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A r 1tlYH0 1531 NOLLOl053tl Ad000tl0111 S08VONVIS jo nv38n9 1VN011VN 9'i �•illll SZ•illlll � ` 8•illlll m� � r 0111111 �pplpp i • t VIII 4 X S EBN �0 SZIIIII a Zlllll ��\ �ti �� 'ARN6 q; o>\ ti n LJ fi SERIAL NO. OF ROLL -XJA DEPARTMENT ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP i1 PERMANENT RETENTI0�1,_,— DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited) LIMITED RETENT/ION / DATE MIU0FILMED A -n. CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAI4E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED4A– . J of .�Lo_ 3 Operator. JOINT CITY COUNTY MIgROFILM BY upery sor Oeisied to IXLt IAZ -/1 eouach. No ... {! CITY OF 3T. PAUL „�■ 1056 - OFFI4;6 OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM coEsstEUNeDaTE... NO ..................6„-:_1936_........_.W__ RESOLVED t That Hotel License Not 10112, fzpiring April 20, 1937, issued to Essed Shen at 414 Jackson St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation Of the Bureau of -Police because of arrest and conviction of running a disprderly 4Omise. . C Tr. 186460 --By a. -Fi sartbed-=. - eay�jrjng prll 201887 Issued Loo�E sed Shpi�5 n4410�-y9ackaon`-Sta be andr�the _ - - .meroh.'daUun orletp&rsoreau o nPniili w e= catiee o[ arrept eeand„' onglottpn of ruit4. .. n16gg a dleordlyhb0ae. -9poDted byy-;Chp Coun611'NOV 8 1888: . ADDroPed Nov 8 1938..5 ' d -- ''P COUNO 2ZMEN Yeas / / 'N ay /9/ Adopted by theCouncil OV ......._�. I .....193.....- uea • Findlan ... ..... ...._` In favor Against Approved .............. wV.........5..._......193..._.- �. Mayorr. � enzel . 11 636 Mr Vice President (Truam) _ FormMj `7't (Truax) ©ECITY Or ST. PAUL PA RTMENT OF FINANCE yEPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) . b In the matter of reoonstruoting with 4" •monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north aide of St. Clair Street,beglnning at a point 6 feet west of the east line of Hemline Avenue, thenoe east 45 feet WPh Fid under Preliminary Order approved September 14, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pey oot for the above improvement is - $ 1.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: �I DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg._ 16 Habitation Plat No. 2 $2100 08100, (inoludes other proper- t9).. i; Total $2100 .$810q The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Cael-2 -�t�t A3— I9f Form H. 9. A. 9-5 D Commissioner of Finance. - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance To the Commissioner of FSnance of the City of St. Paul': The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.105097 -------- approved -------- Sept•_ T?x._1956 193------, relative to reconstructing with 4" Monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north aide------- - ------ •----- of St. Clair Street, beginning at a point 6.0 feet rest of the east line Of Hem7Sloe.. AxRAW* ._tbVACe s:f,�t..��-'Q-feet.-----...... ---------------- .-------•------•------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Eat. Cost . 4" Monolithic concrete $1.00 per front foot I. Said improvement is .........------------ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-----=.......................... and the total cost thereof is E.._.------.--- --------••-------+ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:..._ ................................... ------------ ............ ................. ------- r _ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof• „: 4. -............- ------------ •--- _. . .._ . .. .............asked for upon petition of three or more owners b. Said improvement is ----------- of prop . subject to assessment for said improvement. -4- COW OF FINANCE. --................. ........ .............. ......... __ - - - Commissioner of Public or 91 SEP 301936 In the Matter iG'5b52 ? orete ,de..61s NJatpati i ..' p,- ,� aDol4Ygeet ae`! .l iAtaln �4venvai,th4-ay - ce�k ahem goad 8. z ahead� az1,t, s { Ylyderj1461a1 r *' +�IC�heailftg h y FINAL ORDER pima with 5e monolithic conoriir_thsstde�alk.on nor e -Ath_.-strop Main'Avenue, thence west 68 feet, except where Sood ready exists - ---- ----------- -- — -- — ---------- under ------- under Preliminary Order -105102 ----approved - ----- BlRtsmiME& Ila 1$6d Intermediary Order------appd -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same-; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City.of St.. -Paul that the precise, nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City is reoonetruot' with " monolithi�9ii{1Z¢te the �idewe4lks he eQTtli__Did4_ of Ninth Stregt be n-etg—point 6 feet sant- of the wgat_line nP Main �ve_nee _h�+nee went 68 fast -except- where Hedy �yffibient s3de>Ae�klt. exist. _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approvai;that upon said approval, the proper city officials are. hereby authorized and directed to"pro- -peed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted,by the Counet911 k__-____ NOV 1.0 �.-_--___—�/ City Clerk. .AoV1r ' Approved_- a ---------- '� J C 192-- K1 92 Mayor. Councilman Findlan CouncilmantneDusild2w Pearce Councilman Peterson � ' Councilman _ Truax Ciouncilman wenzel I _ Gehan Mayor i \� J/ Form B. S. A. 8-7 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reoonstruoting with 5" monolithi0 oonorete the sidewalk on the north side of Ninth St. beginning at a point 8 feet east of the west ling of Main Avenue,,thenoe west 68 feet under Preliminary Order approved September 17, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ sq re The estimated cost peyoot for the above improvement is - - _ _ g 0.16 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: I� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ,ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. S'ly 40 ft. of 8 57 Irvine's Enlargement of Rioe $5200 $3300', and Irvine's Add. to the town of St. Paul o L Total $5200 $3300' _. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Worka,, Dated Ci -e. �S9 3� norm u. s. w. s -s D Commissioner of Finance. Mp Office of the Commissionerof Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .Sept:..-29.1-1936................193.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had ander consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..Q51.Q1------aPproved - Sept"-..17,..1936 --------------- 193.......... relative to >r reconsin- S"-- Monolithic-_concrete _the-- sidewalk- on --the _north.-pide--of._-----_--. ------------- •Ninth Street_beginning-_nt_a_point._8.Q-_feet_enat._of .the teat' line- of-_Vein........................ Avenue, thence went 68.0 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Oast. So Monolithic concrete walk $0.16 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E_- ........... ----- ............ shd the total cost thereof is 1........... -------.-------------, .............. -----•------- - and the nature and extent, of said improvement is as follows: .............._.....----------.---------------• _* _ - • 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ...asked for upon tition of three or more owners ro ' 11+ 5. Said improvement is--.................----- Po Pe of P Pm'tY, _. . subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. ------------- ------ ................ . ............ . ...... Commissioner of Publio Works. G t�...:.. 9' MSN to SEP •30 1936Allii1 _ - C TY OF ST. PAUL .�•£i' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE y REPORT OF ON PRELIMORDER OF FINANCE Inthe matterof relaying, reconstructing and repairing the entire oement tile sidewalk on both sides of Watson Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street CJS under Preliminary Order approved September 17, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is =.07. old tile$ _ $ $• 11 new tile square _ The estimated cost peyfoot for the above improvement is , of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: parcel as . LOT aLoos: ADDITION ASSESSED nVALUATI'%Idg. , Q- Db DESORIPTION - 1 (Barding's Enlargementand . '$225 =2100 .. (of Blk. 1 Getg of BSu (1 Gage and Whitney's Addition do 260 1950 a do 260 1950 ;• 4 5 do 250 1950 „ 8 do 260 2150 .: 250 2160 . 7 do , S j)uOkhoutrs Rearrangement of 300 4600 9 and 10 Moore's Addition 300 800 11 and 12 a - do >1S a do 100 TOTAL. t..m 8. S, Is - CITY. OF ST. PAUL y lr,+ a i DEPARTMENZ off FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER lil �DE_SCRIPTION _ 1LOT r..I DDITION j y LanG ALUAT0NI' s 114 j 3 liuokhouta■ Rearrangement of ;100 ;Moore's Addition !>-i 16 3 do 100 n s 116 ; 3 do 100 i _ u _ - Lots 1 to 16 4) do 3600 G sad 'vr!scated alley in 4 ) ;i i Lots 1 to 16 2 ,Gage and Whitney's Addition 4000 5 3 Watsonvs 2nd Addition 225 6 3 do 225 it 7 3. do 225 8 3 do 250 Lots 1 to 8 4 do 2100 $117,000';; ,i a i3 li jr I 1!. II y; Total $14100 $134,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the •Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated (tom^ �-� /s� 19-3—z '0 corm a_ a_ 12 Commissioner of Finance. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -105095_--._. approved .-.---------Sept.--17�-_1958__---193----_--, relative to T..e1BYing.t.conatructing._an4-repairing--the_entire---gQM .-tIII .BAdOwOU.-QA-.--------------------- both sides of Watson Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street. ................................---------......---- ----- ........----------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is------- --- ------.necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Relay old tile $0.07 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E------------- --- -............ and the total cost thereof is t-----------•----• • •------•--> n n e new tale $0.7.1 n a ■ and the nature and extent of said improvement is se follows :.. .... ........... ..... ---......---------------------- -,---------- c ----•- - - o a. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------ .............. _- b. Said improvement is .......... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subleeseec(�Qt(S(1 improvement. 17.a�un,1 Commissioner of Pablio Works. g RAIN . • 6 „` SEP 601936 odead w city Clem +'� ,•: - - 'CITY OF„ ST PAUL inuO11fs G` NO«�' ICE OF y[tIS }rITY CLERK NCIL itESOL(fTI N ---GIF ERAL. FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER....��la�ila - i ..,..,.. DATE—..._ .RESOLVED That the proper., city offigora L be An& they 'are hereby authorized to issue a warrant in favor of the Weyand Furniture Compomy in .the sum of Five Dollars (t$6.00), being a refund on a gas stosie indtaller's license (NOe•4984), issued October 22, 1936, to Harvey Kunert, for the reason that said Harvey Kunert Is riot engaged In this work. ---- C. F iNof 1O888t "By �' 1L'reuaz 4, .f be end 4tiber exe herohy euttiorlaedi to leaue'a r •ararantln tavar otahe W eyand Furpltur Company v Of Letlm of F1V,A . etoll'veTlne iYei�e llcan 6refund oae gar a C (xo 49ea� la eued.0otoberBE d1't iiW4_ liq',rviey Aunetti toTEnp teae6n ;Shatnrvey $unprt ' la"not dpgaged'1n thie'-wort: • :Adopted'byy ahe Counell Nov 10 1988: ApprOVed NOV..10 1986.1 (Nov 14, 1986TH- COUN MEN N Yeas ya B as n ..... 1n favor �e;�,n _ y Against rr. el resident(Gehan� 3M 636 1 - Adopted by the Council..... NOV. fl... .__ 193 — Approved./ ...::. NQV Y_0._ ---193 .. .... y ........... /.......... ......... ._ .... _.... ._Mayor W_ LA MONT 'KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON _ ._&pt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL capital of Minnesota OEPARTMEM OF PARKS, PLAY43RC>tJN11>S, AND PUBLIC BUILEMM43S 445 City Hal FRED M_ TRU^X, Commissioner URL E_ SPEIAlCES. Deputy Commissioner Nov ember r S, 1936 Hon. John Connolly Corporation Couns of Department of Law Dear Sir: May I respectfully- ask yozm to draw up the necessary resolu- tion providing for a rei'vsac1 to the Weyaimcl F'urzliture Company, Seventh and Jacksons Streets, in the amount of $5.00 for a gas stove insta11er9s liaexmse 4984, issued 0c_'-t<>-ber 22, 1936. This refund is authorized since Harvey Kursex't, 757 East Sixth Street, to wkxoo= it was issued, is not ea.gaged in this work. Therefore, time licezmse is not necessax-y. Yours truly, Commissioner LAR..0 st�io•sR - ,,, ,, • CITY OF SAINT PAUL AM ORIGINAL ,-DEPbTMENTIOF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS and PUBLIC BUILDINGS Collected _ LICENSE CERTIEICAWE No. 4984 rOG /Z 193�'� loo , „yA� DATE OF ISSUE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT Street 9 Avenue mI51NF5S ADDRESS v arl rI-aR 'has complied with the provisions of ORDINANCE NUMBER 7210 - sE s' "' 16 t4 approved May 44, 1930, and having'`paid p ia�"I iii the above fee therefor is hereby authorized to work at the bus! sof within the corporate limits of the City of Saint Paul, Min soca. THIS LICENSE is, NOT •TRANSFER LE and is issued subject to all,Nies and regulations of the issuing department, the provisions of the Buifdia4g Code and all o er ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, and may be revoked Liptm violation of any of the above stipulations. 4 EXPIRES----i'�/� / 193 it ELECTRICIAN C MISSIONER OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND.PU8IJC BUILDINGS ' BY MND wwu 1Ratta�va[M�. CNI<KO.. PLUMBER B.EVATOR.. CONCRETE ATE LIG No. BUTTONNo.OPERATOR I BLOCK ' RECEIPT No. HEST DATE CLASSA-B I ol • cin CLERTO K - CITY OF SAINT PAUL - �,��No.-(�5655-� APPROPRIATW-v=====>N TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM CHARTER SECTION 208 - A PRESENTED BY V DATE xov. 6 193 6 --------------- RESOLVED, THAT THIS FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS' MAY BE MET BY SAID T WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS F=� QOM WI--IIGH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE A P P O R T 1 O N E ID I T E M AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 248? Bd.Og �ub.4PeZfar® (Outside Aid) 500,00 24312 o a a (Hospital E=ens e) 500.00 r _ C. F S�o..10b6Bfi6—By�iiel k Pet@isori �- M-q'H. C3eKan g fe e-bel—ad0 ZA the b o$so flthe �c4mp- troller, as by n doing, an-Duavbidable de$etehcp,.ia- certatn Rema may;.be mei - by �'saf4 tragatera without; haalperfng the.=work provtded by.the moggg.,fk )terra Prom-.;wkich the tranafe'e are meas 1600 00 traiieferred &O— Code 2"4D2= of P.kbll Welfare tOutalda-gid) i. 9�� '�� 160,000 tq'Coda 9482—Bogrd �/,� of .Publid ,� ` �T WelYare iHoaDttal Ekdenae) \2� -, �1dopLod-by the Council Nov Ib 1836. ' ADbroved:Nov 10,.1888. - �-� -(Novi 19.1936) YES (V) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAS S PEARCE /J PP E�� INI 1=AVOR TT OGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT E.o lo— ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL Nov 10 19361 93— APPROVED `NO • I V 1936193— `//- N.rgR COUNTERSIGNED BY orr corrrRoueR OFl��£OF - TIE C1TY CLERK A ORM CD CIL ���QOLL7T10N---GENERAI- F +GOMM1S814a ��.__.__._,_._......__._.._.DATE.... ._.. ._.. RESOLVED, that the fcllowlag fonds of employes in the 8uaicpal Court, each effective the 15th day of August 1936, for etas indefinite term, which bonds ---3ft=mve tae en approved as to form aad execu- tion by the Corpor _-MLtioa Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of be and the same are hereby approved and the Oity Ciera— is c7.irected to deposit theta in the office of the Oity Comp -f -=—a11er .Name Yositiv� Amount wB.Uwety Company Charles W. Nelson Baillig $1000.00 Natio3ia3- Surety Corporation Paul A._ Schultz Ass i s t -�^� C1er3c $1000.00 National Surety Corporation a D. Waters Assist +te t Clerk Corpor $1000.00 Natio�aal Surety A gneation Robert E. Otte Dep-mtg $8000..00 National Surety Corporation Harry 0. Burningham $1000.00 Court S enographer Hatlonal Surety Corporation rovped 8s ��{oar �" k�- 'LllBrt'oinmi68TJ�' - iiy CIeYICYH: Q ' 8»�5office of -t - - ot.•:r Y•Fels�n - . r COUN MEN Adopted by the Counea't.-UO-V--�;-Q-- .. .193:...... , - yeas N Ys F lan In favor APP NO --- --Q-. ...... 193 �Pe�(ce ....-.......... roved .............. reon _ Against ....... President (Geban) 3M 636/ O.W awC;t,Cl-t 10565'7 4=nor 301F7 !ST. ST. PAUL nix °6 N0 CITE 'CLERK COON - ON ENERAL FORM /RESE-ve _....:... .. DA ._Ner .14,E 1936 REso .vEo That the Pu 's:L at be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the c a seat of the Ysyor and the Comptroller, one tank car, appros ft MY 8000 gallons "QN leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from _ tom= p3A2LL1P8 PETROLEUM 00"Alff, ata price of $ .11253 per gall lass 1% discount ten days on refinery price only, ineludi s tate - tax and state inapeotion, to be spotted on MunicipaM_ _)ment Bureau spur at Dale 8t., on Informal bids as as exists where failure to IA<ot promptly would worms 1sa:rd0hip to the best interests of the City. Charge IN%Azsa— N=ioipal Equipment- 1003-134 l Od/�iYO���O1dl 4. . CITY or. ST. PAUL`__;, oMcs or- .714K, Crr%r icsoler, 2%b,' NO -. 5_105658 ................................. t3saft-:Airbor� .sau H:ewu`.f� '*AMSYMMr" AREAS, the Northwest Airl .nsas„ 1nw3-- lesttsr dated October 38th, 1936, addressed to F: J. tieuagw rt Director, requested that it be granted pernisslon to opera - ML restaurant ay es hangar located at Holman Municipal Aire©. t ,. iaatll such time an the City provides a satisfactory rest=rte! t or other adequate facilities in the proposed building, end WHEREAS, the Council is of the op# -__=Loam -t<hat said Airlines should be granted permission tooperatest _ ___ rss-taurant at its own hangar building until such time ag � s b2a- uac13 shall r evoke such revocation to b c � -- :pinion wheasver, in the opinion of the Council, it is advisable o to do, notwithstanding that the City has not provided, direc'l or 3-nd3reC1y, such restaurant privileges and notwithstasz -tha--t if provided, such privileges' are not located in the _promos d adm3 alstration build- ing, therefore be it - RESOLVED, that permission be esxci lin h>areby granted the said Northwest Airlines to operate rest` AEm - sat iaoilities in, its hangar it -,Holman Municipal -Airport, s c-t,-1-iowever, to the condition that the said Northwest Air 3_—S mmamftv3 _sixa31 obtain all licenses required by State law or cites relating ,to `-:such businiss, and subject further to coalition that the privilege herein may be revolted at say ms, aotwithetanding r -theL feet that any such business licerss-e!�t s lhave been issued to the said Northwest Airlines by the 3 it FURTHER RESOLVED, `that the City Cl.E-- 3c is ]hereby directed to forward a certified copy of thi-B re s :c==- at i oa -bo the said Northwest Airlines, and the 01ty C1erg :SL- further directed not to issue any business licenses to -hhs_ - d Sorthwest Airlines until he has received the consent o:E b23 sai cL Borthwest Airlines to the conditions set forth in this rg$-c=mw utios3 COUN MEN Yeas Nays ddlan In favor ,F/onn ............. ....... Against I �Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Ado d by the COunciL.....__NOV...U.M..193....... NOV 10 1 Approved.................. .... .................... ._................... 193....... Bureay of waterCIT-� QF SAINT PAUL LEONARD N THOMPSON, • General Superintendent & Engineer Gap"tttai cA Minnesota Bureau of Municipal Testing Labomtories DEPAR-1rA1f/IENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - - - VICTOR H_ ROEHRIOf, Director 216 4COurt House Bureau of Ushtinp . H. c STREICH, Superintendent H G - WENZEL, Commissioner W_ a F2. RAP[TO, Deputy Commissioner ` is edJEW o Oa ober 31, 1936 . Holman Municipal Airport FRANCS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. o,REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer 4 Mr. H. C. weasme ME- Co®Lissioner of �sablia IItilities. Dear Birt I ant a letter received -from Mr. Croil Hunter, Manager of the Northwest Air- lines, Incorgoaa:ted is ahioh they request permission to install rest-airatast rmoilities within City Hangar No.3. InaamuE3--Ak-+ ss there etre no facilities at the field at the ps—s seat time, I would recommend that permission Us gthem to install some until such time as tInm-Aeaw City may provide adequate facilities. "Wary truly yours, AMRP0 DIRECTOR M FJG-.ER 0 PAPA®UL LAN D AT.11 AIR Gateway to tine Groat NoMitweatr. November 12th 1936. - Northwest Airlines. Xxxc= , Holman Unnioipal AirpHcw— w St. Paul, Minnesota- Attentinn: Vm,- Croi1 'Hunter Oentlement o2osad is a certified copy, of a reso- lution adopted by tb a November 10th granting Northwest Airlines permission Zo restaurant facilities is its hangar at Kolman }Ev3mici-3M;;7al Airport, subject to certain condi- tions. -mC w111 zsow be necessary for yon to apply for restmaranZ 2 -'M— sense sit this office and pay the license fee of 910.00, if 3rcnx t— —+e aot already done so. Yrmrs vPry trcxl,~, City Clerk. V October 26, 1936 0 Hr. F. J. Geng, Airport Director, c Holman 14micipal Airport, Saint Paul. Dear Yr. Geng: Inasmuch.c�Ls there no restaurant Facilities at r the present time at the Ho] mA" LS cipaZ A3_z port Northwest Airlines desires to install snclz -Facilities at the hangar for the convenience of air line pa s gens zLud their employees, and would therefor appreciate pew--- i t be3x granted to install such facilities and to operate i2Zlti3- such time as the City of St. Paul may provide a ctox-y restaurant or provide ade4uate facilities in the proposed Ad—I -W -=v3tratiou Building. Very tzM=- aaly Yours, /41 Cro; � Htsater Vice P'resideat -Bo Geaeral b3snsger Bf. Ped 1blaOieae. Stverltw - Z•(.laae�polf/. m1ldt eV—t 3141 Uelte■ etetee ALlr M -fl s�rass Pa��laier ser��ee c Bf. Ped 1blaOieae. Stverltw - Z•(.laae�polf/. m1ldt eV—t 3141 Uelte■ etetee ALlr M -fl s�rass Pa��laier ser��ee :3WL-aaa 'SLwlapft w RA. vfi— •MO - zn--wn- srs�i : sial pa��a i! al:sem Aa e'=.II - �s�■e�� - 1'.__la AW_: 8_._2.* � p 8ovember 13y 1936 Mr. L. R. S. City Clerk, City of Saint a.x1 Minnesota DSS' Sir: TYsis will acknowledge yours of t3 -Xe 22th enclosing certificate cow -ver in resolution adopted by th.� Czty Conncily November lOt]:w-, om-aLz ting us permission to operate r4&8taurant facilities is ar. We agree to the 04cw=<az Sona outlined in this reso3-:-7;ft —ter ioa We herewith apply for res-t�—x a3lat 13-ceng0v and enclose for license fee of $10.00- 10.00.Very Verytruly yours,,, ,. r Croil Hunter —_ -- Vice President & General -Wzm3zade3' CO :3WL-aaa 'SLwlapft w RA. vfi— •MO - zn--wn- srs�i : sial pa��a i! al:sem Aa e'=.II - �s�■e�� - 1'.__la AW_: 8_._2.* Is idign - "`1reDa eCd the,Cot y with section 68asorw ..565 • - :. - �� CITY _ OF`. ST. PAUL yhe'exiatence os .• .:a tired pecaeears tl „ : OQF THE, CITYCLEly3'tsia emDloYea o - SE a t sn tAetr t �fi-, , GOA.ING11L-2ESOLL�TION---C+'ENERA�a o-�--`�'"�=pTs--::..HQX.:::.6►1'H-18316............... RESOLVED 1t1FLf rx"S' -The CO++* -■S s sinner` of Education lea repo- ell tg the Council Ln acc�rdazsc6 Vrith Sac#ion.53i Of ©red Charter the �-� stents of an e�iertency 0a`: hia necessary t1z-4m a-=ployraezit of certain: a Q;. 3r PF., . department Pow -sora t3a.9= their uaua3 hours of+ �loY• ment ; there PQM t bo it ' " I;ESOLV That t prone— city officers are hereb .aur. thorized to paw tial fo13.c'VTl=g named esnpelIOYfor xtrse rate other'�i s e fi=_ sOc mor extra omP `,Tr► time heroiT>:r�cr set forth: RATE TOTAL J4� for g wrs. 49. 3/4 .299 T 2 (iaorge I. Anderson r� Christi12 Christian Sauer a 56 5- 04 H033 -L-7 Bauer �,z z-: Eng 8 4. 48 _ 3ti =-_ �Ea 8 ». 58 2 93 Wi]_liam Benton �,� �� �s �nS g , s* $ 3 14, - - Hr Bergstrom for �_ _ 1ti' a g 523 Bertin 55 �olw Bahl. �r� _ Eng 50 a 5 "� 51 aQRL _M » 5 11' 70 ag rec1 . Bursinger �'`� �M Eng 20 20 a 57 Ili 45 Ce.ci] (iarlson Z7sr-r-= E g 24 Franl� Chapman .:. �, . 12 56 0 02 Alfred Christensen S t moire _ �.�' �' p 1 76 Arthvr B Copaley S � �ttEFir6Mwa 4 W313sm E Cording T; Eng 6 a q,s 2 79 Donovan. �� �� Eag 5 » 56 2 80 David ie 5 17:55 Joseph Ellenson �� Z ' Mag. SO. » ' 5 1'7" 55 st �� �. Eag 17 55 CleaTp0ve Engb. e bretson. �� r Eng 30 n 68 11 70 3osepl Fedlmeier� 20 n 58 11 70 E3 ins Fehr 20 n 5 1 11 70 Erari Foster �' En6 n 45 9 00 Cart J. Fransen T't for 20 ��.- En 6 n 58$ e 3 51 Gabriel Gagliardi S n 56 3 36 August Gatbmann S at FiPa�Aa 6 COU LMEN 193...:... Adopted by the CoundL...:..QV... .�--1q3S" Yeas N s 4ov �10 IM - Ian Approved........ ...193...... ............... In favor tpr..id.nt (Geh—) ,O 3PN 6 36 - NAME fiSTT TINE RATE TOTAL John W Gipple Ja 12 hrs . 56 6 72 George Gray Do 15 " 58 8 78 Clarence Gregory Scls - - 10 ^ ^ 7 58 7 03 4 68 George Gunther Joss+ Tia —��a 8 24 ^ 58 14 04 Charles, Hammerlund Jaya g ^ 58 17 55 George Hayes Jan —mag 30 6 ^ 58 3 51 Car1 John A Hedlund Heinz Jan Jas, 20 ^ 58 11 70 Otto Hesse Jarx mag —mag 9 ^ ^ 56 5 04 7 02 Werner Hesse Jaxx — 12 ^ 58,11, 12 54 Henry Hinkel TaT -2 �r 24 ^ 5 58 17 55 Elmer Hintz Ja.a ung 30 Robert Jabs J&3M_ >x- 6 a 52s 3 14 Anton E Johnson Jas, - �yg 6 56 3 36 Gunn Johnson Jsa --M:rng 9 ^ 5 5 27 August Kahler Jars Eag 6 " 58 3 51 Andrew A Kolstad Jeum Mag Mg 24 ^ 5 14 04 Joseph Kustalski Jars mag 6 ^ 58 3 51 William La-Chapelle Jas, Eng 6 ^ 58 3 51 Nets Landberg Jan n Eg. 6 ^ 58 3 51 Lyman G Larson JaTi� or 10 ^ 52 5 23 Victor Lawrence Jsa Eag 15 ^ 5 8 78 Walter V Lee Jan Eag 6 ^ 56 3 36 Gus Linde Jsa Eng 6 ^ 5 3 51 George Loomis Ja.a Eag 10 ^ 5 5 85 Thomas Lunzer JIT! Eng 6 ^ 53 51 John Lynch Js n Eng 12 ^ 58 7 02 Edward L Manska Jas, Eng 24 ^ 5 14 04 Nets Martin Jrs -� — a or 8 ^ 5 4 4 18 Harry Mc-Donald Do 12 ^ 49 3/4 5 97 William Mc-Neely Jas, Eag 18 ^ 58* 10 53 Leslie M Miller JEL301L Eng 16 ^ 56 8 96 Lester Mollers Jar Eag 18 ^ 58 10 53 Thomas R Mulcahy Sts, Firamsa 6 ^ 58 3 51 John Munkelwitz T T= Eng 12 ^ 58 7 02 Pierce Murphy Sta-� Firamau 26 " 58 15 21 John Nelson Jam Eng 34 ^ 5 19 89 Paul E Oas JA=M -9r — or 14 ^ 49 3/4 6 97 Hugh O-Donnell J Eag 18 ^ 58 10 53 William Oliphant JR :-: Eag 14 ^ 58 8 19 Leo Peet JAS Eng 20 ^ 56 11 20 Alfred Peterson Jg-r+ Eag 16 ^ 58- 9 36 James F Peterson JA T-3 Eag 12 ^ 58 7 02 W&Idemar Richter ZTELM3L Eag 24 ^ 58 14 04 Frank Ritchat Jv xm Eng 15 ^ 56 8 40 Edward J Ritt JaLx3L Eng 6 ^ 46-1- 2 79 Thimothy Roddy IT Eag 6 ^ 58 3 51 George Runyon Jxa M-1k m or 6 ^ 524 3 14 William J Sigissor JAS Eng 6 ^ 46 2 79 Henry Schneider JVL3:ML Eng 6 ^ 58 3 51 Bert Seidler J Eng 24 ^ 581 14 04 Wilbur Simons J83r+ Eag 8 ^ 56 4 48 Oscar Smolensky Jax� Ea 34 ^ 58 19 89 Lloyd Spetzman Js, � Eng 30 ^ 58 17 55 Henry Spriestersbach S c Eng 6 ^ 70 4 22 - NAME'2E- . TIME RATE _ TOTAL Nicholas Stadtfeld 4Mr Eng 10 hr' S 85 Galus Staffa.- -� 24' n $8 14; ,04 _ Charles Starz _+ 10 " 5 85 - Arthur Story map 12 w 7 02 Joseph Stromner -.Z3W7.jgL3M3.tor 24 " 5 12 54 Herman A Svendsen Asa Eng 15 " 5S - 8,40 Ehristopher Tarte E3 20 " 58 11 70 Edward Thomas 10 _ N a 5185 - --il 70 Isaac W Thompson + 20 George R Turnquist!-+ 15 " ` 5 7 84 Thomas F Waters Jan 24 ^ 58 14 04 James Watson Asa Eng 12 " S 7 02 Ernest.:, Weiss 3a 8 " 5 4 68 Max Werner 18 " 58 10 53 Frederic E Williams v 5 " 44 2 20 Albert Woods 20 " "i 11 70 August:. 0 Yaeger C --3b.. Eng 34 " 'T 4 23 89 13 FORM N0..1 �ss.emer-e. 1934. An emerFFenc4 Fs Q sirisen in the Department of Fa-ucation, Bureau of Schools, necessary the er"»loymant oP certain employes of that degtz t --7z *--rnt for more than eight hrnxrs per day, b in doing the f oll ow:L This emergc,3= arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Saimaa' thnil4431Qy aan max .■"ental This report is in ac orclance with Section 53 of the CYiarter. 04 FORM N0..1 �ss.emer-e. 1934. An emerFFenc4 Fs Q sirisen in the Department of Fa-ucation, Bureau of Schools, necessary the er"»loymant oP certain employes of that degtz t --7z *--rnt for more than eight hrnxrs per day, b in doing the f oll ow:L This emergc,3= arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Saimaa' thnil4431Qy aan max .■"ental This report is in ac orclance with Section 53 of the CYiarter. Jot 4--11'Y OF ST. PAUL No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COlJ1—��w4--IL JF2ESOLu-rioN --- GENERAL FORM Riverview Branch Library - Polanka, Rudolph J. e 9 58* 5.27 St. Anthony Park Branch Lib Hickey, Patrick F. Jaa� for CO�MEN Yeas Nay :. _._.. In favor X1t�................... Agairi., JOl/enwl President (Gehan) 3M 6 T 16 .58* 9.36 V j 0 Approved... ... _...................... .. ......M Mayos RESOLVED WEMEAS, that aaioner of Educatler. has r!wperted to the Council siccsordanae with Section 53� jWr the City Charter � �e s�cistence of an emergency which rendered neceasav _-Wp- the employment of certain employes of his departme t ='vr more than their usual hours of employ- ment; tkr-- =m-eJ'c2-s be it, RESOLVED, ThAseammummomr- t t3se proper city officers ars hereby au+ thorized -t--c pay the following named employes, at the rate otki rw:l me freed for extra employment for extra time here set forth= NAME TITLE TI:IfE RATS: TOTAL Merriam Park Branch Library Davenport, George L. Jam+ toz--EMragineer 9 X58* $5.27 Riverview Branch Library - Polanka, Rudolph J. e 9 58* 5.27 St. Anthony Park Branch Lib Hickey, Patrick F. Jaa� for CO�MEN Yeas Nay :. _._.. In favor X1t�................... Agairi., JOl/enwl President (Gehan) 3M 6 T 16 .58* 9.36 V j 0 Approved... ... _...................... .. ......M Mayos FORM NO. 1 November 7 0 1936 - An emergency ha ma6:3- ILnen in the Departatent oY Fsducatlon Bureau of Public rendering necessary t2za employment of certain employes o tryst department for more tInLmon eight hours per day. in t2xe following work: To keep Marr, a;m pM.2& Riverview and St. Anthony PATS Branches This emergency gz-owe by reason of the followirig facts and circumstances: an =�� ry l keen these r+*�n^� i b�' ,i�s1s oven nn Annnuntc" snec� s�� activitie.q pt This report is in sa C with Section 53 oP tl^ze Charter. low Informally council. Nov. C70UN. ��MEN Yeas I 77' a - C--rrY OF ST. PAUL NO . ...... -7 In favor OF THE CITY CLERK COU C ON --GENERAL FORM .4--DATP - ------ N4;-3 -9' 3X6, 636 R111:990L Vr6D Malt33 &VpjjcmtjGn No. 15302. 03� 19�&Xa Malt Beverage. :"7 applioatlem. 15303. oma==mwM- IL applied od 4CN:r:r 11816 MIt Beverage. application 5304 PP11 fOr 117 Ar tbw 93- Asw_-ft 1021 Aroaae St. be and the same are bsrOIW gm=ts& and the city cl "'§ f imom, --s-Imm%racted to Los" Illftch 11063111001111 luV*llL the payment into the alty tr oS the required fees. proylasa. Ucrwwwor. that Gas Oleos to not to be is any mar with this *st&7Allmbmwwm*- C. F. -Xo. 1011661-1312"Aw. 8Bpwt� r JWO�� trvJMW _C. bgr 3�san rant, applyeation Mes. sale 3wt Ba,*,.W.. IL5802. - d 39.1t "o— in Bait &.=t, t2-- �—O 0'" b"fit a A -A -3. to lustructU zrant" and-the:-OltY' -I-- t* '"** *O'b I"`*" tb parmout into th. Itle tr-=�IT7 th: r*qblrod .;-W. -t%-t a.. 01 uoAt-O bo�cQ-0- this e.tabltshvu.iml., N". I���rfeallT_aDDrovod `D7 CUD -11, NOV, low Informally council. Nov. C70UN. ��MEN Yeas I N lan ................... -7 In favor P 2 /Mr President (Gehan) 3X6, 636 al-ru', lo, Late 1-1 3 Adopted by the 1-11 V 19 Approved....------- .............................. . ......_....M...._. - - ----- --o -------- "4&/ . ... ............................ . .... . .. ......... May- 105662 -CUT. � COUMGL i OF ST. PAUL NO. ...................... . ............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C:0kLjSOL [ON --GENERAL FORM 1.0— -.1936 ......... .. .. PRESEN RESOLVED That license for 4=Mw� SeLJLe Neat 336v*r896, application 15386. Restaurant, application, 153*9-47— OLIMCL O:rf Sale *at Beverage, application 15398, applied for by S. L. Fiat wmam�- at 505 Como JLv*. be -and the same are hereby granted and, the city clerk is 3aatrezcted to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury o:r -Iftr--- IkLe 3r 4woqj%x&re& fees- I- ' "L - - - - ; - ___' - I New Informlly ks council, NOV- 393 C(XJNCWMEN yeas N \ 11 is 11 _ In favor Zaident 3M 636 (Gehan) Informally approved by Council, 1926. Adopted by the Council Nov, 10. okporoved Nov.10 NOV 10 1936 Adopted by the Council .........................._.........................193...... NOV 101936 .Approved --------------- - ......................................193_..... Mayor ��'Wia—lretttL Q,Yaart �� 663 ______ payrl*Ctei� . - - �. ttut�llgeeee i..Ce. , flet peteoea at - {.. ---••-- ------ i�cs.-__._ CITY OF ST. PAUL t» aaa the eamw ear pFl '[CE OF THE CITY CLKkFft� ° •yQn may* - COIJ ION_GENERAL t r _- ♦R ryt'ts•l�� '� cw�s lor�bes--��:-- x'936.-------- RESOLVED That licenses &Vp3s .mmmmdi0L Sor by the following Persons at the addrasss sm"estod be and the sa=e s►res -:3ftL4==-esb3r granted and the CitY cleric is iastractsd to issue shah licenses tapoa — z— prLy=eot into the City treasury or they rscioired teat Secured motors. Iss= Itopp7 Motors, Inc - Sam Dann•► St. inthour !Taal de Z cs Oo . =d ][camas Henry J. Slintihaa:es ^11a mccarthy 3107 =. YaCollam yea& �ILMEN Nays �F Ian g`' In favor j/�uz 7ensel /Mr P"."dent (Groan) 10214, L. 7th St. 2nd head albwo. 114565 I•w 3145 Mala ire. 2n& head & (aanto1 5 • 600 Canada Ott Sale lLealt 15213 • 260 I. Centrsl Vaal Dealer 15266 • 222 Iagle St. 0onrect1oaer7' 15296 • 193 R. 7th St. 31esteumvm* 15322 • 481 St. Peter St. Hotel 15337 • 516 St. Peter St. Hotel 15364 • Adopted by the Counaa-l---------- NOV-_-1-Q--IM1s3..-•-- NOV 10 Wo APprcrjed----- ------------------------- - --- - ---- -------------------- .l ----- - y r z > (/.j;Wye _ C fN. v a, tLaaa-� ,8"�- - e.o.) oaa�es ps "yyaw3, ror er .. per.. 01st �k����l - - varson. aamea oa l.faFc s.4'Cse:b.d to CITY OF ST. b + inrioa na «=z saga ira 4 4 -.irantM a.ad -- "d'C> -u�ar L - fa d to.::issva "Sicaaaiaa ayon- - OrrWICE_OF THE CI tee Dai m.nt"'halo Ybc cI tcssary or - the reQulred.-r..< - • G LUTION- or ted a n. coaa�ifNa- o i9se' c� = aor1 6 --- -- ---w ----------....:. RESOLVED that 11cssise0410 0a33ad for by the following persons at tha aLd esess indicated be &aA the -sem >MW73r-e hereby grsated and the City c3eftr7= i s imstrx g16.d to is=* j,,: such 11Ce■s040s the pgyasnt into the City trsa.sary o= t>m red fess: San Comas- 10 W. 9th St. 22La '■�=mL,■ �o2a dgo 1pp.1y0S0 Hasa. Joseph Dsaiaio 137 W. Tth at. ?&rats 15211 ■ / • s ■ . ■ DaaQew 3K"1-■ 15521 ■ f_ Orisatal cssqm 419 Wabash& St. rs�qmWrm& 15256 • ■ • ■ • *+mm+« s sa.13 15257 • Z. =enol. 242 H. lairfleM 8al■sr1 15259 • Y. A. Ssahiam. 319 Hobert St. SaTars: 15261 ■ 6". N. U1110maw- 498 St. Peter at. 'iaW.nrs 15270 • ■ & ■ •� �mm.13 15271 • AW Jelia� 529 at. P:ter St. 'rs�or: 1527 ■ ■ w ■ • llaaQe: ,:_3 X 15273 ■ Kme & HTioic 222 Chestnut St. : ra■at 15279 ■ 8. J. oGWWILM ML 633 0:ltmas=31ilNt turos;sK-,W, 152T9 • • • s r w s ptt Sale• HHalt 15280 • Pa>lic 7p0craatioa -W rxor Iso. 199 t. Smelling Z`a�ora 15299 ■ • • s • ■ a Deo IM X 15290 ■ Wfie me111y► 126 W. 7th St. =sal=���+•t 15297 • ■ • ■ • Oa 29dmM as HEAL 15298 ■ • • ■ • Orr 254%Z 4m lffm t. 152" • John ! �sss� I" Jaws at. Om. MMML �es 3mmat 15305 e ■ • • ■ • ort -2s4m3L4W tlffeas 15306 • ■ r • ■ • IZIM'ft4MWWLW4MM1b 1530 - • ILM6N Adopted b°9 she t-��„" �i---•---- — _x__.193._ Yeas HaYB t•o . Za €aQor APPro'ved - -- - _....-_.........._......-..._.._.._._...193...._ ie: czar ._........ --- INayaz ea■el I f <. ^� 7 "a"CI"4L G11TY OF ST. PAUL NO_._.0564 ........................1 O-IFIiCE' OF THE CITY CLERK GOLTl�iGIL r RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM __...__.______•._-__..._._._DATE .................................... ... _......... ........... ... ._......... __ PLQS 2. RESOLVED 9M University ern Davnoe v_ 1 ?red Herges a Hall�531t� Napoleon D*x8oss l:sj5 Vrii.vsity Tavern Dance Hall g " 15531b ! Lenity Capra �s5St.Peter St. s lt On Sale a1 H15 " Off Sale Ya1t—� w • • ■ ■ Restaurant 15325 ■ • 785 University Ave. Tavern 15326 � J.,.Bi>•psoa d■ ��tsz�rei=! S. D. Nacemix 25a University e:.ity Tavern Dana* Hall 15327 ' 15325 ' A. L. a=7� 259 W. University Restaurant OIL Sale Halt 15331 15332 ' • ■ Off Sal* H►lt 1g331►3 ■ • •Tavern , Banco m011 " 15335 • Catherine ubeor�Cis 1537 University y�c. Hall 15334 ' 15339 ' ■ 0' • S. g. �narrwlzs 2360 University Ave. . Tavern Dance Sal 153 ' 153'41. ' w � w r $s•• +: sarr 624 Lee ATT*.Banco Ha11 Ta 1 " i� ■. Hrs. JSa3 is GsToa 1563. Sherburne ATO. Restaurant 15347 ' Harold J. po1miia 787 Salty ATs•on Reateurant Sale Halt 15354 ' 15355 " • ■ ■ • Off Sale Halt 15356 " - G. J. Brenna$ X49 B. 3netlisB Tavern Dsaoe Hall 15360 ■ 15361 ■ ■ ■ NGV 1.0 _ C'AUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counal..........._.... ............._........ ......._. ,.. Yea - Nays � `'I Q U 10 Barfusa ., Findlan - In favor Approved__.... ......... ................ Pearce /✓ Peterson Trauz Wenzel _a Mr President (C'�ciz—rii 3M 6 36 „ CL :u CITY OF ST. PAUL, NO...1V.Y6._....._65 CSF "4=E OF THE CITY CLERK :m LOTION—GENERAL FORM ao•esber 10. 1936 ........................... ................................ __ ZIMMS. Ike Zatsovits dem:2. =mm to withdrawlication 1 app MgS( for Batche'r License at $26 State St. and. is the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore. bel 1t 2319 I.YZD. that the proper ci 4 otSicers be and thev_ere hereby authorised to refund to Ike Zatsorits tho = — — o? $25.00 and to oancel said application for license. Yeas COON 71n, ' Adopad by the Counal...i1� O.i% �..A..........193...... NOV 1 Q 1936.._...._ favor APPrmed............... . ................. _ ......... _ ...Ar.. tson -- amu= 4_ Alm=a..«........ _ y enael lull President (Gehan) 3M 636 / 0® NOTICE.. -1* -,IT Y ggAl`WII. AII er, NCI to 'COUL FILE NO. PRINTER CCOM", t 23.-0� c�v363ia .•chaa� h t� c33 1�iav 10. ^YHSB _ �♦ ', ��a` 1836 -. ... �QO�Ti_��' i93 RESOLVEED_ -jr`*-#AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY -m- F;a SURY.TO THE AGGREGATE Aim x -w wr OF; �+� �- ��s COVERING CHECKS NUMMIE ��� 7 TO INCLUS I=> AS' IPE_ i2 CHECKS Qui ISI ILE IM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COiViP'T'ROLLER. t AOOPTEO BY T>•—E-� GOUIVGia- NOV 10 191's NOV 10 - A)PPROVEO 193 BY�GG///4 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN ---r LL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL 105666 FILENO___________________ ___—______— MAY-_mj}�F' AUDITED CLAIMS --i�ewember fi— --79-36 ROSPK.EN�_ __-�iw aiAq' teerleon • 1i RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE ORA(pI�N O'jN�TgHE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5-----SJf:}yT�GI�F• COVERING MR. PRE6. BUNDLIE �w nu _ CHECKS NUMBERED ____wG��' TO__-_____ INCLUSIVE, A6 '•' PER CHECKS ON FILE IN E FF E OF T I COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY TH t•�14.._ -SSS UUU---- 6°i __ -- -- -- APPROVED_ __-- -- -- CITY COMPTROLLER _____________ ____ �/Q 7Q f�LLIl^S� CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DATE RETURNED V BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS i BROUGHT FORWARD T. Petersou, C. of ti Fins I e 1 !15 $0 644 3- 2972] ,Axel • ji 29724 it Axel F. Petereou, 06 of tin a 11 419 61 29725 Axel TO Peterson, 0. of a 1 911 45 2972 29727 Standard Stone 0atpany Axe1.F. Peterson, 0. of Fi a 11 615 62 29728 Harry Holmes 7 63 29729 29730 Harm Holmes in. L. Gieske 1p°00 I29731 i Bsoon d lamps, Agents 100 00 192 1 29732 Elvgren-Paint Supply company' 106 2 297M,H•L. j297 Bttman Sponge Company rarwell, Omun, Kirk 6 Compan 138 81 2973 Qoodrioh•Silvertown,Ino, 80 85 466 77 29736 29737 midway los Cream Company J.L. Shiely 0ompany,Ino. 75,21 129738 W.F,Snith Tire Company ' Offioe Furniture Camp y74 i75 28 29739 29740 Sperry Thomas 8 Garner Printing Canopy 35 00 29741 Twin City Textile mills 1 182 121 81 80 129742 29743 Wool Prodnots Ind.Ino. Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Fin e 6 000 00 297154 IAxel T. Pat Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Fin e 398 70 3 621 00 1297 A* J. j 29747 29748 ardaSton Stasidesd Stone company Mrs, Agnes Weiss 1 1131 gb 29749 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan a 'j 4 20 00 29750 29751 R. De8sid Domfulok Ramaoiere 35 20 29752 Axel TO Peterson, 0. of Finan a 10 690 13 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan e 4 29753 George Williams ao `46 o 29755: 29756 Mrs.J.M. Ayd, Guardian Mrs. O.M. Olaugherty, Quardi 39' 04 129757 '29758 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 1 20 28 12 00 29759 Mrs. Charles Tuohner I Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan IS I 55 29760 Amerioan Eleotrio Company 4 1 144,76 29761 29762 �297� Aael Anderson Capitol Stationery Mfg.Oompan 111 0 6 1 Chemieal Sales 8 Safety 0mp 7 9 297 • Cudahy Paoking Company 'r 228. 129765 29766 Mra, z, Dahill The Dispatoh-Pioneer Press C any 5 10 \ 29767 2976s Fairview Garage �IM.H. Gehan. Mayor A. 6 j 05 F ;. 29769 ;I Louis Gilbert Goodyear Sales A Servioe Comp y 1 390.'6 2 129770 29771 29772 N w. Fuel Company IIarl A, Paul 1 531�9 2 2, 29772 2977 The 0, Reiss Coal bmpaay Sharp and Dohme, Ino. 51 29775 J. Le ShlOely Company.Ino. 29776 I L. A. Soler, Cashier w .Dept. 1lj 1 29777 Thomas Towey' SHEET TOTAL FORWARD A 4"Z --- - -- ' _— c DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK SOuuUvvNNpyy-y.�CILMEN-R�OLL CALL ' MAY his FAVOR �M�►MYKD •• aroi N W MR. PRE B. BUNOLIE ADOPTED BY T IRRrr�� I --•• --••-•••- . wwnmiew �V�T • 11 IM CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL IC 566'7 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N0 ------ .._------------- .----- _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS - -► 9 - - -1°36 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE E�IIpLTY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -t,q COVERING q CHECKS NUMBERED.-. 4TO-_-- _, INCLUSIVE, AS h PER CHECKS ON FILA It T4 OFFI3,4 OF T CITY IMPTROLLER, MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER � I Ii BROUGHT FORWARD Oil 011bert n1le 9 Leslle;smi�hY 0 AAA r, Petereon# 00 of71 1 Okes Conetr0tl0n Company 2 Healy Plyulbing A Heating 0 John 'rahey Hoard Pablo Repass Ray Nig F1amno Oa 1`u italelope Company 7 gdwi►rd A xai„ !lapt., Aa4• 8 agaybar nootrio Oompany•l 9 Arthur Y,Ts - 0901 D Geotfo At Laxien 1 Lsw"x$ 100 ompoxy Padlkil�hllily� na �e�i ion A� 1te� St�Peul_ Y4k8o>n�o�; Reti,htnd Stovall 'Tire 064"y ri , Stilwell P0,40 Company Tisi.State Tel# # Te1&o0wpan Tr.9taCe T�1, tI TsigOoapan 029 803 A B- 0 011 Bar, a*w vo>•pmy 29804 AaMe last height 29905 ' The Ah'snes %x nts b4ins C 29806 At? �O tOUOA 96168 Company 29867 Amertoan •>9ook Cpex►a<pX. 969 The Amerioeu► City 119wine Mtx#,Qein ublio. oalth Areoo 9 Q Rx p Stop Nbrh Root 9e1001t Coxpor�t�oo 291 elei>po �,'ootrio Odlptny 29816 311#* ,:9ervice 29817 Blci►bbrtre grocery 29818 California Brash ooapany 29919 Capital Yoe i Tues Oompan9 29820 Cedar--Raplda: Xggtaa ring o, 29821 I Coca Cola Bottling 001111=7 29922 Oomonwealth Zlso rlo Oompan 29823 t, J,, Campbell 29824 I Northern States Power Compan 29825 Northern states Power Oonpaa 29826 P9 04AOABOA O company 29$21 Arx t>A �upp�y OaA�r 2q�2doe�Ja�de 01111 colony 1121+`1111018014 2�d 0 I' 9, lips 1100 00p1Ay SHEET TOTAL FORWARD "�f '...�..�� .�.�.r•CITYCOMFTAOLL[A TOTAL TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS I CHECKS 95 3 7 46 5 00 55 00 331� 4g 16 14slo 9 9 ISS 07 b T3 20 00 29 57 ISI 99 75 0000 325 2 20 qo 11 12 50 12 28 12162 70 56 173153 31 '31 128 50 d 2 01 D DAT[ RETURNED V BY BANK I rid lne 4Ifayy� In s �pn w1dAi00 I ,thi'I�ofth so ,) X44 JWMA ,atrl� aCprBved Oo�rot r 6e cies of ec. COUNCIL FILE NO -------------- d rtoort of, tb•+ L,�711 the By----- ----------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.__�rad}pg �l} in Hlook 11_A. H : Thap�oa�a addition from ft street Q_th!_ yxth_wd Sottih_ lle1 wd_fr Edtynd Street to Theme Street ................y............................._..............._................................. .............................................................................................0...... under Preliminary Order AA approved Atk 6t The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the aid report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.il.11��l7!�,A_�look,l. x._B._lhaPeoq!o_Additioa_frai_?r� 8tr� to the forth &nd_Booth 11117 surd fro UwA -- ------------------------------ $treet_to Thoe Street with with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- ilk ------------ day of peowbe!--- ------------- 190 _-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the council -244.0...., Mayor, Councilman N q Barfues Councilman Findlan Couaeilman y4VpjfiUdW3 Pearce Councilman 1! W � Peterson v V Councilman Sgdheitq=:ss Truaa Councilman VVVUW'I" '� R'ea744 Mayor AWARS Behan Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. .............. By.............................................. of aondamnlna NO In the IN 'Des; .cgte and d Alts 1 to Bloc} A'pAtlop from, ;'tb'%fig ROUth qq a(re,t tr �'N�Prallmldrry OptoNr 4 tho rspot '�I4,;b�ciu4h INTERMEDIARY ORDER I In the Matter of._ �4t➢a�i!!9d41A6 tuwnt_la the load a�auar�_!or_�lep�, outs and !ills !a the &radiad o! lllZ� ia_Slook 1� 8. H. ihemp�oa!�_Addition from --------------------- - fq Street to the North and South Aller mai-from Ndatmd Stmt to ihemas Street -- -------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order--_»_ IttAt___»---------------approved--- QotQhtt Aa -1H is. _....... The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon Of above 0101IM111, sad llolq considered yid report, hereby redol�se� I, 'I'het the yid report end the ume h hereby epproyed and adopted, and the �Id impror�m�nt li hereby ordered to b� pr uc d w1i 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.PMAK A We nowentr is t}u_Lnd nneeuarlr !IL eJw�._eate eatd lille_in the 4radia�_o! Allele -- !B ILA from ls� 8trtaN to thy-><orih wd on �lldrt__ !nd area =dr_vigd 8tr��t»to lhq�as 8tr�eta _ia a000rdanon with the bin�priat_htar�te eirtaehstl d,a n•d• i_p�,_��aof«xha_bmtabsst.gort�,one_ahotda[-thtt_autd��a�1lli--- pion�_tb�dac_tAR-------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-AA ____-__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the _____tk---------- day of 190---, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imprv8Teat(rM* total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the 192- ����- -- ------------------ 77 APProved-----------(`_e� v 1) - --1�--- Clerk. Councilman B,fc,, � `� '�►/ COunCilmaa140211P ".- Findlar, 5� Coancilmaa t Conneilmanr Io�seat . Pearce Petersen J Couneilmanefindbeimar- l Truax CouncilmanuWaesa+t_::we'Wenzel Mayor Ilrsdasa+s Gehan Form B. S. A. 8 6 05610 111MOM 1 ituMo !reMlur RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ISSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING1 THEREON AND FI%ING TIME C; C:1 :i -L .''NARD OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of -------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- oeadssrriag and tatiag as ouenent t0 !ab is �idtlt, for tke PUT's . of aaiataiaiag a sanitary lower in tannel th1 ►load tarso$ Lots 4r llr ib 15=1 ileac i, A lditor's 8gbditision io$ i8► and Let n ?rodeo's Additisk# the soatsr lno of Woo mood is t line dosoribod a foliMl Os■aonoigl at *0 4000004 oernor of i q 8, p, p, i, ii, thenoo out 01"S the ner* line of Doleo 8t»" 110 feet to the Mgimiag of oaoaolt, the"s northerly at kn .uilo to biro loft of , l08` 18' a dlttam of 111x'1 fort, them northeasterly at an an810 to the right of it 0.1 to a point ea the lnotoriy lino of jkbaha Street VIO.11 feet fAIN iho A."tweet eornor of Dal" w weld 4140 .o roll sit tit A W W10014 Mien li feet Ali ol4 �1``a� i1�Nilltl n at W I&1I or,I"Olt't000 Leto 10 11. Itr the Wth lino of Dobe 1100�t � lilac It root �i 1ta�t l ,� " . ��� •e ' la'i';;;, ileo aa;aaeoaeat 80 ��1l ddth for the pprporo o! so ri>raoll. ani mil�a�11lnR l thr `iiiM aeras Lou l ttid , slii _x, /►ad is IuNitioiaal Ite ,• !enter line is a liar InsI� howl OesasitK at 'i�,>c�- sesaor�•ot DoT' load llctreirw steie�i; °6'saener��+�z���17= al�;y>~-�saMrl� lino of �►laala ami, a distanoo of 20VA fart to tiu p13at at i lm�i�a `at iaaowi ft *1r rieht at an aar<L:jet, {r.Qr<t.t0_th!_�=�! aYe�Re�C.:.. i' ` ►Y%�7+UP1► oww4r.;rpw�r,�e•�:.... -R. m,... -�n 1— ;: 1he wrler� eef't lash' et. load ILI3it a'i rtor#1 lereia T of tw said Let. 62 toot wont or the acid w"torly line or iftb"ka street. Res)1V('d, That the , .d ane- :..:, ' ineitt.e I e zn;, tilt z hereby approved Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on -----------may °f-------- ---- the---- Deo@b!r----------, 191L, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. � Adopted by the Council----NOU------10----19.F------------- - - 19 ---._-------_- 1936 City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19- --------�--- ---= ------------�`- -` -�-- Mayor. Councilmanoy_ l''"' "` Councilman Ferguson r" n �� Councilman �IfeNWd , Councilman(PWV#- _: ,.:• V Councilman cRohlW i 'i, u a r U Councilmantaudheimer-,g Mayor W Gehat, VL614' 11 n m PO of �; , �;Fy �+� 1�i�E3�. �� , ► Ila 1 F o�u �� � � ��a°u �,o�;,� ����� ��,,���� P g u� � 14 j' O 0011p�6liQ��U�i ° a M0014 i o ex �u l,000 it a i.ow u W a7, ., ` � ►l 8 0 =+Y9140Lu POND I u; o Q �,xgy r� xn Nero o; 650 081 F 1:F o eraolaouF `gn�or.�j��,r �� � ,.. , +f o • bb7pf ,ai: p+g1imfpB L ftp+ oL:Jlt!9!'�! R'• g7er>y0e aL ><A�,li 1A,: out pye i►oefeLTa 07. e 'nos, aoLno>r' aE DMI B 1NRPl � 8 i� p nol'} rnof�47 BY C T f Q}OS 91JO n8 B yo• 4¢' a �i%pfez 7 a ob ApTOY 'WWOO' J ; +refLoo+a Int T;Oz,h 8rt Tal';on arrlTfBL7� >AM+L':Angot r;VLoa&Y Bnq Irezota rope T q.i a7 F 7 1lmtfif n B n ni B oL a b0bola o= (241fldo4Tu! aeiq T p T T y7eo rnrorenronp SO 1,aa.F TV �►N L pY svTq Pap T' .ryq oxpassq Ztaer fyo noLV 7TnO OVD•7oa 2 Laaf *o ;ye nozpY 7Tya 8S t!ap Cix� DBr aBeaarspp BOLOQe I'op• 8' T7' 731 14` 1 mq i +PFJ P• PoJor pTseapTon Tq aoaplr 7iM+ of arm r+f. iI f0 �+ iaa� �t+a,aT �ri�•Yr CTf7►, b $ u. fpssrot.o•e er • V$ aB7q artsriattp q 1 +� ai i?r7X 'P+ P•7'�! a7! fTOP TO ;°°F ;tBPrrtN� R�- +f � o>e fP+' i10 oN; ooznlls �L`Ji 7 rarr� t��. �ri8+ Ai i�l�f4irr apLaaf Ela ,i1I '� F � o r TioTup on Fve t' zf� � yi► � e,)i0t�'K�'` 7� f�,� � � z�t�f fI� �q o � 'a~8� Q �IiQpMnoe Awl", 1�,,°L� �� fpbhoi �� � ,�2 L 77poo°1 DoJn 24Les 70U b 'F po under Preliminary Order---------Mi>i -------------- , approved---- !i -M--- 86, 1956 ---------- Intermediary Order -------100-8------------- approved ---- Aptil-L- V ---------------- Final Order --------------- ------------- X044---------------• approved -----� as 19M -f------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount for the above im- of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein aPPrOPriated provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to Property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, Tbat the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of 3t. Paul on the_--- �bh_----------- day of -------- h!q*er-----------,19 sa-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. NOV 1019?r 19 Adopted by the Council------------- ------------- - _ r -- ------ -----------------d-9%---Cit Clerk. 19-A roved-- ------------------------- ` y Mayor-- Councilman,., 'n Councilman ;6W7ergudon Councilman d ] / Councilman tFAft- U CouncilmanrRohland � 'r u;,x Councilman[k heinier-, t� i,,, ..r Mayor _. hehau Counell File No................................. By..................................................... _ 105672 ' 0 ANi dATrFt'IN M/1eT� is I ��f` the eieetemegt e d e W0!s for, e�Itb10 "to CITY OF 8T. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses senstrwking ■ ffielithie swat sid6s&ik0 Estiaats ne. 11 Contrast "4-13, lin -,►sssssable-- for F.O. 101!11 tineharst Annus, both side@, ha Underwood bemle to Foir►is! ATefue 1.0. IOM put Street, "ot olds, beginning at the south line of Charles Street, thenee Beath to ►1107. Cwas%juetfng monolithic oou&t sidemIke Estinato no. 1, Contract 34-11-16, 1936 9 ., .t�e�] d..:1Mrt.aM ,Css�issiwtcr of hblie works is hereby directed to ly sidween exbsesions at the Allowing ieeations, under Comptroller's Contrast L 7ttR at & cost net to exceed $196.00 to be ohargod against the P.I.Y. TWA _ . E.Z. Wali of Laurel tad,11�0ea1:Aicwc (dcubh aprp). . , c ' " XoE. ad 'to *more of ll b ilia end Passel heanH (dwtbl� apron) and S.E. corners of Cook Street and 11618h Avenue (double?. X„11. and 3.11. seraess of Cook itreot and 110ide Street (dwtbls OOM)) Y i•W* tad- a.to corners of.Yau+id stroct and YoL"n Aveda* (dwAlc aprca) it 11•,''t•E. and lrR• oermers at Vya ,da"4veaa and DimiLnd Y1aN t"iblo airs@) r2tlwa s.� e.,ot pymlie►4a,J4Vwe�te. and.I<illesost Awmao (dcnllc @!Rage): Std• gild E.E. corners of "lost* Avenue and Ford Read (double &pram) .0. 101 14Y?iasA s�k,A"Pso be" sides frau Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. I#ltessestiom l.E. corner Pinehurst Ave- and Fairview Ave. C.P•Nol�i .that the Commissioner of Pablic 11o14Cs is hereby directed ed �a iq initsiagg at the loestisns listed below, yadsr Comptroller's Contrast L1 1ii`at a test not to exeeod $60.00 to be Obirs;it .4 the P.I.I. Fund Tax Alli] in *p* I Wet Addition A1107 in k"% 17 d' AW Y O Park 0.1's 10Sf11, ROJ ATed that the commissioner of Ttblio works is hereby directed to lsW' sideiialk ext+ntsioas at the following. location umder Cemptrsl3orI4 Contrast K t L.81104 of a oast not to exceed $K.00 to be charged to the P.I.R. Fuad T&if { @inapt Properties Sidsselk o,ttonsion at I.E. corner Jefferson Ave. and River Boulevard C.P. 104203 itsleiliod ibat,the Caniesiener of Publio Works is hereby directed to lay j4dawlk extensions at the following locations .� plwll�r�:d Contract L 3393 at as cost not to exceed $1@3.60 to be charged 4a the ?;lot. Fund Tax except sidewalk extensions at $.E. and B.II. corners of Edgerton it. and Lako Como and Pbelsa ►Teo Sidewalk suttensions at I.w'., Sow-, I.E. and S.B. comers of Yon Buren and Awns SidMU- ortonsions at S.W., new. and 1•L. corners of Van Buren and Grotto Sts. Sidjoi4k extensions at lAo , lox*,, B.E. and S.W. corners of Van Buren and d I •as •ar �.s• C^j'Ol] o :; >Lrct. rc �.1a-a d�' -` �,..� -f,f 'ua$" 01 asrr. fir: o:9a:raii[ g; rw��,J� ems. ..^7.; -�,:: a' "' Ei'x't � .,, sriy �•a' �3o�3ki' o� ids"q�s�T{� � � = r;r„� �J; '' �'1<,• irW� �".. ca:�;�a,: oy A� maj2'L• t�osne a aF u . ,s'l �� {3 .c• o sra3a s es, s ggs,pou i? Q;" • =LOO •P111,0A wuq W.Uq w: of ?TO - Pum and ytou r Q' -a y01[G owq dada ,'ngc�sahr, { a c ={car7 , .r,PJ'' cz.e ULM ;.,c tn; .Ji. !TQC• 0 '3TcZ47Y spa 7 c . a rc c ^e A�• Gr;,.a 3' � Y.i r l4Q3 ;, �? Ifs -i.TMi �r1Q vCa'SCj �U fIr3J0 rAF,G i) ..a ” 4th �., �if'L�"G y+s Le1irJTls(3CC dc�ef•r� xAj7-a:l3GL�i8•F'gA9fiartZ tFjUnpj'a e%i1LQII� 3 .dx t ii' 4t ..,.� �•, `?., u" 9�. rr' .�^ 9...a i G�'.T, i� irue m Vag y.' OqS TCa t Qu1 (q PTQ 01600) g -q ] C M" a¢ o ; ms ;3Or'ow t.ecura (popla sbsau) r .b r.q eipLu4p vmq WTgo LpLaq (ow;r3•Q UU011) rarg Uffq 1asa1' vpwwa (garrplo srbLOA) fi•r* r -q Y'rLt* wUq pmlq YAarrnna (gonP7q ebLOU) t•;'7w'*' g;0°atf;fxS!Db:;'A4S'i;iu (yat.?.St p!Cc Ir 1.011 i � .,^, .�4y; ,{.•� r:tC�"4 v is+C,Ro has C l`�Bq veffl Jt; ;PQ L-J—'j- !'7Mq J.�ijdiS;li .Yr' u3:fi �7J7,'�G'd UF: $6yj 0Aq;.12 jQUZr;T0Z2l Mq*L G•orb;1.01j'RLy2 �011{:L6C.j` i •yr' " 2 - i3anrrr 1. r , p> r;rr, Cr m7;aaTWOL og TLAP73o �;OLKa TV POL3p7i gJL00P09 -0 JXa {,SFr:: J' ^o.IfLE, 0 ' • @Sin :sr ,.a maRr ii7^2° iflr • 7r1J UJ '` ._.N a ..fir.. ti 2.' 111�:1 �/'.1111. y ii �. � tll f .�1�•1 �: �• .,, 1��11♦ ��♦ f /. •�.. ��•y .� ttA. f t� A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered fnally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessmont be and the same is hereby in ol> respects ratified, ad the same is hercby ordcrcd to be submittcd to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for eodrmationl BE IT FU THER MOUVED, That tho said wsaessmeut be and it is hereby determiaod to be pwywblo e in..........11l IMIIIII.III gual installments. Adotod b the Council � 1'.'M p Y.I�.....••._.II.,....I....I,.III.,...1.Iraa•IIII.II•al..,llal.•a. 11,111.11 J O Approved........ _._........ _...................... ........19,.,.... Form B. B. 18 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ®�.�......._/9........19�.�_ In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oo$ts and expenses for the constructing monolithic cement sidewalks Estimate No. 1, Contract 36 -M -I6, 1936 --Assessable-- F.O. 101914 Pinehurst Avenue, both sides, from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue F.O. 104348 Kent Street, west side, beginning at the south line of Charles Street, thence south to alley. jConstructing monolithic cement sidewalks Estimate No. 1, Contract 36-Y-15, 1936 -•Non-Assessable-- C.F. 104032 Resolved that the Commissioner of Nblio 'Works is hereby directed to lay sidewalk extensions at the following looatione, under Comptroller's Contract L 3895 at a cost sot to exceed $195.00 to be charged against the M .R. Fund Tax exempt properties N.E. corner of Laurel and Pascal Avenues (double apron) N.E. and N.W. corners of Nebraska and Pascal Avenues (double apron) N.E. and S.E. corners of Cook Street and Walsh Avenue (double apron) N.W. and S.W. corners of Cook Street and Weide Street (double apron) S.W. and S.E. corners of Mound Street and McLean Avenue (double apron) N.W., N.E. and S.W. corners of Syndicate Avenue and Bohland Place (double apron) j N.W. and S.W. corners of Syndicate Avenue and Hillcrest Avenue (double apron) S.W. and S.E. corners of Syndicate Avenue and Ford Road (double apron) I F.O. 101914 Pinehurst Avenue both sides from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. Fredericka Walk Intersection N.E. corner Pinehurst Ave. and Fairview Ave. C.F. 103712 Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to lay alley crossings at the locations listed below, under Comptroller's Contract L 3895 at a cost not to exceed $50.00 to be charged to the P.I.R. Fund Tax exempt Properties Alley in Block 2 Salet Addition Alley in Block 17 Oakville Park:, C.F. .103711 Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to lay sidewalk extensions at the following location under Comptroller's Contract L 3895 at a coat not to exceed $45.00 to be charged to the P.Z.R. Fund Tax exempt properties Sidewalk extension at N.E. corner Jefferson Ave. and River Boulevard C.F. 104295 Resolved that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to lay sidewalk extensions at the following locations under Comptroller's Contract L 3896 at a cost not to exceed $183.50 to be charged to the P.I.R. Fund Tax exempt Sidewalk extensions at S.E. and S.W. corners of Edgerton St. and Lake Como and Phalen Ave. Sidewalk extensions at N.W., S.W., N.E. and S.E. corners of Van Buren and Avon Sidewalk extensions at S.W., N.W. and N.S. corners of Van Buren and Grotto Sts. Sidewalk extensions at N.W., N.E., S.E. and S.W. corners of Van Buren and St. Albans Streets F.O. 100746 Construct, reconstruct and relay cement sidewalk on West Seventh St. from St. Clair St. to Tuscarora Ave. Intersection S.W. corner Toronto Ave. and W. Seventh St. inr ,!G' I00��9 COpe J Una' UeaOUaa.l nca: UUg r,or�?� ci;luiiU.� aTgolvr r 011 , O �1qo 2';s' aUq 2'k,' ^,OLljrlLe OT A 2Tge1sJ1< ex�eUaJoua of ?•AI'' Jl'N' g q YI'E' GOUGL2 0T aU ;IYL 2rgeewrR oxpena7oAa e+ y1•Al•' 2•Fa•' •]l:'k' $Aq 2'F' COLnoLe Or, A 01,011p 61;' 1,1,01;1 OU 91ro OLO�fo U21 eA eAq 1'AOA RT901AUTN exfeuaron cry N• ;• COLAeL 110;Lezaon VAa' aaq 1gAeL goreJoAGr q oxemb; bLObOL.CTe2 of a 003{ aq f0 e;cooeq "2100 P Po cl;aLrcq (o the �,'I'fi' 1,mjq lax argotrlojK i�x�oUe �fUa of fpo LOTTOKTU� TOc l0U J1Ui16L r,0ai,VLO J �'OwjJ'a'cplm, 0T i.f1';VjC, !1,01,);E 12 JJi)JO� )� ('U IA ROIL; bObOL�.10 r Mli? 4 V 004 rad fo a"�Cooq rO `t. (1 ' ,vAfl '.0)r�f '' nlJ(ri , .f% ;;OD{:1.A0r 0'1' J031JS goeoJAoq �1'''� �No CoIMJzeranMl, of yfr J?c X101,, z Te pOLOJA QTLQ(;Foq ;0 IA�BLa2CTTuA yi',;' COLOOL b7neY17Le� VAo' avq JUILATGM VAG- �,LogeLTcRa P:IeJR h'0' 101alf bTAopnxaf VAsune pofp aTgea LLOW pugeLraooq VAs' fo LaTLAIGAt VAo' 2'At' miq 2'E' COLOOLe oL 22tvgTcafe VAonao auq hOLq bovq (gonpTe rbLozr) g•,,q• enq 2 -Fa' GOLT O oL 2?1vgTcepe VAenae anq IITITCLaef VAenno (gonPTO GbLon) K•1p•• H•E,' avq 2•;,.;' OOLuoL2.CL 2.Yugrcage VAenna anq golllang I,jace (gonpje vhLov) 2 -Al- avq 2'E' COLneL2 oT, lanAq 2fLoef qnq f;crean VAevao (q, onA7e abLov) avq 2'hl' OOLasLa cL CO-_ 2fr.eaf q LGT9e 2fLeof (gorfPje ebLov) lg•E' avq 2'B' c0411e1.2 r, ool: 2fLoef avq t,tajep ;fAonno (gonpje abzov) avq i'In' CnLneLa CL 11epza21M anq btrecej VAornae (gonpje abLon) I4'E• COLnCL OT, ranL01 anq baecej VA©v162 (gonpja aLr.or) yax esewbf bLobeLpToa r 20ae gf a coef vo,; fo oxceoc w182.00 fo pe cpuL,-Gq e?eTvef fpo b'i"r' Ufvq jsA sTgomvjy exfen2Tona sf rpe LOJTOATvP 1ocefron2' nngeL CoWbfLoJjeL,e CovfLacf C'r,' 10709 ge2ejaeg fl'e.f fi-'6 ;o icT2ajuveL oL bRpjTC ';OL;ca T2 poLop2L gTLoc:{ ,r, fo --Lion-Ye2oeaapje-- CouafLncfTn° movojTrpTc coWan; ar ea:t'J_- i'ar;mrJa ;,o T' ;ovfLaCf 2e -F1 -T2' Jc20 gaAco zor;�{' �0 F;I; oJl' lam�C��o�ao'ma�>(�ai�cxzbzxzzxxwczxxxz�cxxr�c�k�mcxzzxsxzxxxxzx>c�za�xzzxxxz� To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports td' the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in cgnnection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . . Cost of publishing notice . Cost of postal cards . Inspection fees Amountf court costs for confirmation Assessable Non Assessable Total expenditures $__407s82 $....._......._.30 $.__!O_!1 1.b0 IlbB - ............... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $..........._1159,,,bb... ....................... .._upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improveinent, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tifi,id by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 I 1056,73 RBOLUTION RATIFYING A CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARD8 OF DAMAGE8 AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR lk In the matter of --- oondemnin�,and teking_an eaeement_in the land_Veoessary-Por clopee� outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 33, West End Add'ltion, from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue, under Preliminary Order --- 103919-------------- approved ---40-L-1936 ------------- -------- ley------------, approved 21, 1938 Intermediary Order ---------------- ------------- -------------- � Final Order ---------------- ............. approved--- August_18, 1936.---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easement, therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed asseoment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. U Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- 19, ----------------------------------------------- ---� City Clerk. Approved----------------------- 19- -------------------------- -}---- ----- Bad Uss --uror Councilman 0.Q.r4-WF-1'9 Fiudlan Councilman:.9 Pearce CouncilmanTv�wevzo,...... Councilman "UA TwaXCouncilman i�`� Councilman Mayor Gehui,� EFORT Of (OMMINONER of FINANCE ON ONDENTION FUNH In the matter of__ oondemning sad taking an easement in the land neoessary for _-__- slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 33, Neat Fid Addition, from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue under Preliminary Order__ 103919 ------ approved------------- une-9,1936,------------------ June -9,-1936 A ------------------ Intermediary Order ------- 1049A-7_----_- Intermediary approved -------------- duly -21.- BSp._---------------- Final Order -------------- 104-701 ------ approved------------_1f1dE4Dx �e� _19,}6 ________------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easementa therein taken and appro. printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there. of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 0 Qoommissioner of Finance. Wronw of Cewsf. i Rnp.1, W. S. COCKROFr Ofira Engineer G. H. HERROLD - C61.f Ewer. CI.A MARK W. WOODRUFF mr. L. R. S City Clerk Building CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of mwdw ota IDEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner DONALD F. VOIGT, D-Pw" C 'Wubwer GEORGE M. SHEPARD. ddwf E"I"wr 3+'ex-guzon June 29, 1958 Dear Sirs am returning herewith file concerning condemmtio oS slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in B -m 25, hest End Addition, from Alaska St. to Albion St- Eureau of S-itwtiew FRED DRIVER. Sept. Eurenu of mldqq�wss M. S. GRMAK. Engineer 1 r au of Correctiewt RAY J. KARTAK. Supt. -M, on are advised that the order for grading this alleW- been carried out. The alley was graded to a width er than the platted width andoeonsoquentlY further action will, the slope eata+at will not be required. I believe w -ft�.s required in this connection. TPG v truly, 1 Z�" Ir N. S EPARD Ch Engineer ws GITY OF ST. PAUL No ;74 CQ_ ►-'-Ls[VGIL RESO1_UT1ON—.GlcNWthtee l.M�ptiisar�mr ;uPA on 7:oW 4 ._..__.. u�i �{Q� r�,. ` ....._. _ t me Lampland Lumber, Comparehas petitioned the Council for p"Emmr-- = -ra asion to install and sa atain_a, drive-in filling station ori- Lots 1 and 2, Black :l7, LittsonFd addition, located on the corner, of Lafayette Foal and Ninth Street; and WBERM said I.ampland Lumber Company has ,submitted a blue-print or 'UL-A== a proposed lay-out, with driveways, curb re- turns, pump loaa�3�ora, sidewalks, wto. for theinformation of the Council; and Is MAL_1 a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph T. Sec z -11o3m 5 or Ordinanoe No. 6840; therefore, be it RZ OXAV3000=300, T1xmt permission andauthority are hereby given to the Lumber Company to install and maintain ' said stationin a_ oordanoe with the plan submitted; any deviation tirgm, the, 'plan as = gored will automatically void the permit. l' i tafika aAae<x}a12 be i styl h.eed in acoordince with the ordinances of t-� _ .- or 'St. tLUI, under the direction of the F.„ Coisiloaier or io »atety; the building plana and landscaping to 'be subject to-3--e,.^gprowal of the Conoi ealoner oZ Parke, Play grounds and Pub1iA=— BuiTdiags; asad yiriy changes in curbing, side- wallrs.,.•--;radps� "aim'- m=agi or. other pnblio Improvements' within the street lines s1ia3 be made under, the direction and to the satle- aat1on of the G JEMMJL saioner of .Public Works. - The permit herein .granted shall bar =I�oz►ever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Cos=3E==w_-A=i1 sha11 dopermine that the maintenance of said station coast Mutes a rit=e' or traffio hazard. COUNCILMEN — Adopted by she c...dN V..,1.2_ ° Yeas Nays Barfuse Findlan Pearce ..........---- 1[a £zQoe Api"ved.................. __NOV 12 193__ Peoeot, wen=t 1'UBI.ISIiF33 `+� -3 Ivlsy« 3M 6-36 r _ Mr. Vice I'm ideut (i-u�t-r� _ ORIf�iNAL .' CITY OF •�., PAUL' TNtt APPLIT/GNI TO BE MAD[I IN OFFICE OF THE. CITY -CLERK ' c ZRK•i OVFI= F uD IN T>.H c n - Application For License 'Ce AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION ----- 1 > TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA mA 'PLICATION Is e y Made BY--- ------------------ ----------------------" ------------------------------ ------------------------------ FOR PERM IT TO INSTALL AND 10Z GARAGE-) (•(1111V[ N OR -INS-_ /J/ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATfOli TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ---- - -O ----- - BLOCK______/—{__---___-______ lA7 O1T10N1 X ( U • �,,' �O /'_CAPACITY OF UCH TANK_ `�..__ • NO. OF PUMPS _-_---�`— _NO_ 'OF OM TANKf ____— ------/J — , /, --- --------- -- -------- --- -- - --- - F I L� • NATYR[ OF AP/LICANT. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY C� �K R!ClIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATH_____--____________—_--- DEPARTMENT OF PUOLIC _ _ _ CITY PLANNING BY_________________•Y_---- _--__-- CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy CommiWonar Mr. L. R. S. I'ergason, City Clezk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: g WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. lovember 6, 1936 Returned herewith is the application of the Lmpland Lumber Company for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station and balk storage plant at the corner of Lafayette Road and Ninth Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of lire Prevention and Traffic. Tory truly yours, ohn P. Mallaney Deputy Commissioner LIFE 5 VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OJIF ' W00 -Zi WEaW= IC SAFETY ' otF Tt•-te atm CITY O1F" SA Ii l►iT- IJL ANTE R-OFFtGT COtrE ir/E Li >�! CATION WC==NW-.qW'ember 4 --a X36 John P- Mullaney Deputy Commissioner V Dear Sirs This is reference to your 14m 'It-- Itw�r o zs� October 300 1936 relative to application as da by -V-- -W-ML s Lampland Lumber, Company for permission to 121s �$ i 3 drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots- 1 and Z a S --ft Dank 17, Kittsonss Addition, also described as t � theast corner of La- afayette fayetteRoad and Math Stra a t — Please be advised that = mEacls 13esisal investigation of the premises and 80 act :L-M-a-acM- -w--" t the proposed driveways will materially interPetre 'w'i t Itm-��= s -v3acrQement of traffic. �oure truly, Moe,,,% • L t� __JESL_ N. Wettergren Traffic S�aLpt. of CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY �1F Calfs! pEPARTM)EIniT Tsre�t�a : sead SANT PAUL vWr Minnesota Q IF PUBLIC SAFETY - 0%./�'aws.esote Streets G _ 1-� _ 6AR �L3�S. Commissioner JOHN P_ !►/i•LiE's A' l�Y� VePwW Comminloner gon.b.g.Barl1>.ss 0owdesioner of Public SaSBty St.Paul.vinn. WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chiel JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Aovember 5th.1936 Dear Siri e for Ia ragard to tics a_�rtsZ� s t� oa et the I.anplead Limb r buDc ,F per*ission to install s drI�—; "� oliae Pilling station and balk atosaJGe and 2e B1ao�' Z s �� ttaonss Addition; also desoribed as the plant on Iota 1 Agodo, d oorner oY I.af�Yet a A e �d 9 t Streets. So4,rMW13T3 Two pampa =IE7- 5550 and 10()o gq,llons each areato be installed; also bvl}z storzeigs t-� of 12000 gallons and 15000 gallons oapaaity each, are to Re haeme inrastigata� t�=� mor®mowing and. report that arch an he installation at the dasiraa M -4c=' st mora would not Greatly inoreeae the fire ,ia.ard in that Vicinity– Alll neceasa.ry prat tZo�= $ LSF'E M VALL�ASLE will be taken. 8espeotfally Yours Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau- S^ -VE IT BY pRACTISING SAFETY. H EBOARD OF ZONING A - Esfabli'sherd by Ordinance,N.. 56A6 August 2Z, J922 - SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA- p 234 CURT HOUSE - ISAAC,SUMMERRELD, Chairman - November 9th, 2936: LOUIS BETZ `-.... ALBERT BUENGER - - EGIN WAHMAN _- BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSEORD, Gly Architect - .. - GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Hr.. L. R. S. Fergi= BMX City 61erk. Dear Sir Ab7ac3 matter of application of the Lampland I.Zamb Comg_-umy for a drive-in and bulk storage` g eta tion at the southwest corner of Lafayst: *7-- Rosd and Ninth St. This property is zoaecZ - �� Hesvy, Industry and has track- age.in the rear: __. 33g knx3_1r_ storage will. consist of one 12,000 ga3_A� ver ti cal tank and one 15,000 gallon vertica.I - _ ezxch 21 ft. in diameter, It located about $5 :IE--_ back from Lafayette Road. The location - car=�_ w mays with reference to the street anther and to vP3.dth and the location of the pump islasx<�* 81 @ is -accordance with the city standards. -- Bard recommend that the permit be gran:tec3L_ Yours every truly, George R. 8errold", Engineer Secretary. gh-rh -- 57N .5Tjc _.. -_-- _.__ -__ % � .0 ITS �i r !V � L f �'� ti' i •. _.� _. c� - _ �\,L-r� - /i"'v:c�n, /L _ U - V - ti _ 1 1 ol L 21 1 1 t �� P�ovcsE� 1Y TANKS. \ /2'x/B' 57AT/O,.--- _ N 1 I! 1 1 -- 57N .5Tjc _.. -_-- _.__ -__ % � .0 ITS �i r !V � L f �'� ti' i •. _.� _. c� - _ �\,L-r� - /i"'v:c�n, /L _ U - V - ti _ 1 1 -- 57N .5Tjc _.. -_-- _.__ -__ % � .0 ITS �i r !V � L f �'� ti' i •. _.� _. c� - _ �\,L-r� - /i"'v:c�n, /L _ { r r I . I I - i —3- 35" - uR f i / \ PROP Di -A: S' . /Z x /B� 57AT/D.V17 - I i { r r I . 1B..-. - V1 -^HE JOHN Ea. NZAKDON. 211- 0-- 42. uer_0--O. N. NKRROL0 C v, KMOR_ GLpR MARK W. WOOORYFr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I RVINO C. P6ARCE. CONMIeaIONKR 4i0104t J. JACOBS, Ot W CONRIEEIONES OKOROK Y. ONKFARD. CHIEF ENGINES" November is, 1936 Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson City C3.er]c Building {Ijam {� a�seca oRrv= --rr_ OVItIpY O! slri�s�s Y_ f. aflTT� � fK:EGs.�..KKw aEYRtI�Y OMi RtAY J'���i��►SC- fuer. Dear Sirs in the matter of application of �eL� tcl Lumber CompaxW Por a drive-in and bulk stora8 at the southwest corner of Lafayette Road and Ninth Streetp I beg to advise you that the plan as submitted has the approvBZ of this department from an engineering standpoint, inasmuch as It meets the city standards as to driveway widths, location oP drivewsy, etc• Yours very truly, RG . SREPARD, ie Fogineer. Nowember 13, 1956 City C1erl� Building Da.3r sirs In tiro matter of application of the La=pland Lumbar. CoenpBay for a driwo-in and ta23Im sZorago filling station at tha mcm*.hwest corner of LafaW�atto Road and Ninth Street, I bag to a c3risko you that tho plan as sutimitt.ed has the aparowaX of Lila darpartmeat from an enginae<z-ing str*adpoint, inasauah as It meets the city standards as t x dries-arsy widths, location of dri�►ew�� stc. Yours wary ZmXy, GRORGF M- SHQARD, ChieP $agineer. lovember 10th, 1936. Yr. Bm ism, 1932 St — Am===rI mfti r st , st . Pecsz 3iianesota. Deas Sirs The City Ommoil laid ower to 8ovemr- bey12C;- �oRsr lications for restanrent , *baar and poolroom lican* 4ew 67 trsZ 12. Tth Street and regnrestekl that you ap- pear at - e meeting on that date. Weetirx#-- will be held at 10 A - 3i - in the Council Chamber. Tour very Lra1T, Citr Cleft. aw4wt l to clt7 clek F2ES4DLVEO 1111�1 CITY OF ST. PAULNo x-056 • 6 OFFICE THE CITY CLERK GOLD OLU N ---GENERAL FORM -------------..._.._... _...- -- ........ in,^ ZJov.ember_.7 2.....7 93 --------- That 3 - is eas B for Restaurant, application 15429 . sad On Sale Malt Beverage, spplicatioa AL"30, applied for by Pat Sing e t 1s3 W- Kellogg Blvd, be and the eEama - QBT-@ hereby denied and the proper city ofFicers are hereby authorizes to r efvnd to ti: Pat ging the fees of $10.00 and $50.00 and cancel said applications for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Ira favor Pearce Peterson - - _ Against Wenzel _ ent 3M 636 Mr. Vi— . -: _ , r i �C. F'. No_ 1056.6-13y G. H. Barf ues—� F_ Eta_ Truax�Irving; C. Pus rce— ' Revt1 That ].cense Yor l2eslauran t. ppIic:ti-o— n 15429. and On Snle Malt- Bever�P. application 114311, .plied fur be Pat Kin�q at 183 W. Kellogg Blvd. he and the a herebydented and the proper clty-P fn—r., t hereby- u tiro razed to r r 50- to Pat King the fee - of $10-Oo a. d $50.00 and cancel —id :ip- piica.v— for Iice n ese. AdopteC'c1 N—. i'_'. 19:16. Approv¢d tiov- ]'. 1936. 14, 1936) l Adopted by the Council....N.0V .I."- 193E .193 193 Mayor e Mayor F2ESOLVEE> ....ell ,,65677 CITY OF ST. PAUL na a NO. .... ............................. THE CITY CLERK t OLII ON ---GENERAL FORM ��r•r�� Nodember 12, 1936 Tjmeat lice=0e for mat. application 15422, auad On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15 23 , a+c:lplied for by Ida Johnson at 310 Alce St. be and the same are hereby aeaieci and the proper city officers are hereby denied and the proper city oif'ic®rs ase hereby authorized to refund to Ida Johnson the fees of "0 _00 sad $50.00 and cancel said applications for license. Truax6T Iry ng� C. Pea YL Baerfuae- 8esolved, that.11cenae.for Restaurant,"i yplfcatloa 1b9tE, sad On Sale Malt, Bevara8e, apDlicatIon1b423,.ayplied tort I., 2da .Johnaon at 310Rlce St..be and the.same re hereby dented and the proper etty ofRcers are hereby author - (sed to refund to Ida Johnson thefees or 610.00 and $60.00 and cancel Bald ap- pllCatioas for Ift nae. Adopted by the Couacll Nov. 12, 1858. Nov. 22. 1836. �_- (NOy. 19, 3838) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Peterson Ao�.ir.st wenzel 3m 636 Mr. Vice 1'resldent Cr Adopted by the Council ................... ....j..9,.... + .193...... Approved- .... ............. NDV.1.2._1g�9....193...... orlato.l to Cit?Cl.ckcoumM NO.--! CITY OF ST PAUL �. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ C ,U CIL,1 LOTION G ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY __4,........DATE._04B2Illiel...._�e..'.:} 1936._......... COMMISSIONER: ................... ...-. ...._.t RESOLVEDJ�hat, the Purchasing Agent be,, and he Is hereby authorized to of the Mayor and the Comptroller, purchase, with the consent one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 11V leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane_, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY, at a price. of $ .11253 per gallon, less lfo ten days on refinery price 1konly, including state tax and state inspection,;to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failute tO act promptly vgouId work a haxdehip to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-134. -�. A p6fhdt tfi ��'n Lsaip6�7.. he Ie IIeDehy authbrlaed t'- r 'yatip tIIe consent of.thr o �pttrrtori' ohRR t¢nk . �; RC w9v 80Q� -g I ' f ., avtir anu w� = NOV 13 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........ ...................... —....__._193-. Yeas Nays nT 3 �Nr Find%a Approved.._...._.... 193--- •' , In favor _....___. __...-- Pearce / Against ....,..... wendeLss%-�� Mr. President (Gahan) 3M 6.36 C F W. 1366$80—Bs �b�ag, C: Pe¢roe rRBaRlved, tLat "f;be b;at oII 88apur� Addition. as 01 1Y ipa ,Plat mfagioa and aDProyed„by> 'Z'o oaf blit Wo AdoPted� Y the Coua i T.4 1888, APPtibved Nov. 86: Y9S6 l N"vV � 5136 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ...... ......................... ...._.._........193._. Yeas Nay F' an In favor Approved _„_— 'Frce eceraon / / ...........Against ......_..Ma 3M 6•M Mr4"ViC01aN�\�""o!:! November 13th, 1936. Hon. Axel F. Paterson, Coms'r of Firin-nce, Building. Dear Sirt The attached resolution and plat approving the plat of Seabnrg Addition, as recommended by the Plat Commission was roferred to you by the City Council today. for check. -, Yours very truly, City Clerk. 'November lgth, 11,36. Aon. Axel F. Peterwen, 9uild'nF. Dear Sirs ttie plat of Seabur�' A9Aition Emd a resolutin,i arc --3L L --x thc: sure, sa} ich w �As lsiri )vpr to }tovenbAr I-Itl_^_ C 't:. = T' z n -) and ret•:rrNC: to you `rr inve=tinatlon o1' t:'c `3=- -� ; =C1 nn r:nd mny nthlr in- vesti ',tion Ach YO;'L 0 Y 3 V2T7 t1"'lly, City Clerk. -0- Orw_ t. city q.rk.. - - - eouwut CTNo�1�.Y.iLiVt /Y OF ST. PAUL. A�■ 01r-F10E OF .THECITY CLERK COQ - 3�1CIL IRSSOI'UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ - f........_......___-___�AT1E—QX�r.II1�iT..._.,�.s..._�..9.?2.�.....-.._._. COMMISSIONER. .............. _ ______- RESOLVED That the Co--- iZ Ixereby approves the aWard of the Contract Committee t}s�--�efor, and hereby awards the contract for materials to a f'l.lrnished and labor to be performed for replacing b3_$t 7aeating units, ice thavQiag coils and in- stalling pow x roof ventilators in the Sl,-- Paul Municipal Auditorium o Wo_ st Fourth St. and West Filth St., between. Washington aid ��change Ste. to REUBEN I,- ANDERSON -TNC3 in accordance th plans and specifications -tlierefor h4veto attached anti tlsg Formal Bid No. 9362 Of said Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. for the 4-_o3rxtraet price of $3,789.00, such bid being the lowest bid said Reuben L. Anderson being the lowest reliable and reasonaa -=I a -k:�t idder, and the Oorporatioa Counsel be and hereby is directed —moo draw up the proper(form of contract therefor, and the proper cjg� =MLty officials hereby are aut]xorized to execute said contract ox><eha1 of the City of Saint Paul. Charge Auditorium Repairs and 17-B-5 F.B. *936a _06681 8y--. doh. 8. F1 3; that the L'ouacll-ha". a sward oL=thoerecb " _ arefor a.d: hby;ay - � - 1' Sgt i.ateriale to hey , A or;to. be DarCormmd Y at :h$aXtppgq ffaite Ic t t Inatalling: ow _mu me � COUNCILMEN AdoP—d by the Council.-.....-N�.�..., ..3... ii`r 193- Yeas Nays Findlan NOV 1 3 1936 -. ................_.._........_-.-_..... Pearce _.. _...�..1------ Ate. ...._ - - -------- - .....__. _ Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 _ Cl 4D - - . November 3.3� a-936- couraua- r oadu.t eo cia Gert' - s3 is NO.._.____11it)�C7S CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFIGE OF THE CITY CLERK r GOL3 3 GIL t?ESOI UTION+--GENERAL Fonm- - PRESENTED BY - + - ,COMMISSIONER ....... — ...... ......... � ...._................ .. RESOLVED That the Conte-* -c-- fx-3 hereby approves the award. o:C -tbe Contract Committee tia�-�--�ior, and hereby awards the cc>xx-bra.ct for materials to a furnished and labor to be per:ro=mod for replacing b32L mma�mt heating units, ice thawing eoi3s and in- stalling povwv-- - ro-oi ventilators in the St_ pa-ux3 Municipal Auditorium og yWes-b Fourth St. and West F-if-Gl=L St. , between Washington S �_ �-� grdtellange Sts. to REUBEN L. A t�>ERg( H$ 2NC.in accordance W— b pians and specifications therefor heazeto attached and}se Formal Bid No. 9362 of said Reuben L. Anderson, Inc. for tine coatraot price of $3,789.00, socia bid being the lowest bid :—= a sa 3d Reuben L. Anderson be mag t3se lowest reliable and reasoaak—z bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby Is directed -moo draw up the propex{form Of contract therefor, and the proper C tp officials hereby are aut13.oriz6cL to eaeoute said contract or> eYaa3f of the City of Saint PaxxZ� Qhasge Auditorium Repairs and �eziswals- 17-B-5 F.B. #9362 f_06�881 By=. 3ohn B: Ff . a _ �3� that the ;Coundl-he� /�\�V,'�-By_ j- a:award- of-xtbe Qontre esex r and::hereb3'p.4 ' 3oF malert8le too Le or „tt�hypO��9gpt�eytDgeriormAd r `- �' ' 8i' �j,19fe111rtg �}D'AASCri.,. - f yT YPo$L'<SaR.. - etmeetp'tr COUNCILMEN Adopted by time 4=,o-41annl......-��.�.._.a-�-193-.... Yeas Nays s.� �Y 3 Pindlan — Pearce D._.w.:... / - Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan> 3M 6.36 - _ - pdalu.l to cit,' clerk couweu q r C ITY OF ST. PAUL.nes NO.NO-105682,`!, ' `OFFICE OF .Ti4F CITY=CLERK COUNCIJgRESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM A _ w%za._ 'k November 12, 1936 RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Purchasing Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing 13 Terraplane DeLuxe Tudor Sedans, 1937 models, to the RIHM MOTOR COMp:ANY, in accordance with city'specificatione therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9363 of said Rihm Motor Company, at a price -of $850.00 each, or a total of $11,050.00, less an h or a total of $4,875.00 for 13 Ford allowance of $375.00 ea.o making the total amount of Tudor sedans to be taken in trade, 0 the contract $6,175e00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Rihm Motor Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw u ale. the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the e City of Saint Paul - 1003 -139- F.B. #936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce 7- Peterson Against Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipmen - 3 e �: rre losea�.-si�a x: s:t" trovgj Avtie..aw-A the nikrnot�'eto o r f e LlanQQD'ByLvYe Tudor En a rel& j!dnhR Wlith City t` en vo eb th er@(or hereto attnched ,81d ry,9� 8988 or.s8�d Rlhn ahs' a.t a riettbT {860.+� Eta�a#;; �68• pr teas. NOV .13 193 Adopted by the Council ................................ ..... ... _..... _193:::: Approved...................... ........ -_. _....----........_..193 ' -/ ......... ..... ..........._ _ ...._.._Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipmen - 3 e �: rre losea�.-si�a x: s:t" trovgj Avtie..aw-A the nikrnot�'eto o r f e LlanQQD'ByLvYe Tudor En a rel& j!dnhR Wlith City t` en vo eb th er@(or hereto attnched ,81d ry,9� 8988 or.s8�d Rlhn ahs' a.t a riettbT {860.+� Eta�a#;; �68• pr teas. NOV .13 193 Adopted by the Council ................................ ..... ... _..... _193:::: Approved...................... ........ -_. _....----........_..193 ' -/ ......... ..... ..........._ _ ...._.._Mayor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 105653 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL.,OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ----- _------ ---------------- - 4$6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION AWW21 *#.L AUDITED CLAIMS----------���--a+o-----------,9-�. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DF' 6M 1 1'jH IITY TREASURYTO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f-----jr-- - 11dd}}ICOVERING r CHECKS NUMBERED31---TO.--Z9 &., INCLUSIVE. AS I0-+ PER CHECKS ONYFILEETH OFFIC F THE ITY C PTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-... ----- : �.. -- - _ - . CITY C PTROLLER D___.____._,_(,f _____. . 1--------------------G----t'--- By -- J- ¢�%��id- - --- -- - - -- - ------ MAYOR -- C. F. Fo. ]05683— TOTAL DATE C Reaol. ed, that heck" be drawn n RETURNED V Nlthe city tree"ury to theriog KrhecksR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK amount of 55'.093.69. �'u"e c numbered 29431 [n :4838. Inclusive as _CHECKS 'per check" on file In the ogee of the CHE com Otroller. ---- _. city. Adopted by the Council Nov.RnviGHT FORWARD 13.1936 - Approved No". 2 12.11 936.6) 200 013 (Nov.o. 21, • 109612 29831;; Minnesota Contraotore.Ino. 919j 3 29832; Phillipe Petroleum Company 29833 Todd & Foones & Thomson, Wood & Hoffman 4 29834 7 47 3 '; Fielding & Shepley,Ino. 5 05,3 29835 Fielding & Shepley.Ino. 29836: Lindstrom & Anderson and 20 244 C. F. Sculley 40j 3 29837', Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Finwoe 29838', Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Finavee 823 3 29639 John Rose 298W. Collector, Internal Revenue 174 5 29841] H.O.Wensel. C.P.Utilities 8 6 298421 Standard Unit Parte Company 2984 State of Minnesota � 973: 3 2984+x', N.W. Roofing Company 29845 Mrs. J.Y. Ayd, Guardian of J.Ayd. 0 29846 ! Matthew Towey 401 29847 John Pastuoh 532 OC 2 7 2984g1 Sanitary Bottling Company p ii CP~. l to CIM Clete ' No.�{ Q couwu� s.aVJ. CITY of OFFICE OF THE 4c E IJo }058$9 �x«X a , �Rleas tli otnmfeat 1 P%aygt'bt{nt16 a� '8u'tiw FC' - COUNCIL RESOLUTION re o., sea ,to Ypu son oti t np r In -one and-ortC L'$11' etot' {located bn Y�ot. 8 -Bic£ PRESENTED BY - tCt. �Pdy,..al�, COMMISSIONER...T.I:LI .....,':..._............................................a_utL6lM+la.` s.......... ....................................... .............................. - WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain one and one- half story frame dwelling located on Lot 8, Block 9, Marshall Addi- tion, also known as No. 107 Eva Street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building,'abn the" 8th day of December 1936, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Cbamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place argil nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to tb,g date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.,...._-...:N_1V_1.3„,936193.--_ Yeas Nays Barfuss p Findlan N O V Pearce In favor Approved ............................... _... ........ _.... ..._._...._.193,-_._ Peterson Against_.............'...-.-.L......l..... .... - Y� Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. 1?.. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and' Commissioner or Registration Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir., November 12th, 1936• The Council referred to you the attached letter of Chas. A. Bassford, City Architect, recom- mending the condemnation of the house at 107 Eva Street, described as Lot S, Block 9, Marshall Addition, with the request that you prepare a resolution setting a hearing on said condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. LA Md.NT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner Hon. City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect November 9, 1936 Complaints have been received at this office relative to the very dilapidated house at 107 Eva Street, described as Lot 8, Block 9, Marshall Addition. Vie find that this is a one and one-half story frame dwell- ing, vacant, doors. and windows open, rubbish strewn about on the floors. The building is a fire menace and is be- yond reasonable repair. It is dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property. A Danger Notice was posted some time ago and Frances Moore c/o L. J. Dobner, 304 New York Building, is the record own- er. The building has been referred to us for condemnation and we suggest that a hearing be set in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. LAR..0 Yours truly, KArehee`t2�Cit� cis c3..k - �o u� W 385 CIT1C'O1F - T. PAUL - r..s No-__...., v THE ITY COU CILUTION E aw—= ��0 23rA RESOLVED Whereas, Thomas Thompson, Mach -1 —3 am t s -the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul :ho 3ma mw se3M an employee of this Department for the past eig%teea years -=or-, to his duties Yor a Xar3-Ommm=29- be incapacitated rom November 8, and unable perform 1936 to December 8, 1936, and Whereas, The Commissioner or P'a -' :S - 4r-- -140§W- or3m has recomend- ed that Phomas Thompson be and is I?.sreby o, '�_' from November S'L- < -*-Q aaawE3 a leave of absence e4m 02. 7th, inGla- for disability with pay sive, said leave being in compiianoa mritl=s pmmLmse-� graplh E, Section 41, of the Civil Service Rules; therefore , tse :!L--� RESOLVED, That the proper City asz-t-� ©-M� fir_ ies be and hereby are authorised to grant a leave oP abs63ac40w A�� `'Mhomas Thompson froan:,� vember 8th to December 7th, 1956 � ; T=� �_� $2ve With full Pay - !# COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson _.... Against Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Geban) 3M 636 Ae3o� — by NOV�`1"the Council........._.._...-...........- ---.. ,NOV .1 CII 193- pgroved._......................_.............----....._ _..193.. --�Y/-..-..._..............._.._..._ . _.. -- o ,.i eo an G.ekcousc,L E K Q� CITY OI=' _ ST_ �ALSL - I�J�5686 OFFIC 'TIr—� I= GITY CLERK a CO ESOIL_ lei GENERAL FORM pR65ENT,_. —_—_'-""-""-_. DATE ........................................ ............................... _.... _.._ Immr s, William F. M3s a mads application 1543.3 for license to operate.A_iti a _*xicab upon the sires t: s v=0' -t_--kmje�t City, of St . Paul, one (1) Studebaker automobile, Motor No. 7-24965, Serial So X0297 71 covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis Iusia.rance policy No. &-45967, exoir3ag OCA- S 1937, and License N4. 83, and IMMM&S, William F. Brgcgg�ge is accordance with Ordinanoe 7321, as amended, has filed copy of issarf+TcB sscil cy vrith the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form n3nL%-5 g�w�� t ioa by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, bg it RESOLVED, that llceass to ogsex-tsts said acatomobtle as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul, be asci is hereby granted to William F. Breckenridge, subject to the provisions og 3jaL ordinance as amended, and the City Clerk is instructed to issue stic% the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. ;•6686-8Y'G H. saF[pee—F,l ==Irying C. Pe�eca—. Wyt1jism F. BreoXenrid • 'app31"c$tlon 163.].8 forthe. ]Ise"r an a -St. P ul.-ltoe (1) strP Y of 3t.. Paul. 1) St Motor. ;Ro. r. X. a: 7029771, covered- by Zr, . 702977 , 3s Insuranceot.8, , Pol137_ ' ' - oat. 1987, y_ gg \ `-F: `Rnl am Bream -2 io}y<.iftt}Ordinanc. ,> 01 _ _ NOV 13 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council... ......................................_93...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Ft�i)V Pearce ___ __. ....._ In favor Approved.... ____ ............ ................ ..._...�° 193...._. Peterson Against Trau: Ma or Y Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 16568'7 CITYOF ST. PAUL NO.... ......................................... C/'/7�/j�_1v// G3IC1= OF THE CITY CLERK ' • .�OIJI�iGIE I� JaLW.i`i5-jy-UTI --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Yeas Nays J , Then licenses appli B� for lay the following persons at the addresses indicated In favor be and the same are 7-311M=N—�tseby granted and the city cleric 1a instracted to issue such licenses up433m payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Anna Pignotti $31 Payne Ave. Confectionery App. 15359 New f rt` 31[1 6 36 • L'. A. M. I,edegar 3362 V. Seventh St. Gael Dealer •. 151+11 r (� gran[ea 8na Lne OILY C1erK l6 is BLr•¢CLOQ to issue such Itceneea' upon tlie_ Dre meat Lnto [tie`city treBfiurY o>• ileo _ nRa J.'lgnottl, 833 Payne Ave:., Coa-! teetidderY.:App. 16869, Tlew _} -' 'A'. El. Lede6ab, 188E W. 9eV'eath St..I Fuel Dealer, .�,pp. 16411, New- . 7AdoDted by tLe Council Nov. -13. 1936. , 'Aeptoved Nov 19; 1936. II - (Nov. 31, 1936) 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays J , Barfusa Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson �-✓ Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 31[1 6 36 orz�n�i m 4 EZESOLVEE) CITY OF 5T_ PAUL THE GITY CLE ESO L[�J�I O N ---G EN ER idVembor 12. 1936 L That licenses applied for by the Yollowinpersons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby, granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses myon the pa anent into the city treasury of the required fees: M. E. Cregan 17614 IIaiv. Are. es J App-11421OO Heaeir. // ■ w e halt 114211 w ■ w OYYSaleMalt 1.212 w H. P. Conrad 61+3 IIniversity ,ve- Bowling Alley 153-5M • M. Mansfield 259 Pleasant JLva- Off Sale Malt 353.66 w ■ - w Grocery 15167 w .. H. L. Green Co. 67 E. wench St. Grocery 15192 a A. A. Williams 1096 Grand A.ve- $eatanrant 152=42 • • w ASfSaleMalt` 1xU3 • Joseph Rhode 111 Concaxd St- Ge—Station 3F 1533-9 s John Happertz 1314 E. 5th St. Hestavrant 1•'53655 w Gels L. Anderson 7014 Plua St. (mss Station 3P 15396 w COUNCILMENN O V IL3 Yeas Adopted by the Council .------------------------_-: --------_---------.__193 1936 _._.. Nays Barfuss Findlan Infavor Approved ...................... ---------------------------------193------- Pearce Petersony Traus Against .1... .... .....................:...._._- ........... Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) iai it�t air i r_. r/1 a/.e 3M 1536 - �odoln.i.o a"gcwk x( 5689 CITY OF ST. PAUL couwcn. -J 111. No. ....................................... OFFICE O THE'CITY CLERK COUNCI LUT ---GENERAL FORM COMM 59E1UN - November 12. 1e36 _.__._—.�_____ ._.__..�....... ATF RESOLVED That liceaee Por Restaurant, application 15268, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 7-8269, applied for by H. A. P'ronch at 559 Vandalia St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such llceases Upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 1 30, Informdily'approved by Cobncll Oct 1930, Adopted by'the Council Nov 13, 1936. APP—.dNov. 13. 1930. 21, 1930).. 'New ybinPormall.y approved by — --- Council, Oct., 30. 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce ---.._.._ In favor Peterson 111 Traua _ - ..... Against wen=l Mr President (Gehan) 3N. 636 Adopted by the Council.......................NOV..._....13....._i.193...... NOV 13 F+7sI . Approved ................ ................ ........ ....... ...... ............. 193.. -.... ..1..._ .............._'.. _...._........ '� Mayor Oeide.t m Gry Qa;c . CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca 105.69 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILRESbLUTI1WN --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE......... Novemb er.. 33.... 1936........._......... That licenses for Restaurant, application 15262, On Sale halt Beverage, application 15263, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15264, applied for by Frank Plumb at 19 E. Sixth St. be add the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required funds, provided, however, that the former owner, Mr. George Devitt, shall have no connection with the place and shall not be employed there for more than fifteen days after the granting of the license. �C._� No._,306690-8Y G,;H..Barrus�F.W Nes Informally approved by council, Nov. 10. 1936. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Plndlan Peace _._ ............._ ... In favor Peterson Against Traua Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council .....N.©.u.._1..3. 1936......193...... No y 11.3 1936 Approved.................. ...........................................193....... Mayor �Q o�m�� lU�f�91 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL ray NO........................................ OFFICE HE CITY CLERK COON OLUTI N--- GENERAL'FORM PRESENTE - COMMISSI4 .._...._ __..___.._..�__..._....;...._... .... ..... ...... _._._............... ATE .._$o98mber._1?.,_1,[p 6..................... WHESEIS, J. E. Bertrand desires to withdraw application 15441 for Dance Ball license at 561 van Buren St. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers 4e Oxtd they are hereby authorized to refund d�9_ to J. E. Bertrand the fee of A§W and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson Trauz Against Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Ldopted'bY the Council Nm- 13. 1836:, \Pproveds.NN .IS- 19 6) NOV 131936 Adopted by the Council.....................................................193...... NOd 13 1'. Approved.._ .......................................__ ........_'93....... Mayor °°°`_105692 CITY OF ST. PAUL COiMC1L NO ........................................ OFFICE OF ITY CLERK l//jJyV COUNCIL`RCS TIO -- ENERAL FORM DATE 419T BT,_12.,.._1936.................. ._ Whereas, H. E. Boyd desirealto withdraw application 14969 for Dance Hall, application 14969, for Tavern license, application 14967 for On Sale Malt license, and application 14966, for Restaurant license, and requests *e return of license fees deposited thereon. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to H. E. Boyd the fees of $15.00, $200.00. $50.00, and $10.00, and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Earfuls Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson 0..... Against Traua Wenzel Mr President (Cehan) 3M 636 NOV 13 193E Adopted by the Council ............................. ...................193.:.... Approved...........................................3'._93.693....... f...... ....... ... ............. ........_.../............................ _ Mayor wuwn. 105693 CITY OF ST. PAUL ass No ........ .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ggyy COUNCIL GENERAL FORM RESOLUTION ' TED U_._.._.Y ......................................DATE............................................. PRESENCOMMISSION ..._._.. _-_.��. ....... ........_..........................................� RESOLVEDI that the proper. city officers be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to refund to Bid W. Bush, 103 East Fifth Street, the sum of #2.25, paid by said Bid W. Bush for electrical permit No. 63765 covering electrical wiring in a new house;: such fee not being necessary. