i�„rm �iion�d nes dbe I°. �tnr �ierti<a f the pnblienrr o rnargr of st. run, lhspvteb, s�nadsian... r=-as3 a daily n x..pam.r, n 11 d� and Pu h—d .n the edy ur st Paul, In .aid ltnm- s co y s r Sr ot„ Th h hAa run fol c facts n l k 9pily th.tth`e,pn.ted. .. /kF /�ISdn /j 1 cPap<r Wub¢igm d id —d tFa II of sold blk tlom c admin the F, m_51-sh ,nnguagc. Th t olid a xaa first+ns d, n d -1 p.bli,I,d n_..-. ...d f..... �< ..191.1 d woe Printed and pub - / l. ]ish ed f vald n P r there f rr-./J/*l✓' ...... .. . f.,id j, __.99. -rhai m—�ing m, mr c1 a(o I:11`1. and n a xa. nnnhflea ae eainm by . c o+ °a nd 4 or <haDter ae4, Seo- or offidal and 1� 1 Pubhrnimn� „= Pre r,.d s - f.a wa or minnraota, rw and tont+pit hn:. r ,lied'itn m, me regairemI— met ro r mote b 1 w.cp rr drfinr+1 I ani 1 s t ane 3 vnd I 't: 'but for rpublic _ 21n[utc a n P e4, thazr nr year hz t P t f the dote f th f ti n t id.... .. abLsa - ... a �<.. .. ........... monde^^• hm been °iu d Per - rt b ed to the En " u`�:''. c^ . f 11, nt � X11 a to n 1 aat ig� Ipv to nf, n cola ncl .n• to (oro spnrrtrel gn 1,^mO4�N.r��nveRa �w.a°Sa, nods vheel withe ht xl +mn. la the t- nrl t 'r -on r 2 - saw c c �t�tnM1li.hrd in s ch PLuc f r Publics n (2) issued daily I_'unknown orticr, with ski Ilea w orkmrn and <M1r necessary mnterinl far preparing end �� a p"•` a m bort nd rquipnrd - the s ant snap .1 ,a—, 1 pz-r Pse+nQ Made up to a �rnl and Inrsl new.. c entirely made u of patents. -- nn�•o--eM°+'a'°'[' hin rot whollty dunlirntin¢ nnyoothrr nubliratinn`and of m t rr nnJ adrrrti.cm.mts, o any or ri Fer of them. _ tmat piste (4) Cirrula[rd i and n its Plncr o[ P blicvtion to the extent of It nd drliverrd to Paying eubs<rlben, a two hundred and forty copies rc�uln Ply prior to the dntcif-Clap first p )1 rnt�on of said ..... .the Pub,,,,hhfe�r- oYrJ 'ntrr in chnrgr of said vrwspeper Mving knowledge [ ehr facia, filed i the office not the a nodilo1, a[ sail e u ty of Itamee�, etaLa o id d me na(fid—it unnme of Minnesota, n shoring the and location of eewapepner ct.en« of conditions <on ti in its clunlifleatinne ac v Iegnl new aper a reQulred 'n :t trhnntrr 4F4, Sra�ion I.nws of Minneeota, ]921. and act form se tion of Thnt the fallo.ving is n rioted caPY n( the tox rr cuss nlphnbet from A to Z, hr printing and Dub- both inclusive, of the e' nd krnd of 1>'P, used in composition, lication of said 1e 1 ad.crti:srm nt h. r�un[o n ached, viz. n unn t to section 4 Fu Pinar R+nnt a,ith that th R d it i. d D 1 21 d m d d t company me bill of chapter Ago. Sr_id l.nw M .ata, for publ+ent+on +n _id newaP P t thcaf�a�,�..Lga,r6 Scrbac ribad ami sx oro tr before me this. ...o�v d�aof tiotarY Ppti1rE. Ra Y County, Minneao(a Yo.� ter. dfy Commission'Pirfe SPATE OF MINNESOTr1 Gounry 1 ltam..Y- .!d :... .... .. - .bsinm dvl> aro, depot clerkao£s the'➢ blishcr• or Prii.rr:t�rr1ng l.11 nrgc aft,tnea herefnntter enflaned hes l 9ehP 8t. Pioneer Ilty f Stab, Frear, a daily now r: ar, poi ntrJ��:nd 1• ilivhnt in the city o[ 6L Peul, In snid Ram- 1. a ey County, State of Minn, -.rho. Thnt he hk dgr of I f :mJ k Ily tfi th Printed.... r rcvnn v �e� ....-...... ff ..... ..... h to aits. hod, cut f m the' -1/1Y. sai:l n r, xvs d printeddoI end �.". Phei.h— in I.I nrwa n r P ca - o pr a m ".'.D ¢limos, and thnt.11 f Id p tntloru wcr ole in thr h;nt;l i�M1 InngunRr. / That said notice w,rs fiat i J, pr nted ami P-blmh,d on-.. ....:'�'ry. rte i !1" * "" "...193'. d., oi..... end wns printed and pab- liahed in said newspaper thr rruf�on d rr 1 the Tht ,i durng all- dumAl— of no ?Lmawaal aonf d cPn blirntinn=:� s by =3 n-14 chap- 484, Br Mi—oait hnP rompliod .with all the requirements th4 a lryrnl nr v dnfinrvl vid . s 3 —d 4, wit: tbt fm 'Lute er v r more h one year 1 t m t� f thr fret P bl vtion of a d ........ 1� � nNw epppe+b�U� ra_ xe E"lu. � nu,� ;v` isee��iec - - - ' flllid I� Fe b-- xi�a recd aim�r. 1 / Fri ntrd from tR,� pinrr !rom wRirh it purport. be issu.--Py- d In liah langn ngr, and n rolmm� and shat form r,luivnlrnt in nPace to t least eight R.mwl nue' yawn. Pagca, with c' ht columns [n the peer, rash twrntv.one and am rtrr Inches lonq. f 2) tissu rd drily tram n known oRicr, r Nblishrd in ruche plea for ppublirs- iotnr� Yawwriva tion and r u ➢pori with =k�llyd xorkmrn and the necrsenry mnterinl for preparing end ue r.. e:�mi-soo Printing -ado uP ton`on[nin cool and Intal m end lerellany, mmade o u r �a�y�0" Pen 28 vp of ➢stents, n t wholly duplicating n nthrr �u Rlirntion, and n rrely tree` ➢Inco m cter and ad vrrti•cmrnts, o or rithrr of thrm. (4) Cirrulatrd i nrl n e pinrc of Pablirnlian to ter I— of t tepee ar u two hand reda'nd/Sorty copir. rrgulvrly drlirrrrd to ➢vying evbecribere, and Elul Poor to thr�� of [� first pql I [ on or nail. the ublishe 1Thur of srid nr having knowledge of thr facts, filyd P thr otic opo fnthr r only¢ auditor of id,snmy of Ramsey, state an of Minnesota, a nett idnvi[ ,howinR tern d locution of oid n wspaDer and the of condition. co tit vling it :mlifirntiona ns n IeRvls newer¢ er ae required ands net fo-reh in srrtion :roof rlv:plrr `Aq I, 6rc.ion i.nwa of Minnel—'tiM. That thr Poll orr'ing i nerd "'y o of thr 1.— ca nIpb het tram A to Z, both 1 _1_i_, of the a ml hlmd of typrlr:sr,l in thr rompveitlan, Printing and Pub ]kation of —id Icgal aAvertL:cm :n b� cranio n acned, r¢. �ikima-a<i�id.,it 1, Further affiant s ith n r that thi.v nRidncit is mode pnrauant to dlon 4 of chaPtrr 484. Session f.— \linnrev[s. p2 ivteto accompany the bill for pubhcairon rn surd new spa➢: oLW�MN idl 6'gf rtiae/G)' Subac ribed and sw oro to b. -fore me tn:x -'-,, �r\ice/�d yIf .....--..T-.... .. .. ........ \oW� PuLlic, meey County, Minneeote. Form tat. My Commission expires ......................... oeWW may Oi\ . \ s CITY PAUL .'u w No.)3735 �, OFFICE OF ITY CLERK COUNGI L. FORM taamncsa T - THERUS, the Pi t-401 rgh Coal Oompany has made &pplioatlon to the 0ouncil for the ooas tr vction of a timber trestle on its property on the month eider oS Qaiveroity avenue between 01eveland &venue and Vandalia strr'ett ther"fOre, be It RESOLVED, ?hat said Cowmpssay be and It hereby 10 granted permission to oonmtrvot said trestle at said place, neon the condition that it provide Sira 1 roteotiou therefor which shall be suitable to and approved by the Secretary -Engineer Of the Board of Zoning of the Oity . and tlza -E'i ra Prevention snrean. In, mw'a Ic�wvo.. reeor. x.-vxv, r. v''s "z: � $EP 17 4m" COUNCILMEN .\do�tcd 1, th, 01unril_ _. _. _-193_._ Yl_ Nay. »w + >193 / 1'eurer In fay.ir -� ,\I�ProveJ____. l Nl--- .M end pfr. Prceid"' M.1 --y 01 C 1 TY OF SAINT PAUL O.Pud of Mloeswts OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT. Lily C1s,Lc .nd Commlulenm of R•el.tr•aon �0. Lr. L. L. Lnderaoa, Corporation Col 3 , Building. Dear Sir: September 15th, 1932. Attached please Yiad tine epplication of the Pittsburgh Coal Company £or parmi sa ion to a natruot a trestle en their property on the, nth aider of University Luanne between Cleveland Ave, aad Vaadslls St. Phis applioatl-�a d roved by the Council tad% and referred to you £o rat ha proper r eoluti on, sal, re solation to contain the r____datlon set out in the letter of dr. Oeo. H. Harrold_ yours very truly, City Clerk. 90) THE t�OARD OF ZONING SAINTPAUL, MINNESOTA .1. COURT HOUSE September 15th, 1938. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, eity clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of the application of the Pittsburgh Coal Company to construct a trestle on their property on the south side of University Ave. between Cleveland and Vandal.iao which was referred to the Board of Zoning for investigation. This is an industrial district, and the construction Ockats is underi thenal zoningstle with ordinance butpbecause ofpitsibeinge within the fire limits, the character of the construction is objectionable_ I have looked over the plans, have examined the site. The Pittsburgh goal Company are doubling la oppositeng the s the Transfer itY Of their Bridge,b atf i res at thise of ipointi might seriously interfere with traffic on the bridge. Z have conferred with the Assistant General Manager\ and Assistant Engineer and have suggested a fire J n protection scheme quite customary with railroad companies under similar circ stances. The enclosed letter from the Assistant General Manager. Sndicates it willingness to provida f ire protection themselves. his would consist of standpipeSnear the end of the //�' tre le. 11 J 1 sm submitting this back to the Council be ause a,,,delay until next Tuesday will delay the work, ..�� and I recommend the granting oP the permit with the A understanding that they provida their own water pipes 0and standpipe for fire protection. iP> IYours very truly, gh-rh Secretary- ngineer. p>\.�,;.., encl. 1" I CHAMPION GOAL Hoard C1 ty o St Paul, Court House 3t. Pae.l . Mina. Ge nt leonan _ At tent to -Lir He ld Fyg Sneer• In c ec ti��n wl th the 13u 11dinE Pe nnit have applied Yor in ,ction with the timber trestle we propose conative Cleveland o our prop®rtg n the south side of University Avenva, between Claveelsnd and Vandalia , owl sh to say that we anal be glad to provide then ssnry water plpea au of ch as suggested by your E1lglnear, t1r. ilermld.e Cour tginear L11r. Roland C. Huck, will be in St. Paul the early PoYtwork- nezt weal=, and will than call on tir. xerrold for the purpose in3 out datalls of the deelred installation. In the meantime we hope it will be c nsistent for ibis too grant the Evil ding Permit sethat an little delay ea pose our construction work may be o Caeloned. Thanking you for your attention in Lhe \r, T am Very truly Asst. Gen. L. ager. CHAMPION GOAL $aptenber 7, 1932. Hoao rabla Council. City of Wit. Paul, C/oM _ Wm_ . .�eott, City Clark, g Court House ,St. Paul, Minnesota. tlema n: / On September 2, 1932, this Compy applied to the Building D Pe_rtma nt for a permit foran the construc- tion oP a umbar trestle on property controlled by it On tha aeou th side of Univers lty Avenue, bataeen Cleveland and 'Phis sppll catl on has he en teat tad - per la hoar attached - on account of the fact that the tR stle I P timber one trot tion and the pro party is located in the Fi— Limits. We _s, therefore, requssting special oon- sic'_a rats on from your Honorable Body along the It.. of auth- ors zing the Building Department to issue this Permit to ua under the prowl cion oY Sectloa 5-elPeragraph (f) of the ldi n.g Code. / The t we a about to build is of ostalen the same to a a the n ow onrt ha props ityyy c gq(.mc �d�, at that tib two years go. building permit for whi.h.iia granted to us by your Honorable Body. _ {',\ 1 V. ry t Yo . � STNdTGP•:iBJL`-7{c.`(fAq R. q to G 1 TY OF SAINT PAUL C.Plt.l of Minn—oe. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C.—i.i...r OTTO E. CON —S, --P Comm"'—' -ffi. p. Ole? Ce_tecb— 2 for -0 -l", of Clo-.+e 1-- -.'.'.Y n .. ^.'•.e_. .h{- ho{^" en i z ��1v t'^•b e:• ca ns t-7ct{on .. _ 'Lr. •. r;; loc.,t o -e _P. a'K CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.aiml of mm— Ell E P A RTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tea'h end M�aseso�. Street ?OHN H. McDO—LD,'Coevu . rx septenber 10, 1952 ops o..LED.- Mr. lYi3-1-:1— B. Scott, City C1arY, Saint P Z s 39:L—.—t- Ds- 9:L—. otsDear Sir= With refer— to tb. application of the Pittat"u ]-L Coal Coapecy for peraleslen to conetrcot e ti -b— trestle on property controlled by It on the eootb aid. o£ n +varsity Avenue, bat-- Cleveland and Vandalia, which property ie located In the fire limit., on fnveetigatim I find duet the cometroction of this bridge will not increase the Pira 2aazard in that fli.trict. V-7 yours, Chian Inspector, nre Preemtion PProvad = Coae,iasioaar of Public SaSdty/ CITY OF ST. PAUL s�.c � NO. --9M6 FICE OF CITY CLERK COUNGi ESO Io >152 GENERAL FORM sFn,Eo - p ,E BBPtember. 14_, 1932. RESOLVED That tlm® Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build tree B,Y or mer vault on the south aide of Mat Third Street, approximately 90 feet eaet of jackmo Street, abutting the north line of Lot Viva (rj), block thirty (30), St. Paul P, = v .�.. ..... Proper Ile, inlN 11 gymw v 32, Y... c.o�rvci Lr.ieri Nays ,-may . ^- In Favor -PPe�ar"ce� � Aga ns� rlyyol j mr P—id— $=.08�T , r if Adopted by she C..—I SEi I ��^ 19 h APProved 19 t NO. ;Jt}`ltll CE OF CITY CLERK cOMM SS c�ry COUNCI OF SOLUy)ON GEN ERAL FORM — — Bentemar _11,-1932• RESOLVED ileln vnro �sevt xt tsxx=r. fx. tanx. That the Northern Statae Poway Company be given permission to install 2—j Soot poles on the southeast corner Msokubin aad Charles aad on Nackubin, north oY Charlae, with neoessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone, Company wires. Yunioipal estimate, #3-6945- cFF 1 7 1gR2 courvciLrtery N.Y. h. f_ Adop,d by eh� C .... I 19 M.Y >a PP A rovrd 19 Pearce i Rasen gyOR .edb� Mr. Pre.id— `I��e CITY OF ST_ PAUL r,rc �� NO. -•a°"" OFFICE OF CITY CLERK .� /f/C UNCIL OLUTION GENERAL FORM K oMME� Eo°HEa I—E 8eptemher 9–. 1o39 RESOLVED g, That the Northern States Power Compa W be given permieeloo to Bet two 45 foot poles on the east aide of Vandalia, south of Charles; get one 45 foot 11 a pole on the northwest corner P111sbu y and Myrtle; and set one 25 foot pole on the north side of Myrtle. oast of Pillsbury with a ^- essery guys, wires, anchors, and Tele pho Company Wires. oga o°� moi° u o ".a"• Estimate $16858. � y Yeas N.Y.?f Adopted by .lcr Council Srp i G lmgg lY/ A pp-ro'ved 'S" � 19 m, P—d— B�aw11i� "� •. i� FORM To. 2 ecus--ai circ. n mr-; na c.mml.elay.r et •9fie Am see oHein m �N 93739 f loo 60 lnm CIt9 Subls �.0 e�',:°r.Ae 'neo°i:rmN Date presente 193E I'd , WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities bas reported in eocordenoe with Seoti on 53 of the City Charter, the exietenoe of an emergenoy which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hour" per day and on Sunday, saidin employment beg mare than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the folloei.g named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra -time hereinafter set forth: NAME Antoine .Leroux Clarence J. Mattison Arnold Mentes Sidney Rosen John L. McManus Iver Lofgren Dan Slater Albert Duren AAetin Kennedy p*p Fieming ninny ` ,��' bermaier qd g himer �lohael �ulkor� Jr. ��Dyd ��8ohr���er �Irb�C�Bpallaoy g bry Meide Leonard Nuneon William D. Davie 4:.Chsa. Deviuney Frank N06arney Peter J. Nur* Aallaoe r; Imfray Rudolph pwger Rd Quinlivaq Frank F. Racine Frank D. Strong Frank B. Trueo . Mike. Frits Papl Rnlli .`Hairy A. Mennell ,rEdward J. Savard `FredJ. Tetzlaff Ri,p C0000 0.0ardner-_- Jobn P. Kruse Richard P. oloonnell Paul Magnuson Albert Wice �,Joy..r.n.����%99 ryrnsal hes YN'I^-0• ,Ayes Councilmen Rays McBsedt TITLE Uty.laborer Common labor Maint.laborer U"ty.l.ab.orer e ■ e e e ■ ■ ■ e e Comion laborer Ubyilaborer Dith Qi 0 gMy,�alloror Bub -foremen Uty.laborer e ■ ■ p Ditch digger Uty.laborer Common laborer Uty.laborer Ditch diger w Hoist.Engr.-flan Ditoh..tdiger ., Sub -foreman Common laborer ateamfitter Steamfitterts helper SUNDAY 16 hre. 16 ° 16 g REGULAR 8 hre. e 8 a ° 8 " 8 ° 8 " 8 " 8 " 8 ° 10 " 11" 8 ° 8 " 8 " 8 ° 8 " 8 " 8 ° 8 ° 8 " 8 " 1� a 1 " E " 8 " g 1 " 61 1 " 16 " ■ 7 " 8} " / �a•.r 3 Adopted bythe rip i U 10 1932- r? « L ti App—edQ/ " i 9 1932 RATS .55 .45 :5o 55 .66 .55 .55 :55 .66 i56 .68. ib6 S �5 8 .55 .55 .55 .55 :55 .66 .55 .45 .65 .55 .55 1.00 .55 55 .56 .621 :65 .66 ? .4d 1.25 / .62* .ss Y 93� ''AJ 19 O ao. 1 z ,e 4 . i September 17, 1952 An emarga -5, 'lass arisen in the Department of Publio Utilitiasp Bora of Plater_ rendering neoessary the em- ployment of aartaia employee of that department for (More than eight hours, par day is the doing of the following work: operating p�pi t.o stations at Haael and Highland Parke.* Repairing eq-!Lj—at Repairing service connection at 1920 University Ave-- MT *t aaing new main on Minnesota and 9th Sts.## Patrolling Pedesis T_s.4e *.w,* This amargaacy arose by reason of the following faote and oireuma teuzoas : +a•Acaoun.t of tlPldM7w and Labor Day #Had to have maohiaas Por asst days s work.**Leak in oo action. ##To finish jsa sad avoid going bank next day. w To prevent trespass'19 - 'MWTSSIOWKR Ur M, TIE5 a , orfY eG�m�.-_f1�374D CITU OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Ice Tn. poe..... ere COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM r_ No. eared-py meet wnereee, e vraveeee wn amente to e; ewmperrpo pv arter o[ Ne Clty o[ eYne e. oaremesawwew. � u�vpr 1Jfw hon nyr,� .Y `E�1 / nTE__ swot Pcu1 tee cnerr er a[ ' r I �n�Annn� WHEREAS, The Board of Freeholders has proposed amendments to the City Charter of the City of Saint Paul, viz: To amend the Charter of the City of Saint Paul by striking out BectiOns 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 16, and substituting new sections; amending Sections 326, 328, 347, 151, 152, 154; in- serting a new section after Section 154, viz: Section 154-A; amend - Ing Sections 159, 171 and 172;;a �iinserting new sections after Section 175, viz: Sections 175-A and 175-B; and amending Sections 444 and 445 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That there shall be submitted to the people at a special election to be held on Tuesday, November 8th, 1932 (which is the same day on which the general election will be held), the question of the ratification of the proposed amendment of Sections. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, and substituting new sections; the amendment of Sections 326, 328, 347, 151, 152, 154; the insert- ing of a new section after Section 154, viz; Section 154-A; the amendment Of Sections 159, 171 and 172; the inserting of new sections after Section 175, viz: Sections 175-A and 175-B; and the amendment of Sections 444 and 445 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, pro- posed by the Board of Freeholders, which proposed amendments are as ]aEQTd➢P8'iltaffiC Mey ... Ip fpvor App roved _-.. _.. _ ...................._....193.. Rosen Tr . Agei oat Wepeel am e.Y M, President Mahoney 1-} follows: Amend the Charter of the City of Saint Paul by striking out Sections 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18, and by substituting therefor the following: Oondltiom of candidacy. - Section 11. The name of the candi- date shall be printed upon the primary ballot when be shall have filed for any elective office, in the manner hereinafter set forth. Affidavit of cs.ncl:Lcl oy. - Section 12. Not later than twenty- one days before the primary eleotion, nor before January 2nd of such election year, any, personm eligible and desirous of having his name placed on said primary ballot shall signify such desire by filing an affidavit of candidacy with the City Clerk. Requirements of of lid -vit. - 8actian 13. Such affidavit .hall state the fta11 mama oT the candidate, his residence, that he is a qualified voter in the City of Saint Paul, and the title of the office for which he desires to become a candidate. Statement of principles. - Section 14. Said affidavit may contain a statement not to esceed fifty words setting forth such candidatels principles or policies for the office for which he Is a candidate, but eha11- in no way disclose his political party affiliations. (a) riling Yee _ - Section 15. Upon the payment by Bald candidate to the City Clerk of the City of Saint Paul of the sum of Ten Dollar. ($10_00) , the` City Clerk Bhall place the name of saAd candi- date upon the primary election ballot. Withdrawal of candidacy. - Section 16. Any candidate so filed may, not later than twenty-one days before said primary election, not his name as a candidate at such election by filing with the City Clerk an affidavit setting forth the fact of such withdrawal and requesting said City Clerk to withdraw said candidate's name from such primary ballot. Preservation of affidavits. - Section 17. The City Clerk shall preserve Yor a period of two years all affidavitB of candi- dacy and withdrawal _ Amend Bection 326 so as to read a. follows: Duties _ Section 326. The said bureau sbalf draft all plane, aKetches , profiles for al doo ellithemprovements en ineeringnot worktoYrthee provided for, make all eurveys, g city, furnish all technical skill and ability therefor, and exercise a general supervision and direction over all construction and repair work of the department or done under its direction, and also perform such other duties as may be imposed upon it by this charter and any enactment in pa>_rsuance thereof. Amend Section 328 so as to read a. follow-: Duties- Bection 328. The said bureau shall do and perform all the work , grading, paving, construction and repair work of all sewers, streets , alley., levees, lands, boulevards, parkways and other public places, the const ruo tion of all sewers, sidewalks and the repair oY each of the aforesaid, and all other work which may be imposed on it Tor the benefit of the city or any of its departments sor hall pr eventp aayi of dthe aforesaidawork t beingbperformedrundertcon-d tract as may be by this charter provided. Provided, also, that the coat of any work performed by the aforesaid bureau for any other department or bureau shall be paid by said department or bureau out of the funds oP such department or bureau for which such work may be performed The a aid 'bureau shall inspect and report the progress of all work performed der contract in the construction and repair Of public improvements, unless otherwi Be herein provided, in such manner and at such times se in thio charter and enyctments in pur- euari— thereoY may be provided for. Amend Section 347 so aB to read as follows: said Commis - General powers and duties. - Section 347. The (3) stoner of Public 7forlcs shall be ex officio a member of the Water Hoard. He shall heave charge of all engineering and 'carve to ork of the city or say of its departments except as in this charter otherwise provi dad_ He shall keep or cause to be kept a complete official sad pc>tbl to reoord of all work of his department and in his office, and aha11 reoord notes, maps, plats, and other data made, Pr or eec e,ej by said department or its employee, and these 'hall be the property of said city. He may transfer any employe temporarily Y'rom one bureau to another, or require any employe of one bureau to perform duties for another. He shall have charge and direction of a3,1 municipal quarries, works and other Yacillties for the construction and laying of macadam, asphalt and other kinds of paving material; cement works, gravel pits and other worts=s for the making of cement stone or blocks, tile or other arti ficial atone for sidewalks or any other material used in the constw-..b iaa or repair work to be done by said commissioner, or any other depart xx�e� or bireau of said city; any and all apparatus, works or Yac 11 t: i e e for the cleaning, repairing, constructing, sprinkling, aay sewer, street, alley, or other public highway or bridge, and the collection and disposal of any garbage or other waste mat er i al He shall grant such permits or privileges in the street,, alleys and other public places as the Council by ordinance shall atthori ze him to grant and upon such conditions as it may prescribe, and supervise -the exercise thereof. He shall perform such other duties and eze rc ise such other powers a, the Council may grant and prescribe. Amend Section 151 so as to read as follows: Time Por renewal. - Section 151. No franchise granted by the City of 8aiat Paul shall be renewed or enlarged until within two years be,r` r its expiration. Any amendment to a franchise amounting to an enlargement or extending of privilege. held under any franchise nav 1n force, or hereaYt er granted, shall be con- etrued as the granting of a new franchise• provided, however, that if a franchise ordinance reserves in the bity of Saint Paul the right to order acid direct extensions for the benefit of the public, such extensions. "hall not be considered to be an enlargement or extension oP the Privileges granted by said ordinance. Amend Section 152 so as to read as follow-: P7 anchi se ao part of capital. - Section 152. No person or corporation gr "sited a franchise by the City of Saint Paul shall base any caps t all zati on or collect any profits upon the value of said franchise - it being the intent of this Charter to restrict all franchise holders of the City oY Saint Paul to a reasonable return upon the tangible property of said franchise holder used and economic al 1p useful in serving the City of Saint Paul and the residents tbereia. (4) I t i s hereby dec.lared that all franchises granted by the City o£ Sa3 at Paul are granted for the sole purpose of providing' the people or Saint Paul with needed public service e, and that the value of said franohiee and all benefits to be derived therefrom ,ball remain forever inalienably the property of said city in trust £or said people. Ao chargee or profits oY any public service o orporati o> ` doing basin s in the City of Saint Paul shall be founfl- ed upon u ar-ned increment of land, good will, and/or going ooncean value. A21 franchia ea granted by the City of Saint Paul Bhall define clearly an cl Yv11y the Bpeoific rights granted, and the specific streeta, alleys, and other places in which said franchisee shall be exeroi sedgy prwi dad, however, that if it Se the intention to grant a franchise Yor the purpose of serving the entire city, a general statement to the affect that the grantee may exeroiee said privilege in all of the st re eta and alleye of said city shall be Buff icient, and except as aforesaid, no grant made in general term, shall be valid, .c. no privilege shall be granted by implication. Amend Section 154 so as to read as follows: B'i �c lag charges and ordinance provisions. - Section 154. In the grant iasg of any and all franchisee, the 01 ty Of Saint Paul hereby reserves the right ettber through the council or otberwiee, as pro- vided by taw, to regulate the rate: to be collected for the service to be rersaered under said franohiee. If it be found by the Council impra.ct is able or undesirable to prescribe ouch rate: ae will prevent franchise hol dere Prom securing any benefit from the value of said franchise then said City, through its Council or otherwise, may im- pose Ruch tea upon groes earnings as will secure for said City the fall beae�it of the value of said franobise. The Oity of Saint Paul is hereby granted the right to fix rates for all public services within the city. Or diaanCeR granting franchisee may, if the Council considers it for t2xc: be Rt interests of the public, provide as follows: (A) The valuation to be known as the base value of the utility as of a given date for rate -making purposes. (B) The method of making additions to and deductions from said base value during the life of the ordinance for rate- nMICing Purposes. (C) The rate of return the utility is to be permitted to earn during the life of the franchise or any part of said period. (D) T"he method: Of the utility propertgh esduring the term ion o termof the franchise agreements. (E) For the supervision and approval by the (5) Oity of Saint Paul of all oontrao to between the grant see such Yr anoDiee ordco-partnersbipetjjer e di 71 do al involved inthene agement , control, or aupervis ion of said grantee or the handling of the fiscal transactions of said grantee or the pur- chase of supplies of said grantee by, with, or from such other corporations, individuals, or co-partnerehlps. he iFi opinionhof phew CsiOnB as will, in t Council, assist tha01ty raga]-atiaga the i utility afornd thePbe stly interests of the City and its inhabi- tants Insert after Section 154: Accounting and report forms prescribed. - Section 154-A. All franchise holders in the City of Saint Paul shall file annually, on or before tl.e first Monday of March, in the office of the City Comptroller and with the Bureau oY IIt ility Engineering and Regula- tion, duplicate copies of a et atement subscribed and sworn to by at least two oYYioera of said franchise holder if it be a corpor- ation, or by -L indivorueo-partnership, upon ouch c see D forms o assmaye be held by an indiv idual prescribed from time to- time by the Council by ordinance; and shall file such other statements from time to time as the Council shall direct. Duplicate copies of such stI.atements which are filed from time to time A-- the Comptroller's office shall be Pres by public in, spec t i on d� :L -g thebusbliinese hours Compall troller's open public office. The 0o 1-1- aha11 lay ordinance, upon the recommendation of the Bureau of IItillty ]Engineering and Regulation, prescribe the accounting :r rz which are to be ue ed by utilities operating under franchise from the City of Saint Paul, which accounting forme shall follow the st axzclard forms used by similar utilities; provided, hne: ever, that 1Y in the opinion oY the said Bureau of Utility &tgineer- tu Ing and Regal at ion, -said forms do not adequately disclose the aounci operating fact s of 'acid utility, said forme prescribed by the Council may all Bur. aur disci oaei thea truenoperating onditiation " onsnofhthe said of utility. The books , records , bills and vouchers of every such corpor- ation, indiv-i dual, or co -partnership pertaining to the business con - pygalnt Paul shall obetmaint al nedi inaanoffice eofneeidi franchiee0lty (6) holder in the State of Minnesota, and sha11 be open to inspection and examination in an office of said Yranchi as bolder in the City of Saint Paul by such oYfi car of aai.d City, person, or persons as the Council may direct and at auoh time or times as said officer of the City, per eon, o persons may direct. Every corporation, individual or co -partnership who fails to comply with She provisions of this section .hall be liable to the Olty of Saint Paul in the sum of One Hundred Dollar. ($100.00) for each day of such :r 1. lure, to be recovered by the City in a civil action � any court of competent juriediction, and in case of default for sixty ( 60) daysany franohise held by such holder shall, without further proceedings, become forfeited, and all rights granted by such franchise ordinance shall cease and terminate. Amend Section 1S9 so as to read as follows: Limitations . - Sect ion 159. No person or corporation shall occupy or have any special rights or, privileges in, over, upon, or under any street, highwaY, alley, public ground, levee, or other property of said City _- -_Less said right is duly granted in the manner hereinabove provided, except that the Council may by ordinance, without submitting said ordinance to a vote of the electors, grant to an abutting property owner special rights and privileges in, over, upon, or under any public street, alley, or public ground in the portion thereof abut tirxg the said property, to connect hie property with other adjacent or abuttirg property owned by said property owner for the purpose Of suppl Yi ng a product which is manufactured and used solely by said property o er_ The Council m Y also grant to railway companies by ordinance, without submitting the said ordinance to the vote of the electors, the privilege of placing tracks longitudinally upon the streets and alley. for the purpose oY serving adjacent business or industry. It shall be a coalition of such permit that the privilege granted shall be ester ci sed so as not to interfere with the uses for which said streets, alleys, or public grounds were acquired, and the further condition tbat the privileges granted be revocable at the will of the Council . Amend Sectlon 171 so Be to read as follows: Tangibleproperty defined and prerequisite statements pre- scribed. - Section 171 _ As a oonditlon and prerequisite tooth grant of any franchise. the applicant shall submit to the 0ounoll s statement of all its tangible property devoted and/or to be devoted to public use or service, within the City of Saint Paul, and the reasonable value thereof , exclusive oY good will and going concern value, and shall state sap M-ately the cost and conditions of purchase of all property acqulrecl Prom a competitor within ten years. In determining the reasonable value of the tangible property of such utility company for rate -malting purposes, moneys and nk.dits (7) may be included but good w111 and going concern value .shall be ex- cluded, and there eha11 also be excluded any duplioatlon of plant and equipment acquired from a competitor, except such as is economical- ly useful for immediate eervioe to the City of Saint Paul. Amend Section 172 so as to read as follow-: Sale of P'r anchlse. - Section 172. No sale or lease of any franchi Be granted by the City of Saint Paul shall be effective until approved by the Council by a five -sevenths affirmative vote of all members elect. The assignee or lessee shall, prior to such approval, file in the office of the City Clerk an instrument duly executed, re- citing the fact of the sale or lease, accepting the terms of the fran- chise affected, and agreeing to perform all the condition0 required oY the grantee thereunder. The Council may, if it believes it neces- sary to properly protect the interests of the City, require the assignee or lessee to :file a bond with such conditions a.s the Council may regntre,-with a surety or sureties satisfactory to the Council, which shall run to the City, and which shall be conditioned to die - charge the obligations and liabilities imposed upon the grantee by the franchise. Thereafter the Oounc111JLbQ consider and may approve or Morbid such sale, me;the in areata of t e City may demand. Insert after Section 175: Franchise recluirementa for ten-year valuations. - Section 175-A. Every ordinance granting a franchise shall provide that the City of Saint Paul may, during the life of the franchise, in the judgment and discretion of the Councll, make a complete and thorough inventory and valuation of the property and an examination and analysis of all the books and records of said utility, at the sole cost and expense of the franchise holder; provided, however, that the utility shall not be required to pay the coat of such valuation and examination oftener than once in a ten-year period. The Council may from time to time employ such experts as it may deem necessary, without regard to the salary limitation in tbis Charter contained, to value the properties and examine the bo oka and records of any public utility operating within and serving the City of Saint Paul snd/or it a inhabitants _ 0ontinuat1on after expiration or franchise. - Section 175-B. It shall be .condition of all franchises granted by the City of Saint Paul that in the event s holder of a franc hiee shall continue operat- ing within the limits oY said city, using the streets, alleys, high- ways, and/or publigunde within aaid city in the ca c rorrying on of its business after the expiration of the term of the franchise under which said holder has been operating, said person, co -partnership, or corporation Bb-115.n in the continued operation of such utility, be subject to all the conditI on a., restrictions, and regulations of the franchise ordinance under: which he, they or it had previously operat- ed, without, however, is say way prejudicing the right of the City to force complete removal of all property of said holder located upon, (S) under, or above s11 gubllc streets, alleys, highways and public grounds. Amend Section 444 so as to read as follows: Bureau oT IItiZltp Engineering and Regulation' - Section 444. SNect to the Oounc it said Commissioner shall have full control of the to wit 2>_in said city of all telephone, telegraph, lighting, heating, X> w tar, street railway, and other municipal trans- portation and all of Yser public utility services whatsoever which are subject to the control of said city government. There is hereby created in the Department of Publlc Utilities a bureau to be known as the Bureau of Utility Engineering and Regula- tion. Said bureau s2l all be composed of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, who sha11 be director thereof, the Corporation Counsel, and the City Oompt roller. Sold bureau may hire such employes as the Council by admini Strative ordinance shall prescribe and at such compensation as it shall fix. Said bureau sb.all at all times maintain a complete engineer- ing and acoountlag check upon all utilities operating within the City .- of Saint Paul, eoccl its ive of steam railways, whether said utility be operating under m :r= ri hlse granted by the City or otherwise, and shall do and perform suoh other duties as may be imposed upon it by the Council by or di aaszc e. Said bureau shall have access at all reasonable times to t 1� books, papers, machinery and equipment of all public utilit 3r owriere, operators, lessees and representatives .__business wi tlnia the City of Saint Paul, for the purpose of making a y inepect ion or ascertaining any facts in relation to such utilities or their operation, ..at, prices, capitalization, profits, or any other Pact relating to their business within said city. Amend Bectiozl 445 so as to read as follows: commissioner -10 make report. - Section 445. Not later than April let of each year, said Commissioner, 8.6 director ur of the Beau of Utility Englneeriag and Regulation, shall make to the Mayor and council a oomplete report upon the business of said utilities for the last preceding year arid.ing the next previous December 31st. REBO PED PITJ1 K_ Fp, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to caua_e sai cl proposed amendments to be published as re- quired by 1 r thirty days in three duly qualified newspapers of general air lati oa, p inter} :Ipg shed,i th city oY Aaipt Paul, namely: %�/� .!r ✓ ,✓ M.✓✓ s f/,✓ K y� the coat thereof to ba paid out of the official Publication rand. No.._... .Li AO CITY OF ST. PAUL . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU NCIH RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM RESOLVED TURTRER, That t1— City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said special elect ion in the manner provided by law, arinhe inia hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary p g andstationery and puroy,ase the election supplies, the coat and - pen. pense thereof, together Zj_ tY, other ezpene es of Bald special elect ion to be paid out of the Elc tion Account of the General Fond. RESOLVED TURTF�R, rjiat the polls of said special election shall remain open duri rssgs tl: e hours Prov lded by law, and that the registration record. on :E in the City Clark's office ehall be used, and the Oity Cla rli "L directed, in his notice of eaid special election, to est out the pr ecincte and polling places, end be shall do whatever else is P ci_Lae, l ectl ofor n ins the mannerasion of said prescribedpbyedaw amendments at said s COUNCILMEN Y.. Donnld / y /li6sen �T_..... N.Y. � O. � Adopted by the Comcil..._..SC.. .... __ ...__.._ 5r" Approved._..._.. __ ....193..... ynyur _. em a -a1 M}'. president M honey P11i411 ,(PD_LC1� 17d follows: Amend tLe Qbsrter of the City of Saint Paul by striking out Sections 11 13, 13, 14, 15, 18, 17 and 18, and by substituting therefor the iol2osings Oondi'tiOra of candidacy- - Section 11. The name of the oandi- date shall be poriated upon the primary ballot when be eh -11 have - filed for any e2eottve office, in the maffier hereinafter not forth. Affidasi-b of candidacy. - Section 12. Not later than twenty- one days before Lhe prl.mary aleotion, nor before January 2nd of such election year. noeLy person eligible and desirous of having his naab Placed on said prris:ary ballot &bail signify such desire by filing an affidavit o= candidacy 'with the City Clerk. Hequi.remse+cts of affidavit. - Section 13. Suoh affidavit &ball state the =r z X name of the candidate, his residence, that he is a quallfYessd voter in the City of Saint Paul, end the title of the office, Sb s wbdoh be desires to become a candidate. StatemeaL of pri not plea. - Section 14. Said affidavit may contain a stateftwommat not to exceed fifty words setting forth such candidate's principles or poilciee for the office for which he is a candidate., -t 3 aha11 in ao way disclose his political party affiliations . (2) Tiling res _ - Section 15. Upon the payment by geld ceAdidate to the City 01er1t of the City of Saint Paul of the sum of Tan Dollars ($,O _ OO i . tbetalty Clerk sha I place the nems of said candi- date upon the pris,ary election ballot. . tlthdrawaZ of oandidaoy_ - Section 16. Any candidate so filedmay, not later thea twenty-one days before said primary election, withdraw his name as -a candidate at such election by filing with the c31 tp Cle-k an affidavit setting forth the fact of such withdrawal ana requesting said City Clerk to withdraw said oandidate•s Imams from such Primary ballot. preeervatioa of affidavits. - Section 17. The City Clerk shall Preserve ror, a period of two years all affidavits of candl- daoy and wi thdsawal _ emend Seotioa 386 so as to read as follower Dntiss. — Section 386. The said bureau shall draft all pleas, sketahres w pmofiiss for all public imPravemente not otherwise provided for, malce all surveys, do all the engineering work of the citye fumiah a3:7_ teobnical skill and ability therefor, and exercise a general suxpftx . aion and direction over all construction and repair work of the de'partmeat or done under its direction, end also perform such other doxties as may be imposed upon it by this charter and any enactment I= pun svanoe thereof. emend Section 388 so as ta.-resd as follower Duties _ — Section 328. The said bureau shall do and perform all the wor7c. grading, paving, oonstruction and repair work of all sewers, atseg'Ls � alleys, levees, lands, boulevards, parkways and other public pisroes, the construction of all sewers, sidewalks and the repair ori asah of the aforesaid, and all other work which may be Imposed on it Sur the benefit of the oily or any of its departments or bureaus. Provided however, that nothing hereinbefore contained shall prevent say of the aforesaid work being performed under con- tract as may, be Zty this charter provided. Provided, also, that the cost of any wort performed by the aforesaid bmean for any other o;�mmthe fordcsr"t�esux shall be Vuld or arm department Or bbuureaudfor partment or bureau t which such work may be performed The said- JMween sball inspect and report the progress of all work performed ander Contract in the oonstruction and repair of public impmcve ate, unless otherwise herein provided, in such Inand at a ,mh times as in this charter and enactments in pur- suance thereo= may be provided for. emend Sevtion 347 so as to read as follower CenameM powera and d,rtles_ - Section 347. The said Com-La- 1(33 ,loner of Public AOrt:e 1311a11 be ez officio a member of the Water Hoard. He shall bawe charge oY all engineering and surveying work of the city or nay of its d,eparTmente e'xoept as in this obarter otherwise provided. He 01-11 ICe ep or cause to be kept a complete official and public record oS aM - work of his department and in his office, and ,hail record Neter . ape, Plate and other data made, prepared or secured W tail department or its employes, and these shall be the property oS said city. He may transfer any employe temporarily from one tures to another, or require any employs of one bureau to pertoa duties Sox soother. He shall have oherge aaAM direotion of all municipal quarries, works and other facilities Son 'fie Owstruetion and laying of maoeda,. asphalt and other kirade c:r 'rMLnr,2a6 material= cement works, gravel Pits and other works for the mstizsg oS cement stone or blocks, tile or other artificial stelae Sox uaidawa'ks or any other material used In the oonstruotiOa er- rePair wort; to be done by said commissioner, or any other department or btxure MOm o2 said oitys any and all �xtltiparatne, works or facilities So= the a3eaging, "Pairing, ng, sprinkling, any sewer. etre eL w e;11ey, or other public bigbway or bridge, and the ool'ectioa sad disposal Of any garbage Or other waste material. He ,ball great such or privileges in the streets, alleys and other pnhllg plassas as the Council by ordinance shall SMMdee him to grant auokd npva each conditions as it may Prescribe. and eoperviee the e=eroise t7rsreo2. Be ,ball perform such other duties and exercise saroh other losers as the Council may grant and prescribe. Amend Section 151 so ss to read as follows: Time for renewal _ — Se4*t24Dn 151. No franchise granted by the City of Saint Pan' ,shah be renewed or enlarged until within two years before its exp it ail vz;_ Any &m .dmeat to a franchise amounting to an eaiargemerxt or a=tending of privileges held under any franchise n.Ow Ya Sarce . O6 hereafter granted, ehall be con- strued an the granting oS s new► Sranchise providedhowever that if a franchise ordinauaoe rese;rvae in the City of Saint Paull The right to order and direct ext earsimis for the benefit of the public, snob extensions sha'1 rot be coonsidered to be an enlargement Or extension of the privllegees fig=vs itsd by said ordinance. Amend Section 153 so as to read as follows: yranobise no Past oY capital. - Section 15a. Be person or corporation granted a S-►a^^T�� se by the City of Saint Paul shall base any capitalisation or collect any profits upon the value of said franebise, it being the intent Of this Charter to restrict all franchise holders oS Hien City of Saint Paul to a reasonable return upon the tanirihie vrooerty of said franchise holder used and aeonomically use�iil is serving the City of Saint Pan, and the residents tberein. (5) City of Halat Paul of sll eoatracts betmeea the grantees of each franchise ena a22 other aorpOTatlone, individuals, e: oo-pax-taeraMps involved in the san- mag+oment. cscm wol, or supervision of said grantee Cor the bandlIV8 Of the fiscal traasaotiosas of said grantee or the pur- chase of s,=MrVlies of said grantee by. writh. or from much other ooTpor800ce. iadiv idaaie. ors oo-partnerships. (T) Saoh other pravis1Ona as will in the oyriaioa or the Oounoil. assist the City reg atls6 the in and r the beat 2atere8ta e2 the City and its inbabi- taa`te . lnaert alter section 154$ ♦Ooountiag and re-PCKW forme prescribed. - Section 154-1. 111 franchise h4W2de1re is the MAY of Saint Papa $ball file annually. on or before the =3rst XCn2x1AaY 02 Us Oh, in the office oS the City Comptroller, sad wrath the Bazeea of Utility Ingineering and RegOis.. tion, ,dcpUCsate ao'Pi es erS a stateeest subscribed and sworn to by at least two ort3ea=s ort earl fnemobise holder if it be a corpor- ation, or by the Sad.ivi&WUgM l.a Control in Oaee Boob franchise be held by as indiridasi cr av%-PsYLnerabiy+ upon such form as may be prescribed from time W the Council by ordinsnoe{ and shall file Mob other matatemeats from time to time as the Council shall direct. Duplicate oogies o2 each statements which are filed from time to time, is the Comptrollnr'e office shall be preserved by him in suitable maaaer tar ya¢b120 inspection end shall be open t0 public lnapeotZo� dvala8 the barsiness hours of the CosptrollerIa office. She OoamoSl aha22 by ordnaTos. upon the recommendation of the Bureau of [3LiliSY R:agiaeering and Regulation, presgribe the accounting forms wMeh ase to be used by utilities Operating under franchise frog the City oS saint Panic whioh accounting forms shall + follow the ste++raM mnurs fars ed by eamslar utilities; provided, how- ever, that iY, fa the a -*..va a of the sold &eon of Utility SbglneeT- ing en6 n- '' a �"^ d �""""� -do. -not adequately disclose the.. actual operating fasts ar! said-at121ty, amid forms prescribed by the Council eai6 B= au, w4sr lose the �fOperating conditOTmKt14M as ions of the In the said of utility. She boo7cs rewords, 1o122s and vouchers of every Such eeTpor- ation, iadiK dun . or oo partnership pertaining to the business o0o- ducted by such ovrp -bjLc a. izidividval Or oo-partnership in the City of Saint Peal sba12 be maintained is an office of Said franchise (4) It to be rebp declared that all franchisee granted by the City of Saixxt 1Pa-jz3CL are granted for the 8010 purpose Of providing the people oS 88.iat Pant with needed public services, and that the value of said S7cj% iablee and all benefits to bei rived said city In shall remain Soraver inealenably the property trust for said people- No charges or profits of any public service corporation Qoiag bgaineee in the City of Saint Paul shall be found^ ed upon unea..45mM increment of land, good will, and/or going ooa0ern value, All Yraaohiwee granted by the City of Saint Paul eball define clearly and IrUC s 7 the speaiflo rights granted, and the specific streets, elle,Vss and other places in which said frapaQ ea to allgXdb exercised-, pirarvi dad, however. that the et Is che A agnti n general s ireaoblse Sar the pc rpas of statement to t kk dW e2feot that the grantee nay szerotse said privilege In all of the, — ft a" and a3 -1e78 of said city shall be sufficient. and except ea aSoxesaid, ae grant madSeQ genneraoa�s eball be valid, and ao privilege shall be gran AnenQ Sccstlaa 154 so as to read an follows' p1z23.g --�-steges and ardinanoe provisions. - section 154. In the granting oS a my and 611 fjbsftdhiwas the City of Saint Paul hereby reserves the =i ght either through the 60=011 or otIIerwi es, a. pro- vided by law. Lo regulate the rates to be oolieeted for ibs 803 as to be rendered ®der Bald franehise. if it be found by the Comasll impractioabls er jmdewirable: to prsT1�will prevent omw'ing ane�ii�the velf s franchise hss3deas s franchise, tlaAe>< a sald city. tbrcugh Its council or otherwise ma Im- pose each baa w�Oa groom earnings 'as will secure for said C;ty hhb is hereby igraa�e+d the right teaid fix rateesise. The for all public Paul c eervioes within the am tY - djtwn�enc.y�l�eidars it for the beam'titereste� public. provide aefolowe C a> She valent ice to be 'caown as the boss TaMue or the utility as of a given date for rate -Acing purposes. o and C $3 dem *ons from said bass valuer during the },ire of the ordinance for rate- e1m7cag pvsposee. C d ) The rate of return the utility is to be parented to as= during the life of the franohiee or any part of said period. C D) Ths aethod of fixhe depreciation pr iation of of the ntYlity properties the franohise agreements. ZIEC 3 For the supervieton and approval by the (6) holder In ,,the State_ of Y1aa45 sots. and shall be open to Inspection and examination Sn an offs 1045 oS ss.id franchise holder in the City Of Saint Paul by such o2rioer o,2 said City, person, or persons as the 0ounoil may direo'b sad at such time or times as said officer of the City, person. or personas many direct. Dvery oorporation. iadi vi dual or oo-partnership who fall* to comply with the prov'isi oras oS this section shell be liable to the City of Saint Paul la the sem of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each day of such fa11ar45. to be recovered by the City in a civil notion in any oovst oS competent jurisdiction, and in case of default for sixty ( 60) days . any franchise held by such holder snail, without fvsther proo45ard.iags, become forfeited, and all rights granted by snoh traa,o hi a45 ordinance shall cease and terminate. Amend Section 159 so as to read ae follows: Limitations. - Seot ion 159. NO person or corporation shall occupy or have any ape0cial rights or privileges In, over, upou, or Under any street, highway, a1345ya public ground, levee, or other property of said City :mals ss said right Is duly granted in the manner bereinabove provideeLw 45=oept hat the Council may by ordinance, without submitting said to a vote of the electors, grant to an abutting property owner spacial rights and privileges In, over, upon, or under any public sZra et, alley, or public ground in the portion thereof abut ting the said property, to connect his property with other adjacent or property owned by said property owner for the purpose of snpplplag a produot which is manufactured and.used solely by said property awaer The Council nemy also grant to railway companies by ordinance, without submitting the acid ordinance to the vote of the electors, the privilege of plaoiag Zraolcs longitudinally upon the streets and alleys for the purpose, 4a,2 ::ruing adjacent b sines or Industry. It shall be a cooad.it iva of suoh permit that the privilege granted shall, be exer0is45d mo ss not to interfere with the uses for which said streets, alleys. or poblio grounds were acquired, and the further condition that Zh45 privileges granted be revocable at the will of the Coumoil. Amend Section 173 so as to read as follows: Tangible prrLy d.45S2_a45e1 and prerequisite statements yre- scribed. - Section 171 _ ,s a condition and prerequisite to the grant of any franohlse. th45 a2sp310ant *bell submit to the Council a statement of all its tom tale property devoted and/or to be devoted to public use or eervioe. vwit'h1a the City of Saint Paul and the reasonable- value thersoi. 45=c3Lasive of good will and going ooncern valueand shell stats ssparatsly the cost and conditions of purchase of ali property nowicirsd from a competitor within ten years. In determining the r45as40enable value of the tangible prerty of such utility companSuratao$ y r -mmYing purposes, moneys and agedits (7) may be included bent good will and going concern value shall be ex- cluded, and there abaci also be excluded any duplication of plant and equipment a,oyazirsd Prom a Competitor, except such ss is economical- ly useful for 1=wme4:!Llata eervloe to the City of Saint Paul. Amend 9e<olioa 178 eo ae to read as follows: Sale o2 Traaohi ee, - section 172. No sale or lease of any franchise grarxt"ed t,y the City of Saint Paul shall be effective until approved by th+e 6oax3moii by a rive -sevenths affirmative vote of all members eleot , Zt:e asetgnes or lessee shall, prior to such approval, file in the oySioe e r the City Clerk an instrument duly assented, re- citing the tact oS the wale or lease, accepting the terms of the fran- ohise affeotad. gas3 agweeing to perform all the conditions required of the grantae l2lereunder. She Council say, if it believes it neces- sary to properly protaot the interests of the Oity, require the assignee or ie�wsse to file a bond with such conditions as the Council may regnise, vrit7s a svaety or sureties satisfactory to the Council, whiob eball rum to the City, cad which shell be conditioned to dis- charge the obligaL Issas -R liabilities imposed upon the grantee by the franohiee. ?bczeedter the Council shall consider and may approve or forbid snoh sR3Aftw sus the interests of the Oity may demand. Insert siZ'te r seotion 175: yranohiae recluiremeats for Sen -year valuations. - Section 175-A. &very ordlnan¢e granting a iranobise shall provide that the 01ty of Saint Paul nosy . R I ag the 11 fe of the franchise, in the judgdent and discretion of the Qoalooil, make a complete and thorough inventory and valuation or the M:Sroperty aced an examination and analysis of all the books and reoordas O'S said vrtility, at the sole cost and expense of the franchise 21o24M6=; prowtdad, however, that the utility shall not be required to pay lase ooet of mach valuation and examination oftener than once in m tea—year period. The Coemo=Z may from Sime to time employ eeoh experts as it may deem neoessserry. without regard to the galaxy limitation in this Charter oontaiaed. to value the properties and examine the books and records of aa7 gmz?i110 utility operating within and serving the City of Saint Pant exa,a6.Jor its inhabitants. Contin,_ eatctAcn• atter amplration of franchise. Section 175-5. It shall be s CwCwmftjLftjLon Or- m11 lrenohises granted by the City of Saint Paul that tce the q, t._4gMoider of a franchise shall .continue operat- ing within the X=Jnm; ftw of Said olty, using the streets, alleys,. hi' ways, and/or pm:*3.-JLfta groaode within said city in the carrying tin of its business arYt. s the expiration of the term of the franchise under .blob said-holQer bas been operating, said person, oo-partnerebip, or corporation aha.12 __ in tha, coutinued operation of such utility, be subject to all tie-conditioces, restrictions, and regulations of the franchise ord1Laomzns0e ceder which be, they or it had previously Worst- ed,, withant , j%CXwmrwgwx,, in any way prejudicing the right of the City to farce eomplata =cv>.ova1 0Y all property of said holder located upon, (g) under, or above all public streets, alleys, highways and public grounds. Amend Se c n 444 so as to read as follows: Bureau or V1;111t7 Engineering and Regulation. - Section 444. Subject to the Clommoil, said Coatmi ssioner shall have full control of, tho,regalattom within said city of all telephone, telegraph lighting. beating, powar, street railway, and other mnnioipal irane- portatlon and all other pabllo utility services whatsoever which are sub'ect to tba control or sold city government. There is hereby orated is the Department of Public Utilities a bureau to be known me the So=eau of Utility Engineering and Regula- tion. Said bu xea ahe11 be composed of the Commissioner of Public Utilities, who sha11 be director thereof, the Corporation Conneel, and the City Cama x -oiler. Said burean nutty hire snob employee as the Council by adminlatrative ordinance shall pr000ribe and at such compensation as it aha11 Six. Said buweaa sha:11 at all times maintain a complete engineer- ing and acccuatlstg check apoa all utilities operating within the City of Saint Paul, e=ol7mol" o? steam railways, whether said utility be operating under a Sranohlse granted by the City or otherwise, and shall do and perTorm euoh other dutiee as may be imposed upon it by the Council by ordl mz ce. Said bureau shell have access at all reasonable times to the books, pppere, machinery and equipment of all public utility cwaere, operators, lessees and representatives doing business wi*---= the City of Saint Paul, for the purpose of making any inspeaZicsa or ascertaining any facts In relation to such utilities or their oparat ion, cost, prices, capitalisation, profits, or any other Sac* relating to their business within said city. Amend Sectiosa 445 so as to read as followet Commieeloaer to make report. - Section "S. Not later than April lot of each year, said Commissioner, as director of the Bureau of Utility Shgiaeerlrsg sad Regulation. shall make to the Mayor and Council a oomplete reports cpon the business of said utilities for the last preceding yeas ending the next previous December 31st. R&BOLQED Y'IIRT1ER, Tbat the City Clerk is hereby ordered and directed to combme said proposed amendments to be pubitehed Be re- quired by law, tos thirty days In three duly qualified newspapers of general cirou2abioa, p=lated and published In %be City of Saint Paul, comely. - the cost thereof to be paid out of` the Official Publication Tad Sept—b., 5th, 1914, Nr. J. L. C�ra>ao7 ly, Cor1»r^tip-• � aaalr B,1l di ru'. Dear Sir: 1^�e wt twc`.ed resolution sad ftls in ctioa si iia t?an calif--- �f w a�oel al elect Soo oa 'htesdey, Vov ,ih, f' t -le of e•,bmittin.- to tacten r ti fyfovrtain proposed —,d—t, to the CS ty^Charter refs 1110 to yon• by the City Council, si th r �• �`st il�ai yon advl se t`.em ra wrd SnP the putt Scat Son of t'io ee as cL-:.ante and n rtleul wrly ehrt:,er o not the� Teva to to �nbl 1s' -^a cv- 1n aryY cert sin n oepers or ehether the C --it mtty da 4l �rna.te the P--.. Y-1— vnry truly, j. City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL NO )V 41 "�.... AIF=- PROPRIATIONTR NSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PREseNT E3Y /� .Brea secTioR zoe Sept. 12, 1932 coMMlss oN E_.� DALE RESOLVI E O. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE N y�� �� "��(DF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE D.� ..I�.N ITEMS MAY BE M ET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING TI+_•. _D BY THE MONEY . N THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 341 corporation co—1 (sal -,l..) 335.23 3i2 • • (Legal yee.) 150.00 3�3 _ (Law Boot.) loo.co 3aL " (orrl.. I.P....) 71.63 (Onto Allowance) 13.60 1 314-H purct. neat. (1931 Be-.pprop) b39.65 31x2 (artg. & St.ty b39.65 3-lr3 Hon -As ..... ble imp—. 7.21 � 3172 Loan Ezpenee 7.21 31x3 election - (sent,Heat a Light) 400 ooj i 31H7 " (Y1.cellane—) 1 400.00 I1 C I 1 Yes ( ✓ ) COUNCILMEN NAY- ADOPTED By TRE GOURci� { 19- • c - - ri A Y /f11 1 3j t;, AvvRoveo- I8 Iry FAVOR E•=N-1 Co TERSIGVED By ...... .. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._93742 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM reESEr+rFo av owre September 20, 1952 RE —F_O 1 Tkat 1lceasee for .hick application. hnve bean made by per.on. mored on the attacked 3 -:Lt be and the same are hereby grented and the city clerk Se J. str *o cI to lassie such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required Jr— - COUNC;ILML;N Yens Nays May /lviononala Peare� � n, ta�or �Aoaen Against / LVcn zel au a -a: / Mr. Preaiaient Mahoney 12 Adopted by the Council..... __. _. _. _. _........193_ ._ R� •. p d .._. .... 193._.._ F \\ Mayor September 20, 1952 Freak TI. -.*-- 467. Rebnehe St. Hotel (Blecket... ) 58 room - B. N. & E_ -T _ S.sagman 119 Qrsa .te St. Betcber Hational T— C - 1585 IIni—Ity A— National Tas Co_ 181 H. Snelling A— National T— Co. 105 W. So—it Av " 0. J- gsC4l—@ 45 S. Claveland Grocery H --y Br- — -420 S. Snelling Av. " I-eeo 2lnanova7ld 244 S. Fairfield A. Zlea bang F. 0. FYSLar 640 Selby 242 S. Beeline Av. " Confeationery H & L. Hof�ai-sitar 848 Selby Grocery H. W. Jolmsoa 825 S. Hobert C. C. Laver 8c 8. W- B.—det 78 H. Del. Confeotionery L. ul.band a 249 S. Snelling Grocery National Taa Co. 1559 Randolph N. Olk 2040 harebell Bakery Otto Scbsiciti. 224 N. Western Grocery H. T. Sisley 1058 Selby Coafeatimery Hate Sle,chtaa 1.079 Fore.t Erwin Siralb 108 S. Wabaehe Be-tearent Dan Bt.t taI- 445 T.cks— " ��. No.__ CITY OF 5'I. PAUL - 93743 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 6eptaaber_20, 1832 _ Ft✓�m� IIHE8EAS. applications for liceaaee b—s been made ae fol - 1—A111. Ye11ea, 4441 St. Pater St. Hotel (Arcade) application 5208 Ben C. Holland, 252 W. L th St. Restaurant • 3E85 wwac, Hotel liense c, applAcati— 52M ie hereby denied upon re—endation of the Bureau xavof Police; sled Reataursat license, application 5285 has been witbdreao by Hen C. Holland; there:ora, be it HHHOLVED, tbat the proper city officer. be and they are hereby euthoriaed to refund to Allis Yellen the fen of $25.00 and to onneal application 5208 for Hotel licea.e; end to refl d to Baa C. Ho3aa..d, the Yee of $10.00 and to cancel application 5265 for Reeta—ut license. COUNCILMEN' yeas Nays Adopted by th Council �E� .. .. 193..._ "McDonald 1tt / Pearce_.I. In— A�7 ved_.. _. .... 193..... j R.— MI. osenMr. President Mahoney �� ti No. _ 93744 ._ CITY OF ST. PAUL � OFFICE OF TH C ��V R UT —GENE :,6 oTL NG P onre SEPT. 20th, 1932. RESOLVED WHEREAS, The C. idof Education has reported to the CO— it in ac cordanca with Section 53, of the City Charter tl-he ex1.tence of an emergency which rendered necessmenary t su the emp7_oyme nt of certain employes of his departFor more than the+r ual hour. of employ- menty therefor, �e it, RESOLV$.D� That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized the to pay following named employes, at the rata otlza rwiee fixed for extra employment for extra t ima ha ra inafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL George Williams utility Laborer 24 hours 55¢ $13.20 .o: COUNCILMEN Yee.e ay Nays M/1//// McDonald Ycerce In favor Rosen / wcnael am a Mr. President Mahoney SEEP Adopted by the Council.. -_ ...... ...... ...... ..__. 193._ ... 193 A711-1 ._ ... Mayor FIRM NCI. I Sept, 20th, 1932, An emergency has arisen in the Department of Ldneation, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer- tain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, In doing the following work: 'Mils emergen— erose by rensnn of the following facts and el--t—ec— N ea — to watch H ,den Heights school -- This report is In accordance with Section 53 of the Charter, 739 COU NC I L•RESOLUTION •­­­y3o. o —Al i.. ....NT rwo-5� • Resolved,�That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommeadation of the Contract Committee and award. the contract for construction a • sewer on Ho ty Ave. from Niagara St. to Horth Chatsworth Bt., and on Horth Chatsworth St. from Hoyt Ave. to Nebraska Ave., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to L. P. OEHISCHEH, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $,433.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. (. .b. .ow• hac _ xo....n 8869 .,�M.,. 1 31107. 00 .................., ..,....� ov wo..... o ro .. ..:�...�,,..o .o,. �o.r o. ... �.,..o....u, 3,173.00 .»...•,......��.a�.��....o �.,....� .......�..a...oryo ..�._ oo. - • 350.00 3.433.00 --- St. Paul, Minn.- September 16,1932 TO THE IONORABLE MAYOR AND THF, COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT Ir AUL. Gentlemen$ The ComtraOt Committee hereby recommends that the following contracts be awarded$ F.B. $88691 ConstructinR a newer ori Hoyt Ave. from Niagara St. to North Chatsworth St., and on North Cbatsworth St_ Yrom Hoyt Ave. to Nebr.." Ave. TO L. P. OERIBCHER 82,423.00 For the sum of EnRin�ar'a Esti—te 0Z5 1C�7_C10 F.B. 488701 0radiaw and paving a11ey in Block 91 King's MaplewoodYrom Cee tln Ave. to Mount Curve Bou3-9 yard TO 0. F. BCULLE:Y 1EQ.UItMENT CO. 1,470.00 For th= sum of Engineer's Eetima t es $1 , 800. OC FL_peotfully submitted, -r-E CONTRACT 0016MITTLE elrman UMe.. 7�� COUNCIL'RQS ZUTION No—_:�e�.I��]_ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommandation of the Contraot Committee and awards the contract for grading and paving • alley in Block 9, King*s Maplewood from Cretin Ave. to Mount Curve Boulevard, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to 0. F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT CO. , they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum Of $1,470.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of oontraot therefor. 8870 .,..,...... ....... 1,800.00 •pM•......o .< �.,.. ..,...,,, oV .o..,, .o ro aE ..e..,..,,...Eo .o,. tee.. o...,,. �.,..o...,.... . 1,470:00 _ ,1,470.00 ... 02 937$7 R6 SOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AN D FIXING TIME OF HEARING 121 THEREON AND F! -V; G TIME 01 KAU . AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ape, ingr_wideningsnd-extending,_St,._3Etes_5-t._at_l:eatral_Ave. by tak ing and condemning a triangular piece of land in Lot 1, Block 13, Ewing & Chute's Addition described as follows: Beg innlnf at anoint which is the intersection of the present westerly line of St. Peter St, and the ea s ter ly.11ne of Harriet St. thence south 13 ft. along the easterly line of Harr let St. which is the westerly line of Lot 1, thence southeasterly to a point which Ss the intersection of the easterly line of salt Lot 1 ani the westerly line of St. Peter St., thence along the westerly line of St. Peter St. to the point of beginning, rra�suw T— T— under Preliminary Order __-___92236----------- approved- _.Iuna_23r_ 1332 Intermediary Order ------------ 3323______----• approved__Aug.-10 _1932_____--____.--. Final Order ------------------- 359----------- -pproved--- Se-ot--6r_L932----_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to Property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That n public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the- -- _----- 9th ----- day of__-- ---- Qataber_----------- 19.32,atten o'clock A.M.,and that the Com- mi- er of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed be the Charter. r Adopted by the Council ____�---------- --------- ._-- -- 19_�{_ �( - - -_1- --_--- ' ,City Clerk.k. ----�---- -i Y— C. ne oz.Connca�n Councilmany r Councilman�gNW1 e�6a--a:�+ I;:�,.„ >gLISVltill counc;lman-�'�-' .r.,:,. rouncit.aa.,.a...u.o...-- „gid Mayor® m.. �.,... _.. 937V RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING EREON :151) FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of__ condeutclnf;_and_ to king_ an_Eassnerlt_in_the_land _rlec essar_g__ for slopes, cutsand fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Scheffer Street to Hartford Avenue, ine m:iia: or 000don,m.c ..a u err io: agnea f1. .u. tese an. 11 nndl. of At *y m Block d, .. if w ..d not. 1 m6, m< mote ane. f'.. aen.rte- -d Ave., under Prr 5nnr­d 7u.. oil, under Preliminary Order -------- 92891--------- approved ---- J1ma28r_L932_______-___-, Intermediary Order ------------- 93288-------- approved----Aug_.-2,-]932 -----_---------- -,Final Final Order-------------------- 935Il4--------- approved -___9118.__30,1932 ---- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, In the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- 19th ------ day of__- ---- flctoher------------- 19.32, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SF% Adopted by the Council --------- _...------ _--- .. ------- 19-� _______ity Clerk. 19 ayor oaaeP'. __ , Councilman sQwu ^ Couneilman Councilman co�nsiman"a'� 'noneilman 6'ahlln00— Mayor ari.ua ni,e„„�y 83749 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND .FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME Or HEART' , T';IL AWARD OF DAMAGES In thematter of ---- — demrt_n _gr1r1_tgkinv, _an _eg991nflIli _1n thC_1ftAt1 ABL.fl9AaPy for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 12, Stinson's Boulevard Add'tion from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave., �:9 :4 :ceo•emvmr .m 1. la '��a�al•e' of nney Iv Hoek eoaevra Aamua• etree to e>•alale A•.., mer eases, e. tea �m.rmeu ' under Preliminary Order__________ 3153fi------- approved___----------------- Intermediary ______________Intermediary Order 93031 ------- approved___ ZuLy_12.,_ 1932 ------------ __. Final Order---------------------- 93292------- approved ---- A.ug.--- 9_1932 ------------ --- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ - __--19th— _day of- October ------ ]M at ten o'clock A. h1., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council___a2-r_!-'_t��__________________ -- Citx.Clerk. 19---- May-11 Councilm Councilman on_:r /I Counciltna /Councilman rff- i J Councilman4 Cpuneilmanl�1191MAIae �v,"'gel Mayor e>xpl 93)75 r RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 111 2111111111 M JERLON AND K--0:'.'NARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of___o��d am^tng_and._taMnq _seri easeme LSn__tlaa _land_senzsSAry_3or slopes, is and f111s in the grading of All, in Block 7, Rut, Livingston Second Add on and Block :�, Ruth Ltvirg, ton .addition, fror� Ihrnlap Streato to Griggs Street, V.,..eor An., .. Re" int Yll 6Yn AYal�h - ^Ytn ldv�ngelan AA•� under Preliminary Order______ tifl030----------- approved__Yy_S,_193L---------- __________ Intermediary Order___________ E,152_4 ----------- approved__,I_130Q_ IQ, -2931 ----------------- Final Order__________________ ELW3FL--------- _- approved__ AU&._1Qr 1932______________. The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- -------- 19111 --- day he- -_________19_tb___day of ---------- _Qotobstr--------- 19.3-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com - mi -i r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council______________________ ____________ l.r A ) / City Clerk. Approved______ __ ------------------ _ 19__;_ /� Dfayo . Cnanrlma 7 Coun,il> AIG Cuunctlman 1 J Councilman Councilman Mayors llaho„ev RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING Nj I ffi 1DEREON AND FIXING TISK OF IIi.IRCiG a : -::C A,WD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__nnnd emnt ng and_taking_an easemanL ln__tlis _land_nensasar8-for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, King's Arcade Park from Walsh Ave. to North and South Alley and from Denny St, to Nheelock Parkway, m4lerra t eoaa.mame •ad wk- y of weemea" I¢¢•�th &Jli 11. t ,y tar elovva "Onto; aodrd / la the cau.0[ dll�Y ride %rk ham 'W444 dee. to artb /ado jQh SIIey and front army 8t, to Wbeelook PeThith no r Prallminary OrEa IEP94 1 p lube 11, IBE", t" under Preliminary Order ___-_92845_--_----- approved ------ -----___--_-, Intermediary Order _______---93246 , approved ----- .Aug -,--2,_1932 --------- ---- Final Order ----------------- 23502------------ approved ------- Avg. -X0,_1932 -------- ----- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said asaessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court Aoum in the City of St. Paul on the---- ----------- 19-tWay he____________-__19-tWay of ---- ------- O_Ct0-4er--------- 19.32., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council------ --- --------------------- 19___7 . I City Clerk. Approved_ - --------------------------19---- ?II,.- ld Councilmergu ou it '// Councilman c SnAL� I,.,, Councilman Councit on �� Couneilman:Berdlrei� Mayor ee+er*r�r ?t n�„er 91J752 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING PROMPERW FIXING TIME OF BEARING ON TILE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_-0penin.i,-�Sdmlzrq-ani r�Lendln,z 8n-alleg_20_it._ SA wl_SIlh-Jn Highland Park Addition by takirl, and condennint, a strip of land 20 ft. Ln width in Block 7, Highland Park :;dtitl on, the northerly line of the alley to be the southerly line or lots 2 to Inclusive, and the eaaterly line of the alley to be the easterly lino of Lot 7, and i.n nddi kion thereto a tr'arcular niece o£ land in the southwesterly corner of Lot 6 measured ft, in eac!. direction from the southwest corner of said Lot 6, F. No.;9016x— the atri,ppt.o eoWB,''fit Ing xt P )b'A-h+ Of't0 S1•lq Wld' HI ��p „ aAd1d0lllnnd, ePadt1i1i0r1yy':A61. aWhith 10,11Ao b0.Aye '', �� ee 'he tnutherl0 under Preliminary Order__________ 84815-----, approved ---- AMU- Bi- 1930_-_____-_-_-_, Intermediary Order ________________136273_____, approved_—day__ lk,_193Q------------ _.-. Final Order ------------------------ 36[37------ approved____ Jw§, 10+r7.939______________ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------ I he_—______I Qtly --- day of____Ile Lnbet_______________19.32,atteno'clockA.M.,andthattheCom- ner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council__________ __________ _____________ City Clerk. Approved__ ____ __------ _-__ Counc+lm v M Councilman Councilman x I + , Co..cilmanq f.,,:,. C uncilmenWkpdLrimppp hfny­ _, !)4)r� 1p COUNCIL FILE NO.- - ............................ By......_................................_.............................. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter o[thc nssesemevt of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing cur'+Ing on Sherman St" west side, from Smith +ve, to Pleasant Ave., a��am®nre. erem> xo. ...umavt �aau9 ' ah e°e A- io 9nnt .. .................. ...., .. .91655 ' under Frcl+minarl Orde,.. 90999.... Ivtermed�ery Ordcr__+ 19.32 a_. _.. Ftnnl Order _..._ .91853 --' _.for end 'n connection with The-eavessment of__...._banafits., ta._artl xpanssa the nbovr imrcorement having born enbmitted to the Counel, and the Co—il having considered enure and found the svid nay.esment sntisfactocy. thrrr fore, be it RESOLVED, TI- thr. said oseissmt nt be and the same is hecnby M nil respect- approved, be hnd on nnid �aeesmeat on the... .... 19th...... day of RESOLVED FURTHER, 171-t a rublir hearing he Coonril Chnmbrr of the C-1119.32, at O h— of it) 0 1 k A. Df. in t _.Aetob r - - - [ enid fl—." and (t. hell Rnilt' in the C f - "—t- thtit th, G +asmnrr of kinases 8+re notice o me+tingn, n re9uired ,y the Charter, c sting in nn id notice the time and Place of hennng, the nature of ; pe mprovement, the totnl rort th—f, and thr emonnt +. —-d agninet the lot or lore of the partieulnr o to whom the notice is di -1,1. Adopted 67 the Con ed City Clnrk. Approeed Connniimnn ,rilmnn �3h�y� . c���.eon.an�e4rr „-�et Mayors yl stn •ne> COCCIL FILE NO By_..__...._ --- _...._..._........._. CITY OF ST. PAUL 91751 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the savessmevt of benefits, costs and ox en9es for curbing both sides of East Nebraska Ave. from Payne Ave. to Nalsh Ave. and from Heide Ave, to Arcade St., No. d1761— the m, tter of the aeeeer- eneAlaeaa� eaPa.,..I ig bo' M a. at But ` oyae Are, to v ,n �e1dq Avoro -: Anng� under Preliminary Order..... _ .__99716 ____, Intermediary Order .....___.__99964 __._ _._., Final Order._. ___.9.091b. aPP ...,•d_. _...Aug.. 25 .._.__ __.._..._._._., 19_.31 The assessment or__._benafita,_coat&..and_ expamaaa.............__.for end in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the C ... cil, and the Council having eonaidered same and found the said aas ee.,mevt sati.,factory, there f.,e, be it RESOLVED, That the said nss: cement be and the same is hereby in ell respect., approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pn flir hearing be had ou said aasessment on the.... _._. 19th..._._ day of _.October 1 19_32• at the hon, of 10 .',lock A. nt, in the Conned Chamber of the court Bou,, and City 11,11 Building, in the City of St- Poul; that the C.mmis.,ioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, es r,ni—I by the ('hart,,, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the -tot, of the improvement, the total ,oat thereof, ood the amount nweased against the lot .r lots of the particular ..noel to.vh.m the notice is direct,d- rr Adopted by the Cuuneil _ 19 F / City Clerk. (.onnetlmnn �ilaw.t E%n r - Covvcilninv conn,dman 3 C.nneiiman c.nnrdman Councilman Wenzel Mayor }{edgaart N 93755 COURIT.CIL FILE NO_.__......___..._....___..... By_...._._.__......_.._.........._._......_ ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment I,thsra,tterDfthe—,..,.taf benefits, costs and --nos. for constructing curbing on both sides of Fairmount Ave. from Finn Ave. to Cretin Ave., C.F No. 90166— . ......... t b—fla,' —11 sad expenses 1h. !-Ides-of etrucling of ao 0 A,. artear MAlaminnry ol', """ To", ander P111-hau O,d,,. 8.9711 l,t,rmedi,ry Order 90.9.4 Piro] Otd- ......945.69__ I P,'o"d The .--nt of bfMQfit*, 0Qg_tn f., a.d is .... 11tio- with the shore improvement having be- submitted to the Co. -0, ..d the Council having .aoide,,d .— and found the said --at svliafaclory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be ..d the .— is hereby i. .11 -pe- approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That , public hearing be had on said aa—oallt on the 19th A- of .O.toh—. . 1 19, . S?at the h-, of 10 .',lock A \I., j. the C ... il Chamber of the C. -I H—,, avd City 11.11 11.ildi.g, i. the City of St 11-1; that the Cararri.ior,, of Finan., gi,, n.tw, of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating is said natwe the time end P1110 of hearing, the at— of the itapt--t, the total cost thereof and the .mount -—d against the lot or lot., of the particular o,re, to whom the notice is di—t,,d. Adopted by the C ... ed City Clerk App—ld 19 Couveilmar Id Councilman r�.- ..e C-61— . ... 9137% Cof�CIL FILE NO..._:.._....._ ....................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Nest Congress St. from Bidwell St, to Bellows St., nude, Pndimmnry Order.._. 8.9724.... _..,_ Intermediary Order _.._90319_. Fine] Order.._ 90530_.... slpro.ed.. _._..Sant....29-- _......_.___., 17..31 The assessment of._. bpnefltsr._Costs._find.. expenaeS...._..__._._.... J., and in conn.. tion with th, above improv.mrnt having bemt eabmitt.d to the Connell, and the Couu. it having .... id ... d same ..-I fnund the soil eaiissment sntisfaeton'. thrrcfure, be it RESOLVED, Thnt th, snid nnv.ssment be and the same is hereby in s11 respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Ti- a public baring be had on said -t on the.. _19th..........._ play of Q.toher _. __... _. _. , 19 32, st the hon. of 10 0',]o.k A 11, in the C .... il Chamber of the Cort Hous. and Cit, Hnll Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fi..... girl notice of said m.etinpn, as ,aqui red by the Chnrter, storing in snid otire the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvem.nt. the total rant thereof, and the nmonnt nnaessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom th, notice is directed. „ 0 9 Adnpted b. th. Conn. 1 City Clerk. Ap,n ,,I .. ____ _.. _... 19 C .... ilmanAAWgey, cnttn.ImnnF�p�ynr, , Counmiman yF�. Couvrdmont�.ntt�, I...:.x Cnun.ilman W--1 9f ayor �� Mnti i�ney 41 93757 COUNTFILE N0. RiN ------ FINAL ORD CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of_ widenin& W. Seventh St. to a width of 86 feet from Franklin St. to Ramsey Bl. and BO 3t. liom Ramsey �t, to HbHoal St. and widening the intersections of W. seventh St; with Fourth St. snd Eagle St, rnwa oanrmam°n:a®xsr,oe n under Preliminary Order____ 93202_ ----------- , app,—d. ._ July 27th-,_ 1932._- ---.-, Intermediary Order __________ 93421___________, approved_____ Au -193 gust 17th,2_----_--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thit the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to increase the width of N. Seventh St. and expanding the intersectionsof W. Seventh St., Fourth St. and Eagle St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same re hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated. and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public tt'orks be and is hereby structed d directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper ett danmceiat% are here- reby authorized and directed to proceed x ith the making of .,<aid improvementin ... or with. _ n Adopted by the Council .--- -.------------- ----- ---- --- I�' i qty Clerk. Approved --- _.__--- ----- -/•�- / Councilman PMcDoneld Council. yor. _ rf ti_,:, c -i: Wes,, SeYen /h S/ from crank/in St % M`Boa/ S OPEN/NG 51 Bureau ofEn veers ."I I cal 66.Books /277-/273-/23/.-977.•? �S- P�� . k S A o , i2 / C E a O D. � a �`'Rry,,' �t3'� �• F� 4 � 'y .eye \�k0 2 Sfo,y B� •c.E :' 3 S/y. B cki� 35 Brick / Sf y Brick �3 Sfy. B %ck- t 2 Sfy. Brick y - 2° - ��• 3 57' k ba ,,..., =o a -a Aa- — -- - 9 - T— � t 11 Brick �y0 �Z �,z /4 12 /CE I Y/NES /900 / C E l R /// /Y E S XD 3 /CE/1g IRY//YES AD . ws/ 7�s1 3t Frank%n %hl°Boa/ .. WSevenll�Sf n Or. 3 N'5./31. i"Shee12ai" RICE RY/i��-s A �✓esf Se✓5n 6 Si: - - � {`rom Frank/in St- rb .J/cBoa/St 8 ��BureopO�EngCrneera n Sca/e: Io. _ &.A's /277.-/273-/231--977A I R Y / /Y E� S A D D. , y I � �► , /2 /3 /4 16 cl Q ► , , ei`lc - 35fiy N fro v 3 Sfy- Br repo I ~ i 3 sfy. Brick246 E S i9 D D. c BlS�s X998 o� �sy a �� ro - Z _ 30.00' i 33.33 3115 A/R's Seven fh Sf - � {rom Frank/in St 10 A/sGaa/Sf. " -f` OPEN/NG Bo .FS /277-/773-/23/.-977.ti - L E E C I v N S \Sty°` A D ANG CHU S B' EEC ASO D/ �& ADD. ' X- E S6 X s� GJ 9 /0 so - ��� 8 dF Y ``c. `r''.'� yt+� c'g .,��a- - j G►' � 13 4 0rZY ti y M I. "K`' LEECHS ADO/ e 5 F�Sw ° \ ES 10 apes. sh—f t i L L E E C H<S A O O•.: C. L.��y E C 'AlS/ A D D � 9 1410 � 4 r 6�O est ��st Sixef Sefs. - Wal' Se✓enrh St _ {rom- Fiank%n Sf is /Y1`�al.Sf OPENING -- - Bu eau of Enginecrs - - Clp � � ti y. Al -:k 6-6' A al -:k 6-6' A Cin o • DEPARTMONT bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •94 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER SJ�� (A) In the 'atter of Widening W° Seventh Strest to 141 width of de feet from Franklin Street to Ramsey street and 80 feet from Ramsey Street to HaBoal Street, end widening the intersections of W. Seventh Street With Fourth :street and 6,gle Stroat, by adding thareto all those parts ofBlocks6 and 14, Ries and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of :%eventh Street and lying southerly of a lint whldrls 56 feet north- e,es:orly fror the present center line if 'n Sevanthh Street end ?Arallel th e: eto, sieo -riding that ).rt of the aas."rly 10 feat of lot ;)lock 14, rico and Irvine's Addition, lyin 'oetween Fifth Str et :td tl:e northerly ilne of Sevtnt.. otreet widened .s =bove .Iescribed, iso 'y adling the southerly 10 feet of thr t ;':rt ,f lot 7, 91cc;: 1-', !co Lnd Irvine's Ad,l'_tion, Lin; northerly of the orasent line :.f Fourth ,;tract rat+r, :� X.in :;tr. at .nd oav nth -tr r-":1-:er.:d lecrlted i ° Als • 'cy adiing triangular iece u: 1 nd I %the ut rr - rly j7 corner of th�t ),,rt of lo' 3 to }: '-4 - e wn.. I v n ' - d l ,n, 1yin; southerly of R. Cevant., 3tr,et, said tris„•ul r ,i c ?f :- .d me During 10 feet in the southc,z3tcr1y 1 • f ;v :t:'. :;treat :::d 10 feet on the northerly -:na �r Pourtl: �Itra,a. Also by adding _ tris..,ui..r ^.'�ca of :m^. i. 'ht ,r:_ er1y aornsr of lot 4, Block 15, Aice :,nd�lrvine's j:4. �io�., '.tdre:,cl r — lees of l nd me-surin� 1;, feet on otr:et and lb feet on the norther,sterly 1i_e .,i :^ird �tr5at. 10f f F Also Ly adding nice k Irvine's Addition, ma Clod.; a nd .:J, ^ t n n,'. Lvimals Addition., 1;5.' north.rly o.' line is 5. 4c-�t southeasterly from the prascr.t cantle 1'_ce of:�ver.Ch Str '�t and parnllel thereto, ,Ivo 'oar +d"ln� t '.rt o.° '-09 1, aloe .A, 1Uice .nd Irvine's Ad<[ltion, 'rn,nded . 1'^ d'.vcri"ed followsl 3eglnran., at ) d_ t ;r. south,ras'.or3-y •,,'1e : tre_t •;!ch is 53 fast sou the -t.9 1y th= present can "r lire of ". 3avant'i ctre,t ,ae.;v=;;! ;.r, .. at n-l.s the,ato, '.',once southwesterly and par lie!,e rsent cent:r ling j: W. deventli fitreet n '.Ss tsn ca of '7feat, thance northe starly to a point on the euuthwe;ter'. '. in^ of .ale Streit 1F flat south- eestarly of the joint of baslo-. r, �, '.`�nce northwastar:y on the southwesterly line of tv:,le 6tr-et t., the oint of begin :ng. e.iso by adding those ,arts of dlnmcs :, , 4 n'. 5, Le'aeh'e liitlen, lots 3 tnd 4, -ring & C -t3'1 b^'3d'.Y s_on o.. lot, v end 7, >lock 1, Loech'I A3?Itlon ,nd fi—n's F. e,,r:- .gsment of p.rt 01-1, 5, Le -ch'. :a,+.1:.tI—,Ly1, ,.. .y of ir353nt center . , -ch i•f17 f-- .c•t ht3 ta[.(y rr _ _..r_.t, J:j parallel ther_to. Also by adding thereto that part of lot 4. Ewing and Chute's • Subdivision of lots.6 and 7. Block 1, Leeah's Addition, lying `° west of a line perpendicular to and intersecting the southeas 0 -P under Preliminary Order approved July 27, 1032 To the Council of the City If St. Paul: The Commissioner If Finance hereby sports 11 fl[]O--: The total estimated ...—t of he —c—cat for the above imp—anent is $ 520.000.QQ 15.00 to f"t The estimated cost ps�ool f,, the above improvement is The lot, or parcels If ].ad that may be as—sed bene fit, for such j,ap,o,cDec,, and the assessed -1.16-1 of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Asses—, are as f-11-- DESCRIPTION LOT 110.1 ADDITION ASSESSE1 L -Y LUA—gidg. 1 Rice end I E .25 ft lying north of 7th —..a's Add to " ast 3 41000 1600 1 6 St.p.al St. 0f 7th St.) the west 20.75 11. '. (ft of 1 2 6 do 19000 1250 (also that part of t lin... fr—.'-� point �- Spi"'. .Cut'ior" (ft Rest from the north.a;t'..-'.r (of said lot to S point on the Nly line (of 7th St. 1 6/12 ft —t from and (at right angles to the Ely line of said lot o5 rt.• • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) That pert of 2 6 Rioe and Irvine`s Addition to 60000 6400 wa at of a line from a point the Saint Paul ootherly line of 6th St. 1 0/12 ft west from the northeast o .,f said lot to s point on the northerly line of 7th St. 1 612 ft. eeSt from and at right angle. to the s terly line -f-- id lot, also all that part north of 7th St. of 11 6 (Exo. N. 100 ft of E e and axes. 3 .orth 120 ft of W D also part Nly of 7th St. of 10 el so east 40 ft of E. 30 ft of 4 .leo eget 40 ft of that part lY1n99 6 do 48000 10000 north of 7th St. of (Ex.. W.7th St. and W. 20. 33 ft) 8 alas (Exo. W. 7th St.)the wast "1 ft of 9 4 6 do 28000 7900 ale. W. 20 ft of 5. 30 ft of (Ez2. W. 7th St.) lot 7 and do 60000 82500 W. 20. 33 ft of 8 6 PartN. of 7th St. of 1 2 14 do 410M 17500 d e . St. Ely 20 ft of Paxo (E,,. St. and exoept E. 20 ft) 2 14 do 21000 24000 (aSx.. 7th It..) 3 d pa14 do rt N. f 7th St. of 10 28000 6000 Parts of lot, 4 and 9 14 do 17500 8000 Beginning at the intereeotion of the north line of 71. 7th St. and E. it.. of Bald lot 9 then., north along e..t line. of lata 9 and 4, 88 feet, then.. we at at right angle. th. S. with said E. line 125 46.09 ft, parallel ft. m r lase, to Nly line of 7th St.th. NEly 59 ft to beginning Parte of lots 4, 5, B and 9 14 do 17000 8750 beginning at the intereeotioa of the week line of the ..at a of lot 8 —a the 7th St., th. NEly along north line of - north 7th St. 55 ft., th. 11. parallel with theE. line of lot 8, 85 ft. to a pt. 130.30 ft. S. from the S line of 5th St.th. W. parallel with 5th St. 45.80 ft to .enter line of lot 6, th. S. along the .enter line of lot. 5 sad e, ' 116 ft to heginning • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROER (B) (Exc. 'St.; lot 7 ani 1V of 8 14 Rice and irvire's Add. to 45000 12500 St. Paul That part of 9 14 do 10000 6000 1 in Sl of 'th "t y 6 y anVly Of a line from a point on the Sly line of 7th ^t. 113.77 £t. Wly from the intersection of said Sly line with the E. line of the W e of lot 11 in said block to a point on the Nly line of 4th St. 0.13 ft Aly from the SE corner of said lot 9 (Except aet 16 ft) 4 15 do Lot 1 and NW1v j of 2 and 26 do NEly 35 ft of 6 26 Southwesterly -,5 ft of 6 and NE17 15 ft of 7 26 do (Except alley ) S'..1 : 45 ft of7 26 do (Except .alley) 8 26 do (Except Alley) 9 26 do (Except Alley) 10 26 do and (Except Alley an d SWly 40 ft. of NWly 100 ft) 11 26 NEly 20 ft of Sally 40 ft of 1717, 80 ft of 11 26 do (Exc. NE 20 ft of NW 80 ft) the SW 40 ft of NV 100 ft of 11 26 do Northwesterly 60 ft of 1 27 do 5 27 do 6 27 do 7 27 do (Exc. SE 25 ft of 3. 30 ft andexcept Si5 50 ft of W. 10 ft) the E. 40 ft of 8 27 do 13000 10000 30500 5500 32000 6000 6750 9000 9500 9000 5600 13000 17150 2800 3900 3500 4600 6000 6400 7500 5400 7500 6000 7500 10800 4500 4400 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) e.d—T.on w. .w<. ...IT— Westerly 20 ft of Nally 10( ft of and E1720 ft of NWIy 100 ft of SWly 40 ft of Nally 100 ft of 8 Rice & Irvine's Add. to 4000 1800 Saint Paul 9 27 9 27 Northwest i of 1 28 5 28 6 28 7 28 Lot 0 28 also lot 8, blk. '.;8D—t— & .;8 IDavton & Irvine's Add. to St. Paul Lot 9 28 alsolot 9, blk. 28, Dayton r. Irvine's Add. to St.Paul do 5000 1500 do 5000 16000 do 6000 5050 do 6000 2400 do 6000 3100 do 6600 2500 do 7250 Block 29 Dayton & Irvine's Add.to 5600 St. Paul West 11.65 ft of N. 122.35 ft of 2 Leech's Add. to St.Paul, 3350 400 and (E—pt St.) 3 1 Minnesota. (Except 7th St.) 4 1 do 3150 2250 Part SE of W.7th St. of 5 1 do 2475 9000 Parts southeast of W.7th St. Eying & Chute's Subdi-Ssion of 3 and 4 1 of lots six and "oven in 800 150 block 1 and lots 4 and 5 in blk.2, Leach's Add. to St. Paul (Exc. ''4.7th St.) N. 60' of Leech's Add. to St.Paul, 0 and 9 1 Minnesota. 1900 3800 Part southeast of .4.7th St, of 6 and 7 2 do 1475 part northwest of W.7th St.of 7 2 do 750 • EOF REPORT OF COMMISSoIONER FINANCE oN PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 3 5 Leech's Add. to St-Paul, 1800 Minnesota. That part ofprlvate' alleay Mann's R.3-ar of part of 3625 1850 and of lots 3, 4 , 5, 6 d 7 blk. 5 Leech's Add to the lying E. of a 1 tn9 pera11c1 CSty St.Paul with and 59 ft �'�. f.,—the of , lige of said Ra-ar E. also 11 — lots 1, 2 and 11 do 3150 8750 That part of pr iv ata alley and of lots 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7 lying W' of s line par al]e1 with an �1 59 ft W. from the E. line of said Re-ar also allof lots a and 9 10 do 900 Lot 1C and N. 90 ft of 8 & 9 5 to St.Panl, nsot 5025 20900 add Min part SE ofW.7t1-, Wit. of do 4500 3500 12, 13 and 14 4 2 C.L. Lain's Re-ar of 3000 2700 Lets 1 and part of '1_ 4, Leech's Add. 3 6 Rice & Irvine's Add. to 10500 6000 N. 100 ft of of St. Paul 9500 N. 12C ft of W }z of 3 6 do 11000 22500 5700 N. 120 ft of 4 6 do 12500 500 East i of 5 6 do 53000 23800 Lot 6 and W Q o£ 5 6 do 17500 450p Part Sly of 7th St. Of 9 & 10 6. do Fart Sly of 7th St. of 11 6 do 36000. 19500 (Exc .7 th St. ) W. 37 ft of 12 6 do 25000 23500 25000 13350 (Exc eth 7th :3t. ) •J- - L3 ft 12 6 do also that part oP 1 6 lying Sly of 7th St. 110,000 27000 (Exc.7th St. ) lots 5 and 6 7 do 41000 5000 7 7 do or— —. r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 8 7 Rice & Irvine's Add, to 29550 3350. St. Paul 11 5 ) do 60000 43000 12 5 ) lots 3 and 4 13 do 63000 50000 (Exc. 71,1, St.) 5 13 do 1.. 20 ft of 6 13 do 49000 14000 (Exc. 7th St. and except 28000 6000 east 20 ft) 6 13 do N. 1/3 flets 7 and 8 13 do 12000 11500 N.eO ft of E. 40.64 ft of 4 14 do 9500 Commencing at the N... corner of lot 4 thence SI, along Wly 13750 8000 line 130.30 ft.; th. E. parallel with 5th St. 14.80 ft th. N-parallelwith the W. line of said lot, 42 ft., th. E parallel with 5th St., 5 ft., th.N. parallel with the afore- said V. line of saii lot 88 et. more or less to the Salline `rj. 19.60 ft to the placeof beginning, so the of 5th. 7t.,th. ft of the ply 30 ft of lot 5, being part of said N. 130.30 lot. 4 and 5 14 Rice & Tr'ine's Add. to St.Paul Lot e and N # of 5 14 do 36600 100 Commencing at a point on the S. line of B1k.14, 0.48 ft W. of the E. line of the '11 # of lot 11, thence Nly 117.30 ft to a point on the Sly line of 7th St. 2.01 ft. Slyly from the '.ntersection of said Sly line with said E. line th. SWly along said 7th St. 111.76 ft, th. Sly 48.71 ft to a point on said S line of block, 0.13 ft W. of the SW corner of lot 10, th.c. 90.10 ft to beginning, being part of 14 Rice & Irvine's Add to 37500 8000 lots 9, 10 and 11 St.P-1 lot 11 lying EIV of a line from a point on the 19000 3500 That part of Sly line of sail lot 0.46 ft W. of the E. line of the W of sail lot,to a point on the Sly line of 7th St. 2.01 ft. SWly from the intersection o11sa1411i SRicei&'Irvine ssald toE. , part of lot St. Paul 35000 Part. ly1n S of 7th St. of 1 14 do12 15000 and. Orth of 14 do w j of S of 12 14 do 6000 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Ely 30 ft of the Sly 75 ft of 12 4 Rice & Irvine's Add to 8000 St.Paul W. 22 ft of 3 15 do 4900 2400 E. 46 ft of 4 15 do 10250 3400 lots 8 and 9 54 do 42500 7000 4 Auditor's Subdi,ision No. 6500 17000 29, St.Paul, Minn. lots 3 and 4 and S:: j of 2 26 Rice & Irvine's Add to 15000 99650 St.P-1 Northwest 32 ft of t1lo SE 90 ft of 1 27 do 1675 1200 Northwest 30 "t of the SE 5a. ft of 1 27 do 1550 1450 Southeast 25 ft of the N.E. i of 1 27 do 1600 1500 SE 50 ft of the SW e of 8 27 also th- SEly 5C It of 9 27 Northwest 35 ft of the SE j of 1 28 do 1150 500 Southeast 40 ft of 1 28 do 135C North 80 ft of 1 1 Leech's Add to St. Paul, 1200 2250 E. 4C ft of N. 122.35 of 2 Idi=esota 1 do 1050 2300 S. 24 ft of N. 84 ft of 8 1 do 425 1050 S. 86 ft of 8 1 do 425 1050 5.110 ft of 9 1 do 1200 2450 10 1 do 1350 3250 11 1 do 1350 1400 Lot 1 and 3 2 ft of 2 5 do 1875 5700 West 49.84 ft of 2 5 do 1450 1100 S. 80 It of 8 5 do 1500 3900 S. 80 It of 9 5 do 900 300 11 5 do 1350 5050 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) w5sessao (Except St.) part NW17 La..hls Add. to St.Paul, 3150 13350 of 7th St. of lots 6 and 7 5 Minn esote.. N. 49 It f lots 1 and 2 4 do 1400 2900 S. 66 ft of N. 115 ft of 1700 2100 1 is 1 and 2 4 do (Exc.7th St.) the 3.57 ft of lots 1, 2 and 3 4 do 3000 22500 S. Be ft of 8 4 do 1175 3000 and W. 2.50 ft of S. 80.47 ft of 9 4 (Exc.,. 2.50 ft of 5.80.47 ft and except N. 90 ft of W- 3 ft) and ;,. 11.64 ft of 9 4 10 4 do 1725 3400 E. 40 ft of 10, 4 do 1200 4050 E.75 ft of 1 2 do 1500 7200 (Exc.E. 75 ft) lot 1 and 2400 3400 all of 2 2 do 3 2 do 2( 00 3550 Part ItY119 of 7th St. of 6 2 do 1625 4000 (Exc.. 101 ft) lot 9 & 3000 16660 all of e 2 do West 101 ft of 9 2 do 1000 4400 South of 10 2 do 700 4550 North of 10 2 do 700 3150 3 C.L.Lains Re-ar o.^ Part of 700 Elk. 4, Leech's Add'. 4 1100 1100 5 do 900 2850 (Exc. St.) lot l,also part site's Sev ion 3 1 lChute's 4250 13000 NW of 7th St. of oflots an in lnLeeOnFe Pau12 Addn toSSt. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) That part of lot 5 block 1 of vri r,,z; & Chute's Subdivision Leech's Addition lying NW of o f 1 o t s six and seven in 7th t., also (except St.) 2 1 b1 o J,- 1 and lots 4 and 5 4200 4700 I- t— in Leech's Add. to St_Yaul (Except Street) 1 2 do 1100 (Except 7th :;t.) lots 2,3, and 4 2 1 3600 1:1000 1 M-- t 1 n D. Clark's Re-ar 2100 of lots 11 and 12 'Ilk 50 2 D ag f o r k Irvine's nd•i tr 2100 St._Paul 3 2100 4 do 2100 lots 6 and 5 do 4200 8350 9 50 Dayton & Irvine's Add to 2600 20000 S t_ P aul 10 50 do 2500 13 50 do 6000 7250 SE IOC ft of lots 7 and 8 51 do 12600 14500 2"T It of 9 51 do 4875 2500 Partly in Hire _. Irvine's Add. NL 21 ft nP lot 9 end the SW 12 it of 10 51 do 4125 2500 partly in Hire :< 1-1—le Add. ".i" ft of 10 51 do 6000 8500 Partly in Aire I Irvine's Add. 11) 51 Partly in Rice k Irvine's Add.) do 7500 11000 (Except 1,174 42 .`t) 12 51 do 8400 16200 partly In Rice & Irvine's Aad. (Exro-t Allay) 7 52 R l c a E. Irvine's Add. 10000 15000 do 8 52 do 9000 15650 ,to 9 52 do 9000 3050 60 SWly 24 it of 10 52 do - 3600 3450 or sT. PAUL • DEPARTMEKT-F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 11�CRIITION 10T .1... A-110- ASSESIED VALUATION (Extent xAle7) Norti'.oas` L4 Bi— s Iry in,:'s hti t:o ft }e 't of 10 52 St.pa'.tl 3600 3400 ( xr;epr, ..Ile- 1:-.t.�..�•—t 12 r,, of 10 52 do 3'Sc• 6500 an. so th ,x,st 1 : It o. 11 52 (�. xcept .11�v an. ...c•pt 8'1V 1.3 ft) 11 52 do 7050 (e:>ceot .,11ey) 12 52 -10 13000 39000 (Except _,ll -y) lot 9 and sou_.xe.tt 2C ft of 10 53 do 18000 16000 (-',Copt Alley) the IlEly 40 ft of 10 53 do 8000 5750 (3xcept Alloy) thn '•ily 25 ft of 11 53 do 4500 2100 (F.xc aPt „lley) 'l .ly 35 ft of 11 53 do 9650 15450 ani ao_t ._ —t 13.33 ft of 12 53 (-' ce:t „llny) tl:e'Ely 46.67 ft of 12 53 do 9300 9350 Sally of 13 53 do 6000 7500 N 31y of 13 53 d0 6000 2550 14 53 do 12000 30000 3EI, of 15 53 do 7006 1150 16 53 do 60000 30000 $1,827,125 Lend $1,289,950 Bldg. The f Finance further reports that he has mve Ligated all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon m the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Dated �3:`-ate- Commissioner of Fl ante. Office of the Commissioner of Public %orl� "��e Re ort to Commissioner of 13 p Finance st 9, 1953 193 Tn the Cmnmissiuner u[ Finance of the city of St. Paul: The Cnminissioner of Public Works, having had under considrrolion the preliminary —1- .f Ih, C,uncil, II,--o ,, C Ii,il Fit, N.. 83202 approved Jt ly G7, 1932 193 , Palm", t, widening V— 6e—th L>treet to a widtl-t of Bo 1'eet from Franklin Street to Ramsey :street and BO feet from hamsey Street to MCBoal Itreet, and widen the int e, r s ecti— 69—th street with Fourth and Eagle :its. and h aving investigated the mnttere and things referred to therein, hereby rcp,rla: 1. Said improvement ie nr«.awry- and (or) desirnble. 2. The estimated cost thereof ie $. XJcxX nd the total cost ther,o[ m S and the nature and extent of said im prove mint is an follows_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made n part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is .caked for upon petition of three m mon; oxmrc of property, subject to asseesment for said improvement. Y 1 C inner of Publ' W ka. 93758 Council File No.........._........._.._._..... moue ti!'apo �y1fi dln6p a P tint 7a6�andt�A, By. .. ... Lulagtof lull t .. m tvt. vfgterion-Ayt !ro It to VlptdtlC; 94 P,ilh B e d. ooee.�ee➢rope , CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the ., ..ssmeet of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving Jefferson Ava. from Lexington Ave. to Milton5t. and pav- ing Jefferson Ava. Prom Milton 5t. to Victoria 5t., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to propartylines co��eplete, where not already made, also constructing a sewer on Jefferson Ave. from a point 60 ft. east tf St. beaof reinfo ed con crete7e nthink, t27ft. inowidth, thearoadwaterialyfto be ggngdaflall 46 ft. in width with cobble stone gutters on grades of 5% or over, the shoulders of the pavement to be surfaced with gravel and oiled, also construct ing concrete retaining walls where shown on accompanying plana, .........,Order- approved __87671 _ under Rehmtnary Order._._.82,346..._, Intermediary Order_ $$ ....A8`�. Final Order_ approved....... Deo... -17 ....................19...39. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and Laid assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the game is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable in.._..._......_I �_..... equal installments. Adopted by the Comadl--- _._...`._._..._...............__.._..._._ 9......... GCit Clerk. Approved.__._......__.....__...... ..__...... 19 ....... /f eam e. e. ie ts. 99 j MTP OH' IT I91I-I. OFh 1('1, lit' 'I IlI. Cf1.11A 155I0SBa OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .ir.ta-.ust.. 23 11.32. It, the minter of the sHestmeot of benefits, costs and expenses for lfsax grading and paving Jefferson Ave, from Lexington Ave. to Milton St, and paving Jefferson Ave. from Milton St. to Victoria St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also constructing a server on Jefferson Ave, from a point 60 ft, east of the east line of Lexington Ave, to Chatsworth St,, material fpr pvj concrete 7" thick, 27 ft, in width, thd88 mdol Co ba gc�d ad 46 f t, �n wI th itll cobble scone gutters on gr of 6� or over, the shoulders Of the PAVRHd t0 b6 9ui ff � With gC8V61 and oiled, also constructing concrete retaining walls where shown on ac- companying plans, mler 1'Miioiorrry order 82346 IlItun-liory uric: ..83492. hln.I Orler_. 87671_. upproced.. ._Dec. 17.._. 1 1:) 30 To the Council of the City of St_ Pull The t:oinmissioner of Finnnee hhe Contloll the follnn ing ns . statement of th, . ezpcn- dirun+n, —Ile IororreI .n,I to L, the ranking of the .hoer im pros. C -1o[ emsr ro,�d,.n - - a. ..44,916..89 oti Cost of puhh.,hing ,� , - $.... _ 11.70._ Water connections 1,03 5.00l. cost of postol eno- - $ - -- 2 34 Sewer connections 983.88 Inspection fees W-_...916:Q}Z5_ Construction Ehaineering $ 411:7Q_ �maunt [court is or cato,o „n _ Total Expenditures --. 48,284.88 xso,,"num,t A eessment 751.67. $ 9.7 Charge to Bond issue Pr iect Iio.1338 533.21 Said Carn on,r f,,Ihvr r,psrt,� fl— 1 weed and Iesr.d the 1 1 roust i. b ac,rtaineil, 0, ,it: the sum of $-48.,264.B8.nd ... ry lor, port or pvrcel of hand deemed benefited bY the "id inip...e—m, and m the , purl or jo,—I of I in ,,1-1,,— x'ith the benefits con- I. rred thereon, shot the s,ld .sscssmcnt his been ,aroyl Zed, and drat It,vrin .hashed, identified b the sig suture of the avid Cmum issiuner, .nd iomb . port hereof, is the said assessment .s completed be him, acral ,hich is h,r—ith sobodilld to rhe t'onm it for .m -h :. et ion the... ns r yy be coyy,.�id... d ,ops, 1 11 11 17Corvmissioner of Fin.nee. 93759 Council File No..c. a xo eenr— eve o! ,Muer o! ma .mere"ie . By ' of eel« F CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing ase"' oeast of Dale St., on n Hatch Street from Kent Street to a point 134 ft. Lawson Street from Kent Street to a point 134 ft. east of Dale St., on Kent Street from Hatch Street to Oliver Street, on Oliver Street from Kent Street to Loeb Street, on Loeb Street from a point 40 feet northof Lawson which Street is to btolthe sewer as in Loeb Street north of Geranium St., all "Loeb -Kent Extension to the Maryland -Como SewerSystem", under Preliminary Order- .----- BB043..., Intermediary Order.._...BBflfil......, Final Order. _....BEE -- approved... -.....An. 9`98. --approved......... n. 26...._......._...._19..'>1.�.. A public hearing having been had upon the sesessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said asaess hent be and the esme is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. HE IT FARTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be sad it u hereby determined to be payable in...___....._../._._equal installments. Adopted by the Council......_.......___.._.___...._.__.........._......___..,19__... City Clerk. Approved..,,__.....__...._._.....__...._._19__.... Mayor, I CITY OF RT F -A'" 01,1,,1: OF 'j FL, CO\I)IISSIO\Efb OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment o."i. 2a_ __.__.. ID. 32 beneoats and —Pen... for AT-� In the noir ter of the essesstnent of constructing a sewer o Hatch Street from Kent Street to a point 134 ft. east of Dale t., on n Lawson Street from Kent Street to a point 134 ft. east of Dale St., on Kent Street from Hatch Street to Oliver Street, on Oliver Street from Kent Street to Loeb Street, onthein Loeb Street from a neranlvm point 40 Stnora11 ofth ofLwhich isrto beo known ase the Loe"Loeb-Kent Extension to the Maryland -Como Sewer System"r un,ler 1'n llm iuurr Order 89043 Intc nucdixn ruder 813961.. h�inni order_. __ _.99298 n.prn.-ed May -26. _ r.! 31 'r,, the C-11-11 of the City- of SI. taut= The CantniHer oC h"innnee lira he re �.nrt� to thr ('ouuril the folln�cing ns w stnteme"t of the rxl'�"'- ditures nmessurilc inrurrrd and to 1" ineu reed far connection r�itb the mnk'ing of for above intl,rn�e- meat, rix: . •r-13,095.fiS._. Chsl of ronntfucl ion Cult of pnhlishing Holier _.....24.90.... CO,vt of postal rnr,ls - hupertiull fern � ___.261.•91._.. dnmunt of court emus for cnn(ifiniltiva � Construction Engineering r_ Tidal I jjtnrrs __.._. � 24.90709.36 $14,121.73 ~Hill l i�mmuston� r further n'hnrt. tl.:�t I.. -has n.. i ss'ed vn�1.4.r121.73a, and Ir�u•d the total amount ns nbot � .�. e. r.v �ne�l. Int. I'a t r p-, u[ hind �lern��-d b. n�fii rel h. the said intltrorement, and in the rn.e of sash Int. 1'trt or fnr�" [erred thereon: that the said Ln, nnturi of the avid ('nnintixeiuncr, and mitde n tart hnreo[, l of hued ut n�.ur I..c . Ih the benrfitk d. and that hereto nttnehed, ids nfiod by the ix the .-Id nnsrs.mrnt n• nom Picini hr I—, and tth ieh 'is hrrct�ith submit tell to thi. f'.,u Heil f��r .ueh „rt inn the re nn u. nay br cnneid, reel entnmt•stnner f rin"nes, I 93759 �tlt Council Filo No.... - By...... ....... ._.................. ..........._. CITY OF IT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment to the matter of the easceamcnt of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Edgerton Street from Roes Street to Jessamine Street, ce m:°m neo—o .o° �u�`.`.°`uareetD°°:w�•ro for°� eas�noa ecimm°' ° c , under Preliminary Ivtermedinn' Order_...911o78...__, Final Order.__.3Q325__.., approved..... 4Tnt....fl_...._.._.... _..19...31 A public hearing having been had upon the aesomment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmstion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assesement be and it is hereby determined to be payable inostaumeate. Adopted by the Council.._...__.._._r. _......_....._.......__......__..____...__19..x... ...._City Clerk. f Approved._....._.....___.____—..__.19_.._ 9`69 IITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF Ti IE , (, MMISSIONEIt OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ..AwC'u t.. 23 ............... . 1932. In the ...atter of the sasesament of benefits,eosts and expenses for)(L• constructing curbing on both sides of Edgerton Street from Rosa Street to Jae samine Street, �nd,r rau��rmary urd,r 89630 ❑n.rm.dmry 0,,1,, 90078 Final Order 1_90376_.. appro"d _.Sept ._8. _. Io 31 To the Council of the City oI St. feel The t bans hoer of Finance herehe rr port.uo the Conseil the following as n statement of the exprn ditures necessarily incurred and to he invurrrd for ac.l in connection m ith the mnhing of the soave improve - meat, vix: Cost of constntriimt - 529,.00 $._ -- - Cost of publishing notice $.__4,80 ... Cost of postal cards g 0.9.61, In.spo4ion fees x__19,58___. Amount of court costs for confinnal10ll $ .g0.80 Engineering Coat Total expenditure. $ 830:39.____ Said Commissioner further reports that hr hae t-essed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to 6t: the sum of 8_830..32_.._.__- upon rack nod every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon that the said nssrssmcnt has been completed. and that hereto attached. id,ntined by the sig nature of the said cmnmisaioner, and toad, a part hereof, is the avid assessment as completed by nim. and whish is herewith sab.itt,d to the Coumdl for such :.ctioa tbereon as may be co teid...d proper. Commissioner of Finance. _ • c...._ No.- -93761 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM I rER CHARTER 9eGTON 20B R . u 6f1 -H eYee M. T - PRe9ENTH0 BY _ �� G� n 1 1 I,� D H e COMM1H910NER . ......... J �•ar�ln lbs Items Pem wl. � �iR en •eavd 1. Coe ' OF THE RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON TIY:-,�-yew^eS COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS RS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 360.00" 19 A - Auto allowance 60.00 19 A _ Supplies $2300.00 Supplies 1930.00 19 B 2 19 C - Salaries 800.00 19 C 2 Traok Matce. 550.00 19 0 - Supplies 200.00 4 C 19 - Repairs � 0 0' 00.00 20 A 2 - Office Expense 200.00 20 A 3 - Auto Matce. 1 0.00 20 C 1 - Salaries 628.00 20 R17E O u0B v Truck Ma ccs. - JAL.-6 4 4'_� 1itri. salaries 75.37 leB 2 - Auto MDtce• 2000.00 18 C 1 - Salaries 2.000.00 18 C 2 Ngyipment Mat ee. 1500.00 18 C g. JSapPli� 600.00 18 C 4 - Repairs & Renewals 400.00 18 C 5 - Mie el. 49.95 18 D 1 - Ms. & Entertainment 194.97 is D 2 - 4th July Coo""ttee 68.75 18 D 3 - Supplies 600.00 1B E .2 - Motorcycle allow nos 49 75.00 18 E 3 _ Blectri city �4lies ` 21---x$;92 lea 2 (.lffi J) couNcl�MHN (J) Nwv9 ADorTED HY TNa couNca............... FERG490N MODG90N .. '--.-.IN FAVOR . .......... .... MGOONALD - .......ASAINar ' COUNTERe1GN8D BY ........................cm m•rc..t�+.��.. WE -' MR. PR—IDHNT 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ."c.c.s NO.. _. 93'761 iRu . APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION zoe PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ..... DATE .. RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. TO 18 I R 24,000.00 18 I 1 24 000.00 UT -.-000-00 2T`Go�6d YES ✓) COUNCILNAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL......... SEP 2 .1 Tiff...... . •Mny P -PCReyEpu i'sr rL e C,� APPROVED..._. •M1 I: le. .. n I� y �o•CYL M•�C�DO�NALD -4ddM�1rER .ABAINST L'U8L1Jlll:U weNzrL CouNrewalO EO BY _......_._ __......._ __.. MR. PRESIDENT Council File 93.762 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT —d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The..d.mig,ed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City If St Paul, If- BQ.QQ.ns.t ru ting the sidewalk at the following location. Both - - sides Stanford Avenue between mount Curve Bouleve.r. d and Cratih Kvenue. ................. ..... . ...... ........... . . .. Dated thi, day .1 tiepte.m.bc� . .... 1932 .. .... .. .. . .. g—L PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written prop ... I for the making If the following improvement, via-: ------------- the sidewalk at the followir'e-P.4, -- ng location: . Both sides Stanford -venue between Kount CurveBouleva,rd ................... having been presented to thl 'Co ... if of the City If St. Paul___.......__._.....__... ---------- . .............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiseicum, of public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inoatigalc the ce—ity f., or dews ability of, the making of acid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, eaiLemt and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cod thereof. 3. To furnish - Plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement. 4. To elate whether or net 'aid improvement is asked for on the petition If three 11 more ownere 5. T.report upon all of the foregoing matters W the C'mm"aam'"Fmance. Adopted by the Council_......__..__....__...... Crf" PA IM ..l Y-. Nava Councilman A' AL, Approved ---- - - ----- -- MaDoNacu me. Pm -m— EL"Bi,isl Cnnneo File No- 93763 PROPOSAL NOR IMPROVEMENT t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdereigoed hereby propoeee the coradug of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: - ay:aing ._where necessary, the ._..._.kiecnnstructing, - sidewalk on both sides of Flavots_x Street between Centra Fuller-A—ue..-- ... Doted th ..J.ASh- d y of_. PRELIMINARY ORDER. • c.,,...5., . WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemen ..fleconstrnntinK-.- r.elayi nc e ..an51-sella; _r-1.--9' where_necessar t__ th" sidewalk on both sides o£ Ravotu Street between &Aar Avenue' -and --Sul l er--l4aFerrtae-r .._......_._.__...___.__.._.._...... ....._........... .... . having been Preeented to the Council of the City of St. Paul --------- __-........._............_....__..__.__..._........... ..._._._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inveetigete the necessity for, or desirability of, the reeking of said improvement. 2. To iaveatigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furoieb a play, profile or sketch of eaid improvement - owners 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more 5. To report upon all of the fruegoing matters to the(.Cpo�n►�mi-iover of Ficeece. Adopted by the Council- ......----- ..--- ........�.�t'�_.=8.�_-i-_... Yews N- 9_�Q.. Vit. Councilman MAY App— M�DONALD PTAt2CE !t-� Ma. Pa Conned Pile No. 9 ;764 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,migoed hereby propoeee the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peel, A- ...._IleSA.h9SrycCingr relaying and___r epair ingr here necessary, the sidewalk on thewest side o£ h..31Ca=iidota Street,beginriirig at - ....._._.....g.,__".eveat5t.r... thmn-ca.._soaitb---Lo--.a11e}c ..-._..... ...__ .....__..._..---- _------ ------_----------------------- ... Dated thio 14th_ _.. day of _------- Seven tYi� __ 19a — — —— e --.—.—. - -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. .•. <�M1 ,i:° eps�r�x° WHEREAS. A written propoeai for the malting of the followiog improvement, vu.: ..._..._Rev .0:tS.S.F3?.4xillg.a.-rel-aging--and__re _aL i_ngswhere necessary, the - sidewalk on the west side o£ �dendota Street beginning at - _..__...........__._.E....li—e th._SL_.r._gYaasaca---s9u#.t�---to. alley..__._ ....._ ....._._ bm,ing been preeented W the Council of the City of St- Paul..- ..... . _. -- .-----.. _--....-.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Public VV—,],- be and is hereby ordered end direeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the meting of mid improvement. 2. To investigats the neture, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total coat thereof. 3. To [urniah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. To state whether or not said improvement is s lccd for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of FSmn". Adopted by the Councl... .... .... ......... .SSP. 1- yms Nere Councilman n,tv Wil k j lytgnlao �: r�'�� Ma PA.: Council File No. ____....M- 65 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ReconstguctiFiS-�---.r e_1 ay ;1B.. av—p61---arheYe necessa:ys_the nd—r --- sidewalK or- the east side of LPg.'ivingston Ave., beginning ZO...ft,_.. ..._ ............ _........ _.. _.. _. Da19.. ted -.14 �h ___day of. .SPrAt6IIlb PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A vvr,.ttes>L >P sr -o,_1 for the making of the following improvement, vis.: layingand repairing,t_whEerxeea_ nte,cethssaaacyel...._.h_e Reconstructgiviago tEeeasts33Zt ._.._._.._ .. ......_. - _.__ h_gt ,• . i r, � _ _ 1IIl_S-t_-.nnxth.-.of.. Augus. nortki 30 having been pr¢eente# to the Council of the City of 6t. Pau -...---.-.-_... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C m ty for, o of Public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iaveatigata tba amity tor, or deaf ti ty of, the making p said improvement. 2. To inveatigata the sos�.�sr¢, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furuiah s P"—`. 'L—*1a or sketch of avid improvement. ✓ or n tis asked for on the petition of three or more owners 4 To state whether of said improvemen 5. To report up— aaax of Ehe foregoing mattere to the Commiceioner of Finance. Sf?. �:1.3._._- Adopted by the Co—cal_-__ _ _ ... Y— NsYs CouncilmanC K s :yg.r x IaN' _ Approved ---- --- --- .__..__._.. q - P ss �. Mayor._ _... Ma. Psssnsca>'a'>r r...c♦uou roan PErPi �Sf7rD �.-,Y�� conned File No.._..137€66 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The.rul—ii ed bereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: Recgnstructing_:-_r clay ing_and repairing:_. where Hees: sary,__Che_ - sidewalk on the south side of West Congress $t., beginning - ._....gp.O--feat--r+as- S -t -.y _than_ west -50-£t. �.begSnninB .. 50 ftfartlzar wast, thence west 50 ft. Dated th -- _ 14th day of _--..September 19 _.. 19 .. .. save we'o- n..� rer ae _-- -- orovemen4l PRELIMINARY ORDER. npR es w:"�o —king " g imProvemen�.� f the foDowan t, via.: " � ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the g o ' .P._ - .&_... _ - .. Reconstructinp�___r elayinp_-and re airin where necessary, t e - sidewalk on the south side oP West Congress St . eg ening -B1dm®1.1--.-•7L_,.__ttaence--ra'a' So' ft-,. beginning .__ __....... 50 ft. farther west, thence west 50 ft - _..._....__ .._...._.. __._...__._.___-_-_-____-__-_---- r_..___ having been Presented to th¢ C;ouncil of the City of St. Paul...__...___-.._._._... _......_.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, ThC'at th¢ reiaea Her of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate th¢ aeeeasity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. To investigate the, nature, extent and r� 3. To furnish s plea, profile or sketch of said improvement. C To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more oween 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiemoner of An— Adopted by the Council ---------- _______________...-__.��(]-.Q.�__'{�i, Yx Naza Councilman P.ox»+g-+ .��Y 16ar Coil Fih,N.-.-.93767 1P`IL1L4D'Ip10SA]L FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und-ig-ldhereby proposes the malting of the following public improvement by the City IfSt- Paul, v1- the sidewalk relaying followingat the W -db -Y St --t, Lh-ne N.et)a -1,d. Aa.p.11 east 92 ft. .. .... - - --------- - ----- --- ------- .... ....... Ig Dstedthi.-- day of-- - 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written Proposal the ­�.g of the following improvement, 'q- ,-j.xj r -here ---- 91--- A _L 91- at the following :L rtg - sb W�b-y Str�t' tha�& east 92£t_. ..... - ----- ----- ------ -------- ---- -- - - - - ------------------------ - --- ------ .... . ................... .... - h,,ing been presented to the C' -'o" �f t". City of St. P-1- .. .. ... ... tboref.., be it RESOLVED, That the C­j­sj,o-, of Public W -k, be and i, hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the o--umxi,L3r for, or desirability of, the mlldg of said improvement. 2. To investigate the -�- --.�et -t and estimated I.et of aid improvement, ..d the tote) -t thereof. 3. To f -.i -h - plan, P -M- or alcetchof said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvementis naked for on the petition of three 01 more ol"m 5. To report upon III of Clb- f-19o'7Cr;t T-jWe Cen-imil", If Monnel Adopted by the Cu,ciL ------------ ----------------------- - ---- ----- ----- ..... ----- - Y- N- Appro-& ---- -- -- --- ma_ P.- Council no No. ..)3768 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT —d 4w PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,mig.edhereby proposes the making .fthe following public improvement bythe City lf8t-Paul, v": Reconstructingx relaying and_ here _ necessar side- etthe f.11_ink location: ssst side of Smith Ave. bet inning at Winona 6t --t.. henca south to Wyoming D at ed thi �ttk day of ro ......... PRELIMINARY ORDER - of the following improvement, li- WHEREAS, A written prop—al in, the making Ej.GQnBtr.,jc,tj-ng­ wely, at the f.11.wjng location. ath East side of Smith Ave. beginning at Win�--".- ...... .t thence sou... . fit_... . --- ----- --- ................. h. Yin g be, n p —..d to the Council of the City of St- P -1_.. -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cnom"emno, of Public Works be and is hereby ordered andi—ted: 1. To investigate the no—eitY for, o, doeirabilitY of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the ent, extent and —ti—ted -t of said improvement, and the total Coat thereof. 3. To famish . Plan' profile or sketch of said i -P ----t- 4. Toetate,hethero, net said impmv,ment is -eked — the petitionefth—m—oweem S. To MPOA uPOU all of the fomW t1tt'" the C.—ism.or of Finance. Adopted by the Council._.._ Y— NAY, C.o.d.- CCFMQ-X-AW '.11 App—ad M. Pa-m— C A 1. 1-o ptll'Ll"1:1 i, Council FSIe No._-. _..93-169 PjFt0E-C),Sft-X— X14Z>IF2 IMPROVEMEX4.r PRELIMINARY ORDER_ The —d—igned herebyP—Poses the ­jcjraK ofthe following public improvement by the city Of St. Paul, viz.: Conat=CtIng ek SeWla_Z - . --tija - -1 V --- ,6 - .9r -BayStreete ----------- ---- ---- --------- ------------ ---------- - .... ..... --------------- emb Dated thi. 2.0 day Of --- oXl A —M ......... . PFUKIL-XlkaxNAInT ORDIREL. a-1 WHEREAS, A written P—P--J for the IIIA lz`�'— —f t-l- f'n""g improvement' vis.: Constructing_s-_sewer ora But tarant-_Street fromBay tQ ?F-B4Y _a_pojat� W7 -------------------------- --- --------- .. .... . - - ----- ----- .... . ...................... having been presented w the Council of the City of St. p..l. ................... . . . . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Coroornisex—er If Public VV—ke be Rod is hereby Ordered and directed: 1. To illeetigele the neenesity for, or desirability If, the malting If said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the tow rest thereof. 3. To f.—i-h - Plan, P—Rl- or 'k-te" of said '—P---"t' 4. To date whether or not Raid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more 011're Z 5. To report uP-- all of the fc,Yegoii 7v-prlt4'--v 4aw C--ied.— of Fl—ce. Adopted by the Council - - -- -- ---------------- -------- ------- ---- ------- Y-a IN— Councilman CONROY A- MwrApgrived ----------------------- -------- - --- - -- ------ McDo ar., P—... R— Sneer— MR. P.-..- 1. C 1 11 Im G-78 Petition 9.47"10 _ Council File No......_......._._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propenes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Grading Alley in Block 24, Anna E. Ramseyts_ Addition. _ Enlargement_ of, from Grlggs_Street to Syndicate Avenue. ..... _......... _............. ........................_.._... Dated thin 20th _. day of Septambere.. 1932 _��(�t/.^��� L' y— PRELIMINARY ORDER. eeituno.aEale1earnmeve ., . `.tsrevi`se w WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: .-Ggsding-Alley_Sn Block._24-Anna.._g. Ramsey Vis_ Additigo. __, ,: ,__.__.._ iia ar8emenh_aS. from_ Qriggs._Street ...to_ Syndicate A.TMIAO.. ...._._......_.._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.. __.._. ...___._...... _. _ ___..._......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimiooer of Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or de,irabihty of, the malting of mid improvement. 2. To inve,tigate the nature, e,W.t aad estimated co,t of mid improvement, aad the total coat thereof. 3. To furaieh a plan, profile or sketch of and improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is eaked for on the petition of three or more —ere ✓i-11 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere W the Commi„ioner of Fi—ec. Adopted by the Co ncil...___..-- Y— N— C ... ilman, wv,Councilman Co" ox Mer A#proved.. McDonar.a Pnwxcx Rosnp sopaaaaa M. Pa..,= \ Meyoy( r...csnar ,wu i Co ... B File No. — _9 .47.71 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis C4DASM6LU19 A Ad , t akIAZ -10A. 0.4L.p . tp ventin :th@i.;ApA neCeSsary ,sjo-pas,...=ta and flUs­la the.. gra,11". 01-61leY. 24,_ puna E. Ramsey, s :Addition . gnj_gemsnt of, from Grigg.s. Street__ . ........... .. ..... Dated this .20th -d.y of , ngs.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Condemning and taking. an easement inthe land n- a - c - es.s.. & . ry -.f. o ....... ......... . ....... Sj_opej, Cuts and in_the.. grading ..of. Alley. JnJ31P.Qk--?A' 4.111 A@y s Shlarigealent _of,_.from Griggs._Street -toftn4p"Avenua. � — - -.1. � � - . . ......... — b -mg been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or dcaimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To wreatigato the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the cow cost tb,mrl. 3. To furnish . plan, profile or sketch of said iropummuce.t. 4. To state whether or not said improvement in asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Ficares. SEP 21 19" Adopted by the Y— N— Counufloom CoNa Y M- Approved McDONALD P ... c. Ron.. 8 .... t...Mayor. M. r.mcs 11 end c.0 rr' 9,3772 r CounSho NO .. .. Tethe te�I a611Y 1 Apd �0 BI t tor 4, e gfadlq , c4rt�4f��ty @ ('' aam,a� a18e t14, be w faI By ............. _... oXIstinHf alT'96,''tra.e t area o W. f. 91). k t Tef, ask)I (Pe I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the easeesmest of benefits, costa and expenses for grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks or reconstructing exist- ing sidewalks and constructing ornamental lights on Ninth St. from Wabasha St, to Franklin St. and on Franklin St. from Ninth St. to Sixth St. as openad, widened and extended by C.F. 87303, approved Nov. 12, 1930, S neluding the curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, recon- structing sidewalk approaches where necessary, connstructing sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property Tines where not already made, making all necessary changes in watermains and appurtenances and r all other wok necessary to said improvement, material to be 3-inaIt asphaltic mixture on 7 -inch concrete base, roadway to be 58 ft. wide on 9th St. .and 56 ft, wide on Franklin St. under Preliminary Order..._.QB.224....._, Intermediary OrdenFinal approved.._ ..... J.1117.2_....._.......... _19.....�,� A public hearing having been had upon the eseessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finaLLy satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby, in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable is............./.J/..__._e9ual installments. it Adopted by the Council__._.._. _._.._........ _........ ... ____...__.__ ._19..__._ ,. _._._. -....._..... City Clerk. Approved__._..... ___........_._...._. __......._19........ t9k CITY OF ST. PAA OFFICE OF 171E COIDIISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .ilrrFvst..Z3. ]!1 .1'. 1. the �n'Iter of the nt of benefits, ..at. and expenses For A. grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks or reconstructing exist - grading, Paving, sidewalke and constructing ornamental lights on Ninth St. Yrom Web ashe St. to Franklin St. and on Franklin St. from Ninth St. to Sixth St. as opened, widened and extended by C. F. 87303, approved Nov. 12, 1930, including the curbing and paving of alley and driveway approaches, recon- structing sidewalk approaches where necessary, constructing sewer, water and gas connection. from street mains to property lines where not already made, making all necessary changes in watermains and appurtenants and all other work necessary to said improvement, material to be 3 -inch asphaltic mixture on 7 -inch concrete base, roadway to be 58 ft. wide on 9th St. and 56 ft. wide on Franklin St. unde' order..._ $8724 bm caned iar,- urdor 89511.... binal order.. 89733_ apprn. al _ _.July_7 ut31 To the Council of the City of St Pnnl: The Gammissioner of Finn—, h-,ly the Conn, it the following ns 'statement of the expr�'- ditures nl....... ily i to.md and to be I'll -1•d fpr nn,l in ronnzetian with the making of the above imprntc melt,'ia: Sidewalks 771.88 Cnst of co��svncd„e Areaway Sidewalk 2,600.00 Cost of pvlilishinF "otic,. & ...............7.35.__ Driveway host of poctnl_..--1-17 4'35 Curbing 452.51 1—_732.52.._. 1"'p -til fens - - 591.59 water connections imp t f rnnrt is for candr���minn lfote itures --39361:8331— pend Ass 19 130.91 + Charge to County Bond Issue Project#2120 230.90 Said Comm ssi.... further -j-1, th:l ba, i " 'd and Icrted till [ t 1 molar I, Ill.” nncertninrrl. to wit: the sem of $ 39.,361.81__ upon , o , Ind et ry fol, part ar parcel If I'nd rimmed beucfited by the said improtement, and ie the cafe of bat, pert or pn ecI of bled in accord'... with the benefit—n ferrcd thereon; tlmt till said assessment h's been en�apletcd, and that h ... ll, tt,,h,d, identified by the sig "'tore of the snid Commissioner, and mad, a part hereof, is the said ossessmevt 's completed by him, end tvhirli is herewith s.h Ililted Io the Council fpr _,,b :: ctiov as may be c Ilid.red proper. `t-b-e�re_"n , o,m �� n „ Commissiover o[ Finanee- o.a.•..o ��«�+R CITY OF ST. PAUL Fid[ NO. 93773 /f OFF O➢ CITY CLERK iljl�l —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / i%_ commisvONER_ H�. on,e_ Sept, 22, 1932 _. RESOLVED WHEREAS, Louie C. Barnard, Chief Clerk of the Water Department of the City of Saint Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty days (30) from and after the 29th day of September, 1932, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that Louie C. Barnard be granted a thirty day leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 29th day of September, 1932, said leave being compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Louie C. Barnard for thirty (30) days from and after September 29, 1932, with full pay. Ycns couNci ua Ery 'W;p ad M,D.—Id Rpop�sen % Sistl�(ci j Ms. P—id— 8undlie SFv 9,2law Adap,ed by she Council 19 6 Approved 19 993774 *a'yGi og x. OUNCILo�RESOLUTION cocN FELE no._ �a may' �.b cP.lv'� c � eeo sept.. 19- _,s, 2 Is�,p�aa.'�ias°aaa'> RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5881 j16 4.- . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_----TO_RO�II _-INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS klitHYDEON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / p THE �o�N�l SFP , — - Ll e aLICATE iO Crc, C— < , o. SAINT "AUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCIL NO.-� `COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MAr In TAvoR COUNCIL RESOLUTION McooHALG EAREE AUDITED CLAIMS Sept. 19, 11 3; RGEEn � TRUA- _A -1—T To RESOLVED. TNA, CHEc"E eE Pr,* pg,a`C— T-1111. 144 (Y1�O lilt COVFR1nG ._ [q .E. EHE« o6aa10 893 ='. ADEv H[WVNCIL.._._. <T PRor on " — TOTAL NUMeE" IN FAVOR OF c cep "" cneeAE er ".n" Ir .....TFORwAao 7 500 00 610 702 Be_ 8881 Rosecrans Eleotrio Co. '.1 1 677 90' 8882 The Speakes Co. 405 19 8883 Lorenz 0. biller 9 E. Miller 3 830 81' g8 Elea M. Obet 36 19 8385 Mr. B. A. McLeod 14 60' 8886 Olson Special ty Co. 62 5� 8887 Milton Rosen, C. of Finance 32 00. 8888 William Perry 88904— John BSTone (8889 gee the bot"' 9bOet) 32 00. 8891 Radio Technical Publishing Co, I! 10 5o,, 8892 Rainbow Pie Co. 14 20 8893 1 06 Ramaley Printing Co. 8694 Rand Me Nally & Co. 53 CI 8695 Raymer Hardware Co. 81 60 6696 R. J. Reynolde Tobaoco 23 40 8897 Restaurant China Co. 181 96. 8898 Rex 011 Co. 0 On 6899 D. Joe, Van Riemedyek 2 20 38' 8900 D. J. Riley Co. 47 991 8901 Clement V. Ritter 393 39 6902 Robinson Cary & Sande Co. 4 0 890 8 Rochester Germloide Co. 60 6904 Rose BT06. Co. 1 50 8905 Rojal Typewriter Co. 529 71 8906 St. Faul Book & Staty Co. 69 0 7 p II M X N n 22 42 8908 p 429 36. 8909 St, Paul Bottling Co. 1 50 8910 st. Paul Cement 'Works 28 00 8911 St. Paul Electric Lamp Co. 11 19 8912 St. Paul Electrt.plating Tks. 75 8913 9t. Paul Foundry Co. 174 03 8914 St. Paul Goodwill Industrie. 210 62'' 8915 St. Paul Hydraullo & HOS.L Co. 10 93. 8916 St. Paul Machine Work. 279 12 8917 St. Paul Milk Co. 85 g6. 8918 9t. Paul Milk Co. 71 04 8919 St, Paul Office Equloment Co. 12 85 6920 9t. Paul Overall Laundry 2 422 25 8921 St. Paul Pattern & model Wks, 3 75. 8922 St. Paul scrap Iron & Metal Cb. 168 20 8921 St. Paul Stamp 'vorks qi 68 8974 St. Paul '"skiing & Mfg. CO. 1qq 86 8925 St. Paul White Lead & Cil Co. S 8 80 926 Sal .bury s' 34 80 8927 Sanitary Bottling Co. 27 00.. a928 Sanitary Farm Dairies 81 09 8929 Sanitary Food Mfg, CO. 2 21 8930 Mrs. Blanche Savage 36 87 8931 Scheffer & Rossum 4 O1. 8932 G. Schirmer 245 10, 8933 Jaoob Schmidt Sr—ing Co. 349 13 8934 Andre- Schoch Grocery Co. `t 67 30' 8935 8889 Earl o. E.ickson 3 716 00 SHEET ioiAL�oawARo 7 -�', 00 : ;4 801 ^I 0 w UNCI.°—R-OL �oO M L oALL oFF E OF THE"ooN" ROLLER NL. ` NO. -EN–aoL u"v rt"wu • w°,.N COUNCIL NffOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS Sept20, 32 70 11�,1 w.w ewce"z � F S re y ei.v rte° A �I eouwraa�Lsw- jr f_ Oct- �K icL wwrtww. - wurnecw TOTAL IN FAVOR OF cwec"s e.""vw c".c"z 7 50o 00 P4 801 21 8936 ullton Rosen, Com. of Finance 13 364 46 26 80 8937 8936 Jemee T. Bonar George A. Carnenter 10 00' 00 89,9 8940 Charles Stewart Board of Public 's el f,re 4 5224L 60 1; 00 8941 Louie Guerin 8 0 80 8942 8943 Pat Kelly Milton Rosen, Com, of Finance 5 3,O 71 8944 6945 W. H. Baroer Co. S. Berglund Lumber Co. 16 ., 370 17 150 8946 F. J. Brings & Co. 17 10 8947 Corning Donohue Inc. 18 16 6948 8949 Orloff Leather Co. St. Paul Builders material 01. T1 �21 59 9 8950 J. Sommers & Co. 44 34 9951 A. u. 3palding & Bros. 76 71 8952 Twin City Brick Co. — 05 8953 6954 Twin City Iron & 'Aire Co. Twin City Tea & Coffee Co. 18 00 00 895; Esther Flank 5 779 11 146 12 63 8956 Milton Rosen, Com, of Finance " " 545 55 6951 8956 " 'les'ern Rubber & SuC^ly CO- 12 26 16 28 6959 Yrs, Etta Flaherty 17 28 6960 irs, Anna Schneider 40 00 6961 Catherine h, ClaughertF 30 00 8962 Cairnoroa3 Tire CO- 369 0 0 Emil FTeiaeia 26 0 8964 Fred Ambruoh 92 40 8965 John beery dog 20 6966 Ford 3trane 14 925 001; 8961 Clement F, Sculley Equip. Co., 120 0 8968 Iilliam Ebertz 631 000 6969 Feyen ConstTuOt ion Co. 810 11 6910 Hilton Rosen, Com, of Finance 0 H NT M�OUNCIL RESOLUTION-- ��..... RE7SCl.,-1_1_�, ;AWN ON THE CIT��YTREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED �7jTO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. .—TE. — THE cou 1 ;7 7 4' -1—IT I— v CLE." ._ . ` ( )' ROLL C_"" r"EAcornerRouER -CALL I,LE N0. uNaLMEn COUNCIL RESOLUTION ncoonALu noSEN AUDITED CLAIMS Sept, z>, Tnunx , _.,._ _ ♦OAINer I RESOLVED. i"AT c"EC Hs eE onAwlN p2N T/nHE cY TY TREAeunv. 11,3 �.v... w[NZEL ,"n.I.E., NAHGNE T° r"E AGGREGATE G"E=KE eE REG AMOUNT °I1 _ t]. . C°VCPING 6971 rG 903o NGLUEIVE A. CHECKS AooeT[O ev THE COUNCIL_ _. eEn c"Ec"s oN fILE IN rNE °; IICE °. rNE circ Co"ern°CLEW. u rITI A.en°vsn!, MA— _- - - - - TOTAL CHECK NUNaER IN FAVOR OF c"ECRB e."" c"Ec xs ar .—I 7 500 00P676 721 99 _ • 8971 8972 A.1 Stenographic Bureau Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 85 50'^ 1 17 6973 Scbultz & Haglund 2 50 21 96 8974 C. F. 3culley Equip. Co. 266 oo 8975 Seagrave Corporation 71 8976 6977 J. L. Shl ely co. E E R E 3375 X12 8976 D. B. Shot -11 Co. 40 8979 Si Fo rod to Co. 7 12. 4 0' 8980 Silver=urstta Co. 1 52 15 0 s9ai 8962 singer Sew ingMnohina, Co. Slade Hip, & Heloy 11 2 H. J. Sla•ik & Co. Inc. 8983 8964 Smith System Heating Co. 113 81 6985 L. 0. Smith Typewriter Co. 2 501 6 35' 8986 8987 Speedometer Serv. & Access.". Sperry Office Furniture Co. 32 503' 344 6988 Standard Mailing Mach. Agency 5 360 8989 Standard Oil Co. 7E. 6990 Standard Stone Co. 67 06 6991 Standard Unit Parts Co. 4 00 8992 Star Photo Co. 432 74 7 899} Sta vie co. E. Stechert & Co. 14 699 G. Co. 6 16 8995 Sterling Siren Fire Alarm 14 50. 8996 8997 E. J. StilwellPaper Co. Superior Refining Co. 173 80: 6998 swift & Co. 105 58' 1 60 6999 John N. Thissen 705 00 9000 Transit Supply Co. Co. 9001 Tri. State Tel. & Tel gr. 20 50 9co2 Twin City Brick Co. 439 9003 Twin City Textile Mills Sales As='n. 00 9004 Typewriter 'e & Print Shop 11 9005 Mabel Ulrich Book Co. 50 9006 Underwood Elliot Fisher 2 50 9007 University of Minn. Press 13 13 9008 9009 Universal Library Service Valley Iron Works 324 99 9010 Villome Box & Lumber Co. u 177 4485 9011 Waldorf Bindery 7659 00 9012 9013 Waldorf Paper Products vashington Foundry.Co. 50 9014 H. E. wedelataedt Co. 354 22 20 9015 M. I. Welch 35 33 00 9016 West End Ioe & Fuel Co. 26 65 9017 B. weeternmann Co. 4 97 9018 western Auto Supply Co. 367 9019 'western Stemaing & Mfg. Co. 50 9020 'Peatern To & Coffee Co• _� 3u 25 1`�-. 9021 Ir J. Westphal 35 11 9022 R. B. 'Whitacre & Co. i5 05 9023 The white Company 00 9024 W1lensky Auto Parte Co. 11 9025 Jnd Sone ohn Ailey a 7 75 9026 1 sme & ,ilk ina Co. w11100 2 9027 Daniel E. "7illad 23 19. 9026 'Wood Ioeert Brake Lining Co. 84 V16 29 2lnsmaster Baking Co. 16 91 30 Ade Dreher - SHEErTOTAL—E°ewnno 7 =r)� o"'.. or T=,- NO. COUNCIL IMSOLUTle. ouwI.—-1 AUDITED CLAIMS Sept. 22' " 32 ..... . 0 11 3.31, .. ..... 931 T. TOTAL IN FAVOR OF — — —T 11— 7 500 00� 688 112 63• ' 9031 9032 Braunig & 3a.. Baking Co. George Sadek 47 68 30 90 3� . R, R Smith mgr. Refectories 1� 15 569 sg 'B. 0. 