92888-93273_06-29-1932_08-04-1932I ■ 0 SERIAL 110. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT C ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP ll PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO DE DESTROYED If L m to LIMITED RETENTIONN DATE !IICROFILFTDz��6 CONTENTS [- —17,e,-/ / J � G aN/ , � �m NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS J u NUMBER OR IJAIE OF LAST DOCUt4NT FRC ROFILMED BY Supervisor SIGNED Opera.or ,JOINT CITY COMITY NICROFILtI pyw�mab oat CITY OF ST.. PAU o �' L�L �.......�I.. . OFFICE OF THE CITY �1 aPP j66�p A COUNCIL RE !_LITION—GE 'µ♦ _M_ av )Itom" ppm _ [ol e pr. T BeN 61M a- WHICREAS, As provided by Council File Ro.'92574, approved May 31, 1932, the 0ounoil did, on the 25th day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the 0ounctl Chamber of the Oourt Rouse, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain frame Dam located on Lot 21, Block 19, Maokubin A Mareball's Addition, also known as No. 419 Oarroll avenue, following due notice o f said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May - 22, 1930; and It is the opinion of the, Co, �ncll that said building ie unsafe, and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the -agent or occupant of said build- ing; be it FURTHER RESOLVID, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this noticeato said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN JuN 2 9 M2 Yate / NsyeAdopted by the G nnoil _- __193.... r �) WY, � y a4."rZ APY,711 � q __.193._ MCnYl eident Mahby 'LAM Ma aumr m ao a.x T A . No..... __.72M9 i CM of sr :, , ' OFFICE OF THE I w Try yq_, COUNCIL RESOLUTION e�wa ty9, p f Rm11eEEfa WHEREAS, As provided by Oounoil File No. \pauf roved May 19, 1931, the Oouncil did, on the 15th day o31, hold a publio hearing upon the advisability and,�,necesoking' that certain frame livery barn located on Lot 7 Lot 6, Block 2, Joel Whitney's Addition, also known as nee street, following duenotice of said hearing givto rdinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and iinion of the Oounoil that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it A RESOLVED, That said building be wreed and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing t. wrecking and removal of said building, be by the Oommieeioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said build— ing; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant no appeal has been taken from this order, said 00mmiesioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Oounckl. 1EItRN 32 193 Y'.Adopted by the G,w eJ JUN 2 919 ._.. .. V Z,� D.—Id s U 4 ! P42 /7' arcs In favor APl -d _— 183_.. /Truax ✓ __Agdnet / �:.[�(jciLlG( ... /F4enzel -�� President M,i, ney ��:IWSIiGD N CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pu.1 eF Minn—t. DEPARTMENT OF - PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 Civ H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C-1-1-1 OTTO L CONSTANS, D. 4 Cenmiulona .6?.tJ July 1 _ 3 9 32 . Hoa. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: on June 29, Council Resolution 92889 "a passed by yo-�---- Honorable Body confirming the condemnation by this �e mart – Want of the livery barn at 572 Temperance Street resolution confirms the condemnation. May we respectfully report that this property lass ao� been taken over by the city an an addition to tk a S market property and the building has been taken ry� the Department oP Public Works? *It is, therefore, in order to cancel all council pa o ® 4d– Inge – Snge relating to this case. Y(ourr. trul/y�,�,�,ry.�� �' Co>�Sesl�hsr. U I l tit _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ ...�-r:,-. c..,uriow or �ou.�M.wovew.cnr rwo]ecre • ResAlved, That tl�e Cov 011 hereby conours in the recommendation of the Contract Oommi t t e e and —ards the-Qontract for grading • pan Dyke Ave. f— jacinth St. to Autumn 9t. and grading alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Division Ro. 5 from Razel Ave. to van Dyke Ave., in accordant a with plane and specifications hereto attached, to EMIL FREIBEIS, -kia being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,17e-00 , and the corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract nierefor. 1 c s l.p}r �sr C ainlmr 4x. bi 8 �xn �Mc ap a }� [•A aper yy.C,�,nf�.: ayP' pdt. �9ep�v�idj �''�'n..aus'�i°ub• N�eta••uon c r�.t'. • �e9rmet alma tA/t4..8�s�RW �Yf �-, ctl "/ fI0 . tom: c.YYeaarlta]vnl i aia.� Wa3,l]W C]fa.1' r ..1 .o,.,.w,..o .o. ease .,.a,,.ma,..r,..wa. 1,866.00 77..7, `i,l77.oo .1.179.0( uYW 12COU N C t L RESOLUTION tf-• � � , � r .o =� rPa Resolved, That the Oo=c 11 2ze r ab 9 approves t8e aotion of the Contract Committee km awardiag coni traot for furnishing all labor • and material required to in s to 11 ornamental lights on Univdreity Ave. between Ride and Dal— 8 t s _ to the 0. H. ROSEORANB ELECTRIC 00. THEY BEING THE LOWEST RESP Oxs SB LE BIDDERS .UNDER PROP0GITION NO. 2, for the sum of $30,489.00, for c ombined pressed stpel and cast iron standards or standards usia¢ dub alar steel 1$'oles encased in pressed steel shaft and cast iron base 7Lri accordance with plane and speci— I £Scations hereto attache3, and t Yie Corporation, Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper Form of contract therefor. a o....�.. 8820 .„.,„.......,.,,..+ 35,887.00. ...........<., e.p,... �,. �...�.......�..o..�.,��.,«e_ _ o _ ...s�. �w..o.s.+e.. + .a..+n...� .. <.."...m..... Project S—A . aeTadu� • ... �.. v ... �....o.� ,,....... r.. <...«_ ,iU � 99992 � City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk scow. cs,, us,k and Cosinielona of R.. -- And CIDA-Un Ciu: .7—me 29th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, enilding. D.— Sir: The etta.hed ri L. r.l.tiw- to — award of contrect for or..WeateI li I.I— — niiw—Ity Avenue was referred beck to yon by tV with the request that You give your w.rittem .pini.. to LL Contract C—ittae es to the lagan t7 of tbm bids of the 0.111-ConstTru�Eion Company of CI—Ma d., the lowest bidder and the oeaoraae 81e. Lric Comp -.Nr of St. Pea1, the ..toad low bldder. The Corms it in.t sacra tbat the setter em be brought before thto —O.. Tous•s --Y tsaly, City Clerk. 7 r I . St. Paul. Minnesota, ne Ju29th, 1 9 a 8. Hon. City Connell 3 Coa.aty Commiasionerm; Saint Pant, - Zlnnssota. Gentlemen: At your Joint masstimig a week ago. you decided to use steel standards on IInireraity Avenue. Dos to pressure of parties interested in eoaerete standeardm. I undermtam that yam ars going to the aetiom taken. with the possibility that yea eight rsnrse your former decision and select oonerete pomta. at a cost or $9,106.61 greater than steel - ?he writer has attsndwd all Couaoil Meetings since >'eqr decision wasreaehwed and I have listesed to statements made by 'tae repreeentat iia or the wemtiaghouse Company. '81s argument for the eeaoa! Domts is larS03Ly -built en his state- ment that about 46,CCf0 vesament posts ars now is use is Saint Louis.Oa IIniveriaiI JqWaaa.e you are going to Install llfbt- ing stamards that 1 also be subject to trolley wire strains. She Westinghouse rey rwasat tative Sailed o tell you how many conerste standards in St . beuis were =ssde to carry side strains, and how many that werw saaQs for that paspose actually have the strains applied. Mb alae overlooked to mention to you that, In Pittsburgh, Pa., - tie home of that large company he Zayre - Bantu - the aerchaats or :WXrth Avenue mad the lighting company Installed Union Metal lesaw-y duty, rluted steal standards, and that the trolley wlre strains are applied on tpese poles. Be possibly is not ateare o2 " Saet .that a large concrete viaduct near the Westinghouse Plant - in fast I believe that it spans part or the Weatinghov.ae „property at East Pittsburgh - in equipped with combination. 'Union Metal, Lsavy duty, fluted steel standards with trolley wire strains applied, and that his own company parehased those, Slated steel standards fros us for that fob. She WGetinghoams Co.. is one or the ve rr7y largest tax- payers in Pittaburgh- tnsy have plenty of polltd sal inilas nee there, still where iighttiag standards rw Quiring strain purposes are used in their homes tomtn, steel ham 'been used - not concrete. The main ofrioe or their SSrset"Lighting Department is located In Cleveland. Ohio. -lila oanameatal ligbting standards in that city, where strains are applied; aim IInion Metal, heavy duty, j Hon. City Cef"all b County Oome oolonerm. St. Paul, Tian.- - - - - - - $. fluted steal. Canal Stet re, Now Orleans, considered both con- crete and ■tool bat adeDted Union fetal, heavy duty, fluted ' stool., state Stroot . Chioaao . has 'Union Metal standards in- stalled thoroon. The reaaoa rer the 'tall: about St. Louis job is, boeawso It is the Only large olty that I kmaw of to Install Westing - helm" oonere to oz4u~nlal atandardo to ease, aide atnin&, and I have been Informed that the side strains lave never boon applied Oa the St. Louie ntanQards. Y own sagineera have made a study of tbo relative merits or conorete and heavy duty Slated steel standards for 'University Avenue. Theno mea are both well Qualified to judge. I am confidant that. oven had the price for the concrete stand- ards been the etas as the low steel bid, that your Engineers would still -have reoommenaed the use of steel standards on this job. Thews men are honest; no rumors of graft ever eon- nooted with their uamon- Yon would be doing thea a great iggjjnnaatioo if you went adverse to their recommendations, especially with nothing to baoY you Up other than what has been placed before yon by the Westinghouse representative. With the price greatly in favor of stool on this job, and the fact that practioa lj..y every large installation of this class standard in the eonntry is stool - and not concrete - and the further fact that your Brigineere have reoommended steel, and the opposition to thea; recommendation is trying to humili- ate and embarraam these men. I cannot see where you can safely reverse your decision to imam stool, even though the parties interested in conorete are able to get a few University Ave.. property owners to appear in their behalf. Surely, if this oontraot ie awardod for oonorete ander this bidding, some property owners on Univaraity Avenue, or some taxpayers in St. Paul will onjoin such a Dreeedurs. Your" very truly, d � a ' COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC COMPANY CONT,�tA CTIN6 I: X(31NEER6 SOON ay 417 51oa-11 clE Ncvn as.+. c, AriP o �©�e A—ARAT4a SALE. DIV s— St. Paul, Minnesota, June 27th, 1 9 3 2. C�ty Cc oil, .. City Clerk, City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Kinn. Gentlemen: Thio Se to advise you that the writer, Mr. J.Y. Whalen, bas been appointed M;Oh r of the St.Paul-Kinnea- polio distriot, with full poo act, for the Collier Construction Co., Cleveland, - tha lowest responsible bidder on the University Avetreetlighting fob. It is the Intention,he Collier Construction Co.,awarded the contract for rnamental street lighting job on Universityy Avenue, the Commonwealth Elea rin Co., will take over the work and will ..some complete responsibil- ity. We will be able to .tart work promptly. The writer 1�@ a Kanter Slectrloian'e License, and we seenre you that the r� will be no delay in�.the progress of the work. Youre very truly, LC4.C. President, OMMOMMALTH ELECTRI COMPANY. JMW:RT. iu- � 'Oi ,lit p �i r. �� 1 _-.__ ' ._� NY�. I � R _ �' �� l� 'ti:J 'l::r Y ii w • i` ELECTRIC, \L ,CR1 November 14, 1931 N I I IM Ii(Ai 11II I II 01 \I I NIM HAS "U IIIT! UAt R DonovAn COUSTRACTIO11 CO. CONTRACTORS AIjp ENGINEERS upnHna H>..am. n.n.m�e�w u.« r•�A. ST. PAUL. MINN. vTmm »tee cw>u�•�a.a, w. �c. e..y...er mqY w.0 Tune 25th, 1938. Honorable Mayor - City Council & County Commissioners, St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Gentlomen a SuNect _ Dki- ersit3 dvenue Llghtle_g` Believing that you would be Interested In possessing All obtainable information relating to this project, there are A few items pertaining to the merits of granite hollowspan standards that we desire to call your attention to. We propose to furnish granite standards maenfactured by the Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co., one of the oldest and probably the largest manufacturer of street lighting equipment in the world" we wish to emphasize this fact from an engineering Stand point as the Westinghouse Company are recognized as among the very beat. With full knowledge of the many desirable features of granite posts we were anxious that the Superintendent of Lighting thoroughly familiarize himself with this product and we offered and agreed to stand all expenses for a trip to St. Louie where car plant is located so that he could obtain full and complete I nformation" but he did not feel free to accept. Let me ask you gentlemen, is it not sound reasoning to &881=6 that an organization as suooeseful as Westinghouse could not arrord to manufaoture A product bearing their name and backed by the glaraatee as required in the specifications unless this product were or the highest quality. Certainly from an engineering atandpoints� their entire business being essentially engineering, they should be right. A more convincing answer to this phase of the subject In to ask: the question, "Who is the better qualified to pass on the manna or a product, those who have used them for yearn), or individuals who never have had actual experience?" Lettere and telegrams are available from large users expressing excellent satisractioa with granite poets based on several year" experience. From a standpoint of economy, it is good business to support rain and reasonable competition. Quite frequently lack Of competition result" In higher price". Whoa completed, University Avenue will be a beautiful thoroughfare" it is only fitting and proper that it should be dreaeed np with an attractive ornamental lighting job especially As it da one of the main approaches to the State Capitol. The City Council has received a petition from most of the business men and property owners on the Avenue, expressing a preference for the granite poet, as a group of successful business men, their judgment is deserving of careful consideration. Respectfully submitted, DONOV NST CTION CO. SY 00110VA11 COMTRuc-non CO. CONTRACTORS AND ENOINE.' n� gT. PAUL. MnVIV. e..y...a mW.{emn June 25th, 1932. Honorable Mayor - City Council & County Commissioners, St. Paul, Ramsey County, Minn. Gentlemen: Subject _ TTaivereity A�eaue Lightinn_ Believing that you would be interested in possessing all obtainable information relating to thia projeot there are a few items pertaining to the merits of gFanite holfowspun standards that we desire to call your attention to. We propose to furnish granite aiandarda manufactured Vby the Westinghouse Electric Mfg. Co., one of the oldest and probably the largest manufacturer of street lighting equipment In the world, we wish to emphasize this Pact from an engineering standpoint as the Westinghouse Company are, reoognized as among the very best. y With full knowledge of the many desirable features of granite posts, we were anxious that the Superintendent of Lighting thoroughly familiarize himself with this product and we offered and agreed to stand all expenses for a trip to St. Louis where our plant is located so that he could obtain full and complete information, but he did not feel free to accept. Let me ask you gentlemen, to it not sound reasoning to assume that en organization as successful as Westinghouse could not afford to manufacture a product bearing their name and backed by the guarantee as required in the specifications unless this product were of the highest quality. Certainly from an engineering standpoint, their entire business being esaentially engineering, they should be right. A more convincing answer to this phase of the subject is to ask the question, "Who is the bettar qualified to pass on the merits of a product, those who have mad them for years, or individuals who never have had actual eaperienoe?" Letters and telegrams are available from large users expressing excellent satisfaction with granite posts based on several years experience. From a standpoint of economy, it is good business to support fair and reasonable oompetltion. Quite frequently lack of competition results is higher prices. When completed, University Avenue will be a beautiful thoroughfare, it is only fitting and proper that it should be dressed up with an attractive ornamental 11.ghting fob, especially as it Is one of the main approaches to the State Capitol. The City Cou cll has received a petition from most of the business men and property o ers on the Avenue, expressing a preference Por ttia granite post, as a group of successful business men, thair Judgment is deserving of careful consideration. Respeotful]y submitted, :DOgOV/�B, QOPST TION CO. l�/jl, . , . LdCSTERN`[n�;v [a5IGN5 `�i+.e �LMIWLL �LLMe U2 this telegram show = w the erueee you are y � q I ® N �,.,.. 9 ettiny from. WESTERJ 1V� N UNION __j ___ _ __. �.. �,.ia,.m•.,ewu„a. ate;, <a.,m.,,a,...m.e � �.... uT;es Received at COMMERCE BLDG BRANCH. 5I, PAUL MILAN. I9'i2JUN PM 3 !! 20 y PUCor xY PL = FYTPn .TL OUl4 NC 2n 2 2P CLYPF R MAY,CITY (MA'I—IONFR= 5 K CFIIAR CTPAUL VINN= APPRf)XIr,AATFLY THIRTY THOUSANl V.F TIN(;HnUCF H(,LLOV.$PUFI I GHTINC, ^TArJPARPS HrvF RFFW INF�TALLFP IN CI7Y OF STLnUIS TNI- TYPE CHnSFN AFTFPP CO;j PIFTF TEST ACIP IN1rP� TIrATIn\I MANY IN USE N,nRF THAM SIX YFAPC ANLVAVF FnUNP FmTIPFLY SATI�FACinRY= QFn B HFATH CHIEF FLFCT FM(.P. W. O. I.KlY. S[<--1 ...oa..a.a CITY OF BRAINERD WATER AND LIGHT DEPARTMENT Bra,nerc,dinnesote. .4w J,m Lith, 1432 c Iydc h. :.ay Lear 51r: I have b n wise tort ron ..tici'.�: t L.71 1, e .�.' nta 2osts for :.trect Il e .1 e Inn err lle rien e clong this hunJ rFd - n trvo c:t 1r- ,�-�b�r o ! -. ns >r evia�� t" ch our a Il :tio l`r t 3 hr, clis ter t-o.,:,l ti 01 CLo e r to tett nd one iaty a tt lobe, t t 1 o Ox�a tts. tta too rre.t — C� t_ pro i 1 t�- )J.3D ,or ..treet IL htt.: h i r L.1. 1- 'ro i t', e, t... City C nci 1 an¢um nOor Ln ti> �'nt ;L11 _ L n r h Nr N tre t 1 tro _ar t lo.�e t 3r d. stiE ^tip, �..t I, Ltt_ e P _ T ot :or 111, s :1 Ly ci " aIt s s rt it Co: „r_. , ho 11o� .I r st nor n . 1 rII t t � a Ic.1't o- o r Cast -1 0. ost, viz: ei - .�i_ tn- .. ,. 1 .e o tentL t s it of et.s tor- Brie t:'r t�=t o'r hL 1 c= ,e rr n, cost t�' c:i the17: h r Ltvi.. t-hin not hey.... clv:n bui It r t .roe L :u r .. Il'.im l: tion it :aes t i ani t t 1i*i .-.st (,ur�enC is -�esure� _t t�:r , tc hyo I". ni _ o: e=.�crl. .,I t it co_t:. List ye^r p .a• tot I cos+. per aast er annlim or Curr nt, 1'.Cor .t •r1 :1, clso i^^1uot,d t to ros. n a C, ;t-lr --it "ir - r i _ J i io-t o 'its o i tlae ti f= r r to Io tto I ..r n =t.11L n �_ i. ' hersL i'�, 'Ee ue.rt L,, :Le t. hrt opt.. .�11 lun nno �t,ri c� ;.. ruLy, i I�RARt601 EETg88R BTES FOL& ARD ORaM POLE -� be steel shaft that is offered'here in the low bid ve;ghs i appToaimately 880 to BOO# -The granite pole that'is offered "fah' i 300p# and has 800# of steel. In other words, yon as getting approa- 1"tely, the same "out of'itoo;.#.$asgranitd tole tithet you' Are In 'I t steel aaa.ther fore the gaawlte,ip ;�agyetr'eager than:theiateel. granite pulp i giving. YOU apprULU 4t61p-lW of aluminum, there -f 'there is nothing that will om?ods. The. steel pole Is Just giving A piece of iron pipe to hold -the lighting spits. There is no oopipaa , am in the oust of oonstruoti6n between the granite pole and the steel, p ea`oa osn see for yourself that the granite ooete oomaiderably moio i The Orth of .Ot. Paul IS now sPending •over 118,000• In wend ' blasting and paluttpg these steel shafts, therefore if the City bid grope polar they Mould�be able to says this _$18,000: tearly.01*b io's very large item. This 1118,000. Se 6% interest on #800,000. - The oitg of,St. Paul spends a tremendous amount of igoney every year in repalre end replassMents oa these steel pole'. This would not be 0e08a* on the granite poles. Qonslderini the o&107 laotori the .steel pole is bolted to a060'rets fodmiti,on dad It,M'.of the bolts shOdd.lo0104 it roald aautltl•'hhe stool tlhaft to vibkate and'break loose from the foundation d6ai�ing peat 6. 'The Vanito;polb ie placed ail fest down lata r the.grennd, enoaeea Sn a comarete'foundatioa':wbloh�makee it'imposeihle to break, therefore there would never be any worry because of aeoidenta. Tina makes the Vhiversltr'Ave. job very mach more adapted to greaites sa-the spans holdW ttp the trolley wire are over 100. ft. long.... We $aderatand that the Supt. of ^the Lighting BurekU firs ' rsooaaseni}ed pendant lightiag-anite,.This is hat, to underetandifor-all al'triot, ao bulii of the' upright lighting natts.1,.Stie,.,ips4t ligtiting = #p vattered in the gr&uge poet are far -more eapemsive then thependant type oalled for 0 ` y these ipeoifieetione, Sor she simple reascm that the upright l ghCicg 'snits aro supported by alumiin= castings and have alnmiagm eats. the glass.from falling to the rube 'eneaeing glaeesare,dhioh ; pre! , . . gltom7d"as a-proteotion against aooidonts to„Pdestrlens, This ttpe o ,nnit'.7,tl'a1eo-wart much more aoeessible from a msiatemnoe hood 1 The pendenttype hangs dirsatit _or the sidewalk and psr na;enoaaemeati of ant kind foF the glaenfar% therefore if a it” geM should break end: tall oaused by dibraticn of the Poles it ¢ 1�free to fall 4ireotl7 upon the sidewalk and my ssuse seridna i�pjnride to. pedeetrians..IA`� case should a pandeat 1lghting unit 'Wived to 40i% ever a eidYa�t i%thogt, `eCme fap' of^ eopeiement r: prpie0tidn of some kind• Ire gnplrintendeht 0 Llght�flg Bpap) the .011t apd "Ooj1hgnaty !seers helve Stated ttCbreasoolhat they al'e}pbt"in'favor 2f Bran�tA e b9oanse they have sever has aq eayerienda same: Tho steel Ole that they are feoosWendipg ie 'ef 7ate.devAloFIDent sad untried �. e. to Lh r yllrrStio3 `ihleTt xe'lrnor_th 40 lame engiaeers hays, hp4 no perigAso rlth,'•thsrefote it seems as though they are biased In hsif reoo�ebelation. I � - E { i ' PETITION TI THE HONOHABLr MAYOR ND CI_'P COUNCIL OF ST. PAU.: j !Is, the undersigned property owners, owning property sIbutting on University Avenue between De1e Street Ad Rice Street, clo hereby petition your honorable body, that in the new lighting 1{o be,.ponstx•ucted thereon that it is our desire and preference 1{hat GRANITE STANDARDS be used in place of any other type of Otandard and we therefore ask that GRANITE STANDARDS be us ed.� _ :fin such lighting construction., 1 ` b In '?i tness Whereof, we have hereunto set our hands i ,and seals. lame of Owner Address AA - f� i 1 V l R;0 Um MWORANLN NAYOR AND OlTr OMon Or sT. PAULS we, the undersigned Property Owners. Owning DrOP6rlW potting on University Avenue between Dale Street and Rice streets fda hereby yotit&= your honorable bodyp that in the new lighting' 'to be constructed therea that It to our deeps and Preference that Go= BTAMWA be need da Place of a" other tYPO of Ntandard and ee therefore Uk Ebat G8A M 8TA8DM be wed each llghbing omIbrneblple IA Aibnea Ah$Mdl to have WOO lab tar hW# �sdd ush� OWL ane Al - a/o P / Council File No._........v7�+` . W. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement 4y the City of Bt. Paul, via.: Reconstructing relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the fo.lowing locations. Northside Of Magnolia`$R. beginning at Forest St., thence west 44 n ft., begining 313 ft. farther west, thence west 48 ft. Southside of Magnolia St. beginning at Mendota St., thence east 77 ft. Past side o£ Mendota St. beginning 49 ft. south of Magnolia St., thence south 8 ft. Peconstructing, relayinr and repairing, where necessary, the side-.]-. at the following locational Northsada of Magnolia St. beginning at Forest St., thence west 44 ft., beginning 513 ft. fart—, west, t"_ce west 48 ft. South side or Magnolia St. beginning at i,enuota St., thence east 77 ft. Eastside o£ Mendota St. beginning 49 ft. south of Magnolia St., thence south 3 ft. Adopted by the CounciL__.- ------------------- 11i _fig_}�- Yaes 14— a Councilman AILINIIIJUM s y �� { ' MaVCM4ALt Approved_ -------------- ._-_._---- _ ---------- _--- _---- ._.........___ nt x 933eCPTcp-4 NOT-FF aTgG OL Yq'0TTV - a&�T�R woL2r-e_ --------- ------ ------ - - ------ --- ........ . ..... ------- ------ ------- -- ------ ..... ..... -- ---------------- ------ -- ------------------ ---------------- .... . ..... Dated thie --.d.y f -------------- -A!=� 19 ------------ PRELJMIW-%X;L-Ir 4>IUDER- WHEREAS, A written PmPO"I for the —h:' -K of the f.H.-Ii-9 i-P- pecn .t'.cti. g, relay in �_ _j palrIng, where necessary,, the .:Ld.w-l� at the following locatiortai North side of Magnolia St- Ug:L—I-g'at Forest'St. f - west, thence":t 48 ft. est 44 ft., beginning -51-5 :Ct-. , ti'6' �e Southside of Magnolia St. be d3nn ing at 1,enuot> St., thence east 77 ft. East side of Mendota St. beF:Lzing 49 ft. south of Magnolia St., thence south 3 ft. Adopted by the ---------- ------------ ------ YNsre — C,Un,]_ MAY M.DONAL37 App—ea L =—A .c /I— C A LI> FA Council File No.___ — PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uade igned hereby propoces the m,kiag of the following public improvemapt by the City of St. Paul, via.: ...____...___..ConsSnuat_a11eg...crnssSng.._.oa__Lhe_south.-ai dw_.oL..Bafser_-Stxest __._. ___b97.'F..@9A1_.Gt1�L�.ti47A..6Y,Y.9dt_.dA4�_.a7RCa.. 13t747.f.1t-.... .._.... ___- ----------- - ___.__... h r Dated th a - RB.YA - -.day of.- - -.. - June 19 ire.'. ae � J7 -- PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, via.: b4s" ..�AallSdaft_.BSrs4t._fAad_baaeaa---SSsIsS-----------..... __..------ --------------------------- .. _... _....... _. _ ........ _.. -....-------- having been presented to the CaY>reil-of the City of St. Paul.-_ ._,.-- ------- -.------ ......------- —.__..__.___.___.___--.__�___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comm; -, ner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and_directed: 1. To investigate the neceaeitY for, or desirability of, the making of ,aid improvement_ 2. To investigate the n,tum, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner,. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to th�et yC�ommiseioner of Finance. Xwo Adopted by the Council ----- -..... _.......-_.-_.---.._---------------------------- Y- Q-�`-.-_.___Yeas Nevs Comcilma #TAX gQ Approved ------------ ----------- Ma. Paaemarrr Mayor VVV y -ow Cuuucil File No...._-_.=yGll94 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER_ The und,migned hereby prop,a , the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. P.ul, vi..: Reconstruct, relay and repair, whsra necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst 'Nest side of Snelling Ave. beginning SO £t. south of gdsund St., thence south 127 ft. South side ofSherburne Ave_ beginning 28 £t. east of Oxford St., thence east 16 ft. Reconstruct, relay and repair, whore necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations West side of Snellingnn Ave. beginning 50 £t. south of Edmund St., thence south 127 ft. South side of Sherburne Ave. begs—Ji 28 £t_ east of Oxford St., thence east 16 ft. p�y_i'91 Adopted by the Council--- -- _ `,------------------------ -- ---- ------------------- Yene Nwre Councilman MAY I..;M eD U Approved ---- -- -_--. ...__ FARCE a Me' Psastncwr m Mer n gon au aTrfowni oLP Pnt.uw tlne' Pe RT—TuK -',9 Li' owes oL o"'"" •, i•� Al, n,A„ce aontP 7S,% Li• + M 'c �Lqa oL: 9u677T-R Vee' P-RT—Tr R 20 Lf' .—Pp oL Eq -1q ;i.a i iPw Lo77or7uB 7oasfiou. —__ __ _.. Dated thisday of _....... ......._-Sims ....``��_ .,.{.{.--� I9 SE. �ev a _ PRELIMINARY ORDER. '�r�oaae. pa.aug�.t. ma pmp—d g o g impm,omev a-ent,G'n A<: WHEREAS, A written for the making f the followin t, via.: Recoo structs relay,"nd repair, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations: West side of Snelling Ave. beginning 50 ft. south of Edmund St.. thence south 127 ft. South side of Sherburne Ave. beginning 28 ft. east of Oxford St., } thence east 16 ft. Adopted by the CouleU Y.- N— M ere MAY MMU McDONALD U APP ed ._._ _ _...... - p> AR we avaa'G� M Pa..,.— � m� M y r..mcs ua .. �� ELASLLSHED �'31� e; plteucc'7B LC' tlna' Pa@Tvv=vB :;[+ LC" aaaC uL Oxtn�.� :`C'� aT9:oL .Irer.Pnr.ue 'ucTr— Vne- I—T—T— L T11q. r,T Dated _... -... ...... having been pra+eeted to the Council of the City of St- Paul ----._------------- ----""-'-"' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work- be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the neeceaity for, or de -inability of, the making of said improvement. 2. Toinvestigate the nature, exem tent and -titeorov d cat of eaid impement, sad the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of eaid improvement. a. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the ffo{regoing matters to theeCmmer oimiOnof P9nance. ,092 Adopted by the CeunciL..--- ...-_--.a-- _ ---9- ------ ---- N.- , --- Nene roue dman MAY 14 LL p MsDORWD App—ed ----------- _-.. --_ - _ -- _._ .. _ T[dVAX _ W ENZEL_C/ /, - / Mayo _-.. M Paxemstrr �`� - / P.UBLISHED C ... cil File N - - ------- --- 92895 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT —d PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St- Paul, vi,,: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing. share naCea.axy, the sidewalk at the following locatloozz South side Shields Ave. beginning 21 ft. east of Wheeler Ave., thence , at le ft. West sideofWilderAve., beginning 47 ft. north of Roblyn Ave., thence north 22 ft. PRELIMINARY ORDER- u.q .1 U, WHEREAS, Awritten proposal for the making ,fthe following improvement, vi,.: Reconstructing, relaying and repalring, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following 1.c,tt... South side of Shields Ave. beginning 21 ft. thence .—t Is ft. enst Of Wheeler Ave., West side of Ave., beginning 47 ft. north o£ Roblyn Ave., thence north h 22 ft. 2. Wnd-E9LfID8te--- or -Seip unp--ment, an. the S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improve—t, . 4- To state Whether or net a -id improvement -ie -asked -far .n the petition of three or more owners 5. To report up.n al of the N f.-gi3b—tts- - Commissioner of Finance. 29" Adopted by the Council- - -------------- --- -------- --- ------ ------------------------ ----- Ys— X— Curcil— CJ -------- ------------- ------------- ------ - - ----------- Approved --------- -- - E1JMIUS141LID Conned File No... . !IM95 06kR. fY Lr' ---------------- ]F->ated this d,y of, J-9 "'72PRELIMINARY ORDER, exIE:IREAS, A written P—P-1 for the eolkilg of the following impm,,m,,t, i..: Reconstructinfrela 1-9 and ep,jrqh, si ---lk at the fol orelay Wi-ng-Locations: where necesslry the -W; ", Sou T- ka side of shields Ave. beginning 21 ft. ..at -is ft. east Of Wheeler Ave., We s V t—side Of Wilder Ave. , beginning 47 ft. north Of Rob 'trisace north 22 ft. lyn Ave., :a- To f—liBb . plan, profile or.keteh of said irep—ronet. To erste wh4ZAb—r not acid improvement js-mked-for on the ,etiti.n of three or more owners To report upon au of the I'm& jettm o Commissioner of Firer— Adopted by the C ... iL ----- -- --- - I 291M . . ... ...... ...... Approved � 92896 city P3. -mm -Ing. Connell Fail. No..._.._ F PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDRR. The ondenig.ed hereby Proposes the maldnB of the foDowing Puhlia imP*ovem®t by the City oft -Paul. v^+.: Open, widen and extend St. Peter St. at Central Ave. by taking and comemning a triangular iece of land in Lot l, Block 13, Ewing & Chutels Addition, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which le the intersection of the present westerly line of St. Peter St. and the easterly liae..ofl Harriet $6.? thence south 13 ft. along the ens teilyT Sine ef�Har3'1tt St. which 1= the wes ter'_y line of Lot 1, thence south- eg`sterly to a suint which is the intersection of the aepg�sterly line of said Lot 1 and the westerly line of Bt: Peter St - .y --g --9 mg n cr ang— Piece o in Lot 3. Block 13, Ewing & Chute's Addition, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a Point which is the intersection of the present westerly line of St. Peter St. and the easterly /line of Harriet St., thence south 13 ft. along the eas array line of Harriet St. which is the westerly line of Lot la thence south- easturly to a point which is the intersection of the eastarly 11ne of said Lot 1 and the westerly line of .St. Petar St. Adopted by the CounoiL____.___.-•D_SS+:�.... .......--- ..---------- ...__.. Ynee Naz. / Councilman Q'-ae _.._....._..._.....__. Ms Pars � PURLI$FIED/y v..m c w u ram sao> W T- 'I`0& T' - C}snt L";.�_, Dated this 'E7 day of..--- Tune n cr�a'.ae - ---.FT' t PRELIMINARY ORDER. .wt js WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via e Open, widen and extend St. Peter at. at Central Ave. by taking and condemning a triangular piece of land in Lot 1, Block 13, Bwing & Chutets Addition, more particularly described as follows : Beginning at a point which is the intersection of the present westerly line of St. Peter St. and the sea terly (line of Harriet 6t., thence south 18 ft. along the eas erly line of Harriet St. which is the westerly line of Lot 1, thence south- eabt�rly to a point which is the intersection of the esaterly line of said Lot 1 and the westerly line of 6t. Peter St. Adopted by the Counel___._.N--,e-..9...7.5 ..............._-.......__..... Ya Nava / Councilman mem ROY % 1 8m9HiB1oR. ,. AL- P­­��c4 "' r PUBLISHED y 2397 ono.�. •a c... =.... CITY OF ST.;PAUL ��lENO.�.t ITR4fO AL FORM COMMlssiorvea e 29 1933 REsoWEo That ._ Purchas In , and bs Se hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, subscriptions to various Indexes and Reference Forks from the H. W. Wilson Co. for the Public Library, without advertisement or informal bide, at a price not to exceed $513.50, as these books are copyrighted and no advantage could be gained by seking for competitive bide. Charge Public Library- Library Service- New Hooke- 16-A7 courlciLM Er+ N.Y. S. I T7� U 6 ✓ /'///// May McDonald I. fa�oc P -- R.— A,n p.>R✓• w Mat » fm MON., )s. c.0 eaQ Ilei AYz W >a a u, w.. kroON., ? 00. m `i nro mRz°e`r..°yy-inn 8 e�v , v i •aux +s y— MAYO o.W..twcto Opt- CITY OF ST. PAUL u No. .-....--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CAUNCit. RESOLUTION—GE[i , FORM :RESOLVEO, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with G. Gooco, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $12.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 4th day of June 1932; be it TMTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with Bald agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said G. 00000 the sum of $38.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including . June 26th, 1932. COUNCILMEN Ye_ M. N.x M McDonald L Ie.er AReinrt \�1 President Mahoney Adopted by the Council JUN `;.n_ 1�?.,� _._193.. !%G/? 61,I App -111 - _-.. 193.. . A,- CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION�EN L C01-10- xRxso� WHEREAS. Edward L. Losinskt, -an employe of the Department of Public Works. was injured on the 25th day of August 1931, and by reason of such injury sustained a ten per cent permanent loss of use of his right leg, end WHEREAS. Section 4274 provides that compensation shall be Paid for 200 weeks for the total lose of a leg and said Edward L. Loalnskd is therefore entitled to ten per cent of 800 weeks or 80 weeks, and WHEREAS, the oompeneation rate for the said Edward L. Loeineki in $16.00 par week. therarore be it E RESOLVD, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized sad directed to pay to the said Edward L. Loelnikl the sum o1 $320.00 in full and final settlement of any and all olaims 4 p � growing out of said injury on August 25, 1931, said sum to be pay- able out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fuad. CO'11'MENy�1 Y-/ NaYs - Adopted by the C .... il._-�I)..2.....193....- �.. Roxen A pr I _...... __. 193..- -Aq tont /eel President Mahoney /may /.� Y 1'.UDI,LSHED_44 r r Jy cn. caa.. '� CITY OF ST. PAUL clic �a NO._ • 91" OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �GOUIJGIL RESOLUTION--.GF—NERAL FORM RESOLVED, mat Llmou" *19; r— Sas tallitiom OS oil Loser gips t, J.pp11mt1oa >f20Q1, rds ont to hlr'i WAZIL- n 00�,• Do ob..s.1 to rMd, -OU N.xa r 9 1G Oo.. X--- T Mf L�96�� e3.K 0 cou Nci�rnery - Y�a Nays '-' -'�Y% Adopted by chc Council. �.'���..,-0..19 ,- i May - /�.� . •..j McD... Id In fa.,or - A p[" a ___ 19. Roacn SydFev.aea YY FN 2r c- !- Mnvo�,�� Mr. P—id— � i OIL BURNER SERVICE CO., INC. Sales 4 Installation"s a Service 3x5 West 7—ke Street 6.P... 5...1.. MASNEAPOLiSa• Nou. 5...... All M.L.. .Rine 23, 193E E..., D., Office City Clerk R00 .221 C1t7 Ha11 St. Pauls Hinnoeota Dear Sir-- Eholosed please iiffi llcense $ 193 for installation of oi2 burner equlpmsnt which is made cut to Wirt Wl2soa Company. The Wirt Wilsosl Ccmpsay wrote our bonds for this and mailed them to yon, but the license sbould be made out to as, Oil B.rner Service Co., Ino., instead. Will you klndly oheok np this error and have the name of the holder or the license changed? Your. very truly, OSI. HORHRR SSRVICS CO. INC. RPB:en Free. o I/ CITY OF Sr. PAUL .mom' . .......... _ OFFICK OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL Vt8CH-tMON--- GENUtAL FORM - RE90LVEO That permieeion and authority be and the same are bereby granted to the Minnesota State Chaurreurs Amsooiatlon to conduct a festival rrom August 6th to 13th inclusive (Sunday, August 7th, excepted), on Selby avenue dust east or the old fire station on Mactubin street. COUNCILMEN Yem / Nays / May /McDonald _ I �Wonzel •u 4n/hlr. President Mahoney Adopted by the cen.ea JIiN_ 3 01932 _.................. _ 42 - 301? �' �� Approved...._ B. f si �" mum CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pu.l d ".—ow DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T—A end min—a S4. JOHN H. hmONALD, C-- T'i0AN5 G. O'coweu...vur Cv_�.b.e _OO Jwe 29, 1932 To the Ho.orable City Cou.oil Saint Paull Hinne.ota 6e.tl—. I have i—..tig.t.d the applioatio. of the yione.ota State Chauffeurs- Aseociation for permit to ...duct a feetivel from S.turday night. August 6 to August 13 (Sunday, August 7 ,:.opted) to be held on Selby Avenue ,lust east of the old fire station on ysohubin Street and also the petition atte.h.d. I re.peotfully re.omme.d that permit be granted. All oonoeasions to be 1. oharS. of members of the Aseo.iatio. .poneoring this festival. very y your.. Thome E. Dahill Chief of Polio. VEDA Commla atom r of Publio Safe eng e: .......... ............. 470 SELBY AVE- E DALE 961 ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Mr.a' s_a' June 18th, 1 a Comm ieeioner Court House, CSty. —M �p / Dear Commissioner: During tha Da et five or six we eke our Membership have bean disouasiag, pro and ova the advisability of putting oa a 8vmmer Fe at ival and about three wake ago it was clan id_ad to so do. We hava gone into the matter from several angles and feel ooaS idant that this will be a leg itlmate means of rain iag mosey for our building fund. It ie our intention, and we assure you that our intentions wi 11 ba oarried out to the letter, to run this -Feet hale oa a sur iotly legitimate basis to do nothing that the ver loos SL would not dsin n the conducting of their bazsseLw. and festivals., Ovr owia 3tesmbarB will be in charge of various oonoeesione, parade � publio wedding, queen con- test and drawing for m Dash Far ize on the oloa ing night. Ws propo E® to oonduot our Aestival on much the same basis ae that wh ioh the' We at End Commerc Sal Club sponsors annually. Ours dates are set beginning on Sat. night Aug. 6th. to �t sight Aug. 13th, 1932 excepting Sm. Aug. 7th. We as a sot t o -k ing in any out of town show people or promoters — C> i s will be a strictly •Home 'relents effsir . Re eape at to have the support of a number of St. Paul bus iaess P arms in the way of Boothe displaying their oommodit ie. s , ato. The eFe st ia vl a would be located on Selby Ave. just East of the old Fire Station on the corner of Maokubin St. south skies oY Selby ave. just "at of the Curling Club property. We. a wt,. Herman Wenzel, commnr. of Pub. works, court House, City. You will note from the attached two pages oontaining the signatures of Lower Selby Ave. Merohants and Business Men th at we have Skxtm enlisted their good wishes and moral support and that they are interested in seeing an motivity Of this kind and nature in their midst for the period of time stated, namely Aug. eth to 13th. (emoepting Sun. Aug. 7th.) Our Of£Soers and Emeoutive Committee have unanimously voted that we present our this request to you for introduction me a resolution to our Honorable City Councilmen at your first opportunity at a Counoil Meet ing. In ant is ipat ion of a favorable reply, to- gether with the necessary •Permit•, we beg to remain, Yours very truly, MINNESOT4 STATE CHAUFFEURS' ASS'S., Anderson, Booty. HA: A o - 470 SEI -BY AVENUE ST. PAUL MINNESOTA June 9th, 1932. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCSSN: We, the undersigned V`.erchsnte on Selby Ave. hereby affix our. as intereatdd in the eucc see of end promotion of a Summer FESTIVAL to beheld at Mackubin & Selby Aves. Aug. 6th to 13th, 1932. is conjunction with and under the Auspices of the MINNESOTA STATS CHAUFFEURS' ASS'S., at no coat to us unless we rent a booth. Toadvertise our vicinity and for -putting our section of the city on the ap• - WE m ARB INTSRESTED! `f F �► 77 �o o CL"a • � _ ALC8 �- (o .......... 3 e...,... o 670 SELBY AVENUE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA June 9th, 1932. TO VHM IT WAY CONCERN: *a. the • dersigned ! orchants on Selby Ave. bereby as Siz.onr elgnaturo as intorostsli In the euccLe or and promotion or a Summer FESTIVAL to be held at Weiokubin A Selby Awes. Aag. 6th to 13th. 1932. in con Joao Lica oitR sad u 4oe the Ausploes of the VINESSOTA STAT 0,eAIIFFEURS• ASS -N.. at no cost to us, unless sre rent a booth. ToadTortlae our Vicinity and for 'put ting our sac tioa of tao city on the map• - WE ♦Re TMT RRRR TRTf1 b elryG.'II7�G+ OFFICE OF hl�`vct$q 3ELTMQL*= wHSR8A9I As provided by council Tile NO. 92573, approved May 31, 1932, the 0OUnoil did, on the 25tb day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Ohamber of the 00urt House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and neoesslty,,of wrecking that certain two—story frame building located on the soeth 48 feet of Lots 16, 17 and 18. Block 6, A. G. roller's Addition, also known as No. 407-409 Rice street, following due notice of said hearing given pur- suant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building Is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RSBOLVED, ?hat said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of tills resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pub- lic Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it p4JRTHER RE80LVMM. That if, witbin ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal bas been taken from this order, said Oommieeioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pub11c Buildings shall report said fact to the Oonnoil. COUNCILMEN = JUN S 0 M2 Yess - Nays / Adopted by the Council._ ..... .... .. ....193.. _[ May � McDonald f2 "xZI�Ipp APProved ..-.--__.... ....._.._...193.-.. R— �,u,a.-.-.....--.Agai not ... ............. ...._ --. --_' _ May W-0 /7 Mr. President Mahoneyia$III:D W. U MONT KAUFMAN Supp. of VaHo MNEST W. JOHNSON Yv19ASSiORD- CHA1 A Ory A ..... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minna iota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ll 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner OTFO E. CONSTANS, Depofy Cemmisziorror -- August 4, 1933 Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir: Re£e 'Mg to the matter or condeJ ting building at 407-9 Rice street, referred to this department for report. Please note attached letter signed try the City Architect, which contains our report as to the building 1- question. Yours truly, Commis stoner I w. U AYJNf INfMu� Lq d Vl.rea.d. Sa d ,u6 B/�SO,D CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pn.l of Miso.mi. DWARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 44s City F611 FRED M. TRUAX, Com-W— OTTO E COMSTAN5, D" -Y .*W. August 3, 1933. Ron. Fred M. Truss, Commiseioaer. Dear Sir: I =returning to you herewith City Clerk's letter in oonneo- tion with the oondemastion or the building at 407-9 Rice Street, owned by F. Saener. In keeping with the report hereto attached, of July 26, 1932, relating to an agreement between the owner and this Department granting an extension of one year on condition that certain re- pairs were oarrled out, may I advise that these repairs have been made agreeable to this Department and it is therefore rec- ommended that this matter -ue dropped. LAR..D _Yn��ruly, CSty chf tact. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT City Clark and C --ions, of Regis- i. -C$ nb July 27th, 1933• Haa_ Fred 1d. T1--, C--= or P. P. & P. Bldgs., Ha'1ld iag. I> Mr. Traszs It ounc the Cil meeting held today, tA— matter or condemning the bnilding at 407-9 Rice street, --A by B. Smear, 413 Rice Street was brought tip, and — —rerred to 3r— department for report. We — enclosing your report dated J\zXy 26, 1932 on thin mat tar. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.eit.l el DEPA TMEP OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.il FRED M. TRUI.X, Ce..n.ieiw.a ono E. c Hs, o�,.n c.-.•.�..• July 26, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: On May 31, Co—J.3- Roaolnt ion 92902 was passed by your Honorable Body, dire ct iag the wrecking of the building at 407-9 Rice Street, whicla 1s owned by F. Sasner, 413 Rice Street, iP a appeal was taken within the ten day time limit. May we hereby advise y— that this owner, through his at- torney, L4. Buadlia, has requested an extension of one year which we are gr sating upon condition that certain repairs are —:Lacl oiztT Therefore, please cancel further council proceedimgm oa thia matter. U Yours truly, COmmisaio r. �I•y1 ��V OeYm�l m Op Os! RfC�b'h G �y CITY OF Sr. PAUL •h. �ys a NO.____.... `. OFFICE OF THE CITY C V COUNCIL R60LUTION-�"E,plf•10 - J/ ItExaOaxom WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Balldinge has reported to the 0ouncil that that certain two-story frame building located in the real of Lot 15, Block 10, Marshall's Addition, also known as No. 134 Eaton avenue, is in such a dilapidat- ed and dan.geroue condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the a.d- visab111ty and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 25th day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Ohamber in the 0oust House, In the Oity of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it zu THER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time flied for said hearing, the Oommdssioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pnb110 Buildings shell mail to_ the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ocou- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place end nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said 01ty, said notice to be published not lase than five days prior to the data of said hearing. COUNCILMEN YeasNays M. 'uo Adop-1 by tha C.-61- JUN 3.0 W2-193 J� ,x /McDona]d �-1 l rce _......In favor _z - - ., T�) 02 Approved_.._. ___... _...193..._ tee`. ARalnst .. / nisi President Mahoney '�Mnyor �., y yn, rwavpa., CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE COUNCJb RESOLUTION_ NO..___9lr7V:: Resoda2aR AREAS, The Commie -loner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the 00,xnall that that certain one -Story - frame building located on Lot 5, Block 1, Dunwell 6 Spender's Addi- tion, also known ae 134 State street (rear), is in such a dilapidat- ed and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 35th day of July, 1933, at ten olclock A. M., in the Counoil Obamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it SDRTB3*1 itESOLVED, That not lee. than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or ocoupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and be shall also cause a notice of snob hear- ing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yen NayeI�doPted by the Cuuned .... ......193.. May` �µ�M �NtlIa r, �n Mcllonold Pearce �_.....In favor< A _.. ....193.___ Rosen � Truax J AQain t ......_ ! _L�- .... Wenzel NI,. President Mahoney iy CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Ptt.t of Mtnnuot. DF ARTME T OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City HA tTteD Fw_ TTeU.�.x, co.mtae.o ono e. coKsr�o c......,.• July 25, 1932. Hon. Council, City or St. Paul. Gentleman: YVitb. ra£arenca to the attached condemnation order, rela- tive to 134 State Straet, owned by Aaron Tankenoff, 320 Y.antucicy Straet., may I advise you that the owner today ,.1103 at this orrice and promised that the building would ba put in first olass shape by October 1, 1932. I would, there Por., .... end that the Council pr.o..di­e be dropped £or the time being. Yours truly, Co»tmiaeioner. IA R..0 Adopted by the Council ...... ..... 193__.__. Yea.. Nay.. MAY ----NlcDONAI.D PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL ,-'MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Couac11__._.._...-_._....193_...-_. Yea.. Nay.. / MAY / MCDONALD /PEARCE / ROSEN /TRUAX / WENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) rmyw w av a.rk CITY OF ST. per. !i �' NO........ OFFICE OF THE Cll.�ij sou Ft�u�l wBIFacAS, The Ooazn,isei�er of Parke, Playgrounds sad public Buildings has reported to the-Ootinail that that certain three-story frame building located on Lot 1, Block 61 Morri on's Addition, also known as No. 287-289 State street, ie In such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant its being oondemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability of wreaking said building, on the 26th day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Oh—mbar in the Court House, in the Oity of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FMTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said bearing, the Oonmmissloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall --1 -1 to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant pf said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and he ahall also amuse a notice of such bearing, to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said Oity, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Ns.ya �. ��� Adopted uy,� by tho Council Wb-.3Fl-lM? --193- Yo¢a May 1�'_ is Lam'` �+ �!3% APProved_. Rosen /..:ice.«'= '.,. Trovc _..._____ ..Againrt MsYo Wenzel .. 1—Mr. President Mahoney PUBLISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City Hell FRED M- TRUAX, Ca�bia� oTTO E CONST- n.awv .!o July 26, 1932. Hon.Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Reoently a council rasolutlon was passed by your >ionora- ble Body setting s data or hearing on the condemnation of the building at 287-289 State Street, owned by Joseph Jan- sen or 1921 Marshall Avenue, which hearing was to be held on August 5. ti:ill you please cancel further proceedings relating to this condemnation, as this owner has made the necessary repairs to place the building in a safe condition? �.truloy',/'')/�,wa-�_ Commis onsr/ u _..� clTr of sT.. No ........ "CE Of, THE CT' yl. COUNCIL RESOLUTION! EN sk•.4. meac�rm 1fHEFi=AH, The Commissioner of Parte, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame build- ing located on Lot 7, Mook 12, Davis' Addition, also known as 240 1 Western avenue South, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous oondl- tlon as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be t RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wreoking said building, on the 27th day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House, gn the Oity of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it gOHThat not lase than tCicdays prior to the �vtD, time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Bulldinge shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of each hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of :aid City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN JUN 3 01932 ye,,y Nay. % Adopted by the Council __ _ _ _ _._ .....193_ M°y T1el)onald Pearce _. In favor �' C App val _._ 793..... i Truuz V .....AReinrt .G.tiLG! F kf �G�.'T'" � Wenzel Meyy., Mr. President Mahoney /7`� CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pic�� ok Mtnn.wi. OEPARTMEM Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FREt7 NL TRiJ/Vt, CemniWna July 26, 1932. Hon. Council. City of 8t. Pau1- Gentlemen- In accordance with the council resolution recently passed by your Honorable Bo 3y� a public hearing is scheduled for July 27 on the camclOffi t; I- 0a or a frame building at 240 South Western Avenue, o—cl b'y the Lauer Investment Company. May we advise bast Fal—mit 15283 "a issued July 18 for the repair of this bssild iazg? It will therefore be in order to cancel further pro teed hags relating to this case. Your. truly, Commissioner. U J / o... _ CITY of sr. rw �p �r No ........ .- OFFICE OF THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION�iENC.ajN!u r., jAr C WIMIMAB, The Commissioner of Parke, Playground' end Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story frame building located on the easterly one-third of Lots 1 and 2, Block 9, Bazd Ile & Robert's Addition, also de'Oribed as the southwest corner of Fairfield and Eaton streets, is insuch a dilapidated and dangerous -condition me to warrant its being condemned end torn down; therefore , be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be bad upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 27th day of July, 1.938, at,ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Ohamber in the Court House, in the City of Bt. Paul, Minnesota; m0e it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such Is wring to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. JUN COUNCILMENamu- Adopted I, th , C il.. ,LU1�.,3_Q M' 7 193_... Yeas Naya i"���"/r= _AA..t`,`,ZZSS••"„ May McDonald Penrne .......- In favor ADP d TruaxiJ --Against Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL G�pu.l of Mlnn..ol. DEPARTMEM Oi PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH H.II Fleur M. TRUAX, cew.wo.a ono E coHsrN+s, wo.n r.�.�<. �o August 1, 1932. Hon. Couaoil, City or St. Paul. Gentlemen: Mel we advise your Honorable Body that all further pro- ceedings relating to the condesmatlon by this Department of the building at the .southwest corner o£ Fairfield and Eaton msy now be discontinued? Our inspector reports that the building has been wrecked. Your. truly, Con�lssioner. II on.m.r .o av osr CITY OF ST. e gy`, rn, No. 9Z OFFICE OF THE Cll V COUNCIL RESOLUTION/J�1:-.,f%-�_� M95mvimounde and Public •y�Ft gve, The Oommi Ssioner of Parke, Plsygr Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain barn located on the rear oY Lot 3, Block a, Mc Cloud's Subdivision, also known as No. 342 East Thirteenth street, ie in such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant its being condemmed and torn down; there- fore, be- It RESOLVED, That a public hearing Shall be bad upon the ad- visability and necessity of wreoking said building, on the nein day of July, 1932, attea o'cl ook t. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court Hoose, 1_n the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it PUTEtTHER RESOLVED, That not less then ten days prior to the time fined Por said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pulsus Buildings shell mail -So -the last known record owner of said peroparty,at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, said he shall also canes a notice of Such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said Oity, said notice to be published not lees than, five days prior to the date of said hearinj CnUNCII.MEN 93 ��y -. vie -,o Add by the 'P�(:cune�l ---t --- 3IIiQi% Yens Nnys T' L .J,Npn McDonald �y �.--.-In favor /7 �F A --- Pearce --� Rosen Truax -. ..--Against Mnyo Wenzel PIBlIEl17L3 Mr. President ..._., Mahoney / _�+...••• GIT OF .0 °L NO........... APPROPRAT iiQN :T NSFERSAINSS—RESOLUTIPAUL ON FORM .v cl-IwRT�ER sEcrlon zoe 1 PRELT80 ___ _ • I RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY S OOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN rrEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. 6-R or Finance (1931 Ra–appropriation) B A 3 Cori s sionar of Finance F.- -( O -r- Mi a Expense) YES C ✓) UNCILMEN C ✓ NAvs R ✓,� i V�r .......... .......1N Fw� v MODONALO ¢�-� ✓ E ._AtiwlNsr WENZBL MR. PR—... -- 31726.66 3,726.66 ADOPTBO BY THE Caunca...,)UN_3 0_.. fa._........ --- -- I S O 1932 amao� 9.910 CITY OF 9T. VI'VL ,�NO..__.. ICE OF THE CITY CLERK //�� COU CIL RFSOLUTION�ENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that ,Yiltoa Rosea is hereby authorized and directed to attend the meeting oelebrating the opening of the Winnipeg -Senora Section of the Trans—Canada Highway, to be held on the.highway at the Ontario—Manitoba border and inWinnipeg, on July' 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th, 1932, as the official representative of the City of St. Paul. s ids ill ..pal rryin 9 Sir L InpPye�`�8ygal. �f tail^ !t �"ieD h t1aN.,at�4yNy COUNCILMEN Ycan Nayx / MuI>analA /Pjea�rce ... ..... In favor /Tyaa: Ag'i—t /�qr� zei / Mr. P --M nt Mahoney 'C"" A�opte,l VY the Council_. _�_r_ _ _193_ App --L.—_..._. -' __ 393_ _.. �M- i NOTICE : c�'rt•r vwwr r..,... �-v�:r. PRINTER ! UNCIL RESOLUTION' Jime L-�/ RE.S11OED, THAT CHECKS BDRAWN WN ON THE CITY TREASUR TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 6F $4rA Ti Ei6 lO , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 6106 6160 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS OoFILE THE OFFICE OF THE CETY COMFTROLLEER. J U IV 3 Al—ED Or THE couNC J F T GOBNCILMEN ROLL"CALL OFFICE OF THE "COMPTROLLER ,iL� Nfp; �26mi Truax COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ mAr 'N F.— AUDITF,D CLAIMS June 2.9 2_Y -^ Pm]WmSA+ we B A s RESOLVED T cr.cx r 4 iJ � 4y�w ,00"T,o alm�E�r on ; w TE �q��i o 5 60 '1'E ./ �a,�x: N�maE T .. L - - — H�maea cmccxs TOTAL caecxsE� er "n ax IN FAVOR OF -- BROUGHT FORWARD I o + f • 6106 Anna Papa " " 2 266 00 6107 6108 ;I ;r I � T GOBNCILMEN ROLL"CALL OFFICE OF THE "COMPTROLLER ,iL� Nfp; �26mi Truax COUNCIL RESOLUTION _ mAr 'N F.— AUDITF,D CLAIMS June 2.9 2_Y -^ Pm]WmSA+ we B A s RESOLVED T cr.cx r 4 iJ � 4y�w ,00"T,o alm�E�r on ; w TE �q��i o 5 60 '1'E ./ �a,�x: N�maE T .. L - - — H�maea cmccxs TOTAL caecxsE� er "n ax IN FAVOR OF -- BROUGHT FORWARD I o + f • 6106 Anna Papa " " 2 266 00 6107 6108 H. : Sargent Mary F. Langard & 2.'9.Lan.;ardl 648 11 350 00 6109 El eP. s. Obst Tr. R, C, 85.89 6110 Harkins Recreation Co. 35 00 6111 Stiefel Products, Inc. 239 90 6112 Charles Stewart 32 00 6113 John Fitzpatrick 96 00 6114 Milton Rosen C,m. Finance 19 666 60. 6115 " " " 6 921 00 ISM C. C. Robinson 8 00 6117 Charles ;entile & 4. Gentlle 1 6 203 25 6118Motor Power Equipment Co. 3 281 50 6119 University Auto R;'. Co. 33 75 6120 J. S. Sweitzer & Son Inc. 12 753 73 6121 Ford Strane 85 05 6122 Prattle Express Co. 1; 567 o0 61pI Adolph L", Krahmer �� 148 75 6124 Am. Ebertz 941 31 6125 C, M. Claugherty, uaurdien 40 Q0 6126 John E, Fahey 12 67 6127 Mrs, Ftta Flaherty 28 28' 6128 Mrs, Anna Schneider 17'128 6129 Chemical Sales Co, 5 40 6130 Joy Brothers Motor Car Co, 1 390 00 6131 H. G. McCall 284 o0 6132 James C, Moore 29 34 6131' Nioolantonio Dinzeo 1 426 5o 6134 ° " 82 30 613 Western Badge & Novelty C,, I 23 85 613 Standard Stone Co. 33� 00 6137 Fulbruges Flowers Inc. 2444 50 6138 Louie Raiolo 5 000 73 6139 Corning–Donohue Inc, 1 320 00 6140 Milton R -en C''m, of fie.anae 75 O00 001 6141 Phillip LMBarre 3 00 6142 A. L. Troske 10 00 6143 Tri. State Tel a Telegr. Co. 1777 74 6144 94 74 6145 11ffi? 0u 6 614 447g47 6 1 • 6148 8I+ 85 6149 Frank Iarisso 3 184 DD 6150 Joeerh P. Gatto 2 100 M 6151 Gonher oil Products Co. 217 34 6152 Clifford J, Connelly 7 50 615 Arthur P, Goodman 43 20 615 Fred Ambruoh a-, +In 6155 Frist National Bank r0 ' ''h 6156 Kremer Auto Spring 00.74 �� 26 M 6157 Mrs, H, lditoh -hr poi 6156 Century Idemnity Co, 300 001 43 20 6159 Otto Kuehn 32 00� 6160 DiVid Basbefkin 11 =HEFT TOTAL- FORWARO 7 500 Oo 1b57074 37 ` ' I Pdiition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Cumcil File No. ... ... Th. ..dereigved hereby proposes the making of tha following public improvement by the City Of St. Pa W, viz.: __Constrvot s1..dowrsl7c_-ate j;"., oasz_. aide of_ ChatflworthBt Srom ITA","t._ whera_8oad.end.. suffirtmt._.__... sidewalk 13", .szi mt - Dated thie..._._34th--- any of.___._--------J>Lme.__.-. _ ..__ 19.32. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz. Constrict -s q.1vvc 1c_oa-_tins_east__side _ofChatsworth-_6t.-__...._._,_......_ -frola-James-8t,-.tn--p_-t a_Sh. azcsPt_.whera--good.. and..sufficisnt.........__ having been pre-ented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.___..... ... - - _...... __._...----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat the Commissioner of Public Work- be and i. hereby ordered and directed:, 1. To inveetignte the necessity for, or desirability of, the —.Icing of said improvement. ,yam 1. To ileatigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. �1 3. To furnish . plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement i. asked for on the petition of three or more owners r/ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fi...ce. Adopted by the Council.........................-�(a Yr..re News �uncil-ea MAY d' '� O a%U%mL= -^ Approved....._ _.. carr_ vel Ms.Passrpzmrr °"""'^a .•• f•• - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.- -3 • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESE"TEo eY h,. J OArE P— _ o�ER— RESOLVED That the apPlication of the Atlas Gas and Oil Company for Permission to install end maintain three 100,000—gallon storage tanks for the storage of fuel oils, located at Dayton avenue and Albert street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tanks to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of 6t. Paul, and under the direction and to the satis— faction of the Commissioner of Public 9afet74 provided, however, that Bald tanks shall not be used for the storage of gasollne. Yeas Nays �»•wSraaz //�,/�/ ifar -' McDonald ,-7a fa... P--�// Again, ` 7eaael Mr. P—id— o - itahoney u _ wa a[e .r r samn`:s'�aaasat � seea,ea...•s r�>ve o ao n � sn:.eta ?""•fl bcwsa u ir'•.. as — "{ Adop,cd I, .hc Co....ril'I'!' 19 �> �r AAPPcovcd -. 19 POST CARO NOTICE. t)FFI C'F_ ClF '}-}tt: CC1AT.\1ISSION F_R nF FINA\CI: Ju_-te 22, x,42 Y.+� �r� herr-t, v- r�.,c.fi.-.i rt... i �� C...��i ��l � rh. �! tip. P.�I . •i.ler � .���r .,t izstull iz 3-190.000 r-alf. stor¢P. tanks ror fuel oils on lots 24 to 27, bl,. 1, ulav¢rd Add.--Dn'.-ton & A1Dort--Atlas Gas £c 01 L Co. apc�l3c¢nt. anJ �na� a p hhc hear. t, ...-.tl fic h. l.f i�. .he C: o.. rail Chaml..�r .�f ins ��ur� Il�u.� and 3 1y ,32 C.— _ C.,— Yr. Fm- F - Scott, City C1er1=. Dear Sir THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE j June lath, 1982. Referring to the attached communication from the Bt1as Gas and Oil Company to the Fire Prevention Bureau of the City x This ground is zoned for Heavy Industry. It is as sled that the approval by the Fire Prevention Buraaii carries with it the understanding that the tanks must 1located and constructed in accordance with the Nat3oas72 Board of Fire Underwriters' specifications for contaiaars storing inflammable liquid,p.--We do not bel-1,9va -ta st this installation will be objectionable to any ottlaer industriea located in this industrial district. gh—r.*. I? �-, I I i �O' Yours very truly, '£tea---� 1---!✓,.-----�� Secretary. Atlas Gas & Oil Co. Petroleum Products A- T- 7 5T, t2—o, A49 1. 17epwrk4weur wF Vwbliv 'imPrN John H.�HCDo aid r.. ar _ a r... June 9, 1982 Nr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, miaae.ota Dear Sirz Herewith is application or the Atlas 011 Company for permission to erect 5 — hundred thousand gallon storage teaks to be used Por diel oils, located at Dayton and Albert Streets, and report of inspection are by the Hau of Pira Prsvention. very traly yours, <%'�%�ommieaioaer ot. Public 9e£ety THE E)EPAFRrMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL June,9th,1932• Hon.J.H.MODons.ld oockmiesioner of Public Bafety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the applloation of the Atlas 011 company for permission to erect Tj one hundred thousand gallon storage tants to be used for fuel Oile,looated on Lot 24--25-26-27, Block 66. At Dayton and Albert Ste. Re have Sr,westlgated the foregoing and report that if the tante are properly dyked they will not in- crease the fire bmzard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfull' yours, Chief Inspector. Jme 17th, 1932 Hon. rii1 iea Hbsasse Bull aal -sa�r of Tinama. Hvail ns Dear Cor IL—IL..—* Am, application hes beam riled bV Atha C-- —d Oil Company for a permit to .mt three 100.000_a> ato sates tsuoks to be used for fuel olle on Lot* 2L, x ane 26 and 27, Block 1, Boulevard AM tion at Deytoa disnm and filbert Street, — —011 laid tho application over to Jlz�p 1st —a re gaaated tbet yon Bead -tics. to prop» rty on ova�aeirs ithe netchborhood. 7oure very truly, City Clerk. maoa. GtTY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF" THE cll CLERK COU NGL tiEr'�LUTION-E'EN E3iAL RXIMIMMM WHERIAS, The OoasmiBasiaa er of Parka, Playgrounds end Public, Buildings has reported to the dounoll that that certain one-story frame dwelling located oxa tb.& west half of Lot 12, Block 4, War- sball-s Addition, aleo No. 197 Zaat Chicago street, 1■ In such a dilapidated and claagvm m -c us condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; tbsreZore, be it RESOLVED, Tbata pabllc hel hearing ebal be had upon the ad- visability and neoesei ty of � eking said building, on the 28tb day of July, 1932, at tern os clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and Oi ty 3aa11 . in the Oity of St. Paul, Minnesota, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED , That mot less than ten days prior to ,the time fixed for Baia bearing � the Coffiissloner of Parke, Playgrounds ,and Public Buildings s1:a11 mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last ]ca own address,, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a aotioe stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said be ariag, --a he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the, da -b a oY Bald hearing. COUNCILMEN EN �� Yew th��NL 193_ C-1161NsYe Adopted by I,, C,ol ,) 1. 14�� t . r JUL1 02avo In fr � ��� AP1 �19n3___ //µ�enzol / Mr. 1'reeiJent Mahoney .w ,.n PUBLISHED J e,ylW vav ova CITY OF ST. PAUL Ts l�faf NO......-_...,7117 YWisa aN:l"a OFFICE OF THE CITY q w� GOI�NG�L.. F�OLUTION�iEN ERA t'i7 � `fir //� �n..aa gin,'. .•�_-.__ 1fk1EAF:AB, The Oo�i sBianer of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reportaQ to the 0ouncil that that certain frame barn located on Lot 13, Blocq 3 , A. G. Fuller-a Addition, being in the rear of 157 8t . Anthony avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrantg n its beincondemned and tor down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public bearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity oY wrecking said building, on the aeth day of July, 1938 , ab t ea as clock A. M. , in the Council Chamber in the Court House, is the Oity of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED . That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said ha ariag, the 0ommissl oner of Parks,l laygrounds and Public 3%ilding6 shall mail to �bs last known record owner of said property, at hie last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property . a aotice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of acid he ariag, and he sball also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City. said aotice to be published not less than five days prior to the date o:E said hearing. �q ••i 1 COUNCILMEN Z�:rR�, ,4doplcil by tho Cnunril _.__.----- -- -1 93_ ay� x Y'. JUL WD... Id �-c t 193... . In favor '. l P M ,M ._ Mr. Yreeident Mahoney f1LOL]SEiF.D /� .........o r... eAs. CITY OF ST. PAUL rile �` NO._V • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL /RJESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM EE RESOLVED, That Council File No- 42446, effe cil V�'Nov. 1, 1922, sa emended, ba and the acme is further amended by striking out, where it occurs, tha following title and rate: "Carpenter, $1.00 par hour", and inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Carpenter .85 per hour". The change in rate sa above specified shall take affect and be in force from ani after the first day of July, 1932. ery Yr.. Na/ys/ `co WD..Ad J I.. I.— P­ � U Agains° E 2CL �. Mr. Pasidnnr�siYs ee x z h -I H: °e �nan:n.n e e skein nn. after t"e cwt 4y .°.:n°3.iy<-cinnen ' - -C«+ rvs,dopred by he Council _--.--. - ---.-.19 - JUL I PW Approvedp __ 19 _ Adopted by the Council.___._ ..----.------193_...... Yeas. Nate. ----11 c OON AL D - PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX W ENZEL j MR_ PRESIDENT (MAIIONEY) TWIN CITY CARPENTERS DISTRICT COUNCIL PRIOR AVE O L—� OF UNITED BROTHERHOOD OF S.•-' •.,, 5T pAUL MINNESOTA D CARPENTERS AND JOINERS _ •`g n� D p OF AM ERICA _ •. — (—� u e 16, -.i.>.. Yleyr'-_z�3s d ild it — >,. f -r "ll o._r -I.e ,,ill bo ac -tod �.—ti— by our f_ci—ily e > nrul tint vio _ ey enj og 1Y re let ons lr ipof your ilervirtr..ant e:s •+e Kavo in t::o .ns t. ..e us sur ay., o_ our ...os .. ainc ore n�,d •...o le':.e �.r Lod coo ore „ion. ... ecttl>lly fours. p G$QerO tory - City cof Saint Pawl C:)fficc of City Clerk as o«r w�¢pn �- a .ed Cessideeer .( R.eM.Hen aid a.h. ¢.rn..u� ,rune,�zath. 1932• 8 z Hon. J. H. RODonald. Chelram. lege SOsle Con®it ta'e. City of Sa1nt Peal. Deer C�Sseloner: W arac to ee Leree3 th a resolution covering the � 0 - rata o/ aagee to ba paid Carpente re � in the City ofSt. Paul - TLia matter referred bads to H the ■eige Scale rO oltt— by tLe 0-011 today. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Q No. .92917 .. � CITY OF ST. PAUL .0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application OP H. M. Hoffman for permission to install hulk storage tanks at 700 Vandalia -tree ,^the tanks to he installed in accordance Rith the ordinenoes of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaotion of the 0ommis-i Oner of Public Safety (!I)Uti(' I IAVI EN Ye /M�Tun°Id / Ir sx ._/.AfSainrt .m a az , President Mshunoy z"eon�nn mr °e rnee i Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TQ..'PHE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA PPLICATION Is Hereby Made d. 70 � so a«E��Eo oP. Fao� -.. P ��,�o e .ao ,�i THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLICSAFETY C tTY OF SAINT PAUL June 28, 1932. Fon. Jchn A. Mcnoasld, Commissioner or 1-vb11c Safety. Dear SS rt Zaregard to the application of F. Z' Roffman for perms. el.n to install and maintain a bulk gasoline storage plant at No. 700 Vandalia Street. Applicant d.e ei res ereoting two Lanka of 17,000 gallons capacity each Yor the atorage of gasoline, and one Lank of 18,000 gallons oapacity for the same purpose. 'r2a is department has investigated the location ameL is of the opinion, if certain precautions are LaYen relative to the installation of the etorege tanks, that ao warioue fire menace would arias there_ Tom. Applicant has sgread to follow out the S netruotlona oS this department in regard to the necee- eary preoautioasr to be taken in order to make installation safe from firs - Respectfully yours, RCB/ j Chief Inspector. THE BOARD OF ZONING 21L B SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA. 0 214 COURT HOUSE June 18th, 1952. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir 9.e£errin.g to the al Pp3cation of H. E. it Hoffman for permisson o install bulk storage tankon s of CherlestrackageSt- on ahnd just south of tRhe Mutual Paint Companyls building- This is a Heavy Industry District. There 1k111 be 2-17,000 gallon gasoline tanks 1-12,000 gallon gasoline tank 4 6,000 gallon Xpbricating oil tanks This is above ground storage and comes under class ^Hs of the National.. Board of Fire Underwriters Specifications. The hazards involved are t2l8t of exposure from burning liquid in the tank; the Plow of the liquid to other properties through breakage of the tank or the Possibility ofight tight ion from vapors. 911 sa steel teajj of substantial vapor t construction thata the tanksdber atrl�easte25 ft. fromcons the nearest building. There 1-0 110 objec tion to thia location if the underwrltera� specifications ars carried out. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh 4 MIS CITY OF 3T. PAUL .0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _M, RESOLUTION --G EIVERAL FORM TT yrrp WF3£RSAB, The Yvgngelioal Lutheran Church of our Savior Of the Bash erred Confeeeion,of the City of 8t. Paul, Minnesota, has made+ application for the reduction of taxes and special assess--ts levied against Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18, Block 3, fAddition to the City of 9t. Paul, Minnesota, Enaut' s and WTlp- FAS, euoh special assessments were levied by the City of St Paul against said real estate for local Smprove- ments, asci interest and penalties have accrued thereon, and WHEREAS, said applicant has petitioned the Council fox its approval of action by the Minnesota Tax Commission Sn abatinK sucY>. interest and penalties, and the favorable report and rec_--a ciat ion of the committee appointed by the Mayor there.- has been received, therefore be it FtESOLYE t the Counoil of the City of St. Paul hereby approves the action of yhe Minnesota Tax Commission abating ell unpaid in a est and penalties which have accrued upon said local improvement assessments. CfIL':V C' I L Ai �f: ti 1'eiw � SYy j _ �._.AReinnt ea e_r Mr.7'1—i<S— Mahoney -'V Aaop—1 by 1111 c.,tIt��11_ . 33t 193 P d...._ .... .tU� .. .... y nv��r June 30, 1833. To the 0< u :Ll- Ge—' t 1 semen: The oommittee consisting of Co=iesionere Wenzel, as chairman, Truax and Rosen, and the Assessment and Valuation 3Cmgineer, Leonard Seemer, appointed by his Honor, Mayor Wi111aim Mahoney, to investigate the application of The Evange11ca1 Lutheran Church of our Savior of the Unaltered Confessiba of the City of St. Paul, Minneeote, for the reduc- tion oY tease and special assessments levied against Lots 15, 16, 17 and 18 in Block 2, Snauft's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, respectfully reports to your honorable body that after due investigation of the pertinent facts and due ooasi8eration of the merits of said application, it le our reoo—me ,Satlon that the approval of the council of the City of St. Paul ba given to the action of the Minnesota Tax Commission, abatizsg titapaid interest and penalties which have accrued upon local improvement assessments levied by the City of St. Paul against said real estate. Very truly Yours, Chairman. To the Council. Gentlemens June 30, 1932. The comm'%tee consisting of Commissioners Wenzel, as chairman, 'rruaz and Hoven, and the Assessment and Valuation AYaglneer, Leonard =reamer, appointed by his Honoi, Mayor Ai111am Mahoney, to investigate the application of The Evangelical Lutheran Church of cur :avior of the Unaltered Confession o2 the City of tst. Paul, Minnesota, for the reduc- tion of takes and special assessments levied ag{ inst Lots 150 16, 17 and iH in Block 2, Knauft's Addition to the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, respectfully reports to your honorable body that after due investigation of the pertinent facts and due oonaideratlon of the merits of said applioe.tlbn, it is our recommendation Shat the approval of the Ooumoil of the City of :Jt. Paul be given to the action of the Minnesota Tar Commission, abating unpaid interest and penalties which have accrued upon local improvement assessments levied by the City of 9t. Paul against said real estate. Very truly yours, Chairman. June 30, 1933. To the Council. Oentlement The oo¢saiZtee consigning of Commissioners vrensel, as chairmane T=iaa= end noeen, and the Assessment and Valuation EngIneo=e X eq, d :reamer, eppointed by his nOnor. mayor William MMUM ep. to iaveetigate the application of The Rvangolical Luthe:x'aa CThiaOh of our :savior of the Unaltered Confession of the 01ty. 02 Bl;. Paul, Minnesota# for the reduo- tion of taxes sad e:p6eial agaessments levied against Lots l$. 1% 17 and 18 la 3320Qdc 2. Knaurtfe Addition to the City of St. Pault tiinnesrp'Ca.. rosp&ctfully reports to your honorable body that after dram laW%M:w% gation of the pertinent facts and due oonsidwatloa oS th+a merits of said application. it Se onz recommendation UN—% V3mm approval of the 00mcil of the Oity of 3%. Paul be gives to Y.ha Dation of the Minnesota Tax Oommddosion, abating vapald latera®t affi penalties which have accrued upon local improvemaat aAasenssmeate levied by the City of pt. Paul against said real a 93t3t4s,. Very truly Yours. Department of maw CI ST_ PAUL 'LEWIS L._ AN PERSON �niuwv .i win ,n June 7, 1932. To the Cc"=Ma il. Rout 2 ausen s ?lain la in response to the request of the Council addressee to the Oorporation Oownssl for an opinion relating to the annexed apolalloaSlea e2 Thu ivaagslleal Lutheran Church of our Barlow or the IInaiterod Confession, of the City of St. Paul, Minne- sota, tow the redmtioa of taxes and special amessments. The speolal msso memento lawolved creme levied by the City of St. Paul an the real estate desor ibod in said application, for local improvements. _She stn_ tats confers upon the Minnesota Tar Commission. the exolunsiwe power to hear and determine the merits of this appli- cation amad to affozd snmoh abatement In reference thereto as the Cammaissioma mast' deem Jumst and equitable. This, however, le subject to the qusall=ieatioa that no abatement of the special assessments am be malls wltLout the mWW=oval of the Council. It was the manifest purpose o2 the mtatuSo to give the Commission power to abate special assessments ushers the taxing officers and courts were, under the laws thou sximting, without power to do no. She obarter oontaine an inhibition upon action of the Cosaaoil reiievi.umg say person or corporation from the payment of suet' l.aurf ung asmesmmoat. Though the matter may not befreefrom doubt, it ie my ops..• oa that the Charter inhibition referred to would not nreolumds the Coumnoil from approving such action of the Tax Oom=:Lssioa. Tho statute, however, does not confer upon the Comaissioa arbitrary or usallmited power to abate such assessments. The statute Congers npoa the Commission discretionary power to act In oases whore them is a fair showing that justice and equity call for the ezaroise of diaowstloa. The mtatoaeunt of facts accosaying said application is limited to the proyosiSioa that the market value of the real *state iavolurod is Coaeiderably less than the aggregate of the tares and asmes=maats sought to be reduced. This alone, In my opin! Is 1nmatfiolen.S am as. basis fax action of the State Tar Commission granting the rsllef o -u e;kt. very truly, LPS-E. \`/ , Assistant Cbrporation Counsel. r May 10, 1932. To the Honorable Mambere of the City C--al, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Gantlaman: 1 -0 enoloaing hareeith Lppli O.ti.O No. 36360, L+bnngali nal Lutheran Church of Our Savior, for oompromi se e ttleme nt of eel eetnta and other Eales on Lots 19 and 18, Blook E, iinauit•s odd ition. You -ill note that that' "1 X111119 to pay the original noaonnt of the tale. a sed vl thout Sntereat, Penalty and noeta. The ConntyaAeaesaor believes that the npDll option should ba granted, but the Board of Abntemant, in oonaldaring the eama at its meeting held yaeterday, decided that before any notion Sa taken the pplientioa should be referred to the City C—ail for their cc id ration in view of the fact that the a a involved a number of 10081 improvement anneee- n to ori -hloh St ie al ao dee ired Eo be relieved of the 1. ntareat, pan.nity, and poets. W111 you klnd[Ly adyi ae your winhee in the matter, and oblige YOura truly, (moo. J. Rlee, J Co y AudlSor. -j City of 'Saint Paul O,WForCity Clerk �wo�ws, as a. ad Oen cn a n� .nd Cnmmivieea e! Ry1rt.11en 4p ,ra n e.r•.•� Jvae 11th, 1932 Yr. L. L. iadareroa, CorporatiOII Cotmsa,l, Badding. i Ottt Yr. L. P. Sheehan Dear 31— Mayor f1111eae Mahoney has appointed the follosrlag au m®bars of a eosanittee to ...far with yon relstl-� t.o tLs appit—tion of the SYangsllael Loth— Cb of oar 99- -Sor for e. rednotioa of tares and epeoial usesameat>, t Cods/loner. Teasel, Chat_, Trmr and Hosea and X_-4 3eaer. 7ovre very truly, 2 �- � 4( CityClerk. City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk eiplC 6, CRY aak Cous- W RHbb,Ron wv.uw -On �.y Oid O.h ve &` - :^ ' J1ane 9th, 1932 Mr. L. L. 6ndereoa, Corporation Counsel, Bnildl.g. Dear Sir: Tba attached ®ended applloatloa of the Evangelical Lntbereo Ckom ..a+ of oar Savior of the IImltar.d Ooatseeien sad the opinion of Yr. Shahan "I - tive tberoto were raierred book: to you for dlaoaealon with a eo—iL tee to be named by Mayor Yshoney and for a fmKber report atter eaah diecue.ion. VIII you kA --I y notify Lr. 7orr..t H. Poppe, Lttorn.P, .32— the diecn..ioa will be held Sa order that he may represent the applloaatt Tour. very troly, �' -� - -Z.: el— Citi' Clerk. j. Sth. 1932. LVMC.liaal lutharsaa CLom'eh of our gaeior. af0 P. 8. Pupys. j06 yerahants Hoax 13145.. St. Past. Ylanseo ta. oentlsmsst 7e ara aa,e:lesing a o PY of .aoP,tim yslstavt Corporatl— 00=",.lattag o;r syylloatioa = r a rs tion o t lase sad speolel to on a.sessmeate oa LD La 17 sad 1S. Sloot 2. Ennft'e 1AQS ti. NO aat%—M ea this matter 19 the Cit p, m ,,L at its eemetina hold this moraia6• Zorurs va y truly. olty clerk. dtm, sth. 1932• Bon. *7 . J. Rias. y,pr,tary. M. --a or ALstdn t. Bailding. Dear 91'. fe ars e=10,i g , CM of m oDffilon t�� t. the oPP1iL0O��Of theYvenBa1 Ml Jl tthe~Cha b * f snvsea:spaoial u,es• tsan I4tsnl7m! 6,B11o& 2. t 8o , tj. an, telcm aD We ,atter by tb. Cl%y It. m,t1w_ hs1E thl/ a roln6• Ya . very tnly. city claft. OAR ���J , j � / � / ��4)iYc� 'F+_ i �! fc_(� �/ �,: .: '/' HCl, � ��. i 6'�i�J �,, P�-u.ti� <<�' � -t-��� '� << ���.�� % � �r -� :� — - ----'� - — '��� T �Q i1� _� .. -� o -r .��,�. �., 6 ,w �t-=c ;c fir, !-- 2 �� _�, �, — ,.r.. �o.7e 9 i r, f � — 9 - —S � = � > �. � ,'. `� - � _ 1.—o�zc, :.. � � --._� .� `��'_ `�' � -,;� /,t��. �*, ��,�-, ,�.y, _ _. a-6 � .. � ,'. `� - � _ 1.—o�zc, :.. � � --._� .� `��'_ `�' � -,;� /,t��. �*, ��,�-, ,�.y, _ City of Saint Paul 04N%ALcity cleric ......�.. City ask ai�a,n ciry a.n .nd Co,nmblw.e of R�ei,beebw nne++c[ nv..w.uo-, ate• 11th, 1932 Yr. Lomrd Seamer, valcation and Assessment SnGiaser, St. Paul, Yica. Dear Sir. Mayor •1111— ]taLoagy lass appointed you a m®Dar of the Cosmi tt— to --r— sri th the Corpora- tion Coonsel relative to a ree—tion of and special assessments oa property owed by the S.tiavagel ioal Lutheran Chnrch of our Savior. Comsal—I—or Wm -IL ie chaiaman of the oo®ittes and the other members are C ,Lmsloners Hosea and Tross•.. Tome emery %-x3r, �7- City Clerk. 3 22 R1CO.— IN 6.4— �^• 1 I I�— YY 't lPRETURN TUTS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT ASSESSMENT' STATEMEfVT erwierneM . T RATPIEO DY THE COUNCIL a �I wno ou I OF THE CITY OP SA.l.T P ULA M NNZ5OY— CONP Z- ..u. # ....... �tp$C t f 401 � � - •� � � � D tF ••L, . 3Sid I i I J a 3 3 I I '.INK! 14..- 3 I �l 3: }tr. 1/ I -934 I i �nfP � •3; p PA + I n[v Tv_ f 3 Io CHECK DESCRtPTtON KINDLY CAREFULLY BEFORE MA I G NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDFE 3. � �- 3 22 R1CO.— IN 6.4— �^• 1 I I�— YY :L '.INK! 14..- 3 I �l 3: }tr. 1/ -934 I �nfP � •3; p ��IIP ji3� _ I � i�•i4 = -- � �- cowvonu et Plxwnv MILTON ROSEN_-�. Oe•�•M1.. ,o ., _,.,,, CITY OF ST P .,rr r NO. 92919 OFF E C RK C UNCI O—GENERA L FORM ,A—NT co sv _—TE J;zne.30 �. _1232 , commis. oNEH ---- - - -- - - RESO—Eo That the Purclza a in:_ A_ent be, and to is hereby —thorized to purch?.Ne, with the consent Of tte Comptroller, one International 417-7 Prozranl C1cc:c with 3 bell relHys for the LrcK inl sy 8c:--ool, same to be fine to lied, at e, cost of $348.00 less $100.00 allowance on old cloci:, _,.Xing the net, cost not to exceed $249.00, without asking for competitive bids, as tI." i�?a tented article and no advant— could be c^fined that >by. Ch:rae Public 8choole- ha1n. of Plant- Ren. & Ren. 15-1-8 Yca: Cou NC1LMEN Nays - MD ... [a P—idenc dm> orl� m urc�hsse. wh1[D ii ot°�i be R �pac�rcmn8ta'e>yByc� Ith s iieo9.90 nalbvence en'ola�ot:s 8.00 �¢ oe ;�t�i.aol�lo�u ee6 i�yyyy y� n Uva: blaav� N Rue tloaa nolaa4-R�epe to ent.9.. C � wvareve -��' IsiB y u 198 2. lilt Adop-d by he Conn 61 19 Y f Ap roved._ 19 Ir. favor / 7 �� •�^ CITY OF SAIN c e0 m� i NO OT' APPROPRIATION TRANSFER �.y$�-I n $NORM ' Pen cH E �:.°, 1 sy-syyL x ila�e,� ,. RESOLVE0. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY Be MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE 'MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. T .rPSya r,o^eo lreu u,oONi 3.0-C4 CO»uBis stoner of Pub.Wks.Fnnd 500.00 0O r 3 - - 5,907.73 ,s:: 1tt.�7ty 4.54.. . �'- - - - 10-055 n 51902.27 10-C6 100 00 10-C7 n 300 `Oat zra Street Constr. &<Repair 8,00 3-1-A2 - 2,492.00 11-A3 n r 11-A6 n 500.00 } 2,000.00 ; 12-E _ Sewer_ Cons'tr,� de_ Repair _ _ _ n _ 30.00 _- 32-A6 200.60 'S _ �1= 13 -pa R2 greet & Bower Cleaning 500.00 1,932.73 13-W 15.98 13-a _ ^- 500.00 1113-8Eg5 r 500.00 QL ' YES COUNCILMEN N.Y. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.-JLy....F.A.. .2.: I9.......... PPnovED.. JI�C� wrr AN Fwv MCDONALO - Tr _......rte- ..............AeA1N.T W- M �yMli� PR681DENT Council File No..._.._. jt;;jM PROPOSAL FOR I]SPROVEMENT aad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propose. the making of the following poblic improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the Following location: South side of East F1i't1-i St., beginning at Forest St., thence east 162 £t. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - W WHEREAS, A written proposal for tlw ma]eing of the following improvement, via.: 1'1„ Reconstructing, rekayingurnd repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk ut the-Yowing locutions l\\ South side of Fast Fi£t1 St., begir-ing it Forest St., thence east 162 Ft. 2. To inveetigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of laid improvement. 4. To state whether or not maid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of -the foregoing m tte to the Commiasiooer of Finance. 1932 Adopted by the CounoiL_....... ..............jiiL_._... �- Ysne N— C ... eilman eroCouncilman MRS Proved.. JVW E... ^_.__....____._.._... Ms. P ... r— pl rdm c • �• "" wan - 9BlASRED� o� �jyl co—A File No. PRO P'OSAl. SOR`IA�1tOVRMBNP and R ..._. ......... ..Dated Chia _5Qthd.y of.-------.. --- --Jlma __ 19 S2 e. uaam PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the makivg of the following improvement, via.: y 11 1„ Reconstructir, g> ral aying Irtd repairing, where necessary, the sld ewnik c, _ t1-ic £o llowing loc..tlont South side o£ - st F'ii"th St., beginning _t Forest St., thence east 162 Ft. 2. 'fo investigate the ..tura, extent and eetir—t,ed coat of said improvement, and the tote) coat thereof. pL 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. p J Q 9. To stets weor not said improvement ie asked for or, the petition of three or more owners To report upov ell of the foregoi mg matters to the Commissioner of Fivsoce. Adopted by the Co.---- -- - JUL------ - 1 Yens N— C ... eil— ppmve JUL�-- Ma. Pasernsxr - r,.mc.uam—o �l y, By Request of Thos. OtYallj, 4101 Council File No._...__......`^'�.'�"' PRQPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigned hereby prop.... the making of the following publie improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying a d repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following location: South side of Fauquier St. beginning 180 ft, east of Duluth Ave., thence east 100 £t. PRELIMINARY ORDER. `"°••". ; .te"o .:.•,«eta �.e WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,vis.: Reconstructing, rt:l eying an_ repairing, where necess,ry, the side:.alk at the £ol to wing location: South side of F_ u^uier St. beginning 180 ft, —t of Lulu th Ave., thence east 100 ft. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, sad the total coat thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, prefile or sketch of acid improvement. rl u 4. To cute whether or not said improvement is asked for oa the petition of thme or more ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiaetoner of Fie_,,. sm j Adopted by the Council.. ....................... Mly i.._____.......___. ✓ Yana N— C ... eil... eseCouncilman i�M► py / h1SOOl•1'A117 / 4lp proved_._.....___..._ WL F ht":<•, roc. unv :oan_ �7 Mayor. � � YUBLlgffgp � f� By Request of Thos. Otllallf Council Cile No. PRELIMINARY ORD -- Dated this 3ath_. .._day of.. ---__ 'Time _.. 19 ........ 920;2— A .r_ r.mear. PRELIMINARY ORDER. +W n WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, ` Reconst—cting, relaying an- repairing, shore necess:,ry, th[ side•—] -IK —t the following location: South side oV F --­Ler St. beginning 180 ft. east of Luluth ave. s thence east 100 ft. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and ..ti—ted coat of .aid improvement, end the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profiles — sketch of Raid improvement. �u 4. To et,W whether or not said improvement iR asked for on the npetitiov of three or more ow -m p Q1 5. To report upon &U of the Foregoing matters ttO the Commis'er of Cinence. /11L S raVi Adoptedby the Council....................................................._.-...-.-.---...... Yr"s NAYS ' Council....``�1'N-' .... `. / A6�D cpproved------ .----- ....._WL pig...e.1`f.:.�.........._..___...._.._ M.. Paasr.aar Mayor. ' �� 1'URLISHED f ftnd,__�'�iL Laid over to _____ 3rd. & app 'o L_ Adopted ✓ v Yeas Nays Yeas Naas Conroy Conroy May May McDonald McDonald Pearce Pearce Rosen Rosen Sudheimer / Sudheimer Mr. Pres. Bundlie Mr. Pres. Bundlie Naas �ORDINANCE CE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY - rRN I ORDINANCE NO. _— An ordinance requiring all surety bonds filed with the City of Saint Paul, for whatever purpose, to be approved as to form by the Corporation Cow eel, and as to sureties by the Commis— stoner of Finance, and requiring all surety companies to file vvey— � certified copies of powers of attorney and monthly financial statements, +e ai rD:e ' h clomp ",Deere; THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN; elf �Ir D atf Section 1, That all bonds filed with the City of Saint Paul, either in connection with contracts with the City, or in�' connection with the issuance of licensee for whatever purpose, I shall, before being accepted by said City be approved,as to form by the Corporation Counsel, and as to sureties by the Commissioner of Finance. Section 2. That all surety companies furnishing such-bouds to the City of St. Paul shall retain on file in the office of the Corporation Counsel certified copies of the powers of attorney for the agents of said companies. Section 3. That each such surety company furnishing such bonds shall file with the Commissioner of Finance monthly financial statements of such company. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Section S, All ordinances and parte of ordinances inoonostent, herewith are hereby repealed, .. / Daae Councilmen Na,s Passed b, 1,c C--1 JUL 2 0 W play McDonald In Favor ✓ ✓ g� \Ir. I'�rrsi dent' Hundlie'. M R. Adopted by the C:: u> it .__----- _ _/______ ..----- 193_--_.. Yeas. - Nays_ � \1c-I10N AI,1> PEARCF- - MR. PR t SI DENT (NIAMONEY) Adopted by the Council. _ . 193 Yea.. Nays. AtAY" \fcDONALO PEARCF: ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL y/� MR. PRESIDENT (MAI{ONEY) Cary ®f Saint Paul CLLFice -F City Clerk city Clak 1' 11 cxr ci,n and Gemmlvionv ai R.gi,b.Hon 0.�.�ci.n e.Ye�we. July let, 1932. Yr. L. L. Ands raoa, Corporation Corm sal, Bnllding. Dear Sir: The at=ed latter of Mayor Yaho..y relative to hla app— 1 of -- anrety bond. see re- ferred to yon by the .=wl V. the requeet that yon prepare a the n .eery ordinance solution to carry I. effect therecomm a'a dations contained Sn the letter. T-0 vary truly, / City Clerk. Titg of`&hint JJnul lz—nh— Eirpa rf nient July 1, 1932 The Honorable City �dwzc il, Feint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen. P"t of my dudes as Mayor is to sign all bonds of ariou. kinds atte=ting as to the reliability ofthe bond- ing and s rety companies. This imposes upon m erious responsibility . a I am pres—ed to kno-.that these companies are financially reliable. I have n venient and trustworthy m of deter- mining the financial responsibility of the bonding c .Hies and i have felt s e hesitancy about ;lacing my signature n these a cnLem I have r ised the question xith the orpo rationc_O "I's of fl since assuming office and I have been gi en Lo understand that St has been the custom for the Mayor to sign these bond. when passed upon by the office of the Corporation Counsel which c sid,—. 'y f- orm .... and a cut ion of the s In view of the unstable in- dustrial and financisl conditions s change should be adopted which will provide s safe,—,l against a and to The rporatlon l:ounsel should have frequents ports of thecfinancisl condition of bonding companies'%d should pass on their reliability basad on these reports. If the Mayor must assume this re.ponaibility it -111 be sary for him to have specially qualified inve.ti- gator. I believe the dutyaof passing on the reliability of the bonding companies i e that can best be done in he Corporation Counsel's office and the bonds than passed of n to the Mayor for hi. signature. This ie not as . attempt to evade r risibility- tut a desire to guarantee bl) hhe city against possible loss. / ! very trnly yen -a, " Mayor. ...... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. _42 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper city .££Stere be and they are nereby authorised end directed to pay the city• a primp. rt ior_e.le share of the b11), esbmitted b�, the Ad- vlecry Court House and City 73x11 Building Commission as shown on Abstract of Cleime N—ber 26 of the Advi—. , Court Iff—e —d Cit; Ball Building Commi esl�n, tote.li ng $186,293.09, the cl ty> s-I-rEa. re o£ which ie $93,146.64, and all ae she— upon the claims submitted by acid 0-11 se,io n. ezcept a claim of Joseph Bei bold for $50.00 for ezpert 4eetlmnny which =1aim had not been approved by the Board of County Commiseioaere. Y— cou raEN Nays McBeawid� .� Pearce , Mr. Paeid°°r ai' a a°::isa—er ar.ro. mwe°°.v—� P as '"ae""e°r�el% ea8 n B��?a a�vti��mmrlmi'Wom°� eetei..oi�p'iECO ° loKe[ 'opr°d by rh° Council I�It-', 19 In favor ,�F Approved 19 Agair.sc �i�c.-f rK ��� J mwrOR �v CITY OF S:T. PAUL No.-..-.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r������pp COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GEN ERAL_�F.O�RRM.���,/y creTONEw _____--... _.. bwre ( RESOLVED That the proper City O:Eflcers are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favi- o: the League of Minnesota Mu icipalitles, in the sum of One H3 clr`ed Dollars. ($100.00), payable out of the Mis- cellaneous end IIn Yoresaen Hund, for membership dues of the City Of 8t. Paul up to ani includl ag August 31st, 1933. (:()11N('11.MFN Yeoe Nays /}fit �rlrex _ �.ga.»Nt /ver,�el Am, Prenirl—, Mah<—n i nu�lp °metvhD °t°ecve 1°° v °QI -7L?� Adopt -I by the ('uun�il __. J�I_ } _19:1 19:1.. i f MaY..r I ty of Saint Paul Office of City Clark . 5, QN O—k —d C—.-.., of R..—aon J --Ly let, 1932 Mr. L. L. inch raoa. Corporation Co-3- Bnildiag. Dear Sir: Attached please findstatement from the Laagwa _:rMinne.ota btanieipaliti as is the e,m, of $100.00 Por avec in the League to A.-- t 31, 1933. The Council today referred this matter to you Por the proper r soluti oa to pqy, lou are regneeted to aper with the City Comptroller ae to available ftmda_ Your. very truly, "J, City Clerk, - City of at. ta..,i - _.__ ____ Population, (1930 Csnsus) 271.606 To LEAGUE OF MII*4WF-SOTA MUNICIPALITIES, Dr, (organized 1913) Room 16, University Library, Minneopofis, Minn. el For dues in the League of Minnesota Municipalities to August 31, 1933 1 $100 Payment from raz Fund, Authorimd by Chapter 211, General Laws of Mi-- 1923. Stat, of Minnesota, County of Hennepin, — I do solemnly swear that the fere going account is just and correct aud no part t1Y �I `p id Sub—shed and sworn before me this, L -•.-.-......-day of..... 197.,___-_-_- ...... ........ nyy1 ie0iie est RF ....o,. The League of Minnesota Municipalities ••^"^•^'°^°' June 29, 1932 To the 11ayor and Council: The twentieth year of the League of Linnesota iiunic ipal it fes ie about to begin. As a result we are sending to you a bill for dues for the period ending September 1, 1933, with a re- quest that this be presented at the next meeting o£ your ootiuic it _ The League has had a very interesting and, n we believe, constructive ad serviceable history. Its main object is to serve the cities and villages of Ainneeota aril to achieve the benefits of cooper- ative enterprise and exper fence in municipal af- fair.. This coming year will be an important one in the progres­Cs, ogoverment. The League with its many activities stands ready to render services to all of the of'£icers of your municipality. Cordially, firrm �l Lfoirie P. Lambie Executive Secretary (/ Gk,IDL/VL enc. �i J // j *q,ImYwaw Owt CITY OF ST. PAUL rum- NO._........i/ •� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IwI,:..e, W,w 4= i NCIL RESOI-UTIOH—GENERAL FORM44 gee, cenelit— Nn� it"1MIM.IN Y 2wr.o WHIREAS, 'Lhe Corporation Counsel has oertifted. that there is some doubt as to w2iom to pay the award of damages to Lot 10, Block 4, Magoffln P Breckenridge'. Addition to the City of St. Paul, the southerly twenty Feet of which was taken by condemnation in the matter of widening university avenue from Dale street to Park avenue; and WHEREAS, al>gpter 219, Law. of 1921, as amended, provides that whenever the City At Corney a1a11 certify that there is doubt as to whom to pap such an award, the City Council may order a warrant to be drawn for the sum, payable: to the Clerk of the District Court, and the City Olerk shall deliver the same to the Clerk of the District Court and take a receipt therefor, thus enabling the Court to decide the respective rights of tial manta; and WHEREAS, The purported owner of the property has requested that said money be paid to the Clerk Of the District Court; therefore, be it RESOLVED, 'That the proper City officers be and th- are hereby authorized and c11 reC:ted to draw a warrant in the sum of $ 03.00, payable to to the Clerk oY the Di.triot Court, and the City Clerk 1s take this re ei deliver the same to said Clerk of the District Court todhimkpur avant to therefor, advl jl- ig said Clerk that the money oisrp herein described. the statute Bet mor th herein, and for the pr pe y v described. jut ('0U1(1ILMI?ti _ '%` A� Pial 1, d", 0' ,il u 1 1!1'3._.. 11 uv�vl_ ce 9 a / e zrl li M <- \I rn Pre9id.•nt M ahor,eY ��t SSI I!'n _-�Z- jaepartment of AIiaw C,TY ST.PAU� iwv,Hc cor�,es July and, 1932. To the Counc ll. G;e ntlemen: There appears to be some doubt from en examin- ation oY the record title as to wbo are the owners of the property described as Lot 10, Block 4, Magoffin & Breoke,nridge's Addition, and you are advised that it is proper, under the circumstances, to pay the amount of the award, namely, the sum of $503.00, to the Clerk of the Di strict Court in aocordance with law. A resolution for that purpose is attached hereto - Yours very tr y, 1 r Assie a Corpor on Counsel. AJF—U / \ K or,,,u,mav� GDTY OF ST. PAUL 7.G.7 ' OFFDGE OF THE CITY CLERK D°�pael`lADrllmefoekrL� rt COU NCH RESOLUTION --GENERA FORK Imn�Go°"Pn`i Ran om F�,m® WHEREAB, the City Attorney has certified that he Se in doubt as to whom to pay the a e.rd of damages to the North One- half of Lot 14, Block 3, =ry ine'e second Addition to 9t. Paul, the following portion of which lot was taken by condemnation In the matter of the opening, widening and extending of Deoatur street from Beaumont Street to Payne Avenue, to -wit, that part of the North One-half o£ Lot 14, Block 3, Irvine's second Addition to Bt. Paul, that lies within a strip of land BO feet in width, the southeasterly 11ne of which extends from a point in the went line of Lot 12 1n said Block 3, diet tent 53.07 feet north from Beaumont Street to a point in the seat line of Lot 4 in said Block 3, di eta -L 123.63 feet south from Minnehaha Street, and WHEREAS, Chapter 219, Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws oY 1931, provides that whenever the City Attorney shall certify in writing to the City Council that he is in doubt as to whom such an award shall b e paid, said City Council may order e warrant to be drawn for the sum awarded, payable to the Clerk of the District Court, and providing that the City Clerk shall deliver the aame to the Clerk of said Court end take hie receipt therefor, thus enabling said Court to decide the re spe ctive rights of any claimants to said award, and WHEREAS, the pz�-rported owner of this property has, by his attorney, requested the City Council to pay this money to the Clerk of the District Court, Cher a Pore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed to draw a warrant for the sum of $1416.04, payable to the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, and to deliver the came to the City Clerk who shall deliver the sane to said Clerk of the District Court and take hie receipt therefor, advising the Clerk of said Court that this money ie paid to him pursuant to the statute, herein set forth and for the property herein described. ('t)IIVCII.\tI?Ih Adol,trd by II,� t'i�unrl .1118_. 1'env ^aY� IDB... ,.PC�_ +32 \Y Trun. �'V / env 1 � 8 w 4v / :\1 r. I'rcaidrnt Mahnncy- ` / / ,�/ Department of iralU CITy OF ST. PA­ isviHc cor�,Ea July 1, 1932. To the Council Gent 1 amen: This is to certify that the City Attorney Se in doubt as to whom to pay the award oY damageA to the north one- half of Lot 14, Block 3, Irvine'e Seoond Addition to the City of St. Paul, the following portion of which lot was taken by condemnatloxx in the matter of the opening, widening and extend - Ing of Deca-L r Street from Beaumont Street to Payne Avenue, to -wit: That part of the north one-half of Lot 14, Block 3, Irvine ` s Second Addition to St. Paul that lies within a .trip of 1ass3 80 Peet in width, the southeasterly line of which extends from a point in the we et line of Lot 12 in said Block 3, distant 52 07 feet north from Beaumont Street to a point in the east 11 ne of Lot 4 in said Block 3, distant 123.63 feet South from Mirinehaha street. This certificate is made pur Susnt to Chapter 219, 'r Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws of 1931which provides that upon such a certificate, the City Council may order the amount of the award paid to the Clerk of the District Court, where claimants may go to have their respective rlghte determined_ Accompanying this letter Is the proper resolution to accomplish this effect. Yours very truly, U IC -MS. Assistant Corporation Counsel. 19046h onaloµw c,w oar CITY OF ST. PAUL', xe. sao�e.—ei��a x.� u� No.__.... 9 928 OFFICE OF THE CITY CI -4T -R& G°no *vee"r- n yell a d yr.` jvi GOU NCIL RESOLUTION--GENEit .(aa a�r e � ne •0•s • ng VPFIEREA9 , As provided by Counoll File No. 92684, approved June 8, 1932, the Council did, on the lat day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a • public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain shed located on Lot 4, Block 5, Edwin Dean's Subdivision, also known as 798 Iglehart avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it Ss the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of amid building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or Occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal lime been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the .�O,ro�uncll. A&,-1 1�� tl,e ('ou nail _-^ 193. - -Ai•.7.awwwL,i� �1 r In (eaur \pprya rel. _. __ 193_ "Truax AlSal—t /\Vcnz, l PUBL191TED •.a •_ /Mr. Pr id—a Mahoney � / lCaty ®f Saint Paul Occ�_City Clerk OM O -k .nd Commlate.,o of R..f�.,bn a.. ci.n ¢.4.v.m.. .ymy l.t, 1932. Mr. L. L. L. damson, Corporation C—se, 41� Building. Dear SS r: At Sha meeting held today, the C-05-2-CiC-05-2-har ad the matter o£ the :.d—ti.. of thatcertain. shed locetea on. Lot 4, Block 5, 3�iferred e Snbdivi sion. ]mown as 799 Igar lebt Genue. an re v the mat tem t , yon £or the proper resolution confirming each ooad—tion_ No. 92694. We attach herewith Council Nile Yoas-e vary truly, City U..1" CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ca ai�•I of Minnuo�. DEP RTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City Hdl FRED M. TRUAX, Commisioner C>"O E_ CO"S AN , D.o C ---I n ' -qm�. OO July 6, 1932. Hoa. Council. St. Paul, Minna sota� Gentlemen: 3fny we eels: you to cancel the couneil proceedings relative to the conde�Z IL O= or the shed at 798 Iglehart Avenue? we are in receipt of a report from onr inspector that the has as wre olced this atrnatare. Connell ra solut loss 92684 and 92928 have been passed in connection wlth this condemnation. Yours truly. ' Commissioner.. 1. ,.92929 air, man \CITY OF ST. PAUL t - '• ^� a ~ • OFFICE OF THE CITY CL p �'�^yyy,yyaY y COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GEN ERI4 � Coo p� f� tl f H Wyo04�4 WHEREAS, By Covncll File No. 92625, approved June"d; 1932, the Council did determine that that certain building located on part of Lot 7, Block 6, Robert & Randall's Addition, also known as No. 540-542 Minnesota street , also that certain buildiyg known as No. 534 Minnesota street, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS. Due notice has been given, ss required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No_ 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the Dimer or his agent, and sald buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat tb.e Commissioner of Parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon Bald premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures , and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. JUL. ma- CUURCILM P1ti •�`<:��. ,`,Adopted I,y w,• c����„ai InHi.—WL -.� ��� �' I f"vuc App rd 199 arcs, Fk"� /) �I'ruex -- ARs.nnt /- M yur W cnzcl PfJ@t..iSFir,O ,r 4z jMr. Yrenfclrnt. M"honcy lCity of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE k GIBBONS. Ovy O -k M- a. a�a c- on ...d Ce---- of R --u- ai.i ci.n v.ywnw, July let, 1932• Mr. L. L_ dafl�nraoa. Corporation c meal, Building. Dear Sir. e Re attech herewith Council YSle No, 92625 and letterin the matter oY the c. demmtioa of apartment Y ilding located on part of Lot 7, Block 6, Robert & Randsll I m Addition, knownae 540-542 Nimeeota Street and also I—Alding nt 534 lidera.. to Street. Thi. -attar was referred to you today for a re.olat ion authorizing the wrecking of ..Id buildioge. To— very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL No ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1a' ga DES's 94 COUNCIL RESOLUTION --G EN ERgL FORI�i� ,meppge,,1 y��1P .Pry f'wE8¢HTEo ev �/ i✓� 610,H9ieCW-1v�1 contM,S81 t_ eBL +�o�a 1 awy t evu _ WHEREAS, Frank Staesen has petitioned the Council Ar per- mission to install and maintain a drive-in fi filling station at 680 and er- Dodd Road, located on Lots 9 and 10, Block 13?, West St. Paul Proper; WHEREAS, Said Frank 8taeeen has submitted a blue -print of the Proposed lay -Out, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, side- walks, etc. for the information o£ the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Pars.- graph F, Seotion 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Frank 8taeeen to install and maintain said station in accord- ance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety- the building plane and landscaping to be subject tothe approval of the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curb- ing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street linea shall be ade undethe direction and to the satis- faction of the Commieei onemunder the of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Coumcil whenever saidCouncil shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or tm ffic hazard. C OUNUI I.ME, ]'cu. Nuyv em a-a� /Air. 11r i,he t Meh,t,y L'y th" c �,���„ii. -dl1L 5-±832..193 - 4 ['[�j 193... nn.y�r City of Saint Paul Office¢�o,pfCity Clerk !�jNS, Uty Uek a�.i c�.n cin ci.n •nd Cesmmtona of Reghtr•.on oi.� ci.n e..,e.aa, .rely let, 1932. Inde mon, Corporation Counsel, Building_ Dear Si— we attach hereeith application of Freak Stas— for permit to iaetall a drive -1a filling etatlon mt 690 Dodd Road, located on Lot. 9 end 10, Block 133, Nest St. Paa1 Proper. Thi. application — referred to you today for resolution granting same a. per Plan •d• sl eo at teched. Yoore very truly, City Clerk. pOST CARD NOTICE! �_� OFFICE OF THh'iM ISSION ER OF FINANCE Poul. Minn.... June _Purau a><+x co S«c:on 53Ttht Baild:ag Z_Ordinenrc h rcbr n yificd C;o.,rc;;l of the C:cy of Sc. Jalr 7rh. 1922, you a oc tha[ clic ap pficar:on of Frank C. Sta—en eo �reee armed i.,etall a filling station ..,he lots 9.k 10. blit. 13$, Tovm- Q£ `.Ye st St. Yau l --68C ➢odd Road wall conic up fore ., a:dera uon before rhe Councd i� rhe 9 cil Cham PY clic Ciey Hall and Coote House Building on the of .Tran¢ 1 10 o'clock A. M. y ictus G�sss, "'�o( Finance. Casty of Saint Paul OFite of City Clerk .L.. t 1MBB)BOM, Cf., a.k I== cm ci.,, �M CosmlWonm of R."-".. lone 29th, 1932 Boa. area is _ 9L-. , Comer oS P_p_ g P. Bl ace,., Bn11 d1 ng Dear Co�irs iosa.ers Its attach herewith the application of aranlc 3taaa® for permit to in.tall Wl.e-in filling etatl— at 680 Dodd Bead, l...t.d ca Lot. 9 and 10, Block 133, Went St. 1-sa1 Prop er. Tier application ea. referred to you by t]._ Cocmcil For report ae to what baildinga ere looated Sa the etraa t st this location and ax to the adrieability of 9—tin,m thin permit. Ionre rery troly, City Clerk. V � . on�oiN\ ' OFFICE OF THE G�Tv CLE.x�c e..nn.o..... 1.1 Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 'T. Wit/ 's Z TO THE HONORABLE. THE C Y COUNCIL — ST_ PAUL. MINNESOTA APP/LIGATION Is Hereby Mai FILED THE _BOARD OF ZONING SAIMT PAUL, MINNESOTA St 4 COURT HOUSE Mr. Wm_ F- Scott, City C1 ar3c. Dear Sir s June 25th, 1932. Ra : Drive -In Filling Station, Lots 9 and 10, Block 133, West St. Paul Proper (880 Dodd Road)' Frank C. Stassen 680 Dodd Road. Z amt returning herewith the drawing furnisFied hY the applicant, marked ^A^, anI am also attaching a drawing marked ^B^ which shone the actual situation., This entire layout for a drive-in filling statioa is located in the street. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh—riz ' 'THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL July 2, 1932. Mr. John H. McDonald, Commieeloner of public S—retg. Dear Siriw This is in ref eroace to application made by Frank Stas— for permission to insteill sa 3r ive—ia gasoline filling station at 680 Dodd Hood. according to tba p.L—sm this driveway is not going to be curbed, and that the drdvewas ar only Cuing to be outlined with boulder rocks. Such driveway will not bas seat 1—factory, therefore I believe that we should insist that —Cg 3.ar 3r iveaapw, 22 feet wide, be required, and that they be properly curbed smaw to outline such driveways, so that cars may not part as that' pleraae and perhaps erose a traffic bazard. The driw-3- sb 3.4i ba —oast—td according to regulations for such driveways. Ir this iss Joao, there would be an objections in granting this appli—* ioy Sa rp taitter-gr�� 9uptr Sraffdc. P. S. These pleas have bean revised so as to eliminate any danger of traff Sc hazard, ow hazad, tlm—rs we have no objection to granting this application. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.p1W of Minne.or. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teed •nd Minneer. Str — JOHN H. M ONALD, towvvssiorgs � cn July 7, 1932 lAr. A1111am F. Scott, city Olerk, _ Saint Pau'_, Minnesote Dear Sir: Returned herewith te. tike ePn1111IJ— of Frank Stensen for--i—ion tc lnetel a drive-in gasoline filling station with re -rorty of inspection by the Bureaus o£ Traffic and Fire Preventlon. Very truly yours, Co®le sinner of Public Safety ' THE OEPAMTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - CITY OF SAINT PAUL July 5, 1933. Aon. Joha H- YoDonald. Commissioner of P',ft110 Safety. Dear 91r: In regard to the application of Prank Staseen for permisalon to install a gasoline filling station at 680 Dodd Road. This department has inspected the fore- going looation and Is of the opinion that there would be no serious increase In the fire hazard of that vicinity 1S the proposed station use allowed to be 10- stalled. Respectfully yours, RCB/j Chief Inspector. i A Lf G U5TA STR E ET � V a a s I I • v W O- h sr -ole /5',I„ s .4 Ll G us 7-A STREET W O Q0 7 A I i i I L1t4 01 Ge t` a THE BOARD OF ZONING _ a wo„u.... w.sew n.w sz,� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 414 COURT HOUSE 9z y 3 0 July 11th, 1952�� Yr. Wm- F_ Scott, City Cleric_ Dear Sir . Re :Drive-in Filling Station, Lots 9 and 10, Block 133, West 6t. Paul Proper (680 Dodd Road) Frank C_ Stassen 680 Dodd Road This block is zoned commercially. The two lots referred to are not owned by the applicant, he appears to be a renter. As the applicant has agreed to move t3ae garage and ice house, which now encroach upon the street and place the filling station apparatus on his own land, the location is approved. Yours very truly, gngl— n er-Secretary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C."'I of MIooewm DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN G. W EL. Conn issior+sn i�v.�s c waou. �.r�•a ry•�e,.... s..o."ve �••a�^ August 10, 1932 M s. crne�. e,�a.. e..�....~ww• Mr. wm. F. Scott, city C 1 e r k. Re: Drive-in Filling Station Lots 9 and 10, Block 133, Dear Sir: West St. Paul Proper (680 Dodd Road) Frank C. Stassen, 680 Dodd Road. The entire block is zoned commercially, both lots being owned by the Hm amRealty Company. The applicant, Mr. Stassen, is a renter. Eng ineerinz Report• Dodd Road at this a brick pavement 24 feet wide without curb. noint IM There is a sidewalk on the west side but not on the side o£ the proposed filling station. There wi11 be no concr ete. drives, but rows of painted boulders are to be placed as shown on drawing to guide the traffic. The plans showthe new location of garage and ice house which are now in the street. This appears to be a fairly good location fora station catering to transient trade, as well as some local trade. Yours-ruly, C j�. p -� ,. SHEPAR Engi�hofE6neer Appr�Q {veed- / gFRw nTJ C. WENZ Commissioner Pub1 Works. V, mann., wZ -- No. _-92931 CITY OF Sf. PAUL + OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLllT10N—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That permission and autizori p ars hereby granted to St. Vincent's Church to conduct a festival — the g --de of the school located at Blair Street and Virginia Avenue, oa A,zg—t ?szd and 51d. at e C6u�q'�o c Eucl'� (e a �I I He bvi elnla lwve' pd�ti�ap'.nDrJ�Ne C linea e- Baa) Yesa COUNCILMEN Na l — jt- Adopted by the Council 7vad Perce //_ �enzel Mayor am sn 'Mr. President Mahoney a, . e oe,m %1-F, .. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �µl. C.pitel of Mi.— DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth .nd Mi—Steers JOHN H. &. ONALD, Cowvwsvor.¢e BOO Juae 28, 1932 To the Honorable C 1ty Co 11 Saint Paul .minae sot a Gentlemen, Relet ive to the petition attached regnecting thet permit b. grsat ed to St. Qjn -te. Church to —duet e festival on their —ht -1 9-10 boated .t B1.Sr Street end Virgini. A--- oa Angu.t 2 .ad 3: A. investigation has been made ..d .. the— ie no obJeotion to thio featisal from --joining property re I eould r ]=� -d Etat the permit be granted. All eonoeaeion• .ra to ba handled by the organic at ion eponaer- ing this feeti-1. e � ro1yL� Tho— a E. Dahill Chief of P011ce TF.DA APPRUM Commissioner f PuL110 S.fety N St. Paul, Ulan., June 27, 1932 Tothe Honorable Mayo, and Council of the City of Saint Paul: Re,the —11--; -t respectfully petition your honorable body to grant a p_', to _ t - Vincent' a Church to hold a festival on the St. Vincent's school grounds located at Blair Street and Virginia Avenue, on August 2 and 3, 1932_ 1-17 8t. Pwa, ItSm., gull. 27, 188E ;q Honorable Ygor end tscpumtmdL3 of city of 3sfnt Peale 1 Rai —OPaatt:lly Petitim your honorabls body to great a Pewit to SZ- Viac 'bey Offish to bold a festival m the 8t. Vinoantee aahool grouz-de loei *te at ffieir 3tre9t and Virginialvame, m A goat 2 and S. 1932. Address JL� / �d�u., J•� gg (( L 6a 7 G m. 6aHv 4- PLn- rte} ill i q I- - 2, _ orWdlmnb a�> CITY OF ST. PAUL muxc" NO.... .92932 OFFI�,u­�oN�GENER��AL G 1 FORM RM WREREAB> Jeaaie T. Jennings, Librarian, hag re- quested that she 1 e granted a leave of absence for a period of two weeks, without oampeusation, in addition to her regular vacation, eo that ahe may attend a convention on educational mattere; and WRERMAS > The CiOeemissiocer of rduostlon has reoonmend- ed that the recMest ba granted; therefore, be it RESOLV_ZM That said Jennie T. Jennings be granted a two weeks leave oY absenoe, without compensation, said time to be determined by her seau-s> c c "°nta I—— b. ° eNtt°�.b°°4 te°a ro,e n.rma °tt a° .tea d;,,°c8 e ld Str a, .a ti�tr� ar- iiu COUNCILMEN - ..17:7.. Yeux '-` Adopted by thr C:nunril �U�---S Mapes 1\ a � / (�� l�/� i _ _ ✓�' arcs _.... In Favor � �- AP vett ..... 19.7... �l roar -. ----ARavnrt / Mayor �Wenzcl President Mahoney FORM No. 2 Subject: Council File No.�/Y7l) PB-- J Adopted by the JUL 5 1932 Date presented ✓1932 Resolved WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of Resolved.That the employment, therefore, proper city officers be it are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set fortht NAM TITLE SUNDAY REGDLAR _RATE 've. 97937—ay Mayor btehone,— ,tthe Commlealaoer of Pub• Thos., Peltier Maint,Laborer 8 ". ies has reported In accordance bocce of en emoreenOYpwhlcd. se Eugene Tourvilla " d necessary the employment ImpineeAfsDepartmed .50 Dan slater " UMy. " " 8 8 " 'AD 019 t hours per der yy said 6mplormeut 0910C9 e 5 Frank Flemming C usl route Ot emDl�l be It 955 c Glenn L. Glancy " " " 8 " Thal the proaer'� e'Yaeu^hi Z Edgard Walsh Common " g ;e ". . 