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfues Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson �j -.-... Against Trauz/l Wermel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 C Aeaolved 6thaY the yopr cit ;oMeore; pe aa3: they ere hereby authorlaed and directed'to refund to 91d W. Bneh„10,3 ant,Fifth Street,. fife sum of $2.29, pa1d,', by ea1d:Sid W, $uah or. electrical per:: mIt Ne.'.99766 covering p trI"I W.lrinl; In 'a new houee; such tee aoY.bgftlg-ngo es ' Adopted by the Council Nov. 13 1939.” ADProved Nov. 13. 1996 21, 1939) Adopted by the Council .......NOT.1.3...ag36'...193...... `'1i)1' I Approved .........._...........`...._...._3...1 193....... .�....J._....................................... Mayor'-* .... Mayor W. LK-M0ftKAUFM^N + Sup` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commlaloner Hon. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel Department of Law r' Dear Sir: ERNEST W'JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect November 10, 1936 Pray I ask you to prepare the necessary resolution provid- ing a refund in the amount of $2.25 on Electrical Permit 63765 to Sid W. Bush, 103 East Fifth Street. By error, a fee of $2.25 was charged on this permit cover- ing electrical wiring in a new house, where a fee is not necessary. Yours truly, Commissioner LAR..0 N 0 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF BUILDING CODE, ORDINANCE No. 1210. FINE OF FROM FIVE DOLLARS TO - • ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OR IMPRISONMENT COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, PLAYG UNDS AN PUB^ IC BUILDINGS FOR FROM FIVE TO NINETY DAYS. P,M,IT fir✓ 15M 4.35 W Y 6 ■ �at� remw wxa et.eaaeaaWtr oa. n.rwa owo. o. 6.d 0 V, • J „ IL FOR CONTRACTOR • • CITY OF SAINT PAUL DIVISION OF BuIlDLNO INSLIUMON PERMIT • • Q • TOTAL FEE COLLECTED F / $ 4 Date _i 193 DOUB11,�gg FEE COLLECTED O DI ANCE I StructuIe /� Structure / �! Permit No. • ACCOUNT VIOLATION Used As i PERMISSfON IS HEREBY GRANTED O % • • i Q Address Owner � �;- Address • • Contractors To oui the work cified in.,him permit on the following dee 'bed property. Pon the express condition chat id person, and , - _��e___ ._ - -t, ...,..I, a.,ee..bell conform inallrespect, to the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 0 PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF BUILDING CODE, ORDINANCE No. 1210. FINE OF FROM FIVE DOLLARS TO - • ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OR IMPRISONMENT COMMISSIONER OF PARKS, PLAYG UNDS AN PUB^ IC BUILDINGS FOR FROM FIVE TO NINETY DAYS. P,M,IT fir✓ 15M 4.35 W Y 6 ■ �at� remw wxa et.eaaeaaWtr oa. n.rwa owo. o. 6.d 0 V, Sanitary Intercepting Sewer - Caster Stx6Bt._ PROPOSAL FSR IMPROV' -: i' � $s a- writ -has y.Fopons2 !g; ? a= t2za io2a�rlag ].tsl.Ssrov-s .821(1 -- .-- . -•. -xact caaaeaxa-sYg aa, ea � i' �"2dt3s ror L�a.a: p'arx-,j7oso ,�," ' PRELIMINARY ORIS �-`8 "�"�s� a ate" The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following IP_IA c 't by the City of St. paul„v)z 'p &ug and condemning an easement 2© feet'�s is -5_dL Seat Y421— ic p>t3rpo0e of ooastructing i,at&44ft a pub 0 sorer oaks, vlader�, etsrosa szsd ti�roaAWX due land lying esterly of and adjoining BlockBashi. 4s '& sad Z AM13'4 'W s Ada3itian to Pest $#E. ►aq] and. Caster Street veeated, Said e4a�."t � int 2"aa the woat*kly ]ane of $ —Ad Robert's Addit3 onF to Went, At ., �'� as��er 6 of (Meter Ar9et vs- cnsk T 6d%G6d northerly., the caster line o sa $ - � 8LILM r a, line nox!t(�174�ter]y of and parallel to the nortbwesterly I iae of SMo�72- ,_ 4�'' 1E%imL-mL-33 � -4 lk'birtf s RMitiom to West St. Paul and distant 90 feet theret'roms From -t,�s sgs Ger1y boundary: 0#` tlid kafttion to a point 130 feet northeasterly Of' *fte Bast:erZg Zias or Starkey Street p"doced-northerly, thenoa- as vt-3,- to s po3sLt oa -t3Me e: ea4t;ar ]Lias of Custer Street �iacated produced northerly, said p_:Lub be1a8 aort2aw$s��r3V o= sad 20 feet distant from the northwesterly line of an -a. BXcedlt<.: 4`ti .,,.. king and condemning a te-poraEY ek". sit i+Qa' rwtrsant tiara purposes 20 M width along tYie FQkhbLerly' side o-"abotre ���ie���=�zr3' easement except where property is occupied by bu3_ 1mas. _.-..._ pgprthwesterly of and adjOln=g S233>ss.--g, aaa=-` �^ �za szvvcr-c-- o the eslug nee'_ - 5t. ps�la )and Cngter 5fseet "vacated ani s' d � sat to e$tead Prom the westerly liYie -of ,ilys and:Bobert4s sddti©n< to West St. Pal) t to -ta_e _eater ]Line Of 0nater Street va- eated produced northerly, the center lies of said Basement being aline-,iiorthweater7,q Gf and 'parallel to the northwesterly line of Bloc3C 4s $$a3 ZZe and Robertt`8 Addition to bleat St, Paul .and distiant' 90 =-reef theref'roms F�e-®m t�>«-vest.-erly boundary of-, said Addition to a poistt 13Q .feet; noa-t taesater�Y o�. t kph 8ast:erl g " ]-3-ae' of Starkey Street produced northerly, thence easterly to a t Po333oa line of Custer Street vacated produced northerly, said po3fct" being' nor -Ax Bster3y of and 20 feet"distant from the northwesterly line- of sa3ai B3.o�lk 4 vvx dm, eeci_ Also taking and condemning, a temporary .em aemeat; For _ozm3-t— action purposes 20 feet in width along the southezq,y aide of above c3es_r2Lbed easement except where property is occupied by buJ-3-dI-n9s. r,+ Councilman BARFUSS f a::� FINDLAN -7 TRUAX PEARCE PETERSON ENZ W _ J � ENZEL Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 19 (1M-6.88) - J f7a9 fie} u .suq cougstVulssnslits bsoto 'OveuozFprasaszTa Tins g� rasq'433"© bzoc Aecseg �ogtresq iiuoz7szj�a 'ag'-ss'` =ssos bLoquceg uowpel-TVI 06ocs vggT;Totr 90 a bOTXY; T80 Lesf xxos:Mges s� .Q VI .Po mea i hgn7 suq qTe FacF`, ,80 rs6 3' 6ort�': of euq- bes.sne7 :90 Wr' uoy peasa sz�2� - :17 ceosq bzogrrneq aoL(peLTZ,'a iFre 0037 -fie -J3s fish .as g zTTs;uuq gopszgua dgq:rfyoxr Po UOa-P: _ eSIg"':(;17e.Pe . U-P1,66� d�rGs peq a r3> spm -'xx e�eLj'b ob anq sgjoT-T-13-' Byoc } $ss 36 'ixtitere O'r17�ixi 8 baPTTC BBtAAL axr" 3- sczoa Dated this _...... ..._13. ........ - ..................... day r pex: 3'T?me 04 Cna - 2-PLee P j- 6 �d:L. LggrT;zea. 2fLF,Gf ins pojwgvL2 ob SUT9 $3'�3'� `b`OAeL.F) a ygy�$rou orr..p�su�- -e` 7lTTs uoL�riasB.�sL� trfes 3 trF.a o3.,C e�®L 2�Pee; As- 3ccssu.rs.ue8;er3a,TTne oi. oto Sf-TT% sre bna-F--+Q8S OE COII8j,'LiT, a•.; +» . --------------- �--------- -----.—� / Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER Form -,'WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of t7ze following improvement, viz_ _ Taking and condemning an easement 20 feet in width for the pcirpose of constructing and maintainsnn a public sewer ons uader� across and through the land lying r'"borthwesterly of and adjoining B2oc1c 4L, Baa3 22 a and Robert t s Addition to West ,., . _ .,- -Sat. Pas$ )snd Custer' Street"`baastedw `saic2 Lament to extend Prom the westerly lone -of )Samille and Robert!.a Addition to Ygas t S � Pau1 to the center Iiae of Custer Street va- cated produced northerly, the center ZiTLe of said easement beljmg a linen orthwesterly ai' and parallel to the northwestar]-g 3 ixaa of Block 4, Baaille and Robertf's;.A,ddition to West St, Paul and diatant-- 90 f'@% -t from the sestierl y boundary of: said Addition to a point 130 feet, aortheas.sr3y ot, the. easterly .Lions of Starkey Street produced. northerly, thence easteriy tv eL point on the center line of Custer Street vacated producednortherly, said po3t3t being northwesterly of wad 20 feet disfant from the northwesterly line or said produced. Also taking and condemiing s. easement for constLaction purposes 20 feet in width along the southerly side oi' above described easement except where property is occupied by bus-43-mgs 5 Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAAi -Approved ------'�& -------------- PEARCE 7 PETERSC>tV TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. CA 13 (IM -e-88) _ bLOboL;1; a aGoirnT�' p {�+ � :s so Leo; TV AT4fP,�'74u ire ��?trf s�7'1k a 8; a?aQ f9NT'uti sato cougs uq : bo f ' LLoai ;Ps VoLfp)A62;62y� TTIIs OL aTf Blip ,. Aa c9;eq iizogrtCeq uoLplrsx 7�' etf bofs>; bLogncsq uos{PeLT�i� ;Fstres Gel;6s1`dd''a" ou o a boTuf 7 80 -Tis; xr6' FGe > 6y7? VggTf7 .f ;o PAIMP V! LUAT,=q gT'efsvF 28<.b�sf-;-P. oL 9IIq b6s19TTeT ;O fpe noL;grAeaFSL7� 7T718 c9;sq,Uogrtceg uoLFPcLT2' yrs sL'TT IIe g.cwTle $u4 opsa.;, 2 Vgq:T FT oII fq ldsa :Sfr' —T.eer Agcg.Cecf eVT-q • so.� gT'aftrvf r i�f9;GL 2;L66; irg9x,-% oL ewTq sx.;, 2 vqgTflou ;L6H; Ae- vife OL 7Lob6LpI T2 occnbTeq o1. pfrT:FgTu"-�2• ;S0 LGe; Tu rATq;P uToue TNG eorr;PsLIX 2TgG oL 9ponG gs20LTpeq Ggaemeu; exesb; hipGLe vleo fulcTu2 9uq covgG=Tug a ;emboLiYL% s92GmGu; LOL c0112;Lnc;Tou biTLboaGe LLom ;PG u0LTlreas2T6LI% TTuG oL 29Tq BTocir d bLogncsq- AgCu;eq bLogncsq uOL.FPGLrar 29Tq boTup p6Tiro u0LMMG2;eLjX oL 2-rrq SO TGG; qT2;gu; bLogncsq IIOL;PGL]'%' +Pence 692;GLj-X ;o u boTp; ou ;136 ceuTGL TTue 0L-,Qn2;eL 2;Ls6F VggTfTov ;o g bo -.p 120 Lee; noL;PGff2;eLTA OL ;pG s92;sLTa TTuG oL 249LMyrR 2fLG6; fO 1A62f 2f' buffy uuq gT2Firup 80 JGG; ;PGLGLLOm' LLom ;P6 mG2;6LTx ponuggLX oL.2WTq oL mrq b9LwIT6T ;o ;frs n0L;FA60-PGLT1>_ TTUG OL BTOOS 4' BURTTTG 'uq Ltop6L;, 2 Vgq?fTo-u c9;sq bLogncsq uoL;ppeLTa' ;PG C9U;GL Me O -L 297q queem6II; peTug' 5 TI -UG n0L;Pc►®2;6LTX 1392TTTe 9uq gop6L;, 2 VggT.pTon ;O Msa; 2;' b2rfT ;O ;Pe C6II;6L TTir6 oL Cr72;6L 2;LGG; AB - 2f' Lwn3•",i-na q C;6L 2;Le6; Aa'Cg;eq' 29 e Tq Baflm6A; ;o, ex;euq LLom ;Ps ueaf'sLTe 7Tf76 °L voLpitmsa;sLT1� oL mrq ggJoTuTug BT -001C 4' P"T'IS q H p f+ VggTf7 f ,lA f s av o eL a ov o es 9uq mgTzr;gTuTu. 9 bnP7?c 29meL ou' frvgGL' aoLosa 9uq ;PLoa`.v ;Pe Tguq TXTUR_ -_ ___ having been presented to the Council of the City of 5t. Paul-_.............-............-_.._..............._...___................_.. —__-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commission f Finance n4• q Adopted by the Council ..— ----- _--- --------- --------- - �QV 13 1 ._._.................... _.._.__ .YxAs _ �NAYs Councilman BARFUSS c FINDLAN APProved_-._..[.'__�-----------------`--.. PEARCE PETERSON 7 OI WENZEL Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Form C A r8 (rM-9-88) D oi/O N "`�alefns.Teoongetr .%. Councilman #h aide.. bf Ch' �•, , . nt a. Tont, B! lihe pt ;Faecdl,.l Mayor ffgdUNh �Ina�.:Ordr ,2Y f w t a w Jti Wdtireco t COUNCIL FILE NO--------- ---- -•- --ti4 ; 1U�5695 under Preliminary Order -------- -QbQ _- ----- ---____—_approved _-_- 3e-ptember-_171_1936________________________-_ Intermediary Order --------- - --_— _approved ---_------------------- — — --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by ,th said City is re�ai_r, reconstruct and relay the existinK sid__ewalk_on the aW h ¢�-4%_Shar es $�reety_beeinping�t anoint 54 Peet east of the mat—linty n4 Xnapi where gand *rd e+f inifint .1aid@H�11GBlre�- ' e---- -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council fog approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- NOV: 174936------------, City Clerk. Approved. ----- ------------ N�V_ "�_ 1T 192- - -- �— —------- ----- Mayor. is 11J?l.s+�tu.u�lr Councl an Councilman - az.- rn Pe c / ar,�e Councilman Yeterann /\ Councilman °Aa laqiWarTr" ry,�:lman- QTo..�nl ax Mayor ffgdUNh Geheu Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE i REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE V ON PRELIMINARY ORDER „* (D) In the matterof repairing, reconstructing and relaying the existing sidewalk on the South side of Charles St, beginning at a point 54 feet east of the east line of Pascal Avenue, thence east 26 £bet under Preliminary Order approved September 17, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ squ re The estimated cost Poefor the above improvement is $.11 new tile] _ _ $,07 old til, relpid. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT FLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED and I.. ALUATIOfY ldg.. 14 28 Syndicate No. 5 Addition $675 $3000 Total $675 $3000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated f—�Cifii l� e /� I9�. Farm B. s. A. s.s n Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September_.29.,_x.936------------- 93....... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ------- 105.096. -. approved ........... Sept...A-7.,..1956---------- -193......... relative to repairing, reconstructing and relaying the existing sidewalk on the south -------------- -------------------------------------- -----------.._...------------------------------..._------------------------------------------------------------------ -----side---of--- Clmrlas--Street,..beginning-.at--- a---point..54..0-.feet .. east_ef .. the---eas-t.-line------ - . of...Psacal._AYeaue.,..-thence east_26.0--feet----------------------- ----------------- ......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ----- _--- ...------ _._necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Relay old tile $0.07 per eq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3 ................................. and the total cost thereof is E...-.--.-........................ " " a a n I.sy new tile $0.11 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ..------- _._.....--------- ..--.-_._------ -.......... .--------------------- ----- ---------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ----------------- ---------------------------------------------- ............................ ------------- ---- ---- .....--•---......----......--------- ............. for three owners of 5. Said improvement is ------------------ ..............asked upon petition of or more prepertC subject to assessment for said improvement.COM, OF FINANCE. 18-- -------------- ------------- - - - - — ...•.a, Commissioner ublicWorks. 1� of P s 9i Ir rmN Oki � SEP 30 1936 CAn "a ,tea LIU- r ��{ � 4aUlis 4i COUNCII, FILE No. _------------------ By _ . __ __---_B FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_ . repairing�_reoorlatruotiag_end relaying;the_oeme�titile_ eidevralk_ on__both aides oY Raymond- Avenue from linapp Street _to Coacpomvealth Atenue exoe t ®hers_ guQsl_aud_autSz_a_iant _ si dsm�lks_a1r_aasly_s#-- — ------ --- ----------- - ----------------------------------------------- --- ----- - r under Preliminary Order________ 105099 __---approved — approved September 17 1936 Intermediary Order --- ------ - - -------approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is revairi reoonatruct and relay the oement tile__ sidewalk_ on both sides _of Raymond Avemte from %nap�Street to CamnAouwealth Avenue, except ehere__good and-uffioient sidewalk- alreads—exist, — and: the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. — RESOLVED MTIM, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are"hereby authorized teed with the making of said improvement in accordance there 'th. and directed to pro - Adopted by the Council _______N�� --- --------- ------------------- -6_vv qg�a City Clerk. Approved --- - -----------�-�--�-7--i�3>a 192---- 92 _- ------------------ Mayor.-- /Councihnan Pear! COUIICIIman Pearce COn71C11n18lga,+� Peterson Councilmanttdhaimar;a Truax Mayor HDdaw Gehau Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,y i CITY Or ST. PAUL 1115696 1 56yb MM. ...: . DEPART E T OF FINANCE . •% Aa• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matterof repairing, reoonstruoting and relaying the oement tile sidewalk on both Sid of Raymond Ave. from Knapp St. to Commonwealth Ave., *here neoessary, under Preliminary Order approved September 17, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ square x.02 relaying old; _ $ .11 laying new the The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is o The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION N. 53.76 ft. of 1, 2 and o S. 57.5 ft. of N._111.25 ft. of Lots 1, 2, 3, also W. 10 ft. of S. 53.75 ft. of Lot 3, and S. 40 ft. of E. 15 ft. of LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 45 St. Anthony Park North 4 45 do (Ex. W. 10 ft.) S. 53.75 ft. 1, 2 & 3 45 (Ex. N. 50 ft.) 13 and. 14 45 E. 10 ft. of N. 50 ft. of Lot 12 and N. 50 ft. of 13 and 14 45 Yorm B. B. 10 do do do TOTAL. ASSESSED Lan ALUATIONBld $1275 $5200.. 1400 4100 1125 3600:: ¢700 5500 (indludes other proper*) 900 3100 CITY OF ST. PAUL_ - �;a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ �• REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF, FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �j ASSESSED DESCRIPTION I LOT �wCLC ADDITION - + � VALUATIOV II= L 9 N. 100 ft. of 11 and 12 , 46 ': St. Anthony Park North 2800 3800 15 ft. & Ex. N. 100 ft.)ll db 1211:46 do )- 1. McLaughlin's and Snyder's Re. 1100 4960 2 do 1526 4950 .. 3 do 1850 4150 ., i• ii Total $14675 $39250 The., Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Datedc -2/ 19 j` Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Y RSEOIi� Tff GOMb[IBSIOI7�R OF M r September 29, 1988 d I it e� T :3 ie ds noFtnh &A � �'tridbtlodon^ - -- COUNCIL FILE NO--------------- , " By- — ------------- - ------------------------ FIN). ORDER r-. airin rel .,i sad r`6eaonatruotia cement tile sidewalk on In the Matter of___ _p_____ g�--5—---- —5 - — - -- - - — the east_ side_ of rasa Streeter beginaii% ht�the north lima of East Fourth Street, them aorth-16__fee3__thb�i _ _ ce_narth_24-�ae�_€nr_sls_�pewan oons�l'IdSZ�l4ni_beF�AAing_�_#,__ ,��oipt_64__$Qeir farther_p,Qrth,_t�ego�,rlQtth_8 Pelt, agd oetha earth aide_-of East __ Fourth Street_, beginnin�_at a_point 6 Peet west ofthe eastijine_of_-Cypress Street,_ _ _thenos�ast._18__Yee-t,.--saaept._ahar_s._gneii aid .e�'3,�,ant__sidss�],ks__alraady_�sai�t-------- ` #+, under Preliminary Order-1052O7 ^._i approved __September 2bj-------- 193�-------------- _-_____ 1hiermedlary Order __-- __ approved'° -- — -- A. public hearing having been had upon�.the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered s '1 the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ia_ repair,_ rela; _aad reoonatruot oemeat tile aideaalk on tl3a�a8t�iSlQ�P�ypreaa $�T_98t�b�ginAila the gQrth—lime of East Fourth Street, thence north 18-1 thence north 20 feet for driveway construction; beginning at a point 64 feet farther north, thence north 8 feet, and on the north side of East Fourth Street1 beginning at a point 6 feet west of the east line of Cypress Street, thenoe east 18 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, and th6'•CounciI hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for > approval; that upon Said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the 'making of said improvement in accordance therewith Adopted by the Council ------- NDV__J'-_I�—_-_____, 192 _ V. - ----- - ------------ — a-/_ City, Clerk Approved---- ---NOV 171936 ----- 1192. G------------ Mayor. - Councilman „r, PUB3L Councilman MIRONOW e Councilinanilda$isgan-m Councilman t9udheimer : Mayor Ii60gsoaa _ Gr„F, Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 1W ON PRELIMINARY ORDERtj C (D) d In the matterof repairing, relaying and reeonetruoting, where neoessary, cement tile sidewalk on the east aide of Cypress St., beginning at the N. line of T. Fourth St., thence N. 18 feet; thence N. 20•ft. for driveway construction; beginning at a point 64 ft. farther N., thence N. 8 feet; and oa the N. side of E. Fourth St. beginning at a point 6 feet west of the E. line of Cypress St., thence E. 18 ft. ' G under Preliminary Order approved September 25, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ s $,07 relaying- old- til.0;$.11 laying new tile. The estimated cost pe�oot are for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I 16 2 Skidmore's Addition ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $200 ---- Total $200 --- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ����� 19� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D _ 8 Piet rret,o 'tha eftia� ; .,ttbAm ce' got. ! M 10' r C 7,77 _ r s �ei'a�u ,a rte ^engc �fhilb�[ood, }ke slkea yy exl, tdezri 2G4 < 5 - COUNCIL FILE NO.--_-_ --- ------ r f, nevi t; T- ------------------------------------ FINAL ----FINAL ORDER In the Matter of----- relaying,- repairin_�end raoonatriotipg oamegt lite—sidewalk—on-the Q€yet_@ids__S2£_IYildar_AYsnsie,�+aginning_at B_p9iab_2.0-fae�nuth of_ thesouth_-line-_of_ Ashland-lveguetheAoe _gouth t2_g__po A _20_fa�tA4Lt R� _el f+ ex�op Where _goo�l__Qgd suf n; ant--sidewalks_-a1re&Y--ems.----- ------------ - -- ----= -- =---- --- - ----- ------------- -. 1011208gel?tember 'LSt•_1956 -'under Preliminary Order--- ----------_--_-- —approved __.--------_- _ ----- _-- -_-_ Intermediary Order—_------ _-- approved ----------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having. heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the game; therefore; be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is relay, r it and reoonstruot cement tile sidewalk 4311 @! _A3dQ�f i]der�y� beeinnine_at a_-Rain 241 feet South of the south liae_oi Ashland Avenue. thenoe south to s 2oint 70 feet north of alley, except where gQd:�Lead_��tR#'i4i.sn�_sidesvalka a�r6asly e�ata -- - — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said im rov Tntmaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.---- --- --__—_—_._--- , City Clerk: Approved----- --------------No--1 ----- -o--i --; I92-- w Mayor. Councilman Rimpowan=r;, n Councilman lft9msialbm pUBLIg$EDf1 �/ - Councilman Offaffivawam r.,•a„d Councilman Iftdheimer. rua Mayor H6`ft7W, Form B. S. A. 8-7 du' ' ^f CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'l REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of relaying, repairin& and reconstructing cement 20 tile ilessideouth sidof ewalk, south nline ecessary, on the east.aidq ofthenoeraouth to aepo ntn70aftg,Arth of alley of Ashland Avenue, �i I Vo v� under Preliminary Order approved September 25, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: a The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - w ; no ns- ki l g The estimated cost oot for the above improvement is $ •0� relaying old tale - $ S The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK Lend ATBldg.. 1 11 Merriam PEfrk Third Add. to the (includes$475$9550 prop. City of St. Paul Total $2475 $9550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report to him in reference to saidnatter by e Commissioner of Public Works. / 193Dated Comm,aetoner of Finance. Form D. S. A. s -a D B lics ill COUNCIL FILE N0------------------------- By------ -- --------------------------------------- - In - --- ------- -------- In the Matter _ both-aides__o£-_Fremont--Street--fsam.-Arcade-Strep.-ta=Mando-ta-=S�raet:�- exoapt;--taxa--good sad_auffigient eidewa]k�_already_ex4ta__..... —_ _ -- --- --- ,. `+ =`under Preliminary Order______ __- ---- _-1i2h24h_--approved �egteu�kar___25,__�836 -------------- Iriterinediary Order " ----------approved ——--------- A public hearing" having been had upon the above improve upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the, same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__T�g�iL�F�� 4X_d LQc9riHt tQ�egt�tile aide „g7k nn hm},b aiaen nP_Fremont_Htraat3rom_Aroada_ rsat_to Mendota StzsAt, except where eood agd_suffiai�nt sidewalks already exiaty___ ^_ — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance th ewith. NOK 17 19q Adopted by the Couneil___________T9�—__._,__ t� — - - ----- -- — — - City Clerk. Approved - -- - i4_®V__17_l�ialD, 192- - Mayor. ' j, ("b ?a Findlnn Co c111T1aII .-1 .. (-r,�ri•r. �j Councilman�4. t .•c -arson Councilman,9udhei . ar .a Truax v Mayor Gahan Form B. S. A,8-7 CITY OF:.ST. PAUL •: t ' DEPARTMyNT,QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE U ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing the cement tile sidewalk on both sides of Fremont Street, where necessary, from Arcade St. to Mendota St. G1 under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 25, 1936 Tn ti— Cnnncil of the Citv of St. Paul: 14 ,-j The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ sugsre x_11 day ReW ilea $.07 relay old tile. The estimated cost pTil oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg.:. _. (Ex. St.) 8 2 Highland Addition to St -Paul $600 $16001: 1 91 O'Farrell's Sub. of Blk. 91 1050 31501'i other proport, That part of Lot 6, Blk. 2 Highland Lyman Dayton's Addition oludes ..Add. lying S. of a line drawn from a point on the E'ly line of said 107 feet from the NE'ly cor. ,Lot thereof, to a point on the W'ly line thereof 97.41 ft. from the N.W. cor. except part lying E. bf a line drawn from a point on the Elly line 13.41, ft. from the SE'ly corner to the N.W. 13 91 f Blk. 91 300 700 O'Farrell's '(: '(:Lyman oor. of Lot 13, also all of S s Add. All that part of Lot 6, Blk. 2, Highland. Add. lying E. of a line drawn from a point on NE'ly line of said Lot, 13.41 ft. from the SE'ly cor, thereof to the N.W. cor. of do 300 1600` _,Lot 14, also all of Lot 14 91 . - TOTAL, Fo B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) 1PPP _ DESCRIPTION i _ LOT iSLOCd ADDITION ASSESSED aLaadVALUATION 15 91 I O'Farrell's Sub. of Blk. 91, i$350 $900 j, Lyman Dayton's Add. to St.Pauf 16 91 do 450 800 F S'ly 134.5 £t. of 17 91: do 625 1300 i! 18 91 do 550 2350 19 91 do 1100 5150 is 20 91 do 550 1200 21 -91 do 550 1460 1 90 Walther & Sohnittger's Sub. of, 575 Blk. 90 of Lyman Dayton's Add. 2 90 do 550 2150 3 90. do 550 1900.. 4 90 do 550 2300 „ (Ez. E. 2 ft.) 5 90. do 525 2150 E. 2 ft. of Lot 5 and all:of 6 90 do 578 1950 �I 7 90. do 550 1600 8 90 do 550 1950 9 90 do 550 3800 10 90 do 550 11 90 do 550 2750 li 12 90: do 560 2200,. 13 90. do 550 !j600 i. 14, 90 do j' r_ Total $m14100 $42850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 -100 4Yln` to si in sed') �imeht tt{e Mdew , tlCter lreet,�= - p ebtcO a k Avi _ s8E:;09k 74 D�WhAyi at eidAe aireirf, , ai'ase erld§� COUNCIL FILE NO ------ ---- -- a a as ---- u�aua noes; p,:, oo4s ----- fn a � Jt FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__-relaying__re�eiring_end__aeoonetruoti� gement the `_sidewalk on the .aauih�3.dustP_Winte� _�tLa4t__>zBSnL-$t- �h�-R��-���e_Qf _Park Ave�u� thenoe wept -- 82 feet, exoept where goodand suffioient sidewalks already exist, ; _____ ------ - - -- --- ----- - - ----------------------------------- - -- 105208September 25, 1986 under Preliminary Order ------ --------------approved --- ------------------ - ------------------ Intermediary ---- ---- -Intermediary Order _—__----- approved ---- ----- ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City is relay, _repair and_ reconstruot oement tile sidewalk on the south aideof Winter Street, bezinnin� at the west line of Park Avenue, thenoe .%. E9S'�_8�_�58'li� ex�aut 6liflte en—o e_d and H33ff34i43L�—e;d@S��1LQ a�Y�$S13L��• _yE and the Council hereby orders, said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - teed with the making of said improv,gm6at i g�ordance there Adopted by the Council ----__— _V--_-- _�I--_—JJ-vv— 16 City Clerk. Approved- — -- - -- - --- -----, 192 -- Mayor. Concilman d ICouncili an Councilman mo n Councilman �udbelmer, i x 10 Mayor 1'lcdgww heq Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL el r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE G,r ►' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE G� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G (D) In the matter of Relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement the sidewalk on the south side est line of Park Avenue, thence west 82 feet of Winter St. beginning at the w under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 25, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is now the $.07 old the The estimated cost pe�}ooifor the above improvement is improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VpLUATIQ 6. DESCRIPTION Lang ffdg• _.. E. 100 ft. 11 4 Whitney's Sub. of Blks. 1, 2, $600 $950 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 and part of 17, of Brewater's Add. to St.Paul Total $600 $960 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the repo made to him in reference to said matter a Commissioner of Public Works. /% (/ 4 . r•—�_, Dated / 14� Commissioner of Finance. Fp B. B. A. 8-5 D CI T. PAUL DEPAR OF FINANCE REPORT OF C011PMSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G� In the matter of repairing, reconstructing and relaying the cement tile sidewalk on both sides of Winifred Street frim Ohio Street to Bidwell Street and from Stryker Ave. to Hall Ave. where necessary C co C under Preliminary Order approved September 17, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ The estimated cosWerrroot for the above improvement is _ 00.07 - old tile.; _ $0.11 -new tile. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION i (Ez. Alley) (Ex- Wly 6 ft. for alley) (Ez. N. 6 ft. for alley) r Yarm B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED . L&&LUAT1 Q OJhdgs 5 4 Dawson's Addition to St. Paul 0550 6 4 do 700 02950 7 4 do 750 1700 S 4 do 700 1400 1 6 do 725 11 6 do 700 12 6 do 650 3300 13 6 do 650 3150 14 6 do 650 2750 lb 6 do 600 2900. TOTAL, I . w CITY OF BT. PAUL a -3 DEPARTNJENT. OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ( BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED VALVA 14 200 : Ir_viue'a Add.to West St Paul '1�80b ___ �_3�4�0 r_ I' - ----- - -- -- - _ lb_ zoo -= do � 72t is4�o T F 72 16 200 I _ _ _ do �. : 12Q0 - i r _ 1 --—— ---- a , _ I � 17 200-� J_ _-. � do I 72� �� 2800. F 18 200 ' do, 725 1 3160 18 _-{ 200 . - do _ I 20do 72 -i 2$00: - I 121 4200 do _ 7 i ` 180-, 22 1200 do 725 -790: 23, 2001 do 725_ 2690' - - - - -- 24 _ 1200_ _ dg 1- -- I 125 1200 (_ do F 72P '�_ i 0700 26 200 do N. 115 ft.of Lot _1 and N. 115 ft. ` - of W. 8 ft. of -2 1201 ! _ d9 8. 10 ft. oP Lot 1 and Ex W. I c; r 8 ft. _ of_ Z._ 201 — d°. 1{— - - } s 1201_I - do N 70P �AOO 1 _._4._ �Zol _ _ aO ' II - 1 5_ 1201 j---- do - 726 _240! 5 -- s 24 +.._..-----------dq- - r 725:. __ -- 7 J201 t_- . -- -- - - aO i_._8 201 do - 72�-_ 740 W 41.6b ft. of 9 201 d° 60 _ t30 _1 _._ _ - - - - - — r - u -- _ rl E. 8.42 ft of Lot 9 & W 29.08_ft_{ 10- 201 1 __-__ II - - __- L _ d°-- _ .- - 5 I E. 20.92 ft. of Lot 10 k W. 14.08 11'' 201 do _.-___--- _ sso t19IQ� I E. 86 ft. of 11 1201 1 do 55b 700 Fill t -- --r– - 1 TOTAL -� CITY OF ST. PAUL w. t a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lor BLOCK ADDITION - - A=SEeT ALUATI • 12 1203.1 ms's Addition.to West St_I $7' 5 #lRbl d - -_ _ .. - -- - -- ---- 13 201 � do Paul -r _17 155 &obertson's Add, to West I 2 lbb do 7� 3 1155i I� do - _a 750.; , 16 .. _._.. --- -- � 4 I lbs t._ aO 7b0�- r - -' 70-;. { . &6Q p- -- _ - 6 .f ].55 I do_ 1 f - - - 700_, 265, 4 Ilb6 do l l - end_all_..j- 8.�15b do II ! --- I_ w _ .l l zssd W. 40 ft.- of N. 243) do 17� 9-de_ell + 10 -1lSb 0; - f 8400 r_i + i - 8,25, '06 -. Wb_ft,) 12_ 156 do 4 9 of .._ _ _ � _1.3_- lb6 I _ _ do . L _ - _ - - W' -p-- - - 13 lb6 - _d4 6bQ; +-14lb.&-- lblb6 __ . _ - 16._156 + 7f)01.. _i WI ! I r 17 1156 I dO 700} _ a X09 — And_I�._� 1it6 _-d9_ _ ;u. AWL W _ of do 18-_1156 _ , lib0 11.9 1 156 j -- --- - _ � _ do 4 _ Wioker s Add. to St. a f (�c N 37 ft) Lot 20 and W 15 ft' 19 (lb6 ' L - - - --- do 800 Bz5 - - —_1460 --,do _. ' --_ dO410_- -. 6j zoo - - — -.— 'MM.t1 i TOTAL I CITY OF ST. PAUL i .,t. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - - _--_ — -- - _ -- ---1 _ ill DESCRIPTION � OT �ooK� � _ Y,ALUAT EON dg �- - - - ADDITION A ,D DESCRL--- W. 37.5 ft. of 6 and 7 i61 Town of West St. Paul $525 $800 E. 37.5 ft. of W. 75 ft. of 6 and 7 61 do 525. 900 I � W. 35 ft.,of E. 75 ft. of 6 and 7 81 do 5,00 1600 t E. 40 ft., 6 and 7 ''.61 do 625 4500 9 and 10 '79 do 1600 9850. 1 Merrill's Sub. of W. a of Blk.,. 450 1300 79, West St. Paul Proper 2 do 450 1200 3 do 450 2350 4 do 1000 2850 n I! q N i ! f i it I' Total tib0600 $168,050 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated— o2 / 19 3 6 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 •Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance -.... eptember--29-1936 ------------- 193.... ---- To the Commissioner of Fgnance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.__.10509.6.-.: approved. --------- Sept...17,_1986.............193.....-.., relative to repairingr reconatructic ..and relayir the cement tile sidewalk on both aides of Winifred Street from Ohio Street to Bidwell .:treat and from Stryker Avenue ---to Hall_-Avenue:--inhere--necessary.------------------------- ------- .....__.._.-.----- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Eat. Cost Relay old Tile $0.07 per sq. ft. 1. Said improvement is....--- necessary and (or) desirable. n Uy New tile $0.11 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....... ................ and the total coat thereof is $ ................................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:......___------------------------------------------------ .._.------------------- ----- -------------------------------------------------------- -------..-.-.----------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- do-------...------.....------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...-...------------ -------------------------------- -.---------------------------------------------------- ........................................... 5. Said improvement is --------------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. 0 12 ...1.1 s Commissioner of Public Works. - f M 9 fN �[ SEp 30 1936, RAILMARWknE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration November 10th, 1936. Hon. I. C. Pearce, Coms'r of Public Works, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of the Tilden Produce Co. for permit to construct and maintain gasoline filler pipes and gasoline tank in and ander the city sidewalk at 138 Pourteenth Street was referred to you, by the City Council, for investigation and report. Yours very truly', City Clerk. December 9,1936 To the Honorable,the City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We,the undersigned,do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No.105702,adopted by the Council on December 2nd,1936. TILDEN CE CO F C� Passed by the Council............... !.:...-�..._._ ....... - ................. -...:In Favor ....... ....:.........Against Ap roved - -.. ------ L� � Mayor,., — _ CITY OF SAINT PAIjL----- Capital of Minnesotan OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration 'November 10th, 1936. Hon. I. C. Pearce, Coms'r of Public Rorke, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of the De hoop Parking,,Ramp for permit to construct and maintain gasoline filler pipes in and under the city sidewalk on the west side of Jackson Street between Sixth and Seventh Streets was referred to you, by the Council, for investi- gation and report. Yours very truly, / City Clerk. 4 St. Paul, Minnesota, December 8th, 1936. To the Honorable, the City Council, I, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen= We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of Council Bile No. 105703, adopted by the Council on December 2, 1936• D&GOOP PARSING RAMP, i ��C�iLrGfa9- �•- mow. seer:=shall pay the cost of the publication shad wi;;thn five (5) .days' from and 'after' tion of this:"ordinance; file .a �rr11tt`en ;tae �ity;Clerkin such form; as may: be AM 'me . licensee whenever the Council of the City of St.Pattl shall so St. Paul, Minnesota, December Sth, 1936. To the Hono§lable, the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirt We, the undersigned, do hereby accept and agree to abide by all the terms and conditions of -Council Bile No. 105704, adopted by the Council December 2nd, 1936. S3MGZR MPRIGMATQH COMPANY, By 67 O O y ,. w tRtt �'Jkk. CITY OF ST. E OFFICE OF THE CI` *COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---1 ...m.... �........................ ............................. n WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. X05517, approved October 23, 1936., the Council did`, on the 13th day of November, 1936, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public,hearing upon the, advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain combination store and dwelling on the northeast corner of Central Avenue and Louis Street, also described as No. 235 •West Central Avenue,: and located on Lot 11, Block 4, Drake & Deweyls.Addition, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building Is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb 'and edJolning property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it ABSOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property,, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays t7favor e A Against � ,.........._— ruaa M' r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the eonneil.,.._NOV 7 1936,__1 -.- Approved. ... __............... NOV 17 1939,.g,__ PUBLISHED—& --12 /_.34 _ /� -fir---- �. x2cr% � '` -�G �. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. PEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration November 13th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirt The Council referred the attached file in the matter of the condemnation of that certain combination store and dwelling on the northeast corner of Central 0venue,,and Louis Street known as 235 W. Central Avenue to you with the request that you draw resolution (2nd) confirming this condemnation. Yours very truly, City erk. i' U -11 November 18th, 1936. Yr. John H. MaConnelougt Assistaht County Attorney, Building. Dear Sirt The City Council directed me to send you the attached copy of a resolution confirming entral onfir inItthe condemnation of building at 235 r as been reported that there are delinquent taxes and aseeee- ments levied against this property. Toure very truly, c+ty Ol.e k. Orland to Cib Clark �i X708-�Y �i7Fdi F Ile. j9 COVNC0. 51. UV CITY OF ST. PAUt a9hkin nnyda =1 rae . No._.... aul nopd�a�t4k#r.Jd6�.� OFFICE OF THE CITYl ae� co at Ra U�►l�-j- CIL —R. SOLUTION—GEf+�''z6o;20,9 maturl(i, / O ✓ /,/'1'�{�i (a IG i the :thav t„4 0. ... "suss .thaLt _61n_ a. WtORUS, the Sinking P11ad Committee has received the following offer on City of St.Paul Bonds: .Name of Firm Kind of Bond Ante Amount Maturity Price Wells—Dickey Co. St.Paul Water— $2,000 Jan.1,1953 2. 0 and., WBEMS, the Sinking Pand Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for ibis Participating Certificate 0 Fund, otherwise known as the "City Banks, and MMYSAS, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore, be it, 3Ei6VED, that the Mayor. Commissioner of rinance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. NOV 17 193 Adopted by the CounciL..................... ..__...__.. 93-._-.. .... Approved ___.......... �OV..._...1.7....t§193_. .._ �mor PUBLISHED�� � r COUNCILMEN Yeas Na �t%aas- EPe'si �7 Findlan 1:.:Pe£lNa& Pearce Roaen I ...... _... _.._._.In favor Peterson Tunas PAgainst Truax C_V abed ---_ ' Mr. President (Gehan) NOV 17 193 Adopted by the CounciL..................... ..__...__.. 93-._-.. .... Approved ___.......... �OV..._...1.7....t§193_. .._ �mor PUBLISHED�� � r �� s _ (WdAhAtsCl-k- 105707 CITY OF ST. PAUL ? mpoRp�n OFFICEOF THE CITY CLERK ¢ubere�dli$ dLygn �tRpntbptWO k; a Qih CUN R LOTION ---GENERAL ..._........:. .. ._ _....... __'ritLtnlcea eesslHs�n'edhe'tahpeo3i1ef"nsitaala�CQ4 PRESE.NBY {, _....._......._ .....__...harg WHEREAS, by Council File No. 105136, approved September 19, 1936, the Council approved a Superseding Loan and Grant Agree— ment between the City of Saint Paul, the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District and the United Statee.of Amerioa, and authoriz- ed and directed the proper city officers to exsoute said Supersed- ing Loan and Grant Agreement on behalf of the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, pursuant to said Council File No. 105136, the Mayor, the City Comptroller, the Commissioner of Public Works and the City Clerk did execute said Superseding Loan,and Grant Agreement on be- half of the -City of Saint Paul in the manner required by law; and WHEREAS, said Superseding Loan and Grant Agreement has not yet been executedtonf of the United States of Amerioe; and WHEREAS, i't^appears that the mimeographed page 7 (PW 23025, _ Nov. 26, 1934) containing Paragraphs 19, 19.(a;), 19(b), 20 and 21, was inadvertently omitted from said Supersedingand Grant Agreement as approved by the Council'end executed on =4_ and the City, contrary to the intention of -the City of Saint Paul and the United States of America; and WHEREAS, said Paragraphs 19, 19(a), 19,(b)., 19(0), 19(d), 20 and 21 on said omitted page 7 of said Superseding, Loan and70rant Agreement respectively appear in the. original Loan`and Grant Agree- ment between the City of Saint Paul, the 'M nneapolls-Saint Paul Sanitary District and the United States ,of Amerlos.'dated as of :May 9, 1934, as Paragraphs 5, 5(b), 5(e), 5(d), 5(e) of Part Four, Para- graph 9 of Part One, and Paragraph 8 of Part Four; and WHEREAS, said Superseding Loan and Grant Agreement heretofore approved by said Council File No. 105136 and executed onbehalf of the City of Saint Paul supersedes and cancels the original L6an and Grant Agreement dated as of May 9, 1934; -and. WHEREAS, it Is desired that Paragraphs 19, 19(a), 19(b), 19(c), 19(d), 20 and 21 contained on the omitted mimeographed page 7'(PW COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ......................... _... Yeas Nays 81an ppm°ed................ 193T . rce Pe son . ABt_......... ruaamayor W r. President (Gehan) 3M Q OdatmY�G1ry IX.ek . PRESENTED 8 COMMISSIONER....._...._ .................. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM (2) :0,� uu No___ 105707 23025, Nov. 26, 1934) be included in said Superseding Loan and Grant Agreement; and , WHEREAS, the omitted mimeographed page 7 (PW 23025, Nov. 26, 1934) containing said Paragraphs 19, 19(a), 19(b), 19(c), 19(d), 20 and 21 has now been inserted in said Superseding Loan and Grant Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has approved the inserted mimeographed page 7 (PW 23025,,Nov. 26, 1934) containing said para- graphs; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Suberseding Loan and Grant Agreement in which the omitted mimeographed paa$$e 7 (PW 23025, Nov. 26 1934), containing said Paragraphs 19,,19(a), 19(b), 19(o), 19(d$, 20 and 21, has been inserted be and the same hereby is in all respects approved, and the action of the Mayor, the City Comptroller, the Commissioner of Public Works, and the City Clerk in executing said Superseding Loan and Grant Agreement be and the same hereby is in all respects ratified and confirmed and the City Clerk be and he hereby is authorized and directed to forward three certified copies of this resolution and three certified copies of extracts from the minutes of this meeting to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays *A"'-- F�In favor Pearce Peterson ..........�......_. Against Truax Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Conn&Y.1.7....L%6.._.__...193..... NOV 17 Approved.....:.......................... ... ---._...... _.......... 193_.., Mayor PUBLISHE134 6 09 PRINTER lVF y{931! 6- 9� COUNCIL FILE NO LOTION -----_ nu>bbd 4d 8,d4� tyFYa003 1 d7�° .: 9o�!._s1rleks':iie�{le tnr tbg omee btiip , ilOTeubeT _ (; atoo � Ytbp o6ue�n #Io6 77f f9d9 193_ RESOLVED.THAT C Avnr9vea v s7 7 9 `" " iN4Y4 E{ �i(39) rasi t r TY TREASURY.TO��A 2 1 - GGREGATE AMOUNT OF; , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED To 3o908x INCLUSIVE, AS PER. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED 13Y THE COUNCIL.. NOV 17 IMF 193__ No 11 APPROVED e.*re n�ouu. a 193_,_ DUPLIV,AT�_:TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1. COUNCIL ILt, J e VU COUNCILMEN—ROLL GALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO_ --------------- ------------ CD Ro COUNCIL RESOLUTION FAApV��ORR+ AUDITED CLAIMS------Nevlmber--1� -- 79 Mfr PEARCE S e$iQ APNO Son RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRl�O QI TREASURY. ilYi> j fr � TO THE AGGREGATE AMOU OF 5-----_____ i_ .COVERING MR. PRES. B DLI} • -- -__ _ ___ aeehaa ADOPTED BY THP«'CO}1NCI-. ----- ---- -- _ :sly .I CHECKS NUMBERED _ INCLUSIVE. A TO 7 PER CHECKS ON FI T O,F(F�IO/E� OF TH CITY MPTROLLER. �^.: ___ _TY OMPTROLLER ---r�YOR BY1 - • • CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER ., BROUGHT FORWARD 29849j1 John W. Hurley 29850t Pat ling 298511 The Yen Hoven Company,Ino. 29852; Automotive Service Company I Martin Kali Pap C y nHersey tipeuy ns Malting 0 pan' Hadbb,Ino. r Company erson, C. of ftn;129 9tituts 1 29860 R.O. Tiff �yd j�29861 t Lindatrem Anderso / V296 Mrs, Delia Mre. Anna R. Foley Mrs* Hannah Peterson County of Ramsey. Minnesota County of Ramsey, Minnesota 7Chemical Sales ,& Safety Comp 29868 S. Reiland 2986904Ne11 Company 29870 'I mi6480ta Contraotu 4,IAc. 29871 Elec*110 lizture Mart 29872 Peoples Electrio Company 2987 872 ,1 Stryker & Stryker Company 11 S. Berglund Lumber Company 1'; 29875 Central Soap Company 11 29876 I Chicago, Mil.St.Paul & Pao -RI 29877 ! Coohrau-Sargent Company j 29878 Thos. E. Dahill 11 29879 !i Farwell, 0zmun, Kirk & Compal j 29880 I Farwell, Ommun, Kirk & Compaao� 29881 r Farwell, Ommun, Kirk & Oompaal !29882 General Electric Supply Corp.' 29883 Gurley Candy Company 29884 i; litre. J.T. Jennings Ii 29M i1 Linear Broom Mfg.Oompw y i 29886 C.A. MacArthur Company 29487Mise Genevieve Macdonald �i 29888 11 Midway News 29889 y N.O.Assoo. of Colleges & 8980 29890 1,1. Blaugas Company 29891 V Walter Karl Tits@ 29892 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 29893 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Oompany 29894 ? Twin City Brick Company i ., SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTALDATE klURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BANK CHECKS CHECKS Co. a 66 CC 325 OC 35 2e X6 26 1 1 84 67 5 9 46 5 569 32 333133 189143 600l,00 28 29 31 910 24 92 6o 5561777 29 93§ b5 4 00 65 OC 23475:75 39 2 0 56 327 57 OC 29!5 0092 6 12189 16100 103.167 199167 95 25 3.1107 21 162 1 6 Ila 313 33 34 1102 i 193 1870 • DUPLICATE"ll CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT r^u' UN CIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO -------- '1) -- - ---- CON D�--'"IIOUNCIL RESOLUTION ..^^^...� ^ __ FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -----Novamber--Ik+-------------- 7l PEARCE a* earOe&G„���1 son ' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE O AWN�O(p�{ THE CITY TREASURY. ^'•^"�• ES. • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF '-__W +./-�.�----• COVERING MR. PRES. B 8 /fie CHECKS NUM BERE D62_ --TO .. COM TROLLER 7�3�y°{, hi PER CHECKS ON FILEM.. IN T OFFICE OHE HE CI ADOPTED BY d GPUO '.ti i- +.+ft' ___ _ _ _ ____________-_ ,r, , _ _____ ________-_ APPROVED ---------------------------t8---- -- ------ X cm COMPTROLLER / ____ *_ - ___i----------- - ��_------------------------- --- _____________________ __ _____ _i___*L ____ BV-_____� "-- - MwYOR ---"" -- - CHECK �j IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 29895 I' 29897 8 i 989 29900 299031 29902 29904 Ill ii 29905 06 29907 2990.8 29909 if 29910 29911 29912 29913 29914 9916 !� 29917 29918 29919 29920 29 BROUGHT FORWARD A. Silverman Frank Romocky Blue and White Cab Company The First National Bank of S• Leonard N. Thompson George Sudeith H. S. Boyd Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, o. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final Axel F. Peterson& 0. of Fine Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina Axel F. Peterson,, 0. of Fina Ida Johnson Capitol Laundry,Ino. Charles W. Clark Company Cleveland Public Library Coffins Box & Lumber Company Congressional Digest Carol Cox Book Company Curtis 1000, Inc* Del Auto Radiator Company Dept. of Public Instruction Frederick J. Drake III Company Egeberg Cycle Company Elk Laundry Company Elvin First Aid Supply Compa3 R.P. Farrell Farwell, Ozmun, Birk 8 Compel rinnell System, Ino. Fisher Nut Company Freeberg Pies,Ino. Grigidaird Corporation H.B. Fuller Company Emil Geist General Motors Truck Company Gold Medal Beverage Company Goodrioh—Silvertown&Ino. The Gopher Gopher Stamp & Die Company Gruber Auto Electric Company W. J. Haas Mfg. Company Rall Electric Company Quincy A. Hall F.W. Hans Company Theo. G. Hells & Company 1129945 11 Hatfield—Perry,ino. 29946 1 Highland Spring Company 29947 1 F.T, Mildred d Company 129949 !;History Reference Council 1;29949 'i The Hobart Mfg•�pany :29950 ji J,W, Was Company 29951 H,R, Huntting Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE 11 RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 1 275 0 5 1� i 2 946 o 1 684 g 3 166 25 I j 6 2 509 37603000 25 28 80 1 00 3 00 2 00 8 40 4 28 23 15 81 '75 29,27 36 81 35 ! 39 8 io 66 39 70 11 282 74 25 61 23�00 j76 75 469 oo 92 109 155 ';30 48 0 103 9 ',13 0 61.6 500 3 42 459 4 5 435_4;- DUPLICATFft, CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..--_--_�(3,.�i --- CONROY "e COUNCIL RESOLUTION �N, �R�AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 4pember__h6__---_______193-6___ s �'indlan PEARCE s www �Y��IN� arson RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BEWN ON Ty��EJ�CITY TREASURY. �UDHFIMFM J TO THE AGGREGATE�tvtoll`FlE - ----- . COVERING N%MM,F�R`y'y_y CHECKS NUMBE'ED_ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY YdIE1 COU NC11f a a.e-5 ------ PER CHECKS ON FILTHE CITY COMPTROLLER. dJ ii��o_1-1--j,'r--- _ ___--___ LLER APPROVED ---/-�--�---------' -------- .1Y cOMPTRO .F § /V ---" - - ______________ -------- ----- MAYOR BY________ _________ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER I TRANSFER 11 DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I �.�� al kA • 299521! Ixel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 29954 Mrs. ;Mary mmily Christy 2995`► i� Hrs. Louie Fay 29955 Yrs, Elizabeth Literski j, 29956 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 29957 Industrial Materials Company 29958 11 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 29959 11 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Final 29960 ! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 29961 ;; Axel F. Peterson, 0. of r1nai ! 29962 '1 Axel F. Peteral C. of Fina 2998 11 Board of Public Welfare 6644 Axel re Peterson. C. of Final 29965 !1 Sylvester Eaowlan 0 11 29966 Adams Brothers 29967 ! Henry J. Albertson �i 29968 C. A. Anderson i! 29969 Charles W. Arend 1 29970 T. Aussey 29971 Mrs. Edna Bailey 29972 i Robert J. Barry 2997 j Jacob Berrum 2997 Trustees of Bethlehem L.0hur, 29975 '! George Me Boggs 29976 Ii Wm, F. Bretteabnelder 29977 !1 Barry No Broetchner 29978 'NN' Brown d White Cab Company 29979 I! Yrs. Jane H. Cameron 29980 A.G. Carlson 1' 29981 Mrs. 'Ethel Carlson 29982 W. Cartier i 29983 G Jack Garver l; 29984 ji Rev. Y.J. Casey 29985!; Certified Body Works 29986 John J. Chamberlin 29987 V Y.A. 0hellbesg 29988 Citizens Ice 8 Fuel Company li29989 ! cleanl-Rite Cleaners !29990 Joe Cohen !129991 1 The Commodore Hotel !129992 goofy. Crispus Attuoks Home • 2999Dad-Ire Cookie Company 1129991 II Sven V. Damstedt 29995 Herbert O. Defiel 29996 'I R. go -- u,, 29997 i! Julius Dsiiiewioz ii 29998 ;1 East Side Motor Sales Compan' 29999 Frank the, 130000 E. Ervin l 30001 Charles Esssnholm 1 30002 Fairview Garage !`30003 !, David Fink 13 Jacob Fink 30005 141an R. Fischer 30006 1 John Frankson, Treas.0omo Pa 30007 G. Gereoki 30008 Charles A. Godbout 'I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD tM 14 191 27 28 40 10 2 4 21 11 4 1100 5 6 9 6 7 5 w j, g : Ne DUPLICATFft, CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..--_--_�(3,.�i --- CONROY "e COUNCIL RESOLUTION �N, �R�AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 4pember__h6__---_______193-6___ s �'indlan PEARCE s www �Y��IN� arson RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BEWN ON Ty��EJ�CITY TREASURY. �UDHFIMFM J TO THE AGGREGATE�tvtoll`FlE - ----- . COVERING N%MM,F�R`y'y_y CHECKS NUMBE'ED_ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY YdIE1 COU NC11f a a.e-5 ------ PER CHECKS ON FILTHE CITY COMPTROLLER. dJ ii��o_1-1--j,'r--- _ ___--___ LLER APPROVED ---/-�--�---------' -------- .1Y cOMPTRO .F § /V ---" - - ______________ -------- ----- MAYOR BY________ _________ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER I TRANSFER 11 DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I �.�� al kA • 299521! Ixel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 29954 Mrs. ;Mary mmily Christy 2995`► i� Hrs. Louie Fay 29955 Yrs, Elizabeth Literski j, 29956 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 29957 Industrial Materials Company 29958 11 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 29959 11 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Final 29960 ! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 29961 ;; Axel F. Peterson, 0. of r1nai ! 29962 '1 Axel F. Peteral C. of Fina 2998 11 Board of Public Welfare 6644 Axel re Peterson. C. of Final 29965 !1 Sylvester Eaowlan 0 11 29966 Adams Brothers 29967 ! Henry J. Albertson �i 29968 C. A. Anderson i! 29969 Charles W. Arend 1 29970 T. Aussey 29971 Mrs. Edna Bailey 29972 i Robert J. Barry 2997 j Jacob Berrum 2997 Trustees of Bethlehem L.0hur, 29975 '! George Me Boggs 29976 Ii Wm, F. Bretteabnelder 29977 !1 Barry No Broetchner 29978 'NN' Brown d White Cab Company 29979 I! Yrs. Jane H. Cameron 29980 A.G. Carlson 1' 29981 Mrs. 'Ethel Carlson 29982 W. Cartier i 29983 G Jack Garver l; 29984 ji Rev. Y.J. Casey 29985!; Certified Body Works 29986 John J. Chamberlin 29987 V Y.A. 0hellbesg 29988 Citizens Ice 8 Fuel Company li29989 ! cleanl-Rite Cleaners !29990 Joe Cohen !129991 1 The Commodore Hotel !129992 goofy. Crispus Attuoks Home • 2999Dad-Ire Cookie Company 1129991 II Sven V. Damstedt 29995 Herbert O. Defiel 29996 'I R. go -- u,, 29997 i! Julius Dsiiiewioz ii 29998 ;1 East Side Motor Sales Compan' 29999 Frank the, 130000 E. Ervin l 30001 Charles Esssnholm 1 30002 Fairview Garage !`30003 !, David Fink 13 Jacob Fink 30005 141an R. Fischer 30006 1 John Frankson, Treas.0omo Pa 30007 G. Gereoki 30008 Charles A. Godbout 'I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD tM 14 191 27 28 40 10 2 4 21 11 4 1100 5 6 9 6 7 5 w j, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 105711 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ��-� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._----------------------------- CONROr COUNCIL RESOLUTION TRY + FAVOR aft AUDITED CLAIMS---Roveaber PEARCE AI Ot ._. IH91`� BDa RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRN ON THE CITY TREASURY. �� 98rC1 /1 i( •%1f'1 COVERING mic�ure ; �/ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-- -------• AS MR. PRES. 8, .y ED IINCLUSIVE. CHECKC"OL TSIV PER CHECKS ON I -- IN CE FTHECTV ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNC ,' APPROVED ---1%--- ____ BY --------- --- � ___---___--___---___-— C. F. No.. 106711— TOTAL DATE Resolved. that checks be drawn on RETURNED V CHECK the city treasury, to the aggregate NUMBER amount of $360.00, covering checks num- TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK tiered 30066 to 30120 Inclusive, s Der CHECKS CHECKS checks on file In the Office of the city ,..pt'.11er. -=-'_-- ---=-- --- -- -_---� — '—� Adopted by the council Nov. 17. 1936. Approved (Nv 121 1136. 936) — I 3006611 Northern motor ooepalny 6 0 30067! Jobn Novak 6.5 30068 lrranoss O'Brien ! 80 3006911 Thomas O'Rourke 30070 1, Prinoipat 0&k Hall School ( G5 30071 Qakview Improvement Company 810 300,2 B. Ozeastela 77, 5 3 �� Paramount Ink C0Upeay bbl, 0 j 3007 jI Park Garage 5 ! 5 �l 30075 t Alfred Perlt j ! 5 0 30076 ;j IDsil Peterson 30077 ';I B.H. Piloher, Manager 6 0 !; 50 30078 ' Prank L. -Powers 5 r. 30079 Purit T'ood Market I, 30080 T.1.atttery 6 I' 30081 " Jobn J. Riley _ 30082 �� H.T. Rogers ! 6' 00 3008 i St.Andrewls School 3.008 11 Trustees, St.Antbony Park Ms as ! 5 i 30095 ! St Bernard -It School ! 0 Ii 30086 Ij St: Cleaners 6 0 30087 ; Trustees. St.James Church I l jl 30088 !I Trustee: of StsPaul M.E.Chur 06i 30089 ! Trustees, StsPhilliprs Churo 0 I. 30090 11 sacred Heart school 610 30091 Albert Schlesinger I til 30092 'As Schmid 1l 30o93 '! A.M. Sobsidt 300944 1' Jacob Sobsidt Brewing Cospaa f g 0 30095 Edward D. Sohlinder 30096 Joseph Sobnabl 6 oo 30097 !, As Schneider 7 0 11 30098 •. Nick Soblolsen b 0 30099 11 L.N. Sickele 30100 !� Clarence Sontag 51 5 i! 30101 ! i'. J. wit 10J. Spriggs ! 6175 30102 Nicholas Steinmets ! ! 6100 II 30103 ! 1 04 IL Swanson 6 0 II 301 s. Tee®er 30105 II Jo Ray H. Thoele ! 7100 it 30108 �; Chas. _= e�gi ki�tQtska 600 30106 GeorngeeTH.Motore0onpany --1-00 00 30107 George H Tsautner � T -- 30109 Mrs. Leo teas 30110 Ana Trevis S 00 6,00 30111 '' Janes W. Vansk 77 50 30112 zolly L. vitoff b!0 30113 N. Wattersea 6 00 30114 I ,L 0. Weaver Trustees, Welcome Hall 600 j30115 I 6100 30116 11 Trustee% Wesley H.N. 0110e1 � s• � t ?;30118;•Harvey Williams 130119 II Joseph Wilson I 6;00 30120 c. Wolf ii I --- - _ -- - 504 011 9 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD I f f t ) } qq DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 105711 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ��-� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._----------------------------- CONROr COUNCIL RESOLUTION TRY + FAVOR aft AUDITED CLAIMS---Roveaber PEARCE AI Ot ._. IH91`� BDa RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRN ON THE CITY TREASURY. �� 98rC1 /1 i( •%1f'1 COVERING mic�ure ; �/ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-- -------• AS MR. PRES. 8, .y ED IINCLUSIVE. CHECKC"OL TSIV PER CHECKS ON I -- IN CE FTHECTV ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNC ,' APPROVED ---1%--- ____ BY --------- --- � ___---___--___---___-— C. F. No.. 106711— TOTAL DATE Resolved. that checks be drawn on RETURNED V CHECK the city treasury, to the aggregate NUMBER amount of $360.00, covering checks num- TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK tiered 30066 to 30120 Inclusive, s Der CHECKS CHECKS checks on file In the Office of the city ,..pt'.11er. -=-'_-- ---=-- --- -- -_---� — '—� Adopted by the council Nov. 17. 1936. Approved (Nv 121 1136. 936) — I 3006611 Northern motor ooepalny 6 0 30067! Jobn Novak 6.5 30068 lrranoss O'Brien ! 80 3006911 Thomas O'Rourke 30070 1, Prinoipat 0&k Hall School ( G5 30071 Qakview Improvement Company 810 300,2 B. Ozeastela 77, 5 3 �� Paramount Ink C0Upeay bbl, 0 j 3007 jI Park Garage 5 ! 5 �l 30075 t Alfred Perlt j ! 5 0 30076 ;j IDsil Peterson 30077 ';I B.H. Piloher, Manager 6 0 !; 50 30078 ' Prank L. -Powers 5 r. 30079 Purit T'ood Market I, 30080 T.1.atttery 6 I' 30081 " Jobn J. Riley _ 30082 �� H.T. Rogers ! 6' 00 3008 i St.Andrewls School 3.008 11 Trustees, St.Antbony Park Ms as ! 5 i 30095 ! St Bernard -It School ! 0 Ii 30086 Ij St: Cleaners 6 0 30087 ; Trustees. St.James Church I l jl 30088 !I Trustee: of StsPaul M.E.Chur 06i 30089 ! Trustees, StsPhilliprs Churo 0 I. 30090 11 sacred Heart school 610 30091 Albert Schlesinger I til 30092 'As Schmid 1l 30o93 '! A.M. Sobsidt 300944 1' Jacob Sobsidt Brewing Cospaa f g 0 30095 Edward D. Sohlinder 30096 Joseph Sobnabl 6 oo 30097 !, As Schneider 7 0 11 30098 •. Nick Soblolsen b 0 30099 11 L.N. Sickele 30100 !� Clarence Sontag 51 5 i! 30101 ! i'. J. wit 10J. Spriggs ! 6175 30102 Nicholas Steinmets ! ! 6100 II 30103 ! 1 04 IL Swanson 6 0 II 301 s. Tee®er 30105 II Jo Ray H. Thoele ! 7100 it 30108 �; Chas. _= e�gi ki�tQtska 600 30106 GeorngeeTH.Motore0onpany --1-00 00 30107 George H Tsautner � T -- 30109 Mrs. Leo teas 30110 Ana Trevis S 00 6,00 30111 '' Janes W. Vansk 77 50 30112 zolly L. vitoff b!0 30113 N. Wattersea 6 00 30114 I ,L 0. Weaver Trustees, Welcome Hall 600 j30115 I 6100 30116 11 Trustee% Wesley H.N. 0110e1 30117 'I; A.L Wiokworth 1150 ?;30118;•Harvey Williams 130119 II Joseph Wilson I 6;00 30120 c. Wolf ii I --- - _ -- - 504 011 9 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD I F I f f t ) } qq odon.l to My Cterk _ CITY OF ST. PAUL 1_ -By F M. 2ruaK 1-05712 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK forota ed este rlor �/ was feeued to CIIarler; (e taylaoe or bustneae sf� OUNCIL RE --.GENERAL FOltit�j°,�°�hasles Si it - 'ark` PRESENTED B S'atthis Menee be kc COMMISSIONER ................... .:. stck' H Fallonto ,Feet $5r ....__._ ........ a '� • DA shesald Patrt6$ li, .............................._...,.. __. {r irtfita re4Ueat:•.nn....... _...............................: ' Id•Ratrlckq:A.' F: .�„ linen �bpe••-,. WHEREAS, heretofore On -Sale Liquor License No. 567 was' issued to Charles H. Haggard for his place of business at 902 Farrington Avenue; and WHEREAS, said Charles H. Haggard has requested that this license be transferred to Patrick H. Fallon to operate such busi- ness at 221 East Seventh Street, and the said Patrick H. Fallon has joined in this request; and WHEREAS, said Patrick H. Fallon has furnished a bond in the sum of $3,000, which bond has been approved by the Corporation Counsel; and SAS, the License Committee recommends that such trans- fer be given; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That On -Sale Liquor License No. 567 be and the same is hereby transferred to Patrick H. Fallon to operate such business at 221 East Seventh Street; and the bond of the said Patrick H. Fallon Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit it in the office of the City Comptroller; and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of said Charles H. Haggard from any liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na ' ani ce _ In favor rson � ............ ........._..:. Against rasa; /M1. President 3M 6.M (Gehan) Adopted by the Council.......... N_OV._3..7...1f.193..... Approved .... __.... _........... NOV 11...� .r......./k/._.... /Mayor PUBLISHED -_L1_= CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 4%, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration 47ember 13th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application for trans- for of on sale liquor license Ho. 567 from Chas. H. Haggard at 902 Farrington Avenue to Patrick H. Fallon at 221 Bast Seventh St. was referred to yon, by the Council, for reso- lution to grant. Yours very, truly, CSt9GF2as'K. St. Paul, Minn. November 12, 1936. To the Mayor and Council, City of Saint Paul. Honorable Sirs: - I now hold On -Sale License No. 567 covering my place of business at 902 Farrington Avenue and would like very much to have this license trgnsferred to Patrick H. Fallon (GOIdWn-9& n .CrCe), 221 E. 7th Street. Hoping it will be possible for you to grant this request, I a m Very truly yours, =RIZS H GGARD In IJ �., CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION, FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.— Name o. Name of Applican v — Residence Address ---. _---Telephone No. A t . Y Are you a citizen of the United States? Have you ever been engaged in operating a sa oon, cafe, soft drink parlor,or business of similar nature? When and where?L i If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation A n — — When incorporated? ---- -'--- -'-- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?----------- ---= How many members? `%I e - Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured alopt stye �`"'—• -- How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? -2 i How many feet from closest fir arochial gjade or high school (measured along streets)? 3� A Name- of closest schoolLw�AIO ` ---- How are premises classified under, Zoning Ordinances ` On what floor located? Are premises owned by you or lease ? If leased, give name of owner If a restaurant, seating capacity? (0 If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?-�721 4 ----- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales) - How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) Give naves and addresses of ,three business Aefereryes: r., THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLI. CATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated —193 SEE OTHER SIDE PMEM License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. r_.being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and swot to befo me % th,—L—!- 1,93 2 Notary Pub amsey nt Minn. My commission expires— STATE OF MINNESOTA, t se County of Ramsey. S being first duty swom, deposes and says that ____the--------- of--�---- - --- ---- --- --- - --------• a corporation; that —has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of—_,_ f-- knowledge, information. and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and a#eauted:on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and 'swom to before me this --day of ---193 Notary f-- 193Notary Public, ^Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires -- 4 F Oeldud m CUT Cl . COUNCIL 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��■ NO......... W.5. .. /)►/� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 1!7�S �GENERALL FORM PRESENTED �[\ DATE.......NOvBmbar...Z6 i 6 ................__ OM ISSIONE __....__..._.cl__.__...... �.... 93 RESOLVED / That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Phil Ehrlich Marie Yercure Am. Stokes Louis Goldie Reuben Laderman ■ A COUNCILMEN Yeas KIn or tt rson rauz _....�..._ Against President (Geban) 3M 636 2110 z. Fairfield 350 N. Fairview 377 Dewey N 533 St. Peter St. 201 Bates Ave. W ■ Grocery App. 15283 New 'Grocery " 15344 Fuel Dealer n 15394 ■ Gas Station n 15410 ■ Grocery n 15426 ■ Butcher ■ 15427 ■ Adopted by the Council _.........N.O.V._1..7_.193®93,...... NOV 17 1936 Approved.._...........:..........................................................193....... ............... ..�. „��a- ••- Truss IrV• Ing CiRearoe— ' �y} Yly,{■ A fat? QRk f OFFICE 'T' lved Yha� llcenaae affIIlfgd,' tor. b Lh9araone n[m6d"on lfek attanheH Y NO............ CITY OF reaqtfuP be and th° sums arr'he60b ■rarified apd .0 gClerk,lS inatiuote OF TH io ,e�,u�do�=htr Sp�aetKe COON a rqy °Rsa) r 16, 1936_ PRESENi s _ <.... :. _. .... _...... ..... ..... at the addresses ._ ...................._.... indicated That license ap lied for by the following persons hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such RESOLVED be and the aam are the payment into the city treasury of thelsegnired Yeses licenses upon 240 W. 7th St. Oil Burner App.14623 Renew. Bashaw Mfg. Co. A. Gana 603 H. Pascal Butcher ■ " 14913 " 1491 4 ■ ■ ■ a Grocery V. DelFpacoo 664 Barr St. Pool Hall " a Confectionery " 15035 " 15036 ■ a Hawthorne Feel Co. 2001 &. 24th St.Mple. rael Dealer " 15163 " Geo. W. Christ - 1076 Payne Ave. Confectionery" 15204 M. L. Berg 1320 Payne Ave- Grocery ■1 5226 " J. Hersohbach 93 e• sycamore Grocery " 152 54■ Joe Salad 767 W. 7th St. Grocery " 15265 " Mrs. Frank Mieke 145 S. Chatsworth Grocery } N Offsalewt a 152995 " ■ F. W. Woolworth Co. 61 8. 7th St. Pet Shop " 15300 ■ Standard oil Co. 1300 Harmon P1.Mp16. Feel Dealer " 15309 ° Mia � 0 1963 University Ave.lve. Bowling Alley " ■ Confectionery " " 1530 ■ 15310 ■ ■ Margaret Dyoskowski 149 State St. Grocery " 15314 " Midwest Coal &Coke Co. 257 CedarAve. Mp ls. Fuel Dealer " 15317 " Freda Francis e. eater St. Tavern " ■ Dance Ball ■ 15329 ■ 15330 ■ it N Sam 1029 Hastings Motion Picture 15336 " Minn. Amusement Co. 438 eabasha St. Motion Picture 15351 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ..... ......... ....... ........... .....................193...... Yeas Nays '..: m— Findlan In favor Approved ..... ..................193....... Pearce _. Peterson _ Against ._... ......... .......... ...__._... Mayor Trauff Wenzel Mr President (Cehan) 3N. 636 ___ c*j&.Ir.City Cl -k ' x,( 5'714 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL /ILK NO ......................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEN.... ............... __----- _..._..._.__.._..__ ------------- ------- _....._..............._.....................DATE....._........ .......... ................. ........................................._.. RESOLVED Page 2 Holmes Coal Co. 8 E. 6th St. Fael Dealer AI)P.15353 Renew. Michael Frontz 40 W. 4th St. Restaurant ■ 15357 " Felice Bacigalupo 423 Fry St. Brocery ■ 1536a ■ Roth Hotel Co. 363 St. Peter St. Tavern ■ 15366 " N ■ W N Dance Hall " 15367 " Elmer McBride 710 H. Dale St. Tavern " 15374 " N N N ■ Dance Hall " 15375 " Mande Borap Candy Co. 20 W. 5th St. Confectionery 15376 " Henry Scheibel 202 Concord St. Tavern N 1538] " ■ N N ■ Dance Hall ■ 1538 N German House, Inc. 444 $Ice St. Tavern ■ 15385 " Thos. Bacigalupo 363 Minnesota St. Restaurant ■ 15389 " William House 450 B. Robert St. Grocery ■ 15391 " F. W. McCarron 185 i. Seventh Restaurant ■ 15400 " • N N N On Sale Malt N 15401 " N N N N Off Salemalt ■ 15402 ■ Schleh Bros. 611 University Ave. Vaal Dealer ■ 15404 N Seven Corners Drag Co. 175 W. 7th St. Confectionery ■ 15405 N Dick Speakes 475 W. Minnehaba Fael Dealer ■ 15406 ■ Sam Dietz 1039 Grand Ave. Donfectionery ■ 15407 N G. F. McBeath 442 Rondo Gas Station ■ 15408 N Alchele Bros. Inc. 1299 Harvester Fuel Dealer ■ 15409 ■ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council...._ - 193._ Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Approved... ........... ........... 191 Pearce Peterson . ........ _....._.. Against Trau: Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) W 636 Oridn t w CUT Ctwk RESOLVED Page 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL -CIL NO...........vV71i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM State Hotel Corp. 339 1Fabasha state Hotel Corp. R a H. Margolis 937 W. 7th St. Gust Swanson 2327 Charles St. Max Simon 177 State St. Ramsey Fuel & Ice Co. 303 James St. InterCity Fuel Co. 586 H. Fairview hest End Lmbr.& Coal Co. 444 Toronto St. Otto Zerahn 937 Arcade St. Saltsbyry Fuel & Iosoo. 462 Topping St. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays/ In favor FP reon n ! Against Tra President (Gehan) 3M 6 W Tavern 2LPP. 1j417 Renew. Dence Hall ■ 15415 M Off SaleMalt a 15419 a Restaurant 0 15420 ■ Grocery ! 15424 s Basel Dealer a 15425 ■ fuel Dealer ■ 15454 ■ Feel Dealer a 15449 a Fuel Dealer ■ 15450 0 Forel Dealer ■ 15456 ■ Adopted by the Council.. giVITIM93...... Approved...._ __....V...1._._._...........193....... Mayor orled CitycW& cau.c;L 105715 / CITY OF ST. PAUL 2 1. NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 1..►r N ---GENERAL FORM PREBENT� .J !:.�r.!:..e............DATE.................................... ....... ........................... .... .... _._ COMMIS, ONE _....—_..._........._..____... _.._ ---_ wnms, Edward Hess desires to withdraw application 15555 for Taxi Driver, and requests the return of fee deposited thereon, Therefore, be it BHSOLYM, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Edward Hess the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na dlan In favor ...:...... . . Tce rson AgainsE :- __... Prcaid., (Gehan) 3M 6 Adopted by the Council ......_...NO....17...1936..193 Nov 17 IN Approved . ....193...... Mayor 105.716 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V`JJ�VJI • COUNCIL �U ---GENERAL FORM ! FREfENTEct _ November 16, 1936 _ _ .SATE _ .......__..................._........_............................._._...._ WHEREWI, Harriett Jacgmet desires to withdraw application 15554 for Taxicab, and requests the return of license fee depositied thereon. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are 'hereby authorized to refund to Harriett Jacquet the fee of $15.00 and to cancel said -application for license. NOV 17 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. ......................._...........................193...... Yeas Na NOV 17dian 1 Infavor Approved..... ............................................................193....... F.Against l/ Mayor President (Gehan) 32M 636 I odminal m City ctwk 'c...- 105717 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE N ---GENERAL FORM .................. Christ J. Andrews desires to withdraw application 15274 for On Sale Intoxicating Liquor license at 460 St- Pater St- and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it PZSOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Christ J. Andrews the fee Of $291.67 and to cancel said application for license. - id 5 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Zrdl. In favor il tz.on Against raua resident (Gehan) 3M 616/ .0ted bkAtif, COU130 X04- Vy- 1946! (Nov' 1, 1936) Adopted by the Councib!-.t. .17 im :.................193...... Approved . . .......... NOV 193 odpi.A m city clah e--- — 7 =—�. 718 CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO_........................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK -_ COUNCILGENERAL FORM /JV el wnvesber 16. 1936 3mcumcm= 10, THRMS. Christ J. Andrews desires to withdraw application 15275 for Restaurant, application 15276 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and application 15277 for Off Sale Malt Beverage at $60 St. Peter St. and requests the return of licenses fees deposited thereon. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Christ J. Andrews the fees of $10.00. $50.00. and $5.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. No. 106716—By A4d. Truax-Iry- � lnR C. Pearc deRebe Whereas, Ch let J.en 15 - 5 'ta withdraw. aDDllcat{an 36876 foK Bele [saran[, applfeatinn 16875 for On.Sale. Malt Beverage and,.aRDLLcagtn X00 St.: ' for Off Sale Dd!slt Bevarai t,.,400 SG Peter St. and reuuesta,,the return of: Ifoen6e fees- depoeltedgthoreon ;., Therefore, be 1k Reaol4ed !that the proper bity o{nebks, be-aad}t,,hey°are herebx: authorised to - refund to Christ J. drewh the .thee 0:00 end 0 an$ -oancbl _ of a10 00 16{�to eaftl apptica;ton. for lleenee Adopted by the Connell Nov 37; 1066. ADDroved .NbV 17, 1I9a6 I COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Count l.........NO..V .1.!�..--193S.193_.... Yeas N aY. favor 'r 7 1 Approved..........._........._9493....... In tZt-Cseon :ayoM ................_.......... (�/Against /.... 1. _ . _`�! _....... t - sident (Gehan) 3M e CITY OF ST. PAUL c2ftm— NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ............ o --i tr7nnn1__:GENERAL FORM 0 MINNOW kgs B. O. Gehrman desires to withdraw application 15505 for Off Sale halt Beverage at 4110 Aurora Ave. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it MOyY1, that the proper city officers be,� they are hereby ahthoriz6d to refund to W. O. Gehrman the fee of $XQVW and cancel said application for license. CpUNCILMEkI y� Nay In favor 72:r -son ' lan f e '. Against _....... .. ... . Mr president (Gehan) JM 6 36 Adopted by the Council ....RGV._17._.lW.......193..... ,e r9 Approved .._.... .... h� .....1.9.V..'.:.... ..4..._1:: 1._.193...._. ayor o 0"(11" COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nLc NO. ........................_............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED , COMMISSI4NE ._..j . _._G=....'.-...5........DATE ....RO.YDIDber...1�Y....1536.................... _... WAS, William Peaks desires to withdraw application 15301 for Barber, at 270 E. Seventh St. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it BESOLVED that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William Paske the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas —Nays /Fi an -awe favor a• n Against rauz• President (Gehan) . 3A: 6 Adopted by the Cgunal193...... Approved..... ............. ..... RUN ...., .....392&93...... Mayor orist-Ito CUT clh 1115721 dr CITY OF ST. PAUL •IcacouNc"` NO....._ .................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK YOUNCIL� ---GENERAL FORM PREggENTE November 16 1p 6 COMM1831U _.... ,=----•...•-••-••�".._......__ _.._.__.... _.....__..... _..._......._.....DATE ........................................... t......._J3........... ._..._..... RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license No. 32114, expiring April 7, 1937, and Restaurant license No. 7785, expiring March 17, 1937, issued to Frances Turner at 2754 W- Seventh St. be and the same 6ihereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of selling beer to persona under the age of 21 years. peer to pereorie upd'e'e the. age � .1336: red yNove lT�ulgy8 Nov. 17,r, 00 21, i�638) j f { j � �a ti.. COUNCILMEN .Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..............NOV ...l.7.._F93fg3...... P ✓ N11,17 r In favor Approved.. N 14 `1 r 1 ....193....... ......._.. _.............. �,e�wn �..l raua .. Against Mayor !M 636 �:tdent (Gehan) Otlde.I to City Ol.ek� couxc�� n Nbr CITY OF ST. PAUL riot NO.......� ....... .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL •--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I HOvember 16,:.1936.._..._.__....__.... �►*"t!{....,R..:....DATE.......................................... . . COMMISSION......_......... _..... .._. ..__ ._._._. ... .__. _..._. RESOLVED That license for Tavern, application 15493, and Dance Hall. application 15494. applied for by Frances Tamer at 2754 A. 7th St. be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Frances Turner the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 and cancel said application for license, upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of selling beer to persons under the age of 21 years. i` COUNCIL EN Yeas NaY F' dlan In favor P`e3for /P son .Against [auz W President (Gehan) )M 6 j6 NOV 17 1936193....., Adopted by the Council ....................................... NOV 17 1936 )Approved../_.._ ........ ........................... _................... ......193...._. IIIIEREAS there has developed throughout the entire country a situation of seriousness in the enormous number of deaths and injuries caused by motor vehicles, efforts for the correction of v.,hich are being put forth under the leadership of the National Safety Council, and the Minnesota Public Safety Committee with the cooperation of numerous organizations and agencies, and WHEREAS the Council of the City of St. Paul recognizes that objeotive as of high potential value and importance to the people of the said city and community; 4�1-1�� BE IT RESOLVED that the work of the St b]ia_ be and hereby is given official recognition and commend- ation, and the members of the said committee declared appointed with sanction and approval of this Council to serve without cost or encumbrance to the City, unless otherwise specifically arranged and provided; and BE IT RESOLVED that at least two members of the Council sl be designated to serve as members of the said -Gemmittea, and that the Attorney, Chief of Police, Engineer, Superint t , of Schools, and other executives and agencies of the City be and hereby are requested to accord sll possible cooperation and assistance to it; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any offices, meeting places or other quarters under the jurisdiction of this Council may, upon due request and compatible with other uses, be made available for the holding of meetings or other work of the end that a copy of this Resolution be forwsrdad to the Chairman and Secret !y o the said oommittee, and to the Minnesota Public Safety Co mmittbe at the ��f��¢ Old Federal Building, St. Paul. COUNCILMEN MHryor M FY .,Gahan `' K5723 Nays 81KM3- Findlan uwdevolped thrifn(;H-�f 23 FHbirW�dfdOub�3irr�imber • J� In favor r� ¢. einHHd Sit +root or Y38 C rrgctiooj, RESOLUTION v!d� under .�atlurigi His-c'u, Tran: Against hrieHOY4K, Pvbnc Br (Gahan) I} I 91 gnrim�y Or the t eH IIIIEREAS there has developed throughout the entire country a situation of seriousness in the enormous number of deaths and injuries caused by motor vehicles, efforts for the correction of v.,hich are being put forth under the leadership of the National Safety Council, and the Minnesota Public Safety Committee with the cooperation of numerous organizations and agencies, and WHEREAS the Council of the City of St. Paul recognizes that objeotive as of high potential value and importance to the people of the said city and community; 4�1-1�� BE IT RESOLVED that the work of the St b]ia_ be and hereby is given official recognition and commend- ation, and the members of the said committee declared appointed with sanction and approval of this Council to serve without cost or encumbrance to the City, unless otherwise specifically arranged and provided; and BE IT RESOLVED that at least two members of the Council sl be designated to serve as members of the said -Gemmittea, and that the Attorney, Chief of Police, Engineer, Superint t , of Schools, and other executives and agencies of the City be and hereby are requested to accord sll possible cooperation and assistance to it; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any offices, meeting places or other quarters under the jurisdiction of this Council may, upon due request and compatible with other uses, be made available for the holding of meetings or other work of the end that a copy of this Resolution be forwsrdad to the Chairman and Secret !y o the said oommittee, and to the Minnesota Public Safety Co mmittbe at the ��f��¢ Old Federal Building, St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 81KM3- Findlan 1 J� In favor Pearce Peterson O Tran: Against V�Fiftad Mr. President I M 646 (Gahan) NOV .�7 iq Adopted by the Council - Approved. ouncil..Approved_ 193....... PUBLISHED IL, y- J� MINNESOTA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMITTEE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA Affiliated with The National Safety Council C. H. ZEALAND, A. V. ROHWEDER, Director . Chairmen November 90 1936 To the City Clerk, City of St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs As you of course know, an earnest and intensified effort is being made to remedy the situation of injury and death from motor vehicle accidents throughout the entire country. Minnesota is endeavoring to do its full part. In that direction, public safety ocmmittsee have been organized in 84 of the 87 counties of the state, and in 33 of the larger cities and towns. In the confidence that the members of your City Council are fully desirous of doing all possible to help correct the traffic accident situation, there is enclosed with this letter a resolution along the lines of ones adopted by the Councils of some other cities. If the Honorable Council of your city may be disposed to take similar action, you will find this resolution one suit- able to assure the interest and cooperation of the Council and to afford good measure of encouragement to the public safety committee of your city. Yours very truly, MINNES A PUBLIC SAFETY C(MITTEE C. LD, Director CHZsGW Copy t02 Mr. Carleton P. Schaub, Chairman, St. Paul Public Safety Committee MINNESOTA PUBLIC SAFETY ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chairman, A. V. ROHWEDER, Superintendent of Safety and Welfare, D. M. U N. Ry., Duluth. HJALI1AR PETERSEN, Governor of Illinnesota. G. W. LAWSON, Secretary, Minnesota State Federation of Labor, St. Paul. W. F. ROSENWALD, Chief Maint. Engr., State Highway Department, St. Paul. T. A. HORROCKS, Former Chairman Truck J But Section, National Safety Council, Ilinneapolis. EDGAR F. ZELLE, President, Jefferson Transportation Co., Minneapolis. C. V. WELLS, District Manager, G. M. Fleet Sales Corporation, Minneapolis. IRVING TODD, Manager, Hastings Tele- phone Co., Hastings. A. C. GOD\VARD, Engineer-A.uocidie, Wirt Wilson U Co., Minneapolis. MIKE HOLM, Secretary of Stale, St. Paul. L. P. Z,IMMERMAN, Administrator, State Relief Agency, St. Paul. JOHN P. ARNOLDY, Chief Patrol Officer, Allen nota Highway Patrol, St. Paul. FRANK WHITE, President, Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation, St. Paul. GIL. W. CARMICHAEL, Director, Drivers License Division, St. Paul. DR, C. H. MAYO, President, Minnesota Public Health Assn., Rocheste, A. J. ROCKNE, State Senator, 19th District, Zumbrota. L. D. PARLIN, Director of Publicity, State Department of Highways, St. Paul. STAFFORD KING, State Auditor, St. Paul. AMBROSE FULLER, Attorney, League of Alinueaola Municipalities, MiuncapolL. R. F. PACK, Vice President, Northern States Power Co., St. Paul. CHAS. E. ADAMS, State Senator, 57th Dir trict, Duluth. W, P. KENNEY, President, Great Northern Railway, St. Paul. MRS. EFFIE LATHERS, President, Minne- sota Congress of Parents and Teachers, Duluth. MRS. THOMAS MORN, President, Minne- sota Federation of Women's Clubs, Red IVing. R, J, DUNLAP, Managing Editor, Dispatch - Pioneer Press, St. Paul. C. E. CARLSON, President, D. M. U N. Railway, Duluth. N, W. ELSBERG, State Highway Commil- sioner, St. Paul. HARRY II. PETERSON, Attorney General, St. Pan/. L. G. FOLEY, Chairman, State Board of Control, St. Paul. JUDGE WILLIAM C. LARSON, Traffic Court, Alinneapolis. JOHN G. ROCKWELL, State Commissioner of Education, St. Paul. F. M. METCALFE, Supt. of Safety, N. P. Railway Co., St. Paul. T. C. FIELD, President, Rogers U Field, Inc., St. Paul. LT. JOHN ENGLERT, Traffic Director, Police Department, Duluth. R. J. MOORE, State Safety Consultant, IPPA, St. Paul. F. W. MATSON, President, Minnesota Safety Council, St. Paul. GERALD T. MULLIN, State Senator, 35th District, Minneapolis. MRS. C. F. MOORE, JR.,President, Amer- ican Legion Auxiliary, Minneapolis. D. J. STROUSE, Vice President, Twain City Rapid Transit Co., Minneapolis. F. T. STARKEY, Chairman, Slate Industrial commission, St. Paul. W. J. KAY, Gratral Manager, Northland - Greyhound Lines, Minneapolis. M. L. HIBBARD, President, Minnesota Power U Light Co., Duluth. T. J. CONWAY, Minneapolis Gas Light Company, Minneapolis. L. D. COFFMAN, President, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. JUDGE ROYAL G. BOUSCHOR, Municipal Court, Duluth. CHARLES WARD, President, Brown U Bigelow, St. Paul E. A. MEYERDING, M. D., Exec. Secy., Alinnesota Public health Assn., St. Paul. A. V. WILLIAMS, Secretary, Minnesota Employers' Association, St. Paul. W. H. BROWN, Director of Safety, Northern State's Power Co., ,Minneapolis. C. P. SCHAUB, President, St. Paul Safety Council, St. Paul. S. A. STOCKWELL, State Reprrseutntivr, 32nd District, Minneapolis. T. E. GOOD, General Manager, St. Paul Union Stock Yards, South St. Pont. OTTO NEUMAN, President, Minnesota Board of Realtors, Wheaton. BURT BRANT, Ins. J Claims Department, North -11 States Power Co., St. Paul. F. L. MADDEN, Care Louis F. Doc. Com- pany, St. Paul. M. R. BASS, Assistant Director, Dunwoody Institute, Alinneapolis. W. J. BANNITZ, Manager, Hardware Mut. Casualty Insurance Co., Miuncapolis. DR. A. J. CHESLEY, Executive Officer, 11in- neseta Department of Health, St. Paul. GEO. H. CROSBY, President, Minnesota Arrowhead Assn., Duluth. DAVID ARUNDEL, State Liquor Commis- sioner, St. Paul. GEORGE HERROLD, City PI—sing En- gineer, St. Paul. PERRL' R. MOORE, 11inucsola State Bar dssociation, Alinneapolis. FRED PFAENDER, Secretary, 3lianesota State Fire Dept. dna, New Ulm. F. C. MARVIN, President, lfinne.rnta Tele- phone Association, Zumbrala. GEO. K. BELDEN, President, Automobile Club of Minneapolis, Minneapolis. CARLOS BRIOSCHI, 908 University Avenue, St. Paul. M. B. ELSON, Supervisor of Safely, Ind. School District, Gilbert. A. A. D. RAHN, Chairman, Mayor's Safety Committee of Minneapolis. HARRY N. WETTERGREN, Supt. Traffic Division, Bureau of Police, St. Paul, JULIUS A. SCHMAHL, Stair Treasurer, St. Paul. J. C. BRYANT, Chairman, Exec; Comm St: Paul Safety Council, St. Paul. FRANK R. NEIBEL, Bay Scouts of .amcrica, Wilder Building, St. Paul. P. C. BRADLEY, General Chairman, B. of R. T., St. Paul. HOMER B. THOMAS, General Manager, St. Paul Into Club, St. Paul. NATHAN HARRIS, Eagr., Bat of Est U Tax, Minneapolis. MELVIN PASSOLT, Director, State Crim- inal Apprehension Bureau, St. Paul. WM. A. GERBER, Secretary, International Sheriffs' U Peace Uffscers' Asia., St. Paul. DAVID C. BRODERICK, President, Minne- sota State Police Assn., Minneapolis. S. K. DUFF, Director, Duluth Safety Council, Duluth. J. R. SWEITZER, Secretary, J. S. Swvitxtr U Son, St. Paul. G. C. AXELROD, President, St. Paul ,Into - mobile Club, St Paul. DR. B. W. KELLY, Re,erce Officer, U. S. Medical Corps, Aitkin. C. T. WANGENSTEEN, State Representa- tive, 60th District, Chisholm. DR. W. W. WILL, President, Minnesota State Medical Association, Bertha. G: H. BARFLISS, Commissioner of Public Safety, St. Paul. C. M. WINTER, Superinteadct of Safety, Soo Line, .Minneapolis. OTTO P. KOENTOPP, Employers flat. Lia. Ins. Co., St. Paul. OLI1F GANDRUD, Pea idem, lfinnaole, State Baukn ' .!,,a., Benson. 11. L. TYSON, Plant Supt., N. IP. Bell Tele- phone Co., Alinneapolis. S. VALENTINE SAXBY, Fare. Secretary, Alian-1..irrow6ad Assn., Duluth. ALEX. F'RASHR, Chairman, Safety U Emer- gracy Comm .lmeriraa Legions, St. Paul. L. J. MICKA. Chairman, Hibbing Public Snfoty Committer, Hibbing. J. J. PRENTICE, .Supt., C., St. P., 1f. U 0. Railway, St. James. F. C. BERRY, Director of Safety, Auto Club of Minneapolis, Minneapolis. FRANK P. FORESTAL, Superintend -1 of Police, dlianrapolis. LEN. L. CULBERTSON, Commissioner of Public Safety, Duluth. HUGH M. CRAIG, Senrtary, Minnesota State .lutamobilt ,ds i., .Minneapolis, J. C. YOCUM..I„t. to Vice President, C., St. P., .11. U 0. Ry. Co., St. Paul. 0. F. JOHNSON, Supt. of Safety, M. U St. L. Ry. Co., Minneapolis. OSCAR B. BAKKEN, Captain Traffic Divi- sion of Minneapolis Police Department. E. L. OGILVIE, Minnesota Law and Order League, St. Paul. ROBERT E. SCOTT, Superintendent, Hen- nepin County Schools, Minneapolis. PAUL S. AMIDON, Supt. of Schools, St. Paul. ST. PAUL PUBLIC SAFETY COIWITTEE Yr. Carleton P. Schaub Chairman St. Paul Mr. Yet. M-- field First Vice Chairman St. Paul ]Liss Alice O'Brien Second Vice Chairman St. Paul Mr. Homer B. Thomas Secretary St. Paul C. P. SCHAUB WM. MANSFIELD MISS ALICE O'BRIEN J. C. BRYANT President tsl Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. Chairman, Ex. Committee � �ay�et� �a�c�cciC a��aivct �aal ar2�C �/� H. B. THOMAS Secretary -Treasurer (titGANIZATIONS American Legion Amerl"I I -S" Auxllbrry Arnerlcnn Iced 1'rusa Ashlar Club ISoy Scum:, � I Alo-i"a UualneWc and �e.A etioiution Uuaines so'. I.—O. conal Alen•e Assucintlon Dispel,,tlye Club Dispel, W. 1':on cer ldsa N. \\'.ors, tic Accident Ct—'If nue) cummua•.e ur zr. Cooperutivo Club sm Coopolitan Club I:nglnccra SoOely Exchange clan 4[h UIsIf t F.derutiun of \1'ontmts Club, l:avel Club (fill SC011taof All—wo. yro club Fiuzel Turk C ummm'clal Club later aslmwl lnatitutu KClub Knight, h, to or the ]found Turtle Llone klub Midway' flub ll nnesotu con l'erence of Churches nunnesot,. Law and order Longue Municipul Clinic North Central Cum mercial Club North St. caul Sorely cornmlttce Optimist club 1- re to -'re lol,,s Iiamxey county '1-1I Club Itiv ery low (%nv rufal Club Itotary Club Sl. rani A,sn. of Convnercc St. tool Assn. or Umcemen St. 1'auI chapter nod Crown St. 1`aul Houecwivea League St. Pull] liurnnne Society St. Paul Society of Uptomc•-trista Trane purtntlon Club veterans of hm'elgn Warn West Ind Cnmmcrcial Club Whlto hear Safety Committee women'. city Club Y's Men's Club Zonta Club COorl]IIATINO UNITS Mayor of St. Paul Dept. of Education Dept. of D'inance Dept. or Public \1"orli. Dep[. or I'.bue Utilities Dept. or rnrh, n1`Iny6nds Drpt. nd rnu l I'ubllr Sn L4v St. Paul 1`binnIn. llnnrd Ahullmrt cipal ( a Ifs vl'miy('nrnm•r Rams,)' my Nbe rll'I' ]tam s, y l'ounty 1•:nglncer ,,orrnty cumr»i„lun— A DIVISION OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SAINT PAUL 85 EAST KELLOGG BLVD. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA November 14, 1936. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, City of Saint Paul, City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; cattkatj • Telephone CE 2000 Mr. C. H. Zealand, Director of the Minnesota Public Safety Committee, has forwarded to me copy of his communication of November 9th to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, also enclosing copy of the resolution requesting recognition by the honorable Council,of the Safety Council of Saint Paul and Ramsey County. For the information of the City Council, may I state that the Safety Council of Saint Paul and Ramsey County is comprised of representatives of all of the civic organiza- tions enumerated on the left hand side of this letterhead, as well as representatives of the listed cooperating unite, and that the governing body of the Safety Council is comprised of representatives of all of these member organizations and unite. During the past two and one half years this organization has cooperated to the fullest extent with the Minnesota Public Safety Committee. During this period the Safety Council has been most gratified with the very exceptional cooperation which has been accorded by all of the City and County officials and department heads, and our Council has endeavored at all times to extend our hearty cooperation to all of our City departments. It is my belief that the passage of the resolution previously mentioned, by the City Council will serve to further and if possible increase the cooperative efforts of our City and County department heads and the Safety Council. I am sure the members of the Safety Council of Saint Paul std Ramsey County will appreciate hearing from you on the action taken by the Council C. P. SCHAUB WM. MANSFIELD MISS ALICE O'BRIEN J. C. BRYANT President IIIb::[NIZATIONS len 1st Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. Chairman, Ex. Committee • ��ed-ca Amerlcnn ]t.'.1 t'rox„ �aivit �attvLt ttKc l a acyl a`c��/�a�c�e • len',\ ry As„,cordon cooper„u,'e Cluh A DIVISION OF ul„patch-l'ionecr fres, tN. tv. T,'a0k• Ace Idem ' Ct- ,ue25 C untmlttce "t' Lf, THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SAINT PAUL canperallve chin H. B. THOMAS Cue..,.1itan Club Telephone CE 4000 Secretary -Treasurer 85 EAST KELLOGG BLVD. C;avel flub SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 2— Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. IIIb::[NIZATIONS len November 140 1996, A111Q1.,ea„ ,,e Amerlcnn Lrgion Auxlllnry Amerlcnn ]t.'.1 t'rox„ Ashn,r Clul� Illy Scout, ul' "a Dualne`te'u 1 s—lation Dus i m•.„e a nd 1'.I't—bu-I len',\ ry As„,cordon cooper„u,'e Cluh of the City of Saint Paul. ul„patch-l'ionecr fres, tN. tv. T,'a0k• Ace Idem Ct- ,ue25 C untmlttce "t' Lf, canperallve chin Yours ncer� Cue..,.1itan Club linglneers club Y nge Chm 4thL)I ath Ulnttict Bed's Club or [rumen'„ cn,ba C;avel flub (:Irl ~cools ol.lmet'icu (lyra Club 11„xel Park C. P. SCHAUB# President SAFETY COUNCIL ce,mner,aa{ Clan n,a•.r �re„awns( Inarlwte of SAINT PAUL AND RAMSEY COUNTY. Klwanl„ Club Knights or [he hound Table Lion. Club Midway Club Mhmesotu Conrorence I, C --he. C Dunne.. to Law and order League P Munlclpul Cllnfc North Central mmrrc iul Clun Cot. S North Safety Cemmittec llptlmist Club 9 Parent.-T—en,. n Assn. Itulnney County 1-11 Club hive -b— l'ommerclal Club RotaryClub St. PauI Ae.„n. of Cammerc•; St. Patel A.sn. or 1)IHcemen Cress P.S. Should the Council not favorably upon this resolution, St. Paul Chapter Red St'Pa"rl1 •Ives 1 will you kindly note that our official designation is SAFETY COUNCIL eagnc SL.I'aaun,nm•snrlel,• of SAINT PAUL AND RAMSEY COUNTY, instead of St. Paul Public Safety Bt' l'.111 optot- f trl.ta Committee as designated in the resolution. Transpurb, till” Club Veterans or Foreign \r are Nest LgIt C'u'_ •ill klub wltlte 1;ear Surety Committee u women's City Club Y's Men's Club Zonis, Club Copy to; Hon. Mark H. Gehan, Mayor of Saint Paul. Cool-ERATING UNITS Mayoror St.l'aul Mr. Homer B. Thomas, Secretary of Safety Council. 11 of lid ucntlon Dept. of lelnn nce. Dept. of Public N'm'Ics 1),P of I'll bele Iltilllics Dep4, r �dal'IuyBrennd„ Itep[. ul' I'll elle Sa I'�•I }' St. 1'nul 1'b. nn In � Itnn rA \Iunirl l�al I ur1 I:nm„.•)". ,sty t'u rnn�'r {{umrey 1'n e"ly tih•rill' Itutn„�y C"unty I:nginerl ourJ or Cullnty I untnu„s lnnt,a C. P. SCHAUB WM. MANSFIELD MISS ALICE O'BRIEN J. C. BRYANT :lsident list Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. Chairman, Ex. Committee • �a et �a��cil a �aiv�t acyl a���/��av��e �a�vLt • A DIVISION OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SAINT PAUL H. B. THOMAS Telephone Secretary -Treasurer 85 EAST KELLOGG BLVD. CE 2000 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA November 14, 1988. MN:M Il1:it II It (:.\NIZATION� A raerlcnn I.nulon American Legl.n Aux111n rY Al., n ('roux A.h.hluClub HluOY S.out. cif .\merir8 l:uninc%Vun'N Aneuclutlon L'ueln mr, . A ,ll .—Orttion 1 C.upe,'ulive klub (N.C Trulac Acc idem unterene.) Commltte. of 2L Cooperutivt Club l:oamopolitaaClub Engineer. Socioty Exchunge Club 4th Dl.tr lot I•`edcrutlan Club. Gavel lub Girl Hcuutn of Am" ica Gyro club Iluzel Park (r—aviul Club Inlet 1'-ro fe..loanl In.[itute Ki—nl. flub Knight, of the lt.und '1•ablo Lion. Club Midway Club Dllnncaota Coarereace of Ch urche. ➢llnneao to .w..d l,rder Longue Ttanielpal Clinic North Central Co,amercinl Club North St. Paul Safety Committee opt l mint Club Parent.-Teac)er. A..a. Hum.ey County 4-H Club Riverview C1 m111 r11al Club Rotary Chub St. foul A..n. of commerce St. caul A.an. of Uf}Icemen St. ram Cnnnt.r nod cru.. St. Paul Haa,.rwivca Leuguc St. Paul Humane Socle ty St I'n or Ptumetrl.t. Trunaportatlou Club veteran. .f Ihrreign W., We.t Lnd Cummorciul Club Whit. hour Safety Committee Women'. City Club Y'B men'. Club Zonta Club COI)VERATINO LNITtS Jtayor of St. Pani Dept of Edo c anon Dept. of Pl nnn ce Dept. of Public Work. Dept. or 1`ublle Illll lila. Dept ul 1'n.l ud 1'Ia)'gro null. Dept. o'i' 1'u bllc tin I St. Peal 1'bvmina lb, Itnn nl nlunlcupxl "ant I;am am y Coroner Itam.ey r my Sheri fl' It—,aly County I:,uKbueer I hued war County, -+anmi..iva.rn Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson. City Clerk. City of saint pault City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear sirs Mr. C. H. Zealand, Director of the Minnesota Public safety Committee, has forwarded to mo copy of his oamumioation of November 9th to the Connell of the City of Saint Paul, else enclosing copy of the resolution requesting recognition by the honorable Council. of the safety COUnOil of Saint Pant and Ramsey Caunty. For the information of the City Canned, say I state that Us safety Council of saint Paul and Ramsey IOWA# to comprised of ropressataiives of all of the civic organisa- tions smmeratcd an the lett hand side of this letterhead, as wall as represesstatives of the listed cooperating units, and that the governing body of the safety Council is easprised of representatives of all of these member organisations and units. During the past two and one half years this organisation has cooperated to the fullest extent with the Minnesota Public Safety Committee. During this period the Safety Council has been most gratified with the very eseeptional ocopmratiws which has boss a000rded by all of the City Old County officials and deparbmmb heads, and our Council has endeavored at all time to extend our hearty cooperation to all of our City departsensts. It is my belief that the passage of the resolution previously mentioned, by the City Council will salve to further and it possible increase the cooperative efforts of our City and Casmty department heads and the safety Council. I am sure the members of the Safety Council of Saint Paulsnd Rammey County will appreciate hearing from you on the action taken by the Council C. P. SCHAUB WM. MANSFIELD MISS ALICE O'BRIEN- J. C. BRYANT President is(Vice Pres. 2nd Vice Pres. Chairman, Ex. Committee <Sa Yet arzaciC a eJaivtt ! J attd )�a A DIVISION OF THE AUTOMOBILE CLUB OF SAINT PAUL H. B. THOMAS Secretary -Treasurer 85 EAST KELLOGG BLVD. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA MEMBER Illi r. ANI%ATIONS Au,erlcall Loglon Amerism, Lrglon .\uxllln rY Amerlcan )tea ,'rose Ashinr Club Roy Scouts of Amer w.un,im,yv:, A--hltii,n llualot s and pf...lonnl \len', A1.1—Indere Cooperutive Club 1Jf N. W. Truth, A 1' I .1 (N. \\'.-lu Accident l;t., ¢fence) Cwnmlttee of 26 l'oopm'utive Club C.—Politnn Club E,gineern Society ": hangs Club 4th Iulti let laederatlon or \\'omen', Clubs C:avel klub Un I Spouts of Auu•r leu Gyro Club llo-1 l'u're t'ulntm•r clul Club Inter I'e.de„lona) I—titutc Knight, or the l toured 1'ublu. Lions Club Midway Club Minne,otn Conference or C-0— Minnesota h Minnesota Law and -'der League Munlclpal Clinic North Central Conuncrciul Club North St. Paul Safety Cuntmlttee Optimist Club Parents-•rendre rs ll. ltnmseY County 4-I411 Club Rlvm'v low Cmm�t,•rdlul Club Rotary Club St. Paul Assn. of Commerce St. Paul A—n. of l101cemen St. raw Chapter Ited Cross St. Paul Pl--Avivea Longue St. Paul {lumnne Society St. Poul Society of Uptometri.Ls Tran.poftntlon klub Veterans or lure lgn W- -We,, Cod Commcrcinl Club Whito {icor Safety Committee 11-.18 City Club Y'e Me n'e Club ionto Club COOPERATING UNITS -Mayor of St. Paul Dept. of Education Dept. of 1, Inauce Dept. of 1`ublic \\'or k, Depl. of Public Utilitles rept. of 1'nrkn l I'Inygrnum is Wept. �mlPubllc Snl'aty St. Pani PlonulnF; P 'd I.luniclpal , ort. Rom yf'ou my ern oar Itamso)• 1'mn,ly Sheriff lta mscy County I:ngl neer I:eurd of County l'ommis„,nor, Y. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson. City Clerk. Nevu b w 14, 1886. of the City of saint Paul. C. Telephone CE 2000 Yours sullea sly., IT 9-^A f� C. P. BCHIM, President BAFLTY COUNCIL of BALM? PAUL AND RAXIM COWL P.S. should the Conned not farerably fern thie rsselutAsn, sill yen kindly note Abet our offiaial designation As SAFNrY COMIL of SAINT PAUL AND BAUM COUM, inotead of St. Paul Pablio Safety Committee as designated in the rsseluUsa. Copy tot Non. Mark N. Bohn, Mayor of Saint Paul. Mr. Manor B. Thass, Boors -Ary of Safety Council. • November lith, 1936. W,. Trnl C. A•J'iCOn, Sl:'.,,"intenuent of Schools, city of St. Paul. Dear Sir: kttachon i a a co?y of . rean7:ation aco,te,i Ly the City Cnuneil toe:.} re ^-sting various city off :vials to ca -opera" rit'^. tr.e S: frty Cgc.nr.il of Wit. and 11'1"sey County. V r. C"rleton P. Schaub is Chair --an of the Safety Council. Yours vary truly, City Clork. wemb"r 17th, 1?3o• 1 r. Oao• V. Shepard, C':iaf ant;inser, City of Wit. rain. Dear Sirt Attached is a copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council today repestinp., varirn•s city officinly to co-o,)erate v+lth thF Srnf-Ay Cavncil of St. Yaul and Ramses: County. 1'r. C rleton Sch<vtb is Chairren of the safety Council. Yours very truly, City Clerk. November 17th, 1936. Mr. Clinton Hackert, Chief of rolice, St,. Pan -L, Minnesota. Dear Sirt e Attncheo is n cow ofA resolvt-ion by the City Ccnzr adented icil toorjy rnmestin, vara -119 city nfftcif.ln to on-oppratP with the Snfnty Cow;cil n£ St. Pant and Ramsey County. M, C•:.riete)n T'• Srhrvjh is Chair -inn of the S^f ety Council. Yours vprr truly, City Clerk. Hovem''Fr 17th; ',J30 - Mr. John I,. Connolly, Crr* roti— Conrsel, aeildir.,!• Dear Sirt Attached is a copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council`rr, tr=tine v,ri-is city officiII3 to conrerate -_ith t'r f-tyJCrn,nc17 rfj7r.�'al 2!r. :.rletcn cherub is .nn,, Rnv2ey rynty. o` t} S!'fet'yC^"lncil. Yo•zrs very trill, city Clerk. November 17th, ?.936. Hon. John S. Findlan, Comer of ::Ruontion, &uildin". Dear Sirs Pursuant to the provisions Cof the t- taehed resolution which waa sl,nnted by the City rve M,vor Cehan wpoointed You PB tnnptwlday a ndaR MseyuncileC unty- as menbers. of the Safot„ Mr. Carleton D. Schaub is chairWIn Of the Sdtety Council. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Novrmber l7th, H^n. G. 1. larfuss, Cnma'r of ?'u",111c Safety, City of St. Paul. Deur Sirt ?urEu�nt to t,,., -rovisions of the at- tached resoIntion which v,e ad -'tee by the City Cn,rr^,11 to�ay Mx-rr Ge`.an anrointeC ynv In,,, Commisaiiner Findlrn to serve as members of VAP Safety Co nCII of 't. I'aul and 8ama,'y County. the Safety Conrail. Mr. Carleton ^. Schaub is chairman of Yours very truly, City Clerk. November 17th, 1936. Mr. Carleton P. Schaub, Chairmen, Safety Council,of St. Paul and Ramsey County, 81+07- let National BAnk Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir, Tho City Co+moil today adopted e resolution, cony �f which is enclosed, reegpniainr and oommendtnr the work f the S.n.fety Council of St' ?enl FnA Ramsey OountY. Pursuant to a provision contained in the resolution, Mayor Oehan appointed Commissioners 0. R. Barfuss and John S. Findlan to serve as members of the Safety Council. Yonre very truly, City Clerk. 1 November 17th, 1936• Minnesota public Safety Committee, 0'.d Y -doral Building, S�. P:,ul, Virnnesota. Qentlement The City Corm cil today adopted a resolution, copy of which is enclosed, recoemiaine. and comnondinp., the wort of the So.fet;!Co+uicil of St. Paul and Rnngey Co,nnty. Tlgrsuant to a .,rovision contained in the resolution, Mayor Gehan appointed Commissioners G. H. B arfuss and John S. FindInn to serve as members of the Safety Council. Yours very truly, City Clerk. November 17th, 1.30. Wr. Homes B. 'Thomas, Secretary, St. Paul R,blic Safety Committee, 16666 Iglehart Avenue, St Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirt The City Council today adopted a resolution, copy of rhich is enclosed, recognising and commending the work of the Safety Council of St. Paul and Ramsey County. Pursuant to a provision contained in the resolution, Mayor Behan appointed Commissioners 6, H. Barfuss and John S. Bindlan to serve as members of the Safety Council. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 0,isin.1mCncwk 23 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO......_._...... 1057 ....__ _... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r $, sham ............DATE..... .............. COMMISSI LINER_.............I.RY.gr..y.............. �!....................... _. .. ..... ........... UZZOMM MOUIEAS there has developed throughout the entire country a situation of seriousness in the enormous number of deaths and injuries caused by motor vehicles, efforts for the correction oacchl end the put forth under the leadership of the Ratimal Safety Council' Minnesota Public Safety Committee with the cooperation of n=Wron,f organisations and agencies, and WHEREAS the Council of the City of St. Paul recognises that objective as of high potential value and importance to the people of the said city and community; 133 IT RESOLVED that the work of the Safety Council of St' Paul and Ramsey County be and hereby is given official recognition and commend- ation, and the member* of the said committee declared appointed with *auction and approval of this Council to serve without cost or encumbrance to the City, unless otherwise specifically arranged and provided; and BE IT RESOLVED that at least two members of the Council shall be designated to serve as members of the said Safety Council of St. Paul and Ramsey County, and that the Attorney, Chief of Police, Engineer, Superintendent of Schools, and other executives and agencies of the City be and hereby are requested to accord all possible cooperation and assistance to it; and BE IT FARTHER RESOLVED that any offices, meeting places or other quarters under the jurisdiction, of this Council may, upon due request and compatible with other uses, be made available for the holding of meetings or other work of the Safety Council of St. Paul and Ramsey County; and that a copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the Chairman and Secretary of the said committee, and to the Minnesota Public Safety Committee at the Old Federal Building, St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council _ _ Nov. 17, 1936 Yeas Nays Beefess Findlan 5 In favorrovepp d Nov.,_17P - 1936 . A _._......._. - Pearce Peterson M. H. Gebam 0 Against - - Taux Mayor Weeeei Mr President (Gehan) 37.5 636 45724 <, atar th . "" cams m:va Council File No --------- ------------------------- ar ra,t Vii[ By.......... '.-------- ----------------------------- .�siwaH 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the grade of East and West alley in Block 2, Sunnyside Addition, and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition from the North and South Alley to a point 290 feet west of the North and South Alley, to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, alsggtsdbM,the alleys in Block 20 Sunnyside Addition and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to Berkeley Avenue and from the North and South Alley to Albert Avenue to the proposed red line when established, 100972 101141 . Final Order._101299 -- r under Preliminary Order--.—...._.-....-.__.-.., Intermediary Order.....-___.....-_. August 20, -19 35. approvetL___._—__--••--------..--. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment having been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FUI�HER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable 3n- .......... a1 -....:..equal installments. Adopted by the_._19......... 0aJv 0 _....._-_..__, City Clerk. Approved........ ----------- -._---------------------- 19 1 .......--••-----•-........ 0- -,mayor. Form B. B. IS PUBLISLiET3'1C=� —3 ------------------------ _------------------------------------ ------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMSSIONER OF FINANCE, r. Report of Completion of Assessment Oat9ber.._21.........-_._, m96. In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for lba changing the grade of East and West Alley in Block 2, Sunnyside Addition, and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition from the North and South Alley to a point 290 feet west of the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also grading the alleys in Block 2, Sunnyside Addition and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to Berkeley Avenue and from the North and South Alley to Albert Avenue to the proposed red line when established, 100972 101141 —_ —, under Preliminary Order-_.._._._...._......__.__.___._..._._......__, Intermediary Order._..........._....___.__ Final order - ....... ._101299. .... ... -._........................... approved._...._Auguat- To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz Cost of construction $._.._..._____904.00 Cost of publishing notice Cost of postal cards . $....._.____._... 0.84 Inspection fees . $.,__..__.-.-_.._. 18.08_ Amount of court costs for confirmation 4.20 110'0 Construction Engineering Total expenditures . $......---_.1,041.32_• Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $_...._... ...............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as ma a considered Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 i ger • 15f��he aea0ae. 'let ( �% v r aa¢ 8xy�eaaea'.- w It,. / ;JF1J 5 rrpge•e alrvtt - ,v Aeepu�9 ta-H: 1 0 _Yr d84 pq ' " r Council File No--------------------------------••• aetf,4 �ni:M- .abir By .............. -............ - ..... ...........•- _. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for grading alley in Lane's Fairview Villas frame Fairview Avenue to East line of Wellesley Plaoe under Preliminary Order.. 103050-._-----., Intermediary Order....10j%03.-._...., Final Order....-� approved...—?�... Y._ 19,--••--___......_..1936---• A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment ha,Ang been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable i. ........... -- :1 -.--....equal installments. ..19 Adopted by the Council. ------ ---•---.�Y. ! ::-.� :=--• ..... _.. —._.., City Clerk. Approved........ ----------••----- -- ---------- 19. -.i�✓� v"...--...-----..._.. - - Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for tiara grading alley in Lane Is Fairview Villas from Fairview Avenue to East line of Wellesley Place, 1050 103403 _ under Preliminary Order....._.......30 ._............_..____....._..........._....._, Intermediary Order............_._...-.--------........-- - - Final order._........ .1.9.3 k0...---..._....._............... approved.............._MflY..l9�--...-.....-.__—._, 1996.._..... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Coat of construction • Cost of publishing notice . $— 2.40-- 0.48 Cost of postal cards . $._-- .....- 10.90 - Inspection fees $..._.....---- - i 2.40 Amount of court costs for confirmation....... 3�2-- Construction Engineering 664.90 Total expenditures $..._____. . __... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $......_._664.90 -........... ................_upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. l7 - Q r 1CI5726 reoor �' e6le v'}af�dmet o Council File No------------------------------ "' � a r5ar teRe , 86 aVII 3 v � l�avl�g CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for 11-1 grading Onega Street from Congress Street to Concord Street, 1� 102463I10L74L 102907 under Preliminary Order--._...-------••-- Intermediay Order----•---_----•---........ Final Order..----_..---.._ approved.-- Febrear1'- 251--_--------19-_36-. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable l m ............ ---�........ equal installments. tt� n.r� Adopted by the CounciL------------------ ----------------- ---- ---- -- — - 9 -.......... ........ ---------- City Clerk. Approved ---- - ..._._..-.--- ------------ 19 Mayor. rW—� ---------------� Form B. B. 18 PUBLISHi D& 105ZP6 ; CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses forXksx grading Onega Street from Congress Street to Concord Street, 102463Order--102742 under Preliminary Order.._...._.._...._..._.......................................__, Intermediary .._......__..__..._—.____ ........_......................_—, Final order -_------_102907 ........_._......_, approved ... ...... .... February 25 t__....._......---....._....., 19 6......_. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: $---542.00 Cost of construction . Cost of publishing notice . $---- _---- -1.Ob Cost of postal cards . $— Inspection fees . $_...".-.._10.84 - Amount of court costs for confirmation 1.06 Construotion Engineering 134.66 Total expenditures . $......_689.,.a81. ........... .._.. Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of $........._689_.81 _.......... ............. _......... upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. ---Com - Commlasioner of Finance. Form B. S. 17 ��,flt "sub` ssee 105727 - ,� abs e � • , i1iBrY"'p}�6r7108 Coimcil File No ------- --------------------------- By ----• -••-----------....By ............. --..... — ----- – --- ...--------------• CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Onega Street from Congress Street to Concord Street under Preliminary Order.. 103008 -- Intermediary order...... IQ3170.. Final Order .....10213B.Q__.. approved --__Apr i 1 21�-•--.._------...1936.... ' A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby o eyeto be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT TdHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in .............. .._._........ equal installments. NOV 18146 Adopted by the Conncih_._........-_--_.-.....-----__....___._:......_. .... _ ._. _...........j.. �S ±Y..,�Gity Clerk. Approved------------------- —•------------------------ 19 Z� -- Mayor. Form B. 8. IB UI:LiSHED FII S 111U1111 Y ------------- ----- ------- ------------ ---------------------- --------- - ------------ --------- • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CO=SSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment _....... ..... �.-....al, 19'� In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for Ibex curbing both sides of Onega Street from Congress Street to Concord Street 103008 ander Preliminary Order...................._._...___---.........__..___.. _., 10317b Intermediar Order ...................._...-.—_—...._—............- y Final order._........_.._............_aPProved 1 196........ To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of construction . Cost of publishing notice . _.— Cost of postal cards . 4.78 _ $ Inspection fees ......... .. Amount of court costs for confirmation $..._.— 1;05.., ............. 48.16 Construction Engineering Total expenditures . _2.q4-26 .................... Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aseer- 294.26 u on each and ever lot, art or parcel of land deemed tained, to -wit: the sum of $ . ......................._.-..._....._.............._. _ p y P benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such aetion thereon as may be considered proper. �_._:�._.... Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 - . oewnal m CUT Mork J y . 't:ITY OF ST. PAUL - iuU"a` NO28....... J 6?AOFFICE OF. THE CITY CLERK //// COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE8ENTEDNBY ..................... ...::.. .. ...... z3�9�6cIt>�@ WHEREAS, on Sept. 30, 1936, Permit No. 1476 was issued to Ora W. Bates, 273 S., Hemline Avenue, covering the installa— tion of two oil burners at No. 1319 Lincoln Avenue, for which a fee of 42.00 was charged, and WHEREAS, Permit No. 1046, for the same work, had already been issued, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said Ora W. °,,,.,Bates the sum of $2.00 heretofore paid f or Permit No. 1476. �r Adopted by the Council.. ....... 1"..18.1936.193 NOV 181938 Approved...._.........................................................193....... � Mayor COUNCILMEN /In Yeas favor rson raua Against ter/ President 3M 6J6/ (Gehan) Adopted by the Council.. ....... 1"..18.1936.193 NOV 181938 Approved...._.........................................................193....... � Mayor W. LA MON KAUFMAN ' y ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Parks CHAS. A. BASSFORD City hitect CITY OF SAINT PAUL .. Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner TTovember 16, 1936 Hon. John Connolly Department of Law Dear Sir: On September 30, Permit 1476 was issued to Ora W. Bates, 273 S. Hamlin Avenue to cover the installation of two oil burners at 1319 Lincoln Avenue, for which a fee of $2.00 was collected. This permit was issued in error as Permit 1046 was taken out for the same location. Therefore, may we ask your cooperation in preparing the necessary resolution which will authorize this refund to Wr.-Sates? Thank you. Yours truly, Commissioner u • FOR CONTRACTOR • CITY OF SAINT PAUL /� �� • nrvistoN of BlraDarG nIRPEcr3ox PERMIT -- 1476 • TOTAL FEE COLLECTED 00 193 Date • ' Structure Stractum • DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED Used As Permit No. VIOLATION RDI ANCE PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED • •Address Owner %,/ ° „(1 Address //�} �t Teas condition that said person• and • Contractor _ c 'bed er n �G °Zp -1•o carry o9ut theswork • ified iir this permit on th° following de• prop ty, upo • p n all respects to the ordinances of the City of $slat Paul, innesots. their agents, employm8 and workmen, a upon work done, shall y of t Thi, permit may be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the WARM oFnIR •aid ordinances BILLBOARDS I ELEVATORS • I SIGNS camela.um BUILDING TRICAL PLUMBING PLASTEAC HEATING" Pte. HOnt- YEHTt- H"er°"t'I NEW wvE HAIC ICONCRTEI STEEL D.LUMI- II.LQbII- y00F rl[CTINO ZONTAL OAL •nd Y•ee••l . OLD NATED NATED • , SIDE I BTWEEN WHAT grREETS NL'MIBEH ST1�AT • • eDDTTION OII TRACT IvwaD {.UT Hlncs I I INST .IDD I HANG • •$tory HQD.Dy • AHD 6 No. teem Story No. Item / OI'_N ICDNCEALEDI co"QIT CABLE WATER KiTCREN ✓✓W $CE • CLOSET BINE .1LTER I REPAIR llOVE INSTALLATION HAT. PANTRr • WATUe WA -S WATTS TFOL drr No. EACH HACK ,hyr (B�t.l -.NT OR IKOTA (FETI BIDE OH LENGTH}:l • QIlVVAL _- DYNAMOS 6 9 0 R'E1t BATH FIXTURES • SIGNSBylaw ler NUMBER OF BTO WARN BASIN LEADERS It£IG}I'r IFELTI TRwNSF011]It:{t • DA1NAtNG ttEFHIOE—TOR SLOP BL*1H 80IINTAIN • OIL BURNER _— H —_ GARAGE LoWET POWT 08 oeRRl'OvE rh Dnly 1'1{OJE(TION ETONDI FROM 91UN COOK STOVES _— — O RC iLu, NG OR PItOI'- • - •t�1�Hayla OHOL'ND IN FaRr O.iSr He•[ar L'o Gan __ EItTY LINE L\ FET t- (EATERS �-- W.n --- or t`UNyTHVCTED OF STOKER H•r &y, DMIN MOTORS FIXTURES _ _! �,tl.n.ov. _I FloarDnln • _ No. H. P. Each _Fi:tnr_ No. awa DEvu- GA. CONTENTS -T 0, VALUAM SIUE a �°ea �p0t OPEN•L'GS CUB OR SQUARE FEET OP WORK • -- BOR Pl I CEILING yUBl-NESS ADVE]2TISEU OR WORDLNG OF SIGN . CORDS _ • CASE IF TtllB 1'BI181IT IR 188UID) FOR ERECTING OR INSTALL- -- WU.•DOW 1NU A NEW SIGN. THE MAINTENANCE TIiEHEOF IB • II EIIEBY AUTIIORI'AED UNTIL DEG. 81. OF Tins YEAR. TOTAL • OUTLETS _ Lath �� APPlled on • LIGHTS MOTORS lY A 11t °n QI Esia�i to 193 O ES 1t° 193 • METERS _ Eµa4X71 Start Esppat to 193 SWITCHES .HELI E.ttn 193 Finish Tn. h Z Fam11Y FLATIRONS Yd•. No. Yd.. Roo s Flet• PLUG AEC. TOTAL Kmd PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS OF BUILDING CODE, ORDINANCE - - - _PL • No. 721 B. FINE OF FROM FIVE DOLLARS TO _ 't,.Ys FAM y Puyceoun SAND PUBLIC B Dwcs ONE OR FROM FIVE TO NINETY DAYS�RISONMENT PERMIT SSIONER WRITTEN EN ■ lY{t8 Pnat•dMTe. Btyndyrd lteNnr •rio°.HWa. D. B.A UNI 5 36 .�.liJ I �9 o.Wu&,M0., l k ur+ca No CITY OF ST. PAUL � e ine�a m. �• � xhe• r t�Ctc OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK'. C U SOLUTION --- GENERAL ei PRESENTED BERY - ......._ DATE: .. ................._......._ ......�..........._........ COMMISSION_..__._......... ..._._ . .... .._ -_.... ._..____.._.�_.._ RESOLVE, that the following bonds, effective November 1, 1936, which bonds have been approved by the Corporation Counsel, be andthe same are hereby approved, and 'the City Clerk is directed to deposit them in the office of the City Comptroller: Name Position Amount Surety Margaret Conley Manager, Central $1000.00 Great American Indemnity High School Cafeteria Company Jennie Fancher Manager, Harding neterla$1000.00 Great American Indemnity High ol Adelaide McNeely Manager Humboldt $1000.00 GreatAmerican Indemnity High School Cafeteria Company Nina R. Green Manager Johnson High School Cafeteria $1000.00 GreaCtt American Indemnity Catherine G.McDonough $1000.00 aa.ger,John Marshall MaGreat American Indemnity Junior High School Cmmpany Cafeteria Nettie B.Firebaugh $1000.00 Great American Indemrit y Manager, Mechanic! Company Arts High School Cafeteria Ruth Mae Griffin Manager, Monroe Jr. $1000.00 Great American ea Indemnity High School Cafeteria Florence Bari; Manager,Murray Jr. $1000.00 Great American Indemnity High School Cafeteria Company Laura Christian Manager anageo r9Rosevelteria$1000.00 Great American Indemnity High pany Anna Julia Springer $1000.00 Great American Indemnity Manager, Maris Sanford Company Jr. High School Cafeteria COUNCILMENKInfavor / Adopted by the Councit ....................................................193...... Yeas B� ss dlan ..193....... ....... _Approved.. Peearce /P reon n / Against Ttauz Mayor wI r President (Gehan) 3M 6 ]. ode—I% 6t, Qsk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ..... ......... _......... DATE.. COMMISSIONER__...._....__. """ Name Position Minnie Hills Hational ighh Setoolager cCafeteria Alma 0. Lundgren . Manager, Washington High School Cafeteria Marietta Hicks Manager'WilHigh SchoolCa feria COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Traua WerwL Mr President (Gehan) 3H. 6 X• COUNCIL No.10,5729 ILL[ Amount Surety $1000.00 Great ican IndemnityrCompany $1000.00 Indaemnity Ccan ompany $1000.00 treat American Indemnity Company NOV 18 1936 Adopted by the Council.. ..........................193...... 4 18 Approved........................................ ............... .....193.... od.wd.4ciq clack CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE C -CLERK OUNCIL RE30- -GE RAL FORM I.- No -1051730 COU PRESENV BY COMMISSIONER........ -_._r ........ _�_.... _. .,I DATE ............... .. .......T............... RESOLVED, that the application of the Oapitol Used Oar Exchange for transfer of its second hand automobile dealer'B license No. 230, from No. 337 W. Seventh Street, to No. 621 North Robert Street, be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are directed to make the necessary changes in the city's records. v, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ian In favor �Petgr§on e Against taus Xro President (Geban) 3M 6x6 nine 18 1936 Adopted by the Council... - .... - - ... ...._....193...... NOV 18 1935 Approved 19Y.- ...... .... 93. - Mayor ,r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Reg%trailon November 17th, 1936• Yr. John; L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Deer Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached request of the Capitol Used Car Exchange for transfer of their second hand auto dealers' license No. 230 from 337 *. 7th Street to 621 No. Hobert Street with the request that you draw a resolution granting this transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. aARP,RLD 2923 EXCLUSIVE USED CAR DEALERS SUhIMIT AND ROBERT ST. PAUL, MINN. November 5, 1936. To the Eonorable City Council of the City of St. Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are at this time making application to your honorable body for the purpose of transferring the Used Car Dealer's License No. 230 which expires on August 24, 1937, and which was issued to the Capitol Used Car Exchange. Our company desires to have this license trans— ferred from our former address at 337 W. 7th Street to our new address at 621 North Robert Street. remain, Trusting that this favor will be granted, we Yours very truly, CAPITOL USED CAR EXCHANGE l " JET : IW Always betbar values LIBERAL TRADES AND TERNS November 5th, 1936. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Oome'r of Finance, Building. Dear Sirt The Oouncil referred to you the matter of the application of the Oapitol Used Oar Exchange. for transfer of their Second Nand Auto Dealers License from 337 Pleat 7th Street to 621 No. Robert Street, for investi- 2ation and report as to the tax situation on premises at 621 No. Robert Street. Yours very truly, Oity Olerk. AXEL F. PETERSON .Canmi.!-er JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Comminimer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and As mwt E4neer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief dark CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -Ono-® November 10, 1936. File ERW L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to application of the Capitol Used Car Exchange for transfer of their second hand auto dealers license from 337 West Seventh Street to 621 North Robert Street, I wish to advise that Lot 4, Block 6, Central Park Addition owned by Elizabeth M. Kennedy, which is part of the tract involved in the application, is tax delinquent for the years 1933, 134 and 135 in amount of $210.70. Arrangements were made April, 1936 with W. D. McCall, the agent, for this property,to deposit monthly payments of $30.00 with the City Cashier until sufficient funds were accumulated to pay these delinquent taxe. Our records l6th show that to date we have received two payments, and October 24th totaling $60.00. Yours very truly�� CC AxelPeterson, ylJ�; Commissioner of Finance. t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissloner of Beglstration November 17th, 1936• Hon. Axel P. Peterson, Comer of Finance, Building. Dear Sirs We return herewith your letter of November 16th relative to the application of the Capitol Used Car Exchange for transfer. of their second hand auto dealers license from 337 N Seventh St. to 621 No. Robert Street. The Council directed that a resolution be drawn approving this transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -11111111101® November 16, 1936. File ERW L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner Regarding the application of the Capitol Used Car Exchange for transfer of their second hand auto dealers license from 337 West Seventh Street to 621 North Robert Street, the property covered by this application was reported tax delin- quent November 10th in error, due to arbitrary street number furnished by applicant, which indicated the location of said parking lot in Block 6, Central Park Addition. A recheck of this application shows that the location covered by same is the easterly 2 of Block 5, Central Park Addition, on which all taxes have been paid to date. Yours ver truly, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. November 17th, 1936. Ron. Axel B. Peterson, Comer of Finance, Building. Dear Sin We return herewith your letter of November 16th relative to the sp*lioation of the Capitol Used Car Exchange for transfer of their second hand auto dealers license from 333 N. Seventh St. to 621 No. Robert Street. The Council directed that a resolution be drawn approving this transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. COUNCIL- c>Mya l � ,tcl« MUC NO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE40LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BR.....FSIlat1 ................_11�..(/..\G 1..........................._...DATE........_.._. ................... .............. COMMISSIONS RESOLVED That the free use of Ramsey Hall in the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Veterans of Foreign Ware, on the evening of November 11, 1936, for a danoe; said Veterans of Foreign .Wars to pay only the cost of opening and operating Ramsey Hall on that ocoasion. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na �dD In favor 7rce 'son Against ruga r. President (Geban) 3M 63 C. No 86781—:BY Soha B-.Flnplan— Reeolve that ttie free ueeot RameeY gall `Q the Batnt:. Paul AuNCorium be. ad 1 le hereen by gipea to the Veterpne of Forelga Ware, on the L1nB ot:. ovember it 19E8 tWraxa LanDBY p1Y eterang of'orelBn 44 thof opening and operia e cdBL 1tnm– egall on that occgalon pdoDtep by We:Ctlunell Nov lA 1888.. DDpDved Nnv !:}8 1988. . (NovP El 1988), I - Adopted by the Council ............. NOV .._1.8-1935L93 NOV 18 136 Approved........ ............ .........__...._ .......... ..•... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER - P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ®® BUREAU OF PUBUC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON, S—nteodent MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, Ubreden BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU, Director EDWARD A. FURNI, Supedntadmt November 16, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear PLr. Connolly: Will you please,.have prepared for my presentation to the Council a resolution to provide at cost of open- ing and operating, the St. Paul Auditorium - Ramsey Hall - by the Veterans of Foreign Wars, for a dance on the evening of November 11, 1936. Very d -Otr-uly� �yyour s , - Commissionerof Education 7SF-H CITY OF ST. PAUL J1 J1- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1�"jpkl 1(6� Pq7"Ahqm"mm , oiR b#, L, R`ESOLL1 r7`Q WHEREAS, her /tfore "Off Sale" liquor lioense.No.',83:6 was issued to Leo J..Rauen at No. 612 Griggs Street, and:' WHEREAS, the said Leo J. Rauen has requested that said license be transferred to Morris Rutzick to conduct such -business at No. 411 Robert Street, and WHEREAS, the said Morris Rutzick has filed a bond in the sum of $3000.00 as required by City ordinance, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for such transfer be granted, therefore be it A-7-51? RESOLVED, that -,off Sale" liquor license No. ft& hereto- fore grante&,%to Leo J. Rauen, be and the same is hereby transferred to Morris ick at No. 411 Robert Street, subjeotto the approval of the State Liquoir Control Commissioner, and the bond of the said Morris Rutziek, in the sum of $3000.00, approved &B to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is - , directed to deposit such bond in the office of COntrcj Commissioner the City Comptroller and tonotify--the LiquorCity Council, and of the State of Minnesota 'Of' this action Of the k -t Ahe,proper city officers are hereby directed to make the necessary _;'��6Unges in the City records, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is author- ized and diiiOi�6d to notify the surety on the bond of the said Leo J. Rauen th*j- from any further liability arising is released 1 a a a 6 d after the dat! . 6 , '°,this transfer becomes effective. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n In favor ce e rson taut Against Mr President 3?1 636 (Gehan)V_1 Adopted by the Council NO.V 1936 193_ Approved...... .. . .... .. ........i. _ ....... ... 193_ Mayor 11UBLISHED44__a_1_S4 77 777,17 , . CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration November 17th, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attachedapplication for the transfer of off sale liquor li- cense No. 612 from Leo J. Barren at 612 No. Grigg Street to Morrie Rultsick at 1411 Robert Street, with the request that you draw resolution granting the transfer. Yours very truly, (/`')��� A I tl � City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota. November 16, 1936. TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Gentlemen: -- 41 I request your Honorable body to be permitted to sell and transfer the off -sale liquor license at No. 612 North Griggs Street, which has heretofore been issued to me, to Morris Rutzick of the City of St. Paul. Respectfully submitted, St. Paul, Minnesota. November 16, 1936. TO THE MAYOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAULi Gentlemen - I have agreed to buy fran Leo J. Rauen the ofP-sale liquor license heretofore issued to him at No. 612 North Griggs Street in the City of St. Paul, if he is permitted by you to transfer the same, and I hereby request you to approve the sale and transfer of said license fran the said Leo J. Rauen to me, and I further request if said sale and transfer meet with your approval to have said license transferred to No. 411 Robert Street in the City of St. Paul. Respectfully submitted, IM Pdo, IM CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE LIQUOR LICENSE _ 1lpplication No_.- (Thea form utuai he iM d out in addition to the:&yVHMtton form c sed acorn skatement required by the Liquor Control Commisdoner of the State of Mlnneaata) Name of Applicant MORRIS 'RUTZICS Age 52 Residence Address 276 Tennessee Street -_ Telephone No. 0819 Are you a citizen of the United States? Yee Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? No — When and where? --- --- -- --- If corporation, give date when incorporated---------------------- Name ncorporated--___—-------------- Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be Name of surety company which will write bond, if knownInland Bonding CgnPany of Indiana Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 411 Robert West 6th and 7th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? 1 miles How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? 2000 feet _ How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) ?___ 1 mile Name of closest school at MazT s Grade School How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? sa®ne5cial On what floor located?— Ground — If leased, give name of owner Mrs. Margaret Willis Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store?_!X_01usive Liguor Store — How long have you operated present business at present Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? -- (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated License Inspector. �� V APPLICANT. Form s—Far awtafl eq os.sde L "AA . APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF -SALE LICENSE State of Minnesota, License No. County of Rmn297 To City Council of BOAt Pau' County of A!m To David R. Arundel, Liquor Control Commissioner, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned NOMM RUTZICE — of the City County of Bey State of Minnesota, hereby makes application for Retailer's Off -sale License to be used at the fol- lowing address: 421 Robert Straat City of— County of Ramon in accordance with provisions of Laws of 1934, Chapter 46, for a period of one year from and after the--17th—day of loy mbar 1931. The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Dated this I Gt$ day of 193 Jam. By — PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of RBOlB09 YORR75 RO'1'ZIt3$ — being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read said application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own owl e 'A6 Subscribed and sworn to before me this IV �y �p Minn. 18th day of .'1<O bar _ 193-6. ay 8, Rs a i1 JtiLi y 1 CLAR$ �PL"AcaAAR l' a]C ra y 1 , STATE OF MINNESOTA, es. County of On thio day of , 193—, before me appeared to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the Of that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and thatsaidinstrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said,. acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. STATE OF MINNESOTA LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER OFF SALE STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED BY APPLICANT FOR OFF SALE LICENSE The OH Sale Statement Must Be Acknowledged by a Notary Public. Wboever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT" refers to an iiidividaal, all members of a partnership, and in case of a corporation, all officers, directors, and principal stockhold 1. Name of applicant 110am Rwam address $nUMNOW9U ftW6 KIM0610 age 2. State whether applicant is a citizen of the United Sides TAO . If naturalized, state data 8. If a corporation, date of incorporation_1 • state in which incorporated- amount ncorporat 'amount of authorized capitalization+ amount of paid in capital if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so stn*e— — give purpose of corporation name and address of all officers, directors, and principal stockholders If incorporated under laws of another state, is corporation authorised to do business in this Statex Number of certificate of authority Also include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have already been filed and no changes have been made, so stn Hobwtd. Addrese.of locatien for which license is being applied for A1118 ftul+ 6. Statename of owner of business premises am. ate% residence `- �a mise ftWe f1ffi42M - 0. Specify the date of deed. or lease for premises as the case may b � $ 7. Are the taxes on the above property delinquent.? 8. State whether applicant has been engaged in the sale or transportation of liquor prior to this application, give date and type of brains If application: is for a renewal, give date that you first began to uperal l 9. State whether applicant has ever hadan application for license rejected by any municipality, state authority, or P Federal authority, if so,give date and detail 10. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of. any violation of any law of the United States or the State of Minnesota or of any local ordinance with regard to the manufacture, We, distribution or possession for sale or distribution of intoxicating liquor, if so, give date and details go 11. Had the applicant ever had a license under.the Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordinance's; if so, give date and. de R4 12. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other the as stated in No. 10, in this $tats, or any other state or under the Federal Law, and if so give date and detail 18. Give name and address of any or all partnere, ellen or otherwise, who wlll have charge, management, or _� for»Netii�. control of the establishment for which license is requested—amas 14. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title, or interest in the leasehold, or in the fm'ni- tare, futures, or equipment in the premises for which license is requested, and if so, give name and detail, NO state whether applicant has any agreement or understanding or intention to have any agreement, or under- ; with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any othPerson, this or to obtain it for any other but the specific -a of the applicant; if so, give name and detail 18. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any otber liquor stablishment in the state of Minnesota or local municipality; if so, give name and address of------ishmen 17,. What 4o—potion have You followed for thn pont ten yearAT - —^ 18. Farnisb the name and �ddress of at least three and 19. state whether appPcznt iasated by any �g!mercial ageney,•and if, so, give -name and-detalk of rating E0. State whether, oor applicant emen �tend4 to sn ae brands of rchaicating liquor, and if so, give d of rnn cE or �'� �,g,,em�en�t with person whom d or ° be Dmeha'^�1 ; `. =1 anaws9aaw E1. State whether applicant is engaged in any other business or intends to engage in any business other than the retail 4 sale liquor establishment; If so, give type of business 10 name of employer 1iO 22. Doss applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer! 28. State whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the ke.= possession, or sesoppeerraa tion of, on the licensed Promisee, or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice or any gamblin6 device or i►Pparstue, or permit any gambling there— No a� 24. Give 'i n nbei of Federal Stamp Tax Receip* alar�va 26 Inc!nnection with the off sale license does applicant intend to sell non -intoxicating malt beverages for con_ somptioni of -sho premises'df the off sale establishment? _ rr. _ 28 Under wbst, d=x 17R ��riESCLUsin LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GEN- ERAL IfOOD STO s W7 If g' drug store, state length of time the'atore has been in operation ^ 27, If they os sale establishment will operate under a trade name, state name to be ^-ed 28 Stata,w4a applicant will be granted an on sale license in conjunction with the off sale license and >ior tie same premises 88. Ho)v do you intend to deliver or transport liquor Bold Hader this license? 80: state whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and rales and regulations to be made from time to time by the Commissioner, as well as the municipal ordinance• .. „ I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and answers and that the answers to said questions are true of my own knowledge. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of 19 �y ooAra�r3� sacp3a�ss� 3�! tiila4, 16. State whether applicant has any agreement or understanding or intention to have any agreement, or under- standing with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any other arson, this license, or to obtain it for any other but the specific use of the applicant; if so, give name and detail 16. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquoorp atablishment in the State C of Minnesota or local municipality; if so, glue name and address of eatablishmen 17. What occupation have you followed for the past to yeast 18,. Purniab the name and address of at least three be esu refer egcas . eluding e k ref erence, and 19. State whether, apD4�t is rated by any mercial agency, ane .ii ea. glue nate 4W-decaua- of xsting 0. State whether .o; riot applicant intends Ito iltandle certain exclusive brands o! intoxicating liquor, and if so, give d of contract or arrange m t with -person whom f_n_ _ or be pmcha•ed °OVA IM RW VWWW , 21 State whether applicant is engaged in any other business or intends to engage in any business other than the retail off sale liquor establishment; if so, give type of b"sea so name of employer 22, Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer! 23. State whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping possession, or opera tion of on the licensed premises, or in any room adjoiningng the licensed yremises, any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or bppaiaths, or permit any gambling therel*, 23. Gtve umabei of Federal Stamp Tax Receipt 26 In connection with the off sale license does applicant intend to Bell teal ting malt beverages for con- _,... smnPtiouraraThe premises of the o4 sale establihlonentt 20 Unger what &L=gLUSrvE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GEN - If a dtag store, state Iength of time theaters, has been in operation- 27. it the%o f sale establishment will operate under a trade name, state name to be'oeed_ 28, State wbeiber pt'7i" wlll oe grancea an on sa,e uce ae a U _-7;--_ ,y__ --- same premises 29, How do yen land to deliver or transport liquor sold under this licenset S0. State whether applicant will comply strictly with an the laws governing the sale of liquor, and the rules and regulations to. be made 4om time to time by the Commissioner, ss wall BE the municipal ordtnancea— I herebsta of my own Ulwte that I have read the foregoing questions and answers and that the answers to said questions are true ledge. . -Sabsermed and sworn to before me du - - day of : Its egl�eia#'Z6� Wi IC15'733 a..i,6aaak� NO ......................................... _ fy CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C/Jj�ry eercvrurFD COUNCIL=1GdtR`..A,CLw.F... ORM 4 DATE-- ..... ....... ftygOgm 11-193-6 ___---- RESOLVED That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15445, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15446, and Restaurant. application 15447,applied for by Arthur T. Gibbons, at130 Case St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved, by Council, Nov. 12, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays tan J.._ In favor Against rauz Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council _.......R{3.v....1--g.._1W'193...... Approved................. ....... 193....... ,/... ....... �.- Mayor n COUNCILMEN Yeas Na 1. Z11n In favor Against 7. 7 3M 6" =,.d., (Gehan) NOV 18 1936 Adopted by the Council..... Approved. .. ....... ... ............... .............. �M-Y- PUBLISHEDL_ .,;. -- , e; 105734 od&�d W CUT cl-k CITY OF .ST. PAUL teaf NO ....................... . .............. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF` !'Jsgec"' iio 7nt the AR, COUNCIL CIL R OLAMUON --- G E N E R AU�-% ikz? , 1;�, PRESENTS •_-AT. .1Q.T.0abbr 1S*936 ......... . 7_ _S om Issla .... . ... . . C ,i RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue be and the same are each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast George Giesner 126 W. Central Tavern a- DauceRall. APP -15295 Renew a 15296 0 a 9 Natio■nal Tea Co. 399 Wabasha, St. Grocery Butcher■ 0 N 15437 ■ 15439 'National Tea Co. 252 S. C2L*v6l ani Grocery 14 1 5;g ■ a a 5 1 Butcher S. S. Kresge CO. 57 E. 7th St- Pet Shop 15443 John Porte 362 S. Snelling Grocery 15444 Pred Peglow 234 S. Hemline Grocery 449 15■ D. L. Cloutier 393 ]1. Dale St. Gas Station 15463 ■ n COUNCILMEN Yeas Na 1. Z11n In favor Against 7. 7 3M 6" =,.d., (Gehan) NOV 18 1936 Adopted by the Council..... Approved. .. ....... ... ............... .............. �M-Y- PUBLISHEDL_ .,;. -- , e; 105735 CITY OF ST. PAUL . �. NO. ........................... __........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CQUNCIL RES U ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED .... .18,.._19.36 ___._._..__. COMMISSION RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at 'the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast Dunlap Corp. e " COUNCILMEN Yeas dlan LIn r rson . Against U /taus ,1A, dmt fGehan) 7M 6 ash 494 N. Dunlap Grocery `pp•15505 New " ■ off sea evalt " 15506 " NOV 18193F93...... Adopted by the Council ............................ Approved (`�Z�� /" ........ ...... Y ........._. oa tml w Cin ta.t CITY OF ST. PAUL 01 _/ OFFICE OF THE CITY 'CLERK C�fJ CU/OSJ,NCIL R ONNERAL FORM DATE........... R,OYeAb eT._;kg,..._1936A............. . NO............ RESOLVED* That On Sale Liquor license No. 523, expiring January 31. 1937. Restaurant license No-' 7659. expiring March 15, 1937, OnSale Malt Beverage license No. 3127, expiring April 7, 1937, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license No. 14119 expiring April 7, 1937, issued to George Gekae at 1460 St. Peter St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of possession of a gambling device. COUNCILMEN Y Na 7 a� In favor P ce ................ � rson ^ _........... )_,_. Against Arrau _ Mr President (Gehan) 3M 6 N0V jg pp Adopted by the Council............ ....................._��7�J.....193...... NOV 13 Approved..................................................... ..........193....... /,. - �.............. ....... Mayor 0.181-.196 ab cl k CITY OF ST. PAUL eouwe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Flu ��� NO . COUNCIL/yo/Cy��y/L{/j-GENERAL FORM �`` "-. RESEWED .; 9M MISSION R_.."_ s RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license No. 3142, expiring April 11, 1937. Restaurant license No. 7731, expiring April 4, 1937, and Off Sale Melt Beverage license No,'3987. expiring December 17, 1936. ""ad to Lawrence Perron at 1575 Grand Avenue be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of permitting the consumption of liquor on the premises, no license. COUNCILMEN r Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. Fe o, Infavor � APProved........................_...........93....... on Xtaua ^.' Against / Mayor /Mr 3M 6 President (Gehan) o.+dst w pa c RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL eoueca 1(5'738 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL f 16)kO .�_yGENERAL FORM That Restaurant license No. 8113,expiring July 13. 1937, On Sale Malt Beverage License Ho. 3531. expiring July 13, 1937. and Off Sale Malt Beverage license, No. 4759. expiring July 13, 1937. loomed to W. F. Fehrenbach at 221 E, 7th St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the -Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction Of possession of gambling device. COUNCILMEN Yeas �Fu�dn Nays In favor .Pesefson __. Y._.. tac: "Against 3M 636 Mr President (Gehan) I Adopted by the counciL.._N.�`f_1. .,_l ` ......193...... NOV5£ c 1', Approved..................................................................193....... �.... Mayor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL i COUNCIL I-C;5'73�_- COUNCILMtp L CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ----- SS�� VVV - S w .+� COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA�IIAEeRIlGC AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS------HQQabox_1fi--------------193C qOSEN � Pat soa RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ITV TREASURY. �HEIILTIIIER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f-- _ COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE i CHECKS NUMBERED____ _ TO_ �1 `, °V PER CHECKS ON FILE II{/FICE �iJ��ITY INCLUSIVE. OM PTROLLERS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_____________1-- ----- ..�):t.---- f . __ _ _ cin -- ---' ---- COMPTROLLER a___.__ MAYOR BY_____. ___________ ____ a F x lotz§s- TOTAL DATE CHECK I 1[¢901 d that Ichecke be drew❑ n RETURNED V NUMBER the I[Y t e 9urY. to the ,BBreBete amo [ f 3886.00, Covering check, num- TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK tiered t of S to 30086. Inclu9lYe, ,9 Der CHECKS CHECKS checks On file to tM1e office of the cltY _ –' – comptroller. Adopteddb No, 18,01936 Nov. 18, 1938. RD Approve [Nov. 21, 1936)1503 2 • 30009 i 150 Y.J. Goldberg ! 7 f 30010 a Gopher Carriage Company I0 it 30011 !1 Gottfried's Grocery Company 5 IL 30012 J.r. Hartigan u 3001] 11 Y.O. Hastings l010 OM 11 30M i' B. Herskovits li 0 30015 '1 Hetileld-Parry, Ino. 30016 Ted Rill 130 30017 ;i to c. Hofer 30018 i. 0. Hopp i 6j 5 30019 ;1 r.w. Indan 610 11 30020 International Institute �I „ 30021 Jahn Cleaners & Tenor¢ i 30022 !'i Mrs., Axel Johnson 51 „ 30023 1{ Carl J. Johnson ! 6;0 30024 'j Johnson3s Cash Grocery 71,5 l'; 30025 11 L.R. Jordan CompaAy.Inc.100 1 8'0 i' 30026 Fred Jungj�johann 7, 5 'I 30027 1 willism During 30029 i, Yrs. H. L Kemps Kij 6i 0 30029 'ii Kemper Oherrolet Oompany,Ino.; �15 30030 ,. N.O.. rby 0 30031 1 C.M. Klass 7 30032 11 rrank'Kahout bis 30033 , J. Kris 30034 715 30035 j Charles bangewisoh 9I5 30036 I Lemenowsky Grocery 5I0 0037 ! J. Lewis 1 711 30039 11 J.J. Luby j 30039 ! Mrs. GeorgeLuokert 715 300,441 I; u ea;.OLwLLuundstad 510 it 30042 Ethel McCarthy 6, 5 30043 R.H. McCleary 30044 'I H. E. Mogen$ie 5I 0 1; 610 30045 ,, McQuillan Brothers 610 30046`T A.R. Mahre 30047 Malmon Motor company 915 30049 it Mrs. J. Marion 30049] Trustees Masonic Temple 30050 Thomas Medella 1351 li s.T. Met$ger 30053 Henry Miller 6 o 4 Minnesota Milk OOMPanY 6 0 I 30055 '' Mrs. John w. Mitchell 9 30056 Modem Motors, Ino. gj 0 30057 1 PLrad Molle[ p 30058 John J. Morgan T1 5 j0059 11 Motor Power Equipment Compere ( 5 30060 E.T. Murphy 220 30061 Murray Body Company 61 0 30062 '. Neighborhood Roues 6 CK 30063 J.w. Nelson 81 O 30064 Polete Norman 6 oc 30065 Robert A. North SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 53 65".v iM v10 � A1 "I ` r 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL i COUNCIL I-C;5'73�_- COUNCILMtp L CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ----- SS�� VVV - S w .+� COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA�IIAEeRIlGC AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS------HQQabox_1fi--------------193C qOSEN � Pat soa RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE ITV TREASURY. �HEIILTIIIER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f-- _ COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE i CHECKS NUMBERED____ _ TO_ �1 `, °V PER CHECKS ON FILE II{/FICE �iJ��ITY INCLUSIVE. OM PTROLLERS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_____________1-- ----- ..�):t.---- f . __ _ _ cin -- ---' ---- COMPTROLLER a___.__ MAYOR BY_____. ___________ ____ a F x lotz§s- TOTAL DATE CHECK I 1[¢901 d that Ichecke be drew❑ n RETURNED V NUMBER the I[Y t e 9urY. to the ,BBreBete amo [ f 3886.00, Covering check, num- TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK tiered t of S to 30086. Inclu9lYe, ,9 Der CHECKS CHECKS checks On file to tM1e office of the cltY _ –' – comptroller. Adopteddb No, 18,01936 Nov. 18, 1938. RD Approve [Nov. 21, 1936)1503 2 • 30009 i 150 Y.J. Goldberg ! 7 f 30010 a Gopher Carriage Company I0 it 30011 !1 Gottfried's Grocery Company 5 IL 30012 J.r. Hartigan u 3001] 11 Y.O. Hastings l010 OM 11 30M i' B. Herskovits li 0 30015 '1 Hetileld-Parry, Ino. 30016 Ted Rill 130 30017 ;i to c. Hofer 30018 i. 0. Hopp i 6j 5 30019 ;1 r.w. Indan 610 11 30020 International Institute �I „ 30021 Jahn Cleaners & Tenor¢ i 30022 !'i Mrs., Axel Johnson 51 „ 30023 1{ Carl J. Johnson ! 6;0 30024 'j Johnson3s Cash Grocery 71,5 l'; 30025 11 L.R. Jordan CompaAy.Inc.100 1 8'0 i' 30026 Fred Jungj�johann 7, 5 'I 30027 1 willism During 30029 i, Yrs. H. L Kemps Kij 6i 0 30029 'ii Kemper Oherrolet Oompany,Ino.; �15 30030 ,. N.O.. rby 0 30031 1 C.M. Klass 7 30032 11 rrank'Kahout bis 30033 , J. Kris 30034 715 30035 j Charles bangewisoh 9I5 30036 I Lemenowsky Grocery 5I0 0037 ! J. Lewis 1 711 30039 11 J.J. Luby j 30039 ! Mrs. GeorgeLuokert 715 300,441 I; u ea;.OLwLLuundstad 510 it 30042 Ethel McCarthy 6, 5 30043 R.H. McCleary 30044 'I H. E. Mogen$ie 5I 0 1; 610 30045 ,, McQuillan Brothers 610 30046`T A.R. Mahre 30047 Malmon Motor company 915 30049 it Mrs. J. Marion 30049] Trustees Masonic Temple 30050 Thomas Medella 1351 li s.T. Met$ger 30053 Henry Miller 6 o 4 Minnesota Milk OOMPanY 6 0 I 30055 '' Mrs. John w. Mitchell 9 30056 Modem Motors, Ino. gj 0 30057 1 PLrad Molle[ p 30058 John J. Morgan T1 5 j0059 11 Motor Power Equipment Compere ( 5 30060 E.T. Murphy 220 30061 Murray Body Company 61 0 30062 '. Neighborhood Roues 6 CK 30063 J.w. Nelson 81 O 30064 Polete Norman 6 oc 30065 Robert A. North SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 53 65".v iM v10 � DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO _-- CONROY S COUNCIL RESOLUTION ___. VGR AUDITED CLAIMS ------------ Hevsmbss'--�__________'9�6 PEARCE liar Qm,,GRA&S SCI: /, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR%Tp HE CI TREASURY. Y��tIO�E��E V TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ - COVERING MR. PRES. CHECKS NUMBERED__f3�--TO.---• INCLUSIVE. AS „. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICEITT�Ot�,PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE,,COUNCIL----------------------------- �%��i��^- - C. F. No. ]06710— CHECK Reaoly ed, that hecke be drawn on i the city treasury, to the a66reSa[e NUMBER unt o[ $.01,612.16, covering checks nma numbered 30121 to 30171, Incluelve, ae TOTAL DATE RETURNED V DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS TRANSFER CHECKS per checks on file In the oM_ of the t3' comptroller. _ Adopted by the Council Nev. 18,1936. _ _ _ _. -__ --_ — --_ Approved Nov. 18, 1936. (Nov. 21, 1936) 30121 R. Zabel Yr®. T. • 0 30122 Zaohman Brothere 5 301A.J. Zimmesmen rrauk Zoubek 3012µ�j i Rev. 3012511 Board of Public Welfare 15 6 00 9 . 30126,;, John &trick 4 0 30127 AJ- c0arthy 3012811 A,r.Peterson, C. of rin. 175000100 30129! Axel rs Peterson, 0. of rin., 2 0 2 5 30130) Illuminating M& 8001ety 30131 i; The Institute for Research I 1 .8 30132; Inter city Paper Company 3013311 Jameson Hevener Company M 9 Japan Tea Company 3013 !1 Pub. 8004 of Amerioa 5 301351 Jewish 30136; Jobnson Printing Company 30137; Junior Literary Guild 5 d l� 301381 gee Lox Mfg.compaay 9 301391 Heil A. gloe Kunio Company Company 301 11 -1Clliankerf�ies 3014111 H. $Tuner & Company 301421; J.A. graeger 23 9 20 40 8 3014 J Lampland Lumber Company ' 301�+�+ League of Hinn,Yunl0lpalitis Company lq 301µ5y Link Belt Al Supply 5 30146 ;i Al. J. Louis 0 30147i� Lyon A Healy, Inc. 3 4 30148; Carl Maronde 30149! Axel r Peterson, C. of rin, 7 So'', d 30150 ! Geo,J;fRies-, county Auditor 1 416 641 3 30151 1 Axel Anderson 130 30152 I rra T. Greer 83 6 30153 GT i se Cooper & Company Geos YoGsary 2y 2 30154 , 30155 Midway Ion Cream Company,Ino 516j2 30156 st Paul Voo.Sobool Revl.fiend', 30157 ! Jo re Christner ' 4010 30159 Axel iP. Paterson, C. of Fin"06 1 2611 4 3019 JI* able ly oompany,ino, 9 301 0 Dr, Arthur J, Dohm ! 18 30161 Div. -Hai. Prendergast 68 3 30162:: st,JAW"S Hospital Ze Barrett d. ZimmArm an, Ina. 30165 Clapp+Thomesen Company 10 1 3 3 301661'; Gotfstein Realty Company 7 5i 3 30167 { John ratsenmaier 917 30168 Montgomery Ward 6 Company 9',5 30169 j Nicole, Dean & Gregg 30170 Jennie H, ?air summer 13 9 30171 superior Metal Products Company 2 2 9 30172 Arthur E. Thom 5 0 1 3017 Joe. veno J. 'Rentz 9 7 3017 Charles 6 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM 6 3 18 5QQj Recommendation of Legal Department (See Woodruff' a file) l ouP.)t- VT,9q' �" rNo.... Jlfi silts 6� .YdRO:� - AP -Te T� d8tvo9es „ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEM��i° agg'y�J t�1 tn• Wb� 411M de. of SD7� a -"K- - and a r"xRt' !� PRELIMINARY ORDER Theunderaignedhereby proposesthe makingof the followingpublicimpmvement by.the City of Saint Paul, viz.: z Re�coaatrncting -with-.5"---1dan>x7 i thin--f±cmAsatQ.-_# !e a dexa7]c aiab over _.)*w eyYe--•----... -F..-And-3111-Ar-eaw1W.B in.sidewalk_area.._on-.the-waat-..aicl9._-Q;r AQPAbg1 Streets..beginninB Ate.t2e-8A11tb.--line---QY--- al1ey---sAutb--Qx- ..-F_4-41 tt?. xeet,- thence aouth_30 O feet,_.---• Dated thie....:P: 4. .....day of .................. Novembers 1936 ................. 193 --- ----- -; Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. for the making of the following improvement, vizi rifp$EREAS, A written proposal �igclaltructing yrlth 5"__Monolithic_Concrees-__the aide�ralk slab over areaeay_s-__-_•. __ ap_,P3]] _arealsey@-_in•_aidewalk_area on ti►e,eeat�a oYtoeabeleets_beginniug c - r r 3 eat thence_do .30 0__feet__-_-_-, ---------- #t..t_ aQ!�#eh l�]914-_Q ,_- l@9 �9tLtk1-_4f. ...4!1T .._Z.. a .... y having been prehented to the Council of the'bity of Saint Paul ...... - (there.forei be its ' `RF80L�TED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be; and is hereby ordered and directed: 1 To lni igste the necessity for, or desirability of, the,&aking of said improvement. 12 Td`ln\veetigate.the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the totsl'cost thereof. P �. To funrieh s las, profile or sketch of said improvement . Yi 4. ate whether or not said improvementig,asked for on the petition of three or more owners: n. B. "To reportupon sll of the foregoing matters to"the; Commissioner of 'Finance. Nov 18 16'. Adopted by the CounoiL y _ .. .... v • � P YZAeNAYS' u �m M NO Co 140LANAPproved-...--•• V _ _ `�•'Pl:\RCE PETERSON TRUAXANNUL / •M'PSE9ID=T .• .Mayo? a. ,} Form C A fa tall 7-M PUBLISIiP,D,�i�- sr ^u• Recommendation oY Legal' Department ��ar� �� (� ry (See Woodruff to file) s4i"bw !"�04 ! 42: PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENI�;" et �E.ii6o°.S2q 1 ate, 7PBtf`eet 1, and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ton ri.a TheundersignedherebyProposesthemaki.ngofthefollowingpubTcimprovementbythe City ofSaint$ ,vm- _. _ .. BacanatruCt�iag_aide�a].1c..R��l� .R�.t�t:_�"...�4P4��±�o Cogorete where omen ovei'�ereawey_s- anti.Sill..areeaatga..on..Lha._anlithsida..of.if...Tentdl..Stfi@flkak.Ogllm 1B 8.8 -- .- ------- 15 - 0 feet west of the went line of St. Peter Street ._thence- west 50 A feet _ ____ --------- _........- ...-------------------------------ovem N Dated thk..:!t#----------- day of----- - ------------ __... ... ---- ....._.. ._ . •- __._. Cout>�}ltnan. PRELIMINARY ORDER. VPHEREA9, .A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: __...._pe_.n w - s ..............ar are ..- Reoonatrut:ting aidenalk slab -with S" Monolithic.Conerete where oaway ----.-•snd:.ti.11..araawaya_on_thp..-etz�th._aids---af._1[...Tentb._St�eet�a-_bQg�.PP..IX�._a..t g.l�int -•------- :._..y5f10•-geat-•we�t•.of ..#he--weak.3,3na-at=.BL.--Estes--Street.,-..thence-- ., .. ---_—....------.----•---••-•------.................--•---••----•-- .._.... }; (laving been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_ herefore, b64 r R.F30LVED;yThttt the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed.: 1. To in-thenecessity for, or desirability of, the,maldng of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof.,` rofile or sketch of said improvement. 3. To furnish o& plan, p 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5.To rep&"j.upon @Il of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ;. NOV 18 �gq Adopted by the Council ........._ ....... .......: Y>ses Councilman V �s fINDLAIJAPProved_............. ....._NOVIL-. MOVIL-Ag'A ................ ._ �FETERSON'; Mn. Passmmr T Mayor. Fa C ♦ is (W 7-33) PuB l9mD � 105'743 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING MWGS THEREON AND FIXING T11U, THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ o4 ad -@A& _ ts!_ ± iy tha_ llgd neegesarg Yor_ �lopesa_ onto and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue frm Hamlin Avows to Snelling Avenue, s�� covircnu rune o t .may P isd bq'ltiIDt11 ,: 8r under Preliminary order --- _10lS68 ------------- approved -------- Ju1,y 141_1988 -------------, Intermediary order .........19!95E ----------- approved-------_S-op---------- Final Order ----------------10§g ------------- approved-------- ---------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter gas to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --------- day he____-------__day of ----- Deoeaaber--------------- 19_0-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ----- 4Q�L449*-------- - — c-t..�✓ �G`�{�+ 9 1Ql — City Clerk. I�Uu .f 1<{:ri% 19 CSL. Approved------------------- -------- � --- ----- ----------Mayo's 0111E01=11 DUrey.,. I'ir:.Ynn .i Councilman Ferguson::: / 4> CouncilmanrMcDonald s n ""nT-1SHED (i „� to Councilman?earce Councilman Rohland Mayor wfisaa .•� Uet�au 105'744 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING—, M- [HEREON AND FIXING TIME OF IIU011'';G C't THIE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_ condemning and taking an basement in the land nsoe�iar�I for eLy- _ outs and fill$ in the grading of Alley in Benediotine Plat 1. Lots 1 to 9, and 24 to 32, inolusive, from Vaealester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1s s x �$.r�°7lt�adAmn +i to t tr •= J ZA� , under Preliminary Order____ 104588 Jnlq 31, - -----------� approved ---------------_1936 ---------------- 10b104 ------------ approved______$eptember_17�_ 19$6_--_------, ' ----------------- Intermediary Order ----------------- Final Order ----------------- 19bM------------ approved ------- D taber_2& 1936------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the___ - __18th ......... day of ..... December--------------- 19 S6-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. d— Adopted by the Council_______ Nov a ------ - - - Cllerer - k. y Approved------------------------ `-- 19-- Mayor. q Findlan -Councilman 5Councilman l nnald ores �t!6L,SI E2111 %!— Councilman earce 1' ,,:.son Councilman d l Truax . Mayor QMZ,--d..� Qehan 105'745 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AN FIXING TIME OF HEARING - THEREON AND FIXING TIRE OF I rAr, NG 0; TUE AWA4. vilnn.P ll Inthe matter of------------------------------- ------------------- --t ,utn1onr[e----------- — — Making and condemning for sesmge pumping station Lots b and 8, Bloo a Marshall+s ,Addition. except the southwesterly 40 feet thsrlllmif: Also as easement 16 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and saintaining a public sewer on, under and across Block 24, Dumrell and Spencer's Addition, and Chester Street vacated, the center line of amid "moment to be a line drawn from the interseetion of two center line of Chester St. and the southeasterly Iiia of Sanas St to a pd3nt on the northeasterly line of said Block 24, and 25 feet northWopaerly _f 1= the soutlieasterl'y ooMaj of said Blook.24, also a temporary saswnt for ooastrnetion purpones tw ig Peek .; `in,aiidth along the southwesterly side of' aforesaid easement and beauty feat in,wdth along, 1110 northeasterly side of aforesaid easement. Also taking and'oondsmning a strip of land to feet in width along the southasly side of Hryfield St from St. Lawrence St. to the west line of the right ot-wsy of tho.tChisago, d plgif io Rai3tryr_ also takinIk eEac ogndamnit�isl►sed'or constructing a -ala ng m �Ulio sower' oa. nodei , sad aeroes a strip of laid tom (10) i'oet in of and adjodslipg%. Bayfield Btt„*crass tea-rta!`y='s ijtioago. wft. 2 andda Pacifio Esilway. ----------- approved aPPmde --------- - — - !Pi The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above zi ;6er as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- _---loth` ....... day of ------------ ----- 19-1k, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby diprected to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ------ N 0 ,_ Approved ------------------ else lEAuneihnan iguson .> T c Councilman� cl)onald i rson Councibnanearce Councilman4i-ohland � I Ila ' _10�81i'eel- Mayor ems= Gehan Nov s 1936 ------------------------ - -- ---- --------------- - City Clerk. ------, 19 ----- Mayor. F r a ' goolc Ielen9 enq beoTLTo IfeTTMW aT9fP aonfPOLra OL enq egaofulue ga7%LTeTq a;- voLoae ;Pa LTRPf-oL-AWW OL CPU OPTUvtZo- euq weTufeTnTu^a o baP1TO aeMOL on' nugaL' euq roLoua a afLTb oL Tevq fon (10) Loof Tu book Ielauq mJ9 bWUTLTo B"71Mo1' vlao FoK7uR euq oougourulus' eu eeaeweof LUL pouaftrtofluR OL fie?LLTe7q �,f' LLotu 24:' IVAL0000 24- fu PPo moat TTue uL fPo LTRP;-OT,-nu7. OL PPe rP.ToeRo' y7ao parrjuR eug 00Ug0➢lu{UR a afLTb 01. laUq 70 Leet TU YTgfP elouR fPe 0017fPoLT7. aTge ;Po uoLfpeaafoLIX aTge OL eLOLaaeTq soauureuf- Tu e►Tq;P e7ong fPe aonfPmeafeLj?L aTge oL eLoLoaolq ueaowuuf ouq feneuf7. Leo; To MTq;P vjoug ooLnoL OT. aeTq B7oog St' eJeo a fewboLerrl aeoeweuf TOL oouafLnofToII bnLbosea fxeuf7. beef fPo 3jotfgeaafenr7L j.Tne oI psT9 B7ooS Slf' 994 Se Leef DOLfPraefez7X LLow FPe aoafPesafeLT2L oL fpo oeufax I73e a; 8;94 a$- ffVq fge 8offfg6safeLl7L ITae oL yexae of.- fo, a bgpf on 7CZaaz AfffJld'cacrb tub OerizeL Trno OT $0 --9r9Cg®ID9f r -LO 0a 6 TTIIeN 9 DLII TLOW PUG TIIP4 LCe01-TOO 104820 Au e- b, 1938------------- under Preliminary Order------------------------ approved-------- ------ Intermediary Order ........... 10§186----------- approved-------- __------ Final Order ------------------106467----------- approved --------- 0nkabex_21. 3. 3.fi---------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---- 169L ------- day he-_____--189L-------day of ------------- AtgVgbqr------- 19_0., at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby d�wted to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 18 Adopted by the Council ------ Nov 1936 -----------3 ---------- - -- ••------------------------------ L�' --- ---- City Clerk. Approved------------------------------ 19_- O -' --i/ - Mayor. e� 6oancilman grguson- _ > Couacilman,�Tc�onakL. � ��Son r Councilman earce ' Counci man 4Tohland "aT Mayor msmrorzl= Geban 2nd. L d rto ove ai 4 t�, 3rd.,-& app- Adopted I I k Yeas 11 Nays Nays J;ea, fuss s i i r1an i an nnn rce Ir orldinol to MY Clw k ORDINANCE .5746 CO LE NO. PRESENTED BY S C -71'.1 - COUNCIL F1 U ORDINANCE NO. OW �A kbt No. 5840,, 'intltl d Ordinance a .An ordinance, 90 r➢x .. -the ordinanceforpurpose of pi-ftoting, the gatety public health, safety� order, convenience; prosper- and general welfaie by providing for the elassl- it6 fication, regulation and restriction of the locationSL and the height an& bulk of buildings hereafter RK-T� of trades and industries, erected,or altered; and' regulat- fter erected, ing snd'�detemining the minimum size of lot line courts and other open,spaces, establishing and establ the boundaries of distriets for said purposes, approved July 7th, 1922. Tiis is an emergency ordinance rendered n of public peace, health and necessary for the preservation safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, a roved July 7th, 1922, be and the same is hereby amended so as to rezone Lots 3, 4, 5 and,6j Block 12, Elfelt, Bernhelmer and Arnold's Addition, from'8B1tMes1deIjV. to Commercial. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby degl.ared,t,ii:,be-an "embil�.-.,�';,�.,' gency ordinance rendered necessary for the prebbrvatidn:,.,'of:the public peace, -health and safety. section 3. This ordinance, 11 from and after its passage and pulateke effect and be in force lcation. ZW, • _n Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Fmidlan Pearce Peterson Truaz- Wenzel Mr. P 'dent (Gehan) Attest: ------------------_ Soo 9_d6 Passed by .......... In Favor ........... .... ......... ..... Against 7_1 ... /.V ........ .... .... --- --------- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. r. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 6' November 18th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the attached file in the matter of rezoning Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 12, Xlfelt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition from "B" residence to commercial, with the request thaToRraw an ordi- nance granting this petition. " Yours very traly, City Clerk. AXEL F. PETERSON Commiss ww „ JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF 'FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief aerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, fishier ®® October 20, 1936 To the Council City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemens I have checked the petition attached hereto filed in the matter of rezonings Lots 3, 4, 6 and 6, Block 12, Elfelt, Bernheimer k Arnold's Addition from "B" Residence District to Commercial District, and find that same is sufficient. Very truly youro p Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. 4 2.2 i}A State oY Minnesota,. ) 86 . County '6f. Ramsey being first duly sworn, dQposes.and says - that he is the person vrho circulated the within petition consisting of / AaBe_� that the parties described above are'the owners respectively of the lots planed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each': of said , owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the.signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the par e r' s ed. Subscribed and sworn tothis, of e Y Ntitary P Cpunty� Minnx$ My Commis y i November 5th, 1936 Bon. Axel 7• Peterson, Comer of Finance, Building. Dear Sirt Hearing will be held on November 18th, 1936 in the matter of rezoning Lots 3, 4, 5 and 6, Blook 12, 31felt, Bernheimer and Arnold's Addition from "B" Resi- dence to Commercial district. Will you kindly notify the interested property owners of this hearing? Yours very truly) city Clerk. CITY OF.,ST PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLERK C. UNCIL E60LUTION- GENERAL FORM ,�A,..._:..._.._. ._. Rl=•SOLVED' That the bond 'Of Joseph Cheater Yarussoto the City of $aint,Via ,'�oering`his appointment as clerk in the Department of Nducation, in the sum of 52,000, dated November 2, 1936, approved by the Commssioner•of Finance and the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file said bond in the office of the City Comptroller. • Cq�Ree6�6&olvedfi t�h��t' Bt�ib roontl� of t�?bas 7 ^YagltM4elplfete a�6o�n`taient aM' In'W4.D eat of >Dddcatlon.ib10ts8 `41Am 'o0D IletedNOverr4bRr_ pPDrov__°��b,�' tb� Ctlin��eetoCounedi >T�.' Original in Mir Clark 105'748 CITY OF ST. PAUL `nou"`" NO t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL/RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by Louis Riesch, with the Seaboard Surety Company, as surety, in the sum of $1,000, dated October 21, 1936, covering his appointment as Building Permit Clerk in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, approved by the Commissioner of Finance and the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file said bond in the office of the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas N s B us$ CrceeIn favor n Against ruaa Wenzel Prastdtff-(G-e;siScntli E 3M 636 Mr. Vise - ('T Adopted by the CouncilNO 1_9,. Approved--.. Nov 19 1936 193_ (. .ti.........<- OrIZI..1 eo Chy Cl -k CITY OF ST. PAUL NO THE CITY CLERK OFFICE OF TF e. CO 'CIL S TION—GENERAL FORM t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PRE8ENT D BY CONSETONER.................... . ......... . .............. .. .... . .... ................ ............. .... ..... WHEREAS, Stella D. Willius has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lots 2, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Willius Addition No. 2 (Except Street); and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $3930.01 plus interest, penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $2654.17; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement, provided, howevers that the sum of $2178.96 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $2634._17o and that said sum of $2178.96 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settle- ment of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $3930.01 plus interest, penalty and costs. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bar as, In favor 2ton Against ........... ua. 7, Wenzel 3M &36 Mr. Vice. i:Iia (Truax) Adopted by the Co..A.0Y 1.9 ._....._193-.- ... ... .... .. Approved ....................... . ..... -193 .......... mayor pUBLISHEDIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL r r COUNCIL 1-07-5-0- F1 - COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.___--- l -� -- CONROv COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAV __ __ IN FAVOR ._ ..DONALD - o AUDITED CLAIMS ---November-��-------`--19 PEARCE-- Barfuse ROSEN ___F.in�aniT earce,, Peterson RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER ,--; �nzel. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT � F S j�� J5vE>LLj---- COVERING AS MR. PRES. BUND '=)Tt�lC�e�„V INCLUSIVE. CHECKS NUMBERED ViCL PER CHECKS ON FILE ICE HE C �i ROLLER. ADOPTED BY Tlii3 .�{�-!"`-----8----- �� --_ APPROC/__._______ _ -� C, F. No. 106760— on f- _ ____ _ _ — cln cowrrnoLLCR— ___ Lt Ae°o o. 1 that checks be drawn 1 -� --- - the city treasury. tothe coverink g' h .k. y %. 4,609.03, 11 mount t >; ftl°e t =� numbered 3017 tl;e Ino the inC ueive, the ger b .d ° TOTAL Ifpsyyy ..troyller.- DATE CHECK I Appppv ed NoVe 19�u1986.NOv 19, 1836. RETURNED NUMBER (NoV. 21, 1936) - TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS • • 82 a BROUGHT FORWARD Covington Coal & oil Compaby J. E. Bertrand Harriet Jaoqust American Linen Supply 002pan American Stamp Works G. Baglio J.V. Bailey Nurseries Blair Transfer Ccmpany,Ino. Central Scientific Company Columbia Tool Steel Company Commercial Gas Company Diotephone Sales Corporation Harry W. Distort Company Electric Blue Print Company Feist Small Animal Hospital R.L. , -Qould & Company Craton & Knight Gregg Publiebing Company Gurley Candy Company Theor,$amm Brewing Company Han000k-NelBott McTce-Company N R.L. Bsrdin'bergh .Company Heger`-Pioduots Obapany Int•Business Machines Corp* Japan Tea 00mpany Joyce Insuranoe,.Iuo, Kenny Boiler. Yfg.,pompany Mrs. Lena Krueger McClain & Redman Company MoTadden•Lambert Company 900111eparner Company McKesson wholesalers JT. MoMillan Company George Burr MeaAaaan Maok Into Motor Truck Corp. w. z. , mamwiay Mastery 'Book Company The Mathematics Teacher Nelady- Paper Company Merrill, Greer & Chapman 00m] Gus D. ,MeBeing M.M. Metcalf Michaud Brothers Midway Chevrolet Company Midway Oreamery Company Midway'Poundry Company Millar and Torras Minnesota Historical society MinxIesota Milk Company Morton Salt Company Motor Power Equipment Oompan. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD FEW 2 6 17 2 21 3 96 9 56 2 17 1 1531 0 10;03 349 5 57 26 10 80 40 32', 105 80 18 50 P 00 17; 76 30 b 195 27 39 11 10 24 00 29 81 51 as 17 81 1 950.00 LIA F, 105751 p.weio,cscik /.� NO. ...................... ... _........... V/ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES ---GENERAL FORM .......__.._•-- 4 RESOLVED That license for 'Tavern, application 15572, and Dance Hall, application 15573, applied for by William Fisher at 1017-1019 Arcade St. be and the same are her7(j$yT denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to William Fisher the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 and cancel said applications for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ba d� In favor son ._. Aga,nst nuz...... _.:.............. Wenzel _� - _:--I 3M 636 )4r. Vice PresidcW ( 1'r11aa) Adopted by the Council _....._.._NOV_�-9_9��93.....: Approved.......................:....................x..................193....... .. ............. Mayor =U. IL 1-05752 Oho.9 ft MY CU& CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ....................................... HE OFFICE OF T CITY CLERK COUN N ---GENERAL FORM DATE. -NoTeWher 19, 3.936_........._..._._. PRES a OMMiss S10 RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 14652, On Was Malt Beverage, application146gj, end off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14654' applied by G. Z. Richardson at 414 jabasba St. be and the 0=0 are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury Of the required fees. aDvltc9tto IS668,.. On bale„ New, Informally approved by council, Sept. 17- 1936. NOV 19 1936 Adopted by the Council ................_................._................193_..... COU:NC�I�LN Nays Yeas lk- NOV 191336 nfavor Approved .......... ........ ......................... .................. . 193 . ............. P . . ....... Against . rauz Wenzel 3m 676 Mr. Vice President (Truax) Odd -1 m MY Cluyt;,e,,�: RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL c2ft—L No. 10575.3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RS501AMON --- GENERAL FORM DATE........_$098mbeT._1..7..1..._l.�/../.6._......_...._... That licenses for Restaurant, application No. 15501, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15502, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15503, applied for by Alfred A. Branca at 330 Jackson St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city blerk Is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required !ands. Now Informally approved by Council. November 13, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas 8 Nay us In favor _.........__._ tt 71son reuz............... /il_ Against Wenzel 3M 636._...\ Mr. Vic. i�x1d"'t (Ti.—) Adopted by the Council..............N_O.V._1.9....19.3_6_..... IAV� Approved. ...................... 3..9......._!_! s.�93....... Mayor oltddwCUT ct.� j RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL =UNC, .as NO:.05754 .................... ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK en— RrraLON...GENERAL FORM That licenses for Restaurant, application 15476, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15477. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15475, applied for by Howard B. MoPharlin at 1596 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required funds. New Informally approved by Council. Nov. 13, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay "`Ian L / In favor son Against rauz Wenzel rn 3M 636 W, Vice President (l':�-c:,a Adopted by the Council..........NOV- 1.;x...1936193...... NOVIj1MS Approved....... ..... .............. ..:.... ......... ...................... ...193-..... ..i....../..r/........... L.e"s �- Mayor 105755 "u"' No. . .............. . ......... CITY OF ST. PAUL ............ OFFICE _TIW,.CITY CLERK C 'JCI16 FORM OUINI'� MERSMEPSTSE. 0% E XL DATE-Appygav'r I -q....1936 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 15491, and On Sale Malt Beverage, applicatlion 15492, applied for by R. Hazel Whiting at 1599 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to Issue such licenses upbn the payment into the city treasury of the required funds. NOW Informally approved by .0ouncil. Nov- 13, 1936 rA COUNCILMEN yeas Nays In favor eon 'Against W,113W il- 630 Mr. Vice President (Truax) NOV 19 1936 Adopted by the Council ... . ... ..... .. .. .... --......:.........193...... 140V 19 19 Approved ................ .................... 193 G=am.,_.... . Mayor CCUNCIL 56 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...._.... _....._. OFFICE OF THE' CITY CLERK COUNCIL REySQLUENERAL FORM -PRESENTED November 1196 ................ ._ gY .............. 9!........... COMMiSS1UNER�.-----------•---�— RESOLVED That license for Restaurant. application 15565, and On Sale Yalt Beverage, application 15566, applied for by Prank Penas at 1175 R. Seventh St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city elewc is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council. Nov. 19. 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas /puss ............... Nays In favor son nu: Against Wenzel 3M 636 Mr. Vice t'resi ICot (Truax) pV 19 1931,... _ ,Ado by the Council........._........._. . NS Approved........... ..... ov 9I_....�..,..�......._,....��......_..._...._..... .....193....._ Mayor Odgb tmpgC7a -`ri°�i"`" g(�5'757 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COR ��ON---GENERAL FORM ' \ l RESOLVED That license for Hotel, application 15556, applied for by Charles S. Adams at I167J pabasba St. be and the same is hereby Vented and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee., �. COUNCILMEN Yeas nes /�Fy�dlan /P /Peterson ............._..... X .......... Nays In favor .... Against .ran. Wenzel 3M e>d Mr. Vice L res;.;OA C ruaxj z C F No 186767�8y � � "3'ruax trr ving "C, Pearce—c.., gpit�caElSonq $668�tapti led toer'b QCke.xlee .1 eav'ie1e Ae}'4bY,� Bwrptteed and'-Khe.ctty� olgrle la}n9h patdfl ta'fenue a - ' lice.. upo4khe..yyaxment Into the ottg.[ eaeu;y, ox thgg rStttUred Afld�kpd by thoCoundtl NdJ ?39 1988. .Apyrovgd.,�NoV IB 1938 Nov 19 1936 Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... NOV x.9196 Approved.......... ................................... _.................... 193....... �a��. ,....,.......... Mayor O[IdOd MCiq'Qwk / '� AWz t.lia4. CITY OF 6T PAUL 61° iJ0 . .057 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �',y y.� UNC RESOLUT EMERAL CORlk i r� t' PRESENT�D gy e A COMMISSIUNEfL.__.__..___.. !S7`E�� 7. ..... 17 �...�'7 6. ...�.._..... RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addreeefs indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is "istrnoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury ofithe required fees: Victor Stevens 1117 Pioneer Bldg. Chattel'Loan App• 15397 Renew. r r r r Salary Loan " 15398 a J.A. Mieeen 153 E. 5th St. Restaurant"' " 15399 " J :,,Goldfarb 679 E. Third St. Confectionery " 15434 " gene Mania 255 Z. 7th St. Restaurant a 15436 " A. C. Konker 198 Bates Ave. - Gas Station " 15451 e Morris Seneaeky 263 A. Central Hatcher " 15455' r P. Seebach 62 A. Winifred Gas Station " 15482 " Cities Service Oil Co. 1745 University Pael Dealer " 151185 " Koppers Co. 1000 R. Hemline Avc, Peel Dealer " 15.499 r Black Diamond Peel Co. 2193 -Bobbins Fuel Dealer " 15509 a Home Trade Peel Co. 2195 Robbins w} Paoli -Dealer " 15510 r Pfaff & Morrison Minn. Mutual Bldg. Bar$ei . A 15511 " Joe Johnston 618 Canada St. Pael Dealer " 15511E r NOS 19 193...... Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council ..................................................... 93 n NOV61YY3.1 � 1 J.. In favor Approved ...................... :... _.................. ..... ..... ...... 193.... etereon ` .Against................._.. _....................................... ..... raux or Wenzel 314 636 Mr. Vice President :.Odsted to CUT CWlc 1115'759 CITY OF ST. PAUL Illi NO. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ` ..._:. ..DATE,_...._._...._.—._ __.__ ... RESOLVED a -license for Sac�nd Hand Dealer, application Bo. 15%03, applied for by R. A. Ruthner at 6514 Rice Street be and the game is hereby granted and the proper city officers are authorised to issue license upon the paym®nt into the city treasury of the required fee. .. GY.,.� 'Iip '106166 '134 �`h iQ. 24uax it+I . d IIB C YBaLCA /5 :. •b Rgtloired. L)!4t 1(o8npe t0r 9eCOAd Baud Dealer, appltcattop Nb 1640$ ap- sited fqr by Ri,.1. RutlWer at $6S�Rlce a8tn.<�bg apo Wpe-esmeis herebyt St�Bgnptaed i qt 0 0 q-'2 Y t�reaearyr�olt Le:S?=. -U ed ae.- .. 'AAopto4'by the Coungil?iot f9 198;& ,Approved Nov .19 , 18 6: COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s FipBlan ._ In favor rce reon /. Agains t f..=..--. _. ruga Wenzel SIR- -Tjffiy� 1M 6'36 Mr. Vice l tra et 7'rca a) Adopted by the Councl7....NO.V._1_9.. -_193--- Nov 19 1 Approved ............. _.... ..... _— - -- --1— C�i l� -ti ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. LA t4ONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Parks CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 17, 1936 Hon. Fred M. Truax Cormissioner Dear Sir: I an returning to you herewith the file In connection with the application of R. A. Ruthner for permission to use his property for junk yard purposes at 654 Rice Street. There is a one story frame building on this property now used for the storage of used auto parts. The neighbors that he has been able to contact are agreeable to this proposition and this activity appears to be consistent with the nature of other businesses in this district. The zoning is light industry. Yours truly, City Architect LAR..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC L. R. Y. FERGUSON City Clerk and COfnnllssiOner of Registration November 13th, 1936. Hon. Pred M. Tram, come Ir of P.P. BSP. Bldgs.: Building. Dear Sir: The Council referred the attach- ed application of R. A. Ruthner for a second hand dealer's license at 654 Rice Street to your department for report as to whether these premises are to be used as a junkyard. Yours very truly, / City Clerk. O.Iated eo CUT cl.ek �U5'760 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��s NO.. ..... A ........................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ^i/^COUNCIL RESOLUTION .GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY '�r./' / I I((// .;:! ry DATE ..............._.__. COMMI SSIUNER_.._.,___._.._.i�_..._.:..y.__.........::._..__...._..._... ..._...�_._._._ WHEREAS, receipts from football games played by the Municipal Amateur Football teams at Highland Park, have been credited to the Park Refectory Fund, RESOLVED, that the sum of $40.00 be and the same is hereby appropriated out of said Fund, Item 18-H-9, for the purpose of defraying the cost of medals for the championship teams of 1936, and that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in the sum of $40.00 in favor of E. W., -Johnson, Secretary of the St. Paul Amateur Football Association. NOV 20 190 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............ ........................ ......... ._....193...... Yeas Na lay NOV 2 0193 �P a In favor Approved ..... ......................._._..... .......... ... 93....... e rson �.. // .................... .... Against ...y.... .....Y/..t........ .... _........._ ....................._......... �u: Mayor President (Gahan) 3M 6A6 `' ,� • T ',N gtf Pg� h`e . .• ` or,sn 'Oa eFt� 1'mL 105'761 .: ,:•oetdo.l Wehr CL -k o t. Petee pt. andf NO y� CITY OF ST. PAULtpg �a mea the V OFFICE THE CITY CLEii {he ia6enie t CbUNGIL R OLU N---GENERAt4�ooi`rc6� �B048IDb6r_19.�:�,936._____._.._.. _ COMSMISSIU S. H. H. trengiis has made application for an "On Sr37e" lignor license at 1160 St. peter St. and has paid the required fee and filed the proper bond. and VIAS, the License Committee has recommended that such "0n Sale" LigWw license be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the eity Clerk be and he is hereby gnthorizecI and directed to issue suoh license to said applicant for the premises described is the application; be it jMITEEE RESOLVED, that the bond of said H. H. Strenglis in the sum of $3000,00, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, PROVIDED, 1R)1fEVER, that George Gekas and M. C. Sarantos are not to be 9Y connected !a any w with this establishment. ' COUNCI EN Yeas Nay Ian .................. In favor rson �.' Against Traux Mr president 3M 636 (Gehan) Adopted by the Council ...jDV— -.2.0 ----193 _W-,bPrc" OF 5TACKER & STACKER ,A�K.,. MA%�A. .TAeKRw MINN6'wOTA �UILDINQ ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA November 11, 1936 Honorable Council of City of St. Paul Courthouse ,..� St. Paul, Minn. !4 Gentlemen: pursuant to the writer's personal appearance before - your body, on November 4, 1936, we are writing you this letter. ° on that date, I appeared before your body asking that we be given an informal hearing with reference to the proposed transfer,of licsnse from the G & M Lunch, located at Ninth and St Peter Streets to one Chris Andrews; and at that time, after some discussion by the council, I was advised by the Mayor to write a letter to the council, setting forth all the facts, and that we would be granted an 'informal hearing with reference to the proposed transfer. For your infornstion, we will give you a brief his- tory of what od6urred at the G & M Lunch and attempt to show you why they are entitled to some considers - tion. For approximately ten years, George Gekas and Michael Serantos have operated the Q,& M Lunch at .460 St. Peter Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. While this corner as, as we all kacw; located in the.hear$ of St. Peter Street, these boys have always operated a clean respectable` olace f 8t.' Paul,pand It can stat hat has ewith uten a ehesitance that dit to the y at no time did.the police department or the authorities have any difficulty with referenceto their operations. In addition to that, both George and Mike have been prominent in aivia affairs and are highly respected in their own circle, and George Gekas holds a high position in the National Greek,Society, which recently held a convention in our city. unfortunately, approximately one month ago, in viols- . tion of law, they sold some putsches and were arrested. ,:f ,� To them this violation seemed a trivial matter, but, ;rt,' Honorable City Council Page Two. be that as it may, it is a violation of law, and their liquor license will be revoked without a question. They have an investment in that establishment of approx- imately $10,000.00, and with the license revoked, we all know, that their investment'is a total loss. We have an opportunity to dispose of this license, with your permission, at a reasonable figure that will sal- vage a good portion of the lose to be sustained, and it is for that purpose that we ask to be given an infor- mal hearing, so that we can submit our prospective pur- chasers, for your consideration. You, gentlemen, will agree with me that the punishment invoked by the revocation of a license is way out of proportion to the offense committed. Here we have a couple of boys that have worked up a business after a number of years of struggling whereby they are making a livelihood and making some money; their business, considering the income produced, is perhaaps an asset that is worth from $50,000.00 to $100,000.00. By the revocation of the license, you can readily see that the penalty imposed upon these boys, for the sale of punches, runs from $50,000.00 to 100,000.00. This penalty, we know, you are in no position to waive, as we understand the revocation of the hard liquor lio- ense is:lmandatory and you must do it, but you can aid in the granting of a license to a prospective purchaser who will pay a fair price for the property as exists and thereby aid Mr. Gekas and Mr. Sarantos in salvaging some of the loss. We submit, for your oonsideration, as prospective pur- chasers, Chris Andrews, who resides at 207 Pleasant Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota, and who is in business at 171 West Seventh Street, St. Paul, Minnesota; and we further submit the name of Harry Strenglis, who resides at 1601 Charles Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, and who is one of the owners of the Rainbow Pie Company, located at 1437 University Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. After your license committee has had an opportunity to investigate the two above named people, we would appreo- iate if yqu would give us an informal hearing before your body. RespectfulM,y yours, f or, Attorneys 1........Mum....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON SO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESEN'rE nerrNovember 19. 1936 _. RESOLVED / That licensee for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15524, 0n Sale Melt Beverage, application 15523, and Restaurant, application 15522, applied for -by H. N. Strenglis at 1160 St. Peter St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee 'upon the payment into the city treasury of the required Mees, provided, howefer, that George Gekas and M. 0. Sarantos are not to be connected in any way with this establishment. New, Informally approved by Council. IN - In COUNCILMEN yeas favor eon rauz 4L,...... Against W1FAW1 3M 676 zl"k President (Gehan) r News Liquor license transferred. by Council. November 17, 1936. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na 11:'t In favor b oe e Against ruga r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Councfl NOV 2,0 WS -193— odstw.0tc CoU,pL 105`764 CITY - OF ST.. PAUL n� a NO OFFI THE CITY CLERK E CO EGO LU�( .NI -_GENERAL FORM COMMIS E .!~._._DATE. November 20� Lj6I RESOLVED That license for Tavern. Applicat"n 15610, and Dance Rall, application 15611, applied for by G. E. Richardson at 444 Wabash& St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW. Informally approved by council, Nov. 19, 1936 COUNCILMEN yeas Nays ' dlan 1. In favor Pearce / P rson .................._._ Against Truax r. President (Gehan) 3M 6J Adopted by the Council_N.OV 2 D..'_..__1 •_.. Approveck N®V....._......_._.._._2.019 i� ............ . lIMMAS, RESOLVED, p� No 105'765 CITY OF ST. PAUL — OFFICE THE CITY' CLERK IN SOLO ION ---GENERAL FORM November 20,1936 ........_.. .DATE..:.:._ .__.:...._ - L. Dadovits desires to withdraw application 15377 for Grocery at 1666 Grand Ave. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it that the proper city offiores be and they are hereby authorised to refund to L. Dadovits the fee of $10.00 and to caioel said application license. a NOV 201936 Adopted by the Council,,...._ ....................... ..... .- ... ___ice 4, Approved_ ................. ...... NOV 2019------•--.._..... .. 93...._ cc// , .......�.U....... W66OcWtkg to MY Clwk CITY OF ST. PAUL INI 0 Z ne leterevi[ ormsWig OFFICE OF THE CITY. CLERK It COUNCILR ip El 7 mv 401,N)WaFEL . ..... .......... ... . .................. VIEERWO M. B. Palmer, Real Estate Officer of First Trust Company of Saint Paul, Trustee for Lena Bohn, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to, delinquent taxes and assess- ments on the following described property, to wits Lots 9, 10, 11 Auditor's Subdivision No. 27 (Kittsondale)j and WBEFM&S, The delinquency totals the sum of $62,960.59, PlAis penalty, interest and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $51,811.26; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $8,415.61 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $51,811.26 and that said sum of $8,415.61 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $62,960.59 plus penalty, interest and costs. A COUNCILMEN Yeas Na In favor rrx 7rson7 Against r. President (Gehap) 3M Adopted by the 061mewto 193 Approved .................NAV_ Gr_O1.0193— .......... ,PUBLISHED_; � _. r F -h htti dhww� lT�Et' y r7 'YP1RA[�T f ate^^ 16767 giow TV COUNCIL rti FINAL ORDER" ra In the Matter of__P_84in� 611e�r in Blook 2y i ogeAddition and ?