1 . & Laglr 136 11 9 Oj illi sm.Ege and, Agent 373 DO go 9037 H st Realty Co. H. Kr H G. McCall 280 00 9039 victory Printing Co. 3 9 P 4o 0 9039 Standard Stone Co. 0 Do, 9120 9041 Ann a Ree f 1, L'.neral Electric Su'ply Corp. 1�14 55 9042 St. Paul Builders material CO. 73 73 9043 4 David Been fki n Dr. Elmer C. Abr, son 32 00 10 00� 9 04 10 0 904 Bethesda Hospital Brown & Day Inc. 11 405 9042 P. Caldwell 2 00 72 9047 9048 Dr. isms. Dr. Kenneth S. Caldwell 1 00 9049 Dr. Chatterton & von der'Heyer 560 00 9050 Dr. A. R. Calvin 00 9051 or- aeO- D. crosset' 15 00 9052 Diagnostic X-ray Laboratory 56 00 9 053 Dr. Arthur J. Dohm 16 DO 9054 Earl Clinic 4 00 9055 Dr. James C. Ferguson 10 00 9056 Dr. Thomas Gratzek 37 00 9057 Dr. Leo A. Bilge, 10 0' 9 058 S. C . H.en 0' 60 9 059 ital midway Hospital 9060 The Hiller Clinic 31; DO 9061 Dr. *' "' %b',a"Ir 00, 9062 vu�,h L o to ie- oo 9063 or. A H Ped�rsen 12 00 go64 D : J. L. E. Peter --n 49 Do 9065 Dr. 13, J. Prendergast 9 9066 Drs. Ryan & Ryan 22 0 go67 St: Has Johns.. Pop 58 9069 , Hospital St Joe, b 0 2 0 9069 Dr. J. L. Shell an 4 ,o 9070 or, 'J:,"M: '3'p'T'-"k& 5 ()0 9071 Dr. 1 25 • 9012 9073 D, green D119 co. Dr. F. L. �ebb er H. Thitcomb 174 oo 19 00 9074 Dr. E. 'Vilcox CO. 33o 43 9 075 Babcock & 4 DO 9076 F. A. Beier 139 45 9 077 9078 Better Bake Shop Central States Freight Service I4c. ?8 10 7 78 9079 Fal -Ill 0-u. Kir, & Co. 58 50 9080 Anthony Finberg 353 96 9081 Goodrich 9 1 lve,ta., Inc. 66 1 9082 IV Haas 14f 6. Co. 2 609 90 gog 'M'r.. IR R'NtnCo. ing. Librn. 25 908 Kenny Boiler & Mfg.Co. 3�99 57 9onk Louise Martert 11 515 0 9087 1 . lec r c Co. Pri a Electric 26 8 14 Ogg G. Sommers & Co. Van Paper 205 1 09Co. T-V 15 �'y o CITY OF ST. PAUL c��"c" NO._... _..93.`.78 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -ea.— AT. RESOLVED A That Permieslon be and ie hereby granted the J mNvo:�.� 'r° v'wP•,ra•m.. Tri-State Telephone a Telegraph nCompanfl, to ay ° n°• ° e.° pollee end at ing wir a with th ec ry anch� T.°°.°.. I° r, rn th reon onthe fallowing named -treater m North Side of Narehall from Namline to Pascal c -r l>ur North Side of Rondo from Rice to Cathedral. Poles and ve I,,, to be r od when requested to do an by the common Council, said cost to be paid by the Telephone Company. APprovedr f r : Data i Supt. of Lighting Bureau Approved: � - /� ' �/� (f. i �./,- Data ip't , Police Alam: & eleg. approved: Data s% Approved: Commiseioner -t- .1 te ofP Yem COUNCILMEN Nays y �T' P-nld -Pearce _ in [avor i Rosen i Truax w""' 4u M. President Mahoney Adopted by the C ... ciL.S"rrp..94 10"-193..... d K1� 17' Appro ...__.. _...193_.... [� o- May�or~6 m m ao.nr. w . M1 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�� NO.. _ .........93779.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMM�'s`or,ew. >Y �f •—•�- ✓� .'.' x^"b`P: onrc �._8eptemher 27e 1932.. RESOLVED That liosmses for which applicationo have been made by persons named m the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk to instructed to ieeoe such licensee upon the payment into the city treentry of the required fae. COUNCILMEN Yeea Nays, / AIAy �WDocnld Poorce /Rosen ,'Truax �......Agninet W,—) Mr. P—ideot Mahoney yen°rE^�li� s wrieilio Apo.o.. eNili�c z.zv i. zv. ivzz. Adopted by the Council......_$F-¢..24. 1593 It App oved......... .... 193..._ \� z Mayor f \ O.pt—bar 22, 1952 J Frank W. Belde 1076 E. Maryland Hatcher A. L. Devine 1459 St. Clair Tony I,—a. 361 Dpper Levee " C. A. Meice 597 N. Del. ' Newer & Ruddy 2073 St. Clair ` Jobn Nightingale 822 Como A- W. D. Pletech 690N. Snelling ' Max Rosenfield 515 R. do ' E. D. W.ata 2042 Marsh.11 ° Christ A-rback 570 Farringtm Grocery George E. eoe.1 489 Webasha Bak.ry S. J. R.U. 445 Wabasha Fruit—Vegetable Mrs. Smtlna Cardelll 98 N. Smith A- Grocery I. E. Casey 1060 Seminary " H. A. Clark 202 W. Central " I,Coh. 228 E. Indiana " C. J. Connolly 1853 Randolph ` A. L. Coulter 922 Ashland Av. Cut Rata Gro..956 Rios St. ^ George Del Signoae 179 Rondo ° Dix Baking Co. 1016 Payne Bakery Mre. J. E. Friehy 1752 Grand Bakery Arno L.Funke 12B N. Cleveland Confectionery Mike George & Son 50 W. Fairfield Grocery J.W. Goodman 765 N. Snelling Confectionery W. J. Hensen 1658 E. 7th Grocery Catherine Handricka 1217 Ed—d Bakery France. T. Higgins 577 Dayton Confectionery George M. Hope 1728 Dniversity ' John Ruekq 989} Wabaehe Soft dtink H. C. J.psen 539 Grbtto Grocery Martin J. Gartman 1346 Thornes ° Hasley Broe. 707 Hudson E. G. Elett 921 Rondo H. L. Rremermm 1171 Cortland " Joe. Eubae 65 W. George ° B. N. & E. J/ Langman 119 Granite " Bessie Mekiesky 248 Rondo Yalmquiet Broe. 892 Rice Bakery McCauley & Rum 501 Hnivereity Grocery M rs. J. McDonough 380 Como Av. C. Michele.. 1552 St. Clair Ray Morley 1092 Rice Confectionery C. A. Neice 597 N. Dele Grocery Andrew Noonan 522 N. St Alb—a ' Catherine Norton 204 Carroll C. J. Olson 1112 Ger and.— Conf.ctl... ry F. Pihely 561 St. Peter St. Grocery J. 7. Pothen 858 Fulle, " H. 0, Peltier 564 St. Peter Confectionary G. 0. Pmtaem 740 Rondo Mermen A 1555 B- Xl^ -baba Riley Yrs. M. Rile? 7.100 Grand Mrs. B. Aohweder 1055 Charles Wayne Rust 504 H. Sn-Il1- M. Sandberg 814 Whit- Bear Elisabeth San - bber Fr -n -t W E. Sears 457*552 afar John R. Sevcik � �4m er Sem Spi.gSpiro. a A. Spiroe 621 Selby Caeper 922 8dvnmd 1) S Adelina D Steuart 75 H. Weetera J. J. a.iitvan & Martha 8asrna - 473- Wabsaha Yrs. H. Thoele 1194 R- Trete Thoep- Drag Co. e hit- Bar 542 Whit-33e— S. Westby & Eggert S. 679 8. 5rd F. W. Woolworth 957 P- 7 -Ethel Zi -t- 450 pleir Jerry Bell Jobn C. Clatt-io Fat Shop Treat Co The EpP-Ia John Frico Yrs. Y. J. Foley - G -s a- J. Javereoa John E Hollering Geo. E. Ley Freak R. Long Bertha Cooper Sienay E. S. page Eva Wsnsleff White Castle System 256 Ronda 421 E- 7th 585 Robert 159 E. 7th 229 W- 7th 1060 EL -t -i -g. 259 R. Cleveland 1759 W. 7th. 712 Pioneer Bldg: B86 Rema 445 Rondo 508 Selby 875 Ax-oade 172 E. 6th Sept 22, 1952 Cosfectionery Bakery Grocery Confectionary Grocery Bakery Confectionery Grocery Fruit -Vegetable Grocery Bakery Gro -7 Confectionary -drug Confectionary Grocery Aeete.remt Ball Park Gas Station 1161 tbxI--eity Gseoline station 5 pompe 5 H. T. Beckon 1555 B- Xl^ -baba 5 Cities Hervioe 011 Co 146 R. SaimtTo S Colonial Oil Co 175 Pleaseat e a Crseosot Oil Co 591 Rioa 1 J. De Yong & Son 1808 Ytasnd JL e a Bassett 011 Co 597 g- C3,.a a a Job. E. Hollering 3.759 R. 7th a G. D. Hntohinson &Son R deon ltd 8a B ­g.1 -i sh e e L. Y. Idsea 564 Cedar 2 Lllygren & Sandberg 1203, Payee ° 5 Ed Will 1465 Y(arshall Minnesota 011 & Refining C.2521 0"niversity A-. a e e 0,Ha11oren Motor Co 1550 Grand 2 Pearl Bros Motor Co 1200 Arcade Gas Sta 2 pumps Phillipe Petroleum Co 2599 W. 7th E� R. J. Plnt 565 Jackson g " ShellPetrGlows Cc 775 Hastings E Bhell Petrolsm Co 1.042 Grand " 4 Shell Petroleos Co 286 Rice ^ 5 Shell Petroleos Co 1624 Rice E Skelly Oil Co 3.222 Randolph E Standard Oil Co 1459 Arcade • 4 Standard ORI Co 540 R. 8s1th • • E ° Standard Oil Cp 2249 IInivareity g Standard Oil 0. 48 S. Leringtos 2 Superior Refiadng Co 1580 Grand " 7 ^ 1'.Trusner 925 Randolph E F. A. Wise 565 Wabasba • " 5 P.blix 8. W. Theatres 18 E. 7th Motion Piotnre Alhambra H. S. Kaplan 148 Plato Junk dealer Sig—ld Emglasering Corp 2957 4th Av. S. Mple Oil Burner F. Polafmse & Fred Jackson 601 A. Western Dewe Heli He Moore 419 Wabaeba Salary Loan g. B. Terrell 506 Rea Sork Bldg n n J..: Sc—t 422 Midland Bldg. L.Abrehass— 57 W.5rd 2nd hand dealer G. G.Elialmer 592 Como Av. Barry Partridge 55 E. College David Remick 254 McBoal J. S. 1liley 447 E. 7th Joh. C. Clarieio 421 E. 7th Hotel(Mullane)40 rooms o.ww=.rmao a.. cin of 57. Paul M1 ryo,________ 93 730 OFFICE OF THE C{TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c WHEREAS, Vehicle Peddler license No.64, application 2527, expiring June 23, 1955, was Issued to Adolph Siegel, 204 State Street, for which the sun of $51.00 was paid by Helen Grodinsiq of the Jewish Welfare Association, and WHEREA.9, said Adolph Siegel, an ex -service mm, on application to the City C-11 was granted a Vehicle Peddler license free of payment of fee; end WHEREAS, Vehicle Peddler license and plate. No. 64 issued to Adolph Siegel on application of Helen GrodinWW of the Jewish Welfare Association were never used end were returned to the City of St. Paul{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be end they are hereby authorised to refund to Helen Grodinsky of the Jewish Welfare Association, the fee of $51.00 and to cancel said Vehicle Peddler License. COUNCILMP.N Yens Nn� /y cDsnnld Pearce Ie fnvar R ecn 7 nx //....... Agn,nat R ...I Is. u.,r nfr. President Mahoney Adopted by the C .... G_ _ SEP 2.Q +S"'493.... 7 d 9f7I ../.'193___ h1nyor� N . 91! 739 �'Y a °s+ osN UNCILo RESOLUTION vnlNrEa I„no..ae`a`o'Ire . n sPyc. 23, 2 ol RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,,' T'On THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 69-674,14 _ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9091 TO_.-914CL-- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADI—D ar THE cOUnc, _ — - — s> ���✓ o no _ . �w-zv ev. -- _. 4-- ii 1, �� 11 I � � i � I I l � � ' I i 4. NO, OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER Fn.e�M:v -1 COUNCIL R"'OLuTIONPEAnOE Sept. 23, 11 32 OR AUDITED CLAIMS nosEN RESOLVED. THAT !=S. 11,01ty TO """'.OU HEWN„ENR. O-R ­ CIECKI ON FILE �TQH910FT11i .1 T- -1 A­ APIRO T�11 CITI Z( MAYO„ BY TOTAL DATE --T RETURNED ,,,URIIIEIT BY BANK CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRINIIEl 'HEC. CHEC B BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00�� 694 276 14• : 90 80� 9091Baldwin Supply Co. 17 641 9"H, ". H'.'E'on,, & CO. Om- of FinanO81 14 351 12' 9 09 Milton Rosen. Cullen 2 801: 114 9W 909Z 909 Mike A vina Brunner B RiOneTS lard of water Commis 713 M 00, 9097 9098 R _,7� IQ 9099Lq 9100 9101 9102 john H, McDonald, C. Pub. SafI, 236 461! 9 0 N R N N N 1 2 00 23 621� 910� Clyde R. may 0. of Pub, Utl. q16 64 9105 Irving C. PO aroe 0. Pub. We 91o6 I I 1 0 N 1 11 17 9107 Milton R08an, Cue. P.R. Fund i 1 003 90 3 03 65 910 Fred M, T?UaX 0, pk'ply'P'B' 765 765 951! 9109 Wks 12 343 14 9110 H. C. Wenzel co.. of Puo. 4 jig 46 9111 10 313 76 9112 A 2 061 08 911 539 01 gli 263 13 1 9115 816 23 9116 187 11 9117 443 73 gila 440 92 9119 443 76 9120 639 54 9121 144 7 9122 '12 Z4 12 3 ql'� 9125 91262 395 298 11 lip 46 1 ;21121 'ties Gas & 01' Co. 62 13 Z51 7 3 9129 9130 9, Berglund Lumber Co. Cement Goi 71 3 93 71 9131 Capital City Lime & 50 001 9132 Corning Donohue Ino. 732 01 913 9., 3L Hertl Coal CO. A.E. Xromechroeder,C.Shier 215 79 322 22i, 9135 9136 Northwestern Tire Co. PeTfeotion Type Co. Inc- 48 75� 362 721 9137 Pittsburgh Coal Co. 48 92. 9139 91�q G. Sommers & co.C south Park Foundry Co. 232 50' 338 13' qlC The Speaks- Co. WMMM, the employee of the City of Bt. Paul hereinafter named bave furnished a surety bond to said City, with the New Amsterdam Casualty Companyas surety, Sn the amounts hereinafter dseignated, for the period of one year anmmencing February 14, 1938, said bond indemnifying the City against loss by reason of any sot of fraud, dishonesty, larceny, embezzlement, forgery, misappropri- ation,.wrongful abstraction, or willful misapplication of any moseys or property on the part of said employes; and WHERLB, the Corporation Counsel has approved _said bond as to form and execution; and whereas, said parties and the amounts for which said bond Indemnifying them are as follows: Clifford Z. Cox 000 J. 0. Baetz 1,000 L. 0. Barnard 11000 6. B�oneraQ 10,000 „ •��"� _'. B. Connelly 1,000 0. Y. Orowle7 3,000 ,•. ,,, ,. 6. H. geoD 1,000 J. Fasbingbauer 1,000 Wallace J. Murray 1,000 0. Walter Frederickson 1,000 Therefore, be it ASSOLF=D, That said bond be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. COUNCILMEN 9 7 �.82 cm of sr. PAUL n; t�w.._....... N. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK g4CIL R —G ERAL FORM favor Raven /Franz �...I WMMM, the employee of the City of Bt. Paul hereinafter named bave furnished a surety bond to said City, with the New Amsterdam Casualty Companyas surety, Sn the amounts hereinafter dseignated, for the period of one year anmmencing February 14, 1938, said bond indemnifying the City against loss by reason of any sot of fraud, dishonesty, larceny, embezzlement, forgery, misappropri- ation,.wrongful abstraction, or willful misapplication of any moseys or property on the part of said employes; and WHERLB, the Corporation Counsel has approved _said bond as to form and execution; and whereas, said parties and the amounts for which said bond Indemnifying them are as follows: Clifford Z. Cox 000 J. 0. Baetz 1,000 L. 0. Barnard 11000 6. B�oneraQ 10,000 „ •��"� _'. B. Connelly 1,000 0. Y. Orowle7 3,000 ,•. ,,, ,. 6. H. geoD 1,000 J. Fasbingbauer 1,000 Wallace J. Murray 1,000 0. Walter Frederickson 1,000 Therefore, be it ASSOLF=D, That said bond be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. COUNCILMEN y— Mny N. ��ilcUonnld Irnr�e favor Raven /Franz �...I �J AKninrl Wenzel M _ Mr. Pmnid—1 Meboney Adol,ted by thr (7 i1SFP ?'� .' .198_ _ A/Pj I onalvl �o ao �••. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 9.3733 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --a ENMAL FORM RESOLVED, T9st the City Clerk to and he is hereby authorised and direoted to p-hsee and provldo the neoees.ry a ppliee regairel for the Speoia] City El --tion of T—day, November 8th, 1932, arh1oh is the samo day on which the general eleo– tion will be held, to be held in the City of St. Paul, Minmeote, poet thereof to be paid oat of 31 H 5 of the Eleotion Expense A000uht of the General F4=d. Y_ N, May �T.IcI)onnld Penrcn ti es n _ vro. ar iLav-ape .4d��pt� �1 L} thi• ('.,ilocil - - I-!� 193. 11 193. Wa4 CITY OF ST. PAUL n; No...._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REMOLLMONGENERAL FOftM RESOLVED. That ror the Speolal City Election of Tuesdey, November 8th, 1932. which 1. thn ee,.v,a day ca —hJ..h the general election will be held, to be held in the City -i Sty Pavl. Minneeote, .aid election .hall be held I. the two - hundred sad thirty—aeaen (237) election precincts of the twelve wards of the said City at the places named in the "I.iet of Voting Places" on file in the office -r the City CSer1c and Commissioner of Registration; if, for eny rens-. tha locations named in the "List of Voting Places" will not be —il- able Por Bald spacial ala atl on, other locetions will be decigneted in Counoll re so luta one to be app ....d by the City Council. COUNCII-MFN Yee. May j McDonald Pearce ..- -. .... --In favor Roam ^/ Truaz--..,1-. ---Against Wenzel Mr_ President Mahoney Adopted by the Councfl . _ . _......_-' _... ....193..... 4, Approved I93_... May p.fefe.l w our aaf CITY OF 9T. PAUL . �.. NO....... 9.3785 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 2. �t FtE�BC>L�a That the City Clerk Se hereby authorized, sapowered and directed to equip the polling planes at the location. in the 237 eleotlon preoimts hereafter to be deslgmted by the Council for the Speolel City Election of Tuesdays November 8th, 1932, which " the name day on which the general eleotlon will be holds to be heli in the City of Ct. Paul. Ramey County, a*d for such purposes said City Clerk is hereby authorized to engage the necessary the coat e labor and .kill and purchase neoeesary tools and siaterinle, surd ex - pane. of oil thereof to be -t and Feld out If 31 p. 2 of the Eleetlon Ezpeaee Account of the Cameral F 11• COUNCILMEN Adopted by t6eC d ... Yeae Nars_. May f McDonald %i." Approved ' Pearce ..In favor o ., / -... 7 T— Against G-:.C�C Afn / Wenzel 7 Mr. Preeident Mahoney 93786 T u.r _,._ k <.'ro'.a.UNCILo RESOLUTION - Sept. 24.. __ p RESOLVtO, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5-9 I? COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9141 —TO --2:-L9-6- _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. S£P 2'' !932 AooPreo .. T11 1111CIL No. L ° COUNCIL aafOWT10N L AUDITED CLAIMS - "Pt. 2 32 TOTAL _ vw IN FAVOR COrowwwRoFc" w Pp t 5a o5$ -47y713_392-41, }. • 9141 Geremia Lametti 373 90 9142 John Brace 10 15; , 9143 Lamprey Produots Co. I 21 56', II 9144 Lee Hoff Yfg. Co. 4 63 49 98,., t 9145 Sharpe 6 Dohme g5 241 Y 9146 G. Sum' era A Co. 16 46 11 9147 velvet Yfg. Co. 9148 Ellen Lonergen 26 00, 7 ',,. 9149 Capitol staty Mfg. Co. 69 691P 9150 Far+ell 0amun Kirk a Co. 18 90; 9151 Bob Aotl and ' 9152 Am erlcnn Book Co. 3 106 50 915} American Linen supply Co. 249 21' 9154 American Linen supply Co. 15 04i 9155 Bartley Minnesota service Co.. 9 601'. 9156 Juhn Bei seal co. V 16 06!, 9157 Central scientific Co. 126 28 9158 a ohran Sargent Cm 28 52 9159 Co—operative Laundry Co. 6 9160 Cudahy Packing CO. h 2 01, 9161 A. B. Dick Co. 10 00 9162 The Emporium Dept. store 65 00 916j7 Garland Luggage Co. 60 75 9164 Emil Geist. M 10 801 9165 Great Northern Railway Co. 150 60I 9166 Hema Ice GO; h 8 971 9167 Hano ook Neleon Mercantile Co. N 304 761 916a Hertl coal co. 10 71 9169 mr. Herman Husman, Bus. Rear. 40 9o' Doi 9170 Independent Pneumatio Tool Co. 9171 S. Jacobson 7 50 33 9172 R. J. Lilly Ineuranoe Co. 49 62 9173 Yckeeson—St. Paul Drug Co.. 9174 Midwest Chemical Co. Inc. 34 OO :� 9175 Northern Pacifio Ry. Co. 7 9176 Winne nota Chemical Co. 328 60 9177 Northern States Power Co. j 1 033 5'+ 9178 ' " " tG 11 88 9179 oriental Laundry 450 00 9180 R. L. Polk 8 Co. 30 00 • 9181 Poet age Meter Co. -� '/ 9182 Price Electric co. d 19 15 6'+ 9183 Ramsey motor Servioe Inc. 10 00' 9184 Yr. Arthur J. Reiser 246 021 9185 Roe James Glass Co. 9186 J. A. Rogers Agenoy Inc. 7 75 9187 M. L. Rothschild Co. 76 5a 9188 St. Paul Abstract Co. 9169 St. Paul Builders Material Co, 32 o6 1 254 09 9190 J. L. Shlely Co. 194 29 9191 Tri. state Tel. d Telgr. Co. I 229 71' 919j2 "- 449 57 9194 " ' + " 222 84 9195 " 41 79 9196 viotor)'Printing Co. IV 58 25, sHeer 10—reRWARO 5e, 058 47 ,1723 23C 12p i � U 93787 o :: —ea COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of oo—t—ti,g dri—ay on the north side of Goodhue Street beginning 173 feet —t of Ana Street, the=, —t 6 feet, under Preliminary Order 93178 appm,,d July 26, 1932. Intermediary Order_...____.__.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having bound all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and h.vi7 fully considered same; me; therefors, be it -,/— -�' ;= -,f— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th.tle, Pcove cut to be ..do by th"id City I. ...at t of . St on the north aid. of C"Whu 1;k sr,—��h at 8, St .. %tb i—ig 1725 feet -- ----- ------ bead me®em henky ca-;" ISM1111016 IS ftW- -=-t-t--r be d—. �d tth.lhe,,,7 or, .. said CoCon " 'RT That at the E13OLVE the C. 90 L n p ... an _.,i b ce to p ep to b do -in 'p ne Pub ii�:Wocl. be and is h.eny in.tr.ct.,d,..'ad said '-p son , "' au D u id i.p eune.t, ad ..b h .�Pray. at bl.pprov., es, ty of ,a r" 'd and directed ty official, ,a reby uth-i. d t of said r. cee with ac' a dscc t 'e'_i i,;3t-co,dance th,,ewi Adopt,,] by the Council 192 Approved 192 Co ... it... Councilman I'LlIMS14ED M.Y.,48mem— Fo,m B. S. A. 84 CITY OF PAUL T. DEPARTMENTeOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •l :ln (D) 1 he beginning 173r ftti ne st ofiAnn 5treet,1e thence w-st B ftoodhue St. ander Prd�minarr ordtt ,-d July 26, 1932 1 'Co the Council of the City of St. Paol', The Commissioner of Finance hereby rcl�orss as (ollniss _ j 1;).69 - - t (or the abos� mproscmcnt is - The v.tal enimas'd omount of �hc uscssmcn $ 'thy es..ma —d cost per foot 1— 1" above im Vro.cm<nt is - - "1'lic lots or p�-11 al land 0h msy be assessed benefits for sorb �ml,ro�emen s, and thr asseseed .alu anon of each !os or Iia reel as Ian r<por�cd by she As—sor, are as follows: o RIFT— wr a.o« AooinoN Land ua, oBldg. 10 13 Wlnslow's Add. to St .Paul 625 750 West i of 625 750 a The Commissianer of Fnance farther rcpm�s that 6e has in s'est'igated all of the afore. aidmats s, and hereby subm'iss �hc foregoing as h'is report thcrcon to the Council, —"h- with the tcyort made s�efhim in reference tosaid master by the Commissioner of Public N%orks. •_ 4 IL— Dated _�-- �� - 19� /` Commissioner of Pi'-- 'Office of the Commissioner of Public \IVsruvnlVct Report to Commissioner of Finance August 1, 1932 193 'Co the Con m­ionnr of Fi—,, of the City of St. p,ol. The Gnnmis,ioner of Public Work,, having had under nonsider,tion the pj,liminnry order ,f thn Council, known Council File No_ 93178 approved July 26, 1932 .193. relativa u constructing a driveway on the north side of Goodhue Street beginning 173 £eat wast of Ann Street, thence west 8 feet. end having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hmoby reports: t. Said improvement is. n­asary sod (or) desirable. p. The eetirneted coat th a raof ie E. 15.69 , end the total cost thereof is S end the nature and exteot of said rmProvemant is m follow°'. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of ,aid improvement is hereto attached and made , part hereof. 9. 5. Said improvement is eked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to --t for said improvement. Cr r of Pub orke. a 93788 soaam°...e. COUNCIL FILE NO. �Y a i°°° "o, a•• By Y �pu eco Pt., FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. constr„ctinLL sidewalk exter.slons at the northeast aorner of Ridwe,11 and Isabel Streets, under Preliminary Order. 93106 ...approved July 19, 1932 Intermediary Order ____.._. _....____._.__..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is-onnai.not side alk.eatan 100 atthe nar_thp_akt..._ came...f Bidwall and Isa0al. Straeta,_... and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ LL_- , 192 _.. City Clerk. Approved .. 192 Mayor. Councilman I�����x 1,1 Councilman mFzmrAwza- /.I,. Cocncilmand ftfib*dd: Ye �}•, / Councilman l: o..„ 1 Councilmanldcdh® Councilman6ffflYWr l,­.xel Mayor I /hl.wmey Form B. S. A. 8-7 cin OF ST. PwuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER le the mucor of oonstraoting a sidewalk extension at the northeast corner of Bidwell and Isabel Streets nndtr Preliminary Order pp—d July 19, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports .s follows: The total cst,matcd amount of the.—ss--t far the above mprovcment ie - - - $ 9'BO The estima«d cast perfom for the above mpro ,.— A - _ - - - - $-- The —The lou or para la of land that may be a.se.sed benefit. for each improvement, and the •.eased valuation of each lot or pa«el a, last reposed by the A,,,,.,, arc ae follows: oEscaiPTioN LOT •wc. aooiTioN �nq...... �• Extension at northeast corner of Bidoell and Isab-1 Ste. Bo Valuation The C...mioom of Finance further reports that he has tnveetigattd ell of the eh,—,idan ma d hereby -b.4, the forgoing a. hie repor thereon t. the Council, together with the rtNt, made I. hi. in reference to said matter by the Comnumi—, of Public \% ,k,. Dated �. 19 3 2 ��-yt,L,01+: Commus.o..t of Fieance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W orl&l- OF FINAL Aeport to Commissioner of Finance JUL _9 1932 Juiy 25, 1932 lea To the Commimioner of Fire— of the City of St. Paul: The Commimioner of Public Work, having had under conaidemtion the preliminary order of the Council, known m Cuuocil He No. 93106 approved July 19, 1932 .193relative to the constructing a sidewalk extension at the northeast corner of Bidwell and Isabel Streets. a end having in—Ligated the metre. eod Mop referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i. em.y end (or) dmirable. 2. The eetimated ooet thereof u S. ...9.60 end the total coat thereof u f _.. _... _.. and the nature end extent of mid impmvemmt ie m follows: 3. A plea, profile or eketeh of eaid improvement u hereto attmhed sad made a pert. hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement u.. .. ....ked for upon petition of three or more ownem of property, aubjeet to—wreent for mid improvement. ' Commiaeioaer of P e Works : 93789 ' c �. W. I.- ..:.. ne r eoa.�rnnt ri:ta:w.tk .m�: owe o''eii.pn ,ra•- ai. te• re° . w.'[e�t„etnas ir.et mie:o.euoa•:- . - x•rtkw.a a mwa.r ,norvv °toner••• and eiiyw• ,meta aorta ri:9e'. COUNCIL FILE NO. coron ei+.:t�.a nu sant faaa . cavae d Sa. n vo q°fMhe.hi ineeroiemT''•rrr. d heCnunea By • FINAL ORDER "' In the Matter of construoticE il—lk extensions to '--at existlnf SAewalks to the. nu.-batthefolloeinf; street _atereeatlonet Northwest and southmmt corner. of Iangfess and Helloes. Streets .... __. ..._ Northeast corner of Ea.t Fifth Street and Forest Street, under Preliminary Order. x3043 approved July 13, 1932 Intermediary Order ._.. -_--_ ____._._-__---_-..._..approved _ — __ ...... ___ . - .................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementto be made by the said City is _onnstrnat sidm+alk-eatensinna_to- aonaeaL_exiltLnP, _side alka. t, the curb_ at the_follmrtiog street_Inter-ct crier_._.._-. __——_—._.....--.... Rorthw,at and .-southwest-csrnhr. Df Congress -_and - oellowe_Streete xortheast corner. of -Fees FSftb..Strnet _anC and the Council h by orders mid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to p -- card with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JET192 ,qCD n City Clerk. Approved -__. 192 Councilman Yor. Councilman l"A-,e/ ,. Councilmanri/ 1y ��BLISkh:D_/ b Councilmaniodhrim Couneamanevii—aao 4-11 r'r MeyoraY.ir— Form B. S. A. 9-7 a PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ^REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the manor o[ coastruc ting eldewalie extensions to connect existing sidewalks to curb at tPia 'Voll owing street tntersections: as Northwest Northeast onnaruofwest Eaab Fifth Storner .Ca drForestd ste'lowe Ste.. „nder Preliminary O,de, ap Pro«ed Ju1p13, 1932 To the Council of rhe City of Sc- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hcrcby rc ports as foll^we: 50.65___- Tl.e total —i --d amount of the assessment for the above iIT,P,wement— The carimated cost per foo, [or the above jmp.... —nt is - - me the a ass.'i s.I—i— of each lot or Th. lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits (or tach improve ,and parcel as last reported by tl.e Assessor, arc a• follows: ADDITION DE—R-1— LOT --I— Cl Bl dg. Extensions on northwe at and southwest corner of No Valuation Congress & Bellows Streets Extensions aorthas st corner of Fast Fifth and Forest Sts., No Valuation. Fl ­ c further rcpora that he has mviceti,ted all of the aforesaid matters, nd The Com missioner of Fia^c ou ith rhe report made to him to hcrcby submits rhe foregoing as hi. report thereon m tic Cncil, together w reference tosai rd+ marr.r by the Commissioner of Pubiic \\\orke. Dated —I -r -= 1 % -- -- - 193 �- - `'� Commteaton er of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W,R rjrvANcE '9 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 29 1432 July .-.dr 1:151. 193 To the Commissioner of Finaom of the City of St. Paul: The Commissi—r of Public Works, having had under connideratioo the preliminary order of the C until, known ss Council File Ivo. 95048 approved July Lath .193 L relative Lo Constructing sidewu'_k extensions to connect existing sidewalks to the -curl, at the following street intersections: Northwest & southwest corner of Congress ;,nd lellOws Streets Northeast corner of East F'iftta it. . no i•'ore�t St. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1, Said im provemeot is necessary end (or) desirable_ 2. The estimated coat thereof is S. 54.65 and the total coat thereof ie $ and the suture and extent of said improvement is m follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owo— of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. oh,sioveWo . -- - Cmmr of Publ:S Wo� 93790 � t HE r. �J+oe'dYiv'A'?r li�y.e ae il1 a.F, aaaac ttMM fiikripreer nvrov+a 7asi,Is 1 IL, COUNCIL. FILE N0. uuo.nee1ae'sen- a+ z �e natloA'�+i��;(hp 8 t ' N1.'nfloan���,, aWp By 4p '•tL /rel}h 4htYsro FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing sidepal� QA the east "i:e of Chatsworth St. from James. St.. to. Palace St., except where. good and. sufficient sidewalk now. exists, under Preliminary Order_ 82912 approved Juno 30, 1932 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said Civ is _nmstrnnt- sidewalk na_the..eas.t �Ue..af_U Atswprth St.- from. Jama6..St. . to..Palace-.st— fl,ceptt whore -.KVAdand.s3jfficient- sidermlk-now_exists, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council C .. - 1132 _. , 192 -' _ - City Clerk. Approved , 192 Councilman fflenw— Yl,iioIL:D � — Councilman egacgueon - Councilman 99e816gaa-'��If•�• Councilman IMMMARF" A.�„x J f� Councilman ERMMBEF-aaa, v`'e^zei j Mayor WORM Mnhuoe>' Form R. S. A. 8-7 • Ct EP—R ME''4�T OFFIN ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •��,� In rhe marten o(conetructing a siae_lK onC ._..pt resldeodOfnd of Pictentt tdewelk Prom Ssmes St. to Palace St., az p go s s s now exists, under Prchmioary Order aP,--d June 20, 1932 To chc Council of the City of Sr. Paul: The Commissioner of Finanee hereby reports as follovl-s: The to[al esti—,d em�St of rbc assessment for chc above imrrove mcnt is - - i - -_ nprovc mcnr i - $ 0.f36 The es�ima�ed cost pe�f ooe (or the above i s - - - - - t or "I"he 1„cs or parcels of land char —y be ---d benehcs for sucl� im l.ro.emce t, and the assessed .aloacion of cacti to I�a reel as lase nrcpon ed by rhe Assessor, arc as follows: oEscsiPriory DoT mock nooiriory LsA"""nd Bldg. 16 9 Michel & Robertson's Add. 400 2900 400 2900 The R•mmission er of Finance f—her reI-ores that he has in-6vIld all of the aforrsaid mat ens, and hereby submitsthe foregoing as his report [hereon co the Council, "9`h”.v i,L nc, recon made [o him in reference cos ii �d mac[er by chc Commissioner of Public \\'orks. ,h D—dr J Commissioner of Pinance. To The Honorable, The Council, St Paul, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Body to cause the following improvement to be made: from. St. Ave. BLACK ADDMON NAME • C7 Office of the Commissioner of Public `L�' 41NANCi Report to Commissioner of Finance y 1932 ...i.. ael. 1932 To the C_odnlo.er of Fina.ce of the City of St. Paul The Commim—er of Public Works, havi.g had order eoaaiderntion the Prolimioary f the order o Comcil, known m Cuunel File No. 92912aPprov.d June 30th m3.2.. , relative W Construct" sidewalk on the east side of Chatsworth.St- from James St. to Palace St., except where good and suffLclent sidewalknow ezists. and having iovcatiPted the maltem nod things referred to thereio, hereby repo-: t ie _ _ necessary end (or) desirable. 1. said impnrve,nen $0.85 per front foo 2. The calimated coat thereof ie f , and the total coat thereof ie f sod the .store end extent of .aid improvement i, e. fdlowe. - 3. A Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached end made a poA hereof. 4. _.. 5, Bard rmProvemc.t u. -- .asked for Opoo patiti.. of three or more owners of property, .Object to as.ee.me.t for said improvement. /— Commi.m .er of Public \R V ' 93791 AnAt, nn .of'a trmua is aiae: b rk hln'Btt lh6"aYS;1Ie�[ Ji a. r,.$oe cry ed0 a; here t app) P6lalennZ i1Ap e ow eaUfp;�. °ger.'Pyj�1n011n1`q COUNCIL FILE N0, ubuel6easiie'7aHu� EeeteN? the above 4mvealfin -- tic�, and the ?Csuasll h By sereoae, blaetloae a ne re�sieaerad hie� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing s.sid-.lk on the south aide of Stinson. Street from- Mackubin. Street to the east side of lot 8, block 2, Foundry Addition, except - whara-good and sufficient sidcmalks. nog.. axlst, - under Preliminary Order. 93016. _.approved July 12, 1932 -- -Intermediary Order-......_- -{{ - _. approved A public hearmg,havin: been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council r .having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __ nnnetruat a. eiditfol 011 tha_ eout-hJ_1.do--of StinBon Streetfromilaokubin.Streeir-til-the-But _side_of.lnt iL blaok 2,-Fnundry---_-- Addition,..axnept xhere_good.-and.allffioient_aidenW..nmr-.exist,..._-_------------------__- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Pubhe Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couneil -. •ySi- 192 _. r �l • � ��� � City Clerk. Approved _ 192 ,y - Councilmana6Lnay--.-_. 1 Councilman zSergusan -i -'� t'L lfl.l'ili Councilmandd�r3 /n: CouilmrEaditefinceI. Councilman ..rr rlaaai, . �'uval rl Mayor llwbla� /nal s' II Form B. S. A. 8-7 OEPARTMENTSOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSISP4ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) ' j' In the matter of tt+e south on, ide of :;boson .:t. from b'" "tin St. ..o the ;i ale of lo' `•, b'_ocve 1, o+s'.dr hd lit , undo Preliminary Order approved 19."•2 To the Council of the Cry of Sr. Panl: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f"11—: of , as sessmeat for rhe above improvemens is - $ _ -- The coral estimated —frt _ _ _ g The e mated cost peri for the above Improve m<nt is - - '1he tuts or parrrls of land char may be assessed benefits for ouch �mprovcmen t, and 114' assessed valuation of eacl, !ot or parcel as I_ ,poned by rhe A— -" arc as (ollo.vs_ 9 2 co—dr Add i t`on to .t.:n 1 2 do 10 2 do 1 do 1? 2 do 13 2 do 14 2 do I.en�n�unrio�5ld p,. 20� 900 Ou 750 2o,r 1300 p0 1350 200 1300 200 200 325 1700 The Commissioner n( Finance further reports that he has in vestlgated all of nc� a(orcaaid matt a, and heresubmits the foregoing as his rep by ort thereon to the Council, 1ogclher wiry rhe rel.on made to rhim .n re(crrncr to said matter by the Commissioner of Public %V—ks. aDo ed — 21 . - 19 -,3 1 `� C missioner of Finance. Ii St. Paul, Minn. ......_...._______..192..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ol from. _. Sc Ave. to- _. St. Ave. 0 �u 0 N A e G 3 4 3 z li q Office of the Commissioner of Public W(SISFlNANCE Report to Comraissioner of Finance 0 ihl _ i 1932 July 22, 1932 193 To the Corro,miooer of Finance of the City of 3t. Paul: The Commieeioner of Public Work., having had under consideration the preliminary order of tho Council, known ae Council File N-93016 .approved. duly L932 .193.. , relative to constructing a sidewalk on the south side of Stinson Street from kackubin Street to 'the east side �f lot 8, Block 2, Foundry Addition. and having invicetigated the matter' and things referred W therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie ece'aary and (or) desirable. B5� per n£ront £dot y. 'rho eetimated coat thereof i. E.. ,and the total coat thereof is E and the nature and extent of 'aid improvement is — follow': 3. A pla., profile or 'ketch of said improvement i. hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. g, g.id improvement is ...asked Cor upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject W aeaes ,t for said improvement. - -- --- Commi.aiover of Pub' rks. 93792 >v�d �:°eiauare0ai,kee � �R.w dimt1Lif.e ' COUNCIL FILE N0. ��mta ob ossa'+ o v v, iaia. ,aro9e • v@-mvinw--roses BY ' bs.vacii FINAL ORDER 1, the Matter of reoonstructinr„ relayin, and rspai,lrr where p-oeeasry the side -1k on the south side of nearborn St. be-irming 46. ft. --at of Bidtiall St., theno-. east 52 rt., under Preliminary Order 93Q47 _approved July 13, 1352 Intermediary Order. _._.... _.._._.__-._ --_approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is __rennnstruat.. slay_and repairxhsrs.. nasaesary the id -walk on tha southside of Deartpm-St,. pe;inp.iny_ 44. ft, .east_ of. D}d sll _St.,__ thenoe .east 52 ft.. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of saidimprovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .- ___ , 192 . City Clerk. Approved _ _ .192 M Co—ilman Councilman �psonsr / 6e yurJ]atendfe8e�l _— YCBi.ISHID ( '� a./ Councilman gan 1.• dindha Councilman t�dhaimeru Councilma Mayor 11RIpM /M.huvcy µ Form B. S. A. 8-7 �A OEPARTM ENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (p) '9 n lU� In tl�t matter of recons true ting, ralapS ng and repairing where necessary the sidewalk on the south side of Dearborn St. beginning 46 ft. east of Bidwell St., thence east 52 ft--, —dtr Preliminary order .1,p --d July 3-3, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner n( Finence hereby reports as f"llo K -s: "t'hc total cs cimaced amount of chc assessment for the above rmlrove mcnt is - - E- "[hecstimated cost per foot for the ab— irnprtry --t ent is - - - - - - - $ --- '1'he lova or l�arcrls of land chat —,y be ----1 benefits for s o cl�iml ro.emeiit, and tl.< —,—d .aluati�,n of each !ot or parcel as last repnr�nl by the Assessor, ore as follows: Fast L/3 of lot. 1 and 2 102 Town of Nest St. Paul 800 5150 Nest 1/3 of lot. 1 and 2 102 do 500 5050 1300 10200 The Commiasioner of Finanee further reports that 1—h— inteetigated all of the aforesaid maty ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the rc port mad' to 16. —id in refers ncc to said matter by the Commissioner of Public NN—ks. Dated1 9 1 -- �C'om�mi Doer of Finance. F O ,OFFINANU Office of the Commissioner of Public WorS,, gym; R n3 Report to Commissioner of Finance J JUL 22 1932 July 2znd 1q "Ib the Commiseiooer of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The C—rdseioner of Public Works, having had under cooxidnrntioo the preliminary order of the C'ouneil, known ns C'rruncil File No. 93047 approved duly 131th 193.E , relative to Reconstructing, rel lying and repairing,c�here necessary, the sidewalk on the south side of e—born '.:t., beginning 46 ft, east of Bidwell -t., thence east 52 ft. sod having investigated the matters snd thiege referred to therein, huehy reports: 1. Said improvement is —resetry sod (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is f. , sod the total cost thereof is R sod the nature and extent of said improvement is m follows: Estimate The West 50 ft. of Lots 1 & 2, block 100n'2, 4est ot. Paul Proper ---52.73 The F3as }00 f�re or sk,t,h off. d t aUItto suached end made o p—r hereof. 29'15 p e pro niprovemen n 4. ---, /,v o. Said improvemeut is .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Pubtio Works. 9 93793 arm aa�anam �rio 5ef:'e'11� COUNCIL FILE. NO. •dxc,ra• ea-u•eNdo.1n. ' r1ri�umm pa.��_uer. By - .rms vaervs FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstrnctin;. relaying and repairing.. where neceesary. the sidewalks at the follmring locations, Elk St.,. west side, beginuir 120 ft. north of Acker St., thence north. 45 ft... Otsego., St., ea'.. side, beginning 47. ft. -_south of Mt. Ida St., thence south 77 ft., under Preliminary Order. 93066 ..approved duly 15, 1932 Intermediary Order _ - _. _.. .__:.____.......approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _—r,atruat,_relgy-=d_ repair- where neooseary, the sidewalks_ at the ..fnllamm-lonationai.. 81k $t.. weatde..,peg;rullnr,_ L20_ ft north of A er St., th north 45 ftJ _ 4tsego-.$t.s-.aAat__side._baglnn�ng.4.Z_fl._s9Vth of Mt.,. Ide_St. i-thance_south 77 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement ip,pccardance therewith. C JL Adopted by the Council _ _ _....____ , 192... vV C ty Clerk. ` Approved - - - . 192 / ceannamanreaaay Councilman eFerg son FLBLLaLIi.J _ Councilman'"jj° Council—NOGIOMOw O101NNN�'Rrumel,�� Councilman Mayor NPIROlO Nod oney Form B. S. A. 8-7 \ a DEPARTMENT SO' FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) In rhe ,Hauer of reconstructing, relaying and repair ing� where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locatiStonce nm th ons x -i Elk St.,we st side, beginning 120 £t . or tlz o £ Acker ., th 45ft.47 £t sovtTi o£ Mt. Ida St., thence south Otsego St, east eide,beginning 77 ft. u„der Prehm'mary order aptmved July 15, 1932 To the Councl M6, City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance here'oy reports as f��llr,ws- 92.58 of the assessment for the above :zra 4.ro.Je menx i= - - i - "1'he i totn­m—,damount The esr'ima�ed co.t per foot for the above improve men t is — "I'II,—"r Macel, m be ax.d benefis f-- d valuarion of each lot or parcel as In st,,N—d by the Assessor, arc as tollot•s: ocscsirxior+ coT eIock ..00rTior+a�unxio Bldg. 13 9 Edra urid Rica' a 2nd Add. to 600 50 City c, £ St. Paul No valuation Crossing for alley in Block 9 do 11 10 Warraz-z 8c WSnslowrs Add. 900 to tY-ia Town of St. Paul 900 650 12 10 do (Except south 22.50 ft 13 10 do 700 of east 62 ft) 3100 700 The Commissioner of Finance further re Dcrrts xbax be 1— anv-esri9 aced all of rhe aforesaid man s, and ro him in hcrcbv _bm'- the foregoing as his report xhercon xo 2be Gc�u rteil, together with the report made re(... _ _.id by the Commissioner of Public orks. Dared �.^".•—T �.- -.. 19 3-� (C sooner of Fionnc<. r Office of the Commissioner of Public Wc"SOF FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 22 1932 Ju Ly ...: nd, 1332. 193 To the Cnmmiseiom-r of Finance of the City of St. Pa" The Commiesiover of Public Works, having had under--ideration th, preliminary order of the Cosndl, known ea Council File Po. 93066 ann�w�d July 15th 1932 . relative W fteeonstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the follOving locationsf 120 ft. north of Acker St., thence West side of Elk St., beginning north 45 ft. v 21.76 Lot 1.5, Block 9, Ed. like's .:nd .du. 27.00 City of St. .°aul , Brick X11 ey beginning 47 ft, south of Yt. Ida St., East side of Otsego St., thence south 77 ft. 11.52 Lot 11, Block 17, NJ rren & ;gins Low's ..,ld. 1�� 28.68 n 12, ' �� �� 4.02 -S. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement w hereto attached and made a part, hereof. 9. 5. Said improvement is .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, jJ eubjoct W -nt for said improvomeot. __...._.. _..........__.... Commissioner If of Pnblie Works. W 93794 directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit a— to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement therewith. °i�cordance Adopted by the CouncilqFD 0 ' 9�33LL r ease '8' telbr•, 1 k+Jkp etee elk. e8 f ou P91L""6M' ar. City lark. ut4 1° allele bbkertPrallm- COUNCIL FILE N0. der yi0le:rVVbYlE Ibly 1f, Councilman ME"—^I1111 n11 Councilman Verges- ` " s°Il6 aed'iue:,4avlaa a..v I�°arrvvobo. °n°• By r a°b.° ara.rm 4L FINAL ORDER In the Metter of reconctructing, celayt' g end repairing the aide -11c on the eeat .side of Fairview Ave., beginning 100 ft. south of..dayeld A— thence eouthto siley,. under Preliminary Order 93946 ...approved July 13, 1932 Intermediary Order _..._ ____....--____._.Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _raaoaatruat,..relay.And ranair..the .sidewalk on -the east side of Fairview Ave..., tghainf IN ft., 5.0.4-ilf .liiaysrd.APsx,_thepQe..south_to allay,. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit a— to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement therewith. °i�cordance Adopted by the CouncilqFD 0 ' 9�33LL ^ 192 City lark. S`P 9 Approved -.. I92 M" Councilman ME"—^I1111 n11 Councilman Verges- ` " PLMAYP I_ Councilman 99 Councilman 9S8dh8 TF T, Council manWd.9n' Mayor llEn" Mon.— \\ Form B. S. A. 8-7 !�Y. RAUL O EPA F2M E!� ; pF FINANCE �f2EPORT OF SSIONER OF FINANCE ON P i M ■ NARY ORDER In the matter of raconstruc tinP,. relay i — and repairing the sidewalk on the east aide of Fairview Ava. bag S z -i_ irag 100 £t. south of B&iyard Ave. thence south to alley, under Prclimi,, r Order approved July 13 1 9 32 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Finance hereby r rt s�-.,- The torul estimated amount of the assessmata c for c Y� e above improvement is - - b 21.1D — 'I"ne cs�hna�rd c�.r perfoot (or rhe above im F�rovea-rae as t- �s - - - - S '£he lore or parols of land 0— n ay be npro.ement, and the assessed valva tion of each for or parcel as In sr rrportcd by the Assessor, are as follows osscsiPrioN nooi,ioN I.and�VATBldg. 14 3 113- Orchard 450 100 450 100 The Commissioner of Finance furs leer re;nori s that he has in,csligatcd all of the aforesaid matte ,and hereby submits the foregoing s his rep z 2� e rt o n o rhe Council, together „its the report made eo rhim in reference to sa ie Co dm ter by rhmm --racy of Public \t'orks. Cl C...mi—, of Finan<c. Office of the comuftssioner of Public W*I&F1Nk%GE - a 9 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 2,2 1912 July 2—u, 1952. 193 "ro the Commissioner of Fiance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the l'ouneil, known ae Council File No. 95046 approve a July 15th .193. 2.. relative to he on 31de ofsFairvi ew�.�vtl,y l egi nein g 10()rft' t outhi ofwB oyer d the east thence south to alley. - - end having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hcrehy reports: 1. Said improvement is ­eessry nod (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is 5 , sad the total cost thereof is S sad the nature and extent of said improvement is m follows' Lot 14, i'lock 3, Plum Orchard ------- _$ 1.10 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto st—hed and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement Comm inner of Public Workb!" 9;795 i i i a lau- COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER;'" In the Matter of reoon t t, u, r laying rod p rixI&,",gh re neoessary, the - sidewalks. at the follcering locationss Fourteenth St., south s_Ae.. beginning -at Jnckson St., thence west 257 It., under Preliminary Order. 5.3044... ..__approved July 13, 1532 Intermediary Orderapproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..xe rtruct,_ relays_and -rape.ir-,_wherd M1006sary._._ the_ai.d.walke at the . follou0.4.lecatinnar Fourteenth St.. sonth_side.--beginning. At Jac>spn_Str-. _thenoe-west_257_tt and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 y 'errs Clerk. Y Approved 192 councilmana8�af•--rm C '1 aneFergusen ---,/ r_^,IIISf?✓D CouncilmanRf6+1�y ^'"r CouncilmanoR4nes! MlR Form B. S. AMs6y,acy / u B. S. A. 8-7-7 cin o �EPARTMENTaOFP F INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cnl J''3 Inthe m,—.1 reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where neceesa ry, the sidewalks at tha following loaeti ons: Fourteenth St., south side, beginning at Jackson St., thence west 257 ft., ,,,,d,, 1',,1,--1y order appa,acd July 13, 1932 .fn'h. 0— 1 of the Giy of St. P -1l The Cnmmisricner of Finance hcrcby ,,ports " lollnws. '1'h< tnt�l es�i�.�a«d .,m�n��� o[ the .,sscssmrnc foe the above $ 175.70 _. 'Fhc �si'i�n..icd arcs per (oo� for she abo.e improvemcnc is - - - - - - $ '1'lie I���e or pa« els of land chat may be..reseed be nc(i�s (or such im pnrvement, and ih, ..scud �aluntio� of each loc or pa reel a Iasi rrp, r -d b, the Assessor, arc n, f�11-1: ocscsiFTioN DoT —cK AooiTioN 1;A—AT oNBldg. 7 2 Randalls Addition to Saint 2750 Paul 8 2 do 2000 3200 lot 9 and (Exc. W. 50 ft) 10 2 do 2250 85C west 50 ft of 10 2 do 2000 B00c $ 9000 $12050 The Commissioner of Finance ,hat he has in. estig—d all of the alasesaid matt ,and hcrcby s�bmi,s the foregoing a hi, repon thereon cn the Council, together with t11. repo.. made co him in re(... nee t. said mater by the Commissioner of Public %k ork,. tuU—d,�IP ...j / J iC mm 5s on.r of Finznc<. Off'icerof the Commissioner of Public §INANUE �a Report to Commissioner of Finance d JUt 22 184 JuLy ;:2nd, Ld3L. IDa 'ro the Cnmmisnivner of Finv.n,:e of tho City of St. Pevl: - The C --ie inner of Pubfic Work,, hewing had under consideration the prdimi—y order of the C.—,il, known as Cooncil File No. 93044 approved July 13th .193 L , relaUvn to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the £o1lowing locations: Southside of Fourteenth St., beginning at Jackson St., thence west 257 ft. ..ot 7, bloc.: .nda11's .wu. $71.66 8, 2, 20.14 65.20 /ale I,I _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of avid improvement i, hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _..... Commie,ioner of Public Works. 937% IaIa�P- ONN ly4 �1 �tYY Y neb 94 Gait bE4-"eeglvvl ttT tt fro U,. eL'H,llti�„Ara �ta,ew..oa1R COUNCIL FILE N0. .qr yd nwva w° t °fe°.r"O Ober f - By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of resonatructing, relaying and repairing, the side walk t the f.11—Ing looatione, Griggs St., west side, beginning 37 feet south of Selby Ave., theme south 72.6 feet, Dunlap_. St., west side, between Laurel. Ave. and Ashland Ave.,. _ under Preliminary Order _ 93262 approved Aug. 3, 1932. Intermediary Order _..___. ____. _ .._-approved A public hearing having been had No the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ra truot, relay end repair, the sidewalk at the following losetionsf _.._ _. _... Griggs St., -at aid.,begi--nning_37 fettso.th_ of Se1by Aye__ theAoe-.eoyth_2&r�_feet, Dunlap St., west aide, hot-.. Laurel Ave. and A Mand Ave., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hershy autl,orized xad directed to pro- ceed with the making of and improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _._ _.___ 192 UI y Clerk. Approved _ , 192 _ Councilman WffiV ys,-T=.'>`m j.. u..:d Ma Councilman qlargoann : , . 111_1- 3 a coune❑mme gff, gat; ,” Councilman 1MR-/pr„�z / \� Councilman �r�e�N'rvzel /Y//7 � �., _ Mayor / Mxhovay S Form B. S. A. 8.7 / \ aT. PAUL DEPART.+ of FINANCE REPORT OF ISMO ORDER FINANCE ON PRELM I to rhe matter of reo on st rut t ing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk at the �17 following locations: Griggs St., west side, beginning 37 ft. south of Selby Ave. t . S. 72.5 ft. Dunlap St., west side, between Laurel Ave. and Ashland Ave., under Prclimir, ary 011Ier approved Aug. 3, 1932 To the Council of the Cry of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo its as follows. $ 204.46 -. - 'Phc total estimated amount of the assessment (or the above improve meat is - $ 'I h, foot 1-h, abore improve mcnt is - - - 'llmlors or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits (or such improve meat, and the assessed voluation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: (Except S&lty Ave.) 1 11 R. thet Olty of St. Paul 1 19 do 28 19 do Land'U'TBldg. 2400 2750 1975 5150 1950 5100 6325 13000 The further epts th Commissioner of Pinancc rorat h1 has investigated all f the oaforesaid mac s, and hereby submits the foregoing ae hie report ther.on to the Council, together with the report made to rbim in reference to laird matt.. by the Commissioner of I'ubli< ��'orks. Dated _f—�' j —3 - - - 19' >-�p-�— y Cif loner of Finance. v Office of the Commissioner of Public w$i�l� FiNaNL't �t7411' Report to Commissioner of Finance uG 9 1932 3 August 9th, 1932. 193 po the (:nmmisvioner of I inane. of the City of St. pnul. Thr of Public Works, having had under considemtinn the prrliminnrY order ,f tha August 3rd .1932 relative to cuuiicil. AeconstruCting'- N,93282 approved iu relaying and repair inB the sidewalk at the following locations s feet south of Selby Ave. West side Griggs St. beginning 37 thence south 72.5 Pt. (Lot 1 Block 11 Anna E. Aamsayss Addn ------- $40.88 West side Dtmlop St. between Laurel Ave.&Ashland Ave. Lot 1, Block -'19 Anna $. Aamseysa Addn.------- $71.72 -- Lot 1, ^ 19 ^ ^ n 91.88 end having investigated the ratters and thinRa referred Lu therrelin, hereby reports: �� Said nd (nr) dnsirnhln. / �' 1. unprevr�neut is m mas _ 2. The estimated cosi thereof is S t 1 ,end the total eost thereof is S and the nature and c --a ,f said improvement is as follows' 3. d plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto aanched and made s port hereof. a. 6. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or a ow Hera of Property, subject W assessment for said improvement. (;ommisaionnr of Public Works. J?J7 �la l$ti;oNte ops{r gin o!�nlRy'. fag �re�atrla� Ne��c�kefNrjy ttB�ln�yutt'4,.d.Bng. ww rl7�We filM dahb,Rk� Doer G hl aing ll gaada0n,. EOineei ft. IercBt Drth ela0, heglnning./0 fL COUNCIL FILE NO. �� t of Canada Ba: thence wait Be, St., aorU Ada, 6e(Inning e' B_ DerPee Imlveryh Order BBOIBt } , N.Iisu, t099. °vlog havlRR bee, FINAL ORDER the Coaacll bleca.n• M In the Matter of recoustructing,. rQl4Y;n, and. r.ps:rinE, where ne.e::s zy- the. sidewalks at the following location..... _. Grose_St., south side, bagini,',,. BiL ft-. —It of Broadway, then.. neat 26 Pt., haginning at Canada St., thence_ east.. Be ft., ---- -- GroSt., north side, boginning 40. ft.-}vest of Canelo St., thonoe_ west 60 ft., - - Greva.St..-north .aid., beginning at.. Te.eranca St., then.. east 91 ft., under Preliminary Order _ 9"49. _._.. _..approved July 13, 1932 Intermediary Order _--_._.. ______--_-__..._..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above Improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..._ roonnstrunt,. -alay_­ii _rayair,_zhese aese ..ary. the..sidewalks .atthe_ f.11.wing.lppationea. .. _._ Grove St., south -side, b ginning_-F4-ft wast of B oadrmy, th gest _ beginnipg_at_ganadn-Ste. tehenoe east 80 _ft.,___iiia______ ---- .—Et. of_Cancdc.St..,-_thenaa.ffeet3Q.1't..__.... Grove St.,- north side, b f;inninl at Tergeran.. St., thonoe vast 91 ft., iiia. _. __ .. _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SfP % i-1932 , 192-- City Clerk.- E n Approved .192 GMayor. Councilmar'"� ' " CouncilmarvRergaedh'- ' PL'9LISFIED J a, Co un cilmarmYOBlegaxr 1 CC uncilmara Nnc'P Co uaeiI.cuAWARl"1"—I. Chu ct w"a Mab.uey 5h , Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT OV FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORE3ER j mamma —f re c one tructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the aldowelka at the following locations: Grove St., south side, beginning 64 ft _ —,at of Bro1dwq, thence west 16 ft., begi nninq at Canada St., tl>f'n sat 80 ft., Grove St., north e1de, beginning 40 ft _ we at of Canada St., thence west 60 ft„ Grove St., north side, beginning at Temperance St., thence east 91 ft., —dtr Ptrlimin.,ty order approved July 13, 1932 1"'k, Council of the Cay of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follow._ The tnt.,l —i—,d amount of the assessment for ,he above i m I-- is - - $ 137,-1_7 The es,ima,ed cost per foo, for the above improve mens is - - - - - - - $ 'fhc lo,e or I,v«cls ,f hnd that may be assessed bcncfi,s for sue 1, im} ro,-cmcn,, and the asectscd .uluution of cacti !o� or parcel as Isst r,.—d by the ,Assessor, urs as follows: LandpT �aBldg. 25 2 McC1ou3• s Sub, ofBlk. 2 of 1500 2000 VandanI—S' s Add. to St.Paul West 50ft of south j of 4 and west 50 ft of 5 1 Whl-tnay• s Joel Add. to the 1600 6200 Town o£ St. Paul West 40 ft of E. 100 ft of south j of 4 and west 40 ft of E. 100 ft of 5 1 do 1000 1650 Part of 2 Dayton• s L.C. Enlargement 850 1700 8, of 1_11, of Grove St. and W.11ne of his Add , to City of St.Paul drawn parallel wl th Broadway from a pt. on the S. line of Grove St. and 50.60 ft. E, from the W, line of lot 2 measured on S. line of Grove St.to N.line of lot 3 5 3 Va nil-=—gt s Add. to Hcyt's 1050 1350 Add_ to St.P.ul $6000 $12,900 The Commissioner of Finance (usher rc,,— that he has ,,,, ee tiRated all of the aforesaid matot, and I .... by submits she foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together wid, the rel,— made to him m reference to said matter by ,he Commissioner of Public D—d..�aQ4- / 193 Commissioner of Financ<. Office of the Commissioner of Public WgmkaF flWicl Report to Commissioner of Finance ��•., _ JUL 22 19n July 2t'nd 193 `L 'fo the er of Finance of the City of St. Paul. The f'.ommiaeioner of Public R•orka, having had under consideration the preliminary ordcr of tho C,,,.—il. known — ('ouncil File No. 95049 approved July 13th _1932 , relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Southside of Grove St. beginning 84 ft, west of Broadway, thence west 16 ft. ; beginning at Canada St., thence east 80 ft. —L - C. 1—yton's. 6nlg. I I t5.)1 .,ot : ' V:—denbnrghs „dd. B1>ck 3 44.-'b North side of Grove St., beginning 40 ft, west of Canada St., thence west 60 £t. Elk , tict;l—dti —1- f uLk , Vundenturgh's ,dd. $4 !.41 North side of Grove St., beginning at Temperance 5t., thence east 91 ftL .he -.vest bD ft e1 ' 4G ft. theJeast L S) ft. If LIt I, 9oe1 Nhi tney'•. &dd. $83.15 eubject to aseee —A for said improvement. • - `� _'_ .moi: C iaeio er of YubGeeLWNqW, 93793 i e� m iu lir .M a aeuas—s, °r1°s'dee o °et.rs4•aaw, meas COUNCIL FILE N0. 7•asaaIeo m r...• ..stns Wena-. �:nea , By i. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of roeonst—ting, ralayingand repairing,. wham. mossaary,-the sidewelka-at the following locations, _._ ... Thirte@nth St,,north side, bsgrinoing_147. ft. east of the eget aide of Temperance St. este»ded, thaaoe. east 52 ft., ttaP,inning 140 ft. farther east, thane east 30 ft., bogi—iog 8 ft. farther east, thance_aast 56 ft.; be,;i-"g 194 ft. farther. east, thenna.esat ,t Canada �Thirteenth St.northside, e roning at Broadwey• thence est 130 ft.-, under Preliminary Order 93444_... -__approved duly 13, 1932 Intermediary Order __ ___ ______._._— _-----approved -- --- ._.-- _- ----- _._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is c§RQA3ttvct,_relay. end- repair,_prhere necessary, tha.eid-111, at the. f 0llcering_lnetinner- _-_...._.. __... _......-__--- - -. _-- Thirteenth_ St., north side, beginning -147 ft. east of the east -side of Temperance St. _. eatendad.. thenna east_ 52_ ft....keg1cr1ZZ_ 140, it. -farther east,_ thence t- 30 ft.. beg+_e a_ft_-Saruhex_esaL._thance..2—t. 66_S-t.i_begipnlgg_194_ft.-Parthe_st, St and�Fie CounctC}iereiiydecs��id i�hp ve n Bkrbe made'. zRanaa -west' I3iT3�., RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192........y�J/p�J ))) -�ity Clerk. Approved ...-_. _ 192 MaYOf Councilman C- CouncifCULIDl11D Councilman8'�, "'t Councilman _¢,�e Councilman Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 /Flahooq� . DEPARTMENT: 5T .F FIN ANCE ^n EPO RT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROER��,� (D) In the ma ner of reconstructing, relaying and repslring, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Thirteenth St., north side, begin,ing 147 £ t, east of the east side of Temperance St, extended thence east 52 P t ., beginning 140 ft, farther east, thence east 30 ft., beginning 8 £ t . farther east, thence east 56 ft., beginning 194 ft. farther ea et, th once east to Canada St., Thirteenth St., north lde, be i—inr, at Br-d—y, thence •.oat 130 it., cedar Prai urinary order approved July 13, 1932 Ta the Council of the Ci"y of St. Paul: Ti,, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total ---d amount of the asscssm cot for the above im Prove mane is - - S 196.02 'Ime —i aged cost per foot for the above im pro. -c mens is— "1'he lore or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such irn Pro ve meat, and fl'— --d —b -ted by the Asa,s or, arc ae followe: (Except Northeast 15 ft) 24 25 20 19 Lot 24 and east 2 ft of 23 (Exc. Canada St.)lots 26& 25 (Exc. the E, 60 Pt of the N. 25 ft) lots 4 and 5 East 35 ft of 31 2 Tinkers Addition to the CSty of Saint Paul 2 do 2 do 2 do 2 Ely' s Add. to St.Paul 2 do 2 do 2 do LantdVAT °bldg. 575 3000 900 2650 900 1900 1225 1100 950 3000 1500 3450 500 1500 775 2100 7325 18700 The Commissioner of finance fnnher reports that he has all of the zf--id<,made matt ,and hereby subm� a the foregoing as his report thereon the Council, together »ith ma the report de to rhim m reference to sa id matter by the Commissioner of P -b lie V\ .,ks. 11 ed 19'1"k4.timi enmmi:aioner of rinanee. ,jjM.OF FINANCE Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor Report to Commissioner of Finance 1932 July LLno, 195 193 1'o the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul. The Commissioner of Public H'orks, having had under coneidnration the preh miaary order o[ the Couoeil, known es Cov ncl Nile N-96045 approve d my 15th 1931 • ,relative W Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: North side of Thirteenth St., he147ft. east of the east 51 Pt; beginning side of Te.perance St. extended, thence east 30 ft.; beginning -alt . 140 ft. farther east, thence east 58 ft.; beginning 194 ft. frther farther east, thence east east, thence east to Canada St. �18.�5 block z, Tinker's ..ad. 10.16 .'.0.49 4...05 7 �4� n ter;/'., „d ;. 1.5.00 X7.30 North side of Thirteenth St., beginning at Broadway, thence west 130 ft. 4 unu teast X10 ft. ` the North --pt block _.-n -n 1-U. 17.40 c,est S5 ft. f , _, I>L _, ck , 11y'3 —u. subject fo assessment for said improvement. _ '� - C tseio er of Public VVtx 93799 ei�a o -'a, °. rra:w�aa.r.Av. a° a .fns :c °re:°a r"°av mia COUNCIL FILI&NO. —11 a By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of rsoonstructinr.. slaying -d repairinr. the. sid-1k.. na. tba_. mast_ aide of witdar A— beeig 47 featnorth of 3ohlyn Avenue, therms mrth 23 feet,_... under Preliminary Order 92B46 approved June 23, 1932 Intermediary Order __ ... ___ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is--renanatruot, --L y—d—pi,_tha_ 1-derca1s.. ea._._ the. xe.t._aid. of Wild- Avanua_haginning_47 fast _north_of_Bnblym A.--,_thoncs..north and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improv ement,jp,pccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __ _____ , 192 __... ,tyfn C ty Clerk. Approved _ - - , 192 C �� men F erne :Ab -�' Councilman d1c�I7ge4 ;V,i r,.,„a Ccuncilman'B444eppl�F-/T,a„i Councilman djh"L�jW�/q_,zai Mayor Slwi� / Maboney \ Form B. S. A. 8-7 cin o DEPARTMSNTeOMV FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) '? y In the master of reconstructing, relaying and r.palring the ewalk on the sid west side of Hilder Avenue beginning 47 feet north of Roblyn Avenue, thence north 23 feet, under Preliminary 01,111 approved Sun. 23, 1932 To the Council of the Cily of St. Paul. The Comnsissioner of Finance hereby re Ports as follows: 'rhe total cstimaad amount o[ the asacssmcnt for the above improvement is - $ 4.14 -- — - The esrima�ed cost per foot for the above improve mens is - - - - $ "I he be assessed ben eh is (or such impro.emr:. t, and the assessed .'aluati— of each !ot or parcel as lust rcpon rd by the As.essor, arc as follow.: oescaiPriory wr e�o�. nooirlory L>rici`un,io�ldg. 5 Welshons Place 800 2450 000 2450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he b- b", b, ashereby '.lb—s rhe foregoing as his rcpon thereon to the Council, together with the report made to rhim in reference I.n.id matter by the Commissioner of Pubhc \Forks. 19 3 -' /' H-c�-a -- UUU Cnmmiasioncr of rinanca: Office of the Commissioner of Public WWR FINANCt V� 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 5 IM2 June30th 143 2 To the Commiaeioner of Finance of the City of St. P..), The Comcnianioner of Pnt,lnc Work., having had under eon.ideratiao till preliminary order of the (baneil, known as Council File tio. 92846 approved June 23rd 1932• ,relative to Reconstructing, relaying end repairing the sidewalk on the west side of Wilder Avenue beginning 47 Peet north of Roblyn Avenue, thence north 23 feet. and having in tigated the —t4— and thing,, referred to therein, hereby re purls: 1. Said improvement is — — — — 111—olly and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof i. $ 4.14 and the total mst thereof i. S sad the nature and extent of said improvement i. e. follow.: 3. A plan, profile — sketch of Haid improvement i, hereto et—h,d and made a part hemof. 4. 5. Said improvement is —lo,d far upon petition of three or more owners of property, .object to e.ee.sment for said imp -o ,Hoot. f!^(/�-/✓�'�i/�,t//.r.. �tnra,ae,00er of Public W.... ..... 1n�T A''yhNgPfiiL Oj,1� °4%�p'; heela5lve-.TitUL�,e?al6 .fiat�ecermU. Are;,;tagsaa pplhi/fk'ihved �uty% .. Inge OM '� i,aAS 111 -- . .pStinY been y)_ COUNCIL FILE R.O. BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofeonetructing drivewsu-on. the asst aide of. Avon St., hegSnnia¢ 123ft. moth of :erroll Ave., thence. south 8 ft,., - - under Preliminary Order 93073... -.approved July 15, 1932 _ Intermediary Order -- -------- -- -----Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is 9.Q,46t[t19t a dri4eway-.vn..the. an t_pide_.pf.-pyop_St„ beginning..12 f*+— Routh-af.Earr U.AYa.,-thanae..south_A-A....-....... — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. _ n Adopted by theCouncil _'_-aJ2--- 192 City Clerk. Approved - , 192 /I Yp . Councilman 6ra9,e—.ra �+T�fnnald Councilman seam ma, Pl1eLI5kIh:D Councilman 01r0hZvz II Councilman lie*— 1".,���: !� Councilman j Weozs� Mayor FINIM j 1•iehuacy /� •.-\ Form B. S. A. 8-7 I'll 11 11 1^1, — =I.T."NT=,.=~ . REPORT orcomK�/ss/6wcno,FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER w . .9�,. ...�~..~^ ,^,..`."`,,,`. ­°~^_. Old" ~~~^ ,,*°' ."" °h�o~­, o~aS,~^. `^"~_._~^°~~^.+~~^."^~. .^......~.~^..^.^^~'`~,~~~.~.. ^"= .... .... °~f-h-b~-~~~~`~ . ^°^d^~~~b,^^^,d^~^ f.,~^~~~~~~ ~"�^^~ ~^-~^—~!.t~ *^.^.~`...~~—. .~.~..ON L,.d~~~�^`,. � ` ��..���������^���~. °" ,"° ��~_^�^ = "^ ��� "* ~� 675 2500 n."-__~ ^~~~ ^~^ ^^°^^--"° �d^th,^~—^~^^^ ~" I *�~~�^�_,,��.°~~..^c~~^°"^^~^^`~­�°^-^ .^~�~.~^~^...*^.°_mi~.^,."°"~k, "...^ 19^2- c..ed,,i­..',.�^.­ Offfce of the Commissioner of Public WO" fitawt Report to Commissioner of Finance J jt 22 1932 July :;2na, 1982, lea To the C-IOnneiner of Flnnue of the City of St. I' -.1 'rhe Commieeiner of potdo Works, having had under coneidcrntill the preliminary order of the Council, known ae Council File No. 93073 epp—d July 15th, 1932.X= , Men- to Constructing driveways onthe east sine of .von .t., 'beginning 123 ft. south of Carroll, thence south B ft. end having b veetigated the matter, end things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i, n—eaery and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thoreof i, f.. , and the total coat thereof in $ and the nature and extant of aaid improvement in ae f- 0 --Lot 4, "lock 1, idwin -eanrs Sub. of part of smith & LOW s outlots---------- 314.40 3, p plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and and, a part hereof. a. Said improvemco t ieasked for upon petition of three or more ownere of property, subject to aeaceament for said improvement -- Carlini-- of Public WaA?7 " 93301 f sew f I aii'µa�tAi9ai-01, A >,tlre�.iw4 dlPe pgfl ap r P tet. ;. 4ear1 [ yb 1 P Pf 4po Pw. COUNCIL FILE NO.. t�e pp mt ta4lps e �;nbleolfone e'li d �mm.' 99 •�to;eo' •�. ' N B FINAL ORDER In the Matter of- -nanstmating_dris y_an..tha_south-.side -.of- Fifth.St..,_ begin --i^^.., _201 fL_eaat. of M-is.Ava..-theaaa—at -12. ft., ------------- under Preliminary Order_KG74L______,approved _. .. July. 16,.1932_ - - - - ---- Intermediary Order ....-_._... _..-._. _- . - - _--approved A public hearing having been had upon' a above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• provement to be made by the said City ie..._aonattvot.-driveway--.on_the--eo&_aida_gLFifJ;h-._ -St., _beginning-201-tk-esat.af -Maria-Aca.r.th—a-east--l2-tt., .....___.---------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,That the Commisehms, of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in aeeordance therewith. l Adopted by the Council Clerk. Approved_ .- . -. - _ .. -..., 192_ Co "i n "lma011 �•a }icD—ld Councilman �^_^..^^^ M y pt)11lyfli-rf�� Councilman �^'-�s`� Ah. c undlman Mayoremdhe/r� cT ) M Yor Nwmlw� �htaaoo.y 6k ,.J Farm B. S. A. 8-7 o- CITY OF ST, DEPARTMENT OFIAUL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -9 [n the ,—'—f constructing a driveway on the south side of Fifth St., beginning 201 ft. east of Maria Ave.thence east 12 ft., ..d,, P,,lim,im-, Order app—,d July 15, 1972 TO the Council If th, City of St. Paul: 111 C-1111il-11 If Finance hereby reports as The coral —i,,—d ---f the assessment for the about mpro... $ lS-q'A The —m—,d —, per f— f., rhe above $ ...... ..... ... of the ""' may be ........ ....... . ... lu anon o[ each for or parcel as I 'p,,,,,d b, , A--, arc as 25 lymn Dayton's Add to the 750 1250 City of St. Paul 750 1250 Th, C...mi.— If Ff-- f—h�, reports that b, h., in. estigated .11 If hef.id —t— - , d hereby -lb.- the foregoing a, hi. 6— — -- 1- the Council, together with the report—.mad' t. hi. ,,f,-- t. said —t- by rhe CI—itti.— of Public W.,k,, D—d 193 .. 1-1 1 U Cnet If Fitu.— Office of the Commissioner of Public Wtj+h�FINANO )3 Report to Commissioner of Finance - ----- JUL 28 1912 July L�_'nu, 1952. 193 'Po the Cenuniacionor of Finnnee of the City of St. Paul: The Commfaeioner of Public Works, having had under c,saide—ion the preliminary order of the Council, known ne Council File No. 93074 approved July 15th .193 .2 ,relative to Constructing dril—yson the s—th side of r'ifth ot., beginning 201 ft, east of Maria ave „ thence east 1." it, and hiving inveetigated the mattere xad thing, referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvemeot ie necessary and (or) deeirnble. 2. The estimated .at thereof i, f. , and the total coat thereof i, $ and the nature and extent of aaid improvement ie as follows: - ---- Estilntot� i7 c�slock 25, Lyta_n Dayton's addition. --------- 3. A plan, profile or ,ketch of said improvement i, hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 4. .... 5. Said improvement ie asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to aaeesament for said improvement. .. Commieaif Public Work 93302 G F N BiB07� �d{ tv�g �nmpp'ttot1eida hiN tr r tqe jld IIiaB, et,�a kllbw 41043:,,_... ¢¢ TbIJtB.bau aC,3oliea'dda 0 COUNCIL FILE NO.. - ft au b� Ldpevh s4 u, r newu et:. dtb ids By, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of recnastrueting,- rslgving and repairing._whara naaaasary...the eidmealka-at the fallawing locatinnsl. Thirteenth. St., south s ide,. beri_Ming. 65 ft. ,,,t of J­'csan St..,_thenoe west 10 -ft., Thirteenth St., south side, be InninL 149 ft. east of Temperance St.,_.thence. east 220 ft., under Preliminary Order__. 93043_ ._...._.._approved July 13, 1932..._ Intermediary Order - _--_ — --------_._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _._rs, n atruct,. reley- And rapnir_r yrhetfl.naaeflsary.- thfl-.aidemalks..at_tha..foMarring-locatinnat_____........__-.__ ----- ---------- _------------- _ a Thlrtaaath_ St.._sm+th .aide._ha€1Jln1ng-14-9--3't..._eAat. pf_Za>Doe rnnca_St.._thanoe east _220 ft., and the Co—H hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said impi4o vment,d Iccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - __ --..., 192 . _ _/ - - - C Clerk. - Approved - ... , 192 Councilmanbwwj a,, lA / aYor. Councilmaneon61 �_ pURLISFIED Councilman Councilmanli l.uvm Councilman2166106' W—el L MIIYore p Dlehnaey A. 8 -7 v Form R. S. A. B-7 , D EPA RTM ENTvOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •�� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER JAG (o) In the ma... of reconstructing, relaying and repairing„ where necessary, the sidewalks et the following locations: Thirteenth St., south side, beginning 65 ft. west of Jackson St. thence .eat 10 ft., Thirteenth St., south side,beglnning 149 ft. east of Te.p—ce St. thence east 220 ft., .nd<r P,diminary Olde, approved July 13, 1932 To the Council of the City of Sc. foul, The Co,,, missio ner of Fnance h...b,,,,.— as fellows. 'Che mt 1 csa mate) amou ut of the em<seme..t for the abo,c mprovc m<nt u - S The esti.., a:<d cost H—, for the above improvement '1 he lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and ,':,e assessed colo ado of lot or parcel as Ia st reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oescaPnoN for neo« aooinoN LandouniioBldg. B 1 Randall's Add. to St.Faul 3700 2200 West 35 ftof 7 2 1de Cloud's Subdivision of 875 2900 lot. B and 9 2 block No. 2 of Vandenburgh' a Add, to St. Paul 2000 3150 10 2 do 1000 2100 11 2 do 1000 5000 12 2 do 825 1000 9400 16350 The Commissioner J Finance fn,ther reports th a, he has in,<stigated all of the aforesaid matt s, and LereI, sob m, s the foregoing a, his report rhe .. oo the Council, together with the repot made to him in re (e ren ce to said matter by the Commissioner of Pblie -3-L.. 193 Dated � Commissioner of Finance. 'Office of the Commissioner of Public '%O'�sFINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance a a • JUL 22 1932 July %2nd 1932 'to the Commissioner of Financ1 of the City of .S't. Peal: The Commissioner of Poblic Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Coancil Pile No. 93046 approved. J—y 13th .193.2..., relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side of Thirteenth St., beginning 65 ft. west of Jackson St., thence west 10 ft. ;18.25 ..ot 8, BLock 1, Randall's ...1- South side of Thirteenth St., beginning 149 ft. east of Temperance St, thence east 220 ft. $1 .2 —t 7, Blk 2, mcCl,ud':'.-ubuiv. '� nik V;,nden—L1h's add. .4 8 „ „ G2 23.62 11d 3 4. 5. Said improvement u, ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject w aaeeaement mr said improvamant. comm-- of 93803 i ero(��elo-a«iocw�'az. COUNCIL FILE NO. nr�� ytOcova e «:«u BY �. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of aonetruating driveways an the south side oS Y11nifred St.., begiZAIAE 190ft---t. of Bidwell St., thenoe .west 20 ft., _... under Preliminary Order _93072-_apprm'ed July 15, 1932 Intermediary Order _..._.. ___.._..____ _... .-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ...9on8truct_ d ivewa__ys_ on the. cloth side of Winifred St., baginjnv. 18.Q. Lt. *+eat_of_. Jdwe],1. Sty.. thenoe wast ?o ft— __------------ - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , Adopted by the Council SE.' _7 10 192 _... AA4 C' Y Clerk. Approved _ , 192 Councilman ^.^�f YU131.IStik:U Councilman �iprgtteo,/ �, 6e 7 �? J181i� Councilman dfs6le¢ . /Ih., Councnman�,., ,//n1, l� 41 Councilman dI�i'h�b„zal Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 rout. DEPARTMENT OF FJ9 NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER : J� 1n r 190 r(t.eRe stoeteiawa 1 Stfl, thence whe ea th20ide ft., of Winifred St., beginning undo Prcli urinary o«fer approved .7117 15, 1932 To the Co --1 of the Ci" of St. I a"i 7'hs Commissioner of Finance hereby neons as follow1. l'he total estimated amount of the assessment for the above impr-vcmcnt is - - i 36.00 _ The 1stimand co,t per foot for the above improvement- "1'he lots or feu reel. -f land [liar mvy b� av'esad benefits (or such imp mtnment, and the essess�d . aluation of eseh lot or parcel as last reported by the Ass=seor, all as (-lbws- El oescr+wnoc+ DoT ..ov. nooinon suan Lnd o Bldg. 6 155 Robertson's Add to 750 3050 W. St.Paul 7 155 do 750 2050 1500 5100 The Com missioncr of Finance (urth�r reports that he hat inrestiguted all of the aforesaid —i—, and I ereby submits the (ongoing as his report thereon ro the Council, together w'i 1, the report made to him m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \1orks. Dated— -3L 19 3L-' 6-'c�e' — - Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WN, FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 ,s — JUL 22 1932 July 2:.',ncl, 19.5U. '93 1'o the Commi,aiener of Finance of the City of St. fool: The Cornmia.iontr of Public Work., hvving had under con.ideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ea Cooneil File No. 9307: approved July 15th .193.. K..., relative to Constructing driveways on the s—th sine of Winifred ot. beginning 190 ft. west/f Bidwell 'Lt., thence west 30 ft. and having inveatigatud the mattem and things referred to tberein, hereby report,: I. Said improvement ie nece,.-y and (or) de.irablo. 2. The eatimated toot thereof ie S , and the total ,at thereof iu f and the natn,o and extent of .aid improvement i. ee follow. Lot 61 block 155, Robertson's Nddn.=-----------'T,18. 00 Lot 7, n n o o ___........ $18.00-- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of .aid imp .... movt i, hereto attached sad made a part, hereof. 3 0 0 4. 5. Said improvement ia... .naked for upon petition of three or more o,.em of property, .object to .aeesament for said improvement. i C mmie®ov f P blit W rtii�.- 93804 oK �s..°1fu v�tvr man ��ro� or.y4 L}PsY� PiO`ed' ;�'nnvaeei !�a�, eat vp°n�p COUNCIL FILE N0.By �0a n �Po,p °uoy:l'na deo Ae= 'e>uom n e'n wbr.ew arnaao- •mgr °on.i.-•• en...m.: m.r.e° - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of pavin:: Atlay..in. Blank -e, Plum Ornhard. Addition..Pror�Fairview-.- Avenua to. Fraderi.k: Avanue, - - - ---- -- under Preliminary Order.-.. 92984- -- _approved duly 8, 1932 Intermediary Order .... _ _ ..._..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard .11person., objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.para.A114 in-B1ank5,_Plum Draha L Addition.-_..-_ from-Falrvi- Asanue.ta_EraderlaFalvsnue.,.._...__.__._...______ and the Council hereby order, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby in,trucred and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 ty Clerk. Approved -...-.....- , 192 /I ' Mayor. Councilman vOtnnnY ' ' Councilman rFergu.on - Councilman 6geo-=y Councilman;O°` 4y�° Councilman fpr Reozel 1 Mayor 01991 Meb�wey ✓ / `'^kAi; Form B. S. A. 8-7 AUL O DEPARTME', 5(trP P$$blANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (�'^ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the mat of o - All— U, 1-c Y'. �n. � �'ciin l Ads'. tier. ram . i .rv.aw ,. csnnie to undo Preliminary Order np,.-d T,>ly 9, 1439 To the Council of the City of Sc Paul: The Comminnioaer of Finance bereby reports as follows: The total e'ti mated m a of the —111—t for the above mprotcmcnt in - - $ 2.445.0(`__ . rrt - - - R. _. 2.42.-- 'Rhe estimated cont per,/oot for the above improvement in - - - The loth or panel' of land that may be annessed benefit' for each improvement, and the an ne'sed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reporttd by the A-111 1, e as follow'. oESCAiPnoR Lor ewe. �oo�lioR LA��d-AT�oPld y. 1 o I'1 •.m r,ral erd 450 300 4101 2 6 _0 3 6 do 300 3500 4 6 do 300 2950 5 6 do 300 4950 6 6 do 300 4500 7 6 do 300 oC ., 6 do 150 Lot y un _ west -..- of 8 6 do 450 4200 300 405C 10 6 do rain DEPARTMENT pE. Flq(AN LE REPORT OF COMMIy9SI0hiER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) ASSIIIED of 12 .. Ylw tiro hn rd 450 yl - of 11, 6 ) do 450 1:S o 14 E do 450 15 6 10 450 lli 6 do 300 4450 17 6 do 300 300 5000 11, r. do yr _ 19 o do 1s0 of 19 6 do 160 20 6 do 300 4900 Lot ::1 of 22 6 do 450 E 3 of 22 and all of 23 6 do 450 5600 24 6 do 300 4860 25 6 do 300 4850 " b do 300 27 6 ,10 300 5750 28 6 do 450 5.100 9000 68950 The Commdssi.— of Foss,- further r,,- chat he bas investigated all of the aforesaid mase and hereby submits the foregoing ae his report thereon to the Council, mgether wah the repo,[ made to him it re (e re nee [o said matter +by he Commissioner of Poblic Works. Da[<d issioacs of Finance. R;O S, Paul, Minn.. �— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your I-fonorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: St. Ave. from _L-. 4/I' V1- W /7� Sr. Ave. t,, � OWCe A /f'e _. St. Ave. TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) July 13, 1932 Hon. Sarmen C, Wanz 1, Commissioner of Fubllc Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Alley in Block 8, Plum Orchard Addition from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92984, approved July 8, 1932. Length 598 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1171 ft. n n Street 20 ft. PAVING 8° CONCRETE Total Sq. Yd. 1.89 Property Share 2,445.00 T o t a l 2,445.00 (a) Front ft. 2.09 Estimate includes $220.00 for engineering & inspection. Your truly, G` . s or Shepard, hie Engineer. mh Approve` ;� erman vvC. Wenrzel, Commissioner. Office of the Commissioner of Public W Or OF FlNANCF %�4 Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 14 1932 July 18, 1932 193 To the Commimiooer of Finance of the City of St. Pell. The. Commissioner of Public Works, having tied under ccmeid... tioo the preliminary order of the Cooncil, known ee Council File No. 92984 approved July 8, 1$3E _193_ , relative to the paving of Alley in Block 8, Plum Orchard Addition from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue. and baying i—cetigeted the mat— and thioge refe—d to therein, hereby repmte: 1. Said improvement ie nc,, y end (or) deeireble. 2. The esti—ted coet thereof ie f... ,and the tote) coat thereof ie E (See estimate attached) end the nature end extent of eeid improvement ie m follows'. 3. A plan, profile or eketch of ..id improvement ie hereto attached end made a pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i..... eeked for upon petition of three or more w,,m of property, .object to assessment for eoid improvement. Commiseio f Pub' toe U 93805 f m Xe t,r� �e�tw-tB lb [rmM."o. .'41,1Ms. 'mh^'g,. COUNCIL FILE NO.. BY_... _ FINAL ORDER In the Matter othhaaging the grads ofAlleyin Block 4... Bright x..d_ Park from.______., Fry St.-to Snelling Ave.. to. conform_ to. the redline.. on the. profile hereto attached andmade. s.. part hersol, also paving Bald alley bet-n the.. fpresacl limit, to, the saidrodline rhen established,_ under Preliminary Order. 4297¢_ .__._.approved July 7, 1932 Intermediary Order - _. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to he made by the said City is ..__ o*tea the-F_ ade_of-Alley. in_Bleok__14 _Br-lgh1,w-P d park.. from. Fry. -St. _ to..Snalling Aw...-._t9_.aoufcrlm_to_the_red_lige_ on_the_ profile_ hereto ettaohmi and-mad.-.%_part-hereof. -Ino P.- avid_ alloy- bent een_the_afor_aid-limits_to the said-red-lime-ehen_estahliahad. and the Council hereby orders said improvement m be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- reed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ;32 Adopted by the ceimc;l � _.._._. _ lsz f.� City Clerk. Approved _. _..... , 192 ��Mayor. Councilman�Mc Unna ld YUtl1.�>t•�•�- Councilman P n` 7 Clmem Council an Councilman Councilman Mayor K-dwam Form B. S. A. 8-7' �� I CITY of ST. PAUL I�? DEPARTM ENS' OF FINANCE 1 REPORT ON PRELIMINARYNER OF ORDER FINANCE -�n (A) In rhe matter of ehnnriny tho Prado of A1lsy Sn pl-k A, Nri I:htvroo : r'n rk frnr, Iry St. to nellinr Al- to crosL orm t� tha rad lino cn rho f o^i 10 Fur^to zt tacF�d mode s" 111 he re o:', nlso pr vin' sn1r ^l lev botween th nrnfr�ossi 11T", '.c tho said rre ll�ati ,.n .n e=tnrat,hoa, under Prc li min ary Ord er app roved Ii1v 7, 1932 To rhe Council of the City of St- Paol: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as (allows: kl'aBF-oO— -- The tn[al aumatcd am f Lrt othe assessment for rhe above mprovc ment �a $ The esumared cos[ Pe/f— for the above jmprovement u - t The lots or parcels of land [hat may be assessed benefits for such improvemcn[, and the al—,,dvalva ion f each lo[ or o parcel as last rcpor red by the Aesea sor, arc as follows: DESCRIPTION LOTacoca noortioN Inna�upT� tl1Cf. 3 4 °rlvh*wood Pari: to '.;t .Pniil ,!'itsn 10,400 2o,0o0 650 1,550 4 4 do 650 350 5 4 do 650 6 4 do 650 7 4 do e50 1,Boo 4 do 650 6,950 y 4 do 65o 6,650 10 4 do 650 6,550 11 4 do 700 12 4 do (C) O EPA RTM ENT BOFP FINANCE b REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 149600 194400 The Commissioner of F'-- further r,p.— that he ha, in-, ig aced all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submit. the foregoing - hie report thereon to th, Council, together with the report mad, to him i. reference to said matter-pby the Commissioner of I ublic \7-U. r Dated �'-'_2`-- L— _.19 ?, `. / ^ — K——m�seion,. an«. V Com of Fin lots 14 and 13 4 Brlghtwood Park. to ..t.Pnu :, Nig✓t 11;00 ?6000 15 4 r.o 6n00 lo's lo, 17 and 15 4 -0 14:'.00 14400 lots 19 end 20 4 do 1400 22500 21 4 do 51(N 3100 22 4 d" 5500 6900 23 4 do 6600 10550 24 4 do 911,0 13060 26 4 do 9000 5750 26 4 do 12300 10100 27 4 do 17000 16650 21 4 do 32700 20260 149600 194400 The Commissioner of F'-- further r,p.— that he ha, in-, ig aced all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submit. the foregoing - hie report thereon to th, Council, together with the report mad, to him i. reference to said matter-pby the Commissioner of I ublic \7-U. r Dated �'-'_2`-- L— _.19 ?, `. / ^ — K——m�seion,. an«. V Com of Fin /0 28 St. Paul, Minn. _ 4y IF, 191 '32 The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: s, hereby petition your Honorable We, the undersigned property owne Y Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .Pavia. alle8. 1_n Blook. Fnur W4 Bri¢ht--'I Park Arili.tl.on St. Avc. $t. Ave. to Fry J St. Ave. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Oe[e) July 13, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade and paving the Alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park from Fry Street to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92976, approved July 7, 1932. Length 606 ft. Width of Roadway 15 ft. Frontage 1186 ft. u Street 15 ft. PAYING 6° CONCRETE_ Total Sq. Yd. = 1.93 Property Share 1,885.00 T o t a l 1,885.00 (b) Front ft. 1.60 Est. includes $166.00 for engineering. Your ��truly, � . % . eor M, Shepard/// Chief Engineer. mh App oQ d• r an enzel, Commissioner., Office of the Commissioner of Public 14WIPFINANCI Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 19 Iqx July 18, 1932 193 T. the C,­,oinme- of Finance of the MY of St. Pool The Com,ojeem-, of Pobli, Work., having hod o.dII wneideretian the Ple"'re-Y I'll" of the C.—M, k.— to, C-orli) Fth, No. 52976 approved July 7, 1932 193 , "I.t— to changing the grade and paving the Alley in Block 4, Brightwood Park from Fry street to Snelling Avenue. ee,j having jo—,tig.ted the oe,ttele nod We, ,N—rd to therein, herebyrep—! I. Said �Sp,.II-elt ie and (rt) a.ati..tattached) 2. The ntu—ted wet thereof i. S ,and the 4t.1 e- tbolo-f is S .ed the retere and extent of said improvement is - f-11—: 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of e.id improvement ie here. attached -d —,h, . port hereof. 4. 5. Said uopr—eoe—t ie..asked for upon potibro of three or re— owners of property, .object to _reeoer., for eoid improvement. ) ' 0 '00000t—reer of '.'he d. 93816 11 a 116 21 COUNCIL FILE NO. By 1. the Math changin, the grade nt Alley.. in Block. 10, Rolcombo's_Addition_rrom St.. Albana St. to Grotto St., to ccnrorm to the red .line on the.. profile u-sto_at- tached ani. made aart h. eof, the present established ,rade being shown by a blue It,' :thereon, also gradin,.. the. alley. in Block 10, liolcoubs.'s- Add.. from. St. Alan bs St. to Grotto St. to the proposed red line when established, and co ,truoti,, a ar in. the alley tram a point 100. ^t. west of St. Albona.. St... to. tha.sesrer_ sat. Albans St., under Preliminary Order...... 95177. _.. ...approved J,1y 26, 1932 _ Intermediary Order ___-approved-__.-_- __-._.. - - -- .......---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections end recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it —Z', RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that Pro ant to be made by the said\ienge_Yha_.gxade- o lay_in 131-1- 11)_ o.be's_Addi on_f om-St.-Albflns_rnYYo_St.te._cn-11 . tn_iha_ied.line. nn_ e_gI.OS11e hetet attaohed d madeereof, the present, tablishedrade :nom hewnan e oeby _ah .line. tharami._ee..the_alloy 4't.B1scY._ ...H.Plcpu��ei s Add_,frSt. Alb St. to Grotto he proposed red line rvh established, end tract- 00saasx. e.-1[1➢_ft�rrest_nf.dt._-Alb ._SS�t; the_.§.ewer St. Alb t. boom ltrs>�re smIe, _=_. "_ - ------ - -nay-a'-3ed and X11 MMia101r tr iwid mor•<. h. , - and he Council hereby a data said improvement to\cc SOLVED FURTHE That the CommissionerNorks be and ie hereby instructed and irects to prepareplasan ecifiations fr saidntandsubmitsame tot Council for approval, that upon said appro I, the proper city offerehy authorized and dire ed to pro- Geed with a making of said i ement in accordwith. ov Adopted by the Council « .�-^-.�___.-- _., 192 __...--_----- Approved 192 ayor. Councilman B7ewrc+ o }t, booead Councilman enrgueonr--> )I,..' Councilman McDonald- � i- :,,re 0 nt Mmisvvn le'1-yam Councilman MCGban.-• ga k�een Council man 6Btlkohrtet"-a 't.aea Councilman — 11'—.0 Mayor FIR" Plwovey ^ Form B. S. A. 8-7 J') OEPA RTM EIJTgOFs FIS AN tYE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IONER OF FINANCE la th<matrcr of changing the grade of Alley in Block 10, Holcombe'. Add, fromF St. Albans St .to Grotto St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and male a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading the alley in Block 0 sed 10, Holcombe's Add. from St. Albans St. to Grotto Stint Chethe lleypfrom red line when established, and cont— tiny, a ew, a point 100 ft, wast of St. Alban. St. to the sewer in St. Albans St., -d,, Palimioary Order aPProvcd July 26, 1932 To the Council °f the City of St. Paul: of Fin a hereby reports as follows. The Commiss,oner enc The tl a md �ot of thaemnfor the bovu - - 0,97 R- - t vemcnt is - - - The "6.—d cost p rA,I for the above mpro - - the assessed volaanon of each lot or land may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and "Che lou or parcels of that as last repor ted by the Asncsso , a as follows. parcel oesCIIPTION IOT ago°. Wool*ion �u-T ONBldg. Lot1 of lot- 2k 3 10 Holcombe'. Add. to St .Paul 1200 155 and tho.e parts ling southeast of aline commencing y at a point on the south line of lot 3, distant 6 feet east from the no. th southwest corner thereof, thence e feet, thence in a northeasterly of direction to the northwest corner lot 1 750 1750 That part of 2 10 do lying orthwen.rtst of a line drawn 1 t loto3 toomthehsoutriwestowes corners of s 2100 All that part of 3 do 750 lying orthwest of a line commencing Prom the on the south line " ft. ..at N.B ft. th. to .outhwest corner, trience `OT"` N.W. corner of lot 1, in said block or sr. PAu� ;A DEPA RTM ENR OF FAN ANCk REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (Cl IESCRIPTION LOT -- ADDITION A.S.—E. 4 10 Holcombe'. Add. to 6t.Paul 1150 3200 5 10 do 1150 2850 6 10 do 1150 1700 7 10 do 1150 4600 8 10 do 1150 10000 9 10 do 1150 2900 10 10 do 1150 2200 Lot 11 andE 30 ft of 12 10 do 2000 10250 lot 13 and (Exc. E.3 1) 12 10 do 1425 5500 14 10 do 1150 1500 15 10 do 1250 4050 Lot 17 and (Exc.N. 451) 16 10 do 1750 2500 North45 ft of 16 10 do 425 1750 18 10 do 1000 2600 19 10 do 1000 5050 20 10 do 1000 1025 21 10 do 1000 1550 22 10 do 1000 1800 23 10 do 1000 2250 24 10 do 1000 1600 25 10 do 1000 2300 26 10 do 1000 6700 11-1 P 6 OEPA R1. ENR OF P'WANC.. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) Lot 27 and W of 28 10 Holcombe'. Add. to St.Paul 1500 4000 Lot 29 and E of 211 10 do 1500 6800 30 10 do 1150 2500 31900 W75 The Commissioner of Fm.— (u nhcr reports that he has .n vcs riga ted all of the afnres aid mart and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together .i,h the repo t made to him m re (e re nee to said matterbby the Commissioner of P.bliem\t'ork, �assioncr once. U C of Fin 0'7-4' X3177 7 .. j.T�y191,2- ....-_ _. _ To The Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn. ( O City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: __..St. Ave. from St. Ave. to-✓._... St. Ave. CITY OF SAINT PAUL (aped of Mine DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. W -EL. Corn niseiorvex ®� c. rv. rvevean, oek..b an vi.m,., rte.,..., July 30, 1932 Hon. Berman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 10, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, and constructing s sewer in the alley from a point 100 feet west of St. Albans Street to the sewer in St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93177, approved July 26, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $1,167.39 Cost per front foot - - - - 0.97 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 22.89 Engineering - - - - - - - - 140.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1,200 ft. Yours tru George M. Shep rd, Chief Engineer. mh Approved for transmission to the mmissiona of Finance er anzel, Commissioner of Publi orks. Office of the Commissioner of Public W6YkVF FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance a ' " , 4 August 3, 1932 m3 Tb the C ......... of limn, of the city of St. Paul: The Commis.ioner of pnblie Work., having had under conaideratiou the preliminary order of the ('ouneil. known a= C,,— it Pile tin. 93177 approved July 26, 1932 193 , ""thus to changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 10, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans St. to Grotto St., -:nd constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 100 ft. west of St. Albans St. to the sewer in St. Albans St. and having invc.tignted the nwtt,- and things referred to therein, hereby r,p—L,: 1. Said in�tn'nv� meat i= meas _ nd (nr) dee r.ble. Cost per front foot $0.97 2. The estimated coat thereof is E. 1,167.39 and the tatal cont therm[ i. R Inspection $2:3.89 Engineering $140.00 Frontage 1,200 ft. end the —t'—and extent of .aid improvement is . follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of .aid improvement i. hereto .tt-hod and made a part hereof. 4. a. said improvement w .asked for upon petition of three or more oraner. of property, subject to n..e..menl for ..id improveme.L Commies oxer of li orks. 93807 a ■v._..�:.:. i■i�:�•••�C: ••'r'�is!��ii. ■■■.��eiiiMs7�a�l lcli7: r In the matter of ........ —damming- and Asking _en_sasQlneni_ in the -].and---- --- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 10, Bolcombets "ddition from St. Albans St. to Grotto St. under Preliminary Order____93176------------ - approved___ __duly_ 26.1932-________, intermediary Orde<__________ 93545__________,appro.ed --------- AugusS_31,_].832___---_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council ers having heard all pona, be bititectiovs and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully con id- ered the same; therefore, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that x e \ondemin8 and taking easement theland nec a ssa y for slopesd fills in the adingAlleyinBlock 10, Bolcombelen Prom St. Albans Sttto and the ncil hereby orders said im amen aN the wine M bel by ' .. ..OM b aid msttel be d—.... _ " � Adopted by the Council_______________ �'__. -- - Approved___ --------- 19 ---- �(C e/_ILLI_ __--_______ eyor. Councilman eearAy- M _ Councilman FergxeeCouncilman n McDonald \ / l 7 Councilman Councilman Councilman SssAAeiwsee Mayor P ♦VL - DEPA RTM ENT aCrE FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) l ror In chc m alo pas. cut utssa d fills, ing the gradingan ease, of the Ind Blockano lO,THe l combo's Add, fromSt. Albans Si. to Grotto St., —&, Prdiminary Order approved July 26, 1932 To the Council of chc City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance herebY reports as follows: e th f r for eh, above The total estimated o amount assessm<n The estimated cost perfoot for the abo« The lot, or parcel, of land that may be assessed benefits far such improvement, and the assesud valuation of each lot or parcel as leer reported by the A---, arc as follows: IED vascalPncry LOT .Lock A 171ON LnMILUo--bldg. Lot 1 lot. 2: 3 10 HO1. mbe1a Add. tO St ,Pn ul 1:.00 1550 and those parts of lyT s uthonst of aline corm.n^t�r at a pointon ti',o scuth lino of lot 3, dlst.nt e fo t .-net from tho sout'nwc st corner t`lereof, t'noneonorth 0 fe t, thence in a n.rt1io..t.r,y dt—ct'^n to the rOrtl—t .o—r �f lot 1 That part cf 2 10 do 750 1750 lyir.:- nort: u. et ofn lire drnem fro rn the port west torr er of lot 1 to the soot',^+est cornor of lot 3 11 -that p-trt of 3 10 do 750 2100 lytnp, norttu¢e at of •, line cotmacnctn an tho .outh 11no Ft ft. .net from the seeIt... t `lion.. : -' ft. th, to ji.d, corner of lot 1, in sa'd h1.c11 ro.— - DEPARTMENT 60F..'11CAUcg REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) DEICRIPTION 111-01 �A 'L 4 10 ::oloomhala Add. to :.t.Paul 1150 3200 5 10 do 1150 2850 6 10 do 1150 1700 7 10 do 1150 4600 8 10 do 1150 10000 9 10 do 1150 2900 10 10 do 1150 2200 Lot 11 nn31. 30 Ct of 12 10 do 2000 10250 lot V and ( ac, ') 12 10 do 1425 5500 14 10 do 1160 1500 15 10 do 1250 4050 Lot 17 and (:.xc.14. 451) 16 10 do 1750 1 2500 .—th45 ft of 16 10 do 425 ' 1750 18 10 do 1000 2600 19 10 do 1000 3050 20 10 do 1000 1025 21 10 do 1000 1550 22 10 do 1000 1800 23 10 do 1000 2250 4 10 do 1000 1600 25 10 do 1000 2300 26 10 do 1000 6700 C­ OF ST IAUL DEPARTMENT OF. IICA%CL' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) Lot 27 and .4i3 Of 28 10 Holcnmt,a+:+ :'Ad. to :;t ,Poul 1500 4000 Lot 2) and h. of 2 10 do 1D00 6800 3O 10 do 1150 2500 The Comm+ss+oner of Finance further reports that he has +—.tigatcd all of the f.,..;d mat+ , and hereby -bmn. the foregoing as his report thereon to the C...61, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of P.bl—ie �W.,ks. D ... d-LLe� 31 _. —193 U Commissioner of Finance. v Office of the Commissioner of Public WoT"6 % ei Report to Commissioner of Finance,` 4 1932 „ugust 3, 1932 103 "I'll the of Finnnre o[ the 1i11 of St. I'nnl_ The Commissioner If 1'uhh, Works, h -mg hod under roteltlj ntinn the pmliminnry Ill, of the 93176 July 26, 1932 193 rehrtivo to ('ounril, known as Cmmeil Dile t: a. nPProveil conde—ing and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 10, Eiolcombe's Addition from St. Albans St. to drotto St. and having il— I ignted the mat tern and things referred to therein, 1—,hy repor4 1- "Hid imDrovenient ie nii�e�nry and (or) desiruLle. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie $ IIX]t and the tewl cost thereof is S XX and ate nut—,, and carrot of said hnprnvmneut ie � f+illuwa- - ` 3. ,k plan, profile ar eketch of said improvement is hereto attached and nmde a part hereof. 4. n. 9sid improvement is mk, l for upon patio,,n of thrca or more ox Hera of property, auhject to —ssmcnt for sntd mtpravcment. Comm�estoner of Pu orka. 4� J JU8t 8 e...Yan �;onom COUNCIL FILE N0. e.`ti . ora..oe ..mnur om. us' By a.l m ale FINAL ORDER In the Matter of changing-the..grade_nf. 111ey. in. Blonk_3._Dpanoyor_Park-from._..__- Beverly Road to Doane St. to c_,or.- to the red line an the profile hereto attached andmade_ s_partbaraof, the.. present_ established.. grade -beim.- shown -by-s-blas-lim-tLare- on, also grading Alley in Bl"'' 3 Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to the pr -P4,-0- red.l.ine when astahllshesi, .and cnnstruaLing s sexer.frnm the .All�y.to _Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly B feet of lot 9, block 3, Desnoyar.Park. under Preliminary Order ___....'__-E31R9___..._--.approved au>,v. 27, 1932 Intermediary Order ------ —_....... 1 _____-approved __-._...__--___.__...________._..___ A public bearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all peraons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.. che.nga_tha.. grada. of. Al ay in -Flack. 3 D—ovaG3ark f con,Baserly.Rmd--to, Do— -St- --ta.aouf— to-tha.red-lina..cm- the --prntile-S�arnt^ ed and and mad, a part hereat, the present teLlished grade being hewn by a blue lino thereon._elan..grad,_.Alloy-Sn_Block.3,..Ilesnoyar.Park-Sram_Eas,r-lY-=.nad_Sa Doane St. to the proposed red line .,hen established d construct er from the Alley to Glendale i en o a saw Avaciw- athe.BasamanL..tnbe-of_lnt_9..t1P5k� nesnoyer Park, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon acid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __3.17. _->g __.. __. , 192 f£ City Clerk. Approved _. _. _ .192 , Ma y Councilman g04ANd.v*,a hl.l �.,::,'j Councilman �pQR— N:,. qco.e.A„eni 'res 4'if6LISHED Councilman ilii® W, --o oun Ccilman d is T-ux Councilman i0iw� Weazel / Mayor 8101M- Mehoccy Form B. S. A. 8.7 ' CI ..Y••'' AUL OEPA RT M'.:NY�F FyIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1 (A) 1,,h, matter of ohanging the grade of Allay in Blook 3, Desnoy or Park d erly aoud to Douno :it. to ca�f ore to t.!:o rod line on the pr fi le hereto attached and m,de a part or sof, the present e:. tabliahed 1-,rede 'a '.ng shown by", blue line th.�reon, nlso grads nr Allsy in B1" 3, Desnoyer ?ark Cram ileverly ,toed to Doane 6t. t:o the prc,�osed red when seta blis hod, and c.n structinr e r from the Alloy to ';lends le Aga nue in thee ea senont to be obte- :ed on the oo rtherlyw9 ft, or lot 9, blook 3, ')osnr,yer Pllr , under Preliminary Order approved Jule :7, 1332 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissi—e, of Fieaace hereby reports as follows: The total —i—ted a of the sec. cement for the above improv. meat Ie orrtt 'The estimated cast pe4o for the aboae- cele of land that may be sed benefits for each improveme and the assessed —1 -ti— of each lot or The lore or par asses parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc ar follows: osscRiPTioN LOT scot. AoorrioN I_AIUATi'Ed,. 1 3 Dosnoyor C..,L'inn 400 2 3 do 50 3 3 do 350 4 3 do 350 5 3 do 350 3200 6 3 do 250 2900 7 3 do 250 8 3 do 350 4900 9 3 ..0 250 10 3 da 250 CITT o e DEPARTR�NT ?FP FINANCE . REPORT OF ON PRELIMINARY FINANCE ORDER ASSISSED (C) OISCPIPTION LOT ..oca AomnoN VALUlTtoN 11 3 7f '275 3 da 275 275 ti 3 do 550 lots 16 and 17 3 do 19 3 do 275 300 275 0 3 do 275 21 3 do 275 22 3 do 325 23 3 do 360 24 3 do 75 25 3 do 400 26 3 do 400 2650 27 3 do 400 3560 26 3 do 400 29 3 do 30 3 do 00 350 e further repor s that he has ,nvestigatcd all of the -fares-;d matt s, and The Commissioner of Financ t t o him n the o the Council, together with the report made hereby submits the (ore8oing as hie report reon t reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Dated 31. __.— 193 a' r'fow Commissioner of Finance. ����pq$$AA ll swy}qrrra,.rr. 1 / . 1. Ry e. r..v.ir„� �1. r}�mrnr, mr�C` Ji MNI AW)C l!-����N ulaec.�oxs DIRE --N. Sav ^qu�r� F. Va,irY. f«rrrv.r 19u�s� P. WeM1b J UI(n R . A.'Wal4n R. Wm.v� ^ K 1. Fiesrlr� St. Paul, Minn. Aga. 9= N. R,O, =/yvf.eeea'V Baer. vt CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.,I.I of Mi'.... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL. Coy. . i.—H- ®.o August 17, 1932 Bon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Deer Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changingthe grade of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane Street, also gradingAlley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St., and constroctinga sever from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93199, approved July 27, 1932. Length 580.87 ft Width of Alley 20 ft. Frontage 1194.4 ft. v of Street 20 ft. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $1,210.33 Cost per front foot - - - 1.01 Inspection - - - - - - 23.73 Engbeering - - - - - - - 100.00 Yo eo Y. Shepard, Ch1 f Engineer. mh Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance 2r.w 1 Commissioner of ublic W -Office of the Commissioner of Public'k61APHIINCI Report to Commissioner of Finance Ab� August 19, 1932 193 'I'll the Commle,ioner of Fio—, of the City of tit, foul The Co,00—ooer of Public tt'orke, having hod oodrr e'u'ide awn the preliminary order of the e'ooeeil, known m C000ed File N. 93199 approved July 27, 1932 193 , r,.lnt;vn to changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St., also constructing a sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly B feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park. ood havirnK inve,timted the o,attem ood thione rrfrrred to therein, hereby r,potu: I. Said improvement w oce,,,,ary and (or) deeimble. 2. The i,ti—ted coat thereof ie g. 1,210.33 e,,,l the totnl co,t thereof ie s Cost per front foot $1.01 Inspection $23.73 ood the oaturo ood extent of said improvement ie u follow,'. Engineer $100.00 Frontage 1194.4 ft. 3. A plop, profile or sketch of ,aid improvement i, hereto attached and mode a port h—f. 4. n. 3oid improvement ie .,,ked for upon petition of three or ororo owners of property, subject to oaeexemenL for antd unprovemcnl. / / r— _.. lY� . C C toner ofWd Works. v� September :'9th, 1932 •Bon. B. C. Menrel, Comn-r of Pon! to 'xorke, 6ttC N ShePar6, CSLY sneer Banding. D_ Co®Saeionen The final order in the matter of c 9 tag the grade end gredinP the alley in Blook 1,DeeanYer Park f— Beverly II.ed to Duan Street eea laid over to Cntober 4th end the one �d datermtneeo.e too theoDeat P,redet thatecen be establiehed in 7— opinion. Tours -ry trolY, City Clerk. COUNCIL EINAL ORDER IN`—CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the atter of___ conde_mning__sh d_ taking- an easement- in the land necessary - for slopes, cuts end fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. cc e.sasxwnox aao¢—er xW�w 93200 approved---- July_21 1932______________ under Preliminary Order_________________ ---- Intermediary Onto r 93542 ............ approved----Aug-31.1952 --------------- A ug-31r 1932--------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul thlt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City m condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands oresemsnt, therein be and the se are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for sthe purpose of making the said me improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby ref rred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissi—er A Public works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement and the proper city officials hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance thearem with. 3 KM Adopted by the Council- ` _�)'7/'ym/lJ City Clerk Approved_-- -- - (--- ---------- 19----� Councilman Oawet' Councilman lonaMcD Councilman McDonald / Councilman Pearas Rh ek / Councilman lSndhf4 Councilman 3edhehmr _ Mayor of Sr. PAUL FINANCE DEPARTMENT OE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE •J1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) t In the meticr of oondanvtl t "`J in' on ­­­t- a t in tho land ne oas,.ry Por slopes, ^uts sni fills in Uit - .-nr of Alloys in Klock 3, De snoyar Park from .etarly ii—d to Donn, otroot, under Preliminary Order approved July L7, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: 'Che Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above mprovement is - - -The estimated cost per foot for the aboac mprovement Is - - - - - - - $ — The lou or parcels of land that may be arse sseJ benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel ., last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: 11SCRIPTION 1—ewe+ A 11— Intld �unior{11dq. 1 3 wln,oyor NrN:, on Co..Nlnn 400 2 3 do 360 3 3 do 360 4 3 do 360 6 3 do 360 3200 6 3 do 260 2900 7 3 do 260 6 3 do 360 4900 9 3 0 260 10 3 do 250 D EPARTMENT'OFPf W ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER c) 11 3 Do—yor Pork. iiomao; Co.s inn• 260 12 3 do 275 13 3 do 276 14 3 do 275 15 3 do 75 15 3 do 275 lot, 10 and 17 3 do 560 19 3 do 275 300 20 3 do 275 21 3 do 275 22 3 do 275 23 3 do 326 24 3 do i60 26 3 do 376 25 3 do 400 27 3 do 400 2660 2n 3 do 400 3660 29 3 do 400 30 3 do 600 360 9575 17850 The Commissioner of Financc further reports that he has ins esrig ated all of the aforesaid mart s, and to ere ththe Cou cil, together with nc, report mad, to him m hereby subm ns the foregoing as his report on n r,ferrncc t. ..id matter by the Commissmncr of Public 1\'orke. 19`x Dared`Y��missioner of Financc. Office of the Commissioner of Public %W40FINAMA Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 20 1932 August 19, 1932 193 the C lloolillo" Ijo-,, of the City of St. Pool The Commisvionee of Nhij, Works, ho,Uog told under eo-W—fill, the preliminary ol-&, of the Council, ko—, o, C.00eil File N..93200 op,_,d duty 27, 1932 193 to condemning and taking an, easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane Street. ,,d having il"Itig-t" the lostw, and things referred to tio,,,j., h,,,I,y IIPI- 1. S'id improvement is o --y and (.,) desirable. 2. 1 he estimated e,,t thereof is $ � ,and the total eoet thereof i,, S ..d the o., ­e nod e.tnt of ..id iloto.11--t is - f-II—e 3. A pl.., profile ., sketch of said improvement is hereto stehed ..d -.d,, . part hereof. 4. 5. Said lollo'll-ole"t_asked for open p1titill of tb,,, , m,,, owoere of property, ..I,ie,t . —ooellt for soid iolp—s-s-t (/� of I o -.r-. LE COUNCIL - -7--- FINAL ORDER In the matter of_condeonLg_ and_ taking_ an_ easement for - thepurpose_ of_-_--__-- constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the northerly 8 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Desnoy er Park, from Glendale -ve. to the alley in the rear of said lot. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes, under Preliminary Order____ 93201Euly-27tht 1932. ------------ approved______ -. Intermediary Order ---------- 93543------------ -pproved---- 2_____________ A public hearing having been hadpon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendation, relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to construct and maintain a public sewer on an easement. - _I and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands ra- eeme,t, therein be and the amal are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for sthe purpose of making the avid improvements, v1 : The Northerly 8 feet of Lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park, fromGlendalI Ave, to the alley in the rear of said lot; also ondemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes only o strip of land 5 ft. in width on the south side of ve asemen the aboet in Lot 9, end on the southerly 5 ft. of Lot 8 in said Block 3, Lesnoyer Park. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmi,sioner of Public Rork, be ad is hereby etructed an'd directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city official, a hereby authorized and directed to proceed "11h the maki of xaid improvement in accordance here- with. Adopted by the Council______"_�_ 3._ ---- ------ ,/ - ---_ ---_ - _ ------------- City Clerk. Approved- __-.--__----- _------ - , 19--__ _M8'I�- Councilman Oeeroy one N Coilm Councilman McDonald r—=—�' C unci •••^ Councilman EDhh-m .. X Councilman Sudkeiwter Mayor OEPARTMEry,T OFJ?JNANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9 (A) �7e In the matter of ondetming and taking m casement for the purpose of constructing and intelningoa public s .. nudma s the northerly 8 ft. of lot 9a blook 3. Desnoyer Parka from GlondalenAv puerto 11,Ally.n the ^oar of sed lot., also c nc'enm– '.akinp, s tempora, ; e ent for construction purposes only o strip -£•land I t.°i xidth on the sout'r e of the above easement in lot 9a and on the southerly 5 ft. of lot 8 in s.,ld 'block 3.eDesnoyer Ya rata ' order Preliminary Order approved July Z^, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: f 100.00 The total estimated amour[ of the assessment for the above improvcmen[is The estimated cost per loot (or the above improvement ie - - - - - $---- — The lots or parcels of land [hat may be assessed benefice far such improvement, and he assessed valuation of tach let or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc -- DESCRIPTION s osscRiPnoN ver awes nooinoN �twn*iol log. 9 3 Do snoyer Parka :inn:ey aUimm. 250 8 3 do 350 4900 T.I.I.600 4900 ewm e. e. rs r he t,ommr-c— of prance cumber reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid —t—, Id hereby e.b,it, the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \forks. e. e. it Com m�ssioncr of I� inaoa. Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance qa 20 t53c August 19, 1932 I93 To the Cmnmiseioner of Fiuuom of the City af-St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under cuneidornti- the preliminary order of the Co-ei1, known m Council File ,N'o. 93201 approved July 27, 1932 If13. , relnti- a condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing andmaintaining a public sewer on, under and across the northerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Part, from Glendale Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking -- a temporary easement for construction purposes only on a strip of land 5 ft. in width Qu the south side of the above easament.. pin lot 9, and on the southerly 5 ft. of lot 8 in said Block 3, IIftInogosviceligarik(rthe mntW, and things referred to therein, heroby repor te: I. Said impruvemenL ie ncieasary- and (ar) dcaimbk. 2. The estimnted met thereof is $... xxx ,end the total -t thereof ie 3 _. and the -tore and extent of said improvement is m fallawe: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.... .asked for upon petition of three nr more ownere of property, subject to swore -t for and improvemevl. /'/ C Co oner o blie Works. - ITY OF ST...938H Fic I ! CI ONaos"ke` �d — .. PSARCS •• •°•`nrs_ SPT. 23TTi=�@gg�-- RESOCVED WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, by Ordinance %6974, approved October 3, 1928, authorized the issuance and sale of 57,577,000 par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, the proceeds of which were to be used as Set out in said Ordinance, and WHERFAS, the said Ordinance waS duly approved by the voter. of the City of St, Paul, by popular vote, on the sixth day of November 1928, and WHcRLA3, by Chapter 126 of the Session Laws of Minnesota for 1929, it Se provided that before the proceed. of any Such bond, shall be used, the governing body of the City must, by resolution, determine the projects and the amount of the proceeds of such bond, for Such projects under each bond is_., and WHEREAS, by Council File #80419, approved April 25, 1929, the Council of the City of St, Paul did make this allocation and of funds, ain doing so made allocations for the acquiring of new School sites and the erection of new Schools or addition. to old ones, and WHEREAS, in carrying out the program at out inCouncil File #80419, the estimated amounts Set out by .aid reeolutlon for schools and School Sites have not, in each instance, been expended, and WHEREAS,a substantial savinfhas been made in the project ]mown as the new Unit o$ Chelsea Heights Code 515 an immediate allocation of funds in the project known as the Harding High School AddStion and grading code 506, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the sum of 5:5,500 is hereby deducted from the sum set up for a new Unit at Chelsea Heights Code 515 and that the sum of 53,500 hereby be added to thesum fixed for the Harding High School Addition and Grading Code 506, Yeas cou rvci uaary Nays Adoprcd by she Cuun cil sem. rn . V May / `-F McD—Id In f—, Approv d 7 19 . Swdb.iwec We, Aroa // YlID48lIEir ;o /—'d7� Mr. Presidene BaniYe M. ^ , v i r ` omr�o civ av,I. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...._....:I3J. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the American Legion Highland Park Poet Ho. 215 to use the old stone sohool-house at Randolph street and Snelling avenue for the pur- pose of holding its Poet meetings, at a rental of One Dollar (=1.00) per year, and the proper City officers are authorized and directed to enter into a lease with said Highland Park Poet NO. 215 for the rental of said building; maid lease to be subject to termination or cancellation by the Oity, without notice, whenever It may wish to make other use of the property; said Poet to make suitable repairs to the building, heat, clean and paint the building, keep the win- dows in repair, and make such other improvements as may be required, at its own expense. kd 1111111d b, 11, 11,1.,L11,re�e., roar. ,-r.u, COUNCILMEN Nays ^'. Adopted by the Council__._....._......-. _.. `.193___ Yens ley McD.-ld _ I f "" ApP I- -- -- 198 .-_- R—n � oaen / � �'� //7� ' Truax _ - __Against ` / J �-� - M.Y7.' Wenzel ` Mr, President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplml of Minnow. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, CIN C6,Y and Cam,nW— d R.ehs.eon ®o September 23rd, 1932 Yr. L. L. Avdereon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We enclose herewith letter from the American Legion Highland Park Post No, 215, requesting the nee of the old atone school house at Hendolph St. and Snelling Ave. for use a meeting place for their Post, for the nominal rent of $1.00 per year. The matter was referred to you by the Council, for the preparatien of a reeolntion granting this request. Yours very truly, City Clerk, (_ 0 Awriran +Kron HIGHLAND PARK POST NO. 215 ST. PAUL. MINN. 0 Amrriran 41--ipginn HIGHLAND PARK POST NO. 215 ST. PAUL, MINN. No...._... ........ _... CITY OF ST.oemm rcnue OFFICE OF THE� r'O^dineon°ie COUNCIL RESOLUTION- {; n?' me ae a. d on 36PI h 2a,....193Z.—_.. lamm Whereas, by 0. F. No. 93433 approved August 19, 1932, the Council concurred in the recommendation of the Committee on Lands for the purchase of that real estate known as Lot 20, Block 19, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition to 8t. Paul from the owner thereof, for the eum of $300.00, this price to include all assessments and taxes paid in full, and Whereas, through mlatnder standing the purchase -price of above described property was given as $300.00, when it should have been.$400.00, subject to the same conditions as C. F. HO. 93433, Therefore, be it resolved that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant in the amount of $400.00 in favor of the owner of this property as determined by the opinion of the Oorporation Counsel based on examination of the Abstract of Title, when a proper deed conveying same has been approved by the Oorporation CoLLneel and delivered to the City Comptroller, said sum to be payable out of the Playground Bond Issue Fund. Be it further resolved that 0. y. No. 93433 be and the same 1e hereby amended in accordance with this resolution. Yees COUNCILMEN N.Y. Adopted by the CounciL_._�=k._..._'._.. _:.�....193.__- jM j / Z3 ey „� / McDonnlJ ' /Penrce _ _I a favor A p veJ ... _ _ ..... 193..... /Trouax /J_._ABninet �-\ l � � � _.l�t � ...Mayor Wenzel�- Mt. President Mahoney L1­Na..�.. e CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPM of Mi—oa DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 112 Cowl Hom• .sop September 23, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: under date of Auguet 17, 1932 the Committee on Lands reported to the Council that it had undertaken to purchase Lot20, Block 19, Ashton & Sherburnels Addition to St. Paul, in loco rdanoe with 0. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, as part of the Bite for a play round, m from the owner thereof for the suof Three Hundred ($300.00 Dollars, this price to include all tales and assessments paid in full and recommended the purchase thereof. The Council thereupon passed the appropriate resolution authorising the purchase, which resolution is known as C. F. No. 93433, approved August 19, 1932. However, through misnnderstanding the amount of the purchase price for the above described property was given as Three Hundred ($300.00) Dollars, whereas same should have been Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollars, subject to the same conditions ae 0. F. No. 93433. Therefore, the Committee on Lands recommends to the Council that the property be purchased from the owner thereof on the terms above set forth, for the sum of Four Hundred ($400.00) Dollar.. C�OMIITTEE ON LANDS �a'or omr.P rke, P gr e. u Sc B ge. sing Agent Goy. 9.319 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ­GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of the Ser ioe Geroge Company for per- mission to install one gasoline pump and one 15150 -gallon gasoline tank at 4158 4ecouta street, be and the same to hereby granted, said pump and tank to be installed in accordance with the ordt- nanose of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COJNCILMILN Ycn9 Nnys,� /MnY ' Mcl)ondd Pearce - lu fnva Rowan / Truax Apmk Wenzel W. President Mahoney Adopted by the Cou it <..r:i-.._.:_ .0115193.... \ hlayur _y �Yld�kn CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gp11.I of Minn.wr. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth .nd Mlnnoow Save. JOHN H. MAONAW, Co— September 20, 1952 iHoroAs c. oco1 oD—Ce..i.,b.., Yr. Willies F. Scott, city Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sire Berenith Se application of the Service Garage Company for permission to instal one gasoline pump and one 550 gallon geaoline took for public usa at 45B Wacout. Street, and report of inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention. Varyr(ytruully 7oura, Commissioner of Public Safety/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PIvI of 1'4m _7 ,DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh .nd Minn. b Sm .a JOHN H. hkDONA , Go- movw� c. o orwELL D.wn G..iwq., � u Seotember 2o,1932 Hon.John H. McDonald commissioner of Public Safety. St.Paul,Yinn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Service Garage Company for oermiesion to install one gasoline pump and one 550 galleon gasoline tank for public see at 458 4aoaouta St. Ne have Investigated the foregoing and report that such an Installation at the desired location would not in- crease the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, 1 Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. 468 Woo 0 uta St• St• Paul, Minn. August E7, 193E Mr. W. 0. Barron Ohief Fire Inspector Public Safety Bldg. St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We hereby make application to install one gasoline pump and 660 -gallon gasoline tank for public use at 468 Wacouts St. Will you kindly make an Inspection at Your earliest convenience? Thanking you for prompt attention to this matter, we remain. Yours very truly SERVICE GARAGE 00.. :e 93ii15 CITY OF a . PAUL .n. " NO.._... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK }}COUNCIL /IRE LUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Oom asioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the connoil that that certain barn and storehouse located on Lot 9, Block 41,Rios 8 Irvine's Addition, also known as 814 Chestnut street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant Its being oondemmed and torn down-, therefore, be it 1 / RESOLVED, That a public bearing shall be had upon the ad- y visability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 81st /I day of October, 1938, at ten o'clock A. Y. in the Council chamber. in the court House and City Hall, In the City of St. Paul, Mine sots; be it i FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said bearing, the Co®issioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public' Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property; a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose Of said hearing, and be shall also cause a notice of Such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said bearing. COUNCILMEN i � Yens Nate Adopted by the Council...... Ck ..... _.....193..- MaY Mcl)nnaId I f.... �7 ' App—M._., _ 193_-- Truax ._Against \ /�'-C�+%�>!+F �/ ��T Wenzel ._ , • MaYor M _ Mr. President Mahoney D I ro av a.. �— No. _. _ 93816 CITY OF ST. PAUL —_ . ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CL'H „ nreA ]L ery — 1 COUNCIL RE90LlITION—GENT vy,lpy` �9� a s r � rdm +p e WEEMS, She Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Ooucoil that that curtain frame house located on Lots 14, 15 and 16, St. Paul Central Lots, also known as the southeast corner of Spruce and Sibley streets, to in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant 14e being oondemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public bearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wreoking said building, on the Slat day of October, 1833, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Oconoll Obamber in the Court House snd-Oity Hall, in the Olty of at. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees then ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Oommiaeloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mall to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and be shall also pause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said Oity, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. Y'. COUNCILMEN r II Q "•Z�e� Naya �� �i i, Adorced by 01,1Cuuncll _.. �.._ _. MnY i / App-111 _ e193... i ls.:�-ta /amu 'r.ea= weasel ,r . M,. P,,eid— Mahoney m CITY OF ST. PAUL No .n: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coM E aswneA....__ RESOLVED t That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Charles Wuret, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the let day of September 1932; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, that In accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles Wurst the sum of $39.60 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial Battlement of his claim against i lt, the City, being for the period to and Including September 22, 1932. COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nay Adopted by the Couocil.J /May // ... 'McDonald I1 Pearce _I fnvor �!\ �ov d Rosen ��% Wenzel Ma Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ....... .:...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, at its meeting on September 31, 1933, the Ad— visory Oonrt House and City Hall Building Commission approved de to form the oontraot with the Ballard Storage and Transfer Company for moving reoords and furniture into the new building, and the Maryland Casualty Company as surety on the bond; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Counoil hereby oonours in and approves the notion of said Commission. COUNCILMEN Y. Nuys Mny M'D("'ki 1'enr n I lnvnr Iioee . Trnnx _-Z _Agai,,t W --I Mr. President Mahoney o°`Y Nv.'r'wtmsnu3a°Am„�: c �, iYk°48; -ao .a.... ° ... ow A.Inpted by thr. (' 19:3.. 5t App,.—I 193.... ynr / �w No.._...: 3819 "U••10 GR �4 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WISHM, at its meeting on September 21, 1933, the ld- visory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approved She corm of oontrnot with Wm-Sungbsuer h Bone, Ino. for refinish- ing old furniture, and the bond of the Maryland Oasuelty Company on said oon#raot; tberefore,be SS Hg80LVSD, That the Oonnoil hereby oonaurs in and approves the lotion of said 00mmiesion. COUNCIL MEN Year NnYe M.Y Rouen Trunx A,M1111 W-6 Mr. Proeidenl AM11h0neY Adnptcd by the � Ap —1,511<1`-111'— ed__.. ro i GGCc. i 111'— `ic Mme/ ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL w `w No....._�)lli'.^..!� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r-I COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENEFNL FOR'inl ...... r s i.. wevieo.....t xov IoIar.. ac...... P—Na0 ale COMM EOr 4o .ue �ZW4tNBQ .�, ^,• WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City §all Building Commission in ereoting the new Oourt HOn9e and City Hail bad Previously deoided to leave all un000upled epaoes with rough oon- omte slab floors; and WHEREAS, said Commleelon is now of the opinion that the floors should be finished for the reason that the work oan be done more oheayly at this time while the building in in comes of oon- etruotion than it could after the building is occupied, and beaause this work if performed after the building Is occupied will cause damage and Snoonvenienoe; and WHEREAS, The Commission at Its meeting on September 21, 1932, approved an extra in the amount of $7,805.88 in the general oontraot for finishing the floors and for terrazzo in the elevator lobbies; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby oonoure in and approves the aotlon of said Commission, and the proper Oity offioers are authorized and dirsoted to add the City's share to the oontraot sum Provided for in the oontraot with Foley Bros. Ino. couucu.MEN �'"C ' I'll? Y— Noy. Adopted by the (''--il ......_.103.... yey ��[cllouald I rce In fn, or Appnry d _.. ...103..._ AgainPt/!�-i'�-. IN ...1 Meyn✓Y✓ .M .. , NI,. President Mahoney PLA WSHEO ZO -/—� ry " Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research r A,hle:c Club Buildins C.a., 4210 September 23, 1932. To the City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota.. Gentlemen: In planning the n court house and city hall it eas decided to I. all uno coup led apace. with rough concrete slab floors. Several build- ing m.We" have r ended to the Cemmisslen that thee. floor. be finish- ed. It 1s contended that if thee. floor. are left in their present state, that bee it comae time to place the finishing concrete on them, it will be necessary to carry all the mnteriale on the .levators and througb the build- ing, thus not only dl rt ying but injuring the building. Since the outside hoist is still up, it will be pcsble for the contractor to do this work without carrying the —..rials throslugh the building, blurth.r, it would un- doubtedly cost mora later on to do this job, "I Co�ieaion felt this to be a logi cel recomendation and at it. meet,"' on September 21 anproved an extra of $7,806.m68 in the general ontraot for finishing the floors. T"Sa also provides for terrazzo in the elevator lobblee. This matter in referred to you for your action. Very truly your., 1� 0, Secretary, Advisory Court House and Clty Hell Building Comm, aal on. CPR: SH wy,e.i F av a r. m�"« No. ......__938 1 • CITY OF ST. PAUL •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM co�MisYor+en. �amawmc AREAS, at its me sting on September 31, 1933, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approved the plane and specifications for a transformer and transformer vault in the new Court House and City Hall; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council bereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission. COUNCILMI'.Nr q 7 19 3, - AJopteJ by thn Council _ .�. �__.. ^' Ycox N. � -_ MuY Mci]onnlJ i In favor �< �P yveJ–._ 195_ It _AH.i-t W-0 / Mr. Inside—t Mnhoncy Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Alhlec'c Club Buildins ,m..�=m•i.e.�... C dc. 1210 September 23, 1932 To the City Council, City of Saint Faul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: At its meeting on Sept—b-21 the Adaieory Court Hcuse and City Hell Building Comlceicn approved the place d specifications for a trace - ,._.r and a trac.former vault 1. the nes building. This matter is referred to you for your action. very truly1yooupr.`,, Al 5e..etary, Advisory Court House andCity Hall Building Comml..lon. CFH: SH aur=n ban o..� �._.......,il�.Ul� CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ..LOTION—GENERAL FORM Co®nN88 overt wHE8EA8, at its meeting on September 21, 1932, the Advisory Court House and My Hall Building Commission awarded the oontraot for lettering and signs in the new Court Home and City Hall to the General Outdoor Advertising Company, low bidder, on its base bid of 08,413.75, together with Alternate No. 1 in the sum of 4819.75, or a total award of 07,233.50; therefore, be it HSSOLVLD, That the Counoil hereby oonours in and approve@ the notion of said 00mm1e810n, and the Corporgtion Counsel is hereby authorized and direoted to draw a proper oontraot therefor. COUNCILMEN Y— COUNCILMEN AdnpteJ by the Cuuncil _..... ..193..... �M¢Y c /M 1) r �Pe¢rec I N,- App—,d ___ % __. 193.._. /7'ru¢x � AR inrt �fm"FGf Qac f!:. Mayor / Wenzel L Mr President M¢hsmy en biP�n e.M ............ Saint Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research'..... A,hlcc c Club Building Cid.,1210 September 24, 1932. To the City Comc11, City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen; At It, meeting on September 21 the Adviacry Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for lettering and signs to the General Outdoor Advertising Company, the low bidder, on their base bid of $6,413.75, together with Alternate Nomber 1, $819.75, malting a total of $7,233.50. Thin matter is referred to ynu for your action. Very truly yours, Se oretery, Advienry Court House and City Hall Building Comiseion. CPF: HE an OF ST. PAUL 93M 10 OFFICE OF THE Cln CLERK ........... COUNCIL RoRESOLUTION—GENERAL ... .... lroimeily MEME.­ C .. 1—NE— A WHEREAS, for the safety and facilitation of street traffic, It has been found essential to Open, widen and extend Lafayette Road (formerly Lafayette avenue) southerly across that certain par- cel Of land commonly known and described as Lafayette Park; and WHEREAS, such extension, opening and widening of said highway ban been recommended and approved by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings and the Commissioner of Public Works, the title to said tract of land being vested in the Oity of St. Paull now therefore, be it RKSOLM, That Lafayette Road (formerly Lafayette avenue) be and the same is hereby opened, widened and extended across said treat of land known as Lafayette Parkp from Grove street to the southwester- ly line of Lafayette Park to a width of eighty (80) feet, the east line af•--said opened street to be the east line of Lafayette Road north of Grove street produced south; such opening befog for public street purposes. COUNCILMEN SEP 2710 Yrur N,y, Adapted by th, C-,61 193. /P ..... ..... Ii n Ag,i­ May At,. P—id-t Mahoney INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMUNICATION. Sept. 22, 1932. Ron. Milton Rosen, Commis stoner of Flnanoe. Dear Sir: Attached hereto find Preliminary Order for the opening of Iafayette Avenue. The property in which the opening is to be extended is entirely owned by the City of St. Paul. I can see no reason for condemnation proceedings to condemn property already owned by the city. Would suggest that this matter be brought up with the Council at an informal hearing for di eposition. Very tru yours, VaI-us an e�eeesment E�{h/glneer. LCS-B 1 , Office of the Commissioner of Public W8W)&.sFMANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance CJ--� AUG 2, 1932 Aueust 1, 1932 193 Tu the Comminaioner of Fin— of the. City of St. Paul. The Commian-t— of Public Work., having had under con.ideration tha preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File Na 93175 approved July 26, 1932 193 , 00.6- to opening, widening and extending Lafayette Avenue across Lafayette Park from Grove St. to Locust St. end having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie naceaaary and (or) de.irable. coat thereof i. $.. xxxx _, and the total coat thereof is 5 xxx 2. The estimated - -- ' anature and extent of said improvement is ne followa� - - -- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. __.._.. 5. Said improvement fa.... asked for upon petition of three or more —n. of property, subject to ae.emment for smd improvement. ,y//��j� /r �...✓ L..� `�,. .... _. — Commieeiove f Pub' eke. u� tl __ "V�aR r6R.�. ;.•—ID�621W�L$.S'.�l:�A�l1.L:_6t:�.�•1 �.w y�y+,v �- i ..., ..�1 ...""-742 °. ` No---- COUNCIL•RESOLUTION pITIOI­TION OF �������-. c/.,�kr.• rxo�ecre"—e�ember 23 _�..? • — U 11 Resolved, 'Phat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee xd awards the contract for grading, • paving and impprovement of Pu ler Avenue from a line 40 feet west of St. Peter Streat to a line 50 feet east of St. Pater Street, also temporary approacb to Alley in BlY rkl 11, Ewing Contrs ctte A' , Addition, affi a temporary enproach to in accordance with plans nd specifications hereto attached, to II17, N CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum o£ ,$2,090.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. • .,,°_F.... 2, 430.00 v...°.....,..�......�.°..,ro u. o.... 31 -El 2,090.00 2,090.00 2,090,00 v.... 741 COUNCIL• RESOLUTION .11111-101 OF L«.L .—vqa... rno ser. Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation • of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving Broadway from Seventh Street to Grove Street, and Mississippi Street from Broadway to Grove Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to C. F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $20,984.00, and the Corporation Counssl is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. V " • _ : .c z.s.w . o.e....... 8873 .1......1....1.....21, 737.00 ............................................ .... �...,.9a.............�..........,..•..J 9,900.00 •........�.*...... �Businee sMSt.M^•��•�.... �....-.... 300 fl .11,084.00 220.984.00 — �.... 743 .m a..w COUNCIL, RESOLUTION '"` `No"-------- .wnogiz.ngw or LoewL i,.esgvs.xear ewo1z:ers E is • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation ofthe Contract Comnittee and awards the contract for grading and paving Johnson Parkway from Hastings Avenue to Point Douglas Road, In accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to C. F. SCULLEY EQUIPI4ENT COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $7,460,00, and the Corporation Counsel in hereby Instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ..wM.�— 8871 �Fmm^'`ssazi. o"ooz. ........ , 8,234.00 ii P•pMp..... o�... „., .......,...... ..w .... ,,.�.,.�a...... �..... r,,.. �,..w....,....r . 6, 525.00 ,....w...�.....w.w .�.,...... .I I ... � �,,„......„..- .- . w..31 -El 935.00 Ha` „... .. ..rt.... r....w.,. SEP 2 Council File No_....._�3.L7� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The underegved hereby propouea the making of the followi.g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: Constructing sidewalk extensions at the southwest corner of_StanYoxd. Avenua..and .Pascal..Asenue. _.._.. -.-... .____...._....._ ..._._......_ ... _..__..--_............ __. _. .._......._......_...__.._.........__.. _._S.ePGems-_19�__ Dated tnie._23rd.._.__aay of, ._. l7ti=r7// PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the me.kivg of the following improvement, vis.: sidewalk extensions at _the southwest Constructing_ . _....__ - - - SLanfnxd. 6vanua. and..Pascel_&venae._._____- .ns.rrrm.ur .anma.. __.