5 John F. Conroy Rye 10 " et ff A ° -55 Herbs C. 9pe11ROT Uty. " 16 " '55 Henry Mike " " 8 " 2 hre, Those Thorson Mech.Helper Daniel Carroll Com. Laborer 93 " •5 Rudolph Piringer Ditch Diger 8 hr"s. �j •55 Joseph Fiorito 'S( Tony Roberto Com. Laborer 16 e 21 bre. 4 5 Michael Grealish Distch Digger ° Yds. D. Carlson 1 .55 Ayes Councilmen Nay. Ye5..2eF PB-- J Adopted by the JUL 5 1932 Truax lrenesel Mr. President Mahoney Approved AL 5 1932 Ap edr. �.,. Le nerd N. Thompson neral Superintendent _a FoFaLno, 1 Tune 30. 1932 ga emergency baa arisen in the Department of PobMiLc Btil3tiea. Bureau of Water rendering necessary the of certain employee of that department for mora than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Patrolling Vadasie Lake # operating Hazel sad $ippland Part pumHing Stations.## Watching on Thira ac Taoic.on 3t� This emergency arose by reason of the following facts scud #To prevent tre9paa9ing 1L1F Ora S •a ### Watching main while excavating for new Post oPfioe ####To heat tar so it would be ready when cr- arrived to ropair roof of West Side Station, wppr wad: L $. Thompao ae raZ Superintendent. Council File No.-.__..._. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undomigned hereby proposes the .eking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct_ drixeway_.oxt.. the_north_side. of.Street-..--------------.---- beClun]n.Y_143_Pt_ west. oS-Eiohmond_st_,..thence, mest.-a.-Zi_ Dated this-. _lAl ..--___day of _.... ___ July A w'trniieso r' . -"oi'me mno..ta°i i� o�em 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written 1 for the making f the following t, vas.. `- ' .q 4— o pro Poea B o g improvemen - ':. � � �•`^ro Construct_ drivemay...oxt-the..nonth-.side .-oi beginning145-rt_..-w.as-t...oi--Fiicbmond-.at_ ---them" -weak_8_Si--___-_.............._.._..... .......... _. .......... . .--- ------ ------ .. -_- -------- having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........... ...... ................. ----------------------------------- __------- .-___._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comroiasroner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: _ I. To investigate the neeeaaity for, or desirability of, the making of maid improvement. 2. To invmtigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. o. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more ow-nera 5. To report upon all of the foregoinNg�matWm to tho Commiwioaer of Finance. __ JUL ................... Adopted by the Council________ ____________ __ Yaws NA's Comcilmen �►— Ap➢rQved_____...__..__._-_______-__....--------------- .--- .------- ___ s _-------- _---- ____ Ma. Pasarnrarr or 27 i t' Council File No..... .._UM PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of 9t. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following 3—catlona: South side of Mianehalla St., beginning 82 £t. west of Cypress St., thence west 78 ft., beginning 201 ft. farther west, thence west 28 ft., beginning 28 ft, farther west, thence west 50 ft. i _""'"""A w�iiTen Propos:i'7-'Cor iSc' m`e o7'tE.e f�tf's �mp�orement, vie.: ` Reconstructing, relay ir>.g and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locational South side of Gina eY�a21a St., beginning 82 ft. west of Cy�rees 8t., thence west 78 ft., begiuriiag 201 ft. fsrther west, "'t of west E8 ft., beginning 28 ft. farther wast, thence west 50 ft. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie caked for on the petition of three or more owner, 5. To report upon all of the forag �t�(q,�_ to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council____________________ ------------- ..---`..-..-..................-. _...-... Yews Nera 190 _. Councilm �` ' an. i4WP Ma PaastprwrMay--------- r„� e. 11,am 1—' FIi[e.ICFIFD � 3 7/ CotinaSFil No__. t{t•l it ccr eez FQ.i9 FLF:.azPV`�'�>••ry si F ` FV r. z.�Cs .v.��L ?:J 15' r b ton r}, 'alye or Wrwepsycz aC?`�p9�Tirrr�vRL �• 2r' Mop r;uce Beer '. a^ Lf•a alQfzm328S.t— - T��.».rvae. 2f-. Dated thio -.-._-AB t..... -.-day of ...... ...................ilY-- - - 19. - ollewzn, tmpewemev4i PRELIMINARY ORDER. - . i°a�.:P&•:-I WHEREAS, A writtev proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Reconstructing, relaying anxi repairing, where necessary, the sidewaik at the following 3- c t. ionss South side of 3ti.nnaY�ab.a ot., beglrnxiag 82 ft. west of Cypress St., thence west 78 ft., begivaiag 201 £t. Zsr the' west, thence west 28 ft., beginning e8 ft. farther west, thence west 50 ft. A. To state whether or not said improvement in asked foron the petition of three or --ow- 5. oreowne5. To report upon all of the Fo;�{si zag Wat�,� to the C—isnroner of M—re. u Adopted by the Concil--_-----------------`___-----..----- --- -_" " Yew. N— C ... ilrua.. —Councilman. ...� 14- " 1 Y rv,mcA uom �o ao �� Council File No. __91M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvder dgn 1 hereby prvpo.es the making of the following public improvement by the City of 8t. Paul, via.: On the_.eas.L.sida Qf_.JUQX0Nc3....._... ft._north_ Of Eighth St _r... thence north 92 ft.__.__._____. Dated thm___...1 sty.____ day of.___. Ju].Y.___.... � u PRELIMINARY ORDER. , n WHEREAS. A cvrittev proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: _........___Cfl¢asLr�¢ SaB_nQuolitbi C...s15i-elfa�,ls. 94t the...east stde..oP_Jacks_on..._..- .._St..r_.be&_ ^T'a y ^ g. -a ft._.nnrth-.Of.. BUb-th_St­- theme..RQ.P.th..82_Sx...___......__.... .... -- -- ------ ---------- ------------ __....---- havin beau tad to the Council of the City of St. Paul......_ .......___..._.....___..__..-----_-----__...__. 6 PZPS+E�II _. ......_._ .. therefore, be it RFSOLVF.D, -X-I t the Commissioner of Public Work. be avd is hereby ordered aad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of mid impmvemeat. 2. To investigate the mture, ..taut end satimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. q, To state whether or vot said improvement is asked for ov the petition of three or mare owners 5. To report upon al] of the fomgoi& mattem totheCommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the C� uuciL..__... ____•.•.aW.7_L 5..�-L-....__..,....-__. Yews Nwra Councilor» 1NNM*­ M.0816=.� Approved - _..___ ......_.._ J d� `ls-1 Ma PsEsanexr ��,'-.'y� � Mayor. + Council ne No..._..._-.71r7t)( PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peul,vis.: Reconstructing ralsying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the fol,owt„ locations: South side of Baicer St., beginning 30 ft. east of Ohio St., thence east 100 ft. west side of Ob.io S t _ , beginning 47 ft. south of Baker St., thence south 62 tt. A East side of 6tryLcar Ave., baginning 34 ft. south of George St., thence south 60 ft.. J North side of A- dolls St., begins ing at Oakdale Ave., thence west 120 ft. East side of Stryker Ave., bagln ing 84 ft, south of George St., thence South GO ft. North side 0.:. K- St., baginning at Oakdale Ave., thence west 120 ft. _ �'11NLISHED� ruF4C6 Znn��l n�� ��� .� e=- Lr• gGzF zIgs oL �Fio .-. ' Phe iS.Sv;✓P, d� LF' aon r? c po Yaa F' ' F}�e.u:e ^cnrl� .,79e c,- gaJzrS. �" pse7—TLR ;O Lf• -C oL nVTn 9r•' M -1 -- Dated thie.-._-lst ........day of----------------------•11k1•y - ._ .... Ig32 e.e...e. n - - - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f,11—mg improvement, via.: Reconstructing relaying and repairing, where necessary, the aideealk at the folio—Ing locatlonat South side of Baker St. , beginning 30 ft, east of Ohio St., thence east 100 ft. *Neat side of Otho St., begl.—:Lng 47 ft, south of Baker St., thence south 82 ft. East aide of 6trylce,r Ave., be,glnning 34 ft, south of George St., thence south 80 ft. North side QL:._ '3l.7a8.,, . St., beginning at Oakdale dve., thence west 120 ft. — a�e..,,a. —11 Y MLISHED. - uce aonF.P c0 ;.c' F. <'�F z7Gs oL _:;.'". _�:. ., ' 1,c S;..•„r;..: od bC" oort:J of r6rzRs �;• - ^• non t:� c , r.o!ter. �;F'' 1}�z.tce T;. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_____ _________________ __..____. therefore, be it RFSOI,VED, That the Commieeioirer of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and dimeted: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s plan, profilo or sketch of said improvement. C To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ow - 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matGGtor tto the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CounciL________________________.Ri�_.._.Y_ .,.. // Yews N— f�y✓�. Councilman /a •,Il{Nl� '' r ,f. J ` I �_.- ��---------- ............._......._......._.._......_ Mayo Ma. Peasmstar n/ 15JBLISHED� %• I Council File No..._ _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT azzd PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,,igned hereby propoees the mski— of the following public improvement by the City d Ht. Peul, is, Reconstructing, relaying sad repairing. where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations z East side of Mississippi St_ , beginning 220 £t_ south of Pennsylvania Ave., thence south 42 ft, East side of Albemarle St_ beginning at Maryland St., thence North 121 ft. East side of Albemarle St_ beginning 74 Pt. south of Maryland St., thence south 29 ft. Reconstructing, relaying ar d repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locrfLrions z East side of Mississippi St_ beginning 220 £t. south of Pennsylvania Ave„ thence south 42 ft, East side of Albemarle St_ beginning at Maryland St., thence North 121 ft. East side of Albemarle St. beginning 74 ft. south of Maryland St., thence south 29 ft. / Adopted by the Council JUL..... 5 -- -- — ✓ Y&Ae Nero Couo61— ,..m� 4- Ms. Pneemsr; r- MaYor. -..r v sun.— •.-' / F=t3su�544 PROPOSAi_ FOR iMPROVRMENT rYovcs&vafFYiTcv oL `.•T',.. u, .., ... r- �m rv8 _]a iG" ..on rV: ,. .. T 6 Svv ni.. . - noir QS aG• �O -c.G" ann,'Y oL b' �_lTn. '�I,,. a74o L RS"a 7aarnnr - � » Dated thio--....,ste......._dny of PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz... . Re cons true ting, relaying and—palring, where necessary, the sidewa lk at the following loeationsz East sideo£ Mississippi Stn . , beginning 220 ft. south of Pennsylvania Ave., thence south 42 ft. East aide of Albemarle St. , beginning at Maryland St., thence North 121 ft. East sid.P of Albemarle Sit beginning 74 ft. south of Maryland St., thence south 29'it. b 1' -repo �.y1+.�1G.�_•.. �...Y_..: ..-. _._�_�_�._,. u_.. __-. __._. __.. - Adopted by the Council- -___.....JUS--...5__-__-__a------------------------------_- ✓/ " Yswe Nwre Councilman "'" c.W mc3 ' �pp--ed_--._..._ r � �. .. - Ma. Pasa�nexr r.cw.a nm Joao . pxmiro av Orr CITY OP S - PAUL No.._._._.. 92M i OFFICE OV THE CITY CLERK JnyC'�OUNCIL RESOLUTION-E'NERAL FORM RESOLVED That the council hereby approves the appointment by the Mayor of John B. Findlay , oY Baint Paul, Minnesota, as a member of the Board of Public Wel Pare Por a three-year term commencing July let, 1932. COUNCILMEN Ycsa r P Nays nrLe �yrn /rnn= /Wenacl •e . r Mr. Pnaident Mehuney . wmao °Va°.r°�l"4.(n me°'°iiamwe�(es ROM wooeoe eE Julne6 WalllLly !, Lll.l JUL o 1932 Adopted by tl l �uncil _ _ ..193. - i in f-, Approved _.... .._......193.. AQ.i--I- Mnyor meaty of Saint Paul p�i$:.r4,q4City Clerk �9BON5, Ory Oek novo H�vgn i. eoe�ti+ Fwd Cee,mk.lmv e( Rybtr.ee^ u.� a.n e,de.ne. Pi.i O.n_On P.n July 5th. 1932. Yr. L. L. Lade.rsoa> Corpo rat Soa po�sal > Building. Dear SS r x We endoee herevith�2t.r fl n ha Mayor Meo0y ^�"'~ ag Hr. Joha S. Hindlen, Avenue, a member of the Board of Public Welfare for a three year term to emnceed Dr. L. L- vee Dyke 'hoee term of office hue —L -I —L_ The uncal bee referred the matter to yon for a re solation L-------� Yours very truly. City Clerk. (Llifil cf ttinf 13ttu1 -C—Wibr Slily 1, 1'.'32 The Honore_ble City —urcil, Saint Yau1, minnesota_ Gentlemen Subject to the confirmation of the City Council Z have this day named �!r_ .Toho :. lan, loll Lincoln er embof the B-1 o£ Yu b:1 -is �tiel fare £oro ae three year term to s - eed Lr_ Van Lyke whose term of oftYceuhas expired_ Ver" t' -1y yours, uwwd9 alk CITY OF ST. PAUL A np'1 a� ly=(o�iKu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER�c'gw'fcE ra noa / COUNCIL FZ S LUT10N----GENERAL f. ,o FULSOMNED WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, since the date of its last report, has approved the following extras: GENERAL CONTRACT — FOLEY BROS. INC. Extra Work Order Na- 58, authorizing adding extra metal newel posts for the gates required in the criminal and probate court rooms, cost .... .. .. ........ .... .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ...$ 97.14 Extra Work Order No. 59authorizing changing a vault in the comptroller+e office to a private office ... 373.20 Extra Work Order No. 60, authorizing the extra work required in anchoring the Detroit 8tee1 Products Company windows, due to subat i tution of wood jambe in lieu of finished plaster jamb a . ..........................259.03 Extra Work Order No. 61, authorizing double tale in the first, second and third floor elevator Yronts inetead of single ti le ... . .. . . . .. .... . ...........................354.09 Extra Work Order No. 62 authorizing the necessary angles under window stools on the 18th floor . ............ 34.80 ELECTRIO CONTRACT — COMMONWEALTH ELECTRIC 00. Extra d Work Order No. 15, authorizing the necessary electric workin connection with the changing of the vault I. the comptr o 11 er-s office to a private offi ce........... 40.50 Extra Work Order No. 16, authorizing additional work 1. cone of ion with lowering of switches and changing location of outlets .. _ .. _ _ ... ............................171.89 LIGHTING FISTUFiE CONTRACT — WALTER G. WARREN & CO. Extra Work OrderNo. 1, authorizing the changing Of fixtures in comptroller ; e of £ioe where the vault was COUNCILMEN A.tol.LciI by thi, :,. In favor. A. Provc,l....193. ..AgainstPresident Mahoney u„t i.oa�aa. _.. _._. CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK w COUNCIL RE'--+OLUTION--GENERAi. FoRM PR EN D,B xF C�Q� 87.50 changed to a priv��e of Yice .................... $ and yPFO:pEpg,extras authorized herein total $1,388.06, and the extras author i z ed since the building was started total $98,631.05, while the credits total $67,633.61, therefore be it RESOLVED THAT THE council approves of and concurs in the action of the Advi sory commission, and the proper citycity officers hdl e hereby th euab ov ewe xtas tortheere epect lveha retract S=S. tionate COUN('I I.SI EN 1'— NI.y T—x W.—.1 Mr. P --Hent Makro r�ey JUt '" X932 _ Adopted by thr ('mwrll .193 �. 103 ARein4t Credit, CHAIv CONMACT -- 1E— SS%PS COMPANY Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research =v Achle c Club Build,ng —do, 4210 ......«...o �....... July 1, 1932. Tothe City C;-11' City of Saint P-1, Mi nne eo ta. uentlemen. The fol lc vix_E; extras and credit, have been certified to the coatre.c- tore since the last report_ 'f-alaRAL CON7pACT -- FOLD.}_ BFtOS.. INC. ^.xtra Wo rY_ Order bio. 58 authorize, adding ertr, aetel n _ poets for the gates required in the criminal and probate court too , coat . $ 97.14 Etre Wo r1= Order Nh. 59 aut horizee changlcg a vault Sn the comptroller1. office Lo a private office, at 373.20 Fa tra Worlc Order No. 60 authorizes the eats ork re Suired in .anchoring the Detroit Steel Product, Company wlndo we due to aubstitu- ting wood ,Jamb. 1n 11_ o£ finished plaster ,Jambe, coat. . . 259.03 'Sora Wort_ Order Na. 61 authorize, double the in the first, ,e —d and .._ ird £loot elevator f_c-its Snetead of single tile, cost 354.00 'extra Wo 1= Order No. 62 a..itk:ori zea Lha ne cersery angle un- der wind— stool. on t,2— eth floor, coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34. BO 11 CTRIC CONTACT -- C0MI' G2714£45LTH iS.ixTFSC CO. Dots Wo r1c Order No. 1� authorize. the n try electric seamptro ork in c n. etion vri Ck' the cY angi ng of the vault Sn the llerte Office too auprivate o£'f ice, et co _ . 40.50 FXtra Worms Order No. 16 auChc,i,,e additional cork in ccn- acti— with love rl ng o_ .witches —d chanPing location of outlets, coat _ 171.89 LIGHTING FIXTUFE 001v1-. CT - FAL=-T G. WARR.F^I k CO. �xtra W-1, .Order Pio. 1 authorizes ccan,IZ the llghti ng £ir- tures 1, the comptroller s off ice -here the vault was charged to a pri- vate office, co.t . . . . . . . 67.50 Credit, CHAIv CONMACT -- 1E— SS%PS COMPANY To the City C-12— - -2- July 1, 1932. Cram t No. 1 a,scherizee omitt= chairs i,.certain o£rices doing chairs ir- others. ma`cix a net credit of . . . . . . . . $ 2,476.61. The tatting of tui 8 e dit has been approved by your body. Tile xZ thoridzen total $1,398.06, the credits total $2,476.61. T:e z t r auputt ori zed ei ncehereithe buildln.£, ree started r total $98,631.05, while the credits �-�,regate $11.632.61. Very truly yonre, , secretary, Advieory Court House a d City Hal! Buildlnr, Comm eei on. CPI,: SH aw..lmav e�aaa- CITY OF ST. PAUL m'""` No..........J.FiJY.l ♦ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LIJTION—GENERAL FORM g� WHEREAS, At 1,te laeetlrlg held on July let, 1932, the Court House and Clty Ha -LM BuIlding Commission approved the plane and specifications Por shades for the new building} therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and concurs in . the action of said Co�iesion_ I�:fRie uN co e°a` a oo m:n°nmaa r°pun°o. er .aaro . aw a-ul�� sl.celoo oil a .saa. COUNCILMEN 1'eav Nays L✓�"'.- Ad.ld,d by 0h, Council. JK /teMrt mntlil-- / G' 1 � c �Fearu• I„ (s�ur � � ,kIp wed ____ J.y ._._4 193_._ /'Itox,•n /Tnuix W--1 4 Mayer .r. 4a TO, P—id—t Mataoney rnos.ers u Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research ' A,hlc .c Club Buildi., C C d— 4210 w "' July 1, TO the City Council, City O£ Saint Paul, 111:;ne eo ta. Gentlemen: at its meeting this mo nl n� the Advi sort' Curt }i Lyse and Cit;/ Hall Bui ld"'e Com-:iseionr ar;proved the plevs and spec,£,- C-1-8 ti one £or shades For the nen bulldi ng. The matter ie referred to you for your _tiev. = y tru.y yp�,rs, sep�etary, advie�ry Court House and City F.sll Hu,ldi— CPH:SH Com;.teeio • o..are.r ,e c.v r,..r ra,.."' No. .. . 92942 .. _ .. CITY OF ST. PAUL .�--........-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 9 y. FZESr9ES� ' WHEREAS, At its me eting held on July let, 1932, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission awarded to the Golden Rule the contract for the carpets and drapes for the new 0ourt House and City Heal- . for the sum of $7,175.43, base bid, plus Alternate No. 1, an adclitdon of $542.13; -Alternate No. 3, an addition of $2,145.10, and Alternate No. 5, an addition of $89.54, making the total asotmt of the contract $9,952.20; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves of and concurs in the action of said Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to draw the proper form of contract therefor. . x.ror ar.n °wa I. m io.�rrtal01, <s.`°rov e�s6f 0 o� ery a ro m o Ceoe� e'orw. weoroved �e fiyeC9-1812) e,r a• l�t� C OTJNC'ILNIE\ vf, Yeea j Nays ,Ado Pled bI tllr /Iy�n - / ARa.n..c j Meyur / hi r" Pr�vialent Mnhona>y Saint Paul eP7p °- Bureau of Municipal Research Arhlc c Club Building ��c�aa. July 1, 1932. TothCity C��incil, City o£ Saint Paul, b'inne eta. �—t 1 ejmer n AtSte m eting ti.ie m rnl n� the Advi eory Court H�uee and City Ha11 Bui ldl ng Commieei on awarded the contract for the carpats and ?rapae to the Golden Rula, the law bidder, for the of $7 1'75.43, base bl d, glue alternate member 1, an addition If $542_1-3, alternatenumber 3, a on o addition _12,145.10, and alternate ntmmber 5, anaddttlon of $89.54, making the tctal aum $9952_20_ Tole —t ter ie referred to yon fcr y1ur actico. Very tmly y , secretary, Advie^ry Court Hcuee end City Hall lluildir , Comriie a ion. CPIs: SH � Vo �CITY OF ST- PAUL No. 92(J,43 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK REz'�­j�N­GENERAL FORM A - RESOLVED, that the notion Of the Acivlsory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, Lri purchasing electric light bulbs for the new Court House and City Hall from the City of St. P-11 —d— the City, s contract secured after advertise- ment for bide, Is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN ­ Y:v aye ...... .. `l-- TSaint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research • Achle c Club Buildins .Tiny 1, '-932. To the City C ---i l . City Of Saint Pl—L 1 b.iil--t:.. G—A lame n: At itsetir, this m ni nr; the Advisory Court Htuee sad City He."_ :r Bildin��C—iesion authorized the 'urch"e of 1s from the City of 3s1 .-t, Psu1 under it, c ntract s sfter se—rtleing fo' bice. TYie —t. ter Se re£c-rred�r to you for year sCtio- In the 1ie-1,tln, i`ixtvreont—et there is s alternate erih, lamps. CCR e, bid is $3800- T1ae estimat, of the city for these lamps is $2314.10. Very truly y—e, See tary, Court Houseand City Hsi: Buil'_ing C oma -1 scion_ CFH: SH a . . No. 92944 CITY OF S - PAUL " O —F E OF -r�E CITY CLERK GOUNG■ �.—. RESOLUT�ON�'EN ERAL FORM 17 WHEREAS, At its meet irig held July let, 1932, the Advisory 00ta1, House and Gity Hall lding 0omnjseion approved the plans and spedficatlons for micro e:ll a e,Oue fuaniehings and equipment for the new building; therefore, bx., it RESOLVED, That the 0Ou Oil hereby approves and concurs in the action of said 00mst-0:1 ri • . ae .oP omN.ar.T ,.. , .. C;0 CILMEN Yeea May02 J .:�..' JUL �ted by the ('nuncil____. z ei�6 �yt7�Uaaa�L /''C•8r11.. In favor = .� Approval_.__.. _. _.... ..193... �ynvrn /1 � .s, ` �Mr. YroeW—t Mahoney Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Achlcc'c Club Building .�... m....�..i .e..... m":d e........ ..o �,... Su1y 1, 1932. Tothe City Ccu 11, City o£ 5�1"i _ Eav1, L11,_a'ta. uentleme n_ �t its ma eating this marni R the Gdvl gory Court House and City HalI Bui laird 00—Lesion —'roved the pl— end ."—ificeti— for miecellana f—utshin s end equipment. !n— ¢utter is referred to you for your actior. vary truly yours, C � secretary, ...nvi sort' Ccurt H^use and Clt. Hall altldi ng Cnm..ission. CF:: SH CITY OF ST. PAUL �NO..------92945 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COu NCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM V RESOLVED 'That the action of the Advisory Court House and City Hall_ Building Comml anion In authorizing the City of Saint Paul to proceed with the paving of the west side of Wabasba street and the south aide of rourtb street, in front of the new Court House and Oity Ha11 , at nan-app�rooxxiimate cost of /$4,500.00, is bereby approved _ u,.,..( Pte.-�...�, ��.e � I _g.,_,_.,.. r�-,-�-..i • I COtJ NC 11.M El\ Yeea N aYa /Y � /.. / pear•ca� - el MPresident 11d r.. Mahoney °...a. .ro, Vu p o.o "Ida :-.'.o . b. A 3�.c z a. roan V We ('ou��ril .�u �......� �oJ'F._ ...193 AdDPIed. r Y In favor � � A,,p Dyed..___ _ __. _103._ Againrt _Z_ -- "- ----- ' Mayor Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hlsxic Club Building •�ti-m.��=�•-�•x•"• "�'� To the City Coil, City of SaIr.t P-1, Min:.e.ota. Gentl suis n : Ir. Decombar £ last year the A�Ii—y Corn AIS1on, the City Coti-ieit. v—d the County Board authorised the city to proceed with the --ire n' vlabasha and Fourth St res to i, front of the co—rt house _ At that time it vas state, that the coat mould be approxi mete ly SOann Bid. have be— re—wed a d it 1e apparent that the co St to tr_e city and county ,ill aporoxlmete $4500. Ince Adiecry C—Assion has approved the o,Sng abe-d with the —3c �d refers this to you for your action• Very truly .yours, Secretary, .. dvt.ory Court H—ee mad City :Sall Buiidt� Q.—iesion. CPR: SF CITY OF Sr. PAUL No.. 92946 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENE L FORM RE LVED That the per mit granted to Leo McMahon for the operation of a cash and oar ry ice—house at Congress and Concord streets, be and the she A- s hereby transferred to Roy W. Moritz. 41. i'°�nws .•aw a a� caval - COUNC:ILM EN Yens H a3t1/ _ _� In favor /I'ynaw�/ / T... �enzel Agninnt 1,nid—t Mat>,onay l'n Apy�ved____ 193-. City of Saint Paul Office� �of City Clerk H.�ygy �, aoecn �.%Jdla60r�$Oh CIerL Cm 0..�� ..d �nr�mbJona d aylMibn ¢.�aF1u� n. ST0 July 5th, 1932. Yr_ L- I— C' -pti _Corporation Co—sal, Building_ Dear 31 r: The attached application of tray siar of pa,r it for cash and carry Ice hoose at Cottgreas and Concord Streets from Leo McMahon to Boy 1/_ Morita sas referred to You today, by the Co—cil Yor ra solution. Tour, very truly, City Clerk. L Jnm 30th-1932. The8o norabla Mypor and City Council, Saint Pffil, Minn. Honora�la Strut With raiaranoe to the application of Transfer ParmiL for Cash and Oarry IoW -bonds at Congras. and C. -.rd Stu. , Lao McNahoa to Hoy W. Morias, beg to advise that the ice eoln aL this ica—l—se, is ertift.i.1 and meat. rith our approval. H8S—S Yours for health, ` 70f 8ea1Lh Officer Z��4- 42 \ REALTORS - j W: 1VI0RITZ "'SELL REAL ESTATE FUM plYr� R MANAGE ESTATES A Pi.-- Building COLLECT RENTS S, Paul, Minn. WRITE INSURANCE MAKE MORTGAGE LOANS June 15th 1932. To The Honorable Counoll City or St. Paul we request that you transfer the permit to maintain a Cash & Carry ice house on Lot 5. Block 51. Rest St. Pana. Proper (corner Congress d Oonoord Streets) from Leo Ma Mahon to Roy W. Moritz. CITY OF ST. PAUL ,�"" NO..... __..92,(}_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ® COUNCIII- RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of the Minnesota 011 & Refining 0Ompar`Y for parmisslon to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 184 Robertson's Addition, also known.as 50 West Water street, ie b,e =eby granted, and the Commissioner Of Parke, Play- grounds and R.ablic Buildings is hereby authorized and Snstruotsd to issue a pe ==it therefor. mmm Nod : bi i � n:em�swmo°.°.moi io . c.a piel� .s o 'PwAro..a. aAovro.. army e19'ae mr a. iia CO UNCILMEI � Y'euv Nsys 2c tr, 1� D ced by chc Council }'r/ arcs In favor .JWl '. I y eJ........ 193.. sen guar _ARainnt �/" Wrnzel � r� Mayur m n /Mr. President Mahoney City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk OH Oak „nvOrn J-cr a.n •ad Cemsksbaa of R.sWe,bn anci.h e.ea.uw July 5tb, 1932. U- L. L. Lmd...... Corporation C:o�sal, Building. Dear Sd r a The attached eppllcetles of the Linneeota 011 & B.Pini ng Compagy for permission to erect a public ges—C. oa Lot 194, Robertson-. Lddition, lo- oated at 50 w.at tater Street eas referred to you, by the Council, Por resolution grantlag such permit. Tours very truly, City Clerk. ��' NOTICE OF APPLICATTON FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. / Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 19P,t-- to the City Council of the City f ant Paul, Minnesota, CY for permission to erect a public far gs on t/following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ransey Councy, Minnesota, to vit: Lot ( Block nn �— --LA. Addition, ' Saint Paul, Minnesota. Om the -16, side of St. Ave., Bel --St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, Z- 16 193 -Z, 7.kAL�.,, SrAfE OFJWWNFSOtA. r C—ty f rim.. - t • ...........---`��/A/ rih n t hP being dd9 mom. deP. and aye .... he w Ix and do R 11 he times einafter mentioned has been a clerk of the publisher or printer i h—ge of the 81 _Y ctLt�bM41� St. Pool Pioneer Press, n daily news vPe Printed and published in S it, t SL Paul, in said Ram- ecy County, State of Minns tv. //////////// Phn[ he hen knowle at [he tecta d knows et rivted... t�etn attA�i,�a. 'a rrn�,ene of 'a wapepe Inserted. btea a pubttnhed in "d news orr...... _ :"' —.-: -times, vnd that ali of mid yotlicatlone were made in ehr English languvge. That avidnotics rtedmous Asst ' , p stud and publieh4d on (t^- ri the.....! dda of........ .. ..19 nd mom P d Dnb- lished in said newspvper they t n/7. - �r ��,•'V'.""""""�'"�"/ fhe... Q—ay of. ..... .. .... 19 gTnt during all he time rrmid. 'd newspaper mom gveiifled m a medium of oRieisl and legal Pu bli'atio r u rid by sections 9 d 4 f chapter 484, 8etr n laws of Minnesota, 1921, d that it hm comdicd withnall the "="'f—V = et nstitute a 1rRn1 newxPaper n adefin ed Id se a 3 and wit: that for more than one year last past from the dvtc at�tne firs ctublicotlon f add ............... .... .. mid ....Pop r bee been �tp� �pa�y��- TOT (]) P d f h. pl iro h h t urporls to b:=. e leeued In the F.ig- min r".•itivv+m"_7O �a lieh language. nd n column and sheet farm vqu�vdrnt In apace to t lenat ei�tt w aaaw pagev, w,th a ht lumps o the page, ench twenty-one d nee varier inches los¢¢. y a'aQtie (2) issued dvilY from o kno.an aRicr, cetabliahed in e h place for yy»tili A tlon tins quipped with skilled workmen and the neceamry materiel for pttparlv6 as p mt•t 04 Prin the a® - (3) Made up to contsin g nernl xnd Iocel neva e t and miscellany. wholly dv plicvting a other publication. nd not entittly made Pp of {seised% j' plvte matter nd adverb emesis, o nl y i either of them. two hundred Cund IfortdYs copi,nregularly driiveredbtonpaying nobs' b— ood lfbst prior to the dateof thle firstlicati mid.... ..... ........... / w..~ ~.._. ..... .. ............ _ the publixher or printer in <hnrge of add news nper hnving knowledge f the facts, filed i the oRice aS the co auditor of mid ty o[ Semee. at of Mtnnesod, a nntticlav it showing th"u n and locution off mid ewepaper ezlstence f nditions c ati toting its unldi_ti_ m o legol newspaper u re9aired and s t Sorth in "'tion 8n o£ chapter 484, Session Inmos of Mlnnmod, 1941. e That the following is r' ted copy of the lower case 1phnbet from A d Z, both Inclusive, f the a and kind 1 type axed in the c mpoeition, privting and pub- lication of anidolegnl advertisement ^hereuntoov ttache viz: hlrrther affiant anith not a of chapter 484, Session haws Mit for pvblicntion in said newspnp"r Subscribed and sworn to before My Comenie6lon erpiree ......... .... 1. 1. rIGH . n.,n, I'll, I er coram.. STA rs of ast�vnrara. . cotafs os r�,,,v. tamer a t+�e' yz 84 m ref W� �°a'Yi xea>• rw4 �nn� a - nyy�• �•— err dm. zv_zs�xi and a "that he ."W i�'p'pd 'nna.nlitneif ,ee nereineit�e�°me [ly aw dapa� " Jerk oa Nor printer i° charge of the St Paul Diapatch,ioned°� $awe tlaeiipublisher County, y newspaper, Print) the [n and published in the city of St Paul, in mid Rneo- State t Minnesota. t cG end know- That he hen knowled Printed.... .ae.e�ii:omu,e " Printed sad werelad in maa' 1 new Prr. de in the Englpish language. �--t�mee. and that all of said pabllmtlona That mid notice wm first in rtrd, Printed and pubilehgd _� on.... Ne....../...dny of. .. .. _. .... .. ....199 �d wa- Printed and liahed In said newepaper therm�1- p� .i official e d lrgnl Publirntion r u nr"-Per nm dgvaltefled medium cion I,nwe of Minnesota, ] 92- and thnt . h j co ti... 3w ell the hapter 48d, Bea. nseJtute n lrgal nr dofinrd 'n d section- 3 and 41, [o-witQ that forte m co w.spnner vv i ani than one year. ins__ t na„t from theme �d�te of/tJ�yyre �firs�t, pu/lJ�ie�atfo/n of said ............... U11. ..../� //. __.'�_ Bald D p h°e been liah lanfguu P d d f ro i eh pi d i{ e r h h I[ urporti to be inmpied in the Eng - page., with ht 1 p R [ eq °lent (nn eyes- to t least Igqght f2) I d tl i➢ f th k RI tnhli had in -a h prtlere°forayynbllm- tfon nd quipped with ak died workmen and the ne mry material for proyaring and printing the me. ce. whole dM le ntinz tnny mhcr Igiu.711tion�ondal trentirely 1°made and mieneBany, Plate m tter d ndvertiaemor either of them. uP f pateate, two hundred C� d ,fort in .71t ° es P., of p blicntion to Ne xten! of t least an y ropier. r gularly delirered to pay(ng auberibere, and tbat PH., to Ne oft c 8r.t pub fion avid. .. ..... ......... .. Ne taste, filhd nb,hrn ogi<r pot°the. �countygnuditor�do[realdacouna on knowledge f of Minnesota, an nffidnvi[ showing then ^ a �IIam-ey, °lata existence of c ndition. co a tntin¢ its a °^d loc�tlnn P eaid� paper and Ne and ere forth (n ere .tion 3°of rhaptrr 4F4AScan pin laws of M nne.otpn, p1921. RQOlrad boN Incirhwar: e„e t the�size and°knnd t. ty P, of the lower cme Iphapet from A to Z, li—tion of said°legal adtcrtisemrnnt1 hrreuntoan[�achM, ��r.poaifion, pr(ntivg and pvb- FLrNet ftiant mith n t save to is nffidn it 10- ere Mm°t ➢vreuant to a ctloa a pr chapter ed, semmn l.aw. mnaaota, 19x1. dd inte�aea for publication in said ne roper of the nfpresvid/le1¢al naorrt:F [:..ompevy Ne bM _... ,r.........F............. 3ubecribed and ex orr. to brinre me day of .. fel // 7l No � ' �1'ubllc, Ramsey County, Minnemte. worm tet. My Come .La n Ip ...... ................... WRI(377'1', 92948 THE CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.. ...... L�'I'v ' " OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN ERAS FORM RESOLVED That the time wltYsia w'hicb to construct a drive-in filling station on Lot 1 , BM -1c S9 , Irvine' s Enlargement, located at the southwest corner OT 6uminit avenue and Rice street, permission for which was granted to Emil Peterson Company by Council File No. 1) 91916, approved Marcb. a-7 , 3-932, be and the same is hereby extended for another six montha, tO and Including March 17, 1933. b Yea Nays �y Peurcc / I n favor Truax f _AgainRt zel r n Mr. )' a j'Ie t. Mahoney F. Na f>916 -1s w M•� ns� o g,o >Ve�E.T int t�q�n G�i1nF �'"LSn j« f BlwaF� r I. •Ir%�'t IDaW —. ,'ni�wvesu emq Alm�+e�4o �� &mit, on Comosn� l��vneit ]rfls:��-� e x.>en trnsede� wvorn. tamr 9�iYii1 � ,daptra b> thr JUL 6 1932 -Isa_ J N .193.. City of Saint Paul Officcaf City Clerk GIBBONS. OM clek a.��w.cur u.n end Cemmbele„a ei R�{i,k,een si0,wt5 July 5th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation 0—sel, Building. Dear 91 r: W- attach here.ith application for an ezteneion of I. months on the permit granted the )lmil Pa tereoa Constrm tion Company to erect a service station at the —t3.—.t ­­ of mit cad al... Thi. matter -a referred to you today, by the Cofficil, for Lha proper resolution granting each ezteasion. we eaclo sa Conacdl Bile No. 91916 grenticg the above mentioned permit. T—s very truly, City Cleric. c� . St. Paul, Mina. June 28th 1832. To the Honorable Council City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Due to a misunderstanding with the owner of the property regarding financing, we beg your honorable body £or a 6 Month extension of time on the permit taloan out by the Emil Peterson Construction Co., to erect a Service Station at the corner of Rice and Summit Avenue in the City of St. Paul. Trusting that you can grant the above request for the benefit of all concerned We are Very truly yours, Minnesota Oil & Refining Co., By. Vd2.2.P CITY OF ST. PAUL.. NO.._._._... Oi=F=ICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. r COUNC■L_ FtESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, By Oou La- File No. 92581, approved June 1, 1932, the Council determined that that certain two-story frame house located on Lots 7 and 8, Rohrer • s Subdl vi sl on, also known as No. 678 Olive street, is unsafe and dangerous tO life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked aria removed; and WHEREAB, Due notice laas been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No_ 7210 , and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, and a id building has not been torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Coo mJss10ner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and ffi Je hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises —1 tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary For the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. ena: I d": 6 "Mbi ue. .y w ea ( cOUNC 11,MEN yens —N.Y. (j2 - - Adnp—I by the Council1-1� ny rce In favor -�_� APPrnvcd.... 193... / I2 ... ..Agaan¢t� _ ... res _ �Wenzcl /J/�/ /7y -Mr. President Mshoney Ei1B1-I51tEU-� / � aw a -u/ City ®f mint Paul C)ffic s of City Clerk =c= .nd Gommirlone of R.9Mb.Nen O.id Ci.d e.�m.b.. July 5th, 1932. 4r. L. L. Lada reon, Corporation Cooneel, Hail ding. Dear Sir: ee eacto ee bere.ith —1Z-ti.. from CO-1—I.—T_-advi Bing that ao %,;.el has been made by the owner of the building located at 679 Olive Street which een I— bcoadeemomed by the Department of Parke, and Public Buildings. Th.ie matter sae referred to yon by the Council for resolution authorising the Department of Parks, plwWgrouads and Public Boildisgs to •reek said boil ding_ 7oors emery truly. City Clerk. �7. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pit.l of Minn..ot. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C—I.i.o.. OTO E. CONSFANS, D. C.—I.I.. -4311b- July 1, 1932. Hoa. Coa Oc Lx, City of St_ Paul, Minae sofa . Oeatlemea: On Jae 2-, Resolution 92681 was passed by your Honorable Body pont irmiag them condeuetion on the part of this office of the bulldiag at 678 012ve Street. The last paragraph of this resolution provides that'-iP wltfiiln ten daya atter the mailing of that notice to the property owner, agent, or occupant, no appeal has been taken, the Com -- misaioa0r oP Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings ah,11 re- port said Pact to the Council. In accordsace with this paragraphI hereby report that no ap- peal ]a— been taken and the building is still in place. Yours very truly, Co�lealoner. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUN DScAND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS To the Honorable City Council St. Paul, N.innesoto Gentleman : August 1, 1932 (A�� rn V\ As oer pour request; of recant date relative to the building et 67B C11ive Str et _'I cb %. been condemned. T"ay we,nForm you that the ob f w eckin- gas been completed, and the+ entire structure t_as bean removed. LAR:p Yours very truly, �b x, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Plt.l of Minn.wt• �RT T OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. MU^X, Ceaa- ono July 26, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul_ Gentlemen: On July 6, Council Resolution 92949 was pa..sd by your Honorable Body, authorl.ing the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings to enter upon the prem- ises at 678 Olive Street and take down the building locat- ed tbereon, which was legally condeaQted by this Depart- ment. May I resipeot Pully state that the owner has let a contract to the Cleveland Wrecking Company and the building is now be _ g removed2 It is, therefore, in order to close all Council proceedings relating to this case. RSB -.0 LiIt—RESOLUTION coo..c � Fire no. 30 2 .RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE ORAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 121,105.14 - COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED blbl TO_ b9 INC SIVE, AS PER CHECKS LE I 000rrlEo elr THE EcovRCCE OF THE CITY COM PTROLL�ER. j JUL F 792 o� I_ OFFICE H >„ M r L -R EK..E.o 20NmZ `M ?.... EN L cni ` COUNCI L R ESO LUTON HA. �� r' "`"•�� �UllI'I_h;D CLAIMS Sema Z..�TRT„ bMuS o..��T. iaa n�ii$4&MR �8�: STT bj PRES�oaer �,''h11 .` E ., VOD . TSE 17 „�1- i/ TOTAL nurneen IN FAVOR OF c„ cxs cHccns a e.nn I BROUGHT FORWARD goo Be 6161 Vincenzo Chiello 2 237 35 6162 Harry Y. 'zalsh Att'y. 269 30 181 17 6163 A. F. Hromechroeder 00 6164 x. J. Callahan 9466 79 6165 Stilton Rnsen Com. of Finance 35 125 73 ° " 2 014 33u 6167 n " " " 5 259 86 6168 6169 " " " o0 251' 6170 " n 21 23 7 150 5 6171 " " " „ 25 3 6172 „ n 2 853 04 16 121 45. 617 6175 " Frank Leitner '9elfare 97 1 0 08 6 5 61 6 7 Board of Fublio 25 ?13 6177 kilton Rosen Com, of Fin Ince q 61 8 J. E. Strauss 771 5 6179 Emil Freisele 12 0 6180 Dr. A. 9, Eekley 117 6 6181 6182 A. C. Horn Co. Pittsburgh Coal Co. 191 7 159 0 6183 6184 A. Aschenbrenner Cairncross Tire & Bot. Co. 4d4 2 6185 C. J. smith & Co. 66 1 6186 Milton Roaen Com. of FinRnce 12 903 0' 6167 Ed.ard L. Loeinski 0 �i SHEET TOTIL FORWARD 7 500 00 776179 51 i COUNCILoFRESOLUTION Suly_2 RESOLVE(]. THAT CHECKS BE -Ft wm ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS s 61.Ej7].25 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 618A OTME "��"vv��'��>✓✓�'��-`-- �' /�/ ON FILE IN THE ov HCCE F TH E{��Ci ITY COMPTROLLER. Eo ev THc .DVy„ oo P BOVEo_ G` --- iii BY >G I 4� NRilc[I�n'ENTTUBE CAS No COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS July z, �32- RESOD Eo wanzSf"' oT„ s. aoo�IxMaho per. '' „E2„s „e�718$ � e 5 -may11 T11 COUN11L. ns o R c �Re c�'.:��s�MP;no�L as TOTAL RUR^cR IN FAVOR OF cR 5 8URSES I BROUGHT FORWARD • 6188 Review Publishing Co. 523 64 6189 Feyen Construction Co. 20 961 3 6190 Helen Sullivan 30 0 6191 Clara Aamold 30 0 6192 Ann F. Campion I 30 00 619}3 Society for the Pre.of Crueltry 200 00 6194 Capitol Auto Tor Co. 14 o0 6195 EdwaTi J. O'Regan 54 00 00 6196 J. H. Sohmause 6197 911ton Rosen, Com.of Finance 169 5 619s ” 6199 1 258 65 6200 " 4 230 72 62ol 4 395 10 6202 Standard Stone Co. 3 896 75 6203 Clement Sculley Equip Co. 3 725 00 6204 C. D. Brown 1 77 50 42 00 ¢205 Anderson Bros. 1 b20066 Julia M. Bruess 70 00 6207 General Chemical Co. 1 954 29 6208 The „rinnell Co. 4 263 98 6209 Ray Hynes 115 00 6210 Ted Kneip 77 50 6211 James Quinlan 12 60 6212 A. Runge 21 75'. 6213 Salisbury Ice Co. 8 OO 6214 M. I. Welch Co. j5 20 6215 Joe Aeendola 3u8 81, 6216 Joe Amendola 6o 55' 6217 Elsa Y. Obst 50 29 6218 Milton Rosen, Com. of Flnence',,�5 311 6219 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 73 18 � 416 00' 6220 Blue & 'White Cab Co. 6221 The Calhon Paint Co. 35 28, 6222 Capitol City Transfer Co. 96 00', 6223 Capitol Staty Mfg. Co. 95 70 6224 Central Soap.Co. b 68 24 (6,2225 Concrete Steel Co. 437 q4 BO Ganga &u�ooler Co. 16� 71 6228 General Electric Supply Cor:.' 52 56' • 6229 Ooodyear service Inc. 1 8 9 6230 Braybar Electric Co. Inc. 12 61 6231 Griswold Signal Co. 1 175 32' 6232 Lamrland Lumber Co, 67 03 pg 48 6233 McKesson—St. Paul Drug Co. 6234 Northwestern Blauga8 Co. 33 12. 6235 Paper Calemenson & Co. 44 24' 6236 st. Paul 'White Leas & 011 Co. 27 65 6237 Sharp & Dohme 29 40' 6238 J. L. Sbiely Co. 445 44 6239 Twin City Brick Co. 330 OO 6240 Victory Printing Co.� 99 10 1129 6241 5i 6242 Villaume Boz & Lumber Co. 147 oo 6243 St. Paul Blue Print Co. 7 ( 6244 ,allton Rosen Com, of Finance 11 576 9' 6245 Wlllia: J. Perry 32 00 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD 61 577 �5q ....a — 713 G N— e�. UTIO 'CIL RESOL �eco, Sune 30. 1932Resolved, That the Qouncil hercurs 1n the recommendation of •t e Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading Fred St. f om Bedford St. to the west line of Lot 16, Irvine's Addition of 0 tlote, and regrading .aid Fred St. from the west line of Lot 15, Irvine's Addition of 0'1tl-Ot. to a point 250 feet west of the west line of Bedford St. , in accordance with plane and speclficetione hereto attached, to EMIL FREISEIS, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $.252,00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. N. '-mea i•a Man ue "d eat" ne'i.WalYe nef ov[e� 8829 Eh... ..a...r, ...305.00 •ps^..... oP„n. �.. a ...,.-. ov.,.o....T o ro . �� �.. 252.00 2 52. 00 • Ie AL ...,...u,o.... l'—A,[bLLLU 714 .. o. .... No COUNCFL R�.SOLUTION --- • Resolved, That the Council hereby co s in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in OBlock 2, Gilbert's Greenway Court, from Byndicate Ave. to Hamline Ave., Sn act or dant= with plans and specifications hereto attached, to EMIL FREI8SI8, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $447.00, and the Corcor=_tion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 9 ,. e� i�re� a w�cueaew"irA':. sa- �eBLe.L rrd of U 1 e iiJ'POnO.ere a - mt .. peeves ay.iaeer's ADveov— W U.y ali Jair e. Iiii.l `i __l V r 8850 564.00 \\� .a.. -......o .�� ...r .� .,,,.aV..a....e - `'447.00 .447.00 I _:__ ___ _ ..-. JUL 6 M? 715 COOUNCIL �REESOLUTION "*r7 ••V ---T_ o•y �� ��LSC/C/�_9�l =•.._,7�aae_HO..__1933,. — • �Reeolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in SBlock 6, Highview Addition from Fairview Ave. to Howell Ave., in accordance with plans end- specifications hereto attrc'.ed, to EMIL FREIBEI6, he bean¢ the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $647.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ssp c n��*�• c " ao'F� s "s ii boss"o'�'°sew •e.•v a.� .o.".�..o�...... —....785. 00 E.... ^.....o .o. ,........ oV..o....o ro ar ...�.,",,..-.o .o. oo.. o. r.�."..o�."."r 647.00 ---------------- - -_ -,- - - 1647.00 JUL 8 t it IW- Council File No......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and re?airing, where necessary, the sidewalk and driveways at the following locations North side ofLafayette ave, from the west side of Arkwrlght St. to Otsego St. :.est side of Otsego St., beginning at Lafayette Ave., U—Ce north 62 ft. North side o£Lafayette Ave. from the west side of Arkwright St. to Otsego St. West side of Otsego St., beginning at Lafayette Ave., thence north 62 ft. Y.— 1— C .... i1m,, -Councilman MAY iL.GiBIML'tT Approved_____....._......._...._.___._ ROSEN Hated tnie. __. 6th.....day mac_. _.. Jlxly�.32 �.. _.... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, fleOOn s trveting, relaying and repairing, where necessary, tue sidewalk and driveways at the following locations, North side of Lefeyette Ave. from the west side of Arkwright St. to Otsego St. Test side of Otsego St., beginning at La th 62 ft. fayette Ave., thence nor Y.— rvnra Councilman MAY C ............. -------- __..... _..___..__.., Fx<JSg,V "�' -------- M.- JM �/) �L.:_G�f-�..Cf _•<..__.._ ' .............----- -- -------------------------------- -------------- ---------- .. Dated this-_...Skh_. ..day of_-_..- ------------ Jn3.7'XR r h ri F f a h'- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHFRF.Afi, A written proposal for the making of the following improvemaet, Vii.:' - •, ;: ".. �.,... having been PrePented"tatL'a''CotitfC�i�oc^tne'a'dt;'"oror.2-raw._ __ - .__......�.. -e therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of ,aid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more o—cm S. To report upon all of the foregoing�sm�,atters for the Commissioner Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._..........................`�-....-6--`....---__--_. Yaws N— Councilman a ' LSI WORM!/� Approved___-_-_._.---__ .-------- ---------- ------_-_-__....-"------------ leffAmm ROSEN Paaaty"r -tKayor 7 1 RCouncil File No... -__.a G PROPOSAL. FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 'rhe undersigned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ......___B—man truct;ng, relaying_.—d..repa: r xtg,_. whmma-xteaassarg.-...the s:Ldgwalk_ the -_south -_side of. North Street beg+ fr+a __.at De Soto St., thence east 170 ft, ......... _ __._..__ ...__....____ __........ hated this.-- __._5th day of _.---.._July PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foLLowing improvement, via.. �•`;'oi`��rid°si.�,' 9.tSiii`tin$.r..relaying..and_repalriag•--._where... RleCV.pgArY_s-_iR:__�•�°„ �. ..__ _._sideaallc..on_ the--_sonth._side.. Of- Korth _Street _ bazl=l"- _----- ----_a t_D._.Soto_ at.- theme.. east_170_ft. -- _ -------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..._ ...... ..... ... _. .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the ....eeity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or sot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_______________________ JUL— S Yrws N.— Couneilman MAY Lei i 937 ---------- M—P... .._._..Ma.Pnas ✓gv..Sv� c w rs rva �oa�> l�Z.�. .jd.L1,1{Fjj____:%�/ ( /�/� Cnanea Fie No. J 57 PROlPOSf.I. FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The unde oigned hereby propo,ee Cl— making of Che following public improvement by the City of St. Pao], vir.: Construct_. drlvelay ori--_ vla - ao- .-tin mtdm._oS_.&orth Strea5_. _. _....._..._.._ _.... boginni>^e. 87 jr*---___ �esL._-o.=_.SradlaF..St..,...Lhenaa.West .. 10 -ft - Doted thio Bt.D....._. _.day of_._-- _ _ _ .... ee.-1 8" . ws• o, w -etas vmeo.', meYlnr of W, I.M. PRELIMINARY ORDER. a se.etone�ievw•cv. n WHEREAS, A written proposal £or the making of the fallowing improvement, via.: ,, e•�'�' _�t:h.. side.. o2. Hor.tlh.Street__..... ".". 8:2._�ct:—.__wes.t_-QY_Bradley $t...,-.1hgnce_West 10 ft>__. ..... ._. ................. having been pm,ented to the Council of the City of St. Paul......._.._ ............. __.._....._... -- - therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That the Commissio rover of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neceeeity for. o desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, ezteut and estimated coat of aaid improvement, sad the total coat thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said i,r provemeut is asked for on the petition of threo or more o—m !'G / 5. To report upon all of the f`—Erni ug matt ,�ss to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._..._..__._.__. _.__. �____.. &_ TJ'- ...................._-. Y,ae N— Councilman PP Mo. Pa....— r..m c,re n>•,wn� �s >n tttLlSFfED��� 92958 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING Now THEREON AND FI,,1ING TIME OF HEARING ON TEE AWARD 0��� ES In the matter of- . d mD?„g-And-_taking_an--aasemant_in_thaland-neto asnry_-for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 23, Lane's Highland Park from Snelling Ave. to Elacale star Walk, "ISL ore ®L NATION PIIOCIAml:. IA thenmelterb pI condemr. InR an ea.eTent In th, Bary for elopes, cute an, ding2R4 ppa�ving Of fd, Lane'a NlFHR111' ,ell]ng Aye, er under Preliminary Order ----91191--------- approved--Dec-.14-1.9 1----------- Intermediary Order ---------- Z43B---------- a PProved__lan..24-1932.-------------- FinalOrder---------------217a3----------' approved__ FAh.l2._1932----------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his sameament of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same in hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said eeaessment of benefits; et the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ___3rd ------ day of_--- August ---------------- 1932, - at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the c Charter. Adopted by the Council_____ 21K(__.ii --------------- > - - City Clerk _ -------------- Approved.-- -- , ... h-z-!_�. �—GL(- -- - Mayor Councilman Councilman I, Councilman 7 Councilman 7W=�=n r'-� "'• Councilmanlauou-I as tv,-, =moi Mayor sum- yi­ ,„ 92959 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 0mgmWiff IRMN TIIEREON AND FINING TIME OF IIEARN, 7, '!:r AWARD Of MUG' . In the matter of- _condemning_ and- -taking. An- aasemmtt_1n_tha_landnea@sAlia---- for slopes,cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lanets Highland Park from Howell Ave, to Prior Ave., m ,out .... of . 1. be Insyf eq omen[ ut be tePon' of Alloy In and I�prlBFlend Ponder ePre10, . zPr Ave., 20711, gDnreved Wit ! If lerY Order 1!809, e!, First Order 9). n fl, fill!. n rsp of FI 1. r 'h re0ortrt h he •h under Preliminary Order -------- 2Q22---------- approved- _6pcu-4_L932__________________ Intermediary Order ------------92 09-------, approved- -X4y --- 24_I932------------------ Final Order -------------------- 9ZZ7Z__------, approved --- June_21,_192----------------- The --- _ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissianer of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- he____-_______3ad--__day -------- 3r -d ---- dayof --------- 9vgneL----------- 19.32, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council_____ --- `__"---- ----- ------- - 19---- - ------- ,t,1. City Clerk. Approved--- ------------- -- / 71,1�11 Councilman4l �""" � Councilman �ee� �.el fj yor Mal,.,n,y . 92960 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 21 'HEREON AND F77" OFNAR!", THE AWARD OF DAMAGE' In the matter of- _aonsianniing. -and - taking- an - aasammat -in -this -land janzaaAar-y -for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Ave, and Mount Curve Boulevard, ;aa i9 �e � . , f,, Yf1aa'.edtaDlerw.a�' ' Ave. ann Nouut Dnaer Prellmlau . &—d9 IgH Flnal Order 91 .q 799f. under Preliminary Order ____92136---------- approved ---- April -15,-142 -------------- - Intermediary Order ----------- 25.05------------ approved---May---25,-1932-------------- Final ,Final Order -----------------92-70------------ approved ----- June__ 21, _1932 The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above ipr- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property + from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---- 31,d, ------- day he____-__gpd.--____-day of ----- August -------------- 19.32, at ten o'clock A. hi, and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. vnu�e L h Rr Adopted by the Council___________ _________ -------- 19____f City Clerk. Approved___ ,L. ________, 4� ria a Councilma '4 PCdLLS1iCll Councilma Councilma Councilman `t.r zrl CouncilmanNOAAlll Ple" Mayor® Mahoney 92960 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING rMi HEREON ANO 177- 7.1', OF 2EAR!",_ TIT AWARD OF DAMAGE° In the matter of --- confte inning. -and - taking- an - ea sament -in -the- Land, -naaaaaary -for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Ave, and Mount Curve Boulevard, x � raeo— tMf Mr e .oa eren: gr It. M p].., 7 8e nuc ItaOlew•' u.. eM0 Monet under prenmloai Droved Appril V 6. Float ordder 916er Bit <e,e' IBdP. rF under Preliminary Order _____92136---------- approved____ Apn1Y-15_1932 Intermediary Order ----------- 2505------------ approved____ May____ 25,-1932 . Final Order ------------------ approved ----- Jima --- 1,_1932____________ - The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---- 3V4 ------- day he_-______$p{i_______day of ----- August ---------------- 19.32,atten o'clock A.M.,and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of mid hearing as prescribed by the Charter. h Adopted by the Council____ ______________________------ 19___ � i City Clerk. Approved------------------- �G_-:'t, i 41 ers�x�l�•:� ,�ir+ew,wa� =-",� le, Ma Councilma l+;circ " Councilma C r PCBLUllLU Councilma Councilman \t.r rl Councilmani Mayor® Pluhoney 92961 COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_Acquirin&-appeopriAU4And_annde�Eing_Sur_pWgmd-purpme_--_ iI1T=XED1A- lnie_b_And_lA._black_21.1a1ttaa k 5bfrhurae'_f_lAQlSifnam , Na !ic ct .rav, ging and 'eendemnln. ___________________________________________________ g . , under Prsll 6.1 OrdJamera7 oval Jam 6. l of the Cllr re1, rocelved the nporl;;,I_.___._____ • .f Fiance a" ,at sod hart ----------------------------------------- ----- _--------------- seroP •r :-----____-______-___---------------____._.--._-_________--_-_______________.___._ -�__ -_____________-_ under Preliminary Order ------------ 9ZBS�----------------approved _- .fEElle fSL!IAY --------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved sand adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- WAairf, -WRTUrM4 and_wader,mlor_.playgrmmd_purpndealatak_and14,_hloak7.1,_Aahtaa h. sharbsu'ae_!f__ AdditSon. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 550 _00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ P.OSI-------- day of - .Augpsts 1932______, 24i__-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamher of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Mooted by the Council__�VIL--- 6L10------- 192 ---- Approved -------- 2*-- (' 0 ----- 92____ Approved-----------•----------- I92--- Councdma. �ergapon _� Councilman �is8oualld.,�- Councilmanggen-:s Council... -, f Councilman 1W1111111116w® MayorfYYev ,rF Form B. S. A. 96 ity Clerk. -� M 41 A 1'LBLLSf�i) �,r 92962 COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ... =atnmti4-ourhing.lm_both_eirm-otApolia ItreAtiroa__---___ Qreenhrier Avenud_t&2k=1Tx uep---------------------- In F. Nok.t In the 11 11 of eanetruotlnr t, from on holA eldee , Hekoolla 84 from ___.________________________...__._.._._________ Oroenhrler Ave: to Pgne Ava, un._-_-. der Prellmlpery Order 91669 approv- ed ale 11, 1991 --------------------------- _---------- _____________ Tee Connell or the Cll havine roaelred the tape dr the Come ,"Vmvet of anaeoe a ^n he shove ,nprovemen4 end h.'.• - 3-44-------------- ----------- --- ______________________________________________________________________ _J1,L_-_---.__-_.____.___._---- under Preliminary Order ------- U09 ---------------------- approved ---- 1U.25—UN --_--.__-__-__- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- pMetMAt_mu:hlog__ �lmtb------------- ----- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $11§23 8 ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__.- 2nd --------- day of AtlgpAil .JM --- _---- 1}!be__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improve1m11tent and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___. .11lL__8 _�s______, 192____ / Wt 'A Councilman ya ent Coundlman 1',ar,e Councilman Councilman Councilman ifigNWOp Mayor diip !I;hafyi Form B. S. A. 8fi .l R ._ City Clerk. ,1�� or.. NXISHHD L ..,o,.Ir .. c�. =�••. CITY ST. PAUL .ice N- S63 OFF1C CITY CLERK TT pp G L R LUTION—GENERAL FORM • -COMM16I N mereas, The C-11 by Resolution No. 92491, approved may 25, 1932, autho ri:ed the issuance and sale of $600.000.00 of General Improvement Bonds. and >mereae. The proper city officers pursuant to said reeolntdon; and the laws of the State o{ Minnesota, haeme fully caused the said bonde to be advertised for sale and said advertisement rsgoired bide to be submitted on July 6, 1932, and lh.—, Bids w a snbmltted and were opened, ezamined and tabulated by the Cannell and the joint bid of Hirst National Old Colony Corporation of Hew Tory City, Be tobrook & Comparyy, of Neu Toric City, Stanley Oates 6 Company. of St.psul, was fo—d to be the highest and moat advantageons bid for said bond issno; Therefore, be it Resolved, that the said bid be and the same is hereby accepted and said bonds nwar&ed to said bidders at the price d, namely, par and seemed interest, .ith an interest rate of four and one-hal, (4W per cent per annum, and a premium Of $3.474.00. Farther reaolvad, that thio C.uncil hereby ratifies and approve. the actio. of the Slnlclng r—d Co®itte. in Sizing the numbers, denomimtlon, date, place of payment, and ,ori of said bonds and ale. the notice to bidders thereon, and al.o ratifies and pp—es each and ave ry otheract of said Sin]Gng Husd Committee in connection with the offer, sale sad is— of .aid bonds before or after the adoption of this resolution. i.. mr.'�ie. ra rd u°c Coo"c cou�CI'ME, JK B ?o�� Yeas Nays CJ y�l' Adop,cd by rhe Council �..y 19 �• In fa or �. //ly App --d �. ..19 i RRy P-- 0 Aga nor ✓ Rq� P3 / Mr. Pces,denrHass, -, iIJgIJSIiLD__'��J / / "741M L Noting of the Blddng red 0001400110 hild Wde der !a tba Offift Of tba bbyor at 2100 P. 14 ft*W, L" ICU= N►Longr► O=dldear of ldmnoe 1tl1{on Boom and OM%nller g. r. Wa&'1d4' A Milo Ona not bg OaanladoMr Ylitm 140.0► WOOW IF OOrytsoller H. F. 000464► and unhaalr Oarrlad► that No $"ItgO Nno®an4 to the Cmdl of tM City of at. Pmt► that at 00NOM g1. Pal Go"' Nnngd 301140► lawn •bldg bids tor• apend thla qy► :t aaaraad to "A 11ret Batlowl Old 00101p 0arlwr*10% NO leak city, lilt bn* i Co., r•r Tom Oltr and Btaatq 0" a *XV&q► ;%. Pal► do tdd pas' Pla a bbad* of i3►�iao� far ub bwnda w.t:� let0raa{ Ot «t lbtr DdM tha M*Mt and 00111 akUkP= Md to tab 01tr. Otttdladmw 3111m Ham ands a MILD% samndad t0 Ooytnuff 1G r. *Mob ad =* ='I aa+d4d, tont Nr ftPwdlon Cnmdal bo raO WW to W"41 W Btnta lttUlO Hgrdno tbbt leportW 1044 *lite by tib doo tary of tho 3labdng road Onditaa to W Aodltw of Altbdn Oomitl'► ftDrdlg o•aoln ob11pt1ab of that Oanatr to the City of Bt. Pal. baro tow bpvW by " so Mating tbwootiw as m me. 1pp=ored bOrafflolo Partddaol • mwm(Ao Santa* Adopted by the Council ..____.. ___..___.193........ Yens_ Nay.. MAY McDONALD ----PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX � WENZEL _--MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) BIDS BBCITUD ON ma 1600,000.00 0mRQ 11&BDVMMT HOBOS OH&B&D FOB UIS 07 jmT 6. 1232 First M Old -Oology Gory. ,000 Al. 7 •� Bstebrock d Ca. Stanlq Oats. ! Co. lint Uds Trwt 6 39T.B t " ' 3,362,30 b1thIR Wt Oo*gq 8rd 11100uig OompagY I1111-Didny a mpap Chne,Harris,Forbss Corp. ) 3anolmerlw3lair Corp. " " : 2,106.00 Ba ser, Stuart A Co. Ino. Continental Illinois Co. ) ' " I,S00.00 Tational.city. Compsay ) Yereanttls-Camerae Co. ) Ealman 6 Co. ) fallaae Sanderson a Cs. ) ' " 1,031.00 F. S. Yoesley 8 Co. )) Unaforthsest Co. Osaranty Company of B.T. ) " " 900.00 First Securities Corp. ) The milsankee Company ) ' 894.00 Phelps, Fenn A 00. ) B. L. Day & 00. ) Harris Trmst 6 Swims Bork ) ' 10 LOTS -00 F1ret Detroit Company ) Hoose"It & Son 0 306,000 Par ; '� " t 4 77 3rd. & pP Ad.,—] Yeas Nays Yeas N . Conroy Conroy .�.-n May May // a, Nta�' McDonald //A 1\4 Donal �I`F>"""'- Pearce " / O Pearce �r Rosen I / Rosen Ft..��i, Sudfieimer Mr. Pres- Bun Mr. Pres. Bundlie . d'�� O DI NCE <M COUNCIL FILE NO.. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled agsL i S,dlpi"ct No. 110 4 "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting 0 nlacbr4Yawcei" the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for ?;iiona 11, 1 ' the classification, regulation and restriction enro;" of the -location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the min- " imum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7tb, 1922: This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1, That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to and insert- ing at the end of Section 17, Article IV of said ordinance the following paragraph: "p. 'Convalescent homet shall not be construed within the meaning of boarding and lodging houses, and shall be construed within the meaning of public, semi-public,and institutional buildings and uses." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for'tbe preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. M Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_.._. JUL.. 2 1 .._ _... May �� �-�yN-� McDonald Xp,((" � , ,In Favor ✓ Rosen , L.!"T, ))CCYY--n 1' .0.__Against ✓Truax ,AV1�lodl. U Wesel Oft 61nM1 ✓ Mr. President (Mahoney) ,approved: Attest -41,. d(,jty Clack Adopted by the C—ncH..___... -_.______193__._.. Yeas. - Neys. ---�NIAY --1I CDONALD PEARCE ROSEN ----�TRUAX --WENZEL �MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) City of Saint Paul C,,fic j,ol` City Clerk SNS. Ory Oxk app ciw-c,n cl... .nd Cemmxp^nv el R.,-11en Jn17 5th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Coonsel, Badding. Dear sir: Theattached ordinance w e referred to yon by the City Connell with the request that yon amend it in accordance with the recosssendation contained In the last paragraph of the letter of the Zoning Board hereto attached; the idea of the Ca�e13 ".being to prohibit the iae tallatton of rnnvaleec eat homes is Claes B. resi- dence diatrtcte. tomorrow. The ordinance is up for approval Tours very truly, City Clerk. ORDINANCE DOUNOIL PILE NO 92347, ,�,,�% q PRESENTED BY � �/1i ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restruotion of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open spaces, and establish- ing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7tb, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended by adding to and inserting at the end of Section 17, Article IV of said ordinance the follow- ing paragraph: "p. 'Oonv&leeoent home' shall be construed within the meaning of boarding and lodging houses, and shall not be construed within the meaning of pub- lio, semi-publio, or institutional buildings or uses." Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. i lea, Councilmen \acs Passed by i he Council Conroy May McDonald In Faso, Pearce Rosen Against Sudheimer Mr. President I Rundlid Attesr. Gig C�,1 �L,y ur n, +gat City of sant Paul O fid.:. s_of City Clerk OH O.,h —d c� ei R.tbe.tle., ¢ne:>,Q n. SIOGrt J'aae 24th, 1932. Hoa. yred a. SY�aa , Comer of P.P. h P. Bldg.. , Hn1161ng. Deer Coemieeioner: Jtteahed pleaee find orddne—s, Coo it File No. 92947 (Zonis oral mace) --ti-- 17, "tide IV, Paragraph ape, is regard to -Cc a.aleecent home'. 2hie on anordinance ma referred So you for i—tlgattd report ae to the Fie —ity and e.dvle billty of thio—d..at. It _111 — before the C—cil for eenond rsadlng oa Jtaly lat. lours �sry truly. City Clerk. �' .r— 4th, 1932. Hon. rred N. Tv—, ck—s of P.P. A P. Bldr_s., 2-11 dl 1— Dor Com.lssionert Attached Plsua fled ordl nanos. 0-11 Pile No. 92547 (Loamy Ordi_nes) section 17, A-tI.le IT, ParevraPh mns. In rvprd to 'Convalescent tams • . TI,1e ordt �an^e .ea referred to yon for terse CSP,at loa and report ab to the naosae!/ty and sdvl sabil t ty of thla —ft—t- It .111 oo:..e Defb rs the Conncll for eeoond reedy- — .hely let. Tours very truly, City Clerk. July Lt, 1932 Yr. Geo. tl. FE.—Md. S.a—tary • Soalar.S Bpard, Hull dln6. D- x r. She att—h.d ordln.ao. —diva the 7 Sa6 OTdl--- r.l.tl— to definl tion of 'eomr l.L—t h- -a^ �. r�r—d to you by the City Courson foireport and r�c.s-�eadatl nn. Th. ordlo.ncs *111D. Dsio re the Corm 11 for thlyd reeding -d .P—I oa Joky 5Lh_ f. al.. .tt—h . l.tt.r of E11— beth t. thl. —tt.r. Tours r.rY truly, City Cl•R. W_ 6tZY 4, s $ 4'a L' r , nova �a G. O. HplY 4ri/�1�D lOIMSOND ON0L51h5gO.D, GEOK'.F MrC.w Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir THE BOARD OF -ZONING SAINT PAUL, MMNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE aolyt nth; :lsaa. Your letter -OS July let in reference to ;I the proposed amendment to the zoning ordinance defining ■convalescent homes. The zoning ordinance specifically names the public and semi-public institutions ehicb are permitted in "A" ax.1 eB" hesidence Districts under certain restrictions as to location, lot area, etc. the ordinance also provides that public and semi-public institutions not permitted in "A" and "B" besidence Districts are permitted in a "C" Residence District unconditionally. A convalescent home, therefore, is permitted in a "C" Residence District. The proposed amendment to the ordinance defines a ■Oonvelescant Lame" ets witbin the meaning of *boarding or lodging houses" wbich are permitted in a -Bu Residence District, and that it alma -21 not be construed as a semi-public _ or lnatitnftonal building or t:se. This makes it possible for one to occupy a - house anywhere in a aB" Residence District and use it as a convalescent home and the restrictions as to lot area and preclse location are removed. 1 - .... ^i? .1;«.'ga ". oF•.v 'F - - .. f '$"'G �.FyxGS •.S' y`J .�.ir .. we reooSnias the aeaesaitT for oomsl4soenC •,d - Korea, whish are in a way Private hompital¢, tint w" believe • .zy . that• the ordinance as it ata -Aa Provides for them amply. lis x believe that the .Proposed la a stepPing down of _ theproviatona of the ordinatyce .and would .impair the enjoyment. -home. in the neighborhood of cook institution and would .an of erSect upon the }tealffi of the People have a very depressing and also impair realt7 values. ttY - If any ame��ant is necessary to the ordinance daflning convalescent homes. affi we do not think avy 15 sed amendment: whlob would recoeesmead that the propo . necessary, we Yor approval ae to tone be amended by - comes. uP tis en�orning ._�_ adding the word "note in the Sirst 11ae between the word -shall- and -bee. The lice to read •convalescent home 512911 am lodgiro8 i not be construed wttMlm the meaning of boarding ,. : .. _ Lonee.� and :•il:rthor ams ffiinB tie Paragraph by taldnB out the _ ..in line ne between the word -shall" and -beat word -not- the thir ++ within the meaning of - making it "aha11 be cos"o sed ,read' yublia, semi, -public or inati tutioffil buildings or n5e5.• - Yours very tro17,. So"D 01­201gHo. .. Iseao 6usmerfield, 0hairman, •" Louie bets ur',': G.- O. House Kra. ■, D. Ydllars a•., Eaginear-Searatary� - -,.c ,:E^^ �ire!!�CL•, �,,..� - Man Eokort+a, letter encloaed July 5th, 19=-. Up. L 1~ Ondereon, Oorpenstion C—sal, Buildin.. Dear fire Sueattached —di—waa rofarrsd to you y the City Council .ith th. ragneet that yon sand it in ecrnrd— with the reeomaendatlon contained In the last Paragraph of the letter of the Zoning Beard hereto attached; the idea of the Council being to prohlblt the installation of nonualeeoent home■ in class •Ba "ol— deme dlatricts. The ordinance to up for, appteral Inure very truly• City Clerk. ;Z' 7 le -�i /C -f a To the Honorabie Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: 9e, t'e undersigned citizens and taxpayers of St. Paul strenuously object to'ihe aassaFe of any ordinance which will'perrsit the establishment of convalescent homes in .Class "B" Residence zones under the 3onins Ordinance. We recognize the probable necessity for such institutions, but earnestly believe that they should be confined to commercial, districts, as they constitute a nuisance in a residential districtt/ and deprecciiate the value of residential property. v� s T �l�tiL � �l7• b— t'^ All 4 Corr June 7, 1932. Hon. Fred X. Tvu , Commissioner. Dear Bir: Attached herewith please find City ClerkTs file, including therewith a petition signed by 38 property owners on Holly Avenue who request that no permit be granted for a eonvol- ascent home, which im contemplated at 811 Holly Avenue. This Department bas received no application for the remodel- ling of the building on this site for this use and it is ev- ident that this petition has been filed to take care of any each applioation which may be made in the future. The prop- erty is zoned in the B^ Residence classification under the zoning ordinance. Yon will note by a consultation of the zoning ordlnanee that Section 3, under the heading of eBe Re sideuce Districts allows boarding and lodging houses. A convalescent home would come under this definition and I am, therefore, or the opinion that any contemplated use of the property Por a eonvaleaeent home meet be allowed no matter how many persona nig- a pet itlon against such use. I am further strengthened in my opinion by the opinion or Mr. L. L. Anderson, which is the last sheet in this file on a similar ease in a Be Residence district. We are so re- porting it in order that you may inform the Council as pro- vided by the City Clerk:*a letter of May 19. Moura truly, HBB..D Superintendent of Inspection. X12, ce • cITY OF sT. PAUo. NO......... OFFICE OF THE CITY^'., � s WHEREAS, The unemployment situation has become waoute in thle community; and WHEREAS, The local governments have taxed through bogd issue and otherwise the property of this community to suchan extent that It is doubtful whether additional burdens upon property can be levied at this time to relieve or aselst in relieving the unemploy- ment situation; and •/ WHEREAS, The problem of unemployment is & Astlonal problem affecting all parte of the United States of America; and WHEREAS, The national Government of these United States, through legislation, has aided and assisted the railroads, banks and insurance companies; and .be+.w„ WHEREAS, There is now pending before Congress a bill known �IIf. as the W er Bill calling for a large appropriation by a na one vernmen ase a states in the giving of immediatµP relief to the unemployed therein, aad particularly to the ns�iy' states - -- r .__ oO WHEREAS, This Council Is of the opinion that if it be proper for the national Government to assist in thio emergency financial and railroad Sndustriee, it is perfectly proper and imperative that by national legislation the worker be assisted in the manner pre- scribed by5theG agner-0wA48an Bill; At -herefore, be it RESOLVED, That this Council a��'� pproves the Wagner-Aee**@%n Bill and urges upon Congress and President Hoover its passage and adoption; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be instructed to fortbwith, by air mail, forward copies of this resolution to President Hoover, Vice President Ourtis, !pe cta er 6arnerj� respeiv Clerks of the Senate and House e—�Q Tui. /Q'35i —Q . ` COUNCILMEN Ln� /J • y Yese Naye m Pted by the ('ouncil /1�... 7 _I93 - ( _ G May(/ %Pearce C U / 193/ APP d __. _.. .. Rosen �Agai—t Wenzel aa, a_u----M,. P•eeid- Mahoney s,— 7t!-. ' Honnra`le IlerDert Hoover, Y r' Mutes o1 k ries,, DaaT 35r: IIB enclose end roapeotf.11y call yoinr attention to'a co'.•^—1 1— « > �,3 c• the St. CV, - -�^tl u mvt z-th- c*Lll-xiy` Vim,,'n1issi,t s 's in t'^.' i—,11,te r :1.1. tn , - •� edt-in. The City Council earnestly eallcite yo— —p—rt for t1- 1-1 ---1 of thie Bill. Rr =->ee tfUlly. City Cl.e- 1,1:,- 7 tn, I' z;' - T).-- -lir: t" t s I tie lo if i—.dl.te slier t t City—Mostly solicits .,,�P,­t f., the P... --.of •t.0, .0, ill. T..?-tf,,Ily, City cl,rit. y.uiea w m tl..a 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,� NO....._ 92 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLD. ICIN---(—�E EVeAL FORM WHEREAS, the Northern Pacific Railway Company, a Wisconsin corpoiation, has tendered to the City of St. Paul a quitclaim deed, dated June 29th, 1932, to the following described real property: Lot 24, Block 4. Edmund Rice Is Trout Brook Addition to the City oY St_ Paul, according to the reoorded plat thereof, and WHEREAS, the said City of St. Paul has been in actual possession of said property, using the same for street purposes and having partially paved and eonstruoted a sidewalk and curbing thereon, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Works of said CitT has requested that a resolution be drawn for the acceptance ofmid quitclaim deed, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to accept said quitclaim deed for and onn behalf Of said City of St. Paul.T,$.°y',"�°; lo'tu. rou..ans �iAllroe�arle a. �.. Ee. xr .. 47e"r°ie COUNCILMEN '1 10 Y_ Neyy- • - - Adopted 1, the C .... il.....,iUL.._ 7 ...193_ . . favor Ap rovi� � .......193. Roecn /Wenzel �j Meyor M _r� Mr. President Mahoney BUBLISIIED%/ rL/ 3 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) July 5, 1932. Hon. Fie— C _ Wenzel, Commissioner o£ Public Works. Dear Sir= In reference to resolution attached hereto, wk>a Ia y the Northern Pacific By. Co. has tendered a quit claim deed to the city of St. Paul for a piece oP property described in the resolution, S beg to advi se you that the property in question is a tri ane ,I a tract at the northeast corner of the intersection of Mississippi Street and York Street, which has been used far a number of years for street purposes. This action was requested by the Department of Public Works early this year and in ac- cordance wih this request the railroad has furnished a quit c:L--T — deed. There was no compensation involved in the transaction. Yours very truly, , � GEO. M SHEPARD, /J Ch�i-ef Engineer.Qy GMS -B G CITY OF ST. PAUL <R No. 929fi7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �m ``WHEREAS, Daniel F. McEvoy has made application to the 00uncIl for a permit to erect and maintain an ice station at the southeast corner Of Selby avenue and Maekubin street; and WHEREAS , Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that s Ola permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and cli.reoted to issue to said Daniel F. McEvoy a permit ' for the erection Of said ice station, the building to be constricted in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUNCILMEN Msy 1EeAvemi<h _fff� h."' In fnvur . I riu,x f/ ARninPt \1'.�izrl / M ` r \I r. i're+idem Mahoney {{aaiq r a, Adopted by the CouncilSC[C:`197_ z Apl ec 1 .. 173... i Mayer �:�.BSr C.i i].':� �� . -- �. � �«4 THE BOARD OF ZONING g SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE June 28th, 1938. Mr. Wm_ F. Scott, City Cleric_ Dear S1r _ Your letter Or Tune 17th re application il of DaneF. McEvoy Por permit to erect an ice station on tha west 25 ft. of Lot 11, Block 10, Woodland Park Addition. This is the Southeast corner of Sa-Lby affi Macicubin - Commercial Zoning. This :Lea laa 9. has already been built without a pa- t. 33aaring----July 8th. Yourss very truly, Z�L�­'L-/ Secretary. gb-rh CITY OF SAINT PAU PARKS.PL OUN DS`AND, PUBLIC BUILDI J1 w �NiiMiut ... June "o, 1�:.,• ]ion. Coy-u�c ili City of 3t aul• Gentleman :,tt acha3 1--ith pl`= find City Clerk's f11e — to n - ^, wrio nsKs far o rnit to n plication of Daniel n c-' s erect ice suit Son o � thevoyo�.rthe•.st c—r— off :,elhy --^.rd .Ea cicub in _'-,t reet s. ,myrls bu_'•.ld 1n� xi11 be ecce ssory to fillin�� st,tor. on the cornu nd "+ill not Sarna Pe ad©o irLin r, property. fe rocon- nend ttz..t t2ie permit be [_�'an Commi:;�loner. Vepart-mv k of F-blit'jefeN awe aotb-isaz. The Honorable Mayor and City Couaell, City of Saint Paul, Minneeota. Honorable Sir: With raference to the application for ice -hoagie at Selby & Yackabin Ste., beg to advi ea that Bald application as to condition of ice-hon.se Is he rami th approved. T- for health D. HPB-8 Chi Health tffi.sr City of Saint Paul O�c of City Clerk Ver ad aid ci.n cin a.n •ad U of R�eW.,len a�r.r c�n�e.�meuw ,nme 17th, 1932. Hoa. Fred Y. Tani, C—..' of P.P. & P. Bld6a. . BnlldSag. Deer C®Seol—, AtL ]e eL please f3ad epplioetlon of D-1.1 F. U-30-7 for permit L ergot sn Soe et.tioa oa the snot 25 feet of Lot 11, Bloolc 10, of Toodland Part Odditim, being the eoatl—t =—r of Selby benne and Ynoknbla Street. T'hes C:etm I to dqy referred thio application to your dep—t--t :E--A.—tigation and report. 'T— very tray, City Clerk. o� St . Paul, Minnesota, 339 Finn Avenue North, Jura 14, 1932. To THE COU14CIL OF THE; C TTY OF ST . PAUL; I riaraby rnalc6 appli_c.ti On to your honorable body for a. buildl-9 permit for an ice station to be erected on thb West Twenty—five (25) £eet of Lot Eleven (11), in clock Ten (10) x Of Wocdland Park Addition to the Cit^ of 3t. Paul, being the Southeast corner o£ Selby Avenue and ifackubin Streets, in said city Yours respectfully, Adopted by th ouncil.___. _. ._.._.._193,.._.. Y eae. / Neya. MAY Mi DONALD PEARCE� ROSEN TRUAX WENZEI, _-----MR. PRESIDENT (NIAIIONEY) POST CARD NOTICE! 01'*Fl('I': C>V TH I•: ('OMMISSIONER OF FINANCI, It. Paul, Minn_. J— U, -19:3 2 -- Purxuart6 6n PuraKra ph I', S—twn .i, u et�de�l, of 13niWi g Z-- Ordimnce. aPp ed J,v ley-–tt,, 1922, yo,i are her !by n�+tif c+l Ihut dir app- lication of T>av-_�._ of th- 1922, for permiasioa W 1 et v veit retail ice statieu liicato+l9lL.i.2.5-Qr 1.1, 11 bl7e. 10 ala nd eP z Ad,!. adi. : of Se y L:a •+1in will come up for c siders tion I+efon• the C'uu nril of thn cit) of si. Pahl its the Council Chauvk>er in the: City Moll and ('Dort kleuw B,ffld nk,�, the �tti` day of J—L , 193 at IO dclork A. \7. MILTON ROSEN, Oonuniaeioncr of I in:�ure. swill . 'choly wet s dato of t I fY I ' i - I Yo—s very t—lY, ';Sty Cl—k. ' - CITY OF ST. PAUL CO1MC6 NO.._..._.�7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —COUNCIL Ft�UTION—GENERAL FORM Yam WREREAH, Antonio Marrone has made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain an ice -house on the southwest corner of Thirteenth street and Broadway; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such perml t should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to Issue to said Antonio Marrone a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subjeot to the pro- vision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUNCILMEN 1'cas N. eee�«�.L. _ _Ir, favor i ltnsen � jTrusx �W —1 ,"Mr. President Mahoacy �Adnp Qd ey me cnnnell JUL7 1932 _lea - i - - Ap ed _ _. 193_ �Iaynr Adopted by the Council.___. - —1931--1 Y eas. Nay.. \1TY IlcDoNALD PEAKCE ROSEN �'I RUAX WENZEL R. PRESIDENT (�f AHON �_j CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS ��III wig, . !LJ LA - P- .je'__ _ t uo�r- r<. tru17, l A,,ne— v,ev, I v m,,ta 9vp— etxt of Pvbuc'We" <xi.. or .o�ice G MEF, COM •ieeionee .�.. cx�.r xr...x or•,�•• June 30th -1932. w... ..� e The Honorable 1 m;r— and City Counoil, City of Saint Yaul, Minn. Honorable Sire: Ws have invaetigated the promisee oa the southwest corner of Thirteenth St. and MW_"W4W. .here an application had been made for the handling of ion, anal find that the ice is artificial and to made by the Hama Braving Company, and meets with oar approval. Your. for health, 1[.D. H1,S-S Chie ea1Lh 0 facer City of Saint Paul Offi !t�e.gjf rCity Clerk � Uy Clok ' Ud Caw Cw Uw .nd C.mWen.. of Rp6d,.Ken STOvnT J— 23rd, 1932 Hoa. lred M. T—, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg—, Bnildiag. Dear Conmieel oaer, ittaahed please find application of iatoalo Wrmne for permit to operate mm ice Dome on the wotbse at corner of Thirteenth —d B -4—y Street.. Thi.appl kation Baa referred to yoo.r d.partmaot, by the Connoil, for dnveetdgatloa and report. Tours vary truly, City Clark. ` A/ny��v CITY OF ST- PAUL ,°�:MCe NO..........9296 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Amp�iB, George N. Roberts has made application to the Ooune� for permission to establish an ice station at 1844 University avenue ; aad RfI M:9.']ri8, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, sectl—a S of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion -t such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESO=_eVED, That the proper city officers be and they are ' hereby authorized and directed to issue to said George P. Roberta a permit :C'o r said station, the building to be in accordance with the Bu11cl:L xmo Oode. This permit is granted subject to the provision that the ea—s may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the 0ounc 11 . e Y�Yl1 U PreNM A naG _ lane ov 6 [ [eMppe Nr�r'♦� p r�ee pAw It I��erJ��v aere[era, bemii pielvpnl It> m- dd�teq os',earcp.fµ,pari. ' as! ilyeot w.[n 4,np to n/Epearen A per •wridlt'[�voMMeroenrdanc malts twee euilw ivio t�ei mWuP•rw�etee Mtye loYW revoke$ of mr lime, O9 s ma- b vaa et'me Ceuoau AOOroreC >lWY f, ilii. Jutr 1. —1. Jvly 16-19i[I `_� yy5 1'rnn Nays J, �z�� A,lupted Icy lL�• t'uuncil yy� - _193._ Pearce - In favor �- � Approved......__.._...._..__._............193..... Truax AgainPt_,.�QL..�L W en z.I s JJ - Al, Yrc-aidert Mahoney Adopted by the Council_. _....._._..__.193_..... Yeae. Nay.. �A Y NcDONAI.D,,,� PEARCE /ROSEN /�lUAX /WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (NIAIIONEY r�4ti A � June 30th, 1932. J The Honorable Mayor and City Cc =11 . Saint pa 1, Mann. Honorable Sin: HaSerring to the application of Geo. N. Hobart. to ops rate an A.­h­ home at 1844 University Ave., investigation show. that this, inns, has a very good ice -home aidit is in perfectly Claes, condition. He is buying his ice from the Prior Ice C=Pany. *hich meet■ with onr approval. Al ea with reference to the permit of the Prior Ice X Company at 472 Ho. Prior Avenin, this concern does Doth *holeeale and retail bueanae• and apparently the ice they handle masts with all am re 4ul ramanLs. Yours for health, .D. H8S—S Cir! of Health Gffloar CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS`AND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS June 1.5, 14)52. Fon. �ounc il, City of ,ent l-- c - i ccurr� =ce^start ion ut 164h University ..venue, in `tie rear of a 11113n� st ut ion. .e recommend t;lt-t tl- "' n—mit be grunted. Yours truly, Cor—issioner. U % ��� -C��u�� � �� _ a,.r �,-f,-�.�_; ��e�- �/ �j3 v /%. v� ..rrr_ City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk '1-MMOMMMp5, City Clank aid ci..,_Gn c�.n •ed Cennimone el Rr,imnnon a,ne 9th, 1932. Son. F. tL_ '1`nvaoc, Cora I r of P.P. P. Bl de,.. , Building. Dear Sir: Attached pleaee find enolisation o£ Geo_ A. Rob art. £or permit to c nstrnct and erect an icehouse at 181411 Uni—elty Avenue, is rear of his fill ink station. This appllcatlon has been referred to your nap ar tment> try the C.Z.il, for 1—..ti Pnn tion end report. Yours very tmly, City Clerk. �\ / '71Z. Zw BUN ,8i A os PM W32 CITY OF ST. PAUL r,u No. 92970 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION--�_-EN MAL FORM „TE Brsuao®c WHEREAS, Edwin rridholm has made application to the Council for alb�ermlt to establish a Cash and carry ice station on Lot 19, Block 2, Wright & Williams Rearrangement of Macalester Addition, be- ing on the north side of St . Olair street between Fairview avenue and Baldwin avenue; and WREREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No.. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. u men T;E. T a cuoNc'u,NIEN `' `•`. pyy� Y­NnY+� _a' ,A aopce,l by the c nunrl JUL_-?-F1J� 143 1 �� '✓ J In tu�ur �' �A 1 �e,l...... ..193... Mgv�r a( ntr. Pre_vident Ttnhoney Adopted by the Council.__.__.._...__..._.193.._-_. Yeas. Nnyn. �Nf A Y litDONALD PEARCE -'�'ROSEN TRUAN / WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAfl NF. -fst, t POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE Ol. THE COMMISSIONER OF FIX NC .. .'It. Paul, Mi"n Jun Pursuant tc Pn raRntPh F, Fcr s Ordinance, n t""' i, 1 ninendwl, of 13uildina /.aIle PProved July ]th, 1923, you me herclry u..l if ed that the uplr tbl Permtest to erect ur can timre retail ire t tiun leatterl _uz lit Ir. �Ide or st. &lnlr will come up for c .-iderntfon heron. the (bunril otutl e my oI rig. 1':nd In ---- the Council Cham bcr m the City 13"11 Wild Cuurt lloui h,idd" ,a .'... ert: y o do f— �_rlork A..\I. MILTON I SE'N, ('Dili min�ionrr n! I�inuiir. ow,oEH.Huoan,,,sF,N„ g, $Cott, CityHr• Wmyert' C C Dear $ir four of lidA g9Fra�°ct,!'0 r. on Lot dditi park A fbla 1t Fuirvlov e. r- betweew This 1, a perslt, n.• � Whoot gb_rh U"rhuenh QF pi vbliv 50fohg cxi.. er ro.K. GEORGE C. eIIDMEIMER. Cawwies—en rir. cx,.r Jane 30th, 1932. TheHonorable Mayor and City Council, City of Saint Paul, Minn. Honorable Siret with reference to the application of &dwia Friedholm, 1793 St. Clair St., to operate an ice -hoose, we find upon investigation that the Sce-hoose is satisfactory, that the ice is cl— artificial ice, and we, therefore, approve said application. Yocre for health, HFS,,,S C1 f Health Officer CITY OF SAINT P U� L \��Vfbpp ,� ✓ PARKS,PLAY OUNDSLAND, PUBLIC 1 �6 Suno 1-, 1,32. /. of ter-, .tt-: c: ed har ovrith ole so f, c Cle r::�s Cile on the s�rll-tio:� o dcrin ^r id'iolm, �aho desi^es perm't to 3 c�sr and c ico stnt:. on nort of ina'all r ',rr` C1�1^ bet :voen ''a irvievr -. renuo an.. ^slo:•rin :,_. opt. This is a co—erciel district a. ^.11 ba on or— rt;: id- jace t to com: :ere S:�1 structur— �e roco:c-end trt t'•�.e Pornit be counted. 'tours truly, City of saint Paul O,Uip.%AkCity Clerk UNjONNO®le6, Cey Clak cl U.n and Coamlelena of R.,—sen Jane 14th, 1932 Bon. lred Y. Trm>:r Comerr of P.P. 6 P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Co®Sesionerl We attach h—ealth a"liontion of Aloin yridbolm for permitto Saatall a cash and Derry in station on Lot 19, Bleck 2, fright b Willi-. Be. of Yaealester Park Addition, loceted on north side of St. Clair Street hetaesn Pairvlea Ave. and Beldam St. The Connoil todq referred this application to you for Investigation and report. Toors very truly, City Clerk. r 'i ti m. 7 e t, h. 17��— St. Clair 9t. 7111- ki-11-Y "I 1 11 11 h—rl— and ratify the t, — Torre —Cr t—ly, City Clark. June 27th, 1912. Dr. B. F. Simon. Health Officer. St. Paul. Mina. doer S1r1 1ppl icatloas b— bees meds by the followint- pestle. to install oaah �d cerry See beuseel Sdeln Frldholm – C/a lot 1?, B11c. 2, Ari -ht h (1731 St. Clc lr) 71111 a:• Re. of lbeceleeLar I't. Addaide of St. Clair bot. 5''irvi e> k Beldam r—iel PCIVoy – s—t'—t ca rner of 9e1b; and Finn St_) .--a.clt�bia Straeta. 21i®ea ap; 11 ceL1one gave been ref—ad to you for report ae to what�_r the source �f supply, I—dll 1, etc. of t:- SCe c seta .i t2a your e.a�rov al f a health •tand- point, Th above appl Stations >.511 coos beforo tho City Council for ho� l - J•11p ritlt. 1-)3P. T.— ver; truly. City Clark. No. __ 92971 CITY OF ST. AUL PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM owEH ceResercisoMMleBr _.. SF Wjm WHEREAS, Henry 0. Bauer bas made application to the Council for a permit to ereot and maintain an ice station on Lot 9, Auditor's Subdivision of Lot 6, Bid-11's Addition, also known as 830 South Robert street; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given pnretlant to paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinenos No. 5840, and the Council ie of the opinion be it that such permit should be granted; therefore, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby l authorized and directed to issue to said Henry C. Sauer a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. This permission is granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at —Y time by a majority vote of the Council. e wnra.. a o,. nui ma°° e i r 4� 'LOiro' °m;ncoe °CYC m bCe° �u I �."°ii' °eoomra`n°°t F L 7 M? Inx C;OU NC.I I.D11;N � .� Adopted h3 the ('.nuncil Yens 2,4«Aeexkt- -J AP r 1 I9a.. Pearce � In favor /Tniar - Againat �' MaYor �Wenul .r °_ /hir. !'resident Mahoney Adopted by the Council .......... - 193 Yeae. Nay, MAI' Mc11ONALD PEARCE / ROSEN TRUAC W ENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) POST CARD NOTICE! 1: FIC.: CF THE COMS_SSIC",iR OF F,WjC. St. Paul, El rut., June 16, 1932. Pursuant to +'eragreph F. Seotion 5, as emended, of nuildiag Zona i n.,. oe, apnrovad July 7, 1922, v ere hereby notified thet the s"2licat ion oS Henry C. Sauer o for permission to erect or oontinue retail ice station locuted 830 S. Robert St. --lot 9, Auditore Sub, of lot 6, Eideell , Add. M11 come up for ooneideration before the Council of the City of. 3t, Paul 1. the Council Chamber Sn the City 11.11 end Court Hou ea Building on the 29th day of June 1932 at 10 o'clock A.M. Cormnisaioner of Finance. o� Nr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir t THE BOARD OF ZONING d..d 4 O..iaruc. No. sego nu,w ss. 1w¢ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Y14 �URT HOUSE Jung 28th, 1932. Your letteror Sauer Yor acash andter of carry application of Henry C- ice house at 830 So. Robert St_ v is the rear of the Shell Gasoline Station - This land is zoned Por commercial purposes. icerhouse iscar tracks three andnonO—Pial PQ blocks "aye nearest Yours very trulyo SecYetary. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND SAND• PUBLIC BUILDINGS June 14, 1937. Hon. Council. City of St. Paul. De .r 'Ars: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the ap- pllcation of Henry C. Sauer, who desires t erect s cash and carry ice station at 1130 South Hobert Street. This is on the east side of South Hobert Street bet-een Lucy and -1yoming and the property is zoned in a Co-une rcisl �i and ict. vcr, we find that the district is developed with high class residences and we find there is one station on Gates Street just off of iobert Street three block.. -ay. Our inspector is of the opinion that this application should be denied therefore, and we so re —'end. Y— truly, Commissioner. City of Saint Paul OFFice of City Clerk J. c�eeo>•s, ati a.,k c�iJ O.n-Cin Cl.,, ..d Cem,nlWeoa of Rh-. f / Juae gth, 1532 Hon. F. M. Truax, Comer of P. P. & P_ Bldgs. , Building. Dear C-iseioner: tttached please find annlication of Fieory C. Sauer for n rmi t to operate a caeh end carry See station at 830 So. Robert Street. This ppi icatlon n referred to your department, today, for ILestlgationemd report. Your. very truly, City Clerk. `7 Jana 7L h. 1932. 30uprable City Ccanoil Of St. Panl: I hereby mete applioation To r a permit to operate a cash and early ice station at 830 So. Hobert St., St. Paul. Minnesota. Very txuly yoare. eery a r his H30 .Hobert St., \ St. Peal. Minnesota, Jun. 16th, 1332. Han. Ht1ton Ro sea, Commtacionar of yi—., Dulldl-. Dear Oo:v.:lsetonert Appltcation has been made by Henry C. Sever, 61,- 9o. Robert Street for permission to erect a cash and carr, f^e etatl,n at PST^ 9—th Rohert 9trest. Will yon kindly at a data of heart— end notify t'm tnt.met'd property —ere? 7o— very tmly, City Cler4. Jtms 27t1o, 1932. Dr. B. F. Simon, Health Officers, St. Paul, ulna. Deer Sir, fppllcatlonu hft-s bwem —ds tq the follo.l� Portia. to !..tall cash e..d —e ice hm,.e.i Henry C, Sauer - FV) South Robert St. Ed.ard Ca.PDe11 - Lot 15, Bloc '= 1, 3,,b. of B1Y 13 58^ Charles St.) St1—n-. Divlslo., loc.ted Just .o-th of 1)24 No. Dale Street. J. 9. Peut.linq S-Ithea.t co— of Rendolph and 'IS1F pandnlph St,) Saratov Sts. These olplleatio.e hasa ave Dreferred to ;'0' for report a. to .he t1—the .Duro. of —Pply, h.ndlln' .to. of the I.. neat. •ith your approval r-- a hoolth •tend- polnt. Tho above eppl kation. .111 c --. -p Tor hearing Jane aj th, Tour. vary t—ly, City Clerk, ������� i������� ���. $on payor end City .Council of Sts Paul. - Te, the undersigned, prpperty owners and residents; ;,esiding in the vicinity of SSO So. Rob eat.,, St. Phul' Minnesota, •Hhireby respectfully requeet,l,�hat pe ielon be granted to Henry C..Sauer � ;,fo e.operatlon and. mainteneaoe of an Joe sales station at #830 - �So*ert SL SL 'Paul, Minnesota, believing it would be a great Ao*tfnienoe to the residents in our neighborhood. ?rid � � .�� 0� ,, v <' S'i -'! . _ � ,,.,.a�,76s�t, 9i+-"-� x �'• .?LL'�I!7rn/. r —-:J���-'•w� „alas•.. IF, MIA-Iffl ' CITY OF ST. PAUL rm""c" No. 92972 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNT/CIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Cen ERIBY WHEREAS, On July 7th, 1932, the Department of Parke, Play- greunth and Public Buildings Issued to A. J. Scbelderbauer, Permit No. 14958, for which a fee of $1.50 was charged, and whereas, a fee of Only $.75 should have been charged for a 10 H. P. motor; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city Officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to said A. J. Scbeiderbauer the sum of Seventy-five Oents ($.75), payable Out of the proper fund. COUNCILMEN W. Nnya F % Rax,.n a o: / __A,.m c /Wenzel .r ar /'Mr. P—id—t Mahoney ICDA. rop BSCB�yfjyB%FretY 14 x.- P'p Ytqu��WW R pN�et 496Bs t. a1 °'.�a I ee a - fTB Cevnlll taM?, 191L AOPio�aE pJUV t' 19 -, - fluty -Ie -u ,.. /� ' AJopted by Lhe Cuuncil 19J.. _ 7 02 � J..._. 193... Muy,ir CITY OF SAINT PAUL �11m Capital of Ml...mt. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commiul.— OUO E. CON ANS, Dwoy C.nmlvlane .Q. July 7, 1932. Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Law. Dear sir: On July 7, this Department issued electrical Permit No. 14958, for which a fee of $1.50 was charged. The oor- rect fee for a one 10 horse power motor, as covered by this permit, is $.75. Therefore, this electrical contractor Is entitled to a reftmd of $.75. May I ask you to draw up the necessa- ry resolution, directing the Finance Department to re- fund this amount? Your. truly, comai.eioaer. 92973 L. UNCILOFRESOLUTION counuu viae No. .R qre re ^.I I.ts' a, RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS bE DRAWN ON THE CITYTREASURY,{,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f69 601+•51+__—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 62-- _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE p THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AoOVTEo sv TNe C01111L_ r` zoo-nz: v PU➢I,ISIiI.n_ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAVL 929' `J OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER `COUNCIL3 ILI N0. COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL i 9W 'Truax COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1 I � _dolt -6, ..__ -,9.72. Milton Rosen, Com, of iinanoel AUDITED 9 516 41 PEATRCE A05 N A INST rw �ZO� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAVL 929' `J OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER `COUNCIL3 ILI N0. COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL i 9W 'Truax COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAYap— b In FAVOR CLAIMS _dolt -6, ..__ -,9.72. Milton Rosen, Com, of iinanoel AUDITED 9 516 41 PEATRCE A05 N A INST rw �ZO� K RESOLVED iHQpi CHECKS BE D N 'J ;�(I7V 7flEA5URV. 4 THE AGOAEGA}M1 Ayhp'J�11�jh pF 1OIfCOVERING M11A. PRES. � TO 'I' INCLUSIVE. AS COUNCIL CHECMB NUMBE%�ft "$,, 70 . i t�PER CHECKS Opy� L� INITf OFFICE 0 THE CITY LO PTAOLLEA 'j ti� 111111 ADOPTED BY THE � 3 61469 APPROVEO',/,AR. - -- IB ' Elrr courrn/, u[E ',(�-i�fl•rFiPti BY i 6252 Gen. %ravabook Co. Inc. TOTAL DATE NUMBER UMBER IN FAVOR OF RA CHECKB NSFER I OISBU I.E NT LNECKS e[Y BA NEO " BROUGHT FORWARD 6246 Henry Van Hoven Co. Ino. 325 40 00 6247 John Mullen 6249 Milton Rosen, Com, of iinanoel 9 516 41 6249 Ford Strans 10490 2 Do 6250 Dr. David M. Kenny 3 61469 6251 '. C. 'ander Bie Co. Inc. 6252 Gen. %ravabook Co. Inc. 2D 00. 625} Harris Broe. Plumbing 326 31 6254 6255 Meledy Paper Co. Board of Public Welfare 12 1216 370 6256 George C. Brom 44 00 6257 Dr. C.A. Ingereon 074 80 6258 Gruber Auto Eleo. Cn. 1 6259 Milton Rosen Custodian 54b 96503 6260 N.C. Robinson 00 416 04 6261 6262 Muton Rosen Com. of Finance 1 5 246 70 ^ 9 281 gq9 44 626 It R R " 173 6265 " 55 00 6266 55 00 6267 631 1` 6268 160 oo 6269 " " " R 0 70 6270 " " 55 00 6271 Amerioan Rose 9ooiety 55C 6272 Northern Coal & Dook Co. 2 96 934 6273 Northern States Power Co. 18 41 6274 Universal Carloading Co- 11 22 11 6215 E.N. & H.F. Were 125 00 6276 General Motors Corroration 361 05 Harry Goodwill 6277 279 aMarkertroline Lar eon 75 00 66279 Loui Be 55 286 62 6280 6281 E. A. Moeller co. Motor Power Equipment Co. 503 95 6282 oniver city of Minnesota Press. 12 Oc 6283 H. W. 'Wilson Co. 15 59 61 6C 6284 Am ne Construotion Co. 6286 6285 Acme Lawn Mower 81311 Ahlberg Bearing Co. 14 • 66287 6288 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Co. Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. 7 lc 51 2P 6289 Louis Allis Co. 94 O( 6290 The American Accountant 6291 American LaFranoe & Foamlte 101 54 6292 American Linen Supply Co. 33 1C 629} American Linnen Supply Co. 15 6E 6294 " 2 4C 6295 American Stamp W,rks 8 8C 6296 The Architectural Forum 7 0C 6297 Atlantic Refining Co. 9 0( 156 3C 6298 6299 Atlas Gas & oil co. Austin Western Road Yach. Co. 79 51 6300 Auto Engine Works 11 i15 i _ ,. s.I -: __ .I. 546 ,98 130 634 81 ona.a �o uv cn.kNo. CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. JFr.a7 ('2 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL70-7— N— GENERAL FORM PAFSEnrEo av oarE July 7th, 1832. RESOLVED In the matter of moving and resetting ornamental lights on University Avenue between Park Avenue and Rice Street, under Preliminary Order C.F. 90847, approved November 3, 1931 and Final Order C.F. 91618, approved February 3, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓- 00(TN('.ILMI,:N Y_ Diny /Styy��rn /Tr��nr W —A / Mr. P—id-" Mnh��nry ,1Rninat oA,iu a va enacnig rowl- wnki'Ioi�We :eeoe vup� fEti�C` ncl) adv'BY.'1saa. =11-K A&,tl a by Ju• Cnwicil JUL 7.iq 198 Auv� i /.191 ...7. Mny 7i CITY OF ST PAUL• ND. 92975 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO EN RAL FORM .... July 7, 1932. PR mum - RESOLVED In the matter of paving University Avenue from Ar—del street to Jay and Gaultier Streets and constructing tions Contract C under Preliminary Order 90847) sewer connee amber 3, 1931, and Final Order 91618, approved approved Mov February 3, 1932. Resolved, That the Plans and Spe cification5 as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the ab." named improvement, be and the ..e are hereby approved. d, 14-4 COUNCILNIEN N, Adlllted ily th� C Jul M293 YC 193 m'w'. A1,111-'11 N1 Petition P-28 Council FUe No.._._ 9=6 PROPOSAL FOA IMPROVEMENT *tMPRELIMINARY ORDER.The undersigned hereby propose, the making of the following public improveme �-the grade.. or Alies-.-isi..Hlock_4,._Erlght oad..Park_Yrom.___... yry `St, to Snelling Ave. to co :Vfo m to the red line on the profile hereto attached end---made__et---paz.t--_kt. r r.y-.-e3:so_pacing_-said... aUeg..._....___ between the aforesaid limits to the said red line_ when .established._ _._...__ _-------__- -- ____ established. - ___.... - ..... .......... Dated thie...._._7.th_.... day of - _----. _-_--_.._ dLa1g- -- .. .._ ...19..32. eun,an. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: _ Changing...the_grade -_oP-_Alla yiu_-B1_ock 4t_Brlghtwood Park from _ pry St. to Snelling Ave_ to conform to the red line on the ley_ —% -. herato_attaohed--and-made--a--pan-L--]zarsot�. also--pavin&said. allay --- between the aforesaid limits to tlae said red line when _established.. -- - _ ...__. __.___-_.___._. ... _ .._ .... having bee. presented to the Council of the City of St_ Paul---..-.-._. ___- --- --- - ----- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and diroeted: 1. To investigate the neceeaity for, or desirability of, the malting of said impr...... t. p. To inveati9do the nature, .stent anal estimated cost of said improvement, and the toted coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of aedd improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement. is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere 0' ' 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiesionard Finance. -7 gm Adoptedby the Council.__ ............._.... -__......-____.-.._--.-.-.----____-_--------__- Y.- flare e Couneibean =� MAY, 1d�1M8a— App—ed ...... ._.... , G9 womm ofiffimPFJ rtCE ROSEl`r U �rR.+s� TRUAX Ma' Psaerpswr -� � //� � ~/� / '' <�/ /~/ / ' / ' / °/' `/ '// '' /� / '/ ' /\ // '' " 4 '+� --� '°/`� ( �| q-� ���` Adopted by the Council____ .. ............193...... Yee.. Ney.. /MAY /MODONALD PEARCE Is4L 2nd. ROSEN Laid over to --- TRUAX 3rd. & aPl,. Ad / /WENZEL V Yeas \ays Yea. Conroy p�f a Con oY /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) blas' W Muy McDonald Pearce f ' Pearce Rosen ��I�Rosen Sudhcimcr '.'j �ndhei in�•r \ ��/�/ Mr. Pres. Rundlii. } l \1 r. 1're. 6undlie ((n` f cv%% .....e....r, ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE N0. PRESENTED BY- L,A14 ORDINANCE NO. — An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled "An ordinance providing for all matters con- cerning, regulating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, use and inspection of all buildings, walls or struc- tureserected or to be erected within the limits of the city of st. Paul for the protection of property against fire, end for the purpose of securing health- ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants ofbuildings used for human habltaylon or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, -118 or structures to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or say past thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful use or Occupancy of all buildinge, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the posers and duties of the commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisigns; providing a penalty for the violation there'6f, and repealing all ordi- nances rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930. er necessary for -the preservation-of--tka-pablic a band 'Bafeby THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST, PAUL DOES ORDAIN; Section 1, That Ordinance No, 7210 approved N y 22, 1930, be and the same is hereby amended eo that ¢aragraph (a) of Section 13-14 shall read as follows; "(a) All reinforcing bare used in rein- forced concrete buildings and structures shall be made by the open hearth or the Bessemer process, bare to be rolled directly from the original billet or to be of standard rail steel grade meeting re- quirements of Parg raph (e) of this section. Billet steel bare shall conform to the follow Ing limit. in chemical composition: Phosphorus shall not exceed .10 per cent sulphur shall not exoeed .06 per cent Manganese shall not exceed .SO per cent carbon shall not exceed . . . .60 per cent" Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 7210 be and the same is hereby further amended by adding at the end of said Section 13-14 the following paragraph: "(e) Bare of standard rail steel grade Peas Councilmen Nays Passed by,he Council Conroy ,M.y McD... Id In F., Pea Rosen Again,, s"deim�r Atr. President Bund6�� Auesr. -C1. 011'1 ORDINANCE COUNCIL EILE NO. PRESENTED BY -- ORDINANCE NO. -- (2) maybe used as reinforcement in reinforced con- crete buildings and structuresSubject to design cal cul at lone based on an allowable Working Stress of 1s, 000 pounds per square inch. Such material shall be produced from standard Section tee -rails and eh all meetthe physical requirements specified in Sao tion 13-15 for hard grade bare. No materials known as 'rerol1 ed ,' 'rail steel equivalent,' or 'rail steel quality' Shall be Substituted. The bar eshall bear a mark or shall have other suitable certifioat ion of their origin. This material shall also be Subject to requirement. specified in Sections 13-14 (b), 13-14 (a), 13-16, 13-15 and 13-19. 9t least one tenet 1a and one bending Leet shall be made from each lot of ten tons or lase of oneei sa bar. Should either of these test specimens develop flaws, or should the tensile .trees specimen break outside the middle third of Ste gauged length, St may be discarded and another specimen substituted therefor. In case a ten Bile specimen does not meat the speei- floations, an additional test shall be made.' Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergeney-ordinance rendered neoesaary -for the preservation of the public prate; Y - Section 4. This crdi-nme"hall take effect and be in forac3Tom and after its paseage and publication. Seas Councilmen Says Passed by dm Council Conroy May McDonald In Favor P Rosen Aga1­1 Sud hi_ \Ir. President Run dlie A;,, .ed _ At-,. City Clerk .M.yor w d CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.p U.I .1 MI"" W. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS mg Coy H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Cpm W.... OnO E. COI WAN , D.pOy Ca.—l— .ffi O Jane 30, 1932. Tom_ Hop• L. L. Anderson, 1 ` Corporation Counsel, Department of Law. Dear Sir: May I ask that you draw up in ordinance form revisions to the building code, as follows: Section 13-14, Amend paragraph (a) to read as follows: " (a) All reinforcing bare need in reinforced concrete buildings and structures shall be made by the open hearth or the Bessemer process, bars to be rolled directly from the original billet or to be of stand- ard rail steel grade meeting requirements of para- graph (e) of this section. Billet steel bare shall conform to the following limits in chemical oompo- eition: Phosphorus shall notexoeed . . . :10 per cent Sulphur shall not exoeed .06 per cent Manganese shall not exceed .80 per cent Carbon shall not exceed . .60 par sent" Add s new paragraph, which will read as follow., known as paragraph (e). " (e) Bars of standard rail steel grade may be used as reinforcement in reinforoed omorete buildings and atructmres subject to de.i alculations based on an allowable working stress% 18,000 pounds per square inch. Such material shall be produced from at andard section tee -rails and shall meet the pbys- ical requirements specified in Section 13-15 for hard grade bare. No materials known as "rerolled," ^rail steel equivalent" or "rail steel quality" shall be substituted. The bars shall bear a mark or shall ave hother suitablecertification of their origin. This material shall also be subject to requirements specified in Sections 13-14 (b), 13-14 (c , 13-16, 13-18, and 13-19. At least one tensile and one bend- ing test shall be made Prom each lot of tan tone or le as of one size bar. Should either of these teat ape cimena develop flaws, or should the tensile stress ape clmen break outside the middle third of its gauged length, it may be discarded and another specimen sub- stituted therefor. In case a tensile specimen does not meet the speclf Scet ions, an additional test shall be mad..^ Yours truly, Commissioner. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Pu.I of Ml- ----'-DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 919 CIH H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commletoe., ORO E. CONWAN , D.C—m- .®o July 1, 1932. Hon. Fred H. Truax, Commissioner. Dear Sir: Attached herewith please find letter, which I have drawn up for your signature, addressedL. Anderthat ICorpor. atlon Counsel, which I suggest t that you An- derson will be authorised to draw up the ordinance suggested in this communication. In explanation, may I respectfully advise that the present wording of the city building code relating to reinforcing steel absolutely forbids the use of re -rolled steel of any type such as rail steal. At the time the ordinance was drawn rail steel was highly unsatisfactory due to its crystalline character and the ease of breakage. However, the material has been improved to such an extent that bare rolled from nails are accepted throughout the country for use as reinforo- Ing steal in reinforced concrete. This material is now being used in the Government building now being erected on Third and Sibley Street., by Lovering no control as todmaterrials used.nrIthis used by h this Department ighway Depart- Chicagoppand thoved eythe ma�oritylofnlargea cities of Mime throughout the United States. In matters involving changes to the city building code, of an engineering nharauter, it has been our custom to refer such problems to the St. Paul Society of Engineers for report. This matter was referred to the Engineers Society approximately a year ago. The Society appointed a committee and the com- mittee reported unanimously in favor of the Code,change allowing rail steal. However, when the matter came up at a general meeting of the Society this change was voted down on account of merchandising and business reasons instead of the matter being considered merely on the basis of the suit- ability of the material Itself, which, of course, was a wrong procedure. Now, on account of the fact that we have requests from build- ing ownersand other citizens of St. Paul that the material be allowed in order to reduce the cost of building construc- tion we again referred it to the E gineers Society with the same result. I, therefore, recommend that you sign this com- munication and authorize Mr, Anderson to draw up this ordinance believing that the use of this material will be to the beet Interests of building contractors in this city as is now the case in other cities throughout the country. HSH..H City Arch pact. F,. Y— -pinlnn and tDopy of iti ver t- ly ;roma, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpH.l of Mi—ou OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, Ory CIoL end Cemmloiona d R�gRe.Yon moo. July 15th, 1932 Hon. l4ed 4. Truax, Comer of P.P. & P. Bl dge., Building. Dear C-1-i...r: Attached please find Ordinance, Council File Ho. 92977, amending Ordinance No. 7210 (Badding IT in regard to reiaforoed co—et.; This ordinance was laid over for t.o aeeka to July 29th and referred to you for recommendation. Necall your attention to a letter from Y. S. Orytbsk, Secretary of the Engineers Society which is also attached hereto. Tonne very truly, 4 City Clerk. 0 THE ENGINEERS SOCIETY Sa1y 14 , 1982 Yr. iililas F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Kinn. Dear Sir: At the req -eat oS Ad-- Harry B—.-, City Building Inspector, the Preeidant oS the Eng—Ie­, Society of St.Pan1 appointed a co®ittea for the' pax -pose of advising the City Building Departasst Ir it wro a ba dsedrshle to nhasge the pros - met City BaIJAII o Coda ao a to awe t the use of rail steel for building canatrnctio- veyts+t the Cit? of St.Paul. Thi. e—+ ttsa mma.da thorough investigation of the setter and reported b-.1. to thSoc e iety as full—, •The eeamaitt a— Siad- conetmetive evidence •Lich will warrent the e—L—msion of rail steal in the city of St.Pa-1. 'X-- cam+ tree, therefore, -.--da that the bei r a+..g coda o 3t �Pmsnl be revised to permit the nee of ra41 steel eewbj a.ot to certain limitations .rich here been as tabllaha.d try good practice. In forms- ,.tingapeoificatioaa Sur >'�+� steel, refer-ne should be sada to the apaeiYioatiouna laid doss by the American MSociety of Tasting Hatarisla_ Th. code should be for-- ed eo ea to forbid the earn of any other type of re- ee rolled stl thaw —I-3 ata.e1a _ it -1 —P —tad by mm the Coittee "an that the vote on L. report — 4 to 5 ima Savor of same. At the 3--ILma�atiag of the Society Wen the report ren presented it was voted doe try the members present. A motion to the effect that the Society l giae,ara r of St.P-I notify the City Badding Depertaemt Haat a majority of its .-bare at pres- ent ren not do faro- of a cha—M— is the City Building ordinance, rae adopted sad Kr. SSb<•o .— versa sw notified under data of June t{. I twat that the above will give the information you desire. Z - roars ?z surer REASONS WHY REINFOgCIIWG STEEL MAIZE OUT OF RAIL STEEL SHOOZD NOT EE PASSED IN THE BUILDING CODES OF TH^ CITY OF ST.PAUL. 1. ,-,a t' . -e gtinllty is not as good, due to the fast tP:-: i* o -:not be beat with unl iormity- A bar may be bent P c ra �s for several feet and than commence to oras&, be- cause there le no wey of making this steel uniform, inaemueh as the r— materials used a— not pare. 2There are no jobb-=- in tha Cityof St Paul who handle this clean of materiel, dee to the Sadt that it oaanot be er Troply bent, "d that all the jobbers, employing a large nu,b=_:- of men, Have reinYorcinq steel made out of new billet steel. In the evn et that re Snfo=c ing steel made out of rail at -1 1.e pawed in the Building. -Codes, it will throw out of employment hundreds of mesa hexa and gkve work to people out - aide of the city of St. Pani, as there are no eoaroes of supply of rail steel in this city - The Linnesota State h Higway Department has absolutely forbidden the use of any rainforcin4L steel made out of rail steel on any of its projects. The "ngineers Society oY St -Paul has 8180 some out a�:e inst this class of material. I'll, \11 \M AAISI Rte.: April 22, 1932. Na. " . S. Grytbak, Secretary, ,he -,nglneers' Soclazy. Hoom lb. Court House, St, Paul, ?±inn. Jear "r. Grytbak:- I wish to aokno'wleakce receipt of your letter of Arbil 14th, which 7 should have a ewer-- ue Yore but wee slae- trackea for a few .lays, and 7 hope the delay has used no Inconvenience. I am sending you herewith e cony of the peragraphs 'in the bulla ing Goda, reerrnp-. to raqu ire i s of rein, orcement steel bara. You will see from this that there is no T—Licuiar mention made or rail steel. As far ae my own personal opinion oi' rail steel 1s concerned, I have round that t, a type oI' bar has oe en very sstis- rectory. �7e have used it quite extensively in our large I- telle- tions as there has been quite a asving involved. I think the rail steel as now being rolled I equally 99 good ae the new billet stock. The only trouble with it Ss that some of Ii may prove a little brittle. Of course, this will .he. up In the ah op in the aana In of the bara or during the time of handling. If the rail bars are handled carelessly an occasional bar may snap but Chia, of course, would then show up before it Ss placed in the building. dna I feel that IS the bar Is sound when put in place anal concreted in, the rail bar will. if anyi ..Eng, am better work than a bar of new billet stock. Fromthe above you can r easily see that ? personally have no 0 Ject ion t'J 'he use of rail steel in concrete con- struction. '1'h is, however, is absolutely a personal opinion. I will be perfectly frank in saying that everybody does not agree with me on this point. As std tea on the questionnaire the Engineers and Archltects are about equally a viaed on this qua allon but I feel that the -Engineers wi 11 be getting away from their antaganlstio attitude toward the rail steel and permit its use in their bu II.Inga. How are you getting along and do you manage to keep busy? our i'1 rm has been very fortunate up to the be glnn in P. of this year to keep their force pretty well to Fe but lately (2) it hes "Pe--" out until there Ss only a ira^..e lest o� the whole t`.1ng. +n ora loot. Sng forwara to ester �I"es ena hope that the corner Ss not too far away.o ',7111, best re Faros to _ "'eolt an.: :'a:..11_ _ re,:.ein Very r.Iy yours, A: D ..,-- ..3.A iI0".. 3 [EEL Tne ben:i nr +n_ e Ine;3t-cn o: steel used In reirforced ..oncre to c �:.r�act 1pn s.. -II conform to f,110 �-5..^.p; re.,ul r^r.e':ts (a) 9tee1 ha vi n:r--_ii—eter of three-`ourths of an in;.. or lees et—I I e, capable of bend ng coli ninety .I—eee o'+er a -1i3 r.eter e-1 to L+Ice t.,e thin, - nes. of the piece without £ract—e; steel ,v : three- fourths Inch in 91—ter -1 be cj,o,jp of ben.lint� ci1d to n`nety d—_rees �v -r n cal, ter e;ual to t:iree times toe :1^Teter of the pie^e_ (t) Tne .n-te III of re! -.force:rect .call be —ch fora th-t it +11 L not elcn3=te und,r working stress to exceed one fifteen—hu dre _'th. (c) Re inforc'. ng steel u3et? 1n reln`,rcin7 con- crete _ ns,.r..:ction — 1 t r.I _ t:e ;—inted, but .'t911 e fr.e .ro. -.11 Till oc L_ -3n.? loo a rust. A. THE RNaINf:i¢cea. Sb- d.TMa `Y , of ,a St. Paula_ Y3=2100Mota M. S. 6iytba ' Seoretaryp 16- C:C u House. IIB 8 T Z O H P A Z n B 1. Dg6Gg nyour cL-ty' s tullding oocls p6imit tk�e. use of rail stee i1Lf$$.neral building coastrnotiofi7 — 2, when sod, such permission Qos®,emeey . ^,} ;. To what extent aypros3matel� :L rail atieel need now in the building eopstiruCti- O:r city? on Sam Ise7eian 4, 47"ny failures been reported which may be ,iraced to i the use sof,-rail steal? . 1Vo 41 5. Has t'kW, heap;gr rail at"s ei 11ti.i.nated the;nse�pf billet Stasi, i°a""iSui,idinB constz-moo Lava 1n yonk a44U� � Pty -f 11'ty � - -6. Vbat 13 the general atti tYa -B anong.Youa .cityla-VdAtOts' .".:.� and sngiiieers ..ia regard to time use of mail steel2 Differ c,� a ,�sQ� �jTninioas - eo"I'atent cap -you - .Y'csiaii sh nia with a copy oP yon7C prea t -r udid .ag gode qr ti p8o 4f same whi oh ref'etle� partiaul.�th.,.kba �Yse _aP int- s-t'ajr for`'bW.'.lding ptlrp 4 �, Date 41,.Q_PAP City of 9hid8tto t = ® STATE OF MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS August 16, 1932. Mr. Walter E. Lord, Concrete steel Company, 958 Berry Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear sir, Re: Rerolled Steel. Your letter of August 11th has been received and I note your ..®eats relative to the use of rerolled rail steel for re- inforoameat in concrete. The present specificatdoas of the Highway Department do .at persdt the nee of this saterial I. -W of our etrnat-.. or In oar concrete pavement, We are owing a speolfloation which proyldee that all steel furnished shell be rolled from new billet $took. R have no iatentioa of making s chnage es. do act feel that the saving which would remit to the State would be safticient in scoust to warrant our taking any chances on material which might prove to be leen Mtisfaotory than the material we ere eeouri.g under our present epeelfloatloa. The steal we Dave !.cured has been entirely. eatis Se'tory and we do not see any reseon, nt the present time, of asking a .henga. There is another factor which should be given consideration by the State and other governmental subdivision. in Minnesota; that I., the fact that we hews in Minnesota a mill capable of furnishing reinforcing steel and we have no mills malting rerolled rail steel. Any specification such as proposed would result in discriminating egalnet Silnneeota industries and for that reason would not be looked upon with favor by the Highway Depart= It !s, of course, within authority of the City Council, should they so decide, to put into effect a specification which would permit the use of rerolled steel. In conalueioa I might simply reiterate wa have no intentio. of making any *hang. to our eP..1ficatiou. for reinforcing steel* Yours very truly, DIWAIMMB%11P�/ OF HiCMTS JTg�Eo of/7oRgiae� u_ S, . PAUL NO. 92y7� E OF CITY CLERK { C R LUTION—GEryE L F RM PAEserrrEp a _ _pare .Iuly By_ 1881— comrnissiorle ! RESOLVED Thet uponth�mmend�tl— of - _ of Educ-tion the Purch sin. A, ant 1pe, sncl he is hereby euthorized to purchase, with the consent of the �omctroller, one only Ten Torc , .Yeldina Outfit From the—erciel a— 2­pzny, --ire, for the Mecnanic Arts High SC -1, It e coat not to eaceed $423.55, without zskine for con-. Iti— bile, e, ,.is is s pa'.ented-rticle end nn e.dve ctefe could be gained th—by, Charge Public Sch-3 — Inst_llaotion Suprlies- 15-G-6 Ycas c/o�uprJ�ciLm Ery Nays R4ay hlrBmrsid-. In Eavor x � Againac ,y7ia ,MAM — 11«adk. Mahoney ibvs-gy z c n n.l Ella km P. d aoo�m<a°x'law°e.