�eic pgt.. Place -j $ulivigio from_pxford_Street_to_ Lexington _Paik�ra__ ___` — ------------------------- - - -- - -- - - - — under Preliminary Order__ 1Ob164 --,--approved intermediary Order A;public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having' 2ieard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_� Allam in Block 2, Rogers Addition and _— yQg�jg:QQ Sul�iviaigA.�'Sggt•giGf,Qrd Street��xi.netoA�Br_]cpav and, the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. C B;ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans Land specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that.upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there ' Adopted by the Council a — -- - City Clerk. Approved- — Nov 2. 192 Mayor. e Councilman F;ndlan ffi / Councilman Pearce Peterson tUBLISi Councilman �. For�m'B. s. P`-�t crraa r CITY Or ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE I ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) t In the matter of paving Alley in Block 2, Rogers Addition and Lexington Place Subdivision £rofn Oxford St. to Lexington Parkway �a under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 22, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessiment for the above improvement is - - - $ P.M "°f fro t The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement u - - - _ _ _ g 2.22 The lots or parcels of „land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1_= VASSESSED ;,, LanQALUAT10NBlagc° 31 2 Rogers Addition to St. Paul $625 $1800'; (Ex. W. 40 ft.) 32 2 do 550 2650;, W. 40 ft. Lot 32 and Ex. Marshall) 3 2 do 960 4900' 1 Av.) 4 2 do 950 2560j' (Ex. Ave.) 5 2 do 950 29001, ( do ) 7 2 do 1425 10600;; ( do )Lot 6 and E. a of 7 2 do ( .1426 6100 N ( do }W. ( do ) 8 2 do ) 9 2 do 950 3050;, ( do ) 26.50i- 10 2 do TOTAL, 950 roan B. D. is T �I li li Total #0400 $6s soq The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated CTom— �q 19!: Commissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 CITY OF ST. PAUL. _ - r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT Loc ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION h `-- ` --_ - — - - Land—_, : .bldg• - _ Ave.), 11 Rogers Addition to St. Paul I 1$816; �350�I l(Ex. li (Ex. VP. 47 ft. for Lexington Ave.) 16 Z ! (it; INVse other prolJer 20 2 do w 900 19001 - �� 21 2 do 1000 4650,'; (Ex. E. 2,,ft. of N. 32 ft.) 22 ; 2 do 975 6750) ilLot 23 and E. 2 ft. of N. 32 ft. 22 2 do 1025 6650.; 24 2 do 1000 1450 25 2 do .1000 3650; 26 2 do 1000 5150,; 27 2 do !;1000 9100; t i 3 Lexington Place Subdivision ..1400 3550, P it 1i ii T �I li li Total #0400 $6s soq The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidd matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated CTom— �q 19!: Commissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 'St..Pau1,:IV1inn.wJ?�Z_ 20� 1956- -- 193----. To The Honorable, The Council, I + City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: _. r.. We, the undersigned property.. bb*ners, -hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Pave with aonorete-alley_in_Block-21_Rogern_Addition_fros__--------------------------- -------- Lexington----------------------- ----- ----•--------------------------------- ----- Ave. :__ - - - Wit. to ------ Oxford-Stre@i:----- -------------- ----- NAME LOT Sst�ha- BLOCK 'ADDITION .. '' M. A. Polin Rogers _ Owner D Am. Roberkoa b�. 8 do Owner J. H. & Freda F. Tho eon 8 & 7 2 do Owner ._. .. I ... .. ._. .... .. .. _. _ _ ...! __....� -..... I h Mrs. Zoedia Theses owner d Henry H Fletcher 22Owner — i ? an Owner cL_ o r T stamp - 9 ft of 29 b .. Owner ? �— -- D Themne R Mr.Mn3len -.__2... _.....A^. __.... ... Owner o up,,•o ..r Anwe Cormick 4--y– do _._ _ owner Q S+ F.n3 r n,� end Cottege�o •do Owner H7• Adolph Gries, Vioe' Pres. ;.. hlj(c :*rnm,a, nng t _T t N. Yi, N.W. /4, 3 E -c -A Z'?- 3 — L Av - -- I � i F- 0 Ay-rO N L 13Y Z r o -v F- HAGkJE. Ao X a uAVE. LAV REL 4 �x Lng had raider oon ;t F�f CITY OF SAINT PAUL Gpital of Minnucts DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVINE C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONKR KURaAU O► CONT. • Rowles OKOROK J. JACOSS. 091U C ... UH ''-- JOHN M. MAROON. SU►T. OKOROE M. SHKPARD. OHI" KNOINaaR o -I.. KNOIN.M O. H., HKRROLIi, CHI., KN... C—. MARK W. WOODRUFF October 8s 1958 Oonmdssioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Pauls Minn. Dear Sirs 8U.4U — SANITATION PRKO DRIVKR. SY►T. BURaAU OI'KRIGOKS M. S. ORYTSAK. KNOW... SU.—U O► CORRSCTIONa RAY J. KARTAK. III— I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the paving of Alley in Block 2s Rogerla Addition and Lexington Place Sybdivisions from oxford Street to Lexington ParkwsYs under Preliminary Order C. F. 105184 approved September 229 1956- Length 589 ft -'Width of Roadway 20 ft. Frontage 1098 ft. • of Street 20 ft. Paving So Concrete Total Sq. Yd. $ 2.05 178.36 Intersections property Share 2459.50 2617.85 Total (a) Front foot 2'22 Estimate includes $250.00 for 0,giusering and inspection. 00 Approved for trsus- *idn�tto� th=;9S8i=er.* oY ��iwLt:E'J, 0. PE6RCEs r 3 Yours Uylyv . SHI�ARDs Chief ngiueer: ' 2 % J November 24th, 1936. Hon. :ael r. ?etereon, Comer of Finance; Building. Dear Sirt to return herewith letter �f Lona Yhilhower addressed to you, objectint; to the paving of the alley in Blocs 2, Rogers Addition, as requested by you. Yours very truly, City Clork. COUNCIL FILE NO.. __ - __- BSS-- -- - - - ea ------ Luc4 - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of - re.laying,__repairing_and rsoonstruoting-oement the sidewalk on the north_side_-of_Ashland_Avenua._hegianing at.the west _line _of Lot. 30,_thence __e-st_- t9_the west -_line 4f_14ot-23_of Block-9,_11olcombeIs Addition,_ except where_ good --- and _ sufficient sidewalks already exist, _ - _ ____ _ ... _ . -- ___--. ----- -- ---------- - under Preliminary Order.___10.5202---- --------------------- approved . September 25, 1936 IntermediaryOrder --------------------------- - -------------- - ------ Approved -------------------------------- ---------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.-_relay�-re_pair end reconstruct Cementtile--s idewalk on-.tha--north-side_--of-Ashland-Aeenue,_begiz>x1.int he west_lige_of_Lot 30thenee ------ west to-the_weat__line_-of--- Lot__23_of--- Block_9,__Holcombeis Addition, except where good and _suffl-cisnt_si dAwAlks--B lr-eady---existt------------------------------------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -_N-0- 2119M / t ---- U�% City Clerk. N r,.i ; 9^ f 192 Approved - - - - - - / /---------- -d,-------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman I6rguson l,, Councilman 1fi.".i- -�a i- soo J PUBL1SHi;D� 3� Councilman l�i`GjQi C mak. Mr. Vic, a u.l Form B. S. A. 8-7 IC5768 repatorin eml nR, e t Ctie A • e we , 1,nen of l . ethe went line Holcombe'' A. ,od and au18c1�• _ + 188, under 3, appro . ea ------ Luc4 - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of - re.laying,__repairing_and rsoonstruoting-oement the sidewalk on the north_side_-of_Ashland_Avenua._hegianing at.the west _line _of Lot. 30,_thence __e-st_- t9_the west -_line 4f_14ot-23_of Block-9,_11olcombeIs Addition,_ except where_ good --- and _ sufficient sidewalks already exist, _ - _ ____ _ ... _ . -- ___--. ----- -- ---------- - under Preliminary Order.___10.5202---- --------------------- approved . September 25, 1936 IntermediaryOrder --------------------------- - -------------- - ------ Approved -------------------------------- ---------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.-_relay�-re_pair end reconstruct Cementtile--s idewalk on-.tha--north-side_--of-Ashland-Aeenue,_begiz>x1.int he west_lige_of_Lot 30thenee ------ west to-the_weat__line_-of--- Lot__23_of--- Block_9,__Holcombeis Addition, except where good and _suffl-cisnt_si dAwAlks--B lr-eady---existt------------------------------------------------------------------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -_N-0- 2119M / t ---- U�% City Clerk. N r,.i ; 9^ f 192 Approved - - - - - - / /---------- -d,-------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman I6rguson l,, Councilman 1fi.".i- -�a i- soo J PUBL1SHi;D� 3� Councilman l�i`GjQi C mak. Mr. Vic, a u.l Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL "f.... DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE _ �� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter df relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Ashland Ave. beginning at the west line of Lot 30, thence west to the west line of Lot 23 of Block 9, Holcombe's Addition, where necessary under Preliminary Order approved September 25, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ aquae $.11 now tiles_ $.07 old the relaid The estimated cost pay oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 9 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land, Bldg. 23 9 Holcombe's Addition to St -Paul $1000 $17001 24 9 do 1000 2350.. 25 9 do 1000 4850„ 26 9 do 1000 1450 27 9 do 1000 950. That part of Lot 29 W. of a line ) ;;106.55 ft. W. of and parallel to ) 1050 4500.. E. line of Section 2, T. 28, R. 23 ) and all of 28 9 ) do ^hat part E. of a line 106.55 ft. W. ) of and parallel to E. line of Seo. ) 2, T. 28, R. 23, of 29 9 ) do 900 1400„ Total $6950 $17300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing ae his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him,in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. F— B. S. A. s -s D r k 1NANCE,' dci Q� coassiaa So"'the Cossiiisionar of: Fineaae of the Oity of,St. Pals The, ttomeisaioner.oi Pablia Barks�;harng hit .tmder ocnaidsratian tha p�eliain�g oader of thb Cotmoi]:, ]moan° ea . Coaaoil P17,e� Yo, lOb�, 2_. � ._ appTo ed Sept. Kb; :1958 ,reuti** to relayi2w. 1eR :and re- agnetruotin6 cement ;tile aidewek on tris north:eide og Ashland 9�►a„ e aemea e o •.: f ease mea . o, ofLot 25-'oi Blook 9f Holcombe:!s 9ddit3on;.ahere,neaeasarir. amd hatiae iulreati8alted trite antteru` acd titit9ga, retarred to' therein hereby reportas. wl l: Said i nt to .wneoeeaex7 and tori dsai�rab}s. n�r ti7a7 P� lend the total Tha'eati�aeted Dost thereole F� Pit", :rz� ,v ) '- ,, f � .R� old=t11e �p•07" }tar 5q. ia�i „ � C08t �;tharaai ia')n� �. f e2td the nature and EOCtellte of said i J � Sa ea,=OL�.Ofa! y, 5 A.F Vrof la or aketob of paid iaprovement is. heratio.attaohed .; f arid. made s `pert hereof. 5. 8aid'.ynProveaeat ie saloed tor'upon Petition of fihree as of a anbjaot to es4eaament-!or aeid-13,R10 u�Memt. sore omnera;; WOP Tf. Ooaimiadio�t .o `'Pnb'iio;�►orka 5 ,£, w4t1� (y� Y$YhndisLSJ.R..Sl..V . - ilirsimarovemq t - tO CITY OF ST PAUL #aaitCop anaYwtter°Ltta NO ........... - lt*ta-'�:SOtn�PD FL 'h dEho OFFICE OF THE CITY GLEtI`e°. Co°mpa° v�c dnfea- VI ttaat gyp. 6 3 - COUNCIL.RESOLM1JTIONf -GENER� to m.u. tt . � . Ci3k �l� ContDget7 �NTg �( ro t ES .+COMMISSIUI!4ER__._.�-I.1ll!11.��-� 7i fts&VED Where- A in the improvement: describedition and Al- terat eta tb the Cleveland' JuniI' ior ;$igh School, Lindstrom Anders ,1 Clement F. SeuSley Equipment CSP y� Contractors G-35161 it was found-necessary to Comptroller's Contract No. make the following additions to the Contract: Additions For furnishing all labor and material for paint- c ing the exterior doors and windows in the old part of the building332.A0 .Furnishing all labor and material for the in- stallation of a 4" tile partition andr§and. proofing between the locker cabinet in %he Music Room and'the steel lockers -in tiaa!Ieor•E&; `;t v 87.00 dors - Whereas the total net addition is $419.00, now,`t 34efore','be it Resolved that the City Council approve the above addition, made in accordance with the specifidations in an amount not .� to exceed the sum of 419.00, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the Contract known as Comp troller'.s Contract Eo.,G-3516 for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Commissioner of Education has agreed with the Contractors, Lindstrom & Anderson and Clement F. Sculley Equipment Company, t:at the sum of $419.00 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Fundsi'to coiner this addition are avail- able in the proper account and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay same. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_NOV 136193_..... yeas Na NOV 249 In favor Approved........ ....... ............. ..........._.............. ...193....... iPneon..�...-._...................._..............._.....-:-........_... ................ ...� Against ................._........ Mayor - PUBLISHED 3M 63. mr. vice•rresident (Truax) W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parlor Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Hon. John S.r^indlan Commissioner of Education B u i l d i n g RE: Cleveland Jr. High School Docket: Vinn. 1276 R Dear Sir: November 13, 1936 The additional work listed on the attached work order and resolution is explained as follows: Work included under Item (A) is for removing and replac- ing all loose putty on exterior window sash and scaling paint from all exterior sash, doors, and frames and paint- ing with two coats of lead and oil, of color to be select- ed by the City Architect. These wood sash, doors, and frames have not been painted for several years and aside from having been painted an undesirable color they should be preserved by these two new coats of paint. Work included under Item '(B) is for the erection of a 4" clay tile Partition between the locker cabinet's the music room and the steel lockers in the corridor. Soundproofing in this area has not been properly taken care of and should be insulated as provided for under this item to prevent the transmission of sound. We have checked the contractorts estimate and found the price to be just and reasonable and recommend that they be authorized to do this additional work. RLE. .0 Cit Architect oriswi w City cunt CITY OF ST. PAUL ' L. N0...._....105770 JOFFRCE OF THE CITY CLERK I CILESO�L�D��� ---- NERAL FORM �� '`l ii_�w�wCS.DATE...........Nov.r._2.4.....1936............PRE3ENTED Blj PPAT RESOLVED, that the proper ciyi officers be andihey are hereby author- ized and directed to enter into an agreement with William Dalpe, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 6th day of November 1936; be its — - FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said William Dalpe the sum of $7.92 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including November 16th, 1936. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1. r In favor ea e rson ..,_ Against p(l COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1. r In favor ea e rson ..,_ Against 37.i 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the Council ....._N.Ov..2 4._ ...193 Approved........./............. QY � �>....10 193....... Mayor ode.4 to aN CW& CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCILJRESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM ............ ........................ DATE. COUNCIL No_....A.0 .5771 ItLc ._" rll4 G/ RESOLVED, that the proper city off ioers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Walter Cichocki#�pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.72 per week during such timefas he shall be totally die - abled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education, on the 5th day of October 1936; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Walter Cichocki the sum of $15.60 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including October 17, 1936. ��`. .los?t1-B3r{oaer�tpn°� nIl O�L COUNCILMEN Yeas Na Ian In favor Pe;tci ...._..........___.... ( jn Against 3M 636 � MT. Vice I'xestdent (Truax) Adopted by the Council....l.`L...._.....2__..... NOV 241936 Approved..................................................................193....... 14.1 -- Mayor t ortao.t to city ca.tk RESOLVED OFFICE OF THECITYCLERK COUNCIL R•- a—ENERAL FORM DA november 11, +,I36 MUNCK. No 10rej- 10577-2 CITY OF ST. PAULFRX 4 + be given Tnat the northern States Power Company to install 1-35 toot pole in the Alley Nox ti ru`ecs vqn petmteelo� td permission batq tfie',Riteyhlprth north of Front, Zest of Lexington, with neoessary nt atop v to n600a -vires nQ Tele `I - nnd,trlhee wires, and Telephone Company wires. �tfior oet } guys, enohors, Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do N �y o so by the Common 00unoil and post of said removal to be borne by the northern States Power 001110any. Eatimate 25376• COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Finu'.an a -� Pcar ' Risen—J •-----In favor .Truax-_'. �tfi:"t: .V9ai'ieg] •--•---------------Against �y,_.ua I,�Yen%e'fl ant 11.33 M, Vice 1'Iwd�t t 1 � �J ... Adopted by the Council -_..,.3 .... 2i4 .193......... 0 NOV 24 Approved---------------- ------------•---. .-...193--.... pUBLISHED 1% ortynal to City Clerk coln+ea (1 72 CITY OF ST. PAUL pp$ NO.:...._.�Li�-�- 73 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI N—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY pq,�llovembeT`3 19� r`IYMMI. 41�NER____ RESOLVED / xatiaelverr Inas ±cn. .. Power,Comvany"liesltren p mltialoe;�to, - (natali,l�o loot polepn We 9outL,vamLt Adopted it (he QoUACIl Nov�_23 iaaw_1� Approved Nov 24.1929 J1 (NOV 28 18861 � That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 140 foot pole on the South- east corner of George and Charlton, with necessary, guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and'wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Netimate 25259. V� �G NOV 241936 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ ................... _............. 193..._.. se.k ..eamei Findian teeter—Yet NOV A OV 2, 4 1915 Pearce Rosen ? ....................In favor Approved .................. ...... _.... .... __ _._.__.193_.._:. I'etcrsca Truax_, ZQyy�(„ t.SVsrieul._..Against /__ o -•----'Mayor -.. 7 ...__...-...... __c ....._.... "TAII7 enaai3 3M 11-26 Mr. vice l resident (Truss) ;NOTICE , . CY`.7`�'2 � R.Sn4,g -77 4. 57 TO '• cth 0`N+Si-QSZii {Z8�75 ;3.4,fZ PBAINT PAUL"- " � -772, y - 8 {# 'COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER} �)T SP¢d ;hsff�tlAbke�.1le+dkaW�Sthe, RESOLUTION Oft]��tk uLyyitb the 8ggkbglltB;Wq$ynY - "o, ri83T 898172 i pnvertng•'aneo1ce 7iu>a - h�redabbazv xo $9iE8 n7n0)nSIgB ng er November 2.9 (� beo���hh �`66iler l� In the o®QP�bi thb k�fY.� 193 _ ��1do�ted byp Shb CDlfndil NOV�$� Ix9p�:+ g�DFikbvbd NOv �i 1858 ; (Nov 88 1958) - R_,ESO �fED T ��;' HE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AM6Uf3T OF; . COVERING,CHECKS NUMBEREDJq2-27TO INCLUSik, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICEOF THE �CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ 'NOV .�It]4 �.`y'/�$ • NOV 193- � 24 1,936 = APPROVED 193__ / oe:iass 13 DUPLICATE TO CRY CLERK COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL CONROY N FAVOR -� M�OONAL PEARCE �'" ♦� P a�QQ�GPip E MT. VIC ADOPTEDIOH� DO4DlCt�- C J • - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL #15'774 _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.------ --------------------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,� UDITED CLAIMS --Bcvember-l9-------- -----193fr m, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE RAW TN CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUrNG�pjjT OF S -------• COVERING CHECKS RS AS 19F_ PER CHECKS ON LE TIIb FFIC T CITY I OMPTROLLER. —�-s- n 1; TOTAL corrrRo��eR TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 'I '> TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS ,I BROUGHT FORWARD 30227 !! Axel F. Peterson,' C. o4 Fi pin s I f s s � ' 23 30230 !' Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay Treasures of 30231 :! Axel F.Peterson, 10 000!00 Police Pension Fund 30232 i! St,Paul Teachers' Retirement, d.Asepo, 7 000'00 30233 1 Windsor Beverage company C. Finan" 100,72 5 682 93 - CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL #15'774 _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.------ --------------------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,� UDITED CLAIMS --Bcvember-l9-------- -----193fr m, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE RAW TN CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUrNG�pjjT OF S -------• COVERING CHECKS RS AS 19F_ PER CHECKS ON LE TIIb FFIC T CITY I OMPTROLLER. —�-s- n 1; TOTAL corrrRo��eR TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 'I '> TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS ,I BROUGHT FORWARD 30227 !! Axel F. Peterson,' C. o4 Fi pin s 2 30.37 2 19 '88 30228 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin s s 44 30229 Axel F. Peterson. C. of 23 30230 !' Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay Treasures of 30231 :! Axel F.Peterson, 10 000!00 Police Pension Fund 30232 i! St,Paul Teachers' Retirement, d.Asepo, 7 000'00 30233 1 Windsor Beverage company C. Finan" 100,72 5 682 93 30234 I Axel F. Peterson, of 2750 30235 ;) Winton Christenson 30236 I Eddie Landeen%5.00 I+O ',00 "30237 '1 John Lennon 30238 Oaoitol Stationery Mfg,Oompan 118196 10',35 30239I Ace Waste Products Company 10 !78 30240 Central Soap company 17 !15 1; 30241 11 Cireal Fruit Company 1917 ;.30242 it Ooohran—Sargent Company 12',87 30243 11 Corning—Donohue,ino. ii302 53120 �I Farwell, Ozmun, Hirt & Companl 30245 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk &Compare 15 73 !i 1130246 Firestone Advertising Agency '' 5',75 14100 !130247 Louis A. Gilbert 44 110248 u Hauser & Sons Malting Company'; 1� 72 130249 'i T.P, Lowe. & Company:.. Minaeapolle—Honeywell Regulat r 00, 534 .� 40 ;30251 j, Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 215 160 :30252 Frances Turner 22 90 i 30253 I; Mrs. Carlotta Trainor ;130254 ;1 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compaay' 118 l3 130255 Tri-State Tel. & Teig,Company 30256 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Companyi 191 x854 130257;Monroe Calculator Company 75 po 16 32 30258 Montgomery Ward & Company 30259 ! National Aeronautic Assooiati 5 p0 X130260 i; National Battery Company 14 20 30261 ;!National Oarloading Corp. 1 1304663 30262 ;National Coll of Juvenile A noies g 50 National Education Assoc• Aire Cloth Company 143 1 151 30266#4 National 30265 l Nelson Oil Company 25 1:30266 Nevrmar Company 137 28 130267 i Niools, Dealt & Gregg 30268 Niools, Dean & Gregg 10 1 .30269 NiamannIs Grocery 9 9 330270 'Northern Malleable Iron Comp ;;30271 Northern States Power 002 130 130 8 30272 Northesa States Power Company ' ;129 9 i8g 03 X3027 11 Northern States Power company 5 30274 ,!North Star Varnish company 2 0 30275 1N.W, Stamp Works, Inc. ;30276 O'Connor Auto Repair & Brake orvice 104 i3 277 'oliver Farm Equipment Sales 0'�. 5 38 6 30278 !;Owens Motor Sales,Inc. 50 9 X30279 !;Owens Motor Sales Company 30280 Machine company 314 Se 30291 : O A,� Pearson SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD __ f:.1AD--&: DATE RETURNED V BY BANK I Fj p i 111 � 1 DUPLICATE TO 4Y CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �{ �,'75 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FIOLENCIL NO l t COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 1`1 coNRor FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION '17TH AUDITED CLAIMS Bowelsbe-r--28------- - ---79-33 _ -\ PEARCE' ^ Sax- JW /^ J _ earSs son"// RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. �:uva TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ..... — _1---�---- - COVERING -p ---- --- -- -- _ 141. .. TROLLER. NT. VICe PER CHECKS ON 6 CHECKS NUMBERFIL ADOPY�iV .. TO � CLUSIVE. ,OFFIC CI C C A E n ? ------ COMPTROLLER APP0 ------ __ BY _ ___- -__ MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V KS NUMBER '�, TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK II .... - _ CHECKS CHEC BROUGHT FORWARD • 30282 Thomas Towey I 30283 ''I Edward Bess 0, of Final I 30201 Axel F. Peterson. 30285 1 Dominick Ramaolers 30286 1 Axel F Peterson, 0. of Final 3028711 Hauser & Sons Baiting Oompan , � 30288'1 Young motor Oar Company 30289 11 St.Paul Box Spring & mattree 30290 Lindstrom.& Anderson t 11 30291 '.j National Oarbida Corporation! • 30292 ! National Eduo,AssooeDepte of Secondary School principals Sons 3029" Thos., Ne Nelson & 30294 II Northern States Power Oompan, 3029 I Northern States Power Compan 30296 Northern States Power Comp 30291 i1 Perfection Type Company,13104, 1 30298 ;j Pioneer maple Products Comp 30299 1 Pioneer Typewriter Company 30300 11 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Comp 30301 II Plantation Ooffse Company x130302 jI Polaris Concrete Products 00e 30303;.The Postage meter Company 30304 Price Elsotris Company ( 30305 ,t, F. Ptacek & son 1130306 Public Administration Service •.'30307 1 Quick Service Battery Oo.Ino.i 30308 Rand McNally & Company I 30309 Raymer Hardware Company 30310 " Raymer Hardware Company 30311 RemingtoneRanQ,Ino. 1 30312 1 Ribs motor Company i;3031 I The Riley Company ;30314 1 Riley Stoker Corporation ( 30315 11 Robinson, Cary & Sands Compan 1130316 RochesterCompany 331 ;j o aldtpress aompany 30318 1i Milton Rosen Tire Company 30319 ii T.W. Rosholt & Company 1130320 !11 Royal Typewriter Company • ,30321 30322 :; Oeo.T. Ryan Company st.marie Cigar & News Company 30323 St.Paul Abstract Company :30324 t.Psul Book & StationerCom 30325 st.Paul Book & Stationery Com 130325 ist.Paul Brass Foundry Company 11stPaul cement works ;'30329 St,Paul Electro Plating works X30329 ! St.Psul Foundry Company 1 30330 !' st.Paul Glass OomPany 30331 ''' St.Paul maohinM3msta. 30332 i1St.Paul Office Equipment Oomp 30333 ;jst.Paul Saw & Inife works "3033 St.Paul Statuary Company 30335 ''st.Paul vocational schools 30336 9t.Pau1 white,.& Indiana Servi L iM 6 iC SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 0 10 1911 2 7 1917, 84191 529i DI 64:, a 5 52511 5 i 21 6; 1751169 252 88 67110 26 88 53,00 125!24 391601 41 1157 7100 157115 11123 87 69 30159 157 i37 1771',3771 54 1 b1 431 103 5 '.o 11 29 132 66 !60 1 '80 52 6600 705.89 181 515 60oo 2 b.-0 163 53 28 97 6o 5o 4g64 00 26 51 r 1 I F I � 3, � 2 t 1 i ( 1 1 I i C, to ( 0 10 1911 2 7 1917, 84191 529i DI 64:, a 5 52511 5 i 21 6; 1751169 252 88 67110 26 88 53,00 125!24 391601 41 1157 7100 157115 11123 87 69 30159 157 i37 1771',3771 54 1 b1 431 103 5 '.o 11 29 132 66 !60 1 '80 52 6600 705.89 181 515 60oo 2 b.-0 163 53 28 97 6o 5o 4g64 00 26 51 r 1 I F I � 3, .. .. .. .. 711711 _ - �4, r. c CITY OF SAINT PAUL JL- OJ DUPLICATE TO CIFY CLERK 1 �� COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ---- .---------------------------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROV COUNCIL RESOLUTION -yM►�*�- _� FAVOR j AUDITED CLAIMS -----November--Z�--------------- 79--3'6 - —.0�,�� �440GZQy #j son V RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE AWN N E CITY TREA6URY. $60,058.84 TO THE AGGREGATE AM�O/�UNT OF -V-— � 2y -------• COVERING >! 193E CHECKS NUMBERED__ �y�'SOTOCE OF CITY INCLUSIVE. OMPTRIOLLERS Mr. V": -' l" MR. FRES: � - PER CHECKS ON FIL 'i f ADOPTED BY THB{ .I"'mIfNCIL*-' 9 ___ ______ __ _ __-_________ __-__ ��i%V Qj �F Ssi APPROV __ __ __ ____________—______ _ _ — _____ITY COMPTROLLER -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR' OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i I 30337; Sanborn Yap Company 1P 30338;' Sanitary Farm Dairies,Ino: 2g; 4 303�91� Jacob Schmidt Brewing 00mpan 303 0 Andres Schoch Grocery Compani 1N 5 30341; Schreier *e Auto Top 30342 i Silver Arrow, Distilled water loompany!, 1 30343 ofalter 0. Simonson Company 1 30344!; J.J. Thompson 3 30345 George 9adek 30346;i Lawrence A. soler, Cashier N ;Dept. 6825] 2 30347;1 Dr, John F. Briggs 30348;' St Paul Vooesabool Revl.FunO 0 6 30349 4ZJ stark 30354; Sullivan Tire-& Battery Comp, y 30351! Need, Parker d Companjr 9 30352; Mrs. Agnes Neiss 1 231 8 303533 'i Pittsburgh Coal Company 3035411 P.R. Seward 303551' Axel F. Peterson& 0. of rinasoe 91 393561 N.C. Gehrman 3Q57 Qeyand Furniture Company S 30 58 Christ J. Andrews 356 6 30359] Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin '�oe 1 511461 30360 ji The Crane-- Company - 30361 General Chemioal Company 303621 Hersey Meter Company lI0 3036]3'! Joyce Insuranoe,Ino. i3 9 30364'' McKesson Nholesalers,Inc. 3036511 Midwest Chemical oompany,Inoj 941 0 30366 i; Neptune0lionr Company gg 30367 van A. 913 4 30 ! Phillipe Petroleum Company 368 30369 J.L. Shiely Company,Ino. j 6o 30370 Socony,-vaouum oil company 673 30371,] Steel sales Corporation 1 30372!; 0. Thompson 30373 ! Mrs. F.C, Niegand 1", • 3 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD I { i IM c o .. .. .. .. 711711 _ - �4, r. c CITY OF SAINT PAUL JL- OJ DUPLICATE TO CIFY CLERK 1 �� COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ---- .---------------------------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROV COUNCIL RESOLUTION -yM►�*�- _� FAVOR j AUDITED CLAIMS -----November--Z�--------------- 79--3'6 - —.0�,�� �440GZQy #j son V RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE AWN N E CITY TREA6URY. $60,058.84 TO THE AGGREGATE AM�O/�UNT OF -V-— � 2y -------• COVERING >! 193E CHECKS NUMBERED__ �y�'SOTOCE OF CITY INCLUSIVE. OMPTRIOLLERS Mr. V": -' l" MR. FRES: � - PER CHECKS ON FIL 'i f ADOPTED BY THB{ .I"'mIfNCIL*-' 9 ___ ______ __ _ __-_________ __-__ ��i%V Qj �F Ssi APPROV __ __ __ ____________—______ _ _ — _____ITY COMPTROLLER -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR' OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i I 30337; Sanborn Yap Company 1P 30338;' Sanitary Farm Dairies,Ino: 2g; 4 303�91� Jacob Schmidt Brewing 00mpan 303 0 Andres Schoch Grocery Compani 1N 5 30341; Schreier *e Auto Top 30342 i Silver Arrow, Distilled water loompany!, 1 30343 ofalter 0. Simonson Company 1 30344!; J.J. Thompson 3 30345 George 9adek 30346;i Lawrence A. soler, Cashier N ;Dept. 6825] 2 30347;1 Dr, John F. Briggs 30348;' St Paul Vooesabool Revl.FunO 0 6 30349 4ZJ stark 30354; Sullivan Tire-& Battery Comp, y 30351! Need, Parker d Companjr 9 30352; Mrs. Agnes Neiss 1 231 8 303533 'i Pittsburgh Coal Company 3035411 P.R. Seward 303551' Axel F. Peterson& 0. of rinasoe 91 393561 N.C. Gehrman 3Q57 Qeyand Furniture Company S 30 58 Christ J. Andrews 356 6 30359] Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin '�oe 1 511461 30360 ji The Crane-- Company - 30361 General Chemioal Company 303621 Hersey Meter Company lI0 3036]3'! Joyce Insuranoe,Ino. i3 9 30364'' McKesson Nholesalers,Inc. 3036511 Midwest Chemical oompany,Inoj 941 0 30366 i; Neptune0lionr Company gg 30367 van A. 913 4 30 ! Phillipe Petroleum Company 368 30369 J.L. Shiely Company,Ino. j 6o 30370 Socony,-vaouum oil company 673 30371,] Steel sales Corporation 1 30372!; 0. Thompson 30373 ! Mrs. F.C, Niegand 1", • SHEET TOTAL FORWARD IM c o { r 4 f} DUPLICATE 70 CITi' CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLLFFAVOR LL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO•-----------------------'— —' CONROY 11/r. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' AUDITED CLAIMS-------*ovember--$3______________1s�_Fe"MrMCDONALr� BOA / RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAVjN ON_ 6W"TREASURY. SUDHEIME � / TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S---r�(�/Yi7 i;(�y�`a COVERING VVV ?F OMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBEREDTO______ INCLUSIVE. AS MT. Vi, -,,?PER CHECKS ON FI E OFF E F ADOPTED_--- �V'Z'F_/_----- i19.�__-___ _.__ n CITY COMPTMOLLEN v __ ______ ____ 9Y-_ MAYOR _ __________ _______ _ 11 TOTAL DATE 1: CHECK IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 2 BROUGHT FORWARD • 303741 Axel P. Peterson, Q, of Fi Guardian oe 30375 ; t 3037b11 Gilbert: Ellie 3037711 George Williams 303781 John Rose 30379' Midway News 30380;1 John Rose 30381;!; George G, Chapin, As. Attorne$ Clara Dostey & George Dosseyil for 30382) H.L. Ettmann Sponge Company 3038 1; Farwell, Osmun, Sink & Comp y 303 'I Graoe-Lee Produots Company,I,o. 30385 x.14. Boepke 3038611 Maenderl Brush mfg.Company 303971 DUPLICATE 70 CITi' CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLLFFAVOR LL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO•-----------------------'— —' CONROY 11/r. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ' AUDITED CLAIMS-------*ovember--$3______________1s�_Fe"MrMCDONALr� BOA / RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAVjN ON_ 6W"TREASURY. SUDHEIME � / TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S---r�(�/Yi7 i;(�y�`a COVERING VVV ?F OMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBEREDTO______ INCLUSIVE. AS MT. Vi, -,,?PER CHECKS ON FI E OFF E F ADOPTED_--- �V'Z'F_/_----- i19.�__-___ _.__ n CITY COMPTMOLLEN v __ ______ ____ 9Y-_ MAYOR _ __________ _______ _ 11 TOTAL DATE 1: CHECK IN FAVOR OF - RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 4� 4 1 1 it l7f 193 L 1525 811 6 437 30 28 39 161 200 000. 97 71i 28 54 2221 150 992 51 4� 21731 2216 2', 19 1431 3i6 4, 301 17 103' 39 I 2 BROUGHT FORWARD • 303741 Axel P. Peterson, Q, of Fi Guardian oe 30375 ; Has. J.H. Ayd, 3037b11 Gilbert: Ellie 3037711 George Williams 303781 John Rose 30379' Midway News 30380;1 John Rose 30381;!; George G, Chapin, As. Attorne$ Clara Dostey & George Dosseyil for 30382) H.L. Ettmann Sponge Company 3038 1; Farwell, Osmun, Sink & Comp y 303 'I Graoe-Lee Produots Company,I,o. 30385 x.14. Boepke 3038611 Maenderl Brush mfg.Company 303971 Nassau Paper Company1 30389 3o3s9 ; Aestern SbhIadeson Cloth Company '. 30390 !I motor Power Equipment Oompan 303911 Yrs. O.M. Claugherty, Guardi i 30392' lira. Etta Flaherty 303q� Mrs, Charles Tuohner 30394 i1 Slue & White Cab Company 303g�1 Mpls.'st.Paul San.Distriot 303961 303971 Merok & Company,Ino. mP1e.St,Pau1, Sault Ste.maril Ry.Oo. li 30398 Minnesota Sohoolboard Aeeoo.l 303991, R.A. Myers Company 304001 Northern States Envelope Com ,any 30401 North Star Varnish Company 30402 ; W. Sg Mott Compan ,,, 304033 1 O'Dennell Shoe Company 3040µp' Pioneer Eleotrio Company 30405!1 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter 04 . 30406' Popular Soienoa monthly 30407 ii Puritan Compressed Gam Corp.! 304088 Ramaley Printing Campany 30409'] Rsay:Rokke Zag.Qompany 30410.Reeves Coal & Book Company 30411 ii, Clement V. Rl, ST 30412 Joe-&- Rogers Agenoy,Ino. 30413 ' Rose jitil Nursery Qompan' • 30414 s le Cigar & Newe Stationery C any 30415 ,i --St;-Paul Book & 30416 3t.Paul Book & Stationery 0 any 30417, 9t.Paul Letter Company 3048 It -Paul Saw & Bnife works 30429 j St,Paul Stamp Works it 3049011 st,Paul Welding ;& Mfg,Oompan 1 30µ21'j Sohelen Aut*niitve Company II 30422 1 Andrew Soboch tl 000Ty Onmpan 30423 i Sinolair Reftaiag Company 3042 it Singer Sewing.Maohine Compan'' 30425 ',! L.C.Smith & Corona Typewrite I8,Ino. 30426 s000n`y.,Vaouum Oil Company,In -- - ----- - - -- SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 4� 4 1 1 it l7f 193 L 1525 811 6 437 30 28 39 161 200 000. 97 71i 28 54 2221 150 992 51 4� 21731 2216 2', 19 1431 3i6 4, 301 17 103' 39 I i)"..1 to cit, clerk COUNCIL 105778 _.. CITY OF ST. PAUL nLc NO......y-.—•- OFFI OF THE CITY CLERK c CO ESO ION ---GENERAL FORM -COM N DATE HQILOG�►BL' .Et.._1i3...... ........ 11ESOE VED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addr8sses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city 01st& is instrccted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury I of the required fsem Nang & OtBsilly 391 Selby Ave. Notionpicture App.. 15094 Now Marcel Baldyga 191 R. Kellogg Hotel ' 15462 s 5 Simon Libman 66 Broadway Auctioneer 1 15517 s B. A. Schranidler 826 Hastings (Has Station 11 15530 • Irvina C Ye§Fce- -e Plived thaCll eneee'aaplJedd dobY.. - lha-;tolowlnB ;pereDne at the addrq§Hee. }nj}fcated 1and�.ihe •same are hereby A ted, e11tld ��atle, clay :olerA to 1p�. _ `e ttiotad.to tesue each licensee upon'tlje P Y, e"t Into the D)ty trp6sury bl Ilio lana ostein sal se}y1�`Ave.�18P` _ 'LiSiivPISNre Xpp �50%( Nefv '. Marcel BS)dygg�a 181 t4 Aellogg $o= t8)' ADp i6f8E�New f�nmeorn ZCp11I5Kh*.1661IQ New rUadwaY Adu� . '9taiton Aycn p6k t4' dem"ii ; nge'da pe " ;Adopted tly_•atie'�ounall Nov 28 1888. ' pDDroved ov_Ee 1888 �- � - LNoY as 18z8)_ COUNCILMEN Yeas N-, C , NO.Rl'7� i/ Qel■IptbC(q Cl.ek % N. e / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNC^� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE N ENERAL FORM Zli.v COMSM 9810 ER.... ...... ....A.36.........._......... RESOLVED l to •iz�..- That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addreseee ; , V `e,.ioi 3adlasW be and the same are hereby granted and the city cle*k - ids are hereby: 7 rkAs.n,tfi netY -Int- ie ,n n tUe DeQu ied_ instructed to issue such licenses upon the tr 29, -19865. payment into the city treasury of the required feast R. McMullin 547 Mississippi Ice Station App. 11971 Renew. ■ a a a IceDelivery ■ 11972 ■ James George 50 W. Fairfield Grocery " 14507 ■ M. J. Donahue 542 S. Smith Restaurant a 15125 " a ■ a " OnSaleMalt . " 15129 " 7 :Ireh & Gillis n6ol University Tavern " 15379 " N a 1601 University Dence Hall " 15350 ° K. M. Lurie 114 S. Robert St. Grocery " re 15352 " Chas. P. Reineberg 424 H. Ezahangs Gas Station " 15390 ° L.C.Helmes Motor Co. 792 E. Seventh St. 2nd hand auto dlr. 15392 a R. McMillen 547 Mississippi Foal Dealer " 15412 ° Paul slanobard-Chet Kara 13 E. 5th St. Restaurant " 1j496 " Anderson & Moe 268 E. Seventh St. Restaurant " 15535 ° Carbo Coke Sales Co. 116 W. 6th St. Fael Dealer " 15536 Caleb S. Hassie(agent) 513* Aabasba St. Hotel " 15542 " W. A. Jansen 445 Aaconta Hotel " 15546 " A. M. Henninger 506 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 15550 " A. M. Henninger 506 Selby Ave. Restaurant " 15548 ° A. Y. Henninger 506 Selby Ave. On Sale " 15549 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............................................ ._.... 193 ... Yeas Nays Pindlan In favor Approved Peterson t Truax Against Wenzel •Mr.'President (Gehan) 3M4 .6M Qrt¢od m City Cl.rk - CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM fi muNGL 105'7'79 nu NO..__.__— r Pp ESENTE .. ......DATE ..... ..... ....._..... _.......... .... _... ...... _... ............. _............. t:OMMIS3IONER.......... _.... ........... ....................................................._......... .. RESOLVED Pape 2. W. H. Simms 556 Rondo St. Rest. APP- 15582 Renew. doe. Mariana 11TO Area" St. aaestation app. 15560" COUNCILMEN Yeas Na Adopted by the Council............ NOV 2llffiS'g3..._ lan ...._ In favor rce rson Against Approved.._....... .......... ....................................................... NOV .93 ....... ...__._ �- ..... ._.. _._... Mayor 3M 636 Mr, Vice Prc_�ident ("luaN) .eUBLISIEDI _ 5 / (o orw-lwMY cl k wuwea 105780 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO_ ....................r.......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL RE�$(a� I�JGQI GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED E /T�JA .w I I e C..MISS.UNE,_ - _.�......_.._..'_.__....2.�5. 1..1;..DATE_...... x9vember....ia,...1.936................ RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 15414, OR Sale halt Beverage, application 15415, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15416. applied for by Samuel Hahn at 541 Rios St. be and the 'same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses won the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council, Nov. 12, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `r r In favor P ° /4� , .... /' Agimst esrdi'aE 3M 676 Mi. Vice: I,lcut iiTllax) NOV 2E. Adopted by the Council .......................... _..._...._................ 193...... NOV 2419S Approved//...../�. ..........................................193 ..... �.. ...L...".. '........._ ... ._ Mayor..... J 15'781 cadet o. «a taint j "°"`u NO ............. . v/ CITY OF ST. PAUL• �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the application of Beatrice D. Thayer for transfer of her "on sale" malt beverage, "off sale" malt beverage and restaurant licenses from No. 412 North Prior Avenue to No. 380 North Prior Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are dizected to make the necessary changes in the City's records. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n zce _... .... _ In favor tfrson Against n ins 6wMr. Vice 1'resi eut ruax) NOV 24193a Adopted by the Council. ....................................................193...... NOV 24i Approved../...............................................................193....... �.....i ........ . . ............... .Ma or ....... Y Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the attached application of Beatrice D. Thayer for transfer of her On Sale Malt Beverage, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Res- taurant licensee from 412 No. Prior Avenue to 380 North Prior Avenue, with the request that you draw resolution granting such transfer. Yours very truly, v City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota0� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration November 19th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the attached application of Beatrice D. Thayer for transfer of her On Sale Malt Beverage, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Res- taurant licensee from 412 No. Prior Avenue to 380 North Prior Avenue, with the request that you draw resolution granting such transfer. Yours very truly, v City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota, November 18, 1936. To the Mayor and Council, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sire: I now hold On Sale Malt Beverage, Off Sale Malt Beverage and Restaurant licenses at 412 No. Prior Avenue. I am moving into larger quarters at 380 No. Prior Avenue (one half block west) and respectfully request that my licenses be transferred to 380 No. Prior Avenue. Hoping it will be possible for you to grant this request, I am Very truly, .. O"tul to City ClaekI/ Fl�NGt NO. :65'782 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — m—rrrHnni--- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. lana Plinks 283 Selby Ave. Grocery App. 6004 Renew. Mrs. Anna Funke ■ a ■ OffSaleMalt ■ 6005 ■ 0. R. Mickelson 542 Ohio Grocery ■ s062 ■ Sanders Ooal & Oil Co. 369J Robert St. Fuel Dealer ■ si26 ■ Robt. P. Gruber 442 Banfil Grocery ■ 9142 ■ Harry Goodman 555 R. Robert (las Station ■ 5185 i L. G. Olin & G.F. Sherrill 463 Rabasha Restaurant ■ 8246 ■ COUNCILMEN Yeas Findlan Nays Ia favor Pearce ........... _:.... Peterson 'Plass. Against Vft""" 3M basident Mr. Vice fres ("Truax) Ac r - NOV 24 1.. Approved............ ............ ..... _.__. [ ......................._....... Mayor I Oddo.1 to Ok7 Cluk 105'783 a/ CITY OF ST. PAUL nu a� NO OFFICE O TkM CITY CLERK COUNCIL TION GENERAL FORM ,:COMPRESENTED BY-.J.......DATE_.....�QY.embBr._2.�.».1� ......_. ' MISSIONER................_..........................._..................... ..... ....... _.......... _.........._......................................... RESOLVED; 'Phut licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. L. Kum 377 Dayton OffSale Malt Liquor APP -7758 New s a :960 GroceryApp. 7759 Sew Mrs RosePappas University OnSalemalt a 7872 e " " " P Restaurant ■ 7873 e Oollova & Valente 262 p. 7th St. Grocery • 8161 e COUNCIL ON Yeas ys 7PAlan In favor ce Ee � . i ....................... Agai.a 3M sae Mr. Vice l re6itleat (Truax) I oflooel to MY GerkMu4ca. No ...... 105784, CITY OF ST. PAUL IJLZI ------------------ 7 OFFICE THE CITY CLERK Cl UNCI R I GLUT --GENERAL FORM CPRESE, Eo—NE: _� ATI-10—T—omber 6& .1936 OMMISS RESOLVED C Pearo Iteetasea, t;R beta ata �uwex a for',.',anfl bit IM ttahgfolmr lot to t t t U te -t ADDroved Nov. 4H 1@HB That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to eicavate for and build transformer vault under the sidewalk on the north side of Kelloq Boulevard, west of St. peter Street, abutting the south line of lots seven (7) and eight (8), block nineteen (19), Rice and Irvine's Addition to the City of Saint Paul. 11190mWbe #25195 11 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays *woos Findlan V -P-3 'Petersop Penro ".Roses.} ....................In favor Truax Tom„ Warren; ..... .......... Against Wenzel.,,, 3M 11-35 Mr, Vice I rci,!eut ('rrtspkl- NOV 2 5 1936 Adopted by the Council-- ..................... _......._.193...... 4 A proved .......... .............. ........ . . f---193 ...... 2 ....... ... Mayor -1k5785 COUNCIL 11 CITY' OF ST. PAUL nu NO. µl OFFICE CITY CLERK COUNC O TIO GENERAL F�� f PR �S�N 'ca RESOLVED That;the.requt of Joseph Rutman,- for4 the transfer`WY his gasoline filling station license to conduct such business 4-,287 St. Lawrence Street, to G. E. Qustaeon and L. T. Bruner, doing business as the austason-Bruner Oil Company, at the same address, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Cdty Clerk is directed to make the proper changes in the record,6o&on,,, COUNCILMAN Yeas ZNa /F Ian rce In favor �PAgainst iPeterson ent e 3M 636 Adopted by the Council NQ.v._2.5_.jm.193_... A rovtd.:............. t e. gv Mayor November 24th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached request of Joseph Butmnn for transfer of his gasoline filling station license at 287 St. Lawrence Street to O. E. Oustason and L. T. Bruner d/b/a Oustason-Bruner 011 Company at the same address was referred to you, by the Council, for a resolution to grant such transfer. Yours very truly, city Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. HROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration November 24th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached request of Joseph Butmnn for transfer of his gasoline filling station license at 287 St. Lawrence Street to O. E. Oustason and L. T. Bruner d/b/a Oustason-Bruner 011 Company at the same address was referred to you, by the Council, for a resolution to grant such transfer. Yours very truly, city Clerk. It. 65'78 6 tilnn<negilgtNo.._._._--- - _ .. __-.CITY OF ST rego{4!t%n�an HE f0 OFFIC tO7ehuerrt,ch Itgange�ruPng the Psytge t. Otog efty,tregehryt by Sha tequll ed li COON OL ON i`AaoPterava hy'tha Counpu Ibv �6 leas' ADhd NdY Y6 48881 (Nov 68'19885 COMFI - OMM1:>31 RESOLVED ersons at the addressee That licensee a01ied for by the following p indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue sada licenses upon the psyment into the city treasury of the required fees: Superior Packing Co. Slaughter House 2125 Fabasbz App -15139 Renes. L. Gottesman 497 Rondo St- Butcher " 15215 " Gant— & Garr 682 Selby Ave. Butcher " 152219 • J. W. Anderson 139 z• 7th St. Butcher " 15228 " J, Z. groemer 1127 N. Chatsworth Butcher 15253 " Fred S. Gerlick 350 a• Fairview Butcher " 15343 " G. P. Bingham 1675 Selby Ave. Grocery " 15474 " z. F. Brown 2604 T. 7th St. Grocery " 15493 " Mike George 76 W. Fairfield Grocery " 15507 " Carl E. Johnson 219 Bates Ave. Conf. " 15527 • M. M. Frady 227 V. 7th St. Grocery " 1553+ " r G. and. P. Kisch 637 Stryker Grocery 1 Butcher • 15540 • 1551 n n • • ■ Stella Kossack 979 Arcade St. Grocery " 15543 " Dollie ftbakii 2436 Myrtle Grocery " 15551 " Tony Azzone 627 Jackson St. Pool Table • 15552 " M. Dominick 185 Grove St. Grocery " 15557 " COUNCILMEN ...... ...........193._.._. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._.__._..._........ Rosen Truax Warren .......... --- Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M I1.63 �rP COUNCILMEN Yeas 15 86 • orlalnol to Cur Cleric -CITY OF ST. PAUL Findtan 'Peters" Fael un No ------ ------------------ Rosen 7 ........... In favor OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Truax g COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .._..-.1.-...-,Against PRESENTED BY - DATE- November 25 1936 3M Mr. Vice COMMISSIONER — --^^— RESOLVED Mage 2. Louis A. Sonnen 70 W. 7th St, pet Shop App. 15562 Renew. Weldon Bros. 414 Selby Ave. Gas Station " 15563 " H. H. Kromer 210 Ramsey Grocery " 15567 " J. H. Tyrrell(estate) 110 Endicott Bldg. Conf. " 15576 " Hugo & Joe Schuh 254 S. Cleveland Bakery " 15581 " Henry Chases 332 Kentucky Grocery " 15592 " Great A. & Po Tea Co. 167 H. Snelling Grocery " 15595 " Boris Reizman 527 Anita Grocery " 15596 " Harvey X. Smart 1823 Grand Ave. Gae Station * 15616 " M. Halpern 981 Iglehart Grocery " 15627 " L. H. Houston 141 R. Sixth St. Grocery " 15629 " NPV 2 51936 Adopted by the CounciL------------ -------- ---- -----------193....-. A proved - ..----- ...193. Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Q.d=. �dzear°e ) Findtan 'Peters" Rosen 7 ........... In favor Truax g Warren .._..-.1.-...-,Against %''7 a ;Wenzel 3M Mr. Vice NPV 2 51936 Adopted by the CounciL------------ -------- ---- -----------193....-. A proved - ..----- ...193. Mayor 0,fg1n.1 w City Cl -k RESOLVED 77 105787 AIM CITY OF ST. PAUL ,;"'�ffikff-,.va;; to — I � t.� , . , -"' ' b"" . 6.m. OFFICE OF THE CITYOM ;Whlhe C. COUNCILre RES --GE 14%6 NOV 2510 COUNCILMEN Adopted; boy the Council193"-... Yeas............................................•.. . .. i lipdl— In favor I-- NOV 2 5 191F t. ....................... . r Approved ............................... .�93 rs, rson Against I.. ... ............. .......... ................... ..................... tl I )&Y- emze I 3M 6-36 Mr. VjCC That licenses applied for by the followlig,persone at the addresses 4,77 indicated be and the same are hereby grantedLand, the city clerk to instructed to issue such licenses upon the pa7ment into the city triihiuxy of the required fees: Walter MosIJ 1026 Pront.st. Butcher APP- 15232 NOW Normans Poo& Market 915 Rooney Botcher ■ 15363 m R.Z.&G.R.Geror 163 W. Summit Grocerymelt 15369 a Off ale 15369 a Thos. McMahon 954 Univ- Ave- Pruit & 199. 1540 8 Sam zackman 1029 HastingsAfte. Conf. 15472 Prod L. Christians 108 Concord Conf. 15473 9 Twin City Theatre Co- 32 W. 6th St. Conf. Mrs. Goo. Scope 911 W. Central Grocery Nola L. Anderson 744 E. 3rd St. gas Station 15533 Harry M. Brotchner 916 Grand Ave. Grocery 4 15561 A. L. Warren 556 Cedar Grocery. 0 15580 ■ Walter Schwab 491 St. Peter Bakery N 15630 ■ NOV 2510 COUNCILMEN Adopted; boy the Council193"-... Yeas............................................•.. . .. i lipdl— In favor I-- NOV 2 5 191F t. ....................... . r Approved ............................... .�93 rs, rson Against I.. ... ............. .......... ................... ..................... tl I )&Y- emze I 3M 6-36 Mr. VjCC Orioml w City Clerk CITY OF Sr. PAUL corlca NO ------- JL1�� " SS 6" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIOLU —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER —_.._���-" 1 DAA November 25. 1936 RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage. application 15605. Off Sale Malt Beverages. application 15606. and Restaurant, application 15607, applied for by Frank J. Glombitza at 539 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by council. Nov. 19. 1936 of Adopted by the Council.--._NOV. 2 5 136 ...... •- •----.-193...... V oV 251936 Approved--------- .. ...................... ....... Mayor COUNCILMEN - Yeas Nays / �_.._In Pearce i 6gO ........ favor Netercou Truaxl i Wenzel0n8P� 3M 11-63 I1Gr. Vice 1'resiQeut (Truax) of Adopted by the Council.--._NOV. 2 5 136 ...... •- •----.-193...... V oV 251936 Approved--------- .. ...................... ....... Mayor -------------------------------------------------------------------------- r------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oetober lb _1988 unat�¢106488 .Order---------------------------------aPProved ---- --------s --- ncil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the vement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ed to be proceeded with. the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_SMd9_AU4Y_A4_P1_g9 1, lfidwwy_Addition_fsos_Dnnlap 8trest to_Lezin�Eon_Pwrkwer Borth.______________ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___eL9s�9e____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 28nd ---------- day of Dumber ----------- 19V____, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the ersona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_4%4V_S& ------- 192____ �- P' D V 2 ----- - -- ----- ------- -- APproved----------------------------192--- Fi ty Clerk. ---- --- --- -r--1---=--- ----- Mayor. Councilman Findlan PUBLISSEI) —Co Maa Pearce Councilman Peterson Conacilman liven zei Gehan Mr. Vice 'r -t (Truax) Form B S.e g y Y trJY 9 . 43 Q81^0�$ffi dia6'I'.'. ' - iratlaM1iWwdY -Ad F "o, p -11t LOIPUta2t,h C "o, ,9k'ntenmipitM,r` rv. e 3 P� - Ober_ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-------------------- — ---------------- INTERMEDIAARY ORDER In the Matter qf' :SrlaB-Aller is Blook 1 _ Sanborn! �_ Yidway Addition Prn� Dnnle�__- Strut to Lextagton Parlcmy_ Horth- ----------------------------------------------------------- ---- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- r------------------------------------------------------------------------- Oetober lb _1988 unat�¢106488 .Order---------------------------------aPProved ---- --------s --- ncil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the vement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is ed to be proceeded with. the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_SMd9_AU4Y_A4_P1_g9 1, lfidwwy_Addition_fsos_Dnnlap 8trest to_Lezin�Eon_Pwrkwer Borth.______________ ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $___eL9s�9e____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 28nd ---------- day of Dumber ----------- 19V____, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the ersona and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_4%4V_S& ------- 192____ �- P' D V 2 ----- - -- ----- ------- -- APproved----------------------------192--- Fi ty Clerk. ---- --- --- -r--1---=--- ----- Mayor. Councilman Findlan PUBLISSEI) —Co Maa Pearce Councilman Peterson Conacilman liven zei Gehan Mr. Vice 'r -t (Truax) Form B S.e g ?-cpuagmning:ia k% 105790 n; -1n We Ia3d ng0gr ,,,rquce IX ana�mivan.g �'� Y; Bigek li $gtn3ncl�glsP - Pan23 a HorRp 3. rd6�.,ti. �8a sPM COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In thrMatter of__�11Adg®giag a3d_takia� an eseem-at in the lend aeoeesary-Por elope-. 41fA_@11d Pills in_the_gradiapa of Al1e�r Blook 1, Sanbora's Midway Addition from------------ to-Lexington-Parkway Horth---------------------------------------------------- ------ '-------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------- under - ,under Prelitliinary Order_1M39-------------- -----------approved _09-1 ar_ �936 _________—— The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the . above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby :ordered to be proceeded with. Z' ;That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ oQad and take en__ .1Nl4�eA�C_iA the �@pd gageieeary_tor_elo�ea,� outs and_ fills ia_the grading_ of dliey___ . ,�A_8kQ4i_l� Q bQrrp!a Midway (►dditioa Yra� Danlay Street_to Lexington Parl--- Horth, ia_*000rd_wnoe with hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the hatohed 'au"L l _ehodn the ste__assd.ehaded 10_rtioaa showing the fills{----------------------- ., with no.alternativeand that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 22nd ----------- day of _ I�fOlW�t4r ------------ 195#---, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court. Houseand City Hall Building in the'City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plain of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-_NOV 25 l�Jfi 192-___ 6: � NOV ------- --------- Approved ---------------------------- 192--- / lty Clerk. -------4----+��-�-- ----- ----------------- Mayor. C z Councilman Findlen PUBLISIiEDI_�, Council Pearce �) CouncilmPeteroon V Cea�Ui�h'�som I wi U Councilmansommh® Wenzel Qehan Mr. Vice Pr . deLi tT.-na8) Form B S. A. 86 n In the Matter of_ ohan�ia$_the_grsde_of Alley_ ia_ Hlook 17,_ Osk�ilie Park from Waide A�ronne to lfaleh __to confom to the _red yline on the -profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereoPl tha �reaent_eetabliehod &rade beim shown by the blue line thereon in -Block 17, Oakville Park from Weida Avenue to Walsh (��gtgts tq_the�rogoeed red_line_when_setabiished---------------------------------- --------------------- 106440 _____approved ____ ootober 16, 1956 under Preliminary Order---�---------------------r- --------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of A ce ttppn;ihe a improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: {, *hat the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the sa TQv hereby -ordered to be proceeded with.'`=`('" 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ oitange the �rad� o! with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 1941-k----------- day of --- V29_"Mr_— ---- — ----- , 199-__, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court �. House and, City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----- �_________ � ov 2 51 --. 192--- �—' NOV 5199f� -- --- Approved---------------------------- 92--- ��^ City Clerk. Mayor. IRS 6 Councilman. Findian G ,r-�"2'odncilman Pearce /� PUBLI3HEY9�rY3(p Council 'miuia Peterson U Councilman Wenzel ,s Qehea M777'-` e : r is t (Traas) Form B S. Aj2 165791 . a'.I fahRnal'nB.thagiede 117, pa c Ce,Park;ro � h9idll �e�a tL0¢P1'O:i �Q.gGd:me�tea tth�ff&:1 fid•• s r11t11eY $^�1ock1"d .. - a to �tpndvco YP - COUNCIL FILE NO.______________>� ---------t INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ ohan�ia$_the_grsde_of Alley_ ia_ Hlook 17,_ Osk�ilie Park from Waide A�ronne to lfaleh __to confom to the _red yline on the -profile hereto attaohed and made a part hereoPl tha �reaent_eetabliehod &rade beim shown by the blue line thereon in -Block 17, Oakville Park from Weida Avenue to Walsh (��gtgts tq_the�rogoeed red_line_when_setabiished---------------------------------- --------------------- 106440 _____approved ____ ootober 16, 1956 under Preliminary Order---�---------------------r- --------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of A ce ttppn;ihe a improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: {, *hat the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the sa TQv hereby -ordered to be proceeded with.'`=`('" 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__ oitange the �rad� o! with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 1941-k----------- day of --- V29_"Mr_— ---- — ----- , 199-__, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court �. House and, City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----- �_________ � ov 2 51 --. 192--- �—' NOV 5199f� -- --- Approved---------------------------- 92--- ��^ City Clerk. Mayor. IRS 6 Councilman. Findian G ,r-�"2'odncilman Pearce /� PUBLI3HEY9�rY3(p Council 'miuia Peterson U Councilman Wenzel ,s Qehea M777'-` e : r is t (Traas) Form B S. Aj2 In the Matter of_ eoige®ning_mnd te_kinLan .asame�t ia_tlae land neoesewg for elogss, outs and fills in_the$radia�of Alley_1a Bloak 19 pek�ille_P�rk from lfeide d�enue to , W& ATSMSe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 105441 --------- --------------- approved -- October October 15, 1936. --_--------,---- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ e291 and'take all easamenjis the land necessary_ -for slopes; onto and fills is the _g�radinp of Allsy_i3 Block 1'!� _Qalt�ille_$ark_trc® lfeide_Av_gane to lfalah 6_v_ennea in_a000rdanoe with the bl <G Otl with no'alternatives, and that .the estimated cost thereof is $ ---- 96—A -92 -- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- $M ------------ day of A!__4%" --- ------------- ON_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Rouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof s estimated. _ Adopted by the Council-___ N OV 6i 5.��7t76___, 192--- NOV �5 t�6 --------d---------- Approved ----------- - --192-- ity Clerk. --------------- -- - --------------- Mayor. G" eftlm Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce Councilman Peterson Wenzel Councilman Qehan ISr. Vicei r:-ident (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISBEDIL--�p i05'7y2 pde ���g�and.tay, 10. ZO dd-pplatl%esi 10 Alla-1A isa .6+'.A; to7tvalah Aver " Pape 106Siia,1 i6 88::•� r 134,• _ t9 [e J Krim ke �eDor!t 6f cps :.- 6pyingxrcn" COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- ht .; ••{tom By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ eoige®ning_mnd te_kinLan .asame�t ia_tlae land neoesewg for elogss, outs and fills in_the$radia�of Alley_1a Bloak 19 pek�ille_P�rk from lfeide d�enue to , W& ATSMSe------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 105441 --------- --------------- approved -- October October 15, 1936. --_--------,---- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ e291 and'take all easamenjis the land necessary_ -for slopes; onto and fills is the _g�radinp of Allsy_i3 Block 1'!� _Qalt�ille_$ark_trc® lfeide_Av_gane to lfalah 6_v_ennea in_a000rdanoe with the bl <G Otl with no'alternatives, and that .the estimated cost thereof is $ ---- 96—A -92 -- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- $M ------------ day of A!__4%" --- ------------- ON_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Rouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof s estimated. _ Adopted by the Council-___ N OV 6i 5.��7t76___, 192--- NOV �5 t�6 --------d---------- Approved ----------- - --192-- ity Clerk. --------------- -- - --------------- Mayor. G" eftlm Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce Councilman Peterson Wenzel Councilman Qehan ISr. Vicei r:-ident (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8.6 PUBLISBEDIL--�p No.(i6579 Whereas, additions and de -.ft ons'Nhioh 4 prove to be ne.cese�ary in'theimprovement described as the Gtg Market 'Site Paving arnd Improvement, Comptroller's L=3908,.,..Minnesota 0oritractorts Inc., Contractors, have been provided fo"r in the apeaifcatona and �thereas, it has been found necessary to make the"following additions and deductions: ADDITION: 10.0 sq. yds. of 6" concrete drive removed; l4 $1.00 $10.00 202.0 lin. ft. of 12" concrete' wall removed;. -0 0,70 141.40 , 25.7 lin. ft. of 8'x18" curb,.remove8 *50 12.85 . 82.0 sq. ft. of sidewalk tile; removed .'05 2.60 15.0 on. yds. of broken_conorete removed - 400 15.00, 19.7 lin. ft. of granite curb ,reset .30 5.91- '60.0 cu. yds. of earth', kill placed B - 075 45.00 - 133.0 aq. ft. of Monolithic Sidewalk placed' .1,5 19.95 _ 295,0 on. yds. of excavation 0 85 250.75 1358.0 aq. yds. ofnew brick paving prise bid). 1.20 1629.60 1 -old catchbasin rebuilt 17.00 $2150.06 DEDU TIONS: 137— ?d sq: yds. of 6" concrete paving $1 5© $205.50 300. eqo yda+.. of. 2" Asphalt ,Paving. ; ,., '1.00 3.00 14.,00 lin. ft. of 12"x24" retaining wall- 10-25 17.50 J 5010'oyde of hi -early strength dbdortee®f2 00 100.064 326.fJ0 aad, NET �D43ITION w .. - $182 :.18lereas, the total -net- addi tian is -$U'94.06; now, therefore., be it,, RESOLVIRr' that the City Council approve the aforesaid additions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to.exceed the atun,of $1824.06, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-,#3908 for the makin _of the aforesaid imQrovement. The Oommissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, Minnesota Contractor's Inc., that the sum of $1824.06 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Amda to cover this addition are available in the proper account and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay 'same. n"� CiO�lNTERSIQ�Dz L � n ss _ r o a or a rCOUNCILMEN Yeas Na s !F In favor ..... Against X. rMr President (Gehan) 3M 636/ MINNESOTA CONTRACTORS' INC., N ... NOV 2. 1936 Approved.......................................... __.......... _. 193_..... .......... IL— gk � E Orydod F. COY ii k OFF COUNCIL- r 7 NO FORM s - tdts9tu 'a PRESENT g BY il^'L@le[, s1q 1. .;DATE_._.HS? e2!tZe ._9.x...._193_.._.........:. ,,. COMM1 . NER_......... ... ......... __ , RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves 'the away& of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the`contraet for material to be furnished and labor to be.performed for the installation of Room and Laboratory furniture and equipment in the Cleveland junior High school Building on Walsh street between Lawson acid Jenks streets= as follows, to the FARNHAM STATIONERY & SCHOOL SUPPLY CO.: 32.00 Bid #10 8 library tables as specif ihd 1 It 38.00 38.00 n #13 1 seVVing table 90.00 1080.00 #22 12 sewing tables or a total contract price of $1250.00, in accordance with ~ spacitjcat_.ong therefor hereto attao had and the Formal Bid No. 8338 of said Farnham Stationery & School Supply Co., Such ,bid being the lowest bid and said Farnham Stationery .•& Seho�ol:` Supply Co. being tete loweat reliable and reasonable bidden and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the. City of Bain Paul. Charge Bond Fund 1012- Cleveland Construction F. B. #9338. ,r. /c� S79t� r October 28, 1934 TO THE HONORABLE WeYOR AND -THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Osntlemsat has awarded the The contract fop material to e � shod and labor to be perrormed rep tttee he installation or Room and Laboratory furniture and oquipmnmt in the Cleveland Junior High School BaildimS on Walsh street between Lawson and .Ten= staeetse P.B. #WWI TO ST.PAUL BOOK IBRAT3OMM coo I Bid #1 786 riaed'no stable tablet arm Chaim as epee -W r'Group'"A"- . •--- - - $6•29 $4,937065 " #3 305 eombinatiob dosksy 15 :foists ai " roars as specified under Qronp - • 6096 folding 1,823.90 fe 300 *n17 steel Chairs as 814- - fled under Gro ap *P" - � - - - - - - - -- 2.24 878.00 .(Note) Restaurant Chino► Co. bid $2.90 an Chairs but had no cheek or bond: Parnham Stationery & Sabdol 8app1y Co. bid"#2.08 and *61a3n & Redman bid $�22023 on this ite according tation"of City set the Chairs birsn the St"Paul sock'6 Stationary Co. areal only ones meeting the City�specificati " �7 " specified - - - » - 3b teachers ass 28.10 983060 #8 36 teacher sirtTel emirs as specified - 8.45 295.76 (Notary Farnham Stations do School Supply bid SS8.00 on desks and #%95' on Chaim, and-ReClain & Hedman bid $9*36 on Chairs, bat same do not -Moet the city acitication.) " #9 200- bent wood Chaim as ape irLd - - • - . 2059 618.00 " 11 1 charging desk " " - - - - - 69.710 89.70 " 12 2 Card casein " " •• - •. - - `98.25 192050 15 1 typewriting chair as " - - - - 7.66 7.85 23 4 domestic delenee tablas as specified • 72.000 288.00 " 24 4 table gas -stoves " * - 31.15 44.60 (Note) Northern States Power Co. bid #4.18' on Angliron hot plate, whieh was not in accordance with'elty specirieation.) " 25 3 domestic Science sinks as speeiri®d `- 88.90 198.70 Making total meoaat or Contract - - - - - ; $10,009*95 TO FARNHAM STATIONERY S SCHOOL SUPPLY 00.8 " 20 8 library tables as ale eified - - - - - -18.50 132.00 " 13 1 serving table " " • - - - • •38*00 39000 " 22 12 -sewing tables " " - - - - - •80.00 1.080000 Making total 'amount of contrast - - - - -r $1,250.00 Continued»- . TO XWLIN 4s MMWNs Hid #u t tTpswritW dash #950 Leopold- - - - -:. #2s.29 x28.20 30 25 room. tablss.. Fond da Le • - .. - - - - 9.26 280.00 Mots)-, $estmMiil* ehiaa Coo bid #8.90 on the'r0om tablee .but bid not in aeeardanoa with �✓a•- exw epeaheationi.) « 20 40 commsreial tsbles- BNA dulae- - - - - .. 3.88 158.80 R Raking total snout of Comxrast - - - - - - - - - - _ 410.09 � No form% contrast 4000*10b amoant less than #soo.00 TO CABLE 8SANO 00• i H13 #91 1 ben► Conover Urge mase upright piano . ineludirg bsneb -- - - --- - - - - - - At a total eomtraet p Lee of r - - - • - - - - - 895000 in aee�ordanea ld tk it It ea ok � sat tbsy fsraiahsd Ub ebOok or UAW .. No eontraet aeeonnt" &mount lfit l than #500.00. TO SINGER SEWING JlAdHINB GO..i Rld #26 7 6" Singer cabinet eltrio 00wi319 maahinea r-4 - - - a - - - - 56.00 308.00., #27 12 ung amelias llghts a eordn as *pee f ed•• - - - - - « 3.75 1h1 #88 2 ozotru lrm; as apselfUd- Midg t4 d3 smonnt of-eoatraet - 4w6.0p No aontraet aaeovat amaant leas than #600000 TO NtHTMMN SPATES ?own COS Bid #38 8 #308 bank of gas areas ward., b7 Wrleab StaffmowLbs • + - - - - +• - 113.48 ilaidp$, tatal araat OS eObEi'albt - - = - #886.96 I �3 NO contet aecount midi".long than #600.00 All bids reaelv*d on the fo items ars. re eeteds ung 3 / 765 stmt ehair d" aa - Group rAm 400 movable at# 6 t ebalar desks.• Oronp "D" $8 60 fonr•:post movable type desks- " "E" NO bids reagin 4 on19" ,3H80t 30 and 33. MX 34 and 3# yo16re `y Aadde „ ..;- Charge Bond Naiad =2- e2wv*U d 4 t"Alon- APPROVEDi VER et'JHTR M COMMITTEE Od`leal ro chy clerk CITY OF ST. OFFICE PF -111,t, 1 -._. i GOUNQt¢�i¢ 01 L��1 1 L 2.`L NO -405M CLERK 4ERAL.FORM RESOLVED I WEEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways has submitted plans and specifications for a highway grade separation bridge over Trunk Highway Mo. 61 at Hastings Avenue and the Point, Douglas Road designated as Bridge no. 6541, such bridge being a part of the project improving Trunk Highways bo. 12 and 61, a general plan of which has previously been approved by the City Counoil of the City of St. Paul, and NEEREAS, the plans and specifications as submitted for the aforesaid highway grade separation bridge are approved by the Co=issioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer, therefore be it RESOLVED, that these plans and specifications as filed in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works be and they are hereby approved. — r ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas N ys /` an - In favor ce e ,eon Xa at 94nzel 3M 63a /""' President (Gehan) NOV 27'1996 Adopted by the Council ................. ............... ....... __...�193 _.. i APproved._...............N®V 27 INS 1s3.. NOTICE CITY OF 9A1NT PAUL ' % 1057 • COUNCIL PILE NO. TO ION PRINTER xRdap ed`h5tg9iich�p gl�i'bwJf P November 25 6 i4d , 4`r 8 "pt i°ii a b 0 'b`a dt n d 6. 199 ,hUriC7Y6�'dtCC.$9ygx:rta 9gbEl! taudirar^ - 96Ttohlklit`h1381e dti a .Aptrall8r'••` 'T xlYds�l4 TS��+Cdd'iicll Nov 41 1828 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKSPsrgTda g ¢ r19 d) SURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF; COVERING CHIECKSNUMIERED TO 30539 INCLUSIVE, PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. 'I',• 27190 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 183_ - APPPOVED NOV 27 1936 199_ BY"r�� /THEY I/L�QAi�/ LLJ g ''•r ;'ia *;.'; t�` YL'1 •'•,., CITY SAINT PAUL OF DUPLICATE j0 CITY CLERK F COUNCIL COUNCALMEN—OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.---- ROLL CALL ----------------- c o COUNCIL RESOLUTION Maleeeailcb FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - sarcel Pete Son RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. ROS COVERING 4UO1ua=► "^ft ,(j n TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S- jy��� MR. Pfl4a•s�E !td N� ftr'n� CHECKS NUMBERED_ TO-- INCLUSIVE. AS y9 ppp 1103 -- PER CHECKS ON FILE OFFICE ITY C PTROLLER. ADOPTEn Wt' TMd C�U�L1C �- 4eban' lL. --- --- -- .. - ____ ___- 1-- CITY COMPTROLLER CHECK ' IN FAVOR OF NUMBER 11 I 3UHqT 11304611 30470 004472 1130474 30416 o477 30478 30479 30460 30461 30482 BROUGHT FORWARD John V. Hurley wo. Fisher peoples Electric Companyl Breunig & Sons Baking Compan Capitol Stationery Mfg*oomp ©oobran:-Sargent 00mpaay crane company of Minnesota Farwell, Omun, Kirk & comp Northern States Power coup= H. Pelts & Son Sanitary Food Mfg.Company H.K. Stahl Company Twin City Brick Company Villeume Box & Lumber Company C, Reiss Coal company 0. Reiss Coal Company lm, Eberts in. Zberts moFadden.-Lambert Company Ma,y I's Ice Orem Company Midway ice cream Company Minnesota Milk Company Paper, Calmenson & Company Postage Motor Company Republic Flow Meters Company St,Paul Book & Stationery Com St,paul Book & Stationery Com St.paul Milk company Sanitary Farm Dairies*Ince Schneiders (lift Shop He V. Smith camps" G. Sommers and Company A.G. Spalding &,00mpany Sperry Office Furniture Oompa H.J. Stahl & Company Standard Brands,Inme Standard 01I Gasmen Standard Sto"e Cios!Oaay Standard Unit Fasts company Stappeabsok & Craig,Inoe State of Minnesota, Boiler In Stationers Engraving Company The Star -vie Company Swift &.Company Taylor Instrument Company J.H. Tierney Transit Supply company Twin City Book & Stationery 0 Twin City Tea & Coffee Oompan Union Library Association Union later Meter Company United Chemical Company Universal iron Foundry University of Minnesotalpress University of North Carolina van Paper Supply Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD BY TOTAL DATE 11 RETURNED JIV TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKSCHECKS- 40 2151 30915 230; 61 111;85 6 36 45' 63 111'189 303899 287;00 41'o4 61156 37176 53 02 3 020152z 1 265 36 1 032 92 1 44a 57 642 49 1791482 231,90 30100 276150 26 151 200 100 309187 - 1 IT5 $1129 412 19 775 1000���,,, 6. 48 . 98194. lot 06 100- 505 60 36 20 10 ,88 9 �o 2 129 0 2 5 32 00 2 ", 3 8 97 18 0 33 Poo 2 1 52 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK / CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6 COUNCIL JY4 ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ---------- +tRl� -- COUNGILMEOL—RQLL CALL COI R �H COUNCIL RESOLUTION M - FSa_Y°R AUDITED CLAIMS - -November-25------ 19 _ PE RC ALD Peea�r�ost Powe eT son# R yy{L %Alftn el RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE °RA -N ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDH EIMER �� I, ,� f. VERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i--Zp -- - MR. PRES. BUNDLIE i' J�1 _- n�L�� CHECKS NUMBERED____ TO---- � Lp7�OLLERS WfiOY PER CHECKS ON FILE�1 FIC IT V C C ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIII'I.L, -------------------- ----------------- APPI CITY CO}IPTROLLER p�� r __ __________________ TOTAL DATE itRED TURNEV CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD R„ A0 • 3048 Vellumoid Company mfg.Compa-y 35 9b lll2C 3042 Velvet 30495'', viotory Printing Company St.Paul Bedding Company' 145'25 304,56. 30487 E. W. Jolm•om. Sec.munio. A. F. A n. 30488 ;, John J. Duey, As Attorney JOr Sarah Handle-' OC J 30489 Price Electric company 4475 714E 30490 Baoon 6 Xempe, Agent 409,85 09 a" j 30491 ' Barnsdall Ref.Oorp. Blue.Print Bervioe Company 30492 6'7° 3p4g H,_0. Buok 304 Campbell meat company 6515 36 4; 304 1' Farnell, Ommun. 1irk 6 Oomp y 634, 30496 General neatrie Supply corp.; 3,0( 30497 Dr, O.,H. Johnson 2161 30498 Nutting Truok Company 30499 Thomas 8 Garner Printing Coa Y lll4t 47 4; 30500 Tri-State Tel. Telg. omp 30501 j; Tri4tate Tel. d Telg. Comp 14I 30502 - Matthew Towey 30503j , Thornton Brothers Company 50 0( 23 150 O( 1516( °50504 Walter Ciohooki 30505 mine Safety 8 Appliance 009 587181 30506 Phillips Petroleum Company 940; ,54;6 30507 !' Standard Unit Parts Company 6' 611 30505 ;j Patriok L. Conroy 30509 4 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin bs 704 2! 846!01 30510 II Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin 30511 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Fin a • 8 30512 Axel 1. Peterson, C. of Fin 30513 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finm be be 8 920 920!6"1; 111 2231+ 30514 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a 115 237 6i 124 046101 30515 ! Axel F Petereon, 0. of Fin Paper Produots Oomp a 46, Oa 30516 Waldor� 30517 (}eo.T.. Walker d Oompa-y,Ino. 5 331 30518 (iso. Warner 8 Company 30519 Washington Foundry Company 124'i41 78 1 30520 The Waterous 00111Wiy 9;01 79,2i 9, 30521 T.& Webb & Company 4.L. Weber 71 ® 30522 30523 R. Z, Wedelstaedt Company Welob Mfg. Company 153',2 30524 W.Y. 2j o 30525 West End Ioe & Fuel Company 30526 ° West End Lumber A Coal Comp Y 40010 3052q Westinghouse 1100"10 Compan 1 65%g 30528 Wheeling Corrugating Company 15115 ® 30529 1 R.B. Whitacre & 0ompany 2'2 30530 The White motor Company `'6',6 30531 i H.W. Wilson Company 2 J.O. Winston and Company 6g 3053 3 Wolters Brothers 11 4 30534 in. Wondra 20T6 30535 'I Woodburn and Brandl 30536 ';'' World Book Company 169 2 30537 Worthington Pump A mach.0orp« 30538 Eenneth M. Wright Studios 910 — SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD pdd�fo chy Ctwk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL UTI. GENERAL NO. -40&798 nu RESOLVED that the regneeL of Joe Eesgel,jor transfer to the Atlas Gas A Oil Company, of his gasoline filling station lioease at 190 Bast Indiana Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, and the City Clerk is directed to make the proper changes in the City reoords. �. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nage an In favor .� ce tgfson �- Amt r a u1 . r. Preaidmt (Gahan) 3M 636 C "1' 'Not 1 67tce—+BYE F•9 M of, lrat f¢a re nest or. Toe �golved� K eMel 4or-tr�iteter to t �e �e� �$ve O ;7o{Gh19aP1�ri�3Yrof bis ,g@a In4 ?rea ,tfoR rise Da{ 4�� 0 P3aY�.Fn AntbH'�in� . j''fibfi$•zf+ApfyS:t710r is dis90teQ So mak6' ADO. tfrb er pDafi6, in t¢4. Cf{y Yep�RAiBSB. !.t[yDygoD ed Dvyte4iV;! Connell NOv 9 .ItDPr�vad Y�T,OY Hr,,,3886: (Ileo b 18S§1 a -> r Adopted by the Council... 193 1101 17 , Approved. ................... . ......... .......... . ............... . 193—.. CITY 'OF ,SAINT PAUL ej��, Capital 6f Minnesota OFFICE -OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEWUSON City Cierk and Commissioner of kegtstratlon November 25th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached request for transfer of gasoline filling station license from Joe Kessel at 190 E. Indiana Avenue to Atlas Gas & Oil Company at the same address was referred to you, by the Council, for a resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. J Telephone Midway 4303 Atlas Gas & Oil Co. DISTRIBUTORS 1408 MARSHALL AVE. ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA November 18th, 1936. Hon, Mayor Gehan & Council, City Hall, St, Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemens - � /vv and TRACTOR OIL We hereby ask to have Gasoline Filling Station License transferred from Joe Kessel, 190 E. Indiana Avenue to Atlas Gas & Oil Company, Application No. 12755, License No. 3651. Thanking you, we remain Expiration date, Very truly yours, April 24th, 1937. AT AS & MY o- ner eases "• Y',f,Cl(/W,IT�IL`Fi/IGv/+� .r,.�•.y.r vv --- CITY OF ST. PAUL Moumcm No- -1-05799 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNON—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13Y DATE 1 COMISSIONE RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and tcity clerk is in- bl structed, to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: J. 0. weyh 925 Z. Seventh St. Restaurant App. 15442 New I - Midway Amusement Co. 1633 University Go. Shooting Gallon 15490 ■ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays amil" BOOM Finaliti- It Wn Pearce 1. RP -------------In favor Peterson . T'ruaw - ....Against Truax F,"WAUZ Against Wenzel CZ� Mr. President 3M 11.63 (Gehan) Adopted by the Council--1�Q.V.Z7_JW .... 193-- NOV 2 7 MIS Approved.........-......... ........-......_..193._... -O4�tn■ �. �=,, 105300 i en.e4 ���yu�d rar nti., Or14 1 m City CI d Per.mte. a[ the adbtA6. CITY OF ST. PAUL anp fY taeclerkiJegme a ara fie N0,__ A___ __ ___________ T ne EItn@tr• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIugot't'tpa' COU T ON—GENERAL r 38R Rtc� et.; PREBEN BV ppm .plovember 25. 1936 Comm SI RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest A. C. gonker 571 Bice St. Gas Station App. 15452 Renew. W. B. Soukup 721 R. Snelling Grocery N 15464 ■ Sam Unovich Isis W. Minnehaha Grocery N 15467 ■ ■ ■ ■ OffiSaleMalt ■ 15468 ■ Joe.Germsheid 681 Zdmnnd St. Grocery N 15471 • Sebastian Brennhofer 908 Rice St. OnsaleMelt ■ 15479 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Offsale N ■- 15480 ■ r ■ ■ N Best. ■ 15481 ■ B.L.Fitzgerald & M. O'Connor 501 Blair Tavern N 15497 ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ DanceBall ■ 15499 ■ vin. H. Bishop 1029 %ilbourne St. Grocery N 15553 N Behrens Wittman 972.11. 7th St. Phel Dealer r 15559 r S. Andert 1230 Farrington Fuel Dealer ■4 15569 r Petroleum Service Oo. 425 Oaklandr Ave. Gas Station ■ 15579 ■ F. W. Woolworth Co. 55-61 S. 7th St. Confectionery 15609 N M'haha Fuel & Food Co. 942 E. Minnehaha Fuel Dealer r 15632 ■ S. A. Sanson 925 Fguquier Fuel Dealer N 15634 N 0. E. Weinstein 431 E W. 7th St. Grocery r 15635 N ---Northwestern, Fuel Co. 5th and John Fuel Dealer s 15 39 r �/ ■ N ■ 1590 Marshall Ave. ■ ■ N l5b40 N A. Breault 1314 Charles 3t. Fnel'Dealer r 15641 N COUNCILMEN }} Yeas Nay Adopted by the Findlan �n t0 Pearce ( ------- -----In favor Approved_..1....... .... ------ Peterson I .T�+taR• Truax c:�;w, ----+--f---------Against ... -- - --`� Mayor Wevicel 3M tt-sa Mr. Pr Mr. President (Gehan) e(J$I, 10580:t CITY OF ST. PAUL coumC m NO.------ ----------------- OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK OL ON—GENERAL FORM PRESE,0 B DATEVoyAmber 27- 1930; comm n RESOLVED That license for RsstRvx=t- application 15595, on Sale Wt Beverage, applicatA04 15596. and Off Sale Wt Beverage, application 15597- applied for by Walter J. Tookey at 902 Barrington Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrmated to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the reqcLired fees. Now, Informally approved by Council, Irov. 19. 1936 Adopted by the CounciL-..-..R(W-.2-7..19*93--.-. NOV 27 10 Approved .......... ...........................---_...193---- ......... . ... 193--... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Findlanr- n Pearce iso mo .................In favor Peter -on : Truai0 Truax C:':Vr ........... Against Wenzel 1:j#;jQ Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 11-53 Adopted by the CounciL-..-..R(W-.2-7..19*93--.-. NOV 27 10 Approved .......... ...........................---_...193---- ......... . ... 193--... ONpinsl m CtitY ©Mk ffV // / 1 ,�,• RESOLVED MN - _ CITY OF ST. PAUL ` nLe COUNCIL, NO. ---•---'--- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - W7 n1 tiTinN--- GENERAL FORM ,ATE_ November 27 1936 that licenses for On Sale Wt Beverage, application 151314. and Restaurant, application 15135, applied for by Brank Slater at 506 S. Smith Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Hew Informally approved by council. sotober 20. 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas 7""ftw- Pi.,nau '. eC� t6—r;m �rC2 Rosen ....................In favor r,tcrsca . Truax -j Truax E_Warreai ........... .......Agaipet Wenzel L*eaael� Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 11-53 1% NOV 2 7 193Ps3...... Adopted by the Council- ................................... ov 271. Approved.......-------- .............................. V c .�.A-----------._.-----�-.; -•-..ice Mayor o�wo.� e; cra c i CITY OF ST. PAUL 'o`xm` No.......��JJ (( ���jj OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RE$OLU"hON --- GENERAL FORM PRESETED 1 ..r COMMINSSIUNERT_._—._._'__._____.. -1== _...__�.__.�_�._._...._.DATE..........................._................................._............__ RESOLVED that water main be laid on the following street in the City of Saint Paul: Hazel Avenue from Sigel to Third Street �Ij COUNC EN Yeas Nays indlan In favor .............. I............ eterean ............... Against i 3M.; 6 M i.ie cl`i�s....`P#��Aw 4 d s e`ti ei a�tmain $bgo td °" Avenue r 84lnt1 BRa [coin E�6e1 ;to Th`��Q' A8�Pr4vg4 s i.�po8ue°it poo: r, rgP? ` fpec 6 1888) 0rWndmCkyC1erk q 1( 5804 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��NGL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .�V{/e .h COMMISSIONER._... ..�1,--�..:....................................._...... E_ ... ............. _..._........................ _........................... RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Educa- tion, the services of Tred Jost's eight -piece band for furnishing music for eleven skating sessions at the Auditorium Skating Rink during the month of November, 1935, may be paid for out of the Auditorium Expense Fuad, 17-B-7; and the proper City officers are authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Fred Jost, payable out of said fund, in the sum of Two Hundred Seventy-five Dollars ($275.00). COUN EN Yeas as Nays indlan ................:.._./ In favor �Pete[Son ............ Against 3M Adopted by the Council. .,,,,,.„_._DEC 1 193493 _... b DEC 13936 Approved ..................... .�'M-ay. Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Nov. 23rd, 1936. Please draw up a resolution for presentation v to the Council for the services of Fred Jost, covering the expense of an 8 piece band for eleven sessions for skating at the Auditorium Skating Rink on the dates specified: Nov. 12, 1936 1 Session 25.00 13, 1936 1 Session 25.00 14, 1936 2 Sessions 50.00 15, 1936 2 Sessions 50.00 17, 1936 1 Session 25.00 19, 1936 1 " 25.00 , 21, 1936 1 F' 25.00 22, 1936 1 " 25.00 24, 1936 1 " 25.00 TOTAL - 275.00 There would be no advantage in advertising for bids on this service as all rates are based on the Union Scale of wages, and such service are required only when rink can be used for skating purposes, which is very uncertain. Charge same to Auditorium expense fund, 17-B-7, Rentals, and oblige Yours pp veryptCruly, JSF-L COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION �t " CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 0 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLJ\N. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMM1.510NER BUREAU OF PUBLIC.SCHOOLS �® BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS J. T. JENNINGS, U6r.den PAUL S. AMIDON, Superintendent OF AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU EDWARD A. FURNI, Superitnden A. E TRUDEAU, Dir<cmr Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Nov. 23rd, 1936. Please draw up a resolution for presentation v to the Council for the services of Fred Jost, covering the expense of an 8 piece band for eleven sessions for skating at the Auditorium Skating Rink on the dates specified: Nov. 12, 1936 1 Session 25.00 13, 1936 1 Session 25.00 14, 1936 2 Sessions 50.00 15, 1936 2 Sessions 50.00 17, 1936 1 Session 25.00 19, 1936 1 " 25.00 , 21, 1936 1 F' 25.00 22, 1936 1 " 25.00 24, 1936 1 " 25.00 TOTAL - 275.00 There would be no advantage in advertising for bids on this service as all rates are based on the Union Scale of wages, and such service are required only when rink can be used for skating purposes, which is very uncertain. Charge same to Auditorium expense fund, 17-B-7, Rentals, and oblige Yours pp veryptCruly, JSF-L COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION oeao.i�carcae+ coueciL No..........10.58.05 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU�=L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M....___...._._..._..__......__DATE................ --De.c........ 1.,......1,9.3.6.. ........... _. COM MISSI4NER._........__.E.iT1d18II._.._.._--.....�.__...__.. .. RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into anegreement with John Lynch, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.72 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education, on the 17th day of September 1936; be it FMTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to $ay to said John Lynch the sum of $12.48 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of general Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including October 1, 1936. CouNCI MEN Adopted by the Council ....._ ........_1...1936-193...... E.r' Yeas Nays/ rqg± a ss ly DEC Z IM indlan / .. In favor Approved...._..................................._.............� .193....... �.... ....__._.._. Ttner _...... Against _... ,. ........_ Mayor' > ani 3N. 636 p{yled to Fiq Cl.rt 'E'COU CITY OF ST. PAUL OIL NO-AnfflV OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM n /.&X21 _ /,. ---.:..1_ t _............ COMMIS�l.ncn.................._........._.. RESOLVEDshat the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by George r. teller, in the sum of $2,000, with the Fidelity A Deposit Company of "ryland, as surety, dated August lst, 19561 cover- ing his appointment as Acoonntant in the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Vl.erk is direote. to deposit said bond in the City Comptroller's office - JN COUN MEN Na Yeas B oes md�an In favor eterson / V Asst ................. enr e5�tt� 3M 6-36 TSL•�tf.�7 '�' �T``'•(d'; E02e1% DEC 1 19N Adopted by the COUncil ....... ..... ....... ........................ __..:..193..... DEC 1 Approved.._ ................ _... ..............._. 193_.. Y f' Q �r U ff : rVi n �1 rnaa COUNCIL FILE NO.------_________ 1 sn ro - ?fi . hIU•..�D ? ------ - ---- -- ----- - -s `+�.tg-�ftsJutli �1 than in the rade of All_- in Block 1,;William'a &earrangement in the Matter of - g ------ - �� - - — of vart of_Blook 41_Neleon!s_9ddition, and lots 11 to 14 and 21 to_24s_Block 4,;._r_ Nelson's Addition, to-oonform to the red line_ on the profile hereto attaohed and made -- - — ----- there�i so e�a��iQxa41€.,_:thy_grQ�aat__es�a>?3,ieh�d-�r_eciQ_he_i�ag_eh�_b _�t�e lig latae._._ . g g, ll t ig_$124k__l,__W X31 4'_e_Iie�r engement-oF part__of Block_4a Ne1On'a 9dd tion and lots- 11 to 14 and 21 to 24- J look 4� Nelson's Addition from Arcade St. to Mendota St under Preliminary Order_ 10550 _--- —___approved _____Dotober__6� 1956 ----------------- __— intermediary Order _ — -- approved ----- ii pnb]ic hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council bavu%g heard all persons, objections and recommendations relativ,ep thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it . - d 14 be sad the same are hr .. 1 1 O!Ciaded w OheCA!'Qfm in said r.; t_: DEC -1 Adopted by the 192 __—. a-------------------------- - - - --' ---------- Approved-- — -- DEC Mayor. Councilor Couaclht! CouncilIgA Bariuee Findlan Pearce (\ CieanClhad i+pl ...1... c a Peterson U Couacilmalb, Wenzel Form S S Wa _ft (Truax) * ..PUBLISHED - 5 `J Decambor 1st, 1936. Ran. Axel F. Peterson, Cocas l r e: Finance: Building. Dear Sir& As requested by yov-, we are returning herewith the letter o: 2roderick C. iJe11,e1sel, ] +• Broadway Winona, Minn. in which he objects to the improvem at in the alley in Bloc'.c 1: Nclsan's Addition at this time. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF 8T. PAUL •.- DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER M ISSIO ORDER FINANCE ON M (A) . � . x Inthe matterof changing the grade of Alley in Block 1, William's Rearrangement of part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition,and lots 11 to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition, to oonform,to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereonf 4180 grading Alley in Block 1, Willism's Rearrangement of part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition and lots 11 to 14 ary 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition from Arcade St. to Mendota St. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ 940.74 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - fro t _ _ _ $ 0 79 The estimated coat peroot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: - ' ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATIOV DESCRIPTION � .:Laud .... "alQg. M. .._ ,.. 1 1 .(Williams Rearrangement of .:$400 $10001 (Block 7 and part of Block 4, 1200 2 1 (of Nelson's Add. to St .paul 360 3 1 do 350 1300,; 4 1 do 350 900;; 5 1 do 350 950, 6 1 ; do 350 1500;; 7 1 do 350 460:: 8 l do 700 1800,: ( 9 1 do ) .. 10 1 do 200 .. _._ . _.,(Except West 13 2/3 feet) TOTAL. Yarm n. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT • OF „FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -- 1 ams 8e. of Blk. 7 & art DESCRIPTION LOT l)LOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED 40 z I IT LUATIO& (Sx. Lot 11 and West I j (oi li• f t. Paul P h 4 ' 13 2/3 ft. of 10 1 theBCity4oeSt. s Add. to 400 #2flOOi� ILot 12 and W. 7 ft. of i 11 ! 1do 1 � i � 13 1 j do 350 f 14 1 do ),700 .1400;; I 15 1 do )' � 16 ! 1 do 250 150.- 17 1 do 300 1700 .i 18 ! 1 do 300 800 I 19 1 do 300 1050 IN 20 1 do 300 1100 d i 21 1 do 1.300 700 �I 22 1 do 300 450 23 1 ', do..300 1000 24 1 do 300 550 11 4 (Nelson's Addition 600 1800;!; i. 12 ¢ do ;1625 4450 N. 45 ft. 13 and 14 4 do 750 2850 I' West 43 ft. 21 4 do 400 960 E. 7 ft. of 21 & W. 33 1/3 ft. i 22 i 4 do 376 2400; E. 16 2/3 ft. of 22 and W. i 16 E/3 ft• of i 23 j 4 do 300 1250 i; �I S. 33 1/3 ft. 23 4 do 300 850 q � 24__{ 4_ do 504 __- - - 900 I Total -$12750- $362501 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �( Dated—•� // 196 Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 12 00 PZ /yI, ?A 19E6 St. Paul, Minn. : 193--- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners,. hereby petition your Honorable $ody to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading of Alley between York and Sime Street -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•------------------------ ----:-------- --------• -- --- ----------------------- --------------------- from from---------•-----Ar°ads--------------- ------ ----------St. A*e. to ------Mendota- -------- --------------- -----------------------•---- ----- - --- ----- -----------------St. /ns; ----------- -------- _ NAME. LOT BLACK ADDITION Mpg- 3- 1- Wrinninall- a X877 •eTk 3t OWNER Fred Gloaewell° OWNER _ Yrs A–E. Belau 24• OWNER Itrank fltsen.. __ 1L.- A. H. Hannon Matt_ Hei 87A °... .. ... 850 Sias -$t. OWNER OWNER 20 .. ... 16 17 1 /85s York St. OWNER Taaenh 0od-laskt 6 1 ','Sao Sims—SC. OWNER r F.- 7 OWNER V- A- labsmn � % St. OWNER 0- W- Rahman— -21 4. ....._... .. 999 Tor k St Ce N IF Brost — . . R51 ° 0EEL ,t,!.j ,.y r..� 0. 1. <V CT�c C'3 STAVO� AT�A� /35 W2 5.W /.r 5 E-. 28 T 29- R 2z SCALE 300' • I' I I I I I I nl I I I I I CfiSE - �� S/MS S T : y I W ELLS g r. -11- ----- 0 JUL 1 i 3 30PM 1936 THIS SIDE OFCARD R ADDRESS S- p tG Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 15, 1986 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105350 approved—Oct 69 1986 _193—, relative to changing the grade and grading the Alley in Block 1, Yfilliam's Rearrangement of part o4 Block 4, Nelsonls Addition, and Lots 11 to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelsonts Addition from Arcade St. to Mendota St. and having investigated the.matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement if-- —necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot #0.79 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 940 74 , and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $16.10 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1190.14 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ - — subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. 1 12 �e 5 OCT 16 s asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, C S' mtssioner��Public�Wrka. OD THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Oct., 14, 1986 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coat for changing the grade and grading the Alley in Block 1, William's Rearrangement of part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition and lots ll to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition from Arcade Street to Mendota Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105850 approved October 6, 1956. Estimated Coat ; 940.74 Cost per front foot 0.79 Inspection 16.10 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1190.14 ft. Yours tru]y, OEO E M. SHElPARD Chi Engineer Approved for transmission to the Cssioner of Finance IRPING C EABCE �'�, Commies ser COUNCI E LE NO.......... 105808 BZ'--• .. . . .. ..... ..... MN AT 10- b1 In the matter of---.....RandenaiJaB•--aiJ.d................. slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, William's Rearrange— ment of part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition, and Lots 11 to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition from Arcade Street to Mendota Street 105851 October..6 1936 under Preliminary Order ...................... ............................ approved ----..........-•-----.......3.:"---•----......_...........---- -•----- > Intermediary Order.... - .............. 5609 ................. approved 4Ly..1956............................._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the,. same; therefore, be it��� RESOLVED,_By the Counci_of the City o�inL_Raul F0 iid the same arc a l :'cd, and rescWCA8009 "Ce"M . in said r . mH in'4'V�, �t of Bl. u *.ofa1.1 Iv -4 Inn ni n¢. Adoptedby the Council ............................................................................. 193. - DEC 11935 ...... //�� rk. We ` .................. 19.. fi Barfcss Mayor. FindlanC " ®e t Pearceonald Peterson r i. -r- Wenzel , l L i aooiSaa Vice President (Truax) pjJ$LISHLD {•�� i c: r, � �•y-B'.r.;✓'; �r�siea''Pr �4.�.Chr of5:'-0'4aa:Ya.r. Ye,rco-a J� ro:1r L ..?e. ja"A .Y,;8e. I . SIMS ST. NELSON'S ADD. Y 'L L A M S E ••14 /3 l 9 8 1 6 /,7l2 2 1 I � I Fr F� var I r, Gar. 6a rFr .. -- _ ,•r. Nal s 1 ter. ,�hPe.'� .. ---------_ ser _ }+ I Gar J �,- Ba 1 Fr Sh T.P b . c '" r nil _.- :-`�' +i` iii Fr 77 �F,rl Ta_ `rf c ;,8c .'Jed e -- Fr 'r *17 • r S y. B. ,�k � � � 9 i fr. � j Gae L Sar. mar ,`. J' Fr. ar 7., Gar. J Ga J i Gac' Gar. i _li Bar !? 18 19 j 2D 2/ 22 ! 23 24 2/ '2 23 24 i I I'r YEL SON, ADD. L 4 1A M. R E. N E L S O N '5 D D. YORK ST. T SO '21 �' `�s ad -mw , iri XL,e, & L.c. -Pook IY?ac. Wl'r-5 ie i`.P&r'o%3. k.4 a,j , L 0 45 , 17,0 14 IL 13 12 J4 33 2 Ala Fr Gar F, Fr IF, 2 Sty. 3,,,, k Fr. -'i) oc Hedge /7 Lu C4 L SON' ADD. 11 r 5 1. & I ,I�l� -51 k. 4 /+1 e 0 �,rt- Arcade fo r f.o. Jr 7 Y?4/ Oak li 5/MS ST is 9 8 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 333 7F Gar. Fr bar ff11 Fr. fr. Barn I Fr 6ar. � zi I &,-,? � 5h. F, Fr 5h T P F, F,. Gar. Fr. Fr. h. Gar.Fr. ac Bam fiat + Gar, 21 22 23 24 2f 22 2,3 24 Q) w 5'R,E. /Y E L 1:5 ONDD. YORK 57. F,.. 1 1 1 Fr --- Gar Gar 18 Iq L Oak li 5/MS ST is 9 8 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 333 7F Gar. Fr bar ff11 Fr. fr. Barn I Fr 6ar. � zi I &,-,? � 5h. F, Fr 5h T P F, F,. Gar. Fr. Fr. h. Gar.Fr. ac Bam fiat + Gar, 21 22 23 24 2f 22 2,3 24 Q) w 5'R,E. /Y E L 1:5 ONDD. YORK 57. li 5/MS ST is 9 8 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 333 7F Gar. Fr bar ff11 Fr. fr. Barn I Fr 6ar. � zi I &,-,? � 5h. F, Fr 5h T P F, F,. Gar. Fr. Fr. h. Gar.Fr. ac Bam fiat + Gar, 21 22 23 24 2f 22 2,3 24 Q) w 5'R,E. /Y E L 1:5 ONDD. YORK 57. CITY or. $IT. PAUL _ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �! ON PRELIMINARY ORDER G1 (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts an& fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, William's Rearrangement of part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition and lots 11 to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition from Arcade St. to Mendota St. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ b0.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION I _.. (uoq* West 13 1/3 loath 8orm 8. n. 10 LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 6 VALUATIO .Lind jh4B .: ... 1 1 1f111Luoo AOarrangeomt Of 5100 now" . Dlook 7 and pu't Of Block *0 ! 1 ,(of joloon'o Add. to 6t.Pan1 i60 1 :: E 1 do 060 1300.. d 1 do' 6 1 do 660 660,, 6 1 do 360 1600:; 7 1 do 380 400; 8 1 do 700 1600, 9 1 do i 10.1 do g00 TOTAL, CITY OF ST PA11L DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) = DESCRIPTION, LOT pLocKi ADDITION 'i; ASSESSED VALU TIO12�_ jEr. 1T 4 i'!.) Lob 11 and �.s0 willissls ao. e! alk. T d pore i itoo /R800 u a/a rt. of 10 i .or alk. 4 aeieea a Add. to the City or ab. Panl uLet la d We T ft*. or 11 WA 1 60 40D its ! 1 do ii i! 10 1 : do i 18 3 de '850 100 a 1T 1 do a00 1T00; 10 1 4e am 10 1 do aoo 1000" 00 1 do a00 1100!: at 1. do aw afi 1 do 000 400';; as 1 do _ a00 1000 04 3 do so0 aa0 . It 4 Nelson's Additim 000 1000';; '! la 4 do ,10x0 NWI! No a rt* li and 14 4 ' de 1.740. �j 1<seb 40 !b. 40 400 aao a. 7 rt. or al • To 03 1/3 ra. U 4 do 6" 8. 10 a/a rt* or as and 1. ft. or as 4 ao aoo 18114110 u S. as 3/8 rt. a: 4 dA i24 xv� l l��E'�o . �#► The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said mjatter�by the ommissioner of Public Works. � Dated— 19s6 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Oat.ober 15, 1986 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the - Council, known as Council File No. 105851 approved—_. Oct -6, 1936 193—, relative to eonde_mming and tAYine an easement in the lard necessary for slopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, William's Rearrangement of part of Block 4, Nelson's Addition, and lots 11 to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition from Arcade Street to Mendota Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-- — —necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S �00000c and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is____ . __ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, su4, rSW,,OdreMt�epN, tsaid improvement. OD ;;1111M r+r"N�IYY.�AAII��11 missioner of Public Works. 9 3 �� 1 OCT 16 tQ?S t In the Matter of___i�a Alley in Hlook 12, Butterfield Hyndicate Addition No. 1 from_St. Albans Street_-to__Grotto__Street----- -__ --- _ -----------------_ — '#137 ]ny ei 'tnar- - �a` ?c'ober �iiw .z havh. ------------- ---- ---- ------------------------ under Preliminary Order_—_10-346___-_-------_—approved _ Ootober_'6, 1_936_ Intermediary Order ___---- approved— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it , �,�-. .11" RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thatand 4H"d_Vf_ft_ p�gyement to be de by the id City is__� a Alley Blook 12, tterfi.e23„$7Udio�#e._ ----- 00 M9 the Mme are hereby enaceiiad, rrruiicd, =d ra3et]deII txE1 _ — 3n ma be discanldaLeJ. -- �_;� — -- — - ----------------- I_e Council reby orders said rovement bo be mad 1 30LVED R, That the n sioner of Public rka be and is he y matrudte and diree to prepare plan nd specifications said improvement, submit same to Council approval, at upon said ap val, the proper city icials are hereby a rued and directs pro - teed with t making of said i vement in accords therewith. Adopted by the Council -_------ 192___T. Approved ---------- ---------- ----1---'r-'- , 192 Mayor. Councilman Bari— Councilman plNesgumau= Findlan Couneilman Pearce Councilman Peteraon Councilmanow Wenzel M.r. VBi t (Traax} I'Ar. S 8-7 PUBLdS1JED V CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading Alley in Block 12, Butterfield Syndicate Add. No. 1 from St. Albans St. to Grotto St. Q� under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 947.44 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - $ 0.80 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: II DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIO ., Land 91dg.. S. 40 ft. of 1 & 2 12 Butterfield Syndicate Add.No.l $450 $1950 3 12 do 625 2350 4 12 do 675 3650 5 12 do 675 2550 6 12 do 675 2700 7 12 do 675 1250 8 12 do 675 4500 9 12 do 675 1900- 10. 12 do 675 11, 12 _ do 675 , 2900 ,_.. TOTAL. IF- B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM}MiSSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER __ - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIO La 4 12112 ;Butterfield Syndicate Add. No.'$675 .$2400 N 1312 do 625 2600 .j 14;12 i do ) ., 1400 27000 l 15;12 do a N. 48 ft. of 16 and 17, 12. do 400 2050 18,12 do 600 2400 f 19 12 6 do 00 2350 20;12 do 600 2200 I. i. 21,12 do .. 600 2000:; q 2212 do 600 1950 23:12 do 600 2550 . 24.12 do 600 2750..: Sb ,12 do 600 2200 26:12 , do 600 2900 :I ti 27;12 do 600 II 28 12 do 600 3600 .:. Xorth 40 ft. of 29 and 301112 do 425 1750 ;. i Total $16,600 $84,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatter by the Commissioner of Z Public Works. moi) `inis _ " " 193Z Dated Commmissioner of Finance. Form B. e. 17 MILTON ROSEN Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M.SHEPARD L! E. C to ngtneer JOHN tA'REARDON, Au't Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction G. H. HERROLD, Office Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Eng, Clerk April 15, 1956 Mrs. J. T. Claybourne, c/o Hotah F. Wilson, 608 St. Paul Building, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mrs. ClaybrorneR FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse This will acknowledge receipt of your complaint of the 8th instant with reference to the alley in the block between St. Albans, Grotto, Central and St. Anthony. As you know, this is an ungraded alley and as such we are not permitted to give you the service we would like to. However, I have turned your complaint over to the Engineering Department and have asked that they give you some help. At this time might I suggest that you have a petition signed by at least three property owners asking that the alley be graded. I am quite sure after this improvement has been made that it will eliminate the trouble you are now going through. Yo very truly, MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. Encl. C 0 P Y To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn.-- ------------- --- -----•-- 193-- -- Gentlemen: We, the. undersigned property. owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body.io cause the following improvement to be made: ----------- Grade -Alley- in- Block -1�- Bute�f� elc�-Sndicae•Addition-No,--1----_-----_-_-----_ bounded by St. Albans, Grotto, Central and St. Anthony e -----------•--------------------- -------- ------------ ----•----------------------- ------- -------------- -------------- StxlpOoto-- -------- --- -- -------- St. --- - St. Ave. NAME IAT BLDCS ADDITION john 1, laibourne 20 12 Butterfield Syndicate No.l 0 C Hall 19 12 do -- George G Mundell 25 12 do Geo W James 24 12 do —_ 28 _ do B=4{more — Mrs S L Few -- -- 18 12 do Owner Dwnei+ Dwner Owner Owner Owner {,j . '008 N N. Yo, 5. E '/4. SEG. 35 T- 2 J— -4 w � 6 0-* 1 �3 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works - Report to Commissioner of Finance t)e+._ 15� 1986 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105846 approved— _ Oct. es 1986 ___193—, relative to grading Alley in Block 12t Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-- __ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.80 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 947.44 and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $16.22 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1190.24 M. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, COM. " ctIVANCE assessment for said improvement. 4 12 _C&ommisstoner of Public Works. 9' o i OCT 161936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION � s.o October 14, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alley in Block 12, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105346 approved October 6, 1986. Estimated Gost $947.44 Cost per front foot 0.80 Inspection 16.22 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1190.24 ft. Your , ARD of inset Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance � V �J.�:U/GCX/• IRVING. PEARCE Commissioner d Public Works. COUNCIL ,5 EDINGS In the matter of ----------- Cgndemning..and.-- aking__an..easement, in._#1?e., land,_necessary for._slopeai cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 12t Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. l from St. Albans St. to Grotto St. under Preliminary Order ............. 05347 .......................... approved ..........Nov. 4� 1936................... _....a ...... ..--, IntermediaryOrder ....................--- ..-- -- ........... ----- approved ................................................................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it D --- RESOLVED B the Coun ' it of Saint Paul_ - 6e W the mtp are hereh c ncQflcd, crmil!od, and rescIDW C% 9Neeeftgs in said matter be d:.tio-_;ir::ed. I9h,;1iNuu No. ... arotto. St _r 105347. M. �qa��a y7r. Adopted by the � CouncilLEG....................................................... 193........ 1939- .................. . Approved - .....J1L�,.... a2 3- , 19l1:..... Mayor. Councilmen Pearce T Wenzel III LTrmnr_�J soo.M. Vice Presideut (Truax) pUBLISMi D"-5 L i I A- /iey-B,/oc.�' l� ' Buf�er�ie%Syndicale ' Typica.' Nofat;or'�' F/y.�res above ;,tee s��o ✓ J f���2n5 Jf 7ro�o S ! Calor �ii!a� PrvPer��,, �i^e_ � lg res below -?e show j f Dis,arce fO w" icc ' s opts fx;end beyond :°-oaery _'irP X Sec. LOc.Bscale: / �C N9.776. ook N- !'?6. I I !II CEN TRfiL AY£, 1� B U T T E R F / E L D S Y N D i C A T i E Fr D 7 x h �' -44 Fc Ho. r� 1 6e r :ry:, 8Yr JaC s iar d., r �..7rc'v;y: ocpw^ .% •' b f �, , �, ,�'.'l?p,e3€� � ".Ji-� b4:;s.�`� CVi s �" TS t c i.- .. 1 I .,, • ,.,, -;I' __. ..:4,-,. .11_._._.x_____ I:;. •,'I: zAll il�g �ly. Fc Gar bac Fr J2rCFrai r 'E crr I3ul Sys._r F erq Barn Ga[$roFr cc ,HIIo, - Gar. f Gar, 8 9 X20 2/ 2? 1 23 24 25 6 23 1'I 1 y E LD S Y I N D/ C I A T E A I D. /Y 0. 1 1 cry ST. ANTHONY AYE. S "C. S! Z r- Ery: r ice: tj CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE nn REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE v00 -LO (A) LI ON PREMIMARY ORDER -k In'the matterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 12, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ,,yALUATIO Ila d6. , B. 40 ft. of 1 i ! 12 bntterfield Byndioato Add.io.l WO =1>i30 i is do 828 2360" 4 12 do 876 3860 3 12 do 873 2360 . 8 12 do 873 2700 7 12 do 873 1260 .: B 12 do 873 4W - Y 12 do 878 3.900 .. 10 12 do 87i li 18 d• TOTAL. 6T4 11�- _ P.rm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ii DESCRIPTION LOY BLoe ADDITION ASSESSED YALUAT.10 _ - 9atbarfiald 8yad esbo Add. loot 1478 1!400 a 1& 12 do 825 low ;. 2. 14:1! de C 1400 !7000 do ) 1. 48 ft. of 18 an& 17 1s. do 400 solo 16.12 do 800 X00 lei 19 do 800 8880 . lO11! do 000 9200 U. is do 800 loon !!I 12 de 800 lYiO :. 251 1! do 800 96i0 14 !4',1! do 800 8950 15,32 do 000 9!00 26.12 do 800 2900 M. u de 800 de 800 1800 lorth 40 f@. of 99 and do 498 1980 6 TOW $18x800 1840450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report mea to�him reference to said%by t -dee miin Commissioner of Public Works. lq'.L Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 i!> LZ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 15. 1956 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 105347 pproved---- Oct. 6, 1956-193—, relative to or Council, known as Council File No. a conaemnina tek—� + 1 the lend necessasv Pslopes cute _— and fills in the Brhdin of Alley in Block 122 Butterfield Syndicate Add . 1 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__-- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ -----, and the total cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4.-- S. Said improvement is-- - - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property,, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. - of Public Works. missioner 02. 7..fi...}i OCT 161 6 x COUNCIL FILE NO --- ------------ - ----- - under Preliminary Order -------- 104862__-_---------aPProved------ 6ugnst-2Tt_ 1936--------------------------_T Intermediary Order ____-----------approved --------------- — ------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ oonatruat a Sanitary Sewer on White Bear Avenue Brom Fifth $treat t�a_pyint SQfeet nnorth of Third _Street; storm water to be ex- — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ya teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. , Adopted by the Council--DFC____1-=----__--_�192-��,00— •t�nJ City Clerk. Approved---------- 192 LJ t - Mayor. Councilman Clane Councihna C Couneilma D enzel Form B. At (Truax) �a ^ � � J Y PUBLISHED--��� § OF ST. PAUL'" St. Paul, Minn.. brr�be! Ela 188 Council of the City of St. Paul, Minn„ has under consideration an order r gto nenetreetr a'BLite_*,8eirer crit` •te Ses7r A*ente .. — 91Hsh Street 40./,ppjItIhilr Streehv .} "rm ester i h e:e7 AeA fww® tli3/ /�!� under Preliminary Order 10"62 approves BrE7.>f8 To 8sa+> Y Badaeh You are hereby notified that the Council of the 'Cityof St. Paul will consider the advisability of the above improvement; that tfie total estimated cost hereof is the sum of # 62�3>s " per front foot. ` That a public hearing will to bold on said''improvement in the Council Chamber of the -Court Boase and City Hall,Building, on the %!t -dayr ;of Deoember ,1lm 8 ' -: at 10 `o'clock A. M. AXE i*,,PETERSCN,. Page FtiP �i68 w Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF ST. PAUL `GI DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF FPRMMISSIO ORDER FINANCEON ��op (A) In the matter of constructing a Sanitary Sewer on White Bear Ave. from Fifth St. to a point 50 ft. north of Third St. Storm water to be excluded from this sewer. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 27, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 2,860.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is fro t The estimated cost pey�oot for the above improvement _ _ is $ 2.33 land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of parcel as last reported by the Assessor,. are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg-- ldg.-30 304 Bunde's Park Add. to St. Paul $50 1 4 do 50 30 1 do 75 $800 .. do 2500 8300 (in - 1 1 cludes other property) 30 2 (Heinemann, Shirk and Stierle's, 50 900 )Sub. of Lots 18 and 19 of 1 2 (Lee's Suburban Homes 50 30 1 do 60 1 1 do 50 11 7 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Hts. 250 (ince uddeeso her 19 6 do 300 1600 S. a of Lots 18 and TOTAL, 4i Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL IfC.,'I(� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE + ~ V REPORT OF COMMISS)ONER OF FINANCE , OO ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing a Sanitary Sewer on White Bear Ave. from Fifth St. to a point 50 ft. north of Third St. Storm water to be excluded from this sewer. under Preliminary Order approved Aug. 27, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - $ 2,860.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 2,33 fro t - - - The estimated cost per xt for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Land Bldg. 30 4 . Bunde's Park Add. to St. Paul $50 1 4 do 50 30 1 do 75 $800 do 2500 83oo (in - 1 1 eludes other property) 30 2 (Heinemann, Shirk and Stierle's. 50 900 )Sub. of Lots 18 and 19 of 50 1 2 (Lee's Suburban Homes 30 1 do 50 1 1 do 50 11 7 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Hts. 250 (includesther 300 1600 S. 1 of Lots 18 and 19 6 do TOTAL. Porn B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER :-... (C)_._. _ . LOT BLoc1c ADDITION ASSESSED i� DESCRIPTION LajjLUAT.I S. 45 €t. of N. s 18 and 19 6 Robert L. Ware's Eastern Hts. $50 $300 (Ea. S. 45 ft.) N. 18 and 19 6 do 275 1760 ii r ai i' I! I ' 1 I• Total $3750 $13650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � � — il✓� Dated - Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 80 July 81, 1988 Mr. E. S. Spencer, Principal Assistant Engineer. Dear Sirs I am attaching hereto petition for a sewer on White Beer Avenue from Third Street to Fifth Street. I presume we should prepare a report on the same basis as the other branch which was petitioned for to connect with the Third Street sewer. I believe that these petitioners have in mind an assessment of an amount sufficient to cover materials, supervision, etc. and have the labor furnished from W.P.A. Yours truly, Gm EPEC H.S WARD, Chief Engineer. Sc. Paul, Minn ------------------ ------------- 193.'.---- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Sewer on White Bear Avenue ---------- -------------------------- ------ - -- ------ -- -------------------------------------------------- ---------- ----- ----- I --------------------- --- ---------------------------- St. Ave. from------------------third Fir ------------------ hird ---------------- - -------------- St. &me. to .... -tk ---- - -------------------- Aw. -------------- ----------- ----------- St. NAME I"r, :BLOCK - ADDMQN-- OWNER M�- ag N- ama. ap'll ARA IAIXA. Beer Aver r A NOT RECC-yr --nt nvftnrd Stral Atr(m OWNER M- -Tb OD P rV y ��J 'R�..i .) ''�tim.r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104852 approved— ---A�%• 1956 __193—, relative to constructing a Sanity sewer on 0hi.te Bear Avenue from Fifth Street to a point 50 feet north of Third Streets storm water to be excluded from this sewer. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is -------necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $2.83 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ 2,860.00 and the total cost thereof is $ Engineering and inspection $260.00 Frontage 1227 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is__ ___ subject to assessment for said improvement COM. OF FINANCE. 9: ".4 OCT 15 19" asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, mums inner of Public Works. i THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION B0 October 8, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a Sanitary Sewer on White Bear Avenue from Fifth Street to a point 50 feet north of Third Street; storm water to be excluded from this sewer, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104852, approved August 27, 1956 Estimated Cost $2,860.00 Cost per front foot 2.55 Engineering and inspection 260.00 Frontage 1227 ft. Yours truly.. -y'. �0 M. SHEPABD Engineer Approved for transmission tois oner of' Finance 6leel. fRVING rPEME Commissioner oF Public Works s '- COUN4*L FI NO....... 105812 -.7 BY is twr nna1r�_mar.bL-dT�►_ :€E[';:ZR7G X N FINAL ORD R �T�r�xrFxr=+� --... ►. In the matter of..... op fining,--._widening_-_and.- egtending.-_a--16._fj$...(ga t ed) alley_._.._..._ from Hazel Ave. to a point 10 Pt, east OT the east line of Lot 18. Also a piece of land measuring $ ft. west and 8 ft. east of the east line of Lot 17, and 20 ft. south of the south line of the vacated alley for a turn -around, all in Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6. under Preliminary Order -------------- aQ$l.$22 ..................... approved.........SgptembeT--UN—t 19 6 Intermediary Order ................... ..... 105620 ..................... , approved .......... .ovember......5.th.,...193.6 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to open, widen and extend a vacated alley. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, v1z.: A 16 ft.(vacated)alley from Hazel Ave. to a point 10 ft. east of the eaat line of Lot 18; also a piece of land measuring 8 ft. west and 8 ft. east of the east line of Lot 17, and 20 ft. south of the south line of the vacated alley for a turn -around, all in Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6. RE5OLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said, improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. D F r 1 1938 Adopted by the Council ......................._------------- ...............r - lJ� QFC Approved........ ..._............................ ------x otmcilm fq�terson fuss / elan Pearce Rosen _T,q_ Wenzel soall�eVicee Presidcut*(Tr-ua'x f j �. -t - � -rty Clerk. h..i......, . /.......:...... . Mayor. V�j` PUBT,TSHED1M-5 3 HAZEL PARK DIV. No 6 BLK.2 Na3e/Ave, - t6 a po/nr /O E orEL.o%161 /9 OPENING Bureau or Engineers Sep B-/936• Scala I' _ /00 f i i - JL AUTUMN ST l Q /3 /2 // /0 3 B - 7 6 5 4 3 J � voc afed 1er-i�----'------- ` � I �v w N Q /4 15 16 17 l.4 /9 20 21 22 23 HYACINTH ST NALEL ICK DIV N•9 BL N 2 OPEN/NG - - Da -3 "-231 W6b.- St. Paul,'Minn- .......--�.-----1_fo To The Honorable, The Council, 4 City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners,✓hereby i �following improvement, to4womw4e..----0 --- ------ ---- -- -- --- --- ---- �---------- ----- t. Ae. in -------------- ----------- ------`_-^[_ v : t ..._- . St. Ave. NAME IAT BLOCK ADDITION - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ORDER �A) ON PRELIMINARY, o IB the matter of opening, widening and extending a 16 foot (vacated) alley from Hazel Ave. to a pont 10 ft. east of the east line of Lot 18. Also a piece of land measuring_8 ft. west and 8 ft. east of the east line of Lot 17 and 20 ft. south of the south line of the vacated alley for a turn=around, All in Block 2, hazel Park Division No. 6 under Preliminary Order approved Sept 23, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 40*00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION N. -'s of vac. alley adj. and do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do do V r B. B. 16 LOT BLOCK ADDITION yASSESSED; Lan a ALUATIOt�ldg.i. 13 2 Hazel Park Division No. 6 $225 12 'L do 200 $2050 ;. 11 2 do 200 1850 !; 10 2 do 200 9 'L do 200 8 2 do 200 7 2 do 200 2850 6 2 do 200 5 2 do 200 42 do TOTAL. 200 2050 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI'5610NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION I LOT BLOCK'I ADDITION ASSESSED land VALUATIOL81�L , li N. a of vae. sl7,ey adj. and 13 2 ,Hazel Park Division No. 6 1200 S. of vac. alley adj. and 14 1 2 do 225 do do 15 L do 200 do do 16 2 do 200 do do 17 2 do 200 $850 5. 2 of vac. alley adj. and Lot 18 , and W. 10 ft. Of 'i 19 2 do :.250 900 W. 10 ft.) S. z of vac. ;(Ez. alley adj. and 19 2 do 150 50 S. a of vac. alley adj. and 20 2 . do 2D0 2800 4 do do 21 21, do 200 do do 22 2 do 200 do do .23 2 do 200 j! U Total $4250 $13400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works Dated.Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn._ ----------,-fir tr_�x 6' Gentlemen. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: open an alleey, 16 feet wide_ 1in--Block-2,__$ezeI__ park__3ubdiyieion 6, ---------frbin-i%ze1 Av. toe point0 feet of the east line of lot 18, with a turn -around on lots 17 & 18 as shown on accompan"tAve. --------aketc-h; - ---------------- -- ----------St. Ave. to---- ---- - - - --------- - -- ----------- - - - St. Ave. , e�e e� If) VA " ,. ':SEF �.. r r _ / ,, V x 5 �: .� .: ;" -. xctLd 4 4 QOUNCIL FILM .................. BY..""-......' FINAL ORDE IN CONDEMNATION takln6 and condemn- s+ueaaea%`.L�truaKtK�aMt . In the matter of .......uw ,t . .�,.- --------- - ------- 1615813 "' 1615313 PROCEEDINGS GO INNA'Plgx l ---------- --. ---- - ""-"""'-7 Ir"ng't»-Peart king .and-conde- ,,14, Leen tn; �l3) • •net nR;sd,P • .antiJ� 104667 August 7th, 1936 underPreliminary Order........ ............... ....................... approved.... ...._..._.....-- ............................... Intermediary Order ------------------- 1061..........'------'---�approved............. N o y. emb er.. _5 thl 193 6................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to take and condemn temporary and 1 permanent easements in the construction of a sanitary sewer. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.:_ / n eseemenf'-16 . .. Leef in wfdtl, {tit tho , 48 as Dubllr{I irdetip& yi+add-t�4��+v _ 'Iota d, ,A RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..........DEC 1193 I ............................................... ."""........"-" """' i Jerk. ® yy Approved...................................t.�......l.l,f. ........ / ...................................... Ma or. Cotmcilmen PUBLISHED ��' S�✓ �Q xnp= Barfuss Abbmw Pearce F3IIdlan f Rosen Wo - Wenzel Peterson Miidcut EUSTIS ST BAKERS ADO. LOTS 9B/O,BLK 2S 57An/hong Ave "NL CMS)P@PRyR'W DES NO VER PARK, t.11 /A 6 /S fill, 16 .5EWER EASEMENTS Bureou of Engineers Aug. 14 1936 Seo/c /"e/00' CU I L CL 14 df '3- W Q i2 Q p I� � w Q25,, Q I 2 3 4 5 6 T9 r8 9 III 10 if 12 13 14 15 Z 10 SOMERVI LLE AVE. J ry I 8 W O t8 21 14 25 24 23 ! 22 21 20 19 18 Il 16 15 14y e,wcvssoo �f, 4.m eu. rs Sf An lM1ony4ve -MC CHSV�V R. O[SNov�4 F+r Lola i��iSeR iJ JJwee E�4EMEN �s / ' pR 3 N^ -230 SHEET 2 of 2 COUNCIL FILE NO......... BY................................................ FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCE In the matter under Preliminary Order.......... lO46.67......................... approved .------_--. -- nbA--- 193.6 ................ Intermediary Order .................... 105-6.0 -------------------------- approved -------------So eM ler---5th,.193b................. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to take and condemn temporary and permanent easements in the construction of a sanitary sewer. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council............................................................193........ Approved ......................................................... 19........ City Clerk. ............................. .................................-- ................................... ......----- Mayor. Councilmen X*Wlr Barfuss XAXM Gd Pearce Findlan Rosen Truax Wenzel Peterson Mr. President: aehan 500-&33 • t - -- CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D� In the matter of Mid 040desa2ng an essawk 221"t na width for the of 000- Sloet �r �n'U� a Ua Wi n+ =der and &oft s let$ 9 Md 10, et..Paal and haiKe lisil:oad frees lt6. Aalhaq Aveutte to W of the � aaa�aWly � ].#ue of abiaah 01101100 e the owttter line of No tP+tpMd00$ilroad, Vie anter jy fx" Irtattie Stsaet ae laid Ott north of said Chi sesthe Paoitla Railread r1ot-or-oy. °"$Oa "' ce#� ft. Panid yad oondesat" a ard eseesent ter adnstrwl4on purposes att a stsi�•of.2alad<'EO feet lu width on aadh side of shote daearibad pe mmmt eaasent. A I► eaad oaadan easalm at lE feet lent width top the purpose 0 CiR� A► �a+13u 8"mid iii t+ iyi r inti 'f tercel below at eletabtvn elf- stld nus" lot 91, aloft Rha Halters AIlditioit and rat *0 -t%; p[tittgtrttos' St. Peal attd Papitio 9$�1lroad h�on1 . A#i A j #o oto aoi't e]y line of sam 0hior�oa Milw ak'1ii"'"int. PityY' wad .pagr #a. UI ds the ,aaotwr W* of .hiah Aba11 be a line 20 fest west'- f wad Psssllel to the apttar line of Seetis Street paodifed entberly tras > Straw .as 144 out north of the said Chloaso, St. Pamis Ittltratajiee and`.> fie f and . an saeeaMt purpose at eronetsuotta� wad aaairatalaitlg a PAA* sennas, sewer !it 1 ttlpi3el het oar aR sleretion SiD 01ty Alt= = thats iwt of lots to and is �ioek ��'"I. t1� 4bia ooathessterly of the �tbooster r line of Somal! Avemw as laid ou4 ooaitherI7 of Bovw ,y nom Produced to the went itae of #ddlttrville Avatuo ns 11-14 out Porth of Beverly Bond. 14 10 Deenoyer Park 200 15 10 do 350 1300 Total $53225 $1300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated X� l/'— 19- � F.rm B. S. A. 84 D Commissioner o finance. tlj y..,r I- Li1 0, S! i. I i. v• y '•.' .» t?t 1ltAlatidf iL'+R U :;1 OJ 'i 11,1 3T �..1{ 2, Y TLa3 Pt; U-411 - i,�, i&:•el. �a+t"'tf r. s°-''ktOW I Y lr�`4" G;, ;. FG7 "'• z 07c -. •:s z h� n:r Psu ' L � .s i S� {L :;t, 'JL�.ar 4 Gi nLia, f' J Z►t:�i L'..,li}'yw L-5 jY In 0 , S.jf�E bO !rP Gov, .sk ,�s a ,z, j3t L{' s 4a1. z o2t tul 'iifiv oT, 'kz5 alp -ps<xl ?€i ed 3Z�lySwt s'i� T ti3�ucr4C�L tnSr:crlswa rp l#` ftild a�e3Cp yErt, '>i�ai'xJ I7lsrtroy ]x .tiT 7 0, .sc s ir�r` �^,w ter r i,n E,f.wrt y'Y�s�r, >a� .Oxl� �1 s vusus 1"n 3� {Solt �C+�ct� Eti,�. ti�1r•K+T� z ,s ;:?i3pT{. .Y.`iYt 4. x. tgtul S PaMibat r 3 r, n :; faxl .Oa. s4K'dAi {5Lf r o # `d', E. it r ixJ: W. Tri qAd. c(Qii4y 7 y >j&at.f. ti.'i7ts;7 c Btu f C sit R3 t tx 't'�iir.pn :#s�,st.'Su,� z•�'gtk-bt�stl��. � a .v, r*s_.�-x ' jitrft -- under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ /00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - - The lots or parcelf of land that may be,assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Dand . Bldg.': A strip of land 100 feet wide lying, South of ,and aboining Block "B" Winston's $52200 Add. and Waly of the "Short Line" R/W of said R.R. Co. in the NW4; also a strip of land 100 ft. wide being 50, ft. on either side of the center line of the right-of-way of said Company over and across the North 1 of Section 32, Township 29 North, Range 23 West. 9 25 Baker's Add. h 10 25 do 14 10 Desnoyer Park 15 10 do 275 200 200 350 1300 Total $53225 $1300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the reports made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated X/ ,/-- 19s�� Commissioner o finance. I—H. 9. A. 0.6 D U Q a d a =Q Ln N - EUSTIS ST mw CIK[RSADO teh.9�/O GK.ES I v � �5I An l�o�y Are //LC MTr P.P R/ SEWER EASEMENTS D' -3 SHEET / aF 2 N -730 BAKER§ ADD. LOTS 9e/0 BLK 25 SLAnihonuAve-N.L.C.H.14PaPRyR'W SEWER EASEMENT Bureau ofEnginoors Aug /4 /936 Scale P' •/Oo W------------ —�� f"' Q --- -- — �T — N t w 1 2 3 4 5 G 719'a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Q % SOMERVILL V �o E AVE. Q 14.) z 28 27 'I 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 �17 16 i D15 T---7Eosemen/pre v/oue/Y condemned sho..n =-M EUSTIS ST e�ReRSAOo vr, seiaaurss Sr Anlho�Ave-nLCHSR�Y Raw V£Sn'ov�R.oR• (o)s ���/SGR �O st wEw E�4EMENTi Do -J N� -230 SHEET ? of Z BAKERS ADO. LOTS 9B/O, BL A'25 51 An/hon[/Ave -NL C MSr PBPRyR1w DE 6 N VER PARK, L. t, /4 B /S 6/k /6 SEWER EASEMENTS B —eau of Enq,n eer5 Aug. 14 1936 Seo/e PWOO' W Q (n W 1 2 3 4 5 6 T9 r8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS O O SOMERVI LLE .AVE. Q� 14y z LB 21 2C 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 11 16 15 / z _ �iA i U 14 13 12 Q Q OL 2511 V Q to 9 ( J — y -� 8 W 1Q z U 6 BAKERS ADO. LOTS 9B/O, BL A'25 51 An/hon[/Ave -NL C MSr PBPRyR1w DE 6 N VER PARK, L. t, /4 B /S 6/k /6 SEWER EASEMENTS B —eau of Enq,n eer5 Aug. 14 1936 Seo/e PWOO' W Q (n W 1 2 3 4 5 6 T9 r8 9 10 II 12 13 14 IS O O SOMERVI LLE .AVE. Q� 14y z LB 21 2C 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 11 16 15 / z _ �iA i The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104667 ved--7* 1936......----...-----193--------,relative to Council, known as Council File No.. --- _. aPPro !w an4 easeaw►t ls` fast in VWth Ser thegorl�Oaeo of on ems.end OWWtaiatnR a v*bU* 00901'an# radar" dar=es 9 en0.0r Dloddc. t4 WWII Add&" SO ** r1*10ot-11' at thewow# alwadcoes �tii Pant and fteitla► &a3lreed lz" Ot. Axthw Amos to the nesaher],7 li»o . dd adwi s :31 ► St. Paul end teoitie l9la 1ro"t bhs easter R of r�hiah dwU, ilia the aal4er lids of d% ;Mii il�c 10 BtirMt so laid ea4 Mora or said adaw s MUS80*01, Sto VOM a" A1ne takl"- Md oossde 00 t a '+V ModaMt for eossetraotiiia PMP*Nea an n: s prJ . ffi S'est in ti"- m tach wide of above descAtOd peat en71Mnv1'►!. k1ft toktns I aso4sN t 16 fast in widia 4rwusrt1 %-1A- on elevetian tho sad ���� ���'" �u�iitrcl' hi 8hsok Rhr gakrwtra AdiLltioa sed 'denT04 >!« _ of r dlilea�mcoe"y 6tw Pant and Poobne irk► to :the Ifte of Said VALUM VOIR cses at- Paul AV800. _aowjharlDr e Rr#1soKdr the wetter lino at ehiols shell be a line 20 left •eat a! Iw1 {Iw;#u� l�tlR•� , ,., R:' -tis �ta�.et. _ ` 'b�ttie Laid Dart noelb a! to said end academia an eaeasawf4 for the passe or aosatsaatini a>r at#is8atnisi� -s. swaifwr# sadr beLO• an ad �►e!lall► 60 Oigrt> oa that P"4 of �j .ypo#"btesl� at tAe..�rweeriy ]ia� at ecirri. wr.1 dr4 eo r1T of 6Wool� it4dd prOdmsad. ko the "at PaTv 0.0 !;k) --0J y- T, r}fjy :ixl! titZ''S`A r• Y}f '�Gi12. mob. 1 U3'Ly' Ji C?/}YiQP d4 y}if Sz"-.i' . ; 061, .Cy yfetfsitxi+wsL "T"14za 3'£s','. ?i'Glf.�'f3C5t:$�&:L]li A •�}:w m4t)-&.flia'Et}.I:tiJ"�74 ]"j'FJW 77y,. �:i l7C;IYE#' _j s t?:5 u1Y fi�.e" SAti �t `A, t% 1T..7 ''x? #f ii[1Fv DK,TCJ4 7'�' :+'s'•-` ,jk?� 3,.. ? 7 k•# J Cie 3.. -B �' 0 -TC: :'?'4•iiPs�itC''""'�Si'ice--fp,dk"riiXi7Qftndi%� T'"�id f.YiS1�6W.'rwA iEfYFst�i. .. -3to ;UX Situ'•'L-4.. �?iRY<fGFtX11-y Xt� 4:f1 rRti #iErR'321$.�.7z%;i'3'C•F.._i,R:�'a°iF' �•�' ..: T Ld i,] ;-1'y j7fi�>.fr, �,t° • ' 'a - 1,wit 1 f4r!Y1Kv� a:t3::: 'Uj"(,tit' tF1.0{Ativ2sy ,%.t.�Q n i'.i 6,tt* 'a-}Yf :&'•L£.('.fd.w ',f'f4S(u alifr'!y 3tf.7 FJ ;(' . j}t, z. � r="%e, Q ,z,,,e'L•s } �wt TTV O;, Id13 'tT (i,LTi tiW':7A fri LLii'):"4 i r¢ 3J "QG .,.r.it 7, 4.'}'fe V YOB IITTO,"Xv,I. t,- T J Y s >G-, nm fd�i.�irzp� ra[!q ir. frl.ovm 7Q .`,., hFTjs; To SSS�J•'(,�:,&� ui3t.'Y3. ru jflR3itUT tiCyTcG k J • .. ';:f"eFw 5+ir<, GGT1ftR6iX7feTli ii2Y' C, ' SiLCvE.¢.. J c .. "e" -;J Gi:y'L j°j7 TiQ•, :.`l,i� ±3fl.L::L..o 3•: du � .. mn V,401 N - q'fx+, O'y ,. ;ti0 ei qV,.. U;'j-pig, �lw 1JC•:J. .t:.; ty .>•Xsfj Y`37iY.s fTXSa+ .- q:tS47TJQx:+i:i /:. N7iwt-S;FC3IS,y` �CiF. .+*lt7u vXdS-,, i'.,. '-P,Z.f)Q.: t, • f.,,.j'^. �'ht .�L. i�3 ,ala '"�' !'a:Z� s 1.; f7J� e=.` tiFnT V 1nLti1F) �•f'�q*f t S4 VITT � S1$ '..Li03..t`fi. 'a` h9- f{3 iAiifA,Fi t �, ' - l� .ilx .4'1.21 „y " -xV h� -Vic 1 wjT P+ i rv,6 f1w,fo T. , '�� 'lt+� % U•f�MGG..jt f.�Z�v yi7{r4%aT aCSIT-gji't3 * CQXf,F'F> 7 o-:-. 1!t A �` tx"t 'X{r �j`,�,7'C;..'+'Z x ,�`Ve x 7 •z t{}F i I Y T3 - 4 .I .. .r:i•s ta.+s_..,=3v Mn,-tafBMwk-n .t4 '.1HrmaM, tvAp; rnPTRIYlS�I.I S�Ei%:I£.� d.' +,`.` .. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is...........__._......necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is i-.--------_..._ ................ and the total cost thereof is $ ................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. ........... ..:..._... ................ t..:.' ..---- ----------------------------- '---'---------- ...........................- :. w 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ---•---------------------------•-............................ ---....................... -................................... ---................. .............. 5. Said improvement is......_........................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said . provement. COM, OF FINANCE. IL 1 �u.. Co over of Public Works. 9= i3 AUG4018 1936 28� 7TT7 i Laid ovCA6 3rd. & app Adopted Yeas 1N Ys Yeas 1 AY r ss rf'./ ' Ian n �1'�indlan a e r U i e rson 'l(/J Pe rson�' raax Z: enul Wenu1 Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan Adopted by the Council 193— Ycas �SS FINDLAN 7 CE PETERSO TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas /Nays BA�RFUSS /FINDLAN PEARCE P N/ UAX WENZEL/ MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) / 04fiW oty Cie&ORDINANCE 105814 i COUNCIL FILE NO. ED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance prohibiting the sale or offering for sale to the public, on Sunday, of any articles of wearing apparel by persons engaged in the business of selling such wearing apparel. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF. SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: / Section 1. The sale or offering for sale to the public, on Sunday, of any wearing apparel, whether new or second-hand, by per- sons engaged in the business of selling such wearing apparel, is hereby prohibited; and such sale or offering for sale shall not be oonsidered a work, of necessity. The term "wearing apparel" shall mean and include clothing, boots and shoes, or any other article commonly used to clothe the human body. Section 2. The prohibition herein shall apply to all places within the Gity.of Saint Paul, notwithstanding the fact that any such place may be authorized to remain open for business of another character on Sunday. Section 3. This ordinance shall not be construed as applying to isolated sales of such wearing apparel by persons not regularly engaged in the business of selling wearing apparel. Section 4. Any,person found guilty of violating the pro- visions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and -upon conviction thereof shall be subjedt to a fine not exceeding One (n�' Hundred Dollars, or by imprisonment for a term not exceeding ninety — - — days.,but it shall be a sufficient defense to s prosecution for Sabbath breaking J under this ordinance that the defendant uniformily keeps another day of the week as holy time, and that the act complained of was done in such manner as not to disturb others in the observance of the Sabbath. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the�Pouncil------------------------------------------- ------- --- - Barfuss Findlan In Favor Pearce - Peterson Against Trate Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) \ Attest: ...._-•----• ........................ - - .-....-._._.--..:....-------------------__--..._.._.._...--.-.....-.-................... Mayor City Clerk 4w 9.36 777 V77 t 10235. THINGS PROHIBITED---EXCEPTIONS---All hunting, shooting, fishing, playing, horse racing, gaming and other public sports, exercises, and shows; all noises, disturb- ing the peace of the day; all trade4 manufactures, and mechanical employments, except works of necessity performed in an orderly manner so as not to interfere with the repose and religious liberty of the community; all public selling or offering for sale of property, and all other labor except works of necessity and charity are prohibited on the Sabbath day: Provided, that meals to be served upon the premises or elsewhere by caterers, prepared tobacco in places other than where intoxicating liquors are kept for sale, fruits, confectionery, newspapers, drugs, medicines, and surgical appliances may be sold in a quiet and orderly manner. In works of necessity or charity is included whatever is needful during the day for good order, health or comfort of the community; but keeping open a barber shop or shaving and hair cutting shall not be deemed works of necdssity or charity, and nothing in this section shall be construed to permit the selling of uncooked meats, groceries, clothing, boots, or shoes. Provided, however, that the game of baseball when conducted in a quiet and orderly manner so as not to interfere with the peace, repose and comfort of the community, may be played between the hours of one p. m. and six p. m. on the Sabbath day. (R. L. Sec.4981, ammended 109 c. 267 Sec. 1) (8753) 10236. PIM ISEMWT—Every person who breaks the Sabbath shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and punished by a fine of not less than one dollar not more than ten dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not more than five days* but it she 1 tie a suent defense to a prosecution for Sabbath breaking^ that the defendant uniformily keeps another day of the r-- week as holy time, and that the act complained of was done in such manner as not to disturb others in the observance of the Sabbath. ( Off r--44= f�` No .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE 'CITY CLERK, COUNCIL RESOLUTION' -GENERAL FORM 13Y COMMS ED..,A DATE.. .................. ...... . .... ..... . ................. ... AAAL RESOLVED, That the appointment by Fred M. Truax, Commissioner of Parks.. Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the following as members of the Board of Examiners of Steamfitters, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved: 0 Charles A. Bassford, Chairman.; Edwin F. Jones, Registered Mechanical Engineer; Clarence McLeary'and John Bailey, Master Steamfitters and Joseph J. Foley, Journeyman Steamfitter* C:O?ofLMEN Yeas U 71.n Ila ................... =on e "o ra ........... In favor in LQ Against en W 636 Mr., ,Vice President (Truax) 39 DEC 11936 Adopted by the Council_.........._ .......... . . . ..... . . ............ 193 DEC 1196 Approved................................._._......_................__I 3 . ..... -,&/ . ...... Mayor oaaloawcnra.a p.. �o�� 105816 CITY OF ST PAUL ram NO OFFICE OF THE CITY. COUNCIL RESOLUTIONr--CsENE�� s PRESENTED BY _.,...._A ._........... __........._... .. COMMIS.SIONER......:r%In,....... RESOLVED , t the 0 oil h rebs aw the`.ontraot for t' fu ishisg -and in allatioa.1.n the Qlayeland, unio 81gh;School 8 ii of =Pies et etre ohs r dee , as epee ed er f�roup` 0I of th d pians speoific tions, to the,711 s seting too , 8ompaay b ng the 1 eat asonable;. relbis bidder erefo and Formal id No. of aid bidder vi, been the to st reasonable d retia bid oeived"th for, for: the con at price of �6; 2.30 in a co ce.with eai Po Bid No. 9 and the pleas d spool oats therefor;, fit in the off e of ,,the Pnrohae Agent; d th 'Corp'ratio Coon el be and h is Hereby authoris and dire ted 't prepare the" rap form of o n' tract therefor, the pro er Ci of?ioers,, and hey are he eby ,,authorised and Cirtea to ovate aid Got on b fthalf of City of Saint ' RESOLVED, That the Connoil hereby awards the. contract for the turnisbing and installation in the Cleveland Junior High School Building, of the following specified items of equipment, to-wits 305 combination desks, lb fronts and 15 rears, as specified under 4roup "C" 300 only steel folding chairs as specified under Group "F" 38 teacher's desks as specified 35.teaoher'e swivel chairs as specified 200 bentwood chairs as specified l charging desk as specified 2 card oases as specified 1 typewriter chair as specified 4 domestic science tables as specified 4 table gas stoves as specified 3 domestic science sinks as specified to the St. Paul Book & Stationery Company, said Company being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder therefor, and Formal Bid No. 9338 of said bidder having been the loWeet reasonable .and reliable bid received therefor, for the total contract price of $5,072.30, �n accordance with said Formal Bid No. 9338 and the plans and e of the Purchasing epeoifioatiens thebefor on file in the offic COUNC MEN j Adopted by the Council ._.,...i................... ..._... ._..... Yet aye ues «r' indlan In favor Approved ........ ......... ................. _.__...._._.. Pearce "Pewson fir Against............................................................._..__. ,T'ruaa �enzel pks sae Mt. Vl. ct(1rua ) Orwml t. 01V Clk ERMSE.NTEOJI 0.. r S10 EF Agent; and the�Corporatlon Counsel be and he is hereby author- Ized and directed to prepare the proper form of contract there- for; and the proper city off Ioers be and they are hereby authoriz- ed and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of gaint.Paul; be It yMTHER RUOLVED, That all payments an account of said contraoto by the City of faint Paul be made fromJ1000- Fund 1012, Cleveland Construction. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM Yeas CO�U EN � an FC: n7l ental In favor e.. Again, 3M W6 Vi ,,t(rruax) Vice I resid Adopted by the Council Approv4 . .......... . ........ D.E.0 Igs ... . ...... PUBLISHED a+de.t'�ae9�m� NO.Q58]i' y- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY.CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM . ,'`PRfiBENTED BV wt,. aln ...._......... . . GATE_.._......_.;..-_....._.:__ ........... .......... �l..._' RESOLVED That the Ootmcil hereby awards the contract for theol furnishing and installation in the 019"land Jualor High lding of Tb$ stttdentle chair desks, as apecifted under (IroVV "B" of the plane and apecificationss to the Welfare E2gineeria6 OomPWW, said Company 'being the lowest reasonable snd reliable bidder therefor, and Formal `8ia No. 9339 of said bidder having been the lowest reasonable and raliable.alld received therefor, for the contract price of *6,692.30 in ordence with said Formal Bid Ho. 9336 and the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the purchasing agent; and the Corporation Counsel be and he is horoIW authorised and directed to prepare the proper fora of con- tract therefor, and the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Pink be it 7MTHER SESOLYED, That all payments on account of said contract bw the City of Saint Paul be mads from Fund 1012, Cleveland Construction, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson ......__..:�'...^ Against X� gles>Lel 3M 6'76 Mr.. Vice President (TrUA20 193 Adopted by the Cou_. ncil._D.E[i......._�._.._ CIT`( OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and COMMISSIOner of Registration November 6th, 1936. Yr. H. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, City of St. Paul. Deer Sirt The City Council referred to the Contract Committee the attached file in connection with F. B. No. 933$ for the installation of room and labora- tory furniture and equipment in the Cleveland Junior High School with the request that your committee meet jointly with the committee of the Department of 8ducation, 'aember- ship of which to outlined in the letter of Commissioner P3ndl n hereto attached for the purpose of further dis- cussing the matter of the selection of the furniture described in the various letters. Yours very truly, City Clerk. GEORGE J. FISHER, First Assistant Buyer H. W: AUSTIN, Purchasing Agent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 253 City Hell and Court House November 28, 1936 Mr. L.R.S.Fer gason, City Clerk. Dear sir: As per your request of the 27th I am sending you herewith the 'N-alfare Engineering Company's Formal Bid No. 9338, dated September 15, 1936, covering desks for the Cleveland Junior High School Building. This will enable you to arrange with the Corporation Counsel to draw up the necessary resolution. Yours truly, SING�AGEN HWA /B C Enclosure CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMI.-NEN BursE/+u of Pueuc uBRARv ®® BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS MRS. J. T. JEWIWGS, Ubeden PAUL S. AMIDON, Suoedntendent BUREAU OF AUDRORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Superintenderd BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDFAU, Dlre r November 5, 1936 To THE HONORABLE MAYOR and MEMBER,,; OF THE CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: Soon after taking over the office of Commissioner of Education there was brought to my attention the necessity of making selec- Cleveland Junior High School. tion of furniture for the new Upon inquiry as to the method previously carried out in this Department, I learned that there had been a committee consistipg the Deputy Commissioner, the Superintendent of Schools, the of Director of High Schools, the Supervisor of Janitm and Supplies and the Department Accountant, who had foratnumber of his Departments equipmesL selected school furniture and proper furniture to this I therefore referred the selection of prop committee. They have advised me thatJunithe commgh itteemet with Mr. Trapp, principal Mr. Charles BaSBfbrd, City Architect and Mr. Eisenmenger, his They made a thorough study of the question of desks assistant. for the new Cleveland Junior High School and unanimously reegm- the purchase of 785 student desk chairs from Group B, mended to be purchased from the Welfare Engineering Co. statements attached to interestedislitter from members of this aoamitteeare for the information of anyone who may be n this award. My attention s called to their by both the After their d Contract Committees. Purchaeingnds and les submitted by the Welfare recomm recommendations, and examining exp the St. Pahl CO (through Engineering Co and the Ameribeve eating Depart- rom the Depart - Book &Stationery Co), -proper recommendations and I ment of Education has made thetwo members of the Contract suggest that the award sign Y favor of the St. Paul Boog &Stationery Co., with Committee, in reference to the purchase of these 785 desks, be referred by Contract Committee for further the City Council back to the consideration. I would suggest a joint meeting of these two committees, at which meeting representatives of the S.a pear and Stationescuss rs Engineering Co might Co and the welfare urniture. thoroughly the points involved in the selection of this furniture- Re ectfull.y submitted, (y ; h ommissioner of Education ;SF -R BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS FALLS. AMIDON, S-trinwIdent BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU, III— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. McOERMOTT. OEPp COMMISSIONER October 30, 1936 Commissioner John 6. Findlan Department of Education City of Saint Paul Dear Lr. rindlan: BUREAU OF PUBUC UBRARV MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, Ubr. I.. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Superintendent In compliance with your request as to the recommendation made by our committee with reference to desks for the new Cleveland Junior High School, the committee consisted of Mr. Paul S. Amidon, Superintendent of Schools, Mr. J. W Smith, Director of High Schools, Mr. H. A. Trapp, Principal, Cleveland Junior High School, Mr. C. V. Peterson, Supervisor of Janitors and Engineers and Supplies, Mr. H. M. Hackner, Departmental Accountant, and myself. In addition, Mr. Charles Bassford, City Architect and his assistant, Mr. Ray Eisenmenger 'sat in and voted with the com- mittee on the selection of this equipment. It was our understanding that the architect had allocated $15,000 of his estimate for furniture for the new Cleveland Junior High School. We were determined to purchase the best equipment possible and remain within his estimate. The matter of classroom desks was considered by the committee and for the following reasons we selected the Welfare Desk: ITEM 2 1. From the utility point of view we feel Welfare desks are superior because t1,ey can be used either as fixed or movable furniture. It was our recom- mendation that all desks be left as movable equipment until it was decided by the principal and his staff as to the minimum number of desks to be fastened down in each room. 14hen this was done the rubber shoes furnished with these desks would be returned to the factory and we would re- ceive credit at the rate of 35 cents per pair. 2. We felt that the Welfare Desks were acientifically balanced desk with a broad cast base, with a flex- ible point between the base and the chair which would absorb the shock of constant use in our class- rooms. This would enable us to keep this furniture securely fastened to the floor with a miniipum amount of attention by our maintenance staff. The Commissioner Fin1len---10-50-1936--42 broad base would also protect the floors of this new building. We also felt that the Welfare Desk was of a stronger and more durable construction and would consequently cut ou7 maintenance cost over a period of years. 3. In our effort to remain within the budget sum set up by the Architect we recommended 305 combination desks with the necessary front and rears to equip the study hall at a cost of $5.98 per desk, to be purchased from the St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., as shown in Item 3, instead of the more expensive type of desk specified in Article 4 by the Welfare Engineering Co. Vie decided upon this because of the factthat the study hall is not used as much as our classrooms, and to meet a special condition that exists in this school. 9e also decided we could supply enough old desls from stook to take care of two rooms for junior business training. Because of the utility value of the Welfare Desk we decided we could get along without 60 4 -post movable type desks as per Item 5, for the music room. 4. The committee felt that the Welfare desk as specified in Group B were adjustable desks and were desirable due to the fact we could better accommodate the students without the additional cost of moving a non-adjustable type of desk. I understand the contract committee has rejected our recommenda- tions in the purchase of Welfare Equipment- I feel that in the interest of the Department you should submit a minority report to accompany their recommendation. Very trulyyours, Deputy Commissioner of Education F= -R CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. CoMMIss1oNER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY C BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ®® BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS, J. T. JENNINGS, UbNR .n PAUL S. AMIDON, SuWlnmdcnt BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E 7RUDEAU, Director BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, SupaintcM-t Commissioner Fin1len---10-50-1936--42 broad base would also protect the floors of this new building. We also felt that the Welfare Desk was of a stronger and more durable construction and would consequently cut ou7 maintenance cost over a period of years. 3. In our effort to remain within the budget sum set up by the Architect we recommended 305 combination desks with the necessary front and rears to equip the study hall at a cost of $5.98 per desk, to be purchased from the St. Paul Book & Stationery Co., as shown in Item 3, instead of the more expensive type of desk specified in Article 4 by the Welfare Engineering Co. Vie decided upon this because of the factthat the study hall is not used as much as our classrooms, and to meet a special condition that exists in this school. 9e also decided we could supply enough old desls from stook to take care of two rooms for junior business training. Because of the utility value of the Welfare Desk we decided we could get along without 60 4 -post movable type desks as per Item 5, for the music room. 4. The committee felt that the Welfare desk as specified in Group B were adjustable desks and were desirable due to the fact we could better accommodate the students without the additional cost of moving a non-adjustable type of desk. I understand the contract committee has rejected our recommenda- tions in the purchase of Welfare Equipment- I feel that in the interest of the Department you should submit a minority report to accompany their recommendation. Very trulyyours, Deputy Commissioner of Education F= -R &ovember 4, 1936 Mr. John S. Findlan Commissioner of Education St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Findlan: As members of the Educational Committee we should like to indicate briefly the position we have taken relative to the selection of school desks for the Cleveland Junior High School. We understand that the members of the Contract Committee feel that the Educational Committee did not weigh carefully enough the difference between the rice of $6.29 quoted by the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company and 8.78 quoted by the Welfare Engineering Company. In this letter we should like to list several items which represent the determining factors in the recommendation of the Educational Committee: I - The Committee feels that the construction of the Welfare Desks is superior to the desks of the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company. (This has been pointed out at various times to you and to the other members and was the judgment of the Committee after having heard the sales talks of the representatives of both companies.) 2 - The Committee is of the opinion that a smal)v number of Welfare Desks, to be installed on a movable basis, will serve the same purpose as a greater Aft is the recommendati nhe o of and Stationery Company. Although i Committee that the rubber shoes called for in the specifications of the Welfare Deeks be included in the purchase, they can be dispensed with. 3 - The specifications on the Welfare Desks included a book box under the seat --a desirable feature not included in the desks of the St. _Paul Book and Stationery Company. 4 -.The construction and material of the backs of the Welfare Desks seem to be superior to those of the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. McDERMOTT. DEPu" CommisslomaR BUREAU ofPusuc LIBRARY 490.@ MRS. A T. JENNINGS, Ul..d.. BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON, Sup.n.t.nd.nt BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Supednt ndmt BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIA A. E. TRUDEAU, Dirca r &ovember 4, 1936 Mr. John S. Findlan Commissioner of Education St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Findlan: As members of the Educational Committee we should like to indicate briefly the position we have taken relative to the selection of school desks for the Cleveland Junior High School. We understand that the members of the Contract Committee feel that the Educational Committee did not weigh carefully enough the difference between the rice of $6.29 quoted by the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company and 8.78 quoted by the Welfare Engineering Company. In this letter we should like to list several items which represent the determining factors in the recommendation of the Educational Committee: I - The Committee feels that the construction of the Welfare Desks is superior to the desks of the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company. (This has been pointed out at various times to you and to the other members and was the judgment of the Committee after having heard the sales talks of the representatives of both companies.) 2 - The Committee is of the opinion that a smal)v number of Welfare Desks, to be installed on a movable basis, will serve the same purpose as a greater Aft is the recommendati nhe o of and Stationery Company. Although i Committee that the rubber shoes called for in the specifications of the Welfare Deeks be included in the purchase, they can be dispensed with. 3 - The specifications on the Welfare Desks included a book box under the seat --a desirable feature not included in the desks of the St. _Paul Book and Stationery Company. 4 -.The construction and material of the backs of the Welfare Desks seem to be superior to those of the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company. Mr. J.S.F. 2 11/436 5 -The ,adjustable feature of the desks of the Wolfare ',Campax4y appears to the Committee to be a'decided advantage and represents a distinct value of this. type of`desk, both from the financial' angle, when considering the cost of:a Yrequient movement of. furniture, and from'the point of vew'of comfort to the pupils. Information: -from the St. Paul Book 60411statbloniry Company, :was to the effect that.chair 16j_ inches in height, would serve the pupils in the'Cleveland Junior Hig'School:.:1'he Welfare Engineering Company states that the required height would run as low as 15j inches end in excess of 18 inches. A recent in stallation of desks at Horth High School in Minneapolis has revealed the fact, that eopbomores In that school are requiring desks adjusted as high as 18 inches. The Committee feels, there- fore, that the purchase of desks in oue-half inch gradations, from s minimum of 16 inches to a maximum of 18 inches fromthe floor, will eliminate the cost in the future of a frequent movement of desks.' Cor opinion, therefore, is that the pur- chase of adjustable desks as offered by the Welfare Engineering Company- protset Is. `against the selection of wrong. atzes.for the students of Cleveland High School. 6 - It is also the Opinion of the Committee that the students and teachers at�Cleveland are entitled to a fair comparison of fixed and movable furniture in the classrooms. .Welfare 'Desks can be installed at the present time on a movable basis and then, in the future, on recommendation of the teachers and on investigation by the Committee, a percentage of such'dssks may be fastened down. After a consideration of the above items, the Committee has reached the con oluaioa-that the installation of the desks of the Welfare Engineering Company represents an economy. Respectfully submitted, PAUL S. AMIDON JAMES W.'SMITH G 'Members of Educational Committee CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS 4400E MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. L- PAUL mnw -PAUL S. AMIDON. SuR.RI KND.NT BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS October 28, 1838. BUREAUEDWARD A. FURNI.I SUR.RINT.N A. E. TRUDEAU. DIR.c Commissioner John S. Findlan Department of Education Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Res Cleveland Junior High School Seating I was one of the persons who visited the North High School in Minneapolis shortly after the first Welfare Desks had been installed. Following this visit I have had an opportunity to compare Welfare Desks with other desks. Briefly my reasons for selecting Welfare Desks from an engineering stand- point are. 1. The chair is much better built; the use of mailable iron and steel is correct; the adjustments are very satisfactorily built and praoti- oally fool -proof. 2. The Welfare Desks eliminate the problem of loosening at the floor. It is my firm opinion that the desk offered by the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company is inferior in this respect, for the type of abuse such furniture will get at Cleveland Junior High School. 3. The Welfare Desk has a wider seat ander k tthe� that at offered by yishe at. Paul Book and Stationery Company mnoh more rigid. Based on previous experience, I believe the elimi- nation of upkeep and replacement cost to consider in the next ten years isvery much in favor of Welfare Desks. 4. You will find that the under construction of this chair from a janitor standpoint would be in favor of Welfare Desks. le. This s that 5. The Welfare °desks can beaInstallled at Cand leveland withtabreaso reasonable assurance that they will never have to be moved. If the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company desks are installed in one size, the students will not be properly accommodated. As they are shown in three or four sizes It means that the department will be faced with the annual movement of seating to accommodate students. This represents an element of cost which can be eliminated by Welfare Deeks. There are other construction features which should have the consideration of any one carrying the responsibility of making a decision on this seating. Very tru "ours, Supervisor October 31st, 1936. Mr. P. E. McDermott Deputy Commissioner Department of Education Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: As a member of a Committee, chosen by you,.to look over samples of furniture submitted in connection with formal bids on furniture for the Cleveland Junior High School, I wish to state that my recommendation was made on the following basis: The Welfare Desk, I believe would give this Department better service and satisfaction, in dollar for dollar value, over the long period of years it will be used, because of; 1. Lower Maintenance Cost due to superior construction, resulting in less repair cost both to desk and floors. 2. Elimination of cost of moving desk of various sizes periodically, as this desk has a tamper proof adjustment feature. 3. Can be used as a movable or fixed desk to suit particular need. 4. Because this department has previously purchased desks because of low cost that in the period of use proved to be more costly because of poorer construction. It is more economical to pay several dollars more in the initial cost of a desk than to pay three or four times the cost of the desk during the time it will be in use. Respectfully submitted, HMH-L ACCOUNTANT. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. 09- COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS AGO.® - BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, Ubren.n PAUL S. AMIDON, SupednMndw BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. F TRUDEAU, Director EDWARD A. FURNI, Superint-dent October 31st, 1936. Mr. P. E. McDermott Deputy Commissioner Department of Education Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: As a member of a Committee, chosen by you,.to look over samples of furniture submitted in connection with formal bids on furniture for the Cleveland Junior High School, I wish to state that my recommendation was made on the following basis: The Welfare Desk, I believe would give this Department better service and satisfaction, in dollar for dollar value, over the long period of years it will be used, because of; 1. Lower Maintenance Cost due to superior construction, resulting in less repair cost both to desk and floors. 2. Elimination of cost of moving desk of various sizes periodically, as this desk has a tamper proof adjustment feature. 3. Can be used as a movable or fixed desk to suit particular need. 4. Because this department has previously purchased desks because of low cost that in the period of use proved to be more costly because of poorer construction. It is more economical to pay several dollars more in the initial cost of a desk than to pay three or four times the cost of the desk during the time it will be in use. Respectfully submitted, HMH-L ACCOUNTANT. Mr. John S. Findlan Commissioner of Education St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: When I made the comparison of the desks offered for the Cleveland Junior High School, I stated that my preference would be Welfare Desks throughout the class rooms and study hall. After reflecting, however, I realized that a cheaper desk might do in the study hall because of its infrequent use; but in the class room where the students are constantly at work there should be no question of money to get the best in seating. For that reason I expressed my personal opinion that I would like to see the Committee buy a cheaper desk for the study hall and then use this difference of money to buy a bet- ter desk for the class room. In the interest of further econ- omies, I also suggested the ..use of old desks out of stock for one of the Junior Business Training rooms and the Penmanship room. Mr. McDermott and Mr. Amidon will be able to point out to you that my suggestion for the study' hall and the Business Trdining Department as a matter of economy will more than off- set the difference of money represented by the purchase of Welfare Desks as against the purchase of desks offered by the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company. I present these points, not as a matter of financial interest, but to point out to you that, as principal of the school, I have not been blind in the selection of furniture without regard to cost. We feel that we have offered the Business Department a very good trade in taking cheaper furni- ture for the study hall and furniture out of stock for the Junior Business Department in order that we might have the more CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMIeB10NER P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS �na MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. LI[nw[uN PAUL S. AMIDON. SuP[[INTeNOWT BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI. SUP -1.1 ..... T A. E. TRUDEAU, Dm[cTon IN REPLY REFER TO H. A. TRAPP. PRINCIPAL C�[.[�.No JR. HiCN S11OOL Nov. 2, 1936 Mr. John S. Findlan Commissioner of Education St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: When I made the comparison of the desks offered for the Cleveland Junior High School, I stated that my preference would be Welfare Desks throughout the class rooms and study hall. After reflecting, however, I realized that a cheaper desk might do in the study hall because of its infrequent use; but in the class room where the students are constantly at work there should be no question of money to get the best in seating. For that reason I expressed my personal opinion that I would like to see the Committee buy a cheaper desk for the study hall and then use this difference of money to buy a bet- ter desk for the class room. In the interest of further econ- omies, I also suggested the ..use of old desks out of stock for one of the Junior Business Training rooms and the Penmanship room. Mr. McDermott and Mr. Amidon will be able to point out to you that my suggestion for the study' hall and the Business Trdining Department as a matter of economy will more than off- set the difference of money represented by the purchase of Welfare Desks as against the purchase of desks offered by the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company. I present these points, not as a matter of financial interest, but to point out to you that, as principal of the school, I have not been blind in the selection of furniture without regard to cost. We feel that we have offered the Business Department a very good trade in taking cheaper furni- ture for the study hall and furniture out of stock for the Junior Business Department in order that we might have the more BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON. Sv. NTENoxNT BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU. DIR—R IN REPLY REFER TO H. A. TRAPP. PRINo1RAL CLI 1L 1 JR. 1111" SGNUOL V CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY .06�'.s MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. LIE—RIAN BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI. SUR—T—.1 modern desks and the better built desks for the class rooms, such as offered by the Welfare Engineering Company. I feel that Cleveland will definitely benefit by the use of Welfare Desks in the class rooms. I have been employed in two other towns when new buildings were built and, therefore, new equipment bought. This experience, with the twenty years I have had in St. Paul, makes me certain that the desk sold through the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company is not as good a buy as the one sold by the Welfare Engineering Company. Again this is especially true as this type of seat is being used so that we can seat more pupils in each room, which means they will be subjected to more severe strain. Those sold by the St. Paul Book and Stationery Company will not stand up under this strain. One of these desks is so much superior to the other that compar- ison is hgrdly fair. However, I will make a comparison. The Welfare Desk is decidedly superior in at least these respects: (1) better material and better workmanship, (2) more comfortable (seat wider, back better shaped, etc.), (3) more adaptable - can be used fastened or movable, (4) less expensive in use be- cause, if fastened to the floor, will not come loose and also adjustable so labor costs of changing seats for different sized pupils will be saved. I shall be more than pleased to amplify my reasons at any time I am given a personal opportunity to do so. Very cordiall urs, Princip/.Yl HAT:MK TO THE HONOR—ME WOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Gentlemen: The City Council on November 5 referred to the Contract Committee the file in connection with Formal Bid No. 9338 - award of con- tract - for the installation of room and laboratory equipment for the Cleveland Junior High School. At this time the Council concurred in my request that the Contract Committee meet with the Committee from the Department of Education w&ich met with Mr. Bassford, City Architect, and made the original recommen-ations as to classroom seats. I had suggested in my letter to the Council that et t. '_s joint meet- ing, representatives of the St. Paul Book & Stationery Cc and the Welfare Engineering Co might appear and discuss more thoroughly the points involved in the selection of this furniture. On November 13 the Contract Committee returned this file to the Council with a statement over the signatures of H.C. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and H.W. Austin, City Purchasing Agent, as follows: "The attached file with reference to the purchase of furniture for Cleveland Junior High School and re- ferred to the Purchasing Committee by the City COunsil has been atudied by both the Purchasing Agent and the Comptroller. We are returning this award to you with no change in our opinion as to how this contract should be awarded." No meeting as suggested in my letter to the Council, and which was concurred in at our meeting on November 6, has been held. I am Of the opinion that the Committee from the Department of Education has made a proper recommendation in the matter of classroom seat- ing. I recommend that the Council award the contract for the purchase of 785 student chair desks to the Welfare Engineering Cc as per Group B of Formal Bid No. 9338, and the balance of the award as recommended by the Contract Committee, to the St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. Respectfully submitted, � "e / .. '604" Commissioner of Education CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHNS FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER P. E. M.DERMOTF. D UW COMMI8s1oNER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS -111W@BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T..ENNINGS, Lib-I..PAUL S. AMIDON, Supcdnftndent BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, SuperintcWd t A. E TRUDEAU, Director November 27, 1936 TO THE HONOR—ME WOR AND COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Gentlemen: The City Council on November 5 referred to the Contract Committee the file in connection with Formal Bid No. 9338 - award of con- tract - for the installation of room and laboratory equipment for the Cleveland Junior High School. At this time the Council concurred in my request that the Contract Committee meet with the Committee from the Department of Education w&ich met with Mr. Bassford, City Architect, and made the original recommen-ations as to classroom seats. I had suggested in my letter to the Council that et t. '_s joint meet- ing, representatives of the St. Paul Book & Stationery Cc and the Welfare Engineering Co might appear and discuss more thoroughly the points involved in the selection of this furniture. On November 13 the Contract Committee returned this file to the Council with a statement over the signatures of H.C. Goodrich, City Comptroller, and H.W. Austin, City Purchasing Agent, as follows: "The attached file with reference to the purchase of furniture for Cleveland Junior High School and re- ferred to the Purchasing Committee by the City COunsil has been atudied by both the Purchasing Agent and the Comptroller. We are returning this award to you with no change in our opinion as to how this contract should be awarded." No meeting as suggested in my letter to the Council, and which was concurred in at our meeting on November 6, has been held. I am Of the opinion that the Committee from the Department of Education has made a proper recommendation in the matter of classroom seat- ing. I recommend that the Council award the contract for the purchase of 785 student chair desks to the Welfare Engineering Cc as per Group B of Formal Bid No. 9338, and the balance of the award as recommended by the Contract Committee, to the St. Paul Book & Stationery Co. Respectfully submitted, � "e / .. '604" Commissioner of Education -'.;OiW-1 m Cit, Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL COMM NO-105iLLi7 E O CITY CLERK I ION-- ENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purc -sing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, w th the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons oQn leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY, at a price of $ .11378 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price only, Including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City- Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUNC LMEN Yeas Nays a as itldfan iP/ .... ................... In favor ce e rson pinst 0 - enol aM 616 Mr. Vice l r sideut CTruas) Adopted by the Council....... DEE C.........] ..193._.. APpro,,4_.....__.,DEC 1 10.._193._,_ Mayor orIgInal to MY Clak CITY OF ST. PAUL NCIL FIL. NO.......�l,tt�8 9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FIL-AXSOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM t., November 80, 1956 Whereas, the District Engineer of the U. S. War Department has requested the City of St. Paul to report any objection it may have to the dredging of an intake channel from the Mississippi River to the inlet of the screen house of the Northern States Power Company's steam plant immediately above the Smith Avenue Bridge, and 'Whereas, the proposed dredging is'approved by the Commis- sioner of Public Works and Chief Engineer and will in no way be a detriment or obstruction to navigation of the Mississippi River and will not interfere in any way with the existing levees of the City of St. Paul.; therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council approve the aforesaid dredging of an intake channel, and be it Further Resolved, That the District Engineer be notified of this action and a copy of this resolution forwarded to him by the City Clerk. {F 4 -4 -COUNCILMEN Yeas / y6 .._.._.............. _ In favor �Pe son .... Against 1 3M 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the Council ..........................INS C'._ .. .---193...... I.., Approved ................................. �..�'..._:.... f3.3....... ..�........ .......... ........../................. .............. Mayor 1ff OdWo.t'rA Ele► Clerk wuna� 8'0 Z CITY OF STS PAUL 'ns NO__1(w20 OFFICE OF _ THE'.CITY CLERK; JVV OUNCIL R GENERAL FORM :PRESENTED ggyy OMMISStONER:..ear.O. ...._.. ... . _........ .._.. _..: `3`1 y7rt'llfi WSMMUS, the Commissioner of Public works, under the provisions of Section 327 of the Charter, has appointed Josiah R. Johnston to the office of Superintendent of Construction and Repair for the unexpired tem of John Y. Reardon, deceased, said appointment to be effective December 1, 1936; and to tersinate the first Tuesday of June, 1936; and WRRREAS, Section 346 of the Charter provides that the Superintendent of Construction and Repair shall be appointed by said Commissioner with the approval and consent of-the Council; therefore, be it RZSOLVED, That the Couneil hereby approves the appoint— y sent of said Josiah R. Johnston to the office of Superintendent of Construction and Repair in the Department of Public Works, effective December 1, 1936, for a tern ending the first Tuesday In June, 1938. DEC 1190 CAMEN Adopted by the Council....__ 193..._ Yeas Nays, _ in511an DEC 1 1 In favor Approved ..... .193 _ e .............. enol Mayor 3M b ss fir. Vice I'r sideirt 1'runx) PUBLISHED LA 5 B.— or C ... — R[FAIR JOHN M. REARDON. SUFI. DFFIO[ EHOINi[R O. H. HERROLD CH— ENO[. CL[R[ MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISS ON6R GORGE J. JACOBS. D[FOTY COMMI[[IO— GEORGE M. BHKPARD. CHI[F EMGIN=R November 289 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir. BUR[AU Or SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SU— BUR[AO OF BRIOO[. M. B. GRYTBAK. ENOIN[[R BUR[AU or cORR[CTION[ RAY J. KARTAK. Suri. will you kindly prepare the necessary resolution for the appointment of Mr. Josiah R. Johnston as Superintendent of Construction and Repair, for a term to run until the first Tuesday after the first Monday of r Year 1938. I would like to have this resolution to pre— sent December lat. Yours very truly, A^p , �0W/� ?IVIONG C. FARCE Comner f Public Works. Decenber lat, 1936. Mr. J. B. Probst, Chief Examiner, Civil Service Bureau. idear Sir: The City Council toddy ep-.roved the appointment of Josiah R• Johnston to the office of Su or- infendent of Construction and Repair for the unexpired term of John `d. Reardon, deceased, said appointment to be effective December 1, 19?6 and to terminate the first Tuesday of June, 1939. Yours very truly, City Clerk. NOTICE - - CITY OF 9A1NT PAUL 1 5821 105822 105823 TO ' CO.UNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER t3uTIIHi�Tj[In;, T14 �`fxni ';(IsL November 27 193...0_ RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS Bi'ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 79,59+•26 3o694 OF *;Pl%qn —COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED 305" TO _INCLUSIVE,ASPER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL DEC 193_ (l cnv ell"ll— APPPOVED 193_ � PUBLISHED J � -5' 6 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL p y 582 0 COUNCIL jL`L -- ----S C UNCILMEN-ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No --------------- --------------- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION November 27 36 d1a3N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ----------------------------- - -79-- PEARCE �..� P arce,A�,s sOn /I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. = - Wense V TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S�* �t ------• COVERING �''='--MR. PREB• CHECKS NUMBERED__._ TO__.___ _.. INCLUSIVE. AS MX. V , -'0r, ROLLER. 4 PER CHECKS ON FILEy q FFIC TY COM R ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ------- .-------------- IvJ----- - _ _--'�--- -� CITY COMPTROLLfiR BY____�-��____v --- ------ ___-- TOTAL GATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED 104 NUMBER I TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ',i 305j39 '� Yarnell Waring Company 141' 21 30540 Toergg Brewing Company 30541 I! Wm. H. Ziegler Company 201 45 1 5 30542 1 Ziusmaster Baking Company 30543 a. Cavanaugh 30544 I William Dalpe Company 51 1 30545 Ahlberg Bearing i, 30546 ',{ Air Reduction Sales Oompany 9715 26 '' 1, 30547 it Allis-Chalmers Mfgg,Oompany I' 30548 ;j American Medical Association 11 50 30549 i American Restaurant Magazine'I 3100 11 0 The Auto ne works Ino. 30551 Brady-Nargulis Company ;I 30552 ! Bray Ice t�I Fuel Company 51779 b6 � 30553 jr*J4, Brings & Company Meter Company 146' 1 11 30554 !� Buffalo 30555 Ohioago,, st.Paul,Mpia. 6 0. !,i Ohildrenst Hospital Co. j a1 97 30556 The ! 43'15 30557 ' Coohran-So9gent Company 1 55188 30556 Colby -Tamm dOompany 1I30559 11 Oonorste steel Campany Corporation I 23100 1{30566 1 Daily hews 30561 II Adam Decker Hardware Company 'I 61j189 Il 30562 ! Diamond Iron Works 3056 L. 11"e>imenger Meat Company i� 1 5690 60 11 130564 Electric Blue Print Company 30565 11 Enoyolopedia Britannica 'i1 1040 is 00 48 '30566 Eselinges 8 Company 1130567 '' firestone Auto supply 002POAT!. 11554,20 ,',30566 jl Leonard frank Company !30569 II Freeberg Pies.Inc. 30570 I� GopherRibbon A Carbon Coupan 45160 22 00 30571 , Kali & Mooreary company j;30572 1! Harnischfeger sales Oorp. 391,45 50 305Tj3 Johnson cash & Carry Air Products Company i 1 2' 30574 Il Linde 30575 ''' McFadden -Lambert Company 130576 Phil A. Maynard li 1, 1651,20 305771:Midway Creamerf Company 1'22 30578 11 Mple. 3 st.Louis R.R.Oompany 1130579 Mitsch 6 Heck company 182 7 • 30560 National Bushing a Parts Oomp' 130581 1Northern Auto Eleotrio Oompau y 611, 27'96 ;;30582 jl Northern States Power Compansl; 1 992 16 30583 I Northern states Power Company,; 3050 ! Peerless Marker Company Railway Express Agenoy.Ino. : ; 1 237166 11 25 648 30585 !,30566 Ij Red star Yeast a Products Oomlany ,30567 'j Rex Linen supply Company 28 64 19 !73 30589 II psuleBook 1 172 $5 Sti98 dsStationary Oom is 30590 st.Paul Book h Stationery Oom any any 207 165 1 i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD C NO DUPLICATE TOCITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL g( J COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._-__-- ----=--'-------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION corlRov aa-- ...� B -14ae IN FAVOR CE AUDITED CLAIMS-------Ae-�e>sber---28----------79 - P ^aa' nn,,��hh__�. �� � P 4rsr}APAQtSr A '�enael n RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE l4y TWITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S Y BVI+ _-. COVERING nO CHECKS NUMBERED�Q�9�----TO_-- -- -• INCLUSIVE. AS Mr. Vice 1 djeV❑❑ V C PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CI L___x _ ��n- ADOP BY___ - - MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK II �' IN FAVOR OF TCHECKSR RETURNED V DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER ,j CHECKS • • 3617 )632 BROUGHT FORWARD The Melting Pot St.Paul Midway Buyer Mrs, Delia Brown Mrs. Mary tally Christy Mrs. Louis Bay Mrs. Anna R. Foley Mrs. Elizabeth Literski Mrs, Hannah Peterson Mrs, Elfrida Soderber Clara Arnold, Widow of H.S. Ann To Campion, Widow of DoH Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S Soo* for the Prov. of Oruelt Cleveland Wreoking Company GreyW Eleotrio Company,Ino Mp1s.St.Paul & Sault Steamer Northern States Power Compau St.Paul Steep Works Tri•State Tel. d Telg.Oompan Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel -F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel,F. Peterson, 0. Of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Franois J. Gang Commeroial Progress The MaoLeod Company Advertis The Amerioan Jewish World The Courier Press Daily News Corporation Daily Volkeseitung Dispatch-Pionser Press Oompa Minnesota Polish Pub.Company Minnesota Union Advooats North Central PubeOompany St.Paul Times Printing Oompa Wanderer Printing Company George Sudeith Harper Nut Company j Lewis Bolt & Nut Company Murphy Laboratories Northern States Power Compan Railway Express Agenoy Dlok gpeakes Supply A Fuel G Thomas 6 darner Universal Carloading 6 Dish, John Pastuoh Rye 006 i i E: 1 2 5 35 2 5 1 1 1 3 1 12100 W0 10 100 46190 101,00 10 064;76 1106 1o6i81 1610 64'00 ,'. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 71 L DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ----TUM--- t _ COUNCIL nl I CALL / •coNRov 99 �/o._ COUNCIL RESOLUTION u eou�Ln --- F VO eaxoe, �e� raon AUDITED CLAIMS--r--�-------------793 PEARCE AA i • J RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED WTEC'T- APPFaV_Ek THE TY TREA.—. SUDHEIMER pros. �� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOU T OF 5--—• COVERING AS CHECKS NUMBERED___ ��%__TO_----_. INCLUSIVE. R. • ' ` PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFIC-E Y COj.7FTROLLER. jYiT.VI,6`gYtf}II:L'O cIL-----------y-----'- --'-- � /'____ __� -- -----% --- CITY COMPT110LLER ---i'--- ""-"----------- rerux---- BY---- ------- TOTAL DATE CHECK �' �N FAVOR OF -� -- RETURNED V NUMBER - TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK ',� CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD N649 j G.H. HarfuSS, C•P.eafety 30640 Hoard of stater Commissioners, 27 1 30641 'I Board of Water Commissioners 62 8 30642 ) Hoard of Water Commissioners' 91 1 306 $ , Hoard of Water Oommiesioaers! 3621 2 3062 !t John S. Findlen, 0. of Eduoe 064 ' J hn S Tindlan 0. of Eduo. 1 5 50646 II, o e . I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works 1 41 3 50647 ',j LC.Pearoe, C.P.works jl 50648 ,j 30649 i! 1.e.Pearoe, C.P.Worke I.c.Pearoe, O.P.Works 6 03 91 50651 2 100 ' I.C.Pearoe, O,P.Worke ;0652 I.C.Peares, O.P.Wovks 50 '+ 50653 Ii I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Works 00 11 9!' 50654 ', LO.pearoe, C.P.Works 4 306555 '! I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Works 1 5P V 30656 I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Worke 3 65� ii I. C. Peaarroe, C.P.Works 940 ll 30659 I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Worke 1 34 T 16 3o66o ;1 I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works 19 330661i LC.Pearoe, C.P.Worke 30662 I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works 2 07. 11 8 5 3066 '' I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Worke 30664 11 Axel S. Peterson, 0. of pin. !; 30665 'i Axel S. Peterson, C,P.R.S. as, 30666 30667 Fred Y. Truax, C.Parks, oto. Fred Y. Truax, C.Parks, eto. I 66 33 30668 ! Fred M. Truss, C.Parks, stool 91 0 3 30669 11 B.C.Wensel, Cop0tilities 30670 i1 Axel S. Peterson, 0. of Sin. 30671 ;' Axel T. Peterson, 0. of 7112- 3o672 Dr. R.G. Allison 30673 Drs. Arnquist & Cook 3o67 Brown d Day, Inc. 30675 Drs. Obatterton 6 von der We Drugg company pr 30676 „ Cherokee 3o677 'j Dr. Gustaf Edlund 30678 .; Dr. E.P..EWald 30679 Dr. E. v. ooh s 30680 Dr. S.Y. Berman 30681 ,, Wm. A. Eobnke 3o6g832 j Dr. F.W. Miller D11 rs. Baslund 6 Morse 3o684 Drs. Osternden d Youngr en 30685 Dre B.J. Prendergast 30686 Dr. R. Rasmussen 30687 St.Joseph's Hospital 30688 j; Dr. Edward Sobons 30689 1'; Drs. Sobons and Medelman 30690 j Drs. Sobiberg & Mattson 30691 �; Dr. C.,B. Teisberg 30g92 'j Dre chase W. Waas 3 9 i� Dr. T.L. Webber 3069 Dr. Jaoob Zaun SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 6 251 0 3 7881 0E 5! 0( 5,0( 16, 3( 12, 1! 5 1110( 2j 0( 9,0( 62 0( 37 ! 0(( 4 5 N 32 01 � 6( 7' 01 8j 01 1510 210 21;01 5101 28. 01 12 01 h WHEREAS, heretofore "On Sale" Liquor Lieense,No. 578 was issued to Ben Novak for the premises known as 669-671>Univeraity Avenue; and WHEREAS, said Ben Novak has requested that this license be transferred to Anton Novak to operate such business at the same address; and the said Anton Novak has joined in the request; and WHEREAS, the License Committee recommends that such transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That "On Sale" Liquor License No. 578 be and the same is hereby transferred to Anton Novak tooperate such business at 669-671 University Avenue; and the bond of said Anton Novak in the sum of $3,000':00, approved by the Corporation Counsel as to form and execution, is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller; and the Corporation CoStnsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of said Ben Novak from any liability arising after the date this resolution is published) be it pURTHER RESOLVED, Thal on- and off -Sale Beverage and Restaur- ant licenses be and the same are also transferred.fron the said Ben'Novak to said Anton Novak for the promises at 669-671 University Avenue., COUN MEN Yeass Bess N Ys /r' fan In favor s. ;e.1 Against 3M 6-36 Dt(y. died E'reside>+t (Truax) Adopted by the Council...- J)EC.......:i.��►LF1.__193 DEC 106 APPmved__........ ........ _...... _.. - . ..... -�......_/ �...._v Magor PUBUSEMD � If 'TwAsi CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Fire chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. I SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fre Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminioner November 24, 1936 Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Anton Novak has made application for the transfer of On Sale Liquor License $576, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage, and Restaurant licensee now held by Ben Novak at 669-671 University Ave. to be transferred to himself at the same address. �Very truly yours, / Aeal 0. McMahon 0 License Inspector. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Application No. - f .. G.r $ Parfhss L' Comm3'ss3oner of"`p"utiTi"c 'safety" BUREAU OF 1,16INSES Neal 0. McHahon. Inspector Date, 1. Information required in connection with nt� 'ZeAVLI License. 2. Name of Applicant _.._ _.. j. Bua�ness:,asldrese��� �---A�}°e •°. � 3 4. Trade name, if Are you going too erste this business yourself --- 6. On what floor located Number of Ro used 7. Between what cross stgeets � l � G ? ✓ Wch side of street?•••�� y � 8. Are premises now occupied !//L���,.p What business ow lona .. �4 h 9. Are premi'ee's now unocoupi How�lo»g bacari� Previous use--- 10. se__10. Are you a new owner Have 'you been nnssimilar business before Where' �_G� r^��+�^"� [ " �y�"', When dio-- 11. Are you in any other business at the present time 12. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this ,type of,place ivi t9 When Where -- lj. Have you ever had any license revoked�_Whit reason and_date " i4. Which''U. S. Internal Revenue Special Tax Stamp will you use ($20 or $25) :?2�' 15. Are you a citizen of the United States illpb 7.6. Where were you born ThenMoDayyr. :.7. Hovi Tong have you -lived Iii -St' -'Paul .5. Have you ever been arrested 7"1. 3.9. Violation of what criminal law or ordinance'"- 20. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks 21. Closest intoxicating liquor place,,On Sale LG �1l Qf Sale lV/�-'( eP. Nenrea*.Ctnirch- --- ..�8� - _ _ e_%rest School 77 777� _ .G'tl n+A.i: 'i,�i '..i .�. 5:T �.• ui�.)d I=: .{}aC � a. t , ablea _ Qhaira—stools 2j. Number of booths, T �,,�es _z_ cev 24. What occupation have You fdlTawed7 fpr• fyg gaB-t TVs- y'sars_ P t 25—It--tu-busine83 fo'r yoiitaelf, Khat were You doing, give location and dates :.fLt Ai :•.. .:..�'SQii .. :. 2i.-If -.employed by,.,others,..-gixe'Wbbt._anct:a ess..af .each-and-natU 'dmployti ant -v 'addre9�-of -9 --persona, inte -Resideritie-o£ 5t: ve information coing you. e.rf *i [intddress '.,Y.•Y ,y xar, Pfd X F l NauaJr� ".. _...._... 'tse, µ,x afsz^ i x n ;r„_. r •AaAvless Nain T' .__....__._ _......._-._ _.:.(Stg�atu{s-of-•Ap#�licaat�.-- -`� - STAT OF.-IOTA ;ss 3e. i Or Tl'Y OI C_ u 2•a.-%� �•� "? t3 YYC? a t - a lication bearing his slgnatu and. says upon oath that he has read the foregoing PP _ c.rii]nowe the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge ex F_x, to those t matters therein stated Won information and belief and as to tYwae ratters he believes them to be true _eats: t .'� R '•" ` " • gat .. ,. a Subscribed and sworn to before me ,. r v: ia�"'�day OfL�=---�9 f Sfa:n n .:',?{• ti :star-Fubl'icv-Ramsey-..p-.4nnnesata - Y. i i'v--commission y - axion �hc free S ne y t w i! F�� 4A x(5325 oaslml mea rr.r� No.---- CITY OF ST. PAUL 3,v bj s >tdos�s Cy� OFFI THE CITY CLERk t4 s �1 sigt + } 1 COU OLU ON—GENERAL-Ff� Via' PRESENTED BY OA December let. 1936 COMM ISSIONE RESOLVED persons at the addresses indicated That licensee plied for by the following p be and the Game are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of'the required feed Alma Davie 412 N. Smith Ave. Butcher App. lIA59 Renew. Geo. Damian 238 Prout St. Ice Station " 14185 " Midway Joe & Friel Ice Station Rondo & Chatsworth 14196 " Garrison Co.735 N- Snelling Ioe Delivery " 15221 " Z. D. Vents 2042 Marshall Ave. Butcher " 1 259 " " 1 Great ■ ■ a ■ Butcher ■ 1428at A. & P. Tea Co. 786 Grand Ave. Grocery ■ 14284 ■ i 5 J.weiner &Son 670 Canada Butcher " 14542 ■ R. E. Bowes 1247 Righland pkwy. Ice Delivery " 15658 " L. Z. Johnson 416 St. Peter St. Conf. " 15094 " 121 S. Rabaeha On Sale Malt " 15245 " Sidney Coen ■ ■ Restaurant " 152 " Louis Smith 154 b. Fairfield Grocery " 15311 ■ Morris Alt 734 X. Snelling Botcher " 15459 " Prank Rogref 246 S. Eamline Hatcher " 155512 ■ 6 w. 6th St. 2nd hand dikr " 155+ " S. Bernstein (old gold) Alwx Tork 976 Arcade St. Restaurant " 1556s ° Alex Flopks 1296 R. 7th St. Grocery " 15574 ■ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council__ Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen ....-....... ......In favor Approved-------- ._193._--- Truax --••--.... - ------•-------- Warren Against Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 331 11-53 cOUNCa dit9v!?� oHgIm1 to city Clek CITY OF ST. PAUL ■� No OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM December 1. 1936 PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER----.- ---RESOLVED DATE- ATCOMMISSIONER—. RESOLVEDPage 2' Mathilda Dnwanz Tavern 224 T. 7Fh St. " " App' 15590 Renew- Av-P• 15591 s # Dance Hall John J. Beamayer 483 S. lfabatia Fmel Dealer • 15597 " Hymen Nndler 220 E. 7th St. 2nd band dlr. " 156os ' Martin Forster774 Arcade St.k On Sale Malt " 15612 " " 15613 " " N " N Beet. S. Brand Coal Co. 484 Rice St. 7111 Dealer " 15615 ■ R. E. Carson 1587 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 15616 " R. Reiners 1236 E. 7th St. Butcher " 15617 " Thos. T. Short 404 Robert Confectionery " 15619 " Great Lakes Coal & Dock Co. 2102 Univ. Ave. Fuel Dealer " 15621 " Mike Dons 24 W. Sixth St. Barber " 15622 " St.Panl Theatres Co. 21 T. 7th St. Theatre,StagePerformanee 15623 ". c.Reiss coal Co. 27 T. 6th St. Feel Dealer " 15624 ■ 7.D.Tilliams Coal Co. 15 T. 4th St. Fuel Dealer " 15628 " B. F. Ryan 1190 Randolph Cas Station ' 15638 " Geo. Bartusch 567 H. Cleveland 6langhter House- ■ 13639 ' R. E. schwarze 739 Univ. Ave. On Sale Malt " 156+ " Jansen Feel Co. 302 T. 7th St- Fuel Dealer ' 15653 ' T. M. c. A. 4T5 Cedar St. Restaurant " 15655 ' R.&.$.Service Station 717 H. Snelling Gas Station " 15656 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. - ----------- _----------- --- Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Approved...................................... ----•---193.__. ..-.. Rosen _..- ..__.....In favor Truax Warren ---B . --•----------- A sinal .............................•-•----_...._ r Mayo Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 11-s3 OrlQin.t to City deck ~ ..• . 105825 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILK it CIL NO..______________________ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENNTED ev COMMISSIONER DATE- December 1. 1936. _ RESOLVED Page 3 - Madsen -Johnson Fael Co. 1533 Como Ave. W. Feel Dealer APP -15659 Renew. St.Anthony park Basel Co. 918 Raymond Ave. Basel Dealer " 15660 a Campbell Coal Co. 19 A. 4th St. Basel Dealer " 15661 " Leo LaValley 173 R. 6th St. Rest. " 15668 " Chas.B.Lehmann Co. 462 S. Robert St. Basel Dealer ■ 15670 " K.B.Arneberg 945 B4aquier Basel Dealer " 15675 ■ Geo. C. Pyhrie 1007 Payne Ave. Rest. ■ 15677 " on Sale " 15678 " " " • " Off Sale " 15679 ■ Carnegie Dock & Fuel Co. 404 St. Peter Gael Dealer ■ 15680 " M. Tschida Sr. 319 Robert St. Dance Hall ■ 15683 " Sinclair Refining Co. 2226 Univ. Ave. Gael Dealer " 15689 " J. Reit: 712 S. Smith Katcher " 15691 ■ Pblla.& Reading Coal Co. 341 Como Ave. Pixel Dealer " 15693 ■ Doran Coal Co. 316 wabasha St. Fuel Dealer " 15699 " S. J. Nelson Co. 1184 Payne Ave. Basel Dealer " 15700 ■ A.A.Carlstrom & Son 1073 Payne Ave. Pmil Dealer " 15705 Is Aaron Johnson & Sons 987 Payne Ave. Fuel Dealer " 15706 " C.Gerber & A. Benike 325 University Ave, Basel Dealer " 15730 " Garrison Co. 735 N. Snelling fuel Dealer " 15739 " COUNCILMEN DEC 1106 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council__._ ......................._._. -__.193_.._ Barflies Findlan EWWW Pearce one_' -.•- ----.------In favor Approved .......... D�-----1_06-..193._.. Peterson . Trued TAW— / ......Against )�Penzel [� Mayor est east-fCi PUBLISHED V am ll- . Vice President rU x Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council. - E - G ....... IN ------ 193.-.... Barftm , .carr Findlan p7,15-6—te'kg& Approved ........ 0 E - 0 ------- 193 Peircc f --Rosen? ............... In favor ,-x) 1 TruaxJ Z7. .