93274-93728_08-04-1932_09-18-1932m z �2 SERIAL NO. or ROLL / f 774 DEPART RENT S—r44 C1f.L�S_ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP �S'ERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO DE DESTROYED 77 Lmte LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILt� CONTENTS 4/- NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMCNT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUI®ER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILIED O. - / ✓ �Jf— o SICIIED ' J Operetor JOINT CITY COIRiTY 14ICROFILM BY Super aitbY �a ava� CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF 7HE CITY CLERK ' I ^COUNCIL ROESOOLUUTTION—GEN F_" L FORM RESOLVED In the matter of grading and paving Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west o£ Pascal Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Ha -1 lrne Av eaue, with necessary water connections, under Fuel Order C. F. 91938, approved March 22, 193E - D Resolved, That the plans and spac3ii cations - showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of rubllc Works be and lae i -s hereby directed to do the work by Force Account_ �� th wmcite t�¢r al � w N " • mint 61 8 a 1DiA e- 1 e.' 3 ,. u n.e'st decl- �� D°v"• n S avnr� a1.1032. Nl,.. 93274 August 3,. 1932 _.. COUNCILMEN Nnya Pena T¢utnaL.�N �W-1 President NI,honry Adopted by the Sn ..19:3- Aprovc.l193.-... !/ Moyoc M APPROBINATS QUANTITIES for wATEH CONNECTIONS ON mna9naT.i. AVBNOE non 190 ft. WEST OF PASCAL AVE. TO 295 ft. EAST OF HANLINE AVBs,'ti, 4 - In Water Service Conneotiona 9 - 3/49 n 1 - Extend water main 3 ,{iary Arl e l/�Fue/Ca. �,�£rrhan/s f Bk. B.blj. �~ WO � � ': 'e� •. ,A }A�sn'7Alsorhs/�e%//Ave. /i/e B. h/hif{oid H btn �9 (q Nssi'ngv 01'7n. I as"1 F _ EX7rnd AO77,-`MainIq c 4y,an sNaA �71 �o .. •A G F !a - n OK Nor/hwtrsiern Fue/Co.. ° F `� a amperfnw! Co. g Aw. So. T � $; Me f /ienh Ha/ Bk B/dy. , Rt •N F ,o Qn� 2sC3-Zl� Z Mp/r. n A C L t14p y A J J ./ F......... '- 3/o Poneer Bldg. C'ffo Bremer • O1 � t � F � O Lamperf In sf Co. ,S/ Schmid! Brij. G. 7a2 1Y7�.A� l2,73lam �JJ 2a3 Buihbnt Exchange SN a c Chi. M'/ \ � Hv o N f r Ao 0 E C E.i6s'1"b6erfaStna/Co. A Thornton Bros- Co. 1j.43Day%n Aw. w e D E/iz. /: & yu usfHSeifr{h C� 1355 Marsha Ave. . Thorn fon Bnae. /3aCi Oay/on Ave.r. t O y, (ienr sehn.ld/er in Court How. /liner E. a Maryy Ffbrry Q '^' 4 "�� � 4 O r3\ fmnge/ice/Luf/i. Synod o{ s:orrr, efo. i /4 SW14 kO �a �Coxorde Co/%gq . ",!1'nfo f/. B Berf ✓ '//s h� `. , o � � �� Synd'cafe � Msrs/ia// Avrs. 2e//a E &.ka"ePh F Caurfrxy s/6 ,(prs // Andn+ Fbareon Isla Maraha// Ave. � � t,4 '' e I� I 'I ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL e J OFFICE OF THE CITY C COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G I ly RESOLVED L .�.. NO... 3275... FORM —T. _ August 3, 1932 In the matter of grading and paving Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Hamline Avenue, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 91930, approved March 22, 1932. Resolved, That the attached plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order together with said plans, upon the Northern States Power Company. ta��oiian r,:Rnewa wv`En°veers°e' wo ¢ fe tiamune w E tm eA Iaos) IeoT"eoxlone t mape. uu'.tyaeanee"oe 1 PQ°.e e ro' Y W '" N- COUNCILMEN Yeav N.Y. Adopted by the Coun 1,�. " 103...". �reatee [tx tnT�� . t� AUG a - Apnt,��ed._ W2 _ .lea.. /roux Agui—1 r✓�LL.��tuyt�: i w-1 Mr. P—,id—t Mnhonry APPROZINATE QUANTITIES for �@ CORRECTIONS - ON FIA 160 ft. WEST OF PASCAL AVE. TO 886 ft. EAST OF SAVIANS AVE. 2 - Nev gas connections 8 - Extend gas tains 7-2-82 r{%iweslern Fue/ Co. � y w g bkJehan/s /oaf. Bk. Bks. �+1 p o 4l� t �ro v .viary Qoerner• G /343 Dayio., Ave. yJZfn �rfhNJkrn Fue/C. n '�" I � y, Merc%enh Nat B,F B/dp. Irene M Schneid/v %Gene S<hn<id/er 1/7 CourtNu<e aa� L ,N Wi//mer E 26 Mary F Ae y p _ 'N e Jj `r S t o o ze/la f/&6 y : E 3/o Porxer B/dg. A dzw Fbar.+on ilio H raha// AYe. F �� W ti E 6ffv B mer t y Schen;df B j c . 7ez n<7�,ss� 4 a O. 5/Gwe.•� 103 &r;.(#rs E.cchange Sti a C L ERT A. E tCtCtCt . < b � C E 0 cN k ti C o f F Thom h>n Bros. Co. /3d3 Dayfan Hre, n L J w fCC' C� N k t, '. tcn A F . y • c� g yati � F� Exiend mains=.� �ro v .viary Qoerner• /343 Dayio., Ave. yJZfn 1 7 ro �lAugusf F /YI //cam Sao �1 /6oh!Ro6 e Sf I � Irene M Schneid/v %Gene S<hn<id/er 1/7 CourtNu<e aa� L ,N Wi//mer E 26 Mary F Ae y p Jj `r y too � o o ze/la f/&6 y � A?ai•Jh% Ar}may A dzw Fbar.+on ilio H raha// AYe. j � 1 �1 �� W �ro v .viary Qoerner• 7 yJZfn 7 ro �lAugusf F /YI //cam Sao �1 /6oh!Ro6 e Sf I � jj 3_ Ex7`endgas mains V aa� L u as � Jj `r y too � o o y � In YJf C flrr. So A4�"". a r i Alunn n� f7 Z Co. n a Y�f ire. s o C E.36aRior% f 5%na/Co. R, u yA f/.x.55 Marsha A✓e. C, /%ge a.�rJhaaaG, Petition 93276 Council File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi- of.Hall , ---------- -tft _from West Winifred Street. _ko Congress Htreet._ M ad"—' ie Dated thi— lSt- day ofAugust 1952 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making Of the following improvement, vi-.: .......... . from west ng;rred _Stvket -- ----------- --- -- - ----- ... .. ........ ------------- - .......... . . having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. P-1 ----- -- ------- - -- ----------- ---- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner Of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the non-sity for, or desirability Of, the m"g of aid improvement. 2. To investigate the unt, nOlumt and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof 3. To furnish st plan, profile or sketch of said inap—mon-t. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the Petition of these or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. j. Adopted by the Coon AUG -UG -199`1 9t Neral - Conncilmanm— JIMMM Aow AUG A MOM Aftalow App. -d--.-- --- -------- - — gagM PEXRCE Elm= M- P—.gcs`c P -G-9 Petition a (kq Couvee F51e No__3Li PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoen the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: C.onst5uctine._atut'bixtg on troth s�,des of Waseca 6treet. from Baker Street to LLgrton Street moa ma tfr :4� town Dated thin kat ._.d Y of _...__.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propose( for the meting of the following improvement, vis.: t ..._._...__..__�_ _.....__..__.._........... _ onstrnetln curb on both sides of_Wasaca Street _ ' ._._.._.... - ..J.—.. — having been presented to the Couvail of the City of 8t. Paul.._._...__. _ therefore, be it f- RESOLVED, Thnt the Commissioner of PubBe Works ba and u hereby ordered and directed: I. To iuvmtigde the necessity for, or deeimbility of, the making of aid improvement. 2. To inveetigvte the nature, extent and estimated cost of add improvement, and the taW cost thared. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To state whether or at mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mare owners 5. To report upon eU of the foregoing matWm to the Commimi—or of Finince. Adopted by the Canaait....._..._._AUG_4_-.... _... ..... ..._..__. Yese Neve Couvcilmrm'ccu sor : +� Xkl'.:5e .�� Approved_..__.. AU A-..10--_.....__....--- pdQDoneLD�' \RCE o May. Ma Paeammrr �/� %-ze -� Z tetition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No._.93F+g U - The uedemigned hereby proposes the meldng of the fo2owing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Open, widen, extend and connect the alleys in block bounded ,by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth St., Randolph St. and Juno St. by condemning and taking the following land t The south 30 ft, of Lot 1 and Lot B, Buckoutts Be of Moorets Addition, and in addition thereto two triangular pieces of property measuring 10 ft. west and 10 ft, south from northeast corner of Lot 22, Cole's Re of Blocks 1 and 2 and Sub end Enlargement of Block E, and 10 ft. east and 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of Lot 7, W tsonts 21d Addition L. s._own on blue print on file in the City Clerk's Office. Open, widen, extend and connect the alleys in block bounded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth .a., Ranaolph St. ano Juno St. by condemning ana taking the following land : The south 30 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot B, Buckout's Re of Moore's Addition, and in addition thereto t•wo triangular pieces of property measuring 10 ft, west and 10 ft. south from northeast corner of Lot 22, Cole's Re of Blos 1 and 2 ana Sub and Enlargement of block 3, and 10 ft. east d 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of Lot 7, vatsonts 2nd Addition as mown on blue print on file in the City Clerk's Office. A-Q7f 2. roved..................-.....__....._............_.....___..___ ketition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No.._9e7= The—adecaigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, ria: Open, widen, extend and connect the alleys in block bounded -may Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth St., Randolph St. and Juno St. tyy condemning and taking the following land I The south 30 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot B, Buckoutts Re of Moorets Addition, and in addl tion thereto two triangular pieces of property measuring 10 :ft. west and 10 ft, south from northeast corner of Lot 22, CoXet s Re of Blocks 1 and 2 and Sub and Enlargement of Block 36 aad_10 ft. east :.nd 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of LO t 7,Watson?a Sod Addition as s..own on blue print on file is the City Clerk's Office. Open, widen, extend and connect the alleys in block bounded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth Lt., Ranuolph St, ana Juno St. by condemning and taking the following land : The south 30 ft. of ]L o t 1 and Lot 8, Buckout's Re of Moore's Addition, and in addition thereto two triangular pieces of property measuring 10 ft, west and 10 ft. south from northeast corner of Lot 22, Cole's Re of Blocks 1 and 2 ana Sub and Enlargement of Block 3, arid 10 ft. east d 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of 1--t 7, Watson's k d Addition as —own on blue print on file in the City Cler Office. 13ptT—-10�--'- —.. Adopted by the Council _......._.................. ....... ..... _....._.__._.......- yaws Nen Covne+lmanimp. "81100100 Approved__._ d_ MAIM; Nam Bis Panrnnrr Dated this. _...A.th..__ day of., PRELIMINARY ORDER. aec�n.oe T a° eC me WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ..king of the following improvefu , Open, widen, extend and connect the alleys in block bounded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth -t., Ranuolph t. and Juno ot. by condemning an. taking the following land : The south 30 ft, of Lotti and Lot 8, Buck out" Re of E600r e's Addition, and in addition thereto two triangular pieces of property measuring 10 ft. west and 10 ft. south from northeast corner of Lot 2 Cole's Re of &locks 1 and a ana Sub and Enlargement of Block 6, and10 ft. east and 10 ftsouth from the northwest corner of Lot 7, datson's and Add Stion as s, .own on blue print on file In the City Clerk's Office, AUU-rt— Adoptedby the Coun 7...__...__..._..._.....__.. _...._..__...__._.......... Yue Nere Councilmen Iw 6 R�wD Approve _.......- . ............... PSARt7: ' M. } fF r..cen nu �oaoP�/N/� � _ audit o����te ordnance. -( Amendment 1. Strike out words in the title of the ordinance, namely "and repealing ordinance ho. 5404 entitled lAn admin- '�P`.ii,trative ordinance" etc., down to and including the words "ai�l;r owed September 10, 198,0 lieu thereof bhe "and insert in ordinance 11o• 6325, ap?roved AUF;. 27, "end renealing w ords 'ed an administrative ordinance flxinp i: a. sce 1 1924, entitldule of ices for the use of the auditorium and -e tcrmininV to pr h uses it shall be devoted and resealing or finance HO- -hat edSeptember 10, 1920, and ordinance No• 6232 5404 aP'erov_ ?-alias all other ordinances ap?roved January 22, 1924" end seas g yp� µ1"V4 herewith and also make or parts of ordinances inconsistent the some change in section 9 of the ordinance. Amendment 2. rowing: „(i itis At the end of section 4 add the herein r,��P z3 prevent the iIiNVVy'""' "provider:, hovrever, that nothing ,_,Led in the muni L Council £ram leasing any hall or halls ih the o�oini n o { '} cipal auditorium without charts pub�c interA- ..- a wel- dthe Council such lease Ss tio�se c'.io 8 and '.afore rµ� fare. A, a new sect: fol' -ow _r:cti on of the Council the Cou,- section 9: 'Under c. u ez Educat i=��� it have „ontrol, management, and missloner a...m lnletTati.;:.. Pa,': nunlcipal auditorium and all th :eta. He shall enter into contract. prooertY aPlie1 �aT the. len.ing hall or halls looted in the auditor Sum the city e.s provided herein and such ad - other q' -are ,see..:r'Y in the men�.gement and th- ewrew ministrutf` oFhe building am} 9rooerty tonne cted ith :" Tr pv'iso atp Cut INo 91770.—ppinanea No. ORDIIa euce— /1 rpi'g4':i EsI" he,,�NCIL FILE N0. •9 9 :..,ry t fi a euhhaPtpil ,n tztnd "ORDINANCE N0._— f PRESENTED 8Y 4 ufnrt,fi� An ordinance fixing a schedule of charges for the use of the St. Paul,Municipal Auditorium and the various theaters and halls therein, and repealing Ordinance No. 0325, approved August 27, 1924, entitled An administrative ordinance fixing a scale of prices for the use of the Auditorium and determining to what uses it shall be devoted, and repealing Ordinance No. 5404, ap— proved September 10, 1920, and Ordinance No. 6232, ap )roved January 2:;, 19[411 and repealing all other ordinances or parts Of ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance ,wender,,..ett��d necessary for the preservation of the public peace, healthand safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. Any one desiring; to use the St, Paul Municipal brium or the various theaters and -calls therein, si:all pay for such use the following enumerated charges: I — FOR USE OF THE ARENA OR E:71IBITION HALL: �- (a) For use of arena for conventions or public gatherings where no admission is charged, um p the sof $500 per day or per performance; all heln extra. (b) For continuous shows, such as food shows, automobile shows, or trade shows, where an admission is charged not to e::ceed 50¢, $850 per day or $5,000 per week. In this case, ktelp furnished shall include tickzt��sellers, ticket takers, door wards and a watchman. (c) For exhibition space with standard booths, exhibitorts signs and one 100—Watt n outlet in each booth, 17¢ per square foot per day. (G) For use of partial space, 1}t per square foot ger day; provided, however, that the minimum square foota,;e permitted under this paragraph and the preceding paragraph, namely, Paragraph (c), shall be 15,000 square feet, Yeea Councilmen Nave Pvsicd Ly the Council.. _.. ._.:. ... May .. McDonald __... .. In Favor Rosev ____,_ .. Apt Truax _._._..... Wenzel - _... Mr. President (Mahoney) - - - Attest: ___..... Cler .... k _ __.._ _.. _.. Mayor City is au ",mom�x ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO._ PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) (e) For performance shows when an ad- mission is charged, not less than$650 per performance; where additional performances a are given on the same dal, $250 for each additional performance; for twelve perform- ances within a period of one week, $5,000. (f) For use of the arena for 'opxing, wrestlinL; and sports events, nor less than 10j,, of the Bross receipts. II - FOR USE OF THE ST. PACT A7DITORIU7L THEATER: (a)For conventions and public gatner- ings when no aflmis sion fees ere char,;e d, $180 per performance and $225 ler day: all help ex- tra. (b) For grand opera, theatricals, :mtsical entertainments, etc. when admission not to ex- ceed 50t is charge, $ 250 per percormance; where additional performances are given on the same :ay, $70 for each additional performance;: all help extra. (c) YR:en emission not to e—eed $1.50 is charged, $350 per performance; where a_'.di- yional performances are given on the s�.,e day, 50 for each acdittonal nerformaace. (d) Yfnen admission hot to exceed $2.50 is charged, $385 per cer;'ormanc e; inhere addi- tional performances a given on the same day, _ $150 for each additional performance. (e) }y en admission not to exceed $4.00 is charged, $415 per performance; where addi- tional performances are givenon the same day, .... $175 for each addit4onal performance. (f) When admissioA not to exceed $6.00 is charged, $450 per performance; where addi- tional performances are given on the sane day, $175 for each additional performance. (g) When admission hot to exceed $7.c;0 ie che.rgec, $485 per verionnence; where —di Lionel per=ormances are given on the some day, $200 for for each additional aer5 rmance. Y— Counoihnen Vnye 11 , d by the C--61 Mny "M'D—Id - In Pxror Peer2 -- R Roecn ,lgui— Truax -. ...... .... lv—d Mr. Prextdent (M honey)- Attcet: Ci ._ ......_._ _..._ Mayor - ty Clerk Orlglnll to City Ueh ORDINANCEOUNCIL FILE N0,_ -------- ORDINANCE N0,_ ---- PRESENTED By�------ I (h) Nnen admissio:: not to exceed $10,00 is charged, 525 Per Performance; where addi- tional 6erformances are given on the sande da„ ,1200 =or each additional ?erformance. (i) When atnissi0' o3 over $13 is charged, 7603 per performa.nee; w`nere additional £oreeachm antes are riven on the same day, $2onsuch suditional performance. (j) Where the ci.a,ge made for the Audit- orium theater is cased upon the or."l-Ina 'Of IaraZratbn (b ), (c), (d), (e (h), (i), the theater management wil1 furnish attaches in front of the house, such as ushers, maids, ticket sellers, door men an--.ta^ter s. III - STEM HALL: (a) For use for conventions or public gatherings crhen no admiesicn is charged, $100 _ser day; all help extra. _ (b) For use as a ball -room, the sum of $100 per performance. (c)For use a: a theater when 12 admis- sion is charged, the rate shall be $125 per performance with seating in place. IV - HALL N0. 1. (a) For use of Hall No. 1 for conventions and public gatherinLs, when no admission is charged, $75 ?er day; all help extra. ('o) For use as a ball -room or theater, $75 per performan ce. s V - HALL N0, 2. (a) For use of Hall No. 2 for conventi)ns or 1fu1clic gatherings w1hen no acnissio, is charged, 45 ?er day; all help e-tra. 1'exx ­-_- . htmtt Vxvx rxF M be the Coonril May Fxcur P arca Eiosen Apuinst Truax wet„el \I r. President (Mahoney) App n-1: _._ _ Mayor cit.• ci,,k " ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED By (4) a (b)For use as a ball—room or theater, $45 ;)er performance. Section 2. Unless, otherwise stated, the word ")erformance" as used in this ordinance scall :::ean the use of the ?articular irivi— le8e for a loeriod of not over four consecutive houre; and the word "day" shall :r,ean a jeriod of not over twelve consecutive hours. Section 3. When any hell is rented u,)on a alinim r rental basis, there s:.all be ci:Lr�-ed 'our cents (4C) per seat for each seat placed in the hall read-; for are. Section 4. Sfnen any hall has been authorized by resolution of the Canncil to oe used for public LatnerinLs for the cost of open— ing and operatin6 only, the said Cost of opening and operating shall be determined by tckin-; tae actual cost of -ach openinL and o;)eratin& for the )articular „atherin, and adding thereto for i;ea::ral mainten— ance trenty per cent (2P;o) of the said actual coat. The ,arty or parties to whoa the _)rivilele has been tranted shall de?osit the followini: amo,wpts be`ore e:ercisin,,; such privilege, viz; Arena $ 300 per day E:.hibitica hall 200 Auditorium Theater 200 " n Stem Hall 100 " Hall No. 1 75 ' Hall No. 2 50 Committee rooms 5 Provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent the Council from leasing any hall or halls located •:n the llunicipal Auditorium without charrre whenever in the opinion of the Co•incil such lease is for the o•uc'_ic interest an,. welfare. Yeas - Cooncilmen Snys Passat by the Co 1n1 it -- Msy .\IcDorsid- _ In Favor Pearce Rosen Against TN Wenzel Mr. President (3lahoney) Apprucni... Attest: .. _..... .__. _...._ _ Mayor .... _. . City Clerk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY- section Y section 5. 14henever traveling -Drod'aetions desire to rent any hall or halls ' the Municipal A--ditoriu:s, anc the established custom is to .)era;it such _>roductions to rent ,;,eaters on a ?escent- a;;e 'oasis, tce Coa.:':f C_,ner o- Educ�tf e_ ..all Le enc i:e is :-ereby authorised to rent =:aci, :fall or ::ally or, a oercenta;;e sLsi , ,o 'oe Ctex:nined by said oav:-_ssicner an., such _producer; rovide , Low - ever, that such percents,_a oasis shall not -oe less than 2P„ Of the gross receipts. Secti)n 6. The charges set forth herein for each ;may and each °)erformance may be reduced 5j; to any one coutrrctin to Ise any hall or halls for five or :.,ore days or :ive or more _performances within a period of >ne year after the d to of -e cantract; and 10", to any one contractin,_; to nee any hall or halls for ten 07 %lore sys or performances within a period of lne year w`_5ei the date of the contract; ?rovided, however, that any -',ch contract shall not be assignable withcut the „rit_ c u sent of the Comnissiane_' of Educati)n; nor shall any such contractor sub -let to any otter party v portion of tate time for which the hall Or lulls have been rested, without tite written consent of the Co:.vai=s_oner of Educ..tion. Section 7. 14.E:enever in this ordinance the xe.^.:al Of Uny hall or halls is persiscible noon a percentaee basis of the gross reeei_ots of any event, the term ">ross recei?ts" shall mean the total revenue receives from the ad:aiss:cus charged. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the S,_—ri:,tendent of the A--ditori—, —er the direction o- the Co=issloner o: E'I-ca- tion, to collect the foregoing charges, and the use o` the Audi- torium or any o: its facilities shall not -e -ranted to any _>erson Yc"s C...61'n \nys MPe-csttl hp thr. ('oanril ---1"nld _ - 1n Pnv�r Pre Tru Wen el - ilfr. President (illahonerY App,-,& ... Attu t: __. City Clerk Mayor _.. ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. or persons unle€e a ,r,,er a„reenent in writing, sibned by such person or [ersone L.: by the Coimni6siJner of E,--Cetion on behalf of the Cit; of St. Pala, small :ave been enterer into. Said z�re c::cent shall .efine the he for 1hich the koditoriurn is hired, and the xice to be he_ Eed for the same, and scall contain the ov_e:ons .-all 1, is agreements o: this '.cine for the _—y --se,,, of earnest money and final -ttle:.—t. Section 9. Under the direction of ti's Council, the Commissioner of E.:-acation shall have control, managem—t, and administrati:_i of the St. Paul 1Lunicipal Auditcriun and all property a_»ertain-ng thereto. He shall enter into contracts for the leasin- of any hall or halls located in the auditorium building on behalf of the city as provided herein, and such other contract, as are necessary in the management and adminis- tration of tine building and _oro arty connected therewith. Section 10. That Ordinance No. 5525, a?�xoved August 27, 19£4, entitled "An ad.•ninistrative ordinance fixing a scale of prices for the nse o the Auditorium and determining to chat use= it —all be devoted and repealing Ordiaanee No. 5404, ap- proved Sentember 10, 1920, and Ordinance No. 6252,agproved January 2, 1924, aid all other ordinances or Parts of ordi- panes inconsistent herev+i th are he--reby reaealer. Sectian 11. This or.lnence is hern.'c declared to be an emerbency or,-inance rendered necessary for the -reservation of tae public _3ee-ce, health, anc safet✓. Section 12. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and of ter its )asEs�e --nd publi hstlon'I AN 9 Q 1r2 Yen., (.euilnen Vq r \Iny J�.I Pearce s,. Tr ( Ho,R.—iKuin=l Truax @'en,el V1r Prceid t (A ones) A 'lW�9ff Att t , City Clerk ( 9L 3 Y rw �.n Ii d.�`crlco /flv - I:. f\ I Adopted by the Council____. Yeae. Neys. NJAY DONALD ---'EARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL "R. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the C. -H. __..-..193 /i Yeas. Nays. /- �MCDONALD - �PEARCE; / ROSEN /TRUAX / WENZEL PRESIDENT (MAHONEY). Adopted by the Council____. Yeae. Neys. NJAY DONALD ---'EARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL "R. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ORDINANCECOUNCIL FILE NO. 93M " PRESENTED BY.--- - "-AA)l,.(/� - ORDINANCE NO. — An ordinance fixing a schedule of flied chargee for the use of the St. Paul kunioipal Auditorium and the various theaters and hall@ therein, and repealing Ordinance No. 5404, entitled *An administrative ordinance fixing scales of prices for the use of the public Auditorium, and determining to what uses it shall be devoted. This is anemergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ke alth and safety,$ approved September 10, 1920. This is an emergency ordinance rendered noose - eery for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE OODNOIL Of THE OITY Or ST. PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: Section 1. Any one desiring to 1198 the St. Paul Yunidipal luditoriam or the various theaters and halls therein, shall paY for suoh use the followirg enumerated oharges; I - OR Oeg OF TRg Iml OR IX91BITION HALL: (a) for nee of arena for conventions or ! public gatherings where no admission to charged, a. the sum of $500 per day or per performance; all help extra. (b) For continuous shows, emh " food sbowa, automobile ehowe, or trade ehuws, where an admission 1e lb 0' *t to exceed 50Q, $860 per day ar j5,000 weak. In this case, help furnished Shall include ticket sellers, ticket takers, door guards and a watchman. (c) For exhibition space with standard booths, exhibitor's signs and one 100-Aatt .outlet in each booth, 17$ per square foot per day. (d) For use of partial 'pace, "10 per square foot per day; provided, however, that the minimum square footage permitted under this paragraph and the preceding paragraph, namely, Paragraph (o), shall be 15,000 square feet. 1"ea, Councilmen \ars I'.—d b -h, Council Cony McDonald k F.— Pca Rosen Again« Sudheimer Mr. P—id— (Bundlie c,r cicrk Marc. oAJeJNA110071;1;A, ORDINANCE 04) COUNCIL FILE N0. PRESENTED13Y-- - ORDINANCE NO. --- (e) for performance shows when an ad- mission is oharged, not 1080 than 1850 per performance; where additional perfarmanoee are given on the Same day, 0250 for Sao" additional performance; for twelve perform - ,noes within a period of one week, 65,000. (f) For use of the arena for boxing, wrestling and Sports events, not lose than 1o$ of the gross receipts. II - FOR USS OT THE ST. PAUL AUDITORIUM THEATER: (a) For conventions and public gather- ings when no admission fees are charged, 6180 per performance and 6225 per day; all bale ex— tra. (b) Tor grand opera, theatricals, musical entertainments, oto. when admission not to ex- ceed 500 to charged, 0230 per performance; where additional y, 170 for peaach additional OS are performanceiven on ; same day, 1 all help extra. (c) Then admission not to exceed 01.50 is charged, 0350 per performance; where addi- tional performances are given on the same day, 0150 for each additional performance. (d) Then admission not to exceed 02.50 is charged, 0385 per performance; where addi- tional performances are given on the same day, 0150 for each additional performance. (a) Then admission not to exceed 04.00 is charged, 0415 per performance; where addi- tional performances are given on the game day, 0175 for each additional performance. (f) Ohen admission not to exceed 08.00 is charged, 1450 per performance; where addi- tional performances are given on the game day, 0175 for each additional performance. (g) When admission not to exceed 67.50 is charged, 6485 per performance; where addi- tional performences are given on the same day, 6200 for each additional performance. 1'020 Councilmen \a7s P,d b, ih, C—d Con Kay�y M,Dooald In Faso, 1". Roscn A,ain : Sudhcim \Ir. P... d— � Randlic Arrro,'cd CI,y cic'k \la'o, ORDINANCCOUNCILFILE NO. PRESENTED BY OROINANCE NO. (h) When admission not to exceed $10.00 is charged, $525 per performanos; where addi- tional performances are given on the same day, $200 for each additional performance. (1) /hen admission of over 110 is charged, 1500 per perforasnoe; where addition fperform anoes are given on the sWe day, or each such additional performance. (j) Where the charge made for the Wit- Orium beater is based upon the provisions Of paragrapbs (b), (o), (d), (a), (f), (b), (i), the theater management will furnish attaches in front of the house, such as ushers, maids, ticket sellers, door men and starters. III - SM HILL; (t) for use for conventions or public gatherings when no admission is charged, 1100 per day; all help extra. (b) ror use as a ball -room, the sum of $100 per performance. (o) for nee as a theater when an admis- sion is charged, the rate shall be $125 per performanoe with seating in place. IV - HALL W0. 1. (a) for use of Halon lfor admisconventions and public gatherings, charged, $75 per day; all help extra. (b) for use as a ball -room or theater, 175 per performance. Y - BALL 10, 2. (a) for use of Ball 10. 2 for oonventions or public gatherings Then no admission is obarged, 10 per day; all help extra. Peas Councilmen Nays Passed bs 0" Council Conroy May McDonald In Paror Pearce dheimer :lgainsi Mr. P ... id— i B.odlir 9 pproccd - _ - AtteFi City Clerk ORDINANCECOUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY -- ORDINANCE NO. _--- (4) (b) !or use as a ball -room or theater, 145 per performance. ,sectioc a. Unless otherwise stated, the word $performance` as used in this ordinance shall mean the use of the particular privi- lege for a period of not over four consecutive hours; and the word edgy' shall mean a period of not over twelve consecutive hours. section 3. When any ball is rented upon a minimum rental basis, there shall be charged four cents (40) per seat for each seat placed in the ball ready for nee. Section 4. Then any ball bag been authorised by resolution of the Oounoil to be used for public gatherings for the cost of open- ing and operating only, the said cost of opening and operating shall tbe determined by takilg; the actual cost of such opening end operating for the particular gathering and adding thereto for general mainten- once twenty per cent. (30%) of the said actual cost. The party or parties to whom the privilege has been granted shall deposit the following amounts before exercising Such privilege, vias Arena 1300 per day Exhibition ball 300 Auditorium Theater 100 e stem Hall 75 e e 00 Hall No. 1 e e 1 Hall No. 3 55 Oe®elLtee rooms ,,, ,, , ssotion 5. wbene'Fer traveling productions desire to rent any ball or balls in the Municipal Auditorium, and the established custom is to permit such productions to rent theaters on a peroentage basis, the Commissioner of Eduoation shall be and be is hereby authorized to rent euoh ball or balls on a percentage basis to be determined by salol Ooavglp„@i,Tppr apQa,quob producer; FXjt,!)},� C??QJver, that such coy Y oy M. McDonald _ In Facor Pea Ro, Again=i Sudhcimer Mr. Presiders, i B-dlic Appro d - Attcs�. 01, Clcrl. \labor o.,..`.o",.al- ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY_._ - ORDINANCE NO. - — _—.- X57 percentage basis shell not be lose than 30% of the groes receipts. Section S. The chargee set forth herein for each day and each performance may be reduced 5$ to any one contracting to use any hall or halls for five or more days or five or more performances within a period of one year after the date of the contract; and 10% to any one oontraoting to use any hall or balls for ten or more days or performanoes within a period of one year after the date of the contract; provided, however, that any such oontraot shall not be assignable without the written consent of the Commissioner of Education; nor shall any such contreotor sub -let to any, other party any portion of the time for which the hall or halls have been rented, without the written consent of the Commissioner of Moation. Section 7. whenever in this ordinance the rental of any ball or balls is permissible upon a percentage basis of the gross receipts of any event, the term 'groes receipts' shall mean the total revenue received from the &"lesions charged. Section 8. It shall be the duty of the Superintendent of the Auditorium, under the direction of the Commissioner of Sduos- tion, to collect the foregoing chargee, and the use of the Audi- torium or any of its facilities shall not be granted to any per- son or persona unless a proper agreement in writing, signed by such person or persons and by the Commissioner of Wootton on behalf of the City of St. Paul, shall have been entered into. Said agreement shall define the use for which the Auditorium to hired, and the price to be charged for the same, and shall oon- tain the provisions usually in agreements of this kind for the payment of earnest money and final settlement. Seas Councilmen Nays b, i!,, Council Conroy May McDonald In Fx, or Pearce Rosen Again=t Sudheimer VIr. President iBnodllc Ailroccd 0'y Clerk Mayor — - e"°r°"r`onClat ORDINANCE n my COUNCIL FILE N0. 93279 ORDINANCE N0. PRESENTED BY (8) section 9. That Ordinance DO. 5404, entitled 'fin admini- strative ordinance fixing scales of prices for the use of the public Auditorium, and determining to what uses it shall be devoted. This is an emergenoy ordinance rendered ueoeeeary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,' approved September 10, 1920, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent here— with, are hereby repealed. Beotion 10, This ordinanos is hereby deolared to be an emergency ordinanoe rendered neoessary for the preservation of the publio peaoe, health and safety. Beotion 11. This ordinanoe shall take effeot and be in foroe from and after its passage and publioation. yea Councilmen $ays ft -d k the ('.unci] May McDonald In Fnc.r Pearce Hagen Again.( Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Mahoney) ,approved:.. _. 1ttc=t: M ear Laid over to —D— 3rd. Sc app. �_ ---� -- ----- - -- Ado FtcdY.?Y � N,, Yeas hays mar ovald�7>c�na�d �PDear�e Ycas � stay W'cnzel tir. Pres. M.honcy �r. 1'res. \lahuncy w,.....A ZO=RDINAPRESENTED BY— � Jen Ordinance providing for the lieeslag of the boslness of Fen11 mQ restri�otbiag thheeslieenseto house number the City Of only,gt• TRE Couso n or THE OITY or ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIW: Section1. The word sperse• as used in this ordinance shall mean any individual, firm or corporation. Section 2. No person shall exercise, carry on, solicit for, or be gns on curb-stoanes within in the rade or the corporateess Of limits of the Cityeof St. Per aul, without first having obtained a permit so to do, In conformity with the provisions of thin ordinance. Section 3. The amount to be paid for the Permit by Section 2 required, shall be one Dollar (#I-00) Per year, and shall run for a period of one year after the date of issuance. Such permit shall be issued by the Department of Public Works, upon payment of the stated permit fee to the Oommisaioner of Finance' Section 4. This ordinance shall not be construed as author- ising Sm any manner the placing of signs on ourb-atones other than house number signs. Section S. No person shall proceed In any manner to place any such house number sign on any curb until a written agreement to do so, from either the owner of the property or the person residing therein, bas been obtained. Section S. All persons applying for any such permit here- under most have lived in the City of St. Pahl for a Period of not less than sir months preceding the date of his application. Section 7. All house number signs placed on curbs under permit granted therefor ander this ordinance shall meet with the Y following oonditions: wohe curbwholly No nhin ypdryy.. to n curb exceptwhen t 'l (b) The sign shall esiit of a background N of white paint, In mise 3y inches IISgE by 8 inches , pointed roadway. of the abthe diolar side facing ()(o) The numerals shall be in black paint and shall be 2 inches in height. (d) All paint shall be as follows: White paint e l be made of one pound of paste zinc, White, ground in pure linseed oil, and mixed with Yeas Councilmen Nays P.—d by [h, Council _... ORDINANCECOUNCIL FILE N. BY— ---- ORDINANCE NO. one pint of best quality spar varnish. Black paint ehal ads up of one pound of paste lamp -black oimd in pare linseed oil and mixed with one pin at quality spar varnish. (e) The white baok ground shall begin at the top of the ourb, and the top of the numeral shall be thre"narters of an snob from the top of the white baokground. 6eotioI B. Any person violating any of the provisions of th1% ordinanoe shall upon oonviotion thereof be punished by a fine of not more than One Hundred Dollars (#100) or by imprisonment for not exoeeding ninety (90) days; and the oommissionsr of publio Works in hereby authorised, upon snob oonvidtion, to revoke any permit whish may have been granted under the terms hereof. 6sotion 9. This ordinarae shall take effect and be in foroe thirty flays after its passage and publioation. leas Cauncllms \aye Ii b, 1h, Coi—I May In Favor McDonald - -- Pearce R s n � � � Agai - Sai. 'Ir. Presidd ent iii 1ppro. d /may Ci,y Clerk `1 \.ayor / PUBLLSiiEU x'_37-�1 a a•'•L•L1 •,, ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO.. -- -- -. PRESENTED BY- - ORDINANCE NO. - - — An ordinanoe providing for the licensing of the basinees of placing house number signs on curb -atones within the Oity of 8%' Paul, and restricting the license to house number signs only - TBE OOOAOIL Or THC OITY Or ST. PAUL DOES ORDklli Section 1. The word 'person' as used in this ordiaaaoe sball mean any individual, firm or corporation. Section a. Eo person shall exercise, carry on, solicit for, or be engaged in the trade or busineBB of placing house number signs on curb stones within the corporate limits of the My Of &t. Paul, without first having obtained a so to do, in oonformity with the provisions of this ordinanoe. Beotion 3. The amount to be paid for the lioen d by geotisn a 8 required, shall be k� per year, and shall rum for A period of one year after the date of iseulinos. guob license shall be issued by the 4 W upon payment of the stated lioanee fee. Section 4. This ordinance shall not be construed u anthor- Saing in any manner the placing of signs on ourb stones other that house number sign@. &action b. No person shall proceed in any saner to place any such house numb r sign an any curb until a written agreasent so to do, from either the owner of the property or the person residing therein, has been obtained. Section S. All persons applying for any such license hsrs- under mist have lived in the Oity of St. Paul for a period of net lees than sir months preceding the date of his application. 1'ca, Conncilmrn \aye Passed b, the Council _ Conroy May McDonald _... __. __. In Fa— Pea Rosev Again:, Sudheimcr M, Presidcn, ----_._ _-. Y_ CitClerk \layor v, ORDINANCE,.,,,,,,,,,,,. PRESENTED By -- ORDINANCE NO. -- — Section 7. 111 house number sure placed on curbs under license granted therefor under this ordinance shall meet with the following conditions: ;�# (a) The sign shell consist of a background of white paint, in also 31 inches high by 8 inches long, painted upon the perpendicular side of the curb facing the roadway. (b) The numerals @ball be in black paint and shall be 3 inOh@@ in height. (o) 111 paint shall be (get deeoriptiOn of proper quality of point to be used)' (d) The white background e6811 begin st the top of the ourb, and the top of the numeral eball be three-quarter$ Of an inch from the top of the white baokground. section 8. lny person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall upon conviction thereof be punished by a fine of not more then one Hundred Dollars ($100) or by imprisonment for not exceeding ninety (90) days; and the Oouacil of the Oity of St. pen,, upon such conviction, is hereby authorised and directed to revoke any license which may have been granted under the terms hereof. Beotlon S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. leas Councilmen Says F—,,'by lLe C--1 Conroy May M,Donald _ In Favor Pearce Rosen StIdheimer VIr. PresidentRundlie GM VI Appro, ed Cin Clerk ,Alaver Tulin c[�it>� sign anA �ictorial �aistters 'ural iluiou sea --- 39. 1P. & .Tuly l4t'c. Mr. L.L.Aadee— :Ornoration Attorney Oity Hall ""' 31" - It h.;,s coma to our .tter_tion thru the press that two Wattles namely Russell Walt— and O.H.Reokly have node petition to have ordlnauca dra-.-�n permitting them t0 na int house numbers on the curb stones and that 7z— offl.. In b0an ins trnoLed by the city Jounoil t0 d1— up such '-u•_ Ord iziauc a. 1. behalf of the painters we wish that •.+hen such 0r 1---- ie dra-rm that it specify, that the parties t'lk]ng' out permits to do ti=js led lshallabe oflfied P inters and that the ordinance —OQide that the materials u certain durst la kind such ere rushing laegn.r that the bsnZ;;.tiznds be y011ow and the letter Ting be black and also that a black. outl Sne be u�ln teed a-x•onnd tFe panel, also the style o4 letter Or number to be sss ed. for azannle . Pguels to be 5 Sn. R 14 iz�. done -in yellow leeq— ambers to be 53' I—Raman and panels to be outlined with j In black stripe. A11 p n.le to be oleced in centre o4 the lot anaw d len be lthe ton of curb. That The .,omni sinner o4 Public -.forks require all armllo-�ats to to 4urnlsh samples of their work before r�:intiaL n rmit. and that .ni to be granted to only such a umber o4 oereens has he deem, advis'aerl eta=d such rsons to ba realdev_ts of nthe city o4 '1t. Pi for at least on _ and be qualified mechanics in the Sr line -.I,— timer teat a price be "t orP t`�Ss 'work v0 cent. fgr e.ieh house m.umoer ...u,/ ..e hear 'ton ur :':ice prior to the lntroductlox: 04 ordinance -ours •:/ truly cy n 6 Socy 51�: r II,:ion 3f3C CITY OF SAINT PAUL C,px.l of W"w w. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIWAM F. SCOTT, Cay C6 ,4 rd Co Wenw d R,f..No. ®m July 20th, 1932 Hoa_ 1-1.a i Anders.., Corporation Counsel, l H u i l d i My deet- Mr_ Ander.... - The City Caaa-il rennet. that you prepare as orA+���•-se authorising the painting of bougie numbers on the curb I.; :F--t;of hot,eee, paynt for the a— to be meds by the owners of the vara one bouseme e. The Council desire. that the ordinance should epeoify the size sad the color of the nuabers to be painted and el— tLe ai so emd the color of the background, In order that the n bers, .1za and solo rs m W be undform. The size suggested was the senple that you — Lave in your possession. It was else suggested that tlaa ordl+�n^^a should specify that permit. be issued only to reeideats of 3t. Ps1-1 to do this work, if that provision Se possible. - It was suggested that yon confer with the Conan - 1_1_ er of Public Aorka if you desire any further information. Sonne tory truly, City Clem. less letter to 6. ailGI painter* Onion 660 Nosy, icy 37th. 1932. llt. George Logan ,,sase1ary. Pant ere u.1a. Ro. 61. 8elat Pant. Mian. Dear ,,ire We received a letter from yon wader Hate of July 14th with respect to IMMM's ntffiber, signs to be _ painted on curbs in thi a city At that time there Was notb3ng in this office with regerd to this matter. Since thein. however, this offtoe hss been requested to dry an ordinance regulating this sub3e011. sad at the yreaant time a form of ordinenoe has been drafted, to be eisLmitted to Mi, Herman Wen"l, eOf rio Works. row a:amination before it S PnSInfinal Snassnoh so you bave asked to beer from this office before the introdual;lcn or the ordinance I em writing you at thin time to advise you of that hot and to suggest that if y� Oars to, Oon�lssiatr.r Wensel and a representative or this orrloe WLll be glad to discuss the matter of tl'O notify mewat onoe, sof that 90 may mak. will Sou r. me for a mm eting4 I may make the Probe �angdt9e Toowe vary trn1Y. Aeeietant OowPoration Ooun eel. EU -D .. CJU:AH Mniteb btate5 Vogt Office Rs "• SAINT PAUL. MINNESOTA CHARLES J. 05 July 921,e 1932. Gentlemen: In last eveningle papers I noticed that you had approved of the painting o£ house members on curbs throughout the city. Permit me to congratulate you upon this action_ Some time last fa11,I recommended informally to me bers of the Councl l,that it would be highly advisable to have the house nu bare painted on the curb from the standpoint -vice to the citizens, as of (a) well as from the stand- point o e(b) giving employment towo,j�y painters. I was referred to the City Engineer, who informed me that the City Council had but r ently decided against such proce- dure, so I dropped thematt., for the time being. The painting of house numb re on the curb will be of much help not only to epecl sl delivery In sangers, who are obliged to make many call. during thedark hours of the ening, but also to householders, because they would be freed from annoyance to answer the door when they ar not anted_ I belleve that the wnumb ere ng of the curb will also be of help to the delivery a o£ the various c rc lel houaea_ I therefore hope thatvthe citizens will give generous support to this movement. Than:cing you, I am Ver Y urn Charles I- 0 Petcast. a to The City Council, City £ St. Paul, Minne.ota.,�1. I' 1 I/ SHIP BY PARCEL POST 0,ww car C- . ► 93281 . CITY OF ST. PAUL � VXG1' NO....___. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—C ERAL FORM er August 3, 1932. "' P0.E.HffHD--...—__....— RESOLVED whereas, Additions end Deduct hick mi;;ht ',rove to be neee.eery on the improvement deocribedrs the paving of Pleasant Ave from St. 'Clair St tovictor is at., '!newton Bros. a.., Uoatreator., h ve bass provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor. have been stipulated in pba contract and Whereas, it hue been found nec9,oary to make additions and deductioae, Table 1 ahavri ng additions and deduotiose made an accordance with unit prices stipulated in the contramo ct and Table 2 sboaing odditi.$s de an the pore. Account basis as provided in the contract. T..BLg 1. mons Additions b'.47 lineal fest of ytendurd Radius Curb B $ .65 $ 43.20 A m"svd D°QLL a °odea wtai.w. 68.0 ,� " " straight C .55 37.40 1.24 Sq. :da. of 4" Bit Surfacing ® t75 .93 - Total Additions 81.53 Deductions 7" rein. Oona. Pav't a 2.07 11.26A da� a 4auwv 5.44 sq, yds 22 lineal foot of curb and gutter 0 .72 15.84 e. 3.45 cu, yds. Class."A" Cement 0 9.78 33.74 , Total Deductions Net Addition 'able 1, 2069 750 lineal ft of 6" drain -tile laid ih 1211 of gravel; 388.26 4 . 12" X 6" Vitrified Clay Pipe "Ye" Total Additions. 408.95 ti And TUhereas, the total addition is $408.95, noir, therefore be�it,� Resolved, that the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance i'dth the specifications therefor, the not addition due to same not to exceed the a= of $408.95, to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract knorm as Comptroller's Contract 1,-3658 for the making of the aforesaid improvement fort Is reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. F Tho,Department of Public works has agreed w ith the contractor, Thornton Broc.Co., that the arm of $408.95 is the reasonable total addition to be ::.ado to the said contract. Co ssioner of Public rc l� Countersigned: _ /,I � Coactor COUprL1 f r . 5 193_._ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council___ _1!.'. _._ Held .. Pearce _ Io favor � APP d �--�-- _. .�. 193... `.�.-. Againet ser a.ai Mr. . P t ' a _a rMayor President Mahoney 1� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF 'tHE CITY OF ST. PAUL irrrsa-OFrics CObudUMCAnox <1>ae> August 5, 1932. Ron. R. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of i°ublic Works Dear Sir: Please £iad attached hereto explanation of extras and deductions to tkze contract price in the matter of paving Pleasant Avenue from St. Clair Street to Victoria Street, Thornton Bros. Comps xy, Contractors= Table 1 Additional Item for $81.53 made necessary by changes in curbing plans on account of proposed gasoline station at southeast corner of Pleasant Avenue and St. f=lair Street, by request of owner who will be assessed for this additional work. Station not yet built. C. F. 91984, approved lurch 30, 1932, accepted plans and provided for certain requirements Por openings in curb after contract for paving was let. Deduction Item oPr $60.84 — provides for certain deductions in change of curbing as above noted, and also aroner around cetpier of C. M. & St. P- RY . .Ry, Co.'s Bridge. Table 2 Additional Item Por $388 _ 2S _ In May 1932 when subgrade was opened up acid made ready for concrete wearing surface, it was found by the department at that time that the soil conditions were such that it was absolutely necessary to install tile drainage. In other words,the subgrade was Pound to be wet and soft and tile drainage had to be installed to insure the stability of the pavement and such action on the part of the Depart- ment of Public Works was concurred in by the County Engineer. Respectfully submitted, � JAMES E. CARROLL, Supt. of.Const. & Repair. jec-mh ro a�k 93282 CITY OF ST. PAUL � NO ......................... OFFICE Oil THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA. FORM !malmm RFDrREAS, LeRoy J. Tynan, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured while on duty on the 17th day of December 1931, by reason of which injury he was totally disabled until February 15, 1932, aricl received a permanent partial disability to his left thumb, and WTUKRREAS, the Industrial Oommission, on the 30th day of July 1932, decided that the amount of the said permanent partial disability —f the left thumb was ten per cent, and awarded him compensation therefor in the amount of $120,00, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized azsd directed to pay to the said LeRoy J. Tynan, the sum of $120.00 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, in accordance with the decision of the Industrial Commission as herein set forth. c=a ,�wnoa.ia-- . wn� uxro .r mfa. ea. -arca c r, s9 r. ag.� q-mrm..uac:n.r+-tw at -'tma.srt., co.e �t *arm: �cuaa� oor..r..rx. ' t -sae n ertlpl Olt+billt'l"M c COUNCILMEN Yeas Naye Adopted by the _..... 193___. ,-'fdenonaJa AAp,,—ved.. _.._... .......... .......... .193...__ —T,.- --- Truax __.___.�.__✓.-`_..Against .rL�� " .r... ._ .. __.-. _....M Wenzel JT. fC� Z syor. ses a-a� �Mr. President Mahoney I Cw�'— o..o+ov .o ov avk cower No. -93283 CITY OF Sf. PAUL �u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RF80LUTIOI�—GENERAL FORM wM ; E -_._..- RES V= That upon the recommendation of the Bur -I of U-.1cipal Equip-ent the F'.lrc ha sing AC -It o=, Pnd he Se hereby authorized to —hale, with the congest of the 0o.nptroller, one Kcde1 AA d lz ton t—k, equipped with ell -weather cab, automatic windsb.i eld wiper, reqr-view mirror and front bumper; chasels to be equipped with one end one-half yard all steel dump body, hoist, ana dual rear wheels, for the Burs ri of dunicipa l Equipment, at a. cost not to exp sed $725.00, without advertisement or competitive bide, as this is a patented article 2-d no sdv-!t,Ze mould be :,ined thereby. ..verge Gerard _ -d_ - Liunicipal E,sapment .1003-139. COUNCILMEN yew/(�-... Nays /McDonald -"4 ---.-./\.---..Against / Wenzel ax a_a=/Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Counciay ia--... ..--_---193--. .. Approved...-- .. _. __ -.-...---193-- a No. 93284 CITY OF ST. PAUL r°3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 14. COumN -IL RE80LUTION-GENERAL FORM IR9saNreo sY RESOLVE , That tha So1lowin.g named persons, nominated by the Coa®ie stoner oP Plsygrounde and Public B;ildiage: yrs. 8. Z. Vob _VvX_. Xra_ Prances Buell Olson, George H. Sta-ff, William F. Davidson, Ipu1a Hill, Jr., Fred Crosby, William Me Marray, Jomeph H- Anderson, Olaf J. oleo., Rdvard P. Rlmgims, and Robert D. Wo cjj Li y, tae and the ssme are hereby approved as members of t2�e Park advisory Hoard for the ensuing tem- .11, erm. GOUNCII.bIEPT Ycar r,ald i/�D�,77 �� /Neurce - -..---In favor "4'v -I President Mahoney ti oeA a a x o 9a=H atw >L iti�.�=: Ive4 Ls�a: ttl t m�m1�= o�md>'�apn4- 6uxN gK[.. P ��npes>.ea s WHill wel 4 oWed P N e,a Aavl9",. 0.ed We.6Gb 6 6 ;8 [Au�.,,ia r9aE, AUG to3? Is3_ -- Adol�ced by th (, uracil - - f 193_ r _.. M wy.,r petiyio n�2 Comeil E9e No.__..__. I PROPOSAL- POR IMPROVEMENT _ a� pltBLIMINA a ORDER— Th. mde:.Ved hereb7 propoeea the „� of the fouowmg public impro°emeat by the MY of St. Paul, via.: Conatructin_g--a-_sidewalk_ori._a-_north-.,p71de ------------ be�innln& _at_ gdgetansb aa__Road �_ thence._west to tU.e._west side- .._ ' oY Alley._...- - rsmnmdnr antve i - - - - - -- -- Augus b ..19.32 v [ - Dowd th 1st. day of -. r i tr _--- °ouvcilmen. -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ­king of the following imProvement, via.: ___wBs t. - to._the_west. _.beginning___at.._�dgcumbe_Ro ads__hmce-. .. _..._.._........ --..-.._._... _.. - hevinB been PreeeutCof St. Paul. ed to the Council of the ity--'-""' therefore, be it Public Worl a he and is hereby ordered end directed: omm RESOLVED, That the Ciaeioner of the making of acid improvement. 1. To investigate the—easaity for, or desirability of, g. To inveatigato the—trrr'e• ea:tent and estimated coat of acid improvement, and the total coat thecae(. 3. To furnish a. Plan, Profile or aketeh of said improvement. q To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon an of theforegoA"a uGmatt'n the Commi°goner of Fluonce. 191 y Adopted by the CO-2 Yaea I sq- Councilman 't C. (AUG -:.:>GNAZ3? Approved....__._.._._._..____ f'EARCi" /. Ma. Pa.rsavrmvr 1 mi *�fi�Q wz_/y�3o �r..oc♦u,va ,eau e,,.,.n Aau awe -: p- No... _._93286 cmr of s -r. PwuL OFFICE of THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL R60Ll1TlON—GENERAL FORM V ' >gb.,.20wc WHEREAS, The Empire National B—k and Trust Company of St. Paul has he ret -fore deposited $63,000 United States bonds and $65,000 of City of St. Pau]- bonds to cover deposit. as a deal gnated depository in the amount of $120,000, and PfHERE(yS, The Empire N,tior.al B—k and Trust Company is desirous withdrs-ing $43, 000 worth of said bond', namely, $43,000 of United States First Converted 4•� per cent Liberty Bonds and sub etitut ingg in lieu thereof $43,000 in United States Fourth Liberty Loan 4{, per cent bonds, and 'NHEREA9, the said United States Fourth Liberty Loan bond. are now selling at more than par and the sub etitut ion will make no change in the security, and 'NHEREAS, a proper assignment therefor has been approved by the Sinking Fund Committee and the Corporation Oaunsel, therefore be it m RESOLVED that the said as s.ignme nt is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Y_ Nuys M-Yoneld Pearce _._ ........._..Io favor Seeex Truce Neasel Mr. Preeid-t Mahoney Adopted by the Council _jo.193..-_. �r A Proved_....... •'.�!^" __..193..... ..._.. AIff([MI 1J,f -B),- In the Matter of. grading Alley LA-Bleck-12v 1ANW a_ond Addition. fr—Atwater Street A. Ullford. Street. e, _toting a .seer 1. the .11ey.. fro.. e.poigt 40__ feet. Mrth of. the. Mrth.line of. Atater. Street to .—t to. the eeeer_Sn Aln-ter.. IiaBT ema. underPreliminary Order._. 92883 ,-... ._approved Juan 8 1832.: Y Intermediary Order ____- _ __ ..-approv d A public hearing having been had upontheabove p vement upon due notice d the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it '�� y ip. �,,, 26 +-4a RESOLVED, By the Comcii of the City of St. Paul that pr vement to be \ the said City �s ^a��.\—,�te�.Alley la.Bluek-l�\. I.eale!_Heeesd.A�d\ltloa __ fr -,Stater. BL t.to--yilfesd-Str•esy-alas-o Lraut= -n{--ln-the.allei'-S:1 a-_- po .1o_feetor_the_norsh.11� .� Jtmte=strmt_tn\\\k>� MMnoent_Losnn.�anez\fin._ eta r--staba,-----_. ..----- __----- - -- -- ----- ---- 9th€s�t_are.}Yr_:_�;_-�,.�,n end exetrmad r�tl ell --- _ a the Councd hereby rders said improvement b:1m made. ESOLVED FURTH That the Commissions f Public Works be and h by instruct���$$$ d directs to prepare pl fications for said i vement, and submit so*ereto the Counci approva that upon said appro 1, the proper city officials re hereby authorized an irected to pro- ceed with a making of said im ovement in accordance th rewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 9 -SSS_--__-_ , 192 Approved . 192 Councilum Gauey- Nn/ PUBLISHED Z Comcilma FereBBeen P^ec=—y.4-3 Councilmen M Do Id Councilmen --'- -fR� a y (�i ��/)'✓�f1', Councilman Wenzel r� J Mayor Ma Form B. & A. 9-7 SEPI. F2TMENT d�=-.►:wF+ca REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1A�/� (A) In the matter of grading alley in Blc cac 12, Suis w Second Addition from Atwater St. to Milford St. also eoastrnetiag a sewer in the alley from a point 4b ft.'- north of the T orCh 1JL i o£ Atwater Street to connect with the sewer in Atwater Street, - ---- ,���d��i°,��I„e:�:,o "I June 8, P—I. (lvn...... o(Ffollows- n�� for 0— abo.+ 734.91 _— r.,.,� 0.95 - - 'I�hccxiim�i��.l.ncl.� b, ��scs�c.3 bc�.cfi[s f��r such 'iml ro�cm<n�. -d an1-11 -1-1— o[ -h lot or 1- 12 Lewis (2nd Addition to St. Pauls Vion. 2 12 25 12 do 4 12 do S 12 do 6 12 do 'T 12 do S 12 do 0 12 do 3-0 12 do La.a^"^"Rdg 325 2150 300 1500 300 1000 300 1100 300 950 300 1300 300 1500 300 1100 300 1450 300 850 cin or — —.1 nEPARTMENY"OF FlikANGE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) oesersiF i0N LOT —e. ......N vwL—ON ' 11 12 Lewis (2nd) Addition to 300 1450 St. Paul, ]Ilan.. 12 12 3OD 1560 13 12 do 300 1550 14 12 do 300 350 (Exc. St.) 15 12 do 425 3000 do S. 4/5 of 16 12 do 375 1200 Lot 17 and H 1/5 of 18 12 do 450 1600 18 12 do 350 1000 19 12 do 350 20 12 do 350 900 21 12 do 350 1100 22 12 do 350 850 23 12 do 350 1250 Lot 24 and S. 15 ft of 25 12 do 575 1700 (Except So. 15 ft) 25 12 ) do 500 2050 28 ) 27 12 do 350 28 12 do 350 1350 29 12 do 350 1400 3O 12 do. 375 1400 10,075 38,800_ The Commi,,i—r of Fin ... e further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matte , and hereby submit. the foregoing a, his report thereon to the Council, ogether with the ,port made to him m ref<renee t.,.id matter by the Commissioner of Poblie Works. Dated l�. _ 19_.- - - � � _ � � - —— Com msss�o ncz of Pinancc. _e. I Lld I I'� /ilAYzq TA 9F Ll ,ni U. U. Wei t-- i :-j al THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June ll, 193E Hon. Herman C- W eazel Commissioner or public Works. Dear Sir' I tra smit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading o£ A11ey in Block 12, Lewis's Second Addition from Atwater Street to Milford Street, also con- structing a sewer in the alley from a point 40 feet north of the north line o£ Atwater Street to connect to the sewer in Atwater Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92693, approved June S- 1938- 9stixaated Cost - - - - - - - - $734.91 Cost per, £roast foot - - - - - 0.95 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 14.41 100.00 775.9 ft. Yotstruly, p / E M. SHEPARD, gms-.h A Chief Kngineer. Approved fmmmmmoommmr��� transmissi to the Co7ss:Ioner o£ Finance. l�on ALUF F1iO4QLQN "HERMAN CC--- W Z ' Commi ssi.—a ' of ublic Works. i •. .7Uk 13 193L bfi' ce of the Commissioner of Public Works. Report to Commissioner of Finance June 11, 19,32 193 'Co the Com miasioncr of 11nance of the City of 9t. Paul- The C,—,miorwr of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 92698 June 8, 1932 193 , refatixe to C'ouacil, known na Council File No. approved the grading of Alley in Block 12, Lewis's Second Addition from Atwater Street to Milford Street, also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 40 feet north of the aorto liar of Atwater Street to connect to the sewer in Atwater Gtr eat. and having i —tigatcd the matters and things refereed to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie necessary and (or) deairable. Cost per front foot 950 2. The estimated coat thereof is S 9 3 , and the total coat thereof is $ Inspection 14 41 Bngir�e er.ng $100.00 Frontage 775.9 ft. and the nature and a:tent saia improvement ea flows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto at-h,d and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is.. -asked for upoa petition of three or more owners of property, aubject to esaea�rrt :�pxr,ment. / v C...daaiof Public Worker. JUN 13 t93� G 4'L �e, ttie .irce r.j,,.ed, c,ho _re F-r�_ert, �vir=r. ar.d ,:ity c£ tet. x.,3. _ 1< F:. =.eve: e' --C, add -ti— to =t eti ti on t'•e` _ �.. _r t -You. AP Department of Pub��c�JWo 0, CITY OF SAINT PAUL" OPiul oI Mlnnnon DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 117 CPun H.— MILTON ROSEN, Commi..lan.. v[oHneo c. s[N.+[v.:�e`..e n.�.,..w [.e�•.., August 9th, 1932. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen:— The attached petition of remonatranoe filed in the matter of: Grading Alley in Block 12, Lewi e' Second Addition from Atwater Street to Milford Street, also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 40 feet north of the north line of Atwater Street to connect to the sewer in Atwater Street, has been checked and found sufficient. This improvement is scheduled to come before the Council for hearing August 9th, 1932. Very �jt�r,lyp yo—., ,,,,, Commlesioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. August x, 19D2... 7 o The Honorable, The Council, City of Sr. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, Tfe undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body b.oeuee•t6e.Sokksvw®.mP�`� � "iu.la¢. a1ddG: '.Te ere sgainat tha grading of alley in tlook 12. Lewis, 2nd additions also o net—ting —war r in alley f- 401. H_ of H. lima of Atvnt— to. a— is Atwater. - - St. Ave. from-. _.At—tax St. Ave. to .Milford St. Ave. St. Paul, Minn. Ausuat 2, 19V 'I'o The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Ilonoreble Body tC 4' UAb the-itifltc in$We ere ag.in,t the grndfng of elley in block 12 . I—i s, 2nd sddieien , also c nst—oting .ewer 1, s11— frau 401. N_. of N. line a .'.t alar. t.o aam.¢r.-i-n Atwater. SI. Awe. from. Atrmter Si- Ave. t,� NS lford St. Ave. NA-- LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 STATE OF MIIJNESOTA) I 11E1 COUNTY OF RAMSErY ) John O!D—all 1-1mA £i sworn on oath de says tYlat he�iss ono£ 11i. pe sons ho execu ed the for e 1'othe uses and purposes the ein a pressed, and that a sir .tures ort sai i he knows all o£ said pat it ion rs to be the a p sons the fore oin Patit on Further a££i t, saith no S i s r a d sw o 0 this day o£ Augus t l 2 932 otary Pub c� Rs,.,,,a ey Co ty Mi irml ss ion ex ires= �i COUNCIL FILE 0. __. ------ t 93288Is In the matter of ...... contemn_inR_and_tak;ng 111-0Ai5 @ilt- -L:.E- snd- necessary for slopes, cuts snd Pi11s, in the grading of Aile7 in block lin, Lewis' 8er�nd Additicn frnn Atwater �traet to dilfor Street .92694 ---- -__, approved_-. --- June_ dr- L93e - _____---- under Preliminary Order_-__------- Intermediary Order----- �L?--------------- approved ----- ---�J'a4-"I—Lja2---------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that .,;,; rescl➢dEd Ir dl un, anti U0, " a•. �.'. al0011 is ¢aid mat -hr be dscreac:a',. ...-- C. F. No. 93288—Hy H. C. Wea9el— In the Metter of condamnlog end tei I.a an eumeark In the land oeom. to, ry 7or ¢lobes .tir1.e a.e lm�aane, I. tnt 6 eta! Addlllonyfrom Atwater armor to Milford street, under Prellml.,- order 93991, aP9roVed 7a.e 8, 193E Intermediary Order 93027, mortared July I1, 1937. A pumas head.¢ hall.¢ been but o°tice,h° d [he moonauclr LaWr,�e° heao. rd u:uoo: °re6ei :eeewe ew°°dove ...e.:me mro . ..ed m...me, ¢tarot.. e iainkk u. c eam o mm. cur we°:e Ad air ed to p ep an sp tati ficons for aid ant, and Lhe^P�ryy�r ty omci hereby a ized and directedto to p ceed with the making o said improvement id- accordaece there-\ and pians with. Adopted by the Coancil_____�_--Approved- -- ------.-_. 19--- o e uneaman ea.+.«»- Cn_%_ n Councilman Mc Donald Pv -- Cou calm tie Councilman Mayor "=^���;�,��°m� F=ZF-�pC3R-1- OF COM MISSIONER OF FINANCEON PRELIMINARY ORDER `^. ".°'-~.~.^ ..d tak�= ��t-ln the land llsils--,B�y .uts "'-,I r:Lz1~ :2-- "h~ "~"^^g of ^o^r `"a,~a"��^~�^". a=.~&^^=="�- f,,~Ato.a~~, o=~�e= to »llf~d"t�"-t` - - June a. ISuu °.~.` ~,~~~.^ " e5'00 .� _� ^`�." ~ z° t p . ^�o 11~ 9 5 o�,au r 1450 10 12 do 300 850 10,075 36,600 The Commissioner of Pi—,— further reports tbat he Las m-Itig—d all of the aforesaid matte and hereby submits the foregoing — his report thereon to the Council, together with the reV'ort made to him m reference —..id matter by the C;om missioner of Public \forks. e - r Dated( O �__1_._---__._193—'�L-C" - Commissioncr o! Fin-- eo.m s. a. tt CITY Or T PGUL DEPARTMENT OF'TINAI'ICE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ocscntvrtora LOT ..ors AoomON vALunTVON 11 12 Le.. is (end) --.laid-- to 800 1450 St. F u., lain.. 12 la 300 1550 1 12 cio 500 1550 14 12 .i0 500 C50 (E... S t .) 15 1t tlo 4=:5 ..000 :30 .�; . i/:> cf 13 12 do .775 1 .00 Lot 17 nu N 1/b o£ 13 1:_ do 450 1600 18 1� -:o 75J 1J00 19 12 to _.O 1- _io ' -sO 9J0 Ll 12 ,.O ...1- 11jj 22 Lot r4 ❑ 1. 1S £t o£ <5 1: o 75 1700 (Except moo. to £ 1'c ) UO :JJ J10 6 ) ..9 1. _&JJ 10,075 36,600 The Commissioner of Pi—,— further reports tbat he Las m-Itig—d all of the aforesaid matte and hereby submits the foregoing — his report thereon to the Council, together with the reV'ort made to him m reference —..id matter by the C;om missioner of Public \forks. e - r Dated( O �__1_._---__._193—'�L-C" - Commissioncr o! Fin-- eo.m s. a. tt ALLEY-BLK 12 A00. p + Indcmo Cwt. Afrrofo� SL .�"/f �d.3f •. a � – Indi<sKs Fill. - Ty of No sa - F:q eb..-ell.,e h— G.n o }Fill et yr v r�Y line Flg..res- d�ar rhich aloe s �" (� " _ .c..d bsyo.d property line. Lec. Book No -1021 X -Sec. Bk. Ne./021 ' MAR/O/Y JZ _ /6 /7 /8 /9 20 2/ 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 I] 60 F r r /2 a D O. h L E YY / ✓` � � Q YYOOOBR/OGE ST. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Jima 11, 1932 193 To the C—olimioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commieeioner of Public Work., having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Connell, known ae Council Fil¢ 1'4o.92694_. approved. J} a 8, 1932 .193.. , relative to condemning s A talcj�g en easement in the lend necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 12, Y, 'w1s• Second Addition Prom Atwater Street to Milford Street .ad having i veetig.ted the matt — and thing. referred to therein, hereby reporl-: 1. Said improvement is. ne—ary and (or) desirable. and the total no.t thereof i. $ ux 2. The estimated coat th¢reof is $- Slcl� ---- ' and the ..tura and extent of said improvement ie ee follow-: 3. A plan, Profile or ak¢tch of said improvement i. bereto attacbed and made a port hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. _... _..........-..ked for upon petition of three or more owner, of property, .ubj_t to aeeesement for said prow t. �eai er of PubL Work.. S v+rr { _ I .KM 13 1932 Q, .. ...... .. . I . .. .. ....... . .......... . ...... I ....................... 93289 COUNCIL FILE NO. 7' By In the Matter of grading Alley in Bunde and Boyer'. Addition, Zmozcael Church'. Sabdj,j,j= -A-, and Block 2. Brawaterla Subdirision, frax-Ab011.3trevt to Sylvan atrietp.. under Preliminary Order .92616 _ _. _._appro Intermediary Order , -appro A public hearing having been had upon the above having heard on persons, objections and recommendation the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED By the Council of the City of St. Paul I a�mvnt to be ads Lyt� mid City is dO All, d and B -Y Bjm�e t Rr -Abell an' •A", —d uobdis*ini... S e ro� t to Jt_rq tr10t to v= jilt" -bee�z eSetadeo BEt7ld be aff tBesarde We -- ----- ---------- a%;d the Cunril he eby orders said improv Is made RESOLVED u hereby instructC � �lud .",LVED o "hlic Works be -"�N e to the h.__ a or of P. three d to prepare pla andspecificationsfor a "d improvement, and submits city y 'Ift approor , that upon said a royal, the properIs are hereby authorized directed to"p1tor accords h ceed Xwit he making of so) mprovement in accords e therewith. Adopted by the Council K 9 - 1_-._ , 192 . .a I - '10 -G#� Approved 192 Councilman Giew K" Councilman Pergvgmn- Councilman McDonald yy Councilman ?4.G;,, Councilman gadhointet� -rq, A Councilman Wenzel M .Yor4kdow Form B. S. A. 8-7 .............................................................................................. 93289 COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of. grading Alley im Bun" and Sayer I Addition, Bmeauel _Churoh's Subdivision ov, and Bleak 2, Reseetee'.a Subdivision, from Abell _Street. to Sylvan Street.__ ,on, Eman- - .uh 9treeey „trpa r 9616 ro M ..n havlee hen . y. under Preliminary Order 92616 _. approved June. 2, 1932 Intermediary Order . .-. ___.. _ _ ._- -approved _..._._ ...-___ ._... A public hes mg having been had upon the above improvement upo due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro meat to be made by t e said City is �Mdo.Allds- — - . -yeAddition,So!9ubdl e".ok_21='.3-8uhdisleloa. AbIU Btr�et _t9_ res it ..t be 'Ali Lete5 s d rexmded a�tt 1- NAM al?tter be dscec _cats__ —_ ----------- --------- --- ----- dncil he eby orders said improv ant to be made. VED FU HER, That the Control 'oner of Public Works be end hereby instruct ¢nd dprepare pla and specifications for s 'd improvement, and submit a e to the Count for aat upon said a roval, the proper city a 'ciala ere hereby not a directed to p te making of sai 'mprovement ii��n11 accords a therewith. Adopted by the Council 9 -13u , 192 Approved 192 i M4"or. Councilman Qnne-t �� Y Councilman Rergnson-T<p7`e Councilman McDonald Councilman Me6legan- Ra Senaz Councilman gwg*in er- t't- ^7` ^ X Councilman Wenzel Mayori{et1d Form B. S. A. 8-7 - �. r St. Paul, Minn..._.0 cl -e- - - Ise -P, To The Honorablq.The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned propyoyr owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvementAto be made: from .............St. Ave. uy�. gWCK ADDCCION NAME St. Paul, Minn. . To The Honorable, 'f'he Council, 7 City of Sc_ Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned pro<rt owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following imp—rachh to be made: -. St. Ave. to--..- -. St. A— ci'PY'OF–ST. PAUL OEPAFr1IENT�PF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In thematter of Jradina s11ay Sa B...de sand Bayer'. Addition, >�anuel Ch W. 6nbdivieloa "A"� .od Bloot 4. B—ter•s Snbdiv-1-!L—. f-- Abell Street to 3y1Taa St—t, under Preliminary Order approved J—Uo 2. 1952 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Cammimiomr of Fi..... hereby reports as follows: The total—ii —dma of the assessment for the above t Th—,imatcd cot pVfoot for the above imp --m— it - - - - - - - S- . 0.66The lore or parcel, of land that may be aas<s s ed benefit. for each improvem , and the a„c„ed valuation of each lot or parcel a, 1— reported by the A.--, arc as follows: DEscRiPnoN ADDrtiory �dvnLESSEI+d6• 1 Bond. and Beyer. Addition 360 2 do 360 E do 360 4o0o 46 do 326 b do 326 2000 6 do 36o 7 do 360 lots 8 end 9 do 660 1360 10 do 326 32oo lot 12 and 11 do 860 1300 CITY O GT. ►AUL DEPARTh1SNT Ol FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION Lor ADDITION 1 2-1 Church Subd M.io. 'A' 326 1360 2 do 326 1200 3 do 326 4 do 326 1460 5 do 326 1260 8 do 326 860 7 do 326 1700 8 do 326 2300 9 do 326 1800 10 do 276 11 %do 226 2760 12 do 226 2160 13 do 300 14 do 326 2100 lot. 1 and 2 2 B—t— SubdlTi.io..f 476 1360 Lot 3, Block 1, St. P..1 3 2 Borth Out Loopt. 226 4 2 do 40 226 1860 6 2 do 300 1960 (E—pt F—t 10 ft) 8 2 do 226 Lot 7 —d ...t 10 ft of 6 2 do 400 6060 10,150 40,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matte , and hereby —bm;u the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, iogeth,r .ith the report ' made to him in reference to aid matt,, by the Commissioner of Publ`ic—W—ks. Dated n_ �� , _ 19 Com of Fin NR f<� F� n� P,u St. Paul, Minn. •. _../..�._ 1922. . -.... .- - -r.-Me Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn_ Gentlemen: Honorable cause We, the undersigned property owne hereby pennon your Body to c e the following improvement to be made: N�e¢n- - St. nye. ... ---£t: Ave. to .. from.._._- ---__-_ -- _.St_ Ave. 31 1 /y w. .30-T29-1222. -MAPYLANO- ST =i W W W b- �- T]�3E DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Jtme 9, 193E Bon. EKB=-= a C- W► zel, Commiaa%s LZae,r of Public Works. Dear Sir c I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost Sor tha grading of Alley in Bunde and Boyer's Addi* ioL � Jb . xxel Churob's Subdivision eke and Bloch 2 � Brewster a s Subdivision, from Abel Street to Straatn , uder Preliminary Order C. F. 98815, appy rva Jvaa 2, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - $786.94 Cost per front foot - - 0.65 laspectlon 15.00 ftagineertng - - - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1177.71 ft. Yours truly, LRD � .� FAR Y. 6HEP9RD, Chief &ngiaeer. mb Appproved: for transmission to th Co—J ss er of Knence. Z Co --m I s sio>aer Publ c orks. .Office of the Commissioner of Public s�eu+tNcs Report to Commissioner of Finance rQ JUN11 1932 June 10, 1932 193 "fo the Cum miesiuuer of F i— -c of the City of St. Yaul: "Phe Commissioner of '. bliu Works, having had under consideration the prelimimry order u( the Council, known a, Cormeil File ho. 92615 app—,d June 2, 1932 193. relntivo to the grading of A11ey I -m Bunde and Bayer's Addition, Emanuel Cbu alarm s Subdivision ^A^, and Block 2, Brewster's Subdivislom, Prom Abell Street to Sylvan Street. and having investigated the matters and things inferred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement isnecessary and (or) deeirnble. 764.94 Cost per front foot $0.65 2. The estimated coat thereof is S , and the total coat thereof is S , Inspection $15_00 hingineering $125.00 Frontage 1177.71 ft. and the nature nd extent of said improvement a as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto t.6,d and msd, a pert hereof. 4. o. Said improvement is .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C Works. COUNCIL FILE N0. --------- 93290 BY -------1 -- '; In the matter of_____ con3emr,ina_and__ 3kj ld_ 3¢__ea5_e�Qnt_in_1ile_-1 and __-__ -- . necessary for slopes, cuts and fills 'n the ordlnd of Ailey in Bande and Beyer's Addition, E:januel Church's c nnmina and tak- �n the land neoer- oubdivision "A", and dock I:, Brewster's 5ebdivisin, ant, and fill$ In the from Abell etreet is Sylvan otreet n Bantle ch Ber } Emanuele church's and Block f, Bren- m,uac. Ahen atreel oder Prellmlaaryy roved duae 9, 19Af, rtderapproved hadror Into had approved_________1__-_"arovement upon due 9?616 Jun under Preliminary Order ------------------------ e G 193232 " her1n° hea d Intermediary Order _________ 93029----------' approved --- ---_J,1_,,_12,_1932----------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it ^ � ,, 7710 O�Jdac RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul tlrrt condemning a\ldl)n, g an ease fit in tie d necessary r slopes, cutlls in the aging of !ley in Bantle fid Bayer's Emanuel Chu h's SUbd ision "F.", an Block 2, 's Suoavision, from A 11 Street to ylv,-,n Street. L. 1w L4e +u.7u Art :iu I '"d rexwded vJ tli orsoefto it raid matter be lsc=,::.. a\hn,uncil h orders said impr bp made. VED FURT R, That the following Is d, lands or easem to therein be an the same aordered to b taken, appropriated end c ndemned for the urpose of making the said ints, viz.: or slopes, cuts an fills in the raging Wiley in B de ani Beyer's Ad itiin, Emanuel hurch's division"A' a-nd Block z, Brevster's Subdivi on, o Abe11 Stre t to Sylvan Stree , to the extent ho,.m u_)one Plan of the ommissior.er of P❑ lic P�orks attac edhereto lc plan is he eby referred to a. made a part lie eofLVED FURTHER, Tha the Cimmisioner of Pu lie Works be nd is he by structedd top pare plans and a 'fications for said impro 'e ent, and the proper ci officials are horized d directed to pr eed "th the making of s id improvement in necor ace there- with. Adopted by the Council___ __ -_--- - r --------- 19____ I _____ *1 — .Siby-61erlr. Approved___ ____________________, 19-_— / Councilman SearcyPHBLISHBD �—/3— Councilman Feea�p+* t2 c Councilman McDonald. J Q Councilman Pearce Councilma Mayor pn OFS' OEPA(fl'BI- OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 19 c�j J ]o the matter of oond a>^e++ and told 6 ea eumat in the lend aeee wary for elepee. eut• .nd fills L. tha 6a -ad ia6 of A11sy in Bend. end Beyer'. Additlan. BYaauel Churoh'a 3ubdivieion 'A'. and Bleat Z. subdl�ieion, fronlbell Street to Sylvan Street. under Preliminary Order approved Juno 2. 1932 To chc Council of chc C:cy of Sc- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total for rhe above improve meat is - - - $ ` `X90-- ----- - The est�maced cos per foot for the abo�c im prove meet is - - - - - - - � ----- - The Iota or parcel sc of 1—d chat may be as,essed bencfi�s for ouch improveme„t, and chc assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by 2k — Assessor, arc a. follows: 1 Banda ,ed Beyer. Addition 350 2 do 350 3 do 350 4000 4 do 326 B do 326 2000 d do 360 7 do 350 l Ota 8 —a .. do 650 1350 10 do 325 3200 lot 3L aztd 11 do 660 1300 10 — 150 40,75o The Commissioner of Fi—,— further reports that he has i--ig,—li all of the aforesaid m atte nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report ma 1, to }tim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Poblic W—k, Dated_.19 3e2- v...m e. o. t� �._,'�� � Commissioner of Finance. AUL DEPARTMENTgFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 1 )manual Church Subd briaion "A" 2525 13bo 2 do a2s 1200 a do aZs a do aas 14SO 6 do 25 2S 1260 6 do a 25 660 do alai 1700 6 do azs aaoo 9 do 32S 1600 to do 2TS 11 do 225 2750 12 do Z2S 2150 15 do 14 do 325 2100 lots 1 and 2 2 B—tar'. Bubdiviaion of 475 1550 Lot S, Blook 1, St. AAul a 2 North Out Luta 22S 4 2 do Z 25 1850 6 2 do Tu00 1950 (Enocpt E®et 10 PE) 6 2 do 22s Lot 7 —d east 10 ft of 6 2 do Q.AZO 5050 10 — 150 40,75o The Commissioner of Fi—,— further reports that he has i--ig,—li all of the aforesaid m atte nd hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report ma 1, to }tim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Poblic W—k, Dated_.19 3e2- v...m e. o. t� �._,'�� � Commissioner of Finance. I I ' A//ey.B �h56vrrrsA fmol+ua/�lwichs �b - iJGGB/,F.ZB ALLEY-BU/YOE S BE PERS A�L7-� EMA/YUEG CHURCHSSUB.4 dBL k 2 --:77 E�25 SUB. ® 1 d F.111 Fy,,.e b I �Faw F:II ai p Pe.y Ian.. Ian F�g� .�s blow Jas c - owh�cl,�sl.�Pes ,tfeLr nJ v�ov.�ig I:n.. ILl.oc. l3.ck N.. •^J23X6r.. Hk. No. 21231 h BG//YOE - MARYL AHD ST, 6. EYERS. �40� EMA/YUEL C,/luRCNS Ju,B A` 9R 1YS,TER'S F-37. /9 v BG//YOE a E. OEYER'SE I A00.'I EMA I UEL CNCJRChB 3 B A Ij .5�/B• I A//ey.B �h56vrrrsA fmol+ua/�lwichs �b - iJGGB/,F.ZB J Office of the Commissioner of Public 'WvavkW%' Report to Commissioner of Finance --- -- JIM it 1932 June 10, 1932 193 t o tb, Covu olssioner oI I l,00— of the city of St. Pmd. 'Che ('on„nissioner of Public Works, having had ouoh, c—,41 ratio the preliminary order of tho council. known a• t'ouncil Filr No. 92816 approved June 2, 1932 Ie3. , relative to condemning and taking 9II easement to the land necessgry for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Bunde and Beyer's Addition, Amanuel Church's Subdivision "A^, and ,.nd having Bloeg !rt Brewste nnJ iSubdivision, gamer tvi d inu,cfrom `Abe11 vo to Sylvan St. 1. said in,pnivrmeot is mic - ana (or7 deakanl� zx irr and tho total coat thereof is S 2. 'Che estimated coat thereof ie S. and the nature and extent of it improvement is se follows. S. .A plan, profile ur sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. n. Said imprvvement is mkA for upon petition of threo or mon, ow vera of property, subject to aea oaot for said improvement ('omrri o a� ubLc Worka. 93291 ORDER ,881— ioof eh°nRing the 8reae DI°ck 31, St. 10 p000 COUNCIL FILE NO. a. Dont Del . .. a a coral weal of er Is une °r .1. nla e:oeie10 Wane°a a- By- °`ria b"Ifn.g�e °ihere°n. ° •'IIn. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of chsaging the grade of Alley in Block 12, Stinson's Boulevard Add, from Griggs St. Eo a point 390 ft, west of the west line of Griggs St to conform to the red line cn the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established Trade beingshown by the blue line thereon Also grading alley in Block 12., Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs St. !to Syndicate Ave. to the proposed red line when established and surfacing r the alley with concrete 16 ft. wide. from Griggs St. to a.po�t 160 ft. .west of Griggs St., under Preliminary Order 92535 approved May 26, 1932 Intermediary Order _. __ -.._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _change .the grade _of.Alley_in- Block _12,._-. Stinson's Boulevard Add, from Griggs St, to a point 390 ft, west of the west line of Griggs St4 to conform _.to - the -red line _on -the -.pr-Gfile.-.hareto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by theblueline thereon}, -also -grade alley in block -.12,-_-Btiasonl-a--Boule- vard Addition from Griggs St. to Syndicate Ave, to the pro sed red line when eatsblished,- and --surface-the--allay_with-concrete. 16 fr.-wida..from. Griggs St, to a point 160 ft, west of Griggs St., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Cooncil AUG .9 -.R4,t-- . , 192 Cih Clerk. Approved , 192 Councilman Q.99F ,V,J Councilman Ferr"" ?,eA yc e Councilman McDonald Councilman Me9logstr Councilman SuAMeimer 1" A All, Wenzel Mayor Aodgemr ;Nti r on i 1" G 010 b � Form B, S. A. 8-7 — DEPARTMENT OePFINANCE REPORT .OF COMMISS C)"ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In nc� marrcr of *hanging the grade of Aller 1n Blo k: 12. Sti--. Boulevard Add. from Grigg. St. to . point 390 ft. A. of the A. llm of Griggs St. to —f— t. the rad line on the profile' hereto att—h.d amd made a pert hereof. the present e.tabli.hel grade being shown by the blue line thereon. oleo grading alley In BI—k 12, Stinson' boulevard Add'tion from Grigg. St.•to S-dl*ate Ave. to the proposed rad line when ssta�,ll shed, %nd ourPaoiag the alley with *ono rete 16 ft. wide Prom Grigg. St. to a point 16r '.—.t of Grigg. St., under Prclimi1111 Ord'r e171—c1 Nay 26, 1932 To nc- Co„ncil of rh' Ciry of Sc. Pani: The Commission', of Finan" hereby -p"... — f,,11— The rural cerimareda of ,he as�css men, for 0— above 'nfrt rt -grade 0.88 frt-grads 'h' esrimu�ed cos, pr{foot (or rhe abo.e in,l,ro r-emenc i, - - - - - - - % 2.36s'. F sad pave "1'hc lou or parc'Is of land thar may be assessed b—fi- for such iml,ro. 'mcg. r, and the a:scss'd _h_rion of cacl� loc or I,a,ccl as las, repor�ed by nc� .1 ss'ssor, are as Eollo..s. Lot 1 sad Beet } of 2 W..t i Of 2 3 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 Lad Bldg. 12 Stinson'. Blvd. Add. to St.paul 626 3900 12 do 12 12 do 12 do 600 400 400 12 de 12 do 12 do do 400 400 400 3660 400 12 12 do 426 12 do 460 DEPARTME;;T O ,FI RCIPOOT OF COMMISSIOMER INANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) D[9cR-10N t -or .�ocr noomoR 12 12 Stioaoa'e Blued. Add- to SE�F'aul 13 12 do 14 12 do 15 12 do 16 12 do 17 12 do 18 12 do 19 12 do 20 12 do 21 12 do 22 12 do 23 12 do 24 12 do 25 12 do 26 12 do 27 12 do 28 12 do 29 12 do 50 12 do 476 600 500 600 600 2350 500 2360 500 2660 600 4600 500 3700 475 3660 450 425 400 400 400 4600 400 2400 400 2700 400 425 13350 36250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he haz m.esriB ated atl of t}r -. of or -said matte end h -by sA.ite the furegoin6 s his -port th-,- to the Coaaul, -g th— with ch- "port made to him in re le re aee t.,.id matter by tt c Commissioner of public N\ -k,. 19 ate-' Com mtss�o ner of Fina—, St_ Paul, Minn. . _._.__ 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cauee�rhe following improvement to be made: nve. to-iu�-e S.E. %f SEC. 3 T 28 f2. ,23. 300' - (- GOODRICH AVE. a h " IT FAIRnouWr - srvc. .r+ O 8 C., A u - SB RGIf NT f $ T -ad 19. Q 1- Cu.fie�a - stand H+las - - 1 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ' INTFR-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (D.t.) June E, 1938 Hon. Hilton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Deer Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley is Blk. 12, Stinson's Boulevard Add. Prom q St., also gradping alley inoint 390 Block west of t he west line Of Grigg s Block 12,Stinson's Boule- yard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, and surface the alley with concrete 16 ft. wide from Griggs St. to a point 160 ft. west of Griggs St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 92535, approved May 26, 1932 - The total estimated cost of this improvement is $1,540.00. The proposal to surface the alley with concrete le feet wide from Griggs St. to a point 160 ft. west is made on account or Of the danger that aegraveless of thsurfaceeof this would be washednout during heavy and the storms. Je total cost may be analyzed as follows: Grading - - - - - - - - - _ - - - $ 607.12 Bituminous gravel surface - - - 360.63 Concrete paving - - - - - - - 572.29 Total alley frontage is 1204 lin. ft. If assessed on the basis of charging the whole cost of the concrete to the abutting frontage, the eswt and front oo60wP� dwestand $0.88e frontage between Griggs point for the remaining frontage. The last figure also represents the cost in the event that the alley were entirely surfaced with bituminous gravel without any concrete paving - Yours ':ery t ly, 6. A. CAR mh Chief Engi a •. Appi0-9 smission to t�'Oym T Co. LON N Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public W Wwmw- - - . & Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN i 193L June 6, 1932 193 To the Con—iminner of Fiance of the City of St. Paul o The Commiexioner of Public Works, having had under cc, nsia—tion the preliminary order of the Council, known os Council File No. 9,5525 --..approved.- X—,Y' . _ 26, 1932 -193......, relative to changing the grade of Alley 1n BXOC- C 12v Stinsonls Boulevard Addition from Griggs..St•� eeb to...a -P j.a—b .39io.. fC 'west or the.. . west line of Griggs Sy_, also grading e.11ey in Block 173, Stinson -s --Boulevard Bddi-I- oLe -£-rens--Grtgga -Street--to--Syndicate --- Avenue, and surfacing tha alley with concrete 16 ft. wide from GriggsSt-to-a-polat_16io-rt.-_wast: ot_ Gr_igg,a St. and having incetigntcd the matters and things referred to th—i-, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. (bee estimate attached) 2. The estimoted coat thereof is i.... -... -, ar.d the total coat thereof is E. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 4. -......... -. _.. --.. _.... _....._ u. Said improvement ie.... ..---.--_- asked for upon patitio f or more ow d properly, subject to —.cut for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. v� wxx.�t 9th, 1932. Aon. ^. C. Ansel, C.n:•�.'r ^� T�?�lir 'l.,.9 -sem lto� a 'Lns�, Cona•r o4�?Snwooe. Sb:.r Cost antnnarx fit t`_e ^paaaci l x�rCl n:, `:elC thi t'Sn•� order - ti'::x �'. c`.�-+a'ia; tha v 11a -x � St� o3 xi .:rad°� m1tl e11W vas aavpEod, enD JcxotLo bi d9. CS t7 clet r • M292 COUNCI FILE NO. ________ BY -- FINAL ORDER CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of ---- condemninB_ and_ taking an_easement_ in_ the _land_ necessary_ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 12, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndicate aveTlop Avenue ma o.ae a;' n a fKa'k _in. 1. ;tEe _ lock o .p f - 92536 IV Aaalnon Fda 26 1932 " `° ernamsre;wr.- v__Y____ i___________'^"ry a.a•: under Preliminary Order-----------------------, approed_____-_ _ l 12, 1932 Intermediary Order______ 93031_______________ apProved_______Ju___ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, bjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the some; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in block 12, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block l2, Stinson's Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndicate Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council ---,-1J(' .i '- wt:1e - � City Clerk. Approved___ -__________________, 19____ �'"� mmrlarrcnF �3-3% --- SO 'Pcarce T—rnaWeaz<Mehnney _, DEPARTMENT OV FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In till matter of awdaming sad lski., m w.—'b 1n tZa. le. d m..... ry for .lops., eats nd flll.a in the 6rsAlrtg of 111sy in Bje k: 12. Stine - ss Bo Xaw—d Add. from Griggs 6t• to Syaa lose A.s., under Prcli sninary Order apptovcd 11, 26, 1932 To the Council of till City of St Patel: The Commissioner of Finance hereby re Ports as f"Ib I - The to es timated a mount of the assessment ff"'t e habo�-e improvement is - p_50.00 1 The es�imated cost Ver foot for the abo.e improve men t is - - - - - - 8 - The lots or parccle of land that may be assessed benefits for such impro.ement, —d the assessed t alustion of each lot or pateel as Ian rtport,d by the Assessor, a e as follows: 10r e�occ ,a oorTior+ YnwnTiogld I.ot 1 nnd l A of 2 W -t oY 2 S 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 Ian g• 12 [it lna orr a Blvd. Add. to lit.Pno1 626 3900 3.2 do 600 12 12 do 400 12 do 400 3.2 do 400 X2 do 400 12 do 400 3560 12 do 400 12 do 426 12 do S60 c�T-r or sT. aau� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM 1 SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PE2ELIMINARY ORDER (C) O!lLRIFTION ADDITION 12 12 Stinson-! Blvd. Add. to St -Paul 15 12 do It 12 do 1S 12 do 16 12 do 17 12 do 18 12 do 19 12 do 2'O 12 do 21 12 do 2Z 3.2 do 25 3.2 do Z4 3.2 do ZS 3.2 do 26 3.2 do Z7 12 do 28 12 do 29 12 do 50 12 do A. 476 600 600 BOO 800 2350 600 2360 6w 2660 600 4600 600 3700 476 3650 450 426 400 400 400 4800 400 2400 400 2700 400 425 13350 36250 The Commtssloner of Finance furt11 er reports that he has investigated ell of the aforesaid matt-, and hereby submits th<foregoing ae his report cheacors to the Council, together with the report made to him �n reference ioe aid matter by the Comtnsssm—1 of Public Works. Dated---_ _ 19 -- �'—on<r of Fiaanc<. a - ALLEYBL K. /2 3'T//Y.30/v5 BL ✓O. A00. - - ' D + Indi-- C..t. G 99s 3/. - .Sy do f� A✓P - Ind;ca n Fill. T>v;<ol IV — SS _ �y ererie� F;yw aobo.. line ahe.+ - - - Cul s. F;11 rt prvy.ry liar. - - Fi9u..r below lint sl.o.. M d�aMnce to .+hi�l. alepes eNerd beae.J vron.s6r. li.,r. _ _ - . Loc Boo4 Nn. 2261 X-5—Bk. No. 22CI - - - oSC'--OLA AVE. t dw T / /Y N .S B ✓ �• A O a sS /4 ao' /g /� // /O s B 7 6 4 3 b _ 3f✓. �� n t n - � 3 D . O 60 Gon D O 60 off. Aja e{;it h. �./ee B.yht•s Fi. - Fi. bar Fr. Gor � D 4 8 mess e s n o. _ 22 23 24 S t ZS ✓ �. 27 26 A 19 O 30 O. V O �s r / N .S G /Y S �„F�,�� sr.�..v - .3ARGE/YT AVE. 2 /Y! 258 a Office of the Commissioner of Public '�lLor1MVhVAI@M OUNL Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 7 1932 J—e 6, 1932 193 To the ( ,f }'inn n— ,f 0', Cay of St. pool: in The Cammiesianer of Public W"", having hod under --iIIII-tilln the 11-lia"a"Y —d— "f the C—nlil Fil, N,, 92536 ppt,,,,l May 26, 1932 193 condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fillsp in the grading of Alley in Block 12, Stinsonts Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndicate A V?RU0. by and having tgm�d-th, matt— d things referred t. therein, l,- 1. Said imyrovrm,nt is (—) 2, The estimated coat tlall-f is $ -XZ ,and the total —t thereof i. S and the —t— and I-nnt of said IInP---nt is m follows' 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said in,p­­--t i. h ... tn attached and mad, , part hereof. 4. 5 Said...asked for upon petition oft more f property, subject t. assessment fn, e,id Commfsai—r of 93293 MWEEM, reconstrictin", on ! i,':Prc necasury, the folloqlnq sidevalkol Kent dtrect, Post slide, ',erIn-ik A feetnr)l-t',l Of holly �vcruo', tho�,co north I fe to hetjnnin,,, 22 feet f a rt,.t;r :orth, thirCe rorth 9 feat, be, -in 1n-'25 feet farther north, tl-erce north ?0 �'t., Kent 'Street, cast side, 30 feet 1) util cf Law,, rX ,10hoe South .2? feet, tcF!nring ��9 feet fart'Ler south, t�c, co sc,it; 9 ft. Kent tre,-t, east side, 1- feet !!Ortll a� Leurcl ',-nu., ti,ence north B feet, orinnii,7 1? feet farther orth, ' -3-- norte- berPet he itchiryl- 12 feet, farther north, thence north 46 feet, b Inrfn] ;,'() ft* 'airth- orth, f, ` co north 14 , Olt-, 1�1 �innin, ,�j _ feet for t h rt-orth, thence nort-. 8 f 'It, bl"innin:- 26 feet farther north, 1, north 15 Peeto berirn,irc, 11, feet fe,ntj or o. ..��oeeno north, then I feet, Kent Street, vest side, tee-,Inn4i, f 102 fent so;t:..: theroe South 1, f..tl Lerinnin! 315 feet farther South, "U'lee* —th 3 `Let, r.cnnstr.l,t, 1,7 Ire nec-s-7r, 11ovir. f r :.Or till t,-„ cc -h,L-e north' north 5 feet, 12 ftfarther nortliv ':xnce north 46 b6ginnln3 50 ft- farther norths th6ijee nortt-,.14 feet, b t 11 ft, farther -orthp thence north 8 fa, -innin,-, -6 feet - - f -irther north, then0o north 1" feet, ba 0� , in, In 15 P^ t qrt'�cr north thonro orth IF' ft, ) i, I" Kent 4reot , West nine, bn,'.in! in 10!,' C00 sour a n t1e. , clo south L) "Q -1'n n. 2!) '-c,i,rthff ce )uth 9 feetp Cit%. Clerk. Approved 192 ....... W61memy Councilman YmparAieW rt jl Councilman YA&6pN- Councilman swifiWor- Councilman Wenzel Mayor NNOM � A Form B. S. A. 8.7 jj Ck kSTTk F1nAL (Hoonots. F. )Wtv,3,2,9of In eu.3—nByweue'l— In, .Untlux, .toy. In,,' r od, 11intillog. where nece,sary, n owing midew lenlk,: h .or o de, b, glu fing I H 0 oily Avenue, th,- et, begurleff 12 teet, COON No. hern north P, 9 g 25 feet farther north ,��LILE to ft By 7 FINAL ORDER MWEEM, reconstrictin", on ! i,':Prc necasury, the folloqlnq sidevalkol Kent dtrect, Post slide, ',erIn-ik A feetnr)l-t',l Of holly �vcruo', tho�,co north I fe to hetjnnin,,, 22 feet f a rt,.t;r :orth, thirCe rorth 9 feat, be, -in 1n-'25 feet farther north, tl-erce north ?0 �'t., Kent 'Street, cast side, 30 feet 1) util cf Law,, rX ,10hoe South .2? feet, tcF!nring ��9 feet fart'Ler south, t�c, co sc,it; 9 ft. Kent tre,-t, east side, 1- feet !!Ortll a� Leurcl ',-nu., ti,ence north B feet, orinnii,7 1? feet farther orth, ' -3-- norte- berPet he itchiryl- 12 feet, farther north, thence north 46 feet, b Inrfn] ;,'() ft* 'airth- orth, f, ` co north 14 , Olt-, 1�1 �innin, ,�j _ feet for t h rt-orth, thence nort-. 8 f 'It, bl"innin:- 26 feet farther north, 1, north 15 Peeto berirn,irc, 11, feet fe,ntj or o. ..��oeeno north, then I feet, Kent Street, vest side, tee-,Inn4i, f 102 fent so;t:..: theroe South 1, f..tl Lerinnin! 315 feet farther South, "U'lee* —th 3 `Let, r.cnnstr.l,t, 1,7 Ire nec-s-7r, 11ovir. f r :.Or till t,-„ cc -h,L-e north' north 5 feet, 12 ftfarther nortliv ':xnce north 46 b6ginnln3 50 ft- farther norths th6ijee nortt-,.14 feet, b t 11 ft, farther -orthp thence north 8 fa, -innin,-, -6 feet - - f -irther north, then0o north 1" feet, ba 0� , in, In 15 P^ t qrt'�cr north thonro orth IF' ft, ) i, I" Kent 4reot , West nine, bn,'.in! in 10!,' C00 sour a n t1e. , clo south L) "Q -1'n n. 2!) '-c,i,rthff ce )uth 9 feetp Cit%. Clerk. Approved 192 ....... W61memy Councilman YmparAieW rt jl Councilman YA&6pN- Councilman swifiWor- Councilman Wenzel Mayor NNOM � A Form B. S. A. 8.7 jj Ck kSTTk 9329- -qua under Preliminary Order 92388 approved Yap 18,1932 Intermediary Order. -... -...approved Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objection., and recommendation.., relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Conned of the City of SL Paul that the precise nature,e,,t,et and kind of im- provement to be made by the .,aid City is reCOn9Yr'1Ct., -'. 1,iy .,_nl ^.re mere Srt:... 011o.. -in .- side-�alkst de, 3,- t 'Le C nt.:re at, -tn - lt: r t - nr th o '. h,,th h i ntn., 1- f et f - th north _e t r. in _i 1Lft t ` begln-'lla_, 50 ft. f,,rther th, tltn,�ce north 1'. f t, t'. --t _.. (4 ft, ftr Ther ^orth, tl;ano6 north be-7.nnlnq feet r tsrth.r north, then.. north 1� feet, b.r;lnnl n- 1!> �n tJf nrt'•cr north th.r.e arth 1P.."t. Feni S�r..t, vest old., heain 1 10.J *tuim; e t`•.erc. south 1: „t, `� -n -r' — , ce .uth 9 felt, Cite Clerk Approved - - , 192 - sir Alaynr. Councilman Councilma ws_^•_Y[.4 Councilman k , Councilman we Nenz 1 :v7ayor ria M Form B. S. A. 8-7 under Preliminary Order— 9QWE and the Council hereby orders said improvement fa be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for c approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council (,': I ;. 5JM2 192 .� TSL _I city ch•rk. approved _. ,192 kayor. YC > Councilman Councilman – -- ?"I',.:X Councilman Wenzel Mayor ff,21p , n1 Farm B. S. A. 8-7 - .1 - -, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A3. roc t 1I M 3- y t t • -1, t To th The total —i.—d amount of the --m— for the ab— improvement is Th, Iota or parcels of land that may be --l-3 benefits for such MIP111—I't, and c1t a assessed valuation of each 1 -or pa reel a last reported by the As, -1, arc as follows: Lot 12 and N 20 ft of 13 15 Wood -land Park Adcl the A 3550 BOOO city of St. Paul 2000 N. 53 ft of lots 10 and 1-3- a do 1600 50 ft of S. 89.73 ft of 1375 2200 lots 10 and 3-2- a do and . a at 12 ft of south 3�, .7 3 ft of 30 6 ftof S. 39.73 r W�t3afft 1.0 8 do 1075 1450 south 39.73 and .0 h 0 11 6 80. 80 ft Of lots 91 10 and 11 5 do 2400 5450 192.50 ft of 'Host � of 30 5 do 2800 2200 and N. 92.50 ft of 11 AUL DEPARTMENT eOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inde- preliminary Order approved May 12, 1932 To the: Council of the City of St- Paul: The Commi..foner of Finance hereby eport[ a. follow[: The total uumatcd amount of the ...e,,ment far the above mprovement n - - - 3 The estimated .at per foot for the above mproveetent The lot, or parcel. of land that may be a. --ed benefit. d the —ed for such improvement, en•••e' valuation of each lot or parcel A. last reported by the Ass—01, a. follow.. 13 15 Woodland Park Add to the 3550 8000 Lot 12 and N 20 ft of City of St. Paul 2000 N. 53 ft of lots 10 and 11 8 do 1600 " 50 ft Of S. B9.73 ft of 11 B do 1375 2200 lots 10 and and east 12 ft of south B 39 .73 ft of 10 S. 59.73 ft of W. 3B ft of 10 8 do 1075 1450 —d south 39.73 ft of 11 8 So. BO ft of lots 9, 10 and 11 5 do 2400 5450 92.50 ft of West I of 10 0 do 2800 2200 N. and N. 92.50 ft of (C) CITY OF ST. PDEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 12 5 Woodland Park Add to the 2600 3400 City of St. Paul 1 3 do 2650 4600 22 3 do 3250 29750* .inn, Part of •—) k lot 3- 21,300 21,300 59,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has m—tigated all of the aforesaid matte and hereby sob—, the foregoing es his report thereon to the Council, together with the repos made to him in reference in said matter by the Commissioner of Poblic \forks. ve.m u. n. a Commissioner of Pin—rce. Office of the Conn -x i,Ssio"er of Public or tom, Report to Cor-nmissioi-ter of Finance MAY 26 M ay L96:. I,I., I'I�lii...l�l.. i�i.�l .,f I'I�I,II� \\',��'lc-- l�.,. il�� 1,:x,1 ����, I•I ���iII�.r.�tl�i� Ilii ��r�,liiiiii r�l�i =I II�� i �.ilii�i1. Ai����li .� t�lli•�I lily. \��. 9`L5i6 ...... M,y L:.� 19J:' 1'.I2 A,o,-vat 9th, 1932 c. .1•,n=al, Building. 1n.— C—iavinnerx TI— Final Order in the —tt— of rv`onst xvc ti n,�, rel ayi n.•- and rnyai rind. the vi de.alk� - n St _.t a=tvi dg> ' a+'12-ai ru- 71 foet north of holly A•+anue, t:-- north S feat, etc. , •order prelimin- ary order F )2366 — 1e 1,1 .1.1 to A—. t 16th, by ti,e Co' ­`11 todAW, and ti,a wetter rsferred to you av to `h—k to the property at 130 Bent Street. _`inal Order F.o. 932+1 hereslth. Yrnzr.. vary trnly, City Clorl_. tis2__ Auced by lb, e 1ii-te.�c .,f Pulili.-u\1��rkr .. niuM1l�liP��nm.nt l�aa �n �� ^^� .,-a -s he r... i..... ,.r�--lib. .. all, a.E.-side ��f_Rent gtbegs_ 30 • S � oP Inurel� th. S. 271i beg. 39' Psrther Sys the S 9 - 92386 rmy 12 1932 - } ';5...,12 95 �F� II L ILII �e . Ch mf+ .t a.,.id�-sn3C }III 7[blElyr� r�K H.ti H- �c.Uf>tALU. ITY OF SAINT PAUL. C plW of Mtnnasot. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK city Cwk C F- 'I a.swuoe Aagnst 9th, 1932 Hoa. H. c. wa... 1. Comer of Public Wo rlcs, Bulldlag. Dear Oommieaioner: The Final Order Sa the matter of recoastructing, relaying and r epa1r1ag the si dewalke - R.. a Bent Street, east side, begi—Ing 39 feet north of Holly Avenue, thence north 8 feet, at.., Hadar g e1�m16th, =n —7 order No. 92366 sae laid over one week to Auvas by the Council today, and the matter referred to you to chock as to tha property at 130 Kent Street. We enclose said Final Order No. 93293 herewith. Your. very truly, City Clerk. _- - 93294 u ma °ewv1aa H s: AArt°c i IaS : a 1 eame4 - 16 e � ms COUNCIL FILE N0.- "=rc: vae;aL.t ae.°rHnnmra'd sea , a nta�m onw:+" By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. r000nstruotingi relaying and rpairing, where necessary, the following sidewalkel ldaokubin Street, east side, beginning 42 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north 80 ft., beginning 8 foot "her north, thence north 90 feet. Maokubin Street, east aide, beginning 102 feet south of Selby Avenue, thence south 123 feet, beginning 10 feat farther south, thence south 126 feet Haokubin Street, east aide, beginning at Ashland Avenue, thence north to north line of east and meet alley Rant Street, sag,}, side, beginning 36 feat north of Sumit Avenue thence north 16 feet, beginning 70 feet farther north, thence north 26 feet, beginning 9 feet farther north, thence north 18 feet, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard -all persons, objection and recommendations relatlle thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __.........--_----...---- ------------ .-_..... __ reomistruat, relay and repair, where neoeesary, the following sidewalks) liaokubin Street, east side, beginning 42 feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north Bo feet, beginning 8 feet farther north, thence north 90 Not Yaokubin Street, east side, begiming 102 feet south of Selby Avenue, thence south 123 feet, beginning 10 feet farther south, thence south 126 feet naokubin Street, east side, beginning at Ashland Avenue, thence north to nor h line of East and West alley gen` street, Beet aide, beginning 36 feet north of 8uewit Avenue thence north 16 feet,'beginn'ing 70 feet farther north, thence north 26 feet, beginning 9 feet fdkther north, thence north 18 feet. directed m-Prepme-puns+am=epeart tlms'lorsald-Improvement7RmV-mtmttmmeto- fie .ncu cor approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncAhG 9--yiD,7L - -. , 192.agr} .._. City Clerk. Z' Approved _ `l ` ,192 eZ� . _ Cc ncilmajpRffr'� I nmal'l ayor. CouncilmalWrdigheon, Councilmant9tNnald Councilmanw Councilman ir9F, Councilman ef9 14a ona➢� Q Mayor RPM Form B. S. A. 8-7 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL 93294 L ra.�r i ai{ cif' under Preliminary Order 82367 _ ___approved May 12, 1932 Intermediary Order ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reoometruct, relay end ropalr, xhere necessary, the following sidees1ke, Mackubin Street, east side, beginning 42 fact north of Selby Avamme, thence north 80 feet, beginning, 8 feet farther north, thence north 90 feet Maokubin Street, seat side, beglmSng 102 feet south of Selby Avenue, thence south 125 feet, beginning 10 feet farther south, thence south 126 feet anakubin Street, east side, beginning at Ashland Avenue, thence north to nor It line of East and 4est alley Kentr street, east side, beginning Se feet north of Sunnit Avonue thence north 16 feet,'beglnning 70 feet farther north, thence north 26 feet, begim:ing 9 feet fdrthar north, thence north 18 feet, directed -to -prep wpum,auaapeeirications-foraafd'lmprovempnt and eubnHt same tame touncn for a , approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncAU 192 City Clerk. Approved _ _ IS 4= --nye 192 _ M r...... CennCllmfll �i Councilmat r>;nson'' /,Mayor. P6�IdSAID1 CouncilmantgeDoWaIP CouncilmanzW519iiP Councilmanrii CouncilmanRWROe"e" MaP neper Mayor HPIRM �-/ Form B, S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENWOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER zi (A) In the matter of the followinf oldo A,, r000natruuttnl;, srolyvinl; and ropalring, IBts" nooeaenrya vont, thence north Llaokubin :,troet, eaot Lido, beginning 42 foot north of Selby 00 ft., boglmtit4' 0 foots farther north[ thonoo north 90 Not VSID rt., bogint, eget Bod, bo,61nsinC 102 foot south of .,olbY :,vonuo, thence south 123 feet, bejiminE 10 fan t Carthor sent,, thonoe °oath 126 foot S:¢okubin .,trost, oast side, bol in +n. at aehlnnt::,vonuor thmsoe north ':o north lino of oast and .'root t,lloy .;oat '..troot, o¢at ride, h 16 ogln,Ls;; il0 feet north C otnvSt .v�c•.ue t!.unoo north foot, boginninr, 711 coot ,-tsrtl^rtaw els, t!w•�o¢ wrth .'.G t, lxs in:anr 3 foot fart'•,=r-.orth, . under Preliminary Order approved VAy 12, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: p The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement isThe lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg, 16 2 Selby, VoClung A Venmeter's 1950 8800 Add, to Saint Paul 16 2 do 3600 Rest 26 ft of lot 11 A all 12 10 Woodland Park Add, to the 4720* City of St. Paul •ino.both land A bldg. 13 10 do 2725 5300 Crosainy for Alley in Block 10 do No Valuation Lot 12 and W 10.06 ft of A. 30.45 ft of 11 9 do 3000 12000 Crossing for Alley in block 9 do Lo V&1 -tion 11 22 Auditor's Subdivision 9o. 11 6500 4200 - St.Paul, Kim. .eraL, 22795 30300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid maven, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference tosaid matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 1 i Datedq�—I9��' rll Commissionu of Finance, Perm B. B. 11 Office'b the Commissioner of Public NILMIN FOOM Report to Commissioner of Finance 1932 May. 25, 1932. .192. To the C mmiwi-- of Finance of th' City of 4t. Paul: The C mmuamner of Puhlie W-rk , h—i., had under oomrideratinn the preliminary order of the Cuneil, known a Council File No.00Z67 app --d May 12, 1932- 192 ___, relative. to tteconstructing, relaying and r -P --ring the followin.; sldel.lks, where necessary: East side of flackubin otreet, beginning 4< feet north of Selby Avenue, thence north B0 £eet; begirrtln o feet farther north, thence north 90 feet. est. Cost - Lot 15, BlocR Salb� McClung & Von lAeter's Adc. 4.05 Lot 16, ^ East side of Mack—in Street, beginning 103 feet south of Selby Avenue, thence south 3-2b £eet; begin 10 ft. farther south, thence south 1:'5 ft. _ 66.110 Est. Cost - Lot 18, 83.50 Block 10, �',00dland Perk - - - - - 13, ^ 10, n n _ _ _ _ _ 27.00 City - - - - - - - - - ast side of Wacku.in Wit., oeginrting at A shland Av ., thence .north to north line or East ^-nd west Alley. 89.15 'st. most - Lot 1 n1 -,cls y, .vood land P_rk - - - - 79,00 City - - - - - - - - - - - East side of Kent St_, beginning 3o ft. north of Summit Ave., thanes -orth 15 ft _ - beg inn'_ng '70 It. farther north, tnence north 25 feet; be_ ft. fe.rtner north, thence north ld ft. 00.50 . st. post - Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision #11 „d having i—tia -1 the matter. and thmgx 4—d to the, -i,, h—hy p.- 1. Said improvement i. .-,wxery and (,,,) d -i -M, 2. Th, —t 1h,—A in S,end the t,,tl —It thereof i. S and the -- ..d stent of llid impnnrmeut in en AIRIl”: 3. A III,,, p (Ifilr or xk,t,h of -id improvement k hereto .—hI,d and —1e a part h—,f. 1. 5. Said improvement ix axkrvl for ulam lalition ,f th,property, ,f ll.bli, W.Ik.. 93295 t CLIith IIPa' �� xwPr. ( MPptaY'4s 0At 4 o 6 all Mert6 gtrxt fN to x.e to A a•6vax ml 7 ora eel wmna role-ae.rieca. I r`eP: iY .Y ev.e:l P aPx avP COUNCIL FILE NO.. ivaoa. tl�iiv � twa nvmn,�xra, r' raY6. tn.rog By ;vv�;•ynaw. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing -&..saver on Hoyt. Avenne .fry. Niagara 3trast_to.North Chatssorth.Street., and on. NorthChatsworthStreet _from _Hoyt..Avenue to. Nebraska Aveaue,_ under Preliminary Order.__ 92463.. approved May 2.0, 1932 IntermediaryOrder ...._....__.._----- ------------------- - ------- approved -_...__..._..._..-.__....._...._.- ..............._.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• provement to be made by the said City is__eonatruct_a-.sewer _On_Hoyt-_Avenue from Niagara -Street. -to. North..Chotaxor-th Street.a..and_on_Hor-th_Chat.4e9r_xlt.._ ...Street-Bram-Hapt..Avanus_-ta_Nebraska- -Avenue, _____..__—_. order, sad improvement to be and the Council hereby o made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- reed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG9 1932..-_- , 192 City Clerk. U .• SQ7^ / Approved _. , 192 J — May1fl. , Councilman dit- r- M,L.,a Id ruotroza� _ 3_ 32 Councilman dNT2m; :- M Y Councilman t>'a Councilman Councilman Councilman VP Mii Mayors Mahnne. / Form R. S. A. 8-7 -X.' Xo sr. vain CEPARTMENT-OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONmwigiolONER OF FINANCE .f?� (Ai ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �.�`^ Ie she matxcr of oonstruotin6 a sewer on Hoyt A— from iIL.C.— Street to Horth Chat sworth �` Street. —4 oa Iorth Chat.—Ith Street fres Hoyt Avenue to Nebreska Av%y.e, .oder Prclimioan Order •pp—d 19.,7 2D. 195E To the Council of the City of Se Paul: The Commi..ioner of Fi.... e hereby report... follow+: The total —tim.ted at of the ...e..m eat for the above improvement is - - - $ 5.690.00 1m.S.c fri "Ibe e.ttm.ted coat pe/foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - The lots or parcell of land that may be ...e ... d benefit. for ..ch improvement, sod the •ss —d v.l.atio. of ...h lot,, parcel a. Ia.t reported by the A..e.. m .• follow.. oEscrttvrtoN DoT .toc.c wootrioN Iw�uwrio0Nell6 (S—. Hoyt Are.) 5aet 60 ft of W. 126 (160 ft of South 150.6 ft of 5 9 Coco (E ­pt pt Hoo Art. and .... pt ft 50 ft f A. 160 of S. 150.8 775 (M. 6 9 do (mceept Hoyt A+. ) the .wet 90 ft600 1800 (of lots 5 end 8 9 do (Sze.pt Hoyt Awe. and swept west 1000 200 (90 it) 1ot. 5 a� 8 9 do (Xz pe t Hoyt Are.) 2 19 do 1000 600 5 19 do 700 Tr qr T. eau DEPARTMENT eOF FINRNCE REPORT OF COMMISSLONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) (2— E. 60 rt or Moot 107.26 rt 6 (of Soath 128 rt) (H�coeat Hort A aa---Iozoopt w.t 60 rt of ao rtL 3.25.&4 f -t 1 (S.—pt Hoyt eve.) Rest 50 ft or (north 126.64 f -t or 1 (S—.Pt Hoyt .) 3c-.,-50 ft or (we.t 106 ft r H.150.65 ft or 2 (gzeept Hoy— L—. cad ezoogt (E..t 60 ft r 7feet 106 rt. r H. Z 19 Com 1026 776 20 do 126 900 20 do 20 do 176 (.s0.66 ft) s 20 do (( leo 11 er 4 20 do 1426 700 (ezo pt :1.60 rt or 8vata 126 (1:'t d Pt 1!0 50 i't of 776 560 (S..nt 106.76 tt S 3oath 126 f't) 6 20 do 9200 3750 The Commissioner of Finance fu rxher report. char he ha. jn . igated all of the afore.. id matte , and hereby ..b—i— the foregoing as his eport therton w he Council, together with the report made to him in reference to .aid matter by the Commi..ioner of Public W.,k.. Dared 19.3-.i —� mi..ioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn..(' __Ls 19 �_To The Honorable, T'hcC-cil, pie -f St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property otvnen, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause following improvement to be made: front _________--------- _--- .-__-__-__--..__.__.--__.-_..__-_._______-____. St. Ave. L�-.�. -j____.. St. Ave. to..tYlfuL[Le--QK- CHATSWORTH ST. EXTENSION MARYLAND-COMO SEWER SYSTEM m sr. Exr•n St -Paul, Minn. Juna•1932 arearsrcn Sale: -1' • 3Do' cr nwv 3 N�293 - THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE - CITY OF -ST_ PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 10, 1932. Mr. Pim. N. Carey: Kindly note the attached petition for sewer on Niagara and Hoyt Ave. to N. Chatsworth on Royt and to Nebraska on No. Chatsworth. Will you please take care of this petition, and oblige, CO ISSIONER. MR -D J � Q ' �`� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 10, 193E Hon. Ha= -mea C_ Wenzel, Co>missioner of public Works. Dear 81r= I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for t3aa construction of a sewer on RByt Avenue from Niagara street to Forth Chatsworth Street, and on North Chatsworth street Prom Hoyt Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. 1,. 92468, approved May 20, 1932: Sstimated cost of project - - _ - _ $3,264.00 Sngineering and Inspection - - - - - 386.00 gstimated cost to property - - _ $5,590-00 gstimated frontage 130 ft. deep - 1933 ft. Cost per front foot - - - - - - (ln the event all of the cost is to be assessed against the abutting frontage) The sewers called for in this order are a part of the Chatsworth Street Satension of the retoelsea attached,) and inao derd— Como Spst em, (see die strict map he determine whether any Part of the cost of said sewers should to be of possible future extensions hn cessraryttonifullysewer cost the district - We estimate 68 perewers frautYor foot. eThert talcrict area of d cost $14,913.00, or $1.68 p ft If this rate is applied to the district is 1,558,520 sq. Y'rontage abattt10 the proposed sewers, the a total sum of $3,247_01 ch so nearly equals the estimated cost of the svou3td result, wlii- mapleclt tthe we assume It will be an assessment. ento prepare detail 3Z47- � x1mara to T. Chatsworth ont-' Attention is called to the. fact that the sewers to be built imd*r this order are degliped for houfiW'siwa** and s only, rherein involved has been subjected water sepirate syst, Also all of ater the, prc�gorw provided under to prWjoue sewer spread assessuents. Yours very tralY, 7-- p M. SESPARD, V chief Engineer. ah Approved for transmission to the Commissioner Of 72-00-, zai 9��� Sm C. V lziii ' omisiloner of RbI �I*Worl�z- �P-6p, UAW. Ur i I'V " 14u., k, JUN 19 1932 �Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner cA Finance .Time. 11, 19E8.. 193.- - To the Commmmi...r of Floanee of the City of St- Ysul - The emomimionei of Public Worker, having bad under a ids tion the preliminery order of the Council, known m Council Noe No.. 9246a approved. B&A7 20, 1932 .193......, relative to _....thv_.coastruct1cm of a aecarc_ HQgt. A_sezma .Prom. Niagara...._ . Street... to_AQrth.. Chatsworth. Syr@et, .sad as M— .Cbataworth -. .. _.. ... Street frw HoytATOnILeto Avenue_...- __._._ ......._...._ and baring investigated the mettere and thin® referred t therein, be,—by report.: 1. Said improvement is eccaeary sad <or)- desirable. (See estimate attached) 2. The estimated coat thereof is i-.... .. - sad the total coat thereof b i..._ ............ ..... nod the mt.m and c—.t of a.id improvement ie as follows = ............ .... _-..... 3. A phm, profile oe sketch of mid improvement is hereto attached and condo a pert hereof. 4. S. Said improvement ie -.._ -...-.--.asked for upon petition of three or more o cre of property, eubject to —out fq�Vse, ij&br Ck — Com iocer of Pnb riu. i9 It332 93296 at eov4 C k D,hlle h.vinR. tatl e ° lue I COUNCIL FILE NO.. es. on Is. C�,,mul�°h.vlvi°o a °i °leeuemrfaa r.wm iae°1•e tn,r.raue B _ covtleer°e ny.im.: y. ..a, or W FINAL ORDER k In the Matter ofaoaetruatiq a sewer om Arundel. Street ..froa.Cook .Street to.krylead Street, - under Preliminary Order 92288....-.. __.approved Yqy 4. 1932 Intermediary Order __._._ _..__ ......------ --approved - . ___ _____ ..____...._.-___--....---------- fl puh�IC hCsring �gllj bCto had j1p OC goq improvement upon duo notice, and the Council i I having heard all persona, objections and reeommendadona rdai6 i�ereio, and �eving Nl� COS'Io the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.Aondtruat. ► Baer .a.ir mill-Strent..trol .Qn4....... — — —------- -- --------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. "., IAN 9--' ____. ,192 __. Adopted by the Council Cay Clerk. �l Approved , 192. Ma Councilman —All McOn❑ald Councilman&ffV9SW'-1 ploy Councilmen dletlanBtitu P, nee Councilman Councilman 6901WNSW Trull O Councilman eNOW® Wenzel Mayor 1MIJW Mato / Form B. S. A. 8-7 mT —. - gyp. O E P A RT M E N TSOi-iiY.�N C E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _Q., ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In tnc ma..cr nr constr uctin� g._ � na..Az,,•,n..i sr rneisrom�onlc Etraet--* u^ c�' '� nnJcr Prd imi�ar. OrJ<r aPpn•. cd may 4s -is-1, "1'•� the C..n ncil <�( clic Cit. 4 tit. P..I. 'I'hc C••mm�.asr•nrr ��( F..,-- h—by rc f.c�rrc as follow,. t the a.zr,smcn. for he $ 5,240.00 'rh< t.,tal <,nmatra +m��rti The csi�mat �.. �•,.t l�rr�,n� fohe $ 1.90 - "1'he I•.ts .,r �•arcrl. t�f lan,l than m be � valuation of each for or 1-a reel a. laxt r1•--1 h. the A+�ess•r, re as follows. oescnr.nn mor s�aR .00i.or. Laa t�,..T "Ald8. 11 2 Holcombe's Subdivision of 200 900 Lots 70 to 75, Inclusive, 12 2 of Wilkin and Heyward is 200 1250 Out Lots to St.Paul 13 2 zoo use 14 2 do 200 850 15 2 do 200 1500 16 2 do 200 1500 17 2 do 200 1400 16 2 do 225 13 3 do 250 1500 CITY OF 9T. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF F{NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER OCSC.IPT10N LOT BLOC. A-T10N yq�U nT10N 1 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 a 4 5 6 6. 66 ft of E. 120 ft of 53 N. 66 ft of E. 120 ft of 53) and S. 16 ft of E. 120 ft of54 N. 50 ft oP S. 88 Pt of E. 120 ft of 54 N. 64.53 ft of E. 127 ft of 54 East 127 ft of 55 That part of 56 lying east of Norton St. That part of 57 lying east of Norton St. 4 Alabama Add. No. 1, St -Paul, 225 Minn. 1 do 150 1 do 250 1 .;o 250 1450 1 do 150 1 do 175 1 Jordan ad�ltlon 125 1 do 125 1 do 100 1 do 100 1 do 100 1 do 100 Wilkin & Heywards Outlota 175 800 do 200 1450 do 125 750 do 150 750 do 325 do 500 do 450 oTT or eT. awuL _ DEPARTMENT OF FJNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ASSESSED pEBC RIPTION LOT .�octr ADDITION VALU AT... That part of 54B lying E.'of Norton St. do That part of 59 lying E. of Norton St. 400 That part of 60 lying E*of Norton St. (Except Maryland Street) 61- 162 62 400 Ba do 64 65 West } of 66 West } of 67 West } of 68 N 1/3 of West 143.96 ft of 69 S } of N. 2/3 of W. 142.96 ft of 69 S. 43.65 ft of W. 142_96 do £t of 69 Wilkin & Heywardts Out Lots 450 to St. Paul do 450 do 425 1900 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 400 do 600 do 600 do 600 do 100 2700 do 100 2500 do 100 2700 11,075 25,050 The Commissioner of Fi-- further eports that he has jv .6getcd all of the a( --id and hereby submits the foregoing a hie report thereon to the Council, together with the re fort made to him in reference o t aid matter by tl c Commjsstoner of Poblie \Yorks. Dat d _ J_.2 __ 193 z—. — _ - Coms:s mtoner of Finace n. e impartment oY APR 7 ptYorli<e. City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owner;, hereby petition your Honorable )cause the following impJrJovement to be made: i 0 St. -fore. to St - NAME t.NAME ' r-oT BLACK ADD-ON 1166 2 /1 ”' 3 /D9 2 ,Q,O-=i2gcoia/O�ner� N-R.O. "� i� 2 .f C° F ,� � `^ /i,_ � ���-�_ �r_� ?iz: %�_�� r' ' / 1_ � / 'i � � ' f � s r� � ._ Al r � � .� �/ �1 _ / fi THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL xNXEH-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 21, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Worlcz. Dear Slrt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer cn -Arundel Street from Cook Street to Maryland Street, under, Preliminary Order C. F. 92255, approved May 4, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - - $5,240.00 Cost per froast toot - - - - - - - - 1.90 Engineering and inspection - - - - - 475.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2,770. ot. A portion of this sewer will run through low and ungraded street, (See profile hereto attached). The estimated cost per front foot is based on an equal assessment against all the abutting frontage. ' Yours very truly, or M. Shepard, mh Se Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co ssion f Finance. Herman C. Wenzel, / Commissioner of Pub112� W ks. Office of the Commissioner of Public W WF FIbAN,, Report to Commissioner of Finances JUN 24 1932 June 22, 1982 193 To the Cmmimio.er of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commiaerouer of Public Work., having had under eoneideration the preliminary order of the Council, known — C-61 File No. 922$5 approved May 4, 1982 .193 relative to the construction of a sewer on Arundel Street from Cook Street to Maryland Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred w therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ise�eary and (or) deeirahle. Cost per front afoot $1.90 2. Th66 -ti-.ted coat thereof is S5a. 240.00 ,and the total coat thereof is f .... and the vat e`an�eei�f�f �q . ins etii on 475.00 Frontage 2,770 ft. dtmProFemenC re ae folio: _......... 3. A plan, profile or sk.e h of said improvement i. hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ _..... _._.__._ __._.____.... ....__..... 5. Said improvement i.... _._.._ _....asked for upon petition a throe or more owvere of property, subject to eeae —t for said improvement. Cmmie®oner of Publi FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on thesouthside of Orange Street, beginning 232 feet went of Arcade Street, thence west 20 feet,. - under Preliminary Order 92428 approved May 19, 1932 Intermediary Order _.._..__. .......... .._.....Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconatrwt, relay stnd. repair the.. eldewalk on thesouthside oforangeStrest,heginning 232_feet. west _-QT.Ar,,000_ Street, thence west -20.feet, __.-_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. An4 Adopted by the Council .. .. .....-._ , 192 14111. ,• ♦+!✓' City Clerk. Approved _.. .. , 192 % Councilmat4ERWwR-s M, D"" old Coo ncilmanJpFe[e .. `I^° Councilman.&' JatJi-•a+ —e Councilman' .6— CouncilmanJJYdrIeIOP 'h "o , 4 Councilman�YYNii� R ' Mayoriln*m Mxho p Form B. S. A. 8-7 93297 tv be .fear of nese tncuv[, re Wel la[ . a tits m. liarw bq Isom :Pa. of onere to«f, b°.. [1 IsSif fall weal of A—d- 8L, N e e.f f0;i1e4 vvEer Reaml• lrf OrEee If11F �.vvrevea COUNCIL FILE NO. ilt. a Hahnebs baae�q.- o fbe 'n aad M. hs mI" the cineuT, bJecllov!. Pr. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on thesouthside of Orange Street, beginning 232 feet went of Arcade Street, thence west 20 feet,. - under Preliminary Order 92428 approved May 19, 1932 Intermediary Order _.._..__. .......... .._.....Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconatrwt, relay stnd. repair the.. eldewalk on thesouthside oforangeStrest,heginning 232_feet. west _-QT.Ar,,000_ Street, thence west -20.feet, __.-_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. An4 Adopted by the Council .. .. .....-._ , 192 14111. ,• ♦+!✓' City Clerk. Approved _.. .. , 192 % Councilmat4ERWwR-s M, D"" old Coo ncilmanJpFe[e .. `I^° Councilman.&' JatJi-•a+ —e Councilman' .6— CouncilmanJJYdrIeIOP 'h "o , 4 Councilman�YYNii� R ' Mayoriln*m Mxho p Form B. S. A. 8-7 8T. P OEPA-EN F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Oret,," St» is beglna1-9 Z52aII-alayreset �e 1. r A-dealriug the ethe St—t, th— meet 20 et. Sd• of with • under Preliminary Order approved My 18. 193= To the Council of the City of St. Paul = The Commissioner of Fi.... e k --by report, —follows: The total—imatcd amount of tlae as ee--, for the above impr —t- is The estimated cot perfoot for the above improvement i, - - - - - - - S. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefi to for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A—.—, arc .. follow,: 1—d Bldg. 6 7 O.k Ville Ark BO 7 7 do go 100 The Commiseioncr of Finance further sports that he h.s mv, tigated all of the aforesaid matte , and hereby ..b—it. the foregoing a. hie sport thereon t. the Council, stogether with the report made to rhim in reference —.id by the Commi„ioner of Public Works. Du cd l 19 . i. _.6--1 —_ I,— Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of PublicE Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 25 1932 fray 24, 1932 192 '1'h� t'��n��i ii�ni�nu•r .�( 1'nl�hr ♦�'.,rk I - i- hurl h, pn•lini inary nr, l• r n( thr f'�ninril, k...,..-., x. f',- it Ihr \.,_ 9z4Z8 ,r ltPrr....I May 18, 1932 1112 , -1-irr to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Orange street, beginning z32 Feet west of Arcade Street, thence west �o Peet. xn�I 1n -mg thy n,uttrr� ssr„i thinK. mf --I ti, th-,-m, h,--I�v n inert+: 1. �xi�l i�nl�n �r��nn•nt i. ,,. � � vnr)' xnil I�nl �li�.irxl.lr. Y. iot th,•r...r( t, g 15.25 thr trn,.l --t then4 i. . auJ thr nnlun rn��l ��ti nt „( -id i� nr f"lh,wr: :i. :\ Klan, I,n �filr ..r �k,•t,�h ..f -,.i,1 ,rnftni.�i•inrnt i+ h��n•t �. ntt:achr�l nn�i n�n.h• a Itnrt lu�n•u(. 1. ........... ir, n�k,�l f��r iilx.n Ix tit i,• thr�•r ,n luno n.ry of 1>rnp„rty, xahjt t.. f,n xai,l itn In rivFrt,c rt t_ - f'nn,mi,winncr of I'nhlic W-k.. m under Preliminary Order 92462 _. _-approved May 20, 1932 Intermediary Order .___ __ .approved _ ._ __ . __........_.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Councit of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconstruct, relay and. repair the._sidegslk on the west side of Richmond_3tre.et_begiWinB.at_Bgnfil.-Street1thence south 80 feet,.. ---------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . - _._ , 192 ... ` 6ty Clerk. ,1 Approved _.. _ 192. /iCcGsc `L -Q May Councilmanns� ehIx,neM PLIBLLsdED- Councilman Wnlroame"a ?LAY Councilman d60W%ddM I'�•urce Councilman 4 "- n` Councilman T,,.,,.V Councilman 011111111111111 W"'zd Mayor NOW Mahoney Form B. S. A, 8-7 ' 9,32 98 �. ifineovatroeunn nWp �� �mmrar me.ua t atmmaoa ntr.et h:• d ­' enrmr harmr h.eD hon `hove COUNCIL FILE N0. ,- ImDravementaphn d the Cevnatl hoar ` h)eoana aa0 rr B..lul1a ;h'nu . i By ae coon. FINAL ORDER °;''° In the Matter of reconstructing relaying and repairing the sidesalk on the, west side of Ricbmond Street beginning at Banfil Street, thence south_aO feet, under Preliminary Order 92462 _. _-approved May 20, 1932 Intermediary Order .___ __ .approved _ ._ __ . __........_.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Councit of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconstruct, relay and. repair the._sidegslk on the west side of Richmond_3tre.et_begiWinB.at_Bgnfil.-Street1thence south 80 feet,.. ---------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . - _._ , 192 ... ` 6ty Clerk. ,1 Approved _.. _ 192. /iCcGsc `L -Q May Councilmanns� ehIx,neM PLIBLLsdED- Councilman Wnlroame"a ?LAY Councilman d60W%ddM I'�•urce Councilman 4 "- n` Councilman T,,.,,.V Councilman 011111111111111 W"'zd Mayor NOW Mahoney Form B. S. A, 8-7 ' TY Or ST. P -eP^ MENT OF FMANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER n In the (a0ttcr of ...... eo aetruotiags elapi>,gr•s peiriag, the eldewalk oa the wesE Bids of 1��0 Rio:�,d Street begi—L-g atrH ^Pj 3tr�e't, theme south so feet, under Preliminary Order approved m -p 20. 3.932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hcrcby reports as follows: tet for the above improvement ie - - - = 65.44 --- The total -sumerd amount of the asae snmen $ - 'Ihe c.um—d ...t per foot for the above improvement to - - von of each lot or The lots or parcel- of land that may be assessed benefit. for such improvement, and the ---dvalva parcel as last reported by the As-eewr, arc as follows: oescnrPTiors DoT a�o�c nooirlor+ Lnd gLVAl Bldg. 1 20 S.H. Hawkes Subdivl sim to 400 2450 Rinaloars Addition to the Tower of St. Pa", yf.ffieeat. Territory 600 2460 The Commissioner of Finanee ftarrher -Forts tl—he ha- investigated all of the afore aid ma ic s, and J,—by submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reporLmade torhim' reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public W-ks. —19 .3 one_-� Commissir of Finance. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 1�, 1932. Mr. D. C. Gayton: Kindly note the attached complaint from Mr. Harrold. Will you have this condition investigated immediately, and oblige, MR -D COMMISSIONER. J 1 .y THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST_ PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Data) May 31d, 1932. Commissioner Rosen There is a cash and carry ice house on the west side of Richmond St. between Goodhue St. and Goodrich Ave. The cement sidewalk is all broken up either because of trucks backing over the walk or because they drop their ice on tiae walk. George H. Harrold. ' ' of the Commissioner of Public Der",t to Commissioner of Finance . MAY 2mIS= May °^' `""c .°, ^. .h, ~°~..~, .~" .^ .^ ,,^,= ~,~,~. ^~`"^1yx" .,` ,~...~ `"C=tr"=tIng.,elaying and repairing'the sidewalk on the ~=" "i*° of "i"^m""u a",.°*' beginning at u. ­f^. ^",°et' ,,e,"° "~"t" w= ,°"^' ~.~.,.~.` � "~ .°.~°- ~~ .^_. ~, ""*° ~" .h, ^ ^ =~� ,~= ~^°~ °~^~~~~~~ ~^-^ ^`~^. ~^ ~~~ . ~~ ^.." 4. ~.^.^ .. .�—~ ... '~~" ~.,~..~~� °,."~°.^. 93299 a of rtaaarlroallor'ryuy- rMotlrlaF 0t. tld/wnR ta4 a te.tanl.�eraaeow•� t•vt, Mul:n1ltt/ rtl'. •t t. ®%-Eal•a t l COUNCIL FILE N0. �.n'��t�me.r tt/ti•apr•yr" n.•ns n•ae[ -n.. By FINAL ORDER In the Natter of reconstructing,relaying and repairing the .sidewalk and .driveway on the south side of Seminary Avenue, beginning at Dunlap Street, thence west 14feet, under Preliminary Order 92427 approved May 18, 1932 Intermediary Order ...._ __ _ .............................approved _ _ ....___.. - __.__......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reconstruct, relay-and--repair.-the--sidewalk and driveway on the south --a-da-.of-- Seminary -Avenue.,_beginn ng_at__.... Dunlap. Street.,thence_ zest.. 14.. feet,. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - coed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG q - 99 192 Cty Clerk. Approved , 192 _ J M or. Councilman i!!1Rl, I'I ^]rte"^aid Councilmant@erffd9W— _d� Councilman --o CouncilmanJ+r� CouncilmanIMMllRPR 'If"'x I / CJ Councilman WMMI1® W—el IV^ Mayors Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8-7 " OEPA RT MEP6 9F F{MANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PR EL2 MINARY ORDER In tla<mactcr of onatrnoL Sn6. ralayiag mad r -e pal ring the sidewalk and drivenny on the V •oath side of Seadnary /venue. ba6t:...s r.g at ap Street. thenoe wast 14 feet. under Preliminary Order approved My 18a 1Si32 To the Conned of the City of St. Paul: The Comoomi,ncr of Fioance hereby reports -m folloWs- Thc total estimated amount of the anaeaamerar for rhe above ,mpro.,e menx to The estimated cost per loot far the above aazaprove merat as - - - - - - 8.-- - Thelotsorparcclsoflandthatmaybe assessed betas fits for such improvement,and [hcaneesed valuation o(each lot or parcel a, last rcportcd by the A,ec,aor, are a• fol to W s = oescgir 101 -o— ----- nootTtor. A'1'. A' T' 'N 7And 1 6 611bert•a Addition 400 22fi0 400 2260 The Commm loner of Fioance further re porta that he has anveatigated all of the aforr,aidmat end hereth by ,obmi s e foregoing a• his report thereon to the Coaaveil, together with the report made [o rhim m reference to/,, id� ma,t,ter by the Com m:neioraer of Public, �W—kk- Commi„loner of Finance Office of the Commissioner of Public AA.IW FlN Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 25 1932 stay 24, 1932 192 Tr. thr Cr 1-.f Iir.xrta-� a,f tha ('ity 1-.f St. 1`arll: 7'111- ftnnnri-.irrnrr 1-.f Ptrlrli a- �i'a,rk�, ha.vir.K Irn.l unJrr rrimidrrnlinn Ihr f.rrl-m-Y ^.d.•1- of thr c'ounol, knrrx,r ,<. i•ounril Fila <,- 924-7 n...... ,.d May 18, 1932 192 minliva• tr> reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk and driveway on the south side o£ Jeminary -venue, beginning at Dunlap street, thence west 14 fee t _ Hurl h -mg in. r.tiantrrl thr xnai thin rrfrrrrrl lu Ihr 'm, h -'11Y rrfvrrt.: 1. Buhl im.......... rt na a r-r,.ara nnrl lurl rl��+irnl.l�•. 2. "fhr r•etinrnlrrl 1 -a. -t t },a-1- -f 11-. -_ 21.12 , , I Ihr Iirinl rrr.l Ihea ref in E au�l 1111- i1-. n1-. frillo 3. :1 PL.n, f.ndilr 1-,r .`k. -t .-h ..f -xia1 ir.......vrnu•nt ix hrn•trr ullnehrrl purl runrlr' n hurt hr .....f. - q. .,. �nirl inrl.nr.r n1a nt ., xv n krrl frrr nlr'rri IM•tilinn rrf Ihnro rrr rnrrrr 1-.x n. f pmpa•rt y, xulrjrrl to a��.Nrrurnt [n1- sssi.l i.rrt,ruvrn..-nt_ �" ('onunirwionrr 1-.f 11u1,1ic R'orkn:- A 933 0 iio4i oe truua 'vim Wof ue , ie. e1 em. of e.er m m .la. r rort.a `u :G m:�OOrrA1.umiawrs. COUNCIL FILE :e ennu• wrlo° e..a. W unBore IRarv•,uo°t vada aw roe counen e..au e.r.- BY _ ,wnn��n...a our FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructingallag oroaaings on thesouth side of Baker Streetandthe north aide of Norton Street between Charlton Street... and Waaeca Street, — under Preliminary Order_ 9246D .- -.-approved day 20, 1932 Intermediary Order _...____ ......_...._.._.. _._._approved __ ._ .. ___ _...._ _ .._..........__........-_. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dna notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, abd having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _zustruot. alley..erossinga-m..the _aonth... side -of Baker _Street -and the _north- side ...of_Norton-Straet-batzean.__-.._ Charlton Street and Waaeca_Street,._ __ .-_--_------_----_-- and the Council hereby orders mid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council U- .t n. -- -., 192 _ Uf e City Clerk. Approved .. .. -.. , 192. Mayor Councllman�•� l,1,Donald Councilman j&MV Nay Councilmanx� 1'•mrce Councilmanddl Councilman Tnmx ./ Councilman101s� V.'ro,"I Meyor�gaa ^7nb��ney Form B. S. A. 8.7 Ty ,mmlw.,," DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _. pt&ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER U% Iothem t of onmtruotint allay a ening• on the mouth aide of Beyer Streat and the .northaide of'Morton Street between. Chorlton Street and Waa.ea Street. under Preliminary Order approved 111.17 20, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commiaeioner of c nanc. It ... by r,porta as follow.: The total estimated amount of the as —otoot for the above itep—toolnt 'Ilse estimated cot per foot for the ab.— improvement u - - - - - - - $ "n 9a - Th. Iota or parcels of land that may be .--d benefits for such improvement, and the aeseased valuation of each lot or parcel as I— reported by the A--, te as follows: Bldg. Croee int for alley between 13 15 Belaoa, St--. d: King's Add. No V.1—tion .nd lots 1 to 4 Sullwoldm Plaoa Crossing for Allay between lot 4 H.—y'. Addition No Valttatioa sad lots 4 to 7 Stallwold Fla.. The Commiaajoner of Finance further reports that he has in eatigated all of the af.te—id matt-, end It ereby aubmr s the forego ng a his report thereon o the Council• togeth, with the report made to h- i, t.fe—ee to aid matter by the Commiaeioner of Public W—k, ,vt— Dated /1— 19 _3 i_ _ _ — _Comm1et1OnCr of Finance a. s. w. .Office . of the Commissioner of Public Wo9"ISOFFINAME Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 25 ]me U,y z4, 1932 192 T„ t h, .......... .,f I --I ,,f th,, (',ty of St. Vn­I ,f NN ­ h,, 1—mg h -I -A, Ii -t—, or,l.r of t h.- ('1-t—I 1,1,- N,, 92460 May 20, 1932 192 -Wi— to constructing Alley crossings on the south side of Baker Street and the north side of Morton Street between Charlton Street and Waseca Street. 0 h h-1— ............... i, tI. 1.1 -It" I t....I I ("', 4--d 1­ n,per, sq. ft. - 'h f I �t �11, ,f i.t .... I till "I'll 1111, ..t„1 „j t i. — f -M-, t-- h -I -1 1 1. 5, -k, I f- ........... t'...... f W-k.. 93301 9ii01— Inpee'Matlar r ayt 'vena tee wei�}� ut�St rylanEaBtree4^ n, �'� COUNCIL FILE NO.. a aer menmmw,. fe o. a aer so.: par. eoe ,.o FINAL ORDER ` In the Matter of_conatructing --alley- -crossing on the west Bids .-o.f.. - Farrington --Avenue, beginning125-north of Maryland Street-, thence north 20 feet,. under Preliminary Order.. .22461. --. -- _......... approved May 20, 1932 Intermediary Order ......------- ---------------- ---------- ----- ---- - ---- --- - --- - -..----- ..--- ----- --A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_-_Q4rlstrw.t_ gest--.aide of-.Farrington-Avenua,..beglnning-125.-feat--nonth- of-Margland..atraet.,.thence north2Il_f.eots — ---- -- _ -- .......... — .......— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. NJG r Adopted by the Council -'_.... , 192 �� - -- it Clerk. Approved ..--___.. _. .,192 Mayor. CouncilmarWffl Er°" McDl�oeld Councilma sam PUBLISHED Councilman P`'°rce Councilman Truaz Councilman Wenzel Councilman Mahoney Mayor q9" Form B. S. A. 8.7 1T. PA , --. OEPARTMEAT OF- FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �I�y,S (o) I( In chc m of o �trvoting a11ey oroeeing on the -eat aide of Farrington Avenue. beginning 125 Pt north of )L—yl—d Street, the north 20 feet, _d_ preliminary Order approved My 20. 1932 To the C --ii of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finaoce hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ --- -- --- '- -rhe estimated cost per foot for the above improvement��- The lots or varccls of land chat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and chc assessed valo'tion of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: C roeaiag for r..st and Weet Alley in T. B.una.Somers Add. to St.Pessl Ho Veluat ion L The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has mvestigated all of the aforesaid ma tie s, and hereby submits the foregoing a a hie report thereon to chc Council, together with the report made toorhim reference to acid matter by chc Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Da—d i/ _/ � -19..- a— -- r-- -a""�' __ Com miesioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of PublicI" 'F�NANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY gg ISM may 24, 1932 192 'I'h�� ('.��ii�r.ir��.,�i.-i ..f 1'ii 1,1��� \\".�rl:.., 1.:..-i iiu h:i,l ��i��l��r � ���i.i.l �-n.t i�,�� tl�i• I.rt�li ii�innry m�.li�r �i( �I�e Ma z0, 1932 192 r.•lulir.- 1< 9'L461 npprur.d y constructing Alley crossing on the west side of Farrington Avenue, beginning 1:;5 feet north of Maryland Street, thence north =:0 feet. m'—OR1 tl— tli-, "f,"''I tai'hr. r' i"' h- -I,. i 30¢ per square foot '1'11..--t ii���it .-.1-t th.r�-��[ • :....I thy- 1�� nl - th�r.of ice$ ..f ,vi.l 1. CITY OF ST. PAUL a i'SN..,e�f4d I n�v v° I o� 70.....-•�'.•�if_li OFFICE OF THE CITY CLz ec?vianG:go C°neetaed� i� COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGF/C P' m-tR SOT" ,tijL a�" �'1 Ib.v o•° ea�EH,Eo aY /"-Litt_ °e �• ° .ngust 6, 1932 RESOLVED Whereas, in connection with the improvement described as the paving of Pleasant Ave from St. Clair St to Victoria St. the work as specified in the plans and specifications embodied in $ng sa contract co"rid improvement was completed within completion date specified in the contract, and Whereas, the City Council by C.F. 92979 approved July 8 ordered additional work in connection with above named improvement and Whereas, the completion of additional work so ordered necessitated a longer period of time than specified in the contract, now therefore be it Resolved, thatathe City of St. Paul hereby waives claim to any 1lquidated da-mag mages under said contract, which may have to due to the non -completion of the contract and additional work on the completion date st.ecalied in the contract, and the proper city officials are hereby directed to make proper payments on said contract without deduction of any amount for liquidated damages, and be it further Resolved, that the specified completion date of said contract be and the same is hereby extended to July 20, 1932 and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the said contract in accordance herewith, provided however, that this resolution sh<311 not have any force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor' s bond consent thereto and file such consent on writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Y—Nuys /+ n Adopted by the Council.......Q�.4 -.:_-- 1Q:''.� 93__ — Mayj McDonald Pearce _ .....__ In favor /� � G�tY 1_ ppruved_._ ...: 193..__ A _A"--"- - •r-. C. Agnin=t - r iY_.c L �.cG'�C_ _... r Wenzel awe 6_n Mr. P—ident Mahoney ??M fUBLISEffiD�d- o..,. _ _ (.)3 CITY OF ST. PA LTL .mZ � ... No - 933 OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL R60LU7 —c— FORM pd6�5 C .a>ar__ o..TE tegnat 9. 1937% R6 LVED That the of Poblie Workn bs aad is lrareby pp r authorised and dira.ted to .11 th. to11v mag streeteM-q.LY/Ni�l Alley-Autusm-Prospect-Whits Ally-D.my-L$ke Oemo Phalsa-,_end ota—tore a --C .sur ax •�""off µ °nerens Al .,.I. Ts st:ara :ain°a'am aae ., :eu.wl°a �?s^r• ° 611p-•Randolph-Jus.-Rhsoel-Llbor! Pster_ - e.�• r Ally-'Phirddoarth k.t-St. Aldenfrom Raymond to Gibb. r. zkst?mp Alden Alae. .a to Gibb. =11d Ant® frm o Cnrre _ Surr fro. Me to 40.senin. - pseolia Gurr.Iron Prospect to Hsl.m Eaton fram FlArlda to Chio..�a 3C- ' E1.mor frod Ond.reood to Yaealsster 91. Finn fromBil.. to lnan Forest from D.my to Lake Como P'iaalsa Gibb. fro. Alden to Gemo Deethorne from -hit. Bear to Ha:s1 Wien from White Bear to Hma.l Syaointh from Greenbrier to W01ds Fent from Iaeson to Cook I.k. Goan Phalen from Whit. Boar to —01 Langford Park Plane West from EhLY3—ss to maks Lassen from Dale to Kent Loeb free L.-- to Cook Dideay fro. Cakdnl. to 2GC° IDast oS �oorZ�: r Ramsey fro. Shit to Western Seheffer from Feirei.s to Ir—d.rlukt Soheffer fron Fredericka to Un4-1—M Sheridan fro. Sdgenmbe to Bsllsrn� ..—"d from shits Bear to Ha 3-1--ss1 8 osfrom Meakubim to Sant 1as lot: s lk 2, Foundry Add. 133.kStim Hoyt fro. Dunlap to Lexington, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nuys AdoPt,ed by the Council.-... _..-... -. .. McDonald Penrce favor L4 �" c Approved.-... .193..... -In Tninx 0... -...Against t'—I Mr. President Alahonny n 6 / a' pymY m Gq ..rt CITY OF ST. PAULcou.<ic NO...._._93304 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .cz COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM I ..l.. _... . _htg-t. 5,_1952 wHgM8, r ...it..e PIXIJ^g Stat:L— la'—" (5 P—P-) So. 2155, —piri'g y®. 24, 1955 —a J—d to Tem D-- at 592 Jseke Street, sad WgM,W, the Whit. Aag1e Oil porp—t6t L— is nom and —a before g—ti.g .f said 11oeas. tb. —.r e.d operator of said 9^0.11.. fi111.9 strati—; therefor., b. it RWMVEDthat Gmol.lne filling az.t6j. a 1-t— N.. 2125 be end th. sem. is hereby tra.aferrsd frog Js ' Donovan W the tette Angle Gil Corporation. COUNCILMEN Ycen N.Y. May McDonald Penne In favor T-.. "..... Againet Ncnael M, President Mahoney �Dn 4 rap, b la. o. U- �n'ry w r' — 193'j Adopted by the Council.._............._._._.._193.... Apg—d _.... _ .....193..... ,n l�— �£ Mayor ,- nrToa EOn o A. BnU R ora at �nw �r�J% August 1, 1232, To The Honorable, The City Council of the City of Sair_t Pzu'_, and License Inspcc`.cr of said City cf Saint Pau'_: The ,nderaimed requeete the withdrawai of his a�plic, tion 42331 for gas et�- ticx� lice r.se, for w1.icY. Forty Do Mare (u4C, waa paid, and rece'_,.t tLerefor given under date of Sm:c 2 1H 33, and directs th, t the anount �`f tte re furd^be de'_ive red to Cas= Berger, or Whit. Oil Corporation. 3 m ayoh mm�m No.. -..._.....93305 CITY OF ST. PAUL �v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM . PR N0eNE . „^> __ _ o E_ yl¢¢st 9, 1962 RESOLVED Thnt lioensae for mrhioh applioatioae have been made by persons —.dM the atteohad lie, be stud ,he ee®e are h-17 granted and the city clerk Se instructed to 1_s s h Bosuns. upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee_ COUNCILMEN Y— Nays Muy 1 McDonald / Pcarce Trunx Cl-..A6ai2t Wenael p ] Mr. President Mahoney xmn nia eDTEs ee Caen �maEe�D�.pe >nuntna�sws ateCCCeYY� p t ]m W�c]Wp OpT. W Y ov�c]II wu6 Y �ie]i. Adopted by the Coun,A G.. �`.. . 1'M' .._193__... hl. � �.[ 193... App ved _ _. .. - Anguat 9, 1932 W. P. Andrea mt... —ta 81d4K- TObby Hob, Aneeey 149 8- W-ja-ask— J. A. Book lA8 Bxeoaar Arca de G. A. Carpenter eo 585M&m.a Lsaip -& SMass ee 802 tabsal a Cbae. A. Cbickett 599 Wabsa2— a. v. Carlsou LouieCoban 3JD45 Hsatiaga 541 Rtabanakas R. S, Bay 491 St- P" Aldor giaqulat 511 H- 93-1 �+XIB Jobn neoaer, 707 state Gottbebut Broe. 1059 S- itl. st_ ty Av. Great Atlmrtio & Pacifio Tea Co. 1400 U—Li erev Perk Broge. Imo-> - C. St- (Ccnrt Siock) C. godkineon, Hod 24 3C. 4t Geo. Temee 852 it- 7* -U B. T. Jensen IZ82 Gid A4' 1 A. J. Jobnaon P. Pnechtee 1'' 25174+•'aY? 108 Pierce, St - L. Lnbovitoh 506 Jac]caooa F. J. Lembrecbt 520 V-L� R. H. Lender 779 W- lwk eeloct F1v9 Prank Lee, - 455 Sica We. Lob-= 3.525 Selby Macer & Tatman 455 wabsaba B. Malataky 3.434 Z— Caesar Ad Paul Marian �� J. M. McGrath H. T. toyer 2006 605 As1.1311837a Hinneeota Club 4ta. & w ..ktl agtca K M. Miner 498 T.atmd P. J. Morrieoor 590 Jac7ram Helga Mumbler National Tea Co. 175 Rleatara Tobe R. Nelson 979 IIni�e'ralty T. Cleon & Son C. J. Rmdem 1067 ArcaBa 1121 7:- wam:...ebaba Jacob Resell 507 7vabask3a Sequel A. Satber 4351 nisi Ra. Scanlan 2o54 r" I—U Core Sinoonb Maz P. Snyder 587 Cb .Io 406 Mlabsaba St. Pmt Athletic Club 540 Crider Howard L. Swaesaa 571 M<e 4-10— H. J. Taylor 3,625 ]Lice J. J. Themssea 241 Eari J. Taaoi 1760 P4- T%b i.e. Webber 1279 8am8o1PL yicEory Market (Mr. M—) 860 Un-L—raity Cmfeatlonery Grocery Confectionary Grocery Cmfectimsry Grocery Confectionery Soft drink Confectionery Grocery ;Mit-vegetable atom Groomry Coofactimea7 Grocery Confectionery Grocery Confeotio,ery arocery Confectimery Grocery Confectionery Groom Cmfmtimery Grocery Fruit -vegetable store Bakery Grocery Grocery Confectionery Grocery Bakery Croom? -2- Aagcet 9. 1932 Chalet Altterie 2r,9 E. 5rd St. Heatsment Balph Cook 419 Si lyl W Wry. 8lre StmaLdsagar 557 St. Peter ae O. 727na 432 Wabash. lb B. 5th H. Oe•dng & proehlloh H. }red S. Taboo 326 Cedar 27s9 R 7th Barnard A. Elimoaalke S7 X. 7th 88Ereege Joe... ppekeLa & M- Sbapdro 297 S- 7th Carl E. LRmdbind 160 S. 7th Coo. NO—too 29 W. Ezr*m^Q^ 710 N. Dale Elmer ycBride Mrs. Eye yltaah 3" 8. 11th , C. swCy°o-y Z55 E67 web-zl- ..B=ke Santee- 689 B. 5rd 115 W. 30th N. Sitircpoeloe Louie Speliopoulos & Sem Ve-16, S4 S. 4th , 2 Talk Sandwich ShnP, 580 Hobert St. V. P. Teinmerdce 215 W. 4th West Aid Commeroial C1ab W. 7th 5�ar mWoebkenberg red- 567 red - Jack F. WW Wong, F. W. Wooleorth Co. 35-61 E. 7th .W: rth Co. 454 Wabash- . .;George r• •••areal • s yleas 1.28 M. 5th , Jack Zenooech 262 E. 7th St. - Alb= P. Alb 52E Y.� 4th & Waw+-•^g*oa baa fits os 3 p, ps A. E. 01srx Peal F. Vick 562 Hobert a 3 . E. Diesslin ISYS M. 1-=L-gtan Zmeksc- 3 . Jeyes Dcnav m592 Pml J. & E. J. riarlm aS � 3 3 E. T. Nelson 3 E. A. Wortbrop 7Yenk Otrsagblln 1056 Hose 676 8wndolph - 3 1 add.1 B. J. Plat & Arcbde E pumps Carl J. Scbmslsbamr " 6Area" 3 Skn7�j Oii Oo. 6727 e ber Hastings &Point Doaglae Road 61 Standard 011 Co. Standard 011 Co. 175 Ooneard . 2 !rank SteSsm - Sao'. Dodd Hood 1400 St- m.1.+- , , 3 . George Soave sots! (E..aory) s0 rocas e Jobn Asmaeen 222-8 E. 7th (Summit) 50 rocas P. C. ads bon E57 T nka� eagnet e, 1952 UUIL..Q X� Ca_ SM XIM-.d Bldg S.1—y Ls Loale 7Si4e1 50 St. Peter at. gad hand dealer Y. Faldste3= 524 St. Peter ihraiture Chas. A. sa�.i �.. 1041 Uaivereity " e sato Parte Co. 927 R. 7th Motion pd.otn . CITY OF ST. PAUL ` NO... 93306 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM vwEsevrao ev coMNiss�oNee i Augnat 9, 1962 W8B] AS,�appli�ticnacensee Lave bem made ae fuller., Samuel J. Kea— & Jobn Bettush, 254 E. Fairfield A- Confectionery ppl. 2479 C. C. Lever & E. O. Baadet, 76 N. Dale St. • 2090 Hobart Lee, 252 E. Fairfield A- • . 2666 WETRIM, Samuel J. Homer & Job. Betneh Leve ithdrame application 2476 for Confectionery license; and, mhareae, Confectionery liconee, application 2090, sad Beetam�ent licenae, application 2966 are bereby denied upon re- commendation of the Bmann of Health; therefore, be it 123OL97D, thnt the Proper aity offi.—a be and they are hereby autbarised to refund to Samuel J. Komer & John Batueh the fee of $10.00 and to cancel application 2476 for Confectionery licaeae; to refund to C. C. Lever & g. R. Bardet the fee of 510.00 —a to canal a 90 pplication 20for Coafeetionery ]Serres; end to retond to Hobert Lee the fee of 510.00, end to canal eppltc.tioe 2566 for Bestauramt license. COUNCILMEN Yens Nnyn A,Inyted by the Council '1U 0. Q._ iQ�n 193 Nluy NleD.—Id / Penne !`P. In mour 5— dppr,ved i111t-' � = r+�ii� IB'S Tninx ARninst® Wenvel � Mnynr N Air. President Mahoney M307-93308-93309 NCILo RESOLUTION =ooNClLrileNo. rR�Nrew riaa°m.. ai w RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF El19 7478 j COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO —7-647 INCLUSIVE AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. w ITeo — Tnc .... CIL ArPAo�eo :;�sll ,., •f. CRY OF SAINT PAUL ' DUPLIGT[TD CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER L[ ' COUNCILMEN-90LL CALL MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION t LD PEARCE PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 19 � � 4' TRU�WENZEL _ �.. AGAINST RES', R,A N4 H, j TREASURY lir 0(JJ(1 T7E IF TO THEOOLVED ATe AMOUNT01, COVERING MR. PRIES. MAHONEY j yh, LUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMNIREO I IV TO PER CH ECK5,0M.�IL� IN THE OFFICE OP THE CITY COMPTt1/0LLEP, ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL. ... .....n 4 I . . y11, ISyy J ' ' � APPROVED_... Y� . I CITY COM'" LIR �tLL�n(Ai��Y MAF6R By TOTAL DATE - --" CHECK NUMBER ------------- IN FAVOR OF TRANSFfF CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS • 7478 BROUGHT FORWARD Milton Rosen, Com, of Finance 2 039 92 6 Oz 35 3 57 74890 25 783 481 7(482 'aul 'roeklaukya 598 50 Dave Nahlns 30 0030 7487 Clare Asmold 00 7494 Ann F. 0arnoicn oo 30 (b 7485 7486 Helen Sullivan Society for the 1rR f CSUelty 200 00 7487 A. �. 3te erne 3 50 4 243 5 7499 Mr e, H. xl'ch 20 80 7489 Co.., lidated T:'leotric Co. 7490 Inc. Van Hoven Co. Inc. 325 00 196 70 7491 7491 L. I. Petlen 318 30 74932 Jennie t400druff 85 95 7494 J. J. Fitzgerald 2 75 7495 Board of Publio 'lellare 19 117 93 7496 Edward J. O'Began 35 00 20 7497_ William GRrdner Finance 12787 30 7498 H11 tan °. osen Colo. of 122 80 7499 City of St. Paul 186 75 7500 Streator Clay 'Ifg. Co. 755 7501 Garrett Burne 7 60 60 7502 Gerhard specker 224 7503 Otto J. Zupfer 10 00 7504 John Braoe 160 00 7505 Raymond P. Pavlecka 00 7506 Bureau of Municical 3PsParch 40 24o 00 7507 Carl P. Herbert 22 01 7508 Martin O'Donnell 290 95 7509 Frail Freieeis " " 227 05 7510 7511 Phil A. "ynard "17 50 4 034 75 7512 Northern states Power Co, 4 39 7511 St. Paul Blue Print Co. 96 00 7514 John Fitzpatrick IP 00 7515 Or. B. J. Singer 147 72 7516 7517 Ieell and Sussman, As=lgnee 309 53 7518 Milton Rosen, CO.. of Finance 49 60 • 7520 4353 90 " 7521 „ 164 3F 7522 1 o65 o0 752 " " 552 63 752 " 6 007 64 7525 7526 Harry C. Nonnemacher 30 00 7527 H. Mc Glynn 30 00 34 7528 7529 Oscar Hoen Feyen C,metructi,n Co. 730 00 7530 Julia Brueas8o TF 7531 Farwell 0 U a Ki" ?C'. " 117 86 7532 753) Pan American Producing Co. 67 557 7534 Westinghouse F.lectrio Sur). Co, 1 391 40 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 37 ode C, 77 57y 07f ` � I ' �.,.;, -PLICATE TO CITY CLEek LITY OI EAINT AaL N0. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER , LE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS IESOIIED ::01 T— E' V«. oAiFo .ill Mz�43�T.0 ` noLLEn w - - TOTAL nu Ween IN FAVOR OF cMec ns ev e. nn aRo �HTFORwARo 37�n682n94� 77 37997' 7535 James E. Glace 28 80 7536 Dr. D. K. Bacon 86 on! 7537 Or. Harvey D. Barnett 12 o0' 7538 Bethesda Hospital 1 4 00 7539 Dr. J. F. Blosk 10 DO 7540 Dr. L. P. Branca 7541 4. B. Br sod 4 55 4 no 7542 Drs. Chatterton & von der 9eyer. 24 00 7543 or, A. CbTlstlansen 4 50. 7544 Cobb Clinic 7545 or, A. R. Colvin 35 00 7546 Dr, deorge D. Cro88ette 22 00 7547 Dr, Karl Dedolph 19 Dn 1548 DLagnostlo X-ray Laboratory 17 50 1549 Dr, G. Edlund 13 00 1550 Dr, LI A, Hilger00 6 00 1551 Or, Arthur W. Ida 1g 00 1552 Dr, John V. Nalley g 00 7553 M, L, Larson 7554 Dr. C. F. �o Nevin 11 00, 75555 or. S. N. 9ogilner 6 00 7556 Dr. E. F. Murphy 5 o0 7557 Northern Pacific 9enefi. As_'n. 6 50 7558 Dr. L. J. O'Connor 29 00 7559 Dr. warner Ogden 13 00 Dr H J. Prendergast 63 00 7560 D . a 3 00 7561 9t. Luke's Ho.nital 173 00 7562 St. John's Ho epitel 1 80. 7566 3t. Joee;h'sts1 12 00 The Saint ^au1 Clinic 7565 Dr. F. C. Scbuldt 29 00 7566 Dr. G. �. Snyder 246 00 00 7567 Dr. 0. I. Sohlberg 7568 Dr. E. o. Swanson 20 00 7569 Dr. C. c. Thau-ald 70 on o0 7570 Dr. F. L. Tebcer �3 76 7571 k'r. Brenton A, � Leod 7572 Nr. Richard T. Powers, 5 00 7571 em tl Frelee1s 15 00 7571 Synsn Plumbing & Resting Co. 258 15 7575 Davis Lageraan 171 80 • 7576 „raton and xnlght 29 64 7577 Hart 1 Coal Co. 317 08 7578 R. E. Hulme Awning & made Co, 460 63 7579 a• T. KC op Agency 7580 F. G. Leslie Paper Co. 15Z 51 7581 Landon 3auer Insurcnce Co. 134 00 7582 T. P. Lowe & Co. 48 no 7583 Paul M,gn—n 30 On 7584 Northern st,tes Power Co. 15 472 41 7585 A. N. Palmer 98 00 7586 Rose Bros. 83 63 7587 St. Paul Bonk & Staty Co. 1 620 42 7588 3t. Paul Builder. eaterlel Cn. 173 50 75 89 Co. 901 33 7590 F. M P&aH. F. Nare 250 00 i 11EETTOT-10AWARc 37 682 94, 96 -4= 13 i c..,r rocN iwou�c,�- i r i orF�ce or rHE�coNvrno��ea NO. w�oow COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS �. o..,.. — wuween IN FAVOR OF f TOTAL crcc ns c�ccRs a"o rFo"w,eo ` 37 682 94 tqg 442 13 i7591 St. Paul City Railway Co. 2 759772 Milton Rosen, Com, of Finance 350 00 `15 648 59 759+ " 55 00 7595 Chemical Sales Co. 64 4o 0o 7596 Ch.,I,. Stewart 42 00 7597 LeRoy J. Tynan 120 00 7598 Cochran Sargent Co. 100 15 7599 H. K. =tah1 c,. 50 85 7600 Otto'e Ll the German "and 224 00 7601 Phil A. lade 30 00 7602 lira. Minnie B. 7ollan 20 00 7603 JohnKrems 28 80 7604 7605 Catherine M. Claugherty, Mrs. Etta rlahe r ty 40 00 28 28 7606 Delia Brown', 28 28 7607 Mr a. Anna Schneider 17 28 7608 7609 Fielding & Shepley Inc. 5 557 994 173 48 - 7610 7611 S. Berglund Lumber Co. Jahn Burne 142 OS 15 75 7612 F. J. Romer375 �C 00 7611 81minson Lumber Co. Twin 250 64 7614 7615 City Brick Co. Pittsburgh Coal Co. 139 88 j 183 38 7616 Feyen Construction Co. '�.