%°s �eaz am> s, On aw Adoped by ,1, Council 1i11 8 . 19V 19 ' /�`pp--d 19 $*' pX-1 '-Weal _.. 9297" p.y�v.iwav awe CITY OF sT PAUL °�"e `� YFP�r�`NO... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE;e�" nrcy'p�P'W gty4` tl COUNCIL RESOLUTION EN EFtA. "nna C RESOLVED Whereas, Additions and deductions which might prove to be neces- sary on the improvement described as the paving of pleasant Avenue from St. Clair Street to Victoria Street, Thornton Bros. Co., Contractor have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to do additional concrete paving at the intersection of pleasant Avenue and Grace Street and under the railroad bridge at same location on account Of soft foundation en- countered in excavating street to lower grade for the necessary head room under the bridge, as follows: ,50 $195.00 390 cu. yds. additional excavation .80 312.00 390 n n sand fill 96 " ^ concrete, Class A 1.65 126-�2 76.8 bbls. cement (0.8 bbls.per au.yd.) o4 108.00 2,700 lbs. reinforcing steel bars 56.00 140 11n.ft. 6" sub drain (about 2' deep) .40 Total Addition $1,736.60 And Whereas, The total addition is $1,736.60, now, therefore, be it. Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid wok done under the supervision Of the Commissioner of Public Works and in aocordaace with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum Of $1,736.60, rto be added to the lump sum considera- tion named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3658 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth andpursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. ✓ The CH�partmLtt he yuumlaf $1,736 60 ic Works has sr the reasonablereed with the O totaltor, Thornton Bros. addition to be made to the said contract. Cozen ersi ed: —7�Commissioner of uubli rks ..Cp.Iln'CLL.btiiPF • { •U/%%� .0 //' ��^""�-"" city Comptro er. Contractoosr._.. _.__... AJapted I,y the Cu �- 8 �� -- ye'�w JUL 81932 '/��!d '� Z 1PPr➢ved .193- ✓Crook `� Agnl nst �i.^L���`(�� MnY or/.. W --I .M e. /Mr. President Mnhmwy iiBLSHED_7�� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO....92980 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER� "ry COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE1�1'j",,, '-7fx WHEREAS "to C. Skytte bas petitioned the Council for o permission t i..t all "d maintain a drive-in filling station on Lot 5, Block 14, Kitt Addition, being the northeast cornfr of Eighth and Broadway; and WHEREAS, Said Otto 0. Skytte has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, driveway., Curb returns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. .. for ,.. information of the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing Ing has been held in accordance with Pars - graph T, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Otto C. Skytte to Install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be Installed in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commi as ione r of Public Safety; the building [Rans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Oonasi-s-s-ioner of Parks, Playgroundsand Publ Ic Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, , drainage or other public improvements within the be made Under the direction and to the satisfaction line' shall n 0 f the Commd.- stoner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be for- ever subject to the revocation by the Council wheneversaidi determine that the maintenance ofconstitutes Otooun.il shall said station C sti utes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Ad.p�,d T,y th( � 7 --jut 1!13 Y, N.y. 193 'Ag.m,t P—id-1 M.1wney CITY aP ST PAUL NO.. ��� OFFICE aP CITY CLERK 92981 l/ Y / fjOG1 f�CIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NI - rvM - RESOLVED wt ..'5.e tti..ia.�sl2° n .ia. se svan.nc. ee ��r, woi•°u`i`✓,' That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build transformer vault under the sidewalk on the north side of Exohange Street, approximately twenty (20) feet east of the east line of 8t. Peter Street, abutting the south line of Lot seven (7), block five (5), Bazille 6 Guerins Addition to the City of St. Paul. � c W Ycas courvci U.lery MaY N " In favor ,� A7—y—d P-- Rosen Mc. President Bm.ific / THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL 1F4'rEB-0F'11ICE COMMUNICATION (Date) July 7, 1932. Non. Berman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear -Sir: Under date o£ June 30 I advised you that there was no ob- jection from an engineering standpoint to the construction of a transformer vault by the Northern States Power Co. near the in- tersection of Exchange and St. Peter Streets. This matter was referred back to me £or investigation as to the purpose and cost of this and similar vaults which have been constructed in the past in similar locations by the Northern States Power Co. This vault is to provide for installation of transformers serving the downtav district. Since the power distribution lines have been placed in the street and poles removed from streets and alleys, it has been necessary that transformers be placed underground. This is one of a series of transformer vaults which are now and have been constructed in the past. The cost of this, as T stated to you, is approximately $1,000.00. For your further information I am attaching hereto letter from Mr. V. F:. Engquist, electrical engineer of the Northern States Power Co . , to hkr . Carroll, explaining in detail the .purpose and location o£ these various transformer vaults. A general plan is also attached, which indicates the type of construction. This Vault is a necessary part of the distri- bution system and 1 can see no reason why the permit should not be granted. Yours very truly, �47';f MSEPARDEngineer. Gb<S-B NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY July 6, 1932 City of Saint Paul Department of Public Works Saint Pau1, Minnesota Gentlemen: Attention Mr. J. E. Carroll Ae requested yesterday we Submit the following list of locati one in which we have during the past few yeere con - o the structed t to lnstallrataSt. ePe similar Exchangeone Streets: North side of West Third Street at Women's City Club Bldg. North side of West Fourth Street at new Medical Arte Bldg. South side of East Fourth Street at Court Block East Side of Cedar Street at Minnesota Building East side of Minnesota Street north of Third Street North side of East Fourth Street at First National Bank Bldg. North side of East Fourth Street at Omaha Railway Building South aide of West Fifth Street at Municipal Auditorium North side of West Fifth Street at St.Paul Fire & Marine Ine.CO. North side of Heat Fifth Street at St. Paul Clinic Building East side of Wabasha Street at Northern States Power Co. Bldg. West aide of Minnesota Street at Newton Building Nortth et West side side off East Exchangef Streeteat the of Robert Armory et Armory Building North side of West Sixth Street at Schuneman & Mannheimer Co. North side of East Sixth Street, east of Cedar Street South side of East Sixth Street, west of Robert Street West side of Wacouta Street, south of Sixth Street East aide of Franklin Street at Labor Temple. East aide of St. Peter Street, north of Seventh Street East aide of Wabaeha Street at Tower Theatre. East aide of Cedar Street south of Seventh Street East aide of Minnesota Street at Cardozo Building East Side of Robert Street at Ryan Building. West side of Wacouta Street at Bethel Hotel. South side of East Eighth Street at Golden Rule North Side of East Ninth Street at Spalding Hotel Inaddition to the above we are now working on vaults located on the South side of East FouTtb Street west of Broadway and the east side of Cedar Street north of Eighth Street. City of Saint Paul July 6, 1932 —2— The purpose of these vaults is to provide for the in- stallation of the transformers required to feed the Alternating Current Network which provides aervice for a large portion of the downtown area. Inanswer to the question a.s to the cost of the atruc- ture prop oa ed for St. Peter and Exchange Street, we estimate that it can be built for appromim taly One Thousand Dollars - (61000). We are enclosinga print showing details of the stand- ard transformer hatch called for on the drawing of the vault which was left with Mr. Carroll . Should any further inYormation be desired we shall be glad to serve. Yours very truly, MOR=P,N STATES POWW�ER� COMPANY By P. E. Engquist, Electrical Engineer PC:DN PEE. Encl. S>=CT I a 7 A �, { ?��� .I'nd BeY• � I _.4 0\ r 7a aoir 1 �e. � I i c L Ono — ... 2.0' .. SECTION $•P� ALAN SIDEWALK LEVEL Y>"Y ,, lo• Bol+ -s D y ' e o Z - O- 5 C • oQ � I •. _.Iz I S r� -J , �• n�6 f Flop. }o .lop.. to D S>=CT I a 7 A �, NORTHERN STATES PoWF3Z CO. ENC�IN�ER\NG DEAT ST. r->AUL CJ\VISION TRANSFOI�M��VAUL71 AT FOURTH F JACKSON 1TS-. � �XCHANG�. � ST_PF.TF.R STS. _ AwN EY No C. 251 - - { ?��� .I'nd BeY• � �e. L Ono — ... 2.0' .. SECTION $•P� NORTHERN STATES PoWF3Z CO. ENC�IN�ER\NG DEAT ST. r->AUL CJ\VISION TRANSFOI�M��VAUL71 AT FOURTH F JACKSON 1TS-. � �XCHANG�. � ST_PF.TF.R STS. _ AwN EY No C. 251 - - 1. �, ,i , �•, _ P � , m :� � __ 19•-� 0 1 1 � y J -- 7 r.i W_—._. __ �.. _, vi , ,,'� �1. -lo '.` 1. �, ,i , �•, _ P � , m :� � __ 19•-� 0 1 1 'TYf�\CPL SANT �•2_ For S1sb T�E.�NF000C.MENT F Tl, WAL-LS le, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKSI OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Data) June 30, 1932. Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: With reference to the resolutlon granting the Northern States Power Company permis— sion to excavate for and build a transformer vault near the intersection of Exchange and St. Peter Streets as therein described, there is no objection, from an engineering standpoint, to the construction of this vault. Yours very truly, GEO. M. SHEPARD, Chief Engine r. GMS -B City of Saint Paul Of�k,e of City Clark aiycnaµ , cu,On4 .n P 1 E nd fmWbnO el R.viw.tle. s� K `(.G�NIit j— 28th, 1932- Hon. H. C. Weasel, Comer of Public Works, Baildiag. Deer Co®iseioner. The attached resolution granting the Northern States Power Compeay to emavate for and build transformer vault under the sldawalk oa the north side of Nxehange Street, apprvrimate;y 20 fast east of the seat line of St. Peter Street, abutting the south line of lot 7, Block 5, Bas111e 6 Cuaria'e Addition, was referred to you, by the Council, for investigation and report. Sours very truly, City Clerk. TH18 AGASSI1l;ar, mads in 0*11011e, We Third day of ,,, - 183 . by and betseeq� Otto E NaeRele Owner party of the first part, sad the Northern elates power oOmPaay, a oorporatloa under the Less of the Beate of kfaaswta, party of the aeeond Past, - illilaBBPrBt rhe party of the fisat Part, for and 111 9031111649r- altos of the oorsasato and agreements bsrefnattar mentioned and sonlslasd, to be observed and parfermed by the party of the sewad part, doss hereby grant the party of the 64001001 Part the right to install mad maintain a tranetormea vault at the following described location in the Oily of eclat Pool, Oouaty of Roo", auto of Burp wtd, d a ppproAimately twenty (20) feet, sal (6) inches in length and ten (10) feet, tic (2) inches in width, under the sidle- 0walk on the north aide of hohangn troet, east of Saint Pater Street, abutting the South line of bot Seven Block Five (5), Baaille and'juer'n's Addition to the City or Saint Paul, approsimatoly as ehowm in rod elm us plat hereto attache, morbd rAibit 'A' Bad made a part herself, Upas the following ooaditi0100, to -will 1, that the work of donstra0tlag sold trameformar taU1t 211-11 be dame to a sato and worb oUke sooner and that 00 rartbra states rowa company d+-!1 keep wad maintain the sidewalk Beer t as to Moval of wow ow and los or debris no ddeposiitteedion thsrsm by the iorthera dtates Power company. P, rh►t said Ferftemn states Power Company shall Womatfy and hold haralsse the party of the first part of W and 1 dung" os claims !sr d-eagu to psrsane tam dsatk, LN fdry td Paraoro or property arialag tros Bad oUt of ahs ooaeiom, oporation or amiatsm2moe of sold trwndotmr swat and appmrtensmoss snore. In loosted. ;. cafe on"sion As horsbf grsmtell, 21 sot to -11 ordlasnsss of tb city of saint Parol elofors or or passed by the city OOanell relating �o the etna%. alloys, hlgbays MA pnblid pl-os2 ad tkR 0/1y, Bad raking of aroagtloda and 2ettrueltdtas th E mad / or resotrel of me owns. sad for Underground wiring and other publlo purposes, and aab490 to Of right of the Patty of the first part to rents elite esaosl 09 rights hereby granted t9unever 0,port of tae first put may desire to MUM er �reaa�edsl the bull located on premises above dereribed. llotios of its Sat ion to onnool tbali be givem by lotter addressed to the party of the soosnQ port } gaunt Pall, 6106- "OU, end said notice shall be Siva sic (�) malthl la adgbes. ybtbiqX berdn sLtm�ile�bbe d to la any *a1 alter ibo � Aots aiddsspaacrce ledepaUdsmt Of this � it, It lw any, to ogrW 6. All the eoveaamta mud ododitieme hereof Ghat' Was to the bGWI% of and be bindimgg Ur the respsotive ateoesm and "wig" of the parties ionto. is iatiEss simmy, the parties hereto have executed this Agree' am the day and year first above nittem. 111lg $MI (Signed) (Signed) H. 1. Timm Otto E. Naegele Paul Carlson is to first party A. 8, Laughlin M, A. M01r188ey --- 9y XO1lm8A 81AY88 Polls 00APAii (Signed) R.R. F. Pack YT96�B�� sr R, L. 019k Aeeietant Secretary PdM UNCILo,RE mTION J-%7,_ z RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS 0E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $.1.1r,.4w7w}.26 6.34? �ery.rYll�. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED+' TO_64.1� _.INCLU IVE, AS PER CHECKS OI'll N THE OFFICE OF THE CITYICOM COMPTROLLER. woorreo BT ECQVNC- 111 R ATL ri P i mm oo.�o...o �.. «E"" FEicE�oF �r.EAcoNaraoLLER .E No V982 Mary — o cp UNCI EN—ROLL CALL I LLB][ COUNCIL RESOLUTION a�awto TrNFAVoq AUDITED CLAIMS rulY_L_ s32_ vanssi�ia�afione !.f/... of � )Sly? - - - - -'—_-- _---- TOTAL wunacn IN FAVOR nROOF aRwnRo �Ecvs _�ccrcs `'e�Nn 4 6301 Bab000k & Nilson Co, 92 6302 Beebe Laboratorlee Inc. 3 DO 6303 Bellis Paper Co. 2 00 19 00 6304 LBlum eo 6305 C. C. Birchard Co. 24 83 6306 R. B. Soak Co. 12 00 630 1 7 Lew Bonn co. 139 550o 6306 R. R. Bowker Co. 7 6D 6309 H. C. Boyeson Co. 35 b0 6310 John Brace ��5 001 6311 Brandt Automatic Cahsier Co. 91 60 6312 F. J. Brings & Co. 12 59 6313 Brown Sheet Iron & Steel Co. ! 100 P 6314 Bruce Publishing Co. 7 6315 Burne Lumber Co. 30 75 6316 Capital Envelope Co. j 90 6317 Capitol Plating Norks j6 00 6319 Capitol Neldl ng & Mfg. Go. 22 00 6319 Chicago Pneumatic Tool co. 27 74 6320 Central Garage Ino. 8 00 6321 Citizens Ice & Fuel co. 29 97 6322 Cochran—sargent Co. 79 54 632 30 00 I 632 Colonial Fudge shop 20 53 6325 Co—oper alive Laundry Co. Co 20 23 6326 Co—oper ative Photo 3"ro y 900 00 6327 The Cracker Jack Co. 172 62 6328 Crane Co. 56 to 6329 J. Mark Dalglish 4 4 6330 Dearborn Chemloal Co. 116 50 6331 Dealers Furniture Co. 79 54 6332 Decker HardRare Co. 49 00 63',1 Die, state Boiler Insp. 9 50 6334 Ditto Co. Inc. 2 5C 6115 Edward Dockman 1 50 6336 Frank P. Du Fresne 4 7 6337 T. J• Dyer Bros. 1 5 6339 Eastman Kodak stores Co. ld so 6339 Electric Blue Print Co. 106 37 • 41 " "& construotlln Co.16 95 6341 Eleetrlc supply 151 17 6342 Elv ren Paint Supply Co. 6343 Empire Auto Supply Co. 252 2 6344 The Emporium 9 5 6345 Te slinger & Co. lz g 6346 Fal'banks, Yorse & Co. 12 6 6347 Fa, ell ozmun Kirk & Co. 371 2 6349 16 5. 6349 Finch Van slyok & Hccnnville' 15 1 6350 Fisher Roasting Co. 2 6151 J. J. Fitzgerald 23 5 6352 The F—derlo Hotel 20 635 Front Maus Coo2 615 Furl oil & 8 Co. '� sNEEr,o,A�—FORWARDj 546 98 J133 981 I I { I. i I (•I I � I I i II I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLEAN CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11 iOUNC,L 1980 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER UI FILE NO F/I. COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL. mwtaml I TruRz COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY July L_ 93? IN FAVOR MCDONALD ,AUDITED CLAIMS PEARCE • AOE� RESOLVED THAT CN N6 BE DRAWN ON THE CiiY TREASURY. 8 26.51 lentil"' TO THE AGGREGATE A NT OF ! - COVERING ,^,l-Nen1't,ye�l MR PRIES .{YAP.ilB11O11S}'I {A.I -MKS NUMBERED'! T Q INCLUSIVE. AS E CITY COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL {,'('E`T•fll PER CHECKS ON FIL `'. E OFF T APPRWE, /_ ..� BY CITY c0u TROLLER / TOTAL Dere RET"er e.�+K -- CHECK IN FAVOR OF ,f we aROUGHTFORWARn _ 546 98 133 981 561 • 6355 Standard stone Co. ! 1 345 00 6356 John 1. yitohell 190 Do 6357 Fr--, Pierson 16 00 6358 Garrison Brioka Co. 444 15 6359 Gaylord Bros. Co. 33 90 6360 Emil Geist 6361 General Elect^ic supply Corp. 33 34 6362 General 27350 19 G 6363 62.60 6364 General Tractor Eaulpment Co.'I 361 OS 6365 Generator Specialty Co. 10 44 6366 German Book Importing Do. 26 21' 6367 Gering Supply CO. 03 68 1 6368 Ginn & Co. 33 68 6369 The Globe Mfg. Co. 6 DO 70 Glukote Co. 6 64 371 Goodrich SilvertEI Inc. i 94 04 6372 Gopher Stamp & Die Works ,76 69 6373 R. L. Gould & Co. 131 561 6374 Government Printing Office 2 00 6375 Grasselli Chemical Co, 2 98 6376 Craton & Knight 49 38 6377 Great Northern Railway Co. 26 00 6378 GTP.Pne Tngraving Co. gt6 49 34 6379 The Grinnell Co. 6380 1. H. Grohe 15 92 6381 „roeeman Inetrument Torke 1 %5 6382 Guaranteed Conorete Co. 1 38 4u4 6383 1.: L. E. Gurley 15 637 6384 v. J. Haas Mfg. Co. 166 0 6385 aulncy A. Hall 10 00 6386 Hamm Brewing Co. 72 00 6387 J. F. Hanson 41 25 6388 Harcourt Braoe & Co. no. 24 94 6389 P.R.L. Harderbergb Co. 6 85 6390 Harvard Univarelty Pres, 2 43 6391 C. S. Haven & Son 42 36 6392 Hersey Meter Co. 11 702 401 79 63933 Her t1 coal co. 6394 Hareog Iron Porke 523 35 6395 Highway Trailer Co. 108 00 • 6396 F. T. Mildred Co. 82 52 6397 Holm & 0Isnn Ino. 123 50 6398 J. W. Hulme Co. 20 75 6399 R. E. Hulme Co. 51 2 6400 Robert W. Hunt Co. 795 00 6401 H. H. Run ting Co. 5 00 6402 In. City Parer Co. 245 08 6403 International Art Publ. Co. 3 50 6404 Jacobson Mfg. Co. 17�A 64 9 6405 J. H. Jansen 2 00 6406 C, I. Johnson Mfg, Co. 176 80 6407 Johnsnn-e Cash & Carry bl 25 6408 Jostens & Co.23 15 i 6409 Joy Broe. Motor Car Co. 19 05� I 6410 K"Lox Mfg, Co. SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 1 546 99 1142 108 071 Petition P-30 S Council FiN !49K PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Y•a.s.f$ry� �'. k �. and m�.><t°6i -Tw?wrLorgslm'nity '(Ay r`a1lep ,eines Yr - PRELIMINARY ORDER. 3 naru:r,a�°p`.rn ki: aa+m nrw'°t°a[.e upa4n /��i - cYH.fpu 6e e�ur i Tho undersigned hereby proposes the asking of the following public improvementby t.te City dtt�il SM!p,, _.__..___.....Pavi ig..Alley._in..Block..Hr_P1= Qrchard. Addition..trona......... ....... ......._.. _.Falr.vieW.-Avenue_.to..F¢edericks_Avenna__._.. _.__._.-_. .............. Dates tnie... 9.th__.....day or Ce mea PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoml for the making of the following improvememt, vis.: __.__......__Pa41nE...A11sX..3u.Hlcck...flr-.Plum.9rsherd_ b.ddlti.2n._from-.:.__.......... .... _... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ .................. .... .....___.___.___.........__........................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commisaioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveatigate the neneesity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the not—, ertent and natimated coat of said improvement, and the tate] cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more owners ✓1" 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mettere to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CoumciL. _. _.__........_.�.Vp,....._� ...__............. Y— councilman Nere councilm rMy / 7�0� CZ%S I�GfiLGI.:hL+'. . Ma Psaeinaxr �.. May r.,m teams ,wu � �-�rs NN �'�>LL' 1HfJSFiED1�1 / /�� 92985 c' '�xar"iGiec i £ m w �m � e w s�att'd`ooa°w uaw COUNCIL FILE NO.. fie; UP In the Matter of... greding. allay ..in-Elook-5, Milton Addition front Miltnn.Strnei-to _. Chatsworth street, under Preliminary Order _...- 92320 -. -....__._.._approved May 6, 1932.. _ Intermediary Order ....__ — _--..___ -approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard aLL j emons, objection. and recommerWationa relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; there be 't RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p 1pinent to be nady the said City is .... gr slley 1n Bleak 1f_llto\n Srg.t-t Cha._- rtllSt at, _____ _.....-___.... - be nt tilg-jj� os heeby car"-:W.:..M. and rpmdpd _�i>.-rid_matter-be_d-xc..a_:.- - an the Council hereby ordere . ' improvement m ho mad R OLVED FURTHER, That the mmiasiorar of Public orks be and i. hereby inet ted and directed to pare plane and specification r said improvement, submit same to the Cou l for approval; that on said approval, the propero official. are hereby a rued and directed to ceed with the ma of said improvement in ecce m therewith. Adopted by the Council-.1-'q� ---.-- 192. 71 Y ?1932 Approved -. _.. .192 Councilman C�emrciim - Councilman Councilman Traax Councilman�� ilY1ZC� (, 'r. ice Pres. Form B. S. A. a-7 J -- DEPARTMENT qtF FIttAIiCE REPORT OF OMMI SIO ORDER FINANCE ON (A) . In the matt cr of -re di n�- Alle: in _oc< 5, Milton Ad'!. from Mflton .t_ to ';hetewo.th t. Jl i 1p under Prchminary Order approved M,, 6, 1032 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commis sio ncr of Finance hereby reports as follows: - _ - Thc total est�m atcd a ,o �t M [hc asscez — for the about tmprovc ment ,s - $ O -o7 — The estimated co t peJtoroit for the above improveme^t'" nd the assessed valuation of each lo[ or The lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for —"'—P rove meet, a parcel az lase rcpor[ed by the Assessor, arc as follows:ASSSISED t nTw ocscRivnoN a_oT ecocK AootTto t+ L"' Bldg. 50 3000 1 5 Milton Ad'.-. B11—Five o. t—ri o. ;;t. PraX600 2950 5 L:i 600 650 3 5 do 600 3200 y 5 do 600 2550 5 5 ao 600 2700 6 5 do 600 5700 7 5 do 600 250 8 5 do 600 2950 I o y 6 do 600 do 10 IIEPARTM ENT s�F' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER B the matter of rndin. Alla: in "look 5, Milt- A,,,. from S!ilton St. to hat swort.h t. under Preliminary Order approved Idny , 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total —..—d .--t tt�of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated co t pe�rO,1 fos the abo.e mprovement ie - - - - - - g 0,67 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for ouch improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last ip.,t,d by the Assessor, are as follows: wcK aoorttoN fn^1awar oHldF. 1 5 Lilt— Ad:. B1ocY Five to u50 3000 ttV he .. Li nn. G00 ,'.950 3 5 do 600 650 4 o do 600 3200 5 5 do 600 2550 6 5 do 600 2700 7 5 do 600 5700 9 5 ao 600 250 9 5 do 600 2,350 10 5 da 600 (0) i p4ur- DEPARTMENTPOF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 11 5 it ton l.rid. ul,,. --j" to 600 5750 the Oi tp of St. F -1a lam y Co. 11. o L't ^n' 000 13 5 do 000 2550 14 5 do 600 2600 1.- 5 do 650 3250 10 5 do 700 2050 17 5 to 650 2300 19 5 do 660 4350 19 5 rlo 650 3800 20 5 do 650 21 5 do 650 2900 22 5 do 650 2150 °3 5 do 650 2600 24 5 do 650 1900 25 5 do 650 1100 26 5 do 650 2400 27 5 do 550 2200 29 5 do 650 3450 29 5 do 650 2950 30 o do 700 2650 18960 74900 The C -6m toner of Fio—, further r,p.— that h, 1— mv, tigatcd all of the aforeaald matt and hereby e,b,itn the foregoing ae hie report them.. to th, Council, together with the report mad, to him m reference aid matter by the Commi,,io— of Public 15'ork, aorm e. e. NDat<d /i-_ _ —19�r2 - h""e'�-- —mi-,` of Fin ancc. ( C St. Paul, Minn.April..fith. 1932192..... To The Honorable, The Council, City of Sr- Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned _property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade.. and aindex_a11e_g.-Prom Chataworth-to lliltoma-.3treete., between_ Fuller and Ceatxal Avenues. We would appreciate have the abov%t. Avc. improvements made sa soon as poeaihle from... _._ _ __ _ _ __ St. Ave. to St. Ave. i 207 N. %z,_5Z5 G .35 -r 7-a 2 2 3 L UNIVEZ5ITV W AVR.ORA -Al.. O 9T. f FULLS R ---------------------------- GENT2.AE. A,. - AVE. ST. ANTHONY THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 13, 1932 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost,*or the grading of Alley in Block 5, Milton Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92320, approved May 6, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $806.19 Cost per front foot - - - 0.67 Inspection - - - - - - - - 15.81 Engineering - - - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 1198 It. Yours truly, Chief Engineer. Apprd fo tr mission to th ssi er of Finance. M L O 06 EN Commissioner of �ubllc Works. Office of the Commissicoxer of Public NIX"PMANCr JP% Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 20 1932 May 16, 1932 192 Tn th. Dino-,, ,f II, ( *,t , J Wit ]'u I .J I,,, I.[ i , W. "k " ha, i- h -I —,,h r --d. 11 pn li—h—, —.1, , f 11'. il I il, N, 92320 al, I May 6, 1932 192 n•htlive t., the grading of Alley in Block 5, Milton Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. u, i-.-,I,d t, th� h,, 1, -,-- I smd i.......... . 1 1. Cost per front foot 0.67 2, i,. I t h f i..5 806.19 1 t h,• i.t al -1 t h, rt—f i, .5 Inspection $15.81 Enginer��jng $125.00 - Frontage 1198 ft. ,,i,l -,,- -- ', " r"I :3. .\ I,Ii fib ,, -k, 1, h ,f r I -,-, -- �,, , h-. - at t a, t -d -d -ad, . Iuvt h -,,f 1. 5. Snid ­k,d F- I I PlIp'lly, ,f P.14w W.,k.,. St. Paul, Minn. L----/192... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: owners of property abbuting on Allay in Blook 5, We, the undersi ned, W iddit on am Mlltoa to o 0 t wo_r Mae most �atenouus17 objeot and protest to the Grading of said ILUs7 as proposed by Cotmoil file WMP Approvad._M 1932. St. Ave. from St. Ave. to St. A— ys Omit a" d are COUNCIL FILE NY - ----- 9298b BY---_____7 rL rL DIXGrh— In the matter of ... q_q;qd_kmnirgand taking_an _easement enin the __sud _1 ------- ----- ---- necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 5, Milton Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street under Preliminary Order_______ 92321 ---------- approved________ May _6__1938_____________, Intermediary Order ------- 99?95 -------------- , approved__________ --------- A public hearing having been had ul,��nthe ftbOle impr ovement upon due notice, and the Council having all �"" objections and recommendations tivthereto, and having fully consid- ered ... id- arcd thetherefore, be it 14 — A14 a -4 - RESOLVED, of the City of St. Paul th1t Z.-l— and ak— 9,9'.Ont in the d grading -g 0�damning tu 0 g necessary 7slope., cuts the grading o Alley in Block 5, ton Addition 'r. Milton St et to Chatswo 4a. V-4 48d the W=* M bmvbY —elled, —,lid. iA rescinded Md am xeeseAhlp is -W matter be disco -t --r. Adopted by the Council__________'_________________________, 19____ - ------ - --------- Approved_ - --- - --- 19____ -------- ------- --- Y: Q.—A-4k-11rcenn zz� Councilman MeDmadd Councilman Swdhoi— W 1 Mr. VIGO Pres Wenzel cl— ol DEPAF�TM�VT — OFplul FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIPSJOJIER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIM NARY ORDER t9l �?-N I. th,..tt,,,fi—i—iv t i, the 1-6 f.,slope:., etas —d fillc in tfe —lil-ll of in :lI—k 5, AUlt— Ald. from I'ilt— -t. t, Chatsworth St., -d,, P,,l—m-y Order approved V,,y 6, 1932 To Council of the City of St. P-1 The C...mi,-, of Fi ... ce hereby reports ., follows: The total ...,mated --t of,l,, ---, for above mprovemcnt i, 150 00 'ne —,.—d cost per I— for above improvement is - - - - - - - R. Th, to to ., parcels of I..d that may b,, .......d lb—fi,. f., such improvement, and the .--d —1—im. of each lot or parcel as last reported by the A,--, re as f.U.- 1ESCRIPTIll 1— 1.— A111110N A.—SE. L,XAL.., "91d.. 1 6 — jidltAdd �k ?I— to 660 3000 the City 0 Jt. P..l. !m—y CO.. 2 5 Ui=. 600 2950 3 6 do 600 650 4 5 do 600 3200 5 6 do Goo 2650 6 5 do 600 2700 7 5 do 600 6700 8 5 do 600 260 9 6 do 600 291310 10 6 do 600 — or 1 P OEPARTMFNTOFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (0) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION IAT etoca ADDITION IALUAIION 11 3 111tm Add. Blook Floe to 600 6760 the City Of fit. Paola R—Oy Co. 12 6 mit. 600 13 6 do 800 2660 14 6 do 800 2800 16 6 de 680 3280 16 6 do 700 2060 17 8 do 660 2300 16 6 do 660 4360 19 6 do 850 3600 20 6 do 680 21 8 do 280 2900 22 6 do _ 660 2160 23 6 do 860 2600 24 6 do 660 1900 26 6 do 680 1100 26 6 do 680 2400 27 6 do 860 2200 20 6 do 660 5460 29 6 do 660 2980 30 6 do 700 2540 18960 7,000 The Commissioner of Finance forth,, report, that he has it—tigated all of the afo„said matt , and hereby submits the foregoing A. his report thereon to the C-61, together with the report mad, to him i - to e aid matter by the Commissi—, of Public W-ks. t Dated -1`t. _ __ _ 19" ,.`` """"h""s 'Doer of Finance. ALLEY-BLKSM/LTO/Y A00. - M71on 5/ Chor rvor/h St - - - - E­�9.—N.2242 C..rn. FII.or '�aa.erl �.elo �. pe.MM e -e o.+ L..e s+ew.hcV. �Irpeso+J-p.oq.y I.., Nu 2?42 X 5— 5k Ne??12 SCo/PI /"= 40 FULLER ST .5 h M - 7 ?�. /4 I o 60 - 1 c o -- i� i� /e /e zo O v N i 22 23 2e zs I zc I zz ze -I 2n i so V - CENTRAL AVE. f fFINANC[ Office of the Commissioner of Public �' 3 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 20 193$ May 16, 1932 1112 F., Ihr tf Fi,I - ',f thr I'itr id `i. P 'fhr f'iinnii.Ninnrr �4 Puf.hr W(,,kr, 111-1-- ....... ............ May 6, 1932 la1 „d��l�.'r tl ['uunrp, knncn ur ('aunrll File S(I- 92321 �ggnnrrd ' condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in block 5, Milton Addition from Milton street to Chatsworth street. and 1�>rin¢ incrotiFnl.•.I th.. ni:01-, 1 1 thin', nf—A to thrr..ni, I—.] v r --w" .- I. St I h. twl i�n'1 �i rnl l - xxxx _- "Fhr e=tiinnlyd rnnl thrn.�f i- . Xxxx nnJ thr t.�lnl iiia �h�.r�.�,f i� and It,, nnturr and -t—i .n —d in...rnrr.nr nt i, a. f. -II 3. :1 Plnn, prnfilr nr nkrlrh ..f Enid inipr.�.'r,inrnt i* h..rrt�� +�Itnrh���l and iniulr a I�nrt hrn•��f. n. Enid in�lir��. rn�rnt i� �u�krd fnr ml,11- PIIIinn cif Ihrrr sir n�nn ��x of ProPert �', sill �j�� t iii .I�.I.vinenf f��r ���id .....vr.nrnt. L t'��m inissi��ner u[ 11,0,1i,. Work-. COUNCIL FILE NO. By 92987 a.N. .... n iEe a1 ar covetnBanc"e Ys ayy�tuD�°mvnyG��.rrGryryryyy mYa�v ttL 18 r.BiBA6� QD. Vim• em DaDn° D..nnz;adar.e.en . e Devs imOrtivemevt VDon eve >ne u.. ,cDobm tasty Deed e rez q, e of tDe Citi In the Matter of aonatructing s_ 1 Lent aldemmlk on the. earth side. of Geraniwa_. - �„ Street .-Srom.Hama Avenue to Farrington Avenue,_ axoept. where --ad had 3uf1'i91ept.. side Ik. now exit, under Preliminary Order_ 9Z145.. _ __-..approved may 11, 1932. -. Intermediary Order ____--._.--____ -approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be ity �,�fjJ,,, RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thst�a-prac+ca+w u ' �-and-k p:GW: ment tole made by the sa City ie _._matrvvi _a, ix- P49t.gidewalk on e_north- side of streat.Sr.Gm-ilfad. anua..tn.FarringtoR-dv d._axQaPt--II�[R_gQQd. d__...- -sufliniant.atdaw„to-..nox..eaist ..........------------------------------------------- ---------------- - - - - ----------- -- b1 and the � am hereby cancelled, err,ciled, and ..Monaft buddmattac-bedawnti,^ i- ------- ..----------------------- - ...—.------ and a Council hereby orders id improvement to be d R OLVED FURTHER, Tha the Commissioner of blic Works be and is hereby i eructed and directed prepare plans and sport tions for said impro meet, and submit same to the o aril for approval; at upon said approval, the per city official. ar sreby authorized and directs uto pro- ceed with t making of said improveme in accordance there 'th. ., I9_ Adopted by the Council �.. .___.—_-_-- 192 Approved �Jlk o 10 , 192. Councilman � McD„need' , Councilman awkiiila Ro— ✓ Councilman fir` Truax We, . I Mr. Vice Pres, Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-7 I ST. PAUL OF FINANCE :REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY 6RDER In �hc a(aOit<r of--ti—ti— e z foot lid—lk ., the —t), side of Geran7 vm Gt_t —dt, Preliminary Order approved E., 11, 1932 Ta he C--d.f the City of St. Paul: Th, Commissioner f Fi—... hereby reports as follows: The total —i—t,da of th, assessment for the above p --m— i, $ mrrtt The tllm—ld—1 plf— for h—b— i.p--- m $0.86 '1'he lots or k of 1-d that may b, —,—d benefits for such improvement, and the assessed -1—i— of-dh lot or reportedparcel as last by the A—-,. — as follows: LOT .... A111-01 _O AT... Land Bldg. 6 7 A111111h Add. 325 3350 t, the C,tg , St. Paul 7 7 275 2650 600 6000 Th, C...mi.— of F,n.... farther -p.— chat h, h— i—,,ig—d A ,f the afo tid--, -d hereby the foregoing a, hie report thereon to the Council, together with the ..lb, t. hi. i. ,tf-- t—id --, by the Commissioner of Public %V.,k,. D.ttd 19 St. Paul, Minn. _J- -F.. --191--'1.— To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned progeny owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Q -,i,. <,u r_�_._. _-_____... St. tAve. from__ ✓-t-s--t/ -- _. St. Ave. to __ ✓-RM'�'�„'-�@_ ` gw St. Ave. • 0 V Office of the CorrLniissioner of Public NV"10HNAWL ' + q Report to Coxzzrzzissioner of Finance MAY 29 19M EEaY 21, 1932 IYL \\ Ilii. t ��ilnril, kil"..li -5 S ..z,.........I May 11. 1932 loa the construction o£ a six :root sidewalk on the north sine of Gereni— 6treet :C F -i end Avenue tO Farrin3ton:.venue. n�i�l li�l.iiik in.�nt'i K:�I.��1 11��� il�..i t. I-� _�. �.1 � k.. i.�- �-•-f.�rr��,l �„ tlli�ri�i i�. I�.�r��l,�� .�.����il-. - \ $O_8S PeT £S-oZit £OOt :Il �ii.l lli�, ��(i I 1"k, l fig. ........ I.......,1� ..f tli r�,i .�r in�.m i.x �I•cr i�f I�r.�im�ty. klll.ji�l 1��.._�.. ilii lit f.,r .�I.I �� .i. a. �-• .... 1.t . O „� 92988 pay; CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE nn (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of ocnstrnctinr n sidewalk on the west side of elarence Street from Pae Lfio 't. to Hudsc.n goad, under Preliminary Order approved April 23, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is . . . f 'ILe estimated cost peg oot for the above improvement is 80,85 -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lend Bldg. (oxo -.S. 47 pt of E. 109 ft) 1 16 Auditor's Subdiv. No, 62 650 St.Paul,Minn, S. 47 ft of East 109 ft of 1 18 do 150 1 27 do 150 4000 2 27 do 125 2500 3 27 do 125 4150 4 27 do 200 3450 T.T.L. 1400 14100 The Commi.sioner of Finance further reports chat he has mves.igarcd all of the aforesaid matt ,and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the ,port made to him m Tefe-- to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wv,ks. Com miesioner of Finance. St. Paul, To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned plro-peryty- owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body o cause the following improvement toe: _.St. 2 I • 3 � } ;f', 0 o k r d: OfE'ice of the C o 3zz z nissioner of Public N�N Fln�NC[ Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 -1 -- MAY 23 1932 M^; 21� 1982 192 .............. 4 1=i.,.. r.. , ..f r 1.. c i r ..0 �- P:n 1 ,.I. ......i.......nn April G3, 1932 11,2 constrdctinr; a a1 the west side of Clarence Street from Pacif`ic � tr � �t to Hudson Road. ront`f o o t _. "I'6�.�i,ii.,i I nr..........t ...... ! III,,,i i., iiii,r, irn in r...f W Ip 111, , viii ii 1.......... of I'uhlir N'urke. 42-4-411 ��. tr lose— a naa•. m w watt e 60 f, a.vronH litIx tv cve- � tAe a 8e, eiceDt a RD�deu d�e4 dcfevt ndega video .evoeona ' Relimle.g$. tore eu`e°•b dim ueeD D.a COUNCIL FILE NO.. , iee w e�e� von ie°commea- By r°a% wa .f cur FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing &..sidewalk onthe- east.. side_ of Danforth. Avenue _from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street, except where good and s.fficl—t aid ewalks r.ow exist., -.- under Preliminary Order _ 92240_ _ -_....__approved April 27, 1932 Intermediary Order .....-_...._--------- ------- _--- -_........ approved ...__ _......._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _........ canetrat ..a lUffalk..Qn._111e.-01.61-_4.140 Of _Danforth -Avenue. from Mheelock. Parkwety_to _GO.ttage_.S.tr- t.e.-ga-al -Rhgre good. and, sufficient -sidswalks_now- exist,__ _--- _. ___------------------------------- and the Council hereby order, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted e P y JUL 12 1932 . 19' _. t City Clerk. e Approved - . 192 Ma Councilman aj@jAuice Councilman el(wGier♦>r R,,,,.,, Councilman eY� T --/\I lwweeR j i,(, Mr. Vice Pres, enz Form H. S. A. 8-7 CEPA RTM Et•}TDF' FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS6LONER OF FINANCE (A) _ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of nstry e in[• a s1da lk en the east side of Danforth Avenuo from'�4healook Park y to 'dattnga reet. under Preliminary Order a-- roved April 27, 1932 To the C--il o[ the City —F St. Paul: The Commissioner o£ Finance hereby re Ports as follows: The total est --da of the assessment for tove he abimprovement ie £rttt The —ima,J {oot (or the above improvemen0.°5t is - - - - - - R - -- The lotsor parcels of I and chat may be assessed benefts for such improvement, and lb,— es:ed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by i to e Assessor, arc as Follows: osscw�Prs mor a�occ ADD1710N me n . tonr g. 1 Aoka—ats Add. to 150 2 do 125 3 do 125 4 do 125 5 do 125 6 do 150 7 do 150 8 do 175 9 do 175 10 do 200 r ors D EPARTM ENf OFP RINANCE _ REPORT OF COM NI1SSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) (Exo. Danforth Ava and e (Whealoak Fkwy and .oti'1.5 ^t). tha south 212 f -t f�the W y 13 Cottaga Fomes 850 P35D The Commtssi—, of Finance further reports that he has jn ligated all of the af--;d melte , and hereby ..bmtta the foregoing a hi. report thereon to the 0-61, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pu54c \N—k, Dated- - .�Y _ _ 19 -3 ;t ),, _ t L.»,.-.- J?— Cio— an« of Fin N. St. Paul, Minn.&;; � .c�.,�-3 1915-- To The Honorable, The C'ou Heil, !/ City of St- Paul, Mi.— Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following .mpro ement to be made: __.ST. Ave. lrnm . to St Ave. 0 0 I h IF_ Z rc n " k U �iY F V I Office of the Commissioner of Public Wov6gFF1e,,,, Report to Commissioner of Finance ;' a MAY 23 1932 may 21, -932 192 ft, th., (tuo.n..w.o"r .,f VS "'. .'ft1b, t ..f rt. 11.,01_ 'I'1,.- t'. , „f Valli. e,Ik,, 11:.\„�11 1 u... I. �r roo.i.I. rnt1 II I,n I . I . . i lu... ., r.I,r .,f I11. t..'.mil. knoml.... I,.u'.dl 1ri1., So_ 92240 ..I.I,„.,.,,,I April 27, 1932 1112 , I,huin -o, constructing a sidewalk on the east side of Danforth Avenue from Wheelock Parkway to Cottage Street. noJ lu„i..1; i 111' ..iat1.-r. ,1...1 tl.inp. r.f.rm.l t., 11"• n, h-1, rr•I...n �. i...... .........1 ..`.o.l ".I, $0.85 per front foot 2. 'I'h, ,.tu..m."I <..1 1111.1 tb, '.arum. 1111.1 . 't,•..1 ..f :1. A Llai., I,,.&J...r-k-b .,f _.u.l i.ol,n.c. u..o1 i= h.mtn ut lnclu,l u...l ..uul,� n ryvl hrr.�..f. a. a. . ai.l io.pn„,•n1.-ut i, aak.•.1 for u1..... t,..t ition of 1hn. .n .Son ,,,,..)s of ttmry•rt �. rul.j.�.t lu n..., unrnl for nii,l in.Irznv.-.nr�.1_ ('ummi�r.iuner of Public Wu,ks.- t 92990 In ltho m11� ` l not ps 11� walk on �'�i fll Ill , A� to a! 1 d 1 q aq Is 1111 Ilbewa� t, 9�eetC1 ill Inert' Order,. 1!d Ip)4V14 auu�. COUNCIL FILE NO. tau r r qq A publld jieerlag gAyl�belpAd P th 6W(ynlProrg lNNP upon ddu. tic urtut,n+ , ro By-, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of constructing.-a-.addawallc oa the north. -aide. -of _Karam._ -. Street-from-Hazelwood.Avenue-to.-Germain_.Street, except where .goad sad_ sufficient sidewalks now exist,__ _. _..._.... ........... I Oda Prnliminnq Order 92288.......... npprPd Intermediary Order ..........approved _...-.._...._..... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard an persons, objections,and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __a4netruC t.. ti eld-ew.0.1k_4f:_-the _narth._s Stje_ of Bergin.. atre t- Pram-Eazelwnofi..Avenue._ta_ Germain_Gtr.set�_ aleept--.wbere g9od end_.sufficient..aidewalke_now_e11at,._.._.... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit some to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Jut L 9 lsz D� City Clerk. Approved -_-_ - , 192 Councilman�� l�nelu Mayor/ Councilman dft.§0® '!to— ' 17>I1SLItiliEl. �* Councilman dhoYsd YWgFjee+ec ts, Councilman d�p�//RRyeC �a Councilman ��,° Imam / `Mayor aml�a5n�m.. Form B. S. A. 8-7 / �W. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �J In rhe m,l t�cr of nsi-. n�etin,' St nwulk on thn r,a rth e of—iv ., .ret. t, from �:eeo lwoad Avenue to :'.n:ie..n :.trent, under Preliminary Order approved h!ny n, 193 To the Council of the Cky of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total esrim ,rs of rhe assess mcnt far the ebo.e mprosc meat is - - E "Phe esnmated co�oo tfor the above mprovemenr is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits (or su cls improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oas caiPnoN t -or aaoc. no o�r�oN r•, �y�q �—.Bldg. (E—pt north 45 ft.) lot, 17 k 16 2 Denslovr's it,, arran,o ent of 650 3050 Lots 5,6,7, P, 9, 10,11,12 19 2 bl—, L, Lots 9, 10, 11,1'I. .'�00 1700 ,17,11,19, 20 2 and lot 11, IliL%4, '-u, ,,k_ 300 =.hr n1r�o rc.an 21 2 300 1800 22 2 do 300 200 3 2 do 300 24 2 do 200 1200 25 2 do 200 26 2 do 200 4 27 2 do 200 2300 —,,.a1r,a� .PAUL DEPARTMENT.OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 2F 2 'Janslow's sn�ement of 175 Lots 5, ,'7, 8,9,10,11, 12 29 2 Block ,Lots 9, 10,11, 12 175 2 1:1,14, 15,16,17,10, 19, �1k.3 30 2 and Lot 11, hlk.i ruck :?:an L''s 175 ,a-dan Lots 3+75 iop5o The Com missioncr of Finance further repor is that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matte , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to rhim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. 19.-' s_ � Com missioncr of Finance. i a ss -ems.. J �- -• - -15-- 1- . :7 St. Paul, Minn. ..�.4 143.:1- `I'o The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following __im��prro/ow�ement to be made: r*,�, �I1J.. /4•�-"�"'+"'d.R:Q� _ St. .,4.ve.. from 7�'.9J�f "f "" '�- J St. '6e— to �:J-SlL CL't— A- St. Ave. Office of the Commissioner of Public MAW Report to Commissioner of Finance I\ a '.3 1932 May 21, 1932 I,L, 51 Ihi t.f "f Ih, I'i,, .,f NI. P! I 1-11,1 of 1,,Hi- %%.,k,, ha,i, IinJ ii ii�l�r ,('-A . i1'. '. Iilninnr. I'onn�i1. knnov ��. flan ndI I'I. N,,. 92286„,,_,, May 4, 1932 192 constructing a sidewalk on the north side of Kerwin Street from Hazelwood9 to Germain Street. null Iu�ri nl; In., rl iunt,..I Ihi ninth rr .lull Than,, r,b- 1 Ih,rr�in, h,,n 1, ml,i�rt�. I. ni l inilir�,r� n�� nl i� �`, "nd !..rl I—md.h. $0.85 per front foot _. '1 h( i.innnli•I ",.t Ild i. u�iil th. trI>il .k -h .•f -nnl inil.nic,.... i. li�.ri.t �� ntlnrh,vl unJ niurl� a linrt hrm�if_ 5, iinl�r�i,-�•nn'nI i- urk��l ri�r ul�.,n Iii til i,�n n( Ihn, sir nliir� �„�nerq of pr���ert Y. eulij,•�t 1�� i..i .nni, nl fi,r ..iiil iinl�ri,v��inrnt. / )h �-�' I'_ I'�nn�niwsione� of [ uhli, Work.. AF PR ­—D BY RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRA;SFEmST,jBr,MADB;;ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS By SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAYBE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT' HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED By THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. YW COUNCILM.N✓NAY. A— ay -E CotAk •J -1d CF 18 ................. an FA '0 W.— c.u--,.... BY ...... . ......... L .... ... A—UNT TRANSFERRM 30A2 C"Ptr011"'- Offift (Auto Alio..) 934,56 30M 3W ft`� al'u-s—Le. pa;. 3032•• 3034 t E431 E,,)),12.36 x0m: 23 30"• I r 3M 1--. Oowt, or 14" A:lly Ll&t sud Reat) ins"llansous) 100.00 2w 33104 low 1931 R- 200 00 251.00 3103 �3 3M, PILO.) wou-4.41 sal$lvi LL 651100,: 3 Maarpema ZI.:tloa (Salar '"lAg • .93 332 .00 3 07=2 (Labor .00 t3■ (Rant. Rest and Licht) 600.003 3 lui 31RT N • 320' (Receipts) fo .90 YW COUNCILM.N✓NAY. A— ay -E CotAk •J -1d CF 18 ................. an FA '0 W.— c.u--,.... BY ...... . ......... L OF SAINT PAe}-- • .�u NO.._ "' M A ROPR TI PT NSFE 6FtESOLUTION FORM eC AR GTION HDe PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEa _.S .. ...PJiARCS _ . DATE... o RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. DEPT OF EDI CATION -TRANSFERS OF APPROPRIATIO 48 - JUNE, L932. �. 15 -PI Prom. of Health .. Salaries 500 00 16-F-3 " " " - Office•Expene 600 00 15-I6 Mtnoe of Plant - Rep& Ren. 300 00 15-I2 " " " - Carfare 300 00 zh jjlA�.m ..n .' e k n n q�ran Royar. YES \✓) CO MEN (✓) NAY" A-0 BY THE COUNCIL.................... .....a8.......... C -Cy a' FERGUSON PPROVED.._... ........... ............. ..._......._................IB.......... HODGSON .......:.....A OR MCDONALD wrak......... BUONeIMEK- ...................AaAINer W.- COUNTERSIGNED BY .._.... .... ............. MR. PRESIDENT em"� CITY OF SAINT PAUL ui" NO. ...._ ............... _ .... APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER BECTON 208 PR -o BY DATe._..._JIILY FRESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON QOZI S OF THE • COMPTROLLER'. AS -EIV- NG AN UNAVO EFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS K UT HAM N63!!E WOR=PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MA'DE_ AvvonTlo.[o iter, _ I TO DEPT. OF I DUGATION - APPROP,TRAN3PER- BOND FUND nNB 1932 t 514 Equip. k Unforseen 18 85 505 Harrison - NeY, Unit 18 85 a Yee UNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ............... ._........ 19...._..... • CLANC FERGUSON APPRoveo.................. ...._____.............. .......... HOD68ON ..................... VOR McDONALD .___........................................................................... ...o. BDDNEp .........._..... _.AaAIrvET ENZEL COUNTERSIGNED BY �.. /............. MR. PReBIOENT wen,suu . L . NO........x.__. @ATV OF SAINT PAUL -' APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECDON 108 PREEeNTED BY .... _.. DwTE JUr X..1TPa.B3%. . CONN.—......... IRVINO, • RESOL THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS DING AN UNAVOIDABLE AMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFE MONEY IN THE IT M WHICH THE TRANSFE DE. � .. •oxnoxao iraH DEPT. OFr EDU ATIOR-RTTREAU OF CAFETERIAS-APPR ,TRARSFER 1932 15-JR Receipts 66 769 60 16-Ji Salaries 36 000 00. JS Supplies -Cafeterias 26 609 60 J3 Telephones 100 00 2 000 00 J4 Supplies & Services " J6 Repairs & Renewals 2 B60 00 0 00 J6 Auto Mtnoe. 66 ,n n 66 769 60 66 769 60 YES \ J) COUNCILMEN C �) NAYS ADOPTEO BY TRE COUN ..........._......_L.T�x-//f�!J CLAN® ...Id Fe MxY APPROVED..... ..... ... ..._....... _.. evPear1. FAVOR .LDS Truxz �p� ... ._........_�.. .... Wend wINST , NEE oaEy WENUL CO MR. PRESIDENT \ s� 9,29, Ju y Sad, 1932. Ron, Ir.ing 0, Paaroe. Oomiseioner god Pli�.itxn6loott Bldg a . .. et. Mi. glmesota. Dear Sire In Oamplleano with the request of the CSt7 Comptroller. I u LaMing f�ooun herewith Resolutions covering trewieHNOf lords rlbhia the department to cover ehorteg _ ft"raDristtans: The first trwter requested Is the mm of $600-00 tram 16.7-1 Proaotlon of Health Salaries to 15- 7 - 6 Promouch of Hoalth Off" s �minf0. In -king our request for the d�eeaarr 19SS n seL for .000.00 C the item M.P.S. No did not bellows tbat Mea this auomt would be swffloient, but were, attempting to keep the :::jgU" los as Dwsible. This ,1tm m out to $600.00 b7 the bro ria Offlae. we have on expenditure of appro:lsa$000.00 for Carters $6CO.G0 101 L end $150.00 tar To eDhona Serrioe an ble'-to. 6hls im l6 Y.S• IIt !s ffisrelors apparait that •00 - aliomed in th1f item !a whell7 iLQmte. m the ltem tmmrorring $6L OOO.Oq �Trlaa 1Q•IF+1 '� Instruetlen Salaries to 15-0-EPhw�ael Tri1nl+�R Selerise, we made OnY' regwaaE tOr 4utrwotion M Aa1a a !R - aVD�Driatlou item, we thought that our ststemad -w...,.. Ai.tnlbutlaa of exoenso m this Stem._.., V7 of_ihlah 16.6-8 Phyeioal 2ra110146. =6 OasWerOuar nes ays "-1T item the am ofy���pp no s1omt so not up eearesl7 be half enough 40'Oare'far all Ph 01001 Trelntng Salaries in the 4rades. Armor and Senior I& Ieho " TO.expoa is adjust-OtO or an &Sris am wwaaavoid �e with tbs O s aD ladl bmt in tbis ltm at tho and of the 6 wwMw Varied nib a_t the and of the Tear - in the item la-; -8 Mal�snaasn of Plant. GMare. ? The Depertmeat request ■ for $1500.00. This was out by '? -2- Hon. Irving 0. Pearos. the Oomptrollsrte Offloe to 4200.00 Im 1931 espenditsre in this item wee 41912.80 end Will probmb7� be as mush for the esr 1933. You pen readily see that `4200.00 L who117 equate for tbis item. Yov" truly. 8g4,.L AOOOMANT. Sp 0 S G` CITY OF SAINT PAUL moxa, NO.._......�(•r.%.7� 1F APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM. ^ P8 HARTBR 9[CTION 1 PRE88HT80 ESOLVED T THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. Yee (V) COUNCILMEN (�� NA" • CLANCY FeROUBON gNO�Truusw ex Waaael .e...ueloeN IMa ADBPTEO BY TNe COUNCa..&M �G,�19 ...:...... 16-R Library Service- Receipts 1243.01 116-A5 Library Service- Postage 276.00 Library Service - Binding 700.00 Library Service - Rent and Ins ante 265.00 16-W P.O. Reserve 3.01 16-B7 Building Service - Repairs k RensRals 126.00 16-B6 Building Service - Supplies 126.00 II q r :mEi�fbAtkY!eet1,3�'i4_ Yee (V) COUNCILMEN (�� NA" • CLANCY FeROUBON gNO�Truusw ex Waaael .e...ueloeN IMa ADBPTEO BY TNe COUNCa..&M �G,�19 ...:...... CITY OF SAINT PAUL .uY No.._. �• ......................... . APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM P.R CHARTER SR=ON 200 jCOMMIsSIONBR......Frad..MwTruaa.... .....9/ . ATE......June...30.,1932..................... • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OFITHE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. ' � •..on r�on EP it j' FIS-A-1 .. Salaries i�'IriKs _ 126.00 fice xne I 12e5.. 00 3.475.21 i 8uppliee 3,000.00 8alariee 4/i�3 T- 9•/ 8alariee -- Auto Mtoe. 200,OQ 18-I-3 Mdse 6,000°"00 18-I-4 Ice - V1.2I 18-I-5 Laundry 60 QO/ 18-I-6 supplies 2,000 00� 32-I77 Repairs 2500}00 18-I-8 Mie.. ;1300 0 18-I-9 OutlayISM I- �1061 2 19-A-2 Auto Mt.e. I '#�0.40� 19-A-3 8unoliBe ' ;P, j- 19-B-1 sties 868.96 ' 19-0-3 Supplies , 300,OQ / (�` 19-C-4 Repairs 150 OO 19-R Reoeipta- 43.04� 18199! °' ;. YES ( f) COUNCILMEN NAYS ADOPTED BY THE couNea.JUL ...., ....y,......18._,..._;.`�. CLANCY °` s{ _.. FEB..- PPROV 0.. ............ +eye 1B ..''. ... 18 ISM H 4I D FAV C" IB S .A.AIN ..« T WIC-. P' 2CI E .NBD'BT �ISEIED .� �IR�lI�ESIseN'�r; MehaaeT a••CeP^w �v'• "^••^�� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 92M NO. APPROPRIATIOIy,TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PRESENTED BYiT....1��� COMMISSIONER (( 7 .. .............. DATEx.W4 ... 7. ....1932...... • RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY SE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. -------------- 21 B2 Testing Laboratories 600.00 21 BR " 313.00 21 B1 e e 913.00 21 OR Markets ww �.` �!"' 5,426.70 21 CII +- a1.1°"yiR'�L 4.426.70 21 C2 . ^sym.ui 260.,00 50 El 21 D2 Docks 12arevse k: Leve�6 1� "'�'- 18.00 — El Dl 180 a t21 PR A1rpRrt 2,838.23 21 FE I 600.00 21 F4 I ° 8,338.23 22 R Lighting 1,468.27 22 B2 j 11,631.73 22 A2 300.00 22 Bl E9�3.80000..9000 /0 E2 B6 " E2 BB i " 1,800.00 oc- I it YES (J) COUNCILMEN (J) NAYS ADO— BY THE COUN— JUL 12 � 1S ..................... • CLANCr ]9 ro FERGUSON PROveo .. .... ... 18..... .. HODS'®" I�^Ii�I:'A-R L . / SUDIRIA�ACAINsr ® s WEN�� \V eel Co RB1e a By . . l!.... yLJ �IDENT M hooey .... 92996 .n[pEhr aaA °s ° h a� r dr�mw . apn40-1 COUNCIL FILE NO.. w �p reaadhartuk B9._... FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofconst—ttn6 a_ aideasllc on the. aouth-side Of_-Ioia_Au— from _Pdgerton Street- to Payne Avenue, except where... good and aUfflcleat aid-11cs nov -exist, under Preliminary Order.... 92322.... ____ _ approved May 6, 1932 Intermediary Order _-__... ____ _ ___._ _ _-_-pproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the ancone; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council a the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is_-coastruct-.a..sidaasik_on-.tha...aeuth_aida-�f _loea..Avenue -from _udgert.on..Stre_at_toTayne..Ave=e,_ sac ept__gr9_64og_snd _aufficient._aiden.9lks_ now _ ealet.,-.._..._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURT4ER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- JUL 12 1932 i 192 City Clerk. Approved _ , 192r Mayor] Councilmeni&� McDonald L.ISI-R'O 6 ., Councilman � Rns. ✓ -�� / Councilman dhoboj� Trus. Councilman Wcnael / -� MayorM009=M Mehouey Form B. S. A. 8-7 C­OF $ Y. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER V IL the �O� of qtr,. .i t omalk — thn _m, tf, s5^., s -nm .ve.!te ..om rertoc at'..V tc Paynatn . under Preliminary Order approved I' Y 19:5'_' To the C--1 of the City of St. Paol: The Commissioner of Finance hereby ,,ports as toil— The total ---t,d a of thsessment for the above improve mcnt la - - E — --- --- The cstiroated cost p oott(ore asthe above improvement is - - - - - - - 8 L.0 -- -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed brnefits (or such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the .Assessor, arc as follows: oEscaiPnory t.oT a.o<. Aoomory r;w� E-1 dg. 1 4 ilft onF lr.t 1 350 1500 2aucse}' f , Mi - 22 ♦ 4 25 4 do 25 24 4 do 25 2b 4 do 25 26 4 do 25 27 4 do 50 .111 4 do 75 20 29 4 do 75 10 4 do 100 600 775 3900 The Commiss,oner of Finance forth,, reports that he has maestigal,d all of the aforesaid t mat,and hereby sub.„s the foregoing as bis report thereon o the Council, a ,h- with the report made toishim reference to(s�aid matter by the Commissioner of Poblie Works. Dated /- o - Commisaioncr of Finance. C • F St. Paul, Minn. The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, theundersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: y Oj St. Ave. from. n. e.. A: Ave. to 0 o fi!. Ave. 0 NRA6� AFRO, � pew NAME LOT BLOCK ADD-ON A� 4 Z / / 2q /Zp, = 2edrd0�vner N.RO. AltkewrdOw MAY � 1932 De =ttnt of er— Office of the Commissioner of Public .4FjtjANM Report to Commissioner of Finance .0 MAY 23 1932 May 21, 1932 1912 T,. I h, ( �, of F , .f Ih, (it, 4 S1 Pa,,l h, I of M -k,, l—mg 1I,,,i ,,,lb, IN ,,, "i in I" ".[' , 'f lh. k d I91, N,., 92322 a"'I I May 6, 1932 192 constructing a sidewalk on the south side of Iowa Avenue from Edgerton Street to Payne Avenue. .",I h- i..k itis. I ".". I lhi u.nit.n t� I 1h,,4+ . f, —,d I., Ih. r. , h .lI, per front foot 2, '111., .1 , S "ed 0, I..tnl ..rpt 111, w'd the I"d 'I -t 4 ', I i...1... " 'I -t I, !" fuI]—' 3. A I.) Ivulll. ..r mak. 1. It 4 I� '5 . �'Inl i ......... . i, of Ihur tour. n( I,rulmrty, — "J'j- t., . ....... f." -'d ..:m—, of Nblk W.,b. 929i n COUNCIL FILE NO.. _ _,,... Mme°r'aciza...a a.eom By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. reconstrueting,..relaying and repairing thesidamxlk..- the east aide of Westem Avenue, beginning at Rondo Street, thence south 40 feet, - under Preliminary Order. 92316 approved May 6, 1932 Intermediary Order ... _____-- _._ ___—-.---.--ppgved A public hearing having been had upon the shave improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _reennatmct,_relay __.ayd -Tep&ir_-he_ sidev_,_alk_on, the —taida-.af West— Avenus, _b.,5—le,_at_ Hondo _Street-,_thencn_nnuth..4D.faecc _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. �I Adopted by the Council,ti_. 19•� -.-.-- , 192 City Clerk. Approved _.. _:.,. 1') , 192 Councilman ;Merlon. nl Ma r IES Councilman Rosen i / Councilman Tr / CouncilmanVveuzelr / Mayor Hehehoney. Form B. S. A. 8-7 '&ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 19 - `ho sld—ll lido 'r '!astern hvon�s,s, ! �, nnint^ at iondo :;treat, thnnoa sort th n�. eat, ..d,, Preliminary Old" -ppl-I'd I " t, 1 '7, To the C.-1 of the City of S1. N -I Th, Commissioner of Finance hereby ,o- as t_1 estimated amount of the assessment for the ab... improvement is $ iG..IQ_ The ­,�,ted ­, per fo., f., the A— improvement i- - - Th, I— nr parcels of land that may be assessed b,_f­ for such improvement, and the --,d valuation of each I., or parcel by the Assessor, arc as follows: ISSESIED VIL—ON U�,�. !:o,th 2 oP 1,1, 7 and 8 2 -,o 1000 10000 1000 10000 Th, Co­mi.ne, of F-- farther reports that h, has i­11tig­d all of the aforesaid -- ,and hereby elby ulb.it� the foregoing ashis ePlll thereon to th, C .. 61, together�ith h� ,p.,, made to hi, i. ,f-- to said ­­ by the C...imil­ of Public \\ .,k,. 19 1 Z, Office of the Commissioner of Public NVW" Flunk Report to Commissioner of Finance (0. MAY 23 IM2 May 21, 1932 102 I. Iho I 'f �f ihi 1'i,, 'f.". 11"'d 1%''k" ha,," had a"A'' � ['i —1., ." h, I, N 92316 May 6, 1932 91 relnGr�• to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the east side of Western Avenue, beginning at Rondo Street, thence south 40 feet. 0- 2 'rhe. � t� a -I —1 26.40 'I., a I -.id j 'a'�I ".i. 31 A I,Ini. I, i.i hi k -h . F I�ii�l. ..... ...... . .... '-keit f ........ iil. 1'�unini,�riinum .d 1'u11)w W kA. 92998 q �e COUNCIL FILE N0.By �0nw�w,r 3 wo FINAL ORDER " In the Matter of.. reconstructing,--relsying and rapairing.the_sideaellc-and buildipg retaining wall on the _south side of Ramsey Street beginning, 38 featsaat of Western &venue., thence ..at 26 feet,.__ under Preliminary Order _.. 92370. _ __ _ approved May 12 , 1932 Intermediary Order- .__. _ approved A pubpc yearmg'�$Ving bee, had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_._..rennnstr¢ct.. relay_ andsapair_ tha_siclawalk --,I build.retaining-call --= the--south-sJd... of__Ram sy-Strest-bogdnn.i19 38 Saet..eaat of...'llester-n..�Wanu.�-theace.-esat-26-faet,_____—___— --- ------------ ------- and ._-. an a order, the Coon hereby dere said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council , 192 -.�llt i'i 'qi2 ` 1' 9 •� City Clerk. Approved / M or. Councilman'�/j/////,/ e ,riin 0 •. •. ��" .NHLDif' Councilman..e.� It,,yrn S ?- Cmmcilman�l® T._ / {� Coun '1Na� u',, a� Mayo Form B. S. A. 8-7 F FINANCE .,,.ENT OF REPORT OF ComMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the mater of rec nstruetinl', on 'h. south .id- - t root t.rl—i— 38 foot —'t of A, ... o, thence .net 26 f—t, Olde' approved , 1, 1 32 T. the C-1-11 of the City of St.Paul: Th, C-mhtsli-- of Fin once I hereby reports as �1111— S—'= 310 The aj e-m—d amount of be a ... ­— f,� the lb !mPl-1 1— ,rhe estimated cost ,, f-, in, the abote or The j- or parcparcels,of land In,, �y be assessed benefits for _j, improvement, and h, as parcel as last rcpornd ..... d of each 1" by the A--', are as f.f._ ASS"S­ L.T A—T— "LUAT—B16K IESCIIPTION 1—d 23 yfliltn—, ll!sLinn & mnll—,s 375 S,bd4-,. of 1,ol, I 1 1, of 24 Leech's Add. of C-tl-ts to the 425 To— o. Saint P-11 900 n of 'i.......he, P.— that h� h- investigated .11 f the aforesaid matt s, ..d Th, Commissioner s the " -d, to him in bcrc'y'b'i:o, hreport thereon to the C-n"h together with the report r,be,eeid b y h, Ctn,mi.sj,me, of Public W -k, Dated Commissionerof Fi.,mce. CO F FINALE Office of the Commissioner of Public Worg e Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 23 1932 May z1, 1932 Isle 'fu 6. t 4 I,,t,,, . .4 flu (51, i4 St_ I.Wtl. 'fto t �ouur.i��u�r .J 1'ul di� 1{k, luul unil.�r —Idin.t i.u. tli�lindiuut u nl�r u( the 92370:�I,I �r ,t„d May 1'�, 1932 Pd' relutty ('ouiu�il. I�uu��u an 11ni u�il I�il�\�,. reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk and build retaining wall on the south side of Ramsey Itreet, beginning 36 feet east of western Avenue, thence east 26 feet. anal lint�in¢ a r�•y ipirl i��l Ilii• to.�nii. nu�l thiuk� n�f�.rr�.�l t�� IL�.n•i n, h�n�l it� nl`��rt+ L 1t61 iiultn i��rtueut i� urr�.. toil (nrl �L.iml.l. 'i., 33.00 „i„ I till th, n+S i,a i,,t6 0 unturr unil . euu.ut i, ,, l,Il—+. '.S. .k I'It I 11 4 1 .uu nt �� li..n r” ati orb. �l acid iii:r�l�, ;� hart lu reiif_ I. �. . ui�l i u�I�ri i��ritu�nt „ iunri u.. ur a�k,•�I fur ul���ti I.i.t it Tutt u( tltrri� ..�n' �A pmlrrrt Y. .rul�j�rt t.. n..... tnrttt f��r rrtiil uu Pn......trut. �( _ /�I nrr u( Public Norkn. z� 92999 COUNCIL FILE N0. - ten,.wF c uadp1v� By ro FINAL ORDER In the Matter of raconstructing,__rslayiag and repairing -the s1de1a1k-And building .& retaining wall on the south Hide of Ramsel Street, -beginning at Oakland Avenue, thence. went _165. feet, finder Preliminary Order 92569__ _..apprord May 12, 1932 Intermediary Order ------ -.-.---------- -approved ____..-___._____._._...__._______._........... A public hearing having been bad upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav{ng heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the s'bttne; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to he made by the said City is _ raconst wt.. rel" _and_regair _the sidewalk and build --a..retaining..ws1 I . tha..aoath_aids Of ks>asay__3.tre-P4 b"A >N3ng atk'� _Aaand Avenue.._ thenaa_mast_165_Beet and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commiaeimrer of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Alt 192 ^ #� City Clerk. Approved `]. _ 192 Councilman •--s Mayor. ou Cncilman'.:.a Councilman 1•,..,�.. / �/ iI:U Councilman ' connoitman 'r.,�.,. Councilman 91111101161- Mayor INSIPM- Form B. S. A. 8-7 AUL nEPARTM�NT OFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In aye n(D)<r of reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk and build�g�(J16s a retaining wall on the south side of Ramsay Street, beginning at Oakland Avenue, then.. ..at 165 feet, under Prdiminary order approved May 12, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance herby reports as follows: Th< total --,d amount of the assessment for the above improv. mens is - - ` S 8.536..00-.-- 7'h..stimat.d cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or pared. of land tha, may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and tb, usessed valuation M-1, lot or parcel as last ,.—d by ,t� Assessor, ... xr follows: Lan "Bldg Part Nwly of Oakland Ave. Whitacre, Brlsbine & of lot. 13, 14, 15 and 16 Mullen's Subdly, of lots 1500 3500 1 &2 of Leech's Add. of Out lo is to the Town of St. Paul (Exc, part lying SW of a (line at right angles to (Oakland Ave. from s point (thereon 10 ft. NE from (SW corner) that part (lying Nei of Oakland Ave. (of 17 do 500 1200 2000 4700 The Commi.sioner of Finaocc forth,, reports that h, has investigated all of the af.—.id —1—, an d hereby submi s the foregoing a. his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad. to him in reference to said matter by the Commusion.r of Public %Vorks. m 19 oa �z Fa.m Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WMLK RUM Report to Commissioner of Finance' MAY 25 1932 S May 24, 1932 ❑lp 'I'.. ih�� ('on�iiiin�ii�n�•r .d I�iiwn.�. ..f tli�. t'iir ��f .t_ 14iiil ...i.nur ref Pill �li� \\��rk-. li:ivin',, Lul ii n�l•.r „ii-i�lr rui i.�ii Iii lin li iiia iiivv r�r�l,.r ..f iho t'r�wi 1. kfl, :1 1 1, 5,,. 92369 npla,.—I May 12, 1932 192 reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk and build a retaining wall on the south side of hamsey Street, beginning at Oakland Avenue, thence west 165 feet, nii�l hill iliK iii<<•.tlu.�i �.J ih� .....t t... iii�l tl�i.4 i�i��.�1 i�� �li•.i�iii. h�.r�l�y-.�iort+. 1 iii, —1 ii",n cif i. wd tl�e pulun anal i•�t, iii �•( nui�l ini .,nivi.... J 1, n' �dk'. p-1.1, m.d n Iwrt llurr��f. 1. 3. niil ilii l�ri,c�.ninni i, :�; kr �l l.,r uryii �i,•,itii�n of thn.• ..r niirzr AI a- of I�ruprrty, nulijrvl t�� y.+i n,iiiv�it h" roil i"I t\iniini �ion��r ..f Pulilir R'orkA. 93000 COUNCIL FILE NO.By . - �in• a. �s,l�'r`e:� oeFra'� FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofnonstruating a-Uayaroasi-9 on the south. -ida_nT..Stssens..Stroet_-- botwaen_S7,dth A anue and Ott— Avenue-,__ ,f under Preliminary Order__ 91319 .......... ...__approved !,' 6. 1932 _.. _... Intermediary Ord — ---.--- --approved A public heuring having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered ,the sryye; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council -of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie.-__ppnstsu-ct allay --crossing- on -the south side of Stexons--at,reet_betuaen_Smi.th-AveAl44...arid _Ottows _Avenues__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement W be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to Pro - cued with the making of said improveme cordancu therewith. Jli! 121 Adopted by the coimdl __,- --- _... lsz.._.. r- C ----....-. ty Clerk. rlf �i^ Apnrovea . isz � ---. - - )Yor. Cmmrilman ,Hpppald Councilman Councilman PUBLISHED (ten Councilman Council��aann CounciltAan Mayor �jfnhnney `-C• Form B. S. A. 8-7 ST. PAUL DEPARTM&NT—OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the .--f 1,,,,t bet— Smith A,-- — "t— A—il—, ..d, P,lh.i—y Order approved T. the C-61 of,h, City of St. P --l: Th, F-- I, ... by r. p--, Tli:,.t.1 ::6.—d ...—,.f,be .... f- lh—lb... $ 'Ta�q ed benefits f., -db i.p ....... t, and the assessed valuation of each !ot or parcel as I.,, r,ported by the Assessor, are as f.11— LOT avow AooirioN ASSFSlEl 1,,2d--' ­Bldg C ... 7 4th1—ti- 11—k 26 The C.—mi—, of Finance f, -h, reports that h, has mac all f he f,,—id —d h—by submit, h, foregoing .. his ...... thereon t. the Council, t.g,th- with the report ..d, to hi. i, ,d-- t.id matter by fl, Commissioner of Nblk N%'.,k,. D—d19 A 11 . Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public"Wni"Nma Report to Commissioner of Finance 011 MAY 23 I= adsy 21, 11'E 192 'I'll the I f 1 4 '1"� ('I, , If "'. P"'Il .......... ....... I j P"I'l, n -k.' hn,ink Lad 11 rrvli 11 1.1- 4 111, k,I(,,,,. z, VIII NI,, 9'2619 May 6, 1932 1112 1., constructing Ailey crossing on the south side of Stevens Street between Smith Avenue and Otte— Avenue. I'.d II I.., n.ul l.m "'d 'If."Id I., 'I'— b—I., ","" 1'�!G.30 per sq` foot. ` I, $ ; Ib, (Ond.—I 0"".41's and III,. I Ii-, and , '1-1 4 'II'd ioI ....... .... " i, 11, fidi—, :3 A I.Inn. I filk - k, 1. 1, ..f -'d ".I I, III Its. ultnrh,.d I'.d..Ind.' " "I II. '—f A. "'Ind .......... A thr.,r ... ..... ... II,--, J , ...... ty, "Ibi -'.i mq ..... . ....... ) f P,Odu Works.. 93001 Na�9nodlry ontlre�pn,d,. - .lune.. ty Invr> COUNCIL FILE NO._....... - .nti < � ' •P^O �, By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._sanonatrncting,--salsying--anli XAPa1rin8s- b&ra_nenea saay the. -aide slY.aad-n---b.-na_the_aaxth-.aide-of..-TOPPing--Stxeat,.. beginning__ flB.Ssa�asaL..oS_fianitiar. Streit.,_ thanoe_ ..t. 150. Saet-,. __....__. under Preliminary Order.__ 92339... -- -- -_...._..approved --..31st' 3-0,_-1938 Intermediary Order -_----. ------- —_—, PProved ----- ----- _- __----------._.___ A publib tearing having"been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having, heard all-Wrhaaa. objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,ibe it ,. RESbLVED,-By the Council of tbe'bity of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of -im- provement to be made by the said City is ._ieaanatevat,-se]ag--a nd ^^paler Xh W l — IIejisea8r¢the eidllpa7 _k_snd e7ypy_9n--,td1Q nw-th-.Aide of T9yyin¢ Street. nA81nr♦88 fea�wawt nf-_{}g+rl t�wr .�trflat,..thenee wagg 150 feet} and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. ' RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _-_.�L.12-t-.__ _.._.. , 192- ity Clerk. APproved...___�ML-.Z Com—ft nlQ{�a��Sm nvld Counciimen�i�s�n Councilmaal.s�e Council—NO Councilmanlliddi® ar MBYOr Form B. S. A. 8-7 Cin OF DE PARTMENTeP OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 9- (D) ly.> loth-m.ucrd reconstructing, relaying and repal.ring, where necessary, the side- walk and curb on the north side of Topping 3t. beginning 82 ft. most of Oault l or St., thenoe ..at 150 ft., under Preliminary 0,dcr approved May 10, 1932 To rhe Council of the City of Sr. Panl: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. The catimatcd amount e of tht for the above mpro�ement ie - - - E total asscssmcn The cs ti,nated cost per foot lo, the above improvement le - - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for ouch improvcmen[, vnd the assessed vela -tion of ea<b lot or parcel .s last reported by the Assessor, are ae follows DRecRiPTION LOT .wc. ADDITION Lfl't'AT, WIC the 5500 012250 So. 1,�3 ft. of lots 4,5 & 6 1 lionesteCity of 5tt.dPaul, Ramsey Co., Minn. 9 1 tf St. Paul,o the Ramsey 350 700 Cl tyo 10 1 Co.,minD. 350 11 1 do 350 12 1 do 360 13 1 do 350 1600 2300 4550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has inveeti,, r d all of the aforesaid mat rs, and hcrcbys.b.iiQtt, the foregoing as hie report thereon to the C...61, together with the report made [o Lim in eo.m a.cnce cs c rU cr by the Commissioner of Public �N'orka. 0 Dated /� —1933om nc -- Cmieeior anof Finance. NRO N.A. N.A. NRo St. Paul, Minn.?nf..3019$2 To The Honorable, The Council, ty of St. Paul, h-lion. i e+ Zu "'u a .. jya Gentlemen ryL �,,,,y gy� .rs,,,., .,.y Ba'wa.w"� oJr,.•rlu�. Sd,'•tu /oeW /J'ot , the undersigned p rtyowne s, hereby petition your Honorable Body two cause the following improvement t. be made St. Ave. le from_ —Pf: ,ice.-1.0, . Ave. m Office of the Commissioner of Public va Report to Commissioner of Finance e MAY 25 1932 May 'c4, 1932 int t'.nnnn,-Irina ..f f 11, t 'I'li� ('iaaa. ini d rulla\1 arA+. ha.in¢ lual andi ni.id�i.�t nen th�rrlinnt .rdr ,( ilu 92339 ulil�r��rr-1 May 10, 1952 19" reconstructing, relaying aril repairin„ where necessary, the sidewalk and curb on the north side of Top,,ing Street, beginning H2 feet wsst of Gaultier Street, thence —s-. 150 feet. I. Said tail '- Thi and 1h, nel ......... ilia."ai estim�tsc art - Thesouth 41.66 foet of tots 4, 5 0 l 6, 91—k 1, H�:Te-tc. F.d.;. ?'x...50 Lot 3, Block 1, Atwlt,l Street :.de li ti 17.10 i'7 vuhj�•rl i" t ....rin.nt far .aid ini I'm"anrn �.4+ii.a.�c ..t Public 93002 - �� ;91:m e'paartr0 o p+yn4 wi � roei iwub Av "sle��mo COUNCIL FILE NO. • o �.. .. e•.nve mme.aa a By _ _ _ _ t.. APIA' assn a'•a. In the Matter of const—ti,g.-s idmsslk-m-.the coutr, ids.-of_Oran.ga-.Street Sana._ F.dgartm-Street to Payne Av—,.—pt. where -good and suffini t n9d—.1k..— under Preliminary Order. 92183 .. ... ........__approved April 21, 1932. _ Intermediary Order -_....._-_-_ _-_ ...____ t __-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it�,,,�fl RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , prove nt to be maPdge f�ha t d C ty e._ Go truo ls1-11,- nn. Lha s -ids -pF Ormge___ _.Str t.P -St oa t 3 A anus. ax t whane.g d -and_ ._... ....aidoaslks - Lot. _ -. ba etl the ems ale hS�7 crdfeOeE, eaonlled, and re-elected �tl � aroEltdfllRrllresi8'moKR'Ae-A�LaeA� .--.._ — __ — ___._._.__------ __._---- d the Council hereby o re said improvement m be ads. SOLVED FURTHER, at the Commieaiorer of Be Works be and is hereb [rutted and direc prepare plane ands 'firatione for said improve nt, and submit same to the until for approval; t upon said approval, t roper city afficiale are h by authorized and directs pm teed with the ing of said im�ypey Accordance [herewith. Adapted by the Council _.................._-._-.-_ , 192...__, letc{a; Approves ... IIIL-1'E �. 192 Mal �,.nald Co m":man ewes Mayo Councilman l9aw,. May Councilmane 1'.arce / CouncBman 40=0'" Counnilman � Traa= Councilman mpqwxp� W—es1 ,'— Mayor 'M-h—ay Form B. S. A. 9-7 C / AUL DEPARWENT OFP FINANCE REPOtRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In she —11—f net riot Si ..s attalk on th, :out, -i ie o:' (: rar-ea .._rant r—--dP.erton .. raet under Prclimi nary Order approved April :'1, 1932 Ta the Council of the Cty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated a t of the asacssment for the above imp rove mens is - - E.. fi'' The es�imated cost peat.., far the above improvement is - - - - - - - g0. P5 'lite lots or ;,--ls A land that may be as+essed bene(is for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of nch lot or parcel as last ,reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oescniPnorr vor ewcK nooitiors LandA T�oldg. 10 2 Jos. 7. '�laide'e 2nd Ada. to 150 1400 the �:it•,- of St. Paul e 11 2 50 12 2 do 50 13 2 do 100 14 2 do 150 15 2 do 150 16 2 do 125 17 2 do 125 16 2 _o 125 19 2 do 125 TotPl 1150 140o The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has mse tigd all of the aforesaid setetogether matt ,and rhim hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon o the Council, with the report made to in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Uated 19➢Z— _1v41-0-,.-- Commissioner _--- of Finaot, • 0 • • To R W c./ oe Z /✓i. 4 o r J • NA N,A. N.A. a� St. Paul, Minn. moi.--..-� Y 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: }r S/C/[_A_ iA, _. St. 'mac Bt. Ave.to /' '5 C- _... ,..__....__. `. _. _. St. Ave. v Office of the Commissioner of Public is Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 23 I&V May -1, 1932 1112 'I., th. ( ,f 1 -1, 1 111. (,I� .,f .t Pad I h, I .......... . ,f I dH,, \1, , k,, 1! 1,,1 I,, , ,-1, ." II., 1.n li"', , 'f fl, 1, k 2'. 1 ,,.II 1 1, N, 9aI83 „I April 21, 1932 1-)2 constructing sidewalk op the south side of Orange Street from tdgerton Street to Payne Avenue. , 11, .1 fl" $0,35 per front foot. 2 1 ku I,i —I 11, f ,..,1 Ih, 1, z'I '', 11 f i, S a I II,,.,tut, a , I , , 1. ,I j ': I 3. 1 L k,•1, 1 1 1 I , ,I k, 1 1- . ... ... -Ij. , I f." -id 4 P,Adi, W.,k,, .......... ......:...................................................................................................... 93003 COUNCIL FILE NO. By 1n the Matter of. paving All.Y.. I- B-1.ck- 2r. Berkeley Ple... and .Theresa. -PI.— Ycom-2airvien..Av— to Sasaphine Strset, m m. me.r "ria.`:oi ze ri°°°S'a is w`Fv..t.m sx m °ee e9 `tl1me 1!oe of P .ads, Prollealnary Order 92380 -..- ... approved May 3.31 1932 -..._....... Intermediary Order ._...._approved __-..-_-.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard ell persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he It RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 61 prov est to be made by th id City ie_._-.payo-- ey. in_Block"' t'I3erkeleY_ U*"d _Sharsea- e_Yxnm F.-v1sa-Ag-- to S aphisrL�Lr\e$.._..... __........ ____. bo atm the -led, and r—BadW x all O"ti-aid mntFer a the Council hereby ere said improvement ESOLVED FURTHER, at the Commieaiorer de. tns o blit Worke be and is her [rutted and directs to prepare plena ends ificatiana for said impru men[, and submit same to Council for approval, bat upon said approval, a proper city offlciale are ereby authorized and direr to pro- teed with t making of said ma ant in accordance therewt Adopted by the Council .AUG -9- IM____ 192 Approved ____iii.0 e. -...-.. , 192 -Councilman ® McUoneld Councihnan�^^ Councilman® Cuncllmme 11HAN M T—..- Council dMMk2&6r W--) Form B. S. A. S-7 �8ikf-RI."1�_ rEfayor. �j r' siro sT . p EPA RTM ENT QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of paving A11 ey in 81oaL- 1, ,irk cl ey 1.ce arv: Tl:e ra sa Pl eoe, from F'ei rv5avut,/[ky� <o ;esel,,r,e Straat, rr� under Preliminary Order approved L.ey !;, 1,32 To the C—ld M the City of St. Paul: "rhe Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. 16a—m Th, total esrim... d amount of rhe assess m ens (or the above improvement is - - E -.- — -- frt 2.0fl -- The estimated cost pe d(oot for rhe above improve mens is - - 'file lots or parols of land that may be assessed benrfi is (or snch imfro�em u�t, aid the assessed value tion o/ each !ot or parcel as Iasi rrp.—d by the Assessor, arc at follows: OeScniPTION aoT esocc 1101TION ALnndLOATi Bldg. 1 2 Berkely Pleca 1300 5300 2 2 1O 1000 5050 3 2 vO 1000 57.50 2 do 1000 6200 0 2 do 1000 7150 6 2 do 950 5700 7 2 do 700 8 2 do 700 5850 9 2 dO 900 1 Th,—, Place 1050 Cl r7 01 ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF, FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 2 Therese rleoe VALUATION 950 6600 3 do 950 4250 4 do 950 7000 5 do 950 6200 6 do 950 6900 7 do 650 6300 5 do 1000 7800 16000 86050 The Commb,,i. r of Finance further reports that he has, < tigated all of the aforesaid marl , and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i, reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Poblk \Yorks. Deted—_---A'-_—. _ . 19'_'x. �Ju QC= t> —mi C Commissioner of Finance. City of Saint Paul OFFice of City Clerk MIU J. GIBROM, Clry G.,k r.n .nd C ... i --el a.flrt.mn �Cr.n-errepmw April 27th, 1932. Hon. Milton Hoeea, Comer of Public Rorke, Building. Dear Co®ieaionerl I" -- attached petition to the Co—'l to peva elth concrete, alley Sn Hlock 2, Berkeley Place and Alley is Block 2, The— Place from Tairviee Ave. to Josephine Street sae referred to you today, by the Council for the proper order. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 21, 1932 Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public works. Lear Sir I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for paving Alley in mock 'L, Berkeley Place and Theresa Place, from Fairview Avenue to Josephine Street, under Preliminary Order �. r'. 92380, approved May 13, 1932. Length 389 ft. ;iidth of headway 20 ft. Front,:ge 753 ft. u a Street 20 ft. Paving _ 611 Concrete Total Sq. Yd. 1.96 Property Share 1,568.00 'f o t a 1 1,566.00 (a) Front foot z.08 astimate includes $156.00 for engineering and inspection. Yours t ly, 140. mh Chief Engineer. Apar ved / MILTON ROSEN Commissioner of Public O+orks. Office of the Commissioner of Public �.: bV Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 24 I932 May 23, 1932 192 To th. C — ..I Fim�,u- al flku ('It. .,f S1. Pc..I .......... al 1,04i. 1\.,k" I.acinp had 'I., ."h .,f ll", 0,u, -I. k.:N,,. 92380 May 13, 1932 192 the paving of Alley in Block L, Berkeley Place and Theresa Place from Fairview Avenue to Josephine 6treet. nnd h,,,,.g tig.t.-d thr nuutttn nn.1 11 ., 0--. h—I, ,,- L SnH m,,. ( it 11--311 W,.i latl 1-mdll. , (See e es�imate attache 2. '16 f I "'d 1h. nn.l ",", "I -,d in ., i, " f"11,.- 3. A jdn,, pralilr ar k, t. l...f -,, I .......... . .... t it 1'. , , '.. ,, 1, , ht.l m'd a "I 4, 5. Sa'd i i, i,k,d for ,f th,., Y, July 12th, 1917• Pon. Milton Rosen, C—Or of 7lnenco, Huilain Deer Co®lseioner, Attached plass. find Petition of Peagnetrence o-nf net t.o Pavt-^ of tho nlley in 21oc1: 7 Pee:,Iey .'lace an' T^—.en Plato fro -.i Ynirvfee Avenne to Josephine 4troet. fine` ordor in this matter has be- : July x, th end the petition referred to Your do..-:'t... ;'f -r check. T -re very truly, City Clerk. d¢1y 26, 1932. 11on. Wilt.. lbean, Comulseioner of Blnance, B u 1 I d i n g. V, deer C—ieaSoner, Tee Coumil at its oeetIn this --Ing -An lwid orfirms'. order i- u,.e .atter n onving Filey in Block2. Ber'seI J Pleee end T.ere Pleee, fm For".. Aveane to Jm eoldzo street, for tro e to August 9th, directixu; ynv is sena n notices LB limas vin are to Lo eeaoeeed and, sl eo, to ]tin we _rd vbi ne:aew n r on beth the ;,n_etitio for ensu tto petition arninat. Yours very t-ly, City Cie k. CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^ Capu.l of Mlnn.wl. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 117 Coad Hoo. MILTON 1011" Cemmi.rlen.r . � itoNnw c 5[nN[v, v�.� .•a nrrr.r.m t.e� .. July 13, 1852. W. Rn. F. Soott, City Clerk. Building. Deer Dir. The .tteeh.d petition of renonatrenoe hen been oheok- ed na per your request of July 12th end Pound to be inanffieient. y� 7, Coamieeioner f Flnea e I p N. St. Paul, Minn. 1=0 24.,.-. 19$1. To The Honorable, The Council, AND P22 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: pave with concrete Alley in Block 2,. Berkeley place, and .Alley in ffiook 2, Theresa Place, from _ E6ral*. iz- reirvier xa Ave. to Josephine Street xtx."& ,194 R A'd'o Nat e Ny • Nri p�/��ti 4r 7/� cv ars T �/l Got/ WIIlpl'f OF a sex ) ". R. J. Mill., LeSng duly worn, depo-ee and -eya that he '1l a. and circulated tha foregoing petition, tha each petitioner signed the same ae hie or her free act end deed and that the -tat meat- Sae d p tit on are trm. Subec d end ewora to before me ,day of July, 1932• e ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. _ 9M PRESENTED BY- ORDINANCE NO. N.. —wtl An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entitled , "An ordinance for the purpoef promoting the publicI h, safety, order, convenience, 0 healt ganeri cap Ity al welfare by providing , for regulation and restriction of the location of trades and u i d tri:B and the height and bulk of buildings u hereafter erected or altered;and regulating and de- termining the minimum size of lot line courts and other cps' spaces, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergency ordinance rendered nec a a 6 ar�y for the preservation of the public pe ace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved J h, d 1922, be and the same is hereby amended Bo as to rezone lLy7th, I and 2, Eger's Addition, the ea. t 100 feet of Lot 1, Gerardine-B Garden Lots, Lott. I6 and 1, , Hazel Park Division 5, and the weet t 100 feet of be north 100 feet of the mle.ellaneOus piece n the southeast comer of White Bear avenue and Maryland street, in e. O.mmeroial District; however, that the Purpose of determining set -back. required by r I.1a 11Iof .aid Ordi aco. We. 5840, said lands and 8her:fby re-.Jas.ified shall, irr.gardleas of their platting, be deemed to have their front lines upon White Bear avenue Section 2. This ordinanc:start berebydeclared to be an, emergency ordinance r di �nce rendered neo a y for he preservation Of the public peace, heal tb and safety. Section 3. Thi B Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. --r- C-61— N— p Pt' JUL 2? 1932 c -'y - �My McDonald Id 55:— Wg Z r L ✓M,. P ... id— B—M., W-, L7 W2 CI,, ci�y . 11. ;2��77 71, Adopted by the Council____. —193-..._ Y-.. MAY Noy, \1c DONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX ,----.E..L �Mlk. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk fie, 0Clak aid o.n on a.n .nd CwmlWe-a el R.,-e..a.d ci.n e. roves ,rely 6th, 1932. Y, L. L. Ad—.., Corporation Counsel, Building. Deer Sir: V e emloee hereeith petition I - the matter of reso-1m Lo to 1 mUP, Edger'e lddition, the Beet 100 ft. of lot 1, G-rardi-e'e Garden Lot-, Lots 16 and 17, Haeel park Divieion 5 and lest 100 ft. of Barth 100 ft. of miacallaneow piece on the Southeast earner of ihi to Bear and Maryland St. Thi- petition ase granted by the Council today and referred to you for the proper ordinance; said ordinance to provide for the reconmeadatSoa set out in the report of the Zoni-g Board. Tours very truly, City Clerk. PETITION T04MIND BOARD OFJZ0NIBO. June 4th 1938. Acting under Ordinance Nov6840 of Augn t 82nd, �Z 1822 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition s may 28th, 1938. Petitioner s E. F. Swanson Location : Lots 1 and 2, Edgar's Addn., the East 100+ of Lot 1, Oprardine's Barden Lota, Lots 18 and 17, Hazel Park Division 5 and West 100 ft. of Horth 100 ft. of miscellaneous piece on the ejsd Southeast corner of White Bear and Maryland St. Zone "Ae Residence. 'r X 7o as:u a Amendment asked for s Commercial. �e;f Date of Inspections June last, 1932- �to"R-, 'MX a°vI Date of Hearing z June 2nd, 1938. Appearances for Petitioners Bone.' Appearances for Opposition : Bone. - ,r Pe4tionerts Arguments: The development in^thi0'. part of town demands a business area at thiel intersection,^- h - Action of Hoard : This site is about 800 ft north of the nortiijc •,. ami of the OmabaBridge on White Bear Ave It- a sA '�y undeveloped and unused district at the tine o: ea•-_. of the zoning ordinance, ascent developmenha;rro s. the necessity for a cogaercial district it -this Ps ti Paragraph sfa of Article III of the soningt ordinance relative to •8etbackss provides that where a commercial district occupies part of a block with an "AN Residence District, the setback of the residence district shall apply to the commercial district. As the-lois at ' n this intersection face in different directions, the ordinancechanging the.zoning. should also recite that ra. paragph' efe Article"III shall' apply to White Bear'Ave. . This recommendation is made after a carkd consideration of the debelopment existing and to,be expected in ttis L vicinity . / The Board recommends. that the fod corners be rezoned. i BOARD OF ZONING. Louis Betz O. 0. House a rd Oe Ba erro Ryland Rothschild r ;v 'Secretary. Mra. W. D. villas.' St. Paul, Kinn. To the Honorable,- I' The City Paul) Minn. i /} „ St. Paul, il, /U,/�)�/�/i'' Gentleman:, n Ra, the vaderslgned owners of two-thirds G� of the a ever da ecrlptioaa of real estate situated within thin 100 £t. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein: �d t and ne, owners of 50,6 or more of the frontage to be G eclaeelfled, of your q Honograble Holy to make the following cbange from a / C.S tr,cte c) District to Com rncrC ia) Metrict. - REZOYS: Lots 1 anted 2 Ear o—dd. S. 100 ft. Lot, 1 Oerardine's Garden Lots. Lots 1B and 1� Rasel Park Div. 8. 11.100 ft. of 9.100 ft. of Mlsc. piece (182x167.22) on 8.1• ccr. White Rear Ave. & Maryland stw—t . This petition 1. made pursuant to Section 23 OrdicOnce No. 5840. Hecord Owner It Block Addition i :-f -k`A *fiYa� 1.2 13 4,"1 i ;: L lel-1a rae/Owrer�;attyf Minnesota of Ramsey ; as /Y(�' it of`m1ed Q �..ra-.�•-op-+..� being first duly Sworn, deposes and may that he ie the person who circhualaiahed the within petition consisting ofyag parties descrlbed above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately fallowing each name: that this petition signed by each of said own ere in the presence of this affient, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so deescribed. TUE �UMN NGS I?°CF.IFED5,�1`I(."D'�ribed end o before me q NY 26 le n, fm licr Yi �URH n�,nPapuaam.ercoumr, Sf.P L N i i;,;;Y C.U. 11INH. lU cpmmi..�m s4r>:M Sam. „g ) It 11111111"IIfirl iy ql 8 �- �� L_ V Q� 9 _� r a- o a I IP 7_ o �,��_ `7 � � �_ 6 � �� Q U S � 6 i � �II T � q' _ 4 O �11_.._...� � � ❑ u � � t II W `� e % U' / � eek � Mn 2YGAN0 � 57 ___ W ����- �.< �� _� ---- P e �cAle /`� 300 N_: � �— _ o _�__. .. GEEAN/UM 57 �, -- i Kmy,vioyy,--- e�u�€:: ......Kg. :aia: FSS :.. ..........::.............. �.................. '': ....d...... BR ...:. Sill..•• iii:.. 4'n'F• r � .......::::�..:..I.:� :::::::::: ' .... :: •: •:::iii i•i i:•i:.�r. '_ - -_ Jane 8th, 1912. Ron. Milton Rosen, CoomSssioner .f Pismo-, Building. Dear C000d.stonert Raring has been set for lam 21, 1912, in the setter of the petition for resentng Lots 1 end 2. Mdgar-. Addition. the Meet 100 ft, of Lot 1, Cererdins'• Oardm Lots. Lot. 16 end 17, Reel Perk Division 9 and West 100 feet of Borth 100 ft. of Wiseellensous pl ens on the southee.t donor of White Bear end Rsrylend 9t.. in s. Cosaerotal district. Will you kindly send nottoes to the interested property .mere? Soars wry troly, City Clerk. J—e 24th, 1912 Aon. Hilton Rneen, C-0-ioner of FI—.. Build4, 0 Dear Cosr:laetoneri At the CounMl meeting held todq the petition in the setter of r oning the eouthemt corner f White t— A— ad Maryland Street, being late 1 and 2, Mgar'. Addition, the %.t 100 ft. of Lot 1, Gerardi—I. Garden lots, lot. 16 end 17, 7aoe1 Park Division 5 and Beet 100 ft. of Forth 10C ft. of dwell nneoue pioce on the Wontl- eaet miner of White Bear and tiarylend 9t. vee reooneldered and sae then laid over to Wednesday, lame 22nd, 1932 and your departront rewested to .end nnticee of each hearing. Yours very truly, City Clark. o.yrulroao aaf CITY OF ST. PAUL ,� C0' No........ 9305 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESN— COUNCIL ROLUTIOGENERAL FORM co'e coni ra" WHEREAS, a pair of trousers of the value of $5.00 belonging to Paul Grosklaus, 654 BTadrstreet, 5t. Paul, Minnesota, were damaged by wet paint from a canoe rented at Phalen Park, and it Is found that the paint can not be removed satisfactorily, and the City of St. Paul is }I responsible therefor, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant In the sum of $5.00 in favor of said Paul Groskleua, to reimburse him for the 'damage, said sum to be payable out of the Park Refectory Fund. �& 0et6 k 0. aK a?k�,.to�gla & HIS. H gpP'1rpGFuxupx�y�yyyyr1 Hae��My1r��l meat eNta9 aAtl(KCI4`I reeN erMA`'I�f Onog1E1 W W �r tit _.. r W4 tiSyO..e FI e vW,.(trW l&e Ya. COUNCILMEN Peen Neye �J Adopted by the Council JUL.JUl y_.t'1.2 .. .193...... M.y jht Donsld c.,/•yCr P-- N favor 5r���/Y � ved .....193... ,R uox ✓...Aesinxt j��. .• .-L rY?: i /�Venxel K// MnYor a 4 �A1r. President Mahoney o.ww�ao PAUL a..."�L No. TY CIOF Si. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^ C UNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL R -a �V WMIMLS, the Twr. C1 ty Carpeatere Dietriet C 011 has voluntarily reduced it..cale of wage.; RESOLVED That 00un011 File No. 42446, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of said resolution the line; aOerpenter Foreman . . . . . $1.12} per hour" And by substituting in lieu thereof the following; "Oarpenter Foreman . . . . . $.971 per hour." - MOW e..: .��obrm� d ed``A b bt KL%�N"tab��,,sepjeM_� th ki""aut f �TquiygpP n � W YW�BoeMjs ht �f7� ' g_fi- b 41 U ptiis'r\Ib.r; R COUNCILMEN ' Al_ 12 14'i2 Ye.. N.y._- Adapted by thr ('.auncil ... ... _......... _193- - McDannld Eur I f.... ed ..._. 193_.. ,Trn.x en"el Mayor/ m / Mr. Pmxid— M.honey oraw'pao a.n � NO... ......_ CITY OF ST. PAUL JtJo CF OF ..�✓u--AL FORM RESOLVED , that the time within which to erect a filling station on Lots 9 and 10, Block 32, Lyman Dayton's lddition, also described as the northeast corner of Third Street and Mounds Boulevard, permission for which waw granted to Ethyl L. Bodenberg, by Council File No. 89767, adopted by the Council on July 8th, 1931, be and the same is hereby art ended for a period of ei. months from and after the passage and publication of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas j 7/ Mny cDonald Pearce .I favor / Rosen /Wenzel / Mr. President Mahaney ae -az/ T6ti °ea 4�#�_u H Mink"V eM �a xw m e a� wa mmµe.a :c�u° 11 qV� 9s. JOL 121932 GV„L Adopted by the Council ._.__._193_._. f-� pp ed ) .._. 193..... Mayor YX CITY OF ST. PAUL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM f AT. RESOLVED That the application of J. E. Blomquist for permission to Install one additional tank and one p=p at the oil station at the southwest corner of Tenth street and Broadway, be and the same Is hereby granted, said tank and pump to be Installed In accordance with the ordinances of the Oity of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Y— COUNCILMEN N., Ad,,pt,d 1,Y th, 19:1 In I. 193 �xrn 2 Ag,i: ., /W—d /Mr. P—id,.t M,h,,,y OFFICE OF THE C- C -- Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ni- CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPM of MLnn u DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..th .nd MI—ou Sb.w JOHN H. McDONALD, COMMm1— .�U July 7, 1982 Mr. William F. Scott, City M.rk, Saint Pau1, Minnesota Deer Sir: Returned herewith is the ennlication of J. E. Blomnu Lct for oermiesion to instal an sddit'onal teak nod —p at 10th and Broadway, southwest corn , and !wits of inspection by the Bureaus of Traffic and Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL July 11 1934. Mr. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dau Sirt- lith reference to application end. by J.9. filling etfor nermii n to i.tell edditio-1 tank and pumps no he Southwest cor-r of 10th end &road ; Inasnmch - there will be on change in driveways, end the tank and P -W will be placed so s,not to interfere with JW... or agree• of vehicles, there would be no objection, from this Division, in granting sold application. Sours truly, Harry H.' ett.r r", Supt, o Traffic. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL July 5, 1933. Eon. John H. Yomonald, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of J. E. Blomquist for permission to install one additional pimp and tank at his filling station located at the southwest corner of Tenth and Broadway Sts. This department has investigated and approves the installation of the additional poap and tank. Esspectfully yours, ECB/] Chief Inspector. ctiv°• THE BOARD OF ZONING g . SAINT PoA, ,MN—NESIOTewA `p PI / COURT HOUSE July 7th, 1932. Mr. Wm. B. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Re : Additional tank and pump at station southwest corner of Tenth & Broadway J. E. Blomquist, Applicant. 515 New York Life Bldg. CITY. This is at an existing station in a Light ° Industrial District and is permissible. There is no change in the layout of the station, and it is un- necessary that it come before the Board of Zoning. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pml of Momma. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENZEL. Corn H issroHsn ®O LI -11 I— b Sw- d nruaw. M. 5. Getters[, 9rMe. FnOn.o muue� July 7th, 1932. Yr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clark. Dear Sir : Re additional tank and pump at filling station located at the southwest Ncorew ner rk f Tenth hCand Broadway, J. S. Blomquist, Applicant, jjg ineerin¢ Report • This is a matter which involves no change in existing public relations. The new pump is to be installed on an existing island within the present station grounds. There are no changes in the driveways. Yours very truly, Office affil City Pla�ngr• Chief Engineer. gh-rh -. -- 93009 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL " OFFINO. CE OF THE CITY CLERK .. CgUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED sv commissiorveR7 DATE 7tme B, 1932 RESOLVED That licenses for ahlch application has been made by persons named on the att.eched list be and the sure are hereby granted and the ctty clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the syment into the city treasury of the required fee. G B. Na. fi0f. 8. NaD° I v�Ne�uvn n.. m.av t . m eb..Y4 °v�u°ev �n`e o w n°o gene •. a aw my ga.aat dma ss, uu. COUNCILMEN JUL 12 ` Yens Jaye L Adopted by We Council. _... _ - 193... /cDonuld ✓ n5. /fearer I favor At p oved 193. eco Ag.inet May /wen.El .m eat/Mr. President Muhoavy July 8, 1932 Alma Y. Albert. 1443 Arcade Restaurant W. H. Davie 789 Raymond " L. A. Kelley 290 E. 5th Flaherty & Phillips 112 S. Robert " H. S.humacher 1167 W. 7th H. L. Selthun 265 W. 7th Atlas Gas & 011 Cc 1408 Marshall Gasoline station 5 pumps Wm. J. Gerdta 168 Front " 3 ^ Miller & Hoimee Grove & Mississippi " 3 ^ Phillipe Petroleum Co. 71 W. 3rd " 2 " Phillipe PetroleumCo. 3.160 W. Onlvereity " 4 " Phillipe Petroslum Co. 1050 Arkwright Shell Petroleum Corp 246 S.Snelling " " 3 " Shell Petroleum Corp. 390 Pleasant ° Shell Petroleum Corp. 79 W. 7th " ^ 8 Shell Petrolsim Corp. 988 Arcade " " 3 " Standard Oil Co. 2058 Grand " 3 Tanker ServiceCue Co. 480 E. 7th " B " Tsakar Ga.. Inc. 117 S. Robert R. Ebert 878 E. 3rd 1 pool table Lmoe Lavoratc 585 E. 7th 1 " Joseph Moses ll8 Eaton 4 H. Schumacher 1167 W. 7th 1 ^ State Hotel Corp 339 Webasha Hotel (Lowry) 297 Room. July 8, 1932 F. J. Berthiaume 1503 N. Hemline Av. Butcher S. Durrenberger 718 N. Hemline C. Hoemke 582 Kent " Robert E. Mackin 44 S. Snelling " A. R. Metzger 822 Rondo " Michaud Bros. Inc. 1326 Grand " H, A. Aamodt 190 Arcade Grocery L. J. Aberwald 1820 Grsnd Confectionery Anderson Drug Co. 13Jackson Al.. Barron Grocery ' Mex E. Bernstein 859 Rondo " Frieda A. Bork 332 N. Lexington Confectionery .Fgen T. H. Lellenga ar, 726 E. 7th Grocery Anna& Agnea Dehonage 68 E. Colorado " R. Ebert 878 E. 5rd S,. Confectionery Dell Galloway 608 N. Western Grocery Geo. Gourben 424 Holly Av. Bakery Go. & Exley 1728 University Grocery E,Gydeson 105 S. Wabash. Grocery Lillian Holme- & Clara Kolles 1511 Randolph Confectionery 0. Johnson 1019 Edgerton Grocery Oscar E. Joh... 1139 Payne A. M. K.drie 545 Wabash. " A. Klawiter 151 Concord Bakery H. C Kozlowski 984 Rice Grocery Geo. A. Carpenter 498 Lafond Luca Lavorato 5B3 E. 7th Confectionery Lawrence , R. D. 595 St. Peter Grocery C. J. Lucchesi 1066 E. 7th Confectionery Loris V. McGarry 44 S.Snelling Grocery George 0. Miles 1694 Grand k, Confectionery Mordecai N. Germea 126 State Grocery Joseph Moeee 118 Eaten Confectionery Val D. Murawski 1702 Laurel Grocery National Tea Co. 569 Broadway Bakery Edward J. Nowak 456 N.Wastern Confectionery Anna O'Donnell 93 W. Sycamore " Elizabeth O'Donnell & Marion Bader, 1952 St. Clair Bakery Axel Olson 399 Casa Confectionery Thome. O'Rourke 1520 Albany Grocery E. L. Patterson 1170 E. 7th Peter Peal 252 E. Fairfield Confectionery Pearse & Birkett 1601 University Fruit -Vegetable stare Johanna 'it= 2624 W. 7th Grocery Natale Rocco 286 S. Snelling " Iry Sklar243 Concord Grocery Snelling Confectionery Co.Inc. 1581 University Confectionery Morris Stein 767 W. 7th Grocery L. Steiner 1202 Rice Anton Voeller 918 E. 7th " Elle Willy 80 E. llth r" Wm. Wondra 868 Randolph " o.mm.l.�aw a.e wu.��L _______ CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu NO.93()JO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM F—ENTEo By r�..../ �"P onraCOMM Suly e, 1952 t WHE[iF.AS, the Hazel Park C®erciel Club made application 2239 for Confectionery license at 862 White Bear Avenue, and a!HHRFAS, Haid apollcant hea withdrawn said application for confectionery license; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and the are hereby euthoriaed to ,of -d to the Hazel Park Commercial Club the fee Of X10.00 end to cancel said application 2239 for Confectionery license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nuys ,--..y /Menanala r In laver Ro.. /7lnax Q.... ARainet Wenzel ew e r Mr. President Mahoney met a lye °r'e iepfte' e u ue.BP'I t a tau... .,tae'ecm �.leYtl�eeel Peels e elm R, b'"lrytvvE b.We• sl'WIC '0e�6 teYtet iee:ee•eva 6. eWov a+e9'.[orCev- �w4eeaeePeyao l T+ u Adopted by the Cuuneil-ml,..l$.i9� 193- s Approved .103_. Mayor o.c,„., .a .. .. ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. _ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK SIL R UTION—GERAL FORM PRESENTs oN ! 1.1�.-L�- e JLtly 7 1932 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the ection of the Fnrchasing Committee in awerding the contract for furnisr.ing ap roxlma tely 12,000 zallona of gasoline per month for the r2rioi ending January c, 1933, an r:,gnired, to various city depertmeats, except the Fire Departrent, to t'ce ATLAS OAS & CIL 12UANY, on a basis of $ .0737 per gallon over current competitive car let crlce at the r=finery, Group 3, they being the lowest responsible bidders, in accordance with standard city specifi- tions, their bid and award of contrect hereto e'tac-led, -1 t._e Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to IT— uI: the Groper form ^f contract therefor. F. 9. #'932. Pi tF tln5�tiy*Ps•LMs1Yd�. bG 4l�LE , 1 N FtGW.tM ' a.o� 2Y ra u m wnaan� V yL Mmt etina��lro t :el.°iaortde iu'Suawo t¢11e. D�16 n web i`” `co tetw ueu e _ l ei t ft A 9 N 'ea L� tea t t F m aa. v e. tauvaie•vua Ycas couNciym aN Nays , Adopccd by d- Council TW 12.X432._ 19 to...T7- .. May /1 ^ Ij McDonald ! In favoc IA ovcd __ n�. 0'6 19 Bosco Q Againn L/ _ _ �__G_ Fi_4yLl F� COR W. P..sidcns WQW. 1. 90%2 y10/D.���t e UNCILoERESOLUTION er C didu RES? V D THATI CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, t� z3 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF /R2 i _, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 4�It TO 6533 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS OFILE THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COM PTROLLE R. i 2 tQ3i ooPrEo er! rl EcoUNC � BY. -/ o COUNci�me c�Traocn �. rcICE`01 THE "coMP.-1- ��.E NO. 9301`: I Truax COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS July 8, '02 Neni�YNST ��A E ......ifyV2WTC6�r.,A.. A. =5 wuinm mahoney ;z %6�i11 11467 MA Pw BUMS ,00Preo —1 1 ;� t . ems• ! � � __- rTOTAL xurnaEA IN FAVOR OF C c�cc xs c�rcxs T er e.un aAo�oHT FoawAAo .e,46E8 � 4258IDS o7.. ga 6411 Kennedy Bros. Arm a. Co. 1 106 7} 6412 Kenny Boiler 3fg. Co. 1 235 84 6413 I. Keesell & Co. 27 00 6414 Keystone Viea Co. 1 90 6415 w. '. Koeoe 5 30' 6416 Kremer Autokspring Co. 17 23 6417 KT rooble Book store 7 '29 6418 LaFrance Republic Linn. sslea 1 40 6419 I='land Lumber Co. 71 11 ' 6420 Lawn Mower Hospital i 5 25 6421 Lea & Febiger 3 82 6422 Lee -Hoff Mfg. Co. i 22 35 6423 Rudolf Leach Fine Arts. 1 1 05 6424 Library of Congress 86 71 �I 6425 Literary Guild of America 42 001 6426 Loose Willes Biscuit Co. 9 71 6427 Al. J. Louie 3 O0 1. 6428 Hotel Lo+ y 4 05 6429 Laverne Fire Apparatus Co. 1 a 11 00 6430 C. B. Lyon & Co. Inc. 254 48 6431 Lyons & Carbahan 30 63 5 6432 Joseph Forsoello 150 00 64'43 James E. a1a.. 28 80 6434 Hanlan & Otea 18700 CIO 6435 Fielding & Shepley Ina. 14025 00 6436 Thoma. A. Albert 5 00 6437 Dr. John F. B,igge b3 OO j 6438 Ore. Cbctterton & Von der weyeT 86 15 6479 Dr.Karl Dedolph 1 14.00 64,;0 Dr. J. N. Dunn 4 00 6441 Dr. E. K. Endrees 26 00 6442 Dr. G. A. Geist 57 On 6443 Dr. Leo. A. Hilger X1,1 22 00 6444 Dr. W. w, Le.de 5 00 6445 Dr. O.en Mckeon 5 001, 6446 Mayo Clinic 20 001 6447 Drs. M,lander & Peterson 2& 00, 6448 Dr. H. J. Preddergast I, 80 00 I� 6449 St. j. -1a Hospital 20 001 I 6450 St. Josenhls Hospital 259 40 6451 64 75 6452 St. Paul Hospital 25 00 6453 Or. Eugene E. Scott 55 50 6454 Dr. s. E. stinnette 4 003 6455 Summit Pharmacy 1 00; 6456 Dr. Edwin 0. 3—a.,n 7 00 6457 Dr. F. L. Webber 71 00 6458 Elfrida Soderberg 28 80 6459 The First Nati anal Bank 12 00, 6460 Atlas Gas & Oil Co. 1 603 84 6461 F..mil Frrleei. 20 001 6.62 The Hedge., -'talsh-Weidner Co. 2 976 DO 6463 H. Kingston & Co. 50 96 .6464 T. F. S!Titb Tire & Batt=ry Co. 487 921 646. ;t.ad�-d ^u Co. 7021 32 6.66 ,vis & Lage—an 1 14q 81 64f7 Kr -t, R—ity Co. 371 00 sH EE„orae- Foswnso 546 99 k84 536.17 -1111- To­cll ­ ` MPT oFF�c FTHEnc...... No 93` 0t 43 cgpxAX LM aN _ TSLL H>; COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 9 32 l "`n"�" AUDITED CLAIMS s saa�n>rnxl .� Re>^fr@ ` ;..�E �FE•52964.37 o.E"iN etxleuvc Mahon� oMP:�cEA numeea IN FAVOR OF I.. .. ccx� ISI cwEC Ks T eaOUGni For+wAAo !_ ltltltll 64 1,36 17 — 6468 • Edwin E. Fieroa 40 0 4 154 19 6469 6470 Hilton Rosen, Co_ ,f Finance " ..1 216 17. 1 6471 Jos. Pavlioek�'Ii " 57 55 125 47 6472 I! 21,0 001, 6473 6474 Carl P. Herbert Bureau of �:unlolnal Research! 50 00 6475 Raymond P. Pavlecka 160 COI, 6476 Charles E. Mulliken 10 00 6477 Della Brown28 �1� 2811 6478 Mre, Mary Emily Christy 27 00 6479 Catherine M. Claugherty 40 001 6480 lire. Etta Flaherty 28 28 6481 John Lennon 5' 85 6482 Anna Wagner Peltsob 40 SII II 6483 Mre. Hannah Peterson Schneider 24 98211'', 17 2 6484 Mre. Anna 3temp ^Forks 720 6485 6486 9t. Paul Germla Lamstti �I Ili 6487 Hilton Rosen Com. �f Fln. 34 834 5111 6488 Earl Kayser 75 0 6489 L. R. Heylman 7 50. 6490 Bob Ackland 10; 64 q1 S. Berglund Lumber Co. 147 !1 6492 6493 oalhon Co. Chicago Bur. & gQlinoy Ry Co., 57 gg1 134 45 6494 Chicavo Rk. Is. & Pao. Ry.Cn. 139 77� 6495 M. A. Gedney Co. 5 60' 6496 Far -ell ozmun Kirk & Co. " " 128 35! 211 75' 6497 6498 Gr16ga Cooper & co. 49 is 4� 6499 Hancock Nelson Herohantile 27 6500 Johnson Market House111 11 �I,1 6501 6502 Lampland Lumber Co. Lamprey Products Co. 72 9511 SII 6503 Llneer Broom Co. 14 27. 30� ! 6504 HoFad?en—Lar, cert Co. 03 650 6506 Minnesota Chemical Co. Malmon Motor Co, cl d0l 6507 3uly Co. 75 10. Municipal pc Ino. 26 09' 6508 C. A. Pearson, 60 OOColl1 6509 5 6510 • Peoples Auto Parte Co. G, Nichols Dean & G gg 3 4" 8 F 6511 Hor,yhero 9tatse Power co. " 1 198 251 3 921 9%761 6512 6513 1" H. W. Congo 1. Milling Co. y 520 45' 6514 H. Peitz & 9on 85 0511 6515 Perfection vindehield Co. Co. 91 22 6516 0. J. Riley `d 5 64' 6517 3t. Foul Broom fg. co. 'rulldere 53 861 6518 6519 3L. Paul Mat. Co. c 50 6FP0 Safety Promote Co. 11 F, Pr ld uc t= C,, 4r 1 lliz L� 6sz1 6522 1. o<"ere a Co. Thes 9peekes Co. 192 40' I� 6523 E. J. 3tllwell Paper Co. 63 02 7 258 66 6524 9tendard 011 0o, 9 31 6525 6526 Mr. A. E. Trudeau Ts1a City 6riok Co. 45 13 546 96 242 505 54� ~ e o -1 OF THE OMPTROL ER .�.t " NO 0.p�u�LM—RTruaS LL' COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 11, �g32 AUDITED CLAIMS PE.a�E �e'1ti'z'ei dd �„E�Rs aE ;33 ���01�aIDa c anoneY h5 ,� __ r�cnesn r �� _cwecns TOTAL crec.z nT 1, a`�e,„K IN FAVOR OF V1 -- --HT FDRWA— • 6527 Milton Rosen Com. of Finance - 949 44 21 215 58 6526 " " '. q4q 6529 Gooher state Band & Orchestra 111 200 00 6530 Cheri— W. Ste.art 32 00 6511 Phil A. wade 17 50 6532 C. D. Boywn 6o ooll 6533 Donaldson shat Hetal ;ort- 790 24 • p � I 62209 Ray Hynes To adjust over -payment on Voioher No. 6209 on Voucher Register Sheet for July 2, 1932. Illi III it 11 Iq I I 5REET TOTAL -.FORWARD 1 49b I 264 7b3 3U Petition 1 93015 Cmnca Fee No._...-----........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, cr�Ncq� i' Swri W{�gftpt iw� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,,ig,ed hereby pmposee the making of the following public improvement byiLe City of St. Paul, vie.: Constructing curbing on both 4dea__of 6tinaon fitreet_from ..___. Westarn_Avenae_Lo...Qaultiax.. Stxea.... _.. _.._... .__-__ .._........._. Dated this.__19th dry of July 19aE 1 .E\ - dm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Constructing curbing on bothalder. of fitineon ted to the Council of the City of St. Paul _._..._.........__...._._..._._ Navin been _..._._............ ..__.. g preeen therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commiesiooer of Pubfic Works be aad ie hereby ordered sod directed: 1. To investigate the neaeasity for, or desirability of, the making of mid improv d the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the mtme, extent and eetirested cost of said improvement, an 3. To fumich a One, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mere ownem 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing mattem to the Commissioner of kinmcc �q. 12 V2. Adopted by the Council- ..... _..__..._..............._..._....._...._..._....___... Yue Nevs v _ // Councilo m �'"Y p 12 X932 Approved.._.....__..._..................__...._...._.....__....__ i I � ✓ M. Pa.,— Mayor. ..m c. a nv Asan Petition ((►►a�� Council File No.._...._-.�V.���6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r�'xrs andnu o,.W°uai or m ta-Ls3e �a PRELIMINARY ORDER. `t.oFau7r'-'..Fry.;' The u,d,mig,ed hereby prupwan the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, As.: Constructing a sidewalk on_ the._south_aide, of Stinson Street _ Srna. Yackubin. Streat_to the "at, side .of..Lot..�..- Black ..ar._._._.__..__. _.Foundry_..__._. ....__.._. __.. Dated thio 12thd,y of Jftly a 193 Co PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pr,pneal for the making of the following improvement, 'is;: Constructing-a sidewalk on_the_south aide of-Stinson Street d .. ..._Lot 8, Block E, _...__.._- from Yeeknbin Street to the east aide of _ _ Foundry Addition.._..___.. _._._ --_ _. __................__ having been prmevted to the Council of the City of St. Pad __......_- - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered cad directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of avid improvement. 2. To ivvmtigate the nature, extent and estimated wet of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile Or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregobw1 to the Cemmimioner of Finance. ea Adopted by the Council. ..............._.._... qui.._..._._..... __ YseeCW",s t� tt[ MAY lit Y ouncilman \Appro d -...... �(of J % TRGti{i6 7-7 M. Peeemarrx .. Mayo r� e a er nee :o-su 93016' COUNCIL FILE NO______________ f0vsi°ivv�ry r sv, ., ....iv.e m° rm:a,. By O-------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER 1, the Matter of --- jeLgit--sid. of______-_-_ F rlrlgtga_A_v_enuai_begi ening_ 125_Paet_ f---------- 125fact norlth ofhryvltmd_Stt-ct,_.thenae _mrSh211-fAa-t -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ ---- -- ------ -------------------------- ---------- — -------------------- ----------------------- ----------------------------- under Preliminary Order___________ 92AJI1-_ -------------- pp .... d --XaY--2-Q--M9L The Council of the City of P-1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the —tum of the improvement which the Council .... m—nd, i—t-s-t—t-a.3107--- SIf AaL7)aad- -ztze At wl 011Q 0- -tb- -2 Q- -ree t; - ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with .o alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-0-30.-pem_.q.ft. Resolved Farther, That a public h,,fi,g be had o, said irap—tro-t .. the ------ 9111 ---------- day of Aug—t , I g.sp --------- 39"X-, at the home of 10 o'clock A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Co— House ..d City Hall B.iIdmg its the City of St. Pal. That the Commissionerof Finance giv notice of said meeting to the,,,,a ml in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time end place of hearing, the -- of the imp,,,,em,,t amd the total —t thereof estimated. Adopted by the Council_______ - IW ------- 192____ ------------ ------------------ Approved 92---- App—ed ---------------------------- 192--- ity Clerk. C..qWhnwwjQww McDonald C'uquwMv'*hwoM.y Cvuy�naltk rce �'% /�� j}[jBl.i4l�O Cour�ad+oaon Z% C.u.WkMM1wMw w 'Awmaelson .... For. B. S. A. B6 93018 -a- E., COUNCIL FILE NO._ ------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.11e, atno&t-And-Lhp -aQr-tb-Aj-dq--or__Kqy_ton St—et betw--Cbarlt=- StRaWt-- -------------------------------------------------- --- -- ------- --------------------------------- en,der P,Iii.i..0 Orde --------- Q?AO-Q -------------------- pp—ed --may—W-19A? --------------- T'b'C .. eil f the City f Pant having . i -d the report f the Commissioner of Finance upon the 'b— finp—enent, and having considered ai... d he -by —.1—: 1. That the said report and the a..e j, hereby, pp—ed and adopted, and the said improvement i. ,—by ordered t, be proceeded with. 2. That the --e of the improvement which the C-61 recommends i--trllCtL-alhey-- of ... --mcllasecaStreet-________________ with treot ----------------- with .. alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $_ o_04_Per_eq ft. R ... Ned F-th,r, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th ------- qth ---------- day f --- A,3931 t, -29U ------ at the h— of 10 .'dock A. NI., in the Council Chamber of the C... H.—, and City Hall Building in the City of St Pa.]. That the C—rnis,i—, of Fi—nee give notice of 'h ,aid -,,,,g t, the na and in he m.ane, provided by the Charter, —ting the time and place f hen he nature - jthe imp—me.t and the —1 —t thereof .. -tfin.led. Adoptedby the C—CHMI-12-1= --------- 192---- a App—d -------- 2"!` ______192___ - - -------------------- ---------- - --------- ?ty Cl -k. -? - --------- Conn M,11.aahl Cn..dNMMF*WWnld9— C... C—d 041 Mill b" - C .. ANIMM936YUK-1 C .. el� "-- A"Ll"As.. Plata—y Form B. S. A. 8-6 93019 theawyg.e aao111f�rrlyyrrv���eov.tevou wi Al 'f On6,ta iop,-.IErfe o4_ ��0�6eRt°e'47oawoveE m COUNCIL FILE N0.______-______ „•eovxu oe ee. my vt, :y �vrove me raven or „ n INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- r a truating.r-r-elayang-e dL apairing_ihe__SirlR alk ___ and_driseway__on_Sha-_snuth__s].de__cP__Sam1.os_i9 A_v_enue_begipning_ at__-----_-_ IIunle.n-tr_ast,__thence_ sass,---------.------------------------------ ---------------------------------------- - ------------------------------------------------ under ---------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____________ 9242x1 --------------- pproved --- uy_-U._19H2______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said repon, hereby resolves: t. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__Z'6GSI¢HtL11G.tt_I'@lby __end_sa➢@S.i'__th@_fllil@wQl.$_gpd dr i_IMF y_= _ the _south_ side of _Seminary __A¢anus._haglrm].ng_a.S_RuAlsSi_tiL@4k._ thane -e_ west_ 14 ------------------- with_________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_21-12._______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 9.t ----------- of AuguaLr_1932______-X21—_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C.— Hun , ourtHouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give votice of said meeting to the p ono and in the mavner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement a� the [oral cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Couvcil__rg _.192____ �• r ap " n----------- Approved___________JEi-_'___ �/ � C" Clerk. Coo,A�l� MCDotuld Coun�'i1�9Rt d]ae COunelte CouacMadgw9 6 C un � ere nzel Mahonap Form B. S. A. 86 93020 COUNCIL FILE NO_______ ______ � ,;•„_,.�,�..,., �, By O-------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the m-st of --- zoD_Qnstzn ting, -relAyAug -Ana _r_Qpidr_!Pz A_b_esid�enlk ---- -------------------------- -- - -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- ------ - --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ___ -- - ----- ---------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- ------------ ---------------------- ..dc, P,,Ii.i..ty Ordet______22462--------------------- pp ... ed ---- _____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the t,p.n of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is herebyapproved and adopted, and the said impt—mem is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends JUG)PuOtlaEHtrfoet _beginning ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- with to alternatives, and that the estimated cwt thereof is $--U,A4 ------- Resolved F-ther, That a public besting be had on said improvement .. he ---- Atb ------------ day of __93iguat_1932 ----- xW=-, at the bout of 10 o 'clock A. M., in the Council Ch,mbe, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p - ma and in the — provided by the Ch, stating the time and place of heating, the . the i.pto,c.c.t and the total cost thereof as estimated.Adopted by the Ccu..JKI!'_______ --------- 192---- ----------- Appoc—d ---------- P?!_� 192---, City Clerk. C .. cAmn-dih—W Mcl) ... Id Council N n n Ma, C ... dN...*ftD2MJdI'� Co-cilINOWN010h C ... ciNNEFOURNIftit” AIVy@P*Wson Il.h—ey Form B. S. A. " 93021 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the MatterL—c—t—tl �9 -r-elAyIn&—d --th—uth—ide- of--0mangA-StrAvtL,Ae&lran& -at—t- tha e --We t -2cL-feq.t --------- - --- ------ -- ----- -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- --------------------------------- order Preliminary Order ----------- 22A2a ---------------- approved --- Xay-18-123? ------------- The C .... il of the City of Paul b,,i,g received the report of the Commissioner of Fir—, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1—. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby pp,,,ed and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council mroend, ----------------------- -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $_1.1.26_______ R --LS-211------- R ...lwd Further, That a public hearing be had o, said improvement on th ----- 91b ------------ day of -&U&U9tL.--!kq? --------- at the, hour of 10 ',I,,k A. M., m the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building to the City of St. Paml. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p—,m, ml i, the m ...r provided by the Charter, stating the time ml pl..e of he.,i.g, the nature of the improvement and he total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the c ... eiLJllL12-= -------- App—ed ------- 2-W ------- 192 --- %e, -z,___. ------------ c,uuo't== MclM.vald „/ C-u—il I"n— co til= Councilman T Councilman NPPIHWP� Z -L Mayor s"Na- fjb,#,gr For. B. S. A." 93022 P .aa =.h,rar ." .. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ .� Yak ..... INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of______________ onhrvating, relgyibg end iepeA Trig,-wism necessary. the following aldewalkar M,bin Streat, neat aids, D__,inning 42 feet north of Selby "atuse, th.... north 80 ft., baglnnivg 8 feat farther north, thence north 90 feet 11s.knbin Street, seat aide, beginning 102 feet ao.th of Selby A—., thence as th 128 feet, beginning 10 feet farther .oath, then.. anoth 125 feet Maokubin Street, eeet aid., beglnrting at Ashland A—. theme north to north lim .f seat and went alley KentStreet, ...t aide, begivoing 36 feet north of 8rmrit A— theme north 16 feet, beginning 70 feet farther north, then.. north 26 feet, beginning 8 feet fa�rther� north, theme north 18 feet, above uapTAe�.w+e•,-�Q.��S �e^�•"s^.-.m. +mo*T:Tereo>-*eser•c.r-- — L That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyordered to be proceeded with: 2. That the .at.re of the improvement which the Council recommends is ___ reconatmot. relay and repair. where no—gary. the following sids-1k.t M..kilbia -St"'Ift: act aide, beginning 42 feet north of Selby-A—.i thence -north 80 feet, begiaciag 8 feet farther north, thence north 80 feet Meokubin Street, -at aide, beginning 102 feet .nth of Selby Avenue, thence .nth 123 feet. beginalag 10 feet farther south, then.. south 125 feet Mookubin Street, east aide, beginning at Ashland Avenue, thence north to north line of East and West alley Kent Street, eget aide, beginning 36 fast north of 8ustait Avenue thence north 16 feet, beginning 10 feet hither north, then.. north 26 feet, beginning 9 feet farther north, then,, north 18 MM, -3-9212 Mr—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co— Han , ourtHouse and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the on nd 'n the annex provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of pars s a t hearing, the nature of the inn mvi i ntwand the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C...cif-- _____________________ 192____ , Y�:1- 3F -----tom? Approv<d_________-_____192___ City C k. _ __ ___ ___- riu Co ... ilmays'iNA M, P—ld Co..cil-- A-ummug war Co.ndlm: Penna Couneilma. j ne. Re COU veilman Trun Councilman �� w,.: t May., Meh..ey Form B. S. A. 8-6 93022 —de, Preliminary O,d -------------- 92352 ---------------- pp,o-d ---- x9y-19-192i?L ------------ The Council of the City of P—) having received the report of the Commissioner If Finance upon the ,bo- improvement, —d having considered,, rep -t. hereby —1- 1. That the said report ,d the —, i, herebyapproved and d,pted, and the .id improvement he hereby -d ed to be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the CI.