-7/ Mayor Wpnzel 10 ideat eat- —5 3M U-53 Mr. Vice Prcsldl�(9*0-) CO 01jainal to city clk CITY OF ST. PAUL Ir. " MM NO ------ VIM 'goj OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIqj�., - jLu5826 COU ON—GENERAL =0NE:--4 tOL70N.NERAL"' PRESENTED PRM I Co MISS RESOLVED at the addresses the following persons indicated That licenses applied for by be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to isms such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Warren Pontiac Inc- 760 Grand Ave - tad band 81r(ento)App.15421 now George Cohen 33 X. George St. Off Sale halt ■ 15431 15432 0 V u 0 Grocery Nile. Reinke 436 Sherburne Butcher Grocery 15519 15519 N Off Sale Mat 15520 Northwest Airlines Inc. Municipal Airport Restaurant 15538 L. Duftvitz 1694 Grand Ave- Off Sale Wt ■5626 15625 I ■ N 0 0 0 Grocery A. C. Lacey 225 Rondo Restaurant ■ 1564.5 Geo. Esterby 139 W. Kellogg Off Sale Mat 15646 Mrs. B. A. Connolly 129 W. 7th St- Hotel 15676 N Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council. - E - G ....... IN ------ 193.-.... Barftm , .carr Findlan p7,15-6—te'kg& Approved ........ 0 E - 0 ------- 193 Peircc f --Rosen? ............... In favor ,-x) 1 TruaxJ Z7. .-7/ Mayor Wpnzel 10 ideat eat- —5 3M U-53 Mr. Vice Prcsldl�(9*0-) Orw-1 to City Cl.rk� COUN IL No -1058 27 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL vae -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LOTION—GENERAL FORM • CO LUTION PRESEN-December 1, 1936 COMMISSTO DATF-- RESOLVED That licenses for Off sale Wt Beverage. application 15703, Restaurant, application 157019 and On Sale Malt Beverage, 16iication 15702, applied for by Frank Johnson at 241 W. Kellogg Blvd. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to isome, such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee a. Informally approved by Council. November 25- 1936 Yeas COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.—APP—JAW.193 B.f. Eft9m -Nay� Fi.dlanr-j"". �, DEC 1 Pearce r-p'!Te." ............. In favor Approved ................. Peterson -- ----- - ----- ................. jwmn. ....... /Against Mayor Wenzel 3M 11 4en _63 Mr. -Vice President (Truax) Original to city Cl. k 'CITY OF ST. PAUL ���OFFIFICC6E�)OF THE CITY CLERK V • CO — _ 1 J OLUTIONGENERAL FORM PRESENTS COMMISSIP DATE_ RESOLVED rQuNcm No ----- December 1. 1936 w. That 1lcense'for Restaurant, application 15650, On Sale Halt Beverage, applica- tion 15651, and Off Sale Halt Beverage, application 15652, applied for by Stanley Wojcik at 951 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the pay*eat Into the oily treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by City Council. November 24, 1936 Adopted by the Council_..._4EC -------- .19'-6193--._ Approved-.-.-.....-----n}'r'--.....!_ 93---•- Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfass Nindlan EMT&T& Pearce f-R.osem`-------------------In favor Peterson W� : Tjiia! -9 / Wenzel -----J...Against aM ""' Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the Council_..._4EC -------- .19'-6193--._ Approved-.-.-.....-----n}'r'--.....!_ 93---•- Mayor nrtawt m aty ci.:r roMCti .1 5829 . CITY OF ST. TAUL r. NO------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO T ON—GENERAL FORM commiSSio i^;oar November 28.1 6 RESOLVE That Dance Hall license No. 806 expiring November 13, 1937, Tavern License No. 357, expiring November 13. 1937, Restaurant license No. 8093, expiring August 7, 1937. On Sale Salt Beverage license No- 3518, expiring August 7, 1937, and Off Sale Salt Beverage license No. 4769. expiring August 7, 1937. tssae�3u,to .Gast D. Sargares at 219 lf. 7th St, be and the some are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of selling beer to a person under the age of 21 years. Adopted by the CounciL__---DA Approved----------,,-------- —�'- ----- -vr---.. —... - Mayor �t COUNCILMEN Yeas N s Barfass Elam Findlan n Pearce ...... __In favor Peterson .---Against en.� Presidcut ('Truax) Mr. Vice Adopted by the CounciL__---DA Approved----------,,-------- —�'- ----- -vr---.. —... - Mayor ortawAi m as Ct.ra COUNCa No------�.. 5�3® CITY OF ST. PAUL vae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FORM December 1. 1936 RESOLVED application 13495. applied for by James That license for Confectionery. Hammer at the Northwest corner of Rice and Wheelock be and the same is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to James Hammel► the fee of $10.00 and cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfnss Nays Findlan favor Pearce --•----• - ....In Peterson 0 Against Wenzel c-)m am tt-sa Vice 1'resideut ("Truax) DEC 1 �9 s.-193.-.__ Adopted by the Council._..................•-----•--�-- Approved- _..--------- DEC,-... /--•-- ----_ --"--•-- .........---- Mayor orlpinel rotlb tl.rk /` x.05831 CITY OF ST. PAUL oo�ueea NO.._.._---.-.•---.--...- QFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCI UTION—GENERAL FORM PRE4ENTEG 17 • I _ . — 19anainhaw L.. 9024. RESOLVED That license for Second Hand Dealer (general), application 14500, applied for by Jenny Hirechorn at 229 W. 7th St. be and the same is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Jenny Hirschorn the fee of $17.67 and cancel said application for license;(Jenny Hirebhorn having been charged with 4 months operation --$5.33) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays i' Barfess vbmm / Findlan 9 Pearce & ...............In favor Peterson E: Trm w ..--......Against Wenr4 am a -aa 0 n Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the Council__�EC' 1 19q� 193..._ DEC 1 as Approved............ :._...-------------------- ..-_193._-. t� Mayor 105832 eOUNea NO ------ ------------------ n'1ns1 LO city ©a CITY OF ST. PAUL k' F° g (/ OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK I COU ON—GENERAL FORM Dnre lfenenber �9, PRESENTED COMM ISSIONE The Natjonal Tea Co. desires to withdraw application 15772 for Grocery at 561 St. Peter ft. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore. be it IMSOLygD. that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to The National Tea Oo, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson k.Y y1 dill Against Wenzel . ant a -ea jjj, Vice President (Truax) �E LG --•-- 1•-06 193-._ Adopted by the Council_-- . - DEC 11939 Approved ------------------------------ -.-.----------------------- ----1 -- -••----•---r---••----•-- -91�yo ayor : ,Apar odo"a to o", Clerk • ��N�ti NO.5833 CITY OF ST. PAUL ru$ ------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ry Jf74—n—L-11T—ftN—GENERAL FORM DA December 1. 1936 P WEMILS, Arnold W. Ellinghouse desires to withdraw application 15791 for Taxi Driver and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it RMLVF.D, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Arnold V. Ellinghouse the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfass Findlan Pearce -------------..In favor Peterson 1Peamw- 2 --Against Wenzel am 11-33 - Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the CounciREL.a...... 1-It93a-.......193.--_. DEC 1 1936 Appjroved.......... ...-------------•------•----------193._... Mayor couNca No arckt�tltr �k CITY OF ST. PAUL Pae OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN ' ION—GENERAL FORM — lll/// ►S Harrell G. Hathaway desires to withdraw application 15736 for Restaurant, application 15737. for On Sale Halt Beverageg and application a ret for Off Sale Halt Beverage. at 678 University Ave. and requests the return of license fees deposited thereon, Therefore be it icers be and they are hereby authorised to gg,m that the proper city off refund to ylarrell G. gathawa9 the fees of $10.00. $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said application for licenses. COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas 1lmftm SiMm Findlan ERMEM Pearce --•------ --- -• -In favor Peterson >ago= /�'-.Against Wenzel dent-: (_Caehsltl am 11.63 Mr. Vice President (Trus-) Adopted by the CounciL-.DE�+--•--a 193F).193----- Approved-----•-QEc....... ---.................. i Mayor 105835' RESOLUTION R MMMING TRE FEDERAL GOVERt1WM TO APPROPRIATE FUND4 } ( TO COVER THS ADMINISTRATIVE COST OF THE REINVESTIGATION OF VPA WORSERS ruu;rasL�. It � 1RD3REAS the original regulations of the Works Progress Administration proviiided s that there would; be no reinvestigation of an individual°a needs once ,lie utas car-' tified and employed on a IPA project, and WREREAS on the basis of this assurance the Board of Public Welfare of the City of Saint Paul, after having transferred approximately fifty per cent of its total relief load to "A projects, reduced its administrative staff and other administrative facilities accordingly, and y�"}_' WIiBREAS the':Worke Progreso Administration has recently ebanged its regnlatione ,!a provide that only those persons who are in continuing need of relief mai* remain on RPA, and Fins`requested the Board of Public Relfare,_of.the City gfw:—" Pani usnd the Canny, ('Ramsey to mage a reinvestigation Of the needs of each WPA wor � 'c ay ate etermine 'eligibility fok continYnedemployment on IPA, and 5`$AS, as previously aited,,the - Board of Public Welfare of said city'and a_ county has so reduced its staff as to be wholly unable to complete such reinvee- tigations without the employment of additional personnel, which it is unable to do because of lack of funds, and Y1% WRSREAS the Federal government is providing funds to the state and its communities to pay its fair proportion of the administrative cost of the Old Age Assistance program and other forms of categorical aid, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of Saint Paul does hereby petition and request the Works Progress 9dministration to either make athrough its State and District offices, competent Personnel to complete the reinvestigation of those persons now employed on WPA or that it make slloca- tions of funds available to the Board of Public Welfare of said city and county so _2_ tbat they may employ personnel to complete the reinvestigations. 1 f. BE IT FURTHER. RESOLVED, that copies of this resolution be sent to Mr. Hopkins, Christgau, State Works Progress Administrator. Forks Progress Administrator, and Mr. DEC 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council:... _ 193....... y yeas Nays Barfuss �i Pindlan . In favor Approved_-DE ..193. Pearce_ ...... Peterson Against Mayor Wenzel 1M6J6Mr. Vice I resident (Truax) PUBLISHED d — ��P Adopted by the c—pi......_D.0....:._2 99361.:. December 1, 1936 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Night watching at Store and t This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Taking place of regular man who was sick. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By� Presid Certified correct Leonard N. Thomps General Superintendent 4 01w«k,CI.,k iL583'7 CITY= OF ST. PAUL :°u "` NO._.__,____. -7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM OOMMIPRESENTED BY �r _.._...DATE.__.......__......_.. __. SSIONER................................................................................. .... ........,'. RESOLVED That the application of Wallace Perry for permission to *root a public garage on the south 130 feet of Lot 6, Hyde Park Addition, located on.the north side of University Avenue between Oxford and Chatsworth Streets, is hereby granted, and the Commis- sioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby author~= iced to issue a permit therefor. %4 COMEN YeasN s l an In favor ' Pear cee TIP'... ........._. Against sident (Geban) 3M 636 f Adopted by the Couocil......._D E C......._2_ 1.9 193 _. Approved.._......_........®ECi .2 i93 193: L Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL j,- Capm of Minnesota OFFICE ,OF CITY CLERK L. R. r' FEPOUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December let, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of Wallace Perry for permission to erect a public garage on the South 130 feet of Lot 6, Hyde Park Addition, located on the north side of University Avenue between Word and Chatsworth Ste. was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. a a + •x f STATE OF MINNESOTA, Be County of Ramsey, as �. &,msyeteb,Nw 1917?, 71.1 r, I Affidavit of Publication ...... befog dV1.9 awom. on oath .. fenow ................... says: that is, and d all the time herein lied hes been clerk of the patch -Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the. ,,aul , and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated . That for more thea one year immediately Prior to the pub tion therein of the ................. . ..�� hereto attached, said newspaper ... ....... . ..•printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication In the city of at Paul in Lille County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week In column and sheet form equivalent In space, to at least 460 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been- issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publl- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had In its makeuP twenty-five per cent of new columna devoted to local news of interest to said community It purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; hes contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; hes been circulated In and near Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry ae second class mail matter in the local posto8lce of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County In which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the............................................................ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the Eaglish language, ........ ........ that I first so published on. ....the..... /./.... u......... day of �F 3 19.� and thereafter on .......?. �.... y... /... ....; and that the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and k7of type mposition and publication of said notice, to -wit: / �o abed e f Shl i keno Paf'eta j1 -Y= .......................... v subscribed and sworn to before me this /.'day o ..... L .......l ..... 19... tart t9. Minnesota My STATE OF MI/VIYESOTA, Cofinty of Ramsey, pm�a(vpa�sn��vmu D6tW et AL F �a(P P -6 Die➢ Affidavit of Publication ............................. ,.�I...... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is, and during all The time herein stated bas been clerk of the M& patch -Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Ps Dfapatc 6 O 1kWMjpNNmSWWM, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter s cpu.wpa -ee gydr- f0,.�fa 1M'nerth Y de'oE That for more than one year immediately Prior to th"ubllestlon therein of the od MlapuVb, Nov. h, Nov 1<a SW21.), , F . -' If{�/ /LQ . ..-c..........I....•..:•••••••••••••. L!•••••••••: •..� . Printed ......... ..... .. ... • •� . . .`.'�.7J' .. .. /.....`.• •.... hereto attached, said newspaper wen Printed and published 1a the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul in the Cmmty of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It -. ... purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 460 running inches of single column two Inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established In said place of publi- catlon, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had In its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of Interest to acid community it purports to serve, the press work of which hes been done in its said known office of publication; hes contained general news, oom- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of Patents, Plate matter and advertisements; hes been circulated In and near its said place of Publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subse fibers; has had, and now hes entry as second class mail matter In the local postoffice of its said Place of publication; that thele hes been and Is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said Publication was made, proper of Its Leations as a newspaper for pub- proof by one having knowledge of the facts,, lication of legal notices. _` .t�gquualif " `-'[ / "'/ That the............................................................ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and printed and published therein in �-{wy�a��ss the English language,-R��)-�-f�fa......�,.}.!....................... e that f first so Published on.... ............... 11 ...a.............. day of 3( )6 7 4v/—/qq34 .......... 19.....and thereafter on ....................1..., o� b ...;.... ��� ... .................. day-bf ....................... 19....; and that the following is a Printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the aim and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: anode t6ntl kl�nu nay euvw r: .......... ........................ 2 Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. !.....day Of . .... . .. .. ........ . 19.... .. .................. ...... "rL..... °"N Ramsey Minnesota MY n ... ..... .. ....... ......°r......11Y .�• odgu ltocu,qck COUNCIL NO 105839 CITY OF ST. PAUL me --- — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNciL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .M.. ................. DATE_.__.._..._ --- _..........._._..... j. ....... .............. _._.. RESOLVED 'flat the free use of the Arena in the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Santa Claus Club, on the night of December 16th, 1938, for a benefit wrestling match; said Club to pay only the coat of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion. COUNPdMEN Yeah N s d /Alan In favor Pearce T/ -Against r /IV nze] President (Oehan) 3M 616 C'41` N0.106838 goeolvbd .SU b 7 Aena Ip t e • nt a 1 rlum�?ti@ End it le liereb glveaitto tits 8snts ub Club ,.eiUl�r De bod. tb 1858' e A }I te' -p.��ii Bald �V9lfb ,Co � WY � �11�9 4P4C'I 'oi+oDanin end, op6ra tna- a napn„ tihat.ocbtlfl qr in1", 'Adopted'b -the Council Dec 3 'Y688[,,, ADproved Dec 8 183B. �x 7rtDgc,6y 1038) .___'� Adopted by the Council....._C......._2_t936-.193__ DEC 210 Approved/._..............._....._..... _.. _. .193_ /.... _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL t Capital of Minnaots DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. ORPUTI COM-l!"ON" fir® BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS MRS, J. T. JENNINGS, UW-fl.. - , PALLS.UACNU N. SuOenntendent BUREAU AS OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI; SuWntendent UC .BUREAU OFESCI�IUODEA, December 1, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Kindly have prepared for presentation to the Council this morning, if possible, a resolution to provide for the use of the St. Paul Auditorium arena on the night of December 15 for a benefit wrestling match (sponsored by Mr. Day Okas, of the Santa Claus Club,) at cost of opening and operating. Very ,-/Q 0trulypyoours 4 rp ham` n �l Gliy� ///�a V Oommissioner of Education TSF-R 0,40A MY Cld CIL x( 5839 r CITY OF ST. PAUL •ILt NO.�;....................._...._..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION. --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /� COMMISSIONER__ .... ridI8:%�._...... _.....�1..2L�.G!i.`i .__._.._---- _._..............__DATE.........................._Deo.e..._2.,....1936.s...:.._ RESOLVED, that the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association be and it is hereby granted the use of the arena of the Saint Paul Auditorium for its annual convention, from March let to 5th, 1937, inclusive, @t a rental of $500.00, the balance of the coat of operating, heating and lighting and cleaning said portion of the Auditorium for that occasion to be set up in the budget for the year 1938 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. CfNMEN YeasN s In favor t.— ._../ Against APresident (Gehan) 3>`f 636 Adopted by the Council ...._��.�....... 2._� J.1t.....193...... Approved......................DEC........... __f.._. .. 3....... ............................... .......... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 16839 ` Capital. of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION - JOHN 5. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEFUTY comMISSIOMEE . • - BUREAU OF Po18UC LIBRARY 86REAU OF PUBLIC 5C71000i PAULS. AANpO1.I, Buperinmidsnt BUREAU OF AUDROUM - EDWARD A. FURNIRI. Suoexntcrdme BUREAU OF SCHOOL CA:EIF.RIAS A. E. IRUDEAU. Dlrecmr .. December 1, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporation Counsel n City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Will you please have prepared for my presentation to the Council a resolution to provide for the use of the arena of the St. Paul Auditorium by the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association for their annual convention March 1 to 5, (1937) inclusive, at a rental of $500, the balance of the cost of open- ing to be paid by the City and set up in Auditorium Fund No. 17. Very your ytruly (/J'' �"�'✓� ,yC) ✓ Nva �p�y�. V of Education 6/commissioner s ioaer JSF-R �y RQq WIawceeh'CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No.......10.5L-40 ^L• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Dec., 1936- PRESENNTTED 6Y- M-.VW.I _-`i •••--_......__..._._._.DATE ......... .... _ ............ I .............. _..... COMMISSIONER_....._----P--a�'aIJ_- RESOLVED, that upon recommendation of the Commissioner of Education, the following books are hereby adopted as texts in the public schools of the City of Saint Paul: Rhythms and Rimes, published by Ginn & Company, to be used as a music textbook in Grades 3A and 4B; price fifty—seven cents; Songs in Many Lands, published by Ginn & Q ompanY, to be used as a music textbook in Grades 4A and 5B; price fifty—seven cents. RESOLVED FURTHER, that for the purpose of installing said texts in the public schools as aforesaid, the Commiasioner,of Education is authorized on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, to enter into sn Bement j�.th the publishers for supplying these books. C .k'::No .Y068,(�1-�yy xollii ,>�n l�lndlnn— __ Rge�1,v nPpp Ea ptgmenda4to� Iot�Dd�'npr a€�dUb9tlon the �.--^"""'�So}Iosyingi p�qq afr Dhgy go,,'yryn�t}��`bp� ad ,,. roezte'In tho p�Dltb ebfib�k o i ''�� of saint Paol -- r r #� t 'RhytDma Cna AipteD publl�he$ �3'. 61nn=� ComD�n�� Q' Ike ntlpQ�s� milslg, COUNQ16MEN Yeas N' s .n In favor Barts �.... Against �nzel President (Geban) 3M 636 November 30, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporati'n Counsel City of Saint =aul Dear hr. Connolly: iiillyou please—ave prepared for my presentation to the Council tomorrow morning a resolution to provide for the adoption of the following textbooks: Rhythms and Rimes, as a music textbook for use 1n grades 3A and 4B, price fifty-seven cents; Songs in Yany Lands, a music textbook for use in grades 4A and 5B, price fifty-seven cents. Both of these textbooks are published by Ginn & Company and are to replace Eleanor Smith's Music Course Book II and follow the same series as the Tuning Up Music Book adopted July 2, 1936, upon the recommendation of Mr. Hartwell. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Education/` JSF-R CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION �Q¢� JOHN S. FINDLAN'COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPT' COMMISSIONER O BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS .400® BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, Ubr.d.n PAUL S. AMIDON, SuceRntendent BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU, DircO*, EDWARD A. FURNI, SuW.Wdent November 30, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporati'n Counsel City of Saint =aul Dear hr. Connolly: iiillyou please—ave prepared for my presentation to the Council tomorrow morning a resolution to provide for the adoption of the following textbooks: Rhythms and Rimes, as a music textbook for use 1n grades 3A and 4B, price fifty-seven cents; Songs in Yany Lands, a music textbook for use in grades 4A and 5B, price fifty-seven cents. Both of these textbooks are published by Ginn & Company and are to replace Eleanor Smith's Music Course Book II and follow the same series as the Tuning Up Music Book adopted July 2, 1936, upon the recommendation of Mr. Hartwell. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Education/` JSF-R CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHNS FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMtS.10NER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS - 416p.® BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON, Superintendent MRS J. T. JENNINGS, UbrarI.. BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E TRUDEAU, Direaor EDWARD A. FURNI, Superintendent November 27, 1936 Commissioner John S. Findlan City Department of Education Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Findlan: I have met with the Teachers Advisory Board and they have approved the recommendation made by the music committee and by Mies Heck, music supervisor, for the adoption of Rhythms and Rimes as a music textbook for use in grades 3A and 4B, price fifty-seven cents, and for the adoption of Songs in Many Lands for use in grades 4A and 513, price fifty-seven cents, both books published by Ginn and Company. These teats are to replace Eleanor Smith's Music Course, Book II, and follow in the same series as the Tuning Up Music Book adopted July 2, 1936 upon the recommendation of Mr. Hartwell. I recommend these two books for your approval and for adoption by the city council for use in the Saint Paul public schools. Respectfully submitted PSA:J Superintendent of Schools a,� x( 5841 q ' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO •------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK} COUNCIL RE—GENERA Liw tar w�v t ' n11 PRESENTED Blf •�' �'t 'DA 7 +,'j -� R COMMISSIONE .............. _... G" RESOLVED worms, additions and deduotions which might Prove to be neo essary in the improvement described as the Curbing on.Edgerton Street from Jessamine Street tocontrgator,thave bbeen prpVided for�in theNo.Lspeci- Standard Stone Company, fieations and unit prices stipulated therein, std WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following ad- ditions and deductions: ADDITIONS 39.0 line ft. of 12" V.C. Pipe a Shhedule price of $1.15 $44-85- 9.4 44.859.4 line ft. of radius curb 0 $.55 5.17 50.02 DEDUCTIONS 14.0 line ft. of straight curb ® .50 7400 4.8 line ft. of str. curb omitted at rad. ends 0 $.50 2.40 9.40 NET ADDITION $40.62 and WHEREAS, the total net addition is $40.62, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council approve the aforesaid additions and deductions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to ekeeed the sum of $40.62, said sum to be added to the lump am con- sideration named in the contract ]mown as Comptroller's Contract No* y-3918 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Camissioner of Pablie Works has agreed with the contraotor, Standard Stone the above ocontract. Panda t t the sum fcoer62 is this addition arerect ae ail available nt to e in the proper account, and the City of Ste Paul agrees to pay same. Couatprsi Ens 0 OEM �gar� DEC 2 ffl6_-w_.. ' COUNC 'MEN Adopted by the Council ................ ..........._._.._. Yeas � Ys sa anIn favor earce Against //7I(/r'eh/�PCrlesident (Gehap) 1M 63. / DEC 219,19 Approved __..................... _....... .__... 193_ PUBLISHED — -' Cur C[ak ,i,,.i aouweu �.MM CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO- FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO IL �_G. ERAL FORM RESOLVED .That the bonds hereinafter listed, given to the City of Saint Paul, dated August lot, 1836, with the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, approved as to form and execution by the'Corporation Counsel, be and they are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to file said bonds in the office of the City Comptroller, viz: - Frank 0. Corcoran,.Timekeeper, Department of Public Works, $1,500 M. W. Woodruff, Chief Clerk, 1,000 Joseph Pavlioek, Accountant, 1,000 J. L. Connolly, Accountant, 1,000 H. T. Proulx, Timekeeper, 1,000 C7ILMEN Yeah Naysayuss elan Pe�arce In favor j�'_Vre'ident ........_...�/.....`.. ASainst el (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council.....-._Q.EL'........Q,.. Approved ...... _........... ®�li.......6r....`.....193_,,,_ Ochi-! W cit. cl-k CITY OF ST. PAUL22SN' No. IL .1593 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rn W=anI.UTIW.1—GENERAL FORM DATE .............. flecem);..1}...195.6...._...__._ RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 5, George Bros. Addition, Block 2, Little and Hoytrs Addition, Part of Lot 15, Kinney's Gutlots, Block 2, Paul Martin's Grove Addition, and Block 4, Midway Plaisance, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. =I COUN�iL MEN Yeas / Na s uss �n 1� Pearce In favor .................. Against ZuxI .resident (Gehan) 3. 6J6 Adopted by the Council..........DEC ..................... 2 ...... 1 ... 936 .............193....... DEC 219'36 Approved. . ...... ..................... ... ............... 193.... . � ..... Mayor........ 0r40a9 m City Clete °Nc,L No 10.5844 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO N ... GENERAL FORM PREggEppT�D B COMMISSIUNE _.___._......__..._. _._..._. __...�e�:._eiaee ai ao. ii.e ......DATE.........®QeLIbBI'...Z.y....19SEi....._..... _........ RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, lots 1 to 9 and 24 to 82, inclusive, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. HeRne6bAv451v'xphat:the grsyitP Pf ,alley I ' . ttY S°E��toifef�`�inl`�'a°o�d�a°a ,ssv[°tndRh.4 . red Edo nae oa•, acogmyany alc,. DDroh>e :: eild ae roco endgd tiy�e v Cyo�mmteael,o,1agerp 0 b[`P' d a ubclat_ke -be ml 'klitti(t�d`it`hde'S.°^xp� r'N;ot„Yti6 ee-:, +1dPDS°H b thU r:ou'acli Doc i 4ir 1488.: ' ADbrov6d Dec B, 19aB 9. rte. COUNC EN I Yeas N s l usa laic. In favor - Against. �T/„' u t President (Gehan)- 3M 636 origtmi to Q CITY OF ST. PAUL No ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY GLfJiK COUNC ON—Gi4#RAL FORM PRESENTEON NIII L DATE .MWSSIMA-� RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addre" indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city ale 11: is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Louis S. Ilan -'go 994 Rice St. Grocery APP 15136 New C. Singer 562 Rice St. Fruit & Veg.Store 15190 Nick Pfeiffer 572 N. Kent St. Grocery 15233 ■ Ed Groh 1952 University Confectionery ■ 15599 Prank LaJoy 1100 Univ. Ave. Roller Skating Rink 15695 ■ George Reil 270 E. 7th St. 'Barber 15735 * T. B. Peterson 569 N. Snelling gas station 15749 8 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss pear;j Findlan n Pearce R . ........ In favor sn r1le'W"A ----------- 0 Against Mr. President (Gehan) MA 1463 Adopted by the CounoiL----N-0-. 2W6 DEC 2 Mayor Original to cry ©drk�^ t, CITY OF ST. PAUL 4 iwoacn wl.p^MA No. ---1-05M M C TY 0- COUNCIL, OL T ONC—GENERIS, [:VMMISSIO DATKHeeAM�1gT� �•q36 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees= T. E. Sundry 283 Rice St. Comf. App. 15205 Renew. M. L. Glischinski 1060 Hand Ave. Grocery App, 155281 ■ Transfer 011 Co. 2165 Univ. Ave. Gas Station " 15294 ■ Hymie $atkol 913 Rice St. Grocery • 15342 ■ Rose Pappas 1960 Univ. Ave. Rest. ■ �53!}g " • On Sale Malt • 15349 • Clara M. seeker 1561 Grand Ave. Best. • 15461 ■ E. B. Gould 376 H. Cleveland Ave. Butcher • 15637 • A. F. Sorenson 811 S. Smith Ave. Grocery • 15643 • Walter Heck 1950 Waciath Grocery ■ 15667 • H. Weber 1579 Selby Ave. Rest. ■ 15671 ■ Geo. Morgan 938 York St. Grdoe■y ■ 15673 • P. J. Sohwietz 1109 Arcade St. Rest. ■ 15684 ■ A. J. Langel 200 Concord Conf. • 15685 • J. Reitz 712 S. Smith Grocery • 15690 ■ G.J. Margellon 438 Jaekoon Confectionery • 15695 • Joe. McBride " 501 Univ. Ave. Tavern ■ 15696 • ■ ■ IS Dance Hall ■ 15697 ■ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciL ---- .------- .---------- -.-----.- Pearce Peterson Rosen ............. In favor Approved .............. .193._-. Tntax Warren ._....... Against Wenzel Mayor bM 11-63 Mr. President (Gehan) o»CIO c«t 1(5846 !'• . CITY OF ST. PAUL —UN ea NO......._....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK: COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM . RESENTED P COMMISSIUNEFZ__»_...._...._.__.___._.��...r..._._-_._.».._._.._._.___� ................................ ...:.. __.._....... RESOLVED Page 2. Geol Eickos 597 Broadway west. app. 15698 Renew. lhite Castle System 470 St. Peter Rest. " 15704 " J. G. SaMA&a 497 Wabasha St. Rest. " 15707 a Castle Royal Inc. 9 W. Channel Rest. a 15709 a a a a a a On Sale Malt a 1571ok a a a a n a OYfsale Malt • 15711 a w a n a a Tavern " 15712 a n a n a n Dance Ball a 15713 " Frank Kartak 22 W. 6th St. Exestaurant a 15714 a a a a e On Sale Matt " 15715 " a n n n Off Sale Malt a 15716 a Bels Simonson 673 Raymond Gas Station a 15722 " David Greenberg 1666 Selby Ave. Grocery a 15725 a 0. Anderson 1694 Randolph Bakery a 15726 a J. A. Beendry 99 R. 7th St. Master Barber a 15733 " Theo. Bmech 554 Stryker Ave. Bakery a 15740 a lire. Bessie Pierce 391 Rondo Restaurant a 15741 a n a a a a On Sale Malt a 15742 a John Ruppertz 134 E. 5th St. On Sale Matt N 15760 a Tarvin Coal Co. Bakery Bldg. Fuel Dealer a 15761 a Yeas COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council...DEC._....2...i93f ....193.:.... DEC . 2 9 In £avoij. aroej.Approved ..............................................:...................193..... earCE y . .... ........ Against /✓ entel Mayor .... President (Geban) p[)BLISHEDJL.=—,-' 3M 636 ONgingl to Clty �� ©ark�`5Q(4J CITY OF ST. PAUL � ca No ------- OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUN ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE DATE Becember ?o 93 i 4 THERM►S, on at 20th, 1936, Ralph E. Qminn made application for an son sales liquor license at No. 469 8abasba St. and deposited the sum of $458.37 as license fee therefor. and WE MEAS. said license was not granted until September 3, 1936, and said Ralph E.Qsinn is therefore entitled to a reYtwd in the amount of $41.70, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to refund to said Ralph E. Quinn the sum of $41.70. h _ - �64: S:'N9 4064?. -Q H-.u^�n�y°e•-.:' P -M. .Te ie'vlit n P COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barftw Findlan Pearce ..........In favor 7ti en C Tru!n f.l...-_'.Against I -W-ZA Mr. President (Gahan) 3M 11.8D Adopted by the Council_. --DEC ..2-1. s 193..._. DEC9M Approved-----...... - --------------------- ---- .193---- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. F. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissloner of Registration Hon. G. H. Berfuss, Chairman, License Committee, City. Dear Sir: November 18, 1936. The attached request of 1a1ph E. Quinn for refund of over -payment of $41.7o on on Sale Liquor License No. 698 at 469 ■abashes Street was referred to your Committee, by the Council, for report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CityCouncil City of St. Paul Gentlemen.. ,G ' I hereby request, your` Haa►orable Body to refund to me an over-payment 'of-$41.70 on On-Sale Liquor License No. 698.; - I'would appreciate your forwarding this ebeck to me c/o Orr, Stark & Kidder.,, my attorneys. Tbanking you for this favor, I an, s ery "tru. % �ta1p : E. Quinn m 105848 Q1de.1� Gp Ole,k nLtMpL NO.�._. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (I COUNCIL ION' --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED / MM , Albert H. 79gerst desires to withdraw application for On Sale Liquor License at JOT Z. fifth Street and requests the return of the license fee depgs#sd.thereon;-therefore, be it ZMLM, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to return the amount of license fee deposited thereon, and to cancel s application for license. aPP �d �`V`' F2dai-yas� �'t�a+BaKde�t dr COUNgILMEN Yeas / Nye Ba sa , .-pdla*Pearce In favor carte Z°°�► zi .,A gaint ..... rel ;M bl6�aresident (Gehan) DEC 219361 Adopted by the Council .................. ..................... _. . DEC 219 Approved........................._.,._C...'^_....... .. — 193— L•...: ..1................................ __._..... 0..L✓v// _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE -OF CITY CLERK L. R.Jr. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of RegWratlon December let, 1936. Hon. G. H. Barfttss, Chairman, License Committee, City. Dear sirs 018 The attached letter of Heal C. McMahon, License Inspector, and file in the matter of the applications of Albert H. Yogerst for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage, Tavern and Dance Hall licensee at 107 B. 5th Street and also for transfer of On Sale Liquor License from Jack Simos to Albert H. Yogerst at the said location, were referred to the License Committee, by the Council, for report. Yours very truly, Q. City Clerk. December 1, 1936 Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen., WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E BRISSMAN, Asst. Albert H. Yogerst has made application for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage, Tavern and Dance Hall licenses at 107 &. 5th St. between Minnesota and Robert on the Horth side of the street. He also asks transfer of the On Sale Liquor license. This place has been a 3.2 On Sale and Restaurant since April 7, 1933. The present owner is Jack Simos who desires to sell to the applicant. There is one other 3.2 On Sale place within two blocks. The closest on sale liquor place is j block away and closest off sale liquor place is one block away. The nearest church and school are each 8 blocks away. From 1922 to ,Tiny, 1936, the applicant was employed as Supt. of the polishing plant at the Liberty Granite Co. St.Cloud, Minnesota. He has resided in St. Paul for only the last 30 days and has not made any acquaintances who can give information con- cerning him. Verytruly yours, bac Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Stre.b Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commission December 1, 1936 Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen., WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E BRISSMAN, Asst. Albert H. Yogerst has made application for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage, Tavern and Dance Hall licenses at 107 &. 5th St. between Minnesota and Robert on the Horth side of the street. He also asks transfer of the On Sale Liquor license. This place has been a 3.2 On Sale and Restaurant since April 7, 1933. The present owner is Jack Simos who desires to sell to the applicant. There is one other 3.2 On Sale place within two blocks. The closest on sale liquor place is j block away and closest off sale liquor place is one block away. The nearest church and school are each 8 blocks away. From 1922 to ,Tiny, 1936, the applicant was employed as Supt. of the polishing plant at the Liberty Granite Co. St.Cloud, Minnesota. He has resided in St. Paul for only the last 30 days and has not made any acquaintances who can give information con- cerning him. Verytruly yours, bac Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. OITY OF SAINT -PAUL " Application No. !'.Sarfhss ._'-Obmaiis'si6nsr of-Ptib3'c"Sa�`etq _.-_ ..r � 31SOF LI�rE1�S Nea1.,C. mgyalwn. Inspector 1. Info ion re "fired in connection wi Sale f 1enn+License. r-–'--- 2. Name. of 3. Bueiaess;:addesa. HoAIIe_�,.wdrinlc 4. Trade name. If to operate this business yourself Yew 5. Are you going ......_, lst & 2nd & Number of Rooms used SELAId _-- G. On what floor located --- – �tt, ch, side, o Whif street$orth 7, Between what_ cross streets Ylnnwweta & Anif t S1IIoe 3.Are premises now occupied Yww What business Asiww longs VA&1. y. Are premises now unoccupied" .""�__ How 16518 �ao�t'.... - __._.-Pi,evious' ueg__ . 10. Are you a new owneryww Have"you been in similar business before ran When -- where <: 7.1. Are you in any other business at the present time Ne — 12. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type -of pa ce When Where -- t7-reason a'fTTB'dat^W,"' 13. Have you ever had any license revoked- Wti Special Tax Stamp will you use ($20 or $25)pQ 1-4. Which U. S. Internal Revenue Sp 15. Are you a citizen of the United States '6. Where were you born When: �, H w long have you 1S, Have you ever been arrested :.9. Violation of what criminal law or ordinance 20. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks +-- '1. Closest intoxicating liquor place;., On Sale t�?nnir Off Sales 5+7 ent e�.. Nen.r�st School_ $ .blQoiu_ C*01 csh- 6 b1QQks. -- . - - _N�Arwst -- --- 23, Number of booth j, -W nf, JNjp+ Pal Imb- 24.. What occupation have yov follBw inir Plaut L elf, what were you doing, give location and dates . 2r,. If employed `6Y Othe'r41--4iVe8 'mpl'bybie n t dt 'Wilh. :'Tiho ` ";g give L-1formation concerning you. Name Address I I --'Z" Name Address T, STATE OF -41 ss 4sing first duly sworn. deposes 5 and says upon oath that he has read the foregoing application bearing bls signatLLTO ar-1 knows ,the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge ex-:F,',Ib iz to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those "C matters he believes themold_to be true. is V i s-abscribed and sworn to befo re me this 94. votary Public, DOnaldR.Ulth, fthryhblk, RaM-DYC&'S4't- lip CommiSSio it n expires November 30, 1936 City Council City of Saint Paul Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I, Jack Simos, desire to transfer the on -sale liquor license now issued to me for use at my place of business at 107 E. Fifth Street in the City of Saint Paul, to Albert H. Yogerst. I hope that the City Council will see fit to transfer the above mentioned license to Mr. Albert H. Yogerst. It is my opinion that Mr. Yogerst will continue to operate this same business on the same clean and.respeotable plane upon which it has been operated in the past. CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �`')`�_ 849 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-------'-- ���--- COUNCII§A LL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'jo GONROY 1111 a aCee�er �(`� ��Q AUDITED CLAIMS ------- - "- "+-____-_•__�7N FAVOR ar 0s� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED AWN NTH CITY TREASURY - COVERING T P^IM 0 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S - TO___ _. INCLUSIVE. AS BUDHEIMER e8• i ��rl �• CHECKS NUMBERED---- FICE E CI COM OLLER. MR. PRES. BUNDLIE 2 J PER CHECKS ON FILE I t CIL_-----.------------------ _. _ _ ADOPTED BY THE]� jNS-'-'- ITV 1U�4 _____ _ _ C COM OLLE APPROVED _ _____ __ ------ -�- _ __ ---- ___ (.... "-" — --�- - - --' C. F. No. 106849— DATE awn Resolved. that checks be drn; TOTAL the RETURNED city treasury, to the aggregate" 568,043.34, covering checks BY BANK mb—d 360 to 368, Snclusive, s Derfl DISBURSEMENT TRANSFER CHECK !li checks on file In the Inc.o.1 the city' CHECKS CHECKS NUMBER �!I comptroller. Adopted by the Council Dec. 2, 1936.:--- Approved 936.—.--Approved Dec. ?, 1936. ! (Dec•. 6, 19 36) • 360 int. 9Over & '100 0ompany 3001; and R.T. OeriSoher 10 61015 361 Thornton Brothers Company I 3501 362 l Ohapman At 18 734 Outlet ' 363 �! Fern Conetruotion Company 0of Fin. 35 40 364 Anel F . . Peterson. 2 549 73 P; 365 LO.Pearoe, O.P.Worge nsel, O.P•Utilitiee 366 g.0.we 367 i' 4Johneon Printing 00mpany 368 Sleotrio Blue Print company I ! j Ali I • % i y. 'J j INTF—RSEPTOR SEWER Erb+D ("UND SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD WA t;� � 1 �i I� I •� E, E f i 1 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �`')`�_ 849 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-------'-- ���--- COUNCII§A LL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'jo GONROY 1111 a aCee�er �(`� ��Q AUDITED CLAIMS ------- - "- "+-____-_•__�7N FAVOR ar 0s� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED AWN NTH CITY TREASURY - COVERING T P^IM 0 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S - TO___ _. INCLUSIVE. AS BUDHEIMER e8• i ��rl �• CHECKS NUMBERED---- FICE E CI COM OLLER. MR. PRES. BUNDLIE 2 J PER CHECKS ON FILE I t CIL_-----.------------------ _. _ _ ADOPTED BY THE]� jNS-'-'- ITV 1U�4 _____ _ _ C COM OLLE APPROVED _ _____ __ ------ -�- _ __ ---- ___ (.... "-" — --�- - - --' C. F. No. 106849— DATE awn Resolved. that checks be drn; TOTAL the RETURNED city treasury, to the aggregate" 568,043.34, covering checks BY BANK mb—d 360 to 368, Snclusive, s Derfl DISBURSEMENT TRANSFER CHECK !li checks on file In the Inc.o.1 the city' CHECKS CHECKS NUMBER �!I comptroller. Adopted by the Council Dec. 2, 1936.:--- Approved 936.—.--Approved Dec. ?, 1936. ! (Dec•. 6, 19 36) • 360 int. 9Over & '100 0ompany 3001; and R.T. OeriSoher 10 61015 361 Thornton Brothers Company I 3501 362 l Ohapman At 18 734 Outlet ' 363 �! Fern Conetruotion Company 0of Fin. 35 40 364 Anel F . . Peterson. 2 549 73 P; 365 LO.Pearoe, O.P.Worge nsel, O.P•Utilitiee 366 g.0.we 367 i' 4Johneon Printing 00mpany 368 Sleotrio Blue Print company I ! j Ali I • % i y. 'J j INTF—RSEPTOR SEWER Erb+D ("UND SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD WA 1. A DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..____-___ ---_---------------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION gik �' AUDITED CLAIMS�1RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA N C TY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATEAMOUNTOFf-. COVERING wA CHECKS NUMBERED_ __loU—_TO____ INCLUSIVE. AS 36 PER CHECKS ON FILE N FE FFICE �tHE Cl COMPTRO ER. ADOPTED BY THhfO}JNOI_.:r::..^�--------------- LL�� T - - _ ---'--i TOTAL DATE CHECK L, F. No. 1066'0—checks de drawengafe I therl_. RETURNED V BY BANK TRANSFER D15B U RSEMENT NUMBER Resolve treasUrYi to checks the city of =36,361.98, cove gr CHECKS CHECKS amount oven clf the LY - numbered 1,1 to 10 1. Mie In the — — coecks 1936. c mptroller he 11 Adopted by C 1 193-3 D(Dec. _ Approved 6 1938) • 4201 10 a ! Minnesota 0ontraotors,Ino. 3 35 1039 I.O.Pearoe, O.P.Works 482'11 1040 H.0,weh$el, O.PAtilstses 96o 1041 I.0.Pearae, O.P.Works 450 I I o i CRaEK sEwEr PHALEN 1100 POCKET No. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY �p pp Owns � ^ A. FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI U • CHECK NUMBER 3o695 3069611 30697 30698 30699 1 1' 2 27 28 307 740 30741 30742 30743 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1`I `-'851 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ------ ___------------- .------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ---°----_-' RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRW (j J�4F _ TREASURY. • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOU T OF f---- Y V• _-, COVERING . TO_-- —. INCLUSIVE. AS CHECK S NUMBERED__ PER CHECKS ON FILF� IN THFj OFFI C'i OF THE fJTY CAOMP�ROLLER. MAYOR C. F. No. 106851— Resolved, that checks be drawn on the city treasury, to the aggregate a Dunt of !81,490.27, covering checks numbered 30695 to 30743, inclusive, as per checks n Hie in the office of the city comp— troller. Adopted byy the Council Dec. 2, 1936. Approved Dec. 2, 1936. (Dec. 5, 1936) Anna Pi9notti John Rose Minnesota State EIIplOysent 9 Pittsburgh Coal Company Axel F. Petersons 0. of Fine Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina Axel F. Peteirsoas 4. Of Fine Axel F. Petersonms 0. of Fine John F. Chais4tner Board of Publio welfare Axel F. Petersoas C. of Fine Axel F. Paterson 0. of Fine Axel F. Peterson s 0. of Fine Axel F. Petersoas 0. of Fine Axel F. Petersoas 0. of Fine Axel F. Peterson* 0. of Fine Axel F. Peterson@ C. of Fine Uarl Maronds Tri+state Tel. A Telg. Oompa Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comps Tri. -State Tel. dt Telg. Oompe Tri-State Tel. & Telg• Oompe R. J. Cardinal wm. Boseensaier Healy Plumbing & Heating COe Mra, Pearl Ramsay E.R. Sanford dt Company W. A. warren Company r. is w sit Ora W. Dates Sid w. Bush A.J. MOCarthy Feyen Construotion Company Bauman Company Brown dt Day. Ino. Central Soap Company Elvin First Aid Company Farwell, ozmun. girl & OOmpl Ray J. rartak. Supt. Maendler Brneh Mfg -Company welter W. Magee Company lational Txpert window Clew Northern States Power Oompeu Northern States Power Compal Sharp and Dobmes Ino. w. F. Smith Tire dt Battery Cot H.O. Tiffany 'Washington Publishing OomPN western Shade Cloth Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTALDATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 10 1 4 33 13 350 11 622oo 488 3 1437 66 1 689 751 11� 23 196 5 20 21 26 o 72,67 6 21 gjl 2100 2125 40 100 1 0001;00 38138 35 48 13149958 93 1 h3 10 2266 � 12 395 x,00 Oo.Inp, 228100 1 020 137 3 0004',�jl 4 l0i IQ442 107 1.66 3100 1 49162 Dated this lit ........... day Petition PIiOP( SAL FOR IMPRQYI end x5.. G.S& oP 3ge1!s;ABdit K 41 1956 .................. : .. tly 193_'.. Paul, via. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: __..._Grade_Alley ia_Block -82r Gotaian!s Rearrangement-of_Sige1'a Addition From.Duluth- do�ane to--Atle tLe-.8treat.----------------.....-----_-------------_-----............ .--............................ ................ .... .......... ....................................... ..... -.......... -----...-.-.................................... ----------=- .......................... -............ .................................... ........................ ............. ------------_---- .................................. ................................ -........ --............... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .................................. _...................... ..... _.._........ ..... _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner -.of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ^ 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said -improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing 2 ; �the Commissioner of Mnance. mb ✓" Adopted by the Council .... ............._�F. -------------.._.....-----.........-- YmAs NATs Couneilmsn BARFUSS DEC 21 6s FINDLANAPProved._.................................................................. __. PEARCE PUNIML TRUAX WENZEL Mn. PaselDNINT . Mayor. F— c A is M r as) l �" PUBLISHED /2- 5 . ✓ r X83 ,e7Ike No------ -- --- -- - PROPOSAL FOR IMI'ROVEM a ' wn'a,g� and in. wjC,Koafrdjl x PRELIMINARY -ebyproposmthemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by.,the Ctty,gf Saint Paul, via.: of.. in.Hluok.$Ty-(ictkiaa..a_.&esrsata8 eat..ot--93ge1!•s -••-•--...anri.Pi]:7.a--in._the.-grading•- A7•�3-• .......... Addition..Pram..IhA.uth--Aaenue-_to.-Adant3a.Str$et.,- ---------------------------------------- _.......--••-•------•............. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: -Condgm¢in&_' ._t g_an_eas_in_t1iQ-land_ngFQR@aPY..fRR.......... ax��._Yil} �._._the.gxasa�8..4R.. R� 1 aX---ip.Hivak..82.,..CRt2i.am-_a..Rasrrsag_amfiz►t..£..Sigel' s Addition from Duluth_ Ageaue-, to -_A laati 9.. StI aQtx-------------- '•-•-•-...... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- _. -•------. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ,/7--- 219 .E Adopted by the Council_.._-............ ................ -.. YEAS Nets Conneilman BARFUSS DEC 2 06 FINDLANAPproved----------------------------- .--•-•------•-----•-------------••---.----- - PEARCE PGTiiliWi TRUAX WENZEL......................_... ... ......... Mayor. _ Ma. PaESMWT Farm C A 1D (9Y 743) PUBLISHED W5854 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FILLING TIME OF HEARING IIS HIEREON AND FIXING TIYIE OF PlEAUMIG ON t iic AWARD OF DAMAGE'S In the matter of_-9st%L@L�A1D�lJ1d 11l AgAA-444°mg�t i�_t�e_14Af1 J384499g#7C �or_e' qs– _ outs and fills in the grading of north Grotto Street Pram Lake Cosmo and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteta Avenue, under Preliminary Order ...... 9WIL ----------- approved----__ i1gly-29— 1938---------------, intermediary Order ...........198198 ----------- approved ------- SeptALVQ.L_33.-19tQ---------- Final Order------------------1OS391---------_, Oober_1 UL 1938.----------- --- approved Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taldng of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ j9k1__________day of ------ Do-mabor-------------- 19318_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adapted by the Council__ DEC __`x,936------------- ---------,-------------------- -------------- City Clerk. Approved-------------- 19---- Mayor. CouncilmanPnrog Councilmaneon yl Councilman d.Eounc;tn,Are- 5 Councilman Kohland �' L `' PUBI ISHED Counct7man WheimeF-1 'N'❑zel Mayor :a _—:3 U�Lan -.3 under Preliminary.Order 105102; Approve' September 17, 1988., The Council of the City of. St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Financeupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:: 1. That thesaid report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is enrb W'Pd Street „tram 4iotorle Street to Wilton Street with:no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $•�• Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of HeoeaBer 193 8 at the hour of 10 eaock A. M., in the Council' Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Corngduioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to ,the persons and in the nwnner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,'the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 06 Adopted by the Council DEC' 2193 �--. Approved 2 06193 /� ity Clerk;' J Mayor Councilman Barfa®a + Councilman '• :n Findlan Councdmim V&& P"l-ce Councilma'nQteeen--�--.� f'.:trxs�nn ,. Councilman ETivax--'" -i Tnlaa en Councilman Wenzel Gehan Major,ll PUBLISHED r n Form B. S. A. 8.6 f under Preliminary Order 10620r approves' Slptember 86� �9E8. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon:; the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb 0aranim Street zn Yrm Earl Street to Prank Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 817.56. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of neea&er 193 -IL-- at the.hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall.Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the spanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improv emetk anCrd the tgtgI ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council UU jj� 193 ;e 2 Ci erk Approved 193— Mayor Councilman Barfuss CouncilmanA4ny�:- Findlan 2nd.- 7 L Councilmatgtmery-;"= Pearce Laid over to Peterson Truax Wenzel PUBLISHED 3rd. &app: e Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barfuss ss Findlan WPearce (0P VJ' Peterson indlan rce et on Truax ruax Wenzel rip ` �enul f under Preliminary Order 10620r approves' Slptember 86� �9E8. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon:; the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb 0aranim Street zn Yrm Earl Street to Prank Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 817.56. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of neea&er 193 -IL-- at the.hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall.Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the spanner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improv emetk anCrd the tgtgI ost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council UU jj� 193 ;e 2 Ci erk Approved 193— Mayor Councilman Barfuss CouncilmanA4ny�:- Findlan Councilmatgtmery-;"= Pearce Councilmaty tO_ -__-q CouncilmateIKttais_ .A Councilma Peterson Truax Wenzel PUBLISHED Mayor JjWmn" Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 f oo'bW e. as Clem ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. (h-81 ORDINANCE NO. G pRESENTED,BY An ordinance amending Ordi>sn s NO. 5581, entitled ■An ordinance regulating the distribution of hand -bills, pamphlets, elnd advertising matter in.tTh hs City of .St. Paul. ie is an emer- gencyTordimme rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safsty,v approved April 20, 1921• 5 roBA tie l+ ` - y ed, April 20 ._ THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAM PAUL DOER MAU: • 7 ui ur_? $action 1. That Ordinance No. 5581, approved April 20, 1821, be and the Bene -is hereby ascended by striking out Sections Laud 2 of said ordinance, and by substituting in lieu thereof the ` following! `..Nisotion 1. No person shall hereafter distribute handbills, pamphlets or advertis lag !ratter of any kind from house to house., within the City of saint Paul, unless such handbills, lots or advertising matter shall be pldoed,under the door of such house or -so inserted near the door -knob as to In- sure their not being blown about." section 2. That said ordinance is further amended byre- •� numbering sections 3, 4 and 5, to 2, 3 and 4. fi Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. �• l Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council -......OF-G-1$.M............ ----• Barfuss ..........In Favor _ Peterson Truax v �} ._Against Mr. President (Gahan) Attest: Q City "Cler& Mayor , 3" 9.36 - '� PUBLISHED Adopted by the Council 193— yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN 1 'i PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHA1) 77, G CITY OF SAINT PAUL December 1st, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached letter and resolutidn from the Allied Printing Trades Council relative to amending Ordinance No. 5591, with the request that you prepare an ordinance to amend tsaid Allied ordi- nance No. 5591 in conformance with the request Printing Trades Council. Iours very. truly, City Clerk. November 27, 1936, Hon. Mark H- Gehan, Mayor, City of St. 1aul, 347 City Hall and Court House, ct. paul, I:4innesota. Dear lYr. Mayor: Fsnclosed is a copy of a resolution which we are sending to every member of the City Council of St. Paul for the action therein requested. We respectfully solicit favorable considera- tion and action on your part and the Council as a whole in this matter and we would like to have the e City beuncil notify us of any appearances or hearings necessary with reference thereto. P,espectfullYy rs� E,rthur M Secretary- Treaer. sur encl-1 1a,J l : LN R E S 0 L U T I 0 N. WHEREAS, Council File No. 33331, Ordinance No. 6681 which reg- ulates the distribution of hand bills, pamphlets and advertising matter in the City of St. Paul, and WIIEREAS, Section 1 of said ordinance provides that hand bills, pamphlets and other advertising matter distributed in the City of St. Paul shall be placed in the mail box, and Section 2 provides that if there is no mail box attached to the house such hand bills, pamphlets and other adver- tising matter shall be placed under the door of said house, or so inserted near the door knob so as to insure their not being blown about, and WHERAS, the provisions of said ordinance are in conflict with the laws of the United States and regulations issued thereunder which prohibit the placing of hand bills or advertising matter in the mail boxes, now therefore, BE IT RESOLVED, that we the Allied Printing Trades Council of St. Paul go on record as appealing to the Mayor and City Council of the City of St. Paul to amend said ordinance by elimination of that part of Sections 1 and 2 with reference to mail boxes and that said sections be combined and made to read as follows: "No persons shall hereafter distribute hand bills, pamphlets or ad- vertising matter of any kind from house to house within the City of St. Paul unless such hand bills, pamphlets or advertising matter shall be placed under the door of such house or so inserted near the door knob as to insure their not being blown about." "�' 44 This Is To Certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the ellied Printing Trades Council of St. Paul by action duly taken in regular meeting as- sembled on November 9, 1936, at 601 Empire Bank Build- ing, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dated at St. Paul, Minn., November 23, 1936. �e dement, Secretary-Tre surer,' Allied Printing Trades Co it of S$. Paul. CITY OF ST. PAUL rite NO...._.x.....(35858 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CCO CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM wDecember 3, ELATED IRVYN(i G. PEARCE ........ _._._DATE 1936 ................................. ...._... .. cam .ISSIONE.._._____..._--._._.._.........� WfiEREAB, additions and deductions which might probe to be neces�� KzScUum ary in the improvement described as the Relaying, Repairing & Re- constructing of Cement Tile sidewalks for the year 1936, COMP tract Con- tract L-3899, Standard Stone.Compangy contractor, have been provided for in th specifications and, WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the fland owing addit- -Zon ADDITION: 14 hOQ trove common abocutting) @ $0.625 $8. (foWHEREAS, the total addition is $8.75, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the City Council approve tl;w aforsaid addition made in accordance with the specifications thereford not to exceed the sum of $8.75, said sum to be added to the lump sum price named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-3899 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, the Standard Stone Company,that the sum of $8.75 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. y13o p� �F e 4omYanY �Iaea rar�n - T STANDARD STONECOMPANY, By SuI7+t. OO*KVVIONER Adopted by the Council.OEC.....__Al1!''........_.193...... DEG 3� Approved...... ........... .............. _ .... ................... 193...... y......✓... ..........._....... ._.mays ._..... PUBLISHEDI2-7-.5 4 i0ounteAreled:R0 R ✓ COUNgILMEN Yen Nays /tzpdlan In favor e" . ......... i Against x eozel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 y13o p� �F e 4omYanY �Iaea rar�n - T STANDARD STONECOMPANY, By SuI7+t. OO*KVVIONER Adopted by the Council.OEC.....__Al1!''........_.193...... DEG 3� Approved...... ........... .............. _ .... ................... 193...... y......✓... ..........._....... ._.mays ._..... PUBLISHEDI2-7-.5 4 O.W.A W CUT Q-A 'CITY OF ST P OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK, , CSUNCI?Q'/�KUTIO W V A R"O I LVED al'all funds appro- �tAWHEBMS, due to the unprecedented snow fa streets printed Por snag and it'he removal and f4 i )r oindeiib& icl� during the Year 1936 have been expended in the e"'*months of this year, and WBEFmAz, the additional funds Zsd6L available through smor- )propriations have also been entirely 03qpended for snow gency &I for repairing snoW cleaning removal, oindering icy streets, and theLensujng Winter sea- equjj=ent and setting up snow fences for son, and WHEREAS, it is necessary for ihe protection of lives and safety of the inhabitants of the City of,Bt*pigl to enable the Department of Publio Works to remove snow and oinder thOA0e be 7 this year, 'there or it J_ streets during the remaining Part of tb RESOLVED, M3at the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are directed. to borrow the sum of hereby authorized and to and deliver to the send Dollars and -y note payable to I a promissox ty or parties making the loar V0 Pa i bearing interest party or parties t at the rate of not exceed-ing three per cent per annum said note to be payable one year from -the date Of execution thereto* funds so borrowed be credited RESOLVED FURTHER,.That the 13 Jj, Funds Code Rnergency Street Snow and Ice Removal jc the Lrpose of ed only f Or the pt in -or the said fund to be expend Dring icy stt&Ots and repairs and mainten- aval'r. Of snjW.� sindq Moo nt, ow aliming OVIPMO ✓ COUN ILMEN Adopted by the Cont'it.-DEC 4-- Yeas Nay DEC 4 Ian In favor Approved, ....................... .. - - - ------------- . .... 193— All �.fson Against j ........................... . ..... 1 �4r. President (Geh I an) pUBLISMD- 3M 636 CITY LERKo CITY OF SAINT PAUL t°a'i NO._—LILUuvo APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Peterson DATE NOV• 19, _ 193 6 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. - GR. 3AR 3A5 From Receipts (3AR) to Office Expense (3A5, $413.00 $413.00 ,..14A9QLUTlOF9, 108800—�y°q,CelPeterdon= hteao)ved, tbat'the;follawlLi,Y eranefei'e. be,made op t1,ie booksp of ttte comptroller, e9 by so'dolag en unaVo1da121e t ded"oFo C da 'doXtainj•ltema may=bA meby;;;yh1d: of Ir ppw t4oup pampaXlpg th@,,,w9rk [roem whleh tLeh ttapaefer ae "tah ed'Yiadetema�. &tiefa(TrQm Code 8 tp_.Code..aa Its Front ;tepgtDta faAA fb .;Adopted kiy the Counclk Dec I 18i8r, -DDroVe. Dec 4„18x8:' i; (Dpc 18 1888) YES (0 COUNCILMEN (V) NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNC GC 4. Il{'j f) 193_ BarfussSEP AitCE • Fiadlan PF9F!FMZ APPROVED �• l 193_ Pearce IN FAVOR Pctcrrca 4"n"'r_ __i �p J Trtln `C QPN �GAINST V— COUNTERSIGNED BY MR. PRESIDENT CITY CO -ROLLER eoo Iona / COUNCILMEN Yeas r4 s /F dlan In favor �e. .son ' .......�, Against to enol President (Gehan) ]AI 8 TRURO V68 that the r8raae of'Altey p AVebue, l bB@w amp trom .Falrvtem- Plt ace, #S4'8coorganC , line of Welleal y ilhes oa -lhe accomypany othei'edge.. herehoolilmehy{19ha.btiethe omti 1ssi of b71c WW Y 4ddb� Q tris ee eiahlfeh8dnm8 18 A7l4Rt°d'"b 'the Goancn b a�1 X888 AADroved q. y-: 1888 4 l bec .18; Y988) 56.. A, bi "M COUN AL CITY OF ST, PAUL No . ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ON O-'.-,n.qENERAL FORM COUNCIL R&POEVR ..PRESENTEDDecember 4, 1936 DATE .... . ...... ........ . .......... .................... ..... . M ISSIONE RESOLVED That license for Barber. application 15321, applied for by B. Stone. at 511 Ries St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury ,of the required fee. New, State License #5101 COUN"EN Yeas # . .... 7 .In favor 'Against Mr President (Geban) 8M d WrIgIFF14 il�AII?11'1 Y" " n 7., DEC 41936 Adopted by the Council .................:..................-...............191...... Approved.. ........................... DEC 4 ... ...... ... .......................... .......... ............ . ...... &wck?C,-& No. ................. . .................... II CITY OF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C/ COU Ii1�STtON ... GENERAL FORM 14 PREERN E \J D�/....�.__...___...DATE......+!9Y.W.4Y.xt_.�a..n,.:R✓.w. ....... COM IS ION ----- - T'"—'-'_—_- .. RESOLYED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses 10indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. B. S. Rice 2164 James St. 011 Burner Installation App -15717 Renew• Joy Bros. Motors 192 Pleasant Ave. 2nd hand auto dealer " 15037 " Irving Rosenblum 91 W. Syamu re Grocery ■ 14'906 " " a 91 W. Sycamore Off Sale Malt " 111907 " COUNC EN Yeas � Na s usa ..:. In favor BOn Against President (Gehan) 3M 636/ DEC 4 �1nqC Adopted by the Council.............._................._1.737.U..:_193...... oa CITY OF ST. PAUL rMs =UNCIL NO Q5$64 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COU SO ION -==GENERAL FORM PR ENE , - .cois�s�u WHEM&S Thos. Prokopowicz desires to withdraw application 15475 for Barber, at 270 E. 7th St. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it. MIMILVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Thos. Prokopowicz the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN MEN Yeas N use /p�•gdlan n favor ................... I r/1 ......._ r r�,�(ia eotl ........ Against �yPr esident (Gehan) 3M 636/ w�Hea 10586 ON61nJt7..lo CITY OF ST. PAUL a NO ........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK COUNCI 'aN---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE� cOMMISSION .__ ._� .......� ..._._.._..-._...._. eeC..�l _DATE......�16.04m e -r -.'.T..,.1936 ..........._..._.. , WHIMUS. Henry Franz desires to withdraw application 15790 for Off Sale Wt Beverage, application 15789 for Restaurant, and application 15798 for On Sale Wt Beverages at 971 Arcade St. and requests the return of license fees depoetted thereon. Therefore. be it RESOLM, that the proper city officire be and they are.hereby authorised to refund to Henry Franz the fees of $5.00. $10.00, and $50.00 and to cancel said applicer r— tion for license. COMEN Yeas N /F � In favor .......................... e neon /Orraj�r 11 --w ....'Against A'46 President (Gehan) 3M 676 Oddalfot9t;Cl.ek.�1� 6 eoura� , CITY OF ST. PAUL ma OFFICE `OF THE CITY CLERK.. . COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL- FORM PRESENTED BY. HOvember24. 1 6 ` COMMISSIONER.....::.._ .__ ...................._..................................._................._......... _.._....DATE .........» __......_... .9 ..... '. RESOLVED jr That license for Taverna application 15486. and Dance Hall. application 15457 applied for by D. M. Togelgeseng at 917 Randolph St. be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to D. M. 9ogeltesang the fees of $200.00 and $15.00 and cancel said application for license, pp CResotved0;684 at811 ansa Lor Tavern. ayyyylteatloq 184$6, and-Danq¢ Hall -.ap pllcaLlon 16487 app]ted for by "D: M: V,oHdlSeeang; at ,917 Randolph and be end the:eanie-aro p'erebY-dgnied aad .propep.cltY,:a�g6rs are -,her DY antl{oY.-�. Izmq to'ratund to D �'�B.�Voge01(59eang.tha- tees of -5200:00 and -!1600 6,nd baaoel; geld apyllea.ttgn for license. Adopted `bY 4he Coungll Des �4, 1988: ADpr.oved l)ee. 4, 1986: COUMEN Yeas N ys a as /Pindian In favor rson ...........:... _._' Against 1 r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 1A W Laid ove, PRESPTED By T_ Nays Yeas mays` Findlati Pearce Peltierson `R 319 ORDIN 5867 in F An-ordlwaeo.grastibg to the Twin dity,NOtor ku"n Alan organized under the laws Of the, State of ,so w% "Waieta, and authorised. to do business in the - state of.113insooti': a license to carry On the business Of a 00MOU carrior of'. paijengorg for hire, by motor bus, over and.mpon certain if the ptblio Otranto and high - was is Ike Gity of Saint Paul, following re,gular17 established rotten, for's, tern Of One from and after NOshl 19361, and y -di- providing for renewals of e:",, license. this Is." an amergency''Oi sanco" rond" noose I nary for the preservationofVIO public pews, health and safety. In COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAM PAM DOES OLUAnt section 1. That at subject to Goad I itions, orse* reserve - 1 hereby _'jtM' tions and requirements hereinafter contained, tho 11 a":"_ funder"the ted to the Twin dity.Notor Bus Cospnsy,L& 00 rianis" to do bl"I" Taws of the Stiti Of South Dakota, and authorised, aso$& a 118onso to a as state, of Miss by f' pried of f a oomsoa'aarrierof b::62gore for hire, tar -bus a p rem and r March 1, 1936, over o -.following One y0ar the streets and avenues of the city heroisafter�l defferils- ed,purpose, vias Starting at sixth and Sibley Streets, Street to Exchange Street,, o"r,.Z"hango Ninth Street, out Ninth -street -1o'Summit I in nine; 'out up SF D" Avon st.51mit Avenue to Marshall Ave Marshall Avenue to Western Avenue- over Western Avenue to Ashland Avenue, out Mand Avenue' *0 Loxington Avenue, over Lexington Avesuai'14"Zorshall Avenue, out Marshall Avenue through to Lake Streat In Minneapolis. (b) Starting at Bus Depot, to Fifth Street, Fifth Street to -Robert street, Robert 0trO_O%L __ to tolfabasba iikftnth Eighth Siftot' Eighth Streit st"sta, Nistk.otroot to St. Peter street;.;St. Peter Street to Central Avenue, over'COAtril4wenue to -Rios Street, idea Street to University Avenue, Vaiversity Avenue to Minneapolis. Section 2. the purpose of this ordinance.:Js to provide for the granting of a license to said Twin City Voter Bus 80OPM to operate its buses an a comon carrier of peassugere.for hire, over tie routes designated in section I hereof, for the period from March 1, 1936, toandincluding February 28, 1937; and to ISPOss a license fee for,suoh license or privilege In a sum equal to five per L cont (6%) of Its'gross earnings derived or scorning from the exeraise.or enjoyment within said city of the privilege of OPerat- Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ------------ - --------- ----- --------------- Barfuss FijdJan . ....... ............... In Favor Peeves fleteison ................ . ........... Against Tkax Wenzel re Mr. President (Gehan) Approved:___. ------ -----------••----------•-•- _- ---- Attt: ....... ...... .......... ......... ............. •-•-- ---.-......_------------------- .... ......... . .................................. I ........ .... ................... Mayor City Clerk -1, no 9.34 ORDINANCE 1:5867 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) Ing its buses upon the routes described in section 1 hereof for the calendar year 1936; and to further provide that the license fee be not payable in advance, but be paid on or before the first day after the license period expires, but that the fee be based upon the gross earnings for the preceding calendar year. Section 3. ]Por the license privilege herein granted and for any renewal thereof, as herein provided, the said licenses shall, on or before March 1, 1937, and on or before Marsh lot of any year thereafter, in the event of renewal, pay into the treasury of the, City of saint Paul a license fee in a sins equal to five per cent of its gross earnings derived within.the corporate limits of said City for the calendar year 1936 and for each calendar.yess thereafter in case of renewa"'���-���- to the aa1A Twin city Rotor twnw tti,. oars J Said. Twin City Motor Bus Co x mph •hal ' at„the sams,time it is required to file finaiiotal arid' statistical 1., ;sports -with the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, file a copy of each `such report with the Commissioner of.,, Public Utilities of the City:of Saint 'Pahl and to furnish” the Com- .,_ miasioner..of public Utilities fnithar'detailed reports and statistics., so that, 4e license fee 'heroin. rovided for P map be determined atl or, verified. d% . 1 a • -- - as herein provided, for each annual renewal period, unless at the time said licensee pays said gross•arisings tax due and owing by It for a license about to expire, it notifies the Council in writing that it So going to discontinue the operation of motor buses in the City of 8alat Paul on the routes described in section l hereof; and In that event,.said Company will be liable for a license foe of five per cent, as provided herein, from January lot of the year in which it disoontinues said business, until the date of actual discontinuance. sbotion 5. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as granting an exclusive license to the Twin City Motor Bue.Conpany to carry an the business of a common carrier of pass engere for hire by motor bus over and upon thee• certain street■ and highways in the City of saint Pcul, hereinbefore set forth in section 1, and the City of saint Paul reserves the right to notify said Company, In writing, sixty pays prior to the expiration of any existing license, that at the esd of said license period, it shall not -re- new the license of the said Twin City Motor Bus.Company. section 6. said license* shall, within thirty days after the passage, approval and publication of this Ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the Corporation Counsel. section T. It is deemed by the Council that the passage of this ordinance and the acoeptanoe of it by the Company, as herein provided, is a sufficient compliance with the judgment rendered by Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss FSndlan Pearce Peterson Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) `Attest: City Clerk 700 9.36 Passed by the Council ........... --------------------------------------- ..........._.........--------In Favor ........................... _.. Against Approved: ---•-----_- _- ----------- --••----•-•------ --------------•-•-_----•- Mayor ormina to CW"-" ORDINANCE IC5867 ' COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (3) the Supreme Court of the State of Minnesota in the case of City of Saint Paul vs. Twin City Motor Bus Company, reported in 250 N. W. 672; and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorised to enter into a stipulation of dismissal of the action now pending before the District Court of Ramsey County between the Twin City Motor Bus Company and the City of Saint Paul, upon the Company complying with the provisions of this ordinance as to filing its acceptance of the terms of this ordinance. section 8. That Ordinance No. 7671, approved January 23, 1956, and resolution (Council File No. 91402) approved January 13, 1958, and all ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent here- with are hereby repealed. section 9. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emer- gency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. . section lo. This ordinance shall take effeet'vand be in force ismediatsly upon its passage and publication and the accept- ance thereof as provided by Section 6 hereof and the Charter of said City. Yeas Atte 700 9.36 DEC 31'6 Passed by the Gauncil. .---------------- - - - .In Favor ........... ..............---Against DEQ � Na- Mayor Jawm ry 4th, 1937• Twin City Motor Mus Comp&nyj 164 w. Fifth St., St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentl emeni Enclosed is a printeR copy of Council file 105807, being Ordinance 7761, granting you a license to carry on the business of a common carrier of passengers for hire, by motor bus, over and non certain of the public streets and highways for a term of one year from and after March 1, 1936. Will you kindly note the provisions of Section 6, which provides that a written acceptance Of this ordinance shall be filed in xq office within thirty days. after passage, approval and publication. Yours very truly, City Clerk a __ _ Adopted by the Council 193_— Yeas / Nays /SS NDLAN / )F�RCE f I ZZTERSON { may, �UAX J /ENZEL i /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHA ) LL> � ����1�,,�'/? � J z city } f 7 r" N r yp s t 2 r F Y 4 so 4 y _ h � 4 t 4 QVI-sp away, TwO �k r 4:: f + 3 . . X �( x T � i ' t n solo r � t + I . i S k - f = t Y CAME�' _� mon Ur 1 N ; x 1�. ...k F $ fwd n �. 1?� i:.?: .E ��.p�t�� ,TJ'k•' �.3 IWO � , 'MAW CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIf P. DHCA"AN NILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY [DWI" MURPHY CORPORATION COUN[[L ROY C. H. RWRDCCN IRVINO OOTLICB tiLAtM INV[ -BATOR JAB. F. YYLLIVAN A-t[TAt1TB December End, 1936. To the Council. Gentlemen: As you gentlemen will recall, the City of Saint Paul some time during the year 193E brought action against the Twin City Motor Bus Company to oollect five per cent gross earnings fee. This case went to the Supreme Court and was decided against the City. Thereafter, the City brought an action to re- strain the Company from operating until it received a franchise or license from the City. This ease went to the Supreme Court, and the Supreme Court de- oided that the Company should be given a reasonable time to negotiate for a franchise. Thereafter the Council passed an ordinance licensing or granting a permit for the year 1934 and Imposed a b¢ gross earnings tax, which the Company accepted, and paid four-fifths of it. Thereafter, in the year 1938, the Council passed a similar ordinance which the Company agreed to, and during the same year, the Company brought an action in the District Court to determine the right of the City to impose a groes earnings tax. At a meeting of your Committee, the Company agreed to dismiss its action, which is still pending, providing the City would pass an ordinance which would provide for annual renewals and impose a gross earnings tax of not to exceed five per cent. The enclosed ordi- nance Is designed toloarry out this agreement made be- tween your Committee and the Company. The license period provided in this ordi- nance is from March 1, 1936 to March 1, 1937. The tax payable for this period is five per cent of the -gross earnings for the calendar year 1936. The ordinance CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY E. H. SWEDEEN IRVINO OOTLIEB C.LwIM INY[anawTo[ JAS. P. SULLIVAN A- -- Council - 2 12-2-36 also provides that the payment of the tax for the ex- pired period, based on the preceding calendar year, will automatically renew the license for a further twelve-month period, and the Company will become liable for a further tax for this extended period. Section 8 of the ordinance provides that the Council reserves the right to cancel or refuse to extend the license by notifying the Company sixty days prior to the expiration of any license, that it will not renew such license at the end of such period. Yours very truly, Mayor Commissioner of Publioevilities 1 Corporation Counsel m a, ,.. i Bureau of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STREICH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner s®o December 21, 1936 Mr. Herman C. Wenzel Commissioner of Public Utilities City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer The attached license ordinance for the Twin City Motor Bus Company is satisfactory in all respects with one possible exception. There is no provision calling for the Bus Company to submit reports to this office. In the past Mr. Baker has asked them annually for such reports and they have complied with the request. If it is not too late to incorporate such a provision, this might be included by the following clause: Said Twin City Motor Bus Company shall file with the Commissioner of Public Utilities of the C t of St. Paul BL such p per as may oe regaas�aa complete statements,on forms to be approved by said Commissioner, relative to the operation statistics, revenues, expenses, additions and retirements and other matters pertaining to the business of the company carried on under this license ordinance. _— Very truly yours, UTILITIES E IwEER. EFJ:LW O . ACCEPTANCE WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on the 31st day of December, 1936) passed a certain ordinance No. 7741 entitled: "An ordinance granting to the Twin City Motor Bus Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of South Dakota, and authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, a license to carry on the business of a common carrier of passengers for hire, by motor bus, over and upon certain of the public streets and highways in the City of Saint Paul, following regularly established routes, for a term of one year from and after March 1, 1936, and providing for renewals of said license. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety." and WHEREAS, at a meeting of the Board of Directors of said Twin City Motor Bus Company held on the &Lg-day of January, 1937, it was resolved by said Company to accept said ordinance and to comply with the terms and provisions thereof, and that an acceptance in writing under its corporate seal should be made and filed with the City Clerk of said City; NOW THEREFORE, in accordance with said resolution, the Twin City Motor Bus Company agrees to carry out all the matters and things in said ordinance contained on its part to be performed, and does hereby accept the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the President and Secretary of the Twin City Motor Bus Company have signed this acceptance and have affixed hereto the corporate seal of the Company this day of January, 1937. rte.. President. Secretary. (Corporate Seal) . n , X5868o,ld..tmcn:'Wlk GL FILKNo- ..................................... CITY OF $T. PAUL ��L• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,•--pGENERAL FORM 4 PRESENTED BR_.._.IO.Iifi._...�5......_F.INDL,A.N.--._ ..ctn'•i..Cil- Ga ^ _............... A1. ......... .. DEC :.._Tl'H-1936.:._.........__ COMM1 81UNE RESOLVED yrjr, EASR-The Commissioner of Education has reported to the City Council in accordance Frith Section 53, of the emergency which rendered Charter the existence of an the employment of certain employes Of his necessary department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it,. 2n RESOLVEDThat .. c:.. 20. h. at. the proper city officers are hereby au- 22 1-. employes,,, at the :,i,a..t thorized to pay the following named 62i..;, fixed for extra omploymont for extra rate otherwise time hereinafter sot forth; NAIT, TITLE ME RATE TOTAL George Barrett nom• 10 Hrs. .581 5.85 Eng- 24 n :5g 14.04 Christian Bauer " n g " .56 4.48 Henry Bauer Fred Baumgart " n20 ".58 11.70 n 11.58 11.70 John Beekstrom " 20 n n 20 " .581 11.70 Albert Beecroft �� n 22 n .56 12032 Irven Benson Nie Berlin n .524 7.32 _ Janitor 14 n 10.08 l John Blomberg •56 pan. ung. 18 .56 5.60 n Ralph Bogue " n 12 It 958 7.02 Jobe Buhl Richard Bulena n n 12 " *58*7.02 " n 24 " .58 1$:04 Isaac Burlingame n " 8 n .58 4.68 Fred Bursinger " n 14 „ .5 8.19 George -Cameron " n g " .57 4.58 Ce614 ` Carlson " n 16 n :58 9.36 Frank Chapman Frank Cholewinski " n 10 " .51 5.13 n „ 14.04 Oreste Ciampi Arthur B. Copley n 24 .58 Stat.Fireman 12 " .44 5.28 3.72 Pfilliam E.Cording .4 Jan. Eng. 2 n .5 3.51 of Ralph VP. Crawford Carl E. Dahl.by Janitor 4" .49 A 1.99 " .58 5.85 John Dippel Jan. Eng. 10 " " 12 " .56 6.72 David Donovan" Joseph Ellenson 30 " .582- 17055 JOsep60UNCT't st n " " DEC 2�•f6 S6 Adopted by the 5Coound......._......._........:..........................193...... Yeas Na jdIan 11 ...... In favor Approved ............................................ _............... .193....... on ! ---Against _.._ _ .. Mayor �l r President (Gehan) 3M 6 3& -2- o OVERTIME JANITORS & ENGINEERS GEI�RAL ELECTION s Dec. 7th -1936. NAME TI LE TIME RATE TOTAL 30 Hrs. .5� 17.55 Charley Engelbretson Jan. Eng- 8 „ •58 4.68 Andrew Engstrom Hd. Jan. 20 +� .58 11.70 Joseph Fedlmeier Jan. Eng. 30 n .581 17.55 n " Elias Fehr �+ „ 12 ++ .588 7.02 Earl Foster16 n .45 7.20 Carl J. Fransen Janitor 4 n .56 2.24 Albert H. Fuller Jan. Eng. 12 n .5821 7.02 Gabtiel GagliardiStat. Fireman 8 " .56 4.48 August Gathmann Jan. Eng. 10 to :58-i 5.85 Charles Giossi It of 12 to .56 6.72 John W. Gipple4 ,+ .52� 2.09 Joseph F. Gobeil Janitor 10 n .581 5.85 . George Gray n itJan. Eng30 ++ .58 17.55 George Gunther it n 36 ++ .58 21.06 Oscar Halgren of of 24 n .58 14.04 Charles Hammerlund to n 3056 5.60 Harry C. Hammersten n n 30 to :5812L 17.55 George Hayes n to 9 It .44 3.96 Frank Hayek n it 30 to .58 17.55 Carl Hedlund n 116 It :5R* 3.51 Frank Hedlund to It 30 to .54- 17.55 John A. Heinz n to 20 to .56 11.20 Otto Hesse n of 14 to .58 8.19 Werner Hesse n n 15 " .52 7.84 Henry Hinkel to n 30 n .58 17.55 Elmer Hintz20 n .524 10.45 Robert Jabs Janitor Jan. Eng. 16 n .56 8.96 Anton E. Johnson to of 20 of .58-'- 11.70 Gunn Johnson of to 6 n .471 2.85 Gilbert Jorve 11 n 20 n .58 11.70 August Kahler of of 8 n .588 4.68 Hamilton Kenny n +, 8 of X56 4.48 Leonard M.Kirchen" n 26 ° .58. 15.21 Andrew A. Kolstad n n 26 ,+ .58� 15.21 Joseph Kustalski n ,+ 20 " .58 11.70 William La -Chapelle " n 16 n .58 9.36 Nels Landberg gtat.Fireman 10 " .58 5.85 George Lautner Jan. Eng. 10 n •56 5.60 Walter V. Lee of 20 to .58� 11.70 Gus Linde to to 15 to .581 8.78 Frank Linn It to 13 " .58 7.61 Peter Linn „ n 10 " .58- 5.85 George Loomis " n 7 n .58-1 4.50 Thomas Lunzer n n 18 " .588 10.53 James R. Lynn " „ 10 to .56 5.60 n toJacob Magnuson 30 of.58'- 17.55 Edward L. M anska Janitor 14 n 0524 7.32 Nels Martin n 30 " .49 3/4 14.93 Harry Mc -Donald to .44 8.80 George Mc -Kinnon Stat.Fireman 26 n .5821 15.21 William Mc -Neely Jan. Eng. Dec. 7th, 1936. OVERTIn'.E - JANITORS & ENGINEERS GENERAL ELECTION NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL Carl Miller Jan. Eng. 14 Era. .56 7.84 Leslie M. Miller " 10 " .56 5.60 Lester Mollers " " 30 If 588 55 1711..70 John Mombrae " " 20 " 5 Thames R.Mulcahy State. Fireman 20 " .58 11.70 John Munkelwitz Jan. Eng. 10 " .58 5.85 Pierce Murphy Stat. Fireman 858 4.68 John Nelson Jan. Eng. 36 " .581 21.06 Hugh O -Donnell It to 2858- 16.38 William Oliphant It It 24 " .58t 14.04 Nels Paulsen If it It 581 8.19 Robert Pearmon It " 10 " .582 5.85 Leo Peet " if 4 " .56 2.24 Alfred Peterson It " 10 It .58� 5.85 August Peterson " " 12 " .58� 7.02 James F. Peterson " " 8 It .58 4.68 William Powers " " 12 " .58 7.02 Waldemar Richter of" 30 " .58$ 17.55 Frank Ritchet " It 22 " .56 12.32 Edward J. Ritt It " 8 It .46V 3.72 Thimothy Roddy 20 " .58-" 11.70 Mathias Ross " " 16 " .58 9.36 George Runyon Janitor 24 " .52' 12.54 Wm. _J. Aagissor Jan. Eng. 6 " .46. 2.79 Henry Schneider It it 1058 5.85 Otto Schneppmueller " " 14 " •58 8.19 Bert Seidler " " 30 11.58a 17.55 Wilbur Simons " " 14 " .56 7.84 Oscar Smolensky " It 30 it .58 17.55 Lloyd Spetvmmn " " 36 It .581 21.06 Henry Spriestersbach Sch.Eng. 8 " .7L 5.62 Nic Stadtfeld Jan. Eng. 30 " .58 17.55 Galus Staffs " It 19 " .58 11.12 Charles Starz " It 10 " .58 5.85 Arthur Story " IF 24 It .58 14.04 Joseph Ste or Janitor 9 It.524 4.70 Herman A. Svendsen Jan. En 30 " .56 16.80 Christopher Tarte " 30 " .58 17.55 Edward Thomas " " 22 " .58e 12.87 Albert Thompson Janitor 6 " .49 3/4 2.99 Isaac W. Th6mpson Jan. Eng. 20 " .583- 11.70 George R. Turnquist " It 15 " .52 7.84 Earl Verby It " if It 10 " " .58V 5.85 Carl Warodell 8 e5ft 4.68 Thomas F. Watters Ed. Jan. 24 " .58 14.04 James Watson Jan. Eng. 20 " .58 11.70 Ernest Weiss " " 15 " .58 8.78 Max Werner " It 26 " .58 15.21 Frederic W. Williams " " 6 " .4 2.79 John Wilwert Janitor 15 " .52 7.84 Albert Woods Jan. Eng. 20 " .58 11.70 August 0. Yaeger Sch. Eng. 20 " .7 14.05 Louis Zamansky Janitor 4 " .524 2.09 Tobal• _ FORM NO. 1 An emerpency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Schools, rendering necessary the emnloyment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: XaaessaM to keep school buildings open account Gf General Election and special activities at buildings, also Sunday firing This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of____6ndB_Alls�_ia Blook_iE.--B.__Thompson's Addition tram FrY_$treet tn_thnBnrth_and_8nuth_911ey__aad__fr>m.Edmutd__Street_tn__T}l�aeus_@i7C�.st_________________�--� ------------------ - under Preliminary Order _- ----- _.18------------- -----approved --------0etober 8, 1986 Intermediary Order.,-----------__ '------------approved ------- ------------------ A public hearing,.: having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all peraok objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,''be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- greule Allele in_Blook 1�E. B. Then�e_on's Addition frDR_]1'jt_Btlast_to the_aerth sn"=th..Alley-xnd__from_ n»A�L,4tr to Thome Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement inaccordancetherewit Adopted by the Council -----lir 8 1s7s1-------------- 19 City Clerk. ern Approved ---------- -------- ---- - --, 192. Mayor. Councilman 91MWfl �ues Councilman mdlnn Councilman qKONEFFPearce Councilman Peteraon Councilman ggdWffg—t�Truax Councilman -Y_i Etl Wenzel Mayor Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 PIMT. TeT) .)2_/a-31 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE t ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �9 (A) In thematter of,grading alleys in Block 1, R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry St. to the Horth and South Alley and from Edmond St. to Thomas St. under Preliminary Order approved Ootober 6. 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: 1006.99 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ g 0.81 The estimated cost pmoot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONband ASSESSED VALUATIONNld g. 1 1 R. B. Thompson's Addition ( S2900 $13760. 2 1 do ) 3 1 do 800 4 1 do 800 6 1 do 900 960 6 1 do 900 7 1 do 900 8 1 do 960 1760. 9 and 10 1 do 2200 28600.. 11 1 do TOTAL. 660 6800,. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) •DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 12 1 E. H. Thompeon'r Addition 13, 1 do 14, 1 do 15. 1 do 16, 1 do 17, 1 do Is. 1 do 19, 1 do 20 1 do 21. 1 do 22 1 do 23 1 do 24 1 do 25 1 do 26. 1 do 27 1 do 28 1 do 29 1 do 30 1 do 31. 1 do 32. 1 do ASSESSED lox vALUATIONldg.a $060 B $6950, 860 650 3960., 660 2500,. 650 2600.. 860 2600 . 650 1650.. 650 2460 775 3050.. 776 2600. 860 2500.. 860 1950.. 650 2700 650 2900. 650 3300 660 100 660 2400 660 2600.. 850 2700 600 1700 Total $26,080 $102,850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �1 ' D 19' — Commissioner of Finance. I— B. B. 12 00P:Y Sit. Paul, Minn 0�_ril_27t--1986 193 ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. . Gentlemen: _._...- . We, the undersigned" property, owners, -hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade with bituminous surfacing--alley-from-T±ry-Str set -east -to-__-------_ North and South alley; Horth and south alley from Thomas St. to Ed d t + ----- --------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- - --- - vb. all located in Block 1, H. B. Thompson's Addition from-: --------------------------------------- --- ----------.St. Ave. to --- -- o-- -- --St. Ave. ,,,!a tej. ill �l Y 184. 5. /z N. F- '/4- SEC. 3 3. -T Z3 P- Z3. EDMUND C: H A R L E- a -T. > SHEaaoanc Ul Avc z cu U N IN/ F- R5) -rY I� -1 F- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __. _—Oct -15-,_ 1 Q56 __ l 93 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105548 approved—Act. 6 19-56 193—, relative to grading Alley in Block 1. R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the North and South Alley and from Edmund Street to Thomas Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— necessary and (or) desirable. /o erg. yy Cost per front foot $0.81 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ �� , and the total cost thereof is $ , Inspection $17.57 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1256.05 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is- _ _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, Co missioner of Public Works. JW I..:Y,� " 93 ° t; OCT 16 1936 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital 0111 Amnwate OFFICE OF CITY CLERK . L R. S. FERGUSON City clerk and Commissioner of Registration IOU. Milton Rosen Omsk r of ftbl Building. Dear Sir: Ww 7th, 1936. Mr Council referred to you the attached petition for gwith bitaminous surface, alley from 7T7 Street east to nrp," d south allay; north and south .1-1.V from Thomas St. to g- est., all located In Block Is, H. B. Thompson's Addition, for preparation of the preliminary order. Tours very truly, city Olork. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION a„gr�,o Oct. 14, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul., ""n - Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading Alleys in Block 1p R. B. Thompson,, Addition from Fry Street to the Horth and South Alley and from Edmund Street to Thomas Streets under preliminary Order C. F. 105548 approved October 6' 1936. Estimated Cost 41005.99 Coat per front foot 0.81 Inspection 17.57 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1236.65 ft. Yours ve traly, PGE /4 SHSPARD of rAgineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance IRVIlIG PEABCE Commi ioner. t COUNCIL F LE NO ........... .. 105870 w .FINAL ORD R IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS It .. -1 condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for Inthe matter of ...................-- .................I.......................... -.................................................---................- .._..._ ........... slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the North and South Alley and from Edmund Street t..... . to Thomas Street un mo Via, uta and , lSo- .� 105349 October 6 '1936 �py•ty„ M to 81 underPreliminary Order ...................................... . approved .................................................... to T6tliAet t November 10 1936 irder ao Intermediary Order ..........105669--- ----------------------- approved ............. ...---...m -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Csidere� v,-'• ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully ,considered `tYte same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the North and South Alley and from Edmund Street tq Thomas Street6 and t e Council here y orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, V1z•: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the North and South Alley and from Edmund Street to Thomas Street, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said, improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Barfuss r-11 inayor. Find lmCofuiciaTym—e� Pearce i McDonald i'eter^cu ". Peareei Rosen Truax Truax I Vd4uzel Wenzel' pUBLISME l� Mr. President 500-6-33 ohZi q re & d j ,ince 70 Wh;C,-/ Sones f",_11C 6egorc, Sec. $ Loc. 3o o%- '9,452 Alleys- 8/k. / R. B. Thomp.5ori Add. ' So. qjley & Fo1mz1,-)C'54 *oTomasFIM Fry 5� _,� /�O-`V EAST 8: WEST ALLEY A &.5 -3'K- R. .3. 7,70-- 5; ,4 D; D. THOMAS 5T FRY ST H 8 P lY ',5 1) K3IIJ cz) sly], _4� _46-_ 3� :3 15 , �5w_ 6 1 SacL C.) 4 7 Zj IAC cm, �T , 731, Fr Ga'_ 0 PS 0'ND �b ti Fr Sar� —Fr. _Ga_r] Fr. 6a r 4 F! Cor 24 215 27 28 2923 3 0 32 4J" 41 .1 R. H L) 0 M P Ls 0 n EDMUND 5T A &.5 -3'K- R. .3. 7,70-- 5; 51YELLIN& AVE. ,4 D; D. FRY ST 8 THOM, P 0 /N/ 5 AD D. K3IIJ cz) sly], _4� _46-_ 3� 7 , �5w_ 6 1 SacL C.) 4 7 Zj IAC �T , 731, Fr Ga'_ 0 PS 0'ND �b 4 3 0 32 4J" 41 .1 L) D. 2 51YELLIN& AVE. lyoR7,H &.50LITH ALLEY FRY ST R. B. THOM, P 0 /N/ 5 AD D. K3IIJ cz) sly], _4� _46-_ 3� , �5w_ C.) 4 7 Zj �T 0 PS 0'ND [Z 51YELLIN& AVE. . 2nd., Yeas / Nays 'Pearce Peterson arce LJ /Peyrf n �uax nul / JF au equl Mr. Pres. Gehan mi.. Pres. Gehan CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEW -OF FINANCE' O REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ In the matter of oondemming and taking an eseement in the land neoessery for slopes, outs sad fills in the grading of Alleys in Blook 1, Be Be Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the Horth and South 'Alley and from Zd=wd St. to Thames St. under Preliminary Order approved Ootober 6, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 26.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIOM LaIId dg.. 1 1 A• Be Thostpsea•s Addition ` 111900 516760 . i 1 do 6 1 do 900 4 1 do 900 6 1 do 900 960, 8 1 do 900 9 1 do 900 8 1 do 960 1760 9 and 10 1 do 11100 28500 11 1 do 860. 8800. TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 �— CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT -OF FINANCE' OFPRELIMINARY MMIS LONER OF FINANCE REPORT ER (C) _:-- - - - - ADDITION III DESCRIPTION LOT �B�ocK ASSESSED LUATIO S• 1♦ ThaTOGnIs Addiflliodd X8960; do00 id 1 do do gbp 39110.: QO 860 14. 1 do 860 a600 •, it. 1 . do 4" 1800 16, r do 880 1640'. le . l . do 880 Sao .. i0 1 . do .; "5 500. al . 1 , do t76 1800 . 22 1 d° Woo. ii • 1 d0 880 1950. �• 1 do 860 1700 . do 860.. 88 1 860 X00 27 . 1 . do do 880 100. 28 . 