- .._._.__.._ , mg been Presented to the CO,moil of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Public Work. be end ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inveetipm the veceeraty for, or deeimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To mloetigate the nature, extent end estimated tout of end improvement, and the total wet thereof. y.._� g. To furnish a plan, profile .—ketch of said imp—cor evt. �j. q. To stale whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownen 5. To report on ell of the foregoing matters tv the Commieei r of Finance. Won SEF 2702 Aanplea by the ennnea...__..._ Y— N— C .. rilroom vCouveamen Og Me tr Y Approved ............. MOD owern D •. �//y�J�, /I Paeacs Aoeex Ma proem- ---u �'4Af1.I5tUw /n-i-�Z Council File No C PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mdc.ig.rd hereby proposes the making Of the r,iio,i,g public improvement by the City If St Paul, vie.: endprotecting. trees on_both sides. Of Fleano,r Street Hemline AVenue to pasqed Aventle- Dated thil-21-st day IU I man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A "t.. moptud for the making of the following improvement, vi ­ Planting end... 10 P tent OR _both sides of Elesnor Street � ATenueA.9_ft3.QA1 AvegnIq - h.,mg been promoted to the Cou"il If the City of St. Paul 'Mr. therefore, be it dieted; RESOLVED, That the Commucemne" If Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and I. To i.veatigate the necessity for, or draimbility If, the modde, of said improvement. estimated2. wet of said improvement, and the total coal...,co- 3. T. investigate the nature, extent and To furnish & plan, profile or sketch of said improvIumm t. not said improvement i, asked for on the petition of three or more ,nem 4. To elate �bcthc or of the foregoing matters W the Commissioner of Firecul. 6. To report upon all Adopted by the C-mmil y- N.,a Councilman Ge,,am M- Approved M,Dol*" P...c. CJ R.... M. P.WIDMT m RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__cnnclmwin�_an:. *aLin -na �seoent--the_l—dmcessa,S--s'^r Ate_ cuts and fills, .n thalgrnc:_n,; o' the east �.: most alloy, -.n Block 3, Edbard L. hichcar Ad. ltion, and Block 3,`LBxinrton Pari Plot 1, from Syndicate .ive. to H—Jina Ave., eetleme a - �a ader Preliminary Old" ------ 92338_----------- app—ed-V4.1-l'-10? Intermediary Order ----- ------ 92n22-------- apprm.ed_Jwna_ 22, 1n32---------------------- ----- Final Order -- ----- ---- --- 93066 ___, approved_ jy_19r 1932_______ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment ,all, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, he and the same is hereby' in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in ail respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted W the District Court for confirmation. �aavxd�mi�dxm.�mi�a3aAlav n [axN cox. �.T.$ltlll]n143tL e4.....-.pnf Adopted by the Council _______________ ------- . City Clerk. Approved --------------------- _ __. 19____ 1L< e% -r -- _ ��tfL o ""__ Mayor. Counmlman Prey -s y pMLLSMD Councilman gus --' /, Councilman D ttaid - Councilman Cancel lman4 d— I , CouncilmanWdhoi� tc,,i<e1 Mayor® Dlan.'neg .91N IN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS VNn _tSSESSMCNT OF LI.SGFITS In the matter of ­de oJ_ snd_LaLiru an u:rsinzt_iwS}.o.lanu_ns5as.s®cY_fnr_�s.luQcs, outs in the rre2 _n tie ndd pion, and Blo 3, Laxint'tan fork: flet 1, Cror_ S, nclicote ., re, to `.ui ins ., under Preliminary Order ----- 92138----- approved------- --___-_ ----- Intermediary Order ---------- 92924____, aPProved------- --J-yAa_2l,_ 1932 ------------------------ Final ___-----_ _Final Order ---------------- aPPemcl-------- LulY-lb._J.9.12_____ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an asacssment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 71 93830 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Tn the matter of__apntl5rT11nC_an.; Sukin�&tt pa, gnept_}s the_ls[td�Recesears_ fgr_s lopesy_ cuts and fills, in the gradin, of Alle in Block 9, llol.,rbe's ,d;it.,,n from bale St. to St. Albans St., o.6 a b.? n :�i`ao a �aa968:� under Preliminary Order ------ 92469__---------- approved--L4,y.-24-1°Ji--- ----------- -------- Intermediary Order ----------- 92+120 ----------, app roved__,) -,me 22 -1932 --------------------- Final Order --.----- ---- -----. 9aQ83_____ ----- approved__,Lu4-19,_ 1932__________________. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easern-te therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed ass ment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, ad the awards of damages to the owners of such land., for said taking and condemnation ns set forth in said assessment all, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said asses,melt of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respecte ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ddrmerca—dzhzb"— �w.,me�x�c:5¢cexehxPamkA£>iaa�aevlxdxWeQiix Adopted by the Council ------ ------- --- --------- _-----, 19,____ / .-_ City Clerk. Can man Cmmo Councilman LDonald Councilman : - I n Councilman SSd— 't'.,,o: ilaWaa Councilman 1v,�„zap Mayor ® Mahoney 01 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANh .1 SI'SSJIEST nI' WGNEFI'I'9 In the matter of_Aond9^^+—:; nn'i taFlnS-e-� ant_in t'° Lan�L='°tessera'-�=_slopes, cuts and fills, in the fredinF of Alla: in BI -k 9, N.ol:. o -.be•_' .�dcl Irian from to :;,.. Albans ::t., under Preliminary Ord er_____Ji:455----- -PProved_. Lu,_ 2ja _1932_______________________________ Intermediary Order ---------- approved -_J— 22,_1932_____________________________ Final Order________________ 2TQ83____, approved__ July_ 1Y-_1932_________.__________.._______ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 1 -"-----�__________ -- Commissioner of Finance. olt cv a.b* CITY OF ST. PAUL NO • ""� OFFH ICE OF TE CITY CLERKI COUNCIL R60LUTION--GENERAL F �' P}t ad l'`mr :rete iab'N6i�= I atP C veal �bYbeUwtS6 n IN Tobi •YA061{, C/m 0011f ♦! mrcU�M et lebliE�itb .bu 9�eer npRaoo or RLmmilima WHNR849, There was heretofore presented to the Council the petition of the Tooter Realty Company and others, being a majority of the owners of property along the line of the etre et hereinafter desoribed, praying for the vacation of all that por- tion et Sigbtb street lying between the east line of Nabasha et rest and the west line of Cedar street, and south of the South line of Eighth street as opened and Improved in 1930, and north of the south line ot, Eighth street as it now exists, more particularly described as follows, t(-witt Oommenoing at the northwesterly corner of Lot one (1), Pfeifer's Place Plat 2, the same being the /nI�I ilnterseot ion of the southerly line of Eighth street '! �hae St now eilete, and the easterly line of Rabashe. street; tbenoe northwesterly along the easterly line G} of WebaShe, street 89.32 feet to a point; thence north- easterly at an angle to the right of 50 degrees a dis- ( tanoe of 15.42 feet, more or leas, to a point on a line j which is 43 feet aoutberly of and parallel to a reverse �I curve of 455 feet radii, more or lees, beginning on the westerly line of Ceder street extended across Eighth :treat at a point 43 feet northerly of the southwest- erly corner of Eighth and Cedar streets and ending on the westerly line of Nabashe. street extended across Nintb street, tangent to the center line of Ninth street, at a point 43 feet southerly of the northwest- erly corner of Ninth and Nabasba streets; thence easterly along a Sine parallel to the said reverse curve of 458 feet radii, more or leas, and 43 feet distant therefrom measured along a radial line for a chord distance of 111.38 feet to the point of re- verse- thence continuing easterly along a line para- llel is the said reverse curve of 458 feet radii more or less, and 43 feet distant therefrom measured along a radial line a distance of 217.18 feet to a point of tangenoy with the south line of Eighth street ee it now exists; thence westerly along the southerly line of Eighth street as it now exists to the point of `COUNCILMEN Yen Nny, Adopted by Lhe Council__..__— __. L1D3_ -Mab. McPnnnld — --� Pearec hi favor- APPr..... ID5_. Itoxen Trnnx _,........Apiut _...... .. .... _..... Weneet' \ Mnyor Mr. Pr idont Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL .0 No. ................... • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE90LUTION—GENERAL FORM corn ssEowea.' (1}) $SmawSZ commencement, the same being all that property lying northerly of the soutberly line of Eighth et" at as it now exists and south of the Souther- ly line of an eighty -Six (88) foot street, of whl oh the center line is a reverse ourve of 458 tact radii, more or lees, beginning on the westerly line of 0edar street at a point 43 feel northerly of the southwesterly oorner of Eighth and Cedar Streets, and ending on the a erly line of llabaeha etre et at a point 43 feet Southerly of the northwesterly oo or of said eighty eizasha (88)sfoott sheet northerly linebeing the northerly line of Eighth street as opened in 1930, and now improved, also lying east of the easterly line of Tabasha street and west of the westerly line of Cedar street as appears on the plat attached hereto, and approved by the Mty Engineer, except that triangular piece of Lot 8, Block 13, Basil d. Ouerin's Addition to 8t. pant, shown in red upon the attached blue -print; which said petition is duly verified as required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for ®h vacation; and MaR AS, She Council deemed it expedient that the Bald petition arenandfacced to omp®y1 should lueprint toebe tild with ed of record and d in the office of the City Clerk, and ordered Said Clerk to give notice by publication in the offioial paper of said City in the Ltheenbeottor matter thereof time uired by law, would ould be boardthat byy the 0ounoilion at a d meeting thereof to be bald in the Court Houae on the 38th day of September, 1933, at ten o'clock A. H., which said notice was duly published and given; therefore, be it BE80LQZD, That the above described portion of Eighth street, and as=nbowa upon said blue -print, be and the same is hereby vacated and discontinued as a public street, subject ex- COUNCILMEN Adopted by thr M,1)— Pe In IEvw'_ App--[ ed lto , \\ Mn Wenec}/� h1r. President Mahoney aize�., m civ aaa =u No ..... ......... CY OF Sf. PAUL -----' ---- • - OFFICEITOF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RL>OgEm[ (2) presely to the following conditions and reservations, viz: (1) All the conditions, reservations and provisions contained in Ordinance No. 3394, entitled 'An ordinance regulating the procedure, and prescribing the conditions for the vacation of public grounds, streets, alleys and highways in the City of St. Paul,' approved March 18tb, 1915. (2) The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioners, is hereby fired at the sum of Ten Thousand Dollar. (=10,000.00). (3) The several objections made and filed by and on behalf of priedase Bros. Holding Company, a corporation, to the assessment of benefits arising from the widening of Sibley street from Seventh street to Eighth street, Sigbth street from Sibley street to Wabash& street, and changing certain grades, under Pre- liminary Order Ho. 88345, approved August S. 1930, Intermediary Order No. 88785, approved September 22, 1930, end subsequent proceedings of the Council, shall be withdrawn, and stipulations .ball be filed in the District Court of Ramsey County, providing for the entry of judgment by said Court in each case, confirming In all respects the a.eessmeat of benefits as approved and rati- fied by the Council. (4) The petitioners, Tooker Realty Company and Pfeifer Reaty Company, .ball procure and file in the office of the Register of Bede of Ramsey County all deed- and other d000ments necessary to vest in them the fee simple title to the portions of the real estate described in the petition, adjoining their respective par- cels of land abutting along the line of the street sought to be vacated. (5) Friedman Bros. Holding Company, lessee of the land owned by the Tooker Realty Company and the Pfeifer Realty OOMPeny abutting Upon the south line of the section of street sought to be 'CnONCI LM EN Yrua N.,AdoplcJ by Lhr h � M el)nnnl�[♦ Pearce Iu a Appnive,L— _. _..... - - __ 193. _. Ituson Truax hl:afhnt _.. Mu} Wenzel M..'�sidanv Meh... y • ITY OF PAUL .v OFFICCE OF THEE ITNo. CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM co�Mlssloa�n owrE (3) vacated, @ball anter into a contract in writing with a Competent and reliable building contractor, providing for the erection of a fire -proof building at a cost of not lees than $400,000, upon the land described in said petition and land adjacent thereto, which contract shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, @ball be, ee to the faithful performance of the terms and oonditlons thereof by the oontractor, secured by a satisfactory bond, which bond shall be approved as to form and execution by the Corporation 00=601, and duly authenticated copies of said contract and bond shall be filed in the office of the City Clerk. (8) Said petitioners shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul the a= of Seven Thousand, live Hundred Dollars (17,500.00), together with the costs of this vacation proceeding. (7) The land embraced within the said section of street hereby provided to be vacated, and all improvements thereon, shall always be subject to the ad valorem tax, general real estate taxes and assessments for local Improvements, and in the event that the same shall be sold, assigned or leased to any person, firm or oor- poration now or hereafter exempt under the laws of the State of Minnesota from the ad valorem tax, general real estate taxes or assessments for local improvements/respecting this property, the said land and all such improvements, shall nevertheless continue to be subject to the ad valorem tax, general real estate taxes and assessments for local improvements. COUNCILMEN 1�2 1'eaq / N.,AdapCcll by thr C..0 ncil _.. _.. _._ ._193_ _ h Nn App, ­ ,d ,d_- _ _.. _. _ _.. 193... ILosen ' / Cc ex, _ President M¢h,n y rIINI.ISFSED JII /' No..._ 7L7fX+ CITY OF ST. PAUL .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FO— P ORM COM orvEn___ . _ __...._ o.TE -.. RE... ED, at upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Safety, the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to lease with Lester R. Diamond, Tesla F. Richards and William Schultz, co -partnere doing business under the firm name and style of Diamond & Richards, for the use of the old police garage building, located at Third and Washington Street e, belonging to the Department of Public Safety, for storing automobiles and operating a garage, said lease to provide for a rental of $50.00 per month, payable in advance on the first day of each and every month, with a provision that the said lease may be cancelled by either party upon thirty days notice to the other, prior to any rent date. COUNCILMEN Ye" Neys Mov McDonald Penrce R.— /) T,.- 11... Against W-1 President Mshooey Adopted by the Cuun61._...-3::.,...._...�Q��193_.... App,—d. _.... _. 193.... Mayor T :.o �o�w� F LE wo.— Ei° B`NCIL�nRESOLUTION wRINrEw '� � mn n ;mre.,[ mn SsY _Beet•. 27. _i°°2 • ,,yyI`aA RESOLVgCI, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE ✓OUNT OF 106,5J2. 64 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED-191----TO-1�-INCLUSI AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AOOeiEo eY THE coUw L- - --- - - ^- i9i - /✓ cirr // oLLcn n L J E f ' LJ !. E. I ...r COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAI sent. 27,„32 .�� r ez—,,, —1ll�y-. /) , oT L ...... IN FAVOR OF cwccrs er e,.. c Hacva aRo��N,.oRwaRo 58 o58 I 471,;723 r ^ 280 12'. 9197 Korner & Batush 10 00'', 40 95i 9198 Pat Kelly 27 00' 9199 are. Yery E.Ily Christy 40 OO 9200 John Lennon ', 28 28 9201 Delia Brown 40 00 9202 Anna Wagner "itech 24 92 9203 Yrs. Hannan Peterson 18 671 9204 John E. Fahey ° 28 9205 Elfrida Soderberg Retirement fund Y 10 00I 000 OOr 9206 St. Paul Teaon era 1 X11 93'. 9207 state of ulnne.otaC� 332 99, 9208 L. I. Pellen, Aeel ghee 195 01, 9209 ” 6 00' 9210 Jame. 0. sweet �' 50' 9211 C. D. Brown 47 9212 H. R. Johnson 22 50' 9213 Harry Kaplan 47 50'. 924 Ted Kneip 9215 Wm. sager 84 50; 9216 Hate Tanks nofl 201 21 21 9 7 Capitol staty & Yfg. Co. k 4 08, 9218 r ar J. Waite 00 9219 Yaendler Brush Yfg. Co. 22 5611 9220 Twin City Brick Co. 40 00', 9221John E. Pullen Co.. of Finaaoe, h G 78 576 38', 9222 Pilton Rosen, Co. A.eignee 11 9223 Continental Casualty 2 4 g3! 9224 Borchert Ingersoll Co. F 72 03, 9225 H. W. xi ng eton Co. 299 25 9226 Thorman W. Roeholt Co. 2 26' 9227 Tri. State Tel. & Teljr. Co. 181 72''. 9229 71 22 60, 339 9230 n . „ „ "C ' 391 9231 9232 st. Paul Bulldere Yeterlal C-- 180 501 190 �5 82 9233 9tl efel Products Co. 27 00�, 9234 West Publishing Co. Nks. 4 230 45 9235 H. C. Wenzel Com. of Pub. 7 741 2 9236 Board of Water Comm l a ...... e 11 00 9237 Dr. John F. Briggs 85 00' 9238 DTs. Chatterton and von der weyer M 279 00, 92 9 Dr. 0. L. Larson 00 9240 The YSller Cllnio 42, 001. 9241 Drs. Behar & Hoohfilzer 1 154 OOI. 9242 Dr. L. J. O'Connor 20 001, 9243 Dr. H. J. Pr andargest 10 00' 9 244 st. Paul Ho aniter al 57 00'.. 9245 Dr. F. L. W abb 28 00! 9246 Dr. Chas. +. Waae 42 65001 9247 West side 0ener el Hospital / y, 10 9248 Joseph Iose— 25 001. 9249 semuel Klein 1 25. 9250 Clyde E. Parrlott 50 9251 v. Westman Co. 677 33 7 9252 N—thP 9t,tea �.o� r 33 9253 .. -. : S:,on :. �.so., ... .,. anym,r,o Civ aat UK1l.5LL CITY OF ST, PAUL fO1MC1 NO...._.. Ww✓/WMWW� +++ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ru COUNCIL R'ESOL"UTI"O/N"—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED }hat the application of Ralph ritseimons for permission to *root and maintain a Public garage on Lot 1, Ywing d Chute's Iddition, also known as 462 Rim street, is hereby granted, and the Oommieeloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorised and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUSCILNIHS SFp 9 Nny,i/ AdI I,d by 1hr Caunrll 19a /Nny ibwe �- I f " A rpr r , _ 193 . Itnwen /1 �4 f «-[ Truns Ak ina \Iny /Mr. Prr u[,. t NWhu ,y CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pIvI of Mionaov OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. XOR, Ory Clink .nd ConmiWonn d R.91A.Uon �V September 27th, 1932 Yr.L. L. Anderson, Co rporatlon Counsel, Baildtog. Dear Sir: The attached anplicatlon of Balph Fit zelmons for per- mission to erect and operate a pubglc garage on Lot 1' Ewl ng h Chut e'e 1ddl tion, located t 452 Rice Street referred to you today by the Council for the proper resolution. Tours very truly, City Clerk. �\ NU'l ICE OF AYPL CATIVN Poi, PERMIT T/—PRECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pur—ant to Section 15-13, Urdlnanca No. 7210, of the City oPelnt Peul, Minnesota, application will be made on 193 L to the Cou ne 1 of the City of Saint Yau1, Minnesota, by for permission t gsa a ublic garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in hamsey Co,.inty, Llinnesota, to wit: Lot Block Addition,' 3 SnKinnesota. On the �--side of �� St. Ave. _erLlif� St, Ave. Number/ �— e St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minn e s ota, 193 L. T— CCi. JtAfB W M1MhtSPTA,w Cama11ru1 Rmmo. t. \ ..nems d°b Asn, b- and s9end t o and during all Ne ftitne^ M1rr^I"°fN.r m ^�tl S, Pnu1 Pioneer clerk of Ne publisher or Printer in charge of St. Poul, In said ReuF P n dully cion d d bl,aM1eJ th ,[y y C untY Ste f M1I /�-Tbjn(th 1 r/kp/,1 e f h f "nd k --o— lly/th hi p{p'ted . �14ry ...y nevem ecw�nra e from Ne columns of snit mxa ns i ed, panted and times, and that all of said P°blfcatlow In N p�ni��eam III we I^ � E;nslish rlvnFungc. I/ That sni,l native wax fiat i sled, prime d vnd published X and wm Printed utd pqb- pd-4 raked l, -id -C- P Der 01--f . TM1nt during nil 1M1e timre n[orrr.+id nmd new�,vPnr ^^d 1 of chapter 4R4, Seo- o[ oRicivl nnA I"R"I Publir"tlon= ns that iit hasl it d Ly w^rt non g elan I,nwe a[ MiII—an. 1921. r'Arlfinrahraomtn°1ns lio d Ithdnd, 6Pwit9ulhnE fo+t� oral constitute 1 I nnner n n w then ons y 1 � from�/' d of Ne. f Llm"n f J. .... .. .... v d n has been hrGtobeeieauedinEheEnH- w Il1t P I I ol,` L I d 1 .f a gore to t least ig t n h 1 I h nrF t d o iter inches lV ng g a, w,tL ht I mos ^ sash Piece for pp bliss 127 Issued d"i" from n knoxn ?m ,mblished �n I for PrepnrinH and . nM tion ,.d r IpD^d with akillsd workmen nn,l tM1c nceeesvry maten" printing [M1e me. b gra rnl and loco^ n we om ant and mfeeellPny. i'.%ix '�3�,n Is? ninde ov to cootM1r' Pnbikallon. and of^enilalr mase aP of pnknfa. ri" n t wholly du Plicating ^"Y nnY ritM1^r of Nrm. n+^ - plate m�ttrr and advertiremrnts, o P. of nublirvtion to the. extent of nd Itlut i N�(•,-h •anMe nsN°� - Id) Girrulnt^d In npnU n n^11"srlY drI,"d to PgIIn nobxziben, e two hundred "nd fort)' or to Ur dvte/ D bl' tion n[ sni I the publish/rr or printer in charge olitordof xednper tYvinR knowledse Pf ow[ Rnmeeend Na th, tecta, fil^d in Nr olfine of lhr co Y °vnd location efc said a apnp"required o! Minneaom, nn nridnvit ehowinH thea unlircatione os o lrgal newepnpe�21 existence of <onilitions constilut,nK its Session Laws of Minnehabet from and set forth in srrl,on 1 of cM1vptrr d,P) of khr lower case alp Tbl th ,n n n e eo srvl ,n the mP n, P*Intl and Pu b n onrlo of th slcc rt d kind t [ t)mnlo atmrM1cd, t v, oailio ng Ile EI n [�evid legd vdvc i.. nt hrrou Porther nRinnl snilh not^ nvc'khnt ° atinlended loutrp�tP°n9eNe bill nccom of ehnPter dgd, Session I.nws Minn`s`tia, aforesaid IeFal ndvcrtiaemen_ t - for DPM1lieation in said newspaper o Subcribed vnd .xorn G, b r me this. V11NoCevnty, lfinnmota Tiy Commin"ign ezPiree .... irArP OF MIMNFd A �' cpmry pi aaRoo. batnmdaty o depmm Nnl he naw is and during 11 M1e times herrinvlter Honed bas beev d ,l�Ireld Elmet - a says clerk of Ne punlisher a chnr8c x! the St Pvul Dlepnteh, pprint rA in the city of SC Peul, In mid Ram- Prem, a doily newspaper, nnA PPLIisFed a yCox t t h Stntr of h., kbtinnd,lnf ne fort nna knows p nnllyn Ne printed.... Thhnow) dRe ��aert:d, 6areto � n l e arra: n I �nnP of 1 ne prmua and t�mre, and that vll of mid publieatlom —d,t ni I n2.p x rln the-1111l1rhanlrynae. T (Q A / rt an TF . d —till x frs[' r ea nteA and Pvbl h t93Privted end pob- o 'u pnner m r r l -duened Ne.. ....dor or ,ani n papa wet gonl fl d m s medium Tnat dadnR :dt nr timr� �=rxrr�nl. ^" 3 a a of rnaptar sea, ses n� of nRicial anA IeFnl publirnlinns o� rrou:r�d Fy sr=1'nd ith vii the requiremevte Net Laws of Minnrsotn 1 21 1 hot h m i d to-wil: thvt fm more exon constibtr n IrRd ^^`asp I ford F I nn f then onr. yrx�ry/'yL pxst/r J tr of I p Ie_ 1 I h h i M1ca luny{ A t h bllm IL r et h nt r lam p ry 1 co for pp (2) Issord Jetty from n kna RI r bblish d 1 1 fm Prepming avd the neeeemry mater a M e I'w �e n�'°�',�' t.i n"•'vd tionm and equipped _11 skiltrd workman nnA printin613Fe Mnde vP co con4 In R�nrrnl and lorn^nrws comma t and omlece�n� °,°,ureic meso ¢n Pn a' ou not wnour AaMmnena onr gmrr nnt�u<nnor'No��laf in tent Me�azsm na platy mneter nndvertisemenHs, o S pin f nlirnWon to the ztent of et �t ennsednere. ma tent tr.r•'Y'dv a:z ,_ [wo bond rdCv f"d rar'fi�xindr d..rv.°d m P r R hnwblishrr or p--in rnnr8e of sold newsP¢Per n t mer �b the county auditor of said ou Ne Nc forts, filed in he oRice of r ma a xRiJ¢vit vhnwinF e name nod location ofceaid Nnewspap".,.I IcRnl newspaper m requirod of inncsotn, exi'tbtrnre yf conditions cnnatitntinF its onlifl<nl:ons m a 4F1, Session I.ews of Minnesotn, 1921. Z, - tlo yf thr lower cava nlphebet from A b end act forth in a r n 3 of rhnptrr 1a a rintM end p¢b- Thnt the followinF I in thr <ampasilian, Printing of Lhe d ml kll nd f t>pntosamtnehed, ` z. boat onrlo Ile : n (said I— ads�ertisem^nt Rurthrr nffinnt anitn not a that c ode P—m t b ee ob 4 . _;; is intended b eecomPen9 f chmtrr 48i, Session I,vwa Minncsot>, 1921, and Ne ¢foresvid IeRvl dvcrtieem ens for publication in sola nawapnPer of l(v�v � 2 r� Svb—ibed end sworn to Le`.fore matnis, Mlnnmo4Commission ;............... 'pi— ..... •dw�a ,a mn a... (( �� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUNCIL RESOLUTION ----GENERAL FORM DATE __ Rmqc,LT® NBMEAS, ae provided by Council File No. 89574, approved June 17, 1931, the Council did, on the 14th day of July 1931, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame house, locflted on Lot 11, B1Ock 1, Edmund Rice's Second Addition, also known as the rear o£ #199 Granite Street, following due notice of sald hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion Of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED,thst said building be wrecked and removed,and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be at led to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant Of said building or structure, by the Commissioner of Parka, Play- grounds and Public Buildings; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if, within ten days after the mailing of thio notice to said property owner, his agent, or the Occupant, no app eel has been taken from this order, said COmmis9Oner of Parke, Playground. and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. �� o COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Ado ted h the Council_ r P Y _....: ..... .....193.... M. Mcl7 Md ...In fnvor - Roecn %i APP owed .... _ _... .... 193 Trun[ Agni net __ _./ .-�s-C�<.C. •�,.�.�� weneel — .Mayo�— m e Mr. President Mahoney PI.gLISH6D //�—i, a CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6pttsi of mi—ts OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ;)u„_ WILLIAM F. SCOTT, � � Ory CImL .nd Cemmiolenm d R.yirt.ilon �o September 26th, 1932 Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Hear Sir: Attached please find file in the matter of condemning that certain two story Prem, he - 1 ocated on Lot 11, Blonk 1, Edmund Bice's 2nd Addition, also known ae the rear of 199 Granite Street. This mat tar was referred to you today for a resolution con1-1.g the above condesmatlon. Yours very truly, i ✓L irrt-c.Cr.� City Clerk, 93M CIN OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE Cln CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL ro cc n comms sox v RaLVLM WHEREAS, A. J. Simpson has petitioned the Council for per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots 12 and 13, Block 50, St. Anthony Park North Addition, located at the north- east corner of Como and Raymond Avenues; and WHEREAS, said A. J. Simpson has submitted a blue-print of the propped lay-out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, side- walks, etc. for the Information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5640; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to A. J. Simpson to install and maintain said station in acoordanoe with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Work.; The permit herein granted for the maintenance of said filling station shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constittiutee a COUNCILMEN fire or traffic hazard. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council........': _''. ... ... 193...... McDonald n'1 I favor Approved,.. ..........193.... �Prunx �. -- Ag inet V-0 M .177 H / Mr. President Mahoney PUBLISHED POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF THL. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE tit. Paul. Minn., 0017t.• U..• 1=... Por.uant to 5— —5 of the Boildiag Zone Ordiaaoce adopted by the Council of the City of St. Pao[. July 7th. 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of A. J, Bimpsaa St• an d is toll a fillip the lots 12 h 13r Blk• BC• dath-yytPark Horth—C— h Bgymond will come up Ior coo..1—lioo bdore the Council is the Council Chamber n the City Hall and Court Houee Bnildiag on the 20th day of Bept, 19;2, at 10 o'clock A. M. C. 7Oc"A Con,�,i..ioner oI Finance. IFIICE 01 THE CITY 11ERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION �9-- August 20 32 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made a. A. J. Simp.on IS & 13 50 *'f - St. Anthony North oc%nin©• ` Corner Two Two 1000 FILED 2117 Como Ave., Weet, 111-T t -T CITY OF SAINT PAUL G,Iwi of Minnaow DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Ta,1h -d M' --o Stnee JOHN H. -DONALD, Cow 1—o September 8, 1932 iNornns o. o c D-11-11.— yr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, saint Paul, minnesota Dear Sir: Y Returned herewith is the appi"twllication of A , J. Simpe® fora flrmlenstm the norLhesat�lroer of geeoliae filling to ot. inspection Como wad Raymond A—mies,oand repo by the euremie of Fire Prevention and Traffic- very raffic.Q ry truly yours, lCoeaiseloner of P, bllo Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PPBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL IT -1111 ­MUN-1— M,. jMcD—Id, C—A.Fover BI..k 50, St. lith r- t, J_t a i" the com" f 'thO , Ferk d - 'r and Rw'—d A—'.. Icc, 10, 0, S,,t. 7,193Z, and dc not that the p"p-4 at'tj­ will ­terially interfere traffic. Y—F t-ly' t Ze'�' �2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4vml of Mi..o.� DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh ..d Ml..u.v S..a IOHN H. M<DONALD, C-510— August 29, 1932• Hon, John H. Mo Donald, Oommi.sioner of Public Safety. Pear Sir: In regard to the application of A. J. Simpson for per mise ion to install s drive-Sn gasoline filling station on Lot. 12 and 13, block 50, St. Anthony Park Horth Addition, also described as the northeast corner of Oomo and Raymond Avenues, Be have investigated the foregoing and report that the desired changes would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yours, BOB/] Ohief Inspector. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 04.EA.9--t 21 32 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made e. A. J. Simpson ­ 1111TALL .— 11 -All A 11 , An-ony ptyx,— North T.o T.. FILED 2117 0mo Ave., West, ...... o .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpibl of Mh�e.00 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS September 27, 1932 m s. c .. �.•••• Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Comptroller, Building. Re: Drive-in Filling Station, Lots 12 and 13, Block 50, Dear Sir: St. Anthony Park North Corner Como and Heymond Ave. A. J. Simpson, 2117 Como Ave. West, City. The proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for commercial use. A filling station is permissible under the zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the City Council. There are no engineering difficulties involved. Your very truly.,,II M. SHEP Chief Engineer. Approved' Commmissiissi Honer of C W Public Wo s LOI-5 la v 15 R'LDCA' 30 NORI/ 5T _ _ __:._��.1 t ': .. , -- .:� 7.14 � � COUNCIL RESOLUTION ..,..` No_ / / /� .etnwwiunon o. �qqn� �rnssorvema.,r rwo,arn ResoWd, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation • of the Contract Committee end awards the contract for grading ' and improvement of the Harding High school Playgrounds at Earl and East Third Streets, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to O'NEIL AND PRESTON, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the a= of $13,622.00, under Project No. 3, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Ic ..ef"fe va nal 6676 .x. 18, 789.00 ,.School Bond Fund 606 ,13,622.00 _y +13.622.00 .�n.rv..ixcrx.;o41•.°`o��,�qm�-�,�.n�.�,��.�x����� ... nx.�awn.wx.m.,.. _. _—. ,S • u. � � irv,�s �.ovxn w / � rx, couxc��.\. ' - _.. f _. .__ 7.: NN: o= rova.mnp , m. If COUNCIL FILE NO amtaaf INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mauer ot__nonde:nning._and_talcin an_rasament_Lcr__sloAes-, -QUt-s_aud_ f111s in the rading and paving of Fuller Avenue from a line 40 ft. west of St__Yetar__SY,r at__t51_&_liA@_SQ_ieat_ ee_at_ 4_f__St,_?eter_ SIP6et,_ flnd_grflding temporary approaches from the alley in Block lit Ewing, and .hute's Addition to_ the_.enrl_nf_ the_ paxement_and_frQa_ the__Dw�Iemenr_ t9 _,'ark_Avcnue----------- -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___________ 9-429_--------------- approved ____Aug_._18�_ 1932 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abovei provernent and having mnsii4ered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ti 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conrail --end, is___ condemn and take an __________ semenLl'nr__slnpas-. cuYs_and_fi115_Sn_the_gradln�_and-p 7.ng 9f F _ler Avenue from a line &0 ft. west of St. peter Streei to line 50 fee east a of St. _gradlpg_ temporary_aporo the s_from the alleyy in B1 ck ll,Ew1 d Chute s Additionto theend of he oavement nd t'rom the t io Park A 1 ccorda ce with th blue print he at- tacheda-part h reoF -th IiIt-c d obFtTo 3 9Tt6v?A}r tYte 'CvtS and the shaded portions showing t -e fill_, _______________________________________ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_10Q 90 ______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____%.-ttl--------- day of ileSflbEr�_1332_______- M@dA_, at the hem of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City hall Building in the City of St. P-1. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting to the p so and in the manner provided by the Charter, sating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and sy the total cwt thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... il___ C 192____ ' r . Approved ----------- ___-------- __Y____192___ � Y Clerk. Counaimu"u� •f'�'.,anm ;. I'TJRLisf4:D �b-�-3� Coun<ilma cAd a1�"^" Councilman yjj" '� 'i 1"'rco Councilman C .... ih..' Mayo It"n zel . Moh�mev Form B. S. A. 86 _ 93839 aiip- eenem tee eras °` eo ev�eavwpn amp oq �inmeneW.arum etma t C°t°.en:°ee .ne n of p t. ie vre.ena .eemeawnea an enewv an a nlve alis TTer COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- e:i.°�eo�°:ne in: lw: Gey a• nla�In Crry ea Q°Ilvea n propose By ., vneer P`il�mlei)r INTERMEDIARY ORDER " 1n the Mat er of _than_+_n6, Lho ora a 11T pJ.•1 B3 is ThQr-Pl s _Subdlvi sion and Cyrus Or okf s Flome st Sari Prom Ell pit Place io Yc . -Avenue tb corii•6Pin"to the red line_ on_the -profile '•.ereto atta shed and made a part hereof, the present established 3rnde bel ng slhown l5y e TiSne Tine-thereon-sZ�6-KP&ding tha_x119.p_1A_ThoTy!_fl_SLLb47.visiQn_and__t_he__westerly_20 feet_of_the alley in Cyrus Brook's Homestead to the pronosed red line when established, -------------------------------------------------- under Prelimin ary Order____9A4B.4------------------------ pprovea ----------- The Councif of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That thesaid report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the :aid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp—ement which the Coondl recommends is___n11Nih@_ G.hS _P..i`@de of A119y_SA_ThOTs_a_Subdyi_s jgn_gnd_Cyx•_us_Brook' s_Homestead_ from Elliott Place to McLean Avenue to conform to the red line on the pr oflle :hereto at_tasbed_5Dd_N9$@_a_P@rt_hereofa_ the present _e atablished rade bean& shown by a blue line thereon, also grade the all .v in Thorp's 8ubdivielon and the wester_y_20_feet of _the _e11ey_Sn Cyrus Brook's Homestead to the proposed red line when established, ________________________________ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-796-N ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had oa said improvement on the____2ath--------- day of Rctnbar,_1A32_______- 1t8A__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. ff., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hail Building io the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persona and in the nner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the tomtcost thereof as estimated. „ .4dopred by the Council__________________, 192____ �:: -_ -.- /La�_.t� Ue-_____------------------- App—ed ________y________ Approved_____ -_____'i_ -t--__ ----192__ Cit Clerk. Mayor. ------------ Counc' I ' ""il 1"6l4L1SHED-�- 2 q4-r.- Councilman I�Sunald J Councilman ," Cou.efm RRAW e1 Councilman Mayor S!l16W sial„ •,., Form B. S. A. 96 93840 mwn COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Man,, of___— damning_and.._tak-ng -All&y- In-Thozp'-s- ZUhdj-yW-n -thQ-A1lQy-1.n--Qyrua Bra Qk'-*-hQI4eStPkd -fr-QCL- ------ ------------ - ---- ----- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------------------------- ,ad,, Preliminary Ord ----------- 9a@5� ----- — -- ------- app .... d------------- The Council of the City of Pan[ having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, h-1, —.1c.. 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby app—ed and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the .,to,, of the imp,o,a,,.t which the Council take an -aaa—tL-j_.- ±JA-I—d 1p.._ —t3 -and- -f J-13-. -1— ng in fill., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--1QQaf2Q ------ Resolved Further, That , Imbfi, hearing be had no said improvement on the________ 25th______ day of -9-Qt.qbftX!­1WZ ------- 4M -x -, at the hour of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Count House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmuoumi—, of Finance give notice of said meeting to theers— and in the no ... e, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the am,, of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____192---- -- — -------- App—d ---------- --- 192___- 17 City Ci - -- ----- -- ------- C ... i:.M:-C,-- Come, .,fgu... C... i'"', an J6.15—ld Councilman diodPon Co'nci,Councilmllnd�, Councilman an ffimibp� Mayor 0AW*= Form B. S. A.-8-6 9388 � na�Bt • a an° We^per„-. COUNCIL FILE NO :io:wiia umee°:°P ?rr ,. eaart By______________________________________________ , INTERMEDIARY ORDER from �ic�ora�ta" Erec jon�5 raeai-; p'€000ng6r�m-to Ae erT%r��-SRs tion profile hereto attached and .ade a part hereof, the present established grade -DE IHR--91f6Mi-t5g'E-SSI--TiHe--t4ie_On;-a13a-(;radlnA-and-pavlTz-said-' aIle between the aforsa I limits, ________________---------------------------- --- _—---- _.--- —-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- inary Order__________ ___ mnder Prelim' 36_14__________ ______apP roomed ___Septemb er_71 �32 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ....lyes: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends of Alley_ln_$151Ck 1._j�.L9A nt'_�._odS e4P _from_ VSg toria _ Itraet to Avon Street, to con rm o -t ed line pr ofiie Rereto a tacTied nH-"mad'B"'r;-3art heFeof'__the_nresent_astabli shed_grade_be Sn�_sriown by_s_blue line thereon, also grade and said alley between the aforesaid limits, nava _ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_2eS2Q.0Il___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on .said imp—,an- on the_____2.a2`Lh--------- day of _Q"o-------- 18EJLL, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in he Council Chamber of the Court Ifouse and City Hall Building in the City of SC Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the mance of the impro�vsement and the total cosi thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- y3'_2+ _:A27 ____, 192____ .. '1_________ 192___ Approved_____'__`__________ :k-L_¢'_Lw__-------------- — ier, ��� � Ct Clk y Councilman a@nttrvy. --ys �t i . ,, .... PLBLISHED G / _ ^ Cound1..n:FeMmd :, s Counulman HSclMvatd - 1'. � Councilman C. i; EBBFR"i Councilman-Wwfiil� MayorSR}@P Nau„uey Form B. S. A. M bin .e Cvuvvll of thn Gb v2 B• COUNCIL FILE NO., °e m.°ee won°res e e.nlne . m. ne e> By O--------------- By----------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER N', Matter ff?H -aid-� a - for opes, �ag n9p— n te� - ------------------------ ----------------------------------------------------- - -- ---- - ----------- ------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- ----- -- ------------ -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ ------- ---- ---------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- --------- -------------- ------------------ ..der Preliminary Order____________ R36I-5 ---------------- pp,—d - ------ TheCouncil ... il of the City If Paul having received the report of the If Finance opo. the .b— improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1-s: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby pp .... d and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby o,d red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --,ads an --9PP-EX-t�eD i�g Qv & _I g � Ll �-in the ,, rrsng an p—¢Wly Bryant .fait ro. 7fF6,ch. $treeI-_to_ xgnstnqgt.... t --er§fto tft-a- ej end made a oart hereof, the hatched p—ti— showing the cuts and the shadad--pnntjms—homin4-hha--fill - ------------ -------------------------------------- with no alte ... ti ­a, and that the estimated cost thereof is $LQ -0a -------- Resolved F—her, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 2,5th ------- day If October,_ 1932 --------- at the ho- House and City Hall B,ildi.g in it.h ons 'd ' said meeting " the the I hearing, the F,rh'e and the of 10 o'clock A. M., in the C,anwil Chamber of the Conn the Commissioner of Mr.— give ..ties of to b the Charter, t,ting the time and plain of provided total cost thereof ., estimated. Adopted by the Co... _---------. 192---- App—ed ------ -2 --------------- 192 ---------- Clerk. Cotneilon..&W-Y.— ,nald an C ",i:-L'" ... c C. ilantodhadgia.— C .... ilmancamth'itma—a Yr. PUBLISHEDyor. 4. CCE-ilmanadd0l'auss' Rfity-�o Maboney For- B. S. A. 86 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...._..... 917M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,n COUNCI L I ENERAL FORM .ATE RESOLVED th .t Item � 7 in th- 19'.`° E»dgc' as submitted by h Com -roller be and th s hErsb Q i urreas.ed�' sr �� .t Q 0 so as ..o be..e O D COUNCILMEN Na>'e Adopted by the Council $FP IM 199.. \Yeas / May �MaDonfllll Ayo -d _ 193.... Oeen 1 favor 1 AR inaL . F b _ Mayur 1 / Wenzel ,%Mr. President Mahoney oeuo�ly9n a.r. .. f1gUA A CITY OF ST. PAUL - r�� ICE OF THE CINOTY CLERK COU L RESOLUTI(SN�iEtJERAL FgRM aaEDuao RESOLVED r That item 7'/1-/ Sn the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby Snoresaed daaa�aaed �-� O o ae to be O 7J COUNCILMEN Yeas Neya May McDonald � Pearce r� .I tovor Itoacn / Truax nxcl u 0.n �Mr. President Mahoney II� J\JJ Ign Adopted by the CouSEP_Q_� .......193...... Approved .... ....193.... Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL ' - r ='- No. 93845 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTIO ENERAL F RM MIME ,ee o. RESOLVED Tbe.t Itam�-/� -.pJ In the 1913 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comp/m troller be end the sae is hereby toereaeed - ds.... .d7�Q_Q_ eo ae to be Z o %O .OU COUNCILMEN Yeas No / `Mey /McDonald / i Pearce _ __I favor Rosen Traax n Ag ;act nzel am a-ar Mr. President hf ahoney SEP E tqV Adopted by the Council.-...__ _.........__ _._.._.193_.... Approrcd —_ _.. 193___ nlay<,r CITY OF ST. PAUL .� No.. 93826....................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRO N D BY RESOLVED That Item 79-9-A 7a the 1955 Budget as submitted by the Comptroller be and the same ie hereby increased $2,500.00 eo ne to be $30,810.00 General Administration I 7-8-9-A-1 Administration Selarlae " 8 820,00 7-8-9-A-2 Auto Allorence 7-8-9-A-5 Offioe Expenee 700 00 Total 7-8-9-A +9, 520,00 Building Yaintensnce 7-e 9-B-1 Building Paint. salaries 10 850 00 7..8-9-B-2 a s Sspenee 10.480 00 Total 7-8-9-B 21 290 00 Total 7-8-9 50 810.00 �•> _.... ;1,020.00 COUNCILMEN .`SEP - A Inns Y— Nnys Adopted by the C...61 ._ �. .. ---193_ _. / ylay ;fir 4 /pienonnm .. P arca 1 favor CJ=" ;' Ap / d ....... _. .. 193.. _. /ppp Ly f -) ... __... Znxel Mayor . President Mahoney D a.W..rm an L; No.._.... _-.7lJL1Y! ry CITU OPJ Sf. PAUL OFFICE OP THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM as Q. _.0 RESOLVED m.t item 7-41 in the 1933 B+d5et ee "bmltted by the Corptroller be and the creme Se, hereby iaoreaeed $1'944-00 so ae to be 16,571-00- 7-1-1 Police ldmisietr%tion SEP 2 S COUNCILMEN Ye. e 13,571.00 7 -►-1 8elariee 900.00 7 -.►-2 BWliee 100.00 7-1-3 ZquiPmmt 2,3W,00 7-A-4 Offiee gepmee Toted 7-► 16,571.oD 7-1AdIll" 11 SEP 2 S COUNCILMEN Ye. e Adopted by theCouncil -- 193 ...Ye.Neye rv+ MeY r F SCUT av J'eurcc In (o /✓ /Rosen n.. cDoaald A et �Trnax _.. ....... gain- A ed 193 _. 9/ -' - __..._ Ma1or.. / Wenzel /Mr. President Mahoney av aci CIT -(.9 ST. PAUL. .✓LJ wuxcry NO... . _ -.98 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED thus it® 1-0 in the 1933 sud8et eeeabnictad by the Ooeptroller be end the same is, hereby i see -seed $n ✓ $12,500.00 eo ee to be 3487.081.00 j 0 Oaifosmed Division 7-0-1 salaries 430.681.00 ✓ 7-0-2 supplies 900.00 1 7 ? o 7-0-3 IL-tri6ty for Traffic sig T C-4 sntc of r e � Total 7-0 467.081.00 °I i�C'E�Elei...DYvi^r - 1].eQOAe' c Dora.. `,,.Nil. SEP 29IV Yeee /COUNCILMEN Adapted by the Council.. � 193 Neye �/ Do / ymnld .._. In favor Appaed ._.. _... 193..... Iln.n--�- T e. _. ..Aguas[ '`-li- � Meyer Wenzel .e ` AIr. President Mshoney «ma�air4ro.« NO. 93t • CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu ---.-- / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL/ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That It— 7-R in the 1955 Rodget as euh-itted by the Cmptroller be and the eema Ie hereby Increased $1,000.00 eo ea to be $14,475.00 7-E Radio Division 7-E-1 Salaries 10 225 00 7-F-2Light and Poser 250 00 7_3_3 Maintenance 5 000 00 7-F.-47-4 Repairs 1 000 00 Total 7-9 14 475 00 ;ea�ma _ reb,hii°.iii oul .... _. _. ...... COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN SEP 2 1:1'193 Yea, Nay, Adopted by th Cooa61 _.. ._ Ma Y McDonald � I. moor } ea AIp I,a __ __ tsa._. ,on T, Trnnx /-) Agnine[ IV —I aM ` Mr. Pre,idect Mahoney CITY OF S . PAUL noi.c� NO.. .............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLU.TJobl—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Item B -B in the 1955 Budget ee submitted by the Comptroller be and the eeme IS hereby increased $6,800.00 so as to be $6,000.00 8-B Fire Prevention 6-B-1 Salaries 5 800 00 B -B-2 Office E pewee 200 00 Total 8-B 6,000.00 COUNCILMEN Y— Naye Adopted by the Council. SED May MaDovald �l I Ry F tvor ,..� "�..t Ap ved _.. _... t93_... Rana � W-0 Mayor ` v �Mr. P,.ideat Mahoney uuwxmcn aa. ��.�R • / CITl'.Or ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR 11 RESOLVED that iten 7-9-A in the 1933 Budget ae eobmitted by the Oomptroller be and the same it, hereby inoreaced =1,000.00 so as to be $59,544.00 7-9.1 Police and Pi— Alarm 7-99&-1 Mario. 47,139.00 7-8-1,2 Auto Yate 1,750.00 7-9-L-3 9nPpliee 1,991.00 7-9-A-4 Telephone 6,925.00 7-94-5 R"Ire tomq+inment 650.00 7-94-6 Offiee Lcpmee 200,00 Total 7-9-1 58.544,00 C/Ou NCILMEN eas / YNaye May McDonald � c c� I favor nr Rosen //� Ag inet Wenzel /Mr. Preaident Mahoney C9 Adopted by the Council_... _.l..2 R_-.193.... A proved.... .... 193_... Maynr r <,4W man 9•k CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ......... 9....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTjOW—GENERAL FORM D evIft7IN6 C. PBARCH _ __ ____.,_ mnre Sept,28th. 195Ei_, RESOLVED . Met item 9-0-2 in the 1933 Budget ee enbmitted to the City C—il by the Comptroller be end the eeme ie hereby ioereeeed decreeeed 4346.00 o es to be $676.00 r' etlh,.0 Yeee COUNCILMEN NeYe Ado ted by the Council. ..... __._....._ . _... A;YD-ell, aY M Donald N I f ver "- �P /'1.tn. APP d ...193..... ae —...._. Tee T ax .!........Against McYor Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney V, onm�y :a an a..a CIiY CYF ST. PAUL r��— No..... 9380V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK %- a COUNCIL R6 I-uTiON—,GENERAL FORM cod �omRea___. RESOLVED . That item 9-C-3 in tha 1933 Dndget as eVbmittsd to the City C—il by the Comptroller be and the same ie hereby in.me A decreased $1,718.00 a sa to ba $100.00 . .. ..a o0" ...a %tB<.. a COUNCILMEN cc 1Q'r yeas Nays Adopted by the Couvcil_. JEP..2 �- ..........193..... /MaY 9 /McD—ld W M E /Pearce Iv favor { AP roved ._. 193.... Rosen / Trvuc ..� _.....Against Mayur Wenvel Mr. President Mahoney PAUL ND. --93855 5 CITY OF . ru r OFFICE OF THE CLTY CLERK /j�/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM% ""'d .0.4-1-2R______IHYSP{4_4�._YEARGR_—.-- RESOLVED , That it.. H0.9-0-1 in the 1933 Budget ee abbaitted to the City Counoil by the Comptroller be end the — is hereby iwo.vaee& decreased $33.4130.00 sc as to be $12,145.00 COUNCILMEN Yeae Nay, � May McDonald / X Pearce Roeo. / Truss _. __._Agni�at Wenzel % Mr. President Mahoney lhl a. ae. ran II wvv • e�$`r. r ra.ai on, Adopted by the Council_..__ _SEP_2 y..M...._ wM n air- 1� r <F:tr.9 C(,K ^. a.yr l proved_ __. -193..-. GG s'4IW--l'l Mayor onyrlmciv CITY OF ST. PAUL °O�xc" NO. _. (JW• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �o MM 29.14M -C) —� -- RESOLVED That item 10 - Commissioner of Public works bund in the 1933 Budget as submitted to the CStyo Council by the Comp�ol1e; boe and the `00 so as to be }�vW5vQ • Same in– crease is hereby increased a9'zbb0+-0 crease to be added to the f.110-ing sub -fund.. Code I0111 Snglneere Salaries S-0 O Code 10C1 Workhouse Selarlee% O Q — inb. iu9fiis'o°°'�s. ,e°I Aov.°..u'iizi r I� I COUNCILMEN ,\' Ado ted by the Counaml_ SEP 9 Yeae j Naye t P ay nl , w. Y uonam e °. F sc _ _ O oed _ Pearce I f vor �' tk AP 193.-_ /Keen ���"`���"'����•....., Against Y! -'J /� cnzel ezr a.az "-r. Preeident Mahoney Adopted by the Comcil._ _ -- Yeas. Nay.. / MAY mcUONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) CITY OF ST. PAUL No., ..93 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTI GENERAL FOR PR RESOLVED the. 193' F;ig-, - clbmitt,d by 1, Co.lt-ll- be said the -,- i�', hereby�? --� -C- -- - 1. b- -2 2 S-, (�-6 . COUNCILMEN Yeas N., A&I-I by the Council. 19.3 Nf.y M,D.-ld N f.... Awravea. 193 w -"i Mnyur M, P -id -t M,h.-y m�.,L _ __ ' CITY OF ST. PAUL No, 93859 OFFICE OF THE- ITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM eoM o�Ea `�I 1 DATE RESOLVED That item 11 Street Construction and Repair Fund in the 1933 Budget as submitted t o the City Council by the Comptroller be and the Im same is hereby increased $2,500.00 so as to be $108,725.00. Same in- crease t o be added to the following sub -funds Code llAl Street Repair Labor $2,500.00 "t°—by i°"Deo"°' b. ..voro... aie.zi COUNCILMEi1V Yeas Nays Adop[ed by the Council_.........._ ..._ _ _.. 193.. _- SEP 281932 1'rnrcc �..1 favor �Q/„ a¢"z1{�Pr }'cd 193..... / - Mayor Wenzel aM e r V/ dr. President Mnhoncy No... . .CITY OF ST. PAUL .rt[ ---9- - i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —S.N Eo ay COMM„�oNea RESOLVED That item 13 Street & Sewer Cleaning Lund in the 1933 Budget as submitted to t e C1t_�,p{.C.ou^n"oil by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby Q �t b 2 3o �7)— inereaeed o e to be Same increase to b e added to the following sub-fundal 13-B1 Street Cleaning Labor $1,400.00 eed Cutting Labor 1.200.00 13-Di W 13-36 Replacement of worn out garbage tractor rjf9lA.AB-.30o o — 13-H1 Cleaning Sewers Labor 1,500.00 13-I1 Sewer Pumping Labor 1, NO,.00 �_Sboo.00 ZZ 11 aa- v .Wrg - .. aem.0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Adopted by the Council.. _E_ '-- _...193..... / hey MCD—Id Yeareo AFP�9'� d T Roxen/r / ruax _ A q loot ...... /Wenzel Mayor Mr. President Mahoney /I Adopted by the Council__—________ 193_.._.. Adopted by the Council _.._..........193_._... Yens. Nay.. MAY Y'ea.. Nay,. /MAY _ ---� MCDONALD MCDONALD PEARCE 'PEARCE ROSEN / ROSEN TRUAX TRUAX --.- - WENZEL WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) -------- Adopted b9 the Council ____ _ _. _ .____ ____-.193 ._-. Adopted by the Council - ------- ----------19} -.__ Adopted 6Y the Council __..._.193___- -- 9 Adopted by the Council - _193-- Nay.. Yea,. Nays. Ney,. Yen.. Yeas_ lMAYYea.. /MAY � MAY /MCDON ALD 'MCDONALD %I,DONALD / MCDONALD / PEARCE / PEARCE PEARCE P EARGE /ROS EN / ROSEN ROSEN ROSEN , - TRUAX /TRUAX TRUAX TRUAX WENZEL _ WENZEL WENZEL -0-0901W EN ZEIL- �� MR_PRIESIDENT (M AHONEY) J/ MR.PRESIDENT (NIAHONEY) MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) 0141—m C -n a..k• CITY OF ST. PAUL r,u ` NO......7U�� • A OFFICE OF THE &TY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P­ENcomm iss0NEw. RESOLVED That Stem 14 Bridge Bldg. & Repair Bund In the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same in hereby increased $2,000.00 so as to be $27,670.00. Same increase to be added tothe following sub -funds 14A1 Bridge Repair Labor $2,000.00 v COUNCILMEN gED.1) 193.. Ye. NnYs Adopted by the Council... -- -- MeD.—Id F or ed ..... 193.... P-ec Z'i n.R �ILoeen '/ �/ LYS{:LrC�>'i'f i �}'enzel Mr. Yr,ej&e t Mehouey ona�ea wan c�..a �w�d 7t 862_..... CITY OF Sf. PAUL .v NO. - OFFICE OF THE•CIW CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co� rni"ee`1Ners_____-____ yi9.Q-Q a_PBAH cR...— _—_ owrE__.. SftPt•— 9Rfhl__19.32... _. RESOLVED, That Stem 15.A-1 in the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City C --- il by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby inoreaead 8sot• ." $1328.00 o ae to be $18742.00 COUNCILMEN SES q �9 Y—j Neys Adopted by the Council.... .. __ ._ _.... .._.193..._. May McDonald S AI P oved ... . .. 193 Pearce ... Rosnn 'i//. �T'rusx ........__._....Against ...._... _..... _.... _... Mayor _.. //N nccl / Mc. President Mahoney IIIVa6 0. pwim OWt. ami 100Y. 1".4 6UM.00 "048.00 o.�.Al .e cin CITY OF ST. PAUL v ' NO.... 93863 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRdEMESNcw_.. .. IRVIBO C. RESOLVED, That item 16-B.1 in the 1933 Budget as-1.dtted to the City Conrad 1 by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased dee»eeed- 43,210.00 so es to be $26833,00 COUNCILMLN / Yea May j N.Y. ✓ j y[cDuesld I'enres ... J Io ts-, Rosen Tresx � .. _.... Ageinet /W—d em _ v Mr. President Mshonay SEP 2 t432 Adopted by the Council..............___...._._.193_.... Approved _.. ...........193... mayor .— $30M.00 foom.00 onUb•rroav a..� CITY OF ST. PAUL.� NO.........938(A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�M "'oo " __ SHYING. _Cl PSABC%_ __. _.. __ ___ owrc.__ _rapt,-2Rthr._1939- _ RESOLVED, That item jr—B.2 in the 1933 Budget ae submitted to the City Council by the Com troller ba and tha a .a la hereby inareseed d—..&deai �@"BB'��a as to b.— /, COUNCILMEN Yens Nar.0 /Msy /WD.-. �Penme '^_ In fsvor / Itoacn / / Truax /�_.. AgsineL Wenzel u a -aa Mr. President Mshoney T° nmn vie J e�— 4ir�Qowins'i i Dab, io Xe°Ra9a v e ee . {fir � v tail Adopted by the Council._.__.. _._...._193_.._ Appro d Mayor Adopted by the Couvcil. ._.__.....193_..._. Yen.. Nay.. j MAY MCDONALD PEARCF / ROSEN i TRUAX / WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAIIONEYI =V=o 0. PRAR= Reye. sm. ISM low" 0000.00 "W.00 oyaw d- No.. U3(U� CITY OF ST. PAUL •�---""`^`^' 65 OFFICE OF TME EITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --G NERAL FORM Nen _.Muck 9.....3B6BQB... __ .— —._ owe... __9.Es-s8. ___..... _.._—._ RESOLVED %bat Ib® 16-0-1 in the 1933 Budget as submitted to the Olty Oounoil by the Oomptroller be and the same is$ hereby inoreased- deeeeme,O& 11-117.00 so as to be_j16.30s-00 y COIiNCILM Itih Yeas / N.Y. M.Y ✓ �vfcllonulrl ✓ / —I Prnar � I i favor Iioacn Aksinnt Wruzel / Mr. P—id-t M.h—Y Adontrd by thr c o SEP 28 W2 Approved_...... 193.... :svzm o. PBUM a.we-M. 4A.217.00 4"SOM C NO.. 93" CITY OF ST. PAUL .u� -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oM oo°rEa___SHVIH4.4._PEAR�B. RESOLVED. That Stem 15_$.1 in the 1933 Budget ae submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same ie hereby increased A-& J2,579.00 o as to be 413 379,00 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Neye May / /McDonald / Poarce __/ In favor Rosen � C, Truac wen:el ' bir. President Mahoney 4 k Z S, Adopted by the Council_........ _....' ................_193.... Approved .. ..........193_ _..Mayor._... IRYII10 0. Raw= Y-99 4Y. 15-M4 7 42rW0.00 6139800.00 �� M1 ' CITY DF �. PAUL ru: NO.. ... a�.N ._.. ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM co�M"T`°en�8 29_-7. ao_8- .. RESOLVED , Thet Stem 15.F"l 1. the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City C—il by the Comptroller be end the same 1, hereby im—sed deeees..& $33,480,00 o es to be $33,480.00 f i °ccs noI eei&i i a ase . a.az.i �F COU Yeas Nay Adoptedbythe Camcil._...._...r.._-._...:7B3_.__ Mey McDonald �Pcerce .In favor / �.'/ • App,. .......193.. ./... Truax .. _. Against f/..... .....�. �Woasel .. Mayor Mr. President hlah... y Swap 0. PRO= 9.9549. M -WA IN.W-00 f=,400.00 �^rn No.... _..93868 CITY OF Sls'. PAUL .v -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA, FORM COM onBa__ iavixa__ca_3SAHcli-. __.._ ons__ ienr 2asn, 1s32a. RE5OLVE0h, That Stem 16.F-2 in the 1933 Budget ae submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same - hereby increased deseeeeed— $32b.00 a ae to be $325.00 COUNCILMEN Yeae / Noye j Y ,McDonald F//J/. /pc ten/ Rn I f vor / � Trunx .{. _...Against /Wenzel Air. Preeident M.homy Adopted by the Council193...._ App ed _ 193.... Meyor III,, a. MUM Sept. am. ISM &,"-a 01M.00 63ea.00 aWwman Ma CITY QF $T. PAULx�'• `a No.........w7SJl7? OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ""co"nN`i"seioNA._C& 9,R RESOLVED RESOLVED that Item_ U::E-3 in the 1983 Budget as eubm].tted to the Olty 0eunoll by the Oouptroller be and the same iss hereby lnOreame6�6eefeaNd• a, 7 a_o0 eo as to be $1.718.00 COUNCILMEN Ycoa play � Mel rounld �Pearee _ I favor /72oeen / Trnax _ARainxl Neuxel �Mr. Prexid—1 Mabooey SEP 291932 Adopted by the ('onncit _ ._.y f.__'"pR .._193_ K_✓'IJi'/ '� Mayor =$I 0. PRAWN Sept. g00Do Me. 1"_5 ftonGA0 {1x916.00 o,na..x a ND. ...93670 , CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GMERAL FORM RREa"I" ar RESOLVED. That Stem 111-G-1 In the 1933 Budget ae submitted to the City Counnil by the Comptroller be and the name ie hereby inorea..d aeere:sed $118 966.00 o ae to be $2,449,163.00 . li>, IIS^A°°'°"` a"$`Loz-zsan az. zz. ze E-1 COUNCILMEN yew Nays Adopted by the Council -- /May Pearce .._ I favor ,�/ Ap roved. _... _. 193..... Truax __✓.....Ae inet Y. _. .._._ .. Mayor Wenzel as a -az /M,. President Mahoney X1]8.989.00 00.449.1Ea.00 CITY SOF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —TE PR C�MENTE,OD,B,�, ee RESOLVED, That item_] i. the 1933 DkXdget nn Mbeitted to the city Gounail by the Controller be -d she ._ i. hereby lnortneeQ A —AINUO-0 — - - to be 47500.00 N Yres T-1 /w,'—I ,'31r. President SEP ? � IV Im A,," 'll M MM suw.00 `mw oo onplulwua, avx CITY OM !f. PAUL „u a NO. 93372 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMOIo°r°ew Irving 0. P— _. _. - onrc Sept. EE, 193E RESOLVED , That item 15-0.8 in the 1933 ➢edaet se euboitted to tie City Council by the Cent -3.1- he nffi the sane in 11—by i ---d deeeee-* $10,000.00 eo t. Se be $65.000.00 COUNCILMEN Yeoe / Nu, . �eDonald x Apninst am sa, Mr. xPrceid-t Mahoney Isco he" m 11,1.1.. 9l. o>�o.. Adopted by lh, (C n61 SEE 2 g lql 2193. tr l0. ^ a z' APDnne 1. 193_. mtey�, S10.WD.OD v".000.00 NO.---_ 073 CITY OF $'f. PAUL .�L• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM coM ENss oNea 1lliCZ1if3..Ci.-_pEARQS_?�Lh._.1932.. RESOLVED , That item 15-$-1 in the 1933 Budget es submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby Snoreaeed dea.-d 416,769.00 o sa to be $271,726.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas j Nays �. May McDonald t/ Pcaran In favor Rosen Truax ....... Against Wenael sx e_s ✓Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the C...61 _S ?.. - ---193....- Approved ... ...193.... ___. Mays'... IRV%= Q. PAN= Sept. 98th. Im. oIB►TNAO Xan'"O.09 CITY OF ST. PAUL qW4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTNO REY ,,M,, 1110MR —T. &lpt_ 72 RESOLVED , That It=1 in the 1933 Bdg.t .. -1.11t.d t. the City C—il by the CO3W"011er be end the — 1. 1.­bY InoremeQ 6 .. &-ed 46,000,00 _ . .e t. be $68 000.00 COUNCILNIEN N, k,l t,d 1, the CouncilSEP 2819 2 193 Yeun M'D 193 W M, President Nf.h­lY ✓ 160000.00 sm,000.00 ,L pleu.t m Ov aw CITY OF ST. •PAUL No. 93$75 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. PA. 198E wwF.seR�o ev lamming C. Pearoe once _ coMM eclowew. --._ Sy tb. 1933 Hod6et ee unbeitt.d to U. RESOLVED, Th.t item oity oonnoil M the Cmytroller be erd the eme Se k --by iaereaeed d'e,eed 51 oo0 oo eo .. to h.d12o�°° -- %`' / �EP28�s3 COUNCILNIIjN Neyr J, Adnptod by thr t'...... May 3McDnuulJ _ 193 It.— L. le.or AI,9r„�ea Roecn j Trunx AI(uinet Muyor �enxel �Mr. President Moho,-y 410000.00 $1800.00 o„ m . ,. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,u, NO...... 93376 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM N I. C, BeereeAT. 8e1-t.2E, 1938. RESOLVED, That iter 15�I-5 is the 1938 Budget ee-bnitted to the City Council by the C9gt-ll- be eM the same ie hereby iaoreeeed •wee+eeoed- 91.000.00 w .. to bI, _$1,000.00 Yrex � Noy. M., / ]1'ic Uonnld � `� Prnne In favor Itoxrn� 'Fruux / Ag,mn t / W mel .x a... L r, President NIA-ry gFt• ? u +932 A,loptr,l I.y thr ('.uuuuil 193 A l,pn,vrd _. 193.. 01.000.00 X1.000.00 No _._93377 p„y�mav a.n CITY (2F F. PAUL "" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM nr Sept 80, 1939 PR M NTENEr+ Ifi�I..7 in Lha 1935 gadget as eabeltted to the RESOLVED � That itea �--- City Coaaoil by the p,,Wtr ller be and the same ie hereby i.—aeed daaaeaed •b 000 00 ee to ba $45,000.00 ('1)IIN C1LA71•;N lays YeRv Atuy /J n1r1>und,l / G i I , ��C y ffi .4,lul,tnl ny thr <'uun,'il 193_ mtey.r 060000.00 66.000.00 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Mlypearee ow Sept. 28, 198E RESOLVED, That Item 16.A-1 Sn the 1988 ymdget ae embmltted W the City Council by the Cmy9tTo be and the le he by i. aeed Sone- ! demes 6 so ae to be COUNCILMEN SEP 2 g 1932 Y_ Nn�x Adopind by lh� C�ninril 193 1 / �feDonald - ��kh� l Pmrci• / In fnvnr Ap rovrd. 19:4.. /22aeM1J1 / nzel MaYar.. •a • s �. President Mnhonoy Adopted by the Council ..._... _-193_..__ Y ees. N.Y.- 'X ay.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE RQSEN /RDA. WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) V s11mvic "M.9m ao 938'79 mala„dv„.. mpMp1L No... _._._.. • CITY Ok51. PAUL .iL. - -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I . C. Peerae n eeyt. 98r-199E— RESOLVED r That Sts 16�kd SII the 1999 Budget ee -bitted to the City Coteoll by the Comytroller be end the — 1e bereby Snore—A yore.-& $1000 00 w ae to be $500.00 eoo.o.. ee8�.i°r isz_I r....+szz. COON by the 'ILMEN (;nuncil $EF ' w t932 ma Yrtiv Nn q� Adopted ' hfe7/annld , _ 19:7.. 1 rnycd Eoxi n / ' �7'rwrx /1 \k inet /-J� MnYor.. Weuzrl •a o- z� Yl r. President Mahonry 1".4 0100.00 Im.ao U No......_yUDO.l1 CITY OF n. PAYE .'u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE TED BlyRI. 0. Penal _Sept go' 1958 RESOLVED . That item 16..A-6 is the 195E Baget as submitted to the City Co—eil by the C.0%-3-1- be sed the eeme to hereby Snoreaeed &s eesk $240 00 w as to be $640.00 —Br, I. Cqa SEP COUNCILMEN Ad,,I-A Iry the 0,11—it 193 Yens /Y/ I A 198.. v >I"' jwl /Pearce In lnvor _ / ARninet "" Mayor / Wenner .w+ .a /Mr. President Mahoney �. I". Q!l tj..Ikl. 4 on.rw .. av a.r. ♦ No. �7t1E3t71 r CITY OF ST. PAUL riu - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w, S. C. Pearn- .. .r Sept. 26, 1938 RESOLVED, MMt Item 16–A-9 r,." Ia the 1937 Budget le -bitted to the City Coaacil by the C®Wtroller be aa1 the ewe i. hereby laeren..d SeewesN– $1 Oo0 00 ne to be$1.000.00 COUNCTLMI�N Yeue Mep ry]ol)nnnld � �Peurre �In lover Rnsnn 'fniex � ', ARuinrl ,�weeael / Mr. President Meheney SEP R x332 .\Jop6ed by rhe 01n11e1l f A"",ovrd 193. f 1".6 11/000.00 {1.000.00 CITY OF W. PAUL No. 93882 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM FRESENTED Ny __10NER RESOLVED, Tbt it— 16—B-1 in the 1933 Radget ae mbmdtted t. the City C—il by the C.Mt-3.1— be —d the — ie he -by i --...d deeeeeeel $6,670.80 - ee t. be $23.189.80 . COUNCILMEN W. N.,, NI,y I'eerre In favor Ag,i—t W --I M'. President N1.1 y -*t— Adopted by Ih, council SJEP.-;`1Jil9a A...... 19:3 M.-, 66.940.0 4=03mo w CITY OF ST. PAUL ' NO. 938M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM P­MTER By 10,11111INER A- Sept. 28, 1258 RESOLVED , That itM 16-5-3 1a the 1933 Ddget 41 Mbmittsd to the City Co,,ocjj by the cantrollar be aad the nems in hereby increased dsoseeNl- 42 000.00w an to be 0,400,00 COUNCILMEN 19:1 In fnrnr. A, 1 193 Iioe,n Y/ Tninx Agi-t• Nfi,,, W-0 M'. Nresident Mahoney 16-a-3 --- #2.000.00 69AW-00 CITY OF S�-- PAUL No. OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERKCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —m-oun RESOLVED b.dtter by b, S-' h,reby an:/o 0 o to bo. v COUNCILMEN A,IVI,-i by III, 1 � 1a32 103 fess N., 193 Ito—. In favorAl Ah -- roux / ApIt-1 CITY OF* PAUL C 938 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR. RESOLVED by b, -i o COUNCILMEN Yens _ N., Adopted by the CuaneiI SEP 9193 193 Nfiq, a..k ti CITY Of Sr. PAUL .,u - No. 93887 ---"'------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—Ii ENERAL FORM RESOLVED rhes item /d �7 ?/_ In she 1933 Budget as enbmiscea by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same Se, hereby Sncreeeed-dcaaaa'e A 9G o se to be,yLo -- v COUNCILMEN Yeee / NaYs Adopted by the Council_........_....._....... Nuy Pearce . f fuer �� Ap7 ved_.. - __ .93._. Rosen 1 /'Truax .. ...Against / Wenzel ne `_e ✓Mr. President Mahoney - 93888 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c 1Mrn s5 onew %N ✓ RESOLVED tbat Item If "Y' / in the 1933 Budget ae eubmitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be end the eeme is, hereby increaeed- -d.-4Ed a p"I— ae to be, `/_ aI been a lhe' ee�fe a¢'na s "cre e e "a COUNCILMEN Neye Adopted by the Cuuncil._ .4� i._�. �_ '...193...... May / MoD- Id G, �t Pcnrce . In favor -v. p{oved _.... ....193_. /Truax —_ _Agnimt � nxel Mnyor M 4a Mr. Prc ideot Mahoney 4rcLL No. 93"' CITU OF .4AUL .v -�- OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM ,,,­N—EY RESOLVED . That item in the 1933 Budget ae submitted to the City Coumsil by the Comptroller be and the same Ss hereby increased e-,.�ae•ee� 3 Y8 a as to be 3 vff COUNCILMEN SEP 2 Yess Nate Adopted by the Council._..____..___..............183___ May McDonald Poarae Appro.ed - 193.... Rosen /lr Truax _... �_. Agninat /-[-'hrr[ May., W-0 -- Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF Sr. PAUL `^'^'ca No.... -.9.3890 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That Stem .3 in the 1933 Budget ae submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the .ame is hereby inoreaeed y /J- w ea to ba Y/f _ COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays May NI,Donald/ Pearce / _ In favor Rosen Truax '.__...Against Wenzel Dir. President Mahoney ceT. s p a:&T �«.... : u:.>o y i� ,. se. Adopted by the C ... nd......��. E� _ .............._.._.183...... y Mayor CITU OF 5T. PAUL ruNo. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED r That item Sn the 1933 Hedgat ea ..bitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be end the eeme Se hereby increased pec --d It 3 -1 o as to be 3 ,- v v COUNCILMEN SEr L 6 9� Yeee Nate AdoPtcd b3' the Couecil_.__.. ........__ _ _......_103...... Mar r. McDoeald / e Pearce I favor x`%: Apprayed ..... _._ 193 Rosen I v / /� Truax _ t _... igvinet -(�-C�G�'�G N— __ T,.- % Mayor ea a -aa Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF S . PAUL oumcu NO._....__... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM C_MQ,ew N _. RESOLVED , That Stam the 1933 Bvdgat as submitted to the City C—ilby the Comptroller be and the eama is hereby 4mareased _ 7p 7 z o o ae to ba 4'Z YO COUNCILMEN Neya Adopeed by the Covvcil....__S.�F_2, May / �i ApP.. _.._ ........193... �Troax �— Ag_Infsvor �v ed ninet i Weveel Meyor .a / Mr. President Mahoney No. 93893 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P. _"TE—a. —T. RESOLVED t 't— /f 10 in -1�e :93' 111!3g as 9uoma'ted by "—d- b, t --by ill - to b- 'f//1 '6"— COUNCILMEN N., A�I,),Ad by Ill, 0�11111 it sip 197 YrunM'y q 193 W —1 MI. 11 id -t MA, -y purr r. av aew mu.=¢ NO.... ...7U.894 CITY OF 5T. PAUL riu - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRgsa� ao a. � . ,?, o.,E RESOLVED th•_t Iter. �9 1� the 193 B,dg-t .. submitted b; .1:o be ,,Id the eRiee 1:;, hereby irorea=ed-deere2se�— Af o r, ., to be. o m o ?a�4,.e =Hbml e . �a- oor..00'�,�.l b,lhi.r.um A..., U. COUNOIINEN SFP 2619�- Y— /, N¢va AJnpteil by the 0'o —il - 193 �,Rt,f';.' �McDonnlJ Pe¢ree In favor- z �P{ovr�l. 193 Tnlax � Wenzel �/ Mr. Prreident Mahn¢¢y .„,.,- w,r" 93895 . •CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. 6.OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'R " 0 o�Ea ---_-_ - - RESOLVED '.h =..t Tt�•m '>'o in t1ne 193- B,1g,t ae submitted b; Y. 11er be and the sen i,, hereby in.rea�ed-Aea d_ lqy Yons COUNCILMEN Nnyn Adopted by the Cauucil _._ 193 �ny % 11r lhinulJ Pcnrri In fnvnr APNr'yrd lF � 193- : /TUinx / ARnlnet MnY�r /SVenzrl n �fr. PresiJrnt Mnhoncy o.Ww�u av aha w� CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cOM nieaioDNiw,�•..AC 2L... .�jLt...l... DATE RESOLVED I.t TtEin �� in th- 1937 B.tdg-'. — submitted by �.__.__� 1*.� Cem(>: r>ller bye snd t}t�se.i :s, hereb}�, Inrrea�,ed-deere¢se� lono iY 39iS/ eo ne to bF. -- Adopted by the Council__— . __-_....19J_..__ Adopted by the Council._. __....____.....193_.... Yeas. Nays, /AY Yee.. Ney.. MAY / /".DONALD / M1tcDONALD PEARCt; PEARCE S> /ROSEN / ROSEN RUAX TRUAX / COUNCILMEN Yc.. Nay. Adapted by the CooecilSEP %i-8- 193 WENZEI, WENZEI. J. Mr Dnnald/ 1 �y t3 �' N u 4 5( / PRESIDENT (M Al10NEY) / l MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) I'rurce '}gnat ` In favor N AI5e111at Z 1. Approved 198 .11 h ! `� �%!� i..gJe.l /Wenzel M11n igt ✓// / � Mr. Pre.ident un �.n Mahaney Ty�OF ST.,PAUL�~ wo� 83897 OF T�&.JTY CLERK 4. "nOLUTION-GENgRAL FORM 1-5- s�"="�' R�OLVE" ~"by .~-����L-_-`".^.`,,,°^`r`^^^`"~``` . `~`'^"''^`~ b,` w ��� *~ ~~ /7 w ��� Adnp6ed Ly lho Council SEP 2.R r 193 n� 'p V - Ap➢ruveJ 193.... Mnyar 998 11 ro av <a.. PAUL a CITY QF Si. •�" NO........ ..- v I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rrr�L ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ww�ENrEowY Con,u issiOn[w � _—� RESOLVED _ %-/ n th= 193' a�& t'-. suYmi tt ed by ,.r1�robe ani the sa •.e -b ' 379 - a., to be11e�` � Adnp6ed Ly lho Council SEP 2.R r 193 n� 'p V - Ap➢ruveJ 193.... Mnyar Yeus }�ny In fnvm ,en Wenzel M, P— Ont Mahoney Adnp6ed Ly lho Council SEP 2.R r 193 n� 'p V - Ap➢ruveJ 193.... Mnyar 93399 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK "ti COUNCyESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMe. RESOLVED -.h.t Y.LL_l t the 193' 9'.+dde'- as—bmitted by ;I. �iSF. �n� I:'. ..- 1 thr saln �/h/ereby increased-P�ud to b= GG �9�Q CI)U CIIAIEN' \tny �Mellnnnld r nor„• /t�"PIS Tnlnx Wenzel Mr. P—id—t M,I"., ) €L� SEP 28fO,93_ SEP $ °. so \rrwe�I Al193.... ALNrtar�� pgiwmci�ra� CITY OF ST. PAUL muxciL No-.___y.�i:,llA FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / C N ORES/O�LUATIO,N }—n[G E/N JERAL FORM omay ma RESOLVED �n 3 [h.t hum in he 193' Bu'C t as submitted by �I:e om�l ro_ r 1 "i th• s;ane i yh e rcb, in r a-3e•� %l so as .o be. .S3o y�— COUNCILMEN _� ,/ c p 9R� Year / Nays �'�,sN AdoPl,d 6 u y the Concil _. JF...193 f /nryytcDnnald / /peurrr /nraror A, ---a ... 193_.. Trnnx / Against /,4cuael / Muyur / Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL No 93901 col�'ICEOF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVE. in ­ A. wlr ittOd to th- City 0-J1 b: L- --It-ll-1 b- -1, t- seuo ie. -r ��: I W N( ILNIFN Ponne hu feav Ad .,1 1, lk,193 =-, 93902 TY CIOFF n�ST. PAUL „� NO._... OFFICE OF IE'ZITY CLERK OUNCI OLUGENERAL FORM PR RESOLVED th't item_ o �- / - 7n `,he 13�' Bu9gr as :—b,oitted by �:-:e Coml:tro ller be and thy samyyC hereby f -c, creased as to be. O• 1- t mia oo°.o`a°em w ` i COUNCILMEN SEP 2B 1992 Y— COUNCILMEN .AdoPU•d by the Council .193 /�,qI9Y 48McDonald pm— h lnvor 6y STI A � �r7v d 193..... T.— Agninet G _� W enecl Mnyor` xM M,. Pmidont Mahoney No.. 93903 cIOF sr. PAUL •,� OFFICETY OF THE CITY CLERK IOUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED th .t TteT._1_ _in _h� IK7 B,I,,t eo cubmitte3 by hereby i...... eo re ¢sed ct.g{Fom, troller be snd the sain �j� ait m fJ cooxcu.Ml:N 1n .s Adopted Ly the Council Yens �., tysf t May /Mcllonsld � QTY ef'le 19:1 In favor �.,• •� �iLkpNf 1 1,1 Ap,7 �P-- K / �Trnox ARulnvt /'" Mo. , ' / Wenzel Mr. President hfshnoey eM s.ir / a t eller 'o• rr a thesa m�Yy4, I't—by jam} -decreased Yom+ _po 70.� o RE to be. 1006 COUNCILMEN CITY OFMST-PAUL _ ,�<. NO...... 9390.4 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK R TION—GENERAL FOR �MrUnnald �NCIL In laver co�Enreo a. /{Venzel _, I'rexident RESOLVED t; -t :._m �` T 1� -_� {". 'h= 193' P:dg•.` ws sutm!t:ert by a t eller 'o• rr a thesa m�Yy4, I't—by jam} -decreased Yom+ _po 70.� o RE to be. 1006 COUNCILMEN Yeuv /May �MrUnnald Pearei• In laver Roxen /{Venzel ARninet I'rexident Mahoney a8«' Adopted I.y the. Gnum11 "FP 9 F _!'_ 198 %Oj7 41�pr9vr d Y _ .. 19:4 %✓ C c-C4IT lite"% Mayor _ 9390 _ CITY OE.ST. PAUL •�+ NO. 05 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r.R-ERTEo�- RESOLVED thvt Iter In the 193' 19ae submittlri by ;,om_trol ler b. and 'h�, sawe iav¢'ereby ia�-deoreaa;d _1Q QbB as to br. eM nn.o air°sooe so :m �.:e. rsr.. 2 COUNCILMEN i 1 Y—Nuys Adoptod Ly We Council �[.�_ _. _. 193 / McDonnld � F �Peercr / In fovor �i kO�/ APP "d �roar / Agnrnst / !� I.Y j'ensel /Mr. President Mahoney _.. p„ye.,mav� CITV OF ST- PAUL NO.939W 1 OFFICE OF THE CITV CLERK / / ) COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED 1n the 193' Budge` as submitted by P h,—byice-decreased he Com);t roll er be and the same 1'— �D COUNCILMEN Yexe /Mar n}x MoDnllul�l In favor �I'eurcc Roam 'frnux✓.. Aquinet Wenvel Mr. p—ident Muhoner p Adopted by the Cuuncil .193._ .. 193_. _ CITY' NCII.rT Approved_- CITY OPS'r! PAUL .v N0. \✓� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CO MmElm— RESOLVED that the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the 1 Comptroller be smeaded by addiag mediately after Item 31F10, as Item "311p11 - St. Paul Iostitute....$4,000". �c m aF vo o ...,I a ot.oeaRi% COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Mey �Geneaeld �, iPraree __.__ _m raffia, y ' /Truax... Against iWra�el Prr_rident Mahoney S Adopted by the Council _.. SED 2091, ..'__....__... ........193_... kx Ap rd ...19:1_ i r_G-Gc.C�,< f�hk v7 nray� 1�. o.�Ww.o civ oaN CITY OF.ST. PAUL NO..... 1�193 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM coMm ssioHEn ! / i _c- -` 3 2L'—__.._. RESOLVED that the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be amended by adding Imsediately after Item .31F11" an Item "31F12 - Holiday Observaoce.... $1500.00`- COUNCILMEN Yee. Nays May McDonald i'earcc _ In favor Ro.en yy��uax 11wen e1 O Against �Mr. President M.h... y o�.ev� m Adopted by the Couocil....,e.y,R. h ...193_.... Cl Z_t1 P, 'siL' t S fiLFkHTl', Ap9rr -L _ __ .._193_ C' ilGt�t_ __ nl.yor cln OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TME Cln CLERK COUNCIL g —LUTION--GENERA, FORM cowrEi ssiowew-.1.��1 R6 LVED that the 1933 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be emended by adding immediately after It® s31F12s m Item "31713^ - Water for Wilder Bath— .$2500.00'. lJ SEP 2 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Cuu..fl.- .__ _.....___.__. _. _...._193..... May ' McTlonald %Peoree /Rosen//n-.�A'ir _......._.._ Ln Isvorr �� SFCf�Tr Aper/ved _._.. _._......1fl3.... / , Trasx .. �:.....--.-Against' ...Mayor i9enael 611, / Mr. President Mahoney �� a No_ __3y10 CITY bk �. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRqe5f Ase.Niw RESOLVED, that the 1933 Budget ae-bitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be emended by adding imediately after Item e31F13^ as Item "31F14 - H—e Saoiety.... $2400.00'. COUNCILMEN ye. Nate Adopted by the CouvciL....__ _QP. V.323a93_._. --May / McDonald B favor � r� r� A d _ __ 193_ _- Rosen Truax 'V_ __.Ae inat Nevzel Mayo j Mr. Prceident Mahaney o.a.ui.e civ an, CITY Oi Sf. PAULNO. muwciL ..93911 ,v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM Pa eNTEO By RESOLVED That the 1933 Budget as enbmitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be amended by adding Imvediately after Item 11714 an Item ^31715 - Public Utility Valuation Sxpenae �oo -111111 11 11, u11 b, IV COUNCILMEN Y— �ay, Nays Adopted by the C nul _CFP Q F !103_. .. 'M.D-Md P /(//cnrca _.. I favor 7��_�it'kTl p{ov d - - _193__- /? ,. President niahoney aw°.rman a..k/ cm OF_qr.&PAULn u" NO-..._-9DJ2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM eeeEn' ICneeno aen RESOLVED, test Item 31-J-1 and Item 31-J-3 of'Bumber 31 General Fund of the 1933 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the Council shall be and hereby ere stricken and eliminated, and that the Fire Fund of said budgethC all be and the same hereby is increased by adding thereto Item Baotok Pay for Firemen, in the amount Of $37000.00, and that the Police Fund of said budget shall be and {$ the same hereby is increased by adding thereto Item 7-0-5, Back Pay for Police, in the amount of $26A000.00. COUNCILMEN y� No Adopted by the CounciL.S€P 2-f3.1A`.27 .1D3...... y k�pp r193..... Pearce I favor .,� C,. }i., ABp yd1,�_._. /,a–�r� / Truax / Ag inet '-... .. ✓ Mayo genxel / Mr. President Mahoney -m....,. 9�3 .. h CITY 05 ST. PAUL NO. E *—AFCFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK [\ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—iENERAL,FORM LV EO, That the various amount of expenditures in Sellars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activ- itiee of the City government of the City of Saint Paul during the fiscal year beginning January let, 1933, shall be the sums set forth opposite the various entitled funds, as shown upon the schedule hereto attached. 2.1 •„ , �� roe Ta.a r .m co� AV COUNCILMEN Yeve/ Neya , ��oo ..... In fvvor Agamet , MP u a.n Mr. reeidevt Mahovey Adopted by the Couueil— S.,.EP...4..8J.TN... 193...._ f.�D Mayor September 22, 1932 L Lir. Oso. J. Rise, Ramsey County Auditor, Dear Siri- Yonr letter of the 21st i st. to Hr. Kinkead has been referred to the writer for reply You state as followss- •The time is fast approaching when I will have to fix a tax rate in order to extend the taxes to bO aallected next year. There is a possibility of the Council of the City of St. Paul not being able to agree on the Budget. I am requaetingyou to instruct me as to what aomse to pursue to fix a legal rate and extend taxes fog 'Ck£y of St. Pan, purposes in the event the City Council does not fix a legal tax Sevy." Of course if the budget ae presented by the Comptroller is finally adopted with the variations fig permitted by law, tbey will have a legal tax levy. However. if Such budget is not adopted and the City Counoll fails Lo certify my tax levy or in,,the event that the said Council should attemlft to revert to the`J1p32 budget b.7 erisstioithhurpbudgets there a suqu nas to whether yowould be Able to sustain a tax levy for City purposes. There are no court decisions -based on the proposition of the City attempting to operate under a reversion to- the former budget in the event of failure to adopt a budget for the ensuing year, and there has been UO decisionsSO towhateffect upoonnthetprevicualy existingicharteeeproviaiona'Charter had Mr. Coo. J. Ries, #2. Therefore it Is my opinion that In event of the proposed budget being not adopted by the City Council, that you should only levy a tax sufficient to take care of the sinking fund and interest lequirements of the City of St. Paul under and pursuant to Sections 1938-7 and 1948 of Masons Code for the year 1927 and that you should not attempt to levy a tax for City of St. Paul general requirements. It would be necessary in such event for the City of St. Paul to bring --damns proceedings to require you to extend s tax levy, which would bring the matter before the Courts and the tax levy would be legally determined. In the event you attempted to levy an arbitrary tax levy or ons based upon the 1932 budget, the collection of Township, School, County and State tax levies would be endangered. Respectfully submitted, John W. McConaeloug JWM:P Assistant County Attorney. Saint Paul ® Bureau of Municipal Research A,hle,c Club Buildin¢ �c d.. �z�o <'' ......••. •����••�„�• September 22, 1932 The Honorable, The City Co”` Of S City aint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: The passage of the annual budget is the most important single act of the City Council during the year, because it is the financial and work program of the city. It fixe. the amount of taxa8 that our citizens will be required to pay. It sets down the services that the city is to perform for the people and limits the extent of those services. The Comptroller has submitted the 1933 budget to the Council. The Bureau of Municipal Research has amly..d this budget from two viewpoints, 1. The ability of the taxpayers to meet the coat of government ae proposed 1n the budget. 2. The question of whether the welfare of the city will be en- dangered by the passage of this budget. vwMING ABILITY OF CITIZENS The beet available measure of the ability of the people of Saint Paul to pay that, taxes is whether they are paying them. The city's budget for 1932 provides a tax levy of $9,138,494. On this levy a delinquency of $1,043,616 is anticipated, or, in other words, one dollar out of every nine dollar. levied will not be collected this year. The people are not able to meet the present coat of government. The Comptroller's budget for 1933 contemplate. a tux levy of $8,179,400, which is $959,094 below the 1932 levy. The taxpayera act only are entitled to, but -2 - they must have, a reduction in the cost of their city government. They on longer cm meet the high ra at which ws- built up and easily mat Io times of prosperity. They must have substantial relief so that they will be able to meet their cex bills. Deflation most comp in government; it bas already been forced upon the citizen in his home and in his business. The 1933 budget an submitted by the Comptroller provide. this deflation and puts the cost at a figure that can be more nearly met, although even then delinquencies must be anticipated. WELFARE OF CITY The welfare of the city will not be endangered by the passage of this budget, but rather will be promoted because of lowered Lax impositions. The Bur- oau believes that the discontinuance of some activities and the reduction in scope of othere will not endanger the well-being of this community. An analysis of the budget reductions and increases, Hotting a decrease of $1,107,229, follows: Dccroason Salary adjustments . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 449,973 Position, eliminated in activities contin- ued (.at). . . . . . . . . . . 191,095 Supplies and materials . . . . . . . . . . 22,194 C..tract.al service. . . . . . . . . . . . 80,808 Capital outlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206,678 9epnlra and ra—l.. . . . . . . . . . . 23,700 Water Department . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29,788 Miscellaneous . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15,694 Activities e11m1mted. . . . . . . . . . . 214,448 Automobile malnt-aree and e.11—re . . . 29,905 Electlone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60,000 Emergency Lora Bopaymcnts. . . . . . . . . 17,000 Policc and he,lth ®ploycce pension- . . . 10.121 $1,351,484 -3- Incroa Board of public Welfarc . . . . . . . . . $ 31,295 Salary adjuatmcnt- - polio, and fire depart- 65,000 moat. . . . . . . . . . . . Rodcmptlon of bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . 27,000 Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20,919 Firemen'- pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6,721 Old age pensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90,000 City Holl and Court House . . . . . . . . . 3.260 $ 244,256 Nat Decroa.o . . . . . . . . . . .$ 1,107,229 Of the above it... entailing increases and doer....., some ore sub - fact to controversy sbllo others are not. NON -CONTROVERSIAL ITEMS The non -controversial decrease-, aggregating $945,941, are in sala- ries, supplies and materials, contractual sorvicos, capital outlay, ,rotor depart- ment, nutosubilo maintenance and allowancoe, elections, emergency loan ropayments, repairs and rcnenals, police and health employee- pensions and miecollmoous. The non -controversial increases, totaling $179,255, aro mad. up of the Board of Public Welfare, interest and redemption of bonds, firemen's pensions, old ago pensione, and city ball and court haus' moincemnce. Now of the above, with the exception of contractual services %hich in- cludes o $70,850 decroasc for street lighting, involves a decrease in services to the city. The not decrease of noa-controverstal Stem. totals $766,686. CONTROVERSIAL ITM-S The controversial It— divide themselves into three groups: Activi- ties eliminated, positions eliminated in continued activities, and salary adjust- meats for policemen and firemen. The firs ten of those involve a decrease in city .orvicos. -I - ACTIVITIES ELIMINATED The activities and Contributions to outside agencies elimi"tod in the Comptroller's budget, follow; kctivitioB Eliminated Fire prevention b-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 19,560 Workhouse hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9,425 . 147,175 Kindergartens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Music and ontertainmont in parks . . . . . . . . 15,770 Polieo and watchmen in parka . . . . . . . . . . 4,600 Street car checkers and snake inspectors . . . . 7,016 Reforestation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8,000 $ 205,548 Contributions to outside Agencies Eliminated . . . $ 2,400 Rumnne Society . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wnter - Wilder Rothe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 St. Paul Institute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4•000 $ 6.900 $ 214,448 POSITIONS ELIMINATED The positions discontinued in the Comptroller's budget, aggregating $191,095, are scattered throughout the city service. It is not believed that their discontinuance will affect to any appreciable degree the services to the citizens. When it is considered that the operating budget of the city total. ov_r $7,500,000, the elimination of positions to the extent of $191,095 does not seam out of line. With greater effort on the part of the employees provided for, it is felt that there will be no noticeable decrease in aerv,*Ce. to the city. -5- S4LAA swmS FOA POLIC�fEfEN AND FIRS An item of $65,000 is contained in Lha budget as an initial payment toward roimbursing polkas.. and firemen for act paYing them the .alarlee provid- ed for in the salary standnrdleation ordimnce of the city for several Years past, This Baroau belio—o that this ordinance should be 11"d up to. There may be aom question as to mooting a q—t.r of this deficit at this Lima, but it is thought that the principal is ri Olt. CONCLUSIONS This Bureau is of the opinion that the Cemptrollcr has submitted . budget that a rmnts the support of the public official. and the t—Payen.. It in sound pl-1n9 and financing. While minor changes undoubtedly will be Meda, it is trusted that no substantial dsparturc from this budget will be had. Very truly Years, Fred Power president, Bureau of Nanlcipal Aeee ar ch. �dP P.n1'AYf" National Fir® Protection Association .` .... c oaaxx�sso �aee �x�oxxox..m �aao ^.V•••c•••••. A / September S•, 193g. 11oD yr. yob. oael , Comibeioner of pnbldc Safety, St. peel, ul— Deer Sir: Ee are deeply oanosraed So learn L berDs fireeprevI. setion D1uYeu la the is St. peal e11m1anting fund° for operating t 111 sot be taken at. lie elnoerely hope that Lois bnokeerd stop + Lire depertme see at the a lose is meat' time by the Dist'. We Deldeve that tDe smell expo -tur conomood to the dlesoSSmAetoeoohlplsehae I. reduced fire losses and that SL Is Ia times like tbeee the tesdeaoy to greater oexeleeeaese and is -e marked sad fire pyyventloa —.h greeter Durseu work S dlarim 1e wsry etbe fiv re preention importanoe then 1t won16 De 1n Bood time °. If enytIIing. 1iyneedIdurwSngktof the fir. period.deyartmsnt should be I., -...d rather Shea de - o It may interest fireyDTato Imoo Dureau soTkabutflother i mss onvia�n tempinted ellmimtlag v otltlm sad eoneideretioa have dwoided that it would be n mieteke. Chiry ge rose '17 we know of such iastenoee MPy ovidsaoe, H. I. sad in Toledo, If there is enything we say do to ..twin.. your oit, cooasil1 the the elimlantion of Lbe fire prevention Darean would be a very na+ e plseea oommead va• Very truly, /J deals nt� ✓n/g%-a`B DSreoSor--� PB:pl° CITY OvCITY s 9MGBT 6P F r the Year 1933 Fundunt �n So Charter_?+=nd 1 City Offinere• Salaries 17,000. 1,600.00 PHY.". office 27.870.00 lx 3 coraoration Counsel 28,643.00 4 City Clerk Continent Fund 72,224.00 Finnge Cole stoner 30,810.00' 7_8_q Public Safety Adm inietration 661,151.00 7 Police 947.377.00 59.544.00 8 7_8 Fire Police and Fim Fienal --lice105.921.00 9 Eeeltb167.200.00 10 Dublin 'r—ke 1o8, 725.00 Il Street Contraction and Repair 23,1 .oe 12 sewer Corset ruction and Renair 230.277.00 1j street znd sever Cleani„g 27,670.00 1 Bridge �epalr 3.170.847.00 15 Publis seboole 221. 7a.00 112,00.60 16 Publio Library 115.949.00 17 18 Lndlto"_ Pvblic Parka 4q, 341-00 19 Public 40,659.00 20 YueY'ron^de Pub11e Sldinn Public otilitie. �35•k�. 21 22 Publlc L1gTtmng t t 1,0 A. 0ocOGxr 300,00 . 23 24 eater Daps Board of Public ^el fare F3,043.oc 2F City sell and Court souse 1,291,793.00 26 Internet 350,000.00 27 slnk'Sng Fund 595.000.00 28 Redeaption of Ronda F,000.00 20 yodgmant and Compromise 4c, 790,00 30 Coaptroller•n Cfficn 625.081.00 � 31 ral .,arse Fndd Total g11.c R,5s5.00 FP-N*CIND SCHEDUL& ss- IRPr2T $11,072,565.00 To to ri.ence,. ART—TIAL ARCPIPTS: Mortgage Regietxy Participating Cart ific:to. 12,2o2.0O kunicipel Court 3.000.00 Public Safety 7. PC 00 Public sorb 103.000.00 152,069.00 ;d—.tido .rke, Playgrounds & Public Bldg.. 3.600.CC Public Utititiee 1.097.392.0➢ Tote, Departmental Receipt, t,37-,053.00 Yoniee & Credlte 1551.000.00 Mortgage Regietxy 20,OOC.00 157.000.00 County Ore rill Ta: Penelt les 60,000.00 09,11 "—"9' 395.000.00 Roams.. Lineae ee 16.000.00 Dog Lioen.ee U, 500.00 Trade. & Opooyetion. 20 COO 00 Departmental Permit. 15,000.0C Higheay Privl3e�es 2.500.00 Fees, F1nee & Fbrfait. 60,000.00 Renta, Interestand S• .dri.. 20 000 00 .. $tate & Federal Aid 460.000.00 Library Rental 50,000.00 Tote, Oenerel Be— 1eeeipt. 1.900.000.00 ` 2,979,053.00 Lee. Shrinkage 1n Tax Collection. 225.000.00 a 6i 4pF 1x33 i>9x zap _ .....ed Palpation $166.929,622.00 k Rate n r $1,000 for City Purposes yepr 1-33 659.-4 ,-EWTILNS I LFEER CAPIT.- LIMIT. TION (Permie-aDle ender '3' CC -."r —i" 11m"'"on) ^12,088,81 d 0 t idde of Tex Levy: I� —2.0c/ Participati Certificate ;.CCC DO✓ F'nnle incl 00—t Fubllc SafltY:4,000.CO0 Police-Aecovera Dle Emenee 2.000.0 ^Sre Poiiee and Wire Alarm Recoverable ^xnenee QVC 00 / r 7 Aealtb 1�900,00 Publ to *orae: 65,%0.00 r Aureen of !_ngi nears2DOD �r o =use i Street Conetruution and Rep.Ylre k;.� y Sews! ' 2�� ✓ 101 000.00 Street end Sewer Cleaning _ °ducat Soni K.000.00 8ubools 2C,OCO.00 Pubic LLDrary 112.0 69 152,0.00 Auditorium I P k pi"gmunds& P b11c Building- f Parin 3.000.00 100.00 i laygronmds 900.00 3,6D0,00 Public BaildSnge e A OCC CCPu 400.00 Taeting La boretorie• x 000.00 Do c`n. Wharves end Laveas 1. 7x,00.00 Airport x,000.00 Lighting Fund Light 1 070,4Q2,00 1 0"7.3o2.CC Department �� 1,370,053.00 WS d DY Tar Levyl S1nk1}y Fund Ae9uirRot— 3x50 COO.CO Redemption Aande - xotee xco5.�•00 1,791,798.00 90 nd Interest Payment °4,643.00 ^oltee Pen. ion vetronr lit- Drainage cd—iaeion13.685.00 2 3110, 126,00 t 9.179. CO "xnen'iture+ Onte1e� Per Canitn LSmltatton .+Tl 1933 Per Canito Llmltation (278,'88 Pereone) 1 8,369,1.40.00 1M °UDGET AK1,1CPRIATICN5 - CITY OF SAINT FAq H� Funda and Ite_me_ ArtDuate SuL-Total• 1 - ^ITY CFFICERS, SAWIT 1Al Selectee c - :1:LA.92FS AHD r i.�9ES - I'AYOR'S OFFIc: 201 Selariee 3,300,0C 2n 2.uj Nayorls Conti+,,ent Vwd '500.00✓ — 32sh Offlce Emense 900.00 ✓ 3 - SALARSFS AHO MX NDITURSS - -PRP, COUNSEL 3Alselarlea 24,7770,00 3A2 Legal Feee 2.400.00 3A3 Lar Library Frp .00 3A Odie. Emenee 350,00 3A5 Auto Allo oe 300.00-1 - SALARIES AND EYFSNDITU117S -CITY CL K 4A3 Saleriee 19,073.00 4A2 Offlciel Publication 9, 500.00` aA3 Offlee Ecom-- 2.070.00 - .CITINGFN FOND 'A1 Gounell Neeolutiona E - FI'WNCF CCMMISSIC NTEIS FUND hA Pim. Cff lee 6A1 Salarlee 55,932.00 FA2 lntcaobile l�slntenance 1,000.00 ✓ 6A3 Office En.nee 3.000.00 / 50,9;2.00 Totals 37,000.00 L, fA0,00 ej No. Fund. .nd Items --t. "ab-Tot.l. Tot.la 6 - FI Fa+C!'. CO1:NI5--IO WE -5 FUND -Continued �P Pertlain.tlng Ce rt Sflaetee' ' LB1 Marie. -.567.00 " fB2 Office Expense 2.725.00 12.292.00 ✓ 1bt.7 Item 627 ,224,Oo eFl,mnceC from Part lc ipatinc Certificate Revenue, ' � 7$_ PUgI IC SAF4'fY ADI'IHISTi..TION•• a, 7 -N -9A1 "elarlee 8,820,00 im-9t3--s�z- ` � �ar.tt�alle},K 7-8-9A"YOffice Ernenee 700.00 9 520,00 7-"�-9B Buildl� Vslnteneace 7-8-9B1 Salaries 10,630,00 7 -9 -QM Scpplie. 10.460.00 21.'90.00 3C,B10,ao --The a aureau .or of this BS.tloned -) atothe equally Police, Fitt end Heelth Funds, - PCLI7 FUND k _7A Pcllce AdministrntjQn 1Al 111111:: 13.571.00 lA2 Sfiplies 900.00 7A3 Eculpment 100.00 7A4 Fm enee 2.300.00 -^$r 16, i 71.00 7aLt cen.e Inaoect t on 7B1 811.riae 4,C32,00 7P2 Autr-oblle punt...... 480.00 7B3 office Rxne .e loo.00 ', 4,L12,00 7C ',' tfo —d_ Poll -e 7cl Sr lariae b3c,681.oc 7C2 Svltee �p g00.00� 7Cl 2 cellaneoae 17,500.00 7C4 Automobile Naintenonoe 38,000.00 7C5 neck P.y Police 20.000.00 507.083.00 - _. Funds end Items A.ou^t. Sub-Total. Total. 7 - PCLICr FIND-Contimied allsaleriei 16,C19.00 ZO Detective. 18C.00 Bd.3 Cfflee Expen.e 7D1 Saler Se. 81, 1,20 CIC 36.sey.00r 7D2 Traveling Fmenee 1,000,.00 ' 8B1 Salarie. 7D3 SnuvI ie. 2.750.00 ✓ 200.00 Jo 000, 00 $4,9So.00 7E Nadlo Divf.lon 721 Salads.— 10,225,00✓ 712 Light, Bast and P—r 2557,00 ✓ 7Ej 9iWaPliea 3,000.00 ✓ 71 ep Sr. ane N.neeel. 1,000.00 715 Niecel Lan- 1.4�4]S.00 T7 P.11.. Stetlona 771 31 1.. 14,472.00 772 Light, ,at and ',tar 2'00,00 ✓ 6o0,o0✓ 775 Snppllea 774 Feedl ag Prisoners 5,200,00 775 Hep.iry em: Henowal. 200,00 776 HI... 11.neon. 25.00 20 697,00'i 0 Bureen of Records 701 Selariae 11,865.00 � 702 Offtce Ezpea.e 700.00 12 5..65.00 ' _ Total Fund No, 7 661,151,00 SA ddml nletration allsaleriei 16,C19.00 8a2 Snapll ae 18C.00 Bd.3 Cfflee Expen.e 110.00 36.sey.00r FBFtm Prevention 8B1 Salarie. 5,800.00 aB2 Cf.'See Fro. n.e 200.00 Jo 000, 00 F—d. and Items Ano ante Svb-Towle Total. - Fl— FUND-Contlnmd 7-8A� Stpplie. 1.881.CC 9C Fire Fighting 6.-25.00 ss eSgwe'1• HCI Salaries 7'C. 765.00 650.00 6C2 Gasoline, oil. and Gree.. 6.00Q.00 / Total Item Ho. 7-9 HC3 Tires. Tube. and Raps irs 7,250.00'' to apno rtio,ed 'C4 Ha. Hoe. 4,occ.o0-' 905 Repair. to %qulpoent 2,5500,00 / 9c6 soppliee 9,10Q.00 / 9C7 Water Hudrant Aentel. 73,292,00 " 8C9 MIS-11'n-7m:OO 4ment 809 'pack Pay - Firemen 37,uCC,OQ' 86¢ L-7.0 9D M.lntemnoe of Fire statl- 8111 Salarl.e ?3.111.00 F02 Tolen wne. I -P.00✓ 6113 Light, F—r end -.ter 3, BOo.co, 8114 Heat 10,600.00 e 9115 3-P it.. 1.35Q.00" 8D6 Repair. and Renewals 1,000.0c, Z77 Mi.cellnneou. %.Oo' 40.461.00 ✓ Sbta1 Fund No. 9 g47T7. 7-8A1 8elerle. 47.139.00 7 -HA2 Automobile 4'e int r^ance 1,750.00 `1 7-8A� Stpplie. 1.881.CC 7-9A Telepaoae ---- 6.-25.00 ss eSgwe'1• 7-945 Hee Equi=maat 650.00 7-9Ai. Office F ea.tI ecaa- 200.00 .✓ Total Item Ho. 7-9 of th1. boreau •agmlly to apno rtio,ed to the Police and Fire Fund. 7 a.dx and Ito® Amount. Sub -Total. Tot_ __l e. HTiLTF FUND U Fealth Administration "ll Salerie. q, 6gl.00 oA2 Office Emma. 300.00 ` qA3 Auto r --a 36o.00 10,351.00 9141te1 Statletico M Salaries F,424.00 " q82 Office S:nense $00.00 6, ,24,0o oC Promotion of Health Sohocls _- 901 Selerie. 12,145,00 902 S.pyllee 675,00 903 Office I.P.... 100.00 12, 820.00 9D Food Regulation qDl 9.1-1.. 16,036,00 ✓ 9D2 Aatomebile uaintenanoe 1,034.00 ✓ 9D3 Office $pen.. 115.00 17.165.00 ✓ gS Wareatine, 9PI S.larle. 20,066.00 1 9E2 AatomoMle Maintenance 3,360.00 nn 97-3 snite. 410.00 qA Office F --e 65,00 23.g23.00 / 9F Tuberculosis 971 5.1erle. 13,092.00 qF2 Hent 6o0.o0 0739®nliee 575,00 oF4 Car Fere 300.00 oIF Office Fmense 150.00 IL,717.00 nn eerily-- HOsnital �Ol Salarle. 6,500.00 002 Board of Prieonere 2,000.00 oG ""l le 200.00 Y.Secellaneous 25.00 6.725.00 F—d. ..d Items '_..LTR FUFD_fopti.ued 9s Raalte Laboresary 9H1 Salerlee 9H2 Supplies 9H3 Office R—e 9] Rerriet Island Park A I.A.. 9I2 Light, Rest end enter 913 sumpl1e. 914 Repblra end P.ec.—l. :=swlrt� _ Aied. torfe.- 9U ibq Llonnee FilSprcement 971 9alar a �- 072 Automobile ;'a Sntev:n.e 778 Supplies To tel Item Fo. 9 a unta Sub -Total. Total. 6, 743.00'" 635.00 100.00 " ',200.00 115.00 293.00 125.00 2.733.00 1.400.00' 20O.00 65.00 1.66F.cc 105.921.00 rtnb nt of Publi- safety F-9 PublicSafety Admini.tretien 7 Police Department B FS re Department Policebed Fire Alarm a Health !lec—te,ent Total ;c,slo.ao 661.151.00 Eunde_ -d It— Amount. Sb -Total. Totals _ OCVVISSIOWz R CF PUBLIC a0R%S IOA Adminietratiou 10A1 Salarlee ICA2 Anal Raport 100,00 r 1CA3 Offlae *.xoenee 1.000.00 " i4,g50.o0 t lOH Ereineere 1081 Salarlee 1o9,626.00 ' 10112 Antomobile i(alntenanae j 380,00 ✓ 1OB3 Office E-- 4.725.00 ✓ 117, 731,00 IOC eorkhouse 1001 Salaries 22,194.o0 _ 1002 Anio®bile Va1`7 anoe 550,00 ✓ 10C3 Light, Heat and nater },500,00 ✓ a lOC4 Sappliee 7,500,00 ✓ 10C5 Religtoae Service., ata, 225,00 1006 Repair. and Raoeaale 500,00 ✓ IOC7 VSioellanooue 4 61 oo Total Item Ro, 10 167.2]0_( - STBHHT OORST11UCTICN AND REPAIR lA eeoaSrin¢ 9treete and 9alka llAl Salarlee end eeges 61,500.00 13A2 Tank Hlre 13,000,00' 11A3 Aato®bile Win(.-- 2,075.00✓ 13A4 Trnak Maim—oae 9,000.00- 1 1 ,000.00"'11 A5 Vateriela and SWpl Sea 22,000.00 ✓ 11A6 VSeaellaneous 1.190.00 v Total Item No. 11 - ST"FR CO!'TRUCTIC:7 ARD R:PAIA 1291'nlariea end xagea 21,564,00 - 12A2 Automobile Vaintennnoe 800.00 + 1263 Auto Allowance 480.00 '+ 12A4 Veterial. and Suppl See 4,500,00 + 12Aj Paul eg Hepelre 300.00 12 inr"�a 100.00 y Tota'. atom No. 12 :ands and Item Amount. 51lb-Tt. 1• T dND SEWER CLAWING Ont°®DSle ualntenan°e 5.722.00' Offlee Emenee 480.00 oc v 6,552.oc ✓ Truck Hlre 51,40O.00 Equipmnt uaint—nae 15,000.00 Supplies 1,5DC .00 uiecall--- 750'00 � 2 ° )' 71.150.00 e ana aa¢°s 34,000.00 Tank sire 11,000.00 - Egnipmnt Yaintemnce 5300 00 S4pp11°° 500.00 uienellanepm _1.000.00 r 51,SDO,00 1jD2 TrmkjHlre 1'200'00 13D3 Supoli.. 25D'o 190•00K 1, 600.00 132 Tanmelend Truck8Hl re 12.650.00 1373 Equipment ueintem,ce 30,000.00 13E4 SWpl lee 10,000.00 1355 uieeellaneoue 250.E 1,OOC.00 ✓ 13F,G Equipment Hanl°cemente 3,000.00 S6.900 o0 3. gco.00v ee and W".. 8, 500.00 '/ Funds end Items Bnounte Sub_Tbt_nle Total. 9T'FRT AND SEwFL CLv..,`.I;0-Continued - Cleantng Sawera 1- Selarlee end 'I., 71,50C,C0 13112 Egni—t Nal ntanr nce 1,000,00' 13E3 Sunnite. 50C.00'� 1384 viecellrneoua %0.00- 23, 50C,00 I Sews- Pumping Statlon 3 1 Saler e 5 60C 00 312 Light and Poser 600 0, ✓ 313 scmnlle. 75.00 ✓ 31 mi. r-O.Op 6, 325,00 mlecall-T- 3J1 '�'at., - Street Fountain 90.00 Tbt.l It.. N.. 13 z z77.00 BRIDGE RCILDIM BED RTAIR 4A1 Selarlee and Rage. 18,1 1.00 482 Equlpmnt and NalntemA 1,000,00 ✓ 14A3 Materials and Sltpnlie. 6,500 00✓ 14A4 Pence. and Stelrver Natntenance 2,000.00 ✓ Total It.. No. 14 27.670.00 SONNART Deo.rtment of Public '^ k. Coemtastoner o!' Publle "orke 167, 200.00 Street Ccnstrmtlon .nt Repair 108,723 00 Sewer Con.truction and ^eoa3r 2g,144.pp Street and Sever Cleaning 230.277.00 9rl d_ -.Building and Repair 27, 67..00 .. _ -- - Total $562,016.00 Puna. una Items —unt. � 4tBlfl U:!i.1 Z'-MCK LS G 3unlMss ,.fiolnl ctmttin 1rA1 selnri ea 17, h1L.CO 1512 Cffix salwrie. 23,R3.cc r Autoen�tle Mnlnt ennnce 4EC.CC 83 cffioe ~�nenee 2. cc.cc 26.7c3.cr, Attendnn ae Divi^ion l Salrie.14, 38q.00�02 Car ?ere 2,00C.Cc3 [InI2 Offlae Srnenee 300.00 ✓ 1(,f-9%OC emtion emd Mt—, c 1<'_San D3 9lerie• 11,786.00✓D2 0ffiC250,00D3 Pxpme., Preirht —e Cwrt.,. 40.00 r 12, 688.Cc® Storeroom 15" Seleries 1C, 6ec..0c 11W Li L 110.CC., 15"3 Truck Mwzntn 60O.cc>/ Once 15V4 Office F ne Scc.CO ✓ 12.01c.CC / I -F Promotion of Health 15rl Salarie. 33.480.00 15F2 S-P,jire 325.00 15F3 cffiae F..nee 1_TL8.00 3`.523.00 Sonde nad Item. OLS - Continued Car Aare Laundry Supplies Mi ... llaneow Transportation Crlooled Children aianea am wage. AanLe Telephones Ligbt, Power and eater Ree, Supplies Car Fare dntomobile Maintenance Truck Mel ntenance Repair. and Renewal. T,t.l Item %. 15 School �Cafeteria,• 5J1 Saleriae 1512 SUppliee-Cafeteria. 15J3 Telephone. 15J SPp11es end Service 15J5 Repai- .pd Removal. 15J6 6utomobila Maintaaanc, II Mt. Sub -Totals Totals 2,449,163.00 6.000.00' 600.00' 65,000.00' `.00.00 ✓ 8.000.00 2. 529.263.00 252.957.00 " 350.00 3,100,00 50,000.00 90.000.00 12.000.00 408,407.00 •' 70,000.00 " 200.00 ✓ 1.000.00✓ 450,00 ✓ 40.000.00 111.65P.00 83.iA,g47.c 41,804,32 ✓ 97,135.68' 1550.00 i 2.751.00 7.510.00 b� 00 $15C,COC.00 -Financed from Cafeteria Recelote. Funds end Items A --t. SUC-Tot.le .IC LIBRARY ran Service 16,519.00 ✓ S.1.He. 131,362,00 Truck Valntenanca 600,00 y Supplies 4,000,00✓ Postage 500, 00 Binding Rooke 2,500,00✓ Rent and I....... A0.00 Rev Books and Perforicale 22,700.00 / New,Rquip— t 500.00 163,002.00 S.l.rles and Nage. 16,519.00 ✓ Llght and Power 5,000.00 ✓ Beat 7,400.00 i Nater 500,00✓ Telephone 500.00 ✓ Supplies 1,000.00 Repairs end Renewal. 2,800.00 ✓ Total. Tares 25.000.00 -' 58.119.00 `' Tot.1 Item No. 16221 21 00 Fund. and Item. Amount. Sub -Total. UDITGRIUpe 711 Solarise end Va;e. X43, 374.00 7A2 Lzht. Host, Poeer & x'.tar 2', ,00 " 1,240.00 713 O-ge. Naintenenca 3, 5M.00✓ 7A Supplies aemeale 3,00c:-. 7A5 Rep.ir..ua 1C,000.0C 7AL aee Equip®nt 5, 675.00'i 7A7 .11-1laneoue jAa Bentale 1,200,00 7►9 Comeseions-salariee 2,W.00 7A1C Concessions-Supnlie. 5.coo •00 7111 Hedemrate Auditorium The.tre 4,000,00 7Al2 Ventilation 3,000.00 ibtal Item No. 17 •Financed f -c AUAitori— Revenue. SUWART Dec.rtm.nt of Fdwatlon ubl"Sohoo1. $3.170,847,00 School Cafeteria. $15C,OCC,OC Lose: Receipt- 150.000.00 Public Library 221,721,00 ✓ Auditorium 112,069.00 Tc L.1 PM10 PAR5 1812 Office Erpenes 18ffi Automobile peinten.nce 1"3 office Ewenee 4 a 8,352.00 ✓ 315,00 ✓ $ e,�,h7.00"' 5,722.00 4eo.00 lro,00 " 6,352.00 A 1bt.ls 112 W0 -G -9y000 Fund. and Iteme imoont. subTotals _Total. IC k"Us - Continued ke Yalntenance Selariee 50.015.00 k Refectories• Equipment Maintenance 5.000.00' $45.000.00 Suppll.e 5.500.00 Menbandi.e Repair. cad Rene—le 4,500 00 ✓ gomov 1.000.00 VSscell... 0v I, 500.00 Supplies ice sad ^etehmen Repair. and Renewals 3.000.00 Salaries end Rage- 2,990.00 960.00 3,eb0.00 Motorcycle Allowance $120,000.00 eanhove end Rureery 13,949,00 Salaries end flap.- Lat. Seat and Power 4.`00.00 Supplies Repair. and Renewal- 2.500 00 1,100,00 22•348.00 keep of Lake Como Salaries and Rages 917.00 Electricity 6,000.00 Supplies H0•00 Repairs end Revmle 100.00 7.087.00 nrorinp PnDlic Parks Highland Park Rater System 965.0° , Pbalen Park Rater System 329.00 ' Como Park Rater sy.t.m 215.00 Como Coif nater System 322.00 1.710.00 To Eal Item Ho, 19 k Refectories• Salaries and Rnges $45.000.00 AntemoD ile Val^.tenenca 5.70.00 Menbandi.e 35,000.00 Landry 1.000.00 I ca I, 500.00 Supplies 4.000.00 Repair. and Renewals 3.000.00 Visoellaneone 3,000.00 Equipment end Outlay 27.000.00 $120,000.00 •Fine^cad from Refectory Reeelpt-, P Funde and Items ante sub -Total. ittele Snlnri na� 7.'77-� dat.-bile i'el nt etwnoe 6o•c0 r Offtee R se 1+9c •CC Hent 720.00 0.'37 -ac �letice and Soorte ^noes 11.605.00 Snleriee ..-nd Snapllee 2.000.CO 13. (i `,,OC mtmd nd N t nan 17.794.CC'� alar ie• and �agae � ,rock "intewnae '.950• swplles 3.4K oc Repntn .6 Fi vela 2.300.00 '� 26.499.00 Total Item No. 19 �l salaries 7,939.00 A2 0tfioe Trpense OC.CO `� 9.139.0c Tne eeti� 20DI 5.1-1es `OB2 2},95`.Oc 4.32V•D sntomoblle Yelntseence 60o 20Hjj Trnak Meinte+iance •oo 6jC.CC .a,�x 5.rC 20?4 Nisoellaneoue c ,elm 2C Ccl SalarSes 3•915.00 v TC2 Cft1ce rZonse 2c ' 4.335.CO ib tel Item Ro, -r l.T1F"l.R.Fx "5� :`i s,T':C I!•'�' ,.N^ n_,IC ^7'CPI'u5 Fablfc Farka $115,949.00 ark Refeeto,lee fl c.ccc.oc Leae: Peceiets 12C,CCC.CC i ubl to Floyg—ads 49,341.00 41.659.0o Fublic Pufleings ibtal $lob •� Funds and Item, —t. Sub -Totals Tbtels C1.'::? "TC'TR OF PUBLIC WILITI-S Admfnietretioa L fJ+6 00" Al 1.. 100.00 ��•748.00 ✓ 0;1. A2 Offi.e Eapenae 1'aetl Lebo ratorlee H1 ..Teri.. 1C,c73.00 B2 R 1,200.0E ✓ 00 B4 Laboratory Emenee 4550.00 ✓ 12,fg8.00 Cit He ri t.- C1 S.lariee and Wage. 6.551.00 " C2 Supplies Aenewale •OC 500.00 w Repairs and IvmroSe t. 5 111s.ellaneom 5510.00 qH .00 ✓ i ..000.00 •Pirv.nced from %ty 1'.rkat Receipt. Yeintenence 141s.ella neous Offi.e mens. galnregea . Lightee LigbtHeat and Power Yeint—.e Nalntemnoe - Hew Hangar Total Item No. 21 V tomobile Halntaaanoe ficeEmeneelleriae and Rageslectricity uto®bile Paint-ce ulb. and Olob.. npplie.epair, and Renewal. eat, Light and Power Total Item Ho, 22 1,150.00 750.00 600.00V 2,500.00 7,466.o0 100 r 7.566.00 9,635.00'' 4,700.00-, 2, OCC 00 4,00c.ae � i•534•W ✓ 22,9613.00✓ 6,629.00 360.00 ✓ 100.00 7.089.00 35.405.00 •� 168.5550.00 ✓ 3.750.00 ✓ 14,sb4.oc ✓ 3.000.00 ✓ 1.000.00 `✓ 1.5500.00 ,� 228.069.00 ✓ 235,159.00 Funds end Items -1FA.4ft1M Selene. and Ug..Other trpenees interest Slnklw reed Requirements 9 qu1eltlon of Property 1bte1 Item 90, 23 dmounts Sub -Stals 1bte1• 203,117,20 ✓ 1 z1, hb5, 00 301, 827, 9D 162,000,00 •� 132.C62.30 ✓ 1401 ` 2 001 $1,36=,031.00 3,660.00 — meker I'llIt' age, (City's ) Salerlea d N 1/3 I1 nl $UYVARS xpartm rt of Public U�iti4s ee1°ner of Public Utilities 59 381.00 LSght1M 235,158.00 1.0 7C.bu2.C4 ✓ Department 28 767-00 ✓ 1.t.1 1 11.00 n cF Pngq MF6AE Sde tm t t' D1 Selarlesar0ity'e 1/3) Snietrstlan BdminietmtlOn (Ctty'e 1/3) 96,770.00 ✓ 1401 ` 2 001 $1,36=,031.00 3,660.00 — meker I'llIt' age, (City's ) Salerlea d N 1/3 I1 nl 96,667.00 '1 12 Other 8rpeos6 (City's 1/3) 71.116.00 ✓ 167,783.00 Ramsey CoOntn Some ,1 nd Magee (City's 1/3) 12,334.00 '� 6 4 � 28 767-00 ✓ others :2 other grpewes (City's 1/3) 1 11.00 Sde tm t t' D1 Selarlesar0ity'e 1/3) 5,733.00 ✓ ✓ 96,770.00 ✓ 02 Other Expenditures (City'- 1/3) 1 0 Peteran'e RestCe ✓ 3,000.00 B1 Pmenae City's 1/3) 1bta3 Item 24 $300'000.00 Fund. end Item. Aunt- Sub -Total- W-1. CITY BALL AND COURT HDUSE i97} a t. ftt-iti.. 5A1 Sal -,i.. and Wag-- 21,293.00 5A2 H --t, Light --d ft -25,066,00- 1, 7`50.00 15A3 Tel -phone- 5.000.00 15A4 Maintenance -nd Suppliee $ 5,000.00. city,. Sh-re ore -half of c.ae $ 5 43.00 of 0. -ration end Maint—=t .o,3 1 BondIntereet 1,290.598:0 $ . 2 Bot. Intereet REIBO FORD 1 1933 Re9nim -nt- $ 3Y�,000.00 585.000-00 _ i97} a t. ftt-iti.. --- $ 5a5,000,ao JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgm-nt and Claim-. $ 5,000.00. COMPROLLBR'S OFFICE A Fin-nci.1 R -cord. 3Oil Sn1aria- 30.0000:00 • ?0 30A2 A., omobile Allowance 1 100 00 I 31.900.00 A3 Office Ezpen-e H Civil Service a-- 16,490 3081 S-1—i"S-1—i"3022 .00 300.00`- Sp. ."l E-1—re en- 30B3 Offi.e Fspe 1,000.00 100.001/ 17.190.00 30 B4 Amn-1 R-port Total Item Bo, 30 � $ be port Oo Fund, and Items Amo ante Sub -Totals Tptel. 0 � `,?RpL 7DAD h iR¢ ueoar 22,o6o.00 printing and Sent icnery 580.00 ✓ orrlad xrpene- 500.00 ✓ 823.140.00 alcinal Court ✓ 31x2 Loan Emends Salaries3x0,00 jury ,.penes ✓ 1,1900 00 11 41,358.00 orrice Pz —e 3.500.00 / 31F6 Mieoellaneoua end Untoreeeen S. g.o60.00'� 1,500.00✓ 1,000.00✓ er SalSee and edge. 1,020.00 s' 31T3o Metmpoliten Drainege 0o ®led on LSght,Hent and Power 870.00 ✓ Repd7d Supplies 1 Foe 1,100.00 � '1713 cater Wilder Baths j Misaellenecu- --Z--Q WO' 09,00 4q 12,545-00 Le - Fmmot Property t Oity�e Share -load Improvements 20C,000.00 "� To Reimburse P.I.R. F=nd under 65,000,00 " Section 278 $Aon-Aeeeaeabl a -Local Imorovenant- 702.00 10,761.00 i Sprinkling ,re pt Property 1,520.00 S Fo reet"or- Erempt Prooerty arouses Tdr - F>empt Property 145.00 7 F.I.A. 'ericit 15.000.00 283,128.00 31P1 25,000.00 ✓ 20,000.00 31x2 Loan Emends 1,000.00✓ 31x3 'Dem service Erpeme 3,500.00" 3144 PSnemial Forme 3145 Municipal thployment Barden 3.500.00 / 31F6 Mieoellaneoua end Untoreeeen 3:k00.00 31x7 nldoae end Orphane Pensions 1,500.00✓ 1,000.00✓ 31x8 Public c dminere' Fee- 31 F9 Snrety Bond Premlume 750.00" 31T3o Metmpoliten Drainege 0o ®led on 13,695-00- 31711 St. Paul In -titrate ay Obeeence 31F12 Holidry 1,500.00 '1713 cater Wilder Baths 2.500.00 31x14 :=mane Society 2. 0.00 ;1F15 ve1=atlon 45.000.00 126,935.00 ➢td. and lte Aooemte nb-Tptel Tottala NaD - Contiimad ae Ano elation a 99,&3.00 AM Aoletion &.779.00 hen A.eooietion 60,850.00 8,303.00 Eh Aeeoeietion .1o, Age Pen.lom go.000.00 a 323.575.00' 'flee - Anto®bile Expenea 2.900.00 v 1Etal item No. 31 6 82 081.00 aHOss aomSx 1�ty412.5B5.00 1933 CoMPTROLLSRIS BODGET FBTIISATB Comptroller'. Feng No. Charter Fund Budget 1 City Officer., Selario. ! 37000060.C)0 -00 4:527,970-00 2 Mayor'. Office 3 Corporation C---126,043.00 4 City Clerk 5 contingent Fend 72,224.00 6 Finance Commissioner 26,224.00 7-6-9 public Safety Adnini.tration 62 ,707.00 7 police 904,371.04 'Fire 7-6 Police end Fire Signal Sorvica 00 129,54 00 9 soeltn 161,975.00 10 public corks 11 6Lr.et Coastructlon and Repair 106,22}.00 12 S—r Construction and Repair 26,144.00 221,677.00 13 street and Sower Cleaning 25 670,00 14 Briago Repair 3,005.6.00 15 paD11c school. 216,361.04 1'o Public Library 112,069.04 17Auditorium 112,112.00 16 Public Park. 45 656 00 45 19 Public playgrcunde 659.00 20 Public Building. 52,961.04 21 Public Utilities 233,437.44 22 Public Lightiag 1,070,492.00 2 Rater Dopertmont 300,000.00 24 Board of public Welfare 53,043-00 ana Court Rouse 1,291,795-00 26 ICity nt eraetl 354.000.00 27 Sanlcing 1-,,& 565,000.00 26 Rodempuon of Boaae 7,500.00 29 yud®nent and Compromise 53•S4o.00 30 Comptrollorts Office 646.161.00 31 General Fend Total 810. e33.453.00 FINANCING SCHEDULE GROSS BUDGET $10,933,453.00 To be Financed a. follows: DEPARTMENTAL RECEIPTS: Participating Certificate. $ 12,292,00 Municipal court 3,000.00 Public Safety 7,700.00 Public Works 103,000.00 Education 152,o69.00 Parke, Playgrounds & Public Ridge. 3,600,00 Pub11. Util it ie. 1,09 7,392,00 Total D.Part-nt.l Rec.ipte 1,379,053.00 ryry��..yy' G:CNENAL REVENUE RECEIPTS: V.nise & Credit. 150,000,00 .sy.:. Mortgage Registry 20,000.00 County One Mill Tax 167,000,00 Penalties Gro a. Earnings 60,000.00 395,000.00 "f Business Li ... see 76,000,00 ,.d Dog Licensee 4,500,00 Trades & Occupations 20,000.00 t, Departmental Peradt. 15,000.00 Highway Privilege. 2,500,00 3. Fees, Fine. & Forfeits 60,000,00 3±^ Rent., Interest and Sundries 20,000.00 '.�.� State & Federal Aid 460,000.00 Library Rental 50,000,00 Total General Revenue Receipts 1,900,000.00 y. 2,979.053.00 Lees Shrinkage in Tax Collection. 225.000.00 �2.654,053.00 1933 Ta: Levy .179, o.00 Assessed Valuation $166,929,622,00 Rate per $1,600 for City Purpusoe year 1933 $49.02 11 1. �, 1932 51.71 MENUS FROM P±3 CAPITA LIUITATIOl7 Gro'o Zadgmt - (Pormleeeble under $30,00 per capita lard t:htl c::) $12,055,019.00 Financed Guteldo of Tax Levv; Sin'.:Sng Frani Roqulr,.—to Participating Certificate Redemption Donde - Note. 12,292,00 M,nicipal Court 1,291,795.00 3,000.(Y Public Safot, Metropolitan, Drainage Co:s;l sei a::13,6",5.00 Po11co-Rocovarablo Exponea 4,000.00 Expenditures Outtia, Per Capita Limitation 3,719.179.00 Flro " 2,000.00 Policy and Biro Alarm i--orable Expc::ec 200.00 x�lt; 1.500.00 7.700.00 Public Rork-'; Dart- of Engineer. 65,500,00 Rerlhouea 2,000,00 Street Construction — Repairs 6,500,00 sewer 4,000.00 Stroct and sower Clea:S:hi 25,000.00 103,00].00 Education; School' 20,000.00 Public Library 20,000.00 Auditorium 112.069.00 152,069,00 Parke. Pl.vground' &Public ]ufldings Parka 3,000.00 P1sy0round' 100,00 Pnb11c �tl lding' 500,00 3,600.00 Publle Ut111tios; city Nnrket 9,000,00 Testing Laboratories 400.00 Dacl:s, Rharvice and Levo:' 5,000.00 Airport 7,500.00 LS�.htfni., tit 5,)00,00 Rater Department 1.070 492,00 1.097.392.00 1,379.053.00 Flnancod by Tax L—y; Sin'.:Sng Frani Roqulr,.—to 350,000.00 Redemption Donde - Note. 5G5,000.00 Dond Interest Payment 1,291,795.00 Ponca Panslon 99,94'3,Oo Metropolitan, Drainage Co:s;l sei a::13,6",5.00 2. 340, 12S.00 Expenditures Outtia, Per Capita Limitation 3,719.179.00 1933 Per Capita Limitation $ G.3G9.G4o.oO t COKPTROLLYRIa 1933 BUDGET - CITY OF ST, PAUL ' Ho, Funds and Its® „mounts Sub -Totals Totals t 1 - CITY OFFICERS' SALARY 1 iJAl Salaries 3 f 2 - SALARIES AND EXPENSES - MAYOR'S OFFICE 2A1 Salaries 3,260,00 -- 2A2 Automobile Maintenance ti 203 Mayors Contingent Fund 500.00 2A Office Expense 500,00 4,560.00 ✓�.". 3 - SALARIES AND EXPENDITURES - CORP. COUNSEL 301 Salaries 24,370,00 3A2 Lege, Fees 2,400,00 3A3 Law Library 550,00 3A4 Office Expense 350,00 3A5 Auto Allowance 300.00 27,9 ro.oc 4 - SALARIES AND EXPENDITURES - CITY CLERK 4A, Salaries 16,073.0 4A2 Official Publication - 4A3 Office Expense 1. 70.00 - 26,043.00 - CONTINGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolutions 6 - FINANCE COMMISSIONER'S FUND 6A Finance Office 6A, 8elariee 55,932,00 6A2 Automobile Maintenance 1,000,00 GA3 Office Expense 3.000.00 5 59.932.00 No. Funds and Items Amounts 6 - FINANCE COWISSIOMIS FUND -Continued 6B Participating Certiflcates- 6B1 Salaries 9.567.00 6B2 Office Expense 2.725.00 Total Item 6 *Financed from Participating Certificate Revenue. Sub -Totals Total. 7-8-9 - PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION' 7-8-9A1 Salaries 18,1551,00 7-8-9A2 Automobile Maintenance 0 7-8-9A3 New Public Safety Building 9,460.00 7-8-9A4 Office Expense 700.00 *The e sof this Bureau is apoortioned equally to the Police, Fire and Health Funds. 7 - POLICE FUND 7A Police Administration 7A1 Salaries 11,627.00 "- 7A2 Supplies900.00 7A3 Bqulpment 100.00 7A4 Expense 2.300.00 7B License Inspection 7B1 Salaries 7112 Automobile Maintenance 7B3 Off... Expen.. 7C Uniformed Police 701 Salaries 7C2 Supplies 7 uiocellenso- 7�7Automobile Maintenance 12.292.00 72 224.00 28 310.00 o. 14,927.00 / 7'• 4,032.00 480,00 100.00 4.612.00 430,681,00 900.00 10,000.00_* 33.000.00.: s S000\•. 474.581.00 _ i . Y0000 , No. Fund. and Items 7 - POLICE FUND -Continued 7D Detectives 7D1 Solari.. 7D2 Traveling Expen.e 7D3 Spplie. 7E Radio Division 7E1 Salaries 732 Light, Heat and Power 7E3 Suppliee 794 A.paire and Renewals 795 Yiecellar,0 u 7F Police Stations 7F1 Salaries - 7F2 Light, Beat and mater p' Suppliae F.eding Prisoners 7F5 7F5 Repairs and Renewals 7F6 Ni.celleneoue 7G Bureau of Re cord. 7G1 Wart - 7G2 Office Expense Total Fund No. 7 8 . FIRE FUND 8A Administration 8A1 Salaries 9A2 Supplies 8A3 Office Expense 8B Fire Prevention 8B1 Salaries 8B2 Office Expense or Asounte Sib -Totals To tale 81,620,0 .�. . 1,000.0 2 230.0 ,.. . 84.850.0 1C. 225,00 _.,... . 250.00 3,000.0 13.475. 14,472.00 200.0 60.0 S.2DO.W 200.0 25.00 20.697.00 ll,s65.00 700.0 12.565.0 625, A 7.00 36,019..00 180.0 110.00 36.309.0 No. Funds and Items emounte sub-Totala Total. 8 - FIR', FWD-continued 8oFire Figbting 730,765.00 5c Salaries 8C2 Gasoline, Oils and -rease 6,OOo,00 Tee, Tube. and Repair- 6C3h 2,250,00 8C He, Hose 4,0 0,00 815 Repairs to Equlpmant 2,500,00 8c6 Supplies B, loor00 8C7 Water Hydrant Rentals, 73,28 ,00 So$ Hi-cellanseen 700.00 809 Hew Equipment t 3'�Ooo� 927-607.00 ¢Oi0 9D Hai nterance of Fire Stations SDI Salaries 23,111.00 8D2 Telephones 5`50.00 7Light, P-er and Water 3.800.00 10,600.00 Heat 81)5 Soppl Is. I, 350.00 SD Repaire and Renewals 1,000.00 8D7 Mi.-llaneou. 50.00 40 461.00 Total F„nd Ho, a 904,377.cn 7_9 - POLICE An FIHE SIGNAL SERVICE` 7-8.11 Salaries 47,138,00 7-892 auto®bile Vaintenance 750,00- 7-ani 1,881.00L Telephone 7-an4 Telephone 6,925.00 7_an5 Poe-r 7-896 Repair- to Traffic Signal' 7-8n7 Has Equipment 61,00 7-8.18 Office Expense 200,00 7-8n9 Hi. cell as- 57,544.,o 0-Total Item No. 7-8 ,a a. of this bureau Ss spe—tinned equally to the Police and Fire Fund. No, Fund. and Items A--t. Sub-Totals Total. HEALTH FUND 9A Health Administration 9A1 salaries 9,691.00 9A2 Offiee E sa.e 300.00 9A3 Auto Expense 360.00 10,351,00 9B Vital statistics 9BI Salarie. 5. 1124.00 9B2 office F :en.a 600100 6,224.00 9C Proantion of Health - school. 9C1 salariesp 45,625,00 S 9C2 supplies 1,000.00 I o s 0 .1 903 Office ExPense 1 919.00 11 ,9Y bH�44j.06 9D Food Regulation 9D1 Salaries t6,o36,00 bnt mance 1.034.00 91)3 Offl eEras— 119.00 17,185.00 9E Quarantine 9E1 Salaries20,069,00 Madnte—nee 3'4 9E2 At.-bile 9E3 Supplies 0.00 9E4 office Expense 95.00 23_923.00 9F Tuberculosis qFl Salaries 1j,092,00 9F2 Rent 600.00 9F3 supplies 575.00 9F4 car Fare 300.00 9F5 Offioe Expense 17.00 14,737.00 9G Workhouse Hospital 901 salaries ° 902 Board of Prisoners 9c33 Suppllea y c c 9G4 Miscellaneous psi 4 7),y,,s No. Fund. and Items 9 - HEALTH FOND -Continued 911 Health Laboratory 9H1 Salorie. 9112 SLTpliee 9113 Office Expanse 91 Harriet Island Park 911 Salaries 912 Light, Peat and mater 913 SuPolies 914 Music 915 Repairs and Rene -1. 916 Mie cellaneous A —ts Sub -Totals To tale 6,743.o0 635.00 100.00 7.478.00 9J Harriet Island Refectories* 9J1 Supolles •Financed from Refectory Receipts, 91 Dog License Enforcement 911 Salaries 1,400,00 912 Automobile Mnintea nee 200,00 913 Supplies 65.00 Total Item No, 9 BUMWT Department of Public Safety 7-8-9 Public Safety Administration 7 Police Department 8 Fire Department 7-8 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health Department Total 1.665.00 129,9s6.oc $ 28,310,00 62F 707,00 904,377.00 57,544.00 129.986;00 $1.745,9z4.co No. Fund, and Items Amounts Sub-Total, Total. 10 - COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC 'ONES 10A Admi aietration 10A1 Salaries 13,450.00 1012 Annual Report 400.00 10A3 Office Exl nee 1.000.00 14,950.00 TOB Engine ,re foal 111"1. .� 106,126.00 10132Automobile Paint enenco 1083 Office Ekpame 114,231.00 TOC 'norkhouse loci salerioe .y Y ,. 20,694OC lOC2 Automobile Vaictomace 550.00 10Cj Light. Neat and mat- 3,5D0.00 loco supplies 7.500.00 1,y s eo ' 10c5 Religion. service..tc, 1006 Repair. and Ao—I. `}70.00 1007 Mi.collaneone 190.0012.Bg4.00 Total Item No. 10 161 9 .00 11 - STEM 00 "STRUCTIOP AND RVAIR JIA Reuairing Streets and "a1Xe IIhl Solarise and aeeee 59.000.00 11A2 Teams 13.000.00 13A3 GutowDile k': i^t e.�rnce 2,075.00 ll0 Truo's Vnintenence 9.000.00 112 Moterial. and S ,Iic. 22,000.00 1116 mi. -.11"-- 1.150.00 1L7 Now Equipment 1 6 22 00 Total Item No. 11 12 - SVER 001-STRUC7I0N AND 12A1 5.1 ie. and Wages 21,564,00 12A2 Autombile Vaintemnee BOC.00 12►} Auto Allowance 490.00 + 12A4 Materials end supoli.s 4,570,00 12A5 Peeing Ropaira 300.00 1216 Ni.cellanooue 500.00 2s,144.ic Total Item Be. 12 No. Funds and Items --t. Sul-Tatele Total. 13 - STRUT JD S5M%! CLF�Nl 0 13A Adcdnistration 13AI Salaries 5,722,00 13A2 Automobile t'ninte—ce 480.00 13A3 office etnenee 350.00 6,552.00 13S cleaning Street. and Hallm 50,000.00 < < v 1387 Salaries 1332 Team. end Truck Eire 15,000.00 133} Squinoc at Vxintemnce 1,500.00 1334 svppllee 750.00 1385 Miscellaneous 2 TO, Op 69.750.00 13C San, and Ice Removal 1301 Salnric. and Rages 34,OD0,00 1302 Teams ane. Truck Rire 11,000.00 13o3 Squlp-nt Vointenanne 5.300.00 1304 S -"lies 5DO.00 1305 3e, Equip—t 1306 Viscallenscue .1.000..00. 51,eoo.00 13D read Cutting 4 /'PC 13D1 Salaries 13D2 Teems and Truck Flro 250.00 13D3 SPPlles 1r0.0C 400.00 132 Collection and Disposal of Oarb.;e 13M Salaries sad Hage. 12,6550.00 1352 Teems and Truck Fire 30,000,00 lj�3 Equipmont Haintewnce 10,000.00 1334 Suplies 250.00 13177 Mie cellsnaoue 1,OCC.00 e 1386 Equipment Replecment. aa.eo 53,9D0.00 13F Removal of Dead Animals 1371 Truck Hire 3,900,00 130 city Dumps 1301 Salaries ane re,— g, 500.00 Io, Funds . nd Items 1Jmunte Sub -Totals Total. 17 - STHEET ARO SF.. ER CLE—M (:-Cantlaued 13H cleaaiig So..r. 1381 Sslarie. and 'rages 20 000.00 °O •• . 1382 Team. and Truck Hire 1383 EquiPmeat i'ainteneace 2,000.00 13H4 Supplies 5DO•00 1385 Mi ... lleneou. 500.00 132 Ise Equipment 22,000.00 131 Serer PumpUg St -t"' 1', . 1311 Selel ae W.o0. x•00 1312 Light nM Poxr 75.00 1313 Supplies 1314 xi.eelleneou. 9D•00 4.825.00 13J Mdacellaneove 50.00 13J1 "star - Street Fountain 8221.677.00 Total item so. 13 14 - BRIDGE BUILDI"0 ..Ho REPAIR 1411 Salaries and Wages 16,17o.00 14.12 Equipment and vei:,tanance 1,000.00 6.`AO.DD 14A3 Material. and SuPP11e. 14A Fe_ and Staireay 1'e1^tc-nua 2.000.00 Total Item No. 14 �������77pp p�p ` SULURI Department of Public orks $161,975.00 10 Commissioner of Public Corke 106'245,00 on 11 Street Coustructdend Repair 23,114.00 12 Sever Construction and Reuair 221,677.00 13 Street end Smver Cleaning 25,670.00 14 Bridge Building .nd Repair 54 Total No. Funds and Item' A--', 11,11-1b 1a11 15 -PUBLIC SCHOCLS 15A 8ueineea AdminS etrat San 15A1 Salaries 17,414,00 15A2 Office Expense 500.00 ...� _. 17,9i4.00 15B Education Administration 15. salaries 23,723.00 1582 Ant owbile Maintenance .. 1583 Traveling E 1584 Office Exneense 2.500.00 26,223.00 - 15C Attendance Division 1561 Salarlee 14,369.00 - 1502 Car Fare 2,000.00 - 15C3 Office Expense 300.00 16,669.o0 15D Operation and Maintenance Division 15D1 Salaries 11,788,00 15D2 0ffice Expense 250,00 15 D3 Expreee,Freight and Cartage 650.00 12,688.00 151 supply storeroom 15E1 Salaries 10,800,00 1522 Light 110.00 15E3 Truck Maintenance 600.00 15E4 Office Expense 500.00 ., 12,010,00 ti 15F Promotion of Health t, 1551 Sal ariee 23490 1552 supplies 3 1 S 15F3 Office Expense / -7 1 9 .3 f'r - 3 No. Funds and Item. Amounts Sib -Total. Total. 15 - PUBLIC SCIDOLS-Continned 41,so4.32 15G Instruction 97,135.68 . 1561 salaries 2,330,205,00 150.00 15G2 Physical Training Salaries 2,750;00 15G3 Athletic Direction Salaries 7,500,00 1564 oar Fare 6.000.00 1505 Laundry 600.00 150,000.00 15G6 supplies 55,000,00 V,o05,ee6.00 1567 Medical Services Athletics 3\1 1 0,5 1568 Miscellaneous 500.00 15G9 Transportation Crippled Chil- dren 5.000.00 2.400,305.00 15H Operation of Plant 15H1 Salaries and Wage. 252,957.00 15H2 Hants 350.00 15H3 Telephone. 3.100.00 15H4 Light, Power and Water 50,000.00 15H5 Heat 90,000.00 15H6 Supplies 12.000.00 4o8,40 7.00 151 Maintenance of Plant 1511 salaries and Wages 70,000.00 1512 Gar Fare 210,00 1513 Automobile Maintenance 1,000.00 1514 Truck Maintenance 450.00 1515 Moving Portable Schools 1516 supplies 1517 Repair. and Renewals 40.000.00 111, 650.00 15J School Cafeterias - 15J1 Salaries 41,so4.32 15J2 Supplies-Cafsteri- 97,135.68 15J3 Telaphane. 150.00 1504 supplies and service 2,750;00 1515 Repairs and Renewal. 7,500,00 1516 Automobile Maintenance 66o.00 150,000.00 Total Item No. 15 V,o05,ee6.00 3\1 1 0,5 *Financed Prom Cafeteria Receipts. No. PWd. aad Item. Amount. Sib -Total, Totals 16 - PUBLIC LIBRARY 16A Library Service 16A1 Salaries 126,}62,00 ' 16A2 Truck Maintenance 600.o0 16AA33 Sgopliee 4,000.00 16A4 Postage 400.00 16A5 Binding Books 2,570,00 . 16A6 Bent and Insurance 600.00 16,,7 New Books and Periodical, 22,70000 16A8 New Equipment 500.00 -� 14 n q nI sG 157.662.00 16B Building Maintenance 1681 Salario. and Wage. 16,519.00 1612 Light and Power 5.000.00 1683 Beat 7,400.00 1684 Water 500.00 1685 Telephone 500.00 { 1616 supplies 1,000,00 1617 epair. and Renewal, 2,800,00 16B8 TRso Y 25.000.00 Total item No. 16 58,719.00 216,381,00 l� No. rUnA. and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Tctsl. 17 AUDITORIUM' 17A1 Solarise and Rages 43,374.00 17A2 Light, Heat, Power & Water 29,400.00 17A3 Organ Maintenance 11240.00 17A4 Supplies 3,590.00 17A5 Repair. and Renewals 3,000.00 17A6 New Equipment 10.000.00 17A7 Miscellaneous 5,675.00 17A9 Operation of New Plant 17A9 Rental. 1,200.00 17A10 Concession. -Salaries 2,600.00 17A11 Concee.lon.-Supplies`j 000.00 17Al2 Redecorate Auditorium Theatre 4,000.00 17A13 Ventilation " 3.000.00 Total Item No. 17 'Financed from Auditorium Revsmre. SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION Public School. $3,005,996.00 School cafeteria. $150,o00.00 Lee. ;Receipts 150.000.00 Public Library 216,391.00 Auditorium 112.069.00 Total PUBLIC PARES ISA -General Administration 19A1 Solari ee 19A2 Office Ezpenea 19B -Park Administration 19BI Solarise 19B2 Automobile Maintenance 18B3 Office Expense $ 6,352.00 315.00 $ 9,667.00 5,722,00 480.00 1 000 6,352.00 $11z.o69.00 $3.334,336.00 Funds and Items A:iount Sib Total Totals PUBLIC PARKS - Continued 18C -Parks Mointe 1801 Snlnries 50,015.00 1802 Equipmont 11aintonance 4,000.00 - 18Cj Srppliee 5,500.00 1804 Repnirs and 3enawal8 4,500.00 1805 Miscellaneous 900.00 1806 Harriet Island 2,733.00 $67,648.00 18D -Music and EntertaiMent 18D1 Band Concerts end Entertainers 1802 Fourth of July Celebration 1803 Supplies 181 --Police and Watchmen 161-1 Salaries and Weu;os 181-2 Motorcycle All - 18E3 Miecellnneous 18F -Greenhouse and Nureory E 18F1 Sol -1 -and W-- 13,348.00 18F2 Light, Hent and Power 4,500.00 y' y 18F} Supplies 2,500-00 1q¢$ 18F4 Repalre and Renewal. _00 22, j48.00 1,520 -Upkeep of Lake Como 11180 I 1801 Salaries and W gos 917.00 1862 Electricity 6,000.00 18G3 Supplies 80.00 1964 Repnira e.nd Renewals 100.00 7,097.00 18H -Outlay F J 18H1 Improvin- Public Pnrk. 3 i$ Highland Pnrk Water System 19H2 Phalen Pnrk Water Syster.. 2 18H3 Coma Auk Water System yY 18x4 Como Golf Wntor System 18H5 Filling In Bak Como I No. Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 18 PUBLIC PARRS - Continued 18I -Park Rofoctorlce+ 18I1 Salaries and Wagon$ 45,000.00 18I2 Automobile Maint counts 500.00 1813 Merchandise 35.x•00 1814 Laundry 1,000.00 1815 Ito 1, 500.oG 1816 Slipplios 4, 000.00 1917 Repairs and Renewals 3,000.00 18I8 Miscellaneous 3,000.00 1819 Equipment and Outlay 27.000.00 $ 120,000.00 .�• Total It.. 19 $112.112.00 .Financed f,om Refectory Rtctlpts. 19 PUBLIC PLAYGROUNDS 19A -Playground Administration 19A1 Solari - 19A2 Automobile Maintenance 1gA3 Offlte ones 19B- ppAthletics and Sports 1981 Salaries and Wages 19B2 Supplies 19C-Plgygrounde and Malntananco 1901 Salaries and Wagon 19C2 Truck Maintenance 19C Supplloe 19 Repalre and Renewals Total Item 110. 19 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 2OA-Public Building. Administration 20A1 Salarioa 20A2 Offices pease 20A3 Auto Maintenance 7,0 7.00 9g60.00 4w.00 9,517.00 r 7Vo. . 9,140.00 T2Fca . 1.500.00 ,S'�,640.00' . 17,784.00 2,9 .00 246 00 .3050.00 26.499.00 45,656.Go 7,939.00 300.00 8,139.00 No. Funds and Items Amount. Sub -Total Totals 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS - Continaud 20B-Inspectior. 2031 Salaries 21,855.00` m' o 20B2 Automobile Maintenance 4.3600.00 20B} Truck Maintenance 630.00 $27,405.00 2084 Miacellnneoua ® 20C -Drafting 2001 Salaries 1,915.00 2002 Office Expense 200.00 2,115.00 Total It ao No.20 $ 37,659,00 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS Public Parke $112,112.00 Park Refectories $120,000.00 Les.: Receipts 120.000,00 Public Playgrounds 45,656.00 Public Buildings 37.659.00 Total $IZ_42.1.00I COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A -Administration 21A1 So -i.e 4,648.00 21A2 Rant 21A3 office Expense 100.00 4,748.00 21B -Testing Laboratorie. 2181 Salaries o",373.00 ' 2182 Rent 1,200.00 21Bj Sapp 1.. 450,00 10,093.00 2184 Laboratory Expense He. Funds and It— Amounts Sub -Total- Totals 21 COMMISSIONFP. OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - Continuod t 21C -City Mark - t. -21C1 Salaries and Wages 6,551• CIO 460.00 2102 supplies 21 C3 Repairs and Ronowal- 500.00 21 C4 Improve.oats �.00 oo 989 $ 9.000.00 2105 Ell--ellen...- .._ -. 'Financed from City Market Rec-ipt-. 21D-Dac:ce,T— -s and L.I.D. 21D1 Salaries and flag-- 1,150.00- 21D2 Y" ntamnco 750.00 600.00 z,5oo.00 21D3 Mist-11-oone 21E-Invo-tigation 21E1 Solari-- 2.00 3,100.00 3.1i 2.00 21F2 Of Tic- r`�,-ns- 21F -Municipal Airport 21F1 Salari-- a. -.d Tasos s,635•00 21F2 Sipplis. 4,700.00 21F3 Light, Heat and Power 2,000.00 4,000.00 21F4 Maiat-nanc- 3.0,34.00 22,669.00 cl 2125 Wat—c--Now Hangar o Total It om No. 21 $ 52,967.00 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING 22A -Administration 22A1 Salaries 4,y06.00 36o•oo 2Automobile aA2z 100.00 5,366.00 orris- Exp-na- 22B-Ligbting . 2281 Salari-s and Rase- 35.405- 22B2 Eloctricity 166,5`50.00 2283 automobile Mai:,t-nano- 113+,64.00 2284 Bulb- and Globus 3,000.00 22B5 Supplies 22136Repairs and R-noxnle 1,000.00 5 226.069.00 ai 22B7 Heat,Light d Posv-r 1 500.00 Total Ito¢ No. 22 Fund. and Item. Amount. Sib -Total. Total. WATER DEP.UTLMr 23A1 Salaries and Wages 293,137.20 2312 otter Expon. ao 181,465.00 23A3 Internet 301,927.50 2314 Sinking Fond Roquiromonts 162,000.00 23A5 Acqu"ition of Property 132,062.30 Total Item No. 23 D1.070,492.00 16.433.00 SUMMARY Department of Public Utiliti-e Commisione, of Public Utilities Pool c L, ght , ag Water Department Total BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 241 -Administration 24A1 Administration ( City's 1/3) 24B-Ancker Hospital 24B1 Salaries and Wa�:Os (City'. 1/3) 2482 Otter Expenee (City'. 1/j) 240 -Ramsey County Home 2401 Salaries and W.C.a (City"1 /3) 2402 otter Exp,,aeo. (City'. 1/3) 24D-Out.ide Department 24D1 Salaries (city's 1/3) 24D2 other Exponditurc, (City's 1/3) 241-9.teran's Host Camp 24E1 Exp.n.c (City'- 1/3) Total Item 24 52,997.00 233,437.00 1.070 492.00 $1,396.916.00 3 MO.o0 96,667.00 71.116.00 167,793.00 12, 34.ao 16.433.00 2C,767.00 5,733.00 91 037.00 96,770.00 3.000.00 $ 00 000 00 , No. Funds and It eve Amount. Sub -Totals Totals 25 CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE 26A1 Bond Interest 25 Al Salaries ,and Wages .21,293,00 25 A2 Heat, Light and Power 25,000,00 25 A3 Telephones .1,750.00 25 A4 Maintenanco and Supplies 5,000,00 25 A5 Alterations and Repairs 25 A6 Outside Rentals H REDEMPTION OF BONDS City's Sher. o -iwlf of Cost of Operation and Meintena..ce $ 04 o0 26 INTEREST FUND 26A1 Bond Interest 1,290,995.00 26A2 Note Interest 900,00 $1.291,799,00 7 SINKING FUND 27A1 1933 Requirements $ 350,000,00 H REDEMPTION OF BONDS 29A1 1933 Bond Maturities 585,000,00 2512 1933 Note Maturities $ 585.000.00 9 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgnent and Clnims - $ 7.500.00 30 COMP'TROLLER'S OFFICE 30A-Finonc1a1 Record. 3OA1 Salaries 32,500,00 - 30A2 �ttomobile Allowance 100.00 e 30A3 Office Expons '- 9� 1.900,00 4,400,00 i 308-C1v11 service Bureau 30D1 Salaries 17,315.00 3082 special M.—inere 300.00 " 3MofficeExpense1,725.00 Annual Report 100.00 19.440.Oo Total Its, No, 30 $ 940.00 No. Fund. and Item. 2nowit. Sub -Totals Totnle 31 OEHF.'kL FUND 311-Parchaeing Dopart...t 3111 S.1—i.. $ 22,O6o.00 31x2 Printing —6 Stationery 560.00 T 31A3 Orrice Expense 500.00 $ 23.140.00 3111-0unicipa1 Court i 145.00 i 31D1 Salado 39.35.00 31Exponec 112 Jury 500.00 Orrice Expense .1 ,500.0() 41,35.00 . 310-mory 20,000.00 3l C1 'Salaries and Hoge. 9, OG0. 00 3102 Light, Heat and Power 1,020.00 31C3 Repairc and Supplies 70.00 131113 31J, Fuel 1,100.00 3105 Mi.csllaneouo 495.00 12, 545•DO 31T A.....mont.-Exempt Property 135.00 74,935.00 3.6 31E1 City's Sharp -Local Impt-a—.1t. 200,000.00 3172 To Reimburee P.I.3. Fund under � o.c Soction 278 55,000.00 31'j Nan-Seeeeeable-Local Irprovenente 702.00 31r Spriakling-Lx pt Property 10,761.00 3125 Forestry pork Exempt Property 1,520.00 31E6 Frontage Tax -Exempt Property 145.00 3127 P.I.E. Deficit 25.000.00 303.120.00 31F-Miscollanoou. 31F1 Aorinnon'. Compensation 25,000.00 3172 Loon Expen.c 20,000.00 3173 Debt Service Exponse 1,000.00 31F4 Financial Forme 3,500.00 31F5 Municipal maplcyment 7aroau 3.500 Sea.ee 131FG MS ... llaneoue and Unforeseen 31F7 Md.— and Orphan. P ... ioa. 5,000.00- 1,500.00 31F0 Public Dxamincr.' F- 1,000.00 Surety Bond Promius50.00 31F9 Srm Metropolitan Drainage Conniesion 31FIO M 135.00 74,935.00 3.6 000.0 � o.c Fund. and Item. GMMRAL FUND - contiauod 31G -Pension. 31GI Polito A..sclntlon 31G2 The Association 31G3 Tcochore Association 3164 Health Association 3105 Old Age Pen.ione 31H -Election Expsn.e 31HI & Clarke 31112 Labor -Placing Boothe 31113 Hoot, Hent and Light 3184 Truck Hira 31x5 Slipplie. and Poetags 31H6 Nan ,00th. 31117 tll... llaneoue 31J -salary Adjuctmcot. 31J1 Firs Dep-tment 31J2 Po11cc Dop-t.ent 31E -City Officer.' Automobile Ezpcn.e Total It om No. 31 TOTAL DUDGET ESTIHATE Amount. Sb -Totals Total. $ 9999,643.00 6+,779.00 60,850,00 8,303.00 90.000,00 $ 323.575.00 4o,000.00 25.000.00 r*.000.00 - 1 2.500.00 �6 $846.101.00 $30.831.453.00 ��. r i t �� .'.�C'o praiire BtaLemUft tlY�Bet Inare#ee`EeF@i'e ��`� Iw e�,esrinder^Opaetef with�orAaaeafi?m7Rp'dotS}�a - ,�, XN a ' � e DgRsrtma t otr pabl iorYe fgr_y}ar 1933' Y$ �,,Qwt `19$ IncrBad'e �Aya,1��0aga"'' n-a,,�iind �Ar' ?arid �Permiesibia -"La xar� 4.r4munt, f r Tozke aunt � :16 191 5Q a 9d7��' s o0o do t ��' 1T"r„f Lr9ek'OOpet NRepsIr- .i'�,7»_, 1S,622.50 r ire Serer Ae=iet & 8epair 2' Bia.ao'- s -� x?'.; :� 1` trpet Gs9,7rer aieaasns 22.167 70;: s6% "ycl4q�'Aa 'fib z on Bei n E AO.:: ,7r m cal ih t of Pnbis 7orke a 6 10z a p � 26 Goo uo-t -4 11er*e 1933 *dget for Deft 'ot',••• tb 1n BJir ,9aIA o0 r £x ; .�'� reaee spked Pop d �Y y JAZ 'Ljnated 1933{",4.£t' of �uo •or1.,En76et ' re4�e.4te �tey4eoea th 373ori�rednotionse �z ear `� .,`�; "MP3 sibtaib8udgat"�'r .9abdnoio���'P` �t t1 a �1 r1 IIept. "qu,f;L �,89i3ba.QO 27.iOQ, iPAA�C 4.�i 9.4 Increases asked for in the DEPARTMT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET for year 1933 Code Hund City Compo. Budget Amount of Increase Total 10-B1 Engiosere' salaries 40,628.00 5,000.00 45,628.00 To provide funds for the skeleton Engineering organization 10-C1 4o rkhouee Salaries 20,694.00 3,000.00 23,694.00 To provide minimum guard probation 11-A1 Street Repair Labor 59,000.00 2,5oo,00 61,500.00 13-B1 Street C1eanfag Labor 50,000.00 1,400.00 51,400.00 13-D1 weed Cutting Labor 1,200.00 1,200.00 13-82 Garbage Collection Labor 30,000.00 3,000.00 33,000.00 and teams 13-a6 Replacement of worn out 5.000.00 5,000.00 tractor hauling garbage trailers 13-G1 City Dump Labor 8,500.00 1,500.00 10,600.00 13-I1 Sewer Pumping Labor 4,100.00 boo. 00 1,500.00 500.00 5,600.00 1,100.00 2 sewer Pumping Power To maintain minimum service 14-A1 Bridge Repair Labor 16,170.00 2.000.00 18.170.00 T O T A L 26.600.00 d{ % 4 k:. J.WF}IIdP... a B CR 'P'Q•ur.W �� Oal AaA04AAYE i �/6 . September 22, 1938. To. the Honorable, the'Yayor and Connoll of the City of St. Paul..t, ` t 'The St. Anthony:Hill Commercial Club &t,- its regularmoutbly meeting, 8eptember'81,`1938, went sn its Y< record unanimously endorsing en&�spprovigg,: the notion effortsof the Honorable Harold F. 99o1riohl, Cameptrolier. PM cad thereby re - .our City, designed to ourtell expepditurea, taxes. - .dcoing .:Tbe =,bars of this Club rcepeotfll l urge the Connoil to oo-operate-with the Conptrol.]erAn ti the oesnomies he seeks to offset - t D. W. OJC Sy e tx. {� 3 f #&W(9(J�It51itDNENf' ; rtxt Q !�$�$$G�l1,VfitdAUP69D ,fl4 +1 SEP 22 9 AM 1932, pt sr�ea. scow a azAaAi uw&�s�ca,�.'- Payne Avenue Business ,Association Paye Avc c You Srrecr COP] J-' L:SUL TION AW a .+'✓ 111G pPAy1 VF:. UE 1USIVE, ACI :ION ID ON ..Olv- u'Y - J NIFG - P ..._�..., 13, 1932 InST a. CO hiNI:f v=P,r:A9� "he Payne Avenue ",sines, As ..o piati—, at its rs,ul..r meeting -ld on September 12, 1932, :.as re- viewed :.:ie facts con ce rn Sng the recommendation of City Comptroller C­drich to discontinue the operation of the Fire Prevent Son Bureau in St. Paul, and AS, The Pay.e Avenue 3us mess Assoc iat to n, at its meetln; unanimously favor the continuation of the Fire Prevention cureau as being a very important depart- ment in carrying on fire prevention work, and 'mere beinga possibility that the City St. Paul may be placed in a nigher classifYcat Ion as regards to fire insurance rates, T }:ER�PCIRL', BF IT nSJLVED, That the Payne Avenue Business Assoclaticn urges that the necessary funds again be allotted Sn the budget of the Department of Public Safety to continue the tire Prevention Unreel, and that a copy of this resolution be sent to the City Council, Commissioner t:cuonald and Comptroller '„ood rich. A true copy: Istory. v AHALISIS OF BUDGET IT= OF BUILDING MAMMAHCR FUND A survey of the 1955 budget as submitted by the 1--Ptro11er 4564.00. I r—sale that it will be e.mry to increase it $4, The Badding Mein . is to keep Janitors, engineer., firemen, sad elevator operator, which cannot be replaced by Welfare workers. Three clee.ers have been eliminated and the work is now performed by such labor. coal which was purchased in 1952 at $4.50 a ton is now $6.90 a ton se per contract of Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. Also an it. of $600.00 for repairs to building was eliminated by the CceptrolleCBB � building is .ow i. nee four years and this item is absolutely as to keep the building i. good shape - The increase required for this food is as follow.: Salaries $2,824.00 Coal 1,080.00 Repair. 