�11 295 46 7617 George F. Dix k 25 00 7618 Willi sm Perry IP 00 7619 Mr. Jos. Patock `j5 7620 7621 Specialty Printing Co. Nick De Palma 41 35 4 50 7622 Pat Kelly 116 57623 Wm. Gutz 10 50 7624 7625 Blue & White Cab Co. The Calhon Co. 4 F, 14 00 70 17 7626 Capitol City Scenic Studios 329 00 7627 Capitol Staty Mfg. C9. 96 51 7628 " 14 52 7629 M. J. Dslglish 22 11 7630 Diebold Safe and Lock Co. 9 00. • 7631 7632 P. M. Farloy1 Frederic Hotel 20 6 7633 Grsybar Elsotric Co. 00 95 65 7634 Mr. 7. K. Jacobs 170 00 76635 6 H. %retz Realty Co. 373 00 7637 Lamprey Products Co. Lsmpland beCo. 6 25 146 3 7638 Mae ndler Bro e. Brush of r. Co. 143 86 7639 7640 Marquette Mtg. Co. Melady 20 58 7641 Psper Co. D. D. Murray Supt. 142 93 48 98 Northern Ste.tss Power Co. 2 281 12 77642 642 7644 " " Northwest Hotel Co. 1 o69 58 48 00 7645 Northwestern Fuel Co. 97 59 7646 North— tern School Surly Co. 733 99' 7647 Peilen & Peilen 50 20 37 682 9L 1L2 12=.00 i � N C PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT. and 'moi. rte.. or PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigved hereby propene, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: _...__Grading .and -_paVing_an_.extensiou._of._{fa.taye.tte . N co -e-- arss......... Lafayette Park from Grove St. to Locust St. as descrited in Prel imdnary- Order- _G.c _F..93395...agpJ-1_ rovneuly...26Lttf..9a2-paurbi>3g _ ay appro.-chest also constructing and paving alley ann drivew- ------­aewn ewer, water and gas connections from the street mainstb property ....__ _..day of..-. -..August _ .. _ 19..32. Dated th ._.9th - _. /-/ 1 . PRELIMINARY ORDER. LJ.1 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Grading and paving, an extension ofLafayette a e.across _ _- _. -_- - St. as descrlbed in --Lafayette Park from Grove 5t. to Locust P-ralYminary--Arder...G.-R.aPprouad .July-26th.r.-1932r..¢ur-bang and paving alley and driveway approaches; also constructing - - .._-.-sewer''--Wa't'er''-and...ga-s"-cormection'S---from the Street ma -Ins -to-- _. _.. prOPerSY .l i,p.e.p...ph@pg_neC.eSS&rX.._ __ __...._ .____._ h.vivB been Preeen ted W the Council of the City of St. Paul.... .. -.. .- -... - _--........ .. -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comodmioner of Public Work, be end i, hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the -,amity for, or deeirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To iavretigate the nature, extent and eetimated coat of ,aid improvement, and the total c,et thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or .ketch of .aid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement i, mked for on the petition of three or more I- 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Commiesioner of File— Adopted by the Council_.'___......_. PMG-_...._-..-. _...-----_............... Yue Ner, Councilman (74X., 1' 1 _.•'. McWN� APproved__....- I ---...-.._-...._ PEARCE_ .......-_. _.. WFNLFI- Ma. Paastnmmrr cuuoea Ed! -N,. ..._93310 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ... ti oW `tem and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propose. the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: Lafayette .and-..Paving_an_. extension.. of � Ai"y5.tke..1� V e.. 3..976955__.._.. Lafayette Park from Grove St. to Locust St. as descrited in .-Prt^limjr, ry Order G. F_ -93195 -approved duly_.�6thf ...193Zf enrbiag _and _paving ails and drly away appro ches; also constructing y_ --� �.ewerr -water and gas connections from the -"street mains to _..._.....-. proper--tY.-lines_.where -neves arY- _ _.. .. August 1f1 3Z. Dated th ._._94h.,,. _.. day of..__. / .. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the meting f thefollowing p vemen Grading _and - paving an extension of Last fayeasedescribedsin --- ------Lafayette Park from Grove St. to noozedtJul Lath, ---1932; B,Wbing ..............._P.r-allminax+Y-IIrder-G.-F.-93175 aP#� us 3` and paving alley and driveway approaches; also constructing -....._sewer, '-Water anQ'-ga"s._Cni1YCa'CCi'nn'5- rrom--the street- mains ...to__...__... _........_...prOperSY_line-S_$be76E._NeC.esS _._..._. having been presented to the Council of the City of St Pau ........_ .-..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiasioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the eme.eity for, or desirability of, the making of .aid improvement. 2. To investigate the cature, extent and cstimsted ,at of said improvement, and the total coet thereof. 3. To furnish a phus, profile or .ketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement u asked for on the petition of three or more ownma 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing m.tw. . W the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cu --t ._..__..__._..._ ....._..._...__........_ . Yeas NA:. afA` Councilmen Cefab,MenoNAlD Approved...........__...._...__..__...___...__ ... _... _------- _ / P CE Ma P...,. rr �"zr .aal.l.o. aeauem L Ito 1Q311 CITY OF ST. PA 1`a evmeniuc[Ib:p^uvt^i Pv ��� OFFICE OF THE CITr II.P % vt.iv p ea v ,//COfUNCIL RESOLUTI —C. svladutwlo oMM ss`oaEa /V1/�V-C-_+�.� I��^ August 3, 1932. REsoLveo Whereas additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the Paving of Snelling Ave from Minnehaha St. to N. P, Ry tracks, Eanlon and Oke s contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the con- tract, and Whereas it has been found necessary to make additions and deductions as fojlows. Additions 1-6A Catch Basin lfoot 3 inch deeper 10.00 1-3A Catch Basin 6" deeper 5.00 1-4A Catch Basin 30.00 21 11neal feet 12^ V. C. Pipe (C. B. to sewer @ 1.50 31.50- 2 castings "E^ @ 8.00 16.00- 2 Castings ^F" ® 3.50 7.00 - 8 lineal feet Straight Curb ® .55 4.40 - 89.53 Tons Asphalt binder 5,00 447.65 551.55 Deductions 251 12 V.C. Pipe @ 1.25 31.25 2" Side inlets ® 2.50 5.00_ 36.25 - Total additions $515.30 And Whereas, the net addition is $515.30 now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $515.30, to be added to the lump sum considera- tion named in the contract known as Comptrollerls Contract L-3674 forthe making of the aforesaid improvement £o r the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid speci£i cations and unit prices stipulated In the said contract. The Department of Public Wo x'ks has agreed with the contractor, Bandon and Okes, that the sum of $515.30 is the reasonable total addition to be made to the said contract. / /� r o terslgned D� �V`� Commissioner of b Works COUNCI . e� y omptroller Contractor �Ye Adopted by the Coune' .. ......193..._. :�tny QUr I u 19J[" M,Dovnld / Rs Pearce In favor a !. App- ­d ..193 1 RGvu_ 1 ,rA.r j rlln. C R'enzcl n lei-1ED -> n eM r r blr. Pre 'dent Mnhooey RESOLVED OF CI93312' TY ST. PAUL .��. " NO. -. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. F E LUTI0N--GENERAL FORM luguat_8.._1833_ that the Purohasing Ageat be, end he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the ooameat of the Comptroller, one 1} -Lon Dodge Yodel 030 truok obaeaia, mentor to be 8 -cylinder type, to be equipped with all -w. thew Dab, front bumper, automatic wind, shield wiper and rear view mirror; rear wheels to be dual; tires to be not Meme thea 6.00-20; chassis to be so constructed to enable department to transfer present body now on Ford truck No. 44 to new obaesim, Sor the Department of Education, at a total cost not to ei Deed =668.90, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Departmaat hoe had informal bide from Ford, Chevrolet, Federal and Dodge dealers, and after comparing speci- fioatione, oonourm 1m the reoommendation of the Department for whom this purobase is ride that It beet meets the requirements for the use it Is intended and as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gaiaad thereby. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment — 1005-139. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays May McDonald I'earcc 'r—, (�__._ Against W-1 M, P,,,ideat, Mahoney -1— a., a.rk CITY OF ST. PAUL ri.a No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,y// COUNCIL R LUT N --GENERAL FORM Ps�-I.. a. /" ( Cil. o.re_.Auguat_9, ma ... _.... RESOLVED that the Purohaeing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the ooszeent of the oomptroller, one 1} -ton Dodge Yodel G30 truck chaaei a, motor to be 6 -cylinder type, to be equipped with a11-wremther cab, front bumper, automatio wind, shield wiper and rear view mirror; reel wheels to be dual; tires to be not Mesta than 6.00-20; chassis to be so oonetruoted to enable department to tranefer present body now on lord truck No. 44 to new cbaeeis, for the Department of Fduoatlon, at a total cost not to ezoeed =662.90, without advertisement, as the purchasing Department has bad informal bids from Ford, Ohevrolet, Tederal and Dodge dealers, and after oomparlag speel- fioatione, eoneurst in the reacramendatlon of the Department for whom this purobase ie made that it best meets the requirements for the use it Is intended and as this in a patented article and no advantage oould be gained thereby. Oharge General Fund - e.w....l- Municipal Equipmant - 3.003-139. ane lb 1h. iie no°°b: wOe.0°a i p!p a wm„ee _ COUNCILMEN wj) ] - Yens Nay, Adopted Ly the Council .................. _ ._........193.....- MnY 1lc Donald__,.......193... Pearce -..- -.In favor C31 j kf � App,—d Truer -----.Agn,net ....Mayo... Wenzel Mr. President rlahoaey / CITY OF ST. PAUL „� "` NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PoMENTEDIEA YiB0=X2 WHEREAS,Sperry Realty Service, Inc. has petitioned the Counoll for permis at on to Inetall end maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots 10 and 11, Block 2, Humphreyle Addition, located at the Southeast corner of Como and western Avenues, and WHEREAS, said Sperry Realty Service, Inc, has submitted a blue- print of theproposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, eta. for the Information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordlnanoe No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to Sperry Realty Service, Inc. to install end maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Pell, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety;the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings; and any changes in ourbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other publicImprovements within the street lines shall be made under the direot ion and to the Batt sfan ti on of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted for the maintenance of said filling station shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council wbenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. u.ua waa:loi<,I D` �'a 4.t01ma t, reYipma � co " nl e,Y �n- COUNCILMEN Yens NaJ'e Adopted Lythe Council_... h!'t..-.__. ..'��. �._ 103_.... M'Y...Id ['enrce '_... In fnvor bl�) �i.n <<. APl7ved. ....193.... Truer _ -G... ABninatte,-' {y—d - Mnyor .0 .-z Mr. P,,,.idcnt Mahoney POST CARD NOTICE] OFFICE, OF THE COM MTSON FR OF FINANCE Sc. P-1. Mian.. July 30'___1952. Pursuant to Scion 5 of the nu:iaittY-Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th. 1922. you ere hereby notified that the application of d m-11 a filling at - the S.B.o of Come k Western-_ lots 10 k 11. b2J.. 2. Atz�phrey r n Add. will come up for c na:dera nor, before the Council :n the Cou jI Chamber n the Cicy Hnll and Co.rrc House B.,:Id:rag o the loth day of Aug. 1932 ac 10 o'clock A. M. IL-1 Com mtestor,er of Finance. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .ATF TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL - ST_ PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FILED 1 G r U v Ncc_iv o me neccivco av rnom cit a�!�rV ua. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C`171.1 o1Wof M10 7 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth ..d Minnaou So- .e JOHN H. M DONA D, Coruuss— rHorvsc.oco;�uo.wnce..nn�.July "l, 19�a ur. v�tluem r'. scott, City Clerk, ,Suint !`aul, 61inn^so r,n Deer Sir. Ro t—r . h ... wlth is tl,s -I 1!1't inn o. '.he Sperry Realty So ice, Inc. f,g ^pis s f on to inst,l n ., drivo-in EnsolJn Si11in- t,,ti- on Lots 10 11, Block ?, Huanhrey'e Addition, also Aescrtioed ne tha. o �f. 11. a It c " Comte —t—, Eve ort= action v.c ova_ o.^ thn 9fre¢�s of Fir= '.'re�_n., >r :nd Tr=_n. very trfiy y . , THE DEPARTMENT OF PU BL IC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Jnly 20, 1932. Yr. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Sarety. Dear Sirs - Referring to your letter oT J 3y 16th, relative to application made by the Sperry Realty Sarvio.av Iac_ . :E'— permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station — Iota 1,CD 11, Block 2, Hmmphreyle Addition, also described ae Che southeast cor — or Como and Western kvenaes. I have made an inspect Soa oS location, and it is my opinion the proposed station will not interfere with traffic, and therefore there is no objection to this proposed P1111ng station. Your -;-''/ p� Ha_ ry �C/ e�� \ Supt _ oS -m TY1C. IRIM; File 0. Vi "tel w I V m w. e F + Ueprar m'4& rzk of pvbtia cis FON �...,..,.<. ma meunc, � o.,..�..,o..q .,..... July 21,1932 Hon.John H. McDonald Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Sperry Realty Service, I, o. for per :Lsslon to install and operate a drive - In gasoline filling station on the southeast corner of Oomo and Western Avenues. We have investigated the foregoing and report that the desired installation at the above location would not in- crease tge fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant re3eotlon. Your. Respectfully Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. *�. THE BOARD OF ZONING ob,_;. ­ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 41 4 COURT MOUSE July 21st, 1932. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Sperry Realty Company to construct a drive-in filling station at the southeast corner of Como and Western ..venues. This is in a commercial district. The office and pumps are to be on an irregular tract of land known as Lots 10 and 11, block 2, Bumphr ey,a AdditionThe driveway 184 ft. in length approaching and leaving this property is on city property. A number of years ago the Park Board acquired a strip of land 40 ft. wide along the southerly side of Como eve. to make a parkway out of this Avenue. The old sidewalks were never moved, the only thing being done to improve the property was planting trees. The applicant's driveway would follow along the property line where the sidewalk would eventually go. We believe the petitioners would not think of putting a filling station on this piece of ground if St was not for the posslbilty of using the 40 ft. parkway owned by the city, which has about the s— area as the private ownership. We also feel that to make use of such public lands for We business establishes a precedent which would be very annoying to overcome in the future. The 10oard recommends the denial of the permit. Yours very truly, Engineer -Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL I C. iul of Minnoota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL. CoresMissron ea �O :.ugu s t 11, 1 9 32 M. s. cevre.�, e,a.. a.,•..• u lr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk, Building. He: Drive-in Filling Stati�n, Dear Sir: Sperry Realty Service Inc_, Lots 10 and 11, B10 CK �, Hum,>hre,y I. Addition (SE: corner Como Sc W astern Ave— The above station is to be located in a district zoned for commercial use, and is parmi �sible under the zoning ordinance subject to a nearing ID if --e the City Council. Eneineer inv Report: You wi 11 note triat this drive•xay is about 160 ft. long on property owned by the city and which was acquired £or parkway purposes. The pumps have been so located that -_ truck standing on the parkway could be filled wi tri gas and other cars might use the driveways on private 1. r cl _ Also, the driveway following along the property line is exactly where the sidewalk will eventually 1— built. The plans do not disclose what construction work the ap llcante expect to do aside from cutting the side,alks. The Hoard of Zoning have recommend ed against this permit. Yours very truly, SH E�PARD, rile Engineer. Appro ed: Comaissi oner of ubllc Works AM_vet 11th., 1932 Rnn. F, Cc.-. e1r f P. P-�P_ Bld^s_, Bull ding. Dear co—A sinner: In _-3¢ppllc¢Lion cf tho 4nur-. P.�alty SArvico,aI^c. _ .^.1t to etnll n d-ioc-in filli n.- sttA limn n .e^so uthe¢et c n f Cocom ­ , 7.etern Asen-- 'iic - app—vod by the r . C+1 �o eterdgi, �i ^ac` s�: .a ns t`,a Csnncll t.,ev tole yon, to adv: sant?w o �'_Sc--.r_t mt to Conduct a[V of hie b—roes- I- t'.gel Y--- v ' _"I", Clty c1oY._. CITY OF ST. PAUL cti NO.........14 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM tet,—D WHEREAS, by Oounoil File No. 93157, approved owed July 22nd, 1932, the Oounoll did determine that that certain two story frame house, located on Lot 4, Lewis Eubdivieion •A-, also known as No. 258 St. Anthony Avenue, is unsafe and danger- ous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore be It RESOLVED, tha the Oommissloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous struoture, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Y— Nays M'YMay M,Donald Pearce ..._.._.-Io favor Bc,nc Q Truax -_......Against Wenzel ,a a -aa Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by `a —.7 ee. App—,d --..--- --- -.......-193. Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpml of Mfnnnot. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W LUAM F. SCOTT, Clry CI.r4 .nd Commlulona d wnglN.een August 9th, 1932 Mr. L, L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. D.— Sir: Attached please find d letter anan tion £mm Co®See Sonar Truaxhouseta 258 Sto te Anthony Avenue, of the two that nstory frppe al has been taken by the owner reepor tleag o e fro' 'aid condemnation. This matter .a referred to you for the proper resolution ordering thewre 'r.1ng of said building. Yours very ttrruf/llyy, /V" , Cl ty Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PNd aF Mi""'t, DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 CIN H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commluluna Ono E. CONSfANS, D. Ay Cemminlon.r TOO August 8, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Faul. Gentlemen; On July 22, Council Resolution 93157 was passed by your Honorable Body, confirming the condemnation of the two story frame house at 258 St. Anthony Avenue, owned by W. F. Browne, 21 Albert Avenue, Hawthorne, New Jersey. The last paragraph of the resolution provides that if, within ten days after mailing the notice to the property owner, no appeal has been taken, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. Accordingly, 1 hereby report thnt no ap- peal has been taken and the bid 1dSng is still in place. Yours truly, Commimiseloner. J No. J.11 Sr CITY OF ST. PAUL ��" OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL FZ SO UTIONI'ENERAL FORM PRES T— RESOLVED:Tbat the sPPlloation of Margolis Broa. for permission to erect std maintain a Pub110 garage on Lot 1, Block 8, 8—it Part Addition, looated at No_ 744 Grand Avenue, is hereby granted, and the Comml ssi oner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is lhareby auth—lzed and inetruoted to issue a permit tberefor. COUNCILMEN Nays Y_ May MCD ... Id Pearce T-- O._ Against W—d M, President Mahoney Nw 11114 Comms Awf� w d, -d Wiw -Yyy oeie�to'0°�a°6f p>°m� °,°ad Yia. wvv+ev,L Au[. la °lilt. ° ut 1) -leaf) Adopted by the C.—AUL.1_.. 1532 _._...193.._.. Approved__ ...... .193..... Wray... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mlae:sota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, City Clmk end Comminionm of Rss-- August 9th, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Bulldiag. Dear Sir: The attached application of Margolis Bros. for permission to erect a public garage s Lot 1, Block: 8, Summit ---Addition, located at 744 Grand Avenue w approved by the Connell and referred to you for reeolution granting the same. Yours very truly, CS ty Clark. NC'C:CE CP-PPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GRACE. Nbtioe is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ord mance lie. 7210, of the City aint Paul, bli e of a, 1.93_ Y appli call on will be made on to the City Couec11 o the City o Snt aul, T^.lnnesota, b for pemissl o erect a public g on the following elescrib- ed ree tot situated in Rar.sey Councy, Minne cta, to 'vit.. Lot Block �� 1 � Addition, Mlnnes On the side of St. Ave., Between St. Ave. and 3t, nve. Number St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, ,.ICY/j_19:s�• �Lwa� CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pit.l of Mi.awt. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C-1-1.- 010 [. 1- July 26, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: With reference to the attached application of Margolis Brothers for a permit to erect a public garage at 744 Grand Avenue, we have investigated this appeal and find that this location is in a Commercial district. We, therefore, recommend that the permit be granted. Yours truly, Commlasioner� LAR. .II �C STATE OF MINNESOTA. 1 ea Couniy tf Ra ll I - Y,... r r a-y�:. noW�uur 'I I 1, r I I I�cl�'tf�th,/ �itn�- I 1I nl 1 J 011 I I� troth [ 1- .. Iti I vAr t.. 1 r j, "rl,r�r i ers C.-1� 1.=inii STATE OF MINALESOTA, 1 u c—'q of Ramlry. v amt • .Do. , � 1 f/ y ,11-21. w I I I v th ekil I k ..�nrl � I ' p 11 v/lam r I s r n t.. 1 f n� tFi� b//��I.. 1. i i, 7• �l L 1, RAI'Tf1, kt>' Comn� ' V CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...... 93316 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMssEoniR o.TE r8aa2n®¢WHEREAS, Charles Franzen, the owner of Lots 9, 10 and 11, excepting the easterly 54 feet thereof, in Block 7, Summit Av save Addition, together with the vacated alley accruing to said lot:, has appealed to the Council from the refusal of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, to issue to him a permit for the erection of a four family dwelling upon said property, and WHEREAS, said property is zoned as Class "A", but adjoins a non-oonforming use, and WHEREAS, said appeal was taken under the provisions of Paragraph L of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordi nanoe, and the Zoning Board has recommended that said permit be granted, with this condition, however: that no building erected upon said premises be erected closer than 24 feet to the east property line, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Commie Honer of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildingsbe and he hereby is directed to issue to said Charles Franzen a and for the erection of a four family dwelling upon said above describedproperty, prow ided, however, that said building shall not be erected closer than 24 feet to the east property line. i 'lit councll.MrN Yem Ney" Adopted by the council ................ _..._.....193...... May Nb,Donald Pearce _.__.. fo favor App --d—... .... .........193.. Rn— Truax _....__.___.. Against _.. Wenzel Mayor Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pu.I of Mlnne.— DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. MUA%, C-1.1..., ono E. COrvS$ Gwn Co....en, .,,,-list 11, IU, 2 ',7rr. Scott City Clark Uear 9'_r; ',,a - ^-'e advis­7 tlw contractor, 1..r. Cio- v'ranson, tl-t no ner—t: can " gra*'.'=ed on Isis *,roi,eri:y, _or the crootlon of n tour flnt hu L7 c: 1��;; on lots 971it 0-11, I cent the Ens terly lift} fet . c _ t �i;,l.. inttl nlacc c. oir recerc a.,d n, ..ta as,ro�nl. _o,ns —y trcly, CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT To the Council. Gentlemen: August 10, 1932. On August 9th, the City Clerk conveyed to me your re- quest for a resolution granting to one W. B. Wease, permission to erect a one family dwelling on Lots 4 and 5, except the north 40 feet thereof, in Block 8, Jefferson Park Addition. I am returning herewith the application in said matter without a reso lutlon, for the following reason; The plat indicates that there is already upon the two lots in question a dwellig . property E.The property to in a Class "A" district and Bald ee not been re -platted. Under the terms of the Zoning Ordin-00' St is my opinion that no permit can be granted for the creation of another dwelling upon the property. It Se my opinion also that the appeal of Mr. Franzen cannot be legally granted beaauee there exists now upon two of the lots Sn question a dwelling, and it would be my opinion that neither of the two requests can be granted until such time as the property has been re -platted. This opinion is consistent with all past rulings of this office and to the only one which can eliminate connivance on the part of property owners to avoid the requirements of the Zoning Ordinanoe as to frontage and area. I personally have adv teed the Zoning Board from time to time thst applioa- tione of thio character cannot be granted. Yours very truly, LLA -M8. Corporation Counsel. j ¢� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CePib� of NA:ses.csota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLaAM F_ XOIT, Cies Clek .nd Gem.eiaae..e oa Regbb.eon Augoet 10th, 1932 Hon. Fred Y. Trues, 0=;,r of P.P. & P. Bldga.. Hailding. Deer 0—miselonert It tac7 ed please SSad reeolntion, C. F. No. 93316 and all otherr pss ars covering the appeal of Charles r—for pa—S t; to -- t a foar family dne111ng on Lots 9, lA asa 11 , eaa epi: ing the easterly 54 feet thereof. I Blocic 7, 3-m—i t 1 enae Addition; also opSnlon of the Corpo ratios 0--3L is the matter. Tb- C IL -X aL its eueting held today, referred thie natter to -V department for ia- vestigntioa. Zona emery traly, )' y City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6pit l of Mineesov OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Wi U^M F.SCOTT, C.•v Ciei• •nd Cemm,de d R�gl+b•een g0 Avgnst 9th, 1932. Mr, L. L. Anderson, Corporation Comm sal. Building. Deer Sir: We e.ttech herewith appeal of Charles Franzen for permit to coesttracgt Lh fo" fns yly apartment on Lote 10 and 11, ezc p e 54 ft. thareo£, Blocic 7, Sti-rti'�1t Ave. Addition end Int 9, Block 7, Suit A.- Additlon and the vacated alley accruing to said Tots 9, 10 and 11. R'hie appeal w e approved iy the n Council today and referred or re eoloutlon; said r solution to oatain the taco® a dation f the Zoning Board. Yonra very truly, City Clark. ryd AP P E..AL B O A R D OF Z 0 N I N G. K Acting under Ordinance NO. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. July 21st, 1932. Wil✓-"; p Date of Petition : July 14th, 1932. 1 Petitioner Charles Franzen Location Lots 10 and 11, excepting the easterly 54 ft, thereof, Block 7, Summit eve, Id ition and Lot 9, Slock 7, Summit eve. Additon and the vacated alley accruing to said Lots 9, 10 and 11. Zone A, 4 Appeal Permit to cons tract a.Your family apartment on the above lots, as provided for nl➢ Section 20 of the Zoning ` APP t' Date of Inspection July 20th, 1932. Date of Hearing July 21st, 1932.> Appearances for Petitioner Mr. Franzen: ItriQr S t, Appearances for Opposition None. he a Petitione84sfArgut. ment Lots 11 andN 10 and thetvacatedall yhiii Hlock i 1, Summit ave. "ddition. This adjoins twq apartWent buildings at the southeast or of Snelling and Portland'• Because o£ the proximity to the apartment buildings he cannot use the land for a home and desires to put a four family apartment building. Restated that he . attempted to get a petition for rezoning this property and secured the signatures of those properties .iu. the �. rear Yacing Summit eve. and the signAe oY Mr Ph1111P who owns a private home,the second to the east of him, but that the petition was insuffe iclausand he he be therefore, asking under the app permitted to build a four family apartment building \ adjoining a non -conforming use as it is the only way in which he can make use of his property. Re also stated that the house on the East ruc const theed within 54 ft.la last fewLo tYeaOsanandl1 had since the aP.tmenttbuildings at the Southeast corner of Snelling and Portland and at the Southwest corner of Saratoga and Portland have a /u' been constructed. -/ iG x�. page --- 2 -_- Action of Board : After an inspection of the grounds and looking at the plans of the appellant, the Board wish to advise that it is not practical to use this property for a single family home. It is essentially an apartment house district - several ext s ting apartment houses in the vicinity havdng been built on permits which were issued after the zoning map was prepared but before the ordinance became effective. Paragraph "1" Section 20 is for the purpose of taking care of situations of this character. We recommend that the appeal be granted provided that the appellant does not build closer than 24 ft. to the property line between him and the adjoining home to the East. The sketch enclosed shows Franzents property marked "A". BOARD OF ZONING Isaac Summerfield, Chairman Louis Betz C_ A. Bassford M.s. W. D. Villar. George H. Harrold, Engineer -Secretary. St. Paul, Minnesota July 14th, 1902. To the Honorable, TheCity Council, St. Paul, Mlnn. Gentl^men I hereby appeal from the decision of the Building Inspector and ask for a permit to construct a four family apartment on Lots 10 and 11, excepting the Block 7 and Lott9,1B1ockf 7, summitthereofA,e.Addn. and the vacatedBumbit Ave. allay acconing to said Lots 9,10 and 11, as provided for under paragraph ��1^ Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, U i i 1 , TO THE HONORdBLE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, NIN.,ESOT!„ The undersigned, Charles Framen, the owner of Lots Ten (10) and Eleven, (11), (exnept the Easterly 54 feet thereof), Block Seven (7), Summit Avenue Addition to the City of St -Paul, and all the portion of alley In Block Sayan (7), Summit Avenue Addition to the City of St -F--1, adorning thereto by ..aeon of the --ti-- thereof, which property contains a frontage of 83 feet on Portland Aveoue, hereby petitions that said property may be re-ala-sifed and re .coed so as to permit the construction of a four -plea dwellingthereon, We, the owner- of property situate within ane hundred (100) feet If the property above described, do hereby consent to the granting of the above petition in order that a permit may issue far the construction of a four-plex dwelling thereon, Signature Address Description of property 4i�r Lot 1, Dobson'. Ra-arrang.mevt •tu. Lot 2, Dobson'. Ae-arrangmo en,t SJmfn/><' The Westerly 15 teat of Let 3. Dob. ob eon's Re-array®aat. r/6— Lot 9, Bl oak Avenue the City Addition, to the City of St -Paul - Lot t. Paul. Lot 3, ernept the ..at 15 feet thereof, Dobeon's Re-arrang—t, together with so retch of Brim - hell Avenge a eca"d to said Lot i, $' the vac -tion thereof. The V"st 53 feet of Lots 12,13 and 14, in Block 7.S—At Avenue addition to the City of St.Paul. The hast 58 feet of the West 108 feet of Lots 12,13 and 14.Bloek 71 Summit Avanue Addition. Lot. 12,13 and 14,axoept the West 108 feet thereof, in Block 7, Sumsdt Avenue Addition - the City of t.i..1. The Eae t er ly 14 feat of Lot. lOk 11, Bloek 7, Summit ;,v anus Addi% feLots lt,li k 14,exnept Svmmthe le. 5O �" W✓1� �1.(G - et th aracf, Block S,t A Add Stion to the Sty of St.Peu1 Signature Address Description of Property. That pn of Lote lb and 16, 8, Sus Block 8, Su®1t Avenue Addition to the City of St. Paul, lying '.-t of the prolonvation North to the North line of said Lot 15, of west line ofLot 3 to ` said Moos o eubj act to rights acquired by the City of St.Paul in the North 20 feet of Lot 15 for alley. Lots 4,5 and 6. Block 6, — Summit Avenue Addition to the City of St.Paul. Westerly 50 feet of Lots 1, — 2 and 3, Block 6, Summit Avenue Addition to the City of St.Paul. Easterly 49.45 feet of Westerly 99,45 feet of Lots 1 2 and 3, Block 6, Summit Avenue Addition to the City of St.paul. Starting from center point of S.boundary line of Lot 4. Block 5 Summit Avenue Addition to St. Paul:thence Wily along N,ly line of Portland Avenue 94.98 feet to point of beginning of land to be conveyed hereby;thenoe W1 •along N.line of Portland AYe ! 44 feet:thence Ntly on a line parallel with E.line of Lots 1,2 & 3.Block 6.Summit Avenue Additlon to St.Paul through as -'d Let*"1,2 and 3 to N.line of said Lot 1,Bloak 6 Summit Avenue Addition to St.Paull thence E.44 feet along N.line. of said Lot 1.Blook 6 Summit Avenue Addition to St.Paul anq along said N.11ne of said LoV Block 6,Summit Avenue Additi oil to St.Paul projected across ` Brimhsll Al-(— oa oe ted) ___ y2n,:a_e.trslg�hf-1S7Se to point of beginaiag of land to be conveyed hereby, Starting from the center point of the S.boundary line of Lot 4, Block 5 of Summit Avenue Addition to St.Psul; theme Wily 45 feet to the point of wn ill along theR.11ne of Portland Avenue 49,98 feet thenceW.on a line aralleb xith E, Iv line of Lo to 1.2 and 3 Block 6, Summit Avenin Addition to St. Paul, to the point of Intern a otion with R. line of said Lot 1, Block 6 of Summit Avenue Addition to St.Paul, extended y E�lv across Brtba11 Avenne (now vacated) thence B s dis- tance of 49.98 feet;thenoe S. to 61Ata6f beginning. Also WM of Lot 6. Block 1. Rattermann.le Second Addition to St.Paul, except the B.45 feet of W} 6f said trot 6; also so much of Brlmball Ade. (now vacated) which Is describ ed a: followe:to wit- Commeno- c Ing at SW corner of Lot 6,Bloo 1, Rattermann's Second Addition to St.Paul, thence R.alona the W.bineof said Lot 6,to th BW owner of said Lot 6;thenee W on W line of said Lot 6, projected 30 fest:thenon S on a line parallel with the W.line of said lot 6 to a point on the B line of said Lot 6 pro Jected, 30 feet W of the point of beginaina thence E to point of beginning So much of W117 } of Lots 4 5 and 6,Block 5 in Summit Avenne Addition to the City of St. Paul Ramsey Counts Minnesota and so much of Lot 6,Blook 1 in Rat' smannl.Second Additl to the said Clty of 9t.Pau1 ....... f.3.1. :tBeglnning at the point of intersection of the -B and 8lines of the Willy ha2.f of ea id Lot 4 of said Block 5 in said Summit Avenue Addition to St.Paul the:AS.= being and facing n Portland Avenue;thenoe W along the S line ofsaid Lot 4 of said Block 5 in said Summit Avenue Addition for a distance of 45 feet; thence W.through said Lot. 4 5 and 6 of said Block 5 in said Summit Avenue Addition parallelwiththe W lines of said Lo to 4.5 and 6 of said Block 6 in said SummitAvenue Addition ttote W.line of said Lot 6 of :aid aid (over) Block b in said Summit Avenue Addition;thenee N through said Lot 6 of said Block 1 in said Rattermann'e Second Additio n parallel with the W line of said Lot 6 of said Block 1 In said Rattermann is Second Addition to the N line of said Lot 6 of said Block 1 in sa3A Rattermannvs Second Additicmr.; thence R along the N.line of said Lot 6 of said Block 1 in said Rattermannfs Second Addition for a distance of 46 feet:thence S.through said Lot 6, of said Block 1 In said Rattermann's Second Addition parallel with W line of said Lot 6 of said Block 1 in said Rattermann is Second Addition to the 6.11ne of said Lot 6;thence S through maid Lots 6,6 and 4 of said Block 6 in said Summit Avenue Addition parallel with W. lines of sail Lots 6,6 and 4 of said Block b in said Summit Avenue Vdition t0 the point of beginning. 10- CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS October 5, 1931. l Hon. b:� S. gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please findcommunication from A. I. Levin representing William C. Slain e, who protests against the er action of an apartment building on the south side of Port - lond Avenue between Snelling and Saratoga. There has been no request as yet to this Department for a per- mit for such a building and if a request were made we would- be compelled to refuse it as the property is zoned in the A" residence classification under the zoning ordinance. However, the Propertynext door to the west is occupied by an apartment building erected prior to the enactment of the zoning ordl- nonce,ani under such circumstances this owner may appeal to the council for the erection of a four flat building. The attached protest is filed before any proceedings are in- stituted and we ask you to *.old it until such time as an ap- peal is made, on which occasion this protest can be consider- ed. Yours v y tryYy n�saion/e// . St. caul, Minnesota. October 1, 1931. mr. Marry Bronson, c�o Building Department, Court Boos St. raul, Minnesota. Dear Confirming our conversation with reference to the lots on rortland Avenue, i beg to advise you that a Mr. Fransen, who is the owner of part of lots nine, ten, and eleven (9, to 8.11), block eight (a), Summit Avenue Addition to St. caul, being lots situated on the South side of rortland Avenue between Senlling and baratoga Avenues, is about to ask fora permit to erect a Your -family apartment building on said aide, contrary to the zoning ordinance. , 1, as the owner of hoe adjoining property, strenously object to the erection of such an apartment building An said premises, and the other neighbors in said locality join me in their objection. I have discussed this matter with Mr. raul heck, the owner of the property across the street, who objects to the erection of suon a building, and to Mrs. Rae Levin, who is also opposed to the erection of such a building. 1f you should deny such a permit and an appeal will be taken to the Council, will you please notify me of the hearing as well as Mr, caul heck and Mrs. has Levin. My address is 1552 rortland Avenue, Mrs, has i.evin's address is 1563 Portland Avenue, and Mr. Caul heck's address is 1559 Portland Avenue. 1 trust that you will make a note:of this so that we may not be over -looked in the event of a hearing. Yours truly, 601-1-6 "R A`^I. LE VcIN U— ber 1, 19J1. Mr. harryhroneon, coo Duda Ing Uepertment, hams ey County uourc house, dt. —I, Mlnnesoca, Uear harry:- 1inclose you herewith u letter from Nllliem u, bi.1- with to Pereace to the lot o iortlenC Avenue upon which Fransen desires to erect the apartment bu ild ing. +111 you please rile cnls away ao that Sn case an appllcacicn 1s made, i may nave notice tnereo'. tnan.ing you, i am Yours very truly, A1L:Mt: A, 1. Lev in. enc. APPS.L. A notice of appeal having been filed with the City Clerk from the decision of the Commdsatoner of Parke, Pleygrovads and Public Buildings as to the application of Ordinance No. 5840s spprovsd July 7th, 19221 to that certain property described u lots 10 and ll, araepting the eaet- arly 54 ft. thereof, Block j, Sundt Ave. Addition end lot 9. Block 7, Sundt Ave. Addition and the mated alley accruing to said lots 9, 10 and 11, forbidding the creation upon said property of a four family apartment@ and said sipsal having be® referred to the Hoard of Zoning and said Board bavin9 within ten (10) do" thereafter, in writing, mads Its reconandations to the City Cowell, the Connodi of the City of St. Paul bas fixed the 9tb der of AngasQ 1932, at ten ok0ldo)k in the fare - coca tb the Connell Chamber in the City Ball of said City, and at said tine and place the 00=11 will heat all persons and all objections and all reac­endations relative to mid appeal. Dated Jkly 28, 1932. Sp. y. Soon. city Clark. I%er .^,n:.+.t eatomn ►ttnc-d .`Ind C. 7. " all > > nr t'tn co-aal dx ll.. ry1 flit -����f, n lnr.. 7, S tt t ,liP1^.{in: al nn oninl�n nP the ^.nr-u�rntton ^n �n and to the lett.. Thu Cmmcll nt Sts uee ti—, 7ald tori.,—d thln matter to ynnr a.—t for 1� veati+; �h �l'J•w:J'���Y I • Subject: . FORM Ho. E ♦, Council File No. 1932 Date presents Resolved, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Publie IItilitie the City Charter, has reported is the eaiatenne of an accordance with which Section 53 of rendered neosesary the employment of certain employee emergency besitd employment beingtmore thane usual hoouurehoof employment,, therefooree, Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employee At the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set Sorth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Gordon S. Awenmb Common laborer 8 hrs. 45 George Dupre Maint.laborer a 18 050 avm Isidore Langevin e • 5 ..°.u..8•%m. .6o .ry George Lerona laborer e a °<e'°° of nmp1n' .45 Clarence Z.Mattisonattieoa Common 9 .b0 Arnold Mantes gaint.laborer " " 8 + w.a .w °..� •�a•.. a .50 Thos. Peltier S 55 Sidney o Eugene UZ .laborer S 50 Tourville Maint.laborer 8 w .68 Albert Daren Uty.laborer " +. 8 ... ' .65 Glenn L. Glancy n g • .bb Ludwig2wiraer Irvin M. Haley Common laborer S • w .46 Herb. C. Spellaoy Ut "y.lab`rer 24 w 12 .66 lV hra .56 Henry Reinke 3 " .80 Ole Munson Rd. %ordell Foreman Mech.helper 3 • g " Leonard Munson Sub -foreman 3 6 3 " .b5 Joe Bruno Ditch digger 3 • .55 Thomas Schaffer Uty.laborer S " James Tighe Ditch digger + .66 Peter J. Murphy Ut"y.labeorer B w .55 Floyd W.Scbrankler " e 3 • .b6 Casimer Jablonski Henry J.Conrad Plumbers helper 6 6 Aug. Hurkowaki Ditch der 6 ■ .55 Marten Solosw + .5b Andrew Vincelli s 1� • . 1} ° R6 Mike Prits e 1 ■ .bb Paul Harry A11Mennen Hoist.Etgr.-Gas 3 " 1.00 " Thome Fahey Joseph Fiorito Meoh.helper Ditch diger 24 w 1 .89 •555 Frank Russ,1 e 7 .66 John Peals Ayes Coancllmen Hays McDonald GpB6i.as O Adopted by the 41 � 1V?'1 193E Eaum Wenzel 193E Weasel Mr. Pr Sdent Mahoney Approved—�. 4y ct£Y,�7' APprov ism"�� �.� r3• V omPson General Superintendent 93317 o FURM Ho. 1 ..� - August 2, 1952 An emergency has arisen in the department of Public i[tilitiea Haresn of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more then eight hours per flay in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Lake Vadnaia s Change Se meter at 748 Vandalia St.ww Repair 12^ main at University and Marion St.$ Repair service connection at 157 W Roble St Rapping main and running cable for oleozrolysist at University and Snelling Completing installation of mala oa Langford Ave.aw+. This emergency sroae by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *Keeping off trespsasere. "Work..had to be done outside of business hours scot Ft shutting off "ter. #Naln broken by se"r contractor. $Leak in connection. ATO avoid traffic w Had to have equipment on University Ave. _ jgner U TIES Bdard H. Thompson ral Snperintendea 1 R orun J.o rao ar CITY OF ST. PAUL ,c'n"ct NO..._. (� ./.3.3.+..'" �r OFFICE OF THE CITY UI CIL R_L TION—GENERAL FORM REsoLVEn, That the plane and specifications for the Chelsea Heights Grade School, as submitted herewith prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Co_isaloner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the eases being satisfactory to the Comissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. .No. ffi18-9 tV r➢ �Ie C.neF e.� Ueie C6 4e n, We e4mIAN�lbce'tunEeripYe.At- PW�enO,'.aud.PY�pe�B 4e Com Wk�v n�eem4op _m erife las b . IYit ov °d �Aue t�, 1961 COUNCILMEN Ycm onyx May MCI)ollnlll Pennm In favor Truss Q ARsinxi 1V'�•uzrl Alr. Pn•sidmit Mahoney 101932 AdoP6ed by 6h,- Council __....... '_..-193.. � kh 4a i i Ii, s by 196_. l va Mnyur Connell File No..__..93319 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEIe r. xo A vee! _. —d ��rw ^' ee`ruA.,re ro.nwaSi of _ro PRELIMINARYORDER. The uvderatgned hereby prepoees the making of the following public impmvemevt by the City of St. Poul, A- ....___....Widaa_tha roadway.. at...tbe_northaas.t_.c.orner oS _..._ _...._.__........_... Summit Avenue and Cretin AVanue.by Doted this .. 10th.... day of __.___August 1932 Co PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Widen the„ roadway _ at.. the northeast corner of _ __..._._ ......_.. ......_.. ... Summit Avenue and Cretin Avenue by _constructing a large _ . _- radius curb_and hoeing been presented on the Couvoil of the City of St. Paul........__......._._.................__._._._.._......_._.....__.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiseiover of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered end directed: I. To investigate the mceesity for, or deli mbility of, the making of end improvement. 2. To ivveetigmte the nature, I—.t end estimated cost of said improvement, end the mtl coat thereof. v-' 3. To furnish s. pine, profile or ak,wh of said improvement 4. To stem whether or not said improvement in eeked for ov the petition of three or more owven 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mettem to the Commissioner of Finemen- Adopted by the Couvoil...__._....._-{� fi._i..:.. ......._.._._.._._ Y.- Nere m,�w Couv ilman CZF' %vl i n Approved. _...._ Ma Peeemegr eyor. r..Cantur,am >,ne FU. Nn........ 93320 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMr t atrae4. me l [ owlnRPmW o 111 and17 Im, PRELIMINARY ORDER •• The undersigned hereby pmpoeea the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pml, via.: _ Constructing... a_ aewq r...vn_Sixtb- Stre.et._frnm...White. Bear_ Ay.mua._................ .to...K...esulard..Street., _aad_nn..Kennard.Straet... from _ Sixth... Street.__..___._.__. to Margaret Street. Dated thin...... 1Dth.....day of ...........August ...193E .._ 19 ... �% PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Constructing __a .ewer on Sixth Street from White Bear. Avenue ___, to.%ennard_�,treet and_on,Kennard_ Streetfrom SSxth_Street_ _- S.traat.__-_.._. _........ __._._. __.__. _...._...._..__-.--- baying been presented to the Counell of the City of St. Peuf__..____...............__._.....__.._......_........ .... _....... __ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be end ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigete the neceeeity for, or deehebility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated met of said improvement, and the total met thereof. 3. To fumieh a plm, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is Baked for on the petition of three or more ownem b. To report upon all of the foregoing matlere to the Commissioner of Finenee. U1O^ Adopted by the Comcil...........___.__...........I .. _....__......-._..__.____._. Yeee NA> e Approved_..._....._..........._.__....._........._................__ tb �� M. P..- By . ;� ,�' , � Ley r.. c A n ars loan Pl1BLISFD g _ i, _ 01/ Caane1 File Na......._..93321 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT aad ..rui'�t t reemwei rona� fOP PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodereigosd hereby vropooee the oe king of the following public improvement by; City o/ Ht. Peel, via.: C r tac ,rades of Alley clock 4, ILac .'.ester View and Biock 3, Adam's Additl�n, frim Pascal Avsnue to Asbury Av-nue, and of Asburyve Anue £rom tdarshall Av-=nue to Iglehart Avenue to conform to toe red lines on the .profiles hereto at "ehcI no ade ..rt h f t e present established 'r'd b i �hsty the lie Lio_s the on, -1 rading A .1 e;; in iJl-J,k 4 .. , uS�',l es'_c' .nd 1.. Ai. mYs P.-1 en, £r -no Pascal 6v .r:ue to Asbury F ^_nue, �.nd :, spy Av eau. fr'm so Marshall P.v.nue to Iglehart Avenue to the or '--1 red Lines nen est"b in -d. Also change the sidewalk grade �n fee north side of Ge.r shell Av.-sue from a point 150 feet east If the center line of Asbury Avenue to a point 100 feet west o° the center _ine _f Asbury Avenue, rind reg rade the ar be txeen the curb and or operty line between the above stated Limits, —'Kin; t— nece,., ,y changes in th.? sid e,+;, :.'� and hyirante � d other anter works ap 'artanances t:' confsrr'- to tP- p—..sed ci:uive -n t.'.:- side—..k gr -de. ., uawn the profiles hereto attached and�made a part hereofthe present established grade. being shown by the blue �ines thereon, also ¢rading Alley In Block 4, llaealeater View and Block 3, Adam s Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to the proposed red lines when established. Also change the sidewalk grade on the north side of Rarshall Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the center line of As Avenue to a point 100 feet wsst of the center line of A, bury Avenue, and regrade the area betwee prn the curb and operty line between the above stated limits, making the necessary changes In the sidewalk —d hydrants = other water works ap,urteren. es to conform to the pro,,osed n change in the sidewalk grade. v' Paeacw Ip Rosie' :. •; Q' y r.v c.uoa M.P Icer & r,. ,r / Mepc _. Changing the gredes of Alley in Block 4, Mac„lester View and Block 3, Adam's Addlti on, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and of Asbury Avanue from. Marshall Av=nue to Iglehart Avenue to conform to the red lines on the prOfile9 hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown by the blue lines thereon, also Grading "ley in Block 4, Meaalester vvenued and oAsbuck ryAAvelnue fdromi on, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to the proposed red lines side ofMarshallAv nue frumga polntthe 1d50afeetlk g r eastad.on fr the north canter line of Asbury Avenue to a point 100 feet we, of the center line of Asbury Avenue, and regrade the areu between the curb and property line between the above ste ted rentss�a, making the necessary changes in Chs sidewalk and other water works apurtsnances to confore to thl�. pro,osed change in the sidewalk grade. p• Pcsaca 777 RsW BPi�decsu 11 Ma M. PM1­ ... c • u m� awn �-.. PUBLIb`[�p� T.:' `inoune go 00nj,0LW 4!,0 ?'VPs Lqq-T7+fea. ou FPa •.I -no, snq. oy VaPnm V's"..' TL.Pr: We zp,,TT Veenns 90VI6Tspsr.p ^g B7oeR 3e V4�ts V44TFToue Tpom bsrac27 Vaanae Lo Vapns7. avt',V1 p­_r.sgsP -T,VTTsa Tv PTo it 3' .7 tr 6aFe2. Ai c. Ai ...._......... ba,i,g been presented to the C ncil of the City of fat. Paul -- ..... _ ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiadoner of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the morceity for, or dmimbility Of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of mid improvement, cad the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. S. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oo the petitiaa of three ar mare ownere 5. To report upon dl of the fne,&,gf�mattore to the Commimioner of Fineact. Adopted by the Council - Yens Nnrs Council— =� `" • ^^� p ° M Pe FFn'. `.r I & RoseP d il.,; Ma Paxerpurr � r \I Ms r.e c. a ov rwp r "['f BLISAED � a Council File Ne...._._ �J3322 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4, aa3st- and saa: P: v�, 4 e:mui °:Sena - ':�dea�ra PRELIMINARY ORDER. The medmeigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St.,Paul, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, MItI--&ffff fills, in the grading of - the -Alley-Iri Block 4� Eacalester 111aw._and.Alock._3, Adam'.s...Addi-tiort _.fxnm_Pascal-..Av.enua._to._Asbuxy.........._.._...... Avenue, and Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue; Also in-the-regrading-oe f --the area-betwen-the -eurb and -property-14ne-- on the north side of Marshall Avenue from a point _150 feet east of the center Tine of Asbary Av :-to a poiht100 feet west of��tli'e ceriker-Iine- Doted this 10- _ ...d Y f - ---- 1 9 .of Asb y Ave. th August 1932 _ _-- nnedm.n. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pmpceel for the making of the following imp—ment, vu.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts...and ...fills,.. -1. the. ..gradlag-oF-tire..Alley ...in Bloek-4y-4aealester_..._._.. View_ and Block 31 Adam's Addition from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and-Ayyury Avenue from Mershill Avenue to Tglehar£ Awerii """" so 3n the r-agrading..of...the-.area...between.. the.. curb. .and..property..li ne..Ln_tha.nortll side of Marshall Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the center line of-Asbury'-Rve._to— -point '""20Q - -feet -west of -- the -center --line-�f *sbery---kve. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Peul____......._.........__..__.._.._..____.....__......_._........_.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be And is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iuveetigste the necessity for, or d -inability of, the m ld g of mid impmvemmd. 2. To investigate the natum, extent end Astimsted eoet of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid impmvement S. To state whether or not mid improvement is Asked for on the petition of throe or more owners h. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fromm. Adopted by the Council_._. Ysre NAS' Councilman MAY McooNALD Approved _............ J,4k ,.J.._.._ . PFARCE O 7RDA% Ma. PHS g'rpmr . — r c•uv wa on or W323 a.,na esd COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- - ncy�warts a=.=rm.a wa u B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the bfa[ter o[___ openinc„__.vii3enipg_ and_extendinE_eter_ Ste_ et_ Central Aos. by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in lot 1, block 13, Ewi a-Adiitl-nn-� mora__-PanLic ulcer lg described_Bs_fnllnas.___Ssg7.nnin6 St- at a point which is the intersection of the present westerly line of St. Peter-Sty_and_the-aa-%tsrly-11ne_�f__Harrl at_St�,Lhenca-south-l3_1,th7nce south - the ne easterly tan�_of Harriet tr hd.chs]s_ which cintarshct aI.— f-1 the-Seastarly_1in­o£_aaid lot ens he P� _eter 3t., thence to beginning, 1 and the vresterly line of St. -------------------------------------------------- ________--- ___-------------- ------ under Preliminary Order__ ------------- 92B3fi---------------- approved ------ lu-a-29—1932--------- The Council of the City of Paul having .... ived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sad report, hereby resolves: f - 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conned recommends is_ -_open,__ Lden_aad_extend St._Paher__SS._st_GanLra'-_Lvs.__bg_Lakinute's Adii�n,� ore iparticnlarlyce of land in lot 1, block 13 Ewing C int wv.ich is thn t*f ersentina of the dasasibod_as-Scllosac--9ag;nn].o6- po present xesterly line of St. Peter St. and the easterly line f Harriet St., thoo.ce-south _ 1,3_St`_alnn�-the_ nasteslg-1 ine_ nf-11arr1 st _ S 1i-aeb]rhls_tha westerly line of lot 1, thence southeasterly to a point which is the inter- s— on_nf_the-eastarls-line-nt_sai.d_tat-l-aad_tha-_xasterly-17na._o£_SL. teter St., thence to beginning, ____________________ ________________________ ____________ with no alternatives, and [hat the estimated cost thereof is b--IRQQQ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______5_th--------- day of _SapLembert_19.32__ 192----, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Cooncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paxil. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p s d n the r provided by the Charter, slating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the�mprgvie Legta,��jlhe total cost thereof as estimated. pproved_____ k. Adopted b P Y t Council________________________ 192____ A -r�_______ ____________ _________192___ f ayee. Councilman k :o' 77 Councilman °S: Cum, an Councilman " 14 .big councilman Councilman;® �I"enzel tiy� l�'tkc `. Mayord&*L Mxh�ney .. Form B. S. A. 86 93324 COUNCIL FILE NO....._.._____...._. _._.._.._ By_- .......... - - - - ..___..__..___........__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of b—efit', costs ant expenses far ,on structin.� curb a s_dewalk on the east side o£ Underwood Ave. from ii oma ,sys. to .;amlorl dve., eaoatmrTa, iatti, �o ...a z w ME ander Preliminary' Order........ ..31353.... lntermedmey Order..........916flfl Final Order ...... .......91854. approved. .....Mar. 8- 19 Z2 The ......It of........... benefita,.....at. aiui..asRenses..--........fur sad is romeetion with the above imp.... eat baring been submitted to the Cuaseil, and the Canncil having c nsidered semi anA f—al the said --,c, sntis[actnry. 0—HIre, be it RESOLVED, That the said sss.ssment be and the same is hereby in ell raspeets approved. RESOLVED FURTIfER, That s I blie hearing be had on e,id asseasmant on the ___..7 ti l _--day of _. S.pt—b.ex___.__..1 I9_32, nt the hoar of 10 o'cloek A. hf_, in the Council Chamber of the Coun III— and City Ball Unildmg, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commimioner of Finan ee give notice of said meetings, a required by the Charter, stating i said notice the time and place of hearing, the nntnre of the mp...emest, th, total runt thereof and the ammtnt assessed against the lot or Iota of the parfleular owner to whom the notice L directed. Adopted by the Cmtneil. ',..._..... .._.._ _...... 19. Appm ved. 19........ Counrilman11i4me)---w,g 11,D nnld Cnancilman�Fergaeop--� >I:, l:auncilman,�ip}hgei;d-�,J"l••:i n -e Vl Caancilman �JgyZ-� iiwnnr Couneilmandlrtdit® 'I rn:�: caanrilman.ta��1a- Mayor® atnt,.M� City Clerk. ���..�L�GL.�tYilT.l A(ayar. tit t� ty i,-� 9M25 COUNCIL FILE NO.._..__.....___....__..... ... By...._.. ...... ._......__...._....... ..._.....___...._._... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses to. 1:-:provin: canter boulevar9 on Otto Ave,from Snelling Ave, to South Howell Ave, b-construct'_ns curbing, ared:ny_, surfacing with loam and seedi— with ,;rass, m`eaeim°s°w _ under Yrehminary Order..... 87024... Intermediary Order..__....8898fi htinal Order_. __.BD359_. approved.. _...._.Iaev-29 The assessment ef..._...._ ben9fits.,..RRsts. 9 nj _penes..... _......_ for and in --tie, with the above improvement having been submit led to till Council, end the Couneii having considered came and found the said—,resment salisfacte therefore, he it RESOLVED, That till said ...examen' he and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thal a pubiw hearing be had on said asscvsment on the.. _...._7th.........._..III, of 8ep.tember--_—.._.....__, 19_,32 It the hour of to o'clock A. M-, in the Council Chamber of the Court hones end City Hxll Building, in the City of St- Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of .aid meetingv, na re,luired by the Cite— , slating ill .void notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the mprovement, the total cost thereof, and the amount xs med against the let or lots of the pnrnepler owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by th. Council.._ Z.s..._ r App—ed... 17..... it, Clerh . epnneuman,. a :._.:..d '!-:�_�C�co—.,:u %LcL brayer. lom,cdman YaH®a13 1. `J :SIS �� Cowwilmen 0ltrlmd_—__a JL.� VY..� - Couneilman btnyor eeeees� Mal- cv 9332(1 COUNCIL FILE NO...._......__.__.... _..____... By_.__._....._._._._...........__....._...__._............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the aascssme.t of benefit3, costs and expenses for constru.t!n,; cir c..e._er .,v south. sine, from C ,t' -n .. ��. to Mount �.trve Eo•.tl ov s^d�r Imo. mn�:.j.-oases etuitda under Preliminary Orden. _ __513'27. __.. _., I.termedwy Order Final Order_.. _?1b71 aP"r... d ........ Nflr. 29 _. - 19...32 The assessmen[ of........5euefits-,...cnsts...aa.i._e xp—as_........__._. for and in connection with the ab... mp—ement hvving bee. suhmiucd to the Cou.cil, end the C—,d hevi.g c vsid—d some and found tho said therefore, be it RESOLVED, That till said .1,1111cnt be and the some is hereby in all respects vppr.ved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on avid assessment on the_____.7.th.. _.. _.day of _Se.p.t.—box. _............. 19.....3?at the hour of 10 n'eloek A. hf- in the Council Chamber of the Court Ilausc end City Hnll Rvilding, in the City of St Paul; that the Commissioner of Finvnce give notice of said meetings, os re,Iuired by the Chvrtcr, st.ti.g in avid notice the time end place of h ... mg, the nature .f till improvement, the total cost thercnf. end the vmount _,_d eg,i.st the lot or bats of the pnrtieulvr owner to whom the notice is directed. ,l�ii Adopted by the Council.. -... 9 r�tN- _ CitY Clerk. Approved_.___.. _I'.___.. _.... _.. _.. _..19 _. //— /•( Manor. Conn, dmvn901essy""-•-0 •l :'..1 /// Councilman aferguaon�.'=. 't.� 1. Councilmen �eFlmralH'.�: I;_., c �; (7 Councilman t°^^— �, �, • f 'I�.������I Cnuncilrvan Mayor 6WIP6M �I iln.ney T1327 COUNCIL FILE NO.......__.._......__........__.... By........... _.........._.......__ ........_._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of ben,,fits, costs an'1 exvenees for cans true tiny c'arb!n,� on both si'ies of Simpson Ave, from "rrankson Ave. to tI''iway Parkway, n vin mnea m under Preli im y Order___._ a884O_. _.. mtermedmry Order .__-90325... Final Order..... a0a65...._.... _, appr..ed ..__....Oct. 1--....__ .. —.1 19__31 The assesvm.nt of ....._. beneflts_,_osts„_a ,d._EX,P.QKtSe.S. - f- and in tonneau.. with the h... bopnveme.t having been submitted to thr Council, and the Coevcil having r ..ld...d same end found the said omeosment .otisfatlory, thtrefort, be it RESOLVED, That th,snid a..c.....t be and the same is heroby in ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Tho, n public hearing be hod on said osse,:sment on the......... 7tb........... day of September. , 19_32, of the hour of 10 o'clock A_ M., in the Cooncd Cbambrr .f the 0.1111 klovac end City 11.11 Building, in the City of St. P.,ii; that the Commissioner of Finance gine notice of said meetings, o regnired by the Charter, stating in .aid notice the tim, end plat, of hearing, the netnre of thr mpro.ement. the total toxt thereof, and the ammmt..s., s d against the lot nr lots of the particular owner t. whom the notice is direetnl- Adopted by the Cmm,il_ City Clerk. Appr.,ed ....__ 19. i Conntdman dv_ sl I Councilmen $,egaspv-'_ bM Got cilm t McRunald— _. .. J F ! :Y"�9i�p _L p'i+ Ti � Councilmen Cou eilm v oil Mey.r 11.8w— Mnh­ W328 ,,� •: toe o � COUNCIL FILE N0.__.. .. _ ''ar.`p.men.i. �t°io tan•i By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the essesament of benefits, costs and 9xpenses for eonstruotin_ curbin_ on oat, s_.e: of Lsfonl St, from Dale St. ;s St. Albans t., under Preliminary Order........ dd 907_...._ __.. I.termedmry Order 89962_____ Final Order___ 9011C__._.. ___.. approved _.__. __..9u;,.. 25 _........_, 19 ,1 The assessment of__.... bet fitv.,.......ts...and.e,:cpet.ses..--_._.........for and in .....etion with the above improvement h.ring barn a Ioo,icd to the Connell, and the Conald haling eo.eidered some ami found the said .saussment svtisfeatory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the -M aaae..m 11t bo end the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, TI t a public hewing be hod ov said ea­mevt oo the.____.7. tb_....___do, of Septa nbor 1 19_32, .t the hour of 10 o'clock A. it, in the C .... I Ch.mbrr of the Coon Uoosc and City 11.11 ll.dding, in the City of St 11eul; that the Contmi.i1o," of Finevee girl "-tiro of swirl meeting., vs lulu 1 by the ('h.rtrr. doting i" said notice the time end Place of 11...I g, the nature .f thr mprovmncot, the total -0 there.f end the .m.unt t. ssessed against the lot or Iota of the P.rtic"ler owner to whom the notice is di ... trd. .fyye� " Adopted by h C mriL. JM Counc-Im.n meg _ C....ilm.n p _----�,�- �— l3 —.. C.mc,imm, ➢�! C.nneilman'— C..neilm.n– — . ay . Mr �r M.a„mry 93329 COUNCIL FILE NO_. By__ _ _......_... __._.__ ......... . ............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Ia the matter of the. asessment of b=n fits, costs ant expet:ses for constnictin;; c.lr'_"' nn both sid,s of Charles St. ;'ruin Avon St. to Victoria coder Preliminary Order......... _..89474 __...., intermediary Order 9.0026_. _. _. _....._1 FS..I Order...... .9L374_... __, approved _......._S.pt_._a... 19...31 The assessment of._..h—efita,..GnstY...anLi...eElle..9 es........_....__. for aad in connection witb the above improventesl hsving bee. eabmitt,d to the Council, and the C .... il having considered same and found the said .sin ,ol satis[ac- , therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the s.i,l assessment be and the sama is hereby is all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHEll, The, a public hcsring be had on said assessment on the........ 7th_ ..._._d.y of pt—h., . _, 19__32: at the hour of 10 o'clock A. If., m the Conneil Ch.mber of the Court Hoare and Cit, Hat[ B.ilding, in the City of Sl. Pool; that the Commissioner of Fin..,, give notice of said meotings, as required by the Charter, statiog to said notice the time end plate of hearisg, the na,arc of the improvement, the total cost the .f. and the amount nssossed ag,i.,t the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Coun��l.. TT%?... �.... y� 19 Appros cd_ __.. __.19 _ Cnuntilman iiergaebn �� , C.nnmlmaa /tldDSMffd `'' I iSFLCU�� �� Councilmen ee1te C .... itman g'—, M.y.r NORMP \Ir. \Ir. P—. %hh- °� RDINANCE 93330 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO.� PRESENTED. By— /3 Y An ordinance approving the project of acquiring that aoa��— " real estate knoen as a piece of land described ae follows: Lots sixteen (16), Seventeen (17) and Eighteen (18 ), Block Six (6), Skidmore's 'lay's Addition, ae an addition to the present Harding High School site, ordering the aoquleitlon of same by purchase or condemnation, and providing funds tberefor. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Beotl on 1. The Commleeioner of Education having reported $ to the Council that the real estate described as follows: �^ Lot- Sixteen (16), 9eventaign (17) and Eighteen (18), Block Six (6j, Skidmore's Addition, is required for public school purposes, and that the estimated value thereof 1s the Bum of Three Hundred Seventy-five and no/100 Dollars ($375.00), and the Comptroller having oertified that there fe money available in the treaeury oY the City for the acqui ai tion oY said lots, the 0ouneil hereby approves the project of acquiring the same for school purposes, and hereby orders and dlrectB that the same be acquired for eald purpoe ea by purchase by the Oommittee on Land-, consisting in this case of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent end Commie sioner of Education, if the same can be so acquired at a reasonable price, and shall so report to the Council; but in case said Committee cannot pr Ochre said land at a reasonable price and shall so report to the D Ounell, then and in that event the Council hereby orders and directs that oondemuation proceedings be instituted under the provisions of the Charter of the City to secure said property, and the cost and expense of aeeuiring same, whether by purebase or condemnation, be and the Same is hereby ordered to be paid for out of the Education Bond Fund No. 506, and so much of said funds as may be necessary to hereby appropriated and Bet apart for said purpose. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty daye after its passage and publicatiow. I Y— Councilmen N... 1'uzsml by she Cnuneil -%p 2 6. 11,ir May RM MaD.-Id C,' !n Fnvnr W—d SII. Prexident (T .I,o,-y) 1 Attest: _ /r efl�✓Ati L Irrk' 11 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6p1ul al MI..H.0 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIwnM F. XOR, Ury CI•h •nd Camnlalenw of R•aMn.on .{grm August 9th, 1932 Boa. willies, Mail ey, Chat r,sen, Land Co®Sttee, Building. Deur Sir: attached please find report of the Conmiseioner of Educetion that lots 16, 17 end 16, Block 1, 11 Sdmpre's addition ars needed by the De- partment of 8ducation se an addition to the Bite of the Harding Bigh School end can be secured for approximately 5375.00 This matter was referred to the lnnd Co=ittee, by the Cauncll, for recommendation. Your. very truly, X44 City Clerk. l¢tty of 61. P-0 H¢perinun� of P -010n M... ,. ,. ,...�.-.. .,....�., August 8th, 1932. To The Members of the City Council, Gentlemen$ I desire to report that the property known e. Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 6 Skidmore'. Addition in needed by the Department of Education a. an Addition to the site of the Harding High School, and that it will be possible to secure the above lots for the sun of approximately - ICP -L $376.00. Very truly your., C�S2r�q &�,P.Q�.�-eZ Co�ieeio,�r of Education. I hereby certBondthat there 6are fsufficient fund: in the Education or the above pro]ect. City Comptroller. � d J • CITY OF ST. PAUL .v NO ......... ... .. J3..... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- Ga L FORM v soMM Ssao�ER—�� RESOLVEO,that the application of Ulm Le 0011 6 Refining Company for permission to install one additional 550 gallon tank and pump at the eouthweet corner of Water and Edward Streets, be and the same Is hereby granted, the tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the Oity of St. Panl, and under the direction and to the satisfaction Of the Commissioner of Public Safety. a..c°° °r m. Oft .1- -.1 enu ru°n- (Rag."lf-lBi°) COUNCILMEN Yeas N.Y. Adopted by Che Council.(UG J93 May I( P'aarcee 9 proved _. / ...... 193.. Truer O.__Ag inet- W—d AI°} Mr. President Mah—y Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION —TE// TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST, PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is HerebyMade `i�t%l ,oa PEAM ..o j., FILED - .io..r�. ....�.... All /i /i/r_�, _�_--- �..ao.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpiul of ml—— DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..eh end Mi-- St... JOHN H. M�ONALD, Goruvssi— o August z, 1832 fw, Mr. 1i111an F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Pnu1., Minnesota Deer Sir. Retnmed b.—ith is the application of the Minnesota oil Coapeny for peraia.lon to instal an additional 330 -gallon genoline tank on the aonthaest comer of later and Mdrards Streets, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of Fire P"Imtion. Very tmly your., Ccmi..^icaer of Public Bafa, CITY OF SAINT PAUL uplu of Ml—w DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tmth .,d Ml.—b S—s JOHN H. McDONAID, Cotew.,.— rHOr..ns c. oN— D—Co..� ""' o� V August 2,1932. Hon.John H.McDonald 001FMlssioner of Public oafety, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Minnesota 011 Company for permission to install an additional 550 gasoline tank on the l.W.cor.of Water and Edwards Streets. We have investigated the foregoing and report that the desired additional storage at the above location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant reheat ion. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. LL N0. 93332 CITY OF ST. PAUL e18 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLI�TI91,--GMERAL FORM �oMat �oNEa----ly rised to ROL E.Tbat the parobasing Agent be, and he is hereby autho e purchase, with the ooneent of the Oomptroller, one Yodel 0 Yank 2} ton truck chassis, equipped with all -steel, all-weather 0ahi elsotrio starter, electric head and tail lights, automatic wind- shield wiper, rear-view mirror and front bumper, body to be platform stake type, for the hater Department, at a total 00st not to Bused $4,240.00, without advertisement, as this is s patented article and no advantage ooult be gained thereby. Charge General rand - Yunioipal Equipment 1903-139. COUNCILMEN Pees NnSy/e Mey J _ PonB1eeerral� ,. In favor Iiw.att— _. ^ .. Truax Lt :Igninet Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney C. 8. Napafa�vr A. C. wenael— �i tea AH uojkte6eea� om - ecilieaea Modehie d a� e G�-o e b mte4Haarm etle�let ea ey u oeaerni 10�i tag V� gta �e1p� Fa ♦ . t1. 1aBa. � lwue tli Gita ue Adopted by the Council. I- ' }`�' --193... ilrl .�r ....193..... f� �GGlcm�y b1aS'or "0. 93333 CITY OF Sr. PAUL .iu OF E OF THE CITY CLERK LUTION-{ENERAL FORM - xrEo A—Au..110 _lass RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he 1s hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 18,631 Lennes Arithmetic Test Peds, without advertisement, at a coat not to exceed 03,760.67, as these are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained thereby, tests to be resold to the students and distributed under the arrangement now in effect for the handling of text books. Charge Public Sohools-Book rued 16-L. COUNCILMEN AUG 111932 Yeas Nnye Adopted by the Couecif._._....._.._..................193..._- Mey C A _. y.. ...... 193.. 1'nmx Agalaet Wenzel bTeyor Mr. President Mahoney -.G'�au°LSva Aug. 10, 2 is3 vv I I j RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE BRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ P41 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED--7-6-4-B__TO 7585 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. --T— a. THE C.„NCIL Us 1 t +W? — s APFgooEo __ No. �.^r ,! COUNCIL R[fO AUDITED CLAIMS - Aub• 10• ' 3` , Ian F TOTAL ' ,.°..sen IN FAVOR OF .......... .n V , ano ,Foaw,aa 37 6a2 941` 142 13200; • 7648 Tilton Rosen, Com. f Finance 1 000 001 �f Finance 18 7 7649 Milton Roeen Com. 855 16 50 7650 H. 4. King tan Co. 49 00 7651 A. C. Horn Co. 7652 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Co. 880 57, 7653 Linue 0111 alley & Thomson etc. 5 0 7654 Ludwig Fuchs 1} 00'. 7652 A. E. Krnmschroeder, 184 94' 7656 milton Rosen, Com. of Fin—ca 7 500 00 4 00 7657 x. J. Hillan 6 65', 7658 Specialty Printing Co. 7 7659 Ed. N. LAB ossiera 39 00 7660 'Ailtnn Roeen, Cpm. of Finance 2 15' 7661 st. Paul Droom Co. 14 70. 7662 Carl Schleicher & Schull Co. 2 45 7663 Sharpe & Dohme 7 35., 7664 G. sommere & Co. l4 70, 7665 Sweeney. Cloth;— Cleaners 145 00 7666 U. S. Rubber Co. 10 20 7667 The Rateraus Co. i 1 76, 7668 `fm. E. Pre=_tan 264 00 7669 Spool cotton Co. 05' 7670 Milton Rosen, Com, of Fin ante 1 0jz 30',, 7671 David Bashefkin �9 34 7672 James e. Moore 22 66 7673 Dispatch-Ploneer Prese Co. 4 108 24 7674 Ellerbe & Co, Holabird &Root 210 59I; 7675 Carl P. Herbert 12 044 70 7676 Commonwealth Elea. Co. 7677 Foley Bros. Ino. `179 489 17' 7678 Healy Plumbing & Heating Co. I. 13 878 OOI 7679 G. Sommer' & Co. 121 73. 7680 United Sound Engine-ing Co. 167 50' 7681 �nll Freiseis 10 OOI 7682 Sm. J. & R. S. Moore 200 001 7683 Stand:.rd stone Co. 514 00 7684 Helps Carpet C1=ening Co. 13 001 7685 Dr. G. L. King I; 66 00. D,N, ro o.., l S)3335 CITY OF Si. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIOIy�GENERAL FORM C onr[ Al1gLL5G 11 19L ~ comm ss orvex �___ - -- RESOLVED In the matter of paving Ninth Street from a point 140 feet east of the center line of Cedar Street to Robert Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92555, approved May 28, L932, and Final Order C. F. 93080, approved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are '.nereby approved. xd.,Bau6-us a. c. w.nmti id iu.,,,a.u.r oa ma xmae a me at8`b.a wa °°: u:.60:' uPo°°op.D.rev..a m°n°D ca N . m:.rr.umlD o:e.r si1t:°°°° FIOdMeivOC BI°BO: :D wo:1,raea°m _ ` e°°ooider° n c.Doml dac: u. wa. ADDroveA (wus ali IBafl COUNCILMEN Q!�r 1 Y_ Naye Adopted by the Council....._.. _.� Z..IB3.... May / �„ ...vt9 a,..n,....�a. ^II ��<< App 1 .. �.. .195..... '1'r�iax 1g incl tVenacl Mr. P,,ed,.t Mahoacy CVT - OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GAN ERA L FORM PaESENrEo a. _I C / onrE August 11, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving Ninth Street from a point 140 feet east of the center line of Cedar Street to Robert Street, with necessary gas connec- tions, under Fina'_ Order C. F. 93080, approved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the attached plans and specifi- cations showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public ^orks is hereby ordered and directed to serv@ a copy of this order together with said plan upon the Northern States Power Company. c nn xo.aas� es4 >N gH^te^'— 1 rriee:: gn� .9�'n'w .>•ace- I. >acenr COUNCILMEN GN Adopted by the Council-. _ .._.- i ---..193.-... Yeas NnYe -..-._ .. .. Moy Pcarcr B favor �..� Appfov d --... -.. .... --_ .193.-... Ag.i-t Mai: - W-0 Mr. P ... id— Mahoney -f. APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR GAS CONNECTIONS ON NINTH STREET FROM I } 140 FT. EAST OF THE CENTER LINE OF CEDAR ST. TO ROBERT ST. 8 - Gas main connections. REIR,■ Louis h/'v 0%ie Parks'v6eo. W.Nerkham^ Waier%wr; Wsc .� Dakota A 6.9d& Tewns:/cs C. 4 - ,lxkson Ste. 199i .i'afherine✓Mafxr c€K/h MCh3.n6ers 633 /gkharf Ar . (� l � q &�wn���ad, 5/, W-" Ne✓hs-efa/ A7r & Layrrmen 3014-7 gte Fred C. /Ur/ander 409 Nkf. Bank 64. IIIII � � vmn Nin I � Cuf/er Rca/fesy "�Ca p. � 3 96 Si6ky SY. Lud/k 4,65rho, N RD y Indepe� of Oi / to �__ Ea1on &Morrison Sfs. I= l5iandard6lCo A Leufho/d �. �� `OO �P(rre 0UG-Lessee a�BMinn. St'w 8z6 M.hn. B dy 1 a -_ C6ae. & Chir/afle Chrisfapherson olSt Pa�'7 An s:r&5/Orsge Co '�•. � 300 _ - _ •�;, h.' -s. Mane Creeg�n-e}a/. ' 199i Requested by Mr. j0hu 81,anderal 376 Farri-gt011 Ave- CO—il Frile N . . .... -93M7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT —d PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theund—igned hereby prrpoera the making of the following public jmpmv,m,,tby the City of St. Paul, j- Recon,,truntJUE, r0l"Ang alld the side alk. on the..._._... ton a7e. beg,= Ing 54 ROKtuSL. Ath!?ifq A . .... .. ..... Dated thio11th..day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A "two propneal for the making of the following innforovennout, via.: v.jx';kT.'gtbQ __& j" Of pa_jn&tLon.lkv-e.- begl=IIXIL henna �.th -tQ..aU67 -1no=PA .2r h —11. 1 ' — , ND ........ .. been presented to the council of the City of St. P-1 .... .. .. .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cmmimi,,e, of Public Work- be and ie hereby ordered and directed: the meting of said improvement. 1. To i—entipte the aranneity for, or dadrAbiUtY Of, 2. To investigate the nature, .w,t and ratinnatod coat of said ineie—000--t, and the total 'cat themf. 3. To furnish aptan, Profile or sketch of said imp""""'t 4. To tato whether ornot maid improvement in aaked for.. the Petition of three or more 0- 5. To report Upon all Of the foregAUI oing mltwm W the Commiainow of Flute. Adopted by the Counonl....--- Y— N— cou'cilu Cdose!,O A,prO-d- Max MsDOXa. P—os- R.MN C, M. -1 ir:t M, M. Pai-- "- 3� 'Z"' A o �ke[ AY +elnre tEek eaeute. Aa- ^�me w "s-tme r t m of k 93339 a ,a.u.omeer Ave.m e we roatq s r< enu0 �` aO.mN:mre. COUNCIL FILE NO._-___________ -; n�^• - By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oi_SrgdSng_Fuller _9genue-from_Ripe_ Street_ tg_ Park _Avenuae_al so .bar h 1 the rade of Alley in Block 11 Ewi & Chutes Addition from the in gg _ _------__ __ eouz-line oiZot--B-to the north-lfne o{'-ib�- ;--and-oY-Ay3n BSock -10, Avenue, to�tconforIsom_the re_ Iinnaono_he pro4.5.Q_heat__eoath_nt__ Fuller Aveaue, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and- 'ads-a-paxt_hexenfr_and-grading_said-allege-between-the-af.said ___ limits to the said red lines when established, also paving the inteaseet-Sora-oY--kirlles- 9seaue--and-eke-seat-aide-of--RA-e&-&treat_ -------------------------------------------------- -- under Preliminary Order_________93143------------------approved ____July 21 t_ 19_J2 . The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council re-ona-da i:_tirade_ Fuller_ Aveaue YrlwC.81GA_94EaeS._S-Q_Y_@Fk_ AYap>z4�_tti6e9__9hange _thg__gxx'ade_ of_ Alley_ in Blook 11, Ewing & Chutes Addition from the south line o Lot 8' to the north llna.oi_LmL_4 _a.nd._af_A11ey_1n_Hlocl�ld,_&ung_&_Chu1ea_Addit1nn_fiom___ Fuller Avenue to a point 50 feet south of Fuller Avenue, to conform ine-et>r-the-$ t o--S33e--sed- l rvf-jla-hareto-attached-and.-made--a-Past.-hersol-,-- and grade said alleys between the aforesaid limits to the said red lines when--establ-kahad;-a3'em-pave--tire--inte streb4mr-of-Av nue-arta-the___ east side of Rica Street, ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ with an ahernati,,,, and that the estimated enst merenf is $--- Z.204.46-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 6tb_---------- day of kv;A 7Dkei..._7.932_, PWA_ at the hour. of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the man r e City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe o and n the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-___S_�_�_��____, , r _______________ Approved_________________ _______192___ _ Ry Clerk. yor. Councilman jjjw® ^ A �J Councilman �a ?Inn Ali1t, ;LBLISF�D a Councilman I'� run yC'ITYRf, L✓• Councilman 4�- C% b Can—'12- �® Truai Cmmeilnan �. Wenzel Mayor Njd� Mahms: Form B. S. A. 86 93340 ... , orra.. ; .. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- "r'nan�. ri m ia, "• eio�w`io. u B o-om r INTERMEDIARY ORDER Pr. In the Matter oL__cnndetun_'sc._and_ tak]ne.-a0._ �gemanL-_ln_S11s_-]_90.d_ ne L_es_gITv ;n,_o'- Willer_N_v_omie_from trice St—e -to _rar]c_.,vesue,-also _in _;ham _�.a.iin.� - nt_:,].].e:c _ 1r`E leek _ lly _:.r[ing-ts_ s:bxt e s _ GTtSnu J:r-oad_the_aouL._litv'_nf_1nt E_to_ tTte_no=t?1_lltie _DS_19i_2.-a0.: a11ey ock_10fro_.� vul.-.er Avanue to -e point_ 50 _s::tuh_nf__e]tiler_genua,___---____________--- ____________---- __--- _____ _--- ______________ under Preliminary On] er___________911x0----------------- PProved ---- I—g__cl,_19.$2 The Council of the City of Paol having received thereport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby 111-1 res: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C--1 recommends is___Ci1nCLHN1_taa _a.BiC4 an _eE eE9Et1L_1r1_Y13A_111IlS1_ILflC fliA6r Y_:_4S__ s]pgasa_ Quts_ end_ _1113x_ in_ -the -,grading of puller .. an— from Rice Street to Perk Avenue, also in th^ gre%iing of _611ev_1n-gLock_17Y_vwSng._s_ChuLas9:dLtinbSrlla_t11e_.sD11th_110.@_2.__1_ = 8 to the worth ,tne oi' lot 4 eni llev in Block 10 Ewing s Chutes A',i_tion _fzom_FSillen_:.vrnua_to_s_.po3nL_aOflSeai_soutl._9S_ kV;1.^,r_Ai'eAile,__bn _ ec c ordanc e wit?. the blue print hereto attachc-i enz ade a tart hereof, the hatched -poriinns-snwxln.:-iha_cuYs_an3_Sha_sladerl _Dnrtlons__s:_oY[,ing_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resoh,ed Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ kth-------- day of _Segtembs > ,._L'132___, 192ax_, at the hour of 10 o'clock .4. Al., in the Council Chamber of the Court lfovee and City Hall Building in the City of SL Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the em ner pro.'ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. yt Adopted by the Council --- ______.1_Li7L____-, I92____ , T ------------- Approved_________________________192___ - j City Clerk. yor. Councilman ,,,,,z,Q Councilman Tia— )1",, a1"- Councilman 1fkMdi–.,. I•,.,��-ce 4` 1° C—eilman b T I Councilman 10immeM r-:,, Councilm n Wnwd� R'e„ael Mayor Alnli•,r... Form B. S. A. 8.6 a�E iNT n r�3..n,¢ �4. COUNCIL RESOLUTION co�uc File No. 93341 Aug. 11, 2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5__57x499.10 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -7666_ TO- 7738—INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Ism 1 I I ! .y , 1 IJ- o.F�cc of TwE cowerno..cn "sue NO. wwr N eocc c..� COUNCIL p[fOLur10. wc�w.uo __,w rwva. AUDITED CLAIMS -- .AUa ' . wa6 r~ 49n..e .r 57 9.10 7236.. " TOTAL r,uwecn IN FAVOR OF nsoucwr ron.r„no 46 162 94 , 174 i 678 08 _ Board of Tater Commissioners 868 41 7686 " 51 74V 7667 6 18 7688 " 242 23 7669 2 294 22 7690 7691 « " " 517 , 16' 7692 John H. 4c Donald,C.P.gefety 979 6 761 76', 7694 Clyde R. May Co'. P. utilities Custodian 237 43 769 7695 Yllton Rosen, Fred M. Truax. C. P, Ptd P.B. 850 631, 7696 Herman C. Wenzel, Com.P.Works 15 311'; 1 317 69s 251 7697 « " 1 814 51�, 7696 6 3z, e « « 9 603 85 7700 « 720 7701 « • « 2 172 331. 7702 " « « « " 357 1 3*O 04 23. 7703 1 997 11 7704 « « 17 617 19y 7705 n 7 3 7 707 « 263 708 16 50 7706 7709 " „ " 3 72 " 7710 « « « " ^ " 246 166 9511 55 7711 ^ " ^ " " 1 991 10 '. 7712 7713 C. A. Asnton Co. 'vorka 10 02 150 00 7714 Chicago Bridge & Iron 596 00. 7715 International Time Rec. Co. Kline's Key 9hop20 45 7716 7717 Lakeside Bridge & Steel Co. 690 00 7718 Northern states Po. er Co. « "'9orks 240 29 344 97 7719 7720 Nortbaeetern Stamp Inc. 7 62'. 7721 Rex L1nen supnly Co. 23 871 7722 D. J. Riley Co 7723 -28 Roe James Glees Co. p 69 74 74 7724 7725 Rose Bros. Co. st. Paul Vocational Revolt'. 75 60 • 7726 7727 gaiety Products clement F. Sculley, Eul}.��. 240 ?0 6 7728 J. L. 9h1elY Co. « 1 052 282 76 7729 7730 Standard 'il Co. 395 90 `21 00 7731 Thomason -a Restaurant . 24 00 7732 '1a, _ R sign Co. 0 00 7733 Amherst H. 'gilder Charities 0ev1s & Lager— 564 dl 7734 773�j n1111am Fgelaod Co. 136 11 ,73 00 773ry H. Bretz Realty 279 00 7737 H. . Mc Call 2 119 95 7738 Hertl Coal Co. —. __. .war ror.c—ronw.no 94 1 I I ! .y , 1 IJ- Co ... il He No.. . , W342 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY -ORDER. The —deraigned hereby propoal, the making of the foD,,i,g public i,,pm,,mo.t by the City of St. P.11, vie.: ..______..__..__.Reconstruct, Xe1BY--BX1d-,rePair the Tilde of QranJ..ta..Zt_ beginnJng...U4_ft_ West Qf_.)U_szis5_p1i 31. West 65 ft. Dated thi... lnd, A -Y of_..August PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f.11—i.g inepro'e...t. the -icl­lk Da thet NnaWL- s'd .f Gr...ite St...b.gj,­ig.,2JA we5t..5.5 fl., having bee- press -ted to the C ... eil of the City of St- P --i ------------------ ---- – therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tht the Cominieeiover of P.bfi. Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neeemity, for, or desirability of, the malting of mid inepre—ent. 2. To it,vaetigto the nature, latent and nati—ted coat of mid inep—le—t, ned the Wt.] met thereof. 3. To fumiah a pis, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To atato whether or not mid improvement i, naked for on the petition of three or more "I'm 5. To report upon &D of the flmgOiDg otetteg the Co—'-,,,er of Fill—. Adopted by the CounciL......, Y- Nev. Councilman on W-1 "-w4"D Approved _RM MR- PRI31— Conned File No. 93-343 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The deoug.rd boo,by proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pool, vie.: Reconstruct, 'e"y "n" repair the sIdew­js on the South side Of Harrison St. from Western Ave. to Goodrich Ave. ----------- WHEREAS, A written proposal for improvement, ,. , the ,king of the following hup y th- 77. Reconstruct, relay and recair the sidewalks on the South sice of Harrison St. from Western Ave. to Goodrich Ave. 4. T elate whether or net said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the C—eil... - A6161.2_]93_... - Y— N— C-moilm- �r; , ll,'JKALD App—d- FilUAX M. Pei—.— May ewes arra CD -11 F116110-9393 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d Dated thio_ _.2nd.....day of t PRELIMINARY ORDER.e�o perp.o. the,- WHEREAS, A written napscj f,, the making of the allowing improvement,improvement, Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalks on the ,south side of Harrison St. from Western Ave. to Goodrich Ave. 4. To elate whether or not acid napac,"I't ie mk,d for on the petition of three w.a. 5. To roport upon all of the foregoing acautorc to the Cmmicei,ner of Fi... Adopted by the Council.... Y— N— Councilmen go—TgLr�" 11,-NALD Approved__ 4, ............... nuAX trt ENZO. �7- Covucif Fde No-- 3A4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The. nndenieved be,bv proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peol, vie.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following loc tions : South side of Portl—d eve. iiegin ;ing 80 ft. -d st of Oxford St, thence West 10 ft. V Nor tp Slee of Grad ave. beginning at klbert St. thence Rest 200 ft. 6outh sine of 1ort1&nu ave. begi;r,ing 80 ft. hest of Oxford St. thence hest 10 ft. Nort¢ side of Grana Ave. beginning at klbert St. thence 't West 100 ft. Y— C —Co ilmae Cmiaor ,r m IX x ' F Yew. `�"!t Ma P..- 4LP Dated this 2nd _ de, of August .. 19 32. / .....__ ".".. .C ....... m.k ne orte ;aoa,o>�imo.o:am:or. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - ° WHEREAS, A writteu propoeel for the making of the following improvement, vi— Reconstruct, relay anu repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations : bouth side of 2ortl— hve. begtnrdng 80 ft. V-st of Oxford St. thence hest 10 ft. Norte slue of drana Ave. beginning at ..lbert St. thence ry est 200 ft. -'-Y— -. ___I— Councilman Approved._..__._._.,._..:..,f......_............. .._.._...—_ NMFI+ t'iaBnmuv. 1'ktrw% , .•- �: S hia Paae�pexr by �j 1bA" as'eLIDa 32 Dated this -Ind....., .day of :m4g..s t— � having been presented to the Council of the City If St Plot . . ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Consousal-olor If public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said irepro,areenti 2. To in,eatigaw the nut—, extent and estimated cost If said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To stew whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more co"cou S. To report upon all of the foregoing condo n, to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Y.'s Ns- C .. cil... Approved ... ......... ot,p% F. 'IElM Ma. P... '—cs nre. 1.11 C—,il Fde ... _90-345 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th ,,.,,t...o;o, d h—h, mm.oeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of 9l. Paul, via.: Reconstruct, relay and rep::ir the sidewalks at the following locations t South side of West Seventh Rt. !aginning 22E ft, East of Hadi son 3t; thence East 14 ft. South side of Stewart St. ieginning at 'west Seventh B. 1.e rd thence East 12: ft., and on the East :i1de of West Seventh Blvd, beginning at Stewart St. thence south 34 ft. locations . South side of West Seventh St. Leginning 222 ft. East of Madison St. thence East 14 ft. South side of Stewart St. beginning at'Rest Seventh Boulevard thence East 12 ft., and on the East sineof Viest Seventh Blvd. beginning at Steuart St. thence south 54 ft. 14f -I Me. Peaemexa 11-0 ............. _........................ Dated this 2nd.. _......day of.. August _ 19 321 N° PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vii.: '--' Reconstruct, relay anu repair the sidewalks at the following locations : South side of west ®eventh St. Leginning 222 ft. East of Madison St, thence East 14 ft. South side of Stewart St, beginning at 'Nest Seventh Boulevard thence East 12 ft., and on the East side of i+est Seventh Blvd, beginning at Stewart St, thence south 34 ft. wF•.usn Me. Peeemxxr __ /; b-i,g bee, presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .. ........ therefore, be it Rlilol,VED, That the CI.Iouai—, If Public W-1. be ..d ie hereby ordered ..d directed: 1. To investigate the reemity for, or desirability If, the making of said improvement. 2 To inature,tig-te the nature, .tord ..d oatiou.tod e..t of said improvement, and the total e..t the—f. , To f..ih . plao, profile or sketch of said ioup—our-t. 1. To .tate whether or not said improvement i, asked for on the petition If three 11 more ownere . To report IPOI III If the foregoing =t;W the C""' f Fin""' Adopted by the Council YMB NAYB M=M. Aplp—ed- PFARCE e=M P—ON M. Pa..,.— Couvcil File No-- 93346 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT a.d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop— the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Prod, vie.: _. Haeonatr..t,. relay._ead repalr....where _necessary,, the ._.__..,... sidewalk on the South side of territorial Road be$lnnln9 _.. _..gg.-ftr.-West..of -Raymond.-kve.._tivenee West1b4ft. beginniug --__- 64 ft, farther Westa-thence West 112 ft._ Dated thin. fid...__.._ clay of August I. / —_ lg 3 ere... w oWm.vi out.P 4 waw... e. PRELIMINARY ORDER. � e t+e bvs as WHEREAS, A written proposal for the .-king of the following improvement, via.: - Reeonstnuct.'_rslay...artd.-rep air a.. where. naaassary..-Rhe side of territorial Road beginning sidewalk on the South .._.__32..Yt[. 'Nest of -Raymond--ave- ttre , fi,,st 134 €t. -beginning _._..... 64 ft,._farther Westa IS= 64 112 ft._ _._.______..._..._.._.__....__...___._.........___........_........... h-ving ben prereaeted to the Council of the City of St. Pavl_. _... _ - _._...._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commi. mer of Public Work, be end ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iovmtig-to the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetig"to the nature, extent end estimated cost of said improvement, end the total coat thereof. 1 To fumieh a Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To etnte whether or not said improvement ie ,eked for on the petition of three or .ore ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Com.ieaioner of Finance. �'L192 Adopted by the Council_..___....._._...A1i�'...._ _. ....__.......__.... Y.- N— fy¢rtl Couvcil'". Mtoe tom• fJONAID ove ADDrd_............._...__.._........-. ........... ...........___ TIRCE !FEN "1'Ax 2._.........___._. y .... Mm P-eamsxa `+'. t�Ekg r VUBLISM Ma or. roc. na.+:wo �� ,7 xXON,�� �a�' C ... cd Fa. N.._..__..9334'7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written p,.p..l for the ..king .f the following improvement, via.: Construct drlvew_rys at the following locations: East side of land Ave. t—inning -I- ft. North of Lawson at., thence North 8 ft. East side of Hand Ave. Legin�ing 4a ft. north of Cook ct., th thence No^th l0 ft. begin..ing 34 ft. farther north, thence north 10 ft. begin^ing 104 ft. farther north, thence north 8 ft. 'beginning 4 ft. farther n,rth, thence north 8 ft. East side of Hand Ave. 'e ginning 128 t't, north of J11ver Wit - the h,e t.thence north 3 ft. castside of Hand eve. Beginning 118 ft, north -)f Co)k St. thence south 2 ft. .Sou.: side of Cook tet. Leginning east of Cortland St. thence east 16 ft. beginning farther c_s t, thence east 8 ft. .... _.. _ _..................... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul __------- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C—ordeeioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the no—ity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of .aid improvement, and the total net thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie naked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the fomg il�gmar to the Commieeioner of Fine—. W Adopted by the Council....._ ......._.__._._.__........_.. _._......__-.. Yue Ne- Cont—flout. rlNAlj) Appro ed _........._- t1 a .... ,rCE n � , .C�,2,L., Y Mayo . Ma P.-,.- // Council File No._..__._.348 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundereigned hereby nopeon, the making,f the following public impro�•�i emelt by the Citl� PAA Fi-Na a»Ie— daer..:w:: ita`d r' ew for �w� . •fps or tea [ntw�t�i� nroramry r Dated this- fid...... day of Au gds t PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidena.Lks at the following locations : West ::ide of Aldine tet, Legi,,ing at University Ave. thence North 50 ft, North side of University Ave. r.eginning 12 ft. "best of Grotto St. thence West 56 ft. Adopted by the Council. Yces N— C .. eflne-T&I wrsCouveilne-T&I M M n IRCE iiJSEN C <a� Ma. Pesstnn re \ Maror. .—t.". -11 -- pDRLIgI>ED�, � a C....0 File No—....__.93319 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodereigned hereby pnposm the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ReC➢n5trllct, relay...and.repalr., _whexe..necessary.,--the... eldeelal4... on..the...sonth_.side of. Haker._St....beginning..at.. Otte— .l_,.__.theac.e.._.___.... West_ 202..8.. ft. __.. _.__. _._._. ...__._._.... ......................__...... ..._........................... Dated thia _.2nd....._day of _.....Augu9t ...,.`_ 1932, Aaar.. ...1 rar ta. wI.r.a..ra.-- �,....m.n _ m.a,ta ar E.nowtne P PRELIMINARY ORDER. - F�, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f10o1ing improvement, viz.: _Rearstmat.,_.relay_andsapair,...where..neaaasarY,--the_.sldewalk- _....nn_.the..snuth_side._af.Baker_Bt..._bagluning_at_0ttawa. Ave__ thenne ...._..__. _IYest_202.9..£t_. _.___...... _ _ ....... _....... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _ .............__._..._..._._........_._......__.._... tbemfom, be it RESOLVED, That the Commischmer of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To elate whether or not mid improvement is naked for no the petition of three or more ownms I. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commi.ei... r of Finance. mpAdopted by the Council ___._......._....A.l.2. Yaps N.sa Councilman MAY Approved.____... S:a0.M..d.i...l±i......_. _. PEARCE R(AEt� t•. v.m Ma Pa..,. c. a nn r HED o..... ,o ,..., �. CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CaU NCIL RESOR LUTION—GE AL FORM r� comM ss`oNER ✓/ Auguss_5* 1932— RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-50 foot pole and 1-55 foot pole on the south Bide of Railroad Avenue between Montgomery Street and Vandalia Street. Also install 1-55 foot pole on the northwest corner of Hampden and St. Anthony Avenues with necessary guys, wires, anchors Iaid Telephone Company wires. Estimatep $1671j. v: -n- w°u -e� Veng 91ree "dlie � e1 ®�} II�m en �at4 AnIL l/ ne C e.ywf I n <%��� �nroemee�°P n>le. cow=1cai:.ni. ° uas iia e � - 1 z. Co�NC��MEN rr mag Ycat Nays 2•I Ad.,d by the Council Nui..l. 19 .r f�aoww Tn..., cfj, p �r,y Mey ( A pp .dG Denwh} In fa�oc ��i�_ ...ed 19 Mr. Rcaidrnl aa�a�',— 7 22 COUNZL"RESOLUTION „�,I,oal:�noN o. �a.� �M.No��laNr rworecra •Resolved, that the Council hereby concurs In the recommendation of She Contract Committee and awards the contract for paving A. Fifth Street • from the west line of Smith Avenue to Ezohange street, Contract *Be, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to FIYUIBO 6 BB&TLiy, INC., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the com of $18,381.00, in accordance with their bid and supple- mentary jotter hereto attached, also verbal agreement with the Depart- ment of Public Works that they will employ two 8 -hour shifts, and the CorporYtion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw UP the proper form of contract therefor. �? C. F N I Ifi-HY C tOwe1- - Raw nay W.C. t0 C I > nilo� e.'Itw C�v�Nitines 0.0 t�Er1.a4. ih Cy.QeNw 4.1 g. W e lawee tm ne il6lel�ap: ay..ewwvee wluv!rE� r 40 • � � � n ��oL ��enr�egraemwi wlt6 We Wor1u t6.t tLe> .� .�. .8841 — - - •"-.� a i e'iT'.mrvsu.u; ..M^....e.e ,.......x.......o.a .o ................. .. 7,0N.00 .. ,...e..�,..e..... Business �St.••�••••�••....... 300 B 9,381.00 • 16—,481.00 cl— xy, --,...... 93353 COUNCIL FILE NO. as cov:o•.°.er�! h Is nni a` By is FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair Street, beginning at Mount Curse Boulevard, thence west 100 feet, under Preliminary Order 92562 approved May 28, 1932 Intermediary Order _. _ _ -....- ....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendation., relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is = ecnsstruct_, relay.. and .repair.. thesidewalk on the north side of St. Clair .Street, begfiuitng at Mount..Cuxve. Boulevard thence west 100 feat, -------- --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement m be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specification, for said improvement, and .submit same to the Council for approval; that upon ,aid approval, the proper city officials are hereby aut!wriced and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement inread—re therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 16 1"7 a-- . 192 n' Approved . 192 Councilman Councilman=F'Erga9an Councilman Councilman Councilman ,�,c•I Councilmnn Pfau --y Form R. S. A. 8-4 �@6 City Clerk. CrSyF- 3(,r DEPARTMEN�aOFe [FINANCE R93138 �,p REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J1 8 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of reconstructlnp, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the .north side of St. Clair Street, beginning at Mount Curve Boulevard, thence west 100 ft., ander P,,li.i"ary Order app—ed May e8, 1932 'Fo the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissio"er of Fina nee hereby reports as follows: of the amen mint for the above .pro - - - $ The total esu mate) amount cemente i ,,,, estimated cost per foot for the above improvement ie - - - - - $ - - - - 'Fh,, lore or parcels of land that t—y be aesess.d benefits for each improvement, and clic asseeseJ valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by rhe Ameseor, arc as (allows. 10 a King's Maple 'Wood 2000 19 8 do 2200 9700 4200 97,10 The C°mmtssioner of Finance further repose that he It., mveetigated all °f the aforesaid mat e, and oregoi"g as his report there o the Council, together with the report made to rhim In hereby submits the ( °" t reference to said m-- by the Commissioner of Public W-ks. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 24, 193't,. Mr. L. G. Gayton: VNin you please inspect the sidewalk in front of 2237 St. Clalr and I believe that the attached letter can be used as your order to have this sidewalk repaired immediately, charging same to Mr. Gausemel. Blease take care of this immediately, end oblige, / MR -C CoMij ISSIONER. (anc.) 4 Office of the Commissioner of Public W OA A1. OF FINM 9 �`I Report to Commissioner of Finance - – - .eon 2 1932 June 2, 1932193 To the Cf holo e. of the City of St. "ani. The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideretinn the prnlimin.ry order of the Council, known ns Council Dile t;n. 92562 approved Yay 28, 193E -193- , relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair Street, beginning at Yount Curve Boulevard, thence west 100 feet. and hoeing invesligatnd the matter, vad things referred to therein, bcrchy reports: desi ble. 1. Sajd i�Pid�' men4.8t 18, BlAT 97,' �iapdli�wooT $2229.42 Lot 19, " 8, ami the total coat thh8reo4flfs E 2. The estim wd coat thereof rs E. sad the nstors and nzlent of said improvement is ss f-11- 3. A plea, profile or sketch of said improvement i, hereto attached sad made s part hereof. 4. I 5. said improvement is ...asked for upon petitioo of three or more ow- of property, subject W assessment for said impravemont - Commissioner of Public Worka. 93354 ew, me �i COUNCIL FILE NO. ,i� rc `•"°" By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, w cessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Margaret Streetsouth side,. beginn'ng 230 ft west of Forest St. thence west 10 ft., beginaing 50 ft. farther west thence west 36 ft. , begin- ning 21 ft, farther west, thence west 12 ft., under Preliminary Order 92760 epp—rd June 16, 1932 Intermediary Order -._...- -..__approved -.-. - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the .said City is ._reconstruct., relay. and repair, where necessary, the sid—.1k. at the following-loeationsa -------- ---- - Margaret Street, south--side,-beginning-230 ft. west -of -.Forest.- St. _thence west 10 ft., beginning 50 ft. farther west, thence west 36 ft., begin- ning21 -ft.-farther-west,-thane.-west l2 --ft-,- ------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and s hereby instructed and i directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that .,an said approval, the proper city officials are herehc authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .c� ' - -.__ 192 a+,� lerk- Approved 192 '. CauncilmanmffiwHarmirk_ I'� Councilman"'.GIDgas='J Councilman oma Cut.,ilmen 0ftMW­ .Mayor ~9}{ •I,I,,,,�.a Form B. S. A. 8-7 an or sT. rlu DEPARTMENT OF FINANCEo REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In th<mat«rof reconstrur.ting, e,eying and ropolring, where necessary, the side':al ks at the following locations: Margaret St., south side, beginning 230 ft. west of Forest St., thence west 10 ft., beginning 50 ft. farther West, thence west 36 ft., begi nning 21 ft. farther west,thance west 12 ft., under Pr,,libl_y Order approved June 16, 1932 To tl,c Council of the City of St. Paul: Tl,, Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. Thr ental est�matcd amount of the asscssm cnt for the abo mprovcmrnt ie -- The <stim I'd cost per (oat for the above improvcm_- '1'helore or parc<la of land that may be assessed for such ins Provemrns, and the assessed �alua tion of each lot or parcel as last reported by for Asee saor, arc es follows: osseaT IeT n oeK Aoo T ory LanauAT oNBldg. Lots 6 and 7 103 Stlnson's Subdivision of 650 2900 Block 103 of Lyman Dayton's 8 103 Add. to St. Paul 650 5350 9 103 do 650 4250 1950 12500 The Commissioner of Finance farth<r reports that h< has in,e Ligd all of the aesa forid mr att s, end h ... by submits she foregoing as hie report thereon ro the Counul, stateo ,h,, with the repot made to him m r<f<rence.iild ma titer Eby the Co 111v1 n<r of Public eorm a. s. a.e D`� 'soed, — -- ." , �"--�G-�tr f Financ- Office of the Commissioner of Public t�FINpNCi a Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 22 i9V June 21, 1932 1n3 T. the C- III, of Finnnce of the Cay of 5t. Rud: Thr Commi.ianer of Public W.,k., i—mg hnd o,.,er rnn,=id,atiou the pn•liminnry order of tha c;ommcil, kmmwn av Cmnmeil Nilr \m. 92760 nl,pruxaJ Jun Bl6, 1932 193 , "1.-, w ileconstruCting, relaying aTd rural rir.; horn nsce:ts'ry, the sic—rlks at the following loo -,ti -S So,:th stile of Snrgarat :�:• bagirn:ing C.50 f*• w=et of Nora , wuat 10 ft., bugln.Lng 50 ft. far thor weft, `,. -e_ ., •st ,i6 ft., b •.,Snn:n,; -.1 ft, farther west, thence west 1 ft. Bat. Cost Lot 6, Blk. 103, Stinson's Sub. of Blk. 103,Lyman Dayton's $ 7.80 103, 103, 18.25 " 9, " 103, " " " 103 " " 8.25 2. "fhc --ated coal Ihereof w f ,amd the total coat thereof ie 3 and the nature and extent of .airl improvmmcut is na fallow.: 3. A plam, profile or sketch of .aid improvemamt ie hereto attached I'd made a part hmremf. 9. 5, Said improvement ie asked fmr, upon petition If three nr marl ownere of property, .ubiect W asaeasmeat for .aid improvemont. _ / ----. _. _. Commi..ioner of Pe ork.. at the follathwgtinaj,,, of on,mmt_,ting. relaying and repairing, where neoeeeary, the aideealloi si Central A. e.. --south aide, beginning 229 ft. seat of Arundel St., the-. ..at 7 ft., beginning 18 Pt. farther east, theme east 24 ft., beginning 31 ft, farther east, theme east 8 ft., Central. Ave.,._mrth aide, beginning 128 ft.weat of Arundel St., theme-weetll lt.. Cenral Ave., south aide, beginning 48 ft. west oP Arundel St. theme west 26 ft. Central. Ave... south aide, beglnning.?559 ft.. Beat of Yankubin SE., the noe-scat 14 ft., - Central Ave., north aide, beginning 66 ft. we at of Ifaokubin St., thenoe west 8 ft„ Central. Ave.. north aide, beginning 86 ft. mat of gent St., theme mat 12 ft., --- Central Ave „ north aide, beginning 198 ft. watt of Kent St., thenoe west 8 ft., beginning 23 ft. .farther. west, thenoe we at 19.. ft., _. - under Preliminary Order 92503 _. approved May 25, 1932 Intermediary Orderapproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.reaomtrmt,relay -and -repair,-where-aeaasaarg, the sideselke at the fellowia looatiom Central Ase,. --south aide.gbeginal.ng. hilft- east. of. Arnadal. St- thema_asai.T-f`t...-Legiaain9 18 ft . farther east, them. .eat 24 ft., beginning 31 ft. farther .sat, the-. east 8 ft., Central A—, -.north_ olds.. beginning LU ft. west of-A—del--St.,�-thenoo--uveas--13-£E.---- Central b�F. , south aide, beginning 48 ft, -at of Arundel St. thenoe west 26 ft ICeatrel J�Be„ aoath-eide.,_h.ginniag-Zr' ft._naat_at Yaakubia-Si....thanoe_nnah_14-�i....-_--- Central Ave., north aide, beginning 66 ft. —at of 3faokubin St„ theme west 8 ft. Central Ave... -north -aide haglanieg'" ft.-asst-af-Fent-St.,'theme- set--12-41b— Central 18-41b—. Central Ave., north side, beginning 198 ft eat of gent St., theme west 8 % beginning 23 aft.--farther-weat,-ldPenoe-gess-lB-P-'t.r and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Alec I r 1C"7 _ .. , 192 Approved .192 Councilman 9Tfi I Y Councilman �,,,;,. Councilman Council Mayer PWIPW Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' \ City�lClerk. FrAr P P"BLISftED , Gp I 9`355 ynl,lne°°a�.r. n wvik�vt .e folloMne Aruniat`Ef iEekn�ce eaft � oegln net PML,ep nnlntk it set Navve eu COUNCIL FILE N0. 4 Bt. -1a 11 tot A- . el FINAL ORDER at the follathwgtinaj,,, of on,mmt_,ting. relaying and repairing, where neoeeeary, the aideealloi si Central A. e.. --south aide, beginning 229 ft. seat of Arundel St., the-. ..at 7 ft., beginning 18 Pt. farther east, theme east 24 ft., beginning 31 ft, farther east, theme east 8 ft., Central. Ave.,._mrth aide, beginning 128 ft.weat of Arundel St., theme-weetll lt.. Cenral Ave., south aide, beginning 48 ft. west oP Arundel St. theme west 26 ft. Central. Ave... south aide, beglnning.?559 ft.. Beat of Yankubin SE., the noe-scat 14 ft., - Central Ave., north aide, beginning 66 ft. we at of Ifaokubin St., thenoe west 8 ft„ Central. Ave.. north aide, beginning 86 ft. mat of gent St., theme mat 12 ft., --- Central Ave „ north aide, beginning 198 ft. watt of Kent St., thenoe west 8 ft., beginning 23 ft. .farther. west, thenoe we at 19.. ft., _. - under Preliminary Order 92503 _. approved May 25, 1932 Intermediary Orderapproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.reaomtrmt,relay -and -repair,-where-aeaasaarg, the sideselke at the fellowia looatiom Central Ase,. --south aide.gbeginal.ng. hilft- east. of. Arnadal. St- thema_asai.T-f`t...-Legiaain9 18 ft . farther east, them. .eat 24 ft., beginning 31 ft. farther .sat, the-. east 8 ft., Central A—, -.north_ olds.. beginning LU ft. west of-A—del--St.,�-thenoo--uveas--13-£E.---- Central b�F. , south aide, beginning 48 ft, -at of Arundel St. thenoe west 26 ft ICeatrel J�Be„ aoath-eide.,_h.ginniag-Zr' ft._naat_at Yaakubia-Si....thanoe_nnah_14-�i....-_--- Central Ave., north aide, beginning 66 ft. —at of 3faokubin St„ theme west 8 ft. Central Ave... -north -aide haglanieg'" ft.-asst-af-Fent-St.,'theme- set--12-41b— Central 18-41b—. Central Ave., north side, beginning 198 ft eat of gent St., theme west 8 % beginning 23 aft.--farther-weat,-ldPenoe-gess-lB-P-'t.r and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Alec I r 1C"7 _ .. , 192 Approved .192 Councilman 9Tfi I Y Councilman �,,,;,. Councilman Council Mayer PWIPW Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' \ City�lClerk. FrAr P P"BLISftED , Gp I r ors ...LENT' OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /UlUJ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J (D) In the matter of teaonstruoting, relaying end repairing, rh are noceseary, the .ddsw. ks at the following locetionsl South side of Centrcl AV -J. Deginn: ng .".9 ft. oas5 of Arundel . thence 0 I 7 ft.I begln.ing 16 f'., further oast, yhmace s et 4s ft.{ beginning 61 ft, farther e.st, thence east e 't. North side of Central i.ve, beglnninZ 1:.8 ft. Fest ,f A"'Jel , thenct west 11 ft. Southside Central AVS., beginning 46 ft, west of Ar-.ndel , t..ance west ..6 ft. Faou th side Central Ave. bxginning C53 ft. e=st of Hae'.:u Din , -_,nee east 14 tt. North side Centr:�-1 AV,. bu, inning 65 ft. west of G. ck�bin s Jt^nce west 3 ft. North side Central -ve. begi—ing 38 ft. e -+s: of K—t th^nce esst ft. f]o rth side Dt Central Ave, begirr,ing Lda ft. •w a of K=•nt J-.. thence 'nest '. ft begin lmg ft. farther aas t, tl•. ,tnca w -at IJ rt 9625 32750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports chat he has in vcstigated all of the aforesaid matr, and hereby sub mats the foregoing as hie repor thereon to the Council, together with the re pen made to him u. reference to said matter by the Commissioner of P.bliel WR ,ks. Dated -moo. _—_1931—_.- vo.m a. e. a. a -s o ��11 Com miasioner of Finance. undo Preliminary order approved May 25, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance her. by r<pons as follows. 138.25 Th, total —i—,damount of tLe asse eem ant for the above f — - - --- The --1—d cost per foot for the above im pravement ie - - - - - - $ - --- -- 'Fhe lotr ,, p ... d, of lend that may be assessed benef- for such improvement, and the esseeecd valuation of each lot ar parcel as last reported by the .Assessor, arc as follows: oescaivnor+ oor aaoca Aomrior.awnno Bldg. 8 14 Ma ckubin & mars hall's 650 4500 Add. to St. Paul 914 do 850 4100 10 14 do 650 1100 27 a do 850 1000 N 1/3 of Lots 1 and 2 13 do 850 3750 9 (Ezc. Allsy) 29 13 9 do do 850 2225 1100 9700 do 18 9 do 800 2750 24 10 do 750 2100 25 10 do 750 2650 9625 32750 The Commm,oner of Finance further reports that he has mvest',g—d all of the afortaaid mat and hereby eubmita the foregoing ae his report thereon o the Council, Loge ther with the report made to rhim ,n rete ren ee to 'd by the Commiseioncr of Public Worka. earl ma�,tter Dated,�..,.JS.��n —_193i -1�4t`C�L_A_'r_•_`_-_ _ -- Commieaian<r of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WF FINANCI v 1 Report to Commissioner of Finance .NIM 8 ion June 2, 1932 I,,., I ,. Ih. t'nu u.. in.nnn. ..f I'In.n SII ..f Ir. I I I I f ��. ruin n... I.d i'uldk VAl.,k 1 c.uK l.wl un.1, ..:..m d..,u t i.. a 16. t'..,.,.n 1, k,.,.,,.. ,.. r,,.,, -I H. N,._92503 or. "•. I May 25, 1932 Reconstructing, relay Ing and ropniring, vhere necessary, the side,--ka at the following locetlonst South side of Central Ave, oegin� nn ..9 ft, east of Arundel thence east 7 ft.; begin Ing 19 It.farther east, thence a +t •4�f , beginnin3 31 ft. Perth or —t, thence asst d ft. Est. Cost - Lot 8, B1k.14,Mackubin & Marshall's Add. = 14.75 9, ^ 14, 13.60 " 10, " 14, ^ " " 14.75 North side of Central Gve, b:,;innln,� 1'.6 ft, west of Arundel .: , thence west 11 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 27, Block 8, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. 6.25 :southside Central Ave., baginn_n,t 4o ft. west .:f k,.n'.a! ;t., t —ce west -6 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 2, Block 13, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. 23.40 Southside Central Avg:, beginning L59 ft, e:,st �f M,cku-1, ., , ,;•.nce east 14 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 9, Block 13, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. 7.25 North side Central Ave. beginning 65 ft, west of M: ckubin nest 3 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 29, Blk. 9, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. 14.75 Northside Central we. beei—Ing 88 f,. e'. st of Kent St., thence east 1.. ft. Est. Cost - Lot 18, Blk. 9, Mackubin & Marshall's Add. 7.00 "br th side of Central Ave, beginning 138 ft, w. -t of bent S,_ thence v g� r, fLy tt b������n n ft. farther asst thence w st 10 ft. -Ln t�'24,Hrtk.lO. �lacLfbtj; & Marshall Add. 616 50 20.00 rot le w Itoporo T. Aim • F,. C' C.. r - COC S8' BTX' a' W I - Fn PT - 7 W '- I � TP I IT t' V'J I T I J.2 pa,' C.,F - COC 3' VP 6 M11-11ITTO VT1' a*up ,.,- --p - r.F 5' PTICF T2' F W-11,11"TT,l Vrjj' 53*110 ­'- C.-, - COL ",%' BT—t.1' W-K—T:1 `:' M—UjTl-.a Vll' I.':.2 pf,711'112T2:eO a, TI, TI r r V4q' k -I f, VN k,. 93356 .rya erl4 eMnh Ina � COUNCIL FILE NO. BY FINAL ORDER In the Matter of -- _—fft—ting. relaying and repair'ng, .,here necessary, the following sidewalker Avon Street, east aide, beginning at Ashland Avenue, theins south 9 feet, beginning 14 feet farther south, thew, south 18 ft., begi—inp, 33 ft. farther south, thence south 43 feet Avon Street, neat aide, begi—i r; 34 ft south of Dayton Averruo, thew. south 31 ft., beginning 2C feet fth.r south, thence south 20 Peet Av.n Street. east aeride. heglffiSng 110 feat south of U-1.11 Avenue, then.. south 19 fast, beglmiag 40 feet forth,, south, thence south 39 fast Assn street. neat aide, beglmrl� 48 feat south of Mor,hsll Avenue. theme south 10 feet, berlaminr 104 feet farther emrth, then.. south 43 ft.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations, relative thereto, and having fully considered m the sae; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isrso_.... _........__ _ _... _.____.... oaatruot. ley end repair. where seoe.eary.th follosing eldws elkes A— street. ..at aide. Def,inalru; at Ashland he , thence south 9 feat, begimSng 14 feet farther south. the south 10 feat. begs --ice 33 feat farther south, thence A= 43 fest A= street, west aide, beginning 34 feat south of I)gytoa l.v.nu,, thence south 31 feet. beginning 20 feetfarther south, then.. south 20 feat Avon street, east aide, begimting 110 foot eo,rth of Starshall Avenue, theme south 18 feet. beginning 40 feet farther south, theme south 39 feet Avon ::treat, seat aide, bogirming 48 feet south of lwrshall Avenue, theme south 15 feet, begimring 104 feet further south, theme south 4b feet _ditettea to prep... plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Ci }- Cle, k. ya'tL Approved .192 May� Sor i• e ' zylBl�istt6n_.12_�� Cou cilm n l�„seas, S coo cilm n -cr�,:�.. LJI ,�-• �D7T Coundlm n p; -aid Council a P1xDrorr Mayor gsoh x Form B. S. A. 8-7 93356 IN An. aa:wai°° � S FINAL ORDER under Preliminary Order 92366 approved May 12, 1932 Intermediary Order _--__-spproled-.— A public hearing having ""had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reeonatruet, relay and repair, where neeeeearyva -he ue follovring eldemalkar Av, at 6treot, east aide, Leginnln, et Ashland :, n thonoe outh 9 feet, beglan, 9 14 feet farther a.uth, than.. tenth IS feet, begin^Svg 33 feet farther south, then.. ,moth 43 feet Avow Stre.t, west aide, beginning 34 feet southof Royton Avon then.. south 31 feet, beginning 20 feet farther south, thenoe south 20 feet Avon -treat, ..at aide, beglrming 110 feet moth of ltarshall i,v.n , thence south 19 feet, beginning 40 feet farther south, th.n.o south 3s felt Afeet,tbegirestnnini; 04d feet f th.r mo49 th, theme. soathr46 feet thence Booth 16 ­--di—ted to prepare plans and specifications for said improv'e`m'Crit,`and`wbmit.eama-to ths'Cmmtil for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cit)' officials a e hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement inac cordance therewith. tott Adopted by the Council _ 192 Ci y Clerk. Approved . 192 / May . S C.aneil'an �"T­Aw,.s,.Councilann .nnclm.. y;,,, ec.nneil➢Iayror Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT O AANCE 'REPORT COMM ISSI TIER OF FINANCE ((�1 PRELIMINAji,� ORDER (D) I In she maucr of reoonstruoting, relaying and repairing, a[here neoeoa. rya the following aid—lket trust side of Avon btreot b,,3ln1_::j at Ashiand ..venue, t:,erine south9 feet; beginning 14 feet farther South, thence scutb 1 feet; begin :.in,; R3 foot farther south, thence .4—th 43 feet. Plast side Avon :.treat, b_yinr,ln.- 3J; faat so,Ith o� Dnjton thence South 31 feet; beglnni::,� ;.J feat f:-rthr_r s.:u th, thence south J fast. ..a3t sldo Avon Str;at begin :int :1J f—,t :;—th of Marshall Avenue, thence s,u th 19 feet; begin ln3 ,3 Bret frirther south, to ante south .:9 feet. on ',7e�t side of Avon Stre.t, begin:,irr,; •:h feet sth of 11 --1 -1 11 ,v -nu--, T thence south 15 feet; b.:,;1n:'.Ln,; 1J4 feet forth— s,.. , ,.•-.,nce nth 45 feat. �'I'he Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Th--] es timat.d amount of the asscasment for she above improv<mcnt is - - - $-. 14Z,84 -. The esnmated <o t p<r foot (or the above improvement ,e - - - - - - - 8.- __ The lots or parcel. of land chat may be assessed b ... fi,. for ..d impn,ve, ant, and the ...e ed valuation of each for or parcel as last rcporsed by she Assessor, arc as follow.: Bldg. 16 2 Palaoe Add. to St. Paul 1360 4260 1 6 Nlninger k D -11y'. Add. 1200 7560 to Noloombola Add to St.Paul 10 1 do 1000 6600 12 1 do 800 60 1 2 do 976 4260 20 2 do 2300 8600 21 2 do 800 2700 22 2 do 800 3260 9226 36860 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt. , and acre by sub,, s ,he foregoing as his report thereon t. the Council, to,6- wish the report made to him in reference to -id ma,,tt.. by the Commissioner of Public \forks. I Datcd--I--- __793.. - l?�e..P _. _- L//7 Commissioner of Finance. crrr or er. � DEPARTMENT O 'INCE At. " " ' "" REPORT OF Comm ISSI - ER OF F1 WCE n • ON PRELIMINA v RDER 1:,,, -d, (o) under Preliminary Order approved Eey 12, 1932 To the Council of rhe City of St. Paul: The Commiseioner of Finance hereby reports as fr�llows: Theo 1—i—I'd amount of the assessment for rhe above improvement is - - 3 142,84 The estimated cost per foot for the above mprovemenr is 'I h, lots or parcels of land chat may be assessed benches for eud� improvuncnt, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: _—T_ Bldg. 16 2 1%1— dd. to St. Peu1 1360 4260 1 6 Bing- 4 Do—lly'. Add. 1200 7360 to Holoombe's Add to St.Pnul 10 1 do 1000 8600 12 1 do 800 60 1 2 do 976 4260 20 2 do 2300 8600 21 2 do 800 2700 22 2 do 800 3260 9226 36860 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has insestigated all of the aforesaid ma rhim and hereby submi s rhe foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to m relerenec to said matter by the Commissioner of Public R'ork, Dated_�m _ 193 i- o e Commissioner of Finance. _ - Office of the Commissio of Public )XW%FlneNct 9 Report,`tp Commissioner of Finance 1 .nr .s 1932 May 25.,, _.1932 1q! I'" ih, I........ini..—:f I..f Ih., ('i e_ , f .1t. I -w e1 The t'oii��i�I:cLnu•r of P'O.h \{hF ha—., hrv1 �1ii ...iii-h.r11 liiaiiw— f e6 .......... ay 1', 133'; 192 ninti.� la Reconstructing, relaying and repelri¢,, where necessary, the following sidewalks: .est side of Nv .n ,; r,., begir.ni,a vt Ashl�net A.v . en ce south 9 ft.; beg i nnl::p i4 .`t. farther sou th, t.ience sen th 10 ft.; beginning &I, ft. farthej. south, trlence s�_t`) ,. Ct. ..s,.. lost Lot 15, Block �, Palace -'dit Lon z ., .... „estside ;. -t., b :� Snnl u,- ft. 31 _.th o, -'t..n w , thence south 31 ft.; I -,inn, (J _'L. f�-rth E, s.;ut', thence —Ah "0 ft. Lot 1, Block 5, Ninning_r &.}corm -I E:,st side Avon :,t. beginnin. 110 ft: south - 1 t.cenber'inn lrg 4J ft. synth, tt. Wince se�uth 39 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 10, 81ock 1, N!;:r_in.-r 2 L, -.L10.95 ii 1. n L n n ri 22.1 e_t side of —f-1 �1.., b-i�—.,E 10 Afaracall a = ice soath It ft.; bee icn ln- LJ.ft. i::rth=_r south, en �nce south 4P. I'L. -sl. I -.at - cot 1, Block , PI'n!n-� r & f,ov-e 11y B. EO 11 ..1, n ie n n 34.55 6ffice of the CommissioTt 5. la"I 1--lil-I'll"i. .�aa,l f, IN .,ks h M357 F. wo. COUNCIL FILE N0. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of oontrooting a sidewalk as the ..at alae of Saratoga Avenue from Sargent Avenue to St. Clair Street, exoept where good and euffloleat sidewalk. now ..iat under Preliminary Order 92680 ..approved Yey 28, 1932 Intermediary Order _.. _. _...._approved _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the ,area; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _oonstruot a etdewaxk on kite east etch Of Saratoga Avenue from Sargent Avenue ta. St.. Clair. Stroet, -At where. goodand. su ffialeaE s Sdewalks. naw ectal and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upan said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - me I with the making of said improvement inac cordance therewith. en— Adopted by the Council _ - -- 192 _ �J/� ',,—`q''\,,/v�\' 4, �� ` city Clerk. 5 Approved 192 J� 7L�h � / Mayor. F amm, Can �oah ilman Cou ieilmnn 66""afinee+ Councilman Mayors Form B. S. A. S-7 C- OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE REPORT OF COMN(ISSI NER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 93 1 3L3 (D) In the matter of o 1tlltillg I idsealk on the set side of Ell.t1g, Also— f- Sargent Ave. St.to i'St., under P,di.im.ry Order approved May 28, 1932 To the C.,mlil of the City of St P --i The C­.i,,i..­ M F,-- hereby ,,ports Hl-, The 1-1 estimated --t of the assessment far the "'­ "pro.. ". t is $ The estimated cost peortot for tl:e above improvement is - - . S The I"t, or px reds of Iamd that may be asxsaed b_f­ I., such improvement, .,d th, --d valuation o[ each lot or p ­el as I— ,pored by the Assessor, ­ as b-11-1: ^11E .. _'AT. ­ 1—d Bldg. 15 2 W.1t..'- SU-e1Y Slope, St -Paul 950 6360 Minn. 16 2 do 1125 1900 Crossing for Alley i. Bl --k 2 do No V,lu,ti-n 2076 7250 The Commissioner of Finance fi,,Ih­ reports th-t he has 1-168 -ted ail of the ah, ­,;d ­­, m] hereby submitshe foregoing as hi- "FlIt the- . the Council, together with the report ..de t. him i- fe,e­ t. s.id . ..... by the Commissioner of P.bhe W.,k,. --19 c...mi.., of Fi­ce. - .. O .Src-,—*�-Q--O- r. � i�ti�ti '�Yrr. J o � � c _ _ �rrx� .,.r.n,.. :� 'I , THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 24, 1932. Mr. ,im. N. Carey: Kingly note the attached communication from Mr. Rodenkirchen, regarding the condition existing on the east side of Saratoga 1n the block between St. Clair and Sargent. Can this Letter be used as a basis for placing an order in the Council for this sidewalk beceuse of a public necessity? hiii you let me have a complete report ana return this commun Scatlon with your opinion, and oblige, C06RdI5SION ER . MR -U St. peal mimn My 23 1932 V, dear blr Hoseni In I. -Id--- with our aonvBreation a few weeks athere is go et the E1� Club r I wish to to invit4 yo (aloonn to thhee� In thetblomt bah no eideralk along the East Bide o street ween 3L. Clair and Sargant. This SB in a thistly settled residential diatriotrs� th and tter 00u be mors eppeareat if the ald not deaalk were on mlealne nn eddewalk wa. ordered How the oondltion escaped actin Bo long -Or e� residents of the dletriot there is a mystery mea ae �o are disoomforted by its absence. St is aeaeseaty to arose the Coming down Saratoga ave to get a .treat carr ati..t Lwiaerbeoan9e doing mo Bt 0:' r loadaeo rfineafdnarsieaid Il. - s ok ieOnly impae e1Dle owing to either snow mn6 d the only place for miles aroen6 along the entire length of Saratoga ave �a withpat a sidewalk, aeon to hope for an appl Soation for a walk I do not believe there is any re I o� Bee Se that the city from the abetting propertyrand the only way order the walk Pat in, eeaePe even an ever-tohfel depart t realise that esme of thee. things mag to bring the matter to meat like yours sad therefore t take the liberyyr your atteotionrhmowSng that notion for improvement will not be delayed. remain as ever with beat wishes your fri I � ohm o Irah.. 1517 Osceola a" Hon. milt.. HOeen Co®Seeloner of Publlo I9orka St. Paul minaesots. oiler of Public WM!F FINANCE Office of the Commissioner Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 2 1932 June 2, 1952 )93 To the Commissioner of 4 the City of S". Poul_ ,o, Cooi,_j.,,,, of Poloh, Works, having 1-1 odder eoneiderntinn the 1—hl-io"Y .,d, d the (:o.o6l, kn.." � ('11-61 r"' N"-92560 ppr—l Itey 26, 1952 lu ,remove w Constructing a sidewalk OU the east side Of Saratoga Avanoe from Sargent Avenue to St- Clair Street. sod having ill -16901" the msticre ..d things referred t,, therein, h—by reports: 1. S,id io,---nt ie ­­., and (.,) 85 front foot thereof e r _,j the , ot.1 -t thereof i 2. The eatimnted coat t and the noture and extent of said jo,,—o—t is - follows: 3. A plan, profile o, sketch of said improvement i, h, -t. attached and mode o part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvoment is .asked d s for upon P, [threemore: ., :. of property, e,bp,t to —ot f- said i"P"V,M"t. Commissioner of Public Works. 9335 nlrso! e e _Gestin volwd:r,tt� Il�th or O ro[hPr m N COUNCIL FILE NO. . �::�a, By -0r .. .' ` ..m.. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Charles Street to a point 61 ft south of Edmund Street, under Preliminary Order 92719 approved Sure 14, 1932 Intermediary Order -_. _ -approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .construct a sewer.. on Pascal Aveaue from - Charles Street to s point61feel--south of Edmund Street„ --------- The ea— to be 24 ineies indiameterand designed in-cont—itg_rlth.plana- prepared by the Co®Sgeloner-of Public_Works for an _ertension of a_matn-ee>.er__-..._ of the Blttsondale S— By tem_ an. thie_etrest,. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council t9 ,192 ✓ � / City Clerk. int Approved 192 Mnyor. Councilman Councilman dhoWafflt councilman 1606simer_ Councilman eJW.09 rc.s t � Mayor ihvi� Form B. S. A. 8-7 C­t'"AAMANCE UL DEPARTMENT r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1n.Lc nt ..... of constructing a sewer on Pascal Ave. from Charles St. to a DoInt 61 ft, south of Edmund St., ,.d,, P,,1—i—y Ch -de, approved June 14, 1932 Ta he Council of,he City of St. P-1: Th, C—!s,i—, of F,— hereby ,,j ..... .. Uhl—, The —.1 —..—d —.—I f the aexaement for the ab— $ 527.00 Tb—,i.—d—, per f— for the above improvement is 5 2.08 -- - Th, lou or p—d—f land that may b, .--d b, -fit, f., —k imp,ovunent, and the assessed -1-6- of each I., or ., — ,.—d by the Aascs.or, — as f.:1— LeATt Land Bldg. 1 6 Th. Hemline Sydi..t. Add. N..3 660 1900 to St. P-1, R—ey Co., Minn. 2 6 do 660 3 6 do 550 400 4 6 d.560 2 ' 5 6 do 550 R80 6 6 do 500 8400 16 21 Sydi..t. No. 6 Addition 760 3650 16 21 do 750 4000 4850 23,750 Th, C...imi.— of Pin.— further ,.- that he hae —,tig—d all f the af,­.id —tt—, -d hereby ub.it, the foregoing a, hi, ,p.,, thereon to the Council,t. ,,,ht, with he ,— ..d, tohim i. rc .... ec 1.��id -- by 6, C...imi.— d Public W -k,. D—d 19 3 C— C...mi—, ofFinance. St. Paul, Minn. - -. -- 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City or St. Paul, Minn. Gcnticinen: We, the undersigned property own , hereby petition your honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: -4f. Ave. from Iff—..d' -v St. etve. to ; 'L St. -6-� h Ih P�rnoa�d Sswor___ � m I� } THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dere) June 21, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate Cof cost St - for the construction of a sewer on Pascal Ave. to a point 61 1afeet South ofl932 Edmund St., under Preliminary Order C F. The estimated cost of a sewer of sufficient size to drain the abutting property is - Total Cost - - - - - - - - - - $ 527.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 253 lin.ft. Cost per front foot - - - - - 2.08 s set If the sewer is buildbuilt according to anadditional sewers in themsame it will be necessary location whenever the plans for the Kittsondale System of relief 8"" 'on of this relief sewers are carried out. S system has progressed so far as to warrant the assumption that the coo pletion of the relief sewer system will be carried out as planned, the sewer it is now proposed to construct ought to be built in con- formity with these plans, which can be done by increasing its size. I, therefore, recommend that the sewer be constructed of the proper ot of zrelief $527.00 shouldbeassessed againstsabutt$ingB property91.00, of balance ofe sum balance taken from the City Aid Fund for Sewers and Paving. Yours tr9ly,. '5_41-1 eoM, Shepard, ChleY Engineer. mh Approved for transmission to the sine of Finarm,• Herman C. We Commissioner of c�Works. 1 Offic6 of the Commissioner of Public WMINFINARCE Report to Commissioner of Finance PIN 24 1932 June 22, 1932 193 To the C ara,,,ion,, If naar,, of the City If St. Paul The Cora aatontr If PIWI, Works, having had Iad,, oa­1 ... tion the 1-4 i..0 order If the known a, C000,il F& N., 92719 ,p'."d June 14, 1932 iwi relouvo to the construction Of a sewer On Pascal Avenue from Charles Street to a point 61 feet south of Edmund Street. and having jo­t1gIt1d the t.att,l and thi.ga referred to therein, hereby repora 1, Said improvement ie n- ­y ood (or) ],.ir.bl,. Cost per front foot $2.08 2. Th, ­iaa,Ad coal th­of i- It 1527.0o , and the total coat them,( w 31 and th, .,to,I and ­trat o��nid ®KE o2 manCrenae follower 3. A plan, profile or sketch If said improvement i, hereto att,Ih,d and nada , part herrof. 4. 5. Said inopt.'r1olot is asked for upon petition of three or more ­­ of property, bprt to tooaaarn— for said nop""Irend. --) 'o, o.a I, a taab"olm 0 Uo - n. �;,j q 93359 °.<va.l;.a.... s.�.. ;h o COUNCIL FILE NO. .vee. ip. ere Byrona...ietseeu... ° . m. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of curbing both aides of Dunlap Street from Lincoln Avenue to Grand Ave—, except where curbing in good condition is now in place, under Preliminary Order 92617 approved June 2, 1932 Intermediary Order _ _._ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Curb both aides of _ Dunlap. street from Lincoln Avenue to Grand Avenue,.. except where curbing. in good._ condition is now in place, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby- authorized and directed to pro - Iced with the making of said imnyelmentg1eccordme, therewith. Adopted by the Council - 192 / City Clea'k. u 'Wp4°t 192 i �nyor. S� Cnn cilm n _—_ I''�„w k, Cooncilm n M6PIeg3iF� t`. Councilman eaanewwag- -�..• h c —cion- R1t-1tEElv'+;n c. _ Form B. S. A. 8-5 C- W� S%) AD DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 93131 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 1.0b--11 -f curbing both sides of Dunlap 5t. from Lincoln Ave. to Grand Ave. except where curbing In good condition Is non I n olace -d, Preliminary Order approved June e, 1932 To the Council of the City of St Paul: Th, C­­mi.­ G F.-,, hereby by ­ f,dd,11 The -,d -,.—d ..m d the f- the b.- improvement is $ 213_44_ Z estimated ­, ,y/f­ f., he b- improvement is .71 Tl�e -h of land that may A each lot or ,,-1 a, I— reported by the A-,-, ar follows: ­ DESCIIPTION I.T ago« A ­TION L,ant­`-Nldg. 1 3 Manson & 5im' nton, , Add. 19511 30000 to St. P .. ,In Ramsey 14 4 moo.. Minn. 2100 7000 4050 37000 Th, C...i,si.­ of H,-11 further reports that he h., in. estigated .11 of the af.,­idman­d h ... byI,.6 �1s the folll.m,, l .� hie ,p.h­­ . the C...61, 1-,h,, wi,b the ..de t. N. m reference to id ­­ by the c..ajs,j..,, of P.h1i, W.,k, D—d 19 3 ;:?– ante. - C...mi..,, f Fi. i. rm. I& lr-"',;1. d /1-/.I CQ I" I St. Paul, Minn. `:._ �19J.%� To The Honorable, The Council, a City of St. Paul, Minn. Gendcmen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: To put in ^urbing, on. that portion. not_. already curbed, on Dunlap. Street. _ St. A— from Lincoln $Tf. Ave. to Grand Avenue St. Ave. zab 7-28, I -P2.3.. SUMM IT h AVE GRA NO AYE. "0" A V4 COOOR/CN AYE, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) June 14, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of both sides of Dunlap street from Lincoln Avenue to Grand Avenue, except where curbing in good condition is now In place, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92617, approved June 2, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - $213.44 Cost per front foot - - - - .71 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 4.19 Engineering - - - - - - - - - 36.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 300 ft. Yours truly, e Y, Shepard, Ch of Engineer. mh Approved for transmission to the Commi ss ioner of-Finance Her C. Wang, v Commissioner of ubilc Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public MAKAhAft Report to Commissioner of Finance June 17, 1932 193 To the Cnmmiavioncr of Fineace of the City of St "I" The Commieei—, of Public Worka, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Couocil, known - Council File No. 92617 approved June 2, 1932 .193 ,relative to the curbing of both sides of Dunlap Street from Lincoln Avenue to Grand Avenue, except where curbing in good condition is now in place. and h—mg inveetigaled the matters and things referred to therein, hereby report.: 1. Said improvement ie naee.smy and (or) dceireble. 213.44 Cost per front foot 710 2. The e.ti noted co th of ie tt e d he Lot aoat tthereof ' b , Inspection 4.�1 ts'ngineering $01105 rontage X00 ft. and the ..tore and extent of mid improvement is ee follows 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of said improvemart is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvmnent ie...... mked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject W assessment for mid improvement. 4oe _... _. ._._... _....... Commissioner of Pubhe Work.. W360 Gtr. Na�lt��� MlneetF m`e«oaa eir,e. e`op 1= m &.1-1.: :Manan. m COUNCIL FILE NO. �ea�^ vfeiiByn FINAL ORDER F ^,\7 > �, In the Matter of changing the grade of the west side of Sibley Street from Third Street to Second street, to conform to the red lines on the profile hereto attached and mada..a part hereof, the present_ established grades being shown by blue lines thereon, under Preliminary Order 92057 _ __.__ approved June 24, 1932 Intermediary Order _-._... _._..___...—__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard an persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ..._.._ change . the.. grade_ 4£._the _west side of Sibley. Street. from Third.. Street_ to Second Street, to conform to the red linee_on. the profile hereto attached and__made a part _h r ofl_ the present-esbahlishad gradas heing_showa_by_ blue_ lines_. thereon and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made Adopted by the Council &ilC 1 C.- Q-�--._.._ , 192 _... L�itl' Clerk. C Approved '�' 192 or. 0. PLBLISFfED19, 2 Councilman+^� I'•+i �� I� Councilman rElcGlog� Ify."e Councilman plc Councilman W7mwh� tt'cnzel v Muc rli�Te Rwwi! ^I .�Ipry Form B. S. A. 8-7 OEPA RTM ENT OI✓FINAVICE [, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9$126 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) Inthc metier.( ohanging the grade of the —t side of Sibley Street from Third Street to Seoond Street, to oonform to the red lines on the profile, hereto att,,h,d and rod. a part hereof, the present established grades being shown by blue line, thereon, under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 193" To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a. follows: The total estimated amount of it, aesessmcn, for the above p—,—, i. - - - $ 10.00 __-- The es,imaud cost per foot for the above mprovcment is - - - - - 3 - The lou or parcels of and the, may be ......ed benefiu for such improvement, and the assessed —1—tin of each lo, or p—d as last r,poncd by ,he Asac— , are as follows: DES—PTioN LOT owe. 11DiT101 ^A-11" Land Bldg. A Ari.Bldg. (E—pt Third St. and exoept City of Saint Paul, south 20 ft) lot. 2 and 3 30 Capital of Minnesota 16000 426000 The south 20 ft of lots 2 and 3; also aomnenoing et the ...th- es t o rof blook 30, thenoe along the wast line th....f 103.750 ft. to the .enter of wall, thenoe northeast along said wall and parallel to the south line of said blook to the intereaeotlon of a line drawn from the northee et o of the south 150 ft of lot 9 to a point in ea id lot, ehioh 1x23.30 ft. Prom the south lineand 4 ft from the west linethereof, thenoe northwest onsaid line so drawn to the said northwest 0 of the south 150 rt of lot'. th.... ... th... t parallel to the e.uth line of said blank to the northeast 0the-0of lot 12, thesouth to the southeaat .o r of saidlot, then eeast to beginning, also (exoept a strip 30 ft. wide, extending along the ..nth side, all that part of the Levee va.ated adjoining the above described part of 30 City .f Saint Paul, 136000 Capital of Minnesota 150000 425000 The Commi of Finance fi—her reports that he ha, mTeetigaud all of the af.,—id matr, and hereby subm!u the foregoing a. In, report thereon to the Council, toge,her with the report made to him in reference to . aid matter by the C—n,k,i ncr of Public W -k, Dated 19 j ✓s^-•-C.i-4'-t.'. C.— Com minion cr of Fib-- N THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dete) June 30th, 1932. Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: In the matter of changing the grade of the west side of Sibley Street from Third Street to Second Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. 92857, approved June 24, 1932, There is no expense involved in this proposal. The proposed grades have been approved by Mr. Bassingdale, the Architect for the new Federal Post Office building and at his request we recommend them to the Council for ratification. Y :urs very truly, �GEOM. BHEPARD, jd �/ Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the C mmissloner f Financ . ��, Commissioner of public s. :1i-n.n.�n XX\.:%X%%i: C. T..•,LFl, Y. • 1 Wm. A X"::-r.t :.-,.u.to, XY.`:X Junv �., , 1'.3_. :{.�n r: .. Hr— C. nzcl, Csione-' Yours very truly, GEORGE M. SHEPARD, ,fid Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public Works. Y J OfFice' of the Commissioner of Public \VAWINANCt v� a Report to Commissioner of Finance _- -- AL 5 1932 June 30th Is32- 'I'o the Commissioner of Finnnre of the City of St. Pnol_ Tbn Commissioner of Public Works, having hud under-,id,—ti- the preliminary order of the C—tit known ll C used File N. 92857 npproved Jame 24th _1932 ,relative to Changing the grade of the west side of Sibley Street from Third Street to Second Street, avd having it—691t,11 the matters avd things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Slid improvcnroat ie — — — — were _ and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated wet thereof le i. , and the total cost therwf is S end the nature and extent of slid improvement is as fellows: 3. A plav, profile or sketch of mid improvement ie hereto attached end made a part hereof. 4. 5. Slid improvement is asked far upon petition of thrw or more owners of property, evbjent to ass e.t for avid improvement. Commissioner of 1 blie 9L%l . 9�sA1— nnm re- ag.:i4.° �sAwt em, m see, neem. °at:e$isa� atm et..e� COUNCIL FILF. NO. - By i Aur er w. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of -- r000netruoting, re Win, and r.poiriag, mhoro neoeaeat o the kubin Str et. thekeA St. Anthony Avoaue, rtorth side, beginning 78 Stet meet of 1leakuDin Street. theme eoet 163 feet, bogimmlag 44 feet farthor moat, thenoe "at 2 feet, befinnlrtg 64 ft• farther seat, thenoe meet 12 foal St, Anthony Avenue, .Doth slde, bsglnSng 177 feet meet of Rnekubin Street, thenoe meet 10 feat, beginning 14 feet farther meat, th.nee meet 26 foot, beginning 74 feet farther meet, thence meat 6 feat, St. Anthony Avenue. mrth side, begiminA; at M okubin Street, then. east 72 feet, beginning 208 feet farther e.at, thenoe ae at 6 feet, bsjio. nA; 26 feet farther east, thanes neat 8 feet, beginning 102 feet farther .net, thane. eget 9 feet. beginning 120 feet farther asst, thenoe east 8 fuel St.—h,%at�Dogimmingh7�feeE Earth Sn Del, thenoe aeat240 r t mat f 34 M Dein Street, thenoe St. Anthany Avoauo. Beath aide. beglmming 149 feet saes of Arundel Street, theme .set 43 feet. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pool that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is omtruot, rolgy cad repair, where eeary, the following eideeelkat ,,:Anthony Avenue, mrth aide, beginning 78 Stet meat of lYokubin Street, thenoe meet 163 feat. beginning 44 feet farther meat. thenoe meat 2 feet, beglun- 64 feet farther meat. thenoe meet 12 fast St. Anthny Avenue, .oath aide, beginning 177 feat west of naskubin Street, theme at 10 feet. beginning 14 foe! further —at, thonoe n. c! 26 feet, beglffiSaf. 74 at further meet, thmea west 6 feet, St. Anthony Avenue, north aide, begiming at Wskubin .,treat, thenoe ..at 72 feet. ',ar'=t 208 feet farther e.et, thenoe eget 6 feet. bagiminP, 26 fee! farther Bart, thenoe east 8 foot. beglffiing 102 feet farther ,at, theme out 9 feet, beglntlag 120 feet further .eat. thenoe ..at 8 feet, St, Anthony Aveave. th aide, begluning 240 feet aset of K okubin 8tveeb, theme east 31 feet, beginningeget 7 feet farther oast, thenoe t 34 feet St, Anthony Avenue, south side, begian1w, 149 feet mat of Arindel Street, !home ..at 43 feet -pYy^ ty Clerk. Appm ,d . 192 Ai c ,.areunanme3- Cooncilm.ntilRRA C, F:_�tiLSi� connoilnanaBea c..nepm.nA1FlRPP� "`"�`A wM mnbamel r F. c uarorweePtni Erni B, S..1. 8-7 - 1 cavxad�� xo ��, FINAL ORDER ''�' ..+---..._..___-...._-�,_..._.•-,-�.,,. - ever Y ,t,., .': ,.,,.. under Preliminary Order 92368approved May 12, 1932 _�_.... Intermediary Order _.. _....._ :'Proved _.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the enme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of bd- provement to be made by the said City is eaeatruat, relay and repair, .hero necessary, the follow•Lig cidexalket oSt. A.theW Avenue, myth aide, beginning 78 Net west of Hookah— dtroet, them. west 183 feet, beginning 44 feet farther east, theme. —et 2 feet, beginning 64 feet farther wset, thence neat 12 feat St. Anthmy .venue, south side, begimiag 177 foot west of Maskubin SEmet, theme meet 10 feet. begird., 14 feet farther west. then.. neat 26 feet, bogi niaP 74 'set farther meet, thanes meet 6 Not. 3t. Anth.W Avenue. north aide. begiring at U..kubin A -A, themes east 72 feet, teglring 208 Net farther east, thanmng e east 6 feet, begli26 feat farther eget. thenen east 8 Net, begird., 102 feet farther .ant, theme east 9 feet, begimring 120 feet f.rther Beet, then.. ... t 8 feet. St. Anthoey Avenue, south aide, beginning 240 Net east of Naotvbin Street, theme seat 31 feet. beglming 7 feet farther east, themes east 34 feet ;t. A.thomy Avenue, south aide, beginnim 149 foot .net of Arundel Street, theme .at 43 feet : v3"! U Q ty Clerk. Approved . 192 Af At C Councilmana9lf�oi's Councilmanar� ('ouncilman t'ranz Councilman AIERSIPt"m ���"`t YIR' Clahrvef'11, F• c e}'or �A nT�r y M Form l3. S. A. H 7 c ro+` FINAL ORDER be it and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER. That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit sante to the Council for approval; that upon said improved, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said unrvoment.4rordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __._ 192 Approved 192 Ma Q. C // Councilmand"""� Councilman9iR9 p Councilman Irvna Council—A�ERZL1oi9°0 WIT Mayor SPEPW Plah�xf r1�F• „fZ' 1•'orm R. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE /f11 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9313 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Reoonstruc tinKr relaying and repairing, where neceasnry, the following sidewalksr North side of Lit. Anthony Avenue, beginning 78 fee: wast of w tabl. thenceewest 5ence feetN abed i63 ronIndo b4 tegjrther Betnfarther west,—n8 44 feetf thence wsest 12 feet. South side of St. l.nthony Avenue, begin17' feet n t Jf Nnckubin Streot, thence west 10 feet; beglnnin„ 14 feet �f %.nth er •asat , thence west e8 feet; bedinning 74 Pont f rtner 1`1 , Lhenoe Welt 8 feet. North side of vt. Anthony Avenu9, beginnind at llackubin .,treat, thence e:.st feet} beginning 218 Peet farther 9,st, th an ce s -.at 6 feet} bedinrd ng '.6 feet farthar eat, thm Ce east o feet; f, 1 ,l.' t�farther no at, thoenees e�sthd tsar "t 7 fest; bodiunln '1 South side of St. Anthony' •,v anus, begin i,.,_ 4J fe^t e.s HscMshin -+treat, th en co es.. 51 fest{ bo,; 1:'r .!r:� 7 feat fr-r th er east, thehee e:,st 34 feet. ' South side of, . Anthony Avenue, boiln:Aon; Arundel Otreet, tr.nce oa:a 43 feet. •r �.,: a�. a.:.,,i n�•n io,�. by die �..,...... en a In ��T„. 22 12 yaokubin k Lerehell's Add. to 400 Saint Paul 23 12 do 860 2700 24 12 do 660 2700 26 12 do 660 26 12 do 660 27 12 do 660 28 12 do 660 29 12 do 660 2400 726 3100 4 1 wSlaon'e Beer of a part of Berehell'e 6 1 Subdivielon of Blk 27, Nsokubin 726 3900 7 1 k Yarahall'e Add to St.paul 725 2050 May 12, 193Z 255.55 1, A ...... .... I.., J 11— d b,: -I -ED .1 'Bldg. 22 12 Mokbln & Marshall'. Add. to 400 Saint Paul 23 12 do 660 2700 24 12 do $50 2700 26 12 do 650 26 12 do 660 27 12 do 650 28 12 do 660 29 12 do 650 2400 725 3100 4 1 Wil._,. p.- of . p --t of Marshall'. 6 1 S.bdii.i- of B- 27, Mso— In 726 3900 7 1 & Marshall'. Add to St . P-1 726 2060 C­CrT. PAUL DEPARTMENT of FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ON (E... the N. 62.60 Pt) 16 13 tlaokubin h Lsreh.11'c Add. 660 1200 17 13 do Boo 1800 23 13 do 800 2660 24 13 do 800 1000 26 13 do 800 3760 29 13 do 800 660 30 13 do 876 2300 8 16 do 800 2600 9 16 do B00 1460 11 16 do Boo 2600 12 16 do Boo 2360 16.860 38,800 The Commi.sioner of Fl—l- further reports that he I— int- ligated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby -bmits the foregoing a. hie report thereon to the Council, together > ith the report made to him m referen ee t,.,id matter by the Commissioner of Public %%-ks. D—d 19 _.7—--- vo.m o. o. i. Commi..ioncr of FFinance. Oilice d the Commissioner of Public &)iw MM WU Report to Commissioner of Finance 10 MAY 2S 1932 �5, 193:: '1'1, the i," �,! ( 11". ,, ,.f ", 1,211d. hecon st: ue t!�o, re1� ,rth c St. ,3 .. Na ckuc t _t.; oe!nn ins 4 't.µ � - t -.e west, to ence westn� 't.; berino;nr 54 ft. fart,2 we-':, t -nce west 14 ft. _os.. Lot - .... n r 1. s- jt—,! .,,f bin , - n -n- 1-st ,.cs -J ft. .-_. _ .,. e. �. ,_t, t._ �in c: vast % ft. _o,.. - of -st. n 7, orte: si3e aY Wit. ,.: �:. t .anc • t '7- ft. o i n 18 ft. art -cst -, b_ �:•,st -`t.;-tnt_ a ast, tnence east .'t.; ceR in 1:. :�. dou tk -iue o'' t thong, L=<�nn ='t st 51 ft.: egg .Sn ft. fart- Vqq-. A 3 k da!, -k 1, 1, 1. 5. Sa,d ....... .... 0- .......... . A, -„et l.tri, 19}L' C. 1, Coy I if molt. 4.e. Lu11:,:i nr. l;e::r Co:_:.lseinnur: Tisa iir...1 f.rAar, C. sol, n-reconet::%tin, relayi:. and ro, HS rInP e.,.•.� cL. A Liv,R nth nide: be.-lmio,- 7e fact ast .;f :�t1n St., t.,— aaet ' ' feat, etc., under F.O. 3UFG.. adopted by Lhe "ity C—acil today, anbleat to roves ti,•'t Son by the City ty jor of property at V7 St. Antlbry Avemie. T'.,e of said property 1e Mr. A. J gj.ron, 1.9:1 Fo tlend ,1—a— Y,',r. 'r. trily, City Clarfc. COUNCIL FILE , O 93362 /�� df H-6-S-aii-tr*w In the matterto gi Red-jg and extending sn alley 20 ft, in width in lock b. Co _ego PIate-gest Divi.ldn�-ffierYS� E1Y2 s Subdivision and Sandberg's Re9rrangement. _ �fAme 1�p�y�ti."�nl6A Alli FPe���.'—.•I- 4.e-1 v under Preliminary Order____ 22596_____________ a PP roved----- Zuna_lst;--lou---- ________, Intermediary order --------- 93192------------- approved ------ Jjy-:20th,-1932.__________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, blections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully co 'd�- -- ared the same; therefore, be et -ag" —4� RESOLVED, By the Co cil of the City of St Paul that —1 hind ef �f/` r�e9• ht br drbf AM � �Y ffia9taln ""'�""'��'� be -d tht ®t ee h—by com"j'od an-, :a and^resided M awAesep la Aid matter be dieenntmmsi. d the Council hereby rd improvement to a made. RESOLVED FURTHEthe following Ian lands or easements the i he pd the same are ereby ordered to be ppropriated and co coned for the purpose f making the said imp v menta, viz.: The south 5f Lots 1, 2 6, Iffiery S. Hill s Subdivisionsouth 5 ft. of Lot 5 SandbergIs rauremettt, the north 1of Lot 3 Colle enPlaceorth l$ast Divis enwest 86 ft. of LHlock 15, RES VED FURTHEt Cimmissioner of P blic Works be and is hereby int cted nd direct to prepare plap 'ficaticns for said imp ment, and the proper city oflici rlsarehere- ereby nut rued and direrose d with the making o ,aid improvement in accordance with. • Adopted by the Council _---- �1�,r________-------- ____________• 19____ ----------------- Approved___________________________ 19---- Wavey _ <L _______________________ W, Ma Councilman Wy r y . k ` - r Ceeeeitm 41 . — Councilman Pearce �! Councilman C.ideed Councilman Sndhai r P F : Mayor w Q z 0 s OIF 3 1 . 0 l t WESLEY AVE. COLUG: PL.fD/l!,EMERY5,N/LLS5UB,a SANDB'Ro3RE. Holton Ave • N a S Alley OPENING Burcou offnq,n-1 April 29 /932 e /".GO 126,93 a5 A5 74 /x x29 I m ^�. 3 1 f 5J CAPITOL AVE. w Q z 0 0 J w N I 4 CD 2 J 5 s h 1 3 C9 n a � veno t 1 q I I PCS £ s F 3, m rC. N 4 \5\O I o I I I I I 2/ zis CAPITOL AVE. w Q z 0 0 J w N DEPARTMENTeOFP FINANCE n r� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9 31212 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the m.,erof opening, widening end—tonding m elley 20 ft. in width in Blook 16, College Plea. Beet Division, Emery S. Hill'a Subdivision and S=dberg'• Beerreage.mnt by t..king sad oondemaisg the south 6 ft. of lots 1. 2 sad 6, Swey S. Hill's Subdivision, the south 6 ft or' lot 6. Sandberg'. B.—90ment, end the north 16 ft. of lots 3 and 4. blo.k 16, College Pls.. E..t DSvieion, .eld elley running from Holton Ave. to the Horth end South alley In Sandberg'. Hearrangam.at sad lying between Neeley .ad Cepit.l Ave.. under Prclimie.ry Order approved J— 1, 1932 To the Council of the City of S1. Peel: The Commis.i.-, of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the .ssusment for the above improrcment is - - z 1.090.00 __ frt 1.26 The es tim.�ed cost pe/foot for the ab— mpro.ement u - - - - - - - $ - The lots or pared, of land that may be .ese.sal bencfi,s [or s.,h improvement, and the ...used valuation of each !oc or parcel a, last rrported by the Assessor, .re a, follows: AISESSED �At.unrio Bldg. Hast } of 6 Sandbsrg's Raarrangemeat 626 3860 Bfeet } of 6 do 626 3300 1 2 E-ry S. Hill'. Snbdivielon do 660 600 W..t } of 6 3 do 16 College Plaoe, gest Div. 676 1126 4900 Hast} of fleet } of 3 16 do 1060 3300 lfeat } of gest } of 3 16 do 1060 3760 gest } of sad W..t 13.76 ft of 3 4 15 do 1326 2350 DEPAFTMENT OFPFIIfANGE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) (Szo. W. 15.75 ft) Aeet i of 4 15 College Pl—, Seet DSvlelom 800 6800 S..t i of lfeet } of 4 16 do 1050 4600 9275 31750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has mve tigat,d .1I of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together ,ith the r, pot mad, to him io reference to said matter by the Comms i—, of Public W.,ka. r Dated�Je —19 3a`�, _ -- C - ' cr of Fi .-,. 9-949 St. Paul, Minn._ .A)r11_96_I_ 191M . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. ry no Gentlemen: We, the undersignedpropertyowners; hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: o,. alley 16 feet In width by .ta 1erth 11 feet of lot b block 16, oeilege-'thee-Faet Div'Lion aA the--- - +2i 6 -feet of dote-1�9 erid-d of Etery B. Kills, �ab1I�yeleole. 6 feet of lot 8 Sandberg p Rearrangeso- ata and -Y. 11 feet#8l�' in blook-1st eellege-glome 8aet- die. a It to_conneot with the >✓elton lwea¢e .....--.. ..