—I ---& is__________________________ reooastruot, s-------------------------- _Oc_t_It, "Joy end repair, where moasa:;y, the following idowalkes ,noWbilf-St"mf IM. et .1de, beginning 42 0 north Of SGlbT-A`we-o theme north 80 feet, beginning 8 feet farther north, theme north 90 feet Kaokubin Street, met . do . beginning 102 foot south Of Selby Avenin, theme senth 123 feet, beginning 10 feet farther south, theme south 125 feet XI.knbi. Street, met ejd., beginning at Ashland Avenue, theme north to north line of Feet end W.."oast .11-Y beginning 36 feet north of Secdt Avenue them. north 15 Street, aide, north, thence north 25 feet, beginning 9 feet Hent feet b 11 1.et farther north, theRI�8 6il� - . .. M—Wt_l932--------- I=v-, at the h—, of 10 o *,I,,k A. M., in the Council Ch—be, of the Court House and City H.11 B"1 ivg in the City of St "1i'g'ntheCityof"t "IThat . t the Commissioner r of Finance give ,t,, of "id-eeti'gtoheFe.I in the nn.,e�, the Charter, stating the time ..d place If hearing,th--, of imil d"MT4�-1 ...t thereof ., estimated. Adopted by the Council ------------------------ 192____ rpt- 9R -- ---------- -------- App—d ---------_______ ___________192___ Ce,k. Z�--en - — Councilman jM,r)—.Id Councilonnt &'Wjq-M nos' C .. eilm.. rearee %' Con Bonen Councilman on ci;to T W—d Mayordijeft M.b.-Y Form B. S. A. 8-6 93022) Co .kINTERIIIEDIARY ORDER ---------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------- - ------------------ the ..... ..... Z atiOR M., -P e - - -- - ------- ----- -- -- - ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------- ------ alternatives, and %W-1bno 1b., the --be,cost the e.1 is 1-1§0— be he— -M— --------- 113[Z_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Coon House ,ui City HMI Building in the City of St Paul. That the of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the ma er provided by the Charter, stating the time and pl..e of hearing, the nature of the iArovjmiiWtd the total cost thereof , estimated. Adopted by the Counci --- L -------------------- 192____ )OL 1F Appm,ed ----------------- ----------- --------- --------------- 192---21 It. - -------------- - C-.ncil.-,kj@gjj® l,,c cc,d C .. cilmnaligifflagm,­ 'Jov Councilman pcarce Council— jiffiJONWh� R—. C.uncilmnu*sdh� T,-, il CouncdWWenzelWenzelM.Y., I wwM.b..cy Form B. S. A. 8-6 93023 �`r;,e �da,9•t.:. rte° COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ 'ane a nee .rmo�°i• INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter o(_ -------------- ---------- ---- _-reoonstruoting, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the YodlowlaB-aidewalke: -- _ _r Kent Street, seat aide, beginning 39 feet north of Holly Avenue, thence north 8 IPeat, beginning 22 feet farther north, thence north 9 feet, tl8$inu 25 feet farther north, thence north 40 ft., Kent Street, east side, beginning 30 feet south of Laurel Avenue thence south 27 feet, beginning 39 feet farther south, thence south 9 ft. Kent Street, east side, beginning 10 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 8 feet beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 5 Peet, beginning.l2 Peet farther north, then90 barth•46 feat, beginning 50 ft. farther north, thence north 14 feet, beginning 31 feet farther north, thepce north 8 feet, beglnni:ng 26'feet farther north, thence north 15 feet, beginning 15 feet farther north, thenoe north 18feet, Kent Street, west aide, beginning 102 feet south Of Dayton Avenue, thence south 16 feet, beginning 25 feet Par ther south, thence south 9 feet, - - a7 -arra tt�te32ewiag "_- eidewal- ----'-Ka1at'3tret, east side, beginning 39 feet north of Holly Avenue, the, north 8 feed baglnning 22 feet farther north, theme north 9 feet, beginning $b feet farther north, thencenorth 40 feet, Kent Street, east side, beginning 30 feet south of Laurel Avenue, thence south 27 feet, beginning 39 Peet farther south, thence south 9 fast, I Kent Street, east side, beginning 10 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 8 feet, beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 5 feet, beginn7.ng;'12 ft. farther north, thence, north 46 ft. i -beginning 50 ft. farther north, thence north 14 Peet, beginning S 31 ft. farther north, thenoe north a feet, beginning 26 fset P farther north, thenoe Forth 15 feet, beginning 15 feet farther no;th thence north 18 ft, Kent greet, west side, beginning 102 feet south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 16 feet, beginning 25 feet farther south, thence fl�-------------- --- - Appmved____________________________I92___ ity Clerk ay— CvuncilmavMUMN31® M.'l>nnnld=.- Couvcilman Couneilman I'"n ire — / CouncilmavSF hnean Y Coon Cvveidiman!!llRllsl.4� T`""x � [ 7LISHED 3 ol slll.ffil!*_ Mayor tea. tlahnneS Form B. S. A. 86 -------------------------------------------------------- --- =sere. the 1. That the said repo#dy'�nnd tfih"'�e 'E' hereby ordered to be proceedLd with -2. That the r--of the improvement which the Coun e a q,yl - reconstruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the "rhib f.ng sidewalks . --X"t'86eet, east side, beginning 39 feet north of Holly Avenue, then,, north 8 et febeginning 22 feet farther north, thence north 9 feet, beginning 6 feat farther north, thencenorth 40 feet, Kent Street, east side, beginning 30 feet south of Laurel Avenue, than.. south 27 feet, beginning 39 feet farther south, thence south 9 Peet, Kent Street, east side, beginning 10 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 8 feet, beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 5 feet, beginning 12 ft. farther north, thence north 46 ft. beginning 50 ft. farther north, thence north 14 feet, beginning 31 ft. farther north, thence north 8 feet, beginning 26 feet farther north, thence north 15 feet, beginning 15 feet farther north, thence north 18' ft. Kent Street, west side, beginning 102 feet south of Dayton Avenue, encs south 15 feet, beginning 25 feet farther south, thence i.uth 9 feet, Approved__ _____ __—---192--- -_o— u.. -- �ty Clerk. ayor. Counclman�a>® 1•Icl�^^via �' Co..eilman "1^T Councilman 1'1—rre J C...eilmav N^e. u I Co ondlmanlellRf T^'": i-)LISInLp 3 !� CouncilNI ".—I aiay.'ROMW blah— Form B. S. A. M 93023 �.eea� �eeo: ..also atnntn. t, -, r,.m. COUNCIL FILE NO. --------------JIM .u•^.,',"^p; •"' �f FP' -sacs io�FT5 Lcsl+".. ,. Ls'LFPcL' uor.FP' -u cs voLPP T2 Lr.el` Psalvu7vG T? LssF LeLFV eL 3T LseF —14!j L ucL FP` FPsucs uoLl.' 8 L.=; PeHTWT+'3 SC Lssl Ps'uTW7ne 20 Ll' LeLlil— uoLFP` lVcucs P Td besF' Pe$TUUT 1e g 2 becF Peg7WT0a T 1.99 1. LFPeL voLFP' 1pevoe voLlp de .0Bls .t 1pevee uOLFp 8 L--P'Pe87W7nR TS Leel LBLFpa" "Np lPavice voLFP Keul BCL--! seal aT9s` PeBTWTnK To tole UOLIP oL rem.eT VABnrfe` 8 bl' _--_--_---_-_--_-___-__--_______________ -------------------------------------------------- _______________________ -___-_--___----________--- - approved ______________ 1932 under Preliminary Order_____94388--------------------- "�R-12y_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and he same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to he proceeded with - 2 . ith.2. That the nature of the ho,- ement which the Council recommends is -- reoovatruct, relay and repair, where necessary, the following sidewa�k� - ----HaAt Street, east side, beginning 39 feet north of Holly Avenue, thence north 8 feet beginning 22 feet farther north, thenoe north 9 feet, beginning $b Peet farther north, thencenorth 40 feet, i Kent Street, east side, beginning 30 feet south of Laurel Avenue, I` thence sossth 27 feet, beginning 39 feet farther south, thence south 9 feet, Kent Street, east side, beginning 10 feet north of Laurel Avenue, thence north 8 feet, beginning 12 feet farther north, thence north 5 feet, beginning 12 ft. farther north, thence north 46 ft. beginning fi0 Yt, farthetr north, thence north 14 feet beginning 31 ft. farther north, thenoe north 8 feet, beginning 26 Peet farther north, thence north 15 feet, beginning 15 Peet farther north, thence north 18 ft. Kent Street, west side, beginning 102 feet south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 16 feet, beginning 25 feet farther south, thence _._youth 9 feet, - Pprove _____________ ___192___ / ity Cle ---- - ------- -- �7 Counalmanummomp=ssM Ma9)nnald .. ConnciIman PLp• Councilman Councilman!!! 1'n Pl.-1LI5FifD'`�j Couneilma 60191Iceaet 4 / Mayor' Form S. S. A. 86 93023 KGur -o-P a. .o ,"T Lo GF' aoR�P z3� 3 L—, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--jU,32 ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had o, said improvement on the ------ gtk _________day of AU&14At$1.9Z& ---------- MYZ-, at the hour of 10 o'cl,,k A. M., i, the Council Ch,mbe, of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the Cityof St. Paul. That the of Finance &, notice of said meeting to the pe—q- ..d in the ca .... provided by the Ch.,,,,, stating the time and place of hearing, the cat." of themp,o,,m,,t -d the total —t thereof estimated. Adopted by the Cundik-1.2-W ----------- 192---- App—ed ------ ------- 192 --- C ... cil.a.08110op— MID— 'd Co—ailm"1011909mm= I'l— C ... il-11MIRVEMM. r, 0-c Coa.ciIman1PJ91jMM"^� C .... if 'PqN1FP— wc—, Mayo,IPP)NP M.h,—y F.una B. S. A." Na 030211— ,.anter of recou.waune.. CO NCIL FILE NO -------------- 112111 FRIA IS Ili'' !ft— T� FP T2 L-0 --1TT17Vd4TS L-4� IM 27 L. gp� �P . . . . . . "'g PG Ps' -7 20 g wlFP— P '".0 2 ;-.0 P-1?1-111� Tj I.— KGur -o-P a. .o ,"T Lo GF' aoR�P z3� 3 L—, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--jU,32 ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had o, said improvement on the ------ gtk _________day of AU&14At$1.9Z& ---------- MYZ-, at the hour of 10 o'cl,,k A. M., i, the Council Ch,mbe, of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the Cityof St. Paul. That the of Finance &, notice of said meeting to the pe—q- ..d in the ca .... provided by the Ch.,,,,, stating the time and place of hearing, the cat." of themp,o,,m,,t -d the total —t thereof estimated. Adopted by the Cundik-1.2-W ----------- 192---- App—ed ------ ------- 192 --- C ... cil.a.08110op— MID— 'd Co—ailm"1011909mm= I'l— C ... il-11MIRVEMM. r, 0-c Coa.ciIman1PJ91jMM"^� C .... if 'PqN1FP— wc—, Mayo,IPP)NP M.h,—y F.una B. S. A." 93()24 o e;�arA COUNCIL FILE NO B nn" INTERMEDIARY ORDER Iv the Matter of ... nonakructing_a_3ewer- on_ Host _Avenue -from_Bim---_--__--_ _9Lraei_tn_Stor_th_Cllai exarSli_SLSe�L�_an4_ op_No£_ttb_ Chatepor th_ Street from _Ba7C_AQQnne _.v_ xsluaalca_Ave�lle,-------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order---------- 2463------------------ pp—d _____Ma' 2D.e_1932____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the aboveimpmvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_�nnatSneLB_s8$et _DL_Ht]gt_g4en13A�I'�-H19$BI'8_$tSEHL _ i0_1i4LtY1_�]Bt SXOLtYI _S.tlABL_r-�DS�_9A _Bntth-Ch rEK7ltiS}yeat_-f�Jit>$A_Amenue__to_Hebrn Rka_AVMUft______________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the —i—ed cost thereof is $__3.r59A_o11__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______@�_________day of AU91101�-19A2---------- AS___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance giv notice of smeeting said to the pe on and in the r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of a rovemen hearing, the nature of the im tens the �I S 81932 total Inst mereuf as estimates. Adopted by the Couvcil__--------- 192____ rov Apped__________ "_v"_`__ i__________I92___ __________ _ ) _ ! amity C ark. -� ------------------------ M M. Councilman >tc I)nnald Councilman "' T1 ay Councilman I 1'"'rce a Cnnncilmav Cnnncilman ear 'epO.` Couudlivav SEP® R'ereel Mayor 118" blah,ey Form B. S. A- tib '93025 �^�icf�>„ptyrYre Iie�ea� :. •n'sStvanq COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterstreet ferns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..dc, Preliminary Order ------ MQ§ ----------------------- pp—rd ______Y8Y_ 41 1932 Council of the City of P-1 b,,i,g received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,bo,, improvement, and having —aid ... d said report, hereby .... Nes: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby mdered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council searen, on — -------------------------------------- n,ith no afte-ati,ce, and that the estimated cost thereof is $AJ40-0 ------ Rc..I,cd Further, That . public hearing be had .n said ira,—cmcc, .. the ------ 2tb ---------- day of -41PRA—ML ----------- ==_ at the h.- of 10 .'d.ck A. M., in be Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fin...e give notice of midmeeting to the Fem,me and in the a.— provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, ... mg, the nature , the 'mJPU"L'T"t and the total cost thereof as estimated. —ted. Adopted by the Conceit -------- --------- 192---- ------ --------- Appro—d ---------------------------- 192 --- y Clerk. ---------------I ' ------------- lw�l /7 C .. t C-mr . Ammusi— may Councilman afinkowlimse P—" Co.nci dfinjow2m 1,—n C ... d Ms. lammmiumm 'I n.. Councilman diboonkl­ Nk, Mayor dlldiliiiiiii;io Mahaney Form B. S. A. 86 93026 tela' ie`ee etor� es COUNC41, FILE NO.______________ .7 By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-- fit—u ----------------------------------------- ----- -------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - 32 .ad,, Preliminary Cade ------------- 290-4 ----------------- approved ____________---__ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commission,, of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. L That the said npan and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby entered to be proceeded with. 2+ That the nature of the improvement which the C ... 61 eo.m—daAlLey-AnYlock Of the north 0"-Atanst!�n Streetto - ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $-UA,�l -------- Resolved F.fth,,, That , public hearing be hA on said improvement an the______ Rkk ---------- day of ARV§ —12.;j ------------- 3PAX---, at the how of 10 .'d,,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co— H——d City Hall Building in the City of St. P-1. That the Commissions, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the F so and in the manner pro,id,d by the Charter, stating the time and plate of bearing, the store , the improv p ... omen and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council______il ------ AL -- 12 - W2 .---, 192---- -- -- - -- -------------- App—ed --------- 11��'_----- 192--- ly Cl,,k, 2z < - ----------- 3�.� Councilman® M,I) ... Id C ... cil—dramnalw— M.Y C am,iImand@dNCgUffi= "'._cs C noCouvca o ciIm"GU@#N1� R ... mav Truax Councilman ffAqfflmv� I eoaet Mayor WNW Mahoney Form B. S. A. 8-6 93W. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER t.— At—t— -sto—t- t. Miff .n st—tl ---- --------------- ------ ------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- - ---------------------- --- ..de, Preliminary Ot& ----------- 2MA ------------------- pp—td The C t f he City f Paul h - — ,,t the the ,pf Commissioner f Finance upon the ab improvement, d having—ide,,d id report, he, ,by " -1,_ I That the said report and the—m, i, hereby approved ..d adopted, and the said improvement i. hereby ordered t, be proceeded with. 2. That the --e of the improvement which the Council recommends i---A—d-tak- 11—ot, the ht.h.d ------------------ with no ltem.ti—, and that the —i—,d —t thereof is $_25.00._______ Resolved 25-00 -------- R—I-d Further, That . public hearing be had .n said mpt,-- on the______ kth ---------- d.y of -Aug—t.-IlM ------------ *I=--, at the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch..ber of the Court House and City H.11 Building i, the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Fi ... te give .,ti- of said .,eg t, the Fe—, d iv the m ... e, prodded by the Charter, stating the time ..d place of h ... mg, the -t— , the ,improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Ado ted by the C ... 6M--U-%M --------- 192---- App—ed ----- -------- 192--- ty C ... tiIm--.WMWM— 11, 11—Md C ... Coundtmavdi reorcn PUBLISFlED c M. .... il kronen C ... 6IM—v@.dhf— T— C .... A Form B. S. A. 8-6 p 1 93028 COUNCIL FILE NO._______ _______ +a ¢ °�'• 'r By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter - ----- flhtbdirii.i— street,__________ _ --------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- .,d,, P,,Iimi.,u Ond -------------- 9263.11 ---- — ----------- pp,—d --- J -9-19U --------- ------ "n, Council of the City of Paul having —wed the ,p,,tf the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having consideredconsideredsaid report, hereby , he,elb resolves: 1. That the said report and the —, i, hereby appr...d and adopted, ..d the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2- That the -- of the itop—ent— which the Council _____________________________________. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $_7J%.81_______ Further, That , public hearing be had no said imp—em— on th --------- Sth ----____day of 1 931 — ---------- VQb=, t the It— of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the C.— House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give voti,e of said meeting to the F—... un] in the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the n,t,,, , the improvement evQ the total -t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C ... eilA&12- ---------- 192---- ;A App—ed ------- ------------ 192--- -- r Councilman M'11-0,1 C.,n,im—ler Councilman mn I--- C.'n.i m2 ibikfta 11 C ... i� . ftWhd.. Trna Councilmen ---1 m.y" 1� Mahoney Form B. S. A." 93029 COU NCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matter -ths-gmedlng -of-AUaq--in- Baunds- anul-Baioar!Addjtimr, MMal_-_____ Char�h!a lltbdidoinn_"_i�_antl9lovk_2,_EzaFa4as's_hybdivi4}op�_Prom_Abell_Street 1------- btIl-Stre.t to Syl—at",st - --------------------------------- ------ --- - ---- ----- -------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ---- ------- - ---- I --------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ------ ------------------------- ----------- ,,d,r Preliminary Order -------- 22BU --------------------- ppr-rd --- J=q-9-12N --------------- — The Council of the City of Paul b,,i,g received the report of the Commissioner of Finance p,, the ab... impr ,em,,t, and having considered saidrep—, hereby resolves: 1. ...I- 1. Thai the said report and the same , hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council —.—rd, i,---naudenm-and.-t*kA-0z Allay -in rlth the blue - ----------- the outs and the ------------------------------------------------------------ with on alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $--95�_f10-----_ Resolved gq------Ree.1,ed Further, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement on the____ Ath ------------ day of Angus Z932 ------------- 192----, at the hour of 10 o'cl,ck A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House td City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the ,,o,s and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the ..core J providedthe i.pr,,em,,t imljk to=] cost thereof as estimated. I TOM Adopted by the Council- -------------- 192____ ------------ Appm,ed ---------------------------- 192 --- --- M----------------------------------,;/ Councilman WD ... Id Councilmen &@Now In, C—.cilm— ji2— affnjmww� i,— nCom.clmen T -- Councilman kVmvmj� W--1 Mayor Volsviiiilin Mahoney Form B. S. A. 86 9300 thal4ttei COUNCIL FILE NO____________ g By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- rkleaging_Y1re_made_nP_�ll.sy_1a.Block_12..821ason'_a 8smlarard Add.from Griggs 9t. to a point 390 ft. est of the t line of Griggs St, to- rnnfnrm-t-o_Sha_rBd_lina_nn_11,s_proSlle_her'eta-Bttahbad_And_made_a_Flz t hereof, the present established rade beins shown by'the blue line thereon alao_8radlug-allay-Aa_81orJ�l2�_ tlnssn_s_JfoA_eYa�d'Addlt].va fr_eat_Gr_Sg8_a St to Syndicate Ave. to the proposed red line when established, and surfacing tha_allsy_ with—n—ete-l6-fir-wide-_fr-oat-Griggs-St.--tn-a_pnint_16II_tt__.set of Griggs __ St., __________-------------------------------------------- _--------- .---------------------------- ,ad,, Preliminary order------------22fl3S--------------- app roved ---- Msy_2la,_1fl32_____________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. - That the nature of the improVement which the Council recommends is__Gharlge_tha grade_ of alley in Block 12 Stinson'a Boulevard Add. from Griggs St. to s point 3911_ftp_waeL_of_YJas_aeaL_lin�_D1'__Grlggs_ SS._So_�nnfnrm_tc_Sha_rad-11nft_9n the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present establish- d--grade-b°i,s+&_ ¢tynRr+_bg_tha-blrac 11aa-thea+eau,-alao--gr2d a -al lag1abinak 12 Sti sopa, Boulevard Addition from Griggs St. to S dicate Ave. to the prApnsa _zad_lina_xhen_aeh'ahl i.shad-r_and surfaaa_ths_n _aitltLnnntaY.fl_ 16 ft, wide Strom Griggs St, to a point 160 ft. west of Griggs St., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1,5AQ�QR___ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on thc_ _ _ _ _ 8th ----- _--- day of ,ftlortf aMML------- xxmx__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Half Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p one and in the r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. A d____________________________192___ - �____ �� JUL 2 9992 P r g `------------------- ---------------- Ado ted b the Counc'1________________________ -------- Approved Ciry Clerk. ✓M'y°r: Council mad! M,il lennld `may Couvcilma :In. b / Councilman Y..a,e Cmuidler.11101111111ilVillsss R— J✓/ Counci Truaa Cou nc ilWeuanl -� Mayo0801111A Mahone, Form B. S. A. 86 93031 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By---------------------------------------------- RIL INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matter I--- acmd—ml- --d-takittg—t- I. Blolk_ 12._Stinpmlf_B,,leeard_AAdltkq?l__ - - ----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------------- ------------------ - - ..de, Preliminary Order_________ 92616 -------------------- pp—ed --- WM -28a 1952 ----------------- Tle Council of the City of P—1 having received the -p— of the Commissioner of Finance opo, the .b.— imp—m—, ..d having considered mid -p—, hereby —1—: 1 1. That the said report and the m., i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the ip,.—em, which the C ... 61 ---ds is --- —d--s.A-tDkk- -tt—d- LtnSn-the, 4—di.g_Af -All=-- -ril-m - ----------------- with .. alternatives, ..d that the estimated e— thereof is Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement on tb --------- R -W ______day of at the boo, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the C ... 61 Chamber of the Co.. H.— and City H.11 Building i. the City of St. P..l. That the Commissioner of Fi...- Ifte ..tie. of said meeting to the Fen— =d i, the me veer provided by the Ch—r, stating the time =d place of hearing, the nature , the i , ma -d the t-1 cost thereof as estimated.w r ..) - Adopted by the Cmmcil ------------------------ 192---- App—ed ------ -------- C 1,1 2"— , M, T...dc C....lm Councilman C...t:C ... .� W-ul M.Ry- F-m B. S. A. 8-6 gFST. PAULNo.CLERKOCOUNCITION--GENERAL FORM co� RoLVEO That Lewis L. Anderson be and be Se here Esby elected Oorpor— ation 0ounsel for the term beginning August 9th, 1932.a pi17 li a wCtcteC"n. `" ' ewirLm. rx,edi my n�aei'. COUNCILMEN Adopted by We Council _. jut, � i�J2. -193. Y'_NnYd P 1 .193.. /I/ I fnvor IVV .'- c / Aeainnt / / ��... J i.. h1nyo Presid '. en MP � Mr. t Mahoney 1// AL Deer Sirt J'y 14t" At t w C— _— ,. atM - -1d July I Pth, L—i --' el'ct-'dor, tl— co -1 o, t4a C11, 3t. .,,I -,r t ,! '-- --in':1_ A ?tip, I 'U, Tt'l— -", t-ly' -a- � � NO. 93033 CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TH CITY CLERK / /COUJiCIL RESOLUT N—GENERAL FORM cOMMs om Herman C. TI.. .1 owr Jn-Y 7,. ly32•. RESOLVED VVV That the C :;sla nor of Public ilor:s bo 1d Ss hereby authorized ®d directed Tolle :+ing s.roetel De Soto from N: rth to :i,.nahaha Faaquior from Do Soto t dgn rt on Forest from Cottage to Danny Amae frim white Bear to P-1 Hyacinth from Jhite tlanr to Ruth Iroquois from Stillwater Rand tc Fl_rvestor Third fromTell to Gotziaa 'Tenth from Broadway to Pine Brace fr.m Richmond to W..tern Starkey frim Colorado to Plato Mc rylund from Cortland to a eelealPpi: North South Alley-Doswell-Buford-Chelmsford-Hythe Langford Park Place Haat from Bay= to tlls ka Balker from Taylorto 1 11. Ry dila y-➢ayt�n-IL .reha ll-rri or -H-11 All. y -Marsh:: ll-Iglohart-halt-Moore Iglahart fry old ins to Pierce Pa.;cal from Hague to Selby Pao cal om Carroll to 'o 1y' Roblyn from Paanal to 2$0' Eaot Albert from -to to dean or Bayard from Fairview to Underwood Fairview from Bayard to Hertford Hartford from Fredericka to Underwood Under m od from Highland Ford Fer kway to Ra nd alph Alley-Charla e-Edmund-Avon-Cro tto Langtry from Wheelock to Cottage Minnel:ahe from C:,ntworth to vitt or ae� COUNCILMEN r}y `Adopted Ly the Council I i z�y�.I93..... P�wa In favor �� Approved ....193.... x Agand , �Iv n'. l '"'_ ,'Mr. Preeident Mahoney • _ CIT .9304 TY ST. PAUL ! P H .eG �°' OFFICE OF THE CITY LLERKQ�, COUNCIL RESOLUTI GENERAL F�. �°• ; co even / o., Luny 7 1932. KE Whereas, Additions and deductions which might prove to As necessary in the improvement described as the curbing of Thomas Street, Pascal Avenue to Simpson Street and Pascal Avenue from Lafond Street to Edmund Street, Standard Stone Co., Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor having been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make additions to the contract as follows: 14.66 lin.ft, of radius curb @ .60 $8.80 12.40 ^ ^ ^ stralkbt ^ .50 6. 0 Total Additions 15.00 be it And Whereas, the total addition is $15.00, now, therefore, Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the total addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $15.00, to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3666 for the making of the afore- said ,as for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pur- suant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works hasagreed with the contractor, Standard Stone Co., that the sum of $15.00 is the reasonable total addition to be made tothesaid contract. ✓/ -' �fteer.r// Conmissionec s Coountersigned• gn����� Contractor ^� "Gi yy p oiler Yam N.Ys �" ` AUnp6rrl liy U C nnciF Ll� 1 l 199 - �0uurex hi (over � � A prow 1 193 /Itonun 'J Agninut 1, Wenzel � Muyu President Mahoney IUBUSHED J__ 9 NO. O)M OFFICE CITV CLERK UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENI Y ee _ _-_ _ __ July 11th 1938. RESOLVED Whereas Paul D. Berreeforfl is the owner of City of St. Paul Partiol sting Certif # 184483 for jests the amount of Two Hundred shirty Dollars; and Whereas said certificate has been lost and said owner bee mage application for a duplicate to be isened fio'"i:a`a in lien. thereof; and whereas, the said Paul D. Berrestord u:F.ncd'fA. has filed a bond in the aum of Pour Hundred sixty Do 11 re, snts�.°urn q• or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying a D. em,e'ie and aadag harmless the City of St. Paul from any loss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the «1:`.'w rye' issuaaoe of a new one, and Whereas, said bond has been approved as to form and P , •urtu: N�e execution by the Corporation Counsel, and an to surety by Judge James C. Michael, of the District Court all Ra. aoe.pn xer 1.+ ppaarrquant to section 1971 of the General statutes of �o YLaesota for 1987; therefore be it +c` Resolwed, That the proper cityy officers are author- ized to issue to the Paul D. said Aerreeford a duplicate certificate in lien of the said certificate # 184483 which has been lost or destroyed. Y­coUr+I—Ery Nays / � ` f maY^ McSomld In favor P.— ��Agaf nae Mr. Presiders ale Mahoney Adoprcd by r1, Co,adl s., 19 ` Approved 19 o.�....o ,. �.,..� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OU CIL RESOLUT- N—GENERAL FOR PRcsErvTEo By RESOLVED I (� �pg al�lrU ,n b WWN,tnvi°�%, That Permission be end Se hereby granted the Tri-StateTelephone & Telegraph Company, to set :d•i. Role. and string wires with the neceeeI -.or. 'c thereon on the following named streetex •� In Alley South of Lake Come Phalen Ave. from B— WMte bAve. to Feet Ave. Pcle. end wiree to be removed when requested to do eo by the Common Cil, said coat to be paid by the Telephone Company. O Approved batei / / / / / 2- ._ Supt. of Lighting Bureau �7 Approvedr.�'f- Bate 7- //- 3 v Asset.&VIt. of Police Allaaarn & Teleg. Approved. Date—on -or of PaA. & Plnygrounde_ ✓ pprovedl Data " Commissioner of Public Aor Ycaa co Urvcicrvery Na� 6drDmvld� la fa�oc Pearce IZoeca y rte,,• Mr. Pcnidcnc #ifalli Mew rrY s Approved__.. 19 CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (N_1 ESOL ON—GENERAyFORM ss oN R o E RE O—ED RL. 4Dbr IeYbp,opluafl� is {ap'Trt- outeTYapaua i wolQu�•e t.ponu:m6. o We te11oFIW(:eb l Tbat PeEnieaioe be and is hereby granted the Trl-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, to set u awaa poiseend string wires with the necessary inch r 1°r thereon on the following mored streete, ?; .e o av i is NO. _ 9= In Alley South of Larpentenr Prom Snelling to a point 588 feet Nest. Pelee and wires to be removed when requested to do as by the Common Council, said coat to be paid by the Telephone Company. Approved,— / o 9up't. f Lighting Bureau App ved, 9up't. of Police 11^axm & Teleg. Approved, v d %Lt / n . �t.c[.. Date— coa aelon r of Pa e & Plsygrowda Approved, to �y Commise o— of Public Mor O R MER` JU113';932 Yeas Nays FT4t_„P"d by she Coaacil 19 _. �qc-gamal} In favor �App--d ._ R 19 Pcarcc-A A '�v Rte IO/ Mr. Pcoid— Sw,dFic m nµYy MON � i0vp%1�( Si H9ta, C.F. Its. 93039, 93039, 93040, 93041. RESOLVED, that checks be drawn on the City Treasury, to the aggregate amount of $226,334.30, covering check. n®bared 6534 to 6759 inclusive, as per checks on file in the office of the City Co.ptroller. Adopted by the Council JUL 18 Approved 'ktk VIN W FEi E o Tr corwara oLLEe .�_E No JJI 4011 zcao U�d lciL.nER-10ru�Ao COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 12, iq 32 AUDITED CLAIMS ag A ;E 29 : saa3x l�neyl = Mry_�6^�73�� ,oeP�pyEp . � j!i - a?1 E �s/""^"��'""``��✓C��'.a r.. ,P A!`TL"! �'%/.,. �. yam. - a.. f, t,• �t_C �* 7�. _`'�' TOTAL wuneeA 1N FAVOR OF c„Ecns cnEcns e. e, �F DROUGHT FORWARD 1 496 42 264 763 3 Commonwe alto aleotrlo Co. '2.075 4 47 Ellerbe & Co. Hol.& Root 116,1,639 12 Foley Bros. Ino. Healy Plumbing & Heating Co., 4q5 00 Carl Miller _5 000 00 1 6Po 00 Salter G. warren & Co. 'at— 147 55 Board of Commissioner) Co, Refrig. gales & 9ervioe 56 So Pat Kelly 19 00 LaBeau Brief Co. 2 000 00 9wet CallgI urs 9 00 Agnes Tamba '. 75 00 Herman C. Seidel 0 Albert H. Meyers 14 25 4d. Fazendln 75 Oakley Parrish 26 4o Fred Ambruoh 36 00 A. Aschenbrenner 60 00 0. D. Brown 00 Ray Hinee 300 Pet'r Hogeaeon B 00 Frank Leitner Nyhagen & Anderson 96 J. Quinlan 65 30 00 Art Runge 20 109 20 Gerhard speaker 75 00 Rate Tenkeno ff 50 L. D. Wright 60 Louie Guerin 40 0 West Publishing Co. 24o 33 R• H. Barber Co. 37 95 Lew Bonn Co. ! 29 0 A. B. Dick Co. 469 07 Farwell 0zmun Kirk & Co. Federal Eleo trio Co. 78 W 49 775 T. P. Lowe & Co. 60 6 i The Matteson Cc. Joe aph w, Moore 53 i National Lead Co. 105 66 Northwestern Tire Co. 382 Northern States Power Co. 11 09 n . o� 793 Pellen & Pei len 352 0 St. Paul Book & Ststy Co. 2 69h. it. Paul Builders Mat. Co. 67 67 4y 75Ji St. Paul Investment Co. qj 35 2 Sharp And Dohine Mrs. Artletta Sblpman q 744 131 n, ^, Shiely Co. 2 077 45. R. J. Slawik do- 164 ", 330 141 W, F. Smith Tire & 6:ttery 122 30 G, Sommers Co. 10 93 The Speakee Co. ° 496 90 Stan e;.rd Cit Co. 1 25 ,et or ^�aumente, Dov. 58 56 Thrnnpeon's Reeteur nt Twtn city Frick Co. 72 19 DTA - FORWARD 1 b43 97 469 267 4 ! I I l I i � � I 111 L o ice H 1 oM 1ao � R „�E NO �itil lll� )(byy9lllM R TxUai A COU NCIL RESOLUTION e ` °p AUDITED CLAIMS July lz, s_32 i�raissac Wanzai^ "�• „°,,� � ,°l�6 4"S.� TOTAL Ma oaE:. mamma Mehon¢Y a rvurneEa IN FAVOR OF 1 sAo°oma, eoswAAo l 643 51 469 267 4 _ -- 6593 villauma Boz and Lumber Co. 505 361 6594 aster Wor ke Engineering 2 00 6595 wm. Weisman Holdl ng Co. 1�5 36 6596 Westlund's market House 4 6597 White Eagle Oil Corporatian 467 19 6596 J. R. w11son 19 00 6599 Fuel Eo onomy Engineering co. 9 14 00 6600 Milton Rosea, Com. of FSnen ce'� 7 500 W 6601 The Alpha creamery 8 00 6602 Wm. C. Alwin 8 00� 6603 Amer loan Dye Works i 7 50 6604 Jae. E. Ander eon Fireworks CO� 7 50 6605 Reuben L. Andersen 6606 Arobambault Pharmacy 6 50 6607 Cha.. W. Arend P08 Mrs. Edna Bailey 8 00 6609 Frank M. Barthoi 6 00 6610 Barry Motor Co. 8 00 6611 Herman Bell 8 00 6612 M. Berg 8 00 6613 Bathl ah em Lutheran Church 8 00 6614 George B.tt..dorf 7 50 6615 Tony Boe.i 8 50 6616 Frank W. Hurtle 8 00 6617 urs. R. Buscbe 8 00 6618 Dr. J. A. Cameron 5 501 6619 Capitol Supply Co. 6 00 6620 Rev. M. J. Casey 6 00 6621 A. Chal ek 7 00 6622 M. C.—sr. 550 6623 Cypress Bt. Btist Church 8 00' 6624 Day S Hight Oapara6e 8 00 6625 W. F. D—is 8 0 6626 Mr.. E. J. Dunnigan 8 001 6627 Julius Dzlkiewicz 8 OO 6626 East End Motor Co. 8 00'I 6629 East side Motor 911ee Co. 8 ^0 j 6630 John W. Egan 7 50 6631 Frank Eha 10 00 6632 Charles Essenh.lm6 50 6633 Fairmount Ave. M. C. Churoh 8 00 6634 J. Fenlon 6 00� 6635 Berl L. FSeeeler 7 50. 6636 A. M. Fink 8 00 6637 J. Fink 8 00 6636 Allen R. FiBoher 6 00 6639 Barry H. Fletoh er 8 00 6640 Mlohael J. Foley I� 7 50 6641 Dr. C. ward Fll Bom h 6 001 6642 John Fr ankeon, Tree.. 8 00 6647 C. A. 3odbout 6 50 6644 The 30odwill Ind—trill 8 Dn. 6645 Walter 3reen...d it 4 42.1 6646 r. S. BrubDa 6 50 . 6647 0. a C. Hagelin 9 0o. 6643 Hs..11_ Hotel 7 FO 6649 Mr.. E. J. Hanlon ', 50 6650 Mrs. John Hanson 6 79I s°eerlolA�—Foawaso 9 143 97 479 911 03, ,1-11--E—O-1-11-1--L uvL cn*LMEN—aO LLNCALL OFFICE<OF THE COMPT--- .,iE NOCOUNCI ]C6i16i WP`Tjz0-COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS July ° 2 <r 9-�2 r.>9eorzaa&aemRcx Mahoneyj'' nTa�^b„ "i°"°�o705° E E „ e o T. IT� 1Y����- - -- _ - -- TOTAL CH— IN FAVOR OF xs _r ec vs e. sn ns eRou cHT Foa wAPo Z3-9 11 D3 • 6651 M. C. Hadtinge 8 00 6652 Highland Park Community Ch. 8 00 6653 Highland Park Electrio Co. 7 50 6654 Highsood Commeroial Club 7 50 6655 Hunn Bros. 8 00 6656 aeo. H. Hurd Realty Co. 7 50 6657 aeo. D. Hutchins 7 50i 6658 F. W. Inden 7 50 6659 W. J. Irish Motor Co. 10 00 6660 A. Javner 1 8 00 6661 Mr.. A:el Johnson I 6 50 6662 0. J. Johnson 5 50 6663 Fred Jungjohann 7 50 6664 Yrs. Anna $ajar 6665 Kell em Drug Store 6 00 6666 Yr-. H. H. Kemps 9 00 6667 Kemper Chevrolet Co. Inc. 8 00 6668 W. 0. Kirby 8 00 6669 Klinkerfues Bros. I 1 8 00 6670 G. M. K1oe 7 50 6671 W. A. Kohl- 7 50 6672 Frank KobOUL 8 00 6673 Edgard A. Kramer 6 00 6674 J. Kr12 6675 Lake Park Baptist Churoh 8 00 6676 Den E. Lane 7 50 GO 6677 V. Lemeno.sky 8 6678 Long Bros. motor Co. 1 8 00 6679 Mrd. J. J. Luby 667 Do 6680 aeor ge Luokert 6 50 6681 Mxe. 0. M. Lundeted 8 00 6682 Frank J. YODonough 6683 E, a Mo Gill 8 50 668854 maoslester Unbolstery Shop 6686 J. J. Yater 6 50 Yalmon Motor Co. 6687 Menthe & miller Auto Livery 7 50 6688 L. Maes 7 5O 6689 W. G. Yellin g 50 6690 L. Merrill 8 00'' • 66$1 Yid. y Adh a Miohel 7 50 66666666;2 Midway Advertiser 8 00 Aif"d miller 8 00 669 Minnesota '&.cost & 9bavings, 8 OOI 6695 John r, ct:nnall 7 501 6696 Mrs. Jennie Moore 7 50 6697 Mu ay Body Co. 7 50' 6698 MEI Gray HOUSE 7 S� 6699 Andre. Hel son 7 6700 J. A. 14 ,.on N nn 6701 Robert A. North �o 6702 No. Centr zlCory j '1 O1�C 670} No -chem :. tnr c . 6,00 � 67 c. sort on 750 6705 Frsnoe= O'Brien I TOTAL—FO-wAAo 9 143 97 480 32b.53 SMEET1. i „ *3, ocP�iu. . uEnK pFicecoF r e c.Mvrao �cEa OH .„E ” NO I4�. Jbt�y[L TrlYeSA COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 13 32 oN 1.F. " AUDITED CLAIMS „ ad�a`Aa r3� Ran26Y"" ii O7 Mahoney i�(`bb ` • 6]59J. IR- aalamc _. .00•reo e. ,�E co�+c I�I + �:y� FF r. � • /TOTAL numaFn IN FAVOR OF �„cc ns �..ccns e. n�vrc • aRIUGMr FORWARD 9 1,3 97 480 126 51 556 41 481 49i 6706 Hertl Coal Co. 6707 6708 Ed. J. Berugisob Good Year 3,rvloe Inc. 374 65: 6709 Landers Morrison Christ. Co. 4 9.51 6710 Hauenstein & Burneister' 860 00 6711 Oakvi— Improvement Co. 8 00' 6712 John Olson 8 00 6713 6714 Olson Boman 8 50 7 50 6715 Park Garage Alfred Perlt 7 00 6716 Quick Service Battery Co.Inc 7 50 6717 John J. Riley 6 50 6718 B. F. Angers 6 OO 6719 6720 Aug. A. Rolf Rosenberger 6 50 7 50 6721 R. J.Rotbstein 8 00 6722 St. Andrews Sobool 8 00 6723 6724 St. Bernard's Hall St. Paul M. E. Church 6 00 6 00 6725 St. Paul Plumbing & Heating 8 00 6726 St. Phillip's Church 6 00 6727 Sacred Heart Sobool 'ii 8 OO 6728 A. M. Schmidt 8 00 6729 Joeech Sohnabl 8 00 6730 R. M. Schnell 7 50, 6731 John F. Scott I 7 501 6732 Secretary Crispus Attucks Home 7 50 6733 Sel—Dale Motors 8 Co 6734 Service Sheet Metal Mfg. Co. 8 5000 6735 9. A. Slipp 6736 Jess Soman 8 00 6737 Nicholas Steinmetz 7 50 6738 Anton Stoll 10 00 6739 Richard G. Strickland1 8 00 6740 Joe. Tesmer 8 00' 6741 S. C. Toenjes 8 00 6742 Chas Trayblatofska 7 50 6743 6744 Truste=e For, -.,d LodAs $18 Trustees Masonic Temrle 8 00 8 OO 6745 Mrs. John Turney 6 00 6746 6747 James w. Vanek Venue Bros. 8 DO 7 50 • 6748 D. M. Siegelgesand 7 50 6749 Barren—Given Inc. 8 00 6750 F. A. Batters 8 00 6751 J. 0. weaver 10 00 6752 Henry J. Weise, Adm. 8 50 6757 Telco me Hall 8 00 �'I 6754 0. A. Yb1 PPle 8 00. 6755 6756 A. E. 'Alok.orth 0. Wolf 7 50" 7 50 6757 Zeohman Bros. 7 50 6759 A. J. Zimmerman 7 F0 6759 Rev. Frank Zoubek d 0' p N sRFarTO— FORWARD 9 143 97 483 450 N0. 930 ' • - CITY OF 57. PAUL OFFICE 7HE CITY CLERK U'CIL 60 T'ON�iEN FORM Suly 11, 1932_,_____ rwe-cr+ o By .. _ corn Kea...__ � _ ._ _ _._. or, Lands on behalf of the City REsoLVEo That the action of the Committee of Bt. Paul, under and pur-uant to Ordlnence No. 7399, for the purchz se of t'h,' real eetl,te known ea Lot 9, Block 1, Auditor'- Subdivielon N, 50, City of 3t. Paul, from Label S. Bartholow, for the sum of $4,457.00, thi- price to include all RF-eaFmenta and taxes paid in full, as a -Ste for an addition to the Hancock Scl:o)l, is '—sby approved, and the proper city officer- are hereby authorized and empowered to jrzw warrant in amount subJect to the souve co.iditioos, in favor of Habel B. 9aTtholow, when the proper deed conveyinc same, approved by the Corporation Ccunsel, has been delivered to the Cit;' Comptroller. The cost of said land to be char¢ed to Ejucation Trust Fund 11,, 4009. COUNCILMEN veep Nnye/ runt .....r: "_..Against ilVenzvl �Mr. Prenident Mahovey =' Adopted 1y the C-ncil_._ b1,,"...IB3_.... �r'Scl Appro d ....193... zE Mayur / CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.OIul of Miu.ncu DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 112 Court Hou.. .ma Su Ly ]1, 1932 REPORT TO THE Jc 111GIL ^F T.=_ OITY OF deiilT PAUL TO THE, J IO,i_BLI CC"J:IG1L: Tho committee or. Lead, t— to -,Ort that it has undertr:cen to -ch- that real estate :known as Lot 9, Block 1, A•idttor's Sabdiviolon 110. 50, In accorda❑ce rith 0. F. .o. 92186, •+.Proved May 14, 1932, as a site for ea adlition to the Harcoci School, -d that e^1d ;rorerty can be —rchs Fed fr>m the owner thereof for the e c£ Four Thousand Four Hundred and Fifty—Seven ($4,457.00) Dollars, this price to include all taxes a d assessments uaid in full. T`.e Committee reeoemende 7nat the offer Of the owner of said land to eccap'ed end the n»?erty ourch-ed on the terms eb­ set forth. CC ":,iITTE_ "N LANDS qu f r I C,u,,d File N,. 93043 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Ic. On— and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th, ,d,mig.,d hereby proposes the making,f the following public improvement by the City ofSt. P-1, 'i - Recons tructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations) South side w of Thi rteenth St., beginning 65 ft. west of Jackson St., thence e at 10 ft. South side of Thirteenth St., beginning 149 ft. east of Temperance St, thence east 220 ft. South.s aide —of Thirteth St., beginning 65 ft. west of Jackson St., thence a at 10 ft. South side of Thirteenth St., beginning 149 ft, east of Temperance St, thence ..at 220 ft. Co.. 61... Ms. P ... —T App—d— ........... "'S.S ........... _............ Dated this 9th ._say of _. July 32 may. __ _....._..._._..... �.louncilmaa. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ,eking of the following improvement, visa Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locational South side of Thirteenth St., beginning 65 ft. west of Jackson St., thence west 10 ft. South aide of Thirteenth St., beginning 149 ft. east of Temperance St, thence east 220 ft. Council wwtY— ,.. .�y� Approved.. TRUAX WENZEL e", a r«mc�ursm �oJo � J.. My f/ n t . .................... . . . � I ..... ... . ........ . . . . ........... - .... . . ........... . ... . ......... . . ... . .............. . . 32 Dated thisBth ._. -day If —JX24— . having b... presented in the Conrail of the City If St Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Carouniana.rar of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i—tigate the veromity for, or deei,,bility of, the ranking of said improvement. I,et thereof. To investigate the nature,,w.t and Intimated coat of mid improvement, and the total 3. To furnish, Plan, profile a, sketch of said inup—runant. 4 To state whether or not said i,p,ow,,,,t in wand far on the Petition of three 11 more Dene. 5. To report upon all of the fumgairg mattere to the Cuourneii-er of 1"i ... oe. Adopted by the Council._...._._ Y.- N— Contrail— Approved i ............... Wft—M ..... ...... Mayor. Me. P..&I.-T Couned File N,.— PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the Sidewalks at the following locationst Southside of Fourteenth St., beginning at Jackson St., thence west 257 ft. ""eanet" - ne"n 9, "1.71mg =0 repairing, where necessary, the Sidewalks at the following locations: South Sid e of Fourteenth St., beginning t Jackson St., thence west 257 ft. Ysea N— Councilmen Oh"" . Approve & Jut 1 d ROSEN 90 WTRIIMIENZEL Ma Pa..,.— F. C A a nm 1111) — A Dated thie 8th _der of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making Of the following improvement, via.: Peconstructlna, relaying and repairing where necessary, the sidewalks at the following looetionst South side of Fourteenth 5t.p beginning st Jackson 5t., thence vest 257 ft. Ysea N— C .... i'm- .w�eenff Jut :: Approved. -- R011,11 vENZE .. weNamt Jimp q� —.ttAA Dated thia lltl` day of July P—Au therefor,, be it f Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directs RESOLVED, That the Coenerii..., o f, the --king of aid improvement. I To ievaetigno, the .,,sanity for, o, deeb,bility oand. 2. To illeetig'be the nature, extent and nati—ted --t of "d poe'ren't and the total rnet the, 3 To furnish - Plan, profile or eketrh of and improvement. 4. To raw whether or net said improvement ea neked for .n the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the f—gri-9 matt, to the Commiagoo,, of Fin -re. Pf, Adopted by the COuned T.A. Na- Coe..il..n F Approved._._ PEM" ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL Ms Pa..,.— �-7Z�2�7,1-f e.1- —1, T-LJWD Coun I FllBNo._.. _._93045 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT •r� 'X and e d,. PRELIMINARY ORDER. - The aodemigned hereby pmpocee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.; Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locationst North aide of Thirteenth St., beginning 147ft. east of the east side of Temperance St. extended, thence east 52 ft) beginning 140 ft, farther east, thence east 30ft.; beginning B ft. ✓ farther east, thence east 56 ft.l beginning 194 ft. farther east, thence east to Canada St. North side of Thirteenth St., beginning at Broadway, thence west 130 ft. .j w6 ir�u iaa +e+ a�. ser oucr eae t,wthence�east to Canada St. North side of Thirteenth St., beginning at Broadway, thence west 130 ft. i Me. Pew!_.-- .aZ.:LGt_n.:.f..-t _•.[c_�:1_.c�__�_.-_�...-�,. J Dated tMa ath d.y of Sul,Y 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal f,, the making of the following improvement, vi,. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following loco tionst North id; of Thirteenth St., beginning 147ft. east .f the east sideo Temperance St. extended, thence east 52 ft I beginning 140 ft. farther east, thence east 30 ft.; be ginning 8 ft, farther east, thence east 56 ft.; beginning 194 ft. farther east, thence east to Canada St. North side of Thirteenth St., beginning at Broadway, thence west 130 ft. M. P...— F. CA 13 - 1.11) h-mg been preenmed to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the Curromeeime, of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or deeirlbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. T, i—setigmts the lltlos, e—t and mtim,ted coat of said improvement, end the WW cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To emus whether or out said improvement is used for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To ref,eft upon all of the flonglydCItte" to the of Finance. I j l9v Adopted by the Coureil.— Y.. Nsr. C.U.,ilm.. "am_ .w 1;- 1! I—A—wn Appm,ed - ✓ 5 mom eye. M. P—m— Council File No...__._.._✓3—(46 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT �c. .i+u rem An�nu `^ Awrltt•v vta a•I r•r W and J.'r!�oi'ta•ronewlvsi_we..matl PRELIMINARY ORDER. RN^:• '�r'.�� m'`°t°' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of•Bt. Peu1, vie.: Recons true ting, relaying and repairing the. sidewalk on the east stop of _ Fairview_ Aye_ beginning 100 ft, south of Bayard Ave. ..___._thanee...ea4Lh to. alley Datedthia _.12th_.. d.yr____ July AQ dman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making or the following improvement, viz.: _._.._Rev0pstruatiz4R._ i'ea.Ryi.Ilg_ aD.Si__repairing.. the sidewalk_ ou the__ _. _.east_sig.e..oY..F.aiSvi.eyx_A.Ye.-•-..k9giF .Ai ng_100 ft.. south. of Bayard Ave. .._._._thence.. south_to....ell.ey.. _---....... __..... .._. _.. __.._ __......_.._. having been presented to the Councilof the City of St Paul _........ _. therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invcatigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a phm, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of throe or more owners V 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner d Finance - Adopted by the Co4ncil....................__._____.._J Yens N.— Councilmen nk%-� t �;? LQ?� ROWN TRDA7t Ma Pae.mr;wr ro,.cauuv rasa v" -��� �� Ptl^LIS(1LR1'i�J r Couned File N 9104 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTrt aa, and ?3+ z %�v ° a. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,,igoed hereby p,oposee the making of the following public improvement bynthe City of St. Paul, via.: ___......_Beconatructing,-relaying.. andrepairing_ where. necessery _the........-..._ s1dggal,kon the south.side of..Dear9orn St..._keginming..46. 5,....eee.S........ of Bidwell St., thence east 52 ft.. Dated Oda....... 12th_ day or _.._ July. � f , to 7,2.. /r PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: ......_..._.._....Rasonatru.ati ag,-.relaying. and.. repair ing_where..aecessary.. the....__.... _.. _ sldewalk_.on..the_south..side._of_Dearborn..St._. beginning_.4fi St_...east___ '..___.o£..Eidwall..St..,._.thence zast..52..Y.t,. ba,ipg been presented to the Ceunnit of the City of St. Paul ................ _.__.._.... .......__ _ _.. _._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, TheCthe Cbre"kiner of Publie Works be and he hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability, of, the making of said improvement. Y 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, ,it the total coat thereof. n1 To furnish a plan, profile or eketeh of said improvement. e 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more ownene ✓rq,',,.� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the C—ndmioner of Finance. I Adopted by the Council.........__.._._...__........ JUL 13 PJB Yaes Nara RR pp Councilman CBS= P..r.gFAR� ^ Approved //ill J ROSEN —UA wENm. Ma Pszemsa^r Y `<f, Mayor Council File No...._.93.048 or PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' -- ando .1.1vtd ei�ouo.:rr'e"�vro 1, PRELIMINARY ORDER.,o"}aeePix +� The undersig,ed hereby propo,m the reeking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via, _...Constructing..sidewalk.. extensions... to. Conneet existing ___.....____..._. sidewalks to the curb at the following street intersections: Northwest & Southwest_o mer of Congress and Bellows Streets_ .... _.. .... .__.... ...__Northeas..t.:Comer, of East_Fifth St. and Forest St. .........__......_.................__.....____....___........ .__... _..... __. Datedthi.- _ath........dey of 7uly.._� �1952_. PRELIMINARY ORDER.--�1/ WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the maki,g of the following improvement, vis.! __..0onstructing..sidewa.J.h eFtans�,ogs to, connect ezis ting sidewalks to the curb at the following street intersections: liwthX811-t..&._southwes.t...comer ._ Of Congress.... and Bellows Streets ._........._._.. Nartheast eprner_of Sast_FSfth fit. and Forest St. having bee, preeented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_........_ ..... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commi.eioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the ,,n mity for, or desirability of, the meki,g of .aid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, orte,t and estimated coat of said improvement, end the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improveme,t is asked for on the petition of three or more —on 5. To report upo, all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of M...... 1 Adopted by the Comcil.._.__...._...__.._.._:. :j ._..........__.____.....__... Ye.s N.rs Councilmen J0 13.4 2 Approved__....._..... ... 10SEN TRUAX �y — r,.m,.h,h�wu .r Wi t-) ru"HED Ce—il Fd. N.....___-93049 { PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT c. and matmF"a!'m".roiiea�i°Pm,. PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby prop.... the making of the following public improvement Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locatlonst Southside 16 ft. Ir beg inn 01- in ge atn0anagii-gda4ft. west St., thence east80ft thence Northside of Grove St., beginning 40 ft, west of Canada St., thence west 60 ft. North side of Grove St., beginning at Temperance St., thence east 91 itt North side of Grove St., beginning 40 ft, west of Canada St., thence west 60 ft. North side of Grove St., beginning at Temperance St., thence east 91 SL / mmm� - RV `J f WEb2EL ,f Ma. Pa..a,p�r D C mays` y Datod thie _.Bth.__ day of _. _. Tulp. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Reconstructing, relayingand repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following 1ocationsI South side of Grove St. beginning 84 ft. west of Broadway, thence west le ft.) beglnn ing at Canada St., thence east 80 ft. North side of Grove St., beginning 40 ft, west of Canada St., thence west 80 ft. North side of Grove St., beginning at Temperance St., thence east 91 St M Ms. PaceIr- �pewr n t Mayor.�Z rl cepa eu roan -.( � R18L15f�D1>�3 y having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pool therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public We,], be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i—estig,to the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of mid impro-moot. 2. To i,vestig,to the ,t,m, mtoott and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total e,,t thereof. 3. To furnish . pl.., profile or Aomh of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or net said improvement is asked for on the petition of these or more o—sm 5. To report upon all of the foregoing met m,faahe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council____aw- ✓ Y... N— Councilman ® I&IMM "IMW Appm,ml .............. - Fag= ROSEN TRUAX NoENZEL _iz'4 M.. P. -I.— Mayor. pngw..°a,ra� CITY OF 9T. PAUL . XCM1 NO. ....... 93()50 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FORM RMLVED, that the appointment by the Commi ssi one�f Public Safety of Harry T. O'Connell as Assistant Fire Chief of the City of 8t. Paul, be I—ci the same Se hereby approved. awoaarrayn .a w°c.°. iir�r it°ev aimr v. naa. z °ial COUNCILMEN -- , AaI,,,,,y 'u�incil JUL _14 - 193. - J b "I" tP1+Jr. �2',� G.LX (n to f. _ARn.nat �Nrnzel /1�{r. Prcei.lent Mahoney dnly Illth, 1032. YrJ. S. Probst, Chie E—=. Civil Service I'M— D— girt At t!.- Co7-17 —ti— held this —nin- t,,a e, wi,t—t by t! .,a� 1a -Sorter a4 AIDlic Safety of ""'j- ^. n1Co-11 as A., to t:vit Fire Chief of" -Sts of St. Paul — NP --d. To— vofy truly. "iV a.xic. CITY DF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM x� WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 92705, approved June 14, 1932, the Council didon the 11th day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain dwelling located on Lot 9, Block 30, Rlce & Irvine's Addition, ale- known as 315-317 South Franklin street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said bull di ends ehouldfbe�reckedeanderem life' there - and ad�olning property, w fore, be it RESOLVED, That .aid buildirg be wrecked and removed, end that a copy of this resolution, dlrecing the wrecking and r.movitl of said building, be mailed by the Commi a Bl oner of Parke, Playgrounda and Public Buildings to the lastknown record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it ,FORTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, hie agent, or the oocupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, %e Bald Commie sloner of shall report said fact to Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings the Council. - iiu°i°' moo:' COUNCILMEN Adopted by Oir ('' un it _ Jut im.��' .193. Nave In b,r,r AP o���1 __.. ) -_. 193... ��riiux � AKni��et /u}� /i'mvrl .a 4 ��. pn•nidrnt Al n6oncy PUBL1Sk�D� City of Saint Pain Office of City Clerk S, Ory dok iai.i c..n ciry ci.n and Cnmm —.. of July 12th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Conneel, Boil di ng. Dear Sir: At the meeting held this morning a hearing was held on the advisability of wrecking that 'art aln dwelling located on Lot 91 Block 30, Blce d, Irvine'. Addition, known as 315-317 South Franklin Street and the matter w referred to you for the proper r - lution coni irmix�gsthe eeme. e.o We enclose Connell File No. 92705. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �' CITY OF ST. PAUL —NO1 No...... :).cS11J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ! ESOLUTION GENERAL FORM nn[sIv con,Ml rv[n aeaaxosoc U T WHEREAS, The Junior Association of Commerce has requested the City of Saint Paul to delfgate Oommissioners Milton Rosen and Olyde R. May to attend the convention of the Rational Junior Associ- ations of Commerce of the United States, at Pasadena, California, from August 3rd to 6th, 1932, for the purpose of assisting at said convention sec=ing the 1933 convention for the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Commissioners Milton Rosen and Clyde R. May be and they are hereby delegated to represent the City of St, caul at said convention. awn rumor n.�o°rr.°er mos a ao: ��.°e u�.ae wiener. �[rytp Nati'vejj'i vl �IeE �aEtdv Wd en7 0 �o�rit Pia1� 14eie- � iwe Ted CA mYarvaern. Hllten t De avQ' Wt Avore. 'i�� cS° (1101CILM N,\ r' WWIIxx ,yy�� Yens Nuys (a Adopted Ly thr -u- ... unr �7(llu�nlil C� rr + �T n� li.fn.or Al, r 1 _._ 193__.. /iYenarl MnYnr em e.rr Mr. President Mohasey . � CITY OF NO..... J3(63 OFFICE COUNCIL RESOL L FORM W „NYIrving C. Pearce % .rE July 13,. 1950 ago Co�mml.6o, e RESOLVED In ` WHEREAS, The COl IcslOnsr of Education has reported to the Counc ll in accordance with Section -1of the Cltp Charter the existence of en emergency which rendered the emn]-oymcnt of certain employes of his necessary department Por more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therernr, he 1t, RESOLVED, thorized TA t the proper elty officers are herebp to pay the f01.,,,pg named employes, at au- the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TI14E RATE TOTAL George Allen Jan. Bug. krs. F. Bauwgart 8} $ John BuhlF, Bursinger7J. C tt.t.m,. 10 8.07 George Cameron 4 E.Ob Frank Chapman Ha, J9h. 8.07 Andrew angstrom 12 7.29 Bliss Fehr n.g• 18 8.07 Gabriel Gagliardi • 0George Charles61osa1 ° 10 f8:07 Gunther 16# 5.87 Odfar Halgren 8 f 4,88 Charles Hammerlund 10 f 8.07 George Hayea 8 f 8.84 FrankHedlund 12 f 7.29 J.k.Heina 9f 5.47 Werner Hesse 8 f 4.88 glmer Hintz59 Gunn Jcanson 101 f 8.38 August Kehler9 f 6.47 Eels Landberg Gua Linde 9 5.47 (CPoatiuued.) UNCILMEN 7� Yees .1'nye _ Adopted by the Council_ _ -. _...... . Mny l / P1 ... Penrce In `-�-r/ ..C) :lppmved .. 193.-... Roeen Tnmx _ Aga—- Mnyor W—cl Mr. Pregdent Mnhoney cMs, F No3 O O CLERK OIRAL FORM BIRVlNG C. 1IJJ JULY lE, 1932. RESOLVED \Y��A The Commis^loner of Education has re.por�° the Co�rJ�ll in accortlan wlth Section 53, o City Charte e existence of �L)oyment an emerge ich rendered of �' n employes of his necessary Illy eor mo n .i!�ir a=ua1 hour., of employ- ment; NESOLV�.D, Thnt proper city ofP kers ar yes, thori—d pay the fo1lo��ing named emplo a ate rwise fixad for extra employment for tra hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME NATE 8 88TITIL ;6.85 Giuseppi Lucis Jaan. E°ng. 110 Ers• 8 ¢ Thomas Lunser 19 g•gg J.R.Ivnn g 5.16 E. Ranska 10 g b B.M Lester Rollers ° ° 9 g ¢ 5.47 John Rombrae ° 5.47 John Pelson 9 g t 4.26 Hugh 0, Donnell m 9 611 t 5.47 Robert Pearmon ° 9 5 ¢ 4.61 August Peterson " ° 10 6 6.07 W. Powers ° 6 56 4.48 Waldemar Richter ° 9 g ¢ 5.47 Thimothy Roddy 10 g ¢ B.M Joseph J. Echarfbillig 8 6 ¢ 3 64 Henry Schneider 6 g 0. Echneppmueller 10 6 ¢ 6.07 Bert Seidler ` 9 6 ¢ 5.47 Oscar Smolensky 9 5.47 Lloyd 8 etammn " 9 8 5.47 Edward Thomas ' 3 ¢ 1 82 I .W. Thompson n 9} g 4 5.77 F.O.Turmqulst • • ll+d 6 C 6.99 William Yievering (Contimted.) COUNCII,M"N N¢y¢ AJoptrJ LY the Couuail_. .._.. 193..... ¢Y M cDon¢� Pe¢rcr Z-_ ----- - AppruveJ _ _ ...._ 193..... aoere Trunx _.. Az—,Vf� MnYor Wenzel _ ,,d -t M¢honey - om mr CITY O��.F— ,�� ` NO. 93053 FI OFCOUNCIL M UORMIRVING C. PEARCE . JULY 13, 1932. RESOLVED TheComml stoner of t;duc atlon has reported to the Co in accordance with Section 53, of the City Charter existence of an emerge ergency which rendered necessary ths—,-Vloyment of emrl In employes of his department ''or mores. -hnn tl.etr >>sual hours of employ- ment; the re cor, 1e it; RESOLVLU, Phut th -f-oper city officers' -are hereby nu- thorized to pay the following named employes_,._nt the rate ptherwiee fixed for extra employment for -extra time hereinafter set forth. NAME TITLE TI14E RATE. TOTAL Tholes F. Patters Ed. Jan 9 Ers. 6 ¢ $5.47 J. Watson Jan. Eng. 9 6 ¢ $5 47 Max Werner • 10 6 ¢ 6.07 August 0. Yaeger Sch. Eng. 7} 87 ¢ 4.88 Albert Woods J. 9 58 ¢ 5.87 Les lei Y. Piller Jaa. Eng. hug. 1} 48 ¢ .70 ('t1U I'M I, y— �McDoneid �curce :.- I lavoi Rosen _Agninal �NN—M am ],o. President Maloney $262.88 Adapted I,y to nano I JUL 1 d 1_. I93jol __. Mepo� FORM N0, 1 1932, An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the employment of cer- tain smploye8 of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Thi. emergency arose by reason of the following fact. and etrcumstancas; Necessary to keep school bulldi nge open This report Se in •ecordance with Section 53 of the Charter, .,,., CITY OF SAINT PAUL .ii. NO..... 93054 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SEcrION Eoe PRESENrEv COMMlselorveR.. ORESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE :g . ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE fb/EFICI ENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. co --^-- e -- • M9y CB noR wr"o"rlo"e" ire• PUBLIC SAFETY ALMINISTRATIONi;,..`;. i;�: ^'. �•+ri'...—. -_... 789 -Tr 1931 Reserve 789-A1 pdminietrstion Selari— luyq 789-A5 - '�. Safety Building 3 598 71 5 200 00 789-A4 Office ExpeDee 400 00 POLICE _. .. 7-A-1 Folic. Adminietratiou-8eleriee 1 200 00 7-A-2 • Supplies 800 00 n ^ 7-A5Equipment 700 00 '7-A-4 " Office Expense 800 00 7-C-1 IUiformed Div. -Salaries 52 000 00 7-C-2 Supplies 1500 00 7-C-3 " • Miecellmeous 7 000 DO 7-C-4 " Auto mainteaence 13 785 00 7-D-1 Detective " Salaries 25 000 00 7-D-3 n n supplies 1 500 00 7-E-4 Radio Divn. Reps & R.cewal 275 00 7-E-5 ° Mlecallaneous 7-F-5 Station Divn. Supplies 660 00 7-F-5 ^ R�aL a &Renewals Y00 00 1 800 00 7-0-1 Hureau of"Rao6rds-Salaries 3000 00 7-C-2 Office Expanse 1 000 00 ADOPTED By THE COLI—L..... COUNTERSIGNED BY .......... ( ✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS • M9y CB 8169[MW Rosen ............. McDONAL WE MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED By THE COLI—L..... COUNTERSIGNED BY .......... _^_��• CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PEI CHARTER SECTION 201 PH ESE BY COMNIssIoAER • 101, LVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE. ON THE BOO HE COML ROLL Y SO DOING AN UNAVO FI -IE N CY IN CERTAIN ITEMS �y L MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANS T HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDE. BY THE MONEY MS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS AR cone vnau n rloxe" ircu HEALTH •u" x. *"n nco CR 9-1111 1931 Reserve 54 19-A-2 Administration -Office Hzpenee 200 00 9-C-1 Promotion of Health -Salaries 1 000 00 ,9-0-2 " " soppliee 500 00 9-0-1 Food Regulation- Saleriee 1 000 00 9-E-2 Quarantine - Automaintenance 2 099 46 19-E-4 19-0-1 " Office Expense 100 00 'Workhouse RoepStal-Salerlee 11000 00 9-0-5 ° " Supplies EDO 00 9-0-4 ' ^ I ^ HiscellEneous 100 00 j9 -R-1 I Laboratory -Salaries 1 500 00 ,941-5 • Office Expense 100 00 9-I-1 Harriet Island -S. arieB S00 00 9-I-6 + • Miscellaneous .500 00 VES COUNCILMEN (✓I NAYS AooPTEo BY THE Coury CIL............. 8.... • Yay Rosen„.. FAVOR MCDONALD Bu>� Truaz_. __.A.AINBT _... _. x.."• _..._ wENTEL CourvTERSIDNED.........................._.........__.__.. _._. RESIDENT "•_"'^'""" CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^rv`- NO. 93054 APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION PIN CHIRTEN BECTION 108 FORM PRESENll411h BY �orn���sloRsa rs.... - 9 � r 1982 /' LVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE O SOF THE '11COMPTRO AS BV 50 DOING AN UN E DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BV SAID TR ITHAMPERING THE W K PROVIDED BY THE MONS EMS FROM WHICH THE TRANS ^ E � w. iorve^ FIRE w^aurvr � wet cone^ e -A-1 Adminietretim-Salaries 2 000 00 8 A 2 " Supplies 200 OD 8-B-1 Fire Prevention-9elarleE 3 000 00 8-B-2 ^ Office Eapanee 600 00 8-C-1Fire Fighting -Salaries 4 400 00 8-C-6 '. ^ ^ Supplies 6 000 00 B -C -B " " Miecelleneous 500 00 8-D-1 Maintenance of Stations -Salaries 2 500 00 a -D -S " " v Light,Po•er 1 000 00 8-D-4 v " -3 3 000 00 Miscellaneous 200 00 POLICE & FIRE ALARM - 78-11 1931 Reserve 4 64 78-A-1 Police ,.e Fire Alarm -Salaries 1 204 64 78-A-2' ^ " " ^ Auto Maintenance 1 200 00 78-A-4 " " ^ " Telephone 300 00 78-A-8 • v Office Expense 200 00 78-A-9 ^ ^ n " Miscellaneous 100 00 ' Yes (dJ COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS Amoarao er TRE Cou N�/ci]�L..1L.1 4 19 , Pa1&a' may UL E 4 ltl" a_e>.� Pearce Arraovso_ 19 MrawE® Rosea Z.IN FAvoa�(////�� ) /J MCDONALo //� S9tlamllfla Truax nw. r iPtT,rS�.� WENTBL �,..j` arERsicRao BY .............. .................. Ma. P.—INT e. eu„ci.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL „., No. 93055 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - /COUNCIL RESOLUTION— GE RAL FORM c°o eA /!/ �� July 13, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of paving West Fifth Street from the west line of Smith Avenue to Exchange Street, Contract "R", under Preliminary Order C. F. 79932, approved March 21, 1929, and Final Order C. F. 61244, approved June 16, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I IICNN 'II MEN Yrnv \u�w �i ny �Irllonnlil , �unen �jvux /{ycueel ." .- r / Y1r. I'nwialrnt �lnhnnry JUL i i 10 '.V ? :1�I�ip1�•J Ly Ihr ('nunrl IBI C- in In.�ir �?� \fflJJilinire�l [/1'93 a�a w.o uv u.n CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY -E— COUNCIL RESCLUTIO LERKCOUNCILRESOLUTION G ERAL FORM RESOLVED July 13, 1932 — In the matter of paving West Fifth Street from the west line of Smith Avenue to Exchange Street, Contract °S°, with necessary gas connections. under Final Order C. F. 81244, approved June 16, 1932. Resolved, That the attached plans and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered andlVdiirected to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the Northern States Power Company. m co 1�com �' 6oro.e5 ' s un. wov.o. n„� raven rY ...... COUNCILMEN Y— /ry f,1LDonnld �Itr<mrn Wenzel i Mr. Mnhoney �Z-ice .ad„ph�l by w�• c,:.���,.�1 AL l Iu fi.vnv _� A,, --d Mnyur O APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR OAS CONNECTIONS ON WEST FFIIFFTTHH funET WLine 5—th RW.. MMMMEOMMOMW TO EXCHINOE STREET E - New gas connections. 1 - Renew present gas connection. ',lm M rgsrei & .4-h:Aek7 0 Mae L— j m N WE�ico %f k!Pice 353 5-1 Ave. Ar/bur W O wry 704 Payne Rve. - A/c,�andm RamseyEfsk .,__ 5W: H. Yardley 6d5 End'cofF BH,q. �\ l--G- �,�p _.�_ 14B w 3�5/ ChrlJ tis La n A � /lef:e lain /s� a� t A✓< �c �P_ Nenr A. ,fs�,sedy _ Annie & /kn y Akyerd-eta _ _ M rgsrei & .4-h:Aek7 0 Mae L— j m N WE�ico %f k!Pice 353 5-1 Ave. - �i S( 409 Pianea BHj. Aeo Au,b bik C.. eanFennePp Aiv/.nn. l--G- %Oana L—ho/d dLam men 2f8- XPdU/Ti'f/e&Turf G -T fseb Urtit/a A 5chraeder = Bk§. I /2 PO Grand Ave. N� Clara K. Storr - 144 S. A'rer B/✓d _ David 6mgo� - _ G I � 39/ P/easan AYe. _ s �Oui//an 1 �� - I I 832 sceo/a Ar<. 1` u az 205 W 5� St - N . gas conn = S Twin City AA>fOr BUJ Co 14 /i' Exchange Bf. T � r - o V^'d $arab C 6 Tayy/or-T urtee Mori /W E & R 419 P'.,oneer B/dg. _ T ;n C.'fy h"r Car Co. � �ql WE�ico %f k!Pice - �i S( 409 Pianea BHj. - � /So N Smith Arc. " XPdU/Ti'f/e&Turf G -T fseb _ u V N � ;� Mereh. Bank Bk§. I Linen1pP/Y 1_ - 1/o' W - I I IS f/ias &F/.i. Nrck n az 205 W 5� St - gas conn = f5u/Heck _ T � r - o V^'d $arab C 6 Tayy/or-T urtee Mori /W E & R 419 P'.,oneer B/dg. _ T ;n C.'fy h"r Car Co. /63 I5! 6�' Sf - I l qnce Auforuoi/e Co. BOO Hennepin A-, MpCs.. M.'nn. J( l.f:'Iar;eme h. B uemng - Patrick 5wee,7 -Lessee - Yharks E O,hFcrms� q CA - ex y, Nt MA +5*. Mer. Na f. Bk. B/oij. Ale, ' - �� ernard Z:mmc-mann e 6/3 bood ich Are. Nathan C. 5hapB/dyira-efl CITY OF ST. PAUL „` NO... 93057 OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLERK C�OUNCCIL RESOLUTION—GrERAL FORM _o ER /d2: - vLJ owrE .July 13, 193E RESOLVED In the matter of paving West Fifth Street from the west line of Smith Avenue to Exchange Street, Contract °Bwm with necessary water connections. under Final Order C. F. 81244, approved June 16, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. COUNCILMEN AI�p }'cav / \npx Vit) �opl.r�l icy Ilir (',iunril L 14 10'x'! 193 /ntuy /R1rDVnu1�1 z� /ryn�rrr In favor r /,/�A//jy//I�x�,.�vr�l OIN 1 I R -r I!13 �R'fnzrl \i ny�,r / Mr. Prrnid,r,t Mnhonry APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR WATER CONNECTIONS 91 WESTFFI�FTH STREET W Line Smifh fig TO EXCHANGE STREET 2 - Renew 2" lead with 2s copper at Water Department's expense 1 - 1}s Water service connection Ar; ?04 Payne Ave. � `" Endicor'F BkJg. t P C. z4B W 3^�Sf It Ch, �hian Larson ��l„�� .Ya �,r OBNen Ave. { A : aka,o�l .9z,::e 6 ,kn y /Ykyerdix-efaQ l "Conn. y- — /93 m , yard&Arch-AaO Mac L 3s33 5umm.f Ave. *�, Pe— %-16 gbik Con goo M-inep/n , .rr. 1 MP/s. Mn L r, aserio/d Cr a%.bn — I %Qar-i c4 Lagermar, 298-+' rdieo#geg A U'-i:'a h: Schroedr - /2so G and A h'eg.yW /44 5u A- 6, ber_ O, id 6i 3e1 P11-11 n Ph.Y/p 832 da'f�0ui//an J U 832 3eeo.Lv Ave iii Tivi n lq 4"b C4 Bua to 34 N Exc U Ro Frs�k 1 �u NA k!P.ca f 8409 Pone<r BHj. � : lso N 5mifh Arc. � /�Go�. Sh Pa✓/7t/v&Tv3t6-T ,!ee6 J N �^1Q' F 2/o W S� Sl G� U L U l N p �] d Eliz. Neck 205 W S, 5" n. Jr fSul Heck — v z %Mrhh Wgon ro. P- Re�w "/ a w���i 2 cop�r-h(afer Gtpt. expense. Sarah C G Tay/-Tue1e< G /WE &RW Mori tr 4/9 P-aneer B/dy. /u Gann. T—, C, 14 hkhor Car Co /s3 4✓ 6{� Sf ----- *- - - I 1 FEno< Auio.,.�o.Ye Ca goo Nennep Ave 1 l /49arie.ne k Bruenin9-<la/ � ,� — Pahr/�k Sweeney ;L� a<e U5 W 7� T y Char/es E -errnan CA - k Af / Ca Allam 5A- 3/dyH 411 Men Nal ,4k ..4/. . Zimmrn 6l3 boadrich A_`e�n _ F AIM— C 5hapira-eha! _ g0/ Mer Bk. e/dg Hamm ggnj. c. bbl E. M�nehaha 5� an of sr. n�• No...0)58 CI F CE OF THE �01� "i.,i /6�'��Y 1CO11 C R60Ll1TION— t fWMN. fH ek t. et WO �{oo ep q co�rnisa�i or+Ew� _ t � R�DEiBQx WHEREAS, the City Attorney has certified that he is in doubt as to whom to pay the award of damages to that portion of Lot 5, Block 6, Irvine{. Second Addition, which consists of all of the aforesaid lot except the southwesterly 56.24 feet thereof, the following portion of w4{ ch lot was taken by con- demnation in the matter of the widening of Bradley Street, Bedford Street and Decatur Street, to -wit: That part of the northeasterly 43.26 feet of Lot 5, Block 6, Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul, that lien northwesterly of a line parallel with and 14 feet southeasterly from the southeasterly line of Deeatur Street, as ratified and ordered submitted to the District Court by the Council of the City of St. Paul on the 25th day of May 1932, by resolution known as Council File No. 92225, and WHEREAS, Chapter 219, Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Law e of 1931, provides that whenever the City Attorney shall certify in writing to the City Counoil that he is in doubt as to whom such an award shall be paid, said City Council may order a warrant to be drawn for the Bum awarded, payable to the Clerk of the District Court, and providing that the City Clerk shall deliver the same to tha Clerk of said Court and take his receipt therefor, thus enabling Bald Court to decide the respective rights of any claimants to said award, and WHEREAS, the purported owner of this property has, by his attorney, requested the City Council to pay this money to the Clerk of the District Court, therefore, be St RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and airect ed to draw a warrant for the sum of $1313.10 payable to the Clerk of the District Court of Ramsey County, and to deliver the same to the Oity Clerk who shall deliver the same to Bald Clerk of the DS at r ict Court and take his receipt therefor, advising the Clerk of Baid Court that this money is paid to him pur Buant to the at atute herein Bet forth and for the property herein described. s COUNCILMEN ./�.; Y­Nnyep2 y Adopted by du• Cuwmll JUL 1 i ..,93 /Alcltu nnld �� 1 � ;�Yii iWcww -.. lu fnr nr ._�; P' appma•d__.. _. _._ 193 Mnyar De0artnieiit of Kram j. FIYNN Ell July lb, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: This is to certify that the City Attorney is in doubt as to whom to pay the award of damages to that portion of Lot 5, Block 6, Irvine's Second Addition, which consists of all of the aforesaid lot except the southwesterly 56.24 feet thereof, the following per of which lot was taken by condemnation in the matter of the widening of Bradley Street, Bedford Street and Decatur Street, to -wit: That part of the northeasterly 43.26 feet of Lot 5, Block 6, Irvine's Second Addition to St. Paul, South - that lies northwesterly of a line parallel with end 14 feet South- seatsrly from the southeasterly line of Decatur Street, as ratified and ordered submitted to the Diet rlct Court by the Council of the City of St. Paul on the 25th day of May 1932, by resolution C. F. No. 92225. This certificate is made pursuant to Chapter 219, Laws of 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws of 1931, which provides that upon such a oert Sflcate, the Crty council may order the amount of the award paid to the Clerk of the may Court, where claimants may go to have their respective right. determined. Accompanying tole letter is tae proper resolution to accomplish this effect. Your. very truly, r IG -MS. Assistant Corporation Counsel. CITU OF ST. PAUL „u c'c NO. i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM r RESOLVED , that the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety of Arthur E. Nichols as Deputy Health Officer of the City of St. Paul, be and the same is hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeax N— �eeald � }}arw* In fn, or �tox�s /Truax •_Apninxt Prceident Mnhooey 4-3 wa°Sju tsi t%:il, JULr�=^ Adr,oted Ly the Cauncil. JU1 � _193. ' x 93060 CITY CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu ��� NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM P—E—D a COMM % oNE__ RESOLVED, that permisslon is hereby granted to the Palace Community Club to conduct a eummer festival on the Palace Playground area, at the corner of Jefferson and View Streets, August 2nd to 6th, 1932, inclusive. C' �$:I LM KN Y'_ / Nny, MAY �fcUonuld � 41....E Itowo, n AR i -t �\Venzrl t r. I'rr+idrnl \tul��in��.y �'J7 � Adopted by thr ('uunril Jr� i.4 WO 193_ moo. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplal of Mln.mr. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.nd...d MI.e..0 Sts.. JOHN H, M DONALD, Caxw.v— :Norus c. oc July 15, 1932 To tho 6000nt_e Mayor and City Council: kororring �. the application oC the Palace Community Club, hereto atceohld, for a pe mit to conduct a . newer festival on the Palace Playground orla, at the corns. of Jefferson end Vie. Street., August 2 to G, 1932, will say that there Se m objection to thi. e. fe ee thla Department Se concereed. We leem, upon Sn.s.tlgetion, that 'hl; ,e.tival will be operated by ee tubers of the Palace Conwunity C1,,b, and tt:ut there .111 ben &ambling on the p�. mise s• vV /Ld �poG!a-� i Thomas E. Dahill C`', n, ar Pollee APPROVED: Commis.ioner of Publlo Sefety .sul, 1,in—o.e. ju',. _ , 1952 To t.e Hou—cble ";ayor —cl Co,;ncil, City 'f St, I—!. ,entlesen. The Palace Com�nity Club reei,ectfIlly ;:e t!tions p,i !lonorable body for a peru,lt to o}r t e �-,rmner ies ci val on t'ee Palace ilaygroand the cr rner o:' Jefferson & Via cels, 2 to 6, 1952. 7^ . proceeds wi.'.1 be yused by Clic in fur to aring acyl vt ti es of t._e Paia oe In J;;r_ incl. It 11 to to �in.ie rs rood t'nnt the operation i'1 �e by the xe,nbers of Club, and t:�ere w111 he ao gamb '.ing. l'/e —a desirous of entering into s cont"Ict wi''-" ^...rate a cern-go-rou.d and Perris 'Rheol for Ahich the regular fee wi �..1 be paid, she to assume the responsibility for all accidents. The n:ang you for your consldereti-n this mn ttor, we are, Yours truly, President, Pa leco Community Club. No 93061 CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA FORM PR—N-D 8j // owre July 15, 1932 Rei 6VSD WHIIIEA3, the Commissioner of A�blic Safety has r rwrted in a ordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the exlstenlo of of hlsrPeocyt ent for endered necessary the employment of certain emp yes par e morj than eight hours Do day and oa Sunday said employment being more th u. unl Im hours of employment; therefore, be it tO P17 RESOLVED, that the proper the ratelothersa+isehereby flxed for�xtra emplcymept the following named employes e e for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Noma Title No.Hrs. Rate of Pay Dr. Gel. D. Crossette Ambulance Surgeon 4 .59; COUNCILMEN Nay+ � Afc Donald Agahet t�e,.rl .R r_ +/Mr. Ymaidrot Mnboiiry °nm.'°ov" sie: ena De. c.�em.r..p sul�en. jl Adopted by the C -1 -LI 193 Yx {a{ 199 M y An emergency has arisen in the DVARTME; OF P➢BLIO SAFETY, rendering necessary the employment of certain employeas of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Professional services as Ambulance Surgeon This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Medical protection during Independence Day festivities at Phalan Park. esioner oY Publia Safety t `71! ' .,.CIZZZIION -, n. —..I July 14,_,,,2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ,24.914-70 . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED b760 TO-- 6818 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / " 1 / J, /* —ITE. Y T— . P�.�i F'„ u •re r urr ue - ... ors ... oFFicE or 1Ha coMaTsoL�Ea „°°E"` ` NO. COUNCILMEN—ROLL L RESOLUTION F81A1°zaL �TruazCOUNCIL ITGD CLAIMS July lw, s 32 �b E ,00P.E"sz?a3c�c Mahone vl , ;;` cM Ec SMB7py 67b0 6818 TOTAL NUM"E" IN FAVOR OF - c"cc"s c"Ec"s T eAo��«„Fokw"ao 9 1439A483u450 0 • 6760 Otto'e Little German Band 246. OC 897 4 6761 Emil Fxei eeie 15 0 6762 George DSakeon Co. 10 0 6763 6764 Feyen Construction John Sandquiet 1 155 33 6765 Rydeen & Denboer 50o 0 109 65, 6766 Commonwealth &leo. Co. 92 6767 6768 Johnson service co. J. F. Brown 7 6769 D-1 Baehefkln 32 0 6770 Fred Schmidt 6771 John O'Brien 1 9 2 6772 James C. Moore 52 6773 6774 Elonea M. Ob et Rosen dom. of Finance 6 M1lt s, Bartholow 2 163 0 6775 Mabel 112 236 69 6776 6777 William Egeland 136,11 6778 R"tl Coal Co. 6 578'8 6779 St. Paul yooational school 122 13 6780 . " " " 159 2 6781 American Ineuranae Agenoy 56 5 6782 Fitzhugh and Rooert A. Burns 380 0 678jg Wm. B. Joyce and Co. 190 0 171 6784 6785Landon W, T, KOnp Agenoy Sauer Insuranoe Agenoyi 228 O 475 Oc 6786 6787 W, A. Lang Ino. Walter T. Lemon 270 50 6788 T. P. Lowe and Co. 491 6789 Pe11en & Peilen 7 6790 Ray MS liar 237 5 6791 Ramsey County Ineuranoe A,;enoyl 20 4 6792 Joseob A. Rogers Agenoy Ino. 313 5 6793 Air fleproduotion 9alee Co. 17 0. 133 0 6794 Mrs. Helen Ames Co. 111 43 6795 Capitol staty Mfg. Sargent Co. 163 59 6796 6797 Cochran Farwell Ozmun %Irk & Co. 75 9 6798 General Eleo. Supply Co, 165 21 31 6799 68000 H. F. Hughaxt Rec. Co. 34})8 0 0 International Time 124 • 6801 6802 A. E. %Tomeohroeder LShrari en 43i 4 49 680j National Carloading Corp. Co. 73 23 6804 Northern Statee Power id 563 6 6805 6806 ,5 7 6807 St. "aul Sunder. Mat. Co. 'a 5 68ng -tr P'ul St nr� nr ke 64Olp .I i 6810 J. L. Shiely Co, 737 e6, 1 1577 50y 'I 6811 �� 53 21p 6812 G. Sommers and Co. 36 e 6813 The Speaker Co. oil Co. 103 77 6814 6815 Stsadard Ste gmelr Tire Co. 173 00 9 60N 6816 6617 6818 Strickland Doolittle Co. Supt. of Documents J. S. S'sitzer & Son 00 307 26 _ - —- sHEa,TorAL Foawaao 9-j43 4_3!54,79. s� CITY OF SAINT PAUL wu.c._No APPROPRIATION TRAN ERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CH R ELTION 108 PREERNieD BY J'<17 14, 1932 • I RESOLVED. THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER. AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. oe wuo Tww enn.o 30 4H0-0-11--IIOffice (1931 R -Epp.) 528.00 3081 C1T11 8ervioe Hdr. (SBIBAEe) 529.00 YES (✓) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE CDUNCII.... ..1.5.193219, MCDONALo ............ \/ A `./..... AGAINST W.- COUNTERSIGNED BY _ ...................................................... MR. PRESIDENT ...... 7 16 CI .o, COUNL,USOLUTION No.—:7Fi4+Eyt_ I • Resolved, That the Cour.. 11 hereby concurs the recommendation of the Contract Committee end awards the contract for paving University • Ave. from Jay and Gaultier Ste. to Perk Ave., and sewers on University Ave. from Jay St. to Rice St., also aewer across University Ave. at Marion St„ and sewer connections, Contract "B", In record—ce with plena ani specifications hereto attached, to THORNTON 2395. JOKe At7Y, they being t*.e lowest reeponsibl_ bidders, for th- sum of $66,900.00, In accordrnce ritL theixoid and enp,ajementsry letter hereto attached, and the Corparatim: Cci:nsel Ss Hereby inetrjeted to draw u9 the proper form of eontrect therefor. p. cilli°e.. UeA.l I ""g .o.w.° .�... 8834 ..o..... ° °.,�.,... 66, 900.00 .....,... �..�,o�..�.....�� o� ........o ..... ...........16° �.....,...... 752.00 e,..�.....,.... ,q<.. �.,..o.......- . ,.....°..�.........e..� �,,..a.............. ......... _. . �.. ,48, 438.00 .... 1,710.00 .. . .66.900.00 ILII `. to �— Council File No......._930Ah1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und.migved h—by prop.... th, making of the following public improvement by the City d S4 P.nl, vie: Reconstructing, relaying andrepairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side of Sims St., beginning 140 ft. west of 'ayne e. thence west 4 ft., beginning 36 farther aes t, thence weAvave.,,,, z5 ft. South side of York St., beginning 100 ft. west of Agate St., thence west 114 ft. East side of Jessie St., beginning at York St., thence south 70 ft. South side of Sims St., beginning 140 ft, west of ?Syne Ave., thence nest 4 ft., begins lag 36 farther west, thence west 26 ft. South side of York St., beginning 100 ft. west of Agate St., thence west 114 ft. Last side of Jessie St., beginning at York St., thence south 77 ft. Councilmen _ HINALD PEARCEAppr­d.... ? ROSEN TRUAX Ma Pa.,. T G`.., �z / .PUBLIS �'TITG OL IT— .L PILI M14..F TdD LF n a! , Dated thie 15th. day of _..._.. July ` /-c 1832 PRELIMINARY ORDER. •°�* rn ^gin"a��'a°tl WHEREAS, A written pmpo..I for the ranking of the following improvement, Beton structing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locatlonst South side of Sims St., beginning 140 ft. west of Layne eve., thence west 4 ft., be 36 farther west, thence west 28 ft. South side of York St., beginning 100 ft, west of Agate St., thence ,est 114 ft. East side of Jessie :St., beginning at York St., thence south 70 ft. ✓� Councilman �' FEARGE - RCE D APProved __.. _.. ... .._.......... _...... .__.__.._ / ROSEN TRUAX f a wENI7'1. Ma Paeelpgar I Dated thi, 151oh d., of ........... 1932 .............. . - b -mg b.n p --d to the C .... it of the City of St. Piml therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C—mi—, of Public Work, h, and i, hemby ordered aad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability at, the making of mid improvement. 2. To i—tigato the .,t,m, extent and estimated cost of mid improvement, and the total co,t thereof. 3. To f—ih . plan, profile ., sketch of said mpm—o.t. 4. To ,Isle wlh,Aht, ., not mid improvement i, inked for .n the petition of three or mom —om 5. To report upoo all of the foregoi. , tjera tsµb¢ Cmamimioner of FS...... Adopted by the C,,,,,il Y.A. NA- C""'lm" ll'�NALD PFARclt App,—d MUAX WEKZEL M. Pa.,.— Coil File No.__ _ .9t)U.IU6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uId,migned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: ✓restside of Elk St., beginning 120 ft. north of Acker St., thence north 45 ft. East side of Otsego St., beginning 47 ft. south of Mt. Ida St., thence south 77 ft. West side of Elk St., beginning 1..3 ft, north of Acker St., thence north 45 ft. - East side of Otsego St., beginning 47 ft. south of Mt. Ida St., thence south 77 ft. '/� SLACoaacl1— Mo iAv 9iG 6^1 i,00unLoApvnovea_-=e`_��- .. i �tcE 7 -✓ /t'7-" ROSFN _9 TftVAX � l fe,�" _' �p9g1 r .w e.,e na Ma Peeemexr ^rRti.*aF(IRi ore T, T 0 It! —Iff- D.t,,d this 15th day of July....�32 Af- PRELIMINARY ORDER. o" -1 WHEREAS, A ­itbe'Ploll"ol f" the olking of th, fU,,i.g in,p­,.,,t',i,, . Reconstructing, relaying and I epairlg, where necessary, . the Ide—lks at the following locations) Nest side of Elk Lt., beginning 1z3 ft, north of Acker St., n.f rth 45 t. thence East side Of Otsego St., beginning 47 ft, south of Mt. Id. St., thence south 77 ft. — rers Couocilmau 16 lf__� Approved...._... f 7— CE iAUAX A. M. P.-_ q - - z��Ztp fv ------ — ------ - ------------------ ............... ........................... . ....... . ha,irg been p—ted to the C ... 61 of the City If St Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Crounciesions' If public Work, he and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the oo—ity for or desirability of, the ankirg of said inolor—coutt. 2. To investigate the acto,c, c...t and c.ti...d coat If said jeop­succut, and the total cast thereof. 3. To furnish -plan , profile 11 sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or net said i.pr.,t.c-t is asked for .n the petition If those or more owners 5. To report Upon all of the foregoing matters W the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...- . 11.._11.... ,I Y.s. N— Cauncilace. qJ011= '"y [JOVAID Approved- ..... -------- e, u CE ROBEN Council File N.. .9.3.06111 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th—d,migaed h—by p,,p—, the making,f the following public improvement by th, City of St. Paul, vin.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing,where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: South side of East Fifth St., beginning at Forest St., thence east 162 ft. South side of Minnehaha St., beginning 81 ft, west of Cypress St., thence west 80 ft. Southside of East Fifth St., beginning at Forest St., thence east 162 ft. South side of Mlnnehaha St„ beginning 81 ft. west of Cypress St., thence west 80 ft. Y�:t W1tinLO APProved '3 a dV +L __... '1 , 'A 'E j e ]4EN WENZEL IRU" Ma Pazetamrr vw c..a Baa �wii � TC' L:' jj =TqG 0;, Ea 2 t LTi. 9P PoRTUU ToC i,)7 1 r r fPJ—C I G" 2 r ....... ... - Dated thi.-- 15th d.y of July 32 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A —A— proposal for the making of the following imp --,t, m: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing,where necess-ry, the sidewalks at the following locations) South side of East Fifth St., beginning at Forest St., thence east 182ft . South side of Mimehaha St., beginning 81 ft. west of Cypress St., thence west 80 ft. C'Uncfl— Qm5mm ••'4y " 1" N-"NAD App—ed ItA PEARCE - ----- .-EN WENZEecce utex L —0 14 / Dated wie. _..- 5th._.day of _ __ duly _... _.. , 19 32 PRE MINABY ORDM WHEREAS, A written propmal for the malting of the following improvement, vis.: Reconstructing� relaying and repairing where neoessary, 4� the sidewalks at the following locations: ' therefore, be it �14 OLVEDThnC 63'' "''d directed: t f orimpro ntextent ent, and the total coat thereof. 3. To fumieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improve meat is mked for on the petition of three or more own - 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of h5oeo11. Adopted by the Council.__............ _...__atu...:4.{. wr,`J.....-..--._. Yue Neve •Dut L N N,<tinN ALD wA e, PEJ.IicE Appoed_'+... c IIII 't yam✓ ) Krr,EN rauex -ems 1 i r�cn nnn hara'Peae,nexr M°Y f t •.9 Council File No. _.._._'jx 10 / PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoeee the —king of the fallowing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where es necsary, the sidewalk at the following loc. tions: Nest side of South Osceola Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 125 ft. East side of South Osceola Ave„ beginning at Grace St., thence North 75 ft. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following Loc'.tlonst Nest side of South Osceola Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 125 ft. E,st side of South Osceola Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 75 ft. ,.w.. ,,� .-�,b...:lo.anpo[G,uauu W Newe,orty�ugw1g.rue :�.ano-a,+pmmieaioner•or xcnnnee. Adopted by the Co-ed....... YBAs Neve '/ � Couocilmao MAY AIfD Approved....____...._. Me, inateesr .,,. c.1, i:x . - Counm7 N5I No.--- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and Dui. F1� T ,—T Tui: Dated thi, _1.5 t4.. day of _... July // !��,,y�s 32 v, xo r MR, 11 PRELIMINARY ORDER. . WHEREAS, A written propoeel for the making of the following improvement, via. :• • ••� Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following Joe -tions: West side of South Osceola Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 125 ft. E'st side of South Osceola Ave., beginning at Grace St., thence North 75 ft. ULla 19�.nawnmm�enw�ot r,nsnro. Adopted by the Council.........__........ __.._. __.....____..._.___....._ Yana N— C .. eveCunMAY McUtanfAtp APProved.......... PEARCE Ma Peaelnaxr Council He No.__ _.-93()69 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making d the fallowieg public improvement by the City o[ 6t. psnl, vie.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations: West side of Cleveland Ave., beginning 74 ft. south of Stanford Ave. thence south 60 ft. North side of Palace St., beginning at Snelling —e, to Brimhall Ave. Ave. thence south 60 ft North side of Palace St., beginning at Snelling Ave, to Brlmhall Ave. ,/ Councilmen p / HOSLN nuAx H_.... ..... Ca -fl Fila N� nott.•n Dated thie.. _._..15th day d _.._. duly _.. _.. m 32. r �maa. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fullawieg improvement, vis.: '� • Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst 'Nest side of Cleveland Ave., beginning 74 ft. south of Stanford Ave. thence south 60 ft. North side of Palace St., beginning ut Snelling Ave. to Urimhall Ave. Councilman 1 @ - ........... _ Rnstly TRUAX' 7-i✓- . �mru Nva Pa ye� C --- 0 Ffl. No. 93(jfj.(j PROPOSAL FOR TMPRAII-1— ... ....... ------- D,tod this 15-tkLday of July . ........... . ....... 1932. .... . ....... ---------- amen RESOLVED, That the C -ea -l -wee, of Nblie Welk- be and is ho -by ordered and directed: 1. To i—lillts the necessity 101, or desirability of, the -.ki.. of said i -,--se, . To h—setig-'s the -stale, —.1 and estimated cost of said i.p,.,e.e.t. -d the total cost thereof. 3. To f ... M , plea, profile or sketch of said i,,pm,,m,.t. —T state whether or not said "[dole -l -t is asked f,, o, the petition of these or more owners 5. To mte,,t 1pl, all of the foregoing met Co—issme, of Fie-ee. Adopted by the Council....... Y—. Na- counailm" Approved....__.,-... ......... . .. All - 7 7 M. P. C ... 61 File No.____93070 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The —d—ig,ed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by th,City ,fSt. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: ,est side of Dale St., beginning 55 ft. north of Stinson St., thence north to Alley. East side of Pusey St., beginning 100 ft. south of Pennock St., thence south 28 ft. Pest side of Dale St., b.oi—i.S 55 ft. north of Stinson St., thence north to Alley. East side of ?usOY St., beginning 100 ft, south of ?ennoCk St., thence south 28 ft. C .. eileoea 4W ApIo—ed . .. ... .. .... .. TRIUAX M. Pa..,. rUBUS— 0 0 L r D -d thi, 15th d.y of jul 32 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A -ht- p,,p—i f,, the making of the following improvement, vi- Recocstructi7g'relaying and repairing, where necessaryp the sidewalks at the following locationsl 'est side of Dale St., beginning 55 ft. north of Stinson 3t., thence north to Alley. Fast side of Pussy St., beginning 100 ft. south of Pennock St., thene south 28 ft. C 61—jtt_ 13 MIS' App—d ............... ..... ... Tmm Mn' P..-- Tqe OT, having been ponee.ted to the Council If the City of St. P,uj therefore, it RES01 'VED, Thet the C-concieinece, If Public Worko, be and in hereby .,dI,,d soil directed: 1. To investigate the -cc—itYif-r, or doeimbility of, the ..king of eid improvement.1. To investigate the u -to', extent and estimated cast of enid improvement, end the to[ coat thereof.3. To famisha "I"' "'file or sketch If enid improvement. 4. Tostate whether I, not said i-P'OvI-1-t b, naked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To repoupon 11 of the fmg,i,g ne,ttem to She CommissionerMi.... Of ...... Adopted by the Council..._._WL Y.- N. - Councilmen 4 — App­d F.— M yet. Me. P. VUMISBED Council File No..._..__93-0./ 1 Z PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigved hereby pcopoees the.eking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following 10 c::tions. South side of Third St., beginning at Maria Ave., thence east 240 ft. East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence north to Alley. East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence south 148 ft. East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence north to Alley. East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence south 148 ft. TRL'A% roc_ uaa Ma Pee- `'M�y]o� / W Iql 1\H 6'y Y rP' -,1T I I Dated this 15th day of July PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f.11..i.g improvement, vi­ Seconstmeting, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following 10 c-tionst South side of Third St., beginning at Mc ia Ave., thence east 240 ft. East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence north to Alley, East side of Cypress St., beginning at Hastings Ave., thence south 148 ft. TRUAX WENZEL M Pa..,.— 7- "e y 1. C 1 11 -11 FLUILLik,2 P ,,,p aTqo ot I;TTLq PG9T=TU9 UF WV'Ts V"`- "ge ... GuaT Z310 tf' having been furamct,d to the Council of the City of St. Pan] therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cuumosen.a, of public W.,b be and is hereby .,d,md sod directed: 1. To investigate the mossaity for, or dmimbdity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of mid improvement, and the —1 coat thereof. 3. To f -rends . plan profile or Astel, of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked f,, on the petition of three or more eacom 5. To "Pod up- all of the foregoing matte, to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Y.- N— C .. cilmem aur APP onad— ..... .. .... 7 M ya . r --, PUMiSH C.—ril Fan No.___91172 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 4 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The m l—igned hereby propoeve the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: _._Cmstrnct_dr-veways oa--the-south_.side o£.-Wini£red_.St.-,--bsgilming - 199..ft.. west. of. Hidwell.. St..,thence. west ...20..ft..._ _._.. __.... Dated thio 1 ktki _ day of _.... July- --- - -��- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: ai n .., _...__._Cnnstruet.. driseways._oa..tha. south-side..of.. Vlln.i£red_St..,-.beginning..... 18O..fi-..➢/Bst...o£..81dw0.11._St..�. ShenCe_..w.e9t-20 ft.._....._ _....__..___...__._. ...... _........ honing been presented to the Comcil of the City of St. Pau ......-_ ___.... .___._..... . ..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Comudeeiomr of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or deeirahility of, the making of .aid improvement. 2. To investigate the velure, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the wtal ,at thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of avid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to ttAe Commissioner of }tivavice. Adopted by the Council...._.---��--�-----"'-' Ysae Na- Councilmen,MAY aa i�= M.WN/ Approved...___......._- ua*' ....5_:.` -.....__........__...— Ma 1- � NOSfN EN _ uAx a-� Pasemrar - � .-,. > �-,M• . Canoed File No. 193to PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby oop.ass the making ,fthe following public improvement by the City Of St CouStruct dri-vBwaY)fo" tbe B"t "" of Ayon 'St- beginning-1.$.$_.f$.. South. of Carroll, ttkeuce 5QUtll ft' Dated the,, 14tjj day of July to PRELIMINARY ORDER. a. WHEREAS, A written poO,Osal for the nealthag of the following improvement, viz.: Con.tx=t.dixe..Yjf—ort the.e t "a' of AV=t Bt.., bBginning.123 ft. South, of CSr.LL, thencg. south -.8.. .. .. ... ...... .. . .. ......... ...... i. having been presented to the Council Of the City of St Pool .. ..... ..... . ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C-ounies-mo Of Public W.,les be aad is hereby ordered aad di—ted: 1. To investigate, the evevesity f,,, o, desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said inap—seasm, aad the total —t thereof. 3. To furnish . plan, po.fil. ., sketch of said improvement. 4. nalsm emem- 4. To state whether or net said improvement is asked for on the petition of those or more owners 5. To report upon all Of the foregoing mat- to the Conamineeme, of Finance. Adopted by the Col-lil A 1.5 Y— Councilman gNm= -t ALD Approved. Him= I,F1.uc6 . W.EN mAx WENZM Mayor M. Pa..,.— e. 1. EUBU��RD Council File No. ._._._93 74 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tbc uademigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vin.: 4nuing_mI.____-. -CoostrunL.dxivaways nn_the ..south side.. 01711111 5t— _ 2111_fL.. _sass. of Ave.., theast 12 ft. �- 'se.rrue. _ r,r ; _- 3 Dated the. 1July to4th . day of ---- - r--. 1/ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: cons truet._dxivaway9._ on_ the._ South. side, of Fifth st" beginning_ _2fl1. ft— .east ._af_.Elaria. AYe..,..-thence_ east.l2..ft. .......... _.... _ _. _ _. _... _...__... __.__. ._..__.._............._......___.. .._......... _._.... _...__._..... having beau Pressured 1u the Council of the City of St. Pant_ ---- therefore, be it mmlaeioner, of Public Works be and is hereby ordered sod directed: RESOLVED, That the Co 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To ivveetigate the mturq extent sad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To fumish s plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. q. To state whether or not laid improvement is asked for on the Petition of throe or more owuem 5. To report ,on all of the foregoing matters re the Cemmissiover of Finance. i ; t000 ..__..__..__...... Adopted by the Council._.. Ysee Ners V MAY R ALIiD CouvcilmavM.fpNA1D _ .-.._.... ...._.. ____._...__.......__ ,,,Approve d.._ _. _ _..... L.-�c _ rcARRca k0 TauAxWilma -- �.Q, Ma. Paeery ,o., an'r Council File No. - 9315 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,dereigned hereby propose. the .eking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: -.. _..Ra O"1111t1n , _.relay.}a�..and...repairing,...where-neoessargr--the.........-. sidewalk at the fallowing location: ._..... ...... ... _........ _............................. _...... Fast side of Pine St.,_ beginningat 7th St,,,, thence_AArth loo ft Dated this ...._14th- d,y of JULY- PRELIMINARY uly PRELIMINARY ORDER.e WHEREAS, A written 1 for the makiv f the followin ' see a a propoea B o 6 improvement, via.: trn Heconstrxic.ting,._relaYing-and_Tapairingi._where-nese—yr...the:...�_�._ sidewalk at the following location: __..Fast _01Ac-of -Pins..St..,..begglnning...at_.7th _St. .,._ thence._ a _thgao-..fi....... having bee, presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the Commiseioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered a,d directed: f. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the maki,g of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the told coat thereof. 3. To furnish a pls,, profile or sketch of said improvere-d. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for o, the petition of three or more —ere 5. To report upon s11 of the foregoi,g matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coueril....._._.____... 1 5 Y.A. NAve Conneilmav ® MAY ggi�p I proved ZEN Raaf raver - �_ rf_ Ma. P.M a- M l Petition -- 93076 s Comcil File No.__... `j�V � 076 U 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,d,,ig,,d hereby pr,p— the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: Curbing. both sides of York _Street from Weide Street _ to Walsh_Avenue. _..__. _.._ __._ _.._... _.._._.._._... .......................... _.. _.... _ . Dated this 13th _.. day of _.... JRdy, -. sense-- __ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vin.: Curbing both sides of York Street from Weide Street to Walsh Avenue. ....._.. ..................._ . . ............ _..._...... having been pmaented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _. _...._..._-_...____ _........ thexefom, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. �c 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of avid improvement. 9. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more mc— a-7- y 6. To report upon all of the fomggoing mattteece W the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council__.. �Gy Yue Nere / Cmucilman M 1 Approved ___. __.... ........... _ _ _..... TRUAX EN,cr 'ny _r..__......._......_.._....__.__......._______.M .._._. A,a„SIWED Y i 931)7; COUNCIL FILE NO. BY. In the Matter of reconetr=ting-,_.ralaying and repairing -_the. aidewalk''S""" .the -south aide. of Oranga Street b.91n 1,ng 130 feet eget. of Edgerton Strest.,-..then.. eset BO feet,. under Preliminary Order _ 92280 _ .._approved May 4, 1932 Intermediary Order -___. _.-...___.. - ___-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that zttt to be/maae n the a �ttiSs __ enons�tr/�t, relic and se�.r- the tdeal4a/tb.aeglnn✓ _ Paetrthena -_ _ .......... . -�dnd Md ah herar-,�.` _.�..::-- -------- ^..aSdmga mod_ matt - be dimantiened. -- - a d t C c'1 h by d rs sayd/ umprov ESOLV FURT ER Tha/ the Co.Fle t b b d ftr/Lg bl W k�jb d be/by t t and d my t a/a 6 L t theC for d d t pr pI d sp�tthe prop pp 1 th P ,CCCCCCAAhAAh ppmv��ll�t the prop city off ttt§§§I h ��y authonzed(n d directed,,,((( pro- (. . with th akng of end 1ppt'nvement to accordance therewith. i �1'�f_,1i�: Adopted by the Council dif28-' __ -... 192 .. . ''111111 Approved s718L .192 Councilma�C Councilman �• M yor 03e CouncilmauR911�6ME'Sn'ffis J CounoilmauiN1i11� Couneilmad9W�RieP ". ", vel l Councilman�llIIIAT� Mxn MayorRIllIM Form B. S. A. S-7 � � _ D EPA RTM ENT aOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER. rff• cD> (� i 1 In the mane. of recr-nstruct'.ng, relaying anrt repe_r'nl; the sidewalk on the south side oT orange '-tre et b -.Inning 1.50 feet east o" Edgerton Str-t, thence east 6C feet, ander Preliminary Order approved belay 4, 1J32 To the Council of the City of St. Pa -l: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total ...,mated amount of .hc assessment for the abotc mprovcmcnt.. - - _ S 31.00 The ...,mated cost per foot for the above mprovcmcnt i. - - - - - - 8 --- — The lou or parcels of land that may be ....seed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed va,uanon of each lot or pa«cl as 1— r,p—,d by the Ass...... arc as follows: ossealPnoN IOT... — AOomo.+ Lan s�unTiooiv Blg. 20 2 Soserh R. 'Teide' 2nd 8 150 Add. to the City of 21 2 St. Paul, Minn. 150 1600 300 1600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has ma estiga.ed all of the af.,—id ma.. , and hereby -bmi s the foregoing a. hi. report thereon o the Council, together with the report made e, rhim in t t reference to d matter by the Commissioner of Public Work.. Dated.a"�a.o;L 19 Com mm,, of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W14WFINANCk Report to Commissioner of Finance 101 M AY 23 1932 May e1' I962 92 'I'I, , _ .......... . 11,0&, \k kwi 1. , � "'I. aliilii. , �'. , 1. , I.f Ili, I k 922 d0 d May 4, LJ3�� 1-12 reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the side alk on the south side of Orange Street, beginiiin-c 130 feet east of Sdgerton Street, thence east 30 feet- ..... ..... d 1 11. '.'d 11 , , 1-.". 1. h, .......... . .. 1 1--0 1, ......... .... ... :1 pjn-' p -W ...i...iiia 1. 5, i,k-d fi, --f I111- ........... 4 -14 -rt �� �. , A 11,0Aw W -k,. J::ly 1'_ t_— 1,'2 Eu1l n1 nr•, Deng Corgi snlonert cnttor o rocnnstroctinr,, releyin- and repdring t,e sl deanl on t ewit!, side o4 Oran -e Street winai" 11^, 1,et oast of Ed,—t, t-,ante en=t ,O feot ane leis , to July '.�t':, by t- w nett today end referred to eyou�for c:.eck of t.e eidc 1 in front ,. -,, rn,, a ,treet. Y—ra wri truly, City Clerk. 93078 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of.... res.-fac`-u. All ya.in 31- 1, IA-. r=en e.9dd'tion__Lt b t --- vel c..r fac u �I - yy�s� c:• '!' ea�eranmemtL, under Preliminary Order 91346 .. approved .,:n, 11, 1952 -.-.-- Intermediary Order -. _. _ - _approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, end the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommende[ione relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of 9t. Paul that -r"��im— provem t to be made the d City is -r >"fape.A1: 3 1., -las Lnns's_3h Erovs._ Addition, a h_t - e1..s P - _ - bo gad the Mme are hew and rescinded W ah --a°�Aft,id matta-be-mac-.--�r-_..----__.-------------- ...------- . Cu.-- reby -- — ---------------- --------------_ - ----__.-- and a Council heorders 'd improvement to be made. R OLVED FURTHER, That C .timer of Public Works die hereby instrueN ad directed f repave plana and specific. o a for said improvement, and suborn to the Counc Nr. approval; tha said approval, the prop ity officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the ma n g of said improvement in rdance therewith. J Adopted by the Council '932. 192 APProved Councilman o61ea � Mayor. es Councilman d:eegn®rt-a ?i„�. / ^ Councilman d1nDnn2!&-,3 1`:,,,-e Il ouncilmaa Aga¢- I:,,r C u Gilman '1 Cou oilman �aWY� MMMM May or RYBBeldl Pl„oey Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY 11 AII D E FART. ENT BOFP FI NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER(_ Inthc mat«rof resurfacing Alleys in. Block 1, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, with bituminous gravel surfacing, under P,,5.inary Order approved May 11, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The Intal estimated a of the assessment for rhe above mprovemcnt is The esu mated cost p for the ebore mprorement ,s - - - The lou or parcels of land char may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as lasr reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oascaiFnoN r.or ago« nooirlon L. a�-T-r 1-1g 1 1 Lane's Phalen Grove Add, 600 to St. Paul, Minn. 2 1 do 550 4200 3 1 do 550 3000 4 1 do 475 5 1 do 375 6 1 do 400 Lot 7 and E } of 8 1 do 800 2450 Lot 9 and West j of 8 1 do 825 3050 Lot 10 and East 20 ft of 11 1 do 825 5400 (Exc. the East 20 ft) 11 1 do 800 4150 (lot 12 •o..�. (C) CITYO FAUN �\ DEPARTMEN1T OF FINANCE \\) RF?ORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 13 1 Lane's Phalen G-- Add. 550 2850 to St. P_1,Minn. 14 1 do 550 2900 15 1 do 550 3500 16 1 do 650 5100 17 1 do 750 3400 18 1 do 600 2550 19 1 do 525 3100. 20 1 do 450 3900 21 1 do 450 3900 22 1 do 450 4800 23 1 do 425 4150 24 1 do 175 25 1 do 200 3800 26 1 do 300 27 1 do 400 2750 28 1 do 400 1900 13,625 70,850 The Commissioner of Finance further report, that he has investigated all of the of- ... id matt ,and hereby submit. the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in rcfe... c to,aid matter by the Coaaankloner of Public Works. Commissioner of Finance. G.72 St. Paul, Minn._. AAr1I.2t) 195a92__ -To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Bring alley un tto_) ratle._@9..n.@. 9_ -roving _TQ,er (I}' ina�9.. by addin-v,____ dirt or gravel wirer= necessary end thaw oil sufficiently to hold grade — Alley in Block I Lanets Pahlen ;rove...St. Ave. from _.. _._ _. _ ___. St. Ave. to_ ....._.._..._...._....______.._____.._ .St. Ave. NAME I I EWcK ADDITION RUN WI .f,•.,_ ff 910 P.(:oRo-I"nalen Ave , :,t .Y aul,Vl nn., April 2� ,M9 2. '.ir .;.tt li.on Rosen Com r.. Dept.of or Public 'H ks, =t .Paul ,'Lrn. Gear Comrnis�toner; _ncloeed horawith Sa e Pet i*ion fcr tl;e reaorfacinr, of the allay In bl.,k 1 Lane's Phalen ,rove. We the sinners of this rett"on are very anxious that the .]lay be first restored `c its P7er Rrade before a , oil is applied, and It could be erectly convenient to the ---ty owner. In this blork to h�ve this wort: dcne greedily as possible. Resp. c. t.f,11`// THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) May 24, 1952 R„n. Milton hosen, Commissioner of Public 'N-ks. Lear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the resurfacing of Alleys in "lock 1, Lane's Phalen Grove Addition, with bituminous gravel surfacing, under ere Llminary Order C. h', 0:346, approved May 11, 196k. Estimated Cost - - - - - $459,72 Cost oer front foot - - 0.36 Inspection - - - - - - 9.01 Engineering - - - - - - 40.00 Frontage - - - - - - - 1275.1 ft. Yours truly, JIM. N. CARE Chief Engineer. mh Ap vad for tr"s-issl on to '(missioner of Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of eublic Work,. Office of the Commissioner of Public WOOkIFFINANM Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 28 1932 fAny �b, L96L 192 ... .......t ..f Pull., \1-k" I.: . ii... a I1, .1, 1, J 111. I - 92546 may il, L961 int "hai" W the CO3t for the reo­f—in,., of Alleys in i3lock 1, Lane's Phalen P,.— Addition, lit bit'Iminous A—vel surf—ing. �03t der front foot $0.66 �4,I "' '�" '1 1275.1 ft. I rs pe�tioo Zg.()l ogin­,in; 4 .00 rone cud ILS unl iu� :11111 11-1 4,.r t " .` """­ Iz.- I, -file, "h "d, 5, flhllc NN k, 7�L �EE�. �.�., �rs�C -ham z�.�..�o �_«. .,,i l ��-,.. � -> f/w. .. � � % .-�. .i�r 2� a.. , �. � e .1. � Tv C� �.. '// ;��a-r is .4 .. (��. __ «�¢A; _. � Com._ -G. ___.-� �...��_ ` ., �._.,.���, 4 �F � �,.� �-- ,._.�-��� 0 7 f%I - r «, ./ .Sf 93079 eeei eris� r e _ COUNCIL FILE NO. By. In the Metter of reoon�truc`.ia;. tale. ir. ^�:� repel ria:, t..Q si.arralk.. on. the south at a ,—t ..ov_vth :itr,et, ,.at 57 Leet, under Preliminary Order -asl -_-approved _ 1932 - Intermediary Order-----------epplovad _._.____..... A public hearing having been had alpha the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objection, and recommendations relativ�,thereto, and having telly f°vaidered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p to b d by the City �s e na,. uclftl''Wal, i�.o 1.1 feet t _^. r'' Lau sent, the t + �.1cr t _ the . e v es 7 feet,.. ---- ------ ba and the same are to -- d, �:.au led and reaMded aatd If, inal0wi andtheO cl,, nbyo orderssaidv itob and RESOLV URTHER That the Com of Public Work, be d by t d and directed t prep d specification f d p t d b t theCor approval; that p proval, the propertY ml hereby autho —d and ted to pr teed with the making t p ent to accord theremth. m Adopted by the Council Jut. i. "m.._. ... , 192 _ �mq < � mar• _... Approved _. _. .192 ) /' Co..-a. Mayor. Councilmana��"� Council man 4Vi"e K Td� /) Coancflmaa Convellman �,.Yize1 ,/ �J�• Councilman Mayor }19RTl6!! Form B. S. A. 8-7 t aT OEPARTM2NT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) J7 In [he t--fr4l—stl-ctin _, relaying and repairing the si tewalk on the south side of *.,. S venth Street, beginning 161 feet west of Chestnut Str—t, thence west 67 feet, under Preliminary Order approved tday 4, 1932 To the Council of the City of St P--1: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as (ollowx: The total esumeted amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost Per foo[ (or the above improvement is - - - - $ -- - -- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lo[ or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc a, follows: oascsiPnon LOT -- aooi,toa LandpL nTIONBldg. 7 27 Rice and Irvine's Add, to 7500 12,000 Saint Paul (ESc.SE 25 ft of 3( ft and (ezc ept t.*.e S3 50 et o" W. 4500 5000 (10 ft) the -'ast 40 ft o_ 8 21 do 12000 17000 The C—,m,uioner of Finance further reports chat he ha, into tigeted all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby ,ubmi[, the foregoing a, hi, report thereon to the Council, etogether with the report made to rhim m reference to ,aid matter by the Commis,ioncr of Public W -U. Dated 19_3 a - - Commisaioncr o(Financc. Office of flie Commissioner of Public Wor,6, j FlNANft Report to Commissioner of Finance 0 MAY 23 1932 May 21, 1952 192 ,d 11 1'-d I.ad iii'I.. ........ tl��• Ian l�niinnrr ,n,l.r „f tli. 9ez01 May 4, 1932 11r- ��ii i,..I I�iL� ���_ nl.lin�rirl reconstructing, relaying and rep,irin�, the sidewalk en the south side of 1Yest Seventh Street, beginning 181 feet west of Chestnut Street, thence west 37 feet. I. ...ilii.... iiirnl �,„t tli.,i �..! i. a75. 50 n�nl ih,- lint ui. ni„I ,s„ ill ..f lin. nl :4. % I.I:,i. In „"I,. ,n 'k I'll „I _",.I i. l-,i.."i I"I-d n I i'�a,l,. � pa” liin�, �f. .�. I in, nl 1 n4,.,1 F.,' ii ln, , f 11, .......... y 'w t'mm�ii..Lmrr of I'nhlir \t"nrU. 93080 COUNCIL FILE. NO. ' By FINAL ORDER Rober t t S� r`eeterand a pogiiLg85 Pe aeasiro e�artStrid '�toN&Ma Crffiriitthetwa® red lin' on wa proal li dthrofo44t ft., aandnremavi a sums from a'�oint 140e ft. ing the roadway o a w a P n6 P east of the oenter line of Cedar St. to Robert St.,—with sewer, water and gas tonne cti one from street mains to property lines where not already -made, `al so curbing and paving alley and. driveway apppproaches, also reconstructing side- walks here necessary on account of set ng back curbe and the new grade, under Preliminary Order 92555 approved May 28, 1932 Intermediary Order _ _. __ approved -...-_ -.. -.............. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council h—in heard s11 p .... na.ubjePtione and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provem nt to be mac by tt s�d Cit is �'hanga tpie }ds of t' -o -C-3. si P AS th Street betwe an oD er res an a oin B� set ens o ear �r%eta-�o conform to the red line oa the profile her attached and rued' a part hereof, el so widen the roadway to a width of 44 -ft., arid-repave"same Yr= s -pout 140 fteast of;=center center line of Cedar St. to Robert St., with sewer, water and gas tonne s Prom street mains to property linea where"nof a-1re8dy made, also curb and paving alley and driveway approaches also reconstruct side- walks where necessary on account of settingg back curbs and -the new grade, material, shall be 3' sheet asphalt surface on 7^ Concrete base. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adnntea by the enumrd JUL i 9 - , lss � t� Approved Cmmvilm b +. I'^e"'`I Cnuncilman�Og'w- t"` tea rflmanmfoH6Aet& A'W1Se C"a rumen X Cou cilmnn �Al��' Councilmnn,Rl}lFl+o� Mus - N "Dlnl�„neq Form B. S. A. 8-7 192 ie­ lCcnGo- _ Vie, c. i I DEPA FTp1SNT fIFe FINA NCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A). ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Iv �hc m,ur of changing the grade of the south aide of Ninth Street between ✓l Robert Streat and a point 85 feet east of Cedar Street,to conform to tt,e red line on tha profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, also widening the roadway to a width of 44 ft, and repaving acme from a point 140 Pt. east of the canter line of Cedar St. to Robert St., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, also curbing and pe ving alley and driveway ap- proaches, also reconstructing sidewalk, where necessary on account of setting back curbs and the new grade, -de P,,1.-,- ord,r,pp _j May 28, 1932 To cb, C of the Ci" of S[. I',"I: Thr Com missio iicr of Finance hereby rcportc as follows. The t<i l esum,ted ,m ,, of the nese .nm t for the above l PAVING 3" BRICK 3}" Asphalt or LAIC FLAT ASPHALT CONC. $ _ 7"REIN. CONCRETE Total eq. yd. $ 5.46 $ 4,69 r,.al , of or 3,20 Wheelage 6,260.00 5,390,00 3,680,00 Property Share 7,550.00 6,490.00 4,425.00 Total 13,813.00 11,880,00 8,105,00 1g. (a) front ft. 6.99 5,96 3,97+)0 *curb extra Note: F: -=t lmxta 7" oncrete base K) " $1,OBH.00 for engineering & inspection p Add for reset granite curb 40� per lln.ft, p concrete where not in 50� per lin.ft. 3/4" water connections eaoh $49,00 for renewals Sewer connections not needed, sandrock 00 7 11 Robertsand Randalls 54000 7000 Add, to St. Paul That part of lots 2 and 3 12 do 36500 3500 south of a line from a pt. on the Wly line of Minnesota 125.33 ft. Sly from the NE corner of said lot 2, to a pt. on the Wlyline of lot 3, 119 ft, Sly from its intersection with the Nly line of said lot 2 produced Westerly .o„�, CITY OF IT 1UL nEPARTLATNT.PFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE n (A), ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tf? In �Lc mait rr of changing the grade of the south side of Ninth Street between Robert Street and a point 85 feet east of Cedar Street,to conform to thered line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, sl so widening the roadway to a width of 44 ft, and repaving same from a point 140 Pt, east of the center line of Cedar St, to Robert St., with sewer, water ane gas connections Prom stre at mains to property lines where not already made, also curbing and paving alley and driveway ap- proaches, also reconst ructing sidewalks where necessary on account of setting back curbs and the new grade, sad,, To Lh, 7 pa— La�—orvBldg. lots 6 and 7 Lamprey's Subdivision of 17500 500 part of blk.11 Robert. 8 and Randall'. Add, to 8000 1500 St. Paul lots 9, 10 and 11 do 23500 4500 lots 12 and 13 do 22000 9000 lot 14 and (Exc. Robert St.) 15 do 41000 4300 7 11 Robertsand Randall. 54000 7000 Add, to St. Paul That part of lots 2 and 3 12 do 36500 3500 south of a line from a pt, on the Wly line of Minnesota 125.33 ft. Sly from the NE corner of said lot 2, to a pt. on the W17 line of lot 3, 119 ft. Sly from its intersection with the Nly line of said lot 2 produced Westerly ,o..�. --%T IT cF p wu REPORT OF COMMISSIO=OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) 'Parte of lots 2 and 3 12 Roberts and Randall. Add. 22500 18000 Commencing at a pt, on the to St. Paul Wly line of Minnesota St. 125.33 ft Sly from the NE corner of lot 2, th. 1117 along said W. line 100 ft. th. W. to a pt, on theWly line of lot 3, 19 ft, Sly from its Intersection with the Nly line of lot 2 produced Wly th. Sly along said Wly line of let 3 100 ft „ th, Ely to beginning East 100 ft. of 10 12 do 29500 2500 (Exc. Ely 100 ft) 10 12 do also that part of Cedar St. vacated 45000 15500 between the Wly line of said lot 10 and the present Ely line of Cedar St. lots7, 8 and 9 12 do also that part of Cedar at. vacated 30000 145000 between the Wly line of said lots and the present Ely line of Cedar St. East 51 ft of 1 13 do 10000 3600 (Exe. 8th St.) lots 4 and 5 13 do 56000 and thet part of lots 2 between 45000 the Wly line of lot 4 and the Ely line of lot 5 both produced to Ninth Street (Exoe t 8th St.. 6 13 do and hat part f lot 2 between 28500 60 the Ely and Wly line. produced to Ninth Street (Exoept E. 51 ft) 1 do and (Exc, 8th St7 13 29000 slso that part of,) 2 Ely of the Wly line of lot 7 produced to 9th St, 8 13 do 41000 20000 (Except Robert St.) 1 and 2 14 do 119000 1000 (E.9the 81 25 ft of the Ely 49,15 ft) 4 14 do 20000 yL ❑EPAR�MjyT SWAI NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lots 5 and 6 14 Roberts and Randalls Add, 35000 8500 to St. Paul (Exc, 8th St.) the ..at 90 ft of lots 7, 8 and 9 14 do 62250 87250 (Exc, 8th St, andW, 90 ft) (7,8 and g (also (Exo, E. 49,15 ft) 10 14 do 22000 100 Sly 25 ftof Ely 49.15 ft of4 also Ely 49,15 ft of 10 14 50000 11200 ( (F co. 8th St.) ( ( The Wly 50.85 ft of 3,11 k 12 14 do (Exo. 8th St.) $802,250 $387,900 Th, Commissioner of Finance further report, that h, has i—vig—d all of th, aforesaid matt,,and b—by s.b.m the for,goiog as hi, report thereon to the Council, tog,tbcr witb the repo I mad, to him in ,,f„en„ to said matt,, by th, Commissioner of Public ll,,ks. Dated_• .;1 _ __ 19 3_9_, i't+t_C.t.. , �9 -ae-, _ Commission,, of Finance. Z3Z. Sfc3/. -7-,09 -,f eZ. /1 f DJ \ TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Det.) June 7, 193E Bon. Berman Wenzel, Commissioner of Pnblic Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of the south side of.Binth Street between Robert Street and a point 85 feet east of Cedar Street, also .idening the roadway to a width of 44 ft. and repaving same from a point 140 ft. east of the center line of Cedar Street to Robert Street, with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not already made, also curbing and veway approaches, also reconstructing side- walks where neo as on account of setting back curbs amid the pavingalley and dri new grade, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92555, approved Ray 28, 1932. Length 580 ft. Width of Roadway 44 ft. Frontage 1057 ft. a n Street 60 ft. 31 Brick 3}1 Asphalt or 71 Rein. PAVING Laid Flat Asphalt Conc. Concrete Total S4. Yd. 5.46 = 4.69 f 3.20 Wheelage 6,260.00 5,390.00 5,680.00 Property Share 7,550.00 6,490.00 4,425.00 T o t a l #13,810.00 $1-1,880.00 = 8,105.00 (a) Front ft. 6.99 5.96 5.97 *Curb Extra Rote: Estimated 71Concrete base 1 $1,088.00 for Engineering & Inspection Add for reset granite curb 40f per lin. ft. 1 1 concrete where not in 50¢ per lin. ft. 1 is 3/41 water connections each $49.00 for renewals Sewer connections not needed, sandrock rya The Change of grade oa the South side of the street as proposal in this order is necessitated by the construction of a street railway track mbioh rains" the dross.slope of the street and makes. it. necessary to. raise the south thiel occcurs, then dewalk willbebe relaidaundersthis order. It is requested thatthis matter be heard by the. Council at the earliest data possible. Yours tralyr SHBPA911� Ghiet &sgiaaer. Approved for transmission to the CCoommm`�isssssi�'o�n�err, -�o_ff Finance. g661f9W C. IIB6Z�. Commissioner of Pate Works. "Ofhce of the Commissioner of Public Wor�.QFFtnM Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 8 1832 June 9, 1962 193 T. the Comml„ioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The (2--ioner of PuW,, Work,, having hod under comideratm the pre]iminary order of tho Cooped, knoem m C—oil Filo no. 92555 npp,.,,,i, May 28, 1932 103. , mlati,o to changing the grade of the south side of Ninth Street between Robert Street and a point 85 feet east of Cedar Street, also widening the roadway to a width of 44 ft. and repaving same from a point 140 ft. east of'the center - - line of Cedar Street to Robert Street, also curbing and paving -alley and driveway approaches, also reconstructing side- walks where necessary on account of setting back curbs and end having io—timod the matters and thing, referred to therein, hereby reports; the new grade. 