600.00 $4,504.00 She Building Maintenance It® ram not be compared with 1952 budget, a this item was .ng to such au _twat that it wee necessary to transfer from Poliae,Jire, and Health Food $2,800.00, end the emo.nt needed for 1952 will be app—i-t.1y $25,500.00. We are re- queeting appraximmtely $2,000.00 lees than ie act••• needed i. this item 1. 1952. POLICE FM 6 survey of the Police pond reveals that the Salary It" man out 9.9% halos the 1952 budget and salary reduction including on, anticipated not in January 1952 is 9.88$. Other expenses mere cut 50 $ below the 1952 budget. Actual expenditures ohm that 18 % more will be required than the budget shows for 1952. It wee fortunate that me were able to transfer from the Salary Item to Other Exposes, made available by automatic salary reductions in June 1952. We had m appropriation of $5,000.00 for electricity and maimt_.a for traffic signals, and expenditures to September 1, 1952 \ amommt to #15,172.00 for eight months. 0. this basis the expenditure. for the year 1952 will be approximstel7 $20,000.00. Automobile maintenance coats for the first eight months is $7202.00 a month. The cost of operating squad dose cars sotpind�e� 5/ a mile, which does not show extravagance that say saving is possible in the ..at of operating of these care. Gasoline and tires are no doubt in 1952 as low as they mill be at any time. It will be, therefore, necessary to increase the maintensce of \traffic signals about $18,000.00 and the .Jt—.. anndrepplacement of the squad fleet $5,000.00, a total increase of $20, UNINALINSPEC WN MIRLA11 ,..,.z Il gar Pti tvn:c'n om 7Z�uive�-�z��n August 20, 1932. Owen C. Dunn, Chief, Fire Department !Iead�}uartere, ;;t. Paul, Mimes0t a. My dear Chief: My attention has been directed to several newspaper articles contain, hg references to the abolishment 0f ity Ih 'resume ept heard. mm ndatlonf ie a nC effort FireDepartment. Jcurtal l nt. fire departmentsc. co at and the ou Chose of this letter is to point out that when cutting cost itv e ulna be necessary economy to reduce the efficiency of department below the standard required. Fire prevention as a fire department function Ss equally as important as fire fighting In contr lbutl ng to the sa[ety of lives and property of cl tizens. An efficient munic 1pal fire department In this day and age e looked upon as fl fire prevention agency because of the creation of fire prevention bureaus and the general tendency throughout the country is to lncreaee fire prevention sc tivities rnt her than Lo decrease the functions of such a bureau. Available statistics show that only three of the 41 cities o 8 200,000 population do not haus a fire prevention bureau organization. The rapid and extensive development of these bureaus has been very gratifying to the underwriters who are bending every effort to reduce the fire waste. underwriters express t'ne opine nn that the maintenance of a fire prevention bureau represents a very small po rdepatlon of an cmpaative a_u.1 fir.amount neceasaryrforn themudgi ntenances o fot her burs as small r at 'r more actual valueto the citizens than any other item of expenditure. I believeyou understand that fire insurance rates are based to considerable extent on the ability of the Lire department to prevent fire losses and extingul sh fires with the least possible damage. Therefore, I would like to call your attention to the fact that the grading schedule adopted and used by the National Board ve Fire Underwriters gives consideration to the fire prevention 2 - Owen C. Junn, Chief. branch of a fire department In grading and classifying city. Heduced efficiency often changes the grading and classification and bring- about an increase in fire Insurance rates which may more than offset any small saving, In fire department cost. The bureau ay predates the difficulties of the present omic situation and 'we are ready to offer any advice andn c ooperatlon in matters pertaining to fire prevention and protection. In closing may I express the opinion that the city of St. Paul would make a very serious ml.stake should it dispense with the services of a highly afflcie fire prevention bureau. Yours very y 6, A °H 1 �" ._ �,1 ,- � �. -� � � _�� � L� -�.. .� l d CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pu.1 of Mio.+ t- DZRTMElYT O PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BIJBLDINGS 219 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commis: Ono E. COIJSTA S, Dir Coo.miai _ st :51, l'.�32 l to n. :Fred I... Truax Convr.lss loner of P. 11. Y De.r Sir In nval•,ein- the 1.;03 , -atr_te, _ .v 1- Lo sur,it the f llowln• _nform tion ..or ,, ux cotes icaot c 2.iv=.. eneral: minl.strnton. The icnis - .= wa ra - it_ in t.�e snlar: 1.tens were Cre—o itisit T_a1 Deputy C ­!tone r,nl,1cii _� ,� acreas� of _"'_E .00 _ Jnr .. est"'ate !or 133 _n salaries sIff ic;c _xr, -z .moo .-, Fss c,t e.tiU. Park Rd,ninistratton.o.,,, item +1' _�'.. r t i o _ lanvi ce as for the at. F.iis �c^=nse .. i._ch "il'c'-c Park !"otntennnce. +e I'ar]c rs s.-^+ 1 t- w- it r: .... lim ely ?T 5.1 �1. are c o trees a'L, -- - t s 'lnn:o_ n. or 2910.00, which wns formerly underthe Fubl is _>a£c; tyr_ �_i_1z: - _ usic and Entertainment. :j10�060 was el ia_i ria ted entirely. This was for ..—ar and w n er er concerts, ...un _<-infcl ,ho rus, enttr.iners, :--ti, of July celebrationaand supplies. Police and latchinan. Ti:i s v� a 7s o . - n t i r e 1 -. Hn nire +ated Ln tho - unt o. z s eaves t_- gent ire den ar �_r_,-n-[, —1 thout police and wotch- nen service. Greenhouse -Ussery. ' h1n etc _- �.)zo ws a decl uctton of .e49.6n motes 'iy cTe+• cn Pr he supnlg account_ Up -keep of I,aL;e Como. '11 -.is shows a deduction o- ',71000.'0 on ^.lectric Lty Pro rr. our esti O_utley. ^its item. of 7,'i30.0U cs •ori t. i.r-�1y rel aminated. '.s i nisi lir eme due on the h7.fln�lVvF- star -, tcn, plan len P:.rt water system, Coro Park :vete, s1sten: and Como Cion £swatA o st-rr.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Plui of Mlnne-i& DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 City HAI FRED M. TRUAX, Comminiona OTTO E. CONSTANS, D�pury Cemmlolanv -i. —t t. ::I . 1 "12 ry ' ud-et lt t.'--- .os .uto- IiO CT ._C. 11170 �7:;<COQ en9C. 'th]etic "port C ded t- of r lint 7r '.5,000 0.J is rnde I',�7,n s Wires n, 500.n _ ,,.lio r 1 r c�tr ils this ttem considerably. Pla -t-ro I into ce. T1. s,ws a d,111-1 rr11,t.nate of i".oasn of s�1��'ics, tT�r t -_t totnl dosre se in the t �� r o,:r est ",rto n.,:lints to 1l ,034.50 or 'Iecroas, of ] ,kiLy.C�O o'ior I.i.r• 1' 32 b .d. of a nli- cation or 27:C. Public �3u ilo inp,s• '!'he Pii�l is 1 in ::'.m1n L strc tion s�o.vs n ecrease o�TO ov o st lnat -s el innte to n :to o. 1 n.a t nnce entirel,:e rto, I, C?.t; tett, _11, 0 'f of off- xpenseenno t, ,e cut to �=n..., care of antomntic docrease in '.he salnries. Insp ,tidon. from ThY inspection s —s a decrens, of :;10,43`x.70, which is cncT��the snlnrC itom. 'Phis elii�tnn tee four _iectors, one si Plaster, ono P11:rber, Cne :logit rlenl and o Sheet cal I�spee tor; also 11l"Irl, o_-utomo>`iles Por these insneotors. .1270.00 1s ont of, ..._s oel]nn�ons. bra rtl nr. +' 5, no n ' os t'^'e to on the snlnr Les, suit -s e^ ,...e sn1nT .,. ",1 lu i].': in- et ovor this :eor —cws n r. ecroaso of 19,F,00.00 o_ n dnerense f 34°x. !410 .lo -:eros to tion aam of 1,fi00.00 was en tir, ly ollmina tad. t ul`J. 30 A_ ±:p Fes, w ,a cn. I= CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Ru.I of MleeooF. DUARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS s - COP,. pig city Hdl FRED M. TRUAX, Comminro— OTTO E. CONSTANS, 13 R Commlai 1 July —, 1032. Iron. H. F. Goodrich, Comptroller, City of Slint Foul. Deli. Sir: ,ly. ,' . Ce t est imet es _ , in am Lha. ount of „,'c4 03. rn o cl ve 'o efo cr e .clC•^ , .�h1ch 'oos no .t.o T .pp: opr tlo :, "It is based upon :oceipte of the-fectory 1' 1932 appropidn .1tios al---tsd to $270,604.00, .•hieh shows a reduction this year of $27,700.40, or 10.2' plus. Every item has been most carefu'_ly scrutinized Keith the view of opo: nting on a basis e` strictest eccnomy, and we trust these estimates will meat with your approval. Attached hereto is a statement of receipts for license feesand porm±.Es 1—ing the year 1430 and 1931, which compared with estimates of expenditures on Sheot {x`66, shows that the Bureau of Inspection is more thanself-sus- taining, which in my opinion. justified the retention of all of these inspectors that the best cf servics might be given the contributors of theso fees. May I call your attention to the fact that ro estimates have been your for the maintenance of Third Street, the jurisdi included on over which is 1.n doubt so far ea I am concerned. Should yon desire i.:.fermation as to any of these items,:^ill be Sled to confer e�ith v �. It Illy ti'nc. .i �r Com.:_S:;sioner. r..,..., COL..EC.LD, 1531 tea, 1030. 1030 1s 31 bu1191nd po: nits ry'S,25G. C1 ,239.' WG,007.cc E'-octricnl Fermit1 61014.00 Plest I? 6 F --,its 425.CO 407.40 Flumhin6 P :mit. 1,c70.90 1,,82.C5 51„0 Pormit:. 1,286.15 1,680.--0 Gig. L:n intenan ce Fees z,036 Sc 2,063.00 nrm A Han`±ng Pe. nits 615.00 401.70 Coner oto Bloch L;anufncturere License:. 6SO.00 600.CG Electrician Licenses " °,0c0.CC 6,100.00 Electrician Licensos "B" 30.00 7;;.CC Elevator Oper _tor Licensos 292.00 305.25 ;..aster P1a3ter Licenses L,800, CG ,900 .00 c_ter Plumbs: Liconses 4,645.CG 4,485.00 j.—y—, Fl—be. Licenses 310.00 247.00 `!arm Air Heating Licenses 256.23 427.5C L:astcr PEx n.t 43.1c 65.00 J.- —Y.— 1I—bcr Exasinnti o: F_as 25.00 101.00 To the Dmorablo Ygor ar Ooanoll of the city at Baht Aml - (ieatlaIDani It the meotia. of the Adwleory School Hoerd on Ibacg aftamcoa. Septamher 12, at two .-.look, in the offles of the oomiesloaer of Bdaoatioa the fellosin2 aanbers ware preeanth Hies Rood, Yr. Seliaek, Hr. )rariohs, Yr. Aronson, Yrs. leightoa, Ire. Schh odse, Ire. Hadlich, Yr. winters Yr. Peterson (dhaiaasn)e Superintendent Hartwell add ceemissiuner Peama, ♦ copy of — umbels of the statemsffi of the Departneat of Md-atioa !nada showing the 1935 dayartneatal aepBeet over the 1932 astral budget and the 1933 degtrollar'. --timet-, was handed to each member pressat. There -a eomidarabla diet—ion of the warioae Sterna, and the folloring motion offered by Yr. 7rerlehss That this Board ie unalterably opposed to the eat in the budget m set forth by the cemptmller, that .a feel it 1. not for the best interest. of the city of Saint Paul and its ehi1- drea, awd we recomand that the caemissionar of Hdueatim do mot a000pt the budget m at present before the Council. Yuticm esoonded by Are. Hedlioh and umnim�-o�o alleyesriad. Hepta.h.r 12, 1932. eXY6RC1'L DAYTONS BLUFF COMMERCIAL CLUB 770 EAST SEVENTH STREET ST. PAUL. MINN. tou�a s.eo,eoc : September 13, 1 9 3 2 St. Paul City Coum11, St. Paul, Yl me so ta. Gentlenent- At the last meeting of thio Club the matter of the reduction Sa the budget for the Department of Education was brought up for di soneslon. This Club went on record as being opposed to the reduction believing that it would be detrimental to the to lot....te of the City ae a whole should it be made. The—,,g, in our opal.., would be out'oslaDced by the decreased efflcl _y of the Departme.t and we feel tbet the utmost c neideretio. should be given thls matter to avoid obtaining temporary roliaf at he expense of the future. Very truly yours, DAYT BWFr,10hCkZRCILL CLUB WK/K0 Secis ary, CIIR Ol epart ent 0 7a Dapertmamt D r Iopst E8, 1982. buns 1. C. P -ares. Commissioner of Education, Eadleott aldg.. st. Paha. Kinn. Deer mar. Pear—I on lqp, t 18 yon wrote askW if foods for school 4elth wort could be .hanged from the pmbli. whool fund to the a— of Eealtk fund. tom 0.11.1 ynrtdanler atteatl a to Sestiom age of the 04rt:. paregra* a of Sestina we provides in Dart tkat the Comissloner of Education alall spp0imt oma or, mare medical inspectors and morass. drdles"t b. 8292. approved September 72. 1216. provides that the Co®1.doner of Edaw­ tlom x411 appolot one school pysi.lam or medi.el inspector and eight school mrws. aarequently that ordlmnoe has been amended to lhorease Us mumbOr of onrwc bo bo ay ¢ted y ted Comeiw inner of Edmeatlom. It appears therefore. that eating apnn.ontbority of Section 821 of t4 charter, the COuneif has by ordlmence Qtreatee t4 npyointment end amploymmt y you e. oomlaaioner of Eduoation of pbyalsiena and tmrass for school ha.lah work. Sections 892, 898. end S16 of the ahartar provlde the setae for the Dmaw of eealth within t4 Department of Pallia Safety, The sections above . referred to do not cpwiflsalu fmpow Upon the ameau of Smith the pbllgatine of raining school chlldran. Swtion 892 provides in part that the Ceunall upon reemmeydatiom of the Commissioner of Puc11e Safety shall by ordlame give to t4 health on am.ar. .nth posers and law- woab duties uphim ec will sm,WU him to fully protest the public health and seat" condition of the sly. Ihave been 0001. to fled no ordinans. wh1oh I.P.... Span the health Offl.nr the obligation of ameatning school 0hildrm for the purpose of prata001ng She public health. I believe that t4 00®011 would by ordinance Impose that duty upon the Health Department. although under the present erdineess that duty mquestlounffiy L that of the Depwtmemt of Sdaustic . Under thew airaumwtekaec to wits the imposing of she an" upon the Dapartmeat of Education end Out WOR , the Health Depertmemt. it 1s my opinion tot any ¢amiss appropriated for health work in our publle schools suet be In Sha public school fund rath— than in the fund of the Bureau of Health. It ons always been my thought that the ahertsr Mtt-Wlated t4 401" of ..hoot had th wort y t4 Department of ddunatlomt and I believe that thought hoe boon t4 thought of the maanlmg of the shorter by members of the Charter Cw100 aLsica, bowuse, as I remember Stq when the last city wuna8sr Dian 0harter was uml— disoussiom before the Charter Commission one of the pro =Is which mensal somalderoble dlmsmssion aea the removal of the whorl health work from the Depart - men% of gdwntlon to that of t4 Dap—tomnt of Puhlis Safwty., tour. vary truly, Iwi. L. Anderson Corporatlam Cpunsil CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oplul of Mlnnnom OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WLLIAM F. SCOTT, � W Cjv end Commmim,a d R�e�neon ®U Augoet 30th, 1932 To the Honorable 01ty Co -11, Saint Ful, Ylnnaeofa. Oentlemea: Yr, H. F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, har req—ted tbet any changes made by your Honorable Body ie hie budget erLlmnEes be made by re eclntlon rata a tbea by wtion. He farther .tate. tbat hie- for .eking tbir ie tbet be may have a complete record of loch .bang.° and the enthority to m.lm -h changes when preparing the bodget in Ste fiml form. Very Lro1,y yoar°, OS ctg of �$Ftillt Paul .OW -c4 EsecutJ,e )0q.rimenl ., eptem Mr 1, 19.'.:' The Honors cle 6ity ('ouncil, '.hint Paul, Al innesota.. Gentlemen: i+uring the next twenty days the laity Council will c nT.V.r the pmpoaed 1933 Budget as formulated by the Comptroller. o The .,ha rt or provides that interested citicene be given an opportunity to present their v and r eats in r,lotion to the mutter of changes consi<iare� desirnblewnd nece.eary. The Council has designated certain days for the discussion of different departmental budgets. T'nis will ennhis citizens intnre st ed n the r+ffa irs of nny o departments to be present on tl.e date of hearing. The city r until is deslroua o: Eiviry; widest opportunity for discussion for the purpose of r aching an int e111Eent end satisfactory c nclusion. It Se, ti+ere: ire, importsnt that public dlscuecion obs a specific ss possible and t:he desired then es be suM+itted in ++riting. These .+ubit, 'Ai 11 et tic n,'lu=lon of the regular c til s ssinnnn oord iel and e nowt invitation ie eat. end ed to the cit i:.e^s andatax-payers o mint �'aul to nttcnd these !.esrL Ee and voice their sentiments` Poll. wing a e t� dates set f'or t!'e consiee stlon of the different departmental budgets: hy;u st 51st ,Sept. 7th, bth, :nth Sept. 301 12, 15 Department of Public Utilities Lepartment o! +'uhlic s Lepsrtment of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Builcings Sept. 14 General Fund (:�a let Paul Institute sn.. others) Sept. 15 wept]6, 17 ant. . 19, 20, 21 Library Ed _htion (Schools) Depset e. of Public :safety Very trn>� I) A, St. Paul, Minnesota September 9th, 1932. To the Honorablfe, The City Cbuactrl, City of St.Paul, Gentlemen t I have observed the budget for the Department of Public Works as set ujrfbt�1933 by. the City Comptroller. As a citizen of St. Paul for many years and with my experience as Commissioner of Public Works and Chief Engineer, I feel that I would be remiss in my duty as a citizen if I did not at this time sound a note of warning and make a plea for this department. While I have retired from public life,I still maintain a deep interest in public affairs as a citizen. I have no other interest,except as a cltizen,with perhaps some greater knowledge of the financial difficulties of the department of which I am writing. The budget funds are for the purpose of maintaining the city's- physical property and giving a service required by the charter. This property -consists of paving, sewers and many other things unnecessary to list here. At any one time this property is of a fixed and known quantity and value,-bpt increasing year by year, and requires a staadard,continuous,minimum fund and organization to maintain it or give the service required by citizens, that is, there is a level of maintenance and service below which you cannot go without increasing costs for the years to come. This level is, I believe, above the figures set-up by -the Comptroller.. Luring the years I know that it has been most difficult to secure ample funds for paving and sewer repairs, and I am convinced that thousands of dollars could have been saved to the city if more adequate engineer- ing and maintenance funds had been provided. page --- g___ I am writing this letter to your Honorable Body because I feel that it is necessary for some one to speak out at this time in the interest of econosd that Ss sena and practical. Yours very truly, �de nli e&_- �067", THE ENGINEERS SOCIETY September 8, 1952 Honorable Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. May I express the deep interest of the'90sty of Pngineare� f the pro ed budget I the Public Norka Dapartm tte, endtParticsls,ly itea Bea nrae ofr Engineering and Construction. o It is especially desirable that this budget be adopted only after --cost careful study of the actual needs of that Department to the and that an arbitrary reduction be- low the minimum inim requirements for true economy io maintenance of the public works under its care may not result in future nneceasaryexpense. The reduction in available maintenance funds last year, end a further proposed cut thio year, despite the constant public demand for increased service, leads to the grave apprehension that needed mainteneace work has been, and will be deferred, and while appearing to effect a saving, will actually result in greater expense in the neaouo ,ire, I. false economy and undeserved critic,® of the :ZPary %truly yours, / Chairman Public Affairs Committee St.Paul, Ntnne sots. 372 St.Peter Street, September 9, 1972. The Honorable the City Couno:l, 9t.P.ul, Niacaa ota. Gentlemen: The Council of the St.Paul Federation of Women Teachers and the Federation of Nen Teacher. request, the City Council to grant a public hear lag oa the education budge' on �ridey, September 16, at 8 P.N. eo that teacher. and their friend. may h.,a en opportunity to attend, both to hear the dieone.lon and to take part in it. Yours truly, C.E.Sandere, Secretary Sept—b— 10, 1932 To the Bono -his M®bare of the City Council, J City of St. Pnul, Minnesota, Gentlame: v�I"(i � The County Board, at its a uel meeting held on Friday, September 9th, considered the county budget requirement, for the year 1933. The questl oa of an appm prletlov for defraying the expeaees of and the payment of —1-1-- to county nut ea as also di.- the ie- and in 3"" 3"" T6auary, 1929,. ,Iou¢ty Boer. hes provided Sn its budget for fl unty n amplo yed Sn the office of Dr. B. F. Simon, HealthcC—i'efoner, assigned to the venereal disease dlvi,ion, L The 19'3 county Dudget ie ¢ up to 11e flue m.'I almitatl on q ane it fa cne a eat d'eire nr safe snare to nnrtafl all —necessary erpen es, a .ell as item. heretofore taken a of uch a ethe county nurse above mentioned, It was felt that t rvf cee of this n e for tY.e direct ben silt of the Clty of St. Paul, and that, herr salary and expensee should, therefore, be paid for by the City of St, Pau1. With this in mind, I .nedirected to take this matter up with your bonorable body si th a vl ew oT favi ng you Sn cLud9 Sn the 1933 budget a sufficient am unt to take c oY this expense, thustell eying the County Board of the n es i'y of furth ar pro- viding for the sem The ap proprl at l on of the County 1n Lha past has been $2,500,00 par year. Will you kindly, therefore, give said matter consideration, and oblige Tours truly, Gao. J. Ale', u Conty 2uditor, BY Deputy, Septmber Sth, 1912 Hoa, William Mahoney, Chairmen, Public Utilities Committee, Building. Bear Sir, Attached please find request of the Sleatr1c, Gae and Stem Cors League regmestinp that oertalm funds be provided in the 1933 bmdget for the purpom of making ` e valmatlon of the Northern States Power Cmpany properties In St. Paul, with a viae of adjusting, rates. This matter was referred to the PvD1lo Utilities Coo- , mI rtes, of the Counctl, for the consideration. Toa- very truly, t City Clerk. o,so w CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpivl of Mi..nov DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh end ml—." Street JOHN H. WDONAW, Co-- test 15, 193E T—S c. o Co: IEEui J-1 Honorable City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen, the Pension Committee atter smoldering the request of the Ht. Peal teachers' Hetirsamt Food Committee that $80,759,96 be included Sn the 1939 budget for carrying cut the retirement fund plan, deers it, advisable that this aao®t be included ee requested. very truly yours, THE PENSION CCOQTTE3 r✓V2//� chalaNL �-Lty"`—i a 1D �D`��� _• CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpnJ of MI—t- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WLL" F, scan, C" CIu4 ,nd C—W— d R., e.— ®. . n®® July 26, 1932. Hon. John H. MCHoneld, Chainmen, Pension Pond Co®ittes, 10th & Mdnneso to Ste., St. Paul, Minns eota. My dear Coomiseloner: The attached request of the St. Paul Teachers' Hetiremw,nt nod lssooiation, asking that $90,159.96 beincluded in the 1933 City budget for the purpou of oarrylne not the plan for which the Association Se organized, was referred to your cnommittee by the City Council for lovestigation end recommendation. It was suggested by Co®issioner May that it might be advisable to make sa nctuarlel sotvey of all City pension foods. Very truly yours, City Clerk. a July 23, 1932 To the Honorable the City Council of the City of St.p—1, vinneeota. Gentlemen, The Ba and of Trnetoee of the St.paul T ... he,.' Retl—ost Fad Association hoe di ... ted the M.— whole names appear below to request your h—ble body to inoluds i. the 1933 City Budget an Item of $80,759.96 with wbich to oorry out the plan for whish this eesooistion is organised. Suob an appropriation, on information sup- plied by the office of the City Comptroller, is lose then . one-half (%) mill tsx upon aaoh dollar of the --sod value of all taxable property in this oity. The state law under which the ae.o,i,tion operate. permit. s one and one-half (1j) mill tax on the baste cited. This req ... t is ..bitted to you in oompli.O.. with the provieioae of the state 1— A oopy of the board', budget request to the City Comptroller is attached to this letter, giving the flguree on which the request Se based. Reepeotfully submitted, COPY CITY COUNLIL July 23, 1932 Mr. B.F.Ooodrioh, Comptroller, St.Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir, In oomplianoe with the state law under whioh the St.Paul T ... her. I Retirement Fund A.soointioa operatee and with the provision, of the City Charter, the Board of Trustees herewith certifies the amount which it will be naoeeaary to raise by taxation for the year 1933 in order to carry out the plan of the as-ooistion and request. that $80,769.96 be inoluded in the 1933 City Budget for that purpose. The state law permit, a tax of one and one-half (l}) mill- upon eaoh dollar of the ....seed value of .11 tax- able property in this sity for the support of the assooiation. The amount mored, $80,769.96, ie somewhat les. than a ...-half (0 mill tax ns..rdi.g to information supplied through your offioe. The Board of Trustees begs to remind you that pensions are a fixed charge on the treasury of the association. The amount received by each retired tesoher 1s modest, muoh smaller than the pensions paid to the re- tired members of other systems in this pity. A reduction in the appropria- tion from the city in the amount actually needed to parry out the plan can- not be overcome and would result J. a p.rmane.t injury to the soundness of the fund. It 1, therefore incumbent on the board to request the amount specified. The figures submitted are those required by Section 200 of the City Charter and, for your assistanoe In understanding the problem, of the aseo- oiation, those for a period of years showing the Snoreases in the number of annuitant, and in the payroll. The latter, from this time on, will char a Wore rapid Snore. ss than the grorth in the number of annuitants Would ap- pear to Tarrant. Article IX of the Artlales of Ino. rpor.tion of the e.eo ci.ti.n provide. ae follows, "In ease may member of the aea oaiation be aome. entitled to ao annuity or panel*, before thedue. contributed by -.h member unt I. theaggregate to the .vm of Four Hundred Dollars, treaty -five (26%) per cent of the amonat of euoh member'• p ... I.: shall be retained and applied to the payment of due. until the due, aOt..11y paid and the —.at so retain ed and applied, amount to the said a— of Four Hundred (WO) Dollars." This prorL.ioa, ehioh in the early years of the aeeociation kept the payroll down, ie feet b .... Ing inoperative through the fa.t that the majority or t ... her. will have —plated the $400 deposit before retirement and meet be plaaed at ono- o, the full pension. At present there Is a large number of t ... here I. the sohoole who have —plated the term of servioe and are therefore eligible t. retirement. Annuities are granted on proof of servioe and it I. mandatory on the Board of Trust... to plops any or ell of those eligible on the payroll on application. While the amount of the annuity is too snell to be an inducement to retirement, it is Lmpossible to say at +hat time there may be a sharp Inoreees in the n®ber on the payroll resulting in a heavy drain on the finanolal re.ourues of the aeeo *cation. The Board of Trustees, reoogvising it, responsibility in safeguarding the fund, submits its request for your earnest consideration. Reepeotfully submitted, S. erre roe Pnt Floras Roo eoretafy-Treasurer EM 1929 1929 1930 1930 1931 1931 1932 • 19:32 -ASE • the figures in red pertain to the fieoal period July 1, 1932 to ,]une 30, 1933. the estimated inoreaee, ee abav,, of 2} a®oitsate Se aonearvative amount ee sham by Peet experienoe. Average Numher Semi -Annual Payrolls Pr—ill-0r Sod Payroll 106 j 30,329.95 305J 30,639.71 309.76 107 31,087.45 447.74 115 32,598.46 1,611.00 121 34,644.82 2,046.17 1231 35, 57B.16 933.54 726 38,929.98 1,361.82 128 38,269.9P 1,35^. 00 131 39,626.98 1,350.00 • the figures in red pertain to the fieoal period July 1, 1932 to ,]une 30, 1933. the estimated inoreaee, ee abav,, of 2} a®oitsate Se aonearvative amount ee sham by Peet experienoe. -•' .�..�. ..o,..- ^knS:�.At:'�'Tlsu6Kl7m`."' - To the Honorable Umbers of the City Council, City of St. Paul, Hinoesota. Oentlmen: The County Hoard, at its meeting held this data, received a report with reference to the cost involved for wantaiaing telephone servin- in the new Court House and City Hall Building which wan to the Offset that this coat would be $16,700.00 for the year 1938. After considering this report in connection with budget req ire - menta for next year, the itm in the Court House and City Sall land for telephones wee increased fret 13,600.00 to $15,700.00, the County's proportion of which is 50% of this mount. The other 50% is the My' e proportion of the cost for this service, and the Board respect- fully requested that I present this matter to your honorable body with e request that the City's Court House and City Hall Budget for the year 1953 be inoreased accordingly. The County's budget, as now fired by the County Board for this activity, le as follows: Salaries =43,586.00 Hest, Light, Power, and Oen 00,000.90 Telephones 16,700.00 Supplies Total 10 0000 9, 000 886. County's One-half 159,643.00 City's One-half 159,643.00 Will you kindly give this matter your early consideration, and oblige Your. truly, Gen. S. Bine, County auditor. BY Deputy. ;ti� � 'r ... _..�i a A retrenchment of the 8chou1 Budget at this time is a most .—ioua handicap to the operation of the Schools. In the first place it must be rombmbered that since 1920 our sch-col enrollment has increased from 28,509 to 41,349 an increase of npprozimntel5, 12,000 pupils. During the past two genre there has been a :,aterial reduction of our teaching force, to keep with In our means. Alt-ough from February, 1926 to February, 1332 therewarnnincreased enrollment of 3,227 the number of tacchcra an the payroll as of February1932 w s 5 lose than on the F,,bruar-; 1926 pn;-rnll. This increased enrollment was handl od h.- Snc rors7ne th t—hinA land from year to year and deer -1— thr ­nr nc —0 -re. Furthermore, =Ince 1920, there hnve been added to the sy atom 25 n w grade; build7.aos loot lnclud Sng rupincemcnte) n d 18 gledo additions, 7 n unser High Schools and 2 Senior High 3chonle and 1 Veentional School :md 6 High School Add itIces. This represontc'I nxpendlture of ovor $7,000,000, and at the acme time it meant an added burden in maintenance and operation. In attempting to fit our ruduced budget to the over -increasing needs of the acha,le, the appointment of teachers to the regular schedule w a disc natlnnod and now teachers hired an the supply basis, which pinced them from $500 to $700 below the atnndnrd schedule. It enabled the Depnrtmaat to hire more teachers for the snore amnunt of monoy. This procedure however r suited in two different wage se ales and wee unfair to the individuals so hired. This plan has made tomporary savings, but involves some disadvantages to the department, and distinct Injustice to thesat Sefactory candidates for appointment. They are without the tenure protection provided under regular appointment, and cannot become members of the re- tirement fund n intion. If the practice ie continued, it would e,cn mean in effect, two schedules for duly qualified teachers giving the same service. The fact that they do not contribute to the retirement find also weakons that fund. The appointment of suppliesto a regular pcaitlon, together with the salary increment in 1933, ro ga Sros rpprnximatoly $21,425.00. A further nr nh7en 1— hrrn el -red unnn the Depnrtment of Eduen.t inn due to thr r , that inn , -rind of depression such as we are experlerclne tndcy the ;7nungamnio ", unable to find empl cymcnt. As a result, the at tanda nea in rnm High Sch,ola has intro used 1,785 Sn the past two yours. 'this would normally roprosarR oed of npprozimntely 60 teachers. Add to tails thot the private high schools are showing n greatly reduced enrollment. It means only unable one thing, that to pay the tuition they are flocking to the public high schools. The problem of accommodating the increased enrollment with the same porsome I hes ba on mot up to the present by crowding pupils and thereby raising the teaching le d. There is n limit to this procedure, however, The State Department boa idos specifying minlmom equipment mnkoa acquirements on the number of pupils per else a. If we wish to coeur. our share of state and federal aid, we must comply with these minimum requln®ments. As r. result, it is absolutely imperative that additional to, chars be hired in our Junior end ber.lor High Schools. '_}.e q1" at '_", of n grv,:rme n'.., rpelles to the ,eh"o-s -ell o the Ithel nepnrt.eots, The taxpayer has both. . right _ n cod n Potty to issc h' l!' 4hnI his '.;axes for whorls .are wlsoiy r "pe rdo�', =r.to 1-_igent econrmy, whioh me„ns gett'_ng the r zimwn _-turn. for e d"1'_nr c shnu'_d charnrtorize the school for 'e hove n '-c;t��t ��ll tlmes to carry nu,- i;hie prine_^lc 't w 1'1^�^ra'.�.,nv the �ff'_c_ene of the sy=tem, go 'he ip ! i >> C� ttoe, f 1 s d of nt �.t; o -he :.epr _ f_rit.ly .rtnda .240,000 �r �edc3 _d:ninis t,:r tk:e sah.,e i:+ �£f _r. io nt :leprtmen`, ofe­du�.^,'�' n vivud this addition”' sum .;nd todn�� the. eeh ;o enr"llmer:t isvmuehehaavier. A rte. -t r�n"."t o_ the school budget Might bo log incl '_f '.ro Psu. „nhools spent n muns 'roch money the nvo rage c. iti o 'O0,C00. ho a .omf.aay'_ng graphr, le ­ 'y y sha�+s how Ct. Paul has reduced i a per pup'_'_ rust '_n the past years. 3t. P"I a ands 52 n9 i st or FR oft'es over 100,000, '7t' `.he .5 c I.as hnv_ng .t•19 ",thorn cit_os, whore for obvion.9 rcns:;ns ro., . 1 � have a always rbeen -h lower, ,.e have �.�t, back 1 the ^.ppror:•Satinn for maint:n oee :: 1925 ,nt_1 the re-nt is ;ehed v+h ere 'n.b11.'_ty o to o cnofn t_nor repairs caused these r'-polre in a. short time to become .a jor r. F.,1 re. '1 he E3uranr of Municipa1 iies,nrch in their : u• ey and Hepnrt of „chnnl rond_ti:;ro _n 193(` covered '_his qu,stinr. ani r�: con.endnd that the 1'Ipart.ar. t: aT• ue^t' hould hnva X100,000 n yo ar aT.d 'uu fo:• `he next 5 y:ars '-o b,- all achoel buildings up .,o the cond_'Ion '._ whLh they ahold be. Taring the r.^^t ? c have had r s ndd_tlor.sibis e} ::l m 'n .n_ntrnnce,c£mmd 't p"s t make nonairing ^.nd rcp,,'ntin� `Y,a v!�.dnwr ceniar{s, c 1l 1 nim , ran^�ran�ir, pl^.storing, br_ck nrdi coping v;ork, r p.i r; :o h,: n:.ing pleats, r:inting 44 which would m '�riclly finer-:: the off'ciu ney of thn rinnt ani .,l'1c u1 us vu employ n number of m othor than our regular crew thereby to .111.13 extent relieving the unemployment ad t,nt'_on. In I.ncluaion of this brief res o let me make this st,temant, any ::.xt in nppra prla t.l on will moan evrtnllmunt or abnndonmont of ssrv_nos e, oatlin:,d in the rompletc a..alye i.a which follmvs. However, this-Depart.ont coin r,nd will IF, r whatever mom s y 1 nl loured when the Budget Ss f_nnlly adopted, but cny cut in fuid.scan only be r eflo ated by direct rat Ln sdrvicc. ')nt of a total budget of 31 ailllon dollars for 1931, abort x$2,400,000.00 w sp,nt fur t ;,ch,;rs' s:.l::ri13s. Bee.ring these f_g,res ! ._rd,a_t. is �. r.yto a,,, when„ i.ny largo curtailment of service: would hnva to be m,:do. TABLBH (1-.) Comparison of City School Costs Per Pupil CI[1es Ove[ 199,000 (1940 Cenaue) 1929 -Yd ��Buflalo pE11912 1925-26 PEI�c ti 55 1927-20 PEIf 1929-E1 hi^1'on4er, p$162 IS he.t er 2. Rochene; 5)2.52 J. SOnvgfie J, Mau. ;'21.'22' n4esnr tloflalo 19.54 Loa Angeles vchealer Buflala ingkelA, M11a Bvfl.ly Yor4 {9 5. Hanford 6. Grand Rapid, Moines 4. rin8hedI d. 12 Rapid. 21.98 or6h 1 22. ]8 .gales 111.12 C� nr Newark 4067 6.Los Angeles II -S ]. CinclnnvA w York 9 Cewtt erkOg30 41 5. Loa Angeles -.19 Wvahingrvn 9. Cle ,-d 0. flanfvrd 1. Newark g. Wa,hinlpon 9. B..ro.B-..Bvv w Fre eco Oetivml c IS 0. Hertford M 5 rin field, Men. U3.20 2. Wa.hginmon 112.80 2. Pituburgh 1`. Albany well 5. Tremov co Pale 4.91 i. New aY 51479 5. Des Moine. {.66 5. Hart d"d. +. Grand 9 Trenton a 1.16 0.98 lend Oak s<o 6. 1`<nForrvci 29.9 6. Bo,mv 110 7. Indianapolis 449 e. Omvba 102.88 To4do 6. IvJianapvlis Albany Lowell 9. Trenrov Pinehor h 9. Cleveland 9. P.II Aiver 7. Cambridge 12].5] 8. Pesti Citi 136.16 rtra yr 2114 Fell Rive. 1. Milwaukee 2. Kansa Ciry, Mo. I ]. Oakland 0. Cinlcinnati Oaltl ntdef 106 ]9 Kansas Ciry. Mo. 10 1. Jeruy,C Chico Bo ay 1. Milwaukee 3.99 0. Cleveland 2 Orand Repide 122.31 22. C16 Louis 2.29 m.go 026 hingron 6. Ueover 7. Cleveland B. Chikago {. Milwvukee 5. Renoir 6. Te.'e, C y Denve +. K...- Ciry, Mo. 1 2.74 25. Sr...i, 112.55 wenn e.. 7. T.ledo r< 5 -- Ikenve. 118.{) 5. Milwvukee 6. Camden 7. Indianapolis111.49 oledo 0. Minveepolie. 95 I6 1. Camdev 9. 1,--r 0. I).1ro Columb 9. Denver< 7 o. I., i.....In 7.76 C 01.02 iladelphia11 0 1, Worcmer 9.16 2. Searrle t. C mb rage meha1ee +2+. Chicvgo i 2. Co umbra 1. D.Yton Albany Reading 8.90 well C Iwnhv. f. Providence 626 an Francisco 6. Wapoo 17. ol0uisr,8903 09. 8T. PAUL BBB] 40. lf. CvmJen O.e1 orcnter Mvss. 19 =d,'0.­' onlend, Ore. g. Minneapolis 0. By�acuu0.'i... well e. Moine D Indcl phly Obs I. Providence S01- - M1tinl,endpolie 105.09 Se 0].86 0. Daryoi. ].58 ea Minn Shiladelphiv 3. Jene7 .Ciry ante 52 Philadelphia 9+.18 'ew Bedf rd 91.50 ante O maba es Ciry, Mo. 10 5 okvn W 3. Wilmington d. 9T. PAUL 9291 �. M. Omahas 99.0) 4S. Bridgep.n u. Columhv. 5. New Bedford Akron +0] encs 90.41 Cambridge Portland, Or 6. New Bed(orde a7. Scranton 95.1] S 6. New Bedford ].95 Fali River 7.90 o.tland, Ore. 9. Pro.iOnlce 82.86 9 e. KanveHnCi v, Kan. e] Inmore d9. 9T. PAUL 92.09 � 92.54 Kev a,•Ciy� Ken. el aAmonio 0. ReaJivg Ve I. Youngerown Wilmingron BriAgeport 51. Youngarowv 92.19 52 BT. PAUL 91Afi en 52. Youngvlown 5l. Readive W�dgepornn i Youn .row. I. New Naven I 1. Baltimore 1 +, Belrimv.e BriJgeporr 56. Salt Leke Ciry 71.19 ]. Hou,ron Baltimo.< San Anromv ]. Louisville 4. Rvneae Ciry, Ran. 92 f5. ui.ville 0.52 56. a11aA. 9.21 57. S.. neo Akron.,. F,,tuiavill< lousron 501 6. Sen An Cnio 6 ]. K.nsa, >>, Kan. e{ 1 B. Sao Leke lCity 0.{7 58. D.IIa. w Ilaeen 9vlr vlLake Cih Orlevv, R4hmonA 9. Dailae Richmond 78.70 0. Scramov 1. Norfolk 6g.60 2. villa 69.02 ]. Richmond 0. Port Wonh ]. New Orleans 2. Ri<hmovd Delle. Lake Ciry { rt Wonh 2IS 61. A4.on ]7.)I orth 71.87 1, New Orleans ]0.91 N. Fart 1V s. s <mp�n� rth M. Norfolk 61.02 s. na..t. ..6o U. N.rfolk Atlanta s9 v3 64. Memphis 69.49 ams 6g.00 86em f1 67 Atlama 49.74 68. Nashville 35. 6. Memphis 7, Rirminghem 69. Nashville 49.18 6. Memphis 59.68 7, Birmingham 59.02 61. N. -II. 49.92 min 6{.JS Norfolk ha 1.06 U. Nashville 50.10 ST. PAUL PUBLIC SCHOOLS Dec eases 1933 Request 1932 Budget 1933 Compt. Estimate from 1932 Budget: 1i3- Compt. Est. 15A - Buelness Administration A-1 Sclariee 19,659.80 18,904.00 17,414.00 1.4$0.00 A-2 Office Exnenee 750.00 750.00 500.00 880.00 153 - F.d-ational Admin. B-1 S:: arias 30,294.00 30,288.00 23,723.00 /�//8•�• B-2 Alec Maintenance 1,250.00 1,250.00 1.x00.00 B-3 Traveling Expense 250.00 20.80 B-4 01f:ce Expene 3,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 15C - Altndsnce Division C-1 S.1-11-. 16,966.00 16,754.00 14,389.00 B.SBU.00 C-2 Ca.^fore 3.0)0.0: 2 OCO.00 2,000.00 C-3 Office Expense 500.00 306.00 300.00 15D - Operation & Mtce. Admin. 1.100 D-1 Salnrie6 13,020.00 12,922.00 11,788.00 0m0 D-2 Office Expense (275.00) Exprees,Freight & Cartage (800.00) 1,000.60 (250.00) (650.00) 15E - Sunpl Storeroom E-1 Salaries 14,010.60 13,174.00 10,800,00 9,S li E-2 Light 110.00 110.00 110.00 E-3 Track Maintenance 600.00 600.00 600.00 E-4 Office Expense 700.00 500.00 500.00 15F - Promotion of Health F-1 Salarise 48,271.80 52,061.00 F-2 Supplies 1,000.00 1,000.00 F-3 Office Eaponee 1,518.00 500.00 156 - Instruction G-1 Grade & H.S. sea-i-. (2,813,895.90 2,674 339 00) 2,330,205.00 G-2 Phys. Trg. S.1-i-. ( '4,500.00) 881r1�.00 G-3 Athletic DSrection5al.( 2,500.00) G-4 Carfare 7,500.00 6,000.00 6,000.00 G-5 Laundry 600.00 600.00 600.00 16.E G-6 Supplies 70,000.00 70,000.00 55,000.00 G-7 Medical Service-.Athletics 500.00 G-8 Miscelleneone 500.00 750.00 500.00 G-9 Trans.-Crippled Children 10,000.00 10,000.00 8,000.00 155 - O^uration of Plant H-1 Salnriee & Wage. 280,658.50 285,759.00 252,957.00 3H.8Q8.0J H-2 Bente 330.00 350.00 350.00 H-3 Telephones 3,200.00 3,100.00 3,100.00 8�d00.80 H-4 Light, Power & Water 56,000.00 56,000.00 50,000.00 90,000.00 9�6D8.Q0 R-5 Hoar, 90,000.00 92.938.00 a.000.W H-6 S---lie. 15,000.00 15,OOC.00 12,000.00 15I - Ma_::to ce of Plant I-1 Salariss & ''•.egos 80,000.00 BC ,000.00 70,000.00 10�IXU0.0G I-2 Cer`are 1,200.00 200.00 200.00 I-3 Ant' Mahit-.. 1,°2C.Cc 1,32,0.00 1,000.00 I-4 Truck Maintonence ;5C.0^ 450.00 450.00 1�000.0D I-5 Moring Portables 1,0";.OG 1,070.00 / W0 00 I-6 Hepaire & Aanenala 4E�51�.00 46,500.00 40, 000.00 September 9th, 17,32. 'his is a araly,is of the statement of the :Arertment or �,,d,tion funds showing the 1933 deFartme ntnl request ovar the. 1932 actual budget, end the. 1933 Comptroller's cstimat e, In the first item -- 15A1 husiness Adninictratlon alariec there 1 e decrease of $1,490, This 1, accounted for by the Comptroller in the. following m —,r: X240 in deputy's salary; 81,06E7, elimination of one junior clerk; `µ9l7 in salary reduction::. Cie a willing to admit the last figure, as the salary reductions willamountto that much. No leglislation has been pnsled, ho•.veeer, reducing deputies' salaries, n r do ere know thea each legl sl atioz. will be passed, Until this happens it Ss neeeesa ry that we carry our budget the full s n of the prevent ea l a ry. The ellmina tion of one junior clerk is entirely arbitrary on the part off the Comptroller. The force of the Uuslness Administration ofice hen not been Increased for e numher of years, no car. it be decreased by one person without seriously of^acting the )fflcl—y of the office. .m "Ins, shows a ,rc rea}e n '6n, '�h is deci n.a ..en pro*n hl�� he •set, item 1051 Lu ueaticnal ..dministrati�n Snl arias, we have a decrease of $11,565. This deo rouse was made possible Sn the Comptroller's estimate by making a ten per cent reduction in salary of all persons on the educational staff, by the elimination of the educational research stat l ,tic al division, end by laying off during the summer, all clerks '-rho are employed In the senior and junior high schools ,uring the school year, and by a '25r reduction in Civil > rvi1,e employes' salarles due to the automatic dee as, which latter figure w accept. As ro garda the. 1C` per cent reduction of the elu,,tl,nal staff, this is a matter which must be determined by Council Ord mance, and no euch ,rdinanca having been adopt,,, we must provide for this amount In our budget, Clerks In the senior end junior high schools are used during the suncser months to do vrork which hon heretofore been done by special census takers, and if this item Ss ellminetr:d 1t would by 'P" It ate ine ro ae ing the salary it— in the Attendance Division to take core of this work, The elimination of the ndminl st:rntive research st ntlst icnl sion is n very qua st ionah In economy, ns th, worY, produc,d by this division Ss the sumo as is done by similar diel slops in educational institutions all over the country. -2 - Each year this -'.1v _c'on is cal lid •ipon to an— I hand" ds of que:stlonnalres _nd f'_11 s..t doz-ns of reports sent out by the Fed.ral "I'of education, the Itnte DIP" rtmont of cduontion, the Pati.—I Loucntion Association, and many other ageucies. prepnrnt ion of this data and material required, involves the mai ntoining of re rtaln def mite stat Sstirnl information, which _s ird isp.nsnbiu in t. school system the size of St. Paul. Further, the preparation ofrequested publicity mat�rinl for the press, the formulation of n definite scientific program of school expansion, and the nscumulntion of data an buildings and cit„a, and of population trend, must be made to the ung that n perpetual survey of school conditions in `.he entire city may be maintained. in 1922 the statistical Uivision node a dotallud survey of the city preparatory to n 55,000,000 School Bond Issue and this survey, with the data furnished, was instrument nl in�cecuring its pnssnge by the voters. It has been one of the primo objects of this division to collect the necessary facts and figures to mnlntnin ee parpetunl survey of the cduontienal conditions in +'s ul. The: elimination of this division would be a s vane blow; it is nn unwise ret re:nchme nt of .envie., and the abruptedis- IIIII unRee of n type of work which has proved so n.. r.�ssnry during the past ton y—rs. Itam ]S - A - 9 nnt�mn'+rr ^�intann ...... nut of this fund Sa nnid Auto F.l lover ace `or th �. Corr Ss^ir of n,ducrtion and Superintendent of Schools. 'This ite.^. has heen cntiroly el Lain nt,d at n anv ieig of w1,2S0.00. In connection With this It' m, w wish to cull your r noon to the fact triat we have 76 school cent�.rs, the 11,11 library, several brunch libraries and the blunlclpnl Aud itorlum in this De pnrtmuat, These school. and librr,r iac must of necessity be constantly vislte:d by the Superintendent of Schools and to sone extent by the Commisslonur of" f Education. Furthor, there re meetings such as the gs Parent-Tuncher Ascn., meetings, Library Advisory Board tdeetin Child Psychology and numerous others. These both the Corssisatoner If Education and the Superintendent of Schools are constantly e•sked to attend. In the event thrt they wore not given nutonob Sle .110..... thay would either have toprovide mann. of trnnsport'..t ion to those m—tingsat thoir own expense or hire a car and driver from the Municipal Equipment Bureau, which procedure would be han the auto cllowanre. Further, discontinuntlon of thea. allowances have not been provided for by Council Ordlnnncee more exponsivo t and until such time ns this hes. been done., we should provide for this oxpnnco in cur Budgat. 15B3 T're:v.:ling cxi�.,nse is u_imia teal -,t a seeing of a?EO. This was done t our r,:quust. Item 1501 Attendance Di,i,ien Salmi,.. Decrees, has boon made in the sum of t,2,365. This dacren sc w s affected by a tun per Cunt reduction in sr larr n sons being pr Sd on the educntic-1 rn71 ^blah ��m mtrd rn ^,s42, and the eliminntion of one vlstt+.n,, ! ^cher iv rhe sum of X1,0.':5. "s ngatn cc11 your nttent ion to the fact the such reduetlon of salary hoe not bran a sY.�d by the 'ounc ll, and the el i:nlnr:t ion of one visiting teacher I. n arbitrary move on the part of the Comptroller in that it would make ono less such teacher for the year 1933 than is on the payroll for 1932. Phllndelphla with a population of 1,964,000 has n staff of nttondnnae officer, of 21 mon and 94 women, a total of 115, 3t. Poul with a population of 271,000 hes n staff of six women. Absentee children present problems n veriod and complic rated ns life It so If. The solutian of thus. problems I. not to bl. found in any set formula but rather in u study ofthe needs of the individual child. Some of the causes of nbsaha, may be traced to the school; cadre fraqucntly they are found in the hem', the community, or the comppapnionship of the child, but ..at frequently the cause li Sous lthetheysttendnnc..off la rr inhglvinga intelligent himself, y, and of feet Iva service must be prepared not only to As, her own knowledge and influence in each aIt,at lan but also to seek r.ld of other Ind ividunle and ^.gencies trained and equipped to help her, The so ea of help include the relatives and friends of the child, the family physician, the hospitals, the psychiatric clinics, the cocinl welfare agencies, the pal Sr,c, the enurts, th. church, rocreationnl rgencien, and In the school ,ystem itself. It is the business of the ntt",J_ur '"Tien to malril iz. andut1lica these forces to the "nM th- rhe chlld m v F• �`+ir rod willing to attend school. Marr pe rlence Ss show lar that thn whole field of attendance •vorkni,�,n 1atugrnl port of the •.ducat ive system, a m and can no longer b, considered in the light of e lmv-enforcing cervi... Th. following types of cases are selected and listed ns it l.ustrnting the many sided phases of the problems confronting the attend—se officer: 1. Retarded children and school fnilur.. who are absent -•.s a rooult of maladjustment In school. 2. Girls seeking exemption permits for domestic servic.,especially thea. who are merely trying to avoid school ntt.ndance. 3. Unemployed ehlldren who cannot find work and who must be re- admitted and Iadd justod to ,,hell. 4, Illagnlly employed ehlldren. 5. Children in familiessuffering from unemployment and poverty. 6. Children of the shlft1 acs and ineomputont. 7. Children with Inadequatepnr.nts. P. Children with In, doquata homo supervision due to the necessary employment of the mother. 3. Children in broken homes due to the death or desertion of either Pert. 10.Children in homes of dissension and discord, ll.Tha pampered and ever -indulged children. -4- 12. Neglected hlldrea. 13. The rooming house children. 14. Negro rhildres recently i. rrlv:.d from the South. 15. Native born children of far,_,Inn born pnrenta, non-English cpe ale ng and uneljustad to AmorScnn standards of living. 16. The mnlingers. 17. Sick children wItheut proper oredequate m.dicr.l trentmer.t. 18. Children with contagious disenso a* 19. Children physl.ally unfit to attend school but -11 enough to receive in strncti�n rt hhme. 2C. Past-.necnhnsttis 21. lb.nts'ly d:•eective childre r. hn ter. hehnvtnr problems. 22. Nunnway children. 23. OSr1s with sex dal inquencies. 24. The unman I'd _the_ 25.Child brides. 26. 141g...t uhlldr.n. Attondancc oIflcers investigated and disposed of 5,957 cases of bbsenca reported to them by principals of pub ia, pars chill, -,nd private schools; 5,528 r, were reported by public schools, 429 -son by pare chiral and pr Seale schools. Every attendance officer in every suction of the city faces the problem of providing clsthlng for the very poor children who cannot attend enhoul unless they are he Spud, he need Ss greatest during the will .r s and there is more do—nd for help In pertain --dons of the citythanin others. Up to last year, the attendance officer investig:.ted and reported cnaes beading help to the Clothing and Shoo Committee of the St. Paul i'nrent Teacher Assoc int ion. No attempt has been mr. do to sum "sa far official recerd the work this en tell, because the service is usually or. personal then official. Ylhnt we Hoed Sn St. Poul Is an Increase In the staff in the Attendance DIv ision. In this period of d, pre salon, more work than formerly falls on the shoulders of the Sadieldunl attendance worker ns the In' recse in enrol lmcnt is �n incrr�so Sorg ely .f nun lis who vrould not attend sch,^tfiprc rr, �...,. �+•runittns for work. The sohosl Ss rbc kn.,nninP the boy and girl ut of ,mr'�� err 'ho str—t. In the item 15i) 1 Salaries - Ups 'tier a 1,1,intenance Administration wo suffer . decrease of 'p1,134, which is made up by Civil Servica employes' automatic reduction in the aum of 1818 and the elimination of n pp rt -t Sme clerk in the sum of 414. We will attempt is meet this ,at. In Stem 15D2 office Lxpenso, v suffer a decrecso of $100. This item has been supplied in this year's budget to cover 15D2 Offlco Exp no, and 15 D3, express, fro Sght and —stage. Ourexpenditures in this combined item in the 1931 budget was $1,206.80. 'fur six months' expenditures for 1932 have already re,,hed the sum of $903.73. 1 do not believe that this item should have been nut. r -6^ �n Itnm ItE1 Supply Storeroom Snl rlus wo suf f�•r n den r,cs: If $2,374, This is mndn up by the elimination of nno lnbnr<.r in the amount of $1,060; one nnitar, $1,519; and $55n in automstic d,cre uses of Civil Service cmployos, whioh latter amount o necept. Liiminetion of nne 1,•.boror and one janitor in this item simply menn_s thet w will hove to pay the lnbor,r on the regular m .ntennnce rnllonnd the ,lnnitnr nn the r,gul ar operation of plant roll, 'n""I „r nrrtlna 'hese tvn items ehnrged ng,'ust the nror^^r. r,,,n I'd or r, . ?h, item 15 - ' 1'r,, ot.on of Heal`h :�e �. r,. '.r at ing Erna two 31f f�rt,nt nngl,:s. ,•s y��u kn,.w,C"r.�i tr„11,.r in phis t,st 'nate took the Fr o:no tion of Health from th, uopr,rUment t,f Education and pl_r,rd approximately .,35,000,00 in the k5udget o£ th, Honith Depr.rtm,. nt to nsrry on this work, Thor, are s,.v oral r_e._uns why -bon eve that this ,hengo should n,�t bo made. First and foremost we do not believe that there ie any tronomy 1 making such a chvngo rs the Department of k_d,nt_tion through their Hygiene D�:pnrtment can give the el -e nmonnt of ,ry ice for stated sura of mnney_thnt any n thermDepnrtment is ,ble to give. Any curtailment in Lunde over what h^ve been ex p, by the Depnrtrr.,nt of liducetion would ni ce asi rily curtn'_1 the aervlre. Ther, are ports of the work of the Divielon of Hygieno whlch n c done Sn ronj unction with the iepurtment of duration to u^h enextentthat it would b, almost impressible to sepo.re,tt, this service from the Department of >:ducntSn n. Examples of this nr, the servine given in the School of Crippled Children in the 3p,, tltl CL;s sea for the fllind Do of and Subnormal. and Children. with Speenh D,focts, The above mentinncd "'mules ^re i,1sn to .„..o .tont under the rontrnl rf tli, St rte D�n�rtnrnt �^ Education who ora contributing to their soon^rn. ^err thrr �� nnlrs n k dnnr. by the Hygieno Division whiar 1s diffj_jt' to s. P�.rnI, ^ran th �. n�o�rtm,•.nt of h?iucatinn is the vurif icntLm of t_achers' illness, uxnm Snrt l+ns for labor permits :tad t,f high set, �,t nl.; tt;s, „utrlti,n ekes" and clinics road dontal clinics. Placing the Division of Hygieno in another 1-partmont would morn that the school nurse would be under the onntrol of one Snde pendent Dspsrtme nt Hend and the Principal of the Sahnnl under the control of another. In ease of cenfllct of authority under this dual control complications might arise which would bo impossible whop both wore re ponalblc to the s.; me head. In n report School Health Work issued in 1223 it wus reported that 7296nof thn cities so reporting had the supervision of the health work under the direction of the Department of Education. In a report of the School Survey mode in 1917 5t,Pau1 was commanded uP,n _ts present system and further development ^.long the s e lines recommendod. Nn mention w s mndn of r, ,hnngc of authority. In the Survcy mode und,r the auspices of the Ramsey -F- 1ounty Public H-,1th Association by Dr. Charles '�', 1:e11o, Profe.ssor .;f Hygiene of the 'Inivorslty of Huffalo,it vas n.�t suggested in cny way that the servile should be ehungod frau the Department of Educ:itl 'n to any other De pu rt:no nt. e did hree and hogs.r d n aIn, iderub e of this s rvie.. Dr. Fr durick hand fiogors, Dire;rtor, of Henith,n c' Phys i'c ale uont ion in the University of Ilew Yark, and i. authority on the on, "et rec onvno nda the oontinunno. of h.:nl th works ,d,r the Departmnntn of imention. Asim from factsst,,ted,i cull Itt.:nt inn of the Honnrnblo nn it to n cupy of opinion rend,red by the 1[onorable Lewis L. And—on, -)nervation Couhael dntd AuP,'ist 25th, 193?, whlrh - h,�r fll�d with th,. City C1. -r . esud nv r r Thi=� r�tn fined Aby the p p r t ;<t�r t •n t of s^ney allntd i�r much .rP .n 107,. -1i. or, t ^�rvi c. in 11nC �.r .4H,t 0 ') f the u,or.c Is -alt," t e ! u b dget .,i q' GOJ .<< t i thy, 1933 1933 it nd-1 far 19.�2T.ion �f $13,C0'i.CO �. ^.be fit 27'� of tr,� a -count .. ;;pe n iiuw e;vor, the nutrition. work f the Sehnela dlroated 1y t�utrit in neclnllnt and it includ,:e the m1eintenance ,,f SFi m'_lk st at1'no at a total r. nst of x21,73E .00. 7f this sum $A,405.00 is suppiid by the Community Chunt. Nutriti�n Clinics rte m:.intainod st the expense of the k;,m seg: County Pubiie 11-th L.ssoe ir.tion under the d''rention of i, nutrition spoeisllst. fl— oral hygie"nts select children from tha >chools for dents, tr�ntm..nt in tho dental cllnioe of which there :_ro eight. Yh,so alines are served by dentists whose -lerles e oald by The V7o -d's Auxiliary to the St. Paul lll,t,,,t Dental o cidty and over $j4,000.00 01' this support r m s from the Community Chest. The Minneapolis Schools huva eight or,,]`hygicnSsts cluing this work. These D,ntnl clinics must h^ve snpplias which wu furnish ,„ r. cost of -b-It $1,0(3.0n- it would be almost inp—sible to curtail s ruin,, in n of these brnnehes as long nsclinies aro mnint c fined. The onlynvm.y that such '.unto Slment could b, mrdc w��uld be by th, complete elimination of one or none of these elinins. This ma ons then the $13,000.00 r,dvetlnn list t,a met eut of mon,y provided for nurses, which Sn turn tl-t th° n'ir shnF mr nie liminntl nvo to be reduc'd ..n_f 4''' This ,. ^^ of nursing —1, 1, in t!-., }11 rh �chnnln,~Sr. High ".ohmic "nd some rid uct ion Sn the Orad, Sche'ls. Thin uxplan,tj� does nut mean that wo e_2nnot operat, this Division upon. the $3b,C 00 TOinador.ra dos d, It " if noplora than f what the prablic nay ea1—t '" thin sem all owed. 't.om 1501 .n =f ruct'„^r1rs. . ^.rte suffering n ln. of the +lSminrt i;,nr n£so r �f $129,47:., d I1 Prr c t 1111 .1 .h_rs' s-1 .r ins in t` �a „£ weSy,h6C. ,he �1 ,.,t 1": f kind:re—tuns Ss ^.im;,st solf-cxpinnut,. =t m.::.n, that n child will Uu ell nv+ed tc nt�r-.ahu;,1 until he is six ycnrs of ^ge .nd will miss all pros 1!minary train Lig for gr1 tchnol work. It .means th_t would be, b.o Frxn rd st of .nnd rather •� dingrncu to the Clty of St .Poul, sine., kindergnrt,,— ire re^.ogni—d r.nd cnnduct'd in Host .f thn publlo and prtvrt,, g-11 rhnols thr ugh„ut the oountry, r.nd 1 -le boon Sn oar�at 1„n Sn 3t, Pnul sinco 1684. In this connection night also s�:y that the St ata nllews tha regular pupil nppurtionmcnt fir all kind argarten nttsndrnco ,,,hich rap,.,ort1,n.—ut th CitTh y would lose if kindorgartens we ro disc,+rat inued, ten per cent reduction in to achurs' sol nrles Ss an Stom which, s he roinbefnrc painted ,;ut, c manly be ndjustod by Council 'rdinance and until such time �s in adjustment is made, ,u budgot sh,'ld be drawn to provido f,.r the n� c—ry m ysr:'.t oresint soh,.dulo, Further, thu ruts in tai sc Stem nr,:ennde ,n the basis of ,sur 1932 budget end not on our 1933 roquost. Thin thcref—, means that no provision Is m, d,,. f,+r nutom:,tic Snc re ase in te.o chars' solnrios, our fer ,m:, ' ltLmnl plc cos Sn tho ten ahIng staff. ?n Bonne ti .n h,�re:vrith wish to call ;:,,ur at Motion t., certain foots such ^.s Snsr c.. s ed enrollments etc., whish arc r vorud in the r nttnchod hereto and which h— it el be raring up,n this '_t,r,en` in ^t ruction sisl:.rias. it;,rs 1SGh OrrP�re. ^e did ^^t reeeivo n cut "ver the 1982 bud{Lrt but r r.•5v�.,. tom., ^ ^-„,n. , x6,000. `,o wish t^ c^7'. -�"r ^rtnnt'�u �`-= n�i�t �nm� e fact th^t our 1931 c-,nd_turrs 1n this it, n were 1;7,697.30 ,n nnd in the first six months of 1932 „ur uxp,,nd-tur.:s were 4,566.89, thereby showing nl u; �y that x6,000 in this itum 1s in sufflc^_ant. In connuoti�+`rEtals '_tem I w,uld like to expl^in n little mora fully some of the pert Snent facts ..nncct.d thcrow lth. .'his entire .. xpa nditure is monad by the 1--port-,tion of Speclnl C less Pupils, the largest p.rcentngo of which go to the two ronin entors the Hammond nnd tho Crowley. Ther, are sc ,.rnl vent good r sons for plrcing those pupils in Schools byrthemselvoe :.rd this p1- is followed by prnetically all large School Dep^rtments throughout the country. All of those pupils ore �'+ray below grade for their nvcrng' rge and there would be n hnndicnp both to them nnd to normal pupils if thoy were in the same —om due to the D,rgs diffcronee In ages. Also theno Speoiul Class Schools t nice rare of all pupils in the higher grades. 1'hesa pupils ore what ­ tarmad hand pupils r..thcr than heed pupils ,.rad by con- salld..ting them into thane t- +e renteret lor. with beadumicurnish equipment f�)r hand training in conjure oduan tion, ',rhlch we would not be nblo tc furnishnto a few cnttcred pupils 1n the ,gut l^Sag che�,ls. 1 also wSeh to point out that thin untiro oxncndituro fer enrfnrc nnd trnnsuartnti+n for this typo of pupil Ss re r,uvernble from the urate up to 100 of such cxpendlt— ,_rad nc.t less than 90n of some, -B- n I+.r 1SG6 ri,,.-.., nal,, a —11- n do err sc of $15, 0011, .. Sn -site `hr Rrr•.�r�.h Bur 211 in tF �•Sr *urvey of 1930 r �rted -lilt +h'1, thr. Deaar� -t of sneeti-, w nt thct tI,.- getting ,y50,0c:0.00 for ,Au— 1'', 1 supplies, it sh-uld be i—„dl-itely raised to jp90,000,OC t, giv thy: Department the r ary �duoatiunnl supplle s, This !ten vers bo"ks forulndlgent pupil', Fnr thu last rs this item y has inr re sod by 9 and 5 timos it's pr for cost ^nd is an Stem that .net be m't cino' so mnny parents •,ru out of wo r'1. end r. nbsnlutuly unable to furnish the ncccssnry books for these chlldrone to nttond crh -1. Item 15G7 Nedicnl rvir.cs - Athletics,^e suff;r n decrease Sn thie item "f $500, This w,,., nt aur own "'l-t. its m 15GR Miscu llnne ,us. In this Stun we suffer n daerense of $250, no this in 'pito of thu fast that In the first six months of 1932 expvndItur,. in this item —Int,d to $306,62. This item c vers reimburement to the Department of Public Sef,:b; for —toys allowed Lieutenant Hetzn—ker, Director of School Polire, ns nut” allowance for the period of 9? months during which he directs t s he 3chonl Poli— eletivity. -t i, r.b-lutely entlnl that enant Hetznek Lieutcor u some a,snl of c,nveyores togut around to all the different centers and pro purly supervise this work, In the f. of the work done by the School Police end their rocord for escorting schnnl Children ,cross dangerous rrossingo over n poll�l of ;ars with sen rcCly any serious ^.ec Idents, it r, t� m� +.hit It ,•. ,uli ham. v nwiss to curt;.il this w,rk br r using to nii ^� m t� n ^ter this auto ^11 nv+nnco, In item 15G9 Transportntlnr. of Crip:,led Children �v s. offer n dccrsuse of v,2,OG0. The c. of this s�ry ie� is problems tler.l, b^sed up, n "norunscd enr�llmunt, 15H-1 Uperat I— of Plant - alurias, We suff orad a decree sc in *his item �,f $32,802.00, ThIs w untud for in the cro Comptroller's Cstlmate by autmmotle salary reduction Sn the sum o£ $12,063,00 and a suggestion by the Comptroller that w use our JZn_tors and Clean c+rs 10 months Snstond of 12 the ruby snv -via,, n cun of $16,638.00. ish to point out that we have been ontinually cutting cost ir. this Stem dot; to the increased e ffle iency in sp Ste of the fact, that many now buildings e.nd .additions to existing buildings have been added I the p:st B years. DI u to this wo have men anpl"y ed who work not to exceed 5 mon the out of the year, some for different length perlodsup to 10 month:: a ycnr, and a very small percentage of the force 12 months of the your. This small percentage Ss used during the vacation months to clean up buildings, apply cleaner and preservative to the floors and thereby pl^c. i ng the building in condition tc open in 3eptember as well ne preventing necessity for repairs. If this decrease is put through no proposed by the Comptroller we 'I11 be ga tIng only $3,000,00 additin nal m nay over what we resolved Sn 1925 tin this item despite the fact of additional buildings ns mentioned above. _9_ In the: '_tem of 15-H-4 Light, Pawer rnd 1,t,•r ova have suffered A dacreas. under thu Coniptleis estimate of �p6,000.00, Our ex p��nditure,s in this atom in 1931 were 1b3,025,94 and fur 1932 the 6 m)AthaI e. xpenditorA w s 4,28,697.66, Th 1s deduction w m,:de by the Comptroller upon hisRa —ption that the light And power rotes v�uld b. redo.. d. This s assumption may be correct, until nch time ns it be c omen e. fact we do not beli-,G that w are justified in placing n mAllor amount for th4$ service in our budget part leulArly since such reduction in rate did nat occur. It would m atting off llghts Sr. all the be ildings for eon s idernble pe curind of time or n r.durtion In light nllnwed over A longer period of timo which would be A serious disadvantage to the school children laboring under such r.nditi,a and might permanently injure their eyesight, in the It 15-H-5 - Heat we have a reduction of $2,938.00. This r::duc.tion w..s mad. at our own request. $3,OThe =tem 15-H6 plies we A suffering r —11—tion of Go. 0. This Item Supc vers janitorial cu.pli— far the .ntiro schnol system and tho 1932 figure of $;15,000.00 Ss ,'3800,00 less than it v s in 1925, Now r further decrease. of 43,000.G1 is advocated by the C—ptrollor in spite of the f—t, that we hsvo _1, new buildings and .additions to buildings since 1925. It will be. ^hsoluta 7.v inn =sable to keep the School Plant I n prnper usr.b]e rno liv,.t,s �•. c�n.l!tS�n �ftnr this $3,000,00 is de eductd frim —1i`onm. _n the Item of 15-1-1 IL1Aintenaace of Plant, 511 iris ^end ;I _,g". x :. re. suffering a deuueti�n in this item .f yi10,,o0.00 �.nd in tonneeti.,n therewith in the item of 15-i-7 Hopairs and Henewnls w ars suffering a reduction of 4,6,500,00, These two it... me considered together bocau s. one Se the salaries ^end wages of th. craftsmen and the other is the allow:. ace for the naterl ils and supplies for their use. As w s pointed out In the reonrt of the Hoaenrch Bureau covering the Sr survey i 1929 and 1930 the physical condition of thu Department of Educ At inn Plant w sdeplorable And they adv""to" At that t"'$lOC,000.00 neh year"" ear for 5 years b. Added to the mnintonanco nllownnco for the purpose of pin e Ing school buildings in proper condition. The maintenance c School Buildings has bu.n A,dly neglected for A good many years not through inclination but through n ceasity ve w s borne out by the fact that in 1924 we were allowed in the Maintenance of Plant Ito' the sum of "331 107. In the following year 1925 we were 'I 1.wed in the s e item the sum of �w80, 508. 2,. Moneys Allowed for this work have been wholly inadequate end therefore because of incl: of funds minor repoirs became ncjor repairs, In 1931 and 1932 some AddltIonnl moneys were allowed but even they were not up to the recommendation of the Municipal Research Bureau and were Inadequate to wholly caro for the situation. -10- Plu have: however, in the past two yenrs ne _, -pushed so— nee,I,d major repair.: Redeco—ting 44 School Buildings at a Total Cost of $46,057.73 Replacing adaquntod plunbing in 7 Sch.Bldge. nt a Tot"l Oust of - $ 8,608.9E ,ust'llirg Fire Encepes in 6 5ch.Bldgs., at n Total Cust of - $ 3,093.76 Labor and Nntorial in connection with Moving `F u,tr iblas nt a Total Cost of - $ 4,935.36 Rep^Ars to the Rouf at Lincoln School at ;� Total Cnst of - $ 1,271.23 Ch, nging Boat Sng Sy atom nt the Drew School nt, a Total Cyst of - $ 722.07 installing Stan Boilat the Sheridan School t er at n T,,t r1 Cnst of - $ 2,C18 .95 n face of the iafnrmntinn cited above, wo do oat bellow th, the $16,500.00 doductl en Sn this item should stand, in the Item 14.-T-.3 11e"moi^ —nec x suffering redve t n n^ 20,n0, If "nch tdnetinn i= ^nr+��,rir.ed by ncilrdinnnca, it is sufflc ien,nt; athemine, 'ho :;,320.00 shlluld �e retained. :loving P.,tillo Schools w rre suffering n reduction of ry1,000,00, Thin reduction entirely elim'_nates any coneys per this purpnsa. Due to the increased enrollments rn3 pnrti- eulnrly in the lncre need onrollments in the higher grades due to the inability of those young people to obtain enploynont inthis perind of depression, we will find it absolutely inperetivc to move same portables during the year 1933, The average cost of moving Portables is ^bout 4400.00. For needed rooms at crnwdad centore w o likely to have to use at least 2 or pose ibly 4 Portables . thin r, year, "ihis eomplvt.e the camparative nnnlya'_s between tha 1332 actual bdget and the 1933 Cumptro ller's *at imnte. This i i made for the purpose of ponting out what curtailment of service would be ncspry in order to operate on the 1933 Cumptruller's estimate IfthatBudget were adopted, saint Taut (dauncit Vareat-lear4er Assariatious ":a, the underaigned aitisene of St.Paul, having e vital intarc st .^ the we Ifare of the ohildren of this pity, and being oonvinoed that the proposed bud jet for the Da pertment of ducat ion will result in depriviuP our ohildren of their eduoat ional rights and subjecting them to hazards of health and safety entirely diepropor- tionato to the sof 1 saving. off that thoraby to the ind ivual homo owner, and baliaving that such a program will ro eult in the lowering oP standards that will ra float disgracefully upon the city oY St.Ysul, do haroby pot ition tho honorablj mcmbore of tho city council to vote euah suPf io Sant Sucroses to the Eduoatianal Budjot 9. will tainithahis proso ntr st ndard oft haeltho oducationkinderga,dand proln- vida for adaquato maintonanoo of the school plant. Ale 1pt ' 61 J u' 0 7 IL-d-W�.Ct- t4 Kz 14 L Ul.�- -tt� � . - r1 � �; �, meq• ,�:.� ,fit �:.•� ,r ..,�I, .�,��c1✓�-''1 % r U �v t ;,' �Y,'. ""' �: ,, 9IL �<r �r'� _�2, , r� s� � ;� r ,} , y �� � Y w � J�-.� � -/.� � .. �. ..:C .. i;... �. . ��; - ��, �hCt'_. �. ,; � n- �(.� r Yz , � . -r. _� 'pry. �' F � "�� :_(,1,w�, .�'- �;- i � ' r�r>>,S ,•� t ��� � � �� �� � � �� �� �� �� 4�� � taint Vaul (2ouncil o' Varent-Zearl er Associations ":e, the undersigned citizens of St .Paul, having e vital interest in the welfare of the ahil dren of this city, and being convinced that the proposed bud ,let for the Department of cduoat ion will tosulk Sn dopriviw' our children oP their eduoet Tonal tights and subject in;; them to hazards of health and safety entirely dispropor- tionate to the small --'Ings effected thereby to the indivual home owner, and bo liaving that euoh s p B will result in the lowering of standardsdt hurobylpc tition disgrao-fully upon the city of St.Paul, the honorable _Ora of the olty ooeiail to 'oto each suffioiont Snares -c to the cduoational Budjct as will �naain taIi DOpartment to standard ofthealthokinderardon oducatioin n, and pro- vido for adoqustc me intonanoo of the school plant. •C ^� l��.m .^^ 1� cofisn 9 9 41: ✓1 �„ YY ��Y�� �o�.��"i� qts ���C2r�.1 �', 0 •.�� (� L ri i _"m st ,*aint Vaul (40uncil d arent-C�eacl?er dissociations t�,. ,:n3e re igned citizens of St.2au11 havin� a vital interest in the welfare of the children of this pity. and being amivShood that the proposed bud Jet for the llepartment of education will ... uendisub J.ot i'"P our children of their edaoat i onal righ them to hazards of health and saYety entirely diapropor- tionato to the small aav Ings of feat od th.roby to the ,.a to home owner, and b.11ovihg that of s[andardsa thatawillgr_,fl.et > will ..salt in the loworing do h.reb Litton disgraoofully upon the city of St.Paul, y po the honorably mcmbera of tho city oO=oil to vote such .off talent inoroaso to the Educational Bud Jet as Wilmain- onabl^- this Department to rate the kindcrgardens , thin the present et andard of hoalth oducation, and pro- vide for adaqueto maintonanoo of the school plant. 0aintuul (duuncil d varent-C eadjer �050ciufions the undersigned oitizena of St .Paul, having ',Prop osed budiet 8 vital into re at in the we lPare of tha children o this city, and being oonv inoed that the p P for the Department of 6duoatlon will re suandi sub joct ingP our children of their educational righ them to t floot ionato toz thea emallo savingedoffeotodn thorn by 11the roly por- indivuai home owner, and believing that such a program will result in the lowering of standards that will atitloa diegraoefully upon the city of St .Paul, do o robe p euffho i�ntbinoreaecr too the h 6duoationaln Budjotves, willh enable this Do Part m^nt to retain tho klndergordeana.pinPn- tein the pro eont standard of health oduh ion, vide dor ads quato maintonenco Of the enhool plant. eoH Y Aaint vaut (40uncit a VarentZencher �tssuciatiuns th signed cit izens of St .Paul, having e vital interest in the we lYare of the children of thle city, end being -a-1i nced that the praposed bldjiet for the 1bpartment of Education will re ault in d"It' our children of their ed uoationel rights and sub• them to hazards oP health and safety ant ire 1p dispropor- tionto to the small savings effeotod thorah to hram indivuel home owner, and believing standardesthat awlllgrefloot will result in the lowering do hereby petition dlagraeo,ully upon the oity of St.Paul, the honorable members of the oity council to veto such sufficient increase to thont toe Educational Bud]ot as will main- tainithchprceois ntrstenderd ofthoalthin oeduoetionrdena•pro- vide for ads qunto me intonanao of the �hool plant. �.31 G' . (ae<,bt) �,�cu� ✓ ��^�-�- 11 >-v � ° �¢ -moi InIN�^'',� ,a,,,✓Y'-•1!t/`�'— Anint Vaul &unril d Varent-Tearl er �kosoriations '".., the undersigned citizens of St.Paul, having a vital interest in. the welfare of the children of this city, and being convinced that the proposed bud Jot for the Dopert me nt of 'd -cation will result in do privin our children of their oduoational right. and sub Jetting them to hazards of health and safety entirely disproper - tionato to the small savings effected thereby to the indivual home owner, and believing that such a program .Sill result in the lowering of standard. that will reflect disgracefully upon the city of St.Paul, do heroby petition the hon orablo mcmbere of the city council to vote .uch euffic tont increase to the Educational Bud Jet as will enable thisDepartment to retain the kindergarfahs, main- tain the Pc sent standard of health education, and pro- vide for adequato maintonenoe of the school Plant. 77/ rs c 1d ko, y�;V. 70 Zoe— e .J'y.. �""""" `�✓ �I.tc �LrF 4__.. __-:d 1' -f -LL. �WA�'t'WL-i � !1/i-� 72C���z y 33 �//-" , , " J f_j_L- ,*alnt Vaul (Souncil d Varent-Zeaclier Associations ":e, thF. undersigned oitizene of St.Paul, hev ing a vital interest in the we lfare of the children of this oily, and being convinced that the proposed bud Jot for the De pert me nt aP �duaet ion will result in doprivtu� our children of their oduaat ional rights and sub Jeet 1!16 Opor them to hazards of health and aaYety entirely diepropor- tionato to the small saving, offootod thereby to the indivuel home owner, and believing that such a program will result in the lowering of standards ra will rt ition diegrsoefully upon tho city of St.Paul, y po suYPto ithe .ntbinaroasert to thehgduaat ionalcity cil Bud J�tvae� will onablo this Department to retain the kindcrgardens, main- tain th, present at andard of health education, and pro- vide for ado Quato meintenanoc Of the school plant. 'd J_ `�. X, gain# Faul (Launch d �arent-(�eacljer �issaciatians `9a, thA undersigned citizens of St.i'aul, having a vital intercet in the welfare of the children of this city, and being oonv inced that the proposed bud Jet for the Department oP "'at ion wSll result in depriv Lig our children of their educational rights and subjeot lne them to hazards of health and safety entirely dispropor- tionate to the Small Savings effected thereby to the indivuel home owner, and believing that such a program will result in the lowering of standards that will reflect the honorably members upon ofty the ocity council to vote such suffisiont inaroaso to the Educational Bud jot as will enable this Department to retain tho kindergardens, main- tain the proaont standard of health education, and pro- vide for adoquato maintonanco of the school plant. re'. o Aaint Vaul (2Duncil d ' �aTCttt-�Pa[1�CY �SSIICIatIDi(S , the undersigned citizens of St.Yaul, having 1 a vital interest in the welfare of the children of thiscity, and being convinced that the proposed bud jot for tho Do pertinent of cduoation will result in doprivtnF our children of their educational right. and subjecting them to h.zardo of health and safety entirely dispropor- tionate to tho email savinge affO.tcd thereby to the indivusl home owner, and believing that ouch a program will result in the lowering of standards that wilt rofloct diegreoo fully upontho city of St.Paul, do hereby potition tho honorably memboreof the city council to voto such suffio ient incroaao to the Educational Budjat as will unable this Dopar tm^nt to rotain tho kinds rgardcne, main- tain the present standard of hoalth oduosti.., and pro- vide for ado quato maintenano0 of the school plant. 4�-�-- ���� � �r ���, ..-� K w-..� - �.� �i' <�,� . r,� �a�CL z< /t C �.<_ � "`t' 12� � f� � „��`���,� 2¢.� �«� �� o y � ti .� ,�, �. u_r_� cc ,� �. � ._. d ��, �o �Gz s. , � "� i - �. < < c_�t Aaint Vaul C4ouncil oe f arentZeadjer Associations t, . undersigned citizens of St.Yaul, heving a vital interest in the we of the children of this city, and being convinced that the proposed budget for the lle part _ht of Education will result in deprivtu^ our children of their oduestional rights and subjeutine them to hazards of health and safety entirely dispropor- tionato to the ama 11 eaviugs offeotod thereby to the indivuaL home owner, and be l teeing that such a program Will result in the lowering of standards that will reflect disgracefully upon tho city of St.Yaul, do horoby petition tho honorabl.3 m_mb"rs of tho pity oounoil to vote such cuff,. Lint inaroaac to the Educational Sudlct as will cnabl^ this D-partmont to retain the kindcrgardens, —in - ' sin the present standard of health duo at ion, and pro- vide q for adouato mai ntenanoo of the school plant. Go C l �.Y✓Vd-t/� ,*aint 'Paul (council .f VarentZeadjer Associations Ig,,d citizen- of ""aulld' having children r f t the welfare of the h a vital _b ­h, convinced that the proposed b -61st this city, an, -ti-- will resulti , d�plivi'�F o L�partmeht of Ed—t for th and ..bj..Iin., hildren of their sduo.tion.1 rights our u safety entirely n ti, ely disp­PIr- the. t o hazards of health and " d th by to the tions o to the small 8av "boli.vf�ntehat or.ha ple11-- indivt I he.', -wroland will lowering of standards thatwillr'lloot 'e. -It in the the y of St.2.ul.id hu T or petition di.61 h It vob� ot� such 'fully upon f tho city . -TI ao' the honorably member - he Bud;; as will .uffi o lout inerosaa t the Educational d g,ldehS, mein- ­bl, this Depart- -t t ot .l. the it tain th' present standard of health jduOa Dn,aand pro- vide for d,quato sjhtohanoo of the ..h.D1 plant. 6- 7 All8 mut/ L,2 §ai,t Vaul (4Dunc" or �ilYCtlt-(�CBCI�CY �iSSDYIH�tDTiB i ?e, th relate iRh d alf¢ien s, the thet a hil";.haling re n a of a vital w riving this oity. and being convinced that the proposed budlet for the Uapartmn nt of dduoat lcn will result in dap ti, our children of their xduoat ional rights and eubJe1 them to hazards of health and offcoted1-1Ye the reby tostheper- tionsto to the small aevings ro ram indivusl home owner, of and believing that ouch a p g,t itlon will result inuthe thweo ity of St �Pahldedat.htrobyl pr�tflnot d Segree a fully p Ble uff io ionto lnoroaa^.rt oo thChEduoational HudJDt vas^wi llh onabl^, this Depart mcnt to retain tho_ kindcrgardene, mxln- txin the present etxndard of health adnostion, and pro- vide for ado quato ma intonanoo of th sohool plant. Saint Vaul Tounril Varent-Tearher �,osuriatl0n8 ,,.9ersigned citizens of 3,-1aul, having e vital intcrc^t it t�:e welfare of the ohild ed that the Pr-P-8.4 rop oeedobud jot this n1ty, and bn ing coi;v Snein deprivi IF to and subjoo'ing for tho dies ofo nt of aducstion will ht- a diepropor- our children o4 their oduo aalth nd sef tystirely to tho tions o t oz thea smalls savings offeotodethoroby ro ram ind ivuel homo ownor, and fl t"" et standar thatawi llga; fleot will result in the lowering do horcby pot it On d SSgraoofully upon to alt of St .Paul, ct swill tho honorabl., me mba re of Lho oity oounall to vote each sufYlo i^^nt inarcaec to, tho cduoational Budj sand pro- onabl this Dcpartm^nt to retain tho kindergard ens, Plant. t sin the prevont etan andekd of ho nith oducat on, vide 4or adoq—to Widemanoo of the BahaDl p 1680 -T') � �U� ;��C64 4 �) zoo, Vi, RICHARDs GORDON SCHOOL Parent-Teacher Association FRY AND DAYTON ST PAUL, WNN. zo 7.- d" 0aint Vaut (4ounril d Varent-Zeac4er Associations Ihn undersigned citizens of St.Yaul, ha9ing e vital Lrterest in the welfare of the children of this city, and being o mi inced that the proposed bud jot Por tho ➢apartment of Bd—.tion will re cult in depriving our children of their educational rights and subjecting them to hazards of hoslth and safety entirely diapropor - tionato to the small savings offs t.d tharoby to the indiv 1 home owner, and believing that Such a program will result in the lowering of st¢ndarda that will —floot disgracefully upon tho city of St.Paul, do hereby p^ ition tho honorably membars of the oity oounoil to Vot^_ much suffio ie nt i,oraase to tho Sducatlonal Budjet as will onabl this Dc part—t to ratsin the kindcrgardeoned,p=oin- tain the present standard of hoslth eduo anon, fide far adoquato maintenanoo of tho sohool plant. t Onint Paul &unril a parent-Zeadler Aosarin iono wa, t 9e signed citizens of St .Paul, having 1, the welfare 'f the children of a vital In?^.rest this city, and being c'nv incad that the proposed budiet for tha ?la pert mo cut of Cduoet ion will result in d'prl^,::P cur children of their educational rights and subj7 ti��9 them to hazards of health and safety entirely disproper- tionato to Lha small savings off'ot od the indivual home owner, and believing that re by to the auhh a program will ra suit in tho lowering of standards d ie upon tho city of St.Paul, that will reflact do hereby po.tition greo'fully the honorablo mcmb'rs of the city council suffioiont Inoroaso to the dduoat ioaal to veto_ such Bud,jct as wilmain- ablo. tis Departm^nt to retain the kindergar en h Lain the present standard of health edua dans, at ion, and pro- v-�i,de for adoquato maintenance of the school plant.% �?^ ,*aint Vaul (Souncil A Varent-(leacher �,osociatiuns to, undersigned oitizens Of St.Paul, having a vital i...... t - the wolf are of the children of this city, and being o,,uoo, that the prop o sod bud�ot for the Department of dduoation will re cult Sn dopr iv Liv tour h hem tolhazards of healdren of their th endo afetygentirelyadbiepropor- tionato to the small savings offeotod thereby to the indivual home owner, and believing that such a program will ro cult in the lowering of atandarda that will reflect d iegr a" Pully upon the city of St .Paul, do hereby petition auffioiontb inoroaaortoo theh gducationalo Budjot vasno,11R taiil then pros 0ntr standard oft haalthood'aation,d and proin- vido for adaqunto maintonanoo of 1Ro Baho of plant, -m a,��n-ate a -z�,o� •��., , ' _ �,< tet,, mint "Paul (4ouncil d "Parent-Zenr4er Associations th'+ unjorslgned citizens of St .Paul, having a vital interest in the welfare of the children of this city, and being convinced that the proposed budjet for the Department oY gduoation wlll result In dcpriv Lig our children of their .ducat Sonat rights and subjecting them to hazards of health and safety entirely di.proper- tionato to the small saving. offeotod thsuchy to the indivua1 homy owner, and believing that such a program will result in the lowering of standards that will reflect di. gracefully upon the aity of St. Paul, do horoby petition the honorable members of the city council to vote such suff ioiont increase to the &duoaticnal Budjet as will enable this Dopartment to retain the kindergardeeRd,pmoin- tain thM present standard of health education an vide fc� adequato maint.nano of the school plant. 4, 7 '%Z,c.«.._. 7a Aaiut Maul (4ounfil d �areut-C�eacller €lssadations the undersigned oitlzens of St -Paul, having e vital interest in the welfare of the ohildren of this oity, end being oonv inc ed that the proposed bud ,]et for the Ue partmont of Muoation will result in doprivt. our children of their educational rights and euD]ect 1..;= them to hazards of health and safety entirely dispropor- tionate to the small savings ofi t.d thereby to the indivual home owner, and be Bevin. that seah a program will ro sult in the lowering of standards that will raflnot d iegraoefully upon the pity of St .Paul, do hereby petition suffle lentil the increasemzmb.r to thehEdueat SonaloSnd jetto vasewill h onable this Department to r; in the kindcrgardens, main- tain the present standard of health education, and pro- „ vidn fop doq to malnt enanoo D, tho sohool plant. vj G%IZ+Q C�`o t ���.cas 76/-U-heh.�-�e•rc��< ((/A%u-i,F,,v i'nn� a ;9 —a— faint Vnui Touncit d Varent-Zeactler dissociations " thI •.undersigned oitizone of St.Baul, having a vital int the welfare of the ohildre❑ of this city, and being convinced that the proposed budjet for the Do port— nt of Lduoation will result in depriving our children of their edu tJon al rights and subject Snr, them to hazards of health and safety entirely diepropor- tionato to the small savings oYfeotod thereby to the indivusl home owner, and bolioving that such s program will result in the lowering of standards that will reflect die gracefully upon tho oity of St.i'aul, do horoby petition the honorable mcmbora of the pity council to vote such s uff io io nt increase to the Gduoationsl Budjot as will onabl^_ this Department to retain the kindergardons, main- . teiu the prosont standard of hoalth education, end pro - vide for ado quato maintenance of the school plant. l�y12 C/ (lam %�!vZ Lr„ L • �' �✓, f Ur �ti YyW, Q 71 ,*aint Paul (4auncil of Varent-Uleacller �kssociutians "..'a, th, —3ersigned citizens of St -Paul- having a vital interest 1n tho welfare of the ahildren of this pity, and boing couv inced that the proposod bud Jet for the Do partme nt of 6dueation will result in do pr ivii our children of their educational right. and sub,j.. in;; them to hazards of hoalth and safety entirely dispropor- tionato to the ..all savings effect od theroby to the indivual homo ownor, and belioving that such a program will rosult in the lowering of atandar'd. that will refloat diagraocfully upon tM city of St.Paul, do haroby potitlok tho honorable mcmbors of tho oity oounoil to vat^ suoh suffix is at inoroase to tho Eduoations 1 Budjot as will onabloo this Department to rotain tho kindergatdons, main t.in the pr a sont standard of hoalth oduoation, and pro- vide for ad,q—t. msintonanoo of thop school plant. • �nQ. t��?-�.. Q. Jo--N-v,-.. �� l 9.' .a,t, d - 6-6'a— J/ -z, 16y, 4 �r �)WA paint Paul l4ouncil a VarentZradier Associatic'no ,% , th'.anier.igned citizens of St .Pauli having s vital inter cst lr the welfare of the ahildyan of this city, and be-1:convinced that the propod ed budjot for the Uop¢rtmo nt of Sducat-On will result in depriving our children of their educational rights and subje of ing them to hazards of health and safaty entirely tothopor- tionato to the small saving. offeotod thareby to tha ind iv0 home owner, and believing that such s program will result in the lowering of standards that will rsfloot di.graoo fully upon the city of St.Paul, do hereby pot ition the honorable members of the oity council to veto such suffioient ins roaac to the &duo ational Dudjet as will enable this Dcpartmcnt to retain the kindergardond, mroin- tain the prosont at andard of hoalth oduoation, s p vide for ad,quhto ..intonanoo of th^. school plant. �fe,,.. C v - t ,*aint Puul &uncil arent-C�earl2er 51000ciati"O th, »,,,,reigned eltiz.ne of S,.Paul, having a vital int"rest 1, the welfare of the children of this city, and being cony inoed that the proposed budjct for the Department of Eduoat ion will result in dept Sv tui our children of their ad coat ;anal rights and eub�a ct ing them to hazard, of hoalth and safety entirely diepropor- tionato tc the .mall eav ing. effected thorn by to the ind ivuel home owner, and believing standardsue thatawillgrofleot will result suit Sn the lowering do horob tition disgracefully upon tho city of St.Bflul, y s tho honorable mcmbors of tho city council to unto such suffloiont inoroas, to the Educational DudJct as will msln- onabl" this Department to retain the kindergardons,a tain the pr ... nt standard of health odu.-tiOn, snd pro- vide for adoquato msintonanoo of the school plant. 7., ,faint Vaul &Unril vE arent-C�eacher �Assoriations th, citizens of St.Yaul, having e vital interest :r the welfare of the ohildren of this City, and being convinced that the proposed bud,let for the Uepar tmont of Gducation will result in dopr iv ino our children of their educational rights and sub,jcating them to hazards of health and safety entirely dispropor- tioneto to the smell savings of feotod there by to tho indivual home owner, and bo 1ieving that such a program .111 result in the lowering of standards that will refloot disgraoefully upon tho pity of St.2aul, do hereby potition tho honorable mcmbors of the city oounoil to vet^_ such suffio to ntPino roasu to the Ed—at i anal Budjct as will cnoble this Department to retain tho kindergardens, main- tain the present standard of health oduoaticn, and pro- vldc for adoquate ma int.n.noo of the soh o of plant. nrL,..P�R 921, Anint Vnul Touncil o� nrent-C�lencller &lssuciations tht, ,: Joreigned citizens of St. Paul, having a vital interest'.,, the w,ifare of the children of thiscity, and being convinced that the proposed budjet for the De part mo n, of dduc ation will result in deprivin our children of he educational right. and subjecting them to hazards of health and safety entirely dispropor- tionate to the small savings Iff.,tod thereby to the lndivual home owner, and believing that such a program will 2ault in the lowering of at andards that will —fl-.t disgracefully upon tho city of Bt.Paul, do horeby petition the honorable memb^. r. of th1 0ty council to vote such auffio tont in"s a as to thn Educational Bad Jet as will enable this Depart m^nt to retain the IInderga r de no. main- tain the pro sent standard of health oduostion, and pro- vida for adequate mainten.noa of the school plant. ,*nint Vnul (4uunril a Vnrent-(TeacE er Aosociationo °e, the i:n3e reigned citizens of St.paul, having a vital interest in the w lfare of the children of this city. and being convinced that the proposed bud Jot for the Do Om ducat of r,duoat ion will result in doprfvL:^ our children of their educational rights and sdisprnbjOc in them to hazards of health and safety ontircly diepropor- tionata to the Small savings offectod thereby to the Indivual home owner, and believing that Such a program will result in the lowering of standard. that will r^.fleet die gr aw fully upon the city of St .Paul, do hcroby petition the honcrabl.i membor. of the city oounoil to vote each suYf is lent inereasc to the &ducat conal Bud Jet as will enable thio Departm^nt to rat ain tho kind orgardoo,pmoin- thin th, pro.ont standard of health education, and vide'for ado gLto ma intenanopc off tho School plant. 21 i saint Vaut (daunril M Varent-Tear4cr A-OciatiOns ":s, th;, •�n3ersigned citizens of st.Paul, having a vital int— rat in the welfare of the children of this city, and being ooi,inoed that the proposed budjet for the Department of 3duoation will result in depr wing our children of theireduostional rights and eubjeoting them to hazards of hoelth and safety entirely dispropor- tioneto to the smell savings effected thoroby to the indivua1 homy owner, and believing that such a program will rosult in the lowering of standards that will reflect thonorablfully mamborsof th so'on e i eoo i ty oounoilo to veto suchPatihe sufficient inorease to the Educat i anal Hudjot as will onab1- this Dopartment to rotain the kindergar dons,main- tatn the pro sent standard of health oduoation, and pro- vide for ado quota maintenanoa of tho school plant, �%'Lv � �i� o `�-�e /d. / i�a-� ..✓. .3 � � �Uk-wi.i,w�A-N S.i. C�C,ut, '�ot Anint Vaut &uncil a Parent-geaclter �tssociations 4'a, the i:nderaigned citizens of St.Yaul, having e vital intarc at 'n the welfare of the children of this city, and being convinced that the proposed bud het Por the Department of Education will result in dopr iv inp our children of their adueational rights and snb JectisG them to hazards of health and eeYety entirely dispropor- tioneto to the small eev inga of Peot,d thereby to the ind ivus1 home owner, and believing that such a program will result in the lowering of standards that will reflect dSegraocfully upon trio oily oY St.Psul, do horoby petition the honorable mombara of the city council to vote such euffio ient inoreaso to the Eduoat i,nal Bud jot es Will noble thio Dopartm^nt to retain the kindergardena, main- tain the pr,sont standard of health oduoation, and pro - .do for adoluato maintonanoo 0 tho aohool plant. �r✓e�� /)/ j�✓.. :i�.� / 9 ?J � iwuv o..a CITY OF Sr. PAUL / mac" NO...._.....Q M..C(]j/� V.�Y i' OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK TION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 29, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of grading and paving Alley in Block 9, Rolcombe's Addition from Dale Street to St. Albans St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 92457, approved May 20, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93082, approved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissionerof Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the saem are hereby approved. nWisn�y/sg..'pokYiivae �S.YYYIY hn.'b��r9C !o eoa m b e eL. a .ova p1uio hO �n ea vveove i�e� -NNS COUNCILMEN Nu Adopted by uw Cuun cil t-.. �_..),I,j- ._IBJ. - 1'von j Ye M foi)onnld �' Itanen fJ/ _AgninFt /'1�Lf�c�'w•G C-- - Mu �r 3 Wenzel Ya tz / Mr. Preuident Mahoney � 9�9159 No...._.. " SSS ...__......_. CITY OF g. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK /, •' / COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 29, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade and paving the Alley in Block 4, Bright wood Park from Snelling Avenue to Fry Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92978, approved July 7, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93805, approved September 27, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓H COUNCILMEN Adopted by lhr (;m�nril _. ". .�..�M u--193. Ytaa NaYa /My /WD—.1d 4. �d F Apo193 In favor _ rorcd___)-.. _.. _. T ,0 rnax -Agnin,t Mayor Wenzel Mr. Preaidett Muboney Na4a CITY OF Sr. PAUL No. __ .93yi6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM Sept. 29, 1932 IR -IN My RESOLVED In the matter of paving the Alley In Block 8, Plum Orchard from Fairview Avenue to Fredericka Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92984, approved July 8, 1932, and Final Order C. F- 93804, approved September 27, 1932' Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. (CII.Af I?N Yeua / Mcl)o ,slA N°y" / '✓ Trux -Agli-t Weneel Mr. President Afahoney --a' a. <a xl SEP29 AdbP�d by the <:mincil _.. 193 AIj x.d __ _ 193... � Ma➢o a. I.o�!.,b:n�,. No. 93917 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -A'ra Prt®cNrEo By --''� _ RESOLVED , Thr,,t the revised Flans and specifications for ul, addition to the Palace playground Shelter Buil dingy, as submitted Y,eree:ith prepared by tree Cit} Architect under ',.' direction of t"a Comr„issicner of Pn^'.-s, Pln ygroun,15 and Public }aaildings, be acid tY_o same are hereby approved, the some being satis- factory to the Cow:.iaaipnor of Parks, Playg­ds and public S.al'dings, and the Purchas ind Arent is horeby etl .Azad to advertise for bids t�_a,n in the wanner provided 1n ,nd by the charter. COUNC'.ILMEN Yens �te7Jnnnld NOys/J P ace �oeen In favor Truax -,MBain=t i �Neazel /M,. President Mahoney Adopted I,y the Caunril- ��I.7% � aw A{ vnl __ / / 198_ CITU OF ST. PAUL X u NO..... 03918 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` OUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM M TEo°NV o.TE._BePtember 29 1932 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, books for indigent pupils for the sum of not to exceed $624.00, without asking for competitive bide, as these books are copyrighted and no advantage can be gained in asking for competitive bids. Cherge Public Schools - Instruction Supplies 15-C-6 - COU NCILM ye.EN N.Y.e Adopted by the Council.SEP _... 9 �ny .....193...._ Penrce . .. .In favor A7,oved .193.. �IIosen ,\ / nyor Mr Preed t \fnh __..._Against We�� osel — v Oey Petition. 93919 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN "' n"' wc°raeo vcoeo..r roc end PRELIMINARY ORDER. n ,� The undereigoed hereby propones the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pell, vie.: t9.._A_ttidth_of_.66_ ft _....___92en, ttlden and exG.end�.H.attthArna.St - from_Flendrau St. to the_ east 11ne of 40t 19e _ Gerard Lne r_s Garden LO ts the...ceatex 11ne.of. said _street ts._be....the eenter 11ne of__H&wthorne._St. east.of_Wh.its _.. _....._ ..___........ .. ......_____. . .. Bea .. ..__ rAve. ------ Detedtbia._R.BSia..._Any nf.._._...S.eptember ._ _......_. 1g32.. _.�- ..... ... ... _. conn PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writb m proposol for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Op",...w1d¢n..and..axtend. Hasstl-rne S.t-.—to_a. ttl4lth._a...r6-£t .......... .. / from..Flandran._ht•.ta.. the.. cast..line_of_Ln.t.19.._.Gerardlne.!.s.Garden..Latsr the _evInt_ex._Zina...of._se1.d._Atree.t to_be._the...oanter...J.lna_..o%_Haw.thArne_.St. he east_of_White Bear _Ave, -__ -----_-- - ----- heviog been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pell therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he end is hereby ordered end directed: 1.. To iuveefigete the vO—ity for, or desirebility of, the making of mrom id impveent. y. To ivveetigete the set_, extent and eaNmated coat of mid improvement, and the toted seat thereof. 3. To furnish a pines, profile or aketeh of mid improvement 4. To erste whether or not mid improvement is inked for on the petition of three or more owoun 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing mestere to the Commimiooer of Film— Adopted by the Council.._......_.....___.. _ `��._.._.�._.....___..._.._. Yea Ners Ceuocilmev OO�ra�.v','^ M4T'2,= Approved.._...._........__...._...__..............._.._......_...... Ma Pere��!S=` onywtvav awl .. CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ...._...L-73920 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, Lot 1, Block 1, Kern's Addition to St. Paul in zoned so that a portion of said lot is in a s0' Residence District and a portion thereof in a Oommeraial District, and Zmelle J. Lehmann, the owner of said property, has appealed from the refusal of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to permit the extension of the 00mmerois1 District so as to cover the rear twenty feet of said lot; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given as required by Ordl- nence No. 5840, and the extension has been recommended by the Board of Zoning; therefore, be it RESOLUD, That the owner of said lot be and she is hereby authorised to extend the Oommercial use to the rear twenty (30) feet of said lot (now zoned in 'O" Residence District). u s yea. COUNCILMEN /1,1a,}/ � Aa.ht�,a I>. 11',co���,a Isa _�FP..?,.�_I�.__ ' Mcllonnld � ¢Yr App—,11 .199 T— _ _Agm,t W -ml Mr. Prcei&o Mahoney D CITY OF SAINT PAUL C., W of MI—W OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOV, Ciry Cl.h rnd Cemmlelonv d RryWr�en BOO September 26th, 1932. Nr. L. L. Ander-oa, Corporation Conn -el, Building. Dear Sir: The attached appeal of Bme11e T. Lehman to --tend the oosmercial zoning to include all Of Lot 1, B1Ock 1, Kerma Addition to St. Pool was referred to you today by the Council for tb- proper resolution. Yours very truly, n City Clerk. �� A P P E A L IIOARD OF Z0 N I N G September 15th 1932 Acting under ordinance IJo. SS?0 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition : September 2nd, 1932. 4/.S. i,,-, Petitioner Emelie J. Lehman Location : TheKernWest 43tion to Sot 1, Block 1, Zone "C" Residence District. Appeal "Commercial"(Ext toicoverm ercial the entirenio L)on part of Datc of Inelastic; : September 12th, 1932. Date of ii,,rinz, : September 15th, 1932. Appearanc;;s for pe ti -.ion yrs None. `�:• Appearances for Opp.ri:ion None. °',,,P• „e� " petitioner' .sg—ent •, Action of Board : As the owner is the only signature on this petition, he undoubtedly wishes to take advantage of paragraph "a" Section 20, which reads"Nhere a use district boundary line divides a lot in a single ownership, pewit a use authorized on either portion of such lot to extend to the entire lot." The East 100 ft. is now zoned commercially, leaving 20 ft. in the "C" District. The owner desires to have the commercial �zoonting extendedato cover to and GEORGE H. HERROLD rear 20 fti}$FR the Board creta ry. Louis Betz recommends that G. 0. House the appeal be Ryland Rothschild granted. V %7 Mrs. Villars jG St. Paul, Minn. 1414e--" /9,i To t: acro: a�lc. St. Paul, Minn. Gant 1--. Wo, the undersi�Ted o. two -tri rds o` tae r 1 descriptions of real eetatess ted 'it, ir 100 ft. e tae reel atef.` te ae.'ed, a and w , 5p¢so - t]e f^oat a0.autcsl eelassif ied, e petition Honorable Bodv to mange theefollo,+irg doscrite_ ropeYy' 'Al, West 43_t of Lot 1 Bloeel Ke_e Adr'.itdor. to_St._Paul t rorr __G___ __ ri:,trirt to n Cnmerciel___ni ^, tr:�t. T1is prti t: on _s made Ftrstant to Secti to 13, Crt'.irc— Fo. X14,1 (,1:ner Lot / Block Additier. /7 one ova Kere e The F.set 77 feet of Lot 1, Bloct 1, F.ern'e Additicr. to now zoned for co¢¢a^tial uee. UY I I state of Minnesota ) county of nemsey ) se being first duly sworn, deposes and ay. that he Se the person who circulated the within petition consisting Of IPage ; that the part'.. described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that th1' pe Lilo. signed by each of said awn a in the presence of Lhis a£i ian t, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and ell of the parties so de ec t'1 bed. Shbscribed andof this day f Notary Pub11c, nely C M JS (�p •�`�' My Commission expiamres CITY OF Sr. PAUL „u " NO. 9:3921 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ,,U_.Eo By I - I - RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and rejects bide received for making six (6) house drain connections on Broadway from Seventh St. to Grove 8t. and Mississippi St. from Broadway to Grove St., as bide received were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, procuring the necessary materials through the Purchasing Department, as provided by the Charter. F.H. $8875. Preliminary Order C.F. 88727. COUNCILMEN Yam N,y May McD—ld I'oaree__ _In fowr Rorer ;Tra- O '-_ Agnlmt au B -aa /ni r. President M,hon.V gyoa'BB9T —aY:B N: Wmre,— �c, pe^cwwou nine ieeolraa for msama .•..•. S -- :I .a o)vt a'dP N��a)�Ieac�O C� ev.nw �p Fu Iw FanatiE'.plpe pCfo v`mWvi'IYSE Punilld _nl r���Otln4 tiro n w rlvp{Tprov'p ,ne4um�Lo ce �r �m°vrrH f tYievCnBfur.g.;ee ��` o. �Br b. iV�vv b�'Ocn ale Sj o. 1B Adopted by the C ... 61_... _F 109_. nr �rfF SE, _.. ✓% Approved _ ..103_ � 1 , M.y- - Q September 28, 1932 T.7 THE H('NORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL Gentlement OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, The Contract Committee hereby recommends that all bide received on the following work be refected as same were in excess of the Engineer's Estimate and the work be done by Force Account: F.H. "S75t For making Bir (6) house drain connections on Broadway from Seventh street to Grove street, and Mississippi Btteet from Broadway to Grove street Respectfully submitted, APPROVED: THE CONTRACT COMMITTEE Cha an onnen u.mo m... ai6i 'Inio `Em ur'a uaE No JV:7/2 CITY OF ST. PAC weelyee M'a g�yw� D eyre- ................. /) OFFICE OF THE CIN 14eite rvaldNPlfEo;_lGb 6wa6NP PIMJI. e.- �s.'T�:-9gnns..—ul._.1 as RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contract for furnishing to the Water Department 1000 tone of Basic Aluminum Sulfate (filter alum) to the GENERAL CHEMICAL COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a price of $1.22 per cwt., In bulk, carloads, f.o.b. Water Purification Plant, or a total contract price of approximately $24,400.00, price being based on present tariff rate of freight from Chicago Heights, Illinois, to Water Purification Plant, of 230 per 100 pounds for shipment all rail and any variation in freight rates to be followed by corresponding variation in price of material shipped under this contract subsequent to the date of such variation (price does not include present freight surcharge of 20 per 100 pounds) all in accordance with apeclf loatlons of the Bureau of Water, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby lnetructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #5878 - v l C� COUNCILMEN Yeue Nets Adop[ed by the Comcil._._`_-..____'_..0,..193_.... j' � McDonald �PCnrIC _._..In favor 40, Appra.od ___ _....._193.. Roasn /� 'Truax __-_..Against wen:�iv�a}o� ea ` /air. President Mahoney rwLISFff.D mns',7 w=PRESOLUTION Pa NTEa turelaKazra 1p{,lhb tw C 1f A NeD r, A D�O� 6ep4p��f L° fitiliF' RESOLVED, T_FIE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 299.730.05 •COVERING CHEdl,�J'NUMBERED 9294 TO 9312 _IN".IVE, AS PER CHECKS Ooo PTerRe FILE E= Iv THE c=�NCOFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A� , /_ L 93923 cooN M y ao —,r—No. vwv COUNCIL Nr3eLUT10N vcoovwuo / _ w rwvon 2w� 7 AUDITED CLAIM - Sept._29, 32 «o«ew ,.�. .un.. �a n. waoae d r e w �Re e w o or, ecK. 9254_r 931 o.. c��i_. - ren cvec«« vrryr oR vE circ «cn. `f Li � `72,2 G a-c.�1GCCeu-tom- 7(kd •uv A. IN FAVOR OF cvccns 1' cvec c er e... . .aou�rrroaw,ao 70 030 15N817 841 08 • 9254 Clam Nielsen 60 00 9255 Yartln Earley 3 00'. 9256 Grant -Bushnell & co. Pub. 39 Sol 9257 Cha -lee Muret 9258 Yilton R.:en, Com. of Finance 1 988 75. H. T. Gerlsc her 55 00:, 9 60 H. T. Geriecher 107 40 9261 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Co. �q 13 27 9262 Y. A. Gedney Co. 33 81 9261 Grigge Cooper & Co. 209 21 « « 283 04 9265 Hertl Coal co. 940 67 9266 A. E. Kromeohro.der,Caehier 158 o9 9267 John W. Yc Clain 500 02 9268 C. A. Pear =on Inc. 1 50 9269 0. E. Zande1 21 00, 9270 Dr. L. R. Bol 1 00 9=71 Bethesda Hoe ital 00, 9272 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 251 5298 o6 9273 Jame: E. G1 ase 329 05. 9274 Atlas cae & oii c�. 2 959 69' 9272 « « 216 25 9277 Lew Bonn Co. 365 821 9278 Brown & Day Inc. 7 82 9279 Brown & Fenney 7 00' 9280 Julia M. Bruess 70 00' 9281 Commonwealth Electric Co. 236 28 9282 Henry J. Crepe su,Guardlao 174 241, 69 9283 Electric Blue Print Co. 60 80 9284 Joest Sng & 3ch1111ng Co. 9 80 9265 q. 'N. Koepke 18 10 9286 Lampland Lumber Co. 47 �1 9287 F. G. Leslie Paper Co. �! 4 20'. 9288 Frank Leitner 92 76, 9289 McClain & Hedman Co. 4 880 00'' 9290 Mack International Ytr. 7r k,�orp. 4 89 9291 The Yso mil lan Co. '', 304 48� 9292 Midway Chevrolet Co. 1 9293 Minnesota Yilk Co. 808 56. 9294 Minnesota 011 Refining Co, '' 145'. • 9295 National Coal Co. �'� 77 q9�g967 Northern Coal & Dock Co. J, Northern States Power Co. 9298 « « « p, 15 525 541 9299 Perfection Type Inc. 51 15 9300 Review Publishing Co. - 587 5� 9301 N. 0. RobinsonQY �- 18 10 9302 St. Paul Stamp Rorke E 10 9303 3t. Pnu1 Vocational Soho of 93o4 3t. Paul White Lead & oil Co. 56 0311 9305 Andretr Sohooh Grocery Co. 69 22 9306 G. SO�I:�— & Co. 1 029 03 9307 3tanda-d ^i1 co. 9308 Twin City Iron & Wire Co. 677 00 9309 Universal Carloading & Diet. Co. 2 14' 9310 'Warren -Given Inc. 6a 071 9311 western UNION Telgr. Co. 6F, 75'' 9312 Zinsmaster Baking Do. 1, 96 sNELrroTA�-Foaw.ao 70 031 15ip11�?"- t3 F sr a 11� i we�.x-LV✓...... CILOF IC O _ Fpl�Wq ieu.ur rY�+ti 14E IAtr f/ W�1 �e M v��I e.• MB9=3m= WHEREAS, Leon Henley, an employe of the Department of Education, was injured on May 26th, 1932, while in the course of his employment, and WHEREAS, said injury resulted in a 33 1/3 per cent permanent loss of use of the third finger on his left hand, and WHEREAS, the said Leon Henley continued at work and lost no wages, and WHEREAS, Section 4274 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927 provides that compensation shall be paid for twenty weeks for the complete loss of use of the third finger, and the Bald Leon Hanley is entitled to one-third of the said twenty weeks, or six and two- thirds weeks, and WHEREAS, said Leon Hanley was receiving$21.60 per week as wages and his compensation rate is therefore $14.40 per week, therefore be It RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said Leon Henley the sum of $96.00 out of the Workments Compensation Account of General Fund, in full settlement of his claim against the City of St. Paul, growing out of said injury on May 26th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Ye. j Nays ay McDonald favor Rosen /Truax ......_...Against Woo", ea Baa / M. lo.ident Mahoney Adopted by the C00061._...'_.._...__.1...193..__ u• Arovd �.. _.._ � ....193_.. Mayor PL>at�ltl��r--u-� oa�d,m�,oa. L1T`f OF 5T. PAUL No 9U25 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN L FORM t / � PReseR,vo BY d�C.�/T— onrE August 19, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of widening the roadway at the northeast comer of Summit Avenue and Cretin Avenue by constructing a large radius curb and paving thb widened roadway, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93319, approved August 10, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for this improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account at an estimated cost of $1,138.00 to be charged to the City's Share of Local Improve- ments, Code 31-E1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Naye May �7 McDonald Pearce Rosen Truax . {...�__Agaivet W-0 Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Co-eil...SEPI.O.193'L._.193.. ._. r Approved _. __. _...193..._. Mayor City d Bl P-1 H<W�ool of 1992 Peb11c Works INDEX BE 10N 20 SCHEDULE OF PRICES for PAVING, CURBING AND DRAINAGE Pero th Heading Page Poolc.L Ing............................................................ 1 20.02 CWuetc In Pavement Slab............................................ 1 20.09 Bor(ace............................................................. I P0.01 D 1.—............................................................ 1-2 20.06 Bever C .—tions................................................... P 20.00 mie 01a0eo0a....................................................... 2 SECTION 20 20.02 Concrete iv Pavement Slabs s�:nn 20.Od DNnage CLL r BC Paul Department or > ° Public Works 1912 SCHEDULE OF PRICES for PAVING, CURBING AND DRAINAGE Tne unit pricey in Ne [ollowing schedule ire m be Deed in determining the v lue of any addiO.". or de -1l... in the work w be done under these plane end epeciflco- Oqnn, which may be ordered in writing by the Commlae-1 of Publle Works. 7x18' Fcr curbing, a eight. without reinforcement, complete I piece, on ate tr n cer lineal foo[ ................. ... ....... .. ..... ..... comPlete in Place, Per 7z18" c rete eurbrng radme without f e^4 ,O6 hoed cfoot .... ... .. ... .... .96 Reee[ta ag curbing' per lineol foot rorcement, 8x18' c ere cu burg (atni8ht) with 9 LX % noel 1 omDletc to place, per tined foot .. Bx lfle erste cu bine (rcdiue), wdh 9"x2 X"x X" ^Rte iro ein[ormmenl, 1.5o ron r ° complete in place, Per lineal root ........ .. .... .. .... ... .... .. ... .. . ... Price inele.ee cublcmYard in I 0.60 Concrete. Clore A, per bi Yerd in place ..... .. ...................... ... .. A.60 Concrete. Clem H, Der cu r .. ........ ........ ..... Concrete, Close C, per .1d, Yard i^ Place ......... .................. ..... .. 8.00 For: laid in place, not InrludinR co - 2" eephdtic concrete pavieg veing oil asphalt, n 1.00 fowdation, per g ,i Yard ae h d laid in place, not including eon - 3' ephal paving using oil P t• f.covcrcte trete fq®dation, per square Yard .............................. 3" sheet sephalt paving using oil uphalt, laid in place, not Including con rete 1.26 foundation. Per egvare Yard.........p .1t, W .................. . 2' mphJtic concrete paving using lake asphalt, laid in place, not including can- 116 trete foundation. per square Yard .................. .......... ... 3' asphaltic eo trete paving using lake eephdt, laid in piece, n t Including 1.60 to foundation, per equvre Yerd.Itid ........ ...."1 ding covcreto tonere Joke sephalt, laid in place, not int u 3" veing 6.00 sheet sephalt Paving .... ...... ... .... foundation, per j.g Yard..... pt,dt, i. pl-, " 3X' sheet sephalt paving veing oil u..... laid .. place, not Including concrete 1.60 1.60 louvdatlop pp r square Yerd................................ ........... 3X" sheet mplmle uei�gelake ephel[, laid in glare, not including con- t 06 rete foundation, e u Yerd...................................... ., p., 9" v rtleel fibre lug brick pavin8 (laid flet) in piece, not including concrete 2 26 fmndmion, per egvere Yard......" t includinle lvunds- Cremokd black vise paving,.... in p ace, no g covers 3.d0 Dov. cer egvare Yard ......................... y -d. po paving, laid in re, oat 60 :,..ding con found.tion, per square Yer........................"' - p.ving, laid in place, not .17 .10 .20 indvdind concrete foundation, per equarc yard .......................... tan .... 0.00 A.phalt binder, laid in plus. Per ................................... For: .06 -ting ,.A.. e°ch............................. ... ... ..... ... .. ... .. .. . ... Cm[ine .•H.. each ......................... .. .. .......... ... ... .. .... .. ... 9.00 6.00 6.00 C ilg ..C•• euh....... ................ .... ...... ..... .. ... . ... .. . .. ... Casting ..D.' each .................... ..... .... .. ..... .... .. ,.E,. ..... ..... . ...... . ... .. .. . ... 4.60 Curring eacM1...... . ..... ......... Cae[ine "F•' each...... .... .. ......... ..... ........ ... ............ 8.60 7.60 c.u.g nH.. each ......................... .... .. ........ .......... .. ..... ..1., ... . ... ... ... ... Cutin each ......................... .... .... .... 9.00 3.00 ............. .. .. .. ...... ..... Caefdng ..d.. each............ .... .. ....... Slone or concrete catch beein eovere, earn ........... ..... ... .. ... ... . . ... ... 14.00 d.00 DrIDeNne, ach ... ............... ... .. .. .... ....... ... .... ... Standard No. 1 manhole complete, 12 feet Jd a LheofhStvndard 68.00 No.1mmM1ole.. Add ar deduct for each one foot enanRe h, ep to sewer, each ................ 66.00 No. 1-A arch beein, rot including connection nnert n aver, No. 2-A w h baeln, not including co i n W ee each ................ t nnect aver, N.8 -A catch heel^, oat 'ncluding co ion N ee eacM1. .. .. ... .. . .. ... 22.00 42.00 20.00 No. 4-A mteM1 burin, vol Including connection o sewer, -' ................ No. 6-A rn�an baem, not mduaing ronn"'M w sewer, eacn.. . "" P6.00_ not including connection to eewer, earh.. N. dA ro.M1 bvin, ----- No. 7-A retch burin, n ncluding co enrh...." " " '��� Ne. 8-A -1, basin, not including renneetio to sewer, a ... .. 72.00 s6.00 Hr ick =6..at ids inlets, each......... ...., ,._ . Catch omanholes rebuilt to depth of [ o (P) feet to three (9) fact.... Zoo 1d:00 C.NM1 basins or manhake rebuilt to depth of three (3) feet or ore. ... . 12" ntrifled sewer Di Pe from Bide inlet la catch h.m. per llnrsl foot.......... 11.26 12" vitrified sewer pipe from retch beein N sewer, per lineal foot .............. cutting We inmeteevrbmq,emn. ._.. ..._.... _...... ... _..._. on 1.60 d00 Cutting hole in mndetone curbrngeach....... .. ... .. . .. ... ... ............ Cutti^g hole in granite turbine. each ............ . .. ... ... ...... ...... 6.00 For. Bonne 0... late leverage or unit price bid), a" nonce grain romp Darn._..... 20.66 Beaver - connertimw Timber rk (except 1.10- header lumber) forming p of pe ant work, 60.00 MiecMoil ova dmeaeur ............ 'n lading .11 site and g el bonrl framinper 1000 felined foot..... ... re e.......... lumber, in 16 3210' header complete place, per Hobble m --y, la id in cement mortar m piece, per cubic yard ............... 6.00 26 Hrick me ty, laid in tit mgrtar In place, per cubic Yerd................ ceme or embankment) E.d work, per cubic yard (excavation " .. 60 Send flllinH. par cubic Yard .e ..- e u Hroken tone filling. cer c Lie nerd .�� "' "' '" 2.60 8idowalk It In place comPlete per equere Sidewalk rile relaid m lace comPlete• peer aqua foot........ .... foot .17 .10 .20 Monolithic concrete walk, d' Nick, pe a .......................... Steel reinforcement, complete in pl-,per Dovnd (barn) ...................... .04 SUeel reinforcement, complete in place, per pound (welded fabric l ............ .06 NOTE: All work measured by the cubic and will be e,di-W et its cubical contemn only, no ruat°mnry measurements being allowed in say core. qty of ft P.1 -,­— of 1822 P•Mk WR .H( .N 4' SCHEDULE OF PRICES FOR SEWERS IN OPEN CUT t.N"."Y,'.N, Mhr,�-."h M,, Forth which .- � re— with— drilling blt .1� ................ and bludne.0 plus and per my_i . . 9.00 Solid —k, below12—t depth (.th;rml. ... . .1—), per —k -H.. (NOTE B..ld— whose mbitW t..O.0 -ss,] one-half (%) cubic Y.H 'Ul be — .. mild rack.) 4.00 S.W. cubic ....... I ....... .. -hit ................... eon Concrete, q•m I din per cubic y. Concrete, Clem -B": 1.tl.db. —tper yard �ahjc bc : Comets,t"g ... t Ci.. "C", f.th,di f forme, P2" Timber work 1=111t _ Wt,, etc, per 1000 ft B. M. Steel �,.f_ . _M .......................... M Vvt,ified clay pipe r .. -- pi,, laid jointed f Th. caro,] market prize &H -M m the —t-1 ylve one 11) cent pm inch at di.—I d Pipe for 1-YiM drfeet............ Manhda dto (Partial excmtla), tZ .46 - -b ........ Manhole N* -1 Ml' d-lpP Manlale N. —D — d- to —.1 . --h i.." 46.00 mo ft. deep t. top �f solid (hM, , , ,I,- then depth -W ahoy. This prim m he added f,..(_ the c— may be), p i— grated for the ­h.l­ foot d.pth ......... ...... I I.... I...... 6.00 The lints,] rt far b -m -1-. fid.d- .—U... but X. pipe i, W d d_ ea .............. Catch basin No. 1-A or Na 1-B,_g., 00 K..00 CalrA bale Na. E-A or No. 2-B, each ............. Cutch b -h, N, 3-A or N.. S -D, t -h ............................. 0—h basin Na. 4-A or N.. 4-B, each ...... C3 b b. -No. S-A N.. 6 D, each ...................................... SS n:,. C.4h bale Na. G -A or No. 6-B. —h. ........ Cekh h—ft, N, 7-A or N., 7-9, atb ....... ybM Catch b— No. B -A - N.. S -B, each ......................... — .......... i.d�h, N.. 12- pipe t ­ti.. W —tim. for mtth baja 06.00 Ai. f- ...................... awn '. 1-1 c;� � lY m pip. emvectlOn mein 2-A, N' "' N. "', "m 11Z .1:7. . ..... Cwahod �i, tr ­4A�.b"b:.' —W, i.d.dit,g —...Ung. d— ..­ ett, Per .. yd ....................................................... S.. NOTE The above schedule fC— md.& backfill f —,h r excavated w,- Lion I the work, the -- . of = the utimbertimberrh, ., f eh -in ..d th ti. —1, (— be i- place)- 1e ." . p .... perform - —k. Trench width —11 ..—M 1. . two feel whl, then the I -W di—t- d pipe i. the — of Dice .—r — — -t wider then the ...idt width of the aewa i, _—W d t.—O, or brick. TM1e nch .hall be e. imated m being on of "rid width a w n above b he depth of tbs --line uftiM sewer arch, .nJ below Isle the width --d by the plane. Ithe wee of tre.cbe. mare than 12 teat dee P. the tr h ah.11 be eaaafdered ane (1) toot wider Nan it given .have fora depth eeud to itaenct.Wl depib lam twelve 112) ',t, ..d Ne remaining depth m above. The excavation for .penial etruc1turea an all be -.1d to the .-id, linea of .uch only, m um ng icel eidw and allowing eulHcient width for sheeting if ea squired. a m Excavation made in of above requirements, or extw exeevation caved by wiR nut be mea vrcd, velem mme ha. been ordered i. wntmg by the eosv..". The excavation tar tunnel. end eh.fta (not b be lined) shall be m --a to the knee d dimenalona shown ov the phone or d -b" m the acetification. hereto attaches. All work which is to be paid [or by the cubic yard, .hall be mweured [or iia acted cubical content., eo�talled .'j__ measurement.' - not be dlowed. IN SANDROCE TUNNELS Earth mwv.Han, Per cubic Yard ..................... ............... ... i Senarock exwve[lon, Per wbh, yard.......... I....... I ................. Sandroek mwer tunnel, Section A, -.Ph-,per lineal toot ................ Sandroek sewer tunnel, -M- B, mmpletn, per lured toot ... .. . Solid rock, wbkh carmot he removed without d' ..g or bleating or pl.g and feather, I cubic yard.. ... .. .. .. .. (NOTE. Soba rock m mnneh k undemWod W be rock m PI.re whoa. wbiwl contents -11"e two cubic feet) Boulder., loose rock or amble rock whose wbicd contents do not exceed two cubic feet, cer cubic Yerd .. ... .... ... ... ... ..... Rubble mmovey, cer wbtc yard ........................................ IR,kk mm.vry (.ewer b -L per cubic yard ............................ Brick maao.ry ( brick), per cable yard ............. Concrete, Gam "A", I.d.dtn8 co et of forms, per cable yard.... .. ..... Concrete, Gem "B", Including coat of forme, per wbu, yard ............... C.nerete, Cl- "C", per come Yard . ..... .. ... ... ........ Timber wok, b m left m plme, mcludrn8 nails bolt., etc, per 1000 (set B. ............ .. .. .. thi. It hole, a -men for wtcb b..m ( W be memured from bottom of begin W Wp of drift). Per feat depth ....................... ................. Wrvght Iron pipe (9 -inch) lining for dlIU boles, in phare, per foot depth.. Brick work and ohne et both- of eandrock vetch haeme, -eluding three 13) lined feet of ._1 excavated, -.pi..' nch.................... SEE NOTE ATTACHED TO PRECEDING SCHEDULE G[Y o! 6L Paul INDEX Department of I D9R P.bllc Worlu SECTION 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS r. graph Ne.ding P- 1.01 Definition .( T--- 1.02 1.02 Documents I l d d- --.1 1.03 Subheadin8s ... .... .. e 1.06 Pl.. end Sp-- ... Obmmed 2 1.06 "" du D", .... .... ....... .. .. ... ............ ... 2 1.08 Ylenir .... .. ... ... .. .. . .. ... ........... .... Y Lob Emilia, Lou Underground Structures ....... .... .. .. 2 1.09 Familia rite with Lewe ................ .. ........... '2 1.12 Irregular ...Poaele ...... .... .... .. ... .. ... ..... 1.13 Service Can -0... Pending .. .... .. .. .. .. .... .. ..... :f 1.16 G..,.ntY to A ny r'rapoml ... .... e 1.16 Opemne o(P P v .... .... 3 1.16 hl -t l s. f tliddere .... ..... 3 hall materiel Rtj- .... .. ..... 3 1.1a Right to Rel ct Pt.pm.le.. . .. .. ...... 3 1.Extrados oI Contwct....... .... .. ... .. .. .. .. . .. .... ............. .. 3 1.20. Award of C 1 , P.- l G.......... .. .. ... .. .... ..... .... ........ 3 21 Return of Proposauaranty 3 I. Fmlure W Execute Cadwct. ... ..... ... ... .. ..... 1 1.29 Subletting or Aesignine Cvtwct- .. .. ... .. .. ... ... ...... 3 1.2a S,y Feee, P.m... end Li... ... ... .. .. .. .... ............. .. 3 1.26 6tope of Wark- ................. .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... ... d 1.26 Permits end Li-.........nse..... ..... ... ... .. ... ........... .. d 1- Contract . S.pe) ......................... .. ... .... ...... 4 128 Dt-i. W lh PVy t - 0th ......... .. .... ....... 1.20 Drawings to be q.i on Wo k- 1 .80 1.80 6l -t Work Requirement. ............. .. .. .. ... .... .. ............ d 1.81 Alter W- v( Plana or Work ........... .. . .. .. ... .... ........... .... d 1.8E Extra Work�� . d 193 Uncimahfled W k .���.. .. .. .... ... ... d 1 Sa Dacia On o[ Engineer 1.86 6upervu�ov and Prosecution of Work ............. ....d-6 L86 Character of Warkmev ..d Equipment ................. ........ .. fi 1.8'! Co -oyer U.n .f Contrector.............. .. .. .... ............ .. .. 6 198 Contra<tnNe Right b Reque Ch.vgas. .. 6 1 90 Pobemg Grounds .. ... .. ... ... ..... 6 I.dO 9ani[ery Provisions ................... . .. . .. . ...... ............ .... 6 1.41 Public Convenie.ce and SdetY.... ..... .............. ... 6 1.42 Harricadea and Danger Signe......... .. .. ... .... ..... .. .... ..... .. 6 1.48 Preservation d Pr D.... err ............. .. .... ............ ... 6 1.44 C-tt. ib't for Damage ........ .. .. .. .. .. .. ..... .......... .... fi 1.46 Contractor's Reaponai bbl for Wark..... .. .. ... .. ............ f NFieStructures of Public Utilities..... .. . .. ..... .. ..... 6 1.d] of materiels ................. ........................ 6 lade Li- Line and Grade Stake. ............... .. .. .. .. . .. .... ............. ... o L. U.authorixed Wark ....... .... .. ... ... .......... ...... ... R L60 AvtM1oriry fI-p and Dut�ee of Inep rs .. ..... .... .. W I bl Iseppettion of match.. end Work 7 1.62 Delettive Materiels and Work ......... . . .. .. .. .... .... .. .......... 1.69 Cancellation of Con tract ..................... ....... .......... .... 1 1.66 Time ofComPl.n.................... .. ... .. .. .... ............ .... P 1.66 Ezknaion o[ Time .................... .. . .. .. ... ................ .. x HN1.66 CEnlw[imaninetee UP. ........................... .. .. .. ... ..... .. .... ..... .. P ............................ .. .. .. .. ............... .... P t 60 Guarantee .. .. .. .... ........... .. .. . .. .... ........... ...... 9 I.81 Re.eire Under Guarantee .............. .. . .. . .. ..... ............. 0 L82 Guarantee Hand ..................... .. .. . .. . ..... ......... B i64Remrve ............................. ... . .. .. .. .... ... .............. 9 .Bd Wage Seale Ordinance .................... .. .. .. .............. .10-11-12 City of SL Pad Department of 1932 Public Worlu GENERAL SPECIFICA'T'IONS HHCI'ION 1 'oV^ .n 'ne full.- n ne plac of halo ^ e .edej ^ve M1(.Ilowa. 1.01 Ecu or the con ret ttM1eir and mea ,n eM1nll be Degeitlop t•'City"—The City tot SL Pvul, htlnne..tn, es re anted by im p Per mlM1oritiee. .t area T.— "CounCity of SL Paul, hfi....- "Comm. ....... f Public Works of the City at SL Paul, hlinveea "Engineer"—TM1c Chiuf Engineer of the Dtp.1tho C-11111111 0' aCl et directly or through en engineer ddy auth.rizeJ by o E�gine r uc` eng ne e g wnh,n the coped the Vmucula< donee v iened to I.. or the au boritY give^<h"^ a "Impcector"—An aulM1orizeJ re Vresentative of the Engine. m ed make en or dl n y �mptttions .f the work performed end ma rials furnished by the con VeGomrptr^Iter"—TM1c Comptroller o[ the City of SL Peul, klivneaoty. "Purchadng Agent"—The Purchming Agent of the City^( the city o(1 St. ePml, "Municipal Testing Lab.t.—, —The Tenting Laboratory minne..ta. "Bidder"—Any inh—Ovl, flr'hr.uglr eo dulyneuthori:edg ep%aeno.`I1Yfear the work eantemplaled, acting dvectly "Contractor"—Party of the accord par[ to the --i, -Ung direcey of th... gh hie ogee. or employees. "Swot `"—Guarantor for the Contractor, who, witM1 Ne con hat th;. n4nctor will known m the bond .r LonJn itti tee'me [ (Wly comply with the pima, apecifimuon avd tont—­.—The approved prepared form .n which the Bidder submits lis propoad tar the work contemplated. "Proposvl Guaranty"—TM1c security designated in the pr�Pe eel [o be fmniahed by Ne BiJJer as n gunr.nty d goof faith to enter into Ne cin et with good end m01- men[ band if the work is awarded to bin. TI ,—All drvwinga or reproduction of drawings, Pertaining to Ne construction .f the improvement end 't. appurtenances. "Specifl<atio —The directions, p v�mons and equiremenln contained herein, gather w,1M1 all written vgreemenm my heogaen[i[i �ade,dPetdi[iee f uteri leodo be r ^( pertormmg tM1e work, o [. [ .n qu o ma t (urn shed under tM1e rontrvct. "Specific Contract"—TM1c agreements coverin the performance of the work nod the furnishing .I m rials �n M1e enetru tion o! the t.mprovemen[, end e11 eupple- thenpl kgreemenls -'hien reason bintanu, d be dreagcu�red blec.mnlele the ronewcti.n of "Canlr.ct Band" -Tie approved form ^fnaecurirty furnishvdnby the Contractor end his Surety ea n Ruarmty of Rood frith o the pe of the Contractor to execute the work to .ccordance with [M1e terms of [he Conlmct. It .h—ld be undo d—d th.... SIly by .11 concerned that dl thin mi ed here qe can n 1'02 ' M1e final order' ndvc sae e [ f r pruNmele a publ cad i h raMrinl '.t Dindvdd Inetrvetiaoe to bid�lere;' �nwnrte n d axe ti[ .f ml t, nRn n iv "the prop -1 made by the bidder an the. form p ovidedflm[lonn.(r"dl draw nR+ ^m Gmeral is 1-d;' " mndnrJ, ap clot ^r --flame `tory apeC;efandnrds for n etdt e Cos(r.d plena or profiles M1ereto ettncheJ rein R here[o;'r < ' 4 , ew n, drvinaRe and curbing;• "s<hedale of p for ln�Re un � i ea well as<anY Pmcre atmeM1eJ to or b—dd w,t' a Y of flee aboave, 1°tf tM1oeen 3[ocifics piemenlal greemenm made ot4o le de, a hcre•.n �pvt T;tianlwent Ti make end Contrail, end e n be c.n.idered o tM1em a Dlenelory ane nl the other. Nn P ne<eched to or bound ith o Y of the above ah.11 be demched tM1ere[rnm ss ell era a .eon part thereof. 3ubheadi_ printed in the.. Speciflcn[im. a 'tended for to refer - 1'02 and andl not Le considered ae hav,nit any bear ng an the interpretation [M1ereo(. Subhe.dinRe encs P and .pecifit.d— for the improvement ma be en in the afilce of the 1.04 Puzehmieg Agent or in the oMce of Commuvimer o[ Public Works. Additional capim Plem avd o[ the plane avd apeciflmtione may be obtained from the Commiaei.ner oI Public Werke 9peciBmHee. Obtained //p� ,/ dbib_it d_�<!/ee____ _1uV___Dollare ae 8v ty far return of pbm. Upon return of the lana within tbo (2) week. from theadste "bid. are opened, ne-hilt of the amount deposited will be returned. T'he entire deposit for the pieta will be forfeited if _ plena are vo[ returned within the specified Ume. Fram..—[ion .L the site of the proposed impr.vomen[, the plane end spmifl- 1.06 c Bove for the imp a tad/ iI from other eomece, the c.nu.<ror anon aearmine the quet,Wt. of P.boramm retial, vola end quip en necmeary to amplete fully the said - prave.bnt In emrdevice with [he pi. and teDa.—tiove: and M1e Sall base QmnliUee hu bid .poo each determination. it is —ally agreed that the planimeter dell be considered m un Imtrumevt of L00 Precision adopted Lor the .emme.ent of vregular arena for estimating qumtitbs and cm be eo used m thle -- Pladmeter 1.07 The bidder badl ezemive to his satiafactian the site of the pr o work and .hall ily Fp , .abet- himself m to Lhe qW t1b m of work w be done, mvlhade to be mad etd dl of [he conditions pertaining to the work. WiH Witb PW t'k� Th. City dobe voL gummtee that the location size condition of underground 1.Og u u h u eewere, water .eine, electric mbfee, a.�edra, ar nnabrgr.ma e[rvc- utility compemee here shown o the plm, arc ev pre mately Undergroavd eatof public ecvrete. The City will not relieve the contractor of any expense involved should —d 1-.u-. be other Nan are shown by the plana, or should the lumbo.. of each under- Btrgclvrm aro und etruRwee vet be ehowv by the Piave The Bidder us.— W nava .ode him.df f.miliar with all Smte [awe ane 1.09 City Ordinances anRegulnliom which In my ..mar affect floe¢ engaged or employed m tho work, or the init—i.le yr eIq reed In or upon the improvement, or to any F.Vlib ity Witt wa rvnit.t XVthe conduct of the morka d no plea of mbunderatending will be -biddered [ t the r8n nca hereof. The pt—i.i m of the Charter at the City of SL I..we, Btc. Paulcand of the atdinancee of mid City a plimble thereto an deemed b ba a part of these epecifimtlom end the cmtrector will be bond by tM1e provision thereof. Special attantim le directed to the terms t City Ordivence No. 6809, p roved December 29, 1921, being an aHi—te providing6 the[ the employee .the work shall ba r.idb.. of the City of 6L Peal; also City Ordinance No. 6120, approved lvly 16, IB1�, being en ordimnee p oviding that eight (g) hovre elan ca.etilute a Soyy work Pml; deo No. 8986 t.y work done by the City of S[. end eppmded wage ordinance November 1, 1826. Attention Ie ale. -Sled 1. City OWfnmce covering blast - 'ppreved d per.,t therefor. The Hmd required W be ported under City Ordimnce No. 7386 ie I. addition to the ordinary contract band. If the Hidden ar Contractor ehW discover any provision. in the pieta, epecifica ---which ie contrary to or inc vi tent with ., uch — ordmanm or regabtiov, he ibW forthwith report it to the Engineer in sting. Upon application the bidder will be fvrni.bed with the following by the Pit thaeine 1.10 Agan[: Bl— proposal Corm, Information m to timq date end place that bid moat be Pled; the amount if guarantee In the form of a certified cheek that must accompany hid; band requlremenb that the eacceea[vl bidder must comply with; end any and all Conlevb of Prepaml Forme other information pertaining to the making of a bid for the work m well as the fled contract that the Butt—f I biddor must enter Into. All bide ehdl be meds ov the propaeal form fumiehed by the Parcheaing Aeent— unleea otherwise stated In "edvertoaemevt" Tho Bidder ahem sign fib propoe.1 correctly. If the P -P-1 ie made by m h divid- 1.11 1, de name etd poet oBice add— eh.11 bb given. If made by a firm or pp riner.hip, the firm l 1» Blgv.taree the name and Po t office addrena of mel ember of or P.rtrmrehIS -b- clown. If made sby a corporation, it shdl be .i ed by the proper aMciel ho b ov Pmpaeale low the name of the State under the law of which the Corporation wee chartered and the names. titles end bvninem addrcmes o[ the President, Secretary and Tremurer. and deo the addraee of the Corporation. All bide from C.,.-ti...shell bear the dflcid bbd of the Carporatian. Prepoeale may be rejected If they show any omieaion, d[eration of form, addition. I - bb, coped far, conditiond or titer b bide, or irregulatitiee of any kind which may Irregular tend W ..it. the p.... W indefinite or ambiguous ae . Ila meeting. P —b City of fit. Paul D<pertment of 1932 Pabih, Works GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 1 \VM1en the following to ma, ne n place of them, 1'.' used, in Ue npnci ].Ol fico inn or ,n the con me ,the, ,n en enJ mann. shell be ,n erpretul %+ fo6owe. pe6el.o° t"Gily"—The CIIY tot 94 Ynul, Minneaob, ae represented by b proper euthor�t,ee. of Twma "Council"—Coumil of City o[ Sl. Paul, Minneaou. "Commiaeionar"—Commimioner of Public Works II the City of SL Peul, Minnesota. "Engineer'"—TM1e Chief Engineer of the Depeftmevt of Public Work', Lin direcuv or through v ter ddy authorized LY the Comntue�oner o the aC-f Engineer, such en 'mnereecelin8 with. be .cope of the p .calor duties ,..eyed 4 him or the w".,it en him. e` make "1mPec a enletive armed anIb-i tma4rl.e Tu iehJ 69 the r dl n cry ,Asyect ona1Lo( therwork per[o <ontroC mrpptrollThe Comptroller of the City of 9L Peul, Minneaotn. Minneeob. "Purches[n Agent"--TM1e Purchming Agent of he Ci[y L 9I. hal. f St Pml, "M-icipal Testing LboreturY"—The Testing Leto -1y of be City o Minnnmb. "Bidder'—Any itJiviJud, firm or corporet,I. eubmittmg a pnropo 1 Lor the work con .pleb., acting directly ar through a duly auNorized rept ten ve. �'Contrador'"—PnrtY of ten second pat In the t—tt .tune directly yr through hie ngnnb or employees. "Sinai `"—Guerentor for the Cont--, who, withthe coutrecbr, signs an iwtry known Is the band or bo^da gueranbeing that [ho Contractor will fully enmply _ the plane, ­ti-1—and contract "rropwd F- --approved prepared farm o^ which the Bidder —.ib hie Proposal fot tho ..,it covtempletod. "Propoml Guarlvty'—Tho eecurily deeigneted in the proposal 4 be turnieby the H�ddnr w e guvrnn[y of Hood faith 4 enter into the rontract with good endhed eu men[ bond if the —k ie awarded 4 M1im. "Plm —AII drowi^ga or reproduction of Jrnwings, pt"'b"ng 4 the cowtruction of Ne imp,ovemu^t end its eppurtenancee. "9peciflcetions"—The directions, p-.jend r','ptt enb ­—ined herein, together wi th ell written viten vb mode or toebe made, perbining 4 be method end r o[ performing the work, or to the qumtitie. end qu.itiee of mabrinle to be fur. shed under the contras[. "Specific Con[rmt"—The aRreementa covering the performance of the work and the furniahi,g of . h< construm�on o! he improvement, end ell m h, nbl egreemenb wbich temonnbly could be reQc fired to comnleb the construction of the work ., m ement inn .--Inc., and cepbble inn net. "Cantwct Bond"—The npproJefolth on f he IRYdnthe Ca by th r Connecter t hie SureId ty I. Ruarentr f terms of III Contract I l pa to execute the work in accorJence with the It ehnuld be understood IhI,n hly by ell <mrern<d that Ill 'hinge bdined 6.11- 1.01 "the fleet order." 'advertisement for propoenle m Published beco�cinl Pepe,. Dommmb taction' to bidder,," '• words 1'den<utlon f conn. 