1 d0 860 "W.' 29 1 do 860 1600.. so, 1 do 860 1700,. $I. l do at, 1 . low '16.o60 ilOheitl he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports that Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated 194L l/ Comm - of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works t Report to Commissioner of Finance _Oct, ��_ __- 193 -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 105849 approved— _ _ October 6, 1936 193_, relative to Council, known as Council File No. PP t o from Fry Street to the North and South All andfrom Edmund °treet to Ttomae Stret. and having investigated �e matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---- -necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $— x°O°°t , and the total cost thereof is S and the nature and extent of said improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. — 5. Said improvement is-- - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said°�`�INANCE. l�U�ff ommissioner of Pub is Works— 9P 3 + OCT 161936 1� `.µ •.,r K1Aa; aT1 1 INNCE COUNCIL FILE NO. <. r, OEiONCEt NO. pRESE 9a a authorizing the issuance af'a permit -to the ,grdina ;First' Trust Oampa�ly of gt: Paul„ a; Corporations to maintain "gasoline4.�tak under the sYdewalk adjoining: the premises imown:,as 270 Sighth,&t. Thi sen x5 e'pr2ser-. emergency ordinance rendered neessary,for vation of the pubiic.peace, health and='2saiety.'3 :. 51=g OAV W. U"V -.uw.+avosawa..v�.;. Z, ��•.•..•. �., r•. -_ ` remCval of .:said gasoline tank.'Saiii bond shall tie in sUeh `= foga aS s ell be satisfactory ,to tha or,pQration Counsel, shaYl have : uch -auto as shall be.'satisf�etory the Eom missvner- S f Pin' ones.- � ;(1) The said 'licensee,shall pay"the cost of the putrli cation of :this ordinance and shayi.l within five(5) day8,_ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. FERGUSON city Clerk and Commissioner or Registration December 2nd, 1936. Hon. 1. C. Pearce, Coms'r of Public Works Building. Dear Sirs The attached letter of the First Tru Compww of Saint Paul requesting permission to maintain the tank and filler pipes underneath the sidewalk at 270 Fast Eighth Street was referred to you, by the City Council, for investigation and report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. FIRST TRUST COMPANY OF SAINT PAUL AFFILIATED WITH THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL CAPITAL $1, 000, 000 wwo auuvTR v�S.R RussEuc .+�couivs,�R�E..R.R. o.rm.w w.sRRiR ¢Yw� GEO RGE ,.B BRwOR,11, WALTER E. _E, TRusr Orrcew LEWIS E-11. ws sisTAwT B[cw [.. w♦ .T. STOIv Re.�E...,e Orr�ceR November 28, 1936. City of Saint caul Department of Public Works Saint Paul, Minnesota Attention Mr. Mark W. Woodruff. Gentlemen: We have your letter of November 24th in which you advise that you received a telephone call from Armour & Company with reference to a gasoline tank and piping underneath the sidewalk at 270 East Eighth Street. At the present time Armour & Company have given a bond to the City for permission for this gas tank and piping but on December 1st they are transferring their bond to 454 Wacouta Street which is the new location to which they are moving. We are desirous of maintaining the tank and filler pipes at this location and are writing you for permission to maintain these obstructions at 270 East Eighth Street. If permission is granted, we will immedi- ately furnish you with a $10,000 bond. Will you kindly advise whether we may file such a bond with you? WWA:LM Very truly yours, G, r� -7671 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. BURT. BUREAU OF aRIOGE. M. a. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK. Burt. Attached please find letter from the First Trust Company of St. Paul, which letter is an application for the maintenance of a gasoline t4nk and filler pipes underneath the sidewalk at 270 Eighth St. in this city. After the reading of this application suppose this letter will be referred back to this Depart- ment for an ordinance. If possible, would like to have this letter read at the Council meeting of today. Thanking you for your attention in this matter, I remain Yours very truly, IRVING C. PEARCE, Commissioner of Public Works. By v „ ."" Chief Engineering. mww-rh 1-encl. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ' IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMIaaIONER BUREAU OF CONST.. REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMMI..IONER JOHN M. REARDON. curt. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFFICE ENGINEER G. N. HKRROLD CNIEF ENGR. CLERK MARK .WOODRUFF December 2nd, 1936. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. BURT. BUREAU OF aRIOGE. M. a. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU OF CORRECTION. RAY J. KARTAK. Burt. Attached please find letter from the First Trust Company of St. Paul, which letter is an application for the maintenance of a gasoline t4nk and filler pipes underneath the sidewalk at 270 Eighth St. in this city. After the reading of this application suppose this letter will be referred back to this Depart- ment for an ordinance. If possible, would like to have this letter read at the Council meeting of today. Thanking you for your attention in this matter, I remain Yours very truly, IRVING C. PEARCE, Commissioner of Public Works. By v „ ."" Chief Engineering. mww-rh 1-encl. I Yeas Yeas Nays � B us as ' Ian an are i rce e rso] �'ly §on � J enzcl Ar / 7'Wenul Mr. Prev Gehan (^� r Pres Ge att t maa - 0RDINANCE � COUNCIL FILE No. o ORDINANZ NO. PRESENTED BY oe No. 809, as , n An ordinance amends 0 amendedy 1, titled titled 'An ordinance dividinLr the ClassifiedSpen1�� ntiv vies of the City of Saint PPaul into sigh ;s ized Services, a Skilled Labor Service, andel Un���, skilled Labor Service, and defining titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions within each service.' ' is an emerg approved February iS, 1935- Thio ency ordinance rendered. necessary for the preservation of the publio peace, health and saiet�.; THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, as OffeSodtion g thebe agl, reof.j,,' same is hereby farther amended by striking under the subdivision :entitled ealth)Mswh� theySalepar iffier he `M the words '«Ysdioal d'aaminor (Healthi >. title of group .and class known as 'YedicWi F linear, and, inserting ]ins: '+►Yedieal gmia in lien of said striakea words the following or (Seno>:al),a orting inlieu 194040,10 thereof 4j"ical �iaor it Service) and by In atri et W Section & The% said ordinance be and the Sane -14 hereby Au further amonded•,by inserting in Section 8 of said °� distnly the subdivision'entitled 'Sub -professional Seswioeiol erapY v sifter the specifications for the position of Phy h the following: 'Title of class: DIRECTOR OF ATi&TICS Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to supervise, organise, and direct all group, team or league activities cosing under the jurisdictioct n of the Bureau o! Playgrounds; to program director; and to perform related work as assigned. Examples of work performed: To properly classify or all lsaartuesi e in prescribed group To draw schedules. To tabulate reports of individual, teas, and league standings. To organize and conduct ekaminatiens'to properly'alassiiy,and direet activities of- urpires, referees and scorers. To dirges:proper publlolty;.In aocordsnoe with pplisies Of the "11T newspapers and the_ deealia =of the uublin. To be reapoaeible for the•general upkeep and cle�lnl,iness. of- the market To seat's"t,'in renting and- aTlocatiu$-=maric�t sPaise. To aspist in collsot ng and :accounting for fees "< r6d6I' -ed at 'the market. : Ssi the absence of the Markel; Direc_tbi, 10,super vise::"tile ,sctivitieg of'market,employess J _ iiiflium qualifications: Dommon eohcb�. a dubation and: three -yearsk caper:- fence as weigher; orf, collector in a, public or municipal xd by' inaertng immsdiatgy after t►e ;specif3eations ;foe the title ;of "tilty,Fp�emsa t'A?lc V�ork'e}° the fallowing :DISPATS+xER r, r �• Daties and r eaObhsit�� li ties : tc diepatck Qntisr l.Nuper4ls� on,. a r #*xOMIT t�ncks and.rdad msahines:operatad by the Bureau, of �duAi�l.�a1 �qu1T`Tment,I 1 Jit work a s assigned :A " tsmple8 of wQr]t performed. To dispatch trucks.a road k0iinea z. To keep d . i-ebor -b� r6 of t ruak� driers, road ma hinery.opeiat.o and helper$. w P� To -instruct othersn the:ope'ration bf equip-- i meat wised `:by tia`-$ureau To. assign Muck dYevers, to parlbus,truoks Minimum qualiPaatl-ons flommon sol}ool edneation and ten,:9earsi ' exper- encs ae" tritc3c driver, eight.;ysars, of Which mast hade;b ion' it Iandling both light and.' heavy city equipme.p' s �Tif1e of class. $WEEPER .OPMT0& Duties and xesgaoasibilitiQ@ Un2ier supervsion,to drive an Elgin motor driven attest sweeper or to"drive and operate ;a sno Go rotary snowplow and ancn!' 1padin$ machine and tc perform related *A -*a as6 gi gcamples o; work perfoxmAd opsrAte a Bno4o or a;.pcyver : sweeper. ' Ifo helpers an d'truak•'dxivers in " w rt supervise. connpotbn with'loading i!o make emergency repairs to equipment orlceep equips§nt aupp I'd Tith gas, oil,anci water _ To be rosponsib]e'Yor eguipmeat-.when on the load .. < u: f x; r yr } : '' Minimum cualif3catfohs: " i3ommoa sbhaol a duc&tion gild one .;rear. s exper encd , as :opexatax,`of: rotaxq saoWplow,and.,snow .Zosding ; . machnes,.or opexdtor ©' motor'=lriven'e�ti'set sweepers; or threo gearsY experience'as°heavyr duty tr0ek_dxiver_0 =s { a "Title of class - y O�TBTODIAN=>-Ptii3I, tj SAFETY BUILDIX. Dutiss and, responsibilities; Undar,direction, to supervise.the maintenance ` aiid .operation,.of the., i?ublic;: Safety _Building, and'to`.erform:relateci wor#•as assigned,:' Examples irork performed ; ,'off to ,ave, responsible chai!$e oY `the Ci�stgdial force is thenblic Safety Buiilding To supervjsg the :operation, ,maintenance and . repair'- oY .the=heatisig, ventilating, lighting, " power, elevator:'f4L ,_ ,' es. .g3�d _ To' ass#gn, `plan, direst, ancl, supexviae the "work '' of 'engi�}earf�, �#�emem, janitd'r engineers, jani$ors, �&ntre8&ear 4iesiiers of 1aboFBrs engageda �iei}e bnilfling,; firing boilers, washing' windows, , 6Roveling. snow,. "removing ashes, mopping floors, etc. Te iaaked aupperPviseior '-repairs to the electric pompe; moto, sgste elegators, rs ;�►eatiag plattt, engipe ; �r }�i lat-,A -1, ana,-„vaiges ng, x' wihdoiti Moore, locl�g, and"'a11 ether mechanical, appliances and equipment. Tn rgad gaga steam or xeleCtrip meters used,; in the, buildingF ; nimwn qus�ificatione' f Oomtaon sehscl dduCgtien and throe gears' eaperi encs in;he c�+se, cXeaning a;d maintenance oY � a �bui3.ding etitpped frith moidrn. meohanieal operating aPiSlianoea,',:; tiro yearn Af•; whicii `must have bgek as a:-;stationarq:en$ine.eT' a@t'Yurn sh a:second=Class-en ginesr�s.:Jioense � And by inserting in esiri'eubdivision immediatelp after the spevlYl ,.Cations for the P0 83 pf'"Shsath$ Foreman° the following t s "Title:;oY �claea: S iSTANT HEATIR AND PIPING INSPEOTOR - h:•F' - �� �t :� Dati�s algid respo}�sibiliies^'- tinder gesieral supexvidion, to.inspect the shigh, end atiork of hot ;water iie$tii►g, egstem' 13,r 1PW preos3txe steargsystem8:y in conformance, with 're.`quiremeAts ,oY th61,411 y e; ead v "•fo perform .related -Mork ae; �asa3gned: s - L f': t •�, Y yt Jfq f _ xamgles of _ warkt performed; . To ixlspec ari;i r epprt on eonatructione. or alter- ations of heating systems in;heusess,apart- otter es.of,bufldings. s, ments,.,hotels,. and typ and To°make tests of all besting ingtallaticas report same to the d epartme�rt. To make iaspsctioa`of all heating installations tivect': fdur'h+bs \after the work has been ; etaited anti other i81e6tioas from 'time to time ,' daring the pregtess of he trork, To issue certificates to tt}e a4as4ter heating. don trabtor after satisfactsr� inetallat3.Qns. , �o reor all defeYsti9e ineta]lgtie�fs ,. t 1"d5�eper any geraou engaged is heating work without ,� , .: having a 'license To be axire that permits ars issued to master:heatirig ccratxaeto�s S`o-r -aYl hehtixsg S�stal7�at�.oas ` � �?. To keep a a4mp1€te'reeord,^oi" aI7 iaspectiens.aad see �w that jaiae, a a'artof the depaxtraeat reoorda y5 Minlmtux qua3lficeinas:, Qowmoricfsapl edy�gationad Ypur years,L experience asxa �oizaeymaol.'`dicFinaater at ea}ufitter.s ii-t-16of 0 a6@ Yt �,� Dut'iea and,-xesponaibilitie�c - to supervise direct :Bader-gengtaL superviaioa, maxiteaazaae work:of this Tight Surean, and to ' s pe x oft related work as: assigned y Exaplea of wcrk performed Tv,sugekyiae the, word e3 repairmea� insgectos, and - attest 16ide woxkers Te aeti as as emergency repairman,3 -{ '"'fo resair high teas#oa eabl$$. To iccsate troube om series and'1araYtile street fighting, ;eon pme-f r Miniinum �nn7A, catic�as' ^ aommot school e�lucakian fiveeaxa' expe;sienca . :sad I3gisting repalrin a or :Iightiag iasgectar. ,- loease," Must Al louraeyaaan aleotrician•s 4' Duties and resnll5iites� , ` dlsfi��i 4on, to Manage aid supervise tEtQ ` Vader' gertere . Z acyattie df, t]SpiSty market, artd: to perform } • ' t, - xe,late�'�+oric��.�*�.sa�.gied - y-. 7171 I od'ina to My 0-k ORDINANCE 1(",5872 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 9. This ordinance is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 10. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its passage and publication. -9- Yeas- N.yj.— ----E--el by the Council --- Barfuss Findlan In Favor Pearce Peterson .............. .... --Against Truax Wenzel Mr. PT;(G�ani A roved:._.... ............ rov - ------ ---- --- -------------------------- Attest Mayor . . ....... ------------ -------- ........... -aer 41 - PUTBLISTIED M 9-36 December 11th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, :;wilding. Deer Sir% The ordinnnce which you subnitted to the Council Pranting a permit to the Twin City Rotor Bus Comoany to operate bus lines in the City of St Paul for a term of one year from and after linrch 1, 1936 was read for the first time. The Council requested that you advise Yr. Pierce Butler, Jr., attorney for the Bus Company that the Council vents the question of the onyment of the balance of the five per cent gross earnings tax for the year 1934 settled before approval of this ordinance. Tours very truly, City Clerk. t�� f � Orldo>t w Clq Clem • � • CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ COUNCIL OLUTION... GRAL FORM PR �SENTED ABY ��'_ .7 ;O�NGL No. -105.873, NHEAS, by Council File No. 101766, approved October 15, 1935, the Counoil authorized a lease to the State of Minne- sota of a hangar at the Holman Municipal Airport for a period of one year beginning July 1, 1935, with options to.renew for fifteen additional periods of one year each; and WHEREAS, the said lease was never entered into because it appeared subsequently that the terse possible under the op- tions was too long a period; and WHERE". the State of Minnesota, through the Adjutant General's office, has now offered to lease said hangar for a period of one year from July 1, 1936 to June 30, 1937, with Options to lease for four additional periods of one year each; and the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that the City enter into such a lease; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby directed to prepare a proper lease therefor, and the ..proper City officers are authorized and directed to execute said lease on behalf of the City; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said Council File No. 101766, approved October 15, 1935, be and the same is hereby amended to conform with this resolution. p fi` .. to.. Sepe.aEp � --I COUNC MEN Yeas I ILNays an e. ....... In favor ce• et�reon- /�'( .................._.. Against X r. President (Gehan)• 3M 6.36 DEC 8 1936 Adopted by the Council .................. .......... ................ ...... .193..... Approved...../.._ ...............:_ QA��..,- 8, Y P17BLIsHGD .2 _9 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL QF$�OI}1O :GENERAL FORM co�m— 658' 4 ., [VO_ ................................._.... Whereas, the owners of Lot 2 of the Subdivision of the Last one-half of the SW 1/4 Section 20, Township 29; Range 22, being the thirteen heirs of the Estate of Carl Raschke, deceased, are desiaous of dedicating and opening Cottage St. from Edgerton St. to the present existing street just east of Burr St., and Whereas, the City of St. Paul is desirous of accepting Y1/ said dedication for street purposes; therefore, be it Resolved, That the City of St. Paul hereby accepts the donation of said property, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to accept the deed of said property to the City, all without cost.to the City of St. Paul save recording fees. vCOUNC EN Yeas Nays ss .........._.._ ....... In favor _ .....................Against Zel 3M 6 3,,'Mr President (Gd=) DEC 81936 Adopted by the Council ................... .................................. 193....... DEC 8. Approved................................................... .........193....... Mayor o�.rtb�,� 058'75 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2o -um " NO..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM •COMMISSIUNE IRVINd C_� PEAF{C$ Pnaa.111hox..6.,..1..953 ........_____. WHEREAS, additions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the coiistraction of Monolithic Concrete Side- walks for the year 1936, Comptroller's Contract L-3895, John Pederson Contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following additions ADDITION: 8 hours of a' om labor for tree -root cutting and stump grubbing - @ $0.625 $5.00 and WHEREAS, the total net addition is $5.00, now, therefore, be it RESOLVED: that the Council of the City of St.Paul.approve the aforesaid addition made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the sum of $5.00, said sum to be added to the lump sum consid- eration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3895 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, John Pederso4i, that the sum of $5.00 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. 1 I h1 Icrons .; In the IMI, Plde e9eH,3t . . i:�Cl ttr-itru /0_a*0,Vtr0_11e'r v COUN91LMEN Yeas Nays rn�{an In favor ej�rson �:nresident Against (Gehan) 3M 636 Approved......lb:G./......... fd...............193...1�.. �Mii PUBLISHED �� 4, a.ttrCIA: g LS�'76 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK;y eet m'°` ' UNCIL S TION GSNERAL`� t In"^ uoo r f6q ew tr,,r ..,or PRESENTED BY ....�`��C%.CI..L.iJ .. p��EY �auY ;:COMMISSIONER .......................... .Z_.... ...... ... RESOLVED WHEREAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be neces- sary in the improvement described as the Curbing on Roblyn Avenue from Fariview Avenue to Dewey Avenue, Compfthllerls Contract No. L0.3919, John Pederson, contractor, have been provided for -in the specifications and unit prices stipulated therein, and WHEREAS, it has been found necessary to make the following addi- tions and deductions; DEWCTIONS 9.42 lin, ft. of radius curb $,60 $ 5.65 15.0 a n a stV. curb @ 9,55 8.25 $13.90 ADDITIONS 14.0 lin. ft. of str. curb 0 $-55 7#70 TOTAL NET ]DEDUCTION $ 6.20 and - be it WEEMS* the total net deduction is $6.20, now, therefere, RESOLVED that the City Council approve the aforesaid additions and deductions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the sum of $6.20, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Couuptroller r s Contract No. L-3919 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, John Pederson, that the sum of $6.20 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. ?'L_vd, to ;kr:_ r r t?ll "—NTRA CTOM Count F�Oa� r COUNC MEN by 8 1936 Yeas Na Adoptedy the Council ................... 193 ..._ /Pin 'n '. In favor Approved................................ ... ...... .............. _... �el�" `J `�.....�,Againec r: President (Gehan) 3°s aa.PUBLISHED 1 °i— 1'a _3 odgld'. CUT clk COUNCL 105877 CITY OF ST. PAUL No— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUINICIL RESOLUTI`---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, Walter Turnquist, Machinist of the Department of Public Works of the City of St* Paul, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of 30 days from November 26, 1936, and Whereas, The Commissioner of Public Works has recoffinended that Walter Turnquist be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay from November 26th to Decem- ber 25th inclusive, said leave being in compliance with Para- graph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Walter Turnquist from November 26th to December 25t -h, 1936, inclusive, with full pay- COUNC 'WMEN Yeas Nay a ss tan In favor ce ,je�son Against ......... . ..... e en ruel 3M ,)�r. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Council PEc 8 im.......... 6 -193 ... ... DEC Approved. .. . . .......... .......... ... ......... . . ............ . .... ......... I ... _. . o.t 105878 COUNOIL CITY OF ST..PAULaLs NO - .11 .• OFFICE OF TE,Q&�4fUcEM` 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTIOC ap=�i2tx. FORM all i sn r3x8 . ....•.v�nw�.� ev T _ _ - /f ` � AA L'S x . � 00 9�=:. _ _ _.-. �1• /H®'JS, Chapter 405, Laws of 1935, provides that the amount of !hate income tax derived shall be distributed to sehcol districts, and that the amount so disbursed to each district shall be used only for the purpose of (1) Payment or providing for the payment of any bonded indebtedness of such district, outstanding January 1, 1933; (2) Providing for the payment of any bond- ed or other indebtedness thereafter in- ourrod until such debts are fully paid or payment thereof provided for; (3) Any such revenue not required to pay or provide for the payment of any such in- debtedness shall be used to cover and pay amtrent operating expenses and to reduce and replace levies on real and personal property; and BHEBEAS, the Council, in adopting its annual budget for the year 1936, estimated the amount to be received by the City from the State of Minnesota, from income tax, to be 5375,000 and allocated this sum to *W_11ipartment of Education Budget Fund;and VHMUS, the said Chapter 405 was emended by Chapter 252, Laws offea935, adding a fourth provision as follows: 0(4) Provided ;+n the case of any city of the first class maintaining its own schools, or of any district or districts covering the territory of any such city, the amount distributed to it may be used for current maintenance and operating. expenses during the years 1935 and 1936 only to the extent required to make the COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........... ..._................ _......... ____193....: Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan ....................._ In favor Approved ..................... ....... _.__....._.._......_ Pearce Peterson Truax .................. _.__ Against .......................... .................... _.........._............. _.._lvi4 or Y Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6•M Uda.dp CUT L'k.k 'OUNGL NO_-r - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—:GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY ............................... E.................................................DAT...._...._.......................................................................... COM M I S S I O N _P ............_._............................................................... w (2) 1 total annual maintenance and operatiing ins% per pupil enrolled during any year not excess of 690.00. 07or the purpose of this section, the bonded or other indebtedness to the payment of, or provision for, which the sums dis- tributed must or may be applied shall, in the Game of municipalities operating their own school system, be limited to such in- debtedness incurred for sohool purposes.~ AND WHNASAS, the school budget for the year 1936 shows an apparent deficit of $12,000 in the janitors' and engineers' salary appropriation for 1936, and a conservative ettimate of the needs for the repair and maintenance of equipment would be from Twenty to Thirty Thousand Dollars; and WHMRMAS, it is estimated that the eolleotions to be re- seived by the City of Saint Paul from income tax sources doing the year 1936 will be in excess of the amount originally alloeat- ed to the School Tmd from this source in preparing for the budget for the year 1936, $375,000.00, and it is conservatively estimated 4% this time that the total amount to be received from this source d:»ring,1936 will be in excess of $375,000.00; now therefore, be it SSSOLVED, That in accordance with the authority conferred by Chapter 252, Laws of the State of Minnesota for 1935, and in order to avoid any necessity of cutting the salaries of the jani- tors and engineering staff in the School Department for 1936, the Council does hereby appropriate and make available for the maintenance and operation bf schools for the year 1936, the AMC -400, Bum received by the City of Saint Paul for income tax collections during that year, whether paid or accrued, and the proper City officers are hereby authorised and directed to take the necessary steps to carry out the provisions of this resolution. COUNCI MEN Yeas Na e ball In favor ce tnon Against a i 1 r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council...DEC................... ��93..... DEC 8 Approved.�..(......�....................._........._...._......._._ ....:.:.........................._...._......__��r P[JBLISIiED — i � CP CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDL_AN. COMMISSIONER U P. E. MCDERMOTT. DHPT COMMIS.IOHRR BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS -Oslo.® PAUL S. AMIDON, Superintendent BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU, Di, a , Dec. 1st, 1936. Hon. John S. Findlan Commissioner Department of Education Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MR5, J. T. JENNINGS, Lib.d.n BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Supe ntcWcnt Additional information, in regard to the request for allocation of State Income Tax Aid, has been requested for by the Corporation Counsel. As explained in your letter of Nov. 20th, any amount over and above the estimated amount $375,000.00 is very necessary to meet an unprovided for over -expenditure of approxittately $12,000.00 in the Janitor and Engineers Salary Appropriation for this year, and various other vital needs, such as equipment, etc. The actual overexpenditure on the Janitor and Engineer's Salary Appropriation will be approximately from $18,000.00 to $19,000.00 part of which will be met by an expected saving of approximately $6,000.00 to x$7,000.00 in Light, Power & Water, resulting in an unprovided for overexpenditure of approximately $12,000.00.--- The 12,000.00.The above condition existed also in 1935 when the necessary expenditure for salaries was x$262,144.89 while the allowance was "2.00 resulting in an overexpenditure in 1935 of 2, 4.8 The increase as per Cost of Living Ordinance of approximately 6,500.00 was put into effect in 1936, altho no provision was made for meeting it in the 1936 Budget, consequently resulting in the current overexpenditure of $18,644.89. Various other vital needs such as equipment, supplies, etc., have been very much neglected in the past, due to insufficient budget allowances, and if this department could derive any aid, over and above the amount of x$12,000.00 necessary to meet the salary deficit, it could be used for much needed equipment. A conservative estimate of from $$20,000.00 to }$30,000.00 would only partially take care of equipment needs to put the schools of St. Paul on a comparative basis with other cities. Eespemi ted. H11H-L "COUNTANT 1 / . Mr. John L. Connolly l� 22 D�. Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Ip(9 Court House V Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Connolly: I have your written opinion of August 7, 1936 with reference to money derived from State Income Tax (Dopy attached). Referring to your opinion on Question #2, which was, "What disposition would be made of any amount in excess of the estimated amount of $375,000.00, if it were received?" Your opinion was "In the event the amount allocated to the City of Saint Paul from State Income Tax collections exceeded $375,000.00, it could not be used for school purposes in 1936 unless the Council appropriated it to your Department." Information has been given this Department by the State Office that the last portion of the 1936 apportionment to St. Paul will be approximately $1200000.00 240 342.00 First portion paid to St. Paul was and the amount credited to this fund from the excess 24 042.90 from last year was 384,384.90 Estimated Total State Income Tax Aid Estimated Revenue - Department Receipts 1936 37 9 000.00 Estimated Surplus Therefore, pursuant to an amendment to the original State Income Tax Law of 1933, it is permissable to allocate this amount, or any amount, over the estimated amount of °375,000.00, for school operation and maintenance for the calendar years 1935 and 1936. (As per paragraph, copy of letter attached). Please draw up a council resolution, similar to C.F. No. 101449, mentioned in your letter for presentation to the Council, in view of the fact, that any amount over and above such estimated is very necessary to meet an unprovided for over -expenditure in the Janitor and Engieerst Salary Approprb- tion for this year. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnewta DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN 5. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. McDERMOTT. D-" CONY I....X.. BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS �� BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MPS. A LANNINGS, Ub,.d.- PAUL S. AMIDON, Supc.ntendmt BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDIT=,- EDWARD A. RJRNI, Su.erinecndcnt A. E. TRUDEAU, Dlr a t Nov. 20th, 1936 • �G / 1 / . Mr. John L. Connolly l� 22 D�. Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Ip(9 Court House V Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Connolly: I have your written opinion of August 7, 1936 with reference to money derived from State Income Tax (Dopy attached). Referring to your opinion on Question #2, which was, "What disposition would be made of any amount in excess of the estimated amount of $375,000.00, if it were received?" Your opinion was "In the event the amount allocated to the City of Saint Paul from State Income Tax collections exceeded $375,000.00, it could not be used for school purposes in 1936 unless the Council appropriated it to your Department." Information has been given this Department by the State Office that the last portion of the 1936 apportionment to St. Paul will be approximately $1200000.00 240 342.00 First portion paid to St. Paul was and the amount credited to this fund from the excess 24 042.90 from last year was 384,384.90 Estimated Total State Income Tax Aid Estimated Revenue - Department Receipts 1936 37 9 000.00 Estimated Surplus Therefore, pursuant to an amendment to the original State Income Tax Law of 1933, it is permissable to allocate this amount, or any amount, over the estimated amount of °375,000.00, for school operation and maintenance for the calendar years 1935 and 1936. (As per paragraph, copy of letter attached). Please draw up a council resolution, similar to C.F. No. 101449, mentioned in your letter for presentation to the Council, in view of the fact, that any amount over and above such estimated is very necessary to meet an unprovided for over -expenditure in the Janitor and Engieerst Salary Approprb- tion for this year. November 20-1936. Mr. John L. Connolly Some provision should be made in this resolution even that the total amount be made,available by the ved by Dec,mbar 3oher.,936. though the actual money is not rtionithe amountsmtorthesnarious� The State Department will app _ll exact citby ies before that Comptroller's office thforehthe end pfothe ear be �aiown If any additional information is necessary, please advise me, and oblige JSF;-L Very truly Qyours, COMMISSIONER OF EDUCATION C 0p Y. ,t CITY OF SAINT 'PAUL Legal Department John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel August 7, 1936. Mr, John S. Findlan 0ommissioner of Education Building Dear Sir: Your letter of July 9th, submitting request for opinion on the following questions has been received (1) Would the Bureau of Schools have to curtail its expenditures to meet the shortage in revenue if the actual amount apportioned to the City of St. Paul (from State Income TaxCollections) is less than the Comptroller's ..estimate of $375,000? (2) What disposition would be made of any amount in excess of the $375,000 if it were received? (3) If the last portion of the income tax is not paid to the City until after the first of January 1937, which has been the situation in the past, will there be Hind to take care of the expenditures up to the full amount of the 1936 budget allowance? These questions will be answered in the order set out above. (1) In event the City's share of State Income Tax collections would fall below the sum of $375,000, your budget would be short in that amount and your expenditures would have to be curtailed to that extent. (2) In the event the amount allocated to the City of Saint Paul from State Income Tax collections exceeded $3750000, it could not be used for school purposes in 1936 unless the Council appropriated it to your Department. (3) Your last question involves the method of book- keeping in the Comptroller's office and it is our understanding that .the estimated amount, not to exceed $375,000, will be set up and made available to meet your budget payments . c car C C P; Y. Mr. John.S. Findlan Page 2 August 7, 1936 Your attention is called to a letter from this office, dated August 7, 1935, and resolution, Council File No. 101449, adopted by the Council September 6, 1935, in which the Council made a further allocation of income tax collections for the year 1935. This allocation was made pursuant to an amendment to the original State Income Tax Law of .1933 and it is only permissible for the calendar years 1935 and 1936. All of your correspondence and copies of resolution are teturned herewith. Yours very truly,_ (Signed) John L. Connolly JLC -S Corporation Counsel G o�I.,RA� TO II NO. 1.05879 ORIGINAL T CITY OF SAINT PAUL PP OPRIATION- ANSFERS—RESOLlt,YIgN FORM `}_ t PER 'FIARTER SECTION 208 e 'moi �.,�:�•'•.'b_`'��G" � > w'N .� �`it �nadr PRESENTED ! ° COMMISSIONER jRVT7Sr r t1,'AROF DAaitl ?Nl-_ - 193 ® RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE 6 - FROM I TO 10-R 10-W 10-A1 10-!92 10-B1 10-B2 10-B3 10-C1 10-C 10-C 10—c8 APPORTIONED ITEM commr. of Public Works Fund AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 65,188.55 3.60 140.40 375.00 46,335.54 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 600.00 9,091.21 150.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI 193- COUNTERSIGNED BY 193 - YES IV) COUNCILMEN IV) NAYS AA 1/I •P�EA'R^CCE Barftlss ON r PETERS Flnalan IN FAVOR R9snPearce i 1•eterson TRUAX 'I ruas '5: 1Y [_ N -0 ---AGAINST Wenzel LCL MR. PRESIDENT eoo loss AMOUNT I TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 65,188.55 3.60 140.40 375.00 46,335.54 2,000.00 3,000.00 3,500.00 600.00 9,091.21 150.00 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI 193- COUNTERSIGNED BY 193 - O^IOINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL c,2ENcl` NO 165879 CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER IRVIPIG C. P$ARCF &, _193 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. FROM TO 11-A1 Street Constr. & Repair Fund 1007.40 11-R 12,992.60 00.00 11-A2 1,7300.00 11-A3 1,000.00 11-A4 7,000.00 11-A 1,500.00 11-A YES (✓) COUNCILMEN I✓) NAYS • PARCE PETERSETERS ON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT zoo 10 4 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 193— APPROVED 193— COUNTERSIGNED BY ciTT ..M-..LLER 1058'79 I -L TO CITY ''CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL: NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS=RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �jC[] (�, PRea()�i DATE -.:-..i __193 is RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 12-A4 Rawer Constr. & Repair Fund 1896,02 12-A5 800.00 12-w 2.50 12—R 155.07 12"A1 766.5.9 12-A2 180.00 12A6 200.00 YES IV) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT aoo Io•a. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ APPROVED 193_ COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COMPTROLLER ORI INAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. -��58'79 CITAPPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY 'A COMMISSIONER 1RVIN0 0. PEARCE DATE 193 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. CR. 13-B1 Street & Sewer Cleaning Fund 3,000.00 13-D2 156.70 13-E2 1,050.00 13-E4 $6.90 13-E5 3,000.00 13_11 200.00 13_12 290.04 13_R 6,570.13 2,294.98 13-A1 �3-A 460.95 13-B2 46b• 30 13-B3 13-B5 • 3,251.85 �3-03 421.82 222.76 1 -3 -Di 102.2 13-E1 450.00 �3-E 2,200.00 13-E 957.70 13_01 1,700.00 13-a2 13-B2 1,025.00 467.36 �3-�3 22.68 YES (Y) COUNCILMEN (VI NAYS S PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN AGAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT eoo ,oa. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCII 193_ APPROVED 193_ COUNTERSIGNED BY ~ CITY OF SAINT PAUL c I oum"' NO. 1058'79 c C T1YCLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 193 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MtBEY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED APPORTIONED ITEM DR CR. FR14Bridge Bldg. & Rep. Fund 1,546.13 10.00 14 43.8 1,600.00 YES (V) COUNCILMEN o,) NAYS DEC 8 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 93— APPROVED tlny&5 '` I�03- COUNTERSIGNED BY CIT�Y,C,oM—OLLaR pUSLISHIED' BeitU59 PEARCE �. F3ndlan [C _!3SON Pearce iROSE __.! IN FAVOR PetersonTR__Rn Tmax MAW GAINST eoo Io MR. PRESIDENT -s. DEC 8 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 93— APPROVED tlny&5 '` I�03- COUNTERSIGNED BY CIT�Y,C,oM—OLLaR pUSLISHIED' 105880 CITY ' CITY OF ST. PAUL ,a]�s,r w c n� NO. ................................ OFFICE OF THE CITY Cl 3 ,.u.n. 1 r±re. tsrY^ COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENila lld:pp=n°aK, YrtaM / BiQ pl'I;NI ,LLn J PRESENTED BY C� �'.�.... . COMMISSIONER._..__,-.—.-__.I""_"--"'..._......._..L_.---..�._.._...___._�. ••_=�. .... .......... .......................... _... __. ANDOOMM WHEREAS, the Finch Chevrolet Company has appealed from a decision of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build- ings, forbidding the operation of a used -car lot on Central Avenue between Cedar and Wabasha Streets, which is known as Lots 10and 11, Block 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 10; and WHEREAS, a public hearing on said appeal w as held pursuant to notice by the Council, and the Board of Zoning has recommended that the petitioner's request be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit under the provisions of Section 20, Paragraph a of the Zoning Ordinance, to the Finch Chevrolet Company to operate a used -oar lot tea; on aproperty, said permit, however, to be subject to the following conditions: (1) That no permanent structure shall b a constructed on the property; (2) that the permit herein given is for the maximum period of five (5) years from and after the date this resolution is published; that such term$ may be cancelled at any time by the City of Saint Paul by giving to the Finch Chevrolet Company a notice in writing • of the fact ..of.. such cancellation, which notice shall be given ninety days or more prior to the day when such cancellation shall'become effect- ive; (3) that the use of the property by the said Finch Chevrolet Company for the purposes herein granted shall constitute an acceptance of all conditions of this resolution and the terms under which eachermit is granted. DEC 8 ME COU NC EN Adopted by.the Council .... ..... ......_......... .......... ......... ........193....: Yeas Na • DEC Infavor Approved................................................................193....... son f......�......._..(�.':' " ........ /1 .... Against-. =)114`^- President (Gehan) PUBLISHED1� 3M 636 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. FEFOUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 3rd, 1936. Hon. F. M. Trasx, Coms'r of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sirt The City Council referred to you the attached file in connection with the appeal of the Finch Chevrolet Company for permission to operate a used car lot on Central 4venue between Cedar and Wabasha Streets, with the request that you study the zoning ordinance with refer- ence to this appeal and determine whether a temporary permit not to exceed five years can be granted under this appeal. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Jan December 2, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir. The Council referred to you the at- tached file in connection with the appeal of Finch Chevrolet Company for permission to operate a used car lot on Central ou entrlou Avenue between Cedar and Ka as draw a resolution granting the appeal with a provision that no permanent structures shall be constructed on the property or at least that part .of the property which is zoned for resi- dential purposes. Yours very truly, City Clerk. THE BOARD 0 ZO;NIN / Established by Onlinance No, 5840 AupunJ 22, 1922 ' �a SAINT PAUL, AAINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC,SUMMERFIELD, Chairman. %s t LOUIS"BETZ .; r 19th, 193 �.�;w notice'ot a`ppeat'haysp& lieeri nl NOv�be+ wA the City Jerk from a adeal t ALBERT BUIMR - of the Commi.ei ner'of Parka WIN WAN" d,.and *'u Bulldinge n 1r q (U ':♦'1 .M T ` i4 i 111 i.i73 - BERNARD J."LYNN !i ' CHARLES BASSFORD,-Cry Amhilecl ;;INi1C x2W.:} GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secmlery Yr. L. R. s. Ferguson, City Clerk , BU I LD�lN G. Dear. Sir Your letter or November 17th '1 relative to the application bf, the Findh Chevrolet Company for permission to operate a Used 'Car Lot on Central Ave. between Cedar and Wabasha. This location Is Lots 10 and alP. Block 10, Auditor's Subdivision No. 16. The lots '"run through, Prom Wabasha_to'Cedar. The: frontage on Wabasha;St.(156 ft.) iis.zaned for.'commercial purposes and the frontage on Cedar St.(152'ft.) is zonedfor "C" Residences =thus edch'lot has two ;0igssifications of zoning', This.property lies with- in"the area covered pi Approach - est ,. by the Plan for Capitol 9 est As the Finch people are taking a five year lease, thin will prevent any ..attempt 'to build a.store or apartment building, on this sits. The property has not been in'use since thi old residences on it were condemned and destroyed a.fsw years ago. Petitioner states that the taxes are paid in full. The Board reaommends`that under paragragh (a) Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance the commercial use on part, of this property be extended to cover the entire property, and that a permit be granted for a Used Car Sales Lot, which is a commer- cial business. Yours very truly, GEARG9 H. RMO , Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl . PUBLISIiED 9 �' November 16, 1936 Hon, Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. The Finch Chevrolet Co. has requested permission to operate a used car lot on Central Ave. jtetween Cedar and Wabasha. This new location is Lot No. 10 and 11 in Block No. 10 of auditor's subdivision No. 10, bounded by E. Central Avenue on the north, Wabasha Street on the west and Cedar Street on the East. This property, at present, is owned by the University of Minnesota and Mr. I. Summerfield of St. Paul. Very truly yours, I?e.,v eluquu� Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminioner November 16, 1936 Hon, Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. The Finch Chevrolet Co. has requested permission to operate a used car lot on Central Ave. jtetween Cedar and Wabasha. This new location is Lot No. 10 and 11 in Block No. 10 of auditor's subdivision No. 10, bounded by E. Central Avenue on the north, Wabasha Street on the west and Cedar Street on the East. This property, at present, is owned by the University of Minnesota and Mr. I. Summerfield of St. Paul. Very truly yours, I?e.,v eluquu� Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector. LIFT: IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. `l ✓7 LIFT: IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. ' d Finch Chevrolet Company FOR ECONONIMMAMOMMON 9-15 W. Exchange St. ITS WISE TO CHOOSE GAMAX A SIX SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Nov. 12, 1936 Mr. Gus Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety Court House St. Paul, Minn. As per our telephone conversation of today, I am requestingitransfer of license for our used car lot to cover the location to which we are moving. Opr new location for the used car lot�will be Lot No. 10 and 11 in Block No. 10 of auditor's subdivision No. 10, bounded by -E. Central Avenue on the north, Wabasha Street on the 4aaet and Cedar -Street on the east. This prbperty, at present, is owned by the University of Minnesota and Kr.'I. Summerfield of St. Paul. Taxes on this property are paid to date and we would appreciate the prompt issuance of a license to permit us to operate at once: Very truly yours, FINCH DOWNTOWN CHEVROLET a DONALD W. TAYLO$ REAL Eaves & INSURAFC8 6wsa Bmznx�o 9envr Pem.,Mn"M"0rs No`v. 1£, 1936 Honorable City Council City Hall saint Haul• Gentlemen; App�iootion has been made of even date herewith, by my olient -,John Finoh, for •trwwkpr of his >aioense to operated a used car lot` from Sixth and Main ate. to PrcP- summerfield 909 the nUniversity Of Mincoseata,tral ATco, and Ceder. St, owaed by Isaac This property consists of Lots 10 and 11 in Block 10 of Auditor's Subdivision #10 ,end it Mould appear that the westarly portion of the, t*o jots, that is the tfabaeha st, f7'ontase>ie..sgrted.loy.,00lam;eroial puupgess�--whi14}.�e=Oedsr St...irontage..of,.tha- two lots ie sold. 1'01a00 4 Reitde. Under jaragreph A seotIOU 20 of the soloing Ordiloanee the City Council, upon reopmmendation of the %oning Hoard may allow. commercial use of the emtire property under euOi oonditione, aj where the property comae ander one owner- ship. In thip ease, therefore Mr, Finch desires to appeal from the azieting soloing of Us Ceder St, frontage of this property, and requests that he be allowed to. make commercial use of the entire treat, pursuant to his applioatiom.for transfer of, his used oas lot License. In this oonneotion, I may add, Mr. Finch will do all that is possible in the Way of oars and expense to make the sure will ises adefinitely improve thpear neat and well e appearpt Wt lance Ofethe nlfeel it now exists. Very truly yours, DWT/T W. LA MONT .KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner December 7, 1936 To the honorable Mayor and City Council, City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect As per instructions of the Council we have examined Section 20, Paragraph "A" of the 'Zoning Ordinance to find that it does not provide any term of permit or cancellation clause. Hence, the attached resol.tion granting permission to the Finch Chevrolet Company to conduct a used car lot under the provisions of said paragraph which has been amended by the legal department so as to covering the conditions above mentioned. Yours very truly, 4/� A. '�4� &,./- Commissioner December 3s?d, 1936• Hon. F. M. Truax, Coms'r of P.P. P T'. Bldgs• Building. Dear Sirt The City Council referred to you the attached file in connection with the appeal of the Finch Chevrolet Company for permission to operate a used car lot on Central Avenue between Cedar and wabasha Streets, with the request that you study the zoning ordinance with refer- ence to this appeal and determine whether a to thisporary permit appeal to exceed five years can be gr anted Yours very truly, City Clerk. 4308 a DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 5881 1'l� CDIJIJY COUNCIL NO•--_------------------------ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE coNRor COUNCIL RESOLUTION 3062 Axel Anderson aW' 1ee F. Bruess -- -�- $ �INFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS--Beosmbe-r--3------ ------ ----- 19'�_ Li dTeu .•..j,,,pt. P Q�+MAST On � RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE 88 T ITP TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMO- T OF fL --• COVERING nea�el (S CHECKS NUMBERED-_ PER CHECKS ON FIDE INy ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL _ --L'<-+-- TO_--_ __, INCLUSIVE. AS OFFIC$ OF THE ITY COM ROLLER. •- •• • •�L 10 —_ -1 CITY COM OLLER APPROVE _ __ ---' EYL �- F. No. 106881— TOTAL DATE Resolved, that checks be dra o+ RETURNED V CHECK I the cltY trear ury, [o the aggr gat .----- ,I am fit f j92,38_ 18, c Y rinR checks IRAN 6FER NUMBER numbered 30744 to 30801, inclualve, s ba CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I'. Per check, on file In the ofBee o[ the Grinnell Company, Inc. Adopted by [he Council 7lee. 6, 1936. A - aPDro, ed Dec. R. 1936. 612100 6 (Dee, 12. 1936) II30767 30768 Otte Elevator Company 30744 ! • !, 30745 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of n Axel F. Peterson, 0• of Fia e ! a 30769 Pink Supply Company �3077o �j Sohouveller Meat Parket 30 227 00 I 0. Finan a 1 21 238 1 17 40 .;30746 �: Axel F. Peterson, of y 1 42 1 47 50 T 30747 Sylvester Bbowlan Kremer Auto Spring Company i to 10 099 775 6i 30776 T.4, Furni, Supt. Auditorium 30748 ,i Soler, W.D. '' 30777 '', R. F. Goodrich 169 307>� Lawrence A. Cashier Lumber Company 105 80 140,100 ij3075 S. Berglund 67 161 1 36710 03 is 30751 Graybar Electric Company, Inc' �0�83 ;' Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finan 94 'I Axel F, Peterson, c. of Finan ie, e 60 07 1j 307 ';: Mre. Harriet Jane Gay 30752 I) Maendler Brush Mfg.Oompany C. Raise Coal Company X22 30786 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor • ',i Fred Jost 3 1971663 30753 .. Jenny ffirsohorn 5 5721615 40100 a 307 76 3'63 3x75$ ''3 Capital ahvelope Company X51 198 134•'71. Capitol stationery mfg. compan' 0 2 Oapitol stationery ag.Oompan 10,"21 30755 30756 John Lennon I Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finaa, a 49735 3p7 Mrs, T.10 Dabili xei F. Peterson, 0. of Fin idixel 0. Fi e e I� 30.7.,. Fas+rs11, Oalun, JITk A Compare 1j5930757 2 20 168 29 30758 F. Peterson, of 493 � X130 9 30760 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin . Azei F Peterson C. of Finan a I a � s. 30 61 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 00 Dobma58 es supply A Fuel 0 3062 Axel Anderson aW' 1ee F. Bruess 95 38.77 TO X00 �30763 1307b4 , Capitoi Stationery Mfg.Ooup n AgftQy 164 32 51 100 !736765 ii General Eleotrio Supply Corp.', X307(6 Griggs, Cooper A Company 84 31 Grinnell Company, Inc. 612100 II30767 30768 Otte Elevator Company 10 24 30769 Pink Supply Company �3077o �j Sohouveller Meat Parket i I I gy 210 3 1 30771 socony 9aouum Oil company Oomp# 1 17 40 1 t 30072 i,! Thomas A Garner Printing y 1 42 1 ill 307i� western Rubber A Supply Oomp T 13 Ill 30774 ! western Union Telg.Company 30775 ''', Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan to 10 099 775 30776 T.4, Furni, Supt. Auditorium 200100 65 55E?91� '' 30777 '', R. F. Goodrich 1' Berglund Lumber Company 30778 s. 30779 General Electrio supply Corp. 140,100 307eo " R. Peitz A Son ,130781 9t,Paul voo.sohool Revi.Fund 67 161 1 36710 30792 xxel F. Peterson, C, of Finan is 40175 �0�83 ;' Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finan 94 'I Axel F, Peterson, c. of Finan ie, e 11 539';5 1j 307 ';: Mre. Harriet Jane Gay 23!04 0 X22 30786 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor • ',i Fred Jost �I X30787 30788 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan e 5 5721615 11 0 g9 Axel F. Peterson, O. of Finan 7 a 307 76 3'63 ''3 Capital ahvelope Company X51 198 134•'71. Capitol stationery mfg. compan' 0 2 Oapitol stationery ag.Oompan 10,"21 i 64 245 15 3p7 Mrs, T.10 Dabili I� 30.7.,. Fas+rs11, Oalun, JITk A Compare 168 29 4!4*& rirr„d:ieh�silvertown,2no. Products Company,In . 10 21 80 Dobma58 es supply A Fuel 0 'pany 95 dal Company 8+t; A varnieh Coupon 12 72 I� 30 n AgftQy I 100 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I" i I I gy 1 i _I "J 1 1 t ttt S Igg ill !. 7 �1 a. /, CITY OF ST. PAUL ioi"c NO-........_��.�$��� fNv OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO�UN RE. LOTION ---GENERAL FORM ........_..._._._ DATE ....._....Deoember...5....1936...................... RESOLVED A That license for Barber application 15748. applied for by Frank J. Schrader at 673 Bedford St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon tthe payment into the city treasury of the required fees. y�� C. F Ni�',Jyuos82—By 6. H. Barfuss— F M Truai=Irving C. Pearce— • .m.1ved, that license for Harbor, ap- !pllca op 16748 applied.for by Frank 7. Schrader at 673 Bedford St.. be and the _ me whdreby granted and the city deck le. instructed to Issue. each Hcense nonthe paymgnt into the city treasury .the required feee. New. State No. 4742. Adopted ADpra—dbyyDo. 8,1926.11 Dec. 8, 1926. (Dec. 12, 1936) i Now State J4743 COUNPLMEN Adopted by the Council ^_......_$...1.....10 - Approved .................. 193....... �........_.. .............................. --1� Mayor -Z Oride.lmClq - couNc,� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. ... ...... ...................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUQL ,R�Sa�(JTION --- GENERAL FORM /Iy`.�'�.... DATE....AQc.om'.bfir.... .x...a.9 6 ................. _.......... RESOLVED 'Ghat "iceasee applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Raymond Giefer 538 Selby Ave. Grocery App. 14791 New " " " " Off Sale Malt " 14792 " J. S. Storr - 129 W. 7th St. Restaurant " 15019 " C. B. Schlerf 401 S. Smith Confectionery " 15658 " P. R. Fallon 221 E. 7th St. Off Sale Malt " 15723 " Anna Pignotti 931 Payne Ave. off Sale Mast " 15764 " Jas. E. Auger 406 S. Franklin Confectionery " 15779 " Jack Garner 1301 E. 7th St. Gas Station " 15795 " C. J. Jeras 500 Laurel Ave. Off Sale Malt " 15796 " " " " " " Grocery " 15797 " Gil Cermack 697 Selby Ave. Bakery " 15s45 " .;n Yer, Sx8 S. 't' Yc Nene. iiw , Ili AROI' COUN MEN Adopted by the Counetl....QC........8... 193...... Y Na - g`.pola /C' lan DE . Z3 ��'.......... 193_..... a In favor Approved......._ ......................_'....... .. / rra'son �Edent Against ... _PL7r[.�*.xFpt'� -lam........._.......... 3M sast (Gehan) 6 105884 Oeldaelm ut, couHci� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO ........................... ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ES TION ---GENERAL FORM C COMMI /`��_ ............_.........._...........DATE...Decanber...S..__19.36..........._._......__. RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 15775, and Oa Sale Malt Beverage, application 15776. applied for by Theodore Schlag at 131 R. University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New. Informally approved by Council, Dec. let, 1936. COUN 1 -MEN Yeas N B98 In favor tt e .._.,�...�.... . rsnn Against �enzel President (Gehan) 3M 636 C. F. No. 106884—By 6. fi. 8artuee t F. t,1, Truax—lrvin6 C• Pehrce— Reaolvefl;.that Ilcense for it8aieual application llfcatton 11676, appDlled for Bevera6e., DP B lv 8aty by Theodore 9cplag at 1w W. P ed Thbo%ud the thecitcler1, just, as to licensee upoort th DeY' red Issue uccitY treaeurY t the 4. Into the [see. - Dec. Nhw:. ov.d by Counoll' .Informally aPPr 1930. 1. 1936. the Council Dec. 8, ppyiovefl Dec. 8. 1936. tnec. 12. 19361 DEC 810 Adopted by the Council. 193 DEC 8 B Approved......... .............................................193....... 105885 COUNCIL / CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. ....................................... /( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RE OLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENT DeoembeT 81 1p 6 comm) 1U _._... _...... ._.w _._.._..._.._.._..._.—.._..—..._._—_._...__..___..............................DATE ...--.........................................73... -dt............. ... RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 15745, On Sale halt Beverage. application 15746. and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15747, applied for by Al Gozzo at 755 Payne Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council. Dec. lat. 1936. C. F. No. 106886..—Hv. n. u AdpVted, .un.11'Dec. S. 1998. ADd by the C *oved Dec. 2. 1988. (Dec. 12,2,-Y936) — — C.OUNgLMEND E C . Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council..................................................193 ........ glass 6 In favor Approved ............................. ................................._93....... eter6on ;� _ _ .,1...:... Against/_ ............ .................................. : ..........f Mayor �enul / Mr President (Gehany 310 636 -iL4 105886 CITY OF ST. PAUL nit NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION---GENERAL FORM Deoember S, 1936 _.AT.... ......................._..........._............................_...........__ RESOLVED " That license for Restaurant, application 157929 On Sale Malt Beverage, i application 15793, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15794, applied for by Mrs. Mildred Ratbaway at 679 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Inforaally approved by Council, Dec. 1, 1936 COUNC MEN Yeas Nays ss in In favor ............... .,, .. Against enzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 DEC 8 1936 Adopted by the Council.........:...........................................193...... rJEC 8 19M Approved...,... _......................... __...................193....... ..✓............. ......................Mayor........... QldeilwIXry Cluk :,- e '�.rr /i J _ ..h .105887 on'910t A, CITY OF ST. PAUL u `th6t cii6 ci NO ..................................... OF THE CITY CLERIQ�iihe Ctty?rea 3 ES TION---GENERAL)re Councti, , w g 1ggg: december 84 1936 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicatd be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: R. S. ging 1684 Grand Ave. Grocery App. 14751 Renew. n f. a a Butcher a 14752 " Minn. Amusement Co. 1053 Grand Ave. Motion Picture 3 n 15559 " Minn. Amusement Co. 1560 St- Clair Motion Picture a 15594 " State Loan Co. 212 EVire Bldg. Chattel Loan a 15620- a Joseph matman 283 St. Lawrence Gas Station a 15663 a Lena Berman 256 Mackebin Butcher a 15664 a J. J. Rubes 693 W. 7th St. Grocery " 15666 n Gast Hanson 1164 Selby Ave. Bakery " 15682 a Geo. J. Weisenbach 139 H. Dale St. Grocery " 15686 a n a n a Butcher " 15687 a Al Salita (V 452 Jackeoa Grocery " 15724 a M. Butler 171 H. Dale St- Confectionery a 15727 " W. J. gnowlan 683 Selby Ave. Grocery a 15731 a L. Mass 739 Iglebart Grocery " 15732 a Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Butcher " 15744 a F. C. Chann7jl 920 Reaney St. On Sale Malt " 15755 " a a a a Off Sale " 15756 " a e a a Restaurant " 15757 a COUNeILMEN Adopted by the Council .......................... ..... ............ ..........193...... Yeas� I�T¢ys /F' Ian r//// In favor Approved..... .. ........ ..... -- ............... .. .... . ............. 193 L.!..........., Against _........... ............. .. ....................................................lvlayor.._ .. enol Mr President (Geban) 3M 636 Odst—IbCUT Cl k COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.._......�............................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ..DATE....... ....... S Deoember 8, 1936 COMMISSION . ._......... —'.""..........__..._..... _............... _................ ...................................................................._.. RESOLVED Page 2. Wobig & Co. 248 S. Cleveland Butcher App. a 15759 Renew• 15759 " a p a a Grocery P. E. Litschke 189 Concord Bakery 6 15765 " Geo.Mattaini & E. Monti 9C S. Robert Restaurant ^ 15766 " J. W. Milnar 7143 E. Third St. Grocery a 15769 " peter & Ostrosski 103 ist.Natl Bank Restaurant ^ 15770 a S. S. Kresge Co. 57 E. 7th St. Confectionery W 15773 " John Serpico 816 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 15790 " a a a n On Sale Malt a 15781 " ^ n a n Off Sale Malt a 15782 e 0 Reeves Coal & Dock Corp. 318 Cedar Peel Dealer a 15794 " Schoch Grocery Co. 300 E. 7th St. Bakery a 15795 " A. H. Kamp 171 W. Central Butcher ^ 15905 r L. Stransky 93 S. Robert St. Gas Station " 15g16 " Miller & Holmes 399 S. Wabasha St. Gas Station ° 15819 a Sam Nemo 57 W. Kellogg Restaurant ^ 15819 a Citizens Fuel & Ice Co. 6 E. 14th St. Fuel Dealer " 15824 " G. Mueller 11459 Jefferson Grocery " " 15931 " 15848 a H. R. Conrey Frank Peterson & Son. 593 Wabasha St. 1007 Payne Ave. Restaurant Peel Dealer n 15832 " Eidemo Coal Go. 3011 Como Ave. Simple. Fuel Dealer " 15937 " Bray Ice & Fuel Co. 2128 University e " " 15939 "• hour City Coal Co. 519 2nd Ave. S. Mpls." 15942 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council...._.... DEC .._.....8..106193-. - Yeas Nays Barfuss DEC7 Findlan Infavor Approved..................................................................193....... Pearce Peterson � Against h / 1 �' r -1..- Trau: �...... ............... ............................ .......�` Ivla or Wenzel n Mr President (Gehan) pTmT TCFiLD 3M 676 coufuaNo.--- 1-05888�a�s1 w cityd8ff` � CITY OF ST. PAUL °� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,' GOU CIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM DAT December 1. 1936 P.Y COM RESOLVED That Hotel license No. 1115, expiring April 11, 1937, and On Sale 11alt Beverage license No. 3336, wpu•ing Jpril 11, 1937, issued to George zettel at 374 Wabasba St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of Wilbur Hass, clerk at this place (Astoria Hotel) for permitting fornication in the premises and selling beer after hours. DEC 193F193..-_. Adopted by the CounciL__...-.................. ........ . DEC q 1936 Mayor COVCILMEN Yeas Nays Batfn96 Findlnn FPet"aop Pearce Ro--.-^------In favor Peterson : Trttflx� Truax ............ Against Wenzel E Mr. President (Gehan) ant a -ea DEC 193F193..-_. Adopted by the CounciL__...-.................. ........ . DEC q 1936 Mayor 105839 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR Inthe matter.�u!-------- --------------------------------------------------------- ------------- Gamdamning ---------------------------------------------- sendamning and taking an easement to foot in width, for the pu!¢Ne of oonatrusting and maintaining a sanitery sewer in twwol through and agrees Lodi sj lir is* ls, 8 and L. Blea E, Auditerss Subdivision Bo. 56. aad Lot 21 pressett's Addition, the *enter Has of wbieh "sapient is a line dosoribed u falls"# C*mmoneing at the song oosner of agot 140 s, To 8s, s4 gas theme out along the north line of Delos Street lei foot to the bogianing of easement, thonse northerly at an angle to the left of No S8* a dieisnse of 284.#9 toot, thongs nerthessterly at an angle to the right of Va 281 to a point on the westerly line of Vabubs. Street 899.91 foot frac the northwest oom*r Of Delos Md xabasha Streets. no said assonant agross aid Lot 81 shall be b*U* elontiln 18 feet City Datms and extend from the south line of said Let U to the wast The of R►bsba street end the said pageant airpsa Lots 8, 11, 12, 18, s and 8 shall be b*UW 41MUon 168 to; t Datum,extondy;Mfts north line of Delos ep>t!1e� line of eaid�4 iiinv:. k r 8o tgtn} !feetl, sl d maintaining a 089 • p nAUVIsimrthrouhnerss"Lots1�4`• gOiP lC ep .litre of semeat is a,�.i sari, t 6srsu efts at the 'host st ett iiii�-if-Delos lsabasU 8tree6i, t neo it idoz-tis-awstsrly line of xobeshe Street a. disianee of 888.4 feet to the palet of begiming of aaaenart 9JAVaeniter 1 AYlii > 9ta sai+tn� e o R!jhbasbs lot a >asa �erA ths_pid,oe>f,•1,�i4h� #aid. eke scat tQ-..'-�., �. . -� t �� � v.•meq ,w .rag nlsr� anon e A459 *W -,sem A—,..- -- Conoco adtseet�* Ud�hl►t r +sh :ssY Lot+ilk d ipA*&ta0's�Not 86 lying esstero! a line jeiniaa 'Lpoint on the south bsendw of IOU Let. 78 fact wast of the sesterl�='T�iic�lep�titi�ih1t't�yeal�`j iBdmY4`�'t'��Nytli4�'by;��a-3thbey���id�iltH"bpi it�ltee��d�'lto�m�:. ppmdSQ feet":®R►b�g+��}F`I�le�=}?li�a'W:f!74�M�� �T�M1�a�, '_t14 fYrF!i �P 3 i)•5Pi >il'!'kk'i, F12':1 `� 9 if"damagea--to-ihe owners set'f6rth-ff M1d`° assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. iia�lf'rilf:Sm-rsarsiw>sia� ssrifi Adopted by the Council f-�------------- ---- ---------------/------ -----�------_-- -------e-r Approved ------ -------- ------------=------ -----k-- --- Mayor.- Councilman_ Councihnan zignson van Councilman ElcDonatd Councilman mPearce / terson PUBLISHED �- !0---L4 Councilman oSudh_@ime_ ouzel r— Gehan Mr. Vicc . rt..::.u:; { rnax) r:fip a}a 8 LGOf' a6 �};o earq I.af s aaiq x9nf3LI,s j{ua oil fFs UO3.0 P� , esp wee+ °b fps ea®agsx7�'goo; 07L 7 s °gfRaPeral� 2 Loep' �»1� � ¢ sy Y=gwl et OffTq 2p£+q��SToa goo 3e 11-ve ess�ox•7b at aint a bo ;!`Q s,•:Bs001c, 8 v-qg7A # a q`. IUPon CottpLCii BfSig Cn, d OV �•�/�y�j '�F u r�„n r.Li ffisA+ WO 2rl�s#�. � m:a po igin It off, *qU$Q L5T,06' ro' Seo Nk' L + S. �' + �� as . at ltl 'Roof a gia Fgp?6, 1 a e Titta a eita 2e' •Fu3 3enga� T� oytbp F stra�s22 t , o a anq a�Laaa 1'oFa 7 � 5 s9 lif ` 11jeAwL nVOL ;17" eo n $+jo bmbOSO t �rao — Weewopf so i. f d iVey,}4Lj1� irs>� gF snq tLW ,spa VOW Tiffs °b 0g702 aug�5 eI'gTiTA� P$i��''oz. F7o� saAf esra+m watoav Iofn 8; I7! 35 T2 e;3m, A2�.. s .oL y�r °}ss ,. yr -811 Blrs sats Ii�B °iussig e, vY,,,UIWT�' A�.� 7 s4i�aim TesF r3�a t3+sskta#i vg+"'vn o - 01, pc,e a 0 o am 3f¢sat i$4 fFs voL€Ty,7ius I, �2 102929 February 25, 1958 under,�'eliminary Order-----------------------. aPProved____----------------------------. Intermediary Order-----------iQ$288------------ approved ----- ARril_7,_ 1956----------------, Final Order-----------------�Qg48$------------ approved------ ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. bcx,3wsz=kdnzzzbddxftxbeC9bI: IN I lilt 11 7fi�ZXiS1 Adopted by the Council ----------- - --- �` ,Y. _ Cl Approved _____-_------ ----, / Mayor. CouncilmanNc�rtoya Councilman 1�erBusorr - d an _ Councilman McDosatd Id Councilman LPearce : s Berson ` , PUBLISHED ZAjj 4 Councilman18udbeimer_ cowl _ Gehan Mr. Vicc . l ruax) REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS .)F... -EJ t Y Inthe matter of ------------------------------------------------------------------------- candowing and taking an easement 20 feet in width, for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a sanitary sewer in tunnel through and across Lots 6, 11, 12, 13. 3 and 2. Block 3. Auditor's Subdivision No. 36, and Lot 21 Prescott's Addition, the center line of which assement is a line described as follawas Commencing at the southmet corner of Section 3, T. 28, R. 22, thence oast along the north line of Delos Street 190 feet to the beginning of easement, thence northerly at an angle to the left of 900 38' a distanco of 166.27 feet, thence northeasterly at an angle to the right of 370 22' to a point on the westerly line of Wabashe, Street 279.91 feet from the northwest corner of Delos and lfabasha Streets. The said easement across said Lot 21 shall be below elevation 16 feat City Datum and extend from the south lino of aid Lot 21 to the west line of Wabasha Street and the said easement across Lots 8, 11, 12. 13, 3 and 2 shall be below elevation 52 feet city Datum,and extend from the north line of Delos Street to the north line of said Lot 2 Also *A sea nth 20 �!tn7n width Yor the pnrP4ge gg,goaptruo,�# and maintaining a sanitsy aeiibYr'tiiid;`throngh`and aorooi`'tbts 1 and'2, bock 1, Anditor'e Subdivision No. 36,, t outer line oth easomgpt�� a lias���rbsdt# followss Commencing at r vu. the northereet opener of Delco and lfab elii`$ 6bts, thiase northxeaterly along the westerly line of lfbbreha Street a d#aoo of Ff-Ztget to tt#,,sx, pgint of beginning of easement center"fine, thence to the right at an angle oP 620 tA' to the northeYteta boundary Of the said Block 1, the said easement to extend Pram Wabash& Street to Starkey Street. Also for the purpose of ooustruoting, operating and maintaining a Sewage Syphon Control Structure, all that portion of Lot 1, Block 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 36 lying easterly of a line joining &.point on the south boundary of said Lot, 76 feet west of the westerly line of Wabash.& Street, and a point on the north boundary of the said Lot. 52 feet west of the said westerly line of Wabash& Streve. appro- .__,_ rioted for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the maldng of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---- Commissioner of Finance. ea yea.PWIL I;13a ob 1"Wepg 2fLeef' o� ob fP° ag;q Tof' 2S b°°f ee9f ob fpe 79 gag g boiaf oa fF° DOlf LT► i. 9a ' 6?° aesf ob fF° resfeLl3 I;as eb gspespg gfLaef' o qg 9 "�px 20 7�7� B :s bo713f oA. fF@, aoq+T D° (Agt,:, OZ, , -,* °ssfenl7. ob TT bbLfioa ob Tof 7i 9Iao1� 8 Vr�gif 13 a6 g 2sag&s g]�bpoa CoafLol 2f cfiiie g77 ;lm;. AgA o Tzg• ob°tef7ag Mq, r, +, a f f6 VIVO ioL fFe Q 4W8WQaF sspeitq' bi.6m! �P= aoLspeasfena pormggLa of fPe sg79 B7oog 7' fFe eg;q oeafeL line' fpeaoe fo ;PQ L72Pf gf sa gag7eQ foof •bp713f ai p°g;13a;a6 ob egssmreff°LIQ eef g- 40;"0e ob S98 d b , °Doe aoLfT13►eafesla vloa2 fP 7713° ob Idppgspg 2fL a oe gaq ggpgaPe 2fyepfs fP o I"13* Conmrsao;a8 gf fFe VOLv ►°9f cox.neL ob D I o eWeaswo- Ttaq S. BTOGsq gs b 7 ot,a 2npgi678ioa go• 3g' fFe oeafeL 7iae oi• xP7 F goioee P9fe 7 �q S' BJooR 7 V 47f8 sag mg7afgia7T� g n ega;fgL% sebieL m3geL' ;pLon p gaq,Tq;p ioL fFe baLboee oi, ooa2fLnof7a VIVO en egesmenf SO b f Les; ;o We 13or.fF Iine eb sviq PQf S' om fFe 13otfF 77ae ob Dejoe 2f ° OAL e7esgf;on eS beef C7fa Dgf '� °xfeaq bL ' aa4 S Vpg77 p°o o; AwPB91" 2668; gaq fFe sgiq egeeme13f aoLoss Pofe g' 77',7�Ss' 78SISfO 41 Yeaf 77a Cdfa Dam gaq„exfeaq mom fFa2aonfFsotioss sgdf57 °Fa77 pe po7or ej°s�9t 7QRba°f ° a o agid egdsmeaf� onr o'13orppi►biaf aoL13eL ai Da7 on ° opspa 46 ll�pg!Yv �faeaf Sag•$7 b°8fF yRFf of 4Sd' SSS f?,:a bo;af . f� jr '° ao� aos, fPerr£es��► gf ra a�7arf° �`` fo ape ;abs=` ui `99a"�ter :.g gdefg13oe f usiao aasfY g va guRf 016 fPe Pe����..°a egsemoa� fF 102928 roved__-_-- gebruar� 25._1986 -------------------- under Preliminary Order-------------- app 103288 ____-, approved------ April 7L 1938 ------------------------- Intermediary Order ---------- 108498 ---- approved------ gip- b1 19$8 --------------------------- Final Order --------------- -- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to Property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost th&e- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------- --- Commissioner of Finance. J J 1st. %7 %� 2nd./ Laid over t 3rd. & app- Adopted. `t- �Yeas Nays Yeas Nays r� Pearce Pearce J Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Truax Truax �b�o Warren Warren Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan /() 4re9 oftina to ©ry Cly k O p- ANCE -r c COUNCIL FILE NO. . C. ORDINANCE NO.- -An ordinanoe appropriating and setting aside #5fty Thousand Dollars 3504000.00 from the city share of local improvement fund Code - 31-E1 to the Permanent Inprovenent.Revolving Pund for the pur- pose of reimbursing said fund for part of the expenditures on improvements listed below.. This is an emergency, ordinance ren- dered necessary for the preservation of public peace, health, and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain; SECTION 1 That there,is hereby appropriated and set aside from the city share v local improvement fund Code.'31-E1 and transfered to the Permanent Improvement Hwiblving Fund Code 3001 the sum of Fifty, 7�usand Dollars ($50,000:00), -to reimburse said fund for -part of, *X '* the-penditures on the following improvementsr ,. u. -s" L:3903 — Improve Intersection of Onega and Congress t tohti° e T,-39088 — P,airb — Sibley eta_. t fund Co de st-E= ImPro nt r`..' 03921 - Pave - Intersection of Case and. Edgertonh� paort�or th�f� _ n�ta llet SECTION 2 —This—ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance —rendered necessary for the'preservation of the public peace, health .:; and . safe,ty. SECTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately _upon its passage and publication. Laid over t 7i 3rd. & app Adopted.__.} Yeas Nays Yeas iNays Pearce Pearce Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Truax / Truax Warren Warren Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan /n 4rk9 6 t�natt.ry©� - INANCE A COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. .-PRESENT An ordinance appropriating -and setting aside #fifty Thousand Dollars (506000.00) from the city share of local inprovei7ent fund Code 31-E1 to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund for. the pur- pose of reimbursing said fund for part of the expenditures on improvements listed below. This is an emergency ordinance ren- dered.neeessary for the preservation of public peace, health, and safety'.' The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That there ,is hereby appropriated and set aside from the city bare of local improvement fund Code.31-E1 and transfered to the ';Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund Code 3001 the sum of Fifty Thousand Dollars 350,000 -00) -to reimburse said fund for.part of the-eXpenditures.on the following improvements s. 'L*390j - Improve Intersection of One a end Co resa °oneene 39 p g ng the eit ehn nt fund Code a1 -F1: L.390 -Page — Sibley 8t0. I -proem nt r L`.3921 - Pave - Intersection of Case and Edgerton t. °e partDer f ' �n[e let -' cY 1—SECTION 2 -11*44 _ `:This ordinance is hereby declared to be an urgency ordinance rendered necessary for the'preservation of the public peace, health and:.safety. SEQTION 3 This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. yeas'Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Wenzel Attest: de ( a City Cter 30. .-35 Passed by the Council.. DEC 24-.rak7p....................-- ........................ In Favor - ....... ------......Against ' Approved: _...... G. -- ... - ....\....------------ ........ 1 - ..... Mayor VUBuSHED/� CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- /GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONER_............... DATE....D.Oaa lber...: ....19..36.A...__._..._ RESOLVED WIEREAS, the Commissioner of Educatiad has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, *f the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment cf certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- cdei Rom 9cs Ment; therefor, be it, nat'ih.y 1 RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au.' thorized to pay the following named employes, at the io 3 ';exp r rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra wu1, time hereinafter set forth; NALIE TITLE TIME RATS.' TOTAL .Arlington Hills Branch Library Green, William Janitor -Engineer 27 hrs. .58-j $15.80 2milline Branch Library Sading, William J. " " 16 " .58* 9.36 Berrism Park Branch Library Davenport, George L. " " 15 " .58* 8.78 Riverview Branch Library Polanka, Rudolph J. " " 19 it .58* 11.12 St. Anthony Park Branch Library Hickey, Patrick F. " " 14 .5194 8.19 COUNCILMEN Yeas eys in&� n In favor Zrson enzel Against .tem enf(GeTian)` "'� 3111636 Mr. Vice i;rua: _ Adopted by the Council ..........:..:-.. 9.._ �s...193...... Approved...................................._ .................... 193....... ............... Mayor PUBLISHED FORM NO,, 1 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: IM $@Bg A i is 1� ui l ln',Raml l ne f Merriam Park,Ri vervi eW ani Q._ n _henX Park RT n b T.ihrariea openrA A to clean hnilii ea_ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Meoesa"y to kean thsae hranehea open on aeoount This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter, l-'a"eta CITY OF ST. PAUL COONC1L NO.........1 ,5892 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n. COWAL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the following employest bonds, i®ued by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, covering the duties of tie positions set forth, and which bonds hpave been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation sel, be --.and the same . are hereby approved, and the City Clark is directed to deposit them in the office'of the City Comptroller: Virginia Manz Senior Clerk Typist - $5000.00 Department of Finance Ed. W. Jahnke Assistant Cashier - 5000.00 Department of Finance C. M. Nystrom Cashier - Department 5000.00 of Finance - Gertrude M.Lauerman Senior Clerk Typist - 5000.00 Department of Finance John C. Feldmann Deputy Commissioner - 5000.00 Department of Finance George P. Dean Cashier - City Bank - Department of Finance 5000.00 Otto.Rowe Cashier - Department of Finance 5000.00 Paul A. Froehlich Principal Clerk - Department of Finance 5000.00 Nathan Applebaum Senior Clerk - Department of Finance 5000.00 Albert R. Anderson Junior Accountant - Department of Finance 5000.00 COUN ILMEN Yeas N�Ys i�lan, ce _ _.... In favor e rson Against enol PKbidenf (Gebai�) 3N. 6 36 Mr. Vice : r-Csidcut (Tru ...r ; brta-rui d 'CMR; _'.:iY alaof .oit:.•v .. `Iab sc(c Adopted by. the Council ........_ EC..._.._9...1936.193...... nEC 9 fgM Approved.....:............................................................193....... ..�_..... %...._........ .. ..._/Ma..or._...... Y Rf A V 1,114- AINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK 2 CIT F 8, COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.___-_ ___ _ ___- --- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL. - COUNCIL RESOLUTION WW— halftso DOcember 36 . Me= djAFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -------------------------- – ----7 - lu I Barco —colt dat I Woolk RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAYVV ON THE CITY TREASURY. EUD.. ___ a _ COVERING ensi il. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ _3�71_W _j&"TO MR. PRIES. CHECKS NUMBERED.-- =V . A. T. Mr. Vice PER CHECKS ON FILE THE OELLER. ADOPTED BY THE C UNI'L --- --------------------- _?FFI - ---- - -------- CITY C OLLER APPROVE - -------- -LL,03,7 -------------- — -- -- -- — ---- -- BV____ -- _—__ MAYOR FIR TOTAL TOTAL DATE C C h-I'a be drawn one =OF---- — RETURNED t. r DISBURSEMENT BY BANK the ggreg. TRANSFER Innee h k CHECKS -6 371 1 e c 8 CHECKS CHECK SE Ing . EC as N. the city y1 2 9 0 c r numbered "' S8"3 Inclusive, 802 In 1 0 f, fth Per check 10 a "I' in In' 0 "re e "?r---city _13 0 I_ 9 193 Adopted tny ro t n, 11 Dec.6 T h -UT FORWARD Approved ppr"e Dec.; 1936. d D 1 2 19361 6) E 0 1 30830820 11 30$ 22 30 23 3 30926 30927 30840 3od4i !1 30&2 30843 30844 3084 0 3 946 3o947 ji 30848 3os4g 30850 30851 30952 30853 Trelseis Construction OOmPsn rrejeeis construction oompan Buck deorgWilliams Mrs, Agnes Weiss Axel F. Peterson, 0- Of T:L as Axel F. Peterson, 0: Of fin as nai Axel F. Peterson, 0 of cin Merrell G. Hathaway Thomas Towey Board of Public Welfare Board of Public Welfare John Sandquist Collector Internal Revenue S. Berglund Lumber Company Counterfeit Reporting servlol yarwall, omnun, Kirk & Compal y� Hersey Mfg, Company u. 0. Lynch Msendler Brush Mfg. company V,j. Morse & Company National Battery Company National Lumber & Supply Com any Neptune Meter Company A.N., Palmer Company Star Photo Company Sullivan Tire & Battery OOMP401Y Obsoloal'Sales & Safety GOII[Pi4i rielding & Shepley, Inc. standard Stone Company mrs,-Mande,He Jones Gilbert Ellis MT60 CAL Olaughorty, GuardsI# Mrs, Etta riiherty Mrs, Charles Tuabner ;a Axel r. Peterson, 0. Of IrInat s Axel 7, Peterson, 0. of ria s Dominick Ramaciero Hery Fran rinelding As Shepley, InO- rielding & Shepley, Ino, Axel r. Petersono 0. of Fin :17500� Axel 7. Peterson, 0: of Tin! Herman 0. Wansele Matthew Towey Burroughs Adding Machine Com ;nay p Farwell, osmun, Kirk & Comp aiY i General Electric Supply OOIZPI y George T. Robertson, Supt, of Documents George Trudeau Villaume Box & Lumber 00sipanT SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD a - Io 2 14 21 161; i 4olo 190.1 112 1 2319 9 23 9 100 1 233 7 LIA 0"" atiCk* CITY OF ST. PAUL NO OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK, COUNCIL- SOL TION ---GENERAL FORM 1 l _ --- RESOLVED That_Batcher License No. 4636, expiring September 1st. 1937, issued to the Great Atlantic & pacific Tea Co. at 796 Grand Ave. be and the same Se hereby transferred to Homer McAlpin at the same address* and that Butcher License No. 4573. expiring July let. 1937, issued to the Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Co. at 1400 University Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to H. J: Black at the same address, and the proper city officers are hereby Airented to change the city's records accordingly. DEC ° ` . 1936193...... CO MEN Adopted by the Council......._ ................_..--. ..._._..... . Yeah / Nays DEC 0 193 IanIn favor;roved.................................... .......... .................... 193....... teOnAgainstMayor �� ;.1.._... 31A 63""; "'December 8th, 1936• Ron. G. H. Barfnss, Chairmen, Licenso Oommittee, City. Dear girt The City Council referred to your Oom- mittee the attached resolution transferring certain butcher licenses heretofore the8eyneet that Great you consider oand Pacific the advisability Tea Company, of transferring such licenses. Tours very truly, City Clerk. o.la..T r. cin cl.�t CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK eL� COUNCIL ON ---GENERAL FORM • PRESENTE COMMISSION ..... ............ ...... �..._ .. _ '/'--.a-t'�1�.. ..DATE December 9� 19.36.._._._ ................ .. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: James Pedro 1051 Grand Ave. Barber App. 15506 Renew A. J. Wallace & Co. 753 H. Snelling Fuel Dealer " 15511 " James Balfour 615 Como Ave. Gas Station " 15514 " Transfer 011 Co. 2165 University Gas Station " 15512 " Hazel Park Fuel Co. 1000 Kennard Fuel Dealer " 15527 " J. A. Miesen 153 E. 5th St. Off SaleMalt " 15525 " nn n a On Sale Malt " 15529 " H. Kroening 741 Edmund On Sale Malt " 15535 a H. Kroening " " OffSale Malt " 15536 II Alfred E. Olson 622 Como Blvd. Conf. " 15543 " J. C. Keplinger 347 Hobert St. On Sale Malt " 15544 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. {, Yeas Nays �.;._�;_ _-..i 7;2�i'd.. 193_. �osis /r' la/n In favor Approved 193 ete'son .Against Mayor enzel / rMr- President (Gehanr_- < PUBLISHED-/--)-- /� am 636Dlr- Al. - _r 11 i'i nmti _/'� r rte"' ■/t[, Q lR,po•,bCltf COYNmL JL ��./l 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL .as NO.......... l! 1w! OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES l TION ---GENERAL FORM — X - - -�... December 9, 1936 RESOLVED That license for Barber. application 15720, applied for by Garfield Olson at 125 E. Bifth St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New, State License $ 3942 COUNPdMEN Yeas aY6 ss ian c erson In favor ...... Against enol 3M 636 Mr. Vice I resident (Truax) i C. F. No.. 106896—By G. H. Bar[uae— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce= Resolved that license for Barber.aD- plication 1"I". spplted for by Garfield Olson at 126 E.. F7fth -St. be and the came le hereby granted and the city 'clerk le Instructed to Issue each license oupon f the required the [tanto the city treasury New State License No. 2942. Adopted by the Council Dec. 9. 1936. Approved Dec. 9. 1936. (Dec. 12. 1936) Adopted by the Council. Wq.--.(1 ] L Approved .. __ ......... ... 193....... ....y.. / .!.. .............._... _. Mayor or4a—t to city CW* crurtcr� 10589'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL .,s NO-- OFFICE O_...OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �COUN SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ......._.DATE..,_December...9. 1936 PRESENSIUNE ._. ...._.�r.-.--..•—...... '-'..".".............._......_.... .............. ......... ........... RESOLVED. !!! LL That license for Barber, application 159W. applied for by Melvin C. Bienlen at 7116 Tatum St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury d' the required fee. New, State License $2681 COiJILMEN Yeas // aYs use Ian In favor f CC . Against W. esident 31 11 Mr. V ident (Truax) C.F .MNTruax89Irvng C. PeaBa�tuse— Resolved,-that ucense for Barber, up - C iKlenlen at746PPatiure St., be andlvia the la hereby granted and the city ..a1. is Instructed to Issue each Is of the reQa red teento the city treasury New. State by a No. 2881. Approveed by the Council Dec. 9. 1936. Approved Dec.(Dec. 1288 838) Adopted by the Council .........-DEG ........9....193r93...... o 4 Approved...... ............ Mayor - O4ia�lto Gl'/(IOr{I COUNCIL ■f 1.-1g / CITY OF ST. PAUL nut NO_ ......... .... FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL OLUTION--- GENERAL FORM Y .` Deoember COMMISSIONER_ ....._.....___.._DATE..................................................................._.........__ RESOLVED `That license for Barber, application 15718, applied for by Harry Papas at 443 Broadway, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. - F. No. 106898 —By f}. H. 3-fues— F. M..True.. Irving C. Pearoe— Resolved, that license for Barber, ap- pplfcatfon 16718, applied for by -Harry h i ae at 449 Broadway, be and the same e ereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to i.... such license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the reaulred fees. Nem. State License NQ. 4048. ' 'Adopted by the Council Dao. 9,.1986. Approved DDea.C,136.96) NOW. State License 44046 COUNMEN Yeas CI Nays . s In favor Against e11ac1 3M 636 Vjae 1'resideut LTnwx) Adopted by the Council __.... DEC ..._ 9__W6,193...... DEC 9 15'6 Approved............................................. _.................. .193....... �./..._.... /_......r._........... Mayor � 105899 j'}IDRI�DTXBY OBI1�nR "'oeePa ppaeerpcuns c "'J:0 Ar" t south o Be aN A, Y" COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY O r •A'.1 �rc $y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing a sewer on Duke Street from Niohigan'$treet to a point llo feet south of Superior Street, under Preliminary Or 108578 approved ootober 29, 1988 The Council of the' City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. tThat the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oonstruot a sewer on Duke Street frowNichigen Street to a point 110 feet south of Superior Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 822.80. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th 8th day of January _ 193-1— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councflnn 'E' 91936 193— Approved DEC 193— Clerk Mayor Councihna c 'OT` ' Rarfuss / Councilmar�I' a i -!len W ? ce CouncilnsatA'earce- Councilmarl=Aosen ' ruax Couneilmar1Veaaet'�`c P" enzel Ge`.ran Form. S.cAt'W-1 {Tram PUBTiSID1 ---� -•: z eramiarid4 ' - . 'i ;,the COUNCIL FILE NO Wa b ,we $y mR d INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block M .Stinsoa'a Addition from Minnehaba Street to Fauquier Street, to conform to the red line on tib profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading Alley in Blook 16, Stiaeon's Addition frog Minnehaha Street to Fauquier Street to the proposed red line,whm establish sd,, under Preliminary Order 1880 nppronh' go�ember-6, 1986. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the -Commissioner of -Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, heieby resolves:•: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the' grade of k Alley in Block 16, Stinson's Addition from Mirmshaha Street to Fauquier Street, to conformto the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon; also grade Alley'in Blaok 18, Stinson's, Addition from Minnehaha Street to Fauquier Street 'to the proposed red linewhen established, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1161.40. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 6th day of Jaa m , 193_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DEC 9 1936-,193 �— Approved_ D E G 19 1 193— try Clerk Mayor Councilman?"" Rarfuse Councilman[2tdajc.- CouncilmanrPeamb CouncilmanERomn-' on Councilmanfengblz,� rel Gciian - Forift �ict� �'S--4cent (Truax) PUBLISHED- -----+ II�ITERIV�DIARY OPD s under Preliminary Order auooao approu*a – The Council of:,the �`ft�of Sc`Paui3 aaving-received the rep- nf, tht,OD unlssioner of Finance upon �' the'above improvenusrt, and having considered said report, hereby sesotves 3. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and ad"opted; -and the said improvement is 'hereby oideredto be proceeded with: 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is change the grade of- Alley in Sloolc 3. Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Oat-Lots iroa s point 420 feet north of NebraskaAvenue to Hoyt Avenue to confora,to the red line on the profile hereto attpohid and made a part hereof, the present established grads being shown W the'blue"line thereon. Also grade Alley in Block b, Hoyt's Rearrangement or Hoyt's Caaor:oat Lots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.239,77. "Resojv pl Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 6'_ day of Jaanar7r 1931—'at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the Commissioner-of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CoundU- n slte�193 ApprovedREQ —M193— tty Clerk Mayor CouncilmanijigRgalkini Barfuas Councilmat")Iay-< F#in<ilan CouncilmanrPeaxca-: t Hrce l CouncilmarYAosea Peterson (1/ . � rusllsl�n G Councilmar&WVW z:aw ` Wenzel Sr. y Gehan Form. �Aj � ldeut (Trues) i 1flV✓'UV ,1 COUNCIL FILE NO......... ..__.._.._.._....__ CITY OF $T. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for aourbing Fairmount Avenue from Kenneth Avenue to Cleveland Avenue, ;vara age�de�a o+ -t of tna $pas'' . ''fnt Aeequ�prran°Eri� rr - under Preliminary Order - ...... 103602.............................. Intermediary Order .lflrdB66 _ .. 10W _ .July_14i._.--.._-:._............;:.-:.••---- Final Order...-•----••-•-------.__----•-•-----------.., approve$.-:- ..-L..-._. ,. _ . _ ' _ , The assessment of... -114A4 4,._ogpta„agd'ezH t ±!�i..:. ..... -for arid -in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Coupcil, and the Council having considered same and;. found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..............::....day of J ? ryi ........ -- ..................... 19.57.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of add meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council .... _-... _DE.. .. 1�6 9 g _ .......-•- .... City Clerk. Appseved............... n�Y.........................19......... ........................... v - .., Mayor. Councilman Barfass Councilman Findlan Councilman KeDonsld-'— i ce Councilman�lslsad - : � r ,, .-rsnn � • Councilman PUBLISHED ,'L= 3016W& 10csident (Truax) 2114.' Uid river to 3Pd: & app 1 V I Adopts. Nays Yeas l Nays =Yeas / /� . _ '.�.� ✓_.. _' ... a ass. ^— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6840, entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public health, safety, order, convenience,nj prosperity and general welfare by providing for «brvrP,x ¢e tatto c cU. the classification, regulation and restriction of Th1Fq the location of trades and Industrie:, and the .* height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or F altered; and regulating and determining the mini - am size of lot line courts and other open spades, and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," approved July 7th, 1922. This is an emergenoy ordinance rendered necessary.for the preservation of the public peace, health and; safety. THE COWICIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT pAUL DOES ORDAINS section 1. !Pkat Ordinance No. 6840, approved July -7th; 1922 "be and the some is. hereby amended so as to rezone the Aorth.;side of Laurel Avenue from 100 feet east of Snelling Ave - nus.. to Saratoga Dtraet, in >a Class "BO Residence Distriet''in- stead of,Olass "Allas at present. Section S. This ordinance is hereby declared to ,be -an emergency ordinance rendered neoessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section S. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss e n^ Pearce Parce . Pe Peterson Truax Wenzel YP de (Gehar}�� Attest: !// City Clerk 300 9.36 DEC 31 19H Passed by the Council .------ _ •--------••------------------------------ - - ....- - ..... In Favor ---------------- - --- - Against ,DEC 31. c� Mayor j,UBLTIHED I"2-3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R..f. FERGUSON��+ City Clerk and Commissloner of Registration " V December 9th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached petition in the matter of rezoning the north side of Laurel Avenue from 100 feet east of Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Street from Class "A" to Class "B" Residence district was referred to you, by the City Council, for the preparation of an ordinance granting this petition. Yours very truly, �._.._ - v, 7 City Clerk. Adopted by the Council 193— Ycas Nays zSS =E � N x ZZEL MR. pRESIDENT (GEHAI) O4��sv oJM . THE: BOARD OF' ZO.. G; Established by,Orditibnte No. ¢840 Auqust 22„1922 l a SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA' 234 COURT "HOUSE / Noveaber 25th, 1936. ISAAC-SUMMERNELD, G aihman 1 LOUIS BETI - ALBERT BUENGER . - EGIN WAHMAN. - BERNARD J. McGLYNN' II pmrrrtox To a�zoxmm. CHARLES BASSFOBD, City Amhitec GEORGE H. HERROLD, pe�ttian having' bbgp Ned reques& Engineer Seaetery n tbet Ordinnnba, No 681:0 approveQ IIY7ttr, X888, Lha. eam4 pbfn6,nn' orAAk. tne0 for thb"Purpose of promotingg ttr• bllc trealth, eatetY, order, coavenleo �• -oep4rlty and general welfare by p Ferguson, Ins.., for, the c nzeldcatlon J e tela . City Clerk• estrlotton ofthe tooaHon.oF tM1 • Indnetr §e It , bolllle tL� r Dear Bir 1yrY?,`'��• In the matter .of, application of Robert Tricker' et al. to ';rezone the north side of; Laurel Avenue.` between Saratoga and the. ^G" Res lie44oe Zoning on Snelling Ave.,, this being Lots 18 to "290' both inclusive, Lemke!s Addition. This site: was, formerly occupied by greenhouses. All of the frontage on Snelling Avenue is zoned "C" Residence; the frontage on seP9 Aver': immediately be of; this property is "B" Residence'`- changed from "A" to'nBP Residence a few years ago, and the property in question11 "A" Residence.-These: lots are 40: ft. in width- by ill ft. ft'depth, with no alley. The owners have sold a lot and,part'o - -an ad- joining lot in several; instances in order to provide a driveway from Laurel Ave.; but as a duplex, in"An' "A" Residence District requires',60'ft. frontage and 7500 sq.f.t. in area, the owners and purehasers are requesting this "change in orderthat the development may;`:be of a double-hous.a.'or duplex• chargater. The petition has been certified as sufficient by the Commissioner.6i' Finance. After a careful investigation; the Board believe that it would-be desirable to mAt this 'chafige and recommend that: Lots-18 to 29, both inclusive, Lemkft -Addition, be .changed from *A" Resideuce�W. 'Residence. Yours very truly," GB( RG11 A&HROLD ' Biig-neer-8ecretary. gh-rh pdi�: AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier .OIW® November 24, 1936. To the Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I have rechecked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning North side of Laurel Avenue from 100 feet east of Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Street from Class "A" to Class "B" Residence district, and find that same is sufficient. Yours very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner mtwmm;m . . i , T t� 1st. "''J 2nd. Laid over to 3rd, &app• ,� Adopted Oras Nays Yeas Y ys fn B us 1 i Ian ar er ax uax � erson j '_ VVVV uax V Wenzel 'J/ enzel S- Pres. Ge6an r. Pres. Geha 0..G U U ro cm uaa ORDINANCE Vey{ COUNCIL FILE NO v (� VI� ®• PRESENTED BY �+ ��L^ ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance appropriating the balancesremaining in the Park Fund 18-R, Playground Fund 19-R and Publ&c Building Fund 20-R, at the end of the year 1936, after all obligations and purposes for which the funds were appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. (az r The Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain:;Sy1atQ� r� 1 1F .ap. 8ID '- ABA Section 1. That the balances remaining in the Park Fund 18-R, Playground Fund 19-R and Public Buildings Fund 20-R, are hereby appro- priated and set aside for the purpose of purchasing supplies and materials in connection with W. P. A. construction projects carried on in parks and playgrounds. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren el Mr.,Fe eh )K,-,?— Attest: 300 6-34 City Clerk Passed by the Council_ DEC 31 193s In Favor Against :.QED � in 7Ad- -� y PI]13Li:iI11';U f_� Ist. Laid over to 3rd. &.2PP- Yeis Uss , ON than 2nd. i Adopted Nays Yeas as NNaa s P rce c on ruax Pres, ,Gehsn �D Pres. Gehan Is] ofting to at7 Oak ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY gl g ORDINANCE NO. 4 17 ' An ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in Charter Fund No. 30, It= A_l I A-2 and A,3, at the end of the year 1936 after all obligations and purposes for which the fund was, appropriated have been provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation Of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF TNN CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the balance remaining in Charter Fund No. 30, Item A-1, A-2 and A-3, at the end of the year 1936, after all obligations and purposes for which the fundus appropriated have been provided for, Is hereby appropriated and set aside for the specific purpose of purchasing materials and supplies, or for paying supervisory salaries for RPA Project No. 3487. section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an 6, emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. or; Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barluss Findlan Pearce Peterson Truax Wenzel Mr. Pr n Ge Attest: 01 ........ . .... ......... y Cie'rk-7 --------------------- Cit 3H 9-36 DEC 131 IN6 Passed by the Council----------------------- ---- - .....------. ouncil-------------------------------------------------------- ............. In Favor A * ---------- ggt gs A proved:- - 11ED -------------------- Mayor _ pT,11L1, _:_ o.t wcuY cls CITY OF ST. PAU!_sa.a o�''c�,,,NO.� q tgdvamee�i:' on b stn+'1jatY .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK uS ap]oolc $ 'lbenrot tho Coyst 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE odd• at ypb,te� be. > ' Pt/r Vll� vvv^�LJ Yrz onRran�Ffr, PRESENTED SY < ,–,- "f}e'H�,og MMMISSIONER......._r._. ..._._ ..__.. _ ......._ .