-e6e.t4 - to to � .. from.._...._ .. ... .. ..........nd - alley in Baadberg's Rearrangement _... Se I -A"66 -n/ Office of .the Commissioner of Public WhP1kA1YANUi Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 91932 June 8, 1932 193 'I'a the Cmnmia i,I r of Finance of the City of St. Pool. The Comorieeioner of Publio Works, having had under cooaiderntiou the p,,Iiminnry order of 01, C.I.61, known a, Cnmed File No. 92598 approved June 1, 1932 193 , reletiv to opening widening end extending an alley 20 ft. in width in Block 16, College Place East Division, Emery 5,-Hill*s Subdivision and Sandberg's Rearrangement, said alley running from Holton Ave. to the North and South Allay in-Sandbergts - - Rearrangement and lying between Wesley Avenue and Capitol Avenue. .___. _.. end having invc,tigated the matters and thing, referred W therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie neecseary and (or) de,ir,ble. 2. The c,tim Wd cost thereof ie f.. Xxxx , and the total coat thereof ie S XXXX and the nature and extent of ,aid improvement ie ae follow,: 3. A pl,o, profile or ,ketch of said improvement is hereto attached and mode , part hereof. 4. _ 5. Said improvement is mkcd for upon petition of three or more owner, of property, ,object to aeeee,ment for aid improvement. /J Commies one�ef Pub4c WSi ka.... St. Paul, Minn. _-.....__.. _---_. .192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body �e m-'_- Pit 17/1 -_ __....-. St_ Ave. NAME I LO"I" BLOCK ADDITION . 93363 Intermediary Order -...... Bassi— " A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council &.phos iraameener i° wea�i- and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered .: eon°: wenu:y io .e..»aiAmm ower 11-1 „„t, Z?,f,,1-t1 >,x�ozM ..iia°vemrvne ., nu. e.vmenamve eem n»� COUNCIL FILE NO. . e o. trovro..mmt nvm A^ n me cvmeu a.rmv elacame ma m •�ewUve �'.., BY 1 � ieirer• � � In the Natter of grading Alley inBlock2, BirtIngham'a Fourth Addition from.RogersAvenue to May street, under Preliminary Order 92691 _approved June 8, 1932 Intermediary Order -...... -. __...... __approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it 11-1 „„t, Z?,f,,1-t1 >,x�ozM RESOLVED, By the Council �i�e of the City of St. Paul that aiuw.aztwtiL44mtd-vM -' prove ant to be made by t Bald City is grgde�119y SA B11,k 2, Bin, n@ham' e Fount Addition Eros Roger- 9vanue td blag 9trfle4� b8 4M bb ®e We herahy cancellc1 anru:led,-md-IPLIMdj g- -- __--------- +�06A bl nid maftes be d ecc�ar cw ,N the Council hereby or r d p ov t to a de. FURTHER, That the Comms orer o Public {Yorksandisherebyin tedand repare plana and .'necificntions for said imp vement, end submit same to [heouncil for &S'OL",ED ppt upon said approve the proper city official. a hereby authorized and directtopro- e eeds making of said p v ment in accordance th ewith. Adopted by the Council -.- 192 Appr.—I . 192 Councilman l'.'.'. Councilman Iv"e=" Councilman's'dh Mayor VMRR"—A Form B. S. A. 8-7 'V'A4 DEPARTMENT NANIE 93129 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i,i h, ,.n ,,,,f grading of Alley J -n Block 2, -Bi—i,gb—' a Fourth Addltio -f—Rgar. Avonua to May Street, Pll�'.T'.11.111 1411-,; "'] J— 8, 1932 11''i"( -11-111f I]' (— P.111 III, Com ............ . .. f 11-111.1111.111-11 —1116VIf 011 lo, 1I -1b.11—"1.1-1— 11 S 726.22 , ,"/-., f"' 'I., A-, 0.61 . ... .......1, "( I. . — b, --.ed I I,, —!—; —," f ...h lot o� 1- ,! b, h, A ......... era - fo11—, 1 2 Bl"mi ngham' a Fourth Add 200 to St. Paul, Minn. 2 2 do 175 3 2 do 175 2150 4 2 do 175 5 2 do 175 6 2 do 175 800 7 2 do 175 10 2 do 175 2300 11 2 do 175 12 2 do 175 1450 DEPARTMENT OF FIN*NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION IOT -DIT— IALUATION 13 2 Birmingham's Fourth Add. 175 4300 14 2 do 175 15 2 do 150 16 2 do 150 350 17 2 do 150 300 18 2 do 150 19 2 do 175 20 2 do 150 1800 21 2 do 150 1200 22 2 do 150 4100 23 2 do 150 200 24 2 do 150 4100 25 2 do 150 1650 26 2 do 150 27 2 do 150 28 2 do 150 2300 29 2 do 150 30 2 do 150 1000 31 2 do 125 4675 28000 TM1e Commjaai.— of Financc furth,r reports that he ha. mv<arigated .1I of the afore aid maty and hereby eubmae the foregoing ae hie report tM1ereon to the Council, together with the report made to him m ref<re nee to aid matter by the Comma i-- of Public Works. Dated. 1J�X'�..I� �--I9-#-y. - — Com missioncr of Financc. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) June 11, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith plans and specifications for the grading of Alley in Block 2, Birmingham's Fourth Addition from Rogers Avenue to May Street, under Pre- liminary Order C. F. 92691, approved June 8, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - $726.22 Cost per front foot - - - - - 0.61 Inspection - - - - - - - - - - 14.24 Engineering - - - - - - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - - 1186 ft. Yours very truly, L� o H. Shap rd, hief Engineer. mh t;i}AN.Ur tiropNG� Approved for transmission to the CoJmmissioner of Finance. C. Herman Wenzel, Works. .I ' Commissioner of ub11c JUN 13 19z- bffice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 11, 1932 193 To the C1,11,nianon" of Fiunto, of the City of St Pool The Contromi.-I of Public Work, having had under tone,dr—tio" the preliminary order of the C.or,il, ka.— . Council File No 92691 approved June 8, 1932 193 1 relative to the grading of alley in Block 2, Birmingham's Fourth Addition from Rogers Avenue to May Street. and having investigated the reatire and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said irop-1-1-t ie n,r,..q and (-) dreir.ble. Cost per front foot 610 2, The intimated coat thereof ie 1726.22 and the total cost thereof i S Inspection $14.24 Engineering $125.00 Frontage 1166 ft. and the nature and -tent of mid improvement ie as f"HO" 3. A plan, profile or sketch of and irop—loreat is he— attached and trade a pad hereof. 4. 5, said improvement ie naked for often la,tition of three or more owners of property, ,ubjr,t tormeet i,mid i, en, at r roverne Y' -�t one of P.bfi�w JUN 13 1S- . St. Paul, Minn. 192 _ 192..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn, r� Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following impmeemcnt to be made: / St. Ave. from. a . YQ.. ___ ... St. Avc to /FO 17 2 CS r� St. A- 0 lac) N�K � 7 tfdd. r. C RIFIVE IVEII�� S 7 tfdd. N.'/�, NAV �A,SEL. ,.14.-TZB-R.Z3 407 C08NCIL FILI. aa. ------- . a 911364 �C¢— j e. e> �eaee—nr, c wea �—Y�u we m.�ue yr .vveemvmiva a ue- BY -------------------- _--- ive. av euemeat.ev. u. v.e �-� � q.mie doe �:rrN�iv�Oai - in the matter of____ o9AdA=i)lg_ end_ LakinB__an-_@agement_in_ th-e--1_and- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Birmingham's Fourth Addition from Rogers Avenue to May Street under Preliminary Order____ 92622 ----------- approved-_ -.---- June 8,_ --------- 93130 July 20, 1932 Intermediary Order ----------------------------- aPproved____----_-----__----______-___------- A public hearing having been had pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all ref,res, objections and recommendations relateve thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 4 b. W the — — hervoy --Il wm_!I:1. arul resardad 40 W traSM is e.W mattes be diaeont-ed. ntl detected`� prepay plans afttl speclflcatiolte for said improe'ement, x me1propereCit)�afficliptse T hereby authorjzed and directed to proceed v. ithvY\he making of :aid improv me m s or nc e - with. \\ Adopted by the Council___ APproered_ May Councilman tearerCaunailr C Im 1 Councilman P G 7 C mm,ilm n R.W..'a fte Councilman w4.,*4—: W[ Mayor ALLEY-BLK.26/RM/NGHf7M.3 AOO IC7♦ Ldi-e Com. �I II A&- ledlcelnn Fill. Typic.l Ne�o�ion If ' Fj..o abew lice chew CLI o. FNI et pno.+Y lice. �i Figem bele. fe. ahew '.I di>•eecc le which alep..'',' IIaawnd beyeel pereNy frc. l I.e. pe.k No, isgl. X•Sec. Bh. Ns, 234)_!1 fi 60 im - AVf A`A,1KA - -4-" D EPA RT . ENT�C�FFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 93130 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A' taking an 2""a"n" intheland necessary for condemning and of Alley in Block 2. B1-rM1EZb`em"` elope., cute and fill. in the grading Fourth Addition from Rogers Avenue to May Street. dune S. 1932 P, (,111 ......... 215.00 ..1 0 1" 0" 2 fourth Add 200 1. vil, Minn. 2 2 do 175 175 2160 3 2 do 4 2 do 175 5 2 do -75 175 Boo 6 2 do 7 2 do 175 175 2500 10 2 do 11 2 do 175 175 1450 12 2 do (C) ofZ'b. W,PADL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 13 2 Birwangkle.m's Fourth Add. 175 4300 14 2 do 175 15 2 do 150 16 2 do 150 350 17 2 do ba0` 300 18 2 do 150 19 2 do 176 20 2 do 150 1600 21 2 do 150 1200 22 2 do 150 4100 83 2 do 150 200 24 2 do 160 4100 25 2 do 150 1650 26 2 do 150 27 2 do 150 28 2 do 150 2300 29 2 do 150 30 2 do 150 1000 31 2 do 125 ' 4675 22000 The Commmion,r of Finance further reports that h, hoe mv,stigatcd all of the aforesaid matt , and ' hereby submits the foregoing ae hie report thereon w th, Council, together with the report mad, to him i. rd--, to said matt, by th, C.—mi—, of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 11, 1932 193 ( of Fi—,-- of the City of St "" Th, of 1U,li, Work., h.,i.g had —d- --id—u(", the P"I'Mi.—Y order of the C.—M, k.1-1 01u111i) "' N.,92692 'p, ... (I June 8, 1932 193 relativo to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Birmingham's Fourth Addition from Rogers Avenue to May Street. and having i tig.­1 the ­tk— —d things 11-f-1-11 to th,-,,-i,, 1-01Y report.: 1. snui improvement ie __-y ..d (-) d,.ir.1.1,. 2,thereof i. $ , and W, t, -I —t thereof i. S and t, _­, .,,,] extent of ..id u.p---t 1. .s follows'. 3, A pi.., I­fil, or sketch of said improvement i, hereto attached and —d, . part h --f- 4. 5. Said uw---t w_asked f., upon petiti.n of three or more owners of property, f Pvblm Works. 9t"365 COUNCIL FILE N0. By In the Matter of grading Louth .Street from Union Streetto the Northern Pacific Railroad right of way ac' - el `s a. under Preliminary Order 92722 epproyed June 14, 1932 Intermediary Order -.-.-.-.-._...-..__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and h—mg fully considered the same; therefore, be it'/ �'— /— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul [hot p d �1 tr d -k nd ° prop act to be mode by a id City is grarl>uth St aetYT` llnloa StreAkta. the North n Pacific Bait - andma ----------- ----- �y� ttr and the ®! tl4 ha 7 an the Council hereby o d improvement SOLVED FURTHER, hat the Commissioner di o prepare plans ends1m,i0 tions fn a de. o blit K'orks be and is hereby trotted and for saidd im end submit same to the c 1 for n 'pro- ,, approval; at upon said approval, a proper city o[ficlels hereby authorized and directed .d teed th th maAivg of said pro ent in accordance Cher th. Adopted by the Council - --... , 192 App,o, ed .._ , mit}-OIarL 192 / Cnnntilmana Oi an ouv ;Imam - CouncilmandIPlWSW "°j"I - MayorRONIsld `lun,uey - Form B. S. A. 8-7 c"' o eDL DEPARTMENTOF !FINANCE �1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCEJ�jl�)� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matt<r of grading Louth Street from Union St. to the Northern Pacific Railroad Right of way ender Preliminary order approved Sung 14, 1932. To the Council of the City of Sr. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hcrcby reports es ioiiows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 449-•89--- -- t The cs�imatcd cost pet for the above improvcmcnt is - - - - g 0.88 - - - be bl-fits for such improvemen�, and the assessed valaation of each lot or "1'he 11u or parcels of land that may assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oEscwirnory LOT aw<. nooi.iory Lflna—ATIII�ldg. 6 4 The Strand Add to St.Paul 125 7 4 do 225 8 4 do 250 9 4 do 275 4000 10 4 do 800 8600 1 5 do 275 2 5 do 250 3 5 do 125 Lot 11 and except St. W of 10 5 do 1100 6500 3425 19100 The Commissioner of Finance further rzp—, that he has invcstip—d all of the aforesaidmatt s, and hereby submits the foregoing as his repor thereon o the Council, together with the report made to rhim in reference to said mat... by the Commissioner of Public \forks. Dated LJ .7.o-.. ...193 Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. --�-- 19$ 7- T, The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owns , hereby petition your 11om,rable Body to cause till p following imp—entent to be made: qQ. St. Ave. from St. A.vc. to � S, -A—. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (nem) June 16, 1932 Ron. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir/ I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Louth Street from Union Street to the Northern Pacific Railroad Right of Way, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92722, approved June 14, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $449.89 Cost per front foot - - - .92 Inspection - - - - - - - - 8.82 Engineering - - - - - - - - - 90.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 487 ft. Yours truly, / yn �/ �"�1 hCh M. Shepard,/ mh Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Commissioner of ublic Works. w XX, AIW-lf, SEC 26 T.23 -P25. C-Opko CWMI-1 � b h a � KDD' a. 7-7 F -I F -I Office 'of the Commissioner of Public )Wwak Nom& Report to Commissioner of Finance ,NMN 22 19U June 17, 1932 193 7'o the Comml.simmr of Finance of the City of St. Peal: The Commiuvionar of Public Work., having had under—,,id... tion the preliminary order of the Counrd, known os Connell File No. 92722 approved June 14, 1932 .193. , rd.tivo w the grading of Louth Street from Onion Street to the Northern Pacific Railroad Right of Way. and having investigated tho matters and things ref—d to tberei., hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i.. --- and cr) desirable. oat per front foot 920 2. The e.tim.ted coat thereof is E.... 449.89 sad the total ...t thereof is S and Inspectionla%$8t.82�id imW eeri%g to t90,. 00 Frontage 487 ft. 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of said improvement lit. hereto attached and made . part hereof. 4. .... 5. Said improvement is... asked for ,p.. petition of three or more owners of property, .object to aeee..mcot for said rmpro --t. --'7 /.V C mmissioner ublic Work.. DONALD W. TAYLOR aa... Exz R- ACP�W �+/.Ln Snmi� �..Ixi.:enrvr.. Aug. 9, 1932 To the Honorable City Council City Hall Saint Paul. Dear Sire; I am writing to you with reference to Preliminary Orders #92722 oto the2 Nor her73 callinng Pacificfor theBY- ongadinwhichof Lthere Se St from Union St, to be a hearing on Aug. 16th. I represent the Duluth & Virginia Realty Co. which owns Lots 4 Block 2, Lots 5, 6 & 8 Block 4 and Lot 3 Block 5 in - the larProps rtynto beamount of 'rh . Strad AddItion't ediby the hass ssment forg est this grafting. affecwe see no possible use far this grading and wish to vigorously protest this work being done and assessed. The street goes nowhere and it is Suet a Daze of charging us up with the for major part oY the cost of some workhwhich hD lenbodyoldeWilltsee fits benefit of one person. I hope y to diecontl me this order. The following property owners are joining with me in objecting to this grading of Louth St. Dulut & Vir i Se sal C B on 'y sy o an re, zimmoue arI Peter Lot 4 Bl. 2, Lots 5 6& 8 B1 4 Lot 3 Block 5 The Strand Addn. Lot 10 Block 4 The Strand Lo to 10 & 11 Bl. 6 The Strand Lot 1 B1. 6 The Strand Lot 7 Bl 4 The Strand .� 93366 COUNCII,7E f"O --- By se'sant- j, the land end- t -Xing- -as In the matter of"_-- the grading of Louth d fills inm` e0wa necessaryfor slopes, cuts and Pacific Railroad right Street from Union Street to the of way. June 14� 1932_----___"-- 92723 -- ------ -- 921? �5 ............... under preliminary order ----- pp .... d---- - Intermediary Ord, _"---- 5�283 ------------------- a otiee, and the (30um,11 . ­­ut upon due id- abli, hearing having been had ulam "1 0' , d having fully r... ti ru,=i�'mp ,I.ti,, there Public b,e Oml ­(na having .11 it —d the same; therefore,of the City of St Paul `W RESOLVED, BY the Clualil I! stub = _L,: . .-, mo rewdW 09 matter be down=._ 4 e Inu r ot" are ne fNNid, improve' ment, an.N',�b 'ut I ra,cldauc, thNrO P u Our U) Prel' a p- In r, ,id imnr d directed plan, [N.,d 'MZ ,�I'Ih t uuN t e, ,by i,,d and directed Adopted by the Council-. ----- ---- 19 ------- - ---------- Appruved Ilk w11 mCouncilman PMea#: cI.UUI.IA.IIM1.1 Councilman May., LOUTH ST. ' � � hdi«I.•., cm. - /Yo �e n Pacific /7y. Unlon 5t - <. Tvvir�l Nolnlion ♦�e _ I FI,—. be - 6. she, dlehnnce ho .+hick slopes - lnc. Beek Ne1432 N-5-Bk. Ne.1432 • z T N E J T R /Y O 4 O O ti � o c p 0 5 .� 4�' •I�' � do' %Sf Br Nn. N E' •9 T AN A O O. cln or sT. r� u� 1 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 1 931 )8 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �J(J. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) I_h, of lopetse, ecutsc ands fs ill,n in theand lng g—dingaor Louth St. fromdUlion St .yt oar the Northern Pacific Rd.Right of ,Yay, trader Pmbo,j_ry Oder app .... d Juno 14, 1932. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The total esv mated amount of the assessment for [he abate i m provement is - E 25.00_. -. - The estimated cost per foot for the above "-I.provcme.. is S - - - be benefits for each improycment, and the assessed -l""" of Inch !ot or 'Fhc lore or parcels of land [bat may asxssed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows. o11ca1-01 wr aw�K aoo�,�or+ Lnna`��T���ldg. 6 4 The Strand 'Ad to St,Paul 125 7 4 do 265 8 4 do 250 9 4 do 275 4000 10 4 do 800 8600 1 6 do 275 250 2 5 do 3 5 do 125 exoept at, lY of 10 b do 1100 6500 Lot 11 and 3425 19100 Finance further reports that he ha, m —igatrd all of the af--dmatt e, and rhim The Com oj,sjoner of foregoing ae hi, report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to in I iereby subma the to -id by the C.i-111 of Public ai matter \%arks. reference � A. .Doled - ----193 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WcW4MMUR Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 22 1932 June 17, 1932 193 the Commissioner of Fimlo', of the City of St. P -I The C-molmim", of 11.1,Ill, Work., having had under 1--id"Itiml th' 11111imiroll'y ""'r of "o' Connell, known lo, Cmm,iI Fit, No 92723 W—Ili June 14, 1932 193 1 "Imti" to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Louth Street from Union Street to the Northern Pacific Rd. Right of Way. and having investigated the omt— and things referred to th—in, h—by ,p- 1. Said i"'pl--m"m is n --y and (m) 2, The estimated —t thereof i. S ,and the total —t thereof is I arld tio, rmt,— nod extent of said improvement is - foll-- 3. A pl.., profile or sketch of said improvement is h—to ettorhrd and omd, . pmt hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement Ill lo,k,d for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject m —ent for said improvement. —) &mmi.*'.-�-mlr of 93367 e.. Nentt .oula� COUNCIL FILE NO. ,Md, b: sl ne sBsuin By - o uv a as a.a�..ma rs In the Matter of oonatraoting di—y-At the follosiog locational Prior Ave., -t aide, beginning 196 ft. south of Marshall Ave., thence south to alley Prior Ave.. -.east silo, baginniag.168 Pt. south of Yarahall Ase., theaoe south 11 ft. Prior Ase., east side, beginning 182 ft. south of Selby Ave., thence south 18 ft., Prior Ave.y-—at 'aid.,-begi.aaing 168 ft--south-of Lural Ave., th— south 12 ft•,-begianlag 20 ft. ferthar south. thence south 30 ft. f Ahland Asthence. south.a ft... Prios. Avs.r.east side, bogiffif.ng 128 ft. o ve•, begimmiag 20 ft. farther south. theaoo south 12 ft.. south 8 Hoao1L Avc.v at aide,. beginning 187 ft. south of Lural Ave.. thence ft.,. _..._ under Preliminary Order ' 92501 approved May 25, 1932 Intermediary Order _ .....__.__.._..._approved _..._.. _.__..... _._.._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; th' ore, be it ,�- BE50L4, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that bo W the =me are hereb^ --!,,d r,rr._;,.'. Ind resdWd go ill is said matter be d;acen-_: -.11. Adopted by the Council ALL.2 :. E..-- 192 6ily-Blerl�- 192 PJ�Li% / G a U ej�C�'TI Approved CouncllmadwERM ?l. 11-0d Councilmana>469369FN """ CouncHEms" ""'hi'a ' P —a Councilmimfgln�s�e' CouncilmanEEER90itt' 1 ° 'x / CouncilmanoRvA N"" ".el Mal'orglgff h ?1 nli�nry 1117 B. S. A. 8-7 \\ 1 6ily-Blerl�- 192 PJ�Li% / G a U ej�C�'TI Aur. DEPARTMENT 6FF014ANCE t - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9111139 MY In th< matter of Constructing driveway it the following '_ocatlonst r-1 side of Prior •v begin 145 It. sttth ,t M•r sn��h 'v':., th en Ce so't;h to :.llay g- ,, side Prior ;,ve. b ,annln,, '15b ft. a.. .th f 14— ,11 r•v , ,`!-nco south 11 ft. beet side of Prior t•v_. ba inn'ei Ij:. ft. south oelny ..v ., .pence south ld It. cast.. side o: Prhor !.vbopinnl-.d 156 -'t. south of —ursl Ave., thence sn th 1^ ft.,beglnning >0 ft. tar Cher south, t-1--so-th 1D 't. Bast side of Prior Ave. beglnning 129 ft. south If ,shit, r,�I Ava., tna v south ..1 ft., be,f icming .:J ft. fartl— south, th-co South 1: ft. Pest Ado of Howo11 :•va, beglnnlr!.; 1.•7 :south of i ur 1 t'.ance south o ft. i Lot 9 and W. 15 ft of 8 3 do V 2425 6600 9 16 do 1600 5100 1 4 Merriam Park, Third Add. to 1300 3700 the City of 8t. Paul 22 4 do 1300 4000 1 9 do 1600 2300 22 9 do 1500 4700 12 4 do 1600 6900 13225 39400 The Commissioner of Finance further report, chat he has in -6,—d all of the aforesaid ma [r , and hereby submits the foregoing es hie report thereon o he Council, togcth cr wi,h the report made to him m ref ere n<c to said mat[cr by he Commissioner of Public \forks. of Finance. under Preliminary Order approved May 25, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. NO The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above mprovement is - - - $ 201.19 The estimate) cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - . $ - -- - Th, loin or pared. of land that may be .sussed benefits for each improvement, and the assessed va1-6— of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc an follow..: oEscniPTior+ t.o, a.00K nooiTior+ ISSIIIED �'J—T—Bldg. 1 4 Merriam Park, Second Add. 1900 5900 to the Cityof St. Pav1 Lot 9 and W. 15 ft of 8 3 do 2426 6800 9 16 do 1600 5100 1 4 Merriam Park, Third Add, to 1300 3700 the City of St. Paul 22 4 do 1300 4000 1 9 do 1600 2300 22 9 do T 1500 4700 12 4 do 1600 6900 13225 39400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the .f.,,said mat, , and ..bmi s the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, ro ,her with the report herebyt made tohim m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datcdr}/.�..d��m _- - Commissioner Finance. Cl 7 of Office of the -Commissioner of Public W~fm wet N 91 -1 - P. Report to Commissioner of Finance 1�10 JUN 2 IM2 June 2, 1932 192 'Il.. . ........ h", w, 'A 0, May 25, 1952 192 92501 .......... .. j Constructing drivefflaY nt the follOyIng l0cati­.t wait side of Prior b 1'`5 't- 5 ""'h -f 1( th ...0 sou%h to _I—Y Eat. cost - Lot 1, Block 4,terriest, Park 2nd Add. 34.08 Prior E"side Pri r Ave.A v s. 153 j-_ ­.th t,­ce south 11 ft. r 19.77 &St. Cost - Lot 9, Block 3, Merriam Park Zed Add. t-,, side of Prior —3. ft- s -It' '3"'y an ce south 16 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 9, Block 16, Merriam Park 2nd Add. -- 52.50 ..rest side of Pr -'01 '." 11,6 t. .1 f L�,arsl Ave., thence south 1:2 ft., beginning ') ft. th U1 ID 't- - Block 4, Merriam Park Add. 21.55 Eat Cost Lot 1, 19.94 of Pr,- r 22 Av b", � I I" AV" L"St side _9 t,.encesouth .1 ft., bejlmlnd .,j ft- f_tiw, south, I;oj--- south 1 t. Est. Cost - Lot 19 Block 9, Merriam Park 3rd Add. 37.66 - 22, . 9, 3rd Add. 21.53 side of ho_11:.vu.Ua,;­­,: L7 L,Ur-I -Vs., .':once South ;!'t. 14.36 Est. Cost - Lot 12, Block 4, Merriest Park Third Add. -- Office -of the -Commissioner of Public W~ FINAW, p,.r- (,,—c r-9 T" BT -9 I' pj..LT— j,-LJI IPTIq Vlq* -- 7d'38 11 - . S' . a' 2,9 vqqI :22 F,.P- c --v - r P TI pT­11 fl.LLT— ?Lq vqq* TE):2a 2 q Coar rOC 7' ,TO"GY b YTI, FT r -c 3' R7Oo11 TO WGLLTuw b ­K :;ucj Vqq- e.p- C -C - r-9 a' BTOoY 2' WGL'T— b'Ll' S.q yqq* Ih. "t"d "d 0., ,d S .k,.1, 1, „f I, i I" I 1� 1. S. . nil iiiil�nn.+n.-��t i. nrki-�I fin iil���n I�"�i�i.iii ..f Ali/ �/��ni-r� ��f prol �rlr. I i nq rl f 11,,111j, 11-k,. 93368 e ne i m v.2uea. a ttwa.ou t4[armpt Net R. COUNCIL FILE,:VO. By ;. In the Matter of abangiag the grade. of.Allay in Bleak 1.. Hablya park Addition end. Blook 1. Stoke'.a Bearrengona+at from Cleveland. Ave. to a point SDO ft.."fitof the wast line of Cleveland. Ave. to ooaform to the. red line oa. the profile hereto att.ohed and meda a pert hereof. -.the preaeat eetabliahed grade being shorn by a blue line thereon, alep_g-dung said .11ey .Prom Clavelmd. Ave. to pin . Ave, to the proposed red line thea establiabed. and onetroating-ems in pin Ave.. from Carroll Ave. to a point 210 ft. north of the. oenter a [ ar derPrehm�ivu 9'Vdel 92557 _ _.approved y y 2e, 1932 Intermediary O d _._.. _ _._ _.. _._. —pp—ed A public hearing ha,lag bee, had t,an the b p t po d ,ti,,, d theCouncil havmg heard all persons, objections and recommendations rela� thereto, ad h,,i,,r fully.... idered ., the same; therefore, be it RS SOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 60 iad the mfDe m here67 cmceIkA, a...!W, and m,hr& and LH mceedinga in avid ma.:er be da—a-1. Adapted by the C.—il AUCs 101193$_ I92 Rim 1 Annro,.ed ,Isz s/�r�E��.��2 Councilman ,--- M—aeld Mayor COunc!Imane?'rgnarm_— :guy 5 Council .-..-..,.< It,e.a U v Councilmangm9mo-- MayoAll.. Form B. S. A. 8-7 GEPAR MENT OFP FINANCE ? REPORT OF COMMISSIOrQtR OF FINANCE 9131124ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In rhe marrcr n( °h—gl-.g the grade of Alley in Blook 1, Boblya Park Add. end Blook 1, Stoker. Bearrangameat from Cl.—I—d Ave. to a point 600 ft. weet of the we et line of Cl.—lend Ave. to e.oform to the red line on the profile hereto att..h.d end made a part hereof, the pr .... t eet.bli.bed grade being .h— by a blas line tharaoa, oleo grading said alley from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. to the proposed red line when eetabliehed, and o netrooting Ar Sn Flo. Ava. from Carroll Av°. to a point 210 ft.north of the center line of Carroll . . under Prcliminary order approved MV 28. 1932 To rhe Cnundl of rhe cry of S,. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repo rcs as follows: 'Che coral ea ti�nared amount n( she assesam en, (or ,be above im pro...... is - - - ! 1,429.63 698.29 -grade The...... "ed co a, per loo, for rhe above improvcmrns .s - - - - - - - R 731.34-.®r 'I he I�rs or parcels of land ,hat -y be as ...d be ,fi, for such �m proveme m, and rhe assessed ra lua,ion of each !or or parcel as las, ,-,,d by ,he Assessor, arc ar (Dhows: o 1RIPnoN nor euoea nooirioN Lend Bldg. 13 1 Bobl,7a Park Add., St.PanlAin.. 1600 4860 14 1 do 1600 4600 16 1 do 1600 6000 18 1 do 1600 6200 17 1 do 1600 6100 18 1 do 1600 4400 19 1 da 1600 4100 20 1 do 1600 6260 21 1 do 1600 3760 22 1 do 1800 3900 ci7TbfhrT. PA., DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONED OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) LOT ADDITION 'AL I.E�ITI.El ON 23 1 Eoblyn Park Add., 8t.Paol,Ylaa. 1800 4700 24 1 do 1700 4900 24 2 do 1700 8800 3 1 Btokala Rearrangement 726 3860 4 1 do 800 3360 6 1 do 8o0 4000 8 1 do 800 6860 7 1 do 800 4200 Lot 8 and East 10 ft of 9 1 do 1000 4400 (E... East 10 ft) 9 and (Ezo. A. 20 ft) 10 1 do loco 6060 Aest 20 ft of 10 and (Ex.. W. 10 ft) 11 1 do 1000 Lot 12 and R 10 ft of 11 1 do 1o00 4960 13 1 do Boo 4000 14 1 do 800 2900 15 1 do 900 6800 31425 112900 The Commissioner of Fm ... e further reports char he has inveetiga[ed all of the aforesaid marc . and hereby submits he foregoing ae hie report thereon to rhe Council, together �ith the report made to him m rc fere nee to said martyr by he Commisswncr of P.bhc _.193 vo.m o. e. it Commissioner of Finance. � zzz 5E %, r zq.. R. Sec 3l. P 7Hry 1 TOWN AND eC ,4 I CO VN TR )' - _ ,Poe'L YN qvc• 1 '0 C/ ue - O i CARToA, 4,0- JF- I� �C C MARSHALL � f}vE. ::a 4 Pzg St. Paul, Minn. April _@,..... 1902" To The Honorable, The Council, ✓ City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made and paving Qsading,of Alley. between Cdrroll Ave, and Roblyn Ave_ froth _.. Cleveland tot Finn. Avenues Horth... St. Ave. from._..... St. Ave. to St. Ave. ,4 O.C7L S//v AYF C.POG G F vE - a 1-9LL�Y PAF/GE aro./.%�9 �d�qr. • � 9rrt�ii�q co..,6,v=.tom/ c.� o/�- orra'er .vgvl!/ sa✓e lcenbsiCP�a6/PLover d.%�!J� ., oiF se�EraArly�ii nd O��rfJ P/�7 /Q /'/C C�^S �ci/� �JO� faC rYwrP asp a1— �Cr Lim ff. 07" 4 6 fir �io b� ✓v. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL �- INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 2, 1932 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public works. Dear Bir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, Roblyn Park and Stokers Rearranement of the north j of Block 1, Roblyn Park from Cleveland Iva. to a point 500 ft. west of the west line of Cleveland Ave., also grading said Alley from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue, and constructing a sewer in Finn Ave. from Carroll Ave. to a point 210 ft. north of the center line of Carroll Ave., under Preliminary Order C. F. 92557, approved May 28, 1932. The total estimated cost of this improvement is - - - - - - - X1,428.63. The construction of a sewer on Finn Ave. is necessary on account of the fact that both Finn Avenue between Roblyn Avenue and Carroll Avenue, and the alley in Block 1, drain to a low point at the intersection of thea alley cannot with the street from which the water cannot escape, y improved until drainage is provided for this low point. The estimated cost of gading is - - - - - $898.29 a • a ■ sewer is - - - - - 731.34 Alley frontage - - - - - - - - - 1191 IAn. ft. Yours truly, (/-WR. N. CAREI mh Chief engineer. Approvf$�o c.-ti to theo Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. O&Ice'of the Commissioner of Public WO&#FiNAru- Report to Commissioner of Finance -- _-- - JUN i 1932 June 0, 1932 193 To the (',,o... Tuner of Finance of the City d St. 1'nul. The (,.ot eioner of Public Work, h.—g had under er-al ratwo the preliminary order of the Gmoed, known sa (W—il File xo92557 approved May 28, 1932 193 , relative to changing the grade of Alley in Block,l, Roblyn Park and Stoke's Rearrangement of the Borth } of Block 1, Aoblyn Park from Cleveland Ave. to a point 500 ft. west of the west line of Cleveland Ave., also grading said Alley from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave., and constructing a sewer in Finn Ave. from Carroll Ave. to a point 210 ft. north of the center line of Carroll Ave. and having investigated the matl.era and things referred to therein, hereby reports: I. Said in,prm ement is nuTasnry and (or) demirablo. (Bee estimate attached) 2. 'Che estimated cost thereof is E. , and the tote] coal thereof is E and the naturo and extent of said improvement is ss follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said impravernent is hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 9. 6 Said improvement is ssked for pro pet tion of thrs, or/ lora of property, ,object to assessment for said rmpr,--t. mmissioner of P,tblio Works, l� J 9359 QJUNCIL FILE N0. BY la the matter of__ condamnistB_aaa-tpkilg an- easement_ iu_ the_ land necessary _ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley Ju Block 1, Roblyn Park Addition and Block 1, Stoke's Rearrangement from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue -_----_ approved__Y__28'-_1932 ___ under Preliminary Order____92558-' Intermediary Order ------- 93125---------------- a pproved----- -.--- July_ 20i -1932---------- A public hearing having been had pun the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it -' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that be Wd the —mp ere hereby mwelled. mulled, end cwirAW ed VI proeeedin¢e W said mau a 6woluiA2ed. — Adopted by the Council __- -AUG -7.6 IM— —. 19 -- ---------- PUG 1 __19Appoved__C_—�s>___7 yor. Councilman CeartY ' Councilmen Fe*lwcon %—Cuncilman McDonald Wel. i. SCAYM F R A c 2t -LANK C uncflman 6edheimer �- - — � Mayor gy l-^___' L 0I I.dk.le C.. AIL -Ind—a F;11. Typ'�c.l Nwall.. �}p Ffq..a Ian.ah..c C.n x FRIII .h pop.rb Ihw. Fiyu... b.ls. li.e aM. d�.l.ac. ro .M<h alev.s " e.r.d by.nd v..pe.y lin. L.c B.c4 Nal2C2 X -5-004a1262 A/kyd.F/.Rabb-: H .F C.�✓e/o�dfo fiis., 3/aF. On 2 /Y¢ 259 ALLEYBLK/ROBLY/Y PARKSSTOKES RE. OFBLK./ c/.—/vnd All Fiirn Are. - .. ROOLY/Y AYE a3 /4 /3 /2 4 Sf F-71 - a�. >� :� �" sl^". oft °� "^� •� a Iv -� 5/•• A.-ubdr _ Fi. Gad F. S 7 F• Fi. F' T / n U3is /s ii ii /D/9 is 7/12 ?3 2 R O B L /Y A R K CARROL L A✓L. D DEPA RT,ME�IT SQ FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the n,.t�er of oondenaing —d t"takingt". '-::-, ",lop.., —t. and f111e Sa the 1, ' d ... : grading of Alley In BlWk 1, Itobl" Perk Add. d BI Rearrangement from CIGTOlmd Ave- t. Fina Ave.. —d- Old" approved jhv 28, 1932 T, the 0,— 1 of 1h, C11y of Sc.I"": Fl—.— b ... by reports as follows: 50.00 The eau mnmd cost per [not for h, ab— be and the .ssessed ,aluat'on f each !or or p .... of land dh., ,,.y parcel as last ,.-d b, the A--1, 111 lAnd��—N Bldg. 13 1 Itablyn Park Add-. IWO 4860 14 1 d. 1600 4600 16 1 do IGOO 5000 Iwo am la I din 17 1 d. 1600 6100 1000 4400 10 1 6. 18 I d. 1600 4100 20 1 11. 10DO 5260 al I do low 3750 82 1 d. 1000 3") DEPARTM EN,HW FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISL)ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) osscwiPnoN mor .wca AooirioN vwt.uArwN 25 1 Poblyn Park Add. tt.Poul.mtm.. 1000 6700 24 1 do 1700 4900 29725 106100 The Furth cr repo. —half has ,nve Ligated all of the. aforesaid matt ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, stogether with the r,—, made to him in reference to said marter by the Commissioner of Public 1\•orks. Dated 19 3 -2- 9 1 btu.... :;oorroty ocwnt 77.8 5000 4 1 do 000 moo B 1 do M, 4000 0 1 do am 6800 7 1 do 000 4200 Lot B new tact 10 rt or 9 1 do 1000 4" (6ao. I�Lot 10 rt) rttul (i. -.d. ,l. -0 ft) 0 10 1 w 1000 13060 '•,oet 2n rt or -d (—. ti. 10 rt) 10 11 1 do 1000 Lot 12 on :.. 10 R or 11 l do 1000 4060 1S 1 do 000 4000 14 1 do 000 2900 18 1 do 900 8000 29725 106100 The Furth cr repo. —half has ,nve Ligated all of the. aforesaid matt ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, stogether with the r,—, made to him in reference to said marter by the Commissioner of Public 1\•orks. Dated 19 3 -2- Office of the Commissioner of Public W14 numt Report to Commissioner of Finance _ ,pN 9 t932 June 6, 1932 Mpg Tn the l'on, mia.'i„urr of flnanee of the City of Jt. Poul The Cbnunimioner of Nth, Work., having bad under cun.i,lrration the Vrcliminnry order of Iho known a,, annoii eve N. 92558 approved W 28, 1932 193 reml;en m condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block to Roblyn Park and Stoke's Rearrangement of the Borth * of Block lj So blyn Park from Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave. and having inveslignted It, mutters end things referred to therein, harchy "porta: 1. Snid Improvement is mer l'y and (or) denirnble. aZ and the total cost the"of i. E IIZ 2. The estimated coat the"o[ i. E , ' and the naluro and extent of .lid improvement i. m follow.: p. A plan, profile ar .ketch of .aid improvema,t is hereto attached and muck a pert h.rcof. a. v. Slid improvement is .asked for upon potitio f a ar more /of property, m own. .object W arae.sment [or .nid improvement. ��— Commie.ioncr of Puhlin Work.. tdo L 9337® ot.—not--,e.•r COUNCIL. FILE NO,:ee;in , r•••�� we aeSnx�enc' a By ��7 L�I.LY.Aka--ro.i� In the Matter of changing the grade of. Alley in Blook. 1, Roblya Park Addition and Block 1, .stake'. Rearrangement from Cleveland Ave, to a point 600 ft- —'t of the west line of Clevelaad.A_ to conform to the red line oa the profile hereto attached. end —dv.a parthereof.,. the prevent eetabliehed grade being ah— by a blue linethereon, elangrading end !A —id Alley fram-Cleveland Are.. to. Fina Ave. to the proposed red line when.eetab. liehed,_and-eanatruoting a sear in FSna,Aae- from Carroll Ave. to a point 210 ft. north of the oenter line of Carroll under Preliminary Order Rua _. approved May 28, 1932 Intermediary Order — __. _.._..._appro d A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,d the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havingfullyconsidered the same; therefore, be it .yQ��sy-�(�.:-..T RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that be and the sv..e are herehv nopelledannulled, avid reaelyded WA ILL proeadmgs to mus c..'— be d:axn:laned. Adopted by the Council _.. 192 f;i6riSlasL 933 Approved AUG 16 1 192 Mayor. Councilman yl' I�"'"��t ' Ccuncilmav Councilman mai+� tv c.i Mayor MOWN CI:1. Form B. S. A. 8-7 Ciry'Cu�1' * 7,�- _ AUL 6E TA E"i`((�1 OF11TY OF T. F FINANCE q9 REPORT OF COMMINIONER OF FINANCE JU123 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In j-— of ahergin, the gred. of Alley is Blook 1. R blya Perk Add. and Block 1. 1. Stoke'. Loa foerm to the rOdellae onAthe profile ...to lLnohed ofdtmede et part hereof. theme Ave. pre.®t cetabllehed grade being .hoer by - bine ll.. thereon. -leo grading end paving .aid Alley frost Cleveland Ave. to Fion Ave. to the propoeod red line when e.taDllehed. and natroeting a r Sa F1� Ave. from Cnrroll Ava. to - point 210 ft. north of the oenter line of C-rrol3eAve.. under P,il ininarY Order al lrovcd M%y 26. 1932 To the Cou11,11 of the Cil of St. Puul: Th, C�m ­—ioncr of P,nancc h ... by --t, es fo llo K.- . :2,460.00-g_rnde _ The 14a1 estimated amount of the assess.. .nt (or the above ..n Drove mens is 730.00 -.elms d pave The e, -,,—d cost per foot for the abo.�e ��n (`n���ement -�s - - - A The I�ts ��r Marais of land that maY be �sses�ed bend �s for such 'im pn�vemen t, and the assessed taloa tion o! ea cls lot or ureal as lut upon rd b.' tip Assessor, arc a. follows: oescniFriory cos ouooK nooiriory �dvnc�ArioH Bldg. lg 1 poblyn Park Add.. 6t.Peu1.M1ffi. 1600 4860 14 1 do 160D 4800 _ 16 1 do 1600 6000 16 1 do 1600 6200 17 1 do 1600 6100 18 1 do 1600 4400 18 1 do 1800 4,100 20 1 do luoa 6260 21 1 do 1600 3760 22 1 do 1600 3800 -OF UL DEPAI3TN1EI�fT-$F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS}ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 31425 112900 The Commiasiover of Finavice funhcr re pore thar he hxe iv -Ligated all of the aforesaid mars and hereby submit. rhe foregoing as hie report thereon to the C—,dl, together with the n'port made to him m re(erenee L. .iidma"tier by the Commissioner of Public \fork,, ,Dated ��-1�..1[.`.,- 1n _.19 3 1— / `11 c rig 23 1 Rouyn Park Add.. Bt,Paul.Ylm. 16M 4700 24 1 do 1700 4800 24 2 do 1700 6800 3 1 6tokeea 2vnn>•an,—ot 726 3860 4 1 do 600 3350 6 1 do 800 40M 6 1 do 800 6850 7 1 do 800 4200 lot 6 and Eeet 10 l! of 6 1 do 1000 4400 (Exo. Eget 10 Pt) 6 end (E... t/. 20 1`t) 10 1 do 1000 6060 fleet20 ft of 10 —d (Ezo• ❑. 10 n) 11 1 do 1000 IAL 12 and N 10 It of 11 1 do 1000 4660 13 1 do 800 4000 14 1 do 600 2900 16 1 do 900 8800 31425 112900 The Commiasiover of Finavice funhcr re pore thar he hxe iv -Ligated all of the aforesaid mars and hereby submit. rhe foregoing as hie report thereon to the C—,dl, together with the n'port made to him m re(erenee L. .iidma"tier by the Commissioner of Public \fork,, ,Dated ��-1�..1[.`.,- 1n _.19 3 1— / `11 c rig THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) Tune E, 193E Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Birt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, Roblyn Park and Stokers Rearrangement of the north } of Block 1, Roblyn Park from Cleveland Ave. to a point 500 ft. west of the west line of Cleveland Ave., also grading and paving said Alley from Cleve- land Ave. to Finn Ave., and constructing a sswer in Finn Ave. from Carroll Ave, to a point 210 ft. north of the center line Of Carroll Ave., under Preliminary Order C. P. 92558, approved May 28, 1988. The total cost of this improvement is $3,190.00. The t construction of a sewer in Finn Ave. is necessary on account of the fact that both Finn Ave. between Roblyn Ave. and Carroll Ave. andthe Alley in Block 1, drain to s low point at the intersection of the allay with the street from which the water cannot escape. The alley cannot be improved until drainage is provided for this low point. The estimated cost of grading and Paving the alley is - - - - - - - - $22480.00 The estimated cost of sewer - - - _ - 730.00 Alley frontage is - - - - _ - 1191 112, ft. Anaiternative.proposal mor grading the alley without paving May 28, 19=. Ss contained in a report on Pr -for Odder C. F. 92557, approved Your, me . N. CAR Chief Engineer. - pr C otr mission eel of Finance. LT 0 CommissLTOREPu ionerofblic Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public WQWkwFW,U Report to Commissioner of Finance Q - � JON 7 1932 June 6, 1932 IN 'fu the C,,mmimm-, of Fi--, of the City of St. Peol. The Commimio..r of Public Worke, having had under—n.idemtion th, prelimiwry order of the Council, known en Council Filc ro.92556 approved May. 2B, 1932 .103. relative to changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, Roblyn Park and Stoke aRearrangament of the North } of Block 1, Roblyn Park from Cleveland Ave. to a point 500 ft. west of the west line of Cleveland Ave., also.. gradingand paving... said.. Allay from.. Cleveland Ave. to Finn Ave., and constructing a sewer in Finn Ave, from Carroll Ave._to a_point 210 ft. north of the center line of Carroll Ave. - _- - -d having investigated the matters nod things referred Lo therein, hereby reports: 1. S.id improvement ie once _ and (or) doei-ble. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie f. ,and the total coat thereof is g and the ..t,—end extent(Bee,� estimate attached) o m eimprovement is as follows' 3. A plan, profile or sketch d -id improvement i. hereto attached end made a part hereof: 4. 5. Snid improvement in. .........asked for u�p�tjtfr more o re of property, subject to sesen.ment for .aid improvement. commimi, er of Pu 'c Worke. 'tR lot TC T_�E HONCRABIE TAYO2 ASID THE COILAOii CC .':C I:. OF TY:: CITY OF ST. PAUL, RAIIBHY COMIT', YIMTESOTA: Sirs: - We, the undersigned, are the owners of lots abutting upon the alley in Block one il). Hoblyn nark Addition and dloek one )1), Stoke -s Re -arrangement running from vleveland avenue to minn Avenue, and we hereby protest against and object to the grading or paving of such alley or the const —tion of a sewer in s'i= Avenue from Carroll to 210 feet north of uarroll, as provided for in rreliminary orders 892556, y92557, and 892558 - all approved as of may 28th, 1932 - (Grade and sewer f,1.20 per front foot - urade, pave and sewer *2.60 per front foot) for the reasons following, to -wit: 1. That, while some of us may have signed e petition for estimates upon the cost of the aforesaid grading and paving, we had no idea the cost would be so great, nor had we anyffiea that the con- struction of a sewer from uarroll to the said alley on Binh would be necessary, and if necessary, would be at the expense of the owners of the property abutting upon the said alley. 2. That, the said alley has been in the present condition for at least some twenty odd years last past and we, the undersigned, do not see the necessity, at this ti:�e, for the improvements contem- plated - at the cost estimated. 3. That, almost every lot in the said blockhas a garage erected upon the said alley at the present level and, if the said alley were graded and paved, we believe that almost, if not ever,,- person, having a garage would be put to additional expense aside from £::e said grading, paving and sewer in connecting up his garage entrance with the new alley grade. 4. wherefore, we, the undersigned lot owners, pray that all three of the said urders be "killed" and the aforesaid contemplated improvement wholly abandoned. -1- 4m taam dddresa Pro ert- Ya rk :.dd'_tion, - dV.6' Nronta?e 45.59 ft. Lot 14 - 50 3t. 1 /J -/°% y L Ya A Lot 15 - 50 ft. dnaarl _ ai D Pw,.�2 Lot to - 50 ft. •� Lot 17 - �71'—f�llo..✓ Qf� Lot 16 - 50 ft. 3 - 115.55 ft 0-- Lot 19 - "Lot ft. �7 �5c 20 50 ft. 21 - 50 ft. ' Lot 22 - --�6'7 ---- -- ( - stokes Ke-arranbeLk-lt of nob l9n rark, � 3 - 115.55 ft ✓✓✓vJjJ"(('' //�/' ,% "Lot Lootty5 - 40 ft. ft ._ Lot 7 - 4v ft. -- o 5 - 4 10 ft -f 9 lc 50 3t. ot - -2- J , ,w t�sma Address Property frontage Stokes Ae-Arrangement of noblyn Park -Alk. 1 Eacept E 10 ft. of 9 - 3C except W 2C St. of 10 - 20 50 ft. �tOdS a. 30 t. o —_ - W. 20 ft. ,io3d��oi 10 5C ft. 50 it. _.—_ _Lot 1___ 40 ft_ Lucina n. unei mberlin, being first au1_ sworn, deposes and states: That she is the owner of Lot .went,-cne ,211, abaft one 111, uo'blyn Part: Addition, according to the plat ti,ereof filed of record in the office of the negister of Leeds in and for the ;aunty of na:-ey and state of uinnesota, and she wrote her purported signat..re upon the foregoing retition of remonstrance consisting of three sheets. :hat she knows all of the signatures to the said Petition are genuine - are the signatures of the people which they purport to be. Subscr ihy Wand swam to before ;:;e this ��yj�7_• da,: of nueust , 19`S. :5 g.- A" o Notary Yu ic, Aamsey Count;, Minnesota. ,yV ;owni ssi on sapires: -3- Lot 14 - 40 ft. _ Lot 15 - 4f. ft. Ya _T AU -110c o ,_ to 24 5C ft. 4TZ STite vN' LLL'2i 43 CTA ) 1 as. ,Cl_ TY C33.1.:S 's i Lucina n. unei mberlin, being first au1_ sworn, deposes and states: That she is the owner of Lot .went,-cne ,211, abaft one 111, uo'blyn Part: Addition, according to the plat ti,ereof filed of record in the office of the negister of Leeds in and for the ;aunty of na:-ey and state of uinnesota, and she wrote her purported signat..re upon the foregoing retition of remonstrance consisting of three sheets. :hat she knows all of the signatures to the said Petition are genuine - are the signatures of the people which they purport to be. Subscr ihy Wand swam to before ;:;e this ��yj�7_• da,: of nueust , 19`S. :5 g.- A" o Notary Yu ic, Aamsey Count;, Minnesota. ,yV ;owni ssi on sapires: -3- TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THF" CITY 02 ST.PAUL, HAMBEY COUNTY, MINMOTA: Biro: We. the undersigned, are owners of lots abutting upon the alley in Block one (1), Hoblyn Park Addition and Block one (1), Btoke,s Re -Arrangement from Cleveland Avenue to Rim Avenue, and we hereby protest against and object to the grading or paving of such alley or the construction of a sewer in Rina Avenue from Carroll to 210 Yeet North of Carroll, as provided for in Preliminary orders # 92666,$92669 and #92668 - all approved as of May 28th, 193E - (Grade and sewer $1.20 per front foot - Grade, pave and sower $2.60 per front foot) for the reasons following, to-wltt -1- That, while some of us may have signed a petition for estimates upon the coat of the aforesaid grading and paving, we had no idea the coat would be so great, nor had we any idea that the construction of a sewer from Carroll to the said alley on Eine would be necessary, and if necessary, would be at the expense of the owners of the property abutting upon the said alley. -2- That, the said alley has been in the present condition for at least some twenty odd years last past and we, the under- signed, do not see the necessity, at this time, for the improvements contemplated, and particularly at the Goat estimated. -3- That, almost every lot in the said blook has a garage erected upon the said alley at the present level and, if the acid alley were graded and paved, we believe that almost, if not every person, having a garage would be put to additional expense aside from the said grading, paving and sewer in co4acting up his garage entrance with the new alley grade. -1- t A". 9 p ✓' AddTBeB ��Pr O�O_T_t� $0Zi� Park Addition. Blook one - �� Lot 1.9 - 45.59 Yt • 14 k Qgnceo ,CG'. yy".a� / 0 3 LOS 17 60 Yt Lotis 50 ft. Lot 19 49 50 ft. Lot EO 50 ft - D ,j C C c V ( D JA a-+xpQ /J "�n �sn4.,'ot E1 50 ft f Lot 2E b0 YS• CQ.rr �tj Lot 28 50 Yt. Zo66"� Lot E4 50 ft. � '- Bto�ee 8e-Arrangement of �Sic8b19n Park - Blk•1115.55 ft. ft. Lot 6 - 40 Yt. -2- .a,0. %a All Name Address 9265 rert Frontage o e e e -Arrangement of Hoblyn Park - Hlk.l rot 7 - 40 ft. 42d_ � Q� � 7 o S= 4 w IJJ"�" C E 10 It. l� 17� l( of iot 9 c 10 50 ft. 3 9 y moi, c oe 10 ftp .ot yi�-u c t 30 bo ft. 0 (J 11-1EO Uio 3 of 50 ft. 13 7 11 IV •0 10 50 ft. All of 12 40 Lot 13 40 ft. rat 14 40 ft. a �h 1- lb 40 ft. 7x A� Boblyn Park Addition, Blook two - j Lot 24 - 50 ft. STATE OY MINNESOTA) ) SS. COUNTY Of RAM EY ) Lnolna N. Chamberlin, being first duly sworn, deposes and states: That she is the owner of Lot Twenty-one (21), Block One (1), Hoblyn Park Addition, according to the plat thereof filed of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the County of Namsey and State of Minnesota, and she wrote her purported signature upon the foregoing Petition of Hemon- strance consisting of three sheets. That she knows all of the signatures to the said Petition are genuine - are the signatures of the people whin they pur t to be. �a 1 k Subscribed and sworn to before me t 16t�Jh day of A. 932. Notary Pobldo,Namsey o.,91nnesota.-3- My Commission espiree-1a.,_,., j i 1g33 NMI =111M 93371 COUNCIL oMENTED�EA, o.rE REBOLVM that the City Clerk is herebq directed to cause the estimate of expenses of the City for the fiscal year of 1933 and of the revenue ne ceesary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the Comptroller, to be published in the official paper of said City, on August 30th, 1932. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the Council hold public hearings from day to day in the regular place of meeting of Bald Council in the Court House and City Hall, at ten o'clock in the forenoon for not lees than twenty day:, beginning August 30th 1932, at which time and place all reaid antB of the City of Ut. Paul desiring to be heard may be heard In reference to any of Bald estimates or any item thereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, that the City Clerk prepare and cause to be published In the offioial paper of the City shtbe same time said sotimatee of expenditures are published, a notice of said time. and places of public hearings; which published notice shell immediately pre- cede said published estimates of expenditures in said official paper, and shall expressly call attention and refer thereto. COUNCILMEN yeas Nxye WFJ-7d Pearce _ I favor Roe- Tni¢x \. Ag,met R'e-el em a ar Mr. Pre idem Mahoney pill- F 1 Adopted by the Council..... _... .. _ __ .. ...... 193_... AP" ved .193...-. 1G��i—J�.�_��4 Mayor NOTICE OF SURING ON B000ZT FOR TZAR 1933. Notice Is hereby given that the Council •111 hold public hearings from day to day in the regular place of meeting of said Council in the Court Howe and City Hall Building at MOO o'clock in the forenoon for cut lees thea twenty day., bagin.ing August 30th, 1932, in refer.... to the estimates for the expense. of the City for the fiscal year of 1933, and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Connell by the City Comptroller and which im-diately follows this notice. At said time and place all residents of the City of St. Paul desiring to be heard, may be heard, in reference to anp of Bald estimates or spy Stam thereof. TH. P. SCOTT City Clerk of St. Paul, Minnesota. August 15, 1932. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.ph.I of Mie .0 CITY COMPTROLLER ®o Aogust 13, 1932. To the Honorable Mawr sad City Council. Gentlemen: In compliance with Section 200 of the City Charter, I am submitting the estimates of expenditures for the City of Scut Paul for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1933. Because of the imperative necessity of reducing gov- ernmental costa to bring about tax relief, y e.timates of ex- penditures for the next fiscal year are $1,107,229.00 lees than the budget allowance. for the nr..et fiscal year. "the preparation of the budget, estimates I have tried to be consistent in adhering to certain definite pria- etple. and policies: Manya,ral... or activities of government which are desirable but not absolutely nsee.eary have been eliminated. The cost of carrying out those ee rvleea or activities of gov- nment which have act been eliminated has been placed at a figure that will require the strictest economy and highest ef- ficiency to guarantee their proper functioning. - Solary adjustment. have been made in as mrda.ce with the ordinance now in effect, Comparable adjustmenta of eal- .rie. havealso been made to apply, to those city employee act subject to the salary etandardi cation ordinance. Account has bee. taken of the decrease in the cost of eappli es, materiale and contractual services. No capital improve®nte, other than those pledged as part of the United Improvement Program are included. @ithcut materially effecting the operation of the city government, it bee been possible Lo maks s substantial do- crease is the budget, which will bring about relief to the dis- tre..ed taxpayer; nctwithstandi.g the fact that it bee bee. necessary to provide for certain additional items, Homrable Mayor and City Council - 2. Cldage pensions voted by the people and oleced in the budget for the first time, amounting to $90.000.0C. Sinking Fund interest charge increase due to the is- o£ additional United Improvement Council bonds, $31,000.00. Sixty-five Thousand Doll are set aside on, the first in- stallment payment to the policeman and firemen on the amounts due them a eeult o£ their act rec. ivl ng the a.. eaention to which they wrentitled by the stands rdlsatlon salary ordln(nce, for the pest e1x ya ar e; providing, however, thle payment Se proved to be legal, Welfare emergency relief increase, $31,000.00. Iwish to thank each of you for your cooperation Sn the preparation ofthis Important work, and for your assist:—. and suggestions in making It pose ille to provide a reduction in city expenditures, which Se so essential at this time. Very truly your., H. F. Goodrich, City Cosptroller. HFG-IB 1933 COMPTROLLER'S DUDOET ESTIUM Comptroller's Fund No. Charter Fund DuAgot 1 City Officers' Salorioe x'00 34'560.00 2 M�yorls Office6 27,970.00 3 corporation Counsel 28,043.00 4 City Clark 5 Coatingont rend 72.224,00 6 Finance Co�ieeS ease 26,310.00 7-S-9 Public safety ldmiaietratioa 62r,.707.00 7 Police 904.377-00 a Fire 57.544.cc 7-a Police and Fire signal service 129.966.00 9 Health 161.975.00 10 Public Work. 106,225.00 11 Street Ccastruct ion oad Rapnir 26,144.00 12 sewer Construction aad Repair 221,677.00 133 street and sower Cleaning 25,670.00 14 bridge Repair j,005, SSE110 15 Public schools 216,361.00 16 Public Librory 112,069.00 ditorium 17t 112,112.00 JSPublic Forks 45,656.00 19 Public Playground. 37.659.00 20 Public Buildings 52, 67.00 21 Public Utllit" 233,37.00 22 Public Lighting 1,070,492.00 Water Department 300,000.00 2 Board of Public Welfare 53,043-0C 25 city Hell and Court Rouse 1,z91,79a.00 26 Interest 350.000,00 27 Stoking Pand 595,000.00 H Rodempticn of Donde 7,500.00 29 Judgment and Comprumiee 553,640.00 30 e Office a46.131.00 31 Conceal Fuad Total $30.6;;.45i.00 FIUNCING SCHEDULE 150,000.00 $10,0.453-00 GROSS BUDGET OW .00 To be 111 cad e6 folio's: Mortgage Registry —"TNENTLL RECEIPTS: Participating Certlf lcaLee $ 12, 2.00 00 Municipal Court 3,000 00 7,700.00 700 00 Public safety 103,000.00 Public Work. 152,069,00 Education Perke,Plavgmunde & Public Bldgs. 3.600.00 , Public atilitiea 1.097.392.00 1,379.053.00 Total Departmental Receipts GENERAL REVMM RECEIPTS: 150,000.00 Monies & Credits OW .00 Mortgage Registry 167.000.00 County One Mill Tex 60.000.00 Penalties amen Earnings 395,000.00 76,000.00 Doe Liceneee 4,�5DO.00 Dogg LicLiceneee Trades occupations 20.000.00 15.000.00 a Departmental Per -i11911 a 2,x.00 1 Pr 11111911 E0.000.00 11.,Iligh, Fort Feet, Finte & Forfeits Dente, Interest and Sundries 20,000.00 State & Federal Aid 46D.000.00 Library Rental1. 5D.000.00 000.00 Total General Revenue Receipts 2.979.053.00 Lase Shrinkage in Taz Collections 225.000.00 $2,654 0 -00 179, CL 1933 Tex Levy Assessed Valuation $166,829.622.00 $49'02 year 1933 Rate par p.000 for City P+uposee r 1932 51.71 '°TIONS F'0: P"'P C�ITa LIMITaT10N ca St- llmdtntion) 512,oG6, 619.00 (porr�ie-able candor $30.00 1-P Financ d OuteSd f Tax Lovy: 65.500.00 12,292.00 P-rticipat lag Certific-to 2.000.00 3,000,00 INnlcipal Ceurt 6, 500.00 4 Opp,00 public S� oty: 4,000.00 103,000.00 Po lic 2ocovoreblo Sxp ones 2 000,00 Fire Polico and Tiro U-ro aocovcr-ble :.r,cneo 200.00 _+..00.00 7,700-00 Nmlth 20.000.00 112 069.00 152,069.00 Public IIorL--� 65.500.00 Duro-u of-yry:glnoore 2.000.00 ctor'rbousa Street construction nni- 3apaire 6, 500.00 4 Opp,00 sower " 25 000.00 103,000.00 street and sower cleans= &tlncetioa: 20,000.00 6choola Public Library 20.000.00 112 069.00 152,069.00 .Sudltorinm P-rk P1 k Pnbllc Du11d1nze 3 000.00 Parke Playground- 100.00 "00.00 3.600.00 Public -,.Siding- 9.000,00PuUk 14000 0 ozeL 5,000.00 Dock-, M-ree ad 7,500-00 airport Lighting ?tint 5, 492.000.00 1 070 00 1 097.192.00 lfater Dap-rtmant 1,379.053• Fin -.cod 350,000.00 si!inBbsnaaLo�alr 565000.00 3edempt ion Donde – Not-- 1.291.796.00 bond Intaraet Paymont 99.9+3.00 Police Pension CO -1 salon Dral-9- 13 "'5 00 2 ll{p 126.00 M.tropolit:n Fspondituroe Outside Por C -pit- Limit-ti-l- imitation1933 1933Por C -pita Limitatio- 3,719,179-00 $ 6.169.640.00 ODLTTPOLLTR'$ 1933 PL7GET - CITY OF ST, PAUL No. Fund, and Items ,.mount. Sub -To to le To tale 1 - CITY OFFICERS' SALARY LAA Salaries 37 000.00 2 - SALARIES AND EXPENSES - M.AYOR'S OFFICE 2A1 Salaries 3,260,00 2A2 Automobile Nalntecance 2A3 Mayor's Contingent Fund 500.00 2A4 Office Expense 800.00 3 - SALARIES AND EXPENDITURES - CORP. COUNSEL 3A1 Salaries 24,370,00 3A2 Legal Fee, 2,400.00 3A3 Law Library 550.00 3A4 Office Expense 350.00 3A5 Auto Allowance 300.00 4,560.00 27,9.00 4 - SALARIES AND EXPENDITURES - CITY CLERK 4A1 Salaries 18,073,00 4A2 Official Publication B, JJp,00 4A3 Office Expense 1.470,00 29,043.00 5 - CONTINGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolutions 6 - FINANCE OOMNISSIONF.R'S FUND 6A Finance Office 6A1 Solari.. 55.932 'Co 6A2 Automobile Maintenance 1,000.00 6A3 Office Expense 3,000.00 59.9 2.00 _r e No. Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Total. Total, 6 - FIBANCE OO6AISSICNEB'S FM -Continued 6B Participating Certificate' 6Bl salaries 9.567.00 6B2 Office Emanon x•725.0 - 12 292.0 72.224.00 Total Item 6 •Financed from Participating Certificate Be.enne. 7-6-9 - PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION' 7-6-9A1 Salaries 16,150,00 7-6_9A2 Automobile Maintesance 719A3 New Public Safety Building 9' 460.00 7-6_9A44 Office Expense 700.00 26 }10.00 *The ezeense of this Bureau is apobrtioned equally to the Police, Fire and Health Funds. 7 - POLICE FUND 7A Police Administration 11.627 00 7A1 Salaries 7A2 Supplies 0°..00 7A3 Equipment 7A4 Expense 2.300.0 14 927.0 7B License Inspection k,032,0 721 Salaries 460 00 7B2 Automobile Maintenance 7B3 office Expense 10.00 4.612.00 70 Uniformed Police 4 3o 701 Salaries ,661,00 900 00 7C2 Supnlles 7C3 Miscellaneous 10,000.0 704 Automobile Maintenance 33,000, 474 561.0 No. Funds and Items .lanunts Stib-Totals Motels 7 - POLICE FUM -Continued 7D Detectives 61,620,00 7D1 Salaries 1,000.00 7D2 Tr,.—Ii EYpenee 2.230.00 TO SuPP 84.$"0.00 1E� io 1p,225,00 Salarieeion 732 Light, Heat and Power 50'00 7E3 S`sPPliee 3 7E4 Repairs and Renewals 7E5 Miscellaneous 1i 475.00 7F Police Stations 14,472.00 7F1 Salaries 7F2 Light, Heat and mater 200,00 600.00 7f Supplies 5.x.00 7103 Feedleg Pri sonere nod R newels Rep...en F6 7air. miscallaous 25.00 20 697.00 7G Bureau of Be mrd. 11,665.00 7G1 Salaries 100.00 7G2 Office E:peaee 12 565.00_ 0, Total Fund No. 7 _625.107 g - FIRE FUND 6A Administration 36,019,00 $A1 Salaries 16C.00 SA2 Supplies 110.00 $,13 office Expense 36 309.00 BB Fire Prevention 6B1 Salaries 82 Office Exoenee B No. Fund. end Iteme .i_unt. Sub -Totals Total. 8 - FIR', YM -Continued 8CFire Fighting 730,765,00 8C1 salaries 8C2 Gesollne, Oil. end 0-- 6,000.00 8C3 Tire-, Tube. and Repairs 2,2950.00 gc4 New Hoa. 4,000,00 8C5 Repair- to Equlnm.nt 2,500,00 806 S�plle. 8,100,00 807 Water Hydrant Rentals 73,292,00 8C8 Niscell an.ous 700.00 8C9 New Equipment 627 607.00 8D Mel otenance of Fire station - 8D1 Salari as 23.111.00 8D2 Telephone. 550.00 8Dj Light, Po,er and Water 3,800,00 8 Heat 10.600,00 8D5 Smpl les 1.350.00 8D6 Repair. and Renewals 1,000.00 8D7 mi. _11 90.00 ip,461.00 Total Fund No. 8 904,377•cc 7_8 _ POLICE AND FIRE SIGNAL SERVIC-- 7-801 Salaries 47,138,00 7-gA2 Auto®bile N.alntenance 7`,0,00 7-SA3 supplies 1,881.00 7-8A4 Telephone 6.925.00 7-8A5 Paver 7-8A6 Repair- to Tr.ffi. Signal - 7 -8A7 New Equipment 650.00 7- SAS offlce Expert -a 200.00 7-8A9 NSse.11aneous Total It.m No. 7-8 57 544.0o wExpenof Chia bureau Se apnortioned equally to the Poiloe end Flre Fund. No. Funds and Itans 9 - H2ALTH FUND 9A Health Administration HAI Salaries 9A2 Office Expense 9A3 Auto Expanse 9B Vital Statistics 9B1 Salaries 9B2 Office Expanse 90 Promotion of Health - schools 901 S.leries 9C2 supplies 9C3 Office Expensa 9D Food Regulation 9D1 Salaries 9D2 Automobile Maintaeence 9D3 Office Emanse 9E Quarantine 921 Selarias 9P1 Automobile Mainte ance 923 Supplies 9E4 Office Expenae 9F Tuberculosis 9F1 Salaries 9F2 Rent 9113 Supplies 9F4 Car Fara 9F5 office lb""' 9G workhouse Hospital 901 salaries 902 Board of Prisoners 90 Supplies 904 Niscellaneoue A®unte Sub -Total. Total. 9, 691 ,o0 300.00 360.00 10,351.00 5,424.00 800.00 6,224.00 45,625,00 1,000.00 818.00 48,443.00 16,036,00 1,034.00 115.00 17,185.00 20,o68,00 3.36o,00 4410.00 85.00 23.923.00 13,092,00 600.o0 575.00 300.00 1 n.00 14,717.00 No. Funds and Itame 9 - UALTH -,M-continued 9H Health Laboratory 9R1 Salaries 9H2 Supplies 9H3 Office E -P... 91 Harriet Island Park 911 Salaries 912 Light, Heat and Rater 913 Supplies 914 Music 915 Repair. and Renewals 916 Mis celleneoue Amount. Sub -Total. 6,743,o0 635.00 100.00 7.476.00 91 Harriet Island Refectories• 9J1 6,4.11.. .Financed faro. Refectory Rnceiot.. Total. /91 Dog Lit enee Enforcermnt 1,400,00 911 salaries 912 Automobile Maintenance 2DO.00 913 Supplies i.665.00 Rotel Item No. 9 129,986.0(: SUMMARY Department of Public Safety 7-9-9 Public Safety Administration $ 29,310,00 7 Po lice Department 625. 707,00 S Fir, Department 904,377,00 7-9 Police and Fire Alarm 57,544.00 9 Health Department129 986xo Total $1,745,924.00 No. Fund. and Item. 10 - cowaSSIONSR OF PUBLIC TORFS l0A Administration ,oAl Salaries 10A2 Aanoal Report 1063 Office Brpense 10B Engineers 10BI 5a1ariee 1082 Automobile Nainteaance 1OB3 Offf ca Uponae 100 Morkhonea loci Salaries lOC2 Automobile Wlteneace 100C33 Light, Best wad Vater 1OC4 5.ppliee IM Roligiou. Service., etc. 1OC6 Repel— and Reneanls 1007 Biecellaneoos Total Ito. No. 10 11 - 5TRi5T W"STROCTION AND MAIN 11A Reoeiring Streets and Walks I lA1 Salarioe and Vallee 11A2 Team. 11A3 dntomobile Vrintenance 1LD Truck Vol sumac. 112 Neteri.ls nod Swp�lise llA6 Miscellaneous 11A7 Nes Egaip®nt No; Item No. 11 12 - SEF.RR 00:STRUCTI05 AND :117AIR 12A1 Salaries and gages 12A2 Automobile Paintemnce 12� Auto Allosenae 1264 Ifaterials end ft lies 1265av Ping Repair. 1266 Uiscellan.ov. Total Item No, 12 Accosts Sib -Total. Total. 13,45D,00 4Do.00 1.000.00 14,S50.00 to}6,126:00 k.725.00 114,231.00 20,694.00 550.00 3.5D0.00 7,9D0.00 500.00 190.00 32.ac4.oD 161,975.00 59.000.00 13.000.00 2,075.00 9.000,00 22,000.00 1.150.00 21,564,00 SD0.00 450.00 4.500.00 300.00 900.00 106.225.00 29,144.to Ho. runde and It. - 13 - sTMZT AM BE MY. CLE Vl.'0 13A Admini.tration 13A1 B.larl oa 13A2 Automobile ttrintoarnce 13A3 Office Exnen.. 13B Cleaning street- and well - 13B1 Ba1.rie- 13R2 Teem. and T-1, Mr. 13NEquinnent Yxintenrnc- 13R4 Buppli e. 1325 mi ecellaneou. 130 snow end Ic- Removal 1301 s.larie. aad Wage. 13C2 Team- eat Trunk Eire 13 Equipment Itaintenanoe 1304 supalias 130E Hes lquipmont 13C� Hi...11.neoua 13D need cutting 13D1 salaries 13D2 Teems and Truek Eiro 13D3 sltppli-- :umunte Sub -Total. Total. 5.722.00 12,650.00 4ao.0o 30,000.00 350.00 6,552.00 550,000.00 250.00 15.000.00 1,occ.00 1.500.00 750.00 2.5Do.00 69.750.00 34,000.00 11,000.00 5,300.00 500.00 1.000.00 51,900.00 250.00 150.00 400.o0 13E C-11--ti-n and Diapoe.l of Darby,e 1321 safari.. and Wage. 12,650.00 1322 Teema and Truck Eire 30,000.00 13Ej 2quipmcnt M.aintenence 10,000,00 1324 614 -lien 250.00 1375 b.isoellaneous 1,occ.00 13E6 Equipment Replacement.' 131' Removal of Dead Animals 1387 Track Hire 136 City Duxps 1301 salaries ant r-„-- 53,900-00 3.900.00 9,500-00 nd Items Lnppnte Sub -Tot -l- Total. No. Roode 14,2 EquSomenL and Veinte.wn tiatenana and Sepal iea AHn Sa sa CLE..rI-'0-Concinued 13 - STH' 13H Oleeaing Sowers 13H1 Salaries and 'degas 20,000.00 1382 Teams end Trvnk Hire 1,000.00 1313 Equipment 6:ainteuance 500.00 13tl'• s@nliae •00 1385 YSecellaneoue Han Equipment 1386 22,000,00 131 Senor Pumping Station 1j 1CC,00. 1311 Sele3ee 600.00 1312 Light nnl Polar 75,00 1313 S-Piics 221,677,00 216p.00 1314 Misoollaneoue 4.625.00 13J uiecelianeooe90 M 13JI rater - Street Pountaln $221,677.00 Total Item Bo, 13 14 - HHIDOE BUILDI O — RWAIH 14A1 Salaries and 1-9e 16,100.00 1,000.00 14,2 EquSomenL and Veinte.wn tiatenana and Sepal iea 500• 6, 00 14x3 14a Penpos nd St -i'" 1'.ai ^t en,+.nce 2.000.00 Total Item Ho. 14 SLWI ART Department of Public _p ka $161,975x00 10 Wmmissioner of Public forks 106,225.00 11 Street Coaetructiun and Repair 26,144.00 Ct—ticu sad Haoelr 12 5ep ona Soper Cleauing 221,677,00 216p.00 13 Street end 14 Bridge Bulldi�g a -d Haoair 543,691,00 Total No. rands and Itema Amount- Sub -Totals 15 - PUBLIC SCHICLS 15A Bu icesa Administration �7 4i4414 15A1 Salaries .00 1502 Office Erp-nee 00 17,914.00 15B rducation Administration 15M salaries 23,723-00 1582 Automobile Maintenance 15B3 Traveling Emen-s 2•9DQ•W - 1584 office E:pease z6,zz3.00 150 Atteadanca Divi -ion 14,389.00 15C1 Solari-- 15C2 Cor Pere 2,000.00 1503 Office Bsp-nee x'00 16,669.00 153) Operation end Maintenance Divisionll, 15D1 s-larie- 788,00 15D2 Office Pzpane. 15D3 F.zpr--s.8reight and Cortege 250.00 69o.00 12.699.00 15E supply Storeroom 15E1 salaries �'� 00 1532 Light 110 00 600.00 15Ej Trunk Maintemnce 15rk Office Erpaa-e 900•00 12,010.00 158 Pnsntioa of Health 1581 Salaries 1572 supplies 15P3 office Expense Totals Ho. FundsandItems Amounts Slab -Total. 15 - PUBLIC SCIDOLS-Continued 252,957.00 15G Instruction 350.00 15G1 Salaries 2,330,205.00 15G2 Pbysisal Training Salaries 15844 Light, Power and Water 1563 Athletic Direction Salaries 1585 Seat 15G4 Car Fere 6,o00.0o 15G5 zaaadsv 600.00 1566 Supplies 55,000.00 15G7 Medical Servlc as Atbletics 1511 Salaries and Wages 150A Miscellaneous 500.00 1569 Transportation Crippled Chil- 1513 Automobile Maintenance dren 6.000.00 450.00 2,400,305.00 15H Operation of Plant 15H1 Salaries and Wage. 252,957.00 1582 Hent. 350.00 1553 Telephones 3,100.00 15844 Light, Power and Water 50,000.00 1585 Seat 90,000.00 1586 Supplies 12.000.00 406,407,00 151 Maintenance of Plant 1511 Salaries and Wages 70,000.00 1512 Car Pare 200,00 1513 Automobile Maintenance 1,000.00 1514 Truck Maintenance 450.00 1515 Moving Portable Schools 1516 Supplies 1517 Repair. and Ben,".ls 40.000.00 u1,65o.00 / 157 school Cafeteria.. 1511 Solarise 41,604.32 1572 supplies -Cafeterias 97.135.69 1543 Telephone. 150.00 1544 Supplies and Service 2,750.00 15J5 Repair. aad Renewal. 7,500.00 1576 Automobile Maintenance 660.00 Total Item No. 15 *Financed from Cafeteria ReceiPts Totals x.000.00 g3,005,886- Mo, Funds and Items 16 - PUBLIC LIBRARY 16A Library Service 1641 Salaries 16A2 Truck Maintenance 16Supplies 1614 Poatage 1615 Binding Books 1616 Bent and Insurance 1617 Mew Books and Periodicals 16AB Has Equipment 16B Badding Maintenance 16BI Salaries and Wages 1632 Light and Poner 16113 Beat 1684 Water 1685 Telephone 1686 s,pp In. 16B7 Repairs and Renewals 1689 Taxes Total Item No. 16 Annunts Sib -Total, Totals :26.362.00 600.00 4,000.00 400.00 2,500.00 600.00 22,700,00 900.00 157,662.00 16,519.00 5,000.00 7,400.00 5Do.00 500,00 1,000,00 2,900.00 25.000.00 59.719.00 216,361.60 NO. hinds and Items Amounts S>b-Tot ale ^.talo 17 AUDITORIUM` 1711 Salaries and Wages 43,374.00 17A2 Light, Heat, Power & Water 29.400.00 1713 Organ Malntenanee 1,240.00 1714 Supplies 3.580.00 17A5 Repair. and Renewal. 10.000.00 17A6 Hew Equipment 17A7 Miscellaneous 5.675.00 1718 Operation of Hew Plant 1 @00.00 1719 Rentals 2,600 0o 17A30 Concessions-salaries �� 17AIl 00...... oa.-SPpllee 17112 Redecorate Auditorium Theatre ,000..00 17A13 ventilation s o 3.000.00 Total Item Ro. 17 $112 06 .00 •FSnanced from Auditorium R-srae. SUMMARY DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 15 Public school. $3,005.886.00 School Cafeteria. $150,000.00 Lew Receipta 150.000.00 16 Public Library 216,381.00 112.069.00 17 Auditorium $3,334.536.00 Total 18 PUBLIC PARES 18A -General Administration IgA1 Salaries $ 8,352.00 315.00 $ 9,667.00 1912 Office Expense 19B -Park Administration 1881 8.1-1.. 5,722.00 480.00 1882 Automobile Maintenance 6.352.00 1883 Office F pen.. 150.00 No. Funds and Items 18 PUBLIC PARKS - Continued 18C -Parks Maintenance 1801 Solari e. 1802 Equipment Maintonance 18C Suppllea 18 Repair. and 3enewale 1805 MS."I aneoua IQ Barri et Island 187 -Music and Entertainment 18D1 Hand Concerts and Entertainers 19N Fourth of July Celebration lgD3 Slipplie. 18E-Polico and Watchmen 1SE1 Salariesand Wage. 1SF2 Motorcycle Allowance 1SE3 His collaneoue 18F-Gree.h—.. and Nursery 1SF1 Salaries and Wage. 18F2 Light, Heat and Power 1gF3 Supplies 18F4 Repairs and Renewal. 16G -Upkeep of Lake Como 1601 Salaries and Wage. 1662 Electricity 1663 Supplies 18G4 Repair. and Renewal. 18H-0utley 19M Improving Public Parke Highland Park Water Systom 1682Phalen Park Water System 1683 Camp Park Water System 1684 Coma If Water Sy.t em 1SR5 Filling In Lak Como A.—t Sub -Total Total. 50,015,00 4,000.00 5 500,00 4 500.06 900.00 2.733.00 $67,648.00 13,848,00 4,500,00 2,500,00 1.500.00 22,348.00 917.00 6,000,00 80.00 100.00 7,097.00 No. Pund. and Items Amount. Sub -Totals Total. 19 PUBLIC PUM - Continued 18I -Bark Refectories' 1811 Salaries and Wages $ 45,000.00 1812 Automobilo Wntanance 500.00 1813 morctandise 35,0.00 1814 Laundry 1,000.00 1815 Ice 1,500.00 1816 Supplies 4,000.00 1817 Repairs and Renewals 3,000.00 18I8..Cellansoon 3,000.00 1819 Equip.ont and Outlay 27,000.00 $ 120,000.00 Total Item 18 $112.112.00 *Financed from Reocto J Receipts. 19 PUBLIC PLAIGROUNDS 19A-Pl.ygr—d Administration 19A1 Salaries 7,077.00 19A2 Automobile maintenance 96o.00 19A3 Office a'zgea.o 4Ro,00 9,517.00 19B -Athletic. and sports 19B1 Salarioa and Wegae 1982 Supplies 9,140.00 1.500.00 10,640.00 190-Pl.ygrounde and Mel.tonanco 1901 Salaries and wage' 17,784.00 1902 Truck Wei— 2,950.00 19C3 Supplies 3,44665.00 1904 Repair. and Renewal. 2.'500.00 26.499.00 Total Its. N.. 19 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A -Public Building. Admial.trotion 20A1 Salaries 7,939.00 2OA2 Office Sxpea.o 300.00 2OA3 Auto mintenonco 9,139.00 45,656.00 Ne. Funds and Items 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS - Centi-ed 20B-Impectior. 20BI Salaries 20112 Automobile IAa i_:aranco 20113 Truck Maintenance 2084 Mlscell—eu 20G -Drafting 2001 Salaries 20C2 Office Expense Total Item No.20 A.o.in:s Sub -Total Totals /,855.00 4,320.00 600.00 670,00 $27.405.00 1,915.00 200.00 2.115.00 $ 37.659,00 SUMALRY INT,LRTMNT PAM, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 13 Public Parke$112,112.00 Pork Rofoctorics $120,000.00 Lees: Rocoipte 120.000,00 19 Public P1ayg'ounde 45,656.00 20 Public Bu11dilge 37.659.00 $195.427. Total 21 COtaSISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21A -Administration 21A1 S. -1.. 4,649.00 21A2 Rent 100,00 21A3 0ffice Expense 4,748.00 21B -Testing Laboratories 2181 Salaries 5,373.00 2182 Rent 1,200.00 2111]j Supplies 75'00 21N Laboratory Ezponso 450.00 10,093.00 No. Funds oad It— Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 21 DOWISSIONE2 OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - Coati—od 21C -City Markots- 2101 Salaries and Wages 6,460. 2102 Supplioe 460 00 21Cj Repairs and Renewals 500.00 2101} I' P' 2105 MSscellanaous 500.00 999.00 $ 9,x•00 from m City Market Recalpte. 21D-D0ecs,W11arvos aaa Lovaes S 21D1 Snlarics and Wagon 1,150.00 21D2 Maintanaaco 750•OD 600.00 2,500.00 21D3 Nlacallanoove 21E-Investl_-at1on ' 21E1 Sal -toe 3.672.00 2182 Offleo Zxpense 100.00 3,772.00 2lF-Municipal Airport 21F1 Salaries and Wages 8,635.00 21F2 Suppllae 4,700.00 21F3 Light, Boat and Power 2,00000 21F4 Minta—t- 4.000.00 2185 Maintemaco-17ow Hangar' 3.534.00 22.869.00 Total It ma No. 21 $ 52,997.00 22 PUBLIC LIGATING 22A-Adminietratlon 22A1 Salarlas 4,908.00 22x2 Aut 360.00 100.00 5,369.00 22A3 Offleo Expense 22B -Lighting 2281 Solari— aad Wages 35,405.00 168.550.00 22B2 Electricity 3,750• 22Bj Automoblls Mni.itonanca 14,064.00 22:4 Butts and Clobce 22B5 Supplies 3.000.00 2286 Repairs and Renewals 1,000.00 1.500.00 229.069.00 ow 2237 Heat,Ligat aad Per Total Its¢ No. 22 $233.437.00 No. F—d. —d It— Amount- Sub-Totale Totals 23 WATER DEP,RML T 23A1 Salaries and Wages 293,137.20 23A2 Othar Expense- 1s1,465.00 23A3 Intarc-t 301,927.50 23A Sinking Fund Rcqui--ts 162,000.00 23A5 Acqudaltion of Prop-ty 132.062,30 Total Item No. 23 $1.010.492,00 SulamY Dopartmont of Public Utilities 21 Comisslon-r of Public Utilities 22 Public Liviting 23 Wat or Dapartmont Totnl 24 BO,LU OF PUBLIC W312ARE 24A-Adminletration 24A1 Administrotion ( city'- 1/3) 243-Anckor Ho-p1ta1 2431 Salorio- and Ao@,vs (City'- 1/3) 2482 Omer r pcnen (City'- 1/3) 24C -R=ely County Homo 2401 Salari-e and Aug-- (city'- 1/3) 2402 Otho: Expu�so- (city'- 1/3) 24D -Outside Dapnrtmont 24D1 Salarie- (City's 1/3) 24D2 other Expenditures (City's 1/3) 241-Petcrnn's Rost Camp 24E1 Expe.^.-o (City-- 1/3) Totol It.. 24 52.997.00 233,437.00 1.07o.492,00 $1.356.916.oc, 3,690,00 96,667.00 71.116.00 167.793.00 12, 34.00 16.433.00 29,167.00 5,733-00 91.037.00 96,770.00 3,000,00 $ 300,000,00 No. F—d. and Items 25 CITY EAU AND COURT ROUSE 25 Al Salaries and Wages 25 .12 Heat, Light and P.- 25 A3 Telephone. 25 A4 Wet.nance and Supplies 25 A5 Alterations and Renalr. 25 A6 Out aide Rontnl. City'. Sharp one-half of Co.' of Operation and Malatenance 26 INTEREST FUND 26A1 3and Intara.t 26A2 Note Interest 27 SINKING FUND 27A1 1933 Raquiremont. 29 REDFAIPTION OF BONDS 2GAI 1933 Band Maturities 29A2 1933 Note Maturities 29 JUDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 29A1 Judgment and Chime 30 COMPTROMMIS OFFICE 3OA-Financial Records 30A1 Salaries 30.12 jutomobile Allowance 3oA3 office Expense 30B ­Civil Sarvice Sureau 3071 Salaries 3082 Special Rxa deers 303} Office Expone 3%7 Annual Rep." Total Item No. 30 Amount. Sub -Totals Total. 21.293.00 25,000.00 1.750.00 5,000.00 $ 93.o41.00 1,290,999.00 900.00 595,000.00 $1.291.793.00 $ 35o.0 00.00 $ 595.000.00 $ 7,500.00 32,500.00 100.00 1,900,00 34,40o,00 , 17.315.00 300,00 1,725.00 100.00 19.440.00 $ 53,94o.00 No. Funds and Ita- Amount. Sub -Totals Totals 31 GENERAL FUND 312 -Purchasing Dapartmont S 22,060.00 3121 salaries 3112 Printing and Stationery 590•00 500.00 $ 23, 140.00 3193 office Pspsnse 31B-Wacipal Court 3181 S-larie. 39.353.00 3132 Jury Fsponso 1,5500.00 41,35c.00 3133 Office Irponse 310 -Armory 3101 Salaries and Wage. 9,060.00 1,020.00 Heat and Power 3102 Light,Heat 170.00 31 c3 Bepa sad Supplies 1,100,00 31 Fual 499,00 12,545.00 3105 Miecellmeous -- 31z --A .... Property 31H1 Cityis Sbare-Local Improvements 200.000.00 31E2 ToReimurs P I Z Food under 55,000.00 action 3113 Non-A...eenblo-Local Improvement. 61 3 SpProperty 10,72.00 00 31E5 Forestry Work-7sempt Prop arty 1 520.00 145.00 T=—Zx�t Property 312 25.000.00 303.121.00 F.I.R. 317 -Mi ... llaneo-. 3171 Work—'. Comp .... tlon 25,000.00 20.000.00 3172 Loan & pen.. 3173 Debt Service F pon.o l.000.00 3174 Funnels' Forme 3.500.00 3.5 •00 312 Municipal Employment Duras- 5.000 00 3176 Mi ... llanoo-. and U for.eeen 31PI Widow. and Orphan. P --'O"1.500.00 3176 Public Iramirs-I Bcos 1,000.00 3179 Surety Tend Premi-m. COmmis.ion 150.00 13. 55.00 74 ,935.00 31710 Metropolitan Drainage No. Fords end It® 31 GMMUAL FM - continued 310-Penslona 3101 Police Association 3102 Fire Aaeocietion 3103 Teachers Aesociatlon 31 Realth A-- ociation 3105 Old Ade Pensions 31R -Election Expense 3181 Salorioe-ludgoe k 01orke 3182 Labor -Placing Booths 3Rent, Elect and Light 3121$3 Truck Hire 3195 Slpplfes end Postage 3186 Ron Boothe 3157 Riscellanoaus 317-Salcry AdJuetmonts 31J1 Pira Department 31J2 Police Dspartment 318 -City Officers' Automobile Expecao Total It om No. 31 TOTAL BUDUT ESTIMATE Y Amouatn Sib-Totols Totals $ R:643 -00 k, 779.00 60,950.00 9,303.00 Zp X00 $ 323,575.00 , 000.00 29 E6.000.00 P5 -p00.00 _ 2.500.00 $946.191.00 $10.9;i.451.00 o.wui ,o an a..a OF ST. PAUL naa NO.. 93372 OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK /7 COUNCIL LUTION---GENE— FORM ` vaEs[vTco ar (/ eta. 1,`lr_193Z- ... RESOLVED Wher sae,The Mounds Park State Bank has heretofore been designated a depository for funds of the city and such depository has deposited $11,000.00 worth of let Liberty Loan bonds, and Whereas, The said Mounds Park State Bank is now desirous of withdrawing one $1,000,00 bond, namely one let Liberty Loan"4% bo,ppd in the sum of $1,000.00, and substituting in lieu thereo onS�VE-Liberty Loan 4 % bond, namely bond No. C-01861743, which said bond is now selling at more than pas, and Whereas, The substitution will not reduce the se- curity on deposit e, and Whereas, A proper assignment of the said bond has been approved by the Corporation Counsel and the Sinking Fund Committee, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council approves of and accepts the said ass l gement, which assignment in dated August 10, 1932 . ' I COUNCILMEN Ycoa Neye B4oi�eneH- �ll favor Raeen /� Trona _... i.�.....A&n t Wenzel au a -v Air. President M.boney w8 'coy A;,e. ra, raaa.� ov7. _ w -. -1 i Adopted L, wmmn rtx.0^___.:�.:t. - 193...... Approved _. .......193..... f _ /J Mayor .0 a 43373 CITY OF ST. PAd Ven". o s. ixa _ on.° a ''tom OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION --q EN+ Awa WHEREAS, the County of Ramsey and the City of Bt. Paul bave entered into leasee with s located in the following named olvn ere and agent: be City Of 8 - Paul andof boccupied by several departments of the City andCountyces us government:, I. e., HEretz Realty CO., for apace in the Commerce Building Kr the City of St. Paul Civil Service Bureau, which lease expires December 31.t 1932. H. Eretz Realty GO., for apace in the Commerce Building for the County of Ramsey Child Welfare Board, which lease expires December 31st, 1932. Northern Pacific Mortgage Co., Walsh Investment 00., agent, for space in the Globe Building for the e0unty s of Ramsey MotherAid Department, which lease expire. December 210t, 1932. Guardian Life Insurance Co., H. G. McCall,. agent, for space in the Guardian Building for the County of Ramsey Surveyor's Department, which lease expires November 30tb, 1932. William Endicott and Henry Endicott, Trustees under the will of William Endicott, deoeseed, Henry Endloott and Thorndike H. Endicott, Davie & Lagerman, agent., for .paoe in the Endicott Building for the City of St. Paul Department of Eduo atton, which lease expires July 31st, 1933, with a provi alon for oanoellat ion of such lease upon not lase than ninetyy (90) days written entice 1n the event that the aaid OSty and County ea elect to 60 be the same, and WHEREAS, the new Court House and City Hall building now being ergo tof ed In the said City and County will be ready for oocupanoy nd thereby pro,v idinglet daspace of Dfor msuchber adepartments,the 31stday therefore bee it1932, Yeea�\ COTINCILMEN Ado ted b the C NeYs I P Y ouacil_..._..__._..__..__....103_. _ Al r.l Pearce ....... _In favor - Y;t4 APV raved .... _.... -_.._. ..193.... Rosen �� T—, ..... _..Against _. May., war, r. President Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL „u ` NO.... 93C3073OFFICE O F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM IN— RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul hereby eleote to canoel the said leasefor spaoa in the Bald Endlaott Building, as of December 31, 1932, and the 01ty Clerk to hereby instruoted to notify the owners and agents of the said building in writing of euoh Cancellation; be it FDR TRE % RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be further Inst ruoted to notify the ownere and agents of the said Commeroe Building, Guardian Building and the Globe Building, that the leasee for spaoes in such buildings will not be renewed upon the expiration of Bate. COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays Pcaroe _.�___In favor R.— Wenzel au a -u Mr. President Mnh... y Adopted by the Council__ ' 1 F t 19,3 d .> .ipp cued .193... v CUSL(SlED—L—� --"Snw Du MI6 3i m AC3ERSSIAN August 19, 19Z2. Mr. William F. Scott City clork co�:rt House St. Pa, The undersigned ns C and as attorney_io_fsc', for R111iem Endicott end Hemp Endicott, T -,-tees under the !9111 of 491111 n. Fndicr�'. t., Deceased, Henry Endicott and Thorndike H. %dlcott, aclus—ledges receipt of your letter of August 18th, terminating as of December Z1, 1C,�2, tho 1e=se of sort_in space in the Endicott =,;{lding ncn occupied by the Department of Educ,:tion. Very ti„/IYO ups i JP1,: ES /�/ - A'.—dt 11A,, 1932 Att .1.,! 11 -le find cep;, of coinail rile 7'73, c-11414� 1-i—s I'll's ,f t "Ity " it. in tie ­1l'7�tt Buildir. e of I, t., C,-- Baildin,;_ PA., r—liki,n — adopted by the I yoii•--t t, dr- " lett ore Y, !,, v,r. tnll,,, ci a, Usris. W )7 CITY OF ST. PAUL m�+ c�L NO. ..........hJti'f Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Aug.. RESOLVED Whereas, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that he desires to lease the Highland Park stadium for the period August 15 to September 30, 1932, both inclusive, to 0. B. Sherman for the purpose of giving entertainment by orchestra or otherwise, and for the for reason of affording employment to people out of work, and Whereas, It is the opinion of the Council that the stadium should be let for such purposes, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council approves the recommendation of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public B- ldings and concurs in the lease to Bald 0. B. Sherman of Hlghl and Park stadium for the consideration set forth herein and for the pur- poses and time stated, the said 0. B. Sherman to be permitted to make a charge of twenty-five cents as admiesI n to the stadium, provided, however, that the said 0. B. Sherman shall give a. in the sum of $5,000,00 conditioned to protect the eity from any and all claims growing out of the use of the said stadium for the purposes for which it is leased, and the Cor- coration Counsel in hereby authorized and directed to draw up the proper lease therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeee N.Y. M„T #4e8enn4d� Psame —_..In favor 12osen Agninet Wenzel .N r Mr. Preeideut Mnhooay Adopted Approved __....... ..............193_ Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v a No. ai, lj375 TY CLERK OFFICE OF THE CI COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rncs[t+Tco er. august 15, 1e32 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank oar of low teat gasoline, approximately 8000 gallons, from the Mincesota Oil 6 Refining Co., at a price of $ .103104 per gallon, including state tax and state inspection, f.o.b. Hemline A Carroll 8toreyard, on informal competitive bide, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the beet interests of the City. Charge Dater Department. �.,°—sT °o:° ou *eaeo°a COUNCILMEN Yens Nnye 14e&em�i,i� Pee— _In fm or Itee- P"onx C asn nit W—el Af,. P-,id—t Mnho,,y Adopted bT the C,l•. ,. .. _..____.. 193..._ I Ap, o"d _ _.193_... Alnyo' v,v,,,, ,,, ,,, ,�„ - `• CITY OF ST. PAUL s..F � NO. _ 99376 ' 1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK/� e OCStl IL OLUTION—GEnL FORM J l- ✓� ioNe RESOLVED C/J/ Shat Pernieeion be end is hereby granted the let Sri -State Telephone & Telegraph Company, poles end etrieg -irea nith the necessary anchors thereon m the fol -loving named streets. on Vee Dyke Ave. from Maryland to Antmm St. Pelee and sires to be removed man regneeted to d- _ by the D._on Gm ilB avid coat to be paid by the Selepboae Company. Approved. Approved. approved. Y"1011Ci�MEN Nays � VAgai os L M'. Psesid— B.ei1R 1 Data �e.S � y & Saleg.� 1--- Date - & Playg,,Ov de �a,beE,Ne Nl�aefa. Tem polne ere�e�ip wCvmpZ`n t su ev v v vwv e ve. m'MvylevLmv Bse YE a. � tv oe egmvveI wale r Apiea spa e1bIB i A rvv wwuH. 90-a ef) vC w Adap«d by chc C... f y s ' fir, App ,d 19 Whereas, At its meetinE on August 12, the Advisory Court House and City Hall BuildirU Commission eo, roved, sub- ject to the approval of t- City and County Attorneys, the plans and specificetions for refinisaing furniture for the new builainC, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hP roves of and concurs in the action of the Advisory Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeee Nays Mq� / P�n.r2 J _..I t vor Ilnsrn //�� Trnnc V..... Aeninet Wenzel M,. president M.h... y �wtia,. XAeleto�.t ,r Adopted by the ConnciL__.�_��" :__ ....._193.. _ App ped �.193.. % AfeY ` 933.77 o.igio�l o a.> elm. CITY OF ST. PAUL .v No, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 15,. Aug. RESOLVED Whereas, At its meetinE on August 12, the Advisory Court House and City Hall BuildirU Commission eo, roved, sub- ject to the approval of t- City and County Attorneys, the plans and specificetions for refinisaing furniture for the new builainC, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council hP roves of and concurs in the action of the Advisory Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeee Nays Mq� / P�n.r2 J _..I t vor Ilnsrn //�� Trnnc V..... Aeninet Wenzel M,. president M.h... y �wtia,. XAeleto�.t ,r Adopted by the ConnciL__.�_��" :__ ....._193.. _ App ped �.193.. % AfeY Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hle, c Club Hwldbc '•••^.••••. •,... .. 1ngv.st 13, 1932. To the City C-11, City of Haim Penl, Lime eota. eentlemnl Lt Its meeting yesterday the Advisory Court Hanes and City Hall Haildiag Camission epprovad, suhJeot to the ep w—1 of the City and Comty Att-y., the plana and epealfiutione for refin- ishing fnrnitars for the ase hnildiag. This mttar 1e referred to yon for yom' notion. Very ^traly^yoare, Soeretary, Ldvisory Conrt Hoose and CSty Hall Building Co�leeion. CPH, BE No__ _ 93378 - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM TOO RESOLVED Whereas, At its meeting on Aut=ust 12„ the Advisory Court House An:. City Hall Building Commission approve.:, subject to the approval Of the City and County attorneys, the plans and specifications for moving furniture, equipment, records, etc„ into Yne new City Hall an,. Court House, therefore, be it Recoly ed, That tite Council approves of a- concurs in the action of the Advisory Commission. COUNCILMEN Yen. Noy _ I f — Roren � T'n- _-_Agnin.t W,,".d AI,. 1,-,ident Alnh—v .w •xe. Al I- a.noo r— . Adel`noe°ur e elect o tee .yo ovci e. i.... m� 1"f fo ,.�9?_.. Adop6eJ by the Cuuocil_ _AL:':-=- _19x . -.- 2,,,v,d D7nyac Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research ...."" A,hlc<c Club Build""J August 13, 1932. To the City Council, City of Saint Peal, Minnesota. Oentlement At its meeting yesterday the Advisory Court Howe and City Hall Building Comaiseloa approved, subjeot to the approval of the City and Coly Attor eys, the plane and specifioations for moving furniture, equipment, records, to., into the — building. 11e matter is referred to you for your action. Very n truly yours, &—aP Secretary, Advisory Court Boase and City Hall Building Co®leeioa. CM BE •r rr CITY OF ST. PAUL riL. NO.. wWID OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i _...._ DATE._.. Aug.. 15�..93z, 10 RESOLVED Whereas, At its meeting on August 12, the Advisory Court House an'I City Hall Bu l lding Commission approved, subject to the approval of the City and County Attorneys, the olane and speclficat ions for fla,; pole on the site of the new City Hall and Court House, the cost of which is covered by an allowance of $5, �OC.00 in the general contract, and Whereas, Tae Commission decided to take a crecit of ,$5,000.00 in the general contract for the reason that the flag pole is in no way connected with the building, and to call for bids anu make a contract for the erection of the flag tole without tae necessity of working through the general contractor, therefore, be it Resolved, Twat the Council approves of and concurs in the action o; the Commission and the oroper city officers are hereby authorized and ..irected to de—st tae ci tyIa share of the said $5,000.00 from tae contract a— with Foley Bros. Inc. COUNCILMEN Y— nnys -.i.i Pcnrce Rosen Truax _ Ag,mA W-.'] em a.v Mr. P—idmt Mnhoncy u°c, 20 -1111) Adopted by the Council_ ............... ....... .....193..... APP, --I IP3.. nt„yon Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research �... �.os.�.. A,hIlk Club Aui1�InR •�,.., �,.,.,.,,.i .e...,. m..e August la, 1932. To the City Council, City of Beint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen. At its aseting ye.terdy the Advisory Court Home and City H►11 Building Commission spy—d, subJect to the approval of the City end County Attorneys, the plane and specifications for a flag Role on the site of the nee building. The cost of the flag pole 1s oowred by n ellossnse of $5,000 1. the general -.tract. 91— the fleg pole is in no way connected with the building, the Commis- sion further approved toting a credit of $5,000 in the generel con- trast end making the contract for the flag pole betwen the City end County without the nene.sity of sorb., throu& the g.nerel coo— tract. This atter is referred to yon for your action. Very truly your., . Be'-tery, Advisory Court House end City Hall Bald1.9 Oomaia.iom. CPR. BE CITY OF ST. PAUL Lr— NO.. ..D3380 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO --GENERAL FORM eree:..—T.er. r°i_�.��t Qt � �CX.-�./_"UC. 15,. 1932._ RESOLVED Whereas, at its meeting on Au ust 12 the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building C,=iss L:;n approved an extra of $2,400,00 in the .'eneral contract for furnishing twenty-two colors and twenty-four patterns for tr.r, rubber floors in the new Court House and City Hall, in lieu of the three colors and one nattern specified, therefore be it Resolved, That the Council approves of and concurs in the action of the Co=issicn and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the city's share of the said $2,400.00 in addit'. on to thecont;act a— of the general contract with Foley Bros„ Inc, a. a. °Y;°: °.v�.o..a CouNCILAI'N Y"ne Nnye ., Adopted Ly the Cnu"cil _._.... I"("vor ApprovniU^_.....193... iv -.el au °_ Dl,. P—ident Al"honey Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research ...... Aihle:, Club Bulldllg •.-.m�,.,,.i.e.,,. `""' August 13, 1932. To the City 0-11, City of Saint peal, Lime sots. Gentlemen: At It. aseting yweterday the Advisory Court House and City Bell Building Com1e%Soa approved m extra of $2,400 In the general contract for fnrni ehiag twenty-two co lore and twuty-four patterns for the rubber floor% In lien o1 the three colors and the one pat- tern apeoifi.d. This enter is referred to yon for your motion. Very truly yaw., �0.� � Secretary, Advisory Court Hones and City Hall Building CPE: SH Commie %Son. 93 CITY OF ST. PAUL 381 „u NO ......... .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 'AA vAesesre Aug. lo, 192. RESOLVED Whereas, At its meeting on August 12 the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Colmnissior. approved as to form the contract with the Westinghouse Eleetrie SUPPly Comoany for departmental signs in the new Court House and City Hall, and the National Surety Ccmpany as surety on the bond; there– fore, be it Resolved, That the Council concurs in and approves the action of the Advisory Commission. COUNCILMEN Y— N¢ys V :etet3enatS L . 1'cnrcc J_.. In fnvnr Rosen '1'nl¢x _�- Agnhn,t Wenzel u Me. President Mah—y ::�ele °uro eov% i"m Natio a: Adopted by thn C—cii___f - I_,;.. -193___ % Zo :iQpf .d.L_-..(�1�' ._--_.._193... M¢y.�r Saint Paul :,.r"^ �m„• Bureau of Municipal Research° A,hl-r Club CeJar 13IC `. .°`•„"•. /-gnat 13, 1932. 1b the City Coamil, City of Baint Pent, YSnne so ts. Oentleeea� At its metitd yesterday the Ad'leory Coact Hone- and City Mal Haildi.g C ..d.a1oa spp_,.d ss to form the —trsot sith the [a.cinghon.e M..tria Spply Campsny for d-ps,,eentel .1g.., sad the Hetioml Harety Campsny a..aaety. Ibis matter is referred to yon for year sotloa Very (��t ramal y� years, Secretary, ldvl wry Court Hones sad City Hell Halldin6 Comas saioh. CPH. SH _ CITY OF Si. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Aug. lb, 1932. RESOLVED Whereas, At its meeting on August 12 the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approves. as to form the contract with the Sperry Office Furniture Company for miscellaneous furnishings and equipment in the new Court House and City Hall, end the United States Guarantee Company ae surety on the bond; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council concurs in and approves the action of the Advisory Commission. .i�"Pam " c Y O° :.rpoue a °'aPaer V _.. COUNCILMEN Yea. Nay. Rnscn Agniust Wenzel Mr, 11-,id—t Mnho-y t f Adopted by the C, u—,il._y:!;I lu'6 193... d s��7F Ap roved 193.. M aynr Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Alhlcf c Club B,,ddins ,Cedar 1110 c. v_uexneni. ,•.•^•••••",•••.'..• wgast 13, 1932. To the City Council, City of Saint peal, Minnesota. Oentlemanl At its Mating yesterday the Advisory Ccort House and City Hall Building 0-11 siom approved as to fo— the mctr-t sith the Sperry Office Tmvlture Company for miscellaneous furnishings and equipment, and the United States Caersotee Company u sursty, This matter 1s referred to yon for your action. Very truly yours, Secretary, Advisory Court Houee and Cl ty Hall Building Cossnlseioa. CPH:SH o CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu ` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM 9:rguat. 15,..1932. RESOLVED Whereas, At its meeting on Auh'ust 12, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission approved as to form the contract with Hauensteln & Burmeister for stades in the new Court House and City Hall and the National Surety Company as surety on the bond; therefore, be it Resolved, Tuat the Council concurs in and aporovee the action of the Advisory Commission, ` COUNCILA4I?N Yee. Neye NFeE3rwreid-- �.. 1'curce �. In favor Truax Ag.m,t Nenecl Atr. rr°.id-t Atnh—y I - H:T n eammr � � o �° s�rmeidr`°r" e:eeeu'Pn c r> e. �iL I- n 6�u'e eeuneu see. )e, Adopted by the Council._..r.,�'._�".]....103... A ppn,rrd !�,. 193.. Mnyor Saint Paul -:. 7 Bureau of Municipal Research " ^ ' Athlc[, Club BuiId Cedar 1210 .... ......... .... ...�.,... lnsnet 13, 1933. To the City Comcti, City of Saint Pmt, minae note. Cent1—., lt its matins yesterday the Advi wry Court Hone. end CSty Bail Building Coenaleeion approved an to fore the contract elth Hananatein 6 Bn eat.ter for abed.., end the Hatio»1 Sure se ty Compaq enrety. 'fhle matter Le referred to yon for your action Very truly yome, Secretary, Idviwry CocrL Hneea and City Hall Bnild1e, �;� Commieeiaa• ne .as7-- � Tr ..A.....D� rRiNTe ° Yir a,�. UNCILD RE SOLUTION courvc��v�ue No o cr°� � acre aerl c e s. af. afa;� Aug— 12,_. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TOO'ITHE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f =iZ9 .15- _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO. 77n;;�Z�CKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AD—ED — T— coV rvciL Z rt7? ,m -a -v avrwoveD _. - - -� _is�T�%' _ ev sw.ET TaTA–.oaw,xo 95 877 82,465 273 45. cou �c,c o�TwE coweTsoucs ,SLE NO. �i�•✓,lt_ �n ervo wur. I COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIM - ° Aug. 12, 9 32 39 7792 _ vu ween - TOTAL IN FAVOR OF cvecvz cvec vs T v. e..n" i ! eno��w. �awwso 95 877 82 . 382 482 30 _ . 779 Hate Tsnkenoff �5 �' 77 0 7741 Oakley Parrish C. 0. BOYum 88 50 7742 C. J. Connelly 12 00 7743 R. G. U"k 10 00 2 039 92 7744 7745 Pasquale Pruclna Lary Rosetta Smith 01 Servloe Co' 277 7747 Ta1Lulatte 8 00 7748 Arthur P. Goodman 28 80 7749 E. E. Aurand e 00 7750 S, w. Clark 2 00 4 7751 Leona Cullen 00 44 Do 77" F. . De Marrs 4 00 7753 Harry Hswkins 14 00 7754 Adolph Lindstrom 64 00 7755 E. J. Lober6 36 00 7756 9. R. w.11ravie 14 00 7757 Harold Heleon 00 7758 Eugene 0'1,eary12 39 854 15 7759 The Jrinnell Co. 42 426 7760 Richard J. Drewry 26 40 7761 7762 Fred Ambruch Delis Brown 28 26 7763 Hr=_. eEary Emily Chrl sty 4p 00 00 7764 7765 John Lennon Anna 'dsgner Pelteoh 40 00 7766 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 7767 Elfrlde Soderberg 28 d0 7768 Hanlon & Okes 6 636 80 7769 John sandqulst 683 68 7770 Thornton Bros. 11 60 7771 Thomas Albert 00 16 80 7772 Henry A, Behr 166 75 7773 C. D. Brown R. Heylman 60 00. 7774 L. 22 50 7775 Peter Hogenson 65 50, 7776 7777 A. D. Hovde Aar^y %eplxn 82 50' 67 50 7778 Ex rl %ayser 67 50 ® 7779 7780 Hyhagen & Anderson - "1- Sa„er 84 001 7781 H. C. seid1 37 50 7782 James C. sheet 77Co 83 Hrs. H, litob 212 80 260 67 7784 v. H. Barber Ca, 621 22 7785 Ed. J. Deragisch 7786 Donovan Construction Co. 7 196 00 7787 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & Co. 92 59' 7788 General Chem losl Co. 979 62 7789 Louie Guerin 60 00 - 7790 The 11stlesen A1knll 1- ks. 1 290 91 7791 Spexkes Co, 103 hl55 .,.. i7792 Gopher 011 Products Co. 2,^ sw.ET TaTA–.oaw,xo 95 877 82,465 273 45. G„�... No. CITU OF ST. PAUL ."iu � --- ----- OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 7®;tyEpWHEREAS, Prior Service Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on a MSaeel laneoua Tract in Hewitt's Outlots, Second Division, located at the Southeast corner of Pr for and Cottonwood; end WHEREAS, said Prior Service Company has submitted a blue- print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, eto. for the Snf ormation of the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to Prior Service Company to install and maintain said station in aecordanoa with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and p pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordt.anoea of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landecaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or etber public improvements within the street linea shall be made under the direction and to the eats sfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted for the maintenance of said filling station shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the mainte- nance of Bald at at ion constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. IHi It °O ni Y, BeconL B01 oaf ar IY na S°lwn° o �a:` ioar c°reer of nior w0ee�u,y°u4twlw°re uepnn, of , A o ° the °Iue. COUNCILM"N Y_ Naye Adopted by the Council Peuree _.._ 1 favor �� '< ' Approved ...193_ 4 Rosen a 4 Truax _ _ _. lguinat Weasel Meyor Mr. Prceident Mahoney 1 UBLTSHED �f �� _ Application For License AUTOMOBILE FIL,JNq STATION V y oA �. TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is/Hereby Made // �- � o. c= z FILED Z,// «EAK ...E.....P..aoM CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oplbl of Minenob DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.ad, .nd Mlnnoob Sb .b JOHN H, NUONALD, CoNwusss— rHomn, July 1:!, 19'2 Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Seim Peul, Minnesota Deer Sir: Returned heren Lth is the e—lication of the Prior Service Company for 'ermis.siou to instal a drive-in gasoline fillinv, stnt_on on the southeast corner of Prior anti Cot H,n-ed Streets, and r ports of insuection by the 9ur^aus of Fi-e Prevent_on nod Traffic. Very truly ^ 'Yours, !� Cammlge on?ro£Public S �-ety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY IF rHE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. July 22, 1932 Mr. John E. McDonald, Co®Sssioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirt— Heferring to your letter d July 8th, concerning application made b7 thePrior Service Company, (Einar Pearson, 3612 44th Ave, Bo. Yi�eapolieY Hewitt- Duton y, toadd U1avl aleoideecrib9-011lnL�fi1 mit comer of Prioron Id.1 and Cottonwood. a I have made on investigat Son of this location, and it is e9 opinion the proposed etation will not materially interfere with traffic. Sonne truly, WqarrvLfp�z_ "d a tergrea: 9npt. of Traffic. Oma✓DOMWAY'a Uvpvrhmmnt 9f Pvbliv SeFehy J*y 13,1932• HOn.J.H.YODonald 00=1astoner of Public Safety, St.paul,Minn. Dear Bir; In regard to the application of the Prior Service 00.(Sinar Pearson, 3612 -44th Ave. So. Minneapolis) for per- mission to iow tall a drive-in gseoline filling station on Mleol tract, Hewltts OutlOts, end Div; also described as the southeast corner of Prior and Cottonwood. Re have investigated the foregoing and report that such an inetallat ion at the deelred location would not in- crease the fire hazard to the extent that It would warrant reIaotion. Respectfully yours. Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.'Iw d Minnnou DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL. Con 1-I.— �® O August 11th, 1932. Er. Wm. F. Scott, CITY C L 9 R E. Dear Sir = Re t Drive -In °illing Station Southeast'corner of Prior & Cottonwood(miscellaneous tract). Prior Service Company, Kinard Pearson, 3812 - Fourth Ave. So. Minneapolis, Rin-. This proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for Heavy Industry. This is per- _ missible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. tnv+nAer/na Report : There are no engineering difficulties. Expansion Joints should be provided as shown by the yellow lines on the attached blue print. Yours very truly, BOR Y. SHBPARD, Chie Engineer. Approved a �-/W HBREAD C. WBDIZBL, Commissioner of P , is Works. gme-rh � d � ;I u 1 o G Al C, ST.1p 41 N O 419 CAL c �Nr fLeoR, 0 Off/cam OVERNGgp Deet OyGRNR/D DeeR✓ _ � Nese 1Na - c l/ _ OD O O.• N sa Die - - CeNGG: GJG pU � IS LDII _ - Srprt�ca TaR.c J J ,STe,t .oGb J",oN.t 1 71 � o 1 G E;9s/N4 STgN7/ON O � GAL G Of fJ.0 .9W/N C./ Off/L6 I OVEFNt AD Deeic OyGRMt AA DeeR. � /ll6 I No56 I v - CoNCR G/v` PU � As LAA! _ �4Y — it{33ii COUNCIL FILE NO______________ sr,iotea°=°tineas a��:� room ....t .tao. a.emmoe INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of______rece_sSxLLC L1L_=._SE1t<21_r.�_an___reFelr_no�_w__ere r_9cessai'V, __ io__b�-in__loceti ons_: _ Baker St., south side, eCfnn.ng b£ 30 rt. east J :16-SCT;-thvn>: e --east 100 __f t., ------------------ u _______ `c_Lh-sf�C--Srnitk: 62 �hlo St., west side, be -Snnis 47 ft. soutF of �a.c r _ __�L____..____ ____ ___________ - n e south _ _ ___ Stryker Ave., east si :e, begin�in�: 34 ft. south f George Si. fie c, _-____6cl-f_t.T_--------------- _----------------- _---------- ____ ---- _____ Annapolis `,t., north side, beginnini at Oakdale Ave.' thonce west 1-20 ft., ------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order__________ 82822_______________ pproved _July_ 51. 1932 ______ ________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resole es: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___seLoa9SSiLCL�_>vC}aV _a�.d_sega]s�_x+31c�a_n^gessary_�_the _s±dewalk at_the following locations: Baker , south side, beginning 30 ft. east of Ohio St., EF.Pr ce easi 100 ft:_--------- _ __ _________ -___Y ___ c'hio 'lt., ."at side, begins inO 47 ft. soutr. of n`a;z er-°t..-E1ibYC'Ff-3'Unth v ___ fid_St— -------------------------------------- _________ _____ _ _ Stryker Ave.,ast side, ".eginnin5 34 ft. south oi' George Vit., t}eni;e ve , f-t.T__________________________ ______________ire sE T'10 ft., Annapolis St., north side, beginning at Oakdale Ave., thence with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof k $_252e36______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -__1,' -Ul----------- day of 141[3__, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p ons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time end place of hearing, the nature of the imprpo�-ment and the total cost thereof, as estimated. Adopted by the Council_—°� i9jfl_Lq32_____. 192____ / Approved ----------------------------- _______________________ ___192___ 1t Clerk. ayor. ` .'LIBLIS.�— �� Cound1manlWdddaf8'a It„_,.n J - CouncilmanI.uat Couneilmau Couneilmau 7Pl�FL-- Nahooey -. Mayor ANWI M , Form B. S. A. 8-6 .. .... MW7 COUNCIL FILE NC) --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter If --- -t,!- ------------------------- --------------- "I'VoInt —�o —t '74 ft. South 'f Stanford Ave_ - .. —;��Ul'h--ULL ntl. t - -3 - -� li--l- -3ri PIj'e' St., north th si'l', b�, — I n., - ------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------ -------------------------------------------------- --- -- -------------------- -------------------- i..0,d----------9,IQQj---------ppun&, p,tli.y- - raved ---- ----------- Th, C .... it of the City If P..] having received thl— 1pf the If Finance p.. the .h—1 i.p .... ml.t, ..d having considered ,id 1p,,t. hereby ... by 'l-1, I I That the -id report and the I— i, hereby app—,d and adopted, ..d the said improvement is hereby ordered t, b, pt—&d with. 2. Th., the I.,— If the ilIp--lt which the C—Ilil ---d' is --- _Qt ---hiefollqw I nt�_locati Dose Cleveland Ave., ',;est side, begir-inE, 74 ft. south of Stanford Ave., - lF'0 - ft -- --------- F,la,e St., north side,- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- with alternatives, ..d chat the estimated —t thereof is $__ 243.06 ..... Resolved Further, That I public hearing bl had I. ..id improvement 11 the_______ 12th ------- I., If 111—, It the h.- If 10 o'clock A. M., i. the C ... lit Chamber If the Court Hoose .,d City H.11 Building i. the City If St. Pa W. That the C—,vi-i— If Finance give —i- If said me to the F,vt— ..d i. thl —, provided by rhe Charter, tsting It, time ..d place of hl -i- thl .—Il I the i -p ... ­,Itp-d 'h' —.1 —1 thereof II estimated. AD. Adopted by the Council________________________ 192 ---- App—d ---------- W --___________192-_- ------------------ Councilman C Councilman HIWV� 4, C.. c21011hai� i C ... an JUVOINW— %I m'y.' F— B. S. A. 8-6 933S3 N. COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__SEA4llSY.SllGxln,.,_Pelayiny'_an<i_repair inp-�_,,none necessary, __the_ lde..lk—t__tl—falx d.F_L—ti------_._-__ C,le 't., west side, beginnin6 55 ft. north of Stinson St., thence north to _____ __ -HELY.,_______ e, n S _... __... Pusey St. east s'_d be'in in 100 ft. south of Pennock St., tY.ence sou .y_________________-___________.------- -----------th --------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___________ 95G70 ________ ______approved 9g2 ------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the A... improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__r,Gnnstl'l1Lt,_SEl9y __and_sep.aix.r_xk:ete_necessaxy _SUa_sft. north of SttnsolziS t.,-thenceono Dal e ot, west side, beginning 55 ft. north of St :n son SC., thence north t sl'189________________________________________________________________________________ Pusey -t., east side, beginnin5 100 ft. south of Pennock St., thence south --------------------------------------------- .vith no alternatives. and that the estimated cost thereof is $_56.E7________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________13512----- day of __SapLe:;,beFr_1832__a04S.x__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C— H.— and City Hall Building in the City of SC Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the nner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the -`=}]------------------ total cost thereof as estimated. " Adopted by the Council_ 192____ Approved_________- t ___________192___ ayor. Councilman •"'� — Co° fA•AoiSt"7�'' F"are` X///,,/ 1' 3i.L�fiF.D �- Councilman , o 5 cnnncilman mn� couneitmanla le,e:-el . r Councilman �-� , cSFCOPp 3 -"o Dl nh.00ey Mayor WORM Form B. S. A. 8.6 91IM9 COliNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matter If---- -t]7,e-8 L -ilia -- - ------------------------------------- Fauquler St., south ­dp, 18C ';�- last of Duluth Ave., tl:eoe. _____a t__1C1D­t - - ------- _ ___ _ ---- ------------------------ ------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ------ - --- - ---- - --- --------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ----- - ------ --------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1932 —der Preliminary O�de—_-9aQ22 ----- — ---------------- IPP11-d ----- ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having considered ..id report. hereby 'e -Ne.: 1. That the said report and the some is hereby approved and adapted, and the said improvement is hereby ord...d to be p,,,,,d,d with. 2. That the -..e of the imp,,,m,.t which the C..—I 11—ow'd, is---- alk - at_ ------ ----- the tolloin -_I ... tionUij'ea : --- ------- q,,i— southSt., th I' ' e, beii—in 180 ft. east of Du luth nue., - ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- 64 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ------- Resolved F,nh,,. That , public hearing be had on said improvement .. th ------ I3Jib ---------- d,y of t the halt of 10 .'doek A. M., i. the Council Ch.mbe, of the Co.. House ..d City H.13 Building i, the Ci%.,f.,SP,, lto,t the CommiCommissioneri.of Finance give ..ti- of , ,,,d -,,i,g to be persons a i. the I . l provided by the Ch -tel, It.tilg the time and place of hearing,the --c of the impo,"Tt,", total cost thereof estimated.Adopted by the C.u.eij ------------------------ 192---- ----------- Appo.—d ---------------------------- 192---y Clerk. --------- - -------- ----- t G"..A .... et.,mr- C... C11"i""I"AID-Im M.Y., F- B. S. A. M 9?399 COUVCIL FILE NO._._____ By------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ----- r_acr_rst—ti.nE._r elsylnt; _an�rapa.lring,_-rel era_r ec_esaerY, _SLa_aidavra111_at_ihc_fnllo;eiw;_1ora ton -------------------------------------------- ','.at ___---_ -- - - East Fifth St., south s13e, begins ln� at Fo est St., thence east 1_62 ft., __________________________ __________________________ _-----____ r.e�tn.s..e.r..o.o.. __ arr. .iaawa at rn. mnea•n______ ra. __________ under Preliminary Order________3L9Ll -------------------- pp—d _J'_1___1,_ 1932 - The Council of the City of Paul having received the pon of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; Jtereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___zeto^-stZtlLLt_r fll a9 _ADz _T PP_a1F_,- xheSe neces_@aF3i_the_ side-v_a1k_ at__tho_ fol_l ow ing _l oc at i_o:::_ cast Fifth ,t., south side, beginning at sorest St., thence east H ft. ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cosi thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_________13th----- day of _Seutei::b.er_._1932___, iPZR__, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting to the pe o and in the m suer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of ear hing, the sato,, of the improve mant and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C ... 63 --- la4A_�.Y_------- 192____ n Approved ---------- ________------ _ Clerk. ________192___ 7- — City 6 yor. –Coundman m 1'..are SCouncilman iiedpmrcan F"eene C .. cilmii. ieNh'a® Cou cilm n l Neuzel Mayor md- mob oneI Form B. S. A. fib R, 9391 a. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- a. By----------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M -c' — — ------------------------------------------- Harriet ---- Har I Jet St., west side be inning at Central Terrace, tl-ence north 44 ft Cebt—L-T—:�—e---bh' Ldi '_ he ; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nude, Preliminary Otdc ------------92,8a2 ----------------- pp,—d 2____________ The Council of he City of Paul having —6-d the report of the C.uaufissxme, of Finance spun the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: 7. That the said t,puwt and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said ionp—mcm i, hereby m -d ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Harr let St. '.vest siie b ainrir[at Central Terrace, thence north 44 ft., -C,rf&I-lazr a,,__agi=jng_"- H,r,j ft ------------ - ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no ahernatives, and that the -i—ed cosi thereof i,e38------- Resolved ------- R ... Ned Further, That , public heating be had on said imp—cm— on th -------- ------- day of at the hour of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court H.— and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice I said meeting to the F ­ma, and in the man tne, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the at,,, o the imp .... ment ;�t h mht cost thereof , estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -VR --------- 192---- 1 11 - ------------ App .... d ---------- W ------------- I---- ity Clerk. Count digp-qWEL. P Councilman] Comacilman4r&— n.. ComatihaaanNN '.naad M'yo'-Nvh� M.h... Fmat B. S. A. 86 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matte, of --- And - ------------------------------ MaC,nolia St., north �side, be!:ihn in- a t -'ore st , thence we ft—,_________ ------------- Il=iia _t., ,.,,t; I,! 1�g�i­ at !lend. thence east 77 ft., .�QjAa_ St,_1hence -Iia crtn _S I— L—Ld.,%,ig &_9 a VZ south 11 ft., _ - - --- ----------------------------- ---------- -------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------- ------------ -- -------------------------------------- -de, P,tifinimny O,de ------ a 39_2 ---------------------- app ... td ------ ---------- The C ... cil of the Cityof Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b— improvement, and having considered said tep-1, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby pp .... d and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby wdeted to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends il--- Mag­11. St., n.,th side, begit,ni.6 at P—st St., then.. eet_44_ft., south lds, be al3- ld agnolia St., _-i—ing at Men'10t, St., thence east 77 ]dsnciata__at south S with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__M6_C2----- Re,olved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th ------ I 'Ltj2 ---------- day of __S=Le=har,_ 1.92U__ MY—, at the how of 10 clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Cmumi,,kme, of Finn— give notice of said meeting to be F—cm. and m the wam— provided by the Ch.—, -ting the time and place of hewing. the ,to,, o the impt, eemmt and the total cost thereof , estimated. Adopted by the Council________________________ 192--- ZJ_ HZ' App—ed -------- - ---------------- ---- ----- Cmmeihmw&%WPQWd— I'l—e Councilman didg— PeenC .. ci;... Iftdh.,_ T'n— Councilman tlYr4at� W-1 May- wdka M.h,mey F-. B. S. A. 8-6 9'11393 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ -� By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter If --- -1-- L---_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Larayette LL------------------------ L-rayette Ave., north side, from the went side of Arl—leht St- to_jtsego - - — --------------------- - ------- ---------------------- otsog. St., .—t silo, be. -inning at L.rare tte Ave., t).enoe_north _62_ft. --- -------------------------- ---- ----- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ ..d,, Preliminary O,de ----------- 929.a5 ------------------ pp .... d ----- TILQ4--Q-19v5z_ ------------ Th, C,cccil of the City If P—I having .... i—d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ..--c,l .. h. -i-. considered report. �.id report. h-1,, -- 11 I. That thcaid report — hereby, and the 1 i, hby ,—- d ..d adopted, and the id improvement i, ""by ordered to b, proceeded dd _h. 2. That the nature t— of the improvement which the Council recommends and -1air- locations: _Laf Otsego St -------------------------------------------------------------------- .with .o alternmives, and that the estimated cwt thereof is $-Llg_ 3A ------ Rcs.l-d Further, That . public hearing be had .. ..id bop--cn, on the______ lzt)a -------- day of Sept, be _1932__, I=_ at the ho- of 10o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C— H ...e and City Hall Building in the City of St. [provided Pa.lTb.t the of Finance give otic, of -id meeting to they and ithe tpm i„d by the �h—­ stating the time and pl.- of h­jthe .e ,th�m�gand the —I c— thereof a estimated. ety, 6 5)” Adopted by the Conceit_____________________ App—d -------- ---------------- 192 --- `/---------__ i;oc - V 0 C.cncihn..,EWk%iwar� C... M.Y.,dhd— M.b'—y F— B. S. A. 8-6 W394 ewa evihee[ellaw •+ceil:n:; eEE la t U onehee= ec, eeuN elEe, pe=In ,-^E n. west at hnreee at.. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ "' ra r' ',•.m,r :sE By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___rstcAns_CY:IC CI: L� ^fllaal n2_anr'_ repair ln�,-r_w; ere_ re ces sarv, La_s_'.Lie —Lk _at_S1a_fnllale ]r„5-' orad n::s:..______________ Yinnehaha °t., south: 13a be -inn i^:e H2 ft. .vesto_ .;ypre Wit., therce ss t est_P_er_en•_r_yyes'. _hf t., vest �b Pt.l_------ F••�inn ink 2:s .t. _a.^ti�:er �::es t, thence eres.. 5C' ft., __________________________ under Preliminary der Or_________929a15_____________ ____approved ---J14. _ 1932 --___________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance opo, the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and he same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council rem of, ..ds is__SBrOn9YSlLGLr SS@�%:r and_zapais,__uher�_sacessaty _.LL>r=_sada.tivalk_aL_.he__flillalv.Ln:;_1vL_�214Rs:_ ininnehahat. south i, e, be61nn1n- 82 ft. ,vest of Cypress St., thence QL est__ZA_f'�.>_hetj.nriing-2_£t._�'sLLhez_:vest,__Lhanca_vasS._2.@_SSS_,__ be:lnnlnt 28 ft. farther west, thence west 50 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ie $_1Q1e44______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ______lath------- day of 5_StertDa£v_ 1932 ]g�x__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C.- 11 .... ourtHouse and City 1-1a11 Building in the ner e City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p t and n the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timprovement end y �the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council" 1 6_10- __, 192____ rov i c f932 ' 'J APPed_______ r__�______________ ___192___ ryor. Cou,dlman l2doHenelk-.� f•..:�rro '� YUBLISffi;D�,� Coundlma,d •g a- P"—. Co..dlman ddbh— Councilman ^*-•�- -- R„^uE rrF Mayor leu ' N--' 451 `L�n Form B. S. A. fib ,. E- a,, as1 "m« sr.-- ius., rt COU\CIL FILE NO.______________n. .ovtn .r et..rmva at.,'a.v".. V. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oLs C—truc Lixtg,_SrlgYin6&Ii',i_S9Rdir�6,_where_-nece�sar��, _yy,�_ s�de.valk_ at__tne_ following loceti_ons:_ _ Idi ssissipp{ St., •est side, begi—Ing 220 ft. son th of Penn sy=v an is Ave. v ence_ sputh_ 42_ft----------------_--_-_-______ Albemarle St., east side, beCinninL at Maryland St., thence .^. or tfi IZl ft. __Albemarle_ �LeasL_sida,__beginnl: 6--1-Lt,__sot.Ltk_ 4i_ t.iprylen_i__5t.,__thence south 291-i t., ---------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Ord- ----------- _2938________________approved __Jy],y_ 5,_1932 __-_------_--- The Council of the City of Paul having received the "Port of the Commissioner, of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council .... mmends is___r2C�4tI'a1eL,_sP.la9 _and.repair_,_�vlanecassarY,S..hE._S..LSiflwaj,K_pt_the_fol_1_oiv_in�_locations:__ M_ssissippi St. west side, beginning 220 ft. south of Pennsylvania Ave., _ ____..benG e_souih 42_ft______________________ Albemarle St., east side, beginning at [(aryl ami St., thence riot-£K'12I ft., _Alhemerle_S ,__eash._s1da.__begirinln6 7g_ft,--�RUth-of_ Mary_l and_ St. ,_ thence south 29 ft., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______________day of _ Septei�bery_1532___. Wit___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C— H .... ourtHouse and City Hall Building in the City of SC Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting to the p o and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the namre of the rimprovement and ytthyye rural cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council _ t A��r A_ib7.� __, 192__ f �! �G l _r __ __r__r _ / ______ ________ Approt ed____ _ _ ____192 / qty Clerk. /r SeviC.f______------ May— Came _____Mayor. eone Councilmavq� ...--' Councilman - vvvuzcl f May-emb— ?tahnno Form B. S. A. 8.6 93396 rt eett ben 4-11 r ..r COUNCIL FILE NO. By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY _____________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ SacC 19whero-neces3e_y. _La_sidavalk_on_ a_snvfh__sltle__oL_l —th- SLLe.'st_ be1,1nu-lx -&t,- 12e- `t• __nae_East_17Il_it�,-------------------- ---- ._._-__--- _---- ------------ ._------------- -------------------------------------------------- _______________ 6 - 32 under Preliminary 82916dOrder_______ ._____________________pprove___Zil.lY___s___�i___________------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of. the Commissioner of Finanee upon the abovemprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. t That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conncil recommends Is___xeAQnSSS'_:£Ss_Felfly _snd_tepaix,__wiier�_neaessa>_yf_S.lea_sidagalk_ QnSh§__�ou_t_h_ side_ of_ t:ortn_ _SStnaat_ te,_.irming_at_Ile_Sato__SS..t_thenc s__ea6x._].29__ftet_____ --------------4L------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________a _____________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 104__ 2 ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____13tijL________day of rAas__, at the hon, of to o clock A. M., in the Councif Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so and in the manner hearing, the nature of the rimp rovement and the pro'ided by the Charter, stating the time and IN... of total cost thereof as estimated. qp Adopted by the CovneiL_,Jj�' 1.F_yQ22------ 192-..-- / 92__--Approved______-:l�c'� -- App—ed ------- ,_____ 192___ ayor. Mayor. Couneilmav�{pDag}kL,yys I...s Councilman.9-949 g;-ro I+..r%.e - - Covncilma mg I,,,:: _ CouneilmavAb%U- Mayor Y �/� iii.oa ?lah,nny Form B. S. A. 86 93397 A- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ very y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ----- renonstnunting,_relaAln,�_end_rapAiriry;<_-\!1@rB_R@L e5$Stryr _S­jdelfal:c_At_iha_iQ11ox1ng-1v�.&t ;9a� .__.__________________________________ South. Osceola ,:ve west side, boginnin,-, at Grace St., thencenorth 125 ft. _Scut'i_Lsceoln_:sva.r_sast_ i-ter_haginnino_At_ 9rAea_ at.µ_C.heRL�_n4I'_Lh-75 ft., _____________________________________________ .------------------- _._______Y_ ___ ---- _________________________:w�_'___e.��.. under Preliminary Order_____________ 9-JC55_-------------approved ____Sols_ l y_1332_ --------_- The Council of the City of Paul having received thereport of the Commissioner of Finance upon the mov above prement and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. ,That the said report and the same a hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___sEGor_sSsuGr.>_ttll sy _S.ha_SldatsAliLa&L�Sh9 e_f ecnor Ons: South Dsc eole e ter e, bag Snnlne t SE.,w£hen - th-125 `t nee ve" 'v north 75 ft. _�iii:tT:_529L.ef)dA_aVe._._ Yti_g4_ =1d ey_b eryinn ln,_ at (_I_aC e_ St._y_ tl_ ence ----------------------------------------------------------- . ith no alternatives, and that the esti-ed cost th..eo f ie $_131.56 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had t pement on the________13h on said imrov ____________day of __SP�p.LemCez._1�32__, WEX__, at the hour of 10 .clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C— H.— and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of . aid meeting to the p ons and n the nner prorided by the Charter, ting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couneil_.",t g ------- 192____ - }fir 1; Approved____________________'____192___ __— --_- �_.�.__ f - _!�— - C-ity Clerk. �- - ------------------- /�-Cenne;lmani.e-.m 1 Councilman 4iad& _o -=m 1:,,,en J Councilman caunei,man,v May., Mah—ey \ Form B. S A. 8-6 9339S COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ..a By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of._ ^ecnnsxrucLint„_sal0.YSIl3__@Ila_repaj,F in_ivher e_ necessary, -- --- -------------- ----------------------- pinc St., east side, beginning at 7th St., thence north 10C ft., -------- --------- -------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------------------- I ---- -- - ---- -------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- -- ---- ---------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- - ----- --------------- ----------- ..de, Preliminary Order -------- q3l]-M -------------------- PPt.,,d --- !LlllZ-jx__1932-__-__--_--- The _j932............The Council of the City of Paul having received the tlp— of the Commissioner I Finance up— the .b... improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ... he.: 1. That the said report and the -me is hereby pp .... d ..d adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends Pine St., east ,de, beginning at 7th St., thence north 100 ft., --------- ---- ------ s--- ---- ---------------------------------------------------------- --------------------- - ,,ith noth .... fl—, .,d that the estimated cost the—f is ------- R—Ned Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement .. lh -------- lZlb -------- day of at the hour of 10 ',),,k A. M., is the Council Chamber of the Court He— and City Hall Building is the City .1 St. Paul. That be Commissioner.�,, of Finance give notice of is, said meeting to the persons and is the provided by he Charter,statingthe and plate of hearing, the ..to" of the mapr—emem, ..d the total _1 thereof . estimated. Adopted by the Council I - 0o � -------- 192---- Approved_______ ---_192--- _7 -7' ------- — ----------- ly�Clerk. C— 61. L: C ... Cilma. Councilman .. im Councilman ware kt',�iul Mayor " ll F— B. S. A. 93399 • whe°6 1e � � ss COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__r:norstx'sC..... -r'E1s'n_-l_a'h er_e_necesse-cy, __tha_sideual=c_at_the-f�lloixin�;-leen.t'-on%a-------------- --------__---________ _ Shielts Ave., south side, beginning 21 ft. east of Wheeler Ave., thence --------- —L-1-6-nt.Y_________________________ ____ _--_____-_____--____-_____________________________________---_______--___----___---_____ _ __----__________________________--__________ _-___-- ----- --- _--- _---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- . _--_ ----- --- ____---_---___-----__--_______ under Pr heninary Order______2aUL---------------------approved ___ 3�---------- 7he Council of the Cihav;nPaul hadercdreced ed the ,ereby re sole Csommissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, an g consi ear re 1. That the said report and the same ie hereby approved and adopted, and the =aid improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cooncil recommends te____SEC LL lay _an_?-rRzvsls,_-xiier-necesseab.gi—_sidawsft.eL_;.ne_ Wheel1n:v-locations: Shields Ave. south side, beginning 21 ft. =.ast of Wheel ar Ave., thence ______________________________________ with no Ite—twls,and that the estimated cost thereof ;s ON_________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement onthe____1.1tT---------- day of _ScpLn�nezt_1332__, m8x_-, at the hour of 10 0dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pa I. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the p o and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the [improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the ennnal------------- _--• 192_--- / C clerk. Approved________________________ t ___192___ �- - - Y %-�---------------- - eyor. �- Councilmaa_�;,,.cel CoenellmancgQdWjm I"'I. CouneilmanK� wee= 'pruux TtA' Couneilmanaft!Eej,,,r,. It'e,zel ay - ; Mayorauffilmae M.honey ` 6L `� Form B. S. A. 8-6 -93490 i W. s si 11 --t' tl 'a COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- ....onoaa . INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter of ---- _caps Irl ng_"L—,a—chss-7, , he a-dawalks at th:,following locations: 4 -h.,,&L—ing 4C — -ft.-t ft.,begin,ing 36 ft. farther at, then f Y_k OC -ft. --.t 114 _ - nz, at. St_--s—J;t ide, beqllnl eece�—' Ag ft. lho-L--th-70--ft— ----- ,.de, Preliminary Order______ Q�QtL` ---------------------- P, ... d ------------ The Council of the City of Pa I Its' i," received . d the report f the CommissionerCommissionerf Finance P., the ,b—, improvement, , ad , i,g ... side,ed aid report, hereby te-l—: 1.That the said report and the sameis hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby .,d -ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp—em— which the Council rero —d, i,--h9C9 tri ht,-XR1a7 t SL 9 J,, a St'�";o.th side, 14C ft. es of p Ave., thence —t 4 -3f,- -t—f --- th—e—L-2 -ft;_� ----- t_� ---- ------ Lini'c' 100 ft. —t 0 Y��7Ste south side, be" f �,gM ., en.a west 114 ___ft.- - ------------------------- --- --- -------------------------------- J- o St., east aide, beginning at York St., the,— south _70_ft ..... - --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ --- U -Q. 11 ----- Res.h,ed Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement on th ------- lZth -------- d., of WIZ — at the h,., of 10 .',],,k A. M., to the Council Ch—ber of the C— H .... and City Hall Building i. the City I St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice f said meeting to the Fem— ..d ot the .....r p,,',id�,�d' by the Charter, t;�tmg the time and phte, of he - mg, the the ge.— and the JG I r • t— thereof hat. Adopted by the C .... iI� ---------------------- 192 ---- Oen App—ed -------- --------------------- 192--- r C... mC .. e.Wvwmp— mayorommmw F.— B. S. A. 8-6 93401 CQUNCIL FILE NO.______________ °� o e N +' a.e rre winai !; -v°.°n�irer-�atda�; H O--------------- B---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER Is the Matte, of____ =-hua—s U' --tb.- -------------- -------------------------- Snnilinr3 Ave., west side, beginning 50 ft. south of Edmund St., thence _________s nuth-.12-7-f-t_---- --- - - -it ------- ----------------------------- Sherburne Ave i� south s-ja=s cG 26 east of Orford St., thence ----------------------- ----- ------------------- - ----------- --------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- under Preliminary Order -------- a2a24 -------------------_approved --- ------------ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,bo- improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ...ob,- 1. That the said report and the mine is hereby approved and adopted, and the said imp—m— is hereby ,it , to be proceeded with. 2. That t the nature of the finln-o-ment which the Council .... ni—rds 011 a Snelling Ave., west side, beginning 50 ft. south of Edmund St., thence n---��-- -- -------------------- shirburne —e., south side, St.,thence ----------AsL-L5-Lt—.--- ----------------------------- with no alternative,, and that the estimated cosi thereof is -------- R—Ned Further, That , public hearing be had no said improvement on th e________1. tab ______day of xm— at the hour of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St' Paid. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the Fenills and in the marine, provided by the Charter, rating the time ,it place of hearing. the nature o the impr ... ment, and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG 9 T" Adopted by the Council________________________ 192---- z ---------- -------------- Approved____________QJJ ------------ 192--- Council= dhow"amets, p, Councilman dffiNkgf— �' l?"' C .. ci� in. @.if— .1 C'unicilreandiba-6 Mayor 111111imt, P1.1i ey F.— B. S. PL 86 934x)2 6 „cut aEe: n<stvm, COUNCIL FILE NO.__vn�. e•e.,�tne�e.„xe e. . ee '�ca eve.. wenea aou D INTERMEDIARY ORDER rn the Mattcr of__sesmsiratciSn[y,_ralaYing snd_SBRfllrind..__NhSSe_ ragespgry, tha_sidewalks_at_tha_Sollatrinli-lac�ti�n s: ----------------------------------------- Third St., south side, beginning at blgia Ave.,hence east 240 ft. Lgprsas_SL.�_Easy_siva,__b-aglnu1Dy_At_iia_s_tjn_s_Aye-.,-_thence_ north to ________________ Alley south 148 ft. Tigl Alley 5.�_cosi_d141,6,__D_egj,iip 1pg_at_Ha_s_t in,.is_ ye., --thence _____ _______ -------------------------------------------------- ..------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order__________339.7------------------ pproved --- JU—ly-15__1932............ The Council of the City of Paul having re -d the ,p,, of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i.____racsmatrllc t._ relay and_zaDalsr-her�_nacesssry _�b.e__a!daVYalks_at_the_ followinj-_ loc_at ion_._: Third St., south side, beginning at Maria Ave. thence east 240 ft., _C—Y.Pne _at—east_si-do-_heginnjnZ_AL_Hg_st„inys-�-v_e,__thence_north to _________ P.11ey, -- thence south 148 ft., CAlleY' _St,`.-aast_sY¢e�_hC:.SDRiIL_ at_ na st Sn�s_____ _ _ __________________ with an alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__MrZ-23______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- lath ------- day of at the hour of 10 .*clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court flouse and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the p ons and in the n r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. F L Adopted by the Couveil____AUG _? 1931 _______ 192____ ------------ __ _____ Approved_______________792___ � ` � City Clerk. ----- - - ayor. F II fila Councilman �Lq@annlda-r I. Council man ddlddtl -., l:suo Councilmen r9vdfid��r Councilman ^,••�--t - ty ., zrl ��-, `C-, Mayor �Yrm Mehnney . Form B. S. A. M \• 921',)3 'COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter NoFth-StrAgt thane acrest Dlilft .1__________________ -------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ —---------------- ---------------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------ __ under Preliminary Order__________ - QQS�2 ----------------- app—,d ---- Sul{" 6'__1932 ------------ The Council f the City of Paul having received the "p— Commissioner the C...i.f Finance the ,b— improvement, -d having considered -id hereby —.1— Ih,t the said report and the —, i, hereby pp—ed ml adopted, -d the said improvement is hereby ordered t, be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C -m.] recommends is---- txay of J� ft. w -t of_Bradley __qjj__Ljjdo _ _ _�Lrj�_t_SL ------------------- ------- -ft - — ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------- -h m, alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof i, $__ 18_00___ R LLS0---R...Ned Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ ------ 1,3-tbL ---- d,y of -Cgpk—h— L12--, at the h— of 10 .*d.ek A. M., i. the Council Ch..ber of the Court House and City H.11 Building m the City of St. P-1 - That the Commissioner, f Finance give' mice of —d —m -- g to the p- .... and in the ma n - provided by the Ch-, —tmg he time ..d place f h_,i.g, the , the i., ... mem total the tl .,t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cmmeil--4%W-j-F-� ------- 192____ ^ Approved 92---- Appr-ed -------- ---------- c"'i &0—, C.U.6:.:. , r ,­ 1� C .... ilm- dvva&L— May,r F.— B. S. A. 8.6 MCA COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O --------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- C—R -Z __ --------------------------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ ----- ------- - -- -------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- -------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------- ..&, Preliminary Order_______ 9.L9d4 --------------------- ppr--d j]11z-54-21032 ----------------- lb, Council of the City of Pool having received the reportofthe of Finance p.n the above imp—m—, and b,,i.g --id-ed said report, hereby ,e-)va. 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded ith. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council —ono -da i ------ c—trLc-t,-.ur1LYD- - - ---------------------------------------------------- with no alternative, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-11219 -------- R-1-d Further, That . public hearing be had .. ..id nop--nl on he -------- 13-tL ------ day of Q -J.pt.b,,,-19a2 --- ?==--, at the ban, of 10 .',],,k A. M., in the C1,161 Chao,be, of the Court House and City t Hall d b all B,ilding in the City of St. Pa.] That the Commissionergivenof Fin.give notice of , said m-119 to e p ...... an d in the en .... r p,— , y the Ch.,—, mating the time and place of he a r in g, the a,, o the imp --t and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council________ I _--------------- 192____ Approved________________ 111SW2 ..... -- - - ----------- ------ ... ity Cl,rk. - - -- -------- .y— PUBLISHED C C .... il—S&VAlffig, v, F— B. S. A. 8-6 934,')5 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ Hy O--------------- Hy------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ - Q9uigtrjkc tinE_—lithic sidewalk on _east side- of ---- t h_22 ft., l ----------------------------------------------------------- F A-� -------------------------------------------------- ---- Ya ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- order P,cliroi..ry O,de ------- VaV�3Q ---------------------- pp,.—d ---- iU217-5-1932� ------------ The Co—cil of the City of Par] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ---- CII Lrl Qt-aQD-Q3jthic of Eighth __exist—_________________________________ ____-- ------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with .. alternatives, ..d that the estimated cost thereof is ------ Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had o, said improvement on th ------ lZtL --------- day of 197Z— at the hour of 10 o 'clock A. NI., i, the Council Chamber of the Court House and Ci Hall Building m the City of St Paul. That the of Fire— give notice of said meeting t� the Fences and in the ca ... er [improvement p,.,idcd by the Charter, stating the time and place of he,,i,g, the , the nature ad the total c— there, as estimated. Adopted by the C—cil,"-I-R.,, -------- 192--- .4 d_______________ ---------------------------- lw--- n Councilmen i PU13LISHED Councflmma� Mayor Mdmv. A. M 93406 COUNCIL FILE NO..__.....___....____..___.. Ey._.... __....... •.....___.....__......__.._. _........_. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the mutter of the assessment of benefits, costs an! xponses for grading Stinson St. from blackubin St. to the east line of lot 8, 'block 2, Foundry nd:ltio , It avec a. a. under Prelimurary Order........ 9D429........ Intermediary Order __._g0f743.. _....... Final Order_... .90857.... , approvednoY..._1.7 ...__._.-.-, 19...31 The aasessment If__..beaefits-r...—ts.- and _.—Pp aa5-- ----- ---fae and in connection with tha above improvement hating been submitted to the Council, end the Council having c nsidered same awl found the said assessment sulisN,Ory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said asarc.ment be and the same is hereby M ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publle hearing be had on said assessment on the.. ___._11 til day of _Sep-tsiLiheS.... _.... __, 19 ;52, at the hour of 10 16,,k A_ Al, in the Caunril Chamber of the Ceurt Ilooac and City Ilan Ruilding, iu the City of St Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give natice of said meetings, n required by the Charter, stating i t said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the mpr meat, for total cast thereof, and the nmonnt assessed against the lot or lots of the partivuler oa ner to wham uta notice is dFrreted. Ko n i P rn^ A:lopted by the Cotme 1. 'i-14 City Clrrh. 1 Approved 19.. t/- Coonetl awadf. )ou-rt-`3 1 �� Cou rilm .lft " Cou crhnen�Wi ay e�ul Meyor�� Mehooey COUNCIL FILE NO_.._...______.._...__...... By.........___......____........__. _.... _.__._........ _.... 9341)7 0 I CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter of the,=aessment of benefits, costs end expenses for paving Alley in Block 2, Kin ;'s blspl�wood 'rocs Princeton Ave. to Goodrich Ave., b,�. —d— Prelimm,ry Order....... ..83991.. Iutennedtary Order ...... 90041 , Final Order..... ....909.53.... eppro. ed .. 1-- 17— ...." _ ., 19...31 The ,ssessmcnt of_.._......banef its....cnsts.. and._ expansss....___..... far and in --tiov with the above improvement h,rtng been submitted to the Council, end the Covnail having considered same end found the avid assessment s,tisfaetory. therefore, be it RESOL-11, Th,t the said --n—, be and [he same is hereby in all respects approred. RESOLVER FCRRItER, Thai a public hearing be had nn said easesameat on the...... ..14th nay of Lc,ptemb — 1 19...3'2, nt the hour of 10 o'clock A. \I., in the Counril Chamber of the C.,— house and City 11,11 Building, in the City of St. NO; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in s,id notice the timc end place of hearing, the vain,, of the improvement, tha total cost th erso f. end the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the partic0l,r owner to whom the notme is di rested Adapted by the Cnune L Appeared ISPs 19_ /conn„Iman to p Id , 1 C°vvcilman �'�� Penzel Mayor �� Mn h.,ne� City Clerk- y 934)8 COUNC, FILE NO By_.. .......... ..............____......__..... _...__......... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and — enaba for pavan, Alley in Block 3, Plum Orcha_d Addition from Pre,laricka i,— io Fairvi— iieY` u`aiae� a, under PrelimtnarY Order........ 44838...... ..._.., Intermediary Ord—... _............_. Final Order......_._913.4.6... _... Approved _--- _Jan. -_5.__._.. __.......__.._...., 19.32. The assessment of- _._._benafits.r._cnata_-and._ezpenaea._....... ___fal and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the C .... d, and the Convait having considered same and found the said osaesament Satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said a,,,a-- be and the same is hereby in all respell, approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on Said essccsmevt on the.__. 14b1a—...-_...day of .S,Ipt—ber_........._._....., 19..32, at the hour of 10 o'rlock A. M., in the Connril Chamber of the Conn Hone, end City Hall Building, in the City of St. Pont; that the Commissioner of Finance give notiee of said ,,,ting,, a, required by the Charter, ,f,ti.g in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of th, improvement, the total coat thereof, and the ,mon d Afmased ag,i,,t the lot or lot, of th, partwodii, owner to whom the native 6 dlrnetd. 1 (, Adopted by th, Con, il. �........ 19 ,��1892T ...,._. - :w, 1 5 t _.. i • � ��/'. it, C't. App—,d ......._ ....... 19......... ) 6„ G� Msyar. /Co mlman rtA IT'rttd--.<'e I ° 'J r n ,uman vu- d- , I - _ Mayor ['InM1�.ney 93409 O..ByCOUNCIL FILE NO— By .. _.,.. _... .......... _............ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of ba—"its, demegos, coat¢ Ind ezpensee Tor radio; Sheffer St. floc Immune Ae. to Pascal Ave., els, the 91 -de of Albert Ave. from Ele..— St. t, B—ar A— to onf,rm to the red line on the p-ofiie hereto Ittn,hed Ind mode a art hereof, the Present estebllehed grade being shaven by I hlue line there , c mo6s— ome T n „ D h.e'.".. eteDne6� under Preliminary Order........ 99228 Intermediary Order 9.0549 ..__._ _.......__.., Final Order_._. .__.90754. ePProved __.........Oat..27___.. _..._____...., 19. .31 Thr assessment If benefits,.. demeges,...„ek-s..esdfor and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Couuvil, end the Council having considered same anal round the said asaessmrnt satisfsetory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said nsstssment be and the same is hereby in ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a pu bli, Learing be had on said --in on the- __ 141h............ day of September_ 11 1 19_32_, It the hour of 10 o',I.,k A. M., in the Cenneil Chamber of the Co—t Hnuee end City IIa11 Building, in the City of St. Paol; the, the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, m r,ui red by the Charter, stating i acid notice the lime end place of hewing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount nsseased eg,i,.t the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. nII(1 F tq Adopted by the founril.. ........ � _ v 'tN,:r-OCG/�_City Clerk. , A pprovetl. .19......... ,! Councilmnn �f,dltNatG �- 1 "` f'oo nrilmen dis6Tbr�d-'" Councilmen -Mayor lis! :�•n..�.-r 934© COUNCIL FILE NO___._._..._.______....._. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment 1. the matter of the assessment of benefits, casts and e _ ses for ourDing on Stryler A— from Weat Colorado St. tr Winifred St., a 9a.ta— �rc0 qi cuet0 eAd es�avo Intl �a8tetio \ptalfrea St: wEetr C. sale::-lht.rm. `oFte ..der Frelimi.ary Order...... 89412 ., lid.... diary Order 90080____ „_.,....._ Final Order.... 9037Si..... approted _....._ S Pt_. bar B ______ ,. 19.31.. The .sse.vment o f. _._ banofits,­tP.And__. e_nsas ......._ ._......for and in cv.nectton with theab...e iivproemnent hnving been submits rd to the Connell, a.d the Council having e ... idered same and found the said ass i,sm ., ,f.etory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the void assevnment be and the same i. hereby in s11 respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That n puhlic hearing be h.d on said ---it on the.. __1W, _... _. d.y of September 19 32 at the hour of 10 e'e lurk A. hl., i. the Conned Chamber of the Ce—, II.— and City Ifell Building, in the City of St_ Paul; that the Commi®io.er of Fi.... e give nntica of .aid meetings, a r,q,i,td by the Charter, s acing i, -e.id notice the time avd plaee of hanrf.g, the .store J the mpro.ement, the total coat thereof, and the nmounl asneazed against the lot or lots of the particular ox ner to whom the notice ie di ... I,d. AUG 1 R 1Gry Adopted b the Council. a _... ' 1 • '. ' _.19.... �uncilman 9leTloueidt� It, r ., eiim n „yam® uoy rt6N' Mnn�ney City Clerh. j/ 2- -T C ... oil File N......._. By.......__............___........__..._..__._ CITY OF ST. FAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment sf benefits, costs and ..pans.. - for grading alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition, and Block 1, Galarneattlt's Addition from Macalester Avenue to IInderwood Avenue, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 ft, of lot 4, block 1, Ga larneault' s Addition from the alley to the sewer in Schaffer Avenue, under Preliminary Order._ --89410__ Intermediary Order.___..., Fi..1 Order. __....90161... approved-.._...A:.>g....1fl......_........ _19_.31 A public hearing having been had upon the eseeeement for the above improvement, and eaid assessment having been further—eddered by the Cuoutil, end Laving bee. considered fi..Uy muefactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ss uruont be had the same is hereby m aB ...poets ratified, and the eam. L hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Bameey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u hereby determined to be Payable ia__...--. 5__....._.e,I-1 i ctallments. Adopted by the Council._.__. _ _............. . _........__............ _.........__ 19... .}✓, /' .-, City Clerk. Alpioved ........... __....... _. ...____...19 _erre Msyo,. ISKM 93111 CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF 11111', CO1IIIISSIONER OF FIIAICE Report of Completion of Assessment 11 .1.17, 20 1932 In the mutter of the ._­,ot of benefits, costs and expenses f., d= grading alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 1, G.l.rn.—ltl- Addition from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, also constructing a ewer in the easement to be obtaln.d on the easterly 8 ft. of lot 4, block 1, Galarneault's Addition from the alley to the sewer in Schaffer Avenue, oiol" Ord, 39410 Ord, Final Ord, 90161 ....... I Aug- is 31 T. the C-Iil If the Cit, of St P-1 Th, Ciorrobi,I-, if Fi ....... h,,,,i,, rrporta t. the C .... il it,, f,il,,,i,g as a statemont If th, -p- dit-ol 111-sarilY incurred and to to, inc or -I for -I i. connection with th, making If the above improve- ment, i, Colt If "I'llueti"I $-_.82800._._ QO C,et If ji.blibir' -1- $--_..4.06.. Co,t of postal -rd, 5..........0..01._..... Inspection f"" $ z.58__... Ammuit orI $ __.405___ Cone t Eng Sneering 72:57 Total-p-dit"I", 773 G4 Said Conunissimtrr further tp-t, that be IiI,, --rd ..d 1-od the I,tbI .—It I, Ili..e to wit: the enm or $-. _..u,,o en ,b and ... y lot, p- or parcel of I..d d,,,,d b ... fitrd by the .said nrprr-m-', "I'd in 111, o--, I If lio-d in accordance with the b-fiIicon- f ''Ill thy""o, ti-, t1"' 'md has 1" and th,,, b,-1. .1-1,,d, identified by the sig ­-, of the said Commissioner, and mode . bort hereof, is the said --ro- as completed by h- and which is h-, i 11, suhmi 1 I'd to the Io. i I f- such 1, ;. ct irn thr rr- toi .., b, .Isid,ri,d tirri- 1. 17 C-ciuebi- of 93412 Council File No. - By CITY OF ST. "I" Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the mette, of the —.let of benefits, costs and ..p.n.ea for grading Rockwood Avenue from Alton Street to the west line of Palisade Addition, under F'climmory lo,c—cdi.0 Order__.... e -§4 Final Order .._9.Q_}.¢4_._..., 19 A p,b1b, hearing having b..n had uP-- the assessment f., the above improvement, and ewd assessment having be,, fuutb,r considered by the C—cil, and having been considered finally eotilf,ct.ry, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —c..c.t be and the .—e ie hereby i. all respect. ratified, and the - — - is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Coact of the C,uoty of Ramsey for cofimetic'. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the ,id assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable io uest...e.c. AU.' i Adopted by t1o, C.—cil J9 zz City Clerk. M.Ye' is,:rl 93110 CITY OF ST, PAUI, OFFICE OF rI1L Co.%1111SSIONElt OF FIN) -NCE Report of Completion of Assessment , July, 20 '19 TO the ell -I Of the ns ....... "t Of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Rockwood A—n.. from Alton Street to the gest line of Palisade Addition, hhnder I'lliMm", 0"1" 88935 ),d,r. ri pi -i Otdr. 90164 ......... . . 1 31 T, the C1111il -f till City Of St."0" Th, COO -11-1111 lf Finn nrrhereby " I`— "' 'I"' ' .O-il the fopowing xs a slntementof the ditO_ use.. ily sneurred —d t" be Im erred fart and in connection i,h —t, i,: $ 640.00 C— Of Ilfl,h-,hmv $ 3,90 $__... 0.78 $ 12.80 AOI—lt —t' f -j-1`—"- 7 3:140 Coast— tion Eng .—Ing 4737,713 d OOd 1,—d the IlIM —111111 Ol the — Of 9.237.78... nPnn rus..... .very I, ,,,t o, parcel of land d-1-1 benefited by I m of enelh Int, _t eel Of land in frrred th-l-1, that the "lilt ... --l-'t b- 0 .... L,pt—,I. 0-1 t— � 1-111i, t"i hy hi., —1 —f. i, the ....... 0-1 .1 to th, ­.. th.....,ns mpap be consideced 0 93413 C cil File No .... __ a a e By CITY OF IT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment Iv the matter of the s—eseevt of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the following alleys in Block 6, Hayden Heights: the west north and south alley from Sherwood Ave. to Lake Como -Phalen the east north and south alley from the east and west alley to Lake Ave.,omo-Phalen Ave. and the east and west alley from the west north and south alley to the west line of Kae sst Subdivision, under Preliminary Order_...__B.95S4.., Intermediary Orden_B9B86._ Final Orden. _._90157 ......_19.......31 A public hearing having been hod upon the assessment for the above is,, --t, sad said assessment having been further, -id by the Council, aad having been considered fivally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said s ...meet be sad the some is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT F}1 RTHEE RESOLVED, That the .aid asseesment be and it is hereby determined to be poyable iv....._...,. _/..___.....equal installments. Adopted by the Conrail.. .AUG i y2 -. 1911...- .. �- .. City Clerk. _ ` 1 z LZ CITY OF ST PACT, OFFII E OF TIIE COMMISSIONER OF I'I1A]NCE Report of Completion of Assessment -July 20 32 II the -t- If the -111-It If benefit., costs and —en...for ,'R- gradi the following alleys in Block 6, Hayden Heights: the west north and C ale. A- the .at orth .. south 11,,, from Sherwood Ave. to Lake .--Ph nI . from the east and west all sy to Lake Como -Phalen Ave. south alley 't and the east and west alley from the west north and south alley to the west line of Kassa' Subdivision, 1- 0"1" 89564 1 0"1" Fmel order_. 90157 1, 1 Aug. 19 33 T. III, Council If the C111 of S1 Poul TI,, Commmxinn 11 of Fin.vuv fi-, 1, 0', G' -'J the Gfll-mg ns a statement of 0hr rxpr dit-, nmessnrily in --,d and to b, incurred f- and i. --ti- itb the -1,mg If flh, III, - C— If $ 4161-56 C- If P.1,1i0­ $--_-4.50.--- (:,,t of Postal cord. $ 0.9to s B-33. $ 4.50 Construction Engineering 92.66 , 't'd , ,1,. $527 i5 sole Con,micaionrr Nrll— reports the total --nl as to -wit: the l— o[ $-522 45 h m,d e,rn Int, ]—t or 1--d dre 1-1-1 hl-lqit'll b' the ,.id i.pro-m—t, 111d m ill, ran. If rnrh JI, part or parcel If 1,,,,d .. ...... anti —11 0, benrfit� nn f"'M that 0, -M that hereto l-,b,d, id-fifl,d I,y the siq "al-, of 0', —A row mixcioneq one nuulc a '-1 11—of, is th, 'Ind nssevnm,nt as tna,Plrtra "r hint. and "I-1, is I f 1, br -1-d"Id P -Pee C.Inswi.-, If IO -c" 9'41l Council File No..._._.__._._............_. By_._....___..____...._.. _._.... CITY OF BT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for gr%ding alleys in Block 3, Lake Park Addition from Almond Street to Atlantis Street, and from Arena .Avenue to the north and south alley, ander rr_elimiaary Order.