'Ren el Iv<laded "that Proposal mode by theH-1o^ thlemenmiaryovideJ." "epeciflo eo^lrn<4'Qt'�n - 'e bend;' " ander., ep emflicne[iona" 'all drnwinga �m Gmenl ��ane or profiles M1nretn a lacM1ed reletinR hereto" "n dvrde Int 'tree[ nn 1 s Covtreet n, drninnge n dl curbing" "eeh dine of Prices for chanFo in Swett. acorns well tmceny pepera clinched [n nr bound with ^ of the abeve, v1 ny end ell elementaI ngreemen[e ode n rye bn It. ',core herein mnda I pert a[ IM1eee 9pecilice Ihand Connect ondf lhetotM1er co No ne sere attached tv os boundnweith Inny of the m < plwnmrr Ip ^«aunt tear'gf. above ehll be deo d therefrom e. ell er e Y pert 1.09 9ubM1cedinga `rioted in these Sp "'tonne beer ItIde Tari eo rprebtlon IherfepI 8ubheadinge enc, end eh.i ^o be considered oe having anY I me t Pl.w and .v«ifi<eunw mr the imPrnv<mmt n. r h men 4 the o®'a of the I." Pm.rming Agent or in the atHce of Commueivner o[ Public Warks. Additiavd copies of Lha plana and spec. -it... mar be obbin<d from the C...—..r of Public Works 9peeigwQow Plow and Obbbed /, 'I deposit of_T[!/!°e__...--._♦/�.{[.--Doll.. va gu my for atom o! plain. Upon 'tarn of t e lane with. tqO (E) weeks from thI dab the bide are opened, ne-hdf of the amount deposited wW h ret—d. The wire de for the plena win 4v.[ ba forfeited if the plane are not retained witbin .. specified 'me. From eremiwtio^ of the tib of Ne proposed improvement, the plane and eDecifi- 1.06 ns Lor the improve ev4 evdlor from other wmeee, the Contnetor a tel-d=u"y `nhe Qwntitiw that qv nti4ee of I bortmateriel, bole end equipment neceeavey Lo co dphe shall bete mid improvement in cur —I with the platy and epemfiwtione; en hu bid upon such debrmkmtioI It ie mutually agreed [hat the planimebr ehdl be considered w e^ i—.— of precision adopted for the measurement If vreguler areae [or ee[imating qumlitim wd IM PlevI .e cw be eo used in this covtmct 1.07 The bMder shall ezamine 4 hi. ealiabk the Bite of the Pr o d work and li LLy FP . II a eetidy FimeeE w 4 the q. th. ee If work b be done, methods [ be used end dl o[ [be covditione perbivivg 4 the work. With With Prvpw°d W k The City doe. vol guvwtm that the locution a ze candib" of underground e[rvc[urm each m seweb, wabr mains, electric wb�ee, <onduib, or underground etruc� o[ public utlLty eampanien here shown o bo plan, are ev pp m tmately tures The City wJl not relieve the contractor of any erpene. involved ebould actual 1.06 Underground 9trvclgrm loceuo a be other than are eb— by the Plane, or should the lom[ione of sueb ander- ¢,od .rvc— not be shown by the playa un The Bidder ie .....Id 4 have I himself bmilmr with .l 544 —. and 1.09 City Ordinavicee end Hegubtiaw which in eIy.weer affect those engaged or employed in the work, ar the mat_ Id or equipment mad I.or upon Ih Improvement, or an any Familbrity WIN ora e—t - conduct of the work and no plea of muunderebnding w I be cowidered t f the Ig ce thereof. The pt-m.ne of the Chwbr of the City of SL Igo— Wwe, E4. Pevlcmd of the I, of mid City applicable thereto are deemed to be a pert of these epecifi"b— and the covtt— will h bound by the ptovielom thereof. pp bil t1B2'l,ohingdan Dec mbera23, ordiwnbaprovidh,tql '.tylhII.playee on thea- ehH be resident of the City of St Pevl; deo City Ord'mavee No. 6120, approved July 16, 1919, being an ordivenee pp,avidin88 that eight 161 hours ehml mwth— a deY a I, my work done by the C'[y of 9t. Paul; end .no appended -g'.' rdinance No. BB96 epprvved November 1, 1926. Atbntiov le elw wiled 4 City Omnce coverin�Rt bleat- . permit therefor. Tha Hond ,agave. 4 be ported under City Ordi— Igo. '1396 ie Iv eddi.. to the ordinary contract band. If the Bidder or Contractor eh. It* ...r my provWone Iv the piano, apeeifleI tht-cantrec{{ hich ie contrary 4 or inco^eleb^t with evy each law, ordinanb or reguleum, he eAaU forthwith report it 4 the Engiveer in writing. Upon applitntion the badder will It, tamiehed with the following by the Pwchwing 1.10 Agent: Hlenk propos. form. intormvtion w 4 time, date and place Net bid moat be bide band requlremenG theL([M1ei evcmIt biddertenrtifl d th; k that must wmmpeny d 11 two (:uvbeb of Propaeel Forma other in[armaLion pertdata8 to the making of n bid for thepwork we 1 en the find --tt that the --fol bidden must evbr tab. All bide shell be made o^ the propos4 form furnished by the Porchming Ali,— ..I..otherwise —d in "adverueemevt" The Bidder ehnB sten hie propwnl mm<Iy. If the pt.N..I ie made by m Ivdivid- 1, hie name wd poet office address .hell be given. if made by a firm or D rbT P, 1.11 9lgvetnree the name and ppo office add— of each member of the firm or partnership shell h it be by the m Pw b, chow^. If ..Tech, a corporation, shall signed proper oMti.1 who eh.11 how the name of the 94te under the few of wbich the Corp.--. was ehvrtered and III nomas, titles end bvainwe add— of the Preside^t, Semebry end Trewurer, end deo the Ad— of be C—.-6... All bide from Corpobtione ehdI bear the oi6ci. ted of the Cmporauvn. Propwale may be rejected If they chow any—1.1... .[.raIII. of faun, eddlti— 1.12 II, called for, enndltiowl or .temate blde, or irreguleritiea of any kind whkb may Ir 1- bnd 4 make Lha propos. indefinite or emblgvova ae . 14 meaning. Prnpamle Lld vies '1'h to uv of L+JJera n pre 1• calla) [ lL¢ for that they re b., r x n w¢ porJdrg (bathe mukin of s cLeforeu The Con c 'Fell du oil of the ark p vided for n thu n r [enJ [Fe 1.25 rplem J 'fire n re vd'obsl nal ' fro wi - the li. u! & er y Eo t 1, a.1d.1 k be f e Conntt P—W. by ueh Y L: unJ+ng thu CutueicJ. Th. ve vi rn uu ct +a +a n of bs mode Lu[ [heneiderMvnecemnry theom and h.11 ..I a and i cede tvl w a Y to comslew the improvement a,eardingnw plan. endr epe:iflc:[lune Work avid mins da t h .... hull n sill+all n nr ronncc wns ova ern Imtl thezCvvncti hes d._l d th., they shall nulzM In.... euL w i 1 enJ a zeY[ ble Ile shall furn+nM1, alberw ¢ pro. dad n u I ss +e n 01 "S� W Pbo wns oL lF p p el enJ i. th. .ntrael,nvIt imple --, machin 1.16 Guaranty to or No proposal wiD be considered onium nccem sled by n proposal g Brunt of els, materiel _ IaLar neca u Y the Dr ev lwu f th ark e , e en , r 1 Accompany Propoml the ch¢racwr enJ amount ivJi'.- in the PreVamlaform, made pay.blu wvlhe C+[y of SL P.W. Mivn. The Contactor shell p all arm end licensee, pa all chargee ..d lees, i'v.l. end end give all notices neceemry and incident+W the due enJ lawful proawution of work. Wwmm 1.15 Pr�Pos.le will Le n J pnblicl and reed o the J the d t the The rel hnr end details of - ark b Jun shown n th 1.22 v g sell Opera of 1'rop.aele ant fu Pru a¢Is" ":io Cut a denignateJ plus n said "Ad_i City o[ 64 PnuL Ridder: or them etth.,— v ¢ra +n, tad w b. praeen draw Jrex J by the prayer city olhcie1. , b .1- official C-= mvrke of idantifieet+o¢ nod omidd dry re rl o! tM1eee a ecifteet+ane. Drawivge 1.16 Any or all P +sols will b¢ r¢ clad if Ih,-,, a on for believing thv '`ollusi.J Ilueion, e It ie the intent of the contract drewgnga w show all the work which i w be done 1.56 .Nese Disquab6cetion of Diddtta ex'm4a vmong lM1enuidtlera xnJ wl nnJ ¢11 cipun[n in each c p Iwyond remu-it.w JuuL4 wiD net Lu considered rn+feture Propun` In for the came work I sale + which D,I uuslY re unLdvnent w+ll Ler c M. No untr et will onwvrdedne.. under thio contract end the work shall be c.nstrvcled in ccordnnce with drew- Dnwinge to n e, but the wntact drawings ivy be supplemented or added w from ti w me by Supplement dit it d works dra .the function o! which shall Le [. xPlein or mekelcle.rer Contract e m Lo P' o re pone.11, LiJdera. the Liddrr .hi,i f il—h ram111— sesta- [he wntrncl dr wing..+nR Dnwinge —t of hu cons x niwso v I+n[ of his masm voila hl ;o c thrtPro Deeed k, vndeW en . ore to ho i hie 11 a ++malas ane, er+d II blit e, c had bye Public Acc un aif s¢ nteJnby thn Cm + The shell k p of the dra and thea epecifl sties ood I.R order eile[r oaf the ors I table Pl.c ted fro alhrr wAer ghat' Drs and n ant's 1.12 Refore any <on[ruc[ is vwvrdeJ, the bidder may be require) to tualeh . c plate mea Lenc mualleJ s draired, chungea in nma[ru+tion ur design. additions nr 9peci0rellone Materiel e'slemen[ of fFe origin` composition and mvnu(acturu of any .r .11 mewrivle to be orad be ani alone .hall Le clearly noted there.., o be Kept ov Bite of Work 8emplw n the c.nslructrun of he im t Wgether —1, enm Plea, which ample. may eubj tN to whatever trate ore q red to Jetermme their quality end fltnem !ur the re u Shvvid a c.nst .n or canditio —,h no red by the tandvrd a 611 —,b%�dp—d o +ty Proposed work,' i.l tP ' for u h o k will be 1.20 ltFe reperificatiuns w k. 1AteJ r vt ,hM to Drnyaeel term nr ne these vnd 'hall be can- Special Work 18 U Right to Relttl The Council re s the right to telae n r cit p o avis vnd w wave defects cit aidered a sort of [hese epreifimw.ns the a ems e' though wntvineJ fully herein. Should Regmremevta —d Propwele or technicalities, ve m.y Jecm beet fur the - er n s of the City. Y eh a ecivl Pr.v+e+ require n e conflict with thea¢ sla epecifl¢atione the-,spvinl Provisions"nah.11 govern.m 1.19 Thee eevtulsbidder will M req irvJ w ontrnct wiN [he City1for thecdomwg o1 the work furnishing that m.terinl here n proposed, v d shell = TM1e Engineer the ht w or 1.21 Exttvtiov of xe tee bond thin ten (10) d.y. Iter being nolifleJ by Lhe Curpsration Cou_..I band for WFun the cot ct end band m = S reae a ri make each reeeo-Ilh, chengea, edditi— ded—ions in the pions and a eciHwtionv m v M nemmnryy t meet ezigen,iee of Altereti.. of the };ngineer, Plem Contract lh.t the wntr t vnd ere .dy execution. e ted the foremid biJJer'e check evbmitted with the prop..! will be returned w rticuler ni t a hen, in opinion of the mcF ehnngee ore neces'ery or nn desi,able.tu1. which case .r caeee, it such Ch -5 en it an vddib— eapeme upon CheraMer of the bidder. The contract shell not be co..+d... J ne a eculed until it hm been s+gnM by the Comptroller ..d a copy of the contact delivered w the Contractor. lhr w m n allowance w II be made therefor, red if such rhvnRe o cMngee Work r,dure�lM1ece int of work, labor o tial which oth¢rwim would ben .mry ¢price. The Council ekes the award o! all co trvcle. The word of [he wnlract w the der the con roc wrre ponding deduction ill be made from the contract 1'he ollow.ncet.r deduction in ether coat shall be determined by the Commi.sionv of Alward lowest bidder hall vol M deemed a rejttlion of the .the bide unlwa end until thea hoe Mf delivered retract end bon). Inecthe 1.1 it W..ks and M1ia determination thereon shall be final. Su -h determinn[ion shell, of Conta,t ere fol bidder -d end contrivcte red refusei of Ne bidder, who hes been nwnrdM the wntrect, to zrwvrd the con coat to tW. the City e[ its opti.n n t h.wev.r, na fm ¢a pr clic ble be Lased upon the ..it pr gin n in the schedule of p es fur the name oraeimil.t work in tM1eee sprc —twna �reNn ellow.nee will be mode Mad within fdw time pp may pother bidder. A nntl¢e by melt by the Corporation C,.unsel tn`lFe Contractor's eddreas !ocean .ted profits. n file ae.I will be a mfficient notice under these epreiflwti.n' that the '1'Fer Contr.,tor, when expressly --ized in writing by - Engineer, atoll1,—112 _—t r nad and Mnd .re ready for exrc -n. n tb extra work vnd fe —h uch extra materiel m m.y he deemed sere s ryrypfor Ez1re 1.21 All "Proposal Guaranties" a cep/ lh.l .t the .ur..m,I l bidder will be [urn d the proper execution of the work. S.cb extra work'hull be. done h, o..-.nreswilh the I`— done in Return of Prvpwal romptly following the awvM .nil making of the rontne4 When the award i deterrM I- a period of time longer then flue (6) Jaya .(ter he opening of [he p nvl', ell r�5hould 4 specificvtiana therefor, end where nal apemfied the work obeli be the beet end moa o km.nlika manner. Nn claim (or axis labor or mawrial will be .flowed by the C.uncil vnlws the wet Gaerenly knmran[i¢e e mpt thorn of the three (3) Inwes[ bidders w'll be returned. all papomle beireJretM all guar.n[les will be returned. thereof h.s been tally nMrc upon by the Commlasi.ner and . me om.d.m of acid e Fm bre. filed with Ne Comptroller .f the Cil, a( 54 Paul. Minnesota, and 11S Failure to —Ply with any of the re f these epeeifleatmn [hc rtpuin- p y wi qu+rementa o rountmen[ signed by him pr+nr w the fvmiahing ret such extra labor ar m.tenal. Fellers to Execute men of submitting bide end the Lerma of the rantrif ea -P 7tte .hell , jp't ceuee far [he anvulmenl .f Ne award, or ret the c.ntrv¢t if exreu[M, end it Is unJeah.t by All nrk called for bd the speciflw[ions, but net shown on [M1e Inn., or shown 112 Contract the bidder, m the even[ (the v nvlmenl of the .wa d, r of the con art that the ret of thr Ruerenty depaeiteJ�with the propoml shall be retained andrp... cmed by n the Plans end n [wile tar by the apttiflwtians,,Fall M considered vs p— of the Dn,lemifled v Improvement covered by the w lr r Any work n herein pec+fiM or ea11M far Work the City m liquidvted d¢mngea. a fimlly nn the plans, but which o, fairly M i_hM or u.deato.d w be included n he in pr meat atoll be ao included by the ¢.nt ..W, without extra eh.rme. Any 1.52 The Contactor s/..II net subie4 sell, tanafer, a IRs, or o[hurwise diepoee of the (� ouch req irement nh.11 be edj.-d by .—g the beet claee of work and/or eterwla. Snhlelli.K or ' of taConlretl centrad or any portion lh¢rwf, nr of the work Pr.vidM for therein, or of hie right, title ori tercet [herein w any person, firm or carporet+nn, without the written concent of it isueRrwd, in .Mer to prevent dispute. vnd litigation, that the E.Rinrer shell In 1.21 [he Commissioner. Y- all c make ell the i erprew lona of the piens red spwiftw[ions, determine the Derision or amity, .ndt e...ptabilky al the work end materiel, which are to M paid It"Rin¢er I.2d If he -n—It av or the Contacts deeiree the a f y design, device, fnrs-1- tF cantrn t, and render all d-m.ns relative to the competency of the work Filul Patent Flea Iwyal0w vl, pp veered b`lett— p.tent nr copyrpght, h. shall Orovt& for each m by eu lobi, gel ce r m sv+th the Pnwnlee nr . nrr and a copy of this tt- le filed en w perform the w.rk nllottr�l t. 0— .red such in[erpremtwna, delerm+nntians, end deciniona obeli be accepted by lM Contractor m fivnl and binding. end Idwnaee e t shell be filed with the C.mmimI'll r. If no such greement made m otM, the Contrvct.r and the Surety .hull indemnify and .eve batiks. the City from TTe rxrcution .! the. work will be under hr cannel Pp n .t the Engineer. 115 any and all claims for infringement by mina of the ae of .ray ouch patented deMl IRh[ in with the w.rk TM1e F.n I{in rr cony from time t. time, direct the .Mer in whkhe end the P,mt, et which 9vwnieio. the work .Fall hr carried on, enJ cony exercise such Renervl over [he conduM of end mg, material or pr.ce,e, .r any trade murk or cop connection to be under the contrvr4 end �halll tndemni[y the Ci[y for any recta. b, 'IM, the. work n. shell I+r regnircd +n Fis opini.n to anfeRu. the inlermtCity, Rut Prmenliov greed per(ormM end demeRrn which it= be obliged w OVY. by reason o[ any each infringe n.thl-R herein sltvll be taken to he nr to eu[M1nrize such . taking of control .f the work .f the +y th, City ns 1e rrlirvr. the C.ntrvctm of vny of hie obhg.tion. or livbilitiee under Work meat, et any time during the pm'ervtion or eflrr the wmpleti.. of the work. 1h1. contract Nor shell the Engineer in any be compelled b vel in the ca 't oI a co Wt1ng Engineer b the Cn[recbr. The Enginur shell have the ri hl �tb change the Point o[ operation at Ne Cantrecbr'. ovlflt as be dame necusery, itgbeing ided that where such changes enhil .JJltional coal b the eunV.ctar, re abWl Le made 1n [he same m net v for extre ork The work shell ben uneraulfand uch manner en ie neceemrY to inure ib cnmple[ion wmhin the time tet I- u. the prroposal. Should eta prostration oI work for v y ree.on be di—tinned by he C- h the ween[ o! the Engineer, he shell notify the Engineer et lent twenty - (aur (2d) hours before again rasa g«o uer.tiove. The c [rector hell famish each vlpmen ry for them�r.e tion of Ne work in a eyytable mev11¢r nd tut«tory rate of proggr F:yuipment used on any portion*.[ [be work shell Le auchetha[ no injury to the vdie en[ property will re.Wt from iG vee. IS6 The Contractor ahWI employ superintendents, foremen unJ workmen who a Chereeter of fW and am 'tent end the Engineer m y demand he dismie of ne empployed W .9- bythe C.n4uctor up.n the work who shall misconduct himself, or shall be in sod .t' egligent in the due and proper performance of hi. duty .r nail«Is or re...... Equipment ply with ine[rurtiona Riven by No Engineer or hu representative. Such .Render 11.11 Le dmmi.sed by the Cotr'It" and 'hall not be employe) again on the work with - u[ the written consent of the Engineer. SFo.Id th¢ C.utractor continue b employ or mploy such p -.p%--, the b.gin¢er may w' bh.ld ell utimntes, which arc ar ay L«amt Sue° r It yeay.pend the ork, until —1, orders are -Plied with. Coroperetio. of there.(• Ile shall ca 4¢11 give [he work hie conatent ettenliov b f.cilit.te the prog g Cntrecbr arks, end i B otheiethinge� Antberann«eeuryetuttcomrple4 thaeworL.k net etecberily Rege4ed conbmplafM. Tb. said c.ntr«br shell have et ell ti ten[ and elieble representative .n we work, .othorieed to sive orders and a ce «for him. On c - m em ntin88 $20q e.00 or ver the Cpno-vebr hall, at he _agnea of int Engineer, ofurnuh mldptCquiP a suitable, temp.rery geld office far the exclu.ive use of the imp«tor or engin r. 1S8 H Ne Contractor sM1WI discover prior t. or during -Xi—.M.. .nythiv the Cetrenor'a plena or epecifiu[ione or 1n -pp --7 directions by e Egin«r Mich I. the RIRht b opinion of [he Cntrsc[.r cope be Iaulty engineerin�or design, he shell (oreM1wieh R¢gvut edviae the Lllginur ng of the pertic.1 1 and v to hat remedy he proposes Changes I. c. t the dlegedncondition. It is understood and agreed that if n objection I. ui.N by Ne Cntrecbr under [he previsions of this pe1d1 fI h, the Contractor waives any right to roe A the provisions of his guarantee under these epeeiflcationa on the bei¢ o1 faIlty eogiveermg ar dulgn. 1.89 The City tains the right to int end pay each oMcere of the law m me be Policing n eeeery (or Ne proper pobcing of Lhe grovnda end fbe enforcing .f order In and about C rounds he works m u conducive b eh¢ but interea[ of fbe c.mIt `, and the Contractor end his employee shag aid end .mist any and WI uch ofliceu 1n M1e performance of their dutlee. Such policing .M1WI n release th Cntructor from y of tb' Pr isi of thea ep«iflutiom rel.tive b hie awn eefety end security or R1.t of the p.blie n 1.10 The CpotracI,r tb" provide end maintain inn eat and ...itry condition each Sanitary mmode[lone for the use of M1ie emDloyeee u may be nxeeaary to comply with No Provielona yy to end gWa[ione of the Stab Board of Hedth, r of other bodies or nibu elae11, y jurisdiction therewith. He shell commit no public nuia-n The Con- trecbr shall clean .p hu camp Bite to [he vatisf«tion of Ne E.ginur. 1.11 The Contracbr at WI time ¢hall conduct Rte work in each manner es to I.— the Public least ob.trvctiav to traffic practicable. The convenience of he ge..- public and of .--i— [M1e � aid— Wong end adjec I. R,e prov ant shall be p .vlded for i t, end Befety qua end setiefactory manner. M.teriels ¢bred upon the highway sM1WI be VVl�ced ea u e. little b- ti. W the f ening Dublle es neceae TTe Con - tor ahWi provide and maintain in men.eble condition such Vmponry yby-pace. and bridges es may be nuusary to aced *date the 1«W _ffic diverted from n r.ed- upvunder con.trvction end A , provide and maintain in a .aft condition to r r r.ech¢. b and _I— of inbre¢atin streets. y 1.12 The Cntrecbr shall brnieb, erect and meintbin all necee ry barricade., eW.bh, Rerricsdu, e d aulficient wernMR and danger eignW., IiRhb end .iRna; provide .uMci¢nt number Danger d of watchmen and take all necesavry pr«.utione for he eatery of the public and the Wernl.g 81gna Protection f the ark. Light¢ M1ell be placed an .1]'--d es and batr«Rone at night and WI each lights shall be kept burning from .un.e[ until sunrise. No M1I Away shell be closed b tAc .r made Imp.s..ble in on floe with Rte entre bre o«retiona until a .viteble debar .r by -Veen is provided by [Fa City end ndmluvtely marked with .i ­ ' The Contrecbr chaff protect from injur W property ens[ mer he m i[h in .s 1.111 T11 yang on the work vIJ ceae en property Lecomes demvged it shell immediately Pr10 be re toted to its former condition Ly he cu and Rut«.floe SVeet ne signs tra .igns . other etreetosigne r erkers removed or dis- of P Pert>• r«] eta bytheCntrvcior _1I be restored in their original condition et [M1eir origlml Mo um n4 It— at nearby new lucati.na es shell be designated by the Engineer. 3t disturb k..found ov lbs line of the The Covtn .hall no[ any m.numen[. or III Elf81R1m improvement until ordered by the Engineer, end hall met an disturbed permanent salty when directed by the Engineer. A p of T—ty flu. (SR6.00) D.Il.rs amount shall be for u..y mtl du eaI— ty due .r to become due bovhe Contrnctor�e The C.ntrecbr -11 indemnity end env¢ hnnnleea the City end ell of its officers, 1.11 RIX agents end employee from all suits action or claim. o[ any cn.recter, n e d jlembeg�q ducrepti.n brought for, ar on «covet of any injuries or de mages received o reined Claims. Etc. by any pperaon, P«sons, or property by or I the ea d Conerua., or by or na - f e efface[ in teguarding ane work, or throtgh Lata .reomusiun�cvegl«It e[eriels inn¢ n ng the work, or by ar on account ' Dodo,[ of avid Covtr W, - by or on e« t of any claims or emuunm recov- ered rfpr a infringement of p rade murk o pyriRF[, ar from a y claims ,rt In, nr ¢red under the "Workmen a Cnmpvnea[ion law;' any other I jouby-law�iordine. a oN or decree end eo m h of the m ne due the said C.. - under end by v1 a of nit ca ¢bell be considered n y by L Cmmi.aioner, may be retsaineJ for thenusecof the City, or in ruse no m ny a duo, his Snrety shell be held until each ..i sults action r claim or claim., for - or damage [ ea aforesaid, shnllrM1ave been settled send I - table evidence [. that effect f._iebed to he Commlmionvr. 1 ...u[hnriaed use by Ne C -1-1t., orpublw or private prn� r[y for any pur- TM1¢ f pose m y be cnmidured av 1 l y or damage [be property no u d. IlntBemepfance of the work, it shall be under the eM1orge and rare of the Cn- 1.15 [recr, and he eM1.1ona to l fake every reasble precaution egaiast awry damage t. the camr.rar. for work to any pert [hereat by ane _ti.. of the element. r rom any other u Ruponeibility [pre end make t his awn expen cuWl The Cntractor sn rebuild, repair, r good, for Work injuries or damages b —Y portion of the improvement «,eel«ed by any ceuce before its completion end « Phnce. Before beginningwork on nny improvement [M1e C.ntrncbr ah.B notify in writing IA the owners or 1 hernia. having control o[ the field strvcturee o[ public tilitiea: the Plaid A _ presence of which m.y interfere with Ne proper execution of hu contract copy of 9trvchrm of such notification shell be furnished to the Engineer. Pvbli. Otllitiu _IC--- ¢hall not i--. with Rte -If say p.blic utility in tM1etr ..king repairs, addition. or their doing of any reran tio. ork on public utility field etrvcturee. The Li.ntrn,lAr sM1WI Dro[«[ end prevent in ry to Ne pp openy o[ WI publi, cu utili[iee thin the eco a of the lmprovem,.t. In any of tM1e field structures ere rob dam M,by the Convector through fellate properly top t these atrvcturee r LhropurgM1 1¢aenees in g M1e work; t J my I be epeirpa by the own ofc the e[rvchre and the ¢xpense of a..h repair ahIR be deducted [ram [M¢ nt due the *o tr«tar If such dumegu cur [ter the final estimate b.s been - paid o H thea ant of fee damage nae not bun d¢d—d therefrom prior b pay - n1 of .aid ¢.timate, the Con rector end It—k.on hi. bond shell nevertneleu be _P.netble and liable for such damages. k MaterlWa .hell be t.r. so a. b insure the r e tion of Neir quality end fit- 111 fme for [M1e work. When cnn.idered ...euary they ehe11 he placed wooden plat- gbnge o! be orms, or ocher hard, clean aurtecea end not on Ne ground, end snWi PIneN under Meterlala hen directed. Stored materiels shell be 1«¢ted ao ea b [acilltnte plump[ In.pe,tion. The Engineer will furnish and ee[ survey stake. for Rte center line, grade, aide of 1.111 slopes, end other neceeeary point. with proper notes thereon end aecompsnied by nny Lina, Crede cad « eery tib lea In—tions. The Cntrecbr shall fprnieb, trap of charge, .11 .ani- Mee.or,meat d. n1 tikes, and other mnteri Is n e ry far eking nd maintaining paints aha Suk- It .. give.. The Cantrecbr .nail be held �e.parlsible far [he pruarveit. of It .fake. nd merke and if in the opinion of Ne Engineer, ..y of the surveys, etak¢s or m ke have b«n cerelee.ly or wdfully destroyed or disturbed byY tho C«tr«tor, the c«t to the City of replacing them snWl be charged him and shall be deducted from Ne paY- me t for the work. Finished ce f.eea, in 11 u, shall conform with the It— and grade. given and es I— an the approved pI.... tb� pleceenin wn h M1erintenlda to dobwnrk I' order tyn't the It t.t..d im deaf may be given and ane .cease y eaeurements taken far records and es[imatu. I Work done witbul linin and Rr-dm Lung given, work d.m L yond the linea and The entire improvement required by them plane a.d eDcci9utiond shall be do bed of Ne Commiaeioner of Public 151 Time t Unevlhorlud PI-- -1y ggrredea ehuwn an the plain or m rven, eaceVt as herein Vruv�ded,cor an erlrn work Le ae unauthorized and at the exp¢ end completed b the entve eantection and accepmnce ��y- / Q/%Ly.� from rem1�atwe of Completlov Work do without written whl coneieerN e of Ne Convector and will nut M memureJ ur p.id for by the City. Work e. dam m y Worts, on or be(oreT11 C/1Ly days the de oNat Ne end evp' yd the cantrett by Ne Ci[y.Com(r oDnermt be ordered removed and repleted at the Contr.cbr'e upeme. remuanM1 e- h"bi -pacified, or ty part [ - e �ncum m unftvuhedpefter Ne 150 The Impmbr ehtl Le authorized to impml all work done and materite farolehed. or me above mentioned, the Contractor shall per the Ci[y Ne cum v[QQ-____ _ damages, over d above Ne A.,b 11 evd Doti®oI Smh int -tion may bind to all or ..y a o[ the work and to the yreperetmn nafactare of the m rials to Le aced. An Impactor yy Le atatiooed on the work dollen daY� which ie hereby fixed m lFe liquidated un[�M1own on them amen[ roll (or thew k hien damegea would be flared delay within Ivepmtom b report b the Engin a .e b the program of the work and the manner in whmh it t it that the malerita (urniah.d and and euabineJ by the City by rem...f faimre aha in completing the work in [hereb Ibe coal of eng�neen �mpection, evd being performed; eleoeb re or whenever eVPeere t 11 [he eywremenh a[ the a ifica- Ne by Ne pl;onlmc or hit b fe"ll d Ne time apeeifted, and addi[iov [gnaad all her ezpenee necmennly Ineumd %ter Ne above M1mited i e het uM, aad work performed and conlrect, and to call to Ne attention of the Contl— any each SWare or `However, the Contracbr from any the Contractor m dubmi[[ing his propmt or bid agrees [ha[ the amount .1 —1, bli, when re fled by the Commimiooer [Public o�Ner inlri Bement; such impwlmn .nae not rebeee obligation Perform WI of the work atlitUY b mrordance wi h he requirements v( between the Contractor and the gee, coot of engineering end r p Wnrke, shall be deducted trom [he Panl ee: a due or th.t may become due him. sodding the npmiflcali.m. In cine .f y dl.Pt. m cin Impactor m b materials (urninheJ .r the manner of Perfa `ming [he work, th Impm- he work until the ....tion It the work b be done comytrof vrvdivP.'Davi curbing, tree planting, eeeJinR� the time between [.r ember Tfith evd the 6th dn' of the .nt"ing April in Ne time sed ete mabn.le or euepenJ r e -I have the authority to "'t n Le referred to end "id' by the Engineer. The IneDm[ur -Ftl Derturm shall be considered m deed timev nd will not be included eckoning y the contractor in prmecating hiz contract � c�h other du4m en are ms —R to him. lie eM1.li nut be aatno—d to revoke, eller, ..I -g" rehx or M.. ie . rma orf Ih ice ehea�e � w u�y Pra�ea�e upoq reaeip[ o[ wriuen nonce from Ne cono-aabr of ma eiiabn« of comm over lss accept any Wrtion f e, — , orb tion Y The ImP ter ehe111in no evx net mcforemvn or perform olFer dutim wFlch end Contractor Bae n mol end whicM1 e[ delay Ne rompletioa f work, of can u &Bibi hie dietretion with the consent of Ne Bonding Company gztemiw of rift. (or the Contr-cbr nor inbrfere with lM1e mvmgemenl of the work by Ne letter. AnY C.ntr-cbr in no n be aumlrped m Ne aioner may at end or Surety extend the date epecifled (or the completion of said work. Time aJvire wM1i<F Ne Inep.abr m y bill lM1e ahtl the Engineer n r ne Cily in any w y, nor releeainR the Cantrmtor from the I No allowance will be made [o the Conm-emr far the ebDPege or euetpreneion o[ the but i[ or suspension idrdue the faWi fulfillment of the I'._ of the contract. eurh page work by the co—mi-1011 Le me chr, men exhnel...1 time a. on�mg b the e.Pv . nmpenmov wr 151 The Con[mcbr eh.11 furnish the F,ginecr every reanoneble heility (or mcerhin- the ante end AAr 'F allowed for Ne completion of Ne workP impmllvn - re ui iatgr whether or not the work m performed in in accordance with thi, 1( lFe Engineer request. i[, Nei Conlrocbr, I f the wort before e—ptit— and final eyment shall be Upt n p eti.n P 156 .I Meterisle end Work n nl of a int .m and mntre any I� before acceptance of Ne work, eFnll remove uncover each port�.ne of be directed. Alter eaeminntion, Ne Contretbr shall reabre v [ ee made, M1e Contractor ,— clean end remx a from the e r m, all y- and adjacent _ prroperty ell ..U[.. and discarded me erul-, rabbbeh and pp rary a Ginnie{ Uy [he flnieM1ed work m may said Vortione oI the work b the tandard re ved by the epeeifimtiom. Should Ne store end replace in a suitable mr [a the esti fiction o[ the Engineer -11c P—_u_ duringg Ne e k than eipmed or examined IIe c p ble, the uneovenng, or removing a -d Ne cd ehtl b.apaid for se Ne arty bath pubM1c and Drivam whicF hes been demnRed or removed pro tiro of the work and ahtl leave [he arm in a neat and presentable condihon. ve a making 66 of path removed, yylmig of the ­"i. "Ilnclmaifted Exvan Work;' but ehobiJ the work co ex sed or exa 'Wed prove ttepmble, the uncovering or removing, and [he replacing of the covering or making If m Ne opinion a[ the Engineer the c.ntrvamr perform. nit work aetu(nebrily, P thb— Rood of the path removed shell be al lha C.n[rncl.r'- ezpenee. M Na E `gineer will OrePare, esnmama montAly .I the value [ Ne k already don. under he Drovie�am of the o tract, reserving therefrom fifteen (l3) nt oS Ne x to the 152 All .[e file not cm(orming Io the r uiremenm of hece apecifimtiove shell ne[ecti.e avd tl e.an m- rhl.l whether In or not, -ball be rc)ected u t .f Warn e.ti te, and tnereapon lot Coatrncbr shall amines amount em such deduction, when eafibeiev[ monervappli-bb, b Ne D.yment oS each estimate, 17 ­ De(Mbve Meterisle ,W—d m alae¢ end nhtl be removed immediately from lM1e roe en nd the premien of [he CityY therm( eM1ak be in be Ci[Y Treasury. TM1e eforeeaid re e of flf[mn (19) per cent dnomplelion end Work unlem otherwise permitted. No material wM1ich - beentrejmmd—the defects oI wM1iel� have been ronmted or removed, shall be used until .pprovvI bin Leen given. All work shall be retained by thi, Cvy until the final eatimele on and nccepmnce .f the work by the Commieaio.er. wM1ich het been rejectN v onJamned hell be remrJmd nr if n cemary re ed nd mTbe Before any flat estimate fill be allowed by the Commiealoner of Public War W, replaced in a mcephblerm... r by the Conmacbr at bu own ezpenee. City d detective w k i[bou[ compene.[lon m Ne the C.ntrmbr shall be reyy�ired to ign a r[ifleeb nn said ..tet—t in full [.r ell the Oil Sl Peul --t of work done or materiel farnbdbed -hell have authority to take .—ta me Contractor when the Cmtrector(eile or retueen m rebuild I_ [nutty work. claims ¢ m -t o[ on under this contract 153 It u mutually expres d and agreed mat m ce the ,,qth br ehtl bm.me 'sing ams Tne eertiflmb o[ the Com midninner on 11 mtimeme shall be c nclueive m m un[ oS work done and shell be accepted by the Contretbr m flat. CencelleUon insolvent .r be declared a benkrop[ for any muse wh.[eoever, other than any a delayed in with nd complatin6 f ntrect Ne eth nt the Ci[y, M1e Drev.nled r Proceeding the work b thea contract, or -holt fail b commence or Proceed with the work ? After the cleaning u0 oI the work, nremi.ee, street., flays, menbolee, catch bmi— Ne 159 according o the ea[iafection oS [he Engineer. or eM1vll a improper mamnel or mIthade, or fall Ne Engbneer rve or ee to be given other orcin or etructuree �n ny way m nec[ed with the perf� yvnce oI c n Incl, he work v a whole shall be inrpertednby the Engineer end kmenehi Vor Fivel Imper[lon omDiY witb them s ificvtion.+, Ihvt maytg b tires in wr'm I. [M1e C.ntrenbr, each notice b, eervM either pemom �'t i mnteriele found not me i the req me of IM1e epeeifim[i.nd shell be r. ed by lM1e ¢nee of the crector andl good end aetie[mbry workma, ip r tlycor bynlmving a e `pyeh[ [M1e mat If bpsinma or residence of the Contrncbr [he I,ma .f ei Ing Nle / .r at ei ri 1 suba[ilhbd IM1erefor. Al,'Ateettiement.-Aefxt+ or d.mege upon any pert at the oplece or by meilinF h e or notices t the bih ii. Riven at ontract; and if the Cnntrecbr conoid. of more thvv one p mo , ee c m -y be made wdrk ehvll be remedied end made gins by the Cantrartar. tither or any of them; end in em Ne Contract., eh.11 for five (9) dale after any ouch the work b the ea inhetinn a! during i rogrem, on ec tint of covtrect or on 159 notice fail to aammenre or regulmly proceed with Ne Engineer, of the Con[ncbr under Nie contract eh.11 d t ie ,, pit paymenh made . work ccounl .S eztre work, or the incl that t e City maY neve en inspector on the ground, Payment all rigM1ta ted het the Ci[y ay decI— thio Ir t ne b - and 11 nghG oaf Ne Con- end by ke away, hold -holt in m arae be construed ae en a prance .f the work r m tial, but the Con- 11 Nene end rontract until It-- thereunder forfeited, annulled, end wholly cancelled, and mplem said work by force a Dunt, or by rclellinR he unfini-M1eJ art thereof. due -Y- rmbr nhtl Le liable under the e"ditione of dyeciflcatione the entire work is flninFed end n cepleJ by eh. Commineioner o[ Public Works, and if, TM1e City i bll nave the rihh[ Io .pply an [cum due or ,hien may became and P der the terms beraof I. the compietlon of the and work, otter the final mtimeb .nA acceptance in made, it develops net any tent or work fired affording b contract, 'loon sed epeciflcetit.. het been found defective, ble I.the Cnn[racbr a IL ie further agreed that the City may, hr itself or rontrvctom, ce and um or zr ¢ted .r not properly a used, aniJ fiml es mete .hell not exempt the Contracbr tt lin M be ewes ell materiel, machinery, tools and im laments .f a d—liptbon m y he found .n the t[e .f the work, b cony on and e.mplele lM1e work .e herein m IiebJity [. replace or execute .aid work accordance with eo tract, plane end np ¢ciflce[lom. npetifled. Should the amt oS Ne work M1e eater tb Ne amount which outs be ynLle under thin contract bS the some ht d been completed by Ih <C.ntmcbr, he or Fie ldM1eli be tem, hen the All mane P .b1, h,r—dt, ere. Ar the ProviWnns n[ the charter of the City oI Ct. Pnal pn3'nble notal t of the Pennanen[ Improvement Revolving FunJ wM1en there i...l Jigrr nae rill Ilan y II I,M1rxCnnlrnclnrnor ni. bo di-menhby -Foil hr moneYe in —d fund .pplimble b n.id Parpom. 1.60 The Cavtrartor will Le required E gunnnttt• Nat Ne ..—a used and the wnrk- Gvarentee mma,,, "al he fi -deco thraughou AV me er,we shall be of the dIea quality -- b d end after tho mVro n fimahed, re.­-dtie Cavtn heli ma n n the a far a clod of . ye 'i....`... °n„ (or thee ark, a sept hock p The ` .hal n e Orick nt n ebev VI brick pavements far a°period of flue years I— date of°final eat,mete l(or work Daring the guarmtee Veriad the Contractor shall make .11 repairs and re wale that may, in the Pia.. of the E,,g ser, Le ne . Maintenance of a rcehall oat mdude im claanmu-'. u and) maintenance of eypaven�ent in<Ide ray wre node I o'n [he pavement by lily companies or others.°1A ae will b�m—d i. — of prep — ar mam[e nee he.._ an rt or Parti.. of it fail., or .Lowe eigrm Net -- probable; or when the street above Ilia sewer ar anal ahowv eetHemenp or when the condition of the street idicatee that the .e ntractor did oat res a the street o y treat etructuree to c d,lian qu 1 to [hose lacing before Lhe sewer wee eon "'u 1. A pavement will be a n.lJ`er�d m need o[ r�pair or ma�ntenan<e whenever any pwrt ar portion ehowe any sign of dismte, g`d[of the veling, baoklined eiOding. anevo `boll botleft b[ he Congtractar A[ [lied condition and repo ordinary wearpand to°rte ,cede y t n goo 1.61 The Conlnclor shell make 11 —a. necem.ry under the conditions of this Repein antes wM1en noti0d in writing by [he Engineer. If he ¢hell fail to begin and codtin- Uvder aely proeecut. [be .aid re within ten (10) days after re eaiJ n the Gvv.nlee Engineer shall ca a [he n mry reyair to be m.de end [he ecnetgthereof eh all be deducted from say moneys due°or [n become due the Contractor or in [M1e coca of brick DsvemenG rec =.,e wiV be M1ed upon Ne Contractor'. band for ins exDenee of said oeedsere ` hala'�peafied eonddHo—ne portion of the improvement which pe a G..nntee m M1erembefore desen�bed Ne Contractor ehdl be oregm�ed to°/urn`iah an approved bo d ➢ovd with some a proud surety c V far .n amn nl equivalent to thfrly-flue (969) per cent o! t.1e eo tract price of the Deo . e[, if it ie .v at brick race. If the pavement u eombhm[ion al brick en ypee, the guarantee band req Ired hMI be for an amount equivalent to thirty-five 869) per cent of the price of the brick P e� d In the Improvement end this price shall be determiv. by multiplying 2e t otal brlck yaNage by Ne price pm square bard for completed brick Oavement ee mpu[ed from the ecnedale of prices e—h.d this contract Said guenntee bond far a brick pavement .hal be for a term of flue (5) yeah from the date .[ the fl.a _l..E for the work. td! For the pvrpove of eNoreing Ne provieione of ell go.rantees hereiebef.. d—il-) Reeelre /. ,,I the City .ball withhold from the flea] ,¢timate the cam .tfllil _-k-. Dollerc rve far s pend of ono Year tram he date of th. final htimate. At the end of Nie one year peri. the aid cum shall be i,d—ed to the Coetractar lees any nta expended by Na Cityy for the maintenevice or repair of the work Ti. release al Ne rcxrve .hal set ee s Pool rel— of the Contractor from this concoct 44 cit, of 81 11v1 Depertme°t v( 1988 i'abli< Worla WAGE SCALE ORDINANCE C. F. No.'1B12pG6--0""""e N°. 0986—Dy H. C. --l— g6la,d{ A. urJinanc blir`wo�ke bYhOowtrec[o[re t` M1ere°➢ be paid g MUM w kdfor ° be Cityba Drdiveva° upov p r n w per or d t a c M t o SL Pew. TT Council aI the City of SL Peul SEdoes ordain: CTION 1. All rantmci. herea— entered for the purpose wf performing anyworkfor the City f SL Paw, involving m[hnew er eonetrueliov k or rape a reeds, bridge., eewen, ii—, ab,., parks, parkw.ye, buildi.r, or .ny other pablle r4 Involving the improvement of public property, shall be made upov Ne bmie that the wage. pend to ee tam skilled end unakil labor ehwl not be leen Nun [he following: Dri<Skit d Labor ............................. Bricklayer Foremen ... .... .... ........... Bricklayer Tender end Mixer ................... C peter Foremen ..... ...................... Cement Fiaieher ...... ....... .......... .. Cement Finleher Foremee ..................... Electri,lan................................... Electrician's Helper . ........................ 11 Ahovel F.ngmeer.... .................... .. Ito. W. Engineer ........................... Imo Wacker (Emting) .................... Iron Worker ((Reinforcement) ..... ............ tron Worker fimemen ... ..................... lather.. ...... .... .................... Marble Salter ............. .... ............... Muer Engiveer ........ .. .... ............... reinter......... ........................... Painter Foremen ............................. Pleeterer ............... ..... ............... Plasterer Foremen ........................... Puetere Tender ...................... ... Plumb . .er ................ Ha............ Plumber's Helper ............................ Roller Engiveer .............................. Roofer ..1111 ......................... Roofer Ila -1.... .............................. Rower's Helper ............................. Sheet Metal Worker .......................... Sheet Melel WorkeNe Helper .................. Steemfltter'e 33elper ......................... steam snaYel engineer ...................... Atone Meson ................................ Tere[]nek ll. eLebor ............. ............ Common Lbor. ............................ Aephelt taborer ............................ Concrete end LLrb Laborer ................... Gallen Lborcr .. .. ............ Aot Asphalt 9baveler (Repeln).............. Melnlenance laborer ............ I........... Sewer Lborcr .............................. Tree —rer ............................... ➢ridgde La,—, ............... I............. 9u—* laborer........ Ditch Dig .. .. ........ ............. Hot Mph. [ 9hovwer (new work) ............. Temper (rep.Ue) ... .. ......... ............. Aetfle Fireman ............................. Paver ...................................... Aub -Foremen ...... .................... Peving[➢.kmekerep.ire)....................... Temper (new work) ........................ St.— ➢lack Paver ..... .................. Aephvlt Raker (now work) .................. Teem ed 1h1— .... ........ ........... .. .. .... ........ .66 ........... Imp 8S ........... 00 ............ 1.00 ............ Le2X .. 0,17 .... L00 ..E0.4'!X to .eaX ............ 1.10 ............ .90 ............ 1.26 ............ 1.60 ............ 1.00 ............ 1.26 ............ 126 ............ 1.8gX i.IZX ............ .76 86 ........... .62X ............. 1.12X ............ .62X 1.10 t. ............. 1.26 Per Hnvr E6.d6 ............. .60 ............. .60 ............. .60 ............. .66 ............. .6g ............. .66 ............. .60 ............. .02 ............. .6251% ............. .62X ............. .RO ............. .80 . I....... .... 1.06 s ECT1ON z 11 in[erca[eA P.rt es nether r` r iv the a ec o av ri ht �boerd tthr 'the of A pri.ted cv o[ this ordinance nnall Le a IncbeJ W vnd made v It" eA ahallOe ^ b J Lefar eiJ of urli ration, vnd prcnant eucn 'vide may be rel•- fica[i .for the poi of any work v act forth in Ixc[ , e hereof, and .null aeon- o e v o[ the r confit a soot nnJ it eha`fa`enunlawt vnd a iv'et� n flee v n TAerntDem vof eyaid board of nrbiVet ncl.Jing of tuki. test' gibing tegvvlly ^I or m� pi m�. mr ne —t r.rwr .r . re e= w. k , y at Mea 'Jed mo "r vnd [ eve the same, shall by shared by theecontrecWr and the City. thei v mpi W mplvy or paY eucn 1.1,- lace the wv p f r ht-- Iia a oP c civil SE or u0ryry no e killed nakilled lab r Jce r the mp1oha ajoba, rbut SECTION SECTION 8, In case any ci2=1 r entering into cant ct with the Ci[e for the Joins of vny _Tb, ear ehnll re n o` id r.....— ¢id city v ucn q uea mem within rthee ju isdi io of LFeiocantrecto . uch work .1, 1 violate the provuians of chic ordinance, or permr violetiuna Nerevf by SECTION to. sub—O-tora or others, he C^uucil ay termrna[e the contrac a d take over the work and complete the s¢me, eiNer Ly hih.l, he ne essary Iabort..d urchasinR the eUM1 Any Pere n vialnt�nR any of th` pro s nn. of this o dinenru ahvli be oilty f a ceded m ial the oxen .rkcr r h v -let t for tM1v ork [ the lowea a lenbidder whithuve� my F A Is luwrr a c' n roc the true o the iedem r aaJ inv o oF^�.reorft shall be Punish-^ Lh v Poe not a creding On Ilund- D H. r by iamipri f n xccnli R t dvy a, o s ins rt s. ateJP coat and exP—. of fi-bi., the .,rk 'Fxll Le chnrReJ to vnd pviJvout LM1e Jue W Leevn d •the e� et^r unJer ilio c,intrnct niW �n avec eviil u'n.11 rtiticd RECTION 11. n[ in Ys or e auMrien tYe 't t r tram the [r std [na ty �nia bind, t, edAitio sts nnJ e sr user and vbovco they contra t I tubi This ^rdinvnce shell take eRect and be m force Chir y days after tta Dassuge and a on al cl^e p prwv. 1'erxsed by the C.—d November 1 1928. Yevo—(;nuncilmen Clvnry, Rohl..d, Sodhtimer, Wen.cl, Mr. Vice Prea. (Fergu- SECTION <. son l --fie The provieiona of this ordinance shall not ¢pplY to or fix .minimum scale of wages for Pere mplo d! Ly such c ether erhnicvl o cleriud a Nays—'�' AppraveA November ], 1928, eofely sus r a w w em r e of `rinein rap L. C. HODGSON, Mayor. .the mpiny who ars oat --iiy ant undo working th cote o([c nstrucOon. Attar : D. W. BIRDSALL, Cit Clerk. i SECTION 5. C. F. No. 86967-0r i^once N^.'1220—By Clyde R. MVY, Milwn Msen— Thie ordinance shall n pply to where lids have of been received and the contract aw.r,leAxLutt a formal contract n y executed. An ordinance providing far the posting of copies of the w elle, residence end eight hour ordinances oP the City of SL _d' in place upon ell nS[c SECTION 6. wok beingg performed Ly con[r ora [or Fe City of P.vl, declaring the vioI'tion [hemv(. minAemeenora.nd providing a P_therefor. All contr..t for the d,iing of any work for the City ^f St. Paul m nnl in Sa•c- The f,ouncB oP the Ci[y of SL P.ul does ordain: o e hereof ehvll be subject the ondit on het aid --- rhvlloprovide 'he the ork .nJ he '. m i e of th dap. eech of th. oke. atene�timn rtontrac SECTION I Refor an work ehvll be pnrt^ u y cantracta en d w by the tfi[y, the work unJer t`v s a rted, with ertific.teee on ting LF soda eddre af, end M1e km1I of� work being by the elves of oL St Peul Por the purpose of actor ing y ork for aid iia' m w null '�g ei h performed mployes whose wages acv 1.1d be thio ordin.nre, n a cvrtiflcetio. that .11 ...h ere m wages no less then Phu aceta dad for herein. The con n w n crio v k or ork c .t n rep air w roeJe, bridRee, sewer a alleys, parks. s0a .•hell ldb_ v they w rk i —g he 1.Pro tent of public mployes receiving Prov; n. shall furnish the in w o the joL with e m ;er r[iflce aeddil there cunbllc pre pe a bloated in a epi p1 c h e n of said i pr e o[ the o -y -1Z of [ne City of St P ulrr BtD19; oleo n i -ploy het acn -I nal I.— iployed, vnd also eekly rrtil,= Orvll^ence1eN.. 6920, pp—d J IY 16, , P di ea b nvwv and adJ9tmonal em byes t^ the comm s.ioner men nada. The .bove cerriflc.t,. shall Le mndr upon hlvnk' furni.-1 by - deportment in —-of Ch. work. Ordinance Na. 6903, aP0'aVed December 23, 102]; Ordinance No. 0956, aPh d November 1, 1028; being the a celled g t hour day ordinance, rcaiJence requirement ordinance, and SECTION 7. A gc scale ordinance, respectively. This ordinvnre v 1 the m wag kale p cribnl herein shell ..Pi,. five mvof SECTION 2. The years from Ne date of the p—-- of this ordinance. City Clerk of [he City aP St P.. is thereby author z d and directed w I—, said ordin.nres t. .11 ontractora upon the sign g of any contract for City SECTION 8. ark, w be performed far tbv City of St. Paul. HeI— e t shall be to ted a ^vided in Section v hereof, the die- SECTION 3. dused fnctx aniinRnoutc of then .viviurii ,f this ordinance 'Fell be referred w erd tivOne A printed c^ f this OH...ce hall be trached to rad m¢de p of We the t arbitration to Le selected ae follows n ember w be Ipp, d byy the o r n cberge of the work, subject W the v vel of the City mCvuncil, one memLer epttili-tions for doing of ane work (or the City of SL Paul and ehallaev itu4 o of the to and condition. Fere.(, vnd it shall be a violation of the [e of tebn appointed by the contrac[o r, —1 tbv two eo appointed to appoint v tnlyd dmintcr o (ou ereitr.t on may be mode by the cn tractor o the lou cit the contractor ors L-con[rvewr far any each work, or their agents, to fail to observe LM1e Lerma of thin ordinance. by.rbiVea LOematJ t p ery theother In s o[ h failure of either pt. .Lovet the arbitret_ Provided for herein, within 4n days f[er itten nate eY e' o ided, ar n .me .f thr !.dare f the two vo .selected to setae[ . tnirdc-1- prithin r SECTION d. A^Y person, firm o <orpnretion violating the provieiona of Nie dinance aheH be rotor five dvys after noD of their ep oil vnt, either D.rev m¢y annly to y Judge of the District Court of Ramey Cov [y. Minnesota, for LM1e vppointment of guilty ofa rsdvmeenor, v d upon ennui tion thereof, :hall be pu iahed by a floe not sed One li.ndred Doll.re (5100.00), or impri.onmen[ in the workhouse for e v erLitrator or .rbilrvinrs hereunder by giving foe days notice W ell inVreste,l Period oat to exceed ninety- (DO) d.y.. p.rtiea of the time .nJ place for the hearing of eucn epplir.Hnn. SECTION b. Tne mid hoe d of nrbi[rn 'Poll,ithin flue da .(ter .ppnintm Fnld o thevrin TTia ordin shell take eRect end be in force thirty (90) day otter to paeavge hearing, vnd —I give the interreted portico at Irnat tFrre dny.inoti a of such R� end F.11 consider at such lancing the. rvidrnm oRrrrJ Ly LM1e parties in rated. SaiA r v d ublication.nce n �."ed by LM1e Council Joly 18, 1930. board hall have adi-, from iii n me At such hear rags, x to s es sb.dl be end .r repo yr sF nil .t tend^and inks the teatimnvyY, which envll,be crlbed v mpletirnrt,f the hrnrin Rv, wF1,I re orf .h¢11 he fiIM, together with r Ye..s—Councilmen Conry, May, Pearce, R.— Mr. President (BundHO— Nvy,�. Approved Joly 18, 1930. L..... e docision of tlronrard nth vrLltratirn, with the City ['.o -IJ Thr decision mode by said M1vnrd of er»tr all he limitnl w finrhnga o vkir. ,n of tract, vnd 'Full by —I and ronclu..ivv op n the P tlry up q tions of f rt GEHH A RD RCNDLIE, Mayor. Attest: D. W. RIRDSA I.I., City Clerk. civ of 99832 r.m INDEX SECTION 22 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALKS P ... g ,d, Ileadinga 22.01 Grading ......................... Page t 2202 Foundation ...................... t 22.03 Sabgrad. ......... ...... ...... 1 22.Od Forme ........................... 1 22.05 Material . ........................ 1 22.08 Cement Tiled .................... 1-2 2204 Sand and Cement Bed. ............. 2 22118 Tile ILd,l....... . ................ 2 22.09Expe..i.. Joint. .................. 2 22.10 Brick end Cement Bi- Peving- 4 here Laid ...................... 2 22.11Feand.tion ... ... ................ 2 22.12 Side Header. ................... 2 22.13 Concrete B.- .................... 2 22.14 Ca.hion .......................... 2 22.15 Cement P -dg Bl—, ........... 22.18 Brick ............................ 3 22.17 Laving Brick or Block ............. a 22.18 Finer ............................ 3 22.19 Dexription, Thlckneea, Proportion, ate.............................. 9 22.20 Materiel ......................... 3 22.21 Concrete Mixture ................. 8 Paragraph Headin De .rtment of Ppgna wain 2223 bfpm-, of Materials........ 22.24 Delivery of Aggregates........ 22.25 Mixing Coaditiona ..... ..... 22.20 Con.ietenry ..... .. ...... 22.v Method of Mixing... .. -..... 22.28 Steel 2229 Plaeing and Finishing..... . 22.30 Jointing ....... .......... ... 22.31 Caring ............ ..... .... 22.32 E.— Reinforced Cancrc[e Side walk—Where laid ....... .. 22,M Forme ... ... .......... .... 22.34 Thiekne.a end Reinforcement.. 2235 Drivewava .Sl Moder ......... _................ 22.38 Private Drivew.- .............. 22.39 Contractor'. Stamp ..... ... . .. .. 82.40 Sod .................... ......... Eit> B P.e' INDEX II"__ 9>P PaDll< Work. BF. 10N 22 ? SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALKS 1 P.rsgnph H.d,.. p- 22.01 Grading ......................... 1 22.02 Foundation ...................... I 22.03 S.b & .... ........ .... .. ... ... t 22.04 Forme ........................... 1 22.06 Materiel. ........................ 22.06 1 Cement Til. .................... 22.07 Send .rad Cement RM. ........... 1-2 2 22.08 Tile Laying .............. ......... 22.09 2 1.....ion Jain4.. .... ........... 22.10 Rrick end Cement Blo<k Paving - 2 1 h- Lsid ...................... 2 22.11 Foundation .............. .. .. noon. 2 22.12 Sida H.den ........... .. .. noon. 2 22.13 Concrete Been .................... 2 22.14 Cushion ................. ......... 2 22.16 Cement Peving Bloek.............. 2� 22.16 Brick ............................ 3 22.17 laying Hriek or Block ............. 3 22.18 Filler ............................ 3 22.19 D-ption, Thick..., Pmportlon, etc.............................. 9 22.20 M.teriale ........... ............. 3 2221 Concrete Mia[ure noon . .. .......... 8 --ph H.dings F." 22.22 Eq.ipment............. ..... ..... 3 22.23 Measuring of Msteri.le.............. 4 22.24 Deliver➢ of Aggregstes.............. d 22.26 Miain Conditiaae ...... ... ...... 4 22.26 Coesieta.<➢ .. ...... 4 22.27 M -d of Mining ................... 4 22.28 Steel Reinforcement ................. d 2229 Pl-mg end Finiehmg...... ........ 4 22.30 Joi.tine ................... .........dam 22.81 C.H, 6 22.32 =- Reinfo,- C 1-1 -, k-Where Isid .......noon noon. 5 MM Forme ............ 22.34 Thiekne.s and Reinforcement........ 6 22.36 Driyoway. ............ 6 22.37 Mortar ............................. 6 22.38 Private Drivew .............noon. 6 22.39 Contractor'. Stamp noon. .. ........ 6 22.40 Sod noon ................. noon....... 6 Feretoaattached thatesandvvsed tort Lottom course of eileel ma oI to n no[ to„ex. City .1 8l. PealDeperlmenl ft of 22 Publlc Work` 1'LA for top coo oI Olea, 'hall r. t: no .ton wh¢h wll no[ a ave of SPECIFICATIONS FOR SIDEWALKS [ SECTION 22 General All mx sidrwalXs ordered shell b. mormlit 1ie comm. xiJewvlks. `� < (2re2.11 d rAuleld ,,L 'M1 iking, stumps, tn•rs, etc., .hell Le teem the xity n( tFe niJrw,Jk, bel no tr«x .M1nll be Disturbed without written rip 1 r mill p ortyha 'r mnln�r ethv line of the 11r� cm elect end r s' re ani , even M rough like Dre mple b the uifice of he Commieaioner of Public Works. The Iles mall be c rM in an enclosed MM and pru"r from n ur drying oo! lhrxdcl coned alw a 11",All be 11. J s10 or y I rite. f the. wrOks.challt1 exenvated ' it"'d o F1e p'.. s."r1{ td, t 141. M.11 1(4L) deHrro Fvhr. The [ibe shall Le kept wet fur a period of Rve (fit days from ihn ne they ode. Alter Ne five (L) Jay p IM Ne tiles m y Le m. fit to Perked ", Ivyere m anbng sex 101 inches ;n thickness, earl OW) be six (dl iMArs wider It- the xelrk -n b side. Y. No tiles shall be sM n theork ur I Aro a at Irsst flirty (90j day�oldyand during thio time they should Le protected f m the hot eun or drying w n Mat ial a„nl for fllleng eh all hr u<n n wifll -k, gouJ [oundv n for the `vKk. t snrrll n r Int stcr u tori x, .eg al,lr mutt a thin¢ I v obi o ale n Surplusuezensvrmns be disposed On the foundation Prepared a. dl.c bed herein Le laid a two (2) i h Led sFell o[ Fy tM1e c.ntractor. whi h the walk ie a L is h n termed the .h ­d, d, .rid 4,.11 baaeM of one (1) p Portland cement and (our ( )parte thorn, sharp sand. TM1e anon either bo -11,1 m . mrcFnnicnl butch mixer, ori M1vll Le mixM by hand ae Y'oundelron fail tri` ,I•ne tivndc [n �yM1.11�mmMintely h Itw th .ub-g ride t aN thh, f n1 n hvl nrly"'a...Le nnraughly ofd unify cote c mpncted t v Brm aur(ece, nrhle nifor Fr � Le turnM et leant Iour (4)trmee while dry. Thi. mixture .hall Nen be yl.cM n the and brought to a e Mand uniform [ 'nchee \i'nenever the Fni , shun jade th.tnlhe fadndation oe encounterM ie not .nit- eLie nor th --.d, m se r y into: a tF found o b< afMtt a In Cn lr e e. �b-¢rade a r(ue (2) below Ne .hea surface of the walk. lb,f re plat the elle, the bel shall be eprinklM wfN r d<p hganJ of ,', ndera re Into t P v;dnlne.d e r d a he fn �dd Xd to hying t thrr.mper soh -grad,¢. The Ivy r ref cinder or "'RI must M1e Upon the d end c n bed e. pre .red Mall be l.id arluare 'le w tied end other rolleA or ramped until it i, thor t"E and evenly cnmPaetM. ndrrn shall LP LleA, rb- and Iter asnrs clinker r for n....`. o fel n t Ice. then ei,hht-p (I.) iinches between the parallel aide.. Hex.go bl«4e mag Tile Loring f xhnlol etre I, m' o eovms it. c rrhrx n d mr to nC n Ivry and gruvnlcmust I d errtnenEo¢ near a LI [or �el present a eurfnee and conform [0 Ne cane[ thde of the .idewalk. A thin grouting of neat PoN—d cement aha be a ad over e eud.ce and into x1 rn rich .elv. r arc ndKer r r o IrrM by the Com r carefully swept the joints. All surplus groutinz .hall be cleanM from Ue walk. The Mge a[ the vidnw.lk shall A flnr.hM with a at Port- .rid tM1 clndr revel �F.II he u;d t a .,bbl ­bRe unit Paces P on ncrordi toxtFr 2' Th, snly adr aM1ell a tuought ! act ¢rude .rid t<.- by . mplete, fn abate the curb, ora building, r .n .n er,Z t tilt .1 ew.lk. Treneveree expeneion join4 ne-h.lf (%) inch thick Mall be (urmM ac the w.lk 9ub�g ode u tM1e aiJe ms'[ nA F Iv'n rax IowerxedRe n Fe <s el v v of h ub�grvrd, the lr nnln n Ix x fn 1 uA e JoI.. . of the w.1k. rind eh.1, 1, filled — a po bitumen filler of compoeiD. and ron.re y app ..M by Ne Engineer. I[¢IFr. �.r wniklis bid y Mitt �l the cul.grvdetxhall Le ren ni sn taut the pl.tnx ill p- 'i hau Loin ansa, BRICK AND CEMENT BLOCK PAVING nR tar e'dr term. Mi pc,t nt attar the e Lunar llnlwt Jsrn but Thp s 1 ",t 22.10 orde. M.R bav e ped with brick ar cement block end Aall C done in Ne follwing o manrMThe iM r nut ruddy whenplh mad e bed is IacM a rL eo crate or tenant I ..d.tbn eh.H be prepared as ep<elfiM far eidewalka. Ferman t gth. Theyvelhnll b,,; i id I lurid to 1— end grade by sink<aror•bre e. with theiratnp Mgt / h ,, cro.ewalk end securely fa.t to the proper M1eight and line by meant of stakes. The clear apace between the headers ie to be the width spa _for Nn walk. The top et Ire rid aria. Unlrs other a direetM ^ 'the ter the .hell arse t bra x t o g th w.lk o atom [ o 'ble f / gide R1.den tEn -9 ne inrF f rat wpdete 11e yrbe aM a rory s. Icor monolithic n rete wvIke, di jtd phe bell 1 t;Ae�i he foundation PrenaV .e described above shell be plac a I—, of can- t(4) P of . d<.ign oppr bythe Engrne<r. creta (our IncFee thieknesa. 'T c ere a shall be mixM in {rye proportion of e (ll pert Pnrtl.ndnCement, three (2) tat she 22.11 411 m --N r N whilb .ren etiincally til d i the follnx a eeiPcn' rot (yge M` b `its Nnall mn tlhr mule encs far their re.P c kd le mrd cl . .c iFu 3nn�Inrd \Inlrrinl sP rificnlionae.f the City of SL P.ul iv _ snail vnJ sttruck sn a templ.l[e anJ floated bei[rue cnrrfmur w1i[hnwoodt flnvt.. RELAYINf. OR RE( 01,111t1-11. n,111TINO CF.MF.NT TILF. SII)F.WAI.K 2,_h 22.16 Cement Tiles Thr til, .Fall 1, two (21 imM1rx thirk. Thr I.— 1Frrr-fourth, (%I to le ro Cement Paving block. shall be �ypp lent 1YY four (4) 'nchee thick, e' (d) inches wide twelve inches eTM1e 22.15 _1 of nor ll) pan rat Pnrtlen,l rrrtrn ami four l91 P a of clean, Mnrp snnA. rhorrmghly misrd rind r.rrfully r comet in n rhe mo�dda m aelrorm Amnn. The rP N vprt ;�nr/nurih I �G) In Iw eompreed of mu' IU n[ Pornrrndnr< rn rid two (2) n tthornn¢nlr r rirnn..nnrp ,. nr1. Nnrr,l inmrrdlnlrlr nn �rtlnr Inwrr n t and r.mmetx to the Prm r n'mknrav Feretoaattached thatesandvvsed tort Lottom course of eileel ma oI to n no[ to„ex. )....pt c M 1.11, . (;le la per ant u^ coarse of which all will pate. Ianch e ^ be rein: eJ an �r[ce'l Yc art no( i_ and o n ty (90) P, mF'uu will p.. -Felt 1'S) inch sieve. j P e t xed oto a rid sand are t. be used witF<one I I) p rt f cement in m king tM1e botbmncourae of [ilea. The 1'LA for top coo oI Olea, 'hall r. t: no .ton wh¢h wll no[ a ave of pave ) inch ie ..The prop. run eek mall bn accantelYmm rM in amu nnc� apProvM Ly Me Engineer, end the m. r shall be machine :xed in a bv4h m Each batch aM1ell L [ xed a rind f not Ices Aan two (2I n TM1e emronl of water ueM x be ouch th.t whennAe m —1 ie plvcM in theumuulda and thor- ougFly r.mmMmno excess x'a er ie Lrought to the surface. No m r anal) Le ueM afUrr a[teining iU initial eel The surface snail be M rough like Dre mple b the uifice of he Commieaioner of Public Works. The Iles mall be c rM in an enclosed MM and pru"r from n ur drying Inde. Durins rate the to per.tnre shall not be allowed t drop Lelow forty -Bee 1(4L) deHrro Fvhr. The [ibe shall Le kept wet fur a period of Rve (fit days from ihn ne they ode. Alter Ne five (L) Jay p IM Ne tiles m y Le m. fit to Y. No tiles shall be sM n theork ur I Aro a at Irsst flirty (90j day�oldyand during thio time they should Le protected f m the hot eun or drying w n Tiles moat Ln manu(nc[urM under City impee[fon. On the foundation Prepared a. dl.c bed herein Le laid a two (2) i h Led 22.0] 4,.11 baaeM of one (1) p Portland cement and (our ( )parte thorn, sharp sand. TM1e anon either bo -11,1 m . mrcFnnicnl butch mixer, ori M1vll Le mixM by hand ae Send and Cemea[ BM follows: On o water int pbO.o or in n ear ti ht box. The sand rid c n shall be mixM in a dry vi.[e by turning until Me mixture ie .1 uni[orm rotor; it shall Le turnM et leant Iour (4)trmee while dry. Thi. mixture .hall Nen be yl.cM n the and brought to a e Mand uniform [ 'nchee �b-¢rade a r(ue (2) below Ne .hea surface of the walk. lb,f re plat the elle, the bel shall be eprinklM wfN water —i itie um[orm1Y damp, Upon the d end c n bed e. pre .red Mall be l.id arluare 'le 22.08 n t Ice. then ei,hht-p (I.) iinches between the parallel aide.. Hex.go bl«4e mag Tile Loring Le "Ail in layin5 par work to match the paired alk or the .diacont walk. All blocks aM1ell Leolaid torus to true present a eurfnee and conform [0 Ne cane[ thde of the .idewalk. A thin grouting of neat PoN—d cement aha be a ad over e eud.ce and into carefully swept the joints. All surplus groutinz .hall be cleanM from Ue walk. The Mge a[ the vidnw.lk shall A flnr.hM with a at Port- plastering land cement and sand in proportion o[ one (1) of cement .rid to two (2) of .and. ExP.nsion Joint. a (1) inch m Aicknr M.11 be formM wherever sidewalk 22.9 abate the curb, ora building, r .n .n er,Z t tilt .1 ew.lk. Treneveree expeneion join4 ne-h.lf (%) inch thick Mall be (urmM ac the w.lk Expae`b. at rite le not exeeMing fifty (50) leer in all uee.. All nape..... joint. Mall extend through the entire thick- JoI.. . of the w.1k. rind eh.1, 1, filled — a po bitumen filler of compoeiD. and ron.re y app ..M by Ne Engineer. BRICK AND CEMENT BLOCK PAVING The <ontinu.tiun f Mn line of the walk At alley cneei nR. and driveway. where 22.10 orde. M.R bav e ped with brick ar cement block end Aall C done in Ne follwing o manrMThe Where Lald I ..d.tbn eh.H be prepared as ep<elfiM far eidewalka. 2.21 Side he.d.ra of three (2) Inch by eight (8 ) Inch lank Meli be set on tach aide f the Fovndatiop cro.ewalk end securely fa.t to the proper M1eight and line by meant of stakes. The clear apace between the headers ie to be the width spa _for Nn walk. The top 22.12 of the headers A.11 be neatly trimmM to match — eniehM contour of the crosswalk. Alley be gide R1.den croavings ere to diAM three (8) inches except where epxial conditions re- v e . mMrflc.tion to be die tM Ly ih< Engineer. u ,Upon he foundation PrenaV .e described above shell be plac a I—, of can- t(4) 2112 creta (our IncFee thieknesa. 'T c ere a shall be mixM in {rye proportion of e (ll pert Pnrtl.ndnCement, three (2) tat she Concrete clean, ahvrp d rid flue (B) parte hmken atone or grovel. The concrete shell m xed ae ep iflM herein for (yge n rete M Itntmrped lwith snail vnJ sttruck sn a templ.l[e anJ floated bei[rue cnrrfmur w1i[hnwoodt flnvt.. Upps the mncret< bate shell be spread a 1-hion et threv-au.rt<r. (X) [ an tlliek of clean sand, the 2,_h wrfvice of which .hail be parallel o the flniehM ro ran pf me Paxrng ,- Cwhba Cement Paving block. shall be �ypp lent 1YY four (4) 'nchee thick, e' (d) inches wide twelve inches eTM1e 22.15 and 112) Inng. lowers Nrree-[our[he (Yr) f Ae blocks to be r mien r. n( nor (I) pert Pnrtlnnri rr rn nml Frrr f1) n. rl_. cM1.vrn. rnnr<r Cement Pnvnp Bl,wke I D� and f--hl ixM °ud mai ¢its . J r"fwlY r r neo(11 4c not n to- t Tne metnnu m r s Int the to ndna' eon mP on r ter bet on enJ unitolm eo( 2.zD torn Jet . bo u a -f u I % I eh 111 1 0( P—L ml t enJ m end uno-nalf (, ) Pvrne l .hrt p'enJ,h lh.. ughlyl .nil which will a ref ave r Praparrane esch o(ghe roam -al yj lime¢. °r v`u a MeuurinNq Msleruls Nf. ,,Z,; w h nM nil pbacM intmMie IY opo z u w a n�cr t re- war iced rc eflurt ¢hall be mnJe the (:antrncwr ugg qew of uniform u Nbkne The ufvice oI Ne Llacke shall be finished sn mN with i.—&d edge end °� tit q�furnish Thr e u(. sive loads uI d- store ro yruA�LitM. Incc.ee JouLt worn frac e er ual the ample to the aRice of the Cammisnmyer of Public \t'orlw. moat Iw CLI in ion. They shall be carefully` vegRneRgetegth e''dely °( N E-.itup the suRicimtly yermit the checking u( Ne mom -1 I—— n each load. Rlocke manufxclureJ oder tie on d end kept wet for the first flue (6) d.y.. sNu blinks ¢hill be used unleee a F.iNer bulk or u kM mment may Le uaeJ. puck of cement shell be aeaumM 2216 ls evet thirty (20) deye old Rri1't kali meet Ne City 9tandsrd Spmiflu[ions for three (a) inch vertical flLrr r lv weiT ninety four j941 yuunde net Hulk Rri<4 saving t \f cement, if uaeJ, shell be propartio11 by weight on nDnnr vM eine, which, a[ all times, hell be kepi clean d coverts M Metter. If la[form 22.11 Tne brick or cement blrcks mil be laid directlt .n the cushion of and; they m tr in et eight raw¢ .cove he slley or dnvew.y, the blocksvie a t e It ie used, there shell be et least m-half ItiI i_b Icor-ace between the le letfonn baying the Brick set in <loee costar, adjoining rows set a to regularity Lreak joints. No Late o broken Llmke will alvruree '( nil the platform u n nidi the cele reale The Leu of the le shell have a au Ricimt numLrr u( apper q allow N¢ apil[ cement b through. The nr Iflucks allowed, except (.:r end v [he beRinnmm of ev other mune. The blorkn h.vinR Lein sec shell M1e LhoroughlY rolled ur mM I. the .en.faction of hr. Com- p mrthM of charging crv<ke or LutM ooze° with bulk mmenl shall br each Incl no wae4 due s of PMh< t4'urke, end after being ram.M ar 'IIM Ne urI_ shell M1e ¢enJ ocean to ¢plashing of the remene. m h even enJ trve w grade. All lr.<ke for Fuuling e¢grag.tee shall have euRi wet capacity end 0,.11 be con- 221g After rolling or mmR the brick o blxka °hell be used with a Pvrllend clean, nt uclM ea revmt Ne loss .f m Chile tun Jumpin¢ at the ier. Trucks-tcevr two or mare batch¢., be e� rpned w th Delivery of tiller trots au as of one 111 y rt at Portland cement end one 111 art of •harp tunJ.tm its with clan con Fat will readily flow int^ the ej.— ry�nq shall nd-.— i- Uone, [^ ee °r c plelely the betehee mall t mm and of suRieient heiRhthv nil Aggregates Ip s. Care shall 1. taken w fill duet, -hcthr surface. Dgbt.e. [gpprevent the epilh it .f one batch into the ulnar when damping. 22.19 MONOLITIIIC CONCREPE 911IEWALR 9eckM cement, when 1-* °hall be del-- w the mixer ii, Ne original p ckeQee. ThnlPHom The eidewulk ¢Full consist aI o ein¢le mune of Portland roman rte laid in The ticked cement sMll be hauled on the betchln ke or ¢Fall be pled IonR he R true cite m the work. Sake ¢hall M opened J dumped at the mixer. If uckM mknue, 1'rop.rtion, F.l<. p Me Jt aero hereinbefore with these epmifimtions a the tub-gr prepare ov specifl e i. h.ulavl an wet nggmg-1e, ur d the we.[he I. tiny, Ne Contactor ¢hall make suet 222p Jce Tne materials ueM in tbe m the .iJewvlk Fell tet the 're- puviai.. tie may be deemed nett.anry w pre [ the cement m u<ke tram becoming wet in tnneR M.lerisls n1e of their rrepttlive kinds end claem ata R� n in he Standard 1M-ter'wel S iI-- i the work but hick is Paul. Anyv During cold weather, mncrew cosy be placed when the nvturel air temperature i ^ s o! the City of St tial re aired grl�'fiullY menlionM in the -w 1 epeciflutlons ¢hall be turniehM of the beet ade enJ eetisfacbry w the Engine¢*. TFe be (1) rt Portland cement w five (61 `he ehvde ie 36 degrees F. enJ ricin Pd ampere re to Ne sM1ade ie 40 d,.,—F.¢nd talRngiot bd aanoumeehth.ell concrete be de,—` duupov a frump tub-grade. Chemical° shall not be added b lower lh+. freezing zz25 Mtxmg Conditlone 2221 ('an..els romrew ¢hell rompmM of one parts gr­, app imetely two (2) pyres of which ehdl be fine sg .. and approx- tlAree o excen with the written vermieeion of the Engineer. Mswrials ¢untnming [root, lumps or crusta of h.IdeneA mnteriale Mall Mixture at ly 131 °rte ¢vane ggregete. A ethic ve d f Claes A" a conn mnlaro not I, uud. I[ ronerete het been plecM n accordance with the above prov�e�mte end Nr tempp¢e ore drops w thirty-two flea "A" shell contain nae lees then one end fifty-uvrn hundrMthe (1.61) berrelseu! (;i2) Argrees F.. the concrete ah.1 Le coverts with dry burlap end ulfw—t depth of Concrete «menti Ne w Iyt he 1E ngin¢er. ft—mg. TM1e amount of concrete w be covered shell be determined ' The Engineer will compere ealeuletM amount of cement requirM according these mecidcolion. end eccom vying plane, uvN the em° nt n u IlI Ju'ring of ?yqt NI The concrete shell be in I d r ¢node. The amount cemen[ used during a run o! ane•hul! (%1 day he111 ottbe more t, Ne during one (I I mixM only each nuentity u ie required (or immeJisw usn Retemp... ar remixing roncrew which hoe obtain M iia tnittal tet is 2216 then two (21 ver ce nor amount used a an o[ any Four shall nut Le more than flue 161 per below Ne amount epxifiM. The amount prohibited. n v urate end aulamnt�c eyetem of water control shall br ueM. The inflow of t w er to the tank, Caneisten<y of cement for v an of one day or more ¢hell be one and fifty-oven hundredth. II.65) the manuring of the -mount far each bawh enJ the di°ch.— of the r hall be sctumtM and controlled euwmaticelly. xnwTk M1erele cer ethic vats of set ronerete in plax 1, amount of water oats ¢hall M1e each ne ill rM.ce the denirM coneieten<y, 2212 Equipment le) Conrel< Miza of mix re ueM ¢hall n A. -Z" b.tb miter shall be ueM. The opacity °t L.l m no I..e Msll more then vix (6) hone f water, including the .voter in Nr n rr alae, end mixtures, i( any, Le vats p gg The u.e of di.tomeceo if me xceed the AuacimtM Omenl Cantu<wre Rating far the reepec[iveemI... mites. llee frvctinnm m ant m prohibited. The ' r .Hall be M IpW with en .ilicia admixture mprovenworkebility ie permitted but only in uen t ae mvy be enpt_ by th" Engineer. of ticks re order. If the devlre get. out ofi rder beyond the .ppr.vvd timing device Inm`ne 1...... I .hall be 'xM to deei—t" con.I.te y s d until the c m nt 'a F.ng antral f the Contractor, gineer may allow Ne wok [o con roue mNout the. device for not longer than twenty-four Faure, Dr.vidinR the Con- un' farrnly dietributeA end the eonerew homogenmue end uniform in color.¢ Each hvwh shall in hem 2 221 Method of nR n petits X24) "° r ¢hall plea¢ tly before the mixer oneu a clack "* _.h di. mA.11 mein a el least ne m nu The time tar mixing .hall be fl-­ from the f ie when ell the material a in [he drum the Mining ¢Dail M1and by waits each botch mall be tlmM a tele_ The timing device the , of mixer until the beginning of Nr. diuharge of the ronerete from Ne mix¢ra. The mixer .hall M rafts a[ the ¢¢alts while operating end It-djuetme^[. ¢bell be made In Ne presence of Engineer. area speed recommended by the menufn<turera, subject to Ne approvvl o! Ne Engineer• I.d in case .hull 1M1e mixin¢ dam have H The mb,¢ ¢hall be equippM with an --t eyewm of water control. The water a aprM lue Nan fourtmn (141 nor g eater than righ[ren 1181 rewl.tione per miaow. me tank shell have a visible gage or deye to chow amount ^! water memured and di,--d. Where feel inlor<ement i° ordered bri the Engineer, it shell be paid far et he 't TM1e N) Water Supply Fq 1p—m ;reid. etrel rmn(nr`mnt .hall co slat of defnrmM bare o Im[rically welJMrw fabric conforming w h° to d.rd 9tee�1 The muter apply equipment Mvll be of ..ch —dtY and nature u w i .ere et limes en -mole apply enJ edey.aw ppl= for ell the requirement. of the work. eDmifl<etinne hereto attached. The xei¢ht end distribution of the reinforcement be Relnforeemenl .. µll 'M1ere P.mping is required for cunng, duphcaw p.mpmg equipment ¢hill be Provided shell ae orderM by the Engineer. nndny. Icl Bridges, 8—li Tuts. F'loew and Rurl.p fnnrretr..hall Lr�nlu<M im—d—ly after m It shall be femora nil atrvck The c,m—lor shill f.rnilb apol<ient number of Lrid,, of proper length¢ and ell a 11 tont. ceuer mm tete settsfeclarily tM1e pavement v,epemfvd berms. All wooden d nl..M1nll M1mre uighe a eo(12 ,-f- mn1eF ell edges well rounaed. H.rI.P uirM, eM1ell Le .f n[ le. t twely 1 " n nn nR with v rmplatr end mM1 ll Le flontrd with . wm,l Hoat .aril the U.h.a n fru Inure Cvrr .hall Le token sat t. bring to the suttee¢ on exctss of wafer end floe ansa. Plar end Fad.hing u 11 1 n Eq a IMersnell ttuml.M1usuc[ The wvlk mall b co Nro i¢F t tar .nb-¢red tel tslvL TMaie eq TiPm Y M1°lrtF.�vRRr R"te anq tie 1. (or d e mine rrmlilY 1b, sola he �a ore content e s .. g t Lrtm.mlM ttn s °neuuvlrlerrtl'/nl lath mdlusr. The�svrfau Mg a .( tech shell 4 Join�tfl g Expansion jo a 111 inch in thickness sM1nll Le fo d where aiJewalk ¢Lula the curb, ora bu 1-9, or an intersecting aid-w.lk. Tr ... —1 a ezDanainn j-ints Nrre- r Itil inch Fick shall be formd ecrosa the walk et 'ate le ant exeeding fifty 1601 feet in ell casae. All expansion j-inte ahnll extend lhravgh Ne entire tmck- e or the walk, mJ shell Le filled with poured bitumen Rller o[ --it— ..' can e+s nc rovd by Ne En.ineer. 2231 NAf.t ., co rete hoe been fl.- ndfiniahM, end n be dunwith e Curing without mit to Ne surface, the walk shell Le roverM with burlap well caoaked The burlap coverings Nall Le kept canalantly wet end shall remain in lace nt leastrwent-four (2t) hour.. If the burlap -,-g +s rem- d P r w three (3) days from Ne time of 6 1,— Ne concrets, then Ne c -scrota ehnll M caverM imme- diately following the removal -[ Ne burlap with .pproxlmatoly siz (6) menea or clean hey. straw -r two 12) -aches of clean send. The Fay, straw or ennd aM1MI M1c kept in place end kept coneNnliy wet for a pend -f three 131 lova frvm the time of finieh- nq Ne concrete. The hay. straw or -- shall Nen be r-movM end taken away and th- walk and aprrovndivgs eletanM bi . pdestriana r TM1e mn[rect-r ehnll oro act he ro crate from d, 1eR' by gi mals with euiteble. covers enJ Farriradee anJ by rM L.hta nt nighi until it ie "fl to perm+[ tragic v n it. EXTRA REINFORCED CONCRETE lODEWALE 2132 Extra reinforced c-ncrete elks will be generally laid in the bu.iveae district Where Wid -ver a ewe a Lut they may M laid wherever in Ne judgment of tM Commisaianer of PuLlicreVorks heavier construction Nan Ne toregv+ng ie neceax 2233 The rontre<to shall con.trurl Ne sec m form'""p' sup rt Ne Forme place. All lamberrI_ face work and underside of slabs ar beamspehMl be Jreasdeane site end both arlge., and all form work mus[ be conetructM with tight joints b prevent tM� ¢.cape -f mment. and it moot be etrvng and rigid enough m ho1J the concrete during without say movement or "..All forme meet d clean and wettd hetoreP plamn. concrete. zZJ4 Where the walk m requilM to span areewars ar any openings, in the foundation. n 9'hirunsee.nd e M dosign will be prep- d by the Engineer end Ne concrete will he reinforced wren Iteinrorcemeat steel far a live load of two hundrd and fifty (2601 lbs. per eemre foot. Great care it be exerci M to eke ere Nat all lnforcement is xt and m mtnind in the c position ppeciflM by the Engineer. rAll i. —1,i m at be ex sly lid ¢ether with Na. 18 Ra and all Inforcement vet be sxurd and held �n place by such m e. the Enginrer mnY direct. m „n all nether regio! t. boned �6eatio`e f dewalkeovrce MonoliNlc wMk .M1MI n IY Uri. -wets .hall be rnmtrvdM atrMlaYYs r a RRee and as-.M1ere as -derd. They Or vewere .hall conform in ell e.pecte N the epxificationentar o alithic w Ik ezeepting onjy Net the concrete far driveway shell be Mz (6) i he. Nick and the driveway shall oat M cu[ (or joint. unless it ex cede Meaty (20)pfect in length and the Ne " r a d ter dgee of the c r lab eh.11 be a dM t s rndive a[ ane-FMf F. A contraction joint .1,01 be lett el h end a( the driveway end et the center of the driveway +f its length :cede tw [y (20) feet An ezpanalon joint parallel la the line of Ne walk shell M rona[ructM between the driveway d an a ng Devin¢ de criZl un left neocourse Afanaiiehice.. n— joints ere N bencaneiructalre.dv a SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION eMaeanry hell ro aiat f eound v rr1M .lane, of lees Nan three CO inch¢. 223fi t41ck, nor with Ices urea Nen one soda ¢-half (1K) perflclal feet, ezeepting far Mesovrr kin. cloevree, the top cavrne to M1e M1reders, redcwiell bedded h^M1mow�l'. Each alone shell be laid level, Properly fitted and bandd, nn —I All mortar for meson hell be made of one pert of Portland cement and three Mortar (3) pparte fee d, all meteriele to be ee herein .pe fled. The mortar st be thor- n M1ly mixM with ivet enough water m Provide a workable rnnsietency andnueM before ll attaining +N ilial set. The mortar shall M1c mizd jn a me Fine mixer a may M1e mi uendbr Anydmn w�A bhe has eltn'mM ItnlainiliM et[bef.- n -g .1M shall bn red moved from Ne work. Prlv�te Where any private driveway crosses the s+dmlk Ne plan th—f ih.11 be mdiflM Urivews,e e, di" by Ne '_i b.— of Public Works. Con2-9 lreetor's and t tyeareple nilya romped In the welk.e of —11, the canlroctnr shall b- 8 ave Fie name Stem, 22.40 AR ed dama¢M mpet b, replecM with n -w ed at Ne ContreMor'e expenee. Rd 6 cit, °iiia` Pam INDEX ePP work: SECTION 6 SPECIFICATIONS for GRADING FOR PAVEMENTS P.regreph Hedmga Pe.e 6.01 D-mpum......................................................... 1 6.02 Ezrsv.11on1 ......................................................... 6.03 Ra—w............................................................ I 6.04 Dfi, o itl of E...,d MMeriel...................................... I 6.06 Di.,oW of 6Mvegeable Materid.................................... I 6.00 Emu Foundation ................................................... 1 am L�bankmmt....................................................... I 6.08 Preper l- of Spbgrsde.............................................I-2 6.G1 91............................................................... P 6.10 ShoMde........................................................... 2 b.11 A,, t1ie................. ......................................... 2 6.12N. ClsmlOeation arOverh.......................................... 2 6.13 DIe iti-n of PrN- Elxacluree................. .................... 2 6.14 Resetting Old LLrb............................................... 2 6.16 Drelmge.......................................................... 2 6.16 Bovleverde......................................................... 2 ." mv;:- eand lhm point, an th. urpoae v[ culling is W proJuce a -..grade the[ c.nnol dy.ump — further, ban produce ni(ormly c pected euPgrnde. All hnulin hell be sella iLuteJ ova the .id1h or the uLgredo o far cable, eo ee to leave it in a unlfurmly compvcfN condition. All, L,,ng prep Nin Ne above manner, lhu eubgrade shell Le eu memteinN —il tM1e Pavement neo been placed thereon. Unleee otherwise shown nn the lens, the elope, of excnvetlon. end embankments r.o9 shall bu o end one-n.f (I%) tb ,=n'al . m(l) on the v ic.l. unlena 3iop® utnerwlee shown nn [be plow. All elopes .h.D be tri.— to an corn,face. Where .—Id— n indle.ed on the lav lne roadway shall be cone c d to 5.10 the full widM I.i.ehoulden. Atter the pavement le c.mph,W, thetah..Id— Shoulders ehdl be "b" to a nifarm urface as .luted on the plena. TTe surfacing ma n. of the eh..Iden shall not contain weed., cod or other bee eubat.neee, the beat ..oriel available being eeleelN for thio purpme antes. the Dlav chow lh.t a —ill, ..anal Wl be used. All approaches I— ' tereee ' ag eta end from .leyn d prlv.e driveway, 5.11 whim have not bees graded previously shall be rut ur OWN eo that the same well Warn Appr.aebee uniform elope eedme ten 1101 per cent. Inbreeding fano alley. whim I,— been gmdg previously ehdl be regraded far a distance of tw [yr.ve (26) feet tram the uev�ng. or more it Indicated on the plane, . form an eppronch to the paving having ..if— grade ens I,— nroyiemne ter drem.ae. Th. ^rice "'—d- theca i1 -U.- dna aeeom .Wring Plane hWl include 5.12 excavatio of every deaeription wiNout claaeiflcutiun of materiels or over -ha W. N a'laaeieratlon Overhaul Whenever dry lures owned by butting prop¢ ty where a found b be lose d 5,12 within M1e timid of M1e w k, that the rk IncludN in the contra t cenn be DleppooMOO. of .feel propD rly unleea they re r vN from the eueb aura. eh.11 be Prlv.b ved by LM1e (Antracbr end dep.eiled on tee prnpereY ladlecen[ Hereto unle,e other 8tructuren called far un the lane. The C.ntr.cbr ,Hell eeerelee unvble csr and bon I, n he removd dna disp.eitlon .1 each drvcturea b ousel unneceeeerYedam- otthem. The Conwetor in no cine ehdl disturb any -h"e trees except by epeeist Wader oI the Engineer, and the ee[Ling o[ end making of etnkee shall not be —6- -i, urd,r. WhereWeen order t. a vertie I (aro or b correct .ignment end 5.1d red'. old care ehel7 be reset by the Contractor. TTe approximate amount nt curb b Reseals. be reset is ,boo on the plain. Old Cam The Cant — eh.11, .nine otherwise epeciflN, provide for the flow of ell webr 5.15 s dreins and for Ne drainage of ­H.water to prevent damage to ens- Drainage t of [he ork and make such other provision. m are necee.ary for the proper main - e flea Bens TTe Cantrecbr el=l. l Install .t areivge work ,how^ the plane end in cord- nide thter dras,—ewduraatioebMI be .[,'red.rag'dj-t,d y ne Conitrectorc tonaetch o the cetaLD.hN vlignm'n[ d Rrude. AnY sew man 1 Ing ve r basin et r other -1alm9 drainage eetruc[ures found broken shall be --M new by the C..— ­W tvre pateriv ebdi `poeN^ I by fl M1lell be ueed.o/-rhe•mace [ the till ng ebnll bk,.1 ard. pprov h 44� lw see P:reeareDh 800 e.-. it, S..deNlO8—ifimlion. or Con l�h�Mcgnrrbde City of 9l. 1'eul J"Department of ' 19]2 Public Works SPECIFICATIONS for GRADING FOR PAVEMENTS 5.P1 "Grading far Pavement" eh.l include the cleerinR I— the A,.f the pavement Devcripti.n ell obawctione, nvlurel or otherwise of whvacever nvture, the mak ng of excavation or embankment, the filling of exe.vdiona, the diep... I of surplus me[erivl end the doing fall other work end the furnishing of .11 m.erid neceaeary tIl prepuce the aubgrvde Nr pevmg in accordance wilM1 tM1e attompenyin88 plane and apeciflcati.ne. Where en eziding street le tp be vnowea, [he Contractor shall remove old curb- ing end paving, D any to conform la the linea of the new work. On Wimp ved r ,tree ne sicca[, .closing the oaawar, edewake. .1,21 ere, ,ids eloepea, curb ntenxtian. and a eche, thereto shall be graded to each gr dee, euL- R.nchea, .de. and erose--e'u.ne .. r WrN ev Ina plane .na ,Deaitie.uone. tyy. 5.02 [n a ,the earth anremovevil nae be disturbed below themeledal. ne pla.t the subgrede where „�ereeeary m .aft .r n ttshel . s.W here n. barrow pia . indicated onelhe plana, or If the . unl of bonow u Ibrrow fable o ,uRc — [o make the fill r Iced, the ---actur l t� tum ehce — pbfilling material ealiebclory b th. Engineer. 6.od All unable ezcay.tN lariat not required in the embankment shell be used far Oiepoul of wiaeninqq the ehoulden end for oNer purPoees dirnetN, or lhie materl.l and all Eac.v.lN metrial. not p rmittN i the embnnkmena, shoulder,, elopes, ate. .ell be ,moved Materiel from within lheelimia of [he r..d and deposited at cum paint or'"b"' ee di,--. if no pn'n or peoina are deeisgnated, the Conwc[ar anal find embble dumping places for ell leach plus mater I. If —id. poina ere aesign.N for that pi.,I g of ezeeve[ed m arid, um Jeaign it.. will 1e mode one sheet —!,e these epeciflcationa and beaJN "Special Canai[ivit s.PS lel—fi,, a .O,r in the pr.—ti of the —1, ... b marsh., ft..,.U.—I of end eovere, catch basin ebnee, crossing blacks, idt—ik tile,curb, eWvert ylp�, pp Ing S.IvaReable brick block lhcr 1, "Z end or env city owned materiel which b be ab.nd but wh eh ie Material worth enlvegingg shall be selvaged by the Contractor and delivered to the City Paving Plan[ ante -a ulherwiee ,pacified .r directed by the Engineer. 5.06 In places where the aubgrede r -W by the yylane and epeeifivtlone does n Eztr. vRurJ . tiefecbry foundation for the paving, the E�gi�eer m. Ire cum F.und.tlon a[r c as he may deem ace ry provides t factory fosndall.n, d such work, if tau n l—d in the lane enC apeciflcetiore, mall be p.e.,.N by the Con- tp.id ervcbr dna I., as en t.— Eenell lone, pieced in layers . .ee he lull width of the fill. Each Embe 4menl ley, not exec N .,elf-pr.peI_' three -wheeled freDer weig ingnnot lees [h'en flue'(.) ton..ugEmb-- a shell be made of sand, gravel, clay or loam o ombinalione thereof. When embankment¢ ph,,N .n nd having a rose doceeezceeding ten (t0) nom, 6he1 groan bond with the embankmenl.pAd of cod d by soil .nd then p1owN soap The-ubgrade ehdl be .weted b nave -e e 1Y ee precliuble, uni[ann Prep..etion Jevity throughout it. entire width. Whenever the eubgrnde ezbnde beyond Ne leterel of limit. of an old roadway, or wherever en old gravel, .coeds., or other herd m Subgnde vc N cruet comes witbin ane toot .f the elevation of the e.eh'd .ubgrade, each old ro dwey or cruet ,hell be pi.— Io.- .r ec -fled to a depth of at taut one foot and the loosened material redistributed cosec the I. widen of the eubgrade. Suil.ble b ri I melt be added, when ntteseary, ea that when tom b,d t. the required elev.- eliRnment, end cram -section, the eubgrede win approach m newly ee puenible a c.ndition of uniform devity. When Improperly -et ON trenches or ^bred in the grade, a thorough ee[tlement of arch ez na ehdl ba obteinN bycme ne of a w ter )et Ips .( euitnble size end length. Saueh ex atlov .hull be c bra.. up to eubg�ede elevation by filling with a "bee m riel d puddling a me with ate or by 6 the fi11N m brut In layers of fight inches .r lea,. 1g) Compression of the sub cele materiel ehdl be attampli.hN wi h s cal[- propelled three (2) wheel roller weighing not tees t t n flue (61 tole. P.rtiov of the ,ub Ob' which gun n [ camped, properlgy it h the oiler hell be a p, by hand h. d bmpiaR. All depre-_.. develop under lrvMc on Ne a .grade, In n - h be _ low rolling. anal, Illed vnd compacted with -unable tori.. Rolling shalIbe anti ued nil he eubgrede ie .Ifa , , e�ly shaped nna w. to ar.de dna nugnmenl. n .a not inlena,.a aI. Ih.. ...I . �.R':°P ...._.........i mv;:- eand lhm point, an th. urpoae v[ culling is W proJuce a -..grade the[ c.nnol dy.ump — further, ban produce ni(ormly c pected euPgrnde. All hnulin hell be sella iLuteJ ova the .id1h or the uLgredo o far cable, eo ee to leave it in a unlfurmly compvcfN condition. All, L,,ng prep Nin Ne above manner, lhu eubgrade shell Le eu memteinN —il tM1e Pavement neo been placed thereon. Unleee otherwise shown nn the lens, the elope, of excnvetlon. end embankments r.o9 shall bu o end one-n.f (I%) tb ,=n'al . m(l) on the v ic.l. unlena 3iop® utnerwlee shown nn [be plow. All elopes .h.D be tri.— to an corn,face. Where .—Id— n indle.ed on the lav lne roadway shall be cone c d to 5.10 the full widM I.i.ehoulden. Atter the pavement le c.mph,W, thetah..Id— Shoulders ehdl be "b" to a nifarm urface as .luted on the plena. TTe surfacing ma n. of the eh..Iden shall not contain weed., cod or other bee eubat.neee, the beat ..oriel available being eeleelN for thio purpme antes. the Dlav chow lh.t a —ill, ..anal Wl be used. All approaches I— ' tereee ' ag eta end from .leyn d prlv.e driveway, 5.11 whim have not bees graded previously shall be rut ur OWN eo that the same well Warn Appr.aebee uniform elope eedme ten 1101 per cent. Inbreeding fano alley. whim I,— been gmdg previously ehdl be regraded far a distance of tw [yr.ve (26) feet tram the uev�ng. or more it Indicated on the plane, . form an eppronch to the paving having ..if— grade ens I,— nroyiemne ter drem.ae. Th. ^rice "'—d- theca i1 -U.- dna aeeom .Wring Plane hWl include 5.12 excavatio of every deaeription wiNout claaeiflcutiun of materiels or over -ha W. N a'laaeieratlon Overhaul Whenever dry lures owned by butting prop¢ ty where a found b be lose d 5,12 within M1e timid of M1e w k, that the rk IncludN in the contra t cenn be DleppooMOO. of .feel propD rly unleea they re r vN from the eueb aura. eh.11 be Prlv.b ved by LM1e (Antracbr end dep.eiled on tee prnpereY ladlecen[ Hereto unle,e other 8tructuren called far un the lane. The C.ntr.cbr ,Hell eeerelee unvble csr and bon I, n he removd dna disp.eitlon .1 each drvcturea b ousel unneceeeerYedam- otthem. The Conwetor in no cine ehdl disturb any -h"e trees except by epeeist Wader oI the Engineer, and the ee[Ling o[ end making of etnkee shall not be —6- -i, urd,r. WhereWeen order t. a vertie I (aro or b correct .ignment end 5.1d red'. old care ehel7 be reset by the Contractor. TTe approximate amount nt curb b Reseals. be reset is ,boo on the plain. Old Cam The Cant — eh.11, .nine otherwise epeciflN, provide for the flow of ell webr 5.15 s dreins and for Ne drainage of ­H.water to prevent damage to ens- Drainage t of [he ork and make such other provision. m are necee.ary for the proper main - e flea Bens TTe Cantrecbr el=l. l Install .t areivge work ,how^ the plane end in cord- nide thter dras,—ewduraatioebMI be .[,'red.rag'dj-t,d y ne Conitrectorc tonaetch o the cetaLD.hN vlignm'n[ d Rrude. AnY sew man 1 Ing ve r basin et r other -1alm9 drainage eetruc[ures found broken shall be --M new by the C..— ­W tvre pateriv ebdi `poeN^ I by fl M1lell be ueed.o/-rhe•mace [ the till ng ebnll bk,.1 ard. pprov h 44� lw see P:reeareDh 800 e.-. it, S..deNlO8—ifimlion. or Con l�h�Mcgnrrbde Uep.+tment of Cit)' 'Bt. P..l INDEX Public N'urks 6S Beckon 6 SPECIFICATIONS for X11 I P.r.gr.Pn CONai.R, CRETE CURB u..P.Ra 6.02 Concrete Proportions... 6.03 M.teri.le .... 6.06 F--ti-m1 S-111.1 F.ac.v.tinn. t-_ u 6.Q7 d' R �. 2 8 O6 S B n 2 6 0 M f 1 nla 6 II Conaiaten y ... L 6.12 Me!had .1 M z nR ... .. 2 6.13 Curb Bectinna ...... .. .... 3 6.14 HeinforcinR Seel .. ... ...... 3 6 Ib Curb B.n .. ... .. :i 6I6 E ­ —m Jmnls .. ... 3 6.13 Piecing C.n<rete...... ... ... .... 3 6.18 Finishing Curb ..... ... ... 3 6.19 Defective Curb ..d Rejections .. ... ... 3 .. �.... 6.20 Protection .nJ Curing 3 S!ruct 3 6.21 Dr.m.RL urcx.. ... ... .. ... .... 6.22 Adi—t.ent of Sid—lks... ........... ... .. .. ... .... .. .... ... ... :t ' 6.23 APPro.i n�ste Estim.[e.................... ... .. .. .. . ... ... ... ..... ... d 6.24 Additi— ..J Deduetione.. ... .......... .... ..... ... ... ... ... 4 CONCRETE CURB . .. . .. ... '-d 1� , v;, I'.— 1, I11 I xurr . ............II I . ri ....... ... .. ..... 1 1 INI b'. i k Iy 1 l Al . ...... t -Y .—i. Theit 'd —lb Uva .. I ... I I.- du of b, -d lbs ,Mt""i '.7iff ..y .11— lbl� —kh.1"t. ti--- -Itb11-t me iAar­-ty-f-1 24) , pl-idti, th. C— _tit _h b_bg I y —,b b bit, bA inll -.1111 ab I.. d_t_t, 'I'll" TFe nr'ixrr 'boll Le equipped witF on sec rratr sv, em n[ water —I—lb. Ti,1l."t, di.th.,gtd. n] Forme Th,, C-1-1 .-I --h and .f —ij,ht curbs. Metals fnrmn, alio nhnll he furnieheJ xndt u'M far rediae curl' of ft- (6) foot radius m less. h1eWl nr w'al (arm' may Le used on rndins curls granter then fiva161 foot radms. M— 1.— —11 h—, smantn plate ilh— FarizonWl 36— M the -;Z- which will lormr the expo'M face nr the curb x^d shill be made conform l tb, I corp.section of lilt 8' bh.' j,vj -d h.lI p­id,,I —h .it.b . hl.— - thilt -Y —I bbt 1,— .1 �d , , _ I -- W.,- I— Abell be " ` .. ­- '. the - ""b"' of th' for I— —k — be I-- — — ..d both jibi— our wokst hl 1 11, .. t ::,..p,, I W..d9g".'—A!1h.II be gin end xnnu ill —d whir r ole. pl— —11 11 'tt, (,4 1 of ear nen t Th I, h I, ­dtt. Tnota nil all b 71i."�],'I'�'il"X"�,'g , r. nerlr. ➢urlAn v= rt uirN 'troll Le of b1 least twelve (121 ormce con riAl. The I_, lb.p­ —k ror ma the coque tl,g,d� .11 b, —­tIld by 111-1 hWI 1)e d..een rr ,— tlbl I—dbll- II,bil bi, Fal b,. ­p—d th.—ghly by I—PI-9 i- 1-1- not br `111�11 b-, TrFex ret) elx1 111— 4-1 of bring Ill. —11—d 1. ­d� bit if surplus M, the b.:.I,t�.,,d ."d If s,,P- I—H it .11 ` 7 "d I— 'h' " by the( --tt-t­ When I,— bvi­ -l- ..d b. -t—- tt, --d. b_ _h the bib _I—b ..' --1-11Y - bI .. hitb—II that nooleverdn ­d.d 1— the ., b— I � I e id -11, I—, ­p-ty I— i. ax iWt—lk t.b., ­­ ­ y p­bli— — h.— ib plan t� ipt,ifi—i-1. When - ,Adel ill, -it, t —I� ... d —11 lb, ..di, I. fit It, .il-g xide walks or prrlper h. -1— ibit—ted p1t., —I µr„- lb 1.11mg -ly... —.Id. tb%ttb.11 -t 1 1, ,bl, b. k of the _,b. ii b - th, b,, bf, ­­ approximately f ... (4') - p f -lb—rth hl, 1,1th, 1-11 -1 b1 Idl,lllb,l by the curb con roc or Inwhere they Zlylb�t.l.erle,, A' I" tt,, —b shall b, 6.07 "' I ,,, , —b ....... . I 1-", (1) iblh- ..it . --y Ott, d— t w.,d th, "t ) __ _ 111 (ilWli_The —1-bld Tblb,,,.d:! ""I t—d h.1 .--. tl,- .d— —1, —1 Ih,- li, .. y '. ,tif—ly fl— thi, I.p f the —b I. d_u k jll.dl� F-.. ee pacified nbbll be net whore re iced. The I.— lh.11 bx joined ... GY 6.08 end t,lhdY enJ shell b. the .1ii F.— b,adequate Aft, "' "'d end '—,"llh shell,." _fT.1 b --I, lh, j:,.,,tp bythe1-tt ,,,.,gh, —Y 1.1-bli, f,-11 zighth I%) rb,h lb.11 be ... f� i, p ... ld. F.— 11 b,. — distortions or Any other be jg­ their —ti— .—They W] b, 1-- th.l—bly bbi oiled . - I_ _tl- pi.ltd 1^ th— (are Th, llh.d )f ...... ­ Ilb, bll,blh !or j.d.diiii, the wa .. ,hwh ill m—, -p—Il, 1, -1— p-1-i.b. l.th Ill b 11- - ,I r lt—1 b---- i, ­1td --t bly Wtefri La' Mel iAln used. All —I b. -9- 'ht h4l b� pt -d — d..p,d At thcEbipty oaks, bt -th day BFrtdbdfi1`y'lila Tec ant by 'It, E.1h d.y'a It b f .. It. h.11 b,- ,fi' from th, j.b D weather l -11t, —Y be Pi— — - "' --t— , '1., -11 Mixing the anatle 85 R, —.1 p— when - b.— `-" -p —d, m 40 d—— shalt he p b 1,11 i, .o t�b tit, dInceA,d , Ad— b, h Ih " p—mill 11 111 Ell Ill— 11droDsbeen t 'tw' 'it , xP_, F th - - 'd" -Tt"b" —­Y;t-t'� 1921 F the macre e shellbe pl__ I, ig y 'red , degrees ' It , , 7hb lb , be covered dry burlapbb" ffb� depth . ily. tl,b I. ,hall b. I_ b y Ib� Elillib.tt. Tile shall I'll I. l"th .. tity . is immediate gb,-I�11 libil" ill � — dl,-p� i it t .1, It, —dconcreteh , .1 - bit •� Tha amount of water anvil shell be so h will lira desired i=th, ina nFAll more loan seven (7 the C ... it.— ' be d 1ll na Toa use f A ;,zmLis 1—ittibi bot only I. quality -d ­.ty ax may be apprxved b, the E.i shall b, mixed 1. -il-tki —bidl=y ..d until the dib- 6.12 -1—g-- , ltiiil— I tribulyd ..if.,.iy and the l—t-1 i. ti, I � , Ill. —1, i ,hb1I =i,,bb.tth At— t il-t — I blibibb, t time I. hel be A, pf ured — when all thi, .—WA — i^ the d— d - lbabr --til Ul. b" Will— f the diith.— of fl.. the j.- The mixer lhlll It, . ­`­` t rbtM Pd but ii, — — shell thi, i.mil � A Ih.. I_mended by h— (18) ravolutione dt=`h.vi, . -d tIlbb l,g p- Hnt,t, T lle we er shell be ..... r" -d ,­dll—tsly nodAhbIt bb dbi,1,Arl,td I- thb drum wile rile l991 -9 -ti, in ouch A lb—t thatth. t_ill-ty of .11 b..h- will u obs rFell 1 c i na Bonn five (c l ur nix M tfret inglb net m o of metal Ila r lulw lnof .n mch to k. Then pinta, ehnbe1 e n�Peac,,Fns m the S,rlmna n bne(ore ural, enJ nail b I—, e a edl unIlntPlata .uRice my ti n The joi t m.J Ly the e nh.R tend to ugho t the moan aectmn of ,tau )sorb. 6 Id Neinfurcinx Lora sFnll L Placed m the curl over ell up R end in such other ph _ l "mr ase. .x are .sown nn me ala. e. hteei in Steel en Ira econlen,e with plea .e"il shell bo famished and m.1.1 ed in the A.— rr oNar n F.xpanain 'nista ince thick hall be made urban terve) nut j T ceding fifty l(ba) fee the snide of all radii. The .-I be formed b 11 {C Jtoi enA I�le,in n the form befur a red. Premolded ex P.-- jont material meninx ,bagful) depth and c i nrof ...b. elm inch wide AMI be mese wherever Cllr walks abut ,Fel urbnr TFL oo n eM1.11 be f mad bi r n [M1 —11,iter A s iRhl, clean cu anal) bermlade en rely through heu walk. Such jo " ehdl be filled with napFelt-filler the full depth of the nhiewalk. ,t ti— n scat, �a p red. the Con ,.— shell check the curb forma for oligo - and Qrndece I ;ac m otter m x the ne .1,01b.IIIc.. i Fe b eor pine "b - t � none nt'm d. . Ae Ped onam th, rend wpeara i . a ucn I m nr ' F.` .. e_an dna t . ll bo.. Hao. ..erne di i.. ea --- f ort. ane m nto(c red t, be a Let n div WM1m the tar re filled ncomple•,elyreland tam dolhlo.oughly, tM1econcrete ahellnbe .[ruck off wi,M1 a ' t mpin" cut W the resumed curb section. 6.IN a After th. co ,rete hes -hlLeen ouredN the forme end the tat dividing Platen shell ninM1ing of Le th' h a-Ii—il one ate Fan et lnM ith,, en[ trth, f W—...—td without lurk niory the oneretion nr oving them. Neither hall LM1e forme M1e dividing platen be Ira in pier. uIh. concrete ban .,tamed n Permanent sea, i Imide iL d naer the re vol of the forme and [ne aividith platen, ell joints assn be edged won an app yea eaginR m I. weer. ne,eaw ,the exp.e.a m,e. ar the curb then sant) be ,rewelled to a nmootF and uniform nurince. 6.19 Curb. -wh an visual in,pec[ion appears out f aignmenl R grade or whicM1 hna � Ilrferti.e xrenn ve vn�dn, warps, bulges, rough iota, .ugh or a en aurf.eee, cracks nurfe,e end ,heck.) Jixolnretione nFell be ,.nni'a°mtd aere,eiye. c� b whiteIf shown "dance .f Idiertioan n ng amen frozen or the nM1own signs of dinin[egratian anal) be considered defective. vl defective curb shall be --d by the Engineer end shall be repleted by the Cantrnrmr. RejeclN curb shell i_ remove) in full aectjonn. fi 20 Ae anon an curb hes been finlehea it shell b. covered with burlap, whlcn eFn)I be Fmte<, ton kept w t and eh.11 rem i in puce et lens[ twenty -mor (2d) M1oura. WM1m the burlap and in re red — curb F.Ilnbe covered 'mmeal.mly with earth. Bend, h.y,etre or bur - ;i fun.. I.p. Th, covering aWl remain in place and be kept wet, [or six (6) days. w Wherever catch bents. a encountered or opacified tM1e Contractor mull make n eM1e curb and shah connect, ea shown an the plana, each .pminRe in curb w thecatch basins, with twelve (12) t b double ngtn vitrified pipe. Abandoned - . etch beaine shall be cloyed with brick m penWnere existing c.mh basins are ercou tare) ere shown on the lana within the linea of he roadway, the Contractor b.11 rebuild, set In piece a ached m nhol. ..d .nd cwmec, curb Inlet [o the catch basin wile —WA I12) i.. double cover, io-inta papa a Where a lllld or M1own 7th n ,he PlanP.a, Ne Contr.etor shell eonalrun retch beeitu an. eidM1a.1 be c ideated m cetcF btm Heol s,endeN�elailod dr Iven812)Tb h double strength vitrified pier, m indicetM. or man with [we I r WM1erever the new c rb cr ale with any zi ting eld—lk or erose u Adiuntment w.lk the Contractor mall take peand celey m be necemn Na -der [hid ,Fe safety of xi.ewalk or cmm�wslk .djoihing the curb ee may ry �n o Sidewalks and convenience of the etre¢" for pubLa travel me sat bo impmred by senna f a lu work done under this con c provided Inn[ tFe ConVeMr hell n be —it,, take a end clay I ewelk or m i—lk for . di—ht. f more than et. (6) feet from tM1e curb. 9idewalit conal- - shell be done " ea.rdnnce th the S—decd y perificationa ty, n( sidewalk to be reconalructed. g 4 Approximate Estimate of Work to he Done 62' Lineal reel of no-aignt ,.,idea. gad,. Linen) met or ren��„ e..ne�ae each. Additions and Deductions trace eollowi schedule ofn pri .e -'-fa tuella a reed up n by the pa a lfe b a s far de r i c[hetvelue of y dim ti yds t o mM1eo oe' celled ^or aby the, Inn env nndcv ovi.ionawnf this 1 `e nrdetedrn he Com soma C u ail d r the term. co ran. Font-thl cement curb built m place, ler line.)foot For rediae areolar cement curb. including xcavnl tan-. p -lineal foot Stone ter taken a and relaid, including a ee�ati�n.... P. I eyn,d ff dl moats V f,. a Inld I ce mcludtn env Ir lineal foot and ,e. Excec.tion I d —1,611 d d I( p,, —i, y.rd NOTEAll cllrred W ef.id to . r.d..n exceed nR fifte feet anJ n . u r o reinforced, will be men.red na sLrniRh[ orb. d Ciq Pf 8t. 1'¢¢1 INDEX 1933 e Public w.— SECTION 8 SPECIFICATIONS for CONCRETE BASE FOR PAVEMENTS Par "], H-din Pa= 8.91 Deaeriptiov ... ........... ........................ ..... 1 8A2 Meter We............................................................ 1 8.08 Concrete Mixture..................................................... 1 e.od E9viPmevt........................................................... 1-2 8.ob Meaeurmg of MeterWe.................. .............................. 2 8.00 DeH-1 ofAeeme¢Lm................................................ e y 8.07 Mining Covdltione ......................... .. ..... .... ......... ....... 8 8.08 Cove]e -y.......................................................... 8 8.09 Method d Ml:me.................................. ...................... 3 s.lo Betting Forme....................................... I....... .... I.... 9 B.11 Divi,lov of Pavement Aree............................................. 8 8.12 Beinfortme Steel ............................ .............. .... .........3 8.13 Expemiov doint, ........................ ............................. 9 fl.ld Plecivg Concrete................................................... .. ........ ......... ... ...... ............. . P.lb ComPseLine Concrete.... .. 4 8.18 Belting.......... .... ... ............ ............................. .. .. a . .............. P.IP CM1nrneter of Burf¢ce.................................................. 4-6 8.19 ld-hi.' Finishing ...................... ... . ..... .. .. ........ . ... .. ... 6 ..... .... .. ................ 0.21 0ce17 Pavement to 'hale................... .. .... .. ....... ..... .. .. b 8.22 C tch Basins, Inlet, end Manhole,.......... ... .. ..... ......... .. .... ... 6 8.23 H.d—...................................... .......... .......... ... 6 8.24 ConneeLlone to Old P¢vemevG....................................... ... 6 II APProachee to Alleys end Driveways..... ............................... 6 fl.EB Deleeta Hefore AttePtan<e................. .... . ........ .. .. ........... 6 my nr st. root Dew NMI, \YI, ".t .r 193T ork¢ HEQTDH . SPECIFICATIONS for CONCRETE BASE FOR PAVEMENTS, g gl TTe conrrck foundation for the type ar pavement hereinafter dwerib<d —11 eon. Description .int i f a tingle rouse a( PorHavd nment roncrek b be laid in ard.nce with thee. eperiflcatione z-2 pon the ..bg d prepared ee hereinbefore epniflM under the heed of "Gnd'mN for Pavement." The dimeneiov end thi<knem of he (mndetion shall be ae indicated on the eccompvnying plena. 8.02 TM1e meteriale used in the conalac[ion of LM1e pave t shall C lbs r Mat.rieln menta ror their renpec[Ive kinds end clenen ae given in thee5kndard Mekrial speeifi- sp.eiflcel ythnb .ea s�. me°lel !rut 8pa�ilice[lanereehell be (urv1 .t hit h e beet qudity vnd natiefeetmy m [be Engineer. 8.01 LTM1e e. cr¢k shat ba <ompoaed f one (1) art P.rtlavd t d eight (P) Concrete oar f nee to pmximekly hree ;3) pp- a( which hull be floe eg t Mixture an ume[riezimentel emee (b) Parte shell be ro aBgr?eek, beets upon Jryna`,iu<a Cl.xn H" • L A hie yard of eat eovmek i place hell conkin not lees Concrete than one end two -tenth. (t.2) barrels °( cement per cable ynd. The ecLUW --t of cement esM e.mpnred with the .mount regWrM n epeeiflM shove eM1ell not vary . than flue Ib) per cent mr any one (1) hour inn, oar n nil day or moc the cemeni4mntent eheilrbe not -f --111. eX.)nEo re°ntn. (1.2) bnrrele t. of cement per cubic Y_of tetyVconerete U, plere. All 'pd w- , done under these eF�eciilcetiane.eWhere reedty--dud cancrek ie permletedrnnJer F uipmenl the Speriflcotiane end uuJ .n tM1e wink, the e 1[muiremenk ncledM in tAia 9u Pment neceanary (nr the mixing a! the provision. (e)c Can<rete Mixer An vwraved Lemh mixer shell be oats. TTe enu(aclurcr'e akd rep city of the er eM1ell be inlerprekd ae foliawe: Lhe heels of a 1:3:6 wiz, a 13-E m ahnll be v.eJ witM1 not more Lhen a two (2) beg belch; Pl-E mixer with not more then v four (d) bag helcM1; 2q -E with not more tJmn a Bva (fi) bei( bath. C.wcity .! other wizen .hall be eubint to the epOrovW a! the Enginro £recti -M Backe or devicetin ,Il nut be eilowM. The mixer shall be aqui DR.dd i[n n cepprovd ting aha flintsa( aaiae[mn�; Half berdn;eee iTTn inem�ng aema .non be ; Wee sur ra nrJer beyond int cnntral I the ConLrxtor,°inane Eginnr. If [be aevire get mo of wi Want the timing eni<e mr . engineer m.y slow ne work .t oviding the Canlrvetor abWl immediately place befarcr the mixer ay four 124) ho.,urs, watch having a eerond hand b cerekr a clock or y which euh belch .hWl be aervrakly fiend. The m'zer nM1eli be equiDPM ith shat d wkmetic enkm of w ontral. The water meeaurivg tank shell have a visible gage or device to ahowathe t of water mea..i and diech.rged. Gwgea or other menuremen[ indinton shall be calibr.kd in gallons. (h) C9rotr ked he d strike° bo.rdnt eh.Fll be Provided 'n dupliak and evb)ect la the _b i. ezeeea .fr the crown ee ftd for thebeVVvmede LitThe lower Mgt of WI strike bonrde shell be ehM with a strip of meld fastened with --r sunk acre yr balk. TheContract, also shell provide one woM float for IongitudinW floa[inR: with Jimenaians three (3) inrhee thick, twelve (121 mrhes wide and eizteen (]0) fee[ long. The float nhnll be P_d" with plow hanJlee on nth end. (r) Finlehing Ifelte Finishing belle eM1ell be provided in du I -t1 end ..bleat t epp_.l of the Engineer. The balk hall be of three 131 pP nnvna, con ae- bber c mponilion a woM having v width of not lens tM1w ten (ID) 'schen nJ a length of at teat, two 12) feet longer thin the width of p.vement (d) Wetcr Supply Equipment The wore, supply Mvipment sM1vll he of each cewcity end n all limn en ample anJ admiuek prevsure far all the mgairementa olf the work�n�Whera —.dhy, ,e quire) for curing, dapb,a pumping—ipment shall be provided en a I i (<) Bid' Form. f d whe a the eonntruction of the --t prceaee the mn.trvetion of Ne curb, Bide TS orme ehe8 be Providd. 81de ,arena shell be a( melnl of approved do wm<n wJl mann rigidity .der . lmhingg achine, and enell weigh hoe len flan elve nae ae-half (]PX)po db per li, foot exWwive of pive. T'he forme shell W at l_t kn (10) [ret iv ]evgth and ehe8 have a depth egad k the edge deppN of N< ronmek, d the midN of [he bw i is direct bearing on the eoJ eM1ell be hat Im than two-thirds (e) of the depth. At ne tlm. ar neno and an ram rp. The nupplry a( (nrme eMll be e[ slew[ egad k [hat requtred far ova ad ov halt IlX) deye n. The use of built up forme u proM1ibi[M. e (f) 8ubgrde Pl.tn TTe Contract, shell provide two hundred 1200) lineal feet o[ ep(pr ed steel plat wJl mete one hendrM IIDoI 1 of°da. le Ilki(or tbrueka sin -n of2the steel platin fled, the Canlnetor, with the ronent of the Eginem, may eubeHtv4 planks ben of euMclent amount end etrongth k make v truck runway one hundred (I00) feet iv length (g) Hndm The Caatreetvr shell provide a timber header with a minimum thlckneae of two end one-half (PX) Inchn, h.ving a len n n equal k the width ( the pavemev! Bleb. 'Ifiv seder ehvll e.nlormet°rthe cr ea-e�ectlon of Ne pavement Blab end ental be upped with a metal et ip Ivskned by counter sunk emewn or balk. (M1) pridgn, 8me11 Tml., Float. ed Hurkp qThe Cavtrumr shell [arvleh a eviHcievt samba, of bridges of proper length. and :Y ell emaH Irole nxeevery romplek eetiefaekrJy the pavement n npecifld herein. All wodaa flwk eM1ell k have etaight, emroth eurfwee with dl edges w¢8 mended. Burlap, u required, .h.H be of at lent twelve 112) ounce materiel. (i) Pl.tfa.m 8wle The cantrecmr eMH fumkh a mib,bk, ph.tform .ole k be need by the Engineer [or checking Ne mewuremeut of aggregate. (1) MoieWre Determiwtiw egvipmnt The Contactor shell f— each equipment ae may be rryvird by the Eb.b,— far determining reedJy In Ne B the moisture content of [he aggregetee w used. (k) Buekh Templ.le The Contractor heH f.mieh . kh km ink .e harem deneribM end w epprovM by the Eng1n r. The kmplak eh.H be built rigidly end to the tame caws M1e wvem. 8 dine .elle ov eight (g Inch centers Me11 be eeL into the lower edge of [he kmplak n that the lower vnd. o� the mile me at the correct elev.tlav °( 1 the Thaiarnpl te�hvll bmappl,kium et eeeA end y llh I(ght metelfahoe two (z) feet long and with eel ble hndlea° to [n8ikk dnggine the kmpmte aver the eubgrde. A Covme TTe Contractor .hail furnish vikble nvvn raven for rovering 5akM1 born ar tack. u.M for treaeparting baths eonkiniag bWk cemevt The methM of measuring the .a hJe for the concrete, including wakr, ehaH be &Ob e which min ivenre eewmk red uviform Yroportims, of each a[ rhe meter We et W Mnevr(vg timet. TTe Cmtaemr eM1ail furnish avd Pekes pprovd method o n for of .ccuratdy end eeperekly weighing the earrecL prop V.- of fine aggregate emvd come fd.. W e grega[ea CorrmBom win be mde in the geld for verutiow iv the weight or bulk �boe� gam.king ev h moisture cdetermmat one °n the Enb,re deem.°n eery Every eforl eM1ell by mde by the Coetreekr k f—fi,h 'g- .1.— ggregvtn a! nl[orm m leture rno[ken[ h The nae ( uewive ince at .Rake th Wely divergent eeifleienlly m permit thebcW. nee of doubt the Engineer ebW emw up the work g at the mouton eovtmt m vwh load. :1. Either bulk ar reeked cement may be and. A reek o[ re t ehol be nenmd to weigh ninetY-foer (pd) poundo- H't!'—%t11 lk ment if wMe eM1ell be proportioned by weight on en approved Beale, which et ell time that{ be kap lean and rovered with en epyyro M efielkr. tt a ptat hh,h sole is nM, there shall be at leeet one -hal( (XI in h .leaanea between LM1 le platform and the platform upon which the .ceeple reek. The b— of the eeNe nha8 have j ao(Cchnrrg tg the taekepen begtch bozea thth hil'kcemenl top 8 6 m egh, be'1La 11th" e are Gee k npl..hing o[ Ne cement w, a camas the int h t no ws i 4 e.p6 Whev the aggrewaL la heulM over the eubgr�de' wcks, pneumatic 'red Ip The abgnde shell h vettM Nhroughly im ani Iy before concrete u plots Helivery men[ aha' be oats len tie use v` 'ootid LirM ckn i pe3mittM i[ing bye Ne Herron, but it mall sol e'aw pools of water. II JeemM Mvuable, the En hf Engineer. In a h epecia e e o [hen three 137 (0) k bate'.. ° Ne order [ne wetl�ng eliminated, tinter may ARRregalee bmie o[ a 1:2;6 �x, .'dl be hau1M, and M1en only on v minimum hind U width o[ e (18) mchea r wheal. The regular pamma[Ic equipment 'tended tar use uvdee Nen a iPmtiorm sbW carry vol more than (2) en (8) tack berth.., on Ne Randy eubgrede .hal h wetted L n depth of at least one 117 foot of leve Nan naso of s 1:2:a mix. n (lp) noun nor more then twenty-four (24) h°un before concrete ie placed there.^. In addition to thio welting the Engineer may require nprmkling of the auLgrade imme- Ail wekB for hauling g agorae that ave eutAcient cspaeily end -hal be ro ,. diete1, hi advance of the mixer. cted Truekslce�rryinvtewo¢ lr m° f aleriale ravepoutP or i tivumping epta the The operation of deVoeiting, eCreading, and Pninhing the concrete .hell be ee vevrly er. 6 bathe', sAell be m M wiU Jequate it n pas.ible ter the lull widN end Nieknme of the pavement R gel are tions, L rate compleLly the balrehee rat all times and of nuMcient height eaJ tight- shall be axe 7 depositing end spreading concrete on and adjacent L all permm- nen L prevent the spilling a[ one butch into the other w'en dumping. ant nweture-. CanmeL adjacent L Neee awcturee ehvll be puddlM Noroughly. a.im Dva cold weather, concrete may h plc" hen Ne nature air temperature I. Concrete adjacent to the Bide forme or curbs shall h epeded thor°ughlYy. Any rak Mixing Ne ehde� 36 degrrea F. end ening. ChnereL shall not h placed whin ha natural ckeL or voids found ftm the forme are removM shall be flats immMieLly with e Cnndilihnn temperature is the shade m 40 degrees F, and falling, end in na cine .hall onneL 1:2 cement mortar and ft- I L the true surface of the edge of [he pevemmt Bleb. h depovi[M upon a frozen mbgrade. Chemical. shall no[ be added °lower tbet I— - R point except with the wri en perm�n-ion of the Engineer. Mnteriele ¢ All concrete at the u^fiiimhM end of the Blab, i^ the rete e(e temporary .hut down, frost lump- o 1... of h.1— mete 6.1. -'ell o[ be sed. If ncreL h. been shall be coverts with wet hrlep. A[ the end of N.I. working PPeeriot or nen deleye Pl=c in accordance with the above pravieione and the Lemye Lre trope Lthirty-two a n ceamry end f evlfieient length L pe it n L depoV L ttain e ([2) . pt F., the concrete efisn be covered with dry burlap and a euflicient depth of c^i[i^le e4 a nee[ionel timber header ne demribed ehdl be ppleats et �ght eaglet to [he L prevent freezing. TTe amount of concrete L h covered 'hell be determinM enter line end P�rmvdimlar L Ne road mace, rad the once flniehM Nle by the Engineer. - hinder to true ion and crop- ti... When the work Is re id the bulkhead TTe caner shall be ixed only m .0 h y entity e. re aired for immediate shall h removed end the joint whltM before plecivg anerete again[ IL use end any which h- developed initial tet shall not h used, q - After Ne wacrete hen been deposited it 'hall h nwek hH L en eppnvM Ueva- tion lightly higher Nen the[ shown n Ne plan and then shall be compactM in 8.08 A to urate rad a m.tic nyntem o! water rovwl hall h vets. The Inflow of orJance with the meNode dncribM below. Connielency we[ the tank, them n g a( the ant fore h berth and the discharge of etc Tne operation of rompvcting shall h m tinuM oay until aiflcient r[ar le Ne water .Fell h armaieaamu controlled euNmetically. brouRnt L he a....... give a emoo[h, re lar alta vita ell Ne tetra t`ggrnga e TTe em n[ of w ov ed, Should e^ ezc¢m a un[ of mortar be browght N the - rface w hh 11 but in no m e shall macer then eev¢11 be e h e. will produ'n th 6 Iced rona� Lacy, mall a t of ro �paelinwg he a rat of water shell be decremM L each a poral greReI- mJ admiz[uree, if (y) galons a( water, elvdin Ne weterein [M1e lht on ezren of m iter dl eat hdobLinM. aR eny,ah deed Der eek hr cement Campactioe e'aI be by means o[ a strike board or Lmpmg bar manually o The ave of a dieLmnemus eiliee admixture i from opm-ite eidee °[ Ne Bleb. 9ucb torte -hail be employed n may be necee-�erytw but only in quality end q... Pero grove orkability m permitted liry m may h a vM b Ne Engineer. Dull the e[rike board forward along the curbs ar side forme. x- Concrete'h.11 W mixed to de.i-.- rmnintevey end .."I Ne cement i. uniformly The .[tike bomd -'all be °panted with Lmpmg and a ceding e i rad shall McNM Ji.tribuleJ rad the coven, homoggee ode d un form in co18r. Each I— 'hall Duah taint of it at Ieaet three (a) inch'. °[ concrete far the ant a Ievgth of I— __ or remain �n he v[ leant ane minuL. The time ter mixing shell be figured from y' A and e[rike board mpmg bar hall be ants t holy (III) L forty (dol Mi31nR Ae time when al the materiel- are in Ne drum of Ne mixer until the be6innmg of the fret buck of Ne Pat and a ., pffig back end fort' on the (acme ar ache d -.,- by of the nereL from Ne miser. The m[z that be peratee ^t Ne rated with a th, fl and .nearing stroke. epeel rreommendM by the manufacture', "object L Ne approval of the Enginear`bul mg n -non the mixing Brum have a .peed lee. Nan fourteen (14) nor greater ha^ ImmediaLly after the final rompectinR the Arcate shall be belted once, opt tI.g eighteenep(18) revolu[ihne per minaL. the belt with a combi— crosswise end la^gitudivai motion. Care shell bet ken no Forme n n rifled nM1.11 h rat where rmuii ed. The [open o! each forma hall be w k the crown out of the peveme,t "lab, nor s permit tfie Mgen of Ne belt to dig x.10 into the arfere id Ise concrete. All be1L vned hen be n epreiflM. Mte shall be Selling joined nmUy and 'Rally end shall h set secure sly L the co act elevation and align- clennM vttm each day's an. Forms tine^l. Forma shall h eupp_ I and held in pitta by emmuaL - kn and breeing. The concrete .hell h flnieM1M by Ne un o[ a Ooat de.mibM ne follows: o bracLR pin. roc each ten teat f farm being the Inimum bracing permitted. �nler forma have been ash secnrelyvhea joint efiaR be tested by Ne Contractor with v A oMm float twelve (12) inc'en wide and three (3 het Nick and t least root freight Mgt d y tion found greaLr Nan v -e hth (N) Inch eiztem (10) feet Img with Mgn rovndM N easy ranee, e�ell be o ted Ion ILdie- ohell h `orrectM before the pavement le laid. Forme .hall h free from dietortione ell' over the entire nur[ece of Lhe pevemmt, wiN a nmbipM Iong�Ptudinel end trme- .r o net detect imveiI. P antic eRecHve dee ane shy .nal h droned Noroughly vee motion. panning elowlY from one aide of Me pavement L the amen a euMelent rad nOM before concrete fa pints it,bbit Nem. ^ umber of time L smooth al rid sand fill ail dii re .ion. min Ne flat m ile let Pavement heves a seeding twenty ((20) feet In width, usde.. otherwise .peciflM, Dhdl qq shell 'how contact with the Dacca hrovghout iia entire Imglh. The flat P.11 shell h laid in two Ldepmdmt Ion d be operated from d, 7g karts bridges wbicfi cpm the roll width ht Ne pevemmt. I>ivinion of giro Ina elripe iv eepervte n o One -trip in moving forward with Ne flat each succeenive position ehali overlap the preftding Pavement Area "hull hevacl IB et a t tee-0ay rat hf°re the nert "trip le Ieid. The data of the joint j position by one -halt (5{) Ne length or the float Care .hal be Lkm L tee Nat the between h lobe how' the pieta. je�Jt[ neat then of warp. 8.12 Reinforcing steel shall h IeeM over trenches or other plc n called for hn the y) TTe grea[¢et are shun be Lkm by the Contne[or to eemre a pevemmt hese with Reinforcing Dleno. The areal "hail be held in po-ilio' 6y aDprovM typp of aLN chair ar pin `` a patter riding surface. TTe Contractor shell teat the surface of Ne pavement with 3(rel which it shall be axdrely wired or (ealened, the edpP-1 [o be a t,d at not granter v e (10) foot %[ ght edge pl.- parallel In the curler line of lee pavement prior then five (6) foot centers and lett in place. bel[nglia donating. All high end low .pore found .hal be removed before the final g li P F01"M exppnnion [ material ane -half (45) inch [hick ehnll be pleats L the Fallowing the final floating the concrete arcate nail be flniehM with m auxiliary Eepannion roll dhnlh or the Blab against Ne face or all radial curbs rat alley and street interact- belt juxl NLr Ne water glaze nr .hen hen dieeppeered. Jainln .ren d around all permanent ewe[ures encountered within or adjolainR the p.,td An noon lee elan hen net nv�cimtly d ! n permit walking en it and sol later [hen 10 0 ¢lock �n lh¢ morn g following the placing of Ne tmcrete, it will bee m th°r 8.16 Hign Ineee in the eubgrvdc 'hall be lrimmM. All inw plaren ehnll be PIIM, and i nu hly etniRht-edRed�by the EnRmem end al v riet�ana anal) be marked plainly. i'IecinR all each Iaeen that are back-fl11M wi[M1 mon Nen a e (1) mea of loose materiel, The Contactor seal eliminate nu The eliminntinn of irreguley- Caner<le s'al be [nmDM. n ! tie. 'Fail not he done in such v manner n' nrtiM to .uN extreme. tae[ the bond of a the concrete wJl It broken. M 6.Ik CompaninR Concrete Tea m. f a bah h--, —il- device t. the comre1. —. ib� — - is prohibited. 8.19 The C--- may at hie optio.nee a nnuhi.R —hme d hh.e place of hand P.OA kmg Finishing eomPsetmg the mnere[e hue. 8.20 ­ the final —d ae soon the consistency of the mverete will permit, C.-. the -- ehnu be p,.-.d bye b-1, hovering .1,mh —D be kept 11 lb,,, I enough ,­b, damaged-fi,. the -61 .,.g _g7 b. d., covering shall in in place for not lase tMn 6.y (6o) oax atter plecine end .Hall M keD[ iv *d se[uxled rondiHon duringw the entire a im 8.21 The roverete b— —1 be closed to ­ffic until teats made t b lbs Engineer ch.. P moment ..ffict-t strength.) T, ti—dtbe ,­t shall --ln d— will vary from ten 5107 :­­ (Myea p—.9 op rations ere continued late in tM1e fall, o to Tre®c , time may be —brw. A, p d damagedamaged — ft— or, other causes, --g Prior w Itsbeing_r d to txMe a above described, be -pe, rplae� by tb, t-1, ., at hbiv . .—IL—b­ WghEngineer. g2g­­-­Mt=7i­t structures ve Celch Baine, cele i—, manholes, id==l=d Intel,, sM1own on [M1e plena, e8 in witM1 standard plena evd epecificaHone therefor. x.nnpim, eta g9a In order b. prefect the t­d� �1pavementt tth'. d P" �- t-, Header �hy. -d -- e edge .t p—,bA b, b.the f h-d— — be The header shell either be t—bM with th�th- .. nt i ..Uth,l and with the — ._b, i.t— 1. .-- e with the . showy [he plena. or It h 6t of . ti—I PI.- The header will be eh— the plans. When mnetrveted f ti—, the —de, shall --iet f 8.10- ph— d held 8x10-inch "MY .h2l b, place by by —h other in P-Itu, d—rd . . conform ­­- 71 f— . [he contour f IW:Tj­ At —b 1--di.g —t ..d ON, the Contreclor hell ..ke *dB ..—K Connection dj-t.— f . Id p.--t t. f— W, smooth th ..d d.-bb, th,. with .mt,_ Ne 'h'' It "T'Ih,t the f I j I to r.1.I d t 1. --.t — . the l.-but —h —iyIll TTe Contractor J,,—Xpion--"ve epttifled to -,Z-tion -f the Engineer, d .. "diti.. ., deduction , the - price h.11 -- from making each e ... -i... Where 'Llm"i2=straight or rediae rnrba be set b-k ..d new pee adjacent to it, pavement n­ bmake thenew —fo— �1e1 .d smoothly with d —- th th, ..[he �djt mt- mg pm—t, Z, be includedK %e __t. The egproaehee b p.h1h, .11­ be— —b — ..d W—�ke ..d the A_Oach:g ;W�h b, ­.a.b, 11 be paved with the ... p-- —d Alleys ll'y the treat proper, " _ dditi. :v ded-ti— ., t. b, made, th— dj.e- � -11 Z,,*d:Vg= t'hh:t'�'Z.WTp---hh- th'.1h"- lUft= dzEzh,.11 h_ --ye y� withtb,r —�� Where —h —k L, H�, the addition or &d-th- .b. be —ed — the P"". given fin the W.Wf prices. Where ——b, gp.p;Z.h�. the --shall be h—l" ff —�Wdy ft- beingd .Mil then b. —.had to the ­fired -- with wooden fl.... 826 The right 1- reurved , defer '1ac=`'d fl—I payment -UpU-1 tI..t thy (30) decd under this t.Ib_b— P-� w public pl.— y, It 3 4*x I INDEX CONSTRUCTION of ASPHALT PAVEMENTS CLASS "A" AND CLASS "B" of St_ PoDepnrlmem , Iv ul roe c %—k. I. ,� , VVI 1 ASPHALT PAVEMENTS xl SEf- ION to GLASS "A" and CLASS "B" it �` Dea'rlprlon 1 1 11 h l I I f' I II 1 I l .mere , nl _ I r nirr + • ,m o m , .�„ .. ., . IO OI \Inrur lxly M1 1 I. 1 1 1 :I 1n rlr nvr,r l�Ixn fi i ,x. u, ,fur, .1,1 ,h , r•uWe r � r1W o.l r I x aJ [ n .I.hxll >h ,Llr .t.1i n I ' a rive lei Irnl 5 4 H,IDmem url .d n, unJ r,hx nr.,,. ReVulren'en enc I VulPmenr, '„. I 11' I. I .., In r x1✓�r fnl 1, w I _ I I 11,k 1 uv J,vl w,l ,u, .v,J nrvne fr p i ..,e t. 1 J II r,n Ir n , „ lore L�xl nu x�! 1 I t I.r fi 1 k Irx. scolex I 1 , 1 II 1 r. .n, wxlrx xn dll xxl dl, „r Rn w• l u r 1 ruher cu ry r '11 1 ; vlve xl ,I e Pln rJ...... d: P>'romerer' 1 I I r I I. 1 [ Thr I,I.or xh.,11 I, pl,N ,.oh r of n vnl t .rJ 1 e,f 11 ee,la rrh PJ xeh..r¢1 (nthe AoerxneJ nlm them M,utur I tl rn wphnit or vphnit rrremenr n the 4ertlea ltln. 'I'M1•..1 �h• rrl „ ixll 1 nl , v"Irr vl hrn iii,f,rr . m11, 10.04 YI 1 _ 11—h (:ampovlllon I. .1 1 - 1 II r 1 tR nr n, of .nurvev .rnlu l,�Ir lmrxl n,. Ir'fiel ilir I.�i.xi J,M1e r v,nenx anO 1,,l 1 r Lhou[ ,„l „ o onrx Itmn xtrl ,h,e,f hlrorhRv h„�1 exr r10 1h1 hx1m m,o1- ioceoI I1I I Ihr r ­,Jr1..... rnPnfhr ,fihlnlel,rIrhrhrnwlx rl ,ulr,nrn.ilrrrhr'”r. n. of cdanlnM1thn,eIAm i�N ,w�h-�,eori,ne� irne. u ne1t1d,1 lh.uelellly re s. n mnxnt rrr1111 ef rcerh+�,aAl .i,ryn6h 11R.1wrImrm r.toeu1eI r nr c,,Rk,l'x 1lor�"Itxfr,l0w.r l.rx�ll Ifuh� m, ❑rInnR el',1,'woimIr.lr wlnLIerI rS1n1 flee,ewyroa1x,rl1r e mhI r��,1l� I 1 4,1,11polw l.1u0o_d0n5 r r l.Sx�,rrfcnn. �yn �lJ 1r�trrho,ruIn1x I I 1I VII 1 n�rrrl l,,.1 4 1h.� llo n. I I lnl, , KI .1 I v I,omJ r,u lta full mx,p v„ n1, uroile R:. MI ❑ xl 1 1 1 ,,j 1 III. I,IIr Il!u 1 f r . ' fly x 1 1 1 A 1 1 rm ntu Ilnr, In r! ui I 1 II h�l�lr .I 'I'n.R� r'1'rP 1 � 1 vl.r I � .mlhr rnl �� I �� I�Il�liw lint r fnanrJ o�o, l.lau It I +. rrMu, 1 nL..�rn I rm nI .c ennll nor xe p auk a t. In a unl n(Ilr �r kn In � In nM1nll Ile Ylnp 1 h II le Ir niv Ir nnl I k ., 1 . 1 I h mxrlf nn 1 II r E. 1 �� � � u S n � n11 .�,. .1 nl al �I. x• 1. wn tl Il�r�u f uy r! 1 f Jnt��� .rum, m,� >f.�Irr.al.. ��: the tri, .,..n n:e+e x1.Nl ool e�:r+�I �wr„I.-firr'L5 rrnl rl Ing v�txl .na eM1,.11 oll µ ,� Ihrry 1 Irr • o:'h ae rr I u lo.�..nnt on �r bi...ler roam, m the roue mx+ I, nM1nll be d.— .f WI loose or o 1 a t I' 1Ilre rlw hor e�u.J � i<� tl 1 n. I (•I f.r 'h.I ' I 1. 1 I I I �1 1 1 MI 1 ..n.l for wrsr �u surly. n11111,I A 0.08 9urfnco m lu I no u I: :1 A 1 k 1 n II t I k �dorr me��mr m. �. i�r tl. n�ur1 .i 1. _ 1i a.,, t�a�. Il ,c a. �dn,i�lul Iron �� rR tae .ie w•ir�, �IM1e�oepa mr .�I lM1e( rxc all. I er.I .,l, 11 rug I �� r n� "r n' cau.+ ane .m�oe�a r,i �r�.eer.rl suer hr:��p �,�,irn:,ii ��,.� .��2�:. •d .,r ..,.h ur.dr, �:,e. ...r,,:..,��d' r (e1 Th< mineral xuureuntrw, „rrrl�. �. '.':.I hllrr, vhull hr ,Ir:r.l rro,' I.. .,.I ..: r.x�. �,�Ire,l ,..,,1 nn,l II. �rRM1unnr�rl unn fifty r,q(.(t: Ir 4', rrpt l.• nolu�wd ¢ I I u ea r 1 xfv I� f 1 I: I v I u ( 1 1 i. I r.urxe Iv M1r � 41�Mrnrlon Y r 1 Jp �I 1 i. 1111 I Ir 1 1 I. A�I nn141 r ri InnJ r k h. n11 1 m M1 I N .1p0 a J f t I 4 1 JI t n .1lheh.tn 1 1 1 nat,I e.f 11 11 k„ f ipM1. CI d �I I'uunml nnJ f i 1 1 �In.l 1 1 r 1 I.1 'the el vr.re rnJ rnkenl '1 h : 1Ik 1 leimee Y wl I I f 1 to % f- ; I. 1 11—It,n II k pm olI al eceoNinu w he I. t 1 1 1 1 k 1 i I f I t I �1 -il II h 1 1 1 eh,.11phr a,, Theelu l m In.rY i n" I 1 r u. tl......mn r :,. f 1 I .qrh dt n I r n Ih n, r m 1 ephnh eppl- xtLYlheF�grn�r.11rtr n rl[ rrn�Gnlr�I� rill rl I� 'SIJ J n wi: uhnl ��r : I' 1 t 1 1 h ; f l A II k 1 kk 1 .Au 1 1.I �1 1: I II k -III IIS Tne mi�er..l flhr:��I Ihar ul .II 1. .lu 1 il xrw ll.�I ,. .� . fl�r :�k Ir. rl�e tell) fnuh.l +r �l nl lr �nln Che Irihutilo tl.muuhout tl,o h.�1rM1 w�.11 hr e1,...:..r,l a ....11hr ur a rlr.al L,� a � .. ...o r, nr -�... err ..n ,.a,l 1.xlom In VF.�rourrr. I: 1 ,orf I� I I n I I r I I II Leh r r 11 II 1 I (.1-I 1 f :1111 I�- If h. J r I t r l f1 w ! h+ru 1 1 oNc 1 n r f rn 1 1 tr.iu Ir f 11 1 4 1 1 d n 1 l 1 I 1 1 If 1- 11 1 1 1 1 � I 1 I 1 1 1 d 1 11 ( n. 1 h moue eeJ tw Y lust de 11 ew rlu .r I eJr Irl �t.. �. to it r.t�l r 1kfr +Ie.Ih u.I f nM1 nr.l su rice nnA 1 y � Tr' I mmoomm r' a 3 `5:• � V Yaul INDEX Department 19922 of 1 Public Work. SECTION 1E GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS FOR ALL SEWERS Paragraph heading p­ age.............. . . ...... ... . . 12.09 General Condit one ........... .. 1 12.04 Eaae oa .. ...... 12.06 HeakflHl g ....... .. ...... .. .. 2 .... 2 ]2.01 Meinteaaaee of 'h—h ...... 2 1208 9ewen is Puke........................... ..................... .. 8 14.00 Repaving end Reeurfaeiug................. .. ........................ 8 1210 9ldewalke, Curb. and Ml.eellaneou. Htraewre.... .. ................... 8 12.11 Schedule of Prieee for Street Rep— .............. .... ....... ......9-J s 12.12 APProaimate Length. ....................... .. ..................... d r' Ciq orpSt. I'au1 Ifublic PpmAe (E) ntal Q°wrdµe.r 2 The°mi trench rxr u n shell M mch ne h.riz.nµl clan of .Ill- fight ISI inches n Ina dee eah site o[ file aVe urfac or sew e., GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS the abs dynrence svecifiad shall I. •.evade inside a( he sheeting, {f thret- PaM. If drarancee en shown .n men�ylvne, the p— IFMI go (I) SE(TIOS 12 Sheeting end Br,eiaR FOR ALL SEWERS �iltynwhifh"me°„«.;r^r-11,Ihe�rnQe"IIeetwfr;lrpnrfle�ai9nM°rg:a hreci be used r.r this urp.ne and the mat n( soma whether left in the trc or vote ehwil be mdmiM in the contred ;rim where the bottom or the t nrn I. `i teal. vnJ eM1rr seJ shell r Iia Lel.w h s er vet. AB ehret{ 12.01 Ilesrrl These Speciflce IM1e fur ishin o! n i.l .na µe ......... �xn - rpinns, Jln�s I Lel.w th • rR y Dune snreli Lr left in Pl re. Sht t -t µ e Lep'wiµJnvvs ° 1 n lion n(n vaxsr ur sexi mus sh nn the vert 1 SM1ree Sugin Yay vndYeuchgr vsv I en .ln b, d -g dor g [hegbvekfill'ng ti ma M fine c t r e . 12.02 Th I I M1 - f l .h II I (d) Soft I, d Meier d M1i I Sp.'❑ f 1 C' f4 1 1 'I 1- n kl 1-h -f Illy neJ When h I h W f h enIt I. found tv be uneatiefartoryn e fie rpI.vi n f lhhux en M1r al pec Paul Ix .11.11 Lr turn,,h.d .( nes S hty enJ �ntm� teen it to the t:nginaer. pnJ Phen ec is have of bac ode the urifice ern eeuhsi"b,' tiecertaryn L.undmt e; then make �tiefnz y a C.i r shell o erlounJntcu m dirty to l! y su h m ° �eoEngi Cure - (I)t F..is R Sex r St ru rs uch P amen oI fou onttion and t enµile ex= ,µ,Den b,t of thx L. Ed C ndili. Wren xt n r r rvui the work, the Cnntrertur shall iCredee .`�, paid n t n<Ine ! r 1`aoe rr ,.. e r �`or.nhtol und, nditiov neM1dl b Cwa+s pr.v 1. r.r mpevrdrain R. .ft ouch axis nR etre.[ era. slrt �' con reta��but r polio (. In be fill uch concrete In wet tee IPwnxv uvv nt aches, 'd. (h) Lin nd All .ewe 1111 1, I tee line° nndnu 1,J by ane F.ngin a r CWf- ube eterpennll emo M before .ewer u 1 . (e) plelnOd LThe nhnllru M1hod np oval I,ne F.0 erefor lr nsrer ' �e r er h I is All oche° zhryll be beckllll d �frome wtbvut ri�k of i ry lv ilia pro toe 1 n mJ aJ en t'o iDe er s lh ode �rerJg pre- gKrr p gr l'a [hal sh II lie vr,i rerrM, sing .cede Wvrds�Plu�mL LoL nnJ rnJr�pal., nd t `2.05 we v J�ee ur Sel tM mnterialPfree fillrvlrnnd W rh t k.r lu ps eM1eB be beck- B, 4fllling whenerer preciicnble pvde-1-14 --d anJ ave. the xewer t. n Jeptn of one (1) foot over the top o/ the svxer. The r. cinder of the b -1,11H °hell Iw flu°hM or puddle) with (c) 110uve Cannrrtione suilci.nt Bxnnlity W o<t and consolidate thoroughly the Leckflll material. 1t'M1rrc µr sewers v r nut i o Aon fourteen 114) feet in depth It trenrhev µell be Thr fight is r sc 1 Ly the City at any time (luring the conatrurl ion of 11, rmLracM within the limits of this c.ntrvrt, a issue e�rrmit I. o property owner, through a yyroperl>` licensed mntrecl.r, t. connect p cm t the eewer. wltbnut in nnY cellae g he C.ntructur (rum roinlJrtmq his con It accord— to pions vnJ n / Bushed w th water when the backfill hes bean pplered µ a depth of Bea (b) feet above µu top f It. ee er and .­ wben the Imckfill hoe bmn brought to within two I2) `ret . he h'r.unii sur(ac.. Vher. the severe ere more µen fourteen (ld) tmt drep, he buck Bllbnf Wl be pineed on ivyere .r five (6) feet I. depth d Bve aprciBcalione. The of a germ by [he City t of v ew mLrecM xiµi sofn[hcis ech (6) foal Ivycr she I be Bushel p JdIM with water. In every caee the las[ flnehing shall Le done when the ranch hoe Ween L kfl11M t wiIlli two I2) [ret f th nd e a Rro twJLJ, Ill Kimit cont <t shell in n. Brun v utr as an o ec4tnnce u[ nny 1 t ..t ter . Where µe t tupnvM, .ilebY eclnudnmizM .r s he Bilin the .rk� ehefluhe bacrek- d to her —Ping oll'n es dirtt d by �' a �renvhueue v n thru Rh p t• pr or hull be bvckfilled d nrenrhrs (d) 16'➢e Brenche,, Slen end Junrtinne nn v flushEdi the tem FIusM1 nrgwith w er v oboes deo ` c^Q. ill n Jun n fur tri Bind cloy pe ew nhvll r of w rxnrnrs Iter vr. Einl a (r rick - elle eo hoc cell. fee Iter a hyifrnithin the hand (600) feet. Wn ll-hinq is Om luted und rxµls p Demi r v m`in wll ne neJ . rel p pntr.thrry .nate c u ehnll r of pipe IF.— erMigotuclnd beveled of p g I red. (b) Top Sur(amn ( -flv r era cry tr nen v .clde Ir ^eR ti esnniuy- bur °Decib'd nrr i All ° v nRf. shell rbc six less in rJiemetrr nirxe hcrw{ee xpeciflmL WIYe R s s IflM, µe t. fi Atter he met rivl in the [troch hes Iwen comnnct.d p six ( 1 brooches shall be b 111 in . µe wet et eels of twee y (20) feet . each Bide I. .f the el.n the rty fro .isles oIterwi a en11M far rthe plans ey nchrs [ e Ir— xhnli Lr filled with n I.M grade .f rued gravel s •c �fied � per. 2.11 rf St. Foul Standard 9upetif cv .apt in µe are Such othereconnec Fane vl mxy be nuc for connecting interxl e....... tchbneinn, or for other p Holl be built rn uch Feignly v A enRlea n mvLea cifieJ. und�of u( trpnch"I innlmulevnrde, e o art r nts .1i !,Ire p,, amen[ 1. t. be . vete) within three (3) ..nthere(terythe lime f backfilling. Where a Wp layer cfn�ft The ins all s. er con n e xhnll Le set Busb with the inner surfers .t (le Thr lend II sex ei anJ sews act ns except louse co arc- iapproveJ nThe vel is r uirM n v < h, the grovel shell he cum actM thoroughly nd µn sur(vc. shell Ik Llvdml o the ��tt r I ront.ur of the etreef. The top i rawer endxw.( s ehnll be clone) wtµ vitrified cluyrcaps, brick ar other materiels. si 16) thea ii boulrvenle mull Ge filicl withrLlvek loam s bIµ rot the growing v( ggr ee end the dent end of house connections elnll Le closed with vitrif ed cloy PPera sat in nmrthr. pppttt I TrrmchM1nll M'Inrn.pent d anJ ruff . l be the nerel c nµ. oI µe adlece and. rr p vel. Trenches cut the h IlM a melw br wilt (e) Bemm�nl .f Shad Tr— end li dRen r.rmel hMRrs l inull 5 .ennead heoileudvIr—I or stun x ort n .orf [ ch throu M1 11 eda'nche°. The s Tho C h 11 n. dist rn r den Blvd s r t b I d r the Eng n er 'rhe --g of and .— nR of stvkre mull �I` ddepth . pre .h R , 6 f µe s me terlel ( ) inchne o'uthe i d :v orb d d'ecen t the f M1 e e r note�e c -d M such arJer I hewn M1 .nth 0 e Kh M a removed an prwete b l M. J r 1 h d AM[ be replaced 2 01 F.zcevatiov. (I) - from All I I . h ll t d d I' sM r b µ C,lbIg mr, and the F.xe Holl I d 1. for ¢ of oLstrvctinne the line f h h k" f 11 noon or emnank 1 the 1. A Id -'y 11 L. I hdh d t' Rood vv before work wea 12.06 9vrolue or perforn r 11 n k h plate °ewer fo b ed'p—mu"." n) 1 d d provide lhp nxesv ry Befimency I h. I fill i h fill tlemenµ M1 h f�1 E h II 1 TI, ft hpk'h IIPI. 'f . properly p t 1 I ( h l 11 0 Prapert➢ shell be fur M,lerlel 1J1M11. f it lfF ifll llllF l F R 1 1 1 h II t I .f 1 1 fall I ( torbtI TI h II d J.. bl a ti I Mryf h —A fill L. I III ln. Wt..h l f l D P 1202 ( f 1 fbf l II(h h'M1hp 1 v t 1 Me ntenence M1 I 1 d Ly 1 M1 fill h 11 I 1 h. C 1{ ( F h Il le snnprJ carr fully to < lit r .the sl ap nr µe h i r heel nt 1 1 xexrre.f \\h - l nnli na fiI1M pal fill Of Trenthe. lundern'B # J tinned "nth manner Mave aprc fird ckfill ng, pnmgr pry 12.06 Sub. (b) 1 � 2 1208 Before Jo n xrrk n C tr i'n k ar I..Ikl lne nc�vn or svh^lel gr ,I�erke v Comm ae .nrr ng tl y n 1 rr f rl .rhe nJ trunan t Vy tot s r to the v to nn ss Pvkwey. ter no of I'.bll Works . Tne C r n the n " the we 'hull take vl c n r d nem sM1 rubsrst t p- -1h.., erk V eNo re par o[j 1r a shall Rbetrr ov- with.. tntM1 a ro[ythe Con rof leer bx.r A t a .rod ur da.n re-llebe �epinced� —ivt for by thw cC.n- wne r r .f ate .nil �d ne c t .0 rvp 1 ^ cn fur and tmvi win uch at n ¢aA wdda mitt r r e Rwa pmd Tros —ttmR se d a nxt whr h dirt n y pit d shall be protected by • plank rovr re .ion o Trenches fm sew r n Park rrogerty Hell I., backfilled .s heretofore dwcrihed m p— ­ph 12 .06, cub a(e ), but Vy to the level of vdi.t..t ground, end with the beet sa I o op. lmm-iatrly after the r I, - 2"'Z: hoe Lern baekflllcf ezceyt where lreneM1 r. 'n a Ix o posh, for orf < of thr w fll and all rtes url vl ground shell be seetwo ieh . '-p n ...r rJin of I—— rinlo e' r s a e (1) pound [ d t hu drrd end Ofty a(2501Rs .are etre o Final ea o e o1 the work will nut be mode until every pert or P.rk or P.rkwer demaoM byt the —t—t— hoe been r,s 1. o m ditiun om .etiefectory t. the C- nuesi rer .f l'erks end Ne Commissioner of I'uLlir Works. During the period of rreerve pecifi- inhis 1-1.1t, the Contractor eh.11 refill all settlemcntx in eznae of aix 16) in hes ae NeY recur, end .t the end of the peri.d of reserve, Ne trench shall M ez<nv.l- to n depth a1 nine (0) rucheend Nen shall be 1111 d in with dark loam to rector. the Rround to its origin.- level. After trench hes been filled with Inam, the whole s.rfare dieturbM, includlnR .ny where the grass has Leen injured by reason of the work moll b,, rase -M with 00h. by ixht of Kentucky Rlpegraee, 36% by eight uor R -lapses aced [....... braiwrei¢h[ 1'erenn�nl Rve, the aeM to L' raked in one (1) P .nd o1 seed to moo h.ndr- and z (--) poen feet v 12.09 Where repaving ie r .ired, or all- re'urlaeing ie req it-, the Cfodfntrwt.r 'Fell Rewrine otiry 111 engineer in—iiting when the refill- t cb nee bee. rum a d that n. eM ismer eett,_%t will occur. Ae ' n tic.ble there.fter the Citoy eh.11 -- Re feri.e or ns.rlece and the C.ntnetor'b-11 DaY thea cost of epcM1 re avement r ria . Pavement r oil res rfncmDrgr o r trenches will be done by cty rorcee et rt'e ea ah.um rn the xh-ale of ees afar n[rce repairs a R� m nr paregn�h 1 of rthe ap«ifintivne. The Contnctar ehnll be r naible aforvther it p .1 the nch, .nd an mon p y oil re uofacing repair which ee calfs act an vehon 'nal be paired br the cur ae often . y Lr ren.ir`ed ..A Nea<.at ui each r airs N.11 be sustain- by Ne Contract , Until a permanent repair hos been made, the Contrnctvr shall make and mnint.in In a .ruble rondaion a (able temwnry repair. If the condition a P.­aerviP_ become.b_1111, or dangerous, the City .hall have that aht tv eke ouch imm-lute rape.' ea are occas ry end the Contractor shall P.y the cos[ therwf. 1210 The C.n[rartor .hull re relay or re.Nace all sidewalks, cvrLe or Other street Sidewalk x, ('orbs etncturw dieplec- or damnR-bY r n of the work done under these ep«iflrati.na. end ONer A11 work of this n.Nre shell h done In accord.na with the etnndttd City ­11- ti— c.—jag the particular work invuly-. Per 9v. Yd. 1211 Concrete tlan................................ .............. ......... }1.76 Schedule of Shrc[ naPh.1t,hal[, surface -1y..................... .. ... .. .. ........ .. .. .. .. ... 9 00 Price for Asphaltic -note, —f— only.. 31rnt Rewln ..................... . ... .. ...... .. .. .. ... 