1. Said improvement ie nceemary and (or) dn,iroble. 2. The utimnted coat thereof is S I end the roto] tout thereof i, S (See estimate attached) nod the polar- and extent of void improvement i, m follow,: 3. a p]-, profile or ,ketch of said improvement i, hereto attached and mode a part hereof. 4. o. Said improvomcot i, mkod for upon potiti.o of throe or moo. owner, of property, ,ubjeel to ou,e„mcnt for mid improvement. kN �er f Public Works. 93081 -'nit16e uP a n. � e.�° ewi COUNCIL FILE NO. By r�—�7�_ wi. n NIT In the Matter of grading alley in Block 9, Holcombe' a Addition from Dale. Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order 92458 - — approved May 20, 1932 Intermediary Order -_-._... -..-....__.____approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative there, and having f�ly considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that proveme+Ito\bemade by the "1" is -. grade ey. in 13100k 9. 31�mDe s Addition from .Dale & Ere at..to St Al __s street, ba ►od the same are ry ... -,..u. ,, noise, aoc reemmee gr: a.. Lid-matterheaisxr. and IN Ca1 heby order id improvement to be m e. RES VED FURTHER, Tha s Commissioner of Pub Works be and is hereby tructed and directed to p m re are plans and specific . ns for said impr bmit same to ther.,inicil for approval; that apiln said approval, the pro9K city officials ere he..b uthorized and directed t 'end with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 91M Adopted by the Council - , 192 1 k '�- Approved Councilmaa� X,I1-W-1 Councilman Councilman I'."�•e Councilmen B'•'" Councilman T^"" Councilman YwwWA— Mayor IIMIM Form B. S. A. 8-7 192 / yror. T D E PA .1 . E717 OF, IF I NIAN CE REPORT OF Comm[issidiNER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Itt 'ill ma,t,r of grading allay In Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Bale Str, to St. Albans St., -d,, P,,ii,cir—y O,d,, ,,—d May 20, 1932 T. the C,-61 of th, City of SL Paul: Th, C—mi-- of F:-- h ... by ,.— - Th, ...al —,.—d —�.;rttf the asses, m ent f., 1h, ab-, mprm cm eae i, 724.65 The —ic-,d .... ... Y— f., th, ab— ini provemen. i 0.60 "Che k1, - p ...1 of land chn, may b, a ...... d b—fi,e I- and dhc ancsacI -[—.— of each lot o, ,-1 a, 1— r,pon ed by the A-1—, arc a, f.11- 111CRIPT101 LOT a.o A.—I.. Land Bldg 1 9 Holcombe's Add. to St.Paul 1400 2 9 do 1150 3 9 do 1150 1950 4 9 do 1150 7400 5 9 do 1150 2350 6 9 do 1150 1600 7 9 do 1150 2650 8 9 do 1150 2500 9 9 do 1150 2000 10 9 do 1150 4900 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Lot. 11 and East 14 ft of 12 9 Holcombe'. Add. to St.Paul 1550 4250 We26 ft of 12 and East 13 ft of 13 9 do 1125 3400 That pert of 14 do 1100 2050 lyinc north of a line drawn from thesoutheast corner of said lot to then- theas�. corner of lot 15; also wast 14 ft 13 9 That part of 14 ly1n6 south of a line drawn from the SE corner of said lot to the NZ corner of lot 15, also all of 15 9 do 1100 12000 Lot 16 and Waof 17 9 da 2000 28000 East e of 17�diW 10 ft of 18 9 do 900 1000 (Except west 10 ft) 18 9 do 900 1650 19 9 do 1200 5250 20 9 do 1200 7250 21 and 22 9 do 2400 23 9 do 1200 2700 24 9 do 1200 3050 25 9 do 1200 6100 26 9 do 1200 2100 27 9 do 1200 1500 That part of 29 9 do 1200 6050 west of a line 106.55 ft west of and parallel to the eaet line of Section 2, T.28, - R. 23, also all of 28 9 That part of 29 9 do 1200 2200 lying east of a line 106.55 ft we atof and parallel to the east line of Section 2, T. 28, R. 23 DEPARTMENT 6FFFINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 30 9 Holcombe's Add. to St.Pw1 1600 9200 $36,226 $123,100 The Commi,,i—, of Finance further reports that he has love tigeted all of the aforesaid maty , and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him i, ,f --said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Yorks. t 19 C.—mi--f Commmi— of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. 192. To The Honorable, The Council, tips City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: An" All, St. Ave. from. /-;�9.le _... St. Ave. to C/17s G' 4P _.. _.. __. St. Ave. 166 NL %A, Sec. 2- 7 28-0 ZJ LAVKLt A✓e AIHLANO � A "I i HOLLY A✓E. - Q POETLANO A✓E SC/MM/7 A✓E. MILTON ROS—.COMM'..'.... LO -11 .......... ........ .... ....... May z5, 1932 .. T.—I. — -1 Hon. Milton Rosen, e Commissioner of ublic Work,. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92458, approved May z0, 1932. Estimated Lost - - - - - $ 724.65 Cost per front foot - - - 0.60 Inspection - - - - - - - - 14.21 Engineering - - - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - - 1202.7 ft. Yours truly, Wed.CAR AR Chief ef Eg near. mh Approve r an Sato to the r of Finance. Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public WINAWL 9 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 28 1932 May 27, 1932 192 T'. the ( .f I i,n , 4 the ('it, (,f St. 1'anl The ('..lnn.....e.er of hdd,, NN k, Iea-,g hwl nil I, � the en-0iieinan' -d, cif 11, ('ouueil, Ani,_ n, t'eiteeil file \',,_92456 .lilt.„.... may 20, 1932 192 , dMi". t.. the grading of Alley in Bl—k 9, Holcombe'. Addition from Dale otreet to St. Albans Street. nn�I lu1\1, i i<<Miknt ell Ih,I thing, refetrc.i tai them.,,, hen ltr rel., m rv- 1. . aid �t i, u.... ni,I (..rl d,,v:,I ,I . _. '1 h, -Im,m,d r(„t thereof i, = 724.65 �,d the IOItd —,t Ihemef i. , 0.60 I—p-tion $14.21 engineering -,125.00 Front,.. 1202.7 ft. anJ thr , aM arc and rrtrnt 'd mil iwlrzovenu pit i, _ ("H—, 5. A lim, h le er,Aeteh �,f ,ni.l ilii lti,ttelnent i, he�.t,i attached .tel nuul„ a linrt h.-r..,f. f. .5. Sail i,, 1, eeinrnt i, +A„d ftt,ttmit o,f thi..e i�r net. ��w ntm n[ I�fl�prrty. snl,jert I,i 14�.��.ttient fer Yni,l intertivrinenl. / / , _ � . f'uutiuix,imter .d 1'uhlic \5'orkv.... 93082 COUNCIL FILE NO. ooeLw� 7a� a. By FINALORDER In the Matter of grading and paying. Alley 1n Block 9, Holcombe'. _ Addition from Dale Street to St. Alban. Street, under Preliminary Order._ __ ..92457. __approved May 20, 1932 Intermediary Order -____...__ -_____ . -___approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons,, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ._...$rad...and pave_ Alley_ n _Block 9,_ Holcombe, a Addition from Dale Htraet_t0_Ht__Albans ..Street, Material oball be f•. Concrete, and the Council hereby orders d improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissions, of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUL_ i ___Q�2__ _- , 192 _. . Approved Councilman? CouncilmanotT�� CouncilmanelREH"viiaTd°0 Councilman Councilman Co dfio.n Mayo, KgRm Form B. S. A. 8-7 CZy Cl -k. 192 V � Mayor. P 4 r n .tea DEPARTM�JT OI FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Iothe matterof gradin;; and Peer ins A11e7 In Block 9, Holcombela Addition, from Dal -, St. to ';t. Albans St., under PrcG,..inary Ord,, approved `.fay 20, 1932 Ta the Council of the City of St. Paul: The C,:mmissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. T1, i :al estimated am Priof the risessmcnt for the above improvement is - - - 2, 370.00 1— 8 C. The ^.�imateJ cost p,,/.., (or the above improvement is - - - - - - - 1 19fl_E.— The: t nr parcels of land than may be assessed benefi,s for such improvement, and the --d valuation of each lot or parcel as 1a reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oESCRiFrioN Lor a o« Aooi,ioN 1.ung oA io[jldg 1 9 fio1oo110� Add, to '.t,Yaul 1400 2 9 do 1150 S 0 do 1150 1960 4 9 do 1150 7400 6 9 do 1160 2560 6 9 do 1161, 1600 7 9 do 1150 2660 B 9 do 1150 260C 9 9 do 1150 200( 10 0 do 1150 490( ,... 11,11—INT IF REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) Lot 11 and last 14 ft of 12 9 Roloomhela Add. to St.Paul 1560 4250 best 26 ft of 12 ani bast 13 ft of 13 9 do 1125 3400 That p—t of 14 do 1100 2050 lyin,_ north of a line dram from thesoutheast e—of ' said lit to thanes these corner of lot 151 also neat 14 ft 13 9 That part of 14 lyin,S south of a line dram from the SS corner of said lot ' to the n.corms or lot 15, also all of 15 9 do 1100 12000 Lot 16 and West $ of 17 9 do 2000 28000 Bast j of 17 and W 10 ft of 18 9 do 900 1000 (Except ..at 10 ft) 18 9 do 900 1650 19 9 do 1200 5260 20 9 do 1200 7250 21 and 22 9 do 2400 23 9 do 1200 2700 24 9 do 1200 3050 25 9 do 1200 6100 26 9 do 1200 2100 21 9 do 1200 1500 That part of 29 9 do 1200 6050 rest of a line 106.55 ft west of and parallel to the east line of Section 2. T.28, R. 23, also all of 28 9 That part of 29 9 do 1200 2200 lying east of a line 105.55 ft restof and parallel to the east line of Sect'.,. 2, T. 28, R. 23 ­ME r of e DEPARTMEW OFPOINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 30 D Holcombute Ado, to !It,Pw l 1800 9200 $38,225 $123,100 The Comma...- of Fi-- further report. that he hoe 1--ig.t,d all of the fo.... id marl and hereby ..b.aa the foregoing a, hie report thereon to the Council, togeth,r with the report mad, to him i, reference .said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work.. m Dated -z ��___. 19_1;2-.te.n�-9_i�.�/__ _._._. MILTON ROSEN. C-1;-1-4- ...... ........ .. ........ May z5, 1932 Bon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, Solcombe's Addition, from Dale Street to St. Albers Street, under Pre- liminary Order C. F. 92457, approved May 20, 1952. Length 598 ft. Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1203 ft. 1, Street 20 ft. PAVING Total Sq. Yd. 1.84 Property Share 2,370.00 T o t a 1 2,670.00 (a) Front Foot 1.98 Includes 62:0.00 for engineering. Yours ,Jt r�N .� C Al l -b Chief Eng Approve o n ission to thIe*i Finance MILTON ROSEN' 0_issinerof Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of PublicnCt Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 28 7932 u,y 7, 196;4 192 „r fl, ,f Si- had iiii�l�i - t ����. iiia' i"d, �.f 11'. i iii�.�.l�i.,iii„i h.. I iii a, C.,,n, 1 id, = N,,. 92457 ,_,j May �0, 193 192 +•In1i�e t�, the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, Holcombe's Additi S., From Dale street to St. Albans '.;treat. .incl hn�in�; iii.���runti�il il,r final ir�r uii�l tl�iiiw n�f,�rt,��l 1i, i1i�.r��i�y I��n�l �� r�•lii�rt.- (5ee estimate attached) _. 'Iln• rclSinuhrl X07 tlu,.d I, r uud thy, Dont r��,t iln•re,�f it A 8. 9 14m , Pra01, -k t. 6 ,4 —,d I iq,r ��� m, ul i, In nqn vn.0 Led sud inudr i Pn t 6i.0 nf. f. .,. wLl iinp...... nl in :"k, I r.v upon P�-tiro, tnirc ni nuni ury of Properly, f,A 1,,nPro",- 0, Commiwionrr of I', lWw Work COUNCIL FILE NO. �i3nr ®e�Nanama� 93083 B,. -- L� e�e es - - ----- . F. w G -..., FINAIf ORDER IN CO EMNA,n. „„tea, ''rw.vEEDINGS In the matter of____RQIulemnlo&-acid_Laking-an-=g9Bment_in_the_land------------- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Dale Street to St. Albans Street under P-limilmry Order__ --92459---_____---_, --proved ------- H-ay_$Q,_ 19-N-------------- 92820 ______ __--- _ approved_ ---_ June 22, 1932_----------_ Intermediary Order________________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council baviag heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Dale Street to St. Albans Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. "RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, landsor -emente therein be and the ea re ahereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned fm- the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Dale Street to St. Albans Street, �..a to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works �0 attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed d directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said imprevement in accordance there- with. , . ,,v r;,,2 Adopted by the Council__ -----------------------------------� ^ City Clerk.__ Z Approved__--- _., PUBLLSfII�3 �•y �`�Mayor. CeuncdmanCooaer nI Councilman Fe a—n Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Hehhnd-"rY�y cia+er lmav 9edh Mayor AL I- K.9 HOLCOMBES'A00. 7 a I�di.ole. C.i. ' AM'IeJi—Fill.- TYamol N—t— 45 - ., Figura ober. linaeb,r - - Cul e. Fill of Drevady II„e. Ftg.r.. baby lira e6.w - wt lx dare ce m rhi.6 eleven ",-1 baud grvvnb 11— lee.Ne.TA32 H- Z03 2X-5—Bk.No.2032 t LAUREL- AVE, g h N o c c o .w m /5 �4. 361. Br. B/Cy. 6,7'Fi. Ger. Lon Gw Fr F.Ge. F'Gen 6era - i 63* a{e.° C \ Cer Fi. Fr. Fi' Fi. f. fi_ y F. Gem Wlvr 22 23 -74 73 T6 77 2B ?9 Jo '4 - ti O L O M B E 3 A D D, Q h AJML.AI'D AYC. 0 r— _ in C— OF ST IAUL DEPARTMENT OF. FINANCE (A) REPORT ON PRELIMISSIONER OF NARY ORDER FINANCE •?k" 11 O In Vb,-tt, oI condemning an,i taking an easement Sn tho lend necessary for slopes, cuts e�? fills in the gra tln,; of Alloy in Block 9, Holc ..W. Addition from St. to 7t. Albans St., under Nd—m., Order ap,—,I yap 20, 1932 To the C.-,il of th, City of Sc Paul: The Commiesionet of Finance hereby reports e, follow..: The total es i.—d amount of the asscssmrnt for she ,bo.. mprovement i, - - - $ 'ITe cstimvlcd cost per foot for the ab- is_. - The lou or paresis of land 0— may b� aeseual b—,h,u I., each i��rov�me , and the ae ,,-1 valuation of each lot or p .... I a. last reported by the Asap— , arc a. follows: \\ I.an�`uAs11.4 1 9 Holcombete Add, to St.Paul 1400 2 9 do 1150 3 9 do 1160 1950 4 9 do 1155" 7400 5 9 do 1160 2350 6 9 do 1150 1600 7 9 do 1150 2660 2 9 do 1150 2500 9 9 do 1150 2000 10 9 do 1150 4900 ME1+r oP•vi'Iwnce OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONFR ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) �o. e�ocn wooiri N 11LUITION, ocscwivrion 12 Lot 11 m. set 14 ft of ceat .cd "t of 1_ an- nat1186 13 9 do 34 00 13 ft of 1100 2050 14 That p rt of 'rem do ly ❑ r. Y o' a l/n• corner of f, tL.. �_tLonat ve11 l t t:: to n rla't 1 of lot 152 s1, ' a 1.1 ft 13r 9 That part of 14 ly • ., o' 0 1 -•n Irani frc,_ t2.• ra-n.:ro �" aa. -1 lot to t c. - r r lot 1.,.]100 do l'A00 a1a,. all of 15 9 :.(JLG 2E'.OLO L t lti ar.. •eat b Ot 1'1 fl do fl0 0 1000 .,ant 5 of 17 m. ll. -^t of 18 9 do goo 165Q (,—.V:t —t It iti 10 9 do ]d00 6860 19 9 do 1200 72 60 20 9 do 24OQ 21 esul 28 9 do 1264 2700 23 0 do 1200 3050 24 0 do 1 m0 6100 28 9 do 1:t00 2100 26 9 do 1210 1500 +l 9 do 1200 0050 That part or 29 fl do neat of an? _,-' ail.55tftt..e meat of D eaat lana of-oat:on 2. T.2bvL43 9 _ H. 23. al,. e1= or 1200 SEOQ Shat port of 29 9 of a I : , 10 ,.68 do - —ot lt v^ctof m ;;.•ral]cl t� tho Deet 17mof -oI't n 2. T. h. 25 .ores ._.._� ......, ..... •. D EPA NTMENT �OF,PFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DES -1-10N lo, IDD—N 30 9 $olcombere Add, to St.F. 1 1600 9200f $35,225 $123,100 The f Finance (u rth er r1,,.- that he has msestigated all of the aforesaid matt . and hereby submits the foregoing ., hie report thereon to the Council, [oge th er with the report made to him in reference to aid mater by the C..nnssmner of Public `, '.,ks. s Dated 19 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public W&WF FINANU Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 28 1902 May .7, 1952 192 'I'u thr• �,ilnll,l..l�ni,r ..f ..n......<i��ll�r ��I' I'lll,lir \1 ��r6 li:i. inc hurl ilnil�r r�,li, i�l�ni�l„li the 1�^.Illiiiii:�rc r�nl�.r �d Ilv l'��uuril. 6n, nu a I', ail nu 11 RI. So_ 9e4S9 nppr,,.,,�1 �e8y 'L0, 193E 1412 , rrhoi— lu condemning and taking an easement in the Land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of A11ey in Block 9, Holcombets Addition from Dale otreet to St. Albans- otreat. ali�l hlt tia.......li�;l,t�,l th, I�isl l�•n :lii�l tllii�u• r,.r�rl. �l I.. III�•r�ili, It. t�.l�� ri l,��rt. 1. . uiJ illil,nit��lii��ot it ti��,. _ till hili .Ir+in,l.l�.. __ Thi• i, liliutl„I ��,� th,a.r�f i. xxxx „incl Illi t. n..I ,i�_t tL�.l oo! i. xxxxx nti,l the nnttln and roti lit .,f -uirl inil,l„�"n,"til i+ Iw f��ll�„t�. 4. \ 1,1n, I,n.li 1, i,i rvk, t.1, . f -ni l n.la” l iliiprvnrnunt i< n.k,�l fir itP'n� Vit lllq}d tivi•i atll�ji���l to ....in. lii�llt (..r .lull iliil,ritv,•nielil. /{/�7 of Puhlic 1Vur .. 93084 ?aai a ar no COUNCIL. FILE NO. i By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofgrading eeat.. and..sest alley in Block 3,.. Ed—d. L....._.._ MoAdam. Addition and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat. 1., from Bgndicate_ AFenne under Preliminary Order __ 92332....... _._ approved May 10, 1932 - Intermediary Order --_-_.. __-- ___-BPPrcved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, end having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __g ade....at. ana. —at, alleg_in. Block 3, Eds d -L.-- Me Aden .Addition.- and -Hlock_3,..LeaingtOn..Pnnk'-Plat..1,...Pram__-.-. Syzuli—t._. Asetlne. to_Hemline __ A—c—,- __ _..._.. _.____ _ _.._ _ _ ..... _.._.. and the Council hereby order, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official, are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council `IQ[. 1.g-kZ ,.' , 1e2 .per Approved 11w 9 0.'7`'� Councilman Councilman t•cn.ce Councilman sA*90fiSSd"' Councilman Councilman T.aas Wcnzd Councilman MaMea4 Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.7 lag i 4zyor. 7. PAUL ­DEPARTI4ENT fIP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In der macer of gra lln� oa.at ­1 est all" Ad'.St'.on and Block 3, Lazlnoton Park tlat 1 from 9yndleate .+ve. to Ha11.1e, Ave. under Prrllminnry Order approved Iday 10, 1932 Ta the Council of the City of Se Paul: The Commission,, of Finance hereby reports as follows. The total estimated —,Tq Eof the assessment for the above improve mens is - - - } The estimated cost p, 4— for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ 0.64_.. _. The Iota or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits far each improvement and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows. oaseaiRnon nor Aoortionl it � 1ioH Bldg 1 3 :dtvard L. :'.c Adam Add. 500 4 3 do 450 5 3 do 500 2000 6 3 do 500 7 3 do 500 3000 B 3 do 500 4250 9 3 do 500 3550 10 3 do 500 11 3 do 500 2950 12 3 do 500 3350 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER IAIUATION " 13 3 Edward L. McAdam Add. 500 2900. 14 3 do 500 3000 15 3 do 550 1 3 Lexington Park Plat 1 675 2 3 do 600 1500, 3 3 do - 600 5000- 4 3 do 600 3700 . 5 3 do 600 2300_ 6 3 do 600 3000. 7 3 do 600 2350. East 40 ft of 8 3 do 500 2850 East 30 ft of 9 anI A 10 ft of 8 3 do 500 3650 West 2C ft of 9 srd E.20 ft of 10 3 do 500 West 30 ft of 10 and E 10' of 11 3 do 500 2050 West 40 ft of 11 3 do 500 2950 12 3 do 650 3550 15925 57900 St. Paul, Minn. .G 1S 19 To The I-1--ble, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: � r .....:/. �.. _..._ St. Ave. from. ... �.Gu�+�sz Sc. Ave. to _. St. A— /, r �J �� irk Ri-I S/—SEi SEc. /O—T28—R23. I I MN. YARD Ave. o v 0 e D� m TBE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Data) May 21, 1932 Hon. Milton nosen, Commissioner of Public 'Works. Dear Sir' I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading East and West Alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline , under Preliminary Order C. F. 92337, approved May 10, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - $761.35 Cost per front foot 0.64 Inspection - - - - - - 14.93 Engineering - - - - - - 125.00 Frontage - - - - - - - 1192.36 ft. Yours truly Ca Chief Engineer. mh Approved r trans ssion to the�o�i n of F'inancd. I Milton Rosen, mi Comssioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public O'WOE Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 24 1932 May 23, 1932 102 "fn thr ('�nimi�siutwr nl I iun nrr of th, City of St. PI 'f he P'lhk, IN k, I int; u11r...... n thr �rv•Iin�inarY unlrr of 16� r�n�n�a, knuon �., t'onnoil 1'i1, Nn. 92337 nppmm,l May 10, 1932 102 - . tllnuvo to the grading of the East and West Alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and nlock 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from _ oyndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue. .ui11 hneink 11l" ninttlm nu11 thing. nf­wl to ilua,•in, h•irli� nl�u�i I _ an�1 Cur111�-+roil.I.•. Cost per front foot $0.64 'fhe rxtimab•d ruF1 then+d ix e 761.35 nm1 th.• trd nl n,t Ihvrrnf it S �In a pec tion $14.93 Engineering $125.00 Frontage 1192.36 ft. 111111 thr not u�i 111111 rst�t�t of v,i�[ i'llp itnent in 1, t'lit", : .k, ti l; �-f -11,11 iinill-11•inrnl i. hent, ,ttnrhI j nt hcmuf. J. S.0 i t i= : alA fur nl�un y�.ti' .d thn. ..r niu�e uKn n of Pmlmrty .. nnliruven�en subject to n ... ....rnt N, -id (////// ('animiwnoner of Rthlic H'urkn. OOUNCIL FILN/J.' BY / _LS� FINAL ORDER INC DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of____ condemning_ and_taking_ ap_easement__in_the. J.and, A&Qe5-SAM for slopes, cuts and Pills, in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Add on, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue under Preliminary Order___ 92338____________, approved_.__ ------ ty-IQ,_1932_________, Intermediary Order ________92822 ----- _-------- approved ---- _--------- Jane -22* -1932____ A public hearing having been had upon theabove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t the precise nature, extent and kind of Improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 11 from Syndicate Avenue to Ham -line Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. —itESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or eneemsam enta therein be and the e are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvement., vu.: For slopes, cuts and fills, In the grading of the east and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the mmissioner of Public Works attached her Coeto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. t the Cimsioner f Public Worke be and is hereby etricted RESOLVED FURTHER, pat mis d directed to prepare plane and specification. for said improvement, and the proper city official., are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the with. making Of +aid improvement in accordance there- Adopted by the Council_____ Ls _ Ctty Clerk. Approved___________________________ 19____Councilman _ Myo � G� Fe:puaem 6c'"' VUBLISD Councilman Councilman McDonald CouncilmanP Y Councilman Councilman Sudhcsi— n -...i.. I/ Mayor 93085 COUNCIL FIL O. BY __--__.,0-/ruT FINAL ORDER IN C DEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of____condemning_ and _taking_an_easem@n4_in_the_ J.and-llSices3ary_ for slopesc , uts and fills, in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamline Avenue under Preliminary Order__ -92338______________ approved----------- ___-_____, Intermediary Order _-____-92822-------------- approved -------------- T -22f -1932_-__- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard 11 persons, bjections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precisreex e natu, tent and kind of hnprovement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easementin the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the ..at and west alley in Block 3, Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hamlin. Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. areRESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands easements therein be d the sa hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose M ,Waking the --Mid /i�mpre smevte, via.: For slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of the east and west alley in Block 31 Edward L. McAdam Addition, and Block 3, Lexington Park Plat 1, from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissianer f Public Works be and is hereby i cted and the proper city offic els are d directed to prepare plans and specifications for hereby authorized and directed to Proceed with the said improvement, making of said improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_____ _ 19_._ - il 19--__ Approved__________________________, Councilman l; c Councilman Fe0anr Councilman McDonald Council= aCouncilRdbI— o lorucnn- y x' Mayor j Th, Commissioner of Mi.—, f,,Lh,, reports that he h,, j­­jg­d all f rhe af,,,..id marl and hereby the foregoing ., his report th—.. t. the Council, t.,,h, with she report ..dk to him m ,,h,—,, t, said matter by the Commissioner of Public \N,,k, D— d� f Fim..ee. DEPARTM ENTOFP FIN AN CE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In tlk matter of condemning and taking an easement in thn land necessary for a1o�, Lt. Mc �3 am .d di Bon1, 1n andeHlo c kgr l3, Lez In gt onn .1aP ark lPl attl a f11 rom S. beak e3AVee. to Hemline Ar s under Prel'.... ary Order approved M,tC 10, 1932 To the Council of the 01Y of Sr. Paul: The Com m'issio ncr of Finance h ... by rc pores as follows: s 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the abore "I"ne lots or parcels of land that may be assessed ben cfi �s (or such im provense r. t, and the assessed valuation of each !ot or parcel as last rrponed by the Assessor, arc as follows: 1e 11PTION roT -- AomnoN L�dpwano Bldg. 1 3 Edward L. idc A -'em Add. 500 2 3 do 500 3 3 do 550 4 3 do 450 500 2000 5 3 do 6 3 do 500 500 30t 0 7 3 do 500 4250 H 3 do 500 3550 g 3 do 10 3 do 500 (c) 14,976 57,900 OEPA RTM ENT W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1111-01 LOT 11 3 Ed—d L. McAdam Add. 500 2950 12 3 do 500 3350 13 3 do 500 2900 14 3 do 500 3000 15 3 do 550 1 3 Lexington Park Plat 1 675 2 3 do 600 1500 3 3 doh 600 5000 4 3 do 600 3700 5 3 do 600 2300 6 3 do 600 3000 7 3 do 600 2350 East 40 ft of 8 3 do 500 2850 Bast 30 Itof 9 do 500 3650 and west 10 ft of 8 3 'est 20 ft of 9 3 and east 20 ft of 10 3 do 500 West 30 ft of 10 500 2050 ani east 10 ft of 11 3 do W •. at 40 ft of 11 3 do 500 2950 12 3 do 650 3550 14,976 57,900 Office of the Commissioner of Public lip" a .1 Report to Commissioner of Finance 4 - 010 MAY 24 1932 May 23, 1932 19' I," g lu.l ..t.d.. ...t. -i. I.... ., ti" Ian li....., ,, ,nl,. .4 0,. 92338 :,o„I Nay 10, 1932 92 r..htt o. condemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, cuts -%nd fills, in ]L3 f the E-.st and 'Vest Alley in block 3, tdward L. McAdam Addition, and block 3, Lexington Nark Plat 1, from yndle-,te -e. to Hamline Ave. _. 'I1.. .......nl�.l ...N iii. ...d xxx .....I iii, t..t..I .,..t .h. .. ..f xxx .t...1 tl....'at .. ."A � .f +aid "."p-11 t ” n, hdl. -. 5. ..d.l Ittl.c ... tt., ..t .- .t. k.�.1 f.,. ttln.. I....... .A tltr. 93086 COUNCIL FILE N0. 1111, By orison: °:n FINAL ORDER ^w T. N In the Matter of.. cr.-.,tr cw. ___fir. Schef 'ar `rest f e111�,E Avenue to Brimhall_Avenue, - - under Preliminary Order 114E4 approved 11,y -14. 1932 Intermediary Order _.___._ _-_..___.... -_ -_ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- prevenient to be made by the said City is _ ch ft ..rest r— Snelling Avenue- to. 3rim1a11-1lvenue, _...... ........ ____ ___ _._ ..__.... .. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said finimo oto in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _..___ ___ __.., 192 .wau. p I City Clerk. Approved �..._.... __ :192 i t .,i,i 1 Mayor. CouncilmarA RTHMF— PC76i.J8iIDli) �[�{ CouncilmarES�l"1 Councilme ofb>3"eTiaTd— lfOftl .- ouncilman ltusen D 1(' •a` .; Truax �r Councilman Mayor qk99VM Form B. S. A. 8-7 ' - 11W", INANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) -d,, P,,Jjmj­y Order approved To C.--1 of,h, Co, of sl. P-1: Th, C,­j,,j-- M Fm—,, hereby rcporu al [olloa s: The t.l ---d amount of the avessmcntfor ab— imP,.--t is —.2c that may be assessed benefits (or srch improv<men�, and the assessed valuation of each bt or ryrcel as lust r,,.—d by the A —,, — as f-11-1 11S111PTION 1— ewe. Aoortloryvaso ATION Hell int 3SR5 7 n50 —th05 4975 10,150 Th, C...-!.— M Finance lnnher reportsthat he b-1 i_­jg­d all of the aforesaid —­,, and hereby submits the foregoing ., his report thereon to the Council, together s i,h the report ... de to him in releren ce t, said —t— by the C—illi—1 of Public W.,k, D—d��— 19 3 ;L , t, Pa -n,[ - -- C—mi.— of Fib—l. To :Ilio Honorable, The Council, St. Paul, Minn. City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your honorable Bod to cause the Iollowing improvemen t m be made: Wyniml USE mnlawal June 1, 1932 Ron. 111ton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate Of cost for the construction of a sewer on Scheffer Street from Snelling Avenue to Brimball Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92464, approved Uy 20, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $800.00 Cost per front foot - - - 2.63 Engineering - - - - - - - 73.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 504.4 ft. Yours truly, I N. CAR mh Chief K p A prov to thA Finance. 4�%MON ROSEN ner of kblic Worts. 6f&, of the Commissioner of Public �"NANU Report to Commissioner of Finance (0 JUN 2 UM June 2, 1932 193 Tn the Com-i—nn" If of the City If 'u I' Th, C,unoumio— If Public W.,k,, haying had under no,nd—titin the preliminary order If thi- Countil, known I- Onnn'd Fit, N., 92464 up,_, ILay 20, 1952 193 1 'Anti'a to the construction of . sewer on acheffar Street from Snelling Avenue to Brimhall Avenue. andb—og in—tig-I'd the not -I, and thin, to therein, hereby "Porta: 1. Said improvement is ..it (.,) desirable. 2. Th, estimated -1 thereof i- 1 800.00 , and the total ---t thereof ie f -6 Engineering $75.00 Frontage 504.4 ft. Coat r oti 42 es the per "I, ai and front and at. extant I top... 3. A plan ,,.fit, or sketch If said i,uP,ov,,j,,t n, hereto attached and on.d, a part hallo(. 4. of 5. Said impro-ount is mk,d for upon Pet f h property, --ould f., said iniproytonon' 7W Conontia r i ... If Puffin Wiuka- 93087 w COUNCIL. FILE NO. wmd e By re FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. constructing a sewer on the south side. of Marshall Avenue .from Hamlin Avenue to a point 267 ft. east of Hamlin-Aveoue. under Preliminary Order 92618 approved June 2, 1932 Intermediary Order. _-.... _... -.-4 _-_._spproved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is -construct 9 sewer. c -a the -South aide. of Marshall Avenue. from.Bamline Avenue to a.. point -267..ft- --east _-of- Hamlin Avenue -,---------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Couned JSP. 192 City Clerk. Approved 192 Councilman rlwgaW PUBI.fBfM� r/ 4 / 1 uynr. Councilman �<Rj.$/L,J/� _ CouncilmaniFyrlve Councilman `�i(a Councilman.eww�wse 1 -" Councilmen 1�� � Mnyor Ld��o°y F Form B. S. A. 8--7 CTY IO PAUL DEPART14ENT,OFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER yg. (D) a Inthemuterof constructing a s er on the south side of Marshall Avenue from Hamlin Ave. to a pt. 267 ft. L. of Hamlin Ave., under Preliminary order app—ed June 2, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. I'aul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amofytLof the assessment for the above mprovement ie - - f 681 .00 The estimated cost p,d— for the above mprovement Is -- The lou or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each I—, parcel as last r,p—rd by the Assessor, arc ar follows: oesealFnoN cur noolrloN ISSL-Y.. i�g 8 John B. aoxsiets Re—ar 825 3450 of Blk. 4 of Anna E. Ramsey's 9 Ad— to the City of St.Paul 600 3550 10 do 775 4750 11 do 750 3150 12 do 725 300 13 do 700 14 do 900 5475 15200 The Commissioner, of Finance further reporu that he has investigated all of the aforceaid matr, and subon hereby mi s the foregoing as hi, report thereo the Council, together with the report made to him m referenceaid matter by the C,ro,omloner of Poblie Works, to r \ vo.m e. e. n. Do ed U 1 C iraw— of Finance. ;K2 -:16 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) June 14, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the construction of a sewer on the south side of Marshall Avenue from Hemline Avenue to a point 267 feet east of Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92618[ approved June 2, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $681.00 Cost per front foot - - - 2.57 Engineering & Inspection 61.60 Frontage - - - - - - - - 265 ft. Yours truly, I 3 r M, 8hepardt Chi f Fmgina r. mh Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance H� au C•we-2e Commissioner of ublic Works. I �i 0 Office of the Commissioner of Pub licwcFinexU Report to Commissioner of Finance s JUN 20 1932 June 17, 1932 lea To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Pao] The Gommiesioocr of PobGe Warks, hoeing fond raider—,,ideralioo the prcliminnry order of tho Councd, known - Cnunoil File Nn 92618 nPp—od June 2, 1932 .193. rolntivo to the construction of a sewer on the south side of Marshall A Avenue from Hemline Avenue to a point 267 feet east of Beeline Avenue. nod having i—,tigated the r—tt,, and things referred to th—in, hereby reports: 1. Snid improvement ie nncea and (Cir) deairaUlo. Cost par front f of 57 2. The Betio,.. cot thersof is S- 681.00 d the to at i Engineering & Inspection :61.80 Frontcoat thage ft. ' and the -tore cod extent of said improvement is Cie follows; 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvemoot is hereto att tfo,d and mode a part hereof. 4. 5. Said io�prmemeot is.. mkcd for up- petition of three or more owners of property, "ubject to aseesement for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Works. #s' 93088 COUNCIL FILE N0. FINAL ORDER mi In the Matter of ..—t ruct'—.. a s:.Lava'.s- an the ..s oi..a ..-na. of ?auq—, 1— 1, f—. Ken:. d Straet to Verden -.Lt., o.. _ ...,ar r. a,u. suf.+'ic ienY sraer+al;cs aevl oxist+. under Preliminary Order _ ..... 92284 _._ _ _-_- _approved 7 y 4, 1552.. _. Intermediary Order _- - _-.__....__-__--_approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .ccv:atruet. a.sle—Lir — the_sauth r;.. of aa:.q+:iu-Straet Froe�-'—'—.—aL_o..tcfeet _wast_n___ie--ea::t_1_na_n-f.1--t--S1.cct 3, Lruio.stuc_.'s .:arca:.-Lots: axceat--ihare_:.00d-=-u:-s.,L,=icieai_viceaiiks_.=mcsust� and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Warks be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Ai 19 W2 Adopted by the Council __ _.__ -. 192 City Clerk. Approved _ _....... , 192 connrrlmaa— a v Mayor coanrurose BHIZI)j C ouncilman oamnhtm�= J i Councilman } Ce nneaman/1'ye= Councilman �lIIl67� j' hon— Mayor �R �1i1 ey Form R. S. A. 8-7 OEPARTMENTSOFP FIN ANC. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r1•a under Preliminary Order approved -"` To the Council of the City of St. Patel: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f,41-1: The total —i—,d amRunt of the ,sues m ent for the above improvement i. - - - $ ---- — --- The esu mated cost p (not for the above mprovcnicnt-- 'Che lots or parcel, of land that nay be assessed benrfits fir ench improvement, and the assessed valuation of each !It or parcel as last reports 1 by the A,--, arc ae follows: It.—PT— roT eeoea AooirioN Iy y^ou AT oBldg. �u 175 1V,0 0 175 .,,Itnr n -t1, lhT t t _ ',r "'t. It h r,.o:. I.otr. i0o 1050 12850 The Co mioner of Finance further reports that be has ,,t,,,,,d all of the aforesaid mattr, and hereby submits the foregoing a, hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him In reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public W -k,. V�-ow`/ Dat d aot..- _ 19 3� _ - - — - -- Cammi„loner of Finance. • i • .'Cc)Zr -V U 3'1 St. Paul, Minn.. 21 193 7v" To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your lonorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: , from _. Ll (.4<a �.. Cr �-r�. St. Ave. ro Office of the Commissioner of Public WC" FMM 1461%% Report to Commissioner of Finance v1- MAY 23 1832 may -1, 1962 1912 I I I a., I . , , , n u i_. - „f I , I I I , � ,.f t I ., 4 11 1 ,f m. I ' u , , I 1,111,11-111-- f 1,01". M,k, he—, 1''I "I 1, . �, 11. ", ilii,.... . .... . .. . ....... . 1 Ii I.."' 92234i1p,-, I May 4, 1952 1112 1 the construction of a sidewalk on the south side of Fauquier Street from Kennard Street to 50 feet —t of the east line of lot 4, block 3, Cruicksfiark,13 6arden Lots. 1 -,"10 1 0i1 "j,"d .� 11 ii. 1.� I $0.85 per front foot ITIII 11—t "f —1.1 -1,1l ,-k 10, -1 111,11-1-11-11 11 1.11,11. 5, "W-1-11`11 ))�& 4 ... ......... (..f p,,I,lj, W -k,. 930$9 . �We �F � I] e�r �1 � 1 .giE-.n6 ; COUNCIL FILE NO.. .. m.naOra.�'DH�L e• r t. iii; vYOw�'p�o .rear a ,.Deem as By v.wa FINAL ORDER In the Metter of r _structi , relayin,, — repair inc tiu,. idervelk.. or, the south. .dq_ol,'. Ger iyu;. Street, begir_ni V, 220 feet east of ' ortland _ Street, th,p east -.4 ft., hagSa:ing 8 teat ?nrtlss:r east, 'j—', -t a fact. - -- - under Preliminary Order 22U ... _approved L':cv 4, 1932 - Intermediary Order ___--.._.. - _.-_-_-.___- - _-..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all yersons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,'beit RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is r tract,.. relay --"^ -r»^ the lide"Lk_—the --south-aide ..f Cavan-lam-SkreeS-§e�3rwi -326.-fae+ seat-af-G r-tl--Straatr-thaoce-.-act 4 feet, -nagin,il,9_ feet _Torch— east,_tLance__—t_6. teat.__-__-_-----_--_--.--- - __..----------------_.... and the Council hereby orders mid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Jul. 19 1932 192 1 F (;it3' Clerk. Approved __..- 192. Councilman Couucilman W Councilman MooF.Ap- t PUBLiSFEM ' Councilman Councilman Councilmen �1lIRlf� aeB /�/ Mayor Rolm Form B. S. A. 8-7 / CITY OI 6 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mat«rof rsconstruct'n„ relaying ani repairing the sliewalk on the south ) side of Geranium Street, beginning 220 feet east o;' Cortlen Street, thence east 4 fact, begin In.- 3 feet farther east, thence oast 6 feet, under P,diminary Order approved May 4, 1932 To th< Council of the City of St. Pard: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tool est-- --t of the asaesa—I, for the above improvement is - - f.-7.00 _ The estimated cast perfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - $ _— 7'hc lore or parcels of land that may be assessed b,-fi,, for au 1, improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or pa reel as lass reported by the Assessor, me as follows: ocseRionoN DoTnooiTioN La ---N Bldg. 25 3 Ransom's Add. to St.Paul 275 850 26 3 do 275 800 550 1650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports char lie has in —igeted all of the aforesaid ma r,and hereby submi in s the foregog as his report thereon I. the Council, together with the report made to him to reference to said manor by the Commissioner of Public W-ks. n Dated—�_2 - _ 19 3 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public fIWM Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 29 1932 May '1,1, 153E 1112 t .....�......r...,, .4 I ",". ..f Hi, i .., 4 si. Ptl 1......... -":.. ..f 1'..1 h. \\.,.k 1...— ti I1.,1I 11-,1... ..11"1.l.."1"' .I... I.n li i.... _ -1. ' ..f it", 92287 d May 4, 1932 IO2 , rolxGrr I.1 reconstr�leting, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the south side of Geranium dt., beginning 2z0 ft. eest of Cortland ot., thence east 4 feet, beginn:nt; 3 feet farther east, thence east 6 feet. 7.00 ....I .h. 1 IM —1 Hi --f i.._ I .lu ",iuri�: I I ..f -'d i...I, .. c.. I.,.I r :o- r, 1-- .,d f.l.. "I <k' .A 1 ',h,d �'A i..'.L, .5. ..i.l I��.I.r �. .. i. ..t � .�.k.�.I f�.. i.l.... I...ti..�.i. ..f Il.rl y. . ...... .il I�,r ..�i.l i...l.r�........nt. ...u........ iwi.. -.4 11u0.1ie Nk,. under Preliminary Order 92279 _._.approved Ka` `, 1932, Intermediary Order -......- ..._..-.._— ___..._.approved_.._ -...--.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is rsp t,,Ot.-i 1kX0 ^epal,r- the-..5jdawalk.. a'._th. lollrninp, locations, 7raac Avenuo,. north cide,_h._11+4�-.59_fa.t-.a:.ct-.o_'-.c'i:.n_'L'u-c.-thoace—t__S. _lset, and the Council hereby orders mid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUL z s 1 192 jo City Clcrk. Approved _ 192 J sync: Councilman —� D.—Ids, `- - Councilman stay�'^ %3 Councilman 4/F e / Cn..riMsnaemmRRme a coaneRman cnancuman Mayor WRIM Mah­cy Form B. S. A. 8-7 / / 93090 He. 0.- - w °e1v Y� vio�ow u�o 1i vetPw N vvl�v COUNCIL FILE N0. v oNe�u°ev. .v •�•4� By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of the sidewalk at the follawiw� Locations, Gru,d .lven,+e, nortF. s. becirs.in=vD taut nest a- ..ami ...ver thence.east Sly. feet, under Preliminary Order 92279 _._.approved Ka` `, 1932, Intermediary Order -......- ..._..-.._— ___..._.approved_.._ -...--.- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is rsp t,,Ot.-i 1kX0 ^epal,r- the-..5jdawalk.. a'._th. lollrninp, locations, 7raac Avenuo,. north cide,_h._11+4�-.59_fa.t-.a:.ct-.o_'-.c'i:.n_'L'u-c.-thoace—t__S. _lset, and the Council hereby orders mid improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council JUL z s 1 192 jo City Clcrk. Approved _ 192 J sync: Councilman —� D.—Ids, `- - Councilman stay�'^ %3 Councilman 4/F e / Cn..riMsnaemmRRme a coaneRman cnancuman Mayor WRIM Mah­cy Form B. S. A. 8-7 / / carr P�4TFAuc ..1—I.YNT Or FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) —d, P,,li.i—y Order approved 1e�7' T. lh, C.—d of 11, C,t, of Sr. P-1: 'r Le G,..mia— of F—,— hereby ,,pf,,11—: The —.1 —i.—d amount of the assess —t for a1,—, mprovcment i, S. The estimated ...t p,, f.,, for the alb— improvement i, $ Th, I,- "',-1—f land that may be --d for such i ...... and the assessed —1-6.. of —h I—, pa reel es lust reposed by the .lssrssor, a,, -e as follow:. .—C—T— L.T .... A...TI.N ^ .... E' —L.AT . N 9DOO 11,00 -0110 The C.,--;—, of Fim—, further reports that h, h., imseatigated all of the aforesaid matt, , . nd herebysubmitsh, foregoing .s hi, report thereon to the C,� ... 11, togetherwith 1,, report .d, to im i. ,,f—... t. said —t— by the C.—i,,i—, of Poblic W.,k, Dated 19 ! D Office of the Commissioner of Public WAvWRMM Report to Commissioner of Finance 9 MM 28 IM ',daL93e 19' T" U„• 1 ..in Du..mwi ,d PL..uu, �f Ib I, d .1. I`,wl. A =4 1"01I ' N��rk., hall", h;ul 111,dl r ",i'idalis 11 1i Dur. Ill.,.9eG79 l Eloy 4, 193:; l9. . eclnUn 1., , �'. l��,r ,�i reconstructing, relaying, and repairing, the sidewalk at the following locutions Northside Grand Avenue beginning 58 feet east of Finn. Avenue, thence east 30 feet. f�'-d I” th,�i�ii�. lirnl,c 1,.. 20.00 I flu tvul ih,� Dnt ur,� eud �oi�m .F wl�l Iw,�mv.iu, id i, s. GJI�,,,. -% p11" . !^,d7L ,i k, ' -L 11 .ul,l 11-IF"e, Du.m I- �d wad. „ "a,I I, n.d. 1. i�Dl -. ,.ki�l f��r i,1,r 1, tit -,n , [ 1ilii„m 1'Dn,n.....Drv.e D1 rul,lie \\'Deka. 93091 COUNCIL FILE NO. By. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing, -relaying. and repairing, the. sidewalk on the south side of Juno Street, beginning 248. feet west of .Chatsworth .Street, thence wast 36 feat, under Preliminary Order __ .9£282 _. approved May 4, 1832 Intermediary Order ._-____ .-..._approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon dbe notice, and jhe Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.._.reconstruct,..relay -and .repalr,_ the side- walk on thesouthside_of-.Juno_Street,_Daginning..246. feet_ Wadt._Qf._-._. Chatsworth Straet._thff=e.. West.. S6_ feeta__. ---- - - .... -------... ..-...-- - --------------- ..--_.------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-�-8. _- , 192 1932-- City Clerk. Approvod - , 192 Councilman Cj&j0!t- - pl,l ii.nxlA � Councilman ploy Councilmann dfcAomfdm rrx�ea C./T.i/�f�� .,{J�z`G'_ Onnnrilma Councilman T.nax Councilman GVWNMla�- Mayor 058p= plennney Form B. S. A. 8-7 Tr 9 OEPARTMtNT-WF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .yfJ,n (D) f 1. [hc mann of reconstructing, relaytng and repairing the sidewalk on the south slde of Juno Street, `egio- ng 246 feet nest of Chatsworth Street, thence west 36 "eet, ,,oder Preliminary Order approved May 4, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby repor[s as follows. S 2Q -Q2 _ Tl total esu mated amour[ of the aesesemenr (or the abwc mprovement .s - 'Ibe esuma[ed cost p<r toot (or the abo.e mprovement �e - - von of each lot or The lots or parcels of land tbar may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valva parcel as last reported by the Assessor, art as follows: RD OcsCR11TION DoT ower —ITION Len�iwl ioN 4 2 Ilooreo'st Addition too that Of 75 City 5 2 0" St, Paul 75 150 of Fin c further repots tbat he has mve Ligated all of the aforesaid mar rs, and The Com m�ssioncr a^t t til stogcthcr with the t made to bio, ie as hie thereon ro the Coon rcpor hereby sobm� s rhe foregoing rcpor t reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. 19.3.1 - Commissioner of Finance. i Office of the Commissioner of Public VJMkIFFUUU4PA Report to Commissitiner of Finance stir 29 Na May 21, 1932 lnz T" dm (lnu1","j,', :4 f 1 'f 0" 1,,, •f SI. raid 'f h„ � .......... .f P., H.. a1,, k-. I...... 11i' _ ."I" J flb� n. k-- u u Fib �-- 92202 :.,.,,1 May 4, 1932 l<r A"i"' I,: reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on the south side of Juno Street, beginning 246 feet west of Chatsworth 6treet, thence west 36 feet. I l " 1 —1 111 i"[ ih" iii:i'"i, I'd ih'— n.bri d t.. ili��i�i, i. 1�., �, lid r�,li" t.. _. 'fhi -ii na-1 il.4— . 20 .02 acid its• �"d "". ,i 4 ""d i nil,.......... i, " a� f 11," '.1. .k I.Ini I.-lil,, -k nA f .ai. ,i " h„n la, 1” [ .""1 i.i:'d' , 11%1i h, n,.f. .,'A inilir .. nn .. I f .4 ilia i,i n..... .,n n.IV uC yr�il�r � t'.nnnJs.lmu•r 4I1ub1lr W -k,. ` y _ 93092 COUNCIL FILE N0. °Oo a e:vi e3e� oor, By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of rectr'.:at.-.:, ra1u:: c �.- t::e sidawalk,. m— —ass , , on tLe.:rczt. �i^_e cf ;iris Ave Q. l:.e_Eia.�'��:: 70 `e"t .ort-.. of Cherry .Street,. there_. ncrth__. feet, _... __... under Preliminary Order.___.. 92319 ______ ._.__.approved ay c• -9'-12 Intermediarybrder _..... .. __.__ ..-approved _..__. _.... _.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; -therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is cac tru.t, . al,. 3,a1 r. the _.s _a rralkx, where _wast ids ef_M lA-' Orth ,f Ci St rest, accessary nntlro a.- snu^.F.13",LI?i...'-3 -t- .. _... -. t. there. north 46. Seat.._. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said mnyr vg�c§,lf` accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 1 l..y...�•R , 192/�K.���(,,\ ' City Clerk. _. 0. t, Approved _ - 192 1 - Councilma �1cu�neld Councilma _ aYm — Y,•arca Councilma Ro„-a ,/J n_,��� CouncilmanTruux // Cn ouncilmaN'enul 7L� I Councilmen pJapuurH' Mayor�leA¢AE}1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 circ or s}. PAN DEPARTMENT F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER , (D) In �hc of l_ y.. r l r .re t under Pr<liminary Order approved I''- l '' To rile Co,, l of the City of St. Paul: The Cnmmissiooer of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ __ wl eso mated amount of �6e assessment for the nbo�c mpro.ement is - 5 ` '1'hc to Th- __j cost Per foot j­h, nssesse<1 1 cnfits for such impro�emcot, and the -11-1d valuation of each lot or 'Fill lots or Parcels of land that -y y a+ foll ted by t1,, Ass a ows. parrs a: lace rePor e. 1c 11PTiON �Or a�o�. AOoiT�ory �awA,�ory cr. 1 7.5 4000 19'/S "o" that he has mve tiRd all of the aforesaid mat s, and The Com issinner of Finance further `I ­ ,f Corts tle Council, satetogether with the report made [o rhim .n hereby submi a the [ore6oinR as hie report on to eference to s 'd matter by the Commissioner Dvcd �l µ,5_a �l 19 '' �_ Commissio (Finance. O#fice of the Commissioner of Public 'GM OF \VOrks Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 23 1932 May 21, 1932 192 iI" (,"I 'f `i. Pa"I \\,�,k I': - i,, li:ul ii i,, III I�i aii ,i th, 1, r�li mi ii", 1�1 - lir , f Ih, ,,I LI6 S 92318 :,Iqn^crd E4iy 6, 1932 nr2 reconstructing, relaying rind repairing the sidewalk, where necessary, on the west side of 9iaria avenue beginning 79 feet north of Cherry �trect, thence north 48 feet. i�n�l Burir,y inc.ti¢ li,l the ""d '1 1 1. vial 'inilir �i 0 i, l.... ... .i...'�l an,l ""o lira„�1. 1iif thr �n�in omni r. of Irt��p�rty, f„r upi�n ei 1 i 1�, .�. �.,ni�ni fir ..,iii iinl„iia�i•iiirnt. �/ V” —' � Woke. 93093 � 0� s Nei[ nidi rwva, hptn�e Sep } rvvM Yes 9vplle t ee�op. pp�Idl.ai COUNCIL FILE NO. ^° edpep°•pa o�e.e iRr By FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofconatructing_ alley -crossing on the. east. side. .of Underwood Avenue and the west side of. Kacalester Avenue, between acbeffer..Avenue and. Eleanor Streets - - --- ---- - - - - - under Preliminary Order.. 92317. ____ ._approved May 6, 1032 Intermediary Order -.-.... -_______-.... _-_.approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is. ____Cenetruet alley. _crossiq& on the .east side of. Underwood. Aveoue_and. _the west side of Ilacalester .Avenue- between 80heffer Avenue_ and._8lea or Street, .. ------- -------- '—'-- _. -----------. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said a pprovajt(jleptyw�{@ty officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said i accordance therewith. 7 G Adopted by the Council E_---- __ Isz -_.. Citl lerk. Approved -.-._.— __. __-.-. _. --. .192 Councilman `la "'"o" Counmlmam Councilmand Councilman Co uncllmanlWltltwlEm Truux Councilman �y enol Mayor 11"Rf!9w - Mahoney Form B. S. A. 9-7 Yor. 'un1VUBLISEEED�� � , DEPARTML4NTe0'/ FINANCE _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matin of con structtn. ally cross oto on ti.e east side of Underwood Avenue V and the west site of Mac al^st-+r Avenue, bet - en Schaffer Avenue and Eleanor 3treot, under Prclimin ,y Order appI'd Idey b, 1932 To the Council of the Cil, of Sc. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for she above improvement- "ILe est ionated rest per foot for the aboyc improvement is - - - - - - S 9-30 pgg�grEt Tbc lots or petals of land that may be assessed benefits for such improve men e, and the assessed valuation of each lot or pared as last reported by the A--, arc as lollows: SED oescaiPTiory nor .00InoN Lana n i Bldg. Crossing "or nll,p in Block 1 GalarneaIt's Add. No Valuation s n 11 11 " 1 Otto Avenue Addition No Valuation The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has insestigered all of the aforesaid matt s, and Dsubmits ere by the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to rhim in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \forks. e o <d q— -.iL _ 19 Co.m i — ncc. Commissioner of Fina Office of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance 01 MAY 23 1932 1Say 21, 1952 192 t'...........iIt" d Vit. r.,,1 ( ......n...... 4 r.0h, \{...6. li:-- h,d 1'. rnliniin:v� <'��....ri 1. k,,. — , i .,u..ril I11,. \... 94,$17 :.r,. -d May 5, 1932 I1)1 constructing Al Ley crossing on the east side of Underwood Avenue, and the west side of Macalester Avenue, between Scheffe, and Fleenor Streets. .-d lh,t h --t h—bl 1,„ 1 $0.30 per sq. ft 'Ih. i.....�....I ,,..t .h,.���f i. ..... .I nn.l flt...ii.,f -i.l in.I -- ..- .. ., f.,11— :1.1.1 „ A 1, I. f -%,d ....n.... .... ... I und i h,..,..f. I. \..ill ilii l., 1... lit . t t I ( I y. ..i„„.•..,r 93094 w_ t rl�rfefc- �' SOUL. ar �aaeu'r' COUNCIL FILE NO. 1_ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of. nenst,-:tla_: �_vexay_. on the east sjCo of. Ar.oedo Street. beginni.' 11-1.. feetnorth of "--t "=i.:_1 5'._'set, tho^ce ne,th 12 feet,. _ under Preliminary Order 92315.. _. .......___approved 1-Y o, 1532 _ Intermediary Order .......- __-- -approved A public hmAhg having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the acme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is..._ _ street s_ away, on the st sid f .Arcade_ Street. bn5-ll2.feat-mrih. v_�est. i irj 5tra __ti:o,cv. n rth_ 12 _faat�_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of saidp en 1 U� omordaoce therewith. , Adopted by the Council _. __ _ _ 192 -. _. City--lerk. Approved_ , 192 Councilman d&xm Councilman dan­ 11, Councilman dl Fa -o ice Pgl,ISiM Councilman T -a. -" Co..etan rcu.r® 'frons CeuneumanwwNM` Mayor AOPM1l11 Mnri,nry �, Form B. S. A. 8-7 "11V_WMW PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE f, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •��� t (D) ' In the matter o(e th 12 feat, under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the Cily of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: t for the above mpro - - - 3 The total es[,ma[ed a of tfic assessmen semen[ mo`'�t provcmcnt is - - a - I h, estimated cost pe�(oot lar the bove 'im d the assessed valuation of each lot or 'Che lots or he assrssed b parcels of land that may enefits for such improvement, an parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows. OEscnIPTION t euocx ADDITION L', vn TlOgl_p. _s "!6 ,lul th­ �, of �lonY oC I.Vry .. n. .. nt.... .r . I. .n.,I The Commissioner of Finance further reports [hat he has investigated all of [he aforesaid mat s, and herebyth anbm,[s regoing a 1 the o the Cou I, together xilh the report made to rhim 1n e (a s his repor reon t reference to 'd matter by the Commiss,oner of Public \ ,ks. is /.....,� 2 .2 19 2 inawncr of Fin Dated �T �- - ante. Offlce' of the Commissioner of Public WOWIF FIMAto Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 29 19U Ilay Ll, 1932 I92 ..f I 4 ill,. 1 "1 .! .�_ ranl lhi 1.nni„r. i�ii�i .i I'iillu l\'�nA+ lin�i �K hn�l iinil��i �.�n.id��ulhni ilu� I�rrliiiin �ini�� of Ih�� I 11 k,. Iii —1 1.1,. N, 91315 al,l,r .�.<I Eloy 6, 193E 191 Mali, constructing driveway on the east side of Arcade Street, beginning 114 feet north of cast Tnird ;street, thence north 1< feet. ,end lu 4 n�� 4.it�..1 11�, iii.,ll�i. .rn�l Iliin4, nf�-rr��d 1�� Ih�riin, liar„I�� n�iii Irl . $0.30 per sq. ft. n... .. i i.. ill '�, I��.r�,i�� at w�lii �l :iinl nin�l�, :i I�ur1 h. n. L v+k, ,l f,�r iilien li�.t ii inti of ILn.,. �n iiii�n iimiirr. .,f Iinil�irl y, .uhj�.i t.. nn��.. iiu ni f�,r rui�l iiiii�niv�.in�•nt. nine r cif I'uj Jii. Work, 93095 a rmv ar: i°.a� Ncs� a Inti W W Lcaeuca. Ivenl..r:e ��s uv lhemlva3e ONer COUNCIL FILE N0.By '°aeuo'B ra ...... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. Constructing a.. brick crossing an the south. Side Of _. Curtice &treet_. across Riverview Avenue, under Preliminary order .92283 _. approved ray 4, 1932 Intermediary Order approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provemmrt to be made by the said City is ____. construct _a_brick.srossSn3_on _tile south aide of Curtice Street.-aarnsa.Eiverviea_Avenue,... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council - _— - ___ 192 Citl Icrk. Approved ouncilman C uncilman 0 ^I n.' PUB HiD�,- conncnman 1�,�:,:�a � � C uncilman t:++xs J /a_ Councilmand Mayor � Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY 01� ST. DEPADEPARTMENTVIFPAUL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1—h—t—of corstr,ctln� a brick crossing on the south side of Curtice Street acrt)ss Riverview Avenue, ,.de, Preliminary Order approved Nlay 4, 1932 To the C-61 If the City If St. P -1 - The Commissioner f Fm-- hereby t,p.,t, as f.11—, Th, t.L1 oti,n ... d ab— i.p-111"t is $ 60-00 The ,im—d cost - - - - $ --- The lots or parcels If land that may b, assessed benefits f.—di improvement, and rhe assessed valuation If each 1-1 or pa reel a, lasr reported b, the A,--, are as f.lb,— oeseatvTioN car seas. 1111TION ASSIS111 L ��TIAI "' Bldg. Crossing at lnt�rsaction of Curtice Street Sri R'serview Ave. No Valuation Th,, C...mim— If I'm—, further reports that be h., i -6,—d I[ If h, ,(oras id —,—, -d hereby ­b,it,t ffi� fi—,,,mg �, his report h—.. t. tl,, Council, t,g,,h- with the .d, U, hi. i. ,det—, t. ..id matter by the C—,mi—, of P.1,1i, W -kit. Dated jq� C...mi.— If Fitt—, A. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CPPV OF ST. PAUL INTEE—OFFICE COMMUNICATION N7Y'/ 1 (Dale) Apri1 ;�1, 11)31. 1dR. JOH11 Id. RF,4RDON 1 called on the cutup—inant, ,Irs. H. Price and she wanted the boulevard filled in which is very low along her property as well as enjecent property and 1 told her we could not take care eI it. She also asked Ior a sidewalk crossing at Riverview on the south side of Curtice and a9 Riverview vill never be graded south of C urtice St., it is a reasonable request and ano old be done. W .- Office of the Commissioner of Public WQ"fwmm Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 23 1932 may 21, 1932 192 A '11, 11 Pahl. May 4, 193[ 192 0,0- t„& constructing a trick crossing on .he south side of Curtice Street across Riverview Avenue. a",I hj"",i: k'- A,—I 60.00 . ..... r t k irk, pi. W, 1. ........... . ...... ......... ..f hh, W,.,k, nmw wa a., m�°n 93096 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL r�u No..... ............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —July 14, 1952 — A®aWf9r8B �.AS� apellcntinn. for 11 —sa to operate auto c e for hire soon the streets of the city of St. Paul have been made by persona named on the 'Ponstt.ed list{ and WiiENEAS� said eonlicants, to oordance eith Ordinance No. 7321 have filed copy ofins che h the City CounseSt. therefond saidi Olicies have been approvedto term byt as Corporfl S RFSOLVED, that lice..... be issued to said applicants to operate said ..to ogre upon the streets of the city of St. Past, subs sot to the provisions of said ordinance. 2 e8 W yun]�L C a m N tie? .ennR, ol� y a w9 oAin,n... t9 Asove^� gnVpe Com�f ]ul] 19 13 COUNCILMEN _ Adnptld by tha Council 193 -. Yca» layx �Afcnonuld � 1���� 'I 4',•� erre In furor \ 7"AApProved. - 193_ Tru- AI{a4,dL oval .N .ar �r. Ynwidi•nt hlubunry July 14, 1932 Appl.No. Name of Applicant Make Motor No. Seri.. No. License No. Insurance Co. 2409 Martin Auto Blue Cab Line Packard U157784B 157089 B-13201 Bt.Paul Fire & Marine Private Liv 2410 " 05177938 157201 B-13202 n ^ n n n n 2411 • n n n " n U151022B 150462 B-13203 2412 n ^ ^ ^ " " U160153B 160618 B-13204 2413 " " " U161221B 150625 B-13205 2414 " ^ " " " " 0165893B 166067 B-13206 2415 U164104B 166112 B-13207 " 2.416 ^ " " 111642888 166116 B-1.7208 2417 n " " " 01607418 166121 B-13209 " 2418 n n n ^ n ^ U15222BB 151741 B-13210 2418 ^ U166645B 186085 B-13211 2420 n n ^ ^ U166390B 166352 B-13212 2421 n n n ^ ^ ^ 1129800A 153799 B-13413 2422 ^ " " Bodge 53651 BA46330 B-13216 Samuel W. Cosby All,. 2440 Studebaker B-72-9?8 Midwest Mutual Ins.Co. 10964 Te,iab t 0 Remy lit WHEREAS, Section30 of Ordinance No. 7321, approved August 6th, 1931, provides as fol low e: "Taxicab licenses issued and out- standing at the time of the pas a age of this ordinance shall continue Sn full for and effect until the expiration thereof, unless sur- rendered or revoked as be -in authorizsd or provided;" and WHEREAS, A number of licensees were required, on February let, 1932, to take out new licensee for the calendar year beginning hadFebruary 1, 1932, pr per licensee expiri g aending tnuary a datellater3thansFebrueryi lstla1932 s and WHEREAS, As a reevlt Of the peculrement of takig out new licensee on February let, 1932, eao Of said licensees paid double for of hthe llaense in fro exl et encFebruas beYorel 932 Febr uaryto hl etat1932;tandexpiration �l rat ion WHEREAS, In the case of a taxloab license, the license Yee is $25, representing $1 for a metal license tag and $2 per month, and Sn the case oY an auto car or livery oar license, the annual li cones fee Ss $10, made up of $1 ae'.the coat of the metal license tag, $.75 per month; and WHEREAS, Said public vehicle license holders are entitled to receive back from the Oity such excessive amounts as they have here- tofore paid, said excessive amounts to be determined in the case of a taxicab lice nee as $2 per month, end in the case of an auto car or livery car 1IcanoS at the rate of $.75 per month; now therefore, be It REBDLFEO, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said public vehicle licensees each same as receive, viz: To taxicab licensees the sum o 2, and to .they are entitled to f month efteraut 0 car Februaryolet, very 1932cato thensees date ofesum of expiration ?5, for oY the each for the Yinallmonng th,snodrefundmentFebruary l shall9be'madevlunla as the vdat'er6hYt the expiration is later than the fifteenth of such month. COUNCILMEN Zr'.y�2. 193. _. Yam Nnye Adopted by the C rl _ _. - .. favor A r d ......193..._ rce p R"""n �Y"nx A6einst Mayor M,. Pf / Mr. President M"M1oney IlWIJSkih:D ® � � i7� No_ OFFICE CC.UZL RESOLUTION GA M Corn rvt QE,oHsn Remy lit WHEREAS, Section30 of Ordinance No. 7321, approved August 6th, 1931, provides as fol low e: "Taxicab licenses issued and out- standing at the time of the pas a age of this ordinance shall continue Sn full for and effect until the expiration thereof, unless sur- rendered or revoked as be -in authorizsd or provided;" and WHEREAS, A number of licensees were required, on February let, 1932, to take out new licensee for the calendar year beginning hadFebruary 1, 1932, pr per licensee expiri g aending tnuary a datellater3thansFebrueryi lstla1932 s and WHEREAS, As a reevlt Of the peculrement of takig out new licensee on February let, 1932, eao Of said licensees paid double for of hthe llaense in fro exl et encFebruas beYorel 932 Febr uaryto hl etat1932;tandexpiration �l rat ion WHEREAS, In the case of a taxloab license, the license Yee is $25, representing $1 for a metal license tag and $2 per month, and Sn the case oY an auto car or livery oar license, the annual li cones fee Ss $10, made up of $1 ae'.the coat of the metal license tag, $.75 per month; and WHEREAS, Said public vehicle license holders are entitled to receive back from the Oity such excessive amounts as they have here- tofore paid, said excessive amounts to be determined in the case of a taxicab lice nee as $2 per month, end in the case of an auto car or livery car 1IcanoS at the rate of $.75 per month; now therefore, be It REBDLFEO, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said public vehicle licensees each same as receive, viz: To taxicab licensees the sum o 2, and to .they are entitled to f month efteraut 0 car Februaryolet, very 1932cato thensees date ofesum of expiration ?5, for oY the each for the Yinallmonng th,snodrefundmentFebruary l shall9be'madevlunla as the vdat'er6hYt the expiration is later than the fifteenth of such month. COUNCILMEN Zr'.y�2. 193. _. Yam Nnye Adopted by the C rl _ _. - .. favor A r d ......193..._ rce p R"""n �Y"nx A6einst Mayor M,. Pf / Mr. President M"M1oney IlWIJSkih:D ® � � i7� 3 98 CITY OF$T, nF of doeel -_Las(" ,ru No. • ° OFFICE OF THE Gi, sorb rl- 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEA vn eon c... _N C/ -._--- ¢�__o., _ July 14, 1932. RFj Eo l/ Whereas, Additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary on the improvement described as the curbing of Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street, Standard Stone Co., Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, Since letting of the contract two property owners have p ition d for the construction of driveways to their property, necess a ngladditions and deductions as follows: Addition 18.84 ft. of radius curb ® .60 $11.30 Deduction X1.95 3.90 ft. of straight curb 50 $ Net Addition9 5 And Whereas, the total net addition 1s $9.35, now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the afore- said work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the total net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $9.35, to be added to the lump sum consider tion named in the contract known as Comp- troller's Contract L-367 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated Sn the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Con- tractor, Standard Stone Co., that the sum of $9.35 is the reasonable total addition to be made to the said contract. Countersigned: Commissioner of Public W6 s / yNDARD TON C City Com _er Contractor !,_._-CF>F�I3E71'! _ 7 Ado Led b the Coo ni it _ -jt1l �.. '912 193vi 10. Yrsc p y AtDDonald /roar / In favor 4 /� *y C � I-/ YX AI I rovrd 193 — .AQnl nxL President Mahoney 93099 TY nvC CITY OF ST. PAUL 9 pr Ara.er"m a"IorNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK".1o a?Ve etanaW e COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL •� Z u ' LPA .i•... PnmenTeo sv o.r[ u1y. 14, 1432.. o_. Whereas, Additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary on the improvement described as the curbing of Stryker contractorAvenuem, haverado been8treet pro ided fora ito n thetsp specifications andd.rdnunit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make additions to the contract as follows: Additions $4.00 Removal of old curb _&I 32.31) ft. radius curbal Addition 60 23.38 And Whereas, the total addition is $23.38, now, thereforg be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the afore- said work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in ac addition due toor samennotwto exceedth the peci the a— Ofication$23.338,f to beha_ - to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as COmp- trollerrs Contract L-3680 for the making of the aforesaid improve- ment for the reasons hereinbefore set forth,and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contracrd t the sonablettotaltaddltiont toebeomadehto the saiis the rea- d contract, `•- mm ssioner,ofM1 o Works A Countersigned: y a � D Contractor Co ptrOlier COUNCILMEN N. v ii 3'."Wpu.d by the ('.auucil .....193...._ Y_ �- �krlcDannld z /(eorer I f vac q>rrproved /}'roar AR inat �Ffr. President Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL 93100 ��""` NO....... pFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION— ERAL FORM p1+r_venTeo sv /� o.,1e July 13, 1932. cow,w, u or+gqa RESOLVED In the matter of moving and resetting of ornamental light posts on the Ls-outh side of Eighth Street from Ceder'. Street to Robert Street and on Cedar Street between Seventh and Ninth Streets, under preliminary order, Council File 87806, approved January 7, 1931, and final order, Council File 88664, approved March 31, 1931, Resolved, That the plans and specifications as sub- mitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved, and be it further Resolved, That whereas the aforesaid work must be carried out in co-ordination with paving operations now in pro- gress under contracts previously executed, the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to carry out the work embraced by these plans and specifications by force the at an estimated cost of $498.65, as per detail estimate attached, said work to be considered as a part of the improvement known as the widening of Eighth Street and financed from theCounty Aid Bond Pund, Code 2-C, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to purchase the necessary materials and supplies for said work. I w >(INOo—sy pppp�e epv�e n ]eCt0- ec. tv..geTlteC sae C- � aCGere�P NGIOsy� Ober vlP n� a�vlplYil Or�arm. pCovnvli P11e'IC!!�: I lveMi T6 �Wa plme,�vp`+paW- wee-PYe >rPvev m�e foe t pnp tie ecm p +A�r ep meveq �a Z f Ad.pted IIr we Col ,,fl .19 142 _._-Iso_-- 111 1 �Pr veil .193. )/ 7 ZMUSUD M zC � s4lfl. L'� I/ y n 7 �yror G "OUNCILMEN / N., M., �Men1111pm /G Tree 111 r1,.. r �r. P.e.�aepl MnLonry I w >(INOo—sy pppp�e epv�e n ]eCt0- ec. tv..geTlteC sae C- � aCGere�P NGIOsy� Ober vlP n� a�vlplYil Or�arm. pCovnvli P11e'IC!!�: I lveMi T6 �Wa plme,�vp`+paW- wee-PYe >rPvev m�e foe t pnp tie ecm p +A�r ep meveq �a Z f Ad.pted IIr we Col ,,fl .19 142 _._-Iso_-- 111 1 �Pr veil .193. )/ 7 ZMUSUD M zC � s4lfl. L'� I/ y n 7 �yror G .•Oity of St. Paul Department of Public Utilities July 11, 1932. Yr. James C• Carroll, City Engineer, Court House. Dear Sir: Below please find detailed estimate of cost Cedar of moving and Hobert lamp posts on south side of Eighth St. between and on Cedar St. between Eighth and Ninth Sts. 820 Ft. 3" Fibre Duct to install ® .06 $49.20 6.75 45 Ft. 2¢" Pipe to install .15 1.60 8.00 53" Fibre Ells 0 1 2 2}" Ells .03 49.20 1640 Ft. of Cable to move 20.00 280.00 14 Posts to move 90.20 820 Ft. 3" Fibre Duct .11 13.50 45 Ft. 2" Galvanized pipe .30 TOTAL ESTIMATED COST $498.65 Yours very truly, (Sgd) H. C. Streich SUPERINTENDENT OF LIGHTING Contract No. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS BUREAU OF ENGINEERS Plans and Specifications for the Grading and Impp Q Approved by the Council, and the Purchasing Agent authorized and directed to advertise for bids in the manner provided by the City Charter. SEALED BIDS FOR DOING THE ABOVE WORK BEARING THE NUMBER -AND ENDORSED WITH THE NAME OF THE BIDDER AND THE DATE OF PRESENTATION. WILL BE RECEIVED AT THE' OFFICE OF THE PURCHASING AGENT AT THE COURT HOUSE AND CITY HALL UNTIL The work to be done Wader these speeifleatione is to reset One - Gooseneck standard, Rine - 8 Light standards and Poor - Single Light standards an the Beath side of Eighth Street from Cedar Street to Robert Street and an Ceder Street between Seventh end Ninth Streets. i'he work to be done ander thou specifieatiene Is to reset One - Goosensok stabdard, Rine - 8 Light standards and Pour - Single Light standards an the •oath side of Eighth street from cedar Street to Robert Street and an Cedar Street between Seventh and Ninth Streets. asPbxAL- Attentien is called to bidders to Minnesota State Lv which requires that all electrical •ark mast be done by lieeased electricians. -LAWS APD SPRCIFICATIO198 09rAIAXD- Biddere pbtain a eat of plans for Personal no. in submitting bid by appyl.ng to the OCmiseioner of anbllm perks and making a Cash pay"ut of $1.00 to cower oast of blue printing and also s deposit of $4.00 am a guarantee for the return of the plans. The amount dopes ted to be forfeited if the plane are not returned within one week from the data the bids are opened. OOPORRTg POOPDATIOP POR ONPAWMAL POSTS - Standards shall be set on concrete foundations thirty- six (3e) inches deep unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer. The dimensions of the top face of the foundations @hall be sueb that they will extend two (8) inches beyond the outside dimen. miens of the base of the posts. An approved form smst be Placed at the too of the foundation daring pouring to insure a ggPad @ylectrical top unless the foundations are finished to sidewalk. The ecncrets shall be composed of one (1) part Portland aementtwo and one-half (g}) P,mtr of fine aggregate and apProx;mately four and ane -half (4 ) parts of Ccarse aggregate. Proportions are based neon dry, rodded, volumetric measurements. A cubic yard of set concrete in place shall contain One and three -tenths (1.3) barrels of count. The materials need are to comply with the accompanying @pecifioations. JOITM_ The well moldered joint is first to be painted with a high grade rubber Cement after which it Is to be wrapped with an ckonite tape, or equal, to a depth of at least the thicknos■ of the rubber insulation of the cable. This is than to be wrapped with a layer of friction tape. The com- oleted joint will than be enclosed in a water tight lead wiped sleeve. On Joints made more than 12 inches have ground and on those that are not exposed to the weather the wiped @leave will be Omitted but the finished point must be Painted with sn approved insulating and waterproof paint. The insulating and friction tape used shall be of highest grade and must be approved by the Engineer in charge. LAYIWIO OF CABLE A1.1 cables are to be placed in two and one-half (2}) inchgalvanised pipe laid in the sidewalk or etrest. Ths condugt is to terminate in the poets with standard galvanized conduit bushings at least Pae (1) inch above the ground level in Order that no moisture can enter the pipe. Three (J) inch fiber duet surrounded by at least one (1) inch of concrete nay be used in the sidewalks in place Of the iron olpe. Fiber duct will not be allowed in crossing streets. Fuitable drains mast be provided at all trapped pointe Sc the conduit line. Oemduit shall be placed in all sidewalks and etracts relaid under the ggeeneral contract cowering this improvement and the cable placed Sn this conduit the same a■ in the new work. } BIG"- _ Approved signs are to be installed on the posts designated on the blue prints. ADDITIOM OR R?i'LAOPJIM- All materials Used for additions or for replacement of damaged materials shall be equal to those in service at the present time. F 1f cit ors1. r.o' INDEX Reo•r<—t o0 19 32 Publlc w.- EE—ON 1 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS Lm aenotr. uoaer coora�l 1.f2 Cuurnntee Rnnd .... ;f9 ae.Reve. .. ..... 69 R Scnle Ordinance. City of SC 1.-11 ... -.1 of I- P.Llb, Works GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS B.ClION tI-— . .. ....... � .. b- nl[all CLein ­ .-I. . It. . ........ .ear �n en anJ me of "City" -The City f St. 1-1. MI.L..t., .. -p ...... (Ld Py ab, ii-- authornm.. T- f -Y f St. 11-1, Minvmo f P.Iblb, W.- of the -y f SL Paul, MI..b..- -ThLhGh 'bidb�,,,Y, ,�l lh,� 11 P11111 W1111. tlir.c...,b.,L', bhrobh,,'LL, I.Ir ed b - 1-----r Ch e( ,h eco po f the --td to him or lbb auto, . I,— IA -p-t. -.-T.T" the Eng, oe^W make trt ons .f yl nt�'Com Ptroller"-The C.mptroller .[ m. City u[ SL T.LI, arc hating A-1 P. -h-g Agent of the Cay of St. C-1, Id...t.,th, "MunI'Pal r-1.9 ---y he Tenting LVL... -y of the Cft, of St, P-, id.b"B_.U. .ddtr" Any dr. .b.i uhg . p,.p..bi forth.work __ pI iL Wd, -thig directly ., 1h ... gh . d.1y .. hL_bd ­p­L.t­,. "Cb.11 1b.1­P.rty of 0. p-1 I. the contracq b1t1bg dl,,C, C,- ­h sin bg- .,.pb,y­. te t or im[ru mast known as the willfully comV1Y with the Plena, ddih tions "I can tact. "Prop. -I Form" --The nPP1.11d pliThIld I_. .. which the ffi-ldt, 1- P'Lp- for the -1k 1 ",*p,,,l ­­ty" - - ­­ty ­­tLd I. the p - P.- I L. furnished by the IS bbiLl , . g.r. bt ' -f g71j f..'h " ­­ into th, --Lt -th g..d - ..ffi L,_ b.bd If th, -k �. ­,,Ld t� li­. 'Pi... '-All dr--., f ­­, 1 -t -mg ti, Ih, ­­­ubb ILs pp.ltL ... L­ d.­­­ pr--- t.i.,d ­­, j ether with ell u me •lu .f PerformL.' -L, ptrt-id., I. it. .,-Ih.d tI,, -k. L, 1, 11, ­bIRtb Ld ­bti­ LI tt-t. "Specific Contract" L--- --K the -for.- if t. -k -1 the fL, f the f the mpt­­t. h.d . 'I .pplt- _ bd j�­be­ re nobly could by- ­.d I. th, L.--li- f t.work, improvement I. v .unseen tint end ac eptaLle manner. "Contract B.b,F­Th, ­ ...ed I-. of security Turn i.hed by the C.ht,.,W,.rad his Surety n raft' f goal faith on the P_ of Ihb -1-t- I. ­L,btb th. work i^ a,oldnnrc wilF the .­ or the Con i- 1.02 It lb-ld b, bbd ­,1 I rby".",1p.1..,-r..'Ldp�thbt MI thiq, tai ed ­,, "thofc telt fir. e final h, Lia, LI h b rand a P, p bidderIv "tit afro , lit, Milder I. -'b pr.p.., -d, "p"T "ell G-1 b, b.td ­d.rd, -ml r ­pl­.­y �p - ciflcn ' Covtrnet 1,, p,,11,,, 1-1. .,Fed -1. 1 1 th-tt,' -.d.- for dre ""'"g" ' "I "' 'f PVT I- h.... I, q end -1 h.y Al -l -I b, - I- =h by f th. b. y "d Vlemto h, .d, ­ hLrti. -d, . p- f I-, S­ificx - ilia d b,l 1. be ­,W111d -1 Thb I, lb .- them P, - .1 .1h,r. - lt.1bbd 1. b .bib] -h bi,y of the -11 e 11. h,,, for ...11 ­­ry pbrt thereof. S,ith-di- ,,l prltin Ih, , IP-111.1i.b, ... ib..dbd f., -it. L,b end h.11 not be t. ..,id,rtd .s having any Lermme-g .. b I 'r, ti.b I IT—end --L- ... fur th. ihbP1-iL---t -Y Le ­ 1. the MI. f th. 1.04 P, -h ib. Agent r I. the ..L. of C . . . . TLM1b, -1, Addili ... I L.p­ III -end t th - Id- and -P-1fit.t'... .., be --d from the C.--- of Public IV.- 8-iii-th.- d,p..it .1 _ -- - ----- D.11hr. g..r..ty lot rel u of plain ap", "t .. .. ... ph", Lb (2) -k. 1h. d.1, Psed tt d,­ittS -1 b. Itt­td. Th. ­br, I.r th. pl.., di b. f.11L,ttd if lh� I,_ ­ ­ ­.- �thi. th. P.Lifthd t -L. From of the ­- f Lh, pr oned imp, v mast, the plana dI - ter it, ­Fr­­t..d/Lr from determine.Liti.thbiq...tittb f hb.,.­­], tools - tq,,p-, t. .,,d TprP......d.. ...dance . d, h" -1, It, I. hibbl,_ r, 1.1.1�ph,t tallyly i� bid .. ­h­­b­Lb. b. M -U..., ht -11 base hu It is mutually --d that the pl-bit- shell be I ... bdtrtd i- ­ht .f 1.06 1-111- d.libid f.r th. .­.rL­bt qbhblitbi. Planimeter can bb a^ ..td i. th,.casette The bidderh.11 .-Lbi- I, his Lbb f the T.. 1.07 defy h­bIf . I. the qL­d­ f tlNb done, beto�la to be meJ end all f Ili -it, th. Lt. diti.L. pertaining propped with .-Thh City L- - g-rh­ th.t th, f w-1, Lt.rb. L,h It, r ­&­ d tr. I..8 tb­ f p.bli ' "i"T "'"w"", h_ L. tib P,.h U,b],­­ Th, city will -relieve Iib f _ L_ locations b, Litt, .- ab- t' th. t�hl ­­_ .-t.- 1b, .1,- by th. pr.l.b., or �h­d th� I.L.Ii,iL. f such Thv Bidder I. a umed I. h.,. ..,e himself f.LdbL, with hi; St- C.- and ..01 C11Y Ordinance and R.gid.u­ which ib by ib -1111 hfftlt IhL,, -g ­d r . Yed F- h-ity h t, e work, r, iiiv - bt..V%1. Lr ­­tbt ..td in or or I effect .bd.tt . the -k and . thth f Lp.. th. improvement, w b Th. hbi� hd­th-di.� will be 1­idt-d! L-' ­Lht I th. ii .... ­ th-L.T. Pr­.inuf th, Chores f - Cay a St. ,.L, h.d of h, r ib--- -f --h! City � d d ilb %,ph -bb, L- bb. tb­ ph, ti.- ..d th. L.Ltr­bt, w I tb� 1, ... d by b,;b, ­ b, p- f L-... Special --C- I. dirt- I. the t11T1,_Itb.itYthO�1di.111Y� N 0909, apPrvveJ I'll -b" 11, 1��g.f,,Lrdz. ordinance t employe be _Md.b. of the thb� work -11 . 1; .". City Ordinance N.. 51211pi, %d jLdy 15. 1919, being .. ordinance g-dubg t1bt -ht (8) hour. shell .... any -Ii dLhb by the City -f I. P --I; rad .1i,. appended w.gb trd"b.,b h -11d November , 19thi Attention -1.. -1- 1. City O,ft ... bI.Lt i..Ld permit therefor. - "o -d "" " " P.- ..d, City O,,bt­ N.. 7395 I. -itibn b, me �dm­y 11 -It band. If the Biddt,r or C -1-t- ­1discover .ray Prov e11 th, plana, ennid<e- wnich a with -h law, LIdt ... cb nr _1 h, h ell forthwith --t it t thb ELgi . ­ I. writmg. Agent: b p,liL.1i.. the bidder will be f.rhd.h,dC,ith the ibjld�,jbg b� th. Purchasing BI..k -...l I— information " b dht, .rad .,b ., -T -b" C.jlo flied; the ..Lht f ­­­ fi, the form . u bid f bid: bond I . t-_ cheek th.b Lbi biddtr ...t -ply with; ... PP that t1b, --.f.1 d .y - .11 =d .11br information p.,thi.d.. I. Iii, makingf . bid for the work It. ffit.1 _t_ that - ---1 Idd&, -t anter into. A11 bide shall be Lb.de nn the prnp.sal form ­mhtd by the Pur,b..ffig Agent .blb. otherwise ­tbl I. The Bidder h .11tb his p -pt -I --U, If th, PI.P-.1 I. ­& by b itdwid- 1.11 his Lbb -shall M- r PontP.- --- "d .. I b, Lf made r p by ""'h'p the name andP­ ., ddLt. by b .h.- If -Lb, byit"' r- P, avow the b- . I the orad, thb I tb r -h- shell Pr. --l. -It b �Rb th. ­­,. tjtlbe h. b I_h 1, ,"td _,d he deo - address f th. Corporation. ti.b. the b'. d,.t -­ and Ir. .... tr end seal bf Lt. A', bids from C. _Ltl -b - -Y b." hem th. ithh. Proposals may he -j ­td if th, -w any --b-h­ -litl-11-h of I— bddilit­ 1.12 not 1.111d I— Znditi.b.] L, altt­lhb bid, ilkind f by .d whith y I,r­d.r .td I. bt - pr­aal fibl­lte or ..bigu ... .. . it. ­Lj­ P -P-6 1.1D TM1e n m un oI LidJers un paving V culled w e fuel that there v field urJ � t Lor tau ,vk,n 4 t r the r Cw,neelbm red Ly ur- uch rurd�rg y Le Vendinlg Lb., 1b. a ocphe Cotw cil. ` h n , n^ a,bing I n r nbnll �nrtnpnve eWretnnuntJ roll vutl,oriaud nn� o eunnrr a v nevi Leen 1-J re _ _ Ilk oama Ca—til oro daidea wnt mer encu not Lr mia�a Cventy tv No p -p ... I will Le --starred -Jess ncr hied by n 0 1 g vat u[ Acrompenly the rhvrvrrrr nnJ amount indicated in the y—Posv1 tocol, mule Puyuble [Dome Gi[y of pme Umli16 f "AJ IerWeoevlet �l[be sed avblivly`vn` r•ad , th, -iJ the J t [he 1'r .b, 'it,va SL 1'vul. uU ddl s *b`' r ouch -.."d w nru ins, a Jes yy t'd9e^Lc «a tv� 11en _. 1 Ifi Any yr all y-pueels will Le rc cted if thcgrenisg on [- hWievingrmvt-11-lon Ili. n IiBrellvv r m he d..b' n n enJ all I of piddv Leyund rave —,l Joubt. uhv �urlyry a Lrv1,W it, future .."i brfurptl en if V ark I 1 kwF"ch P , mrrJ w 11 L J. Nu cunVnctcvwill L d J except LI L'Jd Th. L'JI II f -:M1 t of hie e, nett .,Ino v I st r f h, —d.ble [w lAelpru- bYneJ uvrk, vnJaunsn ° °vhowin I,m flu' urn lve,nnar end IivLllltics, cert ieJ e Publ' Ac elf tae stet Ly the Cafe 1.11peror erdr,. Ib bill- Y Lc reJ to fu-ivF v ,plrt S empinl em ton ot( [hec 'f ..'d, nJ m e of v y ell me ism ° Lr s •d ee r he tarth- with vvml h, wh,c1, pees m y be eumJ ctM t -butes„ cat. nru r 1 ererl d term- mel I—I' v d fits ee f— the w k s RI,htIty Relect The Council re n e the r'utt to n ell P eels and to -hive defect„ ProOas % nr it, hs-celit'es, nue¢ n,ar decor beat flrr the 1-n tree x r f mr Cty, 1.19 The --If.) bidder will be quit d totb E afllou City dery Ro d�wgtn o l`e work r;...l.hrn tort to inl here n s`dtenJb I C.—tt tM1vtuit. contrvct end hood to e d nJ [ 1 t,fiai by thew°on`poc` in Couna�l e uted the .fareev'J mddrrs check b- 1 " h M1 11« M1. 1 11 d b d to tneMdder TTr no-. t ahidl not h omiaerca e e nm l it hm nee d by it, h Com her vna n espy of t run re t d lis -ed eta th con roc r. n The Council make,, the aw-d of all tea v The vwvrd of [Fero r the A erd low t hiller hull not RM1n J --d . '-t'v nL the oth- hide onlay ntA o tit the of e cmes(ul bide hue wh she a delivered n ..it na a. In eaf r lu cant rt rermel rr ne bidder h „ober vrdrd the end bona venni ono Ppe n� o eba tt" oat to alter nidd r. A n re by ,fin�i Ay th Onrw t con .etl nn'mW eon tdddre n his „eel orifi be v surMcient n-tmr under these epedfl „flour„met the ran mr and hood ort rends car r=rrnrnn. .. _ 1.21 tAll "14nposvl Cuarnntie:' a=rcpt lent of the aurrea.fnl bid- will Le re --ed Return of romp ly followmR the nor -A enJ mvking a! the rnntrnct. When the nwvrd n Jrferted r reV 1 far v P`rivd nt lime Innger mvv five 16J days utter lFe openlnq v[ the propasvle, all C.uernnry -nn Ire exrrpt cFoeu n( me mree (a) fowler blibl—, win he rata -ed. Should .II �__ prapmnf= be relrcted all guermtie,, wtll be redtrned. 1.22 Fvilnre to amply with .ny afthe r of th— eprcifl-1 n Pellote to mrnt n( eubmitling bid, and M1e erns r I tbemnn[rac ,b specified, shell be J,bt�v,be F.zecn(e far the nnnulmen[ of the nwvrd, or of the contrvct it executed, end it ie undentooJ by Cantrerl tho Lidder,, the event ar the a nulment of tho .—d ar of tho cnnt-rt, that the — • - t nr [nr R aupnxi«Wnwith It, p p...I shell be. retained and po eemed by (he alt es Ii O,Jdulre dvm.gee. 1.11 The Cont-ctor elrll not eu Llet, erlf, Irenstrr, ,b ah, -,,e dlapoee of the .I.d, ting yr con _r or nny Portia. (hetet!, or of the work provided for thrrvin, or ar hi. right. till, of m interest mereiv m 1 p r an, firm or c 1, p...idn ori -ant the wntlen -,bent of _ A court.„( enc cammlxamn°r. ' nzl wv me cp or lh,, cnnnnrinr d -i— me nee of ny amigo, deace. d L lettere Datrnt nr rr got nr. ennil oro We mr snrn ! e Rvyiltleeee by-Aiille IegW with the pvlun[mrn n nnJ n caDy of [h e e s; ell Le filed( h h C m r len Prn a me mode or fil dem I.be ee noted, hr Con me ar nne the Su-tyeah.li nd mnify end �vve hvrmless the C.Ity from danvol all rlvims fur in nt by r of the u of v urh o ted design. ce, material ar procee..��o�vny trete mark nr cun9rlRht in...—ti- writh the work agreed to 1e perrormed unlet the. ron[rect, end notal indemnify me City far ... c,ble. .� .,nny dura dor xbj,b it mere, b, it t y,cby It.—'nn of a -th infringe tt the Prn. ft— the mpltli- of the e n k. a ' e l;ontrvc-r shall Ju vll of mr work , ovWcd f ntr t imd me n9 lheprii q 1111. vnJ hWecl .Vif rations, rrmove nllrol t xfithinvtl,e lines al ufnAu such vJJ,tmnnl r weJ�ir nitvl w z`.;; �° ,p1e« me b e n ort=a l�I, Dorno ener„ br c v d mcey ehlr n n u Vrolensnnll cuN—.I, nunlaxs a M1erw se lined u's1+'<e�i rr . un and �, n Hi imvl.n en .dnin Y. uiym loolx'mu« nlPI-1—t.- of 'me —k. rhe c.. -.net- „null p enJ Tglhuet gerinl enranl rreLsornnc.rcta•rsr.v 'errxy r«nte. H„ol1 ll nJ,rrmmi,ltos. nn[ netehehrweororke.tonpweruepu rwrne-cutm,on n°n[ e free, rU. ro Lr nn e done ere ahuwnon the 1.27 a-wrnq.- Au nrnw�ng, .r, ned Ly mr prop- r, amrinla nr hove our- a ,tial cantr.a mucks of iJrntilir-inn and rseiJ drawing„ ore pvrttluf Meru apecificntioro. Umwinge U i' mr i, r me conlrerc J-winus to chow all mr work -,I is 4, be dono 1.28 1 1 n. k 1 11 d' rdnr re with t'll- Jrnw Ur.w,nga t. t m 1 t 1 1 d t. from t la me by Supplcmenl J ndrJ x k tla (w ct n .[ cM1 skull nr to xply n er nenkr tclrerer Contract t c c ,ten Ire- ngs. Umw,nge f TFr contractor shell kec, n ro of mr llrnwings -td menu sperifif „tions, in -d 1.29 wF,n td .na eY Ilrnwinq. L 1 ._o r�nJJti onor ttOmtinne 1 yn Le Kcpt on Sh ,IJ—,1, 9,te v[ Work - n wh M1 r. 1 h an Ink spwifi Lc i I work i f h work x'11 Fu id d , M1 1 II d 1 l..m M1 .-I rr �ifl 1 shall 1 e eon 9px nl Work 1 acF v riW M1 ecific nt'onv mr von h F nr 1 f y 1-r'n SFould Requ temente tar '45PecinlrPcovPrlvnsP' .Fnllrg gern nL ernfliet with most stand -J epeclficvtipne TFe F. F n k h ole chnngm ed,,w— or 1.D1 tae ueUr i . -f i t of Altvratw or rt colic M1 n h ( h M1 rl, chnngry v ce.vary Plena thIr.,rma m wkrn tier m . urn mangre rptn'I en oda-t„nx1 ,. ,Jpnn cn.ma—ref v co tri vllrwvner will rbc n�mle 11 r 1r, nJ i[ snrn rhnnRe ° neFnngee W -k reJucen Fe to r ark, labor ar mntrrinl FirFv otherwise -null be rn under me can chat, n(rnrr, nndnR Jrdurtlan will M1e mvJr [trio lFr a eresen TFe nllownnrrtor lclurtion vin aim- rove .M1.II be de[ -mined by the Cammiseinner ret 'weir a',rk. „ml nn drtrr,r�;nau„ u,err„n .nau nr cool. snrn delrrmin-inn nail. sou i°thc1e milnrrxlork inrtlM1e the a o,e ,rnr,bdo of od en tea p�rufltd. n in<nlmnarrN�a�oimwenrr will L „epi ('M1e !'out- tor. worn ezprrnely xulhurizrd in r tmq by me EnglnP-. nFnll Per 1.22 .pro r=o-arwwk and r—hien Q�rb uxo-e mat-nl�-, mar nr dremrJ nrrr oar err Ear. - n of me work. urn rxtrn .vrrk sM1.vd hr Jane in vccordnnee with the Work urr1,flretio1, Ih, curer, miA -Fere ort .,11-11c1 ihr work shall be dove s in me Les[ —1d nvrkmenllko manner. tNo Avim for extra Innnr - mat -1x1 will ne vllowud Ly the Council unlrse the coat tM1ereof nn.v Leen toffy haat. u v n Iry mr hurl i,,ei rr and n memmnnJum or Baia nt Foe been ,Iril wile the Comptroller of the City of Sl chin. Mlnnrvota, enJ rnuntr gncJ by Fim prior h. the furnish ng ar .urh extra bdi- nr mutt id. n the11pinnskmA not enIIM fnrrFypinrfisprrflev[anef shy IwT onpd—, nvspvrl ,falM1e Unein.vined �r rr�J M1. the enntr nn work not herein mprrified o mllrl (or work rifievlly rncurt pions, hot wFicF urns fairly he imyllyd ar understood tnrbe include) b i, t shall Fr ju -duly) by the r 11, ter without e e rFnrRe. Any .ucF i I, ire mcnl nvM1xll Lr nJjueted M1y n. g mr Leat „loss of wnrkznnA!or meterinls. I[rls n red, in n - - Ai=Putt„ and licigvtian, that the F.n llb annum 1J1 WI costs rndke. all tlra rinMrPre ntinnn nr me Plxne nne v crifirntbi, Jrtrrm ins me Dedsivn nl tm vndrr tlnv' nm�wvlennd mnAeeb 11 dre;eo nsurelnt a --Illi- the rometenvY of ins evpvid Engineer F .rrk all !,l to mem. and such me r t t rnv, ietrrm nations, and al d .rnv xF pFinII h tril by me Conl rxrinr nv flnvl vndpb nd ng Thr rxrvution ..f the work will hr nn,lor me pervnnnlupervieian of the Engineer. 1.D6 mIe•rilcr^^^wh wh_vnd tbe. _ . vvnirh Rvprvlsi n hour nu he .h Ilt - k n n M1e nr to n tl h k 1 rr me work arrth� Cnntrn [or or n of F e of ligvt�nns — liabilities unlet \York ,It. Nor shall [M1e ku p'II'J t n the at a timi _ ggrr Work Utu�Vorkr `d dofonNneewGitohnotJuroennctuonrttvLLvna l apwiumiNlLl ln unrottt>Laew -b- am'caodnmaardpaV�raen.JJn v[haerrar~n yr�v.drand 'hee e `ma onA yd iNeerk b, lbw Work no Jo ..n _. _ ba .rderN rcmoveJ neJ reylaeuJ of ogee C.ntraaturn nxpenne. Y Authority ­dSurhThe IneV,uetor mall Le authorized to inspect ell work Jm.e and materiels furnianrJ. Dot ooref m �ufactuY o" may umJ t all u rt ,tlf the work nn the ru . or --�-- 1 ep«t ani W o(N,gg lets olbe Y An i i � n a1 vthe work ins P rfartbeJ�t�l.o wh..v u[Ith Va ark n `� hen which thu ork performed Lyt tn�l;�ut t `eil�w fulfillsNrat Iv �wlnr fur and land and r a l t ell l ache r �l o[ Ihn1n uih,'m __ other inrri m n uch , ea n, hn w shell Ill.- aloe` nrn r:nunr obligation lo`p r,,'.` all d lb,e work a ndc with t` r anon as th, �Wifiee Ina eafuro�heJ ,It" `brtw t,, h, rr mJnNe ehallrheveotha gvteur e mn a not yerLrtn a kth,, ins Y.r ` .min �`. anapena in.n:��rk �°ir r'N pen. r lett n be retrrr d N .. AvcideJ by the N.�,glneer. Th. Ina Psxwr anvil perform �ucnsoNer tlul ieJ to him Ile hi II n utile voke, eller .nlar relax r rrl�lr r ra u rifcu r ept ear Imr' t M1 k o , ro�� �Pvh Ib.'p .. Ih. I M1 II'III,J.y ^ - 1 b f h. k N 1 Any advice wF'rM1 the InspeeWr m e N r snnll n no w,e be ron,trued �._ binain6 the F.nR.neer n r Ne tr nor raAenaine Ne Contractor from the tnlnum^nt or Nr teens .lth 151 Th, Cnntra^tnr shell furnish NIe 4: rrv,oneLln tacit lty ror es ^Me e iaa wormer n the work ^ r nmini, In`n hrdnn nn Ne ni e�na a wolrk auRw;, nr N^ .yenta , and t r N. Ifh,.rW pa rineri`a� t _. belay replan awlrUea 'ork, sM1ull Fr r ache of Nr fin..,h wo k m mos be die tea. Atter the Cm Wali reefor aid par or the ork t the vnJmJ x rcld bynthe 'pecifl,'.tio Should the �- wpplkcthua rexpoeeedoo g �eTi V s v crptvLle, n^ e. r­.­gand the �Iln,lenei6 J as Work; bb t,, aFnod of the r _ .hell"bempid far LnLle, the Ext �n o r null nr �rktaa Deed o ­,dp.... v, RnnJtof Ne porta remo .[ I tractopin q of9eh ,'ova g akinR _ ved shell be vinthe Con oexpen. . Itt3 API mat rivle o onto ng t tte r of tee x Deeifl ne shall be. Uef a Haid rrJ va Jrie, iv and I� nucn m e 'vlv,�w'el her pl noPnarhall Le eJ Mete 'eta neJ ,halt be r veJti di telm f`" the . m and the pr a if the Cit d Wok only o M1erwine permitted No I M1ichphns nerngrejecteJe he defe< of whlth have Leen norrectId or remuvad .h II eJ unt'1 a rnval h.a boon g van All ork wn-cn hve been re anted o ondemned nnvll be rn nrd«J o ovNwand j rpt aced i n .r table, r nY thu ( et bels w ae mine C' ahelll cav utFont to tote a 9 u e de! auk h' mtlon In Ne r-, r ,tor wh n thy Cont a,torrfail or r fuaa. W I, -Id ii .. th'- .,k. I lsa It is mnlually ex seed and v sed th.t I. ser the Contrv,tnr shell become Cen,ellet on nanlvan[ r br sea red a Hann ru t ror what othe, mite cnei..a rp µthy nt mer e, nr tr,I of n.i ren In m«r�aona w;m ana =omniei ng the ork error` in lh' c shell toil t e r proceN wits the ork t. the wti.- n of th. E.onlr r s` all xe ml`r. 1 o eth— rwr.il t. -Ply wiN�[hra P.ific.Ct . the the EnRn i`v o he R be allyror by"lee a the baa al"pler oof both n R Jen rvof LhenCnn r bya maili auRh a the addren t the of . i rthpe cp and if th O�tn to , f m mea v n e n me ilh r .1 the endri LMe con Rehnll ror hbe`ii5irll Y Yn iter"adr ouch n l 111t'gularly p sed twiN the •rN t the etas of Ne Engineer vii rightertf elhrnContr oiler tele m c Nvll run nJ it greed that tho City n m declar Ih'a n n a nyt bdt all ri0b, If the Co tr or th1l.b e ! rreiled, nnnulleJ, enA twhnlly aranrellrJ, ab may k^ .w ,Wold veal —1— ea id work by farce account, or by reletting M1r unfinieM1eA vet thereof. rhe city ehnll have m, right In epNv sort anm doe nr whin n.. Lacnmr P. .nA n aIt, to he Conl d r the Ilrms h"1� 1 to the com Intoe of the avid w k. It ie [urtbrr v J h 1 Glly may. f- -if or lI, <"ntrvctors a and u ar vv,r to n� u R 1 11 - I vcM1 eery, Nnla vnd im lament. of ry Aexri a y Le fmm 1 h f Fe work, to curry nn and complete tha work e, herein epe bli b,r n r hr work Lr gran rr Nen the rot wb',n "old be h,obis under this rnn[rvet it Nr num. Wad born ilY, M by th, 1nlr.cWq he . nia nndnmrn shell D ter r reap amen the ,'its: annul- he root be Iran. men the mnerrnrr wm b, r,.id 11.xe­lre,Nrrteia nnnnamrn nY Nr city, m ra. aired LY t ^ .' 1,.b a rce6rat. s 11n th.— 1.54 entl complelM to LFe antmugeet�nre, �r nnJsacce bt .1pth Commas' r of ru bb Tut,,of Works, th, s m o of Completion --�o-.t- --Jay !I Nedate ofib, to the t by h ¢City Com r"Iler and for ann b, e y Jay that Nur ap here a eclfied, or th.reo[ nmv.va .n.. opiate and unflnisheJDe[terath. etre,' pt e tubb above m neJ Ih, Contrast snvll N^ Cit the r §-� dollars per Jay which h^ by fixe the li uidvted d o ehu on Ne loom wo I_ r eaJ abo e h n d x neJ"LY to r rn41 for i,L rk wnich J , would be a thb. Inaa City b f Inilu and delay the ork b, I u cified, and t eJdit� n Ner o the coat of ­­­gp and in and ell aNrt p e city �nu ed after Ne above [bm tent t a hes exspind avd PM10 Con ra torn n.,nunm [t ne hie proposal m Lid tgrec bay [he u .t 1,dit Works, obeli hegJeJuntaJ'afro tl.erfi n when =ill d by the Com a of a blur nal tem r[e Ju that mnYo'Leeume d ni . I( Ne w rk to Le June con Isla u( Rrading,a a ing, ruching, tree planting, sodding aredmg. the time between November 16th and Nn 16th day .n — Ne following '.p 21 sM1afl he aiJernd ne Jeed t vnd 1,11 111 he 1d in reckonit tho t'me aped h n' .n vet. L f r m the Contractor of the existanae o[ cvuue near 155 whim d r t h u ann wM1'ch m I^eley the o I ton f wort Ext I'lt n -s Jit, d w't Pt e of th, Bonding Comp om ion "I Luray ezl the Jet .1lrifiedt1-1 th- 1-1-11.. .1 1.1d w rk. T e m. c tY torn e: of ti vlloweAfor the p pie Cmn of tneewwpnnn Upt n com lotion f the work Ili—.,,'^plant I- final p m shall be 1.56 made, ne Con art shall cls. and rc e from N ee alley end nJjac CI eat00r .II s rr plus end dh carded mo ivls, robbiat e.nd 1 Up"g tend a sui ble r ,the i [ac n! the Fog gnit aro tion0bh Dpbl c Hord p e . wM1i,'h eheea`een d.m Qed o ved C.r vi�pUe u ( h rk e d ehelltlra 1. sit m v scat nd rp eenteLl conJili n. uc If in the op m ni tee EnR a the C ­—It., perform. work satisi.rtarilY, Imo the n n will oars r a m a t slue oe tha w rk elrceltY do E,li t u Jer• It1efpvvhae of tFietcon veto �r a thetrefra Iirt e e e nJ Ner ^Lha �Cg shell Le nttitlld fo Ne of Ne of each —i—,lb, h,`im, Cl! d.dor ion when sulfl ie to aDplie.bl. rWv16e pay t then f h II Lei th C- y T The afnreenid re a (fit ee j p 1 aF.11 L e by tm ae Y -I tha• heel e rmplrt on end eVlanrer.r meIlk by th Cm ,nmvtr on c rRrfnre . y fine) ee mete raM1eli he .IloweJ M1y the Commipainner "( Public Works, Ise nl r shall he iced t , rtnfl,a niJ aelUem n fuluTnr ell ,bb_ te n [ she C'tyrofa5[. Paulson vecou of work J n t lel f ishrd Amis ntr e r m. er T ie afir. C .i lee e.mm n vU lith- ab.11 br enrols .mo ofrwo k done . J sb.11 ben Pte" by thet0onlrae r e bnnl. 14e ae to Af ter ip n0 the work, p m x(ree ell mnnM1oles t,h Lea 15B otnNenwnre a wh�le aM1 ell nrY leanly WJ xtith he 4nerfor rot N Epinal rola Ifno A n et n rNr 4:nglnr r nd a vnnrk npnip or In salon ne n¢ of iter sen n olgav cofdll¢^d poei0ca shell de ved o ivig Lnt LM Nererfnr APltn tiler e ,I^I^e r dem [�c ornm nit otl the uorkreM1nll be rem li •d v d mvA gaud by ll. C ntrn.N Don pert AIL (em Iworkdor n wo ek An n t, a nt If c n reef or >men nmr P. rant tel eitY . "nhY o �mpe, nn int -Ind, re t nFnll l " ^ore br red " of ter mk n trrieL but [ne con nahell Lr livlrle"under ell tM1e nndithty, nr hes eiflcn[mn nd r tM1er 'r "rPi inM1rd vnA v e fed Fntne Cnm , of nnblie �nrke, ands I, nRe nth,^heel , nJ o n mode, it JelnD that rill o ork r d n err trA,Dlnni r d 'fl nn,s F.e �t n been In d dr . Pfee ve, fxnm Ic biol't . eel ex l[e a 1 rk in ver reel^ n l the nt c Dean . t o a. tuna �inr or ,' .av -d D 11 m ye Pvvehlr hrrn.nder ore nv Nr Pr wiainn, of tho charter nr the Cl l nr xt- ,nal V veFle solely one of lM1r Permanent ImUrnvrm @evolving Fun.l when therr hnll Fe m 1. .n vola 1, n 1 .Dprc.mr ., s,, I P Dom. The L:ontr will be ren! [ C uarantee ns hip sbnll be ofirs l s rtn.°ugbo gn Ail i �� th l era x Gonm seecib �ftc the rof the y�a lice [x t sbnll m n n the uVfe� vis �Ir ii ned� a d u ar [hecwv ', tdb�ir LPa �h prr 'c r Ire nv Left uul. °al lc n th.n ell rb ick span. e a (or �rioJ f fiefs 1°f1°In n v �Lri n work. p >enre f o� dv4t �[ flnnl atimmc tf �r Uuring the gun n[ erlod tM1e Cot 9hd1 make alI r and r th tti� lu�a� IhueleainluneuLpthe F' r, Le Mei ioL a u111 ib log n r eh Il gm co ae ypar n rw,luJe r nNude will be o s�dereJun at d alio the v- m tib naafi!i[W r n�V nes a..... x r t Naffs, r sh^w ¢that failure a vproheble; r whin the �t yebuvr th,Pvrtivc wvf I oho ttlem wM1en t`e on Ji o[[t `e n inJeic [M1e tleie tuatrae r did n t W uthe n[unJi uel t the e t g before sthhee t "I" s rp ° wills be d t d in p 1' b kl, h'le n Y [ - e - J f th to d h, in v t sM1nll Lc left by lite C11-11-C11-1C11-11-It-nten good condi on and repo r, ordin rnr and tear a ltM. 61 Tie Contractor °hall make ell,-p.,, ­ p ' mar under IM1e rmd [inns of this gu Repair' m�e when not flet in g ,y h L It M1e `hell Legin end co ar Guarantee En InY1-,- euslenll- tM1e e`edr rtepa y M1 a b1 mnJev ar nnld nnllcen the deducted from anY rvnJ theecoe M1 f h II be d1. b d he Con tremor r i ( brick vemon The £nglneer leM1nll bedtM1 d n C h tor, band f`r [h f avid neeJste s under the abov erifM ceadit�mte. P rt l he p nt h'ch 1.62 Forp neo reBeaa t enf r i the conJ�t oaths Gu va her nbee cnbea [ho gt to is u en a ler Lr ck p ---t. Nondt� with aom roved --y ecCon rnr r shall be r ri fired to torr nivh vn approved LonJ per of the ° v[ tM1y plure a vvlen ^ In irty-five (36i e pavement le a combtnetmn ofeb-1, d h. eget res uvn If thnek octose I[ h me ler nn nmov e` �valevt to thlr a (36 ten gun t e bond re red av II nedntn he impr^ve ant a thio i , t o[ the paced the .I,i pp e- [M1e^lural brick ynrdage by the p,,,e price .hall be determ fined by Itipl `inR u[M from the ec eedule of p Per re vrd for mpfetrd brick p s m n fare ori k pee e t h 11 be ler a to �rh J to thio n Svb, mn re h nd estimate fortbeework. r o[ 9ve 161 ycvrs rfrvm the Jele of the fin I 1.6E For the pvrpoae of en(oreing the proviaiona of all guarantees h-mhel°rc described Reeerva the City nhall withhold from the floe! estimate the num n(___-�_____ __Uvllera rve for a period f one ear from he date n( tlm final estimate. AL the end of thiel one y r clad he nvid sum shell be releea tb to 1 Contractor les° a ^f 'he rcearvenehal ldld becthae at fi°vlrreleneea,ftth° C^ntractor,Lrnmtthis a°nt_t relevee ,ill isii l - WAGE SCALE ORDINANCE G. F. No. 78126-Ordinnaco No. 08 -By 11. C. Wenzel- 1.64 An orJmvnec preecrining the wogun wM1ich shall bu pviJ for ek filled hod unx killed Inbar Wagges 9ule StoPu LI�c wor kv Ly run acture whore perform ing such work Lor [he City of OMiv Yu ul. ^°° The Counml of thr City of SG 1`au1 does ordala: A14 r etc SN"CTf ON 1. the A .1 cin her red i ^ wr netru r a ovf parlor avvyr work ^(^r L St. )'sake volving cleher o w rk o_P_ k o o.d , bridges, a wery elrocte ell yx, pnrkse parkways buil din Re, ro vn[ other pubirc r or kxinvofving thG imyrovument ^( public pr perry, shell be meds ur un he basis that the �e �d recta in ak JleJ and unek Jl ed Inbor shall nut be less to.. the a� 9 follow ng Skilled Labor Per ]lour Brickloyerayer ................ ..... Nark -e klnSer Ta -d dM r C c F' h C F' h .12% .... .. .. . 1.00 F.... .. 1 FI -"' 1.6U (.aa Shovrl Engineer... -$ 47X to .03X Il oie[�ng £nN�neer -- 1.10 Iron Worker 1F:rectinS, Iron Worker 1lteln[arcement) ... " -' 1.26 Iron Worker Foreman ""'""" .BO ...... Inther"' ""' 1.60 MarLle Sa rte r�. � �� � " "' � 1.00 Mazer Engineer - ... . 1.26 Painter .... ....... ... .. ................. So Painter Foremen I`Ineterer .... ............ .. .. .................. ...... 1.00 Pimterer Foremen ......... ...... ........ ........... ...... 1.26 Plnnterer'e Tender.::.::...._........._ .......... ....... L$i% Plumber .. ..... ... _....... .... .tlb PI -lex Ibiper ::::: ::::.::: ............... .. ... .. L12X Roller Engineer ... .. .. .. .. .. ..... .. .....$0.4] to .Sti Roofer...... .. .. .. ....................... .. .00 R.. b, F^rrmnn ............. . .. .. .. .. .. ..... ........ ..... .'16 Ronfr r'e helper .... .. .. .. .. .. .. ......... .17 .86 Sheet Mete) Worker." " "50.4'! Xta .83% Sheri Metal Worker`s Il elper ].00 Steamfltter ..... ......... ....... ... .. .. .02% SteamflI'h2 A helper ........... ............................ 1.12X Steam Shovel Engineer.' .02X Stone Mason ....... ... .. .. .. ....... .. ......... 1.10 T ---Worker .............. ......... .. ...... .. ... .. .... 1.26 . .. ... ..... .. .. .. .. ... ..... ... .. .00 Unski hb Lnbor Pvr hour Common Laborer ......... .. .. .. .... ......... ....... ....Eo.46 A nphait Laborer ....... ... ...................... 60 Concrete end Curb ULorcr. .....:.................... ..... 60 Callen Isb^rer ... ........... ......... ... ............ ... �60 .... . ... ................. 60 Sewer l.abnrcr ................... .... .................... .fi0 TreeLaborer ................... ......................... .60 RnJge Laborer ............... .... .. .. ................... .66 Building I.eborer ................ .. .... ..... ............ .. .6B Pitch OIRRcr ....... .. .. .. ............. .. ..... ...... .56 Ilot IA Ret IeefFiremvn xl.. ......... ............ . .. .. ...... ..... ............ .f0 Pnver ... .. ... ....... .. . .. .. .. ..... ....fi2X ................. ... ... ... .... .. ........... .fi2X Auphhlt R. ... .... a2% Aephnit Rnker .. . .. .. ... ..........." Pnving RMmakarrpni r .. ... ... .. .. .. .. .. .. ... ....... .... fi5 work) ...... .. .. .. .. .......... .. ..... .... f.5 Tamper (new .... .. .. .. . . ... 1n Stone Block P. .... .. ... ....... ....... .... .00 Anphnl[ Rakrr (nrw wnrk� ..... .. ... .. ....... Team .. .. .. . .. .. ..... .. ..... .. .... .g0 and Orivrr............ .. .. .. .. .. ...... . ... ... 1 O5 to SECTION 2. 9cetanp......one JoingtV[s ordinance sM1nII Le eltacM1evl to unJ Invde uVpnrtdf o". �- .' . ur hf h 1 J' ........ h IIL 'f 1 I tM1' to M1 0h k IIPI y' nl lay Pny .uth IuLo t Itss than t Ig p � -JIJ h r hertim SECTION 3. eueM1lwo O__ anuli v of Rothe _O`-- hm o a wiry the City mu dol yr -Ysubcunother Inco v of n urJinl v rm lain t eo[ be w k J 1 the eem nee they LI h h I F Weld d I the open mnrkit b, . 1 1 1 1 h to -. yo 'bl bidJer whchevl n l I f., 1h,k M1 tJ, tnc coat and cxn„Ivr f n'sn. 1p1 F ,it 111 Lr rI.e' t nnJ yn d nut Oly M1' i,lr h i th. y n h-sI.,A, l y eJ 1't I ce_ InJ I, the c. SECTION d. fo The � s - of lhiv ordin —B n np'lly to or fix m cele of x I P I VI J Ly eutF c0�tnlw tt h I IicN otM1 mPloYl-s wFv are n t mwnllr P enl Holl u`urkil�u ell then 4xv[ cvnstru.lion. SECTION 6. Thix nrdinnnee eFvll n PPIy I°where bid, hnvr been recmveU and the <onlrnet awvrdedrLulnu lorninlrcontratl n. ) t IxrcuteJ. SECTION 6. All mntrvets for rile Juing °f any work far the City or SI. I'n 1 mentioneA in Soc- nu Ferro[ ahvll ne eubjrct [o the condition that ,aid cc r ehall ravlAe lM1r tns`ectur on tho work, and the e. o[ thb depnrlmenv in of the work, t Pe rim the nark unJed teem n�lrnc a nlnrleJ, with a .......... ltint r 8 to! ani adJressen or, v J hr kind �f ework bring yerrorm.....Fygth'trllu„ee m 1 ry ogee are Rxed by h,, I- h ih m1 M1II I f Bh F 1 M1 "JJ M1 TM1. - 1 1 II' 11 1 f od fJ I Int kl J IJP' 1 1. Th• nl iflcelee eh 11 6 mde up n Iluks turn nhml Ly Ile dIrtm nt n chnrga �( the work. k SECTION 1. Thi, ord,nanee "I the minim scilla p cribrd herein shell a' I e e.e >Inrn vnm - doer ..r the pn. gr of thy, drdmancere I SECTION 8. Rernre any contra [ sFnll br (a ted n v 11ii in Section 3 M1erenf, the oiled lath arising outcof tM1e Vrovisions �i[ this rdinvnrr ,hell lie rete rreJ to nrJ f erbiervtlon to he eelueted nn [olluwn: One member t° br ,pp° t1d ny LM10 conllli.- eio tint,( °( the work, eu Lject Lr the vpV Waal of the City Caove 1, J o tvtbre bited re b the ontr t r nnlll Ina .v i Wird to n IrirJ di, by r9 ,,, w vnJ rirl nitM1e F 1olM1orvYe wbr mnde°fytM1berv�ilo ofneilh�u 0nu alo d l I 1 r ” d r h' f Iv f f h f 'I r M1 1 II It - . ,d nY J I Lgr °f thl U s C . (Rv C \ - n art pot tr A, hr.rl`nd 1 r 1 Ivr a If [he time nJ pinrr for Ic hr� urh nppLcl tion. nlltnttreslel M1enr ll, and ehadl gi°e thr�intl�lrr,t, Inp....... b.t I nal lthn. dlnyslneoti°r ..f smch tFr nrling� and iM1ell ennsiJer at such hrorm¢ the evolrncr vRrreil I.y tM1r m r r o•J_ Said b..Id h I' I .nwil n Piw l .n n l I Ir. n wn 1 In the d 1 n of then 1 1 .f nrl t�rnl x IM1 II. [` I'h B 1 fl 1, ,nIJ M1�nrA o[ arhitrnt ion =M1nll Lr I:miti,A L f d. tl Ieen. n In lr y enol nnA eonclus;vrm d —E :4 on Ihr Pnrtu. p 0 bone n[ tort on rf rnet, Le All "'"”' P whutM1er Dnrbre I: nhNl�nve the ri ht to butM1re J befor uidlLuard of nrbitrntn n vnJ p Int such e 1 v the mvtrovcrsy. on Irnc may be relu- nt the exprn... tf vaId boerJ of nrL Irvllon -nclu I I the v r tnk'ng II t testl- m Y and transcribing tht Wore mall Lc slnnJ t a y Gy c cal tractor nnU ll�u Glty. yo I th 9ECCTION 9. TTv list g her o[ c in vkill'd nsk..Ild tub r Joe o the mp;oy- enrnll remain I nvtmnveeifir contrn t rJ cty slobs, nut each 4 tone thio indt nail of tr r . Any Pere 1 f hSl I. CTION I misJemlllnur 0 J r h 11 L F F 1 a fine not -1 -di, Ona Ilundred l altal. rs, ur Ly 'n p norm for ... III y dare TF a nrd'nvnce eFull lake eRect and bvO. roue thirty d- "t- -ts Pill.— and IPntl' Pot l-vn It, CI 121. Yene.-Co�_bd Cln eyvrl IlIld, IS Ih, mer, Wrnxrl. Aln Viee Pres. It'ergu- PPruv d November 1, 1928. 1._C. IIOUGSON, Mvynr. Attest: 0. W. RIRDSALL, lily Clerk. C. F. No. 86967—Orth 11t, N.. 7220- By C.lydr R. Mvy, Milton Ros a oldh4 nee viJing rot to of c rine. ea Wen and puna aacee of too city f SC feat int , a , kaon. Pince upon all ork Ming Perfnrmra M1y conte a I. the Clty of SL Paul, Jcelarini, the elolvtion the taut n misdemeanor eeud ruvldin8 v P vnity therefor. rnr Council or the city of SV real duan oNain; IlefnrSECTION 1. of x5[. nnvluf ih� rk ennR Le port and nponyn wnt act n tree tghr Cly nmarr1p er k r J e 1 i ria k n k I bid vileye k. p i b Id soroF. bl' k 1 F_ p ne if pC`1 1 rty here h IIL stl.J n of vn J 'm c P ra of the follow ng and"nenne l.1 the City of Stl eul�t Orb—ner No 6120 epproveJ Joly I6 1918 Ord nvnvr NI f 03 v rovod Ilecember 23 1927 OrJinenee Nn. d906, p v November 1, 102fl Wring the vin surd e�RlA hoar I, .,,bl. ce, i,,illrnrr r duvemrnl ordinenrq and g role ordinance, reeper[Ively. Thr Cow Clerk o1 the City of SSE eTION 2rrnr mthorized nna diredeJ W issue wnrl. to br Performed rot thel C,ty rof lSG PePI. going of nny covtrnvt tar City A Pr ted < a SECTION 3. mi, fmfn , ra yY nmm el a nr Oyf and made a pare or ue of then r lntddcnnd. f n nitre ee f [nr Ulu C'ty bf SG 1'a d and 1 Ih c stitutf Ob, t rm nun -c o J wit h 11 6 ioevt a[ 'Fe e the t�rmevafvthie ord'nvnce tato nny Hoch ark, o Fr SECTION u I zyn (p P,h­or cnmorat encnnvlcGng illo ns of th . d nen eFell be I.d 0 (1 I d U Ilaru (E 900) o hereof�ehvll he P Wished by One no r nA not to c d y 190) d n r lie i,,ent In ehe workhouse for a t. This ardinnnce sM1n11 take eRttl and be i, force thirty (30) days after it end pub, cyton ` pa+ ge Pnisvd by h C '1 July 18 IB30 Noy Plnrec Risen Mr I'reeldent (B—lil— Approved ] ly 18, 19300 GE.RIIARU RUNULIP., Mayor. Attest: U. W. uIRUSALL, City Clerk. I'uhlir k. lit, 1, s 1, E c I F I c VF I () N s 1, I k 11 1 h, I I �I I I 1 1 11 1 1 k, 111 I I k ,,d' 11, 1 11 . k h I..il, I k "J'I Itr'k, I I I I I i h, en I h . 11.I . . . . I . . . . . . i h I I f 11 1 1 b, 1 11 1 if nrn .I race h, 7 1 11 .... . ..... Ii:: 1, 41.0 1 1 I 1.1k, d I,., I I i, . hI . . . . . . . A It . I . . . . .. . I . . . . . . . . , , r. , . . .,r.,> . . . e. hal I I h I t.r.t M.1rn+nl erred h h I . . . . . . A At xne II I minr hip, 0 L iylNTH - MOV/NG OF DGHTH ST. UGHTS. FROM CEDAR ST TO ROBERT ST. RESET ?Two Liar 4-%/NGLE L/6HT /hA avE 400s6NECK h ti P�. h RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe NO._�31� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FS 1401 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to e:oavate for and build manhole and install S fibre ducts on the west side of Cedar Street, between Eighth and Ninth Streets. Estimate ,µ16615. r a as !v6` t - a tee .ee q 'veal a 4e� eves oaID� meeia netdi LMa3 wL elGjvlr lB�ieie. r Svf i8�10)3) j YFI W IC —EN cou Na, c To., y M=y j MAeonld In fn.ot Para R.— -_Again[ c,A= - W Lt"L Mr. P_idmo-9_i6 �gdopmd by the Ce..4W. 19_LCM___. 19.___ 19.� CITY OF SAINT PAUL '+7 G'iul of Minnnou lig° 1 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN e. WENZEL. eoNNissiorven , ®o H —1-111, r o._,.. July 16, 1932 Hon. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sirs In connection with the permit requested by the Northern States Power Company to excavate and build a manhole on the east side of Cedar Street between Eighth and Ninth Streets, I sm attaching hereto a letter from E. J. LeBlond, Electrical Superinteadnent of the Power Company, giving the purpose and estimate of cost for the work. This work is being done in connection with the Cedar Street paving in order to provide proper distribution lines in the future without tearing up the pavement. Yours. truly, E Y S�ARD Ch of Engineer. gms-mh NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY ST. PAUL, MIN N. July 15, 1932. Mr. J. E. Carroll, Department of Public Works, City of at. Paul, Minnesota. Deer Mr. Carroll: Referring to your telephone call of this A.M. in which you asked information concerning the ob- ject of and the approximate price of the duct line on Ceder street, between 8th & 9th streets: At this point we obtained a permit from the City to install a manhole and also a duct line from the manhole to connect with the new vault on the east side of Cedar Street, between 8th & 9th streets. This manhole and conduit line is for the purpose of dis- tributing electric ourrent from the new vault now being installed. It is proposed to install 8 - 4}" fiber duote in this line and the approximate cost of the man- hole and duct line is $650. Trusting this will give you all the informa- tion you need, we remain, very truly yours, RORTBEE/iRNATTATER POWER COMPANY By SClfi E1 J. LeBlond Electrical Superintendent. EJL:CJ .. continued A POEM 2 -: Snbleot d1 File No, / hiroaem ' 1932 " MS8R8pS, the Commiseioner'.�of Pdblis Uti itlen has reported in moprdante with SoOlon $ of the CELT Oharter• the the exiat8aoe of an,eme T'rdiicp se�ndored�agoeeeary ' emplo*ent of„0" lops. of 7i1e `9 Rrtm E Por more .• thea�etght fzi W$ y, end qn a"dey'` a,�zd. employment beingmore tfii&; Usual_r.$odi•6 OS 1fmPloymbssk, thereforeib0 it Resolved. Tbi- the hereby 6ntborlgod to - pay the fOlTowiAg*kmed p�ploytO At the rase oihersriee . fixod,for extra%'a6p16o m■ezi for'the extratime hereinafter ' net forth: l°Ohavno6ytC'Meiat•Leb.. .... .$ Lra.. illy George mu" ` do- Willipm.payrs^ .;a 8= . leamre Leger 50 deuYgek ,torr do B 5U Oe J IlattieolY Oom.Lab. 8.- ° .4 Dean" 9GX.'Lab• 8 hie. ourvll�o Yaint.Lab. 8 8'US bra. D SAA .. ys gibOt .rye • Frank.�n� 8 bre. - • 41enn L 6: .. -�, 't_° 306•obermnier 't . Ocm. Lab. 8 ggg5 Ladri� Zwirn¢r IIty'.L s 78 ■ -8 'Dit'ohet'J c e� i .7tia�iaeZ Mal7eem,8r: doim'E. GduroT $t=.LaD: b • 8 ' .5 5 s Ed SoYdslj.Mesh•HeMper Thgp.Thorson,' 1 5 �. krank Mo&earaey. uti•Lab. 8..-. R. :555. Peter J♦ Mare • 8 " +5 Frank'€. Radine ° 8 a Strong com.Lab• 8 s: p�Fftnk-p. $5}' Ohaei DO7iFnI� Uty lgioe-g•�� ., .. continued A ;. Tl - sB Aa�o1H�'Piriager Dit&.'Mager 16' h;''• 8 be. �5 Joseph FYorito - - 16 • ■ Robertaa ��eIIIIS FD6d OLrmier 8ubwperemsa, ■ 9111ia1a ID. Carlson DitadoDigHer „ ■ . John.,P. Kruse 8 ■ Hs. D. Davie Sub.Poremsn Ayes.. Councilmen:'Nay's' . maponald - lioson 41, Truem 1 Adopted by the S� - 193pj ]er. President Mahoney' Approved 1932 {Approved:,.. - onerd R. Thompson■ _ nbral'Snperiateadant F 93102 7n17 15. 1932 In emergeney has arUeu in the Os—etartment of Public Utilities Bureau of Plater rendering neodssary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per flay in the doing of the following works. Patrolling ,—. Lk- Operating Haae1 a Highland Park Pmping atatione.** -kin 17 at Heller 601f oomes*** -.Hatching egalpuent+ese t..e nt Store TeetlnfS nsw boiler at McCarron Thi* emergenc7 aroee b7 reason of the following facts and oirsumatanoess mo orews_t ti_eanae alma* Sunda? ay Jul 4th** Tri order to complete work tnat days** Yew YeiwM** Iacono to Yee emer enc orew*ae** Ro finish test+*s+i*o y a H. neral Sup CITY OF ST. PAUL ND. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL �TION—GENERAL FORMeemE ��aeEa - ----- RESOLVED , that the Board of Water Commiseloners be anb t io hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Michael Isaac providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as Is shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Bpard of Water Commissioners, on the 23rd day of May 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Michael Isaac the sum of $31.20 out of the Water Department Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period from May 30th to June 14th, 1932 inclusive, i Approved: a -Assist�a-Dr. Counsel. COUNCILMEN Yens Nays /Mcnm,eld Pearce In Invor ,!seen i Truax t /......AQainxt Wonael I sen a -r✓ Mr. !'resident Mahnney y}� 'Adopted by the C'.ow,cil .........._....._.,r..y�..�5..._193.. _. }�4iVN'- . � Approved.._. .193.. 1 nyur M.Y- To UNCILo`RESOLUTION, :ry%1 COUNCIL r e o93U14 m Y116. Ca ,�pu MS1I, ]uV Y9. JuI 1 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 151.1 -QT._, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 9 TO 6811��1 697$ NCLU SLVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. //j /,'' / � Avo — aY TNR coUNc , ,Ifs ,/ �y R .. "« FFI �o TH «oM PTa �" R E�E No JUl1 Yt mlm[A Io "IE m..R gx 'Va A __ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ^/�S) AUDITED CLAIMS July 15, 932 «mea" acx 4fen`z"e"i " j��:5�('_ Rx € mga5hyy n t N yy Zi, _ bg f 6B78 o E. T.E —S, _ rs,.. .. T TOTAL IN NUMeen IN FAVOR OF"�c"s chic Ks r er a.+" 1111GHTIO AAo 914397 508364 79� 8 nne eon 6 Rall Att'ys. ! II 40 17 681 o y • 6s2o " «r « 278 56 6821 Arthur P. Goodman 1 3 20 6822 J. H. Coakley 23 73 6823 Milton Roean, Com. of FS nanoel 13 166 96 6924 262 38 6825 112 00 6826 « « 2 014 33 6827^ 9548 60 6828 448 q21 6830 " « « 13 065 31� 6631 5 47 00 6832 « « " « 2 679 27 69333 4 4C 65 6834 234 25 6835 7 034 s 6836 .. « « 750 58 6937 " 2 834 30 6838^ 3 961 83 6839 « " 4 311 19 6840 Fred G. Albrecht 1 154 oo 6841 Milton Roeen, Com. of Finance 170 00 6842 Dave Hahineky 159 87 6843 9tl effel Pro du Co. 6844 muton Roeen, Com. of Finance 25 333 91 6845 Dorothy PBm1th 5 00 6846 R. C. Robinson 1 313 10 6847Hoard of Rater Commieeianere 379 60 6849 ^ 1 216 906 6849 934 45 6850 ^ 1 6n 93 E2 6951 1 33 6952 " 486 48 ' 695 70 a « ^ 685 John H. moDonald Com.of Pub.S.l 4 02 00 I, 6855 " " " " " ' S 13 6856 Ixving C. Pearce Com.of Eduo. 1 147 18 50 00 6858 muton Roeen, Cnetodian !1 657 95 68 9 Fred M. Truax, Co.. P. P1 y. P. 9.1 5 452 96 6860 1 795. 35 6861 307 66 O 6862 Hear an c. �aenael,Com^ Pab.' ke., 696 37 6863 4 567 70 4 « « « X11 265 1 16 �I 6866 « « 891 97 6967 ,« « « 2 613 71 6968« 2 6o5 6869 .. " 2 371 48 1 6870 6 GO 5552 6871 « 649 l4' 687332 1 035 771 6N 756 21 ' 68 6 « z45 07. 936 84 11 6877 1 365 119 657$ _ - - } 1 0II3 02p s�EET TOTAL- FOR— 17o 469 66 596 159 �7h 1 � � i .I I t i �y R .. "« FFI �o TH «oM PTa �" R E�E No JUl1 Yt mlm[A Io "IE m..R gx 'Va A __ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ^/�S) AUDITED CLAIMS July 15, 932 «mea" acx 4fen`z"e"i " j��:5�('_ Rx € mga5hyy n t N yy Zi, _ bg f 6B78 o E. T.E —S, _ rs,.. .. T TOTAL IN NUMeen IN FAVOR OF"�c"s chic Ks r er a.+" 1111GHTIO AAo 914397 508364 79� 8 nne eon 6 Rall Att'ys. ! II 40 17 681 o y • 6s2o " «r « 278 56 6821 Arthur P. Goodman 1 3 20 6822 J. H. Coakley 23 73 6823 Milton Roean, Com. of FS nanoel 13 166 96 6924 262 38 6825 112 00 6826 « « 2 014 33 6827^ 9548 60 6828 448 q21 6830 " « « 13 065 31� 6631 5 47 00 6832 « « " « 2 679 27 69333 4 4C 65 6834 234 25 6835 7 034 s 6836 .. « « 750 58 6937 " 2 834 30 6838^ 3 961 83 6839 « " 4 311 19 6840 Fred G. Albrecht 1 154 oo 6841 Milton Roeen, Com. of Finance 170 00 6842 Dave Hahineky 159 87 6843 9tl effel Pro du Co. 6844 muton Roeen, Com. of Finance 25 333 91 6845 Dorothy PBm1th 5 00 6846 R. C. Robinson 1 313 10 6847Hoard of Rater Commieeianere 379 60 6849 ^ 1 216 906 6849 934 45 6850 ^ 1 6n 93 E2 6951 1 33 6952 " 486 48 ' 695 70 a « ^ 685 John H. moDonald Com.of Pub.S.l 4 02 00 I, 6855 " " " " " ' S 13 6856 Ixving C. Pearce Com.of Eduo. 1 147 18 50 00 6858 muton Roeen, Cnetodian !1 657 95 68 9 Fred M. Truax, Co.. P. P1 y. P. 9.1 5 452 96 6860 1 795. 35 6861 307 66 O 6862 Hear an c. �aenael,Com^ Pab.' ke., 696 37 6863 4 567 70 4 « « « X11 265 1 16 �I 6866 « « 891 97 6967 ,« « « 2 613 71 6968« 2 6o5 6869 .. " 2 371 48 1 6870 6 GO 5552 6871 « 649 l4' 687332 1 035 771 6N 756 21 ' 68 6 « z45 07. 936 84 11 6877 1 365 119 657$ _ - - } 1 0II3 02p s�EET TOTAL- FOR— 17o 469 66 596 159 �7h 1 � � i UNCILaFRESOLUTION PaH rip ➢ro0a n�.�l. zap incr co�Hc��rSuiy 18, z RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 874,034,41 . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 6879 TO 6937 INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY rtCOMPTROLLER. AOOPTEo a. T.< All—E. i 1 1 „ 1111 1 r.R rn�.R ��1R . �._ _ No amc�M EN.AaA COUNCIL RESOLUTION July la, ,g32 AUDITED CLAIMS ,xab 1, ? ,� M��`y9. 17 3 �o a�a Mebonj EoIE c41 �374 "o" �Y ✓/�/ �> t< .'�I�;� yrs, �� ". ✓ � -� �l .,�/ .';i IN FAVOR OF sR1111.r11RwARo 70 469 66 5111 159 17I • 6879 6880 Herman C. Wenzel I. 116 68 2 548 39 1 6881 J. M. Sp=sr 2 97�i 6882 John E. Mull -n 40 001, 6883 FR T. Topel 30 00' 2 3F 6884 6685 T in City Teztile Mlle The White Co. 315 771 6886 H. W. Wile- Co. 0000 6887 rr William Pey Co. Inc. Asen.. 4Z �, 50 6888 6889 6890 Utility Finance O6Neil & Preston,Inc. Rosen, Com. Finance 60 00 166 25 6891 Hilton of 'ielfare 1 107 50 2 206 OS 6692 669} Board of Public Bradford Oil Co. 136 37. 1 184 O1 689`• 6895 Cochran Sargent Co. I C. I. Johnson Mf6. Co. 1 ' 65o 00 II 50 00 6692 6897 Anna ger f= Maendler Brush Mf6. Co. 1, 886 91 6898 Ne. California Fruit Co. 33 00 6899 Milton Rosen, Com. of Finance, 1 565 57 6900 159 718 75 6901 Otto Zupfer, Dl r act or 448 00� 6902 Henry J. Roadfeldt 720 DO 6903 H. Richter 3 64 204 60 6904 Mrs.. H. Mitch 14 94 6905 6906 F. N. Amundsen John D. An 65 50 6907 Blomberd-s Broc=ry 1' 4 97 6908 Braunig & Sono Baking Co. 35 211 6909 Bucks, Brothers 26 95 6910 6911 Capitol Laundry Co. Consumer= Council File No......