____6.8.1, 1 --diary, Order_...__@.3.889__., Final order..__8015.8_...... appraved .... A :lb..... 18........... _ 19...-37.. A public hearing having hero had upon the eaaeasmeat for the above improvement, and said assessment haoiag been further considered by the Council, and hsving been considered finally eafisfaetory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment bo and the same is hereby is all respects ratified, and the same is bereb_v ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for „= confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said esamevt be and it is hereby determined to be psyable is Adopted by the Coancil_____.. Approved. 1p• __.......19. _. _.. 93112 CITY )F SI' PAUI, OFFIt F ()F 11 It,' COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment July 20, 19 32 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Oxxx grading alleys in Block 3, lake Park Addition from Almond Street to Atlantis Street and from Arc— A, snue to the north and south alleyo under Preli mina r. 0"1" Ef9146 I'd'r 89894 90159 Aug. 19 T, the C-11-61 of 011 City of St. P—I Tfi, Umtmissioner of Finn nee 1, " 1, 1,11.1t, 1., the I:euneil the f,fl—i.g xs a statement expen- ditures -il, incurred and to be f., -.1 In cavus, tion —th the -,king of the abort imprus. meat, viz Cult f construction . I >s_A,3_Z,Q9_-- Cost f p.I,1,,hmg notice - $._.._5.19 Cost of P,-1 -,1, 1.92 $ ...__8.74 "t, I— —fmnat $ 7 45 :1290 1; o ,tln —Al—ling ,_'j 531.25 31,25 S.ul Gnnmisslmrer further reports mut R, has nc essed nod I,, ied 6, -"1 "b.". t. the -. mf 5.531.25_....._.. .25 Int, part ., 1,.—I of InnA J --d b... file.] h, the said intproa, moot, -,1 m th, —d of load in with 011' benefits yon f, ,, I il.said ........ nt J,,, been herein I tnehrd. identified 111 the nature f the said -t —pl,tM by h- —,I ,shish is ]--ifli -b-aI to the h seri.. tb-1. as may b, —,id ... d p -j— 93415 Conntil File No By CITY OF ST. PAUL " Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1. the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 5, S.A. & 'N. M. St seat Addition and Miscellaneous Tract from Cypress St. to sorest St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the pre a ant e stabli shad grade being shotm by a blue line thereon, also grading said Alley from Cypress St. to Forest St, to the proposed red line when estab- lished, under Preliminary Order... Pf 47___.. I Intermediary Order.._._89958.,__. Final Order__._90208.__.,. approved ...._..Aug. -25..__...._..__.19_.. 31 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further comsidered by the Council, and having been considered finally eatis[actory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said --re— be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, end the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. RE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said e_ssessment be and it w hereby determined to be payable in. Adopted by the C-61.. _ _... .-. —19 City Clerk. Approved .._.. _..... .._19..___ fiJBf (SHED .. V 93109 t ITI OF ''1'. VA1i1, ISSIO\ER OF ETNANCK Report of Completion of Assessment _...'July.. 29 19 32 1, the matter "f the ssscssment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for mux It the grade of Alley in Block 5, J, A.1 7J. 31, Stees' Addition and N Sscellaneous Tract from Cypress 5t. to Forest St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said allay from Cypress St. to Forest St. to the proposed red line when estab- lished, ""der1'nnuvm - order 88117 . bu.. cd - Final O,d r, ._.__90208._. app .a dug... 25 31 To the Couneil of the Cit}' of St. raid The['otnm j(," , or Finn nee her.h.-P- diteres neeessnrilc meat rrrl n111 to be inenrred fur -n l in eonneetion ith the nicking o£ the above itterns« mrnt, vii: Cost of construct inn _ _ x1.250.00 Cost ,f &.-._... 4.t20=__ Cost of postal cards _ _ lF._ 0.84__ lu.i�e trio" f, _ fr.. ___....25.90 amount of court coir. for eo:.fv�:iail.:i _ _ < 4.20 Constructs Logi caring 54.42 Tot.l cxi ena'tur+ _ _ _ 4 1,338.66.... said co�»mi.aioner mnner rernrt, n,nt h.. h:.. �t..e.�r,I nna let;ca the rotal nmon�rc ��� tato" :�.eert:�;"en. t o..rir. me sum o[ rn..1,3H9-66..... the .nix iIt.,,.-.,ttt, nna in It-- of -lt lot, with tl�c be"rfits con. tinea rhino", tont the said hereto nu nvhod. Identified by me sig ,tutor- of It, said I ....tnissiane r, nna mace n Kurt hereof, is the +aid nssisanti t" ns completed I, tvbirIt is h-,011, submitted to the Corm-" far su.h euon theo-on n. , be cmtsidered pr"per. �._.. ,.,,. r. n. �. eomminaio"er o£ Fm"nee_ 93109 CITY OF 5T PAUL OFFICE OF TILE COMMISSIONER OF FINAIv'CE Report of Completion of Assessment July 20 , 19 2i2 In the matter of the of benefits, damages, costs and expenses f., IIXxx changing the grade of Allev in Block 5, 7. A,& 11ditIon and ' St. to F Miscellaneous T act from Cypress a.t S ftirct t the red line on the profile hereto attach present ed and made a cart hereof, the pre established grade being shown by a b lue line thereon, also gredisaid aid alley from Cypress St. to Forest St, to the proposed red line when estab— lished, P'di.'—, 0,1" 88117 i"d- $4.958 YmsI otd" ._90208 1 Aug. 25 It) 31 T, the C,.,,,] of the City of St P-1: Th, r Finn are hereby the C-1—il the fIll—itit; -s a statement of the dits— -,--,j], inevrrrd and to b, incurred f- -t in ­— t— ith if,, —iiig of the above im .,.t, viz' Cast �f I I . . $ 1,250,00 C- of p.lfli.,hmi, notice $ 4.20. Con of P.'U'I $ 0p84 Inspection r— $ 25.00 $ 4,20 Construction Engineer lug 54:42 '38 . 66 I.,d 0--immn- fc,lh- rrpnrt. 11,ai he his ---,I and levied the -M amount tl� 'it the 11- of $ 1,33a.66 ,_ each and ... �,y lot, p— or p.—I of 1-1 deemed benefited b, ,1n -f m.; c,—t, .,.,I m the ,f tach 1(, part or 1--I of I -d in nccordancc t,ith the bevefi is eon F ".I I]' v, '1i1" the -A ha, b� . ..... pt"t"], and that hereto ic-1-1, identified by the sig c-11 of the said Cunt miasiouer, and made n I'— 1--f' i, the said ....—cut - completed 1, hlnnl - ,0- h i, h(—ith suhmittrd to the Conncit F,, vn, 1, xenon th-- — tunny he --d ... d F-1—. Adopted by the Council .._193...._. Yeae. ..Nye. MAY / NICDONALD / PEARCE / ROSEN / TRUAX / / WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONE.Y) ....... Adopted by the.193_. COU -11 �-�_ Noy, Yeae. I MAY I MUONALD I PEARCE I UA �TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (M AIIONEY) Adopted by the CouncR...__193_..::./x/ Y—.j1oY;- MAY j McDONALD /FARCE // OSEN TRUAX "W ENZE1. /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Couldl ..._. __-_... .... 19A.... _. Yeas. Nays. MAY M,DONALD PEARCE ROSEN i CRUAX �W ENZEL /R. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Couocll193._..... Yeas .Ways. MAY 'AI .).NALD PEARCE ROSEN /LRDAX /4:NZE1. MR. PRESIDENT (MA110NF:y) "� r ORDINANCE 51,W41 6 COUNCIL 4t NO. PRESENTED By -------— - '����i� ORDINANCE NO. An ordinanoa emending Ordinance No. 6614, approved December 30th, 1925, entitled: "An ordinance creating and estahl ishing a Bureau of M"icipal Equipment to be operated under the direction of the Com- missioner of Public Work. and an advisory committee consisting of the Mayor end Comptroller; placing the rolling equipment belongingg to the City under the control of said oureav; authorizing the establleh- ment of rules and regulations in connection eitb the transportation of Oity employee endofficlal., and repealing Ordinance No. 5602, approved May 25, 1921, as amended. for emergthe preservation ofdtlhenpubliece dpeaceneceee ary r health and safety'. zna�ee-�-T of %bs.-Vblie THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 5 of said Ordinance NO. 6614, approved December aeeto 1925,aseP allowed, be and the hsame ie eby -Section 5. The said Bureau of Municipal rquipment obile for the shall, from and after the taking effect of this ordinance, provide one suitable -tom common use of the mayor and the councilmen in the busine as of the City, and no elected officer of the City of St. Paul shall receive any allowance 02 compensation for the use or operation of his owe automobile in the buelneea of the City of St. Paul after the taking effect of this ordinanoe.- Beotion 2. That Section 6 of said Ordinance $6614, approved December 30th, 1925, as amended, be and the B=a le hereby amended so a. to read as folio- -8—tion 6. The said Bureau of Municipal Equipment shall determine what employee, other than elected officer. of the City, are required to use automobile tran.POr- tation for the proper carrying on of the City's busi- :,� nese, and when each employee use their own automo- biles for such purpo�ee, they shall receive an allow - ane ooffcsuch automobile eenprovided, however, thatthe on total amount of any such allowance shall not exceed $40.00 in any calendar month". �f, Ycas Councilmen Nae= Pnsrnl by the C--il NIN Mi D -.Id In Fn— Pcn Tru Agni—t . Won- 1 Df �. President pp proved,. M1111 -111111M, 111i iallW111111 HIM ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE No. PRESENTED BY Beotlon 3. That Section 7 of eaid Ordinaaoe No. 6614, approved December 30tb, 1935, as amended, be and the .=a is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Section 7. The said Bureau of Municipal Equip- ment shall make such rules and regulations as are necessary to determine the necessity for the use of automobiles by City employee and officials, other tban the mayor and the councllmen,and shall make such regulations as are necessary concerning the use of taxiaabe by City employee and officials -1 Seo Son 4. Thi or dlnance a hereby eclased to be an merge. ordinance r ndered nece eery Yor rp�eerva 1onoY t publi peace, hes th,aild' safe Sec t1 5. This rdinanoe//eh 11 Lake a act and be n for a from d after St pass ag9and ublic at in . Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage, approval and publics tion. }'em Counei6ncu Sxcx Slav \febonald per 1{oxr 'Truax R"e z l \Ir. t'rexiile�it (Jl ul�ou���') Atte,' ........................... City Clerk I. Pa of .attainn ft. pad Minn. slily 27, 132. To ;the Hongrabld,.JIIayo ;'y�d4.ity Counol:l:. Of the Oity wY 8t idi : 6entlement At the ma'ttng, Or the 0emmissionor oY. Publ a•pgrko and thw,NrAau df lUtloipal Bgpipment'6,dvisdry.Cpmmittee�••b¢id J Y., 3 1932y ,the following redomosndations,to phe"•0ity 0 *Mate'sdopted•fdr the betterment and eaohosljs"ofc� ` Mere &9poYts�fiojn'.t That all giitowobile al].oxahces to. the ele0f�dt city offi'ciala be-dlsoontiraYBd. ys That, the mayotfa car ktydvn 8o C' ''a er $adsnj;�Ci ty - c¢- ,16. 103 be assij§ked as pity 6ftfioialh! oar to b aced indivioually and collectively by the vleeted oity.,''pYt'1o1N..s for rAviexiag,purp��ea and ,for transportation orr""', itin'Q . j delogatiohs and other official; bakfiaos'.. i sum.of e2 5-6.1& to be. provided ,ip. the k9��bpd et in a ftu}d to be {u{ogp •as C1tyOffici6�,o'Ohr 1[s$nttSYd$� Nund,.for the Copt or tepaira and maintankadA oYP%61ei1 car, fbr, the salary of the obanifar 8ri4 .i�, sem®� and fqx aminal'i+�plaoement chargge. .Cost ci the, aboYA ` . cie�y0d<,'oyera ipg' tesa for- the bo.ahca bf this• ysat is, to: ,ts proviEed from, t'fe I eliageous and llnforaeen"fund of. the general .PUnd: The use of this cityy oYficials car at an annual n. expense of.42.500.00 -is to replace operation. of the meppr. car at the 'cost for'9&slatenantte'sne dri"4er�ia glary 6 $g 600,0() 94d Haven automobile' all"ow_snceo tv"he counci and. th9 oamytroller cyat�.i�g:4 9.00,.•effectiia�.,e.se of alm¢s;`t;;aRo thirds:, of the'Zb r costa, oi'=ga300400.,�," Ip yi:ew of the :�act, that, the eiXtomi�pi].i o grating, .Cts hnYe..•;hgep considerably reduogdis-it: is r;.(mmen8ed� t t the m¢ y autogdbilq a1lQxanoes given rto'the ort 111 pbtlmont tie x40u00-A,Ad r fifg y�i{p er �eximwa �yA ffi55+00 'p`e-moath .to $I0 00'9 `moi}'t}ei -acid that the am lggees b j iq tb� p antos1ob11e sJciranp$` poly when aotµally need v dung out d'ut'tea ay5ignaditb them. q Obebk fs to ,tgadA by the Diredtor�',of YunlC.ij� Squiyiaent of all: "p. a awan oes<witii a vi-0r of e$ 'nating..as many as. p6e31 City employees 000asionally is need of, motor transportation are to avail themselves of`tlta taxi service-maintaihed by the ,Rureah-of.Yunioipal , Rquipment:.` Rapommeadatibn is also made for the Bu!_ %, of Yuni,pi$441=1 a7, Sto aaquirp for taxi se, a such trueks that woSil.d serve advantageously the various `.depart- . meats $idbureaue, nellavingthen t4ereby,oY purchasing expensive trug equipment for part time Use.: Submitted by.. SUREBU OF YCRICIAAL' RQDIPMT ADVIbbRYYCCOM&I,T�-TTEE. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gm C.vu.l of Mlnnoou. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C ... W.... OTTO E. CONSTANS, D.P.Iy C-1.1— September 10, 1932. To the Hon. Fred M. Truax, Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds & Public Buildings. Dear Sir: We the undersigned drivers of private owned automobiles for the Parks, Playgrounds And Public Building Department wish to take this means to protest against the passage of the proposed ordinance to cut the maximum car allowance to $40.00 per month. We feel that the commissioners have been mislead by cost sheet reports rendered by the Monist - pal Equipment Bureau, that said cost sheets are incorrect and do not take into consideration depreciation of oar, interest on investment, license fee, liability, fire and theft insurance, houaing of oar, difference in costa of gasoline, oils, accessories, and tires, which the City of Saint Paul can purchase at wholesale prices. We are submitting a monthly cost sheet based on a oar cost- ing $600.00 used for city work at an average of 800 miles per month. Interest on $600.00 investment $3.00 Depreciation (Blue Book rating) 25.00 Gasoline (800 miles t 15 per gal at $.18) 9.54 Oil (5 qts. at $.30) 1.50 License ($12.50 per year) 1.00 111eaI'ane9, fire, theft, & liability 4.00 Greasing 1.00 Washing 1.00 Garage 6.00 Repairs 2.00 Tire repairs & replacements 1.00 0 Respectfully submitted, m ° No. _ 134.17 ..ai°n mrxnm x CITY OF ST. PAUL .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM August 16, 1p32 RESOLVED Whereas, in o- .e otion with the improvamenL described se the paving of .11ey in Block 1, P. Y. Dwyer'. Addition from Fry Street to Pierce Street, after the alloy was .nbgr.d.d ..d , -d. ready for the :..-rete wearing surface, spirited and vigorous protest. by the ad3a-e-t property owners resulted is a :fangs of the grade from Pry Street to a point 240 feet westerly, and wb..... .aid proteats and the resultant change of grade caused :aneidarable delay to the contra -tor in the :emplet_on of the work and .oma additional work not called for in the contract, and --...said delay and additio-al work necessitated a period .f time l:.ger than .p..ified in the contract, a- therefore be it Resolved that the City of St. Paul hereby waives alai- toany id�t`dhe damages under aaid contract, which my have accrued due to the non-completion oontraot and additional work no the oumpleti.n data specified Ste .- he contrsaid act, and the proper city officials are hereby directed to mks proper pay-.. ct without deduction of any amount for liquidated damages, and be it further Res.iwed, that Sha specified completic. data of said ...tract be and the aeme is hereby extended to August 10, 1932, and the roper city officials are author- ised and directed to execute a. a-endm..t to the eai� contract ! accordance herewith, pr.wlded, however, that this resolution shall Oct hews any force or effect unlees the sureties on the eo.tra.Sor'. bond con ... t thereto and file Bush -0 .... t in writing with the Clty Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Y_ N.Y. M.y I'cnrcc ! I f.vnr Rosen (D R'rnxel ex. eon Al, president M.h... y Adopted by the Council.. s d-ID3— M1h' CITY OF SAINT PAUL m� ND. 9341 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION EOE PR-ENTED BY .. D.Te......Tn1Y..20...1932. COMMISSI.NER...naz_ ...Rrvd,11 Tr. 1 • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY BO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMB MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEV IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 18 R 50000 18 8 Dl I 2EiusiGS& Eatertaiaera I200 •00 YES COUNCILMEN �� NAYS • S, FewwS.N l'a ^ I. c e MCDONALD BII 7 uA,< b. AGAINST W E. -L MR. PRESIDENT Marr r 700.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUl&$E.�.-I�P2-_.....__IB..._.�^�, AAPPROVED....._La:R _17 IQ?1... ....._.......16.......... '- 41 41r , n COUNTERSIGNED BY .........._........__..._._....._.___........__... ' =- NO. 93419 CITY OF ST. PAUL .a. _........ .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM August- 18,...1932 RESDI EO, Whereas by 0. Y. No. 92143 the proper city officers were authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of $3,349.28 in favor of Frank W. Base in payment of that certain real estate known and described se Lots 8, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, Block 21, Ashton 6 She Addition to 8t. Pani and Lot 10, Baeet Rearrangement of parte of Blocks 19, 20, 21 and 23, And Whereas, by subsequent report of the Committee on Lands dated August 18, 1932, it appears that Lots 18 and 17, Block 19, Ashton 6 Sherburneto AQdltion to at. Paul were left out of the said report and that the whole esount of property including said Lots 18 and 17, Block 19, were to be purchased for the sum of '4,075.00, all taxes and aseessmente to be paid in full, Therefore, be it resolved, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized sad empowered to draw a warrant in the amount of $4,075.00 in favor of the owner of this property as determined by the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, based on examination of the Abstract of Title, when a proper deed conveying same has been approved by the Oorporation counsel and delivered to the City Comptroller, said em of /4,075.00 to include all taxes and assessments paid to date. The cost of said land to be charged to the Playground Bond Issue rand. ila:rue 50-1 .o—.Tm`si,w°•s:.a w:hioona' COUNCILMEN Y— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counci1 .%..19'l "_..183___ May M� McDonald Pearce .........I f 1 �ll �: �•' APP ..d , 193..... T,-. _.._ Q—_Against G�Lt. �•-��!'� ••-r_"' \Venecl ��J/�/f :t;nynr .x ..a� Mr. President Mahoney �uuiu __"/ _�� //✓ ,ti ate. �,•, ,�..�.. �,.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpi,.l of Min�ao� DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES t 1 i Coad Home August 16, 1933 REPORT To THE COUNCIL Of THE CITY OF SAIST :AUL TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: Under date of April 13, 1933 the Sian noting Committee on Lands under Ordinance Yo. 7393, 0. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1933, which Land Committee was composed of C&publicBuild- Mayor, Clyde R. My Commissioner of Parke, playgrounds A pub ings, and 0. A. oarjson, purchasing Agent, reported to She somo11 that it had undertaken to pur°baee that real estate known as Lots 8, 7, S. 9, 10, 11, ]B and 13, Block 31, As onto d Sherburne a Addition to B23, amd recommended the purchase thereof fox the sum ai {3,349.38. The and Lot 10, Bases Rearrangement of parte of Blocks 19, 30 31 end Council thereupon passed the appropriate resolution authorising this purchase, which resolution is known as C. F. Ho. 93143. This report was not accurate in two particulars; and 1 The property to be acquired should St.have oul inclatathecsame ts BPur- �etion 17, Block 19, ♦shtou S HherDnrne349 a8lreprsaeated the l ost of the chase pricey (a) the sum of property paned after deducting the te=es and assessments paid ai foil to date. the said teres and assessments at that time emonnted to 075.00, oat of which sum all delinquent razes and aeaeae- to data, Sm other words, She consideration for the purobaee of the property was d. fora menta and currera nt Lazne and aseeeements were to be pal orts to The present Land Committee there party, includiing the Como it that it oea purobhateon �hgh above described fula%' Paul, for Lots 18 and 17, Block 19, As the am of $4,076.00, all Leese and aeeessmente paid in recommends that the offer of the owner oS said land be accepted and the property purchased for this sum• OOYYITTSS ON LANDS yor 2 oar. rks, s.& ,� ae ng 9an No....._...7S.lFdO CITY OF ST. PAUL "u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTioNi—GEVOIAL FORM August 17, 1932. RESOLVED In the matter of the construction of a Water gain and water distribution system in the area south of Third Street between Wabasha Street and the west face of the F. 0. R. Building. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith.l-1 f-63 63 e°=i a• a oA.1 ld • npay..pa o•ou: �o`r veam" g-.. !�°° a did J I COUNCILMEN AdeP Y ted b the Council. Yea Nnye �i Me ,AY Deenla a ' u 1'enrcc I favor \ p App—ed AQ inot \ W -el Mr. Prexident Mahoney F- e,,e^t noA m.<r sa COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ws e.v.^'e .sent wa Ein`o: A. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___widaning_ VY__Sev an th SLreEt_ tR_a._wldih_Af_ U t _IL919_ Franklin Street to Ramsey Str oat and 80 ions from Rams- Street towlth ____21.a.al_Stneat_Bnil_r[idaatils_YJIB__l nt ere sept-____ o__ .-, P_______________-___ Fount:. Street and Eagle Street, by adding thereto all triose narts of blocks 6 and 14, Tice and Irvine's �.id! t1on, lyin_ ortherly o^ W. nth Str art and lying southerly ofa 1'.ne •.v - set -or triw'ste rlye' a the present cet,ter line of W. ., nth'Street`and parallel thereto, also by add_ng that part of the easterly 10 feat of lot 1, B1ock 14, Tlce and Irvine's Addition, lying between Fifth Street ani the northerly line of W. Seventh Street widened as above described, also by adding the southerly 10 feet of that part of lot 7, block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of the Present northerly line of Fourth Street between Main Street and Seventh Street widened to the line described above, also by adding a triangular piece o= land in the southwesterly corner .f that part of lot 9, block 14, Rice end Irvine's Addition lying soutlier- lv o Seve + nth Street, said triangular piece of land measuring 10 feet n the southeasterly line of W. Seventh Street and 10 feet on the .c ther- ly line of Fourth Street, .1.o by adding a triangular piece of land in the westerly corner of lot 4, block 15, Rice and Irvine's Addition, said triangular piece of land meas -1 nE 15 feet on the southerly line of Fourth Street and 15 feet on tl.e northeasterly line of Third Street, ale. by adding thereto all those parts of blocks 26, 27 and 28, Rice and Irvine's addition, and blocks 28 and 29, Dayton and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line which is 53 feet southeasterly from the present center line of W. Seventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding that part of lot 1, block 26, Rice and Irvine's Addition, bounded by a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of Eagle Street wh_ch is 53 feet southeasterly of the present center line of W. Seventh Street measured at right angles thereto, thence southwesterly a_,t parallel to the present center line of W. Seventh Street a distance of 27feet, thence northeasterly to a point on the southweste,ly line of iagle ^treat 15 feet southeasterly of the point of be thence northwesterly on the southwesterly line of logia Street to the point of beginning, also by adding those parts of blocks 1, 2, 4 and 5, Leech's Addition, lots 3 and 4, Ewing .c Chute'a Subdivision of lots 6 and 7, block 1, Leech's Addition ani Man.'. Rearrangement of part of Clock 5, Leech's Addition, lying southerly o-` the present center line of W. Seventh Street and lying northerly of a line rrh ich Ss 47 feet southeasterly from the present center line of 'd'. Seventh Street and parallel thereto also by adding thereto that part of lot 4, win, h Chute's lttn"vis''.on of lots 6 and 7, block 1, Leech's Addition, lying west o` a line perpendicu- lar to and intersecting the aouthsea terly line of W. Seventh Street widened as :r rein proposed et a point w s 5 feel n.,r ce est only o., its tnter- ection with the south line of sail lot 4, sal so bo adding thereto that part of lot 10, Mann's Rearrangement of part of block 5, Leach's Addition, lying west of a line perpendicular to and intersecting the southeasterly line of W. Seventh Street xidened as herein proposed at a point which is 5 feet northeasterly of its intersection with the south 'line of said lot 10 also b, adds- thereto that partof lot 7, block 2, Leech's Add tion, on U- northerly 3_3e of '.Y. Seventh Street lying wast of a ISne perpe-:dicuiar and, inter sec-ing the northwesterly 11ne of 1Y. Seventh Street at a point o westerly line which is .5 feet northeasterly.oP...iLa in..tersoctlon with the lot also by adding t',: r: r eto that hart of lot 1, C. L. L.In's :rearrangement of part: ^1or�.c yi^ �1ne perp -^:`c l�.r o.. est '.o Stroet et a -'.t . the noAbkl ly.:s dw oY Nr %8eye�ith�_ a� !e?wsnSs gnaxtx¢Rty art to fled intereectiilts the n w$sE`e 1p 1lrieof W pSeventhsSCr840t1 sine pain which is 5 feet northeasterly of its Intersection with the westerly line said lot 7 'al:+o by adding thereto that part of lot 1, C. L, Loin's Renrrangomont of 4 r. to , I-. s Aid t!on, 1 oast o s line or r rt!:.rosterl II P P^•, "c, lar to y ��' '. r!; street at s .pint r. .. „ or_ i1 lir- -------------------------------------------------- ----- ----- ------------------------------------- -d- Podi.i..0 O,de ---------- GZ202 ------------------ app roved ----------- ,�hc Council of f P..I having .... i,,d the report f the C..--- f Finance upon the ab. 7p ' . d having considered said report. hereby -h- ' Th.t th, -id _p- ad the ,m, i, hereby approved ad d.pt,d. -d the ­improvemeimprovementimprovementid pt is hereby to b, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council .... ­.& i­_"jdiah__IN__aaV_"t_t_ -.1 _Qf_e _f_�lg�ti_flEm_l�r�klin_Street_to eRamsey Str­t, and 9 t f. fro, Ramsey Street to Mc Boal Street and widen thlEfWFsWction. -------------- tl.prato all tho,­ yarts,of blocks 6 and 14, Rice and lrvinqIg 1 1, 171n �Itll)" IIY 11 , -It' itr- �' —, - 1 lyinsoutl17 Of & U poet , o ti, -"'-'f -Y 0 the pr " e, 'An tr a at and ti,arato, 2so dlln_ IIl f ... t Orly 10 feet of lot 1, Block 14, 111.. :_d i ­In -'s addition, lying t,, b..— �i - Ii th 'tr. it an the northerly line of ,. -'treat .,i do, ad as be o is scribed, also by adding the s.uthIV17 10 feet Of that part P, a", , I.ttnorth: block the 7I bl Rice and lrvi-ots addition, lying ortherly rly No of Fourth 'treat batmen Main r ? trent and aventh ... t wId.n.d to the line described aboves .I.o by adding a triangular piece of Isind 1. the southwesterly corner that part _ t of lot 9. block 14, Rice on d 1—in. " Addition 171nC souther- ly seventh ' tre ot ij - Piece . .1 and mea of v rth , aai9 tris ular f 0 aurin, 10 feet the southeasterly lin. of i. --nth treat and 10 feet on the ­rith.­ inO of Fourth Street, al so.b7 ad�inca triangi 'I ar,pioce o� Inadaln the westerly corns of lot , �l . 1 Irvine's n , , -1 trSan mls pie- of land 4 k 5 Rice and rvi 0 S A,I � t-= ..aurin,; fast 'r the southerly line of 'ourth Street and 15 fast on t , n, , t1' .a Ttrly line o.` Third3treet ' . 1- b, addle: thereto all the.a parit, of *lock. 26, 27 and 2L7, Rice ard�rv!nels Idultion Ian(blocks .28 and ,'q, Davton and lrvinots ­Idition, lying y ihtc,north. Ii - Of no,t - _17 of . line which 1o — 53 feet oth ... t-117 from the ,,,present _ n ev,-th .�traot an,I pa,allnl t) rate, also by a t "t Par t or let 1, -'block 26, Pl­ -1 Ir,incla 1't.-, feet ­ i; a t int on tho out�fee-., Oast,rl, lino tr.-t 1. -13 t .Ut . t.rly . the of 'treat moa.—ed t h�,Ja. thereto, t!,1,.0 rosint as -r line W -.nth at 1,-h a a , 1, . 0 ,cuthxest 3rly and parall,31 to the pro­nt onto, line Seventh !�t­.o,of E foot, tr ante norV,oastorly to a poin or, ea t ­ot 15 feet south ... tc,ly point of I,_-, -',i ' r,,_, t_l ort' t rly ­. rho a tlixo.t.rl, line treet :0 the olrt of be_inrir�6, .1'n b,ddin toata of blocks 1, 2, 4 and 5, Leach's Al,iltital, lots 4 3 and , S j iuIA 1,1.n o.1 lots 6 and 7, 1,1..k 1, Leach's .'ddjt Sort and also-bY. 44 Ifig theretd,that part Of 3.0t I Lain a It6iiiiiangment of '7 f .4, L,,Ohtl Add: !�-, lying ... t Of a line parpordiciae, to ­ near in tho, north 01 _ a I's at,rly r3y 3t'-bt at point line b a �-i T pP r 74 ------------------------------------------------------- ------------- --------------------------------------- .with ., alternatives, ..d that the estimated cwt thereof i, $_b.252sQQfl 0$Z Resolved F—h,,,, That , public hearing b, had on said mp—,.— .. thi, ------ PA+,h _______day of _Sept at the It— of 10 o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch..b- of the C... House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Pa.). That the C,—i,,,i,— of Finance give notice of said meeting t, the ...... and m the manner P,,,id,d by the Ch--, stating the time .d pi... ,f h— ig, the nature of tb, improvement .,d the —al —t thIll., as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -------- 192---- App—td -------- - ---------- 192___ 71- 1_E --Clerk. Co.. —bl"HI-Al "I Councilman rF.erguson C ... i�.-:.dl,lg-- -1 ii. C .. 6 1 C ... dlmaa"i",deacry11, F— B. S. A. 8-6 FORM No. 1 August 17, 1932 9dkl>9 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per daffy in the doing of the following work: Operating Highland d Hazel Park pumping stations .# Installing main on University Ave.* Changing 1#" meters 377 St. Peter St. and 301 E. 4th St. ## This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: #Sundays. *Work to finish work ahead of contractor. ##Work had to be done Mt -side of business hours. J 1�Fpr e sonar omyeoa General Superintendent wbjeett; -- yowl No. s. 93422 , � 00=611 Pile Wo... Resolvedr WBRRRA3P the Commissioner of Public IItiliOies _ ed in - Records=& with Section 33 of the I Ohartsra the sai tones of aR ergenoy vMoh rendered-naessaa. the amploYmemt of Certain °Moyes of hie DeparbmenL for more than. }gsaid ht hoari"•11 7 therefor nd on .' it ampl���� being more than.,usual .hbsrs of-empS' Pi+ Resolved.. taa the proper city officers62hereby au sad 4o pay go b th at; othe lse fized-for axti- em%Qy- folloviag named esmloyes a e r meat ier the extra time hereinafter not fortht .. _ _ . MAKE . TI BTIRDAY ITT - Ro) X �iT ]ceta., dr. Bigg Ditch er 8 • a .66 •� lilt Fly Se�iarer Oo�on la.6Crer IIby.lAborer 18 a Sap -b. 0. 4D41].eoy e ■ 12 ° - 4 bra. ° .bb - 66 Osalmer Jabl ti Kum Prits Ditch diger 14 a 4� a 9 .EB .63 Ons. -•' 4* a .. s'IOs.55 u4 Prod P. Tetsieff s ° - 18 • .BB l { Alas 1[BDonald Ways / ldj Adopted by the ...r 1 A 1pR� 1938 Rosen Feaael Approved _ 193B w; Mr. Pretident Mahoney wM 8 - 4 crsakarr, Ilgor _ Aawafe—dl PUBi,isi�D (lone 3upsPia endent '✓ N n carr o e�mr r�u� L I'll No. — 93423 OUNCIL RESOLUTION NTeI'�_AUK. 17-111. 2 RESO THAT-CAECKs ce yr AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF Sr4ll�t��F2.— COVERING CHECKS NUM BERED�Z43-TO--}--- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THEOFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ar THECo—`1 a��- �r ...... rive cow.rraoueR NO. .J,_i..._. Mwv COUNCIL RESOLUTION Nc�rvwlo ..vo" AUS. 1 . , AUDITED CLAIMS- 19 -` x2 TOTAL c"sc" IN FAVOR OF rvuuec" --T 95 977 82 4 65 273 45. 7793 stiefel Products Co. 120 19 7794 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance i3 901 73 7795 » 34 762 51 7796 " z 016 95 7797 3 432 5z 7799 " " 3 039 03 7799 » 7236 7, 7801 6 666 1 7802 " 3 4 2 924 89 ��� a o63 50 7805 " » " 4 330 84 7806 Board of Public welfare 1 job 67 66 7807 sm. Eberts 334 90 790a 1 Don 00 7so9 Acme Construction co. Ino. 7810 Hagen etConetructlon Co1 783 oe 39 00 7811 yen C,nructlon Co., 60 00 7812 Olken 3 Preston Inc. 1 073 00 7813 Standard stone Co. 20 00 7814 John E. Mullen 7815 MSwton Rosen, Cpm. of Finance 25 825 06 7816 » " 11 5776 53 7617 a =5 7818 The Fritz -Foster Co. 750 00 7819 Rosecrans ^1w. Co. 4 641 de 7820 J. c. McCarthy 1 E2 7821 „ener al Electric Supcly Corn. 5a Oa 7822 " " " 169 90 7823 Common-eeltb Electric Co. 46 95 7824 Federal Barge Lines 1 547 60 7825 State of Ylnnesota 2 623 86 7826 John E. Mullen 20 00 78227 Robert Lee 10 On 7828 Lamprey Products Co. 12 25 788399 Harris Richardson A t'y. 131 60 490 30 7831 Dan E. Lane 100 00 100 00 7832 Joseph F. Reimbold 7833 Central Foundry Co. 7 351 42 7y8�334 oH0enry Bell ` 02 3g3� CapitalrIce & Fuel Co. 1 00 7837 Home City -'S1 moo. 10 00 7838 H. 'K'. Fhi 111ps 2 10 7839 A. J. Scheiderbauer 75 7840 91111 am Judson smith 11 69 7841 T.in City 9lre & Iron Co. 1 00 7842 J. H In ala 1 71, 7843 O'Neil & Pr—,n Inc. --5 00 sneer.orwc-roe — c 577 82 oOE 060 10 00ITV OF STNO ()�1 f1)I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PRI% 'L �� �.. z c A�_gust 19, 1932 �o�.,M�sz�o,�EH -�. o., r� RESOLVED In the met er of gradin€ Alley to 51-1. 4, Lane's Highland Park from Ho ell Avenue to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92071, approved April 8, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 92771, approved June 21, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named, be and the same are hereby approved. iii f.iv.,r , CITY OF ST_ PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM CormssMry RESOLVED �):Z 41`��) NO Aug. 13, 1932 In the mat',er Of curbing Pascal Avenue, west side, from Stanford Avenue to Jefferson Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92111, approved April 13, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 92773, approved June 21, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the Commissioner Of Public Nlorks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓,_Js CITY OF ST. PAUL „i, NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM 1/ Dare gust 18, 1932 RESOLVED In toe matter of repaving summit Av euue from Hemline Avenue to snel ling Avenue by removing the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt mixture, except where asphalt surface in good condition now exists, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90816, approved October 29, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91456, approved February 23, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. — ----- ✓cvw 3 \IS I I::d I CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION �ENERAL FORM August 18, 1932 RESOLVED In t: -\e matter of the construction of Walks, Gutters, Catch -basins and Sewers, in the Area ssuth of Third 'Ctreet between W'abasha Street and the West Face of the Farwell, Osman & Kirk Building. Resolved, 'fhst the plans -nd specificatilus is submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'A'orks for tn. above named improvement, be and the same are hereby sp proved, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to ?roceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ('ouncil File Vo. 1151. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undeeaigned hereby Propoac. the mak, og of the following public improvement by tbe City of St. Paul, vie.: Grading and paving Fuller Avenue f9t ' a Wl1y,Intea40t=rary approachter St. to a line50 ft. a@st of 6t. Petay to alley In Block 11, Ewing k Chutes Addition, also to Park Avenue, th apppavemes to th graded to teandralleyradea connecting the ends Dated We 16th .nay of August, 1932 1/ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Pr°Poanl fur the making of the following improvement, vie.'. Grading.. and PaPing. Fuller.. AYenue_frQM a line 40 ft.. west of St. Peter_ . east of St. Peter St., with a temporary approach St. to aline 50 ft to alley lo- Block ll�- goring-& Chutes Addition, els. to Park A—ef., the approaches to be graded to temporary grades connecting the ends of the pavement with saidstreetand all ey. having been Presented to the Cuuncil of the <'ity u( St. Poul therefore, be it ordered sod directed: R ESO bV I'D, That the Commieeiuner n[ I'uhlio Rorke be end is hereby I. To investigate the necceai,y for, oc desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To is�catigatu the -to".extent and estimated coat of said improvement, sod the tots) eoet thereof. 3. To furnish s plan, Profile or sketch of said im Provement. 4. To state n'hcther ar not acid impruvr meat is asked for on the peGtio, of three or more owners 5. To "Port uPou all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Ro.o e. Adopted by the Council Pane Nnra foo—bosu(,o5tla0s Approved... WD -11- 1'eence ban to .�•.. McYor. Mn. Pne:amc- Cuuvcil File Nu. 9:A'29 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'Clic undersigned Leerily prupoxen Wr making of We following pu Llic improvcmeot by ilia ('ity of Sl. f',.ul, vie.: Condemning and taking an easement for lopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Fuller Avenue from a line 40 feet westof St. Peter Street to a line 50. feet egst of St. Peter Street, and grading temporary approaches from the alley in Block 11, 'rig and -Chute's Addition to the end of the pavement and from the pavement to Park Avenue. _ - -—' Doted this 15th .day If August, 1932 � PRELIMINARY ORDER. N'11EHEAS, A written pr,—.1 for the ineking of the following improvement, _. Condemning and taking an easement for slopes, cuts and fills -in the grading and paving of Fuller Avenue from a, -line -40 feet west of St. Peter Streetto a line... 50 .fast eq at of St. Peter Street, and grading temporary approaches from the alley In Block 11, Ewing and Chute's Addition to the end of the pavement and from the pavement to Park Avenue. he. ing tree, presented t0 the fbuncil o! the lits of Sl. 1'eul therefore, be it _....... RESOLVED, 'r Ilt the Conttnissiunrr of Pubi,, Worlw br mtd is hereby ordered and directed: 1. '1'n nirvstigete the necessity (..r, ur deairebility 'If, the making of said improvement. 2. N investigets the nature, extent xRd estimated coat of said impraveme, t, end the total cost thereof. J. 'fn furnish n plan, profile Or sketch of eeiA improvement. i. To stet, whether or not said improvement is eked fm on the petition of three or more ownere �. To report upon all of the fnregning matters to the Cummiesiuner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Y..- Nete Councilmen CeR wRE 1 bfer Approved.... ... _ M&N o PEARCE Rosen SIR Mn. Pamm= 1 o�e �mo .. wt393� CITY of sr. PAUL O ICE OF THE Cln CLEM CO L RESOLUTION—GENERAL i•N w�i Pvr IRh e i .G RESOLVED, that the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of St. Paul or the Commissioner of Finance be and is hereby authorized to lease in the name of Sinking Fund Committee from time to time such ..fee in the safe deposit vaults of banks in the City of St. Paul as they deem necessary to holdeecuritle a belonging to said City of St. Paul or to any department, bureau, or activity thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that pursuant to the terms of the Charter, the Commaissloner of Finance shall have sole power of access to said safes and shall have sole power to remove the contents thereof, and to place securities the and to exchange or surrender such safes, to have the same rights and full control of the content. of safe or have held in such exchange; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the Sinking Fund Committeeor Commissioner of Finsnce in heretofore renting safes in 1ch safe deposit vaults for the purposes hereinbefore des- cribed, be and is hereby confirmed; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, thatthe action of the Sinking Fund Committee or the City Comptroller or the Commissioner of Finance in lea. ng a safe or safes in the name oP the City of Saint Paul, Prom the First National Bank of Saint Paul, heretofore or here- after for the placing of securities therein and that authority to have access to, and full control of contents of said safe or aafes, to remove any P%It or all of the contents, to exchange or surrender such .afee, to have the same rights and full control oP safe or ..fee held in such exchange by the City Comptroller or his deputy when accompanied by the Commissioner of Finance or his deputy, to- gether with two officers of the First National Bank of Saint Paul, be and is hereby authorized and confirmed; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the action of the Sinking Fund Committee or City Comptroller or Commis sinner of Finance in 1easing 9 a safe or safes Sn the name of the City of Saint Paul, Prom the First National Bank of Saint Paul, heretofore or hereafter for the placing of securities therein, and that authority to have access to, W1 and full control of the contents of said safe or safes, to remove any part or all of the contents, to exchange or surrender such safes, to have the same rights and full control of safe or safes held in Bush exchange by the City Comptroller or his deputy when accompanied CWIiR �b16.gjssioner of Finance or hkd'op�e l,'itt$t A&gd^is hereby . 193..... Y- authorized aria confirmed. b c McDonald Penpp In fvvor Aroved. ._.. `":_ ....193 _... �\ Roe A6vinet..( _ Mr. President b(nhovey 1 L�1.ISI:cD inguet loth, 1932 Hon, Willi® Nehonq, Chairmen, Sinking Fund Co®ittee, Bailding, Dear Sir. is attach herewith letter from B. H. Howa...anger of the Safety Deposit Department of the First National Bank relative to the leseing by the City of a safe or ..fee Sa the Safe Deposit Va11te of said Bank in the one,e of the Sinking Food C—ittee. This letter was referred to the Sinking V.md Committee for the preparation of a resolution to cover this matter. Your. very tra>,y, City Clerk. y�1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6pml of Mmnnov OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. X07, Clry CImL .nd Commimlenm al 0.egW.eon .moo inguet loth, 1932 Hon, Willi® Nehonq, Chairmen, Sinking Fund Co®ittee, Bailding, Dear Sir. is attach herewith letter from B. H. Howa...anger of the Safety Deposit Department of the First National Bank relative to the leseing by the City of a safe or ..fee Sa the Safe Deposit Va11te of said Bank in the one,e of the Sinking Food C—ittee. This letter was referred to the Sinking V.md Committee for the preparation of a resolution to cover this matter. Your. very tra>,y, City Clerk. y�1 THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000,000 SAINT PAUL s TME- August 8, 1932 a. D „ewes. ,,...e.. r Hon. William Mahoney, Mayor City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor Mahoney: There are six safes in our vault leased in the time to time Soverng p clod m1Yeare byi thehColmnbael nera of from Finance, the present instructions with respect to which being that access to the safes is to be had only by the Commissioner of F fe of Sa int I.the name c Paul access to. shicha canlbeshadi jointly onlyfbyhonel of the designated representatives from each of the following offices: Cl ty Comptroller Commissioner of Finance Deputy City Comptroller Deputy Commis sloner of Finance when accompanied by two officers of the First National Bank of Saint Paul This as the sentalpofothe ntalsafee isrpaleidabys them. property ofthe bank and r There has never been any formal authorization from the city for the leasing cfthese safedand degignating the off ndersrhichleccesst ish toe baaccess hed, andtwe he feel there should ibe�ne u w Accordingly, we will appreciate resolutions being passed by the City Council and a certified copy of same furnished us, authorizing and confirming the leasing of a safe or safes now or hereafter In the Safe Deposit Vaults of the First National Be nk of Saint Paul in the name of the Sinking Fund Committee by the Commissioner of Finance and that authority to have access to and part orfull alloffthescoo contents, to exchangecontents of Said s or Surrenderosuch ..fee, to have the same rights and full control of the contents of safe or safes held in au ch exchange be, and is hereby giveunn to the Cosmtiisaloner of Finance (or ouch other officers ae the cocil may wish to designate); also a further resolution authorizing and Safe firming the leasing of a safe or safes now or hereafter in the Deposit Vaultf Sa lntsPaulabyNthesnal Bank of City Comptrolleread theaint Paul in the Commissloner of the City 1 of Finance or either of them, that authority to have access to and Hon. William Mahoney _g_ full control of the contents of said,asfe or safes, to remove any part oral of the contents, to exchange or surrender such full eo7e$�afe orts and safes eehehelde in l such exchange ben given to the trol of the contents ere dfid under the conditions as designated above. Your. very truly, BHH:mhl Manager. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $ to,000,000 r•r.xx •.xa nous. wiu�n v.x.x xi v,.cv.e.v .,ca rraa.na..r SAINT PAUL "1L SAFE e H Howes M.RTI nj August 10, 1932 L V\ /1 Bon. William Mahoney, Mayor City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mayor Mahoney: with reference to our letter of August 8 requesting that we be furnished with a certified copy of resolutions of the city council, authorizing and confirming the leasing of safes in our vaults in the name es the Sinking thoe eligible toittee dthe eccesl and -1to ssmeof alnt slnceuwrlt ing youwe -42,56 discovered that there Ss In our vault a safe number �heMmerge leased from the Northwestern Trust Csssltsywith the eafeedeposlt of the Northwestern Trust Company v vaults of the Merchant- National Bank under the name of the First National Bank, which was leased in the name of the Sink- ing Fund Co—ittee and the officers eligible to access and the e same as those of a safe leased in conditions Of access are th the name of the City of Saint Paul, referred to in our letter of the 8th, except that the Firat National Bank Is not a party to the conditions of access. Accordingly should reeoluti one be passed as outl lnad Sn our previous letter, there would ba a conflict s - to those eligible to ecce. sto safes lea.ed in the name of the Sinking Fund Committee. This can be overome by passing s separate resolution with respect to this one as SaintPaulber . or changing the lease for this safe to Clty Elt her arrangement will be agreeable to us. Yours very truly, BHf:mhl Manager. — -- THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $10,000,000 SAINT PAUL eAl m...o..— August 18, 1932 Mr. C. M. Nystrom Department of Finance Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Nystrom: We a e enclosing draft of the proposed resolutions left with us yesterday with one which we have drawn, suggesting some changes which we thought might eliminate any subsequent n misuderstanding of the intent of the resolution.. We consider It advisable thUt safes, to which access is to be had only by the Commie sl oner of Finance, not be leased in the same name as those to which access is to be had jointly by the City Comptroller or his deputy when acco:rpanied by the Commissioner of Finance -h deputy. Accordingly, in the first resolution we have inserted the words, "in the name of Sinking Fund Commutes." As the leasing of safes in the name of the u0mmlttee is usually attended to by the Commissioner of Finance we have Included the Commissioner of r'inance as those author lied to lease as fes in the name of Sinking P"d committee; also in the fourth and fifth resolutions we have included the City comptroller and Commissioner of Finance or either cf them as those authorized to I.e.. safes Sn the name of City of Saint Paul. If the changes as submitted ..at with the approval of the Corporation Council. office, we will be pleased to have the ,a..lutlons presented to the council in this form prompt attention sed A certlf led copy furnIshed us. We apprFciate the g Sven this matter. Yours very truly, BK, :mhl Manager. =A 9343 CI OF ST. PAUL ,ice NO. ..___ OFFICE THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM co"MMiss�oHeA IJ / +�. once �LY20 WHEREAS, is the matter of the widening of Bradley Street, from Seventh Street to North Street, the City of St. Paul took and condemned for .treat purposes the East 20 feet of the North 70 feet of Lot 1, Hlook 5, Brunson's Addition to the town of St. Paul, and the net award for such taking and oon- demnation, as oonfirmed by the Council of the City of St.Paul was in the sum of $2039.92, and WHEREAS, Pasquale PrucinoI the owner of said real estate appealed to the District Court of Ramsey County from .aid net award of damage, oonfirmed by the Council of the City of St, Paul, and WHEREAS, it is proposed that said matter be fully compromised and settled by increasing said net award of damages by tba sum of $150.00, so as thesame shall be $2189.92, and such settlement and compromise baying been reoommended by the Commiseioner of Finance, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the net award of damages to be paid on account of such condemnation as oonfirmed by the Council of the City of St. Pa vl be and the same is hereby increased so a. the same shall be in the amount of $2189,92, condltional upon the dl smiseal of said appeal, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to disburse from the public funds available therefor, to the persons shown to be entitled thereto, the total sum of $2189.92, as damages awarded for the condemnation and taking of sayQ real estate. 4. COUNCILMEN AUG 1 9 1932 Yeas Note I'.y Adopted by Lhe Council.. ._ .. __. .. _ .............193_ _. M'Q f McDonald t Pcarce In favor Approved...... _...__ .... 193._... Against ea, I `i .. _..777... ..... ,M w, resMa r «�M Mr. President Mah y c 1 �uLi.._l CITY 93432 OF ST. PAUL a,at=es'a*eq ar. rruu+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ou'uE ane Publiersua' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOF•I •af. o,. .. O�/LwaM1 io C..ss oNEa. / owre amum WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that an open aback on Lot 6, Ogden's Addition, also known as #136 Mounds Boulevard, is in such a j dllaplflated and dangerous condition as to warrant Ste being condemned and torn down; therefore be it \JTZ RESOLVED, that a public hearing shall be bad upon the ad— visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 14th day \ / of September 1933, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that not lees then ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu— pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice o1 such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN 1'env Nnye �. , Adopted by the C.—i].. .... V_1_�_...._.. 193..._ ldley f f �Y n. McDonald Penne ... In fnvar '� lhh, ^ App --d lu 193..... Rolan / '1'nu,xlf�u W nlr. PresiJent Mahoney ' PUbl.lti!{LI)__� x ♦-v onue•��o Oo ama CITY OF S. PAUL .iu a NO. .93433 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM .o.Ea_. LLS-LC...Z1f....__ � L.........._ Augun-t-17. 193a._....___ RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lemde on behalf of the City of Bt. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance No. 7383, for the purchase of that real estate known as Lot 20, Block 19, Ashton A Sherburne's Addition to St. Paul, from the owner thereof, for the a= of $300.00, this price to include all assessments and Lazes paid in full, as part of a site for a playground, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant in the amount of $300.00 in favor of the Owner of this property as determined by the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, based on examination of the Abstract of Qitle when a proper deed conveying same has been approved by the Corpora- tion Counsel and delivered to the City Comptrollery Cost of said lend to be charged to the Playground Bond Issue Hund. COUNCILMEN Ye vnye �Y M,Doonld Rosen 0 Trunx .... W—d Mr. P—idenl M.haney Adopted In favor �� Approvrcl _.... 19a.. i A& -t Mnyor� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oy1.1 of Ml..noa DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 7t4 Ca.n Hou,. Angust 17, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE OODNOIL: The committee on Lands beg to report that it has undertaken to purohase that real estate known as Lot 20, Block 19, Ashton 6 Sherburne's Addition to St. Paul, in accordance with 0. F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, as part of the site for a playground, same being located in the block bounded by Jackson, Palley, University and Oanada Streets, and that said property can be purchased from the owner thereof for the sum of Three Hundred (=300.00) Dollars, this price to include all taxes and assessments paid in full. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owner of said land be accepted and the property purohased on the tame above set forth. 00XMITTEE ON LANDS mayor o r arks, y a DIto Bldgs. o at en aWrurm civ awe CITY OF ST. PAUL ,.•<� No._..._.9.3434 ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ vvey Nv 6afa1 nr alive COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w^0"^' c H vee=�. a"ni. n eineee u me a°nrn<,or, w ✓ V u mnanr u °` C0,5, 190DIBLY, spmWHEREAS, C. H. Roeeorans, doing bu.ineae as_Ci H. 'Ro.ecren. Eleotrio Company, as the Contractor, was heretofore duly awarded and has entered into a contract with the City of St. Paul, wherein and whereby the said Contractor, for the consideration of the Bum of $30 489 *reeto furni.b s10to be paid to im 1 labor and materialbnecessaryy the 0 itythereforpand � to gine tall ornamental lights on University Avenue, between Rice and Dale Streets, all in Iwoordenee wl th the bid as accepted and the plane and speci- ficatlone therefor, and WHEREAS, after due investigation by the ObieY Engineer and the Commie eloner of Public Works, it has been found necessary in the Interest. of economy and for the future needs of the City, in the proseouti on o said oontraot, to install an .additional line of conduit al on?he north side of University Avenue from the northwest corner of We tern and University Avenues to the Northeast oorner of Rice Street and University Avenue, not provided for by said plane and specifications and not required to be furnished or Snst celled by said Contractor under said contract, and WHEREAS, the Installation of said additional line of conduit at this time has been recommended by the Chief Engineer and the Com- missioner of Public Works, and WHEREAS, the Chief Engineer and the Commissioner of Public Works have re portgd that the cum of $800.00 to a reasonable eum to be paid for the Snet al1'tion of such additional line of m nduit for which additional sum theeaid Contractor has proposed to install the came, therefore be St RESOLVED, that the said contract made and entered into as aforesaid by and between the said contractor, andHt beo0ltr of �Bt�Ing Pau1, business as C. H. Rosecrans Electric Company, Y be amended so as to provide for the installation of said additional line of conduit by thIsaid dontractor, and further amended so as to provide for the payment to said Contractor on account of the installa- tion of Bald additional line of conduit, the additional sum of $800.00. COUNCILMEN* Ad ldb the Cauuv�l./?+'G Yeen Nays D e y .. by McDonald Pcnrce la favor.. Approvcd...,1}1.. _... _..... 193..... Roacn � / Truax CAgai n=[ a ur \Vena 1 YUBL)J1tiD._.- Mr. 11—N— Maho'cy S ... i" ie Our M11— G.,6dd 8285 C. H. Rosecrans Electric Co. 414 Sibley Street St. paui, Minn., AUGUST 16,1934 CITY OF ST.PAUL, LIGHTING DEPARTMENT, ATTENTION:MR H.C.STREICH,SUPT. ST.PAUL,MINNESOTA. DEAR SIR: VPe��pprgppga �e to, IIj NORTH and CORNER F three N AVENUE empty fibre c oYiduit from the NORTHWEST CORNER OF WESTERN AVENUE AND UNIVER- SITY AVENUEE TO .CondultN is FAST CORNER in achEofTtheT lightAND ing standards, In crossing under street car anba used, d paved streets,two and one hal f (21/2') galvanized PIPO For the above mentioned work we are pleased to quote you thheaus, RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED, C,, 0, RO$ CITY OF ST. PAUL 93.435 .�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTI I—GENERAL FORM PREcoNTER e /�" .are 4sguet 17, 1932ONE- ��R oh//crews and deduot10 which might prove to be necew� h in the imp •meat described as the Corbin, on S. Nebraska Aresue from Payne to standard Stone Co. .onSraotore, he,. been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been gtipulaLed is She eontreot, and Whereas, it hag been found necessary to make odditiong and deductions as fellows, UCT1 radio. curb at $.60 $11.30 ' " aau a�."n 18.84 lie. ft. of o�8 a 4.0 11n. ft. of straight curb •50 SOU IMT MDUCTlON $9.30 And whereas, the net deduction is $9.30 use, therefore, be it Rosolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the cupervioins of the Commissioner of Public. to Works and in saoordunoa with the of specifications therefor, the net deduction do consideration named in L..O. contract knows d be $9.30 to be deducted from the lamp cum con of the aforesaid improvement for the ae Comptroller's Contract L-3664 for the making sae.n9 hereinbefore get forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prises stipulated in the said ...treat. The Department of Public Works has agreed withal the heLcon contractor, o be ,Standard Btone Co., that the sum of $9.30 is the reasonable made to the sold contract. G� Countersigned, _ Co �r of Public Works 0. CS ouytrolLr".._. Contractor nr COUNCILMEN i, _a-�___�,,,.. 193.. Yeas N.Ye Adapted by the Council_-�` j. - _fk_ M'Ai McDonald n � 4 11euree In favor bl ' t„ �.A�l Approved... _..193.-... Rosen �/� ...Against �,� ata>o� Nenael A1r. President Mahoney M ..,, P..,.. "TT1,T) � 'J CITY OF Sr. PAUL ,,,y c" NO.,J`�,7U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -G ERAL FORM ogre August 17, 1932 WhereaseddStlone and deductSona which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described ae the Curbing on Fairmount Avenue from lien to Cretin, Standard Stone Ce, oontMCtor,, have been provided for in the sp..Jfioati... and mit prises therefor have been etipulntad in She contract, rend Whereas, it has bee. found vso..sary to make addition. and deductions we fellcve, DEDUCTION, no 9.42 lin. ft, of Radius curb at 8.60 $5.65 - ADDITION' b .. I.n em.iio 00 .: 2.0 lin. ft. of straight curb .$0 1.' e.l NET DEDUCTION $4.6$ And xhere-, the net deduction is $4.65 v e, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Counaf.l hereby approve aforesaid work done under the Supervision of the Commissioner of Public Work. and in accord— with the Specifi.atione therefor, the net deduction due to same act to b... d the sum of 84.65 to be deduoted from the lump sum aovside-Aia' monad Sn the contra.t (mown as Comptroller'. Contract L-3691 for the making of the afar._id improvement for thereasons h—isbefaro set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and ..it price. stipulated in the said cost ... t. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Store Co., that the sum of $4.65 Se the reasonable total deductio. to be made to the Said ...tract. /J / c.mtara}gn E Commie >�p� �Psblia k. Aon n......_Citq Comptreilbr Cast ter COU\CILMI?V -1i Adopted by the C--il193_._ -Marr I t�.iy McDonald 1'enrce. _ In favor �7 ��. i.�^?T App--d _...- _. __._ _ 193._.. Rusin • // l 'pre rex Q Agsinst -- � GLC4CFst�LC: �"'7L' W—d o.Wv�,oT:�o art CITY, OF ST. PAUL „r. ` NO. MC3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ningest 16, 1932 coM ca ATe —.. ery in the Yheraae addition, end deduction, which might prove to be aeceg e SmprovemenS described ae the Paving of Alley in III k 1, P. Y. Dwyer', Addition, from Fry to Pierce, Fielding and 5bepley Inc. contractors, have been provided far io the epeaifioation. and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the ea.t—.t,4.d Where.., it has been found ........y to make addition. an roll.--- 37.93 . yds. of fill et 8.50 818.97 11.oT sand 1.30 15.69 480 11n. ft, of .seders to eC5 y{ DD replac ICTAL TSB• ron�w. And Whereas, the vet addition le 858.66 now, therefore, be it Resolved, thnt the City Council hereby approve afongaid cork done under the supervi.ion of the Ce®1neioner of P.bll, Bork. .de d tL. ...rdanef 858h6theto .-i; tbe i... therefor, the net ndditd.n due to same sot to axe a um o added to the lump gam aoneideratlon .erred in the contra known as Compimoller'e etntract the w. and659 far pareuantbto-theaforesaid speaiflaenforeweid tl*.,wand uniLrprlaeae.tipulated�inetheeeaid forth ...treat, a n The Department of Public Yorke hoe :greed with the oanLrnaior, Fielding and 3hepl6y, Ino., that the sum of 558.6 ie the ransonaD1 total addlti.. to be made to the .aid oout ... t CgagSecglgne Co ,.toner of Pmblic York ov —Cy comptroller Contractor COUNCILMEN1111, _1 Yea, NA,II Adolrled by the Council_ _'_:... _ . - .. 193. Meg C' hf_ cDonnld r\ `• i_�t I'currc � In [x vor � t� .yin 'r A1,9r �-ed _. ___. _. __ _. 193... Roacn `, Tri ax G Wenzel •M • \Ir. Pro.ilent MubnnrY FLtlI-t Yrrl �;l /:(� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 9343V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GENERAL FOR. PRESEN .0 , L�, . NUR o e August 18, 1952 Rmmmaaw S,lib Mahmood made applicatloo 2565 for hotel 3-10-8 &t St. Peter Ht—t, d '.- WHEREAS Ieeid U ... 1. ie hereby denied upon --andtlan of the Bur— of P.Ii..; therefore, be it RESOLVED' that the proper city f7 i-. be and they are hereby authorisedeuthod torefund to S—b Maleood the fee of =25.00m S.00 eod to cancel id application 2563 for hotel Np, A.I,,(,.I by lh, 193 No 9"9"1143943 CITY OF ST. PAUL .i.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM raEeENTea a. _�� m.rE angnet le, 7Hs2 affirm WHEREAS, eppliaatione for 11aenae. have been made ae f.11— Alpha Creamery Co. 882 Selby Ave. Grocery applio-ti- 2855 tion 2585 v S. J. Bn11e, 485 Wabasbn St. Fruit -Vegetable store, eppli— avaaec application 2855 bas b— vithdra® by the Alpha Creamery Co. and ehereae, Fruit -Vegetable atone license, application 2583 Is hereby denied np= recommendation of the Bureau of Health, therefore, be It they HF30LVED, that the am °p Co the feeoof $10.00dead toaoaacal npplication d to refund to the Alpha rY 2855 for Grocery license, and to ref—d to S. J. Bulls, the fee of $10.00 and to aeacel applloatioa 2583 for Fruit -Vegetable store licenee. COUNCILMEN Yeas \n, \ice AI,n����dd Itiwru W •nzrI .I.. P ... id—, II Ad,,1,d 1,1 Ih" 011u (11 '�Ii;; 19:1 / y�l U AI�+wrd 195. i� CITY OF ST. PAUL No, 93440 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM IREIIN—D Ry leg -t 18, 1932 RESOLVED That licensee for whiah applieAtions have been made by Pe"oes named on the attaebed list be and the —e are hereby granted end the City Clbrk j. L..t_.ted to issue sueb��-- -Poo the payment jeto the city treasury of the required fee. ('0t NUILNIEN Stay ........ . ... -­.. b, — --ll 1- A ....... z"!"L2, W -i August 18, 1952 G. Bartumh Packing Go. 567 H. Cleveland Av. Slenghter Bm.e Ams Meat Market 440 University Butcher E. F. Brom U20 N. 7th Birenavieg, Sarah 1656 Randolph " Ed- S. Colbert 458 Sherbmsse " M. A. Hefner 856 Edmund Stephen Randy 56111. 7th E. T. Johnson 1888 Grand ° Rational Tea Co. 165 E. Dale Roy Petri, 4181 S. Snelling H. Schaffer and Sora 225 N. 7th B F. Shona 1158 Tbone. Smith Broe. (N, P. Saith) 2065 Palace Smith Bros. 1815 Selby " Spangmberg Meat Go. 215 M. 7th Henry D. T.#al 1598 Edmund Peter Ne.tlund 597 R. Snelling Herold A. Adler 622 Utiveraity Confe.ti...ry The Apothecary Shop 58 564-8 St. Peter L.G. Asbbaugh 555 St. Clair Grocery Mre, J. N. Bagley 509 Selby Bakery Arthur Behrendt 508 Bio. S" Birec-aig, Seh 1558 Randolph Grocery B. Bernstein 584 Pleasant Joln Bbmt 450 Jackson Bakery Cepetn Brea 190 Concord Grocery A. C. Carlson 1599 St. Clair Confectionery A. S. C"" 676 Ashland Grocery J. P. ."'1" 408 Vi— M. J. Cummings 1958 St. Clair Confectionery Roscoe Evans 1620 M. Com Grocery Fred Falkenberg 561 Charles Fredrick Drag Go. 41 E 6th Confectionary Mre. I. FYWaan 489 Selby Grocery N. A. Frost 578 Selby Cmfeotimary David Gordon 265 M. 4th Yrs. A. Hines 260 Burgeon Grocery C. M. Eloae 978 Cortland Beesie Leser 880 Selby 4.I. -ac— 645 E. Dniveraity Av. Confectionary D.L-L---587 Cedar P. Levy 257 Grove Grocery Job. Mayer 500 E. 4th Confectionery E. Meyer 1215 Randolph Grocery Shoe. Norm 288 Ven Bur - M Aa Verdi 177 N. 7th Confectionery Nati ..1 Tee Co 186 N. Dale Grocery National Tea Co. 1096 Grand Joeeeeeatt 527 St. Peter National Tea Co. 1041 Selby F. 0. Pitkn. 230 E. 7th Coafeotionary Pittsburgh Bldg Cigar Store 565 aabamhe Roy Rayburn 1105 Selby Yre. Catherine Rieger 1094 Iglehart Hurry Rini 193 am Rsay Joe. N. Rogers 1522 Portland Mrs. M. Romirs 871 Grand Sophia Rothstein841 Burr H. Sobsffer and Sone 223 W. 7th A. Btbmeder 291 W. 7th J. H. Siron 615 Grand Mollie Smallwood 918Schaffer Dori. V. Smith 152 R. 6th L. 7. Swensm 419 S. Cleveland H. J. Terlindo 775 Cortland G. A. Nato- 17s R. 7th S. M. Wellman 100 N. Dela O.R. Zandell 879 Rio. St. Th.e Andros The Apothecary Sbop Nasal Chekerie V. R. c-.ett Mike Darlowe A. Dini Margaret Dual H. D. False Franc Flaherty Fredrick Drug 0 - Kra . oMrs. Ftit. Fridley J. P. Geary H. H. Hiland Chester Issaoe- A. R. A. Ro-c. Andy 3appas 3 Louie Trig - D. Levenson Peter 1,1114 Reinmld Wean Mario Mardi Northland Radio Mfg Co. Benjamin Mean Wm. J. O'Connell A. A. Scott T— Pbarmncy A. Y. Slater P. A. Uhl White Castle Syets 1. F. Wilummm Wsan. City Club August 18, 1932 1639 University 564-388 8t. Peter St. 889 Grand 888 M. Snelling 821 Wabamha 50 W. Somait 62 W. 7th UO2 W Lnrpentem 11.50 R. 7tb 41 R. 5th 948 Raymond 452 Point Douglas Road 839 Payne 488 R. Lerington 1561 University 82 W. 7th 5B7 Cedar 560 Wsbaeha 188 R. 7th 177 W. 7th 2201 University 195 W. 4th 751 Randolph 58 W 7th 2589 University 1007 Payne 1411 Raymond 1081 Payne 1174 Arcade 305 St. Peter Coaf-tionery Grocery Bakery Grocery C -fedi -cry Bakery Grocery Confeotionery arocery Confectionery Grocery confetti -cry Restaurant Augnet 18, 1952 Gabriele® & Co.Inc. 495 St. Peter _ • Carlton Onrtie Gilbert Gilbert.- 554 Robert • 42 26 (,leer Josie Greer � S..kaon 515 W.baebe " el (`Glendale DBolt" ee Johnson Bros. 474 Wabaebe " 72 (8palding " (gapr... Irvin Koop 481 Wabash' 458±1 St. Peter 55 50 (Bradford C. W. Leary W.Wei 17 B. 5th " 90 7ese11 Ida We. Mulligan, 1404 H.Att Oil Burning device Lee Bodine 962 Berl Gas Stn 5 pumps Poelke & Eichhof 619 Ven Bur- 5 B- Freemen 587 E. 8th " " 4 5 Highvood Auto Service Bighmod" • 5 S. O. Kindii" 1114 White Bear Av. Fred & Joe Koenig 1409 Arcade " 2 LeIgton Tire & Battery Go. 1187 University • " 5 " Bl.e Lindblom 520 Front " " 5 v ' 2 Walter Hela" 1180 E. 7th Y. L. Sod.e 1178 B. Dale Phillipe Petroleum Co. 555 W. 7th " 5 Phillipe Petroleum Wo.S61 H. Saelliag • ' Whit. Eagle 011 Corp- S. H. Dale S provident Loan Society 520 Midland Bldg Chattel Loan A. J. Reich 255 Herne Bldg. Salary Loan Payne Ave. tad Hand Furniture Go. 8" Psyne 2nd head dealer " ' ° Nathan V.rneteln 218 W. 7th N..,.: o...,N,.. 92,441 Ic '''fie alY�ms`Ve:oke UNCIL RESOLUTION 11LE N— .... TER o.—rR NFEp el! ]ia kaf a aElcelo ovr Uugu . ]x ]n]] ]s, Aug. 17, ... 32 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS DE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 56.411..78 . COVERING CHECKS N UMSERED-7844_.. TO - 7691 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILEIN THE OFFICE CE A..".. e. THE C.—L OF THE CITY R. �OMPTROLLff APPRo�Eo _ ,ff �. o w,Gn ��rt �•K o., CO—o..� 93441 oouNc�LNSN–Rou cA�� oee,cc oe rNsoL�•R ;°,�""` NO... ...� COUNCIL N[fOWT10N AUDITED CLAIMS --_ -__-._ A_ug... 1Z .___ ._32 ,.o w..a. . 7s TOTAL o p w�n�• IN FAVOR OFT-77 .cwa c�82 606 o. to 4 Speolalty Printing Co. 00 345 00' 5 FIs Construction Co. 23 50 6 Robert Ao kland 5 7 Amer ioan insurance Oo. Co. g 5g 8 Amerioan Linen Supply Co. 186 71 9 Atlas Gas & oil 86 C • • • • 284 31 1 • 2 Co–operative Laundry Co. 16 82 3 TGoe, Cahill, Chief . Police 4 Creamery Co. � 180 00 425 � 5 Diet. State Boiler Inspect. Di t. St 6 Drewry & sone Co. Iml 153 59 5 23 7 R. E. Funs t on Co. 8 General Motors Truck Corp. 53 92 110 77 0 Great NoTthern Ry. Co. 88 79 1 Theo. RemnIBrewing Co. 79 35 2 W. B. Joyce Co. 00 3 The Kenny 91haud Agcy. 2644 475 89 4 Landers Morrison Ohrietensen j 9. F. Lawler o w,Gn ��rt �•K o., CO—o..� 93441 oouNc�LNSN–Rou cA�� oee,cc oe rNsoL�•R ;°,�""` NO... ...� COUNCIL N[fOWT10N AUDITED CLAIMS --_ -__-._ A_ug... 1Z .___ ._32 ,.o w..a. . 7s TOTAL o p w�n�• IN FAVOR OFT-77 .cwa c�82 606 o. to 4 Speolalty Printing Co. 00 345 00' 5 FIs Construction Co. 23 50 6 Robert Ao kland 5 7 Amer ioan insurance Oo. Co. g 5g 8 Amerioan Linen Supply Co. 186 71 9 Atlas Gas & oil 86 C • • • • 284 31 1 • 2 Co–operative Laundry Co. 16 82 3 TGoe, Cahill, Chief . Police 4 Creamery Co. � 180 00 425 � 5 Diet. State Boiler Inspect. Di t. St 6 Drewry & sone Co. 153 59 5 23 7 R. E. Funs t on Co. 8 General Motors Truck Corp. 53 92 9 Graybar Electric Co. 77 0 Great NoTthern Ry. Co. 88 79 1 Theo. RemnIBrewing Co. 79 35 2 W. B. Joyce Co. 00 3 The Kenny 91haud Agcy. 2644 475 89 4 Landers Morrison Ohrietensen j 9. F. Lawler 00 6 Walter T. Lemon 76 '`J+0 76 R. J. Lilly Co. 8 John Mohringer 30 2p 34 9 lotbere Friend Laundry 0 National Battery Broadoasting� Co. 00 1 Horthern States Power Co. . 437 4 0 478 86 2 3 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. zo 85 4 Robert B. O'Connor 33 00 5 Pittsburgh Coal Co. 506 15 6 Price Electric Co. 18 46 71 7 The Pyramid Co. 8 Joseph A. Rogers Agcy. Inc. 27 68 9 St. Paul Bottling Co. 0 St.Pent Builders Mat '1 Co. 195 23 1 St. Paul Glass Co. 33 '2 St. Paul White Lead & 011 Co. 23 13 Jacob Sohmldt Brewing Co. 150 70 {4 Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 58 ;5 Simonson Lumber Co. l6 TTI. State Tel. & Tel. Co. 257 06 288 30 ;7 • • 191 03 ;B Universal Carloadl ng & Diet. o. 16 ;9 University of Chicago 00 203 40 i0 J. C. Yonder Bia Co. it Warren–Given Ino. 5 30 sNcrr rorw�–eonwAwo 195 877 821612 491 N a wP a cooHciL. Le ..o - vR Nren , cl � x GILo�RESOLUTION _ • n m cow a �e F I!I Aug. 18, _ _2 RESOLVED! THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s.15-763-, 54 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -7Q4=_ TO- 1.- INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. '=-"N �--g orrice or r"e co"erno�..en .,. o COUNCIL NBfOLUrION AUDITED CLAIMS --- A'9 las - 33 ,.a.x _�.awiwr .cso�veo "•v 14 7(.�i_Fu ceec.. nu"meso ^• 1 9 X932 2-- _- IN FAVOR OF TOTAL c"acne c"c.e ere."" °nOVGXT FORW"eo 95 877 82 612 491 88 • 7892 Milton Rosen, Com. of FSasno T. D. Thierry 13 546 50 50 78933 7g94 Jamas E. Olaee 28 7895 The Addressograph Co. 2 85 7896 A711. Chalmers Mfg. co. 17 20 7897 American can Co. 700 7898 American Civic Ae.'m 899 American Rolst & Derriok Co. 20 0 7900 AmLibrary Aea ln. 20 57 7 50 7901 A.M.arlan Law Book Co. 99002 American Linen Supply Co. "All" 107 70 j Amerloan Prison eoolation. 9slee Co. 00 6 75 79 04 American Work. 2 j0 7905 Amerloan stamp z 16 7906 Anchor Ppaer co. 15 50 7907 Armour & 00. 7908 The Atlantic Refining Co. 21 18 79o9 Austin Western Road Haab. 0o. 7910 Auto Engine or. 8 15 43 7 7911 Automotive serrioe Co. 36 31 .0 7912 Auto Tire 0o. 93 10 7913 Badger Meter Co. 7914 Ballard storage & Transfer C 1 5o 7915 Bell and Ramp Garage 2 70 7916 Baldwin supply 00. 2 00 7917 Beebe Laboratories Ino. s. Berglund Lumber Co. 162 55 7918 o. Bi Co. lg7 50 7919 0, _bard ..a 7920 Boeringer & House. 2 76 7921 Albert Bonnier Publ. Oo. .7 84 7922 Borchert Ingersoll 2 89 7923 Bowen & Sone 51 25 7924 B. 0. Boyeson Co. 6 792 792 F. J. Brings & Co. i52 90 00 12 0 7927 Brown & Fennep 3 81 792. Brune Publl eh ing Co. 9 0 7929 Buffalo Yater Ca. 7930 Burrough. AddSng Mao h1❑e co. 3 25 7931 Oapital ffivelope co. 78 5 7930 Capitol Welding & Mfg. Co. 6 8 793 CentralGarage Ino. 793 Central soap co. . 22 7 7935 Certified Ice & HUel Co. & Copper Co. 24 j 4 7936 Ohaee Bras. Chase Engineering 00. 00 7937 7938 CS ty Buel nee. Directory Co. 0 II 44 9 793490 Ooohran ,,argent Co. co. t P 7 6 5 9 Cochran Sergent 79Z. 9 7941 F. E. Comptontq;3g1 7942 concord steam Laundry Co. / 7943 concrete steel Oo, Car—Na—V ar.Corp. 138 i9 2 7944 Continental 7945 Corning Donohue Ino. 6 79 Book Co 21 4 Carol Carol Cox ookCo. 67 7 7948 The Crane Co. II % 95 377 az = n 6za F5 - C... eil rile No.,.. 93443 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i sad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: _._.R..ecm5truct,.. relay.. =d necessary,.. thesidewalb__... at the followinglocatlonel __._.._d9.nth aide _or_Laurel ..AY%._beginnin8 65 ft._SaPt of _Wilder Ave...__. East_4Q Pt,._... Dated this. _ lath_ day of___. August enanrHrw.ar nannn.. � PRELIMINARY ORDER. re. rouowma imv.o..m.o WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, ri- ---.----.Reconstruct,.._relay.,and-repair.,..where-neossaary,...the.. side$alks..__ _.. at...the...fol1owi.&..lncatinast _....-_ ._ __ _....... __ __.aouth.. side -of-iattrel..Ave. ... beglming EiS ft.._Rast_of.. Wllder.-Ave...__. _._.then:pe _S@9_t_.4Q ft..___ having been praeented to the C 61 of the City of St. Paul.. __..... ___._..... ......_.._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commi.ianer of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To inve.tipw the necessity for, or d,,irabifity of, the .eking of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of avid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketeh of said improvement. 4. To erste whether or mt mid improvement ie caked for on the petition of three or more ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregoi �,prgttFm, W the Commimioner of Finance. Adopted by the Ce.ndl ..... _.............__ l ___._......__ Y.A. Neve cnnnegman 11CIOyynIGD PaR; R— = oaeH SURean MsPentomrr Mal6• 1o,0Ar� /j_ Council File No..._9a444 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propocee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: _.. _..... Construct driveway at. West.. side. of Farrington. Ave_.. heginninQ._4R._. ft,_ south of. Olbver..64.. _thence.. south B.. Lt. _... _. _._.. .._........................ Dated this 18th_.._. day of ......_.August _�-`....�..1.��.._�..V- no. kinc of the torlowing Imvrovameot PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Cmatrust._drivewey..at-Wast aid& of_Farrington_ Ave__ beginning ..4R ft.....south of_QUver..B.t._thOnse sonth._B._ft. ................... ___. _.... . having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _._.... _._._. - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or dmirobility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the —turn. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of ,aid improvement. A. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters be the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 19 1992 Adopted by the Council....__. __.__ _..... _..-. Yaas Ners Councilman :� Approved..__...Itj1�..�_S.;y.N._...... ..........___. _........ M"npOweaa `' P—c. / Ros— i. Son cut. Ma Pa..mmrr k r..c.uor,osn {{rgl.iaifr.n ����� Couneil File No. 931111) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby pr,po the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, vie.: Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: North side of Milford St. beginning 40 ft. East of Gaultier St. thence East to East aide of alley West side of Marion St. beginning 113.5 ft. North of Milford St. thence North 25 ft. East side of Marlon St. beginning at Milford St. thence North 135.5 ft. North side of Jessamine St. beginning 94 ft. East of Cortland St. thence East 24 ft. west side of M:rion St. begir, ing 113.5 ft. North of MSLf--, St. menta Nort1i 25 ft. East sice >f Marian t. 'oegl,. ing at Milford St, thence N—th 138.5 ft. North side of iss5—lne St. beginning 94 ft. E_.;t of Cartl nd St. thence East 34 ft. Roear /- Spiieetusa ..IL.G.�!:'?-�'c__.___.._... ............_-_r........ Ma. Pacernerrr r a.una loan r}P SCO /� / iuulrsHED 'OBeF 2TqCi o; gaL7ov 'at., PC TIMTV 2F 7iTTTOLq 2F 02vcs pot Fp. Ppeuce yo.;,i g2 CC' H.eaP zfgs oL p-'trou 2C' Pe@ru iut 113'P GP' Hotffl 11 Nrlkot'! ^C' Ppeuce R -C Pa E -C orae of sTTea potPP z79s o1 Ni76ot9 ?C' Pe6RmT"E 41 F.P' Es`P nt 1,nT1Tet PP- ;1 FPs Lo7lonqu6 rota lrnra: Heconz Ptve P' ts1\ wn sm:�vz Deted thia......18th_....der of August. .ume or m. io�noAmi PAvra::m:ei PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the m,ki.g of the following improvement, w.: Reco�structr relay .. re,ir, where nets:. ry, tae -1_ew_1ks at the following iocatl ons: North =1de of Milforc t. cegin.ing 47 ft. East of Gaultier �.t. thence East to Ea'.t s1.,e of aliey westside of 11—i n St. begin n Ing 113.5 ft. North of Milford St. thence Nortlr 2S ft. East aide if Marion St. 'oegl,ing at Milford Lt. t'nence "forth L38.5 ft. Horth side of Jes —lne St. ocgi -ring 94 ft. E,._t of C-tl .nd 5t, thence East �4 ft, Raesx Ma Peaeaoxert lay -_-. h SCO ' 1:11H1.LSHED-� 3 aTge Ot AeMTOD �a PeBY Mi aF RTTLOLq 8f" Oeuce Moaep c?soca Mote; C� Lt' .yeaF .: Tie "L WvaT,u 'C' Ps@Tu .Tu@ 573'2 Ll' Mui TP "L W7: Lobq ?p• ""G" E" r " E—C 2T.ie oL aTTeA AO'FP �T9e oL Wi 7L -L9 P-RT"T'B aJ LF' E—f oL C"nTLT— zc' having been prem.ted to the Council of the City of 9t. Paul. _.._... ..._ ........... .. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiseomu of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i—eetig.te the neeemity for, or deeimbility of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To i—eetigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of mid improvement, and the tot.1 coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To erste whether or not mid improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing matttel W the Commimiooer of Finmce. Adopted by the Council........... ..........A�iii_.S..t[h �_........ ......__. Yana N— Councdm.n Vii« Approved. 1 r' KuDSvap ROM/ Roe>Sr Ma Passmaxr _. itUflLlJliFU��// CnnnedFile No............'L44G PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The end erefgned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peel, via.: Reconstruct, relay and repair the sidewalks at the following locations. North side of E. Third St, beginning 355 ft. East of garl St. thence East 12 ft. South side of Fauquier St. beginning at Seventh St, thence west 98 ft. .... c.nc q A written propoml for the making of the following improvement, via.: Reconstruct, rely 11.. :'e;,." "' er.:._, ., -.-- following loc tl�ns: Nort?. side of L. ThSrd L. bfgin i.{ "t. it f L_ri 5.. thence E't 1^. ft. Southside of rtu:pler Rt. begin Ing t „eventh Ft. t,rt,ce west 98 ft. 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing mattece to the Commimioner of Finance. Y . Adopted by the Council... . Yeas Nays Councilmen pT; � .. DEW'. App—ed.... MCDcw, a Pasaca Me. Pare— c -a r& x....._..93446 ..................... .......... b-i.g been P—tod to the C—eil of the City of St. Pont therefore, be it RRIOLVED, That the Cenoniw.—f Public W.,k. be ..d i. hoo,b, .,deoul ..d directed: 1. To i'vtipw the —mity f,,, or doin,bility of, the .,k.g of.id improvement. 2. To investigate "tg:�the.tu,, extent end eeti—ted end f,,id improvement, ,d the total tj ...t thereof. 3. Te f,.ilil.., fnfie .r A-1, of ,aid inupoe-un..t. 4 To tnte whether , net —d improvement in mk,d f,, no the petition of three or more owners 5: To report upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Communions, of Fl—oe. Adopted by the Council..._-.. . Y— N— Appouved— N,11- dioDoeenP PILLRnE . ........ . ...... P.=E. M. ',I I: M C.rI:% c, D, F Doted this. LatJld.y of Augwt�), 19 PRRT,fMT--- ..................... .......... b-i.g been P—tod to the C—eil of the City of St. Pont therefore, be it RRIOLVED, That the Cenoniw.—f Public W.,k. be ..d i. hoo,b, .,deoul ..d directed: 1. To i'vtipw the —mity f,,, or doin,bility of, the .,k.g of.id improvement. 2. To investigate "tg:�the.tu,, extent end eeti—ted end f,,id improvement, ,d the total tj ...t thereof. 3. Te f,.ilil.., fnfie .r A-1, of ,aid inupoe-un..t. 4 To tnte whether , net —d improvement in mk,d f,, no the petition of three or more owners 5: To report upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Communions, of Fl—oe. Adopted by the Council..._-.. . Y— N— Appouved— N,11- dioDoeenP PILLRnE . ........ . ...... P.=E. M. ',I I: M CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F M PRE—NT— By .Te Aug. 19, 1932. RESOLVED In the matter of constructing ornamental lighting of the Area south of Third Street between Wabasha Street and the West Face of the Farwell, gmun & Kitk Building. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for theabove named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, that the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement• e a: .m. Tei4 nxfxx. COUNCILMEN _. 193 _ Y.. Ynys Adopted Ly the Cuuucil�b(�`..j q.. . MD, \1 I)onnlJ � 1 s In (nvoc `er\ 'DTZ. Apj--d ___ 193.... R i I v¢s Agnu,,t n,ayo. t\'enzcl \G. rx�r�d,,�t binhun�y 93448 xm x us�i� �4-�eII%tP Yn iV�iyw COUNCIL FILE NO. `°re iAma. n p �veeJme'6, 191i.� I atP .. eo e.a L4%r By `^• v FINAL ORDER o^>.. _ •• In the Matter of eoaetrnoting A aid._U on the north aide.. of ey Str>from. Edgertoa Street to Alley between Searle Street end payas Avenue, eraept where good and auffioient eidesalks nos ezist.... under Preliminary Order 92898 - approved June 8, 1932. Intermediary Order _.. _.__ _.._.__..approved __......_. _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is oomtruot a _sidesalk-_oa_the north side of Ivy • Btreet_ from _Sdgrton Street to -Alley betseen 8ear1e Street end Peyae A—, whom. good. and euffioient eidewelke noe,..exiots_ ........... and the Councd hereby ordersd improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council� , �{�c � -- , 192 \tl� Cite Clerk. Approved - 192 May— Councilman 8?4fiCja 1163' Councilumm�g- Pg99% IloDomld Councilman Counealmaman Ems Roreaaea / h Y7 °�SiUtDL: Counci-2,di�s T y f'nuncins lmaspalpm Weasel \Ia> r mahoney.,-, Form B. S. A. 9-7 111Y IF PAUl .EPA­­—tlTSl .,F ,,A"' ('31 9'jo REPORT OF COM �ISIONER OF FINANCE oll PRELIMSINARY olDER ,j, -, t,e ,,th Iill If ly 3""' A I � —e In the matt.r of co" .'ley b'tw` ,, zi-,Le under 11111-11�aly otd" ! --" J,:- " 'y of St. f 1— $ f oi, b- fh, -11 p —k A ill"i 0-. .......3 b", A—T— LIT 12 1 1? 2 13 2 , 'y 2 t"t be 1— it--pl " all Th, c� 0" c-tt".1% "-'b" . ..Port mad, Iilt,,,,, h, i ...... 11, -11 Ill, 111.11 ", crd,y re(erencc to ,id by the 19 32 -f Fi, C. J,l 2- , 'i t y f 3t. do no 650. t"t be 1— it--pl " all Th, c� 0" c-tt".1% "-'b" . ..Port mad, Iilt,,,,, h, i ...... 11, -11 Ill, 111.11 ", crd,y re(erencc to ,id by the 19 32 -f Fi, C. J,l 2- v Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 11, 1932 Ips To the Cn mndssioncr of Finance of the City of tit. I'nul The Commissioner of Public Works, having hod under considrrstion the Pn•lim 19'1 onler t June B 1932 19:f relati We ve to Council, known ns C:oumil ""Ko. 92695 approved Street constructing a sidewalk on the north side of Ivy from 9dgert0n Street to Alley between Searle Street end payne Avenue- s Lacing lsvestlgsted the mutters sod thiell mfrrred to therein, hemliy report": sarl�nJ for) desirable. 1. Said improvement is "c cv 050 per s4tt. `` Est. Cost sod the total cost thereof is $ z. Tne esttmnt«I east mere"f is s • soI the "store sod extent of said improvement is ne follows: g. A plan, profile or eketeh of ssid unprovement is hereto stta6M sed msde s psrt hereof. 4. ;,. Said imPr"vemcnt is mk,d for spon petition of three or more owners of property, t for said improvement. e"hject ti. asseesmen , .Um, Ur tmANC: � Co. "f r„biie Rorke. V v 5• J �°e JUN 13 1932 v J• , • ir}. n. o W, St. Paul, Minn. --- -- -- _. 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen:Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Body to cause the following improvement to be made. �r / Sv J, 1/1 WCz//C, St. A Iron St. a, to aL/e r•-/nvea Ja�i/e 7Y , Ave. ,m' BIACK ADDMON No'e. Nanta ®I 'Ac— f��i cv�ers ore ti="-�ra'D�s-nei_r ;r 93449 t wa COUNCIL FILE, N0. u By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of r000natrvating, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk oa the east aide of Broadway, begi-1,K Blfeet north of the south line of University Avenue, ezteaded, thenoe north 61 feet, under Preliminary Order 92720 -.approved J— 14, 1932. - Intermediary Order _.-.....-..._.- pproved - A public hearing having been had noon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations rel,ti- thereto, and having fully considered the en e; therefore, be -It"f RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isr000natrvaty relay a»a-repair, tha-.aid-13,. m, the ..et. side.. of Braadwxy... bagivaing. 31 feet north. Of the south -line. of-QAioflr-Ity pveape, extended,thenoe aorth.63. fest. and the Council hereby orders .raid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for ,aid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said impr,Xyn� q, ,,,gprd.... therewith. Adopted by the Council Cit} Clerk. Approved 192 cann.itman or Conn. dman Dr. n�o.vd cil,.� JI Counman Councilma �>1Y.M'-� t'���x \Ixco�d-gin`eel :l huoer Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEP—TM,,,,, oF FINANCE REPORT OF ComMISSIONFR OF FINANCE 9 3 1 B 3 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'I f 11, �,'Irt , l'i ;! f,-" 0,,illl approved j_, C,- ­ of 1111 C`1 "I S' Th, C p Asses I—ATION of LOT 500 Land 11 1� A.ht— O 6�Bldg 1,0 Bljg 12 18 750 Land 13 15 do I'DOO Bldg. -b,-11 1h, tore BoinF as...... 1. .,'a macer by she Commissioner oA Public Oucd._Ju 1y 26, 1932 YLcx c Once of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 16, 1932 193 Ta the t'animiuvinner of F',,,u- of the (sty of St. foul- The l'ununia,ioner of Publie Work,, hnving had under eou,iderxtion the pr,Ii minnry order of tho t'mmrd, ka,,e ,, Fide Na. 92720 npprovad June 14, 1932 193 retntiva to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on the east side of Broadway, beginning 31 feet north of the south line of University Avenue extended, thence north 51 feet. and hnving Ili tig,tad the m,tter, and things referreJ to therein, herehy Ip"'il, 'S" improvement ie '-,"-Y and (or) deeirndle. Est. Cost - Lot 13, Block 18, Sherburne's Add. - - $8.00 2. 'rhe e,tim,Lhd oIQ the 'H le $18, ^ ,and thenotnLcoot th, e LJ,d _$31,00 and the nmure and extent of -d imProvenwnt i, m folmwe: :i, p jinn, profit, ar ,ketch of said improvement i, hmeto att,,h,,l and made n pnrt hereof. Q .i. Slid improvement ie mkod far upon potition of three or mora owners of property, ,object In a,aes,ment ror'd improvement. -OF FINANCE _._ n-711 a�raner ar rantiaworks.r JUN 17 1932 9345) COUNCIL FILE NO. e. By eve4 a . FINAL ORDER In the Matter of oonetruating eidenalk. eitenainne to oeoneot existing. Sidewalk to aerb. at the aouthreat oorner of Garrall Avenue and Finn Avenue, under Preliminary Order app 92721 ro-d Juno 14, 1932. Intermediary Order _. _... approved _..... A public hearlags bavirlg been had upon thalatmca improvement upon due notice, and InctCouncil having heard all persons, objections and recommepdations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is oomtruat _a1dews1k ata— ®a__to oosmaat_ aaieting gide-1k, to ourb at the southwest —r of Carroll Avenue and Finn Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement m be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, rtohe proper city officials arc hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said ,�PfAl eit��� accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - - 192 Approved 112 - / Councilman ,i.'Dnnnld Councilman cpnncllm n > C.o1 cilm n ,To,nrl Form B. �. A- N llIPARTM ENT OF FINANcE REPORT OF COMI SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELMIMINARY ORDER Co:_t_,Ctj1, elt—i— lt,hc -,"t Ili ,,, 4--e Fl to C,rc qt ti., a,,d,,Plltlmin"'Yorder approved June T, 111, (7111-" of rhe C"y of S' Pool. Th, C_,­i- ,f Finance hereby reports as follows-, 12.-,0 - — 11,e coral esti ­ ... I amount of rhe assessment'6_ W- -mens 'Ihe estimated con per foot for the above improvcmen. is on or 'fhe -d 11'.1 b""I­ for -'h "d �f -h 1. ... ....... d by h, A--', ­ as follows: A-- ­ parcel us 1101TION IAIIATION —C."".. x x X -t corner Sz to naion at 3o it: of Carroll and Flnti x X X 1,, has m"1111 -I'd all of the aforesaid mat n, -d Th, C­1111"""with the repop. made ro him i^ hereby submits rhe (ore6o'^g as his report thereon ro rhe Council, together by f PublicNV.,ks, re(er<nce .o .id It" 'r; _�2 E-d__ J 11�1 19 of$ce of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 16, 1932 193 l-, the ('umndAsionrr Of Vin00ce 'If the (',,, Of sl- The O—w-, Of IV.,kv, having hod under "'0"' . ........ June 14, 1932 193 1 111.6- t- cUU1l.92721 sidewalk constructing sidewalk extensions to Connect existing to curb at the southwest --sr of Carroll Avenue and Finn Avenue nt,,I the Od INO, rrferrld to therein, hemhy reports'. 1. S-i Impr00iment i, ,,O,y 001 (or) den�rnhle. 1611OWII thereof 1� $ 12.00 • 0,1 th, LOW ""I there„( is S 2 Th, Olt'll, and extent Of said improvement is . f"11— 0nd the j. A j,,, pr,lilc n1 skrtch of enid improvement Is hereto nttvched and m0de a port hereof. 4, 5 Said iO,Pr--,O,Ot isasked f,, 0, Ptiti.. Of three Or 00,11 I—IN Of P"P`ty' suhlect to nsaeaamintfor said nOpl- dW,,0,f HNANGE Of P.M. W.Ika. JUN 17 162 t 93451 R:o nor `a. COUNCIL FILE NO. .. r R)' o m=uoo::o FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reooustrueting, relaying and repairing the aideealk bad fill end protecting the boul.verd on the north aide of Feat Congress Street beginning 100 ft. ..at of Ada Street, thence eget 120 ft., under Preliminary Order 92764 _.approved Jum 16, 1932. Intermediary Order _ _approved - - - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is re omtruot, relay and repair the eideealk sad fill and p,.t..t the. boalavard. en the -eth aide of > -t Congress Street beginning 100 ft. soot oY Ada. Street.. theme sent 120 ft.,.. _------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and Specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ,Adopted by the Council � _ , �._.:... .192 n � City Clerk. Approved - ,192 / Councilman `1r1n.nnld Councilman �"` I Councilman Councilman .he h Coeilman /Ig7101 �=a"ut �� , / Council ,alar 104914Wn / 14•rm R. b. A 1-, NEPARTMENTSO FP FINANCE n(� REPORT OF COMM11'/J 510NER OF FINANCE 191 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER f111 'an,, o=.rinnir.r Lfr'. ft. .'et It under Prcl'iminary Order approved j- 1 To the Council of the City of St. Peal: Thr Commiasloner of Fina hereby r<pons as (allows. The vrtal eenmatrd amount of the avesement (or the above mprovemcnt is - 'IL, —i—,d cost per foot for the above niprovement Iand that may b, aesrssed b—fill (or such improv<mer. t, and thr assoseJ valuation of each lot or 1 Iota or parcels of parcel as last rcponed by the Assessor, arc as (-haws: 3ast=rly 16 ft. 4-5/3 inchee of '7eatarly alt 10 1�@� isc's ae 4 Pro apect Plr. teau 250 Lend of 3outh 100 ft. o£ 1 1,600 31dg. E_terly 16 ft. 4 5/° inches 250 Land of ^,Pte r ly 14 ft.5� inches do 1,,00 BldV,. of South 100 ft. of 1 4 ?Iorthwest 2 ft -7/`1 inches of 30vth l'f` ft. of Lot 1 and 250 Land So; thTeet 14 ft. 3j inches of 4 do 1,700 Bldg. South 100 ft. of 2 %terly 16' 4 5�3" of "'e at�rly 250 Land 5,51 gin of 3o'ythe rly 1'70 ft. 4 do 1,400 Bldg. Of OEPA RTM ENT SOF FINANCE RLPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �) 'IT A111TION of -t t 69 fi. `�"' 'f 3 -ti. p 4 Proa ,P ct Plateau 250 Lend erly lOV ft. of 1,300 3ldg. Jaz to rlv 16' 4'eet— erly 52' 11" of >o ` lv 2 4 �o 1,�0 ft. of ?50 Lnnd 1,6GG 3Lig. Eeeterly "eat— erly 36' 6 i/%" of ;a�Eaerly do 250 Lnnd 100 £t. of 2 4 2,000 Bldg. "'e eterly 2q ft. 1i is _ee of300 o Lnnd the Southerly 100 ft. of , µ 1,700 cld g. b, 100 The Commissioner of Pina nee fu rth cr ..Ports that he has in.esiip ai cd all of the aforesaid matte n, and hereby submits the fo..RoinR as his re Port thereon to the Cnu ncil, together with the report made to I�im in rc (er<nce to said matter by th< Commissioner of Public kNorks. Dama_J'sly 26, _f`r33 commit"ion.. o[rma. Office of the Commissioner of Public N&gykr�,owt Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 ,Wli 22 I= June 21, 1932 193 (,i,.,aa,,j,a- of h-1-- of the City of " 1"'I valor u( the 'rhe _ajaajan r f W,,,k,, having had ands "'aaid,atlila the p"'fi,ial"y aia-d, ka"a 1� l'uunrii Gila N(, 92754 app, -,d j.. 16, 1932 19:1, , ,I.ti- to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the widewalk and fill and protecting the boulevard on the north side of Past Congress Street beginning 100 ft. east Of Ada Street, thence east 120 ft. and having ia—tigat,d the matt— lad thing, ,f, ,d to therein, 1,,,o,y said ie a ­ i, y aad (.,) di,,iii-aid, 2, TbI 'Itia-11 cnel th--f W $ 110.00 , a, the total cod th—.1 is S and the mturoand ""t of said iinprovemanl ie a,, fill— ti—t- al-b,d and rand, a pert h,,,, -f. 3 �� plan, profile or sketch u( said improcammrL is 4. 5 Said impmvcm,nLk,d for -P-a petition of t""a or "a" owaere at property, subject for said improvement C...ai�� 93452 t COUNCIL FILE NO. Ry FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofaanetraotlaga.ei>:.. fact eide�alk ou the_. south aide of St. Clair Street from Toronto Street to Oneida Street, end else set the —t aide of Oneid► Street from St. Clair Street to the north line of Lot S. Block 4, A. Verne Srowm'e SIedivieion, -pt where good and eoffioieat aid—lke — ezlnt. order P,chminary Order 89420 _ ..,proved June 2, 1952. Intermediary Order _ _..._ ___ approved _.. __._._._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council huving heard .11 persons, objections and recommendation., relative thereto, and huving fully considered the ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pool that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City iso tract a eI, foot eideealk oa the south aide of St... Clair_ Street from. Toronto Street to Oneida Street, era also on the at aide of Oaelda_Street from_St- Clair Street to the north line of Let 5, Block 4, A. Veaoe Sr—'. Subdivision, a:sept rhe re good sad eoffinieat sidewalks now eziet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissi,m, of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement. and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed ,ith the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Ado,ted by the Council (�l(. City ('lark. Approved it .192 )� ConncllmBiPil>aW¢ 1(qy 'U Councilman �lfWh /GnDonel3 C1 tP C....!lman Oonncilman�..;,�. Councilman gwvvsp A' Civ eo�>3�dteaae� Mahoney Form R. S. A. .-, DEPARTMENV50 FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (fit) 7 i �S1i ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tll to the n,at,cr of COn.tr icti... -� .lx foot si.,e lk ,, the .oath Fide If 3.. 2111r Cnei In 3tre-t oleo on th= ,It uve of 3tr.et. frog:, Toro nto Street to p" oleo 3t—et fro-, 3_. Clair 3t. et to t.,e -:orth Line of Lot 1, Block 4, \. 7aace Brc -^.'. 3.ac.ii +i cion. under Frdimioury order approved '110 the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commi.sion<r of Finance hereby reports as follows: md a of the ass<samcnt for the The total <.uatc ab.- —p-1-1 i. - - - S - -- 'f'hc cs,imat<d cost p rI-'t,tfor the above mprovemcnt i. -- The lots or parcel. of land that may be assessed bu,efit. for sacl, improvement, and ,hr: aucvsed valuation of each lot or I:, reel a: last reported by the A--', arc as follows: 4 'ra ca Brown'a u. of n4 15, SCG --Land Lot. 4 .nd F also Lot. 6 to and 1ne T. ri_ Blockand -ast I of BLcck 1,500— -1d2. inLot 27, Block 4 g r. d the nvac. 13 of Brown, 3.l—.. & ?apt } of Iac.ter 3t. gae.ey's d:l.iition to 3t. said Lot. 11 to 72. Paul adj. n1.o Lot. 27 to a .1 Sacl,td- ing Lot 46, Block 4 and t::e Rest � of '4eb.ter ,t. 1111 adj. said lots 27 to 36. 16,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has in,<.tigal<d all of the aforesaid —1—, and h—bys.bm, s ,he foregoing a. hie report thereon to the C--i%together with t1,c report made to him in reference t,said matter by th< Commissioner of Public \\'orks. Dated_Suly 2 ", 19 32 _ c �F _. _.. - - - e Office of the Commissioner of Public %0FINAW Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 JUN 1 M June 10, 1932 193 To [he ("o., 'iu+ion,,r of Pinnnee of the ,"" of St. Poul_ The [bmmi-ioner of Puhlio Works, hvving hvd under consirlernti-n the prelimi nvey emw.il, kn-»-o ao c.„m,cil Mile 5n.89420 nppr-veJ June 2, 19&�' 193 remtks to constructing a six foot sidewalk on the south side of St. Clair St. from Toronto St. to Oneida St., and also on the west side of Oneida St. from St. Clair °t. to the north line of lot 3, Block 4, A. Vence Brown's Subdivision. vnd having in veatigotod the matters and things referred to therein, horsily -P— I. Snid impr-venunt ie n,,eossnor) desirable. Est. most 85¢ per foot. 1. Testimated timated cost thereof is E. and tho tots) cost thereof is S and the sto, and extent of avid improvement is as f -"-- y A Iron, ,-file or ,ketch of avid im provenwot is hereto -trashed vnd mud,, a port herr-(. 4. 5. Snid improvement i, sske I for up n petition of thre or more owners of property, e I ject to sss soman, for avid improvement. �.'�i�/ V^e 93453 n<s�.ema COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of roaomtruoting, relaying and repairing, Where neoeeaary, the oideee2to at the following looatloaat Sorts aide Jame. St. begiffiing 160 ft. west of Albert St., theaoe meat 22 ft., beginning 60 ft. farther west, thence west 40 ft., under Preliminary Ord- 92763 --approved June 16. 1932, Intermediary Order _ -__ _._-.-__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be It RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of fir- tobe made by the said City is reoonatraot, relay _and repair, where aeoea agry,.. the eideealke at the following looatignei___ __...._. _.. Worth aide_ -Seams St,-beginalrlg 190. ft, "et of. Albert.. St., th nee_ -}set 22__f£u__..___.._ and the Conned hereby order -,d improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and sohmit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials a e hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imp rovementin ceordance therewith. s .Adopted by the Council AM $3.-- . 192 _ l f; �- city clerk. Approved - 192 J, Ceanndman ,.. ., C"r'ilman -__ Z"C,mei�7 c�nn,ilman -_ _ • u,...a / manes fan �-'-- Councilman Ifayor 411foa Meb.,��..' i. orm B. DEPARTMEf�50 FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 93188 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 17 (D) . ner .eceo-ry, the In die ,miser of reooascruoa s.', _=Le?i-.[� ;, ..- - -•.'— -•. . el dewa l✓e at �.,e Iollowi locr tlonP: North ei de Jnnee 3 —'i, 16�T ft. went of Albort ., 3t., t:�e-.ce r.ert 22 feet., e,-i�...t :k L'1 ft. rthr re _.. -: ce we.t 1� `t. undo Prdlinl..... Order apl..... I Jtfne Ti ,hc Co.inc'I of the CITY n( St. l'h� Commis.�one� of Yin a..ee hemb No is as hllo„=- 'fhe t�it+l cs�imal ed amount u( the assessme��t i��r the above i�nlroirm�nt �� - E X7'25 '[l,c cs,ii»u,cd cost I,cr font for chc abotc 'fhe I��ts cels of !and ghat i �b� v� es,ed benrh,s (or su�.i ,einem, nd the a ses�rd .ulu�,i��., of cacti .nt or t I,a I creel as luso r�pnri ed bt the Assrs -, arc » follox-a ocscRiPnoN 1— Au AT, 700 Land 24 6 LI-te' B-. ra ._, 4,100 Bldg. ._i._ —,ota 700 Land 26 6 do 3,100 Bldg �7 6 do 700 2,550 Land Bldg 13,050 The Cdu, he has m — tlFamd A of ,br v&,resald mac ,and h�tcbv snbm'�t. ,hc (oago�ng as h'ie repos tbercon to cic C"—,d, together —h u.c cl ort madam ro hlm i„ reference ,—id matter by the Commiseionet of I'n bl'ic \\orks. Da,ed_ July 26, 19 32 +I Office of the Commissioner of Public W01V F►d�t+ 1 � 3 a Report to Commissioner of Finance ,WN 22 t932 June 21, 1932 193 'fo the [tnnn�iaeioner of Pinnnre of the city of St. Paul- "I'he Comnu�wiuver of Public W.,ke, h-19 hvd under ronaidervtinn the Prehminary unler of the. council, know„ ae Council Vile n -n. 92763 approved June 16, 1932 193 marks to reconstructing, relaying and repairing,, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations North side James St. beginning 160 ft. west of t St., Alber thence west 22 ft., begin.ing 60 ft. farther, west, thence west 40 feet. - end having inventigale<1 the mvtt+�rs avd things refrrrcd to �t))1-6 , hereby report«: A. K d h pmLot n 2 4 Sloak 6, Aane�sl $ghor rabfe. S25.50 B. ost y. The eetiv �vte l cn�t6tficreut w S nd the total coat and the nature and extent of evld improvement is ee follows_ 3 p plea, profile or sketch of avid improvement ie hereto attached vnd made a part hereof. 9. �. Svid improvement ie asked for upon petition of three or morn owners of P"Porty, subject to vsserwmcvl for eeid impmvomnnl. Commissioner of Public or 93454 ` x COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofrsoomtrueting, relaying end repairing, where aeoe eery, the eidewelks It the following lmatiomr Feet side of Prior Ave. beginning 44 ft. south of Marshall Ave., theme south 14 ft-, begi-1, 68 ft. farther south,theme south 10 ft. Feet aide of �Sor Ave., beginning 47 ft. north of Portland Ave., theme north 23 ft. West aide of Howell Ave., beginning 187 ft. south of Laurel Ave., thence south 45 ft., begiwo. 22 ft. farther' south, thenoe south 14 ft., beginning 30 ft. farther south. -then oe south 6 ft., ------' under Preliminary Order 92602 .approved May 26, 1932. Intermediary Order - -.-._---__......approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections sod recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of SL Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ranonatfupt,. relay. and _ repair,_ where neoeeeary,- the eidewalke at the following looatlomr Erir tie �.sr>s+e:�ugraa��-ik 4k sulk a�' 1M -atg�, 1, • 1 rt., Past side --of -Pri— Ave., -begineing47--ft— myth-of-Portlend.A—,_th—&—tha-lt., and the Council hereby orders said improvement W be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Cm—il ..._— � ry___ .193 tu.- City Clrrk- Approved - . 192 I�GGr:Gc+'-rat �lil �.1/. Mayer.y . Councilman � Nan,00ld Council" n `l un Cocil" ea.n., 16*a f'•"rce Council" n lr'n"^ rrp 7 Council" n O® H'""�1 4i Ma' or ISM MnMan I -o, �.. s.:\. n 7.. AUL .EPA TSOF P FINA NCE REPORT OF CN;,SIC OF FINANCE 913����� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In 1115 ivllcr o(reeo:�s'P1C tin-, re la yl.^.r , ;� _ .... e1,fev+�l+e nt •�� £111'_11^'i .r 1115^'1 �.�: In" •7 f' • ..� ... north 'Z t.. ov ell i ::1:'.: 1'.7 f.. r . t:. 1 L nr'I t., ,eet s'_.ie o_ - dd,t'r. ',1 ft. , —' n�.i r.' o' ft.=nrt:nzr z he rf:. ni:.. 7) ft. f rth,rz . th t. ca under Prclim'in�ry 0"I" a,,roved "''Y T—h, Council of ILe City If Sr. 'I'11c Co... mis.ioi cr of Gina ncc hrrcby rcl,o Is as [..I'o�... 31.72 ISI c.li�nacc� n n( 1115 .s..mcn1 Ir Il:c �I.:,.. .cin�ul �� $ 'i11e en - mouul ass ti '1'115...........4 ., 1[,e1(onc for llc aL11.c n�lr .cmcnl is - - „[rncL !ol ac 'I he III J hind ,i, y Ise vs=es.c� Len�iils for sup n ni....cine I.i I.,c a scz ld �..lu.ln.n Im cd as las: rvporia,I by IL1 Assn . ns follow,. oescruanoe ILT -.a.ri nn 25. Lend C to '..r Ci..� fin ?-1°.00 Bldg. Lot ° & �"est 15 ft. of � - fern^^� a^rk Tnirf Add. 1,L00 Land 2.^ 9 to the City of 3t. ?>ul 4,7'1 Bldg. 1,500 Land 12 4 do 5,900 Bl4r. 23,925 The Com m'v.bn�r of Plna ncl (unhcr cel -„n' Ihnl L� Ims In c<s111m cd all of ILe nbresu ld m�lluz, and hca1,. sobmics the [ornF 'n�.' as 6'i. rebore lhcreon 111 1111 C1�n Cll, 1111111« ri1L Ilse rcl'or1 made <<� h'im in -- r�fcr�ncc Io said mall�r by 1115 Comm'iss'ion �r of I'ubl'ic UJ e Doe11d_ July 26, 19 32 �m;1s�n11111r�'ana. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 19, 1932193 'fo the Connnissiu oa=r of Piano- of till Cite of St Puny. The Commissioner of Public Works, hav(ng hsd under oousiderutinn the Preliminary order of the ('mmell, know,- s.. Com,,1 file 60-92502 nPpmvod May 25, 1932 193 restive to Recons trueting, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: past side of Prior Ave, beginning 44 ft. south of Marshall Ave., the' cesouth 14 ft., begin ing 58 ft. farther Bout:,, thence south 10 ft. gst. Cost - Lot 9, Pik. 3, Merriam Park Second Division - $15.67 East side of Prior Ave., beginning 47 ft. north of Portland Ave., thence north 23 t. Est. Cost - Loft 22, block 9, Merriam Park Third Add. - $17.03 'Nestside of Howell Ave. beginning 187 ft. south of Laurel Ave., rhonca south 45 ft., beginning 22 ft. farther south, thence south 14 ft., beginning 30 ft. farther south, thence south 6 ft. Est. Cost -Lot 12, block 4, Merriam Park Third Add. $49.02 5. Stud improvement ie ssked for upon petitiov of theca or more owners of property, eubj ret to—emno-lA for said improvnment. Commiaeioner of Pu Works. -Office of the Commissioner of Public Works —d h, ­,g invwtignted the Ii.tt­ and things referred to ths,,m, h .. hy ,p- 1, S."I iinpmvrment is ni ur. and (.,) 2, Th, estimated cost th,,,,If is S ,and the total cast tb,—A is ,Md the -1— and 'A'It If slid ineprovenumt i,, M NMI -- .1. A plan, profile ., sketch If esid improvement is hi,A, —AM and mode a pert hereof. 4. 5 6.111 1IT""I"It i, naked f., upon petition If three M- I—M If property, eIbj,,t t, -—It for —ill mp—IIII-t. 93455 a. u �Liiart>r: eaahs�+'.4:o:eta COUNCIL FILE NO, ' e.e.lmoro,.em�i:neg edaa, „etw :ma;covean �tecnoe.: see res=em`- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of grading Alley in. B1ook.20, Anna R. Ramsey. Addition from lbrnl:p Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order.... 92815 ___ approved Juno 22, 1952 Intermediary Order _-_-._._ ....___approved _ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, .tent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -grade. Alley ln. Block_ 20, A>n?a_S.- R—usy'_s Addition from Dunlap Street. to Grigg.Street,_._. and the Council hereby order d improvement m be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials n e hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted b. ehe Council AUG 23 1992 - '_.._ 1 4r_ ew Approved Councilman M Monald Councilmad YoD % Councilmad p�-e ... r t. Councilman Ro ea , Councilman Truax C- . Councilman 'IF - 8eaze1 Mayo 19honey ' DEPARTMENTeO FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER L I e '; i A k 1 t 1 L 93181 P"h',,mt'y 0'at, app—ld June 22, 1932. To C".."I.f the city of St. Paul: Th, c­.j,sm.— of F,-- hereby ,p.," as follows: The ... i—I'd --", of ,bc avcssmcnr for rhe ab... -]4 '-1 '['he the b— improvement 11 �2 estimated .,t '1 1.1— parcels of 1—d that may be --td bt—fill p__1 as last reported by the A-1-1, arc as follows. f -such im provemcn t, and rhe assessed valuation of each for or ISIESSED --Bldg. A—T— Land 1 20 Anne E. Ramqeyle Additionl,950 4,600 2 20 to the City of 9t. Paul 1,200 3,750 3 20 do 1,200 4,000 4 20 do 1,200 2,500 5 20 do 1,200 3,600 6 20 do 1,200 3,750 7 20 do 1,200 2,950 a 20 do 1,200 2,900 9 20 do 1,200 3,050 10 20 do 1,250 3,500 ,EPA RTMENT OFP FIN ANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Land Bldg. 11 20 Anna '. Rameeyla Add. 1,200 3,900 12 20 to tha City of 9t.P.1 1,200 3,200 13 20 do 1,200 3,400 14 20 do 1,900 5,700 North 44 ft. of 15 20 do 475 3,000 16 20 do 1,000 3,100 17 20 do 1,100 3,100 18 20 do 1,100 5,150 19 20 do 1,100 5,150 20 20 do 1,100 4,800 21 20 do 1,100 22 20 do 1,100 5,500 23 20 do 1,150 3,750 24 20 do 1,150 3,600 25 20 do 1,150 3,90C 26 20 do 1,150 4,950 27 20 do 1,150 3,700 28 20 do 1,875 15,50C 33.850 115,900 The Commissioner of Finance fn,her reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submit, the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together xi,h the repo, made to hire in reference to said matter by t1�o Commissioner of Public \forks. Dated _Tulp. 26. ..1932 Coa. mi,aion�[ Finanm. Sc Paul, Mina ADr11 15th, l� lonorablc, 'Ihc Council, City u( St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: hereby Pcddnn your, flunorable. We, the undersigned propercy orvner to cause the following impro�uncnt io he n ads: Hndy ans Grading a11eY between. Portland SF. Ave. and n Ave t, Griggs Street f� Ashland P St. Paul, Minn. 192. '1'o The Honorable, The Council, city of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen. s, hereby petition your Honorable We, the undersigned property owne Y Body to cause the following .improvement to be made met Pe �.t/ s .Ave. xt. Ave. fes, �_:_� St.""_ 266. SY? OF N.E.%OF SEC. 3 T28 R 23. cy� E W _ E. �W �� N N . ST A - A PORTLA �r AVE.Z Wz Z IL Z cb ° J IIW-1 SUMMIT AVE. 7n Office of the Commissioner of Public Wftk%FINANCi Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 - - -- - JUL B 1932 July 8th 193 2.. 'rt the Commiwionor of Finnncc of Lb, City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Work., hoeing had ender cooAd,mtom the preliminary onlrr of the Council, known as Council File No. 92813 opp.... d June 22nd 103 2. r,Iotivo W Grading Alley in Block 20, - E. Ramsey's Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street. _. mod having i,vestig.tad the matte, and thioge referred to tbomi,, horcby reports: 1. Snid improvement is- - - - oras _ and (or) drsimhle. 2. The estimated cost thereof u f(See attache ¢M1d the totnl suet thereof ie F and the nature and extent of .aid improvement is ea follow. 3. A plot, profile or sketch of said improvomemt is hereto otumb d and made . pert hereof. 9. o. Said improvement E .....asked for upon petit_iim, oftthrrc.or ownere of property, /m... eubject to as.e.ement for said improvement - - Co toner o hn WWork.. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) July 7, 1932. Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the Grading of Alley in Block 20, Anne E. Ramsey's Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. 92813, approved June 22nd, 1932. Estimated Cost $704.34 Cost per front foot 0.82 Inspection 14.52 Engineering 125.00 Frontage .1200 ft. Yours truly, i GEO E M. SHEPARD, Id C Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance R C. `- . ENZEL' Commissioner of Public Wor s. 56 COUNCIL -FILE NO. -_---`--�, _ " - 934 ®'oaMsovia . BY ----- -------------------saaaers a FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMN. ION PZ SINGS In the matter of ------- condemning and. taking_an easemeat_in_the_ land -____-. necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 20, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition from Dunlap St. to Griggs St. under Preliminary Order__ -_92814 ------------- app roved ----- d_u4e 214_1232-----_-----_. Intermediary Order _---.-----fl31B2 , approved ------- Ju1y_26r_1932---------__- Apublic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City, of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 20, Anna E. Remseyts Addition from Dunlap St. to Griggs St. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, laandsents therein b, -d the sa are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned fo the purpose of making the said m improveents, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 20, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition from Dunlap St. to Griggs St., to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmiasioner �f Public Works be and is hereby etructed and directed to prepare plans and specif cations for sa d improvement, and the proper city ofAcials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of sad improvement in accordance there- with. 4, Adopted by the Council__.-________ Approved____________"______________ 19_--- Councilman )) Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Couoc'lm May., Aan�iail�rd. man sae>s>d� _ Mayor ` ­.' -PA—ENT 01 FINANCE 93182' REPORT'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -"y f)r e't. —A D ­j— 3t -It tO '.Sl' -' 3—'t' under Prcli urinary 0,&, approved June PP, 1-2. T. the C-61 of the City of St Paul: Th, C..,mm-, of FM—, hereby follows.25.00 Th, 1-1 es timatcJ amount of , asnesnm ent for the above ,@, estimated —, per foot for the alb— —111--- d —h lot or The 1— or 1, ,f I..d that —y be a¢¢e¢sed benefits for Hoch improvement, anJ the e¢nes¢ed valva,"'I as j- rep.N ed by the — an f-11—: 1 2 7 5 9 10 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 11DITION --s- VILIATION Lend Sjdg. R� nC8Y— —0 4,600 to the Ci,, of 3t. p,,,,l 1,200 3,750 do 1,200 4,000 do 1,200 2,900 do 1,203, 3,600 do 1,200 3,750 do 1,200 2,?90 do 1,200 2,500 do 1,200 3,050 do 1,250 3,500 "OP o 5T. PAUL DEPARTMENTOFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �)ASSISSED 11SIRIPTION 1- A"ITION V_ 1111N L, nd Pld e. ll 70 _.:ca S. 3a :.ee y':: kid. 1,200 3,800 1? 20 to r,_._ ;f 3t -Paul 1,20', 3,200 1, 00 do 1,200 3,400 14 2G do 1,''90 5,700 North LL4 ft. of 15 '0 do 475 3,000 16 20 do 1,70 3,100 17 20 10 1,100 3,1)0 18 20 do 1,1 :G 5,150 19 �o do 1,1 �G 5,150 20 20 do 1,100 4,800 21 20 do 1,100 22 20 do 1,100 5,500 23 20 do 1,150 3,750 24 20 do 1,150 3,800 25 20 do 1,150 3,900 26 20 do 1,150 4,950 27 20 do 1,150 3,700 28 20 do 1,.%75 15,500 33,.s5o 1151900 The Commiaamner of Finance (a Whet r<porra that he has int cstlga ted all of the af--ld -at"", a" there he Council, together with the report made to him in hereby sub mics the foregoing as hie report ono t t reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ---7+ilY -2u- -. -.ig Com miss el�sr of Pinancc. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wh1reF�NANq� Report to Commissioner of Finance 0-0) JUL 8 1932 July 8th 1932. To Lha Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. pool Tb, C-imiocer of Public Norks, having had under consideretion the preliminary order of the ennnnd, known as Cmmed Pde no. 82814 approved. June 22nd .1932.. , relntjv to Condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley. In Block 20, Anna E. Ramseyts Addition from Dunlap Street to Griggs. Street.,_ and having inveatigatod the matters sod things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Soid improvement is - - - -m crsenry and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is S - - - - - , and the total coat thereof is $ sad the nature end extent of said improvement is ee follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached end mode a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is eskcd for upon petition of three or more owners of property, eubject to assessment for said improvement. C00000,sei ner of Publ' ks. u� o"/cn .St• 6:.995 st. 0. hdirau C.d. Ak - hdi'— Fill. - TYPbeI Nelalien •j .. - - ' - F;g..re. y.lew I�ue aho.. - ai l.- le .6;A .1-1 ..r..d kye.d vmvN I;m. L.. Beek No.T005 XS«.Bk No. - - ASHGA/YD AVE. h A N N A R A M E Y d A r1 It t 1 u Fr. BsmSGer. do Ger. Ga Ger. Gon Go,. Gor Ger Gor. "y..�mene Yx Lb , 60' /51. Fr. � Fr Fr fi. Gir Sf✓. �Li/ors f. F F F. Gar Gar Gar - H, Ger � _ -Gor. Gor. Ga Gor. Go. Gor Q Q� V /S /6 ?3 2J 7S5 h 26 27 O D A N N A "E. R A M S E 5 q 93457 COUNCIL FILE. NO.By . I/l� In the Matter of-;eopmtruotl ng. ralpying and rrepalring, where moe..ary, th. e1de�alkq at the following 1—tion, 6onth side of Ro.e St.. beginning 63 Pt. seat of Rio. St. them. west 62 ft., .ads, P sliminary Order _ .92766 - approved June. 16. 1932. Intermediary Order _____.. _..__._ _ ________.___._ _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 26-4 y- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that -'-' -- -- -- - - p eat to be d by t d C ty ern 7"\ E. lay and-xgai ID eHH __ the ci ewalY. L the fol 1 oatl _ South @1 of lips@ St.� beg 83 f Rtoe St. thaw. west 62 -. ... UMMMM Ct-hef9aJ7 c... -.j •psC10Eed vM W and 16K Council hereby orders id improvement to, be ` RE VED FURTHER, That`tbe Commissioner of PuN Works be and is hereby in ted and directed to @pare plans and specific 'ons for said improvem t, and submit acme to the C I for ok approval; that said appraval, the pr r city officials are he br authorized and directed Ict - ceed with the ns ting of @aid improvement accordance therewith .Adopted by the Council n_�-�.�_ _ _-, 192 _ }Et: Approved _ _ , 192 connc;lman Councilman iftesmmr. — u . Councilman aiaSumta� .i �.i1B .� 4rlE`'c ,°ccl councilman 1''' c ��:,_ 13 Councilman vi "1Zel Mayor )� Plah„ncy F n.. N. S_ A. 8-7 pEPART OF FINANCE 93190 REPORT ON PPRELIMINARY ONER F FINANCE re'ta iri.�„ '+"�er� 2^ceea�.rv, In 111,matter of TP.c']:14',ru Ctt:_�', F'.lay1,:,, ..— ' the ai Sawa l'r.e a_ fol lows -:s loc^'ion: 3,,th eide of 4o se it., bei'• -1 nni ng o3 ft. .oaet of aloe 3t., th-. west 62 ft., al,prwc� Sune 1�, L�j2. under I'rcli urinary Order f To the C-1-1 of the City of St. Paul: Th, Commissioner of F;nanee hereby repo.. t for the abore mrroremu�� is $5C•F� — The total eramat�d amnnntnf at'=asc��men $ 'll�e enimatul cost per foot for the ab— improvement ie - - ,,,action of each lot or The Int, or poral, o1 land that .nay by assess o b' -f for such improvemeot, and the assessed s' last ..ported by the Asscasor, arc as follows: 1 1 Harney,^.orton & Ringeley's Seco ad Addition to =t. P-1 12,500, 12,506. The Commissioner of Finance further repor�s that he has investigated ell of the aforesaid marl s, xnd h.rebY submits ,he foregoing as his report thereon to the Conned, togcth�r with the report mad' to him m reference to said macre. be the Commissioner of Public \\'orks. Gate3—suly_26. 19 32 'Office of the Commissioner of Public N),r@M FiNAWL Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 JUN = 1932 June 21, 1932 193 To the C—oo-- I'll -f Fillooll of the City " St- "ol Th, C—oli-i- I'll of Public W.,ke, having had under consideration the 1110—io-Y order ,f t1o, ,_,ij, ko.lo . C,,00, 1,de N.92756 .,,,,.-d June 16, 1932 193 , r11 -ti— W reconstruction, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side ofRose St. beginning 63 ft. west of Rice St., thence west 62 ft. and having io—Aig—d the oott— ..d tjo,p referred to therein, to,O'y "ports: 1. Said io,p,.—o— i, I -- -Y nod (-) 2. Th, estimated —t thereof ie S 50.57 , and the to.) —A th,,,.f is 5 sod the nature end "Wot of 'lid itol"""I"t " " f-11" 3. A plan, profile ., sketch If said j.p .... oo,,ot i, h—U, t—h,d and m.dt, I part h,—.f. 4. 5. Slid..asked f., upon peti,i­ of th,to or more —nen of property, subject to —o—t f,, Ilid improvement of Pub ' �71111* 93458 COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of relaying monolithic eideeelk on the south aide of Van Buren 6tnet, gl>ming et 6ne111ng Avenue, thence .west 66 Peet, 1� n 'r"iia was a� ne : um vifi ., ander Preliminary Order... 92661 - - _ approved 1kj 26, 1952 Intermediary Order. -..-..... _.._-.__-.. .-approved _. -___ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ,a,&&,.en+(.t-yam— �;-'#-4-rt RESOLVED, By the Coancil of the City of St. Paul that the v-- pro ment to be made bD�t\he said City is monolithic. nn_th's eao�aide_of__.._ 1=-6trent, begi�tiagat S..11ingnue.,._thennn xfl '66 fat' - _- Wace the tlme-QS-4l:.W1J_�•s...,,. ..._.._._i-.__,f-�� In end mater be & cnr:... an the Council hereby orders id improvement to be -,do . SOLVED FURTHER, Tha the Comm seianer of P lic Works be and is hereby ink ted and dire ctee' to prepare plans and sp io- for said improv ant, and submit same to the Cyuncil for approval, hat upon said approval, t proper city officials are ershy authorized e en cmd th making of said impro tin accordance there ith, _ 7 1q K i :. _ Adopted by the Council - , 192 _.. and directs o pro- Approved .. - -. _....... . 192 Councilman �} or. Counciman MrllnnnlA PUBLISHED Counciman , I">' / 4r}' c SCO CouncilL 1'enrcn \>t <El,k7'r Council11„nnn CouncilTraaz Mayor a�� Wenzel Mahoue, I .l. M; 'T '^" .E,.T,o..T F FINANCE REPORT OF cOMIIIISSIONER OF FINANCE 93P�' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Ind, � . .... . f ., ­­—lk In tth n1'e If Jlthi� ,J�� - feet, 3t, -t, ri-t .1, t 3nelSnellingt,,ce v.,e,t o� under P111,10ary Order approved :!,, 2,�, L"? - 7'o the C.-0 of the City of St Paul The C­j,,i—, of Fins— bl"bY 111"'s as follows: --n—' of the s"'s"t "' the �b— i-Pl-l-- $ -rh, -inn—d _, p,finn, f, the above mprovement is - valuation of each lot or The ,,, ., p_, of land that ..y b, —,—d b­ft,s for —1, improvement, and the assessed parcel s, last p. -d by the Ass—or, arc .s f.11-11 jl'.,40', 14,400 Th, C...k,w-r of Fin—, J ­h, port me that h, 11-1 ;n,,,,jg.ted A f h, aforesaid and herb ..b.its th, foregoing as his repot thereon t. the Council, together with the r,p.11 -d, to hi. in reference to said --, by the CO-mi,,j­, of Public W-ks. Dated 19 32 Office of the Commissioner of Public WokIfFFINANot Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 JUN 9 194 June 9, 1932 193 Te the Commissioner of Honore of the city of St. F—I The Commissionerof 11,0,1i, Warks, 1,s,i.g h.(i -d", eensidervtien the [,,Ili i -,y order ,A th, Council,k File N.. 92561 pT)t-,,l May 28p 1932 103 . "I't— t. relaying monolithic sidewalk on the South side of Van Buren Street, beginning at Snelling Avenues thence west 66 feet. and hs—,9 in ... tigate,[ the m,ttcre and things referred t. therein, hereby ,p.14: 1, S'id iinproven.e,t is ore ­y and (o,) desirable. 2. Th, estimated cost thereof is $ 32.50 , -d the Wt.1 cost thereof is $ -I the ,,lure, and ­,st of said n,p,111--t is " fo11-11 the four ft. sidewalk Mote. The intention is to Construct next to the building - 3. A plan, P, -file - sketch of —d improvement is hs— ,trached -d mode a P"t h—of. 4. 5, Slid 11-P-1-11st_asked for upas Pstiti- of th"s or""s of P""'ty' ,abject to neseesment for ..id imp—s—A '� o.,aaw ,civ a..k m�„c,� NO.... --.:7/3459 CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE FORM co Mrni�ioNeq {.. U L_/ DATE RESOLVED hat -the proper city officers a and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Mike Cullen, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public ?Forks, on the 20th day of July 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Mike Cullen the sum of $70.40 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including August 17th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays r"¢y �t�Doa¢m Plsu I favor �Roaen �T .Against �Vcnzei �lr(r. Prrsident Mahoney Adopted by the Council..._ a��&.�:�. 15'_4.. 193.. ... y by Lff' c1h ti/y M. F, (�) (� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,man NO........_:7U� L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -ESE s, oNEa oA� >ryyp x WHEREAS, the Department o3 Parks, PlaytT—cis and Public Baildin,,s did on July 6th, 1922, issue permit #15893, for which a Sec- of $1.00 was paid, to Willis ,Finley, for the construction of a building at #178 Victoria Street, and WHEREAS, the said '!lillia.. Finley now finds it impossible to proceed with the construction of said 'building because of the existence of a 'billboard which would obstruct said building and thereby render came—eless, therefore be it RF.SDLVED, that the Department of Finance of the City of „t. Paul be and said De—t.-rit hereby is directed to return to the caic 'Villienl Finley the permit fee paid as aforesaid. COONCILME'N ..rrrr.A��L Y'.Noyes/ Adopted by the Council....... -AIJ«i 2:1..t�.�m3...... �•q t _193..... /Itoeen � bk ngninat [Wenzel may /Ml . President Mshoney CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM cA—_9n� at_aa,_193a_ RESOLVED That the Purobasing 9gent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the 0omptroller, one 0hevrolet two -door sedan, equipped with front and rear bumpers, extra wheel, rear-view mirror, dome light, Trion visional wiper, tires, aerial, eta, as specified, for the Bureau of Police, at a cost of $589_x.62, lose an allowance of $152.00 for damaged Pontiac two -door sedan 1932, Motor No. P842560 to be taken in trade on above purchase, making the net cost not to exoeed $417.82, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Department has had informal bids from Ohevrolst dealers, and as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained by advertising therefor. Oharge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-139 COUNCILMEN Y ­Nay �y j McDonald //J / �Penrce �___..In (nvor i Trunx _ V-----Aaninet Wenzel �hlr. Prealdcnt atahoney {, Adopted by the C-61 AM 0 4r i d __ ..193_ Me�or oa,mrt Ivry a.r• nmrente t b n (t) �- CITY OF S!mvvpV°j°ene•Le!e[�eearmsn ei; nuwm� NO....... ��62 z OFFICE OF THE icy tt _`w. �CIL RES�OLUTIO"N—}/'7 PR -TED .. -—+-z,1L/ oars 6uIDtei. 1B•..1932 C,% RE860.0 Whereas deductions and addition. which might prove to ba aecae...Ia. Sn the v. improvement aant Avenueba Standard SLrneaCo.f eantraetore,wt side fhave�rbaeen provforminhthe sue provided epeeificatie.a and unit price. therefor have bee. stipulated in the .ont ract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make deduction. as follow., . 10 li.. ft. straight Curb 0 $•50 $5.00 Aad Nhereas, the net deduction is $5.00 now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public W rte and in aoeordancs with the pecificatione therefor, the set deductio. due to esma sot Lo ezcoed the sum of $5.00, to be deducted from the lumpathe making of Lhe um oonaiderstio. named 1. the contrast known ae Comptroller's Contract L-3682 foraforesaid improvement for the reasons bareinbefore sat forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Co., that the sum of $5.00 Se the reaenable total deduction to be made from the said contract. Cou.ter:Yd :� City CompLrolle ■ COUNCILMEN Yee. , '! h Y Neye, , McDonald N favor /Rosen /Wenzel m _,/11, /Mr. Preaidant M.honey 7V v v� Commissioner of Public Wolks j-STANUM1 CO. Contractor 4116 21 IM r; Adopted by the Council..._ _ ... .... 193_... 4r a' �r�hTf Approved__. \ _ '7 _._ 193_.... �7 Mayor PU9LIti}fED �p % y OF S cI..93463 TY T. OFFICE OF THE • / COU 6—RESOLUTION C�N e oMM ss`oaEa __. DATE.:- ZD9t_. +`LL� Whereas deductions and additions which might prove to be necessary tthe improvement described as the Curbing of West Congress St, fro m Bidwell to B611oss Streets Feyen Construction Co. contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated In the contracts and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make additions and deduc- tions as follows: ADDITION• •11 lin. ft. of 12" P. C. Pipe - - - - - at $1.26 $13.75 1 5 " " " Standard Straight concrete curb - - - -, - - - - - at .50 2.50 - 1 - inlet hole cut - - - - - - - - - - at 2.50 2.50 - Total $15.75 DEDCCTIONs Deduct on account of "headwall" omitted: 2.50 NET ADDITION $16.25 - And Whereas, the net addition is $16.25 now, therefore, be it Rdsolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commis a inner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $16.25, to be added to the lump stns con- sideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3683 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractors Feyen Construction Co.s that the sum of $16.25 is the reasonable total addition to be made to the said contract. g,,,}o yitersignefla Commissioner of Pub Works COUNCILMEN Comptroller tc Yene ._.Nnyx-- Adopted by'ouvcil_._QO_ traoLog._.. 93_... 1932 �. nnnnla / AUG 2 `, 19K ce ! favor !V yr \ ApprovcdC _. 793 A.... �1'ninx �gninet '3 . 93466, 93467. 93 c,F. goo. BgSOLVD. tbnt checks be drawn on the City Treeenry. to the aagg+'eB°te emocmt of b89.9C6.63a °O0°`3n6 °bpCk° numbered 7949 to 6150 laelaelve. ee on file ty Sa the office of the Ci per checks Comptroller. AN ldapted by the Co+mcil 2- e � ici`1n ,pproved i �� � w°O. a: a•� R-0 - �Icowvv.. iw•. se nano a, uaa. E o w,Un o «... e, ..,"... m 93464 ,�» , N .�O__.____..__.._ _ COUNCIL I w`0wvIoa AUDITED CLAIMS l 623 !932 n�n.0 IN FAVOR OF _ 1-111 Foew,.ao c".cws 95 877 82 c"swe 628 255 4 ere."w 7949 Fuel Economy Engr. Co. 3 528 00 7950 Milton Rosen. Com, of Ficance 12 92066 56 6 7951 S. Berglund Lumber 00. 12 7952 Garrett Burne 7953 Capital City Lime & Cement Cc 45 12 7954 Cochran Sargent Co. 322 P1 Farwell Omun Kirk & Co. 795 7956 Daily He.s Publishing Co. 77 Adam Decker Hard.are Co. 27 7957 7958 A. B. Dick Co. 10 00 7959 Joe. Dingle Boat works 11 65 65 7960 Dispatch & Pioneer Press Co. 7961 Ditto Inc. 7962 w. J. 'Myer & Broe. 1 5o 460 7963 Eastman Sales & Serv. Co. 16 10 29 796644 L. Eisenmenger Meat Co. Co. 7965 Electrical Installation 7966 Elk Linen Supply Co. 22 32io 7967 Elvgren Paint Supply Co. 178 89 7968 Thos. J. Engel welding & Mfg. 3 7969 H. L. Ettman Sponge oo. 103 55 7970 Eeelinger & Co. 7971 Farwell 0 -un Kirk & Coe 9 •xo 202 09 7973 17 6 0 0 7974 F. W. Fan Co.Co.• Co. 2 49 7975 Feiet Blanchard 7976 `, Finoh Van Slyok & Mo Conville 5 T 4 7977 H. w. Esher 7 82 7978 J. J. FII43gerald Reg, of Deed 13 75 7979 Leonard Frank 0o. 7 70 7980 Chas. Friend & Bon. Inc. 10 3 7981 Frigidaire Sales Corp. 1 25 7982 Gamon Meter Co. 12 7963 Berland Luggage Shop. 65 22 7984 Gangl & Co. 7995 G. H. P. Cigar Co. Inc. 15 18 7 7986 K. Geiger 24 55 7987 E it Geist 7988 General Motors Truck Do. 11 13 7989 Generator Specialty Co. 54 76 7990 German Book Importing Co. 2 28 7991 The Golden Rule 1 38 7992 Goodrich Gamble Co. 3 40 7993 Goodrich Bilvertowo Inc. 6 79 7994 The Gopher, U. of M. 7995 R. L. Gould & Co. 70 11 45 7996 Grasselli Chemical Co. 18 244 7997 Greene Engraving Co. 30 So 7998 Gregg Publishing Co. 7 04 7999 Griggs Cooper Co. 3 40 8000 The Grinnell Co. 184 04 J �FkX t sN�r r A Foaw.am 95 877 92 1647 030 o0 93465 cou"c.�Mc.�wo�L uLL o..,ce o. T"e co"wrwo��ew ,s NO.._.___... ... ...____ COUNCIL k[f0WT10M AUDITED CLAIMS TOTAL IN FAVORc OFFowwnw0 - 8001 John L. Brace 8002 The Haughton Elev.& MAch. Co. 51 28 8003 T. Y. Mo cue Transfer Co. 53 32 8004 Charles Stewart goo Hilton Rosea, Com, of Finance 1 5 4255 .2 a. 0550son ��7 80. Moeller Co. 'I 7 850 8008 Hanlon & oke. 722 8009 �'i Emil rreiseia Co. 300 8010 Aome Construction Co. 214 8011 Bergen Oonstruotion 15 8012 John Sandq.ist Co. 25 8011 Standard Stone 8014 Donaldson SheetMetal Rorke 500 8015 Johnson Servioe Co. 504 38 8016 Peoples Eleotrio Co. 61 8017 S. Berglund Lumber Go. Co. 8018 capital Staty Mfg. 55 8Q19 Paul Carver 8020 Cochran Sargent Co, 6 1 001 8021 Federal Barge Line. 1 019 8022 General Chemical Co. 1 676 8023 Hertl Coal Co. 5G 8024 Anna Yeefe 116 8025 A, EBromeohroeder,Cashier Co. 8026 Marrinan Medical Supply 8027 Price Electric Co. 101 58 8028 Gerhard Specter 00. 195 8029 '� victory Printing 8030 Clement F. Sculley Equlp.Co. 19 532 8031 Wm. Perry 8032 Milton Rosen. am. of Fianna 16 2228 803j Milton Roeen, Com. of Finano 803'+ Pasquale Pruoino 150 Y �Cbhk /'l 1 95 877 Sj 703 602 661 1 1 1 95 877 Sj 703 602 661 1 eooac�Ll eT. c"�. c..ce o. res coM.Tao�L.e.. ..e NO......__ .. COUNCIL p[aOLUTIOM ..,ea AUDITED CLAIM$----------aua---"-3z Nwi- OTAL IN FAVOR OF cw¢.s ce.ce. ev 11•x" 95 877 82 703 602 66 60355 Jobm Hremn 28 80 80j6 Oatberiae Y. Claugberty. 40 00 80j7 Jobs E, tehey 12 67 d0 $ Yre. Etta Flaherty 28 29 8039 Mrs. Anna Schneider 17 28 8040 '_ standard Oil Co. 5 14175 8041 Pat Helly 98 8042 G. A. Ashton CO. 113 50 8043 The Better Bake Shop $044 Hraunig and sone Baking Co. 37 38 $045 Capitol state mfg. Co. 11 11 8046 Central soap O 7 o. 156 703 8047 Adam Decker Hardware Co. 42 04 8048 Elvgren Paint Supply 00. 16 47 $049 Martin F. Falk Paper Co. 7 8050 t&r all Ozmun Kirk & 00. 357 94 $051 H. B. Fuller C* 2Z 24..22 $0 }2 General ring supply Co. Corp. 28'1 2 8054 Griswold Si Co. 154 69 8055g A. 0. Horn Oo. 6 0 805b S Hessell and 0o. 8057 25 bamprey Products Co. 52 OB aOSg 0. B. Lyon and BTO. 398 38 8059 McFadden Lembert 00. 8060 Merrinen Medical Supply Co. $061 Minnesota Chemical 00. 23 50 62 80National Lead Co. 7 $063 Northern States Envelope 00. 154 96 8064 Pabst Food Market 103 5 $065 Paramount Plae 19 99 8066 A. J. Reiser � 8 Review Builders Material Cc. 552 6 $069 St. Paul Stamp Works 5Z 55 B3 8M Speakes & Oo. 55 8072 Sanitary Bottling 00. 52 9 8073 sharp & Dohme Inc. 925 2 1 8074 J. L. Shiely 00. $075g G. Sommers & Co. • 807b Tri. State Tel. & Telgr. Oo. 143 1 8077 " • . . Y4444 8078. " 311 $p79 Twin City Iron and Wire CO. 28 0 8080 U. S. Rubber Co. 16 7 goal Warren Given Co. 51 8082 The Waterous 00. 329 1 3083 White 911918 Oil Oorp. 125 2 9084 Griswold Safety signal CO. ��<f 8oi W. J. Haas Mfg. Co. + �E ��rT l6 3 8086 Theo AB® Brewing Co. b' 112.3 8087 P.R.L.Bardenbergh & Co. 3 3 80$8 Nasal Park Fuel & Feed Oo. 16 8089 T. 0. Henderson Agt. 145 8090 Hersey Meter 00. 20 3 8091 The Herzog Iron Works $092 Highland spring Go. 43 25 95 977 82 713,979. 32 I v. 93467 No....._._ ........_.__ _. cwnouncn--wou uu uwv tOYMCIL 11aaOWT10M " AUDITED CLAIMS Au". - a n 3 1932 r� IN FAVOR OF TOTAL �wwu cwecKe m ��� 111UaNTF01WAwa 95 877 82 713 979 32 _. 8093 F. T. Hildred & Co. J. A. Hulme Go. 2 j2 9 b0 8094 0 Chas Evan; Oo. no. 809 312 00 rwell Co 8096 Howard & FaCo. 10 8097 Illinois Engineering Co. 24 0000 8098 Independent I0e 00. TCo. ol 00 25 96 81009 Industriand2 sugineeringic 11 00 8101 Inertol Co. Inc. 150.00 34 10 8102 Inter City Paper Co. 8103 International Harvester Co. 5 TS 8104 InternnLional Printing Ink. C rp. 8105 Jameson Hevener & Co. 8106 Jeffery -Quest Foundry Co. 1 22 00 8107 Joestia & Schilling 2 00 1 1 62 8108 Johnsons Cash & Garry 1 00 8109 0. I. Johnson Mfg. 00. 17 25 8110 Johnson Printing Co. i1 40 8111 Johnson Service 00. 25 8112 A. P. Jurgens 00. Inc. 720 58 8113 Junior Literary Guild Kaplan Paper Box 00. 3 b0 8114 & Mattison Co. 8115 Keasdey Co. 98 39 8116 Yee Lox Mfg. 8117 Kennedy Bros. Arms. 00. 12 20 8118 Kenny Boiler & Mfg. Co. 111 7µ 8119 Ker& Esser, 2 00 12 12 8120 E. L. Klingel 1 40 8121 'Kremer Auto Spring Co. 05 8122 LaFranae Republlo.Linn.Salea 00. 77 50 8123 Lawyers co-op Publishing 8124 Librarian, Library of Congree . 66 21 76 38 8125 Linde Air Products 00. Co. 7 00 81$6 Lockwood Trade Journal Co. 52 8127 Loose Wiles Biscuit 5 00 8128 T. P. Lowe & 00. g 8129 McClain & Aedman Co. 24 5p 8130 McGill Warner Co. Co. 17 31 8131 Moleeeon-St. Paul Drug CO. 7 74 8132 J. T. McMillian 8133 Mack International Mtr.Truot o. µ 59 8134 Management Methods 11 905 8135 0. & E. Marshall Co. • 18 00 8136 Martin Senour Co. 3 30 8137 John Maurus 8138 Merrill Greet & Chapman 2 50 8139 Gus 11 Messin ' 4q��o- 0 81µp H. F. MSobe11g0o. 8141 Midway Creamery Co. 8142 Midwest Oil Co. ' " 11 234 13 24 8143 Millar & Tarras \ 4 20 B14µ Miller -Bryant -Pierce Co. 40 06 8145 Minnesota Envelope Co. __ 8146 Minnesota Milk Co. 22 7460 8147 Minnesota Hews Co. 950 65 348 8148 Mitech & Back 00 8149 Monroe Calculating Mach. Co. 8150 F. J. Morse & Co. 11 40 sNLETrorA oaw�eo 95 877 82 716 162 05 93468 �==aa r� COUNCIL FILE NO n. ������ ��� reRmov.Ava..h CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading and paving Jefferson Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Milton St. and Paving Jefferson Ave. from MSlton St. to Victoria St., with sewer, water and gas connecti ova from street mains to property linea complete, where not already made, also constructing a sewer on Jefferson Ave. from a point 60 ft. east of the east line of Lexington Ave. to Chatsworth St., material for P. shall be reinforced c ncrete 7 thick, 27 ft. in width, the ro dway to be graded 46 ft. Sn width with cobble stone gutters on grades oP 5� or over, the shoulders of the pavement to be aur faced with gravel and oiled, also constructing concrete retaining walls where shown on accompanying plane under Preliminary Order...... 82346 _....... __...._, Intermediary Order $.3482_. _......_....1 Final Order_.. _87671__. ......, appro.td — Dec— 17.__ _......_.___.., 19 30 Th, assessment oL___.._..._b fits,.._c9at a..Hnd..EapeZL9Ea......._ for and in connection with the above improvemcvt having been submitted to the Conn. it, and the Conrail having considered same and found the avid nes.ssment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the avid assessment be and the same N hereby in .11 respects approved - RESOLVED FURTHER, That n public hearing be had on said --at an the...._.. 21-st..._.......day of Se.ptambet'---- - ----- 19 32, at the hour of 10 o',Ioek A. M., in the Connril Chamber of the Conn lions, and City Dall Building, in the City of St- Peol; that the Commiasiover of Finav,e gi. notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time pad pla„ of hearing, the nature of the rap— ment, the total coal thereof. and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to .rho. the notice is die—,d. Adopted by the Couuril. *4 L>. l 19 App ro.ed..._........-..._..:......IeM1S....... 19......... � Councilmen j>ra hl l—Ma yi ` / Covvoilman M.Ponsid-cs 11,111. Cgnnatlmev'W-U-b to u h„sae ccc.—ilmen 5cns� "i...:.: uut-t'"wJ� l Couvcilmev Meyer )� Mwh.�nef 934Ei9 I COUNCIL FILE NU-- _ ...... __. By--- __......_....__........._._...........__..........__ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the nssessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing ourbing on both sides of Edgerton Street from Rose Street to Jessamine Street, ,oder Prehmmnry order____ 89539._... _..__, I.terenediery order 9407.0_ __.. _...., pine] Order.... .......9,0375. ...., eppro. ed _. Sept..._a... - _., 1931.. The assessment of. ba..flts.,...coats..and_ aapanae.e.___. _......._.. for and in connection with the above improvement having been aobmi ned to the Council, and the Council haying considered same nn�l found the snid asacnsment satisfactory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tibet the snid e and the some is hereby in all respect app,—d. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thnt n public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. —21st __'I., of Sept—her_................... 19...3$ et the. hour of 10 o',I.,k A. M., in the Connril Chnmber of the C'onm douse end City Ball dniMm,, in the City of SL Paul; that the Commissioner of Fill -le give notice of said meetings, es rmini—I by the Charter, .storing in ,,id oti,, the time sod pinee of h ... inp, the noise of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount assessed ogninat the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is dire IM U6 23 I'M Adopted by the Co,nc it _..-.. - //....... 19 Approved 19......... C.Cilmarsf i�pmryrt� M D held C .. mlman�'ergneoa:-_-a ?I �Counmlman�jo➢pv91tE,� 1 e kF �. / Counctlmev.B++ldwml-� 1. i 1 C111.11 an ] . PCmI "F t D C ... eileo-sk-- Meyor�® Mehovey 93470 COUNCIL FILET NO..__... . . .... .... . By S6 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment I, the metter of the.... —ert.f benefits, costs and expenses I., constructing a sewer on St on hatch Street from Kent Street to a point 134 ft Lawson Street from Kent Street to a point 134 f�'.'.:t' .tffE;1.'1- S�:' on Kent Street from Hatch Street to Oliver Street, on Oliver Street from Kent Street to Loeb Street on Loeb Street from a point 40 feet north of laws on Street to the .ewer in Loeb Street north of Ger anim b St., all of which is to e known a. the . Loeb -Kent Extension tothe Maryland -Como Sewer System . , —der Preliminary Order 88043 ., 1,It—edi.ey Order EI69.61__ Fit.) Order '8929a . app—,d _.......Mag 2fi 1.1.111, 19.31 The ­,­­ o f benefits., coats. And f=Qr0eD for and in covneetiv. with the b... improvement having been —h --d I. the C.... It, ..d the C—I,61 baring ... eid,red ,..e ..-I found I the said I--- satisfactory, th"If— be It RESOLVED, That the said ......smelt be 1111 the same i, hereby in all respects pp .... d, RESOLVED FURTHER, Th.t a public. hearing b, had - said --e—t on the.. -..___215 L. ---day of September --.....__..___.I V) .32, xt the hr- of 10 ',].,-k A AL, it the C,I—il Ch—b- of the C"I't II.e,, and Cit, Ijajj Building, in the City of S,. P-1; that the Commissioner of Fi,,.,, gill -tit, of ,lid —ti,,p, . required by the Charter, st sling I,, said lobes the time and III— of h ... I., the nntnre of the improvement t, the t—] cost thereof, and the --1 -,-d against the 1,t or 1— of the particular owner to who. the notice is directed- Adopted by th, C,,i,,,Il ALG 2J 9W '19" - Approved 19 nr • C ... i 7 C.-61— 93471 r COUNCIL FILE N0. s. n 73 i°.uve :�a r r.000.t y wmtetnv en inns cvvn ..._......._................._.__............................ .mE..at.fo.bAV it 16 �. ,Nay.nf.l� CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading, paving, constructing new cement sidewalks or reconstructing exist- ing sidewalks and constructing ornamental liP,hte on Ninth St. from Weber eha St. to Franklin St. and on Franklin St. from Ninth St. to Sixth St. es opened, widened and extended by C. F. 87303, approved Nov. 12, 1930, Including the curbing and paving of all and driveway �p-eches, recon- structing sidewalk approaches where necessary, construe I i sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property linea ere not already made, making all necessary changes in watermains and apptstenances and all other work necessary to said improvement, material to be 3-inoh a sphe ltic mixture on 7 -inch concrete base, roadway to be 58 ft. wide on 9th St. and 56 ft. wide on Franklin St., ..ser Prebminary Order..___ 88724_.__ mtermeaiary Order _88511_._.. Final Order.._. 89733_....... _...... sPpro. ed ....__July 7_____............_, 1924 The assessment of.._.. beneflt.a.....c0ata...and_ exp.Cnae.a............... for and in c.rmectiov with the above impr.vemevt bvving born submitted to the Cnnueil, end thv Council having conoid ered same nnrl found the said ase tesmevt s.t f.,t y, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said asscssmevt be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That . public hearing be had .0 said assessmevt ver lhe.._....._ 22nd........ day of September_......_.........., 19...32 .t the hour of ]d o'el.ck A. M., in the Connril Chnmber of the Court House. and City 11.11 13uildi.g, in the City .f St. Paul; tbat the of Finanre give nntice of said meetings, ns rewired by tl:e Chvrter, stating in mid notice the time and plvice of hearing, the vatvre of the imp ... e t, the t.tn1 cost thereof. end the -.lit sesessed g.iv the lot or lots of the P.rticular owner t. whom the nntice is directed. Adopted by th. Conned_ !+ Q� _.. -. 19 - / �n Apprornl -- - � C.nnrtlman� C.... ilm.v VFiga4dK-- 7 cona.dm.n Couneilmvv 1" "'O / h C...libs.n C...lilmav RPPWMP� R.nze1 Mayor " Platwuey 93472 C...., Ink i s— r n•:ra..� By .aa.., rro'aJ "e.-2- ew- CITY OF IT. PAUL raeey -a Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessmrut of benefits, costs and expenses for paving Ramsey Street from Pleasant Ave, to Western A—, with sewer water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. Material shall be 7 in. concrete with 20 ft. roadway; two 10 ft. shoulders of oiled macadam, „.der Preliminary order_s9s89._..., I.termedi.ry Oeder_._9.4481..___, Fines oraer.... approved-__.Sept._ e.._._.____.... 19..4 A p.blie heari.g having bee. had upon the eesemme.t for the ob.- impe—see.% and said oeeemoe— bevi.g been further cossidered by the Council, end having bee. e.—idered finally selief.et.ty, be it therefore RESOLVED, Th.t the said emesement be s.d the same is hereby in all respects ratified, end the same is hereby ordered to be e.bmitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for sonflrmetion. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said amemme.t be and it is hereby determined to be payable _....... /. ._. _ _ e9va1 i Wlments. AUG. 'I IMM Adopted by the Coanail_.._......_. __ .............. __ _._...... ..19 ____._......_i ._r -,.a+ •� ..__, City Clcek. _f.. sem'- Approved._._._..._..J.._......... _......._. _.._...19__.... / (ED44/� l/ J 931s'- I.J CITY OF IT PAUL OFFICE OF TM', COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment J.1117 26'1 , v, 1e the t-ttl, of till —1-11111-t of benefits, costs and ..pe—.. f., paving of Ramsey Street from Pleasant Ave. to Western Ave., with sever, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also Including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary- Material shall be 7 inch concrete with 20 ft. roadway; two 10 ft. shoulders of Oiled macadam, umler Frdinam, t,- order 89696 11,d,: 90081 Fm"l Onit, 9067 Sept. 6, 31 T. the Council of the Cil, of "I P-1 Th, f Fm,—,-, b-. h, --1 the Nl—mg of the to b, im 111-1 f- 11,1 in connei n— with the ..king of the b-, C.'t 'f I I I $..-...7.,654.52_ 7�1.(52 Construction Engineering 694.38 Cast .f hNhi.g -n., $ 4:35 .War Connections 71.50 ''"t .f postal $ 0.87 Sets, Connections 228.25 $ 154.66 Curbing 26 66 A.—,��t 14 ll't, for I - . . 't 1 4:35 Tot al� . ... ... $ B T"4 at Less the a— Of (Code 31EI) '77 f"' ± 7' — Said Con�tn�ssiover h,r -,parts tl,;,, he b,�., ---d —I tl,, t—d,-4tn .bo ... I., the ". of $ A,0Ei2,24 y 1,t, part or p .... I of 1-d deemed benefited b, the said n,,p ...... 1t, and in the rm,i of each 1o, port - p.—I of 1—d i. a—,M.... with till b-Ifill con- ferred thereon; that the said —,, ....... t has been and that h-- attached, identified by the rig .an", of tlm said —a'b' , p. t by 1"', wbie It ix herewith mbmitted to 01, C,t,t—i b,, each i.etion th ..... as -y b, considered pt.,,,, Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL No - 93473 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM AT. DEISM= WHEREAS, on August 20th, 1932, the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings issued a warm air heating license to Clyde E. Parriott, 783 Raymond avenue, for which a fee of $8.25 was charged; and WHEREAS, According to the terms of the ordlnence, the license fee should have been $5.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to said Clyde E. Parriott the sum of $1.25, payable out of the proper fund. e a •e a° i`" `m °,•°agu'e`r o� r":�': `rte r� a.e. aa, YwaR>wvo%�a a 116`1; I` `Ki•�� ,es .e z. avaalp �oz2 AUL ': COUNCILMEN Adopted t,y the Council_... _.... _ _...._193.... Yeas '�`°>'a M°Y / �MgDOanld_I f , 18(JI` APp _.. avor ed --'" �'Roson� ' /l'ninx J ._.Ag Inst \ �v:.�a">?.'t, btayd'r .. Wenzel .w, • as / Mr. Preaid-t MnhoneY W. {JHN501.1 sw. d P.m�d W. N Np+l Y.18ANN n en4lOm CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.cu.l of Mlnnewt. DEPAITMEM OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Comminion.r ORO E. CONSTANS• DvC—ldonn August 23, 1932 Hon.h. t. dnderson Dopsrtment of I,nvr * L I I, D I II G Dear Sir: entinD 7tceso Prr- i ger eLr ,f On ;mrnist ?0th YM ..ve o .o �, v l srrea Aocordin, to to terns oi' t id `_-nonce this ]tco se mould have been issuod �'or 5.no. ?Terefore, to J-! �'� ret'le sssnr, ra solution 'roto tPlts onrty x1.25': dire cti -,; `- e s o StcrGtoct L, , No, o,,,,,..., �....••_. CITY OF ST. PAUL nLa 93474- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM E_ pit uet 24T 1932. - coai•�Mis.7 ..r-- _—wY�—[nrm "n° — RESOLVEDko'at"�a°es%ei "ra°em Whereas in the matter of condemning Property for the widening of in Street, Bedford Street, Decatur Street and Payne Avenue, apart of Lot 5, Block 3, Irvine's Second Addition to Saint Paul, was taken, and the damages f the part tskSO was the sum of $3,228.00, which amount coat emplat ed the wrecking of the building now existing on said Lot 5, and i4hereas, Richard J. llrewry, record owner of said property he has rNhereasd, them Comm i esi onerission to 0voft FSnanc ed has fing t lxad£the�s sum $250.00 ae the amount of the saving to the record owner if such permission 1s gra.nted, therefore, be it Resolved, that permission Se hereby granted to the Bald Richard J. Drewry to move the building from the above described property conditional, however, upon the payment by him of the sum of $250.00 which payment shall be made to the Commissions ommisei oner of Finance not later than ten days after the passage and publication of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Ad.p,cd by,bc C—6101T 2 -13v+• 19 Y<ae N. McDonald h, favor i.M1h7T Approved,'_.. ----19— a -21 6.4lwi—ii. Aeaine, rOJ. 16- L-).1 4 4 rd No. _ 034,75 CITU OF SF. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM the Oovno Sl hereby concur in the recommendation of the RESOLVED That Oontraot Oommittee and rejeots bide received for eurfaoing with asphalt mixture the paving on Iinuebaha St. Srom Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., also widening the roadway on the south aide of the intersection of Fairview Ave. to straighten so existing jog is the curb line, as bide received were in excess of the &tlgiaeer�e getlmete and the Oommleeloaer of Public Rorke is Account, Procuring hereby authorkxed to do said work by Force .the necessary material. through the Purobasing Department as provided by the Ohaxter. F.2. $8844' Preliminary Order #92818 = e�� iW ml:l ° em4 AInFu vv Juihy yFWrvI nq `Nlvinp E � e sl eE wlv a urn bite E e Est�lma[e. v �rcm AUC B 2 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C—cil._._._- �'�-..1B3...... Yeo. Nays "McDonald.....193.... h favor App ed S j..ng ioat �wl F=el em e.n /yr. Preaid-t Mahoney J � August 19, 1933 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Oentlement The Oontraot Oommittee hereby rec ommands that all bide received on the following work be rejected for the reason that Name are in exoess of the Engineer's Eetimate,and the work be done by Foros Account F.B. 48844: Surfacing with asphalt mixture the paving on Minnshoha St. from Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., also widening the road— way oo the eouth Bide cf the intersection of Fairvie• Ave. to straighten an existing jog in the curb line Respectfully tfully eubmlitad, • APPROVED, THE D NTRACT OO11M TTEE ha rman t oywtmav� CITY OF 5T. PAUL 93476 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMyIy�99y;10MEn_--7 1p SAS, Gates A. Johnson, Assistant Building Inspector ing of the DepartmenSati0 Parks, au 1, �willpbeo 1ocapacltated blic .odldunable to Of the City of perform is duties for a19321oandf at least thirty (30) daps from er Ju ,gHERrAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended that Cates A. Johnson befgromnted a 30 day leave of absence for disability with pay s d after July 16, 1932, said leave beinglin ctherefore,ance withi Paragraph O as E, Section 41 of the Civil Service RESOLVED," ESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby au thorized to grant a leal6,o 1932bsence with Hillfor pay Johnson for 30 days from and after Jul p 193 ..._ COUNCILMEN.. AJoP�d hY thr Cuuncil _ - ---- _ Yeea � /May NaY Ci✓ �(,.......193.. /64cPonalJ In favor r, \`JC7\`Ga APP raved_. - -- /Pearce /Roy n L�_LGCG -2 _ . Mayo -.-Against /yuox /u xel Y_idevt MehoneY ... ..,... 723 COUNCIL•RESOLUTION m. "—�1�_ .craosa.noa o. �oc.� �M.aovEMa,.r .sp�acrs _ RnIwed, That the Council hereby concurs the reoommendatioa of the contract Committee and .ward, the contract for paving haetinge • Ave. from Point Douglas tioad to hudson Road, and sewer on Hastings Ave. from 10 feet west of east line of lot 10, Block 10, Lindley Park to Griffith St., and sewer on itastinga Ave. from Hudson Road to Service ltoad, fronting Block 1, Lindley Heights and Service Road from Hastings Ave. northerly approximately 194 feet from hastings Ave., and sewer connections., in accordance with plan, and specifications hereto attached, to FIELDING & SHEPLEy, they being the lowest responsible bidder,, for the sum of $19,839.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefore. • Iu u.dv or df s° v `omold . o.,....�o ... 8848 ., ., .,,e ,.....en:e?•F. 20,550.00 .,,,.<......o ...�........�, oV..a ....� .o .. ao...�..m .o. �o.r a..e�. �.,..o�.,..,.. 3,000.00 ........�.........�....��,.... ,A... �..........-- .00. 18,839.00 19.839.00 • 4. .0 1-- i .. PC 1LI5nP:DT.,, 3 724 COUNCIL,RESOLUTION =IL1-0- �eorec*s Au¢uat� .Z • olved, That the Couocll hereby concurs in the recommendation • oontract of the contract Committee and awarde7Yor curbing Thorn Street Prom Earl Street to the Easterly terminus of Thorn Street, in accordance pith plane and specifications hereto attached, to FMN CONSTRUCTION COMpANY, they bdIng the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $628,00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. �oi �nocraox` co'"x • iw nm° rn..°. s -awe, � ��7 \ ..a�............... 939.00 .. ... o•P..�.p�� �` o o,..,nw.............. ..°...° o�.....�. �....a... `292.33 �33b.87 .°... _ . . . . . . . . . . ,828.00 AUC -� 9V - • 0 • • • COUNCIL RESOLUTION —TROR—TION or —71�yRovs..eNT PRO -c- Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing a sewer on Schaffer street from Snelling Avenue to Hrimhall Avenue, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to 6gg&MIA LA1dETTI, $hej being the lowest responsible bidder/, for the sum of $359.90, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. — ^Y efi$:6�ed��o eNmo.2ltn J 5950 —1 ......,..rT ..voT..,.�...To.�xo .,..010.. s...........os 7 2COUNCIL•RESOLUTION • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation Of • the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing a sewer on the south aide of !Marshall Avenue from Hamlin. avenue to a point 267 feet east of Hemline Avenue, in accordance with plane and specification. hereto ettacbed, to ORFII k IMARIANI, INC., they being the 'owe at responsible bidders, for the sum of $336.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Ico �uo^,;a"°Tn eY Xt.-.I ..�t•co ouiw. , t niiact ::i�lla�� y�a�Ave"'[ um Hamlin toe t eDte wltD of i • I eppyuu,m te. �n�s> 8849 '��.�.•..e�.ow m•o�....a.�t...-o.,t...�.M"..«o...... w T'•33b.00 836.0( No 725 COUNCIL RESOLUTION oaizenoe or �oo.���Mr, 2-0'- • ow... ••1" concur' in the recommendation of Resolved, That the fiovncll hereby ,.di -9 alley Sn the Contract Committee and sword, the contract for 69rotto St., also • ' Addition from St. A Block 7, Holcombe ' in the a lbano St. to lock a sewer lley Prom o point 200 feet west of uc Hol co.et lban St., in eccordencs with St. Albano St. to the eewer in St. A plane end 'pecifi cations hereto etteched, to WIiLIAN EBERTZ, /hex being the lowest responsible bidde�, for the sum of 4919.46, end Instructed to draw uP the proper the Corporation Counsel is hereby — form of contract therefor. la. — wi�u pss ass x'ei °et° o� •� ��e','°,ie A c-1 o iiHie pou.. e �^""Tf •1,106.00 w�. o..— vu .—s I bon _j ------------- • _ - --- - -- AUG 24 993'1 I ".p r000a� - 93482 CITY OF 5T. PAUL .•• O"""""""""-"... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RFSOLUTION—(GENERAL FORM 1 Aug 24, 1932 raxseas'dim er /e(/1. .. _ Ate__.