2,75 Rrirk delivered on street..................................11........1.1..... 2.36 Rrirk IaYing................................ ... ......... ...... ..... .. ..... 1'10 Creosote bl«k, deliver- on at—t............ .... ..... .. ........ ..... .. ... 3.00 Creosote I.yi�g —i new blah ...... .. .. .... .. .. .. .. ... ... ... ...... 1.60 Craroeote blah, rlc.ning end relerinR old hl«k... .. ... .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. ... 2.00 Sandstone bl«k, deliver- on street ..... ....... .... .. ... ....... ... ... ..... 9.6a Sandstone bl«k, la Yin R ......................... ......... ............. .. ... 2.60 Granite bloc k, deliver- on street ................ .. .. ... ... .... ... .. .. . .. ... 3.60 Grvni to bl«k.l.Yin............................ .. ... .. .. ........ .. .. . ..... 2.60 Concrete, movement reinforced .............................................. 9.26 Tarvia, macadam pavement........' ............ ... .......................... 3.Oo Oil grovel or enahrd rock --f—mg, four 14) inches in depth .............. 1.60 Olinend miz 'i g inR u, P1-- ,f nolo rel Rrnvel a.rrnre.. .... ... ... ....... i6 9 IS.ndnr er Lin. Ft one ru rL, drlivrrr,l a t. ror itrorb dol-{ 4.00 11 lex nlct n r rclu rL .. Iluln cu[ rn xe 1 e ru rL, inch 400 Complete P--- h t h It h 1 Per Su. Vd . t� 1^17 A n I .. .. R" k -" h l h 1 a. d esPM1nit.. .. .0 .. ... ... .. .. .. r S J: r 11«k, .. ... ... .. 7 75 C rr ox.,tr bl«k, rcle'J unr naw G i h tra .-. ... .. ... .-. .. ... 7 Tho vpVroz rrna to Irngtha of 11 12'12 I or r anholn The pl ion e e m eernle o All.r slim lengn of reAure a. i t e Wrnp- n rte .ea to n tided nnlAer xcl ror Alias a flpft« 6) A .x,m inches etrr o LM1 tang lis of ' g-- u nxd lam II« hall bo itri0rd clayr yi pe vole ' otherwrae c'fied. pLen¢ hs Severn f o be n. e- fled a hown on the ne [ o (. definite type orone[rv<tion tour nY be .f any of the fon.wing ty .pla Vitrifi- D pe ror 11--t—of twenty -roar (24) inches or Iran. grin lore- <oncrc r pipe for dimneters of eighteen (18) inches or over. hl nnolith is c-1— reinforced ror diameter of thirty-aix 1301 inches or over. Krick for diameter of Nirty (301 inches or over. F -h t`Te shell b, M -111-11 with the detail plans for the form of inn xtruction ar+1, and M1rse epeciflentione, nut this o hall p not . such portions Ne ly w we g spemel con.trvction s.cht esion r-pb een, en, ivnai dsone o work other rfn which•pla ns hove Leen pre Ily drawn, no shell any change W de from type of eonstrucer.n to another Letwern manholes unles appnv- by the Engineer. wmrnrver ly of rnn.tr.r tion ix b. .sed. Ne—ti- .x -n oetail Nana the d ror t,Pe to b- Haat 11vert .r ..tt Rr...d shoo be wherever, in the judgment of a Ne Engineer, Ne net. rror the f—d.tmn rs each ae W make its use --yb insure a wale and permanent c.-I...aj— a m o(2 h.ni ep. 99R INDEX Drt. pl Public Worke AEMON 13 SPECIFICATIONS for MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, SIDE INLETS AND MISCELLANEOUS SPECIAL STRUCTURES Pureg,aph id -din Pu 19.01 D.eunpti.. .. ....... ....... .. .. .. ... ....... ..... 19.92 .-W .. ........._ ............................._. 19.09 C—.1 ... .. ...__............ ... _._..._._........ _...._. 1 1A.Od Manhole. .......... ............... ... t 19.08 C,lh Eneiv .......................... ....... ... .... .......... ...1-2 19.00 Sid. ]nletn ......... ............. ... .. ........._. 2 18.0'! Sub -d -- I8.08 Epaiel Stiv.turea ............... ... .. .. ... .... ... .... ....... 2 18.08 Exfenel.nu end Adju.tm ..................... ... ....... ......... 2 18.10 New Ca.tinq........................ . .... .... .. ....... ....... .. 2 Catch basun shall be ehnpcd m sbown on t1l IIrrlam ltd shall 1e built of sewer Lrick, Claes "A" ronerete, or u( v ram bimL�on o[ Lolh. City a( Sl. Paul IMpartmeoI Wart1 ks Calc` baa M1ell be c acted W th, ea tFe alvI inniceted an the es �Ivr a(l's) BaV 1032 Public / M1renrh be p v JeJ til that made end workmanlike TFc• Lmine SPECIFICATIONS m ra41, a 11..nunl winnotherwise aM1ownl one llneetplene, Le id - . rhblehed Rrede. Wnn the sidewalk o e din urbM, the Con seball 11 -Id rho with n fiat. antes 11 1 rllnw afil— SECTION 13 for Wnm —1, basun a of the I.e, wnirn ern re drimlonea. m shown to me Im MANHOLES, CATCH BASINS, SIDE tanAeN detail plan, theme eadetone o marred to drimtone ones be built the c b bn.in. Each c n h.i nhtlll be Wppedmw 1, a r of eendemne or aided c re ante other nJi<aleJ o the plan E.tb c b ba+ stop trate. INLETS AND MISCELLANEOUS burin be pevrV wltM1 aney a r 126`peeubic ynNa of one avd one-half (154) crutM1eJ limeebne pev nR, four (<Irtinrhes nick. SPECIAL STRUCTURES Erick —1, bmim snail be con [ clad of LM1e m materiel enJ m before cnnx4u 18.01 Dee< prion T,,- epeeifleetinn ah.11 c m the e u tion of m aeell.neow oxer xt........ ouch m men M1olee, retch blain.,, nide inlvtx unit Jro .M1.�fte. 13.12 Tho crl¢Is re i of the re. c rd bP these fn rmthe w ie[ detal d R enJ m loocated o tee plrn Bn kwvrk nr court, work far code int a eM1all be minsDecifled f r br' k or .n c4 enhtles. M V ecifiret ono shall tne1 eq men+tervfcor^nneir map t sea kinJau nn,l rlv r� ur RPven [Fe vtanJanl Mahmivl S ciRcnliona o[lJne 13.0'! Sub-dr¢lm eipe rapped witheb nd hr u deJ with Rr vel o oak. Pro shall Ix coat fork pp Ne auhJru n dew areJ. WFen .M1e w 4 on nrk aney been c mplelW ends lFe Jmin hm eervvJ it. et n ucti n P.rpme, it shnll be apluggcd wl[F co regi he Fay M1fa4•rtielPSul hAetio�..tahvll toak nut npx'ufi^ ^Ily e t Vc'r'i am beat `ai°v d mt�arh� o too Engineer. mete where directed by thu En Rinser. 1x.03 Tho mecellaneom se rvct.... -11 Le built aS located on the plena vn,l in 13 -Il f.eneral mconlancel ith ndarJwhr +p .fiat dvtaiis ! r the purticolar a me xhown. A11 Murtnr wed eM1all becpmpartioned one (1] Da o[ PortlsnJ cc m Wr wo l'ryl p. exert a91rY t a ^ Stu Wh rolled for LFe pnl�., the C corrector a 11 e.tr J enJ edj.1t old a 4h 13.09 end. S.nJ, m enJ vJmixNure, ifrnn ,eM1all Lr m until unifor color, utter hick nlYy au Rci. nt xaW null Le tddeJ m . Eat e anmon l3.OJ Menholea nbteinr+v workaLle mix. (¢) 9Mm vdjnt ant ar r q red. All t urF ea manFMe end m4h baem carer+ n 1 nn new xork 13.10 shall the 1 n —I-1 l be Lu it 11 a M Folie all oe shnpM ¢ ^ how aM.nhne bo! be lonneJ�+ Cmtmge n r�mplele st lure a c dense with M1e and.ld pito All eoveretr -11 be In ¢reorda with CITY of St -1 St ,n 19pceifimtlom of botFn shall Clm "A' rete. r o(aMvnM1nle make tnep of lriLuW the ab.11 be flnialssd a ooN vnd eM1all) be mate W wn(orm to ins ns nnJ eheDe fol rtM1c sewer roe -cab the manhole is built. for nlonolilM1ic Connate Sewer., Smtmn l6, and M.teritl Slarifil- na, Sectmn 2. c-,- (b) Iwo, ,b, eLmM. or tlleys, mtnhvlm .hall be built to a leylbl abient conforms to - [M1e­bb-d s or .11 ) m1e. on g d� fmrnunlem dlFnr Jir e anM1oldew hall beebuilt t to r V YIM1e 1 aEacn mvnholc aeM1 II bent opppM rwith t fico r LoM, z rfvth,. k d celled+far a lne Nana. me e m flan t. xh.11 be ImneJdcd firmly in mortar vnd the lrp of the ung nlvll lhtngnde p (c) Etrpa Manhole steno, detail pl.., ah.Il be set xrcurely m plvre t^ form I Ivdd.'T i apnr LFet well of each m hole from lY WV to bottom. St• a aFvll be a seat 'yartrnnTh linen hall Le twelve 112) � hen n TM1e �ml row .the center of wM1ich rtl enlv.p.c'mR ofa he at shall be sizlren (Id) incM1e. nn�l the ap R eh.11 xtnrt from tn. bottom of [hv mnnnole wall. (d) Driek Mnnholes Sewer brick in anFolea .hell be laid with broken jo to r arses of header. end i(J) �n etret<nera ith at lent on 11) hauler course to tom rebs, co r e Erick be Inid in fWl jn nw of con N^ J int nn tFe imiJe �,f the manhole+ahnll be ry. shell mode re r tion nr-loll ('h )trneM1 in hicknees enJ II jn nLr shnll ben nrk oR aW Tne icer of ox -[ .^lily a oxd eJRee Loth in.lde .nL eutsldc of the manhole. Me tm Th`vc �ar+ d] b, Vlwtered filo rain wall ehallx e oh and nndfoer Portlnnd cement mortar toe .mo van sur ezte Irl Canrrete Manholes The standard epeeifle. of .M1e City n[ R _pool for M1tonolithlc Caner Sew noµ — h.11 g rn thv e m ca r tr enh dee Thr met ^4i ^mit—Id fear rete ee by for F­­G•(m roue lha nhnll neFur aten worn(, all M1e .1d mannoih ore It, ,} Catch basun shall be ehnpcd m sbown on t1l IIrrlam ltd shall 1e built of sewer Lrick, Claes "A" ronerete, or u( v ram bimL�on o[ Lolh. 13,05 C k Calc` baa M1ell be c acted W th, ea tFe alvI inniceted an the es �Ivr a(l's) BaV pilus wi h tw ' ch vnnrified e el laid fight lin e J Reade fr r car e the baa n alta .M1e ee r t Whrer a tFr Weln �eM1ell nah^II �I�e M1renrh be p v JeJ til that made end workmanlike TFc• Lmine m ra41, a 11..nunl winnotherwise aM1ownl one llneetplene, Le id - . rhblehed Rrede. Wnn the sidewalk o e din urbM, the Con seball 11 -Id rho with n fiat. antes 11 1 rllnw afil— e the m,, be, the sidewalk and gul4r on each elle for ¢ Jietame of (16)) feet to Correa -d to the grade. Wnm —1, basun a of the I.e, wnirn ern re drimlonea. m shown to me Im tanAeN detail plan, theme eadetone o marred to drimtone ones be built the c b bn.in. Each c n h.i nhtlll be Wppedmw 1, a r of eendemne or aided c re ante other nJi<aleJ o the plan E.tb c b ba+ stop trate. xnb hell t, It on LM1e of the catch basin walls in . bed of m ¢full and ev wi M1 the tap of the cover al tFe ro (M rvAN atresia a h a h 1! 4 ehellt burin be pevrV wltM1 aney a r 126`peeubic ynNa of one avd one-half (154) crutM1eJ limeebne pev nR, four (<Irtinrhes nick. Erick —1, bmim snail be con [ clad of LM1e m materiel enJ m before cnnx4u m ape fied for brick mtnnales. Concrete m4h paeim sFpll Le tet ea --specified for concrete menFoles. Standard .pedets she enJ al side inlll be built of brick, 1.rmrdvnre 13.06 w ie[ detal d R enJ m loocated o tee plrn Bn kwvrk nr court, work far code int a eM1all be minsDecifled f r br' k or .n c4 enhtles. Bide inlets WM1ere eabdrai a re specified o .how^ on the plan lh hall be Wit of Rn wltural rile w a f the di -r ehowm TM1e rile eWI be laid with o me eel 13.0'! Sub-dr¢lm eipe rapped witheb nd hr u deJ with Rr vel o oak. Pro shall Ix coat fork pp Ne auhJru n dew areJ. WFen .M1e w 4 on nrk aney been c mplelW ends lFe Jmin hm eervvJ it. et n ucti n P.rpme, it shnll be apluggcd wl[F co mete where directed by thu En Rinser. Sew r atmrW t de cribed in detail Fereinbut celled (nr n .M1e plane hell 13 -Il he c.netry led in theaform end of the Jimen+mm shown on LM1e p -,en I in e....At re cairn the supplemen y amcife�ti�n�. Spinel 9tmcturea Wh rolled for LFe pnl�., the C corrector a 11 e.tr J enJ edj.1t old a 4h 13.09 meeine enJ nMo�ee onfor the nrJin nee rodeo f;xten is nJju t- pp nholea atrhi a ahnll Lr mad rwrdan wI1M1 ti R the Eat e anmon thea eciflcaaln o' n n nnho`es n^1 mtch em me TTe Con eM1all n[ �ahmell n sex. cry meter alrmJ lobo Lo sake M1 extene , Adlual cote vdjnt ant ar r q red. All t urF ea manFMe end m4h baem carer+ n 1 nn new xork 13.10 .nail be new ria n New anlM1d�lea n�^mc roM1rbm nrlude ells r s n end c vers coma. y to make +er Cmtmge n r�mplele st lure a c dense with M1e and.ld pito All eoveretr -11 be In ¢reorda with CITY of St -1 St ,n 19pceifimtlom 13.11 for nlonolilM1ic Connate Sewer., Smtmn l6, and M.teritl Slarifil- na, Sectmn 2. c-,- City of St. NO INDEX D. t—t of 19J2 1`14 Llie H'irks SECTION li SPECIFICATIONS for PIPE SEWERS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS Psrs ph IlesdinRe Page 14.01 Description ............................... .. .. .. . ... ...... 1 1402 I.Yinu f PiPe .... .. ... t 14.0:1 Jonts 4 Pip,. .. .... 1 14.04 Pl-t- f Pipe ...... _... _...__ .... _.. _.. _.._ 1 14.05 Ilepth f 0, --turn.. ... .. ...... 1 city off &. Peal .—p ..t of rx: Psbuc W.,"' tmens ^iy3i "°al INDEX Pabu work r SPECIFICATIONS sgGTlon' z v for MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS PIPE SEWERS AND SERVICE CONNECTIONS xn,grxlJi a,InR" Rz vol Thi. specific°tion, t, -t— P,to Genera S—ificetloa. ror All Sewers Se¢- ., 4.n Ix cover. tee conatrml on of P Pe ll,—. Pd .f —1 —" <onnediona i , Ilu<nptma wthRfulryennd un if— ben.R Il the botom me ��{ le fan.Ip y'Rj [^e t �e c"unceo< oei-d t`n the nthpipa LIiJ � 11 P I, .n.n coral npeel ax "Decifled ,� 11.5 t. I� Chl::riJe. 2 Pip, xhall b I 'd the d rection if the ¢rode of me sewer or ••ap hdl' The '=.Ut• l' - _ __. 2-J Rot rod of b II J xhell to nxerteJ 'n o the bell rod to tM1c lull depth or bell. When laid the pip. shell form °ower with a xmo,Ih .nd a^iform IPvert 11 L,rh 1{xxi I"i" px ( 1 P'D m ew shell be .tie ims men unleu olh¢r a o to n r. m w r fi < o o el I. rM1l Ar. n ¢ e gone hell be m.Jea with Pn apptov¢J jn'nte xe ono n"pn 1 i Jit ^.1¢m ,me i". lln C rl�nl :5 U t : It .u11 xN y-1 (b) Cement m r j.mU eM1ell be mode of Cement mortar p II i.Ped of ane ort' he... J and Dement Iq ort or Portland Cement e.a two 12f Dertn of mortar aaad mth IU 1 4:�rt1 4 "nalP be ml°ea ary ^ntu me ¢¢ ant i. ammrmly m<,rP.r.eca the mnd..[ter m may be necee"ery to obte�n e wn ,M1 only such gmnt�ty o[ water eM1all be addeJ .e xl" J,i t 11I'a Iiwl, �exrrx.. 4 w.r mu An even Iyer of mortar shall be troweled o^ to the coney vurfece of m. lower Fall A. l of the bell of the cope lent le'd The "D Rot end .( the next eucceedm9 yipps "hell be -1 { J 1 1 n .IJaI. I.=p n e o to ntx in.erted -oto Ne bell, keeping the spigot end e. M1ign in the bell m P.""tble until the been inserted I. the full depth of the 14 1 int \Int:: 1 r:r 4wrr" Avi h.Itr - 4 npiRol s fully mxerte,IAller the ep�"t hes Fall, the p Pe —'I be I_l- Really en P, Rive the emgnt x full bennnR `n the mortar xlraedy Pl.ca�l 'n lee bell Addi[ on.l mortar then shell ne epplled to M1e '•.1'� irx, \fool .Fell b, f.r¢ed'nm the a11, portion o[ Inc bell to fill comp 11 b the a1- l !¢twee' the 'pigol anf the Lell The outviae .r tn. xhell be Ievf oR —11 - -- - - b - A th, morur to . dielance of .t least two (2) i..nes from the outer edge ^[ the bell. A Uble wavl pP J Je ot_ i�pu he Jr. Red �hroWRI „nm 1] i tart CI v ^Hell n or r a n 1 J vee. fins• of m r Am < mak nR m[ n.l P LM1e Jo In rreezmR weather the <end¢n t e whter (r tM1e molr[er shat be M1eetrJ the mortar applied hot end the joint pr.-I'll _° i r 5 ^ 10 It A 1 x« "1" 1'• n ret. - b fr.m freesinR ^Flit the cement hoe set. vl It.rk, ko�mJxlion, Clar "lin .(,.' sten u e �t (c) Them el sed (or .""belt c joint. end methal u. d in meklnRUne j 1 u..•1 C••ncrel. f. - n i�^.¢r, and y material o[ eelebluh.d repo t on f r "nell be approved br the 'd""`.""-"d efficiency end dur.bil l uud in .ccnrJ.nceawilh the dm¢rtiune or aPecifi<ali,nn o< thr 2.'2I It k (-ur •I .SiJrw �Ik C.n rr tr. r menuf.ctgrer wal be arm IttM. fill completely, anJ all conditions ne<e"anrr Pyr ":" .�xn•I, ('�.nrx lr - The join[ i,.tl.P xbell the Joint 1w r.".r nnNi<amn ma"t b, mea PPhe _..1 e.�ml, >1^nar.. Y C-1.1- rmr t t <n r rt nr m� Con rs shell Proven he tr Dor of .mar^ro 1 -I S, i ( _. y n+U` i'r ­,i— .r 1'�P, .cwr d.r— yon - j . Snuuld h,, mer mater' 1 h ,.: . ,. er eer�aenc . ,mer yme con u,r "nal r IL n�. mime a s It r R - y urea' ¢from P pet a Imd xh 11 be leJ V o Orkin A r c IY r.p n P e n �pl....nd whin ere ..d,,, [i r aUmeter 1x r,-bited. 2 21, 11 1.r. - -.... : 14,05 1)¢PtM1 1lr Bervi« erl�nn.<b JI 1 Cnlrx" ntherwie. "hewn on lhr plan" or spa "i"' .c - •r I'd ", met the invert nt me Property line "Fan be n a le.¢ th o eiRM (PI rya m IDU .—d for remdenti.l ort .vx :+Fly, and of taxa than i•nx 1 1 C.nne<1ion. .idewakRrnJe tees L,— the xidewelk Rrnde to lot" e^nrd (m other than rexiJentl.l purpou.. TIS• rode P the c..,h.11 he an irnrm from me .war t the Property Icor. If. Fnw v xtiLn lz le . unlfor rale xI two (ll a,< I, i" n tla p �xM1xllra v , th¢ C nt r t the move ,w' depth °t th, one IU III onditinns to IM nn�Je Ir ity F.ngineer,rwho m torn will alba deUr�minr wM1vl <rorw Crnt rert.r'hill f.il— I 5 —'y o; S Paul Deperlmeni .I 1'ubllc .n N. MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS tf ie tf'cNi tT t r.f 1 1. I tl � I I ! C�c�cra[ aur ,rk mune f I.1 I I \1' k. u Hcfurr xn .. 1 I, 1 . 11 ,l f 1 ut v( the u f II e i ether withr nu. -f' ee � 1 I 1 E wtir. Jlx M1 III mu ta+R ova h [earn ax I 1 1 I I f I h I f I 3 OS ln) 4' R II 1 111 1 1 1 1 1 Aalt cn .nw ahxll 1 1' 1 I 1 . 1 III AFlllcr a It ah,ell f f 1 1 M1 111 u l � ~I�tuell !,e xt 1 xwt 1 I II 1. 11 Ir It allxll haves x •va 1 1 1 I I Ir IrRIM1s. t .r„ m. thnu . r huu.lrwl 1 1 '1I JI 1 K - IM1 1 Ct I 4 1..1. M 1 rh. V I TI 1 I77 1 el .11 1 M1 ,f no rm, 4r n t .DullA elarlu If. v�ot \ AFna f f rKK uml le T• n I f 'S' bt thmr 1 m hal nnJ Iw 1'S •lar. -a P.au•Il�rnl l,xnrenmllnv :nl �Ilweill. 'ITe~P..ah I i whxll a a w Irn• tl xr I r l nn Iml J � I- 4. I he r ial�ahxll w .w lr xh rlkm xler � +.� ArRn.. [ .n rrk n xl xrlr ,I.w. I a iha� Inr� i�I urv�uL�.l ahnll •hn lewe�le.I . r F - . fu test- .. er xlwll , � II r 1 f11� �R•nrl f r i"I nllxll 1e euLni IrJ t aft, Bf 0 `t ertrfirwat l•w.0 \II kt. 1 17 - 1 II • 1 -f I 11-�11 I I h. :I Pa ving ,u+ Ta.o nr+.l uue-half t , nNh.14,.R 9 Znr r 4'I�w ai GnM1M1.' w, III mr�f rl Oaw llty nrka xl:xll h iexlnl Ilmrnuphlr. nt. uRlhr xnJ :Iu..Jl. •, ral. RIW� Lr.k- It— k, I. leyk.e rnkeb.r ml 11 whreh a.uul { 1 k M1 � II ! 11 w rl x th M1 .cf..rc w...i r - I II Ilxll xll I nim. 1 I. Sizes 5 ha a Ith f Lr I r �k I III f xn I I. Irmo 1 hal( fb f4 n�hra. rhes .1 rh.11 I+ tour %ins! ti I �. 'I'I I I: I: or claNth,v n 1 I 1 h h f :1 1 r K tr f I I of ! _ r.RI..1 •u 11r.k �II.II Ir.I.. x hlP .III ..N .bJI rlr,t tie ranwinR I ':.I. It 29 nes. \utl` >,,. I`na IIrk4 ] . P V.rtes A .ivrn.Ra l,xv ru .n, ar •.Ilan " w P- Ise Ly e11-11 ul onrl: inJlriJuel LrirN, not mare then. TM1c la:a xn:l the r 11" -11alnfunn w eye.iGrxti.n:a of the Amxrlaen -ItA, for 'I R Alxterule, arsiel JmlRnntion, C (,ectlwn—Tho 1-1-11 Ia ul ertd b ' euLmquenu b I- I_', t tM1r`:Iner�J uxe, I 1 JllrinR Ix)in - :.Nv b aul� ou m mt ,he bn'k wl:irt� �1.: n. t the mllr anent I:erJfiN. TRV:e"lollowing unmtielnv y LnrY mall ,a "t ll 1' k .1b, n 1 1 h)' TI in n� h e .runner the, such a nner thel i; IL. L rf mlucoJ L rnthen once Rhth 1 . J h 1b..'RM1th ' v of rf 1 1 4.1 M1 r( . All 16,11, —,b h 11 1 k' k l w lhel to II f yr f ffib, Jkt� 11 II 1 k,, I h.1­­ ly fial b en� rr>r, L hh nII 1'I u. I I 1 - II I. If n . I I I I 1 1 C� 4-111— ,I,i. 1 T f 1 1 f S III 1- I`J M1 �II I 111 Ih. �� k II rin�e tr ,k 1 Ixkr�x'. er,,Iryrir. I�r 1 th. u 1 - I r.R n,.� mr cn lirl•I.r J I, rl •`rnllrr r l,�i'Ir R L, ,,, nelfl rlvere fk n IIrJN " tnr.n ePecifionrnwe \nmel., rl 1 k' 1 I II - k- tyre rhes wwnle -.k mer: - I I(: 11 1 f one t eLxll Q -t, -II * f M1nl ehxl 1,, n 1. a with h- bti—I 9lreci- h .I., la r.r CI •, .1—, Ifr rk.' A .S T. \I- 1 CS]. -21, ror uM1e vlwifirntion Ii— -11 I 11. 1 : 1 oq rents \ 'I.It! 11 - f (I \ fi I b'kenell f 4 1 1 k Inn[ If I 1 (Ir"me,n lfro oars will 1' iJ rnl r"nximum sI'll' 1m f vniehoJ n, re pnml 1 v the Enamrer 11 III I f fl 1 1 1 fi ...Rb I :I n rl. 1 1 -—.d— Tl,, \ C o G 1 11 0 rl I 1IIr el JI Im rwl h f 1 1 ! 41t-...... r nwku R I IW re ! 1' 1 111 umal L B fl rh, ; le e,,blbe I b reJ - t f hnRn sly I coon or . 1 1 - 1 1 III Ile —h r tlLr n nufnrt rr ILc un Lr 1- e 1 1 1 f 11 I I M1 f 1 II r e I 1 1 11111,11t, ll I M1' r A IIerJ ' h I n I n "n 1 I n f M1 h n i n nn r�ar.r b I- I f n I f I- I' coxal 1 f 1 P Ir 1 n rn f' i�brlI nett xJ� (, t qs Sk rdl �r rn. rr n.r 1 1- 1 willJmmn fmn IM1 a rlgrh rl n 11 1 r deur -n 1. t ft . Ilrl 1 wt el • ml h rl Ill , x rLI.. w a u shown n ,.r I l I 1. of n I vuxMle wren sdl eewl a,aa, ! 11 rluJ J tMt the vlxxe�al N d eY"�eeW I h J VLmx vuJ „rid«I (i,M J Iwl w None ur tLer i—, I Ix(xrc het :. n r �lV1d arxermae nnJ nt al rr I I nJ fmm .wcL Heel of �Lvr lv 1. Ja. I J1 1 h F 1. 1 11 IMfla. I,i mu n Iircx4 \1-n n u Itr ol- e .,f R+r R Inwl.. PuunJe R InxJx, lu-1.:� Torte 1 111 t (rm tl 1 I 11 1 r 1 f i 1 il: , tLe nl l . dml� 1+. mlee¢N. Tor xLnll wr le o�. L. lani I,.0 e I. n \I• erlvl C.t�n ,`:1 Jn .4,11 I,e fumiel,ul of AetJe Ili,er nxn.. Cer vdn nor � �,I, ar rf I'ortL n'1 �:.:n. nl R,n.n n. r'up vnd Urlpranr. , U .,vn and Jnlatoxn droll ,e mwle to .luneneiv,e in .:.:,, .,wrJvx� +n,l t. I:,ul e,a ule,.l 1 I r th.,n xrty m_ '1 nr xaa _ 1 xJ tLe ,e„Jarwrc .r r,,, - 1 mmn,� I n nln n h..:1 I t 1. .Nxmrwle 1, —Ame neruarnv re. r.I Irm. mnmrJ n nnmaxre .ton I .nd ddyem„� d,eu n r.mr�an e - :n mx 4 n, x hti,:rr I„ »n .v;.-;ni.l n, nna.:lnmr nr hr:Jdrn:.l mr„enm, lar y,.nwen,a n:an fl”' nn xn �nnll lir ,.. ,, +Ix.,Im mnrni ,r her �lix la„ , I hill n.v 1, n.turnl a urn, w 'I h 11 ... f amt f�,l 1 r hx I 1 0 Wnnl 1 II Il,fi I. Tun n 1 r < I P�rrl� dl eul , eo Imr � ,1 a1 dn. 1 I n I r, eniJ , 'IW 1 L 1 1 1 I 1 , ler I I I 11 j F 1' L.„`IX S � 1 1. 1� Int 11 ill r�vrrJ4 1 - 1 '1 1 1 t J,1 1e 1 '- ,r era. ea 11 h1 I. i; 11 ll—il L l 1 k 1 JL 1[ 4 1 1 f m 1 Ii. I r.1 1 111 1 I. II 1 1. r l 0 1 wl I�h o f II .Ir f 1: r ti l 1:-nI f aJ iy ,I r1 : 11 I 9 rL 4e.1 I k (I I .L„rl �Lm-lh xy. V' hon I f I riJ eLnl Le r I»inW ox n ]0 mad, xreen Herr w.arJ elx xcn...txll lcn.ui, al oux9a0 meal xcrce, ' witl: Jix1iIIW wrier .linll nnow nni I:m conn 55'� nl 4Le meterixl rtmninina . , nor Ira a:na w , amx, ,,,a ...J x xn;n nan,x .eruina amu. elan draw not :�nra tw�� I nll ,ot ,w tx., m 1 U I y{h f I c xl tl,e , ,te - null no xlew N lwi xt I -i dea F. tl , , r An ia, I ee,nyle ewll rvnwin et 1-1 02'i of eine xnJ nn4 over V0 J v1—m n 1 ; w t .r wl,� rleY 1. 1 1 e1:n11 I f mthi, ar 1 a J - ax x,d ehxll Le wnll areJWl ro,rxwfine. lnrlucenp "h— lle Nm.l l nn. I' ', rn i, dm—.r tl,e Rrx.nl xLNl n 1 1 h n [ nah 'll I,J C 1hy f L wm ,. d e. e4J1 meet cnr ww—w a d'y 1':,minan nnmLennn 9'n. IV, .0 ,. nn: mo r.. nxn 06';. nnT Lx+lhun tl5';. I J 1 f ennll o rt en 1. 10 ..... ree. I. I ! II I II 1 1 Ix thvt n u, if r I 1 I II II � I I ancon. rin4�n1[feu tl -t ,e ,.I ,In tnk, le .kwon eueL, 111 11 n Ir _ '!1II I 1-k TI. \latero n. '�1 1 I 1 aW Lr ammxw n u„K dnd x sevum i� .a mer r ,.. nxm ar Lr'u1 n rcm we doer. rrem,laae TI I Ill' 1 - 1 II f h J h 1 l u l l I MII 1 n 'll Le 1 f W 1' h Jnlnr \Imerinl 1 1. 1' II 1 t.11 1 I'll 1 11 II I! fil I I 1 In 1 1 IFr` m deJ .: I f fi t II ! M 1 1 1 1 M1 1 �J,el�l•�� In Il lilt I I :�x I� Ib� .MIC 'Co. 11 I .n lrixbrt IGnJI eoL W�ra Wie wr n„�1 an . . m......linHmecrl�Tlion ].0 `On 7 1 t�u�l. a,n ,1111 �,pye,val r �� � ,e mynl.W neynur lc { enr sewe.e 1.15 \trr L, 111 rat rlw .hfwmnl CI � 1 I J r Puree hen ei. 1 V I rnk �e mlrir rafe -1' I 1 I\Intel h II `ori 1�1 r � Irl lrann rlrrur thirkn�taf luhenurhem I I el r I r \ - I xnnll Le nrl�tfar nn en.l Int II er. rrre rr rx. In \lan h.L. .1,. II 5<epe IxA.lrr r.rn. rr �r. ul r+rl.. rt Irn1 rnl o(tlrri Ll] f II 1 r rot vhmm�RlJ I I f. 11 1 I. If II 11 I 1 I11. iJ.l t l f 1 1 1 f l l 1 I 11 0 t �:I r II I I Ir rl[ 1. II I he ulrlr 1 kll I;rl I ( I 111 11 t II 1 rr II f - M1 rl.r I 1 .It 11 I II-k� I t l I k Ixl xa I 1 II a I �• x 1 I I.nl r I 1 I nln xrrl + n: thr 4mm�.r ., rek nIA r r xr kiI I sr r a tr n R I.no-enf 1 1 aThr 1 �� 1 I� 1 Arnral .n Ihr I 1 rl r I. 1. 1•:1••. xh+ a I. _ ...r1 r I+. rt.r x rfxrr hr rxnrrr r.. .rxrk .r tl r rrr .rfr r n ehnll I,e rrnlnlnklnrmh.av .r.n rn it rtieJ: lotrnrxl r rr Tn 4nra, Irrr nsl I rler 'I hirknra. Irrlre, Ix: Ir.. In�hrar Inr-Iu�n rrr4:. r.t M1r-r .lirnrunianx ehrr'I I. :.: r+rnlxnr+ n+rlr the Inre.r .{. v T ..\I +rvnJ.nlr .rr rrrr A I 'I 1 1 a(w I I I 1 rr 1 . +rrr, f the {m �r ,n our lar'rr a Ni rr rr xriJ Ih r. r..nr (I:5 'f. n.J 'I �Ixl1.'r rr rin nr rlt.ryr�nl xl Irr..l .rf rlr��'r\I I M1 x 11v vnJ l r abut I .n., n rn.,l a I 1 r I I- J II Rhr rrrlx. .{II .... r......... trr. nlr he tux r r 1. rn,r.rmrrrrunlrram vrx r. rlu�l� Ixr .I rl � nJ q I Irf Vnprr ixv r. ru,rnnehM1LI IIM%nrnl Irr r+e Arse sheaf Jelul rl I I 1 1 1 I .M1 1 11 f rl r Im rrl r.r:nu I., rn xu �1 n r Iro f I role w th. t o rr m eln. caacrme m C- A I n are T r d tlr r nx ,t ores w rm 1 nln.el ler t G I urrrr ,I , urtlxnJ C ( rrr cut KKn .— Rack, ack,. Cavrev • Ag Porg[Ivnd u` 1 gx r l r rro -n ('I 1 1 1 ('omrnr Cement, f h,- 1 4 YR w irl . rk rr 1 I Ir it Concrete ,.rn n r r A .r rr nv�hnnlc xtrne e,. unr crus pp� t:l arrvI. u - men a'" I r Ir ..hfie l x .cel r umJ r xe rrc xul tl wr rt i 11 +nl of tl r ,nurr ser el nll vl Cl— rete lb�MerLJ 'rl 1 _ neeml eu rx.el eenll ne vpPmval 1 h ewl o\m Ic m I I real m tnv clue t I I( nr rt. irrnrrnl ra tl 1 I r.r I rrl rJ tha uxe of rn 1 v!`anrx vl ut 11 1 1 I 1 W 1 I nr.,x �n ,rrnkrr„n, hl. arem hnR rnl�r�l rreJ ki �; u�t'r (,ruJlnR r nRurt t II Lc xr l Rrn Ir+l nrxh:l et, nr r urn+el It elurll �. I I I I 1 I�l rnl,lxll ! ! (rraen lumla k. 1 I 11 , I+ �.r rr�tller h.t. n. ux Ir rll � fano n 1I w,L I rx 1 I". r23 r 'rl xm xnnll ne mwle m ur leers -11 tea A— ll Ia h I mrrhr,J .—I Drn'R rev G LA (xluxry of g It -x ! rrtl rr rc ru n.l uM1nt thr arxme xuuregxre h 11 I rrrifarm err. loot f II a rinvt I r xl nr R rr —dr mxwrirru rl rll the +retorts nine nl 4 Irirr rhe urvJirrR xper'firxtr ne rJ� cued Srane—Cruehnl xl xlrnll by onlnirreJ (mm rlmn, touun, JureLle tr rut ur:r urru lim,atrrrre, rl tarts yr nxaJxtovr, wlrirh shall meet the (allawing rortrremenw. rr f 1 1 1 II n Urr rnk ! I 1 1 1 1 1 1- 2e, _I uulmrxx ! 14nk, far 1rnl nuNltlrtrrle, emnJxnl mmlruJ,D:l-I&, rmlreetrrcl\_ .I Thr cram• nlwll rarrdxr ar mr nralnrt ar ur<rrrrxnrr hrtwrrr are hmhe.,r xi.e „hart xl,eri. �p hrrl xnJ xlrnll Im lrcr fnnn Junr or r,rnrinu naJ nlrnll nor Iru.r. nn ramex u[ flat or clorrunrerl Irrerra. cnrnneJ en I r r I I t m x rolr �r x I �� ' 1 nnJ II 1 1 1 . G I rh Jtrhr r nR � f crrueLN xiunn 1. 1. r 1 J hvnJling.rtly rM1 rrn<ter ° \ ! h rl rl rv, k. ' ole the tut ixl inu ar uni 1 rr,Jed I I v uu u f_ rmm I ilt yr I rum. +rI elrnll her enl of clrsn, M1mJ. Jurnnlc Brave, well gqrxdeJ in I ! f 1.1. ux mxtrnvl of ! 11 Rr r•cl ehnll ort I 1 If u! el.0 nnJ e1tv. 1 fcln t r rLer Th,1 rx rr c rlren ren I t Iiw, ween h'alrl for xl . r. 1S T 1. xr rn lrrlt.l, .4rnl Uaiu xrrn 111 rn_ xrn. 1 1 CI CI C ( rahxll 130 II [ I ( r C R rf t 1 aP g1unA ur .1 I! 1 f 1 xl rlr Gnmenr Cm(arrre IBeee '1 .1 I ! f 1 v 1Iv .. I:r Rine r. Ih ( .r nlrnl f ixi rnnn r, . nc !rl h gat. mir stole, nrnl Jnnla —111 -1 112-21; 1 hrmr Cext Go r.rcte orb anJ I li— ..d .1— 1", 1 ss I h, I� 1�,- 1. I.,Ih — 7 .f —rk —1 I S�..d 1 Q-1" ..d �n.l 11 1 the —1-1.1— hull I ... I .. ... .... . .... .. ... ......... ... . . ..... I 'r,, 'ji, -it" "hall I� ,—I lh�, 1—, 11 il— —11� 12 -Z 'ti .f .1-1 rox 11� ube . . . . . .. . . . I h I 1 1 N' ter true the mv�n. n1 I, I I P "d C- I I . . . I . I . . . . . . INDEX MATERIAL SPECIFACATIONS 3 04 h1 nerd A,h,,ft F -- k, Ch., 91W bnnl tine. G 3.1X1 YvnA Cou�ee 45 (A, P. - MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS .... ...... ria,. . ..enI. 1 Ir .... ... ...... .ml •II ... . ... ... ... I . . . . . . I I Irrvr. . . . . h s* III 7- 1. 1 11 11 "bal 1 b, ...... ... ... ....... . .... I �2 11 1 1 1 1 21 .1 7 ........ .. 7 111 a . . . ...... ....... 11 -4 I. 1II b Irl ... .... . am .:1..11 . . . j, ....... ... ................... xtl ulnen) e. x�Jula . 3,03 11 1 Hoeb,1, 0.t�! Puvinp SnnJalune Q-111, b, 1, xlrrJl 1,arurrinane.'Ilse.- 0'.11 Ill -k. �1,.jj I k "I I h 1, 1, k, nue ,, 1, Q..H" c—i— h—= lave 8 T M S -11:—I T-1, C 11— rat ton ,rn Tavel I-,� ID ... ...... . .. ..... . ... ... ..vxnlm . i ..... I p -I I.."'I.". _ �h;d, LeK_, .. a:. ❑tr er at. r.W 1942 Department of PubDr Work° MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS INDEX 88MON 4 I'eregreph Hecdinge 4.01 Oil, Fnel Pege 4.02 011, Road .... 4.03 AepZM, Cut -Bek .... .............1-2-9 .) Cl.. Fuel oil shW) be either Cl- "A" or Cleve "B" ail ee below epecifled: Clave "A" oil shall meet the following requirements: FWh--CIoeM teeter, 180 degrees F. or lower. End ""—m h, Color—Fmm light or prlmeewM1lte to amber. 9ulVHVhur CanGined- 9ediment end Minern�Metfer reed one (11 per cent None. (c) Cl— "B" Oil Cleve "B" oR ehW mret the following requlrcmenta: Fle°h--Closed azt, 16o to 910 tle¢r F Viii— ty—Not over 100 eecwds. IOl et ILZ degree. F. Pour Rt'n -Not over 10 degrees F. Bul hur Contained—Not over one (1) pe sea4ment .na weer epmmnea_Net o.er pn"r`m per rent (d) Bid..nd Rample. qq of Bid."Ishell�b�e submitted nethpeeeL bid end etAe lolipeubeequentlyf furnished shell be of the eeme kind end quality ee the sample submitted. (e) Delivery Delivery shell be made oNy ae celled for by the Department of Pnblle Works. Oil shall be deliverM in tank care at the Clty Peeing Plant et Arundel .nd Hu -ke 9[rnte, 9t. P.W. (.) Intent - �t,e the intent qr these epeciflcetione to abteln a rad .11 ev1461e for conditioning p-i'd et—, and inle��nivg etrre[e other then (b) Cl— Reed oil shall be either Rad Oil Ni,. 1, or Roed Oil No. 2 se herein, epecifled. fr) Gmeval io— The ftoedOil shnll be free from water end shell not (oem when heated to 260 ho om ge°neoasThe Ro.d Oil .nd 100 cenertatlon residue derived therefrom eh.11 be 4.01 OII, F- 4.02 Oil. Road t n ti ❑tr er at. r.W 1942 Department of PubDr Work° MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS MISCELLANEOUS INDEX 88MON 4 I'eregreph Hecdinge 4.01 Oil, Fnel Pege 4.02 011, Road .... 4.03 AepZM, Cut -Bek .... .............1-2-9 .) Cl.. Fuel oil shW) be either Cl- "A" or Cleve "B" ail ee below epecifled: Clave "A" oil shall meet the following requirements: FWh--CIoeM teeter, 180 degrees F. or lower. End ""—m h, Color—Fmm light or prlmeewM1lte to amber. 9ulVHVhur CanGined- 9ediment end Minern�Metfer reed one (11 per cent None. (c) Cl— "B" Oil Cleve "B" oR ehW mret the following requlrcmenta: Fle°h--Closed azt, 16o to 910 tle¢r F Viii— ty—Not over 100 eecwds. IOl et ILZ degree. F. Pour Rt'n -Not over 10 degrees F. Bul hur Contained—Not over one (1) pe sea4ment .na weer epmmnea_Net o.er pn"r`m per rent (d) Bid..nd Rample. qq of Bid."Ishell�b�e submitted nethpeeeL bid end etAe lolipeubeequentlyf furnished shell be of the eeme kind end quality ee the sample submitted. (e) Delivery Delivery shell be made oNy ae celled for by the Department of Pnblle Works. Oil shall be deliverM in tank care at the Clty Peeing Plant et Arundel .nd Hu -ke 9[rnte, 9t. P.W. (.) Intent - �t,e the intent qr these epeciflcetione to abteln a rad .11 ev1461e for conditioning p-i'd et—, and inle��nivg etrre[e other then (b) Cl— Reed oil shall be either Rad Oil Ni,. 1, or Roed Oil No. 2 se herein, epecifled. fr) Gmeval io— The ftoedOil shnll be free from water end shell not (oem when heated to 260 ho om ge°neoasThe Ro.d Oil .nd 100 cenertatlon residue derived therefrom eh.11 be 4.01 OII, F- 4.02 Oil. Road td, RWd Dil .- I s... .nau br mmt.ned .n R-1 rnAr it" 0 IrAmm Te1al RJumrn 4�oluLlr �n C vrbon DleulfiJe Rood Ilii No. 2hall mr.t Ne follaywyppiene8 JeUilad epeciflcetion_., I. euwr well h. Pa.�il 1 t ee4 n+ cr xtt lanti'in�il rf o�l, tee xo I Iunrro.mi ni ,a, r. i hi cifl d.v� I'er C„nt IWn Pnrtrntion Re.idue Vl.n.ity Farol 122 2d v Ido 4 Taal PImm11 I�ilu Llc in ('arbors UiaulPde7 mol I.ae then (•; I.in r, flnxh I'int. not Irne tMn 1'Y.1 ............... ..... __ _ ]]" Fhr.., n ore nen (; Iturulitylo! t esiJu.nel , ntt lees Nan [rml Duct Jit ,f Il 1 iclntion renidoe at 39.8' F,gnot Icon Nan Icml .. (f) 6lethode of Tee( of hoed Oils All tr.l. xnnll L inJe in a. orJnnce wiN Ne Inelhpdp de td,�L in L'.f ! Agrieulton• Rulleti•n No. I2I8 (Revived BeDL IYYF. except Thal du<tihty o[ .ellnio. of I<onJ Uii �o_ 2 .M1°II be Jrtermined WN at ]]' F. end 3'J.6' F. 1§gr T I i. f�f eaiJ !lull I i Hl n l e1 Cl I Ido sup) -..... s k' „n) nP I _idue .[ 100 I ... .. .... ]f. ter v mple. I for Itentpbeforewa�gon oothwilll be made n fmI s­',thel.� mule fir t auhmiltrA I. le w a m le nhdltbe nnbmi[tM within ten nl Jabs n equent far mefrom Ne hlgniriryl Tinting I+bonlory, tit (Paul. I, nmpl. fail. Ne bid on the of repramted wiR be rejeeled enJ no furNer n1..1e wJl be male. i --;h lank of oil .1i 1 nJer thio onto eh,ll be nampled h of 1M1e), partmrnt n[ Public Work., e . at the pmnt f chip.—lot-at!Ali-Pniel� a Ne option of the (-ity. Foch pie will be tea[M by Ne City Chemet he(err tli, nor co.erM by Nat �ple is udo d, whenexer a. ratt ins A.�In�enia. r. ng elver ephelt content or vlwo > r both —11 br meA n r k - lb) Reiertion arrd Uaekage Oil found- r m l,Ig w b tLear epttince[iov, '[ not a)readr i .e L II olM ani ..urhreje.ted o 1 n tell be removM prompJ> h '.h Id f of M .M befnn• n-ulta of le.l. ore kn x h LIT. hh r feclrrl p, pnv the -p-Mint oro, Nen v deductmn h cA [alio to mrehe delivrM Pt�ona haR k mode rotating nth erM e.ny er he fin TFe ryecnncrµMurt -,b nee eghnR be dN mhred bty tt ,.rk._ C t r. the I�ItT Purcbnain Agnt d th Ca mwpnirin'r nfI�J.I O) Dtlbny The eo furniahM under thane npeciflntionn e1u11 be delivered i k care f, o, b. Spat n oil a °ids tock JnignateJ by the Department of Puhlic Works. Tlw prim Dur Th 3treeti.nge tnnkn are an the Great Northers RWgway 9Wtr, Arandel end wb �M un2y)W v 41 nrNdel veln'eee erre to beamade vt the! �)vhoun k(e Deliverie° of the ml eFali be mode he - ' ro9uired date ap ."d. Witbin twelve (12) Noun oflnt tw tyg.,, o required d.b, raflnerYt the rePrcr o agent, nhall (arsiaFebYe�relato the C mmhue Doer f public Works Fe hill, ng information rovering to h tar ehippM; ser number, rovHnR end Limn of leaving refinery. 111 Teat h, ­ ,A e 'fled re shall be (umieheJ in duplinte a of °hipment of M. er load, rtThe a p nal nnell be IM t the M iripal1Tn-g f iddip tray avd the duphnte N [h. Commi-"If of Public Works. u TFe re ort shalln the following Inform _ 2. pI,., miu." ndenumber. 1. D..tinativn. Qt4 nn[einM in Crede. car. 0. Spxiflr envi[y. ]. Vieco.i[y. 1k) Meuure m be(urn�nhedwulndetrtthene'i a pt' ¢a[gialnnnae sixty (60)µ.green F, fu the toed oi6 Nie mravumment. nd payments 11 be Me th, buil t cu gamwn rtegmrM The emnunta of materiel which will be utlered oder Nb control ue oat attain, 1FequK n mvHona any Th—probable to which will be M1in 'rM`�f rloeely ee ran 4 entime ed,nbutelFe city reeervee the () right W order under n goers Ht ea matenaliy grater or lee- then thou regvleiHonM mint t aTer in tion of thio e0omflceHon is de nt beck 1 quid Anh It k az t f s[reeG they then p ¢d a( au'teble con et pflow (ram ¢ e d�etr�butor, ander normal eummer empervture-,awitnout heeling, a Cut-Rerk (b) Genre! t Cut -beck eephalt aM1pll be Fomog¢neoue, free tram w end .Fall mea the ec-fl_bm u herein a load. alar t (c) light, Gndn Cut-back nnphnit nhall be furni.hrd ithree ree grades, mNium end very heavy to be Je.igneted ea No. 1, Na. z and No. 3, (d) DetailM S`mh atione o1 Aephalte Dight Medium Very Heavy Fle-h of le -a than (•F.1..,NI 3 ppoint, n 100 4'urol Viecoeity, ]]• F "' 00 122• n 200.280 32Oi40 TarslDtolgl3]•o F,lanoteleenb TFanlum-� Total to 600' F. no[ le.. then...- 16 Ifi fi Tate! to Ggo' F., not mare then.. 3U i0 Ib Taw nn Renidut� -'-" d0 30 Penetration, i] F., tib R,th1 6 sec.... 80.130 Ductil i[ ]]` F. not lex° an (em).., 0.106 80-80 T ml R Lumen (4olL Carbon GU 60 80 D�eW Ode no[ 1 lace then (r) Methodn of Tmt of Cut- 89.6 90.6 Dielille[ion: A. S. T. M. SeriWADeaegna[ion D211�30 with the following exec DiaHlialion o be made on 200 ce, cora le; w rondenser to be pt` n°' menutbnule . b � k inch from bottom ofpflukl firm drop to come over�� 20 t. me nmm t fret t PPlica dH t of Feet; ',%,due n be po pery ore u( dintillntion a at4�neJ, ured immedietelY after 8 n s: r.A HEPAR O TMEN T F PUBLIC /C WORKS. o � G/TY OF ST. PAUL, `. rl # /N1// M-14 /Y SXGLAN/�T/O/Y OF GONhE/YT/ONAL S/GNS, �"' -TG. USED ON THE A7-7-4CHED .PLAfY.S. Proposed Gcirbs ' - r�; ---- Exisfiny Curbs J _ , _ Proposed Seivcrs & SfarinWafer Orcins, �<;;<-.�t° br Side /n/ef Caf617 Basin c� Man ho%lf Proposed Mnnha/e /Yq �'Piopo_scd Monhn/e /Yq z vpz j i H Exisfing Mnr�ho%.> i � �' �•y Ensfii�y Cofch- �� -. (7 �"Propascd C fch 6'n vnsl�'� .,..<: ',> ••,_•) t-- E.risf%nq Sidc /�/cfs in Prc-sen/ curb Propa,ed Side /n/efs i;-� risii% cur -G VONA P idc /n/eds i� Piese"isf- eyrh -- Proposed LY od f%ad ,s. � •,'� - --- Proposes -d E.��aonsio� ✓oinfs. i, 'SKS ----. Exi tfin� 5idesv�/ks. - Propo_,�-d I �ty^A V DEPRENT OF PU'&L/C WORKS. C/TY ©F 5 T. PAUL, EXPLANFIT/oN OF LOh'hE/YT/OVAL S/GNS ETC. USED ON THE ATTACHED PLANS. Proposed Lurbs _ ------ Exisfiny Curbs PraP oscd Sewers Storm !Yater Oroins, i vcv. ar Side /n/ef Latch Basin 4 Monha/e Lonnecfions �NoAi/ran dc�o�`as sitc and dype.� — — -- Exlsfiny Sewers. ' r --y o� Proposed Marsha/e Nq / — y��QZ Proposed Monha/e N? 2 ro a— �`xisfing Monha/es `'' ca. Exisfii�y Cofch Bas ins O o O a Proposal Cofeh Basins/ro%tion do ofes dype,) — }-- Exisfiny Side /o%fs is present curb Proposed Side /n/ef in naw Curb --'�—-- Proposed Side /n/a/s in present curb _-- ". N Proposal /y000�. Heodars ~• _�_ - E..i Pro oscd - P Expansion ✓Dint . -- �-- --_ Exisfiny Sidawo(Rs. --I='�--Proposed' Confrocfian Joints. !I A x �r e _ r v °r e, e. -pp y. b" a ° �°--------------------------------------------- --11 �1Ppe Pa r' su/lf %/% & cRzrl/Y AYES. ° y3yfp60 {� y, M15b�1(� `{orKO �� S99 SC9LE� 1" = 2o, II KOO, 693 �s Cieasofa d bo .e 1� 5l%�� 8p }`. �� p P' �� svcoo' 6/oc/fs of infris��fia� _ AVE . Q • I - N - _ a . . ..... ...... _ 1 04 d 0�.� .... . . ........ Z' _ _-�_. _ -��f �°nJ{o•oG�e" d --------------- - `---•-- -•-•---• --••- .................. " 6 .., , I'll, �/`------- - ------ ` -W- ----------- --•- - , I ° on - - o3 �,l{ o� ear �— { ...-�•�---'•�-; �--�.-- ---- - - . I_ _ _ � N- Foe P P f - wad ®lock Q I oI Se e4e {e �b °� G°`' '+i t'� �� 58 gene e W/D,E/YWf, IYZ. CORN,, --------------------------------------- --------- ---- - - — --•--- -•---------- o� P ��° �5P �9 F}.°,°i°:°Pg Po "� m-- SUMM/T & CRET//Y AV o°.{h �n s• H°` S ,►r 1b' o t°yid �16i' ` f e y �d 5g �� . M1 o io t°.}h o Oi/ 69j �s creosafe SCALE- I " = 20' y gay y3 , �s. {° } ��. b { P , syy Q� syaoo' 6/ac/rs of /r�fers��fia� Dooµ fob 6�G7 er sf��°i` lop f�'�° py,� lih repro Qep�i T e'40 b It,P ;► r rr t. SUMMITb�'��bo5i,'�hP°s $,,21�}c°{c ra i G faVE :- L`-_� ------------------------------------------------ -------------\ ------------ - f a _ �: r ' �. f a 4, PL 41Y �0 74Onchorl /a be s aced I Nnld mhie end !Yc/daround a// � .'} `� of bor• Myca of r/aonne/ °I••2•5,pate do//s ntMr G'-B#`Channe/ Illll111 i ,ffi�!-3i[a�y �° � t_ _J I. -....Weld SILT/ON S�C7 o/ 4,11 Curb bar lo be med Lm: open hcoifh sfee% - fxFrisM sur/acr /o LrFbinfm• oAe sA o roof of rrd /md and d/ Abe /o be penf rald fo rod/us borvn on plans: No me/d%o Ar /eee than 9b- orroso erpnssd edge .� C'mej NBe? 7o ec %'URNmJ ev /N 5E,r/oN1 A! Pa4aW1.' - Af/rvib Aovinq adz& 6'o� /res, /5ecfbq 7" /o /S'� 7 f�ua/ /era?/h Al fa 40: Q ' 1 CATCH -BASIN & INLET LOCATIONS. DETAILS. STANDARD PLANS. r ST.PAUL MINN. 1916. PLAN NO. 13B44. INLET DETAILS ELEVATION SECTION PDX FORM e• _ D6T,9/GS b�rckvro�k � /v m,.a,mom o n Section �'/eTion +s.ums �_ .—.. _---.._. PLAN-- P/on ��- :4he,� conc�efe curb s used /e - �.�• h�// 6e mei fo�wa rvifh ,�� �� 2-�".YS'66en1ea��goled Slee/boys plXb�i as shorvn and indca/ed fhus. _S.J _ �,5_ i I z � b'fvndo� Lesn�,' -" II 4 I� Bv7 RS£CTlON PLAN stole 1=2a' / I y 5 j t DENT ROD DETAIL 5" SECT. D -D SECT. A'A -efchbmincomplete,incicdeakh<follewingflfalfull shown)" -.AHolnea be)Instalkd Plpa eectien:o fHejnever,erl to a�ze a � B, 12' Y' branch let cerrnapondirq whec Ybronch has ne}b�e}fered to clorP spend wi4h these. � re �_g..�.. x..g.. _.9 I nldeieiltplone - t B PLAN _. N° 6•A CATCH BASIN STANDARD 1930 - • St pnul,Minn. - 970 93 S�:i No /A. No 3A. CATCH -BASIN. DETAILS. STANDARD. 1924. CITY OF ST. PAUL. MINN. PLAN NO. 17920. Lbpo / nl a p✓bbc Worhs. J_ F..... 51—p"'179 h E31 r -"No. c -A. No. 4A. No /A. No 3A. CATCH -BASIN. DETAILS. STANDARD. 1924. CITY OF ST. PAUL. MINN. PLAN NO. 17920. Lbpo / nl a p✓bbc Worhs. N./.,' A Co/ch bosin ..m /e/e, —I des /he f /1,—y v / shown /v//y) cloy ppe ......lion to M.in Sew., l/e /h .v�ioWel /Z inrA Y--broxb �o% c .re �ndh9 size ;n.�»er/ /o .nsroiied whe.e o Ybrvxh Mr na/ been p�eviow/y provided Ox mwro yard o%Slane lbviig / iron//hps ore /e/lered /o co�respo� n•i/h /hose shorvn on deM�/per ns Z'p• - `T 36X1 FN g' h t c e i 6 eC ./. -o q -p - - gid' Ma 7-A No.BA. ffiiio a/ / r _ ov STAN`OP/PE LATERA(or . = - 9ffP MANNO(f 511417 MANHOLE DETAILS. STANOARO. 1924. - CITY OF �� ST. PAUL. MINN. PLAN NO. 17898. O� /men/ /Pub/c Wyk _ o Burou a/ fiq��e�iiy No .3 rxwpr' 7sv w)'w�w�' io,%�a t� don oAhenme 99 Oeep Moaho� 5/.n�l `( C _g . s 4- ; 6 0' Nd ; � vert dept/ to be � domes No. /. No. 2 MANHOLE 8: CATCH BASIN CASTINGS DETAILS STANDARD 1927 ST.PAUL MINN. PLAN NO.19860 We: ,be b—,l g emleoee bebun oulinge U..... r..... ego.., e. r.. r,.e.ovu meibined ie a i�ue plane eurleee. I a c aLO� 4��L C❑C, dARM19MLT, LC00El ECe aGOOG'C�OC]0� QOnI 11r7I .^ iI L]L1LFU(�LJf� EIL 1 7J� N� OOOiOO C�,10,p -_El _l _ F ✓I JI 141 L, s-vrt, d,me�,o� o< c� g an oh�.n vn casting'C � ,;; %J A all r--- r 4 ELEVATION --- - PLAN DRIPSTONE a, T_ TEna ra", e,reeo". SECTION 'r s N s;en t; for Concrete Cgver ehall be 4:�<hee, far Cut Ste, 6 incho. All otherdirran,lam mrtorCorureete. For C t9tu seal l cora ere and edge, retr Ct c be cut ,quare. Concorers and Dripelnnea In to reinlmxed m,hown.all cmerete to have comprte,rre ,trength of not Ieae Lha. ZBX lb SECTION 6'O-Lg.40Lbs. Drip,fone to be f bated with plain Finish Steel '/,'0 -:57'1-6. -'.0.516' CATCH BASIN COVER B. DRIPSTONE DETAILS REINFORCED CONCRETE B. CUT STONE STANDARD St. Paul. Derlt,'ent of Publs Warks BB u of S.�, ring ea April.l92Hee o/ PLAN COVER Steel '/,'0 -:57'1-6. -'.0.516' CATCH BASIN COVER B. DRIPSTONE DETAILS REINFORCED CONCRETE B. CUT STONE STANDARD St. Paul. Derlt,'ent of Publs Warks BB u of S.�, ring ea April.l92Hee CONCRETE BASE FOR PAVEMENTS. REINFORCEMENT OVER TRENCHES. STANDARD. 1920. ST. PAUL MINN. PLAN NO. 15615. 0 '0 bars, I about,?.// an Ctrs. - - - - - - ..... A— 9-apal fitted in trench, Well Comped firm ground. SZiCRON-A-8. 70616 showing 71ilcIrne-5551cb Ono' amount of reinforcement A different widths of trench Span Slab. Slee/Repo' Usinground deformed bars I'll Inetal ip combync- / Wlbllh apuore Def, bars. ofs/ok Sp. 19 67 042 /50 -squam Bar 055 514 —2 ComcE File No..._.._93926 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uudereigued hereby propueea the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, vie.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst South side Carroll Ave., beginning 120 E♦♦ frggmm yy],Cttoria.a" thence east 52 ft., beginning 54 ft'. fe�Lhei-ekftt, thena0 Rapt side Kent St., begin:ing at Ashland Ave.., thence north to Ailey South side Iglehart Ave.) begi—ing at Oxford St., thence west 80 ft. South side Carroll Ave.,beginning 120 ft. from Victoria St., thence east 52 ft., beginning 54 ft. farther east, thence east 18 ft. East side Kant St., beginning at Ashland Ave., thence north to Alley South side Iglehart Ave., beginning at Oxford St., thence west 80 ft. ,...w .ed -_ _ yggcce--__—_. /•f-� V Roam+ / EDDBDdee .l .QP R. L�i�I.�G. Me. Pemm�r � 0 R4 tws Cin NreeJD eCU co—cil File No....-_ 93926 PIL0P0SAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City Of Bt. Paul, i,econstructing, relaying and rspairin,:, where necessary, tr.e sidewalk at the folloning locationst South side Carroll Ave., beginning 1`cO f0• fr:r 41(toria St.,eastl8 ft. thence east 5._ ft., begin:in; 54 ft. Earth of east, th=nca . Nast side Kent St., begin ing : t Ashland Ave., thence north to Alley ;youth side Iglehart '.v ¢., 1-7in ',t 0x: o,, , ..,nce —st 30 ft. South side Carroll Ave., beginning 120 ft. from Victoria St., thence east 52 ft., beginning 5� ft. farther east, thence east 16 ft. East side Kent St., beginning at Ashland Ave., thence north to Alley South side Iglehart Ave., beginning et Oxford St., thence west BO ft. A Roezr r.•. c�u�v, w ParamtuT b�, rCf Dated thie, d.y of ..... . ........Septemben,.lfl 9 im PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the Mowing imp Jm—­f'm. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations: South side Carroll Ave., beginning 120 ft. from Victoria St., thence east 52 ft., beginning 54 ft. farther east, thence east 16 ft. East side Kant St., beginning at Ashland Ave., thence north to Alley South side Iglehart Ave., beginning at Oxford St., thence west 80 ft. .4 reaeca R... MM P.eem— r.mc and )Ij, ;l, :T✓ 3F :Na Lo77o=wTu� 7ocs��aua: -V V— P.= T 3 T—.." ep C", L.1, or:,I F T h,,i,g bee, presented to the Council of the City of St- 1---1 - - - - . .. ... ................... ....... ...... ... ..... therefore, be i RESOLVED, That the Commi-i—, of Public VV -3— be —a is I.—by ordered aed directed: 1. To investigate the nooeeeity for, or desirability of. the —wlkxag of said improvement. 2. To investigate the eat.re, extent ..d estimated --4-.,C of said improvement, and the total —t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, prefile or ekewh of eoicl ire provemeat_ 4. To state whether or net mid improvement is —3---a for — the petition of three or mare owvere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the of Fle-em. Adopted by the CounciL.... ----------- ---------------- Y— N— v'4� Councilman CoNR v M r McDOW LD P- e. R. - M.. P.—to— 6 Y..._.._....._ y Council File No......._.t)W PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uudomigned hereby propoeow the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side of Isabel St., beginning at Bidwell St., thence east 70 ft., and She east side of Bidwell St., beginning at Isabel St., thence south 110 ft. North side Isabel St., beginuin- at State St., thence west 50 ft. _ oI Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side of Isabel St., beginning at Bidwell St., thence east 70 ft., and the east side of Bidwell St., beginning It Isabel St., thence south 110 ft. North side Isabel St., begs—in, at State St., thence west 50 ft. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the l:ommtenoner m el— SEP 3 n lq" Adopted by the Countl_................._.............._...._........_....._. _.__... Yyaa Nara Councilman Cor+aor MerApproved.... _ .__..°..__......___....._..._.___.._._. PaaDoan.r.n fRoasa Ma Paaarnmtr Pi18LISHED� A Dated this— .30th day of, ___September 1932 / lg ------------------ c. PRELIMINARY ORDER.----u-u th. Ad—la. a, WHEREAS, A written proposal (or the oneki,g of the (oa_ig - iZ. w. 'n '0 h6c0astructing, relaying and —Pairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following lbaatjors: South side of Isabel 3 begiou,� .*. at Bidwell St thence east the east st�' 70 ft. , and aide of 3idnell Wit., baginni­ St., thence south ll() ft. n9 it Isabel North side Isabel St., begimqin,, at State St., than" west 50 ft. 5. To report upon &U of the floeglilg mattes to the Uomeneen— w Adopted by the Council— 3n mg ..... ..... Y— Na - 00 -61m CONROI M Approved_....___.._......_.'..:1_........_.........._.__ .............. M&NALD PaeCE R -- So PPaxau) Mayo . CMe. . 1.11 Council File No-.. wm PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The umi,mined hereby pmpow the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pool, 'i- iieconstrutig, relayi;Z nd necessary the s ideaa lk, at the followin4 locations. "atside Forest St., beginning 14 ft. north of Minnehana 3t., th enc, north 76 f t. South aid. If Je-;..e:.,An. :;t. It. east of Forest St., th efl. east 14 ft. Reconstructing, relaying andrep irig, where necessary the sidewalks at the followins locations. Fast side Forest St., beginning 14 ft. north of bAinnehaha St., thence north 76 ft. South side of Jessamine St. beginning '240 ft. east of Forest St., thence east 14 ft. Adopted by the Counail P I Y— NAYB CoUldhamft Connor M— Appmved . . ...... ... , -.1°....._..._._....__......_ M,D .... Ro.= 1�— Ms- 19 Dated thi. day of .-Septembegi. wh•..•., w wniee oro •.a e•..*• o,••t a.. e.waN u I PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prapo"al for the making of the following improvement, vftl.. Reconstructing, relayi!:g and repa_ring, where necessary the sidewalks at the following locations[ East side Forest St., 'beginning 14 ft. north of ldinnehaha St., thence north 76 ft. South side of Jessamine St. beginning 240 ft. east of Forest St., thence east 14 ft. Adapted by the Council - Y— N— C .. amae wveCo..amae CONAOY , MwvApProved..._.....v_.,....._.,a.-...__....._................__ U:I 'r Yi P - I. w ane RoeaN My Benaanaa %u - Ma. PesetoaNr .... c.um. awn - PUIILIS , 4L: -32- Cnnnad File N. ..... .93929 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undamigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi— Reconstructing ' ie.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, tae sidewalks at the following locations: North side of Central Ave., beginning 2;, ft. east of nice 5t., thence east 80 ft. South side of Thirteenth St., begi—ing YA ft. east of Jackson St., thence east 10 ft. South side of Thirteenth St. beginning it Tempergnce St., thence east 100 ft. onstructing, r_lay!ng ..nd repairing, where necessary, the M ea,alke at the following locations! North side of Central Ave., b:,:innin,, ._. sat of iliee St., thence east d5 ft. South side of 71,irteenth Yt., S'{i:r:!::,, ';A, .`t. _ 1.ck so:I St., thence east 10 ft. Southside f Thirteenth St. begina!n5 at Temperance ot., t:^_nce east 100 ft. Councilmen Cmom' Mar Approved..._.....:..:....__'1......_ _ MCDOxnne Pueca b �/ a Roead .. c e u n.Ma PeMIm— �( tF�A Meyor. P Dated thi-.. 30th... day f PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A witun propoml f., the ..king of the following improvement, lil.: -laying —d ­pj ri,ig, ,he,. neoe a9arJ, the side, . IkS at the follovi­, IoColti0­% North side of Central ;­., b,jnnt­ : ft. ..a=t Of ill- th—ce east Fi8 ft. 6.,,t, ; i de of 7hirta -th L t. _n•. -.j,, L'4 f, t _f J St., th .... .est 10 ft. South side of T!Jrt­ith at. begin ink 9t Temper ince It-, till— a .5t 100 ft. co—B.- C- M- App.—L McDONA­ P­ c. R­ I 4+ Ma.P. -- -1 '_1 OA4 d- m ptemue>* Dated t6 —A— s9 - - �.. Council of the Cit f St. PaUI..-- - "-'"""' h iv8 been Presented to the C City o ... ................ ._..._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Commieeio-er of Public, Work- be and iR hereby ordered and directed: 1. To ivveetig-te the ve—itY for, or deeire.bility of, the making of -aid improv d the toW coat thereof. 2. To ivvestigste the n -tune, este-t and estimatcoa ed t of e.id improvement, en 3. To furnish - plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is -eked for con the Petition of three or mom owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Sok' 3 u 19?9 Adopted by the Council__.._..._.__...._.__._._-.-.__._....-_.....--..__...._". Y -ss Ners Councilmen Connor rov f Mar APP ed_.- _-___.____..__....__......._ McDo-armavo �aH Bvon-iiia- /�A` --4fF '- Mn. PRrem-rrr -- pp r..c•unv �o-en . Yllifr Council File No..._......WqW .- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi - ,•elan ing and repairing, where necessary, the side- walk at'thei following io.„cto�, West sidePascal Ave. beginning 42 ft. north of University Ave., thence north 39 ft., beginning 56 ft. farther north, +hence north 3 ft. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vin.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the side- walk at the following location: West side Pascal Ave. beginning 42 ft. north of University Ave., thence north 39 ft., beginning 56 ft. farther north, th-nee north 8 ft. 2. To investigate the nature, tim extent and nagted coat of mid improvement, end the total eoet thereof. 3. To furnish a plen, profile or aketaZX said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvementin ie ked for on the Petition of three or more oweem 5. To report upon ell of the foregoi6i-mettem bo the Commieaiover 91 Fivevice. SEP 3 O t9°% Adopted by the C-1-- Yue Nera Councilman Cowaov Mnv A rro .................__............_...._._..._ y tl V� e MoDonevnved_........_.."'.__ a Rosan �G Ma P. r.mcauws roan M'Yo � 4♦i�t7RIY5l�� Council Fib, No......___93930 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Dated this 39th....__dey oe_._......BeStamber.. _17 o. .�_. -k�;°s' of iee ioiiow°mi°i�rrm.es PRELIMINARY ORDER. mr .•+��.• _ "" WHEREAS, A written prepmel for the mal'og of the following improvement, via.:9 •' Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the side- walk at the following locations West side Pascal Ave. beginning 42 ft, north of University Ave., thence north 39 ft., beginning 56 f`. farther north, thence north 8 ft. 2. To mveeligate the nature, ezteut and mtim}ted coat of said mprovement, sod the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a pi m, profile or sketcof mid imprevement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is mired for on the petition of three or more owners b. To report upon all of the foregoi*mstteew to the Commiavonm pt Mm uce. Adopted by the Couned_...............SEP 3 01932 ......................_..._.._.............__...._.. Y=es Nere Councilmen C.— M& A Proved....._____............_._.......__._.................._.._._ MclMaer.a BL Panace / oeasr dj S, � -nam=e. M a Pemmmrt re. c • e. nr Joao U-IYSi _ CITY OF ST. PAUL NO... 93931 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �p��� Pte,. � •-'-� ��- =� � �z� Ado lh o.w�sr re¢ Info i n .. COUNCILMEN :NppE�pp ,I (; "" Ycee :Nays Adopted by the Counci4]GC.. u_......._.. ... .I DB_.... May 6y Mi D ... Id GTA 'r Approved ____ __ _.1D3_._ Tru¢x AgM,,t Wenzel hl¢yor Mr. President Mahoney B~vw`o�4aa.. ORD NANCE(� \/ COUNCIL FILE NO.— PRESENTED O. PRESENTED ley ORDINANCE An ordinance to prevent the fraudulent Bale and to regulate the sale and advertising for sale of goods,wares and mprovide,,,., erchendiae, and to ....`°.°,v,;"�eS"7.`t;• °' •`j penaltSee for the violation there of. a ,^a ar on tea THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: i Section 1• oferson goods, waresll daiidtmerchandiseent or Ia an hold out that any sale o insurance, bankrupt, mortgage, insolvent, assigneets, executor's, administratort B, receiverts, trust set a, removal, or oloRing out sale or sale of goods, ws=ee, Bad merchandise damaged by fire, smoke, water, or otherwi Be, unless be shall have first obtained a license to conduct such sale from the City Clerk. Anyone desiring to obtain such a license shall make shall application therefor rit ingrand —derthe oath,showing all thehfactsl in tion regard to the insurance, bankruptcy, mortgaging, insolvency, by reasontoYa whlchi.iseuchls ale Saet oebehconductad, trusteeship, or regard to or the closing out of his stock of goods, wares, or merchandise or any particular line or part thereof, with a statement as to the reason for such closing out, or in regard to the injury causedfir to wsuch ise,gand showing all the ofor actseindise b regard tomthe� salewhich or her ich he proposes to conduct and the place and manner of conducting the same, including an inventory of the goods, wares and merchandise to be sold at such sale, and a statement, as far as poselble' of the names oY the persons from whom the goods, wares and merohan- .1 disc so to be sold were obtained, the date oY the delivery of j sucp goods, war ee end merchandise to the person applying for the disenwere�lasthtakencandrallw detailshich ineceeeary toefuily identro"ify the good:, wares and merchandise eo to be sold, Such application shall specify the proposed period of time over which such sale shall continue, which period shall not exceed three months: to PrOV SY it shall be made to appear upon sworn application liiiCh oenae inspector at any time dur Ing said period of three months that all of the goods, wares and merchandise described and inven- byraestatementd in the oorginventoryioftwhathremains thereoflda licemnsenied by sucheClty Clerk ntal to eupon theone n same tterms ander conditions " sd for Bh I be aidued original 1loenee granting authority to continue such Bale for a further period oY three months. Such original application shall also specify whether the applicant propoeo=� to ea, dineolvent conduct Such Bale as an Insurance, b ankruptcy, m gag aeeigneete, executoclosingr•., a aIDini.traiort. receiverts, ovate ate or merch damaged,by fire, smoker water,Bale or otherwi ea, andwifesuch licensed) ee Yeea \� Councilmen N.— Pe 1 by the (7--il .... Otey hlc llonnld I.. Pn.�n Pew Rose AFninst Truax {Venae) \[r. President [\lnhoneY) AliPru�ed �— - .attest: _. ('iic ('I�rk \Inyor ORRINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. inspectorshall be satisfied from said application that the said proposed .ale is a bona fide one, of the charaotOr which the applicant desires to conduct and adv ertl.e, said license inspector .hall approve the said application and notify the City Clerk of Buch approval and said City Clerk upon the payment of a fee of Fifty Dollars (450.00) therefor shall issue s license to the person applying for the same, authorizing him to advertise add conduot a sale of the pertioular kind mentioned in the application, according to the requirements of this ordinance. Section 2. The license inspector to whom application is made sa provi dad for in the last preceding section shall endorse upon such application tthe date of its filing, and shall preserve the Same as a record of his office, and shall make an abetraot of the facts set forth in such application in a book kept for that purpose, properly indexed, containing the name of the person asking such license, the nature o£ the proposed sale, the place where ouch sale is to be conducted, its duration, the inventory value of the go ode, wares and merchandise to be sold and a general statement as to where the same came from and Bhall make in said book a notation as to the issuance or refusal of the license applied for, together with the date of the same; and shall endorse on said application the date the license as therein applied for is granted or refused, and such application and abstract shall be prima facie evidence of all statements therein contained. Section 3. Any person making a false statement in the application providedfor in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be a deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and .hall be punished as in this ordinance hereinafter provided. Section 4. The license as provided for in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be valid only for sale of the go oda, wares and merchandise inventoried and described in the application for such license, in the manner and at the time and place mentioned and Bet forth in such application, and any removal of such goods, wares and merchandise so inventoried and described in such appli- cation from the place of sale mentioned in such/app kation, -hall oauee ouch goods, w ares and merchandise to,,eoBe-their identity as an inaureaoE, bankrupt, mortgaged, insolvent' e, assignee' s, exeou- tor's, administrator's, receiver's, or trusteeta stook of goods, wares and merchandise, or a stock of goods, waxes and merchandise damaged by fire, smoke, or water, or otherwise, and no license shall thereafter be issued for the conducting of a sale of any such goods, wares or merchandise so removed from the place set forth and de- scribed in such application, under the provisions of this ordinance, at any other place or places. Section 5. No person in contemplation of conductingan insurance, bankrupt, mortgage, insolvent, assignee's, executor's administrator's, receiver's, true teels, removal, or closing out sale, Yce= Cauneilmen _N y P—d 1,y the Gmncil .11'U... 1a F'nvar Pea It— ,Ag,i.,t Tru W .... I qtr. Pa idiot (M.h.­y) Atfe3t: ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY (3) or a sale of goods, warae or ,,rehandle. damaged by fire, smoke, .at or otherwise, under a llcones as provided for in seotioa 1 of this ordinance shall order any good., wares, or merohandiee for the purpose of selling and disposing of the same at such sale, Much g ware eor merohand eewithindeixtytdays prioretotthe filing of application for license to conduct such sale mentioned in Section 1 of this ordinance shall be presumptive evidence that such pur - one'ea and dipurpose stock ccontemplationof such saleand fortheof selling the esmeatsuchsale. section 6. No person carrying on or conducting an in- suranoe, bankrupt, mortgage, Insolvent, assignee's, executor's, administrator'., receiver's, trust se's, removal, or closing out Bele, or sale of goods, wares. or merchandise damaged by fire, smoke, water or otherwise, under a license as provided for in Section 1 anygood.,wiareseor werahandise toethenstock of goodsce Of , worse Or merchandise des oribed and inventoried in his original application for such license, and no goods,'arehe or merchandise shall be sold at or during such sale, excepting the good.,wares or merchandise described and Savant orled in such original application, and each and every addition of goods, wares or merchandise to such stock of goods, w arae or merchandise described and inventoried in sold appli- cation and each sale of such goods, wires or merchandise as were not inventoried and described in said application, shall constitute a separate offense under this ordinance. Section 7. Any person who shalladvertise, represent, or hold out any sale of goods, wares or merchandise to be an insur- ance, bankrupt, mortgage, insolvent, Masi gae e's, a sou;or'e, adminiatrator' e, reoeiver's, t ruetae'e, removal, or oloeing out sale, or a sale of goods, wares or merohandiae damaged by fire, w alar, oth wise, ed of thiswith the rordinance, shall b e deemed guilty cofpaimisdemeanor and shall, upon conviction thereof be Yined in a sum not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisoned for not more than ninety days. Section S. Any person making a false statement in the applioatlon provided for in the first section of thio ordinance shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor and shall upon conviction thereof be fined not more than One Huadxed Dollar. ($100.00) or imprisoned for not more than ninety days. Section 9. Any person who shall hold, conduct or carry on any sale of goose, wares or merchandise as an Insurance, bank- rupt, mortgage, insolvent',, assignee'8, executor'., administrator's, reoeiver's, trustee'., removal, or closing out sale, or s sale of good,, ware, or merchandise damaged by fire, water, or otherwise, contrary to the provisions of this ordiaenoa. or who shall violate misdof the emeanor, andssons hallouponi oonvioton thereof beli be deemed fined in Bum a Yensecilme. N­Pn ,d by rhe Council ll¢y 31eDon¢Id In Fnvar Pc¢ Roxen _ A,in rrr wen 0 ]Ir. P­ iae„1 (11¢ne­r) ACOA: v a t - ' ORDINANCEy3932 COUNCIL FILE NO. 1R6ENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— not exceeding One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) or imprisonment for not exceeding ninety days. v Section10. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to sheriffs, constables, or other public or court officer., or to any other person or persona acting under the license, direction or authority of any court, State or Federal, selling goods, wares or merchandise in the course of their official dut iea. Section 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. ,rT Yrs C--il »en N.va Pied by the CO -111 C7 18 �T ,Is,. NkDo, Id _ ]n F-., Pearce Rosen apsinet o-- N1�. t (M11,011Cy) Attest. ' c� t CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.plul of Min -now OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOM dry Cid .nd Comel-- d R.BanUon .®O September 23rd, 1932. Hon. T. H. McDomld, Chalrmaa, License Co®ittee, City of Saint Paul. Dear Commieeioner: Thi attached ordimace to prevent the iranduleat Bale and to regulate the Bala end advertising for eels of gao de, area and merchandise, together with the letter of Edwin Murphy, Aeeietant Corporation Coanee1 ware brought before the Canncll today mid referred to the Lieenee Go—ittee for invest Sgatlon and report. Toure very trely, City Clerk. `�/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT September 23, 1833. Mr. Milton Ro6en, Commissioner of Finance. Dear Sir: I hand you herewith proposed "olosing out sale" ordinance. I have changed the license fee from $2.00 to $50.00, with some reluctance; in fact I originally had It $25.00. The reason for this is that ordinances of this kind are for regulation and cannot be used for revenue. Regulation is what the merchants desire also. However, an further reflection I am of the opinion that the amount of work involved, checking invoices, etc. before a license is granted, will justify a fee of $50.00. Further doubt on the increase from $2.00 to $50.00 was oocas Toned by the fact that any merchants in St. Paul of long standing who desire to close out their business are required to get a license under this license and pay the fee. In the end, I felt that $50.00 was not too much to require them to pay. Punishment remains the same for we are limited by law Sn St. Paul to much lesser penalty than r in some other cit is e. Inasmuch as the Court may sentence to ninety days I. t he workhouse for a violation, it never -the -lees seems adequate, altho I will admit that it would be better if we could have a fine of a sum greater than $100.00. your a_ very t ruly, EM -M8. Assistant 0 .rat Counsel. sept®her zjrd, 1972. Eon. J. » 90Domld, Chairmen, Lioeaea Coomi ttee, City of Saint Paul. Dear Co—issionarr She attached ordinance to prevent the frandnlent anle and to reralato the sale and advaYieing for sale of Foods, wares and sbrcheadise, to?ether with the letter of Bdwin M-phy, A"totant Cnrporw.tlon Counsel ears brouvht before the Conocil today and referred to the mens. C—Ittee for tnveatiRation ard report. T— very truly, City Clerk. `') onUw man vut CITU OF ST. PAUL Nom",. C4 No... _939M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWTION--GENERAL FORM PR E4&6y COUM --� ' RESOLVED, that the motion Of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, approving an asalgument of that contract dated the 9th day of May 1932, between the Sperry Office Furniture Company, a corporation, and the City of St. Paul and the County Of Ramsey, for the furnishing of certain office furniture for the new City Hall and Court House, from the said Sperry Office Furniture Company to the Stow & Davie Furniture Company, a oorporation, be and it is hereby approved, subject to the approval written thereon of the County Attorney and the Corporation Counsel, and the agree- ment of the bonding company upon the original contract, to the Sob- etiputlon of the Stow & Davie Furniture Company, as Principal upon said bond, in lieu of the Sperry Office Furniture, said approval of the bonding company to such transfer to be subject to the approval of the County Attorney and the Corporation Counlrsel- �e ICV wYu Df�. lyl9�u i WEn C - I et e o��TMwY. liix wownp we Dee e � t ma cllrti eu r. COUNCILMENOCT Naye 4 Adopted by the Council_........._.....17.•)b...... Ye. / gray McDonald i �. In favor < APP d _. _. _ ... 193 Aaaiee-- Rosen Truax _ . .. .. 4 i Weniel as an /Mr' President Mahoney pAj.1%W1__.L M CITY OF Sf. PAUL �" No. ........ ... 93934........... OFFICE OF TKE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P—EBY CO3' 10 Z AT-___ _. RESOLVED, that the aotion of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission in approving payment to the Stow & Davie Furniture Company, assignee of that contract between the County of Rameey and the City of St. Paul, dated the 9th day of May 1932, and the Sperry Office Furniture Company, be and it Se hereby approved and the proper city officers be and they are hereby directed to make payment as so above indicated, provided however, that the bonding company on the contract file an author- ization and approval of such payment to the Stow & Davie Furniture Company, such authorization and approval to be subject to the approval of the County Attorney and the Corporation Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yesa Z N.Y. / May /MaDonnld 2— wree/Rone /R ... ' Truaa _{�._r. Against W-6 Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council._.. C:�7 ._._4_10*2._193...... r, Approved .. ...... ..._........193_... \ Mayor 35 o.�a... .o �.. c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL vise NO.--��� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L-UTIO" E RAL FORM ---- RESOLVED That the proper city offd Oars ba aasd they era hereby authorised and direct- ed to pay the cityls pacporti—tas bare -E' t'k— bills submitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building C-1- m aioa — eho= on Abstract of Claims 9— bar 30 of the Advisory Court Hoaaea aaaci Ci t9 Ha11 Building Coaaoission, totaling $139,623.02, the city'. share of 69 _ 811.61, and all as ahem upon the .Lime submitted by said 0.-1— 1-- y— G— s Nay/ .a.ey May 'I///// WD ... Id In fay oc pause Road D Against M, P—id—ia9tlMe .5v�Ir seems a c°a ! V av( 11 W a a Mf omea a °fiaee,u=.o�se. Adopted by he C -6e C3 T., SQaR-.-.. 19 t - Appcovcd - CITY OF 9T. PAUL fO� NO 9M f,. OFFICE OF TN= CITY COUNCIL RESOLUYION�ENEFIA PameNrel, t, � I �•. WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House ant, "City Hall Building Oomleiseion, since to date of its last report, has, approved the following estras and credits, vie: GENERAL OON'TRAOT - FOLEY EROS, IHC. Extra work Order No. 87 authorises the installation of acoustical the on the ceiling of the witness waiting room in the County Attor- i 98.74 nay's Office, ... ... Extra Work Order Ho. 88 authorises applying oork tile to certain walls in the Department of Ednoation, Department of puhlic Works, and the Department of Pinanoe (this order hes been approved p1,388.48 by the City Council and Ooccty Board) . . . . . . . WOTRIC CONTRACT - OM03WEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Extra Work Order No. 18 authorises installation of lighting tlxtur:s over the elevator doors on the 341.00 bR�:La first floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Credits. yOLEY EROS. IRO. Credit 10. 5 authorises the omission of the 5,000.00 flag pole base from this contract, . . . . . . . CON1i0NWEALTR ELECTRIC COUPABY Credit No. 1 takes credit for the difference between the allowanoe and oontraot price for 3,750.00 d ireetional signs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council approves and oononre in the action of said Oommieeion, and the proper City officers are hereby authorised and directed to add the Oity's stave or, and todeduct the eshare Of tCltyb'evehareras to ofthe the creditseotive eeoontraoL COUNCILMEN Adupted by the Council. _C_ �..1.. JQU.._ 193._ Y'.Nuyv -� /y,y �. M'D.—Id k' -j": .. A. _ h favor \/jP. nvrd _.. 193..... Itueen 1 unx J Ag innt {'(/�Qs./n -L�GF_- /pz Mnyu M, r,rwjarnt Mononry Gentlemen: The followine extra, and credits have been certified to the con- tractor, since the last report: GENPRIL CONTRACT — FOLEY MCI.. INC. Extrw Work Order Number 67 av thorizee th. in.tal- lation of acou.tica1 tl le an the telling of the wit.... waiting room in the County Attorney-. Office. . .$ 98.74 Extra Ifo rk Order Number 68 anthorl zee ,.plying cork tale to certain walla In the Department of Ednca- tion, Department of Public Work., and the Deparn t of Finance. Thi. order ha. been and by tha City Council and the County Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,386.46 ELECTPIC CONTRACT — COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Extra Work Order Humber 18 eathorizee the 1.- etallaiion of lightlug fixture. over the elevator .or. on the fir.t floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341,00 Credit. GENERAL CONTRACT -- FOLEY BROS.. INC. Credit Number E authcrl.ee the ..lesion of the flag pole b_ from thi. contract. . . . . . . . . . . 5,000.00 ELECTRIC CONTRACT — COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Credit N=ber 1 takeo credit for the difference between the allowance and contract price for direction- al el gne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,750.00 The extra1 authorized hereln total $1,828,20. The credit. total $7,750,00. The extree certified ed.ce the building was started aggregate $104,160,23, .bile the credit. total $75,632.61. Very truly your., Se or. tary, Advisory Court House and City Hall Building CPH:SH Commission. Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,h1cdc Club Building .m,. A,,,�m,� a•�'„'�' ^ :a 1210 September 29, 1932, To the City Council, City c Saint Paul, Minnes'ta, Gentlemen: The followine extra, and credits have been certified to the con- tractor, since the last report: GENPRIL CONTRACT — FOLEY MCI.. INC. Extrw Work Order Number 67 av thorizee th. in.tal- lation of acou.tica1 tl le an the telling of the wit.... waiting room in the County Attorney-. Office. . .$ 98.74 Extra Ifo rk Order Number 68 anthorl zee ,.plying cork tale to certain walla In the Department of Ednca- tion, Department of Public Work., and the Deparn t of Finance. Thi. order ha. been and by tha City Council and the County Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,386.46 ELECTPIC CONTRACT — COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Extra Work Order Humber 18 eathorizee the 1.- etallaiion of lightlug fixture. over the elevator .or. on the fir.t floor . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341,00 Credit. GENERAL CONTRACT -- FOLEY BROS.. INC. Credit Number E authcrl.ee the ..lesion of the flag pole b_ from thi. contract. . . . . . . . . . . 5,000.00 ELECTRIC CONTRACT — COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Credit N=ber 1 takeo credit for the difference between the allowance and contract price for direction- al el gne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,750.00 The extra1 authorized hereln total $1,828,20. The credit. total $7,750,00. The extree certified ed.ce the building was started aggregate $104,160,23, .bile the credit. total $75,632.61. Very truly your., Se or. tary, Advisory Court House and City Hall Building CPH:SH Commission. CITY OF ST. PAUL s�ie � NO. oY ' OFFIOF OCNITY CLERK 1.NC R - ERA L FORM s'i° _s RESOLVEo That the assessment for sprinkling the streets in the City of St.Paul, Minnesota, ordered sprinkled by the Council during the year of 1932, as submitted by the Comptroller with his audit under date of October let,1932, be and is hereby approved and the Commieeioner of Finance is hereby directed to certify aame to the Auditor of Ramsey County, accompanied by a certified copy of this resolution. vu,. , 'i�i.. 4 Mie d pelt/ . W Yeu,3if%ftB' nmil��q�pa,,9ms�o u.rvlm nl. as a ueBr'�i.(.�B 11 Cpi �1 1 (oat.f-lBffB o ncILMEN IOCT 4 IM Yns / Nay. R.If Adopad by chi Council _ 19 _ -N-on. I" a �_ favor \\ �b A ""'d 19 Pl Issg,' Rosen ✓'.) f Riva � ruaa - --- SNaL--M wenael MAYOR Mc. P—idcnc exism Mahoney opynn wan Ou.. a CITY OF ST. PAUL =" No..........l3er`^.' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ca ENTEo e. Z LON— R✓F;�x WHEREAS, Irene Petranton, an employe of the Department of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul, has furnished a surety bond in the sum of $1000.00 to said City, the surety theretobe Ing the Aetna Casualty and Surety Company, and the same having been approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and execution, therefore be It RESOLVED, that said bond be and the same is hereby approved and accepted by the Council of the City Of St. Paul. i B N i u Prue. W 7 kialei `a` r�P6a�g l�'m. ram�e� naoo.ao u. Wa:�l rta�.�re�_mm�¢ wlne:ra. LHn.iw:n :oiev:n n the Coiverstion Cduvesl u,to rvrm�e� e durlan, pen[vn tle t4 �a `°aa°EaL one. �ooie,m% j �. oec 7iieal Yeea COUNCILMEN ......183.._.. �� Nays - AdoPUd by the Council /May � /McDoneld F I'— _ Iv favor Y `� A roved _ .._-193 Rosen Truax i ..Against \\ —�C� �rIG Mayor Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney o-aw,mav a.a �^°d No...... CITY OF SC. PAUL -93939 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the applioation of With E. Same for permission to oreot and maintain a public garage on Lot 11, Stinson's Boulevard Addition, boated at 1275 Grand avenue, is hereby granted, and the Gommieeioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pablio Buildings is hereby authorised and instruated to Saone a permit tberefor. RM COUNCILMEN /e' Nayn Mcl>onnld Runen Truax �......._ Against Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney avE, malvtWv v n� W eaE'tlon� T' e star tT.mnteii...� n pa. anaw me fe map. .rmlem- •n�oorvfve �Y �1°ntll e °<o�Q"z.i�iil. F, 4 '9'12 A,I,pwd I,y thr ('--il __._.. ..193..... r� rrov�edp..... .... 193..... �` Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPiW of Minns.ot. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Cnv CJvk �,d Cemsidena of R--.— .dmp.00 Saptamber 30th. 1932 Yr. L. L. Ander---, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir! The attached application of Edith E_ S:e for P'—i"lon to erect a pabllc garage on Lot 11. Stjn , a Boulevard Ldditioc, located at 1275 Yra�ni�A P pargre clot Son,to you today by the Council,or 7oura vary truly. / City Clark. NOTIGS OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the Ci S int Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on O 193Y, to the Clt Cou nc 1 of the C f Saint Paul, Minnesota, by if' for permission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ed rea]�e state, situated in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to 'nit: iot �� Blook , Addition, Saint P ul, Minnesota. On the fG side of St. Ave., between St. Ave. d iy . St, ve. Number Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota,-_-----L'�T _1932: STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1,,, �I rk of thh// bl' h p d d hlr8e ! 1 5 I 11,1 {in Ilv ly n paper, pnntrd J p°bli h J 1 f `,I '.�I y spy Coun) S f Minn myj. %I a -. CAA t nt n 1 t from th, M-1 f s 1 w11ri�nnli m1 E�gl°sn lengn�ge_ . n mm ar drenon 199aVIiA C y h °per I Th I 11 h t ( d J f - db 111-nnesoln' "'f 921 d that it h p dened In d f I- I news °per na fi ctlh gn a h om ) lo��t pn.=t [ oom'thle date of the flret PlI1111 1 .. __ _.. ntnA ...... ......... ..... fll P fro U I eo from M1 h Igen Illnunnpr, and m 't,, -d en°et mrm rrvla b°t g n n Ivmne the p°8e. `( . ) is urd from , n known oR �ml '.I nna � ped withith skilled workman end the nrrr�� � hint ng IeMnde up o Revervl d 111,11_1,11 o[ neonL whop, J°pl <n41nR ^y other p°bllen eat I r n Y niaa n nnJ na..°rune este11 of pub`Ir Cor Inted i nqd n pine. [no hn rd nd forty copme regularly deliv�-eJ o p ,. ,1. r.... anal Ih:,t J pnor to It, °f the flit P blic°tion of nniJ . hublieher or ➢nler in A g f Jt o[ nail 1'. or^ the fncU fld n Ue oRlre Ne ount of Minn, som, nn ti -I It ehowing the nom nal locntlon len f eonetitutln8 Ito r/ d f "n x and s, f h' n 9 of nhnp[<r dg4 3. 1 r f I 1 , tl 96m the fa—mi, ie °Printed ropy fd Wlcoeompuptlw,, p.mtmp urvd , hoth i --ire, of the eine end kind of type vse 1 licnlion of evidleg°1 °drertieementu er 4unto nnNcheJ, „z. Further nRinnt nui. v t — thou'., °i1" t to chapter ABJ, Seae- Lowe dm[rfor ubhct' In Wd new°pnper 1 g 1 ° ��.f �����, / SvbeenbeJ Ilnd sx or^ E° befom me Lhln Notary Yvblic, Romsey County, My Cammieeion explrest._. 1: WRIGAT, npl ,er:„v �+V •nrv�11.11 � STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 ,� Counly o) R.m—Y. I Y /,V�/-�c.J-,� /✓/,/Jv-�X� I r rt- d papa. ,• ern 93940 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLO f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN 1I Cpii ��°eZ •� � W 1 n' sMIG a,0e°�I eeoCOMMIea OE...N[ev _, P._ .. 7 i••—"� •. ..r TC'.11 B WHMns , as provided by Council Tile NO. 93597, approved September S, 1933, the Council did, on the 30th day of September, 1933, at ten o'clock A. It., in the Council Chamber of the Court Home and City Hall, hold a Public bearing Upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking the house and garage located on Lot 1, Ramsey's Addition, also known as 76 Iglebart avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7310, approved May 33, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreoked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLPSD, That said buildings be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said buildings, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said buildings or struotmres; be it FURTHER RSSOLPWD, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said Property Owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, Said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN 1'eav Nays AdoPWd by th, C--il�eT ii .....193..... / M" McDonald V P.nec In N,- APPnlved__.... ...._....193..... _Against /W-0 Al,, Provident Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpIW d MI"e-w OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILIAM F. SCOTT, Ory Clh .nd Caenmlona d geebanUw, ®o September 30, 1932 Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Co®eel, Building. Deer Sir: At the meeting held this - 1-9, the odder W.dM St1on, the hones and garage d also know as 76 Iglehart avenoa was confirmed by the Comoil and the matter referred to yon for the proper — 1 -td - Tows very truly, / City Clerk. q c—Imra4C�E CITY OF ST. PAUL Cf1NC0' N . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 4.._1952. RESOLVED 'Lbat lioeneee for which applications have been made by paraone named m the attached list be and the eeme ere hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue said licensee upon the Peymant into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN YeoeNaye May / '- McDonald (r////n 6eWee Roecn ^/ Truax __-✓._ Agninel W—el - Mr. President Maboney CSP., liWaGi�T6}t��ta4eeOK1{i�oe+h DI . a�xp u.Tra•>� 15uW tE. en1' T 41� Adopted by the Council..._ nC _. ..... .. -_.._193..... A d 193...... Mya e, October 4, 1952 J. W. Anderson 450 Robert St. Butcher Great Atlagnntic and Pacific Tea Go. 786-8 Grand A— Bowmen & Nereeth 82BAldine Sem Drucknsr 561 W. 7th " Ornetsean Bros. 868 Thoma- Eduard Jobs... 604 S. Smith " H. C. Elosterma & Son 778 Selby " H. W. Langendyke 655 S. Snelling Lenge,. & Siegel 245 E. 14th - Joeeph B,vbak 945 W 7th Vlllelli Baro-. 1698 Randolph " Wm. H. Anderson 1597 St. Clair St. Grocery Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. 786-8 Grand Av. " He-.cae, #nc. E. 60-80 E. 7th Confectionery " Joh' Blommer Ice Cream Co, 1049 A- C. A. Borgetrom 964 Payne Av. " H. Broseos 90 A. S—it Grocery Frank Barton 2119 Grand Y. J. Butler 171 N. Dale Confectionery A. G. 9ar1son 1124 Payne Grocery the Catena 746 Tatum Halal C. Clarkin 878 Stryker J. C. Collo" 262 F 7th " Cres Bros. 504 Rice JF. Dore. L.. N. Foley 748 Tatcm 940 E. 7th Confectio-ery 0. P. Frog— 765 Raymond Tea & Coffee store Gates Cigars 405 St. Peter Confactioaery F. Gerlich 550 N. Feirtiew Grocery Glasson Coffee Cc 401 Hobert St. Yrs. Sarah Gillman 947 Ar.ede Confectlone r7 R. L. Grathwol 556 Robert E. L. Green 1169 Rice " J. H. Groelsch 192 Armdel Grocery Carl G cppmdorf 41 S. Cleveland Bakery Y. F. Graber 199 H. Hemli-e Grocery Cruetsmn Bros. 868 Thome ' C. Heaaard 321 Burge -e ' Jeeeie L. Harris 548 W. 6th " J. J. Hick. 981 Fuller Confectionery F. H. He Pa _ 659 N. Dale Grocery C. Hem-hall E. Jessamine 42 A. 4th 42 Fruit-Vegetable store Joseph Ineara W. H. 7e-.e. 941 N. 7th Grocery Edward Johnson 604 S. Smith Sadie Tob.eon 1091 Payne S. H. Eats ackson 658 Jack— " Geo. A. Xi—A Geo 107 Concord Bakery Walter Lenge 1162 E. 7th Yr.. Adaline Ls Point 1512 Forest Yrocery T.Martinson 1858 W. 7th C. Yastbaum 258 Meckubin " H. F. Niklska 1211 E. 7th Confectionery _f- Oct 4 1952 J. J. Millar 1041 Osceola Grocery Che. Mitchell 15 E. 7th Confectionary A. I. Voll 246 S. Seat- Grocery Henry Mulder676 Wi.elow " Sol— Drug Co 896 Paye Confectionery 0.111. Olson 869 E. Minnebaha Grocery EL Y. Pat-"- 911 Grand " H. Paterson 197 Co.. St. H. D Peterson 1912 University " R. J. Prise 719 N. Ramline Confectionery G. 0. Putnm 740 Rondo " Quality 011 Co. 505 Aobart " Reardon Grocery Cc 978 Selby Grocery Phil Reilly 188 N, enelli ff Confectlonery W. E. Sendero 287 W. 7th San.by Bro Drug Co 800 University " pearl Schaffer 519 E. Maryland ° Maurice Schroeder 581 W. 7th Grocery The W. Short 124 Mdlcott Bldg. Confectionary Ida Strain 560 Van Buren Grocery M. P. vaughan 420 S. Hamllne " vllla111 Brc. 1688 Randolph " ,red Wye. 955 E. 7th Bakery George Zalkin 441 Thomas Grocery Carl Zerf.b.. 516 J.ek.an Violet Berg 1954 St. Anthony Restaurant A. A. Bernhardt 580 University H. J. Cottoa 46677 N. Snelling " Prank J. Slattery 1525 Grand A- Christina Mulkey 540 Rio. Elisabeth J. Wright 602 Wabash. " P. C. Thompson 576 Wabasha Pre; R. Senses 99 W. 7th " W. H. Gilbert 107 E. 5th " N. Strindem 1055 W. 7th ' Bethel Restaurant 255 E. 7th J. ButchL em 891 E. 7th ° Welter C. Anderson 699 N. Snelling- Gaaoline station 4 pmnps A. Y. Cravath 546 N. Smith " 5 D 8: RSuper-Serviae 277 E. 6th ' S " Chao. Ellitt 1111 Payne ° 4 " C. E. nwdshl 882 Selby 5 " S. P. Herbek 1144 Rice " 2 " R. Jaaor.ki 620 Rice St. ° 2 ° MOGimley's Service 1425 W. 7th St. 5 Minnesota Refining Co. Water and Edwards 5 Nelson 011 Cc 650 Rice ' 5 " Park Garage 1759 Selby " I Shell Petroleum Corp 1728 Selby " " 5 Shall Petroleum Corp 775 Heating. 5 " A. Trapani- 517 Broadway 5 " N. Ilvisaksr 1222 Randolph " 5 " • -S- October 4, 1952 One Dahlquist 276 E. 7th Fairmount Hotel 24 rooms Independent Holding Cc 545 N. Snelling Kimball Hotel 60 ^ W. J. Seymour 312 Robert U. S. Hotel 50 rooms Economy Finance Co. 208 Frontier Bldg Salary Loan M. Cohen 210 W. 7th 2nd hand dealer Aaron Freenan 387 E. 7th St. Peoples Furniture 199 W. 7th Mrs. Sarah Gillman 947 Arcade Potion picture theatre Mustard & Re 176 E. 7th " " ^ Publix H. W.osTheatres 26 W. 7th " Shubert Theatre Players Cc 479 Webaehe W. W. Kerlin 425 Wabaehe Exhibition 3 days W. W. Rervin 425 Wabash. ° 2 " S. Libman 155 E. 9th Auctioneer St. Paul Sanitation Co 207 Court Block Scavenger F. E. Pettar 62974 University 011 burning device H. R. Seifert 820 Aloe " ° " Stanley Kielea 1984 Stillwater Rd Butcher M & A Bernick 184 N. Dale " F. W. Bwce 581 Fuller " J. F. Dome 748 Tatum " A. J. Schad egg 1671 Selby " Anna Stevens 250 Thomas " Frances Albrecht 880 E. Third Confectionery August Fran. 1786 E. Minnahabe Grocery W. J. Godfrey 1112 Arcade " S. Kaufman 856 B. 7th J. Mechelen 1215 Arcade " orp�ui mrsw O... CITY OF Sr. PAUL .roiu e¢ NO.....- 93942 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK WHEREAS, application; for licenses have been made a. follow$ Elva. & Voli.otis 194 E. 7th St. Restaurant - application 2459 We. Eckhardt 1422 W. 7th St. Grocery • 3508 W. W. Angel 880 E. 7th • • 26 - 86 Louiee Tei648 Salby A- F—it-Vegetable store • 2995 Wtt6t{EPS, Restaurant license, application 2459 and Grocery license, application 5508, are hereby denied upon rec�end.tioa of the Bureau of Health, and W. W. ingel has withdraw Grocery application 2886 and Loniee Teien has withdraw application 2995 for Inuit -Vegetable store; therefore, bg it RESOLVED, that the proper city officer. be and they are hereby hori sataed to refund to Elves & Voliotis the fee of $10.00 and cancel Restaurant license, application 2x59; trefund to We. Eckhardt the fee of $10.00 and cancel oGrocery license, application 5508; to refund to W. W. Angel the fee of $10.00 and cancel Grocery license, application 2886; and to refund to Louise Teian the fee of $10.00 and cancel lhuit-Vegetable store license, appli..ti— 2995. ,�onw ; t Nk eib3"1 au'�xat=. COUNCILMEN Yee$ N¢yt %y / /McDonald � jpa+ue _... _.. Io Ivor At.... W ... rl ' Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the CoonciL.00T 4 ITA t93.. _. PITRLISHED,O — 2 ......,., 193.. Mayor ^ ;t�maoa..,L y43 _ CITY OF g. PAUL ,� NO..._... .... . y3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COU 7 CIL RE90LUTION- G ERAL FORM Ri9n1® WHIRLS, the employes of the Board of later Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, hereinafter named, have furnished a bond of indemnity to said Board in the amounts set opposite tbeir name, respectively; and IHMRLSI the surety therein is the Seaboard Surety Company, a corporation of the State of Bow York; and whereas, the corpor- ation 0omeel has approved said bond as to form and ereoutlen; and iS MIB, Said employee, their positions, and the respective amounts of their bonds are as follows: 0. w. Heohtl Head Clerk $8,500 J. 1. Bain Cashier 5,000 1. E. tromaobroader Clerk 1,000 R. 8. Harsh Control Clerk 3,000 S. B. Soheln 0olleotor 1,000 ii J. Swain Clerk 1,000 lm. R. OaGrady 0011eotor 1,000 Leonard Thompson Superintendent 5,000 Therefore, be it RSSOLYID, That said bond be and the ewe is hereby approved and aooePted. -Jars -o' u.imc.�. aid^ rw, a eoi. me.meiU° �a' „cul � mL� nowilG;i�i • me ay.u; M�uneJweH..m.rMe . euia�oraoN s ca.ne�nec,.-• "iATe �yibr COU ILMEK Y". NnYs A Adopted by the C-61 192.793 J,(Y r, /Truax Wenzel Apinnt Meyor s ` / Mr. President Mahoney PL�I.I.98ID /���—- z FORM No.2 - Suot;, - Council No.-- ffiM. Date presented 1932 e ed, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in ancordence with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency wbich rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more thea usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Walter reHeidenreich Uti.laborer 8 b. .65 Frank Fleming 16 • .56 Irvin M. Relay Common laborer 8 .45 Floyd W.Schrankler Nty.laborar 16 " .55 .Herb. C,.Spellacy = - " 16 ' " .55 Hairy meinke. ! ::. 18 A P; z i'` i .55 Henry T. Con;ad , PlymbgraHlpr: 4}. hra, .59a Albert lasso Ditch digger " .55 Ad Ayes CC��aennnnoilmen Nays�,..,,,,. ifdaDonald 7. 4 geaen Adopted by the OCT M21932 , sa W nzel Approved 0!!T 4 1932 Mr., President Mahoney y!'.�GCfv-s.r rarer. Ua7or. f Cert Sed correct eo P. on 1 Oe oral Supe$i:rt eadeat FORK No. 1 October 1, 1932 Jd'(9,74 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities. Bureau of Water, rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of Ghat department for more than eight hours per day In the doing of the following work: Repair service conn otian 433 No w hawhs At-v,•s^^�^ Hotel.* Operating Hazel and Hnd Park A I e nt ti^^^' This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: eLe ak Sn aonnectian. 3undaye. i ITINS Certified correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent PR MER _,CIL FRESOLUTION "c ""` ""' 93945 +4ire"F n'I.gl�ll _ Sept. 30, 32 RESOLVES, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 150.704.53 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9313 TO 9347 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. All— By THe COUNc— cn c w Iq 1 � it ,`'' 4' Y ;, _; . ..... No. 93945 COUNCIL HE GILMON AUDITED CLAIMS Sept. 30. 3, T— TQTAL IN FAVOR OF 1R1111T 111—RD 70 030 15 1103571 13 • 931 Marguerite Devereux 57 251 93N Fey— construe ionCo. 1 0 12 771 1 AO 371 931 5 I." A aign.s "It 274 701 93 6 oh 31 9317 Emil Freisels p973 581 9'1' 771 9319 9320 34-5 24 26 9321 932 9323 3t—d,,d9 tons Co. ilto. Rosen, Co.. of 11eno-s 227 95I 13 370 42� 932 32 4� 932 I 6 93 , 35 302 26, 93 2 3 6oP 9327 2 6 09'� 932" 9329 4 314 6 L'2 972 9 0 933 331 0 0" 2 � 9s 61, 9332 767 Sal 933 9 is 933Z 2 765 is 9j13 4 070 37 933 9337 0herl"' Stewart 32 001 5 0& 33, 9338 M. J. ity 4 1 78 081 93Z9 Pilton Rosen, Com. of Finance v . 11 l4c 29� 9340 47 o6 9341 Charles H. wieok Jr. Reg. fDeels 030' 9342 9343 31� Fitzgerald, J. J.Soht gereld, John Ir 2"9 96 od 93 4 934 L on ley . Rosen .. Of ri.anco Milton 142 0 on 9342 Milt J. J Fitzgerald Register f!Deed. 21 9347 Joseph Crea 6338 Eastman K.dek Store. Co. Il July 1932• To ad Just error in distribution on sheet of 7,y u If 7-, 030 151 1254279 66`i 7 4 9 COUNCILUSOLUTION Hoaizwrio.. o. I—" we—..,.rr ..o,.m • II Res the olved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of Contract Committee and awards the contract for furnishing all • labor, material and equipment and wrecking and removing all buildings and contents fronting on Bradley, Bedford and Decatur streets, and in Block 3, Irvine'a Becond Addition, in accordance with plane and —� the AMERICAN LUMBER & WRECNING CO., specifications hereto attached, to who will pay the City the sum of $409.50, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor .........�.,.o .... .o.. �....-�.. , 409.50 M 4 _ _ _ _ _ +Olt to —. c 9.50 e> i ohwat: .�.M.�.:o r.. 8877 .........�.,.o .... .o.. �....-�.. , 409.50 M 4 _ _ _ _ _ +Olt to —. c 9.50 .,.....�. I .,,...... 7 4 5 ,.urwo CO UNC ILd,.�.. h ..u. L] • G • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee andawards the contract for improving Aurora Ave. from Jay St. to Farrington Ave., eicept that portion abutting Lots 11 and 20, Blook 3, Elfelt, Bernhelmer and Arnold's Addition, and lots 1, 9 and 10, Block 4, Elfelt, Bernbeimer and Arnoldto Addition, by resetting curb and sidewalks or laying and co— ruo- ing new sidewalks, and ourbs, where necessary, const tin; addi- tional catchbsains and drainage, changes in water 1,_._, and appurtenanoes, and all other work that Is incidental end necessary Cntrect •A'•. to said improvementy in s000rdance with plea• and specifications hereto attached, to STANDARD STORE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $453.00, and the 0orooration Counsel is hereby SAatructed to draw up the proper form of con-� tract therefor. �1 .o«..�.o ... 8880 894.00 ...,,,... ,. oP....., ..... R, oV.......o .o ....�...�a..o .oa oo.r o. r.... �.,..o�..,...r . 4=3.00 4F3.r)0 a a 0 • 1 4 h O UNC LL�RESOLUTION oo,ern •r Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contrect Committee and awerde the contract for sewer on Arundel Street from Cook Street to L'aryland Street, in accord- ance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to MEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $3,722.00, and the Corporation Counsel Is hereby Instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. c.g :•x�ee�e—e� x — ai4o . °com.aiu: mr�m: °$a"1 V 685.00 .. �.•.•.°,.v...�. oM .A �`��..°... ...�.........°....° o'.p.�°...„..„..°..., 13,72200 1 • I° COUNCIL, RESOLUTION .UT „on0... 41 L iM.wove..e jr.wwecTn • Resolved, That the 0ounoil hereby concurs in the reoommenAation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving. Johnson Parkway from Maryland Street to Stillwater Avenue, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to THORNTON BROS. COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidd- er, for the sum of $31,400.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. o::p roe r,°osLe: a°zie°i o<c a -um o.,..�.�0 „.. 5884 ......e..�,,,<...o.31-E1 ,11,000.00 .S -C. . . ..,,-�.- - - .31,400.00 u. No—Jv✓vv «�• o,..� 7 4 S COUNCIL RPSOLUTION • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading East and West Alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attach - ad, to EMIL FREISEIS, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $548.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruct- ed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Ic-Na:-ir°.a aaas.:e c v. a e° u `an#cemaam: �.uw.5°.:n°: Ina .nm miv'�rt'rw�ra na e°in: ° 1 "IE. No, aaBa. App Of [lie Ca,i.,ou O.t e. SBai.I SeB5 b`o`°� ai> k.591.00 1 a„ .w ....o .�. 548.00 ..,•,... o.....� .°. ...o ; .548.00 -_ .. .. r.. Q r,7 4 • K Petition ✓ (�a�(� ri Couvcl File No., .......a7.sl!!.� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT sad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,migned hereby pmpoece the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Street from Constructing a sidewalk on_the west side of. Kennard East_ SeYenth gtreet to Brand btreet.__. ........._....._ ._....__......_...... . .. .........._... ....___...__... ......_._...._. ..__......_._.__ ..__ Dated thu.. 4th .__day f .__October 1932, /, .._,___.., 19 , -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prupoeel for the making of the folawing improvement, via.: Constructin a. sldewalk_on.the_went . side. of . Kennard_Straet rom ..__EKat_.fleveUtb Street t9 B"g._Id StTeete... II. m.ame 47' 2= i.ma P a.a ........... ... ___ ....... n.cna et a.w � p ,•, having been Presented to the Council of the (StY of et. Paul_.......___._......__...._....._...._.._._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered evil directed: I. To inveetigste the ecomcity for, or dmimbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To mccatigate the nature, extent and estimated met of .cid improvement, and the total at thereof. 3. To furoh h a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state Whether or not said improvement ie acted for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fivauce. Adopted by the Couacl.......____... Ygas Nate uC`i is" Counclmmfaf.wAx Truax pprove A d_._._........_._.._..._..__...._.._......___._......._ p $1f MCDowar.p �- Rmere mRmetlxxx 'MenzelMe— Ma. Pace— C" r/ Petition Council no No...._.!� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT sad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The umlmigned hereby propoeea the meting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, via.: Planting shade trees, on Chilcgmbe Ayenue. from Brompton Street_to Eustis StreeQ__.._.. _.._. ..._._....__....._. ......_......... ........_._.._._............_....__ ....._..._.... .. _. _................. _... Doted thio ._ 4th_ _._day of October, 1932.-. - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvomevt, via.: _Planting_ehade_trees qn tihi,lcom¢e Avertye from o eel n bralnDton Street. to Essstis. Street . -- ae _.-_.._...._....-- 6 rea 6 been Peated W the Council of the City of St. Paul ...._....... -. - thomfoce, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be cud ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigaW the ro ceaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. d��2. To investigaW the catme enWnt and estimated coat of said improvomevt, sad the tots1 coat thereof. Or 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. e 11( 4. To state whether or not -aid improvement ie aekcd for on the petition of three or more mmore ,:,r. - 5. To report upon aU of the foregoing mettare W the Commimioner of Ficanco. - 4 1 AdoP[ed by the Council - _..__........__...__.... Yga- Nare Counailman� Truss Mar McDoaaan ` Roam+ SD>SiWtt Aenzel Ms. Pa n r R Approved.......__.___...._-_.___......_....-- sscc_E..4-Z!6. - – Y116t=BIB<'DJJL� 93953 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- --t—C±2 feet laiSt- Of -St!JPetia'� Streett thence east 12 feat, --------------------------- -------------------- --------------- ------------ ------------- --- -------------------------------------------------- - -- -- ---------- - -------------------- - ----- - ------- ----------------- --- ---------- ------------------------------- ----- ---- --- -------------------------------------------------- --- - -- - --- --- -- ------------------- -der Preliminary Orde ----------- 9` Q ------------------ pp—ed -------------- Th'Council of the City Of Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner If Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sad report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the -e is b,,tby approved ..d adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C-161 lel-n—II&---- QQT.0-trAQt--dr lvelvay .t--tba-f0ll0JdM9-l9-'a-tlPU' ----------------------- I --------------------------------------- east 12 feet, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ,vith no alternative,, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $JLW;6 -------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had .. —d improvement on the ----- Jt_ ---------- day of avemlo::__JU? W=_ at the h.., of 10 o'clock A. NI., i. the Council Chamber of the Co.. House and City Hall Building in !heCity of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p .... I, and m the mmn,, p,,,id,d by the Charter, wing the time and place of hearing, he n .... e I the i.pl.vtrt Vd total cost thereofa, estimated. Adopted by he Council__________ -------------- 192__ _ 7e ------------ - I— City Clerk. Approved ------------ `II — -- ____._____192___ .yo,. C-,n,'�m:-CI—Y IL— co..ei o"Ferguson UBUSIMD_ _3— Councilman md , ein,Hodgw Con Co unci omnSSUdheimer - - cunei; tot" izr1 hl'yorowuBw For. B. S. A. 8-6 93954 NO COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Met- a dr"-e"q -- at -t-he following following locati n: Selby Avenue, north s ie ff6gs —61SarKfdiaAve yj e-- —e t et_begjop_jn&22f3_,b_feSt f— ther east,_ the east 8 feet ------------------------------------------------- --- -- -- -- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- -------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------- -- --- - -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- - ------- ---- - -------------------------- ,00l- Preliminary O,der --------- q3li2a ------------------------ —d --- Aug --31_191W ------------- The C—cil of the City of Pa.1 having received report, report of the Commissioner of Finance .,,o. the .b— improvement, and having considered said P, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby pp,,,,d and adopted, and the said i.p—croomt is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the at." of the improvement which the Council ,c.,,,,d, is .... driveway "-tlap -fa1.1-1 ng—lon - t, i=________________________________________________ j,��jrnie --- thence Selby Avenue, north side, beginning 75 ft.east --- ..at -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 37 .ith on alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ ------ Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had on said i.p,.vc.c.t .. he ------ J5tL --------- day of ------ M3__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner I Finance give notice of said meeting to theons and in the manner p,,,id,d by , Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of and the total —t thereof as est—ted. Adopted by the C.oncil ------ -- -------- 192____ Clerk. Appn—d ------- ----------------- 192 --- Councilman Clancy , — �, .old Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald- CC.—itz: Councilman fflllfildml,-- Mayor qWWOAQ Nl.lb—" Form B. S. A. 8-6 93955 W - PF COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, th, ?&t- of ---- ------ 52 easte ft., -------------------------------------------------- - --- ------ -- ------------------ -------------------------------------------------- - -- -- - --- ----- -------------------- --- -------------------------- ---------- -- - ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ---- - -- - - -------- I --- ----- -d- P,li,si..0 Order_________ 93529 --------------- __approved --- A119-31. 1932 ------------ Th, Council of the City of Paul having received the -p- of the Co-isi-, of Fi ..... upon the .b.- is,pt-m-tl and having considered said report. hereby ... I"'.. 1.That the said proceeded -d the -- is hereby app -,d -d adopted, ..d the - improvement ',o-- mt herebyby ordered to b, .... d with. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ---d, ----------------------------------------------------------- -Lavrt—at—tbsn e east 8 ft., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- --- .with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-21-M ------- Resolved F,ftbe, That , public hearing b, had on said improvement on th ----------- lat ------ d,y of S. _j_q3P -------- t the h- of 10 o'clock A. M., to the Council Chomb,, of the Court U.o__ .d City H.11 Building is the City of St. Paul. That the C—mi,- of Finance give .ti,, of -al - -, 1- 11, - I � porn.m- by'll, Ch- '.;y i.9 time pl..e f h_ht;',t! __ i�p_ 'h� ,th� of Approve by th, C .... ---------- 192---- App,-d --------- 71 --------------___192___ _ _ City CI<rk. May yl ml ICHF'n�=S C --192--- C .. cilsoo,-Gl..'. C .. dhosovetw— C, tihs-111,13-ld Co.ntiIm..%fd9- . C0-ilm'n-wm"dw-; co-cilm-AwItidid "'I M,y,rRVPPJ02 Form B. S. A. 86 93956 at. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ---------- Xe.dp_ta _ beginning �feetsc�thof_ Sixth _St�tjjence south 8 feet, -------------------------------------------------- --- -- - --------- ------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ 1— ------- --- -- --- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ---------------- -------- ----------------- - ------------------------------------------------ - - ---- ---------- -------------------------- ,md- P,,Iimi,,U Cod ------------- 9a532 ----------------- pp .... d ---- 1932---_--______ The 932------------ Th, Council of the City of Pan] having received the ,p—tof tin, Commissionerof Finance p.n the ,b,,e improvement, and havingconsidered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said o,pm-t ..d the a.., is hereby approved ..d adopted, ..d the said imp ---t i. hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2. That the mo— of the improvement which the C,..,,il recommends i----tr—L-drim0y stt-th—f.11awing--I—ti,-� --------------------------------------------------------------- Mendat&-S.trxt L_xe -9 Lstll S._thence south 8 feet, --- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $--1,5-•!5------- Resolved --2.L.!U------- R... 1-d Further, Tb.t a public hearing b, had on v,id improvement .. th ----- J-QtL ----------- day of ------ ZP=-, at the h... of 10 o'clock A. M., m the Council Ch.mbu of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the provided by the Ch-- stating the time and place of hearing, th, mo— of the improbmentand the total cost thereof, estimated. Adopted by the Council_________ ---------- 192--- Appn—d ---------------------------- 192 --- Councilmarc6tMney. -- -' PULLISHED c .... ilaa,mcpergu— cc .. c 0 zzi:m:.--= � C i "I""g,P Mayos MONNIP N —V F.— B. S. A. 93957 COUNCIL FILE NO._________ ____ ^'^°' °r F�^•n°e °v°� o By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the di-ni-7-Bt-tht, falloWJx-locAtIM' -------- fr_.orth—oJ: Ave. north thence no8 ft— .... - ------ -- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --- - --- -- ----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ------------------------- -- ----- code, Preliminary y O,dcr -------- R,�= -------------------- pp—ed ----- Auz.-3].x_1932__________ The 4-19U---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said rep—, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement i. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C.,mlil recommends i--t—t-A—dr-Lveway north of Lake Como & Phalen Ave. thence north B ft --- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- with on alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof m $__15+46_______ Resolved -J."-A6------- R—Ived Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ -------- day of Nn7,,olhcr-,—L982------ at the ban, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C.mm House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That theCo,mi,,i,,,, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the cm, and in the man... provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of healing, the not he mp,,,em,,t and the total c— thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C..ncfl-'!T--A-Sn ---------- 192____ ------------- - r'T ii Approved ______.___________________192___ ---------- 192 --- -Zlw Councilman g94,W. C ... cilnmmtF.-'guq... Councilman Cm,. cilam. dj'4gq Counci M:n lawbOwel- C .... i: . . d66=dimuot M.Y.,dhd— F— B. S. A. M 93958 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, -5&-ft.—thence -------------- --------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------ j ----------------------- Is. ------------ ttal ------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- (L. __-__-________________------ -- ---- --------------------------- ----- ,md- P,'Iicnm.ry O,dc ---------- QIQL3_4 .................. approved ... _1932 ..... The Council of the City of Paul having —wcd the report of the C.man-km- of Finance upon the .b.—having..aidc,,d said report, hereby —.1— I Th., the said ,p,n and the s— is hereby pp,,,,d and adopted, and the said imp—cm— is hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2 That the .—, of the imp—cm— which the Council --m-d, is___ 0-t3trUQ_t_.0XLveway --------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-Zg,2b ------- Rc,,I,,d F,nb,,, That , public hearing b, had no said improvement .. thc ----- 1AL ___---____day of the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch.mbc, of the Co.. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. P-1. That the Commissioner of Fin.... give —ti- of said me ting to t" on and in the asm— provided by the Charter, statingon g the time and place of ,c.,i.g. thc -- Fth'c map—, Km I t�F*—] c— thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____________-____ ------- 192____ ��` et 92---- et App—d --------------- ----------- 192 --- -------- Councilman Gww. C.,n,i:,:, Ellffpamp-- Councilman .. ci..ai-Ditu;qbt Councilman didg— C,-nciman dmdhei�� i Councilman WAUMMiki—ig v., —1 May- 40"nWa N 1. Fm. B. S. A. 93959 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- —tnuctin9--dS19_@HRy__Q7!_the__aest_ side of Dewey Avenue heglnnhlg_$0 feat south of Feronla _Avenue, __thee south 24 feet, _______nc______________----___________ _____________________________________..._-__-___ under Preliminary Order ----------- 9AN1________________approved _____A' 31 __1932 __________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Councilrecommends LLii3_ltCt_ ew drivay _pb _tha_w.est_side__of__Dai4b1_A_v_enue_beglnring 90 _feet south of Feror.ia _______________ _Avtnue_Shenc-C_X411411.2�F_ feat_______________________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ ---------------------------- _----------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no ghee-tives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_4,zr.5@-------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement no the_______1.ta-------- day of .N.—h—,—l98------ 764Es__, at he hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber oI the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notiee of said meeting to the p ons and in the n nner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ ____ 4___-______- 192 ---- I -_- -- _ T I P'. p' s_______________ Approved--------- ©F___ --------------- III ___ _ . _ty -_ Councilmaa.Glancy Councilman Ferguson '7 Co uncllmam,DicDovgld Co..eilma. dirtd�.i Mayors Form B. S. A. 86 ' a"—ima93960 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ " �„ •^+ " By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mat- If ----- rmepmLxjj ng_the_sidewalk on the-a"th-S.1d-q- Qf- E@,*t ThIX�d_ Strqe�t, begi— i ng_ 110.5 S.tr"t,-Idu=&- Qaat--;5--r4- ------------- - - -------- --- - ---------- ------------- -------------------- ----------------------------- ---- ------- --- ------ - ------------------ - --------------------------------------- ------------- I ------ ----- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----- -- --- ------------- ----------- under Preliminary Order__ ______9-arM ------------------ he Council of the City of Paul having received the -p— If the Commissioner of Finance p,, the above improvement, and having g considered said reporthereby resolves: 1.That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --cods s--M—t—t,-r&1ay 11ff.5._Lt_asst__ef__Sibleg_>atrae_thenae _ea - ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -ith .o alternatives, and that the estimated c— thereof i, $-23.Qa ------- R,s,l,,d Further, That , public heating be had on said imp—coo— no th ------ loi ---------- day of -NStV=bAr-- 1232 ------ NAU--, at the ban, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Pan] That theC.monrnze�, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the m,n,,r pm,id,d by the Charter, .g the time and place of heating, the n.—, of the improvement the total —, thereof , estimated. Adopted by the Co.ncil --- ------ 192---- '14192--_ - ----- -- — ------ — ----- zca ----- App—ed ------- �c ------ -- ----------- 192 --- c,k. I Cni� 1 "14 , ' c ':n C..n I to TFeeguson C.,n,ilman,]4cDona4d I Councilmancitfodg­­ I C.,n'i:m 26""a"'I' C..nci F.,. B. S. A. 8.6 93961 nv b.r >„ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mauer of_xec tx> tlnx,-.relying_and_r_epai ing-_tbe-aldlowalke_____ at the following locations: o h- St th_nce e st £�_Thir1-'5t , nth_side,__ba91.nn7.ng-,i55.-Yt.__ea.@y___f_ 12 ft- F¢uguies_aL.�_snuth_sideb_eB7.nnlcu;_at. 6oventh-St,_thence- west_ 98 ft, under Preliminary Order--------------pproved---- Ll{:.__19,_�9a3.`�_____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same ie hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --no ends is__SaenasYS11C L._ZiJ.6y _ani-seQa+,.--the_sldaxtal]cs_sL_Yhe_Sa11n sing-I—tlnns: _E�_$$S(1_SL.r_II(1Pi113111er_hE'�lI1Rll1$_$J5._£t�_as9S _11i_1+t1Z'1__St_._ �3SA9 C_ east 12 ft. `au4iier__�5.�_snitt`1.3ifi9�_2L@Ptnnln6- thence- we S t_ 98_ It ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 74 y30___ --_- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th e_____-ISt---------- day of _1loy-wh-er _].4'a3%i____ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of It. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so and in the n er prorided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the [improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- ..------=------ 192____ Approved______ `_�_______________ ___192___ � -- City Clerk. ayor. Coundlen—caxmy. ;au m n.....m YW31.lSilEDy-'r 3:- Councilro—Fergu,on- Councilman: Malhnald / Croadlman ciYudg Councilmar,.GWLeim Councilman S%W, Wa,aa Mayo,*Nr IP Plnh�ney Form B. S. A. 86 rym;� oda er t $, 7 COUNCIL FILE NO ---------- to r.n ° :aa ba.P°r By m.. .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___racnnatrncxiti;,__Felaying_and_repairingy_where necessary, __ _____________ Sha_f�lloxing_sid—lk: Slsatit Ave., south side, beginning 272 ft. west of St. Albans St. thence ___meat-Ao-feet.,_____-______________________.______._.___ _.______________________ _____________________________________________--___--__- --- --- ___-------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ._ ___- ---- ---------------------------- - _________________________-___.______________--- _____--- _------ __---- __________ under Preliminary Ord er______9NA§_____________________approved ___ AI?6a_ 31y_1932 _ _____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends v, --- Stcnnstrnet,_telay snd_zapa]s,__nher-e-mo oa axy—_khe--following sidewalk_: -------------- _ _ Stsavit Ave., south side, beginning 272 ft, we at of St. Albana St. thence _—t~_4fl_faei___________ __---------- ____---------------------- __________________________________________________________________________________________ ____ with no alternatives, and that the estimated rout thereof is $_'6S_.68._______ Besolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____lat---------- day of Mosamhez,_1232---___7,aso -, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Housc and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pani. That the Commissioner of Finance give votive of said meeting t i the pem and in them r provided by the Char ing the time and place of a ing, the nature of the improvemota heent and the total —t thereof as ra matcd� r Adopted by the Coancil... ...... 192 192____ j -------------------- Approved____________________________192--- C .. 92___CounR'etgtteonvmt �l°v Coun.ilman,McDo Councilman q&diaon . `... Councilman �� \,'�'��eel Councilmen Mayor Pplow il,:�.�ie� Form B. S. A.8-6SCOTT 93963 Tu, iPwbiaCovnevor COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matter -------------------------------------------------- -------------- --- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ----- --- --- ------ ---------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ - - --------- ---- ------ --------------- ___________________________ _ -- .---_---- under -- -- -..dc, Preliminary O,de ------- 113E3 -a --------------------- app—cd .... Sep_tqnlpeT_9,1932 ..... The Council of the City of Pan] having received the— pof the of Finance p., the resolves: .b.- ad h,,i,g cm,aid ... d saidid repo,t. h, ,b� ,. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council mm,.d, is___reGQIl9trllGtt relay —d—p.i.-the—Ld—I k — --------------------- — -------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost tb,,c.f is $--.a7-6a ------ Rc,,I,,d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement 11 the____ IfLt ----------- day of AQY-Q _191? ------ P4U7.--. at the how of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C- -etpz House d City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan That the of Finance give notice of said meeting to the Fe—ma and in the fo.lcl by the h,,,t,,, stating the time and place of h,a, g. he a— . the imp --�tmd the total cost thereof a, estimated. Adopted by he Council______________________ gm -- 192---- Approved_____ -____ r -q------- 92-- y Councilman Co .. ci Councilman rXrDonaW C.u., ndlodgmI i :n C ... ci;m i dlmiwe�, C ... May -Old— M,„[, n” F.— B. S. A. 8-6 W ............ 93964 COUNCIL FILE NO ---------------iip:.te. —t By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of--- the sidewalks at the following locat ons: '-ti""s' I"'gi— east to east sie"of alleyy north 25 ft„ MilXQyd- -tr.'tup-�� �crth-!W5 �-Lta' tb t Jessamine St., north side, beginning 94 ft. :.. of CortlandS thenceeast ---- 24 -ft -1 ------------------------------------------- ---------- _ --- rude, Preliminary y O,de ------ a5145 _____________________approved ------------- Th'Council .. ril of the City of Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b— improvement, and having considered said report hereby 1. That the said report and the -me is hereby pp— . ed and adopted, and the said improvement au— it hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council —nd, and r.p : - Milford St. north sidl, beginning 40 ft. east of Gaultier St., c -j east il then 7 --- ------------------------------------------------------ tFjr�'6; north Me' Ion St., west side, beginning 113.5 ft. north of Milford St. ---- 25 --ft — --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Marion St., east side beginning at Milford St. thence north 136.5 ft. j,aa—.i--At—,-.=th-L cast 24 ft., ------------------------------------------------------- o,ith ., alternatives, and that the estimated c— thereof i, $19W42 ------- Resolved Funh,,, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 1;itJt ----------- day of jla=s� 19-12 at the hour of 10 .'clock A. Nf., in be Council Chamber of the Co.. and City Hall Building is the City of S, Paul. Th., the Cmantia.i.— of Finance give notice of -,aid meeting to the Fenton, and in the manner provided by the Charter, -ting the time and place of hearing, the nature , the imp .... meet ..d the total —t thereof estimated.Adopted by the Council____ -- k -M2 ---------- 192____ App—ed ------ - _________________192___— ry ---- --- yr. - - y— Councilmar,a m, t)—ald CounciImanWKvAvtao;%e,e, may CouncifirangAUPopold t I ..area C ... cilmandbpogv­ CounciluaanvjjWftit w', Couctcilmau'jjbwffitL� Mayor,WmhNl.hum.y Form B. S. A. 8-6 93965 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- BBy ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ef .... ,­tr­UC_tjnZ.-V­ejayjn&-gjad- ----------------- - -.­ --o� Mendota St., east aide, beginning 43 ft morth __B,_f_t, negi_nning_ _pprtb__Q_ £t________________ _ t.,---- - ------------------------------------------------ -- -- ---- - --- --- ------ --------------- --------------------------------- ---------------- ---- --- - - ---- --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ---- ---- ------- - ----- ---- -- -------- esde, Preliminary y O,de ------- 9Z5Z8 ------_______________approved ---- ----------- The Council f the City of Paul having received the -p—f the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b-, improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1—: 1. Th., the said report ..d the —e i, hereby approved and adopted, and the =aid improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the --, of the improvement which the C-61 recommends i—re—tnx-t­x-elay and repair,_ w_here_nece ss_ary the f.1l..i.F, sidewalk: Mendota St., east side, --- il-ft—hezinninz-14 _.nor ththencericTth_ 6 _ ft . ............... ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________________________________________________________________ wi,h n. alternatives, .,d that the estimated —t thereof is $-1-340 ------- R-1-d Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- la.t ---- -______day f -bar ­193a— AX—- at the he., of 10 o clock A. hl., in the Council Chamber of the C- 11.... and City H.11 Building i, the City of St. P—L That the Commissioner f Finance give notice f ,,id meeting to the .... and i, the m,,n,, provided b,h, Charter, stating the time ..d place of hearing,ieg, the -- .. the anted the total cost thereof as --ted. Adopted by the Council__________'______ IQ�2__, 192____ � Y Approved ...61------ App—ed ------------- -------- 192--- ty ------ - --- ---- -- MA r. C—ecil— C..'Zlitm:l 1l11lZ=nak+' C ... dl... X.60 --r- Ce 112111 ¢s 1,,­ �'n . ll', , ­ C—ei — VOUNA M.Y., AWWW F.— B. S. A. 8-6 ti 1& a. daBde 931166 --NMI 8alti em ,a. ee COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ Y By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, t, Matt,,. of ... za­t­tjmj;,-r-ejayI-ng —d- ­p&lr-I-nX- tha -ajdaW&IL _qjlpftr__p f Mar ifl_ A—r,uelnjShcjt Streeter--- _ j - :n -------------------------------------------------- --------- - ---- --------- - ------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- - --- I -- --- - --- --- ---- ------------- -------------------------------------------------- - - -- -- --- - -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - - --- - ---- ---- -------- ----- ----- ..dt, P,,Ii.i..0 O,de ------------ 9a,182 ---------------- app .... d ------------- Th, C .... it of the City of P—I having received the -p— of the C --i.— of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having considered aid report, herebyresolves: 1.That the said report ..d the same is hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said improvement is hereby .,d ed to be p --&d with. 2. That the -- of the mp--- which the C,)—c,l ---ada ---------______________________ ____________________ -------------- -Ave nue _and_ Shor t_Stro ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, ..d that the estimated cosi thereof i, $-2-1§0! -------- R—J-d Further, Th., . public hearing be had .n said i.pl-11--t on the_______] 3L -------- day of ------ =Z -, at the It— .��',]—k A. M_ i. he C-61 Ch—b,, f the Court House ..d City Hall Building id th,hCity E St. That the Commissioner f Finance give —i- f said —6.9 to the P ---a I md .. �, provided by the Charter, --g the time and place f h—i.g' 'h� _— f the im,--t 'h ..I ... t thereof a —ia,—d. Adopted by the Cllllil- ------ 192---- --------------- App,—d ------------- -------------- 192 ---l-'rl—ly Clerk. 1 J- -- X1 C- C-6 . ........ Co.. Co ... Coo ci C ... i:- C .. ci M.Y-dfts— Form B. S. A. 8-6 G u. . ..... 93967 is.. COUNCIL FILE NO._- I By _______________________________________ ______ T INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Mtn- of --- -rePalr IDZ, -y-where neg-qsABLrY, -th. - x 0-11nwixlg- sidAvelic ----------------- ------ ----------------------------------------- izogiminz- -at, Pleasant_ e - —t - IOQ-f�t- -------------------------------- ----------- ----- -- -- - ---- --- --------------------- ----- ---- --------------------- ---------------- - --- - --- - ---- --------- ---- ----- -------------------------------------------------- --- ----- ---- -------- --- -------- ----------- .ad,, Preliminary O,de -------------- 9 35A9 ---------------- ppr ... d 1932_____________ The Council of the City of Pan] having received the -p— of the of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby es. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i=__rEcnnstsueS-,_Lelsy _sidewalk.________ Sonth_sida_Jsmaa_Sx.�_beginning_at_3lesaant_Ara.,._YJignee_e-Qst_1 -------Ptl— ­h m, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_57_.00 ------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th --------- 1*1 ------- day of -x-4-h'r,-1932 ---- 4192--, at the ban, of 10 o ',I,,k A. NI., m the Council Chambe, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of provided meeting to the persons and in the ..one, p;led by thCh.,te,, stating the time ..d place of hearing, the nature of the impm,eme,timl the total co,t thereof, estimated. Adopted by the Coal, L-- I92____ -- --------------- 7(- App .... d ---------------------------- 192--- --- ty -Clerk. - - 4s- -- ---------------------- C .. :t—n- cl— C .. i -cF-e&usp,b Council majkXl;I)naaW Cmmcilaum.M-Awp— C .. ci�m:n.6q� I C .. ci nlbboat-4— 1, May., a' I M.lb-'ev Y, 'I, F— B. S. A. 8-6 93968 42- THEIRT '-n COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By----------------------------- ---------------- INTERMEDURY ORDER In the Matter - ------------------------- Howell Ave., east side, beginning 94 ft. south thence ___s h_ t_56__ft -- - --- ---------------------------- --- ------ --------- ------- ------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- -- - --- -- ---- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- ---- ------ ----- ------ .._______ under Preliminary Order_______________ - 9 siA3A ----------- a,p .... d ...... �Ljjg, _,'51. _ 1932 The Couacil of the City of Paul having .... iv,d the r,porofthC f Finance p.n the above improvement. ad h,,i,g .... id,,,d aid ,p.,t, h .. by ,, —1, I That the said report and the ­­ is hereby approved and adopted, and the said irop­,m­ is hereby ordered to be p,,,,,d,d with. 2. That the nature of the iropr ... mC.t which the C ... ril -,1-& i,___­n_atzuc_t,­1ay shd­psjr --------------------------- Howell Ave.,.east aide, beginning 94 ft. south. f Ca ... 11 Avenue, thence ......... u Lh 56 nt ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with ., alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is s—U-88 ------- Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .n said i.p­,.C.1 .. he ------- IDJ. -------- day of N - ysm�_er_ , 1932 ------ I Nx_ at the h,,, of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Coon - -- --- -- - ----- 11 .... and City Hall Building in the City of Paul. That the of Finance give notice of said meeting to the and in he provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of mg. the at,,, a the improvement the total -t thereof --alert hearing, Id 29T Adopted by the Council_____ ------- V__ 192____ ---------- - ---------------- Approved ----------------------------- 192--- City Clerk. 71 11, ---------- 111111 Councilman Elan., N PU1USRED__!2 __ 3 C'..Ci:.:. FergusonCotmei MCI,-.. Councilman VINN...4 Mayor 19911119ow M'. Far. B. S. A. 8-6 93969 ... .... . 'N' a a. repo COUNCIL FILE NOImarovem -.......... .ee1TTn By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter -tle —d ---t Ile -Aeat- side_ Of -Fnr-ast - St— hQRlzmL -9 - At- HASSADA - ---------------------- --- --- -- --- - ---- ---------------------- -------------------------------------------------- — I ---- -- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ------- ----------- ------------------------- mmle, P,,Iimi.,U O,d ---------- 93632 ----_______________approved -------- TheCouncil ... il of the City of Paul having ... ci�d the ,p.,t of the of Finance upon the .b.,, improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby .,p—ed and adopted, and the said improvementi. hereby ...by ,d ... d to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ---mends is__ Te_c on strut ty_ralflp t­__grL4_ on_ the_ west_ s1-dn_.f F- . t _st­begin- -nLmg.-at-H—t I n, ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with .o and that the estimated —t there is $___113 75---- R-1—d Further, That , public hearing be had an said imp --mew 11 the ------ lat ---------- day of �,12252 -------- at the ban, of 10 .'d.,k A. M., in the Council Ch,.b,, of the C.mn House = City Fall Building in the City of St. Pa.]. That the Commissioner of Finance give no tic, of -id mecti.9 to the r -11a and in the ua,atae� provided by the C�h­"—, —ling he time and place f h,_i.g, the —m -c . he imp—e— ad b — c— thereof on.ted. Adopted by the Council____ _------ �T ------- 192---- "�- 4' ------------ App—ed ---------------------------- 192 --- Ct7, yC.I,k ... ..... Councilman ... t':. � I'— �' 1. i.' o "! Co—i *ewwop+j PU13LISHED Z (I - Councilman jjcPuaAjd- i, C cilm.. C-... ncil..n fi.Hv— C.—H.— bbk..W May., 30'6� F— B. S. A. B-6 93970 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ . ....t .1 oty oe By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- -the- -f0lLQT1-'36- Aldffi-lml K ------------------ -------- t ----- Como---------------------------------- Hamli " Ave., east side, beginning 276 ft. north of Lake Go and Phalan Shanastanrth l0. SS-- ---------------- ---- — ------------------------------------------------- --- ---- -- ---- — - ----- -------------------- - ------------------------------ ------------ --- ----- - - --- ------------ ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- ------------------------------------------- ..de, Preliminary y O,de --------- 9.1 -EU -------------------- pp—,d --------------- 'neCouncil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance up— the above improvement, and b.,i.g considered said report, hereby —.1—: 1. That the said report and the —, is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council il --ro,rds i,---r—strAtClL_Mala7 — ------------------------ H—I I And 2bAlen Ave thence north 10 ft., __________________________--____________-________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost [hereof is $--QA-------- Rrs.Ned Further, That . public hearing be had .. ..id improvement .. the ------ lat ---------- d.y of Nnmmher.19U ------ t the hour of 10 o ',Imk A. M., in the Council Ch,mbe, of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the City of St. P-1. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ,,id meeting to the F,,,,n, and to the ;,,n,,, total„j�,.,�lt the'th, Charter, 'ts,,,g the time and place of nearing, the store 0 the imVXemgtj h of estimated. Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192 ---- - - ---------- - Approved_____ V `____________________192___ /// / Ity Clerk. Lk-��-`-C�---: -------------------192--- r C ... cilm.. Glapfa-- Councilman Per 1� - CouncilmanW�7— C ... eilm.. jj2d&t2n _ Councilman &Ahsj%S�.. C .. tilm”dm-m�-- M.y.rftw For. B. S. A. &6 X 93971 ... a .°e.. hM �a.� t°a'pE Aug.c av e•v oe ieeefved N. rvyon o[ tee cvm- COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- B mi.ne°•� tee •oe•- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 11 the Matter of__r_eonnstr_uatin8,-_r_e].aySnx _and, cs�sirios-the__s7.1Qs_ crss s>_ag anfl_aiA0y Lk_n� the_north_side_nt_E ifth_S_traei_brg 'ap-11A_f_t.__easi._ oL_Jackson_Streat,__thenca_easIl_1(1_Et�,. _.___ __- ---- _--------- under Preliminary Order ------- d49$ --------------------- Pproved __Aug._26..r_1432_____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolres: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__SEO1]n strnCi,_SCla9 and_tens]s_i1�-e11sy__crnssing-arad_sidewal]c-ow-the-nor-ih-slda-oS-PSf2h- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8tneat_hegi nn1 ng_11�_iL._EBat_nf__JAC}isOn_StraCis_ tYlERGf:__8dHL1Il_Lty___ with no alternatives, and that the estimated ,It thereof is $_ -�Q ?A_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th e_______lAt--------- day of _TZI1YAIDhery._19.'S2_____-xm _, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p ons and in them r provided by the Charter, —tillthe time and place of hearing, the nature of the imp..me% and�e total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL___Vc___t_0___ _________- 192____ ' App—ed -------- ,�_________________ I92___ ity Clerk. Councilman Q� pl, ....... Councilman Fp:�7� Co uncilman i6r. t�.;.. Councilman dh*g --.,7 Councilman ifiadbei—z I. Councilman 01-6 ay \'..-„eel Mayor 41HUM ;pd,.' , i Form B. S. A. &b �� A�3J'72 I,k M „*e,tn,.t; a�l COUNCIL FILE NO I m INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__reaonsttucting.._r fl).$y_lII8.1;6d_ retia Sr lug,_ where nate sse_y, the_Sn11na1np _sid—lk:_______ FSnn_A encs,_sast__si3e.._heyinninib•_a_t_ SS._C7.-�r _St,_thence north _142.7 ft., ______________________________________________________________. __..----- _---_--_--____ under Preliminary Order_______ 33.r2.3�___________________pproved _�!iiSe_ 31y_1932 The Council of the City of Pao] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be p—ded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___SSA4Zie tF_KQ Sa_re lsy and_rHPairY_!1�5._nflcassar$,__T119_S911o.yin(r_s}datyalk___________________________ FSnn_AYEn1tfl,__eA9k_9ACL@,__G13E1TS[Iing_at_St.__Clair_St., thanca_r:orth 142,7 ft., ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ _____ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_14_s53______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___1SL------------ day of ib,ra,nj o 1932 -______,#HRS__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting t n the p s and in the manner provided by the Char sting the time and place of hes ivg, the nature of the mpr4vementt —d the total cost thereof as estimated. n7 Adopted by the Council__________________, 192____ / I i Q4T -- C Approved ---------- ____--------- ---- 192--- J I '' Y Clerk. MayK.. Councilman PUBLISHED Z� Councilman CouncilmanlcIlp`oill�� ue Councilmanr,Hodgs_o;1 Cnvvcilm v pudh#tpr — CouncilmagaW.<pzel�t t\�uvxel Mayor,iy� yah Form B. S. A. 8-6 93973 a. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ".xn. aea tqe .eno.-' By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matt, of ... ­mstrt­timg,,-melaying-&Ud -------------------- - --- ----- ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------- -- - ---- ---------------------------- -- -------------------------------------------- --- ------- - --- - -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- --- ------------------ aade, Preliminary Order________ 93�Q.2-------------------- pp,o-d ---- S�ejt,__2_1932 The Council of the City of Ptol having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby app—ed and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the natnre of the improvement which the Council —omme,d, is --- —tr-u t, -r lay 50 - --------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,,ith no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $___12Y.20____ R,a.1,ed Further, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement .. lh ------- lJ& ---------- day of at the hma, of 10 .',I -k A. M., io he Council Ch.mbe, of the Court Hoose ad City Hall Building in the City of St. P,A That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p,,,O,, and i, the n r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the natnre of the imp—memad the total to, thereof as estimated.Adopted by the C .... il ------------- 4 192---- Appoo-d ---------------------------- 192--- C ... e,lmmteehffk�"'� C ... Councilman: WeDmeefil C ... dl.m,eHmfg-a`- Councilman-SA gAirr- �.; ��r.ei C ...cil,mm-W&gAir- C ... cilmmagvv,d ?—` May- WIMP Form B. S. A. 8-6 93974 u�e vi . kre arae wur I.' urj! COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- -the- _to tlle.ridge --- ------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ---- -- --- ------- -- --- - ---------- .ad,, Preliminary Ord ---------- 9Z,500 -------------------approved --- ------------ Th, Council of the City of Paul having received the reportof the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,how improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the - hereby i, ... by pp .... d and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Th., the .—re of the improvement which the Council —.aaaterds i- -A.o—o, -t— lba-bsLUIL -over- -t�� a--Qhi aagn,- -M-Uytauke-Q,--&t-.-Zaul fi a_Raj.JwD4. -eAcjLpt -and- aurfLcLent- aUevsLlk;i--w43y- eL-i st, --- --------- ---------- --------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there ft. Resolved Further, That I public hearing be had on said improvement .. the______ 1st ---------day of -!Invemhe_r,-1932 ------ X92a-, at the hour of 10 ',I,,k A. M., it, the Council Ch,mher of the Court H—, and City 11,11 Building i, the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ... d,,ti,g to the F ... 01, and to the na—e, provided by the Charter, swing the time — and pi of hearing, the nature , the impr-cmC— id the total —t thereof estimated. 0 T gn? Adopted by the Council___ -- - ----------------- 192---- ^;r— ' ar - t,�l ------------- Approved________ ------------------- City Clerk. m:",mer — , M, � , I Councilman co.aci 7.7g-- m:., . ll Councilman lD4WId- m: C .. e.. Hdg"ff-.