_9um R PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT mad PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoece the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peal, vis.: a sSdewal -e4 sign.., at the northeast Gaaatrtl wa'D— ` aorner of Bidaall end H.ellawe Btt.9@ta .. 11 a +ate �.rar w e«n'n.•n.a,M Dated this lfith..._daY of ____7nly .. i PRELIMINARY ORDER. s WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imprevement, vin.: ...__.__..__Cnaetra>,aLinCssldeaelk..eaS.easlan_st._the_a..ortheast_._...______.....__._ .. cornsr._gf_Bid>rell"and_Bellows_$tgeets. _,_____ having been Pie°ted to the Council of the City of 9t. Paul_.._............. ..... _....__................... _--- ---------- --- _ ........ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeisver of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To m,actigate the neceaeity for, or dmimbility of, the malting of said improvement. -� 2. To investigate the "tura, extent and eetimated cuet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketnh of mid improvement. q. To state whether or not mid improvement is caked for on the Petition of three or more owners ✓ v 5. To report upon all of the foregoiog matters to the Comodmioner of Finance. X19, Adopted by the Council ............ _.._ ... Ye„a N— elf' 149{ cnaneaman ''Ay rauax wFr+zPi D---� Ma Pa..— I— C I arsmmrrI—c. rs ou wao www w oe a.r. ixsu, e��yo�r"n1 ,(��] ''W/ CITY OF ST. P�.�• 4. cauivdttaz t N"ii C��v'........ OFFICE OF THE�F.taa9 �uVs,�lr niiTp 1 r, I Q n ,..COUNCIL RESOLUTION—'ryy„e..avp..WW, uj�par Cly_ ® WBERE►B, The Election Committee of City OoanIIU. at a 10lag held by thm as Friday. July 15th. being and. change. Sa vari pre.inote in a the Esend lord, u per the Witten report . riug said changes m file in the office of William F. S.ott, City Clerk and Comadul er of Regiatratiab,, and. in said report. there are ehmog.. sada In ton pre.ineta of the Seoond lord, vise the Ninth, Tenth, Elevwth, Fourteenth, Fifteenth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth, T_ tieth, Scanty -first end Taeaty-third Preeimts, therefore. be it RESODIED, That the SEGUED WARD 1. hereby divided it. teeaty-three eleetioa preoineta. all sa follow. 'FIRST PRECINCT--THNSE IS NO CHANGE IN THIS PRECINCT AHD THE BOUNDARIES OF THE FIRST PRECINCT WILL EENBIN THE RANH ke THEY ME AT PREVIOUS =20. TION.. Boneded .n the north by the .—ter line of Mi. -hobs St.. on the rut by the eerter line. of Cable A,-. and Maple St.. on the southerly aide by the canter line of Sizth at., and uc the west by the gain line of the Northern Pacific Railroad. SECOND PRECIBCT--THERE 18 10 CBASOR IN THIS PRECINCT AND TEE BOUND- ARIES OF THE SECOND PRECINCT WILL RBYBIN THE SAME AS THEY WERE AT PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. Bowed un the northerly aide by the neater line of Fest Sixth St.. oa the ..surly by the .eater line of Mepla St.. un the .outbarly by the ztar lies.f But Third St., end an the westerly by the Northern Pudfie Railroad min line. THIRD PRECINCT--THBHE IS 10 CHARGE II THIS PRECINCT AND THS BOUHILRffi OF THE THIRD PRECINCT HILL REMAIN THE NAME AS THEY WERE AT PREVIOUS NIEO- TIONS. Sounded un the northerly aid. by the .eater line of Nut Third St.. on the .at by the a..&— line of Maple St., an tks southerly aids by the center line of Nndaun Ave. and Rudaun Ave. produced. and un the .oath and —at by the min line of the Burlington and Northern Paoific Railway trek. produced to the Nisei.aippi Rl e . FOURTH PRECINCT—THERM IS NO OBANaE IN THIS PRECINCT AND THEI'NUND- ARIES OF THE FOURTH PRECINCT WILL BENBIN THE SAW AS THEY 1058E AT PREV- IOUSLE ELECTIONS. 11 onounded the northerly side by the center line of Hud- aun Ave., Maple St. and Webfield L—.. on the -.t by the .enter line of Forst St. on the wuthso erly aide by the .rer line of NoLean Ase. and Nolen Ar.. produced to the Mi -i eippi Riser, end an the neeterly aide by the NiuSwippl River. 93107 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CouFNTED BY oNea_ 41- H� PIFTH PRECINCT--YHSRE IS HO CHANOS IH THIS PRECINCT AND SHE HOUND - ARIES OF THE FIFTH PRECINCT WILL REYAII MS THE BAAS THEY HERE AT PREVIOUS RLECTICI8. Booeded on the north by the man lies of the E_the ra Pnoitie Reil y traok.. On the .net by the center 11ne of Aro." St.. w the wtberly side by the center line of Hest Sixth St., end on the seat by the center live of Nape St.. Cable Are.. Nisosbaba St. and the Northern Pecific Repay track-, —Ie lira. SIM pRBCIKCT—THHRE IS NO CHANGE Iy THIS PRECINCT An THE BOSHD- ARIEB OF THE BASH PRECINCT WILL BERLIN TO "A AS THEY HBRE AT PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. Bounded on the north by the Northern Paoifio Railway trams main lice, no the east by the .enter line of Forest St.. a *be .oath by the seats 11m of East Sixth St., end On the seat by the center line of Are." Et. SEVSIITH PBeCIICT—TMZ I8 HO CHANGE IN THIS PRECINCT AND THE BOUND- ARIES OF THE SEVEHTS PRECINCT WILL REMAIN THE SMAe THEY ISS AT PRHV- IOUs ELSCTIOIS. Bounded un the north by the center lies of Sixth 8t., w the east by the center live of Forest St., on the south by the center line Of Fremcmt St.. lNMM St., Third Street North and Third St., end an the ,westerly side by the .anter line of WFle St - 01, PRICIACT—THERE I8. NO CROE IN THIS PRECINCT AND TIM BOUNDARIES OF Y86 BAEIGHTH PRECINCT WILL REMAIN THE SAXE AB TEST WEBS AT PREVIOUS ELEC- TIONS.Bounded on the north by the seater line of Third St.. Third Street st Horth, Aro." St. end Prors rt 8t., on the .Est by the center line Of 11 St., w the south by the center lice of WIwfi.ld Are., wlY side by the center line of Maple St. NINTH PESO My—TIM BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHLICED. BOURC- ED OH THE NORTH BY THE Mill LIRE OF THE CHICAHO. 8T. PAUL. NINSEAPOLTB i WEA RAIIHOAD. ON To EAST BI THE CEIRM LAMS OF KEKGAND ST., ON THE SOUTH By THE CHNTSH LINE OF BELIES ST.. AND ON THE NEST BY TBE CENTER LINE OF ATLANTIC ST - TESTS TESTS PRNCIHCT»THE BOURMISS OF THIS PRECT AHE CHANUND. SCHISM ON THE NORTH By THE HAI, LINE OF TO CHIOASO. ST. PAUL. I@1NDLPOLIS A GHANA RAILROAD, ON THE EAST BY THE CENTER LIKE OF ATLANTIC ST.. ON TEE SOUTH By BART. THE CUM ME OF MARGARET ST.. AND ON TEE WEST BY THE OSEM L3XS OF By. No 93107 CITY OF ST. PAUL .0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 6IEP®TH PRVCINCS—SHE BOUNDARIES OF Tffi8 PRECINCT ARE CBdHGBD. BOUND - RD OB SHE NORTH HY THE CENTER LIKE OF MARGARET ST.. ON THE EW BY THE cum LIEN OF ATLANTIC BT. AHD .10 ST., ON THE BOOTH BY THE CENTRE LIM OF CONWAY ST.. AND OH THE NUT BY THE CENTER LINE OF FOREST ST. TSELEYH PRECINCT—THERE IS NO CHANGE IE THIS PRECINCT AND THE BOUND- ARIE8 OF THE TWELFTH PRECINCT *ILL REMAIN THE EASE AS THEY HERE AT PREP- IOUS ELECTIONS. B—ded on the north by the cenbne r liof Cosay St., m the •set by the .set- line of English St., onthe south by the center lino of Hastings Ass., and on the „est by the .eaGr line of Forest St. TH RTEESTH PRECINCT—THINE IS 10 CHANCE IN THIS PRECINCT AND SHE BOUNDARIES OF THE THIRTEENTH PRECINCT WILL REMAIN THE NAME AS THEY WRR AT PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. Hounded on the northerly side by the center line of Sol.— Ave. and No Ie— Awa. prodnoed westerly to the Mississippi Ricer. Forest 8t. "dm Awe., on the east by the. .enter line of seri St.. on the southerly side by the center line of Thorn St., Monod St., Clermont at. snd Clareont St. produced to the Mississippi River, and m the westerly side by the Mississippi BI— FOURTEENTH PRECINCT --THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHARGED. BOUNDED ON THE METH BY THE CENTER LINE OF L&VEITEM AVE.. ON THE EWpT BY THE CENTER LINE OF ENEBM ST., O1 THE SOUTH Br THE MAIN LINE OF THE CHI- amSS. PAUL. MINNEAPOLISONARA RAILROAD, AND 01 THE TMST BY THE MAIN LIKE OF THE NCRTH® PACIFIC RkllR AD. FIFTEENTH PRECINCT --THE BOUNDARIES OF THIN PRECINCT ARE CRASHED • BOUND- ED OU THE NORTH BY TER CENTER LIKE OF SEINEN ST.. 01 THE VAST HY THE CENTER LINE OF IOORM ST., ON THE SOUTH BY THE CENTER LINE OF CONHAY ST.. AND ON THE WEST BY THE CENTER LINE OF OOTZIAI ST- AND ATLANTIC ST. 'D=EPTB PRECINCT --THESE 18 NO CHANGE IN THIB PRECINCT AND THE BOUND- ARIES OF TEE SMEEn PRECINCT WILL REMAIN THE SALE AS THEY WERE AT FREr- IOUs VIECSIOES. Bounded — the north by the canter line of Coaeay Ht. end C.. V et. prodooed, on the asst by the Rest City Limits, on the south by ...tion lis betwm 8 --tions 2, 3. 10 and 11. Toeaahip 28, Range 22, and on the west by the Mississippi River, the oaeter lis of Clerumt; St. and Clermont Bt. produced westerly to the Mississippi ES»r, Mound St.. Thorn St., Johnson P -k y in Indian Monads Perk. Burns Awe. and English 5t. 93107 CITY OF $T. PAUL Hca No.. OFFICE OFTHE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 86PBNTREATS PKECINCT--THENE IS NO CHARGE IN THIS PRBOIDCT AND THE BOUND- ARIEB OF THE SEVENTEENTH PRECINCT WILL RBNAIN THE SANE AS THEY ME AT FM_ YOUR EIECTIONS. Bonded on the north by ...tion line bstne8 S.etione 2. 3, 10 .nd 11, Toenahip 28, Range 22. d the ...t by the E..t City Liait.. on the south by the City Ltiits and on the wet by the Ni..i..ippi River. EIGHTEENTH FBBCINCT-THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHANGED. BOUNDED ON THE NORTH BY THE CARTER LINE OF LARPENTBUR AVB., ON THE EAST AS BY THE ET CITY LIMITS, OR THE BOOTH BY THE MAIN LIKE UP THE CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS A OMAHA RAILROAD, AND O1 THE WEST BY THE CENTER LINE OF BERNARD ST. NINETEENTH PRSCINCT—THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHARGED. BOOK= ON THE NORTH BY THE MAIN LINE OF THE CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS A OMAHA RAILROAD, ON TEE BUT BY THE EAST CITY LIMITS, ON THE SOUTH BY THE CENTER LIMB OF BTIURCEEB ROAD, HURL AVE. AND BUT SEVETH ST.. AHD OR THE WEST BY THE CENTER LIDS OF KEZZLED ST. TNDNTIETH PRECIBCT�-THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHANGED. HOUR= ON THE NORTH BY THE CENTER LYNN OF BAST SEVENTH ST., ON THE EAST BY THE CENTER LINE OF HUM AVE- ON THE BOOTH BI THE CENTER LIKE OF COR_ WAY ST., AND ON THE MET BY THE CENTER LINE OF EBNNAHD ST. TREBLY -FIRST FBBCIBCT—THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHANGED. BOUNDED ON THE BORTH BY THE MAIN LINE OF TND NORTHERN PACIFIC RAIIROAD. ON THE EAST BY THE CENTER LIKE OF KARL ST.. ON THE SOUTH BY THE CENTER LINE OF MARGARET ST., AND ON THE EENT BY THE CENTER LIKE OF FOREST ST. T®TY-BECOBII PRECINCT—THERE IS NO CHANGE IN THIS PRECINCT ASD THS BOUANABIKN OF THE TWENTY -SHOO® PRECINCT WILL BEMAIN THE HANE AS THEY WEBB AT PREVIOUS ELECTIONS. Bounded on the north by the neater line of Beating. Ane., on the east by the neater line of Eaglieh St...n the south by the oeder lice of Burne Ave., Jobaem Pa kmy is Indian Nmmde Park and Thorn Bt., and on the Beet by the —b r 11m of Earl et. TI®KC TY -THIRD FRINCT—THE BOUNDARIES OF THIS PRECINCT ARE CHANGED. BOUNDED O1 THE NORTH BY THE CENTER LINE OF STI11STER ROAD, ON THE EAST BY THE EAST CITY LIMITS, ON THE SOUTH BY TER CENTER LIMB OF CONWAY ST. AND CONIAY NT. PRODUCED EABTERLY TO THE CITY LINITS, AND ON THE WEST BY THE CENTER LINK OF BASEL AVE. �. �o ci 4•.. .. CITY OF ET. PAUL ,n: Nlo.--g3�lJ'7- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM UIOLPSD, FURTM S, That the City Clerk is hereby direotsd to orae. the and topPost of eaeh .hang. to be printed and filed in the offioe of the City Clerk sffi to poet .opine of the obauges 1. eaeb voting preolnot and, also, to furnish s oopy to the fudge. of eaeh preolmt sad do such other things as are �eeesary and regalred by the gJestloa 1 of the State is ­ti..idth the redletriot- Spg of voti� preoimte. COUNCILMEN Y_ Nays //May / McDoosld � paw _ _ I favor Truax _.. Against /Wenzel ,r 4 /Mr. Preeideot Mob oney Adopted by the Cou-d-.AYy,..QQ.JIYi..---193...... Mayor pLBi�SfiF;p 7—a i .��, r I:I! L�L a6IDn►1 s wan or =4004 Golata =. eclat Pent. Iln.e.ot.. Ja>,q 19. 193=. To UZ MUM AAD OMMI MWIL. Om or am P"1. Iia MOZI . V. la ouea O...dU s of the Oity Ceene11. at • e.stin b.M by them Sti th. Oonooil M—bsro of the Oity &11 end Oourtr a... oa F'164.. Joty IW. took .p th. aatt.r of p"U t. end ...pj•j•ft fil.d by "6— of th. F—t-aft and II&b6e•ath Preola.b. at th. eee..d W rd. is order ft. r.ue.. aha remems of Pretest .ad .ore .gdt.b3y dlTlde i'he preeinet. for 6hw.an.aafems of tb- -ter. dth—t Iasrse.- Le t.. no b.r of p,eelneft em the edditi.ael ..paces ther.of. it a a.e..eary to —k- eh.ngee 1n. t.a PV -I=t. i. order to eq -11- ab. amb.r d Tots,. 1. —h ➢reeiaet b -C d. follaeer I-ber of I.9i.tered Ioeb.r of 8.`ietered Patsre ft the old Voter. 1a. the ase Preollwt Prle to - Preaia.t Prop—d Prseinet. the Prapowd Ob..o. 9 ✓ ✓.. 572/ 399 ✓ - 10 ✓f "✓ 4w ✓ pl ✓ v 657 ✓ 6971/, . 34 � ✓ 353 � 574 15 r 552/ 559 ✓ 15 649 ✓ 674 ✓ . 19 ./ 415✓ 631 J zo J 476 / 49e 21 boo V 434 / 23 J 531./ 653 ✓ The Oomi..i— of Regutr.ti.a. NUII. V. 9..bt. L herby direeted to notifq the Toter. 1. th. pr.olmt. w eh..,d. 61Ting tbm -- .se Prsolo.t mmber ead Tptil% PI—I ead h. ie further direoted 1Wyor and C—. Cameo . fl T-19732 Th. mp atb"bod to this r.port .hon tw boml.ri.s of the old prooiaets and the boonda ism of tbm proposed aer prsadaots sada al aged" of Vm nmI r of the Prasitiet.-the. f_igons ahoy the mub.r-of r.gietar.d •otan in the proposed Pr..iast —d th. figar.e ebo.n is tb. eiriL u '. the nn.bor of ragi.t.nd votes is the old prseinet at th. 1a.t tlaiUUft' _ U. applioatiwa of tb. p.eant aaI ro of tb. el"tim hoard It the pr.ainots alt otsd by th. p".md eh.nge..d'the s.rtra°-appIld" .. flea ithwo siting appols*—t m th. t..rde I&—sppliec4loa.. sill bo ...;Tito by the 21"tion C.afitb. Prior to the Ir d r .lwtioo.) ,rill bo eh..ked.' io, the appLt-tians tl 11 b. pl..o.d In then' eoTrNt _ a proposed Pn Invts. by WMI— P. 2-0. City Clwk —A Co®is.i.onsr of H.giatratio% _d, .1". the pv.mt .ting pl..s. ill b..hsebd a.d aer loo.ti®s seaar.d. it.r.-th. bo.nd.ry lla.s srs ehangid.` 91108 CITY OF ST. PAUL " NO -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N�r yp,t�l..OHHt�tnmny8 �a Co L RESOLUTION NERAL F >eyha /, Z-` � PRMEN 0 BY _ _ lei oeEa_ - oxo. WHEREAS, Stepan Hammerschmidt, Hose Hemmerschmidt, Paul A. Froddich and Sara Jane Froehlich, as grantors, have proposed to convey by deed to the 01 ty of Saint Paul the following described real estate, upon the condition that the same be used described iv sly for public alley purposes, to-wit: Horth 20 feet of the south 179,t30 feet of that part of the southwest y of the southwest k of Section 10, Township 28, Range 23, lying east of Harkness Bunny- slde Slope Addition; ANDWHEREAS, Said conveyance is in the nature of a gift, and the matter has been referred to the Comma esion.r of Public a Works for report as to the advisability of saaccepting said deed of conveyance and as to the necessity of the use of id lend for public alley purposes; and WHEREAS, The report of the Chief Engineer has been received, recommending the ®cceptance of said deed upon the condition above stated; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the props, rcity offi care be and they are hereby authorized and directed to accept said deed of conveyance of said land upon the report of the Corporation Counsel that title to said property Ss good in said grantors, and that said land be used exclusively thereafter for public alley purposes. JUL 1 o 1932 COUNCILMEN Y.. COUNCILMEN AdoPba by th Comcfl, -._ _..... 193.._ /(noaaM e _..I favor App dNS��ci�':..._ 193_. ruax g ...._Aamst .Nyv aX CC<..�-..^.t �L-1 't y, Mayor / Mr. President Mahoney MILTON RO8EN. Cow uis.louen .n[o [. �ov[u, oaruae c.xxnuoxu CITY Vj��S�IIIY'1�►,PI pe�Palrhm+er�lh o F �i' u�h,lU}c �f wrlss w...........r .x... [...a May 20, 1932 [�..,ox •....w.nr..x....r w..xxx. i Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r k. Dear Sir! Under date of May 4th you requested this office to advise the Council as to the advisability of the city accepting certain property offered for alley purposes. The original offer which was presented to the City Coun- cil is returned attached, as is also a sketch showing the location of the property offered by Messrs. Hammer schmidt and Froelich. We recommend that this property be accepted by the city for alley purposes. Yours very truly, WM. N.N. C q�, �` Chief Engineer. AppWd% � OSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. + Q� , o EL f, A NUS ST v° 27 � ZB Zy 90 D/ SCG /tl 29 23 OT TO AVE St. Paul, Llnnesota. May 2, 1932. To the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Honorable Sire: We, the undersigned, herewith respectfully present a joint deed in favor of the City of Saint Paul, conveying a certain piece of mlecell aneous property, which we wish to dedicate to the public for alley purposes. The above transfer shall be without cost or charge to the City, and Abstracts of Title shall be furnished upon accep- tance of deed. Respectfully yours, Stepan Aammerschmldt n 1 oee Aammerschm dt au Froehlich Sara Jane oehlich . �1 931119 ae��e...9...®.,.. COUNCIL FILE NO ..... ..... ..__.......... .____.._ c. m.a... ......m.a. Ry ........_.............___........... - [ne en.nalac the �tna1- R. & �Y CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving As5eSsyncnt 1. the matter of the as -crimen[ of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for changing the grade of Alley in Block 5, J. A. & 'l: M. Stees' Addition and Miscellaneous Tract from Cypress 3t. to Foreat St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Bald Alley from Cypress St. to Forest St. to the proposed red line when estab— lished, ,.der Preliminary order___ 88117 _ _ _ ._ _, Intermediary Order Final Order.... ..___..90208 _._._, appr..ed -_.._Ang-e-2Z_-- .______._.1 The seas -anent If....banefita,_. damages.,...enats...and _expenaador and is connection with the III,— i.pr.... -t 111-19 bell eobmitted to the C... til, vad the Con.tll h.vi.g c ..idered same and found the avid aa-uvment anti -factory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat the said vese-emeat be end the eamv i. hereby io ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That v pablie hearivg be bed on said neseacment on the___ 17th....__.__ — of August _........ 19...32 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., iv the Council Chamber of the Court liouae .ad City 11.11 6nilding, fn t6r City of Sc 11.0; that the C..tamwo of Fi.... e girl notice of -aid molting-, va required by the Charter,-t.ting in said notice the Lime aad place of hearing, the nature of the mpro.emont, the total cost thereof, .nd the amoant v -sassed eg.ited the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the Itier is directed. 19�( 19 Adopted by the Council. -.. _._ .... yJ ��yy Appro.ed R9RR. �P,. d. �`+� 19......... Conntilmar --� yt 0. n.:ld PUBLISHED l'nuneilmav�gomA^-:t ?l::y Ca.. I �cMaiiaith.,t-mld.� C I e I lm. Mal" � .:. n xv . .� la h:,ncS�' 93110 COUNCIL FILE NO ..............__............__.._... ,.et,. ae.e:t me m. v o7'r:iP.:e: a:rt: oe:r a ep. CITY OF ST. PAUL y Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the .seise—iit of benefits, costs and expenses for grading Rockwood Avenue from Alton Street to the west line of Palisade Addition, under Preliminary Order._._.........8893fi... _...._.I Intermediary Order ..O9E99._.... _......._..., Finns Order_.... ..99164._.. _ 'PP" -1 ... _ A.9— 19 __....... _.., 19.31 The assessment of __bepel ll:a_,_._CO9t$, eZd--@7tBe,Us_@y_,_,.. ......far end m .......tion with the nb... improveme.t having Leen s.b.,itt,d to the Council, end the Conn.il having considered same and found the said --hi satlsfaablry, therefore, b. it RESOLVED, That the said be —1 the same ie hereby in all re.p-bi approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on .aid asses.ment on the...... 1Rth....... ...d.y of August, 19Z2 __., ➢Qx nl the hour of Ib o'rloek A. K. in the Conseil Ch.mber of the Co.r1 Ilou., and City hall B-IiIing, ie the Cil, of 1,- 1'aul; [hat the Commies..... of Finan le gill ..tile of ..id —ti,- na by the Ch.— , eta ing in said .,tire the time. and place of hearing, the .arca. of the improvement, the total cost thereof. and the .mmeotn,s— ed eglibIt the lot or lots of the Particular —111 m whom the notia. is di—ted. JUL 2 0 7+'1 Adopted L h Cnnneil... __ ..... 19 7 . .', � /. `�A¢ .:.. City C-1,. JUL u M2.a,Pr,,.nt _ _ 19 _ ca��...uma� can .amnnrtaalwsatd:' ° mo Affi%oCouneilmnnFdd_. I/ o Cou eilm�av��" `1 pv �. 93111 o,a .COUNCIL FILE NO.......emvr- ° t•a waeSt v° u.e.te.ter w cveerovva __...__....__.._.._....__.._._ > my a.v«srmewava`w.mm. By .f ao tee autreea n. u. ••. ��w . ..ton CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Brading alley in Block 1, Otto Avenue Addition and Block 1, Galarnesultte Addition from Macalester Avenue to Underwood Avenue, also constructing a he easerl 1, WOalarneault'a seAddltlo nblocor in the esment tobfromttheealleytto that sewers int SchePPer Aot venue,k under Preliminary Order...._. _@9.41Q_._. ___...., intermediary Order ------ Final Order... __901fi1._.. ........ app,—d... _.._._.....__Aug.._1B ... _..... __..., 19....31 Tho assessment of____..._. Daneflts-,._c.os.ta...and...Bxpansesfor and in correction with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, end the Council having considered same and found the said easeanot—t eatiafaetory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said aeseasmeut be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public bearing be bad to said assessment on the. .. 12th.day of _ Auquat...._1932__._ ]axat the hour of 10 o'clock A. M, in the. Conneil Chamber of the Cavi Ran- and City hall Building. in the City of St. P.,d; that the Coanchaioner of Fina— give anti,, of said mo n.p, ¢s required by the Charter, stating in said notiee the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount ¢aseaa,d against the lot or lot, of the particular Owner to whom the v,tioe is di ... ttd. Adopted by th, Correll ° 20 mz— ]s 7 ,f \ City Clerk. Camiciltnix- neT CovncilmaaWF?FgSon Oovvcilmeri'eNena—IiY"" , CouncilmatJ .].,,,.�.c Councilmav�FedFtallter Couv,ilman°� ylub��ncy Mayor7r" 1'UBLISI-IED 7.�i _3 Z•.•{�._ 93112 COUNCIL FILE NO...____.........___..........._.. By- __ __........____. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Ia the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alleys in Block 3, Lake Park Addition from Almond Street to Atlantis Street, and from Arona Avenue to the north and south alley, under Pre6m.ary Order_._._ BBlA6__.. _...__, I.termedtary Order, 89894_._.. Final Order_... .....90159..... nppro..d —_.._._...Aug•._19_ _._.. , 19._.31 The assessment If _._..hflneflt5r._enats_ Bnd...n pense9.......___... for n.d i. eonneetiou with the above improvement having bee. submitted to the Council, and the Council haying considered same soil found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Ther the -id assessment be e.d the same is hereby m ell respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be Lad on said assessment on the .._....._ 17th ......_day of .Avgus.t.,...... _...._.... , 19....32 at the hour of 10 o'rinck A. M., i. the Canned Chamber of the Court House and City ILII Building, m the City of St- Paul; that the Commiui... r of Fi ... 11 gill notice of said meetings, as rewired by the Charter, stating in said notiee the time end place of hearing, the nature of the ,p... ant, the total cost thereof. and the amount assessed agni.,t the lot or lots of the partici., owner to wham the notice is directed. JOl Q (1 to" Adopted by the Council_ -...__. __.._ __r_ 19_-�. Approved... JUL.../.0 19 _.. (noun ilman Clancy Comcilmnn Ferguson Cou.cilmnn pG3Mnnk1 ---- Cov oilman �ooeumn:� "other. ailma. a�a>�r Mayr $�o¢- __ City Clerk. Pfnerdcux- .— 3-33_/ of < X93113 u,cm. •aW.: aao'� COUNCIL FILE NO__. By. ......... .am r It CITY OF ST. PAUL a Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the nssesamnnt of benefits, costs and expenses for grading the following alleys in Block 6, Hayden Heights: the west north and south alley from Sherwood Ave, to Lake Como—Phalen Ave., the east north and south alley from the east and west alley to Lake Como—Phalen Ave. and the east and west alley from the west north and south alley to the west line of K.asst Subdivision, ..der Prelimmnry Order..... 89564,....... 1 .... _., Intermediary 0,d—.—___._H9HO6 _.........._., Final Order___...... 9010.... . approrcd_....Aug ..19_._....... 19..31 The aeveavment of... .... benef its., _. nnsts. and... e -P---- fur and in co..actio. with the above improvement having beau submitted to the Couu.fl, and the Council having eousidered same nvrl found the avid aeve itt snlisfee[ory, therefore, he it RESOLVED, That the said aas1--t bo and the name ie hereby in all reapeetrapproved. RESOLVED FURTHER, Thut a public hearing be had on said asaeacmevt on the.......1.7th_____._.,,, day of Augva_tt.... _........ 19....34 nt the hour of 10 .'cloak A. 11., iv the Couneil Chamber of the Co—t Hous, and City hall Building, in the City of St. Pvvl; that the Commissioner of Fiueoec give notice of avid meetings, as r,q,i,,d by the Charter, storing m said notice the time and plane of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof. end the I-- x. esew,d against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notme m directed Adapted by the Ce..ed JUL 2019 City ('lark_ Alryrnred _ _ - 19 �� .-6lmvn tc Icoy .atm -9 can�sa ate_ . „ ,eG""' • ► 93115 i& C ... eil F`No..__......_.__._......__._ CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1. the matter of the -aem—t If —t- one ox--- for gradin, 11ey in 131-k 11 pl,,1— Place from WalshAvl. to Greenbriernnest 'k-- —o' al.. Inat—tid, a I—., i. , he Alloy —int 33 ft. . the line If '__' " rio tothe —I, in 1,00nb,id, A—Io, =do, Preliminary Orde,.,, fiQ41,2 — Intermediary Orde,287.3 Final Ordor....91)130 .ppr-ed - 19 --al A public he.,i.g having been had open the assessment for the above improvement, and said —me hent having bee, further considered by the Conned, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —I..e.t be and the .—e is hereby in all —peets ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County If Ramsey III "Ifl—till BE I7THHR RLSOLVED, That the said am—nollt be and it i. hereby determined to be payable in -eq111 inatalloo-ts. JUL 2 Adopted by the Connocil-, 19- City Clerk. JUL 2 a icn?'9 Appr.. d . Mayor CITY OP 5'r. PALL OFFICE OF TIIE CO)IU ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment Iv the matter of the assessmrnt of bene Pit s, costs nnc ..,es for xka frail _nfl allay ir. mock 1, I.nne's h¢len '1.co from �¢lsi, 6vam+e ', a r .4venve� also r nstrnctin s se n the Alloy from v oint -.-� :t, ea.,_ of ..vstalina of ":t aenbri ar 1.. c_ile .o *.I:e sa mar �n gree^Crier ..ven � under Preliminory Order E9472 _ atcrmcdi¢ry Onler.. fl2E73_ _ Final Order_... 9013,9............ nPprnved.. 6W,...1fl...... 1'1.31.. To the Connail of the City of SL Pnnl- The Commissioner of Fivnvee hereby rape its to the Covvail the following as a statement ,f the 'xpro- ditores neoees¢rily it and to be m, arrrd for ¢n,l iv conne'tion with the mvkivg of the above improve - mens, nz. Cost of const amt ion Cost of Publishing notirr $____4...'..^i___. Cos[ a Postal evrdx I—Peetiov fres $..... 10. uC.._... y. Amount of coact costs for con(Inoution 47.20 $_.47.26L.__.._... ..onstnlctinn 6' earinE Total Said Comm tsstom r further reports that hr has --d and levied the tot¢I ¢mount It, ¢have extrtnined. G'+. a on rvt'h and every lot, part or peach of b—d d. II I brvelitr,l by to -wit: the sum o[ $..v.. 7.14__....... p th' said improttment, nail iv th' <axe of rneh lot, Pnrt or parcel of and iv artordnnee with the h. nlit� fared thereon : that the said n.ct ssn+rvt la. bran roapl't'd. ¢vd thvt hrretn nt t.i. h.rl, i,lvtdir,l 1., iv, <ig -0— of the said Covatiasiover, and mail' apart hereof, ie the said aseesement ss c 1.1 ced by him, snJ wli ivh is h're.. it), sub m ittrd to the Conned fvr sv. h itv,n thrrr,n v, via. L. v,vsidrred prol+er_ ro,m n 11. 17 Commissioner of F'ivavre. 93116 Council File No. oa By 11 as to n CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment 1, the matter of the -solosteend of benefit', oohs end —PoIsl- far trading alley in BI—k 25, Syndicate NO- E Ad,iti— from -,rill' St. t. under P'�Ahai--Y Otdo, Intermediary Order__. RUBS- FI—I O,de,.-9-Q()10 ,pp—d 4LAC-,_ A.— 19 U. A pabfle boating having been had upon the oneesson-t for the above improvement, sad said onessatest, having b... further considered by the Ce—cil, and having bee. considered fi—lly antif.ete,-y, be it thellf— RESOLVED, That the said aaaessat-t be and the —, is hereby in all respects ratified, and the asson, is hereby ,dereT to be e,bmitt,d to the District Court of the Canaty of Ramsey far —lineation. BE IT "qMR RESOLVED, That the said asseane-t be and it I, hereby determined to be payable W q,,l installments. AL 2 U 1932 Adopted by the C-anoil . ....... 19 City Clerk. Approved2, App May.,, 'tel ell CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TIl.'."'I ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _..� un v..22. _........ 1932. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, posts and ex - sea for ARa gradin,^, e11ey In Block 25, Synd:.cate Aro. E Additionfrom Orip•r, ::t, to BynLicnte Ave., ander Prelim .,y Order.._t`+9142 - _.__-_ Int,—dtary 0r&r 8976A Fatal Order... BOR1Q.._....... al'prna rd ..... AuZ. 4 __. 19_31.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissiover of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a slot .... t of the -pen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and iv co.nectiov u-ilh the making of the ab— Improve- w nt, viz: Coat of conatnmtion $....'-.9!3.00 Cost of pabliahing notice Cost of postal cards $.._..�.:+0 _._.... Inspection fees $....._5.9P _............. Amount of court costs for confirmation $_.-.. 4.00 ............. Conetruotion EnSinaorin� 40.& Total-I—ditares $..355.56 ............... Said Con.inus+nner further report, that be has —,seed and lericd the total amount as al,—, ascerta fined. to wit- the s.m of $-35`.;.5,1-- - -...�i b nnrl every lot, part or pnn,rl of laud deemed benefited h, the said improaement, end in the +ani of carh lot, port or parcel of W,d is a+ lune, +a i' 11 the be nc fi+s e" , famed there..; that the said an"sam+nt has been e,—pl-d, and that hereto o trached, identified by the ..g nature of the said Commissioner, end made a part hereof, is the said assessmev[ .a completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council far such actio. there.. sa —y bb -e c,,.id,r,d>proper. i ...r of Fi .......... rwm o a. it Commmstover of Fivavice. Cef it bila NO .; < 93117 meat e[ s eyt.a.;Yooa± '.h Duet o[ It�neMav� : CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefit , osts and eapen..e.. for ,/`/ r-n:iry iYeserve Street t<� eoser+e o" 32ofoet n -i th a "?0 foot mann+ sere rna P.vo. to a /ll eoint 180 feat south of the so�;th line oP 5nrns Ava., also eredin� the alley 3.n Blook 3, p.ow�ds Park Addition Frompast of ? under Preliminary Order.. 82931—... — Intermediary Order..._8_"869......., F1va1 Order....90126_______ approved. ._...19. J 1... A public hearing having been had upon the assessment far the above improvement. and .aid assea.meot having been further—idered by the Cavnail, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, Thst the said asessament be and the .ams it hereby in all reaped. ratified, and the lame is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the Coanty of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FU ER RESOLVED, That the .aid assessment be end it is hereby determined to be payable .n_...___..___...... _..appal inataumanta. JUL 201932 Adoptedby the C—il___......_.__......._____.......__..........___....___. 19..... _.. .1.... City Clerk. Approved...... .___..}.. _.....__. _........19.. row a.. u � � pUUL151� —93— B l CITY OF ST. CAUL OFFICE OF TIIE C031MISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment juno.27 __. _._.......__., 17._32. in lh, matter of the assessment of benofits, costs and ---c .ses for%4e adinr Resorve Street to v .,i:-th of 32 feet with a 20 foot roadway from Burns toe. to e, point 1P0 feet south n the south of Burns Eve., also E...UnC the alley in Block 3, Mouada Park Addition Cram Reserve St.1e to a point 110 feet mast of Reserve St., under Prelita ry Order...... 83051........ Intermed.ry Order Final Ord. .@.0),26_... app..... AuC.._1.P.. .... 19 31 er... To the Council of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Finnnee hereby "Ports t. the C .... it the following as a statement of the 1-111:1 ditures necessarily incurred and to be m urred for and in with the .,king of the above i.,— meat, viz: Coat o[ construction _ _ $_ 477.00 Cost of publishing notice $.........1.00__.__, Cnet of Postal enrdx $__....C.1°_... . Ivspactwo fees .54 Amowtt of court costo for confirnmciau $ 0.90 construction '::n. inearine T.lnl expenditures $_...563.19........... Said C,, na,j s -- furlber repo t. n.--1 and le.ied the total amount nv nbn., n.c�rin�nrd. to it: the sum of $- 56.-�,.=9_ _.. upon roeh sial et v lol, port or pnreel J land d Lenefil rJ b,. th, said improvement, and in the em, 14 —h lot, port or parcel of land tt lth the bene.[. nn f ... ed thereon; that tho said essessmevt bas b„v-,.pletcd, ,,,d that beret. a t—bed, identified by the sig nature of the said C'onimissione ”"d made n pert bere.fI is the said as.esem ns completed by him. —1 ww which is hereith submitted to the l'onveil fir —11 2. ctma thereon as may be considered prop,, Commieeiover of Fivenee. 93H8 Coonetl File No'm r4m h'ata n ct `� 1�° a emo $y r..ar4ina ^; B y CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment / In the matter of the smosament of benol5 to, costs and expenses for /V ca essav�e rl in %t.' a on^U'_o '0 11 t{ 2hale. ,+ on f -d a point 220une t 'xast of A''ith rl YY/ St. to ', ncy St.� an n .1'�ansmct.1fro- Luka d Phalan Avenue to c rvtact �»-�.th 0 Poulevard a rely -'^ -'t.u- of La -e v ori Phalen A under Preliminary Order ._.._ 89783 Intermediary Order... 90030._-__... Final Ord— rder.Ppeale Se �tenber 1 ...............1931_.. appealed.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be sad the same is hereby in ell respects ratified, and the same ishereby ordered to,b. submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmstion. BE IT FU ER RESOLVED, That the said aseessn-t be and it is hereby determined to be payable iv....__....._.....�........_e9va1 installments. JUL 2 0 9V Adopted by the C—iL..._. ..............._._....._._..... _._........_. _......_..... s._.. . City Clerk. JUL 2 U 1W Approved -_........_...___..___.... 19 ..._. / 4.L(..�.1..... ........ ..� Mayor. ... .�L.LLG.G:: CIT] OF ST. PAUI, OFFICE OF 971E CO` MISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment .....du.-�e...?2.............. 19.32 Iv the matter of the --to-t of b n., _ r:sts e_ _ -a for tba I vo }'hnl an arpolct '),:'0 ftf -.ra st o" Adess at,�to �snSt.n^ro^ ful-e on m _ slen e a w1tR the saner an [',omo 6o1ilavordenpproximotaly 270 ^t.osovth of I.nkeV.o�o .ore i'nelen vender PrdLmi ry Order 1993 lutermcdiar. Order 90030 Ftnal Order... _40294 nppro. ed __... _._59.�.kemkB.0 1 _._ 19.31.. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The C—i,i mnar of Finance hereby report, t. the C .... il the following as a .t.temont of tho "P-- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, via: Cost o[ construction $ 2,495, 00__ Cost of Publishing notice _ $.. _ _ 2.55.......... Cost of post.] cants $ 0.57 Insp.e.11on fees $_____49.46,___._ Amount of court costs for confirmation $ 2.55 C...tree tion lnri near inr, 403.50 Tot.l-prnditnrrs $.2.957.-7.3..._....... Commiv.ioner further repnriz that he h.x v.>e.sed and levied the total nmovnt ve .boys escrr�ainr:l. to cit: the sum of $.. C_.2-..75. _–. -- nI �j . ,b .nd c. ry lg, opart or pores] If I.nd deemed bmn filed b, the a.id improvement, and in the ease of mud, lot, port or...rein .f land in .....d.ncc —1h the I, nr111, Jnr £erred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, —I that hereto attached, identified b, the .,g nature of Lice said Cnmmixsinner, and nmdc . port hereof, io the .id ae..... r nt .s —plated by him, end which is herewith submitted to the Counr it for such cctiou thereon as may be—,id... d of F proper. ccott �1kP ..:._ _J..a.,.t ......... Commissioner of Finance. CIL.FRESOLUTION =_UI=ILF- N0. 93119 __ JUly 19. s,3_ RESdtVlZIj T-XA—TCHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 25, 404.42 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED —r93 TO CLU E, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Cr Al-F.' B. THE ==UN= L JUL 2 01932 n —FT TOTAL—FORWARD 73 134 17 3 I-79 5 �2_2193 - _ R ti °u°ucn:e .o c.r aenrc FFieECOF7 ane......... ° R —FT TOTAL—FORWARD 73 134 17 3 I-79 5 �2_2193 - _ R °u°ucn:e .o c.r aenrc FFieECOF7 ane......... ° R No. 93119. '-CO UNCILME SWaffi N—ROLL CA-LL rllax i COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITF,D CLAIMS July i4,-- .3z TR— °�° 4841 4�Z` woe i VM 38 �.0 6993 =". AsmOUZ�p�� L_ eo e. T- 411- - i Gl�sl TOTAL "°Ween IN FAVOR OF c"cc"s c"ec.s er en"rc e ROUORT FORWARD 73 134 73 770 128 51 6938Troost.yk k Vannes 25 00 ® 6939 A. C. Haase 2 88 2 63 6940 Frank Harkey 26 00 6941 L. H. Hermes 4 6942 6943 John Juleen Arthur Nuseer 27 00 261 6944 P. W. 9oh.anekamn 4o 00 6945 John Lennon 28 86 6946 Delia BTc— 27 6947 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy I 40 00 6948 Anna Wagner Peit.oh 24 92 6949 6950 Mr e. Hannah Peterson Elfrida Soderberg 28 80 60 00 6951 Louie Guerin co. 4 184 4 375 6952 Northern States Po.er 34 6953 John Brace 11 10 6954 Milton Rosen, Com.of Finance p90 6955 Berglund Lumber Co. 48 47 6956 Capitol Staty Mfg. 00. 6957 Oso. M. Cavinego 1577 6958 Carol Cox Book Co. i22 142 86 6959 Farwell Ozmun Kirk A Co. 6 b8 6960 H. B. Fuller Co. 104 86 6961 General Electric Supply Corp. 97 31 6962 Griswold Safety Signal Co. 231 6963 Her t1 Goal Co. 73 6964 A. D. Rovde 79 50 6965 Johnson Printing Co. 132 70 228 66 6966 uoFadden Lambert Co. 1 404 63 6967 Northern Stat aa Po.er Co. 1 139 52 6968 6969 "+lnrke 3 790 59 6970 Aoxth.estern Stamp Inc. 16 40 6971 John O'Br1en I 7 50 25 00 6972 Robert B. O'Connor 15 68 6973 Purity Cone Co. 161 571'.. 6974 Republlo Metal. Corp Cot 20 19 697 5 9t. Paul Buildere Material 69 10 N 6976 G. Sommers and Co. 83 77 6977 Tri state Tel a Tel Co. " 6978 6979 T.in City Brick Co. 2� 075 77 318 06 6980 • D. S. Rubber Co. 17 68 6981 .;eo. '>''arner and Co. Co. 38 6982 westingbouee Elec. _poly �5 6983 'Miohlta City Library Amb—st H. W11der Chanties 100 00' 6984 698 5 Capitol Laundry Co. 51 15. 82' 6986 Elk Laundry Co. Co. — j4, 6987 L. Eisenmenger Mezt " "9 238 21 6988 6989 ^ Johne�n Market Hou=e 55 61 Da 6990 Minns act. lank Co. 248 00 6991 9�. Pal Milk oo. 105 to 6992 6gq-i 9t. Paul Provl sl on Co. n 29181 —FT TOTAL—FORWARD 73 134 17 3 I-79 5 �2_2193 - _ R .tcToge � .A ')'toI p^i�M "o"�'w� 'D, uiD mew; IUNCIL�RESOLUTION ��nlify; Jt)1�1/ el�aYDs oc. CQUN � we^uIIfa�oS�s�V' c�O v��E No. _- �qf 9�d�fi; Of.iWs O. 3Btf.• July _- 20, 2 RESOLVEIr THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE S_ 30, 56.17- AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— b S94 _TO_]Q 5O INCSIVE, ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. F}"' AS PER CHECKS .f l JUL 2 6 M2 -D a. THE Co N ` �Di--- APPRo„Eo .�,_,.,. _- _------... _ _�D�_— ate, eiG>� ✓ . �o..,.,�„ ■ J F e o TR co No.93120 c UICiLMeN-ROLL Cn cd:iEi[ / Ti'llaz COUNCIL RESOLUTION July 20. 9 32- AUDITFD CLAIMS - z°ssmamcl We z Tsr °..E<w�".gin a"ES .o."e .sem" 0 53�-17r Mn. ones. mamol< �aaoneV 2 b994 ° s. "s E705o. _ _.�9 AL _. "unacv IN FAVOR OF cr. cc ns -. crFcns er a"nn 1-11T 73 134 73 795 532 93 • 6994 Thomas H. Garrick S. Swanson 1 160 25 50 00 6995 U. 5�5 00 6996 Emil Freisele Co. 581 95 6997 standard stone 16 20 6999 A.1 Stenographic Bureau 2 350 56 6999 Garcon Meter Co. Co. 986 94' 7000 - 7001 General Chemical T. V. McCue Transfer Co. 89 00 7002 Northern States Power Co. 15 797 26 4 347 65 7003 Standard Oil co.i victory Printing Co. 1 122 50 7004 Farm Dalrlee 229 09 70055 Sanitary 230 99. 7oob 7007 a2 37 4 61 7008 7009 vm. Scanlon Andrew Schoch Grocery Co. 120 26 Carl W. Sohulz 7010 60 7011 Standard Laundry Oo. J. C. Vander Nie Co. Ina. ^24 1 7012j 701�i 'teat End"Ice &"Fuel co. 411 61 33 30 7015 vestlund Vest Co. 73 33 7016 Tcblg & 09. 11 17 7017 Wm Wood— 177 76 7018 Yoerg I'll" Co. Co. ! 239 9 7019 7020 Zinsmaeter Baking " • ° q9 64 7021 Highland Spring Co. " 0 DO 0 00 7022 " " 301 7023 Linde Air Products Co. 7024 120 15 7025 VoClain & Hedman Co. 550 10 1 049 35 7026 n " " a 00 7027 McGill and Warner Co. la 56 7028 MoGrav Hill Book Co. 76 7029 MOEeeson-St. Paul Drug Co. 00 7030 MacMillan Co, la 50 7031 7032 F. A. Marko Sign Go. Marquette Mfg. Co. �I. 5 60 44 70j3 Mai Mad. supply co. Ino. 00 2 30 1pl 7034 Marsh smith Ino. an S. 134 89 35 777033 • C. & E.Marshall Co.y NaarMBatter 15 35 7837 & Ignition Cc.85 y 1, 20 7038 Mechanical Service Co. 75 2 02 N 7039 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Co. Gus mewing 18 75 7040 7041 Meyer E raving Co. 19 550 7042 Midwest Chemloal Co. 309 66' 7043 Miller-Bryant-Pleroe Co. Apoliance Co. 3 30 30 90I 7044 Mine safety Library 1 69 70455 Minneapolis Public 1 Minnesota chemical Co. 204 631, 7046 Minnesota Fence ',corks 24 75 . 704 7 Minnesota News Co. 172 73 7 049 7049 e & cora aye Co.� Mota Paper 5o z2 24 00 7050 ser Minns nneents Sporting Geode Co. , 4 Hee, ro,« FORw>Ao 73 13u l3d12o X09 to ii ■ Petition Council PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The u,donfigned hereby pr.pome the making If the following public inep,overee.t by the City of St. Paul, via.: the wast. side_.Qf_.JQsePhin0 Street from B arkeley Avenue to St. Clair Street. ..... ..... Dated tbialfth day of__ Julyl-AM2 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propose] for the making of the following i-P—ore--t, 11­ Curbing Vhq, west Street Avenue tp..At._ Clairptreqt­ to . . . . .. ......... having been p­tod W the Council of the City of St. Paul -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimiover of Public War]. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To i­oetigsto the necmeity for, or deeb,bility of, the making of said iaupro­ld. Rl' 2. To investigate the nature, o,teat and intimated east of mid impr,,em,,t, and the total �oat thereof.'6 3. To faraiBh a plan, prefile or sketch of mid improvement. ­w petition of three or more owners 4. To both,, or not mid improvement i, asked for on the 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Coaaawi ... r of Finance. Adopted by the Council.-..._._,M.%"32_._._..____......_.._...._ Y... N­ AL 2002 C'u"flao" qpgw_�' Approved..__------.__....___...... rKUAx M. Pa..,.— eUB 2­23 _3a- 93122 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matt" If—Paming 3ELd*zxtz& And -*3±MndJA9-em- AIIIY--20- IU -iA x1ith -in-31wk .M.-VAllagm -M&M-E&L-Divldma. -8Wzy-3- Hill 1-4. Jlnbdi.iaina,4 -th—amth-5- -the- Mctb--111-tt- giz A— *A -th& - -N-th- "d -S ally-J.-S—dIaneg t--d-1--W-l-Y and Capitol Oil Ave.., IL mtry Order____________ li�&Zj - — ------------- approved ----- 11-D - order p-------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves: - — 1. That the said report and the ..in; is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the -- of the improvement which the Council SAdkq--g A Uj�y�j=b,du t g at9 y emnt smal Capitol Ave.. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $1.090.00______ Resolved -1.011D.W------ Resolved Farther, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement on the ----- loth ---------- day of -A-9uad`1-3 9E2 ---------- I Ila—, at the h— of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber J the C— H ...e and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul.That the Commissioner of Finance give vatic. of , said meeting to the F ...... . nd in the man c, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the namr, a the impjVL e2m,$ andIM2 the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____ -- ---------- 4 Approved____________ AA 192 ---City Clark. C'"t PLILIS-2 Ci � A M.q C111ci C .. ci= Rosen -d-- T... Councilman W_.al May., Mlb-,ey F— B. S. A. 86 93123 COUNCIL FILE NO_______ ______ '°" .•�dmw✓ INTERMEDIARY O-------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER ,""I Matter A#0�lIltqaLAM4-Blast of of to thenedIlRe— the ahmm-la-a- -'I�cune —rn_aleo_g ding -cloYaL-A4 �?t_ _.. d- rad llmswh.--..tab- A! t- FJ� Ave. to_vtk,t _pr_ oy jAj_ W f,,Carroll _Aont_to_ &_ppAiit_2l0_Pt. A'?F�eh of _A e.o, the en limaof Carroll Ave., de, P-limimy O,de, ------- 921ififi -----------------____approved --- AV-z4-ljlu ---------------- The C-61 of the City of P-1 having received the report of the C—mi..i—, of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and havingconsidered — h d report, —by re—j—: 1. That the ..id ttp— ..d the ...e is hereby approved ..d adopted, and the ..id improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the n..,e of the improvement which the Council ttt.m.t.d, tA_a_YAIU. Lt o—fo—_ ? ---d lime on Fi— aod oonatroot_a sever Sm Finn 1ve. frrom Carroll Ave. to . pit 210 rt. north of the with no alternatives, and chat the estimated cost thereof i, $_8,140.04_____ Resolved -S,UC-m----- R—Ived F,ftb,r, That , public hearing be had on ..id improvement on th ------ ---------- d.y of A.gW* -, 432_____________- 12=-, at the h.- of 10 o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch.mb.t of the Co.. Hoose and City H.JI Building i, the Cityof St. P-1 — That the Commissioner f Fi,,.,, give notice of said to—mg to the tr.... and in the m-- provided by the Ch- stating he time —d place of hearing, the dthe itop .... m— sad the —.1 —t thereof ., estimated. Ad,­pttd by the C .nen_ Q -10 ------- 192 Appd -------- - __----192__. `�r�ity Clerk. Mayor. PC4SLISf�p 7_ Coundlmam4Glaooy -----192--- C-61-4GIaooy w 'N.4, C .. — � 1:.1 C..n.i1m.. (--0 Councilman R,,.e. C ... eil— hkbjjiki� M.y" mmkmwp X -b --w F.— B. S. A 46 93124, w�:me a saew..e vi. at yd, s wrtn:reor,'ma eromr �rwa eraaaeua`c�� ser COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- as ww w u gene pe INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__alungSng_thn{rade._oLAllvy_laHloot l._1t9A1FuP_Ar_k-/dditioy_snd HlooY 1,_Bttfiler'a_8oacraa(;nmant--LrC&F149A1QP.d 1+=e,_to_a_goiat 600_ft.iroet_R- the-weat line of Clnsalead.ye�So_amnfolsl _tA_th4_iid_37A4 as Eho_Rrofile 6ereto_att_ched and mnde a part hereof,_tpa_preeent eetablleLed_g_rade_baiag_ehtnm_by a_Dlne_13ne_the reon,_aleo gradtmg said ally from C1 veland A _ to_Firm ♦ to th proposed d line wh etabliehed, sad gpAytntgting_e sewer in PL»a _A_va._frem Carroll Ave. to a poi _210 f!. north of Lhe oentar _________ line of Carroll Ave., nnder Preliminary Order______3g65L_____________ ______approved ____1164_$9 lB p____ ----------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the r port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —.1- 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__R4%P6_ tha_grnde of_A11.y SgH1ooL1,_Hob),ya3artJddiLion.nnd_Bltut_l.-Stalca�e_9earrsagamant_Pi¢m_4s4}ap_d__{.ve. is s_RQiIIS—k00---®taaform to t_h_e__®the prnl.Yla_LereSa_stttwb9il_aaA.m2d9_A3� �raoY,_tha _present eetnbliehad_g_rade bain� e6a.n by_ a bine _11ne lhareoai oleo grade _enid alley from Clavelaffi Ave. to Finn Ave. to the ____________ prnpopoa9d.sod.lino_JfheAdata6110haJL_OAd_4Pil_�LS?g D! Fm4 S?° t_fnm Carroll -Ave. t wifh no astern t ves,nand thatfthe catimated cos ereofCis $1sAm-11 - L ----- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- iffi.h------- day of A%Ujkt,_1H8--------------- IfZS__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o d the provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timpygyeyot.aodc the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__J_l_J_l___6 V--__--___-----, 192 ---- 1,fl Approved_________JUL __29_eg192___ � _City Clerk. �h P[HLLSFf1ED 7 �' — � .32 Councilman Mrl>nneld C. tate etrgeaun'-J rl,s Councilman 4gtd-� eDeae'�g Ceaneilman s=" 'Covndlman,f°uz ;Council man qRE tt'Cj1`el ../N• Mayor Plub„oey yy^^/I�'I Y, T �A Form B. S. A. Ab CVS' t -------------- 93125 a eaao t, asea�v:.. �.ttmta o; nr. ta.-mtr prat'a.- aavloa reeNvea Lp sporty to a C m�evipaer q[ stpmea?n COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- ens eapipa epee: arppet �e.r.pa w Teaar€`;. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ooade®Sag aad_taking_an_eaeetmat So the lead necessary for eloQee, me±a=d_tillala_Sha_gmdlag- Af_Alley_la_B1e-ok_1,2QWYA_Park_ddditl9a_440_ 61ook le Stoke!a_R—rzuar at-f—_Cl—l-d-A—to_li= AT* ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_______ 926BH____________________approved ---- Yay_2Bf1P82_______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the r port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_oandetoaAad_Sska_lue__ aeement Sa-the-laffi-anoaaaarg-Yoe elapse.-orrta _and _Pills _ in._tha_ g[adiag-oL111oy.-1II Block-].*.9oblya_Part_Additiaamd.91oat1.-Stoke!s9aaruagomant_tivot G.14y9.1%>� A=__ to PSm1va�._SaAoonzdeD4A elth tbe_kli�_arlat hereto ntkaohed and_made_ alert hamof, tbe batched--portlnne_nh—ing-tbaAutAA d-Ahe_ehAdeiLglrt7,RA!_P3m"n8 Ab@i YS LL with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ BOx00_-_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 19hh..--------- day of Aug;uab-,_1982--------------- VM -, at the hour of 10 o clork A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court ]louse and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the and ent and the total cost thereof as estimated. em Adopted by the Council�______� 20 1917________, 192____ Approved'�______192___ ��1- _ ity Clerk. Councilman EFRe+). =7.j Mr1>,oald L Co uncilmanceR-, _.s Plav Councilmani A4wa Councilman idedg Hnsr.o Councilman .e 1'ron.r Councilman Ylwwal m St', „zri Maynrftm® Plahney lY" Form B. S. A. M 93126 4Y �� [. a➢avei3O v R�h�t COUNCIL FILE NO -------------- `:ie Oeeeto. �ueeeN a n eenoG'3ne oreerem to ' ie w,ne.6en� � minniva ii _ _ _ _�."apoeoeea ]av" 4 a�? m^nu �O• t,.. of stem to B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___-___rhanging--the_grade_oi_.tha_vasL_sida_nf_8lhlag_„StLBflt _fhom_Third--Straet_ta_3a—d_9traeh._t o_ c fnrm_So- tha_r_ad.11ne.a_ na_Lhe -pnef-43a-.hereto-attacked-cad-made-a-pars-1�erEo£,__tlae_grasanL_astabLtahad _graslea_b91n�_sh2en_b3_kluB_1!ae_@_thereon}---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------ 92857---------- ----approved __7 e_2i -1932_-__-________ The Council of the City of Panl having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above' mprovement, and having considered said report. hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recn mmends is_Al1tt[1$@_ tYl@_$>; tide_ of _tha__�ash_aida_af_Si h,�a v_Streat_Srnm_Third_Streai_S.o_ Sacond-�StrBat.._S.2 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -aoBtorm_ta_1.he_rad_11nea-on_Sha_profJ.la_henaSo_atro shed _and_mada_a_part -her o£,__the_-prasanL_esta➢llahed_gxadea_Ue1ng_sho n_hg_hlue_11ns_therson, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 10 00 Resolved Further, Thai a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______ 16t4 ------- day of . f y�yetr_jQeyy____ __, j__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paol. That theCommissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pet-- and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the mprovement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__,U_______ L Q _0 _________ 192____ JUL Q tl 4lL _Y_ _Q — F JLry ___________ Approved____________________________192___ t _ City Clerk. Conncaman ib'j,ttb. w Flrn—ld PUBLISHED Councilman &,guson Councilman �ArvDorrald Co uncilman Councilman Mayor dislaga,t Mahi,ue. Form B. S. A." - 93127 mPris. o I&WIlIggg-mg atir.. late, at COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the matte, of ---- gmding-Louth -atre t.-from-Unin -StreAt--tCL-the ------------- -------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ..der Preliminary O,d ----------- q?,711.9 --------------------- p .... d -2A-19 2_____________ The ------------- The C .... il of the City of P-1 having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance opal, the ab—imp .... m,,t, —d having considered said ,p,,t. hereby resolves: I. That the said report ,d the am, is hereby app --d -d adopted, and the said imp—em— is hereby ordered d to be with. 2. These...... of the ze,­-- which the Council ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the -i—ted o— thereof i, $_44989.______ Resolved AA989.------ R-1-d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ __ 14 th -------- day of -AUgt,,t_j,9.32 -------- b92--, at the b... of 10 o 'd -k A. AL, i. the Council Chamber of the Co.. House ..d City Hall Building i. the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give —i- of said meeting to the p ..... . i, them..... provided by the Charter, stating the time and pho5b of hearing, thenature of the improvement and he total —t thereat .. esti—ed. JUL20932 Adopted by the Council________________________ 1 192---- App—d -------- ----- 192--- Councilman Councilman swg.. h— C—eilm.o C ... liho.. @m9puir— C ... cilea.. C ... lihoessa VR%01 May., P"PRI.- F— B. S. & 86 93128 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ mi.ei•n.r o[ rnn.nne noon Imern,..nene ne ron m.+ne non.ie•rr ..pry., r•.nt...: wb rcyert ee ..r By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER" In the Mat- of .... zGrdejnnjng_­d_t,,kl g ­­aeongtnt-iu lba -fill.,- An-th- -9—ding - -f- 10-uth Of-l'a-7. ----------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- ------ -- --------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------------------- - -- --- ------- ----------------------------- i...y O,d-------272-----------pp....—d- Prelim d ------ TjnA-2-4,--j.9-Z2 ---------- The C-61 of the City of Paul having -,wed the -p., of the Commissioner of Finance upon the An- imp—m—, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I hat the said rlplft and the —e i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council mme,d, is -a=d— -and—WO—An the _hl— print -heiratCL-"tvLQhAd- and q _ shaded ------------------------------------------------------------ with and that the estimated e— thereat is $--ga..QQ ------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said hopv4b*.e.t on he -------- J -6th ------ day of -1232 --------- j9g�-, at the h— of 10 clock A. he Council Chamber of the C.— i!�City Hall Building in th eCi%oflt. Pao!That the C, ' ,ner of Fin e— givenotice of said meeting to the persons and nth ,'o.,�edby theCha, I ig the time ..d pl.- of heating, he nature ",e f he Impo—eme., adthe total —t thereof estimated. Adopted by the Co_ij_jU&_20-iqn -------- 192---- X, � Clerk. `� . Approved -----=-----------------192___ W City C ... eilm.nfilaWAV �- C.—ilon— W%qmqv— C-61— Councilman M� Rl* C .. di an a C ... eil—. Mayor l� bl"" F— B. S. A. 8-6 93129 COUNCIL FILE NO Tgm4a.af se P J .oe me.aio:em.otf.• INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ------ g—ding ALlgy_in_Blnch_2,_Birmingham's-FO=th_Addltion -f--RAg--A00nY6-L0-a--y PB6Ls____________---- _--------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --_________________________________ under Preliminary Order___________9&6.91----------------approved The Cooncil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said repor and the same a hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. - 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____gmde_-A-u9$_1a_ -Blw:k-2r-B7.x�ninguam!s-5warkh-Add3.tlo>a-Srom-8ogens-Arenas--ta_Ynp_SSseat � __________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ R26-2------ R—Ned Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____16tp ---------- day of Aug—t4—J432_________, 192—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid me ting to the ons and n the n r provided by [he Cha ter, stating the time and place of s e pem ma tie hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as es aced. JUL 201932 Adopted by the CoudciL__________------ 192____ � f 9�9E 2019?5 ____ _ Approved__________________ ________192___-��)'�, CitY Clerk. Council- - --- M, f>^nald Councilman Councilmaq 1;. ". ,, L � O Co uncilmara 'I'�„o. Councilmaq�ifsyyr� ts'.,,a•l �,��iL� Mayo�ii� Mahaney X✓ - Form B. S. A. 86 - 93130 COUNCIL FILE NO.__ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter of -------- - 110-1 = -and- -taking- A-6&8mant- -i a -t -he- 1=1-=QBESary a Fo=th-Addition-fr=-Rop,ars-Avanna-to-A&7-Stromet-----__ __ _ _ _ __________ _____ ------ ----------------------------------------- und, Preliminary Order_______ 22ER2 --------------------- pp ... ed--------------- The C of the City of Pl having received the report of the of Finance upon the .b. i.p=-receivedt, ..d having considered said p—herebresolvresolves., hereby resolves. I That the said report .,d the —e i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is orderedhereby to b, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C.—d an nf Alley- A—Bl—k-2, -BIrzmJ-nghamla.-Fzw-th- -Addi tj­f=m-R p;A &-Amantta-to one abawing–the–=l]-a --------------------------------------------------------------------------- .witb .. alternatives, .,d that the -tnn—d t,gt thereof i, $—UL,99 ------ R-1-d Further, That . public hearing be had .. said i -P-1-- on the ------- lQ.Wl -------- d., of Aug.uat--102.--------- IV=— at the bon, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch,mb, of the Conn. Ff.n- and City H,II Building in ,he -C--it-y-of "t P,.'. That the Commissioner , f Finance i....e give .,ti,, of —d meeting to the pand i.th�m'nn'provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of b_i.g.th, nature of total .,t thereof 11 —nn—d._i; Adopted by the Council_ A"o;�-------- 192---- Approved___________. —2-0-W— 192--- ty -V� C-u,n,ij...,@h.."_ ­noo.ld zlz:. Co .. Co .. ConncBma C.U.61--mmunmaM. Co... ...... M.Y'Allpl~ F.,. B. S. A. M 93131 nt COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ a. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter f--aW-bing--batb--oJ-dju--Qf--DAmlap--5lrD-QtL-frQa-Lt=Q:Ln--AY-Qu= -in _good _ c_cndj:tj,,- -i s- -mw- Jn -place, -------------------------------------------------- ---- - -- ------------------------------------ - ------------------------------------------- --------- -- ---------- -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under P,efiaai—y Order___________ R2f17 ----------------- pp—,d------------- The Council if of the City of Pan] having received the of the f Finance upon the 'b... improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.' That the said report and the same i, hereby pp—ed and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the ..1— of the improvement which the Council e—m-da is --- nUr1-110tILA1-dQJI-0f ng --------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with .. alternatives, and that he estimated cost thereof is $213..46 ------ Resolved Further, That . public heating be had .n said nnp--em: .. th ------ 1§-tll _________day of __kxjg,,,tL_1932 ------- jftj�, at the ban, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the C .... il Chamber of the C.— H.— and City Hall Building to the City of St. P-IThat the of Fin...e give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Ch—- stating the time and Id— of hearing, ing, the --e of the imp—ement and the total —t thereof ., estimated. Adopted by the Council ---- "JL192---- App—ed --------------- 192--- --- - - ---- City Clark. Councilman ... i ta:"e�' - M,nnnn" PUBLISfffD 7—x-7_3 Z_ C .. ei. tv&9m1dTr— C .. cilm"ta9v=WAW-n C) C—ei . -Wowgo— Mayor ROMA" Na —1 F.— B. S. A. " 93,132 �� mp��pGn wee r aa:i a e:pe mt..ies.r o o . COUNCIL FILE NO______________ �:ii ^vemeat a . istesetaipr t. e e.pwen s ume seem epp INTERMEDIARY ORDER m the Matter nf_---- cnnatr=tlnrs_a_aevear_ on_FAP-QP1-AYSAua_Ys9mChAs3-1!e_____ _street. -to -a -P. int8i--ft._south-nf_Ed—nd_-Stneat------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order______92719--------------------- app ... ed ___31LIlB_13._5932____________ The Cou 61 of the City of Paul having r id the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the m ' above provement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- pc Strnet_a_sevar _nn_Pssc� Avanve_Sr� Gharles_.Strae>i_Ln_s_pninL fil_LeeS_aonth _Oi_______ _F,he—d-str8et________________________________________________________________________________ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____ _________ _____________ with no Mtermtives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___527_s00_-__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________ S6Sk------ day of _Atlgvet'_3932-------- 19'�a_, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the ma r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of M1earing, the nature of the imprfo�..ment and the total cost thereof as estimated. WL o' n Adopted by the Council_______________________. 792____ 7- jr l44is Approved_______________ J_____l92___ --- PLZ Id F-— Clerk. LISIId.3�2 Couneilmar� �I l�ie Councilmant M- C ouneilm..mmlw�— Councilman1 Co uncilmanwmwwbp� MayorswwP Form B. S. A. 86 93133 & . ...... P COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- A m9°.rxR-17 INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the M,tt,, If ---- ------ ---- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- dt, P,,Iii,,U O,d -------------M560 ------___________approved --- AW -POU -Mg �h, Council If the City If Paul having received the report If the Commissioner If Finance upon the ab.'improvement, —d having consideredsaid report, hereby —It— I That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature If the i.p—,.— which the Council ---d, i,-- aonAJ,—J—BJAQW&l)c ---------- - ----------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with I. alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft. Resolved Further, That . public hearing b, had I. said imp,—m— I. the ----- 1.0 -AA ---------- d.y If Augtat.-JJMZ ------------ 195 -, at the hour If 10 .'tl.tk A. M., i. the Council Ch—b,, If the Court III— ..d City H.11 Building in the City If SIt t. P-1. That the CommissionerCommissionerIf Finance 'i— .-i- If ting to the persons and i. the .... r provided-- stating by the Charter, the time ..d place If h_ , thenature t_ . f the —pt—m—..d the 1-1 cost 11,tt.f .. estimated. Adopted by the C .... il-� JUL 2 0 M ---- I ----------------- JK 2 0 r:P--- App—d ---------------------------- 192 --- ---- ------- C .. cil-011RUMP.— 11-Y c m C .... ilm= man sppfflvpllv r�° M.Y., qwRol. Form B. S. A. M 93134 "afe COUNCIL FILE NO :c, e.a�vems io... ns., e.s�naive + INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of________________________ __________________ raomstruating, relaying and repalr bag, where necessary, the following eideealke, Avon Street, east aide, begianlag at Ashland A—., thence south 9 feet, beginning if feet further south, thence south 18 ft., beginning 33 ft. farther south, than.. south 43 fast Avon street. net side, begs—Ing 34 ft ...th of Dayton A—., then- south 31 ft., beginaiag 20 feet farther south. thanes south 20 feet Avon Streat, ..at side, beginning 110 fast south of Marshall Aveane, the—e south 19 feet. beglming 40 fest farther south, the—e south 39 fast Aver Street, net aide, beginning 48 fast south of Ma. Marshall A—., the. south 1D fest, bagimiag 104 feet farther south, thence wrath 46'ft., ab - 1 ' bove1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ reeonrtruat. relay and repair, where -o-vary, the following eid""lle., Avon Street, cask side, beginning at Aahlaad A--. theme. south 9 Leek, bsginaing 14 feet farther south, thence south 18 feet, beginning 33 feet farther loath, than.. south 43 feet Avon re Stet. east side, beginalag 34 feet south of Dayton Avenue, thence south 31 fest, beginning 20 feet farther south, thence south 20 feet Avon Street, east side, beginning 110 feet south of Marshall Ave—., thence south 19 foot, b.91-1ug 40 feet farther south. theme south 39 feet Avon Street, —at side, beginning 48 fest .oath of Mareball Ave—e, theme south 13 feet, begiem- 104 feet farther south. then.. south 46 feet sorve toew-rorr.rr,�.ar a pnot..... ..... Augur& _1.9,19i________- 192____, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and m the ra r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the n,,u,, of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Co.ncd_JUL E0193Y-------- 192____ ove ��q Apprd_________�,}t,�M____ 192___ City Clerk. « f t�u _______________ _ PUBLIltu.0 Councilman �'��� Me1+..uald Co.ncilman May Councilman l�ee,aT � � O Councilman Apse»m 1..,..o Councilman �s '1'ron: f Couveilman-PpNlvtlesse- Neuzet Mayor 7Rla Mnh—' Form B. S. A." 93134 �b;o' Dem >oa�` COUNCIL FILE NO_T___ rfk ' . RME ORDERA" •,pa r. S ya v. L . ..r .v -------------------- war ____________________________________________________________._-------------------------------- - under Preliminary Order_________-—92Sflfi________________approved ___y'Y_12t ----------------- The Council of the City If Paul hadergd....idved the hp -b of the Sommissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, an g conn sa report, y reso 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ro ordered to be pceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_________ ---- tsaoustrnot, relay said repair, where mee-7. the following sldesalk:t Avon Street. ..at side. begin img a! Aehl—d Avenue. themes south 9 fest, beginning 14 fest farther south, thenoe south 18 feet. begimalag 33 feet farther south, thenos south 43 fast Avon 3t .t, _at aide. beginmlag 34 feet :oath of Dayton Avenue, themes south 31 fest. beginning 20 feet farther south, then.. south 20 feet Avon street, .set side, beginning 110 feet south of Marshall A—, theme. :cath 19 foot, bsgiming 40 feet farther south, thetwe south 39 feet Avoca Stnat, -at side, beglmisg 48 fest south of Marshall Avenue, theme south 15 feet, begiaaing 104 feet farther south, themes south 43 feet xemrvea-rnrtrcer'fvwat a pamte-veeemgve rvm-ouAam�mP�o>eo'e^r-m^'^`e=�^'�_�'•�_�____, .,. Augps_4y_1947.--------- 192____, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in stating the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the penons and n the manner provided by the Charter, ting the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C ... cB_JUL 201932_______, 192____- -7 Clerk. Approved ---------- Ji,.0---- 192___ Ci ty _____________ yaw. Councilman�Fdg Mad", ahl Councilman Pluy Councilman le— (. — O Councilman bb,,. Councilman ' .— C....ilmanEPPOWAaasse N --i ` Mayor RRRNW MM'—ey Form B. S. A. 8b _ under Preliminary Ord er____________B1$dfi_,,. y,_ ,_w:a ---------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $162.84________ Rcsolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th e_________ 18th day of ; use t1g 1 + _18jjP1________- 192____, at the hour of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court H. City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting to the p r so and in the ma tier po—ided by the Charter, stating the time and place of r hea ing, the nature of the improvemevt osand the total cost thereof as estimated. � Adopted by the Couvcil_____q� _____xo ________. 192____ f. App—d_________-AILLU ____192___ City Clerk. Xl-I'll-/�-'�— 4--- C t _ ______ ____________ PUf3LIJflt.u�_ Councilman lG�p;.T� M: 11 "1 Council man lYr m— Coundlman R`.u..r Councilman A�r•.'�r Conncslman Tr Conneilman-PPINVA� Herr act Mayor SllllNW Mahoney Form B. S. A. 86 ��G� 93135 ae. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ -------------- PiTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter at the following I-ation., 0-4tmJ 9ye, _eouth_aSde,_Le_giw�iag_EB9_ft. east of-Artmdel St._ theme east_ 7 ft.,_Ee_giaaing 18 ft. fitth— ... t. the-. ..at 24 ft., la.9-nin 31 ft. farther .:at, theme -t 8 ft-, -"-t - llstl ---- t; b.g —4, 46 ft. at of A—d.1 St., th.noo —at 26 ft" C- al A;;Z aide, beginning_269 ft. eNt of MaokubInSt_­,=G ..at 14 ft—_ 0 4 C:.tjj1 6 of t-, 'F"f CentmlAyeL_mor thabdo,_be_gi 88 ft. - east -of o Kent n _ng --------------- ------- -------- '1-1 Ave., north aid., beginning 198 ft. -t of Kent St., therem. we at 8 ft., beginning 23-f-t.-f*ath---t,--th---t-19--ft -- -- ---- - ----- ------------------------------------ -de, Preliminary Cnder ---------- SUM ----------------- approved ---------------- above C= - ,f the City of P1 having received e—dV­dthereport of t�, of Finance upon the ab , improvement, and having considered _.Phereby ..bYresolves: 'I" L That the said report and the ­, i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said nnpm­.e,t i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council -.-,.ds And ------------------------ C.rrtral Ave., -qLAm! -th aid., beginning 229 ft. ..at of Areavd.l St., the—. ..at 7 ft., b.§ Central Ave., north aide, beginning18 ft. x� beginning 125 ft. —at of Arundel St., thonoe west it C..tr.1 Ave., ­th aide, be,gietittg 259 ft. -t of )[..kbi. St., thea.. ... t 14 ft. St th—_—._S_f, ------- Central A- , Orth - 9 88 f- t f rent LSt., theme "'t 12 ft' - t Cntra" 2S ft. farther th,.tIV ft., 139e25 with no aft....ti,,,, and that the estimated ...t thereof i, $_ ..... Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the --------- lfLtb ------ day of Aagustt- 1932 ...... at the ban, of 10 o ',],,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe-- and in the ..n.e, provided by he Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the at.,, of the —po—ement ad the total cost thereof estimated. . Adopted by the C ... il --- 4U_L_Z= ------ 192---- Appoo-cl -------- -----JAL Eu 9�s'i 192 --- --- - ----- i; - ae - , - Councilman WRY— C..ndl... Councilman C.n..il... C .. eilano, C..neii..n W6211— May- RRIMP, F- B. S. A." 93136 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- V. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of____ s,,onst._tLg_ _ ..Iy-ig —d -rapair-i ng, - -wher Q - nQAQ sAlkry t -thy - jAswejk.-.tL -th.- --------------------------- ------------- in kin west 10 ft., b.himing 50 ft. fertherwest, thence west 56 ft- beg � -ang-2a--ft--.f�- _ _wast'- tb&WQ _ jteal _ 12 --ft — --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- --------------------------------- lmde, Preliminary y O,d ----------- R27M ------------------- pp --d ----- Ll!4--L16j_ 1932 ---------- Te Council of the City of Paul having received the,p,,t Commissioner of Finance upon he A... imp --ml and b -mg considered —d report. 't, , I That the ,id report and the I— i, hereby pp—ed and adopted, and the said improvement ie hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council —ad -r pa Forest St., thence .,.t Street, .nth 0 ft. west of ----- ."t--10-44 — --.t-Z6--fIL._-bAg n— ning 21 ft, farther west, thence west 12 ft., ------------------------ --------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no t1te—fi—, ..d that the estimated e.It thereof is $34,.10________ R -'%4 -10-------- R... 1,ed F,,th,,. That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 16,th ------- d.y of AUgU;ft­19�k -------- t the Im., of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch—be, of the Co.. House and City 14.11 Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice I said meeting to the persons and in the m,n... provided by the Cb,,t,,, I -mg the time and place of hearing,the -nne of the imp.. ment -d the total —t thereof 11 estimated. Adopted by the CmmeikJllL2Uft ----------- 92 --- JU Approved__________ City Clerk. . ----- �Lr eL C "et" C ft,ll'—le Councilman FjjvWj?B— Councilman hkawdeakd, Councilman 160J'Alft� Councilman C. i 'dftwjrw� Mayor 109Meo Fmo, B. S. A. 8-6 93137 n COVNCIL FILE NO._ By______________________________________________ r INTERMEDIARY ORDER Inthe Matter of -------------------------------------------------------- ----- emtrnotiag, r.IVJ tg and repairing, where .......rye the following aidesalka, Bt. Anthony A— north iris, beginning 78 fact ee L f Usekubds St—b. th— at 163 feet, beginning 44 fast farther coat, thenoe seat 2 fest. beginning 64 ft. farther wast, theme seat 12 fast St. Anthony Anne, south aide, beginning 177 feet seat of N—kubis Street, thenoe west 10 feet, begimlvg is feet farther west, those. seat 26 feet, beginning 74 feet farbber seat, than.. west 6 feat. St. Anthony Asa.. north aids. beginning at Ma.knbis Strout, then...aat 72 feet. beginning 205 fest farther ...t. thenoe east 5 fast. beginning 26 fast farther east. thence coat 8 feet, beginning 102 feet farther seat, thenoe lost 9 feet, beginning 120 feet farther .set, then.. oast 8 fast St. Anthony A»nue. south aide, beginning 240 feet east of M.okubia Street. theme east 31 feet. beginning 7 feet farther ..at, theme east 34 feet n St. Anthony Area, .oath aide. beginning 149 fast sae.. of Anhdel Street, theme oast 43 fast. ._.4. 2. 'ITi'aiiF�e natur<oI tie improvement which the Council recommends is__________________________ ran -trout, relay and -repair, share eas..ary. the follosing sidewalk., St. Anthony Ayenus, mrth aid., beginning 78 fast seat of 16.kubia Street, thea.. wort 185 fast. beginning K -fast farther seat, thenoe seat 2 fest, beginning 84 fast farther sect. thence west 12 feet St. Anthony Aoeme, south vide. beginning 177 feet seat of Maokabin Street. theme seat 10 feet, beginning 14 feet farther seat. thenoe —at 26 feet. beginning 74 fest farther seat, theme —at 6 fast, St. Anthony A— e, north aide, beginning at M.eknbin Street, theme east 72 fast, beginning 208 feet farther ...t. thenoe east 5 fast. beginning 26 fast further ..at. theme enol 8 feet, teginnisg 102 feet farther east. Chemo out 9 fast. beginning 120 foot farther east, thenoe seat 8 feet. at. Anthony Arenae, so.th vide. beginning 240 feet .sat of Maokubin Street, them. z.t 31 feet, beglnsing..7 feet farther east, thenoe *Met 34 fest Anthony Avenue. south cid., beginning 149 fast ...t of Aru.del Street. them. seat 43 fast _ - rr.g. 111— o[Tbe mtpravemevt a.d the ETcostThereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... aM�L9-0—T--______- 192-___ AN d� E. 2I�'�v:, Approved ---------------------------- 192___ City CI e k. 4"` -`----fit-- ------ C .. 61... - - Co..61... fail — mcn."'d Co. rilman iweeeort:— Co. rilman Co.nrilman Co. cilmano6otlms� IN Mayocqqligm Form B. S. A. 8-6 1Y 93137 --c -L 1-111a1 I -- --o L i11'. --0 aeF -------------------------------------------------- ---------- --- ---- ------- -------------------- - ----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ -d,, Preliminary y Order ---------- 09;111 ------------------- pp,.,,d --W-124-MA ---------------- Th, C .... il of the City of P-1 having received the ep—f the Commissioner of Fi ... cc .,,o. the .b— imp --.t, ..d having considered ,id report, hereby —.1— 1. That the said -p— and the same i, hereby pp,,,,d and adopted, ..d the said mp—,—t is hereby ordered to b, proceeded with. 2. That the —t— of the improvement which the C-61 recommends is_____ ____________________ reometraeE, --------------------------- , -1.y—*p.',. eh.- asoa.asry, the f.11 -1.g sidewalks, at AVt -W A--, myth aid., beginning 78 feet east of Ikokubin Street, theme ;;h at 1es fast, beginning " f-tf.,thr —.t, them. "at 2 fast, beginning 54 fast farther —t, the... —at 12 fast St. Anthony A"Ms, south aid , beglg Ianin 177 feet east of Ikokubin Street, theme :t 10 feet. beglual, 14 f:at farther week, then.. we at 26 fast, beginning 74 feet farther —at, theme ..at 6 fast. St. Athooy A— north rth side, bglaal- at Street,--kbi. Stat. theme seat 72 fast. beginning 208 feet farther ... t. theme east 5 feet, bee -1-9 26 fast farther asst, them. seat 8 fast. beginning 102 fast farther east, the-. east 9 fast, beginning 120 feet farther east, theme east 8 feet, St. Ath.W A—, .oath aide, b.glaAAC 240 fast set of Nokobin St—.t, theme, met 31 fact. beginning.7 feet farther east, theme east 34 fast St. Anthony Aram,, south aid.. beginning 1-49 feet ..-at of Ar -d.1 Street, the-. -at U Meet ol,Ifte MpM—Efit ,& the th .... f estimated. Adopted by the Co ... UJUUP�T9 --------- 192____ fit 92---- ML 2 u ---------- --- -- -------------- App—d__________________ ---_______192_-_ Cit, C1 k --a—n C ... Id C, .. C .. 6 C .. C .. C .... iho"EMIMMOdesses M.Y-ROPOM Mahaney F— B. S. A. adt�; �'.c. �r1TTT\TLR7ITT 17�V i�RT1i+�R :aL d n°G• ?Gay' �' LNu.fv u • o .N agate• ,.e : aF.t a o„ Y a LJ3I vu naFae'fuuov L uG La is '. • GVQ' u"'Qa s. -,. F�u..oa 2F' WFYorfAa�e .,, ntY,-i S°` pa�Iv°T..a:•110 F a. GaF 3t L -•FI oL P.u..�.�; aaF• L S Sc: Lo°c tali Yu: as re F' .,., auG 8 uoo ' G f 1. t p Pa S'i Ik SOF ! G 1 S LYo moa �° SicueNorfn a F` .You _ ..f.rc .x:,ac „ reaG• varcr:n,rn.. ,�°'-• �e+��. _S 3_i,^_f La'.FYon ,. .:,: ...,. • ......:,.:r., .. r ..,...r ,. ° u3 uaF dafd rfjfurtaed3thi�P.?�, 6e2���' C�d�. • P r '' oa L t.c., .,• - - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__?Jiff 55 - Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 18th ------- ___day of 9-t-1932 ------------ IW--, at the hour of loo clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Panl. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. u' Adopted by the Council_JuLgO—'------ 192____ APProved----------- __ _92___ City Cle k. Councilman 6kp�. � p],l� nald Councilman brgvapk,� M ny Councilman ."�—•—,�� I.y,a.n O conncamaa Mayor�f➢ Mah�,nry 'LL ,.'.'� �. Form B. S. A, 86 —MM 93138 - VIA tb. I Itl �t COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ,_�^� sy O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER I, the Matter If--- _0­thss th-aida-�f -at.--Qlaim-Z-trJ e-t,-hOgtnning--at -KQ=t ------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ under Preliminary O,,b, --------------- 22.162 ----___-------approved --- YUaY-00-2-U? The C ...til If the City If P.,I having re i -d the -p— If the C—mwi..- If Fi ... tc upon the .b.- improvement, ..d having --idt,td said t,—, hereby —.1—: 1, That the said report ..d the -m, i, hereby approved ..d adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ,d ed to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature If the improvement which the Council --m-& i—XH =St—tL_Zelay - --------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with ., It .... ti-,, .,d that the t,fim—d cost thereof is b-53.93_______ Resolved -5A -AM ------- 11-1-d Further, That I p.b1b, hearing be had on said improvement I. th -------- lktll ------- d.y If --------- the h.- If 10 .'d—k A. M., i. the Council Ch—btr of the C— If—, ..d City H.11 Building i, the City If SL Paul. That the Commissioner If Finance give votive If aid — i.9 t, the F—i'.d--the pt—&d by the Char sting i.g th, time ..d place If hes 'i.g,th, _— , the mpe total —t thereof ---d. Adopted by the C....it----W----v--b---W---------- 192---- 2 it 02 --------------- App—d ---------------------------- 192--- City C. -It. Councilman llshww� —ld PtiaLLSkII'D 7—a3 -R2 Councilor C .. oilman C .. ti Councilman C...611 mppqjjjklo® M.Y.,Rqvpmw Form B. S. A. 8-6 V COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ INTERMEDIARY O --------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter -------------------- Prior Ave., vast aide, beglnliag 145 ft south of Marshall Ave., theme South to alley 20 ------ Prior ­ ..at aid.beginning132ft. south of G1hy Ave.,e-. south 18 - PrioImZ-VAit-!JLdq:j,0t�tt_ofI;n.M,2Re —k.te-1 20 ft, farther south, the—. South 10 ft. Pri I _Ae­,­t-AJjia,-hft9i—­K IU_ft. -south -of-.Lahl..d A-.- tharms, Aoseth _21. tt ------- beginning11 . ft. —her . South I- ft- ._.._so­t_.id.__h. -------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ ------------------------------------------ .nder Preliminary Order ---------- 92fQL ---------------- app ­ed ----------------- The Council of the City If P-11 having received the report If the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b...irop—a—t, and havingconsidered — hereby -- ed aid report, bby .1: I Th., the said re,- and the —s is hereby .,p—rd ..d adopted, and the said inp­erorn' i. hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the irIp—ton— which the Council --.ds at the f.11crawirts I ... tions . Pri.r-A— _at - Side :_ kisciraolu' 14,&_=._6qMth_of 0 _69A)h-ttstalin --- Prior A—::wt... t aid. b.,irrulg153 ft. south of mer.h.11 A-., the... South 11 ft. Pri --------- Pri*rfAve s� aide 155 ft. South of Laurel A-, theme south 12 ft., beginning tnLrz� ------------- 20 r. —t -------- ------- Prior Ave., east side, beginning 129 ft. South of Aahlund Ave., theme south 21 ft.,_begiz- - ---------------------------- ---- Hernall Ave., vest aide, beginning 187 ft. south of Isurel Ave., theme south 0 ft., with no alternatives, and that the estimated -t thereof is 201 19 ------ Re-Ned Further, That . public hearing be had on said improvement Is the_______ L6L4 ------ day If jWZ_t�,_J-932 --------- at the hour of 10 .',I,,k A. M., in the Council Ch—be, of the Court H.— and City H,11 Building in the City If St' P-1. That the Commissioner If Fin.... give In,, of said meeting to the pars... So d in the no ... a, provided by the Charter, stating the time .d plate of hearing, the ...... of the ­prjWqjkSy0, tot,] e -t thereof as —i—ted. Adopted by the Conseil ------------------------ 192____ ----- 21� -- - -------------- App—d ---------------______________192___ .. L City Clerk. -1-W or. Counci C .. ei;m 9 Dl.y Cil mCouncilman :R—n "'i C.M c .. ei:.:., av= s`w"p1_ May., 21100sess F.— B. S. A. 86 me ...a..�wr. 93140 5� cede , File N...__ � I CITY OF IT. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the eexeeement of bane Pita, costs end e _ —, for ooaat_.Ungs reconctruotiug and repairing ommt sidewalk., Eatimate No. 1, Cmtreot He. 6996 - 1931 s.A...... bloe• F.O. 8880{ 'Mississippi Street, seat side, boginning 120 fast north of Lawson Street, thence north 12 feet, F.O. 89804'Sfastmlaater Street, oast side, beginning 112 feet north of Cook Street theme north to alley F.O. 89604,Jo.eam4na Street, north eIda, beginning 76 fy t met of :sstwinater Street theme at 10 feet urr P.U. 89428-BStreet. east aide. begimt'ng 52 feet south of ML gland ;:treat, theme south 8 feet F.C. 89426orth aide, boginnlnr, 94 fast east of Burr Street, theme .net 30 at . .�. 90688Magmlla Stre a feet et, north side, beginning 121 feat east of Burr Street, thence feet north of Cook Street theme F.O, 89430'Cook Street, south aide, botseen Burr Street and�Prsglyp^gttwst F.O. 89430 Cook Street. nom north mat bogiing 24 feet east of Bradley Street the as east 39 feet. begiming 30 feet farther east theme seat 9 feet. beeiming 40 Poet farther east theme ..at 15 feat P.O. 89428 Iaee® street. north side. beginnir 104 foot east of F,,ortan Street thanes wort 10 fast. F.O. 89430-Jeeaie Street, swat aide, boy hairy- at Fneson Street theme south 15C fast F.O. 89430 Jessie Street, oast aide, begianing at Janke Street theme south 150 feet P. 89430 Mngmlia Street north aide. beginning 69 fast met of Odgerton street theme —at feet er P.O. 88789,8-thorm Stroot, no ids, begiming 126 feet seat of IW'na Avenue, theme *sat to Greenbrier Avema F.O. 87687rCreenbrier Avemo, wast aide, beginning at Cook Street. theme south to alley F.O. 896"4 Pgym Avosuo. east aide. beginning 21 feet south of 14a11s Street theme south 29 feet. beginning 20 fest forther south them. Booth 3 feet F.O, 8980.4+Beenoy Street, eolith aide, beginninry; 90 fest met of Edgerton Street, � home met 9 Past F.O. 87673-Mergnret Street, .Doth aide, beginning at the seat aids of Frank Street ..tended theme east 100 feet F.O. 89297 11m ey Street, south aide. beginning SO feet east of Duluth Aveme thence mat -70 feet P.O. 87365Pooam Street, east aide. from Bast 7th Street to North nim of Block 2. Leonard's Snbdiviaim P,O, 87674'Bar1 3treot=t side, begirming at Magnolia sreet theme north 46 feet F.O, 87694 Magnolia Street. north side, bogiming at Earl"- Stet thence seat 360 fast P.O. 87377'V—Bursa Street, north side, bagman,, 180 fent seat of Arundel Street theme Beet to finoknbin Street F.O. 87221/h7 Street, est aide, betmen Van Bares Street cad Blair Street, F_0_ A.30eva......�.._.-_ - _ side, baalm41 93 Peet.. north or "ratty A'IeeN iT r"sdi+?'c'1"4 saE scab Street tk�� rYW� a� Qniwr■sly A;anw tome mrEh i ��r '`� ya'j�p'flp¢ weeE oS PurC�aB� Aovavo. Af. n i, Q6 e;weeb 1 Mt 2913 Peet �nout of weetorn A.+nue. F.O. 99222 an ft ee Htvate north sldty "ff+,B��a th— vett 19 foot tw north to all r F G BeAe1+;14�mdo1 9troeE et el>De �`�� T4 Teeb�ouEh o'f,�lu�eayryM�AvV11M.ahe00 � 0 e949%.,,Aeoweel 9tlreet 1 .+Lh alde bd�aagaa+a F^N����/ven d aft A—Awime thence mrth to F.O. 89421 Axssffiol StraeE. east e1de, boCln*`1� at A auk et Honb Street th.-. Deet 199 fast. F.c'. 89422 Aurora A9emia. north olds. beakub in, boySanlnE 79 feat sioaE of Ifaelcubin street th— vest 120 feat lf� •Avvmty♦.:rarah eXdii i1PElmt>� aE 9i26 94tdeEthews► scat, 94 !te¢ - �Siny 160.-�wb ldrElurMaae4 chaos. east la tasteLs�ma�s3y lab tb .� .. a. 3.J farEher east ahass�„�,Od:{bsb .z ���.�-.awnns M.nlfe'adtih-. 192fMt".':'. 11 9%6 CITY OF ST. FAOI, OFFICE OF 711E COMi1ISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the �vatter of the essessm rot of �e...t - .o.-.t� n :. ...os foFifia net rvat ing, r ....... and r -pairing cement eldmanik e, Eet imate Bo. I, Contract No. 6996 - 1931 ..Aaeeesable.. F.0. 89804 Mississippi Street, east side, beginning 120 feat north of Lawson Street, thence north 12 feet, F.O. 89804 71eetminatsr Street, .at side, beginning 112 feet north of Cook Street thence north to alley F.O. 89804 Jeaeemia- Street, north aide, beginning, 76 feet we et .f :'lo atm meter Street thenoa wast 10 feet F.O. 89426 Burr Street, ..at side, beginning 52 feet south of Maryland Street, thence south 8 feet F.O. 89426 Maryland Street. north aide, beginning, 94 feet east of Burr Street, thence east 10 at F.O. 90568 Magnolia Street, north side, beginning 121 feat east of Burr Street, thence eeet 9 feet F.O. 89430 Bradley Street, east aide, beginning 86 feet north of Cook Stre at then.. north 20 feet F.O. 89430 Cook Str..t, south -1d a, between Burr Street and Bradley Street F.O. 89430 Cook Street, north aide, beginning 24 Yeet ea et of Bradley Street thane. est 39 fast, begi-A 30 feet farther seat thenen east 9 feet, beginning 40 fast farther amt then.. east 15 feat F.O. 89426 I.—On Street. north side, beginning 104 feet moat of Edgerton Street then.. meat 18 foot. F.O. 89430 Jaeeie Street. east side, be.inninr, at Larson Street thenoa south 150 feet F.O. 89430 Jessie Street. eget side, be,inning at Jenha Street thenoa south 150 feet F.C. 89430 Msgnolla Street, north aide, beginning, 69 feet xa at of Edgerton Street thence last 25 feet, F.O. 88789 Ramthorne Street, north a1 de, beginning 126 feet east of Fay— Avenue, thence net to Oreenbrier Avenue F.O. 87587 Greenbrier Avenue, neat side, beginning at Cook Street, thenoa south to alley F.O. 89544 Payne Avenue, cast aide, beginning 21 feet south of lsalla Street then-- south 29 feet, bagiTing 20 feet farther south thence south 3 feet F.O. 89803 Rey Street, south side, be 90 feet east of Edgerton Street, -hence Ramey net 9 feet F.O. 87573 Margaret Street, south side, beginning at the lest aide of Frank Street extended thenoaeast 100 feet F.O. 89297 Reaney Street, south aide, beginning 50 feet ..It of Duluth Avenue then.. sat 70 feet F.O. 87365 Ooean Street, lost aide, from East 7th Street to North Iins of Block 2, L..bard'. Subdiviai on F.O. 97574 Earl Streot,weet std a, beginning at Ya gnolin Street thenoa north 46 feat F.O. 87574 Magnolia Street, north side, beginning at Earl Street thenoa we at 360 feet F.C. 87377 Van Buren Streat, north side, baginnln,; 180 feet rest of Arn.del Street thenoa meet to ILO.k bin Street F .' 87221 Fry Street, .net side, betxa.n Von By ran etre at and Blair Street. ...�. — e...,..... —h side. hat ­— ,n ton Avenue and 9xford Street_ cn F.O. 89402 Farr oa Avenue, meek aide, beginning 84 feet south of 0harlee Street thane- south 84 feet f F.i. 8940:' F.rrlagton Avenue, meet aide, begi, in, 93 feat north of Univ ... ity Avenue thenoa north 30 feet f� E oaf F F .lid] 6 3%t'•°II EF F oxFS 9 P � 7U0 - F I C °f ur_FY 4 3? °T•TaTIIL F S V F F✓ rte 3s0 :° i tt%zax8xdu•.-xssxssxxz_ursxuxs:isdncmaaodiarx,thcmcxurzzcxxxxx.vzxzz,.r-x za _: iSu��dmrs.:.ux-=..xss::u.�u.v:.>rnPwo*xdx:.: ..,-,, •,zi..szxzc_.c_;s_—�x,...r. viz. To the Couvefl of [be Citr u[ St. Yvui: Thr Com i, .mer mf finance hereby --t, to the Cnonrfl the following ea a statement of the expev- dilures necessarily incurred and m be incurred for 111-1 in conn.. tion ith the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of Cost of pnbh hung notice $.. .`. Coat or P. -,i cards $ Inspection fees - $-4r�,_x.--_.__- dmo t of court c sts for candnnition $ o-ep';'S u� m 1 Asenssab x r.�la.77. mblo130.110 TotaS expr52Q.1Il__......... Said Commisstonrr Enrther report. that I, hon o=. eased and Icvicd the total amount ns nb.vc a.ci rtn-nrd. to -wit: the ach aml every lot, pert or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said in%provement, end iv the ease of rn I, lot, part or parcel of land in ....rdlnce with the bear fits con- frrred thereon; that the said lssesanu nt bas Leen cowpleted, and thlt beret. attached, identified by the sig nulure of the mid Connnwmom nd nmdr a pn t hereof, is the acid ns....m.rt as % mplrtrd hr him. and .abiel% is herexith submitted to the l'onnril [or curb ..t%mn thcr.Zov as %%vy be a—lid—d proper- ro.m n n. -; �/ Commtev%ouer of F'maner. c ;: No. The lrhe the IGNED PROPER' 071NSR3 ARE.NOT IN FAVOR..AF PRORM CONSTRUCTING, ai5 - 8 T SId O----- _ BY E$ i�TF,- N9.1 -. _ ... �— D AND AFFAIRS _ CEEG't7T SID ALES C __ PA' A d signs proper.Ity ow era pr teat ga inat the as mtt of_ _ vied ❑ the x�olloo ng dee ribed order, n reo structi;sg an repai. in$ o ment sidsalke�. Eatimate No 1 ses aamentt,.. .Ib I d of a aidk as in ood c ndltion with Isomer excepttopa - ote iced set nae. T Bias absolutely nod need for rel ging w as ly s small art of ithie look required repairs. 4 1, a 7s � rp 9,1141 C ... ril File He. c e ern ears By CITY OF ST. PAUL er Resolution Ratifying Assessmeni In the matter of the assessment of —: it', .-Itu for m,- .til, e-: in Hlock 4, ]loverdala, iron 1'rna:� o _. - ,.mat line oP lo`s 7 —d ..der Preliminary Order—.99"11......__.,Intermediary Order, 522M Final Order '022f-- — approved A.'... .. 19 A public hearing having b..n had ep.n the nea—ent for the above improvement, and said assessment h,,i,g been further e,midered by the Council, and having b,,, ennaidered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said —,..,at be and the same is hereby i. all respect. ratified, end the same i, hereby ordered t, be submitted to the District Court If the County If HIme, for erafirar.ti— BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said nea—la, be and it is hereby determined t, be Payable in - .:7.�qrml installments. Adopted by the C -1i]. 19 City Clerk. App—ml 4,— 19, Mayor. CITY OF ST PAU1, OFFICE OF TUE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -j- 32. in the matter of the vssessment of blllfLtS, "ItI —1! —P-1-1 for Sim 11,y in 131—k 1, 11111"elil, "1' :1111 !1* Id- .. O'd- FI-1 Order.. 4Q236 1,31 T. the Council of the City of St Paul: T1,, C., --Ii.— of Fmt--, h, 1, 11, rrlrorrr rn the C"—d the fo11—i.g vs a stntrmevt ,f the ezyrn dit.... 111-1.1-ily i— .... d and to b, inrnrred for vml in convey tion —th the —kitig of the nbovr .—t, $ C- of p,b1mhi.,, 2.7c rust of P,-] cardv Q.U- $ 7.37 $ .70 Cti—r..eari ng -1.42 $...., 3• 73 Said h, has n,„.,d and 1,,wd the -.1 --t na above ..... to -reit: tl,.. sem f $47`-v_'`3___.. rnrh and -,y 1.1, 1,- ., p.t,,l If land d,,m,d b—fit,d I, the said imprrvement, nud in the ease of en.h lor, port or Vvrrel of j ­d i. --d—, with the b ... fi is farad th.rrr rn, thvt the —d —, ha, be. d. and 0- hereto .11” had, 'd,11.1i'd I, the sig —t., of the said C -1.11,1i,1-1, and mode n port hereof, , t,r, said vssiesmt nt .. it nrA—d 1- h-, t,1,1 ,0 leh i. h --ill, onaw ,°av a.a �o�"p1L .... 93142 CITU OF ST. PAUL °iuNo-----------"""' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM rN gsKNr ew e n� a July 20th, 1932 MI N - -- �• _-- RESOLVED Whereas, The contract for grading Johnson Parkway •.+.c�'�g641 from Maryland St. to Stillwater hve., etc. Comptroller's at°t �0g Contract No. L-3607 O'Neil & Preston, Inc. Contractor, �mwse�?t5io was completed insofar as it was open to public use before '�Pom a6jd the job completion date specified in the contract, and ae`ulKm.� 91im`m°5�f^Wniq Whereas, The minor details of the construction tounn'�aSrce:li e weed complete the work did not delay the city in the final ,tea a °e `tie completion of the improvement, nd o OY6Y 8 PYN Whereas, The Corporation Oounsel has given as his ruoa.oa opinion that the completion and opening for public use constitutes, so far as liquidated damages are concerned, of the contract, a virtual completion therefore be it RESOLVED That the city Of St. Paul hereby waives r -.- claim to any liquidated damages under said contract, which may have accrued due to the non-comp,etion of the entire contract on the completion date specified in the contract, and the proper city officials are hereby directed to make proper payments on said con—cwithout deduction of any amount for liquidated damages, and be it Further Resolved, That the specified completion date of said contract be and the same is hereby extended jcp July 20th, 1932, and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to execute fln amendment to the said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. couNau,mcN JUL 21 1932 Ycur \eyx :\Jopted Ly tLe Council _ D ay /Tic DonnIJ 1Ji 22/-19K I�PI'^�'�'�r� _ ��,..��:U �„ 3JSy V100 Pf06. CITY OF 3T. PAUL A3143 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COUNCIL R LU "—GENERAL FORM�Y ryry \J ��C�i ��<!-� �QON)71i WHEREAS, Kelsey D. Chase haspetitioned the Council for per- mission to install and maintain a drive-Sn filling station on the Booth 50 feet of the north 100 feet of Lots 1 and 2, Block 12, St. Paul Proper; and WHEREAS, Said Kelsey D. Ohase hassubmitted apbumpelocatlonf tcurb he proposed lay -out, wl t driveways, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in acoordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance Ho. 5840; therefore, be it .. RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Kelsey D. Chase to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviationeTheotanke andm the as approved will automatically void the P umps shall be installed In accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction and to the satisfaction lan of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building Plane and land- scaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, side- walks ramps, drainage or other public improvements within tfecthe street thelins ahallbe Commiasioneraof Publicde =der the diTecti n and to the .Works. This permit shallabesforevar of subject to tevocat ion by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. µn3 ys In' couoml for-vr�w ,' autl � mPlnWeh 'Q In Ou ;w�t�p! LOH -1 ('ouNCILMEN AJupt"I LY the c...WL 2_1-10 -19:3 hl y ��,._ NnYv 1 /fir In fnvor Appnnrd.. _............ ........... _... 193..� I' iosrn �rnnx 0.. ..A6ainxL _.. . [iii. Plc � 8e.� W�enzcl � ' PUBLIS1iliD 7 -�i� -��- !�"{�7 ,//, a �,1: �/ u , l o � � / , ; . �— --- Adopted by the Council__. _._....._193_... Yes.. / Noy.. MAY /NCDONALD PEARCE 'ROSEN TRUAX /ENZEL /IR. PRESIDENT 1MA110NEY1 oalalrvwl OFFICE OF TIE CITY CLE— Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICA.�TrrN is Hereby Made tf .ox xExM ..o �x,..�� .rvo oPeawTE w .� ���.�� —1­1TY F T IRO. CITY /4' o�Pwy 1HOA 5 E 6wiIL f�. aA add Polk. � ,pye�AI.NCI.IL�v &f. Saa1J.M D.. Sw. hlH. ud Po. Mulct O.Kv CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplbl of Ml—t, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.alh .ad Ml ­ .ft Su -b JOHN H. MAONALD, Cauw c— IHCW c.O CHr.e, amn Ce..x " ®o 7ely B, 1932 JL'. William F. Scott, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sire Retereed herewith is the application of galoy r. Chase for permiseton to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Tackson Street, between 5th and 6th Streets, known as the L. F. Dow property, with reports of inspection by the Bereaus of Traffic and Fire Prevention. Very truly veers, Commissioner of Public Safety/ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL July 8, 1932. Mr. John H. McDonald, Commiwsioner of Public Safety. Dear Slrt Heintive to application and. by Yeleey D, Chase for permission to Install drive -In gasoline filling station, on Jackson Street, between 5th and Sth Street., known m the L. p. Dow property. I have today made inspection of same, and do not find that this station will Interfere or create a traffic bneard; therefore would Save an object ton to the granting of said applloation. Your. truly,/a( ry H, eLter6ren, 9npt, o Traffic. blis �a�hy 99PR Maim of PV T.— ANO ......OTA eTRC¢T ver NOW $ yyDONALD, Nu�ix arrsv In.G w 6 � svr. Prs. s I�aa wvw. June 20th.1932 / Hon.John ;�Tonald 0ommlee loner Ofi Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Selsey D. 0base for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling etntion on Jackson Street between 5th and 6th Streete, knows subs L.P. Dow Property. / ..v i.. ; Re have Snvestogated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant refection. Respectfully yours. "ASK . 0hief IriwpeoLor. Pire Prevention Bureau. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gped d Mico W DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS HERMAN C. WENLEL, Coxvicaioxen ®m NGN.O, omm Comx•ie..r CiO,GF M SMV., qIJ inpnru peg yµ d Sniuten l/.MFa E W,OLL. Mt Olid Go. W S.x d Ca.mr+�n nt 5. Genes.[. &Nn .� c. H. HFinan, oax. •M v„ w»w. w..r. July 11, 1932 Hr. William F. Scott, City Clerk. Re: Drive-in Filling Station, West side Jackson Street Dear Sir: between Fifth and Sixth Sts. (So. 50 ft. of North 100 ft. of Lots 1 and 2t Block 12, St. Paul Proper/ Selsey D. Chase, Applicant (Jackson Parking Station) The above proposed station is to be located in s distr—derct oned r Light dustry. This is without a hearing befsibl o mies thea City Council. B5ineerina Reoort: Jackson Street at this point has a 36 foot pavement, a 10 foot sidewalk and double track car rst con structeed.in this block oniJacksonwill driveway It to aha e an effective width of 16 feet at the property line. As the filling station will be well back from the street line and any maneuvering of cars will be on private property, no objection can be raised to the plan. There are no drainage difficulties, gxpansion joints should be placed as shown in yellow on the accompanying blue print. Y7GGO" trulyr �I � / N. SHBPARD, f Rngineer. jms-mh Appr^o'vved- (. R6RNdN C. WENZtZl Commissioner of Pu THE BOARD Of ZONING wA �4¢ wsweaaaw...wsew�...w,,� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA - C 214 COURT HOUSE M1 1 Iw.c auwvman. a.,,... July 4th, 1938. laue aa� mvn ro,Hw,un wsm. o. wins nous e�ow, an M1a... IE— Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : t• Re : Drive -In Filling Station, West aide Jackson St. between Fifth and Biath Ste. (So. 50 ft. of Bort3k 100 ft. of Lots 1 and 2 Block 181 at. Paul Properj. Belsey D. Chase, Applicant. The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for Light Industry. This is heeriible under the bePothe City Council. ncil�nance without nge The Board of Zoning approved the revised plans of the applicant dated June 89th, 1932, for' a parking lot and filling station, which provides for an opening in the center of the lot for a width of 18 ft. at the property line, and providing a curb along the balance of the property line as a protection to pedestrians on the sidewalk. Yours very truly, Scs�1�T.R - Secretary. gh-rh encl. b ,ill n°rvF = rlPe e.Tlry<°,=x<Rs -vuuoeRs t:zeHAnsc amao/ns �� N°n< �x<,r�ry°PIT_ - J • _. -° e A wAT<R .<wre A�To L rT — n --- ---fit goo•--- _ - --- o `��- ' --- � - 0 •• � - - _ \ cns xs uxvs � I � xPUMrT toxc�s - :I.'.:''� •— vcnT unEe rx<x w<oA�ne T,xxs / •b u<xT A.P rowrR uxcs I fnAK I I Twn< I T� I <orvva<sz[o AIR ury<s �I SIRR.R4rf/LL - - - Nn,l A<cV,xs° cicv,Tions l I ieuwe. AIR \ $7(/1• - -- -� CRy5 ^"� p`F„ u107 THE TEXAS COMPANY 135 EAST 42ND ST.—NEW YORK - - 6'/E/YF. RA.( ARRHN6EMENT PICAN 7UMP8 TANK./NSTNAAq T/ON /�QEM wISERS UI/a - �STO^Y .i7R/fK 2?tl/LO/NG - PAARTI(IN& STAT /ON- J^fKSONrMNR S/tlw W"R RtTYRNbCNRSIf/w! _ - v/.��UI '"'ly/y SLRttni NOTE TO CONTRACTOR REVISION RECORD , F THE SCALE OF THIS DRAWING IS c, _ EO FOR O MENSIONS WR CR MDST D SCALED OARED O ENSONS PRECEDENCE _ SCALE i/g�•=�10 , DATE 6-39'32 OVER ALL SCALED DIMENSIONS AND MUST RE USED O Al- IMPORTANT DIMEI SIGNS M CONTRACTORS W LL BE MELD RESPONSIBLE rORC ERRORSINSCALED ❑ImervSIO DRAWN BY /,75. TRACED BY .t.T.S _ - CHECKED BY- 'TrTr1Tl7TTTITI�Ti-I"7�Tf�7SD_. APPROVED NO ET 0 lO 20 30 40 SO 10 100 20 110. FEET {N� D n b ,ill n°rvF = rlPe e.Tlry<°,=x<Rs -vuuoeRs t:zeHAnsc amao/ns �� N°n< �x<,r�ry°PIT_ - J • _. -° e A wAT<R .<wre A�To L rT — n --- ---fit goo•--- _ - --- o `��- ' --- � - 0 •• � - - _ \ cns xs uxvs � I � xPUMrT toxc�s - :I.'.:''� •— vcnT unEe rx<x w<oA�ne T,xxs / •b u<xT A.P rowrR uxcs I fnAK I I Twn< I T� I <orvva<sz[o AIR ury<s �I SIRR.R4rf/LL - - - Nn,l A<cV,xs° cicv,Tions l I ieuwe. AIR \ $7(/1• - -- -� CRy5 ^"� p`F„ u107 THE TEXAS COMPANY 135 EAST 42ND ST.—NEW YORK - - 6'/E/YF. RA.( ARRHN6EMENT PICAN 7UMP8 TANK./NSTNAAq T/ON /�QEM wISERS UI/a - �STO^Y .i7R/fK 2?tl/LO/NG - PAARTI(IN& STAT /ON- J^fKSONrMNR S/tlw W"R RtTYRNbCNRSIf/w! _ - v/.��UI '"'ly/y SLRttni NOTE TO CONTRACTOR REVISION RECORD , F THE SCALE OF THIS DRAWING IS c, _ EO FOR O MENSIONS WR CR MDST D SCALED OARED O ENSONS PRECEDENCE _ SCALE i/g�•=�10 , DATE 6-39'32 OVER ALL SCALED DIMENSIONS AND MUST RE USED O Al- IMPORTANT DIMEI SIGNS M CONTRACTORS W LL BE MELD RESPONSIBLE rORC ERRORSINSCALED ❑ImervSIO DRAWN BY /,75. TRACED BY .t.T.S _ - CHECKED BY- 'TrTr1Tl7TTTITI�Ti-I"7�Tf�7SD_. APPROVED NO ET 0 lO 20 30 40 SO 10 100 20 110. FEET SIXTH 57Rz r SERVICE STATION LIST OF DRAWINGS AND -EQUIPMENT OL DESCRIPTIO -7— nULLI—I —Al. p U❑ MOP - uexr ros.. uusren —' pxc rine er.nxeuis �—�— _.. -;�' eex�nere w 93144 CITY OF ST. PAUL �.:NO......_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C.MN NEA ! y .re v,s�1 WEEREAS, applications for licenses have been made as follows: Ike Ratzhovitz, 114 State St. Butcher - Application 2092 Quality Oils, Inc. 585 N. Robert Confacti onery 2184 R. G. Mack, 475 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 2217 Thomas Basta, 1039 Hastings Bakery ^ 2368 WHEREAS, the Bureau of Health reco=ends denial of Butcher license, appli- cation 2092 and Confectionery License, application 2184 issued to Ike Rat.hovit. and Quality Oils, Inc., respectively, and R. G. Mack has withdrawn ap,lication 2217 for Restaurant license, and Thomas Basta hra withdrawn application 2368 for Bakery license; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ike Ratzhovitz the fee of $25.00 and to cancel spplloation2092 for Butcher license and to refund to Quality Oil., Inc. the fee of $10.00 end to cancel refund 2184 for Confectionery license; to refld to R. G. Mack, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel ap"lication 2217 for Rest—net license; and to refund to L:.T%,g s Basta the Pae of $10.00 and to cancel application 2568 for Bakery license. _ � dd�.ilaalyy(-aY aD-ti111a--. �Y/aWa^ry�o,Y�4�. eu.'s.gu auk, JUL z i IM COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adovtad by the Council_. ___ _ _....._.......193..... �4 y Donald A" _In favor App,,,,l ..... _ _. __.........193_.._ 'Roan. /14nax �_ Ag inat � �-p-� ffiY ae `4%ica Pres. V7ao:d 3 °a a-.. �YUidJt1611� aae CITY OF ST. PAUL « NO._:73145... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RFSpLUTION_ GENERAL FORM r ME mnre RESOLVEDsone That licenses for which applications have bean vada by per nerved on the attached lint be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 4 8 N t2l�uF-e a itenooitE= aaw sM y+'P r' e"� r ,iw,tr Is ,RPa lutW LwvP'b mb�y7l y�' l�S�Wa"f�j § U01 �O OteE Mil f� �bia�Joi a i erisu`. COUNCILMEN` UL 19 __...... Adopted by the Council_..21 . _... ... _. ... 19, . Yeee NaY� 1-1msy McDonald .� 1 JUL 2 ( 193_... I favor -� ApP d _ .._ .. /Itoem s%nla= kgaiaat 1 WDl Mr. Vice a e a� M Vice_P/rew ' ° to Prea. WaGxad 93145 Jely 21, 1932 Cepetz Bros. 238 S. Snelling Ave. Butcher Fenlon Bros. 1539 fl—itt " Gottbehut Bros. 1059 E. 4th " Gow & Exley 1724 Ikiversity Av. " H. Hoffman & Sons 964 Forest " Ed M. Mergene 664 Bay " R. P. Roshach 1601 University " Albert N. Schaffhausen 991 Arcade " C. M.Smith 301-3 Rice " L.Steiner 1202 Rice " Westlund Bros. 1219 Arcade " Alma M. Albert 1443 Arcade Fit store Fruit E. E. Asplend 1201 Edgerton Grocery Mrs. J. Contiert 207 E. 4th ConfeWonery Cepetz Bros. 238 S. Snelling Grocery B. Got. 504 State St. Mrs. Anna David 959 Gaultier Confectionery Philip Ehrlich 240 E. Fairfield Bakery Fanny Farmer Candy Shop 339 Robert Confectionery Julius G—nberg 496Wabasha " Benry Harris 159 N. Snelling Grocery Rarold Hit— 582 Kent St. Bakery Hove Food Market .3599-1601 University Grocery Anna K. Johnson 1081 Arcade Confectionery John Johnson 1176 Arcade Soft drink R. H. Job... 1079 Grand Alfred Keek 1338 Bayard Grocery Fred Kress 1657 E. 7th " I. Krichmar 620 Front " Ellen LeClaire 379 Maria Av. " Redmond McDonough 87 E. Acker " Jannis V. McHeffay 389 St. Pater Confectionery Henry 0. Mayor 708 S. Robert " J. C. Meader 457 Collins Grocery Ed M. Mergene 664 Bay Walter Most 1026 Front " C. L. Mullsley 719 Pelham " Chao. Modeleveky 559 Charles ""-Neste L. Nesbs 2075 Charles " Wm. R. Neutzling 872 Payne Grocery Helmar Olson 1112 Arcade Confectionery E1 A. Otto 361 Earl " Edward Priestley 1075 E. Jessamine Grocery Wm. Ranch 479 W. 7th Confectionary Ranch—tar Mrs. E. Rachwartar 1609 Rice Fruit-Vegetable Mrs. J. J. Resig 881 Rice Grocery Mrs. Katherine Sanders Maxims 1173 Arcade Bakery A. M. Schaffhausen 991 Arcate Grocery C. Y. Smith 301-3 dice " aY1.�ly. ave .. CITY OF Sr. PAUL1,u 6 No J3�4U OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G ERAL FORM co�.en,�(o°New .Dere July 21, 1832 RESOLVED In the matter of surfacing with asphalt mixture, the paving on Yinnehaha Street from Snelling Avenue to Fairview Avenue, also widening the roadway on the sotth side at the intersection of Fairview Avenue to straighten an existing jog in the curb line, this work to be done in connection with the reconstruction of the street railway tracks, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92815, approved June 22, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifiedions as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved and the Purchasing Agent isdirectedto advertise for bids for this work. gas Fara �"sw .n1G&�{LI �� �I�:EwtAat�eetl �tprp9s 6��ee', ` 1Nr�YiuitenF. . COU CILM D:N / �e1Y1. 21 Yens Noyv Adopted by un y the Council _..' Y r{l McDonnld � �� 193_... -. I tn�or m.Qo� APPr1,�ed _.. Tn�nx A6ninut /y�(�;ee%ice Prea Wenzel Mf. Yice Pres. Wenzel yor -- tw, a -a / i1f 11 � YUiSLLllil;U 93147 oewa.�waa.m""" No....___......_._._. CITY OF ST. PAUL •a' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL R LUTION—GENERAL FORM oar jg RESOLVED ThatBoard of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby the B _ authorized to enter into an agreement with William Gardner, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of said Board on the 6th day of June, 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said William Gardner the sum Of $35.201 in partial settlement Of his claim against said Board, and being for the period from July 7th to July 20th inclusive, 1932, said sum to be payable from the. Water Department Fund. COUNCILMEN Nye / Yeas MaY ,"MeDOadd "r... -- Ag inet Ajl--ice Praa /yi...�.r,iw'd Wenzel JUL 21193 Adopted by the Council_-_ – . _. _ .............193.. _. guppry 21 t4 x, JYY- _ _.193._... App—e _.. .. 114t Vioe Prea. Wenz ayo .TNo. NC93148 ILo,RESOLUTION c """ I'INEB Kos __..July 2111. isa 2 p'�y� �na3 wuassss •.;. RESOLV, ,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 61 jll W—, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 7051 7Q63 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ML 2l15t FPRo Eo_ d1�11 i f� i — — —I9 Y `.. TH om uRo O ER �,., " No. :7114 48 - CQU,CII OLL CA E rvSTruax COUNCIL RESOLUTION M�Plxm AUDITED CLAIMS1.11- zo, ,s32_. SJuly imxuommc _ al :'tt j—.o sf t b3.90 aaamoewerl+- n� o .{EA — "uvesn IN FAVOR OF TOTAL ,ncc ns n• c�cc»s ev ewnrc aRDIGHTrORWARo 73 134 73 826 069 101 • 7051Milton RoBen, Com of Finano4 » 7 680 1 16 1 7052 7053 St. Paul Coffee Co. Roeen, Com of Finance {� �3 0 8 602 20 7054 Hilton 7055 7056 Fielding and Shepley Inc. 1 17 291 5 I 524 O 7057 Stsnda-d Stone Co. Okee 9 21 165 0 7058 Haalon and 7059 Hp1e.3t.Paul & S.Ste.H.R)ICO. ;1, 31 6 7060 Hinneeota State Band !' 1 073 2 31 2 7061 michael leeac 9 36 0 7062 Acme Ribbon and Ink Co. 11 d 4 717 5 7063 Hilton Roeen C. of Finance 1—T TO— 'FORWARD 173 134 73 N 687 381 (--o-1 Ear Nd:. 314;) - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The—d—igmnl hrrehY pnTose_ the n eking of the fnllow'i og p"ll c'ni�pni. anent LY oar , " of tit- 1'nul, viv.: G r'.: ink Fuller 7, en'�e .'ice Str�. t. to F rk Av—d�l _so m r.�c'�. 1 L ne w ut=s nidlt1m changing t! gryle f A -Lu, o t. t 3 from the uth sir .,t c it r.'. 1 'r Y - le t, Aller 1.: lock 1) n a poi,t 53 feet south sof Belle �.v nue t,.uc t o `lc hereto t t LI -.it .'�e �sd fcr Ad":-'11'=Ietwe„� tt nt. icx.. .A xnttrn prnposai ter ter mnging m t0 rk _V9 e, L3e G. -.�t35 1.1t1.In ine lot 4, r�..; _ ,n =r F llc -.v=_nue to _j, 1 lock ,.�& (. L. e c r_ o red to t'is Sd red Y,11 ,;;n e .�1I sh.�I, .vi i., .'.e int srnsc tlln of v_..e t _ - .. -.rer. 5. To report upon ell of th, foregoing netters to the commissioner of I'm—, IUL 'L t 110r, / Adoplyd by the council__ - - Y.- NAve Councilmen CoMroT .Approved_.. .__.- MAx PEAAVA' A (Jf�` � �� Tr`p j,t`a1'Cy 'A'9n2o, t'.[e 1eYor. 1111�8ID++>u+ � rAr• I . ia+u PliifLlStll':U� �' �� Council File NCW141) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Defiedthls 19th da, 4 July, 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ... ... . WHERFAS, A —Iters prnlMeal f.rzth, making,d the to 1k "'Ou" Lot ''V' U8 to bt,tl' v d to the ed ij y, jnt­sjctiOn Of I t 5. To report upon nll of Lhr. [ongoing matter, to Lhe Comrniasioner o[ Finance. Al.pt'd by th, C-"lil Y— N— C— N, Ay App,ol d PEIR E t � d ` Council File No: fI`'r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ♦ mud PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, As.: ..._-Conina end taking _en easement in the land necessary for SIXBr c6E`s ani-iilid�...in tfie gtad�'ig...SY"Fff1Yar'"Avemie-Yrum"-Riue-Streetto .......Park.9vmuar_also ..ln_.the..8rad1+t6-.Qf A.11SY.-..L4._Block_111.._ �E................ _._ & Chutes Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the north lot-�l�and-alfe7:ia-Blosk..3.01...gwing_&..'Chutes-Addit1441...__.._.._... from Fuller Avenue to a point 50 feet south of .Fuller _Avenue. __...._..........._...._.._....._._.._........_........_.._...__....... _..._.......___...._... Dated this... l th_.._day of......___.. ........... ..... J! yi.. a�. ..., 19....... ...... ... __ _m ' juvea 'p"T? Pt 1w 6 ew -PRELIMINARY ORDER.is v WHEREAS, A written proposal for the meting of the following improvement, via.: -Condemniaandtaking-_en easement in the land neesusawy for elopes, cuts and fil�.as '- the .-- rading of Fuller Avenue -from 7iias TiireeE'to ....._.Ra>fk..Avanusr-&lso_-4& the-Bsadia8._of-Alley...Sn-n�^^o- Chutes Addition Addition from the south line of lot 8 to the north line ......._eY�1oC'.4...ttaG-�-a2lsY�-Yn"Black`14�'Ewing-�&`ehnteerftdd� Y@e.G...E9uth._of_Fu11.__._._......... having been presented to the Couam7 of the City of St. Paul._ .............,......--- ------------ ..._..__._—_._.__ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubho Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the neereaity for, or dmindefffty of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extant and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. - g. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemea6 4. To state whether or not said improvement u asked for on the petition of three or more owners g. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CouneL..._.JII�I...Ps t_Ith]A........_............................ Yue. Nsra Councilman (oM� huvj yKppf4µ,p Approved_...._ .............._..__.___._......___._—_ 4lRlRCw iauA% iV oe Pree.�Weuzie r..ce arse soap '�'`�pr atr�crran - o-3 omao _ 9315 Y - CITY OF 5T. PAUL O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU IL R60LUTI0N—GENERAL FORM i fgMia,.the BencBortbwsst Company of Saint Peal has offered the Sinking Bund Committee of the City of Saint Pauli $2,000 City of Saint Paul 6% School Bond, due July 1, 1951 oa 4.50 basis and, WSBUS, the Sinking Bund Committee has recosmendad the aece¢Laace of the offer of the BancBortbNest Company of Saint Paul, and the Council is of the opinion that the purchase will be for the beet interest of the City of Saint Peulj therefore, be it j=LM, That the kW, Coonieeioner of Pimnce and City Comptroller be ead they are hereby sathorized and directed to accept the offer of the BancBorthsest Company and a ammauate the tree aotion. COUNCILMEN YamNaye / May S// —T.ScDooekd ...._O.._• Agazemtr Mf. c°e°�ree. Wenzel r JUL 22 W2 Adopted by the CouvciL_.....!_........_...... _... 193_... JUL 22 1W �......19a__. Any 84 1W odad//1.W Blitm PmM Ond ade OMUOT 8, Z. Qoodilob- ffio PonOBatt�aal aDLDW of 68:x1 YO3 offa*d 00 a nUM Trod 6omdtt" 12awo CLIF des Jay 1• VP an h.qo UAS. • MUM naa sd* L7 adYdteloae a"= WpMndsd A► aaoyt-Uw co.oub wA unammud7 iearKW6 %Le/ the 4Mdtt" ODOM% 0" off - MI i'11i®WA ow W/ to the abmmlL am a wim UMVI Oe 83�iOntbd• . Ea.O�fdMe Bsorst� Rnana . CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u ` NO...931J2_.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUT —GENERAL FORM co®xe'sEo°Dnen.AT. July 22nd., 1932... _... RESOLVED That the Commission of Public works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary conduits for four corner type traffic signals to be installed in advance of paving by city forces at the locations below listed at a total cost not to exceed $185.00, and that the said. cost shall be charged to the project )mown as the paving of the South gide of Eighth St. from nobert to Wabasha, etc;,Comptroller(s Co Contract L-3875 and to be financed from County Bond Fun de 2-C, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supp lies, and be it further RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolutionbe presented to the board of County Commissioners of Ramsey Y heir approval. Ap d South half of intersection of Eighth and Robert Streets. South half of intersection of Eighth and minnessta Streets. South half of intersection of Eighth and Cedar Streets. COUNCILMEN JR 2212 Y_Nny� Adapted by the Council...._._.... .......193.... any Ifl1a, 2215 �+... 1 favor Agninunx......et Appr�'�Ij /'1 May M oMm.rm av O.rt GIN OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FemeN,�o eY _._ twiftysa WMM9, on or about and between and Including the dates of Ray Beth and June etb, 1932, Paul H. 1lelsen, under a contract parsmnt to informal bid, bauled and delivered certain dirt fill necessary in the improvement of University avenue from Park avenue to We street, at the unit price of twenty cents per cubic yard, and bas presented his claim on account thereof for the total sum of $47.00; and w DOW, 1 discrepancy is found in saidMjVdM44L and in the yardage shown on receipts delivered by inspectors of the Oity to mild claimant evidencing the hauling and delivery of snob fill; and wbersas, it appears that said olalm is meritorious and eh_-ld be allowed; therefore, be it HEgOL:D, That the propr 0ity officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to pay said. claimant the full amount of said claim, the sum of $47.00 to be disbureed from P.I.R,-Raid L -3640y 0 , I Z/' 3840 ✓ COUNCILMEN JUL2Z_ I0 �Tr _ 193..... Y_ Neye/ Adopted by the Council..._ .-... /1�IoDoveld moi. ^ • J App—cd ... .._ _.193...../ _ in favor ... .r_J/j Itown f ,�bpieI Pres. Wenzel a '1 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEE-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Det.) July 22, 1932 Ron. N. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: Inter of the claim of Paul N. Neilson aga1 city Por material delivered on University Iwhich material was used for filling basements on the widened part, I have gone into this matter very carefully with the Corporation Attorney's office and from the evidence produced and other matters pertilent thereto, I am forced to conclude that this claim is ,just and should be paid and the city Attorney's office concurs in such findings. Yours very truly, JAMES E. CARROLL, Supt. of Const. & Repair. jec-mh 93153 717—.1 �` NOs s_.- 4r ' 'iCOUNC - RESOLUTION AUSRORIIATIO�or LOCAL IMPROVHMH�r PR so- • -- Resolved, That the Council hereby o0 cure in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alleys in "O Block 9, Mattock Park from Schaffer St. to Bayard Ave. and from north and south alley to Maoalester Ave., in accordance With plans and specifications hereto attached, to GEORGE DI9880N, he being the lowest responsibje bidder, for the sum of $495.00, and the OorpOTatioa Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. MMV�'s�e. RRN. ego "°.8888 _ 640.00 .495.00 .495.00 JUL 22193'1 II_Mr. Vice Pre.. Wenzel =— No 718 A COUNCIL RESOLUTION A-0—TION or.LOO"L 1.PRO PROJeOTe • ReAlINIved, That the Council hereby coca. 'in the recommendation of the Contract committee and awards contract for grading north and south and east and west alley- . Lots le to 47 inclusive, aixden Homes, from Ilarion St. to Gaultier St. and from Carbon St- to east and West alley, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to GEORGE DICKSON, he being the lowest re-ponsible bidder, for the sum of $548.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby I instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. • 8827 _.­ --, 67 5. 00 .»....'..,.....P.............PR..-... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . .548,00 11M ML 22 wit ML mace.. CITY OF ST. PAUL .W No. .93156. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J�U1 VI COUNCIL RE40LUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby author- ised to enter into an agreement with John Krema, providing for the payment of compensation to his at the rate of #14.40 per week during each time as be shall be totally diebbled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Depart- ment of Parks, Playgrounds and public Buildings on April 22nd, 1932= be It FCRSBSR BZBOLFLD, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper City officers ars hereby authorised to pay to said John Krems, the sum of $129.60 out of the Aorkmenss Compensation off_ Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim �. against the City, being for the period from Ray 19th to July an+%- Ivan. hrr.h 4nn1ne1— COIINCILMEN Yeas Kaye / �MaDvvald ._.../_.n./_...._1. favor /p Truax ....:'..1..___Apiut p�,IPrae. Wenzel Adopted by the Co 6L.._ JUL..2-2..-.1B3..... �gl L P? 1934 �a,aa 93157 CITY OF 6T. PAUL No _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ES COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GMERAL FORM waNEa_ pro¢ MMRRkS, As provided by Council File Ho. 91436, approved January 14, 1933, the Council did, an the 9th day of February, 1933, at ten o'clock A. W., In the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a puXio hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame house located on Lot 4, Lewis Bubdivleion 1A,e also known as No. 388 8t. Anthony avanne, fallowing due notice of said bearing�ven pursuant to Ordinance Ho. 7810, approved Way 33, 1930• it to the opinion of the Council that said building is unsa{'e and dangerous to life, limb and adJoining property, and should be wrecked end removed; therefore, be it HH80LPZD, That said building be wrecked and removed, and %bat a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Pobllo Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or ooaapant of said building or structure; be it YURTWBH Hl80LVHD, That Sf, within ten days after the mail- ing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said 0ommis- stoner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yam N.Y. 1,' Adopted by the CouuciL.�11L.9..4i-. .-.__193..... /y / McDonald favor Approved... ..�.2..�i:. ....._.._..._193._.. / n .w .-n we -?Fb Pres. Wmzal pymJmao ama CITY OF ST. PAUL miuxca NOi7VJv....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,//-- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM corn�M moH�. _.✓./�R.4i_ /I[It... _.r�iLtd.A:1l._...___ Dura_. __.. _ RESOLVED That the applioation of R. Trye for permission to ersot and maintain an overaise private garage at 1888 Summit avenue, in hereby granted, and the 00mmissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pmblio Buildings to hereby authorised and instruoted to issue a pernit'therefor. khd nm uo gam h H a�: � R COUNCILMEN 2 r Ye. COUNCILMEN / Adopted by the Council......_... _.... __._._.193..._ Y McDonald -�1 ��• r � �Peertr• . .....In favor Approv� 193 Tmax ..._.... Agaimt T .x ..,rMr eto�PT e. zel CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PmI of Mi --u OFFICE OF CITY CLERK V/ILUTAM F. SCOTT, CRr Oak d CeeaWoea d R.I�um ®m Hoa. Lawla k Anderson, corporation Comeel, S n l l d i n g. yy dear Yr. Aodereaa� Jnly 20th, 1932• Attached Is application of 8. yrye for permit to erect a oversize private garage at 1883 So®it 1 -um. At a hearing On the shove thio morning the Comoil directed that this he referred to yon for resolution granting the same. Tonne very traly, city clew. z ` NUT ICS OF .4P?IGEh LATION FOR PMTT TO ERE A PiRiii 6ABAOE. Notice is hereby given that \pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City oP Se int P 1, Minnesota,,/ application will be made on 193 ! to C theCCity of S 1 t Paul, Minnesota, by oun it of the for permission to erect a garage on a following describ- ed real estate, situated in RSMBey County, Mi esota, to wit: Lot / Block /J Addition, Sa in'aul, M1 esota. On the __aide of s ® St. Ave., be yy.-yj�uiC� St. Ave. d St. Ave. Number St ve. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 193T Ij ST.YAb�, STATE OF MINNESOTA, I Caan(y al ftamaay. � / / n Y �a P C beings d1l enw dopoeene nen Feen .,J .. and slur Y,*eii thea ss h�vf�xaer rasa e d ears ln,nu P no: Is j..... a tnr st. pow oi.pnmb, s cree. m r erk of me. bb.nrr ar nrmtrr t Bear, doily n a er, DrmLJ rasa publi.bed in the ci Y of St. Poul, In said [iem- n .y C arty Sfn f Alinnre �LpriMed. lnrF.J, rut from the column. of smd n clad, p rated and _ R9 timr.,rtbut vll of .aid Publl boon e _d nubli 1h J i �i 1 nr al rr w un Icoin th•.. GWRllnh Ina Runge. /^ 6., Th,d lice wu. first inse_rteJ, printrJ rand paM1li.Fed on`� /- soil nv 7t C tfir.. .. 7 d Pnnted and pub- li.h.diu id F th - a I f d e medium 1 1 n .tumt? u L� :.I Til I 11 h 1Wryrss4r ( if I a l I P bl r fo+K q i b f 3 I d ( h Ptrr 48d, Seeth-- i 21 PI d rad .11 E u l ti s f DI i t e 4 th tihut fm6more d fltha 11 h d h n I t PnK froeg h dvt��t of th fl t M1I f d �.>„ ... .... / .yZtypa l+l.UpS I nm burn .p .. _ a n. one ei, df rrom I n ( 1 P lh nl:re t."�t least ght InnN 1 Suomi v d .hrench r1 o vrter m l u. long. eHes, I h I ne pvge a h Plvice 4or Publico �ff[ Y rah uc ,elssvey - - 121 I.svJ x•dthlsk�lted xoku a acme nv mntetud for prep.nng vnd tion vnd rovipne printing the some. h,in genrrnl rand local news r m r t end lees i—, (tl Dlede up to Domer of entirely mode up of Potents, P.Flieation,t vnd not wholly dupb ..... nny ri her of them. sn tent of t levet plate mat4r nna udvertiin nna v�Lc pinrr of PuFiiculion to lhr. r Idl Cir71.1,d gulnrlY drlircred tu P.Yin6 subscribers, and thnt two finndnd and forty con r prior to th the � �� IUUUAP bliahrr I c� � - fi R knowied6e 1 the tracts, flea 'n he aRicr of the county vudrlor of s id old nrw.�meey..l+te location of P.Per and the o[ Dtinnrsoln, v illi dm it .FowinR the nom v 11 o of conditions eonrtituting it. nunhfeationa m o IeRvl new.pnpe9 1. mgvired I.Iw of Dlinne.ofe, 1921. M1 of uhnplar 484, See,lo, vndleetTlmt the [ollowinH is "u"d copy of me lower enre Iphabet from poeiHon, PrinGn36�vvd Pub b.th lnc said Iege1 11. aline kM a he rrunto6nttaehed, r"+Ye N 'tH de Pt °r tlon 4 Pvrthrr nRinnt snith not .rare mol th21 naida; ilended to p the bill om of cIuptcr 48d, session Lnw. Dfinnfsonsol leg ndver[ian G �1/ for puFlicntionnewspnper o _ I mr thin / d. SvLscrlbe:l orad cx oro to M1^fare 7/> >/� ' � !l` STATE OF MINNESOTA County a/ Iimmrv. ' / tl . <� JYl /� brldeposes ve dole a M1ae been a J ante hot M1r t w is and iluridg ell the ti �_e heinvfler mentioned lark of the pvbliaher or printer in hvrge at [he St Paul Diepakh,� {Year, v daily n waPnprr, pooled -d publiahed in lha city of SL N.J. In said Rnm- a.y C...,q. 5 1 TI'nnee f ' nt 1 I rrom th lumna of -id pal eq w¢a rted, Printed and puLlisheil i� ni 1 newxpaner....-9.timea5 and LM1nt all of avid publleatlor�v were nmde in th•: 1:nplivh languvgv. n That =aid�f ti r .•.0 fist in/sert1ed, p j l�d vnd publiahed an✓....... - r nn 7 and P ted and pub - Lh. ..... /... (^I > ol... �' tdmLZ� 493 v 1 h.d h ft u I th Thi II II IM1 ImeaW d mPd1 3 q Ifil n Jium ,'# u on Ln-�e v(dplinnvvoty 11921,1 naa!!-d that it heb mphed -h allAtho raqulromenfe that y �eru�.,, }� in tltutn 1 1 wappe dl -d J n mi 1 3 nil d t that [or mare th o—y�y I P stf�ro/ry h /dJt, 1 the fi p bI t a d J. . ,ups LI. UY•k i \1/ p h. (I) P,ild[ h pl f —0, t.db '.pili th 'R Iieh inng� _ 1 I d h t[ —1,0- eiHl�t paHrs w tl ht rolum�a h. p¢ge, each a Ion q rt. 1 h long. iahed In such Place for pubhrs f2) Ixsued tinily ft,ons n known olrier, eatabl tiun and rq p,d with +killed workmen and the neresaory mnteial 1m preening and privtlnF 3M1e'Tlado up to rnl and for ^n me t and IsPeeallanY dupli<ntiaH pubiicvLion` nil oteentirely made up of tante, not wholly anyaother molter anti nd�'ertisrmenta, or vny r ei her of them. Plate two h—l—1 CirU Iforty�vp o1i¢v pralNlarlYl Uifli�creJbllcaP. a tl'baefibereof nd Itbat prior to the ntc of the firs] havang knowledge of d nof ; Itameenystate ewapnper d the wapnper ee required N, 1921. nhaP ntivR d Pub - ]rurther nRiant mitM1 not e¢r'o lha of chapter A2A, ScveiLaws Minnesota, for puLlievlion in said newspaper of the STATE OF MINNESOTA. „ Y, County o) Rmmay. ( ^ , e Ybei g duly °^'o depose• �� �me ti ee he iter mentioned hv. been flt. 1':.al i'ioneer Perk of the yublleher dh publlah d�n the cit •ul, i^ wgid IN,n- Z,P Anted anin Pre a da11Y newspaper, y ey Lauinyt State of Minnesota act• and knows t tha Pr„ae ” - w hm kn led f thryj ere�� Thvt he (J�v ��_t n ,r the colvmeu '' � ne .p xv. ,hearted, p .t. r hereto vttacM1cd, cut tram o[ Bald p — a-�/t?-e.timee. •na u,at wl of p•nurauo^, published in ema newefenia� in the Eng 6^• were mads Tdob.said notice wee Pmt Ives printed vnd puM1liehrd ^^d was Printed and P^n- 7. aY of............ .193v the..... - p > J>t /�J'va liehed in se'd .,,aper thereafter on. / , _e 19ni/_.... the, 9 do Y f -•. 1'f .I P m p x 3 d Thnt during all th LI - t h Sryat LI quilted by L afficiaP vnd legal publi Lawa o[ ..... 1921 d that IC h P1 d w h 11 h ^ 1 Id ct o 3 I A t th t t r ydefined auto v Ic¢el ^ewePn f LLe firer Publicntl h n1 t Peet o^� ereatve• �t C�c rata l - I 1 4 esu, e� 1 from whmM1 it Pure K (1) Printed from the ease 1 It IvnRu nd in column nd eM1eet form gmvole t h . V, lish ' p gas, weth htcolumna to flu Page, each twen�nblieh d 1 for Pr P ^ dell from v known oRiee, re h I f a pIi y r (2) Iwued ti.. nd equipped with Ailled workman vnd the neceeeotiWe mcnt�m the amus. rat and toed n nr dlnny ontaln gene nnPl m v of Potent+. w not whuty dupllratln6� Y other pvbliratlon, d of entirely moat advertleementa, or any or either of [M1em.to of lth•t plate mutter and nA (p) Cirovlated In a d n agvle ly delivmednto apvyin6 ehnxancrs f.ry caP�ee two hundred •nd prior to the date Of the firer P bli tion of mid. .... .... ../......... ... ... ko.011 in charge of said newspaper huvivf Rameeydlg to the Pabit her or Printer the tecta, Pled in the office f the ovnty auditor of emd a+,F i' showing the name end location oft' nelNePaPef la!' •^d l,e rAt , of Minnceote, on affidavit exletence of conditlov cosutltvtlngg 1 ygd gemio�nninws ofa Minne'i ]921, forth in eectlon g of clmpta l nt tram A to %. lower cvsa alp and act 1 Pv ; Th•t the following ie a tinted copy of the both Ivclueive, of the else and kind of, Lype used in Ne composition, Printing vin Rcatlon of said legal advertleame�nt's , ­,,o, affiant eaith not esve that thle offidovit le mode Pursuant to stet on A 1921, on d ie inten$ed tp. vrco Pant the in of chapter Agd, Seeelon Iawe Minneeota. rtieemen 1 �d legs for pobliration in said newepap� of , day •t 193. Y Subscribed and sworn to before me this. T ' Nota blit, )>a Y Cormty, ptinnewm. on azpires ......................... Yo.w ser. MY Co ) I- NIt ll.li T. a :n MON: wsuk+ sr d wn. erm a. iaRso�+ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.ph.1 of Miesust. DEPARYMEN1 OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.11 FRED M. TRUAX, C-1-1 .a OT10 E. COWANS, D"ty Cee mu .10.O July 19, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: 'Hith reference to the attached applicati1883 on for Avenuet for on over -size private garage ted the matter and reo- for ISD. R. Frye, we have inveatiga ommend that the Permit be granted. Yonre truly, f� Commissioner. _'i c reit NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL /14a nm�nn..o r... aeon OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /I Cqup RESO .UTION—GENERAL FORM r RESOLVED f Thet Pernieeion be and ie hereby granted the Tri-state Telephone & Telegraph C6peilya to "tpolae eed etring wires with the necedeary anchors thereon on the following oneed etreetet' c In Alley tootb of PioWnnot Ave. from 3o. Cleveland Ave. to Ht. Cows Nualevard. ed to do l�. and wires to be by the Co=on Coonnilaoeaid Watrto bet sopaid by the Telephone C—PanY. R 1pprovadt v of �ItinH gorean Approved''~�� We Ane S-P't.of, Folio. Blarm & Tel -g. Approvedt `^ � of & � seioner P e P,__ e Date Approvedt r lesioner of public COUNCILMEN JUL 22�w�w� Yn Nays Adopad by whc CouveiL.__..____.J"•• 19— n �Cqn .Q� May .Approved— McDonald --p— J Roam Againac i �AVo el :,' _ 931W RESOLUTION =ouN1a rue No. alNTea _ i� T l 7l Ina � RESOLVED. T n HE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF �(>1V TpINCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS j T a)g•gT ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED T ( ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE JUL CITY22 CO ROLLER. .� A��Eo aY T.. ...... - APPRQV '�JLUU ououiurs err cLsn"— uric ecoF TNe"cowrPTeo LUEA .ice CALF " NO cOUNCILmaR—ROLL ]G11LQ�I Ty.�y� ICOUNCIL RESOLUTION SI o "rN. AUDITED CLAIMS July3zl,- - ,g 32 IAvare218'._87rr�` XL 2'119. mesa IN FAVOR OF cmec"s TOTAL c"ec"s aROUIHTrDRwARD 73 134 73 887 381 00 • j065 Niteoh064 s&tHeok 00of Press. e. 90 90 30 . F. J. Norse & Co. 70666 7067 motor Power Equipment Co. 18 06 88 19 7068 The Mueller mfg. Co. 2 68 7069 Nash Engineering Co. 82 50 7070 Nassau Paper Co. 1 00 7071 Nat'l Ass'n.of Pwr.T.ngre.Ino.l Co. 13 7072 National Battery 2 16 7073 National Bibllophile Service 46 94 7074 National Bieouit Co. Co. 36 99 7075 National Bushing & Parte 7076 7077 National Education Aealn. Department of 3uperintendenoej 255 00 16 C6 7078 National Equipment Corp. 72 7079 National Laundry Co. 237 13 7080 National Lead Co. 289 05 7081 National mower Co. 2 2 7082 Neptune Neter Co. 12 50 I 7083 ! 7084 National Police officer National Probation 1 00 20 80 7085 New York Tea Co. Nichols, Dean & oregg 119 85 7086 ° " 169 36 7087 • " " " 439 52 7088 7089 Northern AutElectrio Co. 132 066 7090 7091 es Power Co. Northern State , " " " 2 704 30 29 394 7092 Northwest Airways Inc. 04 48 00 733 4 Northwest Hotel Co. Bell Tel. Co. 20 05 0 Northwestern & Brass 21 43 7o95 Northwestern Copper Co. 399 78 7096 Northwestern Fuel 0 7097 Northwestern Photo. studios Supply Cc 13 7098 Northwestern School 61 80 7099 Northwestern Stamp Works 14 15 7100 Emil C. Novotny 117 00 7101 W. S. Nott Company 48 00 7102 O'Donnell Shoe Co. Francis E. Olney 7 35 7103 7101 N. E. Olson - 4 50 7105 Oriental Laundry Co. Inc. 15 91 52 • 7102 7107 Osborne—Peterson Otis Co. O8 Elevator motor Sales 103 71 7108 Owens " " 88 24 7109 7110 Owens & Phillipe Ino. 4 30 1 00 7111 Pabst Food market 3 90 7117 7113 A. N, ialaer Co. Panama Carbon & Ribbon Co. 32 75 42 7114 7115 Paper Calmeneon & Co. " 14442 7116 Paramount Pies '. 5 3 25 7117 7118 Parisian Cleaners Park Machine Co. 172 21 7119 M. F. Patterson Dental Supplyl Co. 7 65 7120 Geo. F. Peglow 11 80 7121 PeyeT'e Music Store 3 25 - T TOTAL--roRwARD 73 134 73 894 519 87 { CI OF ST. PAUL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 'UTION-�ENER L� T,�h WRZRCAS, E. W. Henft, a duly elected 00120e111e of the City of St. Paul, submitted a bond in the glum of $1,000 with the American Surety Company as surety thereon, covering Ilia duties in office daring the period of his election, which bond was heretofore approved by the 0ounoll; end 1 SSM8, Sold Z. U.. Hanft has submitted a new bond in the San of 11,000 with the Union Indemnity Company of Sew Orleans agl _ .- surety, and requests that this bond be approved and filed in lien of the bond of the American Surety Company; and VRWAS, Said American Surety Oompany's bond to on file with the City Comptroller= tberefore, be it RZ80L7ZD, That the bond of S. R. Hanft, as Constable, for �beperled of two years, beginning Jens 7, 1833, with the Unionmnity Oy of Row Orleans, as surety, which bond has benby approved and accepted- and torm and execution hetCity oClarktinndireect dttogl file the same with the City bomptroller; be it yUHTM RZeOLPDD, That upon the filing of said bond, the City of 8t. Psel will claim no further liability under the bond of the American surety 0onpany; provided, however, that the can- cellation of said bond and the acceptance of the Union Indemnity bond eball not relieve the said American Surety Company from any liability *blob may have accrued thereunder before the date of the publication of this reselutian. COUNCILMEN Yens Nnye Adopted by the Council.. 2r.?.10.._193.. _. �e cy ovzld .. __ Iv favor `/�.lt,�'�'N'- PProv / ..._... d Iii ...193._... Agni,mt �Wevzel Mn / m a.n/Mr. Preeidevt Mahoney P' PL7BU51:�� J°'�a m`v •~V CITY OF ST. PAUL OF 1 E OF THE CITY CLERK /COUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO 9r v PReSgNrHO eY ■ / ^ ._—...— OA rAMMIeaIONaIL��_ ....' —. Hhereaa, the Corporation Coansel has nd i..d the Coancil that in the matter of providiaG a nee mmeot Soa betmeez Peyae2Aveem� emrs of Streath et. anter 1.11 7i1e Ho. 92225, approved Hal 5. 93 involved Ln that promeding have failed W ward, ad theoG ofrEe`iilon CCoo�el i.i, porp.ee of 8etermdaia' to mhom to pay the aearadned, in other —0, bar. ab -tract - are � La doubt thfore to whom to Pal the award. the Car bave been furnished and examimd bot. the a -rd. heve act yet been paid, �'.: poratiou Coomel Se in doubt to 'b" of 1921tae emended by phepter 396, Lame of Hhareea, Chapter 219, arty has been made is a ally of 1931. Provides Lhat dram a wnde®tion of prop the first 'lase and the o of property Smoly' Sn the wadryoetion doe. act fur i sa abstract of title, or mroh °'mounts th Liedt%"he —to- Poreelsoo It sad the oemr of the property Is, im the city treasury for ,hall be appropriated by the OStL Coan°Qeivedthe same; therefore be it ehomwever 'ball dme 'leer rtyA ro rlaLed and net apart Sn Lhe City. HeeoIT. ,that there 1e hereby app p the follomlpg ;•.• ?renenry for ehomaoaver ehallto tebohe amecrlptltheir on�ofttheePrapeTtg u the proper .1 ampnnte set ooL e.wrding oifieere are hereby authorised and dl ocr�e eePahe�eme tld ems set ort hem1E - So whoemoever shell show clear right; Daearipti.n Lot Block Auttloa lmonat } Aa r of that H.torly of a live 1 jag from a tat to Lbs t peym m lm of Lot 26,81. Bo 2 feet mom Addition to Bt. 5 to Lhe the Horth .order t f, gent wrmr of Block T'� a 10 Addition. 2 eateonle Divi- 7.59 Thnt Pof ton °De that lart ie�;f-terly of a 11m extend - act n eHoim ofgLfmtm26a pBlnk3. LhTPbB�a. =Apoltion to Bt. psal, 25 feet from the Northeast wrmr thereof to the B�w Add17Y— of Block 2,1orop 3 UNCIL NayeMcDonal__._._....183._... __.Io favor APProved............_.__..__.... Pmidedt Mahoney Lot ffioek.. edditioi :momE "'-�,k`'�',t dot a• 3 3 Ir�lnel$ Second AM-#2,Wi3.J ' L# ali'P$ agn h'8a`iter3y b�yf, a line per- tion to ,St. pn01 ,bet m9Rfmamterl* from. a l�n'e P$, lroai°s 1pE 1nthg 11 ar�Lei a-, Sn 41C k 3 .,dSstent � }aet,mrtfi f}om;8apm0bt Soma; Eo :8.. hL in.'�StkA� airt 1?1�g, of IaE 'A �ia esid , 91oe, Ylda 3 ErEbt fh 7, th, f'P°'F n, xhefE t� �� s 3 IrvSns� }ee m yiE ' tro! 2i disi60 to'etilln,xi„» ,ice }:i'W pdifi la'!t yit;js. a Ploai 3-Osf"E,,S'1'0�:feet" •, . _ " :.'19pr $ee nt- tfist .Lo a polM .. . ,r �ti if !, t 7bt L in ibid' kl eft ✓� �Y23r63liit $600fiom91ma-- mq�-'Y' �of S' �,:' b 3 Imine.$ Second Ad- ' 209 10 ' w tshik"l6e'mrthPs,Ftrrir or a �1}mizEead- d}tioa to, .''ung 7�yeom'9-.pµo�3hyt, iuint line'Pf Lot °12 40 $ni1t;Plgr c'Jf ietirt 52 07 feet, 5 kpmorth�y moat�r8tr{iOtij to •.poiaE ry, ],3 or. £bt :�}n mid "lbok14 r� W t 13 3 dItlaeJa Sgooad Id �i:779 12 brss 't:r ''�`, eP 15 n Yise ditlon to St. Pnml w 0.5 S}ns d��9 t r`4 tyat m iY' l q�ea 8trapt " iht 10 A! w o! Lot ie Hlo 3 ¢letenR a"# 1231 63a° th 'ism 6Rree4. - - i} t yy P6"' of 16 ' :3 ,trvim� $ Second dd 5z3,2p j 2 a het liax wontl�egatprl7 ofd$ 1 Pew ditioq to,, 8t. Ps'F stn 'c° '11p� xlt and,,Bd` mrth• Ar rt Pl'_ s ^flim s:`Lindlm8. 3p0 aC is. tho `ieaL: ` diatia�t"' '3''Y 52'67 Xen,po44h tirTpf'$oq}agat Btrest,* W �. aSw'gea potSn"the best„ b•fit u ifi asid lr'arabra Seein4q.Adn 12f14h � i t "''th`nr f ip"tQirtLemittif o; line i ttend- dition to it.s ' !pp f'Ws point in the -ao M p lot .. . 5 $2'oSep 7mt''ip�ti iQ dlatnnt 122 b6 Seprirnat roPrib13 $tt'�ieL, Lon e po}nL d�'ths $egt 1i aL �ot 8"die-.. tnnta.10T1 raP��'rth lrynmont Street. ry.�Y._ Yv W ,ff�'y,. �p De�iogSPSfon Lot Buff yddiLSd�' o ovnti': 4 naFS ish of j Aatson M Is so. ` tb, . 1}ae ffiagLerly of .h A line erLga?tng ? p Shr;�1 North line of, Lot ' 16roB1boScjj, t�a';?"L°C�a',adiETq'b to St Panl,i 25 rggt !tone 0 3orth- t �epet odraeL�-• 1'pok,. Lo She 8out4east a .g •oprner,ot � i .Romp & Payne' e - e �}� �'ldditibib �an f� '` o'f4 .Vatega-e DSvielon+Dp�687„ �, t 13es,�a4S�b°}" "of a line s ot:11t�: m`pol*!n Horth lige of; Int 26 910 �;>``�4r� 6 PWne�a A40 an i 4r 2p feeb�'fren Lha Soi'theai�,t + } oor hereof �p Lhe.-9ontheaat..eoraer A PiY$.I. gAditioh. • �` ^' r, i �. 'Tps$'spart o$ 5 •ateoa s Mvieies SDs *A4 Y 'w�;tha" line �(e%ly oo a line estenang a fm Pbip 5 the°Sq ith lino or eaid MN ;d3etid fpet ftbnkthi.Soath"St -come! �herso to the ilontpeasL� ebrmr nn°t!"' t'rart^vtyL ;` ".'•; l,. ..j... Irviae�s=§eoond eddi 5.00 } dt W', h tdrly of s 11 tion to at. Pant_. al�enae ¢0 feet mf thetit- °na s,: 1 romLsQ1'Sm 6stbnGlAS isomti-� a v: �Sy,xth¢ iss0 U" rr. of Lot 12 s ayd't Alm ^16 •BlodYf aaL9r52 07 f-at �h oneea"fit , . .. ry ?app at Sn^y�142 f�a4S 1 nerof Dot 4 in t 63 fee£ Sh. ��o h m1eLa5P "BLraatj-.. k , H11sb �i6;, eald.iot,Syiug - H"r., > S$ni aytj3e ofp"the, qtc of u f0 afoot eeot3aS y �q�'' iTe�eti�onth trog4l� Mlmma- BZ tppanggeitt,to Sha porailei h S"F rihed`� 1 ,, Thnt7Ppr"iy+`ef r . 2 '3 Irvinei a Sewffi id¢1 1643 66 �` "fit lies eghL'heaeterly of C, lia8Par gllel"�Ilth edd $0 tbgt'ffirt epterly f%om'o me drteadioS hone Moist in a7� , the ss ifne of Y,ot.12 in^vo,4 8loci Ai w - 'dietent j2.07 fedt•mrth from 9e&M t , Street' tq ;a•polht, im, eset Mile bf Lot. 41n'ceid a3oel:J, distant '�'j;bj"" d (pet southf}tim.jlinoeheha Street Y'.lyr �181�st}ptibn - let Block 14ap3on detoavt .s^z •4 .; A IM-69.57cond Ad, diLloa to 8t. Psnl 0301.03 r 5 x 1)tthggete;l7R! a, lSm'si- ih a loath ne • RUp apt li. t 1 rj;Hl'ofi DPk 1 Ph1i13 e, ldditSaay 'die 4i "ee}}t f Pious Zit rt b 'r5` ^ t 4' est 12i t�6 . Bfraetr. te'•a poia in spet ltoo of bot 8 in esil4'elookxN.61k4ent'. 101.01; .. feet north` fios� gedv6ont 9tte0. " .. foot pert qf. S` eterly,`�of�a'1Sne q=0.�• IMneds Second fid- 0898.9,7•;; dition to St. Pial. r .e. .r. hat 3les5edat Sag lros 4lb}� t to the,soo lire, of lot Nphilliptn,'>kdt"3an{ die(aht A. 5 l0 1 na4.fromi'ti�i'eo80rast, to Sq In -the east Siae`of bot 8 in said. QSetmt-101101;legit mrth fr Beammrt street. T pert o; CBe to17o allot �rdeeorlted r hat 1! Dflel y�eiu x c r hkm toYly 13hb of p 4hr gOrseE s �'' Portake�, 2r17n}ieu a!". 5 6 Trains a Seooad 1d, 1 279.88 • . ndin9' oa the t� 26'leat' ftom tju FFo, 4F# dation to St. Pool.��:',ihp sofai klienoeyse`s�°NeM"`!�!!'i�at right is E3 Was! d`mk�1nS 55+ illy more „ 'L or-loss.—To the esetfl�'1713dC of esSd` lot= y_ 4hontre soatherly slongeath east lips } sy� ti theses norest ffir[h`sEe}}'� 27i'T;i_{ a -+dS Depat�m' 8tresL Shen,Ce.. a last $o be83nn3p9. ' : r .' ata , '•. +, � fin" °rat i 81 Bops^rr��1++��ss ���7 legqt of r�•,, �i - 6rdm7e T' �J Beeord. l4- 3553.40:' .aM13til�A t4'di d•pAn1. x . ?. t$p r4}3eeeteilyJlz'f�s�woL,Loi .,l 61J.:�„44. ..... eetotl�38leat'ott• 7.:.. 6 IMm s eeagd^Od- 5i0.� � d141•Op to Bt Peal + e t `. i , .�. 6 1t�Spere 8enond 44- 434ton to sti Pg61 115Q.00 Y �` ;•' t 6 9 1 It. Second Ad- 750.00 Pool f dltSon to St„ p+r Pest of :.. 16"- • 6 e 'CoomePakok on ae the Best 11of Bedford ), .�ittekEta ,- Svteneeotlon,t' ill the line divlAlf�.' t 16 pMs.17 is scold Block; tpordgad a Best line o3 ird.rs,sacond Id- 3.867.00 dltioato 8t. Pant ... - ,. :: said'asfjiS, li�ettotitsa¢nterssgtioa W"ce ur d,4h Deas'F, t ei�7' hessterl7 dlbngihs' entli,is171 oS Dsostar BtrseE' 8 YssL thwi ioatheesterlp (see nett pe9e) :e F •�gf � i 1dt, SAO& 'x s� s , moms f :Dee ariitipa t :71yY q t (Cont'lro?},�eeek o� „ •'(4 neLd" y i� z .-li0y5�.lseL,to c+!P PaOt�t aox�q}'t , ea#a,'ffio4 76 theaee northeeeterly p1oE8 •. ., ,� " igd ��pp,npheelserly.Jut. of ieiC 1eL, ,' ;e feeL�`fobe8lantr8. 1¢ 6 Irvine •second IAr 13:716 ��. to ei: Fanl 'k 19 6 lrviners 8ee6nd 4a �. +x AStiollto $t; Peal 2D 6 ..... 6�-.. Ao 5,0006 +q t476a4h�oa zae�l 1of:7 ;z g `-=yyihiie"iwti o!-totr,to Toon ''22 60 ✓:r Chet 11es-►AaLhea!�irly of aotido..Par= eYYe wL£h enA 80 bet myth i0m t7 fres a Point 4'' of, . Panl." .. fi�om lin ezben6l?e Cheet"line of BreQlet Street ,40 feet mrthi�tibm H ki. :Street to` s:Pnlnt? the ieotLeanterly line o{ Beeator BtrO6 laft tk"ee- A , - ar 18`1 fee,y .•aartheseterlt taAp' ch the PreeghL e4e ldnq bt Oz. AM "1 taofj'.hi nde edition 00 To., ''. ithsLerly of ellne 'l1eL', P.'.' dt Pen pthse�e�f'Yt aaa{ StiAee fids s dine�Fe .. r erly `1 PoSuS � the eeata, he JPf BLsd'ei-'4fS feet .�'gptb tr'oeig��rie • - ... .. " t z ,, ��tteey to a Po1At 3h She g4nL,D,esetery ' Sine qct �eodt�x'-Btrast 182 feQ%;1gCrth- : ,t17 f rom lte- iereedEtoa with ' BaAford, .the P. anst��et Street . . ... 4. - , �scrlpLdon. Lot Block Addition A-mt (yyo.pt Bradley end Horth Sts.) 1 9 ..... Rearrange- $775.00 meat of Lot. 6 6 7 end pert of Lot. - 5. S, 9 a to of Block 1, of Brcnson's Addition to City of St, pssl. r'♦ by the Qonm11 J 2 6 62 COBBOILM Adopted - Seas Bars a Mel / Approved JUL 2 5.02 1932.. � McDonald 1/C/, In Saver k. gi #FIIA5 Mayor. 4" ED.en �J �Snet •-D.,,Z.3D—Z� Trost Vessel 1h', President Yehooe7 WWW ,xK'U Ar " '..^ Description Lbt .amount Hleot . addition p,L ; } watmon.e DSTimiou ODI qSx. Thatpart of that. Ilea Hamtetly of a line eo:t"'ing fzom a �poSnt in the North 111" Lot d pgne�m addition �.. . 26.;H1got.3, BOOP to Pgol, 25 foot hem the Nor*- 3 St. east ensues thsrmof,to the Southeast oorner of Block 2 Do- & PaM" Y` .* . 4 b'➢ivison i)-}0..6,1 .. thnt 1Se�Neslesly o� a line ertehdipg • !a tha'NOsth hyo �+ s uJ ra;7 .' from{a point WPT;raoe yEd t n'`; toSt. m, flom'tio Tortheaet .. .. 5foot norms therdof, to, the SouLhenet Doran of Moak 2, BOrOP a Pdymags addition �. "ne 31.94 5 retwn.■ MwlmSon That part of that Its, Us Orly Ot n line a toof sold Sa.tAe SonLIl line of end Srom_ a Peia� dlet ent 5me lotT. BooLlmedaEuoormT GO , jierepf, .;o th HOrt�'. P qm •e eattGOS - of H1od, P, Irrine'a Second &M_ ; That past of tbat lies SouthensLOrly Of a line iloa.to St. Paul - psrdlieL iittp end 00 feet northwest, j s esl, from b line istamAll g. from a point 1u st Ilii, Of Lot 12. dt/Rlnt.5MT,tdst . . Sn'sn1d; B1oe7 YortD..from sftvmial%F .o Loa point in t1�e t. lig ',8f Lot 4 !n, i*•63 f"t- r . said Bloat }r aa! 9oudh frnL4Yinnbheha ,Streets also thstr'11 qf. iel Lot 1. lying Of w, 50 -7 . SoetheasLerly ox�flt? i "radSue'61m1e ! 'iissf� �g st I3t� ^ of Ysym. Lrahm ,Setttsto she alla1 ' paha 9Ess�t ard'tetikpA ,.F .` y ,•z .. r 11N abow,dsaf}LeW ,. 3 if�tpe's 'Second1,ddi.1,64�.66 ,,, „ 'lroatpert bf tri Sbft6 PnT mi4.RQ'tb¢"'r,a tion to et,'Pani a11e1 fiih flop; 6. line a0060 poiwtll* - sine 0fIy2a1Md4.RIo3 f .^ _ teY the wept diesel! 52•DTt�ee,,ry�0oseh:t,#oY gd�t�umn Str}sY• W a pal*} in{ �eLeaf"�23mEif .i4 LDL 4 in said H1oot;,7., 5ti eE. .fNt month from YSaAehaM ie -2K. 1142, 11, i -ion" �apribi' 3 3 T rY second lddi{fiery- thaahar� and f ��h l Lqr ts'7m t W6Btr F-4, ` L I&a�" a�P� tha■at4 Iot26,sf�tosr3,r,:dfalopt, ,. Hgeame''pp°¢CTO►ir..So s- t>n�t�,the,aaYt �iSge otli4,dfk.iAweSA . xna�fp Dl�ho}s�3 va�ahw,Ad"n23r63 teat. aea�h troy �. tlinp6.Btmetr met PaT¢;gf 5 3 iralAata meoud Ad- 3,156.0 toot 11ea'.polthgYJltarly of a }S"'extgnd- ditioA to St.- Pool ins fapm,q point, in'dhe east Ifla of 1,ot a i2 !A eeld i}iogk' , diapwt 52.07 teed- HbrtbFtroublY+¢¢itiia}r to.s Poibf ,.fA essE;dine qF T;pt 4 iti ae}q.,��Ibook .. jM�e�k,.123�63 �1at eo„lh tsOm'Ylaw-, •`.�rta�tldhdl�, � - •� i irrliufl•be000d,ld. 2o9,rlo ' P7{'ir6hed of a line.'.axteai•, dltiomto st..PaP1 zfi°m`i i efat lice. of'Lot^. 3M b, rail -D 4wo distant 52.4y fest `_ $ tiros"�Draptlio 4Zieetwta a �PgSAt fn fibs eetiC lifie otJ,yo� �1 !n .ai .Bleak ' 3, ILiLt.4nt;123.63 feet eonih from YipAa ` fhat Pail: of ` 13 3 lirim4 Bacot& Ad-, •fjri�9.12 thalk'1iei: ipdrthee C#TIT of }fl •• clition to Bt� ;:Paol * " etS"e a8^.fyoma �p�1. in }ham"iHet� i �X�dle- s��� s of id 0 bi3?Y{lliis�i' 123 £ , i lsem gSnnnehaLesffraetr , S'' TtlYS.�13'6y,ot 16 ,3 Iirimre sewer 1_d. 523.€0 n ' � Sh4tAs�6 wui arly bf r 1iW'P = ditto. to st, penl • t I ei�.,igf�d` a}k 3bithn4tiIy from ,s.': w a 1 A.•js{tbiilttfi4`eeat 1!m oL'�pt�12 yy[[!aiA d1c,TrdlYtaat.. Sz,oilai uort6rid6ndD ti, to r .� aspeSot WIZ, ,} l 'Of±�, �kd1t aid v '� Pt�Z' ' '�o `' 'r. 8. h .Trvlmt4 s..4Adf 12T�t4 thoti iia, le'z� lrlQ eztond. ddi',ion ie 8t„ aPinl its in:a pr 0 n SSe. 7hi'1y, f¢F dlataA4. 122 feY{ wdat-°Zro l sesfr te;�i. Point in;She eea9 pipe q'Iiaid 1qk 9'rdid+ feat 101.01 tact°PR Fls 9w woA6 stiset.. a @i . i 1qG N; - .peaeripti4n t Dleak .. . Addition 'aunt: t. ' 9. �- 4 Tri►nets Sieooa Ah- }7" fhat Peri.aitian thnl`'li6r ?pbnt er1Y of a use "ug. to. St. Paul 9301,03 ,�' °tsnjsna 1�a s�in2°lvt.R``ha ibbsh 1}iu' Of Lee 5, ok l P4i111Pie laaitl6mt i 14' r . , ., df�eLen4 122 6 fest-nit from Stiestto a POW in the east' 1#0 i 4'1 w of,, Lot 8 to oda Elobk 4 distant: 101.01 from B" mont Most, . fast Orth' 10 L Irases Second da-, (698.97 • d ; . 9,tlat'patt. at thdt lion% henkterl7 of a lineaitena- fror _a l in{klis soave lino of lot dation to BC; Peal. Set 5t A et Y. Ph liPii motion, alitaat fiumb}o,St7roei" to 12a.416'fet MYYL et I, said ', a yoiht in tt�hs epst line 2�'LoSn; last mrth from b Y s:'. H1Ooie'4/ aiaeant'1D1.0I Eapnmoni Btrest. t,At %b,. lolloeir, dascr$Usd treat - Thatpi .tbat lis6 mrtinaiter*.'at a live Peel sootheaet'Er798�txe .... - sith end 14166t ep hpneto ly it.. of Deaatpe• $rChtr9/tZ. lino 5 r 1.z BB 6 Irslna,.s Bemed•Ad. 78• St. Pahl. B ming onrth6 . 43:.26 -teat tmr tfis`doaitjts mrwr a' #OWt ditien to thereof i tUp�nO0�e sontheaater ls. Lo Dbmtnr Btraet 52 2 !f 1414 :•.. i z oiiib rgies loll er lo■s� to the masterly flag,p_ eda�vraLt 31de 23 3 Eham¢ oonthdl'}7 aloft t tief" ih!t4x rT� tAseoeet47 84.75 X40. thous mrthseRerly 27.27 Dieotas 8treett fast to`bagi'aaia& 6 6. Irdm.Y saw Ae^ 3,583.E ' r Sonthneter'ly 2T.5 feet o! 12 fest Of Lot 7 dition to. At. Paul. - e: ena the nartheastorly 7 �. py1 Poona dd= 5'N.00 ;b h . 8 feet o! . - Sontheestarly 3 .:v ` " aitioon td` Btr Paul Pa y 1i 150 00 ditiidn.Lo BY ., ! - - q - aitioa•to'St. Pool. 16 '6 ' irriotrapa,ta'r' 3.g6T Oo ; Part of Comonoitt on the East live of Seaford ditioa. Lo SL Paul _ , 9ttaot,.'at -Sts int"sYotion. sith the Sine - disidlifg'Lots 16"and 17 la sola D1ookt' mrtherli 81018 t46 not lino of - things .add Ytrpt 5 fist to the a1)terae0tlon 11th. Dee',t*Strsitt thence. ncrtbeastorly eiq the aouthmeterl,'llve.of.Decatur- BYTIij2.52 faat{•thenen sORtheasteFl7 - ' (see next PaBs) 4." e 'oiip�ion - ., Loo e;dat Dee �} ., •.tma " y. g�Yi Dr�6t k): i1lQ. AeecCt4fN roctwOt 0osaeS+oL- jhenoe adrthr/et7laa% ,. 1'i4lArut � jbh nfLs! et4f lia {. of Pon 0% le�brto % mAn6. 6 , Irrini�e Qeaoas Ad- 03•716M 'dl,tio4 to SC.•,Pant brine-, seas.&, AW 611 a to St. Paul ) X20 6 ~ o qq) 2P 6 do a7; �, Rhat vett of the de�V* of the Rorth. t tq 1�.n4;Plti Q :dlft Log Lb 4eiih z?.EP pl Sift. 0,9 ans� iti !'t�'i' - trpa(a:l�ep at -. the Bert L!! oaf bitslt pit _ north pp�FF Id, A t a tq'�gin Id, the ��2Q�aat�;'Mi�We ie6'CYbt��•r1t��. Is 2 feet. northeu4l7f7(il�a thet7cdelAt ly 9.SoA'u=� sford•StrN . • the then oY ' 5 .. �.. ., Ir�f " ldditlen Of 6hf Lots to 1 7 filet ISeM. %oathesetiriy 6� 11tie;, 11h perailei, pith an4 _t�e. ;rt- : er1� -s 4�ae' ssEe�idbe f"Ik!C, .Toon f St. Paul.- . P d Igyy� }hb, alit itof Dieu ... stapat W, at with fromaontivi - _w 8ttlr6 ta. po�nfi in the eoexhihOWAy. _ . 11ne�ptdr gereet ls2 Sale'tpreh- . .. .'. .icon 4t, 1rt Brea i0 .lth • shA,, royti;set_ilna of eeefdra<etrbet .. F.. r- );jt ., .Deseriptibn Lbt alobt� . '�heltioi;m�# Ealn sad forth atai)'' 1 ra 6nn!e 8eirrapBs- #775•04 sent,.pi; Lott, B 6 7 ��pert q!'bety i6, .g i 10 et 91bbt , ot•pamwA'• ..., R! 8t. •{aul',,a�. I� t ss l7 i faeptea b) the CbncAllJ3z , ,. Cp08CIL10a Seas YNa .. va ApF»,ea iter"193z " tleDbmlA �In tawr!. .�s ._ Paarei - yybr. a Trust 1.4sal 'f ., . pr.. Preaiaent Pshone7 ,t'� CITY OF ST. PAUL N..-93163 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FofIll a S1° F a e "°mwniQrnr r.esserrame _.. _._ onr'`ef'e wrnMis ow _. _. ,,,uta• R lmervu, the CorporiLioa Cooneel Dae advleed the and Zest Seventh th the atter of providing a new connection between Payne ,nesse- and Beat Beneath Street, JW 25, to the Dl,,triotIle Court from the�awardeof dsnega 1to2Lota1, Blo r5 Brnawa''- lddiloo h- a tion to BE Pool, and I whereu, Chapter 219 or the Law. of 1921, a. amended by CDePsar 396 or the Law. of 1931, provide., 1—"f Ag other thing-, tbat -be- an-pipp.1 h . b Ben tby aaton from en card is eondemsY ion, the Olty Connell ropruyby flrmetive vote of a mdiority of its membere, appropriate and eat Beide is the trea- sory of the City, in in and b29ol.oto beard, Providing am the Cfor the ondenneti. tetentlon thereof e a anus of money equal doriffi the Pendency of the appeal. available at all time- for the payment thereof, neon demand, to who—ver may be shown to Daae s Clear right thereto, aha fmthet pledge the fall faith end Credit of the City for the payment of a.y increase of Lhe award alloeed upon the appeal. thea, in each osee, regardless of the .ppeal, Won of Lha emooat the smotmnt of emh rieolntlon by the thethe Citybetentittl dt to enter npon of the ewerd 1. the treaeory of the City, y ert7 to the new and tats pouessioa of the property modemed and to put each prop or uses for which swah nendemation is -Me, therefore, be SL und to Beeolved, LDet there 10 hereby =-PtLsatfollowl�temiof mmyfeet out be known u the eCondemmtjca1.and lard Panel, ewhieh sa shell be retained within "cording to the de�eriptian of the pripepty, each fend during.Z; Pendency of the appeal; Provided that the sem shell be ava11- able at ell timee and be Paid open demand by end to itomeoevr eha11 show a. Clear right thereto, end fitha Be It Parthet Be-eavof t ear. lofathe aard linthe reepectiveicaee, hereby Pledged for the peyme hich may be allowed upon the appeal. D...riptia. Lot Block Addition Amenat Branson'- Addition The Beat ZO feet of the nerth 10 feet of 1 5 to St. Paul !2,039.92 COUNCILMEN193 + .. _. yew N.ye /, 'ttAdopted by the Coa.eil._du. 2.1 .� ... � McDo eld�jit e iw _...... _.In favor C;t%�� APProved..__.. Hfiee ... . /W .w `�/Mr, preelde.t M.ho.ey pl7g{,15ID CITY Of SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT To the 0ounoil. Gentlemen: July 26, 1932. The City Charter provides that awards in condem- nation shall not bear interest until slaty days after the date of the confirmation of the award. By statute, cities of the first class are permitted to set apart the various awards in oondemoat Ion proceedings where the city attorney is in doubt to whom to pay the award. In connection with the Bradley Street opening, a number of owners of property either have failed to furnish ab- straote to date or from an examination of abstracts the City Attorney is in doubt as to whom to pay the award. Necessarily there is doubt in a case where no abstract has been furnished. Inasmuch as it is now approximately sixty days since the confirmation of ,the awards of damages, it was thought beet to set apart this money pursuantto the statute Bo as to avoid interest chargee. A proper resolution to accomplish this accompanies this letter. The same statute permits the City, where an appeal has been taken from an award, to set aside the amount of the award in a fund known as the '"Condemnation and Award Fuad". By Betting aside the amount of the award in this fund and pledging the full faith and credit of the City to any increase in the award on the appeal, the City is entitled to possession of the property. There Se now but one appeal pending on Bradley Street. A resolution Betting aside this sum of money in the Condemnation and Award Fund and pledging. the full faith and credit of the City for the payment of any increase also accompanies this letter. Yours very truly, EM -Me. A/sA�Gpor on Counsel. 93164 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL .n. No....__._.._._..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —Tums...; s .. ..__..- filleamm wB,F4Ug, J. M. Wbalan, 417 Broadway, "a on the 32nd day of Jana, 1633, charged a fee of $1.75 for an sleetrioal Permit; and WMMdS, Bo obarge should bawe been made for this perait, and the dommiesioner of Perte, Playgrounds sad Public BnildingB has reoommended %bat it be refunded; thereforq be it B3gOLPED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said J. V. Whalen the sum of 11.76, payable out of the Proper fund. COUNC MEN qe� °y yMc N.Y. d Aeainet /W,e6xel / ' r. Preeideat Mahoney $ x"ai�ueteeM. - m°kbx.Bw�,pBt � VOUNBBT'ttls�PP^^, SN�rS A150!p6', A y�iAgi0. 9�t1 Addd,pted by the Council.__.SL 2 s_ T. �o nn ` 8e, CITY Of SAINT PAUL Cnvlenl of Men nn.otn DF➢ARTMMT Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH Hdl FREDM TRUAX. C.- W— ono e. Cc—ow, - -dwo July 22, 1932 Hon. L. L. Anderson, Department of Law. Dear Sir: Electrical Permit 14566, issued June 22 to J. M. Whalen, 417 Broadway, was to cover the installation of electrioal work in a new residence at 1693 Bayard Avenue. A fee of $1.75 was charged. This electrical contractor is entitled to a refund of this feebecause no charge should have been made for permit. for wiring a new residence, according to the ordinance. May I ask you to draw up the necessary resolution direct- ing the Finance Department to refund this amount? Yours truly �— City Architect. LAR..0 RESOLVED A CITY OF ST. PAUL rile �v N0.931W OFFICE OF CITY CLERK FORM That the loxthern States Power oompany be gi,eu permission to install 1-40 ft, pole on Toronto, north o2 Randolph, with neo- eseary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone company wires. c a`h3e a'cb� �no,pvp°moan,£ � saJ.--ex�°a rm�i.u�Fo+W timate ffi67oz. ,+ux•ap�nyirlim . „L CoUNCivaE Yeas rr Nays Conray % May WD ... Id In favor 1� R.— -1 . -- Agar°ar s.dh6— M,. prcaid— BandIx A�doprcd by he coaaOl__JUL_2 1____.Iq .. noel 19 - �r n wiai.a..o c... cL... CITY OF ST. PAUL vise I` NO.931 fi OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO/Q—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED YI That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build transformer vault under the side— walk on the south aide of East Fourth Street approximately fifty (50) feet west of the west line of Jackson Street, abutting the north line of Lot one (1), Block twenty—six (26), Saint Paul Proper, c sai) �F9aWinn, xp fLa'gi m �yx<� new Wnn 1.OgI fyLl"prmv°�a!'_�'fva.t. lai:a)<C cam 1 y a -;y ie� � ywro '�iaj°a�afioF I bbk ' Q�\ COUNCILMEN YM caa�oy May OO Ad,,, d by chc Council1e1.... a lbc6_)_9319.___ W 1 McDonald A pprovcd. I';752 s.dhei mee C/ MAV Mc P—id— Bandbi CITY OF ST. PAUL me = NO. 93167 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM oo�sru.Eo BY i /.. - �_ _.___ __on.E.— .-1912. RESOLVED That the Northern states Power Company be given permission to exoavate for and build transformer vault under the sidewalk on the south side of East Fourth street approxjmately 20 feet west of Broadway, abutting the north line of Lot 1, Blook 1, Hopkins Addition to the City of St. Paul. �,.. a�anxd is i sa'l l.�ti¢ RMnI a R�'rW- �kF° Co„IC AMEN6-1932 19 Yeas Naya Adop«d by thc Council. L.2 -- Conroy 0 AF, --d u +. 19 McDonald Ronin —.0. - Aga,nae Sudhcima Mr. P—idcnc eundlic u.aci„c,r„ CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe NO._168- edc� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r^niininii Rccnl IIT. —GEN'k RAL FORM RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to excavate for and build transformer vault under the sidewalk on the east Side of Cedar Street, approximately 10 feet north of East Eighth Street, abutting the west line of Lot 3, Block 13, Roberto and Randall'a Addition to the City of St. Paul. COON LMEN Y_ Nays Adoptrd by [hc Council.__ L 26-.1Q1219. Conray , May McDonald IV I favor K- a'.. J .. pprove �....Agaiv[ M�R S�dhcimcr Mr. Presidcn[ Bwdfic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 93168 OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) July 22, 1832 Soh. Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir! I am attachinghereto three resolutions covering permits to the Northern States Power Company for excavating and constructing transformer vaults. Since this matter was referred to me, I have gone into the general question of the electric distribution system of this company as relating to transformer vaults. As previously stated, the three vaults for which permission is on ork in business sdistrict. ted form a pThey either art of the dprovide, inot w fortheext nsi ne of alternating current service, for the replacing of pole type transformers, or for the replacing air system,g of including vaults on privAte property. 8e the interconnection with other independent feeders which takes place in the transformer vaults, is a safeguard against any particular section of the dbmtown district being cut off from light or power, and is in accord with modern electri- cal practice. Including the three vaults for which permission is herein requested, the transformer vault system for the business district, I am advised, will be ninety per cant complete. There may be an additional vault or two re- quired this year and possibly two or three each successive year, depending upon the demand for power. Including these three vaults, there are a total of approximately thirty vaults now J. the downtown business district. I am advised that all of these vaults are being constructed under contract and that the cost•of a single cell vault is between one thousand and twelve hundred dollars -4 With a two or three cell vault somewhat greater. About ell of the vaults are single cell vaults. These gaults are a necessary part of the distribu- tion system and can see no reason wily these permits should not be granted. Your y truly, R M. SREP Chief Engineer. gmsBmb °ir�OO CITY OF ST. PAUL �' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE9OLUTIO GENERAL FORM ra July 25, 1958 .amENT aY I _. RESOLVED In the matter of Curbing Thorn Street, both sides, from Sarl Street to the easterly terminus of Thorn Street at hounds Park, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91700, approved February 16, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 92200, approved April 26, 1952. Resolved, That the plans and specifications for the above named improvement, as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Worlts, be and the same are hereby approved. qq�g4`s`i In"' 'Ou<tltx [ ! W � ntyam ettaaL tvDiiV��D�t�%M1ry�eD'�V W. a e �,co t5to a`I:n. ' ta5 r COUNCILMEN,14�. 1,,11 2 F 1432..193.... Y— Nayx Adopted by the Council _. . ... M s�ypp /McDonald (// �pla�wVpppr^ved193___ /IIIjjjnnneeeeee C_/ �7 / noel awr `n Mr. President Mahoney ' TRORI OPf� OV6M[NT PROJNGfw Y':? R` July 22,. 1932 rResolyed, That the OouAoil he concurs in the recommendation oY 1(ohtraot Oommittee and awards the oontraat Yox pavingthewest oY Rabae_ Ht. from SovrthHt.to Third Bt., and south side oY th Ht. irom Aabasha Ht.to at. Peter Ht., in accordance with e and speoifioations hereto attached, to the OLEHEBT S. HOULLEY EQUIPMENT 00„ they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the 1 BUM oY 44,950.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. / Tsar m�� y8 Daae Y+ • W n� p�L, 4�{BIE Nyo`d�e�u }r y.4 �t4Y' � r 5,190.00 �y oaMw�ao rvo. 9825 .Na,rvaa.. m.M &y ..wry w mR .„ „ awaMeun.ao .ow wR ow .Nu iMPwovaM •• .. ..., .wo.or.• • _ _ - 31—E1 - - _ 450.00 . a �court House &, City Ball Eond�FundVFmoa ,4*0.00 _ Y4 950 00 coMPmou.an I n uun ini�ro ryol� ... iVnwvaVwr rvw_- . PV.CN.atrva _'��.�.�" ..anwuawo.wwoortm .......... CITY T,. f, � OLVED �J.0THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY Q, �HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 1.JJ1,�4 122 Y f .Y�P'E{T7T'ie' OVERING CHECKS NUMBERED �TO INCLUSME, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADORED aT THE coll— APPROVED—ILL-1 ROI jUL APPROVED o —� / m oou Nciur —ROLL c F�cccov 1 e�cow vlaouea .�cc NO. h.� I-�. _. c ryni oa R fyaep TrU a][ COUNCIL RESOLUTI�ON July 22, 32 I AUDITED CLAIM- M. 1Ory 53.8 rva. soave rvcv 1 'cJ Mahon �y MS v' 7120. 71'17 ` rvs rva. eE" <rvE�"s rvE TATAL rvuuacx IN FAVOR OF cnec.s crvccns aROIGITFORWARD 73 134 73 894 519 87 . 7122 Robert W. Copp Inc. 103 4o 300 00 7123 O'Neil and Preston Ford 8trane 25 20 7124 Tamble 57 60 7125 Agnea Chemical Co. 978 07 7126 eneraI 28 80 7127 James E. Glaee Co. 139 31 7128 Gopher Oil PrOduOto 67 20 7129 Pat Kelly 7130 7131 W1111 em Gardner Edwin E. Pierce 25 00 4 7132 Milton Rosen, Com.of Finance 515 00 20 7133 Joseph Patook 274 71 7134 7135 Griswold 31gna1 co. Mrs. J. T. Jennings 31 74 7136 F. G. Leslie Paper Co. 26 42 7137 Maendler Brun Mfg, co. 570 00 346 72 7138 Mies S. C. RI.ngwald 7139 Sharpe end Dohme Pioneer RSm and Wheel Co. 1 50 7140 Typewriter co. 11 67 7141 Pioneer Plate Glass Go. 66 30 714z 7143 Pittsburgh R. L. Polk & Co. 15 00 30 00 7144 7145 Postage Meter Co. Postal Telegraph Co. 1 35 00 7145 7147 Power President's Confr.H6me Bldg. h 0 7148 Presto Mfg. Co. 20 511 163 17 7149 Price Electric Co. 7150 • " • 95 76 7151 Printers Type Setting Co. 11 0 7152 Public Utilities Reports Ino. 7 50 715 Pure 011 Co. Purity cone Co. 16 CC 715 7156 Pyle—National Co. 28 80 24 00 Pyramid Co. 7 88 7157 7158 Quality Park Envelope Co. W.F. & co. 5 00 729 Quarrie Railway Express Agenoy 13 21 35 64 b 7161 Ramsey Motor 3ervioe Inc. 13 17 7162 Rand McNally Co. 4457 18 698 716} • Raymer Hardware Co. Ree Wiag Onion Stoneware Co, 249 7164 Remington Rand Bus. Srrv. Ino " " 105 08 273 49 6 7165 7167 Restaurant China Co. 1 50 7168 Revere Knitting M111e Ino. 5 73 98 7169 Rex Linen Supply Co. 34 7170 Jsmes H. Rhodes co. 108 50 7171 N. G, Robinson 68 15 44 7172 Robinson Cary & Sande 300 7173355 02, 7174 " . . Roe James Glass Co. �, 92 5?. 11 64 351 ISI 7175 7176 T. W. Rosholt Co. 5n8 1 7177 Royal Typewriter Co. 901 � I I — TOTAL—FORWARD 73 134 ,73 k5 073,35 t j 1 TIT—f 11, ir eo� T- omm mo Em No X317 caumcmai_ . Ed�60.411[ I TSusE`"vo" COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS July 23,' ®..R �a� rreQ�TaT � A' "E". az>tac one TOTAL +umacn IN FAVOR OF crec"s emec"s sr snm" emoUGI,T Fomes"mo 173 134 73 905 073 35 • 7178 OsNe11 and Preston Ina. 1 651 80 7179 Charles Stewart 32 00 7180 Fernandez & Company 75 00 7181 FarwellOmun Kirk & 210 41 Co.I 7182 A. c. Horn co. 47 33 7183 International Time Reodr.Co. 348 DD 1 Feyen construction Co. 29 117 84 7185 McFaddem Lembert Co. 241 67 7186 van Paper co. 607 41 7187 It. Paul Abstract Co. 2 00 7188 4t. Paul Arcade Co. 2 0703 7189 St. Paul Book & 9taty co. 169 74 7190 " . 224 10 7191 353 33 1 259 00 7i92 3 , , " 1 18 7194 St. Paul Bottling Co. 80 75' 7195 St. Paul Broom Mfg. co. I 7192 St. Paul Builders Material C.L 86 34 7197 st. Paul Corrugating Co. 546 80 7198 St. Paul Electric Lamp Co. 7 47 7199 It. Paul Foundry Co. 340 36 29 7200 St. Paul Glaee Co. 7201 St. Paul Good -Will Industries 15 9170 0 7202 st. Paul Hydraulic Hoist Co. 26 64 7203 St. Paul Letter Co. ! 1 75 7204 St. Paul Machine Works 13 4g 720 st. Paul Milk Co. 135 17 7206 St. Paul 01111k.0%, ffiae Equirment Co. 7207 9t. Paul Overall Laundry 27 57 7208 St. Paul Vocational School 7209 St. Paul Welding and Mfg. CJ 74 77 7210 St. Paul 'white Lead & Oil Co., 196 37 7211 Ben]amIn H. Sanborn CO. 1 2j 00 7212 Sanborn Map Co. 62 40 7213 sanitary eottling co. 7214 Salisbury Fuel Co, 42 25 7215 Sanitary Food Lfg. Co. 1 80 7216 Toe 9arao co. Ino. 15 40 7217 &. H. Sargent Co. • 7218 Porter Sargent 6 60 7719 Mr e. Blanche Savage 17 15 72210 9ohelen Autos Sleotrlo Co. 14 220 7222 aaoob 6ohmiat Brewing Co. 46 �+7 7223 Andrew 9obooh Grocery Co. 17 65 7224 Soh:, Book Stora 2 Sg 7225 ,chunemane & Manheimere 124 88 7226 The Seagrave Corporation 7727 Seeler Farnum Ino. 4 50 7229 W. H. sbaw Lumber Co. 10 00 7229 Shapardle Citations 151 08 7230 J. L. shiely Co.Inc. 228 52 7232 " 138 32 7z3}} 77 234 Ship Model shop " 2 0 7235 D. B. Bhotwell Co. 52 36 1— TOTAL—FomwAmo 1 73 134 73 942 904 Sol V j,rT -. FF. F ' F THE COIP1 ER NO 931 73 _ DUPLICATE o COINC—Et {a�SiE 'Li a ux LL CA" -COUNCIL RESOLUTION =oo A �" AUDITED` CLAIMS July 25, _ __iq 32.. =wax W�ahon.q,63�. 35 z so Eo -S a2,." """.. ,000,Ee ". T.1 �J TOTAL IN FAVOR OF - — -- - e. ew"" M.". BROUGHT FORWARD �73 134CA573 942 904590 • 7237 Thos. Albert O1 236 10 7237 AmerloLn National Bank 7238 Depire dational Hk.&Trust Coal 202 472 20 2 so 7239 Fir at Aatlonal Bank 708 616 00 7240 wi111am Perry 91 84 7241 0. Sommers & Co. �� 54 7242 " " 50 7243 O. J. Connelly 5 a 7244 Otto Kuehn 4j2 24 7245 Charles Netterberg 58 80 7246 N. A. Behr 64 50 7247 C. 0. 111, 60 00 7248 C. D. Brown 90 00 7249 L, R, Hogensn 72 00 7250 Peter Hogeneon 9 00 o 00 9 7251 A. D. Hde 7252 Earry Kaplouan 90 00 7253 EKayser 48 00 7254 E.. N. La Boalere 36 00 7255 Frank Lehner 90 00 7256 Oakley Parriah j 70 50 7257 william Sager l 8 00 7258 Jemee C. Sweet 102 00 7259 date Tankenoff 43 50 7260 L. G. 'Iright 7261 Milton Rosen, Cam. of Finan- i 503 00 7262 " " 19 059 40 7263 John Kremer 129 60 7264 SS Fo Produote Co. 19 11 7265 L. N. 9loklee Co. 26 25 7266 silver Burdette co. 17 45 00 7267 Ralph E. Smalley 3 7268 Used Mfg. Co. 4 88 7269 H. V. Smith Co. 8 00 7270 L. C. 9m1th & Corona Typewrltre. 294 91 7271 smith Tire & Bat. co. 8 30 7272 Smith 9yetem Heating Co. 7 50 7273 B. J. 3mithman Co. 17 60 7274 solo—Horton Brush co. 298 5D 7275 South Park Foundry Co. ! 118 11 7276 A. G. Spalding and Bro.. 2 00 e 7277 Spe.1a1 Librar lee Aes'n. 7278 Speolalty S=_les & Service Inottt 47 50 7279 Speedometer Sarv. & Aooeesorlpe. 116 811 8 7280 Sperry office Furniture CO, - 7281 910-1 Cotton Co. 2 So 7282 Standsrd 011 Co. 419 45 7283 " 1 175 87' 7284 Standard Regl star CO. 8 4b 7285 Star Product e co. 8 00 7286 State Ed— & Eleotri-. 99 s0 7287 Sta Vie Company 14 68. 7288 G. E. 9tachert & Co. ! 8 26' 7289 0. F. Stuefer Inc. 91 39 7290 P. D. Sullivan 2 00 7291 ;upt. of Documents I� 56 44 7292 Swift & Co. sRssT I—FORWARD 173 134 ,73 1980240.62 ou.�•^ uzLn LL ovFice or r H. c.—Teouu .�. E„cic NO. JUl ( Y [R EcE, I TrUaicA COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITCLAIMS July 25, _ 3� eiva im& '; �',� yaw 293.0, s b•4Z1"I_.c om..aoLLEa _ � F�n �rsE��r �•� � j" Ta mumeex a u RT a RwARo � �ricKs TOTAL -c mecxs pf o IN FAVOR OF se unzcm m� er e.mn ------ o c o 114 1 80240 62 S 7293 Karadlo Corporation s 0 7294 Rational Trafflo Signal Co, 18 00 7295 Ceorge J. F1yna, .Et. P. U. 4 28 7296 A, E, Rromeohroeder 204 4C 7297 "oFadden Lambert Co. 43 18 7298 The Texas Co. 1 49 7299 John H. Thai can 1 5 'j300 Edward Thompson Co. 10 0 7301 ". E. Todd 4 00 7302 Trall-it Company i3 4C 73C3 Tran sit supply Co. 2 392 00 730 Travers Zak Co. 1 7305 Tri. State Tel. & Tel. Co. 140 1.4 63 7306 363 98 7307 nc 37 72 73011 3p TwinaDity Bookl&D9tatyoors lCo. 38 24 7319 Twin City Ertarminating Co. 8 2 7311 Twin City Hardware & Heat. Co. 86 16 7312 Twin City Iron & wire Co. 10 50 7313 Twin Olty Show Card Co. 12 00 7314 Twin OSty Teztlle Hills I 11 21 7315 Typewriter 8aiee Aeeooiation 66 33 b 108 20 731 Underwood -Elliot -Fisher Co. 53 95 7317union water "star co. I 81 75 7318 United Autographio Register CoL 273 20 7319 20 U, s. Beddg Co. lo. Div-. 55 73Universin ity E.ten;241 88 7321 Valley Iron Works 24 05 7322 J. C. Vender Bie Co. Ina. 7323 D. vm Aoetrsnd co. 393 09 7324 Waldorf B1 -dory Co. 11 35 7325 Warren " n Inc. III 154 50 7326 washl agton Foundry Co. 377 45 7327 W. L. 'debar 7328 Renrp &. Wadeletaedt Co. 16 50 7119 west End Ion and Fuel Co. 7330 Weetarn Cruoible steel Co. 7930 7331 Western "sohine "fg. Co. 96 25 7332 western Aadio Engineering Co. 1 00 j4 western stamping and Mfg. • 733 westinghouee Elea, supply Co. 126 0 7335 R. B. Whit -ore & co. 16 7336 s isE mite&DentalaMfg. Co. 51 16 7337 7338 Albert Whitman co. 15 85 7339 John Wiley and sone 30 90 7340 H. W. Wilson Co. 43 05 7341 John C, winaton Co. 7342 Wood -Insert Brake Lining Co. 47 08 7343 World Book Co. 139 20 7344 Worthington Pump & "achy Corp. 7345 Kenneth M. Wright studios 11 37 50I 7346 1r ight De Coster Ina. 76 5g 7347 ZSnemaeter Baklnd Co. ET TOTAL—FORW— 73 134 73 19615749 Council File No.._93L7.5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoeee the conking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: ..._.__..._..__.....QAen,.._widen_and_ extend..Lafaye.tta...eve._ across._ Lafay.e.tS.e..kark.... from Grove St, to Locust St. to a width of 80 feet, the east of _id _id-opemixrg-to-Ire-the-east-2lne-of-Frefnyette ire:-tx rrth of Grove St. Dated thie....:b6th.___day of...._..____7Ul.y.......... - - — ea P�)Ds tett �,PPael M t60 in a ] e PRELIMINARY ORDER. "` ir ,,iamb, WHEREAS, A writte, proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: from Grove St. to Locust St, to a width of 80 feet, the east ---.......... 4ia of' -said -ogentrfg-to-be the enst itne 'of-La£ayette Avu-.,-noath having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul- .____....._..._..........__..... _..... _........... ... _.___._— ... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, ba and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigote the neceeeity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the oatace, extent sad caticosted coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state wbether or not said improvement is caked for on the petition of three or more owners S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Cous 1......._.......x91J.1,..2 61932 Yrme Nese Councilman a;<—, AtD Approved .............. ..:..::...:.............. .... _........... _ X11•!!' Roam TRUAX _ I ...... 2 .._.. . _ Mayor. 9-30- Council File No.- l I ra- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby pmpoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: ..._.__.._.._�Co;ta'erani --and taking_.an...eaaement..ln-.tte...land..nenasaary...._.....___..._. ...__......_-for sloped_ cuts__sad_f.117sx._1P_.tb@_-grading... 2f_A1,1ey...iit_Hlpck.._1_Q, .......... frp�_.S.t..._@lkana..Ht....to__G>•ctta _&t....._. ..__..__...._..... Dated this 28th ....__day of _.. _ Jnly .1832 $ riF-p�p�e1 N 4 x.�I F�w.tn� l� Mo�F P W4 ---� PRELIMINARY ORDER. %t�pe�aT�oa„w uxli sotBaaO-sni WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: i P=I•wan�irw.4Yve.� _ _conaemnng.._ane_tatit�s.._._earew.ant._�a._the._1.andaaeaa.z�---------- _.------- - ...___... ___for...slopes.a._G9ka...RWd_.51115.....ln_.tha_Brading._nf_%411aY..-Sct.Black..14., Holoombats_Add._fnam__8t.. _Albsns_3t.__to_Grotto.._St_..-_...................... _....__ ._....._ having beau Presented to the Council of the City of St Peul....._......_.......__........------- ....____...__._._._....____ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extant and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or m ore owns S. To report upon eU of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. n J 11 Adopted by the Com 1..........__�4..1_4_�gs.......____......__..... tom' �j. Fi• Yue NATa Coancilmen MA's 11 McDONaID APProved..._......_!�{�;_ Z F .._._........._------ _.._ It. TRUAX Wcnrsr,!*tee _�......._. ............ Mayor. Ma esmnnr Pa� U pGmncurrn %— p- Petition G.74 CoQqi 77 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT _�g""ri'*`� and Le NN°el t�._P�o +�e°.:2dill SmTM:' PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby proposes the malting of the foEawiog public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 10, Holcosbets Add. from St. Albans at. -to ra ato..St.:...t0­ddhfoft..tc...tife._ref...11A6..-on the ...proYlTa-hereto.._..._._. attaahed..And..mada_a. pant.. hereof,..... the ...present _.adtahlIAhed.Brade_being shown by,a blue line thereon, also grading the alley in Block 10, Holeombets- Add—from _Bt.._ Albans ._tat.r-Lo-&roSStr-S6.-to...ghe...propoaed._.._....._.. red line_ when established, and constructing a sewer in the alley from a'polu$I00._.ft.wes£..of5t: 'Albens-St. `to "tl'ie"'sewer Zn..SY.._... a83I_ .-... Dated this- __.ggth-....deroL...._..._.._......_..duly.v-1938._-_ /..(.....-'_..., 19......... , PRELIMINARY ORDER. ChaggneAgiadeoFAllh�nBj6hf �e�f � from Bt. Albans A St_...to". aratta..St....ta_.canform..ta..d ha..red.-.lir8._011...tha...prnYile..harat4-.___ _ attached and made a part hereof, the Present established grade being shown"iry-a- t1ne-line-thereon-a3so...grading..the-.alAsy..in--- Bloek'30----...--- Holcombe' 9dd._._from_St. Albers St. to._Grott_o St.. to the pro osed s red lime when esteblished��.end��constrticting� a. sewer iri��ttie "ley Prom &..point-]DO-ft.--west_of..St.--Albans..St.--to..- the ...sewer--.Ja St.-Alhana.flti- horing been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .................. therefore, be it-�- -.... _ RESOLVED, That the Commimimer of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed:, 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the mnldvg of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eatimated wet of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mature to the Commissioner of NSnatem. Adopted by the Counml...__....J�..�.�l..�i!!� ,K+ Yens NAT e Couocilmao MAY n c APProved_._........._....._........__._..._ Ma Point... -\ -M . I—A. 1, 1 � lrtlRt ts� _7, 3o�g2 I Requested by E. A. OrapP Canned Fne No.._31M. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uod,migaed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pe W, vu.: vewe .Cons@guctng_ dr,Y,, ._begin in 173 feet west of Ann street thence west _9 .feet __ Dated t.hia ..26th —day oL __...._... july. ..1982o. a PRELIMINARY ORDER 0�7 V WHEREAS, A written proposal for the nuking of the following improvemeut, via.: .� ___constructing_driveway_._on the._north_slde_of_6oadhue_Street_.. T_ 1 1 u Z .._..begilwliug_1TZ taet._aest of Ann.Stxaatn_thence aesS_9 Raaf having bean presented to the Council of the City of St. PeW.._...___._._.__ _....__........_....._..___._...__._......__._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered sed directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fon or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveotigete the nature, ectoend estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. ot 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commimioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- ... ounml.............}�;.. `L.L.14.3�.___..._.._...____. `►(',',-7;yp1' �J Ysea Nara Councilman = MAY aIAIYONAID Approved...._..._....._._ aa� M. Pasemawx— r.,.caunuioau V --� Petition -� r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME r~.ta-: end, tth aY:A o "env.. .y PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uodemigoed hereby propm mthe malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: _........_4.oJA.@Stp4.5iuE.-c!IT. D..ing.. qn.-b?5t?.._side@..of_Lefond_6treet__Prom._._............__..... __Yeckubin_3treeE..to..Eent._Streeta. eqd on Hackubin 6treet from ........... .Bdmund...8.txeat..tn_Blair..B.treat._.__.__.._.........___ ...................__...__.._.. ................... Dated this..2Stll.......day f- - $. _......_._..._. 9......... ceanoil-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wtitten proposal for the mekiog of the following improvement, vi..: constructing curbing on both sides of Lafond Street from to._Kent.__6treeta.._end__gn_Yeckubin. 6treet_. from_ ... having been presented to the Counotl of the City of St. P-1-- therefore, aul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and i, hereby ordered sod directed: 1. To investigate the m cemity for, or desirability of, the making of avid improvement. 2. To investigate the couture, extent and eetimeted cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a phm, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To etote whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mor�re ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mottem to the Commissioner of ......... Finance. .;p— JUL JUL 2 61932 Adopted by the Coun.. cil.._....._....._.............._........_...__ ........... , ,afy �IJ Yeas Nese m WAY cnnn�umanp p1. i932 aiii�t�bApproved_.K......_....__.__....../e��w �.. - ..___......._._._.__._..._ Wa M. Per m-, / Moo, PIIB[lSfiED7—.Q — 93180 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _........ By __............._......_ '2-.�.::�,'.. wrrao ra�mre, .: m teet t 6mea9un�—N. �A Qei,-,r, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and ..pensee for paving Ramsey Street from Pleasant Ave. to Western Ave., with sewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines complete, where not already made, also including curbing and paving alley and driveway approaches, where necessary. Material shall be 7 inch concrete with 20 ft. roadway; two 10 ft. shoulders of oiled macadam, 89696 orer . 90081 dPreltm�vnrY Order..... ........_ I,termediar y Order ....... ...._... _.. _., Final Order.... 90367__ _....... app 1___.... Sept .ea....._. ........ 19.31.. Tho asaeasment of......._banaf-it.e.e._COA-t.S._and....6,aRetAa.99......___..._for and is camreti- with the above impr,vemevt having bee, submitted to the Comcil, aad the Cooveil having considered same and found the said asseaament antia[actory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat the said assessment be sad the same is hereby in all respect. approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearivg be had on said aaaeasmeat ov the.. ... 24th -- day of 19-13z, at the boor of 10 o'clock A. M-, iv the Cooreil Chamber of the Coort House end City 11,11 Buildivg, in the City of St, fool; that the Comndasioncr of Finmee gire notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating it said notice the time aad place of hearing, the rotor, of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount oss—d eg,i.,t the lot or iota of the parlic,lar owner to whom the notice is directed. ' Adopted by the CovvciLJL...F City Clerk. I _ Approved . ......moi).!_.. ... ... 19......... 1 Ca—ibaav Dlr Dvnnld _ _-yU Councilmen F�gtmpq_T,.a pl ny % comedmm -: PUD' y V Ca,acilman T... Cameilmsa „t-,® Mayor Bkd� Plahrney 93181 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- LNTERMEDLARY ORDER I., 4� 1, the Matte, -P�� k-20- A"' -8. IA- '$ Adb`treet to ------ Y st-erf�a ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .,d,, Preliminary O,ds,----"!!� ------------------------ 'Pln--d ---- 1952_______________ under C .... if of the City of Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance open the .b.-ienp—onm, and having considered -id ttp.,,, he -b, ].That the said report—hereby—— t,p,and the , is hereby approved and adopted. and the said i.pment is hereby ...by -deted to, be pmeeded with. 2. That the --, of the improvement which the Council —..—d, is5ieae dllsq La Sleek_ Eos A_ 3.j— femn DomUp Street - to - Grigg. -- St— - ft- ----------------------- Addit ----- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ --- TPA.H ------ R—h,ed Further, That a Imbfie hearing be had cm said improvement .. the____ A -k[4 ----------- day of Anpgt- 19-32L --------- at the h— of 10 o ',I,,k A. M., in the Council Ch.mbe, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pan]. That the Commissioner of Fin...e give notice of said meeting to the F ­,ma and in he mnaneer provided — ded by the Ch, stating the time and p]..e of hearing, mg, the at,,, o the imp ... ement and h total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Countil ------ JWLIU932— 19z____ b 19��------- App --d Wit" --------- --------- t----192-__ City --- Councilman 30ol.99. *T Councilman - a H.Do-Id c .. cil... Wo5mE 41'-� c .. elms. 1, k R.— C ... t"— ' 'h� "'— c..nei mmnm w--1 Mayor ==a NL]aoneY Fm- B. S. A. 8-6 kWU1 M-2�— �OZ. - �2;f _djaioae aad j a I 93182 Od d COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ tee wa.�muonmwr t. mewe. yr ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matta, Addition -f —Dunlap Street Lo Origge ----- - ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ----------- ------------------------------------- --------------- I ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------ -------- ------------------------- Order__92814 J�21932 —de, Preliminary -------- ------------------pp------�0-------------- The Council I the City of Paul having —ei—d the report of the Commissioner f Finance p,, the a—i-p"--t'"d",;"""'d"""'d"t,'*"b'""I— IThat fhe,,id'-p— and the a,., i, ge-byapp--d xnd adopted, ..d the said imp—m— i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. Th., the ..1—a of the improvement which the Council --e.d. —d fills__the g—dior _2f-All.y in 131—k A2-A009VA440- .l.th t0a? blue-d part hereof, the ht.lood portions showing --------------------------------------------------- filler_____ _______________________________ ____ with .o alternatives, and that the ­i—ted cost thereof is $ --- ?A.90 Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .. said improvement .. the____ __________day of ARVOt—MV2 ------ XV.5-- at the h— If 10 o 'd -k A. M., i. the C-61 Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the Ci%.,,.S, Pao That the of Fi ... �Smgive noticegitioa of meeting,aid meeting to the pe—o. ..d in the a e, '_!�ed by the Ch.—I, stating the tiand placeof hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ____'^•` 192---- Approved______________192___ City ]atk y.r Councilman cluaw Ifty Councilman Fugum Kol)—ld Co ... C ... ilm,,Xxuw§M If— C .. 6 to ... 2gopt— T— C .. ei; --xmma We--' M.Y.,.X*m 15-b—Y For. B. S. A. 8.6 g t Aeet 93183 nwsi' tvgeqlvve�:gpko- COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of--Mq eider ef_Broedwgya_beBinning_31 feet north of the eonth line of IIaiveraity Avenue. --tb_ fil -f.& ----------------- ------- - -- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------- order Preliminary Order______________Dn2n --------------- ppr—d --- -------------- The Council ' the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the - improvement, ' ami having considered said report, hereby resolves: t,, I. That e said ,pan and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the hap—sraem which the Council r ...mmend, is-lMtQUZt=Qt�Xll1AX-Wd -------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------------- with .o alternative, and the, the r.thn—d cost thereof is $—AM0 ------- Resmlved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement 11 th ------ Ur& ---------- day of --til.t.-L932 --------- Aft—, at the hour of 10 clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetingto the person, and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and placeof hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Ccmneil ---- 192____ < % - ----- -- re- ------------ Appal -------- 192--- City C, Councilman 11 ms MO ). ald ..Clams 0i May C.—ilum.Ogkjlj� CouncilHm'djlsq.;� Vo -o CouncilmanCouncilmanSudlekftpz­� T, Councilman o ... ilman W­Jjj,,� W--1 Mayor NehN.kum.y Form B. S. A. 8-6 93184 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________r. ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matter ..stingeidennik------- -p— ! d - �aFima oak--_---_ k --------------------- ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------- -------------______ -__________________________ ---------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ %27U - — -------------_____-approved --- The C .... if of the City of P..I having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance p.n the ab— imp .... ment, and having considered said report, hereby —M—: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, herebyordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council -r—mr.& ertemiom to 'mact existbH!�d to —b tthe a.-th--t -- of a-11 n - ---- ---__----------- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------- with ., alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof ia$124n ---------- Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ Z24A --------- day of &,6-ot--PA2L ------- cm--, at the how of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in in City Th., the -rammi-o" of Finance &a —Ii- of of F" "-t�d by mid meeting to the F—ma, and the n. er pro, the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the at,,, o the imp .... mew and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___________ _2 G 1932 192 --------- - -------- i. App—d ------- ------ 92 ------ 1--- —J ity Clerk. Councilman C McDonald - Councilman lis"amm— Councilman %j'fi2q1jA— Councilman vmiw� Councilman %WUW&119T,oa, Councilman WNMIIW» W—aad[ Mayor Hlh� Mh..a, Form B. S. A. 86 yv.gg- A7 93185 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By O-------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ILDA"tr tl" 6-41AqVVJX-44 tbOO-AqCth aid.- of lry_ Stm-t r — -------- ----------------------- --- ----- ----------- ------- ---------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ..d,, Preliminary Order____ 88896 ------------------------ pp -rd _______dim ea_ 19$81 ------------ The Council of the City of P-1 having received the rep- of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b­ehop­r.a.t, ..d having considered s.id rep-, hereby re -l-: I the .,id report ,d the me is hereby ppj­,A '�'dA,pted. ..d the said improvement i, hereby That ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the .-re of the mp-eo,ettt which the Council aeod-ft.1-1-1- dewalke nae exieta_______________ with .. alternatives, and chat the -i-ted — thereof is $J§ -P9r--frQA-t- "00t - Resolved Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 2Sr __________day of at the how of 10 .'doek A. M., i, the C ... eil Chamber of the Court Th,l Finance ..d place of Hoose and City Hall Building i. the City of Sc Pao by ' C' -V .." of 'i. o'e Te notice I said me ting to the '9 -d io the manner .1,d the Charter, the h_,i.g, the -- Xth. -pr-roettt ..d the total -t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_---WL-.2.6-=----. 192---- Approved__ __ __------ 192--- Mayor. y1�f,fsHFn_7-;p0 3z cc-ozitm:42 F";X& C.. ctm:*"mol, Councilman C .... ilma, 911601113m Tr -a Councilman 1pliffimia W—IL M.Y.rthmm= make -Y F.t. B. S. A.8-6 eLo ov�tII� wu ae ��;a��oa: P �: 93186 ev- se COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By_ __________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__9_?'"Otfng_n_ e1z foot sidewalk on the south side of St. Clair _______ Street from Toronto Street to Oneida Streat, and also on the west aide of Oneida --------- __--- _________----- Street frOss St. Clsir Street to the north line of lot S, Block 4, A. Vance Brame ----------------------------- --------------------------- Bubdirieioa___ _______ ___ _ __ _____ 195E under Preliminary Order__________884-0 ________________________approvcd___ J-- 2, ________________________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above ' mp.. ent, and having considered said report, hereby resoNes: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Jl9AaS7ggt n_Biz fooE e_idasalk oa the_eanth eide_of_et. Clair 6treet_from Toroata Street to o-ida Streets _____________________ gad_ �lep_9A_5hR_rl4at._nldu_oP_IImida Btrnflt_fr�_SL_C167x_Street_t.0_tha mr#h_17m__ of_Lot Si Hlaok 4s_!fe_Ys944_HT_R4➢:A_54bsl,Lelelim._asaeyt_�erngomland.aafPinieat__. eidsl[41Sa.ROR2210S..------------------------------ with _____________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ ZgM----------- day of dn9511fta_193g------ Fyga___ at the hour of 10 o!clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p ons and in the nner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the namrc of the imp .... m1ent and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted b the Council 192---'�� P r 6 Pb' 61932 Approved________x__!________----- 192___ l_&y' Clerk. or. rty Councilmanrplpq}z Her Councilman�� WDonald Conncilum.38 Dalmld Conn itum. tlsl)!>a B -an Councilor—Bodila�r Trim: nnc Coilmant61a1Walt Weasel (Jj� Mayo'X"Mw Huhouey Form B. S. A. 8-6 �c 93t87 COUNCIL Ne COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ AI&YiUl; a—n11ta1U--id4v9l1c_aASha_9aatb-A1ds_AL Pap eu;sa_�regga be at 8nellipg Avenue, thenoe vest 88 feet. ___________________ under Preliminary Order_ 92661 pprove 29 1952. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. rovemen roley moaolithie 2. That the -- of the impt which the Council recommends is__ aidavallc on the_ cotrth_ aide_ of Van Bursa Btroat. beginning_ nE 8aelling Avenue. thenoe with no alternatives; aad that the estimated cost thereof is $--kWO Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____pi$;31----------- day of Angueta_ --------- —e_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That -the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the perso sand in the r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of ,hearing, the nature of the improvement and.,the total cod thereof as estimated. ,,11 ¢ ��yry� Adopted by the Council ------L 2_Y_1slYl____, 192____ // C ______ _____.f/_____ Approved_______ _?.r -9i _______l92__ - Clerk. ___ PUBLI$HED 7-�a—iz yO1' Councilman Mcih,nald fay Councilman kkekm6d ^ Councilman iiv SIT", O Council Council- n �.YWe.� s o v � enzet r� Mayor 1Nahoa, Form B. S. A. 8-6 e°.'� be 93188 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ "+con °s m. -' By O-------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter - a'-tj -------- lAntipm--------------------------------------------------------- H.rth L4!k Bjs _K#�jn jfgo _",,t St_,_ them... —at 22 ft., ---- ---------------------- 40 ft -- --- ------------------------------------ -- ----- ----- - -------- -------------------------------- ----- - __________ tinder 11952 P,elitn'..0 O,de,-----Q9fAj ---------------------- pp—ed _______________he The Council f the City of Paul laving received the reportofth, Commissionerof Finance upon timprovement,enhaving.be,, improvement, and having ...ideted aid ttp.,,. hereby ,, solves: 1. Th.r'ih, said report and the —, is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered m be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council --mme.d. —d rep. A14MI�ce at th . f.11" iemti— . ........................................ _ b_ginning_60 ft. farther west. thattoe west -40-ft__________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is ---_____ Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .. said !.p --,.t on the____ 25xd __________day of Agmt--19.kZ ------ 1�— at the h— of 10 9'ei—k A. M., in the Council Ch.eabe, of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Fall That theCommissioner of Finance give notice I , t laid etfi.g W the persons and in the m,,n,, provided y he - stating tmg the time and plate of hearing,the nature of theimprovement and the total ell, thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cmmeil ..... J_QLZ 1932 ----------- - ---------- -- -- - Approved___------ ---- 192--- - -- ------------------------ ------- ------- Pu——Zza Y— C."n,i,n Q M, --Id Councilman . M"y C ... eilm..d&cEjQ"W— C-unci man djWW2=� p- ­n Councilman dhWb� T,ae y. Councilmen fikhvinb® We.-] Mayors Mb.vey Form B. S. A. 8-6 93189 J . at aSO0:�aOttCroco WsvµvUtli. roti>- wYlla, et'�feerNlowtoi til �w Or ry1oi:Ava.�Eeiivuiv�•ff COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ Iv r4f0eitvvtva`IOerl t.eWe1 +u B ,� [Fence ..uN IOtt INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofsea®etntntlagr_ralgitingantLsapalrlag. aherfl�vefleassy. _tha___--___ aid -11c. at the following loeatioast ___________________________________ $aqt_ eide�of Prior_Ave._be --_ 44 ft. south of Barahall Ave.,-theaoe !Doth 14 -ft., _ _ _ -16-h ______ beginning 68 ft. farther amutly thence south 10 it, Basi`sidn?.af_Prinr_Asa._hag4-jACA2 tt�xos2h QLPQrSJAnd Ael.._thonoe a rkh 23_Pt., West aid. -of Hoeell Avep,begiaaing 167 ft. south of laurel Ave., thence south 46 ft., --begitttRL.9-2z-LbrSaatLlF+Doth,-thwas.aouth l4_ ft., ----------- heglaning 30 ft. farther south, thence tenth 8 ft- ------------------------------------------------- ---------------_______ -----------____- _ under Puliminary Order________ _ 82602 pptm.c 26._1932! The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of he Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. '�1t34 the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby prdered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_oamtruat -Uyand reJ?ajr.-t�anLlO!lelryr-tkl!_E1deII11k0.At_th0. --------------------- F,4_s4 Bide of_grior Av_at_beg_itmigg 44 fE. south of Ilarehall Ava_._,_theaoe south 14 ft., _____ beginning 68 ft. farther south, thence south 10 ft. gaef:_aidA_of_ffior_Avs... Aegiaaictg47_lk.�stL_sAYo1i.L4Hd_AF9,a khanoa aorth_25 ft., West aide of Howell Ave., beginning 187 ft. south of Iaurel Ave., thence south 46 ft., __begisn4rag-23-ftr-farthls_sottth,_#hatoa-south-lASt.r-------------- _____________________ beginning 30 ft. farther eouth, theme south 6 ft. with no alternatives, and tbat the estimated cost thereof is $--:L. 7z _______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ Z�---------- day of - AnVet, 1832 �___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hou and City Hall Building in the City of Se Paul. That the Commis of Finance give noun of aid smeeting to the v so and in the ma nner provided by the Charter,'s acing the time and place of hen ing,the nature o[ the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. r Adapted by the Cn..eil ---- —L b 1932 __- 192---- Appred ------ _____�_______------ 192___ ry ov --- - ---- n--- Councilman jl� Mvly�netd Ytna n7-?� Co..6 -:no i� Piny Councilman-d+ee.ve Councilman �t Councilman ispftk� T....1- Couneilman 60006® !Venal Mayor i Mahoney Form B. S. A. 86 93190 COUNCIL FILE NO--------------- By---------------------------------------------- Ower YfT66 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Made, ------- --------------------------------------------------------- bagl>miag__g_ftorOt of -------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- order Preliminary Order_____ 9978.6 ______________________approved ______-_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby res,I... : 1.Th., the s.id—p— and the ..me is herebyapproved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ...by e ordered to be ptueet,d ,d with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends md _R .7 the jqEk—_n MAOMk- ------------------ ft Rices St. the-. —at 82 with no alternatives, ..d that the estimated cost thereof is $___— fiml Resolved F—her, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ - ?A;A --------- day of --AUZPAt.- 1= -------- 2PM ----- at the hour of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pau!, That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the ......and in the m,,n,, provided by the Chatter, stating the time and plane of ,oaring, the nature the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ---J&.24= ------ 192___ �' i FPrr 2 ,a,,,. 92---- 'oq, --- -------- 2-1 City Clerk. Approved___ -------------------------- M--- ?'-� , -'- - �- ---- - ------ Mayor. --- F U ULIS H ED— L -j Council— 956NKNe McDonald Councilman "— May Councilman dicUmmdd— C C-6: n Mghoh— T,... Councilman �� Wettest Mayor � mh.-1 6-6 For- B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.___—__ ______ F ai. l�E<FtAa„ cenme5`�< e . nan�i�iie [.eK �vegaxr,ttm- By O-------------- By______________ ___________________ ------------ INTERMEDIARY In the M_, -------- Irt------------------------------------ -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ..de, Pt6nfltaty Otd, --- RKM4 ------------------------- pp,.—d __-_____--______ The C .... if of the City of P.,I having .e. eiced the report If the Commissioner If Finance upon the .b­ehap­eme.t, and having considered said upon, hereby —.1— I Th_,t the said repok tfi*'—Wk is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the C....I —.—I& "d rapair_She_ •, d•••,•_endsi�l�na-pxoLsat_tbd_emtlnaaraAarau_mztlt_niaa_az_saa6.---- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - _________________________________________________________ with ., alternatives, and that the estim,tcd cost thereof is $1331.00 ------- Resolved Further, That . public heating be had I. said i.p,.-mc,t on the_____ 9;LrA _________day of ------ 'C=L--, at the Inor of 10 o'clock A. M- in the C ... cil Chamber of the C— H .... and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the of Finance give notice of !,aid meeting to the p,,,o,, and , t ha co,111, PI-ided by the Ch—, stating the time and place of hearing, the If the mpmc,gFW the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____—______________-. 192---- App—ed ..... Ej 2-- - W, --------_________192___ /-' - --- ----- ayor. Councilman iiW@V® M,Dnoold Councilman jj May Co—cilman C-unciman VMMMM� R C.oncian *Wbmmmm T....n.e, Councilman � wc.wi 4A. May., mm� M.h—, Form B. S. A. 8-6 ........ ...,,,..... ORDINANCE,.,,,,,,,,,,.. �J ((��((�� .- Mw PRESENTED PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance apppropriating and setting aside Four Thousand Seven Rundred Fifty Seven and 40/100 Dollars ($4,757.40) from City's share of Local Improvement Fund, Code 31-E1 to the permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001, L.3648 for thepurpose of paying part of the cost of paving Ramsey St. from Pleasant Ave to We Ave. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 1. That there is hereby appropriated and Fast aside from the City's share of Local Improvement und, Code 31-E1,and transferred to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund, Code 3001 L.3648 the sum of Four Thousand Seven &indred Fifty Seven and 40/100 Dollars ($4,757.40) to cover part of the expenditures of the above named improvement. Section 2. This Ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency Ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. Section 3. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and pubblication. \'aaaI "�A nava M. bfcD �oaaid C) 2— / M.. P ee d-fAsa.:lie1.M?•� a�17� Ciry �Icr~�. Passed by, he Council- �'M F MF.... ` ' 4jM .. CITY OF EST. PAUL No...93193 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION -_GENERAL FORM yptQ WHEAEAB, on Ns.rch 24th, 1932, a contract was awarded to the Eleo-Tro- AS,one Oorpo ration, for radio telephone equipment, with transmitter and an system, for the transmission Of speech, for use by the St. Paul Police Department, for the evm of $6400.00 under Formal Bid $8740, and WHEREAS, as a condition of the award of contract the con- tractor was to ee fr m suittent bfor patentond rinf ringement, the City om paten t claim for dameg bond was not required by the specifiCations, and WHEREAS, the contractor has been unable to obtain such a patent bond, and WHEREAS, the contractor has asked randenn b;enbe f the award Commi eloper of contract, which request has been eg of Public Safety because Of lack of funds in his Department, therefore be it RESOLVED, that by mutual agreement the award of contract herein mentioned be and the same is hereby annulled and the proper city officers are hereby authorised end directed to return to the Ele O-Tro-Fone Corporation its certified check which accompanied its bid. - ry } mCe"6y}71th' &�I v o-' Rye (W t �eml v�ge } [ jW'M� tnEPem`1oll:r rmiltielE 4 i I�.Ynd q..;aanC ,".� t tpe. ceyy auwc L..'1vo mn memu �e0vin COUNC MEN a IS .Aiopted by the CouvciL_..JJL.27.V--1?-193..... YeasY lT syn McDonald "� ✓• ..193..... I. favor APP ed_.._. ....1 .....y�:- i •r_Against � '"" -" -, �n Y2, ht yor / enzel PI121(.1SHEl%1� r. President Mshoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT July 27, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: on January 5th of this year, bide were opened for radio telephone equipment designed for the transmission of speech for use by the St. Paul Police Department, together with transmitter and antenna system. The low bidder was the Elec-Tro-Pone Corporation of St. Paul. Shortly thereafter, Mr. Carlson, then Purchasing Agent, received a letter from the DeForest Radio Company of Psasfec, New Jersey, calling attention to certain patents which they own and inferring that the use of the equipment contemplated in the specification. for this award would violate such patent rights. The Purchasing Department discussed this matter with the Elec-Tro-Pone Corporation and it was agreed that the Elec-Tro- Fone Corporation would obtain a patent bond in addition to the regular contract bond if the contract was awarded to it, the said patent bond to be eat l sfaotory to the Corporation Counsel. Pursuant to this agreement, the contract was awarded to the Elec- Tro-Tone Corporation on March 24, 1932. The Elec-Tro-Fone Corporation first submitted a bond in the sum of $1000, he coatrQct price being $6400. This bon td was refused because of the amount and in some minor respects because of its form. Since that time, the Eleo-Tro-Fone Corporation has endeavored to obtain a bond satisfactory to this office but it was found that the cost of a bond in the amount of the contract was prohibitive because of the high rate oY premium for bonds of that type and the fact that the bond had to run for five years. Th Elec-Tro-Fone Corporation Is now willing to agree with the City that all rights of either the City or the Eleo- Tro-Fone Corporation be cancelled and the award of contract be annulled. John H. McDonald, Commissioner of Public Safety, is willing to agree to this, and informed Mr. Clancy, Purchasing Agent, under date of July 18th, 1932, that the Department is left without sufficient funds for the payment of this equipment. Council - 2 July 27, 1932. In view of the fact that the Elec-Tro-Fone Corporation could not obtain a patent bond, which patent bond was not required by the specifications, and the willing- ness of the Commiseloner of Public Safety to cancel the con- tract, it Ss therefore thought beet to annul the award of contract and return the parties to the situation they were in before bids were called. The proper resolution to accomplish this effect has been prepared and is hereto attached, Yours very truly, EY -ms. Assistant Corpor Son Counsel, o.o.,. •o c•. c.r,. CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO. "3194- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL R N—GENERAL FORM -- --- --- Y7-�Y RESOLVED That the Council of the City o1 Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of a eater mala on the following street in the City of St. Pauli Shrub Street from W. Lake Coaso�Phalea Avenue to W. Nebraska Street sao11:'e�°�.i aro: y1;°coaom a+m.. GV..oteW 4� i�tl�wftl 1 .[ 1f WIoq- IM artery In � ee..e ew tm 'rkc re.wo et. •e °p�leQ 3�v ta�ar�eL�ylro4 .^: Yea.. �� ILM ere NaY AdoPred by the Coun l._ 111.. 2710,19 •- /1Peazal McDonald In favor Approved mow- 19 ABaia.r Mr. Pedde bwAlk Mahoney at/tiddab �x , CITY OF ST. PAUL NO....9J.La 5 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN /E/j�`L FORM co�MRito°rea ..TE.July 28, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of installing ornamental lights on Fourth Street from St. Peter Street to Jackson Street, except on the north side between Minnesota and Robert Streets, and on the south side between St. Peter and Wabasha Streets, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91574, approved January 29, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 91969, approved March 29, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. _ �C`8 N 1pa—Hr WII D 3—��. � Ylt' k�i d 94 ]Lnl° iol�� Wd. °dd vBatl "Vi eia-ar.rdn. aS; ataLlv°d°°, T ml u VW�en a �4- vYdO "St i;';t COUNCILMEN 1'ew+ Ndyx Adopted by the Cuuncil..JUL.. � 7 193.. I moor " Ano ed _ 4 t9; 193.... T / Mr` President Mehuney CITY OF ST. PAUL .,�""u No. 931-96.: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK vCOUNCIL RESOLUTIfdN—GENERAL FORM reeseNTeo av-7�+-r� _. .oJune 27th, 1932, COMMiwioaew _ _._ gre RESOLVED In the matter o9 paving Hastings Ave. from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road, with necessary water connections, under Final Order 92205 approved may 7th, 1932. Resolved, 'hat the plans and specifications showing water connections necessary to be made upon said street, be and the same are hereby approved and theCommissioner of Public "arks be and he is hereby directed to do the work by Force Account. �� fe t s-ey s a— aro tnpu° �°w.w f`�°4'I Arolloda._adowld �ne� a, Ooael• � Oe�`tM1 4bimmt°' °fp �ia4ewE We d n l d �aCM Apavlea dy tpa.Comtcll Suly 9f._IBB1: A pwv°a (iuiyBe'B-1BBij Y M/NEN COO�} Yeas / L Adopted by the C ULI... 2 ..193.... JUL M//uy /M�,•Donald � V �I� �tlBee h I—,Approv I.......193.... Iioacn �Wenvel Mayor °u B /1vir. Prrxi""t Mah... y APPROXIMATE QUANTITIES FOR WATER CONNECTIONS ON HASTINGS AVENUE FROM PT. DOUGLAS RD. TO HUDSON ROAD 1 - 3/4" Water Service Connection (New) 1 - Water Main across paving return vs r m. C/ankson LJnd.�y i N • /s/o HenxxPP �/1/.�Avr. a N.nneepo/Ss, M inn. w pE Standend Oil Co. f Whiffing, /nd C� C x� a o� L4 0 � fA� 0 N W Z C /Y/a y O�Connon-e{aL � Smux Pass Monf. �Wffi N r r John Bi/k 5gMounds Pank Scale dank a � O ENGL /SH7 biq e t' C/ak-n Lind/ey u/a Hennepin Ave.. dlp/s. H \ O ,clarion L Henro,b' e=� � 22s/ Langfaro' Ave. 6R'e' v;- r 1 C/arkson Lind/ey — '/S/o Hennepin Avr.. /.1P/". 4. In the matter of paving Hastings Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91635, approved February 6, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 92205, approved May 7, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C J_�fr P N 9 �ATa. h t »a�i'al�bMc R a :�1Bla, aha FI- ol�a�ae.C�F PIiVF, �vvrovdp, Mas . rata virey"'Te t `iDa 0tew�anElYN10- Q[,e 41n W4M G- ve w sJ 1p6v�p J) T Y'.COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted I) th cooneil. JUL 2.7,1932 193.... /7y App .I a�1 .aJ,... lsa._.. / 'trona A15ninet - MaYar "'nul . Prcrident Mahoney m�ryp1LNO.. onaw)r. av a.a CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu JS21JI___.. OFFICE OF THE CITY C RK C�WNCIL L FORM jR�ESO'UTION—GE coMMissionee - -.. July Els 1932. --_ R6 LVEO In the matter of paving Hastings Avenue from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91635, approved February 6, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 92205, approved May 7, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. C J_�fr P N 9 �ATa. h t »a�i'al�bMc R a :�1Bla, aha FI- ol�a�ae.C�F PIiVF, �vvrovdp, Mas . rata virey"'Te t `iDa 0tew�anElYN10- Q[,e 41n W4M G- ve w sJ 1p6v�p J) T Y'.COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted I) th cooneil. JUL 2.7,1932 193.... /7y App .I a�1 .aJ,... lsa._.. / 'trona A15ninet - MaYar "'nul . Prcrident Mahoney RESOLVED T ..- CITY OF 6T. 1PAUL .iu ` NO. 931-98- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTIQN—GENERA ORM ' DATE July 27th, 194.. ... _ In the matter of paving Hastings Ave. from Point Douglas Road to Hudson Road, with necessary gas connections, under Final Order C. F. 92205 approved May 7th, 1932. Resolved, That theattached pl ms and specifications showing the gas connections to be made on the above named street between the points aforesaid, be and the same are hereby approved and the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby ordered and directed to serve a copy of this order, together with said plans, upon the Northern States Power Company. waw a-tg.� e ea. ".[a I ej�a.ic�ew Igrsi �rrr.� COUNCILMEN y—✓Maeyn Vard// the Cunnl_JUL 27 W9 193_. AY eaam TOA__ In favor -i��•Adu pp,,,—',,.1x �-ARninet �. � ._.GcLG�1-LC.�.��L. JTrrnx nzel Mr. President Mahoney Mnyor IPPROXIHATE QUANTITIES FOR GAS CONNECTIONS ON RASTINGS AVENUE FROM PT, DOUGLAS RL, TO HUDSON ROAD Z - Gay Main Extensions �s r o' madam � Clarkson L;ndby � u� aA N` /s/O f/enrx rrl1flre. �—"�-� a Winne Mien. � � o � � 0 571anderd Oil Co. I \ a A Whiting. /no' J x� AAi�� G — Cn O W /S'%a y D�Connor-efaL I Sioux Pass, Monf. �wffi N r John Bilk 54 Mounds Park 5/a1e Bank a o EN6L ISH 7 s 5,. A C/arkson Lindley /s/0 Hennepin flue. /11p1i <n \ /clarion L. 11erro,6/ 22sl Lang{ord Are. Clarkson Lindley /s/o Hennepin Arm. AP/4 g G. 84 Petition _ � m1F51a N�3199 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMF����4444 �o,:a li rm,.�ab4 J --riri7T and — PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul. vis.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block b, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to the pro- posed red line when established, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly B feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park. •pmpas6l for tre making of the folfowing impen-meat, via.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by ablue line thereon, also grading Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to the pro- posed red line when established, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park. -- h. To report upon all of the foregoing mattete to the Cammieeioner of Finance. ., UL 27197 Adopted by the Counml_.._..........._._...._.._.......... _..... .._._._...._.__ Yea Neva caanea MAY uu11 27193 ; ViumbLD Approved............._W�_...____._...__._..___._..— nHAE jUEM ROSEN 1RM S axENta- Ma PasemeRr \ ... c A 11 ON 1"1)�• YUttWtitlliO �✓ o- F J L L Fue Lvu dT -71 7T",- " ;�etaEo eFF� 9 e u t 6 SLn,.tTe Dc L LY A v Dnted thio. Z`md..__daY of.... PRELIMINARY ORDER. re"r -WHEREAS, A written propaed for the making of the following improvement. via.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 3, Desnoye: Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading Alley in Block 3, Desnoyer Park from Beverly Road to Doane St. to the pro- posed red line when established, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Glendale Avenue in the easement to be obtained on the northerly B feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park. 5. To report upon 0 of the foregoing mattere to the Commieeioner at Psnance. Adopted by the Council.._._ ........ ..UL ._....E719'...._. . Yrrs NAv e cnnnea aur p�� 27193'1 ' a4SbNA1D APProved._..__..._�..__......_....__...._..__-- PI� ROSEN 11WAX Msya Ida Paeemmrr ...c♦ra nu roan � rUBtJ�%D�2v�_ NK—fl File No.9_3_ M._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENIi�`{er0e-- u..ua, :: 4 ira w55 fiitaq: end titps e � [ u to P rnv.w PRELIMINARY ORDER.'�'"°'eSP The undersigned hereby proposes the mating of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: m Conde® and takiag._an_,easement in the land neoeasa;7 .for _slopes_cuts .end.filla__1n the_grad_ing__of_Alley___1n _Block _3f________,,.. _Deanoyer_ Park_Srom._Beyeply RQaIi.-.t9. D9aP.§._54ReQt. ....... .__........ _..... Dated thie...._A2Md_._.day of ........... ._.....jRly.._v_.I932�../{.��._...,.�._�..._/,�]8 ..._............1...:1...5../....`�__� .....-......_. __._. .._...__....._ ua loran. _ PRELIMINARY ORDER- WHEREAS, RDER.WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: _.___....._Condenm]n�_andtaking._an �@s_Qm...e..Pk.._1-B...th.@_land_neo.@.@,5ax9.....--------_ ._............ __........... ... f having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Peul._._.__.......__........._.._........_........ ..... ____..._._ therefore, be it f..i RESOLVED, That the CommiWamr of Public Works be and u hereby ordered and directed: ," L To Investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the acture, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of eifd improvement. 4. To state whether or not said impmvemeat is asked for on the petition of three or more I- 6. To report upon all of the foregoing. mmattere to the Commissioner of Ficance. Adopted by the Coencil. ............. .WL -.Q. 13.::r.L.. ..... .....--- ...........------- Ynes Neva (:ouncdmsn .,y ArDONA1D APproved.._..........,�.LLL._27 �2_._..._.........__._— Ma Pasmnmer , ...n.ra„rr,nan Jeusty� CameG File N.. -9M PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT--'; �+E�sm Rix ;rji and °�� bwmeto�.de�.4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. M. N�� The mdemigaed hereby pmposee the mating of the fo lowing public improvement by the City of StP-1, vii.: Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the northerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park, from Glendale Avenue to the Alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes only on a strip of land 5 £t. in width on the south side of the above easement in lot 9, and on the southerly 5 ft. of lot 8 in said Block 3, Desnoyer Park. Condemo. and taking an ens emeat for the purpose of constructing end maintaining a sent for sewer on, under and acrti99 the northerly a feet of lot 9, Block 3, Desnoyer Park, from Glendale Avenue to the Alley Sa the rear of *ford lot, ualsocti oo�d__=+ end taking a tin thery"easement for construction pttrpoaea omly on a, strip of J.. , �ft. in v1A'th on the south side of the above easement -,Spa lot 9y and on the Southerly 5 ft. of lot 8 in said Block 3, Desnoyer Park. Adopted by the C—IL_0-2.7. .........._..._._...__ Ynee NAYS Comeaman MAY ,..Approved �, UL _271932 Ms Paemieiv7 Me r.. c•,em iwo I�(','�,"py RRN �. e[7gl fetrpnZ�{1 X31 . zK. „�.. ri�s fltr VOL —FY __Tq,. ,.i y.,i� . 'C Tu F icco b e nr, C'f L ...•IG Tei. r:, 000'smt ucB .u0 f:,klt C- r.T I "nuF K' Lzow,p Teu95'7a vn u e Co FY r- VT7 cT Tu'Cpe i aoL :-cto a CpTTs vox.LVOLTa 9 LOCF OL TO F A� HT—: 3' D -11.1.c �ouq omu TUBUR auq maTS FS'v'a51@a¢Sbn PT7�: aJM6L ou' ^v'ei. ecSq FST T" s wa uC Loc Ct�e bni.I,oaa OL Dated thie._._E2nd.......day oC...._......J! .......... .............. _.... ..<..'..t-/--------------- _...... ,_.._....._ PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written propose( for the maldag of the fo9owivg impmvemeat, As.: Condesso g and taking an easement for the purpose of aonstructing and malntainimg a public saner on, under end across the northerly 8 feet of lot 90 Block 3o Desnoyer Parks from Glendale Avenue to the Alley in the rear of said lot also aond._ =+ and taking a temporary -easement for construction purposes only on a strip of Land�'Saft. in width on the south side of the above asemeat in lot 91 and on the southerly 5 ft. of lot B in said Block 3s Desnoyer Park, Adopted by the C=cl-._JUL .N_ *2—._._...._...__.._._ Yue N— aDemesImca MAY pt U0NA1D App o.ea —.-JUL 2 71932. — -- Ma rAm-r 7 }M. r..cs,—sau 1' � PI�yAgFIEp Comecg File. No...J?N\ - , PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. d•':-'�l"w'gec' The umlcmigoed hereby pcopoeee the making of the following public imp, ... meet by the City of St. Paul, ria.: Wideningg W. Seventh Street to a width of 86 feet from Franklin Street to Ramseeyy Street axed �fgpt,Prom Ramsey Street to HcBoal 3tiiidlity sad w'idlhing the int eo3oas of W, Beventll Street with' Fourt�hh Street and Sagle Street, by adding thereto ally thcseparte of Blocks 8 and 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying north - north!; .of W. Seventh Street and lying southerly of a line whichis 58 Peet westerly from the present center line of W. Seventh Stre56 and parallel thereto, also by adding that part of the easterly 19 feet of lot 1, Block 14, Rice and Irvin0 s Addition, lying between Fifth Street 1 and the northerly line of W. Seventh gtreet widened as above described, also by adding the southerly 10 feet of that part of lot 7, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of the present northerly line of Fourth Street between Main Street and Seventh Street widened to the line described above. Also by adding a triangular piece of land in the southwesterly corner of that part of lot 9, Blook 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition, s lying southerly of W. Seventh Street, said triangular piece' of 1 n measuring 10feet on the southeasterly line of W. Seventh Street and' 10 feet on the northerly line of Fourth Street. Also.byy adding a triangular piece of land in the westerly corner of lot 4y Block 15, Rice and Irvine's Addition, said triangular place of land measuring 15 feet on the southerly line of Fourth Street and 15 feet on the northeasterly line of Third Street. Alce & I Add�itiion, and~ese Blocks 28r EZO�8 and^29, D�6, 27 and 28, Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line whichh isn53nfeet southeasterly from the present center line of W,Seventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding that part of lot 1, Block 26, Rice and Irvine's Addition, bounded by a line described as follows: Beginning at a point on the southwesterly line of Sagle Street which is 53 feet southeasterly of the present center line Of W. Seventh Street measured at right angles thereto, thence southwesterly and phrallel to the present center line of W. Seventh Street a distance of 27 feet, thence northeasterly to a point on the southwesterly line of Eagle Street 15 feet South- easterly of the point of beginning, thence northwesterly on the southwesterly line of Eagle Street to the point of beginning. Also by addingthose parts of Blocks 1, �, 4 and 5, Leech's Addition, lots 3 and 4, Ewing & Chute's Subdivision B1ock 1, LoaohtM of lots 8 end 7 _ 'c W t{eventh gtreet and lsoutherly of the present center line of ' s lt6r7y Yroai y� northerly of a line -which is 47 feet the present center line of W. Seventh street P�.`-thereto. ,and Alge:by.ld`ding thereto that part of,i417M,4i Swing $ad hdte''sI • Sdbdisisioa of lots 6 and 7,, Brock 1, Leech's Add tio�)Cn. lvin¢ Aldo by ad=tt lie. a 4—ow yQ Irabn�s Rearrangement of gait Of Block S ax f br XFf4Ftba+i A line perpen- di`cuT'ar iy=licV of`W. Seventh p�.�rrear rein Droyassfl 't n o.int which la 5 feat f —Id lot 10. go 5`?adding thereto Shat --.pasty otalot 7, Block 2, Leech' ABditY'on'on tpe northerly, aide` of�,Beventh. Street lying est or gt','line perpendicular to and intersecting the northwesterly line of Wy�yBeveuth: Street at a point which is 5 feet northeasterly of its tat4lr+section with the. westerly line or said lot 7. q1 .-ad thereto.. of eat 1, C'.. L, .Le1h's Reayreuggb t f;par t',$i.ocicjt4�e.„: A$ditioA, lyirig-. east of a line onlayo aud` ralcting the nprthweskerly lana of W. ..:t,.a,,.w � e A rear' sotfthwesterl}�"of its 6ryect2oa with. the northerly line of said lot 1. a 11ae.'perpeudicuIt to and ersecting theaaoFthwesterly line` -'sof W. Seventh Street a,ea point ch is 5 feet north eset erly of fRb Intersection with the wester line of said lot 7. Also by adding thereto that pait of lot 1, C. L. Lain's Rearrange- ment of,part of Block 4, LeeChfs Addition, lying east of a line perpendl,cular to and intersecting the northwesterly line of W. i Seventh Street at a point which is 5 feet southwesterly of its intersection with the northerly line of said lot 1. .IF . AFL e6l anQ nL'. ..17 G Ip 1 Dated this..__ . _27t4.day o[..._ .... July__1932....:............. le ........ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the maki,g of the following improvement, i,.: Widening W. Seventh Street to a width of 66 feet from Franklin Street to Ramsey Street and 80 feet from Ramsey Street to YCBoal Street, and widening the intersections of W. Seventh Street with Fourth Street and Eagle Street, by adding thereto all those parts of Blocks 6 and 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of W, Seventh Street and lying southerly of a line whicbis 56 feet north- --westerly from the present conte$ line of W. Seventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding that part of the easterly 19 feet of lot 1, Block 14, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying between Fifth Street _ a the northerly line of W. Seventh Street widened a above described, also s Block 14, Rice andalrvin e's Addition, lying no therly of the present northerly line of Fourth Street between Main Street and Seventh Street widened to the line described above. Also byadding a triangular piece of land in the southwesterly corner of that part of lot 9. Block 14, Rice and (Irvine's Addition, lying southerly of W. Seventh Street, said trlangalar piece of land measuring 10 feet on the southeasterly line of W. Seventh Street and 10 feet on the northerly line of Fourth Street. Also by adding a triangular piece of land in the westerly corner Of lot 4, Block 15, Rice and Irvine's Addition, said triangular piece of land measuring 15 feet on the southerly line of Fourth Street and 15 feet on the northeasterly line of Third Street. Also by adding- thereto all those parts of Block 26, 27 and 28, I,ice & Irvine's Addition, and Blocks 2288 land 29, Dayton and xrvinea . Add �4�"E� ,, a and parallel thereto also bL adding that part of lot 1, Blockv26, Rice and Irvtnafa Ad:t�t...., _.._., _ . -. _ Q_3oti�4�:.6`wdn¢ and Chvtef.s Also by adding thereto that partlof lot 1, C. L. Lain's Rearrange- ment of part of Block 4. Leechfs�kddition, lying east of a line perpend*cular to and intersect the northwesterly line of W. ; Seventh Street at a point which - 5 feet southwesterly of its intersection with the northerly a of said lot 1. tyj;6L2ecF7.- T:e6; '' a bo7uF -Pi" +� B FP6'uoL;Py"^`.•" vg yea; °L 24!eI. 7'a 'beibou(IT-I'M Fo en72T4ee°L6W 2sesoFP cKyS �Pe6cPta + ov FY6 voLFP6LT b." °L T"; .1' BS tl44;FTov u6 FPszeFo FY6F us oL aaT4 So; 'O VT.. Pa a44r ov m;FP FY6 aonFY TTU6 B L2 voLFP°saFSL7� oL 7F rueq szsTns bzoboz59 aF s boruF�'i TcY T ` qF css7sLm F° auq ;uF sscVc aTy49TFT°ll Cu.vPP g 70B tA�°,a ]3eeLLatlP.sm6L IT-vF °L beLbsv- tlSao P1.49;v&2FPczsFo FYsF baLF OL T F T7 'L as 2T;eeFFuoLFYssaFez7a °L TFa Tu Fszaes Floss m7FP FPa6 borssFP -TGP 7 L6eF ,y,T9sys4 ,s? Psz67u bLobgase go CG LT a 1 ° .A.C11 2; o ;u{tenae�Fii�g.f.F ov,. ;T.iuB B-''7�Isr LsLben47 ca7st FT:.H'^' Te'bEf 2'9947FT + ry bazeTTe7 C 1 , sla�f LTT o;, FVs �o c .�o ca t c b,.-' F CCF nflty s�c6 L :� L F 6 Fo CN Cl C ` y'al 1TT v4 tis L'Ts76T .lCF 6.,rt m IT IL efFug zlGb 47ss5• F. rfeu F Esoz bTEc6F sv4'TofKe TB+Crus nT^L76I nrv6�a6 sv9TFT°4'Sa �TV,l yr�u col o6L or U brJ" -U V7aooP u, a FLT a.I' orrzFV ..F :1U4 ;0 L V4� 6011°FY68L"ll IT"20 FPsaaFeL7a lTu4 FLTa°PUT3Lv b1, 6c6LoLFS eu4 s6F ov FP sc .znzrv8 0 LsaF �Sn.=vFP 7FLssF' o su4 1Y°; u5ya y49rFT°`'' Tiro& aonFu6L?'A oL 1A, of 3' B,ocf, Td' gT° 6 yon F;lN.5 aF6L;1. coy.vel, oL FVaF baLFl„ avRaTal bT scs oL Ssss4 ru FY ao ssg s F tlT ;+T s?SIT + ?FLssF+T4 6 pas=vF v LFY '?, f F Fm s v �C asuF ..s c IP59op.­' T rJ r fl%S I'TUP 2FLe6F do "L l[ f4T v', E`VfaL7� 70 LseF L 7 y.L-1T U7° " ILu6 Fi sF b"IT-' of t- sn6MFv ZFL..f -�3 oL,.F b F^ sLeae.F csvFoeA 7;.1s ooLL M TT - W ,I41 20 „ecF v r�fF^I`-..Vey.;, FYF 'u4 7ar�F L IlI6 :44I Fr Tr i] I S.. F'- o.a 1 y7c F I I e-4dTr'� fV eLSF° T FY -� F' nELFP s having bee. preenmed to the Council of the City of St. Paul... ...... _......_..._............. ......_.........._.___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigete the ne teeity for, or deaimbility of, the making of eaid improvement. 2. To inveetigete the oeture, -..t end estimated coat of said improvement, end the tots) enet thereof. g. To famish a plan, profile or sketch of said improveme.t. 4. To state whether or net mid improvement is mked for on the petithm of three or more o,mme 5. To report upon all of the foregoing ��muyttt��em to the Com nieshmer of Fluence. Adopted by the Council- ................ M.Q.7._ aIT1...�_..........__.___.._. Yces N ­ Councilmen .tom t�' e� tri 7t 7M '^ --ALD Approved ........... 19 'iYYY! 11110 sEN A% a f aEL- M.-PRESImer 2 Mp r._ .. r..ceramI— o.o....o........ CITY OF ST. PAUL r[e [ NO. 932()3 ♦ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK N IL ESO LUTION ENERAL FORM P OEMMISSION -- _. —_-.. —" RESOLVED That Permission be and is hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, to set pole. and string wires with the necessary anchors thereon on the following named streetsz on -Walnut Street from Pleasant Ave. to 7th Street. Poles md'wiree to be removed ohm ragnested to d eo by the Common Cowcil, said coat to be paid by �"�e°N"['y°o}n - 08' i+lS [na the Telephone Company. mea aam�wmo-ed5.°i , :.: 1�9 din wiq Approved - Date / Sopl[E�. of Ligfhlt g Hurmu Approvedz W -.n r+ a'Vr+✓�-�..�...-`+— "at.Sup[t. of Police Alarm & Teleg. Approvedz Date Co seiner of Parke & Playg da Approve d• Data ommieaimer of Public,78 uN�cyi�uMery Yeu ✓�Y it /fay �tncDonald _. In N— App,—d_... ja 8 J0. 19.._ mnYa�S ,/_M P nidcn[ Bm.IY. Mahoney c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL rig. �= NO. 93204 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEryry�i�N v _—OnTE — COMMIi. ER— - -- -- '— -- "--' RESOLVED That Perini esion be and is hereby granted the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, to act pole: and string wires with the ace eseary anchors thereon on the following named streets: Page Street between So. Robert and State St. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do o by the Co®on Council, said cost to be paid by _ the Telephone Company. Y,M,wuN r xe .I m newxa°Yw n ea, nexwe...ea Approved. Date_�� 7 �9up't. oPOP ightinB Hureass Approved. �+—"` Date A'sst.Sup't. of Police Alarm & Talag. Approved:Data Coasaiesioner of Parks & Pl.eygrounda Approved•Date ® Coiseioaer of Public Works COUNCILMEN Na (; pj Adopad by the Council JUL 2.81932.--19._._. Ycas � easel f' YX �. M'Y / /aUA7„N,I' 1932 19 ✓ �I favac P JUL11d--yy28 McDonald ' Paeace � ' � dc,rc � ,�Mr. ecc B�.Yklatona9 a'" orywimm, cy .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ERAL FORM July 27, 1832._. esmeNTe L/[/l/ RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on Schaffer Street from Snelling Avenue to Brimhall Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 82464, approved May 20, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93066, approved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 1 1 ml iW 0�•l4a Ca e a 1°w° c�e�.lmDE°L°1,ib - COU LMEN V � Adopted bythe Cou­il. .. JUL 2$1932. 193_. Y.. M / McDonald J 19�..... In favor Approved.._.. JUI.Z.u_r=_.. /77 _..AHainet f.l ceM ZK M ; Y - /��/T/ zel �r fififi Preelde t Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL' .�.c c" N093206...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM co�M"moo"Ew /C(�. [il/.�[—„�. o.re. July 27, 1932_ RLsoLveo In the matter of grading Alley in Block 7, Holcombe°s Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 200 feet west of St. Albans Street to the sewer in St. Albans Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91781, approved February 25, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 92211, approved May 5, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of eublic Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. $Syi°> °agnl nth. t-0aC pJA. lev t. iti. •xpgm'.. meP 5.o$°"e,W[i0et t�A° w�aoe.Ribu+'"w&ii2w nc°'mm<:, COUNCILMEN JUL 28 i2 Y"./ \¢ps 6Adupted by the Cou¢cd 193... b 41— In l¢.¢z APm M 301- 19J1 ._193._.. Ag¢mxt �l�li y .N ../M,. President M¢h—, ovma....Mt yy m., . CITY of sr. IAUL „� No. 932117... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE FORM Pa...r.eo e.' J July 27,.. 193E zoMH oHER o.rE RESOLVED In the matter of constructing a sewer on the south side of Marshall Avenue from Hemline Avenue to a point 287 feet east of Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary urder C. F. 92618, C approved Tune E, 1932, and Final Order C. F. 93087, approved July 19, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. - �ap °� Y� lga mit a of wr°S.a.u��pinar; .Y I�tm �h tile, �zi06x p�sb Juli 1„F 9vW �4 br lmr���iL C�PItT� 4ovM 1mOrMomaN.� E „6 Iia �i mi'. � ? � { �y:6riKiCe**L It soli tl: Set'it COUNCILMEN Y—vaanr�ed by me-0—i._JUL281932 193. _ � A1c Dnnnld A(j1�//�,ved ._..—X71%�'� 193... � Crnux %� _ .AB incl /Y / �� s:4r��/Y' .rn aaz ,enzel ...Mayo L �. President Mnhmiey CITY OF 3i. ��... PAUL � NO.... OMCE OF THE CITY CLERK .,,r�11,, n— , _ CQUNCIL RESOLUTIO ENERAL FORM cAJuly 29, _ 1932 RE Lvw That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 2 Chevrolet Standard 4—door sedans, 6—cylinder type motor, each equipped with extra wheel carried in front fender well, for the Bureau of Health, at a cost of $1,333.80, lees an allowance of $90.50 for one 1926 Ford Roadster, Motor No. 13104168, and $109.00 for one Dodge sedan, 1927 model, Motor No. 0834-911115, to be taken in trade on the above purchase, making the net coat not to exceed $1,134.30, with— out advertisement, as these are patented articles and o advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund— Munici al Equipment 1003-139 COUNCILMEN ,\y Yese / Nvye ,�,ip� yJ, ' Adopted by tha Covvcil_..�UL.%.:i.]9.iZ....193...... Msy , �('�• ' jam' oDovald NNN"`��� .... ... Is— Appvd.. ............183.. W—d Mayor u tiv /Ivir. Preeidevt Mahoney 0•�yiv.l �o an auk CITY OF 571. PAUL .tea NO.J.3/.09--- OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK Issiorvew-.3��'�CILR LUTION—GENMAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchaee, with the consent of the Comotroller, 2 Republic meters, 1 Multiole Draft. Gene and 500 Extra Charts for the Nater Department, at a coat not to exceed $685.50 f.o.b. Chicago, without advertise— ment, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be rained thereby. Charge Plater eparwent Fund. COUNCILMEN1!'`� Yeas j �Id NZ ��,��Y " R_"".. Truax n favor _._. _......___Againet /Wenul u `.r k,. President Mshoney .iu `n ro�4 "�wwyW-.w M�pNs46� �� A�-~'. AE tOa tlYitL 'CRmdI'i al ' }{ A� Adopted by the Council _ ML_2.oJ932._I93.. _. Approved.........JU.2.11932_.__193.. _. C" OF ST. PAUL NO. 93210- OFF CE OF THE CITYCLERK RESOLUTION—GIZNERAL FORM A— REsoLvm ?bat pwaiomdm and wthwifq ere b—br gI—ted to the NawsU Park Jup¢+o mwt Ap"adatim to hold a fwtltl In NewoU Park = :uly 50 and 51, 1932, both deym Adopted by the JUL.2.9.4411�193.. 193._.. May COUNCILMEN Y- X. Nay. McDonald In In— Agi..t Mahoney Adopted by the JUL.2.9.4411�193.. 193._.. May M QIddGNl.�lOWFNCmNN, i. S— NWM oiwr �➢MAMAC UUY Lx bim• nd iln /.4n CITY OF SAINT PAUL GPh`I el MienewLe DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Teeth sad Ml... L Saeee. C -JOHN H. WDONALD, -G. o'coNNiu, ®O July 29, 1932 To the Honorable Mayor and City Comoil Saint Paul, Mine sots Gentleman, the Hewell Park Improvement Aeeoeiatloa has made endd 3 31• and 31. for permit to eonduat a feetival on Jo1y 30 The petition eigmd by property omnera favoring this feetival Se att-h.d. All aomeesiom are to be handled by the organization epomnriag thieaffair and, therefore, there in no objection to seine Sneofar as this D.Partzant ie .—road. /LO`'> b. y yours, Those :. Dahill Chief of Police PHOP2D[ Co®imelomr of Pnbllo Saf y L. A. PAPKE BUILDER OF FINE HOMES ������saeo.c:roeCt/ecL� . 7 Rorlee COUNCIL PIKE RD. I'M 1 _ o aM=. July z7• ,vim RESOLV96, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f C 12.925.01 , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED7I=TO - 6 INCLUA/SIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADDPTED BY TIE DDUN- APPROVED lift 241 Ing, Ip cm n LIE vuo�c.re .o 0•"aE". F'_OF ECOMRTROLLER _, NO. 9,7211-- ovvc COUNCILMEN—RO LL CALL OF'_ H r9lIRR� Truax I COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITEL)CLAIMS /7 July 27, -32 12 gg25.f31 emr.lec �a. one f - GIA- 737}&F f396. . E0 .r —'— TOTAL IN FAVOR OF Me p " -OUGHT FORWARD 173 134531086„40 ob r7348Prad Ambruoh 26 40 7349 Chemical Bales On. 13 50 7350 Paul N. Nielsen 4407 00 7351 Martin F. Falk Paper Co. 168 00 7353 Otto J. Zupfer 29 40 7354 John O'Brien 25 20 735 Jam es Quinlan 16 80 7355 Gerhard speaker 7356 Ettel a Franz 52 50 1 630 73 7357 standard $tone Do. 7358 735g American Linen $apply 17 28 35" Co." 15 00 " 37 87 7361 W. R. Barber Co. 261 93' 7362 Bowen and Sone 19 435 736j John Brace 206 to 7364 Burroughs Adding Machine Co. 180 25 7365 Capitol $tats Mfg. co. 27 00 7366 Central Soap Co. 12 13 7367 ohequamegon Flower Cardene z 47 09 7368 Diebold Safe and Look Co. ; 369 Louie F. Dow 00. 11 O6 370 Lampland Lumber Co. 7371 Robert M. Mo Adam 25 00 7372 Max sson-St. Paul Drug Co. 71 68 7373 Nortbern Coal and Dook Co. 2 4 09 7374 Northern states Power Co. S o 61 7375 3 334 61 7376 " 138 29 7377 " " 521 22 7378 Oriental Laundry Co. 13 85 7379 Pioneer Electric Co. 117 022 7380 Remington Rand Business 3erv.j 700 00 7381 3t. Paul Builders Material Co, 15 79 7382 9t. Paul Vocational School 641 d6 7383 o 7384 sanitary Food Mfg. Co. 9 9 7385 G. 9ommere 8 Co. 12338 8 7386 Tri. $tate Tel. a Telgr. Co". 84 73.1 • 7387 " " " 67 55 7388 41 39. 7389 7390 Universal Carloading sad Diet}g. Co. 29 lg 50 7391 West Publishing Co. 7392 western Union Telegraph Co. 84 87 7393 Standard Stone Co. 1 735 32 7394 Milton Rosen, Co'-of Finance 489 11 7395 Board of Water Commlesi,n— 1 187 730 7396 James C. Moore 29 34' ii EET TOTAL FORWARD 74 811 57 199iU68 23�Y i ` s t m YNew 720 COUNCIL RESOLUTION No_-9�__ 8es*fved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation • of the Contract ConasIttee and awards the contract for paving University Avenue from Arundel Street to Jay and Gaultier Streets, and constructing sewer come ctions, Contract "C", in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to CLEMENT F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of w89,600,00, using 011 Asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed ted raw up the proper form of contract a— therefor, �- - -- -- c. p� DaTne.P a .ae t ^t C i aF:'w'�NaF�t"en4p -4 � Hltac4e0Y lti �CLEVIDa'P�F��eC� pLWY+ • I �vutrrnwpwsv'a_e.n.e'esa.lme .c an. ne.4ia •. �wte d, �t a M.noll July Zee 19fR ee��p.vee; fAu.��i 1Bii o.w...� .�.... 8838 ..a..<..w. n......:.......�.���a .....o ...... ....... ..a.o.. o. r.n. �....o..uwr...u�o..: ......... .....:....,................ . . . . . . . . . . . . .21, 200.00 ....n...,............+..... o..o... ........ . w.. .47,400.00 iFr Pr >> 93214 s";AKvae1P°iiaq ,.r1ee�Zr�inNean � COUNCIL FILE NO. By.�OIG(.Z 10 m. dM In the Matter of ooustruatir, aurbtag-.aa both aide. oP. WCBQIIa St"Ote.-Prom. fw—hri— L a to Payne Jer—, under Preliminary Order _. 92569 ---approved iay 28, 1952 a _` IteoaediaTOd ._.-._.. -_-._ ._-_-approvd �A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice d the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it -1 o.11-e�•dL>'i n ll.e e-J—e RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the pr.e' c ment t//t�� be ma/d� b tt/fie amd (/.qty 's ..eons}/met•'/�yin6_ ! aide( ai BrnabtLriet. [ xprallad..md-iaedo0e0elLL_--_-- - vtae�lmis in aa. ..... .... .. a d t Cso VFi rebs rders id b be mSO UR ER, t the r f Pblit Wor be an a hereb nstruc dacdir p itpl , saan peri raidimpva=m t�%{Jnd b*ty�/tE' the C it1• t d pp 1, t p pe ty cad,i a hejeby aut -t-d aIdirectelllFFF toe t of se pr t accords a there h. Adopted by the Council auG,192 r, 3 - +axz Approved su, 192 Mayor. councilmanWl Mr Uonsl•1 �F;p Councilman s$aa��s Y� �yy�.!/ Councilman Cooacilman I Councilman .gYW— Mayor lump" PIu1w, s.P Form B. S. A. R-7 I —INCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the mat�cr of A.eane to --t—ti.ig o—bi., on. both id.. of Noi St --t f— Greenbrier C.0 C4 ..d, Ptdi,,ii—y Order app—,d May 28, 1932 To the C—,il of the City of S, P-1: 'Che C—mi—,,.f Finance hereby ri,p-- f.11—, Th, total —i—,d aof the assessment — l fh—lb— Th The —, pion f,, the mprosement$0.81- Th, 1— ., —h of I..d that may b, assessed benefits f., such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or p.—I as last reported by ,he Assessor,f.11,-, DES-11TION L.T ....T.— . --T ASIESI _d I I Blde. 10 4 Holterhoff =d Mead. Addition 1700 3950 ExG. W—t 7.6 rt) 19 4 9— Add. to the City of 550 1450 11 1 St. P-1 896 1200 21 4 do 676 1460 22 4 4. 