___.. RESOLVED In the matter of paving Ninth Street from 140 feet east of the center line of Cedar Street to Robert Street, with necessary water connections. under Final Order C. F. 93080, approved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifica- tions showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Acco t. COUNCILMEN Y'_ Nayz May M.—Id. /ileocce In favor j Hosen n �Tcunx _..% ..Ageint Wenzel /61r. P ... ident Mahoney �a c i• o°a: e a-ox.n• ma-.cam- wupw� poeaPx wo rp a u, -1. Adopted by the 0-1161 __.._ 6 4�i <<} I•• 193... App , ­d_ Mayo Original COPY Contract No. ---------------- CF[ Y OF ST, PAUL i� DEPARTMENT OF / PUBLIC WORKS / BUREAU OF ENGINEERS Plans ad S ecifications for the Paving n I't/a7er Connecflorns /�O/F L, SZ_Tn ROBERT Sr Approved by the Council, and the Purchasing Agent authorized and directed to advertise for bids in the manner provided by the City Charter. 193____ SEALED BIDS FOR DOING THE ABOVE WORK HEARING 'FTE NUMBER_________ AND ENDORSED WITH THE NAME OF THE BIDDER AND THE DATE OF PRESENTATION, WILL HE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AT THE COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALT. UNTIE. M____ AppROXINATE QUANTITIES FOR WATER CONNECTIONS ON NINTH STREET FROM 140 FEET EAST OF THIS CENTER GINE OF CEDAR STREET TO ROREM STREET I — in Water service Connection to renes S _ 3/4" Plater service connections to I _ 3/4v Wuter service connection• Loins dr. '`* C.'ire r'a�ks ''++6ea h!Markham�'- , Wale.^town, Wi'sc. Daka/ � C4'-^ & .1xFson Sis r i .o-.--.�e✓Hrvhe�&Ka/�MC/vmbers 633 /g/e.5ar/ A✓e. 1 Sfandani 0il Co. Minxapo%s, Mnn. -So�.�acc 3orq f ,�v _4& Powers 8!� & [2dar stx i✓'= Nevhs-eial y, Luris & Lag rman 301 Ryan B(iq. red C. /kr/ander 409Mef. Banh yln nden Oil Co A.EShm ed� Eaton Si, a �. Sfandani 0il Co. Minxapo%s, Mnn. a of a Ralph A Leulho/d �- Lessee 478Hinn. St4 •O 59Afe IVCs, Cha, B. Dunn fiG6inn & 5>`r: 826 M'nn_ }Chas. & Ch r/offe 9tChris ophe-aon , . 9if t 5 y 30o E.sr5%r &SYcr ge Co. - d:'.^s. Ylarie Creeyan-etal. Burrolb C J aob Schmidt B.y. C .% - 882 W. 7i S{. t 1 m lj R' 03 j oma;a.. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ND._._...._93483 • OFFICE OF THE CRY CLERK COUNCIL RESOL�ION��LF-R- Ps_MIO E oA,-____ August 23-183gcoMM Iseronca . RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Hoyt Avenue from Niagara Street to Horth Chatsworth Street, and on North Chatsworth Street from Hoyt Avenue to Nebraska Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92463, approved May 20, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93295, approved August 9, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications gs submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yam Naye /Y Donald ,,,no.. /J /`rnlax ...:/............Again¢[ �Wenrel u s•n /Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Ccunod...... AUG. 2 4. ..193.. _. PProved__ _.. _k....._.......____..._.......193._... Ma "•P Eifion • k 0.80 ✓ �s��p"� Council File No--9M84 .. PROPOSAL FOR TMpAOVHMBNT and PRHLTMINAAY ORDER. the ofthefoGowin6WbGoimprovemeotbyt'-Ci -"t Paul,vii.: TrtaundeseoedhIle grode mAmg Ctimaging the grade of Alley'tt Thorpts,Snbdia lion and Cyrus -ty-Hmaes4eed �xom•fflitott�-Pince-to��YOLeaa-Meanrko- conform to the red line on the yadfilehereto attached aad made a par'fierec7.-tke, pree`ant-a's'isbl3sfieSgr-adebe�a6 e'Eowri�e 4 ham. ±*•esheraon,.-elan-a g--.the..elley,a.Thcrp!.s-s Homeseion__ and the westerly 20 feet of the alley in Cyrus Brook a Homestead _.t dji, yroP --d y L. l.--Augen-eatafii/�i'-shed__--' ; � Dated thisth..__dsy t__....__-�6gOS6l _A g� w - .. �t� {cRMI-I +a' f N PRHLIMDIARY ORDER. . WHEREAS, A written ProP� for the meting of the following improvammt, vfa.:.;. Changing the grade of Alley in Thorp's Subdivision and Cyrus __.Bsouk!'8'-Hnmeatead-drum—HY23ott42ae'e'ta'YCT!aec'•Avenna-t6 oonform to_tlie- red�e_oa tie D.f%��h9Ee�o L part hereof, the passant established grade beiug:showa"Wa .-blue-line-ihereanral9o,-gead3ng�-tMe'sl•3.ey-1�t._TheTPte-Subdic4sion-- ' and the westerly 20, rest,of'the alley In Cyrusr8rooktS Homestead_ s tp—tkie"ppifOga'Q''Fa'd—Tii'LSiSSbfi';ti5Efib7:i7�1Sed.;- - y�-d- loving been presented to the &=all of the City t St. .therefore, ha: it RESOLYEU, That the Commeeroner of PubGo Worim be end isherby ordered and dueated I., 1b iuvc digete the neae®ty for, or desinbility of, the meting of esid improvement. `. - •..� 2: .TofnvmUpte the unteie, extort and asucaud aoet at said imProvemeoC, end the'toW oast thereof; & To Punish s Pte. Pmf le or clutch of slid imProvsmunt. '.. 4. To cyto whets er .amid imPnvement is eekud for on the petltlon of three or mon owner 6. To xport upon all of forgoing R 4 thq,(+,ommGdoner of Finance Adopted hy:the Counal-.,-- ,gA ���y�� -- •� Yaee. xptp Counetlman CPt+Y i.t> rVYe'is - T�[9D3tfiiP 41 Mal pnrsmaax /\`�\ sae ctmn . O .■ OCYaser Ut t Coene;,l Flip No.— 5 f PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT - and PRELIMINARY ORDER The uedenigoed bareby propose the makfeg of the following public improvement by the City of fft. Paul, via: Cond and taloa an easement in the land neosssary,fox E-- —"—sTopeee an9 Yi1ia'tGe grading of'-A3i:ey in Tor _--8ubdivlgioa-and._tha--ReatePly-2O-Saet-af-tha.Allsy-4a-4yxua---- Brookts Homestead from,Elliott Place to McLean Ave. Dated thie..._011__d y S z1c t•' PRELIMINARY ORDER. f" WHEREAS.,A efraten proposal for the making f the following improvem t, via _Cond " and taking„.an easement” 7n_ tkie_lend neaessarg for a opesa'on s and fills in the grading'oY Alley in Thorp Ta �.19 P.a .�_.._Snbdisygioa-and-tha-weatenly-SO-f-set•oL-the-A11ey--ia-Ljcnaa— ;.:,,� r Hrock!s.,Homestead from Elliott Place to McLean Ave. having been pewrmtedto tae.Coancd'rA the City of St. Paul..._—_-_._ ....... ..__ -- ... therefore, be it e'e"' MSOLVHD TbatYhdCom eludow of Pubho Whits be and is 6eieby.ardemd end dimeted: 1. To in -,to the nonny for, or denrabl'h'ty of, the making.of esid provemeet. 1. To ioveetyete the uature, extent and eetimeted coat of said improvement, sad the tohl coat thereet. g. ThIecable a plan, profile or eketah of said improvement. ' 4. Tuatate whether a net enfd improvement isasked form the petition of than or more oweere S. To report upon all of the foregoing mat,tearae �to the Commied6er of Finance. Adopted by the Cohn_ _AUG 24 pr.__ Yau Nava. enm MAY MWAMWd // /1tDDnred__- 4- a cnsEN 44)3� T1errD1S P tw0� i Connell FSe Ne-- 93486 • J PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undeseteoed homby proposes the making of the fouowing pubUo improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: `._.A,xanaa_be8lnuin¢_sL..9laic—&-tT-eaten...theane_.sautL_t Dated this_ 23rd—day of — A-gu'ts-183E_.%�j- Lrc.'.�.. PRELIMINARY ORDER. � avKsy � Iy,r WHEREAS A wfiWn Proposal for the mal i g of the following Improvement t ICoaetrueting Baring heviog been Preeented to the C—ail of the City of St. .. therefore, be it - - RESOLVED, .That the Conrmissomr of Public Works be and is hereby ondered:md dtreatedi 1. To investigate the neoemity for, or desimbrlity of, the making of said improvement., _ . ... R To ioveetigete the ontom, a teot end estimated east of said improvement, and'tbe,totei met thereof. g. To furnish a plan, profile or dmtcb of said impeovemmL. 4. To state whether or not acid impto—not is -eked for on the petition of three or more owner B. To report -Pon ell of the foregoing mettere to the Commii efosv of k9mmce. Adopted by the Council_.— ff_2 41g31. yyu ..`Nave �f"moi Counoilmea9 -MAY.. Approved— AMEN —__31$4:, TR4Nc W EYin. � MS PeiBIDmeT.. v..cauosslwu Council fila No._ 93487, r• PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIM04ARY ORDER The andeceigned herebypropaees the nuking of thefo8owing public improvement by the CRY of 8t. Paul, via. t nennnstrOCting�..T9�..fvi n,6—sad rgga17C111S.�._the aidawallc_...._._ t. _—.�=_�:taaelfaria_AO...Ydta_IIf1T.Lb.9aiJ._ROS.O.fr.F..:4f _filaria Avenue and ..—____. s Sher.4_&trnet----------- ._--------- --- ---- -- --- -- A at,. tp Dated ttiia._$SR9._a.y of —!�_ 1958 -- ----- PRELIMINARY - - r . PRELIMINARY ORDER ru5ar� Nc WHEREAS A written piopoul form the dung f the follow�tig'hLprevem t via. of � r —__—_.,;Reoonatraoting, relaying atl?1uB,�the aidewe]k �t."d� thane corner of Maria Avenue and having been presented to the Council of the Cty of 8L Paul—.— therefore, be it RESOLVED; That the COunchaioaer of Public Works be and ia hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iavmtigate the nemssity for, or desirabilfty.of. the ream, of said improvement." - 2. To investigate the nature, ertect and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total Dost thereof. 3. To forchb a pie, preSle or dmtch of said fmptuvemmL . 4. To state whether or act &aid improvement is acted for ou the petition of three or more owners S. To report upon BE of the foregoing mattme to the. .o nm of F5oanoe. rmm ' m 06 Adopted by the Coun&S—_......_..—___ 24 y— Naie q f' Cennon—O MAY MApproved--la�nay_ resyt .. cnW4Mla L��-�`------ / pampa +i TRUxx Ma. Paasmmrr �.,1}, v..c.una ,wn PMUS— 13 ;'Petition 9s.��pp _ C-11 M ';..�.V.'... % PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT amd PRELIMINARY ORDER: -' Theundereiped hereby propoers the melting of thefollowiogpublichaprovemeot by the City of St. Paul, via: _—___—X524,9tF.11etadf8_d._BkdeERllt ELLS .@.F� . ..4k8@..2f Pas_Cal Avenues beglanin6 at H1airT8treeti thecae south to the^ Dated thie._ 2aKA day of ........ Augusts 193E _.___ ._ 1 9 tag�Ii{Jl ba4yiyL"y �i . Al ' �, PRELIMINARY ORDER, bls't as wrtir#' �� WHBEFan, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu. Loeb §W aaeu — _��vaaLTRa6iag.��sideiralx an_tfis�reat_aisle_nf_R�ss�7,u}�s�'��y�° � ,�.®YBnY9.a,.h88il1niD&-6tfe_�lRir-�6TB.ex%k��.81146 .�.Q41��e.�b�R. __. a . Laving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pool-` _ 'therdorej 63 It Wit= RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered slid diseoted: ,. .. 1. to investigate the necessity for, or deeirability of, the making of mid improvement: 2.' To fuvwiigate the mture, extent and as m wet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. S. To immiab a pion, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To. orate whether or not said improvement is seked for on the petition of three a mon awnen S. To report npon all of the fomplog matters to the of�Finanw. Adopted by the Couna7 Yale Nam Comueflman MsdpNAtD )) Aopn Pfaftt'a / I rG� Ma Pamn>mr, Maya. ew aaranalwin� w IIMLISHEU 93489 Coup ril File No. pRoposAL FOR IMPROVEMENT —d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby proposes the mjjd" of the touowing public ireproe4neat by the City fSL Peel, b,: r _tU%_ north rA_k._qR_the o;�tside D�ieted PRELD4INARY ORDEIL WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maldug of the following imPre"ernent, v'&: having been premented to the C,..a df it. City of St. be it of Pbli. Woriw."-xod is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invoetipte the norregity for, or desirability of, the nuking of -ad holr-6nt- I thereof. 2. To investigeta the nstm, "tent and estimated ow" of "Id"e"n"o"n""d the tote "'t 3. To famiah a pin., prefile, or dth of esid heirrovernent- 4, To state ikhetbm or not add onp­ew, is asked for on the petition of three or nore awuen 5. To report upon an of the foregoing mttee 0 the Commissioner, of Fines. Adopted by the C-on-l— Y- N— CouncBmm MAYWIG 24 10 'Mr EA i TRUA f Fsi "Woo L F—All—e-e" Council bile No._–a,U90 j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT sad PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thamdareigned hereby Proposes the maidegof the following public improvementbythe City of lit. Paul, yi4.: Coaetruoting s_aidewalk eatenalon oa the northwest corner of 8 ee d Passel Av®ne. --- - - -- ..... _..... ...__ ----- .. .". Dated thio..-.EZir.3._-day ot._'..--'-.=D.&aSts-18$'..t I . , D a sae PRELIMINARY ORDER.. WHERF+tE. , A wdttan ProPeini for tke _making of the foPowwg bui mvemmq yo. N' mak^ CoaArnct!aw a: -sidewalk ektenaloa oa_the nortlntest corner of having beamiP mnted:toibe, Co ado ie city-- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, ,Tbat the Com Abid nor of Public Wart be and is hereby ordered and directed: .. I. To iavmtigate the ceceedity for, or doeirobBity of, the matting of said-Pre—t- 2. Tc c,—tieate thenaLon, estent mad intimated coat of eeid impmvemmt, and the total set thereof., a. To furoieb'a piaW Pmfde or eketoh of add imPmveeumt 4. To state whether etnod esid improvement i. asked form the petitim of three or mon owners g. To report upon all of the forgoing mattem to the Commuaoner of Finance. 24 Adopted by the CO-&--._._....__.— g Y— Nero08 o4 yW A(D y^an MAf1l7NA1_D 1PPTaved_.—_ kn,' /��LI RcrSEN.. a ef' A, papgp�. a'S EVIFI ��`�ZR Mgt Ma. parammr YlglJstiED / ..j /��. �— fl ,core - No....._...7t1`i.71 o�v.2 1 OF ST. PYF� oF/yA OF/yOF THE CITY'r <� COUN RE501-UTION-�EI'+W% W RESOLVED Whereas, The employees of the City of 8t. Paul. Officialicial - after named have, pureusnt to the requirement of the Official Leads of their departments, furnished surety bonds to said City Abet amounts o n 2, hereinafter Julyg31te1633, and period.Oo�m9ndY®g whereaea, cTheorcorSuretto ati on o£ thed8tates oYsOalifornis, and Indemnity 00.1 Whereas, The Corporation Counsel of said city has ap- proved said bonds as to form and execution, and Whereas, Said parties and the amounts of their bonds are as follows; _ 45,000.00 E. M. Skipton, Deputy Comptroller - - - - Pu -b - - Works 1,000.00 T. B. Proulx, timekeeper in the Dept. of . 1 000.00 Deo. Sadekoac, accork untant office the Dept ethe CityvOlexkTke 1,000.00 Geo. F. Feller, bookkeeper in the Dept. of Parke, x,000.00 P laygrounds, and Public Buildings M. W. Woodruff, chief clerk clerk it Lheioffioe othe ft tLefOlty., Clerk 1, 00.00 Leonard Wesley, Geo. Sheshen, olerk in the epoYY1oe of the OomPtrhb- - 5,000;0 co0 ° - Frank 0. Corcoran, timekeeper in the-Dt:'-o4•-Pub- 1.,500.00 lic Works C. A. Storms, chief olerk in the office of the 1,000,00_ City Clerk1,000.00 000.00 $' J.Cgtyrdan, chief clerk in the office of the J. L. Connolly, gocountant in the Dept. of Pub.Works 1, therefore, be it be a hereby approved by the OoResolved That he tltaid bond- aulnd the same ar COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Co,miL: Y_Noye// "koDOnnld Approved_.._. .193_... � .........._._...In favor _...__......._..... t Y v „* ..Againe r �el Preeidant Mahon !Y oC r � o;i,i,emDv m.n. C ... r - CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM "�b Auauet 2a 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of changing the grade, grading and paving the Alley in Block 9, Binges Maplewood from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminary Order C. F. 98135, approved April 15, 19a2, and Final Order C. F. 98789, approved June 81, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I.h�p�a''iger g� alw� fs7�i' COUNCILMEN AUG 25 Yeas ! Nay. Adopted by the CouvciL_._.___.._. _. _ Myr +r —Id t SGrn �51Q�'I Approved.. _-_....._.__._-_....103_... evcel Mr. President Mahavey r per. mmol .T d ND.... -.934 3 CiST. Y OF PAUL. / E OF THECITy CLERK �. UN F50LUT10N—GENERAL. FORM J ceMp�w RESOLVED u , � �m.JWalnr n a"a .That the•;Dlans aad'sp!�coatioae for the grading=p•- `and ieipre!wdD of o ;t7is,8ardiid Strsetsng.Higii 8ehool Play ,gr.8�r1 ayd.ysaib ra,as sotoStt d Th heramith prsPaivd:Dj,ihs gmnsan of gpgineers order ths'direetion,et'the Coo eloner or Public works L. bs aad•ths 's�ae'asstisrebyapproved, they being aatShfaolori'to the Comisisoner of hereby anthoatrised•ttoo 7�u "that the ptLr9hasin6.98, did, �advertl4e,.ior vide thereon In the manner::Drcvi is sad by;the City The cost of this im- yyrovMont to bs eharg&84d1 to Bond P+nnd Wo. g" •;�Hardiag"High dohool addiplon.... - tid �q t\ 7f COUNCILMEN Adopted by the ComciL7LlR'%.G..i Y— Nnye - *cDoasld Alm to .... Ma 'fyn,1�°�3a^ / Mr. Preeideut Mahoney RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL nye NO.'�'f'Y M OFFICE OF CITY CLERK .f _.CILRESOLUTION—AENERAL FORM d That the Northern States Power 0ompany be given permission to install 2-40 foot poles, 1-20 foot pole and build transformer platform. Remove 1-40 foot pole, 1-20 foot pole and transformer plat- form on the South aide of Roblyn, west of Aldine, with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone 0ompany wires. Netimate #16859. A �W COUNCILMEN ae7.it IIQ 19 Adopted by the Com ' —��= Gry Tft u AX ,� O!� ap May favor dk APPtovcd-- McDonald — M Prates Roato tetoat ---- MAYOR WeN>E� Me: Pwideat S s to A, ^ N % mY,w m an a.x,d " No. __ e7.ilxa7�. CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Whereas is the matter of 1 Street from Broadway Street Grove - Btree to 7th 6treet and Miesissipp 17, 1932 Grove Street, under Final Order O. F. 90150, approved February + it cannot be determined whether certain sewer oaaneatioae in these streets made heretofore by private "ties evatiagrportlonathereoY, aexamination of said connections can be had by Whereas this work must be done prior to the preparation of con- tracts for the carrying out of this improvement Be it resolved that the Commissioaer of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed work toabetdonedby rce account at an tions wlilere deemed necessary, to estimatedidered part of to naost ofzthe dabove impro0-00 veementpand ffinaancedbe Coll estimated 0 CO I MEN xn Yam Y Donnld ....__....__...In favor Mr� P+mideat Mahoney 0Y 4Y - Adopted by the C—iL__P1VM..9+-�!-'J"�-193..._ } r<b�(`Oed__ ¢� App ov MY1¢.s.' 461992 M 1{�f. y,e VOR OF.umi �ROUGW M-0 ..w..wi rd 8151 Hninel PalaL, Oo. ,� -djwj2 laeasu P.apes 00. 2" 3 Hntioanl Alto Parte Co. 4 Hdtionsl Battey oo 8155 Hafional Hnsbing a ;arts Cd. : ,8156 ][stipaal MoorCCor e157. "Hatioaal Howe"0- Hati'onsl Hunioipal Les&@ -e159' °Her York 1`aa'Oo. 8160 mokersoa 4.Oolline .. a61 110holI Dean A, pregg' H0. So11yeood'L'ioaQ Para.. ;el .Horth -Sten Vasaieh 00. 8165 JOrthera atatef, Powsr-00. - ■ I;■. . . ■ 7679 .81771 H oaf., copper, 6-'.Hraea .works i rmi- aru L'MYtribatin2 0o:' ¢�ona��w¢lnrR. t TOML• . e262 so 716 162 Og 3211 400 52 10 1 8.a. 2 55 170 32 24 62 1g 50 . 2841 98 1.28411129 1 150 046 $005 93 61 Pabst -Food HarkeL. •..� 8176 Panama Oafton 00. Remington Read, Ino. - 817Paper.0almenson 6 Oo. , 81�93- Paramoant_Piea. ' . �Park4adhinb 00. - -. g Robineoa 0axy..a 00. •.Oeo.':'!. Peglow. '8161 PBFxeotion :T,-ypa_Ind.,. - 1. 2' P,1-0, or Ele4trio o. _ h $Qu1,tiQe.:Hata T. Wh W T. w'Roaholt'8•e Co. - -e1f33 PStSeburg Od In" AQ844 PStbaburgh;Plate Olas. ;Ag� P�ias'Tledtrio;0o. - • ,81tlb Pnpity,Haking.:0o. St, Paul Aroaa6 06. I j. St.. Paul'book , Staty 00., '8.167 rt. is quarr7,erOti: ' -:tl18tl Quarterma'stbx_OO�Cpe �� aelg9 Qu1bt eerriae Ha�t�^y�0o. ¢�ona��w¢lnrR. t TOML• . e262 so 716 162 Og 3211 400 52 10 1 8.a. 2 55 170 32 24 62 1g 50 . 2841 98 1.28411129 1 150 046 $005 93 _. 8202 St. Pall Brass'Soadr ny'oo 6 '9t.. Paul Builders mitrl..0o.i 20a, 04 Bb Peytl $lebtrla Lamp:Oo 8205 +�3. Retl3. Vagn¢1fy Do � axm�toru aomviho' 95 877 82 77 124155 122 93 48 9 1 271 21 :>... 282 9.6 3 73 9.87 56 ,95 ' 8191 I Raymer Hardware -0o: •..� _8192 Remington Read, Ino. - 81�93- H. 0. Robinson j -8194 Robineoa 0axy..a 00. . •8,ends CQe,;Oo. i 'ter olt IN 819966 T. Wh W T. w'Roaholt'8•e Co. - In" Royal Typewrite* 00. 8198 St, Paul Aroaa6 06. I j. St.. Paul'book , Staty 00., _8199 _. 8202 St. Pall Brass'Soadr ny'oo 6 '9t.. Paul Builders mitrl..0o.i 20a, 04 Bb Peytl $lebtrla Lamp:Oo 8205 +�3. Retl3. Vagn¢1fy Do � axm�toru aomviho' 95 877 82 77 124155 122 93 48 9 1 271 21 :>... 282 9.6 3 73 9.87 56 ,95 AUDITED, CisATMS Aug es. ; 101 -Ev 95 MIAL IN FAVOR of "OUGW -p 19771192 TO 364I00 —Yx.d Aebruch 19 00 --st- iaul Glame Co.., tkine, Wo;ie �5 Oros >. a21i41% SM2-�-,� 3 -H i�IV,; "111*� 06, 1. Z 1, -4t, I- - - *u, Bt 20 50 Ar st piar-sarap'lTA. At Mal �l 00 Sw 6211947, on 136 3 19 j� 20 96", iF 82 L 2 bij "'1", 36 00 25 2V .0' ' see -� 6 rpo iAshotwall, coil- iM. -Co -6700 2 ot B 1e 3 3 30if 9 14 -P&TX Toundn'90. C6- 10 92. 00 13 Co.' i'ture Co. 9 99 11240 at' diLrd"Regilitof ' Q., 72 152 00 V) It" Stone -M'- Utarbnok V16is 2' 1 M "li 4 o 11 fteab6rt ,and go. 3 " Swift W-00��., .6 85 15 66 00 di'b J)o 624 -94, OD 62 qjjeq,Ajjb6j&jjdw 1 12 1 90 s2,555' HAatiezeitp' of loww r 8256 T 'Spec eStl 41"VdjWro& T0l M, 103 41 4 137 55 cl� kz vam-,p 6. 29 `Qg 977 82 721' 042 14 17. 7 �� d .��. i'yE i' •qty d�.- r t r. `.v ._� , �:` S 5 f Cooned FRe No 9 'L•' - PROPOSAL FOR FMpROVBMBNT _ nod. t, pM MINARY ORDER. The undarri�ed hereby propoeeetp°m°1d°gof tLefo➢owin6 Puh➢oimPr?o°menEbythe City of SE Ped,vh- �•, rei and repair.>a�, thealle�crosa1�a� � , ___ tA lY hhB..AnrLh-9idE-�..��th$trbat-.ha$� ea__._.—._.sti op-Jaoksoa_Streat��, bheace Beat 10 - -_._-- A1,91, -'k 1982 fg Dated thio.,_.-EBY L d�Auni<tx it M - �wNcy, i'nrrNa. pp-'—"YORDER.'.. "slp.(� wF$,w,,rJ,S"'ry vopF_{iF_aa A rreiEten ProPoad for the meldne of the fe➢owing imPmvemmk, 71 aV _.R9Cvn t t•t a rel ri. smd rapaiEin&.�h., i0.r-"'t"- 1;. —._d ald lt' n 1ian rT=.e1d8-:9t..T'lith.._$1',raBt.X1.9Te� trBgyr th encs .a 1•. In ••P:� •, > .. hexing bem praeoted to the Cooneif of the City of SG Paul tyemfoie, 6e ft f'emd end d,rtoted. :g80LVRb, That the Commieefone* of Pabiio Wocke be andu hereby i�mpmvemmG . {' 1. To fnveatigate the n_.dt, for, or desirability of thoq of P °° enK add the totd aaaE thereof• 2. To ream➢pt� the.nat rre, e.t-t and estimated oaeE e. To.fo..GL a Plan, progfe or k.Eah of said improve L 4: To ante wh tber m not aafd improvement is enked for on the pet tion of tbme or mom owners ii,emaEEea We Commi°®onm of Finmsa. b. To report npon.aa of the forego Adopted:by theConncli yya . C°°°agmen t Df � kGD Appnveo--��-a'-➢-f'`==—' .. a f .�,,�,� jlwik Y""".Mayor. Ma PatereaM'r � _ � � SC ea OaupY r°aU h 0 tKl➢L,����3? Comd'm T PROPOSAL BOR IMPROVBMENT i. wa ...PRELIMINARY-ORDEIL themng eldoftbefanowing Publiiimprooa enlbythe C'ityof St The undereigued hereby Proposra •____QAAA.1'iT0.RtiU8-d.:51A_LAQt..9id9lHlk_9>L.1'.h9�eS.L_81+i.5. cA — r .___ �.exinetca-Avenue Y n i „ino aL=iomnerli.A9.enna:•t�afl..emttk .—i , _ to. itis bridge over the�Qnioe o Silwaukee , 8t. Pa>il•' � .— — ,. 10 a Dated thie.._ERtn--deY L ..__9n6naLs �j'�'' � ni118 r i,.m ttr 1 PRELIMINARY .ORDER. es1.a"fin° WEff EA 'A written ProPnat for tho —3d.9'. f the following imProvemeuE, -I!, Coastrnct _ a sia foot aideaalR on�ths Alt_ aoutls_._-- '4 � Ii4bl,DgtA1t-� e a eg;inning...ah:SAmnard...AY.anuflr._than .. ;' _ to -tbe bd49lEove.Xh'@`_Cil -9-a"-'L-Y�.1Rgn]c_RQ.a--@ha_ps�- -.— __Paoifio having beeapreeented to Cougeilot the City at St: therefore; be hba and is hecety ordered ankd d direa• RESOLVED. That the Commissioner Of Publto Works i. ,To-inveetigete the neoeesrty for or d"NUty of, the meting d vaid Improvement 2. To inveeNgete Wevatun, edanf and estimated ooet of said imPnvement, and the told east " g. To fomieh a PIS% Profile or ekotahof esid imluovemmt- - f. To state wLetbur of mt said imp —ermt u °eked for on the pWtion of tyre° or mon owner. 5. To report opon all of the foregoing mattem n the Commi®oeer,d IRnaaoe. ; . Y-e .MAY, }sR ComoSmau At..Dgt/Ai,P Appro� _--_-- M1� 8� �ratt'A. "s\Q?,p'pt,��C��GS�.�—�— -- M.sm• M. pesetemrr CM OP " PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS NER OF FINANCE 93245 (A) ON PRELIM IN jA' ORDER In the matter of grading Alley in Blook 1, Ring's Aroade Park from Walsh Avenue to North and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheelook Parkway, also Constructing a sewer in the North and South Alley from a -point 20 feet north of the north line of Denny Street to oo anect with the sewer In Denny Street, under Preliminary Order approved June 21, 1932. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Thr Commissioner of Finance hereby report, as follows: The rota) otimamd amrount of the ...... m.nt for the above improvement is - - - S 9rsi • ]P The eenmated coat p f.,t r the above mprov.m.nt i, - - - - - - - $ .91 The Ion or parcels of land that may b, assessed benefit, for ouch imp.... meat, and the .......d valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A,--, are as follows: DescRI-10N LOT s•ocs - ADDITIONSEATED ON LAND LD BLDOB.. . Lots 1 and 2 1 .Ring's Aroads Park .1,400 1.100 3 1 do 600 4 1 do 600 5 1 do 600 6 1 do Too j 1 do 400 - B 1 do 450 9 1. do 450 ! 10 1 do 450 11 jtaTA.. 1 do 450 3,600 c:w OF —PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINAr4T ORDER (D) ' DESCRIPTION LOT ,coca ADDITION A `SEATED VUATION '- LARD BLDOB. 1 King's Aroade Part 450 3.500 13 1 do 450 200 .. 14 1 do 450 15 1 do 450 16 1 do 500 17 1 do 400 19 1 do 350 - 19 1 do 350 20 1 do 350 3,200 21 1 do 350 22 1 do 350 23 1 do 350 24 1 do 350 4,500 25 1 do 350 3,100 26 1 do 350 11,950 19,200 The Commi„ioaer of Fioaace further report, that he ha, io—,igared all of the af.r... id mutter., and hereby e,bmiu the foregoing a, hie report thercoa m the Co—il, together with the report made to him io refcreace to,aid matter by the Commie,foaer of Public Works. DDated l9�?L oferjof Flce. SL Paul, Minn To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made .......... ---------------- .0/4 �___ ------------------------- ---------- 1) ,I --------------------------- --------------_--------- ---------- -- --------------------------------------------------- .St. Ave. from......._.__------------- ---St. A— to._ ----- ------------------ - ....`_...._..._.`....._._..._._......__.._..........St. Ave.. RO NAME fpr BLOCK ADDITION 0 At At 21 N�t0 no r2z4'd.mr2.m OULSOU'au"11 KID) THE DEPARTMENOTR � PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL INTBa-0FFICB COMMUNICATION Gitcti (Date) April 20, 1932. Mr. Wm. N. Carey: Note the attached communication from Mr. Magnuson and, if possible, get this petition going immediately, and oblige, v/ V COMMISSIONER. MR -D (Enc.) Q 8t. Paul, Minn. April 19, 1932 Department of Public Works .City of St. Paul 301Court Rouse at. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. RoeBn: I am attaching, hereto, Petition for grading of alley which le in a sT shape between Walsh 8t, and Aroade 3t. and Wheelock Parkway and Denney 9t. ..As this.alley is in terrible Shape 'after every rain, we would certii#$y appreciate lending your co-operation in ruehing.same tbrough so that this grading can be done as soon as possible. We shall remember you at election time. - Yours very t- ly, 7P- • N._%z S.E. %+ SEC. ZO- T 29- IZ. 23. ', -LAKE COMO 4 lul — — - DENNY — ST. W COTTAGE 5T.m z __-_._.___ _________ r......lJ _ .___ __ W Z !. CLEAR. 57.. ost� I IVY - ST ------------ Office of the Commissioner of Public \VWIW FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance — -- JUN 28 1932 June 27th 193 2 To the Cammiesinner of rinsnee of the city of St. Peui: The Commissioner of Publie Work,, having had under consideration the P"houinary order of the Conned, known se Council He No... 92805 upproved. June 21st 193. E. ,relative w Grading Aljey in Block 1 Kingfs Arcade Park from Walsh AVnue to orth and Sout{ Alley end from Denny Street to Parkway,, also constructing a sewer in the North and 8,th Alley from -a point 20 feet north of the north line of Denny Street to connect with the sewer in Denny ..Street....... end hoeing i,,mtigoted the matters end things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. — — — nc — ry ce,eeend (or) desirable. (see attached) 2. The eetimanod coot thereof is 3. ..,and the total coat thereof is E. _... end the nature end extant of esid improvement is m follower __.. _..... 3. A plan, profile or eketeh of send improvement is beret, attached end made . part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is ¢eked for upon petition of three or more ownere, of property, .object to e,ee on -t for said improvement. Commieeiover of Pub' Herman C. Wenzel# mac' A. Pa Eomn®Dtorranto..,. c......... .co.wu.o�.. . V%Y: TjqS FI 1bV . "0011 pe,Pairlameolhv�'�i'ub'Ifi's��wr-Gss June 25, 1932. Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith plans and specifications for the grading of alley in Block 1, King's Arcade Park from Walsh Ave. to Horth and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheelock Parkways also constructing a sewer in the Horth and South Alley from a point 20 feet north of the north line of Denny St. to 0onneat with the sewer in Denny St -s ander Preliminary Order C.F. 92805, approved June 21st, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - - - - $953.72 Cost per front foot 0.81 Inspection 19.29 Engineering 125.00 Frontage 1214.51 ft. Yaars very truly, e e Y. Shep jd C of Bugineer. Approved for transmission to the COpmissioaer of Finance. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Wo 93502 COUNCIL FILE NO. ----.- �L�' i o FINA? ORDER IN CONDEMN d 6 :iDINGS In the matter of ---condemning and-talo119--an -sesEment_iA- the- lead -necessarg- for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, King's Arcade Park from Walsh Ave. to North and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheelock Parkway under Preliminary Order ----- June 2111932 Intermediary Order ______ 93246---------------- approved --------- August -,-1932--------- 2 A public hearing having been had upon the above imprmement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills InLthe grading of Alley in Block 1, King's Arcade Park from Walsh Ave, to North and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheelock Parkway and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or ents therein be and the sa are hereby ordered to be taken, nppropriated and condemned for sthe purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, King's Arcade Park from Walsh Ave. to North and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheelock Parkway, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public 1Vorks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of ,aid improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_Al- = ,932______ i r, ..---------� _.. ., . �t tyClerk. Approved ------------ --------------- 19_-_-- fE�C_Cc_cs_41_/fL_r`_-_�____ � ayor. Councilman (bwmg /V" Y Councilman F "I Councilman McDonald9* ^ti-.vF<�,I,f, FII8LLS18D Councilman P— i1, se _ Councilman Reiland-' ^ Svdbnmer ....—.ENT of FINANCE REPORT OFPRE MISRSIONEOF FINANCE ON (A) IR the matter of Conde mnl:'R ani taklna an ea.oement in the. 1—i neo eee IIry for alone e, cu.tR and f111x ic: t_ eradln of Alley In 910C,< 1, KS nEr'e Arcade park fro�o''alh .Avenue to the .'Forth and South =.11ey and frena �,. nny �t reet to 'h -look parkway, ander preliminary Order approved June 21, 13?2. To the Council of th<City of St. pawl: The Commissioner of Finance hcrcby reports rs follows: ted a of the cssment for the above mprovc mentis - - f. _ 25 00 Thc total nu ma mount ass $_ 'I"he estjmated cost per foot for the about mprovement ,s - - st,on of each lot or 'Che lou or parcels of land chat may be assessed benefits far such improvement, and the asee sed valva parcel es last r,poned by the Asecswr, are as follows: ocscRirnoN Lor .Loci ADDITIONwAr' ASSESSED LSDBLDOB. 2 1 Kl ng.a Ar Cade Perk 11400 1,100 Lote 1 and 600 3 1 do 4 1 do 600 600 5 1 do 700 6 1 do 400 7 1 do 6 1 do �o 450 9 1 do 450 10 1 do 450 3,600 11 1 do .. carr o P DEPARTMENT SOFFINANCE REPORT OF SSIONEROF FINANCE ON PRELIM '(OR (c) DoT AooinoN AISEISED VALUATION oESCRIPTioN LARD BLD;B. 12 1 Kingse Ar Clde Perk 450 3,500 13 1 do 450 200 14 1 do 450 �5 1 do 450 16 1 do 500 17 1 do 400 14 1 do "50 19 1 do 350 20 1 do 350 3,200 21 1 do 350 22 1 do 350 23 1 do 350 24 1 do 350 4,500 25 1 do 350 3,100 26 1 do 350 11,950 19,200 of Finance further r.por s that he M1a3 investigated all of rhe aforesaid mars s, and TM1e Commissioner r o him ,n hereby submits ore the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, .,h, with th, report made r reference to said mart.. by the Commissloo.r of public Works. D—d__ AV" 12nd_ 19 — 32 — — io�u of Finani'c. K7 I.da.l.. CA rrom AS S. A/roy fo PYoi /, A". S. A& - IMke—FA from Oany --SD' - 1a YYh<r_/°r.E F7hry. - Trri-1 H.VA.. Flr,..seb.n IiweA.r - G4wFlldv�•wrofw - _ - Fy.— 6.1— N-1— dl>b.eelerAi.AsMpe - - -,J A..d v eery F.e. L...B. A N,2424x-&« BIL&74?4 N'NEELOCK - - �1Rkri,4Y 1.4 30 20 Y s� z'aI., ' Q R C 4 D17 R K 17 4 �r.� .� .� •�. �. ry p ,. sols or •� ,� :r :�_ «I .� 3 � Q �F � 'Q - /7 /D /9 TO _ 2/ 22 23 74 25 26 N K/ N G S A IQS ti G-1Y1VY - ST. Office of the Commissioner of Public WpO"F FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance 10 JUN 281932 June 27th .193 2 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul'. The Commissioner of Public Norks, having had under, coneidereth,, the preliminary order of the Cowwil, known as Council Fit, No. 9280$ avprove J June 21st .1932.., relative to Condemning and t�tg an easement in the landnecessary for slopes; cuts sod fill. in the grading of Alley is Block 1; Aingts.Arcade Park from Walsh Avenue to Borth and South Alley and from Denny Street to Wheeloek Parkway' and having investigated the motto, and things referred to Lhercio, hereby rIN-. 1. Said.improvoment is — — — — necessary and (or) deeirsblo. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E..— - — — — end the total cost thereof is b .., and the nature sod extent of said improvement ie ae follows: - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached sad made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement, is asked for upon petition of three or mora .—I. of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -- --' Commiaeimer of Pubtie W 93503 :777w- ti re �o COUNCIL FILE NO.. s a e By a. e7: FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. grading Alley ..inBlock 6,. Twin City ..View. and _Lots. 1 to 6 inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Scheffer Street to Hartford Avenue,. under Preliminary Order.. 92680__approved ..June 26,_ 1932• _ Intermediary Order ______..---____ _ _—_approved -- _. ..-._____ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __&rade_ Alley _ inBlock Twin_ City_41en_and Lots 1_to 6. incluelve,_1dea1 HOAe__31tes _ fr9A_$cheffer _$treet_to-__— Hartford Avenue, —_- --------- __.._..___.______ ___._--_-___-_-_---._--------- - ._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AV ;i njM2___ 192 1 City-Clcrk. Approved 192 Mar Cnnnedmanaam Councilman Councilman ilel�jt a �—�4.-- Councilman 741ii�.'m Councilman Councilmen >rfL� Mayor »� Mah.,n�y Form B. S. A. 8-7 M11111RESIM11111 NE® -OF ST P UL DEPARTNIEjF,OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM11SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (aucr A) ,i,, nd Lots I t. 6, inclusive, In th< I wtsdig Alley in 9110, 6, TtTln City Ideal 'i"te 31te' fro' 9'" ffec Street to Hartford Avenue, _, p,,,.i­y O,d,, approved June 2h, 1932• To C-61 of City of St. Paul: The C."i"l."" of Finance hereby IeP-01.01 - Th, 1as follows. —1 'It' mated —-t f the 111111--t f" the ab— fp11 --� f,, the above MP't--- —h 1.1 or The esu mated —1 qn b_, j.p -d [he assessed valuat�ou ro The 1-t- or parcels -f land that —y b, --,d b-611 parcel as .t reported by the A-1-1, — as follows: DE—R—ON IOT A-T— ,SSESSEO VAIUATION LAND BLDGS. 1 6 Twin city View 450 2 6 do 325 3 6 do 325 4 6 do 325 5 6 6 6 do do 325 325 7 6 do 325 S 6 do 325 9 6 do 725 10 6 do 325 AUL DEPARTMENi50FP FINAN CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Lot. 4, 5 and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 T*in City Vie. do do do do do do do do do do do Ideal Home 91tee do do do LAND BLDOB, 425 1050 900 600 600 600 600 goo 600 600 600 1125 goo 3,600 900 2,900 goo 4,350 950 1,go0 16,625 12,650 The Commusmne, of Finance further reports Lha, he has mleatig—1 all of the aforrsa iJ matt , and herey sub bmits the fortgoing as hie report thereon Lo the Council, together with the report made to him m reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorke. Oama_. AUB—,2nd19_32 c�mmiaaio�er of F�ncc. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. /6L t G:70 St. Paul, Minn.... _______. 192 Gentlemen: ners, hereby petition your Honorable We, the undersigned property ow Body to cause the foil mg improvement to be mad, 1 4 Alley l3 ll, 7--C.fy✓.ev✓_>-_I�e��finm< _.St. Ave. SLf2S_ Se%rcffc✓ Nryrf fe rd St. Ave to from Sr. Ave. '� NART Ie 4O.. A✓L.' < F y y -6L EA MO R. � Jit ..Office of the Commissioner of Public0W'(%P§A001' Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL f1tl9a duly 7, 1932 193 Ta the Commimioner of Fina -c1 of t" City of St. Paul The Commimioner of Public Werke, having had under co neideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ae Coursed File Na. 92880 approved June 28th .1932. relative to Grading Alley in Block 6 Twin City View and moots 1 to 6 inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Schaffer Street to Hartford Avenue,. - - and having invnatigated the mattera and things referred to therein, hunhy reports: 1. Said improvement ie - - - -neeea ,snry and (or) dmirable. (See Attachednd the total coat thereof la f 2. The estimated root thereof ie f --- and the nature and extent of said improvement ie as follows. ........ 3. A plan, profile or aketeh of said improvement is hereto attached and mode a part hereof. 4. _. 5. Said improvement fa -aaked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, eubjeet to sea --let for said improvement. Commiesioo f P blia M THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF TETE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) July 6, 1932. Bon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Deer Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Ideal Rome Sites, from Schaffer St. to Hartford Ave., under Preliminary Order C.F. 92880, approved June 28th, 1932. Estimated cost - - - - - - - - - - $901.01 Cost per front foot - - - - - - - 0.67 Inspection 17.67 Engineering 125.00 Frontage 1202 ft. Yours very truly, /f' G . SHEHEEPY/ARD jd ( hief Bnglneer. Approved for transmission to the Commissionr of Finaac HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public Works. rr�r COUNCIL FILE NO _/-/`_/ -I-- l% " Q Jt �� J /rt�i�7�matte l—a d CWc BY, ------- FINAL ORDER IN CONDt E M I { jEDINGS met°� 'nnmLnq}r�Prei In the matter of condemning and tskloz- as easement_in_ tba land ------ -------- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Schaffer Street to Hartford Avenue under Preliminary Order_____92881 ............ .ppruved---- __ ne _2$,_1932-----____-_--. Ju Intermediary Order________ 93248_____________ approved_________ Auguust 2,_ 19,x_________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thit the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6, inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Schaffer Street to Hartford Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FLUTHER, That the folloWipg-land, lands o, easements therein be d the some are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated andcondemnedfor sthe purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View, and Lots 1 to 6, Includve, Ideal Home Sites from Schaffer Street to Hartford Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ' structed and directed to prepare plans xad specifications for said improvement, and the proper city oflichil, are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council - ---- ------ - -- ---- i - itv Clerk. Approved --- ----------- - __. Me Councilman sp rer Councilman McD...I Councilman McDonald Councilman P;arce councilman 9edheiw�ervN--sv� `�USfiED Mayor 11TY OF DEPARTMENT SO OF11UL FINANCE 93248 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of co nd e:nnl:q and taY.l nr_. an —.11—t 1n th- 1—j --."'y f., cute and fL11s Sr. t- ,­j[jd of ,Alley — Block U, Twln City d L 1. I to b, I..I,.i,e, IJ -1 H-1, 31tlo, fT.,,. 3.­ff­ tTe t t. Hartford ;venue_, —d- Ndi.i—Y Order aPrl-ld J—e 2S, 1937 T, the Council f the City of Sc P-1: The C—i.i.-, of Fu,.— hereby ,p.,t, as t-110— Th, total estimated --t of the --- f., the ab..e kmp—,-- is ,11, esti.a d —, p,,f.., f., the .1,... improvcmcnt in - - - - The 1— or p.1111, of land that .., b, assessed b_,fi, f., _1�improvcmcnt, and the asaensed —1-6.. of each 1-t 11 parcel as last ,p.—d by the A--, are as follows: IES'111111N ADDITION 'A LAN 1 6 Twin C1 ty View 450 2 6 do 325 6 do 325 4 6 do 325 5 6 do 325 6 6 do 325 7 6 do 325 9 6 do 325 9 6 do 325 10 6 do 325 DEPARTMENT S.1 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ossenivridN IoT ewes noorTioN Lots 4, 5 and 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 b 6 Trri� City 'li— do do do do do do do do do do do Ideal Home Site - do do do LA'.ID SLD35. 425 1050 600 800 600 800 800 600 800 800 800 1125 800 3,600 600 2,900 goo 4,350 950 1,6oc 16,625 12,650 The Commi,sionc, of Financ' further rcporu tha[h< he, in, e,tig-ted all of the aforesaid —tt", and h'r'by submit, the foregoing - hi, report thereon to th' Council, together with th' report mad' to him in r'('r'n" to said matter by the Commi„ion', of Public %Vork,. Daed_kllaugt 2- 1932zRs .Jlil.r<enmm�„inn'rn1l�,nte. mwy- r �nry SLah/b6Nw,/.1F Dd�rfl� logba - .?/YELL//YG AVE ALLEY-BG/K6TiY//Y C/TYI�/E/Y �• lndi°'1+�� - 6.LOT5/T06//1CL/OEgL HO.L/ES/TES h AIL -kdlur.. fllL T IY . .5f. /h ffordA✓e- Tyri—1- „Schaffer F;j.,".b.w li...6.w 'r,* s. FII R pgMy li— dna.... .,w.d b.Z p,, -b, N— —L—Dk L— DhN..¢475X-S-Bk.N.?A75 mwy- r �nry SLah/b6Nw,/.1F Dd�rfl� logba - .?/YELL//YG AVE - - h /OE.(IG NOME T IY 6G `Ia "p I o Zai y 6 ` G a „•�• Q $ _ c 6 5 sv�•K io 9 C 6 5 4 3 2 / Q h S/.TE T w / N C / Y ✓ / N' 5RYMNA44 AYf. mwy- r �nry SLah/b6Nw,/.1F Dd�rfl� logba - Office of the Commissioner of PublicCW01r�*ANC 9 D Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL i. 193? July 7th 103 2•. To the Commisnimm, of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commiaam— of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 92881 approved. Tune 28th. ..193.2..., relative w Condemning andtaking an easement in the land necessary. for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 6 Twin City View and Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Ideal Home Sites from Scheffer Street to Hartford Avenue and having investigated tho matters and things referred to therein, hereby r,p,rta: 1. Said improvomcnt ie - - - - monandry and (or) daeirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie E..- - - - ., and the total coat thereof is E and the nature and extent of said improvement ie se follows. ... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie ........ ........asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject W eacesament for add improvement. Commiaeia- f P Works. 9 93505 a 'nim � Gy.. acrd �a la e.ammnr r. rtb [ ova 94 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER'.a'=°"' In the Matter of ieconstructing,._relaying _and . repel ring,_ where_ peceesary, the sidewalks at the following locations: Case St., south aide, beginning 279 ft. east of _Earl St., thence east 40 ft - Payne Ave., east_ side, beginning 31 ft. north of Maryland St., thence north 179 -ft.,-beginning 25 -ft. farther north,--thence--north--to--Hawthorne St. Payne Ave., west aide, beginning at Hawthorne St., thence south 172 ft., under Preliminary Order--__ 9275Z___ _.____approved . June 16, 1932• Intermediary Order --approved -____ _ __._.____-.._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is . reF9ABt.ru_ct_,relay_aad_ repair_where_ neoessarya the ei dewalke at the fo l lowing_ locations: Case St., south aide, beginning 279 ft. east of Earl St., thence east 40 ft. -— ----- --._._..-- _—..— payne__Aoe,,�_eaet_eide=_be Tani ng_ £t. _ north_of _ Maryland St1 thence north 179 ft., beginning 25 ft. farther north, thence north to _ Hawthorne -_SS_,_ pRyae _Aye.,_�we-g t_ ei}e}beginning at_Hawthorne_ St.�thenc_e south _132 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council AUG 3 0 +0 192 / G er-- Clk. Y�'• Approved _.... , 192 Councilman 'u.. Donald k- r Councilman /Nay Councilman t / ra �y ��rF'�eLISHED Y Cnunenman,/,,ea man' C I n iYraaWrrlr /�4'ca=al Mayor IV[ao /Meb'—y / ST. PAUt- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT ON OMPRELMM 11RY ORDER FINANCE 93114 (A) . . . :7J!l In the matter of reoon-tructina„ r,1Ay1.a and re �airir.g, sshere neceeeA ry, the aldewalke At the f.11olint' locAtlone: Ca -e 9t., south aide, oealnninv 279 feet east of SArl 9t., Thence east 40 ft., of lArylaod 3t., thenoa PAyne .All., eeast Aide, b=sinning 31 ft. north orth, thea ce north 179 ft., oevinning 25 ft. farther ❑ north t. Hawthorne 3t. Payne dve„ west aide, b�¢innl ng At Hawthorne 3L., thence eou Lh 172 ft. under Prellmiiury Order approved June 16, 1932. To the Council of the City of St Paul: The C -41' --of Finance hereby reportas follows: f 250 15 nt for the above mprovrmem ,s - Thc total -;--damou n[ of rhe a+seas me $_ Tne animated cost per foo[ for the above Improvement ,e and [he assessed valuat,on of —h lot or The lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefiu for such improvement, parcel as last reported by he Assessor, arc as follow+: oss P—N toT n.00. AomnoN LAND BLDC6. 13 71 (Dawe..'. earl 3t. Ada. 325 2,500 (to 3t. ?'Aul, \!inn. 1 00 22,500 Lot- 15, 14 and 13 4 3tone & Motion'- Add. to 3 the CSty of 3t. Paul .175 16 4 17 4 do 100 16 4 do 100 19 4 do 100 20 4 do 250 21 4 do 300 150 4 1 Jo eenh R. 7eide's 2nd 3900 11,750 Addition to the City of 650 150 5 1 9t. paul, !,.inn.Lo to 6 and .o.a —o "'A, EN T 1,.1 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISFIfNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIM INA �FttY ORDER (C) - . . 7 1 Joseph R. 'Teide'e 2nd Addition to the City Of 6 1 3t. Paul, ISon. 9 1 do 10 1 do LAND BLDG. 200 200 200 225 8,375 37,050 The Commjssio^er of Finance further reports tbat he has mve Ligated all of the aforesaid ma...... and thereon to the C....il, stageth,r with the report made to him in hereby submits the forcgoinR as his report ,,fere^,c to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Ua[cd AL sE_y _._—.-19-32 fFia^2e: Office of the Commissioner of Public r FlNANM Report to Commissioner of Finance 40 221992 i June 21, 1932 198 To the Cammiasianer of Finance of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Public Works, hoviog had under consideration the preliminary order of the Fife No. 92757 approved June 16, 1932 .193..... , relative to Council, known as Council h000nstrueting, relaying end re;,:iring, 'where necess,ry, the a idewslks at the foll.1i:rg 10a tiros Booth side of Case St. begin ing c179 ft. o�. st of and St., thence e,st 40 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 13, Block 71, Dawson's Earl St. Add. $37.80 East side of Peyn9 AVa. bueimri^.g 3i ft. north of H rylam(l 6-.., thence north 179 ft., beginning :5 ."_ fartho,••o: tip, thmoo north to Hawthorne St. Est. Cost Lots 13,14 & 15, Block 4, Stone & Morton's Add. $33.50 Lots 16,17,18919 & 20, Block 4, Stone & +orton's Add. 66.25 Lot 21, Block 4, Stone & Morton's Add. 14.90 dl a st side of Pryno t�,v:. b ginning at Hawthorne tet., thanco south 17 ft Est. Cost - Lot 4, Blk. 1, Joseph R. Weida'. Add. $14.20 Lots 5 & 6,1, 28.40 Lot 7, 1 8, �, 14.20 14.20 Lot Lot 9, 1, 14.20 n10 n 1, n n n 12.50 5. Said improvement is..... ._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject W seseaement for amd improvement. -�:)/ _ " Commies E Pu o arks. i'. HARK Office of the Commissioner of Public _%_ ,l3"0 74'70 n7o' ;, 74'^00 poF 0' " T. Ii For 8' ° , : 58'40 rop % �� T* n 874'50 Fa 2 g " T' "T In,? vz F' roaF - roF e nTF' T' 10 T4.80 z g wou Co°:a tl�la'g moa Coo ,, tl'w roF fi7''Toch 'aI8, �T2 BT cic a, flCo u�a V,IV 8. roFa 78'T�']flea' 4 � g 94pzFo rota T� T4 83,1' BO EaF• OoaF _ r°F 13' B7oc>< J7 saT 2F' tl99' and hoeing ioveetignted the motor and thing, referred to theroin, hereby report,: I. Said improvement i, ,,,—.,y and (or) deeirable. z. Toe catimaeea no,t thereof i, :_ , and the total wet thereof I. E and the nature and extent of said improvemout i, oe follow,. 3. A plan, profile or ,ketch of ,aid improvement i, hereto attached and made v pert hereof. 4. .. t i,._ _oed for upon petition of three or more raver,[ property, 5. Said improvemen --� - ,k ,object to oe,e,ement for said improvement. -:�4 Co---eeiove fPu o orka. // s 93506 COUNCIL FILE NO.. Me, B n c tiw By ,m,ra m FINAL ORDER 7, In the Matter of reconstructing, reµgY-ipg and .repairing the^-eidew@lk-_-._ on the _east.. aide of South 'Pabasha itreet beginning at 4ater. Street, thence north to the bridge (or_ bridge approach) under Preliminary Order_ _..92759___. _ _ ___.approved June 16, 1932• Intermediary Order ._.__ -_- ..-.__— - approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all parentis, objections and recommendations relative thereto, sad having fully considered the same; therefore,. be it' RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie_.re constructer relay, and repair the slde- vnslk on the eaet .aide 9f-..SQ1,1th-'7aoaelr4., Street_ beginning_ at `"ate, -Street thence north to the -bridge -(or bridge- approach) -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council . -�1i6 3_Q-1932 192 -. --- - �-C t} Clerk. S Approved. -. _.'.'. -. , 192..._ l/ May counenman ®� Dena a y/ Councilmen ' unc Coilman itch c Co..dlmanrfo� —7 Councilman rue 4 e ancamanmff�f�. Iveas<1 0 ay r rr or s OEPART.EENyNT OFe FINANCE 93253 �) l �J REPORT OF COMON PRELISSIO ORDER FINANCE :7tJ(t)U in the fnauer of reconstructing, relaying and reonirinw the sidewalk on the seat aide of South `7abaeha 3treet oeirinning At "Rter Street, thence north to the Bridge (or bridge Appreach) ander Preliminary Order approved June 13, 1972. To the Caused of the City of Se Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repor[s as follaws: The total ... i—cd amount of the assessment for the ab— mprovcment .s - - E -. 225.04- - lhe estimated cost per foot for the above improvement ie - - - - - - $ - -- - The Iota or parcels of land [hat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assesseJ valuation of each lo[ or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: Land Bldg.. (includes other oropertiee) 4 A Rob-toon's Addition to 7,100 10,600 "a.terly 20 ft, of 4 D do 650 7,750 10,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid ma [r , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon o the Council, toget Ler with the repor[ made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public t\'orks. Dated Augu-at 19- _3.2 - Cammiasioner of Ftt�e. 144. Office of the Commissioner of Public��lrF NI nNCE Report to Commissioner of Finance a a JUN 24 1932 June 22, 1952 _193.. _.. To the Commiaeioaor of F r.— of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publie Work,, having had under eonsiderati- the preliminary order of the Council, known ae Conseil He No 92755_... approved , dune.. 18,E 1952......193_......, ,I,ti,, to reconstructing,. relaying and repairing the. _sidewalk on the east side of South Wabasha Street beginning at Water Street, thence north to the bridge ( or Bridge Approach) and having inveatigated the matte. and things referred to therein, hereby report,: 1. Said improvement ie... nece,enry and (or) desirable. 2. The oetimated curt thereof u i._. 225.00. __., and the total cost thereof ie E. nod the vatme and extent of said improvement ie m fogowe _....... __..... _..____ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereofr 4. ...... _....... _._. __.... _.___. .. .............. _-_ 5. Said improvement h......................._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to s®s„ment for said improvement. / Commiaeionm of aWorke. Vas 93507 mn COUNCIL FILE NO. By, FINAL ORDER In the Matte, of rep one tru.tjng, relaying, and repai-ring_, where _necessary the qdevmIke at the following locations: _page St. ,, southside, beginning 92 ft. east of Dodd Road, thence_ east 24 ft Gates St., south_ side, beginning 9 ft. east of Brown Ave., thence east 19 f Page St., north side, beginning at Kansas St., thence west 62 ft., 3,2-IUnder Pmlbainm, Oder 92759 -approved inae 16, 1932.- Intermediary ntere, diary Order . ..... _-approved - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the —a; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, -tent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is Ve-001191tr-uct- where_ lka --till --- - -- - -------------- - ansa_a 3t. thence west 62 It- -t and the Council hereby orders said Improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be sad is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications, for said Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said its ment ili_mcordance therewith. Zj e3 J 1 Adopted by the Council — - 93Z 192 Approved XiG 1 �' . 192 Councilman iw� McD ..Id Council.- Jb=Rjfty_ No, C'u"i �nma Ojlll� p,*,_ Coned man dftffi� R— 44 Councilman 1 1­ Courri dff-Woh— We.—I Mayors mah"..? Form B. S. A. 8-7 cin cr sT. rnu' Q I..TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ONECOMM N''SIONER� R FINANCE In the marnr of reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the Bi dewalks of the following locatiens; pay, 9t., eonth aide, beelnning 92 ft. eaet of Todd Rona, thence east 74 ft., Gates 9t., south aide, oe rinning 9 feast of Brown Ave., then- east 1S ft. t. , Pace 3t., north side, be--inling at Eanraa 4t. th=nee went 67 ft. under Preliminary Order approved June lo, 1932. To the Council of the Ciey of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fioance hereby rrports as fasllow r. 74.74 a of the i (or rhe abuse mProsement ,s - - S - _. _ — Thetotal eenmated monist aeaeeamea � The estimated cost per foot for the abore im prove mane is - - 'f'helots or parcels of land chat may be assessed benefits for such i�npm ve m en t, aad the aaecmcd valuation of each lac or parcel as last repos ed by the Assessor, arc .v follow:. ocscamTtoe LOT Land Bldg. 1 1 (((Jackson & Bidwell'. Aid— 475 500 (Zx. 3o .'"aba sha 3t.) 10 1 (to "'est Saint Paul 450 12 1 3medleyls Add. to 3t.Pau1 25 21 25 The eet 3t. Paul Real 100 Zeta'7to and Im9rovement 100 22 25 Syndic to Addition "o. 2 1150 500 The Commissioner of Finance foreher reports that he has investigated all of the afore`to mete, and hereby cub miu th< (ongoing as hie re Fort thereon to the Council, together with "o, repor made orhim' reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \4'orks. Dat=d_ A>igta at .2nd -_. 19 32 •Gf ice of the Commissioner of Public cAmkMAMk Report to Commissioner of Finance (0 JUN 22 1932 June 21, 1932 ..193 To the Commissioner of Finomce of the City of St Paol: The Commissioner of Public Work., having hod under connid... tiom the preliminary order of the Council, k__ _ --it File No. 92759 approved June 16,. 1952 .193 _.,relative to Reconstructing, relaying ani repairing, where necessary, the side-niks of the following loc'U'r1st South side of Page St. begin irri 3:: ft. Best of DodC Ro .d, thence .,at 24 ft. est. Cost - Lot 1, Jackson k Bidwell's Add. to West St. Paul 63 South sideof Gatos St, beginning 9 ft. a-.st of Brom Ave., t,ence east 1B ft. Est. Cost - Lot 12, Block 1, Smedley's Add. $19.05 North side of Page St, b'>ginning ..t Kansas St., thsnce west 6:. ft. est. Cost - Lot 21, Block 250 The west Ot. Paul Beal bstate and Improvement Syndicate - - - - - - - - - - - - $13.50 Lot 22, Block 25, do 24.10 3. .4 plan, profile or .ketch of aaid improvement is hereto attached and made a port bereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is....... esk,d for upon petition of three or mare ownen of property, .object W ms.ee.meot for .md improvement. / 4 C .room -or of P ' Works. 93508 1 4A M COUNCIL FILE NO.. - u BY d�c In the Matter of_- reccretructing,, rel aying_and-renaA-ag,_where-neceaeary, the sidewalks at the following- locations: - Nina -A- e., west aide, beginning 170 ft- South of Selby Ave.,- thence --- south 70 ft-, Selby _Aye. -,_.north side, beginni-ng.10 ft. west of Ave St.,. thence west 15_ fl,,-- under Preliminary Order 92761 ...—approved June 16, 1912. Intermediary Order ....... - _ ....-- _ _ approved _____--_.....- _ —------ ____-------- --- —__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ell persons, objection. and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �PA�e(-','-,4,.� RESOLVED, By the Council of the (Sty of St. Paul that be SW the ase are hemi., r.."' -d r-- dw am NI alealdhl0 in said matter be discea-L _ - . Adopted by the Council....-_AG O-_-- -..., 192-.-__. Approved - '192 Councilman QtYill-8e�Dn.Ald _ Councilman -PP-yc Councilman ifi )Ca e l' Councilman i /teen R7BIII3fi� Councilman fiwah-i—nz Councilman Mhwmdsaaat• narl Mayor 11MIN-a 'M.h... Y \ 'Fd Form B. S. A. 8-7 \ Cin OF .T. rnut OEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + REPORT OF COMMISSIQAZbR OF FINANCE �3`ZJ1 ON PRELI MI NAfI�t11 (0) In the mat«rof reconstructing, relaying end receiring, where use es eery, the eidawal'te at the following location.: Bina Ave., weat aide, b -inning 170 ft. south of Selby Ave., thence south 70 ft., Selby Ave., ::orth aide, barioning 10 ft. west of Avon 3t., thence —t 15 ft. under P«Ilminary order approved June 16, 1932. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of F,-- hereby reports as follows- is - - 48.25 -- 'CI,< total estimated amount of the assessment for the above im prov c,n ant 'Ibe <sti nsa ted cost per foot for the abo"e mproscment a the .--dvola at,on of each lot or "Il,c lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improv. m.nd as last «parted by the A. , c as tallows. P-11 o 111PTioN 10, nIDITION LA"IOp BL033. 3 77 7ayton & Irvine's Add. 2,700 5,000 4 77 To 3t. pawl 2,700 3,550 18 5 Binninger & Donnelly's 1,900 5,700 Addition to Holcombe's .Addition to Saint Poul 7,300 14,200 c (u rth er reports that he has j,, s6gated all of th, aforesaid matters, and 1 blies bmi ,Cb—1 he (orcgoingna c as hie report thereon '.'h' cit, together with the repos made to him,n Coun ,,f es to said matter byI Commis ncr of Public Rorks. �77 _ �lz�_r�Ga. - r.- Da ttd w Auet 2., I9 32 , f - — - -- - Comm of Finance. I Office of the Commissioner of Public 170 V6kNAWA Report to Commissioner of Finances -- ----_ — ,WN 221992 June 21, 1932 193 'lb tho Comml.mlomr of Hoon., of the City of St. Paul: The Commimwoar of Public Work., having hod und......sideration th. prelimimry order of th. f•„•,.,.:i I.,........., I -'. v.. 92761 sop,—d June 16, 1932... _193 _., nloti- to necenstructing, relaying and repairing, xhere ❑Daus spry, th., sid...1k. „L the follo,ring loc,tionsf 1eest side of Nina Ave, begin inc 17D ft, snrth ,f Silby Av!., thence south 73 ft, Est. Cost Lot 3, Block 77, Dayton & Irvine's Add. $ 5.75 n q n 77 n n n 32.75 North side of Selby AV b ,in,Jn; 1J ft. ,vest, �f �.•n , s „ t.•ince wast 15 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 16, Blk. 5, Nininger & Donnelly's Add. to Holoombers Add. $ 9,75 3. A plot, profile or ,ketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and mode a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ,,ked for np,, petition of thr,e or more ownere of property, subject to s—mnienl for a,id ,mpr...... t. Co serone f Pu or 93509 1 � csN.,04 . a w ane COUNCIL FILE NO.. 4- �16�tt: uv pre _ ex Lml+ :;eaa69 yDaveealuve-ae. !, BY.'.♦➢atria:➢ecl.x,�•-r- t� wvahlm ue ,.a °h,°, e In the Matter of recoAstruCting, relaying and _ repairing, _mhere necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations:- _--_ -- ------ _____- Hatch St., north side beginning 12 ft. east of Colts, St., thence - east _8_f t., Edmund St., south a de, beginning 156 ft. west of Chatsworth- St. -, - thence west 25 ft.., under Preliminary Order _ .__ 92759 approved _ June 16, 1932. Intermediary Order ..__. _ .____— ._._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having//fully considered the same; therefore, be itRESOLVED, By By the Council of the City of St. Paul that MAW the same are _Y c,.r,: r:. -:. end rasIDlM0 so au d4� la said matter be ducentin_-:. Adopted b3 the Council AUG 3-I}.jo ----. 192 Approves -.._.. .. __ '192 Mayor. - Councilman �Drceoeld a Councilman nc Couilman ifaHm/ • -•y.ylSp -�/�//�/ Y Councilman me9im. Councilmen � Councilman Mayor �bM.b.ney \ � c1" orST, P — DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON OM I M �NAIONER ORDERF OFINANCE 932-50 PRELORDER (D) In the n— - " of r. " .tr,cti nr , relaying and rsoal rl— , where liecee se rY the sijewalke at the f-110willg, location.: Hatch St., north aide, blci,uling 12 ft. east of Colne St., thence east 8 ft., ,d—hd St., south aide, beliani-g 159 ft- west of Chatsworth St. then- —t 29 ft. ..,I" Preliminary Order P—ld June 16, 1972. To C --d of the City of St.P-11 Th, C.­j,,j.-, of Finance hereby rcporcs as f-11-- Ib—in,—d .... ..r f— for A— in,11-1--1 '11" 1— or P.1111S of lend that m, b, assessed lben,fils f., such improve mens, end the assess,d valuation o[ eacl, lot or ,_j a, last„,—d by the A--, arc as lollows: ­IRIPTION nor ago, LAN'DSLOGS. Lot. 10 and 11 49 Th ...... Is Addition tO 475 1,600 Saint Paul McDermott's Addition 250 725 1,600 Th, c.mmi,,i—, of Fin—, further reports that in, has in sestigated all of the aforesaid mat s, and hereby sub.,ts the foregoing as 1” "P." t`--` t" NC__j, tng,the, with the ,1—t -d, . hin, in ,,b,,-, to said -- by the Commissioner f .1b1n: � o,k,, Dated— '9 32 f Fmdal. .— D 0 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Fl -NAM Report to Commissioner of Finance 4�a -_ June 21, 1932 JUfi to 4�2 1932 To tho Coromieainner of Finance of the City of St. Panl. The Conrmiesloner of Public Wo' ke' having had under c,—virretoo the preliminary order It the June 1B.r. 1932 t93.. r°let"" to Council, known ae Cou°crl 1•do N°. 82759 aPProvol the F.a¢onstruating r relaying rnd regsiringr where neoess¢ryr sldownika sE the following loo=rtlons North side of BateR St. beglnning 12 ft- s'a„t o` Colne "'t., thon¢e s..st n f d 11r Block 49, Thomgsoors Add. i5''� gst, Cost ft 10 m st.r South side of Fdrund ot. begin..ng 15:: ft. *”>st �` Chatsworth thane' mast 25 ft. _ _ _ _ 21.05 Set. Cost Lot 5, N¢Dermottrs Add. - - - .i 1 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. asked for upon petition of three or more ownere of property, 5. Said improvement ie...... - - - -- eubjeet to osaeeame°t for nerd improveeout. ' _ Commie' nnr of Pu W rke. 93510 COUNCIL FILE NO.._-___.__....._.. By__.......... __ _.....___..... _..... __ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of...grading_ Alley_ n Blook_ 1, George J.Anderson'_ e. Midway Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street, s no n o -- °ie .. �+;a. �m m• sot under Preliminary Order .__ 9zSD3 ...__ ___approved June _21i 1932. Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the —a; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie_$rade_ A I i ey_Sa..H1aGk__"g-Qx-'gee .J, Ander eo n � e Midway ..Additton_from.Fry_.S.tTee9—tD Aldine Street_______ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - reed with the making of said improvem�yenpt in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.9E-11210-- 192 ---------------- City Clerk. cFP if /9�d Approved.._____`.:_....__....._..._.___. , 192 Councilman ( "cI) old Council en May e� ,�niil E6fnr- +„eun -�rtj \ Mayor pfahomy Farm B. S. A: 8-7 WN. F.4C , anus a .TMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIC,SONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARY ORDER (A) • I' the matterof vradin, Alley in Bloak 1, leorze J. Andereon'e 'tid—y Addition from -Fry Street to Aldine Street, CZD C4 kr— C4 under Prdimioaty order approved June 21, 1932. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated --t of the a.seeement for the above mprovement k - - - $ 677 • 74 f o n The estimated cot pfetfar the .bore mprovement u - - - - - - $ --- --- The Iota or parols of land that may be assessed benefit. for each improvement, and the assessed valuation of each I—, parcel as last reported by the A.--, c ar follow.. D11111PTION ASIESIED LandAIuaTIONe. 1 1 Oea. J. Anderson's Midway 675 4,200 2 1 to 9t. Paul, fAy nn 600 3,400 3 1 do 600 2,400 4 1 do 600 2,400 Lots 6 and 5 1 do 1200 2,150 7 1 do 600 3,250 B 1 do 600 1,750 9 1 do 550 1,B5o 10 1 do 375 11 1 do 350 CITY O� BT. PAUL. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIVNER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIM INA1IZiY ORDER + (c) AooinON ION DE�CRIPTION DoT o.o . CdALUslags. 12 1 Oso J. Anderson's midway 350 13 1 Addition to 9t.Pnu1, `f1nn11A0 14 1 do 550 15 1 do 600 16 1 do 500 �7 1 do 450 1,750 18 1 do 400 19 1 do 350 20 1 do 350 21 1 do 350 22 1 do 350 Lot 23 a "I.} or 24 1 do 525 Lot 25 6 '1•1 or 24 1 do 525 26 1 do 525 2,600 27 1 do 575 1,500 28 1 do 575 .3,000 29 1 do 575 80o 30 1 do 650 goo 14,750 32,050. The Co i.l i—, of Finance fonber re porta that he has all of tb' aforesaid —1 1s, and regoing as hie report there , the Council, together wi,b the report mad' to him In hereby wbmita the fa on t rtf.... e to said mat[cr by th, Commissioner of Public Norhs. Da[ed AURust �2 ///� �1 F�E_ __19 2- ---- - — -- ---- Cbmmis,i—, of Finances-- 40 6�('g • St. Paul, Minti T I . The Honorable,le, The Council, l" 710 --- City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ZZZ t. Ave. from. ........... ­ -.St. Ave. to 4 - St. Ave. NAME I trrr I BI I ADDMON Of AY_ i'J /84. 5%z N. E. %a. SEC. 33.TZ9 2Z3. ul Q THe.,.. sT Eo uNo c H�eLce s �- 3 i a SHcceua j Av _ _ a UNIV CR9ITY AVE. r I7 F -I d 11 r- � -Office. of the Commissioner of Public WWM"'"" Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 28 1932 J=e 27th 1932 Tn the Col,on.o., of Fien-, of the City of St "" The Co,non.io.e, If Pobfi, W.,ke, h.,i.9 Lad 'n',, _,-1 ... tion the fullioure-Y order of the ko—, - Cotne" File No. 92803 n,pr—d june 215t 1932 , "I. -P t. Grading Alley in Block 1, George J. Anderson's Midway Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street. and h,,,,,g irv,,thetod the nertnu,, end things referred . tho'i., thereby "P.- 1. Said .u,ur_,ot ie — — — — y,,F­ry end (or) desirable. (See attached) the note, ret thereof i- I 2, Th,,hoened -I t1e,—f ie end the ont— end extent If said ionfon'true-t is . 1. A plan, profile or sketch of eud now-11ou"t is he"" attached end oor,& . port hereof. 4. 5. Said herfun—rot i" inked for upon petition of three or morerowners If TIOPe"Y, subject to e_nnert for said improvement. courrum-one, of Public 64 THE DEPARTMENTOOF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE • CITY OF ST. PAUL ' INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (cele) Jlme 25, 1932. Ron Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner oP Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith plans and specifications of alley in Block 1, George J. Anderson's for the grading from Fry Street to Aldine Street, under Midway Addition Preliminary Order C.F. 92805, approved June 21st, 1932. _ _ _ =877.74 Estimated Cost - - - - - - Cost per front foot 0.58 13.29 Inspection 125.00 Engineering 1175.4 ft. Frontage Yours very truly, S� 0 eY. Shepard, Chief Engineer. j d !/ Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance. Herman C; Menzel, ks. Commissioner of Public COUNCIL FILM: NO. __� � --- 7-- Bon. Milton Bose., Co®ie.ioner of Finance, Building. Dear Nr. Rosen, Aueost 30th, IT 3. Re - Grading alley in Bloch 1, George J. Anderson's Midway Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street. At the Council meeti.e, held today, the final order in the above described Smpcovement was laid over to September 13th, 1933 and you were requested to send notices to property owners of said hearing. Your. very teo>,y, City Clerk. COUNCIL FILE NO. _ _ %m svin�i m vtv° 'sm:ej an�s`'oh c. 93511 BY _-_______________ FINAL ORDER IN CONDET`.. -r-7—„.EEDINGS rn >9s7° In the matter of___ conde�ing_andtak>.pg_an_xas.amant. in_ the- land ----- -------- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, George J. Anderson's Midwqy Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street 92804June 21, 1932 under Preliminary Order________________________ approved ---- .---- ._---- _______________. 93244 August 2, 1932 Intermediary Order_____________________, app roved______._____________ A public hearing having been had upon theabove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having ers heard sll pons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consul ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking a, easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 1, George J. Anderson's Midway Addition from Fry Street to Aldine btreet. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to he made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or eas ents therein be and the cam re hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said mprovements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, George J. Anderson's Midway Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmiesioner of Public Works be nd is hereby strueted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. ,gyp Adopted by the Council___ SEv_is l” Approved_ _..__ ...... - � y ayor. Cunnetftrtnw 8—y f' Councilman McDonald Councilman M Do Il d t V p'.7glyq(�p /J C—Mmrd -- W1)i. P. SCO'L'r. Mayor _ - Al Z-1) v+ Irdrrele GI. - _ e - Idka. Fill. Typkrl Naaien �� - _ - - �:vrbs..lire.her . Gd er F11 .1 prwriy Ur. Fyr rr brb. 6. A_ dbe.,k. b .high .lyr _ oh.J bard pnpr.�yr Enc - - - Lec. B..4 NaY101 XSer.9k. Nr.71A1 7WOAW4S Sr 6 E 0 ✓. A /O 9 d 40• alb Fi S� AP •i> 7 /B /.9?a 1% Z7 ?3 1Q 25 iC 27 s8 T9 i G E O. ✓. A N O E R d 0& S Al - lOMU/✓O .TT. 4/iy.d[i/GJ.Aiuf. - - A/J2. bodb Oi1dY>•764 eT. F nEPARTM ENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 93244 (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In rhe —terof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, outs and Sills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, George J. Anderson's Midway Addition from Fry Street to Aldloe 3t., under Preliminary Order app,—d June 21, 1932. To the Council of the City of St. Pao]: The Commiesioncr of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total cmmatcd amount of the aeecumcnt for the above mprovcment k - - - y 50.00 The ntimated cost per I— for the above improvement ie - - - - - - . $— The lou or parcels of land that may be aesnsed benefi to for each improvem , and [he assessed valuatmn of each lot or parcel ., last reported by the A--, ere ae follows: DESCRiF ION LOT .1— 1 1 ADDin9ry Land ALeA Geo. J. Anderson's Midway 675 Bldgs. 4,200 2 1 to St. Paul, Minn 600 3,400 3 1 do 600 2,400 4 1 do 600 21400 Lots 6 and 5 1 do 1200 2,150 7 1 do 600 3,250 8 1 do 600 1,750 9 1 do 550 1,850 10 1 do 375 11 1 do 350 C- DEPARTMENT SOFF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ODE R FINANCE ON M (C) V oESGRiPTION LOT ewca Ao0I'.. AE AT ON Land . Bldg -- 12 1 Geo J. Anderson'. lidnay 350 13 1 addition to St -Paul, '!Snn400 14 1 do 550 15 1 do 600 16 1 do 500 �7 1 do 450 1,750 18 1 do 400 19 1 do 350 20 1 do 350 21 1 do 350 22 1 do 350 Lot 23 & "1.J Of 24 1 do 525 Lot 25 & T.ii of 24 1 do 525 26 1 do 525 2,600 27 1 do 575 1,500 28 1 do 575 3,000 �9 1 do 575 goo 30 1 do 650 goo 14,750 32,050. The Commissioner of Finance further report. that he bas investigated all of the aforesaid matt s, and hereby .ubmits the foregoing a. hie report thereon to the Council, mgether with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commi..soncr of Public W.A.. Dated o e t 2nd _ 19_&r. _--------- C ts.ioner of Fin Office of the Commissioner of Public Works F�NAN6 Report to Commissioner of Finance -- SON 28 ism Stna, 27th _793.2.._ To the Commieaiooer of Yinence of the City of St. Poul: order of the The Commieoioner of pubbe W orke, having had under consideration the preliminary She.21sta_1932w Couvcd, known ae Council Ptile No.92804. approved. . . ......, relative Conde®ing and taking an easement in the .and necienaBl fZ'.. elopesa cots and fiIls,in the grading of to George S. Anderson" dideaY Addition Prom Y _.. Aldiner Street: _.._. _. .........._..._ .._._........... . end having ivveatigoted the matter- and things referred w therein, hereby repots: 1. Said improvemev t i-... - - _,,eeeary and (or) dceirable. -- - 2. The eetimawd coat thereof ie f. —...—..... _. _.., end the wtal coat thereof ie f...... _................. _...., end the nature sad extent of said improvemev t ie ee follows:.. _...... _......_.._ __.. 3 A plop, prefile or skewh of mid improvement is herew attached end made a pari hereof. _.....__....... 4. t ie..... ......._..._..asked for upon petition of three or more, owners of property, 6 gaid improvomen -----� aubjeot w aearear"nt for avid impravemevt. .....__ Commis®oner of o Works. I-, a.w� 1e av a..a CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.._.......,93 7L7 P (1" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 /JOUNCIL QG9DLUTION—GENERAL FORM RZKOWM WHEREAS, David Aberle was appointed a commissioner of the Port Autborlty of the City of Saint Paul for a term of two years from August 17th, 1932, under resolution of the Council (Oounail File No. 92742) approved August 17tb, 1932; and WHEREAS, the said David Aberle has declined said appoint- ment and advised the City Council that he would not qualify as such commissioner; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Clarence C. Gray be appointed such commission- er for said term of two years, end that said commissioner qualify as provided by said Council File No. 92742. COUNCILMEN Ye. ";i Ney/l May Menooald i /Wevael u 4O �M, P,ee,devt Mehovey Adopted by the CouvciL_........ �t.).f:.`{.0 ) $ 0. Approved._ ..............._....__. _._._._tB3..... !E¢p_ onu=.Imao©.. .._.. �a No. _..__... 350 CITY OF aT. PAUL �^' OFFICE OF THE CIT' CLERK __.... _.. e.c... �.—.—GeNERAL FORM .,,,Ewes -a4,-1932- — t Upon the reoommandation of the Bureau of Municipal %quipeeat t RESOLVEDil>4 the ivrohae Sng Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Model BM Mack truck chassis, 157. wheelbase, to be equipped with ell -weather DeLuxe oeb, electric head and tail lights, electric starter, 8-oylinder motor, steel dump type body with 7' uuderslung et. Paul Bydraulio hoist, eto. for the Bureau of Municipal $quipeeat, at a coat of 18,738.00, less an allowance of 11,888.00 for two G.M.C. 1933 trucks Hoe. 704 and 105, to be taken in trade, making the net cost not to exceed $4,880.00, without advertisement, as this is a patented article and noadyt'Lge could be gained thereby. Charge General yUnd- Municipal iq Pm at 1003-139 II ,..�a--..11 AUC 9 � iQriti COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_.'...._._......_.. ... _.... 193...... Yeas Nay. �- pt'cDonnld /year e _ I fovor i 5C APP d .- __.. sen a� r• Truax .-.6 .ABainet - - Mayor Wenzel .0 0.r /Mr. President Mahoney THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF TH6 CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dare) August 19, 1932 Hon, H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner, Dept. of Public Works. Deer Sir: I em submitting herewith a requisition for one Model BM Mack truck, for use in the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, to be rented out to the Bureau of 3enitation or wherever it may be needed. This truck can be purchased for the -am of WBO.00. Mr. Turnquist and myself have checked over vsrious makes of trucks and have reached the oonclusion that the Mack truck is the most suitable for the work g for which it is to be used. This model has several features which are en advantage, such es a compound seven -speed transmission, and duel reduction drive at (� the rear axle, which would off -set the difference in cost between the Mack truck Bud lower priced trucks. Yours truly, irsotor of Municipal Sgnlpment AHK -W onw�lAav a..a ;a;'— No.,. .93511 r � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of Axe yinnesota 011 & Refining Oompany to install three additional tanks and pumps, and change its drive- ways at 485 Robert street, be and the Same is hereby granted, the tanks and pumps to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the 0ity of St. Paul and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Oommiesioner of Public Safety, and any changes in curbing, Sidewalks, rampS, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be Subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeoe Naye / HcDoneld �'ruex ._. 1�..-.A6eivat axel P—ideat Mahoney AUG 3 C,1932193._... Adopted by the Couveil._... ___._..._.. -.... D­Ct oF THE CITY CL— Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL MINNESOTA OF ST. PAUL. APPLICATION Is Hereby Made /y 2 - Al 44v --J. -3 3 A- 1-1 I -To A.' FILED CL— `3 —1 —N— MOIMS EyD.w , CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.ps.l of Mmn000 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.mh and MI.-- Sa..o JOHN H. M DONALD, Co- ­u Morm..s c, oc oAugust 26, 1952 K3. Yr. Rilliei F. soott, City Clark, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Si' Returned hererith is the appU..ti- of the Minnesota Oil and Refining Coapasy for pernissim to instal additional tanks and change the drivesgye at their gasoline filling station at 485 Robert Street, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire prarantion and 'Traffic. V-7 trojv your.. Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY or ma CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1-11c, mlmu-- 1.S. 25. 1932° Yr. iolo R. Ka."ld. oe:to.iour of Puhlia Safety. Doer Biro. With nf.reu. to epplieati.n rd. by W. Wian..ota oil d=ofinia3 Corp..y, for p.raiuioa to L .t.11 r. tuk. aad a.t.. hpg. fa drire.aye .t their .—U..tatioa a1 Lot. 1 and 2 Robert ..d 91.da11 • Adltie% ►1.0 deeorihed .. 388 2ebort Btr..t..o.th".t oorurs ° I h.- tWq .fid. the _1 ia.peotioo of .aid ob-g.., "d do wt find tbat tho...h.ndoo .ill interfere with traffic. 1. f.ot th..h-V .ill nab the dri—..y...f.r than h -t thq 11 .t the pre..at tier' Toar. trimly".qry',"�/�/�/�' attar, eapt. of !raffle• momAs c wHw. ,. uid "• WOd PoIk. !� N41H A MAUtMY SW. PoIin.N fY. N.n a � Hold Oiim CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.nlol of Minn b DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tend .nd Mlnnuoa Shah JOHN H. McDONA , Co- rHO.W�S G OOroaLL, Ym•n Cw.iow.. C ®O August 22,1932• Hon.John H. McDonald Commissioner of Public Safety St.Paul,Minn. Dear Bir: In regard to the application of the Minnesota 011 and Refining Company for permission to install new drive- ways and additional pompe and tanks at their station located at 485 Robert Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that the desired chargee would not increase the fire hazard to the sxten extent that it would warrant rejection. Yourf ReeSPOctfully ohlef Insneotor. ?ire Prevention Rarsau. THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA C 214 COURT HOUSE ' August 28th, 1938. G.0. e� eeovice w. Heo«nc.., s.a.u., Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Re s Rearrangement of drive-in filling station SW corner of Robert & Ninth 484 Robert Street Yincesota 011 & Refining Co. The above station is located in a district zoned for Light industrial purposes. The rearrangement of it is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. The proposed arrangement of driveways and puCpe is an improvement over present existing conditions at this station. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpIul oI Mlonnot. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. W—EL. C ... —1— ®� NvnMO, omn Cew,•iw�.r August 29, 1982 Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Ret Rearrangement of drive-in filling station at Southwest corner of Robert & Ninth Dear Sirt Street, 484 Robert Street Minnesota 011 & Refining Co. The above station is located in a district zoned for Light Industrial purposes. The rearrangement of it is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing before the Ci ty Council. Engineering Report. At the present time there are two driveways approximately 50 feet each, one on Ninth Street and one on Robert Street. These large drives cause many irregular traffic movements which the applicant is endeavoring to eliminate. The four 27 ft. drives as proposed will, undoubtedly, improve conditions. There are no drainage difficulties except the possible rebuilding of one side inlet as noted ou plan. Expansion joints should be placed as shown in yellow on the accompanying blue print. If this application is approved, the work should be done concurrently with the paving operations on Ninth Street. Yours very truly, BHBP%�'�'''�n . �AR E M. �*.h.f Engineer. Appryyedt/ _ J .V! 1H811YAN�. iC. ibillie Commissioner of Wo e. Cj CITY OF ST. PAUL .� " NO...... 93515 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—CENER4 FORM RESOLVED That the names of Looust str4of from Feet Birth street to Grove street, reet, and Lafayette avenue from Locust street to DeSoto street, be and the ease are hereby Changed to Lafayette Road. COUNCILMEN Y¢ve / Neye „ r�eDvnaM giMt Bu u/Mr. ' President Mehovey 1 Sµ4 EmW t �L,to D aol � !�ips ISN Oe111f, v! { 1 11 Adopted by the Council.AUG _a..q.-IQV....103...... c• I J%3 1332 /�!//A/�p roved..._....__. .............._... .... _...IB3..... CITY OF SAINT PAUL C,plal of Mtnnaote OFFICE OF CITY CLERK SWAM F. SCOTT, Uty Oak d Cam Wane d N.,..U- .411b.m !' Angcet 23rd, 1932 Mr. L. LAnderson, Corporation CoTmsel, Rnilding. Dear Sir: Attached please find petition regneetimg the chsuge of the mme of Loccet Street to Lefgette Aveaoe and also acomooioation from the City Planaicg Hoard reco®ending the same he changed to Lafayette Road. Phis matter ens referred to yon for the proper resolution or ordinance mWog the obeage as sloe ®eroded by the Planning Board. Sonne nary truly, City Clerk. "� August 19, 1932 Wm. F. Scott City Clerk Dear Sir: Your oommtmication of Jima Both. I. am return— ing herewith the petition relative to change of name of Locust Street. This -matter has been given careful :. . consideration by the Hoard,.. and they wish to recommend asfollowas,. .. ,.: That the new of, Locust Street from Cast 9th Street to Grove Meet add Lafayette Avenue from tie Lo - cost to Desota Street ' changed to Lafayette Road.. Locust 'aod& Lsfayette change. their, direction, and it ie necessary wider a house nnnberiug plec gives 100 numbers to the block that :winding streets be given the designation of roadr thus Indicating _that the house numbers of streets crossing. them Are':aot necessarily the as= &long the street: This }liFr.4hi' 41en to be followed in the proposed street naming and house umbering scheme, and`if this Proposed scheme is later adopted,. the name -"Lafayette Roads will not have to be ohenge4 again. -Very, truly yours, �j - 6HHt8... ��. � ,R:-RfiSROLD ,, p Btngiaeer-Secretary �4' 4 St. Paul, Minn..? To The Honorable,. The Council, Citj`bi St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: NAM.QF- -49clu 5T, ATAEET TOLAFAYETTEAVENUE ------ ------------ ..._........St. Ave. from....._. HIM ... . ..... .. St. 3Amsst to aonn=t ..O.UtQ ------ ------------------ NAME Lar BMCK ADDMON NORTHEAST COMMERCIAL LAFAYETTE AVE IMPROVEMENT ANSNL WRECKAGE CO. INC,KFT)NF.Y WARFHOUSE P0 INDRY 919 A foga sts., : -ST. vdr1ml E. COBB CIO. PAUL MFG.19 Ise 9.. Gus L.r' '. as 6T PAUL - MINN' UNNYBOTLER&MV FG. Mahle Auto Body Co., Ins; owwr. av a... mONO6 ...___. CITU OF ST. PAUL •� NO.7tJU1V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1186Ft819e OeorBe A. 6nrpmter wade appllontim 2216 for Grocery 110mea at 498 yafmd Street. and IHEtffi8r George A. Oarpenter has withdrnlm eeid wppliceticc 2216; therwfaer be it BEMM, that the proper city officare be and they ere bareby mthorised tc refcd to G.O. A. Cerpmtsr tba fee of 610.00 and to cecuel said epplicatice 2216 for Grocery liemea. C � �Lf na t. eer aawi eVn Wen illi gier��.enj'" a n. and entb'•i�w:ar mor 9 ae.4'L eatl n: 3�is a or a eh. '.1rS a .heti. Av °. ie°.oLls-vssl COUNCILMEN �a)a Adopted by the Council AM -q A. In i2 .193..... Yeas . J �rAAf r. 10`7 Donald b In Invor APP cued__ .193._.. enrce !..' �Tninx ...._�...Agauret wenael w _/Mr. President Mahoney IC[O!`;TNa CCMtIROLL[R iu � COUNCIL amaeLUT10N EDITED CLAIMS IN FAVOR OF p F 0 _ 95 9771 82 727 042174 8261 '1 Dr. L. J. O'Connor 8262 I Waidorf Bindery 59�99J67 8263 Travers Ink 00. St. Paul Blue Print Co. 193.32 8264 58155 82 SSiefsl Products 00. 8$66 �Washinaton Foundry Go. 1 ',. 205165 8267 W. L. ddeher 8268 1M. 1S. Wedelstaedt 00. - 67 164 211' 0 8 7o I westernStammpingnd Fuel lheYfgg. Oo. Tea # Coffee Co. 24 i5 5 AO 8271 Western 8272 II Westinghouse 11100tric Oo. 82 Q R. S. Whitacre A 06. Inc. ' Fuel a Ice 06. 8 128 57 5 20 8274 White 8875 1 John Wiley 6 Boas- 3 120 6 B, W. llilaon 00. 8277 Kenneth M. Wright Studios �. �,, 5 549 129 8278 Wright De Coster Ino. 8279 i! zinemester Baking 00. 375 78,'80 33 507 34 8280 ij Milton Rosen. OOm.Of Finance ;'�I " 1i 9648166 8281 ' 8282 y Arthur W. Drury 44 44 82 �� 82 ;David Haehefkln 828 pI Jemea 0. lioore 2 3f �00 4 701.40 8286,Fuel 8ngineering Go. 6 761!27 �'�, Economy 8287 N P1ie1 ;ll0onomy 82J National Carloading Oo 8289 Milton Rosen, Oom.of Finance ';i 1141 467.150 8290 ' • ■ e . �� j 2565150 8291 Garrett Burn: 8292 A. P. Jurgen Oo, 8293 Arthur P. Goodman 64186 28 OC U GO 8294 0. J. Connolly 8295 Barry Kaplan OC 8296J20 Mike Cullen 8297 reyen Construction 00. 100 OG 1 186 U 8298 Fielding A Shepley CO. 8299 Emil Freiaeis 15 OC 604.00 8300 '+ Standard Stone Co. 8301 '; S. Berglund Lumber Co. j 1 107'8( 69 2E 8302 ;i P.Q. Products Co. 8303 I etc Paul White Lead a 011 Co:� 8304 ].The StanOhfield Co. 1784E 275* 8306 J6bn,Morton 830 G.B. Remswiok 3 0 2!O( 8307 N, John Simone 8308 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 8309 Capitol Btaty Mfg. Do. 4210( 5 1181! 8310 j A. K. Kromsohroeder 8311 Tri State Tel. A"Telgr. Co. 16o 6< 1 3719] 19319'' 2 . ■ I' 8313 356151 83�5 1 `p s 3ggt ex�r ror.� ro wnno 958771 82 800"899'!'Of orP.w ""'728 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ..�.une�z.ilOM OP Loc:L IMPROVLmEw PRojR Resolved,„ That the 00ano hexehy approves the aotion of. the. Contract Gomm ttee in evarding 0ontraot for furnishing all labor nad:msterial rsgnixed to install complete 88- 300 watt and 4-1000 O.p. two -light standards on north St. from at. peter St. to Jackson St., sroept on the north aide between yinuseots end R.ObOxt $ts., and �on the south side between at. peter and Nebasba Ste., to the AMM 001T8TRU0lIOR 00. Igo., they being the lowest To.0osible bidders, for the am of j8,848.00, in scoordanoe with plane WA speoitiostions hereto sttaohed, and the Corporation 00uneel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of fIcDa�re eaysn.�.a c+i. . oontrsot therefor. ,,i,R, 113,084.00 .71808.00 e �...°...,....- '"° .°.. ....-�• +1,140.00 rx. cou.ca_'y'p-a-x-.w-- w. 'WiCITY OF ST. PAUL _.. 3521 oe ma ao a.a r " No.................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -43 FORM esaR„eg -- o REaOLVED In the matter of widening end paving the northwest coruer of West Winifred Street, and South Wabasha Street, under Final Order 0 F. 92328, approved Yay 10, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Co"sioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. �I 464. r, m W a I", rn.t°'+e.' ie � n miaep M COUNCILMEN Ney// Yeoey // /1�y Donald / pe�nroa In [nvar � Roeen /Truax _ ..._._A6ainnt enael Preeident Maboney AUG1.32 3 o t882 _.. _._193.... Adapted by the Council.... p..��..... . C3O_...1e3.._ ,.. .p7 App d...._ ORDINANCE t COUNCIL FILE NO. _____ •�,e 1, __ _ J` ORDINANCE NO. 14Z 1m Srdiaenae regalativg the fares to be Waxg d for the trenepor -- Of P.$.=— ty =t bs viShin the Clty of Saint Panl, and providing penal tiOB for has violation tbmeot. Skits is en ssergmay ordlnenee rendered nsosseu7 tan, the prseernRion of aha public pascal ]ratty end safety. SHE COMM S! SSE OZSZ Ol UM P1GL DOW 00031, 8setion 1. Trm and after We Passage of this erg rveld.o7.eacper, fin or corporation awnings operating or omtso711ag sq, as a tnrieab obsll _ated baro other valdvae or adnim fares then in this sseticn provided. (,U She Adson rate of fare for tasissbs liomsed for opanatim dthim said City shell be as !allose, ass area° ua lar earn (y) paseaogers or lane, Semty— n y five Gents (Tat). for the first apu � ), v° Ig ails or fts tido taereofi f . mocaediag belf vile or aly fr'actim Eaessof, Sen Gents (7Gt)• (E) She ~— of fare for taxicabs licensed for operation aLOIS tae said City shall be fo]lass, Sasnty-firo emts (25t) for the first vLL or asp fraction tbereaf. Tb, average for tb. tbarvalr aeaaad dile or aSy eaowediaB shmu rat be e Pa' tban seventeen and ms-balf . lu- Seotim 2. Gb}rgss for atiting time abnll be as !shoes, (a) lbr the first,tso and me, nett (1` adnutes of mitW tide at addreee.s ao �.. ebaral and for snob tso and ane -bait viaat a tbaeaftet, ton s nts (]At) • i'... (b) 7m• cash tw end nos- If ft Sea is s ,.. „of *siting tine atter eogagevent. (1Gt)i provided that 14 abarge ebtli be for the lice lest an acoamt of ineffieimm of ay taxicab or its OperafimI or time em- ailed by Proust— response to a sell. 8sotion S. _felting +A_ at a4d ssea is bsraia defined to as p the tads beginning _hon a nab arrives at m address to sbich it bas been felled, endendi,B ,r�.: ebdl it departs fYoI, atch address. ORDINANCE X522 COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY el iting ti" afterin engegAmtt /ball mea the t1m r after the sab bns tioo,meaaad the saportaticn omen. p"sengeeoe Neon_ 4. Nothing bored° oontsiaedshnlitaximb to lffonpersonperefrom meidag en agreement with the operators furnish tryl�ortatim at a rate to he agro d upon bet■een tbm for m boar, deye ,sate a ath or linger period, erupt tbnt Dan furnished b7 the hour, the alumm rate III be Seo No7]are ('12.OD)I heti the person, with ,bon the operetor of a tatd eroab mtea b e1eIlmeat shall , not be permitted to hire out the rebldle to en7 Nentim S. This ordinance is bereby declared to be am emergonay omdinsum rendered necessary for the presmm° m of the pnhlic peace, bealth end safety SouUm S. TUB ord u000ehal7. tete effect and be in form from end after its paseege end pn won" _ J Leiao 3rd. a ervl Yeas /Tia ;..It�.�;�'- �'�)i.i 1P.1, I ✓/ GI Y X G r 7': Ism Oomoilaan Nave xv Fource d �yt rami' MaDmo Roomst Srsaz lienal. Yr. Proud t ebeae7 ltteeti. city Y SEP 2 71992 s posed by SEk Epprorad 196 ■sir (l PUBI]Ni4 ' 100% ST. PAUL ASSOC-N CEDAR 4000 BLUE & WHITE CAB LINE Sr. PmP, Original Sedan Tai Semler 190 NO. SMITH AVE. ST. PAUL. MINN.. June 21, 1982. Mr. J. H. MODonald, GoomiSSioner Publio Safety, at. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir% Referring to the matter of ordinaoe pertaining to etaZ Simmer mum ratto You today abe about which Our Ur you will recall this ordimmee was tabled by the former City Council until June, and we are fit Shia time asking you. as chairman of the Licenna Committee, to take tte up againbeforhe eer aotion towards City Connoil again with aivieww for having this ordinaoe adopted as soon as possible. No doubt you are familiar with oonditione relating to rates on tszi-cabe Whioh is now' in.eff.otand the result of the , and OEM see theeneoeeeity for adjusting he eitusin St. tion in the interest of all oonoerned. We will appreofate it very must if You can advise us as quickly as possible when this ordinance will come up for oonsiderst Ion. Thanking you in advance for your efforts, we remain Very truly yours, ffiWE 69.,N Mgr. 7WP"o City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk AUTO: J. GIBBONS, Gh Oa4 1 eOVDAFI ..d C ... Wleeu d R,—H- o,a cue.on m.a . a.n.aaw.u.. yaauary 12th, 1932. Son. 0eo. C. Sadheisnr, Comair of Public Safety, Chairaen of License Committee, City of Saint Paul. Dear Commis.iom.v Me enclose h.—tth Connell Bile ' Bo. 91206, an ordinance regulating the fares to be charged by taxicab. within the City and also various attachments thereto. The Council today referred this Adopted by the Council ---193_._ ordinance to the License Co®ittee for furtber consideration. Yeea Neye. /ONROY Years very truly, /MAY /McDONALD City Clerk. ./PEARCE ROSBN SUDHEIMER R. PRESIDENT IE) commissioner moves to amend Council File #91206 as follows: Strike out (B) of Section 1 and insert in lieu thereof the followings N(B) The minimum rate of fare for taxicabs licensed for operation within the said Oity aball be as follows: Twenty-five cents (25¢) for the first mile or any fraction thereof. The average for the second mile or any succeed- ing mile thereafter shall not be lase than seventeen and one-balf cents (177#) per mile." ii j t G �. N aslgw L.lw16L prdt.Re.. Qpmall Aiegy�� � .., el�1�1,�to�fsurr`�r�.++ P!Y�ri i. tLs m!� sM. erelnse» tp., W� oyer o..:.Ns se eivs� dm — t4rreepoma.�l.Ila.." ;i Tads iit7 lNi►i + '' -;i x' CtRT ♦ngu/t,30th, 1932 .. Hen. J. H.,WDcmld, Chsiraah, fdeease Oomittes, gitrof Saint Paul. Dear Oomiwiomrt We emlee- herewith Ordfa 0, Oonecil 711- 93522, being an ordimme regalatiag the fares to be charged for the transpertatim of passoagere by taxicabs within the City Of St. Pena. together with all pspare in the ratter. this erdiaame tae laid or -r one weak to September 6tII for second reeding and referred to the Mosses,CMMIttee for recommendation. Tome very tru3jr, City Clerk..: ,w..... m...... CE COUNCIL ORDINAN CE N. --- PRESENTED BV O _ ---- An ordinance regulating the fares to be obarged for the transportation of passengers by taxicabs within the O1t7 of Saint Paul, and providing penalties for the violation thereof. This ie an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: • Section 1. Trom and after the passage of this ordinance, no person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any motor vehicle operated ae a taziosh :ball charge other maximum or minimum fares Shan in thio section p—dded: (A) The maximum rate of fare for taxicabs licensed for operation within said City :ball be as follows; Tor seven (7) passengers or lees, Twenty- five Cents (250) for the first quarter mile or fraction thereof; and for each succeeding half mile or aay%fraotlon thereof, Ten Cents (100). ( The minimum rate of fare for taxicabs licensed for operatic xi thin said City shall be as follows; Por seven (7) passenger: or lees, Twenty- ,i five Cents (250) for the first mile or h,.. < fraction thereof; and for each sucoeeding half mile or fraction thereof, Ten Cents'''i Section 2. M=ges for waiting time shall be as f011ow/e�- (a) !ar the first two and one-half S2D ✓ minutes of awaiting time at address, no obarge; and foreach two and one-half minutes thereafter, ten cents (100). (b) 7or each two and one -heli (21) min- utes of awaiting time after engagement,* 011 Ten Cents (100); provided that no charge 11 .hall be made for the time lost on a00dnat - of inefficiency of say tjjcicab or its oper- ation, or time consumed by premature response to a call. Section 3. "Waiting time at addrsess is herein defined to mean the time beginning when a cab arrives at an address to which it has been called, and ending when it departs from such address. Malting time after engagements shall mean the time a cab to not in notion at the request of the. passenger or paeeeng,re after the cab has commenced the transportation of such eu Councilmen Nays �. Passed by ,he Council - w PRESENTED BY_. -- ORDINANCECOUNCILFII_ENO. _ g12(�i (2) passenger or passengers. ORDINANCE NO. Section 4. Nothing herein contained shall prevent any person from making a, agreement with the operator of a taxicab to furnish transportation at a rate to be agreed upon betw'Een them for an hour, day, week, month or longer period, except that when furnished by the boar, the minimum rate shell be Two Dollars (42.00) but the person, with whom the operator of a taxicab makes such agreement, ebal1 not be permitted to him out the vehiole to any other person. Seotion 5. This ordinance is hereby deolared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Recti on 6. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publicatlon. "�.a. C.—il— Conroy May 1—Id 1'as,,d by ,he Council... 1. F—, Aovro.ed y AIR �r �+ t 1'the-confiscation of tsienty-two (32)• new matere,-of the valge of a: f• Three. Thousand Three 8andredand no/100'.('#3366:00) dollars, and „s :''would mean the outlay of additional Three Thousand Three`$andred 'a and no/160:,(#3300. �010) dollars, to comply with the ordinance. Y., a Shat to-ePfeot the `change Ronld.take :at least,-btro (a) months, e yaad your--Petitloaerj prould have to anspg$d bveiaeee for that perio 7 a.- That your Paiitioaer"opera tae caTa which. are ' e much smaller than._ on,mpetitive organizations and are not as ° -_commodious as 00npstitlie.c 0 and oanno't eapeot. to otita.ia the .y- ,same rates as Competitive care. _ '(a) There-;should be'ia difference-in the init3� m •Chargeo�what ie kriowII as s,•fl • ag charge for.Cab tiding between u M- L.• J ;;the minimum rate slid the maiimumsate and aa-e�ettggestion; 14• Paragraph b of Heotlon 2„ should beamended so ad' to read >6 „2penty Beate (20¢)_for the first mile ^or;^a fraction thereof."ThY ; ;wopld+permit the smaller cab to have i�rive Cast (5¢) diPierence'6° i� an the+Sergea gcabin the °flag `Charge• The��YaYlnre.to deo `amend would mean that the short'rider would rather ride a larger 'commodious car for the same -Twenty-five, Cents (25¢)' that he would have to pay in a smaller and. lees comfortable oab.,. m (b) Bow ae to the charge fpr-Ahe mileage after y the firat mile, it is unfair-in the regard thatthere ie no °a leeway pt".diiferenoe:,betWsen the minimum and the -maximum, and ... - _automatically.makes no difference or allowaaoe between the<Doat $, of riding a large`-oommodioua par grid aemall 14ae comfortable aa' yaer and makes the public pay for an'additional b'a1i mi ii�ghere-; ` the rider may beonly going an'-AddSt10IIe1 quarter of a mi]s'DT �z less And last an8., moat importaIIt 1t 1_a vafsir;'to this Petltio ,h ._ er who hae'metera,'as aforeat'sted,'registering.by nickel. instead p rs . 'of by dime e`:. r�. (1) Muly would a cab rider pay the same sinate as if th9.'ordinanoe Se-past, to ridg a small Pontiac if he can ride, a luxurious seven Passenger Pao -a 71 �yl a< �(3) 'Under the proposed ordinehce,,-a _a ;;hereon-xidimg perhaps one block past the first mile has to;pay a' for an entire half mile: It is unfair to the"public'eapeoially 4 is view of the fact that the meter can be subdivided into .R Ismallerfraati011e;tban one=half mile. 'For, instance the'-ordin- e:anoe cool"d. be worded or amended B`o'as to read one quartermile ..7. or fractiou thereof'. , s- - (3) The lastand most important part of ' this ordfnanoe as Yams this Petitioner ie conoerned ie -the fact `z - ,. is t 'that hie;,meters wouYd he sbeolutely-useleas,under the proposed u, .ordinance and could not is any way,be made to comply with,the or d. .. .-t.. , �inanoe;, and as a remedy to'tha el.t(iatfoa yBur=zPetftiouer`6 }ugge�t :.that .Paragraph b,, of Section; 1, and,Pgragraph a, of 9eotioa 3 ai a amends$ so as to•read, 'or Five .Qent,s (50) for a• quarter mile .�'f- 1b or fraction thereof, which et112 leaves the rate ucohavged of . is< Twenty dente (20¢) a mile;, and is regard to waiting time; the "amendment should be made so,as-to ;eed, !Five 00 (5¢)'for -'`ever"q one -..and one-half minutes an¢traotion thereof,.• which would y ' give the public as additional waiting time of one-half minute for �- m . - .Tea Cents (10¢)in- - - your Petitioner further.oannot see where in -say way an ,ordiriaaoe regalating rates would, benefit public peace, .. health -or` -safety, eepeoially.an view.-oi the fact that .thele are as. .. diao .adtional regnirementebeing placed upon tfio`cab Demers. .'� . . _., 'Your. Petitioner feels that this, ordinance. is in violation, of the 26' _ ._' - 16nstitution of the IIaited Statee.and of the State of liianeeota)',- in that it -is depriving your Petitioner of;hie ;property without ter. due process and,.the,interferenoe of the oonduct�`of, one's -own ., competitive businesaSe SO _ � There a sufficient ordinances and law. at the a, I? present time, in fact, an ordinance was past several months ago ae to which your Petitioner made no objection because it really fptl! �"'A`ar-+c,;. -, .. at as � � a:70: � �� ..p � ... 1 It is hereby agreed and nnderetood by add between Job, Simmer, Loose Stanek, Louie Robbins, Edward Aydt, Ed—d Rosier, Prank Walsh, Jese Amer.o,, Adolph Llndatrom and others, doing bumneee as Blue and White Cab Aeeoeiatlon, and J, E. Sharkey, Barry Hawkins, Framk Damarre, Harry Petersen and other, doing be nese Be Radio American Cab Association, and Peter Pleho, and 5. R. ydIlvaine and others doing bueinees as Dlamo,d Cab Aa.00iation, that in the event of the passage of an ordi—.. by the City Counoil in aM for the Cit of St. Pani, establishing mi i— taxicab fare, or rate,, the said Pattie, hereto hereby agree to charge twenty-five cents for the first three quarters of one mile or leas for seven passenger automobile taxicabs. In the event any individual or company not a party to this agreement Shall operate ,even passenger nutomobila taxicab, in the City of St. Paul and not conformed to this agreement with reference to rates then this agreement shall be null and sold and of no effect. It is further under,tocd and agreed hereto that the Parti., herato e,ell not advertise on, difference of rate, charged .or use of seven passenger taxicabs and five pee,enger taxicab,. In 'NITNE65 '7MMEOF, the Parties have hereunto set their hand, and .sale this day of Deced,er, 1931. ME PETITION TO THE HONORABLE LICENSE COMMITTEE OF THF, CITY OF SAINT PLNL: WE, THE NNDE??SIONED, cab owners of the City of Saint Paul, request that the City COUNCIL of Saint Paul, drop consideration of the nro-osed Ordinance known as council File No. 91206. We have carefully considered this matter, and we find that for the beet interest of the oab businass,.it would not be advisable for the 0 oil to set any rates. �� � --44 -zl- Council Ffle'No 93523 By ' CITY OF ST. IAIII Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the ace,acco-t of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Capitol AV from Lexington e"0, �aJt�rrmol Ave. to Oxford St., OR. is CeN ammu under Preliminary Order 20315A - Intermediary Ord . ...... 9248Q. - - ----- Final 0,der--2101— approved -Flih-) .)b+-._.-.__..19....32 A public hearing having been had upon the acessecarnt for the above improvement, and said aaa—rat having bee, further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ananeaccent be and the same is hereby in all leePlIts ratified, and the scone is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT HER RESOLVED, That the said —,.—at be and. it is hereby determined to be Payable in_ --...__.._.__.._..equal - — Nual instalharnte. AUG 31 1932 Adopted by the 19 City Clerk. Approved .... . ........ . . ...... 19--- 93523 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TILE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Au&. 19._32 In the matter of th,, --silet of benefits, costs ai,id expenses for Lt. co..tr,,t.tjiag curbing .n both sides of Capitol Ave. f,.. Lexington Ave. to Oxford St., under Prelim nam 01,111 1---di-y Order Fi..1 Order__. 9160 'Pp"—d Feb. 16th 19.32. T, the C-61 of th,, Cit, of St, P-1 Th, Commissioner if Fj­­ hereby reports it, the Council the following a. I t,t—e,t of the -p— dit,", necessarily incurred ed to b, incurred f., and in ......tion with the making of the above ietp—,- meet, viz: C"t of 10"t—ti .. . . . . 10 Cost of PibH.1bi,,g —tb,' $ C- of p,.,t.1 cards $ I-P"ti.. I— $ 10.17 A-tieet of court --bi for —filmitti— Construction Engineering 66.87 T-1 —p-ditsr- . . . $--683..97....._.... Said liR3-97- Stdd C...i.j..- f­h,,i, reports that he has --d end I-wd the total time -t es above ­-.i-d, ti—it: the — of $.___.&93.97...._._. up.. —1, end every lot, part ar p-1 of 1—d deemed benefited by the said improvement, ..d i, the case of each 10, p— or p .... I of 1-d is —,,-d—i, with the benefit. rom f,rr,d thereon; that the said ---t h., b... completed, tied th.t hereto itt-W, identified b, thesig- eaters f the ..id I,— hereof, i, the said ncsessment it. --]—d by h—, a,,,l J,, j,b smbmitted t. the I f -r .. Commiss�oncr of ri—t... Ckmmefl FSIs No..........._.........._.......... B, CITY OF ST. "I" Resolution Ratifying Assessment 93524 In the nutter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on Thomas St. from Pascal Ave. to Simpson Ave. and Pascal Ave. from Leford St. to Edmund St.. excant that portion ., E of Pascal Ave. between Edmund St. —1I Thomas St pa—tee" tai ae°ane.. �ifeee..' = —4, — VAMM, med,1 Preliminary Ord­.--!YjE—�4EL, lt,=,di.0 OnIer. 205.N Final .pp—d-.---QQt—?,-Tth-- ---19 �1- A ImbHe he -mg having been bed ap1n the assessment I— the above icpev,­.t, and said —eseemet having been farther emidemd by the C-cceil, end bs,mg been .... id,eed finally eetisfieteey, be it therefore RESOLVED, Thea the said ---t be end the same I. he -by in stl respects ratified, —d the same - I. he -b, e,d..d to be submitted t. the Dieteiet C- of tb. C.—, of R—ey for BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said --meet be end it is he -b, determined t. be payable Adopted by the 19 City Clerk. Appr—ed . .. ........ .. . ....... 19 M.Y., CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIIE COJIMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment To the matter of the aselienaltit of benefits, costs arid eixpsns.. for constructing curbing cyn Thomas St- from Pascal. Ave. to Simpson Ave. and Passel Ave. from Laf.nd St. to Edonned. St., except that portion of Pascal Ave. between Edmund St. and Thomas St-, .ad,, Preliminary Order___. , Intermediary Order Final Order... _qMofi pp,.ved To the Co ... it of the City of St. Pa.': The Commissioner of pinume, h,,, -b, reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily I"'diturelo,cess.rily i ... rted and to be i... -d for and in connection with the making of the shove improve- ment, 'i.: Cost of construction, $__596..95.._.__ Cast of publishing until, $.." _3.09 Cost of postal cards $._.__.....60. '' lrspsaiim fees . . . $.._11.94_-_.... Amount of court costs for confiluntion . . . . $__..._3,.,00,___.... 74.62 Construction Engineering $ 620.11 Total c,pe.dit.r,, - Said Cammisshme, further reports that h, he. --d and levied the total amount as above ascertained, ,._wit: the ... of ,Pa. each and -u lot, part or parcel of land deemed b .. fited by the said improvement, and in the ease of each let, part or pallet of land in accordance with the b ... Itscon- ferred thereon; that the said -salsion"" has be,, completed, and that hereto mt—lb,d, identified by the mg mature of the said Commissioner, and made a par, hereof, is the said __rt a., completed by hur, and which is heranith submitted to the C'11�1,', 93525 Council Ffle - - -- BY- —.0 ----- . . .. ..... CITY OF 11T. "I'l, Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1v the matter of the assessment of benefit-, ...t. and expenses for ,,._t,..tj.g curbing on both sides of W—ick Ave. f- Hartford Ave. to north line of Otto H—t Add I t I .04,em®• pvrrc A- ""'MAM"P4 11.1�91 Z Dta Zri iff =do, Pqhznmary Odc,---RS697 Intermediary Order Fined approved— All A public hearing having been had upon the mamem-1 for the above improvement, and said mmennent boring been further considered by the Council, and having been considered fL.Iuy catief,etory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said ce-moccut be and the earn, x, hereby in all rospecte ratified, and the mcne, i, hereby ordered to be mbecitted W the District Court of the County of R-ocry for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the mid occomeout be and it i. hereby do—wed to be payable in_ _r,,Vol Adopted by the 19 City Appe-ed ........ . . . ....19....... e� e. ..19—.— B. B, 1. CITY 11 ST. PAUI' OFFICE OF 1,1E CONI1jjsSIONRR OF FINANCE Report of Completionof Assessment for tleA In the— 11" of the assessmrnt o[ benefits. Ave from Hartford Warwick ..'st,­tIog curbing on both sides of _t, . Addition, Ave. to north line of Ott. Ij W,687 q 31 under Yrehmu.vr� OrderpI ...... 1 26. To the Council of the City of St. pool:the Council the fojj.,�g b� o statement of the -P" The Commissioner of Finance b—by "llo- " ', . e.oto,tjo. with the -'king of the above lo�p'o­ d nod to b^ in,,,,,d for dituces necessarily 'ml lb`: Cost of I-Al-lWo $ 2.70 Cost of publishing n -fill $ Cost of po-1 1-1, I-pe'lion fees 35.56 t of coact costs for eonfil—tv", A %Ttruction Engin,"Jlg C., Total .'t' that h, h.. --ed Soid Further 'el' by —i I., p.rt or P-l"¢nd levied the I f I.1¢vdeeed be.,fi,,,l on each ren - to -wit: the — of $ 02. 58 _,_,upb lot, _t , parcel of lend in -e,O,d..ee with the b—fits the e.id improvement, boo, i- the 'o" of ... o t_h'a, identified by the sig- _ e o, _,,-1 by him, bid f,r,,d there— thot the eo'd b—of, 11 theviS ""'t ..t— of the Said co-o'b'b,"', .a made b, I ... d proper. .hi,h i' herewith .mrea.. ((]] 26 CITY OF 5T. PAUL mi" NO...........a/��._. . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM REsoLveO That the Co®ieeSooer of Parke, PLpgrounds and Public Buildings be and he hereby to authorised and ducted to proceed by force Account with the development of the Valley Street Playgrounds ia- volving grading, surfacing and kindred work as celled for by the pleas prepared by the City Arohlteot and the Commiseioaer of Perk., Playgrounds and Pablic Buildings. The cost of such work including labor and materials shall not exceed $4,215.17 and shall be payable out of the Playground Bond Pund, Code COUNI�ILMCN yeas Nsye /�.{�'� //i°Donald R e W sal . President Mahoney Adopted by the pprovcd A ._ .. _......_.....193_. taA'Arf: Cranna Pae No._. 92527 I l \ PROPOSAL -POR IMPROVEMENT nd PRELIMINARY ORDER The mderaigned hereby propoeu the meting d the following puha. improvement by the City of St. Paul, vu.: locations_.. --y ------- Como — Aff Ae._oP eam� 7of3...Av 1... north 8ft & Phalen Ave., th�tce north 8 ft- .. . f`:. ._. .. .. Doted this.... ......._ � PRELIMINARY ORDER s + iar the mnldn6 of the following Improvement, vis.: WHEREAS, A written proposal _ encoT�.b...AS'......8kd..Scam. Phalen_Ayee,,,_theace_north-_8,_Yt.._._..._._.._..----- ....__- --- having been pceeented to:the Courailo [-the CAY of SF , e .-.._._._.........._.__._._...__ '.:therefore, be itu of Public World be md'u hereby ordered and diceated: RESOLVED, That Lb. Commission f mid improvement. 1. To foveetieate the necessity for, or dee'uabilfty Of, the maldn6' the total ooet thereof. 2. To investigate ties mtore, ..toot and estimated oost of eafd imProvement, and C B, To fiwfeL a Pin', Pr's or sketch of said imPro�mr` tftion of three or more owner y, To .tote whether or not Bald improvement is mked for on the pe b, To report upon na at the foregoing mettere to the Com>oreei"°i of E5nanu. AUG 311932 AdoPt'd by the Com .._....._....__...._. YAae �Neat y� Comcaman �..�fi.�.��, APPs'v ttft��,3G ed_.....__...._Y� "'t Ma pararnmse r..n.nms ,can y..'<1���. %3 32� �R�'? eaEfasMD PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The.d.igned hereby Propos.s tbe maMug of the foaowing pubae improvement by the (Sty of St. Paul, vi&: ConstrttotSng._e_dripeeey__at., the__followfng_location. t__ ........... ............... _._ ...biue°Sgthib feet feetieginn1.�828.5 feet ..............._ a _arato.g..a_. ...._. __,_....... ......_...farther afeet...._.__._.._._ D.ted We...._..a9Sh._..a.y of ..... .._......... dnsuaL,_1e3g.........._.....__, te.__.... �rlvewu. et_t•1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ... WHEREAS, A wrftleo ProPoe" —king the ldn6 0[ the foaowing improvement, vie.: .e•,Jn4n, North side_Selby__Av_tmus be imin6.. !?._feeteeat of Barataga _------ _ g i�6:5 feet -_....._._---.._.....Sveriue, }ince eas6-� Yset, eginnine _._.._..... ._.._..._faather...east*...thence_east..&test.-..........._.........._.__..._........-. ------ _ is having bee° Preeested to the Coma of the City of St' a ....... ........... .... _.......... _. _ --- v'themforerbddt. " `"" '* r 51;-'RF60LYRD, TM the Cd mien oar of PubliWoeke b. and ie hereby ordered end directed: ;3 1. Td fnveetigata the neeeetity for, or demrabaity of. the OBid°g Pm�mr n�t. ma the tour coat thereof. 2. To investigate the entero, extent and estimated ao.t of edd i g. To furoiah a per Profile or elmtah of eafd Improvemest /r ; 6, To state whether or not said improvement i''d d for on the petition of three or more ownem A. To report upon as of the foregoing mature to the C ri.efoner of FSuesee. pp����6 31193._ Adopted by the C.nnGL___._.__._..__........P_:..__.._...._ Yale Nara. MODPNN.a JL' Rodt*, Roel, Ma peseroalrT v r..c• a rn rwu -�gJBUSI�D..�� Council File No.—....._..7t7tU PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The under®gned hereby propose the meldng of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Q=3tru9.tlnE_.a_.i1F�.Y.QFfBY.._Ft...1ihA_ follllowln8.._locat4on!.................................... --___Rnath.slda_Oeldaad..94.anus_.hEEl»1T�-..52._ft."._east. of _Lawton .......................... lit. thence east B t __..... ........ _ __._.._.__._..._.._.......... _... _........ _.............. _... _................... _.......... _.._.___._------------ Atlgust/__-193E_..__...._......... .. Dated this_—��...... day of _..__...._............ _ ........ .. ...__ '--" 8 N 4 fila-- A:wn DrayywY.t M r mproKI }Ede qa PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, via-: ..—'-._.PiimstruutlnE--a..s1T1Ya1faY._R...t_k 11owin6_locatioae ..._......Nnrthsifla_Oaltlaad__ .Azanue_➢BBi�.-—ft.r..-esa4._of Lawton.--'-----_.._ ....................... ....... _... having been precented to the Council of the City If t. I=[ :therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commigsim er of Public Work. be and i. hmeby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetlgate the neceemty for, or desirability of, the nuking of said improvement. 2. To i°veetigale the mature, ubmt and estimated at of Bald improvement, and the total coat thereof. e. To furoieb a Plan, larride or ateteb of cold improvement. G y r not acid imprevement is Baked for on the petition of th 4. To stale whether oree or more ownare Commie®anm of Finance. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte°+ to the AUG.3 Adapted by the Comerl___.._...._......_.__....__ Y— Nara Come MAY AVS o ,..Rspw® M�oaNit.n /�APProved—. J2�17p RCE i/U� t _ rt �G. aym. Ma Paaeamrr _. 6k��T PUBLISM Cowen File No.—. U530 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigoed hereby proposes the _,ting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: .......__.._4vnaLrn¢tiva..�xSY.aafeY....ati..tba...Xo?.?.oz_lscat_on:...................... ._.....Peter __North..si,ds_Tllden-_6trest,�_beglnnln6._92._feet_east__of _S...______,______-_ Street, thence east 12 Peet. _ _-- _ Dated thfs_..... 3Qth..._.day of_ ....._._......Q,RSfAAt.a...a.�.�.%_......._....._._..., te.__.... ComaSmm. ........... v x ids o—e t ` tea of m. u t j Pmro:: PRELIMINARY ORDER.}°;ro, e:'vm WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mating of the following hnfo` ament, vin.: a o. y. Constructingd"watthe following g._locatiat ay- _..... ..__..................._.__----__ .._.........._.....�__._ ,. North side_ Tilden. Street beginning_92-_Peet. east of _St. Peter T .............. thence easy --feet. zj ....._..._.............. ......... -------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......_......_._._........._....._._.__.__----__ therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commieshme, of Public Work. be and is herby ordered and direetad: f. To invmti@de the ,enmity for, or desirability of, the making of said fmprovemenL 2. To inventiPte the nature, extent and estimated coat of said impro—tin and the total cost thereof. �L 3. To furnish a plan, prof le or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether ar not mid improvement is inked for on the petition of throe or mon owner 5. To report upon all o[ the foregoing mattersto the Commissioner of Fimnea. Adopted by the Council._.........._...._._.AW..3. .. Y_ Neva counril_an C/1� °®' J AUG 3 1 P rynf4'.e. 7RUN4 4 or. Ma pararauLr, A's vel roan ' Com it Re No.---J353t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propos" the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Constructing._drive,wa _on,_the_ xest._side,"_of._Dexey._Acenue.a""_„____....... ”- - ._beginning 90 Yeet south of Feronii Avenue thence .........._ Doted thke...HO...Lh..._.dcy of ........ ._AggttSt�"_1932.."."__........._.....__...., l9_._... ._ ......... . ... ___ w . s.. we. o .enl wu of m; toi` r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS. A written ProPoeaf for the melting of the tollowioe improv emeet, via.: '"' ••.... Constructing"_driveway._p_a.__the_wast_side ,_oY _Dewey., beginning 90 feet south of lferonia gvenues thence ......................._.__..r— .............................- ted"the Couved of the City of SL Paul— -------- ----- - havm6 been Proron therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat the Commissioner of Public Work. be and'u hereby ordered and directed: 1 To investigate the roamaity tor, or desirability of, the making of acid lmprovemmt. 2. To iuveafigate the -tore, extent end estimated met of said kmpmvemmt, and the total coat thereof. g, To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid imPruvemeet. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mora -rem S. To "port upon AS of the foregoing mettma 1,ggComm+emo-r of Fimvu. 61° 6 3 JJLL Adopted by the ComerL__........_.._._...._..-Am _. Vass Neva uncigT�� 1 ;D?� ppvtr 'a Councilman WNWANW NALD /)Approved_._._....... --- _--------- Pk.�RCG U / IMom so PGSEN 5 bldybr. Ma pexamewr ...e.t.mrra.n \''� Pl1BI ISi�R Council Fie Ne.—._93532 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undertigved hereby proposes the meldvg of the following pubho improvement by the City of fit. Paul, vis.: Constractin drivew at the Pollowln looationt _ ... _ ................ _-__,.—Wegt.��e �f(gtdota__8y�eet�-; bQg3nnlAg_74..5._feet„_sonth__oP-_61xth,__._t.—__ thence south 6 feat. - _ Dated thia_....._30th_.day of......__......_Aaguat,._1932._..._._......_......., 19._._.. rsrs-- a u io PRELIMINARY ORDER- a Moro w WHEREAS, A written proposel for the making of the following improvem k vu. CtmstructlnB__drivewaY at_the following lca o...... s..l--...____......... Peat...sixle...YaDdQSa...@.trest,._be91mixing. LA..F._feet...ao¢tn_of_�iath et,,._ thence south 6 feet. _ - ........... _... _....... pin .__----- ha ' g beau ted to the Council of the City of fit. Pa ......._.._._._.........._._ ____.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, The, the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the veoeasity for, or deaimbihtY of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sed estimated eost of said improvement, and the total oost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of esid improvement. All 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners fj G -1 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fines. CIES 31 IV - Adopted by the Council.__._.._......_........_.._.....__._ .............._._...._ Yaae Nero 3 hlvx. d q 132 Counonnown i Approved_. ----- MdDoiuin Pseaoc Mn. Pasatomrr mil CL �O Ma —CA Counm7 File Iia.__.. W33 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mderdgn.d hereby P.P_ fhe -,I.g of the foltowing publia improvement by the City of St. Peal, A- ......_Reconatructinga...Ee1�aayy.�in&._and_repairin6.;.._mere _ necessary,....._._._......._..... -. follow]n6 sldeealk: 2TB...ft.._naxth_nf.-IBX.0-CQm-4.--------- ...._._.bast--Slde-oB-.Hamlipte-.Ave-'haglnndrtg- and Phalen Ave., thence -north .10........ft- ._....._.._...._.._...._......................_. -----------...... ......... --.... _...................... _................ .......----- -----...._----------- A!1 a ......... iP.-.-.... Dated thin..___ ...-- _. V aW t W4, ,w2 n re ed Pe r r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the meting of the following imProvemmt, via: the rel_ and re alrinBs 'share necessary,- ___ _--_._77, Heoonstruoting,.._ ay--eginm L& -A' C mo %ITo�ng giTeealki gest-aida..oP R .heginning-..2T.fl_ft�_nsaxtAs�'.._4--- and Phalen Ave., thecae north 10ft . having been-p[eeented to the Conrail of the City of et. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbet the Co,em,eaoner of Public; Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: (. To inve.tigete the neee..ity for, or deli-b,L'tY of, the making of Wd i-Provament. G 2. estimated cost of mid improvement, sad the toted cost thereof. To inveatigatn the mture, extent and 3. To famish a plm, pmfde or sketch of mid imprevemmt. 4. To .tete whether or not mid improvement is -ked for on the petition of thme or more owners 5. To report upon All of the foregoing matters to the Commimoom of Fieanee• AUG 31 1932 Adopted 69 the CouneiL.___.....---- ------- Y— .-- Y— Nare Cora— *w Approved Ma Sf / ro c. a Council File N--------9=4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the -eking of the fo2owiag pubhc improvement by the City of St. P -W, is.: Reconstructingr._relaying en -d. repairing,._frbere necessary, the .....--_..... i'o7SofiinB sidfiwal7c= un..AAenues_-beEin°LoB...at_Rte...C1air_.6t ­..thenae.._..._...__...._. north 142.7 ft. ____...._.... _......... _..... ....... ... _............. _.... th Dated thia.._.__30.._.daY W__..._....._.._............_....... o s sA.Arr°r ao m:eOeJJ �,u sou uur`P` a` '.r.rvla�reaim e PRELIMINARY ORDER. r•�^°�°`"':�r' o,s ;��i„s .e WHEREAS, A written proposal for the meting of the following improvement, vu.: _.Reconstruotingi rel ing_end_-repairing,where-_neceeas_ri�._the__-.—_._ toifowing sid= East aide Finn Avenue, beginning at St. Clair 8t., thence lands, been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pew..._._.___.__._..._....__...._..—__. therefore,beikt" o»' :. " -"' RESOLVED, That the Commissioner W Public Works be and is hemby ordered and directed: I. To i""Upte the necessity for, or desirability of, the --kine of mid improve -ant. 2. To i-eadigeta the ted , natant and estimated coat of aid improvemmt, and the total coat thereof. /j a el 2. To furnish a plan, profile or akatah W aid improvement. 4. To amte whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere g. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere tossthe aCommissimen' of Finance. a'L Adopted by the Com....__........_..._...._j�.Gi-3..L.Ws7a�--_..._— Y— N -e, C Olman0, 11 In, vs�MCDON" Approved_— ............... PEARCE RGUA 71 M. Paeu — M r..cAupu ,wo Council File No..— 49M35 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the _king of thef.Hr.ig pubtin but,—.out by the City Of St. Paul, viz.: the.............._.._ he C , rela-ying gA4_Tjpjkirin .. ... ...... . ....... . .. . following eidewa7kt 40ginaing 272 Xt— wBst -cf at.-AlbaUlSt— thence west 40 feet,... Doted _� 30th of..._........_. .... Alu;u .... . ...... ...... . ..... .11- I.Use- PRELIMINARY ORDEP- WSIREEAB, A written proposed for the suiting of the fallowing improvement, vis,:' following side;13172 of . jaai�g--- . . . _. ...... th side a — --- -------- . .... . .. . .......... thence ------------ .......... beri., been presented W the Commit of the City or St. Pml. therefore, Ike itdim-ted: VE, Tbot the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered and REBOL , ility of, the ..ling of mid impousrseut 1. To juvesgPte the seceegity for, or desimb of said improvement, end the tote) rust thereof. To investigate the ustme, extent end esti ted e --t 3. To furnish - plan' profits or Owth of mid ip.,—e.L " To state whether or out raid hopeneem, is inked for on the petition of three or mom owners 5. To report upon all of the .,brg mettm to the Cournishourr of Pioneer. Adopted by the Cowed— — Y— N-. WAY Councils— B&DONAD App.e-L-- F. C A U soe s�6Council Mile No.—.._t) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foflowing public improvement by the City of St. Fein, is.: Reoonstructi.ng_a rel aayp.fig--- and _re_pairinpa.._xhere _necessar}rp_.the _ _ ---'-foTiowing sidewalk: ..Sast..aide_of-9oxelY..lwe--sbe6�i�+nitt&.�..it....south-.of..CaarolL.Ave ... ........ _ thence south 58 ft........... ...... _-_._._.....---_..... _...... _.-- ... _ ... .. .. �. Dated this_ ------ 30th ..dny of _.............. Auguatr 193E a.�x a sa w teat ..at r :CJ sw. a . rouor.a a Pmv mr, -.-....._ ......... _.`"p v t tddsq� Pis a---- teq PRELIMINARY ORDER 'm8t''° t�i�• '" WHEREAS, A written propoml for the making of the following improvement, _Hecon_a_trnctings_relgying_end re�airinE�,_where neceasary_L following sldewalki "., _....East.-side-oY-Boafell..due.-,--beglmnin8-.-"--tt_--sonth..a ca>:.rall_Ace..a_ _ south58 ft. ................... ....................... ..... —hsving been presented to the Council of the City of St. Phud.._..__—...- - thefefore, be it •�', RESOLVED, Thet the Commissioner of Public Wort. be end is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigste the unture, extent and estimated coat of said impruvemeat, end the total coat thereof. 2. To furnish a pi.., Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is seta d for on the petition of three or more owners & To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Fimnee. Adapted by the Co=n i__-.-— Ym fav ;t} .-� r r ; lo. �Tt S Ma Fluent— gwr}, /'� //M°y07i,• �_ r.�c•vpr,oao � ptIBLffiHED,1�L1�3 // Council File j APROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The md,,d ved hereby propceee the vudung of the following public improvemaut by the City of Rt. Peal, via.: --_._Recoaetruct?nE:._r eleY.u!S._and_gegaiFlnE,_.lit?eF.e...A.9C9 ae.ess,-._tkte........_....__.. following sidewalks ... _.... .. .... ....-BV _Of-frii 6V9� iieginning*SOD-Ytti_.east...ofsunlsp �� _..___._. ............. theflaa_aast 50 ft. .. ... .- N¢ a [srA -. - . . .. .. . a to m �.� us Au tx 198E_ 1°°er' * p i rP°W Doted thio.. SOth day of . _g � vsa tl Damn :. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WIJER.EAS, A writteAporposal for the mvicing of the following imProvereevt, via.: . .. .. „ d..LaRalrlag.._ahare..nacesearR-.-.the ..____.__. _ $ a4&follo ABs.a�idew follow.ts� sidewalks gC.,_._...,...... hath-s.4de- f- agile--Aver,'�61�ing-3flO-Ytr:"-ensC..af...Dun}yp.. �thshae east 50 ft .................. - -'- - Covvcil of the City W et. Paul.. he,.lf bem prosehted to the therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Commim ever of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigete the necoecity for, or dedrebility of, the meting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the veture, ..tent and estimated coat of said impro-meet, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a Pim, profile or .ketch Of Wd improvement y. To etsh, whether or not said improvemevt a asked for oo the petition �thhree or more owoem aD of the foregoiugmeit l't a Corozal . o A, To report upon �� 1 Adopted by the (:ommL_..___.._....._..__._.._- --- Ym. Nero Cou dmav ryryyy��//aa pp AY yy. ue �n -1-MW Approved- _. - Mks MOIidN61p 4CE GL T.EI Sam Ms P-1— .. v..cawwtoav Rr . dy .rrT rt& G Council File No..._.._aitlt 8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby pruposra the making of the foEowing public improvement by the City of St. Peel, via.: _._Ee_oonstbactingx.-relaying-end-__repalrinB,._ghere._negessary.,._the_folloe- - Sng sideiielkt 4g_ft.-aonth-of.-B.SSthSt-r-th�o& __...._-ICesG-side-11e[t4ota sG.y_.�Bi'aa4n8.. north B ft., beginnlnB 14 ft. farther north, thence north B - ft_ Doted thi....._$Otrb...... dey PRELIMINARY ORDEIL WHEREAS, A written propoenf for the malting of the faEowing improvement,`vir f Fifth St., sidesd _:'nort`o enSo fence north...&.ft-r-he8°8..1A.-it....far.Chex.. aorth,_..thmranorth._8_it- �. having been Presented to the Comcil of the City of St. Paul ._................. _. therefore, be it the Commisdoner of Pubtia Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: RESOLVED. That aldngaE said Improvement. L, To inveatignte the aeocAgity for, or deeinbility of, the m 2. To investigate the nature ­tont tent and estimated coat of odd improvement, and the total coat thereof. urn 3. To furnish'Pte-- Pte- Profile or sketch of said Improvement. HLJ 4. To date whether or not said improvement i. eeked for on the I titivn of three or more ownere faJhe commimiover of Finance. 6. To report upon all of tho foregoig 3t4re1``77,�t�� Adopted by the me ......__..._...._.._..._._. Y_ Nese cannauman MAY fd'�Bi ",t' 'i 9932 MOE TRUA ? TEtUAR Ma Paramurr Council File No—%35-39 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT nod PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoem the melting of the following public improvement by the City of st. Paul, via.: _ _ Rectmetrncting, relaying aad. repairingr_wh_ere _neceseary,_the — YkSiYO'sSHg' 91Qelra2v _at_Plixasant_Ave . ttagnce seat �44_rt. _..09ttA .a1.da_Jamets 5t.:.beginning. s v mno. •"} --------------- 30th ._ dey of . .. A.ttgnsta _1932 --- Dated this .. .__ Cmmdmti 7! _ u_ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viawherenecess.:ary, the Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, _ .. __ _._..�.Ylowtng- sidesaiir= .. _ .__ _ ....................... ,.. in^1n at_Plessant Ave a thence east 100_ft. ..-....._.._...... _............_....___..__-_.___....._ having been Presse°ted to the Council of the CitY Of therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To iovestipto the neeeaaity for, or durability of, the mating of said Improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated at of said improvement, and the told cost thereof. 2, To furdeh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To Ante whether or not said improvement I' caked for on the petition of three or mare owners h. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commimioser of Fiaanm• Adopted by the C ---R ........... ........ __ Yore Nara ""y110`9 Caunailman''7''osaofn_.�.- .__.___.--- ;D�'at+r•" App—d__......._.__._..__......._. :�uDotraLo npie �, g n r M Mn. pararoua* Iwm C a Y nY roan ,�E_ .,..xvrl 93540 COUNCIL FILE NO_____________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter f--ch-cg-K-thk-grvsLQ-of ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- -de, preliminary Order_____________ 9.?n§ --------------- pp—d ___July_ i 1952 ---------------- The Council -I'he City of Peraul ha res tived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the hereby resolves: ..... above improvement, and b.,i.g comaided aid report, h 1. That the said report wift-the ,,me 'herebyapproved and adopted, and t he said improvement it hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the C....if ....mm,,d, i—h-,g- -thc-4V4dtLJ1f rad_line_oASha_Aznf1J.4._bsS_atc_Att@ohed end _made a_pert_ho_reof,_ also Rave Dela nllnay Jlgtgggp_�hg efgresald_limlte to the said red line when ---------------------- with no altemativea, and that the estimated cwt thereof i, Resolved Further, That , public hearing be bad oo aaid imprtiVement on the______ 27th_________day of at the how of 10 o'clock A. 14 3 , in the Council Chamber of the Co." Hoose ..4, City Hall Bad, i %. of St Pan Th the of to �,e notice of . a I T the aria, id me ting d In , mcc jr—!�. by the Charter, the time hearing, g�:wjejtlm improvement and the total cost thereof a. estimated. Adopted by the C .. ril --- AKA1-1QV----,i92---- Appro-d --------- 192 --- Councilman ishamep—a m. [[meld Councilman dbmpm M" Councilman daftniorklm P-- Jt — C,.n,lRosen :'UBIdSHTO Councilman T-.. 41 Councilman Wo.—I May., s Mahon .-y Form B. S. A 8-6 - COUNCIL FILE NO______________ 93541 a le,u�a5"ayyemie ;e r..tns.:vrxenu.et+bu t,i;w& M rblm o., INTERMEDIARY ORDER Io the Matter of___ ohnnglag the grade of All X_ Sn_Blook_ 3� Desaoyer_Pnrk 11'am Beverly Road, to Dotes st. to ...farm to the red line om the profile heret..at '£eoFed __9niLN9dD_A_palf._bDraaf.-the_pranent getebliahod_grsde beirtg_ehaem by a lin_a thnre- also grading Allay in Bloolc 3 Deanoyer Park from Beverly Road to Dosae St. to the on, m the Alle t Glendale __�rnpnsadzad_],.iA4_PhaD_5stzabl7,ehe�aonat_ruati_g_s_sener_fro_________y_ o Avemue in the eaeament to ba obtained on the northerly 8 feet of lot 9, block S, __]1aDAgyDL2tsck.-____________________________________________________________________ under Pre3mioary Order ___------ __3,319--------------- pproved _a1A1S_ 2 y_1932------ ----- ___ The County of t. b.. Raul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finanm upon the above. improvement, 'd having. ca'd4. idered�said ttpori. hereby resolves: 1. Tbat the saidreport and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered m be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Ahanga_th-grAd9._oL_ __.011,ryl:_iceou.the_profile ber_Park,_Sxam.Bs¢arna Sandto_Rnnnn_Ht._he r1fnffi.>:a_Lb- redlina oa the profile hereto nttaohad and da a part hereof, the present eatnb- ___11.shad.$Adahflla�aha�_SY-a_S1aG11na tLarena._slao_grado_911ay_ line uhakr5..___ ➢annoyer park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to the proposed red line xhen eatablieh- ___ad_and_nanehr t_s northerly rnm_thof lot to_ l ..,n 3, D.. n_Sa_tha.ssaemtnt_Sa._LSl_ obtained on the northerly 8 Pt. of lot 9, blank 3, Desnoyer Park, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be ------ —day of ___3aptemh�e_19,'i2_____,3ffic__, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Couneil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p nn ons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of besting, the nature of the improvement and the total mst thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ _lU G 3 110 192---- 06 11, iFA Councilman �a Mononsld Couadlman }{Q�,^ play Councilman Rm�re cannalman Conndlm Couvcilmav µrr�uzel Mayor SIAMM Form B. S. A. 8-6 Clerk. May%nJr/ �<�^9UR.I.lSf�6 93542 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ d—ia Tana_Sakiagsn_easement_1aShe_1md_Dnnesascy_Snx_elapae, __Slitfi_dild_Yj,�fl_SA_tbD_.GLDAt1Bg_DP�I.I.By_:ARLQ4IC 3,_➢asnoyac-Par1c_frnm_Basacly_R¢ad ----------------------------------------------- {� p ya eC:c d an6:Ga- m u .mb :'�vwme. -------------------------------------------------------- _________ ________ _______ ________ __ ____ �. yegal per ae 1 H f:Dn avepp W. em Be Roia� =ei. ae .l _____________________ ve& under Preliminary Order_ ----- --92aQo__---------------- pproved ___ds13X-i•7 _b;♦3$_______________ The Conseil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abov impiov rent, and having mnsidered &aid report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is herebyro pved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered m be proceeded with 2. That the nature oI the p—pept which the Cou eommcnd _Aglid9lw eAtl teka._ee '�> ssed5wat_fDx_elapse,-.Dote_nud�Yi.�e_1.a�hD_geoatfne_aL.All,ex_SaA.1DDk_S._P_aaasY?�C� __P_%[ls_Yx�_Ba?arlx tt9pa cp_Re�ae_�reata__in_aoporaan�a with the _bluePriat hereto_ __a4teDltaa_tasul_mesh a_paCt_11D.LflDP _tha_hn4sh d_partlDn__€b��tha_oyta_ana the ____ __aDndad.�ortlane_ahaning_thasSlla__________________________ _______________________________ with no alternative, and that the estimated .at thereof is S_3QaoD_________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ ZTtb----------- day of 1$$i _____, !M___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Courtqtt. House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of" said meeting to the rem— and ' the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the mp—Mt,.pgd'tfVoml cost thereof as enrated. Adopted by the Council ----------- _----------- .192____ Approved__________d sync. Con ""man Glapgt,,,,� -,".aid^JHI.ISFrE_' _ 3 Y Councilman �ergnan[e'..�.ma Councilman Fgcpogali` Ploy Y�arce ?� Councilman�� g„evn Gr A Con CouncmIliman o Weuaei kd lr Mayor musoqsss Mahovey Farm B. S A e-6 \ W543 a.m p paa�y, `a COUNCIL FILE NO. _____________ v a t a.aoa_tyt INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- ommdMamtAyIf oquglxu95].A�`j and maintaining a public lower on, under and aoroea the northerly 8 feet of lot ___9.'Took_3,_l�e.eagyac_Pik,_Sxom.at^^d^t^�nuM_Sn_tha911Mg_in.ShM_rnat_uL_aMltt_ lot, also oonderming and talong s temporary easement for construction purpoaeM only ___DAR_BSxip_p�1Pa61_3_lkaSARi65hAA_LIIR_fl4ltthof_the_nboye_eaeement_Sn lot and on the southerly 5 ft of lot 8 in said block 3, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order___________ allQI_________________approved ---- Zuly- 27,_ 1932 ----- __-----_ The Coundl of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon tae above improvement, and having conaidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered " be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Co¢ncil recommends is__eond—d_takM_dn_ _8Last of lotn9, block 3,fesng_M�&Park, Prem, Glendale eadnaoro a the northerly a feet of lot �, block 3, Desaoyer Park, from Glendale tforfl onat ition purnr_af_only_on a strip of len width easement for oonetrvotlon purposes only on a strip of land 5 ly_ Sn width ca the ___3Jia§11_P.ldM_9S_Lh9_9499@_44991¢frilt Vin_}ot 9,sad on the eoutherly_5 ft_of_lot 8_Sn said block 3, Desnoyer Fork, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 12 40______-_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the_____2'Ltli_________day of ___Sagtemhaee_1A32____. 398c_--, at the hour of ID .'clock A_ M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Halt Bung in the City of Se Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the p om d ' the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nw-e of the impcyy�vepk and„the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ 7 _ _ ____--------------- App—ed ____ry________ Approved____________________________192___ G Clerk. ayor. Council" n DlcDnne Id Council"an 1�tac+m Mayu Coundiman 1RMs® F—re. ."JLiIrJi,T',• ? Councilman Itnsen J Counm7man Trunz �•�� ' i IY Counei]@�,� wevzel Mayor P'eiAER� Mahoney Form B. S A. 8-6 93544 COUNCIL FILE NO.____ I _E •' c.AeW% INTERMEDIARY O--------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Matter .-jLq- Gnitto-At o.- _tc. _X-±.. Ab. ­"Ites_ — --Vht t..h.d and presente',tablilh,d. grade b,i�, henra by a blue "MA"t 'a '�JQ 11wIs____ 11--thartum. r—d=" ed St. to Grotto St. to the p'.g d red I ­tabl Lebed, .. " ....... b:..,At. t tke St_ t -_41 ------------------ Albans St., ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ all.7_7 --- — -------------- pp .... d _JIulY_ 25._ 19$$_______________ The --------------- Tba C .... if of the City of Pa. leaving received the report of the C,.mi,,i,n,, of Finance Pon the .b.,,e irep—ernem. and having 1 b the said report, hereby 1. That the ­id=edd�ih. is hereby approved and .dpted. and the said imp—ement is hereby ordered to be 4 ..' 1. 2 That the nater, of the improvement which the C .... il .... mm,,ds e. 1 to the red lime on th%K—file hereto tt..h.d and ved. a. part hereof , the p -...t ..tb- - Zr' H.l.—b.-. Add. from St. Alb- St. to Grotto St. to the proposed red If- ban ..tab - 1 shd. _n Pf Atc_Alb�sL St. _t_t_ _ta i to the Bawer in St. Alban. St., with no alter—i—, and that the estimated coat thereof i, R -1 -d Farther, That I public hearing be had no said imp—em— on th ------- 2.71b --------- day of X=_ at the beer of 10 o ',I,,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of S, Pa.!. Th., the Commissioner of Fimmes give onfiee of said meeting to the F,m,m and in thaa�—or provided by the Charter, t — . stating the time and pisof hearing, the mor . be imp—ereamt . d the mt eet ... thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____puss 11912_192---- App—ed ----------- ------------- 192___it, a k.'� •yot. Councilman ...iheM�I)e.ald Councilman m.y Coned = iiia T' or Coundl C ... i man INAWN&�wenael `r t' Mayor= 1-jele—ey For. B. S. A. 8-6 93545 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By O-------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Matter —Alb—st—A—a-tt.-St -------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- R. Nt WY( "n. ------------------------------------------------------------------ ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- under Preliminary Order --- — ------ II32.7A ------- — -------- pirr—ed --7JL1Y-.?6--LqA2________________ The ---------------- The C .. cil of the City of Paul �,i%d,acciyel of Is Commissioner of Finance Pon the ,b— improvement, and having considered as i 's, hereby resolves: ,al. That -b said report the a.m. W.41, y approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered a,p with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council re-ro—d. ---------------------------- u,ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-2liQ0________ Resolved 0-------- Res,l,,d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on ths, ------ 2ath -------- day of ogtem-LDAZ ------ at the how of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Cmicil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner I Finance give notice of mting id meng to the , Forsom, and m the manne, provided bythe Cb—e,, stating the time and place of bearing. the nature o the imp WmalWo total cost thereof as cance.ted. Adopted by the Council________________________ 192 ---- --------- - -- --------- App—d ---------- bFjJ_'___________192___ "455 Clrrk- �Maycn. Councilman ISMEW M'D .. 14 Councilman MWgd..— rq.y 4 Counciman etowradde5as P"arca Councilman Counci Counrilman 51101FAWPO T'u.. r t5—.ed LCA May., Pmah—ey Form B. S. A 86 llC - T9546 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ INTERMEDIARY O-------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matter of---- A,ce—A.-Itedstril.ka-A -- ------------------------------- it��orea seat t __ ------------------------------------------------------ ----_______________________________________________________ -------- l'.a- `10i1 .. mi, ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .ads, Preliminary Order --- — ------ Qg.QA4L — ----- — --------- pp,. -d ----------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above imp—onew, and having considered said report, hereby —1- 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the mt—, of the improvement which the Council recommends ------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2.JAii.0a ------ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had no said improvement on thc_ ----- ?7th --------- day of ---------- Ali=-, at the how of 10 o 'clock A. M., in the Commit Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of .aid meeting to the pets�improvement s and in the comme, provided by he Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature o np .... ment and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- AUG -9 192---- - Approved --------- W!L'o ------ 192--- Councilman 115lomm"o—ss WD—ld Councilman gengueon . - N.Y Cound dd.1hrodd— Pearce Councl; hose' Council SpolilaNgWo Trumt Counti: W"Eviiiiiiiiiiiii Wenzel Mayor I1!1111111lill Nb ... I For. H. S. A. 8-6 --- - --------------- ity Clerk. - ------ -- -- you. ti VULLSETID ns 93547 Bmml COUNCIL FILE NO______________ .a vvoa. wa . Hy O-------------- - ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER - In the Matter f—_____ Jamee St. to Paleoe St.�_ ezo_Pt_where_good_an ----- -d Wf`i.L.Rlb-skdqmjl- a -42M AXIAt ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- order Pelleaittsey Otd----9t2912L ---- — ______________approved --- a—zo—U31 --------------- ne Co_.il of the City of Paol having received the -port of the C...i..i.,er of Mr.— upon the above inap—tane.t, and having -raidered said report, hereby —1—: I That the said , Z approved and adopted, and the said improvement i. . P,= hereby ordered be edNd Va., it hereby Z That the a.— of the improvement which the Council --,.da ---- the -eant -aide -of -Chatsworth - St. - -- front - J--. -- St. - to Palsoe St.r_exoept where good_ —d aaff�kAevt aT%j - --------------------------------------------------------- _qjL sidewalk .. .1temati—, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-.RG-P=-fr—t foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had no said improvement on the_____ 2M ---------- day of 293-1 at the how of 10 o 'Omk A. M., in the Council Ch.rober of the Court If.— and City Hall Building to the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give votim of .aid meeting to the F—.- provided to the entooner pided by the Charter,eating the.ti.e and pl.ee of heating, the at,,, a the improvement and the total cost thereof a, estimated. Adopted by the Council___192---- - ---------- ....... ----- - Cl A App—ed ------- — 4 192--- ily Councilman ch..r— Cooed: PUBUSFEED C .. eil.— 815.0—m— 1".— Couaci — = le""' " -) I C, t— /7 Tu.. Councilm W—eed Mayor WRIMO m.h ... y F.— B. & A. &6 9,4548 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ INTERMEDIARY O-------------- INTERMEDURY ORDER 1, the Metter -- ------- ------------------------------------------------- -------- ------------------------------------------------------- -------- _.p Wvileae�tiOrae ai arm-. ------------------------------------------------------- ---- F" ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- order Preliminary Ord ---------------- q3f)l6 --------------- pp,. -d - July. 12, 1932_----___-_"___ The 932------------- 71, Council of the City of P. -I h-vi""received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .bw,c improvement, and having' considered ..d report, hereby resolves: I.That the said report—end the same is hereby ppr—rd and d.ptcd, and he said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the o,n,,-of the Council recommends i ...... with no Mttm,ti,cs, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-D-arL2-qr-rxft ft. R ... 1,cA Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----27th. ----------- dy of --- — ---- *W-- --- at the h.- of 10 .'clock A. M., in, the Cmncil Chamber of the Court H,,,, and City H,II Building in ffic City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the sons sod n, the son., provided h Charter, sorting the time end place of hc.riof, the he improvement t ,d the torsi ... thereof as estimated. 1939 Adopted by the C,,ncil --- ------ 192---- 1qnl - ------ - -------------- Approved___________________ _______192___ iiy Clerk. C ... ilm ... C Ilk Co. 1. WIMMIj— Trunz C... hososi0i ... i— W --el M.Y- M.h ... y F.— B. S. A. 93,549 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof__Annvt.nnting,Ridaenik_9XEOL61.AAfl_Ai_Cb5_AQLi]L@@5_ o4L4_l. _4%_______ Bidwoll_svtL..lsebal_HSr mt-- _______ c �-'r B" w:s a w _ _________ _________ _______ _ ___ -- 'lvV B11aea -ter nfeeroei. o ¢- _ ______ _ ________ _________ _____ ___ .,.fie r w -v _________ e Lr _________________________ under Preliminary Orde,---------- 3351&__ ---- —_-------approved ___---___-_- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, aad having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement` which the Council recommends is___ must'^ -a ds mlk._ nateaslone at the northeast oorner of HSdwell and Isabel Htraets----------------------- with no alternatives, aad that the estimated ,at thereof is $-.L22 ---------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ Z?tti _______day of S�mb taery_1832 _______ }g,Q at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the persons and ' the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improve t and the total cost thereof as estimated. a "Adopted by the Council 3 7 19.,9 l- _ -_ 192-___ __ _ _______________ Approved________i`______�_____192___ Clerk. t. Councilman MefMnnld lr Counsel av May Cvuncilmenl }rxrce6y� S�J� Coundimav Masan \c��r`L1SEliLD Ct. cflman,�U6e�la Truax 7, ConneilnunMMseF.sso We— Mayors Mahoney Form B. S. A. fib COUNCIL FILE NO-_____________ By_______________________________ 93559 eta w y, awA � .aa oep6eat:� gOe"r'S h+� INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oi____aztena Sons_to oomaot ezi etlni sldevm]]ca ____________ to_�he_m h_BL_thB_1a11ecingBtrBaa_SntBxeBuLioaBi---------------------------------------- HorthaeaLand_sauthxeainnrnat_of_Aaagra.¢a_Bnd-BB11aHB_B.trBsS.s-------------------------- Eiorthesat oorner of Fast Fifbh Straet and Foreet ----------------------------------- under.�Plelimivary O.da____M04fl ---- ________________approved _du1R_1S-1f32_____________ The�Covncil of the City of Faul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fink-, upon the above-improvemeot, and having coosidered said report, hereby resolves: - 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved apd adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with.! 2.;z. t.the -natom of the imptodement which the Council recommends is___aanDfiLUGt_A.L$BASL1$_ �if:enaionasanan7mt_axiatiag_at drat era _to_Sha_sub_atS6B_Sallarziagatraat._inka[_ Hp. timBah_and.�outbfcBeLaormz_oLAongrxae_and_Hs11Bva_StrsatB__________________________ H-rheast_Bnrnar_nf�eak_Fi..fkh_Streat_aud_Fntaet_StrBei__________________________________ with vo alternatives, cad that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 60.68 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ ZTth------- day of Salt mnhan._1932__----- I bees_, at the hom of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House aad City Hall Buildivg iv the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Fivaoce give votice of 'd me tivg to rbc pe ova avd ' the provided by the Charter, a ting the time and place of hearivg,ethe nature of the imp t d the total cost thereof as estimated. G 31 199 Adopted by the Couvcil------ _---- __________ 3 a Approved_ ------ ---- _______iC—M __192___ Couvciiman a..m-- Couvcil CoMrl),,nald mm uncilman Covvcilmav Roann Comdlmaa IkWlbiftd` Tmuz Coundlman�ybt♦ We,mel Mayors Mehovey Form B. S. A. 86 _-• 192---- -------- ----------- -- - -- ty Cierk It ;l RTII iSFIGI) /�� J U551 YK::°a�•r�oac�= I l: "'M rtae�e=' ,� aht ana COUNCI�FILENO______________trgs ati, eG •eoewye taeropeceew. BY_________ e,at re.voe.owv:. . t-ve q:..reuty J. INTERMEDIARY ORDER �" In the Man« ot___rBnnnstsxatin;,_raleying_tud-XQPziring _________ eldHwa}kH_ObS�l@_§o}ttjr_5�Q@_of p@s3bo�q_ait. bpgSwiipg 46 ft._eaet_of HSdim1=_fit r,___ -tLenge_Beat_SZ_Yte_________________________-------------- order ____________ under Preliminary Order_____9$524 Z______ ---- —__------approved _AaIy_}3a_M9 The C—il of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report and the same is 114 hby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_sBnffisYs�urte_r_e1By___ aad_rep� �be�s_maesaurx_tlu_siEmieiknn_the_s➢uth_s]Aa_oS_IlBBrh2za.S.G._be.ELan171E _45_J:t._Bait_n�9lrlxall_SGa._5l➢e_a®9hi_t5_u__________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_AlaBfi.----- __ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 21:2L -------- day of _gepwm„b„r„ l axe _ _, 192c___, at the hour of 10 o'clock. A M., in the Coundl Chamber of the Court Hovae and City 1-1,11Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of mid meeting to the p ons and in the reamer provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature d the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—M211M_____- 192____ �41Y^ ACopnpnrodvlmda_v_�___s_f✓_____r. °1c0ro ___ _ 192___�_ �sL___ __ CounilDnnsld Cou eiloadHvga+m I'— Nn �F/81dSIfFD CoundlmadaR6 1�•,9tl^ ' / rrvv: Couvdlmadeil� Wenzel Couacilmaa�llllfltlf�� �� = r'T Mayo[ Mahoney Fag_ !' Form B. S. A 86 9tt"552 � NYi t�a� m4v rma'.waaM COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- e,. WE ua e.0- a vt la e Pr.nmlva+x• •e: lnp_n-�: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oE__r^^^^^t^•ar�,_ral.aylag_earl-rePnirlAy^-Hhdza_naAflasaT.Y._fJia__ ____ sldmmlY.Sit_Lfl_fA1..1W1Rg-I9_GRt'19Aflt_____________________________ __________________________ E11cSt.fxasi_aide.,IlaginninG.�29_.._aof_th-o£_be-ker__st-Lhenoe_north 46_rt.-______- Qtaaga eaxt s3.4aa q�gg_g� re,_ a utn or_�ete_>;aa St:y thanoe_eeuth_77 Pt_y__ ------------------------------ under Preliminary Order__—____93RHfi ------------------- approved ___s1 Z-1 1_3932 _______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance Pon -the above. improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: L That the said resort and !h—seen is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby -ordered to be proceeded with. oonatruot 1 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends andtepalz._xhare_aeveneerY,-the_aidem4lkti_4Q_the_gollovling looationa C-------------- E�_gt,�east eidvybeginning120 fte_north_of Mkar_St.t_ttlence_north 46_ft., e _ t sid b_ lmnin 47 ft uth f Bt. Ida St.t thenoe south 77 Pt.s with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_92-5fl________- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement an the_____ 9ZSh_________day of SflyteIDA.9.L 1932____--- AM- _, at the hour of 10 o'clock h M., in the Council Chamber of the Court H and City Hall pBuilding' the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenotice of hearing,mid the matureto eof the improvement m and the total cost therthe eof ashen imatedttvg the time and Platt of provemen Adopted by the CouncilAWz _94_1992--------, 192---- �ry��______ _ _______________ PProv Y_i____I92--- '- ---- - City Clerk. A ed__________±SF____ ___ - _ _______ _yor. Councilman ,,�® M,D—ld 1, C0 filen n cqua--s .1— Coemcil=.KAR9904 1',—e4, c�2)F Council mavd nd9wncl;xa 1,-- � LiSFII17D-��T' J Comciiman lruoz Co nneilnmaddilllirar wenael Mayors Mob ovey Form B. S A. 86 93553 eln. nun-.. -cm.>.'