- Conseil Mayor WMN& A Farm B. S. A. 8-6 93975 °flpaa a„�a. °:a9e "ft re °a r tnaacui mp1.ie e� e� °iraa:oe: wo COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ �mor.v°.,, �., •oa aavm B e INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- ennstrnotSnq_B_sidewalk_nsL_the_xest_a)sle_of_ PA9g4;, Av_epue, heginnlnH_At__4181r_Str_ee t,_thence__south_ to_ the_ south_slde of the alley under Preliminary Order_________ 9349B ------------------- pproved __B]lQi_�4,__10? _____________ The Council of the City of Pant having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above mprovemem, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the sa me is hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement rs hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__J:OII9iS]1C�_e__sid9_wfllk _on_the__wrsL_side_a£_Yascal_A➢Anua_Regln_n>,ng s_t__Bls lr_ Stre et�_thenoe south _tn_S1a�_snuLh_s1r1e_�L_the_Allag,__9aGeRt_ wheI's_gGRfl_AASl_Augfic�ent__sidewalks ____________________________________________ ______________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is §__4QS_ n_S_ frt £t. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on 1he_______19.t--------- day of ➢'osemb---1-32------- IS2--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pant That the Commissioner of Finance give votive of said meeting to the persons and in thenner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ��T 4 Adopted by the Couvcil_�_________=h'E_______, 192____ Approved____________________________192___ ) — City Clerk. eoaneilma .Icoonnld Councilmatr Q4ap#t a +Inv Counailman,Z49I)gr}Idy Pm f Councilman Hodgla 1: Coandtmanp ,11-I l'rn..�a eonndtma11"Ey lyv,y». \ea oael MayvrAJ%jLgy. N.,--, , Form B. S. A. 8d 1 (.I 93976 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ..... ... . .... ... By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Matte, of --- nonslrnc C—t—l—A--t—th. -1 - sid.-nL-Ea.t ------------------------------------------------- ------- ----------------------------------------- ..dt, Preliminary O,der --------- qZ62.8 -------------------- ppl—d ---- SEPh.--2- 1 "2 ------------ Th, C .... if of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance p.. the ,b-, improvement, and having considered said report. hereby —.1' I. That the said report .,d the —, i, hereby pp .... d and adopted, �d the said improvement is hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C,,,,d] —m—ml, is__—trl ct-aidAvalk -L--t -th--h-ald—nx-yaat 21&—Pradu d-____________________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------- with — It .... ti—, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $--B M -------- R—J-d Further, That . public hearing be had m, ..id improvement .. the_______ lst ________day of N--I-r-_-l9Z2 ------- Jab— at th° boor of 10 o'clock A. M., m the Council Ch..b- of the C- 11 .... and City 11,11 Building i, the t'Citj.,f_S�,PP,, That the C.mmi,�i— of Fiance gw, notice of —d m-619 to the F-1., and in . _'!�'d h'. , %,tt­ t;dtmg the time ,d place of h_mg, the . the i.ptoyttImt�md the mt.] _t thereof �h' Adopted by the Council________________ _______ 192____ Appr—d ---------------------------- 192--- _Clllk. lf.y— C.— co—ijm—u'�M� C ... f Co... C ... 61-39PA." Pl. 1--y May-didobda F.,. B. S, & 8.6 y-1 a ° '. COUNCIL FILE NO t'"v""�°`°r'n.:°enr ..ee:• B INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1. the Matter of ----- r_nnstruating_s_sl3ewalk_extenainb_on_Yhe_ssS thwE.9f. AQrner oL-Laf,u fl_Stra t_e d__2 s L_9men'�__---- _-_ _____ ina Order --------__8349Q__---------- pprnved __AuS,____s_____-----__------ vnder Prelim ry __ 24 1932 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is bereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ..commends is____ CnI16_triw-t_9._91dewalk _raiensino__oiL_ihe_A51r tLBR.98_9QI'n@T__of_Laf_gnd_ _treet-an. 2ascal_Avenu a __________________________________________________________-_____________________-____._____-_____ ______________________________________-_________-_____._________________________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__14,40.______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had cm said improvement on the____1st----------- day of __Savemba _IA32____, max__, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Houseand City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to ehe pe , and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement' and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_x------ A__ti'2------- 192____ y/ Approved ------ ----1------------192--- (_-.4-/�"s•�-4----y eler . M nr. Councilman fajyygy,a� •1. In„m�d Councilman jwzWi44.n-s 21 u5 a wa.utmL �C -✓' �_ councilman AgDnnald• O r,.:vice Councilm:".' Qgepq Co..ci n r5>.dbAmeu Councilam — 1, _1 Mayor;eleon_ Form B. S. A. 86 - onye•��.K'in a..a CITY OF ST. PAUL .M1. `a' NO._._. .JJ7. 8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL R r6RAL FORM CO,t 4a tnbei 3 1931 RESOLVEO That upon the recommendation of S. 0. Hartwell, Superintendent of Schools, the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, Stiller -Dictaphone Typewriting Equipment for Room 27, Mechanic Arte High School, (which was installed on a four month. trial basis with no cost to the City, under C. F. No. 91576, approved January 30; 1932,)at a cost not to exceed $1622.85, payment to be made within thirty days after data of order, this amount to cover entire cost of installa- tion, without asking for competitive bide, as this equipment is patented and no advantage could be gained by advertising for bide. Charge Public Schools- Instruction Supplies- 15-G-6. COUNCILMI?� Yeas Nsy M" Donald Pearce __._.._..la favor Rosen .__.Against LA—i eu cr Mr. President Mahoney AdoPted by the Council _._�_.....,igg.._ 193. _ A rov d _ _.. ....193_ Mayor C 0 P Y Hon. J. M. Clancy, Purchasing Arent, City of St. Paul Minnesota Deer Mr. Clancy: St. Paul, September 29, 1932 On December 31, 1931 purcha as requisition #6435 was sent to the Purc haeing Department rsquesting the "f urnlehing and installing of 0111=_r-Dictaphons Type- writing in Room 27, ae per correspondence attached at a coat of $1622.85, to bs paid within 30 days after date of Installation." The purchasing agent at that time arranged instead a trial use without charge of the equipment indi- cated, under council resolution $91578, dated January 29, 1932, copy of which is attached. The working of the equipment is satisfactory, and we ars requesting that either the purchase requisition, which was withdrawn since the Item could not be Included in the 1931 payments be reinstated or the new purchase requisition which we are forwarding herewith, be honored. Yours very truly, (Signed) S.0. Hartwell, Superintendent Apdroved: (Signed) I. C. Pearce Commissioner of Education onUulm G.. ant CITY OF ST. PAUL u CO' NO._...IM79 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED: That the proper cl y officers be and they ere hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with George Sudeith, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of inJur- ies received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 14th day September 1932; be it Further Resolved, that in accordance with said agreement, the Proper city officer. are hereby authorized to pay to said George Sudeith the sum of $42.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his cla1m against the city, being for the Deriod to and includingf October 5, 1932. c a a-er w Roe�..an.. ed..ron.r �tt> Y..om- COUNCILMEN Na1'B Adoptedby the Cuaw UPl P7 193-,... Ap roved._. ...._ _ .193_... Rosen 'Ruex ....Ag i..t roe wa..sF Mr. President Mahaney a,a.,,o a... y39ti0 • CITY OF ST. PAUL cameo NO. .........._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C 7 RE/S�/QLUT101,1 NERAL FORM I -INTEO°rBYI /`tom( xM*cLmAx WHEREAS, Joseph Cocco, an employe of the Department of Public Work e, was injured in the course of his employment on the 4th day of June 1932, said injury being received by reason of his being struck by anautomobile driven by one George M. Robbins, and was wholly disabled for a period exceeding ten weeks, and WHEREAS, the City paid said Joseph Cocco as compensation part of the time he was totally disabled, namelyl1 for the period of ten weeks, at $12.00 per week, or a total of y120.00, and WHEREAS, said JosephCocco settled his claim against the said George M. Robbins before further compensation was paid,y and the Cityrs claim against the said George M. Robbins is $120.00, and WHEREAS, the said George M, Robbin e Ss now willing to re— imburse the City Sn the said sum of $120,00 but desires a releaee of claim from the City for paying over the said sum, and WHEREAS, the City has already received a releaseof claim from the employe, namely, Joseph Cocco, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel or one of his assistants Ss hereby authorized and directed to sign arelease, releasing the Bald George M. Robbins from any and all claims growinBbut of the Bald in, to said Joseph Cocco on June 4th, 1932, upon payment to the City by the said George M. Robbins oY um the sof $120.00.bl INoeW N " i° o7ury voi ar COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays/ Adopted by the Council._.__..,{(zT __. ;_ 1*93 ' MaDonnld v? Pearce ....... In favor Approved....._.._.._._.. _:,'.a ... ... .......193.. -'Rosen � i rt i�/ 14emx ....Against /.✓A�1 ....�r�.r.. :...:�v iv—i ibWy�[u.0 Mayor ((// Mr. President Mahoney em a-er--aaiSl'19I1d onotw.o an O... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...... _93%1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ES� 1 COUNCIL ROLUTION—GENERAL FORM var9E ...... _—'s.an_.. - _..�— RESOLVED , That the per. one named on the liste on file in the ",embers of the Election 9oarde" Binder in the office of the City Clerk and Cmmnlssloner of Registration are qualified voters in their reepeotive precincts and they are hereby appoint- ed Judges and clerks of election in their precincts in compliance with Section 359 of the Election Iaws of the state of 1.11nn... te, to serve at the Special City Election and the Can ... I Flection to be held in the City of St. Paul, Gi=esota, on Tuesday, November B, 1932 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay -41ii, d p.yrcc �Rcecn _ In favor .a ...'....5gnineL 3yeeeel- AM, P—id.nt Mahoney e. m.i-nr P•w ..�..�iul ° In. -11. .n le� mui.8ims. ma ei:.Le.1 .qv b.na�mevo, - »r.n L eaeia.`4e.. 4a pY9m°o a. cin,°..a.-. is ,a a. b.ia I No '�n. .ry..i om..ein Adopted by the Council.__. U�,:...._..... ��.......193...... App .... dd'.._. ...� ._ _.%..__ ...........193_ 9 a. a93982 CITY OF ST. PAUL v NO..... ...-....._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .5 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G' FORMP—EN-D By RESOLVED. That the compensation of Judges and clerk, of election ,ervirrg at the Spacial City Election and the General Election to be held on TLesday, November 8, 1932, in the City oC St. Paul, 1,'iru,e,ota, shall be fixed at $1..00 per day and the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit suoh claims on said basis upon certification of the City Clerk. COUNCILMIN Yeo, Nay, / iter ,McDonald v Psarcc Rosen 'taus¢ �Againet thrrad Mr. President Mahoney c rGryPia'er`x Hn'e r° v —_ 'y°i a lea."" 'Aul, vinnei"rc iG" � "1180 Merely aurporleea anb Ins oa ne rues.. eaA if ,Ee C`^.t'erY Ab,rov:a les'. se of cL e, 1n1. Adopted by the Council....-:y_c:. ... i IM193.,.._ .........193_... L- CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. _als/_K- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI ES OL [ON GENERAL FORM PRE—TD '/'�/J _ nre 1932 RESOLVED In the mat'.er grading Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Schaffer St. to Hartford Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 92880, approved June 28, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93503, approved August 30, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and speclfic�tions as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. c.:F.AN�a. 1Byltl—e a Nlltan Amee— nBhemell�eMY�en Ile>In 181¢ ✓G� lr o�Aasn'tmd 8luat eee.. U �'a` ` elr"�ilnelo, of aia% nne 1-13 e4 > h feE Ov 4' 14.a. B 1 YCiS eou rvelLM Ery Nz� Adopted by the Coun ell T l ..aq(19 ...r- - U cDonAd In favor 'u�• p, �, ! APProved 19 Pearce /� � /�ZhT• (//. i i Rm— Cl 6a� :r - mnvo 9eeill�.r� yd Mc. N—dcal 0. f4ie. l. .......01CITYOF ST. PAUL si.c c NO._.. 93994 • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 7 COUNCIL R/ SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 't—,,NTE0 Pe�y, on Oct._5�932 coMM SS or - -- - -- RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 20, Anna E. Ramseyls Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92513, approved June 22, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93455, approved August 23, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Yev eotrrveiLMary Nays Cmx%➢c 'hmax- A1s� ✓, MdD... Id L+ f—, Pc.— Roam % Againa. sxdWQH)btr WBBlLi Mr. P-2-1 Bsd4� 'F �0.a140a H 1 A y'H A ll E [.e..Y ala W: e Bt'uua 11 � a��A�JMtON CdB. Ivep6.�M'.2[e ePPl�ln�w .1 -Hn woys l els o:=o 1- Adoplcd by the Council 1-11 -. 1, IL 19 App,—d -_ 19 't4 1, MUINSTUOME RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL 'FILE OF CITY CLERK IIESOL TION—GENERAL FORM Oct.. 5, 1932_ In the matter of grading and paving an extension of Lafayette Ave. across Lafayette Bark from Grove St. to Locust St. as described under Preliminary Order C. F. 93310, approved August 9, 1932. nesolved, That the plans and specifications for this improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Resolved Further, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Y«. cou rvcicraary Nays :�@RSPy TR'R8A' McDonald 1. P.— R.— A,i- 557Wd.7k' AMSC M, P—id— B1mdkw e, n A 4n t— �zt au a ao..EAG"O rrlY a � e x3 ' �tM14C.vn41 Ocv G.1a<L wDv �,aM1�Octa�liifl OCT ` !qV Ad.p«d by 6E C ... cil 19 ..LF.ntl ppp A P �o.ed 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL r�Le NO._ -NESE ' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCJjTI RESOLUON—GENERAL FORM coM� sdFoNaAI%- L/ Oct. 5, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block 12, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to a point $90 ft. west of the west line of Griggs Street, also grading Alley in Block 12, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. r. 92535, approved May 26, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93291, approved August 9, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications • as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. R ia.r I ero° t.omt n e � . vgn m ,_ro Ysea�ae; .n�viuu Areee de 50 ^''-ne,. canoe° a Doer e�:el) o Yea. Co UICILMEN Nay, Adopmd by the Cote -1 ".7 9 10W Rd6Yd4 R2ttfl3F �JJ 11.. m- 14J< Approved McDo.ald V f favor / Pearce Rosen Against smuDE)OW WsBeBi— Mr. Preaid— Btemi}W , 11'. P,_<� O ORDINANCE — COUNCIL FILE NO. �/93987 ORDINANCE NO. / PR6ENTED�aY , An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7228, entitled "An ordinance providing rules and regulations for activities Upon and over the Municipal Airport; providing standard rates and chargee for storage and servioe on said airport; and requiring lessees to il Auugustrllth,e 930, " amended. This is aelling gasoline m emergency ordinance rendered neoeeear$. for the preservation of the public Peace, health and safety. THS COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOSS ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7228, approved August 11th, 1930, as aggnded, be and the same is hereby further amended by strik- ing out of Section 8,Item 1, under (A) Hanger Storage, the following: "Wing spread up to and including 30 feet #28.00 per month. For each additional llc.�r. °ea.";-ow°.,� or fraction thereof, 600 per month." - 4 n. and by inserting in lieu thereof the following:m°'° Aw A 411 —d- -750 "760 per foot wing spread per month.• - Sectlon 2. That said Ordinance NO. 7228 be and the same is hereby further amended so that Item 6 of Section 8 thereof shall read as follows: "Itam S. The Purchase of all gasoline and oils by tenants of or transient b�es aromthe 1 eMadef gasoline and oils, however, for teat purposes may be used upon securing permits from the Airport executive." Section 3. That said Ordinance No. 7228, as amended by Ordi- aanoe No. 7349, approved November 27, 1931, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out of Section 1 of Ordinance NO. 7349 the follow- ing: "(0) Dead Storage -The Commissioner of publrents space fors is dead storageaathmyzed to and all time when such space ae is not needed eof one - for tran:i ent storage, half of the hangar or ground storage specified in Paragraphs (A) and (B) above." And by inserting in lieu thereof the following: 5(0) Dead Storage - The Commissioner of Public Utilities is hereby authorized to rent space for deadstorage at any and all times when suoh :pace is not needed Yeas CounciLnen N.ys Passed by the Cnancil Iay _11��ppon°Id In Fn��r Penr�. .... ___.. Roecn ...\ Apnin.+l e P—id \Ir. Presidnt Attest: r ORDINAN�CEoDNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED --- (a) for transient storage, at a rate of two-thirds of the hangar or gr onnd storage specified in Paragraphs (A) and (B) above. ` Seotlon 4. X11 ordinances or parte of ordinances incon- eistent he revel th are hereby repealed. Section 5. This ordinance is hereby declared to b: an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas ('°uneilm°n �n�., 1'ersi�l l,,,h, C.1-11 tO... \Inv \I°D°nnld In F t°s _.... \ga Truax ins[ Wend -. - City Cluk CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPM d Ml—u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CLYDE R. MAY, Cnuuiwonu iouis laver 10 1 0 IG— October 19, 1932. 8__ Hon. Clyde R. May, Commissioner of Public Utilities, Office. Dear Commissioner! My reasons for suggesting the reduction of hangar rental rates at the Holmen Municipal Airport are as follows: On small planes our rate is from $6.00 to $10.00 I. excess of the rate charged at Minneapolis, while in the larger claas of planes the rate is lower. I made several attempt. lsat Spring to secure the cooperation of the operators of hangars at the Wold Chamberlin Municipal Airport at Minneapolis in establishing a uniform rate for the Twin Cities, but without success. While the change I have suggested may be a few dollars mare per month, in some oases over the Minneapolis rate, on the larger type of planes our rate would be lose, and in establishing a straight rate of 70¢ per foot,no partiality would be shown my of our tenants. I believe this reduction in rental will have the effect of increasing a number of private plane owners as general conditions throughout the country improve. After consulting the Department of Commerce reports as to rates and charges throughout the country, I find that the new rate which we have proposed will oempare favorably with other Porte with,perhaps, the exception of a few of tun larger cities whose rate Is much higher. As to the ordinance in regard to the servicing of gasoline mud 011e, will say that if tenants or operators were permitted to bring in their own, it would materially cut down the revenue, which will be s considerable item In the near future, and it is the policy of the major Porte throughout the country to receive their percentage from the sales of the above products mentioned. Respeotflully, P®S"®P® GIRT MASTER caterer w the a .m CITY OF "SAINT PAUL GPial of MI—ts DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES CLYDE R. MAY, C—Won.+ SL October 19, 1932. Hoa. Clyde R. May, Commissioner of Public Utilities, Office. Dear Commissioner: My reasons for suggesting the reduction of hsaQar rental rates at the Holmen Municipal Airport are as fol wet On small planes our rate is from $6.00 to $10,00 in excess of the rate charged at Minneapolis, while in the larger class of planes the rate is lower. I made several attempts last Spring to secure the cooperation of the operators of hangars at the Wold Chamberlin Municipal Airport at Minneapolis in ea tabllshing a uniform rate for the Twin Cities, but without success. While the obangs I have suggested may be a few dollars more per month, in some oases over the Minneapolis rate, on the larger type of planes our rate would be less, and in establishing a straight rate of 700 per foot,no partiality would be shown any of our tenants, I believe this reduction in rental will have the effect of increasing a number of private plane owners as general conditions throughout the country improve. After consulting the Department of Commerce reports as to rates and charges throughout the country, I find that the new rate which we have proposed will compare favorably with other Porte with,perhaps, the exception of a few of the larger cities whose rate is much higher. Asto the ordinance in regard to the servicing of gasoline and oils, will say that if tenants or operators were permitted to bring in their own, it would materially out down the revenue, which will be a considerable item in the near future, and it is the policy of the mayor Porte throughout the country to receive their percentage from the sales of the above products mentioned. Respectfully, pSA®pAU WQ� y} AIRPORT MA3TER V [o°r' Ga�<war W Ne G[ce[ Nvnhv<e[ _ 3986 CITY OF ST. PAUL }}r� ianf h�y"R^•a�--•[• • Np.I �LL a t'rL'iN�r[1 OFFICE OF THE CITY MOIL R60LUTION—G �, • i,yy�gG�1IV I ,•� � t ClutFr��9Yn<p RaSOLveo TpaS there be and !e hexeDy levied for the support of the Tar depnrtmente of the City of at. Paul government end of the special school district of said Oity, upon all. the property tenable therefor in the City of at. Paul, for eacb Oherter Fund, ate: for the year 1933 in an ea hrelnual to the recited end setlfortD. after dednoSl- Sag therefrom the amount Solloxeoellaneone Receipts of the City as be re in recited, being as hmd Ro Cberter yund —i Sty Officers, Salaries . yayor�e Offloe 4 City Olert 0otmeel 5 Ocotingent Hund S Tinsno8 Oomnis sinner 7-8-9 Public Safety Adminietrstlon 7 Polios a Fire 7-8 Police and Tire Signal Service 9 Health 10 publlo Uorke 11 Street Oonatruotion and Repair 12"t;13 :r.tOend Seewer paou and ir Meaning 14 BridgeRepair 15 Pu1,110 Schools 18 Public 1.ibrarY 17 Auditorium 18 public Parke auda 19 Public Play gr 20 Public .O; 21 Publio Utilities 22 Pub110 Lighting 23 iat er Department 24 Board of Public-elfare 25 City Hall and Court House 28 Interdst 27 Sinking Hund 28 Redemption of Bonds C0 'C Y ne II.M / Yeas Neye Ma Mc o Id nrce : Roser A6ainst �rvenv 1 Mr President fnhoney 71,a 14.00 30,810.00 881,151.00 947,377.00 58,544.00 105,9.1.00 1117,200.00 108,725.00 .8,144.00 230,277.00 27,870.00 3,170,847.00 221,711.00 11a,os9.00 115,249.00 49,341.00 41,859.00 59,381.00 235,168.00 1,070,491.01 300,000.00 53,043.00 1,291,798.00 350,000.00 585,000.00 Adopte7Yth vcrl _ .......193... d _.. ._...193_... .. ._ . ... Mayor a iCITY OF Sf. PAUL ,u NO...._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM comri"loNew —TE. amaaeox (2 ) rund No, 29 Judgment and Compromise j 5,000.00 30 Oomptrollerre Office 49,790.00 31 General hmd 8 5 OB .00 Total, 11,0 ,5 5.00 Plus Shrinkage in Rax Collections, 225,000.00 1 72 ,5 5.00 LeesGeneral Revenue Receipts, . . 2 879, 053,00 1933 fax Levy . . . . . . . . . . ,41 532.00 And the 01 ty Clerk is her directed to certify a oopy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1933 to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeen Nayn U ' ua)', L,( I'enrre '/ I', fnrur /Itowen / �I'mnx ARnn•t �Wunvd President Mahoney Adapted by the('oun l_ JIC1 r 10 _193_ , App"—,d-- ..103 YUdLIYH1'%0 •, _..f. ,3 � ;'- Mnyor onmu�mav a..a CITY OF ST. PAUL .`uNO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION— GENERAL FORM PaeaEMED B14 %.•iLil� i RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the fa mof contract anheit Led for the furnishing by the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company of certain telephone services and facilities for the nen Court House and City Hall for the period of five years and does hereby authorise the proper city officer, to execute said contract on behalf of the City. te8 m° °s,q a za,e��.fiOS`$:au`-I I ° sa.oe w aou.r..a car n.`civti ro COUNCILMEN Adopted by LhC e ouncil._.......-uv _ it tO`af93 Yew Neye ... ..... fe,c, )TT. A ed........ icst Ir Mayor Wenzel ��- Mr. Pre,idf-t Mehoa ` °�P°°`° �••• /y� CITY OF ST. PAUL w� NO.. y3yy0 TH ®PF'OF E RCITY CLERK ESOLUTION—GEN ERAL FORM P—EWD RESOLVED The the 0ounc 11 hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee in releasing E. T. Webster from obligation ,Ader Formal Bid No. 8881 for the cOnetruc tion Of fl -ewer on Pascal Ave. from Charles St. to a point 61 feet south of Edmund 8t., the amount Of his bid being $647.00, the committee being satisfied that the mistake fle rec>lited in his letter of September 30, 1933, copy of which Se attached, we made, the Engineer's Estimate for the Job being $766.00. This procedure has been approved by the Corporation Counsel and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to return the certified check given with E. T. Webst er'e bid, and Be it further reeo lead that the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and eej sc to all bide received for this work, the neat lowest bid being $950.00, con— siderably ab Ove the estimate, and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to do said work by Force Account, procuring all -necessary materials through the Purchasing Department, as provided by the Charter. Fig. #8881. CODNCILMI?N yym N.y. Adop �Roscn O�'ri cty ..".._".... Against Ly N Wenzel --4 Mr. Prvaident Mahuncy App ed __ ___ ._ 193_- Mayor t• 0 0 P Y at. Paul, Minn. Sept. 30, 1833 Mr, J. M. Clancy, g=obasing Agent, Saidt.Paul, Minn. Desr elri In making my bid out on the Pascal St. Sewer from Oharles St. to Edmund St. I matte a mistake and figured on twelve. Inch pipe instead of 24 Inch pipe and it could not be installed in using 24 inch pipe inetsad of 12 Inch pipe without a lose,. go I would kindly ask"pou to .cancel my bid and .return my check. Allowing me to thank you In advance, I remain Yours , (Signed) S. T. webs -ter, CITY OF ST. PAUL No.93991 OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COMM RESOLVED : That Board of Plater Commissioners be and it is hereby althorized to enter into an agreement with Martin OlOonnor, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Board of Water Commissioners, on the 19th day I; of September 1932; be it FDRTHHR RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Martin OlOonnor the sum of $35.20 out of the Water Depart- ment Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including October 3rd, 1932. A4.., ACorp. at n Co lel. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Cenncil........_O-,._.. __'1..1593 Yee¢ Ne� _.... �71A4n� .i 5 zpearee ] f vor ��ovsd -.. __.. 193__ T. Tr+u1e- ..� ._. Ag¢inet � _ Meyu ,Weovel J er a -a, /,M,. President M¢hooey onUv.r �. oo o.ee CITY OF Sr. PAWL en NO.... __.e93992 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 C ..CIL R6 LUTION —GENERAL FORM PR 1 ' _ r,.�9c tobex 7. 1.932 RESOLVED That the Purchs Bing Agent be, and he Se hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, four Standard r D. E, F-3 Elec tic Receipt Machines for the Department of Finance, guaranteed to fit space p ... lled for them in the new Court Rouse .f $320.00, lees an ellowance of $100.00 for counter at e cost o four hand machines to be taken in trade, making the total cost not to exceed $220.00, f.o.b. Dayton, Ohio, without asking for and no competitive b1de, " these machines are patented articles advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Finance Commleeloner- Office Expense 6-A-3 W Rdz IkptlM0eE1 4 Y U N iD < OLDVIOe�E. eWe 'I mta Dt, iv Y n dm N rrSv Oe IA. �+uY1r�uCtee cv out aADI 1 �:. mea -m We I� s suDteE Ole I e bY. EerLLDe P�vuO ,EeC ml�I ��loves•-0Nve-�vene'�e A•v 1 wpvieve a OtG� Cwe v11 Oct i. � t r6 9af) COUNCILMEN / Adopted by the Council .: ... ......................_198_... ... Y.. N.Y. /(yleY 4410-1d v.. favor A/�.. Pearce _ -In Rosen �......Agninet Gi'Y -: I. � �. 1Mayor Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney ......0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL ESOLUTION—GENE L FORM Com Miss o°rvaa /-)_rS{;;,00O}yy1(([vv� _ DATE _October 7 h_193P `f ll �. RESOLVED That the plat of HaIserls Subdivision, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public "orks, be and the same is hereby accepted. ButL.vl9t.ri ', M� 0>. tee in I. D�E?�l10� pct. 9,'999 iEAo.m�a�Oat Pl39Y 1 OCT Y_courvcicmery Nay/ Adopud by nc� Cow 61 19 Eswe� l m.y ➢eeD...ld �.: In (a.or k h. N. APP—d _ I9 Pca.0 Cly ' ).E41r "> Roacn Agaimr J c�-2-- - - ---' MAYOR- . Mr. N—d—aMRikt 1 orr ce or Twe <oM NO. - �� couwuLMew .."v uL� COUNCIL NLfOLUTION ' AUDITED CLAIMS o°t •.,...,w.T ��.......,�... weso�vso .". .. onl.l IN 4 111. �..» "o Maw ..,"w O7°�, d �,o- 9440➢"_ TOTAL .. IN FAVOR OF e."e.." •�" • Welfare 589 101. 9348Board 9349 of Public Wm. Perry II10 4 W 26 45 9350 A. L. stenographic Bureau N 491 604 9351 9352 Jennings D. McLellan Edward J. O'Regan 50 OO 4 9353 James Edwards ��. 28 80''. 24 00 Charles E. O'Connor 30 00 9352 Mr e. Ann F. Cemplon Milton Rosen, Com. of Flnanoe 11 472 23' 935 Com. of FSnanoei, 4 330 9357 Milton Rosen, i 00' 9358 Clara Asmold 30 00 9359 Helen Sullivan for the Prev. of Cruetly 200 00'. 0 9360 3coiaty ii 00'' 9361 Specialty Printing Co. 40 001 9362 Catherine M. Claugherty p 28 28 9363 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 17 28 9364 Yrs. Anna Schneider Rosen, Co.. c Finance 61 6 Milton uyp 1 20 0 9365 47 11 9367 55 00 9368 bob 1]. 17� 9369 9370 550 11 542 a9' 9371 9373 " 5 261 ao' 9374 Capital City Lime & Cement co. Mfg. Co. 9 93 142 93 937 Capitol stats Ino. 8 55 9375 Corning Donohue Supply Co. ° 14 70'� 9376 Elvgren Paint loa 7s'. 9377 A. 0. Horn co. Co. 125 441 9378 Jack; Manufaotuzing material co, 9379 St. Paul Builders 11 271 9j 80 G. Sommers & Co. p84 74 9381 G. H. Tennant Co. 22 56 9382 Twin City Brick Co. 26 293 91 932 Board of Public Welfare H. T. Goodrich I j] 09 93Sµ 93g5 Mre. J. M. Morgenthaler Powers15 �. 45 oo 9386 8] Marguerite Milton Rosen, Co.:of Finance 1 • 93 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance Kelly 582 32.. 107 10�: 9933gag9 Pat strane 182 70' gj90 For & Shepley Inc. 30 345 00'. 9391 93932 Biel ding Milton Rosen, Co..of Tlnanoe'. 5rj 00 Print Co.� 924 76 116 76, l 939 4 9t. Paul Blue 22 9395 University Radiator Co. 20 2 216 9396 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 8 9397 Up le. St. Paul & Sault ?t. YaF1e By Co. 32 00 9398 Mr. David Bashefkin 3187 9499 Milton Rosen, Com. oS Finance, g9 9400 Davie & Legerman ,; I 4 tkr ,. .,. sweeT TOTn�-voww.wo �11 �'-5 FIN C ' 1 Council File N0......._.:�t]w7w711 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEJa r7:1.ut�y - .I and 0-11i.ir(er�' o'aai'fer:.Ot� PRELIMINARY ORDER. i' Las �[ot5 The uad,migved hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement byy tMev ltyEt'St:'PeW, via: Widening the intersection of Ninth St. and Robert St. by adding tharsto -a triangular -piece -of- -land -4n-tht, northerly --corner-of that--.._.... ghFt__of lot. l,_..Block _14, Roberts and Randall Is Addition, lying southwest of the present southwesterly line of -Robert St:- saYfl trian gttlar-p4eue- Ing. fi Peet -on the...pr went snuthdffatl3s].X_l.�,ae_ Of Robert St. and 5.06 ft. on the southeasterly line of Ninth St. .. .- ....._ _... -. ... ... ... ..___ _..._. Dated this 7tp ._...day or __... October,.. 1932 — .1 l PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the followm8� t, vu.: WSdening the intersection of Ninth St. and Ro�ert St, by adding thereto a--triangular-yFie -oqf....land__in-G2te•-northerlg-os, v -..of -.khat -.part. -of........ _ lot _l, Block 14, -Roberts and Randall I Addition, lying southwest of the pesent soutfiwasterZy 7lne 6T-Robert-Zt. �"5a d triangutar-pSece uP---- jrand-measuring..fi..it._..on...Lhe_.paeS.enL.souttAw.e,St@i.ly. line_ of. Robert. St. and 5.06 ft. on the southefisterly line of Ninth St. having been prevented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..........._...._...._.-__._..............._...._____._........._..._.._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the —ity for, or desirability of, the malting of amid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and anUmeted coat of eaid improveamut jd the tot.] coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or at said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere b. To report upon x11 of the foregoing mattere totheCommunion, of Pioneer. Adopted by the ComciL_..__._._..._.._.__-.(3�,T..__�_.1�7 -- --------- Y-. N— councilman mmm sr� Mar Approved......__....._5?r:.�.......:._�Q___...._..__...___ Pewace Rosea 8n»svou Wenzel ..................... _ .._.. M. r.. c w u nu wo Pa-m—/µCl P J ayor. LENS �11SIrEp Ty_!—' 4y -�% NO.. _93996 CITU OF ST. PAUL ,W OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Council Tile No. 93832, approved September 28th, 1933, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out the following: ` -Lester R. Diamond, Teela F. Richards and William Schnitz, oo-part- ners doing business under the firm name and style of Diamond h Richards,' and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: 'Lester R. Diamond and William Schultz, oo-partnere doing business under the firm name and style of Diamond h Schultz.' P COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays / /May /!/// -McDard /P-- _._..._..I t ..r Ruaen 4i.mx /_..._..Agniuet Nreeseh— w n / Mr. President Mahoney 13 N InGd Clbay(aFQR�Il�,,d evdW llUlim� 0 46e ap_41 ria tieing 1 .. eb Iti ei RµnL 'mG� IWm� ecnAWt., rn-Rvin GnIP�F;:: 81'ewt lne rILL a oNE a D i -set: e ,_a. a BnC locC 16-18af) AdopC d by the Council., -9.1911193...... i -IT. APP l l i:. .........193.... Mayor CITY OF ST PAUL ..ce NO--qW7 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM gRB ! —__ o". 40SobeL4�19j2..— RESOLVED „I OpRea. a�vPvl bs i� ao vatu�at pbe W a �tiwe�il ai ove"i!e!��nve earfevt w: enTd y� votoe°va°bou i �' aau at i, u " w`at't um That the Yorthern States Power Company be given permission to met one 40 foot pole on the southwest corner Albert and Sargent with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. Estimate #17096, �o�N�ItMFN OU Im;, Y— Naye Adoprcd by 6, Council .... ld In favac .. '('.� `•( AP ;row 19 P c.rcc Ro,cv._. Againrt MAYOR Mr. Pcc,idcvt $e,rdlk oFF�ce of T�E �oMeTaa��ea . �e o. �o�a�,�MEa_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION oA AUDITED CLAIMSS ocpyt�. 32 fcav9e Z7, c K e . we Ma..aEs.*.�o,.E. .o rye sense .c.ecKs n,,,.nEne nc�uz .c..s mrno�cA TOTAL q FAVOR OF e�ceKs enceKs ar n.nn e tl111 245 81 _ 9401 Milton Rosen, comof Finance Stow & Davis Furniture Co. r 1 110 501 8 0052 13, 9402 Co. Inc. 9403 940044 Pan Hoven 11m. Eberta 314 60 tom. Eberts 574 86. 940 9406 Milton Rosen, Ow. of Finance 3 00 9407 9408 George Sudblth Dainty Products Co. - k2 4 7 13 Cooper & Co. 65 42 9409 Griggs Candy Co. Inc. 671 65 9410 9411 Hersobler Martin 01 Connor 5 20 9412 Donald Quirk 5 00 8 50 9413 9414 Acme staple Co. -AD- Big.- Inc. 5 9990 9415 Ahlberg Bearing Co. H. C. Boyeson Co. 16 48 9416 9417 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Co. q 55 9418 American Gas Accumulator Co. 104 010 9419 American Library Association 14 50 9420 American Linen supply Co. 21 75 9421 G. A. Ashton Co. 52 50 9422 Ballard Storage & Transfer Co. Ino, 1 10 go 9423 S. F. Bowser 8 Oo. Braunlg & Sone Baking Co. 36 06 9424 9425 Burnitol Mfg. Co., 153 25 259 44 9426 Buffalo Forge co. 75 9427 The Business Educator 15 36 9428 9429 Cleveland Container Co. Chicago Journal of Commerce 15 00 6699 9430 Cities Service Cil Co. Cochran Si gent 00. 17945 40 9432 9433 The •eolumbla Alkali co. G% 110 1 53 1 059 00 9434 9435 Correct English Bar Co. Crescent Creamery Co. 90 00 36 00 9436 District state Solier Inspec. 211 35 9437 The Edward Valve & Mfg. Co. 230 15 9438 Egry Register 0o. 11 399 94 9 9440 Farwell O=un %irk & Co. Farwell ozmun Kirk & Co. 551 9441 45 • 9442 4 94�+ y M + . + ^ „ 5 216 64 63 41 4 9445 Gaagl & Co. 21 2� 40 74, 9446 General Electric Supply Corp. 9447 General Electric Supply Corp. 52 19 9448 General Motors Truck Co. Inc. 145 24 9449 Gruber Auto Electric Co. 218 15 9450 -q. J. Haas Mfg. Co. 10 00, 9451 R. E. Hulme Awning & shade Co. 9453 9452 Ineti tute of Traffic 'engineers 2 00 Jim's Key Shop Auto spring Co. 94 945 Kremer Co. 25 B1 9455 F. G. Leslie Paper 564 9456 9457 Liner Broom co. Al. J. Louie -50 9488 F,q T. P. Lowe & Co. H. Peitz & son 280 r q4 99 60 nn Parfec t3 T}Tpe Jo. 5� 75. sneer roTn�—roAwwrxo B127 424 82,, onai.�,. an aQY I CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.0 NO.. 93999 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO/t/� LOTION -la EN ERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he 1s hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one $105011 Crankcase, upper half, assembled with #12530 crank, bearing. and rear supporting Stud #5212, together with gaskets, pecking felt and rod bearing shims for the Fire Department, at a total cost not to exceed $868.86, without asking for competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained 'thereby. Charge Fire Fund -Repair Parte R Materials- 8-0-6 COUNCILMEN pass Neye /May N/ �j/ �en.ee . __..__._.In ra•,na R.— /� '5— ....:.D_....Agai.t R_"_ Mr. President Muhovey C. F. Ne. aav a-sY rasa. R.-�k{I IR, vei#:ior°''alel�°�1`aae a e°o4.�eewt;d m m a mLl 'Cage"e' Rp4 ArU. =P=d'Iayoo a•16af]Yl Adopted by the Council. _.. .. ....._... R....193...... r . c Y�cUTT, i �iHa v,v,....e ... ...,. CITY OF ST. PAUL ri.t . NO.94()00_ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK UN L RESOLU TI —GENERAL FORM g Oct. 11, 1932 RESOLVED l In the matter of grading Alley in Block 1, Kingls Arcade Park from Walsh Avenue to North and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheelock Parkway, also construct a sewer in the North and South Alley from a point 20 feet north of the north line of Denny Street to connect with the sewer in Denny Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92505, approved June 21, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93501, approved August 30, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. /�. 3 lhSn Yt t 1� Ink X11 Ye1yH1 .Iy''. 1 v $Yywraa3y0.y. 1knN �1pW8, d.'w6Y �l� Rw t /�1/\-//'ryAU OVN� a etv bonnet � d 1 •I v yr Bf9m1fiB0� C'>>l. I to+w v � . i0.b 5➢1. ' tlO1. Hoyt, e P TAst ;vv. and peel- �j n nmlwine ten ceAa o- I I " G vM n Sc e '�u°.�o 8 on 3 6 of aee Bn. CourvuLMeN be- . Yeas Nay/. Adopmd by the Council___ 19 i=uags 'DwBs� McDonald .i In fa.or APptovcd._1I(' I I1. Pcatce WM. Ro.en Againar _.. ____._ --- --1n AYo .... * Wenzel 1 Mr. Prc.idmt B—dim o.a....o c... aa.. CITY OF ST. PAUL r�ca a NO -440(H OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pecSCNTso. ey ,A -/ ATE_ Oct. 11 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 7, Ruth Livingston Second Addition, and Block 2, Ruth Livingston Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89029, approved May 5, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 89735, approved August 10, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Lyl y�e BecOn�A GN k 4aR th' 8W L nb lOd np . �- wmMpty Olb� b�I C� ova �I wrAtl ted e 0 .}Ytp: App b 10 SIi6 n COUNCILMEN iw Nay, Adopted by the CpunACT .11. ----19---- >�' 1'TRt;� ff11 /1'.�TT tt g�yypp May WM. F. S' .l :, App .... d_i!Y.L1Jl-pips _._-19 _.._ McDonald In fa.or CITS I'.. Pcarcc gy _. Rmcn (/ Against Sed61[. Wenzel M, P—id— D..ibc 4,H,"ti y 94002 CCOOUUNNCIL E NO. IF O�IN NDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of ---- peniug-,_widening-and_ E,3tROding_ aod- conoacting_ the_ alleys in blockbounded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth St., Randolph St. and Suno St. Ivry m .rvsn®m. ° pw woom°e. 93270 approved---- - ugust_4th,_ 1932._____ under Preliminary Order____________________, Intermediary Order_______ 2307_______________ approved ------ iep-temhu-14th -IM. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and m recomendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same 8therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul thlt the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to connect existing alleys. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That thefollowing land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: The South 30 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot 8, Block 1 Huckhoutts Re Of Moore's Addition, and in addition thereto two triangular pieces of property mea wring 10 feet we 10 feet south from Northeast earner Lot 22, Block Cole's Re of Blocks 1 and 2, and Sub, and Enlargement of Bloc 3, and 10 £t. east and 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Wetsonts 2nd Addition. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public Works be and is hereby structed d directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council__. -_S___' _____________________ 19__ Approved ---------- '___F!K'-------- , 19____1 1 councilman M Councilman > Vegp Councilman McDonald Councilman Pon— 'd ears - Councilman SwHwi,eer "-�- Mayor WATSONS 2,4-ADD.BLKA BUCKOUTS RE of MOORES ADD.BLK.I - COLE5 REor BL@Ia265UB.a ENL'w BL3 COLES RANDOLPH STS PLEASANT AVE.ADD.BL.I Pleasant A--Chafsworfh N. OPENING re— al Engineers July 27 1932 loo L pl RANDOLPH ST. il.l„ox F ii io s tiF �r a: a s z i °, I 4lec s I a Q XPi ss�2-iz i li � a =oois COLES RE.or BL1116z2,a o Q W N ,c ie re zo zf '. zz AI,R I I R 7 the s is g Q J i- CILJ 11 V �o aSUB.&,ENLTOFBL.3i�� JUNO ST. sousx cnone-- PleosonlChahwarlh OPENING N. -a Boek 1215 .1]6 TT OFa F DEPARTMENT OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMAIIISSIbNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) TN n block It, rile bounded byaPleasant, Chatsworthand xSt., Randtending olph St. and Juno St-, by connecting the allays i condemning and taking the followin� land: the south 30 St oY lot 1, and lot 8, blk 1, Btic klrout's Re. of Ikoore s Addition and in ad it on thereto two triangular pieces of property measuring 10 ft . west and 10 ft. south from northe:.st corner of lot 22, blk 1, Cole's Re. of Blocks 1 aOn nd 2, and Sub. and Enlarge- blktl fWats n(sanndlAdd. as shownst donOblue print on f Slethe inWthecorn Cityer oClerk's� Office, wader preliminary Order approved August 4, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commusmner of Finance hereby reports as follows: ted a t of the a nt for the above mprovcm<nt ,e -- The total cat,ma moon ,se„me $ — The estimated coat per foot for the aboae mprovement �a - - - or sed benefit, for such impro and the assessed valuatwn of each lot The lot, or Part'[' of land that may be oases vemc , parcel as last rrp.-d by the A—,—,a as follow,. oascnirnoN 11T -- noomoN LandA`--%j'dg Lot 1 and E. 19 ft of 2 1 Addktouthe Cityo0 StrPaul 450 1800 8 1 200 7 1 Watson's 2nd Add to the 200 City of St. Paul, Ramsey Co.,Yinn. 22 1 Cole's Re. of blk 1 and blk.200 3500 2 and Sub. and En-argement of Blk.3 of his Randolph St. and Pleasant Ave. Ad:i, to St. Paul 1050 5300 The Commueioner of Finance further reporn that he hoe mveatigated all of the aforcaai6 rest -1, and hereby aubmi a the forcHoing ae hie report the=. o the Council, together with the report made orhim reference to ,aid matter by the Commi,nioncr of Public Works. Dated --19 3 2--- ���—miecof Finance. St. Paul, Minn..... _. ..192.. 1 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: y , e �� Honorable Wq the undersigned pro�ynahereb t ya�t' Body to cause the following imp�nmvems e'�cvs.��t- w �J7 ��os�"✓G. _fix. A— to C`o�s arch F4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 3, L932 193 F. the Oot ue,4,Oe of Hole, of the City of St. 1' 'the Commimionor of I'oblic 1Yorks, hnviog hod ooder coneidernoon the prA mu _ order of the August 4, 1932 193 elnGve to t'onm 1, known m Couneil File No, 93270 'ipm"'and connecting the alleys in opening, widening and extending, block bounded by Pleasant, Chatsworth, Randolph and Juno St. by condemning and takin the following land: The south 30 ft. of lot 1 and lot 8, Rucl ut's Ae. of fdoore', Add., and i10af�iti est thereto two triangular pieces of property measurSng w and 10 ft. south from N.r; corner of lot 22, Coles Re. of and l0 ft. 2 and south south froma theNWacornertoff lotk7,I. $Wetnson'0 2nd Add. ft. east o and having inveetigoted Wrc monl nod Mop refrrred to therein, herohy reporle: 1. 5nid improvement i, ,--y y end (or) rlcnirnhle. 2. The eetimntcd coat thereof ie S. x][xxxx and the total coat thereof ie F nod the 011ie. and extent of said improvement ie m fo11.,O, 3. A plan, profile or sketch of enid improvement ie hereto otnehed end mode n port hereof. 4. 5. 9nid improvomen tie looked for upon petition of three or mor, owners of property, euhjecl to oseeaemcot for enid improvement. "- - one of V� 94003 COUNCIL FILE N0. •�� °ere By.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of changing the grades of All-,. in Block 4, Idacalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury avenue and of Asbury Avenue from :d shall Avenue to Iglehart Avrnue to conform to the red linea on the profil ca hereto attached and male a hart here- of, the anesent established grades he'. nn shown by the blue linea tl:erecn, also gradin$ Alley_ L2 i31pclz 4 -,-_Seca le stor Vim^ and Block 3, Adam's Addltion� moron Paeos1 a to Asbury venue mn' '-sbury Avenue from Msrshall Avenue to ­nus A_ uo to the oronosed red 11ne cher established, e154_chanrt_teg the sIde,elk grade an the north aide of Marshall Avenue fr m a point 150 feet east Of the center I Sne of Asbury Avenue to a point 100 feet west of the center line of Asbury Avenue, and m.-rading is area betweenthe curb and property line betwe on the abov e a ed 1 ts, makint"i7leneees snry changes in the aidewalk and hydrants and other water works nnpurtenance. to con- formtb the "reposed ehange In the sidewalk .^.rade. pT:ll�'25y in¢4 Cfroi ane � provement to be made by the said City is chnn�e the ;radea of Alloy in Block 4, blooaleater V! w and ;clock 3, `dam a AV tion, Prom Pastel Avenue to '�Ntiry Avenue, and of Asbury Avenue from Mars'�sll +venue to Igle`'art Avenue to conform to the, red linea on the profiles hereto attached and made a parte reof, the orosert established grades balm shown by the blue 'line: thereon, also grade alloy in Block 4, Mnoalest - Vic-, and B1 ak 3 Adam's Nddltlpn_._�i9m.3e,E&n1�Leflnuflls_�1sbv_r3 ,.venue, and imporaiy approach ob. AebWV Ave. from alley to Iglehart Ave., thle being the wish o4 the property owners present. �c1 iii — Approved. -...._ - _—_..- -.... -... Ceuncilma%kiwaw plc pone Id C. Couacllmar�i-er�u� e1"� Co..eitmaryAWN-e-w- if CouacllmanGilj� u<°fit Mayor dips—`Fors B. S. A. 8-7 ui �j PUBLISHED�v�/� i under Preliminary Order . 83321-- -- --- approved August 10,- 1932 -_.._9ppro d Intermediary O -. — .._- A public hearing having beenn had had upon the abovemp ovemeth re due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ------ -- -- charl!tte the grades of Alloy in Block 4, Mncaleater Vi w and Mock 3, ademrs AddT tion, from Pasonl Avenue to '.sbury Averue, and of Asbury Avenue from tlare'iall +venue to Igle^art Avenue to ennform to the red lines an the profiles hereto attached Ind made s part 'hvrcof, the Drosent 'stablished grades Seim shown by the blue :ins, thereon, also 17rade.�all�loy in Block + M,onlest View and dlnok 3, Adam's Adsot,yQn.._iu++u..FaeDaL-lYflnli@-..T.4-AAhIlr7 Avenue, andtuoporary aPPraach on AsDnty Ave. from alley to Iglebart Ave., this Deing the wish of the property owners Present. ity Clc r---tq $ �C? 11'� Approved. - -_._—_ 192- _,1 Plc Uooaid - Councilma�Yras>s Play Counailon P„n.ce j PUBLISHED �//// Councilma it„eeo ) / ✓ Councilman g.� �/ / Conacilman' Afayordiislsnss r~ ­ PEPA RTMENs.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' �(G� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J (A) lit In the matter of oh•sging the grade of 111eyin "loon" 4- from Varahall Ave B• toIgleS. Mhr.. l It troy paesal Ave. to Asbury Ave. andOf hereo, the anform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attwded and -d- also gradingfAlley In present established grades olag 3hosnA�se Add. fr-pa...I A— to Asbury Ave• end Asbury Blk. 4, g•o•lester Vies and Blk. S, propose Ave• from, yareholl Ave. to Iglehart Artto h eideof Marshall rAye11P os, An pt -1601 ft- dg also the .hanging the sidea•lk grade on. he nt. 100 ft. we et of the venter line of Asbury Ave., and enter line of Asbury Ave. to u rt line hot--- the above stated limits, regrading the Area bot e°n the o rb sad property urtaoanos 'king the asoaesory ohanges Sa the sidewalk and hydrants and other water works a pp to eonfora to the proposed eh-ge is thesidswalk grade. under Preliminary Order approved August 10, 1932 To the Council of the City of Se Paol: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f0110wa: _ i 1.616.82 t for the above -pro The wtal estjmat<d ..._t f!t of the asses.men vc mcnt is 6 3.18 The esumated cost periA for the above mpr0vement �a . - of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such impro�em and the assesacd valgaton parcel as I., ­ I, by the Assessor, are a, follows. oe. oE=CR —ON 0„ Ano,. oN ll:na �^ B�°rg. 1 4 Yaoaleeter Vies, pan, CSly 800 2160 gest 60 ft of_- of .d. ° 660 3100 2 end (Rxo. g. 60 ft) 1 4 do Lot 6 4 do 460 1360 4 4 do 460 1800 6 4 do 460 1460 6 4 do 460 2480 460 2800 7 4 do 8 4 do 480 2700 8 4 do 460 10 4 do 460 wrbPv REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) oescwiarion cot ewcx woo�t�Ow y �oR i 11 lhoolet- Plow ldd to the 480 1600 Oity of Saint Peal 18 4 480 ' 13 4 do 800 1350 14 4 do 800 100 16 4 do 500 150 , 18 4 do 800 Lot 17 and * } of 16 4 do 200 660 Lot 10 0.d 1 } of 18. 4 do 800 8500 f lots 21 and 20 4 do 1200 10560 22 4 do 800 3280 13 4 do 60o . 24 4 do 500 2460 18 4 do 600 28 4 do 1000 4400 ' P 4 do 76 0 4 75 1 1 5 ft of Asbury A—o. adj. 1 3 Ad-'. Add. to the 01ty of St. 500 1600 , end * } of lot 1Pool. H—y Oo..31an.. 3 } of 1 3 do - 400 1950 2 3 do 600 1850 I 5 3 do 600 7750 4 3 do 600 1600 5 3 do 600 2500 r 8 3 do 500 2000 i 7 3 do 400 700 I 8 5 do 400 1300 9 3 do 400 2400 ' i 10 3 do 400. oF, s:. oAuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 11 S Aden's Add to the Cityof St.Peol, 400 Ramsey Co.,Yi—. 8 5 ft of Asbory A— eau. adj. and 12 S do 700 Late 1. 2, S sod 4 Snelling Perk to St.Paul,Yinn. 7800 3800 (8-. y_t to City) 6 the Tao. alley lying S. of and adj. acid lore, Pepin St. neo. bet. S. line of 8ne11ing Ave. and 11. lime of Marshall Awe. (Swept Snelling A—) e all of lata 9 to 14 end (Ex.. Yarebell A—)18 4 18 4 28000 78750 The Commusmner of Finance further report, chat he hes mve tigatcd ell of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made m him m reference to aid matter by the Commissioner of Public \Narks. , llated y_`�—__. 19_ 3— Commissioner of Finance. THE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INM-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Ihte) April 88, 1932. Hr. Wm. N. Carey: Kindly note the attached communication also petition for grading alley between Marshall and Iglehart from Pascal to Asbury. Will you please see that this is put through in the regular form, and oblige, ul MR -D COMMISSIONER. (Enc.) 00 Iq Nth PU IV Rt) To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. I St. Paul, Minn. Oe ;L-1- J ->— Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the follow4ing 'improvement1to be made: 4121 4 ,& a 1 , 9 rA St. Ave. from. �St. Ave. to St. Ave. NAME - 690-Amm MIMM MOWAM Im ini I MAM MAM, E M-- 5 1225 -� 7z. S.W. YA 5%c 3n. T�;9- R,.23. IL I i 2 I t i IQ , �f� �\� � `F4 A•26NAtL - - _ AVF -=k L-; -6 6- o- :+ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE OOKMUNICATION (Date) August 23, 1932 Hon. Berman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changingthe grade and grading the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and of Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, also changing the sidewalk grade on the north side of Marshall Ave. from a point 150 ft. east of the center line of Asbury Ave. to a point 100 ft. west of the center line of Asbury Avenue, and regrade the area between the curb and the property line between the above stated limits, making the necessary changes in the sidewalk and hydrants and other water works appurtenances to conform to the proposed change in the sidewalk grade, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93321, approved August 10, 1932. Estimated cost - - - - - - - $1,515.82 Cost per front foot - - - - 3.18 Inspection - - - - - - - - 29.72 Engineering - - - - - - - 100.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 477 £t. Yours truly, \p (� Shepard, re Enineer. Approved for transmission to the Co ssioner of Finance ermen C. eQ"l Commissioner of ub Works. -Office of the Commisszorter of Public FiNnnCe Report to CorrlrtzisszorLer of Finance AUL 124 August 24., If 52 193 To the Commieeiooer of Finance of the City of St_ Paul = The Commissioner of Public Work., having k.� under coonideretion the preliminary order of the 93321 ----g-St 10, 1932 193. _., relative to Council, known mCouncil File No. approved -- -- hanging the grade and gradizig t21e Alley in Block 4, Macalester �}yyc...and---Bloe�c -3� Adetra s-_. A.c3�i Paseal Ave, ---to -Asbury Ave, and of Asbury Ave. Prom liar sY�a11 Ave. to Iglehart Ave-, also Changing --the _sidewalk gr ad,e oa the north.. side of.Marsha3l Ave.__ from a point 150 rt_ asst oP the earner line of Asbury Ave., and regrade thearea betwaP the _ cz -b and the property line bet®ead the--above--stated --Simi t s-� maXing- the necessary changes -- J. td,he teanaherepoks appurtenances eredo hi,r, rte and hng nveetigsetma randaref 1. Said improvement i.. necessary sad C—) deeirable. Cost per front foot $3.18 2. The estimated coat thereof is E-.--1,aS1S. 82. _ _ and the total ce.t thereof ie E........ Inspection $29.72 BZ'lgirie ar mag $100.00 Frontage 477 ft. and the nature and extent of .aid improvement ---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of .aid improvemeriZ its hereto attached end made a part hereof. ............__._.. 4. 5. Sid improvement is------ - - ------ ---asked For upon petition of three or more owvere of property, subject to assessment for .aid improvement_ Commissioner of li L (y �/�L12zv� NillAuruRoase, ��'�W .io. 910pt—tiY R. C.1Yeateh matbtroC candemningAhd COUNCIL F E an eunmqnt In. the hnd n. for elppppek ''ante and dile I: 'ng o10e AI ey Ire 91ogk t BY or Vlex ea glook;t At ba from Dint Avm to At FIN4L ORDER IIhl !in Ar nA an� prdpert�; Ida of Marshal •l. aunt of �, to In the matter of .... Condemning_ and_ taking Ao-AbiE-land ------ _.___. necessary for slopes, cuts and fill in the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and asbury avenue from Marshall avenue to Iglehart Avenue, also in the regrading of the area between the curb and property line on the north side of Marshall Ave. from a point 150 ft. east of the center line of Asbury Ave. to a point 100 feet west of the center line of Asbury Avenue under Preliminary Order________ 93322________, approved ---- AP395_L_------------- Intermediary, __________-,Intermediary Order ..... 9,36951----------------- approved ------ Sapt__14 -1932____________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all pemone, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it g RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul thi the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, ai dv �y Mnrnhall 9t,'Qt`L1fE—CEIICBP 8? line end 444MAY110ders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemnedfor the purpose of makingthe said improvements, viz.: For clopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Ave. to Asbury Ave.,A "°ham-�:,-� �..q}H'�9f�f'�.'pR9-0R-kh9 ?r -From we feet weet to the extent shovm upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public 'Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_______________lam-------- ---------- 19_ __ ^ ...� //— f_j_�______ City Clerk. Approved ---------------------- _---- 19___- XQ� _ Council �\ -F- 33- Councilman McDonald >.I ...r Councilman Pearce ryenzel Councilman Rcddsebi �r Councilman Sadheiiaet Rosen ?ngd Mayor I 940(4 COUNCIL F/jL - .0 •.. mr,m. m.a a FINj L ORDER I4 141fi1E � 4e •snrt".::n I MIG S In the matter of____ condemning -and g -_and_ taking art_ 4Hse�eAt_10. the land---------_ --- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills Sn the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and asbury avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, also in the regrading of the area between the curb and property line on the north side of Marshall Ave. from a point 150 ft. east of the center line of Asbury Ave. to a point 100 feet west of the canter line of Asbury Avenue under Preliminary Order________ _____ 93322---_____, app roved ---- Au%VP-C_kds-�9_____________ Intermediary Order_____ 8_i69Si----------------- approved______Bept__14r_L43-------- _---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upov due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same etherefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, _---t--Uf-trig-eE, F A fi A — ew P thA ___._ -- and ¢�r�{(i?6§Wt@ere Bald improvement to be made. _ aE-#w6,ing-lwar RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land. lends --cuts therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of makin the said improvements, viz For elopes, cuts and fills in the grading of he Alleyin Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Ave. to I,bury Ave., dxe t f 8pa3#rs8 CI axe^ •, hhe 150 1:1 1 oo to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby structed d directed to prepare plane and epecificationa for said improve nt. and the proper cit danceathere- hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of s'a d improluro"t in accor with. Adopted by the Council -------------- 1�------------------ 19_ y----------- City Clerk. Approved ------------------------V -�, 19__- � Couvci 6istay ,`--F c�ii�+r�3.J1 � Councilman McDonald v I / Councilman Pearce Y� Coormhume Rablsm& h enzel wP . Councilman Svdffim' Rosen :... Mayor „ ' ALLEYBGff.6MACAL E3TE?!�/EYY6.BL/f.3A0AM3 A00. - - - - - J,1/ A& - I.dIc.I.e- Trvtad Nddien . - cW. I;- W6. dice A rFicF skp. - - ' - - Ln 9..k N.LitA%ScBk No.24lt - - - J, Q I M c AI '. 4 ✓�' so. .. .. •(�'� 4 4 � t /. 2. No. '. ao' .SSoi II ^LFII F �. 174.Zin eds Bern 3Aad� $ Fn 8.. 1. Li/eca sy . .sspx as IA 22 T3 24 2.5 26 J� A O. O. M A C L f J T E R V A D A M A/ARJ'/+WLL AVE. 71y1 770 A - Indio— F:\I_ - Tyv:c.l N.—i— -y— Fp..ea.b.vc C.' e. Fill of F;,..... bel..v dl.a.e. Lx. e..k No. /930 X-�`-.arc- SJR_ Na 1930 AS13URY AVE. r- & fhe o&Ihe R.rlh Sidc of MA RS HA LL A VE. - 16o'E.�fo�lhe �.f Asbvey Avc. IOO�Wes io�IheQ �A Arc la I9/ � /Are. o..d- 16.5; Je cf M.zha//Are. S/ep D.-7 N"z7/ �o �~ yp� Mlv G P A R K J my �Ir:' �I vlry IK � 4 x ti 2s1 F. Fi. Arc la I9/ � /Are. o..d- 16.5; Je cf M.zha//Are. S/ep D.-7 N"z7/ �o �~ yp� Mlv nul my �Ir:' �I vlry Fi. IM A 0 O. DEPARTMEfIT. 3F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9 (A) In the —1—f 000d wing and taking an easement in the land naosoaary for slopes, out, and rill. In the. grading of the Alley in Blook 4, Maoolsater Vi—and Blk. 3, Adam's Add. from Pasoal Ave. to Aab.ry Ave., end Asbury Ave• from Marshall Avs. to Iglehart Ave., ala. Sn the regrading of the arse beteeen the sorb and property line on the north side of Marshall A— from a pt. 160 ft. 8. of the venter line of Asbury A". to a point 100 ft. W. of the center line of Asbury A—, under Preliminary Order approved Atuvet 10, 1032 To the Council of the Ciry of St. Paul: T4, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a, follows: The rotai —i—ed amount of the aeacasmen[ for the above mprovcmcnt Ia_—_—.- The eaumated cont per Iwt for the ab... mprovcmcnt Is - - - - - - $— _- The lou or parcels of land that may be --ed benefits for each improveme ,and the aaeemed valua[mn of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A.... nor, arc ar follows: .ESCRIPTION linet GO ft of 1 4 Mcouleoter r. ..dd. Lo Lhe 2'ty "[II' 21bo Lot 2 Ivtd (tv... .:. .ri ft) 1 4 o. :.t. I•.ul do 650 3100 3 4 do 460 1360 4 4 do 460 1800 5 4 do 00 1460 0 4 do 460 2460 7 4 do 450 2800 8 4 do 450 2700 0 4 do 450 10 4 do 45G o­AlTMrtNT OIAFINANDa OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ADoi TIDN oascw�lT�oN ADT awcx ADu�ITIO 1 I j 11 4 tlaoalater Viov Add to the 460 2600 City of Saint Pool 12 4 660 600 1360 13 4 do 14 4 do Goo 100 16 4 do G00 160 16 4 do 890 Lot 17 and tt of 18. 4 do 900 660 i Lot 19 affi E g Of 18 4 do gpp 8500 1 Iota 21 and 20 4 do 1200 10360 22 4 do Epp 5260 23 4 do Boo 24 4 do 600 2460 26 4 do 6W 28 4 do 1000 4400 F 4 do 75 p 4 do 75 o. add'. 1 3 Ad--. Add. totohaCiity of St. 600 2600 S 6 ft of Aebury Aw pal. 'oy 0n and 11 of lot 1 Pa� 400 1950 S of 1 3 do 2 S do 600 1860 3 S do 600 7760 4 S do fipp 1800 j 6 S do 600 2600 I 8 3 do 600 2000 7 S da 400 700 8 S do 400 1300 9 S do 400 2400 10 5 do 400 P �T.PAD� DEPARTMENT OF F4NANCE REPORT OF C,mMSORDER OF FINANCE ON M (D) ASSESSID OESCR-10N LOT —..T.— vnwATION 11 3 :.dd to the Clt;:of :.1-1-1a 400 Ib —y ..liltm. E 5 ft of AkbOry t.ao. wo. odJ. 700 and lG 3 do 6 3nol11nF. :'ark to :�t.Pkul.LLlnn. 7800 2300 I.ote 1. 2a 3 and 6 (Kxo. part to City) thk vno. klley lyln:; S. o and kdJ. kaid lo'..aa Pepin ;t, —I- b.t. k.. lino of Snolllnr r l+nrehall ,to 0 (broopt Sno.If 14 ` a 1 of 10.8 9 to and (E— Ltr1,o11 ,Vo.)lb 16 4 28000 7e750 The C—Bli ner of Finance further reports that he hastn.e tigatcd all of the ai.,—id matt s, ann there o the Council, stogcther ith the report made to him hereby eubmtu the foregoing as hia report on t reference to l.id matt<r by the Commtssmner of Public Works. s ioncr of Finance. i0oOffice of the Commissioner of Public W*j) §NANC[ Report to Commissioner of Finance k. August 24, 1932 I93 To the Commiaviooer of Finance of Lhe City of St. "an' The Commissioner of Public@N^'Work,, beving had under emmideration the prefminnry order of the Council, known as Council File No. 93322. approved. Aug. 10, 1932. 193 , eelotwe to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for Types, cuts and fills, in the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from Pascal Ave. to Asbury Ave. y and Asbury Ave. fro. Harsball Avg. to-Iglefiart Ave., also in the regrading of the area between the curb and property -line-ontthenorth side of Mars hallVAve from pointoint ft. 150 ft. east of the center line of Asbury and half v�ig LEt6AS&dle bidflehi9�e dah%MAN-ain, hereby reports; 1. Said improvement is .canary and (or) desirable. p. The estimated coat thereof is S_..... Ifxx -, and the total cost thereof is S. and the nature and extent of mid improvement i, ss follows:. _.. _.. 3, A plan, profile ar sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _.._ 5. Said im provemeet is..... mkcd for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for mid improvement. Cl/, p Co 'overf lin W 1108. 94005 COUNCIL FILE N0. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reooaetreotiag• iroleyla&. sad. r*pairiPE._Aers the Bide- . wslka_at the following looationar..- __ Portland Ase..-seath side.. beZiaaiag_@0.ft, -at of Oaord St. thenos —t_10,ft. , Oraffi Ase.. north side, hegiaaing at Albert St. thecae neat _200_ it... under Preliminary Order _... 93344. approved Ag. 12, 1932 Intermediary Order _...____._ ..._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that theetpreciss nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-__—aurtraot._relsy--A rapair•_whezem"omm7... _the aidawalke. at_the_foll-11-19 nottienar.....___._—_...__ Grand.Ase.•-aortL.fide.--bLSg-At.1iD41'E_$i�..th4.2ea_geet and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council �Ir..1.'._7(}'192 �. City Clerk. i, Approved _ _... , 192 _- -- - Mayor. Councilma gEerg r .nom Councilmnnr,­ >inv Connrilman�ip)3ppe4d:,; Oouncilmanr>m_m Counri,ne . t— Coancilma.. ,v'. .-I j Mayors Pluboney jP—FdrmeR. Z. A. &7 r , ygT r it EM C— P1 IT,,PAUI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �J la the ma " of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations. Portland Ave., south side, beginning 80 ft. west of Oxford St. thence west 10 ft. Grand Ave., north side, beginning at Albert St. thence west 200 ft., unde, P,dimiaary Oder app,,,td August 12, 1932 T.6, Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hertby reports as follow:: The total —i—td amount of the aaeeaement for the above improvement ie - - $ _ _137.66 'Che cetim—d cost per foot for the above mprovement m - - - - - - - S - _- The lore or parcels of land that may be nese td benefit, f,,..,h improvement, —d,1.,. --d valuation of each !ot or parcel a, last reported by the Assessor, arc ae follows: I—RIPT111 Lan�a�ual�. Lot 2 and E 20 ft of 3 40 Summit Pk Add. to St.Paul 2400 11000 in Ramsey County,Ylnn. 26 4 Wannes Add to St. Paul 1000 5300 27 4 do 1000 1000 28 4 do 1000 9000 29 4 do 1000 3900 30 4 do 1200 7600 30200 The Commimoocr of Fivaoce further reports that he has rove tigated all of the aforesaid ma and 1—,by -bmi s the foregoing ae bis repot tbereon to the Coon cil, etogethe, with the report made tto rhim m reference riyd/ttcr by tb, Cammiesioner of Public Nl-k.. to say ma ` Datod i-. 19 _.._ l—'-- _ s - omm�e_ s. a. - It Ci— of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor ' Of FINANCE t Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1992 August 18, 1932 193 To the ('mn miseiuner u[ F,_o.. of the City of St. 1'ae1 The Coots am,r of Puha, Works, ho iog Lad under consideration the preliminary order ,f thn coun,il, known m Comvdl Hl N.,93344 ...proved August 12, 1932 193 ndathe to lteconstr'ct, reltry ;,nd re,:,Sr, who. a nocees,.ry, the sidew..Lks nt Cha fol Lowing to, tions t south site of ,'ortl. nd r.ve. beg:: v.ing 80 ft, �:st of Oxford 8t. t`ience Nest 10 ft. Lot <, and L: t -0 fL, of Lot S, biock 4), Summit —r1:�u—.____________________g,y, 50 Nortjt sic:e of ur_nd ve. beg'—:14 at ., L`. art St. thence crest Zoo ft. Lot :S6 BLock 4 s ncldition $x6,49 Lot z7 11 11 11 11 60.66Lot z8 ^ n Lot n _____________ :,7.5060 Lot SJ 5. Said improvement ie .asked for upon potition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for e.id improvement. Commissioner of Public or 94006 .��,a.�.a � a ap..t � • - » .-F:Z E COUNCIL FILE N0. uei.rn .enme'c �mtt"' By .ate. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing_a sidewalk on. the .north aida_of_ _james._Street beginning. at. Edgcumbe Road, thence west to thewest side. of Allay, "Dept where .good andsufficient sidewalks now exist,. __.... under Preliminary Order. 93285...... -------approved Aug. 5, 1932 Intermediary Order - ____. . . . ...... . .. approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered _ the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .._annstrnet--s..sldewalk..on, _ the._. anrth- aide of Samas..Straetbeginning ..at_Bdgcnmhe_Road,..thence. west_ ta_the _aaat._Slue _ of Alley, escept where -good-- and _suffi.iant.-sidewalka_nox..—iat- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- d with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .__..,,paf.� .. , 192 s � Clerk. Approved. __... _ _. . 192.... Councilmanfj�ypp�� �yexmtsomz✓ nPUBLISHED Camel�awa ✓ . r Cnuncilman Councilman cnanndmaa Mayoriii— � M:1. P at'uTP, Form B. S. A. 8-7 Ju, nEPARTMENTeOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9 (D) ti 1, t, _t_ of constructing a sidewalk on the north aide of James Street beginning at Edge—be Road, thence w astto the west side of Alley, o„ der PIdi.i—Y Old- a11P—ld August 5, 1932 To Council of the City If St. P-1: Th, Co.,mi.—, of Finance hereby sidewalk — 0.85 per frt ft. The t-1 —im—d .....nt of the 1-131—t for the ab— improvement i- alley $ 0-20 The —m—d I.,, , foot for the above Th, 1— o, p—tk If land ,ha, ..y b, asseszed ib—f— f., such improvement, and the as ­1—ioo of each lot or parcel ., 1— t,p.tt,d by the A--', — as f111-1: .S511SED IE5CRIPT10N 10, 101ITION T I La�Y Bldg. (Exe. Edgcmbe Road 5 2 Lexington Park Plat 7 700 Crossing for north and south No Valuation alley in Block 2 do 700 Th, Commissioner of Finance further reports that he h., io—tig—d all of the f.—aid ­­, and I �by .Ibo,it� the foregoing as hi. ,p-tt 01--tt to t`� Council, .,the, with the report .,d, to hio, i. "f--- to said ..'t" by the C—mi—t of PobliI Works. D—d193Commissioner of Finance. I. k!� 16• iL ti'J k M d'� St. Paul, Minn. Jv17 9, 193E . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sidewalk on North side of JanesStreet- St Av c. E g eumte Road r �-9� St. Ave. to St A, e. 9 C. CC 9 Office of the Commissioner of Public 1, Report to Commissioner of Finance Vim 1932 August 17, la:i 2 I,, the of 1,nnnre ,f the city of Nt. hod. The. c,000,isOoo, ,f Public W.,I,e, having had under consideration thv ]II-'hroiIIrY o,d, of tho ko.-I - ('111,11,11 Pile No 93285 app --d August 5, 193 2 , ,Iati— to constructing a sidewalk on the north side of James Street beginning at EdgeUMbe Road# thence west to the west side of Alley and h,,,,.g il—'ItigIt"d the aodte­ and things r,fr ,d to therein, h—hy reports: I. Said improvement is... sa, a.,] (or) Est. Cost Sidewalk 850 per front foot 2. 1h, estimated —,,t thereof is Ii , and th, trial cost thereof i, Ii a 'extent 200 per s nuare foot oad the nature and .tat Of said improvement is as , ,, — 3. A plea, profile or sketch of said io,fir.-oort is t,,,,to attached and ..d, 0 part hereof. 4. 5. Said iral",—'rot is_asked for upon petitiaa of three or more 1-1 Of P"PlItY, -l'i"t to --at f., said improvement. Commies ner of Public I IN NOW gen COUNCIL FILE NO. °0ueiq Fn: By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, -.relaying andrepairing the_aidewalks at the _following locations:. Aldine_.St.,.. -t side., beginning. -at. University Ave.. thence.. north. 50.. ft., University Ave.,. north aide, beginning 12 ft, ..at of Grotto -at.. thence West 56 ft._, --- - under Preliminary Order. 93348. ... approved Aug. 12, 1932 Intermediary Order _ _._ _ _.___._.._ _ _ _.approved _. __... _._._ ..._ ...__...__._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is--_ra9.onst; u t, _ relay .-and-_repair the sidewalk -at.. the followingAldine at., "at -sid-a,_beginning at Rnlverait7-Ava...th—a—north-`D._it., University Ave.,- north aid!, beginning 12 ft. west of Grotto St. thence went _56 ft., and the Council hereby order, said improvement to be made. '�. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. X12-- Adopted by the Council _ _. 192 City Clerk. J Approved __... .. _. __ 192. ayor. Councilman- Clancy .. � � , , CouncilmmuoFegmo7T' Councilman:teDanEii}m i' 1e Councilmanaw'® lapeOa Gaaae4hnm: Councilman �*® R'enzel Mah.mcY Mayor 4119fM Form B. S. A. 9-7 '�. / ^r1RLISRED��� CIiaK n EI.I.W. 0FeP NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �J ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (n) In the mav,r of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalks at the following locations- Ave. thence north 50 ft. Aldine St., west side, beginning at University University Ave., north side, beginning 1❑ ft. west of Grotto 6t. thence west 56 ft., Aug. 12, 1932 nada P,,HmI ary O,d,r apmv,d To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commisswncr of Finan„ h ... by rcports as follows: $ 64'36 -- __— of the a.scssment for the above mprov cnt is - - The total esumated amount cm Thi <stimated cost per foot for the above improvcmcnt u - - - - - $_ - - - -- Th<lots or parcels of land that may b. ,..,.sed benefits for such improvcmcnt, and the assessed valaat�on of each lot or parcel as last r,p.—d by the Assessor, arc as follows: oescaienON wT A101110N Is. 1;41g 6 Dlekermen Park, St. Peul, 74000 lots 16 to 30 Kinn. •includes other property 29 3 Syndicate No. 1 Add. 2100 30 3 do 2100 76200 The Commusion,r of Finance forth,, cports that he has inv,.tiga,ed all of the afore.. id matt s, and bcr,by submits the foregoing as his rtp— thcrton t. the Council, togcthcr with the report mad, to him in reference to said matt.. by the Communion., of Public Warks. ",t- -A'^_-Lam,.-1- _..._ _.. _.- - Dated -i _ �,— - - 19- - - Commissioner of Finance. 'T ... 01 'N. -C- . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ml� _d, P,,Iml—y Old,, 1pp,.,,d T. the Council of the CllY of s'. P..1: Thr Commissioner of Fill— hereby 'p -Ill as fo11-- 'I'hc total csumatcd amount of h,, ---t for the llb... $ 1h,, ... —,d —1 per I— it, the above h, �,, ,, parcels of —d that may b, assessed benefits for such -P-1—l"'t, and the assessed valuation o[ each lot or p.,,,I ,, J.lt reported by the A—tl.l, arc - f,,11.— I—RIPTION LOT AO -1— 'LTT"' A - Th, C­j,,j—, of Fit—, f,l,,h,,, reports that h, has j--ig—d lII f 1h,, -f.111-id mat rs, and hereby by l.b.it- the foregoing ashie ,p -It 01--1 to till Council,t,,g,,h,- with the report ..de t. him in ,f--, ro said -- b, the C.—Mi—I of P,,bim WoAll. Dated__.. - 19 Commissioner f Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public k - a Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1832 August 18, 1932 193 To the l.ummi„innrr of Frowner of the City of St. Paul_ The Carmmmronnr of Public Work,, having had under consideration the preliminary order of tho C—I,il, know -u . C*,mrc11 Pflo No. 93348 npproncd Aug. 12, 1932 Is3. , relnu.-c to Reconstruct# relay ,rid re,; -.Sr the sidewalks at the following loc .,A.na t i,est ide ofAldine Ot. tegl Ing I.t University —e. thence Worth 50 ft. Cit, -----_--------------- _---- North --_I:orth side of UniveraltP ave, eglnning 1:: ft. seat of Grotto Wit. thence host 68 ft. hl --k 5, S, m.i..tr iio, 1 -------------- - 88 b 11 n rr -- L 1S.ii8 i.ot .i7 1 4 3. A plan, profile or sketch of ,aid improvement ie hereto nttoched end made a port h .... f. 9. 5. Said improvement ie............ a,kcd for upon petition of three or more I-- of property, ,ubjecL to e„es,mnot for ..id rmp,--t. l Cu mtsslover of Public ka. 94008 ��B eke aev aik�ai� COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of recoaetruoting,_r.elaying and repaIrIng,. where .....sry, the sidewalk on the south side of Baker St. .beginning at Ottawa Ave, than.. west 202.8 ft.,_ under Preliminary Order- .93349._... _.approved Aug. 12, 1932 Intermediary Order ____.. _. __....___ _ _.____sPProved-_- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ..re.onatruct,. relay_ancl_sepa.iL,_where _ ,neoee- .ary,- the sidewalk-na-tha_south_slde__of.. BakoX St.._ beginning_ At_ Ottawa Ave. thence. .west_ 202.8 ft., cil hereby orders said improvement to b and the Caun made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imprmement in .�cordance therewith. i Adapted by the Council -.--- _- , 192 A n Ity Clerk. Approved -_. .. .. ___.___. . 192... CouncilmanuCdeacyc-ca ,,+I,I,,,unld CouncilmemrFergueo r m— Cuuncllm-,IkEolnlld a I'ea— Councllman Bona , PUBLISHED " / 3 y Councilmania 4— Council—AWN, MayoraNdP a Form B. S. A. 8-7 _ nEPAWFe FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER to the mucor of reconstructing,relaying and repairing, where necessary, the ,sidewalk on the south side of Baker St. beglnnifv at Ottawa Ave. th—cs west 202.8 ft., nnd„ P,,I—inary O,de, approved Aug. 12, 1932 To the Council of the Cky of S1. Pani: The Commissioner of Financc hereby reports as follows. The total es timatcd amount of the avcssment for the above improvement is - - - $ 139.99 -_ 'fhe ,--ted cost per foot fill th, abuse mprovement u - - - - $ The Inu or pa reds of land thal cony be —1—d benrfi es (or such improvement, and the assosed valuation of each lIt or parcel as last ,,.—d by the A--', arc a, follows: oEscwienoN �o, a�o<a Aooinor+ La;9 "°bldg. E. 50 ft of lots 5 & 6 2 Langevin's Fifth Add. to 525 the City of Saint Paul, (Exc. E. 50 ft)5 and 6 2 Ramsey Co., Minn. 450 2950 7 2 do 425 1500 8 2 do 375 9 2 do 300 2075 4450 The Commissioner of Financc further reports that he ha, intestigal,d all of the aforesaid ms tr, and hereby sobmi s the foregoinq as his report thereon t. the Council, together with the report made to him i. referent, t aid matter by the Commjsnoncr of Pobli W rks. os c o 'l Commissioner of Finance. Office of th'6 Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1932 August 18, 1932 I93 T. the Cenmusen mer of Finnnn• of the City of St. Fuel. The Commissioner of Public Works, having hod under roneideratinn the preliminary order of the cmmcil, known ae 0--I File N0.93349 uppreved August 12, 1932 193. , relative en deconstruct, reiey and re,ir, where necess-.ry, the side -1k a; the south side of Ji -Icer -t. uegln..ing -.t Ott.— Ave, thence .,e -,t "Oo .a ft. East 50 ft. of Lot 6, Lanbe�in�s oth nddn.---------523.50 'nest 50 ft. of Lot n _____ ___ .0 14 Lot 7 Lot 8 L,.. evints 5th yuan. Fe P.swk, L.n.& Curb Lor 9 5. Ssid improvement ix _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, .abject to assessment far said u.it—eut—t. �� er of Pu orks. 94009 . mn...; .. .a COUNCIL FILE NO. B. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing -,.relaying and repairing the..ESdewalk. on the east . -side of Farrington Ave, beginning 54 ft. north. of St.. Anthony Ave. thence _north to alley, under Preliminary Order. 93337 _..... __approved Aug. 11, 1932 Intermediary Order __._ _ _. ___-._.....approved _... _._. __..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the more; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is x onstruc-t.,_. relay.. and. —Pair the sidewalk on the .slt. sideFr _. of arington_Asa..beg!_nning-_5 a4.,ft_north -_of-St.- Anthony Ave. thence-north-to.alley and the Council hereby order. said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commie.i... of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans aad specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - reed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _ __"____ , 192': _ City Clerk, Approved L... _. Councilman '`I` Councilman 'le>' Councilman lNWI- Cm.rilman�Go fdWffF- Councilman ISM6&fher' v, el Councilman Mayor ll!lP911 M.jo—y Form B. S. A. 8-7 192 __._._. _... or. (/ , PUBLISI�D �� %� n ors DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the In 'I' " .... I f c AnthonySeat Sid of Farrington Ave. beginning 54 ft. north of St. Ave. thence north to alley, -d,, P,,1i.i,.,y 0,d- approved August 11, 1932 T, the C..—I If 61 City If St. P--1: Th, C...imi.— If Finance hereby reports - The —.1 estimated --, If the --.,nt f- the ab— *11-1--t;- $ 43.62 —t p,, f., in, the abase i.pavement is - - - - - - S Th, I— n, 1--k If I.Id that may b, assessed benefits f., such improvement, and 1111 —1111d valuation parcel ., I.—,p.—d by die Assess.., — as f-11-1: 11111—oN 1-1110N N .44.25 ft of south Elfelt, Bernhei er & 375 900 4 25 ft of lots lt9 and 20 10 Arnold a Add. to 9 t.Paul H. 40 ft of lots 19 and 20 10 do 650 2500 1025 3400 The C.Inmmmn- If Fm—, further ,,ports that he h., i--ig—d all If the aforesaid --, ..d J,—by submit. the foregoing ash4 r,p— thereon t, the Council, t­thc, with the,p— .,d, tohim in "f`-- to id by th� C...i�6.— If Public Works. DatC—i..ionn,-.f Fi—ce. Office of the Commissioner of Public «QI*j&FINAW a Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1932 August 17, 1932 Ina "Ib the Coumdainnvr of I of the Cil, of S1. fend The ('ammiayinner o[ 11uhhc Works, having hod undrr consideration Che preliminary order of it,,, t•.>m�ed, km.xv rile Nn_ 93337 approved August 11, 193 , r,Iiai,s to Isconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Farrington Ave. beginning 54 ft, north of St. Anthony Ave. thence north to alley - and having investigated the matter, mid things referred to Wercin, 1-0, repn,L,: L Fnid improvenu•nt ie ...., and (nr) deairnLle. _. The tknoted coat thereof ie 5.43.82 and the total cost thereof is R North 40 ft. of Lots 19 and 20, Block 10, Elfelt Bernheimer & and the nature and extent of said improvement ie as follows: Arnolds Addn. North 44.25 ft, of the south 84.25 ft. of Lots 19 and 20 ditto. 3. A plan, prefile or sketch of -id improvement is hereto ntt.,h,d and mode a part hemof. 4. a. Said improvement is nuked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, euhject to ewes—,- for e,id improvement. ('ommiseioncr of 'c Works. 94010 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofrecnnntrnsting,relaying and repairing, where.A-6—ry, the .id—lk m the south aide of larrltorial Raed begimdug 32ft.-seat. et Raymo.d Are.. thea.. west. 134 fb., beginning. 94ft. farther weak, theuae. Beet. 112 -ft., under Preliminary Order ..93368.....-.-.. -__approved Aug. LZ, 1932 -- -- - Intermediary Order -.__. _-.-...__-_-- __.approved -. -.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-._-seoonstrunt,--raleg-sad-sepsis, h.- _-Y' -the-sidewalk-as-tke aeuth aide-af Territorial-Reed-begiantag-bR--ftr- t --a— Reymond Eva.-th— a—t-lat tt., huinaing_3kSt_-f-theon—t.-th—._ .t--112-ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council rf._.-.� --- -.--, 192 n City Clerk. Apprnvrd , lsz - yor. CouncilmansI!SY-..,� Councilman Councilman Merlogan-� F„„„o lY7RUS Councilman at --z .R �. Councilmanm9Jww&' Mayor fimig— Mub�aey Form B. S. A. 8-7 CIW or -PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINIMCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER FINANCE ON ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) rr of relaying and repairig, where necessary, reconstructing, b R ad, beg32 the sidewalk on the side of Territorialo ft. farther lout ft west of Raymond Ave. thence west 134 .1 beginning 64 west, thence west 112 ft.* -de, Prcli.i_7 o,d,, approved Angust 12, 1932 To C-111 M the City of Sr. Paul: -rh: Commissioner- , f F- h ... by 11 130.08 Th 1-1 f rhe assess -1 for [he above mrrove mens .s The st_,d for the above"t or The lo[, ,, parcels of 1-d th., ..y be --11 111 such iMP' ovement, and rhe assessed valva I— r<pon ed by 6, A--1, are as f-11-` IESIRIITION 10T AoomoN LajF­'Bhd9 C. E. 17.14 ft of the Audit -r' 5 Sub. b.. 4, 3000 5900 southwest 132.62 ft) the Bx St. Paul, Minn' east j of 1027 lying North Of a line from and all that part Of lot to a oint on the W. li ce 64.60 0 38 ft from the north corner Of P 4 8 point on the E. line 5 . 8 ft from said north corner lot 27 81.57 ft from the C on S. line of lot 10, ,rli-s 40 ft.,th. `m_ at a pt. NW along 'a' BE corner ther.olrothe. a d to a Pt. on Territorial Ild. 1.9-13 ft 0. Raymond Ave., NE is southwest to thence BE along said road 40 ft., there's hec Auditor , 3 Sub, so. 4, 1200 beginning, 10 St. Paul, iii un. part of Com. at a pt. On the S. line Of lot 201 121.57 ft from the s 10 d 1500 2550 BE corner thereof, th* NW along the line Terrltorlsl Rd. 159.13 ft from Raymond Ave- t ll,50 ft., th. NF to ot� point on the point Southeast along Ong said road 50 beginning, being parts of said lots 10 & ft thence to ku�itorls Sub.fio. 4, St.P1a1 ul, Rim. (c) .—TMENTs.1 FINAf10E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER That part of 11 Auditor's Sub. No. 4, 2450 10500 lying west of a 11 ne from a pt.S . Paul, Minn. on the EE line thereof 159.13 ft. from Raymond .Ave. to a pt. on the SW line 171.57t'ft from the BE corner of lot 10, also the East 41.91 ft of lot 12 (Except the East 41.90') 12 Auditor's Sub. No. 4, St. 1750 (and all of 13 Paul, Minn. 1500 11400 18950 Th. Commus.oner of F'i-- further reports that I., has mtestigated all of the aforl—d matt , and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to tb. Council, to th,, ith the report made to him m reference to said matt.. by the Commissioner of Public W—ks. Dated - – –.I9 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public \WDffINANQ Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1932 August 17, 1932 03 T. till eImmis_.inner of FmI-- ill till CitY of St. 1`111 Th, C,_l­goner of Fm,he R'orks, 1—ing had I,Ih, e.—ul timl Ilio prehndnary order „t we ('uuncd, kno,cn n,,, Council F,1, Nn. 93346 approved August 12, 193 2 relative to Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalk on the south side of Territorial Road beginning 32 ft. west of Raymond.Ave. thence west 134 ft. beginning 64 ft, farther west, thence west 112 ft. and having in—agatcd tho mal ty re and things cefrrteJ to therein, h—hy reports: 1. Said imorove,ucnt is neccesar, and (ori deatrabi,. (Ezce L E - _7. .i t n,•e 1`.t Ft )the East 1/2 of Lot10 and all that part of Lot�.'d7 of ,'ditor's Subdivision No. 4 lying North of a Line from s point on the ,lest line 50.36 .t. from the North corner to a pointce the East !ine 54.36 ft. f;om said North corner of Lot 27 ------------------------------ a -78 Commencing at a >oint on the :.o.:th line of Lot 10, 61.57 f'.—,. from. the sou the— t corm_r thereof, thence Northwest :,long said aa._t!t line 40 ft., thence Northeast to a point on Territorial Road 109.13 ft. from Raymond -ve., thence southeast along said ro_c 40 ft., to —uthe.st to beginning. being part of Lot 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 4 ----------------------------- 317.34 Commencing at a point on the South line of Lot 10, 121.57 ft. _rom the Southeast corner taefeof, thence Northwest along the South line of Lots 1J ana 11, 50 ft., thence Northeast to a Point on _erritorial Road 159.1.; ft. from Raymond .,ve., 'Hence :;outn-st elon5 ,ala roz:a b0 ft., thence southwest to '.eginning being dart of 1,o is 1J and 11, .,ucitor's subaivision No. 4 --:30.49 That fart of Lot 11, auditor's Su.uivision No. 4 lying nest of s line from a _point on the Northeast line thereof 159.13 ft. from Raymond -ve. to a .,lint on the Southwest line 171.57 ft. from the ooutheast corner of Lot 10 and the ast 41.90 ft—of Lot 12, HMMEI 11 WMEMEN®W ---------- - 94011 [al —a.w,ta e COUNCIL FILE NO. BY -._- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of raeonatrnoting..Tallying and repairing the_eidewaa.e atthe following laoatione,- _. East. Bays th 2t., south. aid., be ini.9 222 ft- Taet af. lladiwa. St--thaaoa. wast 14 ft., etasart. A—. south aide, baginnfng-at-Rest 8aventh Honl.vard, thamta aaet_122 ft., end-on the •set. aide.. of.Eeet. Seventh -Boulevard, beginning at ataeart.ixa.. thane. aouth-S&.ft.,...... under Preliminary Order. 93548 ....__.approved Aug. -12, 1932_ - Intermediary Order __....___.-. ._-approved -.. ------ __ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the ame; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made b4 the said City is-_..rnsondrnat,..rally -.evd.rapsir..the-asd...1t At _the fallawing. lnaationaa last -3 th-8t.,--.oath-side-bsgiaatng_-222--Pk..-last,-w"�•^^-St.3hame->sat14 ft., Sta><act-A a.._enuth.aide.. ter.��. �. _-at "at 121i.ft•, -. and -m. the_met.: ida_.af-.Beat_Sereth.Baulesard,-.bags .at. ut--••t.Aa._thama �-th_34 fts_-_---' __ ----_-_ ----- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �/JAdopted by the Council ..............2_ -_-_ ..-. , 192 City Clerk. Approved - .192 Councilman -liImle9 Councilman aSdrM..'> Councilman WcD6rudid— Councilman gX9G4bg6ii— Councilman Marr Councilman � W' Mayor WORMPlah„ner �f ', Form B. S. A. 8-7 `` v-�- �..... 94011 is a,Mat4r of r. . fnlv6"A < Y�tyea Ift [4saLEo tae COUNCIL FILE N0. - � e,'� �.w: �`• By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of rsooastrusting, relaying sad. rapei Sng theeidesalke. at. the-.- - following.looationaa West ..Beve th St., south Aid.,. bgimins^^• 222. ft. —at of 11adisoa St. _thenoe-"At 14 ft.. at—t Ave., south aide, -beginuing..at-West aeveath Boulevard, thence seat _122ft., and-.sa. the east. aide.. of West. Saveath-Roulaverd, begiaaingat atevaztt Ave. Shame ...south. -54 --ft.• -._. -. __-..-- _ under Preliminary Order.--.-. 93346.approved Aug. 12, 1932__ -.- Intermediary Order .___...-___-- approved -.- .______.._.._—_-:-------- -__ __--.___. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Iftme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made 114 the said City is _raoovatrost,_relay- ami -repair.-tba. idwnik. it the fo11ae1ag. 3—tionsa lfeat-asveath-8t.,-.oath-side,-beglmlag--222 ft.. wast-offt., stmct- Axe— _anuth-alde._baginaing.st]feet_Sa_vnath-Bnulenrd,_thence-.aaat_12&-.ft., snd.na_ the --t..aide-af_aeat_sexeth.Baulemrd,.. beglmlag-At-St—t-A—th— south E6_ft.i and the Council hereby orders said improv ement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval: that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council :_., . ._....._- -., 192 ..-.. - City Clerk. Approved .192 Councilman agl W, rm Councilman 4trguLori' Council man nw Ddnard 1 Councilmana iGItgeoil- Councilman W8iiglnler"�- Councilman 1- ark Mayor W@RfAR tlxh,.ne�. Form B. S. A. 8-7 " �. CI,4W a PIUL - nE,ARTMENT• OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE >� ON PRELIMINARY GRDER (n) (n the muter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalks at the following locations: West Seventh St., south side, beginning 222 ft. west of Madison St. thence west 14 ft. Stewart Ave., south side, beginning at West Seventh Boulevard thence east 122 ft., and on the east side of West Seventh Blvd., beginning at Stewart Ave. thence south 34 ft., onder Prdiminaty 0rder approved August 12, 1932 To the C--il of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The tot.l e.vmatcd amount of the a.... mcnt for the above improvement ie - - E 05 9R ----- 'f•he estimated cot per foot for the above mprovemcnt t, - - - - - - - $ -- The lou or p.-1 of land that may be as.essed benefit. for each improvement, and the assessed valuation o[ cecb lot or parcel as Iasi reported by the M—.... arc a, follows: ocsceianon 10T ego« noomoN Land Bldg. (Except Seventh St.) 6 C. W. Youn�mants Rear. 350 of Blk. 2, Palisade Add. to St. Paul 9 2 Whitney's Re.ar of Bellevue 200 Add. 10 2 225 (Exe. Snelling Bridge Approach) 11 2 do 250 do 12 2 do 250° i— lot 13 8 2 do 200 850 1475 850 The Commmioner of Finance farther report, that he ha. mve Ligated all of the of—.,id ma t r , and hereby . bmit a the foregoing ar hi. report thereon to the Council, 9together with the report made to him i. reference to ed r by the Commimm— of Public W -k.. Dated r Commieaioner of Finance. Oflice of the Commissioner of Public Works COM. OF FINANCF Report to Commissioner of Finance 0-111, Aug. 18, 1932 AUq,"1932 'Vo the Coauninoio,,, of Pioonm of the City of Vit. Nol. The Commisvioner of Public Rorke, hnving hnJ nndcr o—id ... tioo thr preliminary emir of tho' File No 93345 unproved August 12, 1932 tag , relative to C'onncil, known os ('.ouncil . Reconstruct, roLy —u rep,ir the aldewe .'se -t the following looatl ons 1 t✓ea t South side of West Seventh at. I. egi—ing L '< ft. Esst of gedlson St. thence BfeW.14 ft. Lot o C. - ioungmun's He ----------------- ------w 11. S0 South side of Stewert 9t, rsgiu4ing at Hest Seventh Boulevard thence gest 188 ft.s and an the gest sVe of Viest Seventh BE7d, beginning at Stewart St, thence south 34 ft. Lot 8 Elk Whitney's ReArrungement---- _______& ,x1.74 Lot 9 n n n --------- -1.74 -1.74 Lo11 Lot le " ;1.74 t n _ Lat 1:� " " " 27.48 -�� / It 5. -,I otprovcment is _,o I., upon pennon to toms or mor, Dane`s m property, euhject to rices -t tar said .mprovemont / Co f Pubhc._. 94012 COUNCIL FILE NO. By ., .. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of conatrncting-dr-iveaay at -.asst sida._of.. Farringtn Ave,- -beglr+raing 42. ft. southof. Oliver St. thence, snuth a ft— under Preliminary Order ___.. 93464- -- ---approved Aug. 19, 1932 -- Intermediary Order __....._.___.... _ _ __.._ __ ...approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --e onatr=t- drlvaasg.at-wast. sills Of Farrington -Ave -.,-.beginning... 42_ ft.._ south_ 4f.-Q1iYstr Sty -_thenoe__sooth B ft. and the .Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed with the making of said iTT7ven accordance therith. Adopted by the Council n �vaotniew -..-._ __-�... _--- _ 192 city Clerk 'yr.:.'.._ Approved. h _._.. .192. i// Councilman �— Dloltr,nald ager. / dmha-y Councilman tl :� May D PLBLISBED ✓/]'/ Councilman eWhmald Councilman 0152111 — Councilman J� / CouncilmanK:� tlr^ael McYor S!l�bM M,h,.uey lY .� F Form B. S. A. 8-7 • rwV� � O E.I.ENT e0F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) L tothe mine, of constructing driveway at west side of Farrington Ave. beeinning 42 ft. south of Oliver St. thence south B ft., under Preliminary Order approved August 19, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commi%%ioner of Finance hereby ,,ports as follows: The total e%tim—d amount of the a%se%sment for the above mprovcmcnt 1. - - - $.1555 'fhe estimated cost per foot (or the above mprovement t. - - - - - - . $ __— "Che lots o, parcel% of land that may be --td benefits for tach improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as la.t,eported by the Assessor, arc at follows: O[sceieTION Lor Lan ��SSEDD'ldg 1 20 Auerbach & Hand's Add. 400 3000 to the City of St -Paul 2 20 375 2700 775 5700 The Commi%%mne, of Finance forth,, report%that he ha% mse tigatcd all of the aforesaid ma and ere hby .,bmtt % the foregoing as hie repo,, thereon to the Council,%together with thma e report de to thim in reference to ..id matter by the Commissioner of Public %P,k,. Dated 19-5 Commie.ioncr of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 1, 1932 193 To the Commissioner of Finaare of the City of St. Poul. The Conwissioner of Public Work., hoeing had under consideration the I limioary order of the Council, kno.. ae Coumdl File No. 93444 spp,.,ed August 19, 1932 193_ , reliai- to constructing driveway at west side of Farrington Ave., beginning 42 feet south of Oliver Street, thence south B feet. and having investigated the a.attere and things referred W therein, hnrcby reports: 1. Said improvement is nese _ nod (or) desirable. 2.The esti...d cost the of is S. 2.a. , and the total cost thereof is $ Est. Cost — Lot , Block-� Auerbach & Hand's Addition $15.69 and the nature and extent of said imprnv.me.t is as follnwa: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached soil made s part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, eubjeel to aseesement for said improvement. / _ — ,.tUA4. ur rl vnftlCt _._ J9j,.. -- --- ---- C eeioner of P i oAm. -- �,� a ai SF.9 2 tea. 94013 Q In rthe mnl tevr�� / / riilev: wYlu nt t �n vLew�lvi COUNCIL FILE N0. By a. In the Matter of.. reconatructing,- relayingandrepairing, wltare- nacessary, the_eldewalks at the. following location..: Laural.-Ave.,. south side.,beginning 55 ft, east. of Wilder. Ava. thence . -east -470 ft., _... under Preliminary Order._ 93443-___ -. _ _ approved Aug. 19, 1932 --- Intermediary Order _ _ _ __. _ __ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it e�`�,..,.C+-,.c >xw,Z RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that..rap. _.._reeonatruat,.-relay-and . napairy...where --neces- sary,.. thesidawalYs-a-t_the- following -1--hioa...t-____-__.___.______ Laurel-Ave.,south aida,..heginning.55- ft. _—at _nf ..Wilder --Ave- thance..asst to_ft- , __ _ _ _ _ .__._. _ ._..._... __ - _..______ - __ __ be Md the alma en h Fr _.. - - •Trf M emll an \d—d uncil hereby ders said improvement m e de. VED FURTH ,That the Commissioner o Public Works be and is hereby itt��gg[torted and prepare plane an epecifirationefor said imp vemcut, and submit same to theSQuncil for hat upon said appro 1, the proper city officials hereby authorized and directs�.vrohe making of said i ro met in accordance the ith. ve n 0, I , 1 1932 Adopted by the Council _._._.._. ...-_____ _., 192 _._.. Approved . 192 / -... ayor. Councilman Councilman d[CL>eilgjdt; Councilman iScGdsaail.� Councilman dadhaouk.1'...ea Councilman iieeeeIa « r„acl Mayor 111A1ee® Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF sT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 1" the matter .... f reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the side - .elks at the following locations 5 ft. east of Wilder Ave. thence Laurel Ave., side, beginning 5 east 40 ft-, t,d,, ,,r�j_y Order approved August 19, 1932 T, the ­61 of the City of S" P-1: The Commissioner of Fit—, hereby ep-1t, as f-11— $ The I_, ___d __,, of th<aaseesment f., the aboveimPI-I em— til 'rhe —i—ed cast per f— f., the above - "I'he 1— -1,—h 0 1—d that may be --ed ib,­fils for such jtp­­,." and the assessed valuation of each 1., reported or parcel as last by the As—I-1, arc a, bIll— ­ESIED 01,CIIPTION -T A-T- yadrl­'O'tld 9. 2 2 lterritusi'ark ' 3rd Add. 1200 3.300 to the City of St. Paul 1200 3300 The C.­j,,j­erf Fi-11 ft,,h,, ,p,,t, that he has all of he ..t td hereby submits the f.,19-itg a. hi, 1P -1t thereon to the Council, together with he ..de . hi. i� "fete.- '..-id -t", by the C-4 1 -11 f Public W.,k-. Dated­IeeWt D - /�---19 -a -2 Ci't _ .te, of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 1, 1932 191 "fn the Cn oo,imioner of Finance of We City of St. Purl: ' Tb, Commissioner of Pobhc Works, having had under consideration the pmfiminsry�order ,f the C— iL known oa Cooma I'd, No. 93443 approved August 19, 1932 199 ,relative to the reconstruction, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations! South side of Laurel Ave. beginning 55 ft. east of Wilder - Avenue, thence east 40 feet. and having inveetigatcd the sett— and things referred to thnrein, he—by reports: 1. Said imprnvrment is neccreary and Ior) daeirabla. Est. Cost Lot 2, block 2, HerrlamaPda hk LThiudt An def re $31.71 p. 'Che 'Ai—tedcost thereof ie f and the nature and extent of said improvcmeot is as (-flows: - -- 7. A plan, profile or sketch of eeid improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvemen L ie .asked for open petition of three or more owners of property, enl,ject to aaaeaament for 7a UY"Pt°�}- 1` coo, m serener of Public r SEP 2 ° 94014 COUNCIL FILE NO. By !4-C In the Matter of reconstr-ucting� .ralagiag snd rapairing the sldawalk on the -north .side of Granit- St.. beginning 214_. ft, west of Miaslssippl St. thence -west. 65 ft., ----c. under Preliminary Order- 93342 approved Aug 12, 1932_ Intermediary Order . _ -_ _ _ _. _._____.._.. _- _ _...-_approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully coni reed the same; therefore, be it X ad.6Zii > /N -- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul pro ement to be made by`(hhc sad City ie.__ rsannstr tr relag_and - it t -he _sl calk -on a north. aid. G—its-St.. begl g 214_.£t flat.. MSSEis 1 St- ance._west. 65 ._--__— be 266 the ®e ee herccT__- _..._-------------- aCouncil her eb orders said improvemen to be made. OLVED FUR ER, That the Commissio f Public Works be and is herebA Cprepare apecificatione forsaid o provement, and submit same ecd tructed and to tltp Council for aid a tyoffic a are hereby authorized end dir ed to pro - h the making of em improvement in accordant herewith. Adopted by the Council n"- � ._..192.. <r Approved - _ ___... , 192.. Councilman Councilman pn_ Councilman Y,. ' Cnuncilman,Yttgclogaq_, E ,L, Councilman ,ympL.:1:... cpnnnnman„y(�p7gl \I•cuzel Mayorawd"w Mahaney Form B. S. A. 8--7 n EPARTMENT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (n) la the maimr of reconstructing, relaying and repairingthe sidewalk on the north side of Granite St., beginning 214 ft. west of Mississippi St. thence as 65 ft., „nder Preliminary Order approved August 12, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Financc hereby reports as follows: The total ea ti—ttd amount of the amesa — for the above mprovement 4 - $ 40.48 'Ihc estimated cost per foot for the above mprovemcnt m - - - - - S - - - -- The lou or parcels of land that may be assemed benefies tar each improvement, and the as sewed valuation of —h lot or parcel as last reported by the Aesesror, arc as follows: ossca1PnoN DoT a.oc. nooinon Lead Bldgo . 15 1 Edmund Ricets Second Add. 325 to the City of St. Paul 16 1 do 325 650 The Commuaioner of Financc forth er reps... that he has i—d,eted all of the aforesaid ma ,end hereby submit. the foregoing as hie ,p.m thereon t. there C-61, t—ther with the port made to rhim m reference ton aid mater by the Commraaioom of Poblic Works. /9..x'1 Commissioner of Finance. 1 Office of the CiommisAloner of Public 1gpFINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1932 August 17, 193 'IT the �vr of Fl.:uve of the City of St. 1""fl Thi ('anmi.sioner of Pul lir Works, h -mg 1-1 undor ronsidcrntion the preliminnry order of the ('onril, known . I ale N,, 93542 .,P"—,I Aug. 12, 198 2 , r,I,ti,, to Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalk on the north side of Granite St. beginning 214 Pt. West o4 Mississippi St. thence West 65 Pt, .ml h -mg i "Aignted the m.ttrr...d thing. r,r. ,,,I to therein, hereby reports: 1. S.id in.provement i. m.e� _ .nd (or) &,ir.hle. _. The e.tim.ted eost thereof ie R. 40.46 and the total cost thereof is 1r Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Edmond Ricets Second Addition -d the n.tore end extent of -id improvement 1s - followe. :i. A pl.n, profile ,, sketch of said improvement i. hereto .tt.ehcd .nd male . port hereof. 4. 5� S.id improremcnt is. _asked for upon petition of three or mora owners of property, sohjret to iwaeasment fur -id improvement. / Colnmi.e�r of Po �c orke. 94015 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL ORDER `a In the Matter of constructing-a_sawar nn- Sixth Street from -White ..Bear Avenne_to. Kennard Street., and on Kennard Street from Sixth Street to Margaret Street,. under Preliminary Order 93320 -.-__...approved Aug. 10, 1932. Intermediary Order --- ----- -----approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is _construct -.a_— on-Sixth-_StreAt_from_.- White- Bear _AvenueKannard_Streetand..on_ Itennard_Street _from -Sixth Strew t_ to N—garat. Staeat,_._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __...._. .____- _ _-, 192. - - --- City Clerk. Approved. _ - - -. _-.- .... - , 192 - Mayor. Councilmarp6lanryam-+. Irl, o�id � Coun61m—M0 nakta F• n,.e 1 Councihnarmilile6lo> s I:,,sea Councilmalt® Truuz I / Councilmfl Wenzel 11' Mayor Nah•—f Form B. S. A. ST. PAUL nEPAFTMENTOF FINANCE REVORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' (A) In th<mau<r of constructing a sever on Sixth Street from White Bear Avenue toEennard Street and on gennard Street from Sixth Street to Margaret Street, vvdcr prdlminary O,dcr app—,d ;August 10, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hcr<by repo"' as follows: tal < t<d a of the a t for the about mpro nt �s - - t _ i�6-fzZ• 4�-- Th<m st,m. mofrt. o n<aamrn v<m<- - - S __ _ o 05 The esu mated cost per �oo (r the above mprovement .e - t onor 'rhe lou rce or pal' of land that may b< as'essed ben efiu (or such improvement, and the esseesed valva of each lo[ parcel as I_ reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oEacviPTioN DoT atop. AoornoN iaWAllogidg. 1 g G. V. Ba"on[s Add. 125 3000 75 3700 3 0 6 do 125 1650 15 7 do 100 16 & 17 7 do 18 7 do 50 50 19 7 do 50 20 7 do 50 21 7 do 50 gg 7 do 50 23 7 do ` MErno. F)»wn= OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPQRT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) oEscn�Pr�on �o..�oc. woo�r�on „wL�wr�oN i 24 7 G. Y. Bacon'S Add. 50 25 7 do 50 26 7 do 50 27 7 do 50 28 77 do 50 29 7 do 50 30 7 do 50 16 8 do 50 17 8 do 50 18 8 do 50 19 8 do 50 20 8 do 50 21 8 do 550 75 Lot 22 and W } of 23 8 do & } of 23 81do 75 1650 ; 24 8 25 8 do 50 26 8 do 50 1700 27 8 do 50 28 8 do 50 29 8 do 50 30 8 do 50 1 9 do 75 2 9 do 50 3 9 do 50 4 9 do 50 50 ,......,, 5 9 do r AUL CITY OF DEPARTMENTSOFP FINANCE OF COMM)SSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' (C) .fsCRIFTON LOT A...T... VALUATION B 9 G. V. Bacon's Add. 50 7 9 do 50 8 9 do 50 9 9 do 50 10 9 do 50 , 11 9 do 50 12 9 do 50 50 50 13 9 do 50 250 14 9 do 15 9 do 50 1 10 do 50 2 10 do 50 3 10 do 50 4 10 do 50 5 10 do 50 8 10 do 50 7 10 do 50 8 10 do 50 9 10 do 50 10 10 do 50 11 10 do 50 12 10 do 50 DEPARTMENT BOFF FINANCE REPQRT OF COMMiS5IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER t 'a (c) 1�5111-10N t -OT e.oc. nooinoN vnLUITION 13 10 0. Y. Bac ones Add. 50 14 10 do 50 15 10 do 50 1 11 do 50 1700 3400 13700 The Commisso— of Fi-occ further re pons that h, has snvcstigatcd all of the aforrs aid --s, od hcceby submits the forcgoiog as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad, to him m ref__ to said matrer by the Commissioner of Public Works. (� Dated —19 1 v�o--ms s' Commissi-oner of Finance. yri 'Y F S�rii' - � •--rY 21 � r 'Y F'ts� u �j ,RA�A7 .2'++ �.0 � $'t F� � —. � t A* � •nt'+ah�L. �"�rj=.�' 1 E Y'. .. a , s»,w �.`C��.'-�r.a a'at'i s,+ �az'�� *3 •5 } �c � 4�`` �. .: t� n IVE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSA OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) August 29, 1932 Bon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on Sixth Street from White Bear Avenue to Kennard Street, and on Kennard Street from Sixth Street to Margaret Street, under Preliminay Order C. F. 93320, approved August 10, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $5,667.00 Cost per front foot - - - - 2.25 Inspection - - - - - - - - - ) 515.00 Engineering - - - - - - - - )) Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 2,528 ft. Note: Attention is called to the fact that Sixth St. between �a Flandrau and Kennard is not graded, but is included in —"9c this order as a necessary link in carrying out the plans for the so-called Belt Line sewer. This together with E,_ _ the sewer on Kennard St. is necessary to drain that �`4 W ice portion on Sixth St. between Flandrau and White Bear Ave. wherein the petitioners are interested. Yours truly, c� ;nd e ge M. Shepa d, f . Ch of Engineer. Approved for transmission to th salo r of F ance. Heiman C: Wenze I� Commissioner of eublic Works. Office' of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Aug. 30, 1932 193. To the Commissioner of 1'inanee of the City of St. P -L The Commiesioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ea Council File No. 93320 approved August 10, 1932 _193 ,relative to the construction of a sewer on Sixth Street from White Bear Avenue to Kennard Street, and on Kennard Street from Sixth Street to Margaret Street. and having investigated the matters and thing referred to therein, herehy reporta: 1. Said improvement is necoacery and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.25 2. The estimated cost thereof in $__5,,667.00 , and the total cost thereof is 3 _..., Engineering & inspection $515.00 Frontage 2,528 ft. and the nature and extent of said imp —co t is ae follow-: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made o part hereof. 5. Iil4YF°P1�IN@f.. .....................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to r-7- improvement-- C sesmvar of Put SEP 1 193 o� /Y) N. -A le St. Paul, Minn.dulY-.26-32.._.._.192..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Cunt 3nuanaa..ot.. S.arax..tor lateral_nanuantlonn.. 4a.i(keldeaae.a_. on.__. E.SIXTH St,,..__ from FAtte-. Hearaveto... Plandrenu.-St.. _.._.... ._..'St. Ave. ,► Ab� --4 �� St. Paul, Minn. (�� 1 � 19'3e} T. The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: protest againsty We, the undersigned property owners, Ixrebyrtrtn•yosr •HeiwrebYa� e$�yjp�rayl�}he. following improvement to be made: Bower on Sixth St. from White Bear. Ave,. to.. Kennard St, and on Xenard St. from Sixth St, to 6targaret St. St. A - from St. Ave. to St. Ave. 94016 4:9N hi fir OAI e4. Odu"rAa�pY 1 .r aid liavp COUNCIL FILE NO.. em- By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of racon.str=ting. -rel&ping-ar.d.regairing-thB-.aidewalka _.na_tha_south_side•of Harrisom St.. from_ Western Ave,.t-4_Geodrich. Ave.-, under Preliminary Order___.93343- ------approved _An,& st_12, 1932_.. Intermediary Order _-.-__-.-._-.._-__.—__-__approved _.__.._.__-..____.._-__.--- ---._-___...__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it '. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is —4WD trent,- relay -and- zaps--the_sidewalks _.os- the -.s,uth_sids of _Harrison -St. -Prom -'hest er_n.Ave...to OQ4dx'ioh_Ave-.� --- -------- ----- _---------- -__._.... ____..____-___-___— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of mid improvement in.cordance therewith. MAY Adopted by the Council ---.-.- --. 192..._..-. City Clerk. Approved ...__.. m^' 8 1934 192 _ Councilman Q' yyyiy� .NCil�m+is CCeeu"nman,oazU ro9laef�n S �� 3/ Councilman Councilman dinMffik�e^a MayorMds /M••n^nS RM. F, Form B. S. A. 8-7 Q^T'�Y -Wi nor sf. PAUL' nEPA_M ENT OF FINANCE .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mater of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the South side of Harrison Ave. from Western Ave. to Goodrich Ave., under Preliminary Order approved August 12, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tarsi eenmated amount If the assessment for the above mprovcmcnt I. - - - E 587.74 The esu mated cost per foot (or the above mprovcmcnt le - - - - - - $ - - l'helore or parcel. of land that may be assee eed bene4u for such im prove me ,and We as.essed valuation of each lot or parcel a. last reported by the A--, arc a. follows: D-11PTION LOT-- AOOTION La MAIUATIIN Bldg. 1 10 Terrace Pk Add to the 1500 City of St. Paul, Ramsey (Faro. Goodrich Ave.) 25 10 Co.,State of Minnesota. 800 do 26 10 do 300 do 24 10 do 650 That part of 27 10 do 450 1750 west of a line from a point on the south line of Harrison Ave. 103.25 ft east from the west corner , of said lot 27, to a pt. on the S. line of said lot, 124.75 ft east from said corner of lot 27 That part of 27 10 do 350 E. of a line from a pt. on the S line of Harrison Ave. 103.25' E. from the W, corner of said lot 27, to a pt. on the S line of ed. lot 124.75 1 , from ad. corner & all of 28,blkr°Yb 600 1200 n EPA RT MENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 29 10 Terrace Pk Add to the 600 2600 City >f St. Paul, namsey 30 10 Co., State of Minnesota 600 3000 31 10 do 625 1500 32 10 do 650 3100 33 10 do 650 750 34 10 do 600 35 10 do 650 2600 Crossing for north south do Valuation alley in block 10 do Crossing for east and west No Valuation alley in block 10 do tI 9025 16700 The f Finance further reports that he has m—ligated all of the aforesaid ma« , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon m the C-61, together with the report mad, to him m r,ferenc, to said matter by the Commissioner of Poblic Works. Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Waw HUM Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1932 August 18, 1932 193 Ta the Commissioner of Fir—, of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under r—id... ti.0 the preliminary order of the Couneil, known sn C—til File No. 93343 avpmved August 12, 1932 _193 , rolative to Rec:metruct, relay and repair the sidevalks — the South side of Harris= St. from Vesterh Ave. to Goodrich Ave. Lot 1 Block 1.7 Terrace Park -----------------=31.44 Lot 24 "_________________ '.48 n n n � o__---------- ___ Lot SS n Lot 26 Lot 7(the vest 105.25 ft of) blk 10 Terrace ?ark -- 64.58 Lot �7(East 56.40 ft. of) Elk 10 " " --- »•19 Lot::8 Block 10 'Terr-.ce 1 rk------------- -5.08 Lot -9 " n n ,� ,,OB Lot 50_________ X5.08 Lot 61 n n n �� _________________c5,08 Lot .5 - Lo t _Lot .55 " n n n __________,�5 Lot 54 n ______._ S. 08 Cit!_______„-LeY ____________ _____________59.650 Lot 55 Eloc10 n 597 5 �1• Commissioner of �-- jr,,.tig.tod the matt— and things ,faredt. tbcreio, h,,,,by TeP-- and having Said il-pro—n-t 0 "',—Y (-r) f. I'ho estimated —t thereof 1- $ and the totM coat thereof is S 2. and the ..,oro ..d -te-t of said "of""'"t is as f-11.­ 3 A plan, profile or sketch of said joop,ov—,,nt is hereto attached and _j, a part hrr,.f. 4. 5. Said jo,pr—,no.t ie...mkod for 'Pro pet,t,rd f tj,,,o or more ­n of property, ­bIrlt to assessment for smd improvement. October 11, 1"71. fi—I —ler In t- —tt- of — nvtn­ct I -ol ..i, r -,e -- I r I- t1lc vI dl� ­Ik.— t1i. � I T —trf.— St. f arta A -_ -l-1 �— -i — �— , --- F. 0. No. <)131�3, 1-1 : 110' —obar 25tb .d y— er. —illvteO t- a n1ti— to t.l - .rty --t. Y-- —, truly, City 03stk. 94017 COUNCIL FILE NO.. a'ah, b: f,crwE"o ES" :L°ae oPoi. FINAL ORDER ' In the Matter of.. oonetrnotin-driveeays d tbn Yolloeiax-loostioaat---- --- ---- Band A,._ •eat aide, beginning ning 422ft •northhoffConk.at. theaae north, 110. rt..beglnaiag 34 orth Hand Earth r north,ethame port ft. farther north, theme north 10 ft., begimtag 104 ft, farther north, thence north 8 ft. be inaiag_4.ft. -fartbar north. thsnea.north B it. Beadasst aide, beginning 12B ft. north of Oiiver St. [hems north 9 ft. Baadlve... .:t :Id* bagdaning 118. ft. nauth of Cook. 3t.. these eMth-2.ft.._ -. Cook at.. south aide, beginning 72 ft. east of Cortland St. thenoe eget 13 ft.. beginning 82 ft. farther east,. thenoe soot 8 ft.,_._ _ - - - ----- under Preliminary Order.... -.83341.......-__.appm-1 Aug. _12.. 1932 Intermediary Order -...-__ --_.__.....approved _..___._-___.... _ -__..- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the Citty of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is- - ee...ta,ot- drivvsayb.M, the_Sa11as1�14ostL¢aR,.. mea �..fa-sad..aids.bagiming-42.fi�sarth.of_C9➢k._fit._L�D.eaOe_A91'th_ 0 tt:a-�_i»>i6 34 ft. rther north, thenoe north 10 ft., b B Cook St., southBids bsg5iuiag 72 Yt. eaaE of Cortland St. theme sad i3 ft., Dsgl.nning 92_ft. _farther and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council NN 1.0_M_.. -., 192 �itp Clrrk. n , Approved 192 Cou.6nuj4spey, y,� pl, l.,,sld Councilman cFerlms --, ,I j,. �/ O C0 ..ilmanrMcDomld-„ i•,.a�,.e /� Counc1 m. atcCxlom- R>pfjBF�� Councilman49adiap _- 'I'r Councilmandlien;mi -.. �'­i Mayors M..1 n,ev Form B. S. A. 8-7 -.t'?T. F. SCOTT, CITY CLERK By _.:.A � C n 9F rn. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �J REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER : (D) tothemauerof constructing driveways at the following locations: rth Hand ave., west side, beginning 212 ft. north of Lawson St., thence no 8 ft., Hand Ave., east side, beginning 42 ft. north of Cook St. thence north110 ft., beginning 34 YLhe nc efarther north Bnorth, ft.,thence beginning itft. farthernnorth in 4 ft. farther north, thence north 8 ft., Hand Ave., east side, beginning 128 ft. north of Oliver St. thence north ft.ive., east side, beginning 118 ft. south of Cook St. thence south 2 ft. Hand Colli St.,bsoutth side2 beginning a 72 eft east nee east a8dttt' thence east ng 9 ondcr Prcllmioary order approved August 12, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: mus The Comlooe, of Finance hereby reports >s follows: of the a t (or the above mprovement .a - - 5 --152—BZ-_ -- The total esu mated amount seers men $ The estimated cost per foot for the above mprovement is - tion o(ca ch lot or The lore or parcel, of land that may be a,se%sed benefits for such improvement, and the a�eeesed valva parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are ae follows: oEscl—IN 10T--Aoon— La nwnii dg 4 34 Auerbach & Hand's Add. 400 3250 to the City of St.Faul 375 1800 11 20 do 12 20 do 375 2650 14 20 do 375 2100 15 20 do 375 2350 13 17 do 325 3150 16 33 do 400 1600 9 2 Virgilia Division 350 100 (Exc. S. 18 in.) 11 2 do 425 100 3400 16900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he hes investigated all of the af--id ereon t mats t , and hereby submit% the foregoing tho the Council, together with the repot made to orhim ae hie report referen ee td atter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commh­oncr of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W'M306 FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance AUG 22 1932 August 18, 1932 193 To the Con,.i„ionnc of Finance of the City of 6t. Paul, The C—imi—,, of Public Work,, having had under consideration th, preliminary order of the nneil, k --n „ CII -d Pile 9u. 93347 nPP--d August 12, 1932 193. "W”, to C, tract t: rlv— ; ..t the fo11.win4 .oc.: tf mst W<s}Ew" 31de of r4uld A -✓o.-•1119 1.J ft. North of L,— n St., thence Nor th.3 ft. Lot 4, uLock �54, :.uerb-ch & d3nd� e ,.dm,.----- y i_t.1,:e of H-1 'vegi—Ing 4- ft. north �f Coot t., thence 1, th 10 ft. begLt ling 34 ft, f--rthor north, t:ence north 10 ft. ti.5ln.ing 104 ft. f rth r r. Drth, thence na th 8 ft. begi;Lng 4 ft. ft.rther n th, thence north 8 ft. of ocd J�, nuc:o_ch & •�..r�� .an._______._i 19. 5.. .. �.t i4, E:.et .i,i.c of 11r-, ;.v.. 1w1-.: jr,- L o ft. n3rth Af 7Li•✓e^ -t. tlim, th �, ft. L L,.+u����,n,,�,.1_��____. , :_ t .:1.e of hzand .�v :. c; In .int• 119 ft. ReSi�h C, :k :t. tt:^r.ce oo:th :: ft. C',-- --------------------- ------- X4...7 side of Cook ;l nn in3 e— t >f Cortle d St. thence e -'t 18 rt, thence e:: st 8 ft. Lit d u Llr.:i-di-Li:, G; .n isi m _.____--_---__-:^1.�b Lit LL nod having i­,.ti,.1,d the mnttere ..d thirge referred to therein, lo,ob, reports: I. Said improvement ie neccaanrynod (.,) doeir.ble. 2, flo, estimated to., thereof i, S , and the total cost thereof i, 5 nod the nntere _1 ­,ot of enid in,pn—ole-t ie re follow-'. 3, A pin, profile or eketch of eni,j i.p_,.o,.t ie hereto attached ond -.do . port hereof. 4. ,5, Said mopo.—Ilot ..ked for upon petition of three Or more O"IN Of PrOPcTtY, e,bj,,t to ­,ot for said BY � ..!✓•aa`st'.`tS .:Ys.:Yss's:a T. ..'i`. In the matter of --0 P_ena_widening_ and extending Coleman St. to a width _. ________--_______-_. of 60 ft. from Wheelock Parkway to 6faryTa^ m °w°a'n:.1OO6e.x �c.v w F "r under preliminary Order --- 93Pk3---___---__ approved--__ Jt>zy-29th, 1932._ Intermediary Order --------238538-------------- approved-_ _..-,gBPember_ 14th,_ 1932.__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard 11 gra as, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same etherefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thlt k he mmd the sir' nre he. eby ma'elled, aaaulted, =d rescinded rnd all y d the Council hereby ord1p—w improvement to be ade. RESOLVED FURTHEthe following land, la de a menta therein be the same are her ordered to be tpropriated and Conde ed for the purpose of m the said imp v menta, viz.: The we ft, of Lots 3, and 5, and the east 0 ft. of Lots 6 ain Block 5, and a west 30 ft, of Lot 1,2,3, 4 and 5, aneast 30 ft- of Lo 9, in Block 8, all Rogers and cks Acre Lots. RESO ED FURTHEth Cimmissioner f Public W ks be nd is hereby st,u ted .ad direct to prepare plaeci adome for said improvemeor and the proper city officials hereby autho ized and direcceed ith the making of said im —em in accordance th rov with. 19 Adopted by the Council.____________ kl------------- i11. lg 1539 F G�14�� Approved___- -- J_______________. 19 ---- _-\__ Councilman G.11 15 Councilman F8F9us9fVVf "" 1 –/� ✓Councilman McDonald x 1' ,I ,Councilman Peace r ✓ F. SCOTT, ,ff Councilman ReWlamt TR Councilman Sadheimer ✓MaYor –.+ Adopted by the Councll......_..._.193__.. Yene. Noy, MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX / /W ENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (11ANONEY) � v i vS Adopted by the Council ............ ... 193. .. Yen. Neye. ZMAY /'McDONALD /PEARCE R//OSEN /LRUAX /W ENZEL AIR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Aft y�7��f'_ ..%' i�� '��� �� � - � �� � - ��,> �-rte L a ' eg NAM3JOJ '� .tL Enol Er,oM CwIA>✓oolssdW �NIN39O t ss„p„� yo u s,ue _ _ � 'ool••I slo�z MOS- IIIVX - - I SEPI ES y1�1. _ � J 3 4 5 I� P 4 5 i t Y s ILI�COLEMA ”` T•Y x c -- - LJ ) 6 5 6 1S /E 9 ,. O ✓ ,� -' 2 3 -i _ 18 Il 16 V lJ a - PCS' a 3 7 6 u 9 o ,4T. Fe F ... REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,h ON PRELIMINARY ORDER to the mum, of openl ng, widening and extending Coleman St. to a width of 60 ft. from Wheelock Parkway to Maryland St., order p,dlminary Oder approved July 29, 1932 To the Council of [be City of St. pawl: The Commusioncr of Finance hc,eby reports —f.11— of [he a t for the above mprov men[ ,s - - - $ 'Che total estimated amour[ sscssmen c The es tima[ed cost per foot for the about improvement is - - $_ __— — l'he lou or parcels of land that may be aaseased benefits Eor —h �m prov<ment, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A— —, arc as lollows: ocecw,1TION 1- ago« —TION La dw 110N Bldg. 3 5 Rogers & Hendricks Acre 1600 Lo t9 4 5 do 1600 1600 5 5 do 350 (Exc. W. 125 ft) 6 5 do 650 3800 7 5 do 1400 2500 1 8 do 1600 3550 (Exc. S. 84 ft) 2 8 do 875 3400 S. 64 ft of 2 8 do 875 3400 3 8 do 1600 lots 4 and 5 8 do 3500 6650 The Commissioner of Finance lurthcr reports that he hat investigated all of the b, ­ .id , marl,and hereby subm s the foregoing as hie repo, thereon o the Council, together with the report made to him in rc Terence to aid ma t -ter by the Commissioner of Poblic \�' kk p Dated _...0O.,fvy4_-/-y __ --_173 _ — -"�"^"' ro(Finance. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) o[scntrrion er ewe. wool tion y11U�Tjpn 1 i South } of West } and the east } of 9 6 Rogers & Hendricks Acre 925 900 .. lots 7 Coleman's Subdivision of 175 lots 1 & 2, blk. 5, Rogers 8 and Hendrick's Acre Lots 175 - 9 do 200 10 do 300 11 do 450 (Exc. Wheelock pkwy) 2Coleman's Suoflots 1300 6500 33 obdiv. 10 8, Sand f IS .5 4 Rogers and Hendrick's Acre 5 3) Lots 6 7 do 175 8 do 175 9 do 175 12 Coleman's Subdiv. of lot 200 5, blk 7 and lots 6 7 and 13 8, blk. 8 of Rogers and 150 Hendrick's Acre Lots 14 150 15 do 175 16 do 175 17 do 175 18 do 175 1 Coleman's Subdiv. of lot 175 3350 10, blk 8, Rogers & 2 Hendrick's Acre Lots 175 3 do 175 1200 - 19825 36850 The Commissioner of Finance lurthcr reports that he hat investigated all of the b, ­ .id , marl,and hereby subm s the foregoing as hie repo, thereon o the Council, together with the report made to him in rc Terence to aid ma t -ter by the Commissioner of Poblic \�' kk p Dated _...0O.,fvy4_-/-y __ --_173 _ — -"�"^"' ro(Finance. St. Paul, Minn, JalY. 11th = 1932• To The Honorable, The Council, Cin' of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ODea Coleman Streetto a 60 .foot. width.. 8 St. Ave. from. 8heelook.. Parkway. _.St. Ave. to _.. Maryland Street St. Ave. NAME I U I BLOCK I ADDITION Office of the Commissioner of Public Report to Commissioner of Finance August 9, 1932 193 D. the f Finan-- of the Ca, of 11. Paul. 1h1. Cummiaainner of 1`0,li, Warks, having had under ...... 1—fi- the preliminary —I- of the lo—,n m Dile N,, 93213 ,.-d July 29, 1932 193 1 rclnnre. to opening, widening and extending Coleman Street to a width of 60 feet from Wheelock Parkway to Maryland otreet and )—,, ii vestiguted the mortem -d tNmp referred to therein, h—by ,p.,ls: I. S.id improvement '--Y ..d ((") 2. Th, o,timated cost th .... f is $ xxxxx ,and the total cant thereof I. S -d the W - ..d extent of -id improvement ie � f,44- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of a,id m,p—,,,—a is 1,-,t, attached s.d ..& a port h—,'r. 4. 5. S.id mip,— -t k ..naked for upon pool. If ts— or moro owners of property, subject In —..—t f., said i,cp---t. C Conor o[ Public a $epectnunt d fiiboo anb Dnbaetry i�uaustrinl (dommission of Minnesota Je2SAINT PAUL ctober 10:52. ayor Illia. Cit-?iall, 2t. Iain, Linn. Fort;;-twor years aCo :, ac o -n ch built a 'Io use or. e dedicate but ,no pens- street, at 1251 Colemar. street, e>' ectinr t!,nt in e short time t`+e ¢tract would be opened, and that then gradirg, water, sewer and 'as lines would follow. .'till t"se years he has waited In vain for these innrover�ents and converc es. The mutter o£ ope.inr t... street between :aryland anal haelook parkway wll� come bef ora th> coun.iL to;:.orrow. The str i�� to be oToned is two block¢ lonC. Prov ious pro ao ai ti one to open V.e ct rest have Dee. de±'anted the o1 j act io ns of others wl.o ii ve in t'ie neigl,borho od but not on t:ie street, and it is quite li ko tF.at t'.e s^ nhjectors wi 11 Or, t'-ir objections tomorrow. It seems unfair that neo. le ,,,o have the co;:veniences -ioh ell People livin;' in a metropolitan ei Ly should heve, influence they would not want to be without, should have anou�' to prevent neo .ale v+ho live on the street frog.. sharing like con- veniences. I understand that lir. loch is the only res!dent on the strip Prot pra .... 0d to framed. Albenss street, ,nt it ia black s nweyary for the family to arr Z hone you will see your I,ay clear to end ".r. -:och's long and patient wait for the conveniences which he should have had long; aCo, end that if it develops that any "do F. in the man�ar" attitude is manifested tonorrow their ob Jactlons will reeeivo no n'�ore consideration than tl..c;: deserve. 1 em also writin^ on. the suLjact to '.erman "enzel and Ir- vin{; I'e arcs. Truly yours, 91(3 nayton -venue. A® St . PeUl Y1nn• I� Oct. 5, 1932./ II\ � To theHonorable Mayor and Couno 11 of the CSt.J of St. P a ul. / dentlem Re, the undersigned property owners, hereby do vehemently Protest the opening of Colman St. from Whee look Parkway to Maryland St. We belleve this Is untimely an unneoeasnrJ find It to endmo.t of the egeesme to whichtare now levied against theirybomesr taxes Th - paying of property f. Ing D. Is St. ere now paying for sidewalk, paving street and spread asneement on the Ye ry lend 0-0- We belleve that the opening of Coleman St. will be ,duet. one more penes, ora forerunner of a number of ne��ement� whioh will follow. We believe that our property will not be benef it.ed at present by th13 open Ing, St, Psul Minn. Oct. 20, 1932. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, do hereby protest the opening of colemen Street, from Wheelock Perkeey to Me ylend Street. Petition. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Cou"fl He No. I= Theundereigned hereby propoeee the.,king of the tollowi°g public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: __.Qpenr widen_sttd extend_Coleman_ pt. to a width of 60 ft. from Wheelock Parkway to Earyland St. D.tedthia 27th -A,&-........duly IB 32. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, 14 - Coleman St.. in.:Colemaa..S.t.. _to. .a.. width._of...60 from Wheelock_ Parkway to ldaryland St. ----- bavinB been ted to the Council of the City of St. Pont _..... _......... ..._.........___...._.._.._.....___........._..._._..... Pe° therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Com.iesioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveattgate the areaeaity for, or desirabdity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To i°veetigato the nature, extent and eatimated coat of maid improvement, and the total wet thereof. 3. To furnish a plm, profile or akeWh of said improvement 9. To state whether or not said ineprovemeut is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commieeio°er of Finance. JUl 2Q 1932 Adopted by the Council.._......__........_....__._... _...___._... _.....__.._ Y— N— C ... fl— areCa...emaa '^'1111,,'' aaa�2 -- Approved-. _._............ _..__....._.. y1ar� a. gppfmom «'nx G fife-Pee.1— 6 \ Mayor It r..c•uou:oan -�� Q� � e � ., � �`� � � . �Y a _ y I. April 21t:, 1933. Bon, tclton Noaen, Co�aienioner of Yinenoo, S,vildinrt. Atti L. C. S - Deer Sir$ Th. attached order and objections 1. the v ttar of o mim, vidscing aad ..tend?a Ooleman Street rote referred to yon by the City Council vith U. s.p,Reatlon that the order be split into three sections ®d that as attempt be made to satisfy the objectors. 1933. The above order was laid over to KAY 10, Tours very traly, City Clerk. Vey loth, 1915. Ron. Wilton Whom, .-0, of Flo—, Bulldlre. Be- Ce-1-iiaer: ,he order Sn the m.ttsr of oponl+fg, .4denfeg .nd extemdinf, Coleman Street to a .kith of 60 feet from 11-1ock Parkw W to Waryl.l Street eee before the Counotl todq and vee 1a16 ever to July 12th, 1931. Wr. Is—etat,dat the meeting thnt three separate order. ebor:7A be Irtrodeoed to oorer thele imprormeat. Yi,— very trely, City Cleric. (Ob.fection. of Coiemen St.) Kenna c. Lnrene W. C. Lear.nee. galea Sal varda, at el Jerry W. Jorgensen Christ Jorgensen Ya this. Kulaer and Katie Y. Kul.er X.ran Sane.a Lilllan Powell IDtdolph C. Schneider Alfred A. Debbert and Yerie Y. D.bbart Sneer B. Call -- O'Donnell Shoe Corporation Received the above objections, to be retwned to City Clerk -a office. Ll �11r. Pres. !1lahoncy � \Ir. Prey \lahon/e�% /� OINANCE COUNCIL FILENO.-_4Iw PRESENTER BY //NCE NO. - An ordinance requiring the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul to collect rents due the City. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. It is hereby made the duty of the Purchasing Agent of the City of St. Paul to collect all rents due, accruing or to accrue to said City from any and every source under the Charter, ordinances, by -lane, resolutions, contracts or leasee, and to turn the same over to the Commissioner of Finance. Section 2. All previous ordinances affecting the subject matter herein are hereby repealed. IF Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and bee force thirty days after its passage, approval and publication. s o R--aR-- Y— . e- - 1n b Yesx Councilmen N— \I¢v Pfe}3art¢Id � Pe¢ T Tru '� lYcnzrl >(r. Pm�iArnt f\In lu �i�esi Att-: / s e.v 'icy t'Irrki . . \I r In Prrr n �VJ� \Rni�: xt CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPM of Minnnov OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM R. SCOTT, oa a.d ..a e.A.mlon., N R.9eenlon October 4th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corpo ration Co+msel, St. Pant, Minn. Dear Sir: Am in receipt of year reply to my request for opinion regarding the collection of rents, .to. signed by Nr. Irving Wlieb. 'hila the duty ie still imposed upon the City Clerk ae provided for in tha ordi--- Paeeed December 21, 1875, the make up end Conditions had mata ially changed when the present Charter was adopted. Mey I regneat that the old ordinance be annulled or emended, so that the responsibilities will net upon the office who has accepted this duty with the adoption of the City Charter. This office is no longer —office of records end it would be .1—.t impossible to efficiently comply with the old ordinance. Yonra truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piul hf Mi..-wv CITY COMPTROLLER ."w• October 7, 1932. L. Anderson, E -q., Corporation Coune51, Building. Attention Of Irving Ca tl ieb. Dear Sir: It is the op Snion of this office that the proposed ordinance which Is how being drafted for the purpose of anthor- lxing the collectior of rent- should contn Sn a clause epeclfy- Sng that oll onnles due the City of Saint Paul on account of rental- shall be eclleet ad by and eccouii ed for through the Purchaslrg Dan-t-ent of the City of Saint Poul. To— very truly, H. F. Goodrich, .�C� City � c /XJ By / `-ppad'�, Wilson YBR IB Chief Seco taut. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT October 3rd, 1932. Yr. William F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of September 30th, in which you request information with reference to your duty in the col- leotlon of rents due the City of St. Paul, beg to state that Ordinance of December 21, 1875, appearing as Section 1298 of the Compiled Ordinances, designates you ae the party who shall collect rents due the City of St. Paul from any and every source under the Charter, ordinances, by -lase, resolutions or contracts, and makes it your duty to pay the same over to the City Treasurer and take his receipt therefor, and to further report your ool- leotions monthly to the City Council if any rents are payable monthly, or at such time ae such rents are collected, together with a monthly report of all rents due and unpaid. This ordinance has never been repealed and Is not super- seded by any other ordinance. The duties therein prescribed are still the duties of the City Clerk. Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL ,��. ` NO. 94020 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM e-ENreo RY comm ss o � rE RESOLVED Wh reae addltf one and ded eti a which might prove to b necessary in the improvement described ae the paving of the southerly part f 8th St. from Wabasha St. to Robert St. and 9th St. from 136 feet east of the center I ine of Wabash, St o 140 feet east of the center line of Cedar St., and Cedar St. from 8t. to 104 feet south of Exchange St., and Minnesota St. from 8th St. to 2 set south of 8th St., Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co., contracto re, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been sti nulated in the Contract, and 'I Whereas it has been found necessary to make addition. and deduc- h tions. Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in accordance with unit prices as stipulated in the contract and Table 2 showing addition. made on the force account basis ae provided in the contract. ADDITIONS" Table 1 - lol Cu. Yds, excavation ® .50 $50.50 10 linftSt r. curb reset .40 4.00 3 lin,, ft.. 8"x18" cone, rad. enrb, steel bar facing 1.50 4.50 56 Sq. ywa. 3" brick paving on con;, base 4.00 224.00 104 eq. 7 yds. j3¢" Asphalt �. paving on 7" cone. base. 3.25 338.00 203.9 lbs. reinf. steel .04 8.16 .34 cu. yde. Claes B Cone. 9.00 3.06 1 2A Cat oh Bae1n 22.00' 1 IA Catch Basin (brick only) 41.00 $695.22 DEDCCTIONSz 1 6A Catch Basin 25.00 77 st. yde. 6° concrete base 1.20 92.40 117.40 omitted (grading excluded) Net addition Table 1 $577.82 ------ Table 2 ADDITIONS" 20 lin. ft. cone, curb with steel bar facing to remove® .15 $3.00 11 cone. curb to remove .10 1.10 2 2z wide aide inlet holes to cut in g ranite curb 7.50 15.00 2 5A Catlhbasine to build with 4 lie ;t. 6"x8" cone. chute 25.00 50.00 4 5A catchbaeine Sandrock Tunnel 4.00 16.00 Sect. A 2 Catchbasin8 to remove 5.00 10.00 92 sq. yds. stone block paving relaid on $" send cushion .75 69.00 112.3 eq. yde. of built up base .40 44.92 242.8 eq. yd.. sheet asphalt surfacing .75 182.10 4 catchbaeine lowered 2' each 3.00 12.00 - 40 lin. ft. 12" V.C.P. lowered 2' .25 10.00 $413.12 19MUCTIONSt 214 stone block paving on 4" sand cushion omitted.60 128.40 127.5 eq. yds. sheet aenhalt s facln1 .75 _25-_62436.01 Net deduction Table 2 $ 22.91 Total net addition _ $554.93- And, 554.91And, Whereas, the net addition is $554.91 now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net a dditione due to same not to exceed the sum of $554.91 to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3675 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the re a e one hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid epecificatlone and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co., that the m of $554 su.91 ie the reason- able net addition to be made to the said contract. At ClImieeioner of Public Works Countersigned" Contractor trollgL..._ COUNCILMEN Y % Kn� .adopted Ly the (--d - _ . __ 193.. Mi y ��M,Donnld Pea A ..........1 19'j: .:4iysx it Rsin,t / LG.LGt.1LC G. -T`Zt. iSeneel f.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Q'Iul F ml—u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C WENZEL, C -1-1—A 1L—H- IM -- c." B,— October 7th, 1932. To the Honorablep The City Council, City of St. Paul. Gentiemen ; The attached resolution for Additions and Deduction$ in emjunctim with the paving of Eighth St -P Ninth St. and Cedar St. Ne.L-3675 - Clement F. Sculley Equip- ment Co., Contractors� includes 811 Of the Additions and Deductions in conrection with this work. Work order amounting to $712.02 covers all of t a work incidental to the widening of the roadways two (h t b t 2) eSt on each side along Cedar B . a ween Eighth and N intf etree ts and along Ninth St. from C'dar St. to a point 40 fe east of the center line of Cedar St . and on the t This 1 t et lou h de of Ninth St. from Eighth to Cedar St "ir .. work was necessary because the plans having be previous to the decision of the CO`uncil� to establish or rou t a the car line on Ninth St., did not provide a wide enough roadway to accommodate vehicular t affic and street car 5 in addition. A wider roadway became essential when the str , et car track was established on Ninth Street . Work order amouOting to an addition to the a. tal to a change contract of $38 . 