675 IBM 23 4 do 675 1500 24 4 do 875 1650 25 4 do 675 1300 26 4 do 676 3900 27 4 do 676 1400 DEPARl.?ENT'OFFFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' ' 19SCRI—ON LOT -- ADDITION VALUATION E.... • 28 4 E— Add. to the City of 676 1660 St. Paul 29 4 do 676 \ 30 4 do 760 N. 33 ft of 1 and 2 4 Arlington Hilla Add. to St. 425 2600 Pao1 3 4 do 675 2360 4 4 do 676 3600 8 4 do 676 1700 6 4 do 676 1600 7 4 do 676 2000 8 4 do 675 1860 9 4 do 650 1300 . 10 4 do 860 1160 11 4 do 660 960 12 4 do 860 1600 13 4 do 600 800 3. 21 ft of 14 and 16 4 do 1026 1100 18350 43360 The Commissiooer of Finance further rep- that he h.. m.entigatcd all of the aforesaid matt , and hereby submit. the foregoing ae hie report thereon to the Council, together with the rc port made to him in reference t aid matter by the Com missioncr of Public Norke. Datedd_ _ 19.32 eo.A R. C.—mi—,—.T >'inancc. St. Paul, Minn.."'F � 191 ]... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: n from St- Ave. to 0 Se Ave. -THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL • INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Date) June v, lsas Hon. Hermaa C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Birt 1 transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the"ebd'straation of curbing on both sides of Magnolia Street from Greenbrier Avenue to Payne Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92559, approved May 28, 1988. Estimated Cost $ 948.15 Cost per front foot .81 Engineering - - - - - 90.00 Frontage - - - - - - 1183 ft. The above estimate includes the cost of constructing bituminous gravel gutters from Payne Ave. to a point 385 feet east of Payne Avenue, this portion of the street being on an 8% grade and some provision against Washouts being necessary. Yours truly, / Jn/ �i �/ , 5i. M. BHBPARD, 000 mh isf Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co ssioner of Finance. HEHMAH C. W Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public wd SFINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance I9 JUN 9 1932 June 9, 1932 ..193 To the Commissioner of Fios.ee of the City of St. Poul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having hod under consideration the preliminary order of the 92559 May 28, 1932 _198_ , "Asfive w Council, known m Conrail File No. approved the construction of curbing. on both .sides of Magnolia_ Street from Greenbrier Avenue to Payne Avenue. and having investigated the matters Ind things rcfmred to therein, hImby repo - 1 Said impr —It is necc.s.ry Ind (or) dtreirable. Cost per front foot 81¢ 2. The estimated coat hereof is E.. 943.15 and the total coat thereof is E _. _. _... Engineering $90.00 Frontage 1183 ft. Ind the ..tore and extent of seed improvement is ea follows. 3. A pls., profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached end made I port hereof. 4. ...._ 5. Sail improvemcn t is _asked for upon petition of three or more —In of property, subject for said improvement - ?�__C` Co eslon / f�y)+btic work.. D St. Paul, Minn. _. -a-1934 '-2./ Tn The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby pennon your Honorable Body o Ave. `to --_ St. Ave. �,I, BIACE pDDRIDN NAME _„ • i>7i�T/�I � ` r. r t e COUNCIL FILE 1 0�--n--n--�-- 93215 BY V FINAL ORDER In the matter of_acg_uiring�__ap4roprigting_�nd_ Conde-ning_ for_ playground_ --- purposes Lots 5 and 14, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition. under Preliminary Order____g363Z------------' approved____J.un6-Bthr- 1933_____________, Intermediary Order ________92961 -------------. approved____ JILY_ 6thx 1____ a__________ __ ement A public hearing h -mg been had upon the andations ro latwc thereto, and d ha inga fully Council baying heard all pereons, objections an r re an cona� Bred the same; therefore, be it mtent and kind of eciec RESOLVEDBy Br edeebnature yothe uncil of the said CitytlEY,acquireull ndtforr playground purposes - improvement ts•aer: osure�aa®ma�emntsnon e'­astr 1 8 CNw.ou�— and the Council hereby Orders said improvement to be made. , RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands eas eats therein be and the eame are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose n 's A the said improvements, vtz.. Lots 5 and 14, Block 21, Ashton & Sherturne's Addition. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner of Public 1Vorks be structed and directed to Prepare Plans and specifications for said improve ant, end tand is hereby he proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement m accordance there- ' with. AUG 1932 Adopted by the Council_______________ -2 ____________ �,Z�, _ -------- 19_ ------- City Clerk. Approved_____ M yor. Councilman 9�Me �' Councilman-ALinall Councilman aid I () f Peart Councilman Pearce i Councilman limit' Councilman 6udk� Mayor .A5HTON 8 5H£RBURN£S ADD., Lots S 6 lA Block 21 _ CONDEMNATION - PLA Y GROUNDS B—/Eng'—, June / 1932 Seo% /--/Oo' PJk. 4 c1. `5 N - 14 —� - y c. s c^ic v a s PJ izs 2 / 9 16 I J�� LP 60 .zcowoennATION DI Y GROUNDS - Dc -a Orso"-, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISS16NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) r yu, In the mater of aoquiring, sppropriatleIg Aad Goadwouing for playground purpose. lot. 6 end 14, Blook V, k.ht.. & Sherburne'. Addition, ,,d,, Preliminary Order approved June 6, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. P-1: The C...j.,j.., of Fins— hereby ,-- follows: The t—) estimated ..ot,,, of the ---ot In, the above intp—en,ent ir $550.00— The —i—ed -1 , I..t for the ab... i.p,,,,,enL In The 1— ., parcels of 1—d that on., be ...eased be.1fill for —h improvem and the .,I,,Ied -1—i.. of each lot or parcel ., 1— ,,n,,,d by the A—II., arc ar f.11—: DESCRIMION ADDITION aunTioN I..d Bldg. (3— Jeek... St- —d C -Pit -1 (Heights) 5 21 Ashton & BherboTen's Additi.o. to 250 St. p..l 14 21 do 300 550 The Commissloner of Finance f—be, report. that he h., m—tivled all of the f.,—id —t—, ..d hereby nboninI the f,,,g.ilg ns hi, ,p.,t hmc. to the Co—ii, together with the report .do tohim in reference to ..jd by the Commissioner of Public W.,k,. D,ted L—, --k of Finance.— .. . a.... . ��7 d City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk AUK' J. GBROM, GW GvY a. .k Ciry •,.n •nd C—WI­of R•rb .. May 24th, 1932• ®m Hon. Milt.. Hosea,Come'r I N� Builds of Public •orke, Hn31d1\./ ng. J17ear Comma seloaer� / Attached please find copy of a reeolution adopted by the City Council this coming recommending that condemnation proceedings b is the matter of ecguiring 7n Le 5 and 14, Block 21, Ashton 8 Bherb-1. Additicn ase site fora plggmund. The Council today referred this matter to your department for the preparation of the preliminary order. Tours very truly, City Clark. fLI %! '/-, v tY' , C Office of the Commissioner of Public \\bW)W HNANW Report to Commissioner of Finance JUN 9 1932 Ams 9- 1932 193 To the C­od.i.-, of F—o- If the City If St. 11-111 The Coo,od.io_ of pohim Works, having had under consideration the Pletimi-11Y 'I"' If the Council, III— . Council File No. 92637 approved.June 6, 1932 193 , '1.ti- to acquiringp appropriating and condemning for playground purposes, lots 5 end 14, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne's Addition. and having investigated the mat— and things referred to therein, h—hy ,p,,.: 1. Sid i"PI—ooe't i, -—,y and (o,) desirable. 2. The estimated cast thereof ie $ -u , end the Wt11 MA thereof 1- S and the —t -I -111 I1W-t If said improvement ie ssf""': 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement i, hI,,W attached and —do , part hereof. 4. 5, Sid i-PI--oot is...asked f,, IPI- petition of three or more owners If P"PlItY, subject W mmm000nt f,, said improvement. 1 m an. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL „u NO.93216..... _.. ...... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHOM, The /dvisory Court Howe and City Hall Building Commission, at its meeting held July 29, 1933, approved as to fors the oontraot lith the Golden Rule for oerpete and drapes, and the Union Indemnity Company as surety on the bold a000mpany- ing said ooutraot; therefore, be it ABSOLVED, That the Council oonours in and approves the aotlon of said Commission. COUNCILMEN Yea Na hl�Honald Apinet /R'rnzel I,� u e-zz �tr. P—ident Mahonay 'c�baP:rollr M„� x�f lamtn $ 1 °.,fie, Y a. ASOPPQ,±ii, 1`P Y� Iw 1 1 hp�P k CPuncll Ana. z. IPaz. a, Adopted by the Council....AU G -2 _. �2- ..193 Approved ...-.193..._ vlZfeyo� TMV� Saint Paul n Bureau of Municipal Research�a A,hle.ic Club B.ildine •,..,m....P�•e... Cd., 4ZIO `•. •���••• July 99, 1998. f0 the city omwil, city of Sant Pmt, 9imewtft. Settle ` ♦t .t. eretiM wNy the AAVIwry wort Hove. WA City W1 Bald.% Com. t. d dTo"G .� f� Onion IIndemnity 00-PUY 9oldtn Bats for earpeN an6 dteip. u .ar.ty. 'm1. Ther 1. referred to yon for Toot eotloh. Very truly yoer., e.creterT. Ad'iwry Court gone. end city Bell Baldy Comi.aoa. CM: SB mc,va.. m .M1 No CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu 113217 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM )t 141_ �m WSzRw, At its meeting held July 29th, 1982, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building commission awarded the oontraot for misoelleneous furnishings and equipment to the Sperry Offios Torniture company, the les bidder, for the sum of $12,595.00, re— serving the right to rejeat Alternate No. 1 within a period of sixty days following the oountersignature of the oontraot by the City opmptroller; therefore, be it HSSOLPSD, That the Counoll oonoure in and approves the action of said 00mission, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to draw the proper oontraot therefor. COUNCILMEN Yvnn NnYa dirt �cUonnld ' Penrce In 'Qw V /�enael _A1,. Prc M—t Mnhoncy vvnens -.z ..a. ivol `�..i:n.ot1e "vr' ,.°..1.°c.00. S """'AA u i v vvvli v vette. ° Www:' ea:in Adopt,d hY the Counvi1 ;U_xNZ 193 .. App ..A .r4•.. ... 193_.._ Mnyq/ Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research AthI, c Club B.tIdlns m,....�wi.x..... •�"' c�•.p.,...,..,... ysly 29, 1932. To the city commil. city of Saint ?.a. Ylmawt►. 9eatleeent ♦t Ste emetine today the ddriecry court Noow ►ed city Mal Hnilding co-tanion ►carded tho wntaut for dmomlla fmalnhtaye ed equipswnt to the Sperry Offtoe ymrsttnre coepeay, the los bidder. for the ea of $12.596, a. ri&ht Doig reserred to nJeot Aitermte Naber 1 dsimg a period of sixty days follosdmg the eIVAAC of the ..Mot. ftts e►tter is referred to you for yomr lotion. Very truly yo►rs. Sec»tery, ♦driwry court Hove ►d city Mal drilding Commlaion. OFE193 na�.,paoa.. 93218 CITY OF S . PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cGrM ss�eer+ew. 1�t)� WHEREAS, She Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Oomnission, at its meeting bald July 29, 1932, awarded the con- tract for departmental signs to the Westinghouse Electric Supply Company, low bidder, for the sum of #2,250.00, for the coat of which an allowance of WOOD is provided in the electric contract; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council oonoura in and approves the action of said Co>omiesion, and the Corporation Counsel Is author- ized and directed to drew the proper contract therefor. COUNCILMEN Yam Nnye / �hlcDonald �Penrce � I favor /yam TltlnxAg Wast •-" W xel ` 7� .r fir. President Mnnoney male rtai Smlaln my e.w am; 4a, ui:..W..a:a ins .oea.eef°r a.nyem.,m . a,,,. o �.4°af d LM198� o'� a..o a Ann v� w m °cPo°.r ou wu"e. e. rias. u�aa' a-aiiil Adopt d by the Council... Q , �_ 9 -1932 193 . . Approved ,JJ+. .193..... Mal Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A,hl,,w Club B.1Ijinq •"""^""""'�'Hiui xT C.Ja. 1110 "p............ iu17 2=, 1932. To the City Council. City of saint Pool, winoewta. Osatlewnf At its meetia8 todq the Advisory Court Home and City Hall Baildln6 Conmtwion awarded the coutraot for dapartmeatal a10. to the leatia(Aoone IIsotriu supply Conpany, the 14a bidder, co for the nom of $2,280. $s at of thew sign. is oerered by an allosauae of $6,000 1. the eleatria -attract. W. —iter 1s referred to yon for Your —tion. Vary truly yours, Beoretary, Adrisor7 Court 8oaae sad City Hall Ho11d1oL pominlon. CPR: BE o.�iv.�wavrart CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.93219--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Rlawam wHEREAB, At its meting held on July 29th, 1933, the Advisory Court.. House and City Hall Building Commission awarded the contract for shades in the now Court House and City Hall to Hauenstein d Burmeister, low bidder, acceptingAlternate No. 2, for the sum of $8,840.00; therefore, be it HEBoLVIM, That the Council concurs in and approves the action of said Commission, and the Corporation Counsel is directed to draw a proper contract therefor. COUNCILMEN Yess Nuys / �/D Wald flow �7'eartc � In fnvor x/17._.Agninet W —1 President Mahoney a„.to;a ale ieil a m- 00 �ieA%.ao� ie-- nes :. eliea.,: nnue"iue cwwcll eo.... Aaovt.e ns m. co�..n Avv�ovee uvx 'e-iei'» Adopted by the Council.. _a uG. 2 '..193L._..193.. . J App roved_...._. '?"' ...193._._ Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research Athl-, Club Building Ce ., 4210 "�..w „�..,,.....a July 29, 1939. To the City Comoll, City of Belot Pool, Minnesota. m¢tl—t At its meting tody the AdTiwry Court Honae aA City Hell Bnllding Conaisdm awarded the oomtrset for shades to &:mo- stein end Burmeister, tbs loe bidder, together with Alt—to Ho•- ber 2. Owng the oontraot ev $8,840. the be- bid see $9,290, while Alternate lmber 2 prowldss a d.&wtio¢ of $"0. this metter Is referred to you for your motion. Tory truly yours, 9soretary, Adrteory Court Ho e¢d City Hall Bnlldlm< Oomt nlo¢. CPH:BH py,w man awl. t CITY OF ST. PAUL riu C6 NO. .,4;220-' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t� COUNCCIIL� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PCLr�nreiNir�raq¢ Ai/'t^- s�sm$ WHEREAS, The Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has authorised the omission of a case in the mayor's office, under the contract with the Sperry Office Furniture Company, at a saving of $250.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council approve@ of and concurs in the said omission in the contract and the credit therefor, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized end directed to deduct the City's share of the said credit from the contract price with the Sperry Office yurniture Company. ��c. o.11n vere�llrt,g� r 8@11 SutWInR l �x1�ese w Im11'1oe ort"g'e�m ceroe q� t/16p,D N ' ' e ,rea ager ^Ne proper CIV eQlpalb bve b M. joN� enc Elreelea.to-EeEpp1 ye •a4 vltE the ealttro0 ipe v epem'061pe eA ltureC mnees� v AgoDlea by Ne CaanAp Apc. 1, 111x. pprove0 (Aua�0�i0]i) COUNCILMEN Yeas Na'. / Adopted by the Council193_... -mw ,icDonald Pcnrce \.._In favor Approv d 193_... T'-. A6ainet �• _I.T LL-:¢-ac1�[,�������.%.-� W d 1,,typyl� Pr -dant MAhov y e1r e -n �j� Sa nt Paul Bureau of m cipal Research Athlcti,Vgl.b Building July o the CIty Ct,,cii, C t Y C. 5'. .:I, —, t _e ntlm�en :' o11 o'i , ext- c.__ ,.r: -1t h t- 11.ct report; 3'--I' ' a. CT SILL5C,a,Lly t,i, —irs et , cost of . . . . . or, SFFPJ'IC-i-- i"'b— Looh:. i , the .-i-it, 'f -1 , t, i-� the E.,,"or, u , 0, c—it bei. . . . . . 2eO.00 t'j —, I -U-1 c— b :i 1 2bh to . , - , t z , , 8 2. Secretary, A411 - :r: Cc -t Huse —d City H,I l3icr- Corciseico 'PH: ,H �ma�a�e 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL %.c" NO...?^_��.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION-- GENERAL FORM Peewrr"ince �/:yIle DITI .HGBEAs, The advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission has approved the following extra, vizi The ocntra,t with the Bikes and Yungbauer Company for applying leather gimpe to certain chairs, at a coat of $637.88; therefore, be It HESOLM, That the Council hereby concurs in and approves the notion of the Commission, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to add the Oity'e share to the contract sun of the Sikes and Yungbausr Companyla contract. COUNCILMEN y_ Noye tel` �MoI)onald /' - PPcarce V - -....In fnvor qi— /e Ageinet /W Pr n�K PreAd t Mahouoy waw e_ a me _ mb m � i'oe.�rt 6[q! IC i aux.au.,<e.neren. � I Resoli�e.aT eV; eeeti� yyy {i !���eo�eaOaa�i: cemwtLe r .. aYtin ��Yggff vee sir. zea as Adopted by the Council...1'..'...�.;.-. 932__.. 193.. _. APPrO d —_ ` _.. 193..... May �mGoart. (i��JJ �• CITY OF ST. PAUL .M a NO...., 93222. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM cow.N oNEw o,rE ---- WHEREAS, At its meeting held on July 29, 1932, the Advisory Court Bowe and City Hall Building 00mmissiou elected to adopt Alternate Wo. E of the chair contract, thus increasing the con- tract price $149,50; and , WHEREAS, This alternate provides for the substitution of poetnre Chairs instead of tin ordinary office chair; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Council approves of and Concurs in the action of said Commission, and the proper city officers are autborised to add the City's proportionate share of mid sum to the contract price with Sikes and Tungbauer Company. E Ib QIVW d IaP nmmY=. einq4au TI Vj °�9u Mae�,Ink ttEi. EetP 0 p pv 4yro. d e In- �x> eWx; Cxro�lulory. WE NDIs �Dro l IV Eio r4DvsU�iDyµ�}° %8suhe CI h•� D Darin rt > ® 4 Dvf. COUNCILMEN Y'. Neys Adopted by the Couvcfl. . _.. AUG •' -. 122193 _ /plMcDonald In favor "'Sj" r� APProved ' _... �.13�i .. 193 Wenxel ryidyor-- - � ar /Mr. President Mahoney Saint Paul Pqw Bureau of Municipal Research Athl-, CIA B.ild,.g July 30, 1932. To the City0ovecdl, City of Saint P-1, ld—.t.. Q..U-1 At It. —ting a. Jly 29 the Adlwry Court Home end City Hall ftIldlx Comed .Im elected to adept Alternate Nombor a of the chair -.t—t, Was 1""I"ing the contreot Price $149.50. We alternate , vid.s for the vob.titatim of posters emir. Instead of the ordinary office emir. We —tt.r i. -f.-.d to you for ycm' action. Very truly your.. 01�� Secretary. .- t-7 Adrieor, Ocort Hca.. 4.d. C1;y 9.11 ftildig CPRsSE1 ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL ricc c NO 3923 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK p'COUNCIL RESOLUTIO —GENERAL FORM A_ RESOLVED met tb. propr oiy offie.re be o d they .se hereby rthertpd ,ad dlrooted to D•7 tba elyea proportionate ahare of th. Mlle aehdtted by tba AAvlwr7 Court Bba.e and City Ball Bdldlag Coriaeloa to .boon oa Abetraot of Majus lumber W of the AAviwrs Court B'oaee and Cly Ball Bdl6leg Corieddn. tetoliag Im.303.96 the oit7'a uhm" of ehich is *106.'d61.689 aad all Y eh000 qon the olaim eabdtted 17 rid Corlrlon. Ycas CConroly mEw Na/ WD ..Id Peas.. � yI�Y Agains S.dhni— L� Mc. P—id— Bwndllc neeoluu�az � E t�pm (ttyy''y�.,pplummn� I p°wavla�XXN90oes.blaNa agml tND�v. Dwu a camw u 6 ptrent CWd."Nvtl�eei �eL �luadecc .ao a'� a: to fOl.al. 4°cltlYmauiee�ot t:Maac ao�i. eY. na ear a - ,.t iw se's iiii Adoprsd by .hc Council AU� ;. -. 1932--_.19. App—d 19 o vea ' I- 9224 CITY OF 9 . PAUL � MO6 NO..._._........_.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ _ t COU IL RFSOLUTIO ERAL FORM July 27.,. 1932 _. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Avant be, ana he " hereby authorizea to purchEee, with the concent of the Comptroller, ECO book. "Minimum Sseentiele of Enzlish" at a coat of 600 ear, and 600 books, "Sure Say Punctuation" at e cost of 360 each, for the School Department, mnaing the total coat not to exceed $576.00 f.o.b. tdlnneap lie, without eskinz for competitive bids' as, these books are copyri,4hted ana nn a-ivantaze could be -Wined thereby. Chane Public Scho)ls- Book Fuad lb -L COUNCILMEN Y_ �Icllonnld l /Wennel u 01,. President Ddahonay ��o9dRdhtl Ih 1[E "�4bsXn� $. C" a'�u• " 0 bn k�t tMl I t �i: us, r tsw-oa tm.� � rmt°n°: �apnS >•.wlthouia u"Y4,.toc��am pM ee sa s hi a °� �k �° a ini• Adapted by the Council._ QUG..%._7.1_._183..._. Approved •yJ4 _.__.193. i Mx r 27.5. • CITY OF ST. PAUL �e NO... ... 93..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R60LUTION—GENERAL FORM n ouw WHEREAS, the Purchasing Committee has recommended that all bide received under F. B. $9837, for the furnishing of coal to. the various City departments of the City of St. Paul for the Beason of 1932-33, be rejected, for the reason that all Bush bide were uniform and exce Bsile, and that re -advertising for bide for such coal would be oondi.oive to the beet interest- of the City of St. Paul and would, in all probability, result In the reception of bide at lower prices, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul hereby l concurs in such recommendation of the Purchasing Oommittee and that alsuch bide be and they hereby ere rejecte6 and that the Purchasing Agent be and he hereby Se authorized and directed to re -advert lee for bids for the furnishing of such coal for the said season of 1932-33. COUNCILMEN yam Nays / �fwl -McDonald arca .I favor I AgoinatQ /weasel ,� "Mr. Preeideet Mehovey+tr ew eor 1' �°°I Mtele ' arleW allyy pn u'tmnn4" tvv I.Ao� a gt'Aul fbrveen ne4on lnv0Oii i0, b� ro ealegrooe WY� "'1"euaF+nl� Ifmm'mC vp..Ma InnfYe lea�e-lin fad EIOLfM1° L- � to b�ae4 u A in ["'V4 w P nw t$ ie tnv - ra r,ne y i Wn wam p le .Ae.r:�iraea.. Hien er$ n.r.Y°r. w:nleg Anne :$ V ` I INi ultllmemm^e r 4 ! we a e tn.� nd oB r rnA. ra uolc'a-veil Adopted by the CounciL_ ..AUG.." -1932-193., Approved..__ 193..._ ayor August 2, 1932 The Purchasing Committee hereby recommends that all bide reoeived for furnishing 008.1 to the various City departments for the season of 1932-1933 be re]eoted, for the reason that all bide were praotioally the same and appear excessive. The Committee feels that by readvertising the oity will obtain lower prioes. F. B. +8837. APPROVED: HE pURCHA8IB0 00"ITTSS 0 San le August 2, 1932 The Parchseing Committee hereby recommends that all bids received for furnishing coal to the varloue City departments for the season of 1932-1933 be rejected, for the rose= that all bide were practically the same and appear excessive. The Committee feels that by readvertieing the city will obtain lover prices. P. B. #8837. APPROVED. THS PUROBASIHO COYYITTSE '� O armn CITY OF Sf. PAUL m No. .93226 a OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLU.TIIOy/I� GENERAL FORM July. 27, 1932. o av o.,E_ RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary conduits for the four corner type r�fie Forces installed 1a advance otedf Paving by 'it, anaateatasaia costsshslltbenconsidered astimated o partst oflihe66, cost of pa9ing Fifth St. from Seventh. St to Fourth Alt. Agent and financed accordingly, and that the -Purchasing g be and he materiels and .III, directed to seoure the necessary — Fifth St. and Main ave. `'m. t nae (m ce m .laser.et Fifth St and SmSth Ave. ereal leiv. b c1g itl--' at, W NSiNp' v t l 0 v v BAnD et tmmb!v n+th e�aV• u^ xtv Ne Puec�ulv[°E[ re llDe U�es�Yry � aL_ aane6eaaa Im.... Y I. COUNCILMEN Naye Yeea Donald / 1 Pearce [ favor �. P� AHainet �we'ul /Mr. President Mab—Y UG 1932 _. Adopted by the COUD61....A.... L .. _193. .... App,—d-.. L::.;_� �1�� .....193.... /% May ..... A pa�DifA�1G. ;Wpm Ip ° �� �,ea .� T. w n No. 93227 CITY k., I�+ OFFICE OF IL�e,p jt y gyHy t VIEW I COUNC sTvEONert 1 ✓ b..0 t 3 a July 27,1932 �40 - Whereas Additions and Deductions which might prove to I - na e necessary in the improvement described as the paving of Snelling from Grand Ave. to Summit Ave., Hanlon end Ouns, contractors, Ave. have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices there- for have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make additions to the contract as follows: Additions 20.5 s yds. of Class "A" Asphalt Binder Course with 1#" sheet asphalt wearing course # $1.50 $30 75 6.05 1.21 Tons Asphalt Binder ® 5.00 $36.80 And Whereas, the total addition is $36.80 now, therefore be it Resolved, that the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid, work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works, and in accordance with the specifications thereof, the total addi- tion due to same not to exceed the sum of $36.80 to be added to the lump am consideration named in the contract known as Comptrollers Contract L.3673 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons Ur specificatione andfnnitspricesfort stipuletedu at satidtOatractgaid The Department um of Public Works has agreed with the contractor Hanlon and Okes that the sOf $36.80 is the _,n>addition? to be made to the said contract. /Q _ Commissioner bl c W s Countersign: �— ' Contractor o' AU city comptr r I, L - 1932 COUN('I I.hII'sN Yew+ onnlJ In favor 193... '�rnnv tNninst• - " Mny / Wenxel ft>m icRF.n Mr. Preeid'-M Mnhanry p N. 93228. p,yy wan oma. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,{ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r ---- ✓ ALL RESOLVED That the application of the Twin City 011 & Refining Ooaryany for permission to install an additional bulk storage at the southeast corner of Fairview avenue and Thomas street, be and the Same is hereby granted, the tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, ami under the direction and to the astisfe.ctlon of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeea NxYe fcDonald / P r. fi /"M' President Mahoney �J I xn.r tb. cbb a µ•ma<Puo a`Of mA°O°Oie.m.: eab. -d ei ainr:�use oa enaec'� r� ea`tw°Aui aun d wyo°o°eeb1_e- iuuis wug. t teavl IAug, 'a fail at 1932._193.-_ Adopted by the Council_ Approved ........ _-....._�z _..193..-_ i i, '. Mayor OFFICE OF THE CITI CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HON FABLE, THE elTy COUNCIL OF PAUL. MINNESOTA --APPLICA ION Is Hereby Made -AL 0 I I A�1111 IT' FILED 7L, CITY OF SAINT PAUL C"71.1 M —tR DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.m6 .Rd Ml—.6 Sten. JOHN H. MrDONN l Couwm— mor+�nsc.o C^—°w^• Ju)S, �lr irz.9 Mr. '"ill.t^m F. Scott, City Clerk, S=int Pnul, Minne�io'.n Dear Sir: Ret'��rne�l 'h rewit!'. is the npnlinntioo of tha T+rtn City Cil ^.nd Refining Co. for r netl,en `totheastl nddtt_on,,1 oink stor �_e on `11- s o of Fairview •� u Thomru Stre=.t, �nnd re -ort o- ins^ecti�n nna approval of the Bureau of Fire ^revention. Very t 1, y—rr, Commis: '.cne' o. '^.ihlic Sa:'ety Sri"Uma D*parMnenh of jPVbtir 5arehy .... rs.an �$ay)ryidLU,c.cowu oeion•n "•• •� July 21,1932 Ron. John R. McDonald aommissioner of Public tlafety, 9t.Paul,Mlnn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Twin City 011 and Refining Oo. for permission to install additional bulk storage on Lots 121 13,14, Block 2, Diokermann'e Rearrangement, southeast corner of Fairview and Thomas Ste. as follows. 4 fuel oil tanks 50,000 each 6 distillate • 19,000 4 gasoline ^ 19,000 " we have investigated the foregoing and report that If these tanks are properly dykedand proper preoaustion taken this department will approve of the installation. Tours Respectfully Chief Inspeoto . Fire Prevention Bureau. 0 'e�++*". THE BOARD OF ZONING p J+ W.dim.db dd.w.. d>se.o n�,.a a9..vw °., SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURL HOUSE 8uly 29th, 1932. c os"aac gr, dm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Re application of the Xwin City 011 Company 13r anddHstoragel bulk 14,nlo k 2,Dickerman'. Re caThitedso isLtosbe2 located on the southeast corner of Fairview and and is on land zoned for Heavy Industry. Bush s. rnance. ofTjomas permissibleis St. Ist zonedzoning for oC" esidence hand is side for the most part built up with single family homes. The plan shows one 19,000 gallon tank which is"in service at the pres=nt time for gasoline storage." Attention is called to the fact that this installation will bring the total storage capacity up to 390,000 gallons. The regulations of the fire underwriters regarding diking should be the with as a protection to the adjoining residTheential Brook pro party. The plan submitted shows none. Company lies to the west and the Sanitary Food Company (Griggs -Cooper) to the 8outh of this location. Yours very truly, 6ngineer"ecreta Y. gh-rh w�.�a 2 --on..—on.. CITY OF Si. PAUL No.94� ,-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _AN �o N k . 2 4 oAr9 RLSOLVID, That the application of Samuel S. Smith for permission to erect and maintain a public garage at 640 Grand avenue, to hereby granted, and the 00mmissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Is hereby authorised and instructed to Issue a permit therefor; provided, however, that no gasoline or oil shall be sold and no repair work done on said premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nsy9 I--- 46w- Pon—In 46w- �MeDonnld / � Qd1W �a T /Wonzel _[ t — \ � ` , j) ✓..._A6 net N� t��> Preeid,ot Mob oacy p. F. NPo. Bef1B—sr Fop r. WP. thB C mIW W 1'u'IW'>'4Y WAd. 1.p B 1 ale i *INNh erml� I 1��yhhW,�A1e'9y7M1 — (AApg. B BB9) Adopted by the Council. AU _ ..........193.... l4 APP 9 fi�d//'� � '_l, _. 193..... Mayor , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gptnl d mi -- OFFICE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK VALunM F. SCOlt. dry Cl.h ..d Comna.le-a d R.y-e.se. ®.O July 29, 1932. Mr. Lente L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, B u i l d i a g. My dear Nr. Anderson: The attached application of Samuel 8. Smith for permission to erect a public garage referredto yon by the City Council to draft a resolution to grant. The Council request- that the -..I— tion contain a provleloa, however, that no gaso- line or oil shall be sold and that n Public ro- palr work shall be done on the prsmi6es. Yours truly, � i�-� - City Cleric. C - NOTICE OF I,PPLlCATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. No£Sce is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on J�..... to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by 6eS.01 9. Mdth. 040 Ms 4 A-, et. Peel. Ytnnleatse for yormission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ransey Councy, Minneecta, to vit: Lot 5 Block 2 9®m1t Pm Addition, Saint Faul,Minnesota. On the $6.11t aide of f/MA Sr. Ave., Between Delat d St. Albans S A an St Number 690 Ore& ANeoae. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, July 14th, 19:i B CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PIE.I of Mlnn•.ot. DEPARTMENT Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 Oty H.II FRED M. MAX, Ccnmlolonu Ono E 1-1-- Cnri,.— .43E ` July 25, 1932. Hon. ',Ym. 9. Scott, C'ty Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: With reference to the attached application of Samuel E. Smith, for a permit to erect a public garage at 640 Grand Avenue, we have investigated and recomr,end that this permit be granted. Yours truly, Coassissioner. Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey i ss. nith prem .. bma s - a tbl ■ be vow la .nn auuvs aJ the am- bemly Is— emvlv�se se. I`- sva wnwper of me verrew wn.Y a -m- am a.rina al sale U. w... .E l- PAM p.fpclW deck a[ minrmler .f me Wa ve —1 the WJ pow 4. .e r�I1rID a.aal Ne We 11 , as.acece a aW> pew rlvtee eva Yuatwea Iv tee clb .f el. R -1. Dov ': oe. ' „� 1le m lb wb of namaev. v t a Stab of Ivveevb, ov seen ava every a epe w..a. wt me sapsaea paptea p.um .r ... .. ....... . _.. lypl}maIs4. for permit to ffisoL PaD1fo.W+g�.,,._ ............................................................................. • ........................................ .......................................me ea .pe mm. part er wsa p.mea apewapa peme�w� sai.em lm saw fey Wa. w .. aa>♦ %�th. Wa ..nm w.aalw I aaa puwlabw m Wa pewawper..................... saw JtS7.•16.1E'd8... awww ... _ ................w. n.. ..33: war•xs male. ............. _.......... ........... ...........xsw ............_...... y,e..�._.............rrwa.e.: mat we .ew.pape. vs all le. uavea, eva Bull 4 n �oW lverwR comm ote anE hmYvalevevwe alleerebr Its puelY;ea Iv s�tl Fe`IS! eva a"'vleee 6treeC ­.."awltll ava eamea w.ramev [or pmparbU. os ..w pmemi m Awa .mpm. wna. mems. m Wa at>: Inst me sass e.rlvs JI me Wa tlmv eva am 4 sates Iv et PUJ, W m'sa,,.tee m saw p pn aaawdva ea w•a�e samIt, mmmes. wm.. aphipteva Mem wnap msa a.nr m m®�Wpwma mvurampoLtnwM. all, I'dm the ��birn • of ma Awa �si�he irr.`n�u�>aNt:we�lp�pa�ataa welt.nee .ems. at e..n maa.r w.e. mem mvp twe n.eame am roa> ..mplete paaov, arnn -h., aaem. la.p.nwb, or ..la . a.�.. 6 oam e of mmoe.oeiaro• mam . aphabelt from w m zee Inc elm and kms of tvce wed mceuoie vunlluuon or•e e ezM puvtaa vou.c: . e a nll vv ca Tnatb emaot kp.we perwW 'all the rvc n Iv tnle emaav�4an. ma sa...a w mereto am tr S.b. nbed and Sworn m before me this Fee. $........... .. Received Payment. S9gF day of... . Ji ... A. D 19P THE DAILY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. .... ;!s.!`!... v,.e....... _ xm.n roam wm .. Date ........ ....... ... 19... Per..... ... .. .......i....... STATE OF MINNESOTA, 11 C._,y o/ R.;.,y („ 1 Iil 1'P P d J I LI':h I f 1 il .r., y r 11" "j, JVtI 1 k//y1�IFe/f tr freL�r II nr AF 1 I I i:, .:d.l Per tner t o Q L to T!mt II II tim 11 nl¢nti AI'r 121 I, ,'I Ott d M1 non ::Ig�l piper edeflued n n'A , + n.�r M1 u t,�,n/J.yy�=t from he Jvtr or tM1e fi �, I idenwi �o &0 u5!.SON WV_�maw. I I t 11 mb �derm�y �,f wo Iri:IreJ d [ortl AoV s re8llerl\ JI -r I 1 .::�I tl;:�t Lro . I of rno rret n�nrr:n:�� or .mom..... ur M1I r vII'da�'t ..how -n¢ tnr n. I I : :I 1, Pons u.l-frr.. �( r�nJ c l l fll P 1' •\ M1oth Ifl Il ncl n of EM1� size and kind n[ t111. e- Ilcvt:on a[ s.:iJ legvl aJ�e :s E her . r� ch,. rrrt.. E wroppot a wco rptltnzl I .:�i�r:, to :, 1 for puLl'c+t I p r h. [I I .J. ouwlmdvJ�••k CITY OF ST. PAUL ,nz C6 N....._93230 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL %RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE COZN WMMUS, Oscar Anderson has made application to the Oounoll for a permit to Install and maintain an ice station in his garage at 403 E. Maryland street; and WSIM8, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F of Section 8 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that mob permit should be granted; therefore, be it RICSOLQED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to issue to said Oscar Anderson a permit for said ice station, the building to be In accordance vitb the Building Oode. This permit Is granted subject to the pro- vision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. a r x �eiid=`R�,ereq""x atr'pi�"`" ebDv 2 porem ,,pa+a ew Itl�to � }� un�°e`ilZ�'°i6e oca dakewaia�r�ia •C°oa/ em �. COUNCILMENG 2-193'1 Y— NAYe Adopted by the Comci .. AUG ...._...........193..... Pearce / _ r.l Iavor Ae d...... 193. - Again d .Mayor._ �enz .0 ` �,Mr. P—id-t Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PiuI of ml..—e. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WMAJAM F. SCOTT, 01, 0k .nd C—W— d RKW Ue -mb. July 29, 1932. Mr. Lewis L. Andarson, Corporation ComTeel, H u i 1 d S n g. W dear Mr. Anderson: The application of 0—Anderson for :,p eamit to maintain an ice station in his garage 402 H. Maryland St, was referred to you $' the City CowCil to draw resolution to grant, Very truly yonre, City Clerk. Q Adopted by the Council 193....... Yeea. N�S`� - MAY McDONALD / PEARCE ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL y MR.PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council ---- _--- ._...__--- 193___.. Yeue. Nye /MAY / G / McUONALU ��'�����pppp7777 PEARCE )) OSEN TRUAX GWENZEL //R.PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) July 26, 1932. ur. oen:.r Aadar.on, 40^ L Urylend St., St. Paul, uinmeota. vy dear lir. endereont is regret to inform you that the City Connell, at it. —ting held thle morningr decided to d..y Your apyllcatlon for ?.-It W ualatain as i.. et.tlo. to your garage of 402 S, harJland St. Your. truly, City Clerk. i ' W65* w. AHHSpJ w v. i.gHr Vn,ilanN Sw. d H.,vwb Lu d V.A. CHASt. BAS40m CM Ndw.n CITY OF SAINT PAUL C•Pl al of Minn e.ot. � i' - __ DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDING 419 City Hdl FRED M. TRUAX, Comminioner ORO E. CONVANS, D.Pmy C-1-1- -00 0 July 14, 1932. Hon. Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Agreeable with your request of July 12, this Depnrtment has made an investigation of the application of Mr. Oscar Anderson for a permit to maintain an ice station in his garage at 402 East Maryland Street. This property is zoned in a commercial classification un- der the zoning ordinance and we, therefore, recommend that the permit be granted. Years truly, �� e commissioner. City of Saint Paul qL! ce.of City Clerk SONRAMOWM S. Cay al k a�� �,Cm�d vM (nmmblene ai Nnhbllen a.� ci.n v.m...nw. July 12th, 1932 Boa. "' Y. Truax, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Commisetomri fe attach herewith application of Yr� dereon for a pe mitto s,aiatala an ice station in his garage at 402 B. Maryland Street. This matter has been referred to you for Snvestigati on and report. Yours very truly, a City Clerk. J I _ I,.c-E> mss' ,..,.-•--•-�-E- J� L�-�- ,.._�ti �yaa G��,aC_ �L,.-i. ,.�-,� �,.�.,-� z. Scaly 15th, 1932. Hon, Milton R -an, Co t -l" nr Finance. Bnildin8. Dear C.—"d—alt Applicetion has bean made by Oecar Anderenn for pamit is maintnin en- station in hie gBree;a nt "0' Zest U.1land Street. 7111 yom kindly at n data -f nearim- and notify tr interested ptroperty -mere? Tnnrs ve-y truly. City Clark. +=Y THE BOARD Of ZONING („ FHabMJ bONirm Ho.5810hweR tva r, SAINT PAUL; MINNESOTA f' 4 hp 174 COURT HOUSE % July 26th, 1932. N ` snnc sawxamo. aar,... `4°'m acrz. 4 u HasE vvwn eomswun e:MIkFS NLS-W. D. VilU6 BlrNOVD. Grlydiva GFp[f H'Hne�Mvn Saara�n Mr. Wm. F. Scott, -, - City clerk. Dear Sir In regard to application of Oscar Anderson for .permission to install and maintain an ice station in his garage at 402 E. MarylandSt. This is the southeast corner .^ of Maryland and Arkwright. The property is zoned for commercial purposes, and is 4-1/2 blocks to the nearest ice station. There is a store on the northeast corner, but otherwise the locality is built up with houses. Maryland St. is 60 ft. wide. Arkwright St. is 66 ft. wide. Both are dirt streets. l Yours very truy, ' > ff' Secretary. �/,` pct-rh pOST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF THE COMMISSION EH OF FINANCE 19-32St. Paul, Minn.,—J-4 AS— — Pureuantw Pvrugraph F, Bectioo 5, ua amsndod, of Huildivg Zoo' Ordinance, approved July 7th, 1922, you arc herchy notified that the upl* lioation of rah 81.6 for per ontoececr�coltie rcteil ice stntionloruted4028. Rprylead ditian knosra will come up for coneiderntion before the Cowrcil of the City of Sl. Pool it, the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court rt UodcloUk1 "'a6l' y1$th—day of MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Finuuce. 7h _POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OZ ­THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Poul, Minn.,- Jv3Y 3a — -193 2 Pursuant tb?,mgreph F, Sretion 5, ne wnended, of Building Zone Ordinonm, nple—ed My 7tb, 1922, you me hereby notified that the opp_ her". of 0.... AM—een for permieeion to erect or continue ,WI ice etntiou IornteJ uurth 1 will come up for coneiderntwo before the Conned of the City of St. Pnul in the Council Chamber in the City Ilall end Court House Building on the 28th day of July , 193_. E_, of 10 o'clock A. M. MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Finnnrr. u,Wavavt CITY OF ST. PAUL ,a. ` No. —93231-- • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to Pilton A. Goldberg a permit for the erection and operation of a cash and carry toe station on Lot 14, Block B, Anna Z. Ramsay's Addition, also knosn as 1332 Selby avenue, said building to be in accordance with the Building Code, This permit is granted subjeot to the provision that the same may be revoked by the Council at any time by a majority Vote. COUNCILMEN Neye Y_ M /McDonald Pearce / ... In favor Rosen nzel MMr. President Mahoney 11 1.31 —, �- ee '1dn�e.r wa'�-uwongg a u +fn� ro awn„ Be '��IyO�Wpf 1�14'speatp Adopted by the CounciL..AUG 4. .19� . 193..... Approved.._ l:':_2._-__.._':...._..._--193..... 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL GpRd of Minna OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOR, City Om and Cemmblenm d Rnyhb,aon Jnly 21, 1932. Mr. Levis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Dear Mr. Anderson, The City Council referred the application of Milton A. Goldberg for permit to install a cash and carry ice station on Lot 14, Blook 12, Anna E. BemsayIs Addition, know as 1332 Selby Avenue, to you for resolution granting the same. Yours truly, CityClerk. �. mow. Sm. d N,r.w.dr CHAS. A 9ASOm CM AM.w CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.,It.lof Minn not. DITARTMFNT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS / 419 GN H.II i FRED M. TRUAX, C-1-1on.r / Ono F. COWANS, DmC"-IW-- July 7, 19j>y. 2 � Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the application of Hilton A. Goldberg, who desires to install a cash and carry Ica station on Lot 14, Block 12, Anna H. Ramseyta Addition, known as 1332 Selby Avenue. This property is on the southeast corner of Hamline and Selby Avenues, and Is zoned in a cmmnercial classifies - tion ander the zoning ordinance. I respectfully recommend that the appeal be granted. Yours truly, <�")tt 0/-,-�, Commissioner. CAB .•II / /, City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk N�I%;i 11%6as, aro a.,� WJ Ll.n on O.rt .vd Cesnlvlava of R.O. 4- June 30th, 1932• Eon. 7red V. T—, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Cammiaeioaer, We attach herevith application of Hilton A. Goldberg for permit to install a caeh and carry Sce station on Lot 14, Block 12, Anna E. Bemeey'e Addition looetad at 1332 Selby Avenue. This application baa been referred to you by the Cooncil, for investigation and report. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. J„ne z�, 1-2 Cit, Council, Cit; ^f SL.P2u1, st.P=t1, Min:te so ta, .,er.tie:x,n. 1 e+ oratio- oil a s✓lice "I 11r, etatlon no."lne a::s lt;✓, in tc oity and relces is from. -.1se c:e t.::.e rs nit ..00re 1 a., no sition to handle qn ice etnti,.a i itch 1:.'env ✓ ee t o �obzin Tel tn£ru� yonr T.:e legal de scri>ti on o£ t.:e '.r ..^.ii Bloc fish to locate :: station 1s :,ote__ a- Qy,,,,*�R�addition t.',r T.:e numbar ;dd s17)y $� Avenuo, sNo';::i t to d, BC:L Jn1,y Ah, 113'. Pan, Uilton Rosen, C—i..inner of ?inane., Bondi,[. Cear Co. -f..iaoert Application ba. been made by Milton A. Goldberg, 1164 U— AYonve for p,mission to install a cash and carry ice station on Lot 14, Bloc 1„ Aa..1 . R,..s. ey's Ad rA tinn, 1—em a. 1137 Selby Avenue. 1911' you kindly at a date If heario:; m notify to. ivteroet-_d .-part,, o -,— .-h hearlry',T You. e , � .. City Clea:. 0�.�*a. THE BOARD OF ZONING 3+ LUNWxdb OkieuK. Ne. 3Bq AuM W,tcee a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA N w 434 COURT HOUSE July 19th, 1932. ousem c. o.,taaE mN+o xowscww wnefs e..sstorm.o„.k.,.� Yr. wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir 1. Be application of Milt= A. Goldberg for permit to install a cash and carry ice station on Lot 14, block 12, Anna E. Ramsey's Addition, located at 1332 belby avenue. This is the Southeast corner of Selby and Hamline,"a filling station site. This is Sn a commercial district. Selby Avenue carries a street car line. There is o31ce station(Ham) on the Northwest corner, a bungalow om the Northeast corner and a four family apartment on the,Southwest corner. Yoursverytruly, Engineer -Secretary. gh-rh POST CARD NOTICE] - OF THE COMK41SSIONER OF FINANCE SL P..!. Minn...___.. Pu"Udim-to Paragraph F. Section S, . amended, of Building 7,no. Orcli- r.r_,approved Jul, 111, 1—' on are h�=gnchflcd lha, the application of *ft Aa. QQX vA for permission to or oc,j­ .,il io, 1—t d t,jj;._ya. AM& E. R�ey Add.,M32 Slbyl:. mill come up for w,,id,mki,n before the Council of th. City of St, Nui in th. Council Chamber in the Citq Hall and Court Mo.- Building on d.q It, ollock A. M. F -+w., - a CITY Of SAINT PAUL C.plt,I of Mlnoe.ot. DUAPTMFM OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED M. TRUAX, C ... 1.1oew OTTO E. CONSTANS, D—W Co.nivi.en ® o July 5, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the ap- plication of Hilton A. Goldberg, who desires to install a cash and carry Joe station on Lot 14, Block 12, Anna E. Ramsey?s Addition, known as 1332 Selby Avenue. This property is on the southeast corner of Hamlin and Selby Avenues and is zoned in the Commercial classification under the zoning ordinance? However, upon inspection of the site, we find a station already in operation by the Hamm Joe Company on the northwest corner of this intersec- tion and as it has been our policy to limit these stations in a district, we, therefore, recommend that this appeal be denied. Your. truly, Commissioner. HSB..0 — �a,m.. m.RNO.93232_. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Wt03nFat WMWRW, On July 29th, 1933, Permit No. 16866 was issued for a fence owned by the Oity of 9t. peal, and a fee of One Dollar was charged to the Twin Oity Wire 6 Iron 0021pa11y; therefore, be it YMOLPiD, fbat the proper city officers be and tbey are bereby anthorised to refund said sum of One Dollar ($1.00) to the Twin Oity Wire d Iron 0ompany, payable out of the proper Sand. COUNCILMEN Yeee �M Monnld N.Y. -Pearce �_— _.[n favor v .. �� �Trunx-- Againt,l �W... el Z 'Mr. President Mahoney a a°sLn:°ac" wimS` °7 zgwa Ir wJ to co naard :tuNeE if.o. o1 N Itis TWl I4 WI Y4FIYal. �e o0o v+¢Jb k t -eT' (Avy 0 t Adopted by the CeunciL. au G. 2' Appr d ..Jta _ ° ..193__. M MAY ...v.. en..i..�e... CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROU NDS'AND, PUBLIC BUILDINGS A,,, net 1, 1932 It— L. L. Anderson Corporation Counsel n el I L D I 11 G Dear Sir: on July 29th a permit 415655 was issued for a fence owned by the City of St. Paul. By mistake a fee of $1.00 was charged. Therefore, may we ask you to draw up the necessary resolution directingthe r'inance Department to refund this fee to the Twin City 'N:ire & Iron Company, 35 W. Water Street. Yo s very truly, C1ty �A(r�c/bite �— LAR : p move: me. a . CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ns NO93233 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PREa R) ,, x — > EHLREAB, As provided by 00naep rile No. 92915, approved pppr wed July 1, 1938, the 0ooncil did, on the 28tb day of July, o-clook A. l., in the 0onnoil Chamber of the 0ourt House and Oity Hall, bold a Public bearing Upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain frame barn located on Lot 13, Block 2, A. G. Mler's Addition, being in the rear of 157 St. Anthony avenue, following due notids of said ing it en Pursuantthe to ordinance Eo. 7210, approved lay 22, Council that said building is snunsafe and dangked eroustnd ovli et limb lrefore, and adjoining property and be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and %bat a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds record owner his lstknownaddress, or to the agentofaid build - Ing; be it PDRTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of tnirmoticeuto said property owner or his agent, no, appeal s been taken from this order, aid Commissioner of ounds and Public Buildings eball report said fact to the oowoil�.}, of�eydifhol�'EI h k AFY uh�g e 0�(vD�e oe m t NaLN r.e 91 ti e : �F+Irt ::4u .6.:.as,g= ". , ne,Pur Aw'ee: Uzi. IHae COUNCILMENAUb 4-194 Yom Nays Adopted by the Council_ _. .__ ... _ .............193..... M.D.nsld I Pearce In favor �.\ App d._... __.. ....193..-_ / T ..... . ABeie�et ,�„ I1 ... .. T7- uax T M yor Nensel ZMr. President Mahoney PU8LI3ED9_-1L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gciol of Minnnoo OFFICE OF CITY CLERK VAWAM F. SCOTT, Ory Ua4 sed U:=. d R.,—. n ®. ariy 29, 1932. Br. 1.11. L. Anderson, cra Corptloa Counsel, B u 1 1 d i n g. Toy dear Nr. Anderson: The matter of the advisability of wrecking a fr— barn located on Lot 13, Block 2, A. C. 11aller'e Addition, being in the rear of d to CitySCouncllony to draw resolution confirming. ou by t� Copy of C.y. 92915 enclosed for your information. Very truly yours, 2�4-�- .r:, City Clerk. CITY OF 5T. PAUL w�xca NO._-".. 234.-. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM sMtal�ep *HMHMdB, As provided by 00un011 Tile No. 92914, approved July 1, 1932, the Ootmcil did, on the 28th day of July, 1932, at tan o'clock A. Y. in the Council Ohamber of the 00urt House and city Ssll, bold a public hearing upon the advisability and neoes- eity et wrecking that certain one-story frame building located an the meetknown as NO. 199 Mastf of oOhiongo streeBlock t, followiing dues notice�Ofc said hearing given poreuant to Ordinanoe NO. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the 0ounoil that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wreoked and removed; tberefore, be it .BMBOLVMO, That said building be *tucked and removed, and the+ a copy Of this resolution, directing the wreoking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Oommissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the la et known record owner of :aid property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it TBBTHMH HMBOLVMD, That if, within tan days after the aatling of this notice to said property owner, bie agent, or the 000npantf no appeal has and public ldiugsf this r eballsaid reporta said sioaer of Parkes playgrounds fecf to the Oounail. ' -`Wqdppr xa �¢''f4 wro.w a 'c Rlld+l�� 0 1 r M l� Off tEs3C �.kro t➢ fti daY coo li c6i1z fn°"r eke a� .vnk, rs'x. a mt e o ntY.'' :vor`m..ramwvJn ..a IPt-ra.n,eer,eYn rn -.tom Tram. >Ieiwraa;va-re.:i.e.e :n.r�� .ej , "srvva+,: v.r.eamYrzaal na, Yeas COUNCILMEN N.Y. Adopted by the CounciL.._._�: MI—Id t,U6 2 -1932 favoro`I ' pp _- -._._-193._.. A d _ ._.. . T /\Venzel /Mr. President Mahoney pL_wt tcHv.n-�• CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6piml of Mfnnee OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NLLIAM F. SCOTT, Ce, O.h d �Oa1Yb11Mtl d e�ebtr�lim Jnly 29, 1932. Nr. Lewis L. Andereon, Corporation Counsel, B n i l d i n g. MY dear Mr. Anderson: Hearing was held by the Council on the dwell - Ing locatedyof on thee,astghalfg I nof Lo Ly12,, Block 4, Marshall-. Addii� matteNNo' 197E for st Chicago St., andreferred resolution to confi m - Copy of C.B. 92914 enclosed for your info nation. Very truly 'y7nre, City Clark. i .;.gust 9, 1932. F. Scott, Cit, Cie r::, 221 Court Eou,e, De- Zi": ;elat Sve to the council procoed!ngs concerning the con- do—tion of the dwelltng at 147 Fast Chicago Street, may ­ as:: thst the ratte. he d .-pel. The e'..ncr, :.:r. � 1.11o." 133 C. Lo Straot, has ta'-en out , permit to m..:;e repairs and for tai, r: ason further .ti— by Lhe C--il r. be unneces nary. Yo.% t r ,.tly, ail W. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.pu.l of Mi, .sot, DVAAT T OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 City H,II FRED M. TRUAX, Co-1-1— OTTO E. COWANS, DWmF C --I rn0 �O .;.gust 9, 1932. F. Scott, Cit, Cie r::, 221 Court Eou,e, De- Zi": ;elat Sve to the council procoed!ngs concerning the con- do—tion of the dwelltng at 147 Fast Chicago Street, may ­ as:: thst the ratte. he d .-pel. The e'..ncr, :.:r. � 1.11o." 133 C. Lo Straot, has ta'-en out , permit to m..:;e repairs and for tai, r: ason further .ti— by Lhe C--il r. be unneces nary. Yo.% t r ,.tly, ail masa...me. d No. 93235. CITY OF ST. PAUL .v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Coll THER1w, As provided bf Oounoil Pile Ho. 93908, appr9-ed Jlme 30, 1933, the Connoll did, on the 36th day o! Jnly, eb bee o'.look 1. H. in the Conrad Chamber of. the Oomt BOnee and City Hall, hold a publio hearing upon the adrieaD111ty and neosesity of wYeoking that pertain barn boated in the sear of Lot 3, Hlook 3, HoQload,s 6ubdivielon, oleo known ae we. 343 Hast Thirteentb street, following due nofioe of eaid32, 9306 and given pursuant to Ordtnenoe H0. 7310, app=1=9 oved Hal it is tDe opinion of the Oouaall that eaid buSidln6 �d hafted and dangerOne to life, limb and adjoining Property, be wr&eked and removed; therefore, be it and ffi80LPHDti 'ibaSetolntinoalddiieot ing thedwreOking�end� removal that a Dopy mulled by Lhe Oommisei=T of Parke, Play - of eaid building, be grounds and Publia Buildings to the lest known reoorg4nt Or o! ;.at property at ble last known address, or to the agdnt or 000n - pant of eaid building; be It STM HH60LPHD, That if, within tan days atter the mailing of this aotloe to said property owner, his agent, Or the 000npant, mo appeal hue betaken endfpnbllrom toHulldinge9 order, t shell report acid tarot of Parke, Playgrounds to the Oounoil. «w ' I�� 9 `'Fh tlEkeS�. Meuuo—I ro EeAC ;;1�Q�OP. ,MIyE �1i011 fS WY 1�+•�.1"111 t 4' �>� fat', e.� '. CI 'lLll IG' hL h h a61lef�� J, a rh Lto{+yeW ,�y Y '+M1n�� a�iP�Hl�h l+df�w• :.htn91tee4.e; v asb•. COUNCILMEN 2� - 1932 Ye. Adopted by the CouuciL.._..... ... _... _.___.193_ Ye ._ /�CDonuld ``\\ / APPr d Penrce N � �Tfaax Age t �Wenzcl PU6LISHED --(— Z President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Opu.l of Mi—t. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK V/ILUI F. SCOTT, CRr Clerk .nd Comwb — d R.9k d - ®o July 29, 1932. Yr, lame L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d i a g. W dear Yr. Aadersow Please mte copy o2 C.B. 92908 which sets data of hsari% oa the advisability of wrecking e barn located on the r of Lot 3, Block 2, McCloud, Subdivision, otherwise known as No. 242 B. 13th St. The Council referred this matter to you to draw resolution confi—lug. Your. very truly, City Clerk. 't _ mumao-ao a.a 4 � u CITU OF ST. PAUL .us NO......M36 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i, T COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM`MIV _-Z + +�l'.itrYmp e inti �.E< WHERt", As provided by Oounoil 711e NO. 92903, approved June 30, 1932, the Oounoil did, on the 26th day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Oounoil 0bomber of the 0ourt House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and neaessity of wrecking tbot certain two-story frame building located in the rear of Lot 15, H1 oak 10, Hareballls Addition, also known as 10. 134 Caton avenue, following due notice of said bearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved Hay 22, 1930• and it to the opinion of the Council that said building in unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be It HZ9OLVfD, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Oommissiener of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or 000upwA of said building or structure; be it FORTEM RZBOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property Owner, his agent, or the oocupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Oomffi micleer of parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Oounoil. COUNCILMEN ye. No,. /M�D,onald Pearce ... _..via favor awn 1, /waaxet u,, -Mr. rresideat Maheeey Adopted by the Council_.._ 41:.r.. 2- ::.._193.._.193..... App'o"d-L- AU6 193.. _- yWLlSiIED f_ ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplbl of Mi"mu OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WIWAM F. SCOTT, CeV Clwk d Caewiw— d Rsebmem ®o July 26, 1932• Yr. Lewis L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, B ull di ng. My dear Lr. Ad.—I At the hearing held by the Council this more- ing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame building located in the arof Lot 15, Block 10, Marshall's Addition, also gown as Bo. 134 Batoa Avenin, the Council referred the matter to you for proper resolution confirming Sts decision to proceed with the wreeking of said building. Toure truly, City Clark. wywlmav CITY OF ST. PAUL NO N.323J y OFF I�C/E OF THE CITY CLERK I a^ �y rneseNrxo av v.... l...✓ ___._ _...... OATe ��r`�?tQI' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO 4''" C.0 WHEREAS, By 0ounoil File No. 92884, approved June 28, 1932, the 0ounoil did determine that that certain two-story briok and frame structure located on Lot 1, Block 188, Robertson's Addition, also - known as No. 18 West Indiana avenue, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WHMLS, Due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or his agent, or the occupant of maid building, and the build- ing has not been torn down; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Oommiseione* of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and be to hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and ad- joining property. COUNCILMEN �q�2 Donald ni ) Pee—y _...In favor App—ed ""---183..... Ye.Jem•� Nee Adopted by the C P�/ i,Ei C .. 193..._- T-. :k / ynr }M ewr .-ax' r. President Mahoney Y�WS�D i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpitsl of Miii,mte OFFICE OF CITY CLERK WILLIAM F. SCOTT, City Cd end Ceamivima d R�yhb,.on ® OO July 21, 1932. Mr. Lewis L. Anderson, �\ Corporation Counsel, \ / B u. l l d i n g. \ My dear Mr. Anderson: Attached is letter of Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds end Public Buildings reporting that no appeal had been coda Sa the condemnation of building at 19 B. Indiana Ave. end which was referred to you by the City Comcil for resolution authorising the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to proceed to wreck this building. Copy of C. F. No. 92864 also attached. Your. truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.Plt.1 Pf MimnueF• MARTMFNT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIFy Hdl FRED M. MAX, Co.---- Ort0 E fO1Sv15, Dmm Cu..ioie... .40.m July 26, 1932. Hon. Counoil, City of St. Paul. Dear Sire: on June 23, Council Resolution 92864 was passed by your Honorable Body, confirming the condemnation on the part of this Department of the building at 16 West Indiana Avenue, which is under the ownership of Leonard H. Bask - Yield. The last paragraph Of the resolution provides that if, within ten days after mailing the notice to the property owner, no appeal has been n.r of parks, Playgrounds taken. And PublicBildings�the o hall report said fact to the Council. Accordingly, I hereby report that no appeal has been taken and the building is still Sn place. Yours truly, ommissioner. CITY OF Sr. PAUL 'L OF THE CITY CLMK , ai V OFF CC --G N=2 lta COUNCIL RESOLUTION Eos"MODMBEa WMMUS, By 00 1 1 G,1 File No. 92843, approved JUMS 23, 1932, the aaccoll did determine that that certain two-story frame house 10 sated on the east half of Lot 5, Block 8, Warren & WinBlow's Lddl- tion, also known as No. 440 Zest Minnebahs street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should . be wrecked and re- moved; and required by Section LS' Due notioe has been given as and no appeal has been taken by the 1_16 of Ordinance go. 7210, owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it of parka, playgrounds and RZOOLVD, That the GommiBeloser Public Buildings be and he is bOTOby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear do" and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. AV& 2-1832 COUNCILMEN Adopted b, the Council - 193 Y_ Nays I-, 41-1 pU,31.JSJ1ED2_ �_;2_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL CapOd of Mi-ts OFFICE OF CITY CLERK W:LUAM F. SCOTT, S Oh C.Y d Comm:-Iw,w d R�aWnnen `/ ®O ,July 21, 1932• Mr. Iewie L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, B u 1 1 d 1 n g. My dear Sr, Anderson: Attached is report of the Commisaiomer of Parke, Playgrounds and Publin Building- in the matter of the coudesostioa of the two-story frame house at 440 S. Niansheha St., owned by Charles J. Ydeller, 1104 S. Sisth St., which the Eonncil re- ferred to you for resolntion authorizing the Building Department to proceed to wreck the house. Copy of C. A. So. 92943 also attached. Tours truly, City Clark. �- N MOMw �Suq. d ,.rb CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PIt.I el Mmnuot. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 City H.II FRED K TRUA%, (:ppn - M0 c cO.mN omdr O"""'°"•' ®o Hon. Cocoon. City of 3t. Paul. D� w. Sun d ,Yrw.. ONS M1 Bl�m Cb ArtMm July 26, 1932. Gentlemen: 8' Ca June 22, Coouuggoil Resolution 92843 was passed by your Honorable Body,�donfirming the condemnation of the two story fr�Mhouserat 1440 Bast Sixth Street StreetI owned �dj Charles The last paragraph of the resolution provides that if, within ten ppealafter has beenitaken, the the Coe to the osssieeionerr of Parks, erty owner, no appid fact to Pleygrounde And PublSpy�u11I hedingreby reporshall tothataao appeal the Council. Accordy} is still in place. has been taken and the bui]$1n6 Yours truly, Commissioner. No..... CITY OF 9T. PAUL r¢a W239 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COU�RESOLUTION�EN�FIRM i RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with Martin O'Donnell, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $13.20 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department / of 1Public Works, an the 8th day of July 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Martin O'Donnell the sum of $19.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being forthe period to and including July 26th, 1932. COUNCILMEN y� Naye gponal favor n . /T - __..Agwnetd Y� Weasel Mr. President Mahoney 4ti= 21932 Adopted by the CoundL__ ...........___............ 193..... APP d._.:1LL 2 S..L _... .193._... Mayu ..,.,.A� TO =?1 _ 3241 PRINTER'O. -- =ulL 30,------2— R --Ian? R LVED ;SAT CHECKS BE DRAWNON THE ]'_TREASURY,''44T''O''THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. / l // A—ED BY THE COUNCIL cou"carne"Lc c.,L� COUNCIL p[eOLUT10N ""�" n li .• - "'"°"" AUDITED CLAIMS 1'11' 30, .e..a _ a .yyey� w n ii � - — - -- - �� TOTAL '. "u"ece 1,N FAVOR OF Y —c- - ­T --Ae. "conseeo"c"T--Aeo 74 611 51 1397988_23''- _ '- - - -- 7397 - - - 8 O P. id Larson II 32 0q�'' 7399 David Bashefkln slo 5E 3 •Pm. '-•hertz `o'Mg 7400 Sinking Fund Committee 3 120 7401 Newhouse Paper Co. Assignee 113 5 7402 Lamprey Product-, Inc. 63 5l 40 DO, 7403 CatherineMary N. Cl augherty 27 00i 7404 Mrs, Nary Emily Cnriety 12 671' 7405 John E. Fahey 7406 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 261 7407 John Lennon iii 40 OO Od 7408 Anne Wagner PeitsOb �, 40 24 ' 92 7409 Mrs, Hannah Peterson 2 7410 Mrs. Anne 3ohrsi�ler it 17 2t1 � 7411 Elfrida 3oderb erg 28 81' 7412 Milton Rosen, Com. of FSnano9 222 241 91',' 7413 Edwin A. Olsen 36 oa 7414 Mayer Battery and Ignitt'n Co. 10 41, 7415 Donald S. Doty Attrny 50 OO 7416 Janette Ysteneee 5 25 417 Review Publishing Co. ISI 545 ]illi 7418 G. A."Ashton Co. Ali 142 456; 7419 Henry J. Crepeeu 7420 American Linen Supply Co. 188 891 7421 181 721. 7422 Hamm Ice Co. Ali. 17 70', 7423 Bib Ackland I. 5 00., 7424 American Linen Supply Co. 79 01 7425 Braunlg andSone Baking Co. �I 31 O1'i 74,6 Cleveland Ave, Meat Market il; 30 75'x' 7427 Commonwealth ElectTio Co. 324 10x, 7478 A. B. Dick Co. l 10 00, 7429 Fleotric Blue -Print Co. 41 OT 7430 Feyen Construction Co.. 169 60i 7431 Frederic Hotel 22 751 7432 Martin Giesen, Costumer 174 05'. 7433 qui noy A. Hall , 72 55l 4 4 Johnson Pr nnting Co. 7(4 35 W. A. Lang Insurance Co. 5 051 436 Mrs. Vivian Magn son. Tr—.. 1 50 13437 Mies Louise Markeurt 1 23' Z7g433g9 Northwestern Bell Tel. Co. 21 15i 7440 HwePe1tz16r Si n, Glass Co. 187 74. 7441 3t. Paul coffee. co. 5 25' 7442 9t. Paul Stem Work. 200 60, 7443 J. L. Shiely Co. 1 228 31 7442 H. B, Smith Mgr. Refectrries. i 2 601 7445 L. C. Smith and Coruna Typws. 5 01', 7446 standard ou Co. 5 11 65, 7447 Thomrson's Restaurant 32 25 7448 Victory Printing Co. 181 25 7449 western Badge and 9ovelty Co. 21 50, 74�n �ni�e v .:le 011 Coro ret1 an 387 01 7411 4r*, '�1 r,n i^ s• ''11nn 5 00 _ it u"EErTo...._.oewAeo 74 oil 57W223u419_6) i '1 :rr=rT ro,w�._roAw,.no4 011 -x-;11 50 ou.Lrc,r: ro cr.r acne carr o. ew�nr .wuc (1• .)4f9 cuu•.cL J !p1_ o.r�cc of *Ne courTnoLLen .,� O. c. _. coveu�r,EN-saLL 5 cwLu COUNO�L 11[fOLUT10N c"r �' �n n rwv w AUDITED CLAIMS Jgly 3032 .n„w. nEso »c 7477- < r e IN FAVOR OF cnrc.s R n cn..c 'r ewnw nno r onwwno 74 831 57'4 "234419 63. • P. Good--29 80x, 7452 Arthur I. Peilen, Assignee �� T86 5011 7453 Louis a 194 50' 7454 7455 H. L Y.c Call Agent 279 00 9 22 �i 33 356 7456 N11ton Ro sen, Cam. of Fi nanoei. 00�. X11, 7457 Otto J. zupfer Co.. Finsnoe, 35 z56 95 7458 7459 Hilton R -en, of 959 38 746� " 2 126 951 4 057 9511 7462 . . ." . 13 907 42 4 7463 5457 51' it 7464 7465 p7b 7u16 467 7 105 67 . rr " � - 634 36. q 7468 . 4 017 85og I gyp!, 10 640 7470 Board of Publio 'Welfare 00' 7471 1472 John 11. Mullen ` 4 262 0 Pilton Rosen, Coo. of Finenoe, 407 501 7473 Frances Lehman 65 50 Guido Fra�ae ai 7474 7475 7476• 28 85 21 80 Flea Y. Obet, Tra e_e. R. C. 19 75.x. 7477 University Radiator Co. I :rr=rT ro,w�._roAw,.no4 011 -x-;11 50 .....aw 7 216OUNC��.. IL RESOLUTION rResolved, Th.t the Council hereby concurs 1^_ the recommendation • of the Contract Committee and sward. the contract for moving and resetting 17 single light standards on the University Ave. 'Pidening between Park Ave. and Rioe St., in accordance with plane and speci— floations hereto attached, to C. H. ELECTRIC COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. s�vae1le IelsD�t a e�ti°eDstwaee PaeCk Eve. u° Weeti9�: �pD',.woNanas MIDDm° I Y- PA11461p°eie, • e t=� :° ��°�:°gemma ..w,.... n.. SS3S an.xo<x. Loos. 60 a..w.w.,...x.�an�n..a.,...�x..�n.......�..�x.ao .o. �o.. . Ag els Amen T;igur ed with ..,........ �....nae.o<..�.....a.... ......°..e e... �....-o.a ;paving coat vnncnw°ix. 1xaTpxM �itiv. raL.mu on cn woortav �- n_ - n... ..rt.....x...x<,.- AU -0 -1932 -- AUG %- 1932 9,, 213 —&I. mer l..tpd COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, of ---- 911qdiIIF. Ande rson'-s-----_-- MSdway_Addltion from FTX Street tqAldine Street, - --- ---------------- ---------- _ -------------------------------------------------- -- - - -- -- --- - ------------------------ ------- ----------------------------------------- ----- --- - ---- - --- ---- ------------------------- t --------------------------- ------ --------------------------- ------------------------------------- T ------------ --- ----- ------------ ---- --------- ----------- under Preliminary Orde,------3?803 --------------------- pp ... ed --- !�Ll�e2j-1932 ............ The C .... if of the City of Paul h -mg .... i,ed the report If the Commissioner of Finance up., the ab..e improvement, and. -g considered sad report, hereby resolves: IThat.the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is h,reVy-.raered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the CI.n,,] --mends Alley -j�; ----- AU1rJ1!--51iMQjPt, -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with m, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Resolved Fm -the, That . public hearing be had on said imp,. -.e., on he ---- aQJ!b ---------- day of —A.911et-19.32 ------- at the hour of 10o'clock A. M., in the Council Ch—b- of the C,mn ]House and City E.11 Building in the City I St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person, and in the comme, pro,,�ea by the Charter, stating the no and place of hearing. the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof ., estimated. Adopted by tile-c—ii --- 192---- - 1932 --- ---ty aer�.-- Appmved ------- AULLZ- ----------- 192--- rUBLISHEI) Cou�ci-�- C..nci:m,n Mcl) ... ld man IN" C'u ':: P -- Count L Councilman Councilman Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-6 ;os°°s'�oe��: o e Joeml 93244 COUNCIL FILE NO._________ ---- ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter If .... QoMqLojrbg _�RoOL_tnKtZ,,_easenent_ J. the land_ n- oe-serY --------- for nlope-Intte an$ fill., in the reding of Alley in Block 1, Georgie J. ------------------ ------------------------------------ ------- ---- ------------------ Andersort'_@14d"a - ----------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- I ------------ under Preliminary Order -------- 9_24_N-4 -------------------approved ---- 21,_13y2 -_ ____------ The Council If the City of Pan] having received the Commissioner of thCommissioner of Finance upon the ab..e improvement, and having considered said report, hereby es,b,,,: 1. That the said report and the Sgra, is hereby approved adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ­d...d to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ---ds is --- an efLa e rattal_ _I A f_Qr - aloReA, - _cuts,_ And- f Ll la , - It, -the - grsId i ng of Alle to -1 _-ie a pert n ... -IbR-Shade-d nQm_Lane - t with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $--AQI-Qg ------- R­f,ed Farther, Th., . public hearing be had an said mpl.1-1.1 .. the ------ 3-Qth -------- day of Ang- 132____ at the h..e of 10 .'cl.ek A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co.. H.— and City Hall Building in the City of St. Pant That the Commissioner of Finance give notice If d by said meeting to the persons and in the m,.n,, proQCommissioner1 the Charter, rating the time and place of hearing, thl-natere If the improvement and the total ... t th .... I a, estimated. Adapted b, the Council___ Approved___ -------- <>App -------------- 'is Councilman � M,,ora,f C..neilm.n je&,&t0_ Councilman C .. dhanna WMl" Ii�srr 'y Councilman10"00— T-, C .. eiIn.m6mmb� We.—. Mayor � m.hn.e'• For. B. S. A. 8-6 9324.5 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ - By 0 -------------- By-- ----------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the M__ -Ave=e-to-lio;AhL-end-South -All�ty-end_ from Denny _Street _tqWhselock ----- parkway, also constructing a .917t,r in -too North and _-3.ut11_Al1e-y_from _ ,Q.Ttjj_ Jkne_pf enny--Btr_eet-tO- 0orm a Ct ---- with the newer in Dsnny_St27pat ------ - -- - --- --- I - ---- ------------- ------------------------- under ------ ----- -- ----- ----- ---------- ..det Preliminary 0a,N, ------------ qjL4P5 ---------------- pprove d ----- unEL-R!-1332.__-_-_--- The t--------- The Council of the City of Paul h­ing .... i�d the ,P.,t f the Cm,,i,,i.... of Etta— p,, the ab—, improvement, ad h,,i,g const ... d aid eep—, h .. by --l-tt: 'I, That the said 11poft and t� 11-e 11 hereby approved -d adopted. .d the said improvement is he, y ordered to be proceeded with. 1 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C,,...l B ok 1. _Aqf�A, IATK 'j.1jqh- antaet- Alley 1. fL _A� th and_Sou th_ and from Denny Street to —heelock Parktvay, also const—t a ewer 1. --------------------------- --- --- ----- ... --- ----------__________ theNor-th--and --3o-uth-.kj1-ey_ f�pj_a—pf�in-t_20 feet_ �nnr t -h- -o f- -the -no-rth - 1 -ins ----------------- of _Denny_ Street _to_connect_th the_ sewer _ln_genny _9t res ------------------------_________ ______ _______________________ -------------with --------------------- ., alternatives, and that the estimated e— the -4 i, $a83 J2 ------- Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had on said imp—em— on the______ - Ntb ------- day of jKuguqP._1934 ------ 3=---, at the ho- of 10 o'clock A. fd., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building i. he City f S, P..dd That he Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and i. the toomme, provided by the Charter, stating the time ..d plate of hearing, the nature ­-— of the imp,omt and the total t thereof as estimated. guit e-1932 Adopted by the Council---------------------- Z-1 Approved_______________________ ____ 192 --- ------Mayor. — YUtiWStIEn Councilman 1) ... Id Councilman �e Councilman Councilman Councilman® C .. eil... akukill.. Wertad ,/ Mayor diwwft M.b—'y F.— B. S. A." 93246 -;a Omer na Car at n<elveE the report �' COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ '°r .°,4 me°e'i'm°'D. By O--------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In th, fill. Arcade Park £roa �7aleh Avenue to mor th and South 611 ey_and_ £rom Denny_ ------------ ----- - --- - ------ -------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -- --- - -------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- ---- -- --------------------------- ----- .ad,, Preliminary O,d --------- 92�.QE ------------------- spp,.,,d ------- TADe?!­h�M --------- Th, Council of th, City of Paul having i,g received the report If th, Commissioner If Finance upon th, ab.'imp—m—, and having considered said ep—, hereby resolves: I. That II h, said report ,d am, is hereby app,approvedad adopted. ml th, said improvement is hereby Zhdordered to , proceeded -h. 2. That th, nature of th, improvement which the Council recommends is_eondemn_a'l3_LdkE_aIl easement in the land_ elope-.­ut!eamdfills in the zTadllig f _ AlAqy Block__ 1 K IRE -t-. - -Ar-clici e- -Pa-r-k- -f no ra- --al a -h - Avenue - -to -11or th - enc jiiQuth DeR;-IY wi th the b111e �rll:�t_heret-o--at-tache-d- and i-ade -24-rthe��tgf fil le ----------------- -th no alternatives, and that th, estimated cost thereof is $_25-011_______ R -.25-0(l------- R...1-d Further, That , public hearing b, had on said imp --m on th ---------- 10th ------ day of X=-- at the Im., of 10 o'clock A. M., m th, Council Chamber of the C.— House ml City Half Building th, City of St. Paul. That th, Commissioner of Finance give notice of said —mg to the F—cma and m the umamt, provided by the Chs-, stating the time and place of hearing, th, 0 the improvement and th, tats] -t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council---tLq_2---1932 ....... 192____ App—tcl --------t___-_________ 192___ c, I -k. C ... til... 4-7 C ... tiluum ewawd— C .. ti ... vrjffjv� C .. tta, C ... 6 num 04910— werr Mayor = moh—, till Form B. S. A. 86 93247 COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ me boyo°ii or me cus °r n°w°. rm�.ee te° r° on n'r m° B --------------- By---------------------------------------------- • MTERMEDIARY ORDER III_— —d Lot. in the Mat_ f__gKxdinF Alley I 6,_Twi� City-- - - ---------------------------------- Sen :II-3_Cb2ff­er--3trV-e1 -tn-Ralftftl-rki- ,Ave nue--------------------------------------- --- - ----- - ----- ---------- - ------------- -------------------------- --- -- - ---------- - -------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - --- - - ---- ------ -------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ---- ------ -- --- -- --- -------- ------------- nedu P,,Iimi,,U Order___________________________ 9 28 June SO ______approved ---- -_ 2, IQ 32- - 5 -_ - ------------ - The Council of the City of Pan] having received thep­ of the Commissioner of Finance pun the above improvement, and having considered - report, ep . —by resolves: 1. That the said report !0h meae i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby o deoed to be proceeded v 1 2. That the ..at,,, of the inap—ImIlt which the Council ­.nanaend, yj�q, _4AA_jgt, -H.- -Site@ ... from9cheffer... nue ------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,,itl, an alternatives, xad that the J.—d cost thereof is $421-01_ R 321-.21-R...Ived Further, That a public heating be had on raid improvement on the______- 0_tb -------- day of ------ MM__ at the heme of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chanobc, of the Came: H,mac and City Hall Building in the City at St. Pat T1,1 theC,,-i,,i,n,, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the mamace provided � vdby the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the .....e of the impe—conem and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__a: ...... ....... Appo—ed ------------------- - ------ 192 --- C..n,i-Mw'wm� air Donald CouncilmanNOMU"— Councilman djVB2MkW_ I". Councilman -, ', z:: Council— ftAhmpa Truax Councilman MMWMMI� We -1 Mayors Mahoney F- B. S. A. M 4&0 93243 COUNCIL,VILE NO.______________ �o ii. umn `°m azmner et oras exn, :vn%o+ea°°ea`eP`°ire �iex�. n.�a :dei sa°°into. cru or et. nail By O.-------------- tea°rt °t the oom- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDILI�: In the Matter ,qgodsra.jn_Z_ and taking m for slopes cut zna fill._ io- the grading of _All - s - y 1.1 3 - lock6'ri.___ City_ View and Lots I to 6 i..J..J—, Ideal Home Sites from Soheff- - - Avenue -_-_______Street_ to_ Hartford --- ---- ------------------ ------------------------------------ ------------- --- ----- - __----------------------- 2881 --- -- ---- - - ------- 1 32 ..d, P,,Ii.i..0 O,de --------- 22�81 ------------------- app,.,,d ----- ----------- The Council f the City of Paul having —wed the -p- of the C,—i—,.,, of Finance upon the .b.,efi,p—,.e.t, ..d having considered . said ,p,,t. hereby resolves: 1. lbat the said report and the —e is hereby approved ..d .4.pt,d, .,,d the said improvementis hereby ordered t, be p,,,,,d,d with. .2. That the .,tu,, of the improvement which the Council recommends is__L�ndC9I1_aIl�-Lakf'_ an eq@jl.mfn f­_sJo2e�j­ cuts and fills -in-the ------ _ Lotal t.O-_inclusive, Ave ,je ­jn_aLqS�qyAtLR. e att,hatched _portions_ ahowl ng the_ cut sand the shaded portions shawl ng the fllle, with no alte—wes, and that the --ted —t thereof ------ R—Ived F -the,, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement-- th--Mill __________day f ----Aug—t­LQNP ------ at the h,.e of 10 .'d.ek A. NI., i. the Council Ch,mbe, of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the City of St. P,, That the f Finance give notice of d — —9 t. the pe--- .d i. the ..­ provided ,, the ch.— , stating he time ..d place f h..i.g,the ­., of the improvement ..d the total coat thereat as estimated. Adopted by the C-61 ---- 192---- I- 1 ��, ....... App—ad --------- I - _192__ - City Clerk. 22 ------ - m.y— PIIBLISi�p —37 Councilman Councilman 7C.— /11:n Councilman jiWhmW-1IL C...�i Tr... Councilman �� Wenzel May., iib® F.,. B. S. A. 8-6 - 932r�9 aa1e ��°,'sttt ie to t;;e teen°, COUYCIL FILE NO --------------- By ---------------------------------------------I - " �" teeOore.°rvte tt� n _ °twm shat +n °r tns an et e' ..e en. r°nett et t: # INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__Te construe ti �gy_relsyi ng_and repairing, -where necessary, the _ -sidewalk s_t the_fo llowi ng_ locatlane: _ ________ ____-_____-______________ Caee 9t,_,_so th_elde,_be izni tie 2Z4 ft. ea et of 'Earl St.,_thence east 40 ft Payne_ Ave., east eider benlnning_jl ft. north of Maryland St., thence north 1`j9 ft., beginning 95 yt.-farffier north, tfiehce norto _$aw4h9_Sne_9t-------------------------------- -------- .----- ____--_____ PayneA_>Ze,e-eat_Stdebegln_ni ng et_HaWthorne_3t.thence_eouth_l7? ft., .Id" Prelimi... y Order______9275.7 -------------------- approved __S11R(3_ lf].,_1932._______-_-__ The C .... il of the City of Paul having 1 re ived the report of th, Commissioner of Finance upon the ore .bmprovemen , and having considered said report. hereby resolves. I. That the said report and the m s e is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. a rove 2. That the naturr'o4 the improvement which the Council mends is_SCC¢natrllei,_Se�BY and reoalr, Cohere necessary, the e,dswalke at the followi n2 locations: __________--___.___----________________ Case St. ,_ eouth sides be Pinni ng -279 ft. east of 3ar1 St., thence east 40 ft ______ ________--__-_________ Payne Ave.t east aide, 'oe ginning 31 ft. north of Maryland St., thence north �=n]9�-�ft- Y beginning -25 - ft. --farther-aoiih,-thence-rorth to Pay__ _Ave.west__eide,_ be Snninv at Hawthor e St., t.1-8 so th 172 ft., _ ______ _ _ _____ with no alternatives• and that the estimated cost thereof is $__254-7,5_____ Resolved Farther, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___3Qt A___________day of --- AugueS,_197,2--- xxm=. at the hour of 10 o'clock A. til., in the Council Chamber of the C.- 11— and City Hall Building in the City of Se Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid me ing t the, per- and in the prow edoed by the Cshart stating the time and place of he ing,eth — of the nmprod .t ao19t 2 total thereof esumated. r � 1 .SL Adopted by the Council________________________ 192 ---- App ... ed ------------ 92____Approved___-______________________192___ Pfmr �� / Mayor. r 2 Councilman MclMnald -'`�=-SL Councilman al.. Councilman 11—rm Co...i Councilman iii Trnaz V Conneilmanmbmo— Wenzel v Mayor W` Mahoney Form B. S. A. fib 93250 a. is. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ins aoari civ ors. By---------------------------------------------- - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- and_11e20i ring,wher-e-ne- ce - B - sEery the sidewalks at the following locations: ----------------------------------------- -- ---- ------------- ------------- Hatch St.,_ north side, beginning 12 ft. seat o£ Colne 9t., thence _ft,..____________________________ --- - ---- -- --------------------------------- side. bonning 15$ ft. meat of Chatsworth St. ------------------------------ ----------------------------------------- rude, Preliminary Order ---------- 92758 ______approved __June 16 1932 ------------ The Council of the City of I loa,jyccwcd the ,p,n of the CommissionerIf Finance pon4he rib imp suit, and havi ec — nde, said report, hereby resolves: •- I.That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is-reqon-t—qt—r-ela--y an,_j!_Qpajj bL �qj�g t�y, at -the following locations: --------------- - ------------ rA_ _qi;_ __�Aesidewalks _ Hatoh_�t­ north side,beginning 12 ft. east of Colne St., thence ---------------------------------------------------------------- side, ft. -vve.t-of Chatsworth St. , ----------- - ------------------------ thence west 2 ------------------------------ -- -------------------------------------- "ith n, alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is 1-t?i--ji ------ R,s,l,,d Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on th ------- Nth --------- day of A']LgUqt-133�2 ------ XSZX--, at the h... of 10 .'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the C—mimre' of Finance give notice of said meeting he persons and in the manner p,,,,d,d by the Charter, s1.1i.g he time and place of hearing, tWn" at." I I the improvement and the mt'I —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__ ------ 192---- _/2 App—ed ------------ 1-' 1 ----------- 192 --- -- 7 �--- e-1LA---'-'yMC'c"--- Mayor. Cinnicilm.. jjgees,,ggf Puflu�u) C aa Irl .. . ld Cmmi:=-i"figgm"—"ar" Councilman kikm— x1gis's '5' Collit:"'2 T— Co.m. aW—ae1 Mayor Offievage mishmae, For. B. S. A. 86 93251 71 rl -a— '-I. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ "•umt ore°e vara -- • ri r7ae:,v� °°tt :a° a• gy O --------------- By ---------------------------------------------- ,a INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Matter -8-nd--MP3.1rj-1g'_.h—e _—cesgL4TY follows nb_locat ions: --------------------------------------------- Nines - A---yle-t ofSelby _-Ave. thence -------- south_7_0_ft. ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- of -AxDnSt—theace-wefLt --- 15 -f -t -- - ----------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order ------- 9216.1 -------------------- approved ----- JuILI—1a32o --------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the ­ of he of Fi...e, up.n the abo v e mp—mertt, and h,,i,g .... idered aid epun, hereby .... Nes: , That the said report and the s— is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ,c.mme,d, is_ Te CO rletnlet ielay .nddewalke_at_the_followi locational _Ave- thence ....... Selb.y- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement .. the______- Mtk _______day of Aamm t- - 1932_____. at the h— of 10 o ',I,,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City 11.11 Building in the City of St. PaulThat the Commissioner of Fin...e give notice of meeting m,,,g to the persons and in the en ... er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of th,,.mp .... me,t and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG 2-1932 Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192---- Approved_____�'j " -4 - _________________192___ 1-k. ...... ..... ayor. Councilman vibmmpMcDonald � - jiw Councilman C ... il.- Po.— Co .. il... AbMilmumm Q.— - C -unci man dmdhjjj� Tram C..nei: .. mxl� wenael Mayor memo" Mahoney Far. B. S. A. M 93252 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By_______________________________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter the Si dewalka at the following locations: - ------------------------------------------- --------------------------- 24 Page-3k,,--StL!!Lh- side,b a gi nni a --- ft --- ea -t of ft - 9 q2 1e,In.I.,_ tt_. east B)m� Ave., the nce-eset is ft., -:1 -- ---- ----- it- thence -west 62 ft --_ - 'N� --------------------------------- -- ------------- under P-licni—ey Ordc --------- 9Z752 ------------- r__ proved ----- ---------- The Council of the City of Pa.] having received -Pd the of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered .. id ... d -id report, hereby —1—: 1. That he said report and the —, i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby -d-ad to be proceeded with. 2. That the of the improvement which the C,mm,i] recommends and__ re�airy_wherewalk following- beat Lone_ t, ft beKinnia-?-ft. a..t of Brown Ave., t] c t_16 ft Page 3t., north side, beginning at Kansas 9t th..Ce west 62 --- -------- _- - --- ---------- -- ----- with on alteroaa e,, and that the a,tim,ted ... t thereof i, $--74.7.4------- Resolved Fm-thc,, That a public heating be had cm said imp—em— on the ---- 3Aday of ----- at the h.- of 10 .'cl.,k A. AL, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in it.hthCi%.,1.c�t. provided by the C.umnissicmc, of Finance give notice of said meeting to the F-11. and e . to by the Ch-- stating the time and place of hearing, the -tucl I the improvement and the total —t thereof as estimated. Aur 9—) Adopted by the C ... cil ----- ----------------- 1 192---- App—ed ---- _W4 --------- 192--- May— C .. cilm.nfikffmk— McDonald Cm.cilm ..� bw C .... sloo—ibbolambb. 1— C ... iluuan� C.u.dlmaujjWdj.i® T—mc CmullilcuansftwwdW—aul Mayors M.Ino.cy F -on B. S. A- 8-6 .6^ 93253 E I'dW COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- N6 °`. ora:°�.'sE�'asa`ea^ INTERMEDIARY ORDER in the Matterof_sec¢nEt=ting.r_zelaying_anct-r�Daising--thf,-Eiditwa11L------ on_the_aast__aidg__of__�Quth_ 17 @_t, gt_ '_4gter. Street,_______ thenoe_ north _to the _oridge_(or bridge-approach)_----------------------------------- ------------------------- ______________________________ -------------------------------------------------------- order Preliminary Order --------_927-55---------------_approved ------ dune_1.6,--1332.------- The u Concil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_rAQOS1A6T114S.._Sel@y e.nd_repair_the _eidexalk on_the east_side of South '"absaha Street begi n¢i ¢g at_ �Jatrs_Stzeatr_theace__narSli_So__the_krill._(oz_kridge_apsr9a4h1___________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__-2?-rl. QQ_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be bad on said improvement on the____j.QSh---------- day of An, p—i J-93?______- 19X-__, at the h3�f 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court s H e and City Hall Building in the City of9t. $aul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p on ns and in the 4 p vided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AU Adopted by the Council______G__'L__-__1932 ------- 192____ AUG 2 1-------------- Approved -----"----------------------192--- ty Clerk. M Council man �IsJ® MCllonald Co..cilin WS Councilman 416008139=Parcae Council.-awdwR eerneaman es�lae^ wend Councilman q1l�� Mayor SRS Mahoney Form B. S. A. 86 PLIBf,iSF7Ep -{ - Z ono�e.i m da eln OF ST Ppe g ^i.a °� r OFFICE OF THE CITE' °a a+�' �� I �9oa 1_�eat+cvlau 11 COUNCIL RESOLUTIO o tttp w a. M_ �.�� 1 1932. eo.®E W orvea-.-_ •�• onr� Bim.__ t._-______..._ RESOLVED Whereas additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary on the improvement described as the Paving of Sixth St. from Wabasha St, to Smith Ave, Fielding and Shepley, Inc., Contractors, have been provided for is the specifications and unit prices therefore have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to me" additions and deductions to the contraet, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in aoco*dance with unit prices stipulated in the contract and Table showing additions made on the force account basis provided in the contract. TABLE 1. Additions 23.56 lineal feet Radius Curb ® $1.50 $ 35.34' 10 lineal feet 12" V. C. Pipe ® 1.25 12.50 86.4 sq. ft. 5- Monotile Sidewalk d .25 21.60 69.44 Deductions 570 Sq. Ft Sidewalk (relaid) ® .10 57.00 ' ' 86.4 sq• ft. Sidjwalk (relaid) ® .10 8.64 4 Tons Sheet sphalt ® 7.00 28.00 93.64 Net Deductions Table 1 $24.20 TABLE Additions 4.66 Sidewalk repairs (6th andSSmith) High early 12.00- Additional cement for 49 q• Yds otrength Lonorete B Laying at once 1100 sq-Yas.0f Concrete a1e 165.00 Reconstructing Manhole 71.35 30 lineal feet Curb Reinforcing ® •25 7.50 96.26 Mending Send Rock Tunnel Placing Binder on intersection where early strength concrete was place and making 115.40 repairs at 6th and Smith 472.17 Net Additions. $ 447.97 Ana Whereas the total net addition is $447.97, now therefore be it , Resolved, that the City Council hereby approves the aforejaid work done under the supervisi n of the Commissioner of public irks and in accordance With the sAifications therefor, athe net additions due to same o0e to exceed the sum of $447.97 to bb ffa&d"to'�F+out L. 3661consideration the making ofnthe contract known as the aforesaid imp ovementmforotheerreasonsaet and uunniitfpriceststipulated in the said contract said specifications The Department of Public Works has agreed witp the contractor, Fielding sad Shepley, Inc. that the sum of $447.97 is the reasons e _net addition to the said contract. commissioner of Publ s unteraigneds o a' pt 1 r cont a or COUNCILMEN .. 193..._ ' Yeee aNC21IL -•--'••'lgaye -- Adopted by the CoaneiL.A�G__.::.._ -.-_ - ' �pD6mld itl �,,^7fp�,t�/)`• V �e ......193._... �1...Ia favor �I' P ved.._..-a�-7.w•- P- W- earce .._... T a ,. w�� asel Preeidevt Mabovey , f CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEia COUNCIL RESOLUTION --CSN d uaa uat 1_1D2 RESOLVEO Whereas additions and deductions which might prove to be neC_,essary on the improvements described as the paving of University Ave'from Dale St. to Arundel Bt., Feyen Construction Co , Con- tractors, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, it as been found necessary to make additions and deductions to the contract, Table 1 showing additions and deductions made in accordance with unit prices stipulated in the contract, and Table 2 sho*ing additions and deductions made on the force account basis as provided in the contract. TABLE 1. Additions 1 - LA Catch Basin a(Brick work only) 38.00 74 on. yds. Class B" coacwete Base ® 9.00 6.66 i61sq. ydsee2}Stan dpRadius Curb ® .65 15.60 ' Bnyri�F avement on 6" concrete base 0 3.32 25.23 - 85.49 Deductions 60 sq. ft. sidewalk the (reset) ® .106.00 " 88 lineal ft, granite curb (reset) ® .35 30.80' 23.5 lineal feet radius curb 8" % 18" reinforcing special ® 1.50 35.25 72.05 Net a�ditons Table 1 $13.44 TABLE 2 Additions Driveway (10 1 6) 120 blocks ® .04 4.80 Deductions 64 lineal feet 6" V. C. Pipe ® 1.00 64.00 Net Deductions Table 2 59.20 Total Net Deductions 45.76 And Whereas, the total net deduction is $45.76, now therefore be it Resolved, that the city Council hereby approves the aforesaai n�d ork done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Woks ,� ordance x'i th the specifications therefor, the net deduction due to s not to a eed the s of 945.76 to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Compgrollers Contract L. 3669 for the making pf the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth, and pursuent to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, Feysn Construction Co. that the sum of $45.76 is the reasonable deduction to be made from said contract. Co to gn y omptroller C0 �tPitivlL7 Nays7, Yeea Jif �4EDonald !�j,�/J` �. '77 C /...... Against, 4 /wenzel I,�i31' � am a-ar P—ideot Mahoney mmisyioner of Public WO AAoptedbythe Couucil...Aj,�,--..3L...19 _... Ad __... iiiii.d.._. i(}iQ_. _. 193..... 't... Mai or a„„-o..on, a... cin of sr. rAUL c sEito Y+' IGC '�- • OFFICE OF THE CITY GII COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENi�y N kyty°rf9k°wp�p� ly% 1a11.t0 r,ifa K➢ k PR EN ONBY nya. wmaum WHEREAS, by Council File #93239, approved August 2nd, 1902, the proper city officers were authorized and directed to pay to one Martin O'Donnell, the sum of $19.80 out of the Workmen(s Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim for compensation, by reason of an injury on the 8th day of July 1932, while in the employe of the Department of Public Works, and WHEREAS, the said rate of compensation was figured on a wage basis of $3.60 per day when, in fact, it should have been figured at the rate of $4.00 per day, and WHEREAS, the additional wage entitles the said Martin O -Donnell to $22.01 compensation instead of $19.80, as provided by said Council File #93239, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorimd and directed to pay to said Martin O'Donnell the Bum of $22.01 �( out of the Workmen's CompejAation Account of the General Fund, in O final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period > to and including July 26th, 1932, and Council File #93239 is hereby amended to comply herewith. COUNCILMEN¢ �pq► yeas N.Y. �V. Adopted by the Cooncil __..a4,r..r=�}y3(�-193_.... favor APPj9ved__.._l�V�... ....__._.__.... / �l .__.. _... �. _._.__.... Against f/,.f.,�(�.. Mayor y . Preeidnot Mahoney Appro—dl Date .}D �2— o.�e............ CITY OF ST. PAUL .riaE �� NO':_+% .. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM PREGENT-TER "— - —COMM— RESOLVED approved,, �/✓�'�I ^�. Date 8/`� .9✓ Covmieeloner offPPaark$ && Playgrounds ThatPermission be and is hereby granted the Approved+�"+� ✓"�— -'Y"� Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, to Get poles and string wires with the necessary anchors *i(� e�a�yj•�gypqW gM+ thereon on the following named etraots+ On tho east side of Richmond Street frov. Grace ".P9se.G +,tjia* to St. C1sir. Poles and wiros to be renovod when requested to do so by the Common Council, said cost to be paid by the Telephone C—P--Y- Appro—dl Date .}D �2— S.mt. of Lighting Bur... 3 z pt.of Police Alarm & Tele. approved,, �/✓�'�I ^�. Date 8/`� .9✓ Covmieeloner offPPaark$ && Playgrounds Approved+�"+� ✓"�— -'Y"� Date Covmiseioner of Publtd�4o ks. courvci urwary Y_ W... Is Iv fa.or S ,v N.— m, P—id—i�f` Adopmd by eh. c ... oa.. AH S.-- I'M -.19_ -- App ..d ..__ 19 QUBLISI�TI�— CITY OF ST. PAUL ri.t �a NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL B SOLUTION//J//JNERA L FORM _.EOU1> --rE_oS10NR_—/Q(r ' RESOLVED That Parmiseion be azd is hereby granted the Trl-State Telephone k Telegraph Company, to -hott poles and string wlros with tha necessary enc rs thereon on the f011owinC named street-, In the alley east'' of Chatsworth from Nebraska St. to Nevada St., and Sn the alley na rth of lake Como '•+WjMurpe:P '�a k i'i'r!. ttFF tlk '•° a at go9ta,p%G°ImOs�" "anL;,;,,Fc •' and Phalen A— from Nevada to Adams St. Pols, s—d wires to be r ved when reque-ted to do o by the Coon Conncll,osaid ..at t0 be paid by the Telephone Company. 4 Approvnd / 1� ➢at /3 Y Supt. of Lightiegg Human 7 77 Approved�G of Pol a Alarm k T Approved, l� ✓ �/u"-�' Data Coayssion/err of Parks tt Plsygrounda Approved[ �" ' Date Commissioner of Publl rks. Yea. —U—L.a Nara M Donald - I� favor 11 Against 7� Mc. P—idcnt How Adopted by rhe Council.../.,- .,._...b1'2._19 1 ,� rMAYOR 7 93259 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of___ nndem^t^r and_taking-%n_aaeffien-t_Sn_the-]and ­ry-for slopes,cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Ave, and Mount Curve Boulevard, °°°dum m'°nma a is under Preliminary Order ----- 92136------------ approved --- April _d5.r1932 Intermediary Order ---------- 92505------------ -pproved---- May --- 25°-19 2_______________ FinalOrder-----------------9227II-----------. approved ---- Jnne--- 2 _1932____---------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed asseveme.t roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be eubmitted to the District Court for confirmation. � itrYvnS.M^_, R Il'IItS¢'ntYJaR>DOi %bPFilak3KkX 'v^�'� 41pfbZ�lLi�: 4r;r'�amvd+Yi Adopted by the Council 1'... _--------------------- P 111, IY Clerk. Approved ------- ____ � Mayor. Councilman ® MclMnvld KIHInHED Councilmen ��(° Councitman Councilman Councilman Truax Councilman - May., REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND _ASSESSMENT OF 13I#EFITS a In the matter of_ CMd9mn1716_anil__tgklUg. an easement_ ln_ the_ a lend_neoesery for slopes, cute and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Ave, and !fount Curve Boulevard, under Preliminary Order___ 92136______, aPProved---- Ps'SL15-1932________________________ Intermediary Order_______ 9250f ------- approved ---- d0.X---- 5+-M-'2________________________ Final Order -------------- 9277II------ aPProved___slune__21t_1932------------------------ TO _________ _ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: v That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appm- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, -not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. mm ee -nerd-of F7vance. 93260 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matterof_-_ �,,.,Aaror,f_ngsnd_Laking-aa-as sament_in_the_land_neaeasarty_ for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, lane's Highland Park from Howell Ave. to Prior Ave., a «tra— %ive: r`O0 smmur oma. Gwyn, nom.en m. under Preliminary Order ___---32Q72----------- app roved ----- AprLL_8-19,3.2______________, Intermediary Order ___-_--___--92509----------- approved ----- May --- 5.x_102--------------, Final Order --------------- _-92772----------- approved_____Juna 21,_1932-------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the land, or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefit, therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed m,ea,me,t roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the award, of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. .atskc�omacauv-icaeavkietddd�gct®i�mtaE�tars sr,�.�he>m�tit�,dsano:aat.nnd.a*r t,r>r.�:eta mZxaSxZUL�YZ�a=�NLxSxlnxl®CNJfW✓� f�'P� °��-YYm2bm Adopted by the Council ------- AUG .1 IM ---------- ,--- City Clerk. Approved_ __. 19____ Counilma Come,Bm Councilman �wr Councilman Co cim lanS r•��:,_ .l Councilman Mayor --a 9?0s0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSrSS.11= Or 1, )EFITS 1, the matter o£_ cnndsmn7Ag-and__takin&-aa- eaa ement_1a_ tbe_ land_Ascsalazy for elope., cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane'. Highland Perk from Howell Ave, to Prior Ave., under Preliminary Order____ 92072____, approved -------- pr11_H,_1932_____________________ Intermediary Order________ A25119____, a pp -red -------- deg__25,_1932_____________________ Final Order --------------- 92771 ----- -Pf'reved-------- 1--21,_1932--------------------- TO __ _____ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has feed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom each awards are payable; that he has also toed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, at ....sting the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled ae above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. /_________ ____ Commissioner of Finance. s 93261 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of --- —lonn.ing-and taking en easement ia_tbA land_nB9@99AC9_ ±or slopes, cuts and fills 1n the grading and paving of Alley in Block 23, Lanus Highland Park from Snelling Ave. to M calester Walk, v°era im a oi°Go-aniinia at a saama�m... r. under Preliminary Order_______9119L--------- approved ----- HIl._ll. _l% .______________- IntermediaryOrder_________.__91480_________, a pproved____7en._2Qa-1932--------------- Final Order ------------------- 917 -03 ----------- approved_____ F_.D.17.1932_______________ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the treated assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the award, of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking end condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. iffir zx�rzsdxsf�mNa. hnci��ocPs®b,ri>arbr�n.�+++°a,sti Adopted by the Council ----- 1----- __ 1932_____________, ___________ ty Clerk. Councilman Qpnroy Councilman g��eccgguu��ooa -. Councilman]$cIIp x§ Councilman''P-ametc Wil 1 ^ Councilman gedhaed"` May- man 4adl+aiatau tr \ Mayor �— M:d,,. � , }{ • '. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ISSESS31ENT OF BL-NEFITS In the matter of --- ocnderml,-Bnd_tnkIng as_eas®anL1n_d:ha-land-na naseary for slopes,cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 23, Lane's Highland Park from Snelling Ave, to Macalester Walk, under Preliminary Order_____81141___, approved___ I2ec—_11,_1231_________________________ Intermediary Order_ _______ g24BB___, approved --- ,iaa._20-r_L23a_________________________ Final Order________________ 817-0___, approved --- Feb -17_-1232_______________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fired and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. Council File No.._93(.+U,! PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT r and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoaes the making of the following public improvement by the City of EL Poul, vis: ....__......R,,=St Ul:tinge-.r.elaxin8..atltd._F.e9.d11.1f!S-a..the=stdewalk_at__the�__.._... .following locations : ....._...West side-Griggs..St.. beginning 37-- feet --eouYh... Of.'Selby,�Ace..r.. thence south 72.5 feet. .............__..._......___.__...........__......._.._.___........._._ Wast side of Dunlop St. between Laurel Ave. and Ashland Ave. Dated this... 3rd.. day of _. August 1932 1 �"llGo admin. PRELIMINARY ORDER.e'yeSaa tewtil aril tap; gt:I WHEREAS, A written propoeal for the making of the following improvement, .Ranons truc.ting.selayin8_.and_xuAlr iu8,._the._sid.ewalk -at_ the_---------- _ following locatiot .r.__ns ..... _ _West side O.iggs .. St. beginning 37 feet southh of Selby Ave r - bhence.soabh...92:5._feet .. __....__..... _._.._;,,c Wast._s].de-..of..➢nnl%P-Rt.._hatw.een._Laurel_AYe�...aztd...dshlencl_.AVg.____ babeen poneented to the Council of the City of at. Peal::._. ..... _..... ..__._.........._.___......._.___._._,_ therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Commiasfoner of Public Work. be cod ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, ar doebability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, -cant and eatimated net of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement, 4. To state whether or not mid improvement u inked for on the petition of three or more owoers 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commieaioner of Finance. Adopted by the Comc1____._...._.AIt6..8_-...1932------_.... Yns. NAT. Councilman QMM OW liplM nlaDUHMD Approved. ........... AUG .3.....I4P..._............ _.._._--.. vEARCE Ma Pemmusr . . M r. J � _ AP FY 93263 COUNCIL FILE NO..._._........_...._......__..... By ....__ ......... ......... __......._........... _..."".__. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the mattq of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for on both sides of Capitol Ave. from Lexington constructing curbing Ave. to oxford St., •rraovuu semis. n. Mo. oeie� ctn{°u°s° e°ra°m %evoe�o a°.iQi�' � errproumin.rr �, o' e " rn°me:e teBn �a coder Prcliminsry Order...._. .9.0364....... _......_, Intermediary Order hlnel Order__ ..816.8.4....... __... aPP I deb. .,16_a.___. ____......_......., 1932 The assessment of_...._bene,f tsz...cost.s_, end expenses _. ....for end in convention w0 the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, end the Council having considered same end found the send assoasment satisfactory, there fare, be it RESOLVED, That the suit assessment be end the came is hereby In all respeete approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said aaseeement on the... _ 31st. __.......doy of August_.__._....._._._., 19.32-, at the hour of 10 o'eloek A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Coort Hous, end City hell Building, in the City of St. Poul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of Aid meetings, n rewired by the Chemet, a sting in said notice the time and Plaee of benriag, the nature of the mprovement, the tote] rust thereof, end the em Dunt assessed against the lot or lots of the pedicular owner to whom the neteo is directed. Adopted by the Council. Cit, Clerk. APProvnd ._) Afi o` �� Cou eitflmen Qb� Mrpo—ol Councilmen ]ice s.a..LLS1Ii.11 Yi �� -- Councilman Councilman H�m1® �+^ar Councilmen Tr to _V O Councilman l�s� It'en Mayor )� Mahoney �,�i 93264 OOUNCIL FILE NO..._...._....__......_...._._.... By .._............___ ...... ...._............. ......._._.._.._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment Inthemntterofthe—aaamentof benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on Thomas St. from Pascal Ave. to Simpson. Ave. and Pascal Ave. from Lafond St. to Edmund St., except that portion of Pascal Ave. between Edmund St. and Thomas St., -� . under Preliminary Order_.._- 89848 Intermediary Order _ 90552____ _._........., Final Order.... 90766 __.. np1 os ed .__.._._Oct 27th.. The assessment of. _henefits, Q0St.0._.and...6.i..Qn.fl6S_......___.._.,, for and in connection with the above impro ..meat having been submitted to the Council, end the Council having eonsidered same end found the said -,at s,n,faelory. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the s,id assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. __..3.19t_.__.. -day of Ausust _ 19.3g at the hour of 10 o'elock A. if., in the Couveil Chamber of the Coimt House sad City Hall Ruildiag, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Fine— give notice of said meetings, ns required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time sad place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total ...t thereof, and the amoaat assessedgaiota anst the lot or Iof the part-1—owner atc I— to whom the notice is dired. 9 Adopted by the Council. (!, _ ....., City Clerk. Approved 19. Councilman tjlmlj.� McI)anetd 1 JJ Councilman -- I��., y�r y1Jxt.+cuw y6-6=3 ,�s ,. Covaeilman � IMarce J - Councilman Co olmsu 1'ranm-\- Hcnz1 v ,�., Mayer �� Mahnoq 93265 COUNCIL FILE NO..:�_.......__.._.._....._..._.. 8y..._.............__._.....'_-_..........._..................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the Mntter of the saasasment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing curbing on both sides of Warwick Ave. from Hartford Ave. to north line of Otto Hunt's Addition, °aw'paaino` under Preliminary Order...__@@687 __._. Intermediary Order . Final Order...... _.90211. ..._.. app ..d ....._Aug• 25......._._ .. _.. ....... 1931... The asseaameat at for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, sed the Council having —.-,rad saint and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the aeme ie hereby in s11 respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the.._.__.31.S t_.. __...day of ........August.__.__........__._, 19..1,2, at the bon, of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Conn Hoare and City Hell Building, in the City of St Paul; that the Commi®ioner of Finance giee notice of said meetinga, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total eost thereof, and the amount xse—ed against the lot or Iota of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the C uneil.. City Clerk. App rored- 1 19__. LJI /Mayor. C....lman IhIMM—Ma M,Dnnald / Councilman ➢cg® riT Cnnneilman Fearne z Centeil Mae> >i✓ Councilmen 'Inmz 7J Council— > Mayo, MospiP Malmo4 o.em.lmatr a.t CITY OF ST. PAUL N. ...... 93266. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4k RESOLVED That the applioation4l A. Ortemann for permission to install an additional 500 -gallon gasoline tank at 49 Meet Exchange street, is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in acoordanoe with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Crvs wv,�sue�gg�Tyb�Yeeax x 'mR�ee Vaa_,�xlmi �6 lb Iwll �t� ��iiss ��5yy��� B pvl[at. �MdOYp�EIF^�^Im(�tnSlrJvtttl�a W4. ' I �^ in�.t3y��n4`etl- Laay�BePaM t,lf.,+ AE d ` c�ea cl L um 6 Abe. �Yt .T COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounoiL. _ AUG.. ..M2.193..... -mw ✓/ f/ �q _. _._In I—, r, AQpp�rov d .. C_4. IP�/!/_... 1}83._.. �,,r Amine[ ,m >r Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gplul d Mmsea+l. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..Ih .ad Mi..... Se.w JOHN H. Mk ONALD, Corwwm- 114— G. OeO— D— As}net E, 1832 gm— Mr. girl+- F. Scott, City Clerk, Baht Paul, Minnesota Deer Sirs Setmod herewith in the application of A. Ortemena for parsiszion to instal an additional 300 gallon gasoline tank at 48 Tett IDocMngs Street and report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard by the Bureau of Fire Prevmtios• Very tray yours, O—issioner of Public Safet PiOnNS E DN1ILL 1w dd dd d,dke . Xl¢A� A MA�ALLAv CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T-th end Mi—.0 Shaw JOHN H. McDONMD, CaMMt4- 11— G. O'CONnFll. D Ce•xe..r. August 2,1932• Bon.John R. MODonald oommieeioner of Public Safety, Bt.paul,Yinn. Dear Bir: In regard to a application of A. Orteman for permission to install a Street. §00 gallon gasoline pe have inv! gated the foregoing and report that the dashed adds nal on at the above address would not increase t ire hazard to the extent that it would warrant re�eo RhneePeotfully Yourr, 2LL 1 (thief Inspector lire PrevenTl Bureau. �����°• THE BOARD OF ZONING J f WtlMdb Gdu.z. No. le10 n.w ve.tWP g SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4 w 114 COURT HOUSE July 29th, 1932. snnc snr+awim, a,.�,... aas mnao eo,aso�nu o-i'ass enssoeu. n„ ���A Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear bir : v Re application of A. Orteman for additional 500 gallon gasoline storage tank and pump at 49 W. Exchange �t. This is at an,existingstation on the north s de f Exchange bt. east of St. Joseph's Hospital, and is on for commercial purposes. It is necessary b@caus of a occupant's desire to handle three instead of --twd grades of gasoline. The plan involves no changes in .the present layout of the station, the new pumps being placed on the existing pump island. Yours very truly, engineer -Secretary. �- gh-rh pct Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION �/'/o -,,v DATE TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Mode S -T— —AT- xo A. TA—S FILED a ........ .... ... C" OF ST. PAUL NO. 93267- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the OPPli0fttiOn Of Y. J. Malice for permission to install an additional tank and pomp at his filling station at 603-605 South Smith avenue, is hereby granted, add tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances Of the City Of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction Of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Ycee Ne, J.favor wentel I/.,. President Mahoney Adopted by the Council._. AUG A- 02 193-_ Approved . 193.. A__Y-/ OFFICE OF THE C'" -Ak Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION --T/ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL % OF T. PAUL, MINNESOTA LIGATION T1�0 �N Is Hereby Made .y I -T T- 1.1L AIT.... 0 ... IA- -P. Tr -P. FILED nECE Eo 11 F- --E- ........ corr OriJ d Porn pga� N IMUraAv B i. Ba10a+,M0.. Sw. PoBn .b ilia Nn. Hn.DBn CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.d..l of Mi—. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T..th ..d Miao..o.. Sofia JOHN H. M.DONALD,a Coiwrasrd wan. a,rrr, ..-r..rn,.r Aag.A 2, 1952 ,39. u Mr. 'IHS— F. Soobt, cit, Clarks Saint Paa1, Qinneaota } Dear Sir. R.t.wned hererith 18 the application of Y. J. Ye11m for peraiaaLoa to Intal m additional gasoline tank at 805-605 80. Swith "ane, and report Of inepectlm and approval as to fire h—d by the Bureau of Fire Fravantlm. truly 9cara, Coeulaeicmar of Pnblio Safety n�or.ns c o.wu oWs+ sow«. am d od.. ... vwu, rw o.. �osssH n wuunr CITY OF SAINT PAUL fpiW d Minnow. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY T.wh .nd Minnow. SL .b JOHN H. WDONALD, CWxwm— nHOnt�S .®,il August 2,1932• Hon.John.H.HoDonald Commissioner of Public Safety, St.raul,Hinn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Y. J.Yelius for ppermiump ssion to installmanhadditional gasoline tank and pe have investigated the foregoing and report that the dae ired additional storage at the above location would not increase the fdre hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection . Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. °��°� THE BOARD OF ZONING �4y wawaI-- n.,w�.— 0 , SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA �i a. p 214 COURT HOUSE 411ly 29th, 1932. enwo eo�wou�n Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clark. Dear Sir Re application of M. J. Melius for addition tank and pumps at 603-605 So. Smith Ave. 6 r This is an existing station on the west side of So. Smith Ave. between Stevens and ding Streets. The land is zoned for commercial purposes. The plan involves no changes in the present lay -out of the station. The new pump is to be placed on an extension of the existing pump island. Yours very truly, �_.—becret z r Engineer- ecretary_ pct-rh r pymJmav a.n CITY OF ST. PAUL „u cu 146_93268 .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 60� ONEa _ P 7w. / a 31 _ __. o �_ RESOLVER That the permit granted to Otto O. Biytte to operate and main- tain a filling station on the northeast oorner of Sighth street and Broadway, be and the same is hereby transferred to Raymond L. Linn. COUNCILMEN Yem Nvye /sorts � 71" �naax ............___.Against .: yevzel am Mr. President Mabvney N a 13.I iMac Laa: APVm d^ ��aEi•Ml,ia{ t 1 Y Adopted by the Couvcil._AUG_4. .1W 193_... ApWaved ._..��L..:. _t ,1�.._..__. 193._... Saint 1 a, I I, July 30th, 1�< 2. T, the f the Council of City of Saint Paul: Ple,,, accept this as notification of my desire # have the p,mit for oil station� that ,,, gantlainen 1, ... .o kindly granted —, t, -.f., -d t. Raymond L. Line, 0,. resides at 1185 3,,t Cook Street in the city of St. P-2, Minnesota. The p,,.,It cove.. the site I—ted at M,•I:th and F3r,,d,,y on the northeast T)—king you most kindly Por giving this your kind attention, I w,, yo— v —ly, omwl m ao asameNCL No..x7326-1 . .-. CITY OF ST. PAUL •^x OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Rv �/7.r-�M'• Dare ... PREEN D E ol R RESOLVED That Gasoline Tilling Station License NO. 1971, granted to Alfred J. Morin, for filling station at 1170 Aroede street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Joseph A. Mariana. COUNCILMEN Yens NAye Jam! In favor Je ^/ /Truax enzel " d / Mr, preeideut Mahoney 0.A %}IFHf it',d' Ya 1Y'cm'�. aae Wvpix#N 441�1m Va uY-M xgrsLex4 (4� 0.4W le E ur yytNT #.'.Wrl " 0.rAu � '�IxtNYL Adopted by the Council..AUG_ _.... .. AUG - Approve/d.._.... _... ..1932. ..193....7., i � � Mayor ROBERT P. LIESCH ITIORIE' 1.1 10—IL August let, 1933 ,.•°•"•° "" Aon. William Mahoney, Hon. Membere of the City Counall, City Hall & Court House Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We the undersigned request that gasoline filling station lioenee $_4'9 7/ bearing date of / nk y� "44 692'.2 be,,transferred from Alfred J. Morin to Joseph A. Mariana. S7C Aeepa otiully, 7' 3 Y. 7 ran feror Txaaeferee. arw.imao aa. a 332.[.0-.. CITY OF'ST. PAUL .�"NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CCM 1 IooNEn RESOLVED, That the plane and specifications for ea Addition to the Palace Playground Shelter Building, as submitted herewith prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorised to advertise for bide thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. COUNCILMEN Yens Neyye Pearce _ In lnvor �`� //yCYrn I /....Ag,inst YYY Ij�_jy(�` .a `r /Mrn President Mahoney e°.c°v%°aa°`w�a los, r° te.,r.IWa �ti'a�" ro IWt� �b�peyympy� d CifI�ueL �� Nvppy°.,�OY'i°y�e W -ii.�Y IW � L ma• � 6 �F Yea�wat�0ida°n° 'a°sr°aw e Adopted by dhe Council. _. AUG 4 - 932._.193_.... Appro eI AUG ,4-49193.._. Mayor , • y., CITY OF ST. PAUL .,u oNO. 93271 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION EN L FORM � coM.S ss�oNeA I 1//�/h/I(`1���`^� o.re August 4, 1932. RESOLVED In the matter of grading and paving Alley in Block 23, Lanets Highland Park from Snelling Avenue to Maealester Walk,. under Preliminary Order C. F. 91190, approved December 11, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91702, approved February 17, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications %a submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay. .Mw Agni,,t ,Af, P—idrm M.h.-y Ff� mol J@I `eiy t'..mieoeia s,�wn�an t.rit.: A. nro .a arw.Ft,tt va ., mI tq W epmry ea't40d' Ree c �t wat: i, u�i twos ° s> Adopted by th, Coaa.d AUS �.., ?. 193.. AUG 4 -1932 -19L3 ^...-.. Mayor CITY OF $T. PAUL .W " NO..932'72 - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,J/�^'COUNCIL�IRALON �lEFORM CM,EN /V- _._. . o.re Aug., 3, 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of grading Lawson Street from Woodbrige Street to Gaultier Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 89775, approved July 9, 1931, 'end Final Order C. F. 90372, approved September 8, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. It COUNCILMEN Yeas Nnys 411111P .0 IIIIIIIIINXIIII'm Z/ �Invur �:- t_.l Agnin• nzel Mr. President Muhbn"y di,rr `9iift_.a iM s'eD:w:ea 11 eFSImD0 f 6 E e e �baHb "pt yyaWGAvD. ,llb9Ef)+:��: Adopted by the C --ii AUG i..- 1932 193..... App...A , AUG i _ 1932...... 193.. Mnyor V.9 aaga• r CITY OF ET. PAUL .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ti COON L RESOLUTION -ERAL FORM cow"m o°raEA � U w —a _. _ . r_ owrc. August.. 3,. 1932 RESOLVED In the matter of grading and paving Marshall Avenue from a point 160 feet west of Pascal Avenue to a point 295 feet east of Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91178, approved December 10, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91938, approved March 22, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications qs submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the ➢x a>fDrt-saaFraiei'-' same are hereby approved. i781 C'v g4w1 d b:c pb 6 ! t W f >�r fMH• I uuEaYY v9[Y AKgt d -A r 911{ 4y at@IteK)1l��IS {: EoW 4+•`p�y SI���� ��C9PmU1I. i�0.lUtlr9.�W i 9Y`�.Y�W�' 90 pl�Y���11L�up<fh`11ff: r i COUNCILMEN / A Y— Nage AaePtea nr the cenaeitAUG 1�932 ma _ roved..OG..� —1932..._.... 193. . _.. / T _ ..._.Ag,inat / Mayor Wen el /Mr. Preai&nl M9h—y SERIAL NO. OF ROLL _/9719 DEPARTMENT C.'T3� ..— ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP 11 BERNANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED IyLmt�e LIMITED I¢:TENTION DATE IIICROFILtL''Qe--.� CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS J NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILIED SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supery rsor ll> sop,, o a / p O�� j