. osaw . ...ee*r. e ta.0 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ eYr f to ,� .4 a< pane': M6 °'Yi rr INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Marer of__senunst titigfselgtSng.an�rapalrSng.-y&flra�aoeseary _tha.______ atdavalkp_a.�:_ths Sa17,mdngas%glau?3-_________________________________________ F -Leant]i&t.,_anutLaida�_DeFjunin&at_Jaaksnn_St,_tbtirw.e_asat_ZZ_tY-..___________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order________ Aa4d.A________________approved------------ of ']lie Council of the City of Pall having received the r port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement. and having ccmaidered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report avd the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impmvement is hereby 9rdered to be proceeded with. 2 That the v .!,,he impmyemmt which the C—cil r commends is__sflDrmetyli0.'G._rR1BY__ and_ npairr8herasmeanar _tLas+d^^^ty at_thn_fnllavirtg_lnaatinnat---------------- Faurxaflnxh�ta,_xauxh�l4 �_➢pcianiu�_9t�r�.axeon _$x.� tttanoe_west_2s? n.�__-_-_--___ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cwt thereof is $_IIA.29________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on __________day of at the hour of 10 .',lack A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoaee and City tH II Befitting in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of cid meeting to the pe ons and in the manner provided by the Charter, atativg the time aad -place of hearing, the carate of the impmvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ AUE -1Z_IM2_____- 192____ SF3.fi; __ ____________ Approved --------- ____________------- 192--- City Clerk. CovvcimaxCjWE*� sl.l>vnald Co..d;maqW1.%.sudb'w /'Isv ComcilmveAdm Frvr<e Couneilm-GHG9Am To ...Cou Councilman Wenzel ��� �s'e` — omm t hf.y Mayordu� Maltavey Form B. S. A. M 9554 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ .a..ad� ewlnawv..... m a e.: t: Ey O-------------- By-- - - - - - - - - - - - - - — - - - - - - - - -- - - - -------------- INTERMEDIARY OR In the Matte, the —at anuth of Selby Ave.f theaoe south 72.6 fast. --Run1gR_35,� wear alae tivvq2k ej.Aye land ypi.. -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .wler Preliminary Order_________ 9-3--2-6-2 — ______________approved __&.Ltj,j?j2Lt ................ T*,Co,n,il of the City of Pad haywgdntcei,ed the ,p,n f the C—raiew— o, I Finance up., ihe ' ,tar—jaip—meat, and having weald... awd report, hereby resolves: I. That the rXaand the eame i, hereby approved and dpt,d, and the said improvement J. h—bybaderd.bbpene'd—'Ih. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council ,...,ad, the dnjk at theifolloxing loeatio 1a1 ---------------------------- — --- — -- .......................... with no .1t—ti— and that the =ti=td — thereof i, Reanl-d Further, That , pnblic hewing be had — said improvement on the____ 27th — ________day of at the hoar If 10 .'.Iock A. M., in the C..neil Charnbe, of the Court H ... :,,d City tHall Building in the City f St. Pa.[. That the C,..i,,in,,, .I Fie "b- " _id ra ting t. he �3 and .. the Td.lw provided by the Ch—r' at. in b time and place f bewi.g, the aware 'F�g' Imp—rallt 1. the t-1 cost thereof as wtim.-L Adopted by the C .. 61--- 1-2mg ------ M---- App—ed ----------- 1�_______L!'T--192 --- �61-7--Clerk. Co .. ilm-etmwr -`'nonald CouncilmancFerg—a - /j 4k C .... il—owtvatra-m. Co,ndlwanRWWzg� I-L-W&BED 7/1 r T�... el Couneilmav ropowl" m0n.ney Form B. S. A." 93555 7 b.tt COUNCIL FILE NO______________ -40' 11.1 fly---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the at Grove St.,_eouth ---------- be 11as Grove -St., north eider_ beginning at_Temseranoe_St.a_thenae_east --------------- under Preliminary Order_________ 13049 __________________approved ._______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the show improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1...: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement r 4'emew is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommend, ---------------- Grove St., south aide, beglnnia� 84 ft __west of bagirmlag at Canada St., thanoe east 80 ----------------------------------------------- Grove St. t_north_sida�_baginning at — — --------------- with an alternatives, and that the estimated =at thereof is $--LLztlz ------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th --------?1th -------- day of --- — ---- at the how of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the rers— and , the m, provided by th,, Cb—stating t,g the time and place I 'hearing, the 'ara" 0 the improvement =' total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- ME 02 ------ 192---- -- .... A --- - ---------- — - Approved ------- ------ 192 ---�CClwk - - ------- — ------- -- ---- M C,u-uilrmnsmWali@aM"cD .. Id Councanm"ay Councilmanmffowirfa� P-— , C — �j'" V'� " W -- s Council INX, Council— ggageTag Councilman q"mmr-- Mayor*98R. mah—ey Form B. S. A. 8-6 93556 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ t' `e vn4,e4s, "s .t4 �: ,ue aura 2Yae te' B O -------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDEIZ In the 'ePPLL,:ipg--where -neq!lqe§�ry-LILt ------- ---------------------------------------------------- -- Thjrt,!p�tJj S ouVhdbeginning 65 ft. west of Jackson St., th— west 10 ft.. I -1 ----------------------------------- - ----------- ------ ----- Thjrteanth St.,,_ south_sidea_b giuning_149 ft, seat o£ Tamoeranoe St. thence east 220 1`t., --- -- -------------------------- �L ----- —dr, Preliminary O,der-------Q520 --- — ---------------- ppr—cd---------- — -- The Council of the City of Pa" "naAug received the rt report of the Commissioner of Finance . upon the .improvement,c impveimprovement,d having cohl,red said repohereby resolves: 1. 71.1, the said thesameis hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered W be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ree—ends -------------------- with on alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___153t8$_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -----3� _________day of A________e.____._____,t at the hour of 10 ',lock A. M., mthe Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. P-1. That the. Commisaimles?'of Finance give notice of said meeting to the permout and in the m— provided'by the Charter, stating the time and place of hea,injigUe rature of the improvement and the total cost. thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-- AUG - ---------- 192 ---- a. ___________1! IX I- ��' ' --- '11z - ------------- Approved -------- Ai -- ------------- 192--- // IliyM Clerk. 1y "— k I ------------ Za--- Comtri a Councilman Werigmun C-u"i man Council=,- Radii— N-- Cmmci:= effskilm— r-.. Counci W—.r May- VPRWAN Mahoney Form B. & A." 93557 ffi 4 fru a. 'ig COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------- — ---------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1, the Matter ------ ------------------------------------------------- --- St- M At— b.pi=g _8_ff_ -thcoone--t-51i. -ft­ th—a--t-tn-Cn-da--U ------------------------------------------------------------------- Thirteenth St.. north aid,, beginning at Broadway. t,h111- wast 130 Pt., under Preliminary O,d . ..... NA___________ -Proved — -------Ju 13._1952________ theCity of — Laving ing ree6*,ed the port I the Commissioner I Finance upon the .b. irop--:; d baying considered said report, hereby -- .1 I. That the said report and the same is hereby pp—. ed -and dptdj-and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the ma—c of the improvement which the Council —.—.& foll—ing- 10-aLkqnsj -------------- St. ------ th--m—t-t-11-4d.-St — --------- — ------------------------------------------- — --- — -- Thirteenth St.,north side,beginning at Broads th .... west 130 ft., with no alternatives, and that the at, mated cost thereof is $-19 a2?L ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 2Utb ------ — - day of Spqubambar 4=--, at the how of 10 o'cloc:k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building as City of St Paul. That the C,mmia,i— of Finance &e notice of 'd !h,hC &aid meeting to the Fen... = in m the on— provided by th'e, Ch.—, stating the time and place of hearing, the more o the impm— cut and the total cost the— as estimated. Adopted by the Council-AV3 1-10?) ------- 192____ Apptoved 92---- Ap,.,ed ------- ______792___ - -- ---------- - /j/ City Clerk. -------- ----- -- --------- ,May.. Councilman/Ina'..-.vim o­—:i co ft M,D—ld m Ci: d1eq— N— CV-- Cm-cil= 419odn—sesn A, C-61111 W Mayor �Il1lAn M.....y Form B. S. A. 86 931558 Or R Y s# Fpf �vIN Asam COUNCIL FILE NO______________ tAfveerac`ovrtnvraoabo- 1.a vQ{{h. to �#G;vdaehR+�] ilea ##I/1 4J,$ - By _____________ ne p4h t 1?av _ _____________ __________—_ loan INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter, evonetrpoting� rel.y_ing_and_r_Rairi _tIn_e l.d—lk - the —at sSda_nf_flildax_Azanuahaginniag42_Ssat_mrkb_nLBoLJ,tv_Araaua� thema_noctL_23_YaeS, undm Prellminary Order_______S284ti___-------------- pproved _.Inna_23._1932_________________ The Council of the City of Paul havinga e' M the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abov improve ent, and having consideredr said report, hmeby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said impfpvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. z. Ghat the.yamr, 4f *,imppgvement which the Council recommends ia---- T9A=t;ntat,_S_@3@y_ aad_xapaix_thv_sldavalk_an.the_xvat_add e_A£.1411dax>,.o^ue_beglmting_3'(Spatt-uorth_ot BR�lyA�491LLL@a_t]14899_A@l'th�i3_iY.aa__________________________________________[ -_______________ with no alternative, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_AU41--------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ ------- 2Ztb------- day of S4yt9IDk@L_].3.$2____,%9EZ_, at the hour of Ifl o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. Thaf=he Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and glhe mevn<r providedby the Char[er, sorting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. flUG 31 1g99 Adopted by the Council ----------------- __ ' 192____ fes` _ ------ _ _______ __ ________ - fes` ___________192___ City C]erk. Mayor. Councilman "Wvmr Ifi, Counrilmav 7 McDr,neld� � FYUtll.lByEp Cnnneilman t:nnacilenanCo W—ccl Cnanalman��, Truna � y Mahoney Form B. S. A 8-6 93559 sautaw' m��� COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By ___s +vuear4.�,cd4`-spMve4'•^nog,' _______________________ u:IhWroy®.m..oa.NrW w __-'---------- :.i. da�:r•aa eer.e�wj+ weAae rreyi�asbga �;.. INTERMEDIARY ORDEt" Iv the Matter ofseovvat ting._caleyissgsnd_znpair-in�.tha-x+^^°'"r'�-oa Sh---------- .1 1 _________ett.., ______________________________________________ coder Preliminary Order --- — --- 2,1445 ---- ---- __-------approved—.JUlY_1S x_1932------------ -_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and havivg considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. . -2-That the nature of the improvement which the t'oun it recommends is__S449Rativot,_ralsy—e.nd raPalt thB_.SidBRtLULaA_th0.RBBiB10AAL_FSl1LY19R.6Yp�a_1JAP.LUOISIP._390 _iYr�_ 24sS1! �F___ EayBiSL�YB.r_t11BS14a_9AYir1LS.Q_B].�QY__________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_Z1.10 ------ —_ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ E.1it--------- day of SapbambAr,-UZ2_________, 18Sc__, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement � and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------ MYG 31 1932 192__ rov "fl-------- -------- - - App<d________i�s__________I92___ C'ty Clerk. --------- --- --'- ------ Council-6i ..p-- Mr Donald Councilman IFg.- .-e May Z Councilman rl�doDo"d& z P— "s, —, Councilman ihtle:.a Rosno�� plan wxcn !/, zR Conuci Truoz ,. Conneitman jj%MddMM W—cel Mayor � Mahaney Form B. S. A. g-6 93569 =kffi nt , ".5 "COUNCIL FILE NO______________ oar Z -V . FK By ---____________ ----_______ -----_______________ t - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ----------- ftut----------------------------- orderPrelimrva ny Order — — ----- %U72 - — ---- — ---------approved ----- - ToIX-26— The Council of thqt3r of Paul having recdved the report of the Commissioner of Fimmea upcv the above improvement, aadhsing considered said report, hereby —1— L, t the said report the same is hereby ppmro ,,d and adopted. and the said impsennent I. luerLb*Z -biAprq9d;, witb. `That to the nature of the improvement which the Council recommend, i,-942QtT112t- rAYMMY--- An §. rqen-tb�- n -t te eL qe with no alternative, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--L6d2 -------- R—Ned Further, That a public hearing be had m, said improvement on the___ 29th ___________day of §2P!2mbar-L9-32 at the hour of 10 0 clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City 11,11 But in the City of St Paul. That That thCommiCommiCommissionerof F,,.n,, give ti .m of said meeting to the Fer'!`!.d in the a—., poo�ided by the Ch—Fr, V1i ..g be time and Flam of hearing, the nature I the improvement and the total cost thereof ae samn,ted Adopted by the C-61-A.K.11-10 ------- 192____ �qqAppro-d ------- --------- 192--- Clk 0 C .. eil.— 4w.. C. Council— Couldlumm 8EMMOMM T, ­ Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 86 kR4 93561 'yaprph, errs vm,atM or,Wloa ' ¢��a1i1pp[�narrarrlPi�19 ^nv nePl [ 1 ]rxPa.i1P�9 PTg ADO o' pa an�bL3� RLq ➢! b� �>`j COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ pt rw.et+ea.[eaN e 4b�1`irm'a i'vP°�wP�. By------------------ _--------- —_____________ tPnr�awroreaa➢� INTERMEDIARY ORDER Iv the Matter of_—o9ga1_ruatin�driv_awa_Ss_on the_ south _aide of_ftinifrad St.t beglnniag 1e0_Et, seat_oLASdanll_5.+.._5hwae_aefl5.2o rt_ __________________________________________ ------------- _-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 72 under Preliminary Order______J$4____—---- ----------approved ___ July_ 15a_ 1932_______________ The Council of the City of Paul having,receivrd the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and. having considered: said report, hereby resolves, 1. That'the said report and the -m"a fa hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to bei proceeded with. 2. That the nature -,of the improvement which the Council recommends ia___aeMtr1W1-dr7s41!-nXa __vaxha_anutb_atdfl_sL_l4inifrest 9t,t 2fle7fwing 190—f`t,,_xeet_oP Bidwell_St:c thenoe t[ant with no alternatives, and that the estimated soar thereof is $_AG.9a-_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______2,Ub--------- day of _San<eIDL9=.193_2._____- U2m-_, at the nom of 10 .clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Coors of House and City Hall Building in !be City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the pe one and in the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the vsrum of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- �y��_�____, Approved_________-'�1_!y___192___ 192____ /� � ___ ______YV_`/ ___ ----____--__ C'tY Clerk. Councilman @Wmmp,.,, M1f)nnnld Councilman �tp4r�-.ct 7or coun Councilman �aA:- Il,men Caundlmav � Truua �, 1r'� I �' < % Covucilman �r Weuael Mayor 41lsem Mahoney Form B. S. A. fib 93562 *F a. sem �.arI°w4° 3, `.I°Eee. oe� tns�nsar�5, COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ r„ .ovaam`i�a" By-------------------- _________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- on=tr t1ur-Azirm¢ay_s21_tbs__aaxth_9 1_da.aP_PSPSh St„_ ber_ipAt4F__ 2Q1_fA_aast._aP_Sfacle.Aea.} tbenua_aaat._12_Str._ under Preliminary Order___ 93074_ ---- _-____-______approved _____ July 16�_ 1952 ____________ The Cauncif of the Clf Paul hat�dng received the r port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. l hat .tthh; �a�.report rd the sApe is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is - herebyarde 3 t be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ Qonstruot dri_vawey_> or} the eauth aide of ?if`bh St.a_be�nning 201rt east oS_6laria Ava.�_ theaoe seat 12 f'b.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_7.5..2B_________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____________27S1L__day of Saptamhar,.lH2_____, IS=__, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Coundl Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building is the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of id meeting to the p ons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—Afi lM______- 192____ ____ _ _ ----------- _ Approved_______________ ___________192___ Councilman `lcf)nnald Councilman Councilman p,aree / Councilman m,sen ♦ i / Councilman �W Truox t, � Councilman qpRuallaull wenzel Mayor WAWAWMehuvey o Form B. S. A. 86 93563 'a e m COUNCIL FILE NO______________ Ivwt et'ige 'arw - .tp. r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- —tr nhlnPAziraxB,¢_pn tbe_sae aid 9_AC_A9SLIl_SYi.._hE_^..SA67SlC_12$ ft- -- ------- t-.rs______ ________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________________________________________________________________________ _______________________ under Preliminary Order_______ LEM --- ________________approved __.Ilily_15 L9$2 The Comcil of the City of Pavl having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upov the above impmvemmtI and having considered said report, hereby -.11- 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, end the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_novaY uvia_dilZflBB.7G .va_Shv_anaL_eida_or� vnSt.,_hogilanin�J.2.3_f�.._scuth_9f_ C.arr_�3_A__t._thunma eouth with no aitematives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_14.4A________ Resolved Further, That a public bearing be had on acid improvement on the_____27_Gh---------- day of 192[_.; at, the hour of 10 o,lock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building iv the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finmee give notice of said meeting to the p mu d 'n them provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the eature of the ' t avd the total�.rost thereof as eatimated. m t m rovemro 3- 1 191° Adopted by the CouvciL______________, 192____ 1-M - f __-_ __ __ _c __ _____ Approved_______________________192___ ity Clerk. A� ar CvunciimmQ rlcn„veld Coundiman WM F a� Mny Cmm.ciimm® sC � � /3 y Councilmm� Rna.„: by �LFIi�T Covvcilman® Tru.. —__„, .m 40+rf,IS” M, vile m�� W--1 / Mayors Mah—e, Form B. S. A- 86 9564 RESOLU'T'ION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING MEMNEM THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON T:;E AW ARD OF DAlIIAGL In the matter of__oandaFmin__encL ta}:ins-on�nsaFaunt_iu�na._land_naaaseary_fsu_elopsst_ outs and fills, in the grading of the —t and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. 17cAdam Addition, arta Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from. Syndicate A.— to Hamlin Ave", VArMvt �o'SSl�nertyL Yge� ;� =oYlmn f lelf under Preliminary Order-_____ 42335___________,-Pproved---- Y.' 10. ___________________ Intermediary Order___________ 42522 ,-Pproved------ Luno_22,_1332 . Final Order ...................53055 , approved____ - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter ae to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the shove im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his masaament of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said asses went of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of 8t. Paul on the____ e -- ----- 28th ----- day of ......... 3.2tembsr---------- 1982_,atton o'clock A.M.,and that the Com - r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as Prescribed by the Charter. aIr 31 IM Adopted by the Council--------------" ' - . i ---- -= rr,,���i� - ------------ tp--- R 1 -�' / tY Clerk. Approved____ _ _______________, 19__('! )-4 � cCounilman n_ -.� .F'.�,r.e ✓X'J �Aiwut� /r� Counc�immn n \ Councilman 79h8Ed="'- a Councilman Mayor ® Meb,uey 93565 z RESOLUTIOIV OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING I' IthDN AND FIXING TIATE OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter ot__aan3nnaWig_and-Y.ah1n€_aa_ a^t_Sn_theland_^A^a�F�ry_fer_�lapasr__ outs and fills, in the grading of Alloy in Block 9, Holcombe'. Addition from Dale St. to St. Albans St., ne E'tiok ri?awn� 'd. :nexwa naoac®ute.ts-:', �I•'t tr Oi)i 6� ' �m ri:da t1a7'F, im roZ t tl°enstrrem"�emir sc�^. M A4NUou" ti_:94 ebeerlyrinmlaysl+ W ygao� ,a:t9)'nn under Preliminary Order________ 92459_________, approved__ ZAY_iA _1938_____________________ Intermediary Order -------------- @2fl29---------- approved___ June -22r_1932 . Final Order__ __________________33983_________, approved ---- July_19,1932_ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said samseement of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------- 28th- ---- day he___________2Bili____day of ----- eptamhec-------------- 19.32,atten o'clock A.M.,and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----- L ity Clerk. Approved ------------------------------ 19__- ��f____________________ _____ .. ,5. Yor. Councilman Councilman BY Count ilman on Counc il— Councilman Tran: , Councilman rYi�o K"enzel Mayor ® plehooey aa�moeae.93566 .L� ....•� CITY OF Sr. PAUL NO ....._... i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,I .,y"ir aaa wxwr COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGmNEfUL gI,1C�""�e4�aul!fe[y�1�ivy� w REM&M 17 WHEREAS, The following extras have been certified by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building 00mmisslOn to the various contractors, vizi General 00tract - Foie Bros. Inc. Extra ork der No. 3 authorieee moving toilet partition, North wall, in Hoo. 915A, 494.8 Extra Work Order No. 64 authorieee plastering panels for morale Sn Council Chamber, 68.4b - Extra Work Order No. 65 authorizes providing letter el ots in the glass of all doors on Architects 148.80 drawing sheet No. 237, Extra Work Order NO. 66 authorizes furnishing 22 colors and 24 patterns for the rubber floors in lieu of the 3 colors and the 1 pattern specified, 2,400.00 Eleotrlo Contraot - Commonwealth Electric 0o Extra Aork Order No. 17 authorizes additional work in Connection with lowering Of switches and 167.73 changing location of outlets, Chair DOntifiOt -Tin Bikes Oo. - Extra Ork Order No...authorizes 5 additional 49.85 chairs, Extra Work Order No. 3 adopts Alternate No. 3 149.50 for posture Chairs, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Council approves of and ooncurs inthe action of the Oommiselon, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and dtreoted to add the City's share thereof to the respective contract sums. CO,_11 LMEN SEP 1 �M Yeas / Nays Adopted by the CouuciL__._.. _......_Iai1F....__183...... May sip W. /poatce _......../.._�......In favor R c;Y c�E�C�,1, APProved....__..._._ .......................193..... ..............AHainat�...�e-£c.rxc.�l�2 //�penzel ' Mr. President Mahoney au ..n tl7aidSHB.D TM ry 'M Saint Pauli ' Bureau of Municipal Research4;;"„; A:hlcNc Clcb Building � Angast 31, 1932 TO the City Coaacil, City of 6a1ntFIA11, Bine sate Oeatleme.t The following extras have been certified to the contractors since the last reports Oemrsl OoaEreat - 7 leg Bros.. Inn. Acts fork Order Ho. 63 nnthorlws masia6 toilet pas- titian, Worth wall, is Zoom 9161 Astra Work Order No. 64 mthori ws pluteriag Pnne1s 62.40 for emral. in Council Chamber . . . . . . Astra Work Order No. 66 anthoriws providing letter slots 1. the glees of all doors on Architects drawing sheet 148.80 NO. 237 masa Work Order No. 66 authorises furnishing 22 colors and24 patterns for the rubber floors in lied of the 3 colors 2,400.00 and the i pattern specified . . . . . The ab.w Order. 66 has been approved by City and Ocnnty. XL ctric Contract Ooswgnwslth Electric Oa. tetra Work Order Wo. 17 tnthoriws additional wrk is connection ith lowering of switch.. and ahaaging location of 167.73 outlets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chair aeelroc, *r,11,-111.0 $Lra TaOlder W. 2 aathori.es 6 edditioml ohatrs 49.96 Astra Work Order No. 3 adopts Alt -to No. 3 for pastors chairs. We has been approved by'�thee City and Connty. 148.60 Th. astral aathoriwd hersia tocavWes073.12. The extras certi- fied since the building me ster'M aggregate $102,332.03, while the credits total $67,882.61. Very tral M.eaatI" 3eoretary, Advisory Court Worse and City Wall Building Oosmisaioa n/� rc CITY OF ST. PAUL �� `a NO....._..�adt�L7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM o By /V �– Ltr _ __ C, re—HaRt.•1r1332---_ comAN RESOLVED In the matter of grading and paving Johnson Parkway from Hastings Avenue to Point Douglas Road/ under Preliminary Order C. F. 80244, approved April 12, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 81241, approved June 11, 1929. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. o u/1 b'mu• t �Y e'flu / Iwo Faro v Y COUNCILMEN Yem / Naye /1r1aY �� _.... _..._....In favor .yy,� r. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council_.. _.SEP -I-193' -" r s SEP.._` jtrY7 bd May "'<- 68 CITY OF Sr. PAUL ru OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM RESOLVED In the matter of wrecking and removing Buildings fronting on Bradley, Bedford and Decatur Streets, and In Block 3, Irvine's Second Addition. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there- with. sgan i near.:A —W -d a➢. Inaalloi t ea W 4stl[ b W �• 4rlb -D dbt4 uva tl M 1tY. ie 1 4 M b,14 IU e 4 D vObb 4q vvvll 9 ; SOIL 9 t tl i4i 1 COUNCILMEN Y_ j Nnye � /= ....I favor %Trnox p��r�.Ao-'t nacl u M'. President Mahoney CCD i i5sz AdoPWd by the Council..:'.`.......... _..._ _...I93..... IS.1, SEPI ...193 ... M. nyor q-nS,�j(Q � onuw mdo d.n CITY OF Sr. PAUL ^1CO' NO......_-_ 35-X✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERAL FORM Sept. 11 1932 .— RESOLVED In the matter of grading, paving and improvement of Fuller Avenue from a line 40 feet west of St. Peter Street to a line 50 feet east of St. Peter Street, also temporary approach to Alley in Block 11, Ewing & Chute's Addition, and a temporary approach to Park Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93428, approved August 20, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in COUNCILMEN Yesn / Ney/ //M#lClfellald -446 .__In favor �,RrUe, a -el w n Mr. President Mahoney e\�T i.. SCP rl� 4 �1,/ A33proved ___.... _... _193..... ayor M � rd No......_. 9357.0 py)w w av WY CITY OF ST' PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM w�i'"� oRe� Sept_ RESOLVED In the matter of paving Broadway from Seventh Street to Grove Street, and Mississlppl Street from roadway, to Grove Street, under PreliminaryOrder C. F. 988727 approved April 8, 1931, and Final 01501 approved February 17, 1932, Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved, ax eno�D,�orw,q '- yBeq lrfgl9{bY VIP )aY m0.O aN ur NI N PL�I qf: APProyeq B � 0 ii) Adopted by the Council. - COUNCILMEN Nuye/ Yees MoY d SEP s C APProve ._. _. _. �-, In favor kUTT /fro ... �uax d. ABninet — Meye Mnael r. President Mahaney -'- 0 93571 pyw.l wavav° CITY OF ST. PAUL .� `n NO......_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM Fwoaxreo er oA,�__August 31L 1932 COMM -- ._._ RESOLVED In the matter of paving Broadway from Seventh Street to Grove Street, and Mississippi Street from Broadway to Grove Street, with necessary sewer connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 88727, approved April 8, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90150, approved February 17, 1932. Resolved, That the attached plans and specifi- cations submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works showing sewer connections necessary to be made upon said streets, be and the same are hereby approved. °r�,� "" to°.. A +(se ) ltt) COUNCILMEN SEP_.__ �.__ic'79 Yens Nays Adopted by the Council ..._.... ..._. .....193_._ /May 5 ��` SEP y /y6u�ur� I favor l..S App"I'll _. 193_. N., Truax �__.l Againxt `` "_ Mayo - .0 .n/ . President Mahoney ovalw..ava.° �� No........... 3572+ CITY OF ST. PAUL .0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK fOUN)CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r// '_ O° August 31, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving Broadway ffom Seventh Street to Grove Street, and Mississippi Street from Broadway to Grove Street, with necessary, water connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 88727, approved April 8, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90150, approved February 17, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. °.- 6 Da— yy�:N w 9r Wrww�y. tlZoµ YI 84` eeP oro!';"1k.=.'t� na ora n' ti n V , s pp iaa nP 46� is it :I Ye¢x COU !' ILMEN N°yy Adopted by the Council._CES n. hl¢y M.D—w!- V 1 _ _...h Invor ���I,,, APprored M¢ nM •n��ViM""l r. resident Mahaney APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR WATdh CONNECTIONS ON BitOADWAX FROM Z. BL'V.:WTR STRELT TO:GROVE STREaT, AM gl$$SISSIFPI STRELT FROM BROAD4'AY, TO GROVE ST984- 2 - 1^ Water Service COMeGU049 (t0 renew) t 60 ,8/41t * " '° (to ienew) 3 _ g/qn • e a chrst�a ✓n v vi.. Sa nw/ Y .bhn ✓F/anal �{ � � �n �„ f/87 Le fschke ^, oa - / fife Thamsscn 566 B-nadway p n /87 Conco.d Sf^ -- AIL C s m m Lr n 659 Gi/en B/k. Ce/;aMe.Fe�sky 694 /g/aharf Are ti p �o Cab /e.n J — R09 So. 4r 51 e'l, p U John A S/e� Co. �4 O /75 w u Cherks ✓. @ H r�,an A F ieno char/¢s Fi ewe y..... - _ ^•: 8 GI �v 343 ✓x,Fson 5/ 4sj Linc,/n A✓el 111 I,ty2 z` � o Carne Ande son N 57 sea Bmf ey C �" � I e� ;I m " y Fa�,F E Rirrson a M ry s�dm A. � s3c °adway �— Se n� @ Margaref Nicosia ^ �1� I S27 Bcad ay Jhn Cs� no che,roe Awe. �(� t. A>I w `" �1 �,49z Gaodr,bh Ave Dakf & Gr Nr 1-1e C', }a $ 6rcaf Ar 7owns:/e Co. y-- o --- OOako -- Aged ✓ be .to„+� r^/ o✓ ,ata Min. w __- Y_�A `�'_ I ". L M Phy r� si—g, c 9A 5— co �'Broadway In eacq o{rnree fienches. B 47, B adway ° v 6/7.hingfan \� � a Sf Pau/ Church �Edgsr A. Brown NW7✓sf lo. Y � � � `' i � �\ 07Yo W B 8d2 �✓��'Sf u �. i � ron ��° Cher' e ims fo /za✓e fwo wa,+i'r j,c, � .� Char/esF8 Adoph E Sch aifh 439E 7± Sf639 3�;� — Fp fir Berre y-ef / Tus fees Fa lrmoun f five. j. Q.�. " J � I I I s ,ibe ccs Loeb -bf¢/e 1121 god„ch � A . y 2—.1 No. _ 93573 CITY OF ST. PAUL "u OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLLITION-1TENERALN-D By FORM L l� y �. —TE Sept. 1, 1932 _.. RESOLVED In the matter of paving Broadway from Seventh Street to Grove Street, and hississipi Street from Broadway to Grove Street, with necessary gas connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 98727, approved April 8, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90150, approved February 17, 1932, Resolved, That the attached plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy Of this order together with said plan, upon the Northern States j I Power Company. — Im ex o.. ..e , . n. I� n1 dl- COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Adopted by 1h,['uun��il_�; :. ".. �� le's_ Y_ _ Fnyv I � M41—A4 " 1 Ills y�/',– �•Fnmx 'M ..'x �(' I'nroidrnt 11nh,u,cy Origl-a/ Copy Contract No. --- C ITY o.--_CITY OF ST. PAUL DEP:1R'I'Mi?NT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF EINGINEERS Plans and Speeifieations for the Paving Gas Connections OF B�QQADYYAY _ FRaM �' EVENThX .677 71-a OVE r -- _ Approved by the Council, and the Purchasing Agent authorized and directed to advertise for bids in the manner provided by the City Charter. 193____ SEALED BIDS FOR DOING THE ABOVE WORK 13EARING 'fHE NUMBER --------- AND ENDORSED WITH THE NAME OF THE BIDDER AND THE DATE OF PRESENTATION, WILL HE RECEIVED AT THE OFFICE OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AT THE COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL UNTIL ------- O'CLOCK -. -..._M.. _... _. __ .19.1_-- AFpiiOxZMATc �UANTI2IE3 FOR GAS coN:d dcT IONS ON HBRAWLA FROM F.. SVENTH ST. TO GI:OVa ST- AND rtSBiSHIp2ZST. PROM HROADIAY TO oiio : STRBLT. 18 _ Nov; gas connectinne. N"/ ✓on /kycErsfaed! Be/k Plaine, Minn. \ I> I I I I sa,n �/ y pend a /7 Tae C f5erine E L1117b //69 Aeh/ fie. nd v a`' - A" —lj Ma fhi� Lef chke M y�5 Liroadwan o 'Sse197 Y p °ys 1 Samae/ Nl M Ffn 6s9 rdNlllan Blk. 4_— zaiy— ltx Ce/ -a 694 /g/e/urf Ale ., �/Er�in _ 209 Sa 4- Sl. Mak. p Mu Phy Tans{<r Co /7s � E B St Cy i � � ', � � Llurk: ✓. @ H r,.,an F F e ^c Chari s Gre ---_....... � ... � v � `o W N 343 ✓ae.Feon Sf o h 111 p2� -� Carrie Anderson 547 Broadway, N �"Y. 1 , Li/l an SanFina ld3 Broadley 57 /g/e Harr na Mary 6wdman C 4 I Breadway 276 0 1536 Lows £.u fa/ 4B,✓ a'•J i _ _ -- -- le ,a AK qN Sem & Me ganef Nic a JJjrr� 527 B oadway ✓hn C 73o Ch roe AVe. 1111f l � �� {' `^ Coward ^' (A C- /YjEo/{ /asz Good ,eb Ave l� �� �a �O pako{a�GrNrTo»ae;k(.n Gc Nor Rylo. o, Oako ta$6rratN<7o.,-ns: fe Co. �N -w�- ' m "L August J c,Ee R..fe N^/ Wyzafa, Mien. W Y is Murphy rare{r & 5lerage Ca. ,. B car s'"a Broadway r N Theo. Namm B g. Co 47/ Bzadway Y w �,A-ed e Warehouse co I I 51'. Pau/ church �---- Edger A Eawn h: W 7rusf Co. + W992 tiN , 3 Char/es F& Sch &,;'h 439E 7r St ?'a a Ft {er Berke/ -et / Tius fees {�� �� m 639 Fairmount X", l hbbecca I Laeb-bf,el o2L good ich NO. 93574 CITY OF ST. PAUL .v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r\ NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PResENTeo Y �'— .. c,_ September1, 1932 _ RE'OLVED That the 00uneil hereby approve' the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for complete Roofing, Sheet Metal and Ventilation installation under Item A-8, 1n the Chelsea Heights Grade School, to the DONALDSON SHEET METAL WORKS, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $797.00, in accordance with plane and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby inatruoted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architectls Estimate $900.00. F.B. #8861. l T— �1I evv vc . vul rn I COUNCILMEN Yeo' / Nuys Adopted by We Connoil-$[L 193_... / IDAI Mpay�«�I T P SP _ J APDroved .193. Deco � `n /Pr _._.Agroot CITY OF ST. PAUL F rk No. 93575 OFFICE OTME CITY CLERK C CIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM September 1, 1933 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approve. the action Of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for complete Plumbing and Heating installation under Item A-5 in the Chelsea Heights Grade School, to HARRIS BROS. PLUMBING CO., they being the lowest re- sponsible bidder., for the sum of $8,808.00, plus $1,177.00 for using Iron Fireman Stoker under Alternate No. 6, making the total amount of the contract $9,985.00, in accordance wi tb plane and spebifioatione on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therdfor. Arohiteetre Estimate $10,300.00. F.B. #8861. rrPoe`R��°,��.eoeaer�o cS�a °°` d COUNCILM 4:N Neye Ye May In [ova. /Talo: i;amet t5'enzeT' ..._.. Adopted by the CnunciL__S�Ep�.__ —.. n�''%193 - A SEP � A r APPruvcd........ ....193..... \ d /' ` C 93576 CITY OF ST. PAUL .v NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,- — OU L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM laptemhex_.1,.. 1932 _. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for complete Electrical installation under Item A-6, in the Chelsea Heights Grade School, to the SEVEN CORNERS ELECTRIC CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 81,473.00, in accordance with plane and specifications on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architectts Estimate 81,950.00. F.B. $8861 C. COUNCILMEN Y'. - Nnye / Adonbd by the Council..SEP, ..I jggQ ....193 Y ...._ Mn IS FP lenrce I '_..In fnvo� I nrT App,,—d �_-_- _.193 mays,' t ' . - X13517 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ,v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,'- � NCIL RESOLUTIONS ENERAL FORM o..Tc September 1, 193x. _. co,n E.T.oMer.__ . _. REOLVEo That the Council hereby approves the action of the contract committee in awarding the contract for furnishing all labor and material and erecting, lase mechanical equipment and roofing, sheet metal and ventilation, under Item A-1, the Chelsea Heights ro— Grade School, to J. S. SWEITZER & SON, they being the lowest it h sponsible bidders, for the sum of =36,839.00, in accordance wit plane and epecifioatione on file in the office of the Purcbasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Architect's Estimate 642,500.00. F.B. $8861. I°a i ai 9z6n �°6i:9a1%ne°� P' fl �aaaoo .. <s.na. a -ansa c a, vu. COUNCII.nIE'N Nuye/ Yces T�r�ecn / Truax _ .A6 inet w .-v M ....... Adopted by the CounciL...�_._...... �._ 193- Approved L .193.._- �1 TinYor, osrurwrc ro �.rr csax ��rr w Ell rwv� �tJu v Couacawc u ornoe or THE cornrrxou.en •°°^� �I rwv COUNCIL IILWLLA eo. S AUDITED CLAIMS raawa a Mr." o K". xxx x o6. 371 1 r com mw woor.m "r Tx.ow ..a aRcw TOTAL C N h k b Cis rj°Asp`�l - h erR OF wecxs xs ewxx M6 �- — - r roawwao 95 877 18-21--10V99 08 $316 J. C. Sweet 48 00' 8317 Edw. La Bossiere 8 00 90 ,00 318 C. 0. Boyum • 8319 Iseli A Hussman, Assipee ' " 295 Z2 8320 8321 Mrs. H. Mitsoh 268 30 8322 Feyen Construction 0o. 02 25 163 00 8323 Standard Stone Do. 61 88 8324 Tri. State Tel. a Te19T. 00. 39 $326 8325 Helmer Christenson 121 00 C. D. Brows go 00 8327 Peter Hoganson 66 00 8328 A. D. Hovde 8329 10 50 Frank Leitner 82 59330 0 6 00 8331 OakleynParrishreon 96 00 8332 WE. Sager 24 00 8333 Herman Seidel 92 ON Hate Tankenoff 70 8335 J. Unger 8336 Capitol Staty Mfg. Co. 343 00 8337 ' American Linen Supply Co. 2 6a 16 29 1 $338 Atlas Gas A Oil Co. 6 z 02 63340 1 50 32 8 341 $342 1 464 20 363 77 8342119 95 8344 ..;Ty S. Brunson 100 11 ' 83455 Cleveland Meat Do. 31 '20 ejlb Go–operative Laundry Co. 31 86 Sons Do. DrewryaPaint 600 250 20 23 86 Elvgren4 Supply Do. 71 62 $349 Farwell O�un Kirk & Co. 60 8350 General Electric 00. DO 81 96 8351 Gering Supply Co. 120 00 8352 Theo Hells Co. 32 88 835j Hoff Marble 6 Tile Co. 219 86 835 McFadden Lembert Co. Drug 0o. 30 90 $356 j McKesson, St. Paul 6 Malmon Motor Co. 41 21 75 National Ink Do cf., p. 113 8 5B ^ Oriental Laundrq Do. 6C 3090 $3 9 Or. B. A. Pomeroy Z� 62 06 8360 St. Paul Bottling Go. \ 59 8361 Sailsbury Fuel Do. " j9 19 $362 8363 jjsoTe A Dohme Inc. 17 35 75 8364 e. 98 'spencer 8 Co. 7 616 59 $365 Standard oil Co. Co. 3 68 8366 Velvet Mfg. wilder Charities 50 00 8367 Amherst H. 'water Comm1 inners 745 40 8368 Board of $369 Central Garage Inc. 725 00 8370 John E. Mulles 40 00 8371 Thornton Bros. Co. 35 449 18 I-- asst -r ror oaw.ao 96 623 2z 853 404 li ORDINANCE i ORDINANCE.,,,,,,,. NO. 579 / ORDINANCE NO. PRESENTED BY An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5240, entitled "An ordinance for the Purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity and general wel Pt--- , 'e by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and Sndustries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of Sng theE boundarcourt.iesdoftdlether �lct een s£oraseid purposess, and ," 2. July 7th, 1922. This ie an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation oY the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same S e 2herab30anddtheoeast hat.l feof nLot o291 Blocka2, Park, and Lots 1, steG.ad is Re eldenceoDistr District as atn Place, in a "presentdence Dl strict, Sn- Section 2. This ordinance ie berebythecled to be ac pareervat ion of the public npeace, b3 althr and safetyred eeesary Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ,foroe from and after its passage and publication �nl".ue" Rd.xus= t a Yeas Councilmen N"ys \Inv MON-1d l rear�e / o-na. we.. V P esidi& cnt 01.h—!Y) Attest: ...... J ..fi.y Clerk In 1'°rur Al;a n"I CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oplbl .1 MI""nob OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, City CIvL ,nd =SCOTT,-.. d R., -- .4w o / August 31st, 1932. / Yr. L. L. An dereon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached plea.. find all paper. in the matter of the petition for the —ging of Lot 1, Orchard Park and Lot. 1, 2 and 30 and the East one-half of lot 29, Block 2, O. O. WMtn.y•e Riverton Place. This petition sae amended at the Council meeting held today and referred to you for the proper ordinance r..oning such property from an "A" r.. id._. to a C. residence district. Yonne very truly, Zi'4� :?7 -� % 1 City Clerk. PBTITION To AMD 80 A^^ nw 70RI R__ August Both, 1982. Acting under Ordinance No' 0 of -gust 22ad, 1922 and subsequent amendments' Data of Petition s June 9th, 1982. petitioner t Y. R. Smith and John Penderitsch. -Location t West side of Cleveland Ave. from Palace at. to the alley south of Jemes St. This is Lot 1, Orchard Park, and its 1,2 and 80 and the Bast one-half of Lot 29, Block 2, 0. 0• Whitney's Riverton place' Zone : A. Residence. Amendment asked for , Commercial Zoning. Date of Inspection i August 18th, 1982. Date of Hearing ' August 18th, 1982. Appearances for petitioners : Yr. Y• R. Smith' Appearances for Opposition s "one• petitioners' Arguments ' They now had a grocery storeleveland hardware store on d p their property Pacing Ave. While the lots faced James and dware °, Yr. While has his home between his tar store and James St. Yr. Smith has vaoent property between big store and Palace St.- his lots facing Be -conforming store Palace Bt. also facinat tis lace and Cleveland. Yr* penderltsch wishes to build in the rear of his store Northwest corner of Pa for residential purposes. Nr' Smith wishes to build two cottages facing Cleveland Ave, between his store and Palace Bt. ars of Action of Board s The Northeast activebusinesscorn corners. There 1ph and Cleveland to eztend business north along will be a tendency should be delayed as much as Cleveland Ave. This possible in th�ctterestBo0 hand Mr. Penderltsch Aa the thing° wen Residence District Ovist to do can be done etriet, the petitioners as well as a commeroiel,di B.SjXjr-,rsqu0't to were asked if they would *1`9 Residence . This they agreed would be satisfactory. page ---- E The Bgary,geerefore.f zoni.8tfromate t^A�at esldence to to recommend are opposed to the change .Ce Residence, and that they to a commercial district at this time. BOARD OF ZONING. Isaac Summerfield, Chairmen Louis Bets G. 0. House C A, Bassford Vrs. W. D. Villars. Secretary• CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.nIW of MI—. - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 117 C""e H.— MILTON ROSEN, C.—I-1-11 August 9th, 1932• To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have re-cheoked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning: Lot 11 Orchard Park and Lots 1, 2, 30 and East } of29, Block 2, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Place (on west side of Cleveland Avenue from Palace Street to alley .outh of Jame. Street) from "A" Residence District to Commercial District and find that same is now sufficient. Very truly yours, Co—is.ioner of Finance. �P� St. Paul, Minn f / A To the H. rade. �- The Ci t;Co'arsil, 5t. Pauli MSnr.. Gant le�sa: We, toe unie igned o,enerf t o -::•it rail description. o real a states s itiatcd it 1MdfW. of the real tate affected, acnuto ° o,lassif=, o 0 of SO9Fso e : the f�ont�e to c re eti[ion Hong aLle♦'rodY to ..� .ge the -following doscrit,d p o, o property: 1 Orchard Park, F— -elf 'f car E�O�eeeJ - and el oi'� Whitney'. Riverton Placee and Lot. 1 and 2. Block �.-0.__- -�--_Distrf :. ��pp��L`' to Hesld enc- Di sv rict from a — _ __ --- Thi, petition _s maae Firs—t to Section P', Ordino,,co No. S,,,40. geco rd a', Lot -lock Addition ner �12- . . L VA" I , "oa�` State of Minnesota ) County of Ramsey ) �I � �p//� ��.Pmd,ln.Uv� belnp, first duly depo sands on that he Se the person who circulated therm thin petition c isting ofpege thathe t the parties described abovese a the o ach n pecti_lyhie Is lots placed immediately fell, ams signed by each of seld owners Sn the presence of�hi .££Sent, and ti�et t:" signatures above ar the true d correct signatures of each and s11 of the parties so described. .b batt b dswo to befo 3 e / / Sa y v Notary el 9e Y GWn� y�an(g36 !{y Conn s Son expires �U? l:omr r�wm. �m:e.or �sa�r, umo. CITY OF SAINT PAUL GRmI of ml—. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 117 Co"n Hou.. .ILTON ROSEN Cem-11-1 n......... .... Suly 26, 1932. To the Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: - I have checked the attached petition, filed 1n the matter of rezoning: Lot 6, Block 84, Town of West St. Paul, Northwest corner of George St. and Rall Ave - p, oe,:"B" ve.From:"B" Residence To: Commercial District, and find that same is insufficient. Ra e tfully submitt d, Yr Oi ocmissioner of Finance. y� XQ � �rw ,vase meuemm� WK g BcoM1?eru. �.me we iw � o' -viii Bon. Ytlton HOasn. 0-0, r of linanas. V,AldtnS. D. -r Oemm16.10Ur2 Oa boat 31st. 1932 beaslab All ba hale hefore the --I in t ,a matter of the petittoa for 0 Ind Haat int 1. 0,,b a Perk a' iota 1, 2, 3 Lo29. Ila& 2, o. C. 'tttoWlS givetton P1aee oa sa-E aids of Cleveland crenae h) toleoso Street to .0 -oath of Isms- Street) t ° mommeralal dl-trlaE. will you ktadlY notify the interested DrOP-rti Omer. of tMs hearloe Toare verl tr v. City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota, August 30, 1932. Honorable City Council of the City of Saint Paul: Pursuant to Section 23 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, on July 7, 1922, and all amendments thereof, the undersigned, Diann and Stringer, Incorporated, the owner of Lots 25 and 27, in Block 2, in G. G. Whitney's Riverton Place, according to the plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deede in and for Rama ey County, hereby objects to amending the Building Zone Ordinance, by changing Lot 1, Orchard Park and Lots 1, 2, 30 and the R. aq of 29, Block 2, G. G. Whitney's Riverton Place on the West side of Cleveland from Palace to alley South of James, from "A° Residence to "Commercial" - Dated this 30th day of August, 1932. DONN AND STRINGER, INCOBPORATED, By Y/ Aesistent Secretary. tj a� zd, cti��WZ, rz A a No..... _ x7 cin of sP. SiCuL JV .. OFFICE OF THE Cln CLER1 u - ..No.e b'T�i yE�i .. COUNCIL RESOLUTION�RAt�wENEare.y,•;.°c aemf uu V P—EN-0 11 WHEREAS, T. C. Borg has petitioned the Oouncil Pot"'per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at 16 East Ninth street; and WHEREAS, Said T. C. Borg has submitted a blue -print of the rb returns, Pump PTO idewalks,ad aetoutforwith thedlnPormatlon of the Council; andcatl on, Pars - graph F�SectionA5bearing Ordinancebeen No.held 5840; therefore, be Para- RE9OLPED, That permission and authority are hereby given to T. 0. Borg to Snst all and maintain said station in accordance ved with the plan subm,tt:d any deviation from the plan aseappro ehall be x111 automatically void the permit. T'inhe tanks and pump under lthe directs nled in a oY thace t Commithee aloor'ne rnofOPublice Safety;Ythe Raul, o the Commissionerbuildi ne and n la,dPlaygrounde b nduPubllet Buildings= d any oval Of the changes in curbing, aldewayks, ramps, drainage or other public im- provementto s within the street linea shall be made under the direction oMmissioner permit shallabeeforever%bjectthe OtO,revooatlonibyutheoCovncll when- shall h na ever Bestation re ioone�titutee a fire hazard, ortraffithe c of said Y_COUNCILMEN Adopted by the un CociL_...SE:E NnYa/ 4� -_.. a n Peeaarce __.....In favor \ �'�4�T APP .... d.- .... ..193..... /� ,zcl / or�.WifY .K / President Mahoney _ _POST CARD_Z{QTICE! OTCfff,JHE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul. Minn ............. A`tGt20, _..19H P,ra,a t to S -ti.. 5 of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Co,ncil of the City of St. Pa,1, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application" g to a,mt and install a filling station nn tax lots 3 @ 4, blk. 12.. Bezilla 1@ G—W. Add --15 E. 9th St. will come up for coseidaa — befn.e the Cnancil in the C.„acil Chamber n the City H.11 and CoastHouilding on the 31st day of Aug, at 142 , at 1use B0 o'clock A. M. Commissions. of Finance. ao«.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL GnlW I Minnow. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tawh .nd Mtnaew- Ssece JOHN H. WDONALD, Co-— August Sl, 7952 iHorv�s c. oco;v.mr. Yr. Billies P. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, min"- --t-Ca" Stn Herewith Is supplementary report of inepectloc by Harty H. Hettergrm, SnPerintendant of Traffic, on proposed gasoline filling station to be installed at 16 Met H1nth Street by T. C. Borg. Very trujV yours, Commissioner of Public Safe, M THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL .lug. 31, 1332. I.Ir. Sohn Ii. Qmnal", Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir:- Relative to nnnllcat inn made by T.C. Horermiss g for pion to instal a drive-Sn gasoline filling station on Lots 9 and 4, Block, Y'., Haz111e &Curran.s Addition, also described as 15 F. 9th Street. I Lava been presented with a new net of plane for this station, which will e the. oaJ 9Ct15t reeteshaesDeenseliminatsdtby plering sly et eln'.nrh'all nin between 9th an and meM� the grade level with both street e,r so that there wonll enter of lot,£ c s'slddi ng ac a the aide we.1k on 8th Street, as might have be no danger o ere oe happened if the first plane wererapp roved. one It will also prevent cars from irivingthlan will notromterisllyeinter- tp the other. It Sa oa' opinion that the revisedP n'a fere with traffic. Trusting this meets wlt'n your approval, I as You s truly, �rya tt ergren, V Sunt. of Traffic. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpl.l d Mi..00h DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..,h •.d Ml..asn Sh .n JOHN H. hk NA D, Corwwsaorvfn Augtwet 12, 1952 i�iowan5 G oCo�uomn ce..i..e.., Yr. Rllllm F. Scott, City Clark, Saint Paul, Hinneeota Dear Sir, Baturned hereelth 1s the application of T. C. Borg for permission to instal a drive-Sa gasoline filling station at 16 East Ninth Street with reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Traffic end Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, �Commieeioner of Public Safety 1 ` THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ang, 12, 1932. Mr. John g, McDonaldiSfet Comiseloner of Pohlc ay. Deet Si— Borg for permission to of icat ion made Dy T. C. Bazille W lth reference to ap. teflon on lots 3 and 4, Block 12, In stal a drive-in gasoline Yllling s e 16 &. _,gtb,,Street. & Goerla,e Addition, ale- de e<ribed a I be" made an investigation of this locuv ion, and St Se op opinion, imemuch as 9th Street .res Sdened a e to expedite tr�fic, and increase St of the street, and to relieve o0-9- ue seation , dohxntoxnr int at -d Che c ap" Y Seat the n eeent time on set up which 9th d fl beeha nld be unxiae toe llox a eo creaSonatL e4f 1- hazard and ectlone, that it treet, and to entld reduce the efficiency of the cauee congestlon. x111 There is as eight percent grade on this street where tth he he 1 ie t d station, and in the winter time, wiehioosmeke a left lead "to the propose omSng down thte grade, an ver ed with iea and a car o ceeaery far wear Daund traff Se, and station, making St n order ton seones ue the movement hand turn into LhlatrafYlc to c me to a atop Sn a d n s ung eetlon et also the eastbound a.il cause serious accidents, to be completed might e y Wabaeha. both 9th and Cedar, and 9th and n this street showed that between Cedar and Wabaeha there vehicle� Sn s 12 hour Pe rind, and betxeen Web.-.- end St. Peter A Theck made ergs volume was o 10,000 0, 12 be- a eriod. This Ss s very there was 12,000 vehlcleo inion thot many tarts a. poaslble hould 6u plrop' of traffic, o it Se P o h oil stations in this locality tasted on this etreet. There are en ng er),v serve public neces.ity and road- Trmting this It 1e my oSalothat this permit should not be granted. meet. with yon,' approval, I se - Yo truly, Ilp Ba,,yy Wettergren, Svpt. T TraYflc. H"1dOR1" CITY OF SAINT PAUL r c1.1.1 Morn...% DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..d, ..d Ml..nuu So -..b /OHN H. M ONA D, Cowusvor+u August 2,1932• Hon.John H. HODonald oo®iseloner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Vinn. Sear Sir: In regard to the application of T.o.Borg for prssion sion to install . stalla drive—in gasoline filling station at mi we have investigated the foregoing and report that Such an installation at the desired location would not in— crease the fire hazard to the eatent that it would warrant rejection. Reess�pectf�ully�yoursS,, Fire Prevention Bureau. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caplin ,f Mi ... $,u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HeaMn� c wcr,zE-� IIE—D C- E11— August 18, 183E Wm. F, Scott City Clerk Dear Sir: Re: Drive -In Filling Station Lots 3 and 41 Block 12, G. Baaille & Guerin's Addn. 6f18 S. Ninth St. (being at the intersection of 8th, 8th and Wabasha, adjacent to the Borg k Powers Furn. Co.) T. C. Borg, Applicant 8th and Cedar The above proposed gasoline filling station is to be located on ground Zoned for commercial use, and the erection of it is permissible under the Zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the Council. Attention is called to the heavy traffic character of 8th Street and the great diversity of traffic movements which would undoubtedly be stimu- lated by he proposed installation. Attention ie also t called to the fact that two of the grades traveraing this property will be about 7 and 8 percent, and per- sons using the proposed wash rack will doubtless block the Ninth Street sidewalk. It is necessary that traffic be expedited at this point and careful consideration should be given to any construction which would tend to slow down or obstruct traffic. Very truly yoursst ApDrov d: o e Y. Shepard 7 C f Bngineer 0 ssioner �" °• THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Ri, COURT HOUSE August 30th, 1932. YR. WY. F. SCOTT, City Wt. Dear Sir % In tbW matter of application of T. C. Borg for a drive-in gasoline service station, wash rack , oil and grease room on the point of land bounded by Eighth, Ninth and the Borg Furniture Building. Ninth St, is a four lace street. Eighth St. is a six lane street. It in the view of the Board that because of the distance from Wabasha St. of over 100 ft. and the peculiar isolation of the land, that it has a very limited use. In fact, they can see only three logical uses s (a) An extension of the Borg Furniture Building, (b) a City Park, (c) some use other than a retail store i.e. a filling station. Because of the difference in elevation of Ninth and Eigth Streets there is an 8% grade on the plan as shown which creates a traffic hazard. It is the view of the Board that if Nr. Borg will have his plan revised so as to have only one driveway from each street., or some other layout which will interfere less with the traffic moving on Eighth St, than the plan submitted, that the permit should be granted. Yours very truly, Secretary- sneer. gh-rh B'brg & Powers Furniture Company Be- Home OutLitte,e Biue ions Come, EiuhtA and Cedar Streets ER EEiGERnTO PS RLOS STOVES FLOOR C11­1ES RANGES BIDDING, ETC AAdreex AU Corteapo,Weue to tAe Firm St. Paul, Minn. August 30, 1932 The City Council of St. Paul Honorable Member.: Please find attached six copies of revised plane foran automobile filling Station to be erected at the intersection of Eighth and Ninth streete. These plans are marked "Proposition Number Two." The original proposition as submitted, met withsome construe tIV. arlticlema by the various Citydepartments and I have had the plane revamped to eliminate these objectional features. I wish to let the applioatlon for the station stand as originaly filed, but desire the dr lvewaye, buildings ,etc., to be as shown on these new blue prints. Thanking you for your co-operation in this matter, I am Yours truly, YOU'LL UO BETTER AT BORT: & POWERS The undersigned owners of property adjacent to, bor- dering on, and in the vicinity of the triangular tract of land belonging to T. CARSTEN BORG, between Eighth and Ninth Streets, and directly West of the Borg building, located at the comer of Cedar and Eighth Streets in the City of St. Paul, hereby loin in the petition heretofore filed by the said Borg for a permit for the erection of a gasoline filling and service station, to be erected on said premises. In the opinion of the undersigned, said proposed im- provement would be an asset to the district. FAIED N BROS HOLDING COMPANY Sec etary and reasurer % N INgESTMENT_ COJQP�NY. President r#_7'1 '�0+� CITY OF ST. PAUL No. .v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN CIL RES/R LUTIIOjN—�GENERAL FORM By —TE RESOLVED, That the application of C. F. Hochmutb for per- mission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 2 and part of Lot 3, Block 71, West St. Paul Proper, also known as 133 Concord street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor; provided, however, that said applicant shall comply with the recommendations of the City Arebitect. COUNCILMEN Yens Nay jiosen •rrnar _Agninat �/yp n.ei Mr. President Mahoney I ":k _ v1, Bl ati 4E;S'ro° AdoP�d 6y the Council_..... Approved _. 193..... hloyor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpw el Mine OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Clry CI..R .nd Cnmmlulrna of R.e--- �� as August 31st, 1932 Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir, Attached please find application of C. P. Bochmutb for Permission to operate a public garage on Lot 2 and part of Lot 3, Block 71, Rest St. Paul Proper, known as 133 Concord Street. This application was referred to you for the proper resolution granting the same; said resolution to provide that applicant shall comply with recommendations of the City Architect. Yonne vary truly, :;,iI City Clerk. �` `C1'10E OF -PPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO 8kiHfl-A�.RACE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance 110. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, 193 Y appl Scat ior. wi11 be made on — to he C enc1 of the C ty f aint Pnul, '-.innesota, for pe^mission t a public g -age on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ransey C0=c/y, Minnesota, to vit: Addition, �— I%ri side of ;,slat Saul, M1 e /CJ t. Ava„ Bat"e en S It. Ave,_and .3Lt.kll ,,too at Saint Paul, Minnesota, g3Y L� StAft Olt MINNESOTA. , .. beln�dul9 o 4,n . plw-c and ee s not hen i- d rl r K it Nr [ rhes Iein¢fter_ yti SL Poul Pioneer clerk of the puLllsM1er or Prin[rr In chnrRl Inl Jin Ne city of SC Pevl, in acid Pam - J here a nlWchni, evt fr ' f times. vnd thvt all of mid PPblie U -m xcrelsm.A in enid nrwe u.p^r _.. dr ra me t:rr�,'ii.h In;RanKr. [ d noel publi.°ted on wns ft x, M Priv c Thnt -id nvticr R �.aiy P .n d ab - Win— arvo�s�:tn d fttsve Ne.�q.. dnv li,h,d m I rlp¢V h r fA th 9^r 11 F t r I A d 4 f dh.pte 484 L p�mm 1 a^ Th A a I n �l I J a o�ll n�' p n' I, trod al t to tn¢t (v male x "•. °r'.nia.%.a M1 "�I t N m A 9 I ntFol¢ I I It fr th I the f p blicatio f Id bee^ be i It in thv En -" P inlM from h I r om h h P^�° to ssued t t nnA int roan .nin xPoce to sE Iemt 18ht column and sh e rter inchm lo^ lieh IenBanKr Irn6ee, 1�) oiRht columns lv th„ pnK^aneR twent,L blished n F PI¢ee r Yng�end Iwued Anily from n knmvv odicr. r= rlvl tar pret mate ' and egaipprd with xkilled workmen nml Nr nereesvry Ieee1W9, matt and printlnR the some. c in nrrnl end locvn news cam o[ Patent+. made Pp °Rtm�y who ly dep%vu otM1rr Pvnlirutlon,Ll4e'dof themtirely and edverti°rmrnts, or nnY nr� M1licvtion to the extent of et lent riot P.. miler (d) Cirrvlvlyd in n^d ^ ^pulurly vAelivered W P¢yi^Z enbxriben, and [wo M1andred vnd forty copies r prior to the do v�(Vllho�-fiF,` bl atio'd' the publisher o '.'r In rhnrfe of snid rwepnper Favi Rik- lyd id end Ne [hr count^ �ocnttion the !nets. file) in tnr oRirriof ofeOnid newspvg r nrn�j o[ h`Innc"oFn, aRiAnv�[ vFowivK then ficntI m v ICRnI newepePer m ttgvired "nc on ti[utin cv of Min v tv, lPptm rxi. enc of co nnlilio 3 0! <Fcp[r�rsd6d, Session Laws se vl Fvbet f A to Z, ¢^ and eek forth in er �n rr lrA copy of [ho lover cn P d pub- Tnvt the fnliowmle �s a pr i in the composition, pnntin& both inclnnire, of Ne size and Idnd of lypo use�ttnched, r z. M1rren licn[ion of said IrHal advcrticem nt atwde ee mn d uon 4 tnthm ¢R^In.l is y Na b Further ^Rini e not m oa 1921, n Inten d t¢ m n Ffinnfsthe I ant 494, Session laws I o[ chvPter ¢ ¢ 1 g¢1 adv ie for Publicnt�on in snirl ncwepnPer o 198?� ecr bed nnA sworn 1 f rm tier 9ab!f, ft/di '- No� vblic,, nucY County Minvmotn I 61Y Coivmission ezPiree:1..�FI(;IIT. w. Po.m tee. _ SPATE OF MINNESOTA, � � Cpwq nl Rnvup. ly- ./ �`^^'�'y...'"."—... y.' .Eclnm dnly o dnpnsen ' d eYshhn Is lurinil he NNN nrruinnrtrr boned box Senn ng Irrk of thntne publisher or p n <harg. of Me St. Poul Dispatch, e..:.rvlprr, pri, nen nubiished ie thv city of St. enol. In wd 1Lm- haw, n doily n rt.d ner canal"• serte ar 1lmersaea �].� yThnt �he hnrpknox'nJg• of the fact' amt keo vn pe nnllr;the prin/te..... mwspnp,tr', woe serted. prlvted nod M1erfta nttnrl,rn, ru from he it c� � p�md publish"' i "i('n r.-..(�l/LKx. times, nnJ thvt all of said pabllcutlom were mode in the Enpinap lvego 6 Thvt avid —ti- xm fire ertra, pri ted ned publiAgd Lhr...... / -dd.y of.7777.. '_-.. .. V.:__....193.. �d wm printed and Pub- - 9) � ✓ ........_ Ilshed In said newspaper lF"r,.n{t�rr ons. ... 77,.-01 q��c�—.y�. the... °� r `�.. Y np1r1� Th n II h t r 1 I n e w quvllfled m a medium of aR !nl nn' Irl,nl p,Fl,rvt on. a. q r 1 by w 3 nnde4 of eMpter 484, 8oe- n I.v o[ Min 1921, ' thn it hon complied with vll [no a ui mevte LMt nstltuw I 1 I fivrdtm d 3 d o t it9 that [vr more �y��..v, then on y I .t ct f h ant" of th t ubli { d.., .n �nwkmnwa�.t ig yt'8'e1 ne III d P y l— been (I1 P I{ 1 I r h h t b l dintheEngg-- n epv<e w nt Iemt e18ht Ilmu'"u merLi`v"`tet nn Ileh Innhyag". nA in ,ahimn and shat corm ,gm.vint PnBns, with eight cohlmnv to the nope, rnrh lxrnty-oar vnd ane-quvKer Inches tan8. for '0.,,:'r::f i,"'dlw:'%w (2) issued doily from n knaxn aRicr, re,nblishM m su<h pluee publylu- with skilled workmen vvd the necesmry mntertvl [or PrnPnnnB and ewndbeti tion and equipp"d printing 3hr Mnde up t onlain genrrnl vn' tarot news e e t end lecclleny, duplicnling any nlFrr Poblirntinnand of entirely made uP o[ petentq pp t'�''"n rnm., w m. z. ,rn., 'o wholly pinta matter d nn.rrti.rmrnte, o r rill— of them. �tsl sd leb (d) Cirrulntrd in vnA n plan n bl icntian to the erten[ of forte ap,,llarly Jelivmed to pvying eubxribem. m two hundred end < p prior to the dote of ChG fi bliratio/ r vol ' " 7th pobliehrrp- - gs000f svT a ty tile the factr, d in nr artier afvthe co etynuni[ar o of ffiinnesota, nn nrtidnvit =hawing thenned locution of said , or conditiv s vl'hratio s a Ic 1 new nndtsn fart.`' s c nc 3n ot[t<Fap1rr 8^, Sosionvl[^N of Mi nIPM1 et<hnt ti� r�uo�� U' i r,i < M1oN in I f . of l., vlzc and kind o[ typernsod in he eompoellion, licotion of snit legvl ndvcrtivr t her ,chert, z. i' Further af-1 evilN nal s: ve toot this nMd.l'it is mode pat of chapter 484. Session Lnwv Minnesota, 1921, and Lendc roe nnmir„enn b..md m. p n r of men 1 sni nays ,n Subscribed —I sworn la beton me this-....Y•Y hlolnry PubYc,�� MY Commission ezPlree ...'..:/..:'.::............. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pu.i of MI....... DEPARTMENT Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commin—, OTTO E.CO1��fjTANS,13- Cumml-- Pi +VE OO ,, " ;Lr Au,—t G7, 1-2 endo the nt 1.i:= . .. troet ymedcl�, _ onm:hh, vrho was iiia sr to o1'taoomit, .or ¢ nuh1tc .:ar no:t�on o �uilu ln, '. 11, � s :nt, ;'door and brick wo ll1s a - i:s e,...aDuhl lc ov L,:ed partition :idoo rs.no -11 1 _7-ito 11 ea�er,'l 1 poe is —de file000f.a is to be U, „oeoifie, fo reist, hf'osi rtae e en o floor Dort tun vl' _ ..0 ilcl 3i•.t w'th good jD tat c nolruct ton n ion fineprooPs c,", not ire grnnto:: nopernit l'or s y6],'_a unloss n rp iot'orced croto s1a-.� is placed he tweon '.�- eat: n ret floor in d Dlaco` pod 1.-s ta. �l in ce'._lln�rus� also he i'l repnoo1'ed Lo --m 1,; with the 3utldtur, Code. eer4,�'t , ( ".'e CITY Asr. PAUL •'=— NO..... _93x2 OFFICE O E CITY CLERK a e naaov queen-- 000NLIL R LOTION—GENERAL FORM ii�°iiu a n�y .�umo ne sc^p. — to Rix WHEREAS, George Sadek, as the owner of Lot 2, Block 4, Como Heights Addition, in the City Of St. Paul, County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, has made application for the reduction of taxes and special assessments levied against said real estate; and WHEREAS, Such special aese... enta sere levied by the City of St. Paul against said real estate for local improvements, and interest and penalties have accrued thereon; and WHEREAS, Said applicant has petitioned the Council for its approval of the action by the Minnesota Tax Commission in abating such interest and penalties; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves action by the Minnesota Ta.x Commission in abating the unpaid interest and penalties which have accrued upon said local improvement assessments. COUNCILMEN Nage/ Yeee �MeDandd / penrce _. .._.....I [—r /Reese .� / Tm x -.--. Ageiest � Neueel mr. prenideat M heoey Adopted by the C.—LI _..--�- 193_._ J a � F ..193_ .. App—ed - :.loyov ptreuselED �/�G 3 7� CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT August 29, 1933: To the Council - Gentleman*. This to in response to your commmication of the 2811, last, addressed to the Corporation Counsel, requesting tinmeatoand acatem nt ofto eacclimulated taaxesatasse emeions fornt se penal ties, interests, and costa upon real estate described is said applications-. 10. 37191 - Cemenstoae Products Company No. 37180 - Robert P. Lexis No. 37181 - Robert P. Levis No. 37241 - Ignatins V. Pausek 1 Yo. 3.1082 - Albert T. Pelletier Yo.38814 - George Radek Ro. 38742 - Anton Vilke She Council of the City of Bt. Paul is restricted e trurtodr- /� by Section 133 of the e charternanyolawwffrelieving ax Or ssesemsnt. partition from the omma The Minnesota Tax Commission has the byolneloi alitinonponabate, /➢- I ,reduce, or refund aseeesm=ovemeatelevi�d by apprntB oval of the real estate for loyal imp is Council of the City of Bt. Paul so one of the condition preoe- " dent4 to the action of the Minnesota State Tar ny asseiOussor in the latter of abating, reduolag, or refunding any assessment r a 100 levied by the city le oof St.opiaioaul �tnat She oparteron real estate cpro vision j 1vWrovemeat. its approval of the notion oivtna Yinnseeat& Taxent the 0 Oil rCommission in eemant levied abating reduoing, or refunding any such ease by the bits of Bt. Paul. The Minnesota Tai Commission in thio respect has --of arbitrary or unlimited power but has discretionary power to sot Sn oases where there in a fair snowing that justice and equity call for the exercise of discretion. The for relief Such s legald r equitabletbasls for Xug. 29, 1932. _y To 'ho Qeanoil 1s to It is but roto matters Of tha deoire6 action of Lha commission. on the market value conclude that such statement its Snflusnoe up relate germa3s to the SmprovemenS,the O.nt,tion end levying of of the P10Perty assessed, or that ertreneous facts To Sag to r ty vena Particular seeeeemenSt, and oY the ProPerSy eeveded, She financiallnntelownsof the market valuees D=d 00II0 of the Proper or to Lhe dim of the assessments mould be dieregar ye are after the levyingGeorge The above oPPlloatioae, eroept for that oY rein deficient in this, that the legal or equltoblesbasis 9adek, areinion a Proper leg The application of do not afford in onr opinion 0o�ieaion. other things that for the desired action cf ate forth amononfleoatory and tnat George 8adek Sn eubatenoe a the same arising fro the impr in emote for none assessments. the benefits r referred to therein coat tnan basin for so- ma tEe benefits ar reeiebly leas in am qUitable sere levied sera be deemed to afford an ° finch facts might tion by the Commission. Sours very truly, la�letaut Corp 0ouasel. LP9-H Septet,bor 2nd, 193? Mr. Goo. J. Ries. County A ditor. gnilding. Dear Sirs its ero eeelogW herewith WDY of rewlntion. Cmmoil File Ho. 93562, oeverim the applloMIM of Cwrge Sadek forth- rodnetioa of tnme -, iH j&t, "diitlaa. levied It Iot 2. Hlo k loers vory truly, City Cl-k. MENEEMINIUM111 uNEMMI rNz cornaol.�ee ��.""` NO. couNcl— mol a`yR°a°gakeL NfIOLOTION °eesTf° a:ai:.r.` p.D CLAIMS ..e.aeti ma°na: am°°: oli inc°1a f r v - - TOTAL a . FAVOR OF T=7 cwecw. ev e..n. 96 623 22 853 40416 8372 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 13 586 74 88 837 367 26 117 3362 837 2 i79 66 8377 " 3 953 71 7g " 5 40Q4 0810 6380 6 914 16 8381 ' 2 996 36 8382 3 969 BS 8383 . . 8384 • 4 37o 24 8385 Delia Brown 28 28 8386 .Mrs. Mary Emily ChrisClougherty 27 00 40 00 8387 Catherine Y. Claugherty 40 00 8388 John Lennon 40 00 9389 Anna Wagner Peitsoh 24 92 9390 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 28 8o 8391 El da Soderberg 8392 ',Ike Satzhovitz 25 00 9Quality oils Ino. 10 00 Thomas Basta 10 00 199912Hazel Park commercial Club 30 00 0. 0. Lauer & E. W. Beaudette 10 00 8397 Samuel J. Somer & John Batueh 10 00 8396 Adam Deoker Hardware Go. __ 9 99 J. W. Hulme Do. 233 27 560 Mre. J. T. Jennings 81 9401 Mies Louiee Mazkert 3 862 72 8402 Northern States Power co. 2� 8403 Tbeo B. Robertson Prod. Co. Union Telegraph Co. X42 32 3 8404 Western 8405 West Publlahing co. 150 0�0 8406 Eriokeon conetruoti on Co. 184 98 9407 ,Electric Blue Print Co. Finance 35 193 3Q 8408 Milton Rosen, Cm. of 'Yc co. 500v 8409 Carthy Sandwioh 23 9410 :Snick Mahmood6 00 8�4a}2 oeor ge F. Mz 1 Kirk Co. • 7 84 3 a Borthexn states Power Ther stat 132 8414Metropolitan Roofing & Hornic Wks. 5 82 8415 Westinghouse Eleotri0 Supply 00 6416 Louie Guerin 66 30 00 8417 Clara Asmold Widow if Race A old 30 00 8418 Anna F. Campion 0 00 8419 Helen Sullivan 8420 Society for the Prev, of Crap ty 200 00 8421 Milton Rosen, Com. Fina404 11 774 52 ... ErroT 96 623 22 977 138 30 93581 onem., o ern m.n m'^"a No. \ GIN OF ST. PAUL �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNC RESOLUTION—i ENERAL FORM -j August 31, 1932- RESOLVED That the Council hereby ooncurs in the recommendation of the purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Reeves Coal and Dock Company for furnishing Youghiogheny and Pocahontas coal to the various buresus and activities of the city for the season of 1933-1933, as required, in accordance with city specifications and their Formal Bid No. 8859. Approxi- ' mate Total of contract $103,415.00. ..nr a:zlm 3: JIN elei`�+a�°� � ewi o0 19 �m. oo.or ze.vr zo-zee � COUNCILMEN Y_ Ne �kDonald /Pearce � _._...In favor /Bussu / Wenzel / na eaz )Mr. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council..�_/F?.....g..:.ers...._193..._- � \1rf z•• \/ �'• �': Approved.. ... ... ........193_ .. "'ice o.ial+•I �o an a••e CITY OF ST. PAUL nu , No.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - _ COU, IL RESOLUTION�iENERAL FORM "co. ..... 1A11 oATc August_ 31, 1932... RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Northern Coal and Dock company for furnishing Youghiogheny and Pocahontas Coal to the various bureaus and activities of the city for the season of 1932-1933, as required, in so- oordance with city specifications and their Formal Bid No. 8859. Approzimats Total of contract $31,611.00. COUNCILMEN Yens Noy McDonald / enrca In favor � 2oaen jrnax — .Agnimt wend eel en �Mr. President Mahoney urs �°°rl-a we donnem coa : a n tprylaplos Yevee o v4revaueorwG W; Ceel Ivltlet of the tr �<he �uev ot� tf-1BlID u readrad' .a ef1wvre�la Ad I wvme -1921) Adopted by the C—,cll. SEP..__ P, Sm�_1e3...... \ <n Marr onUdr .o rvn a..n CITY OF ST. PAUL ru NO. 93586 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �UNCIL OIJj ION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the reoommeadation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract to the Creat Lakes Coal and Dock Company for furnishing Youghiogheny coal to the various bureaus and activities Of the city for the season of 1932-1933, as required, in accordance with city speoifica- t1One and their Formal Bid No. 8859. Approximate Total of contract $10,284.00. nor v COUNCILMEN ° m^�_._... 193...._ Yn69 NeYe � Adopted by the Council. MCD -1d App p -d 193 P ar a __ _..I favor � _ ' R sen Aeoinet Mayor wencnl 'tl <a Mr. President MahoneY NO..... 935371 onUN��^o^oat CITY OF ST. PAUL 'a< OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU 1CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Auguet 31, 1932.. PRes —. COMrtis ,NER.____._."_ the action of the Purchasing RESOLVED That the Couno I, hereby approve. Oommittee in awarding contract for furnishing to various eohool cafeterias during the eohocl year ending June 15, 1933, approximately 15,700 br lake ioe cream, 5,050 dozen Eskimo pie., 210 dozen Dixie. and 2,700 dozen Drumetioks, to the CRESCENT C-ARFRY COMPANY, they being the lowe.t reeponsible bidder., at a total contract price of approxi mately $7,363.70, in accordance with city specification., their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel 1e hereby instructed to draw up the f contract therefor. F.B. proper form o$8861. W COUNCILMEN 't Adopted by the Covvc 1 S$.P--� Nays Ycoe i vald / r- A roved_ _ l9'3__. Iv favor � A �, �ji'cax-�.A6einat Mnyor� /Mr. Preeidevt Mvh... y No. 93,588 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T � [Oly GI RESOLUTION—C'ENFRAL ORM PRMM ,o�Ea- - /�\(\ _. - o. E_ApguaS_fll.._ L433_ RESOLVED TWat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee In awarding contract to the S. Brand Coal Company for furnishing Dorothy Van Splint Coal, Pocahontas, Coke and Briquets to the various bureaus and activities of the city for the season of 1933-1933, as required, in accordance with city specifications and their Formal Bid No. 8859. Approximate Total of contract $13,113.60. i"2teeol 9> L.� Pe ,rM1e ra .,. aw>.igapies ` u8a r°�Io,.r.'r .a�oR COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._.__ 3Ep Yens N.Y. j Q _... A4wT i 'N1,D aeld C r - /p e In favor 1 S Aepro d yiK-- -_193_... / • //� J /' �1'rusx -. �— AHainet � � Mnyor J /,1(Y,'r. President \fahoaey No.i)l79 onn ��o an a..a CITY OF ST. PAUL •p3 ,�• OFFICE OF THE CIT' CLERK C UN L R6 IUTION—GENERAL FORM Auguat_. 31, 1932-. NTED BY RESOLVED That the Conn. it hereby approve. the aotlon of the Purchasing oommittes in awarding contract for furnishing to various school cafeterias during the school year ending June 15, 1933, approximately 13,800 bricks Joe cream, 2,350 dozen E.kimo Pies, 90 doz. Dixie., and 1210 dozen Brumettok., to the J. C. VANDER HTE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a total contract price of approxi- mately $5,059.60, in accordance with city specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. $8851. cwerE� e�eol eli�°[e �rl'be �E�41100_�esc vy0yyyeoa p�p ��� ce�;�l�ur* � e•, �i � � amAL �ee Acro 1'enb leev unl0� B1N0e te6iim COUNCILMEN Adopted by the C-ned..._SEP 193...... Mem Nnys b� . n Wd // \r, '. App oved_. 0, .. - 193..... . _ .In favor r., a� /1rnnC ��f Agninet Dleyur// �Yenzel President Mnhoney q 3 0 SO.� � No—_Usi�?�!! II COUNCIL RELUTION PX September 1 2 8856 8856 ...3,095.00 • • Besolvad, Tnat the Council hereby concurs in the ttse awards the recommendation of the Contract 0a=, and contract for grading and paving alley in Block 23, Lane's Highland Park from Snelling Avenue to Macalester hereto N'alk, in accordance with plans and specifications attached, to FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the $1,850.00, lowest res poneible blddere, fox the sum of and the Corporation Counsel i+treby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 8856. Engineer's Estimate $3,095.00. W- 8856 8856 ...3,095.00 e. epee ... ,....... R, oy... ...,...o .. „.�M.�a...... �..... ,�.. �....oy.... .1, 850.00 .1.860.00 729 ` o.e.e.r.0 e. `NO.—_ ?� COUNCIL RESOLUTION wurHc.awnoe c. u«Ac �^+PeO"e"'� ".o�ecre 0 .o.M.�.�o...0865 ..a�...aeEeT�M^*•` 31,601.00 11, 800.00 �........o.o.�........�...o ..o...... _ - o 17,750.00 . 29 550.00 ......... .. • Ic _ — ... �....... ... �1� 2 0 v • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the of the Contract Commltt es end award. the mm recoendation for grading and paving Marshall Avenue from a contract point 160 feet weat of Pascal Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Hamlin. Avenue, in accordance With plane and .peclfioatione hfreto attached, to FEYTi.E C1TatC- loandt TI11 1111111,1111 SI. asphalt , they being the for the sum of $29,550.00, and re.poneible bidders, the /orporation counsel is hereby iuetructed to draw UP the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid Estimate $31,601.00. 10. x.55. Engineer's V:..-Vz.:1F1 .8. e o^� Qii a. • I oo.. . �o°�tl`eeu'eaBB n. s .o.M.�.�o...0865 ..a�...aeEeT�M^*•` 31,601.00 11, 800.00 �........o.o.�........�...o ..o...... _ - o 17,750.00 . 29 550.00 ......... .. • Ic _ — ... �....... ... �1� 2 0 Request of Roy Thaler 450 Edmund St. Mr Nawalang, 452 Edmund St. Yr. Luddeo, 454 Edmund St. • Council File N, ...... . . .... 9.3592 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The rOoking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, Ti- ,aejcoU.'trtA.c.tlng,, relAying. and. repairing the Sld0w41X Qn.- - - the south side., oP_6dm..!u!d 9treetr._beglDiaing_ P0. feet vrest-of August 1932 '� Dated Chia. -30t-h---d,.y.f--, a -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pr.,..l for the making of the following improvement, Tit.: the sidaw 0n _n___....._.....__ b Doing f t w A . ... .......... having been p—ted to the Council of the City of SL Paul .... .. ..... . ..... ... ........... .... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cournimi-er of pubuo work, be end it hereby ordered and di—ted: 1. TO investigate the nleamt' for, or desirability Of, the making Of said hop—on-t. 2, To investigate the nature, ettent and eetboamd oeet Of said improvement, and the tow cwt thereof. 3. To f. -i -h - Plan, Irmfil' or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To atate whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or — owners 5. To report upon &B of the f. . onatte210to the CneurniffliOner Of Fin"re- 'j6 " Adopted by the C.—I Y—. N— Counnihnar, (M -90F w, App—d psaw. R— - --- ------- M. P= / 110BUSM 9Wt tLs ysgp6r nftj! p�fi�tpi 7wd-. t}�7t�srt�lFebi��---�X�fi �T� ; � 4 d4T�etra ,CO yq+ t6oA,q%?�0='ysAdpdrtYnite o; RLl3ESI"1� �x r .f a'.t r' z ' •Nd}yQgAD7khM ld►Sf ! BaabA, Oti7:8�11'bh1161ti, dojollokeh !f+;v+o�w'gn �4opJne4 of 01�3re Iham.r IIB o! the�6 � ' :i s* y r �#+s�, c�`s.Yi yati�ntpt�sRloeti ?oH�,"y�C ' t rE', 8egie inq Ci j , a •^Y 7 n tb eh8-id'i�o'P fLi sLLi �ftiL rod. �l3+�a4�n}oP - r' °%. '. s � 4 i4 �r�y3.e��84nb �teiion92 t ,.� sl l� A P � { t 3 w 93594 COUNUIL'FILE NO. I_- -C BY __ _-- -_- "_f- FINAL ORDER St._ Peter_ St, -In the matter ot__oPening-. �laenzag ana_extenaing- at Central Ave. vom.� roved_-- Zee_ 29 thx_ 1932_ ____________ app under Preliminary Order _-_--928926............ 1932.--------- _-, approved_--_Au&—t_10Shs- Intermediary Order __--------93323-----"-"- d the Council A public hearing having been had upon the above ,impro'eIi`,Q ttheeto,Ue d having fully emaid- having heard 11 persons, objections and recommen Aons re an ared the same etherefore, be it t t t and kind of RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise na ure, ex en improvement to be made by the aaid Ci y is to Central expand the intersection at St. Peter 5t. and and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. That the following land• lauds r easamevts tberem be and the same RESOLVED FIIR7IIER. ondemned for the purpose of making the said re hereby ordered to be taken appropriated and c vnprovemevts, viz.. A triangular piece of land in Lot 1, Block 13, Ewing k Chute's Addl tion, described as follows Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the Pres— westerly line of St. Peter St. and the easterly line of Harriet St., thence south 13 ft -1 along the easterly line of Harriet St. which Ss the westery line of Lot 1, thence southeasterly to ape int which is the intersection of the easterly line oY s}id Lot 1 and the was terly _line of St. Peter St., thence beginning along the westerly line of ot. Peter St. to the nd is hne ofsucted RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public R't ksvd ethe proper etty fBci,l, are d directed to Prepare plays and speciefidc µtl[h ther seking 1 f sa'dc8 provement m accordance there - hereby authorized and directed to prose mi a� with. Adopted by the Council--------- ---- _. ____._-- _. 1 Approved- j J«.!!.___f�_ Mayor. ty � Councilman Conroy ...���1qq�� Councilman Fergusonepald y I CouncilmanRehMcDonal erce •ir1jgLlSF18�--+-� Councilman Pearce o n , Councilman Sudhed ,� Councilman Sudheime'Zze1 ,nieynr JAA uiY'OP sY.P DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDERJ� (D) J In she master of O".tn,-, '+1 len leu .11 extendint; t. meter bl ;t, at i;en trnlor.k 13, eve, b,r r ant c�cie-_r.t a tr te�i ular pINae o. and In lot 1, 11 s n' 1'_t7 o- Pert1 1 lv 1 r beds t t 1 1 tP Ew` to s t 1.Y- ��t c I 11 �.or,. t..rl 11n ^.. pot t S,t. a7� r_ apt 1y 1 ne t t o .e 1, .i e �it.en�t-r]v t P ''.nt ewlY(tch Sa t of t.itor` t., the�.Ca esto. en. ... ,�eriy t^.a to bn.inning, under Prcl'iminary Order approved'Z9, 1932 T'­hc Council of the City of St. Pl: The Cammisiooer of penance hereby «ports :5 $ 190.00 _ 'rbe mc..l estimated amount ofthc assessment for the abovc'insprovement "1'he cstima�ed cost per (not for the abos'c 'i�nprocemenc is I he I��u or parcels of land 'hat may he oszeszed benelits (or such 'improveinen �, and il.e a.ses=ed �'alua tion of enel� lot or pa«�I oz last «poricJ by the A-11 111' c oe lollow s. OesCIIPTION v T ewe. noOi>•iON L"dwniio Bldg. (,txcapt ;t. i'ettr .;t.) 1 13 toSn'.. yY atilte'e Kidd. 2325 2325 TheCnmmissiones of Finance further repotts that he ties iiw'd all of the nfo«said matters, and I by submits 'hc fo«goiuR as hie report thcrcoo ca the Crunc�l, toRethcr with the «poo made to him in rcicrtncc to said t ­ by the Comm'iss'ioner of Public Dated--�%`�^-'ems !0 19' t~�w Commissioner o(Finance. F.: II 00 Lei W f! 1 5. IG n a n f! 141 is iG f7 Y. F of fa In ' n CENTRAL AVE. W Q' $ 2 12 /! /4 f,5�f" CK 4 115 Q D D CF�� 1 i/ oR a N• I!S CENTRAL AVE e. ST. PETERST.INTERS. EW I NG B CHUTE5 ADD LOT I BLK.13 Horrwl 5t. St Peter St - OPENING B—.. of Engineers - June 241932 Scale 1".100 JL `li- T DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE �I ^ � CITY OF ST. PAUL n INTER -OM. COMMUNICATION (Dale) June 27th, 1932. MrGeo. M. Shepard, Chien Engineer. Dear Sir t A building has dust been taken down at the intersection of St. Peter, Harriet and Central Ave. This has always been a bad corner. The Asses anent Bureau advises me that they can acquire this point for approximately $.73 per sq, ft. I have therefore, laid out a triangle to be acquired which will come under the $200.00 maximum which the Assessment Bureau is allowed to pay for land. A preliminary order is enclosed togeth— with a detail curb plan. I hope that this will meet with your a--,roval. It will add very materially to the traffic safety and flexibility at this point. Yours very truly, City Planning Engineor. gh-rh enel. Copy to Com. Wenzel. '/ Office of the Commissioner of Public OW �NANc[ Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 1.31Z July 13, 1932 Ip3 .110 the Commi,sioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The C,—i.i... r of Poblie. Work., having had -du consideration the pr,imi—y order of the C. -JI, known oa Cooncll H, No.826 96 app,,,,,,,d June 29, 1932 193. , relation to opening, widening and extending St. Peter Street at Central Avenue. and having investigated the matte, end thinp referred to therein, heroby reports: 1. Said improvement 1, o... ry and (or) de,irahk. 2. The estimated coat thereof is E. — -, and the total coot tboroof ie $ and the nature and extent of .aid improvement i. m follow,: 3. A plan, profile or .ketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made . part h—of. 4. 5, said improvement ie Baked for opo, petition of three or more owner, of property, ,object to asec,ament for said improvement. Co ionor of P bh rk.. 93595 _ T o[ wE°it COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 C5, 0— on y A7 _°°we eon Buller Avenue £rom Rice $treat to Park Avenue also In the Matter of Grading & Ckyut ea Addit innHlo70. ck 10 chaIIgi>'B the glade of Alley Sn Hlock 11, Lot and o£ Alley aint 5° Yeat south -of south line o£ Lot B to the north e.' o£ Lot Elyllex Avenue to the PxoYile haToreeeid-ed &w1n6- &OhutaeAddition Prom said a7 -lays be�wean tithe Snter eaotion Fuller Avenue, to oon£or>�d gr�ingd 11ne on 81eo Paving and to a.PaTt hatred-, $treat, li.'VeT Avennei node the eaetw sideeoYaRice a of F,Y - - July 21, 1932• — — _ — 93149 _ approved order d the - 1932 - under Preh anent and the C nail -------- -- met pon fully Coateddared Intermediary order --- he" ng been hed W th dt relative 'hereto and h 6 A public heanng t one and recommendat ,� {lin ob m4F�e� heard all Persons, objet hevine 11 the same; therefore, be ,t f St' Panl thatlt the Council of the City o rom R ee 8-, "eat_ " RESOLVED. BY llei venue _.. - & rsde - ock vemen\PbT.0t d by 'he' its sth grade o£ All ytnnt"il _ -c£ p --Lct- -nrrr Ave ue al o ch PI k Aibe D utas ddit£roml tndrad_said teey$lo ve ue,am £e of emade a-PeT here_, fid" a"t-jlied, to oot red ineeta eai.,r_AvEnua-oII -at-RSde11 "yheen th adore nYall.,. and aleo.. e- the-inte ffi. street, wommewt\tbl de. - here ders d imP P blit ks buzad 1 teda a the Co RTh thea C�o (�miBBen s\r�pro �y\dsRESOLD F P9ens dross .c tion foris a heredQe¢c d to P*oa a aid a n v 1, t o Pran, tthe ewith. a1that u e tina teed vi the ma a of sm imPra m - 192 Adopted by the Council SL. __ - APp,rovcul .-_._ X199 May y Counciba n Cooncilma l.,.o.oe ,t•OERdSF Councilman linen, i Councilman � Trmz / ") Coancilrgan Wenzel k Councilman + Mapooci ,F ,.1,`. ` mayor— I,� J Form R. S. A. 8-7 �v. a9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6R1W of Mino<.00 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 777 Coup Hou.. MILTON ROSEN, Commi„i.— August 11, 1932• To the Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: - I nave investigated t,.e matter of grading Fuller Avenue from Rice Street to Park Avenue, also changingthe grade of Alley in Block 11, Ewine & Chutes Addition, from t " a south 1ne of lot 5, to the nortu 1ne of lot 4, and of Alley in Block 10,Ewing & Chutes Addition from Fuller Avenue to a point 50 feet south of Fuller,Avenue, to conform to the red line on tun profile hereto attached and :rade a part aereof, and gradint said alleys between the aforesaid limits to the said red lines when e stabll sh ed, also Pa the intersection of Fuller Avenue and the east aide of Rice Street, under prellmin—y order No. 93149, approved July 21, 1932, and respectfully report that the total eetlmated cost of this improvement is $2,204.46 and the estimated cost per front fnot is $2.31, and furtner report that all the privately owned property abutting along the line of the proposed lmpro's-ent is subject for asee=event on the long aide of the lot. If a �inifor assessment were levied it would necessitate an asseesment on each lot in the sum of $254.10, which Ssconsiderably more than the actual benefit conferred upon the proper y. A'outtih> thereon is the State office building wltn a fror; tape of 405 ft., the proportionate asses-.ent being $935.55• Thle property is exempt and the city could not enforce the collection of the asee s=.ment Sf the project were ordered in wtthout an agr, ment for the payment of the aseesement with the State. Disre'arding the neces-lty of the grading, es it affects the State office building, this office is of the opinion that the property could not be.found benefited to the extent of the cost, and is making no recommendation for the discontinuance of the order for the reason that some arrsn'a ment with the State may be made by the time tnis matter comes up for final adoption. peter fully submitted, —' fa Valuation gnd--Ascsae=.aD t- Lhrgi7re�r. DEPARTM FINANCE REPORT OF COMM- ONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •> ? "� amu° r/ to the matter o[ '� 'ht]'. nr ,.ve u� -r m Rico ,;t. to Bark —o., also cltan Vr19 tthe le of of Alley in Block ll, o.:n•1nR k (;hutoe Addition Prom the sou th ],I�e of lot U to the ^"t,­1' rth ]ins of lot 4, anal of Alloy in Block 10, _ �,tt©s A�illtion Cr a�a fuller Aenue to a point 5< feet south of 1 11 .v,nu a, ro r t, th. -d 11n n tho pr file 1.er tD att hod .1 oflPt hr.�� C 1 -a1 1 b -t thn 0 .s icl 1 m_t tea t7o sa`1 ''t tebli. t:. i, nl. p tot th Intersection of -eller ;.v e-.0 0"1 th •: east aide of Rice "re t, under Preliminary Order approved d tl -1, lb"2 To the Council of the Gly of Sc Poul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as for follows: prove mcnt is - - f. 2_204.46 _1n _-C The total —,..—d amort o(the assessment the bove a,m - The estimated cost pe JI6., for the above improvement is - - - - g 231 The lots or p.-11 of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the .......d valuation of eacb lot or parcel as last r,po d by the Assessor, arc as I'll— DescxirTION toT scot. ADDiTIIN IED 1 �n `uT— b 'tg lots 1 to 6 1G -1-iin,; x Chute's Add, to �St. 56,800 60,000 lo'.s 23 to 2U 10 Paul lots 23 to 2t; 11 nl so , toted t. P^tor �t. , adL. said lots, also ati all=y «�J. ;aid lo'.s in Blocic 1C 6 10 do 2,500 9 10 do 2,150 900 lot 20 and W ¢ of 19 10 do 4,150 1,400 21 1G do 3,600 1,951 lots 2,- and 4 11 do 9,500 60,000 5 11 do 3,y;OG 1,700 OP G ST IL DEPARTMENTOF LAANCE REPORT OF P MmISNORDER F FINANCE (c)A-- DESCRIPTION cor scot. AooirioN vnt.unTioN 6 11 .r+1n3 uhu La's A'.1. to 3at00 4,250 a"1 3xciCC 2x0(,0 C 11 do 21 11 do 2, SG0 91 x600 132x200 The Commissioner of Finance furtb er re po its that he has in vea riga ted all of the aforesaid malts rs, and the Cou til, together with the report made to Lim in hereby sub mite the foreHoing as his report th Brenn to ^ reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. Dated — �". �. 1-�-— - -.-19. - Commissioner of Finance. It 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPWI ut Minneom DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MERMAN C. WENZEL. Connieaio July 27th, 19352. Ron. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the Grading of Fuller avenue from Rice BSt. to Park ave. also changing the grade oY alley in lock 11, Ewing & Chutes Addition from the south line of Lot 8 to the nortp line of Lot 41 and of h1ley in enue tblocko a 10, Ewing 8c Chutes Addition from Fuller int 50 feet south of Fuller avenue, and grading said alleys between the aforesaid limits, also paving the intersection of Fuller Avenue OrderC.dFth93149, appro edt side of RJulyice J2ls t, 1932. Preliminary Estimated Cost----------- 2,204.46 Cost per front foot ------ 2.31 Inspection -------------- 43.22 Engineering ------------- 200.00 Frontage ----------------- 955 ft. The above estimate does not lock include 11, theing & cost of underpinning a garage on Lot 6, Chuts tohprotect�the the ousecost on Lotc 8,sblocki11,aEwingl&Sng Chutes Addition. A profile of the street showing the relation of the proposed grace to these properties is hereto attached. '—YourV elt1rYr GEORGE M. EPhRD, Chief E:ngineer4. Approved for transmission to the Co ssioner Finance. HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner of Public °Jo s. r' Office of the Commissioner of Public WOWS'jF FINANC ,;.y.j Report to Commissioner of Finance 4UG 19U August 1, 1932 193 lVo the Commiselener of Finmcc of the City of St. I'no1- The Cammistioner, of Public Norks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known - Council File No. 93149 approved July 21, 1932 .193. , relative to the grading of Fuller Avenue from Rice Street to Perk Air also changing the grade of alley in Block 11, Ewing, and Chute's Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the north Aline ofdditionl ot from Fuls' venue to al point0ancfally in 5oEirtft gsouthandchfte's Fuller Ave.,. and grading.. said alleys between the aforesaid limits, also paving the intersection of Fuller Ave. and l ant xAef fiaqhY,Rfj&p uthinge mfcrred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Beid improvement is ot,re , nod (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.31 2. The eetimsted cast thereof is $. 2, 204.46 and the total coat thereof is i TTnsp=ctio❑ $43.2 FnRineeri. 9�,200.00 Frontage 955 ft. and 3e rtelure antl extent Yssid Improvement isgs follows: -- _-- 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached end made a part hereof. 4. 5. Ssid improvement is tested tar upon petition of three or more oen em of property, subject to aseceemcnt for said improvement. Commfeefover of Pubti w,r COUNCIL FILE c In the matter of----- conde_mnln and taking an_ easement in the land necessary ____ a --- -__ for slopes, cuts and ills, in the grading of-Ful 1'1`om Rice 6treet to Park Avenue, also ir. the gr-�'"'ng of Alley in Block 11, Ewing and Chute's Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the north 1+aa of lot 4' and alley in Blo^_k t- Ewing & Chute's Addition frim Fuller Avenu. to a _:pint 53 ft. south if F.tl Le, Avenue 3?i50 _____ ------- Jul' under Preliminary Order------------------------ approved_.------------------- 93:5-'0 ,-----_August ll, 1'33'L Intermediary Order _______________________. approved_._____. __. _ A public hearing having been had pon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it alb aa= bye above. Vie. RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thvt and k an ement n the end 11,c e.s- y y0so, slope cuts d f111sSn th gra31 g o11er Av u f'L; e *� P Avenu , iso n the ,k 1 , Ewine, nd ut s A d' mreun.8t L'netinfry9 ck1=r,w a gddl ion from .oiler nle O oiott south :f er Avenue.p�y 6t MEd the ®e ee heret+v ^a --in" OW10 and th Coun it her y rd a sTd i pave vt to rb made. RE OL D FU THER That th folio ing lan ands as en s there be n the are her y o ered t be to en, xpp priate and co ned r the p rpose makin the d improve sots, viz.: i• s' u s 'and fl l of t_n the 1 ad+. uo fll , ale eP rk Av n Av nue frim ice 'treet to .ldd' io r 'gym Lh th line Al ey 910 k 11 - 'n and Chute s or lot to he n rth L ne o lot and.11ey n sloe 1J, ,I Ew ng & f�hut 's A ditio fro Pull r Aven e to oint 50 :t so th o 1 r A enue, to t o exte t sho- o td�p an o£ t :. Co miss on>?r f Pu llc '� rks tt=.c'n d her tau+:hi `: pL is h. ­by re erre to d ma c a p rt h reof. RES VED FURT 'R, T t the immi of Public rks be nd is h eby � ; rutted and direct d to p pare pl n and spa.'iflc tlonssf r -id i proveme and L e prolxr 'ty offic 1, xr hereby au orized Ind dir ted to roceedi[h th making of said improve nt in xecordanee here- with. Adopted by the Council___ _'`_l r _-' ____ -_. 19 ---- ------- _-_----------- __ - ______ ___ -L ---�.r Approved_ _____. l9 - - _ -________________ __ May Councilman 0omo9c May OouncilmxnF)i•)a9i� nosen „ A ��O C 1 an McDonald . P[7BLI$1iD 3 C iPexrce Trua .CsnmH _an 9MOLOY C,- -3lmnn ir< We el f M Y ^^^^ OfTYpr %—Aug DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE � REPORT QF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the macro ofi se t tY j- i ,eary I'O ^- 1 . n , c.rts n 10 , �, 111 In fY .�tl 1' 1c :t — t P_ k s n lock 1 1 f, iit.on t=s .. p t1 li; o lot lr3th .L; 1 t .k, 11— Hlk. 1C, �hu t., .+dtlitl on f n ,1a1] r .I N'r tot "u t. o 11n, I under PreliminarY Order approved S To rhe C.uncil of nc, City of St Paul: The Commissioner of Fnance hereby reports as follows: - The coral esnmateJ amouur of nc� assessment for the abo.c mprovcmcnr is 'f"he esu mated cost per foot (or rhe ahoae mproaement u - - - - $- - land fl— may be assessed bencfirs for _j, imp rovemenr, anJ nc� easesseJ valuation o[ each lar or The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by nc� Assessor, arc a, follows: oE-11TiON aoT eaoc+ AOOrrioN 1 �nTlo a 6 lC :: .: CLutO's t.dd, to 56,U00 60,000 lois 1 to lois �3 tO 10 .;t. Nuel all '�• 1, old 7o v Ic _:loc:c 10 0 10 do ,SCO 9 10 CIO ,1:;G 900 1't '.:c. not '. o 19 10 DO i,15C 1,400 �l 10 do 3,GCC 1,950 do 9,500 60,000 lot:a Z, un . 4 11 5 11 do 3,.A C 1,'700 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISORDER OF FINANCE ON �) 38(,00 4,'..'60 t. - attl t3 11 do 38600 2,000 do x,500 91600 132,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has inreniga ,l u11 of rh< aforesaid mail s, and rhe o the Cru ncil, mgether with the report made to him in hereby eubmiu the (oreeoing ae his report reon t refer. nee to said matter by the Com missioncr of f ubb, W.,ks. 19 ' J � � Y� Commissioner of k'inance. - _ FULLER A!/E. fi m R�eSt to � .f Ave., ALLEYBLK//EW//YGS.CHUTES A00. - - ' 0+b.dlmlee Cd. from So. [i r ofLot6 to fb�N Lune of Lot 4 g. 4ZIZ LKIOE=1 ad, CIIZQS,DOV .. - � - I.di - Fill. f am Fu//ei A✓e. fo o ooii/tSO, o{Fu//e A✓e, _ Trplcel N--. 'u _ F,u.e..beve C.1 ec Fill p.aW, line. — Fip,eee bele. N.- dula.ce b .kith al.pes - ' _ ealeed bq-e.J p,_,iy I;— Le�.&.4 Ned275 X-Sec.Bk.Ne.ls75 - 4 p 13/Gin e/oy. — M//Y/YE.SO TA .9 TATE OFF/CE BU/GD//TG 6e M o e 61 60 'fyr - 1. °3, �r ti .6 if6y Owner r 15f F No -F: 6 h 1 / ti oz% az/ W BL K. /O /Y",7�" a A/� h C H _ �"16­IXI� Office of the Commissioner of Publics rj"A"0 k Report to Commissioner of Finance a., August 1, 1932 193 To the C.mmission.r of Finance of the City of Bt. Paul: The Comm(s,im— of Publi. Works, havivg had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known a, Cmm.O Fill Ito. 93150 approved July 21, 1932 193. , r.lative to conditioning and taking an easement in the land necess.ry for slopes, - outs and fills, in the grading of Fu11a1A,enus from RSca St. to Park Ave., also in the grading of A1.1ay In Block 11, 6wing & 'hutets Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the - north line of lot 4, and alley in Block 10, Ewing &Chute's Additi on. froto Fu11 er_AV- , to a .point 50 ft. south of Fuller Ale. and having ivveatigated the matter, and things referred to theroin, hereby report,: 1. Said improvement i, .....sary and (or) dr,irxble. 2. The e,tiam d cost thereof w E. — , and the total cunt Wer.of i, 3 and the nature end ..tent of aeid intim—lin is aA follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement i, hereto attached and made a pari. hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ia.. mkcd for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to amca,mevt for eaid improvement. � / �'J" Cranumiati. I, of Publi Wor 0-. Avnxst 11th, Ir'? Ur. }teary Rlaoe, Se tart', state ➢all "n, Coccal es too, Stat. Capt tol, St. Yawl, mi.resot,_ Dear Sin - .ttcr o: r .M•v Sti Vcr 11 fm�: Mice 3' .,r root to Y::' olso c n=1- thr,c 11, mxC,;•+t"I kl'"ti.'n !Ta:'. Lo th line of int C. t, t,in _ i, lino of int �i, ,snr! o allay 1n aloe!- 10, Avemxe _'-i" Cmta, AAMition from.Pallor to o potat 5� t.rt south Are.mia, ,ls p�vi n' the irternac tl nn �` kif'cr Aveaxa ^.,C ai'e ' nice Street will 1 or henx n- be`o., ., ..•.� on Sept—b r 'th, 1^77. o rst­ts:: to aal: cont to fer vtth the C1 t,,r^ c`1 r sot`l� 1 . reg rd to the n,,oim..,nt of Vt M tsnofathie lcnnv —ot, Cit, 21ar1c. -:1c.Ya)91 ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL .v NO. - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, The Commissioner ofParke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the house and garage located on Lot 1, Ramsey'a Addition, also known as 76 Iglehart avenue, are Sn such a dilapidated and dangerous condltl on as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be St RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 20th day of September, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber in the Court Rouse and CS ty Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it ;FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the t1 me Ti zeal for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at hie ast known address, or to the agent a I occupant of said property, a notice atating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he sball also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication 1n the oYficl sl newspaper of Bald City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing.,, �r` ry uon au,uvem " ON l� n11 coaNCILM E. B Y_ tisye/ Adopted by4he Councii.....S P__ . AbY- 'f'curca _... .Io favor � 4� F APProyed _ -__.193_ �.� �< ��Cc.�� ✓� fsyor ,/ eu n j Mr. President hfehooey September 30, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderwn, oorporetton oouneel, Badding. Deer 91n At the moattg held thi• morning, the order ..d—i.9 the house end garb located on Lot 1, R—W- Addition, eleo koo— ae T6 Ini ehert nv— vue confirmed 1V the C—il end the mutter roferred to you for the proper mwlution. Tc very t-ly, City Clerk. onaw(mavart CITY OF ST. PAUL m�wcic N0.93598 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM coM iM ssio°Row t� iH,. _ nAT. _ 8eptembm_2,. 1952. "HERM, application- for li --- so have been sad. s. followed Joseph Ineerra, 42 V. Fourth St. Fruit -Vegetable store application 2702 Sumer and Batusk, 248 E. Fairfield St. Coafecti... ry • 2974 lff! MM, Frnit-vegetsble store license, epplioati® 2702 is hereby denied dres the re.—sedation of the Burson of Health, and Koster and Batnah have witb- rean npplioatioe 2974 for Coufeoticnery Baso--$ therefore, be it RESIZVO, that the proper city officer. be and they are hereby e.thoria.d to refund to Joseph Insern the fee of $10.00 and cancel applie-tion 2702 for Fruit-Vegetablp -torn llcenee{ and to refund to loner and Batush the fee of $10.00 and osocel application 2974 for Confa.tionery license. cede--ey s .y—� C��P.e� e1aPyueetlan,e (a �llcen,ee { COUNCILMEN Y_ Nuy / 46ay� _.In favor Against P .President Mel, oney -1 `0 " "" "' ......... Adopted by the Council__ m _._5..--^.193_._. Gry, Appr9ved 193.. _. / /] nt.: ayer / 9 a.Wyl w'Gn a.n CITY OF ST. PAUL muxcw NO........93599 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Paaaar.Teo a �N.. % ,,,�- .�.r,- ,, , . �2.. oATE &epLember_ 2, 185x RESOLVED That licenses for sbioh application hes been made by pareme owed ce the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee repos the payment tato the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yens Nuys / s'm. TI.- - . — ... . r. , „ n.or. ro-,ilm Adapted by the Counca.. C.CPy_� 6, fes^,'._.. I93.... of� lCV t .3... 6j . .n .4pprq ed ]'spree /rounx ✓....In Invm �_.. .Against ,N n nenzcl r. pmsidcnt Mahaney s'm. TI.- - . — ... . r. , „ n.or. ro-,ilm Adapted by the Counca.. C.CPy_� 6, fes^,'._.. I93.... of� lCV t .3... 6j . .n .4pprq ed 941599 A) September 2, 1952 Wil Somers 480 Greenwood Grocery Nether Bureeteba 168 H. Congress C. T.CneeidY 985 Randolph St. Confectionery Byron H. Glaymom 197 R. Fairfilld Grocery PaulD-1-1.956 Gaultier Geo. W. Ewald 26E. 7th St. Confectionery �Joe Felgar 788 Randolph et. Bakery '3: Freeland 551 Kentucky Grocery J. Getang 519 W. Central Louie Gottanam 253 Rondo St. Adolph Groes 480 Curtiss H. E. Crafts 1756 Grand Av. W,wm Jobneon 481 St. Peter St. Soft drink R. Jobnson 858 S. Smith Grocery Leonard E.�1Jorden 595 St. Pater St. Vera Kadrie 408 Ceder Confectionery A. Keatim 194 E. Indiana Grocery B. H. gloater 1518 Randolph Joseph Kris 710 S. Smith Bakery H. H. Kromer SU Rica Confectionery Pete Ln Nnan 555 Jackson Julius J. Liecheneki 1007 Payne B. J. Baur 999 B. Maryland Grocery Miller Pbarmacy 2509 Como A, A Confectionery J. A. Nuwabh 1818 St. Clair Joke L. Palmer 678 Ohio Grsoery Nick Pfeiffer 725 W. 7th Confectionery Albert Thaemert 2280 Como Av. W. Bakery T. 0. Glary 1562 St. Clair Grocery a Cbse. Verson 744 Rondo Lorena Zw1ekl 658 Edmond Confectionery Frank Hancir 494 R. Snelling Restaurant Joseph Kauda 105 S. Webasha " Julius J. Lieohineki 1007 Payne Alviae M¢Cheren 248 N. Seventh " R. I. Gdeklrk 470 8.Cleveland Nick Pfeiffer 725 W. 7th F. Polefhae 601 W. ""to- ". J. & H. W. Robinson & C. W. Geary, 512 Rice White Castle System 1945 muiwerdity Ave. e. D. Willinma 2505 Ford Road " Paul Demiani 246 Front St. 4 Pool tables Pete La H.S. 553 Jackson 2 " Jnline J. liachineki 1007 Payne 8 "alleys 1007 Pays: Ave. 4 bawling Lorena Zwlckl 568 Edmond 4 pool tables September 2, 1952 Atlas Ges & 011 Cc. 10th & Robert St. Gasoline station S pompe Atlas On a & 011 Co. 214 University Av. • " 5 Joe Novick 298 8. SnellinL " 5 ' The Pure 011 Co. 100 W. 10th St. " ° 5 " Salho. Bros. 1255 Payne A- ^ " 5 Sydney H. ecbults 260 W. 4th " " 5 Shell Patrols= Corp. 255 University Av. " " 5 " ^ • • 782 Nice St. " 5 " Skelly 011 Co. 798 S. Smith Ave. " • 5 " W. F. Smith The & Battery Co. 70 W. 4th St. " " 8 " Standard 011 Co. 1557 St. Clair St. ° 5 • • 602 N. Dale St. ° • 5 492 Case n n 5 n Ery n Stogie & Edwin Croft 1228 N. Snelling 5 ^ Tanker Gas, Inc. 2250 University " 5 ° E. J. Wall 985 Gram ° ° 8 ^ Geo. Laider & E. Waldren 505 University 2nd hand ..to parte dealer W. H. YcGroarty 166 W. University " " • " F. A. Schulta, 927 N. Dale H. Y. Baird 1949 University Auctioneer Ringling Bros & Bemoan & Bailey, Circus Ground. Ci roue Hildebrandt Bros. 45 E. Hotel (Frederic) 87 mons ActonKremer 197 W. 4th • (Arlington) SO R. K. 0. President 5th & St. Peter Notion Picture Theater J. D. Preece 560 Robert Salary Loan . CITY OF ST. PAUL r,u NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CIL— COUNCIL r-2CLR COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERL FORM Eo E Sept. 3 1832. _ Na .. REeee�en - �. Whereas, At its meeting on September 2 the Advisory Court Houee l&A% City Hall Building Commission approved, subieot to the approval of the City and County Attorneys, the plane and speoifioatlons for letteri4 and signs in the new Court House and City Hall building, therefore be it Resolved, Tnat the Council approves of and oonours in the action of the Advisory 00mmi6sion. C'W�He iAtp—Hy Yt�ve �apC ArHi. F pJe� I. iosI. epprvp Yp [ We CProv Iiin Atrneye. )ene.me; {le e. t rn�enG:dpv ,bo vleappiovea OepLp —_— L ! i1 ep i -1 ii Geo \. 1 /l. 1SStP 'rii. uya �\diiylyd he t.. t-mu.il IIIc h.frcor :\ISIy.1 Ina / \Vrnzrl /nl�- 1�.�•.�d�•n, �Inhnncy The City Council, City of Saint Paul, YSun. a.ntlemeei A% its nesting this morning the Advisory Court Hews and City Hall Building Commission appre-4,subject to the approval of the city and county attorneys, the plans and epeoifiutiow for lettering and algae in the nes building. This matter Ss referred to yon for your —ti --- Very truly your.. Z""tive See"tary, Advisory Court Howe and City Hall Building Oommiseloa Saint Paul Bureau Municipal Research of :m.J Achlc, c Club 6ulldmg �c.d.. •"'""'""'°'''a"" �* uic Bept—b— 2, 1932. The City Council, City of Saint Paul, YSun. a.ntlemeei A% its nesting this morning the Advisory Court Hews and City Hall Building Commission appre-4,subject to the approval of the city and county attorneys, the plans and epeoifiutiow for lettering and algae in the nes building. This matter Ss referred to yon for your —ti --- Very truly your.. Z""tive See"tary, Advisory Court Howe and City Hall Building Oommiseloa CITY OF Sr. PAUL „L. " NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Po -`"TES s. Sept. 3.._1882..._. MM„s a.a..rwe• Whereas, At Its meeting on September 2 the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for moving furniture, equipment, records, eto., into the new Court House and City Hall building, to the Ballard Storage and Transfer Company, the low bidder, for the sum of $4,848.00, therefore be it Resolved, That the Council approves of and concurs in the action of the Advisory Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper contract therefor. Y'.OUNC�� Nuys C rcci S. In fnvuc Ituxeu /Wcnzrl P—iJent M'I'—'y I COaDL°+� mclir � fe.e ma„wA go :i °.. a n rea.`.ro°.:°ed ie ; toe T e.nw°. a"ie:nl�°c'ioai i/ •oc e,°,e AJnpb, I h, th, (':nun lI _SEP 6 fa„ Vm _ h 17� T. Saint Paul 'ePp Bureau of Municipal Research'"'"'"'""""" Athlct'nK , Club Bu,Idi•^^^gym^^^x-�•"•�`� xx c.J 1:10 �.... �,��••• September 2, 1932. The City Council, City of Saint Paul, mina. Centlemeat At its meeting this morning the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for moving furniture, equipment, records, ate. into the new building to the Ballard Storage and Transfer Co., the low bidder, for the sour of $4,848.00. We matter is referred to yon for your action. Very truly yours, Weentive Secretary, Advisory Court Hoare and City Hall Building Ccamission ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �� NO99602. U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM —ENTEDNEa - � %l c t- _ o. Sept 3, 1932. aeeeevec Whereas, -At its meeting on September 2 the Advisory Court House, and City Hall Building Commission marded the contract for refinishing furniture for the new Court House and City Hall building to Wm. Sungbauer & Sone, Inc., the low bidder, for the Sum of $7,689.00, therefore be it Resolved, That the Council approves of and oonoure in the action of the Advisory Commiesion,and the Corporation Counsel is authorised and directed to draw the proper contract therefor. III b, 1. `...°°'°gym uv ins «°uoa ° 0.° .a°�°°�`a= I°° coma ei on:8... Sv°ia e° ie°PLL°i COUNCILMEN Y� r; nye i4m r:•:,r��,• �� In rn�,�r /Wenzel M _ / Mr. Prreidrnt N1.1 ey F. h AiliiPl nl InIlu• tl In:i M V'r :Ap� �o„ ... �. ^ Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research �......�..w.. A,hl-, Club Building ... �..a.... Sept.=ber 2, 1932. The City Council, City of Saint pan1, Yino. 0entleme.t At it. meeting this .nr.I g the Advisory ConrtHon.e sod City Hell Building Commi..loa aearded the contract for refinlshing furniture for the use building to Willi= Smlg- ba=r A Sona, Inc., the low bidder, foruthe e® of `7,989.00. This matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly yours, 7Yecative eore Stsry, Advisory Court House and City Hall Building 9—I..io. H 90603 �^ CITY OF ST. PAUL -----"----- "- OFFICE OF THE CIN CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM —BY_ ��. ,J ki. .�il..-L rte___.. ____ AT. September _-3s. _-1.938 _.-. REsoLveo That the Council hereby approve" the action of the Contract Oommlttee and rejects all bide received for material to be furnished and labor to be performed Sn connection with the erection, oonetrnCtlnn and completion of the Addition and Alterations to the Palace Playground Building, View end Jefferson Ste. and complete installation of the mechanical equipment, on account of lack of funds to cover the contracts and as the plane and specifications are to be revised to come within the $4000.00 appropriated for this wgrh. F.B. $8858. — a..xo.once-s..ar.a x„x nenaxnu .e.00°°onner:or coomi°'.io..oa :i:�[.°,`n c°otcoer °�. �a...a❑ .° a..°wee �a ueo°r s. "ca5 .� a� oul""�o°°� awtta°mS `v em .o `Wn °°°Ive. oc°io r° o -s HL `valmal vin ° COUNCILMEN Ycoa NnYs Adapted by the Cuuncil_.. "SEP.... _e6... ...._...1"3.. d. _ / -- /Truax _.. Ag inst {. l �._..... rte.: C u -L . c (�G✓! Ma Menzel .Mr. President Mahoney September 2, 1933 SO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee hereby recommends that all bide received for material to be furnished and labor to be performed in oonneotion with the ereotlon, construction end completion of the Addition and Alterations to the Palace Playground Building, View and Jefferson Ste., and complete installation of the mechanical equipment, be reaeoted on a000unt of lack of funds to cover the contracts, and recommends that the plane and epecifioatione be revised to come within the 44000.00 appropriated for this work. P.B. $8868. Respentfully submitted, THE CONTRACT COMMITTEE ha Srman L� 93604 CITY OF ST. PAUL .SLE NO...—.--_— OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA ORM _August_lj32— RESOLVED F. 0l6 9ai9f-Hr 8 n weeisl— _ om � � �yNerp ero. Btalee WPI uua l9 Mufon to ipU f v lee eoul4• ep 4Rive�lHe� wf a o���lf er�mp�n L a. 1NE. That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install one 40 foot pole on the southeast oorner Curtioe and Riverview with neoeseary guys, wires, anohors, and Telephone Company wires. Estimate #16820. G Ycn, co�NciLrnEN Nry/ w , �r M f—, .ens Agiinn Mt. P,—dent be Adopted by the C..-[ SFP R IM - 19 APPfovcdMAYCR - Council File No. _..._...____........_. _.. By CITY OF ST, 1,111 Resolution Ratifying Assessment 93605 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for cc-stru,:tin_ curbin on both .s'ries of Charl=s St. f'ro;n Avon St. to Victoria 3t., samrso se see®are. �gnjroF�oo`- e�.l7g 90076 Haat Order.. 90374 under Preliminary Ocder.___S_v.._.__....., Intermediary Order.. _.. ._........,-------------. PProve e __......__19 31 A public hearing having been had upon the aseessment for the above improvement, and said sseeasment having been further—id ered by the Council, end having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the mere is hereby in all respects ratified, and the eatue is hereby ordered to be e,b,,itt,d to the Diatriet Court of the County of Room"` confirmation. BE IT FORTBER RESOLVED, That the said aveessment be and it ie hereby determined to be payable in... __......___.._. ual installments. Adopted by the CouaciL_.Ztt:....__�L__....._.._____...._._—_...19.___. n __.._. ..f -.....___..._._. _:�., City Clerk. Approved _.. _... __... .... _....19.. __ ) // Mayor. 0` 'fly OP "r PAt 1, OF1111 E, ill` ql�h' C ().11-11ISSIONER OF FINA.NCE Report of Completion of Assessment _August..1032 in Lite motile of tbo vun.�ni�n1 n[ be—fits, —ts a,l —p—leii [sir SXx co structint; curb; n' on both , I I— of Ch—les St. fro;: Avon Ft. to V- t -Ii - 't .1 under P,di"I 0,'1" 39474 90076 KZ74 To the C-1111il of 1111 City',f St 1`111 Th, (--111111111 of P MAIrr hr rr b,rep.— li.r ('nu n61 the ni,l—d and for the -,k- f Lite ib— mrnt .ii: O"t of rnnrt$ 47!.QQ C- of p,i1,h,hm, 4, .5 -t , of "—,il —I, 0,9Q l nrprrt i f. $ 9.4(3_... for $ 4.5( Ttruction - o c o iter "56610 . sa"I ti"a ]�, b- d I�bd 1-i"d h" I ",- it a, ,b",nsrr eta Mord. to -wit: the .um ui $ EiI3. 10 upon , "' b nu 1 r. rr 4.1, port or pa—,l of 1a—I deemed 1-0it,d b, the snid in�proerineut, nail h, the ri.si of 1"t. fort or Barrel of land i,, rrurdnnre 111h the been. fit, 11 1 ferrel ift .... t1i, 01, ""id nl that h,r— nt enrbrd. ident,r.. :hr sig —t-, of the -id the ­i,I vsxesanuvrt ns —1.1—d by h— nr,I which i, 1--itll whmilted it, 0" t such it ...mI as it ,' It, conslrlrmil "tip" t, a 17 C.bllbiti.i.— of Fi—i. Council File No_____.._.. By CITY OF ST. I'll Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the auessmeut of ben .`itsr .oats an t �xpcn — for na tr :ctlnp car.,. on ,o.,.� a'. pias of La;'nn St. :to.., Je11= St. to ::t. Clb ons St.,� m under Preliminary Older ...._5S19.Q2, Intermediary Order....__89962__,, Final Order. ...... 90210 app ... c._ 2.`�....... ___......__. 19.31 . A public hearing having been had upon the eaaessment for the above improvement, end said assesemevt having beau further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally mtiafac U, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said be and the same is hereby in all reepecte ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District BE IT ry'RTHER RESOLVED, That the Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payabb, in...___...__.. equal installments. Adopted by the Council.-�_f..__. 1Qg2_... _._. _19. City Clerk. Approved - `::... _.._.__ 19.... Mayor. ILI i a 10 LITS 01' IT r�cl, Oh'}�]('IS If, III I: l I)IIIIISSI01EH, OF HN: NCE Report of Completion of Assessment _Au"I s t._14.......... 11..32 In the matter o r the..sexsnllnt a[ ben'f7 t:t, ,.osts flnt 'xp .,es for 7lr�x o on stru ting cur bin. on bo-: ,'rtes of Laf—I St. 1`1111 -Ile St. to - -t-Alitrns St., un:ler I'relinrianrc Order. 38907 urd" 39962 A-. LS 1,; 31 Iinnl (INnr __8p2 2. _ approc,l uu_ - To th' Council of th' Cit,,f 11_ I'arrl The Commixeinrlrr ar H'i 1111111, 111"'6" r. i:i"', r.. tier Corrneil the following r i daur.. neces...il� incurred and to Lr ed for -I in vonnertion with the making of We a1—' iulprace- meat, C11st n[ const nut i,:n - - - r... 937_.CO.. Cost of pnblisll irry notice _ - $ ___.. 4 , J5.. _..._ Post of post 111 cnrl. ° X137.. I nspe:t 1111 fey.+ - - g.. 8..74 .;mount o[ court costs fur cont rin at'1::n _ a.__.... 4.35 er n. !ne int; cost 29.54 Totalerpenditnren - 5 _..484 . ._. _ tiuid C'nmmrss.um r further mpn t> 11, 11, Ira, ...... and ;cried the total nmuunc ns nbnre ;-11"Imed. to -wit: the sum of $_484.45.... 1, rue1. end e. etc I't, part or pare'; of land derma benetit'd b� the said imprnrement, and in the ens; of each Int. fart or I,- I of Isnd in -Nance wish the benefits ,erred 0.,11111, thin thr said "d- I 1 that h'cew nt [111111111 Idcutifird Lr uu 9g 1111[1111 of the sold Coln nussmm r, mvd m1u1:. , Pn _ w.renr. 1. the .1114 a.0 r>mr nt ru er nq:laed Lr Lim. 11114 wll iell is II""ith submit t'd rn the Cnnn�il for .u, 11 �. �t tun tLerlon xs mai' be con.sidererl proper_ 17 Commissioner of 1•'inanre. —e n Cnaneil Fit, No.__......._.__._._...._.__ 93607 By CITY Ole ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aasesamcv[ of benefits, costs and expe—ds for constru.:tin.- ctr n cot, sides of Simpson Ave. from :}rankson eve. to :di dwey rar kvay,n Irce.�'y�at b 90325.._ 90565 under Preliminary Orcler_....... H'�f).4 G.__, Intermediary' Order __._._.._.__... Fhnel Order._........._......__... approved......, A public hearivg having been had upon the esaemment for the above improvemevt, sad said assessment having been further considered by the Cunnen, and having been c,.idered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered t be sabronted to the District Coact of the County of Ramsey for eonfitm d— BI, IT FI1 HER IZOLVED, That the mid .=a oorot be and it is hereby determined to be psysble in__...._._.............equal installments. Adopted by the is_ \ City Glerk. Approved .-_.._...___. ___..._._. 19 .... Ma or. NITS 01' ST P.kI I, OH'h E W: Ili'- , 1111.111SSIONER 01 1 ININl E Report of Completion of Assessment �.t In the c— c—b``-^,: both sales of SiMP.1", --3. f­ d—j—j P.1kIlly, 89540 Irinol Order C565 uct 1 31 T,, tic 0h, fol,,f the d—o —'...—HI, inrnrrr.l —.I f." ;-,l 2.7L --d .54 1,f 7 2 06 T,, al , N,-Ifi- 01" f ? 626._0.. p-, nr I>an el 'd Imid deemeJ the "lid i.tpol—,"t. -'t in the 1, lot, pw, or I,areet .,f bind in n ( I.... ,,ith the Lane fill tarred thereon tl.xt the-sn'i.l . ...... 0"', h -O,, nt- h"d, identified b, the ,g ne,ure of the -id -"f, ...... ..t he h— -,1 Finance. 96608 Couneil File No.___.._._._.__.........._. By..._._.____.......____.... _. _.._... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the —am,., of b—firs, _—ts — t -pvnseu for c onstruct ins c rhtn Schaffer Ave., s uth ,itis, from cretin Ave. to .,.Dunt �urv� F3o ilar ¢^doR _ ',aa e� - °teuea vi iawisoFee enR"�nu.—.— Wes wn. under Preliminary Order_—...�.13.� Intermediary Order_51ri1N Final Order....._91971 2Q..........._ _ ....19._ 32 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said amassment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally mtiafaclory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respeeta ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said mamueent be and it is hereby determined to be payable in..........,. Y, . equal iustalleal--- Adopted by the Conncil__-__.........___.__...._...__........._____.......__.19�-..... 1 _......._. ....... City Clerk. Approved --19.,- / Mayor- 10111MMI memo= I ITY OF 11' PAC1, OIrH-I' )h lllE COMMISSIONER 01 FIN.IICE Report of Completion of Assessment A -,;u at1 0 .11 32 In h, j 1,, o b— �fits, —t' all" for R�b-x .,—rt P"li'o"m", 0"1" gj.'�a 7 lii—o,ldi,il� Order.. 91,316 under O"I'l 91911 Mar. 29 F, 32 To the C-11111il of till Fill of 'I Palil Th, (mmIoi,lmllll of Finan. I ll� " h, to the k il the I'll- iog as a statement of III, in --d mi,l to be taloned for _i -,ti— .With the —,ki,I, of the ob— mint, viz: Cot of $ 345.9D C." ,f puhli,lim, $ 1. W Cant or Po,to[ —d, $ 0.36 Ins Scetioo f, $ Am­I,t of for $___... 41.90 44 Sn 3. '1� �—' ,�q Total$ 1 399 . laid Comm'isaionar f-11,11 th": ]I, bas u. uaed and levied the total —.-i - b.". t,, ,it: the sum of $ Z9930 j,,jeu�dtlot, F— o, p;— I of 1-1 deemed the as hol,1111-111t, -d M the en.. ,f each jot, bort o, panel of land in ala Ir"— with the benefits f—,d the..—, that the said aseresment huh born c"'11 1 ete 'l. .,It ,ba, hereto nt tae h rd d,,,iifi,,d 1,, ilnature , If the said Commi.innc ., mA a "t hereof, i, the It .� . ...... ild"t"d 1, h— "ith "'b—itted to til. Cuuned f- -t, arson therrou o. r.o, b, considered —j— j Fina arc_ Council F51e No.__._.__._._s_._. :)UV11J By CITY 0' 81- PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment Iv the matter of the •=,essmevt of ben "its, _oats and expel—s for �.s truct!n ,,b ani sid­l:c on the lest side of Underwood xre. from Rome Ave. _o .,aunlers e.v , r Cvee"{ia under Preliminary Order__._91353.....-, Intermediary Order..... 31n5S._..., Fine) Order.... -912354...... approved ...... -Q..... _ ___...._19.....2 A public hearing bavivg been had upon the ssseument It, the above improvemev4 end said assessment hevivg been further co,midered by the Council, and having been considered finally mtisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Tbat the said assessment be and the same ie hereby in aR respects ratified, and the same is bereby ordered to be aubvitt,d to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. RE IT Fll¢.T11ER RESOLVED, That the said- --t be and it is herebS determined to be payable iv.__......_...1/.__—_..e�val ins[allmevte. Adopted by the Council_ _.. ...-_ 932 18 City Clerk. I` Approved __. _`......... _......._19//- /L-tLlr._.�.0 tda e. s. is `P,RLISIIED-1= f'ITY OF T. 1'.\1'1, Oh'FI('F, ""''1111? , (IIIIII111011,11 OF FIN -INCE Report of Completion of Assessment nu,;nst..1Q.. . ,,32 In the mutter of the n.asec mint "f benefit', costs an - .(p^ sea for W construct''.",. cirb u.. si le:•talk on th^ east side of 'J-,3er hood A— front Rome —e. to 3ati-refers xv- , under 1'ndim inns 0nler. 91353 burn". di an- II d h'innl tlr,ler. ____ 91a54 ul,i.rn.,.,l _ IG.as .. @.... 1p 32 T. thr ('nuniil of the hillof 11. fool The r of N'he rr l,c the N]"—, ns a vtuu men[ of the rxle t diturt. ttrcrsvnril, ins.—,, anal to br in. urr.•d for anal in con"mtiou ,eith the mnkI,, d the "hoer intlrue- mint, ir.. font of �on.tcuiiian _ -. 1_5.(; C.. lost of p"hliehin4 noiieff 1•�.... In.pr,ti.,u f•... x 2.50 emount oC court costs [nr runhnnvti�„ ff..__... •15 .___ Construe ti on .1t 611e—ing 29.70 Total rsl,rnditnre. - - ¢.___168,,39...:.___ Iwd ('nuln r r fu It 1, rr rrpnrt ;hat L, I.; sed and Ieeird the total "mount ns nboer n+cert:�ined. vit: thr cum of li 158.38 port or pa reel of land drrmrd bene-li-I liy the .said impr .,m , l,mil in the , u.. of eurh Intf hold in aecurdencc ,ith the b—fil, , on farrod thereon that the .aid n -„ I hu, ball and that to .1—hrd, iaeutRir 1 hp 0., s b nature of thr u—I e..i..ni, .�, ns ,r mplete,l 1,. him. nnl ,.li irh ix h, ,,, ith .shoat ted to th, t ouneil Inc .u..h prope - t.., ,, i. .t. i, (;ommissiovee "f Fina nee. �I�11 f'ITY OF T. 1'.\1'1, Oh'FI('F, ""''1111? , (IIIIII111011,11 OF FIN -INCE Report of Completion of Assessment nu,;nst..1Q.. . ,,32 In the mutter of the n.asec mint "f benefit', costs an - .(p^ sea for W construct''.",. cirb u.. si le:•talk on th^ east side of 'J-,3er hood A— front Rome —e. to 3ati-refers xv- , under 1'ndim inns 0nler. 91353 burn". di an- II d h'innl tlr,ler. ____ 91a54 ul,i.rn.,.,l _ IG.as .. @.... 1p 32 T. thr ('nuniil of the hillof 11. fool The r of N'he rr l,c the N]"—, ns a vtuu men[ of the rxle t diturt. ttrcrsvnril, ins.—,, anal to br in. urr.•d for anal in con"mtiou ,eith the mnkI,, d the "hoer intlrue- mint, ir.. font of �on.tcuiiian _ -. 1_5.(; C.. lost of p"hliehin4 noiieff 1•�.... In.pr,ti.,u f•... x 2.50 emount oC court costs [nr runhnnvti�„ ff..__... •15 .___ Construe ti on .1t 611e—ing 29.70 Total rsl,rnditnre. - - ¢.___168,,39...:.___ Iwd ('nuln r r fu It 1, rr rrpnrt ;hat L, I.; sed and Ieeird the total "mount ns nboer n+cert:�ined. vit: thr cum of li 158.38 port or pa reel of land drrmrd bene-li-I liy the .said impr .,m , l,mil in the , u.. of eurh Intf hold in aecurdencc ,ith the b—fil, , on farrod thereon that the .aid n -„ I hu, ball and that to .1—hrd, iaeutRir 1 hp 0., s b nature of thr u—I e..i..ni, .�, ns ,r mplete,l 1,. him. nnl ,.li irh ix h, ,,, ith .shoat ted to th, t ouneil Inc .u..h prope - t.., ,, i. .t. i, (;ommissiovee "f Fina nee. 936-'0 Council File No.___......_._._...___... o„9g�14r.�r t enm i co° •• By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the mutter of the _-.t .f benefits, costs an i expenses for impr��: in ce�tar bo �levar3 on Ctto iron ;;re111n_ Ave. to South Ho.vell b-: co�.s trE, cir'�in�-rf—Inwith loam and e ee iln'. with �r ass, Order....P.7A24_...._1 Intermediary Ordernal Order .... 88.y8=..... , Fi___89359 under Preliminary approved..... 21 LY -2@_.._. _ _....____.19.__3 A public hearing having been hart upon the ennensment for the above improvement, and ..id .==e or— having been further -id ... d by the Co.ncil, and having been considered finally natlefactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be avd the enure is hereby in .11 re.P,etn ratified, and the same ie hereby ordered to be submitted to the Dintrict Court of the County of Ramsey for eonfirmatio.. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the sold assessment be and it u hereby determi.ed to be p.yable ./a—equ.l i.__.___.. installments. ,T Adopted by the Comcil _. .ice-.__.. _._ .__._.. _ ...__19 City Clerk. Approved__ ._........_- _....___....19__._. Mayr. V � C� I ') - OP ST. , " 1'.1 t 1, IFFI( El �11' 11�i. COM-1113,SIONE2 01' IIINA.IIE Report of Completion of Assessment Au4y-et 10 1 if, 32 I„ the matter of ta, auwrsn,. nt 'f be—fit,, costs x i —p—os ftZzx - L-p—,iog c- ter boulevard on Otto Ave. fro.- :ioellln!7 —e. to Solt', tr,,,tT,-, curbing, Lruiio, f,cl— ,Ith 1— A—! (1"1'. 87024 Int, --h— 0,I, O 906 l hal 0"I" K35U To the C --d ar Ih. city of 11 PuIil Th, of Fiuo ur. h—,b, 1h. Connri1 the Wl,,—ig ns a '---t nt th, -p ii—i—d :mJ to 1). in. urrcJ for and in —1—ti— with are i-ki,:, of It, b(—, C— of 5-3 . 00 ,lmount n[ ta for ,arrnrawtlorr y___.. 19.95 1 Dna .. t, 'et, 0 E—ineering 138.00 .Ini ...... "tun', s 3 -.55r... -f85 ..aid l'ammisaioner Further rel,orta that li. has n --,d and leeird the t'-1 1, tn,it: the snm of $ 3.8151185 a, Ii and lot, .... rt ., panel of land deemed b—rfi-I h. - the . ,111, —d and in the cost of , a, Ii 1,)t, pwl c ,.— I of land in ar, ordnnce ni,h the b ... fit, — fi—,J th,--- : that il,, as a -sant, nt h- d, and that hrrrtn attar h(,1. id Offi-d 1" th, "K naturr of h, -id ( and astir a hart h.r,f, i, the said a....... eat nv inmltl. 1,d be h:- ,, I i, h— " i1h -bnt.'d to il" , Unna it f"! sari, , ,hitt on - a,,- h,, rnnxd' of ",( CITY OF ST PAUL r..... . NO.9M-- e OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I 1 11-. R {-t COUNCIL RESOLyLjION—GENERA k.p� nye yLl,d Ian r/% cae ...Tao a /J tf n -- ss-- --- - -- -- - - nation iF ce�aElnell ivE the d WhEBEAS The ^ocsclssioner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported that Lots 5 and 14, block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition are not necessary in the development of the playground for which condemnation proceedings are now pending before the Council and the matter scheduled for a public hearing upon the ratification of the awards of damages for the taking of said ep Lots 5 and 14, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition, therefore be it RESOLVED that all proceedings had under Preliminary Order 92637, approved June 6, 1932, be and the same are hereby canceled and annulled. Yns c N pft7vlc410 s en �xauc Tr� fix .Agvnn v Wenzel nae. Pen— Ltahoney Adep,ad by the Coundl SE! App,. -d PUIfLLtii�D /A, .......................................................................................................7 .................. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__acU'i-i1=- aP�ro:�lb�--6R`1-�0yleaut<n :-fr -itaygc9..n.1_-- purpo:;�-s lots and 14, block el, os ton Sh—b—no's Ad it ion, under Preliminary Order__.--9..:o.it____-------- approved_-- Sun:_a.,-1332. -- --. Intermediary Order--- ----- --9,-9fi1 -- ----- approved___ Slay -5,-1931 ---- ---_..- ----- , Final Order ------- --- 92215 -___--. approved----- .1,,32 ---- .-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the award, of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, am, therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the aimeaed ass esment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the a—ds of damages to the own rs of such hinds for snid taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment all, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. $&�, � � _ _"dA>l�IJ[RCUY�Cxsi[k Yvisvlvr��9}Erm1A&kSOcA1[l)A;YUfOfY. COXxxYY_�C� cY�6t%ACLRtf9tOflti�IIXtQxtMSU3�+L.OS[�t�r®T� Adopted by the Council __-------- ---------- --------. 19.--- -------------- __ _____ CitY Clerk. APProved-----------------------_. 19____ Mayor. Councilmen Councilman>a Conncilmav Councilmane=– C. neflamm Councilmanmras�' Mayor ..................................................................................... 9:33 ;ti RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING U1 "`_'"r"ffl4 IT y .:dLON AND FIXI\G T1.11G 0� ;lE.i ::'.J C.. MNAKU OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ acqul icr,_apP=PT-LaL'_e n—cflniacn'n,__: or__p].az5r�unrl___ purposes lots 5 ur.i lI, block sl, r. s... ton tc Sherburne Is Aidit ion, er� avrna� eeenrmnt ono ew°fin °oe n ,ad,, Preliminary Order -------- 92n3'Z--------- approved_ June_11,_193_a-----_ Intermediary Order------------- 929.fi1--------- approved_-July-fi,_1938------------ _-----, Final Order-------------- ------ 93215----__- approved_-sur� -,_1932 ---------- ----- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easement.., therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Glmmbrn in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the- _- ____--_2t1t____day of__----Sap-t—b------------ 19__32 at ten o'clock A. M, and that the Com- ioner of Icinance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --------------- ------- ------ Aa-- City Clerk. C_ pqy. _y ?1eiFn.erM� inan Councilman CffigFu4e1'.n;a e x DIa mr `_Cauuncilman II e1d"� / Councilman lma Councin` Councilman l9ffllwb® lv-rnzel Mayor l� Mahoney REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS -��:- AtiSLSSMENT OF ];ENEFITS In the matter of__ sG�T e:r_lo.:._aF_pr�BP_=of ir__ anal ,fly pur�o:, under Preliminary Ord er______825 '7__, approved__--_---+ ______________________ Intermediary Order__________9-+:951__, approved ---------- ______________________ Final Order ------------- ____$3215__, aPProved________ Au�;—_Z+-1.2-32_________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost [hers of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. y�iv pefmRai� woi wi0 nl onoi....o r... ..... �, CITY OF ST. PAUL ii v1G P: OIOIOwap roveE DeO. - OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC 40�,014't� t� ROOngvry m� ( `. CIL R 5 LOTION—GEN L FORM a` aas sor+ a__( _ __. re _A ptemhor .7th,-IW2. c¢ RESOD Whereas, i.n the matter of widening, grading and paving of Bradley St. from °eventh St. to North St. etc., Final Order C. F. 91640 approved Feb. 9th, 1932, the removal of buildings from the widened portions of said streets, by leaving unfilled basements within the street area, creates a condition which is unsafe and detrimental to the best interests of the city, and Whereas, in the opinion of the City Engineer it isnecessary and expedient to make all necessary fills at once to provide for proper settlements before placing of pavement, and Whereas, the above descrll,ed work is not assessable against the abutting property, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to do the necessary filling of basements on thewidened portions of the above described project by City Forces at an estimated cost of :1,626.00, said expenditure being a part of the cost of the above described improvement to be charged to P. I. R. Fund,Code 3001, and said furid to be reimbursed iroportionately from the County Bond Fund,Code 4-A, and the Cityts share of Local Improvement, 31-El; and that the City Purchasing gent be and he is herebauthorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. er Mery (�n Ycaa Nays / Adopicd by rhe C... ril _19... .. May AJeBe,cehF In favor �'�' %)T Approved._ _.. 19 _ F Rosen PLT)3LltiHk'F.—/-^_ ! �.• '� "1 Mr. Praid— Bundhi 4. Uo - IU. IL-:" rk 0 CITY OF si. PAUL .�u No !Yj'6"'2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM ly oniE Septambe, 3, 1132• RESOLVED Whereas, in the mattsr of mldaning, gr:Aing and paving of Bradley St. from of St. to Bcrth fit. etc., Fin 1 Order C.F. 91640 Approved Feb. 9, 1932, tae removal cf buildings from the xid.med portions of said stroets, b, leeving unf111 ed b,sements within the street Brea, Crestas a enntli ti on sni. is uns.fe ^.nd detrimental to the best interests of the city, nd Whereas, in the opinion of the City hnglneer it is neeesslry n5 expedient to m,ke L11 neeess,ry fills stnce to ,ruvide for ;roper settlements bsfc:e placing of p':vemen t, and '.Ynereas, the above described work is not assess b'_e at the abutting pro erty, now, therefore be it he solved,t:: t the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is ieeraby authorized nd directac to do the nece-a ry f1_lln.; of bosements on the-idened port: ns of t!:e sbve described project by City Forces at an estimated cost of $1,626.00 said ccst to be on rged to the 1. I. '. Fund, Code 3001 nd to be financed ns 0 p rt of thesbcve described improvement and th:t the CS ty Purch,-sing -,gent be vmc he is hereby authorised and airected to secure the necess ry materials .nd supplies. 1 ('n DSI'ILJI I:S �l 'frws 1RnIn>: Aduptcd b, the Gmncil. �`_".... (� � 1103._ A ppnnv.l . _ I -}?p 193 s ° NO. (l.-, i.1 —. l oFrice or rrs�con,eTa°LLca „�n COUNCIL RESOLUTION 6, 32 �7i�. tAUDITED CLAIKS . . n. ;: ..,, ,e pt. l vur.ncw TOTAL IN FA VO cvncnz -�cvncws nr n.v. 6422 Board of Public, Welfare 10 5848 98. $423 University Auto RL.ditor CO. 8424 The Forsley Co. 15 00 8425 J, u. Dupre & Ilizabeth Du ore 25 00. 8426 Jemee E. al'.. 78 60 8427 John W, NcLaln ! 21 00 $4F$ '¢1l I am Finley 1 DO 8429 Edw.rd J. 0'A .gen 50 00 8430 Charles Stewart 32 on S471 The Van fioven Co. 325 0 8432 Chemical Sales Co. 10 60 8433 3. J. Bulls 10 00 8434 Ju11a M. Braes 70 00 8435 Farwell ozmun Kirk & Co. 16 O8 29 70 8436 8437 The Floz Co. H. Peitz & ; 413 11 8438 l eotrSc Co. Pr1oe 'Is 15 04 8439 Dr. Eenj-in J. Singer 109 00 12 23 8440 8441 a. Sommers 8 Co. 9outn ,ark Foundry Co. 131291 8442 Star Produots Co. 4 50 5443¢illi— Perry 32 00 1 095 00 8444 8445 Milton Rosen, Com.of Finance ,� �� 4 846 47 8446 n 14 272 34 8447 " 10 117 85 8448 Spa-ial ty Printing Co. jl, 30 65 8449 Cl., a de Fan Co. 520 00 8450 Duro Test Corp- 31 32 8451 Capitol Btaty Yfg, Co. 36 18 8452 Davie & Lagerman 87 20 845 Elvgr en Paint SUpoly Co. Feyen Con.truotion Co. 42 04 400 00 8452 Coal Co. 50^ 94 8455 8456 Hertl Johnson Printing Co. 105 90 8457 R. E. Hulme Awning & Shade Co. 19 6o 8456 F. a. Leel ie taper Co. 15 Si 8459 NSnnearo ll. 0l rectory Co. 21 00 8460 Northern states Power Co. 13 525 04 8461 8462 Northern St.te. Power C,. Poetai Telegraph Co. 1 1� 4 - $463 Aalln'ey Er Drea A�.e DCy 1] 93 8464 8465 mr.. Marie Rink J. J- Robe rtaon & Co. 11 7%5 8466 St. Paul ,1,' a Lely.' & 011 Co. 64 E� 686 8467 Universal Car Loading Co. 8468 Victory ?rl m ing Co. 87 00 8469 R. V. & n. F. '¢are 125 00 8470 Kenny Bo11er i.fg, Co. '0$ 67 $471 Fred Ambruch 26 40 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. 939614 The undersigned hereby propose, the making of the following public improvement by the City of SL Paul, vi,.: _Changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, Bryant's Addition from -Vlc£oria Street to A6on- Street �- toConformtb the re _line on-_--- ..the..proflle.hexetc..at.tached.and..mad-e a part_herBOf,_ the present,...__. established grade being shown by a blue line thereof ,also - grading -acrd -paving -said -alley -between -the -aforesaid -limits. --- °-- -------- D.ted this_ 6th _day f September, 1932 uart- wnm.ae. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propo,el for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Changing the ggdo r e f Alley in Block 1, Bryact's Addition from Victoria-S£reet t -Avon Street, -Eo conform to the `Ted line--bTT mad.e...a... part.. her eo.f,._the. PF. es.9D.t _... established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also ___..._grading..and-paving... said -aiiey-between._ the..efareseid limits.,...-__........... having been piteented W the Council of the City of St. Paul...___._._..._._.........._.___.__.....___._......_._......._._ thercfom, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieaioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necomity, for, or deeirabifity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To invoetigate the nature, extent and eetimated cost of avid improvement, sod the total coat thereof. 3. To fumieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement u asked for on the petition of three or more o,.am 5. To report upon eU of the foregoing matten to the Commimiouer of Finance. SEP 1932 AdoPtcd by the Council..___.___.._......__.. ...._ __...___.___..........._... Y— Nate Councilman ronw-D Mw App -led ........__ SEP MCIR X ,Roam Ma Passmm+r / �� 757 I ... ca unr. roan C ... eil File Nn.U.15J._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop.... the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Condemning and taking.,_lR.t_6.n.s.Bm9nt. in the land necessary. - -----Por-slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving _ .__...of -911.y -in Block -ly-Bryatrtts-Addition-from Victoria Street to Avon Street. sass.._ ....................__ . ...._......__ . Dated thie_...6.th.___. day of __-.September, t Is. . .a°it ::e°oro ow ror m. rouo.ma P vro..m.ac PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: ..._... COndemaing..end. taking_an..easeaent_in__the. .land..neseaaaFX _.._.___._......... for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of...Alley _.1. Bl.ek__l.f_ Bryantts_.Additicol fro®_.V.ietorie-...__..___........._..... Street to Avon Street. __ ........___ ... _. _sass._ _.. . _. _sass.. _sass _ _sass having been presented be the Council of the City of St. Paul..___._..................._........_.__...__..._.._......_._._..._... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To i—aatigate the nature, .stent sad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total at thereof. S. To fmmah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners �( b. To report upon all of the foregoing matte. to the Commissioner of Fi... I.. Adopted by the Council..__._.. _SEP .._7.i932......._.. Ys.. N.aa Councilman Ooxrao r'. Approved_.._..... MaDb�iim Pe.abd`a Be -- M.. ------ PUy1ro.iPYii�'`_ Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Coned Fib, No. 9%3616. The uvdemigned hereby proposes the making of the following public bnprovement by the City of fat. Paul, vie.: Grading+ constructing curbing and gutter and surfacing_. Johnson Street with bituminous material from _ Suburban, Avenue to -McLean D.ted thio sth...___day of _..__- September 112322 19 __... -n- ab. —1 ---- — -- .ea of We tellewloe � pratemev4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. _ ae�en WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Grading/-constructing_curbing And gutter end _su><'.X'.aC1Rg.- Johnson. -....-..-_ Street with-biuminous._mate.pj,al.. fram_Suburban_Avenue- to...XcLeen ...__...___. Street. having been promoted to the Council of the City of St. Paul__..__..........,.____....... - ....._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public W orka be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i-eatigate the oneamity for, or deeimbitity of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To inveatigate the nature, extent and intimated coat of mid improvement, aad the total cot thereof. 3. To fornieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 9. To elate whether or not said improvement is inked for m the petition of three or more —am 5. To report upon sE of the foregoing mattem to the Commimioner of Finance. Adopted by the CamciL......_... P -...-_--....-_-....... Yee. N— C 7-194 o.cilman`�'tiNaor: " [D M P9% ea 1 r.mcauuu roan �f di , NO. JUU�I CITY OF 7 PAUL .iu ,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cl/(TION- GENERAL FORnMr cmmsToods. QQ. ' l y - REeOLVEo, that the Board of Water commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into as agreement with Sem vruao, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while In the employ of the Water Department, on the 9th day of August 1932; be it FOHTHE_H RESaUD, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Sem vruno the sum of $57.00 out of the Yater Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the Board of Water commissioners, being for the period to and including September 5, 1928- _ cuonru,nuan Nnye *I /I'rnrrr _ In Inr�ir Ruscn _ARsi-t \Vcuecl .M Orr % A(r. Presidrnt Mnhnnoy A,1 I,d Ly w.. I •���I��� it -CFG R_ 7 .193 It: Zf n V!wJx 4' I'M kt ..o,.. .o �,. �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL �u UOFFICE OF V CLERK C IL LUT GENERAL FORM o av R / 't`"�.Sept. 7th 1932. RESOLVED Ylhereas, Mrs. Mary McEvoy, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate # 133860 for the amount of Two Hundred Dollars; and Whereas Fnld certlf ice to has been loot and said owner has made application for a duplicate to b la sued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Mrs. Mary Mc Evoy has filed a bond in the sum of Four Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any lose or damage growing out of said lost certifiaa to or the Issuance of a new one, and Whereas, Said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the dorporstion Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Riobard A. Walsh, of the District Court all pursu ant to Section 1971 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927, therefore be It Resolved That the proper city officers are authorized to issue tot said Mrs. Mary Mc Every a duplicate certifi- cate in lieu of the said certificate # 133860 which has been lost or destroyed. Yeas �oVrv�i�M en Nz� ®6� May = Rosen _t4egwead-- In f-- P­" MN26 Truax 9E Wenzel Mr. p ­ id'., �nF Mahoney Adop,,d by ,h� C...61. �'P. R IM 19 l IR�1b 7 3 2 COUNCI SO �RELUTION rlo�.� „T oJa—a Seot. 6 2 . V Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of • the Contract Co�lttee in awarding contract for furnishing all labor and materiel required to inetall complete 7 - 200 watt two light standards in the area south of Th14IStreet between Wabasha Street and the west face of the F. 0. K. BUILDING, to the ACME CONSTRU CPION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $1,526.00, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Ir. 'c...is°°..i1 h a4ov�o he 400l,s°I 11, 11 e1 � W TElyd pain a rE lgee the amehe ° LUNMb 'ch�eln eih�owa�t • �t36Pie�. In CnD mol'BI0�8 �. c. Ittwoorova elaeDc1pi91 ef)e. 1,964.00 eP._p.........wwc......°..w....-o.......�..°....yo ......�°.D ..o.Code 6.-1 ,°.. �..°.-..°. 1,526.00 c - 1.526.00 ... u...0 j 3'i mr COUNCIL RESOLUTION Beeolved, That the Council he action of the Contract Committee Sn awarding contract for furnishing all material, • equipment and labor end placing and completing ready for nae, a water mala and water distribution pipe system for watering lawn and plantings in the area south of Third Street between Wabasha Street and the F. 0. %. Building, to BUSMAN & CARRICK, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $3,900.00, under Bid II for Bose System, in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel 10 hereby authorized to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 40 .c.,,,1.1. 8884 ..=".."..o. Oode.Yrl- .o,.. �.,,,.-�... 13,900.00 R ..� ,...,„....... .- SEP 91932 .m.... ...733 COUNCILS'RESOLUTION Resc"a" That the Council hereby approves the esti on of the Contract Committee in awarding contract for furnishing all materiel, equipment end labor, and code tru'ting walks, gut tere, catchbasins and sewers in the area south of Third Street between Wabash. Street and the west face of the F. 0. K. Building, to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $9,400.00, under Bid No. II for brick gutters, in ac- cordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorized to draw • up the proper form of contract therefor. .o,..,,..,o moo. 8865 .�o�.�a ....�..,.. 12, 530.00 <.<.,...o....Cod. M_1 . .o.. �.- <.- - _ - . 9,400.00 9,400.00 • ..,. s,.. / .C, �`.• ,art....,,,, SFP A 10 4CITY OF ST PAUL NO._ �iu�22 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK GpUNCIL RES TION—GENER FORM Paee _ aY /��/ _. o.Tc_ Sept._7, 1932 RESOLVED / In the mat*.er of improving Aurora Avenue from Jay Street to Farrington Avenue, except that portion abutting Lots 11 and 20t Block 3, Elfet, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition, and Lots 1, 9 and 10, Block 4, Elfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition, by regrading and oiling, resetting curb and sidewalks, or laying and constructing new sidewalk and curb where necessary, con- structing additional catchbasins and drainage, changes in water mains and ap urtenances, and all other work that is incidental and necessary to said improvement, under Preliminary Order C. F. 09847, approved July 20, 1931, and final Order C. F. 90536, approved October 2, 1931. R , ESOLVEDThat the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are for approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby authorized to do the work of re- grading and oiling the roadway by force account at an estimated costof 0402.50, and the remainder of the work is to be advertised for bids. Yea. CoUIC11MaN Na� /�faY Mrpomld N.— R.— ';L67 earceR.— Agamsr Mr. P—id— B�tie Adopad 6Y i° i° o'eco°er ...� e._ of ttie w°'t �II y ��4 � wv:wa° aoci Yu ieia, °c e: '. MnYOR NO..- �JV623 A( CITY OF ST PAUL - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMIs oN a - _. Sept,- 8y-1932- — - --- RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Charles Street to a point 61 feet south of Edmund Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92719, approved June 14, 193.2, and Final Order C. F. 93550, approved August 16, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public 'Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. me a�— ei e s er Gmdv �BB, I C eF oltst•A praveE wue. 1t: ea. thkl the Dleve pvE epe I- bm�tteG bs thea Cvmpov aper rieuo Werke mr P ��0 ImvrevepGnt ae eve We ecma �' - oDle�b�lEe � ovi�cll 6ept e, l0ii 0 0 fl' ✓ —1 YE1f co�rvciLmer+ Na� / rt MAoeaI { 7p fa.or R.— � Agvi et $edMlhn�r h f trt r ._ Mr. Preeid— Ywtdl:. Adopted by rhe Cori 0Cp N ¢.p¢d 19 S t\rIF Approved _ 19 hh � CITY OF ST. PAUL ricE �c NO.—..3624 a.ioiw...c.<<.... -- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C�OUNC,I,L ILUTION—GE AL FORM 9�+ oN f �fk� - - - eRL.�_BT1932 RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Arundel Street from Cook Street to Maryland Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92285, approved May 4, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93296, appproved August 9, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named lmproveme,t, be and the same are hereby approved. f von °c mm:: c�PuclWorlu [or. Nee ume ti nb MEs vt Yc s]cll Brv.- e. �OSS.I Yraa cour�ciLrnEry Nay' / My McDonald /l////� I� favor mer Vi . �, L ; LAgai n Mr. Pa:idmr SFP R Im Ad.,d by I,. C-61 19 �A/PP.rovrd _ 19 mnvoa CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM Coots I ...NER. REsoLVEO , that'the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with Charles H. Smith, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of 813.20 per week during suoh time as he mall be totally disabled by reason of injuried re- ceived by him wnile in the employ of the Department of public Works, on the 5th day of August 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Onarles H. Smith the sum of $22.00 out of the Workmen's Oompendation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including September let, 1932., Ai Gnn.. . N^„ COUNCILMEN rp q Ycuv N¢ys A,Inpinl liy Ins f'oiinril U I—` \,pro. 1 rJ'L.f'yt� ni�'i IIIS /tv",a,•1 � io,r�,� 93626 CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI L RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM corn —T— -Y RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ised to enter into an agreement with James Edwards, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate Of $14.40 per week during suon time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries r8 - calved by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 23rd day of July 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED that in accordance with Bald agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to Bald James Edwards the am of *72.00 out of trio Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period from August 3rd, 1932 to September Stho 1932, both dates inclusive. M." 4"N S.. b% WJ.- _111d by COUNCIL MEN ddnpled 193 I'M P-, k fi­­ .......... .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLIM COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GEINIIEW'-_ "FU, . , I PR EM-%0MBY WHMAB Joseph area owner of that certain TORI estate described as the East Half (;4) of the Northeast Quarter uarter Mi) of Lot Five (5), Irvine's Addition Of Outlote to te Town of St, otherwise known as No 53S Collins Street, being dis- = t to the building Or .atilfis With the decision or 6P ljo&tjon of the PrOVIBIOnS Building Zone Ordinance No. 5840, in relation line of said property along Said Collins street, duly appealed to the Coun 11 of the City of St. Paul and which appeal way 0 due actio t Zoning, which Board, after submit , ad t 0 the Board of a its and hearing upon said appeal ho' transmitted to the COUhOil recommendati no in writing, th er with the reasons therefor, ugo togef recommending the establishment o the building line hereinafter described, and WHEREAS after due notice by publication of the date 'of hearing therefor, the Council duly heard the Said appellant and after considering the recommendation of the Board Of Zoning the Council has determined to very the application Of the Pro- visions of the said ordinance by establishing within said PTOPer%Y the building line sought by said appellant on said appeal, SuOh_ variance being in harmony With the general intent and purpose or the said ordinance, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Council of the City of St. Paul that the north lino of said real estate shall be and the same hereby is line establish It ad etrmined to be he building ing the r2ationdofesaid propertytto said Collins Streettherein rSBpeo*— - Y— COUNCH MEN N-3 Adopted 1, 111 C ... 61SEP M.Y ZN'r e A. f.— AppiXXX —d- .103 a . . ..... Wenzel �, P -id -t M.h.-y CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpml of Minnnob OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Ory Clmk WI,ndLLIAM F.ommimioneOTT, CSW g.yi.b.liOn ®o Septacber 7, 1932. Nr, Leel, L. Ander,*,, Corp. ratio, Comael, H u i l d i. g, Ly deer Lr. And-...+ Theattached appeal from the provision. of the ..ing Ordinance by Joseph Crea for permit to extmd the building line northerly to the -fds- ealk line on the northeast 1/4 of Lot 5, Irvine,- Addn. of Oatlots, being the southeast corner of Whine and ffiadley Sts. and ]mom ee 536 Collin. L9t., ea referred to you by the City Council for 'eolntion granting. Your. truly, City Clerk. A P P E A L- 13 0 A H D OF' 7. 0 N 1 N G September 1-t 1939 Acting under Ordinance No. 5340 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of petition : August 14th, 1932. petitioner : Joseph Crea Location : Northeast 1/4 of Lot 5, Irvine's Addn. Of futets (536 Collins St._ the southwesteorner ofCollins and Bradley). Zone : Light Industry District. App -n! To violate the building line by extending his residence o Cher ly to the sidewalk line. Date of Inspecnt.5cn September lst, 1932. Date of'il—ring : September Ist, 1932. Appearanc^.s for pcii iou,rs Mr Arthur Shanahan. Attorney and McCrea family. Appearances for l'PP,.