00 covers the work incido in the drainage on the southwest corner f Eighth St. and Mime sota Street. This became necessary due to the mee ting of obstructions from old tunnels. Work order amounting to an addition to the c ntract of $10.30 covers the work ino idental. to the o O's vault on reinforcing of the Northern States Power C the east side of Cedar St. between Eighth and Ninth St. The city has been reimbursed for this expense by the Northern States Power Company. Work order amunting to a not deduction of $205.41 from the contract cover . a modification of the original plans for that part of Eighth St. between Cedar and Wabasha where a propesal is now under consideration VK page---2--- to vacatesuch portion. Consequently, it was deemed expedient to put in only the necessary work until definite action is taken by your Honorable Body. Therefore, the total addition of $780.8£ less the amount deducted of $205.41 leaves a net addition of $554.91 as appears in the accompanying resolution. Res ctfully bmitt d M. BHEP hie Engineer. @� Approve d..w f— ir` HMW C. WgNZEL, Commissioner of Public Works. isa-jw rh M City of Saint Paul Department of ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER Date_Segtevbar 21,1932_ Contract No.t-1675., Contractor Sculley Sguioment Co. Job- SIGHTH ST_._Eayin` Prom"Uabaeha St•_ To-- Robert St. Under the previsions as conuinrd in Section 95 of the Charts of the City of Saint Paul, the Communions, of public `Rorke __has directed that the following &-bed additional work be done under the pm,f,jens of the plane and speeifiw i.n and has agreed with the mntmemr that the prices as is... below are the reasonable ms as for the doing of the . nd work and the supplying of the materuis required: r �See7tgta e�r211 1932 �n• September etemb r 21 1932 %}7 Count reignod September 2l, _ t 2 (- - ,P -o, •, Description, Location, Quantities, Terms and Prices for Additional Work: DMUCTIONS : due to change in plane for atone p..ving on 8th St. T een edar St. andaab- ha St.:- 77 sq. yds. 6" concrete base omitted (grading excluded at $1.20 $ 92.40 390 ° concrete base to be built up omitted - - - .40 156.00 214 " atone blo c2. pair ng on 4" Band cushion ,60 128.40 omitted - - - - - - - - - - Df CTION due to change in plane cn Cedar St. from So. line of th. to 85 feet south : , , 127.5 eq. yd" built up Lase umsetcd - - - - - - - - - - .40 51.00 127.5 ° ° sheet asphalt curl a -ng - - - - - - - - - - 75 95.63 TOTAL DISDUCTION 523.43 ADDITIONS : due to change in plane for atone paving on Bth. St. between Uedar and 17abaeha Stret:te 92.0 aq. yda. of atone block paving on 6" sand cushion relaid - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - :75 69.00 112.3 a of built up base - - - - - - - - - - - - - -40 44.92 242.8 sheet nsphalt surfacing - - - - - - - - - - 75 182.10. 4 - catchbasine lowered 2.0 ft. each - - - - - - - - 3.00 12:00 40 - lin. ft. of 12" V.C.P. lowered 2.0,1 deeper - - - .25 10.00 TOnP. .L ADDITION 31 0 �%+ m DEDUCTICx 523.43 • > NET DEDUCTION -F2-O5-.-41 e.,ae I.oa�a... J4U21 CITY OF ST. PAUL O ....... ................ OFFICE OF TKE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL I��T, 5fW'1, . $y ylll - g veeservTe HN 4%. �E41pi ami e cos.Mlssl �✓: ��/L<%t�-u�e� �rry �%� r nag r vwlraree'oa ee RESOLVED YI•' •ev WHEREAS, Ralph W. Trine, Senior Assistant Civil Service Examiner of the Comptroller's Department, Bureau of Civil Service of the City of Saint Paul, was incapacitated by reason of an operation and was unable to perform his duties for a period of seven days following his regular sick leave on September 28, 1932, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Civil. Service has recommended that Ralph 17, 'Trine be granted the seven-day leave of absence for disability with pay from and after September 28, 1932, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore, be it a RESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are here- by authorized to grant this leave of absence for Ralph V1, Trine for seven days from and after September 28, 1932, with full pay. COUNCILMEN Yam Ney. Ado ted b the Council__._. . P Y y._� .tom{.. ......_193...._ May McDonald Pearce ..':...._.I favor APP ed.... i- _.. 193_. .T_ Wenzel __.___...Against - _... �� _. Mayor au a -aa Mr. President Mahoney � CITY OF ST. PAUL 94022 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLI"' COUNCIL RESOLUTI ?lq-- GENEF PRE—.- -Y COMM WHEREAS, the Stu Oil Company of St. Paul was, by Ordinance No. 6730, approved October 27, 1926, given permission and authority to construct and maintain a two-inch oil pipe "rose Broadway at Tenth street, upon the filing of a bond in the auin of #10,000 in- demnifying the City from all loss and liability arising,by reason of the construction and saintenanoe of said pipe; and WHEREAS, Said Stu Oil Company has lost its right to the possession of said prev,less, and H. K. Webb, doing business as Webb Oil company, is now the lessee thereof; and said lessee, on September 27, 1932, requested the Oo=oil to grant him permission to use and maintain the oil pipe aforesaid; therefor% be it RESOLVED, That said R. K. *ebb, doing business as the Webb Oil Company, is hereby authorised and permitted to maintain sald oil pipe upon his filing with the City Of St. Paul a bond in the sum. of #10,000, conditioned as required by said Ordinance No. 6730. COUNCILMEN OCT 11 y— Ad I' -'I J,y tho C In -d I. Ah— M�'Y- CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPmI of Mi—ou DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL, C ...... I.rvEn �®O nL«L �aua o.n..nen nuuen a H. Hevv«o. ox...b a.. vi.m., E•v..•, sep'-ember L3rd, 1932. Yr. Lewis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel. Attention : Nr, Irving Gottlieb. Dear Sir : Enclosedplease find bond delivered to me on this date by Nr. Peilen of the New Amsterdam Casualty Co., said bond being in the nameof the e Webb 011 Company, covering a gasoline pipe in th€' pavement of Broadway near Tenth St. Also please find attached acopy of the original ordinance, being No. 6730 approved by the City Council October 27th, 1926, This ordinance being in the name of the Star Oil Company, Some time last year the Star 011 Co. went through bankruptcy and since then the Webb 011 Co, havetaken over this filling station and gasoline filler pipe. Please have a resolution drawn up to be presented to the City Council transferring the per- mission granted to the Star Oil Company under Ordinance No. 6730 to the Webb 011 Company. Yours very truly, BERMAN C. WENZEL, Commission er oo/ft Public oWorks. By hief Engineerin lark. mww-rh Encl. ...,�„�..-U SURETY CASUALTY Boa riow..w euiLoi�a ST. PAUL, MINN.. September 22, 1932. Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Attention Mr. Woodruff Omtlemen: Enol coed please find bond executed by our Com - pony in behalf of H. H. Webb, doing business as Webb Oil Company for the maintenance of pipe under street for oil tank connections on southwes6 corner of 10th & Broadway Streets, St. Paul. This bond Is to take the plane of the one issued by our company on October 25, 1926 in behalf of the Star 011 Company, Inc., who is now bankrupt. Will you be kind enough to havethe City Council pass a resolution releasing our company from farther liabil- ity on the latter bond so that we may obtain copy of release to transmit to our Home Office. Thanking you in advance for giving this matter your early attention, we are Yours very tul PEE. LEN &PEIIhW AAP:R By Se �ce¢ter _a t:y LS-:. ,i "Al, Sooflti Je^::+m1nB ct.� St. lnu 1, Linn. I t! -.e '12 tile st++r ._ ,.o rm..r of Tenth n l.re_. mLn d-'1-. 1t;� for-ao.Le fi .. lnq '1 Tner 'n. Tie c a ^-11nc filler �S >e n+nran.� fr,m the Grc..t Nor Li,ern Ysros to this Sece of ;roderjy Jau ,re !e 'il+g• If you •nl sh to main t:.ln t!ds pile, Jo, wil' ':e re uir c to Ue; osit.vi th tho "tty %f St. -'",u1 c Surety Corn .ny :ons to the cmaxnt of `17,)70 or the qa so line �Le 'xl it o ve to to Moved fr+m City -:.o 7ty• yo.� wish to T. in �-.ir t'az �solire f111rr p1 peg Sn ac—rd�:n" "i tt: t.+ i:w ,oa ty1 .e re ulr to o._:.Ion in .vrl tin„oto t.i, CSty '.o'�nc:l _s41ni; 1'or �.�misslon to _ir.tLin tt , so'_Ine d o Fie se gi,e tui, »ur i_ meGi..te :Lt eat'.on, ,nd -C113e Yours v ry tru=yp Com,oiss.oner of .'Ullic ..,ks. Sy- Chief rnglnc'.rring ',-Ik. mm'+-rh N AU wt .3rd' I . Dsko'.. .,rad : Northern To—sii.e Co., P.allroc grilding, St. Paul, :diem, Gentlemen t We h..ve been recuested by the Nein r+=teru Casualty Coto c. "Ce l tu. toad covering the gasoline ;>ido ace ar ro..deay ::t Tenth St. Thi, _ i,)e-c. ,- .;t _lett by a forme.- ten—t, being tl:e St .r Oil Cou,isgr,Inc_ who se no-:: ban .t. The bon„ r.s w `:w ,a.:!ount of ;10,000 to s*.ve 'h'. cl t7 `.� •:class f'or :_ry ..nd all �.,,n..ge ;.rising out of the .on"� actl.•n or r.. .::La:;._i.:,c of ti._'s d o_ine ,'i Je. I h.:ve t!r.t e the o,nor of this n' ,,,arty the ,•sent time p—d mi, t,eu ;est th t -,our Ca_'. �, .,r tL� tu:.. :t of t:.J._ 1_o,,e t; ce,iv.;_� to t110 C^.t of St. .'cal :: 1—d to the dw�mt of ;10,000 so th t tim o1.. bo:a c:!n i.a c"Calie:i. 0m. er the IsS o£ the City oY St. 7:.u1 t.efnre>LC e c.. �coa.x'. to be fli-::hed to .he city or the : ;e Z-ved from ci t ,ro ,.,."Y.. Thi, ,i,,e rsn:: fr,m . Gro ,t r1:,rthc , =.sur 6r -s to the fF11in3 loc;.tw :,t t:• southe. -L corse -,f Tenth nd L,ro a oY� fome,Ly t;,. olb Fl.—Uln Cchool erty. \ Vivi this ;our ., ae:-t'on soon as pos::f log an6 o"i s Yoirs ve y -LY, i LL.T:.N C. . LN Zci, Commis_iL.cr of 2ublic DY- C1def Engineering CLerk. mnm-rh DAKOTA AND GREAT NORTHERN TOWNSITE COMPANY BT. PAUL. MINN. August 24, 1932. ir. Baseman 0. Tonal, Hof Lea Bo. 1730-D 0eaeieelomr of public Works, grs, WIT Hicks Bt. Paul, Zinc. Dear girt This wiu aoknoeLdge receipt of your letter of August 23 in reference to bond covering gasoline pipe across Broadway at Tenth Street. 1 have referred your Utter to Yrs. Rally Bicke, 264 last Jeaeatim Street, to *= the property is me laird, with request that she get in touch witb you and arrange for the bond. Tomos very truly, ®-0B president. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT August 20, 1032. Mr. Herman Wenzel, Department of Public Work.. Attention: ]dr. Woodruff Dear Bir; The attached letter wa8 received yesterday from the local agents for the Hew Amsterdam Casualty Company. It appears that some time ago an ordinance was passed, permitting the maintenance of a pipe under the street at the place named but that the property was sold by the owner of the permit to some person unknowo to me. It is suggested that the owner of this property, as well as any tenants now using the pipe, be notified that a new bond is necessary or the Department of Public Works will tear up the pipe. I am referring theietter to your Department because your Department should know first of all whether a new bond is to be furnished. Your. very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel. Lg*w i 0 i low SURETY CASUALTY ST. PAUL, MINN., Corporation Counsel, " City ofSt. Paul, 8t. Paul, Minnesota Attention Mr. Edwin Murphy, Asa,. Corporation Counsel Gentleman: August 10, 1932, The New Amsterdam Casuslty Company hereby notifies tpe City of Saint Paul that it is canceling the bond formerly issued for the Star 011 Company, Inc., now bankrupt, in the amount of $10,000.00 in favor of the City of Saint Paul, under Ordinance No.68263 for the maintenance of pipe under street for oil tank connections on southwest corner of Tenth and Broadway Street., St. Paul, account of its failure to pay re— newal premium which became due October 25, 1931. Said camcelation is to become effective tea days from date hereof. Copy Great Northern Railway, Attention Mr. Nybek. Copy Emily Hicks, ado Bay Todd, Atty, Mer. Bk. Bldg., St. Paul. Copy J. E. Blomquist, New York Bldg., St. Paul. M Yours ver ".truly, A2 NEW AMS D p0ALTY COMPANY CJ 1. - Pe11en �e en, enara gents WEPY OIL COMPANY 3F No. Y1)—th, Minneapolis, Minn. ,Iept. 27th, 1932 Department of Public Work,, City of St. Paul, St. Paul. Minn. Gentlemen Will you be kind enough to have the City Council pass a eolutlan e,thoriting the trane- fer of the Ordinance No. 68283 formerly granted to the Star 011 Company, Inc, for the o n,truc- tion and maintenance of pipes under street for oil tank connection, o outhwest c of 10th k nroadway ,tr seta, Stn Ydul, M1nne,ota, to me, e I am ow the leesee of thio property, and greatly oblige Yours very truly, '. cBF OIL COITANY, 8y D GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY �e^uLM1ryN St. Paul, Minn., September 26, 1932 Yr. Lewis Anderson, Corporation Attorney, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minn. Tt>W✓�� Yr. Pall en, of Peilen A Peilan, St• Paul, hoe called at this office in r e to a ee pt anon bq the City of St. Paul of a bond by H. K. Webb,•doing bu eine.. ae Webb 011 Company, co or a certain pipe line under the street at the termer Star 011 Station, 517 Broadvay, St. Paul, Minn. This Is to advise you that the Star Oil Company hoe no further interest in this property. It became neoeea ry for Dakota and Creat Northern Toaneitd Company, a subsidiary corporation of the Creat Northern Railvay, Company, to foreolose its lie, on the improv amen to located on said premie ee. A Sheriff's certificate of sale ass given to the Dakota and Great Nor th -r, Townst to Company by Sheriff Moeller under direction of the court under date of Aril 29, 1932. The improvements on said premises were sold by said Dakota and Great Northern Toensite Company to H.E.We bb, do i.g bueine.a as Webb 011 Company, and bill of sale was given to the Webb Oil Company under date of September L5, 1932. A five yenr lease subject to c celintion by either party on three movthe not iog vas given to said H.K.nWebb, doing business ae Webb 011 Company, under data of September 14, 1932. This lease vee delivered to the Lessee on the same date. It will be clearly a o from the above that the Star Oil Company hes no further S,te re et Sn theemaiter, and we hope that the proper officers of the City of St• Paul w L11 e e their any, clear to ... sept the bond, and give the necessary 1Lsense orpermissionto the Webb 0' company. ery truly,/ GN -p. � �/ CITY OF ST PAUU6 253 No, 940 OFFICE OF THE CITY C Wh­;�. 1h. COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIA GENEFIA"d PRI�rn -T- y .111.01IR 2dFEm KNISIX WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Coal Company, of Wisconsin, a corpor- ation as the owner of the following described real estate situated in the City Of St. Paul, t_itl Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 (except ' xOe pt 0 the north 30 feet f said Lots 6 and 8, and e.ospt that part of said 'a Lot 11 taken for railroad purposes) in Block 45, Rice & I,v1 no Addition to at. Paul, and half of Ontario street as vacated and ad- joining the same, has sea Is rted a claim against the City Of St. Paul for thereo-:;.Y of f money the reasonable rental f p t':,�: o 0. value 0 oelt of said al t at. oupled by the OitY at V.,.. time ;rtiuing the period of six years last past without lease, license other authorization; and WBgaEkB, itappears from report of the Corporation Counsel that said claimant corporation i . now w and has been for more than six years last Past the sole fee record owner Of said real estate; and WHEREAS, said claim, bas:.been fully investigated by the OOm- mi..i f Public Works and the OOrPOTMtiOc COUO801, and it appe re o" r 0 that the beat from th: reports and recommendations Of said officials interests Of the City require that said claim be settled and com- promised by the payment by said Citi to said claimantcorporation of the sumof Fifteen Hundred Dollars $1500.00) as heretofore proposed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to paytt 0 said claimant corporation the sum of Jlr I-Ld lettlementiof,its )CO '00 in full and OOMPle . Is ati fao si t hall furnish, in . .1 get d claim, up; the condition that aid that it �ao during f or e.sion t . appr .. d th 0. 0 at -O clusive use, pose he six yea a last p..tintitl-d Co-utth --proof and oompan y of sold real ..tat .d upon the further condition that said Oaiwmt execute and d:,'� r to the City Of St. Paulson I releasing instrument of release approved by the Corporation Counsel, said claim and discharging said City from all liability On account 0 eed on tPeriod d fOfhe use and six occuyepancyars, band that y said Cthe so. dna— f ity re0al. tateduringaccount said $1500 hall be di shores rom te Miscellaneous and Unforeseen item of theaGeneral rund, Code 31 7 B. (1UNCI1.M 'N 193 Na- SGRne M, \I ncilr„ Council File No....__._.;)tjLl�/s PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMc. Pm6.. 1 sae °a� afgo", - o PRELIMINARY ORDER. n, e� n" The undersigned hereby pm rca a the making of the fove:ollowing public imprfa_', pity o! St. Paul, is.: ....__Cklaiging_th..egrade af_.Alley in .".lock 11,_ Ewing and Chute's Addition from the South line of _lot 8 to the north line of lot 4, _.... to_aonfarm__tn._the._red- .line ._oa the ...prafile_bereto_attached _hereto_._._, amd ,ade a }art jereof, the present established grade being sbown--by a blue -line thereon. Dated this ..__day of _ _� 19 co um.n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, Awries� proposal for the muting of the following improvement, via.: Changing thegttrade of Alley in "lock 11, Ewing and Chute's Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the north line of lot 4 to con form to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part _. here-r..__.. eof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line ---- tlier"ebn. --- having been presented W the Coumil of the City of St. Paul....._.____.._._...__._..__.. .......__........._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: t. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement A 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for ov the petition of three or more owmn e 0. 6. To report upon all of the forego' n to the CO or of Finance. Adopted by the Council.... __.....__................... __._... _.__...__...__._ Yana Nere Counedman enp nx ApeQ ' ) Mev A ved —,____......._.._.____._..__.._.._....._..........___... W 2e PE -O. Ron— ROBEN Ma Param— ➢or. pUnworlisD i I i 11,11111iiIIIII-iLlii LHIM11 94025 CO ... il File N By CITY OF PT. PAIL, Resolution Ratifying Assessment I, th,, m-11 If the --It If bs,,efjtI,­.ts end —pet— for j— t 57.1• Jt. t e, --tnnin 62140, n r t es t' ­t -`-s I feet. t 87-75 illip,tract rt '- — I — r- ' �w I J d,S10 ern tnsse, cast 1e, '4tract, rnr co n 0 rest. .n E37:v72.Uajooln etre t, 'I-' —11, 50 I—t :176561 ,o,, tr-t t feet -,trod, t -t, I b, t 7745 -ton t, rt, lo, o" I'D " MV2 Ian mi 1 t set, r - south 6 f" _in,to !'-1 f', s— ,4,�th 12 fort It 0;1e� , t, 11-1 -1i " jo,, Is south. 100 ^—t 87745—.orro tl—t, ­t`j I,, -'n .'n 44 t. rst t t):,-, ' �oo ,;.t 14 It 8777. tr% t, 'it r s t o. 22 s �7745 -'.y,in w, :1— 11 �t t 1, ronin 't It ;7770, :—t 0 :"t t $7.733, od d t t I j t 27 n -t t n- J� f t, in,' rr t t 7 oI r.- T,- -- S, Street thQ.o;;Ab,,;.Ilt 117 tfifo.. 'Aft �;Qzt 90- 4 1 1i Ow :v—stron- Avenue, south slie, beginning, of Ubats—th -treet thenoe West to alley F.O. 90489v?.I.oe Street, both side., fro, Prior Avenue to 41 —1-1 A-Ini — F.O. 886381CII.nd Avon or' — , West side, b fir� Inineln- t P. � cie Stte,t, t1--ce north 130 fee I M- =I oil son -rog .ata , €"x�.�^� t3 Bio. r,. F ��y�" �5��a:>•.., av ,.:�:. �.. 7... t rp e A public he -mg having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said avesament bavivg bee, further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it tb,ef— RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby iv all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dietrict Court of the County of Ramsey for covfirmati,n. BE IT ,RTh ER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable Adoptedby the Couneil...___.._.__. _....... _.__.___........__........ ___.._19.__.... ___..il_V..�l...__...... _, City Clerk. App—ed Ma yot mm a F,q�, me6S�ilk F„0, 982Sd✓�'dY'P' 'rho Kennat u ByR•�88890�Ju11eL 5 Avenue ng 265 _£oat 40 or . 878 Not,.mwt of Kenneth g0 ' neat"130 feeE 2.:,. 09305RonGeR9t:oet. north oie RSnnSn{- d2 feet vent of Nnrr inr,ton ' AvonYo t!:nno r, want 3d � ��� . ""do ptroet#aentli aide,, beginning at P—ingten Avenue thence -� malt .+,j8 feet 6p Jiania sf*. t, .cat ipo n.gia:,� YewC 74 r t e..yth f at. o ,' A,athony -henna,. thehee� aouth $ 8ond'O-atsnety *%#h eta E. �4eganning 198 seat ae t of Neetarp nm 'Shan veet" 16 feet ba 88 ! Yarth i`m+inB=SBTtnc 6 F 9estgrgC; a eiai Bide thenos aontb to .a. EtP��� !�=e'4't."alaew: T$g�3ansng.R& 91q� uv4E'�1�d� 9421 .,extern ,th to -11 .tre-t, u. 894zl, �r=el. , t—as south 4" -A; SOT, l)f—t ,river slt `.Teruo t feet Tull r t aAwr S77 AlOp plan 117toltIt Onea "at to "Go eat �*.n;rr^+b at Avon SLPest ., "I 69396 north otip Grl"A stilt go " tO -ate;-- south 100 Peet rr,,, Prior t o o1cvA]4na IM -A 0 "at Ojd�,,, boglIMI-9 at P.1.06 §X7111t ,treAibl T pg I .kms�j-raet Vogt of Farrinat on, I at rar- I $ton AVOUIS 7w at puller �Aoejme then ' at jffio,.,.MoldO. theme hal �+ ffi^bf AIWO Gir F -rand o FA l&td1V south 10 ad�i ,,re hOt�+een loon .,frost snd 'Jic toric 39896 Th.-- Stre t, lioOt UFGb'F. JF "IiE ("( )1 A115510NF:ft OF FIAA.CCF. Report of Completion of Assessment SBBt..... 14... . int 32 In tl,, n­tt ,f tl,, �e ,f benefits,costs and ezoensea fur Six o..truc tier', reconstructing and repairing cement sidewalks estimate No. 2, Ccot rect 5995, 1931. --Assessable-- F.O. 87575 Ottawa Avenue, east side, beginning at Stevens Street thence north 90 feet F.J. 88140 Chippewa Avenue, east side, beginning 140 feet south of Page Street thence south 20 feet F.O. 87375 Chippewa Avenue, east aide, begl ening 88 feet north o£ Belmont Street thence north 10 fee, also Chippewa Avenue, east side, b ginning, 48 feet south of Sydney Street, thence south 10 feet. F.O. 87372 Yanomin Street, east side, beginning at dinona Street thence oath 50 feet F.O. 87656 Sydney Street, north side, beginning 15C feet ..at of Ohio Street thence west 50 feet F.O. 87362 Page Street, north side, beglnnir.g at Ohio Street the-ce west 200 feet F. 0. 87745 :Aorton Street, north side, beginning 132 feet west of Smith Avenue thence west 10 feet F.O. 87372 Manomin Street, east side, beginning at King Street thence south 62 feet, beginning 124 feet farther south thence south 32 feet F.O. 87656 Orleans Street, west site, begin ing at George Street thence south 100 feet F.O. 87745 George Street, south side, beginning 44 feet west of Orleans Street thence west 14 feet F.O. 87375 Manomin Street, east side, beginning 80 feet north of Page Street thence north 22 feat F.O. 87745 Sydney Street, north side, beginning 110 feet .est of Charlton Street thence east 18 feet, begs nni of 32 feet fs rt'c^r east, thence ..at 6 ft. F.O. 87370 Chicago Avenue, spud_ s'de, 1-1-1— 0 foot wcs a_ S11" n t.iay,:e et 0 :Bet �tre�t to A—eta L.U. 8'1363 llacld ror <<. ..ice oet e 87370 hall A,,enue, east side, beginning at Morton Street the nca south 64 feet, beginning 46 ft. farther south thence south 20 feet, beglnnl ng 40 feet father south thence south to Page Street F.O. 88142 Eaton Avenue, west side, beginning at Fairfield Avenue thence south 120 feet, and Eaton Avenue, east side, beginning at Fairfield Avenue thence south 40 feet F.O. 87575 Chicago Avenue, north side beginning 54 feet east of "A abasha Street thence east 85 feet F.O. 87156 Fillmore Avenue, north side, from South /abasha Street to Ed..rd Street F.O. 88143 Fairmount Avenue, south side, bewj ening 15 feet east o` Milton Street thence east 27 feet, beginning 27 feat farther east, thence east 9 Yeet, beginning 60 feet farther east thence east 9 feat, �begi$ning'66 feet fabther-cast, thenaq east 15 feet, "beginning 15 feet farther seat thence east 15 feat beginning 16 feet farther.east thence ..at 45t beginning 12 feet farther east thanoa east 9 feet beginning 27 feet farther .sat thence east 9 feet, also Fairmount Avenue, north aide, beginning 70 feet east of; lfilton Street thence east 10 feet, beginning 98 feet farther east, thence east 8 feat, •beginning 28 fest-farthar-east, thenoeel" beginning 40 Peet farthar :sat, then.: east 8feet� F.O. 87560 Armstrong Avenue, north side„ from Chatsworth -Street; to. .Pleasant Avanue and - Armstrong Avenue, south side, beginning at Chatsworth Street thence .at to alley F.O. 90489 Palsce Street, both sides, from Prior Avenue to Cleveland Avenue F.O. 86638 Cleveland Avenue west side, beginnin, at Palsce Str e.:t, ther:ce north 130 feed a�Ft oiu!- }l.�sutts aFszaP x 2Tgo PF Fucres �.rs♦ T�1c, F: ,��zr,� ctts'.Iu T IssF Lu cFFoz saa4 f ,, '�f v '...f • sF I. en �.aaF y o-,aF T er.F t Ps_T>•,;Tu� TO Le 'h FF Lent• I po6i vu7'J': 72 LssF IeuFFay se aF F cs eaaF 7_ssF' peyi7�IU° P.l' LesF 6 FFsT•. oaaF'FF -'cs su aF a ssF, •',ped sNiud. _20 L°sf., eyCFT®p naF' y.�rsuce ea°F � L Y1nt�i,2er�aapeipLSJ. o eeF' s.. vu nti 72, LesF: saaF oL CdiTF OO ,.. 9FF.eeC Ecuns` 3WV7 si4 i P i. _ p,••D' 88773 Ea7Lm°°OF $ 8 a J6 FO FtF T77T'!s� -.�sc 4 9��F vor FP ?i 4e' Lwow 2°°FF Y A2 ] n ... f e F 4 j �.. F 1. G 'a _ l EtLl4ill:t y�LAX8XX8.Lt8XxyXLGE3F147<T+%d[xWi4}f.3Uc2XXJtXX.SXXxxX xxx]cX]cxxx ][Nxh MtvN x8Xx88X8% 7}�S' xxXy;X8Xx S8Ab8X.[81t]fE)f]f.7C7J[A7)<• To the �'olulcil o[ the Citc .,f tir. I',i ul- 7'hr t'nn,mix,.ioner of I�inu��. �� h•�r,h� ,�•�I.•,ri. t•• Il.e t,�nn�il Ih.- follo�.'ing ns a +tnremrnt of tll, ecl•,��I ,Ilturea Il. e•Kvnrila inenrre,l ri,..l to 1 .n, ufr•.J f„r nlnl i„ connce time ..ith the mAi , of the men[, 5931,12 C'osl of �nhlishinp n•,i i,.,. 43.35 t est of Irn.t��l •.., r.l, _ 8.67 lu.p"I1 593.11 A—IIIA 43 .35 My T t sse sable le 6�04.�2...._.. 1 t 8 6924.02 'Tota R nrI, Ih hh",. - cl :,nil I•ri .1 tl t,t I I I, ,,. ih•..., t„ rr It. th. . ,um o['F. 6924.02 ,� Ii .In.l t .- I,� . I��t t . r I,:i ., •4 I:,,,,1 .1„ ,n,"1 L�.ei. Ih, —d imeld, I"A in ith Il,e fe —d the,, on, thut the'a"t il„•,.�,�. nl hu, „,�� �. �,I I�I.•I. .t nil Ihnt leer, to n.tn�hrrl. i�lenlih.•,1 ill IhK nature •,f the .-1 t111„mi.,",n,. r. ,,.•I 1,,,i, n I I h,renf, i. th,xui.l :r�n•s,m•„I x� , ml�l•�t.�,l M1. him. a,i,l rrl, iel: I. her. �. ith euhmtttr,l to th,. ('nun�il I',r ru.1i .,.tion Iher�nu n. r he iu,.�i,ler.ul I�ral�e - t �,,,, „ ,� i- ('ommishioncr n[ hinx,�•"�. Mut Ell IEME® F.O. 89329 West. n !! west Snnl IK'ZS Ifae f ou'.If o, . , = .0. 69421 1y,,C"rnalvAvenue side, beg t s Avenuey thenoe south 10 feetat Aurora Avenue the— N',0. 09421 grundeh to allygqy9°1e st 'n'" F-0- beglnnlnK thenoaStreet .uth,iout side, beginning at University Avenue F 0 89423 Maokabia. Streetl east tide, beginning 18 Peet north of Fuller F 0 87748:�gnpe-�,thencp.';aortli 126 Tpot ' ret eap�s vu. aide, beginning 96 Peet east of Bent a tfjenoa eget eO�geet -"x 'x''B'$'C°ra i�v¢pue east id4; beginning 58 feet South of Selby ^'�-r•* APeaue:"thenoe Doth a Peat, beginning 76 feat far once r .012th 1 „.Doth 4 feet At.Btreat, Vast side beginning 42 feet SPuth ouller Qg4.4e �v au th Doth �f F 06 Yeet ata b sy - .-Ah of A,a+brfl �1y- fl7371.�'E76 Pset..west of Dile 'enoe 'ek 20 feet, begtyalag '20aE$at. farther feat « -. tr F',,0 8R 397.9nlvereity Avenue tinorth e11Cj&d Vetpetia`8rottQ;.3trept and Avon_r $.,.Qa 89s96`��Tl�gm6 '"Btree6� £botli aiYleay Sit Avgp. Btreet "Brnd'VigtaaSa . -: „r Sok• Ewet�a , F, 88398 s 8trett40 g a .beglahing gp Yeet west of firotto' .'Sg$t -,thea�ay a a.6dOi�gtreat . 'PMQ* 89398 ;5$mtwd Byre A irfq, ''�''g37pa�ng i.,Paet'aee� 6P Grotto ' 5 et'�t'$'w'$st �q'¢eai peginning at AYOn Street thenoe,• tea' 8.Q 8,��`Avoh��;i p tx�r"Qa�¢t aide tie nnin;,1'],2 .feet north of Edmund 4et the�beinoz�th 4rQ P,g t Stiq,Btreybt y, AOrth sSdg �beglnning. at Griggs street r���<<ifnea etg�geet 47o Pbet t7Ye$t rt3"1•th e1d¢ begiriaiilg 20 Peet seat of Griggs + f 5 e thOt 130_fait beginning 82 feet farther east O',gasta ,fd#t- beginii�'ng 96 feet vest of Dunlap P:0 19805 ` $t�flet,-theyca?sweat°-46 Peet ;Hiaiiehahfl Street; north side, beginning 278 feet east of Dunlap Street then.. 'east 10 feet F.Q. e9396 Avon-3L«e 78 f—M.vth of Edmond South of Cbarlea' ;etp9fest of ;Grotto ^ t wH t of �kwh' ;6;;'Street ;hense.aout§ab;' y iet, east of -- p.SAd$apa8le -a073 t,awn, Aveaue� east side, beginning at stevana street thence t$`90 feet 24 ont street, seat e,. alloy crossing between Belmont and S�: dney Streets F,O. B7656 Orleans street, w side, beginning at George Street thenoe south 100 feet F.O. 90¢89 Palace Street., bath sides, from Prior Avenue to Cleveland 'Cleveland Avenn,. e.,weey' side, beglnaln'g at. Palace. Street $'S0, 8883g _ thence'-north,23ofee"t F,O 89129 Carroll"Avenue southroide,, beginning at Sant Street tbenea '-,?.0;. - ieat80. feet ;: '. +,?.O 893Q_Rondo Street north yeide, baglaaSYig 4;Z ;Peet - 'west of Farrington d n RGA Avenue` then.*%, eat 34 fegt Valeo. ,Itoado.8t e�t sqn*%, begi6aing at.pst.'•ington Av°nne n theaaa wait 10 feei ' F O`F8942Y $eaters Avedub went aida3 begl�niag at., }tiii,9r Aieaue theaso- south 8$ 'test a F°'Q�r�9,;4�i iFa�'� D.,'Avagne met: aide, bepianing at: Aus`ora Avenue thenoe ,�' ,3` �ort'h•to �, <t 4 F Q. 89xindei $tre�tdy�t,.�K;de gegsnnlp at.:ifnivaereityfi.venue 'n f Ya14 so''f''sfeet J f we. ` a k�'z5�e $94$3; Beat ••$bk„et, e'e£tya3dey f}eg`i,'t1111.ag*'i>4 'regi sDillli+uf, Atn•OrA t '- ,:�y}nlue theahe a, a aY�Cej .t a,� -y ` 0 j®9428 ;AvoaedC �'Ssat}, s.fl�eglihQ ll2 •feet north.af 8&mufid. r $edt thenoe; a¢ah 4D:;Peeb ,F.�,� 8939p _.:7�von t9treet gra§t'slddyy��begiiiul'ag 112•Yeat eontII:'gF Chk"rlea -Aver t Seat Si a, egifeet F.O. 88142 Eaton Avemi$, east :aide, beginning at Fairfield Avenue thence soutii`40feet F.G. 89396 Thomas Street, both Sides, between Avon Street and Victoria Street N I1 ik .. .:ys� �: oaglnai'Og 'bYF7a':TBBL e 0- . �,y� 1, er gouth�thenae , ' th TO Leet - - . 66�aps+iOlAven4e� east e, begiLning 1B feet north`pf yam_ Lierspn.Ayenue thence north 143 eet a�3. =': >F,cp� 68638 C1di�eY6sd Ave�uer pgat side b�eglaping• 12 -feet north -of - w4,. opd bvenna+diedgqe'3wg 6 Tedt bgglnMng 66 feat f ar north,Ahene' �` 'Cth 9 f* {88230 JePEer'�rcin pyeniiopyao h4 aider begl-hOing 266' Peet e.at of Eetiaeth� vennd- �1enCeeaat 8`Le„ P.O. 88230 Juliet Street,, north " side,beginniM 228 feet e; -set of Kenneth Avenue thenoe east 10 feet east of Lexi F.O. 88144 Osceola Aven�a southval{lb_`4i'&Tnntng 30 feet a ng- h..��.t: toe-Aveuud enc east 16 feet; bsgiucing 10 feet farther ..� 'flat th a ea 10 facet -9—"18 f et farther e6at thenoe t 14 fist, bagianl ng no y < ..at, 6 fast , beg inai t,� est 12 ,Elan "'48 et! yt q est �7.fi feet be61n .-].b=�Ost S oil eaAt ph -'0 eke. "�6 soet. 5�7 0 $Z�6 {lh5uttrtA�o�p , aae,��eg7nning 90� 4e'L' westo x`K., � _. u�S'tres'trs-Yredt�`'�`�' .4v.., ....r +----- --ems«..-"e �.... - -.w ..«... ........ �....: a. i t 46p'e" ea8SS0 feet: $ 0 8930b Aoild,}i?$treea, north aide, beg Snning 42 feet west of Farrington, Pfeatern 'A, set net �idp, beg +2 . wit sYnst ieo81?n7 Iv pvenueheiYdotctlyf to. alley `'' y' ii .. 7l9hg8ak.Avenue,_tieet, aide begdnnfng at:pFul er �vgaue�ttie '''�' gmn 8'$9:at, r 94026 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of___oade ing.-an-d-tsklnq. an-aaanro—t_in_the_land --4-- for for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 20, Anna E. Rumsey's Addition from Dunlap St. to Griggs St., i:'rc under Preliminary Ord er__---42914.----------- approv td- ---_J'ane__22,_1932_______________ IntermediaryOrder_.-----. -93122 --------- , approved__-- July _ 26,_193.2_______ Final Order ------ -----.-----93456- -------- app... td____ ______________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also on. the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the name, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the ]ands dl—med in the --cd as eaannat roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, sand the award.., of damages to the — r, of such lands for said taking and condemnation xa set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same i., herebc in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefitsbe and the ea a is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be eahmitted to the District Cuurt for confirmation. _ _ _ er'mtlr Xbcrt��i[#as�.a�te#rM>rm%#a X>b kII)CS1ctaX)UtbGgG16C� � *EA§Facin. Adopted by the Council ---------------------------- 19r.- ----------------- City Clerk. Approved_— - _ - --- 19--- / —j— `I, ,ld CouncilmantEiet-M— hb— Crmncihmm&Y. orr� Caere .ice Councilman Councilman µ1 FLBl]�kff:D Mayor Ma � ntan�ney REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A_ND ASSESS"H[ N*T 01' 1:1'NEFITS in the matter of ... nn n nt.,g-and-taking_ao_s 3=0n_t_111_the_ )ani Dace aAary Cor slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 20, Anna E. "Me y -a Add' -tion from D1-1 ap St. to Griggs St., under PreliminarY Ord er__---_92a].4- , aPProved---- Sssne-22.,_1932---------- --------- .----- intermediary Order---------- 93182-__, approved.-_ J' ly_ 26,- 1932------------------------- ----- Final Order________________ 934$5-__, approved____Aw:._:23._ 1`932_---_____--__ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and app— pn,ted for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identlfiod with the signature of the mlar.i,ned, conteimm, the undersigned's finding oo said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 94027 Council Fill Na.....___... _...r_....... By_._.......____........ _... ._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the all,, of th,—,e.,ment of benefits, costs and —ch s es for constructing curbing on the south side of Baker St. from Charlton St. to Waseca St., o11 Intermedia __...91479_._., Front Order..... 91687 ueder Preliminary Order -Q.3_6 ryOrder- appr... d....__..Eeb..._16.._ ........_16.32.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, sad said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered deadly satisfactory, be it therefore RESOf.VED, That the said aesesment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, sed the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Covety of Ramsey far confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RFSOLVED, That the said assessment be sed it is hereby determined to be payable in_..._._ ..... .'1 — equal b,ed llmenta. Adopted by the Council. - _ _..._.. _ ....____........_..,.....__. City Clerk. Approved __..._.16... __ ) -1. TI 111' "1 Pkl 1, (,�J�IJJSSJOIV�11 oI I IN,IN�E Report of Completion of Assessment sa,pt. 14 19.32 for tGx In till mutter of the n......... nt d benefits, costs end expenses 'Nee_ curbing on the south side of Baker St. f— Charlton St. to Nee_ St., Order 90363 _ 91479 Order_.. 91667 Feb. 16 32 T, the C.-,il of the [:its- of St P11111 Tit, Canitnicsioner of 6innnee he" ,, the f,,11— mg 1s u 'Lit—lit of th, xpen- ,W—, it"""' -d and to 111 m—t—j f- a".1 the i-lkin, of the 11I ...e C.It f I—It-oi 224.00 C— of 0.75 0.15 4.4Q_.. 0 .7 * Cvniitructip EngInTep, 54 Q6 n ,—I, U -FP", In h,. 11��ersd and le. ird thetoEnl .01 , " � I the sum of $ 285.01...... apart lush 1111.1 rt ery Jut, hurt or purrel of land deemed W —fil,d b, the said and in th, ,f err or Pureed of k"d nt "th the benefits f. --d 11', 111nl the wd ......... pl,"d, and tl,;,t I d"'tifi,d 1'. 0he gignntun " of the � d i, the sni,l � —pI,t,d he I—, -d ,0 ie11 94028 Council Fila N. - By....__._.__....__._.._.... _.. 40 CITY OF IT. I'"I Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bene Fits, costs and eznenses I., constructing turbine, on both sides of Cretin .tire. from Summit Ave. to St. Clair St., under Preliminary Order...._ t�010_..., Intermediary Order..... _90320_...,., Phial 0rder.._.9O529___, .._19 31.. approved. _ S.9P_t r...29- ...... __... A public hearing having been had upon the aseeasmeet for the above improvement, and mid assessment having been further considered by the Couneil, nod having been considered finally eatiafartory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said asaeasment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District C.—of the County of Ramsey for ronfirmatiov. RE IT FF$16HER RESOLVED, That the aaid assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable iv...___...._......__....mlual installments. Adopted by the Council...._.__......____.....__...._....._. __........_. 19...__. .....'___....._?..L.....__..._.. _.... City Clerk. Approved ........19...-. ' .9� 11 113 OF 01�Fll F L ( ]12. ISSIONER OF F1NINCE Report of Completion of Assessment .$cpt. 14 32 It, the -1- of the nasrsFm, "1 of benefits, costs and expenses for t3= a constructing curbing on both sides of Cretin Ave. from S=it Ave- to St. Clair , ir St., under P"liminm, 0"1" 89710 -,1". 90320 O"I'l 90¢29Sept 29 r., 31 T. the Council of the City 'If St P,-1 The U)ntl,iklill­ 1,,., t, , p.- the l --,I the Munn mg ns w >nte n ­t bt.­ nn asnrily a nrrrd W,I to he in.nrrod Par and in eonnrrtion with the making of the 't""tt. il: . ...... 1823.00 3.46 Cwt 4 $ 0.69 36,46 amount Id 3: 45 C on. tr potion nginesping 285 66 2152.71 Said Camm us�no� r further rrporl. that iii h.i. n� i ss�d and lavicd the total ninnunt as nhor,, n_�ii rin,n�d. 2152,71 rcI laod 'I ... -'I the .niJ inil�rot anent, h, and in flh, ­ ­Imll- "alt the that 11., ld nxcin­,.,,l tum Loan eam plrmd. and amt 11-11" nitarh,al. ldout ifird b, th, ­ nutura n[ the ­i'I ('­n11r1o1.11. and n­.,i,i�, -f, i, the ­t,i ........ -,t ., --14-A I, h,,,, .,,,i h, ­,ill, -1 iltr i to lhe l'aum :l far rcu� h :, at ion thereon na n v. he --id ­d o„o,,,,..o ... .....CJTY OF ST PAUL s.1-1 NO._.. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Oct. 5, 1932 RESOLVED Whereas, for the safety and facilitation of street trafficit has been found essential to open, widen and extend {.afay ette Road (formerly Lafayette Avenue) southerly across that certain parcel of land commonly known and described as Lafayette Park; and Whereas, such extension, opening and widening of said highway has been recommended and approved by the Commissioner ofParks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and the Commissioner of Public Works, the title to said tract of land being vested in the City of St. Paul; now, therefore, be it Resolved,That Lafayette Road (formerly Lafayette Avenue) be and the same is hereby opened, widened and extended across said tract of land known as Lafayette Park, from Grove Street to the southwesterly line of Lafayette Park to a width of eighty (BO) feet, the east line of said opened street to be the east line of Lafayette Road north of Grove Street pro- duced south to the beginning of a curve of 135 feet radius tangent to the last described line and also tangent to the east line of Locust St., thence along said curve to the east line of Locust St., such opening being for public street purposes. Y°a: co ur�cicM rN Naye aasvuFx Truax May M.Do�ald �� favor Pear« Rerun I 11 Agaiasr ftba = Wenzel Mr. Prnid— Baad6 Adop.�d by cbc C ... ciI 19 Approved $9 r,oa ` NO 94030 CITY OF ST. PAUL ;�.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM aEseNTEP e.� k . RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreernent with Thomas J. Mulcahy, orovld- ing for the payment of compenretion to him at the rate of $13.20 per week durinc such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Play rounds and Public Buildings, on the 2nd day of September 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said egreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Thomas J. Mulcahy the sum of $68.20 out of the Workmen's Com- pensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and includ- 4,AA \ ing October Bth, 1932, r a I I'IIIINCII.MEN \luy i \I rlMnnl�l I'; In f"—, i nn .• It porn � lVrnzel \7 r. I'm.ir l;�nl A1nLun;�y �1 J:;1;1 e:1 he Ilu• f'i ir, ii cil IU:t N CITU OF ST. PAUL .0 O. 94031 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 60LUTIO,N—p-GENE/RAL FORM . o>re Oc tober 1C, 19322 RESOLVED That the Parchasing Agent be, end he is hereby authorized to purchase, vitt. the consent of the Comptroller, books for indigent pupils for the enm of not to exceed $752.00, without asking for competitive bide, es these books are copyrighted and no advantage can be gained in asking for competitive bids. Charge Ptiblic S.h—ls- InetrUC Tion BUPplies- 15-0-8 COUNCILMEN Yam Nxys / May McDonald 1'enrce - _... In favor Rosen n 'rrunx /........Agninet Wenzel MI. President Mahmmy - n`•mr.. .S011.r. . Adopted by the Council _... __ —.... _ ....193..... Approved..... _ 195. �s 1 94032 CITY OF ST PAUL NO.__ - -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE50}_UTION—GENERAL FORM __Nn, 1932 comm ss o v _ - - _ - - ---- RESOLVED In the matter of the dedication of Lafayette Park under Resolution, C. F. 93823, approved September 27, 1932. Resolved, That all orders In the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discon- tinued. Yea+ cOsxWR mTruax�l May M[Donald In fay Pie R.— / Against q=.3 B Wenzel Mr. Prcvd.., Bm,d[ic w°°.o.. cue. a se:, � „• aee .� Adop,,d by ,h� C.—i 19 Approved 19 ffCl Vin_ J,/ 11.1 TO 940,13 R17ES" AON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 125.97_., . COVERING CHECKS H ECKS NUMBERtD- ��46-1-0— 9488 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS Ol-N TIED IY LE IN TI. THE101- OFFICE OF THE CITY COM PTROLLER. A -Z�7- Al--E. NO.. M,r COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS 0". 10, 32 3g"b"i "`ro 4ade E .. TO - --- - --- - - TOTAL MUMeEP IN FAVOR OF r a"o��"r .o"wAeo 127 424.82_ _ • 9461 st. Paul Boot a staty Go. 3 750 57 8462 9t. Paul Vocational sohool 129 54 9463 E. M. & R. F. Ware 125 ?Q 9464 Weetinghouee Elec, supply Co, y9 9465 Charles Wuret 26 40 9466 John O'Brian 16 80 9467 Mite Cullen 35 20 9468 Gedney Co. 21 29 9469 Joeeting & 9oh1111ng Co. 11 39 9470 Andrew SOIIooh Grocery Co. 214 49 94 209 82 472 C, •A. Pe ar eon Ino. N 9473 73 Milton Rosen. Co.. of Finance 7 5W 8 873 72 947544 Delis Bron ^ ^ ^ 28 28 9476 Yrs. Vary Emily Christy 40 00 00 9477 John Lenno❑ 9478 Anna 'aagner Peitech 40 00 9479 Yr e. Hannah Peterson 24 92 9480 6l arida soderberg L8 60 9481 Y. Reilley 12 00 9482 James F. David 215 00 9483 G. DSneson 2, 3G OO 9484 Fred Ambruoh 13 20 9485 John E. Mullen40 GO 94,16 John sandqulet 8 144 34 9487 Foley BT Oe. Inc. 95 950 0 9488 Louise Teien 10 00 • 94034 (SSUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1,the Matter of ---changing -the- grads_f__A11.7_ - in -31n -k -15- -Ynlam_Tar�_ Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue, to conform to the red line o-the-4r-ofilA-lermtn-attached-- ,i .-I.— 'ant established grade be:ng shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said o_!ItAbJJ-h0d -------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- - ------- --------------- ----- ----------- ,,d,, Preliminary Otd ------------ R3aULL ----------------- ppro-d ------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the C.umakswm,, of Fin.— up.. the ,how improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1,_ I That the said report and the —e is hereby approved and adopted, and be id improvement is he'ehy ordered on be proceeded with. 1 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i ----- chang—th—gr-ade of Alloy- -in - Bl_ k__15. - li e r-l—Rar-k - Mix d. -AddJ-t in 2— -Pz L- _Avm e_ -ta-MD ore Avenue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made thereon,also grade said alley to the proposed red line when established, ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 06 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, ------ R,s,],,d Further, Th,( a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- QUL --------- day of ljo_Xembex_JR3? ------ ;=Lx--, at the h- of 10o'clock A. M., in the C-61 Ch—b,,, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pam!b— That the Commissioner of Fin.... &' notice of ,aid meeting to he F—on, and in the man ne, providedy the Chu, stating the time and pl..e of hearing, the nature . the inapt—ememit ..d the total thereof thef a estimated. I Adopted by the Council_ _ - PT -11-2-3V -------- 192---- Approved____ _______________________192--- 'y Councilman 6c4azasy Councilman dlerg-mt V. Councilman McDonW C—alnum Henga.. Co ci a= Sudheb— RMLISHED Councilman Wit-1— M'yo' PKqWr­ F.— B. S. A. 86 94W5 u a. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- y---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matter f --- cnnAe=1,g--a-d--t&kIx'g-- iarlc - — - — ----------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ ---- ---- -- ---- - ------- - ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------- ------ --- --- ------------------ ..d,, Preliminary O,d ---------- 93SEL ------------------- Ipp'—d ---- Jbc C .... if of the City of Pa.] having —ci—d theep— of the f Finance upon the .b,,c imp—c.c.t. and having considered said report, hereby .. by resolves. 1. That the said report and the -- i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the -- of the improvement which the Council recommends i ----- 9-QUd@=3__4ILd_ t ake And ,g—d-1,.g—f- At 1 — -------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $kQ,M --------- Resolved F,nh,,, That , public heating be had on said imp—cm— on th,--Bth ------------- day of -i' ------ MUML, at the b... of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co— House City and CiHall Building in the City of SL Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said Meeting to be persons and in the on..... p ... id,d by the Charter, stating the time and place I hearing, the nature _ of the improvement and the —I cost thereof .s estimated. Adopted by the Council____"________________, 192 ---- -- ----------- Approved________________________ ___192 --- City Clerk. Councilman Clancy Councilman Ferg... Councilman II,dDg—,,Id Councilman I— Councilman Smihmm- C.uncilman W-1 Mayor saii—a N F.— B. S. A. B6 94036 z COUNCIL FILE NO._ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter f-0—trt—tlUg.-ClIPWIUC-ring._whe _.IdSnjk_ - ------------------ -- - --- ------------------------------------- St-,. thence south t, _wv5T!JLng_ St - -- -- -- ------- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------ - ------------- -- - ---- - -- ---------------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------- ---- - --- -------- -- ------ ------------ ----- ..d- Order_________ 23i(ii ------------------ _______________approved -- 19U_ -------------- Th, Council If the City If P..] having received th, -p—, of the Commissioner of Fin-- upon the .b.— improvement, ..d having considered said -p—, hereby resolves: ,That the said report ..d the —, i, hereby app,—d ..d adopted, ..d the said in,p--.1 is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the of the i.p-,—.t which the C .... it ---ds i--trRnt.- relay___ 4Ad_i9Aa1r� Kh9Se _4epeseayy _sidewalk at_the _follmri oar locat.onr_ 1-y -- . $kith -- 17y. - A - ., -- St t ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'i,h ., 0--i—, .,d that the estimated —t thereof is ------- R—I-d F,ftb,,, That , public hearing b, had on said improvement on the___ __ Att ---------- d,y If ------------ 4W ----- at the hour If 10 o'clock A. Nf., in the Council Ch—b, If the Court House ..d City H.11 Building in the I,-- City If SL P-1, That the CommissionerCommissionerf Finance give notice If d ,,id meeting t, the F ...... .. in the p,,,, placed by the Ch.,, stating the time and place If hearing, the I-- I the imp—.—t and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... it -------------- 192---- App—d ---------- �* -- --------------- 192--- ll AA''Uty ", M.Y., C... Vt MUll [ED Coo� I 'i 11--ol .,-1 z 'Ailiumm. mnl, — F.,- B. S. A. 8-6 94W7 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter of --- ere v btt-21dawILlk-s-L th--f 01.19-HIPE- lqc�q t i en: Ste_,,faTaC__eti.n- Avenue, -------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- -- --- -------- -------------------- 11 ----------------------------------- ------------ -- -- --- ---- - -- - -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ------------- I - ----- -- ----------------- ,,d,, Preliminary O,d ---------- 9,3702 -------------------- pp,.—d------ �rh, Council of the City of Paul having 'w " ed the report of he 7CoCommissioner..s.of Fm -c, P.. he .bo, improvement, ..d having considered said ep.,,. hereby —.1, . 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby ppoo-d and adopted. ..d the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the imp—m— which the C ... cil recommends Avenue, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- wilh n. alternatives, ..d that the estimated — thereof m$__312-31._____ Resolved -332-31 ----- R-1-d Further, That . public hearing be had .. said improvement .. the____ gLth_ ----------- day of fi—b=--_L932______, 192—, at the he,, of 10 ',i,,k A. M., i. the Council Ch,mlber of the Co.. 11—e and City Hall Building i. the City of St. Pa.l. That the Commissioner of Finance e notice of said meeting to the persons and i, the mle, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of heating, he .. of the improvement ..d he total t Ih,t,.f -ti—ted. Adopted by the Council____--__________________, 192---- Appn,-d ------------- ---------------- ty ayor. Cmm't::C"*7C..ne I ;: y Councilman •MeBc-ld- ILI=7 Cmmeilm..-916ff�— Coa C.U.ei'm" 'o.el Mnhnn May- qRSEP Form B. S. A. 8-6 94038 m. rs.., an 11 Is ls..1 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_--QQQAqtructiof, mnd_ reeaiinC,_rhe n -31-1y, _t?te_sidswmlk St ... _t._beglnning_At E. Seventh Street�_thanoe south to n11lsy --------------------------------------------- --- -- --- -- ----- - ----------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- -- ------------------- --------------------------- ---------------------- ----- ---------- 1932 ,mde, P,efi.mmy Order__________ ?MH----------------- approved ---------- The C .... il of the City of P..] having recti,ed the -p— . the — f Finep.n he above improvement, having .-Ihaving considered —, hereby resolves: .id report, 1. ,That the said report and the',r— is hereby app...ed and adopted, and the slid improvement is husby -d led to be proceeded with. 2. That the -t-, of the improvement which the Council .... and EL,-$-venvtb - ------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, sod tb,t the estimated cost thereof is $J�K.2!L -------- Resolved Fm-ths,, That n public besting be had on said improvement .. he ---- MIL ____________day of M _ at the hour of 10 .'clock A. Nf., in the C-61 Chamber of the Court Io... and City H,11 Building in the City of St. P-1. Th., the C.—mi—, of Finance give notice of .,,id meeting to the persons and in the man provided by the Ch—c', so,'mg the time ..d place of hearing, the mll-c of the improvement ..d the t..1 cost thereof as esti—ed. Adopted by the C ... cil ------ : ----------- 192---- Appo—cd ---------- ------------------ 192 --- //� C--Elm-L C Connell— Cmmc Councilman M .y.Mehra; F.l. B. S. A. 8-6 94039 ::eco ap �,ov COUNCIL FILE NO. _ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___racnnstrucSiruz,__relr-�yiva_ and_sep�lrint,_x[here__nEcassnry, the_s ide O-k-_on_the__south_xide_af__d'ast__Cnn�*ress_ Sz.r_bagioninr;_2QR.f_eet mai_rzr_ssd���i_st.__that>G�-��>;_sn_�t_,_>,�s�-.Irs_sa_rt_ssrtliet_,rest, thena_xeat-S.o-3t„_______________ _______________--------------- ------------------------------------------------- trade, Preliminary Order__________1, 77,6____ approved _2ent=brs__21,-193-2------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commission,, of Finance upon the above itoprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be'proceeded with.' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- ZeaonsI—t,_ralac and—¢pa1x�_,rherz-ne.cessarr-Zha-s1de:valh-on-iilie-south _slda_af _ _,est__ __ ;;ongress_Si.r_hep�on.lw; _ 20II_ Le.at_arest _ nf_�_dx¢ell_ St.. _the__ca:vE s�_20_Sb . , pe. i,—*+t -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ ______________ ___________________ .rich no akernatives. and that the estimated cost thereof i 60.86 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ alb ---------- day of N,•lember 1932 -__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court }louse and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p ons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,i*1G1mw Adopted by the Council________________________ 192___- _ .4_Q=lam______________ Approved____________________________192___ C,ty Clerk. �� _ _ aynr. Con ailm n RPNOIMJ- — 1i. Councilman OirgCiw— N " Couneilman#RDOurd2'� Convcilman g 'W t 1"^•'�� i 1^ ILISHED Councilman T^,na Councilman Mayors AI.Jun Form B. S. A. 86 94040 COUNCIL F NO ILE By , INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___rS.'.e57.p�_truc�i ng,_ rels�ing and repaS rim _vhe e the__sidalpalk_on-- nec s_ser_She__eas>t_s1d.e_R,t_Jrlgl; s_tog Ave_„_ baginnl ng 101ft. north _ -AwSusta-5_traet_,--tb_enc_e ----------------- ---- --- --- ---- -------------- ----------------- - -- under Preliminary Order`. ____________________________________ 33Z6 i___________approved ___Se2tejaper- ------------------ The Council of the City of Pan] consi having rsa ,ved the report of the Commissioner of Finance above provement, d having dered id report, hereby resolves: I-. That thesaid re upon the hereby ordered to be Port and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said proceeded with. 'mprovement is 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recomm ends is__SflG¢ysStylp t_, fie] a9 gsePair>-'.rhate_neAggy,�ry,_y ��dewalk_o__n___t_h_e _ea st side of LSvin siton 'AO$'-,-ke3llllg 101_ ft_e north of Q _S_ree t, thence Wort'. 30 ft ------------- _________________________ __________ __________ ___________ _ With nn alt e...ti, ,, and that the e,timated cns, thereof i, g_2 ,4h_____ _ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____C1tj------------ 110us, Land Cityat-.ESdiZ_, at the hour of 10 o clock q, hl., in the Council Chamber of the Court saousmeeting et n Cit -day of d y hall Building in the city of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance hearin g to the persons and int manner provided by the Charter, sta g. the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated l the time and nonce of place f Adopted by the Council_::„_j o APProved --------------- 192__ _-------__--'� f-�- City Clerk. Coancilmad.Qjdllly—rte M.I),na'i Mayor. Councilmarb7.�q,� I•lay Conneuma� Penne I�� , j . , Conndlmart R•,a"n '� Councilman rrnaa Councilman N'eoael Mayor Mnnrney Form B. S. A. 8, 94041 COUNCIL FILE NO._ ----------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter f---1—tI tha_sidaualk_at__tY_tollortinelo5:¢ ti 9n:_______- ---------------------------------- -.,LQr-tb–Q Ld.Q— Inzinp 111, A t_ _.Iq.db_y n,2tkce_qaAt_92 ft. ------------------------------------------------ ---------- - --- - --- -------------------- ----------------------------------------- --------- -- --- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- - -- ------- ---------------------------- ,,d,, Preliminary Order_________ 937,E7 ------------------- pp .... d ------------ The C-61 of the City of Pool having received the report.f the of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered aid rep—, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement i. hereby ,d,,ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the ..t.,e of the ioop—eaa-t which the Council recommends is__SC_Cf1Il9?S1LC%,_La)_ay a;jare2ajr�, ahene nece th�L -"dtr1m1k e follot _1 �tion_ -qsAry, ---- atth rinE oc -- ft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,pith no I afte ... ti,,,, and that the estimated cost thereof i, g_ g5 0.9 ------- R-1,ed Further, That . public hearing be had .n aid ioap—,oat., on the ----- hth ---------- day of November 1932.------ at the It— of 10 .'cl-k A. M., to the Council Chamber of the C— H.... and City Hall Building in the City of St. P-1. That the of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the ,n,,r provided by the Charter, stating the time and pae, of hearing, the nature of the imprpycip, , , at and the total cost thereof as estimated. . " ., TW Adopted by the Council____________ ------- 192____ ,, tf." ._________flUtl._1_ `i_____________ 92---- ------------------------ Approved___________________________192--- City Clerk. City C,,ncilm,j,ij47y--a C ... eilm-41ESF9-: Council .. ci aatVjjj&P2aaId Cc,"nei M.yordhkm N"', —y F.t. B. S. A. Council Fn, lo, din tas�wtter tae' eveom• By CITY III IM 11U1 Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1. the matter of the assessment of benefit-, -t. and —pe-- f., grading alley in Block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Ave. to Flandrau St., ..der P,limi— Ord- U9954 , Intermediary Ord- final Ord - approved . fl.pt--29 _..._.__19.31_ A p.b)k, hearing having been had npon the nase—st for the above improvement, ..it said —aaae.t having b..n further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally" satisfactory, be it tb ... fall RESOLVED, That the said esseasment be and the same i, hereby in all ­,,ta entitled, and the .,me i. hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey f., confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said --t be —it it i. hereby determined to be payable I , is eq -1 instIlknenu. Adopted by the Council_ -Db City Clerk. 19 Approved IP ')MI. "r I' ".[' O 41 F IIP I 1I E ( OMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Ssptem,b-sr 14 , t'1.32 It, .. ....... —,n' f benefits, costs and expenses f- IIX— grading alley in Block 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from White Bear Ave. to Flandrau St., iinler P"Im—u, O'd- 89954 90317 Fm'd 0"1" 90531 Sept._ 29 n, 31 T. the C-1-1 of Ih" I'- of 11 P2110 Th� "I 1,—, 1,- 1"' t., Ilii t n.—.I the fi", i, " x :1., -"d the '.—­ -,-" . C"'t nr 4.50 C." nr ")""1 ";-1, $ 0.90 13.37 Const 450 _'tion 't 1— E lC B : - further nyvvl. that ...... I and 1"'I"I the M")"' t.—it: the mm a 3_'1.99..@$_ 1n, p -t n, ,;-, I of 10-] deemed I.. —find b, ,h. —d Ingsorement, and m th, Buis 'f cin h lot, pllrt or panel of Iw'd iv ... 1-1un"' —11; the 1, -9t1 , Ism (erred the '-- that the "N n-, hid. identifed h, th, 1-9 nnlure of the 'A.1 I 'ou�lni.sinner. olid viiia, n par: hereof. i. the sail u -,u svml nt ns rom[�Ieted 1� him, anal It "ilh -1 b, ——d—d .94043 Council File No__.__.......___......_._.. �oo�la �°°°°e�la°•�epFa r, auaiu° t B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the asseeamem of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 53, Banning and Olivier'. Addition to West St. Paul from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St., also grading Alley In Block 52, Laxton Bros. Addition from Wyoming St. to Winona St. under Preliminary Order___. 89144_, Imermedi.ry Order. 89869______,,, b5na1 Order. approved.._A??S..- 21........ _.......__..19.. 31 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, n.d .aid assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally e,tisf,,toU, be it therefore RESOLVED, Tbat the said .sse.ament be and the same is hereby in all respect. re,tified, sad the same m hereby ordered t„ be °ubmitt.d to the Di°trict Court of the Cunnty of Ramses for confirmation. BE IT FJJUTBER RESOLVED, That the .aid es.e..ment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in—equ.l installments. o Adopted by the Conned. ___....__. _.._....._.. ..19 City Clerk. Approved ._.__...... _..___.. 19.___. tlR Emil �IIV�� I ITY Olr FT. ['A1 1, 'nu; , OADIISSIONE'R OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment September 14 is 32 Iii the ,�f benefits, cost. and ..Pon... for ZIIUc grading Alley in D .... n'- Rearrangement of Block 53, B—,I,g and Olivier'. Pe from A. , S also gr a d in, Addi-ion to Nest St- Paul f ...lia St. to Wyoming t., Alley in Block 52, Lawton Bros, Addition from Wyoming St. to Winona St., —1.r 69144 .. .... 1", 89869 rivalO'd- 90.135 ;,, "'M Aug.21__.. c, 31 T, the ChII-11 of the C%11 of "t Thr I ...... 11h, t nnnril the NI., w, as a -1111—, J the rel —111—'I� u --,d and to t" .rich the .-kin, of th, b-, mrnt. viz: 543.00 Cost of enn.t nn tion _ C— "r pnhlishinF not lrr $ 4.65 tort of ph -d 0.93 1,� Gn,, f— e6 A1,1 of Q'S on. tj on Engineering 61.84 Tot '1 5 43._. laid , N,!h., rr , r 1, 11, 1 i.. 1"', a—,—,1 and Ir.trd 0', ""al 6,25 .93 —,1 "', 1"t, J."'t - parcel of land dh. m -d thr said imprnrrmcnt, and m the . Dart nr parcel of Lind in arronlancr with the .... . ... ... 94044 Connml File Vu tx. wu.r m. no,v avao s[. wa>rnr. e By :n:s a ser iv°r:nmio r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the mater of the assessment of benefits, costs and expense. for grading alleys Sn Mulliken's Add, tion from Sun- St, to Niles Ave. and Prom Finn Ave, to the north and south alley under Preliminary Order.__.....,_-, Intermediary Order ._9.Q&.3.Q.___..., Final Order....__9.S%B6_,_., approvedd.__ 5.ePt _22.___.__... _193.1 A p0h, hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the C-61, and having been considered finally satisfartors, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the salve is heroby ordered to be ..bird -d to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for vovfirmetiov. BE IT FUR R RESOLVED, That the said aaee®ment be and it u hereby determined to be payable iv___..._.__.....__....._e9uel inxtallmevts. Adopted by the Council ...... _. -_ _.._.. __ - .....19 City Clerk. Approved _.. ,..._ _... .19... .. RIELIStlrD /� `� j OFFI, F lit, I IPITYI OF IT I'M 1, F ' -WEMISSIONER OF FIN.' -NCE Report of Completion of Assessment September 14 . 11 32 In the nintter of the ......... .. t of benefits, costs and expenses 9" gradingalleys in Mullikents Addition from Juno St. to Niles Ave. and from Finn Ave, to the u orth an,1 south allay, n'fill I'l11iIj"ll" 0"1" 69861 0"1'1 9023Q. - 1 ili"l 0"1" 904,56. ; ... I Sept, 22 1,31 To the Council If till City of It- Paul The c.I,iIo,w,- If Fm,,- he .-1, the f.]I-mg 7, "'-""ily in, nrrrd tl"'I to he ins nand f"' and in conn tti- ,lith the making If Cast If 60fi .00 C-1 If "IllN,16", 3.7S C.. of 0.75 f- 12.12 A $ ' .75 Construction Engineering 123.72 Total '� . ....... ]it . $ 750,09 Illid Cammisvioner fil"I'll "'p -i, it- h, uu. used and bi-n rt lhr Hunt If $ 750-09 I'll, I'llrt or It of kiid deomnl brnefit ed by thy"ith the [erred thereon Ill"t the -M i"'l "i Ilial h -(t,, t -i 1-1, identified 11, the sly naturr u( the said I mode a I,- Il' -f, l' the 'i'll by I-, .",I thereon ,, -, be cans id"'d - P— - C—i.,i.- If Fl..--: Council File No.___.___....._.. By__.._. _.____.._.__._...._..._... 045 oe��`bm CITY OF ST. PAUL t+�" Resolution Ratifying Assessment in the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses far grading alley in Block 2, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 2, Galarnea ul t'e Addition from Macalestar AVa- to Underwood Ava. also construoI g a s war in the easement to be obtained on the easterly e ft. of lot 4, block 2, Galarneault's Addition from the alley to the sewer Sn Eleanor 8t., under Preliminary Order..__3D58A...._, Intermediary Order ..__.9D784.__., Final Order._..flloojal ..... Pp—e NOV._ 24__...___ 19.31.. A public hearing having been had upon the sssessment for the above improvement, end said aaaessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been conaid... d finally aatisfaeorT, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be ead the same is hereby iu all reapeets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for co fi mation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be Payable in......._._...�/..._.__.-equal 'installments. •sem i City Clerk. I ITI OP IT PAIL, , t)Pkj(F ()1 '11 l,' M-111SSTONEa OF FM—E, Repo -rt of Completion of Assessment Sept,ml?sr 14 , 19 32. I.. the of be—fits, costs and . . . enses f - grading alley in Block 2 Avenue and Block 2, Gal a —111t.s. Addition f", Measle a t " 'Aqttot . rd Id Ave.,"'o ""t ..c t in , . . in the se.e.en t to be obtained on the easterly ft. of let 4, block 2, G.l.r—alt'- Addition from the alley to the sewer in Eleanor St, ..oder 1'reli,ni.mcc O"Ll 90584 kt,--li'-' O'd., 90784 Pm,fl O"I'l 91008 Nov. 24 In 31 Th, L of Pm,t-, I,e '0" dit—I —11-11-1ill -1111 to be C—t of C- of ..3..90 0 ,f p"M 0.26. 6 f— 17.12 Amown If, D1111 3,90 Construction Engineering 1047166 2 T -d $ ;94 ..aid C'ommissinner f -Ili- l., I., ,it the sem of $.1047..94 ..poo ,nomh1,,,-d b-,fi-1 th, —d in,protrment, and in the I nn.. f , li I,, t or I»veal of I—d i. the , f, —d th, that t1i, -ill been , 1,1"� and 6a, hereto '11, It"], iden,ili,d b, the aiN u�tnre of fl, -id I "t he —17, is the said t� —it " completed b� I,— -d b, considered C --,,a—, of Finan... 941146 Council File Yo..._______.__ mat.. ..., P r °�" ;°tai ,:•�., tan... at.rk 1. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aescssment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, P. V. Dwyer's Addition and Block a-�bie's Ad 3, Thurston and Ldition from Fry St, to Pierce St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also paving the said Alley between the above stated limits, 742,_, Final Order.._..90952__._,_ under Preliminary Order___._@999.3Intermediary Ordec_.____.9.Q. approved_...__N9.v,_ 17___..... _ _...19. _. N A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said aseeasment be and the same is hereby in all respect, ratified, and the came is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be payable in eunal insta linen s. Adopted by the Council. ....... _19......... 1 / _...✓J��.j`-.tl P.1�- ... ....... 01Y Clerk. Approved .... _ _ _ .... I9. ... or F _ / NITS 01: .T. PAI 1, 01 -Fit E UP 'I II6:......IIS.SIOSEa OP FU LCCF Report of Completion of Assessment September. 14 .1^ 32 I„ the ,,,.,tt cr o[ the nasess,ne„t of benefits, dam 'gas, costs and _ _ ses for thaz changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, p . V,ilwyer's Addl tion and Block 3, 'Thurston and CamAddition ddition from Fry �t. to Piarce St. to conform to the red line an the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a Tlue line thereon, also paving the said Alley between the above stated limits, nndee Pr. li.n „on 0„le1 89993 30742 Final order_.. 90952.._ .:q,p "''I Nov. 17 u, 31 To 0,e C: e11 of thr lit}' ,f �'t. foul Thr I:nmmi-eloper'If Finwi�, h, , tl,r ( 0" fo11 mp nn n stntemen, �f the dltune ..ecessnril in, erred un I to hr in, urre.I for an.l in ionnec[ion „'ith the m,, mg of the nho,e i.nl r�...- ment, ci,: O -t of ..... i..t. - - - i 1r221.66 lost of pm,n=lane t,,t- ro.t nr pmt.d e,td - 4 0.39... ❑,.preth.,, fe:. ? 24.45.. of s f- ,nee. 1gg .8pp511 _. oering jt 50 00 (Ban glss 1308.$ Total F.x ndl tur (J — — )nid ('on forth r pnrt. tl:tr n.. eFsed „nd levied thi t tnl to ,it: 0o -.,,m of 11.308.39 e...1. �,..d e,-, lot, r•'et na n,"'1 ..f land deo,d heneeted n. to "id od in the a" .,f -'I, Im. port or puree) of land in :¢eonlanee "'Ot the heneflt„ f. o—T 0,, that the =aid n... ..nua.t hna heou om,.Plend. and that h.•rvm utt nrhed, identified h, th. netnre of th11 nu. n.i..+ions r. ao,l n,a I a fart h. f, i= the .,.iJ n.......m,,.I n,c roml laud h. hip.. nr. I ,rhi�.h ix he re,eith tted f- ... l.:.,..on thrrco„ un mn. be eo-ol...d tieoper. '94047 Council File No..... _...._._......._._. a a. xo..sean— tap "ieeiar°�m�a on a>•sr. h. By ... 'iaiara:'nasenp t•m•nr of CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the naccs.ment of benefi ts, da:^ ,pes, costs and ezpen ses for Chang lag the grade of the north ani south alley in 131ock 1, Gerardts R.e- angement of Gibson`e Addition, and lot 1, Glbson's A"'I tion, from Scheff Ave. to East and ire at alley, to conform to the red line on the arofile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line t:':ereon, also gr, -ding the Alleys in Black 1, Gerard's Rearrangement of Glee.n's Addition and lot 1, Gibson's Addition from Scheff AVe. to Roy St., under Preliminary Order...._ 90636. Intermediary Orde1.._91Q40.,__..., Final Order.......__$1263.,. approved.._...._P)e ,__22.___..__._19__3} . A public hearing having been had upon the a�s ,s nt for the abore improvement, end said aaaesament having been further eotmidered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it thorefall RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby is all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. 6E IT HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and a u hereby determined to bs payable in...__......__...._._....equel installments. Adopted by the Council.—_ .... _.......... r-_..._..._ _. ... City Clerk. App—ed ...___.. __.._._ 19..___ _..... . �.. j'_. Mayer. ?i M1�..ISkf Ate'•% t'[PS OF sT P. 11, UFNI('4; of , I , CO)IMISSIONHR OF I INANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _Sente_-aber_14 to 32 In the,nn��cr o[IIIc n.sr,.:,.g ut ,r benefits, damages, costs and exoenses f,.,. iexx changing the grade of the north and south alley in Block 1, Gerard's Re- angement of Gibson's Addition and lot 1, Gibson's Addition, from choffer . to East and gest Alley, to conform to the red line on the prof ale hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establi shad grade being ,he by s blue line t:nereon, also Grading the Alleys Sn Block 1, Gerard'I Rearrangement of G11Aid7tion snd lot 1, Gibson's Addltion from Schef Per Ave. to Roy St., lim.nu��, 01111 90836 0"1 i- 91040 Finny rir.lrr. 91263 Dec. 22 31 'fn the ['nuneil of the C'it� of .t. I'u..l '1'h. l'on,mi.:.inner ..f F'in ..n• h-n.l,f 0, d-- n......... in, urrrd and t„ h. iu,urnd for unl i,. eanne. ['ion ,pith the mnxiny of the eLn�r in,�,r,,. n., ���. .•.. C..,.t of .onurn, ... ,. f.. 540.00 ..2.40 „n 0.4h 10.50_ amount n( .oust .ort, fur e,.nfirou,�'.,... _ c 2.40 Constr—tion -nt�l negr ung 117.'71--- ..�G AZNY1Bt (B n fits '67 79) g Bs 6730 7009 �ul.l (',.n n Tote lGvt�n r rd to Iii 7,.. n -e.�e 1 and h "i'd W 1 u„n- rhe Fum nr $ 673.79 i rf r„md deemed m m•r�r.i �„ ih. Amd ingvocrme ut, and iu 11,e . u<, ..f ru. h hn, P.�'' or pnn .l of 1uu3 in n. eonhume -h o,e hnndh=,.nr r..rred th recon ,hut the su61 u.....nn nt hu. mul Onm hereto num.h.•d. Idcntlllyd Lr th. .Ip —,]-d h,mm..-1 94048 Co1 File No ._ _.. cno or ce_ - in. matin. or w. euu.mur o i t°enn.an, aumsu .o.r. ana ezvon..: K. rwat$am. r.om euinam at r•ra {torte B .. ,.m s.mon w no au se wvs :�e CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the asussment of benefits, lam^ges, costs and expenses for changing the grade of alleys in Block 10, St. Anthony Park North from Fulham St. to Hannon Ave, and from Hendon Ave. to the East and West alley to conform to the red line cn the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establiu—d grade being shown ark by s blue line thereon, also stadrlidmi�sto allP thea proposed10�dStine ntwhen yestablished, between the abor•e 497 _F.9880.._ _ __.. Final Order...... _90153 under Preliminary Order__..._@5........_.., Intermediary Order. .. .. __._... app roved19.. 31. A Pablo, hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, sad said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same ie hereby in all respects ratified, and the name is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said eseenament be and it is hereby determined to be payable in....___J.._..._. equal installments. x�t Adopted by the Conseil __......___......___._.....___.......____...__..�..._ G City Clerk. Approved 1 1— PUBLISHED i CITY 01: "1 1':AIl, nFFIC is Olr '1'711: �0\I)1ISSIONElt OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Seotember 14 f,t 32 In the nuttt er of the t.,v e.m.nt of benefits, damages, costs and expenses fur lima changing the grade of alleys in Block 10, St. Anthony P.rk North from Fulham St. to Hendon 1—. ani from Hendon .vs. to the East and "rest alley to conform to the red line on the proflle hereto attached and made e part alsoog ra dingnalleys intBlockhed grade being 10. St. Anthony Park Northblue betweene thereon, f, theresent the a boe stated limits tc the proposed red line when established, muter l•nlln.iuurc Ordet. 39497 I;nennedlurc Dale;. 69880 Final Order....... _..9Q1a3 Aug. 19.. I'J 31 't'o the (:Dunt it of the Cit,of St. Caul The Cotnndisnioner of Y'inn uee hent' r, l,��rt. t�• the t'oum•II the n,]),,—,n nc , "utement of th, ditures uerevnril�- inenrrrd and to be incurred nn�l in eonne<ti..n .With the plaiting u[ the nhn.e nit�ru�e ment, rir._ ..f 825.56 C- of pnhlishinp n„tire g ..._3.60 Curt of posnil earns s 0.72 - In16.51 Ammtnt 4, -It cont, fpr eonti nnati ,,, _ _ ff. _- 3.60 Constru,tion-nglneering 100.00 Bel ze�a'uwuawAx - (_BenePe9s $951649 _... (Be'—".- O 951.49 Total Expenditures--------------- C'anw is,i"t r further rrl,,- thus li iia 1 roved and leeicd tl , total amount ns nhu,e nrerriaine�l. tl,>-. of $_951.49. ul,nn eu�.li nnl eecr� lot, Int rt or Parcel of land deemed he..ef ted h� th. ,nid iml,rt., m, It, lnnd in the �n.. of �.n h lot. 1.;, t r Ian rel of land in ...ordnn­ „oh the f.rre�l [herron that the raid n and thnt hereto a w h,d, identified 1, in, ..g nature J the sahl lt hereof, i, the. raid .....,.m.nt ,els ieh ix here"ith nuhmitted to the t onm'I f1i ..conn there...... tun. Le eousidered prnl�.•r. r...... n n. Commiasioncr of Finance. 941!49 Coontil Flle No.._.___.__._._____.. By...... .... .......... __.............. CITY OF BT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment fn the matter of the sayssment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer ce Thomas St, from F'.,irview Ave. to :'iheeler Ave., 89261__ 89960 90220 under Pr_eliminery Order_.._.. _ .... _ Intermediary Order .......... ..._._, Fiml Order_....._..._____.. approved .19..31 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the ebave impro.emevt, and -id aascacment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally eatufactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —ment be end the same is hereby is all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE/IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be mtd it L hereby determined to be psysble in_.... �_ ..... ..... e9ual installments. Adopted by the Coun61.....___.______._.5.......__........__.._..... 19_._.... �LA14<.. _.._, City Clerk. Approved ._.__ _.......... 19 ...___ VA CITY OF IT. PAI 1, OF'FIC'E OF 'I`IIF' CO II V ISSIONE6 OI' FISANIE Report of Completion of Assessment 3entember_14,❑1.32 In the nmtlir of the nsseaxment of benefits, costs and expenses fur lbt corstructina a sewer on Thomas St. from Fairview .Ave, to Nheeler .Ave., Ord,,. 89261 _ Inlern„.I ixn ("d- 09960 Finnl Order_ _90220...... ��I��,r,�, �"1 Oct. 1 , In 31 To the Council of the Cltc of St. Soul: Thr Commi�.innrr ref h'in:,nre h,nl,. r��,nrt+ to ,he t'nunril the fn'Inng th, ,sly, o. di[un•x nr., ssnrily in<nrryJ and [n br in, ur—d [nr nnd in )[ the nba—e C'os: n[ construl in _ _ 3..1..64J2..40.... Cot nC pnhlisl, in¢ n,t l„ .%. _. 2.26. Cnvt of ,-"d ron1, - - $ 0,45 .._..32.04_.. 2.25 Construction Login ... ing 24'].30 'r„t.,l r 1 •nd„nr,r _ '1,886.29_ 1,6ds. ion, r fu n h„ r, l,t. th:,, h, -hon .,� caa,d and le. ird thr totvl u,nount �� nhn„ or„ r.., i,i..I. to.,it. IIIc spm of A 1..886.24 h on.l ,a lot. 11-t r 111 "".1 of 1-4 d,em,d b�neh„I h. ,I,,, .,,id i,nl,ror, mrnl, „nil m the r I,nr,.l of 1,,,d io nr,—im,,—11h ih,, hro.. tiro „o- I,r,, I tl„non, 0-1 the .oid n......h. l_ id- ,h,d h, th. ,. u.e ,f the .,-I t Quin, .......... n..,x ,. n,l=Ir-I him..,i.l „hi.h is 1--ith ,h, c uun.+l ,h—,- ar , rhe gun-.iclrrc] I,r�l,er_ t.,.m o n. is Ca,vmiesiooer o[ k'inenri. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CL COUNC GENE rn P E - ,R —1te Y, WHEREAS, a sudden and unexpected emergency has &risen in that Board of Public Welfare he lent fundB=which to e� M j the a 0 s operations 0 carry on its relief rat Me WHEREAS Unless Immediate provision is made for further fin - =009, said Board will be unable to continue its relief work; and WHEREAS, the County of Ramsey has heretofore voted an emergency fund to said Board In the e sum of $62,590.00, and has also heretofore voted an worgenoy fund otob:aid,Hoard sintthe eum of $265,852.00; and whereas, aid =a . n t Us d und t he law creating said Board 6 t an is until a a equal o one-half of said contribution of theCounty appropriated to said Board by the Vity of St. Paul; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Mayor and the comptroller be and tbey are tsum t0 hereby an b rized and directed o borrow the Of 6164,22 1.00 Paul f0r from the First National Bank of St. a period of six months at 4%, said Bank having made the offer; be it FURTHER RESOLVED That said Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby autbori zed and directed at the due date of said note executed for a period of . ix months 'to negotiate the execution Of t a new note for be same sum for the remaining period of time from said due date toJanuary lot 1934, at the best rate of interest available, said nee note to �e approved as to terms by the Council; be It FURTHER RESOLVED That the sum of $164,221.00 borrowed as aforesaid be credited to the Board of Public Welfare Fund, and that all of said fund be expended only for expenses incurred a d Board for general relief, ink eping with the powers and duti, r.8filaid a:t Board get forth in h: act creating same. (1)UNCII-NIFN 93 Iii fi, 13 192 Ni'y- Nil, P -.1.1111I uv u.n CITY OF ST. PAUL riu NO. 94051 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -.-GENERAL FORM RE ESEN✓i ��r` A ­ ' Ea WHEREAS, the College of St. Thomas has appealed to the Council from the refusal of the Commissioner of Pare, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to permit the erection of a bll4beamd on the southwest corner of its Athletic Field near the intersection of Otte and Cretin avenues, which property is zoned in an "A° Resi- dence district under the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the Council Is of the opinion that such permit should be granted, provided that said billboard or bulletin board shall not exceed S feet by 12 feet in size; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and be is hereby authorized and directed to issue to said College of St. Thomas a permit for the erection of said bulletin board. ar*,�� Id 11 _ <e oPa: Asld::.I Ir: adol,I:,l I:y W:� t�::llo,al � 1 J til. Ina IBM mm I OUnCILM1:: 'Nh" ILinn w�:a:•I , NIr. I'rrxiilrnt 1l nl:�ilier Asld::.I Ir: adol,I:,l I:y W:� t�::llo,al � 1 J til. Ina IBM mm CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.P61 of Mlneeq.Y OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT. Ciry Clete end C...'—. d RegbeeRon .ae O October 11th, 1932 Yr. L. L. Andereoa, Cc rporatlon Couneel� Building. Dear Sir; The attached appeal of the College of St. Thoma. for peraission. to erect and maintain a bulletin board within and at the southwest comer of their athletic field oppeeite the intersection of Otte and Cretin Avenues was referred to you by the CSty Conan 11 to prepare a resolution granting this appeal; the re - lution to specify that the bulletin board shall not exceed 6' x 12- in vise. Yours vep truly, City Clark. Q To the Council. Gentlemen: CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT October 11, 1932. In the Matter of the Appeal of College of St. Thomas. The said appeal is one wherein the appellant seeks a permit for the erection and maintenance of a bulletin board upon lend and at the southwest corner of its athletic field, immediately opposite the intersection of Otis and Cretin Avenues in this City. The premises in question hsve been zoned as Class "A"residential district. Subdivision H of Section 8 of the Building Zone Ordinance prohibits the erection of billboards or signs in "A", "E" and "C" residence districts. The Council is givenpower by Subdivision I of Section 20 of said ordinance, to vary any provision of said ordinance in harmony with its general Purpose and intent where thereare practical difficul- ties or peculiar hardships in the way of carrying out the strict letter of the u_rovisions of the ordinance so that the public health, safety and general welfare may be secured and substan- tial justice done. It appears that the proposed site of said bulletin board is included within a large tract of land o,sed, develo.�ad and used by the apo ellant for educational purposes Sn conducting its college activities, for approximately thirty years last past, and was owned, developed and used for such purposes by appellant long prior to the adoption of said ordinance. It is our opinion that the Council nae the lawful power to vary the terms cf -aid ordinance so as to permit the erection and .maintenance by the annellant of a bulletin board at as id location, providing the Council finds that the denlel of the permit sou,<ht would work a peculiar hardship upon appellant; that the enforcement of the inhibition against signs, provided for in said ordinance,in the instant case, is not necessary to carry out the spirit of the ordinance; that the maintenance of the pro- posed board at said location would not be de atructive of.,the character To the Council - 2. of the general neighborhood as Class "A" residential nroperty, and thet substantial ,justice requires the ,,antln, of the de- sired permit to the appellant. The 6ollege authorities have advised the writer that a bulletin board 61x feet 'ey twelve feet would serve the purpose of the appellant, and that the appeal may be considered on such basis. The College authorities have further awisad thewriter that a building plan invo Lving the erection of college buildings upon the land of the appellant is now in progress, which will in the nert few years result in the expenditure of approximately $4,000,000, and that every effort will be made by appellant to preserve the beauty and sightliness of its premises. Yours very truly, QUAIL J Gw� LP3-M3. 1 Assistant Corporation Counsel. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpu.l of MI.—.Y OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT. n Clry CIuL .nd Cammixien., d R.yRe.ean / October 5th, 1932 Yr. L. L. ioderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: We attach herewith the appeal of the College of St. Thomas for permieslon to construct a bulletin board at the intersection of Otle and Cretin avenins, to be 101 x 241. This matter x referred to yon today by the Council for an opinion as tosxhe tber the eon at ruction of ouch bulletin board would be legal. Torre vary truly, City Clerk. BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 414 COURT HOUSE .M--• October 3rd, 1932, cowls ens a o., A,.n .. (` To the Honorable, 41 The City Council, ofSt. City of St. Paul. Gentlemen �p Glal� Ia the matter of the appeal of the College of St. Thomas for permission to construct a bulletin board at the intersection of Otis and Cretin Avenues . a St. Thomas College is in an "A" Residence District, )'G// Educational institutions are permitted in residence dl strlcts subject to certain location and V lk VVV area requirements. St, Thomas College complies with these provisions of the ordinance. It is surrounded by a high-class residential development paying con- siderable taxes. Billboards and signs are not permitted in residence districts, They may be erected only in a commercial or industrial district(paragraph "h" Section 8). This matter was before the Council in June and was denied. The drawings which were submitted at that time showed two bulletin boards 10 ft x 24 ft. to be erected about 10 ft. above the ground on the athletic field fence. Large bulletin boards are not an accessory to Institutions of learning. No such boards exist at present at any of the colleges or universities in St. Paul. While some provisions of the Zoning Ordinance may be varied in harmony with the general intent where there are peculiar hardships that public health, safety and general welfare may be secured, there is no peculiar hardship here. There most be something page--2--- in the surroundings that makes the applicant's land practically useless before a variance can be granted as a peculiar hardship, and this is not the case. An educational institution should strive to preserve the amenities of the district in which it is located as a part of its educational program. We can find no reason for granting this appeal in a legal way. Yours very trulyp BOARD OF ZOBING. Isaac Summerfield Louis Betz G. 0. House C. A. Bassford Mrs. W. D. 4111ars ?F:: - F: .r rol eorge H. Her Secretary -Engineer. gh-rh APPc.AL OF COLLAGE Oc ST. THo11AS To the Honorable Council and Mayor of the Cit} of _t. Paul College of :t. Thom-, ut, owner of that certain tract of land lying and being in the City of -t. Paul, namsey County Minnesota, bounded by Summit, Laurel, Cleveland, and Cretin Avenues, being dissatisfied with the decision or application of the provisions of Building Zone Ordnance No. 5840 of the City of St. Paul, by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds, and Public Buildings of said city, to the effect of denying to appellant a permit for the erection and maintenance of a Bulletin Board upon the portion of said land set apart and developed as an athletic field, hereby appeals to the Honorable Council and Mayor of the City of Saint Paul, therefrom, and hereby upon said appeal petitions said Council to permit the erection and mainte- nance by appellant of a Bulletin Board upon said land within said Athletic Field at the southwest corner thereof, immediately opposite the intersection of Otis and Cretin Avenues in said City of Saint Paul. That the erection and maintenance of said proposed bulle- tin board at said location would be in harmony with the general in- tent and purpose of said ordinance. That tte premises in question lave been occupied, used, and dev,lop,ed by appellant for college and other educational uses and purposes for more than thirty years continuously last past and were so occupied, used and developed long prior to the adoption of said or- dinance. -z - That the maintenance of a bulletin board such as that proposed Ss necessary incident to the maintenance of said atl.leticfield and tT_e conduct of appollant', physical educational actiliti es tl.ereln and such a bulletin board as that proposed is an incident to all simil.' college athletic fields throughout the United States: That ti, denial of the right to appellant to erect and maintain the proposed Bulletin board at said location would work a peculiar and unjust hardship to appellant and that substantial justice requires that appellant be permitted to erect the Fro Fosed bulletin board at said location. COLLEGE OF 577. TH 7ONDd5//",, By 1 U rector of Student Li e L V � 3 e�==* THE BOARD OF ZONING ao.e�..... s..e n.w ee,,ws a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 414 COU. HOUSE June 4th, 1932. Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir i In the matter of application of St. Thomas College to erect two billboards, one facing Otis Aver., and one parellel to Summit Ave. in the southwest c er of their athletic field. These boards to be 10'x26 and set above the concrete fence advertising the a VI - ties of the athletic field and the auditorill� The appeal to made on the batis that the a Is field in undeveloped, and therefore comes under the provision of Section 20 paragraph "A" of the zoning ordinance, which allows on appeal a temporary and condition- al permit. It was the view of the Board that this clause did not apply to the case in hand and they referred the matter to the Corporation Counsel. In their reN7 they state = "The zoning ordinance prohibits the erection of billboards or signs in "A", "B" or 00 Residence Districta.he premises in question are located within a developed Class "A" Residential District. It is our opinion that said Subdivision "d" of said Section 20 has no application to the instant appeal, and that the Council could not by virtue of Subdivision "d" permit the erection of the billboards on the premises in question." The So �Veccommends that the appeal be denied. X11 �f, Yours very truly, bary. gh-rh I May 11, 19,52. o Hon. Council, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. bent lemon: St. Thomas Collage desires to erect a display sign, which will take the nature of a billboard on one corner of its athletic field. We have applied for a permit from the �Build- Sng Department for such a dl splay and have been informed that ae the property is zoned in the A" Residence classification under the zoning ordinance, it will be impossible to grant this permit as Seotion B, Paragraph (h) sPecSf Scally forbids the erection of bi11-ards or signs in 'A,' "B," or "C," Residence distr iota. However, St. Thomas College represents that the athletic field Ss undeveloped and therefore comes under the provision of Section 20, Paragraph (b) of the Zoning Ordinance, which allows the Council on appeal to grant in undeveloped districts of the city temporary and conditional permits for a period of time as warranted I the grantee possesses a bond in the amountof $5,000 to insure the removal of the non -conforming use at the end of the time limit. Under this section of the zoning ordinance, may we appeal to your Honorable Body to authorize the Building Department to grant this permit. You will find herewith uttached a drawing of the proposed improvement which will be erected inside of the concrete fence. i Yours very (7trul(y, ST. TRONAS CO".LEGE. V;- 7-7 1-4 CS LVI CITY OF ST. PAUL No. .�Vt7iJ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM =•MMsE��Ea ����. � o.,E RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to William and Frank Cerdte to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the soutbwest corner of Minnehaha street and Payne avenue, in accordance with the blue -print submitted; the tanks and pompe to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the build- ing plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commie - stoner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramp-, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Works. This permit shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall deter- mine that the maintenance of said station conatltutee a fire or traffic hazard. f�a llwrrl.in;. ' 19us nd,:nl:,l ley a.,• r�:�„��,tl aLoinu,ld / reuorr lu room jpPmnr,l los /AV�nvrl ,r r. Prr.id�•m Nnli:nu.y � 'yy/2 - .. .. - .__. n....... j ,/ Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Made x o -T—L A— .11— � f � � � � IH FILE. cwr THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .y 414 COURT HOUSE September 30th, 1982. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Re application of Wm, and Frank Gerdts for a filling station at the Southwest corncr of Minnehaha and the new Decatur St. This land is zoned for Light Industry and a filling station is permissible without a public hearing. The Board of Zoning recommend granting the permit. Yours very truly, \ George R. Nerrold, Secretary-Engineer. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6einl of M1-... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HEIIAs C. w—EL October 4, 1932 Mr. Wm. F. Scott, city Clerk, Building. Re: Drive-in Filling Station, SWcorner Minnehaha & Payne (Lot 1, Block 3, Irvine's cod Add.) Dear Sir: Wm. and Frank Gerdts, 166 Front St. This property is in a district zoned for Light Industry, and a filling station is permissible without a special Council hearing. E 'neerine Report: This station should be constructed in conformity with the plans for the new Decatur Street Extension, and expansion ,joints placed as noted in yellow on accompanying -prints. Yours truly, EO E M. SHEPARD, Chief Engineer. Approved: Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL GF[Yi of Ml—w DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tsmh .ed Mi—w Sham JOHN H. M ONALD, 0 --- October October 7th 1932 Yr. William F. Scott City Clark City of Saint Paul Dear SSrL Setnrned harasith is the apPlicatioe of Willie' and )rack Oerdts for permission to install a drive-ia gasoline filling station on the soothseet oorear of Yinceheha and Payne Avences, kaon " Lot one (1) Block three (3). Irvine's Second Addition, and reports of inspection by the Bnreace of Fire and Traffic. 2 F trolF, COEOfI88iom of PCSLIC THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Sept Ler 26th, 1932 Yr. John B. McDonald Commieeloaar of PuDl1c Safety Deur Sir:- With reference to application Mede by W1111ass and hank Gerdt• for permission Loinstall a Dri— In Gasoline Pilling Station on Lot one (1), Block three (3), Irvine's Second Addition, also described u the Southwest corner of Yimebaba d Payne Aves. I investigated and inspected this location to- day, and do not find that the proposed station will interfere with traffic. Respectfully, Barry B. ttergren �— 9Zeri dent of Traffic BRW/zw CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.'" of MieeZ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh and Minn.wi. So -..b JOHN H. -DONALD, C- —11 T-1 Oc0: N�ELL- on..n cari��w.. September 30,1932 Hon. J. R.MeDonald Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Hinn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of WSlllam and Frank Gerdta for DermiBBlon to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southwest corner of Payne and Minnehaha Street.. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. CITY OF nNo.. PAUL .�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM oAT. R Whereas, on the improvement described as the Paving on the S Ath aide of 8th Street from Cedar Street to Robert Street, etc., Con- tractor was unable t, begin construction until approximately twenty (20) days after the contract w as counts re ig ned due to work by the St. Paul Street Railway Company in removing their tracks, and, Whereas, due to said delay the contractot was unable to com- plete the work within the tl me specified in the contract, now, therefore, be it Resolved, thatthe time specified for the completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to September 1, 1932, and the proper city of fic isle are hereby authorized and directed to ex- ecute an a xtension to said contract in accordance herewith provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force andeffect unless the sureties an the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such con- sent in writing with the City Comptroller. 'IT— Y'. IT -g Yeas y o COUNCILMEN Neye Adoptd bthe Council_ Mny / ... /I, McDonald ®y9l P Pearce _...ln favor �. Approved_........ _.. ........193..... Roean Tniaa _�..._ Against ..___ ..._... Wenzel Mi. P—idem Mahnnny ori <ur.' CITY OF ST. PAUL r�La c NO.-.- 4 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION-9FENERAL FORM October 1_2t_h,1932. ear -- By _ _-_on,e_ RESOLVED In the matter of opening, widening and extending Hawthorne St. t0 a width of 66 ft. from Flandrau St. Gardenroves to st lthe Eaine of Lot 18,0 erardine's under preliminary Order C. F. 93919 app epts, 29th, 1939. RESOLVED, That all orders in the above matter be and and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled in such lyatter dis- rescinded and all proceedings continued. two+ �': e�0n'$��!°ttWW�aNNM1M1n d aieteu In °1 ea traLmoC °a°eraralnDL. °N8 a B Gee B I ( gat 1l ab .:.. , SRN Wed ww n Nne- e�reDD1° ealalDNY0. roc eDlan: N}mi mct r C—CIM— Adopmd by !hc Council - _QCT - - - Y_ Nay. �%s"Dy�•..- � is . e will May APPcoved 19 -. � McDonald In fa.oa Pc — Ro..m /✓ Aeainn -_. Mnvoa cr�i•,-i/aR� Cis. _.n r EdLcim V I!' ' Mc. Prc.id— Bw,dbi Hy "-�•---- sOffice of the Commissioner of Public W FiNANet Report to Commissioner of Finance OCT 8 1932 ncr.. 4. 1932 1e8 fo the Commiaaea,, of t'innnce of the City of St. Pan' The Cnnmdasioner of peldie Worka, having had under —,n iderntinn the preliminary order of the Conal, known ae Conned File No. 93919 approved Bept. 29, 1932 193 ,relative to opening, widening and extending Hawthorne St. to a width of 66 ft. from Flandrau °t. to the east line of Lot 19, Gerardinets Gerdes Lots, the center line of said street to be the center line of Hawthorne Ot. to the east of White Bear Ave. ,a'] having inn ognted the m.U,. and things referred to therciq herohy "P- 1. Said improvement is nee,exary and (or) desirable. p. The cetimateJ .at thereof ie S. Xx% and the total coat thereof is $ xxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is oe f-fln— - - 3, A plan, profila'or aketch of anid improvement in hereto attached and made n part hereof. 4. t inuked for upon petition of three or more o-- of property, 5. Said improvcmens ---- - subject to asaeeament for said improvement. _- Commissioner of Public W k,-% _J HAWTHORNE ST. - Flandron5t•E.Iine Lo}19 Gernrd;ne§,-_,� OP KING ORANGE ST. ORANGE ST. s P is Issz, xoh r.100 O •' s e --- _ — — w �r Lr) j\l: 4 Q _ HA\rJTHORNE ST. o w z m i W - o MARYLAND ST. LAID- NORAu- I,�iztnT l9 o�ENING DR 3 :F U. W. �:i �;. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,,ig,,d hereby propoaue the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paol, vi..: __._.Dpan,.. widen ..snd..eatend...9awthsr.N.e._St. to a.. width of 33 ft from Flandrau St, to the East line of Lot 19, Gerardinefs Garden rots�� the__center -line-*f said-opminl beinga12-.2-ft,-Norend, to the North line of Maryland_. _ t. Doted tbia- 12th.day of October _, , 19._32. ..� ........_. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wdt- proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi..: _._.._.._Opera.. widen_andeXt=d..gaywthorp,e.._St to a width of 32 ft from Flendrau St. to the East line of Lot 19, Gerardinets Garden Lots, the center. line of -said opening being-&Jil,2 ft. north of and parallel ... to the North line of Maryland St. having been pIuented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. ....._. __....____....____.................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be end ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the eeemeity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated on of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furoiah a plea, profile or eketeh of said improvement. 4. To etote whether or not said Impravemmt u inked for on the petition of three or mere owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mstteoe W the Commieaiomr of Fi.I'm DJaa ,_ Adopted by the C—oil___.._.._....... _..... ___....__... _........_.__._..... Y.- Ners Co—ilman COseOT Mar >:D Approved....... ......... ._... —14 .... ............... MODOx�u Y Prrem. Ma. Pe—.— Mayo r c a n err loan 11 �'. n Qetitlon. Council File No._._.__..ltm PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and l PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paw, vie.: _.___CORstFllC.t_.& S. ft,.pidgwalk on the North side of St. Clair St. _frgm_Griggs_St. to Syndicate Ave._,.... Dated this.. _ 13th.__dey of _. Ogtober f� ...... 1\8.32 —PRELIMINARY ORDER. .o'oPa WHEREAS, A written proposal for the .eking of the following improvement, Constnnct-.a. 6..f.t.-_sidewalk..ox, the.. North_side._of.. St....G1a1r_$L. ari68s..S.t..._to_6Xndicate Ave.._._._ _._. -_ ._. _...... having bee. preseated to the Council of the City of St. Paul __..___.....___........_._.___._....._..._... ...... .......... . ftererers, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be cad is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i.veetigete the secomity for, or dceirebility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, cyte tt and estimated cost of said impmvemeot, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improm veent. 4. To state whether or not said improvemeuCu asked far oa the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Counrd.......__.... _...__......(}{:._�.___... ___.._. _..... Yea. Nars Councilman Coxa ,, MevApproved_...___.........._.._....._____....._......__...._ M.Doaa.o Pasapa Asan So.essuca .. ......_... _ ........ Ma Paeemawr /� M m. CITU OF Sr. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C%O�U.�NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM so�an,asisNew_ i ' ".'._ ew a_ _ RE LVED That there be and hereby is appropriated out'of the Forestry Revolving Fund (1005), the sum of $4.55 payable to Michael Kirchmaier, 1065 Van slyke Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an assessment for tree trimming work against Lot 1, Block 1, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1, as the assessment was levied in error, and the property owner having paid this amount, as represented by Tax Receipt No. 33664. d`aoas°e`I.. aenn�sslx s �:eL4o.Yt a. 'afvli. a it m1 vv*ov.—(e bxfT a[ dd. ]vi5.l ?iii v COUNCILMEN.Orr 19;1_ Y'. COUNCILMEN / Adopted by Ihr Couneil _. 'JZ Y [uaor Al pmvM _.. _ __ _.— I93_ �i Roeeu A,ru_ �Trunx _ Ag,i-t /� TGA — Wenzel —W, Alr. 11—i(I—t Nl,ha,,y �y _ ........- . aa� J4U58 } CITY OF ST. PAUL No. ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 0111-INU ._ jLs� ?i �% o -Y o.rE RESOLVED, That the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the trimming, removal and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering public highways, during the year ended September 1, 1932, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees and groes plots bordering public highway. during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council ac Companying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. COUN(l ILNIEN V'rue Nnys� iixld R � 1 f vor jo e7 ��funx Ap¢ Il,t Wenzel Mr. P—Idext Nnhoxey Adopted by the_..t. ...193_... _. ,.9 4059 a",iWwdo a.r^ CITY OF SM. PAV' - NO. • OFFICE OF THE CITY � 1 COUNCIL R60LUTIO E U. COMM seIONE'} lI � _.. r,E hrL ' Whereas, additions and deductions which might orove to be nate as in the improvement described ae the Paving of West Fifth CSt. from Smith Avenue to lhccha nge 3tree t, Biel ding and Shepley, Inc., On- tractors, have been provided for in the ape cSf Scatlo ne and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, end Whereas It has been found necessary to make additions and de- ductions, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in accordance with unit prices as stipulated in the contract and Table 2 showing ad- ditions and deductions made on the force account basis ae provided in the contract. Table 1 ADDITIONS; 12 lin. ft. 12" V. 0. Pipe ® 1.35 $16.20' 120 ft. granite curb set ® •35 42.00- 657.94 lb e. reinforcing steel ® .04 26.32' 00 15.52' $100.04 2.217 tons sheet asphalt ® 7• DEDUCTIONS. 1.64 sq. yds. 3" brick on 7" concrete 6. 31' lase ® 4.88- 7,5 lin. ft. of standard R.Curb ® •65 42_00' 53.19 1 3-B CatcNet Ad —a 64 eg Net Additions Table 1 . Table 2 ADDITIONS, 13 lin. ft. granite curb reset ® .55 7.15' 7.15 NMDUCTIONS, 27 lin. ft. drillhole ® 1.11 30.00' 12 ^ ^ sandrock tunnel ® 2.00 24.00' 4.00 Net deduction Table 2. x•85 �\ COUNCILMEN/ Adapted by the Council..._ ..... Y. _/may-y N°ye / ' hicDoneld v /( ,r�� �•7e^.r .. _. In f^vor � APp�Oi ved�. -- 183.. _. /R—s .. _. ..Mayor W-6 r. Prcaideot Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu NO 9.4059 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM eRE9ENT o ev onre coU, IRS 10ReR RE69LVED And, Whereas, the net additions and the net deductions as shown on the above tables being equal no change is necessary on the original contract, therefore, Be it Resolved that the City Council hereby approve the afore- said work done under the supervision of the Co=iaaloner of Public Works andSn accordance with the specifications therefo4for the reason. elnbefore at forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and wsi prices stipulated in the contract. Coo�ne�ic Wo ounte reigned _oluer c01JNCILNIEV Yens 1nYe McDonald 1 favor Rosen 7'runx iRnicA Wen 1 R ` . Mr. Prreidcnt Mnhoacy ,T t q rg3'.0 Adopted by the Council........ �d: .'..�.'.�.r.�....193.. ... P veld/ .. 193..... CITY OF ST. PAU r COU" OFFO IC F THE C1GEN� —1 m oilaa. _ tt curu�� •lo easaEarao ^� r � Whereas, additions and deductions which might prove to be askew ary the improvement described as the Paving of University Ave. from Say and Gaultier to Park Ave. Thornton Bros. Co., Contractors, have been provided for in the specification. and unit price. therefor have been atipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessaryto make a ditlons and deduc- tions, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made i n alecordence with unit prices as stipulated in the contract and Table 2 showing additions and deductions made on the force account baei. as provided in the contract. ADDITIONS, Table 1. header '0 .12 5.4 � 4 .4 lin. ft. 2x10 wood ,16.9 3V sheet asphalt on 7" cont. base ® $3.15 3410 ' eq. yds. .2.44 sq. yds. 2;i" brick paving for drive. on 5 3.65 8,66 7" concrete bare ® .23.8 iia. ft. stand and curb dius ® 8.50 15.47 2.21' .26 cu. yde. concrete aprons 8 ® 1 50 72.00 48 ft. 12" V.C. Pipe C.B. to sewer .04 49.40 187.21 1235 lbs. Reinf. steel DEDUCTIONS, 11.82 eq. yd a. 412" conk. pavement ® 1.19 2,q ® 3 14.07' 166.94 •68.7 eq. Yde. 3° brick on sheet aeph.bed ® 26,95 77 lin. ft. granite curb not reeet ® 1.50 91.5E 61 lin. ft. 12" V.C.Pipe C.B. to sewer 04 23 3222. 8 583 lbs. Reinforcing steel 135.57 Net deduction Table 1 Table 2 ADDITIONS, 46.6 Bbl.. m 1.93 89.94 PrdnSStre Strength ®cont. tocement provide HiEarly $45.63 Total Net Deduction ✓4,_A. _COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. -.. _. -.... __ ....__..193.. _. Yene N"ye Mey McDonald APPoed_ 19 3 Peac _ Ing It.—._... nIn,nveetr , a"ynr . PredntMoney No........ CITY OF ST. PAUL �^� MOW OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cowEN DN -1 R vso And, Whereas, the net deduction is $45.63 now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the eupery lei Dn of the Commissiener of Public Works and in name rnotctowith exceede thes,uml Of $45-63icu. to berdeducthet ed f net romuthe olumps sum m cone idepaocithenmakingnofh theoaforeeald improvementct known as rf Or the reasons there - L -3 7inbef5 inbefe re set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specification. and un it prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works hae agreed with the contractor, Thornton Brae. Co., that the eum of $45.63 Ss the reasonable net deduc- tion to be made to the said contract. Countersigned, er-.61.iY^DemP'tT°11'sT.� COUNCILMEN Snre M,Dnmld R,,,- 'I'mux _. Agoinnt Wenzel Mr. r­jdenl n+ehnn�r Commlssioner or rou W Contractor / ad„ hf<d hr u11� c„��„;1 _ OCT :4 1832 _,..�193..�� --2 .. F -.n. sxrm asrt9'D �j'/ �'- No. 94061- . CITY OF ST. PAUL FIC, OF THE CITY CLERK `/G%%/_ ` CO/UN IL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE r WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee, at a meeting held Catcher 14, 1932, determined to Bell, and authorl zed the sale Of certalh bonds held by St, under the authority Of recti on 223 of the Charter, hwhierech to attached morandemadetparaoPertlherdeofr ibndt he faces amount sche u4f $670,000.00, and WHEREAS, said Sinking Fund Committee directed the Comptroller to call for bide .for the sale of said bonds, Bald bide to be opened on October 19th, 1932, at two_ thirty P. 6i. in the Council Chamber, and WHEREAS, the purpose of said sale is to enable the Cityto purchase from the First National Bank, under an option, $200,000.00 worth of its bonds, held by Bald Bank an a five per cent basis, end to enable the said Sinking Fund Committee to have nvallable for the rter sumpfors described in S ection seasonable withdrawals, 2nowf the therefore, behe It additional RESOLVED that the Council hereby approves the action of the sinkinFund Committee sell the Bald bonds and calling f orbidsasabove outlined, and beIt FURTHER RESOLVED that the Council hereby directs the said Sinking Fund Committee to make the sale of said bonds as above described and to report to it the best of received for the sale of said bonds. miseot a meimnel4 i Oeieeer ] i, amermlcaawo uiva se1lvnvvTim- sec chin nD COUNCILMEN Ynoe Nnye M'yonald Pearce _...1 favor /Ro"o r//7 Tn,sa w�nvel .m " Mr. I'rneident nlnhnney Adopted by the Council_ _- .00T_ 1.A M2,, _ Anprgved _-_ ... _ 193..._ n�tr1T, (, (�OA,Al� z TOM RATE 07 DATE OP DATE 07 RLSIS YIELD MD OP BOND PAR VAUM IBTERE.9T IsmE MATDRI Tr TO CITY st.Panl Sdsool Bonds 18,000.00 J¢ly 1, 192 July 1, 195 ^ • " 100,000.00 " " " 4.20 st.Pan1 Water Works Bonds 4.3o $119.000.00 May 1, 1924 May 1, 1944 4.25 st.Pan1 Sewer Bonds 27,000.00 ^ " 16mo.00 2,000.00 3,000.00 50,000.00 000.00 100.000.00 st.Paol serer Bonds 41,000.00 38,000.00 �oo.000.00 4}� July 1, 1925 July 1, 1943 4.10 ^ July 1, 1944 " Ju1y 1. 1945 " July 1. 1951 " " ^ July 1, 1952 4.15 " ^ July 1, 1955 4.10 4}¢ Jan. 1, 1929 Jau. 1. 1951 4.10 Jan. 1. 1952 " " Jan. 1. 1954 e St.Paul school Bonds $ 50.000.00 4 % Apr. 1, 1926 Apr. 1, 1956 4.10 st.Paul P. 1. R. Bonds $ 50,000.00 4j¢ Nov. 1, 1926 Nov. 1, 1946 4.15-} st.Pan1 Water Works Bonds $ 6,000.00 4}96 May 1, 1924 May 1, 1944 4.25 ^ e " 20,000.00 " e May 1. 1945 " ^ • ^ 21.000.00 ^ ^ May 1, 1946 " ^ . " 22.000.00 ^ " May 1, 1947 " e n ^ 23,000.00 " " May 1. 1948 ° • ^ 24.000.00 " " May 1. 1949 " " " ^ 25.000.00 " ^ May 1. 1950 " St.paul Water Works Bonds $ 26,000.00 4j% 9, 1, 1924 Nay 1. 1951 4.25 27.000-00 May 1, 1952 28.000.00 mv 1, 1953 29,000.00 May 1. 1954 $�2000.00 Grand Total $.610.2" PR NTEa i 6 o .., . o. <94(62 aAtNCIL RESOLUTION Yc E a rm. u s <.. M11-111 Oct. 13, RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF j 54.'979') , COVERING CHECKS NUI�ERED 94s" TO_9542 _ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. A.—EDa.THE oN -{ �d a..,n... A62 - ��._d� hd ► J .,... secEr rorAL—.oaw.w° 7 500 0o z00 E94 C9 Y a..,n... A62 NO. COUNCIL aE50LUT10N AUDITED CLAIMS Cot. 1;, 1132 .„r;.:E.... 5 §d�9.3o IN FAVOR OF TOTAL cree.s n. e.n. nu Mecn aeOVO"'F°eW^e° c„cc.s 7 500 00 245 614 79 • Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 963 46 9489 St. Paul 4 500 00 9490 9491 City of Carl P. Herbert 240 00 9492 Bureau of Municipal ReaearCb Aoot 2 373 50 9493 Ellerbe & Co. & Hol abird & P. Pavleoka 160 00 9494 Raymond Co. 4 32 9495 Review Publishing Co. 616 00 9496 Art Metal COnstT OLiOn Co. 2 261 70 9497 Commonwealth Electric Co. 2 058 30 9498 Healy Plumbing & Heatin.g . • 8 530 20 9499 9500 Jolter G. Warren & Co. 9 676 4329 34 9501 John r 1 5 73 52 9502 Construction Aome Conetruotion Co. 12 50 950; George J. Karp 11 10 9504 Henry O'Brien 407 50 9505 Terminal Motor Bus. Co. 2E 15 9506 Baldwin supply Co. 141 26 9507 Capitol Staty Mfg. Co. 34 20 9508 Corning Donohue Inc. Co. 4 50 9509 Electric Machinery Mfg. 10 00 9510 Louie A. Gilbert 251 83 9511 9512 Herechler Candy Co. Ino. A. P. Herechler F�:Ctory 12 9513 Minnesota Sporting Goode Co. 4301 16 71 9514 National Lead Co. 50 50 9515 Newhouse Paper Co. Assignee Co. 9 9516 St. Paul Jhl to Lead & 011 37 80 9517 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 82 32 9518 G. Sommers & Co. 39 16 9519 A. G. Spalding & Bros. 285 80 9520 Mrs, R. Mitch Co, 138 56 9521 J. F. Smith Tire & Battery 7 g l 25 9522 J. S. Sweitzer & Sone Inc. 50 00 952} Johnson & Johnson 182 50 9524 Edwin M. Parish 10 50 9525 %lvas & Vollotis 162 oo 9526 Dr. J. C. Rutherford 26 40 9527 James Edwards 1505 98 9526 Coal Co. CHertlapitol Capitol 0taty Mfg. C,. 1 9 37 9529 9530 Farwell O nun %1 rk & Cn. , 51 42 9531 A. C. Horn Co. Art. Kr om echroeder 1 35 74 9532 9577 Lamprey Products Co. 7 04 4 244 19 9534 Northern States Power Co. 72 12 9535 9t. Paul Vocational School 66 89 9536 G. Sommers & Co. u° 63 9537 Twin City Brick Co. 3S 00 9538 Mrs. J. M. Morgenthaler 35 00 9539 Marguerite Powers 52 80 9540 Charles H. Smith 11 55 9541 PatKelly 28 60 9542 James E. Glass 11 secEr rorAL—.oaw.w° 7 500 0o z00 E94 C9 Y aw.�ma4n�, m « No. -_ CITY OF ST. PAUL 91063 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ccM eM sf-o°°Nfi '"�`�^ - _-_ 11T1 _. October 121 1852.. _. R�WW WHEREAS, applications for licenaes have been made as fallow., e1H, gsp eo sy - LPaul 426 State Buteber 2845 B., Cassette 228 S. Franklin Grocery 1456 Geo. Foreley 544 R. 6th Restaurant ^ 5552 Carl Fisher 274 A. 7th Restaurant application 5578 g08REAS, , Butcher- application 2845, and Grocery -application 1488 are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Sure— of Health; and Restaurant - application 5552 is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of police; end Carl Fisher hes withdrawn Restaurant - application 5578; therefore, be it RESOLM, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised EWae; to refund to L. Peal the fee of $25.00 and cancel application 2845 for Butcher license; to refund to Y. Cosaet*.a the fee of $10.00 and cancel application 1456 for Grocery license; and to refund to Gao. Forelay the fee of $10.00 endcancel .npplieetian 5552 for Restaurant 11 ease; and to refund to Carl Fisher the fee of $10.00 sad cancel appllcatioa 5578 for Restaurant license. COUNCILMEN Y_ Naya / M,Dcaeld Y1mwR _V......In favor Rosea �� { uax .-Agai.t {Yenvel ew err Mr. Preeideat Mahoney Adopted by the a woffr.--_"."...... _..�...�.y_q193..... JA9p�pr—d _ . _- 0193.... Mayor (' a°rrlmovart mµ=d No. - , CITY OF ST. PAUL _ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pwsseNrao ev _owls -.bar 1954 RESOLVED That licensee for �h1oh applioatime Gave been made b7 persona nerved m the attached list be and the came are bereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee cpm the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Naye yeoa jx"�' � McDoosld I � Rosen �Trllflx _.__.._..Aaaieet / W—d aw. a.v Mr. Preeideot Mahoney cR. n¢. d°in.i L so e:.mto¢pupm�el a 11 p1{)l..r¢u°rp. t¢�sw nw°°li i m iL' a Il>` °lnuvR� W ° p°Oolr°a`t99ii, i wpp v° 1-ffi Np0°4°t� I u 10¢L liai) L 1 Adopted by the Council..-_RPT.T.,1-.-193..... 193.._. cl'.l aT'f. �IIiPY a October 12, 1952 Jg( Banken Bros. 1155-1155 Rice St. Butcher C. J. Becklond 43 So. Cleveland ° Anna Cocchiarella 664 Burr St. " Julius Fischer & Carl Fran-, 1188 E. 7th " Heeley B"'* 707 Rod— ' L. N. Jena", 410 Pleasant Av. Lindholm and Clark 494 S. B.elling A. " John Malmquist 705 E. 5rd ° William Mayberg 419 S. Hemline Mloha.d Bros. 128 E. 8th ' National Tea Co. 617 Grand ' IU.1al Sea Co. 1816 St. Clair Hation.1 Tea Co. 976 Grand National Tea Co. 1826 Grand Aaron Schrlb— 160 State ° C. M. Smith 1B0 Concord " Wm. Tbom 1575 Randolph " Fail Bachtle 181 N. Western Bakery Bank" Bros. 1155-55 Rio. Grocery George G. Barkley Georg;. 215 W. 4th Soft drink Mrs. 989 Arcade St. Bakery M & A. B.rniok 184 No. Del e G -.-y Gabriel Br"eil 170 E. Fairfield Annie Breslta 1110 Mississippi Confectionery H. M. Hrotobl,r 918 Grand ' George H. Dabl 185 N. Snelling Bakery E. A. De"esker 795 Randolph Grocery C. C. Davie" 1191 Earl Bakery Join T. Doty 865 Bradford Confectionery Ale, Fa1.k 1611 University Fruit -Vegetable store F. C. Friedman 1960 University Camfecti... ry J. W. Goldf.- 1700 Grand George H. Hanrs�hen 564 Main Charles Rush. 646 Rice Grocery Earl dob.'- 924 Arcade Confectionery David R"ig 195 State Grocery C. J. Lap. 1140 Arkerlght " E. A. L"thge Nen York Bldg Confectionery en Florce Levy 685 Selby Grocery Sort" Lieberman 878 S. Bath 1951-1952 Horton Lieberman 676 S. Smith 1952-195: Lindholm & Clark 494 S. Snelling " Ronco L..'sano 571 Forest " G. E. M.Call 281 Selby Confectionery Mrs. Harry McGee 1095 Payne Bakery R .J. McLaughll. 162 N. Milto n Joe Montemarano 254 W. 4th Grocery Job. Ole" 1382 Payne " A. Rosenfield 296 Pleasant" S.I.A. Rossi 258 Maris " Ralphe.ls Serpi- 816 Payne " Oct 12, 1952 _2_ Confectionary 375 Robert Thomas W. Bhortaker Bakery 614 Selby Bakery 424 Selby SteH. St' B. S. StelnkamP 956 Rica nrooery P. Seeley 404 Front La Ysyma Thain " Mra. D. Wicklow 652 W. Snelling " Geo. A. meal 425 W. 7th Caeh Grocery H•E. Shimote - 275 W. Winifred " Winifred Reatanrent Johnson 932 Arcade Yre. E. La n 1172 Robert Mr.. " Michael ts.h 1674 Grand " -th.1 477 St. Peter Lowenthal Gasoline etatian 3 pump. Marcus F. Ackermann 1538 St. Clair Co 1345 Randolph 5 g Phillipa Petroleum Phillipe Petroleum Co 1822 University g Phillipa Petroleum Co 440 Selby Ao• g " Phillipe Petroleum Co 904 W. 7th " 4 n Skelly 011 Co 2067 Grand 7880 N. Hamlin. a ' 5 " 4 Theodore Vick The od Vi 1110 W. Snelling " A. to X.Pool table (2) George G. Barkley 215 W. Fourth St. C. 0. Bolt 294 Endicott Bldg Salary Loan Chattel Loam C. 0. Bolt 294 Eadicott Bldg Salary Loan Mack Finance Co 564 Robert Chattel Loan Mack Finance Co 360 Robert 532 Endicott Bldg. 011 burner P. W. Wilcox 452 W. University J. E. Lucius aww man a.. •.. NO........_a 406-1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM eanrso re October 14, 196E coaaaMmsswne,av -. _. PACUbm WMaM, Sherman W. Clark, sole owner of the City Cab Company, who now operate. twenty cabs (20) texlcaba in the City of St. Paul, has petitioned the City Council for license to operate five (5) additional Cabe in the City of St. Paul, and WSgQF.AB, Sherman W. Clark states that his business has grown to such extend as would indicate that public convenience and necessity would require the licensing of said five additional taxicabs, and whereas, he states and shows that there are less texicebe operated in the City of St. Paul at the present time than there were at the time the ordinance nae passed= therefore, be it RESOLM, that peraieeion is hereby granted to She— W. Clark to apply for license to operate five (5) additional taxicabs upon the streets c.NC, .; -gee—kr +• a arenoeme-=l of the City of St. Paul. 1a.r..r- ro,.o- cwa. ..e_ COONCILMEN Yeee / ' hlcDoneld I favor W-0 Mr. Prexideat Mahoeey Adopted by the C.—il- _.. n rT i 4 _ _...... _.._.193_._. A pro�� I93 � ._...._... rT, �Lh:Se Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpb.l of Mlnn.w�. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK titer WILLIAM f. XO' Gv Clry Clh •nb Cemmblenm Od R.ebb•.en ®- oct 11, 1932. Bon, John H. McDonald, LScamee Co®Stte°, Dear Sir' The attached petition of Sherman • Clark &b.. Oity Cab Co., vesLigati for permission to operate fi'e additional cab. in St. pant was referred to your co®Sttee by the —l" for lnon and recon datlon, Ulpb Stacker, reprosectic6 the company, req- -t - to be heard on the matter. SEapecLfall9 9n�'°, city clerk- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, the Council has heretofore approved plane and speoifioations for a flag -pole to be located at the site of the new Court House and City Hall, and bids for the erection thereof have been received; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Court Rome and City Hall Building Oomission was of the opinion that the cost thereof as shown by the bid was too high, and has therefore instructed the architects to revise the plane and specifications in order to reduce the cost; and WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has approved the revised plans and speoifioations; therefore, be it RESOLVZD, That the Council hereby approves and concurs In the action Of said 00—issiOn. COUNCILMEN Y_ Ad.�,b,,I by th,�C—il TT' 1 §. 193 -kh- 44— J In fn, 193 017, :Yb,- / b,- Saint Paul �� e Bureau of Municipal Research A[hlftic Club Buildinx 0, toter 12, 1932- ;d Tothe City Council, CS ty c Saint Paul, Minnesota. Centleme n: At Ito mea L1 Lb�P� a Gdl eo ryCourt a£ora City Ha 1 Baildl,g ComieBion approve andl PS catSoaeflag pole. Several weeks ago plena sad epecl ficetlons sere approved by your body for a flag pole end when the bide ,sere r calved the low bid vee $10,BWOciflhhetloraieoi.�ainst cteed will behredueedi. n revise the plane This matter is referred to you for your action. very truly your-, sea:etery, Advteory Court Bouse and City Ball Building Commiaslon. GFH: SH � O CITY OF ST. PAUL .� NO. 94067 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL-TION—GENERAL FORM co owre 0 Rs9mgt� WHEREAS, at its meeting on October 12, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the oontraat,. for transformers and a transformer vault in the new Court House and City Hall building to the Commonwealth Electric Company, the low bidder, for the sum of $12,993.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Oounoil hereby approves and concur. in the action of said 00mmission, and the Corporation Counsel is instructed to prepare a contract therefor. COUNCILMEN ti'rnn Nur ��Ir Uiiinlil V � lioxcn 'I'riin.� � AFninat � Wrivrl N1, 1'rcxiilriit Nuhnry n C, 1 _- ;moo A,lol,(r,l 1),1[,,f'�nwr�l y`= 193 I,ru nl ' _ Ifl3 Is Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research xi Athletic Club B.Ildine •i��m.�°w�.e.,.. mli� 3 • soeE� C.�.r 1311 October 12, 1932. To the City Council, CS by of Saint Paul, 1linne.o ba. Gentlemen: At Its meeting today the Advisory Court Hone. and City Hall Building Co ®11111 awarded the contract for traneformere and for $f2,993. e. ormer vault to the Commonsealth Electric Company, the It. bidder, for $1 This matter in referred to you for your action. Very truly yours, "'ret'ry, Advisory Court House and City Hall Building UH: $H C_iseion. .o -van acv a..� CITY OF 5T. PAUL IPo; "` No -068 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --13 NERAL FORM October 13th_1932_ zSEt�oc In the matter of planting of trees and shrubs on the Third 6t. Esplanade from Wabasha St. to the F. 0. K. Building. Resolved, that the plans and specifications for this work be and the same are hereby approved,and be it further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he Ss hereby authorized and directed to do the necessary planting on the Third -St. Esplanade by city forces at ar estimated cost of $6315.00, said estimate including an item of $615.00 to provide for five year replacement guarantee. All expenditures to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund,Code 3001,and reimbursed from the County Bond Fund 1H. ✓�_A COUNCILMEN Yeas - Nnye� Adapted by tho Council OPT _4 4..--193__. �Mny l/ McDonald P—a In lnvor 1. ''� ��f._---193.... It— Truax _. ..Aga t 1[; ' Lh- Maya, Wenzel lfy �n Mr. Yreeident Mahoney �[.1.— R lots C OF ST. PAUL ' OF OF THE CITY CLERK LUTION—GENERAL FORM s RESOLM, That the Oounoll hereby approvee the action of the Contract Committee in its reconsideration of its original action in awarding the contract to Harris Bros. Plumbing Company under Alternate No. S for the iron fireman in the Chelsea Heights School, and in its action reoomteending the change to a Stott stoker instead of said iron fireman, at a reduction, in cost of the sum of One Hundred Seventy Dollars ($170.00). .nateel� iia �'ny �� "tu� COUNCILMEN Yeea Naye / /May MeD.-Id / T—te .I favor �Rpeen I ABniuet . Preeidpnt Mehoney nrTitt� Adopted by the Council..._ __.. _. .. ..... ___193.. _. Approved _. _..` 193.. F. SCOTT, Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Conaeel, Badding. Dear Sir: We attach herewith recommendatioe of the Contract Committee that a Stott Stoker be subetitnted for the Iron Piremm .....fled Sa the contract awerdad to Barrie Bron., ander Altereete 6 for the Chelsea Heights School. This matter wee referred to yon todgv by the Council to prepare the proper resolnt los concurring in said recomsends- t.on. Tonne very truly, % City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pi"I of mi.. Is OFFICE CITY CLERK VALUAM F. SCOTT. Ory Clerk ..d C..emmkdonm d Ro.W.aon / \v1 October 12th. 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Conaeel, Badding. Dear Sir: We attach herewith recommendatioe of the Contract Committee that a Stott Stoker be subetitnted for the Iron Piremm .....fled Sa the contract awerdad to Barrie Bron., ander Altereete 6 for the Chelsea Heights School. This matter wee referred to yon todgv by the Council to prepare the proper resolnt los concurring in said recomsends- t.on. Tonne very truly, % City Clerk. October 10, 1933 TO TBE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT I'AUL. Gentlemen: A meeting of the Contraot Committee was called at therequest of 01ty Architect Baeeford and Commissioner Truax for the purpose of re-o...idering the action of the Con tract Committee in awarding the 0ontraot to Harris Bros. under Alternate No. B for the Iron Fireman in the 0heleea Heights School, and to change to theStott Stoker at a saving of $170.00, whish is also, as the .rchitect states, a home manufa. tured product. The Contract Committee met and heard the City Architect in his statement say that upon further investigation he finds that it is not alone the saving of $170.00, but the stoker will give better sstisfeotion than the Iron Fireman. Therecommendation was concurred in by Commission er peeroe and Comptroller Goodrich. Commie e i on er Pearoe in voting for the Architect's recommendation expressly stated that he is doing eo votes -No on the recommends to bring the matter before the Council. Purchasing Agent Clancy endation because he feels, as be stated, that Sn the YSret instance he voted for the Architeot's recommendation solely on the resumption that he knew ArAhiteot Baeeford understood hie business sod knew what he was recommending, therefore, he votes °No" on the later recommendation. Respectfully submitted, THE RACT COMMITTEE Chairman " �U. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.plul d M]"Mu DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 112 Cour Hum. .0o October 10, 1932 A meeting of the Contract Committee was called at the request of City Architect Bassford and Commiesioner p Truax for the purpose of re-oen.ldering the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract to Harris Bros. under Alternate No. 6 for the Iron Fireman in the Chelsea. Height. School, and to change to the Stott Stoker at a saving of $170.00, which is also, ea the Architect state., a home manufactured product. The Contract Committee met and heard the City Architect in his statement .ay that upon further irvasti- gatlon he finds thatit Is not s.lone the saving of $170.00, but the at Rer will glue better satisfaction than the Iron Fireman. The recommendation was concurred in by Commissioner Pearce and Comptroller Goodrich. Commissioner Pearce in voting for the Architect's recommendation expressly stated that he Se doing eo to bring the matter before the Council. Purchasing Agent Clancy votes "No" on the recommendation because he feels, as he stated, that in the first instance he voted for the Architect'e recommendation solely on the assumption that he knew Architect Bassford understood his bush ass and knew what he was recommending, therefore, he votes "No" on the later recommendation. APPROVED: T�E�ONT7A(C��COMMITTEE < X �!T Chairman y41170 ' o.iaw ,e aw a..t CITY OF ST. PAUL .W ` NO.. ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rnesERTeo ev - __._ owre__Sio_54DflF 15....181 .. EM RF LVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Claes B Amplifier and Mik-110 lase tubes and one oarrying case, for the Bureau of Auditorium, at a total coat not to exceed $187.50, without advertisement or competitive bide, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Auditorium- 17AB 1 oopvttYh"tM '. m°ko $fp &CH. 0: �n"ae:iX�pir ria � feast'.pac rL vu. vvm.°.e &�i faiieii) . COUNCILMEN Yew Nnye/ - JvlcDonnld /Pen (/(, I favor a ._ •Truax '� Agninet sse 411 �­ident Mahoney Adopted by the Council 1IL'.I93- AppJer—ed__. _ 193..... ctnyor ' ._` CITY OF ST. PAUL :P,�"C6 No ---..9107.1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _. 'EB Ea e �w . AT. WHEREAS, WHEREAS, on October 11th, 1932, the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildinl,s issued three permits, Nos. 18319, 18320 and 18321, to the Prather Advertising Company, 1211 Washington Avenue South, Minneapolis, for the hanging of signs, for each of which permits a fee of $2.00 was charged, and WHEREAS, the fee for such permits should have been $1.50 for each permit, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said Prather Advertising Company the sum of $1.50. c x i ic-ria°.= �vq 1. x t9iii.� ae.v. p9 r..°'Veare fi1py. re.ma aw,.effi qc 1 a° ko m:auoi °t q><ien v MFu-- i of �i00•wu cOQer�%°°OnOtae fie r r.l wsL°h.:.taie neitiLao ra °e.'Dm° w.... t -I m. nraBy' r�iwor4 :lu o rr:Pner wa,erwlgw TL60. eaAppvlZd �gOe4 Ea1el9' cr. 19. 1999.1 COUNCILMEN IM Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council........... _. _.._ _. -.__.193..... May McDonald Pearce I favor App d... ...... 193...... Rosen Truax _....... Agarn9t //l�G. �[T.F- r - niayar ,waw..t Dir, Presidcot Mahoney T w U I,mNf� nnN Sn d m.,.wd. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.p u.l of MInMF01. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commivio.m OTTO E. CONWAN , Dvoy C.- ­ October 15, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Law. Dear Sir: On October 11, this Department issued tree permits, 18319, 18320, and 18321, for three hanging signs projecting five feet and twelve feet above the sidewalk, for which a fee of 31.50 should have been charged. The clerk who issued these permits charged the Prather Adver- tising Company, 1211 3ushin,5ton Avenue South, Minneapolis, X2.00 each. Therefore, this party is entitled to a refund of ^41.50. May we respectfully ask you to prepare the necessary resolu- tion authori::ing this -'-d? d? Commissioner. nd a H��.ruq'!UNCILovRESOLUTION couHciu File No. Fn 4W;' .141)72 J� �5���w�aiMw A� gNd�6Y [4 C U Oa G SIU. VC I t. - QC1�.. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f_ 5,]91,91 _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9543 TO_9598 INCLUSIV AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT I A w� AD—Eo — TIE CC„NC No. J4ii72 o N mEN-ao COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS - Oct. 14, 32 TOTAL nu Macro IN FAVOR OF cnac.s cnccns era."w aao �.rFOAwAao 7 500 00 3oo 694 09 . 9543 American Linen SUP Ply Co. 80 43 9544 Davie—Lager men, Ageme 1 136 20 95455 William eeeland Agent 136 11 954b Help. Carpet Cleaning Co. 8 00 9547 R. E. Hulme Awning & shade Co. 7 05 9548 H. Erete Realty Co. 373 00 9549 H. C. Lc call 28n 00 9550 Northern state" Power Co. 811 78 9551 The Tri. :tate Tel. & Tel. co. 16 zo 9552 Tnnmas Mulcahq 6 00 9557 Dr. J. F. Alden 69 00 9554 Dr. Mason Allen 9555 Dr. Andrew S. Backus 13 00 9556 Dr. R. A. Book 18 50 9557 Ore. Chatterton & von der weyer 24 75 9558 Charles P. Dawson Trues Co. 18 00 9559 Dr. Herman %.:ting 26 00 9560 %lnneb.rg Rozeet E11 nio 9 50 19 00 9561 Dr. F. V. Langenderfer 9562 Dr. Joel L. E. Peterson 88 00 9563 a. Paul Hoe pltal 5 9n 9564 St. Josephle Hospital 12 68 9565 Fred F. Eaton 4 W 9566 R. o. Manderfeld 34 l4 9567 Oscar Nelson 29 07 9568 E. W. Roeske 1 39 9569 C, W. Seiford 1 25 9570 Louie Straus. 10 00 9571 W. W. Anger 10 00 9572 Wm. Eckhardt 10 00 957j Ben Holland 25 00 957❑ Allis Yellen 10 00 9575 Val U. Muraweki 500 00 9576 W. W. Magee 33 25 9577 Job son service Co. 9578 Bob Ackland 46 57 9579 Lew Bonn Co. 442 58 9580 S. Brand Coal Co. 10 00 9581 Oairnoross Tire Co. T8 88 9582 Bertha Herrmann 186 91 • 95Q} J. W. Hulme Co. 12 25 958'+ Elmer %S rahner 187 50 9585 WA. Lang Inc. 6C 52 9586 Minnesota By Products Coke Co. 21 85 9587 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. 3 40 9588 Northwestern Bl augae Co. 9589 N. W. Jobbers Credit Bureau Trustee 14 13 9590Penn19 28 00 9591 Ransdell Inc. Pub. 600 9592 John Balers 286 65 9593 C. Sommers & Co. _ 1 09, 9594 Mrs. Ann 9Pringer 20 00 9595 star Photo C.• °i ✓/ r 1 25 9596 9upt, of Doo=ents 9597 Unlver sal Carlonlind & Dist. Co, ply 40 9598 Yiotory Pr inting Co. s"SET TOTAL—FOAwAao 7 50C oo X306 475 50 94073 c CON 4EMNATION AN t�_l 1, the matter ot__-0pen1 ng,.-. =ening �gH--°— by taking and conae^'nin¢ a tris: ".tint p"ee of 1.snd in Lot 1, Block 13, }, •:1 *>P k chute's Addltlon :le sc r:bed 'i :ollows; r�,e¢,innlnF, a a tint �+tich is the 'nter'=ect ion of the n s ^.t w9 st<.r lv line :it. Peter ::;t. sn n terly line o .�t St .r th,�nee so �`h 1.: ft. "ion, the ensterly 1lnceo n�ii'r let It. which lart`te 'N =_"ter my line of Lot 1, Uhe^ce so, La stlr5ydttne point which is the i ters�-c ti-, -f o= the ea. terly line o" s n e sterly line of St.nP eter �t., therce along t:.. -+usterly line of St. Peter It. to she point o' bebi nn ing, ._6 ."proved__ June '23,_1332 under Preliminar, Order- - - 325'9 - - Intermedi.r,Order ._. __ 93323_ xpprov.d AUg._10, 1932__ __ 33034 . -. pr,•�e`___ Final Order .- �" I S, -Pt.. of 1932_ ga wlrei, tDet all order• la the e,ee— utter 0 Adopted 1, the Council Conncilmar�,6omosva�-.}` .� connc;lm t�y�Crea M.Y.r� - nnld-: councilm.rAihiand�''--- clmatf nt.rn _ (:ibrClcri,r stay . i 940'73 4WSOLUT4_L��I_ C07VFERVING co ASSE"w a.. uidening_and_ exl:endSnS S._P_fltl;T _St._at_Central_ Ave. Im the atter oi__Apnning,-- by taking king and condemning a tri an �vlar piece of land 1❑Slock 13, Ewing & Chute's Addition do scribed as follows: Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the present westerly line of St. Peter St. and the easterly line of Be—i,t St. thence south 13 ft. along the easterly line of Harriet St. which is the westerly line of Lot 1, thence southeasterly to a point which is the intersection of the easterly line of said Lot 1 and the westerly line of St. Peter St., thence along the westerly line of St. Peter St. to the point o'_' beginning, under Preliminary Order ------- 9$696---------- approved____,? _29,_1932______________, Intermediary Order ---- _------- 93323 --------- , approved____ Aug._J.Q,_ 1932_______________ Final Order --------- -- ----- --93534_____.___. approved.____ Sel't.__6y He oolrel. that all •rd— is t1e a1—e setter Adapted by the Council ___-i:UL �. __�----------- Approved ------- _---- "----- '__'"9___" MnYor. CouncilmavaQonto,.H-. », t-"`— / :1u - o nc(1marSerBuguu Cc Im �R' S �Cpa...Iman4�+wff - Councilman , \, "-, 1 Mayon® REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND .`.'�SSSME-N In the matter of_ADQASIIg,_}41 dflAllts_and_ �xi_Ad_Ln6-���_PE_t9S__Sy_.-�G_S%Eail'Rl Ave. by taking and cond—ing a triangular piece of land in Lit 1, Block 13, E�ring & Chute's Ad-iition described as follows: Begin ing at a point which is the intersection of the pre sant westerly line of St. Peter St. and +h asterly line of Harriet St. thence south 13 ft, alone the easterly lines of Harriet St. which is the westerly line of Lot 1, thence southeasterly to a point which Ss the intersection of the easterly line of said Lot 1 end the westerly line of St . i, ter St., thence along the westerly line of St. Petor St. to the point of beginning, under Preliminary Order______ 92096__, aPProved_____ Syne_29-1932_______________________ Intermediary Order ----------- approved_____ pain. -10,_1932----------------------- Final Order ------------------ apProved------ aept--6,_1932 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owner, thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matter,. Commissioner of Finance. Mored by, 'Eo IaY aver �o__ end refer �0 1 s � / � // (or n e tigat ion and r<port Eor his in(ar— or rec�mi mcndacian. r (or rrsolntion �o gnn� 7'o deny applicnsi�n, Substi�u�c nr amending mn��on bY__ _—__. _ — __ `Y Roll Call Orig. Motion Yeea Neya Roll Call Sub. Motion Y..Neya �IiARCC PI'"I'F.RSON � TERSO N PEETERSO � ROSEN 4RSEN UAX tARREN TRUAX WARREN W'ENZEL .// ENZE'L NIR. PRES. GEHAN MR. PRES. GEHAN 94074 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of --- cnndemning_and--taklny,. srL_8—mss it In"the lancLn tta8 c7 --for slopes, cuts and fillsin the grading of Alley in Block 1,King's Arcade Park from Nalsh Ave. to North and South Alley and from Denny St. to Nheelock Parkway, o euwwox rnoce. 7 Yg under Preliminary Order_______________92$06-, approved___ June 2j_ 1932"_"_""__ Intermediary Order ----- ------ --------- 93245_, a pproced--- AuK---2-•-14 2___----.--______. Final Order ------ _---- --------- -------93502_, approved ---- — --- 0.-19.72 ------ _------ _._ A public hearing having been had upon'the taking and rondemnation of the lands or eneementa therein, for the above improvement, and the award, of damages therefor, and n1a upon the ......meet of benefits therefor, and the Co—il hax'ing duly considered the aeme, now therefore be it Re -1-4, That the taking and condemnation of the land, described in the annexed ase sment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the award.., of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said aa,e,sment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified ,it confirmed. Resolved further, that the ,aid assessment of benefit,, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Ilistrict Court for confirmation. �StsiSnE ._'pax_Sd Shat`tte �'ra.-^'^^'Zwak �cRst4cz4tzxhtazbxd�ktez�nzth i¢cxsxxxxx s_exumixiaxGoA W eak Adopted by the Council --- ,11 I n!d Councilaam, r y Councilman - ? 1 Councilman e 1 Counci6emroiimmr�M�'� r�,ax Mayor® Mebovey --�u—�.-�" Ci[y Clerk. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A D,SSLSSJII;ST OF lihN1:FIT@ In the matter of --- _an eaaement__La_the. lend -nacos eery for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in ''lock 1, King's Are— Park from Walsh Ave. to North and South Alley and from Denny St. to Wheelock Parkway, under Preliminary Order ---- 92BOS------ approved ----- Iune_21,-1932------------------------ Intermediary Order -------- approved ----- ug.__2,_1932________________________ Final Order --------------- 93502----- approved____1_x._34,_1932-------_ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and det,A road the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the smounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there of, and that hereto attached is an assessment all entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Fina 0 c� SERIAL 110, 01' ROLL /99A DEPARTMENT raz�, n /e, & ROLL IDF.NTi FICATIOt! SLIR � _PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO RF. DESTROYED I Lim to LIMITED RF.TI:TION DATE 11ICROFILIT,013 CONTENTS/�- NUNDLR OR NAME OF FIRST DOCU,,MT OF REGULAR CONTENTS 37- 22 m .`!Um®ER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT IgCROFI1,16D SIMED Oper JOINT CITY COUMTY NICROEILN BY Supervisor I A% " N\6k - "011 sAhk 9�l lull 6•l lull 5Z•llll 0 0