-,i ion : None f a store petitioner'F f, rgrment : The extension 'a tlndusmiy Industry. block is the front Of the building. Zoning orches of the a long one and the houses face Collins St. The p houses are back ninnine twelve resldentset from the sidewalk. Had a petition signed by Action of Board : Widening of Bradley 5t. now being carried out by the Department of Public A'erke will have a tendency to create business along this street, end pecause the side de the lot nnn AAA /� bulineas would have the certain generlacharac terlue on Ofthe fn9lghborhoodewhich needs rehabilitating and new building structusshouldthe Board granted. unanimously of theopinion that the appeal George H. HarroldDOAHD OF ZONING. cmt Isaac Summerfield Louis Betz G. O. House C, A. Bas sford TO: Tne 7omcon ounlil of Lire ,Ity of St. raul, sa.sey Countc, ::i nase ta: Geutle::en: si._p'_t of L:.e i'o Rov;i rt descri o.d ,,rope rty, to-v:it: alf (szl o: t:,a .Lr tue ast uar ter (_l;J of mot five IS), Irvine's Ann it ion Jut lots to L::E Town of �L. Paul, ac- cordi:� to the reeorden p_at t:.e xeof on file :.ad .,f record ill t::e of Ciee o: the -..epis ter of seeds, in -no fox Lhe ;ounty of F,a.".z ey and .;tate of'.:innesota do hereby petition t:.fs ::onorable body for a 'er'nit to extend ;,:a front o: tk.e oui lai :aF located on said lot, oe"': ,chow' ane numbered as o„o „ollfns-Lrest, to the sidewnl, line, for ooit- meicial purposes. said lot i_ v: 7lass "C" oY t:e Eonin,� Ordinance, „o oe pec :or- .. :.t u:.stry. e �n —tec / —day ofnu 'rs t, 1b32• 4z � .OS PH CREA .e, L:.., u..e:ers itned, owners nf' pro perLy i:, tt.s :�loc}, .'ront- e o:: .;oll ins �t: cet, rec; co use:a to .:.e antinE o: ,,:.e retiti�a of .'o., ;xea k:ere Sn. ap rt8` 95.deet as COS •csre..... Yln F II er of utn ao-__��� eet .,e6t ..11 Seat-.aY-bo4-fie �'.Sry:.te '� 6ddi-. fre2oY:'4as�otS-t 0'- �_q_wII"'oi:..5 t. � cul wner of out,, :,J feet of - rtL 12� feet of .est 110 feet itio:. o:' .ut to is to -won oi' St. _cul, —own as Collins .: treet. ner of to 0v feet ul lot 1, Irvi..e', Audition c_ _utlots to 'i, o wn of J . Paul, 61- —1— e o11i.:s axe at. Ownerof kxcept t- „est o2 feet and ex- e;t the rt 12, feet, lot 1, Irviue'e Aoai tf u o_ to _ 2; .e:.o wn as 6ollins�StTeet. ner o .at o Soul .west „ of 1—i, ,e's dadition o. Oudot to Ywon of St. caul, acc., Town ae ollins �t/_'eet. lowner of .est�t Hair' of _.ortnwest Cuarter, Lot 2, :rvi:,e's Addition of -utlots to 'Town o St. Paul, aec., no ae Col.iu@ St_eet. Owner of Sast i.a ox sor west uar, er, i.ot irvf:.e'� Addition oS' .utlots to own oY St. Paul, acc., xA oYo ut neast quarter, Lot 2, rvine'� Addition of Jut to is to Town oY St. Paul, acc —.1.a Collins Street. =I 11MINE wner oz .past '.a o: „outnwes 7Jar- ter uuvlots to ow:t � aul, ace., wner r3 nes ::a o. -as�f—as--- ua�;cer or Loa L - _ ,:adic: c:I�o uL1c.s to i Jf v_t. Jwner J' East :,'a Andtnexst arte r, Lot 2, Iiw.e 's iti Or: _ uL1oL s' to Towc: o eeDaul, .L 9L TOwIl•e1 � �, .. ...Jt :1 a5 �� v''vRer -iia t ut:�w ester, iot ., Irvit:e 's Aaaitior. et' vu tlo is to Street. IIeI' tl .a st J: �..e x54 9I'L eI, Lot 3 Iry _t,e's a.,c di4iocL�^ - Llo Ls cJ r,—,O: ..'�. Paul, :n JY. fi a5 3aliins ., wner o ..eat - .;oc �t:e ast alter, LJL 3 Irvi ne 's a:,ddit"on .:_ ,utl��ts to TOwr. Jf -t. Paul, w e3� .:I ;, �__t :hT�.;f � .v;esL ;uy3 lot .. it v: :.e NO GI LI�o 2' L`LlOts Lo 1'0w:. 01 iaul, .. t10w.3 a Do_:ine Street. w rf weer or ::xeeyc sas ea o :,as Ye f of :;o: thweet qua rter, Lot 2 .rvinE's Add it i.:n of Sut lots to .own o.' SL. Faul, :down7oL is .t reef. Ovmar of cast siz_ego" -.;r ti:west tivar- ter:aif Lit c, I --'s Addttloa of —Ilo�'- to town of :troet. caner of ..es eet a was t dor ci.oaat qua rt er, Lot L, Irvin<'s Aodi- tio❑ of 2u tlota to .ov: r. o±' St. :eul, acc. ":.scan as x-11 .a oLree t. wear .. —s o or,. as ^.tarter, (Exce;a '.:ant 5L.2o feet. of Loc and west galf of Ilort�.west -2 ter of Loc 4, Irvi_e's A-dit _on .! utlots L] .own uwner o .:eat .ta of soe r est uar er, Lot 5, .ry =ce'a ads it: ou �f _n Llo t� to -I.— et. caner ant [:;ou t:.. esL :ter, A.:di L i:n �. ut13t= tc nems: .eet ti octt a - ter, .-ot s Lviiie 's ..cdi .ce.asct lots ea6'. X crier, .Ot � tiou ;, �L1Jte Lo t�tl _LLl, ac_. .uow: as� moil i_s J�__et. caner o :-.x .or � s,uar er, Lot, - Irvi .a'E ..dcstitn oTWe ut Lo cc to If I Co! -- .. greet. v: r:er � .�Jrtt-eaa ,uflr er, 4, !rvine ;.dcit .. of 'ut iets to _ j[. , ace., .n_v... as ^o�: cis „�reet1 00— Jwner �;,es i?a Y ;.ortr,weet arter,� Lot 5, ne's Addi tio:; of .;utlots to 2-u o ot. Paul, aco., aov-n a Co lies Street. .wnar ofof-mast _.ai .nor nw_s uar er, Lot 5, irvi::e's .addition of Jutlots to :owu of ;;t. Paul, ace., ....,.v.n a Coll_m street. cane rs o,.aa neast carter, Lot 6, is vei ns'eonr o. ''dots to _own of :,t. Paul, ace., nrwv:n a Collins :.treat. I■Iffi�l Council File N.—._. I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propenes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: _ Construct ng_ sldews1k_ extension ,on the_north slde,of _ ___ _Cen.t}'dl Avenue and on_.the east side of East Central. Park Place produced. Dated this._ 9th _.day of _September r.l 32 g -- ;- us - PRELIMINARY ORDER. °R°Pmo, WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, ___Constructing sidewalk extension on the north side of the ..east...51Ae of_East_Gentral__Park __._..._.... _.___....Plac.e._ps.odue.ed...._.__._..- hosing been preaeated to the Council of the City of St. Paul .._..___..__.....__-___._......__.__............ _...... _.........._. therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Commisawaer of Public Work. be and in hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inventfgate the neeenity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the -bus. extent and estimated cost of eaid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of and improvement 4. To state whether or not said improvement in salted for on the petition of three or more ourn f� r, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattes to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ___._.._..___.___...._gR_. _Q___........ Yue Nays Counoilman @— "rR • Y i Mav f] , Approved g Psascn "y ciTIF Roesu Ma.Paxmosxr r.�ean,ra,a.o 0 /--:a , . 1 CITY OF ST. P//wI1L .0 OFFICE OF THE; CI'M CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR"E ooNen... RESOLVED That the application of Industrial Crease and Drum, Inc. for permission to install four 8,000 -gallon capacity and one 10,000 - gallon capacity tanks in the rear of its plant at 184 Eagle street, is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul and with all rules and regulations of the Fire Underwriters, and under the direction and to the eetis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN �' Yr NoN.7 �,sda /res. e N m, n, Allam Truns_.Aq mA � Wenzel /Mr. Pre idant Mahoney A.Inpted by the ('(,II—R _ `r O.. Q "- 193. ��." "� HE BbARD OF ZONIN�� 3� z ,. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOjK �. �O I" COURT HOUSE' September Bth, 1932. Nr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of the application of the Industrial Grease and Drum, Inc, for permission to install four 8,000 gallon capacity and one 10,000 gallon capacity tanks in the rear of their plant at 184 Eagle St. This location is between the Milwaukee tracks and the river. It is zoned for Heavy Industry. Suchinstallations are permitted in a Heavy Industry District where they do not unreasonably interfere with any industrial use or property previously established in the vicinity. There can be no objection from the standpoint of the zoning ordinance to this location, but the resolution permitting this installation should recite thatthey comply with all rules and regulations of the fire underwriters. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Secretary -Engineer. g6-rh ���er"eduii• �� - . GREASES 1 STEELDRUMS I1�iDUSTRIAh-- -- GREA.SE ly DRa.rM.IH SAINT PAUL rl�et—aM•tp vYt �trrt rWt 0.G�r frU August 21932 / n jh City of St. Paul Public Safety Dept., St. Paul, M1nue90ta. Attention: J. B. McDonald Gentlemen: Will yyou kindly give us permission to set up five (5) tanks, four tl 000 gallon capacity and one10,000 gallon capacity, in the rear of our plant located at 184 Eagle Street, St. Paul. We intend to use same for the storage of distillate and gas oils. Trusting you will give this matter your attention, and thanking you In advance for a prompt reply, we remain Very truly yours, INDUSTRIAL CREAST DRUM, INC. BY: V1 - dent JR:RO oK.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.'".1 Miss u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tsmh .ed Minn u Se-.b JOHN �. WDONALD, CO-September 1, 1932 0 o�U Mr. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Door Sir' Herewith is report of inspection of the Bureau of Fire P action together with application of the Industrial Grease end Drum, Inc. for permleaion to set up five took. of which four are to be 8,000 gallon capacity and one 10,000 gallon capacity in the rear of their plant at 184 Eagle Street - Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUgILIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL August 31, 1932. Bon. John R. McDonald, Commieeioner of Public Safety. Pear Bir: In regard to application of the Indu.- trial Grease and Drum, Ino. for permission t up five tanks of which four are to be 8,000 -gallon capacity and one 10,000 -gallon capacity in the rear of their plant at 184 Eagle Street. We have investigated the foregoing and tion treprt heofirehhazard toove thei extentathat 1ituld wouldnot inOT ee warrant re�ectlon. Respectfully your., WCB/j Chief Inspector. CITY OF SAINT PAUh Cap" of Mi..... DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL, COHHis -1- L RnNC•0, Sued L. Aden a �[_C.a➢vpL 0.�aq _ anww � G¢YIBA=. Bridn En..aar c. ,,. HBeean. off'..w September 10th, 1932. Yr. wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of the application of the Industrial Grease and Drum, Inc. for permission to install four 8,000 galinntheprearyof their one p0,0 Dat gallon capacity tanks 184 Eagle Street. This is in a Heavy Industry District and is permitted under the terms Zoning lOrdinanctlon and I know of no engineering difficulties with this location. Yo very truly C� S BO E M. SH PARD, Chief Engineer. Appr%v�d� Visf\ Commissioner of lic Works. gms-rh • a..er �11- RESOLUTION ceuNrn rine NO. ,�ZeiYLC�.i7 Norice ro x<.a v.e w rRiNreR :m'.v.< o..aaa.eo�tin. eov.a.c ma .umn..en nia h. m°�.dIvm.alvin�civ m.....� .¢Ice .I Sept. _$, 2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-3-7aZO1-65— --. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED8472 TO9524 'INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Aoorreo — THr Ion L Ij ArrR o __ ¢.1e r a^ai p f j i r� i iii - � Xi411 NO. ..wv `L Cwuu COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS e. - - TOTAL °w.xVj I rau,necn IN FAVOR OF c,.ec.s c"cc"s er ew". arsoVG"r F.RW p ` 59 359 05. • & Surety Co. 5 00 6472 Aetna Casualty 12 00 8473 Haskins Broe. & Co. Nike Cullen 35 20 8474 Welfare 25 826 48 8475 6476 Board of Public Pat Kelly 97 65 8477 St. Paul Blue Print Co. 101 27 8478 David Bashefkin 3` 00 1 200 00 8479 Ann E. Doherty et A1. 31 56, 8480 Charles AlbertFl edler 1 134 30 8481 Kemper Chevrolet Co. 227 53 8482 8483 A. E. KromeohroedeT Joe. Pavllcek 132 559 8484 A1. T. Pennig 23 40 8485 N. J. O'Neil 2 500 00 1 47 8486 Brom & Day Ino. 26 95 95� 8487 Capitol 9taty Nfg. Co. 9 8488 J. Mark Dalglish 4996 74, 6489 Fe—ell Ozmun Kirk & Co. 8490 General Else. Supply Corp. 22i 48 8491 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Co. ��' 2 50 8492 Maendler Brush NfB. Co. 12 49 g493 National Lead Co. Northern 3tatPa ;c.ex Co. 1 150 76 84944 " ^Paul 706 20 649 5 Co. 24 41 8496 3t. Be... Foundry Co 19 26 8497 3t. Paul Builders Material 37 18 8498 St. Paul Glees Co. 20 9499 St. Paul White Lead & Cil Co. 114 69 0 8500 Salisbury Fuel Co. , 42. 8501 Si Fo Products co. 53 z1 6502 9lmoneon Lumbar Co. 662 90 8503 Harold J. 93a*Sk, Inc. I 22 75 8504 G. Seestedt Linoleum Co. 11 00 8505 Frank 9b000 202 60 8506 9sourlty Bank Note Co. 660 38 8507 G. Sommer. & Co. 963 35. $508 Standard Du Co. 12 00 9509 U. 9. Government Print. Office 492 80 8510 J. C. vender Bie Co. Inc. 85 99 8511 BeetSnghouae Elec. Sun ply Corp. 1 66 • 6512 8513 J. J. Hann Estate E. J. Graoe 10 42 8514 Martin J. Guiry 3 12 5 11 8515 C. Holz Co. 73 6516 Mre. !l or Irene O'Neil 1 93 8515 7 E. L'. Penner. 14 00 8518 F. Ti. Pthen 40 64 8519 J. J. Synan 2 88 8520 A. E. Thom 1 00. 8521 J. J. Gillen Abstract Clerk 8522 Aloha Creamery Co. 1 - 10 00 17 28' 8523 Mre. Anna Schneider __ 29 28 9524 Mrs. Etta °iaherty Council File No– __.__93fittIi PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT I and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,mig.,d hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: __ .. Reconstructing,_. relaying and repairing_ the . sidewglk on the _._._aouthsida_of East_ Third_Str.eet,.._GOglnninil 110.5 ft. east of 616ley._6treat.,_. thenae._east 25 ft,_._ _..._ .. Datad thie_.._9th ....._.day of _..... 5eRtemter, .19°.2 (( ...... l9. .. arsar– aeiiao�r. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the mski,g of the following improvement, vie.: Reconstructing,_ relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on the soA.th_Side...o.S._RaS.t_T_hj,rd, Street,_. beginning 110.5 ft. east of Sibley- Street,. thenc.e._east.25_.ft. _. having bee, presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..__.._.___._.__._.._.._._.__._....__..........._..........__. therefore, be it RES&VED, That the ComoaMohetaf-Public Work, be sad is hemhy ordered and directed: 1. To meeatigete the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of sad improveme,t. 2. To i—mtigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of avid improvement, sod the total coat thereof. / 3. To fumi h a pia,, profile or sketch of acid impoo—amt. 4. To state whether air not said improvement ie asked for o, the petitio, of three or more owners At 5. To report upo, ell of the foregoing mattere torrthe ggCommieeio,er of Finance. Adopted by the Council__.__.._..._........___...........4_Ik�...._..__. Yzae Nara Couvcilmav Qarnrer Y�R ° ^ f ;a i��'t Mar Approved —p_ J Pzance M 1101e M. Pazet,errr y �yT.f` n ) t � Request of W. A. Goetzke, 935 Hastings Ave. 9 f_s� Council FSIs No.___-�iuVJ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdereigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv rut, by the City of St. Feud, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north _ side of Hastings Ave., begiming at _Forest St., thence west 80 ft._, and on the west side of Forest St., beginning at Resting.a Ave., thence north to the alley. Dated this_ .. .............day of a. seeas—Ae.trwr. .see. A"Menten orovoeol r PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Reconstructing,.._ relaying._agd__repairing .. the _sldawa].k_.on._the _north. ._ side of Hastings Ave., beginning at Forest St., thence west 80,ft., and on the west side of Forest St., beginning at Hastings -Ave , _. thence_north to ....__.......____. having bee, presented to the Co ... if of the City of St. Paul _...._ __..____..-._.__..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered nad directed: 1. To ivveeWgate the neceeeity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvemevl. 2. To i,veetigate the ..turn, erient and eetimeted cost of said improvement, sad the toted coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or .ketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is seked for on the petition d three or more owners 5. To report upon aH of the foregoing rustlers to the C—noieeioner of Flmnce. Adopted by the Council .._......_ _S�p..... 9_.---... Yana Ners Comelma, Cewwtea Mer ,^ Approved.._ .ti>i.. 110 __... ... Pneace Pa MMaypF. a. namrwr .t /7:�� Council File No..,.939.633 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ..d.oaig-dhereby pro,eamlho making of the following public iMP",Im,,t by the City of St. Paul, vie.: BeconAtructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk ort. the south .. side of 9ixth Street, b.eginrdng at,Jobn Street, thence west 72 feet. Dated this 9th_.__...day of Soteflp4er, 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written p,.p ... I f., the making of the following improvement, 'i­ rg.laylng and-rQ.p,4jxj.jg .thq._qjdewqlk. on the south side-of Sixth Street, bagi=irij t_Jolm. Ptrffet, 1h.e.U9.0-west.....2 feet. ................. h been presented W the C .. 61 of the City of St. Pan] ....... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Poldi, W,fl, be aad i, hereby ordaead and dimeted: 1. To i-eatigto the -emaity for, ., deei-bility of, the -king cdanidprbapon-en-t. 2. To i-eatigate the nature, —t and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cnet thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said hap-ono-t. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement i, naked for an the petition of three o, more owners 5. To report open all of the foregoing onatters to the C.,and.i.- of Emeses. Adopted by the C-oil. Y- N- Councilman liii— -,-R"y M- 6 App-ed ........ ........ Pa"O.- Ma Pa..,.— oq��Gn O.rk CITU OF $T. PAUL NO... _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r. UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COM„ ae oaE _ mAT goptmbex. e,. xe42 RESOLVED That licensee for which application hes been made by persons named 93634 on the attached list be end the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is hereby instructed to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasur} of the required fee. M COUNCILMEN ".y � Traa. NeyV N / i `�J a �..._ g "_t /W,—] ,Air. President Muhaaay AdepWd by the Council_.. _ SFR .1 Approved .._. __. 193__. ..Mayor i-. September 9, 1952 W. G. Alv1n 815 St. Clear 1676 N. Lerin6tm A. Mee t1a 561 W. 7th Hem Ihvaker el N. Kmt W. 0. Gaarden F. N. k L. Y. Hatch 612 Selby Yre. Celle McColl" 425 Upper Levee l68 Yarehall Ave. Wallace W. McColl"1052 W. 7th 6t. Frank J. Filmy W. H. Prexott 665 Grind Yre. 0. 6dth 690 H. &--111-9 J. C. Real Co. 649 Selby Av. a 578 Alae Yrs. Walter Bennett A N''ei 7th L. Boob 1209 w. 51B Ando St. 8voag Tung Cafe A. A. OWm 55 W. 6th FA -rd A. Kremer, Inc. 515 Bmiveraity Confectimery, Grocery Bakery Grooery Bakery Restaurant Gasoline station -5 papa CITY OF ST. PAUL ,��. " NO. 93f 35 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r C CIL RES TION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �. 9apta..bar 8, 1852 R WHEREAS, applications for licensee have been made as follows: Samoel Klein 599 No. Dale St. 2 pool tables application 2997 m Sauel Klein 599 No. Dale St. Confectionery a 2996 WHEREAS, said applications for lice.... have be® xIlhlr,- by said applicant; therefore be St; RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby eothorlwed to refund to Samuel Klein the fee of $15.00 end cancel application 2997 for 2 pool tables license and the fee of $10.00 and cancel application 2996 for confectionery license COUNCLLMEN Y.ne Nz �mree m ra.or �Rosnc Against Wenzel Mr. President Mah—y Adapted by the C„eeee_._ _qP 1010.,' - \ AQPP)r—d l -../193. M.yoc a/ji RESOLUTION COUNcIIFi�E vn.°V �snvz n-rszzl szz _ 3egt. 9,. 2 RESWLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 7. --4429.49- . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_ 6525 _ TO— s _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CU 1 (J AooPrco�fAIS ' er TNe '—CIL kll nevnov[o /y- cur couo..o��en .1 —C NO. COUNCIL RIVIRPLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS--- ...... .. ... A7579 Tau Y "T TOTAL IN FAVOR OF 97 160781 • $52!5 Milton Rosen, Com. of ri ... 379 60� 55 (0� 1 47,,' � 852 g5L'7 4 N5 93 9530 R& 001, to 8531 55 8532 77 -3� $53 s Vruno 37 20, 853� 20 40�� 853 First vatioaa! Bank 50 00 95356 Lise—Hoff Mfg- Co. 81 50 1 9537 Louis Guerin So Diok Co. 27 00i $538 A. B. 5 ""' 'nklo Bureau 17 zo V.9 ";b'A. ,5 kland 1 00, 854' . A L. ----r Shop 00: 8542 "g::— Construction Co. 38 75: 8544 =b erg ' 'a Co.6 So. 5 n.!1O."11�'! Engine Co. 34 841, 854 Air Redu tion Sale' Co. 21 058 854Z Amer loan oBook seller.k.... 3 1 8547 Am:rioan Gush on Wheel Co. 86 50, $548 jLm rioan Linen Slon ly Co. 67 21 9885� 9549 Amerioan Linen up ly Co. ' 8550 Armstrong Cork 11 Insulating 04 1 8551 G. A. A.gto. Go. $552 Automatic Z 1. ctriO Co. 31 101 8554 A tom6tive Servioe Co 16 r,,,' 955 Au Engine Works 'no 31 30 Auto 855Z Badger 79 13� 955 Baldwin Transfer Co. 8 00�1 $557 A. S. Barnes & Co. 30 771 115 '8 Barrett Battery Co. S4 00 1 i 3 W 551 Beebe .or-t*rl- I I-- 8560 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 82 70 1 3 5 8561 R. R Bowker Co. 6� 8031 8562 H. 11: o B , e... Co. 856 John Brans 70�, g564 Dr. Alfred T. Baker 125 DO Bethesda Hospital 821 922 Dr.. Chat t srto. & 'o. der Way 29 5 • 00 9 9567 Dr. A. Christiansen Diagnostic X—Ray Laboratory oc)�; $568 Dia 14 651� i. $569 The Eitel Hospital 10 GO $570 Dr. L. A. Hi L gar II 9571 Dr, Louie P. 91.ike, 115 501 ! 8572 Bernhard Low 39 00 857� Dr. John o hnA MYoga qq Do: $57 Dr. F. B.�Orrissey 00� 857 Dr Arthur H. Pedersen 5 00 GO $571 St: 1 Joserh a Hospital 91 00 8577 Dr: Edward S chona 8578 1) OJ. Sohlbe, g 22 00i T 7, 76 CC' 8579 Dr. C. H. der P Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER- ' Cou-d File N,._ 936 37 The -d—ig,od hereby proponea the reeking* of the following public i,pm,,,,,t by the City of St. Pa.], A,, Constructing a sewer on Clarence Street from a point 150 9 — p— .......... feetnorth of Pacific Street to a. pojnt 30 feet sqRtlt of WakeflekdAve—, 4PAOrk qaStlau.. Average from Clarence, Street to the Belt Line sewer, approximately 230 feet east of Etna Street. ................ Dated this.day of Seltt.emb.qx- 19 - 'm 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written P,opoead for the making of the following improvement, i,.: Constructing _a _sewer.on Clmerxcq..Street front feet north of Pacific Street to a point 30 feet south of .......... Wakefield Ave., and on Hastings Ave. from Clarence tit. to ..... . ...... b,ei.g been presented to the Council of the City of St. P..L— - ........... ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimionar of Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered and di—ted: 1. To i,mtipw the arousaity for, or donrobifity of, the making of aid ioupmearomt. 2. To i-eatigate the nature, e,,tout sad intimated coat of aid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furabh a plan, profile or sketch of end impro—reart, 9. To elate whether or not and imPmllmlt in Reload for on the petiti.n of three or more ornom 5. To report upon all of the foregoing onatters to the Corandsio,er of Mamnee. Adopted by the C .. efl— Y.....— NAya App—ed ---- ---- --- P ... u. .............. Mayor M.P.-- ') -mm'm . 93ii38 ' Y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,e,vo. �aeae—nv a c. wenaet— ee. eae�uons eb.W a+a .0°� COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL 1' miser ov°•• t° ev� — I// l�^�J A✓."'ll_ °vrovement aeecelbeeePvei4e� / 'theB4uto °wsbuE °0 ed meet Core oN.y r1Pwahuhv et'cullet°� IOmeni RESOLVED �vv° Whereas additions and deductions which might proves to be necessary in the improvement described as the Paving; of the south side of Fourth St. from St. Peter St, to Wabasha St. and we;t side of Wabasba St. from Fourth St. to 3rd St., Clement F. Sculley Equipment Co., contractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas it has been found necessary to provide additional drainage at an agreed price based on unit prices stipulated in the contract as follows: 1 - 6A Catchbasln 42 lineal ft, of 124 V. C. Pipe $75.00 And Whereas, the net addition is $75.00 now, therefore, be tt Resolved, that the City Council hereby approve aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in ac- cordance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $75.00, to be added to the lump sum considera- tion named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3708 for the making of the afores id impro'sement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth end pursuent to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipu- lated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Clement F. Sculley Equi pmum patent Co., that the sof $75.00 is the reason- able total addition to be made to the said contract. Countersigned: troller COUNCILM GN Yees Nnys ✓Mny /P ____m fn.°: en Rnx J�M1'enzcl eN ea /a" Fzesidsht Nnho4ey Commissioner of Pub. Wqj . A,I.,.d 1y_9 oactor 3 F.. _2. M93_._ h� )l t"Cp App , ­d �.�..!�..� 193_._ Mnyo �- CITY OF SAINT PAUL W' - NO........_.93639 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SE—ON 200 PRESENTS BY DOMM19E1 ER ... ._....... _.... DATE September 8,.19.32• ...... • .iive4°x °w_k,$ioltreinr� RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS. Inm `f �me*u-"iem,JKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY 50 DOING AN UNAVOIDABLEex �'RTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERINGTHi e'� e�• /IDED BY THE WOIfn° MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE.'n" 10-A I Coamm1.0eLo0er Pof Public Works Fund 100,00 cp 10-R 18,30/.67 10-12 400.00 10-81 17,004.67 10-06 1,300:00 11-61 ------------ Street Coeetruetice & Repair 1,910.72 11-a7 1,473.38 u -B 1,615.90 ll -A2 1,000.00 11-14 3,000.00 11-15 - - - - - - - - - - - - 1,000.00 13-B2 Street-'& S— aleeeing 4,500.00 13-01 342.21 13-03 33.44 13-91 400.00 13-8 x 1,720.90 13-B1 13-33 13-B5 13-D2 13-95 5A2.35 -100:0@ 30D:00'. 384.20 400.00 .. 14-42 600.00 14-3 530.44 I" YES =""!7f- OUNCIL ENI NAYS A OPTED EY THE COUNA 2 1T.. M~Y +� t 12 1932 FaRetleo•R y kP°G / g�APPRovED �. ..____. 18 ..__.... }O..IN FAV R ''99J MCBelmCvl .. ..... ................"....... _..... Beennmew'(M.hJc_._Q...A.—ST /W.— COUNTERSIGN -ED _.... _........ .................._ ................. /MR. PRESIDENT un ee...w.ua �w.wmm. �.23ii�� • -• •� CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�� NO.... _..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COtINCI O UTION--GENERAL FORM EA �RDATE yl Y RESOLVED That the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for the furniebing of electric light bulbs for the year beginning August 5th, 1932, to the Price Electric Company, pursuant to formal bid received therefor, be and It is hereby approved. 1 a-111 I IV�Irr o moo, coux:�LMEN SEP_12 in Yeoe / Naye Ado ted 6 the Council._ _. 193..... MnY c] .. fie[/ rcc In favor 6 A roved ..... .....113..... /R 'lynx ... _Ageinet __... _.._ �>•e-:�-� Wenzel .M . Mr. rdeat M,hoaey CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT August 26th, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: You referred to the Purohasing Agent and the Corporation Counsel the Questions involved in the awarding of a contract for the furnishing of electric light bulbs for the year beginning August 5th, 1932. After an examination of the facts, we hereby desire to advise the Council that, based upon the opinion of the Corporation Counsel given in this matter, it is our opinion that the bide Should be rejected. Yours very truly, V f J II: Purchaeinng"� Agent Porporatlon Counsel. V CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT August 24th, 1932. Mr. Clyde R. May, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Bir; On August 20th, you wrote asking for my opinion as to whether you, as Commissioner of Public Utilities, are a member of the Contract Committee for the purchase of electric lamps for the City of Saint Paul. I have examine d Sections 283 to 313 inclusive and Section 441 of the Charter, and from such examination, it is my opinion that if the electric lamps are purchased by the City following advertisement for bids, you, together with the Comptroller and the Purchasing Agent, make up the Contract Committee. All bide received following advertise- ment for bide must be opened in the presence of you three gentlemen, and the contract meet be let by the maaority action of the committee. If the contract price exceeds $5,000, the City is not bound by that contract unless the Council approves the action of the Committee by resolution. Yours ^lvery truly, �e_ l ^/ ' LLA -U Corporation Counsel. Adopted by the Council _ ___ -_.... _._.193..... Yes.. Noy.. MAY �` McDONALD �✓ PEARCE { �RDSEN TRUAX /4VENZEI. MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ,rtan � Adopted by the Council . _.........193_... Yesb. Not, MAY ZIcDONALD PEARCE ROSEN 1✓ �TRUAX %vENZEL /. PRESII T tAHONEY) CITY Of SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT August 29, 1932. Bon. Clyde R. gay, Commissioner of Public Utilltias, Bt. Paul, Him. Dear Birl On August 26 you requested from me an opinion as tot on of ng a legality of thehe l in rejecting all bide submitted in the matter Of purchasing2.a sYoullnlight informed me for the year beginning Avguo that at the time this motion was passed there was before the City council a reoommendation of the Contract oom- mlttee awarding the Contract to the Price Eleotslo Company, together with an award of oontraot made by the contract committee. tt_z-7 —.4 1 have eramined the charter and it is my opinion that the Cmmoil should have acted upon the award made by the oontraot oosmtittee, because if my interpreta- tion of the oberter is correct the price Electric Company bad awarded to It, subject of oouree to confirmation of the 0ousoil, a oontraot for the furnishing of these electric light bulbs. Under those circumstances, the duty devolves upon the Council to either approve or re - loot the action of the contract Committee. yours very truly, v corporation Counsel. LLA -B CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT September 8th, 1932. Ron. wil lie, Mahoney, Mayor. Dear Sir: You requested me to obtain the opinion of the Attorney General as to what person or group of persona was to pass upon bide received for electric lamps. I requested this opinion on August 29th. I to -day lre-tact hewed the , ion which is ofttorney course,G`self-explanatory. hereto s copypy, You will note that he agrees with me as to this particular purchase with this exception: I have expressed an opinion to you that iinn the bpurchase elief of the supplies for the whole city, was Purchasing Agent was the person who let the contract rather than the so -Called purchasing Committee, although I did advise you that it appeared to me proper to follow the past practice In that respect by having the committee, composed of the Mayor, Purchasing Agent and Comptroller, let contracts for supplies to be furnished the several de- partments of the Clty. Except in that one resnect, the Attorney General is of the same opinion as 18m.•- Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. LLA -U ""'"• ..,«�.owW �#n#s n£ �ICiisssrszz#n C 0 P Y 9•ptember V. 1932. gIyI88 Certala cenfliotins Aro�i•ione of ha e_: en$ r•a sal sea siva Yw gyp. • p • o ar Yr. Lewis L. Andersch, corporation counsel, city gall - et. Paul, mimesota. Dear Sir: we have given careful consideration to your oom- aooiaatlon of August 29, 1932• 1t appears therefrom that under Section 441 of the 9%. Pani Charter the 000iesioner of public utilities has fall charge and Control, Under the direction of the council, of the lighting of all streets, public buildings, and other M110 places in the city. It is desired to award a contract for the purchase of approsiantsly $W,000 worth of $100tric light bulbs for use in these atrents, Public hoildinga and public places during the nert year. you request our opinion a$ to what person or group of Persons has authority to pass upon and award the Contract for the Purohsse of these bulbs. The Provisions of the city Charter are to some extent oonflioting and certainly not at all clear. we are glad, however, to give you the Possible benefit of our oonalusions after study and consideration of the pertinent Charter pro- vision$. Chapter IV of the charter deals with the purchasing department and Provides for the appointment of a purchasing Lens L. Anderson --8 agent by the mayor. Section 883 snthorises the purchasing agent to make all purchases and lot all contracts in a000rd- anoe with the provisions of the charter. Sootion B88 Orestes a commission composed of the Mayor, the comptroller and the purchasing agent, who have power to approve standards for articles used by the city. 8eotion 887 divides contracts for the purchase of supplies into throe classes: (a) in- formal purchases involving leas then $100, which are made by the purchasing agent in a manner to be doterminsd by his; (b) Informal bids which involve the expenditure of from $100 to $600, and where the contracts are awarded on informal bids or proposals submitted to the purchasing agent; (o) formal bids for purchases in excess of $500. It to provided that such bids shall be awarded only after advertising, and shall be publicly opened by the purchasing agent in the presence of the mayor and the comptroller and such other persons as may be present. Bection 888 gives the purchasing agent authority to reject bide with the consent of the mayor. Ohapter ZVI relates to contracts and contractors, bonds. Beotion 312a provides that: •111 bids shall be opened in the presence of the oomptroller or his representative, the purchasing agent and the head of the department most directly concerned In the oontract.0 Section 313 provides that con- tracts Involving lose than $6.000 shall be awarded by the persons charged with the opening of the bids, and there need be no confirmation by the council. But where more than $5,000 is involved, the award shall be made by the come persons, but shall be of no offset unless approved by the council. I.,., L. AmderbAd--E Although the charter is far from Clear as to who shall award Contracts, we believe that a fair construction thereof establishes that contracts for the purohase of sap - plies of a general character, which conceivably may be used by several departments of the City, are to be awarded in ac- cordance with the provisions of Chapter 1V; that is, where there are formal bide the same are to be opened in the presence of the mayor• oamptroller and purchasing agent, and awarded by the purchasing agent. Contract. for oonetruo%ion wort or labor, ,pi furnishing of supplies for a particular department, are to be awarded o0 bide opened in the presence of the oosptroller or his representative, the purchasing 9660%, and the head of the department mos% direo%ly oonperned in ths,o0ntraot, in accordance with seotidu 3189. since under section 441 of your charter the oommis- @Loner Of public utilities has charge of the lighting of streets, public buildings, and other public places, end the electric light bulbs in Question are purchased for this de- partment, it would seas that the bide should be opened as provided in section 318a, and awarded in accordance with .action 315. That is, the Comptroller, the purchasing agent and the comieaioner of public utilities are to award the Contract= but mace more than $5,000 is involved, the award is of no effect until and unless approved b7 resolution of the Council. Tours very truly, tsG/Y08 1. H. Gurnee Assistant Attorney General 93641 en°aer i maa. n • eL:'aLenee: aaeta,af e COUNCIL FILF. N0. _ er: �eins By.. ..me: a::iec'w �° om. a oei:na an°e°D' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing monolitYlr. sidexalk_on the aid. of of Ssckson St., beginning 6 ft... acrth of Eighth St., thence. north 92..ft. except Inhere good and sufficient _ side::,,_..s no, exist, under Preliminary Order 92936 _. approved Jul.^, 5, 1932 Intermediary Order -.-. - _...-_.... ___ -approved _. _ ....... _ .__..__.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is construe t. ca. 11 ti,ic_-sidawallc_on - the east side--of..Jackson-.SL.,-.begin lzit; 6 -ft... aox.tih..of_Eighth--St.-*-.thence-a—orth 92 ft.,_. eacopt vrtoro.-Eood'e,nd_suSficien_t._s de. alke_p ow _xist— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. t :± ,a.t, Adopted by the Council _ SEP -.. --_ - 192 7�- City 1 rk. Approved 192 _ J Meyor. Councilman CC enc Cman "_ 7 yea+n+oM / Pfd ouncilman �i6fd Councilman ,.ancdman eTmer \ Mr. Vice Form B. S. A. 8-7 a.w .0- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the 10I stair t' .. .11 t1_,., v 1]otl. st iio Jk— Inn'r,�- � ft. Ir ortt_ ._ i,�htr, ':t.,th nr e north, yG rt., under P.el'-in,r. Order 1�I--d J"-.., i , 19.5: T.6, Co.. nci1 of the (,t, ,f S,. P-1 'fhv Commissoner ��( Flnnnce hereby rel'o<<x as f 11--, "fhe ¢na; elG mawd ninon ut of ,he alsessvmnl for'I above haptocc onenl is - $ n,e elu���nad cn tperiom�lor me abote �nhr leme.uu _ _ _ - - R - -- 'h" Iland 11a ray bl —15"d ben.nls for sun ml.r .�me.��, and �I.e assuud .al�:�tion of eaeb .01 or �nrccI " 11111 p--] b, the ,Asses—, --t (ollowl. oeseRianon nor AooirioN r ri1. Ln1dg. 't <rt� "'t.) 1 V. '.t 1,c)"! 16!-,earrnn�elent 57000 6500 tl t. fl. 1 n sou `z of 2 of s 1 t lk i :obort cc �'. t.11e .:ld't_oD fln-7 '31nc',< "1n_: s ..nliti on 7000 6500 The C.,-nk,,ioncr of Finance funhlr re Foril 11— he has in.elii —d all of the nf.—.id mall , and 11-111 -bm the foregning v1 his redort thereon 10 the Con —1, to ,h,, —1, the rel,— made m 6. in ,dere nee 10 said --, by the C1\'ork,. I' � ped — l b 17 3 co�r�m�ll�nne, of Flnn„a. r % Off'i'ce of the Commissioner of Public w%4%F FiNaNOI Report to Commissioner of Finance AUL 15 1932 July 13, 1932 193 To the C'ommisaioner of Hnnnre of the ('ity of St. Paul. The Conn -m— of IVA,, Works, having had under aon,iderntian the preliminary order J Iho Council, knman na Cnuned I'd, No. 92936 npprnved July 5, 1932 193 . relaliee to constructing monolithic sidewalk on the east side of Jackson Street, beginning 6 ft. north of Eighth Street, thence north 92 ft. and having h ccntigated the matters and things referred to tl--, hereby reports: 1. ..aid imps vi inept in n——Y and (or) drs�rnble. Est. Cost Lot 1, V. D. Walshts Rearrangement $117.60 2. Chr estimated coat thersof ie E , and the total wet thereof ie S and the nature and extent of acid improvement is as follows - 3. A plan, prnfle or ek,t,h of said improvement is hereto sttached and mode a port hnreof. 4. o- Said improvement ie ..:,ked for upon p,tifi- of three or more owaere of proporty, soli act W aaeenemwt for mid improvement 1 ��f P�Lc Works.... c COUNCIL FILE NO.asa in. a ....... By B - i aaknem��.r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructin-,-. rala71ng ani repairing, wt:ere necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: - 7:.1� St., •oast siie, becinnin,, 55 ft. north of Stinsor. St., thence north to nlley,. Pusey St., east side, be Cinning 10C ft. south of Pennock St., thence south 2B ft., under Preliminary Order 95070 .. approved July 15, 1932 - Intermediary Order _.._ .....__approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _r QP.4nstr,t, relay_ nn repair, where necea- sary,- the -sldevalks at.. the 0119:?.inZ_ locations;. ale St., west side, be6lnnln, 55 ft. north of Stin son St., thence north to Pusey 9t., yeast side, beginning 10C ft. south of Pennock St., thence south _.28 and the Council hereby orders aid provement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. n Adopted by the Couneil 192 Clcrk. Approved['- 192 GCC � 1 ayor. Con ;ma=p1Z� a Councilman `"-^IRwg _ Con cilmani�ar�G, / � y Form �?. ' DEPARTMENTDFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �) ' (D) In tb1 �„�t,11 of ;.31,111tlny_—lapin,, an,i repairtn:-, wh^— niece—ary, the s idowa]I<orecotho tol lowin� loc atlon s: 9.t s'ie, be,: tnn'. S5 f't. t, Orth 1,P Sti - son. '. t., thence north al] e Pussy -t., -ast slie,.,ou 100 It. -,outh o2 renno— .t. r,t...,�_ th under P"I",--y 0"I" approved Sail 7 15, 1932 To the Council of Ih1 Cil, of St P.ul: Th. C-- -, of Finance hereby repons �s f,,_ '1'I -e coral —m—,d amount of '1'h. cs,iln —d jos, F—fua. lor,h, ab— ,,, 1-1 olc,,I1-1 4 Inud lhat b—'fi" for such iml�ro,�e,nc--t, and ,he a,ses.ed .a lu aeon of each Iot or parcel as last np1,n.d bl tl-. Ass�as1,r, arc a1 (ollox: oEscalPrloN nor asoma. ADDITION —E. L Bldg. 30 1 But ter CielI Syn 3I cate Add. 1200 3(,50 :1 1,. 2 19 13 ]di iway is _„t s 475 1400 20 13 it, 475 1150 215) 5600 Th. Commi..ioncr of Finurcl fur.h,..,ports shat b, has i_. ,g, t ] all of ,he efo... zid matt , and in hereby submits ,h, foregog us his ..yon .1-enon 11, 11-1 Co„nul, together -th 1h1 report mad. to l'im in n m(e re.. to said mater by the Commissioner of Public 1\'o.ks, Dn,1d 1_ i / G _ 19 Bsa - o Co, , ,oncr of Flnancc. s Office of the Commissioner of Public vulw *INANU cld Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 22 1932 July v8nd, 1932. 193 To the Cmnmissioner of Finaare of the City of St. P-1 The Cam—inner of 1'ahlic Norka, having had nndcr consideration Wv preliminary order of the ConnrJ, known a,= C --,I Fife N., 93070 opp,—,d. July 15th, 1932. .193. , "Inti- to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: West side of Dale St., beginning 55 ft, north of Stinson St., thence north to Alley. .,ot 57, blk 1, Butterfield 3y—ic-te ..dd. No. :, 138.70 Last side of Pusey St., beginning 100 ft, south of Pennock St., thence south 28 ft, .,at 1J, Block 15, Midway Heigh is 5.37 Lat 29, Block 13, Midway Height=_ 13.80 ,r. S,,ld i., ---t is ..asked for upon petition of thrca or more owncra of proparty, subject to assces —t for e,id -provoment. - - J ._ of C io'_:_ Toner PubhcL7P Office of the Commissioner of Public WQI*!FINANGL (Report to Commissioner of FinanceF, Ul JUL 22 1932 end hvvieg M"'lipt,'I the I—Ltl- -d thmp referred t. therein, 11,1111Y 'P-- 1. S-I improrcm-A w ",—,"y —, (-) 2 The estimated -A thereof W $ , and th, tItII wst thereof is 4 -d the -t,- -d -t— .f enid improvement. is nv follows: 3. A pl.,, profile or aketoh of avid m,p,II,--t LI hereto vt—b,d ..d -de v put hero.(. 4. 5. Snid mp---t is W f., P.. P.ti,_ , three more ownere of property, subject to ---1 f, enid j,pro-M-1. 93643 COUNCIL FILE NO. d,draNo By, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of racdoctru tin,,..-­layin,; anal repairin,_, where necessary, the-sIda.alk atthe f.11 -111c. locati-a:. of Stanford Ave. C1 elan:: ave. west side, bcCinning V1 ft. sout' fence so ul;h 60 ft., _ - Palace St., ^.orth s' Is, be,;ionlr,e at Snel-int, ave, to Brimhall Ave., under Preliminary Order_ 93069 _._.. ---.approved July 15, 1932.. Intermediary Order .. _.____ _____._..__-- Approved _.... __ -_- _-_____ ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improve,,ent upon duel once, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations ieiative there'tb, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provementtobemade bythe said City is _ec4nsl;.ruCt,_-relay _end repair, erhere neces- -sarg,--Yha sidessa]1c. a t. tha_£o]laning 10"t oc.i; tions:. Cleveland ave., ivest side, beginning 74 ft. south of Stanford Ave., -.. tlwnse.sauth--b0 ft. , Palace St., ^.orth side, Beginning at Snelling .ive, to Br indaall Ave., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. __11. i_;� Adopted by the Council iFs — _., 192 Pity Clerk. Approved , 192 Councilman �eogpeoc-.� �r.,. Mayor... ..+er ren Councilman 1p j Councilman l`O� B. S. A. 8-7 e. IT "I" DEPAFTMENT OF FINANCE • REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �. 1-1— an—f releying —d re aalr Lng, where necessurYr Recons tructingt the sidewalk t the f011xing Loc .tlonst hest 51EfClev le t ve.a beginning 74 ft. south of Ctunford hve. nc sf Porth side of Pelece St., beglnnin,; -t Cnellin„ .,ve. to lirimhall Ave. under Preliminary Order ol•, —d July 15, 1032 To rh, Cooned of rbc Cil of Si- P—l: Thr Commissioner of Pina-e 1-6Y rei orrs as (==Ilo,rs: 'rhe Ovral en.marad amn��nr of rhe aare.rmrnc (or aye abn,c ��nrrorcmenr is - - - E 243.E5_ "fhc <siimarcd con tont 'or ilie abort imrro.cmcnr is - - - - - - X I �r 'I'hc lots nr I'encls of land roar slay be as:ess�d benehrs [or n�ch i���l+roremen,, and �li� a�secsrd talo anon of each lot or I,arccl os last npor�rd bl r1,, Asscssnr, an as (allows. 1-11-01nor a�n�a nooiriory Lan�wAr�ooiv Bldg. 4 7 Louden Park 1000 3350 (�xc ;icy :1 ft) 5 7 do 1550 8150 '+ly 61ft) 6 7 12 12 Sylvan rank nd i. to tha 1750 13100 of t. Paul W o'' lo'a 13 and 11 12 900 4060 o" to to 13 and 14 1[ do 1000 42CIO No 'valuation all o cr os.,li- 6201 32850 The Commissioner of Finance f.. rrh�r relons chat he hes in, esrigai ed all of rhe aforesaid mec� s, end hereby submira the (orcgoinR �� his repos rbcrcon to rhe Co„ncil, roFerh�r wish rbc rc�orr made w him in rclercnce ro said ma�rer by rhe Commissioner of Pabh, \forks. 1 UarcJ �_ L,_ I (G 173:,2_ Commissioner o(I'inance. vOffice of the Commissioner of Public V10 �r of F!NANCF a Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 22 1932 July .:;''nd, 1932. 193 "6i Wr Cunnnisvinnrr of Pi-- ,f tlm City of Ht. Pauli The (bniniieeioncr of Public Works, heviug hsd under coneiderntmu the prdiminary order of thu council, known a Council File No. 93069 approvod July 15t4 .193 .2 , M,ti- to Recons tructing, relaying and repairing, where neeeesary, the sidewalk at the following locationst `Nest side of Cleveland Ave., beginning 74 ft. south of Stanford Ave. thence south 80 ft. Lut 4, block 7, Louden :r,r), °38.52 11 5 117 ,n 19.43 North side of Palace St., b{ejji ning at Snelling Ave. to Brimhall Ave. ;.ot. L, E'I'- �> lv:m ,'ork e,dd. 82.15 nest 1�2 of Wts13, & L4, bll; Lz, Jy 1v.;n Lark 4.4. 08 cast 1/2 �, , , „ " " 4:5.08 City of lt. Paul. -'lley ,e-)cr, .17.00 4. 5, Ssld impr—uon,,t in. naked for upon Uti- of three or more ownire of property, eubpd to sasesament for enid improvemcut. -- Commissioner of Public Wbfke. 93644 BIF- r�WaM{ eaolt g[o'erucUveeaK{v'- � ev e.[allowlv[�iry COUNCIL FILE NO. B1. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. reconstructing, -relaying- and repairing,- }therenacessoXy, thesidewalk at the following locations: at Central Terrace, thence north 44 ft., rriot St., west site, beglnn in_; Central Terrace, north-. side,.. beginning at '111—let St.,thence west.. SO ft., under Preliminary Order _. 92882 _.. __. approved June 28, 1932 Intermediary Order - __.__ - _.. _._ .-. --approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement po due notice,d the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and hating fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _. reGprstruct' r^.1@San1 reps r where nec^s- sarYr-the. :newalk e -t. ths..Snllow-Lng_locati9ne:._._ --__ - -_ ---_- Harriet St west side ,.ginning at Ce t a. Terr ce thence north 44.6t f. _- Ca trs j_Teriaee_,-.north-_1.��.e-,_be61n� !? Harriet St., t th c st t., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same Co the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authori>ed and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council .Sia 192. _.. City Cl -k. Approved , 192 Counulmaresg v 2 [J9[.ISF�DJ—L�.J a' ✓arV. . Form B. S. A. g-7 C111 OFSTRAY DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIOINARY NER ORDER OF FINANCE rl (-) ON PRELIM.91 Harr A- t t., eat I, .,,I I,- ""tt'I I Pt. —,, o,,tli b:. 11, t Hrl ,rt 51 !'t., ..,d, J`,,I.a,;,,-y o'd, 1--d J... - —8, 1932 T. II., Council o[ 11, Cry of Sr. PJ The Com missio,er u[ Finance hereby rcl.o rs as [�,Ilo.. s. 'Phe coral escimar ed amount of rhe assessment for rhe abo.c im; ro.cmenr is - $ 62.38 .......... If-dhe ub ... i I h, I"I, - Is ,f �d 1,., .. ....... d b -,I- for 1.rhe......rd.alnarion of cacti .or or parcel a, lust ,—d I, rhe ,\sscssor, ore - Wl—, .­lRIlTIl. LIT ^.—ATI" L—d Bldg. 't, 10 9, 1L « 11 1 t ! n to 3760 3250 t. caul 37,0 3250 Th, C.—miL-, of Fm.r— that h, has m-6ga-d ,It of rhe af ... said--, and herebysubmits rhe f ...... mI, mhil report chemo, ,, the Co,incil, co l, ,h" "i'h, ",.d, mhim in -f ... — I. said matter b. rhe f I',,bIw Dared I tl— (I 193 T. 1. North side of Central Terrace beginning at Harriet St., thence west 50 ft. Lot 9, Block 12, Ewing & Chute's Addition 1x45.88 iC, „ n n 16.50 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto ettnched and made a port h—of. 4. 5. Said improvement ie mked far upon petition of three or more owners of property, eubject to ---t for 85'dimprovement. COM. OF FINANCE0 --. - C iouer of Pub1i c JUL 6 1932 'Office of the Commissioner of Public W0016 FINANUt Report to Commissioner of Finance t� a -' - JUL 1932 Su1y 1st 1132 To thr e'iesiuncr of Finnnre of the City of St. Paul_ The C.ommiawoll of Public Norke, Laving hod under co_ide,,t , Che Vr,I-io.ry order of the c oocil, koowo - (:,o—1 File No. 92882 pp—,d ?one 28th 193 2. ,relative w Reconstructing, relaying and re�elring, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations: ;lest side of Harriet St. beginning at Central Terrace thence north 44 ft. North side of Central Terrace beginning at Harriet St., thence west 50 ft. Lot 9, Block 12, Ewing & Chute's Addition 1x45.88 iC, „ n n 16.50 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto ettnched and made a port h—of. 4. 5. Said improvement ie mked far upon petition of three or more owners of property, eubject to ---t for 85'dimprovement. COM. OF FINANCE0 --. - C iouer of Pub1i c JUL 6 1932 ti Office of the Commissioner of Public WC1044- FMAML, Report to Commissioner of Finance0 Jill — j and h,—og m,,,,tig,,t,d the re.tt— nod things referred t,, therein, b bypo­ ThI t thrm.f (Sea above) 2 S – – – – , and We tocol most thereof j, —1 the .,torn mel -t— If em,j is u follows. 3. A plan, profile or A,Uh of —d tropo—o—t ie hereto olt,,hrd and mmd, . pm -t hereof, 4. 5. S.id improvement w ,object W for id improvement. C6. OF FINANCE 0 JUL 6 1932 asked fol "Per, PItifill If three 11 more o—er, of property, 93645 r 1 COUNCIL FILE NO. By cr FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, ,:+laying andrepairing.,where- necessary, the" at the following. locations: Magnol la `.t., r.or th side, be;,enina at Forest St., thence nest 44 ft., beginning 313 ft. farther wast, thence west 48 ft - Magnolia "t., south side, begianin: at Mendota St. thence east 77 ft. Mendota St.,i . east side, baginnng..$9 ft. south of Aagn lia St., thence south 8 ft., under Preliminary Order 92892 .__approved June 29, 1932 Intermediary Order -__.. _ -_. -.-- -.---..approved _------- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is recnnst—t,_relsy_ and _repair.,._svhera..netes- Mary,._the ..si, sakort at the follbeginning locations:___..- ence Magnolia St., north side, beginning at Forest 9t► thence west 44 ft., beginning -313 -- ft- --feather--w®str -thence--wsat.-48-Tt.-r Magnolia St., south ido, be�innin at Mendota `t,L therea cast 77 ft., s Mendota -.St.,.. en nt-.Side,-beginning--�8-.ft- --south-of--�tagn"'11 - t. -r --thence south 8 ft., r and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be,and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of mid improvement accordance therewith. l Adopted ht the Council , — __-,192 SE, J. Clerk. .Approved - , 192 d��L�G�.�LlL�GL-/C 11.47'�'�1Sor. Councilman Councilman�il;..<u councilman ®udheimer-_ /1 4 e.!' .1tfRyer�3ld--� t� Mr r Vias Far. - - F r )'i. S. A. 8-7 Cill 01 AUL DEPARTMENTaOFP FINANCE _. -REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE J ON PRELIMINARY ORDERf%� (D) I. fl.—,",,f race-. stro"!.-„ r-1 e"lry on -1 re a'Tin.-, M—a n,co —y, the ;'le calk st the `>'_1ox-n locations: `.,eXolta or L. silo, r:,n in„ a. ,s t St., thee,,. rest 44 ft., bet in;:in: •4 . ar t!�eI Ist, [hence year, 4�f Pt. ,,ab nolslue, ni- eY ... ti, c ast 77 ft. _ini 4S "t. otfl of ;, o'.Se thr ice s ,u t: 8 "t. under Sure '9, 1y32 Connc of ,I" Ci�� Tho Com m,,ma r hereby f,11—s: 'Che,ot+,siima�,J amoui, o(rbe assessment for,he abor� .emen,.s - - 5 lu6_;2 The lar the ab... im"ro.emen, is - - - - - - _ $ 'the I. ,s or Ir�«cls ,f hind than may be assess,d b,n1h:s and the d valua,in of each lot or pa reel as last r,pmad b3d, A,,,,—,, arc as follows: .-IRIP„oN DoT ... IT— L anriuATlo°r. a1 d 18 1S .a stville �i _�hts 75 W 15 do 75 15 do 4<5 170C 30 15 do 70C 3800 It and 11 1 Loc krvoo: Add. 2510 1300 3825 6,100 The Commission,, of FET -111 f-ahis 1- he has iL—li,,d all of tb, of--dmoi and h„eb3 -b-1, 1,e foregoing as his mfon thereon "''l, Coe -ll, L-0- wi,h ,he report made to ,him in reference to said n�a, ter by 0h, Commissioner of Public 1\'o,ks. Da and _Ll -tom. /L 19 CO , OF HINANCt Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor €�w�, Z Report to Commissioner of Finance "' JUL 15 1932 July 13, 1932 193 To the Cummiseioner of Fi--r of the City of St. 1'1111 The Commieeioner d Public Works, having had under consideration the I-Iminnry order of the Council, known as Council File No. npp—,d June 29, 1932 .193_ ,'d,,tive to Reconstructing, relaying and repair }g, where necessary, tt sidewalk at the following locations, Northside of Magnolia St. beginning at Forest St., thence west 44 ft., beginning 313tfarther west, thence west 48 ft. Est. Cost - Lot 19, Block 15, bsstville Heights $ 4.80 n 20 11 15, �� 24.00 29, 15, " 3.41 30, 15, 23.66 South side of Magnolia St. beginning at Mendota St., thence east 77 ft. Lockwood Park 45.43 East side of Mendota St, beginning 49 ft. south of Magnolia St., thence south 8 ft. Lockwood Park 4.72 4. 5. Said improvement is ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to seecesmenl for said improvement d Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo -OF FijvnNct Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 15 1932 T2' r�' ;a ron r-acnr rrb i rr.� 'ao ar�aa u' purr- -tea ars. cin rv� sVF �a au ;.�' amd hnvimg im vcstigaled the matters and things referred to th,sein, hereby reports: I. Said improvrmenL is ... sm,y amd (mr) desirahlu. 2. The -n--d cost thereof is f , -d the total coat thnroof is S and the nnture nod extent of said impravenicnt ie ae fmllnws. 3. A plan, profile mr sketch of said improvement is harclo attached amd made s part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is -lid for upon petition of three or mare owuere of proporty, subject to --t for said improvement. �p�,�/� def of Public Works. 93646 a. COUNCIL FILE NO.By . .o....... .m,. e.... FINAL ORDER in the hatter of reconstructing, relaying an`: repairing, where neceaeary, the sidewalk at the following 1�catlons: Baker St., south side, beginning 30 ft. east of Ohio St., thence east 100 ft. Ohio St,., west side, beginning 47 ft. south of Baker St., thence south 62 ft. Stryker Ave., east side, beginning 34 ft. south of George St.,thenc, south Annapolis St., north side, beginning at Oakdale Are., thence west 120 ft., under Preliminary Order 92937 _. _. approved July 6, 1932 Intermediary Order ..._.- ____... ____approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _racQnstruct --relay an z .repair when. neces- sary,the - sidewalk -at tha_£o12—in,- Baker St., south side, bs_-irning 30 ft. east of Ohio St., th r e east 100 ft.. - chic St., west side, beginnl— 4' ft. s uth of Baker St., thence south 62 -serstla.-0S-_G.eo�r+e'B- Annapolis t., north side, beginning at Oakdale Ave., thence .vest 120 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pre, ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilSEr _.__.- - - 192 ( - ill' Ckrk... Approved —_._._ 192 Councilman Councilman Councilme. �lfr#i✓fr,, o -i �w��R iY.i.wse► � vMr. /:cc Pre, %"—el B. S. A. 8-7 oP bT Parv� �9`?F'�b DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) , e; In the of nstr. r�l�..lnr, n.rte whnro nt..os.. � tho �.1 ^. e.v .lk t that followinv. loono Bnkor St., eouth s11s, bu: inr.l n¢ 31 ' t'Y.. asst of Cltio :'•t., thence seat 100 f't., Ohio 3t., wast side, bu nr h4 "t, e u oC !'.xY.or ., Y,heno•, south 52 tt. Stryker Avo., en hu,innin�� 34 ft.osouth .. thonoo soa•,h ti Mnaoolis St., noctht�sld., b—lnninr at .: ., t—,"', wort 1211 Ft., under July L, 1932 Ta a,e Cnn„di of me ei�y of s. Favi. IIIc Com misaiouer of Finan cc hereby reports es f.dl—. The total —,,—j emnouc of 'he assessment for the E— '1'he eeti inateJ cost per (�o� for the above impeoae$ - - The lots nr pa« cls.,! land tba� ,nay be asscsseJ ben clips (or such my ---o" and she assessed .aluacion of each !ot or pored as last ,-—i i by thu Assessor, arc un lo!lows. o IRIPTiory t- DoT o�oc. Aooi>•ioN Lan V a1u n'rio0ldP. 1 lb vsnson s Ad". to :,t. Fuul 600 3050 4 16 do 550 1150 5 and d 1, do 1400 g00o 11-1, 10d ft oilots 1 curd 2 99 Tm of -. iest St. Foul 2100 3200 Lot o and ;1. 36 ft of S. 950 4460 1U Pt. o. 5 3 3o Lvi, are Park 3ubdttisi on of Lot 2 of Pi -11. Adel to lest It. Poul, mint— 5400 20650 The Commissioner of Finauee further reForts that he des in aesiigated all of the aforesaid —ti—, d hereby submits the foregoing v hie report thereon to till Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by tl,e Commissioner of Public \iorks. D—d19 5 9 ...._ C..tJ - ea Com missioncr of k'inancc. Office of the Commissioner of Public WINANCE ,nn. °f a Report to Commissioner of Finance - - --- JUL 151932 July 13, 1932 197 To tb, 0,, w-, "f Fl--- d th" Cay .a et. Pam; The C. --i.— d Public Woks, having hod under "nneid"ration the Preliminary order of the Council known . C --I rdr. No. 92937 app'—d July 5, .1932 ton. ,relative to Reconstructing relaying and repairing, Where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locatlonsl South side of Baker St., beginning 30 ft. east of Ohio St., thence east 100 ft, Lot 1, Block 15, Dawsonts Add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $76.60 'Nest side of Ohio St„ beginning 47 ft. south of Baker St., thence south 62 ft. Lot 4, Block 16, Dawsonts Add . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 5.46 5, 16, 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.20 " 6, ^ 16, n n 1.81 East side of Stryker Ave., beginning 34 ft. south of George St., Lhence south 60 ft. Lot 1, Block 99, West St. Paul Proper. . . . . $11.63 " 2, n 99, n - nn . . 28.39 North side of Annapolis St., beginning at Oakdale Ave., thence west 120 ft. Lot 6, Block 3, Belvidere Park A/ [4 9°: M's2-� "' f �`� $ 98.07 .fo ciii� r1P(fn,.-e :k,. 'Off'ice of the Commissioner of Public WINANCE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,07oGlt I . . . . . . . . . and having iovetigatcd the matters nod things referred to thsrein, hereby reports: I. ..aid improvement is oeces. ary and (or) desnsblo. 2. 'rhe estimated coat thernof is S ,and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and s1t,- of said improvement ie va follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hmeto attached and made a part hereof. 9. 5. Said improvemeot is .._asked far upon petition of three oc more owners of property, subject to assessment for mid improvement. ' Com ks. 93647 COUNCIL FILE NO. co so°m u a b.e1n > ni ��eaai,`m:no:°carte FINAL ORDER ; °�d' In the Matter of... reconstructing,._relaying and repair;,"" "&er- receseary, the sidewalk at the following locations: 141ssissippi St., west side, beginning 22C ft. south of Pennsylvania Ave., thence .south 42 ft Albamarle St., seat side, beginning at ble+ryland St., thence rorth 121 ft., Albe�s.rls .tet., east s_ds., beglnuing 74 ft. south of Iarpl.e-nd St_ thence swath 29 ft., under Preliminary Order.. .92936 . approved July 5., 1932 Intermediary Order -__.. __.-______- __approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hating heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ l'0G911str'u9_t,_ relay-_and repair,- where neces- aars,tiae-sidewalk-at Lha-fall owing_lncations:__ .____ _ _ Mississippi St., west side, beginning 220 ft. south of Pennsylvania Ave., -thence_sou.th-42_ft ,_._- —..__. Albemarle St., east side, begin Sng at 'daryland St thence north 121 ft., Albemarle-Z4—,--at-s ld._Iseginning-71-ft....south_oS_..�`azgland_S.t...-_th§Pte south 29 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _ _ _ _ ,,..12-- - 192 Approved __ ,192 7/ arnr. cnanrilmat�Fe5gu9oal �,� ,,��us�a 9 /7�.3a, j Councilouur,McGos+mv ilH•�• V el. C�Tj V Co dlma Ceeneii +rwen'ser � r�- ',!, B. Vice Pres e: ouzel orm B. S. A. 8-7 11 1" `^— DEPARTMENT 01 11-.E REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) th,, W Alt t- t b�drj , t ", t! "-I Lt_n:cn —d-Prcliminvry Oldlr 11" "'I'd T, the C,,111-1 of the Clll "ISi. Poul 'the coral esrimated ninount u[ ebe assessment (or the abo.c iuil�ra.cment i. - S 145. G[i._ _. or ... .....cels be assessed I-, d raluneion of eucli lot Ian reel v: lase l, p,, ed by ehe Asuseor, arc as 1-11-11 ,A7 1Jll- BbO 3LCO 800 3000 500 2500 2150 11600 The thvt be has hercb� submits the (oresoinR as his retort thereon to the Council, to 11— "ill, the I'll", —de I. 1,;m in relerenre to said maeeer b) the Commissioner of POd, 19 r f Fi-- F.— �. I A� 'Office of the Commissioner of Public V Yj* FiNANGI ,g is Report to Commissioner of Finance -.-. - JUL151932 July 13, 1932 193 'Pu the Cnmmisainner of Pinanee id the City of St. I'eul_ The Commi,ioner of Public Work., having had under coneidcrution the preliminary order of tho Council, known oa Council Pile N. 92938 approved July 5, 1932 193 , rd.tr,o to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst ' . aide of Mississippi St., beginning 220 ft, south of Pennsylvania Ave., thence south 42 ft, Lot 9, Block 7, Add-,--.. . . ,x.45.68 Z—,6—u� . a >[ i� . : pact East side of Albemarle St.. beginning at Naryland St., thence North 121 ft. Lot 15, Block 1, krmz Div . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $86.63 East side of Albemarle St., beginning 74 ft, south of Maryland St., thence south 29 ft. Lot 12, Block 1, Brayton's 2nd.Addltlou . . . . . . . . . . ..$16.97 3. A plan, profile or sketch of e,id improvement ie hereto attached and mad, a part hereof. 9. _ 5. Ssid improvement is... .asked for upon petition of three or more —e. of property, subject to avvev -t for void improvement. 1q�/''�.ri+–ryyp C mmiavio6f f>Bublic Works. 'Office of the Commissioner of Public \VAyk* FINANGI 13 Report to Commissioner of Finance 1�t� JUL 15 1932 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... and 1—mg in-tig,ted the m,uer, ..d thing, referred to therein, hereby mp.- I . S.id improvement i, ...... I -Y and (,,) de i,.)A,. 2. Th, .ti—ted —t thereof i. 3 , and the W11 —t thereof w S -d the IIIIAIII, and -t, 'It of -1d improvement t 'I' - f-11-- 3. A pl.., profile o, A,tA of .,,id imp, --t i. III,— attached and made a pd hereof. 4. 5, S.id i.p,,I—I-t i,, eked f., .p.n Fletitio f three .r ..,e —.— of property, f., ..id mp,—...t. W,,I,kI;. A' 93648 COUNCIL FILE NO. By in the Matter of.. reconstructing, selayin_. -i repairing, where n e,y, t_he_sidewalk at the £allowing.locatlon: East ?ifth 3t., south .side, beginning at 01"It St., thence east 162 ft., under Preliminary Order 92921approved. July 1, 1932 Intermediary Order _.___ .approved ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Pau] that , p v gent tobe made by the d _--rgQQns uct, relay r air 'hes neces- ar- e._sidawalk a e.*ellnwln�,..l0 a on. __ - _._ ast f'i St., south s� b zinnin� at t est t th nc t 162 ft., 8"aid matter .�c.._....-. F4lbffea be d_ n the Council hereby o e d improveme to be made. ESOLVED FURTHE That the Commieaio f Public Works be end is hereby , ted and direct to prepare plane ando'm croications for said iomil verve and submit same to the Cc it for approval; at upon said app he proper city ted officials a ereby authorized and directed to a men ceed with t making of said ' p tin accordance there ith. 1.3 1('M Adopted by the Council�EP .. - 192 Apprnvcd 1�.`i: 192 6it3'<'IITh�... / JJ cman �iergpspn v >n..� Councilw --UTMI 1 } CouncilmanyF&G(yrecv V councilmaniaers1 r. Form B. S. A. 8-7 ciTT n sT. P • ` DEPARTMENT of FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (rJ In she mate. of —o ttPuc ti n.', rnl ey ltd and ceFain In, rv!are nr;Ceseary, tho sldexalk t thn foil owln' lecat ion: -.est -1fth t., nt- . t_ sitla, "I',nit_., et ' o> >ot , tt,,•.ast 16 ft., under P,,hi,�innry Ordcral,Frov«I J"ly 1, 1532 'Fo the Council n( the C"), a St. Paul: The Com mit.i. �.,er o! Fina me here by 'File total ealmamd umoum of she ascessmen� roc Om ah...e iin..... nc is _ 'File •_nlniamd ton E 103.1L. Fer foo for the nbo�e inn Fro.en�en� is - _ _ _ _ _ $ 'File lugs nr I�antls of land d�a� may he as,es.,ed bencliu for such iin 1, roten�en�, end i he assessed va luat'ion of each !ot of parcel as Ian rrpnried b� �c A.st: e as follows. Land unTionBldg. 5 94l's N,etl t guRiiv tsloe 550 900 of ock 9 1 Lvman 6 94 Dayton's ,l'i_Stion 650 2400 7 94 do 20( d 94 do 625 1925 3300 7'he Commissioner of Finance fun her rel�ttr�s tlia� he has in asi igated all of she aforesaid m and hcrebl ,u bin;�s the [oregoiuq as his repos thereon to till Council, tore tiler with the telort mode to Lim in reference to acid mann by the Commissioner of Public ll'orks. m e v 'DUI d _U ._ / 19 ' C� miasioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Wt g' ft AV „rw d Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 8 1832 July 8th 1932• To the Cmumiseinnrr of Finnoce of the City of ftL. Psul. The Commissioner of Public Works, having hsd under consideration the preliminary order of tha Council, known as Council File No- 92.921 approved July lat .193 2^ relative W RemnstMeting, relaying and repair_ng, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following location: South side of East Fifth St., beginning at Forest St., thence east 162 ft. Lot 5, Mathew Egans Subdivision of Rlk 94 Lyman Dayton's Add. x20.60 " 6,94 ^ 8.67 7, n " 94 " " " 06.00 61 " ^ end the nsnue sod extent of said improvement is ss tonowe� 3. A plan, profile or sketch of esid improvement is her— sttachad end made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject W aeseeemuut for "" rmpravomunt. i - Commies rof Publi o . Office of the Commissioner of Public W8Yks, r( iw Report to Commissioner of Finance #0 JUL 8 1932 July. 8th — 193 2. Lo, � r h.TLCP R r pee. TLU T"9 1 and having iocntigoted the oott,- nod things -f .... d to therein, h—byreports: I. S.id i,,preve meat ie o .. —, ..d (.,) I-ir,b],. 2. Th, -tioo,od cost thereof i, S (See above) , -d the Wt.] —t thereof i, S nod the. o.to,e ..d -t,,.t of ..id i.p,.--.t i. . follow,. 3. A pl.., profile or sketch of enid impr ....... t i, h ... to tt,,h,d —d —d, , pert 4. 5. Soid i,ol".--ot i. naked f,, upon p,titio, of th..e o, oo— —o— of property, ,object to nee —o -t f., enid improvement. C.—i.woo, of P.bhtl!oF6- 9 l COUNCI7, FILE. N0. By 9L s"T {.F In the Matter of reconatructing,-..relsyin�, and apairing, where—0028-7 , the_si"'.-valk at tihe :follow'_nE location: - o-ou er St., south .side, beginninC 180 ft. east of Duluth Ave., thence east 100. ft., under Preliminary Order 92922.. _ _ approved July 1, 1932 Intermediary Order _ _-__-._ _..___._approved __.. _ _... _... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all per o objections and recommendations relative thereto, end having fully considered thesame; therefore,sbesit:�,� Q .��z— RF,SOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p tt be d bythe Cty - C _s {Ct elay na1- h _ s- e n ce sasp t_*.e_ 1d wauk t !'911 n8 1 ti n ce e$3i St so th tire, begl ing 18C t east f Duluth A t 1 ft., -- ____..._.__bfeE-Sbe,�¢eeiteit;•+,--__��___..._.__...-.-r^=`nsRet-®raII____._.._. r -88K ,m in mid matter be e the Counc I hereby orde sad provem SOLVED FURTHER, Th the Comm asiom•r directµ' to and speer , atione for t to be m of Pub 'c Works be end is hereby instr d and said imprnd ant'to the Cou a "I for prepare plans approval; at upon said approval, the oper city officials are he byauthorized and directed to - reed th th making of said me raveme m accordnnce therewith. Adopted by the Council SEP IJ 22�_..__ 192. __.. Approved Tip 192 ?M Councilmanke� Councilmani4fiFir'"*"'�"' Fc r Form B. S. A. 8-7 " CIT� 01 AUL DEPARTMENTS OFF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ??� (D) In �hc o! ehoi ce .—t under P,dlmlu,ap-Order appmv,d July 1, ls3z To 11c Gnindl of 1111 City of Sc. I' " 'Ch, Com u�ls,luu,r of Flna ncc bcrcby reports os G,IIo„„ 'Fhc t��tal esti ma„d au�ou„c of the as:,ssincnt for IIIc abo,c im�ro,, men, it - E '1'hc er�iinuicd cos,per [oo, for ,he aba,e iinpravemcu, is - - - - - - - R - _ 'I hc;o�a or Farrcls ,�f Vaud Ill.,,,,,, be as«sscd bcncdts bl, such n�l'mr cmrit, and �I�c e�sesscd .nlua,Ion of each lot or ��arccl a: last r�poncd b, fl., Assessor, arc as lollows. ocscAiPrioN nor e�ocrc nooiriory LnnLiEpTioN Bl ,,a 8 ... ..t..,..... .ul,Ily. �_. 575 2600 9 do 575 1900 10 do 57S 3200 11 to 57,i 4 bo L300 10150 The Commix[in,i,r M Finnncc b -I'll then h, lu: in. es�igo�ed all of rhe aforesaid m crs, and bereb. submits the foregoing us his report ch�reon co the Council, coge�her wi,h the resort made tto him .n rc(crcnc, ,n said ma,t�r by chc Commission,, of Public \Parks. Damd I L 193 ru. CCe.•wz.�� Com missianer of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W~ FINANN f Q Report to Commissioner of Finance _ - JUL 8 1902 July 8th 1032. To the Cloo,o sinner of Fionnec of the City of St. Paul The Ceol,o ioeer of Public Work, having hod older--idrrntion the preliminary order of till Council, known ns Council File No. 92922 npp'—ed Duly lat 1932 , relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following location: South side of Fauquier St. beginning 180 ft. east of Duluth Ave., thence east 100 ft. Lot 8, Graham Subdivision "x^ . . . . . . . . $4.00 g� . . . . . . . . 25.24 " 10, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.24 n 11 n n n . . . . . . . . . 10.14 end the eoture and extent of said improvement is follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of acid improvement is hereto attached end mode a part hereof. 9. 5. Said iolfet— neat ie _asked for upon petition of three or more own,, of propert y , subject W wiaesement for said improvement. / Commisei ver 1io Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public FINANC6 4 Q Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 8 1932 dw:y-ath.__.__.._..... _........._193.2.. to the Commimioner of Finance of tho City of St. Paul: �t Io']n CVS `. Irt,uc,+zF 7-iE ir'a TG's :.f" Fr .-. ^79 eaoi.'l.,:indn7^u52F' Fe Irni and having u v ,tigntnl the ou,11rs and thin, referred to therein, herehy reports: 1. Said improvement in - - - - n——y and (or) desirable. 2. 'f h, coat thereof is E. see above) end the total cost thereof in $ snd the o -u -e and extent of -id improvement is as follows. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement ie hereto attach,,l and mnde a part horeof. 4. o. Said improvement is .._asked for upon potition////oo�ff threo or more owners of property, euhjec( to eseraemenl for emd impravemenl. )V _.. _.... ... _. _.... _. (` ee�oaer lis Works. 93664 .of k °i ere COUhCII. FILE NO. � By In the Matter of. reconstru;:t�Log,-. Telayina: end repairing, where n@c659ar7, the. ai.do—lk on the south aide of. North SLes-t beginning at. Do Soto St. theca. east 170 ft., under Preliminary Order. 92956 .-approved July 6, 1932 Intermediary Order -.-.-._-- -_ ....approved A public hearing hating been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ¢ d ..c —25 -- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p—W- pruc, ent to be de by the s City is..-_ C Co7'�`\stru- t, relay\{"� d -pair h neces- ary, the id—lk- south side of North -Strait b.glnning & - Sotn-St ,._th nc-e_east.l _£t_, -.- ---.....bs Wd-th¢-fY:dE ce-tiicaT, M. -: �. 7-' .escllt8e0 tmi W in said mar be C::_,. a th fo it h by d rs said improv t b d ESOLVED FURTH That the Com f P bl W k b d h by t t d and d t t prepare p planpec,f�cationa f d t, and submit to th I for app th t up d pp o the prop- ty ff 1 hereby authonzed and direct- pro- ceed with makmg o£ said imp v ent n accordance the ith. t the Council 8F:- ; --.:o,'._-.-_-. -. , 192 Adapted n_ . Ann rnvod .192 c-ancdman�pa4a.-, ,. 4r �� � r.j73LL'1�D Councilman rtehi_c:�i.. I c�^c Councilman ih6loV—': 1 '6LTj, Councilman tr Mr. Vic z_, Form B. S. Ac 8-7 —d, Prcli mien ry 0,1, ul ","'d J,, i T To the of 1" C"y St.1'anl The total estimatnl amount of 'l, assessment for the above -111.anent11 "1'hc c,�iinu�ed toss pct foot for the above nn - - f- "d 11., of each "" o, '1'he lots �r p�« el.+ of land Tot m+>' be as-cs.,ed bench is parcel us I., rcpor.ed .—ITION DoT —... A—T- 7A 6 3 to 7(0 700 Th, C,—illwl— of l'—t..efun Ler reports that he fl." i- ..t ig.t,d all of �Le n(oresald marl s, and hereby -b-11 the f-11-11 v' his rcpon thcrcon to the Cron ncil, toge�hcr with the rel ori mode to rhlm in ,,f ercnce to said ...... b, the C_ v C­j,,i- , of Fi-ne, ,tTy lAUl ._�TMENT OF FINANCE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1 ,REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) re )n3t,-u, t.t th' n, 11 1� 11 �t b- n I cat t 7"u 't. , —d, Prcli mien ry 0,1, ul ","'d J,, i T To the of 1" C"y St.1'anl The total estimatnl amount of 'l, assessment for the above -111.anent11 "1'hc c,�iinu�ed toss pct foot for the above nn - - f- "d 11., of each "" o, '1'he lots �r p�« el.+ of land Tot m+>' be as-cs.,ed bench is parcel us I., rcpor.ed .—ITION DoT —... A—T- 7A 6 3 to 7(0 700 Th, C,—illwl— of l'—t..efun Ler reports that he fl." i- ..t ig.t,d all of �Le n(oresald marl s, and hereby -b-11 the f-11-11 v' his rcpon thcrcon to the Cron ncil, toge�hcr with the rel ori mode to rhlm in ,,f ercnce to said ...... b, the C_ v C­j,,i- , of Fi-ne, Office of the Commissioner of Public W#" FINANU Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 4 15 lox July 13, 1932 193 'r. the Commissioner of F,,,-,, of the City of St. P --I Th, C.M-i-i­1 of Pu11`1 W,i,k.,, h,ni., h.d -d- o."lidl—i'll the j­bmi­iy order of Oil Council, k-- we C-,61 F& No 92958pp,­d July 6, 1932 193 Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on the south side of North Street, beginning at De Soto Street, thence east 170 feet. and having investigated th, .-U- and thing. i,f­,,d I. therein, h1 ­11Y "P-1-: 1. S,id m,p­111-t 11o"m­'y ..d (.,) d,.io.bl. Est. st' Cost - Lots 3,4,5 & 6, Block 3, Brunson'. Add. $104.42 2. Th, estimated 1--t thereof is S ,and the -1 cont thereof 11 If ,.d the -t,- end extent of said improvement ie m M11- 3. A pi.., profile or .ketch of said improvemont is h-- attached ..d ..do . part h ­.f. 4. 5 S.id i -PI -1-t is.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pn,fi,,ity, abject to ­mcnt f,, said i.p ....... t. 93651 COUNCIL FILF. N0. +� s rov ivv sa nvt t By ent.Cu... 1 =� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructini;„rolaying .and .repair SnS, wbere.__necessary, the sidewalk at the following location: Pine `it., east side, be.-innin.- at 7th St., thence north 10C ft., under Preliminary Order 93075...... ..._._approved July 15, 1932 Intermediary Order _.. _.. _ ..__._____.......approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of SL Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ._r.atoastr Qt,-.re].aT.. and _repair-, xh.ere neces- sary,- the -a'_dewalk..at _the_P.o11oa1ni;_locationx_._.._.....-.__.___._......___________._ Fine St., east side, beginning at 7th S*., thence north 100 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SP _ lain__. 192 C� Clerk. Approved a� 192 Couneilman d!.=p- Councilam—M.Dmadd :,if,,a— 'aa + Councilman WcGla a 1<� :..o Councilman Gudhajm— A. Councilman WYenael-.._- —el Mayor WROW N Form It. S. A. 8-7 C7k+LLYllY➢-�L- / !�-� a "TV, ST. v... ❑ 4RTMENT OF FINANCE "REPORT OF COMMISS!ONER OF FINANCE 90 � ON PRELIMINARY ORDER vthe t ctilI,i, sossar, k t. ` t !'Sres at oto st at 7th .;t., tt. - ce nor th 1C ft. indcr P�cli mina�y Order a�yrovcd J ,1, 15 15.5'2 Fo ,Lc Co„nd.l of ,hc clay of Sc. P-1, The c<Flee 11 hucby rrpons" ��� n( iLc scssmcn, („r ,.,e abo.c impro.cmeni is S 63.60 ri 'ITe es,ii,ia,ed cos, per [oo, ins ibe above iinpro,emcn, is - - esecl `., �„a,ion of each lo, o� .acid ihaa n,+y be �ss<zsed Lenefiis (or such in, ��rovemen,, ai,J ,he ease ��a«rl os las, mp�,ncJ I�r ,hc ,lssr-1 , ore ul oEscAivTior+ DoT ago=K nooiT ioN su Lsni;__"Bldg. 5 21 Kitt son's A.1'.]tt on to 6250 120(0 5t. ra,ll 6250 12000 The Commissioner of Finance (ur, her « p�c,s iha, he ha. „"es,'igated all of ,he a(oresnid mat, �, vnd hcrcb, submit= ,bc forcgoinl,- a: his roya^ ch�mon n, the Cot il, ao 0", .i,h the rel�on made ro liim i„ rcfcrc,ia -.id ma„nr bl. ,hc Commissioner of Public \\'orks-` 0 n,cd I G 19i i ) Ivt P t`” Cot m�sion<r of F--. COM, OF FINANCE Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor �a, Report to Commissioner of Finance JW 22 1932 July :..,. , 1962. 193 'fo the r of Pinaaee of the City of St. Paul The ('ommi.aioner of Public Work., having had umler eon.ideretiun the preliminary onl,r 4 the Coundl, known n. ('oundl Pile Po. 83075 .ppruved July 15th, 1332. pgaxC , relativo to heconstructing, relaying �,nu repairing, Hhere necessary, the sieetvaik at t�ie folloning loc tion East aide of Pine .^,t., beginciu,; it 7th -t., th,—n north 100 ft. and having investigated the m.ttera end thing, referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i. mr�s _ and (or) dc.u.14. 2. '1'hcc. n—Nm d coat thereof i. s , —I the total coat thereof is S , and the nature and extent d said improvement i. m follow.. Lot 5, Mock 27, Kittsonrc Addition -------$.65.60 3. A plea, profile or .ketch d ..id improvement i. hnrcto .tt-h,d and made a pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie eked fur upon uti.. of three ar more owner. of property, .object W e..e..ment for .aid improvement. _.-.... Commie.ioner of Public Workdi� • 9`652 COUNCIL FILE NO. By a. By FINAL ORDER 1, the Matte, of recchetrectinb,. relayinG and repairing, where_ neceasary, th_a sidewalk at the follows .6 locations: - Shielrls :: e. outh side, beginning, 21 ft. east of Wheeler Ave., thence east to :t•, under Preliminary Order 92895 -. approved June 29, 1932 Intermediary order __-----------approved- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered 9J the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is recnnstr t.,-. relay. an..rapair-,_ _d:er¢. neces- saro>-.the--s'dewalk at-._ollowit: .locations:......- Shi lds h'e.south 3 bi ing 2] ft. eas- of Whaler A thence ._asst L6,ft..> --.__.-._-..-.... _— __— ___------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvemeit tn accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council iFo 1 ---- 192 �� clt�Clerk. Approved -.. , 192 Mayor Couuncilman� / Concilmn� Councilman MaClagar71/1, Councilman c3adhalmar` Meuncilman- yor■sOW~~ �Dlubney / Form B. S. A. 8-7 TY /DP Si�PAuu ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER rj^ In the ntntt,rofnstr—ting, —1­ln,, n rspa!r'nv..ere nece-ary, the !d.--lk eto the locations: outh e' 1e o_ �hlelds —e. bedlnning 21 ft. .u,t o' 1Nheo1er Ave. thence east 1 ft., under P„hminory O,J,, of l --d Stns Ta the Coonril of the City of St. P-1: Thr Commissioner of Finance hcrcby rcl.orts as f,,11- -,,d .,ll—m„d amount of the v ... --, for the is - - $ 9.08 _. "Ih� csiimatcJ mrt der foot for the above is Thi lot.. or [,nrto is „f I nd that may It a 1" -fits fl, ruck im�rct un'nt, anJ ih, a=.ressod gala,,:... of each lot or ,—] os lost npo—d by the Ass,ssor, arc �e fo:lons: orscaiariory DoT e_o,. AooiTioN Len9LV ... 8138. 29 2 Lovt;ring'; AhStion to 075 10000 Unl on Ysrk 875 10000 Th' Commissioner of F,--' forth,, that he h., m'—i'—d all of the aforesaid ma r end hcrcby submits rhe (..'going as hisre,osar thereon to th' C --'I, together n�ith 0” "p." mad' '. him in ,,f ... -, to said matt,, by the Comn,iionrr of Fubh, ll'orlo, D—d— 1 6 I, ! 1 hit (tt —�a omission', f Fin ante. C—.mi—, � 1 WA, ur rI VANQ .Office of the Commissioner of Public Wor e a d Report to Commissioner of Finance 1-/ -3 July 13, 1932 193 To the. Gmmissionrr of Finanee of the City of Sl. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ander consideration Lha preliminary order of the Council, known ns Council File No. 92896 approval June 29, 1932 .193 , relative to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sld ewalk at the following loon tions: South sideof Shields Ave. beginning 21 ft. east of Wheeler Ave., thence east 16 ft. Lot 24, Block 'L, Loveringts Add. to Onion Park $9.08 1. 5nid imprnvrment is nicc�snry and (or) dceirnblc. 2. The estimated coat thereof ie S ,and the total coat thereof ie i and the nature and extent 4 -id improvement ie ne follows. - 3. A plan, profile or ek—h of said impravement ie hereto atWh,d and made s part harcaf. 4. 5. Said improvement ie -ked for upon petition of three or more owners d property, subject to aseessmcnt for mid improvement. t..._.... i... C lone uhhe Works. Do not send cards 909653 - °Ly'o COUNCIL FILE N0. Is a�a Ry FINAL ORDER In the Matterof reconstructing,relayin,; eu.. reps+sing, _ where. nscess_ary, the_sidesalks at the follcwini; locations: Third St. south side, beginnin, at grin Ave. thence east 240 ft., .Cypress St., east siie, beginning at liastings eve„ thence porth_to ..lien Cypress 51;., east side, begSrnL.g._at Hastings Ave thence south 148 ft.,„ _ under Preliminary Order.. 03071 -approved July 15, 1932 Intermediary Order. _.. .._.__-___-...____approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ... rac4AstrtlCt,--relay. and -rep.ir.,_wher. neces- _sary-,_the sid—alks_at_. the f0.1103Ying1 tions.;... Third St., south side, beginning at Maria ,:ve. thence east 240 ft. Cypres—a t. sada,.. bsginninp..at liastSnBs._ Ave.,-_ thence north_to_ Allyy Cypress-eS.-,. east _aide. _17-e81AnI:6_at_-Hastings -Ave said improvement to be trance outh-145-ft. and the Council hereby orders made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed. to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adapted by the Council _ , 192 'C Clerk. Approved:' - .192. / Councilman Win-'•- Councilman 'aD.. Councilman Counmlman�udhe4nen--'s Councilman wh..a — Z .J o Mai r Y -- Farm B. S. A. 8-7 CITY r•n.•nnuL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In hi�matirr ofetrnc t l�.,-, r 1� 7, inra .- pe's :n oc , .i...ie n._ ary, the s'_ksetnsUhe rol to ;int locat :ons: Th''rd .:t., stu tl itt, t,giTni at Maria, thence oast <4(, f't., ypres� t., oast be_innln- et Hastin�a thence north to t.11ey Cvl res" .est b<,t"'. et ita tthe ce .gin t_f 14%� ft., under I',,h ,n , 0r1et ,pp.oved J,ly lb, 1932 '1'o the C,"";l .(,I" Coy of St. Paul: The Corr.... s.ior.cr of Finance h ... by - f,,llo.rs_ '1'hc total estimated amount of the ueeeement for �h� above impro.�m�ni .a E 367..ji _. '1'h� csi'iina t<d cost per foo for the nbote improtcmrn�'u - - - - - h _ _.._— 'Ipanel, of land that n ay b� ......ed b<'l- for such im prot c�ne�. �, and il.e az..seed tahu 't of each lot or pa reel as last ITot d by the A...... ,arc as fo!10 , o[51niarioN tot acocx nooiliory Le.... .. iBldg. 15 38 Lyman ..avton's .,dd. to tlIe 1600 1200 16 38 City of .'.t. P. 1000 ::1y .35 .t more q�ss)17 30 do 950 1450 Lot 15 1iOeas) 17 38 do 1050 750 16 71 Scottens ' b,ll, 1l 1 n 1601 7900 f 81k 71 Lvnan ay to, I. t9. to ;t. Pau (L'xe. _. 45 ft) 15 3 Llopols Subdl on ivisiof 850 1850 lots 1 and 2 block 3, 1"_ .,Doth -i� tt of 14 and 11 3 L-1, r.. serve tion .'.t.Yaul, 475 2000 t7.lnn. All-, --!n, No luation 7525 1.1150 The Commies,, of Finance further repons that he Lae int estig—d all of the aforesaid —t—, and he.eby sub"i", the foregoing as hie "p—thereon to the Cnun 1, together Leith I!, report meds ' hit, m tefeeenec' said —.... by the Coin niissioner of Fuhhr \forks. Dated _��.-4� i2 193 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of PublicW, SFINANC; Report to Commissioner of Finance (c ►" JUI 22 1Sgp July G_r , 1332, 103 Ta tbt. Commiesiouer of Finwee 4 the City of 8t. P -I The Cummisaioner of Public Works, having had uuder c+.ns.Arrution the preliminary order .d the Cnnnrdl, k-— an Council File Nn_ 93071 app,. -d July 15th 193 2 , e.t— k, Reconstructing relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following to tt-tionsl South side of Third St., beginning at daria Ave., thence east 240 ft. L:;, clock 38, Hyman D, ton's -1. ,78.80 16, L7, ' 3B, " ' " 35.84 .. 18, v 58, n .i . ::1.40 East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence north to Alley. ..ot 16, Scott..', pub. East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence south 148 ft. North 83.14 ft. of Lots ',b4 A 15 of Lloyd's Sub.,. 50.91 o:uth 45 ft. of 11' 11 11" 07.50 �.LLey Crossing, City )f dt. :au1 58.09 subject to rias—nt for said improvement. .... ... ..::....:.Q_.. Commiesiover of Public Works. I C..Ppda�les` eveU� ta.Bt. rObeelnvly 89 a. xesia of.0 llbE- ` er Eovee T°V ss COUNCIL FILE NO. °tOe m° a0a a. By "s FINAL ORDER , In the Matter of constructingdriveway on the north side of. North ,Street .beginning 87 ft. west of Bradle7-St., thence •vest 10 ft.., under Preliminary Order._ 9L957 _ _. approved Julv 6, 1932 - Intermediary Order ___._.... _ ____.._.._..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ construct 3 ivewa? on the north side of Dorth.Street. .begirr'.f.r E7_.ft..vast_ of Erailey _5t,_,_.thecc-—st_10__ft" and the Council hereby orders mid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council SLiCM_ _ _ 192 � O ✓'� El Clerk. v Approved v`'L- , 192 Councilman- Conncilmav�lcypmld-..- ConvcilmanfMcGlpgan Ceen' Councilman},_, Mayordi.la Y Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT Or"...f,. REPORT OF IS OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY OROER In Clic ma—, of -treet ew", —th �!,ia of north ,e , in, !:,, B7 t. ;-A o -A., t h once,test , en t 10 ft., -d,, Pr limina.. j,f17, 6, I'D32 T, th, C --,,1,,f the C111 of St. P-1 The C—missi --.f Finanee hereby re poo. as f��llo�ts '11--1 $ The ted co t per foot f.-1-1)'— s lh,11­11,111111111f 1—d that b -1--i b,:,,, —,h ,p temp ud the..... -d -1-6-, of cacti of or p-6 a, lastn 1 1, ...... . r, - AL A L—d Bldg t, t:,,- aof 4 Ir ,d,11t!— of 425 10 that Let,, to the Town of 3t. p_1 425 50 Fh, Commissioner of F—T111 fl-hll that h, has i.—,ig—d all of thaforesaid matt eand hereby -bn,,- the foregoing a, his 11P— th-- to the Council, together tvkh tai "j—, '—d' t. hi. in refer.-, to said n—,- by 1111 C. ­j11 -11 of Public \\'orks. D,—d -Lt- A 19 OfFIce of the Commissioner of Public Ws RhAN01 fix. Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 15 1832 July 13, 1932 193 To the ('omission'" of fimmre of the city of St. foul The Comoisoiooer of Public Works, having hod under eoneiderotinn the preliminary order of tho Jul 6, 1932 .193. relative to ('oumil, known as Counr'J Nile No, 92957 oppmved y ' constructing a driveway on the north sideof North Street beginning 67 feet west of Bradley St., thence west 10 ft. and having inv'etiget"I We _tte and thiogo rvderrod to therein, hereby "'porta: 1. oid improvement ie nee my old (or) dcofroble. S 10.00 Set. Cost - (Except west 40t) SE} of lot 4, Irvine' Add. Outlots $ p. The cvtimnteJ coal thereof ie } , and the total coat thereat ie i wed the oot_, and '"tent of enid improvement ie oe follows - 3. A plan, profile or 'ketch of enid improvement ie hereto otteched .,it mod, a port hereof. 4. �. Said improvement ie .naked for upon petition of three or more owncre of property, subject to ewe—tot for 'aid improvement. / (` eaio �blia Works. 9655 oova��da`9u". COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructinb'-.driveway a- the north side. of Superior. Street_he.inr_inc 143 £t. ,.at of. Richmend St., thence. ..at a ft., under Preliminary Order _.. 9G934 _-.approved Ju1y o, 1932 Intermediary Order _-_-... _._-.__---___-approved-..-.-...-..-.-_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pr—conent to be made by the said City is _enact—t . drisaway..— the._n th- aide. oS_. _SuFerlor. Streetbe;inn1116.-11,3 ft.-st-OP. Riehmo _St- -thence west ti ft., and the Council herebyorders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications, for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon aaid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with thee making of said imp rovemin accordance therewith. Adopted by the CmmcilSE._ -_-_ _... 192 ___. Ay {� 6it5' Clcrk. p, � � pr Approved sw 192 - M r. .Ceener a C,unc Ccunc�lm pnld 4 �' Councilma n L/ — Councilman �u1iw�WeC•- ,i,,. x Councilman�[tenoo�,w__, Mayors ✓i...i cy Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,./ 111 P sT. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 9r,.J % ON PRELIMINARY ORDER I�JA Iv the Snatterof —11—til iti-- on the i—,- ;Il o" 5.1, rior ;treat be,. 1-!t _ 11:: it. ..r.sc of it Lclimonu St.., tip le, west e ft., under Preliminary Order apl-roved July �, 1952 To the Coy —d of the C- of S,. Paul: The Comm�s.ioner of Finance hereby reports as f,llo..:-. The tool estimu ted amount o(,6c assessment !or the above imrro.cmcnt is - $ 14.40 'R�e cst'ima, cd mst per fo,�t lot the above improvement is - - - - - - $ -- 'I'he I�.is „r parcels ,,f lu nd that may be as --1 bc,.t ass I- sash inipro.... ,, and the a.sessrd valuation of each �.ot or parcel as lust rrportcd by the Asses ror, arc as follows: oesc PiPTiory Lor .cot. .—Tiory L—qduATiorvB1 g. Lot 2 ana A. ".CSC "t of 1 G3 Howke's., '..1:. SUb :ivislon 900 cJ500 to .�Sn slow's :,utlit! to the Town o1' St. "U1 Silnnetota : .rr'tory 900 8500 'rhe Com n,issioner of Finance funher rerot,s Ih he I— in. i,,u,ed all of the aforesaid marl and hereby submits ,he foregoing as his report thereon w the C——I, together .r i,h the ,port made to him in reference ro said mu„cr by the Commission,, of Public \forks. Duted--�,s<y .-k 19j Cl Com missioncr of Fina ncc. -Office of the Commissioner of Public \VWM& F'NAM Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 15 1932 July 13, 1932 193 ro the Commieaionerof 1'innoee of the City of St Poll Th, Commiavioner of Public Werke, having had —de, ell -1111-60- the preliminary order of the cee,eeil, kr-o" - (o -,A File No 92934 approved July 5, 1932 193 1 relative to constructing drIv9IaY on the north side of Superior Street beginning 143 feet west of Richmond Street, thence west B ft. ,.d lo, ­ng laleetigIt" the ooto,, and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said uop'--ot ie -,-v and (or) &,irli'll. 2. The eetimated -t thereof is If 14.40 , ..d the total wet th,,etf is 3 and the nate e ..d extent of said nop"Ilee"t 11 as foll- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said i.,­oo,ret ie her,. attached ..J —de . port hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or ..,, o,.,,, of property, ,Uhi,t to ­ent for e,id hop,ovemeot. Work.. COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER 93656 „_. in the Matter ofrecanstructin.;, relayi— ar: i _ epairingr where nece"wry, the sidewalks at the following locations: of Pa gest 4 Sims -St., south side, beginning.. 140 ft. :+est yn_e Ave., .thence_ - be�ih,ih� 36 ft. farther west, thence .vest .:3 fA£t., Yor.c..:.t_ south side, beglnninZ;200 ft. wrest ogate $t._,,thence vest 114 . ft. at York St.,_ thence south 70 ft. _Jessie. Ct., east side, beginning _ -- - - - under Preliminary Order-. 93065 _-approved July 15, 1932 Intermediary Order - -- - ----� - - - - - - Bpfn-ed A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council ha.ing heard all penance, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having.fully qeu dered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- pm,ementtobemade bythe said City is-renonatruc t,_rala,4. eh T peir.,.-where_necea- a y the sldawa�hs- the..Sollnwixy local ien9 _-- 3t., south s13 b innin 140 ft t f P vyn A e. the e west 4 gift begi"ing..36 fit. i'arLher- .est,_ - thence west 25 ft wast 114 York St., south side, beginning 100 ft +est of Ag t St., the ce ft.-- -__ _ - __..... _ ___.__. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - Geed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _p ��! -_ 192 (ty Clcrk. Approved 192 7r"C.U.',jma iQadheyeBz Mayor 1Ldream �a ,Ixb„ney Eur., L. a. A tl t AP ST PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE R6AORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the mailer of '�truC tin', nl reps �. r!:i...-,�>'-.re n�.cossary, t Lulea k aL r1_. 11 it lo'a Cora: :'�.1. Ln�iin,� 14l_'t. .ast o' eapre i tlr...c e. .est t4 '• orks a'. 1 , t c,in:�in IOC 't —t o ,nt.. ',t. � tt e; ce est 114 "t.'thcr.ce so ith ?C. ft., Se�s:e A east a_ , teginr lr,.- at York St., under Prdiminary Order approved Sul`/ 15, 1532 T—1h, Cauncd of rhe CI1y of S1. Paul: The Commissioner of Fi-- hereby rq`orts vs fxdlons Th——,l ---d ainounl of the asscssmcnc for rhe above impro1emcnc is - - j The cslimz c cd cost per foot for the above in�pro.cmcne is - - - - - - - S -- -- r—d fl— may be ......cd bcnchls for suds Lnprovemcn 1, and We asecssed caluacion of each lot or pa rod as Iasi reponcd by the Assessor, are as follows: lots -?4 - 45 and 46 26 ;e1de's, Chas Su ci els=on 2150 11000. f31a�1•.s .. n 1 L<i o 'T Sio. otF.or �rlinSton :l ills A,!1. to property St. Paul c, 4 and 5 6 Rice's : '.Irvin l 'Third xnd. 825 50 to tr, City , St. Poul 50 "t of lots 13, 14 y 15 1 Ricole .ftnund first iuld, 350 2300 3325 13350 The Commissioner of Finance further he has in.esiigated all of the aforesaid marc ,and hereby submits the foregoing as hie repos thereon co the Council, c.,,h- .,i,h the rerorc made co him in reference to said nlaleer by the Commissioner of Public \1'o rk, Deced LL.. 2x /( -- 19 Office of the Commissioner of Public V9r"AnUL Report to Commissioner of Finance JU YS 'M July 2:,nd 1932 the Cummi,sioner of Pi—'— of the City of St. 1'eul: The Commissioner of Public Work,, having had ,coder considecatiou the preliminary order of the Council, known oe Council Pile No. 93065 approved July 15th.193.'..'.., relnlive to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing', where necessary, the sidewalks at t'.e followin;; loo-..tionsi South sideoC Sims , beginning 140 ft. west of P..yne Ave., thence wast 4 ft., bcgtnning 36 farther west, thence west 25 ft. ..ots 44,45 & 46, u1k 26, Chas. aside's dub. of niks 25 & 26 of Arlington Rills ,dd. :11.88 South side of York St., beginning 100 ft. west of Agate fit., thence west 114 ft. 3, Block 61 Ed. 31 cc's 3rd ndd, 31.;5 n � 4 6, „ �� 56.14 u 5 6 3.70 East side of Jessie St., begs—ing at Yorg St., thence south 70 ft. .;est So ft. of ..ots t>, 14 & i , ilk 1, — iti cc's i s t ,. 51.84 4. ,,_ Said impr --"t ie _asked for upon petiti- of three or more ownere of property, subject to nnecesment for said improvement. - Commissioner of Public Works. 9''4x57 In rl •_ o meson°v°c" ieMv COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of r ac __:strvc tires, relagin_� ani rPpHirin�.,..where. na Cflesary, the...sidoaalk at the f 11—in,; local -s: south of Edmund -St., thence Snellin, n , west side, be, SG ft. ve. _. _south 127. ft., Sherburne Ave, south side, beginning 26 ft. east of Oxford St., thence 16 ?�.. under Preliminary Order 92894 _ ....._.__ _ approved June _29,_ 1932. Intermediary Order __.__.. _____.__ __ ._...approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _risco:-stMl Ot+.i.B1-y and iyhers neces- sary.,..- the sidewalk..ut.-the_ fnllnwing_lncations:... y ,. SherburneAv + south side, begn-ing 26 ft east of Oxford 96^.+, thence ..___cast -15 fr,.-._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. EP Adopted by the Council ` 192 i City Clerk. Approved __ 192 Ceilman�.srgueon•-� ria. tilgLis[$D d SCI co-muncilman rMaBanalkvi t•srca C II��1 c� ouncilman Council man,�hdm® Councilman,a¢.>`t_. Mayor ib.*— Mah,mey Form B. S. A. 8-7 I'Tlor 5 DEPARTMENT 01 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,J7�,, (D) In ih„uon�r of nstr rr t'.n ., ruln,yin� a.._—pa'.rin.', 111-1 necessary, the s �dewa.icrat "ol�orv!n- lot a'10-:3: Hall Lc: -t l't :, be,;innlrl 51: ft. sou Cl: of vuuni �t., th -co �sooth 12' ct., o .... .'.,le, bo,..nn.n,- '.; ft. east 0. Ox Cori .t,., the ce ,ast 11 undo Prcl'imin ..Order ,-1 J,— 29, 19.3,2 To the Coun l of the Ci,1 of S,. P-1: 'Phi Com missior. c, of Pi no ncc L,'rc by mf -1, es tdl—s. The toc+l e,, --,d amount of lh—ses. m enc f- d nb—, iml ro....��, is - - s 96,13 "I'hc cs�i n�aicd co.� per loo, for �I.c above io�pro.cmcnc is - - - - - - - A _— 'I'h, Iou or I...rc. is of b....... �d bco, figs for snrh im....... <n,, end the ars —d valuui ion of each fot or parcel a, las, myon cd b, h, AFscssor, as as follows: ocacR-11. LOT 0000. A—T— Land lo8ldg. 3 .. H. I. Th..peon Add. 1e0C 1 1 °tirle Ids Conville and 900 � s Mid-xay. Adllt7 on 2 1 900 3 1 do 900 4 1 do 900 That cart s—th o Sh-bu.-1P -- ofl 6 Hv ie k'arx 18000 22800 'fhc Commissions, of Pinang for,hcr rcpons chat he has ins ,,ig—d all M she efor,said mva and h...1, submits the foregoing ns Isis re, 11 thereon co chs C11 --I, 111110111 -1h the retort made to him in ref—,— eo said hl' ,he Commissioner of Public N1 -k,. w.^D—dc-(�� � 3. 19M�ncr an<c. C of Fin Office of the Commissioner of Public "�WVF FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance o a _ Jt 151932 July 13, 1932 1513 7b the Commieeioner of lioenee of the City of M. Paul_ The Cammieeioncr of Public Work, having had under cuneiderotion thn prcliminery order of the Council, known � Council vile. N. 92894 approved June 29, 1932 _.1g3. relnuve m Reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst Nest Sideof Snelling Ave. beginning 50 ft. south of Edmund St., thence south 127 ft. Lot } Block 1jz, R. B. Thompson' 5 Add. $21.20 1, 1, Stlrle McConville & Seegers add. 15.68 2 1 15.68 15.68 „ 4, n l� n n n n n 6.47 South side of Sherburne Ave. beginning 26 ft. east of Oxford St., thence east 16 ft. ••''— Hyde Park $ 21.42 3. A plan, profile or sketch of a,id improvement ie hereto attached end mode n pmt hemof. 4. u. Said improvement ie.. asked for upon petitiov of three or more ownere of proparty, enbject to eesraement for ..id i.ft--moot. ��lxx Co m' 1, !9 Work.. 93658 COUNCIL FILE NO. M:`w.Px`�aeaa'an By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing,- relaying, and repairing,where -necessary, the_aidowalk. ami drivewa3n3 at thefollawin� locat,fona; e. _.. Lafayette ; , north side, from t! -.e xest side o° Arkwright St. to Otsego Sty,-.. _ Otsego St., west side, beginning at Lefa7ette Ave., thence north 62 ft., under Preliminary Order__. .92955 ..............approved July 6, 1932 Intermediary Order _._._..-__._.._.___-__---_._..__approved __... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council -of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is ._recoAstruc t,_ relay. and renair,_.,wl;ere noces- sary._the _sidawalk._and_drisensys_At_ the fp}lowin_,;_ locatlons;_______ Lafayette Ave., north side, from the west side of - kW 11 rd9 St. to Otsego Otsego St., west side, beginning at Lafayette Ave thence north 62 ft., -- _ ------- and the Cou ncit hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement ,in accordance therewith. Iai ant Adopted by the Council _..._._._._.. 192 __.. '��� � City Clerk. tjS9� ' Approved - _ _. - , 192 "'no" May° Councilman �f8ll�f"�y9° Councilman i•. ,,ae b, Cy .a —•r�ra`-`frd Coaa.,man Cnnneilman Councilman Matnae> Mayor ATRIFF Form R. S. A. 8.7 d -1- 9'sv ...... DEPARTMENT . 'IN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER q, In dh� st— t 11, ..ere t I , n, L t —ti. t t —d,, P,,I—mlll 0r11,1 vFllllld J -,1v , 1932 1. 11.1 ClluT.11l of lhl Cill Sc- Th, C I'l,l ""A f", 'h, 'b'— i, $ The 11111--li a1-- i,,, ...... I-- - . - s .... ... ... —1-4 land 6 ,,, -d' par¢I as Iasi np-ncd I, h, Asscmoq art m f-11-11 DoT ... IT— L _dAT oB, tg. 4 7�arren 21300 2900 t"n avi t 4 9 do 200 t of 4 9 d. 300 450 � 9 do 300 3600 3350 Th, Com missinner of FIT—11 fl-h1l llj­,qft h, has i--i,—d all f ,he of --id marl ,end h—b3 submits h, f. -.ml nl his 1111— 11__ i- , Council, j,j, ch, rel ore -d, mrliim in ,,__ ,, ,,id _ .... 1, 1,, -f D—d C c- 19-y2, 'Office of the Commissioner of Public %V Y" FiNANU _ tom° e a Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 15 1932 July 13, 1932 193 "11, the Cumminsiuner of Flounce of the City of SI, Pxul'. The Commissioner of Public Work., hoeing hod under eo-id—tiln the preliminary .,it,, of th. r^"_il F;Ir �„ 92955 a err r Ju1v 6, 1932 _193 , ri.tii- to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk and driveways at the following locations: North side ofLafayette five. from the west side of Arkwright St. to Otsego St. Est. Cost - City - - - - - - - - - - 4.62 Lots 1, 3 end 4, Jlk. 7, Warren & '8lnslows $194.93 Westside of Otsego St., beginning at Lafayette Ave., thence north 62 ft. Lot 4, Block 9, Warren & Winslows 34.50 . 5 n 9, n r. 8.28 3. A pl.n, prams or eketca of ime improvement is hereto eltaenea eaa .rw.e a P.r� uercm. 4. 5. Said improvem.nt ie eked for upov Notioo of three or more owners of property, eubjecl to n..eesmenl for emd improvement. �' Coro r of t, bHo Werke. ffa THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) September 16th, 1332. Commissioner H. C. Wenzel, D E P A R T M E N T. Dear Sir Hegardirn, the order for repairing the sidewalk oide of Arkwright It. to toaOtsegoyette Avt, from the w sA permit was issued for the repairs of the walk from Arkwright St. to Rivo11 St., and the work has been done. That leaves the walk from Rivoli St. to Otsego St, yet to be taken care of. From Rivoli St. to the driveway the walk isnot so bad and could beleft for the resent. The driveway is so sadly broken that the only thing to do to take the danger out of it, is to p construct a new one. The walk from the driveway to Otsego St. is in poor condition. It is rough, uneven, places and practically all thetile are spread, low in broken, andin my judgment the driveway and the walk from the driveway to Otsego St* should be repaired. cn the west de is very Otsego St. some of walk thes in the Vrey poor ondition; it missing, weeds and dirt on walk, a number of depressions in it end two-thirds of the the are broken. I consider this walk in a dangerous condition and believe it should be repaired. dcg-rh encl. Please see sketch attached. Yours very truly, A. -I'. 21-1- D. C. GAY ON, Sidewalk Engineer. 93€59 COUNCIL FILE NO. a. a. By FINAL ORDER _rec or_ trayt4 cla7'..J n1 pep air in--,.-"cher ec e e s_ary, In the Matter of - L.;,. - - the. sidewalk at. the f.11—irtb..locations: __ - ;rinnehaha St. south side, be-innin 82 ft. west of Cypre as St., thence west.. 78 ft. bealnnin,; 20p. ft. I'erth-r -.vest, thence _>vest 28 ft., b^._inni F 28 "t. `ar ther west, thence vrest 50 ft., under Preliminary Order .92935 _.-._-._. __. appr-ed Su17 5, 1932 Intermediary Order _.. __ -----approved - -- - --------- _. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _- r_emnstruct,_ -Jay An53_ repair, _whe-r_e,. n, ces- _ the_.s'dawalk.. at..the_ 'o7,}q loc ti _ _ _ _ _ Minucha St., south idbegi ing 82 f! st Cvp ce t fence ,sun, 72_f " begi ntng_201_ft-fanthar we-$tµ_th ce- est 28 ft --_ beglnn i��g 26 ft. fartrier west, tl-.ence west 50 ft., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement ,ad and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in =cardance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ _23Z -.__ _.._., 192... _ City Clerk. Approved .192 / Coandrn. Qiam�r-,a Cle11„ -- d lMayor. G Coaneilman .i`ergnaoa J CnanciIman Councilman d9ndheim¢. �`•��n: Councilman N ­l Mayor Kmdg� M,hooey Form B. S. A. 8.7 CEPARTM EI'1T OF FINANCE REPORT OPRELINARY ORDER 1A FINANCE .9,y,"y'! ( /" N (o) J In the mutter of _c onstr,rr: t I,,, _lflv enc enr 1 . '.rtrer^ neceseflrg, tlra 11 fll t the toll S 1 . �'t Id 't out 'ii b S i (c pp c �V tl t t t.�t. 201 c. bc..nn_ s ... t7 ,r west, tt ,r. e, .v<.st 5( under Preliminary Order approved To the Connell of rhe Gly of Sr. rain: "1'be Commissioner of Finance I by sport= as (r�lln�vr: The coral :rimared amnnn� of Abe a,a'samenr for rhe above irnl,rnr'menr i. $ .101.44_ — _ — 'fhe esii�na�ed cost pec toot for the chore im F�ro.cm'nr ie - - - - - $ - b' benches for such inilror<menr, and rhe assessed valnurion of cvcl� for or The Ir�rs r�r Iv reels of land clear nay asxssed I.areel as lust reporicd by rhe Assessor, arc as follurve_ oEs a PT o roT ego« Aoo T oR Lfl e AT al e. 3 109 SchifPmnnn's ;: bdlvislon 725 16650 of Block's 11=9 3 110 4 1C9 Ly,nnn .,a'cros's ..yid. 725 3400 10 lU9 do 725 11 109 do 725 2400 12 1(9 do 725 950 3625 23,400 The C.—,i-m— of Finance fu rrh<r rcpons char he hea in Iligelcd ell of rhe aloresaiJ marc e, and hereby submi s rhe fi—,.ml as his report Jicreon ro rhe Council, pos mad' ro him .n relercnec I. said macre. by rhe Commissioner of Public 1\'orks. Dared �dtiq±+:? .fib 19' y- „`h'���"2Jarer of Fiwnce. � ur r OOffice of the Commissioner of Public Wo�uruNnNct Ut �; -- 9 - a a Report to Commissioner of Finance JUL 1519K July 13, 1932 I93 To tbe. Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. feel. The Commi-inner of Public Works, having had render e ... iderntion the preliminary order of the Coeoeil, known as Cmmea Hoe no. 92935 approved. July 5, 1932 —193 , "Inti- to Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locatimms South side of Hinnehaha St., beginning 82 ft. west of Cy?res. St., thence west 78 ft., beginning 201 ft, farther west, thence west 28 ft., beginning 28 ft. farther west thence w st 50 ft Lot 3, Sohiffman's Odd?O.°err,prq.r .�H+, qvP Irti��anrrev? ^. . . $359,0 22..70 4 14.98 10, . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.38 n 11, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.50 12, n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and the onture and extent of said improvement ie m follower - 3. A plea, profile or eketch of mid improvement ie hereto att,,h,d end made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement ieasked for upon petition of three or more ownere of property, subject to aeeemment for mid improvement. ' C mtesi �.yf Pubtia Works. 93660 COUNCIL FILE NO.By In the Matter of.. rec anstructing,_relgying and_ repairing, Bh—a necessary, the ..aide lk at the fo7loaing lonations: _.. South Osceola ve., west side, beginning at urate St., thence north 125 ft. South.. Osceola we., east. side., heginnlr_ at urace St., tcence_.north. 75 ft., under, Preliminary Order. 93C68 .. epp—ed July 15, 1932 Intermediary Order _..._._ ____.._ _ —_approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paulthat ihe�c�ssa-:u P:&h. '-:"I be d by the dCty s.._ aG try , r.fllag and.. opal SS.Ileces- se. s da ±talk. sfolloxin..._.._ Soca 1 ,ve. side b Snninl t St the rth 12 t., So .a le, — _s.r east. idem beginning at 4raea >i . Chance Slort" 75 f .. -!e lS thea are 1,-1 e in mid t•_r be n d t ders said rov t to b are RN�Q HER, That the fP W k d h b} t t d d t d specrfrcat:o.. d p t d b t th C capp d ppr_l, the prop f els h eby authorized a reekedtoteed wof said improvement y Co., a there_ h. Adopted by the Council Approved .192 Coour dmarkEFettey^ "'° �. .na.d Counct,,GFtrgffsoii"' CouncilmarfWgottah3' cnnncuman G� o CSWouncuma r ria. �yft e. Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 s ���; - ��. %� ;� t11%- 5T. PA UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELMIMINARY ORDER mane.In rhi Of re tI­ti11,, relaying and re,Oj,j,, where no.8-1y, the ail. ­lk of the fol 1tm Sonth 71.1, IA%11 Oo,th In ft. -8t side, b�,i—il�l �t 'r. South 0—IR Ave., -,t side, bOriOO111 at 0."', 75 "., -d,, Pr,I_ie,_y Order afproved July 15, 1932 TO 1h, C-1-111 of the Ci'y of St-"-': 'I h, C- ­­­, of F11-111 as Th: '—f—l" $ Th "'- -111 "1'hclogs or para is of land char may be b,­fi,, for -C1. j,,1111111 ­11T11, 1-1,1l, assessed .alu anon o[ en cli lot or pa re el as Inst ,--i by rhe A--,1, arc as (olio ws: Daae RiPTioN -T A—T— L—d Bldg. 0 t 10500 end the the ...... tll.'f the '.'.t SOO'.' % Brawn of d the south Pu ft Of that ,-It Of blk 7 lying Sell, of PI 0 .-t Ave., I- the south BO f that , part Of Block 7 lying, lily Of Pleasant t�, anorth � . Of .... St. " Datedt�, -1,dp.1 Of "0"'7 on tho .__ ,, ." _f_ that Fort take• n for _j- St. north Of said rail—,: light Or —Y -,t south 10 ft -1 -11-1) 't i- ­Ill.— ­­ ­th Of --t & Y, 750 ' - -f X� t. St. Poul 2 1.11 11250 The C-i- ­11 of Fl-- `-h` re porta that hehas in. esriR ai ed all of tLe aforesaid mai e, end h""by submits 1h, f-r—i",ashis ,P,,, __d, —o", 111, M1.11 _1d, 1. 1,;. 1. n(e re nee to said marter by the Commissioner of I'Alk %%.,k,. D—d _Ll— t_ 19, Com missioncr f Finance. 'Office of the Commissioner of Public WINANCL - a Report to Commissioner of Finance =az July 22nd, 1962. lea '1'o the c,m,o Aeiunrr of Fi,an of the City of St. Paul'. The Commi..loner of Public Work,, having had under ­idcrntion the preliminary order of the cmmed, known 2, counul File No.930C,8 app,.,e,l July 15th .193 .2 , relooi to Recons tructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locational Westside of South Osceola Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 125 ft.�, g0 ft, block u, „tinson, ChiC"go, ldilwaukee & ot. daul Hy. �d ,2,59.20 br o�m & Hamsey's 19,32 5. of the E. if of B1rc 6, __t the S'o. 87 i't. of Stinson, Brown &Hams ey's -.dd East side of South Osceol¢ Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 76 ft. 53.04 ;,,,. 80 ft. Bis 5, Stinson, brcvm & H -.ms ey's „dd 3. A plan, pmfiln or sketch of .aid improvement w hereto et—h,d and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i.. _naked for upon petition of threo or more owner. of property, ,object to m mment for ,aid improvement - commi„ (over of Public W6 ke� _ GIN OF ST. PAUL- ' OFFICE OF IE CITY C TL: ^ .. 6•��olf COon--seR UNCIL RESOLUTION EN ER - - �tY s�M S EA— tember.Z la --- RESOLVED That upon the reoomman ion of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment the Purchasing Agent be, and he is herdby authorl2ed to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Dodge six -cylinder pink -up truck, approximately 3/4 -ton oapeclty, equipped with all-weather steel cab, rear view mirror, automatic windshield wiper and front bumper, spare tire to be carried in front fender well, fer the Water Department, at a price of 8719.00, less an allowance of 8215.00 for one 1930 Ford pick-up truck $57, to be taken in trade, making the net cost not to exceed 8504.00, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Department has had informal bide from Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge dealers and after Comparing specifications and considering allowances made, concurs in the recommendation of the department for whom this purchase is made that this oar beet meets the requirements for the use for which it in intended and as it is a patented article and no advantage could be gained by advertising for formal bide. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-139 COONCII.M N Y­Noye h_ Adopted by the 0,- 61, �Ml y �' a C' Twewwl,eld /�'r _ �p•� Peeroc / /_ 7 (nvor � _ ApPrnv Itoecn Trent .w >, ,N,,. President Mnhonny 0 0 P Y .. at. Paul, Minn. - 7 , -1932 Mr.'. J. M. Clancy, O ity Purchasing Agent, Bt. Paul, Minn. Dear air: Referring to.'your tabulation of informal bid No. 5079, our requisition ao. 6308; for the purohase of two light dglivery trucks to be used by the.. Hater Dept.: I recommegd�that one Chevrolet truck be purchased .from. the Midway Ohevrolet 00. for the gun: of '$304.48, end that one:•�Dodge-eiircylipder truck be purchased, from ' H.. J. Slawilei In".Tor the sum of S,50440. Truck No. 151' -is to be traded, tri on•the Obevrolet, and truck No. 57 57 to be traded in on`the -Do¢'ge, - MY reason, for this .recommendation is bepause one of:•:these trucks is to be ,used - for hasvlpr work thannthe other. The Ohevrolet truck is euitabie for the lighter•" _ work, but the Dodge truck is much heav%Ar in construction and can handle 'the 'loads which would; b"e,exoeseive for ;the smaller truck. I am informed my the Dodge dealer, that we may ., deduct the. amount of, the excise tax in arriving at the price of the Dodge :truck. Yours.truly, . (Signed) Arthur. H. Koch .. Direotor of Munioipal-Equipment' APPROVEDS . H. O. Wenzel Commiesioner of Public Works 21 CITY OF ST. NO' (icil-Ilj OFFICE OF THE C GCrOUN11, RESOLUTION— y eRESERTeo e. / 0 22JonTE _BeD Lamb er la, .1932 RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one Chevrolet six cylinder pick-up truck, approximately 3/4 -ton capacity, equipped with all- weather steel cab, rear view mirror, authmatic windshield wiper and front bumper, spam tire to be carried in front fender well, for the Water Department, at a price of $544.88, lees an allowance of $216.00 for Ford pick-up truck $151- 1929, to be taken in trade, and $24.40 diecount, making the net cost not to exceed $304.48, without advertisement, as the Purchasing Department has had informal bide from Chevrolet, Ford and Dodge dealers and after comparing specifications and considering allowances made, concurs in the recommendation of the department for wham this purchase is made that this car best meets the requirements for the use for which it Is intended and as it is a patented article and no advantage could be gained by advertising for formal bids. Charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003-139 pa " s ('01- NCI LM E\ 1'eus \n)s yr' ArlopteJ 1,�tlir. l'n un cil_ _.. _... IN �ie3a,.,n.1d— T"— �Ir. I're.i,lc nt \Inhonry 0 0 P Y at. Paul, MInn.- September 7, 1933 Mr. J. M. Clancy, . Purchasing Agent, 5t. Paul, Minn. Deer sirs Heferr Ing to your tabulation of informal bid No. 5079, our requisition No. 5308, for the pur cone of two light delivery trucks to be used by the Water Dept.: I recommend that one Vhevrolet truck be purchased from the Midway Chevrolet Go. for -the Gum of $304.48, and that one Dodge. six-oylinder truck be purchased from H. J.. Slawik, Inc. for the sum of $504.00." ..Truck No. 151 I; tube traded in on the Ohevrolet, and truck No. 57 to be traded in on the Dodge. My reason for this recommendation Is because one of these trucks- is to be used for heavier work tha;,the other. The Chevrolet truck is aul$able for the lighter; work, but:the Dodge truck Is much heavier in construction and can handle the loads which would be excessive forthe smaller truck. I am informed by, the Dodge dealer that we may - deduct the amount of the excise tax in arriving at the pride of the Dodge truck. Yours truly, (Signed) Arthur H. Koch Director of Municipal Equipment APPNOYEDi, H.( 0. `Wenzel Commissioner of Public Works CITY OF Si. PAUL ry ,r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE L FORM V PR—T�e �Comm° RESOLVEo s That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with John Schauer, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.87 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 15th day of August 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John Bohauer the sum of $58.88 out of the Workmen's Compensation Ac - 0 f„r � Oormt of the 6eaeral Fund, in partial settlement, of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including September 12th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Yees Nsys� IM, ide8emdb V�; 1'cnrce . _]n favor ease„ Truax 0..... Ag.mn t Wena !'resident MA ... y Adopted by the T A L Approved r r� 1 . /) ...__ ..193_.. M yor mZ— NO._..._.-73llL1Y CITY OF ST. PAUL •iu t` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C/r/J,%/JCIL RESOLUTION c—GENERAL FORM P— EN ftr-f"_... GY September 15, 18E2 _ RESOLVED Y>y, That licmeee for ehich application •aa made by Persons named an the attached lief be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk Se inetruoted to Seen Such licensee upon the payment into the oily treaeury of the required fee. C. -er..�ruloe a neee�ea..�: ono4lLe etol !° weerote64> �` C aivfi� t ll rle �. �. Av � '{eevt 1-Ieil)' COUNCILMEN �FP 1 I`i•�/:_..193.. ye. / AdoPUd by the CouvciL. _� .... ...... �Penrce Approved_.. .._. 193.... /. Rosen __. ..... y/ AID ,B Inst /W e.) ✓4r. prr.ident NIA—ey R. H. Anderson 2067 Randolph St. Hatcher George Damien 229 Prost 8t. E. Eiammmger 1945 Grand Lome Gottamea 268 Roods St. Berl Helm 602 Luaret R. Johnson 856 N. Saith Frank McCauley 501 University Frank E. Mikaobl 496 Tbcaas. 8t. ° National Tea Co. 176 Western Av. ^ L. Anderson 968 Payne Avs. Cosfectimery R. N. Anderson. 2067 Randolph Bt. Grocery J. A. Batt* 671 N. Snelling Confentionery C. 8. Christensen 3.154 B. 7th Grocery R. L. Cross 1201 B. 8na1.1.1ng Confectionery W. A. Dah— 2121 Randolph Grocery Jobs W. D—baoh 2059 Randolph Confeati... ry J. G. Mmquiet 1064-ArkwrighE'. _ Joim %Bob 3120 Beach, Grocery Joseph Demim 687LL E.•Vth. St. 6tenley.:R.. Frost 960 46otern Giavm Bros. 871, Payne ' Otto•Heinesann 888_ Woodbridge Godfrey Jobnem 1682 Como Av. L. E. Hamer 269.Oerroll Rgymmd aoubal 254, S. HmG1ne B. -H. Seaoelsos 1069 Beach. J. B. 519oiab 707 W. 7th Confectionery William A. Thos 1576 Randolph Grocery Sarkae Vote- 254 Ei rillmore . C. A. Donohue 897Rioe Restaurant S. redeli91 S. Robert Done- C. pooxaaa 656 S. Smith Bey Robert. - 28 W. 10th L & R. Sandwich Shop 625 Selby ., Mrs. Elsie 8esaho" 767 Reymond M. Wood 2822 T. 7th ^ Mrs."".Jobnem 452 St. Peter Hotel (Palace) 14 rooms Walker -Pence Co. 699 Laurel Ropel (.lnyhony) 26 rows T. 8yvertsen. 972N.Dale Bateber Twin City Exterminating Co. L 2699 University Ave. Faaigetw '.-'.Oso: Cerleh '-827 S. B•ith Confeotioaary ' - Yre. Lou1e Fian� 118 S. Hobert .' 1080 Earl at. '. Grocery - `'Israei Raolner - Obarleq-Johnlm 3918 HLoe Cmfeotimery . Jobo �Me7�9niat JOS E.. Third. 148.N• 7th Oroosry Confectionery. Joseph. Yaealli ,`.: dies Yeyberg 419 8. Ben],Lne Ave. Grocery .-L. Yerrlll - 440 /agora Ave. 10311. Baasit Ave. ` Rational Tea Co. ... National Tea Co. .. 8058. Rerebail Ave. Rational Tea Co. 1119.Selby Av. 'National Tee Co. abasba. St. Rational Tea Co. 1?lBNSelby doe. „ ' Rational Tea Co. 918 9.1w Avg. - „Rational Tee Co. ,1817 Selby Ave. 625 University Ave. Rational Tea Co. 0ntioml`Taa Co. 1688 Unlvarsity Ave. National See Co. 817 finea4 Ave. tl...'Hational Tia Co. 1818 at. CULT St. r ationl Ti_* Co. 18 Fend Ade. �, " NaEioeal xe Co. N 1888 Randolph St. Ratiotial Tee Co. i81 ellin8 ave. R: 8n ,t .Hitiampl Tea Co. .978 6iaad Ate. '1TeE 9t. Oliir St. .�'Pnast ?Aide Ylorien Eeteobal " '� Ntrobal.Hroe. 1821 St. ClairB. Nonfectimeey :Shia 0. NiberE 282 Rift -0. T. Mager 841 8. Siith Reetanreet The Interstate Co. 1400 Univereity Ave. . .Fred Merrill 487 St. Peter St. Yrs. Yary C. 8tiver 928 Orand Ave. " Y: A. Teobida 808 Cow Ave. o�w� .. ,oc�..��uc- oFFicc of .Hc•coNrrAouea r��c N0. C}..,.1 :... couNu�MCN-.o �. M.r COUNCIL RESOLUTION �4A� v rwro• AUDITED CLAIMS opt. 12 f►— 32 ..,,,. � REsa��Eo Ems.• ..• �,•�.• a •e ��/LLl_.GG?K���� M.� � [� • i TOTAL . o••c vvvcn IN FAVOR OF � cvcc•s �' c�.•a«c •r e•v u v aRo��rr Foaw..ao :105 190 19- - • 8580 Hilton Rosan, com. or Finsnoe I, 16 723 75 8581 Louis I. Pollen, As.i�nee 338 19 8582 ' • • 136 al 8563 Jsmes C. Hoore 29 341 6584 Victory Printing Co. 139 00' 6585 Foley Bro.. Ino. 151 226 04 85 a6 Century Indemnity Co. Assignee 300 00 85 8 7 Arthur Y. 0ocdmsn 31 60. 8588 Jemes Edward. 7= 00'' 3589 Charles R. Smith 22 00 • I i o�w� .. ,oc�..��uc- oFFicc of .Hc•coNrrAouea r��c N0. C}..,.1 :... couNu�MCN-.o �. M.r COUNCIL RESOLUTION �4A� v rwro• AUDITED CLAIMS opt. 12 f►— 32 ..,,,. � REsa��Eo Ems.• ..• �,•�.• a •e ��/LLl_.GG?K���� M.� � [� • i TOTAL . o••c vvvcn IN FAVOR OF � cvcc•s �' c�.•a«c •r e•v u v aRo��rr Foaw..ao :105 190 19- - • 8580 Hilton Rosan, com. or Finsnoe I, 16 723 75 8581 Louis I. Pollen, As.i�nee 338 19 8582 ' • • 136 al 8563 Jsmes C. Hoore 29 341 6584 Victory Printing Co. 139 00' 6585 Foley Bro.. Ino. 151 226 04 85 a6 Century Indemnity Co. Assignee 300 00 85 8 7 Arthur Y. 0ocdmsn 31 60. 8588 Jemes Edward. 7= 00'' 3589 Charles R. Smith 22 00 • Council File No....9U PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ..d PRELIMINARY ORDER. The —demig.odh—by opuzza the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, Viz.: Widening the pavement on the South side of Larpent.ur Avenue frQ)m I)Ale Street to a p.Q..1n.t 166._feet .we.t and on the West si�de- ...--a-Dalp Street froA.Larpent.Qur.Av—ue.t9,8 Point 8$fPat "u"I imallujing all w.oxk..ne.Q.ea5arY--aod eB3QnUP1!-tQ th"S ...Improvemeata D.bol this -J40 ..day of 1932 --------- --- wdew PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS. A written prop,eal for the making of the following impme—ut, i- kh.@--s-uth side of '�Larpantnr from Dale Street _to__a_polnt 186._feet westr_and on the ..est side:_ 1/ .of Dale straat' from-Lar.pentautr. Avenue to _a_point 6.9-feQtt south - 77" IM,111ding all wQrj,.ne,,aasn and as ftential, W, AU5 jflqx�qvgm- h-ing boo, p ­ted to the Council of the City If St. P-1- th—fora, be it RESOLVED, That the Comeeiazi..., of Publia W.A. be ..d i, hereby ordered ..d di—ted: 1. To i—aztigte the —azzitY for, or desirability of, the making ofaid improvement. 2. To i—eatigto the -tum, e#ent sed estimated con of said bopm—,t, and the total Bost thereof. 3. To f=ih a plan, pnefil, or eketeh of said improvement. 4. To &tt. whether or out said juep—eee.t ia naked for Is the petition of three or more owners 5. To MpIft up" all of the fomgoitg ee,ttera to the Co—eizeb,", of Fineele- Adepted by the Couuzil- - Y-. N—S C—ail—condt"KR, hSAT App—ed <......_..._.........__ M.Do. P— He— S.-ou... M., Peasmserr Y *-- I ­ 93667 Council File No......_.____....__. .1. B, — CITY OF PT. 11U1 Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the --.1 of b— fits, costs a-1 for g' afti�, Stinson t. ft,cti M -a ,Ibih St. to the east line of lot b, block F. --try iill'ti o" ..der Preliminary Ord— 9174.29. .1 Ite—diary Order 9107,421.— , Final Order... A(19LY .ppr-ed A public b-ri.g having been had upon the aaaaaeta"t for the above hap,"Ite"t, sad mid seaceare"t having b.. farther -aaid—d by the C—oil, sad having been e.-id—d ii..Il, aatiftet.u, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —eae.e.t be end the same is beret, is .11 reapeete ratified, sad the ...a is hereby ordered to be submitted to the DiA,b,t Court of the Co-ty of Ramsey for —firao.ti... BE IT Ffj��R RESOLVED, That the said —,..a.t be ead it is hereby determined to be payable in -qual 1132 Adopted by the C.-eil City Cl -k, Approved__..._.._ _ _......__.......___.....___ 19 OFF[( F OFI II , , , -\F,JJSSIONEH. OP FE—NCH Report of Completion of Assessment 17 F, 32 benefits, � —ts —d f., dut of tot 6, lock 2, gradletS StIn3on St. from MaciMbIn St. to the cu,t line Foundry addition, 9L429 --U— Order 96743 17 Tv the C-1-11 of the City of St.Peel:" Th, C,111-1113-- "f Fimmre hrrrin ee Porte m tlm Convrilfoii— in, 'r dit.—I 11. - .... ily Ineureed f", nmj In eonnect'mn ith the —kin, of the 0-1 i -o—` Con of $ 1.35 C -t of Pilblilhillit $ .27 .8c 1.35_ 106.04 T-'I� . ...... f-11,11 rep" that he lin. �.. �esed vnd lewd the tool amount "s nbntt n.e� rtnmed. ,it: 1b, 1— of x..65°.-@1 upon ends nenJ., pert or p-11 "f I—I &—'d bcuef terl by the "t t or p ­,j of J—d - e ... od.—I frith the b-Ifill 1.11 the said impr"cement, and in fe—d 0—I"", fl- fl.,com -10 tl,;,t hereto --h'd, identified by the '19 —,i— of the "'M C"� hereof, is the sold na.�ssment ns eompletM by him, end M -h is b-111111 —bin ... ... ... .... Commtsetover f Fin..". 11 so. a,,— '77 C .... il Fit, No— aLOe ra 9096x, By IT, 1931. CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the =it,, of the —11111t of benefits, costs and expenses for pav AlIcY in :Block 2, King's Mapjeaood fro- Princeton Ave. to Goodrich _c nadir Preliminary Order...... 00.0,1 ., Intermediary Ord—... Final Ord— ,ppr—d —11'= ...... . 1.7 .......... 19.31. A public hosting having been had upon the ea moolot in, the above improvement, and said —anarttt having been further aaaid—d by the Council, and having been considered finally tif,,t,ry, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —o..r.t be and the — i. b—by in all —Poota ratified, and the same ie hereby ordered W be submitted to the District C -rt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUOHER RMOLVED, That the said —a..r.t be and it is hereby die,raii.nd to be payable in .— --?____eq-1 installments. Adopted by the C,arolil.— .......... 19 City Ch,rL Approved . 19 19141);> 1CITE' Il' IT PAC1, 1, OFFICE OF T . ....... ISSIONER OF 111NAME Report of Completion of Assessment Au,;ltat 17 1 19,32 Tn the aysr.smr I., If be—fits, co,t, —I -xp—es for l- ra-in, .11ev in Blo— 2, 1, in.z' s !.:apl=,o, i r ' r—ton ova. to Gooirich A—. under 01,1,1 90741 Vi -I 0,,i,r 90953 17 17 31 To the Council If the Cill of St. Pulil Thr h -O', r. 1-1, to the C it the follo,r mg ns x -t—o' of it,, b, i --d f., —0, the i;iki,,g of 'i, C-1 If $.1..855_00. C,,t of pabl ish inp o'.t" $ 2. 7C I" If 0.54 ___30..70.._... Avmwrt of room ...... f., 2.10 140.57 ­ Con,truction ::ineering 0 . 57 Tmal $_2,120.21.. tinid CII—i""o— further rrpnrta flint 1, ha, od Icrird the 1-1 --nl .s ,bo- a"I"d the sum of $_2i 3-40 .21 , I h ,,, t ....y I.,. 1).,t I, purrel of I.Id deemed bene fil,d b, the s,id improvement, and in the rose If I -J, 1,,:, pm, ., 1 of 1-d I, alta r,M— ith the b. n,f,,, � oI, f ..... I lh .... o, that the sold ...... been o,!i,],t,d, and th,t h-- niu,h,d, identified 1, the sig not — of the said Cununissioner, and ,ad, a j,;i,t brreof, i, the said oeeeasmint I., i—pl—d b, h— lood tvhieb is hcrcnith submitted to thr Council fur such :. etion therel1on ,s ,nay b, considered p,.i),, C—.m�il— of pi—... 93669 Covneil File No._.......... to— By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the usesament of nen Pits, os -s and expenses for pavin_ Allev in Block 3, Plum Urahard hddition from _reder-k, kve. to Fairview —.1 under Preliminary Ordez_-_.951.E}3fl_-- Intermediary Order__....S.l `�_7......., Final Order. ._9134.6 npproved........_S..._....5— - _......... _19...N A public hearing having been had upon the eae—sent for the above improvement, aad said aseeesment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the Haid acaeeameat be and the — L hereby in all respect. notified, end the earn. ie hereby ordered to be submitted to the District C ... t of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUR0PBER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it ie hereby determined to be Irey.bi, in_......___......_` __......equal inst.Ilmeats. Adopted by the Comcil.......5.::.:..1.!-:......_____....... _..._ ....19.. ..._-. 7 r City Clerk. Approved. . ___ 19...... Mayor. 9-/7-.5 .59- (ITY 01' IT PAI 1, OFFI, E ,[" III E (( I1J-IIISSIONER 01 ITNA.NCE Report of Completion of Assessment AII&ust 17 1 Is_32 In the —till o f 111, nssrsamrnt of benefits, colts sn I I -P1,11" I- ph— P,v!,, A11,7 in Block 3, Wim — im urchd All liti., no. �rc 1-ricka vs. to F , , , ' c . —s. I -de , I",Imin a,. O"I'l Fittl 31346 J— 5 v, 32 T. It, C-111il of the Cit' of Ft. Fant- Th, 1 —1---11 of Flnnnre him t. to the l.ounril the o, the ,,, I dit—, ...... —il, i curved and t, b, 17-1 of s C- of Pchl"hi, nntiei. 4.20 $ 0.84 In"—0— r— $ 2 14on' T-0 $ 2,917.76 further t, -k that he --'-d and 1,,,,-d the -.1 n,-nnt to utt. t h, cum of $ 2,D17 7 6 i:,,,,,, - h n I tut, "." or panel of land deemed b,-1fi-I It, the aid and in the en.r of each lot. Irtt rt or panel of 1,,nA i. ah the b-,flI., I I,,, ferrel th-... that the that hereto .1—h,d, 1, 011 1, nature ,f the —id t'., the caul assenement ., -­I-t by It— .."i b,""i'l, -1,,6-d t. :he Cuum ll [nr cuvh i,cbnn thereon ns nmy b, --d—d 1,,.p,, JL670 Council File No.._...t._..___......___.-:mase....t. ..0 .z,. a..a...t B ,e`er CITY OF ST. PAUL ns Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the .a.ca.meat of bon fits, - , oats aM ---z for e Sohaf Cor St. Cron, p..mlin- Ave. to ;-.cal A':e., al o chanF int the �-,00l of Albert Ave. from Eleanor St. to Bayard A— to oonform Losthe rad line o the profile hereto a ached and mad. r pert hereof, the o sent astahii.ehed trod- berm,- shown -y l!na tY�ereon, 90228_._.. _ Intermedia Order...___ 06 A2..__., Final Order....9.S1T.5A... _.__.. under Preliminary Order...... �.._. _.- -, �'y approved_......_Oct.._ 27___._._ _ ..._19...$A. A public hearing having been had upon the a-amooent for the above improvement, and said a -reent having been further con.idered by the Council, and having be- co..idered Haan, sati.fa,t.ry, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the .aid saeeesment be and the lame ie hereby in .11 repeat. ratified, and the name in, hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Coati of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the mid aeaemneent be and it ie hereby determined to be payable in ..__..... ._...... equal imatallmenla. Adopted by the Council_ .. _.....__ 19 . City Clerk. Approved.... _.....__.... _. ..."'-_19._--" / — _..... _. _...... !!. uv 19,?,, �0 O1,FI( E OF 11�' YO E,)%I""" M 'I SS1,0N''EI'ACNI t OF FINCE Report of Completion of Assessment Aug -t 17 n N ]n the mnOee v( the assessment of benaPi`.s. dmm�t;e s, .oats and expenses f^r f� 7—di­ S.h,,ff-I St- from H-111, All I P, I—I If - S 'Ib,,rt Ave., 'Ini, h� by heretorn to the red line on thoapro Clle —d. P� cent established ,, I)I­ 1J.. the r, on. under I Order 90649 Fa nl Or&,,, 90764 Qqt. 27 T,, the (:__iI of the (j, of tit Pnnl= Th, Commissionrr of Fmall, Ii- l-0, I ll Thr f,)11.,, ilig tat—1,,t of th, ,ji,,i... l ......... ii, l,, .—d and I7 he l,,, urry it for -Ild in l,h the -,king ,f the llb-, inipr , r -I ,f $ C-1 nJ $ d portal e.rd. $ 1,71 I'l,tee ti, 'l fees - 1 or aAmio.nt of court costs [' n—till 5 $ 231.16 B,1.n.. t. 0— "'00 ze-b� = g, _ 1 1 ... :7'1� $ T*t,,I E. -dit—I 1,972.75 Said_ S.,Cj--, P f,,,thr,j,. 1, ha, a,, d -d 1,,wd ll� t—I ,n,,,,t ,, the snm of $1,972.75 ,,,t ar parcel of I..d d,,e,.,,d benefited b, the -id improremcnt, lllld in [he ,j, lute of land l. —,d—,,- ,,Ih the h-,qit, 1111. f -,d thereon; that the said and that hereto nttarhed, identified 1, the sig --, of the'aid ( -d 01 Illi,j assessment as —,I -A 1,� Illand - tt Il Lich k I ilh ,lb,lii—d 17 the Cvuni iI f- sneh etmn th ..... .. . l.y b, hoz C...i.i..- of Fl-... X1367] Council By....... _.__......____...._........ CITY 01 6T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the aasaesment of benefite, eosts end expenses for Curbinr. on Stryker Ave. from 4te t ^.oloreda St. to Sfinifred St., eegvX under Pr_elimitnr Order_ aa412....._.__, lntermedisry Order.. NON_..___., Ninnl Order.__90396 ., approved S.eeismbes_@..__.....___..1931.... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said aescasment having been further considered by the Connell, and having been considered finally aetiaf.en,,, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said srece®ant be end the same is hereby in nU respects ratified, end the same ie hereby or,,,dddd,,,e'''r,,,e(((d to be submitted to the DbAriet Court of the County of Ramsey for 11.11 atian. BE 1T c OTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it u beeeby determined to be Peysbk in ..__._.....;/... ...... .equal imstallmenfs. Adopted by the Connell_ City Clerk. Approved__ .........__.... _. _..._._...__....... 19 '9'?jj0 CITY 01' 4"' PAI 1, OPFR bl' '* 'I I , E COMMISSIONER OF FININIE Report of Completion of Assessment A.L..t 17 1, 32 1. the ­­, tf tl,, I ... ....... it If be -fits, poste and ... anso. , f- P. —bin, on Stryker k- from ',Test C,jorIdo St. t. "ti'if—d St.. Ind_ .. 0,,],, 89112 Into ... ON,r 90060 H-1 0"1" 90376 S.pt.Tb., P T. the C -11i] If the ('itY 'If St FI111 Th, I If C"""'I the f'11.,—g as I thr -p— dit—, i .......... I nnJ t. Lc indurred f- —d it, canon ti -.with the Inking of the went, viz: $ 1.152.36 3.45 .69 23.05 3.45 E-1 ... lin, ---t 120.06 T.t;il dzl.endit aresI 1 $1.303.08 Svid c"II--- , A -Ti- '( 1, 11-1 he li- I"."ed Id le. ie 11 the —al -mount os Il,n it, the .. If $ 1 W3.08 ,j._ n,j ­­ I., ­, (,, --1 of 1-1 deemed bend i -I the said —d 41 the con. of endli I,, t tot 1,-rtl If 1—d - --d-- with the b-1— -11 f ..... 1 thdn.n that the "'al ....... 'It h- L'— cr ui nldt, d, and that I ...... -t tushed. id—tifi,d by the ,g nut ace th, '—] ( end 1, nI'-rt hereof, is the said - '—pItt"I l'y hi. 1h 0, 1"' —"id "d P -J— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Oyibl oI Mlnnnov DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL, ConnissioNen ®OO September 17, 1932 M_ S. e11— „m.. bd..., � Son. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: The matter of approving and ratifying the assessment for the curbing of Stryker Avenue from West Colorado Street to Winifred Street, which was before the Council for action on September 14th, was laid over one week to September 21st for investigation and report by this department. This work was originally brought up under petition early in 1951. At the, time the preliminary estimate was made on June 10, 1931, - L158 feet of curb were in the order. In addition to the estimated cost of curbing, the sum of $200.00 for miscellaneous construction such as crosswalks, catchbasins, drainage inlets and a small amount of concrete paving was in- cluded. All of these miscellaneous items were necessary for the completion of the work. The straight curb at that time was estimated at 55¢ per lineal foot and the radius curb at 65¢ per lineal foot, the additional work bringing up the esti- mated cost to 89¢ per lineal foot, this figure being given to the property owners at the time of the hearing. Between the first estimate and the time plans were finally prepared some of the straight curb was put in privately by certain property owners so that only 1948 feet of curb were called for in the final plans. In the final estimate straight curb was esti- mated at 50¢ and radius curb at 80¢. Miscellaneous drainage amounted to $176.50. Bids were received on May 17, 1932, the estimate for the work being $1199.00. The low bidder for the construction of the work was the Standard Stone Company at $1129.00. The final cost of the work as reported by this department, including engineering, was $1,272.44, which would be on a basis of 55¢ a lineal foot for straight curb. The cost of inspection would increase this very slightly. The Finance Department has reported a cost of 75¢ for straight curb and 82¢ for radius curbthe difference being due to the miscellaneous i Stems included n the contract. !Pa Hereafter when a project of this nature is under con- sideration, I believe it advisable that permits for private work be not issued so that all property will share equally in the miscellanous cost necessary for such work. You will notice that the price for straight curb is practically the same as that for which the contractor did the work privately but that the extra amount assessed is due to the additiohal miscellaneous costs for drainage and other purposes which were necessary to complete the project. I went over the matter thoroughly with Mr. Redlich in my office and I believe that he understand the situation. Yours truly, VF-e-f- 3Engineer. gma-mh U Na. 9 16.72 CITY OF 5T. PAUL .0 ........`....... OF CE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I LUTIOB'. A. m,e � / ',j,it—DrClre• � N Bru,asw o,nelv0 �r. PR®ENTER BY .urine Dl,trlet COMM WBEBEIS, In the now pending aotien in the United States District Court, District of Minnesota, Third Division, entitled Tri-State Tele- phone d Telegraph Company va. Henry H. Benson, attorney General, at al, the City of St. Paul petitioned said Court for leave to intervene in said action as a party defendant; and WHEREAS, The Court denied said petition and refused to permit the City of St. Paul to participate in said notion save and except as a friend of the Court; and whereas, the complainant, Tri-State Telephone A Telegraph Company, seeks to enjoin the enforcement of the recent order of the Railroad and Warebouse Commission providing for a reduction in the telephone rates affecting the metropolitan district of St. Paul, which order was procured at the ineteaoe of the City of at. Pant, and it is vitla to the interests of the City that said order be sustained;and WHEALS, Henry W. Benson, Attorney General, is desirous of having the assistance of the Corporation Counsel In the defense of said motion, and has appointed the Corporation Comeel, Special Assistant attorney General for snob purpose; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and be to hereby authorised and directed to accept such appointment, and to actively participate in said motion as snob Special Assistant Attorney �Genneeral. COUNCILNIEN Nn AdoptM b� tLr ( 1 —._ _ — _Ism_ s� X m r ,:.I t.f .. �, IBB.. Ilur� n /l C�7,r �E-LL.tf l!4�j G<�ei-/Jy � ,. 11 M /l n S7 r. nwiJrnt hfehoncy (moi l'C „a... C ITY 1)'3673 OF ST. PAUL .�"` NO.... J OFFICE OF THE CITU CLERK OU NC}CJRJ�.60LUTION�iENERAL Fl— ......... ORM wJP corEn .o°HEa__ /lA�//"_'.'�_. WHEREAS, on October 23rd, 1931, some employee of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, were trimming trees on Hawthorne Street, and left a clipper laying on the ground on the boulevard when they finished their work, and WHEREAS, the five year old eon of Peter Axness, 1113 Hawthorne Street, picked up the dangerous clipper and as a result had two of his fingers badly out, which required the attention of a physician, and WHEREAS, the cost of the servioes of such physician was $20.00, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED That the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to pay to said Peter Axness the sum of $20.00 out of the Judgment and Oompromise Fund, upon a proper release to the city, approved by the Corporation Counsel. cou�.d wmva.e or m. c.wma s.o� a+: aces. COUytiCILM GN qov..•<es.v. a.• �aea ceeoc a�-uaai YY_/ Noyes Adopted by th _._,va...... .r .__ I fuvoc Approved .. ....193_.. Ag inet Neeael \\ Mayor a a /Mr. President Mehooey IJo_ CITY OF ST. PAUL 93674 via -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p� OUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rneseureouEq�,�y onr September 1E, 1952 RESOLVED That lioecas to conduct on M hibition st 425 1lahaeha Street from September 9 to ll, inclusive, for which application sae made by W. 11. Eersis, be cod the sem. Se hereby granted and the City Clerk is inetrocted to issue such license upon the peysent into the city treasury of the required fee, in the eus of $3.00 per dey. COUNCILMEN Y_ Neye / M�ay°� / cf /p R en / T,-. .....`.... Against W-0 M r. Prceideot Mahovey r. xe..e wen ..�— A:.S°.°.ua°' �9` :e " : eoneussrem sep�emoev a`nt.Yr%leyvwrw Kee cin rle11 moo. i oe rn e wooe.vMn 9everii-rB� a l.. rf !.I Adopted by the Council.. ... il._i_ A7 oved .. _ 193..... Mayor aaa.r,o arr a. k CITY OF ST. PAUf�y L COc:vc" NO. __�6_/J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK p�COUNLI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c'r'om Eo°Oo.TE 8dptember 16.1952 _ RESOLVED That licmee to eonduct m RIadbltion at 425 Wabash. Street f— .✓ September 12 to 13, Inclusive, for which application was made by W. W. Kerwin, be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instrneted to iaeue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee.of $3.00 par day. COUNCILMEN Ycas N¢ye Atny SK.aaaaa, Pevrce In f¢vor llasen /I '1,nu,x ! CITY OF ST. PAUL �_._ OFFICE OF THE CITY C'Mill..Bew map - ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEF�y CNn -neyj n:ia�ra 4r r� 1, a. hi— iesmL� WfGMAB, William B. Weave, the owner of the certain parcel of real eetate situated In the Oity of 9t. Paul, Aemeay Oouaty, Yinaesota, described se the South 84 feet oY Lote 4 end 6 Sa Block 8 of Jeffer- son Park Addition, heretofore being dissatisfied with the decision or application of the provisions of Building Zone Ordinance We. 5840, by the Oommissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, in relation to the issuance of a permit for the construction of a Bingle family dwelling oa Bald parcel oY real eetate, duly appealed to the Oounoil oY the Oity of 9t. Paul, which appeal was duly avbmitted to the Board of Zoning, which Board, after due notice and hearing. upon Bald appeal, has transmitted to the Council it recommendations In writing, together with the reason therefor, recommending the grant- ing of a permit to construct a single family dwelling on Bald parcel of real eetate, in variance to the strlot requirements of said ordinance but in harmony with its general Intent and purpo.e, and WUREAB, after due notice by publloaon of the date of hearing therefor, the Council duly heard the said atippallsat, and after con- sidering the recommendation of said Board of Zoning the Couaoil has determined to vary the application of the provisions of said ordi- aanos by permitting the erection and maintenance upon said parcel of real estate of a single family dwelling, such permission having been sought by appellant in said appeal, such variance being in harmony with the general intent and purpose of said ordinance, now therefore be St RESOLVED, that said appeal be and the same is hereby granted, and that said appellant be and he hereby 1s authorised end permitted to erect and maintain a Bingle family dwelling on the above described parcel of land. vee COUNCILMrh M Nu V Adn ud by ne ceunea F .'4-4_aq _isa M., PpArce _ _ I f vor Approved /rax Agci. t Mayor Wenzel /'7 Mr. President, Mahoney -> •gf0II1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4pIUI of MlnnnoU OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WLLUAM F. SCOTT, City CI.6 .ed Comml.lenn d R.9es.Uon September 9th, 1932 Yr. L. L.A.dereon, Corporation Comm.el, Building. Dear Sir: •tta.hed pl.... fi.d .11 paper. covering the appeal of Wis. B. Heaea for permit to erect a aingle family daelliug on the south 84 feet of Lots 4 end 5, Blook 8, Jefferson Park Bddition. The Council referred this matter back to you for a ...fere... sith Yr. Heorge H. Harrold, City Planning BLginser. The matter sae laid over to Tuesday, September 13th. T.nr. very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT September 8, 1932. To the Coumoil. Gentlemen: on September 7th, the City Clerk oonveyed to me a request that I prepare a resolution granting to one Wm. B. Besse, a permit to erect a single family dwelling on the south 84 feet of Lots 4 and 5, Blook 8, Jefferson Park Addition. This same matter was referred to me by the City Clerk on August 9th,and on August lOtb I advised the Council that this oould not legally be done. The situation as I see it, is Identical with the situation existing as of August 10th. For that reason I am returning the file to you, without the resolution. Yours very truly, LLA—YS. Corporation Counsel. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PiuI of MinnaoU OFFICE OF CIT/ CLERK WIWAM F. SCOTT, CIM Clm4 •nd Cnmmbinnm d R•yWIion sept®ber T, 1932. =1W Nr.Leyrlc L. Indereon Co rperation Conn.el� B u 1 1 d 1 n g. Y,, dear Yr. Anderson: Attached Se the pPeal of 1tm. B. °Nome Coe permitgt ft. t a of lot- n4lead 51 B1ack19, %;.r.oa Park Lddltlo....... ,.a. referred to you by the City Council for resolution greeting. Sonne truly, City Clerk. L A P P E A L_ B O A R D OF Z. 0 N I N G September lst 193 Acting under Ordinance No. 584C of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amondrents. Date of Petition : August 5th, 1932. Petitioner : Wm. B. Neese Location : South 84 ft, of Lots 4 and 5, -Block 8, Jefferson Part Addition.( Albert R Wellesley) Zone : "A" Residence District. Appeal : For permit to erect a single family dwelling on the south 84 ft. of Lots 4 and 5, Block 8, Jefferson Park Addition. Date of longer t. i.on September 1st, 1932. Data of 11 ring September 1st, 1932. Appearances fog Pcti-.ionors : None. Appearances for Opp.ai:ion : None. Petitioner Ir 4irgrment : The part of Lots 4 and 5 in the ownership of the applicant contains 5840 sq. ft. The house on the north part of Lots 4 and 5 was built prior to the zoning ordinance and was given a 40 ft. frontage on Albert Ave. The owner must either build a house on this property and secure some income or abandon it. Action of Board : Lots 4 and 5 face Wellesley. Under the zoning ordinance a permit could be issued for a house on each lot. The owner saw fit prior to the zoning ordinance to build a house parallel to Wellesley and facing Albert.with a 40 ft. frontage on Albert for this small home. The appeal is made necessary through the technicalities of the ordinance in which the applicant has to ask for a permit to build a house on the south 84 ft. The ownership is entirely separatet� from thattpLLonTTwhich the original house was built. It has an area oLORK1700N'g20Nii,Ghe appeal should be crolIsaac Summerfield Brasted. George H. errd Louts Betz G. 0. House /� C. A. Bassford TO TETE HONORLBLE, ThE,CITY COUNCIL, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentle rte n: Your petitioner, beiag dissatisfied with the applica- tion of the provisions of the Zoniag Ordirarc, hereby appeals to your Honorable Body order paragraph .1 of Section ZO of said ordlaar— for a permit to "'d dwc//////iNq an //rr ria✓ X S� ff o��of� 9�`S ,p/ack 8 �Q7TriJoro /ark Add _ _ A.A-2 —� Appellant. VI/e/les/r y Ale. _i 40 T79L7 40 40 I� I P 11� � ISI I COPY CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT August 10, 19:+2. To the Council. Gentlemen: On August 9th, the City Clerk conveyed to me your request for a resolution granting to one W. B. Neese permission to erect a one -family dwelling on Lots 4 and 5, except the north 40 feet thereof, in Block B, Jefferson Park Addition. Ism returning herewith the application In said matter without a resolution, for the following reason: The plat indi- cates that there is already upon the two lots in question a dwelling. The property is in a Class "A" district and said property has not been re -platted. Under the terms of the Zoning ordinance, it is myopinion that no permit can be granted for the erection of another dwelling upon the property. It is my graopinted becausa tso thathere exists noweal of Muponr two of cannot be legally gr the lots in question a dwelling, and St would be my opinion that neither of the two reauests can be granted until such time as the property has been re -platted. This opinion is consistent with all past rulings of onithef part ofdis the only property erreres to avoidathe requimmenteiminate nofanoe the Zoning of as to frontage and area. I personally have advised the Zoning Board from time to time that applica- tions of thio character cannot be granted. Yours very truly, Lewis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel. CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOri, Ciq CIw4 .nd C.mmlWon.r d R.0-11.. Angust 9th, 1932 Mr. L. L. Anderson, Cordo ration C—el, Building. D-ar SSE: We attach herewith co—ication fmm W. H. Neese in regard to ao appeal for a permit to erect s e -family dwelliog on Iota 4 and 5, -:cent the North 40 feet, Block t, Jefferson Park Addition whkh was before the Council in 1929. He also enclose w latter to the Corporation Counsel relative to this matter dated May 22nd, 1929. The Council today referred this matter to you for the proper resolution to vrant this Pppesl. Yows very truly, City Clerk. W. B. NEASE REAL ESTATE, FARM LANDS. LOANS, RENTALS AND INSURANCE son n ST. PAUL. Mille. August 5, 1932• cityCouncil, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlement On May End, 1929, ao appeal for a permit to erect a one -family dwelling on Lots 4 and 5, except the North 40 feet,Blook 8, Jefferson Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, was taken up with the Zoning Board, which Board took the matter before the City Council. The City Council, after going thoroughly into the matter, granted the owner, Mies Alphine Swanson, a permit to erect a family dwelling on this property, but owing to various reasons too numerous to mention, and bad financial conditions existing at that time, this dwelling was not erected. At the present time conditions being more favorable, the owner has decided to go ahead with the building operation, but we find we cannot get a building permit on account of an ordinance making this permit void if not used within one year. The writer, at the owner's request, appeals to your Honorable Body to reinstate this permit as it stood on May 2nd, 1929. This property is divided for the purpose of taxing, and there are now unpaid taxes on the above mentioned parcel, of $100.00. These will be paid and a home built on this vacant space will certainly improve that locality. We beg you to take up this matter at once and hope you can see your way clear to grant our request. Thanking you in advance, I remain, very " truly yours, WBN/AH - I `l, " , M y OJ I Otu of 0aint Paul (office of (&ttg (&Ittk c c.�o May 22nd, 1929, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Re attach he .with appeal of `lI —7L AOA h /� S.saeon for Alphin. permiesion to erect a one family dwell -r I' ing oA Lots 4 and 5, except the north 40 ft., Block g, \ ✓ f�f�������� leffern Perk Addition. This appeal +as approved by the Counceoil today and referredto you for the proper r.solutloa. peak ` Re ale- attach application of A. A. ttcDonell for permit to erect en overs lea private garage no Lo to 24, 25, 26 end 27, Block 2, Wright'. Rearrangement, located et 1111 Suit Avenue. This application —a granted by the Coil and referred to you for r solution; said reso- lution to provide that no repairs shall be made or gasoline or oil sold on the premises. Yours very truly, 4, S,iyyY City Clark. /�, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpml of Mlenno� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Ciry Clek ,rad Comminienw d R.,—.en .60'O Sept®Der 9th, 1932. Mr. Geo. H. Harrold, City Planning Inginear, Bnilding. Dear Sir: The appeal of No. B. Bease for permit to erect a single family dwelling on the south 94 feet of Irate 4 and 5, Block 9, Jefferson Park Addition was before the Council today and was laid over to Tuesday, September 13th, with the request that you confer with the Corporation Counsel before that time. We have referred the above motioned appeal to Mr. Anderson. To# very truly, (� City Clerk. .........o ��.. �..,. .� • CITY OF ST. PAUL .��s NO._ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ss r-MM".Ty r— Ste, 14 1932 _ RESOLVED In the matter of widening and raving the roadway at the southwest corner of Larpenteur Avenue and Dale Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 93666, approved September 13, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby ap_,roved. Resolved Further, That the -ommissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to do the work by Force Account at an estimated cost of $1,050.00 to be financed from the City's Share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 31-E1. I _ --__..,._a.s. c. w. I -- Yeas cour+ci�rnaH Nayy hx 7 May i.�e� In favor Pearce Rosen Again.. Mr. P—id— o ,,. M.—, I r Ica•vo s.vc a .viva• n'avva.l ��p 1 4 1�9i2 Adopad by .he c... 19 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Caplul of Ml.-- i1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WEN2EL. Corn wizsion cn L� /Sn u11pn Uva o /vi�Uid Gn. .M ..uwo. c r. vmaan, a.. ,„ ,e E.e,..• September 12, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir I an attaching hereto resolution covering the widening of the pavement at the intersection of Larpenteur Avenue and Dale Street. This work was in the program for paving under the $400,000.00 f -d for this year. The traffic coming into the city by way of Dale Street from Larpenteur Avenue, which is also State Trunk Highway #62, has increased to such a volumn asto mak^ this intersection hazardous. There is an off -set or jog at Larpenteur Avenue at this Point which makes it quite essential that the south- west corner of the pavement intersection be widened. I am also attaching hereto e communi- cation from the County Auditor dated September 16, 1931, settingforth the request of the County Board that this improvement be carried out. Yours very truly, 7:'-Ff'-giN'eer EPAED, gms-mh. September 16, 1931. To the Honorable Membsrs of the Clty Council, City of St. Paul, M11l meso to. Gentlemen: The County Baera) at its meeting held September 14th, eons, dared various road improvements in the county. The quest ion o2 wldenl ng L -1111 -Avenue from Dela Street wast a_ up for d......ion, but eatlon thereon w deferred In view of the coat involved and Lhe desire to keep the budget at a minimum. Howeva r, it is felt that thla improvement will be made within a few year.. The traffic aomlag easterly into the alty by way of Dale Street from thin highway, which le also State Trunk Highway No. ". has Increased to anah a volume as to make the Inter- .ao tion of Larpenter Avenue and Dale Street quite hazardous, and It wa an.. at. that the southwest corner of this Svtar- aatio. be widened by the city. For this r motion wen adopted au99eeti.9 that your honorable body give considers - tion to this matter with a view of providing this improvement. Your early attention will greatly oblige Yours truly, Geo. C. His., County Auditor. By Deputfy. :+.v- %r 16, 1:)"1 h D -L , 1c,,rov.=,t LIu,­ 15 10 k ['rk, y, D -r Sir: 7th U,t �,t lett I A iviv ti,,..td -�i,:o. ,1L1Lity 0:, Com- L--mle� id D', 1_ , tri_ A it is o. ed th it iil L tis :1 ,,s d aslr A, st .0 ,r 01' f is O,nQ—t- Y;.r .is,v. ti,� 1-1-tiv. t.to of, t1i., du,,� tm—�u in cm,- ti, tl: t Lind of thu i,)—s nowt to a .) v n�.nt c -lied to `he 1—tio" o — f thy:,, In ct, '!'-':" - j,,� ,,,,k, I -; :t � r jl.rt fr� ., n I Lant: I L j 10 tr --A, !-, -4, ,,u. . .a, C.il, f TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF TILE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) November 10, 1931. Mr. Jim. N. Carey: Kindly note the attached communication from the North Dale Improvement Club and if we can help them out let us do so, and oblige, - ME -D COMMISSIONER. cn> al r.m INDEX IPablic w �a 92232 HF.CI'ION 7 SPECIFICATIONS for ONE COURSE CONCRETE PAVEMENT ! P— ­h Ilmdin reed 7.01 Description ............................... ........................... 1 7.02 Moterlels.................................. ....................... ... 1 7.03 Concrete MI.— ......................... ......... .................. I ::- 7.04 Egaipmmt......................................... ................ 1-2 3 7.06 MeeeunnR of Met 1 .... .. .... .. .. .... 3 �) I 7.00 DellverY a[ Aggreg tm ...... ..... .... .... 9 7.07 Minng Conditlone ....... ..... .... .... .... .� 7.08 Coneieteney M1 7.09 Method of Mlztne................................. ................... 4 7.10 Setting et Forme 4 Pavement A"* 4 ,.. 7 w. :. 7.11 Division d ......................... .. ................. 7.12-mforc1n8 Steel ............................. .......... .......... ... n ;.. ....I 7.13 Contraction J.i.O. Trensv— ............ ............ ..... ........... n 7.14—giwdinel ]o1— ........................................ n-1 -': 1.16 Expansion J.— ... r' 7.18 Ple<inR Concrete...................................................... ', 7.17 Compacting Concrete ` va 7.18 Eelhng ... ...... ....... f ............................................ ........ 7.19 Floating . f` 72p eb.r.<tm at sort*ee_......._................._........._......... r, 1-7 ................. .......... .. ................... 7 F1111nR Iointe ......................... ........ ...... .............. ... 7 opminR Pnvemen[ to TrefRc...........................................7-A 'A 7.26 Integral Curb 7.28 Catch-beaine, W-, Manbolee, 7.27 Reeder ... ... ...... .. +wv, 72B ConneMlm I. Old Pavemmt .. .. .. .. P 7.20 Approncboe to Alleys end P*vemmte.............. ...... .. .... .. .... ,F `.... 730 Detects —,— Aceeptenm....... .. .. .... .. .. .. ........ .. ..... 8 City of St. Pani INDEX Department of 1992 Ptddir Wor4e eE MON 7 SPECIFICATIONS j for !j ONE COURSE CONCRETE PAVEMENT - Pvra ph l,.di,,, Pnao 7.01 Description ................ 1 Ot Maknvle............ ..... ....... ... ... .. ... .r 1 �. .. 'i T.03 Conrrete MI t ......... ........ .. .. �.... ....... 1 ERulpmmt ...1-2-:t Mevavr1" ellveL M 1 ..... ...... 3 7.W Dry of Agmg k ..... ¢07 Mll,, Condltlone.................................................... 3 7.08 Conalekne9............................................. .............3.4 7.09 MethM of Mlzlne ............................... .... .......... .. .... A .................................................... 4 7.11 DiWelon of Pavement Are. ............................................ 4 7.12 Reinforcing Skel ............................. ....................... 4 :i 7.13 Contnctlon J,d-, Trnnavera............... .......................... I �j 7.1d Longitudinal lolnta........... ..... ................ ...... ...... .......4-0 .:1 7.16 &pvnalon J.d-................................... ... ............... 1 7.16 Pluing Cvnvek ..... ....................... 7.17 Compacting Concrete .................................................. .. ,t ,. 7.18 Helti.gr ............................................................. �. 7.19 FloatlnR........................................ ............ ......... f 7.20 Ch.— of Surfare......................... .... .... ................. 6 7.21 Curing 7 Coring "Hoot Proceee"................................................ 7 7.23 Filling J.dn ........... .......... .. ................... 7 7.24 OpenMg Pavement [o TraMe. 7.p ..................... .... .... ............ 726 Inkgral Cprb................................. ...................... e 720 Cakh-basins, Inlets, Manholes, ek.................... .................. N -" 7.27 Iteaden p 7.80 ConnesHon to Old Psvemenl........................................... N 7.20 Apptnaehea W Alleys sod Pavemento................................... N . •... 730 D—t, DefOre A—ptenre.. .... ...... .... ..... .... ... 8 t� City of Et. Pwl Uepwtmevl 0 (c) id—hie ..1— IM Pablit Work. SPECIFICATIONS Z. mwhine flvieher aM1dl be a.bjret .Lha epprovd .t the F.vginttr. The machine 0nieher .hail be da ed end ro.weted .r atmding wti.. and the .rigiul f..ry eight andl be not lam lhm fifty-five hundred (6600) pound. for a twenty (20) tout RECTION i for r D ,bam, for s greeter or leaser width o! pavemeal the welght a 11 be prop nwi e.ly Ivcrn,d or demeamd. ONE COURSE CONCRETE PAVEMENT (d) E.IkeE ,da a.d Lo¢g1.dl.l sl This a hall coneut of a single rouse of P.rUand cement concre.. be Where mathin flniAh,q in not — crowned hind strike bade shell ba provided abject h, the eppmval .f t% Engineer. Cro strike bo i,da ab ll be made with e 101 Uewriptlun p.vemut IaiJ in we danro with thus a 'Meati... un n the subgr¢de prepmed a. M1ereinbe- "GredImt for Pavement" One course concrete pave- wn quarter (X) Inch 4 ...a of Ne crown iiwl9d !or they eine t TTe ith �.re apuifld under the Feed .t ant hall be canetrvctM with steel reivf.rcement adre' oth .. vrovided for on the Mdim.d the lower edge a1 ell strike boeda hall be ihM ith drip f metil (.tend terewk ere or bolta. The Contractor alw ehdl provide on M flostwfor plena. The dimenalove end Niek.em of the p emenL ahaLL be . on accompanying plena. jongltM4a] fl., ft; with dimenelana th,. (2) inches Nick, twelve (N) inch. wide and .44m (16) fret long. The east ehdl W Providd with plow handle, on meM1 rode 1.02 Th. teriale and in the conn[ .tion .t the pavement shall t the wire' " spaain- (e) Fideh4g Be14 Mater44 menta .[ their respective kinds and el¢enee fie given the slmdara e .1 in he work but whicM1 is of F4iah(ng Wia ale. ahail be provided in duplin..�bject .the approvai Of the til t the City of St Pa W. Any ma tint requirM 6a 11 mmti.ned in ebe m..ri¢I evetifieoti.ne aM1ail be /umj.htd of the beet grade Englim, The bel. aM1ail be o! three (9) ply mnv., .env.-rvbber comp.itian or s ally and actory to the Enginrex. wood M1aving a width of not ime than tm (10) 4chn and s ien¢LM1 of at taut two (2) feet �mger Nm the TT. concre..haM be composed .t one 11) r Portland cement .red five parte of width Of pavement aleb. 7.03 Concrete .RBregata pppr.zimaldy [w. (2) p . of which shell be floe aHRregeta wd approxi- dry (f) W'ata E.Dply Egvipmmt Mix.re "A^ n sly three (6) parte .f which aha11 be comae agir -. b.ed n rodded volumetric ureme.t A bit yard .f set ronme4 ime place aball covin not lean Tho water supply eq¢ipmevt shell be of evth m ail Limo m ample av 1 Pacify and nature .. Inax a[ pp y and M m.-p.m.11 t Of the work. m.mnro for ell Ne rm.- Cl.e tutrete than one endefifty-seven hundredth. (1.61) bw b, of ce int -. 1q abal When Pumpin8 is regvhd for curing, d wviPment e1Wl M1e nrovidd The wtml'mount of cement used rompmM with the requirM amount a' epreified .. dwdbv. nb.ve, ehdl no[ very more than flue (6) per cent for wy (17 how inn, nor .hail day. Far •inn of one (g) Gldpm Chloride M41n[ Equlpmenl - It vary more thin two (2) per cent for ¢run .f one-hdf (%) e the ee t .bail be not lis than one red flfty-.mn h� Ewtpb mt weed fm InwrmnitnR edciam chloride .the mlz .hail be •ppp-- S,Mthn (1 61) bo els of cement per cubic yard of net concrete in Plwe. by the Eng n . IL .hail ttvs4t .f one (1) m more chane""'b"' and mlz eh ulcivm chloride; dorege Liner... . hold evMeimt eoletlm . dlow 1.Od All a vipmenl .e herein enuifled .ball be on the site of Improvement before any I DIe Lima to m4 Mditiond wlutlov; a meuvr4it devitt, egvippd with w ledi.4r, Fgvipmml work ie done. , . gevim ecc.ra.ly the amount par ba4h and dJve.ble w [M1et the volume of aalation "'b-' Where reedy -mixed roncrete ie permittM under Ne Speciflmtlons and ued on Ih. 1-11. d in this f Ie may be chmgM; a d4eha*8a pipe .f wlflcimt size, anwetlnqq the eolvtion meuuring tank and batch water dleeharge pipe, w ae ta empty Ne solutlan tavk iv Ina time for the mixing o! the _=zft not work, the pmnt nwunery I rovieion. hm rmvtred .empty the batch water tank; s device . diwbaxge wtoma[Imlly Ne .o1vLi0v wIN the be4b weer Nat Lha ba4h ter diwbarye begW bef.ro red (e) Concrete Miser ! AbanprovM batch mixer shall be mad. The manuf¢ctvrer's coal eapecity of the @retch. eftm Ne advtlon dineM1e*8a Prov1'ion aM1dl be mode .permit the addition of ba4M1 inter ody. A locking device or ¢mngemmt ehdl 6e proWdd eo Net the .hall be in. reed f.11.we: he bmie [ 1:2:4 mix, a 18-E mixer then ; water lever mnnat be trippd mtM Ne eolatlan meewr4g tank le flEd. .hsllrbe used with not more then ¢ throe (0) bag be.M1 mixer with not more batch: 21-E mixer with not more than a eiz (e) beg be4h. Gpacity.of (h) Bid. Forme a flue (6) boa other misers shall M1e aubjret to the approval of the Enginrer. U,e o! frmtion¢I eaeke WM1ere mwhine MlNing b ud or where Ne wnetrvctlan of the perommt preeedee of cement ie pr.hibitM. The mtxer shell be a 1,TPeed with an apps vd timing device hail M eelM while o r nR aM dl djurt- the m.lrvetlw o! Ne inch, aide forma chat be provldd. Sid. forme awl . of metal of m epprovd eeetiw which wi0 inure rigidity under Ne OnieM1.g �n working .rde�. fhe timing dewire . 'hail be male in the presence of the Engineer. If the device Retn ebt eon der mwhine, end ehdl w igh not leas thin twdva and owe-hdf (IEK) pounds Dm -Kneel foot eaeludva of pine. be[.nd the control f lbs Gntrw.r. the Engineer may ahY time (24)rh.—, The forma ehW he et le.t [m (10) feet 1. ImgN d shall have a depth wed .the wi bout the timing device for a periM not longer then twenty-four gravid- ng Ne co.­ctnr aM1all place imme_d.=, before the mixer opma.r . clock or watch timed. b depth of the wvcre., end the width of the but in dl—t=,:, Ne labhdl be vol Ina thin two-thirds (%) of the depth. At the tame Nforme eM1dl bo free from hoeing a eerond hand by which each be4h shell M wcorvedv - a a1Rht and warp TM1. apply o! (acme slWl be et le.t mvai .that rM.Ged for owe and oo half (1K) deye inn. TM1e v. of hvMWD forma wN vol ha TTe mixer ¢hall be muipp� with ii eceum. and avtometic vyntam of wetar inn- TTf trot. we4r m,,-,,dgendndia A.r. d.oGaugu or other•memurement indi store (C) sod (1) Bvbgnde P4tn shall reed in gallon.. The Contractor chat pmvlde two hundred (200) I4ed fret of epprovd .feel glee with minimam dimmelwe .f three<bib (%) Loch by twenty-two (b) Sab-gndr PI•ver ipment adeweta . check end fln4h the mCS,.de. (EP) Inches which 111 make ane hmM ad ow) feat o! doable trmk !or troeka or Ne Gntnetar. with The Contractor .hail provide ey be hwd e u en[ used• ith a etch glee or ehdl be s ata.d.d, This �p a Ne wnemt . the Eaginrer, may ..ball'.. planks m timbers of mMeleet emowt and efrmgth . mala [reek hmdred 0) shell atcM1 mpI,Rb a b -grade pplaner. The I be ppwifled herein. TTa cub-Rr.de a rv.wey me (10 feet 4 lmI. giver .boll be .feel shod and .hell be drown bebind Ne paver by two (2) rlirid can- two 12) flmRM ()) ld.dm t hd . ewb aide f the paver, end s p o -. Yt the aide forma. TM1e npac4g Be he wheels on each TTa Gvtreetor eha11 provide a timber header with • m.imum Nickneen at wheels on each end, resting on aid. reboil I.e .[ each 'dth, .red the rigid drew bar e.nnectl.n ehdl be so a[.ehd. 7 • d ona-M1elf E g a (X) biehea, havin length In ono ox nam eeeNone aged . the width of Ne Bleb. The heedm . Ne the n the wheels from tieing oM Ne lormn whin Mvmciv¢. The steel eb.d mpinteeahell be atructed .the exact crown .t M1e sub-RrMe, having daue. pavement eW .reform moxa section a} mvemmt .46 haM be nppd with a meld drip f.tmd by 1.gn u.k octave Or W.. wd section.. a rigid [nine to m.intain the edju ,,i wn. The ewb-grade planer have .original [eery weight of al leeat two elmli be eaetrvetd .allow the steel to ez4nd.'hrougM1 it shell be n[ approvM delil[n end 'bell thouwnd (2,000) for a twenty (20) (..L pavement, the weiRM1t being .ere¢ned (k) Eridgea Small Tools Floa. and %Hop pounds or Jecre..ed pron.rti.n¢.ly for a gr or lever width of pavement, end`hell M1ave Wm he wheels she Contnc.r eM1dt f.mteb a evfflclent number of bridges of proem len¢the end ail 11 toola naeeeeary . mple. aetlefaetarily the WvemenL . eprei herein. Hoch at ngth end rigidity that, when the point .f a.p,, thing.. e the the deflection .hall not be mare then one-eighth 11 woden floe. shall Mve straight smooth earfae. with all dg's well rounded. thr center .( Dimer (K) lincb� •The steel blades aW, be kept sharp at all lime', Eurla p, u required, chat be .f -1 1-1 twelve (12) ounce ma.r4L Plalrarm I It arm bat only in Quality tt Jt II— mho mirture to ilgP orkability m p kted (D The ConVutar eM1JI turnieh s eWtable platform scale m be ued vy the En¢ineer y ae may be approved by the E,,on . Coverete shall b° mixed to designated ... i—t and until Ne .e eat ' un' 1.09 mEuh for checking the meuaremIt of aggre¢atu. termly dietrlbuted sed the trete oomoandyanknrm in rotor. batch Method (m) Moisture Oe4rmlvdiov tiqul pment ehJl dv in the i.- atttlne4 one mivumeOYTTe time !or mixing shall W figured of -rpm IW time when NI the in drum TTe ContruWr shall tuninh each equi%ment u may be r`qulred by the E�R,neer b -°[are be .ggregetw eJ. m.. -fide are the of Ne mixer until the beRfiM R Mixln¢ of�e ediacanerge of ebe concrete from the mixer. The mn- ehdl W oyye ted et the for determining readily in the 8Jd the m content of 8 -etch Templets pe recomme dad by the m tucturere, subject to the pprovvl of the Engi- but i° n. ea,e ehdi the mixing drum have .speed of lees Nm fourteen (I,) nor n) TTe Cmtnetar °hall tvuteh °crotch m plate herein described end u aD- gree, tar than eighteen (18) rev.lutlone cer -finale. proved by the Engineer. TTe template .haH be bull[ rigidly and t. the "'crown a be Into Ne lower edge Forme e. specified shall be set where require' TM1e top° of such form° shall be 7.10 fined neatly Lightly .,It the' Hndlne nail° an eight (e) Inch cuts, shell of the template w that the lower ode .f Ne nails are at the correct elevation o! the to and and shall be tet v.ronlely tq the correct elevation end align- 9ettine -crag Forme ehJl be aupParted and held in pioce my adtuuate Jake° and bracing, two Form. . b-Rred. when We template V poo opp.lit, curbs - aide forma. TTe template ,hall be ,t each end witfi a light meld shoe two (2l fuL long ud with eulNble breeing Dine (or each ten feet of farm bei., the " 'm bracing cermitted. After fefine have bun tee weurely the Joint, e1W1 be V,tednby the Contne[or with sten-[wt provided hudlee to fecllltnm dng¢ine the template over the cub -grade. a M1tbeedge°telned any variation found greater then one<ighth (%) inch °hall be It- (v) Coven defecV W g pavement ie laid. Far . shall W free from dietortiove or any other paidv thetr eRertive vee. TTe Ndi W cleaned .—.d, and oged before The CanVeetgr eM1ell tussah altable .envae rovers [or covering batch bozee on roncrete i. placed against them. t rveke used for Vamp,,,G.g bamhe, t...i.ing bulk It., Panmut, exceeding twenty (2D) feet in width, .Nue otb,r I,, °pacified, .hall 7.11 7.05 The me Wad o[ mevevring mamride for the rostrate, including water, shall be one 11 be laid two nr ore Indepe dent longitudinal tripe in separate pe tion°. One Df,bd.. of e r ehnV brava least Mueurine whim wiV Ivnre vepente dun form p .parti.ne of each t the .teriJe .t -Mor Turn ad, end rinamli u v proved tth.d or means for p at ° l ree-0ey net before the next e4tp u Idd. The daNV of Pevemmt the joint between such dobe V shown on the plana Area McV.ieie TTe C.1 ehaVu uunlelY and eep.ratelY weighing the correct -.prams of thte fine a Rale rand be to the field far veld. i ne the weiRFt or Pavement, with tan dinal jamb between ewe or more Blab. poured et the came gregate. Correction, veils made bulk eR ate, due to the tree bdl ti 0AII have Ne elebe.e ( )gauge -alai plate ane -half (%) Inch iv �Ne of d- deems chliZlu ren determin°Genu It. m. w awry labor tar making w °° narrower width than the dap of pavement et the 7oinR A dummy joinR if shown On the plane, may be used ae an alternative. DeNiln at ry RRrege' n of uniform n Every eRort elTh be made b�eB a a tarn4h e each plate° evd joints ore eh— on the plane. - oc.it.d. f moletura contevR The uw t e v loud° of %Tmt`e hall work '� Engineer (a) gleet lnl.rremut hdl rovai o[ bar ate ar ledxiully welded steel 7.12 dIl Iltare contuGmle prohibited In use o[ doubt the a el='pdI'l, l,-nGy b it Ne <Fecking of the moteture content Iv each load. ehdl be assumed m .IIhldI Heinf.rdnR fabric of the eRrotive area evd spacing shown on Ne plana The retvfome ba e. placed fn W e Blab that it will be two (2) inch.° below and erdlel N Ne W IeFed HVeI EINer bulk or ee.ked cement may be ued. A wck of cemev4 weigh nlvety-[.m (0d) d° net_ roved -ale, which. Husk cement, If ued, ebJI be proportioned by.. PP on app aurtvice of the pavement .M ehdl extend to within three (H) 1" hu of Ne °idea and end, of the pavement °Inb. d et ell U.... elmll be ke t clean end covered with .n approved the ter. 1f a platform be leant one-hd[ (%) teen deannee between the scale (b) F°blk reinforcement °hull be PI -M ova fist layer of conerefe which ha° been Jnek oR at the eon -t elevation. Adi-ta be le le i° aced Ware aM1aPl et letform d the platform upon which the sole rest°. The but o! the scale andl ebIu °Wil pped not len Neu one-half of the width of We spacing. Rave eu [lent numb- of opening° N allow the °plat cement W peen through. The botch bozee bWk Imes[ °hail W each Net no wa.te pain t length end width end aVd Falpplyybrted tion Otte .tth.d of charging trnda or with ac n due to epleeh:ng of [Fe cement uWhn 1W dor i M1ell ba placed bet v fastened together steel smother 7.06 We --W I. hauled over the nub mdde in t ke, pntumatk Hr.d equip- et euh Wun-tion by mean° of °spring dipMGe wire device which will of lo.un ce t Ne bar to rotate. Hen abaH W pported Deliren rot a 11 be used unkea the use of wlid tired — I. permitted in Iti.9 by Ne engineer. In sD-fiat c° t more than three (]) Ji (6) ea k batch¢°, an LM1e rigidly an approved chetra, bend.­it or atlrrupe .s not grater toaaDD flue (6) foot centre ech a Lpped ban fieV be lapped not lees then forty (40)' diameter° al A¢Rreutn wen buss of a 1:2:d mix, °hell bethaWed, and then only On °minima-, hind Hre width o[ and frac I.P. °hall be wired aeurely. sixteen (16) ,,ht. per wM1ed. The regular p umelit equipment. intended for use not Nen two (2) Jx (e) wck belch¢., .n (d) Dowel ben .hdl W evpp.rttd av steel eWln w u to W held vecvrely W der Wwe eperiflnli.ne °hail .arry more _ Ne bells of a 1;2:d mix. All Hvcke for Hauling aggregate, ehnil bene nuthclen4 upecky and shell beeon- plan. (e) In lFe dletribu4u of reinfgmmut meld Jong the line of work, it shell W rnrted w W Drevenl We low .t sterid° M nnp"t"" .r In dumping et the be witF adegva4 ,rti- Iced ea W be pro.e-ed hum Wing be 1, Mi— and covered wkh dirt and OnPy [nigh[ Trucks urrylnR two or TObeVM1en, °hell equipped er. tv .epnnle completely the batches al all times end of ,ufhci.nt M1ei¢M1t aha tiRne clean and e[rol'wW be permitted in the Bleb. Th. Cov4a.fpr °WII pro- vWe means .n be work f.r properly dill. the °ted of ant' coating which tend° to nen to M-tt the .pilling d ave b.wh into the other when Jumping. prevent Ile bond with tM1e tonere... 7 01 During cold weather, concrete may be placed whey We naturd air temperature in .1 meld, indudlng longitudinal and [nonan. plate°, pin° dowel4 eta, received Mixin¢ the .M1ed. 4 BR degree F. end rletng; costo °hail not be pla.ed when the natural fdlin¢; and in no T.°hell wvcreV en the job, e1;j be placed I. approved °taro,,,. Only the mete( regvlremenV for the ezt Lbirly (g0) day ceJod may be removed from time. Conditions .m temperature In Ne shade I. d0 degrees F, evd be depo.11d upon a fro.en evb-grade. CM1eminl, eWll sol be added N lower the frau- the Engineer. Material° t-blbdp atorege at one Tr°navme eontrac[lon joint° n .b— on the pplane and eoulaHng °t deformed T.t] ,int except with the written permieelon .f hone lumps or <rvnV of h°N.nea mater-. ehdl rad M aced. U ..nerd. h., bre. meld plates, .hall be installed before Ne _n I. in 1 ed. The meld Tnuevern forming to [he deNVe and pee ylatee, can - °pacing ,haws an the W laced in w.ordua W W ane .nave provhion .rad the tempera drop. m thirty-two plan, ehdl ,raked with Iso° lu, C°ntnetlo° W be lett in place, at right .ogle° to We center line and in .b ° Net th Joinle (traces cosh. W beIt d rcov-ed .1,41 be detI.I.,d pietas will be held Iva rtiul position end at Ne ribed elevetiov dudnR Ne torp_ Id freering.olmountvat by Ne Engineer. Jep he* g .rad fini.ning of the concrete. On loose cub-8radee, ebima W odd the ,Ida .gaited elevation, nhWI be turniehed end imbed ed k requ4ed.. Metal The ..sere, eh.11 be meed only in w.h gV.nGtY At �° required far Immediate hd 1.l la cepa ae .how° ov Na plan°, ehdl be aced during the de 14ng end 8niebin d.Ne-concrete 7.06 nae. RemmpednR or remixing concrete wnieh ha, obtained it° wt pronibi[ed. An °...rete and aummntic vyvtem at water .o.trol ehOl be used. TT. inflow of far batch end the di-herge of v d shall et dl times be kept cleon end well oVe�d. A dummy J.Wratf shown ov the plus may be used ae en dterneV. fan,ietencr th the mask, the -enuring n( the amount each [M1emwnter be and cavtrolled nutametinlly. Deformed steel pletee tar lovgitudlnal joints u howv on the DIau ehdl be [ua` 7.11 niched. LonglNdhml joi.t plde° eh.11 vat extend th—gh mall °eluted TM1e amount d water aaed eIV be w h u will produce the desired tonelJuty. the water In the - any tran°vene joinR Lon¢itvdirwl The end. of ton 1 p Jolete th be F,t ing. a end ,Jmirt reen11 .ly, Idp,sad frceme.Rm,r eR ° ria,- [n Ne [rnnn gee jdnt then one (1)m oe n.rdferthe,Nan three (3)eln.lhe TTe dMding member shell ba slaked W true alignment and vertical ..ilio. in _� Whm muhine flniehing ie emiloyed, the machine used'IWI be eo arranged u. m.h .manner Wel It wW be hdd iv pima during the depodling and fidehi.¢ of the ..acre e. On loose mb-grade., chime shell be provided and 'natnlled if req iv g ati.n, and o rnM .site Rend thorou¢hly mmpm Ne .o rete with -.cedi11.1 re Wdly over the came mea ender its a era In .asking eR, the strike board .Lave The Conlr. chill vee at all times a eu�cient number of aCp .veil plata epmern. eb.11 be mt et lemt one-fourth (M) of an nch the firs: -hail pavement grade, enJ in ..reline .hail push ahead of it et lee.[ three (e) m bee of c —W for the entire In m ng joint plea, the apace. shell be pieced yp�oximatdy five (6) feet n un[1 length of the e[rike board The ..oboe fins -her- eb." Ib opem.d in emit a manner and'lull be in place before the mne.W u depoeiMd J obeli remain n place renae. W placed o. bolM1 ddm of iiia pleMa, t. I-- Ne f khi d deb we W grade, crvwv, and eur(a and ii-I.Wly free cram porous places. 7.16 Pre.olded eipAidm joivt°.h.11 be bul.11d where and a° hown on Nei lay. and The ..bine fin.her nh.11 be operated at tees[ twice aver the some are.. Te I. Eipemi.n oleo wbeneva permanent a ru a me encoun.red bin o adjoining M1. It ed rvertiml trip of the machine t,hdl be rvntinu.m end -hili not be mete until thirty IRO) fee[ or JainW a They chill be etakedt ince pot,iti.n at dgh[ angles . Na cen.r line ex<epf errand merel.nmu ewc.ree. o of Bleb hu been machine finished et lead once. m. The Cmlm<Wr °hall bona available end reedy for vu it ell time the required The end° of the eudom of premolded Joint maWdd shell be tightly butted end equipment for hand finishing. firmly tuned together Ne fall w'dth of Ne pavement Fremolded Joint Compa<tlon by band shell be by meene of . e[dke b..m nr tamping bar di—Ily melerW one -belt (K) inch Nick chili be pieced W the full depth o! the dab .Rainet the (me of W radW curb. at M., and etrttt ivlenmtlom. Metal cepa, m Fawn on the anal [rem .pp.idW ddee of the el.h with any nxeuery additional Lorre, monad or otherwise, applied along the °take b m aufliclen[ amount to pull [he -.Ike board plan° chill be pmd during Lhe deyouting end fini°hing o[ Ne concre..nd QL el all '_M. The strike bo.rd -h.11 be operated with o Wmpmg end ecreedinR .tion, cad t m e. be kept clean and well oiled An approved ine.11alion shield t,hO he ii a All low .heli be filled, and andl Put,h ahead of It al leu[ three (9) inches o[ concreW for entire length of bar. A second .dike board or ..ping her t,hdl be peed twenty (20) W forty (d0) tee[ back ].16 Piecing High 1 In the cub -grade shall be trimmed. places Hi h p aces Net ere back-fi@N wHN mare t .. one (1) ch of loose .sterid, -hill al the @rat and eh.11 be ocereted back ..J forth on the forma or curb° advancing with CmcreW dl such place be tamped, and Ne cadre °uF-gMe chttked with a ecnMF MmD1eW. a tamping end t,h—tig edoke. The avbT.ifit .Fell be wetted NorovgM1ly ' edla.ly before n ie placed ImmedieWly atter Ne @rad eompmting the surface shell be belted once, epentina he bel{ with a ro.bined crouwiae and l.ngitadinal motion. H the bell d had W the T.Ig Hell.g Hit— but it -hell not -b.w pool..f water. If deemed .d&i-able, the Enginmr may order the wetting elbid._& fit Iih".. Nile does not, in the 0pinlvn of the Engineer, produce Ne desired reed[.. independent belts shall be ii— Core shell ba taken not W wmk the crown out of the Sandy nub -grade- -M1eli be wetted W . deplF o[ el lent ane (1) foot not lee° Nen Hereon. p meat dab, nor b permit the edges of the belt W dig into Ne -.face .f the Con- < cr .. All belle used andl be m-acifled. BeI. ebWl be cleaned -tWr eecM1 day's rvn. ten (10) hours nor more Nan twenty-four IN) boor- before eon to le placed In addition thio wetting the Engineer may requme eprinklivg of the eub-grede p woad. float, lwdva (12) Inehee wide end three (R) hmhe. Nick end dxW (11) T.19 immedijw, iv .dvau- .f Na miser. feet long with edges rounded .eat, rvee shall be operated longitudinally over the of the l... itadind d [remverne Flwdvg The aceretion of de Idng, °rending, end flnlehing lFe concrete chill be m newly poe 9pmid mrc the Ei iiudinel entire -,face pavemen4 with a ambined otlon, P.ming slowly w. one °Ida of the Pavement to Ne other a evtAcient number of limen iiia the tut width and thickneu of pavement. inuove a- cerci (or Won and adjuent W n be in depuiting end iiii—dlnR concre W amooN All rldgae and fill dl depreeeione until the float on iM list Fpm age eFdl .bow contact with the concreW tb its entire length. The fiod eM1ell be operated from .hell exemieed end trmeveree iointa. concreW edJaeen[ .these )date shell be Duddied tho—ilibly. %6haul dapli®te bridge. which cpm Ne full width of the pavement In moving forward with When roncre. h plmed in two laymen u req.IrM when steel febris ie used, the Ne float each eucreeeive Poaili.n ids overlap the preceding poddon by one -hilt (N) the length the fi.t. Care be taken [o that the @..t dom flat Iyer °hall be et k oR row hlYY lM1 n Maple .r tdke boards he correct in Ne d dtl.n. The concre a of °hail sec not warp. The 8r ilii care °boli be taken by Ne i3ii .tor W secure a pave..[ with . ].2g <levetion .perms[ placing the M. --tit 1-16 p hove the inforcemml hell be Pieced wHd- fifteen (16) inu.e afar the Prat perfect riding surface. The Cvnwe.r shell Met Ne evdace of the pavement with Cherec.r hes been placed. The mdme of Ne @rel layer -hall be dean before Ne euo.d J J n (]0) foot edalght edge plead para@el t the a 4r lino o[ the pavement prior . �M1i, find flnatlog. AH FigF low fa..d before the find a( Svrfe.e Iyer a concre. {- Pieced Y end epata °hill W removed eeIth+g V a.m. C.vereM adjt,emt t. Ne Bide form- .r curbs chill be paded thoroughly. AnY Following the @rad Rooting the ...e-urevice °hdl be finbiliM with m aux Hl rx4 pakeW or odd. fo..d afar the (arm° are removed andl be Nled I.med—ly with e 1:2 rement .otter and flnlehed . the we nvd.tt .f Ne edge of the pavement .I.b. belt t of Wr the wear glom or A. hat, i i.eppemed. Ju° j gad with en edger having All transverse ).lata and lon¢iWdinal .lata ehaH be ed Ali concre. et - anfiniebed end of the Bleb, in the wee f e ..poetry chis[ a a ne-halt (SSI Ineb ndlu. down, shall be covered with wot burlap. At the and of m king ce ldd or when d length W [M1e cant eta depa-Iced to attain _ Ae Boon m Ne ppe e n ani hes set t,uMclmdYY to Permit wdkinR on it end not later than 10 in h following the Ne It be dela ye ere necme a an of euMelent pe'ml[ iiii (tial set. lite emti.nal Umber header u demribed shell be plead et right .ncle- .tisk m mug placing of concreW, will again horoughly etrdRht ad Red by Ne Engineer and all —bits— nb@ be .eked plainly. W the cen.r line and pmpendi<uler to the mod et_' end Ne wncre. find.heel [o H,header . we eievetion end .met,-extion. OnIY hL em. of e.mgency eh.11 .veh ''f The Contree.r .Fell di..ele at once such vedetime by the um o! mrb...di. brick end a The rvbbivg shell not be r mimed attar confect with the I. conewctlon JoivW be placed wtaide of the middle thiN of a pmeL ,� $q reg.. m.de, aid in no cove -hall it be done in ouch mems m carded . each t. -.e. thea No bond of the concre. will be broken. Whm eons—thi. Jdnte me required in the last .no -third at the pave, the tones- t dined -reel and the longitudinal plate eb.11 be rat end the pmel eh.rlened to end et a .did amber header aha@ For each yard .f pavement in which a v.daUon of one-fourth (Y.) Inch or more, remelve afar the above have been ..plied with, them °bill be dMvc.d hie Joint. Whm a mmtrueti.n Joint ..cure et n Panel, ba plered et fight melee to the rens 11ne end perpendimlar W Nc road evrf.ce, and provialove [rom the em u.t due or which may bt o due the Con.m.r, the root of one (1) the concre. flMidi. el thio header .true levetion d a-- tuna Eu fit et e pu.ion jid. s trmt,vene conewetlon jobit P.te .hill be plaud egeinet the face - a sir. ymd of pave.¢., .1 the unit price per -gvere yard u glum in mhedvle of priree 0114, or the F.Tgineer may order a .uWdenl sten removM cad re<onetme.d of the header to form a keyway. be by .encu above J mrrecE Ne detect The me pf . bveh hemmer or -smiler device W remove irreguWitiee after the Daring rainy w tM1er, green concrete nhdl proMc[ed aupparted the of the Bleb until the conveW hen hardened euW<lendy that min wHl not co creM hoe Wkm ata @rad -et I. proFiblMd n aurfue .late the ids a. , AHAr the find belting end at, .oars .e the conabMnry of the ..meal will permit, 7.21 1.17 Aflm the eonoeW Fan been depat,iMd it eM1all be ewck nR to n approved .leve- Ne concre. shell be protected by a burlap covering which eh.11 be kept ..ti ... tdy wet by m at, o[ a eprn9 fine enough W _id damage by epplim[lon of the wrier. C.H.. C.mwding tion elsgghdy higher then that °haven on the plane and .hill then be �om d tither by h.nd In wIF lite methods described below. The curing of the cm .M1dl be _..Pl khed by eithm of two method-: CnnaeM mech.nimlly or accordance The opereLion of comp H.it ehdl be c nlinoed only v it uifi.ient mortar ie Calcium ehlorMe e.lutloR In.Rrel, A.1idde print met. br.uRhE . the eudnce W give it - ,ith 10.1 fins -h with all tho comae aggregate be brnugh[ Ne eur/.re with only a Coring by Wtj .chloride chill be eavmpl ids" by i—I..H., in the mai e calcium chloride a lotion rvnwning ane end Nrea quer.. Il%j .f calcium ed. 9hoWd en exreee emou [ of mors amount of ...peeling then o.nt .f wn.r Na@ be deeresmd W each a point pound° rhloride Per oak of eemmt. TM1e method used t,hell he aueF that a erect amours[ of that en meene of mortis veld not be obtained. th., 6 .nlcium .hloride .vlu[ion of uniform --h h Ie Introduced IoW Ne mixer with the e ¢ter thwvgp Na same pipe. The strength of Na -.Ibbs —d the mlhod of In[ro- dhcing IL Inti Ne mixor ehdl be approved by Ne Engineer. Glclum chloride eurN .neat¢ shall be probcted with wet burlap far tarty<ight (a8) noun afar flnlehinR. II the Covtrmbr d— b um a h,h.. Nloride ba .hall firer epbmit --plea vI Ne .mast b be heed, bgeNer with ¢.-Dice oIt', cum chloride, for Ust iv com- bination N each ether. Th Contreetor alcinot a ealclum eloride a .,it the Engine- aVpwmvn IU use wilt, Ne particul- tem -t oRereJ end the cemevt ahaH v [ be cpmged iNaut further taxU end epProvel, o Cuing byaccording mphalde petit col shell be done by Ne method known - the "Hunt Pracesa" to the City's 3Wderd 8pwiflmtiane, se epwifled below or a elmiler eghgl proem of epplYlvg m approved bitumen coating .. may be apDruved by the EvgUwr. ].2! (.) It U the mbar of Neve pwi8mpone b .btaiv proper Curiae C -nate pavement by ..ting its ..then with a Niv meet o[ mphltie -armed -nyWnun in P.L.—the may -r tnowv m the "Hutt Procan:' "hunt Pro`¢°°' (b) Afkr Ne "ogmeb pavement h- been floated end belted, it shell W eeled with MCEverl-[" .ovale pools¢ ¢peeled —big. i. Ne manner and the materiel epwifled m follow¢: The —tf%d AO comet.( aephelt, fl..M with a pigment end thinned b working wmie[eveYY with a vobtile ¢advent TTe venting when epNaYYM on eovere4 Pa en mmedUWy atter belong and O.INIvg, -haH adhere N d wmpbtelr .ml ]Ae wee roseate with we waL The coating -hdl be epplled with a epny g— under .umcient for varying bmpmabree b produre -evm, —dorm mating; et leset ova (1) lav ff- w 6r two li..dd porou hi my Ove (226) q... fat of a e— eh11 be h nee g y mixed before applying. Ic) The ,-Ohg hh tend -h.H mwt the ,ager Meted ba.- 1. low: 1Ove (26 de~tY et 80/90 degree. Fahrenheit 0,111oat be mare then twenty - gree. A. P. I., vor len thvtwenty ty (20) d-A. P. 1. 2. Fuad -1 sat be more then fourteen (18) pm cm] by weight, vor len Nen Melee (12) per rent by w1ght. 3. AeM1 luH vat be more lb- eight -tenth¢ (.9) .f one (1) cer vent by —.hL Fixed c -boo and -h eh.O be determined .. follow.: Between .1900 -d b600 gam oI Ne meterlel le placed ' a YO -gam lapnum ovcibla h.vlvg. tightly Ottieg weer. It U heated [.r ¢evm (T) minute with the lull Meme of a B.... homer. or n 960• C. 1. Na 1wMc furnace. WW' N the open flame the u3h, should be mpported with iU batt.. 9 or 9 em, above the LOD of the hornet end the flame eh..Idbe et le -t 20 em, nigh when bvminR freely. A ehldd ie hoed 1. protttt from dn}ta Tho rrvr31. while remaining .eared ie pl.red In . dlmimal.r. cooled and wNghed, Nen ignited with lis removed v.t0 ..thing bat the ub remai-. TM1e love tr [M1< fixed mrbad and the -1d., the -h. .. Wafer .hall —t be mon th— anaM1elf ( y.) of one (1) per cent 6. Nat I.: Nen eighty-two (OY) per ren[ -ball be -Itblo hi -,tion bWphida. 9. V.letility eh11 ant be mare then fifty (60) per cent by weight, when U.ted !or Nrm (g) boon et two honored tMrty (230) degrees Fabrmpelt, u-ine Erlenmeyer fl -k ht." int -1 — et a tempemr[vse betwee — hundred ty-Ove (226) degrws and Mn hundred thirty -flue (236) degree FaMmM1eil. 3. TM1e -.ting ab.11 be dry b the ht -b within Mo have (2), and hath and firm wl[M1in Meaty -four (2d) hove, in oNinary even-¢, UmpemNre-. ]23 Following the curing period -d beton the p me t le permitted to tike any Filling tnMe, the contmetian joinU ¢heli be Nled with yep alt blck Oiler. After Na bitumi-va ).inti filler hu cwled b air temperature, Lhe j.inU ,hell be ba re011ed.ed wiWithin thirty -.ix (36) Faun after ¢enema le pleeed ell expen.ion ).i%U -hell -ealth aephll fills end hall be Iter fi11M in en approved meaner. Bef.n pohring filler, all ts "hull be dry and cleaned of any dirt, Iw-e .RRreRate or other [.sign me .]. The filler eh bB be heated in .n approved portable heater end ehll be vpplled ata Umtpenbn between Y60 degrees and 926 d_FT. gree FTTe Cantraebr ¢hall furlah hh—.meter f.r me . ring the _-Dentin of Ne Oiler. The thermometer shell be attached b the -rhble heater by mean- of a chain or .cher .oihble f -ranine. The filler .hell be applied with a pouring eon provided with v ".sial outlet - —, 'f.2d Tho pavement .hell be el flc to [rluntil —. made by the Engineer -hv O-el.e -Mala. lre%gth. The time the pavement .hell remain closed will vary _.Un (0, Pavement h, twenty -ane (21) days end if peeing openti.ne are .ntinved Iib f, the Idle a longer to Tr.M[ Lima m- be reghid oNe ee rt.m m" ower U ¢eels o°j.enfed t ,slide- nelJv el°�A^" Abed. ¢hell Yet n r o ¢place. by the C o tr. o. or nit e e e, m nm m a r. o m.� n -meet. cWheN -h�.wn eeeth�egpela-. Into r.l C-1 er Curb of N dim .l %oho "Fele 1.26 end on°�heon�raUl non (_h on [(l m leb� Thi. orb hell lee placed within. In rad .1Ur the a [M1e el 1, hm1 bemn PI.md"..d beim".um tahknldU -trial Int ,allyl Curb The curb concrete shall i% . thaU eded witM1 0.1, canva•U . , h tat a tboraugh bond with the concrete Bleb wbeillpbe obtained. The -Pn -H—of the mrb .hell Ge flniehed true —d, ligament, —d - 1. in n --h.workmanlike manner. .e TM1e concrete curb shall eonetit of --t, mixed with tM1e same <emenLsend ratio, o -y ibelredocede [.r workability.pamflrd for the c.n<nte .lata The mere¢ ggregnte All -t-1h- and ex e - "Fa I - n —bi ll be continuous through Ne mrb. There .1,11be ".-trveted,�r rutted, or repaired -hch etre¢[ el '!36 ahnwv on�the plane, X11 m' , m e.oea _b eliaennnrd pln; : d�eperineiio a in brat..¢ C Vele. In order U prod act the exposed endo of pavement et Ne rode of paved .trceU, cans Menhaden F.U. e alley. and where Ne edge i. not protected by carne or Rutter.• the eonatrvcti.n '1.27 o[ hereden will be required. Readers TM1e Feeder .-I either be coneirvcted Ile 1 with the p..e=t foundation end with the -amt '.strati mixture in enoMnnce with the .action "how% on the plena, nr t hall co-isl of a timber plank. The heed,, U be used will be Mown on the plan". When constructed .f timber, Ne header ¢hall eoneiet of a 3x10 -inch plank firmly M1,Id be eon drneeP'='," .nf.rmb [o the =,%"'f te idj—t Ipaveammrt miti.n, and ¢hell e.iju•ment. i.f theco['ng paved tree[ end alley, the C.ntrsctor .Feil make all neceanery 113 to form . ae(c, em.IM1 end durable connection with Cnnnmlion. to ]hen avemenL Th- edj-t b re U be m.do by Iey1nR new pavement or Old PeremenU ns[ming the old - "how% , , plan.. ecu The qu-title. atavch work at Uree -il ¢trent. end .Reye shown on the plum n ly approximaUly e-timated. and the Contractor ¢Fall make e.nnectione n .b.v. -elfled t. the mtl.f.etlon o[ the Engineer. No lots-¢ or decrease .hall be made in the -lend price on ecmonl of the actual -f wo k required for ing this purpose begreet., or lees then the que nhowniton it. el.— lv Where att.hth[ or fedi- mrb. are nee b.ck end new n tamest adj.,-t t.11 ezi-ting pastor- eeIT and m-[hly veli h t" a .h. of the adleeent ex etinRapev mnew penl�eF.11 be included in the contract price. The apr.achn U Dubuc alleys beMmn orb Iinm . d .idewlka end the a y,yy for [Fe x[reet ,, drivew.y. vrdf-rily wdl be paved witM1 the a.mo pavement vend ppp7. pm, —d where edditi.- or dedurtionn are U be male, these edjue[- U Alleys and menti will be b..- opo. the unit price" Riven in the mM1edule of priced The Engineer plvewns be paved witM1 otheenth., lh Le Where euth°worktie o,dered�ther.ddidon or deducti.ln shll be band poo Ne rices given i% the schedule of price.. When "..mete ep- ai Fee -e d.MI ted. the roncrete .Flt be leveled oR immediately Iter being poured nd Nen -Fill be flni.M1ed to the required contour with wooden floeU. ht 1, the work until allrenna[mction ander thio e.ntnct bee seen o payment for any part of 7.30 at leaf thirty (30) d--, pend b pvblit travel for Defect. Before A—m.n"e ter thmngh the eeme pipe. The —eh of he volvtl.n and the -hod .f intro. duel.' It inb the m' b4i b approved by he En� Calcium chloride --imrereli ehdl be Proteeled wllM1 wet b.4for fortyc ght l49I houre after flniting. U ha Contractor d— withc.acmplee of rhe calcium ch ride. forttee t�nl com� the cement h be heed, roger bin.tim with each other. The (:ontrecm1 ehdl no use J —d t chloride -til the Engineer aP a iG use with the particular cemm[toRereJ and Lhe comm[ shell sol be chmged pwihout further testa end approval. Cming by mpb0dt paint —t shall W done by the method known ee the "Hunt Proceee" omording to he City's Stenderd Speciflcotione, as epe'ifled below or a eim�lnr the Eual process of applying m approved bitumen coating ae may be oppruved by .ginmr. 72x (.) It bl the intent of these apmiflmlione h obtain ro eying o[ cr Chris¢ CwcrHe pavement by coatis bite ..ciao with o Nin eM1eet of .ephdtie matmiel epreyednonein Pavement- the blamer known the "Hunt Pr.eeae:' "Ilunl i'rmem'• (b) After the concrete p.vement hen been Orated d belted, it ehdl be -1,I with M'Everlmt" c ere a paving epecid rooting, is the manner end the metered e Ri m tdlowe_ov t TM1e coding ehaH coneiet of ..phelt, fluxed wits a plRment and binned to working °mietI. 1with a ladle solvent Tho coating when apeym on concrete men -mediately atter belting and flniehl Ib shell adhere to and completely eeoh hu wrt onereV with ani cast The emti. shell be applied with a spray gun under euRcirnt Rc re -varying temperature¢ to produce .n even, uviform mating; d least one (I 1 eline for each two hundred and twenty-five (226) alye fat of -H.'eedshell d h. TM em[i¢hai vg l ba hroh agFly mixed b— applying. (c) Thi coating marbled h.11 mat tho re fresh ilted bd- 1 five (26) deg , A. P.OL,e lama hno twFb,bhOtmty (20) d- A aP.t1 1. enty- 2. Fined -A.. ehMI not b' more then fourteen (14) per ant by weight Or Ism thon twelve (12) per rent by weight 8. Aeh M1oll not be more th.n eight -tenth. (8) of me (1) per met by weight Fixed ambos and rah shall be determined a, foll— BHwan .4600 d .6600 gem of the ¢fetid le plmed ' e 20-gemletinu m crbl. having a tightly gtting cover. it le heeled for .even (7) intee wllb the fell d_ .f °Bunsen bhmer, or t 060' C.1. the deHrtc [arnece. µW'' h the o flnmr the crus@le .Would be supported wih Ire bottom 8 or g em. above [he top of thenhurnrr end tM fl.mi should Mat Imes 20 cm, high when bvraing freely. A shield to heed I. pro t from drafts. The crucible while remaining covered (a placed in a dimicrtor. c IM and weigM1ed, then ignited with lid removed until nothing but the rah remains. The lose b the fled carbon end the residue le the uh. 4. WrierehaH nut be more then one-hdf (%) of one (1) per ant 6. Not lees than eIkhty-two (82) per ant _11 be ,duble I. mrbon biedpbida•. 6. Volatility ¢hall n.t be more than fifty (60) pe t by weight, when rased far three (3) houre at two hundred thirty (290) degree, Fahrenheit, being pI, Erlenmepyer Hmk M1 ott'd nae. Y. t e tempervrture belweenitwo hund"I twenty -flue (226) degree. and two hundred thirty -flue (236) degrees --Wt. 7. The citing 0.11 be dry to tM1e touch witti. two hourt (2), end herd ane Oren withln twenty -m.. (2) noes, fn ordinary evmmm hmpernturee. 123 F.Imwi.g the curing Period end before the pp me t le cermitted to lake .ny Fi Ilio¢ trnlflc, the contraction j.inla shell be filled with aepndt brick filler. After the bihminnun "pints tJler bee cwled to air temperature, the joints shell be refilled. Within thi-six (36)i bourn after concrete le placed ell expenninn Joints ehvll be melee with aerty phdt Oiler an snail be Iter filled in .pproved mnnner. Hef°rc p ur(nR filler, 11 jolnte shell be dry and cleaned of any dirt, I.— .ggmg t..r ohm fore materiel. Tne filler end" be netted in an appr°vea portable order end ehaH bee sed nt . tamherature betwe'n o deRrNeee and 926 degrem F. The Conlrveler ¢hell furnish i ....memr fpr r sblenge.htertbmpernhre of he filler. The thermpmder shall W a—h.d t. the m I ed wih n y mens of .chain nr .[her suitable faxtming. The fill, .h.11 br •np i pouring cm provided with . msec.) outlet m .soul f)n 24nq _ill Tent etre.. TF11[imec[heed to treiflc "It" to V made by the Engineer shpw i•avement pavement shell remain dosed will veru tram trn (lot to TreRe [�me a (21) dove enJ if paving.Perntlom ore continued Ira• In the fell.. l—, y�be required. Any pert .f he Povement damaacd I— [refile or other ceueee, ocmrting prior ro G being opened [o tr.iflc ea above dmcribed, ¢hell ne repaireJ or raptured by the Cun- o-.r or .r t nix m e, m a .runner entiele ,y to ne enameer. When shown o pthe plane, Integral Concrete Curb of the dimension chows shall r.26 be conetrvcted on the eJge of he cmcre[e club. Thi. ruxb ¢hell be placed wihin ane I '.- and nee -Half (1%) hour., (one (1) hour m the cmc calcium chi id. ie heed integrdly) Curb utter the concrete in the club bun been placed enJ before it takes it. initial - Th, curb concrete —11 be -—with he .lab concrete in order tb.t . tbpr...h bond wnh the concrete Hieb will be °brained. The upp.,xurf.ce f the curb ebnll be finished true grade, dignme.t, enJ _ roe in n am°oh, workmanlike manner. os The concrete curb eh.11 coneiet of concrete mixed with the eeme cement -nand -i., enJ 'bo reduced far workability,P-i. MM far the concrete .lab. The coarse eggregnte .y All —.V.. tun end I.P.—d- jomG shall be continuo.. through the curb. There ehallb° c etrvcted, rmonetrvI- or repaired ...h 'treat ehvctum a 7.21 .h b.einx, er inlet., menhdee, aidewalkn, eiaewnik ex lane end curb¢, a Cn , Ha.in., shown an the plane, dl bn a'.'d_n with nt.nd.rd plane end apeciflmtionx herefore Inlets It order "Protect the'.P—d end. of Davemmt at he coda o[ paved e[rnere, cr.as Monhnles, Et<. Ml— and where he edge ix not protected by curb. or g , he mnetru<tion 7.27 o(rFeed'n will be required, "leader. The header hull ether be conetnc�ted integral with the pavement foundation and with the eeme 'on'r.te .t— 'n aordnnre with the .action shown on the lan, or t hell coneiet of a timb, plank. The header to be bled will be chows on the pa lan.. When 1 1 —.d of timber, the Weeder ascii concis[ a[ ° 9x10 ineM1 punk firmly -d peon dre.eed a tor'onformh to the contourr of the edj-t �pavemmrLpoaition, and cunei At encu Intereec[ing paved street end alley, he C.n[r.ct.r ebe11 make ell necemnry ndjuelmenG of he old pavement [° forme ..fe, ,month enJ durable co with Cnnneclionn to hen °hem nL These edjue[menra ere o be mad° by laying ne pavement .r ole Pevementa nefineting the old .e .how. on tho pime.l c. The q ... titie° of oath work at ib- ­mg cheat. end alleys shown on the idun. pacified pp—ime[elfection of [rho Enginaor.lr°et.r .h.il make ron.ectione ea above No increeee mdeme.na ahnll be made in the contrvc rice nn account o[ the .cruel q._tityn he Pl.neeQuired for thio p- ­being gree r or tem then the qua. y . Wh're [right or rediae curb..re net beck and new pavement adjacent to existing pavement ie —.di-, [be dditi..' pavement n em ry b make th' npavement nnform a fely nod smoothly with [he mr[are of the adjacent existinew g p... p hell be included in the contract price. pro Tb a Pp--ba public alleys be[wan orb linea . d aid—lk. end the h private driveway' ar T"'y'll be paved with the cam p. men used ppprmhn for the Herm[ r r, and where additions or deduction. or' to be made, the.¢ .,jus h Aller¢ and menta will be b.eed upon he unit prices given in the nched.le o[ prices. The Engineer Drivewsra y, however, d`aignete that certain approechm to dleye vnd private driv'waye shall he paved with o bar material. Where ouch work ix ordered, the addition or deduction .hell be b.sed .pan the rime given in the erhedule of prim. Where mncreh np- achee arc deelgmted, the a Crete ehdl be leveled oR immediately after beMg payed nd then shill bi flnieh'a t° the required mn[nur with wooden flora. the workr—il all menntruc[lon ufnder bile eonimet hoe been o Peymat (or any part of et lead thirty (9)) days. Paned to public —.1 1., DefttrV Before Arrept°... s VYe COUNCIL RESOLUTION "" No.—_ .�raoa�:.,�oH or ,.oe.���MsaovaMasr ewo,aere Ll Resolved, That the '.—all hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contrart Committee and awards the contract for grading Alley in block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Rowell Avenue to Prior Avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to GEORGE DICKSOR, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of '$314.00, and the Corporation Counsel is bereby instrdcted to draw up the proper farm of contract therefor. I� wo$oe � uicasox" .>roe°�° a°,.. +, lea:° °•,+n.+=.� 395.00 314.00 31 a np • Ili .... r... ,�...o ,..,. r°°,°. �.�'_Li�� September 13, 1932 THE HI NORAHL; MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - The C>ntrect Committee hereby reeo,nmends that the following mtrects be awRrdPd: #8863: RepavIng 3ummit. Av s. from Hemline Avde. the woo .B. to Sr-I11ng Ave. by removing the a:ieting blocks and resurfaolnl Sgatudr base a ha l tt suafacel Inm gond It ion nOw ex Sete TO FIELDINS, & SHEPLEY, INC. $44,980.00 For th= sum of Engineer's Estimate $45,526.00 in cY �.E. #BBud: ave.ghland Par[ln roalley Ha"ell Aveto,Prior TO GEORGE DICKSON 314.00 For the sum of Englneer'o Estimate $395.00 F.B. #88671 Curbing Pascal Ave. west side, from StanAord Ave. to j5fOrson Ave. TO STANDA-.D STONE COY.ANY 237.95 For the a— of Engineer a Estlmale $315.00 Respectfully submitted, THE /CONTRACT C/fOUITTEE UMew 5 �^ ��ywC�OUrN-vCd�ppo,•�.•�,ESOLUTION "" N�--'�`�-� u Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of • the Contract Committee and awards the contract for cArbing Pascal Avenue,—.vast side, from Stanford Avenue to Jefferson Avenue, Sz accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to STANDARD STONE 1.EIANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $237.95, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. •1.n I epi �s<p4 ia+snn � o.,.,..:o .°. 8887 .,,..".. s...... 1171'11 .o 23?.95 237.95 .w 737 �..o...a.-a' COUNCIL RESOLUTION 7 Resolved, That the t,ouncll hereby concurs in the recommendation Of the Contract committee and awards the contract for repaving Summit Avenue from Hemline avenue to Snelling Avenue by re- moving the wood blocks and resurfacing the existing base with asphalt mixture, except where asphalt surface in good condition now exists, in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, toFIELUING ANU SHEPLEY ll,., they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $44,960.00, and the Corpora- tion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of j • contract therefor. ."o.".."....M.•.. 45, 536.00 .o..,,.� ..o ".. 8863 �.,..o...... .15, 700.00 ......o.......� ....,..... ,.... �.... 0..31-E1 29.250.00 .44,980.00 ....a..,". ..,...o"....� �. � 3 %ice s�, �� ...,..... 7 3 1 L COUNCFZ LUTION11 LOCIL 0 • I recoResolved, That the Council aereby concurs 1n the —e dation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading Lawson Street from Woodbridge street to Gaultier Street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to GARRICK ANL BUSS`IAN, they being the lowest responsibleoiddere, for the sum of $1,131.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 8857. Engineer's Estimate $1,475.00. _ na • I` ""°o�\girl`\. o.r7...,. x.. 8857 .x.—x...-.....11,475.00 I..x ..w ... o.........x�..; .x..o431.00 ...,,......o.oxc......x�. �,.x.o�...w. ;.. 700.00 ,..............x ..... ..........�................... . .... -1,131.00 rr. yvo TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL. Gentlement September 12, 1932 The Oontraot Committee hereby recommends that the following oontraot be awarded; F.B. #88571 Grading Lawson Street from 'Woodbridge Street to Ga,iltier Street TO GARRI CK & BU SSMAN $1,131.00 For the a— of Englnaer's Estimate $1,475.00 Respectfully submitted, ��RCT COMITTE ..0 7 3 h Ar, - ... ...,,.. m COUNCIL RESOLUTION — G� �•� .raowi: o. cac.��rnrnoveMear rs�,cre ) • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the .Contract Committee and award, the contract for paving Ninth Street from a point 140 feet east of the center line of Cedar Street to Robert Street, in accordance with plane and speci- fications hereto attached, to RANLON AND ORES, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $10,490.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. < m� Dee �w LONmwNO, .tri. ° .. is ��o pn.a���° i ..Ad.ro..1h.., ..1, t....;a I .... I ... 8860 10,981.00 III ......... V . 1. —.., ...°.°,.......... o . ....,............ <o.. o, _ �.....� ._ a 5,706.00 ,. ,...°..�,.....°............. ..........-. ..e. 26.00 o.....� i.................o.....- <.,. ......o...,.....°. Bus nes,.St.,. 300 B 4,760.00 X10,490.00 it September 14, 1932 TO TNF: HONORABLE. 4 YON „NU i11E COUNCIL ,F THE CITY OF C' -INT PAUL Gentlemen: 'Phe Contract Committee hereby recommends that the following contract be awarded: F. B. #8860: Nor paving Ninth Street from a point 140 feet east of the center line of Ceder Street to Robert Street. TO HANLON ;.ND ONES For the sum of $10,490.00 Engineer's Estimate $10,981.00. RespeotfullY submitted, THE ONTG P�: (.T COk,MITTEE �y// or res comereo�� ...•»`• No. .INCIL IIESOLUTI0 ,e�.. ;ITED CLAIMS e"• 9 32 ..........�� 9nv E-0or..�....� o . e A . o.Eo TOTA Nuwkp IN FAVOR OF c�EC Rz c .... G eRo��er Foew....o 274 210 92' 8590 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 218 97. 8591 Commonwealth Electric Co. 1 722 6o 8592 Healy Plumbing& Heating Co. 8 280 001 859} 'falter G. Waren & Co. I' 23 521 721' S59µ Bureau of Municipal Research 50 o01 8595 Raymond P. Pavleoka 160 W' 859 Carl P. Herbert 240 w 8597 Ellerbe & Co.&xolablyd & Root, 3 7za on., 8598 Wm. B. Jo yoe & Co. 8599 Wm. F. Hunt & Thomson -Hood & jioffman 1 3756 64 8600 Review Publishing Co. 1 666 001. 8601 City of St. Paul. 48 00' 8602 J. C. Sweet 96 o0 8601 John Flt z➢atrlck 8604 Mrs. Mery Fmily Christy 27 00, 8605 John Lennon 40 00f 6606 Della Brown 26 28 8607 Anna Wagner Pe.itsch 40 00 6608 Mrs. Hannah Peter=on 24 92 6609 Elfrida Soderberg 28 d0 8610 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 3 96 8611 60 s0.' 8612 Mechanical 9ervlce Co. 8613 The Midway Nat'l. Bank of 3t. Peul. 1 600 00' 8614 Thr. Murphy & Son. 3 400 001 8615 1,11 Freiseis 296 29 8616 -127-21 6617 city of St. Paul 300 ool 6616 F. G. Leslie Paper Co. I27 40 8619 Fielding a Shepley Inc. 75 0j0 6620 John 9andquist 2 121 196 �l 6621 9t. Paul Corrugating Co. 5 00 8622 Carl H. Nieleen 40 00 B62I Job' e Cross Ambulance 9erv. F. Mullen 4 'JO' 6624 Whit ^ 6625 Hilton Rosen. Co.. f Finan -7 500 00 662€ Nyhagen and Anderson 7 Oo: Col 8627 Oakley Parrish 6 6628 Wm. Seger 106 501 6629 Nate Ta.kenoff 85 50 6630 capitol stats Mfg. co. 13 23 Sul 6631 Corning Donohue Inc. 11 ?3 8632 The crane Co. 20 00 8633 A. P, Diok Co. z6 26� 8634 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & 00. 1 065 15 6635 general Chemical Co. 41 00 8636 R. E. Hulme Co. �7q 74 6637 Kenny Boiler Mfg. Co. 18^ 50' 8638 F. J. Mores & Co. z4 02 6639 North*astern B1 nu Gsa co. 19 02 8640 Pr1 oe Eleptrlc Co. 22 56 8641 The SI—kes Co. 45 13 6642 Twin City Brick Co. 71 13' 6643 oIaldorf Bindery Co. 159 92 8644 The "vate—us Co. swscr .orA�-ror+wAap 7 ti00 00325 737 00 i Council File No..... _ .93,684 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 4* PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby propose, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: _ S.inB_driYOWAY. ...01—tbll sou*,h sisle_o.f_.Fuller...A.Yenue,..__.........._ _-_thence_west.. xp...ltee.t...... Dated this., 1.45h.__.day of ___-SeRtemPer, .11932 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposed for the makfug of the following improvement, via.. Constructing. driveway. on . the. south. side of-Fuller_Avenue, ..._._..._thence_ w$At..10.._[.ee.t. _ _............__ ___..._.._..... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paud___................ _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesiouer of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered cad directed: 1. To iaveetigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the tusking of said improvement. 2. To iaveetigate the nature, extent cad intimated coat of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profits or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether ar not mid improvement is inked for on the petition of three or mina r—oa 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commis®ouer of Finance. Adopted by the CuunciL.._._..._....._......__�iP_�..1_,Q�7..___._...... Yuas Nays Councilmen Approved....__. •�`�'Z. pt�onaio� l c -e Rte M Pa/ /l Mayor. r nu roan ^' "�.-S Conseil File PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodereigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improremeot by the City of St. Paul, vin.: -_._-Changing _tha..grade_ of..Alley _in Block. 15,merr.i.am Park_Third _ Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore Avenue, to conform to the- - - -red-kine-­r the -profile-hereto-abbeshed- and -made a -part .hareof,-.._.... .the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading said alley -to the proposed --red '"11ftie When - .._..._established. ...._.__. _____. __ .............. _ Dated this_. 14th.._.day of __S"e.ptelp4er 1932 ]g_ 0 l/._tel/ .....__._. _.... ...._ 0 'Ab,. PRELIMINARY ORDER. �9eK WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: . c.hauging th9 6F949 of Alley".in Block 15, *errlam Park Third Addition from Prior Avenue to Moore AvenuR to coni'orm to the -- - --red-l"ina_n the"Prafila heray to taehed...mada a part..hereaf,_.....__ the present established grade being shown'by a blue line ..... theredh,also" grading""' said... alley...ta %he-pnopoaed...red -li�-whet........_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St, Paul_........._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thst the Commiasioser of Pubkc Works be end u be ordered and dirmtedd 1. To immetigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end eatimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketch of mid improvement. 4. To elate whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the patiticn of three or more owners A. To report upon all of the foregoing mattmersL tothe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....... . _ .. .__.EP' l 1b, _. .............. _. _. _....... _ _..... _.-. Yw Nnre Co..eilm Oongy'R 1AY MarApproved_ MaDovatia :cit psngoy,.A _._... Y Mx.Mao . 3 968 Council File No.......... �......._. ..6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. L The uvdereigned hereby proposes the making of the followingguhte improvement by the City of St. Paul, vii.: ___.._.._Gnndamning...and.. taki.ng...en_.ea--t.ln.. the ..land..aecassary-.._.....__.....__. for._elppesi_. puts ...and _fill.e,_.irL the...gradin8...of_ Alley.. 1n- Hlgck...15.,, _Merriaw Park..Third..Addi5loa...from._Pxiar._Avenue_.ta..MOsre_ Avenla,.__ Dated this. 14th_d,yof- PRELIMINARY � ansae-, ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pmpmal for the making of the fallowing improvement, via.: Condemning and taking _an ens®ant in the land necessary _ _ __ for slopes,...cuts Sn_the_gradin9., of_ A11eyia.Block__15,_ __..._._...Merriam..Paxk_T.hird...AdditiA.n...fxam_P.r1.or.. Avenca_.62_A1.ofzre_Averltle.._... having been prenevted to the Council of the CitY of St. Peul.:.:................... therefore, ba it .L- -- - RESOLVED, Tha over of Public Works beand ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invmtigateihe nooeaefity for, or desirability of, the making of mid impre-reevt. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and mdmated coat of said improvement, and the total and thereat. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon aR of the foregoing matte rree pto the Com njuebmer of Finance. Adopted by the Council......._.._......._.' .:....-� ..lti]L-------------_-.-_... Y&As Nsva Councilman 'TAY J.. ... .. e a4 /n _.....� Approved .. ._..... ........ ._..____ V eDOntuo -� O tl L M PasYpn'mcrm� .�ear.man �� a ()3WS7 COUNCIL FILE NO 1.awRm „ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY _______________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oL__npaning _widening_andsxt�ndl _dAd o_QL� acting the- lleya in block bounded by Pleasant Ave., Chatsworth „ Aandolpli St. la d I-. 8t�_hg__condamningand_taking_iha_YslJ.osing_l§Ad;___the_ south_ 30_fte_of_Lot 1 and Lot 8, Block 1, Buckhout's Re. of Moore'e Addition, and in addition then aLa_twn_ srlangv].er _pieces_ af_�rnperty_ measurirt�lQ_Pat_ _end_14_f t south from the northeast corner of Lot 22, Block 1 Cole's Re. of Bl ocke 1 and_2__—d-Soh—sad_Enlargement__oL_81osJs__3,_ and_l0__f't,_ east- and lo_ ft t_ south from the northwest corner of Lot 7,Block 1, Watson's 2nd Addition as shown oab]se__prSnt_naSllaSn_Lha_Citg_.lerk�a_IlYEiae-------------------------------- _ _________ under Preliminary Order_________ U.278 -----------------approved ___ Aug._ 41_1932_____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said reportlv , hereby resoes: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby xpproved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___oQen,_aiden_and_ axtcnd_and_�nnnacS _Lha _alle�a_in_hlonk b Handed _hy _3.'.laaseat _ A¢a,.__OY1aS_flwor th St.�._]landoTph_Bt._and_,Ituw_St_. _3g_cnademnintisnd_haking_ the._LQU0A1n% land: the south 30 ft. of Lot 1 and Lot 8, Block 1, Buc khout1, Re. of Moore's Additi.n,_ai5d_Sn_addliina_theneto__twn_iriangular__pleaea_oeasur- ing 10 fi. west and 10 ft. south from northeast corner o Lot9'i2, �1 ck 1 Cst1R'_3_&e.__oY__&loS.k�_1_alid_?._RAd_gub_tand_ Enlsrgement_ of Block_ 3, and 10 ft, east and 10 ft. south from the northwest corner of -Y.ot 7, $lock I-ZPaison'a 2nd Addi tl o„ gs_aho�na_blue_pr1nL_AaSile__inthfl_C.ity__Ql ark'_x_OYi'ice, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $!Sn!99L -------- R ... I,ed _______Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ______11th -------- day of _Qatoher_,_1932______- lf✓Z7.C__, at the hour of too clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Coun House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and dd ttthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciL_S--lfl.-Ida_____, 192____ t- - f - ----- Approved__ ----- TM ___192___ 7 -� Clerk. � Mayo G Councilman Dl ny ca \ ,myr e k Conncilmmy T"m. Councilmaty$jgaLpj� W—sel Mayou 14.1--f Form B. S. A. 86 6 8 8 a, �oPema COUNCIL FILE NO._________ ____ _.�.; ,� ,::.; .: By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matter of ----- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- - -- - ---- I -- - - -- --------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- --- --- -- -- - ------------------- ----------------------------------------- -------- -- --- - ---- -- -------------------- ----- 1932 ..dr, P,,Iimi..0 Order______ 2913 ---------------------- PPI—d --- ------------ The C .... if of the City of Paul having .e.. i—d the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —i—.. 1. That the said report and the —e i, hereby app—d ..d adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ,,..m,nd, i ------ aPnn,-WldwLAnA TigKay_to _Maryland "d f"t--9f lots -------------------------------------------------------- with ., alternatives, and that the —boated cost thereof is $-Isnw ------- R—Ned Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement on th -------- 13-tb -------- day of -Oztnbe ,-3-q32 ------- X=---, at the hour of 10 o ',I.rk A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House .,d City Hall Building I. the City of It- ,, lh�,�, ,hh, Commissioner of Finance give notice of �%,rime,rtmg to the Fela— and i, the ... e, pro. ided - Ch—, —ti,g the time and plate of g the I the imp ... a.ent —d the total —,t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C ... ril§ELl 4 -'M --------- 192---- ---------- -- — ---- --- - .Approved_________ i��ary ---- 192--- 'City Clerk. - - - ----- ---- ----- — 'y'r. Co"'i a. U -4P— II -Y C—not.. alcu...td— P'.,— .... i- Cc..mu;m:'. Tru.. Councilman qWWRIPPOl W—aal May" YFFJW- M.b.." For. B. S. A. 86 9689 n„ 1 YfVYOsa Av'e ' �taO .ly �itl Evet y 'A N tAe res �Inee COUNCIL FILE NO ___________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of--------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ,ohacging ---------- .changing the grades of Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue and of Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part here- of, the present established grades being shown by the blue linea thereon, also grading Alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue and Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to the proposed red line when established, also changing the sidewalk grade on the north side of Marshall Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the center line of Asbury Avenue to a point 100 feet west of the center line of Asbury Avenue, and regrading the area betweenthe curb and property line between the above stated limits, making the necessary changes in the sidewalk and hydrants and other water works appurtenances to con- form to the proposed change in the sidewalk grade. change -the grades of Alley In Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and of Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue lines thereon, also grade alley in Block 4, Mae ales ter View and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to the proposed red line when established, also change the sidewalk grade on the north aide of Marshall Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the center line of Asbury Avenue to a point 100 feet west of the center line of Asbury Avenue ,and regrade the area between the curb and property line between the above stated limits, making the necessary changes Sn the sidewalk and hydrants and other water works appurtenances to conform to the proposed change in the sidewalk grade, neanngrtne.vam 4dopted by th, C ii--- L_j7J` 12__ 1 ^ _______ Approved `_._ l� ---192 1C", Jerk Eex 7 LilesA ` __ 1,;, _ Mayor /Councilman dar@a M'y Councilman Councilman Councilman Truax Councilman moi® N�ozel Mayor WERF0 Mahoney Form B. S. A." t COlTNClL FILE NO -- W&Y, _____--______---_______________________________________.______ _________..______-__--___-_-- cads, Preliminary Ord er________-93321-----------------approved __Augue-t_10.._1932---------- The Council of the City of Paol having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered sad report. hereby resolves: 1.That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the paid improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conncil recommends is-- ----------------------- change the e -grades of Alley In Block 4, Macalester VS ew and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and of Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown by the blue lines thereon, also grade alley in Block 4, Macalester View and Block 3, Adam's Addition, from Pascal Avenue to Asbury Avenue, and Asbury Avenue from Marshall Avenueto Iglehart Avenue to the proposed red line when established, also change the sidewalk grade on the north side of Marshall Avenue from a point 150 feet seat oP the center line of Asbury Avenue to a point 100 feet west of the center line of Asbury Avenue, and regrade the area between the curb and property line between the above stated limits, making the necessary changes in the sidewalk and hydrants and other water works appurtenances to conform to the aro ces ed change in the sidewalk grade, bean°g _tne:.4iD3=,�.sS.t: Adopted by th C iQ - _ --- ov Appred_____________ _________192___ > City lark. __ __ _ ----- or !f Ce 7 Conndlmav �m'gwNa con rl ar e 1 , Councilman iFeAtomv Pr �� Co..cfl.aa Councilman Tnmz Conncil... M eoZel MayorM Mahoney Form B. S. A. 86 Of th—d having ' d—i having the ft.'f the col*;ill&-�-��tge above improvement, e g -- idd id report, -- by -1 ..d the mid i.p--- i. 4 I�Tt -------------------------------------------------- with ., alternatives, .,d that the estimated cost thereat is Resolved Further, The , public hearing b, had - ,.,d improvement .. the ------- ------- d,y of Qatba ,1932 -------- M—, at the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., i, the C—,,ij Ch—b, of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building i. the City of St. Paul. That the C—mi.— of Finance give —it, , ,,id meeting t, the Ft—..d itthe manner p,,,,d,d by the Ch-, stating the time ..d place the of ..d the —.1 t.,, thereof -t—td.— .Adopted by thC .... if__ I -------- ------ 192__ App ....d ----- - —_192 17 Clli, 1 Mayor Coo cilm Mayo' r clc ... if... dmmpip� c—ii— l—4.0.ft� '1 nmx Councilman opwAkvp— M.Y- spumm. M.b.... Form B. S. A. 8.6 S)1,'699 — aoa,aa,na .oa a.. COUNCIL FILE NO.____ _________,,. -.i�wva tit By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_AO1IdAmn1Rg_And_taKIo&-a1I-eaeement_Sn_ the -land- necesaa_y_ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the Alley in Block 4, Macalester _Viaw_snd_Elnck_u.,_Ada��s_AddiLlon_£som_P_a3CAl_AYSAA@_ Asbury- A_v_epus, and Asbury Avenue from Marsha ll Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, also in the re- gradlup_af-the-axes-batweaa_tha_nvrb_and_prnpentg_llna_nn_then2rYJ1_xlfle of Marshall Avenue from a point 150 feet east of the center line of. Asbury A9EAaburY--Aoe-.--------- -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order__________33322________________approved Augu3t_10�_14$S____________ The Council of the City of Pan) having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__nondemn_and__take_ an of the in Block 4. M:argg_Ynr_ elopes.t_nvSa_ck 3, Alam Ss Addition from of the Alley in Block 4, Macelaeter View and Block 3, Adam's Addition from -Pasaal-Aaenna_tn_Asb .y-kvenue,_And_Asburg_Aviinua_Srnm_Ma shall-Ay"m to Iglehart Avenue, also in the regrading of the area between the curb and _puo}ieriy-11na_on_Yha_mrtl>-side_aL Mo*ah ail Aveaual'xnm_a_point_1SIl_fAet at of the center line of Asbury Avs. to point 100 feet west of the can, er--llaa_of-Aabur-g-Avs.r-1n_acnordanca_with_Lhe__blue. _print_liane to_At- tached and made a part hereof the hatched portions showing the cuts and U _shaded_Pn._ti s__ehosdng-the_£�11s�__________________________________________________ .ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 60.00 -------- R ... ___Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ -I= -------- day of OFS_abeS, _] ------- IOZ&-, at the hour of 10 o clock A. AI., in the Cooncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and ' them p—ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the nmproZFrpeyt ptidlhc total cost thereof as estimated. l Yt YY 11 L Adopted by the Cooncil------------------------ 192__ c, --- ---- Approved____________________________192___ /f - City Clerk. f� � aynr. /7- Councilman testi Councilman � P.vae I.J Councilman qtp® P.oscu %.- Councilman vu _ l'n,ax Councilman -PPWWP� w'—v Mayor = Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8fi COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O --------------- By------------------------------- SOSPI all !"Mr" INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1. the Matter of ---- —9t—t- -17—White--Bear--- ­d-- X ­d -&t—t -17—Sit1t. -&tra t- -ta- ---------- 1 --------------- ------------------------------- ---------------- --------------------------------- ---------------- ----- ---- - ---------- --------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ---- ---- --- ---- ---------------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------ --- - -- -- ---------- -- - under Pt,li.m.ry Order_____ 3RQ --------------------- pp ... ed ---AP9--1C!,-A932 ------------- The C of the City Pa.] having received the rep Commissioner of the C.mmsim,e, of Finance p.. the ,b... improvement, and mg considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement odii,h the Co111111 -1.11111d, il --- __0m_sijxj,h Y.—rd - ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-S+60QQ---- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had o, said improvement on the______ 11th________ day of - IQ 2 %Wltm— at the beer of 10 clock A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House H all Building i. the City ,1S,Pu!That the 1—mmirr,r of Finance give notice of said me't"gtoIhFe d m the ..,,,'r_�edb'eCh;�,,, stating the time .,d place of hearing, the nature o the imp—emert ol the total cost thereof �eioated. Adopted by the Co.. ------- 192____ A---------------- pp—ed ---------------------------- 192 --- ---------- - Councilman Aff9wi.— "l'- Councilman &MP&,Wd_- IJ c.u..il... Councilman co..eil.- Mayor bbb For. B. S. A. M is COUNCIL FILE NO._______ ______ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the m,tt,, If --- —slx= t1ag-&-aldo—lk _haginning_Rt_ES]ggUulhe_Road _thence west_to_ the—st sida--of_Alle_7,____ ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ..d- Preliminary O,de ------- q32515L ---------------------- pp—ed ______________ The Council If the City If Paul having ree,i,,d the report of tl, Commissioner of Finance upon the ,b..e iI,pt—m—,pd havjg considered said—p-t. hereby 1. That the said report and the same is hereby ppr ... d ..d adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered t. be proceeded with. 2 That the —t— If the i,Ip—m— which the C.I.61 ---ds i--±­ct-­sj-d. wa:Lk _.1dayralk0.now ------------------------------------------------------------ 115 -------- I - " f - t---- 0. sidewalk with .,d that the -tim.ted .,t thereof is 1-0-20L -pP" ---'j ft.- alley Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had I. said imp—,—t on the_ ____llth -------- d.y If ------- 122._ — It the h.., If 10 I*dk A. M., in the Council Ch..be, If the C.— H.=3,d City H.11 Building i. the City of St. P-1. Th., he Commissioner If Finance give notice If s,,d meeting t, the p .... and i. the manner provided b, he Ch—- sttilg he time place plIf hearing, i.g' the .rune I the.. — total the tl ... t thereof Isestimated. Adopted by the Council____ _ 192____ — Approved_______ "'1'a`'________________ 192--- _City Clerk.-- ---- ------ - Cooveilman 1'. once Councilman co..6 . dhwhb— . Councilman domNow— Msy.r*g Mehouey F.— B. S. A. 8-6 34 i i 9 3 COUNCIL FILE NO.___ __________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the M.1t,--------- f.11011uL lqaslioae>`-------------------------- --------------------------------------------- --- Aldin. -St— ...t -eida, lbiT--&ItJr A-- th.— -P,r Aa -ft -- ---------- -ft.- mat- o3 -GriAta-at—thimac ------------ WpAt-§A ttil ---------------------------- ------ --- ----- - -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- - ----------------------------------- ----- -d- Preliminary Ord,, ------- R33 -41L --------------------- IPPI—d Ax,,-12.-JR3P ------------------ The C.. 61 of the City of P—1 having r ... i -d the report of the C.,omi-i.—, of Finance upon the abusei.p,.-.-t,:.d having considered s.id report, hereby 1. That the ,i report and the same i, hereby pp ... ed and adapted, and the said improvement is hereby -d—d to be proceeded ith. 2. That the nature of the hop, --t which the Council ...... —d, ------------------------------------- - ---------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated —, thereof is $_.86.38________ Resolved -.64.0-------- R—Ned Further, That a public hearing be had .. said improvement .. the_____ Utb ---------- d.y of 4.tb—,-LL32------- zi9de:_ at the boo, of 10 o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch..her of the Court House and City 11,11 Building i, the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said me ting to he q, ,d i. the —.- provided by he Ch--, --g the time —d place of h_i.g. he __e p,,,he e.t ..d the total .,t thereof estimated. Adopted by the C ... eil --- 2ELL11M ------ 192---- App—,d ----------- mr City Clerk. cl—i C ... 61 --vi .. a— M.Y.oAb.%.— Alahnner Form B. S. A. M 93694 a eEr the me, at ..g -t COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ 'u e�.corev..P^' B O --------------- B---------------------------------------------- ViTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter where necessary, :FQg_jVjUpz_ at _Ottawa -------- ----- -------------- ------------------- ------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----- ---- - ----------- ---- ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- - ----- -- --- ------- ------- ---- ----- ------------------------------------------------------- ____________- under -- - - ----- -..d,, Preliminary Ord --------------- 2ZM9 -----__-------approved 1932__-__._____ The Council of the City of Paul having receive 4 the report f the f Eimence, upon the ,b..e improvement, and having considered said report. hereby .... Nes: 1. That the said f4p-1 and the same is her,'by approved and adopted, and the =aid impron,emem, it hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the ..iture of he imp—em— which the Council recommends Baker r---___________________ with------------------------ with o alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $IN—aq ------- I Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ Ilth -------- day of ---- Oatobex­-2.225? ---. 2=---, at the hour of 10 ',luck A. Nf., in the Council Chamber of the Court Flo— and City 11,11 Building in the City of St. Pan[. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the F—mut and in the ....r p,,id,d by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature o the improvement and the total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council—MOLLI-]M -------- 192____ - ---------- -------------- App,.,td -------------- - ------------ 192 ---....... // C' Clerk. ----- --------- May Coundlmanabm:.-�z ring Councilman Cou..... councilman Tr.. Councilman W—ea) Mayors kl.h—ey Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mh COUNCIL FILE NO._______ ______ "" By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.I­atld_repa firing the sjdewpAkqR_the of - st - Anthony -A - e than­nor_tb__tst_&la_Qy - --------------- -------------------- --------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------ ------- -- - - - ---------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ --- ___________A---_ --- --- ---------------------1932__-_____ .nde,'Prtli.i..� Otdo ------------- 9333_7 ---------------- p, ... d ------- Au.E!- 11— -------- The Council of the City of P,,I having .... i,,d thepin of h, f Finance .,on he .b.- i.p­­,,nI, ..d having considered said report, '_b, resolves. I. That the said report .,d the —, is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the ­­ of the improvement which the Coo—1 recommends is--Sa.Cf1Ae_trnCt_,_xa lag - -Ave _ beyiMLng - ------------------ _St . _Anj�hq.y__Ayje.__thonce V, with no alternatives, and that the estimated o-, thereof is 43_e62_______ Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had o, said improvement on th -------- lltbL ------- d,y of at the beer of 10 .'d-1, A. NI., i. the Co -61 Chamber of the Court House and City H,II Building in the City If SL Paul.That h, Commissioner of Finance give of -id meeting to the pu­ ,d it, the .., by the Ch-tu, —ting the time ..d place of h,.,i.g, the , the imp, --t .d the total -t thereof - estimated. Adopted by the Ccon,il ----- S -EE -14-1202-- 192---- Cf - 7 ------- - ------------ Approved _____________________'o______ 192--- , I, Clerk. CC..7:..::=— C .... iho—dS.Ag..0 C"lli, C.—cil....M.MENEW C .... W--1 F.,. B. S. A. M er�ia `ei° Yivt�s°` ea WI.Jvv'r ; I .� eeelivT COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ �- �. ° •^ � '4 By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter If --- reannatr_—tin9,-Mlaging and —Pairingg-the- J-domallc_on ---- the _nor_th_side-of-falte__S-t.- 1091rnln&_214. SL_._ wt ti_Qf_ MS_s slesSPp1- St. ___ tlxq=@- west'- f5 -Lt---------------------------------------------------- ' ---------6- ---__-- ----- -- ------------ P _ _ ----------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order__ _____93342-------------------- pp,l-d --- Aug._12._1932 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be pw,!eded with. . 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__S&C OA 9tr11C L-'_S_@l&y _e d—pelz_ShB_sideasllc_nn_.thB_norSli sl.de_o£_Granite_ SL._he8lnnin� 214 titasl—Jppl_St—_thenco_ -...t-EE-ft ------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- __________________________________ __ ------------------------------------------- .with ____________________ ___________ ___.with no alternatives, and that the estimated cert thereof is $__49.4M_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had ou said improvement on th c_____11±.h.________ day of 0ntnbBxt_1fl32___,ma___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C.— BI— and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting to they s and i the manner provided by the Char acing the time and place of hca ing, the nature of the nmpro and the focal co.t thereof as esumated. ement SEP 14 1ql2 Adopted by the Council_______________________. Approved___ __________.........Cl— k. Councdma�n:-;LJsF= I•enrve �. v.% Couveilman Couvcilman��® T�,�,x Councilman djh�k a Mayor afti.® Mahoney \�ti Form B. S. A. 86 0�1697 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, sUqwAlks ---- -th. --tb—i'JA - -f - H—x I— -at_fmom _WB sterm- AvA.- -ta -Gsoarict AZQ­ --------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------- ------ ----------- - ------------------------------------------------------------ - ------- -------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------- ,mder P,dian..0 Order_______ 9334& -------------------- pp --d ___August L4 -1932 ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Conanni.i.— of Finance upon the ,bo-imp—ement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the —e is hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said imp—.— is hereby ord...d to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --,nd, i—rnccns.tr-uat,--MIBY Ana.—_t--G..drl ch -L — — -------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,ah an alternatives, and that the -ma—d e— thereof is $__ SB7.74----- R—Ned Further, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement on the ------- uth -------- day of -0 "obar,-.19Z2 -------- ldftx--, at the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C— H.— ..d City 11,11 Building in the City of SL Paul. �hhCommissioFinancei.of Finance give ..ti- of said neetmg to the pe ..... and m the an " provided by , Charte,, stating he time and place of hearing, the at,,, o the imp ... ement and the total cost thereof estimated. Adopted by the C.oneiU-M-4-4W ---------- 192____ fir)_____.j_______ 92---- ---------- 1 Appr.. 6 ------ -------- 192 --- ma'&r. C .. e ltMTd0'j C ... 6janm wvaaaeHr--- R. C ... eilm C ... eilnum 9 Councilman X wg'i�euzal May., bwPJ69— mma.ey F— B. S. A. 8-6 wu i r" cst-.161 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.t­of_ m—aJr= tin&, - r -a pairings -WheT42- U6-QVAQ9X7, ------- ---------------------- ------------- ft .__QaAt__Qf _Wilfter _Ave­thqRqe_east ---------------------------------- --------- - --- -- --- ---------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- - ---- - -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ - ------------ -- -------- -d- P -H.: ft;'9 Ordll -------- qa"a -------------------- PPr ... d ------- The C ... eil,.f the City of P.11 having ­v,sd the -p , of the C.--- ,f Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered ..id report, hereby 1. That the said report —d the some i,,h ... by approved -d adopted, and the said is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the oature of the improvement which the Council —.ds Wilder _Ave­thlmCe_ -e-t -- -------------------------------------- ,,ith ., alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__-3"71______ Resolved ---3"7-1------ R,s,l,,d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement 11 the______ 111_ ------- d, of -0etahen,--1922 -------- V=— at the boos of 10o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch—be, If the Court House and City 11,11 Building i, the City If SL P1.1. That the Commissioner of Fi—oss give —ios of said meeting to the y.one and i, the ma -s, prodded by the Ch -e,, stating the time sod place If hs.'iog'the of the imp - -t and the total ...t thereof esti—ted SEP I A lcrq9 Adopted by the C ... til ------------------------ 192____ /. -� App 92---- App.... d--------- --- --- 7 C - c... i"', Councilman MR."Ca P.arre — Councilman Councilman' "-'---p;;;,�.r Cou 611 n ...tilm..&'A'Lq"CoI.61m.. Mayor wh— Fo- B. S. A. 86 93699 mt, et et COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter f--- mu—t-th—follomi-c -10..ti — ------- ---- ---- -------------------------------------- --- P—tlood A— —tb-sJAo.-b9tgJ—'-9 A— gy&W_Avq,,_A.Zrth St.the— —t_200 ft •_________________ ---- -- -------------------------------------- ..de, P,,Ii,i,,U Order______ -- 111M --------------------- pp,—d --- 1952________________ The Council f the City of P..I havmgtec�i—d the report f the Commissioner f Finance p.. the .b.— ite,—eete.t, ..d b—.9 considered -id -p.,,. he -by —.1-- 1. Th.t the -id t,pbt-t ..d the .— is hereby pp—ed ..d adopted, and the ..id improvement i. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ---& ------------- "'t -10- ft., ft_ _ --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 13 .66 with .. alternatives, and chat the estimated —et thereof is $__________ _____ Resolved ---------------- R—h,ed F—h­ That . public hearing be had .n said improvement .. the_____ -LItbL --------- d.y of 06tGIftr—J954 -------- t the h.., of 10 o'clock A. Nf., in the Council Ch—be, of the Court H .... and City 11,11 Building i, the City of St. P -I. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of "i"""i"g to the—pe� .... --- and i. the ...— provided by the Ch—, stating the time —d place f hearing,the nature , the improvement d the total cwt thereof —i—ted. PIVAd,pted by the C-61AEII------ 192---- App—ed -------- �'E - 4 A --- 10 -_____192___ C --- tTWISIIED C ... C .. ti .wkD-aa-- C .... ilmettempilorsewI; ee11 — Councilman C .... il--qPQWkq—e Mayors Mnboncy F— B. S. A. 8-6 qWe CILJ.aYe COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ L'6 By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER ft ------------ ---- --------- ------------ -------------------- ---------------------------------------------- --- ----- ------------------------------------------- order Preliminary Order -----@ X3¢9____________________ --approved ................ The Council of the City of Paul baying received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ab— improvement, and b—.g toopde,ed said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby pp .... d and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whi,b the C-61 recommends i,-- -rVst=1tjnQt'- inlay- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the stimated mt thereof is $—UMA ------- R-1-d Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement .. the_____- WaL -------- day of 01-t1b9x_1= -------- 292--, at the hour of 10 ',I,,k A. M., to the Cmm,iI Chamber of the Court .—e and City Hall Building i. the City of St, Pat stating the Commissioner of Fina— give —the of said meeting to the p,r,,., and , the mmmll provided by the Charter, tirg the time and plate of hearing, the — hem,,to,, of the impmyeme,t ml the 1.1.1 .,t the,as -timated. Adopted by the C-61S-iPj_x_1�62 --------- 192 ---- ---------------- Approved--------------------- (_ ___192--- Cny Clerk. Mayor. -- ---- -- ------------ C-4 .. C'u'ci;m"'dtMMg­ ?1 Coni C --u` -:'01� cm.et dwwt C.—ilmart-VOWN10— M.Y.090swap Nnhonov For. B. S. A. 86 92701 COUNCIL FILE NO._ B---------------------------------------------- ri INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the m.t­ of --- —Re—truating.—lay-Ing—d—pal ring _tb. lid—lk- >t- th -------- t.11— —1—ti — ------------------------- -- --------------------------------------------- ft., at .. 1-t ned_Sm tbAtj-_qkde or_We.t_SpTkntk_Aoul­rd bdglnnJnLwtSt---t AautlL14 ft., ------------------------------ --------------------- -------------------------- ,,d,r Preliminary Order__________ M45 ------------------ Ippl­d ----- ------------- T"C of h, City of Paul having received the report fth, of Finance upon the .b- improvement, .d having considered ,id report, hereby ,, -1' s.. 1. That the said report and the ­., u hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said improvement i, hereby ord,d to b, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp, -1111-t which the C...61 ll­mmlldl t,sp.J. -------- - ----------------------------- ___Anat_Sannth_SL.._eoxLh_sidn,_bngiun3ae_822_ft..x4sinf_YedlsvnBt�t.becmn._e4sA._l4 ft. _qA_tibq__t*g L ap_ _gqy;AV. t with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i. $Aq@±28 -------- R­l­d Further, That . public hearing be had on said itopt­­t to th,----33±.b ----------- d.y of AtQhftr­lM -------- 30=_ at the h- of 10 .'tI.tk A. M., i. the Council Ch.mbt, of the Co.. House and City HIII Building i. the City of St. Paul. That the C...ini­, of Finance give ..titR of - manner meeting to the F... ..d i. the provided by the Charter, stating the time .d place o hearing, the nature 0 the improvement and the tot,] cost thereof ., —m—d. Adopted by the C ... til ----- S -E -P -14-19K 192___ ' I T,-1 Approved__ ________192___ //7 y Clerk. C ..... dlm oddqRClo�afd':io P, CO ..dlmandbxgmm 11 C -111i "I T"'a. cnnn� Form B. S. A. 8-6 991702 a at 0ter eOl teearaea. C_ Bort oir<n� sev t COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- " °� sena _me, a.`°s:�ieeo _.:.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER m the Matter of --- L ettrneting_arieaaeg_at_x@st__@Lap- of_Farxin[3SQn_Ave,__ De�_42_St,_—.th_oL_0lieer__S.t._ them@__ slvth_8-ft,.., _____ under Preliminary Order__ _____33442_________________ approved _____ ---------- The Council of the City of Pao] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends ic__ _Lnnst ,iCi _dL1Y@t'/ay nL-xest_s3de_�£__F rsngtn>L9.ce�-hag].. III ng_d_2__ t__s tb_ oY__011s@r__St.__thenca -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________________________________________________ .with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__15.69 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______11Sh------- day of 0Ct0h@ri_1932_______ pIAx __ at the hour,,! 10 o'clock A. ill., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pars, and in the n er provided by the Charter, st ting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the�mprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --------- —IM ------- 192____ - .4pprovcd______ ___ j________ ___192___ Yr Coo cilm n,Fergueoa mny h...,'. rc'cl.:illrl: / Coo cilm ne .B cafdas t'ru rce J f i Cnno6fm .Ehattg — 11-- 1, Cou cilman e,a�,aman wenael Mayor716� Mahoney Form B. S. A. 86 I ' 1 T"T 3 a a.e sacra COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ •� +e +vrta.r vvr INTERMEDIARY O.-------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter pf_4nt:t=�tdnthe I dg-la"ti nn Send L- —at beginning of iawenn St.them. aortti 2 R.,--------- 34 &g�EMIO ft*, be 1-1"4 I'll ft, farther north, theme north I ft* home -,4 S _5 - ------------------------------------------- 26 ft, north of Oliver at. theme north 8 ft. 111 of _ cook -St. thmntw Mouth 2 -ft — ----------- Cook at., .oath aid., beginning 72 ft. ...t of Cortland St. the-. ..at 16 ft., beginning 92 -ft.- f-thor It — -------------------- ---- ----------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------- - under Preliminary Order___________ PILH! ---------------- pin- ...d --- A09,12­;9Aq ---------------- The Conned of the City of Pall b.,i.g received the1p.,t_of the f Finance upon the - improvement, ab.and having enmaidlted said report, herebyresolves: LThat the said report and thjs�.� i. hereby approved —d ad.pted, and he said improvement i. hereby ­eby.,de,ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the --e of the improvement which the C-61 --m—& is ----vOnAtruaj. -dri�_Y_P ML -the- fAII92dag- Im4t;1=63 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hand Ave., wast side, beginning rt 212 ft. north of Lawson St. theme north 8 ft., HanAAy&__osoh_ida._ ba� - 4Z_fta_AQrZh_aC 9AQk 34 ft;_��� gl" 104 ft. farther north, theme north ft. ------------ Hand Ave., samt aid., beginning 128 ft. north of Oliver St- the— north 8 ft., HaoA A".. Of COOk-Ofte-thanne ..th 2 fl .. ........... Cook St. St....th aid., beginning 72 ft. ..at of Cortland St. the-. ..at 16 ft.. beginning --------- -------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $162..83_________ Resolved IU.83--------- R—Wed Further, That . public hearing be had .n said imp—em— on th--AM ----------- day of Ontob,LqU ------------- 195b=_. at the how of 10 o clock A. W in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul.That �hCommissionFinanceai, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the y ... on, and in the . me, provided by be Charter, the time and place of hearing, the nature I the impm,,m,,t and the total -t thereoff led. Adopted by the Council____ -SEI -14-1--932-, 192 -- -- --- ---- — -------- — ----- Approved___________' 4_;.jou --- 192___ ,2�- --------- C-61 Cc..t I''"""' 111:i C —li to C ... I= S lbei— C­eihoaq,W­L�� May..*kj,cm For. B. S. A 8-6 s 933704 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING. Q.S_SESS�' AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING�HiR UILUU5 AND i0lKiG TIME OF IIL.1 1\u 0:; TLC 0NARD OF DAMAGES in the matte of_ C Ad96IIif E-�IIL flaking Bn_ Qa s_eme nt_ in the land -necessary___ for elope s, cut and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 20, Anna E. Ramsey'a Addition from Dunlap St. to Griggs St., ®serr o;.a�>ao� TW®iin�msa�ca. a mea. a -3 1. "�ir I� under Preliminary Order ----------- epp,.v.d__J--22,_]932 --, Intermediary Ordr_______________931EP------- approved__luly-28,_1932---------------- . Final Order -----------------------3A5fi____- approved__ Aug. -.23-19,U .--- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits be property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- he____________12th__-day -------- 12-th—dayof --- _------- October --------- 19__32 at ten ',Iwk A. M., and that the C— missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council---------------------------------, 19____f -- t` Approved________.. ------------------ __ 19__._ -- ,City Clerk. 0 C•Iny Mayor.__ L -1C J Troo: CouCaunc7ma �NimtW--1 s Costa ao r Mohnoey May., - -'- 93705 COUNCIL FILE NO..___...._... _......_...__..... . .... . . I .. .... —l- ti I I I BY............. — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the 111— of the --- If benefit-, ---t- and --P-n..a f., grading alley in Block 3, G. v. Bacon' a Addition from White Bear Ave. to Fland­ St., ,ad,, Preliminary- Order_..._B99,54 - - , hittm,dilu Order 90317 I 1 .11 Final PP ..... 19.._31 Th, a_.t.t f benofitS. f., and in connection with the above iinp,011-t-t h,,i.g bo.. ,b --d t, the Conseil, and the C-61 having ... Iid ... d same end found th,, said -- th—fi—, b, it RESOLVED, That the said — ...... t b, —I the —, i. hereby i. III —pt- approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thtit I ,.Ibjie h—itig b, had .. ..id --t .. th, , -- l3th.. d., of .—Octo]cor_.. .......1 19...32 It the h- of 10 .'tl.,k A. M,, i. th,, Council Ch..b,, If the C.—t H-- and City 11.11 II.iifi.g, i. the City of St P-1; that the Commi®i ... I of Finance give 11 -til of said m­j,p, ., required by the Ch—, ii -mg in said ..ti,, the time ..d place of h—i.,, th, peturc .f the mp ....... I. the —.1 -t thereof, —I the amount --d g.i— it, lot ., bit, of the p.tti-11, —11 to wh.m the tt.ti- i. di --,d. Adopted by th, Co—il.. SEP 1.4- w !I City I,, - Approved.. 19 CI—ilvia. dftp� 00 C i� = C .... H... RNINNOW19Mte C ... Mai— -PPRINP— MIYII= M.I-- — I 9'74!6 te...a..m ... oae COUNCIL FILFi NO_..___..____......___....... wn.r t=°asw.oe. ',r vt st.vx ss. sv.vme.m wamnvv ro w'svmi ec. B y . w�aie uel o er a CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the Metter of the assesstvent of benefits, coats and expenses for grading Alley in Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 53, Banning and Olivier'. Addition to West St. Paul from Annapolis St. to Wyoming St., also grading Alley in Block 52, Lawton Bros. Addition from Wyoming St, to Winona St., ender PreLMinnry order.._.__ .. B9144... Intermediary Order ..._.._838,69 Final Order...... 90135......... _.__, approved _._..Ang- 21___._. _._._.......___._, 19.31. The senesament of_bene£lts,._costs..and_e—, iq'sea-. ........ __......for sod in emmeetion .with the nb.- improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having eonsid... d sumo anA found the said ev­nent snliefectory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thnt the said assessment be and the samo is hereby to all respects epproved- RESOLVED FURTHER, Thot a public hearing be had on e,id azsesement on the.....l3th...._._._ cloy of _._.9Gt ber.. , 19._ 3?, It the hour of 10 o'clock A. I.f., in the Council Chomber of the Court House end City Hn11 Building, m the City of SI. Poul; that the Colotomionor of Fioeor1 gie notice of acid meetings, ea required by the Chnrtcr, stating in said notice the tima and place of heeling, the nature of the mprovement, the total cost thereof, and the omount eissessed agoi— the lot or lots of the pnrtwoh- owner to whom the notice is di ... t,,d ci Adopted by the Connril... ...... 1 ✓- .• City Clerk. App—ed. 19..... J Conncilmaq Mer G Cnnnadmn �.` �� 17— .3 Cnnnnilmntl� CI nncilmnn.NMWAM- kfayora - Mnhmmy Q 990707 a4w8 er` COUNCIL FILE N0._ ............. .._........ .d rtea'1,:YWt0tsna;.tdCe. ♦ me By ner soca , w roe o. a].I •en CITY OF ST. PAUL — — - -- Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alleys in Mulliken's Addition from Juno St. to Niles Ave. and from Flnn Ave. to the north and south alley, under t'retimmarr Order_._.... 8fl8fi1..... , Intermediary Order ._._.90230 ......, Final Order_.__.......gO486...... _.__. ."—"d _._._._.._.__Segt_..22 _............_, 19 31 The assessment of_____._ anefits,-.costs -add axpeasea ---.._ for and iv ....oetiov with the above improvement having bee, eabautted•i, the C.... it, dad the C .... it having considered dame sort found the said asacssmevt satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said amrvment be and the came is hereby is all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had o, said amemment on the.... 13th.. ......day of ...0etoher........ 19.32., nt the hour of 10 o'eloek A. Df., in thr C.—it Cbamber of the Court House end City 11.11 B,ildiug, in the City of St. P.ol; that the Commimioner of Finance gnu .,he, of acid meetings, .s repaired by the Charter, slating is said notice the time end place of hearing, the ,store of the mp... emau, the total cost thereof, and the emmtvt assemed ag.i,st the lot ar lots of the p.rtieular owner to whom the notice is directed. C C is I - Adopted b3 the C-61 '44. __ t /i �`_..".". F ll, City Clerk. A ved IL - PP Couveilmevdtpr�ema >l ( EUBL 11,' _ / Councilmen �ahl'�r l'`ane Cou cilm , 1`" j Councilmen Ing°F C 9396F.W.MM w""'el Mayor �R/ Meho,cf 937;18 COUNCIL FILE NO ••w. or. a a:o oii.` BY CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the .aseasment of benefits,s osts and expense- I., grading alley in Block 2, Otto AvenueAddition and Block 2, Galarneault's Addition from fdacalester Ave. to Underwood Ave., also constructing a sewer In the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 ft. of lot 4, block 2, Galarneault'a Addi ti on from the alley to the sewer in Eleanor Bt., order Prelimmn-y Order....... 90584.. ...., Iotermedinry Order ..99294. Final Order..... ...91OD9........ _....... app,o,,d _...._.._No.v..24_.:.... .__.._ ., 19 31 _ The asveesment of benefits,... corta_and—pellBEE--.-..... _--for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, a.d the C.. it booing considered same end found the said sans nt setisfactorY, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the slid assessment be lad the same is hereby in nil respects pp —d RESOLVED FURTHER, That . pnbtic hearing be had oa said aysassment .n the...... 15th........... day .i Octohen..._ ........ 1n..32, at the hour of 10 .',lock A. M., in the C.... it Chamber of the Court House and City Hnit linildiag, in the City of St_ P..1; that the Comminnioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, .s rt,ni,,d by the Chartrr, at sting in said notice Che time end pt.ce of hearing, the nature of the mprovement, the total cost thereof. end the —nnit assessed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner t. whom the notioe Ls directed. r (qp Adopted by th Council... ICY.. i.__i -- -' App—td- C... pprovedCounei@t¢+Ba6ri+`-�' D� • �/i�� (��. Y�lil..;. Councilman Wr6-� Councilman Counellman \Venal C... cilma.-pp-ph'"p— Idxh.ney Mayor %M" q3709 11.7 rP''cv:en: o yr m .. .v r COUNCIL FILE N0.__......_.. B1ofeiooi. reayot weeiu°v rrom -. s.. ry rvvmrm r• By ° veoete aa.°m :luea alt°F CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Iv the matter of the assessment .f Lbanefits, damages, coats and aspens.. for changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, P.V. Dwyer's Additl on and Block 3, Thurston and Lambie'a Add1 tion from Fry Bt. to Pierce St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and [nada a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also paving the said Alley between the above stated limits, under rrrhminary 0rder._.__89993._._... ___., Intermedi.ry Order 9Q732.. _....._._.., Final Orden. _. 90952 .._ .ppro..d ___... No Y._14 __-__._., 19.3).. The assessment of_ben.ef Ltti,... danagee.._C.O.st5...9.nd...9.XRS•RS.ee. for and in covnec[i.n with the above improvement having been subn�ittrd 1. the Cmmril, end the Covneil having considered same vnd found the said ass. ssmevt svlis[actnry, th err fore, be it RESOLVED, That the spiel ass.csmeet be vnd the same is hereby m ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That v p ibli, hearing be hod ov said nasessmavl .n the ______l3th... _der of _...Octnbea_____ _—_-. 19.. 3$ at the hon, of 10 .',lock A. M-, m the Connell Chamber of the C.vrt llousr and City 21.11 Building, m the City of St- fail; that the Commiasiover of Fin.nco give notice of swirl meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in s. 1 notice the time end place of hevrivg, the v 0t of the improvement, the total coat thereof, and the amount ,,,eased against the lot or lots of the particular owner t..vho the notice is directed. Ad.pt 1 by the Council. _ /. •p Ie�; �: ��:,�'.• City Clerk. Apj 1 __.19. / Cnu ei lman.R,.R=s,,1,d_ DI � � C g/— Cl- lmanl ,—/ V• Ali,.... con r�man� "I�= Councilmen Ali® N'.�i�.s� Mayor �iA Mxh.�nry M 10 'at.�ate`mnees, coe,e crf COUNCIL FILE NO ...... .._.......... ___...._.._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses far changing the grade of the north and south alley in Block 1, Gerard's Re- arrangement of Gibson's Addition, and lot 1, Gibson'9 Addition, from Scheffer Ave. to East and ':lest alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a cart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading the Alleys in Block 1, Gerard'a Rearranc.ement of Gil -on Addition and lot 1, Gibson's Addition from Schaffer Ave .to Roy St., under Preliminary Order....... 90.8.35_..... Intermediary Order Final Order.... 91263approa ed _._ Pec. 22 The assessment ef.ben.efits,-damag.a.-.cDats..?% expe=stl.5. _.for sad in c.aaedt with the above improvement having been submitted to the C .... il, end the Couvril having considered eame soil found the eaid asmasmcnt satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the e,id ......meat bo and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a publie hearing be had on e,id assessment on the........ 13111.... _._ day of .Ontahei'..__._... , 19. N, at the hour of 1p o'clock A. \I., in the Council Chamber of the Cant House and City 11.11 Building, in the City of St. P.al; that the Commissioner of Fivavice give notice of eaid meetings, as re9vired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nater, of the improvement, the total cost thereof, end the amount . ,med ag,i.,t the lot or Iota of the Particular owner to whom the notice is directed. _rly! Adopted by the Council_ ... _..._ ,1 ✓ . City Clerk. Approved_ fnX. 19 - �; O J=�•�'�C `%t^R. , \favor. cnnnmlma� hP•' Cou alman '^ F'H l'ounrilmnn t^1°` Couvcilm.n Ne"sal 9'711 r� k COUNCIL FILE NO- By 0. B CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the ¢--a-sment of benefits, damages, costs and lxnens8s for changing the grade of alleys in Block 10, St.Anthony Park North from Fulham St, to Hendon .4vs. and from Hendon Ave. to the East and Nest alley to conform to the red line on the profile r�areto attached and made a part hereof, rite present established grade being shown by aor t blue line thereon, state l ling s.1-1 1-eiproposed I-30 nth tabll shedbetween the above under Prehmmnry order..._.. 89437__.... Intermediary Order Finns Order....... ....90153.. nppro.ed The a -seas f benefits, damag costsand exp., .sfor and in aonneatton with the above improvemept been submitted to the C ... eil, and the Council having con-idered -nme and found the snid ev ry, therefore, bn it RF.SOLt'EO, aid esse.smeot be and the same N hereby in all respect- approved. e RF.SOLVEII FU TIIF.R, That n public hcnring be Lad an said •e=asement on the -...--.13th_-day n. Detoher._ , ]9-32, nt the hour of ]e o',I.,k A. M., in the Counrd Chamber of the Court Ilou-n end City hall Bnilding, in the City of Si. Pnol; that the Commiuioner of Finance give notice of -aid moetings, a regnired by the Charter, stating i said notice the time nd plane of hcnring, the amara of the tmprorement, the total cost thereof, and the amount ns ,e 1 againat the lot ar lots of the particular owner to whom the wince i- directed. Adapted by toe nail_ City clerk Approved_ ..__. ___19 � Cnnnadman � ,•,.,.ra _, � �. y�17� � �atmei�man Cannedman T""= C ... mi an — Mayor Mahoney 9?712 COUNCIL FILE NO By._...._....._.._.....__..__..._.... _.... _..__... _..__. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expanses f.r wer on Thomas St. from Fairview Ave. to Wheeler Ave., constructing a se _«°:eew�� �e°mex�.:i gni rtir°�ra . ..tier Prehm,.ary order_..... 8926], -- Intermediary Orde 89960 Final Order... 90220..... x ....... � The esseeiment of..banafl.tar._co st9 _and_sapen955-"'-""--" for and in connection with the above improvement haying bee. e.bmiltrd I. the Comeil, end the Co eil having n .sid,e,d same and found the avid asetssment sxtisf....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the s.id asst.smeat be and the same is hereby i. ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That v public hearing be had on said assessment on the _._13Lh...--. ......day .f _.0 cLob an. _........... 19_32, at the ho.r of it) o'clock A. DI., in the Co.nril Chamber of the Court H_sc and City hall It.ildl.g, in the City of St. Patti; that the Commiesio.er of Pi .... e give notice of said m.etings, tie required by tho Charter, stating in said notice the time sed plsce of h ... i.g, the .stare of th, ea""tmprovem ant, the total ...t there.0 and the am onnt xss... d ag.i st the lot .c lots of the particular t. whom the .otice is dire, d QED 14 f9 Adapted by the C ... ri) City Clerk. Approved .. _ 19 Counmintnn � �'� PLBLIiI'.' IJ Ceildan L vv e., «i C_ouvcilmav Mayr � 6 931.713 COUNCIL EJA NO----., By _ CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment 1, the alln" of assess a"It If benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Cretin Ave, from Snansit Ave. to St, ClairSt., Inde, p,einai—y O,d,, 1 59710 , I ,Intenvedtary Order 9Q.52Q.. Final Order... , 90522 1 I,P .... ll ..sent_. 29 -1 19.31 The 1-1111-t Of bs,g.fit§., 1.04t5And QUens" for and in -1111n, with the above ba,,illg been sIbIl nt, to the Council, and the Council having eonside,ed s- 1111 found the said aselea-1-1 satisfactory,therefor,, be it RESOLVED, That the IIi, asses I,,,t be and the sane, is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That n public h ... iag be had on said ­.,snneat onthe __ Nth I day Of Qctober, , 19, 32, at the Ila- Of 10 .',I.,k A. it, in the Counril Chamber Of the Court Hous, and City hell B,lhdilg, in the City of St that the ClInnissi—I of Finavice9"e "'t'" If 'I'd meefiep, as required by the ChIlt", ItIti, in said notice the time and place of hearing, in,, the Ialln, of the improvement, the total cost thereat, and the amount nseessed .&Iat the let or let, If tile pa,tieula, 1-11 to nhom the netwe ia dneet,,d Adopted by the C-11-11 City Club, Approved C.n.,Han. w;Fk6hwa— CouncilmanW699FAWFeseTruna C.O.eihn.. 1t tuzal Mayor M.1 ney 913714 COUNCIL FILE NO -- B, CITY OF ST. PAUL, Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the ..ttt, of the assessment of benefit-, costs and expenses for con 'noting curbing on the south aide of Baker St. Prom Charlton St- to Waseca curbing ik" 1, 71 .nd- I'MiattotU Cttd,, . I , 1— ... di.,y Order Fi..1 order_.... 91587 Pp'—d —Ysb" 16_ .— I —.' 19, Th, —.— If 1jensfita, scata and­,ansea, for and m -nn—isn with the above itop—too— having been submitted to the Come il, vnd the C11161 having considered —, and found th, said ---t satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the ..il I--- be ..d the —I is hereby is all —pb­ approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That I 1,.bi,, hosting be had I. said --ootol on the — 12th —d.y of Q.t.b.r 19 32, It the h—, of 10 .',I,,,k A 11, is the C-61 Chamber of the C.It, H.— and Cil, 11.11 Building, is the City of S1. Pool; that the Commissioner of Fi---- give —i- of ..id meetings, n rewired by the Charter, -ting i. said notice the time ..d pl..e of hearing, th, a-- of the ioop—m—, the t-1 cast thereof, I -d th, omomt assessed agvi.,t the lot or lots of the pt,,6-1- I— to whom the ..tdit-M. SFP Adopted by thCouncil.. 19 City Clerk. Approved. --- 4tW 19 Cauvcilmvn ennneilm.nftwaasid— I "LP, Co—tiffs- 1loaru agw"® W --i May- NFIRM M.b.—Y 93715 COUNCIL FILE NO...._. tvv.`nvea f .t By ov- .. yr. 9616 AO�wYae Ave.., veil CITY OF ST. PAUL ^e'�°Oeovefe, st a e. .r ` C910�emN tro Resolution of Council Approving In the matter of the vescesmeat of benefite.00ste-•and"e][Dan9e constructin;-, reconstructin? and reoairinc cement sldee9s1ks estimate No. 2, Contract 5995, 1931. --Assessable-- ewa '.venue, east "Me' de, be¢Snnl n� r.t Stevens Street thence F.O. 87575 Ott north 90 feet•nri lout- ^f F.- 88140 Chip pe:ra �.vc nue, east side, t, Yage Street thence Bout. 20 feet ,J. 87375 Chippewa Avenue, east si c,e, bees nnln; 88 feet ^rtt'. of Belmont Street thence north 10 feet, also oath of S dne Chip'.". .,venue, east side, ., inni n, tiC feet s y Y Street, thence south 10 Peet. F.C. 07372 Manomin Street, east side, beginn Snv at 711nona Street therce south 60 feet F.O. 87656 Sydney Street, north side, beginni nl- 16:: feet ,:eat of Ohio Street thence meat 50 feet F.J. 67362 Pag200tfeet, north side, boginn?:; nt J:So Street therce ,rest F. 0. 87745 Morton Street, north side, be,;innln, 132 feet vre et rf Smith Avenue thence Neat 10 feet iming at King Street thenceF.O. 87378 E—south582 ..at ingh124nfeet fart er south therce south 32 feet et�e herSnnin- at Ge orae Street thence F.O. 87656 Orleans :`tre=t, __south 100 feet F.O. 87745 George Street, south side, beginnin4, 44 feet west of Jrle:ans Street thence west 14 feet F.O. 87375 Man omin Street, east side, be,Tinninc 80 feet north of 'age Street thence north 22 feet 110 foot east of Cher lton F.O. 87745 Sydney Street, north side, be,ann inr, Street thence east 18 feet, he^Srninr 72 fact fs. x•t.'.er cast, thence east 6 ft. t -st of Sou+: F.O. 87370 Chiango Avonue, scut'_ s'de, be-Snn1 n 60^. ee re Robert :;tract t"e ice --est 70 £est Is*arv+n" a u..ed—.nnntirvreaterly aid-, from ?—ai-t to Aw:--s to - vt r6 -L = oith LO feet 1 0 fer+t., t e th t.e 'ae eouthsto -sago aareet'' ---- r nning at Fairfield Avenue therce F.J. 88142 Lat..Avenue, west s'_de, be-i south 120 feet, and Eaton Avenue, east side, ber,innin, nt Fairfield Avenue then.. Guth 40 feet F.O. 67575 Chicago Avenue, north s+ e,be:;inn in. b4 feet e+i st of .labs she Street thence ea �+ea BSfeet oath �:abnshs :. ..rest to F.O. 87156 Fillmore Anue, north sie r,.,. , .roS Ed'aard Street F.O. 80143 Fai-.est thence ea,outh si'let, be:-.in '-n, 15 f-et rest of Stilton et 9iAlel beginning at Chatsworth Stree'"' -; ta•e ct, both sides, fro: Prior Avenue to CI—e lv n�' All". _o. sas ae �iooelens nvo nv set side, he p,lnn Ira- at Pa Ince 6trs�t, the�ea 1-77— The mamma -t of__..-bonefita.—COAtl Anjj-.,Axpenaes the above improvement having been submitted t, the Conseil, end the Council having .... id ... d,ml, -ad found th, said _,mall,t satisfactory, therefore, b, it RESOLVED, That the said -111"I"al b, and the m— i, hereby i. III "'PIcb, -Pilt—d' RESOLVED FURTHER, That , public hearing Ill had an said —amltlt on the.... 12t11 , -Ally If qatober 19..32, at the h.,, If 10 ',I.,k A. M , i, the Council Chamber If the Court H..,l, and City 11111 Building, in the City of S, 11-1; that the CIM -1-1-1 of Y-1— 9"'noticeIf said .,,tiIp, m tlq,i,,d by the Charter, stating in mid notice the time and place If hearing, till I.—I If the improvement, it,, total —t thereof, 111-1 the a,aa.t.—amd against the 11t 11 1- If the P11611111 I— t. wh.m the notice is di --ted. Adopted by till Co nail 19 lamCit, 11ati, Approved C ... C ... t'.0 feet -- 'an-- .....e ti:ecce at --'a F.D. 69421 yestero �klo-u 7 north. all. n -egiming at F.D. 89421 Arundel Street�WeSt,,,,, de, I VTLjversit^ Avenue thence Booth 137&,t .e hoe��rina afeet north of Fuller Vfdtor — 8696i'Th;V.-_Stl-�t, north aid., beginning 80 f..t t of Gr.tt, %C—JV,4�� and ' Sydney BtpoB t F.D. e7656 QrIonm. Street, eat aide, b.4gi—ig at G ... ge Street then.. south'100 feet street t .. CITY OF ST. PAUL _-11 1U No_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .0 °a tJC RESOLUTION�ENERAL FORM coMMis"Tev�orea—___... — slu��`A_ RESOLVED That the action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of the City of Bt. Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinance NO. 7413, for the purchase of that real estate known se Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 6, Skidmore's Addition, from the owners thereof, for the sum of $300.00, this price to include all assessments and tries paid in full, as an addition to the present Harding High School site, is hereby approved, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant in the amount of $300.00 in favor of the owners of this property as determined by the opinion of the Corporation Counsel, based on examination of the Abstract of Title when a proper deed conveying same has been approved by the Corporation Counsel and delivered to the City Comptroller. Cost of said land to be charged to the Education Bond blind No. 506. COUNCILMEN Y.. COUNCILMEN AdopteJ by the Council._..... ....._..__.. _ _1f13...... /MayV/// nR „ —,i P.— .I favor F ,c �.r.. App,,,,d Rosen / Truax _ —. .--Against Wever ea 4 /Mr. Pr j,I nt Mahoney ..__ ...... 193..... mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Cesllel of Mlnnno� DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 112 Cowl Hone offl.o September 14, 1932 REPORT TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL: The Committee on Lands beg to report that it has undertaken to purchase that real estate known as Lots 16, 17 and 18, Block 6, Skidmors'e Addition, in aocord,,Lnce with C. F. No. 93330, approved August 26, 1932, as an addition to the present Harding High School site, and that said property can be purchased from the owners thereof for the aum of $300.00, this price to include all taws and assessments paid in full. The Committee recommends that the offer of the owners of said land be accepted and the property purchased on the terms above eat forth. , OOMMITTEE ON LANDS r omm ssioner of Education o as ng Agent a kGs: I ::::.c__._—_. 3717 CITY ST OF . PAUL c" NO.... 9 r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v CORESOLUTION—GENERA, RESOLUTION GENERA, FORM PRrari ssEONEn. AIL DATE WHEREAS, H. Westman, 378 Jackson Street, was overcharged fifty Cents for Electrical Permit Ho. 18178, issued August 10, 1932, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant in the sum of V fifty cents, payable to said H. Westman, said Buis to be payable out of the Refunds and Repayments item of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yens Nn� / / MAY /P u- /Wenzel m n At,, President Mahoney Ic4.... . . am= Adopted by the Council_.SEE_A_........___....183...... R { r Approved __. .. .193.... Mayor.. 777 iw': W -'=t— , CITY e,t- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ca Pll.l of Minn..ot. DEPAVWNT Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commiwi.— OTTO E. CONSTANS, D, ty C—Liens . O September 13, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, City Prosecuting Attorney, Department of Law. Dear Sir: This has reference to electrical permit 16178, issued August 10, to H. Westman, 375 Jackson Street, to Install five ad- ditional electrical fixtures in a residence. A fee of $1.00 was charged by mistake. Therefore, may we ask you to draw up the necessaryresolution, directing the Finance Department to refund to this party the $.50 which was overpaid? Yours truly, Commissioner. A CITY OF ST RAUL 93718 ' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK FON/CIL RF`OLUTION—G ERAL FORM et/ __ E. fl9p�BIDZ1@I A— 193Z RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be V. given permission to excavate for and build transformer vault under the sidewalk on the south side of East Third Street, approximately 90 feet east of Jackson Street, abutting the north line of Lot five (5), block thirty (30), '� $r St. Paul Proper, v e —b' an P owl aid.lml%Q";n �o�rvol�MEN i . Y-, Nayz Ad.pr.d by rhe Council 19 May hhgo—id- M favor '� Approved .. ..i•t� 19 P.e... +E Yv� •. MAYOR Mr. P ... id— Mr, r.. Y LAMBERT BASSINDALE ARCHITECT Saint Paul, Minnesota 485 Endloott Building Robert Street August 2, 1932 Northern States Power Company, li Saint Paul, Minnesota. i Gentlemen: Subject: RV.- Post aOfLl6a icor place for ,t�r�hefo r venit under the Third Street sidewalk w94 sub ted to the Office of Supervising Aroblteot 1 a n, who advisee they have no authority to give val for such matters outbids of the pro n ut they have no objec- tion to the loos o 1 1 of the vault as proposed by your ane. h re e, the approval is a matter be twee on and t City of Saint Paul. we and tand expect some understanding ora ee t t6 t d Btatee Goverment for eleorvioe building before proceeding with t e install ou of the vault. We suggest you get i¢ ouch wit he proper authorities in Washington. Very truly yours, By L. Bassindale. LB: ON Enol, CO -Suer. Arch. M onuul .o av a.n CITY OF Sf. PAUL c'v NO.......... 93719 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pw EN �o a. a,go WHER11is prodded by Oonnoil file No. 93432, approved August 19 19321 the Oounoil did, on the 14tb day of September, 1932, at ton o�cloak A. M. in the Council Obamber of the Court House and Oity 941, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of breaking an open shack on Let S, Ogden's Addition, alsoknown as go. 126 Wounds Boulevard, following due notice of @aid hearing given pursuant to Ordinance Do. 7210, approved flay 22, 1930• and it is the opinion of the Oounoil that said building is ansae and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and ebould be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RC90LPZD, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or coupaut of said baild- img or structure; be it TURTHRR RZOOL That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notida to d property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal ban been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings @ball report said fact to the Council. Lou cu,nIEN SF? 1 143`7 Y'— Adop-1 by tl C il_- hlny /_t L '/'yerc¢ In favor ) AIP I_—.._ -. __ _-_193_ T,,— ./ '.AgMmA Mnyur W em ._ �vf r..PreaiJent Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gvlvl of Mleema OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Ory CI , ,,d Comml.lona d g.ylA.11on .M� O September 14th, 1932 Mr. L. L. And --on, Corporet ion Counsel, Building. Dear Si r: At the meeting held today, the order condemning that certala open aback on Lot 6, Ogden'e Gdditioa, also know ae }126 U mds Boulevarconfirmed sc d referred to you for the proper resolutiontee• We enclose herevith Coaacll File No. 93432. Yours very truly, City Clerk, W CITU OF ST. PAUL .0 NO.. _......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Rii7E9M WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, at Its meeting on September 13th, 1932, authorized the application of Cork -tile to certain walls in the offices of the Department of Education, the Department of Public Works and the Department of Finance, in the new building, at a cost Of $1,388.48, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Counoil approves of and conours in the motion of the Advisory Commission, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to add the Cityte share to the general contract Bum of Foley Bros. Inc. was we^• w'i sow myY 1 .ea`p.c ,n.c..• m m of .o w.�:r: em5 n iwe: . a.�a[tNtc' mow.. i9q�us n[ aopY� Ir 9eoL'1. ]flr.l II 4AVD (neo. f9 tali COUNCILMEN Yeea % Nay, Adopted by th,Ca—fl ...... __...FL_'_._'� 193__.. May '! /P—. ' .... _Ia favor , - a, Approved Truax ' ..... Ag,i.,t Weasel Mayor .N en Mr. Preatdeat Mahoney Saint Paul '.,F K° Bureau of Municipal Research A,hleuc Club Building September 14, 1932. To the City Council, City oY Saint Paul, mic-sot.. Gentlemen: At it, meeting o>ootember 13 the Advisory C:7t House and City Hell Bullding CaSeeton authorised m Sncreeee Sn tha general contract price in the -9 sum oY $1,386.46 for applying cork the to certain valla in the Depart - eat of &dncation, the Department of Public Work., aW the Department of Finance. This matter ie referred to you for your action. Very truly your., Secretary, Advisory Court Hones and Clty Aall Building CPI{: SHCo_i ..i on. z °21 93722 NCIL� RESOLUTION niaoc p�e'�o�'i. eaa`I. .0 RESOLVgO,HAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF gLJ-S COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED —1111MIlt TO a-.7,. [ --040 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SFP ? g o ,PPa=IE= J I I I i _ oF. cE of THE coMOTRo�c ... No. cooNc .,.v cc u..� COUNCIL RESOLUTION 2--� .on�n AUDITED CLAIMS Sert. 14 -- 21 .57- or - TOTAL - - -I .�..�n IN FAVOR OF c..cc.s c.ncnn n...rK 6 aBo„��T.oBw,ao 7 500 00'1325 737 00 _._. ` - - • 6645 Thornton Bros. Co. 2. r 20 163 32'. 8646 Bradford 011 Co. 62.- 8647 Br aunlg and Sone Baking Co.'. i 2l'. 8646 F. J. Brings & Co. 107 50 8649 Albert Britnell 2 50 1650 Brawn & Fenney 12 50, 6651 Bruce Publishing Co. 16 72 6652 M. L. Burkhardt 1 10 2 25. 8653 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 6654 The 0alhon co. 13 93'. 6655 Capital Envelope Co, 72 50 8656 capital Ice & Fuel Co. 8657 Capitol Nelding & Mfg. Co. . 1 W " 69 8658 Central Garage Inc. 16 14 8659 8660 Central Scientific Co. Central Soap Co. 12 36' 45 60' 1661 8662 Chain Belt Cc. Campion Animal Food. Co, 550., 8663 Chicago ApparatuB Co. Ry. 17 61 8664 8665 Ch1.Mil+.St. Paul & Pacific Ch1.9t. Yaul ,kp1 e.& Omaha Ry. 6 15, 8666 Chicago Journal of Fommerce 15 60 5 ' 6667 6668 Cl ncinnatl Rubber Mfg. Co. citizens Ice and Fuel Co. 9 98 8669 Charles W. Clark Co. 524 87 8670 Cochran Sargent Co, 1h 4 8671 8672 Columbia Tool Steel Co. Commonwealth El eotrlc Go. 200 28 68 14 867j3 C. H. on Co. COrp. 23 00 6674 Peter Cooper Tool Service Co. 3 00 6675 8676 Cornwell Correct Cax Care Servlae 150 8677 Correct Englleh ServiCd 25 55 6678 Carol 0" Book co. 21 85 54 g6' 9679 8680 1E. B. Crabtree Co. The Crane Co. 377 81 6681 Crescent Creamery Co. 191 50 14 25 8682 8683 Cudahy Packing Co. our tie 1000 Ino, Co. 11 58 5 °o 8664 B685 66 B6 Daily News Publishing Adam Deoker Hardware Co. A. T. De La Mare Inc, 251 77 8 66, 8687 Diebold Safe and Lock CO . 2 79 8688 Joe, Dingle Boat 'darke 10 0 8 BS 8689 DSepatch & PSoneer Preen Co, 6690 8691 DI tract state Boiler In.peotor ?5 �Oo g. J. Dyer & Broa. 8692 Eastman Kodak Stores - 9 00'' 8693 0. R. Ec khan Co. Meat Co. J A 15' 8694 L. ESeenmenger Co. 40 P9 8695 8696 Eleotrlcal Ins tailation Elk Ll nen Sup ly Co. 77 77 6697 Tlvgren Paint Sunrly Co. 178 c0 8698 Empire Auto Snp?ly CO. 9 Po 8699 The Emporl um SOI 8700 T. J. Engel ''skiing Mfg. 7k.. 10 00' �r °FF�EE OF THE 10-101LEs �oa.K� .SLE ` NO. coowE�Lw,EN-aoLL Mwr ' � EwL� COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS _ 5ept. IL, 1.32 721 L r~ a au..aca da' IN FAVOR OF sso�a vT Foawwao 7 500 00y348 512 571 .. . 8701 8702 Eeelinger and Co. H. L. Ettman Sponge Co. I 4 15 390 00 8701 Fairbanks Yoree & Co. 2750 25. 57 8704 Y. F. Falk Pap ex Co. 224 15 8705 Gopher 011 Product- Co. 244 30 8706 8707 Ed, J. Deragi eah John Schauer 58 68 6706 American Lumber & 'Wrecking Co. 1 20 00 8709 Clement F. Sculley Equip. Co. 57 205 00 �., 8710 Stegmelr Tire Co. 1 172 55' 6 8711 Farwell Ozmun Kirk & eb. . 22 224 38. 8712 " 83 98 871 871 F.Foxon Co. 30 g4 8715 H. W. Fisher 3 00 6716 J. J. Fitzgerald I W 8717 Leonard Frank Co. 17 05 6718 H. B. Fuller Co. 198 00 8719 Fuller Braab Co. 12 60 8720 Gem on Meter Co. 28 02 8721 Emil Geist 15 50 8722 General Office Equipment Co. '. 3 05 8]23 General E1 atrlo supply Oorp. 116 74 8724 Generator 3peolalty Co. 95 32 8]25 German Book Imp_ti❑g 4 11 8726 G111etta Publiebing Ca, 3 00 8727 The Golden Rule Dept, Store. 10 65 8726 Goodrich Silvertown Inc. 74 93 8729 6730 R. L. Gould & Co. Gra--elli Chemical Co. 5z 938 8731 Graybar Eleotrio Co. 22 90 43 8732 Greenberg Publisher 16 9 7 8733 Grinnell Co. Co. 210 8734 Griswold Signal 91 8735 Gruber Auto Electric Co. Mfg. Co. 13 5 8736 8737 W. J. Nsea Theo Hemm Brewing Ca. 5) 20 8738 Harms Inc. 50 8739 Norman W. Henley Pub. Co. Hersey Meter Co. 2 03 468 00 8740 8741 Highland Spring Co. & Co. 48 70I 7 32 76',. • 6742 8743 F. T. Hlldred Hind- Hayden & Elred6e 2 8 3 37. 8744 Houghton Mifflin Co. 306 95 8745 8746 Robert W. Hunt Co. H. R. Huntting Co. Ino. 101 31 60 8747 Inness & Son- 11 49 8748 Inter City Paper Co. Co. 1 60 8749 International Textbook 4 50 8750 8751 Int ernatio nal Time Recording Joy Bros. Motor car Co. 17 20 8752 Keasbey & Mattison Co. 41 875} Ree Lox Mfg. Co. - 100 8754 Kellogg Switchboard & Sup. Co. 13 32 8755 Kennedy Bros. Arms. Co. 85 80 8756 Kieffer 3ouaage Co. i 7 SOI 42 8757 8758 8759 Kindermart"Elizabeth Palmer" Rm. K11ne LS Klingel 7 3 8760 -. Lm F e -Republican Linn. Sales 6 __7 ror.L-voawweo ., -1-;44 22 for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. IIa �Isr xnR ...... sa.. ebL oa ...v �i �r vo o Isent 1'I�t9]E ne v I6. 18mY.1 tp_. courvc LN[ry hays o„o,.o�....,.CITY OF ST. PAUL by I Counm.ycil.. �)•� S 19 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Sept. 15, 1968 CO,MISSIONER _M RESOLVED I In the mltte^ o. _av t`z Jo:2nsun In (ago. Parkeay from A—yland Street to Stillwater Avenue, 19 _ App `d under erelimin-•.ry Or.ler C. 1. 981 approved Againsr `� rsnvoR February 13, 1531, and Final order C. "r. 99398, approved June 2, 1931. Ne solv ed, That the plans and specifications !� as submitted by the Commissioner of Public l4ork3 for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. IIa �Isr xnR ...... sa.. ebL oa ...v �i �r vo o Isent 1'I�t9]E ne v I6. 18mY.1 tp_. courvc LN[ry hays Adoplcd by I Counm.ycil.. �)•� S 19 Ycas I i6.D.w�id In (ago. � <i a� 19 _ App `d Rosen Againsr `� rsnvoR �edAeniwi Mr. Prnldcal !� °„°,„ x� CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Pa..E-E. e _on, Sept. 15 oMM s= orv� f� RESOLVED - Wh er sas, Seecifiesti ens and quantities for the purchase of Trees and Shrubs for planting the N.splanade Area of Third Street between Wabasha Street and Jackson Street have been prep -'.red by tie Superin- tendent of Parks and submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works; be it Resolved, That said specifications and quantities are hereby aparoved and the Purchasing Agent is directed to advertise for bids for this work. IIH Yeas eourveirmcry Y Adoprrd by rhr C. -I S:-: ' ..r pOA�.19 pH,.g� In favor Approved 19 Pearce Nwen Ag,, n , - C ,r saw. Z M, P'­d­ 1 !/7 In the matter of grading the east and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Additlon, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat1, from Syndicate Avenue to Ham line Avenue, under Prel 7.minary Order C. F. 92337, approved May 10, 1932, and Final urder.C. F. 93084, anproved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans ^_nd specifications as submitted by the Commi3sioner of public horks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r� c. a eine a:=esa'ia rigQi 0ro;: o �Na. eo vv aveda0� in a t. ] ,u Ycas courvciLmeR Nzy. Adopmd by ehe C ... I SEP 151932 19 Mar d r r di�4t In Favor <_r.%� App[Oved _ 19 Pearce Sd1er�" i.» Mr. Pcnidenr-9�i / CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.r NO._ :IUIl�I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK f UNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM 1Eo /�(/( Sept 15,_ 1932 _ RESOLVED _. In the matter of grading the east and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Additlon, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat1, from Syndicate Avenue to Ham line Avenue, under Prel 7.minary Order C. F. 92337, approved May 10, 1932, and Final urder.C. F. 93084, anproved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans ^_nd specifications as submitted by the Commi3sioner of public horks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r� c. a eine a:=esa'ia rigQi 0ro;: o �Na. eo vv aveda0� in a t. ] ,u Ycas courvciLmeR Nzy. Adopmd by ehe C ... I SEP 151932 19 Mar d r r di�4t In Favor <_r.%� App[Oved _ 19 Pearce Sd1er�" i.» Mr. Pcnidenr-9�i / 11) "_7 P c; il:Mir a. .1'.°x .I ane �'11L°PR ESOLUTION �.' �t— °o.°..e '.-A�u 'a. yes __Sept_. 15_. _,so2_ RESOLVED, ..A_ -- _,__ _- --——,'THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $1 ,e4s.6 7 _ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO_ $$$Q— _Iry CLVSIVE. 9S PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ,��C�p.paM1PTROLLER. `couao�uME ao�u COUNCIL p[SOLUTION sept. 15.,. 32 AUDITED CLAIMS, � ' Eo o" i6s y09.C.. o. ,> dl IN FAVOR OF ns"c o: unssr. n. ere"n. nine.„ "Rouo�.Foww.Ao cSooRoo�i4loc844E22, _ 45 50 87 • 8763 9t�PaulaBluemPrinteCoBerv.Co: ] X94 29r 87642 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 70 06 25 676 13 493 7211 8765 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance 912 20 8766 ly 34 610 69. 8767 2 016 95 8768 P, 3 672 68'j 8769 z 674 35 8770 239 00 8771 6 973 29 8772„ 546 48.. 677 ” 2 751 71', 877 „ „ 3 926 73� 8775 " 26 60 8776 Jame E. cleae 17 36. 8777 Ba1a.,in suomy co, 8]7]8 Milton Roeen, CO.. of Finance 11 451 o81 a7go „ p 25 138 DDOI 8781 14 89 8782 4 371 49 8783 Lampland Lumber„co. 10 11 �', 6784 The Lary'ra Co-operative Pub.. Co. 2 5o 8785 League of Minn. Munlcioalltie9 6 OO i' 87 g6 Librarian 42 02 8767 Liade Air Products Co. 76 45 8788 A. L. Louis ��.l0 00' 8769 Mac Has'. Blue Book Co. II g 10 8790 Mccra+-x111 Bonk Co. j6 28 8701 McKesson -St. ''Paul Drug CO. 125 21 8792 Maendler Brush Mfg. Co. 55 351 979j Malmo. Motor Co. 5 001 8794 Management Methods 1 g0' 8795 F. R. Mann & 9on a 4DI 8796 Marrinen ueaioal 3u 1y co. l0 3 8797 C & E. Marshall Co. 9 75 8798 John Maurus 1 75 8799 Mies C. MazRell 5 30 8800 Phil. A. Maynard 44 14 9801 Helady Paper Co. 14 10' • 8802 Gus. D. Messing 35 z6 8801 Mid..ay Cre amerg on. F cq 21 8804 ­ Midat Chemloel Co. Inc. 8 12 8605 Minnesota Fence work. 8806 Minnesota Fire Appliance Co. 24 0000' 8807 Minnesota Historloal Society 36 0 8808 Minnesota Milk Co. ' 213 0 05 8809 Minnesota Ne- CO 95 95 6610 Miteoh & Heck 10 00' 8611 Monarch Packing SuP`ly Co. g 10 6612 F. J. MorFa & Co. 38 35. 8813 Mothers Friend Laundry Co. 31 05 8814 Mutual Mfg. Co. 54 00! 8815 R. A. Yyers & Co. 113 27 8816 Nae eau Paper Co. 1 00 00 8817 National Adv. Com. of Education 5 8818 Nat'l ,at Er-.dc^.sting co. 8819 National Eattery Co. 40 33 6820 National Lead Co. 108 52. ....1 7 'On oo�596 763 2g i iL.€, jar C - cocNc��M CFF c. or rNe Coiner.ou[. „F NO '.� • � s,wr COUNCIL N[EOLUTION v 3 AUDITED CLAIMS - -' ecce» 1 _ I »E� AL • 0 nur"eu IN FAVOR OF 7 500 n 001596 763 28 8821 Capitol Staty Mfg. Co. 30 38 199 72 8622 Louie F. Dow Co. 2c 09 8823 Graybar Electric Co. 32 60 8824 J. N. Hulme Co. 37 82. 8825 Kremer Auto Spring Co. 4 2440 00 8826 Mack Internet 11. Truck Corp. 396 8827 Marquette Nat'l Bank Assignee. 17 61 460 8828 Midway Chevrolet Cc. 93 8829 Northern States Powe, Co. 54 89 6830 8831 St. Paul Sanitation Co. 58 00 8832 J. L. 9hlely Co, 1 555 08 z66 0l', 883s 0. Sommer. & co. 15 00. SW Sterling Printing Co. 2 25 8635 U. S. Rubber Co. Inc. 229 30 8836 victory Printing Co. 207 33 8837 York-'Aillls Agency 7 97 6838 Nestinghouse Electric Co. 510 51' 8939 National Mower Co. 2 00 ',. 8840 The National Police Officer Pub. Co. 2 00' 8841 The Nations School 56 00 8842 New York Tea Co. �tl 104 gg43 Nichols Dean & Gr1 gg Co. 47 7 8844 Northern Auto Electric Co. 646 95, 885 Northern States Power 438 20 218 40. 884666 75' 8849 " 332 8850 " 291 92 975 2?' 8851 log 19 8$52 177 21 jj $6 4 Northwestern Copper & Brass vk.. 20 90 66 53,, 8855 Northwestern Fuel Co. Co. 799 2 8856 ool Supp Northwestern Schly Co. 0 CO'; 8857 Grange Crush Diet- 8 30'. 8858 oriental Laundry Co. 20 38 8859 Orloff Leather Co. 60 58 8860 Owens Motor Sales Inc. 1 9 69 g 8861 Market Food a Pabst o ! 146 75 68632 A. N. Palmer Co. 104 99 8$64 Paper Calm enson A Co. Sl 03 Paramount Pies 4 50 8965 Peer7ese Northern Co. r0 8866 H. R. Peterson 23i 26 8867 PSaneer Electric Co. 1 Do 8868 Pioneer Ribbon & Carbon Co. 4 50 8869 Pioneer Flag & Decorating Co. 15 76 8870 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Co. 10 50 8871 Popular Mechanics Co. 1 00 8872 Postage Meter Co. 77 10,. 1873 Polos El eotrlc Co- 28 8974 Proctor & Gamble Do. 00 3875 Public Ownersblp League of Am. 1P 50 50� 8876 Public Utllitlea Raporte Inc. 5 9877 R. v. Pur don DS etributor 9 92 $878 Pure 011 Co. 3g Purity Cone Co. 8879 00 6880 . F,- s»ccr rorn�-Foawwsv -u� �^ c1C �� 66 o-W.imay a.r. CITY OF Sr. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RMOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coMMNreo av Haronn c. venael�-u� onrE Ss R Bspsemter 16, 1932._.. _ RFSOLveo That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby nuthoriaed and directed to oil the tollodng street., Alley - Aarora - University - fay - Marina 'T' Alley - Come - Bandon - a.lh.. Alley - Fr..kaon -lake ComoPhnlan - 6lmpeoa - Prise' 'T" Allep - Hyaelnth -Ivy - Earl - "rack _ I Alley - L fo.d - Blair - Griggs - Dualnp aei T' Allay - Princeton - Goodrich - reirvier - Baldsin P•eli•ew•e a,ioe •a. Allay - 8t. Gini, - Iy,oQood - Bzford - Chateeorth m�,ii�w°o°o e:., .al:•rar>; Allay - Sherburne - Charles - Kant - Maokubin a.>. v. - n.o Alley - University - ebarburns - Aebury - Simpson o •, .a r e:ie el Yu1 c•mo,n � Maryland from Whit. Bear to Barel ry m•rt i-r.mmare •fe,c•,gp. naa- Fnuquiar from Edgerton to Payne �xeij-e.m�, oe°exm, up'> Iglehart from Pierce to Try --ac cutin c•.•• o:�••a Margaret from Germain to Kennard ch. xen4 Margaret from Betel to Ruth ierer - ee•rea,n• wa- Pacific from Clere.oa to Etna e wm,• aaymoed PI Go from Raymond to Raymond a... m x.„• �cw�o•re° Sehaffer from Mount Q,rve Blvd to Cretin n m °P -M., 'te u,fi Stetef rom C. C. W. Bridge to Eaton ai L.. �..am°aas.`a>°�a4,6oe 8teta from Chemplaia to Utah ro Terry from Fourth to Margaret �°emsrt<: oom vv, c•r.° ai,o. ,e COUNCILMEN / CCD 5 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._.._._- _...!725.._193__. May Pparce App oved........... _.. ..193..... Rosea c . _..Against..............Mayor..... •v e -a 1%1r. Preeideat Mahoney / q372&-- 'i.trodhoald ko.jir­tivi c,dizie­ !,1-. 3250, , oaced Algellt 20, 1914, Is lA,o'hod by A,,__ _ 3570 and bl.q­t ah.nd,­t., entitled ah,Ibl,t­tiv,, ordl­.o iel,ti,g to t­ Civil Ser,rloe. T"'i-Al of the city or :t. ­,I, aH PravinO and IdeptirC r,l— snd r­Iati,,aG ,:,E COU14CIL OF Ili- CITY OF S7- PAUL Doh',% ORDAIN. I. Tint UrdinancO 3250:- ,;,­d 20, 1914, 11 b, and to, A,— Ja ba,Alby foltoll:.ended by otri­ni -Alt -11 of so, and by I,scrtinr in Iia- U,.,..f tA.A, tulle Ing: RULE V171 UNSKILLED LABOR SERVICZ ' 50- (-) MP"y .. t Civil service Bureau ala t I I jet ... an .1i.-Ibl. to oopl-Y�olht I in the Un:btll"'d Labor '­ic­ APPlieI"t'i for "A"' ac tvlca aj he I ­ to the ra,.I,1AAt- In Factions 15to 16 of theca Irules. The --- of ­dId,,too 1,11A' it the r u pass Via toot, for ­pIlyM,oAt 11 to oa,". .' "'lool that "I I" Pl-Y11-nt Rl9"t'r rs no I disqualified, shall be pli.ed en too Ell in,o priority -rIty of filing of IpPll ...... tTia enol -.a- A.. ad ..... ouch re,jet., al,11 notify the B "'In' -1 Ro_empIoyo,ent.__Vp,Intbmt or (b , 'Apl an r.-I.PlA,y.,nt in b, 'AAAlki Ilea labor Irll.e enIll be AAP r.qIi , .. ..e officer and by bir!1IIlIt'11n theIt ' I , .It an fr.. an- d c,,,pl,y,,nt register- Car, f the It- .hollbe according to priority of tardin,, 01 till lilt, g,bla on each lotv;h leeappli­tion ­ firet filed shall be : first certified and appointed. ( b ) Lay Off.--In jaeo of redle-A,n of forcol In the U­kIllad Labor service In or "a bo,­ In ,rd.r of tA.ir y ol dap theA,t hall be laid of, It g 11 the ' a R'stored to '­""Alr' t , "' ,.,nll f 1 d off. D. report off oheii the 'r.t Pu Al fIft.thil be seat ttth. Civil Service p­,au, and if ot,e,e on he mploy..nt Regi-t " `i%b I a o tri .o laid off ­ ..played in bt�'.r deport­nt, then the Da ... a SAVING CL'1VSF, (a) '''-I l—". hol.l J." ."Al ­­i. Labor omploy-nI in rof 1 1 Corr:on labor r11 snail h— toelr xn o 111—do •, ti..ployc'ont "'Cl stet in a -1'tb = :':i on JO sod n .ordl'-^ to t! c ori drily of fiII Ir im's upon r�hich t',.et_ r t c.,zs (1f .3 1 0 'at3 PC t. os l.o l ', �,1• ,.Ilrr cortl Py a r, 1„1.0 -off c:erkerq to ouch ot'ner de;: ±rtmant for shall omploymant nod, If n eosOry, enol, oth or depsrtn:nnt ahell • then rok a lay off v cordlnf to L'.,10 folloe thlc sort= pr"endure r'.It'n zo-'"o. t Lon.tlthn rTh'uinlnd1tlepart1 to d D tha cit Ohsll onto s0 that t:,0 labor Ors actnnlly smp yr, y y nt ull times, a erly nr. por slble, be those e:lth Lha hl gheot s•. o for it Y' 1pr to 6l,y or f'lllrg, on I— PIIplolm,ent k!ofl=ter. (1; Labor Cards.--'1'hc CSv11 i�r vl ca P s, all lecno to oam lm.cr.r, star Fun app of."'lot from Lna rcLl.ater, n labor ldevtll'.ovtlon 0'u'd. ^uch card eh11 contaln Lhe l=bOr er's adero os: ds sor ip2l c, =-r.. r. nrcber "I"n, priority of regi suction \ll :d"nti fl"ori"n CatdO Susund to shall r .:u1n x rop=rty of U,0 Ci ll :nrvi^.o -r en and' uhnll b, o De ratn% blu ,on demon,, 4s a prepOr. re noon, by G,e Uuroau. o,r'do Idnl-,i .,uch intthe trP3afer no oltaratlonv oforubl n inn s c c ch lxb0 Cull ty of �-s,1slOnsnnor. (�) Foilu_'s to :report. --Laborers csrtil'1Od Prov the ee eh»11 ror: t to the o::10cr or poroon da sl p,ntod ,volnynentI::t nithin 116 h o fron t'^ tis:e Of mctlinv, o notica to to.Ir lost ,. dr cr ' t cg t ruo bly abl F� L Ip.rt, e B,t:, t.^ . 1 v1 f t' ,,l ,...ppol ti r! "I I,n.,rnnj ,,l Io>• (.Os 1 1 D I the ..,e 11 n..as —11..l. b,L 1 :.n ,cho "poritloh.--5,ny laborer ,. ,,, Se saps uta" Cron . rvlco fern r who rofuses eppolnt�vn'•:, ampl o37..en'., et:;mploym,;n co L,� aso 'Ob.: utr,cl;en freer the regi eros, ex -, ,.,, othor:A:^.., pr virl.r'.. 1n -,b11'ife1"n (a) :i' L::is sac tion (z) LaDoror-.-!'-^ fcil t.o omnpl e'tn Lho1r a:.ullcat lore, r "'I to jj��port for Lh„ tests e'hcn soh odulvei, sir o.11 n., i. Gs rod on 4G' a,pl o,enant .a p,lster, =nd th air =_poll w,tlens U-11 bsrcance e'.rl clwn �nr rel;l stsr otay re-epply f -n rl.it'trotill Sn ru=cord u1 th "I olaIter sub" Zio" (�) of [Ills wction,m aria city o., o to such L,bor ore vwil be a:. fl" in•. of sus ra-cppl Sostl�n. SAVING CL'1VSF, (a) '''-I l—". hol.l J." ."Al ­­i. Labor omploy-nI in rof 1 1 Corr:on labor r11 snail h— toelr xn o 111—do •, ti..ployc'ont "'Cl stet in a -1'tb = :':i on JO sod n .ordl'-^ to t! c ori drily of fiII Ir im's upon r�hich t',.et_ r t c.,zs (1f .3 1 0 'at3 PC t. os l.o l ', �,1• ,.Ilrr .95 to I ri - tI. , 1, "1' n "— : -L" -- —L� t —1 sJ 11n su Id i, i rIr If n wm F. SCOTT. I hereby ... :,ndrorp,as,-o by the co ... 11 the %b ...... ntl ... d omondment to '. C,v. vi,,,l... Civil ^—ioe co1mni-i— (9-9-32) uc ti— Ill. i" I— I t— If fw t lid b, 11 f,,-,, from :.v:d 1'1 t, I Y— by t 1 C,—oil jAN tpp.... wm F. SCOTT. I hereby ... :,ndrorp,as,-o by the co ... 11 the %b ...... ntl ... d omondment to '. C,v. vi,,,l... Civil ^—ioe co1mni-i— (9-9-32) Adopted by the Council --..193--,. V... o veil—_..193__..Yea,. Nay,. MAY McDONALD / PEARCE /ROSEN TRUAX I j WENZEL //MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY� `' �I I ,y. Adopted by the Council 193— Yea,. N.Y.. x MAY / McDONALD PEARCE / / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL / /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) >,I, t v v / Adopted by the Council__.._.. __...___..193_..__ Yee.. Nay.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council ____... .._____.._ I93__.... Yea.. Nay.. / MAY h `V MCDONALD PEARCE /y /ROS@N r ' TRUAX ' WENZEL II" MR.PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) jam... Adopted by the Council 193—... Yeas. Nay,. M:1Y MaDONALD / PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) �fi Adopted by the Council_— _....... Yeee. Nays. //MAY / McDONALD j i PEARCE /OSEN /TRUAX / WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT Yl (F (' et Adopted by the Council._.__. _.._..193_ Yen.. N.Y.. MAY McDONALD /PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ;'V8 � It, �+ 3 Sad. P ✓ RYA L.td ower (n 4 3 V �✓'/� ���� � 3rd. & app, h 1 AdoP[ Yea,' ./ Nays Y (/May /McDonald Yi` ' P a cc� /itoaen Y rce 6I ru x R.— T, oeea W T a . Truax weaxe(/ we":" /MrZ1. PreelI Mahoney 7r Pres. Mah n Adopted by the Couvcil ....___... ____._.193_.... Yea.. Nay.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adapted by the C-1111 _._.._- Y— MAY MAY I /1cDONALD /PEARCE � ROSEN TRUAX 1 WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Couvcil ....___... ____._.193_.... Yea.. Nay.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) CITY OF SAINT PAUL ~ LAW DEPARTMENT T December 39th, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: I attach hereto the decision of Judge Loevinger in the case of State ex rel. Edward Bruce vs. City of St. Paul, Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and John B. Probst. You will note that the Court has sue tained the interpretation placed upon Section 101-M of the Char- ter and the Civil Service Rules by this office, which held in effect that common or unskilled laborers must be employed and re-employed in the order of their position on the eligible list, which position is fixed by the time of their application for employment. Yours very truly, Corporation Counsel. Copy. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. State of Minnesota ex rel. Edward Bruce, Relator, -vs- The City of at. Paul, s municipal cor- poration. Herold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and John B. Probst, Heepondento. DISTRICT COURT, Seo Ond Judicial District. The above entitled matter came on for trial before the under- signed on the 20th day of November, 1932, at a General Term of said Court bald in the Court HouQe In the City of St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota. Said relator was represented by McDonough 6 Diehl, his attorneys, and said respondents were represented by Edwin Murphy, Assistant Corporation Counsel for the City of 9t. Paul. It was agreed between said parties that the evidence would be submitted in the form of an agreed statement of, facts and that arguments would be had thereafter. Said matter thereafter again came on for hearing on the 22nd day of December, 1932, upon an agreed statement Of facts and upon argument of counsel. Now, therefore, after having been fully advised in said premises and having duly considered all of the evidence herein, the Court finds as Facts: 1. That relator, Edward Bruce, on the 4th day of October, 1932, was the bona fide holder of a labor card issued to him in 1931 by the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, isnd that on that day he was appointed by Herman C. Wenzel to do common labor work and did perform oommon labor work for a period of eight hours on said day. 2. That respondents, Harold F. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and ex -officio Civil Servioe Comdasioner, and John B. Probst, as Chief Examiner in the Civil Service BuToau, refused and do refuse to certify that the appointment of said Edward Bruce and the work per- formed by him on said day were in accordance with the provisions of (2) the Charter of the City of St. Paul and of the Civil Service Rules established under said Charter. 3. That said appointment of Edward Bruce by the seid Herman C. Wenzel was made pursuant to the fifth paragraph of Section 50 of Rule 8 of the Civil Service Rules. 4. That the said fifth paragraph of Section 50 of Rule a of the Civil Service Rules was added thereto by Ordinance $6634, approved February 10, 1926. 5. That on October 4, 1932, laborers in the city service were appointed pursuant to the eeomd and sixth paragraphs of Section 50, Rule 8, of the Civil Service Rules and Seo. 101-M of the City Charter. That for some time prior to October 1, 1932, appointing officers had made appointments of common laborers according to the said fifth para- graph of Seo. 50, Rule 8, of the Civil Service Rules, but on August 9, 1932, respondents Goodrich and Probst were advised by legal opinion of Lewis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel of the City of St. Paul, that this provision was oantrary to Seo. 101-M of the City Charter and that unskilled or common laborers should be employed in the order in which they had made application and had qualified. G. That pursuant to this ruling, respondents Goodrich and Probst prepared a list of common or unskilled laborers, on which list the laborers were placed according to the date of their appli- cation and qualifications for work as such laborers, and notified all appointing officers and all registered common laborers that on October 1, 1932, appointments would be made pursuant to said second and sixth paragraphs of Sec. 50 of Rule 8 of the Civil Servioe Rules and Sec. 101 of the City Charter. 1. That on September 30, 1932, all laborers employed by the City were laid off, in order to start the new system, and on October 1, 1932, laborers were certified by the Civil Service Bureau to the various appointing offiATs who made requisition tberefor, in accord- anoe with the aforesaid second and sixth paragraphs of Sea. 50, Rule B, of the Civil Servloe Rules, and Seo. 101-M of the City Charter. B. That the requislti one on October 1, 1932, were for two (3) hundred fifty laborers, and respondents Goodrich and Probst, in response thereto, certified the two hundred and fifty names first upon the labor priority list. 9. That on October 4, 1933, the s?1d two hundred fifty laborers were the only ones certified by the Civil Service Bureau to appointing officers. 10. That on October 1, 1933, and on October 4, 1933, the Position of the said Edward Bruoe, relator, on the labor priority list was number six hundred eighty. As Conclusions of Law, the Court finds that the respondents are entitled to the judgment of this Court dismissing said alterna- tive writ and denying to said relator any relief herein. Let judgment be entered accordingly. Dated December 37, 1933. Gustavus Loevinger, District Judge. 1U CHANDUN. This matter came On for hearing purauant to an alternative writ of mandamus issued on the relation of Edward Bruce, reculring the respondents, the City of St. Paul, Harold F. Ooodrioh, City Comptroller and ex -officio Civil Service Commissioner, and John B. Probst, Chief Civil Service Examiner, to reinstate him as an a - Ploys of the City of St. Paul. The Charter of St. Paul (Chap. VII) Orestes a Bureau of Civil Service and divides the Civil Servloe of the City into two classes, nanelyi Classified Service and the unclassified Service. The Unclassified Service includes all officers elected by the people, all heads of executive departments, a secretary to the mayor and one deputy for the head Of each executive department, and the superintendent and all principals, teeahers and instructor. In the public schools. The Classified Service includes all other officers and employee, subJsOt to Certain exceptions not here Import- ant (Sec. 100). The Charter authorizes the Civil Service Commissioner ®I: I (4) to submit rules for the Classified Service to the Council for its approval (sec. 101). These rules must, among other things, provide for the proper classification of all offices in the civil service, (Subdiv. A); for the creation of eligible lista in the order of their rating in examinations to remain in force not more than two years (d); for the appointment to fill a vacancy of one of three persons who are rated highest on the appropriate list (f); for tempor- ary employment without examination, with the consent of the Commis- sioner In oases of emergency, which shall be for not more tban sixty days (b); and for the appointment of the unskilled laborers in the order of priority of application after such teats of fitness as the Commissioner may prescribe (M); Seo. 105 of Chap. VII of the Charter provides that no person holding a position in the Classified Service shall be paid for his services Orlesa he has been certified by the Civil Service Oommiseloner sa having been appointed and has perform- ed services in accordance with the provisions of the Charter and the rules established thereunder. These Charter provisions are controlling and as far as they go are self-executing. State ex rel. Furlough vs. McCall, 127 Minn. 155. Pursuant to the Charter, Civil Service Rules were approved by the City Council in 1914 known as Council Ordinance No. 3250}. These rules have been frequently amended. By them all positions in the Classified service are divided into three general classes, known as Graded service, the Ungraded Service and the Common Labor Service. (Rule I, Seo. 3). The Common Labor Service is classified into three ranks, namely, A, B and C (Rule I, Sec. 8). Laborers in these ranks are to receive green, yellow and white cards, respectively (Rule I, Seo. 8) as soon as they are found eligible for registration (Rule VIII, Sea. BOB). Eligible lists expire by limitation of time in one year from date of posting. (Rule II, Sec. 22). Emergency employee under the rules can be appointed for not to exoeed five days (Rule III, Sec. ,7). Cendidetes for employment in the Common Labor service shall, when quelifted, be placed on the eligible registers in the order of the —i—it, of ti—it, aoplieati on (Rule VIII, sec. 50, 2nd. Par.). _/ (5) A holder of a civil service laborer'. card, not employed, in entitled to have his name olsoed on the waiting list and to be certified for appointment in the order of priority on euoh list. Rple VIII, Sec. 50, 8th Par.). These rule. 99 here outlined are not attacked. It is obvious that the Charter and the —lee above referred to subject to exceptions, here immaterial, oonte.mplate that substantial- ly all employee of the City of St. Paul shall fulfill certain requlre- ments and are apparently intended to acoompli.h in the main the three things usually attributed to Civil service employment, namely: (1) pre- ferment of employment on a basis of merit or seniority, (2) security of tenure as against removal or demotion without cause, and (2) free- dom from the juggling of jobs for political purpose.. In 1926 an amendment to the rules was approved by the Council which, while leav- ing in force the provisions above referred to, Included the following new paragraphs "Appointing officer. are authorized, without requisition or notice to the Civil Service Bureau, to appoint or reinstate, as the case may be, any bona fide bolder of a labor card, and euoh appointment or rein- statement may be for any class of employ- ment in the Common Labor Service for which the particular card is applicable." (Rule VIII, Sec. 50, 5th Par.) It is this paragraph which is partiou- larly under scrutiny here. As appears from the Findings of Fact, the relator, Edward Bruce, on October 4, 1972, was No. 680 on the eligibility or priority list. On that day only 250 laborer. had been certified to appointing officers by the Civil Service Bureau. Rotwitbst ending that the relator was not among those certified, he was appointed by an appointing offi- cer. The appointment was made under the fifth paragraph of Seo. 50, Rule VIII, above quoted in full. The respondents Goodrich and Probst refused to certify mob appointment, claiming relator's appointment to be in violation of the second and sixth paragraphs of Sec. 50, Rule VIII and the Charter. The precise question Is. Was the appointment of the relator lawful? The question must be answered in the negative. (6) All successful candidates for the Classified Service except unskilled (common laborers) go upon an eligibility list "in the order of their rating in the examination" (Chap. VII, Sec. 101, D). All unskilled laborers are entitled to appointment "in the order of priority of application." (Ibid, M). It is difficult to conceive bow the provisions of the fifth paragraph of Seo. 50, Rule VIII are reconcilable with the letter and spirit of the Oharter. Unskilled labor obviously cannot be preferred by any test for skill. Its charter right to preference moat be based on seniority. The Civil Service Commissioner alone presumably has an authentic list of persons aualifted for Apointment in the Common Labor Service in the order of eenlorit y. He alone could be qualified to SnYnxm the appointing officer who is next In line. If the appointing officer may appoint any one holding a labor card, without notice to the Civil Service Commissioner, the eligibility list and the right of seniority or priority are obviously ignored. Insofar as the fifth paragraph in question authorizes any appointing officer to appoint any holder of a labor card without reference to the eligibility list on file in the office of the Civil Service Commissioner and to the right of priority based on the time of application as shown by said list, it in null and void. The appointment of the relator being In violation of the Charter, in that It ignored the priority rights provided for In Seo. 101-M is illegal and the alternative writ must be discharged. It was urged on the argument that the interpretation of the Charter here adopted would work a hardship upon many worthy holders of labor cards. The benefits of a rotation of employment among the unemployed as a relief measure were stressed. These considerations are beyond the power of the Court, of the City Council or the Civil Service Commissioner to take into account. If it is deemed that the present Charter provision is unsuitable to the existing conditions and a change is desired, such action must be taken by the voters tbrou¢_h an amendment to the Charter. Loevinve r, J. SERIAL 110. Of ROLL _/ % K7i DEPARTITNT Cif4 C, /f LL"-- ROLL IDEI:Ti FICATIO!1 SLIP _ I /S'ERMANENT RETE:NTI01! DATE To Df, DESTROYED --✓.— If Lim ted LIMITED RETENTION DATE CONTENTS NUKRER OR NAME OF FIRST ^DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS 2-- ;JUI®ER OR NAME OF LAST DOCU!¢NT MCROMIMED CF— 17 1-7 1y1��a— SICdIEp Opera.or J OII:T CITY COU!ITY MICROFILM. 3Y Supervisor m� 9. sz�\ 0