____..... _.._............. r WHEREAS, as provided by Council;File No. 3,®b684, approved November 13, 1936, the Council did, on the 8th day.of Seeodber, 1936, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council ChsAber ol.the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon, the advisability and necessity of wreaking that certain one and one-half story frame dwelling located an Lot 8, Block 9, Marshall Addition, also known as No. 107 Eva Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and danger- ous to life, limb and ad4aining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. i I OUNC I MEN Yeas N a Adopted by the Council............_ DEC 1019 1�_ ..............:........ ....... ..._ uss Fuyo�dn e non r _ In favor �... ' �i Against A roved..............................._...__._.._...._. PP G- � g D.E. �GEr i0 _ Mayor nzel reeident-(Gehan -= 3M 6.36 Mr. Vice i t-c��ideitt (Truax) YUBLISI�D��-i 56 CITY OF SAINT PAUL fto(v Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L: R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 9th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the attached file in the matter of the condemnation of that certain one and one-half story frame dwelling located on Lot 9, Block 9, Marshall Addition, known as 107 Eva Street with the request that you prepare resolution (2nd) con- firming this condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. } Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) erfonal W Oty ClerkJ1 � yo CITY OF ST. PAUL os C° NO.---- -•- OFFICE OF THE CITY C °'<<"''' rL�—RAE—SSOLYTIOJN/�j FORM PRESENTED_ BY , DATS l:. ivkre^� e.e • BI Whereas, the Sirmag Bund Committee did on December 3, 1936 a for bids to be submitted on City of Saint Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota and Federal obligations, and Whereas, bids were received and opened in the Mayorrs office at 2=00 P.M. Wednesday, December 9, 1936, and the Sinking Fund Committee recc®nends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee and accept the following offers= NAAA OF ATR f ffiND OF BOND CiJNT RATE MATURITY YIELD 2,000 Dl4lyatsn 8o Co. St.Paul Water Jan. 1, 1953 2• 5 Wells Dickey Co. Minn. R. C. 2,000 41% June 1,1954 2.60 Mannheimer -Caldwell Minn. R. C. 1,000June 1,1904 2.60 company St.Paul School 1,000 � Apr. 1,19119 2.40 First Boston Corp. " " Sewer 1,000 2j% Oct. 1,1948 2.25 And Whereas, the cash account in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Bead shows an overdraft at the present time, the Sinking Fund Committee recommends the purchase by the General Sinking Fund of $295,000 U- S. Treasury Notes now held in the Permanent Improvement Revolving Bund* and Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above purchases should be made, therefore be it, Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to consummate the above transactions* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss Fiudlan earce ------------- favor P Tib°s°>y�.- Pvt-rson :Tr• ax j 0 Truax L3 ar! ! --------------- Against ems; President (Gehan) j asp a -as Adopted by the CounoiL_-.&E_b-.j&- jq* -•193..--.. Approved....--...-..^ ... ............ .... _...-..---193----- i Mayor YUBLISIi1:D1 `L1�—��/o 0,40-1. CUT Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RF401,UTION--GENERAL FORM 105912 2NAN' No *W695FROX IIHEREAS, B. X. Brennan, his made application for relief to the Ninnesota. Tax Commission relative to. delinquent tamesOLd assess- ments on the following described property, to wits Late 6 and 6, Block 6, Brunson's Addition; and TIHEREAS, the delinquency totals the am of $1,384.88, and the applicant offers to pay In full settlement thereof the am of $750.001 therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $311.83 shall be first deducted from the total payment of #750.00, And that said sum of $311.83 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1,384.e8. 'COUN MEN Yeas Na a ZBa ss an. Io favor non Against 'tnzel . President (Gehan) IM &3, Adopted by the Council ........... DEC 1.0 IM93_- Approved . .................. BEG 10 193 C/..../:.._ .......... i .'_J. Mayor pUBLjS11ED_ZzQ_L- DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL B"1551- OFFICE OF 7HEr0MPTROLLER FILENo------- 3 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION __�_"IF V;R AUDITED CLAIMS --- ----- De -q= -er--9 -------------- 19--36 0900"— 1 r BOIL RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE 0 E#Y TREASURY. ----- COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE A F TO ---- INCLUSIVE #0 "1 i & CHECKS NUMBERED COMPTROLLER. AS ADOPTED BY THI PER CHECKS ON LI N T E OFFICE TME OMPTRO ER. ----------------- – - APPROZV------ ---------- --- – ----- ------ c COMPTROLLER . ..... - ------ BY ------ je��' ------------ -------------- – ---------- MAYOR c. F. No. 105913 TOTAL DATE I—d. that checks be d'nl- on RETURNED V CHECK th�etc to the aggreg�te IS 1UR.1M.N'T t,emury. Lk TRANSFER '�ity ........ NUMBER nmount of .84. etiing 1�hcc TRANSFE DIS URSEMENT BY BANK numbered 3 85 30900, inclus ve, CHECK CHECKS 0 Vo in the office of the I per check, on le 'It, ,-ptr, ler. t.c Ad ted by 1�oii Dec. III, 1936 op 6)RD ATIP,ov,d Dec. 10.21 • 30854 Patriat Hagerty 2 4 30955' 1- latz0vitz 25 30956 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin w 00 14 0 30857 Axel F., Peterson, 0, of finance 3� 30859 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin ce 726 4 30859 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin m oe 611 30860 James Hammer 8�02� 4 30861 John Lynch 30862 Minnesota Contractors$ Ino- 34 0 a 3086 John Rose 0 0 41 4 8 3099 Lindstrom & Anderson 31 6n: a 30865 Okes construction Company 33 46 3 30866 Leonard N. Thompson 2ZO 0 30867 Mrs.JM Ayd, Guardian 0 0 30968 Home City Oil Company 101 30869 Z. Duftvitz 10 30870 Ribs Motor Company 6 175'O 30871 American Chemical Society 17 5 30972 Blair Transfer company 1 3 3097J. Mark Dalglish 8 85 30872 H.B. Fuller Company 3 3ZZ 30875 The Gateway City Transfer Company 30876 inter City Paper Company 31 4o .301977 joesting & Schilling Company 2 49 301178 David Henry Kyes 2 50 30979 Lampland Lumber Company 152 32 7 30980 i National Expert window Cleaning Go. 121 00 30891 Northern states Power 00"Paul 424 6 30882 states Power Oompanj. 63511 Northern 526'3 30N N.N. Fuel Company 30889 T.W. Fuel Company 3 79 29 30885 Otis Elevator company 612 00 .30886 Pink Supply Company 7 46 301197 Purity Baking company 177 27 30888 Royal Typewriter Company 101 25 308119 The George T. Ryan Company 498 ob 30890 qt.Paul Bottling Company 32'6o 30891 St -Paul Builders Material Con any IS 44 30892 st-Paul Institute 333 34 30893 St.p&ul Vocational School Rev Fund 3 117 1115 • 30894 st.paul white Lead & Oil Oomp 7 301199 Silver ATraw Company 4 GO 30896 L.A. Soler, Cashier W.D. 191 30897 Jack Stark 9 rl 30899 E.H. Straube 12 25 30899 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. company 5 6 30900 Tri-State Tel. & TeIg. Company 31 09 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM a.ao it 7- r 41 � .j i j € � � ;� � c c k i !ii! � L DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL B"1551- OFFICE OF 7HEr0MPTROLLER FILENo------- 3 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION __�_"IF V;R AUDITED CLAIMS --- ----- De -q= -er--9 -------------- 19--36 0900"— 1 r BOIL RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE 0 E#Y TREASURY. ----- COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE A F TO ---- INCLUSIVE #0 "1 i & CHECKS NUMBERED COMPTROLLER. AS ADOPTED BY THI PER CHECKS ON LI N T E OFFICE TME OMPTRO ER. ----------------- – - APPROZV------ ---------- --- – ----- ------ c COMPTROLLER . ..... - ------ BY ------ je��' ------------ -------------- – ---------- MAYOR c. F. No. 105913 TOTAL DATE I—d. that checks be d'nl- on RETURNED V CHECK th�etc to the aggreg�te IS 1UR.1M.N'T t,emury. Lk TRANSFER '�ity ........ NUMBER nmount of .84. etiing 1�hcc TRANSFE DIS URSEMENT BY BANK numbered 3 85 30900, inclus ve, CHECK CHECKS 0 Vo in the office of the I per check, on le 'It, ,-ptr, ler. t.c Ad ted by 1�oii Dec. III, 1936 op 6)RD ATIP,ov,d Dec. 10.21 • 30854 Patriat Hagerty 2 4 30955' 1- latz0vitz 25 30956 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin w 00 14 0 30857 Axel F., Peterson, 0, of finance 3� 30859 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin ce 726 4 30859 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin m oe 611 30860 James Hammer 8�02� 4 30861 John Lynch 30862 Minnesota Contractors$ Ino- 34 0 a 3086 John Rose 0 0 41 4 8 3099 Lindstrom & Anderson 31 6n: a 30865 Okes construction Company 33 46 3 30866 Leonard N. Thompson 2ZO 0 30867 Mrs.JM Ayd, Guardian 0 0 30968 Home City Oil Company 101 30869 Z. Duftvitz 10 30870 Ribs Motor Company 6 175'O 30871 American Chemical Society 17 5 30972 Blair Transfer company 1 3 3097J. Mark Dalglish 8 85 30872 H.B. Fuller Company 3 3ZZ 30875 The Gateway City Transfer Company 30876 inter City Paper Company 31 4o .301977 joesting & Schilling Company 2 49 301178 David Henry Kyes 2 50 30979 Lampland Lumber Company 152 32 7 30980 i National Expert window Cleaning Go. 121 00 30891 Northern states Power 00"Paul 424 6 30882 states Power Oompanj. 63511 Northern 526'3 30N N.N. Fuel Company 30889 T.W. Fuel Company 3 79 29 30885 Otis Elevator company 612 00 .30886 Pink Supply Company 7 46 301197 Purity Baking company 177 27 30888 Royal Typewriter Company 101 25 308119 The George T. Ryan Company 498 ob 30890 qt.Paul Bottling Company 32'6o 30891 St -Paul Builders Material Con any IS 44 30892 st-Paul Institute 333 34 30893 St.p&ul Vocational School Rev Fund 3 117 1115 • 30894 st.paul white Lead & Oil Oomp 7 301199 Silver ATraw Company 4 GO 30896 L.A. Soler, Cashier W.D. 191 30897 Jack Stark 9 rl 30899 E.H. Straube 12 25 30899 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. company 5 6 30900 Tri-State Tel. & TeIg. Company 31 09 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM a.ao it 7- 41 2nd.--�?����%� Laid over to 3rd. &app. ^'Adopted Yeas / ays Yeas ays /I fussAarjdsj e /F�'ndlan, i / as . / arce erson, / q� e son ruax lIIVVII/// enul14 enul Mr. Pres. Gehan. r. Pres. Gehan OrlWmt m gV,Cterk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY HermaYt Q. w8 a ORDINANCE NO., - ti Ai'Ordinance appropriating the balance remaining in the street Fuiid*Code 22, at the end of the year 1936 after all obligati and' urposes for which the funds were appropriated have been - provided for. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservance of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1. That the balance remaining in -the ,Street Lighting Fund, Code 22, of the D'epartmeht of Public Utilities. at the termination of the year 1936 be and the same is hereby appropriated for the specific purpose of buying new equipment for the Street Lighting Department. SECTION 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. si`xxn,33 _ -. xr.-a#a% Y=a Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ..__.. RE0.214.....-.._-.. Pearce Peterson ,\ Rosen U In Favor Truss Warren ---------------------------- ---Against We el Mr. a (Gehan)�' e� 1 Approved:.....---- -------• - -- ---------------------------- Attest: ----- - ----- .. �n Attest: / ------- ----- City Clerk ayor sou +-as PUBLISHED_��s- 1p WMI.0 2nd.-1�?r��� Laid over to/ 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas a s LISSV s Ian dan i n arce rc e rson ruax uax (/ enzel ' !' enzel / Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan and D;rpoees !or Svhlch the:" funa6 I were apDroDrfatad�have been Dro- vlded Adnncii 'of 1bthe `Ciky dohia. This 80t6' ren Ha�gytti11io of -blaaafety. eDubPaul The'.t does rdat- ' That the'balanoe..'_yematning tin the General sFuhd Code sl 611; Alrport- 19EBabe anthe 4he c;MroaeS le herebyyaD- DDroDrlatdd for the"aDaoina D).u'Poee -1mProvld8 Fleld'at _A1rD0r&-, . gHfCrrON 8 This �Ordlaanae e] all take .eEeat aad be tn. tone from and atter 1ta _Daseage -. and poll aatfaA. " PaeaO��by-the Couuafl Dee 81, 19H8• Yeas COPna4lmeti. Hattuea. ;Slndlan, Peterson Tius=, Wenael, Mr.; Prs.1- ;ADProved Dea- 81, 1888 M008 61i1HAN. .. Ilsyor. AtteOt: L. R S.GABON« City' Clerk: DEC 3119 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Colmcil----------------..---..--.-... _,: Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor p Truax, s Warren ................ .... A a nst , We V 31 Mr. (Ge D Attest: (/ .......... --------------- Cit 'Clerk Mayor 300 4-35 1 W, 1st. zna. Z!7L 7b Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas a s foss a dIan t It 'Ye rson ruax oax enzel rl enul Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gahan rl�inilmCit7 ©arkO RI}INANCE oos!COUNCIL FILE i10. $Arman C • Wankel ORDINANCE NO. An Ordinance appropriating the balance remaiai:ig in the (}me al"`F nd Code 81 Q 1,..A :rpArt 1Xt1aY,• at` the encL of the 'year 1936, elCer 8171 obli.ggations and parposes��for whish the tliride•ware appropriated ' .have beau` P*64Sdad.. Per: This is an emergeaoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health sad'saPety. The Coanoii of the City of Sts, Paul does ordain: SECTSON 1. In the General Fund Code 31 G11, That�tiie balance remaining i Airport Outlay, at the terminationof the year 1936 be and the same is:>herebY'appropriated for the specifie-purpose o atP improving 'Field =: Aiporis SECTION 2. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after -its passage and "publication. `N06, 1C Ord(nal— nae -WenseR9 He, A8 Ordlnaes aDpiePrlating the Dslaaoe. rematnin6 1a the (leneragt Fnnd Code ' Hl QSl. "36rt, Ontlsy. at the sad o1. the veer 1888 attar alts o1d16aUona and Durpoeee for ;whloh the --Sunds' were app"pAat d,;, have been Dro- .-vlded Loi , Thls le an emergency ordlnaaae Lea- - dared: necessary for i3e Preaetvation of the pubne peace, healthand e8 a Paul The CouneI of the:;City doee'ordatn: RECTION 1: That the batanoe<;r malnt gA. the- 6eneral:_.Fand. Code 31 011._ At rt sand t.rmtvatl f. the year 19ea e a d the—m I 'her.by yyroprlated Sor fhb epeMflc'pnrD.ee oi_ SmorovinB'Fleld Bt:NL'D.n This Ordinanea eltall tttka.eGeet and be In f.me.from and atter ita•D sad publloattom - ' Passed Dy, the CounollLDea'HS.'1996. Yeas-Cognollmen:Eartsaa: ,:ndlan., Pearce, ,:Peterson ,Trues. Wenzel, Mr. - P,teold eat, (OehsaS-7 Nays=O APProved Dec: 81;;1988 41 M• 8. 6E1� or. test_ R• B:�FFfRpII90N, City Ch rk. (Tan:8-2982)'.. -- DEG X119 Yeas Councilmen Nays - Passed by the Council....... ................... -••- , Pearce Peterson Rosen In Favor Truss _ Wbiren ---------- _ . Against We' ;. Mr. (G __, , "'' Ap " r Attest: City'Clerk Mnyor 300 {-33 1 wim 11 odat.aWa4Clwk ORDINANCE 105916 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) Any further available surplus shall be used for the purchase of up farm equipment, or it may be held for the purpo8 a fund to acquire title to any such workhouse farm. Section 7. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce Peterson U ,I,r= ;�� Mri a Attest. --------•--- .. •.. ---••. ......... -............. City Clerk 3" 9.36 Passed by the Council .....D.EG 31 ...............In Favor ................ ........ ....Against nF^ 31 - "rorrooveveed..------•---- _- ----•-----•-•---.... _.-------- .......... ............. .. .... .. ...-....... ay°,�—�9 pUBL1SHLD� oa rWcncwt CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITYCLERK 1911L NO...:.._105917 �imd@r '94 rconareW .. Whereas, all items of the Kellogg Boulevard Improvement constructed under the extension of the United Improvement Council Program and aided by federal grant under Minnesota Docket #1117-R, hayebeen completed with the exception of concrete finish- ing of, portions of the structure, painting of railing and light posts, sidewalks, sodding, loam surfacing, landscaping, seeding and sprinkling system, which items could not be completed this year on account of weather conditions, and Whereas, the roadways included in this improvement have been opened up to o traffic for continuous use by the public and such use will not in the future be impared by the operations necessary to complete the aforesaid items, and Whereas, all items of cost yet of niblico bbe done o the aforesaid project t have been determined by Department Whereas, it appears that when all expenditures are made and credit receeii ed for all federal grants, assessments, refunds, etc., a balance of $40,538.00 ll remain in the United Improvement Council Program funds, and Whereas, under Chapter 374, Sesaion Laws of 1985, any balance remaining,,, after completion of the Kellogg Boulevard Improvement may be expended for the improvement of Prospect Boulevard; therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council of the City of St. Paul do hereby certify to the Board of County Commissioners that the sum of $40,336.00 will remain in the United Improvement Council Program fund after all expenditures are made -and re- funds credited, and be it Further Resolved, That the City Council do hereby request the Board of County Commissioners to appropriate the aforesaid amount, or as much thereof as may e necessary, for the acquiring of the land and the necessary buildings uncil d the Board out the Prospect Boulevard improvement as adopted by the City of County Commissionera, and be it Further Resolved, That the State Director of the Public Works Administration be and he is herein requested to facilitaattenthe fi#1117-R, payment of federal grant allotted to the Kellogg Boulevard Improv , Docket COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce .......... �lF Peterson Against n eeident (�ei�--'+ 3M 636 Mx. Vice presideut (Truax) f� Adopted by the Council...... DEC ...1.1.-.19`;6...193...... Approved..................................................................193....... ........... . ..Mayor pUBLISFIED 1 1`1 q_ T odda eo cur ct.h GOpM61 NO._�Lt¢9 is a CITY OF ST. PAUL -^-.�` , �l neviCE OF THE. CITY CLERK iceis- y it a�M RESOLVED Whereas, by preliminary order C. F. 99409 approved December 5, 1934, the grading, filling, construction of retaining walls, where necessary, construction of sidewalks, railings, curbing and aving of the River Levee on the east bank of the Mississippi River from Robert Street to the Municipal Barge Terminal, was authorized, and Whereas, the materials for permanent paving were eliminated from the original W.P.A. project, and Whereas, funds are noir available in the Business Street Bond Fund for the construction of permanent paving on the aforesaid River Levee between Jackson Street and Broadway Street, and Whereas, such Hinds may be utilized for the purchasing of materials, the furnishingof equipment, etc. for the permanent paving of this portion of the work, and Whereas, the cost of such materials, equipment, etc.., estim- ated at $18,000.00 may be applied as a sponsor's contribution for the comprehensive project of road construction, filling and surfacing of the Barge Terminal area, laying of track, water main and other miscellaneous items; therefore, be it Resolved, That the sum of $18,000.00 be set aside from the Business Street Bond Fund and appropriated to the purchasing of materials required in the paving and improving of the River Levee from Jackson Street to Broadway Street, and be it `r Further Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent be and he is herein instructed to purchase such materials on the basis of specifications prepared by the Commissioner of Public Works, the cost to be charged to the aforesaid Business Street Bond Fund. V couNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson ' 67 Against Truax Wenzel Mr. Preaident (Gehan) aM 6.x6 EcI1M, Adopted by the counci.................................._....._..._ 193..... ISS PU13LIS11ED in_/ y . , anal to Cit, Cl --k eoutrea a�•j919 " .CITY ,OF ST. PAUL OFF F THE' CITY CLERK CO ESL TIONGENERALFORM pprszN {/ neTr necemb-e-r ........... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorizd to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the BARNSDALL REFINING CORPORATIOR, at a price of $ .11503 per gallon, less 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund— Municipal Equipment— 1003-134 n3rHBu, TOttlBT One '� ,_.. QQU ga11— In lon. _ . octane tron " InjI. s blS.lioa, ]epe s t. i tax and "stat. j�a In Munls<,lpp, hale 8tr., i, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against .._.......�_... Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council_DE.0 1.1 1936......_193..... DEC I 1 19 Approved................................ _._................. ...... ._ 193_... WBLISHEDIQ_ 1— __ 5 C -t offnclln oeal.d to city G1.h xLVPZY U CITY OF ST. PAUL raax °a NO .............. ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Whereas, there is considerable cash in the General Sinking and Water Sinking Funds of the City of Saint Paul which is available for investment, the Sinking rand Committee did on December 10, 1936,in a meeting with representatives of various local bond houses authorize the following bond houses to act as a syndicate to purchase $1,000,000 United States 2-3/4% Treasury Notes, maturing 1954, callable 1951: ene-By Azel`F.L Wman & Company aletnklng°and 'If Harold M. Wood & Company ;a+d 'c-eaeia cf-ittee'.V,nvt �. Wm• G. Lynch & Co. .ae in' a meetl � Bigelow -Webb & Co. �CL'a i.',he r.. Greeaaman, McGuire & Driscoll t.*,- r?�e and, rand: Whereas, this syndicate purchased the following bonds for the Sinking $1,000,000 U. S. Treasury $1,030,312-50 3 Boonds8�� a 15, 1954/51 0 103 1/32 it is herewith recommended that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking rand Committee in the purchase of these bonds, and Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above purchase should be confirmed, therefore be it, resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of rinance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction - COUNCILMEN ®EC Z Yeas Nays Adapted by the Council_ ....... --.-_.....�.. -..-- --•-- 93_-... Barfnss f Findl�n °Pe ijm ... "•' .., 3 Pecr:a R019e3173 _-- ...... _ ... In favor Approved_ ............................. _........ ... 193-_-... 1'c!rrca Truas� - STIP.3 ----"- ----Against -'1-'^ Mayor 4Qesu�tl Mr. President (Gehan) `PUBLISIIED12 3M 11.35 Olm G7,Ye "y.r-: .. A'f a.^6M .waxen S'T. P/KF�4+ u ToW g v nuc NO. .............. iL:521 Adopted by the Council ......... _............... _... _......... ....... .... 193...... CITY OF 1 1a61cateA to Barfuss OFFICE OF THE CITY CN e'io tew°e sac _ ,. COU n� into the i,y'j• . - ION--ENEi� rasa OL G Peterson Against tto ';:y +31F lie TSeng y�j Mayor a or » ,+. , December 11. 1936 COMMIES...__...� _...._ ._ ....___.._.._ ._..._.._._ Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to leans such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; H. Shepard Jr. 728 White Bear Barber App .14191 Renew. C. A. Mibleis 501 Selby Ave. Coni. " 15350 " J. S. Fisher 1085 W. 7th St. Butcher " 15674 " G. H. Trautner 1220 W. Minnehaba Butcher 15721 Stanley Machovec 997 W. 7th St- Butcher " 15728 • B. Frishberg 504 State St- Butcher " 15810 " B. G. Want 458 S- Wabasba St. Fuel Dealer ■ 15820 " Frank Adams & Son 600 Drake St. Fuel Dealer " 15864 " Northwestern Locto Co. 791 Hampden Ave. Fuel Dealer " 15865 " H. V. Shepherd 352 Rice St. Gas Station " 15873 " Stanley Jambor 860 Selby Ave. Butcher " 15879 " DEC 111936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ......... _............... _... _......... ....... .... 193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved ..... .............. .......... Pearce Peterson Against ......... Mayor a or WenzelPUBLIS:Il D 36 Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 CITY OF ST. PAUL iuU"c" No....._._1``w12 ;Z -Of THE CITY CLERK ESOLUZION --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED i That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: C. J. & H. W. Anderson 1573 & 1956 Univ. Ave. 2nd Hand Mr. App. 8500: New (Old Gold) King McLean 1199 Laurel Ave. Bakery a 15633 a Frank Buasman 20314 Marshall Confectionery a 15813 a Clement Gervais 163 N. Snelling Butcher a 15889 a J. L. Hillaby 374 Wabasha, St. Hotel a 15777- a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss kadlan In favor Pearn Peterson 10 Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 DEC 111936 Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... DEC 111936 .Approved..................................................................193....... 23 CITY OF ST. PAUL nis"c1L No. ........... 4 t.4r�..9.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL , LUTI --GENERAL FORM RESOLVE6 That license for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15800, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15799, and Restaurant, application 15799, applied for by Mike Doheny at 1986 Stillwater'Road-be and the same are hereby genied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Mike Doheny the fees of $5.00, $50.00, and $10.00 and cancel said applications for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan . .., , In favor Pearce Peterson Against Traux Wermel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 DEC 111936 Adopted by the Council .................. ........ ..1....._...................193...... ......._..........__DE.i 11 1"36..193....... Approved. ............. /,..-.,,,_.... .............................Mayo........ OrWml w City Clak AA ((yy ((�� CITY OF ST. PAUL COeN4" JLlp�a724 m.s NO...__..._.,_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOWZION—.GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER.._,.(..._ ._(..y......._x........... :.Y.:....C�.....Y�........................................DATE..._......_R( oember 10, 1936 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, in the open market, without advertisement or competitive bids, Mazda electric lamps for the use of all city departments, as they are patented articles and no advantage could be gained by advertisement or competitive bids. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Peterson .................._..._- Against Twr_ Wenvi Id"elit 3M 636 Mr. Vice i lcaiL1=t (Truax) C..lPNo 106994+—Ey M. X. Ashan—:.. .Resolved;: that the, Purchasing Agent be. -and he 1s herbby authorized to pur- eflase . with Lhe .consent.. of the Com])-, trniter :{n,'(.he open atarke% without e'emeet adVertlor' comDetlt ve bide.: Mµsda electrSddamDa for;use of all city. dep6rt)nente�`as they are patented_ artl- .16s'and�no:'edvantage�eould be aalned by. Is. e. cowDetltive- ids.. AdoDteQ, by the Coune Dec. 14, 1986.. Al)Droved Dec. 14;1986:- Ltbeo. 19, 1989) Adopted by the Council.._DEG ...�_�,..1���...__ 193 __ QeC Approve1 4 1936 d............_........._...._._......._._.._......_..__ ,,......../c/..._........ ,sem-,--.__ .. Mayor original to city ©art CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE CITY CLERK COUNC LUTIOENERAL FORM PRESENTED B r DATE Comm ONE RESOLVED MUNCK. NO. -----105925 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 3-44 foot poles on oxford between Rondo and Carroll, with necessary guys, snohors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Oommon 00un0il and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Oompany. ltunioipal Estimate 25506. COUNCILMEN le Yeas Nays B. -fuss EMMM Findlan EW PearcelNos-e�7-------------In favor Peterson tTruas 3 �j Smo,y, -----------------Against Wenzel SNuilia E�aiderit-(G�h�3nl:'"3 3M 33-35 MS. viae 11l:.idellt (Tru") �r' ._... Adopted by the CounclL__..DEC .1_4 193. q- 1----•----- Approved_ ........... ................. ... .......... 193...... ----.. orlorml to city Clea COUNCILMEN O°' NO..--.. 19.lJ 926 I Nays CITY OF ST. PAUL /68 Pindlan OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK Rosea' OLU OW—GENERAL FORM coU __LU, TrMan ves" . eft. Deoember 9, 1936 PRESENTED BY COMMISSI0NE DAA tLn-prlmident-f0*4413 3M a -as ,aT t3t,?�t u ' RESOLVED / ...c13 oref . fp t v41--. •fco. uii..' ri. i .�,.ueated to q That the Northern States Power oompany be given permission to install 1..40 foot pole on prinoeton, between Prior and Sue, with neoessary guys, anohors, wires, and Telephone oompauy wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the common oounoil and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power oompanY. i[uaioipal ratimate 25292. CSC 14 ISM Adopted by the Council ...... - ...........................193...... BEG I ' 1:419 proved.. - 3 Q Mayor pUBLISHED_Lai 6 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Harfnss i Pindlan Rosea' ;>. r aUt; ._......In favor TrMan ves" . ;' Warred ----------46-----Against _di "-W-ze)f tLn-prlmident-f0*4413 3M a -as Mr. Vice 1 rsidenr (Truax) CSC 14 ISM Adopted by the Council ...... - ...........................193...... BEG I ' 1:419 proved.. - 3 Q Mayor pUBLISHED_Lai 6 105928 105929 �t4 ist,.. CITY O! SAINT• PAUL NOTICE ,. -. I i 9 4,2j jplCIL RESOLUTION + COUNCIL FILE NO.-- DOOOI�eT 199 TO S�O6b y ,file In tl, 4 PRINTER '• I La �I 1 n 14 1886 TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT lo s BE DRAWN ON THE CI IMGLUSIVE, AS PER RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS TO 2 COVERING CHECKS-NUMBERED OFi E OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFIC/2 DEC 1 ADOPTED BY TME COUNCIL (ro'e 'V I'l 198- l_�/ `f -4 Oj/�-•P"" By gpppOVED YUSLISI�%D I 30901 r 30902 � y � S} I � 30904 0. A. Haokert CITY OF SAINT PAUL eq '� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO 4 '5( 2 COUNCIt,�tEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _-._g__ r--_-__._____ —fpr 1f i1lSa ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION -49UN FAVOR as, Pet son AUDITED CLAIMS --- Dea mbsr--14-----------------7934--- .,..^-.. __ stme RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. _,_.--.,14J.OHEILIE Pr a. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_r-------. COVERING �— MR. PRES. ___ P • / __ U - A 9A� �( CHECKS NUMBERED___ ;TO__ _ . INCLUSIVE. R. AS ML. VICCADOP;I D BY 1'TE C -- _L -- �JV� PER CHECKS ON FILE FFI� ITYCO�}fTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_____-----_------------------� 7�/' APPRO ________ ___ _._,_.���yt:u' ___ CITY COMPTftOLLEft TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF '— RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _- _- ti- • 30901 1. G. Ringstrom 30902 Edward A. Furni, Supt. 30903 Harold F. Goodrich, 0omptr01 30904 0. A. Haokert 30905 ., Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fine 30906 . Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fine 30907 Beier Brothers 30909 Board of Public Telfars 30909 wm. Boesenmaier 30910 Yrs. 1'.A. Cammack 30911 Paul Chapel 30912 Feyen Construction Company 30913 Homer H. Royt company 30914 Fritz Koch 30915 N.H. Lang 30916 L.F. Neinaber 30917 I' M.Y. Seymour 30919 - Lowry Smith 30919 E.M. & H.F. Mare 30920 City of Meet St.Paul 30921 George F. Dix, Clerk of 9.01 30922 central Soap Company 30923 J. Mark Dalglish 30924 The Flox Company 30925 Hersey Mfg.Company 30926 Neptune Meter Company 30927 Northern States Power Compal 30929 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 30929 ' I 30930 waterous Engine works 30931 western Auto Supply company 30932'! Tbos. PT0kopowi0S 30933 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compi 3093 Tri–State Tel. & Teig. Compi 30935 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Compi 30936 Midwest Athletic Repair Corm 30937 Arner Eilinghouse 30938 Aome Construction company 30939 John Pederson 30940 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compi 30941 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Compi ® 30942 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compi 30943 Lampland Lumber Company 0111111M 30944. Metropolitan Transportation 30945 N.N. Bell Telephone Company 30946 : Paper, calmenson & Company 30947 Sculley Steel Products Comp 30948 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 30949 Twin City Hardwood Lumber 01 CITY OF SAINT PAUL eq '� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO 4 '5( 2 COUNCIt,�tEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _-._g__ r--_-__._____ —fpr 1f i1lSa ; COUNCIL RESOLUTION -49UN FAVOR as, Pet son AUDITED CLAIMS --- Dea mbsr--14-----------------7934--- .,..^-.. __ stme RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. _,_.--.,14J.OHEILIE Pr a. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_r-------. COVERING �— MR. PRES. ___ P • / __ U - A 9A� �( CHECKS NUMBERED___ ;TO__ _ . INCLUSIVE. R. AS ML. VICCADOP;I D BY 1'TE C -- _L -- �JV� PER CHECKS ON FILE FFI� ITYCO�}fTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_____-----_------------------� 7�/' APPRO ________ ___ _._,_.���yt:u' ___ CITY COMPTftOLLEft TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF '— RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _- _- ti- • 30901 1. G. Ringstrom 30902 Edward A. Furni, Supt. 30903 Harold F. Goodrich, 0omptr01 30904 0. A. Haokert 30905 ., Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fine 30906 . Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fine 30907 Beier Brothers 30909 Board of Public Telfars 30909 wm. Boesenmaier 30910 Yrs. 1'.A. Cammack 30911 Paul Chapel 30912 Feyen Construction Company 30913 Homer H. Royt company 30914 Fritz Koch 30915 N.H. Lang 30916 L.F. Neinaber 30917 I' M.Y. Seymour 30919 - Lowry Smith 30919 E.M. & H.F. Mare 30920 City of Meet St.Paul 30921 George F. Dix, Clerk of 9.01 30922 central Soap Company 30923 J. Mark Dalglish 30924 The Flox Company 30925 Hersey Mfg.Company 30926 Neptune Meter Company 30927 Northern States Power Compal 30929 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 30929 ' The Sta-fis Company, Inc. 30930 waterous Engine works 30931 western Auto Supply company 30932'! Tbos. PT0kopowi0S 30933 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compi 3093 Tri–State Tel. & Teig. Compi 30935 Tri–State Tel. & Telg. Compi 30936 Midwest Athletic Repair Corm 30937 Arner Eilinghouse 30938 Aome Construction company 30939 John Pederson 30940 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Compi 30941 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & Compi ® 30942 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compi 30943 Lampland Lumber Company 0111111M 30944. Metropolitan Transportation 30945 N.N. Bell Telephone Company 30946 : Paper, calmenson & Company 30947 Sculley Steel Products Comp 30948 J.L. Shiely Company, Inc. 30949 Twin City Hardwood Lumber 01 30950 The van Hoven Company, Inc. 40 0 201 9 37 2 160 6 1 266 3 39 9 16 6 61 20' 4 13,4 15 19 0 17' 1 2T 9 19! 7 19i 9 4496 333 39' o 131 7 16 0 486! o 732 0 1 415 0 30' 2 3% 5 17 0 2; 4 10,10 170; 1 198 3 103 9 7s,4 1 0 1 313 2 40'. 2 207' 144 51 325 -1- - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD + 75 000 100 315 128 rrI A 0111111M DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-.-------------- ------------ — WROY Oarfllas COUNCIL RESOLUTION December 11 - 36 =1.1' FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ---- ---------------------------------------79------ ROSEN earoe a son RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE D�g T,4CITY TREASURY. .......... . 'NT OF ---- COVERING ells • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT L 'M*P!Rm *Tt --TO ----- INCLUSIVE. AS ON Pi 5r� OFFIC F THE CI COMPTR ,O LER. COMPTROLLER CHECKS NUMBERED --"p 14r. Vice I resid ut PER CHECKS ADOPTED IBY NCIL -- ----------------- ----------- --- ------- - ------- _2 ;PP�RED 19 CHECK 't IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD '175 000 On 315 12921 30951 A I stenographic Bureau 12 7 30952 Ahlberg Bearing Company • 30953 The Ahrens Fox Fire Engine 04apany 5 1 30954 Air Reduction Sales Company 30952 Allen-Bradley Company 1 6 6 3095 American losoo. of P -Health 30957 American Book Company 2; 6 30958 American Hoist & Derriok Company Agency 120, 65, 30959 American Insurance 289:5 5 30960 Amerioan Linen Supply Companj� 30961 American Planning & Oivio Assoc. 0 3 0 30962 American Boo. of Heating & V.Mngrs. 5'0 36 4 3090 John D. Anderson 6 30964 Armour and Company 7' 30965 Association Press 3 9 30966 The Athletic Journal 1 5 30967 Atlas Gas & Oil Company' 71 Rao ner 30968 Austin -western Road H III Company 2'1 30969 Automotive Service Company 53 6 3097r) Badger Meter Mfg -Company Company 192 71 14'35 30971 A.G. Sauer Hardware 30972 Harold Bealks, 1'5 44'e9 30973 Belmont Corporat$on Company 3 60 30974 Berman Sporting foods 309*75 Blaokfriar's Pre6i 31;53 30976 Blaine Xleotrio company so 6 12 30977 B Line Service 5'74 30978 Blomberg's Grocery 30979 Boeringer & Son 75 30980 J.R. Bohbright Company 10 20 30981 Booth Fisheries Corporation Inc. 15'00 979'24 30982 Borchert -Ingersoll, 30983 S. Brand Coal Company 3Z 35 67 30994 Bray Ice & Fuel Company 1 6 20 30985 BTele, Inc. 30986 Brown and Bigelow 28'20 9407 30997 Brown and Day, Inc. 30989 Bucks Brothers 18;i85 2 00 30989 Capitol welding & Mfg.0ompany 30990 Carnegie-Tllinois steel Corp. 1 50 30991 Central scientific Company 17'37 ii -30992 Chicago Rivet & Machine Comp 4y 10'82 :30993 Chicago, St.Paul, Mpla. & O.Rr Clear Type Publishing Committee .Co. 1,9110,63 30994 30995 Coates Brokerage Company 12 00 r Coca Cola Bottling Company 44 oo ,�30996 30997 Coohran-Sargent Company 6 81 30998 Marl L Collins, Editor 4 00 �i30999 concord Laundry Company 1 20 .31000 C.R. Congdon Company E4 78 31001 COUSUMeTS Milk Company 186 77 31002 Go-Op.2aundry Company 31 88 3100 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 20 40 47 31N Crane Company 31005 crescent creamery company a 31006 F.S. Crofts and Company 3 00 31007 Cudahy Packing Company 2949 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 0 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL V iYq /-14 - ROLL -ALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. COUNCI. - ---------------------- C D rR DI °P a�oe Pei S V COUNCIL RESOLUTION �� _-- FAV R ..uses ��p on ;AUDITED CLAIMS - Deoe>ebes-ll-- 793 R.NIF— _ .AH,aAue . �,/ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE R(g1A QTM PEA r ITY TREABU RY, SU DHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF *•-----• COVERING �'- - MR. PRES. IS NIOU&- Pres. _ IS �q�q� -.- G ____. ING SIVE. AS :'d CHECKS NUMBER ED_31gJq,7Q--TO----� - Mt. Vic u! 11LDaa; • -•'• - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFI OF THE ITY CO ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_____-______-__.. _.---_..-_ � ______ ___ ______ APPR VED-___ -------- --- CITY COMPTROLLER -n �_ - MAYaR BY -----� - -- - ------------------------ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i,.e MA'.M 1, CAO 70 31008 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 31009 wells–Dickey Company 31010 Mannheimer–Caldwell, Ino. 31011 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 31012 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 31013 Allyn & Bacon 31014 Builder's Eng.Compauy 31015 Clear Type Publishing Companj 31016 Dainty Dott Bake Shop 31017 Adam Decker Hardware Company d � 31019 If 31020 The Detective Pub.Company 31021 Detroit Stoker Company 31022 I I 31023 Diebold Safe & Look Company 1 Domore Se ting Service i jl Drewry & done Company 31026 r 31027 Eastman Mfg. Company 31028 East Side Grocery Company 31029 O.R. Eckhardt Company 31030 Edwards Valve & Mfg.Company 31031 Slkhert Brass Mfg.Company 31032 Elk Linen Supply Company 31033 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 31034 Thos. J. Eggel welding h Mfg, 31035 R.P. Farrell 31036 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compaq 31037 Farwell, 0—un. Kirk & Compar 31038 F.Q. Faxon Company 3189 Federal -Oil Company 31 0 Fibro Brush Mfg.Company 31041 Field, Sohliok, Inc. 31042 H.Q. Fisher Photographic Sup; 3104Foote Lumber & Coal Company 31044 Frederio Hotel 31045 The French Book Shop 31046 Fuller Brush Company 31047 Gane Brothers & Lane, Inc. 31048 31049 Gangl and Company General Electric Supply Corp. 31050 General Electric Supply Corp. 31051 Generator Specialty Company 31052 '' Gillette Pub.Company 31053 " Ginn and Company 31054 Goodyear Service 31055 R.L. Gould and Company 31056', Greene Engraving Company 31057 Griswold Signal Company 31058 ' Grossman Instrument Company 4 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL V iYq /-14 - ROLL -ALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. COUNCI. - ---------------------- C D rR DI °P a�oe Pei S V COUNCIL RESOLUTION �� _-- FAV R ..uses ��p on ;AUDITED CLAIMS - Deoe>ebes-ll-- 793 R.NIF— _ .AH,aAue . �,/ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE R(g1A QTM PEA r ITY TREABU RY, SU DHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF *•-----• COVERING �'- - MR. PRES. IS NIOU&- Pres. _ IS �q�q� -.- G ____. ING SIVE. AS :'d CHECKS NUMBER ED_31gJq,7Q--TO----� - Mt. Vic u! 11LDaa; • -•'• - PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFI OF THE ITY CO ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-_____-______-__.. _.---_..-_ � ______ ___ ______ APPR VED-___ -------- --- CITY COMPTROLLER -n �_ - MAYaR BY -----� - -- - ------------------------ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i,.e MA'.M 1, CAO 70 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD rM a..o e es 2060353 1 3o 6 31; 9 219' 2 41 4 0 26 8 1 12 0 4g 5 34 82 1 75 17 60 222 84 29 14 so 20 24 44 88 132 25 22 16 17 25 40 46 6 oo 25 60 3 00 59 00 33 5 50 16 12 12 00 2 90 67 Z 8Z 12 62 12 58 2 00 1321999 81 64 54 1000 253 50 16 oo 31008 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 31009 wells–Dickey Company 31010 Mannheimer–Caldwell, Ino. 31011 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 31012 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 31013 Allyn & Bacon 31014 Builder's Eng.Compauy 31015 Clear Type Publishing Companj 31016 Dainty Dott Bake Shop 31017 Adam Decker Hardware Company 31018 Dei Auto Radiator Company 31019 Dept. of Secondary Education 31020 The Detective Pub.Company 31021 Detroit Stoker Company 31022 Diotaphone Sales Corporation 31023 Diebold Safe & Look Company 31024 Domore Se ting Service 1 31025 ! Drewry & done Company 31026 Dann's Fairway Market 31027 Eastman Mfg. Company 31028 East Side Grocery Company 31029 O.R. Eckhardt Company 31030 Edwards Valve & Mfg.Company 31031 Slkhert Brass Mfg.Company 31032 Elk Linen Supply Company 31033 Elvgren Paint Supply Company 31034 Thos. J. Eggel welding h Mfg, 31035 R.P. Farrell 31036 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compaq 31037 Farwell, 0—un. Kirk & Compar 31038 F.Q. Faxon Company 3189 Federal -Oil Company 31 0 Fibro Brush Mfg.Company 31041 Field, Sohliok, Inc. 31042 H.Q. Fisher Photographic Sup; 3104Foote Lumber & Coal Company 31044 Frederio Hotel 31045 The French Book Shop 31046 Fuller Brush Company 31047 Gane Brothers & Lane, Inc. 31048 31049 Gangl and Company General Electric Supply Corp. 31050 General Electric Supply Corp. 31051 Generator Specialty Company 31052 '' Gillette Pub.Company 31053 " Ginn and Company 31054 Goodyear Service 31055 R.L. Gould and Company 31056', Greene Engraving Company 31057 Griswold Signal Company 31058 ' Grossman Instrument Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD rM a..o e es 2060353 1 3o 6 31; 9 219' 2 41 4 0 26 8 1 12 0 4g 5 34 82 1 75 17 60 222 84 29 14 so 20 24 44 88 132 25 22 16 17 25 40 46 6 oo 25 60 3 00 59 00 33 5 50 16 12 12 00 2 90 67 Z 8Z 12 62 12 58 2 00 1321999 81 64 54 1000 253 50 16 oo 5, P, CITY OF coYNCW NIP ST.,PAU X OFFICE OF THEidITY CLE RKW,,,, 'U fiCILA -GENERAL ENE"L IL tR-I 0 %iWS 7S0% E . ...... .... 4,44, 7— doduations Iddah might O�, to Us RESOLVED MISRUS, addition improvement described as US pacing of KOU099 Beal Frinklin Street, Yielding & Shopleyo Inc., GOntraot: 34 L.3913,'have been provided for in the specifications theroing and WORUS, it has been found necessary to make the following addlUGUS and deductionsi ANITINS a 307 lin. ft. 80 x 20" concrete curb (str.) 0 4 1-33 $408-31 a a 80 x 20" (red.) 0 1.50 7.50 3.90 0 * 1*0, x 10" Sion -felt in place 60." I now manhole frame & cover & rebuilt VS. • 22.00 401-, So.! y". of sand fin 0 1.50 60.00 250 sq. yde. of oilod-sond-2" thick (sidewalks) 0 .05 12e50 1`.`3 ' N 7* concrete bass a 1.67 5*01 12.9, cu. yds of Emulsified Asphalt 0 3-75 45.00 50. 'Pounds of Bituminous Surfacing in place a 1*25 TOTAL ADDITIONS $624.47 33 lin. ft of 84 x 1811 cone. curb (red.) 0 4 1-35 $44.55 2 catchbasins not removed 0 3-00 6.00 2A catchbasin not rebuilt 0 92.00 lin,_ fix_ emote _not -relined412.5 "32.0 41 e,iiiilrack'Drift Sect. *A" 15 O'st -dw of, MO., Surf. not removed -30 44*50 324: of rograde - Hill St. .f, �':13440q. yds. 20 pij-�ft ,A. surfacing 5 a of 20.0 tens Ift bitukiSaW5 16.0,`sq. yds. of patnot removed 26.0lin. ft. of 12" T.C.P. connection 0- 33. 0 $4. yds. of 3JI a#h. surf. not removed 0 .5c, 33.0 emitted 0 1*57 '35.60 A j* bass • 344 12.0 an. yds. of excavation 0 N TOTAL, 11MICTINS •624.47 UZRZAS, the total deduction is $385.101 now, therefore, be it RESOUBD that the City Council approve the aforesaid additions and deductions made In accordance with the specification@ therefor in an amount not to exceed the sum of.$.1§5.10 not deduction, said am to be deducted from tholump aum priVe named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3913 for the melds of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Yielding & Shepley, Inc., that the am of $385.10 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. MUN EN Yen Nays la In favor .......... Against 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1 YIELDING A SEWLIT, INC- /I/V Sway. Mar Commis on arks Adopted by the Co 193. Approved ..... . ........... "=', .. .... . .................. . ........................ Mayor PUBLI',' er f12 o.ua„` icr.ct�m t : .mrd he Ne�7e)� .. CITY OF ST PAUL 2e so n.an�ry f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o' ded ns W,j ar nrom PY><nk' R ase, Floletn - COU S 10N --GENERAL FEket6my r ;PRESENTgg Y.._ DAT onA i COMMISStONE ^•^- ,{,_ ...-..... ...____._...�.. j .r: RE5 1IED°`'MMM", adds ions and deductions which might prove to bi neoossary in the improvement described as the paving .of Kellogg Boulevard cram 7Yianklin Street to Seven Corners, Yielding & Shopley, Inc., contractors, Comptrollor's Contract L-3912, have been provided for in the specifications and unit priest stipulated therein, and 140MEAS, it has been found necessary to mmmke the following additions AM doduetienet t bounds of rein steel in place - 0 $ .04 $244.20 1 6.0' :atchbasin rebuilt in lower 4.0 fast - 1 31.00 36 eyde. of send fill in sidewalk area 0 1.42 51.12 72 lin. ft. of W Only. Pi a in place 0 .31 22.32 500 aq. ft. of 2" ailed -sand Taidewalks) 0 .05 21.00 8 :yds. of send fill in Yagls St. Intersection 0 1.00 .00- 6 eq. yde. of 7" concrete uses 0 1.67 10.02 TOTAL ADDITIONS $391.66_ _ � 8m 137.5 sq. yds old pav't. not removed ® $ 71 $ 97.63 " " concrete base 0 1.61, 229.63 " 137.5 i 137:•5 " " 3*" asphalt surfacing 0 1.57 215.87 Sandstone surf. not placed 1 1.00 71.00 75.0` cu. yds. of Hi -early Str. Concrete 0 2.00 150.00 22.75 tons of Bit. Surfacing not placed 0 8.00 182.00 TOTAL 'lI0 88 $ 9521. 66 M e MR D;ADMON $ 560..47 and VMMM, the total deduction is $560.47; now, therefore, be it H880LVSD that the City Council approve the aforesaid additiems and deductions made in accordance with the specifications therefor in an amonst not to exceed the sum of $560.47 net deduction, said oma to be deducted from the lamp sun price named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3912 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works hem agreed with the contractor, yielding and Shepley, Inc., that the sun ei560.47 is the correct amount to be deducted from the above contract. Counter . B Comptroller -�fAUNCI MEN Yeaei, Nays Barfim Ftndu In favor Pearn ............. Peterson: (V.... Against wenael., r "Mx V,ieePresidenti_. : FMAINO A S86PM, INC. YEN Adopted byatfie Cou a :5..._ ....:....... 93.�... zr •�_ Nva i �S CITY OF ST. 'PAUL cstpga.er.,si�"` N`..t�Sl[...... +d..prin' 1Oar R$mD Y; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .00asr;�o �xcnangqF elpla6=ane:'ti� COU UTION-- ld •GENERALjmDtroD.r. c r prpv.d to'. :y11t�,Drlres p„r COM ISS -- -• y-- ”' ice`,. RESOLVE4 WMMM, additions and deductions which eight prove to ba'ntoessary is the iWjiyeewat described as the paving of NOU099 Boulevard RUMP is6a So7lsg9 Boulevard to;?xehangs $ Eagle Streets, Yielding & Shepley, Inc., contractors, Coaptroller's Cea+�iact L.3914, have been provided for in the specifioationord unit prices stipulated therein, and MZRZ 8, it has been found necessary to sake the following additions and deductions: ADDMMi 55 lin• ft of 3" Daly. Pips in place • .62 $34.10 12 on. yds. of Sand for fill in sidewalk area • 1.42 17.04 486 sq. ft. of Oiled Sand for temporary Sidewalk - 2" thick 0 .05 24.30 Q, TOTAL ADDITIONS $75.44 DEDDCTIONS: 144. sq. yds. Sandstone block not relaid O 1.10 1158.40 208 lin. ft. of granite curb not reset • .30 62.40 1356 sq• rt• of 4" Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk • .15 203.40 l0: lin. ft of tile sidewalk not relaid 60.0 sq. ft. O .07 4.20 1602 sq. ft. of tile sidewalk not removed O .05 80.10 53-ou. yds. of black loan not placed O 1.50 79.50 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS 1588.00 yy " AMMONS 75•.44 NET DEDUCTION 1512.56 and VBSUU, the total deduction is $512.56; new, therefore, be it SIIMVn that the City Council approve the aforesaid additions cad _ dl netloan sad* in aoeordmoo with the specifications therefor in an mount exceed the @= of 1512.56 not deduction, said sun to be deducted frog sums prior waned in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract for the caking of the aforesaid improvement. The Comissioner of Public Works hes agreed with the contractor, Yielding d Shepley, Inc., that the sus of 1512.56 is the correot mount to be deducted from the above contr t. ' rMMINO R SHWnLEY, ING. Cc s Secy. B Comptroller ssi ka COUNCILMEN Adopts by the Cou L.._ ..................193 ...:. Yeas Nays ,Barhuss /' I,� DEC r '.Findlan V ....•... In favor ;s Approved......... r' ...........193....... .. ........, i ,P" Petereaa' n ✓ ..... Against �..:....,lC t ................_.__. Mayor Wenzel I' part PUBLISftED 3Ma Mrti ft kf roan) A. Orle al to CityClvk co"m NO Lt�l U CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO/U^NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY !'indlan .. n�.......... ................................DATn,� N....... ................ .... ......... ... _... ....._s.._ COMMITSE NEtt.........__...................n............................ .._.. _ ... RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of:,lEducation of Perris Jones, as -Librarian of the City of Saint Paul, for a g, term commencing January` 1, 1937, to June 6th, 1938, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. ,i C 1P NoC 1061f9&� BY-JoTin B.Flndlan= Reeolvod, tA>tit the:aDDolntmant by-t(te Co(nmfeel22m��er of .Iduoatfon of Penfo Jones, ad d+7bkarlan of the CSty Jg Hoary P6Ul,-los• a term commenOing ,, t- ?�.�.. 1. 3987aao '$unb� 9tti 19118 be :and �t110 �`>. same. le hereby concurred in end aD- {�,_` r-.��-� • �rAd Dted by the Council Dear16 3996. ApprovQA� Dea 16. 1998. l COUN MEN Yeas. Nay ss FanIn favor e t .... ....... _(4/ 'Against enzel 3M 616 � MrVice :1(Itnt (Truax) u Adopted by the Council....._ E..151936 193 _... BE104)` 8 Approved................. ._..... .......... ... _.... ......... ..... .193 December 15, 1936. 'Yr. J. B. Probst, Chief Examiner, Civil Service Bureau. Dear Sirt The City Council today approved the appointment by the Commissioner of Eduoation of Perris Jones, as Librarian of the City of St. Paul for a term comsPncing January 1, 1',37 to June 6th 1938• Yours very truly, City Clerk. Ck,Clark4 CITY OF ST. PAUL .iu NO._�.. OFFIC E CI LERK COUNCIL ES LU ON- ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - t G TE. ..DBCISb.i.._]..._�.93B.... .......... COMMISSIONER....._..........._........._ ..... ............................................._................................. RESOLvEo That the Pur sing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q° leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO., at a price of $ .11378 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery cost, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equip- ment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General ru.nd- Municipal EquiAment- 1003-134 — -� 1 COUNCjLMEN Yeas %/ N s L'a uss i. Ian In favor ...................... ee i�eaon,a ......................... A t n mu e.ze Mr. Vice 1'resrdent 'rues) Adopted by the Council...._....._FL'...� DEC 151936 Approved. .... ........ ....... .._..... ......... __..._...... pel�a.l ..at, Clak 111. � NO..._115935 CITY OF ST. PAUL �• t o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNC/I�/L/j /R� EESOLUT'IIOO' N^ ---.\GENERAL FORM q� nevCCNTRD r3V .f�i �wwww/A RYAN/�//I?1ll DATE .................. .... RESOLVED, that the proper city of floors be and they are hereby author- ised to draw a warrant in favor of the League of Minnesota Myaioipalities in the sum of Three Hundred Dollars ($300.00), payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the General Fund, for membership dues of the Qity of Saint Paul for the year ending August 31, 1937. COUNC EN Yeas N s t88 1anFor e c In favor or /.i! o Against enzel ident . 'Rep lfO� 3M 636 iYir. Vice (IG&1 ruaxl C. F. No:1069a6—By'Axel F. Peterson— b. and they baret he eby autho laed to draw a warrant In Savor or the Leas to or Minnesota Municipalitle. in the um of Three Hundred dollar. (8300.00), payable out of the Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account of the Qeneral Fund for me)nbership dues of the City or Saint Paul [or.theyear endlnR Aug - vet 31, 1987. Adopted by the Council Dec. 18. 1986. ADDI'oved Dec. 16. 1836. (Dec. 19, 1936) Adopted by the Council .......... DEC ..1.5 19 193...... DEC 1 IV; Approved............ .._...................... ....... ............... 193....... Mayor AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier ®so December 14, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel Court House Dear Sirs Attached you will find a copy of several lettere and bill from the League of Minnesota Municipalities, of which we are a member. Please draw the necessary resolution so that I may have same tomorrow morning to present to the Council covering the payment of this fee. Very truly yours, G*K�� Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance OrW.d W City Cork y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK H=` N0.._.1.4L5:7t )l ) WHEREAS, one S. J. Nelson was licensed by the City A_ Saint Paul as a fuel weigher; and WHEREAS, due to short weight irregularities on December 17th, 1936, and December 10th, 1936, for which he was fined, and in January 1936 committed some violations relative to shprt weights for which no fine was imposed; and WHEREAS, the City Fuel Inspector has recommended that because of these incidents Yr. Nelson's license be revoked; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the weigher license issued to S. J. Nelson be and the sai COUEN YeahNaya _ In favor 4en'.�. Against zel • Et^he�tf "iSe i iC3i�n1=. hLb16 Mr. Vice I reslcnt (Truax) LEG 15 1936 Adopted by the Council ........................................... ...... .193 — Approved....................._........__...__......._..............193_..... .....r...............".................. ................. ..... Mayor ��°� ��f .. Bure5u of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STRETCH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner egg December 11, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Dear Sir: 1015(i'b Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Pubiic Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer Attached please find letter received from Mr. R. H. Rockwood, Fuel Inspector, recommending that the Weigher License for Mr. Nelson of the Nelson and Peterson Fuel Dealers be revoked. Will you kindly prepare the necessary reso- lution and oblige? Very truly yours, HERMAN C. WENZEL C�/5 COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES ER rIORTOFi,> A& wTBN Gateway to the Great Northwest Bure%u of Water r LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STREICH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT Of PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner B41al"o December 11, 1936 Mr. Herman C. Wenzel Commissioner of Public Utilities City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer The Fuel Dealer company named Nelson and Peterson, 1184 Payne Avenue, with Mr. S. J. Nelson as a licensed weigher for the company has been found short weight and fined on December 17, 1935, and in January 1936 he had some short weights and some deliveries that were over weight, and on December 10, 1936 he was found short weight and fined again. We recommend that Mr. Nelson's weigher's License be revoked at once. Mr. Nelson Jr. told me today that he would have a man come in and ask for a Weigher's License so this matter can be corrected at once. very truly yours, FUEL INSPECTOR. L'J PORTop('AINTFAUL wTaR wIR Gateway to the Great Northwest meq NO....._1'� 593( Cob �ITY OF ST. PAUL OF E OF THE CITY CLERK � COL ESO TION ---GENERAL FORM December 15,1936 ..................._ momil DoifDunlop desires to withdraw application 15896 for On S4e Malt Beverage. at 1470 Selby Ave. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are herebg authorized to refund to Don Dunl9p the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for license. Yeas N ys In favor e r Against ve....t 7M 636 -, Vice �, aarcuea-- Counctt Dec. 76. the 1988. ?3 S6) Dec. 19, _ Adopted by the Counul._UE.C'...1..5...1 193...... DEC I r 1?6 Approved.. . .... .. ... .... ..... . .. . .... ..... �-�-- ....... ................ . ........ ,. .Mayor couMr9.CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL �.,.. RESOLVED That licenseofor Restaurant. application 15602, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15603, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 156041 applied for by Laurence Perron at 23 E. Kellogg Blvd. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by council, Dec. let, 1936. COUN BN N e Yea, _......._....._ In favor /p rson �%_`Again,t eniel j t v[ t -a 3Tt 636 Nir, Vice I'r.` DEC .....193....... Adopted by the Council. ............................5193............... Approved 0 E -C 1£ 5 19-3-6,93 ............... .................................................. Mayor 0.lst-4 CUT 'nu"" .1.05939 CITYOF ST. PAUL n�a NO........ ................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK It COUNQ OL—U-TJ0N--•GENERAL FORM DATE........... A ec emb er....l,1 .....193.6 ............. ... RESOLVED i That licenseslied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue mob licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the regnired feast Lloyd Kolby 151 A. Snelling Bakery App. 15131 New F. Gebrman 440 Aurora Ave. Grocery ■ 15657 ■ Chas. Babinovita 271E E. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dlr. ■ 156x1 ■ (general) C. Thomas Stores 51 S. Cleveland Grocery ■ 15s63 ■ Chas. P. Alexander 304 N. Snelling Grocery n 15587 ■ ■ n ■ ■ Off Sale Malt ■ 15588 ■ Kirch and Gillis 1597 University Ave. Confectionery ■ 15892 ■ Cooperative Oil Aasn. 739 Johnson StAM Mpls. Fael Dealer ■ 15907 ■ C F. No: 186989—Bv O. H. Bartuss— Irving..2 Pearse Resolve$ that ltcenaea applied for .,..._ by the 'f011awing persona at the ad- dre��e�,india, n ba and the same re .� a., n. he clerk le N. Snelling.. Bakery. I Asr.- Ave.., ar- S.' Cleveland; NpSDq (pea 18 1988) N} COUNCIL MEN Adopted by the Counul......_.._DEC 15 1936193...... Yeas / N s irf >n DEC .................... In favor Approved ... ....... ..._................. ......... ....................... 193...... e non.......... ...... /.,... J.' Against C...s......Jv.-..._................ ......... ( T Mayor enzel 3/11 636 Mr. Vice President (Tugs) f��J R�( - at ���'p._ .. r CITY OF ST. PAUL .Y;l.°itBA� ,t �3 �uNC1L NO..........�.(�.taJ. 0 U EO�NGFNE=RAL4:GRMOF THE CITY CLEW— `CO......_...___ _............._..'.............OMMB RESOLVED TljYt licfeneea applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inatbnoted to issue licensee upon the into the city treasury of the required fees: such payment Henry Techida 1116 Bice St. Bakery App. 15381 Renew. J. M. Borgen 421 Mackubin St. Grocery " 15428 " Barbara.Carroil 489 Como Ave. Grocery " 15532 " Harry Pearlman 632 Farrington Grocery " 15545 " L. Levenson 312 University Grocery " 15547 " Mrs. Christ Averbeck 500 W. Central Grocery " 15564 " David Efron 620 N. Western Grocery " 15583 " C. Holz and Co. 383 University Bakery " 15593 " F. J. Sandusky 251 Edmund St. Grocery a 15631 " Ike Levine 307 E• 13th St. Grocery " 15636 " M. L. Frankel 217 Mt. Airy St. Grocery " 15654 " J. C. Zalesky 661 N. Western Bakery " 1571.9 " Mrs. Christ Averbeok 500 W. Central Off Sale Malt " 15768 n National Tea Co. 644 S. Smith Ave. Grocery " 15771 " The Speakes Co. 415 N. Griggs Fuel Dealer " 15783 " C. Rischall & X. Moskovitz 1082 Grand Grocery " 15915 " Geo.Thompson 1609 Rice St. Grocery " 15817 " COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... Yeas Na bs ..............:. _........ In favor Approved.. __.. _ ......................................_.........._193..__. not Peterson ... Againsty.......... Mayor /�enzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 CoUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FIL■ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBYY................ _........._............... DATE ..................... .............. ............................. .... .......... ........ G�OMMISSIUNE..........._..._...........____...... _. RESOLVED —2� John J. Verstrate 567 Rall Ave. Grocery App. 15821 Renew F. Blizinsky 239 E. Fairfield Grocery " 15823 " Lama W. Taple 1038 Marshall Offsalomalt " 15956 s Fred E. Knapp 242 S. EsmlinP Conf. " 15957 a A. G. Carlson 559 Blair St. Grocery " 15877 " R. P. Gruber 442 Banfil Grocery " 15978 " Joseph Trost 616 Rondo St. Grocery " 15990 " J. J. Kokesh 1214 Thomas Botcher " 15gg6 " R. W. Stromwell 994 Arcade St. Bowling Alley " 15997 " Globe 011 & Refining 00. 2424 Univ. Ave. S1. Mpls. Fuel Dealer 15901 " Randolph Ice and Fuel Co. 2229 Robbins Fuel Dealer " 15934 " Midwest 011 Co. 2500 Minnehaha Ave. Mp.s. It " " 15961 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Fmdlan In favor Pearce Peterson �..... Against Wenzel 3M 636 MrP esiae) 1111110 Adopted by the Council ............... ....--................193...... G 15 1936 Approved.........._.....................................................193....... {]�..................._.............._..._............_........._ /.....:...........1....._/........ or PUBLISHED) ) 7-7Z5 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL p 6 5941 ' 94 l3- COUNCIL i..\. 8.71 JJJLLL 333 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO------------------------------- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION M O Ian OR AUDITED CLAIMS----------$eGsmbea--32- ------- - PEARCS ARCE QAFVY1•��,,,�++ t BollRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TC�{E C TREASURY. W �, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5--- COVERING MR. pt TEB, 9� NGL SIVE. A6 • CHECKS NUMBERED____ TO-___-- I U FFIC THE ITY COM ROLLER. PER CHECKS ON FI T ADOPTED IS THE COUNCIL_._ -------- APPROVED - -/ - -------- TY COMPTROLLER __________ _____ ____ ____ -_,;___�Y�_t_�____ __ _ _ _ _ BV___ _________ M YOR -- ---- - C. F. Ivo. 106941— n TOTAL DATE Reaolved, [hal checke be drawn o RETURNED V CHECK the city' [teaaor3 [o the aggregate NUMBER amount t 11..376.96, c , InK checke mbered 31059 to 31116, eincl calve. as TRANSFER DIESCHECKSENT BY BANK P checke file In the office of the CHECKS on city coon Dtrol ter936- I" --- -- -- - Ado D[edd Dece 16� 1936, Dec. 15, 936 APProve (Dec. 19, 19361 310 91', Axel F. PetermOU. C. of Fin oe 1 623.0 • 31060 John Pederson 58710 31061 George Sudeith 31062 Healy Plumbing & Heating company 4 498,1 31063 Northwest Roofing Company 821 3 31064: Dr. Herbert Busher l ' 31065 'I Fairview Garage 411 1 31066 `: Firestone Auto Supply & Service Sta. 39917 31067 Goodrich—siivertown, Inc. 31068 National Bushing & Parte Com Bny 222', 2 31069 Northwestern Stamp works 1 $61 6 31070 Phillipe Petroleum Company 41 93 31071 Price Electric Company 31072 St.Paul Voc.Training School 113172 31073 w.F.smith Tire Company 25 169111 31074 Standard Unit Parts Company 31075 i Carl Fisoher, Inc.17164 31076 11 Frenoh & European Pub. Inc. 21'70 31077 Emil Geist Jewelry Company 5 85 ll 31078 ,j Goodrich—silvertown, Inc. 12196 31079 Oraybar Electric Company 50114 i, 31080 E.G. Hames 25 6o 31081 4 Hancock—Lenson mero.Company 109',572 31092 ' Fred w. Hanks 310�j Haroourt—Brace & Company 15 98 13 76 31084 H.R. Harris 31085 waiter J. Helfman 3 50 X31086 ', Hertzberg Bindery, Inc. 12!64 ,31087 .j Herzog & Hueffineier 21 2 31088: Hatfield—Parry Company 468 31089 ! The Hilex Company 131090 J.J. Hill Reference Library 329 150 j 33091 Holm & Olson, Ino.g5 1'31092 ?; E.B. Houghton & Company 6'44 31093 'I J. w. Hulme Company 1600 '!31094 Independent Ice Company 31095 1 Int. Business Machine Corp. 11;42 31096 Int. Harvester Company 23 53 31097 Jacks Mfg.Company 3 31098 Dr. C.H. Johnson 2444 ;31099 Johnson service Company 17 1144 33-100 L.X. Jordan Company 96 • n31101 Joyce Insuranoe,Ino.32'114 ,131102 Jurgene Company, Inc. 18160 31103 Kennedy Brothers Arms Company, 31104 Kenny Boiler & Yfg.Company it 06 31105 A Klauer Yfg.Company 5 31106 ',i Klinets Kay shop 13 40 !31107 ii Klinkerfues Oompany '31108 Ilosterman's Grocery 28,11 :31109 Klugeel & Lehman 40 !-31110 IrammIs Market 30121 31111 Library of Congress 54:17 31112 Life 3150 `'31113 Liquid Carbonic Corporation 12300 31114 A.J. Louie 8 '45 31115 '. T.P. Lowe and Company 15'100 31116 Lyon & Healy, Inc. 12 'g3 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 175 000 OC 632962 J ( ! Council File No.. -----1- -t)9 42 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constructing a sanitary intercepting sewer on easements to -be obtained iilong the norther-- - aide of_the-_Chic.. o-_Gre at-_Pfestern.-Railvray- Company. from Arthur Avenue------------ - • ---._ - -- - _tq-_itobie_ Street..._Also..a,force main on-.Robie Street --from the-Chicago_Great....... ......... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Canatsuatirte..--samitart--IntaxaaDtirn...easal-UtB...to..be..QbtLin --tkte...... northerltiy-,side _of -_the -Chicago -Great-. Yfestern.-Railway-.company--from,Arthur--Avenue........... _to-_Robie-_Street.---.Also-_a--force--main. on.Robie-.Street-.from-_the--Chicago_Great................. _.. Weatern Eailxey..Cnmpany...ta-140.-feet..west.-.of-.Aoncord.-street_-----............. . --- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint therefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. / DEC 151ob 1 Adopted by the Council. ............................................-..................--------- YE" NATO Councilman (Truax) r� c • is �'}Ty-sat BARFUSS FINDLANA roved----------------- -••- - .. t. PEARCE _..- PP �}` s PETERSON TAU*lC WENZEL "' / - - ---------------T.,-- Mayor. PUBLISHED 5 6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and .PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No......_� 4� f Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: onstruct sanita interce t sewers in the lower level Riverview---_----_--,- -� - - - ?9 .... ...........P_.... - ..--.__..._.Di IISr Vit._ _compliance_pri4i?-_ttle-_compreheasiye..I?lan..gf._t??e. Minneapolis and•_St.,_Paiy7-_Sanita- --.District_sad_-aubseguent._modifications-.thereof. December, 1956 ..............---.............., 193 Datedthis.-..-8�---......--day of...._..._..................................... Cou>rch'I61."tn. the Dilnn 56,. _ Itnr Dletrlc �° iflca�/oae � •� ' to the PRELIMINARY ORDER. "'' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: intercepting__aewera-_in the lower -level -Riverview _•--.,----- -- Cons tructing--sanitary---•--.. _.. . .......... Iliatrict_.iu..compLiaace..Rdth...the---namRrehenaiQe..&J srl..ay..tbe..M3ntleeltstl e---------------------- -------....snd.Zt...Paul_Sanitax7 District..and-suhaecluent..modificatioas..theraaf having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul therefore, be it. RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- -------------------------------- DEC-1-r31W------------- YEAS NAYS Co(unccilman ,0 .. I DR Mr. Vice ;Twax) Darn, c • to CIU v-331 BARFUSS DEC , 5 1136 FINDLANApproved............ .................................. •-- .................. -•- PEARCE PETERSON iAW" WENZEL - - Mayor. r PUBLISHLD�- Petition G-17✓ Council File No.. U5044 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and ,y PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: ........... . fram .Ruth.. Axenu»-.-tQ-..0.7.9..teQt...�a�t._of._#hg-seat-_line--g4---------•----•- ...........Rath..PYanue. ................ ...................... .... Dated this ------. _9th - day of ............................. Decemberr----•88-...--... 1937 Councilman. e r th PRELIMINARY ORDER seen +, orae Iii r4 9 e,, Or,. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.:R uat dngiaN, ,. ............... Grade -_Helen Street from Ruth Avenue to 679 feet east of the east line of ---......-----------------................................... ............................•......•--------............... - having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul.. ................ - ....................................... ....... .. . .......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CouneiL. DEC 15 1936 ...................... - ......------- ... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLANAppro ed.......................... r to ......... PETERSON 'TR4lie!! WENZEL / . ....... ......:.... 4 ... ....... ......._................ iTa Mayor. Form c A 13 taal),;, vice I'rzsideut (Truax) PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. v, Council File N. ......... 1.05945 I The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: qm{j pg-_at}d_AAk nv..an..easemeat--in-_the-.land-necessary _for sloQesr cuts..___. and--Pi11a--iu-# a-8radin&--oE--Selan--Str-eel--Yraa-iiuth--9vesue--to---678--f$et---------------------- eaa#'_.Qf..the_-eaat__ltae._oC..xutkl.Avenue..................................................-........................... - Dated this ._9 .............. day of --------------D ------------------------------- 193....... S4oi Jit,, [ sau4, <- sf4e let line'ot Out I int Paul. tt+ere.. 1. hereb, PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �.andem¢ting..and._taking.-an..eaaement..jn-.tk►e..lamd_nr�csasarY--xQx--- ages,-..onta.............. ---and.Y1]la.in..the_grading...af..Helen-.S.treet_.from.Rz�tb.Avenue..t td 67.9_feet------ --------------- ------'------aarLt..ar---the-.Asaat_1Ine__of..Ruth..Auenue.----------------------------------------------------------••------- •-•-----•---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------- -----.-................................................ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...................... .... aE.0 J �iit3+�------_-------- YmAs NAYS Councilman V � X— tea r... c A u PAUUVicc . rc.,idcut ('Truax ) BARFUSS FINDLANA }y PEARCE PETERSON INOAV- WENZEL .....-Mayor. PUGLISIIEI) L—+� � Council File No. --1 ± 1 46 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Open, widen and extend for street purposes the intersection of Fairfield Ave. and Eaton Ave. by taking ann3 don ecimn n3 -g -the eas erly one-third of inches of the westerly two-thirds of said Mots 1 and 2. Block 9, Baz: Dated this__ ..... 1§.th_.--.--_...aay of_ ...... _....._.._D.S.0 • � - Councilman. *eeetlon or PRELIMINARY ORDER ave. by t WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: sv.: Jnudrra 0 en widen and extend for stfeet purposes the intersection of Fairfield - ran Eaton ave. by taking and condemn�ri9 -tiie eA tilly one-third of Lpman ,-._B_ _Qk_g, kgZj_l Ro��tstAddition and the easterly six inches of the westerly two-thirds of said Lots 1 a$d 2, Block 9, -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ ---_—...-------..---....---.___--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate theture, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To &Isfan,pro&le or sketch of said improvement. -4—TC, —T state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. "� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 0a Adopted by the Council ..- ....... --- YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS g FINDLAN Approved---._`--..—_-.- -- PEARCE PETERSERS �i ON WENZEL ----•••-••- yar. Mr. Vice t resideut (Truax) Form CA 13 PUBLISHED 4- RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ uondenming_sad t 6- easement -in -the _land neo------_ for _lopesX_ outs and fills in the grading of the south aids of Hoyt Avenue fr= Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order ------- j%§ ---------- approved ---- JAY 14x_1986. ------------------ Intermediary Order ------------ Ws_w_---------- approved ____September 8, 1958 Final Order ------------------ 10427---------_, approved-----October-6,1936 . --------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. DEQ 16 p - Adopted by the Council ------------------------- 9�� -----�-- --------------------- �ky Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19----� / Mayor. Councilman Councilmanon i ! Councilman oriald Councilman e Councilman 4€ohland Councilman ISudheimex'-� Mayor REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LAN DS A 94 EFITQ _A-`.77�rvA�a, In the matter of- -condemning and taking -PA easement in the _land necessary Por_slones, oats and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue, under Preliminary Order---- 104368--- approved--- July_14-1- 1936 ---------------------------- Intermediary Order --------- 1_4§99 ---, approved--- &ORt=b-Qr- 4 -18§§ ------------------------ Final Order ----------------105873----, approved--- Dotober-fL W6.________ -----_----------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fused and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. � t Commissioner of Finance. 105948 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__aondemning_sad taking ea easement_ iq the_land a�eoessg;y Por_elgpee1_ auto and Pills in the grading of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9, and 24 to 82, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1, s ssTnar�Ra''s' noxnsouvsTco .,011 ,DHID6HP'eR. as under Preliminary Order____ AP450------------- approved- __July_ 81i_1956_,_________________, Intermediary Order --------- IMQ4------------- approved-__ -------------, Anal Order ---------------- IMg4Q----------- approved-__ QQt4bey 2os_1Me--------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. XAXXAAAAAAAA 7Ec 4 u 1��6 Adopted by the Council _______________________ __ 1.- - -4y_� 1'+ ----- Cit Clerk.-- Approved ------------------------- 19----C/.% R� fns Mayor. Councilman hP.,,D..afild o .- F I .. • ' a n Councilman Councilman Counanlen Counefman(ohand � � / Councilman diu beim r :-1 ';; enrel PliBLISiiT D Mayor o ; a 0 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ®ND ��E�•. ,, °'T:3'EFITS In the matter of --- aonde®ain& and taking as Aasanent in the land necessary for - slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lote 1 to 9, and 24 to 32, inclusive, from yaoaleater Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1, under Preliminary Order_ 104§83 _------------------------- approved----- July 31, ----- Intermediary Order ----__ 106104 ------ approved----__ ------------------- Final Order --------------10@$Q8 ------ approved------ --------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's fording on said matters. --------------------------- Commissioner -----------------------Commissioner of Finance. V5949 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING `6 - CONDEMNATION CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR 4, �?el n H�msoH.Qas Axr' . In the matter of _ --________- taking and condemning for senega pumping station Lots 5__and6, Block 18, Marshallle Addition, exoept the southwesterly 40 feet thereof. Also an easement 16 Peet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and ?oroas B eek 24, Dumcell and Srenoere �e add+tion- and Chester at. vacated, the center line of said easement to be a line drawn from the intersection of the center line of Chester St. and the southeasterly line of Tw as St. to a point on the northeasterly line of said Block 24, and 25 feet northwesterly from the southeasterly corner of said Block 24, also a temporary easement for construction purposes twenty feet in width along the southwesterly side of aforesaid easement and twenty feet in width along the northeasterly side of aforesaid easement. Alao taking and condemning a strip of land 10 feet in width along the southerly aide of B eld,3t. from 8t. Lawrenoe St. to the _west line, of the right-of-way of the Chicago, y Be h Jailway,_alap taking and condemning an eas?mant foncconstiuotiag an iR . ni""g-a public sewer on, under, and across a strip of land ten (lOj Peet in width iloutii9rly of and adjoining Bayfield St. across the right-of-way of the Chicago, ; Rock Island & Pacific Railway, A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of FSnance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council ____DEC_1__8__199F r----- ---- --------/---------- ;? Ci erk. Approved----------------------- 19 --- I;arfuea Mayor. Conncihna`� R'> --� Findlan Councilmatg&rguso>r-`- CouncilmarrMcD03*4;-i Cokme Qarce -.a I'.,nrce , U Peterson ,^^ 2� Truax . PUBLISHED CeHeetlmsCflms&KA Mayor /�� hen Gehan 1(,5949 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING 46► CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFORo MDBJMFATI011T' -, In the matter of ------------- taking and condemning for savage pumping station Lots 6_and_8, Block 18, Wahall•s Addition, except the southwesterly 40 feet thereof. Also an easement 18 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sower on, under and % rose Bleak 24, Dunwell and Spencers �e A$dition,-and Chester St. vacated, the center line of said easement to be a line drawn from the intersection of the center line of Chester St. and the southeasterly line of Texas St. to,a point on the northeasterly line of said Block 24, and 26 Peet northwesterly from the southeasterly corner of said 'Block 24, also a temporary easement for construction purposesenty Feet in width along the southwesterly side of aforesaid easement and twenty feet inn*idth along the northeasterly side of aforesaid easement. Also'tehSng and condemning a strip of land 10 feet in width along the southerly side of Bayfield St. from St. Lawrence St. to _the, west line. of, the right -of way of the Chioago, $oak iates+l��+ l+ao�P„�p railway, ala, taking and condemning an eaemment,Yor-con raot1ng an ma g'a"public sewer on, under, and across a strip of land ten (10) feet in width southerly of and adjoining Bayfield St. across the right-of-way of the Chicago, Rook Island h Pacific Railway, - A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made_ a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. DEC 1 S 199F Adopted by the Council ____________________________ =;;ac Cit erk. Approved--------- ------------,19--- Barfnss Mayor. Councihna`` - Findlan Councihna%XVXuson_� { Couneilmaz1, Donsl#•-e 1� Councilmmaa�.-� ce Pc :rce Peterson _ Truax / Councilmaifi{olila d- PUBLISHED .ine„eei— Mayor ONEE:02 Qehan V5949 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING -6- 9 y Lit' gocl. Iz7n 6 bacFt Fc7i;n .., c OLa� r- LoW�2F' Pa;aLau' f, �e, r'. L 8 b.e79 2F' b Y7po ;gKTnp. gng oongewvTnt; s r 4 J0 .�c{ .tq g7oa8 pps• nod Fl?ega e� 7a a;ge Cl; gF,0Le8g7q egaetTan{ TA �I N vgosr FFg,aor.�pmae�as7A a;qs oT s oLcseg7g seeWen� qwq pawj. LoGP cossfos o� ag79`BIO°>z S�' s7ao a �emboUriON sausman� �oi.'>adxisp iT°�#ou bnLb ,er menF� F,ae� ;Tec*• ;,1' Ana SP Loa,r a°L.�p"ana�oL7^... Loa -FFA+ ar -}reg a; eL?t� under Preliminary Order ----- 104820 ------------------- approved--------August--------5,--1988 ----------------> Intermediary Order ---------- 1051fifi------------ approved -------- SeRtember-22, 1986 Final Order -----------------10 5467 ---------__ a 0otober 21,-1956.---------- - - PProved----------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. DEC f93s Adopted by the Council ---- ______________------- --- --------------------------- C ierk. Approved--------- ---- ----,19--- Mayor. Councilman' -'3 Firdlan CouncilmarSusob= Pearce Councilm cDonald_z Peterson C°UI1Cihn earge ..-.i Truax PUBLISIi 'D / Counefi n�hla -W.,Wt- Mayor han � Geoneihnw �` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESS'.`_EA;'P Or, BENEFITS Inthe matter of---------------------------------------------------------------------- taking and condemning for sewage pumping station Lots 6 and 8, Block 18, Marshall's Addition, except the southwesterly 40 feet thereof. Also an aesement 16 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, ender and across Block 24, Donwell and Spenoerls Addition, and Cheater St. vacated, the center line of said segment to be a line drawn from the intersection of the oenter line of Chester St. and the southeasterly line of Texas St. to a point on the northeasterly line of said Block 24, and 26 feet northwesterly from the southeasterly corner of said Block 24, also a temporary easement for construction purpcase twenty feet in width along the southwesterly side of aforesaid easement and twenty feet in width along the northeasterly side of aforesaid easement. Also taking and condemning a strip of land 10 feet in width along the southerly side of Bayfield St. from St. Lawrence St. to the west line of the right-of-way of the Chicago, Rook Island & Pacific Railway, also taking and condemning an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, and across a strip of land ten (10) feet in wid t,po Bayf4.�x,T aoroas tha::rtgbt-dfJay of the Chicago, Roo"fil � di o iY�,y, _. nr.,,w , — Intermediary order------�.Qbl�S------- approv�.---------- �, _2�r_.s.:a..,,7_,.------------ __ Final Order --------------106484 ------- approved --------- 2�,_19°�6.____________------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. 0 Commissioner of Finance. boor IaJaug 'F 1,QCjLjo BQ;Jmo7`' .. QOLoea Fpo L;bf'F-oL-MfA OL FFA•' Citjonr:o` �+?gFp ¢onF{;oLJ:'� uL Qnq oq')o;Djut: rIQi.L;atq 2F• F 7`0;,7 j F (I0) L F ! auq wQ;uFQjDjv Q bn(IJIG ae oL amu' nD'JOL' Q:Jq UaLoaa g a L u Qa aur ou ya u Boar IaJQuq 7z bQCTLIO liaTl MQ?' oJao FQKju` vDq oougewG aD ee.T z.PF , -MUJUL sous F.Lnu Fju� )10 OL BQ?+(.:07.-1 :?F• LLuw �F• jeML av�:a ,}!.. F�� Fliu a�aF 7;ue oL FNe Lr:.NF-�L-Mpa �,1, Fpo ''A UTi:o• v73O FaKjv auq oougawujDd g aFLjU oi. Iauq 10 LeBF ju M?4Fr' FNa oonFNoLJT s;qo QJoD: FF%a voLFNaf`aFoLJ). a;qe 01,aj,QL1'WTq aazewauF. aonFpaeaFaLJa ajGu UL gbozesg;q eoF nTo ;u Agg4,g QJODL FVe ebozone zno ?ODbnzboaeaFxFGpoVe2g. sLFeeeL;J ,ewb0l.ffa Dgaewnooznez OL eQ;4 BJ°OK deJaog npeLJ1. bLOID FNe ao B?°OKSfi'gRq Se bpf p FNe nozFpegaFezJl. JJIIe °?as?9 F•oug Fpe eon{pesepeLJa J?ne obyexgag4•po g bo;D; on eoeDfozJ;ne 0:6Cpeafe2 •nnvrcn` rve ae1lieL 77De oZ serTq..eveemenF Fe peva 77ne gsaaw zi.= ape ?nFNzeaop?oa under Preliminary Order__ 104820---- approved-------- Ayguet bl_1956 --------------------- Intermediary Order --------I4510-----_, approved --------- 3.ep_tA ez_22�)JMG----------------- Final Order ------------- ------- approved --------- 4otgber_21,_MAt------------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. --------- -- ---=---------- ------- Commissioner of Finance. 0'W_1 m City Clete ' .. coure�� NO CITY OF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i G'n1 iNGIL RF_SOLUTION-AENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas the Painters Local Union have reported that there are approximately 20C unemployed skilled painters in this City, and Whereas, they have requested the members of the City CouncilxF, to make a survey of such city buildings and other public Property - that may be in need of repainting which can be done during the winter months to help relieve this unemployment situation, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the City Council request all Bureau Heads of the different Departments to make a survey for the purpose of determining what work can be done on public property during the winter months,for which there may be funds availabley In order to assist in relieving this unemployment problem, Be It Further Resolved that a copy of this resolution be for- warded by the City Clerk to the different Bureau Heads in the City Government. C.OUN MEN Yeas Nays (3 as an :......_ In favor earce .1 , Amt .............�...... 7M 676' pEC 15 19% Adopted by the Council ........................................ ......_..193..._ 1DEC 13 1336 �Appro ved............................._....._._,-_..._...___..._193_.. i 4 �105951 CITY OF ST. PAUL n1aa�n,� NO— ................._.................. O"ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN, L RES UTION --- GENERAL FORM ' .GATE... December 8, 1936 RESOLVED That license for Barber, application 15774, applied for by Paul E- Milner at 2022 Marshall Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. - . C. F. No, 106861 By, G. R. Barfuee- -• F, M. Truax=lrving C.`P.earce— ., '-Resolved,:that litems for Barber, app� Paul • E - vvllcation 18774. applied for by Mllnar at 2022 Marshall Ave., be nd the tame /e her8hmyanted and the. city clerk la: laatrnoted-to b, a ouch license " 'upon the payment: .lhto the city. treas- ury oCthe required fee. eW. Sbte^Cleanse �No. 3689. Adopted by the Council Dec. 16. 1938. Dec. X16. 1938. 'Approved - 1136) News i State License 3569 }' pl� ,�� 1 G 193fj DEC............_......................... COUNCI EN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council..............93..._. In favor DEC 1 U 1 q9 3 � ...._193....... Approved ....... ........._............. sauce -.D .Ev.�Al. n Against / C/...... �................................................................a1... yor 3m 63mr�.�,4�econ3 Vicc Tres. eIl . 105952 cocwcu otwmt to 06 clerk nu �- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED That the application of the Minnesota sans ana v<"++•' 4 Company for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 8, Block 8, Midway Industrial Addition, located on the north side of Bigelow Street between Syndicate Avenue and Griggs Street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. 106862 lly';Ei. C Weniel, by'� reQuee[-- Resolved, that the QnGlleatlon of the Mtnneaofa Hand and Gravel Company for vermtaeton to race d atntatn COUNC EDECN Adopted by the Council ..................................... ........- Yeas N Z1an .._....:..........._ In favor Approved............. x.............._..193....._ ce ... Against _ .................. . ,-tA,- 1`+resident (Gehan) . 1 )M 6•r.:>ec�.i.l \ uc 1 :ce,. (�: enzei) CITY OF SAINT PAUL -1`59? Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 15, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Minnesota Sand and Gravel Company for permission to erect a public garage on Lot S, Block 5, Midway Industrial Addition being on the north side of Bigelow St. between Syndicate Ave. and Griggs St. was referred to you, by the Council, for a resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the Cid of Saint Pault Minnesota application will be made on �4fr_, .19✓i to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by for permission to ereAt a public garage 6fn the following dem scribed real estate, situated in Ramsey County$ Minnesota,- to innesota;to wit: Lot Block... Addition Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the_side of St. Ave,-, between St. Ave.., and St.. Ave,, Number Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, .L-19 -7 " STATE OF MINNESOTA, es. 1 County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication .......................................... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time herein stated has been clerk of the IM - patch -Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for than tbn th in of the (�mopr�e ��n-lmmediately_� /, U' ' `.i printed ............... ('.'": "."":... j ...................... ...... hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication in the city of St. Paul In the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in apace, to at least 460 running inches of Single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above Stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the Same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of new. columns devoted to local news of Interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news,.com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mall matter in the local postoffice of Its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County In which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the............................................................. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in i the English language, .................. sins; that it was first so published on.. ...... the ................. day of 6�� r iQQQ16 19..... �' wi+i�iow oxTi^—iro�eiz- �tAIyPAPelintC 6ArpA6E. I ........................ and thereafter o ..................../ g /.. o ihs cyi°�yr'ee st. 16. alb? �adu-'� .....�'lphab ...................... and OnY.be t-6 sok d £6a1t. Y.. f-1, by nve) Bsv1t<i o0 1 V_' of th that the following 18 a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, b h inc; .Mt n m the rami e'rta�eat'.�et fn. and is hereby acknowledged as being the sire and kind oft in the composition l1;�Z'K tBe' M141- tlds I and publication of said notice, to -wit: -- 1t U9 en thy. north ., bftW 6yodlute A: am a b c d e f.h1 i k I Stu wY s at.. PaW' sum t4 naemb. n,4b.. Drc. 84-.. 1906.) . .............. ............................. ... 3 b Subscribed and .worn to before me this...day , , , , , , , , , , , , ,, , 18 .. . . ...................... _.._..._.. . . Ramsey Minnesota My co ire&_ .... ......... STATE Of MMESOTA, es. County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication ................... '........... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and during all the time he in stated has been clerk of the f71s- patch-Ploneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, 43. E and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated . That for more than one year immediately Prior to the P-uAbllca therein the �Q printed ".". ...... ...... .. ...... . .•• hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of Publication in the city of 8t. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide: has been issued from its known office as above stated, established In said place of Publi- cation, equipped with Wdned workmen and the necessary material for Preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it Purports to serve, the Press work of which has been done in Its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany: has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of Publlcatien to the extent of at least 390 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; bas had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoIIice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. (�j(� -tX�r That the ............. ................. J.. 1.••......•'•............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and /—twas printed and Published therein in S the English language, Q&0�-f01'.......................... .... that was first so published on. .........'�./Ci.-...the.... r ...9. .3.../........ day of 19.3.6and the on ...`.. ....., � . • ... a ° 'a �m ae &0+Op to 'So'awd-.Ware ......................... daP-of -phab .. r....... Z, b 19....: and iv that the following 1s a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, boar inclusive, pL a�•.� �s,m ! and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used 1n the compositio +o and publication of said notice, to -wit: -- y•e�+a..'s�'a,si�a 0. mi`➢� r nLcaergel]klm nopGat retu zy nee... sy d! . ww..na t Bt. Pw), Y+m!99�, D -b' ! DbD•, .p. 1930.) ...................... .......... ............ .. .. .... 19.... Subscribed and sworn to before me this........ day o .. ... . . .......... .... _._. uc, Ramsey County, Monasb� /�...., lfp?��. My <w .. ...... ... ptylo.l m CIN Cork .. e CITY OF ST, PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CpES UTION--GENERAL FORM nu ea N j95q __ RESOLVED That the a4lication of Herbert H. Bookler for permission to lonstall a 120 -gallon gasoline tank and pump in his garage at 1529 Laurel Avenue, for private use only, be and the same Is hereby granted, the tank and pump to be installed in so- oordanoe with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the COmmis- stoner of Public Safety. COUN MEN Yea9 s TIn ss lan favor earce ...... Against Mr.P�reeideni: eW e ze1) gat Ala.Se��od Vic- c. F. No._196963—By G. H. Bertuae— id b the COUnCn 1)— 19, 1930' red (Deo 18118?6), DEC 16 193 Adopted by the Council .........................................._...... 93..... DEC, lto(i Approved............................................. _... _�............... 193....... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 15th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Herbert H. Bockler for permission to install a 120 -gallon gasoline tank and pump at his garage at 1529 Laurel Avenue, for private use only, was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Mr. L. H. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alam G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst December 11, 1936 Herewith is application of Herbert H. Bockler for permission to install a 120 -gallon gasoline tank and pomp at his garage at 15529 Laurel Avenue, for private use only, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of Eire Prevention. Very truly yours, ty Co - i. - LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE 17 BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminioner Mr. L. H. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alam G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst December 11, 1936 Herewith is application of Herbert H. Bockler for permission to install a 120 -gallon gasoline tank and pomp at his garage at 15529 Laurel Avenue, for private use only, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of Eire Prevention. Very truly yours, ty Co - i. - LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE 17 BY PRACTISING SAFETY. December 10,1936 Hon*G. H. Barfuse Oommissioner of Public Safety. St.Paul,Yinn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Herbert H.Bookler for permission to install a 120 gallon gasoline tank and pump at his garage l0c' ted at 1529 Laurel Avenue, for private use only. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours "its-peo r Fire Prevention Bureau. LIFE IS VALUABLE —SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital f Minnesota o Chief WM. J. H Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Sheets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminl.n.r December 10,1936 Hon*G. H. Barfuse Oommissioner of Public Safety. St.Paul,Yinn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Herbert H.Bookler for permission to install a 120 gallon gasoline tank and pump at his garage l0c' ted at 1529 Laurel Avenue, for private use only. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours "its-peo r Fire Prevention Bureau. LIFE IS VALUABLE —SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. 4467 O.yma w ci.. cl.k CITY OF ST. PAUL C-u"c1L .Ai 9.54 .��. NO. ........................:.._.......... WEXMS, heretofore On Sale Liquor license No. 479, was issued to Alex Kubitschek at 1133-35 Rice St. and WHMMM Alex $nbitschek has requested that said license be transferred in his name to 1141-43 Rice St. and SSS, the License Committee has recommended that said license be transferred as requested; therefore, be it RESOLTZ4, That On Sale Liquor License No. 4T9. issued to Alex Subitschek at 1133-35 Rice St. be transferred in his name to 1141-43 Rice St. and the 5, propek city officers are hereby directed to change the cityls records accordingly. COUN MEN Yeas Na 15 n ..................... �—arce . In favor Against sot . 9M Or iSd ti 7 - -' DEC 16 W6 Adopted by the Council .... .......... ......... .......................... 193...... Approved ........................................... .....................................................193....... C..1�........'......./..../...`..- .............................. ..............1... Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL :°�i"`" NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,"571 - GENERAL FORM i WH'EigLS. heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 548 was issued to George McIntosh, at 483 Wabasha St. and WHERUS, George McIntosh has requested that said license be transferred in his name to 932 Aresde'St., and WHEREAS, The License Committee has recommended that said license be transferred as requested; 'tperefore, be it BESOLVSD. That On Sale Liquor License Do. 548 issued to George McIntosh, at 483 Wabasba St. be transferred in his name to 932 Arcade St. and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city's records accordingly. - Informally approved by City Council. Oct. 27, 1936. COUN MEN Yeas NTi....... favor earce ..............' Against t 1( am sas�.l C. FecondiWORcc fres. eusel)... Adopted by the Council ................. DE.0 1 S 19.4.. ............ DEC 1;, j j?,(, Approved............................... .............. _._......... ..193....... Mayor =Unca NO..105956... odsitl'I """' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE- THE CITY CLERK .ice ..... �Tlnwi___GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licens s applied for byhe Yol ing persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses -upon the payment into the city treasury of the required Yews Alvin 0. Roth 1521 Midway Pkwy. 011 Burner Installer App.15959 (Theo. E. Juckel) 549 Edmund St. Feel Dealer ° 75930 Lake Park Ice & Fuel Co. j lies Salita 179 H. Western Ave. Butcher 15905 C0 N�iIiMEN �11. Yeas B use �° favor earce 41TIMMT— Against 31.1 6 36—' E_... Adopted by the Council................®.........c._....1....s19393_ ... i U V93r� ..J..J Approved o�+de.lwaad.h'<ouNC+L NO... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM p ..........._.. DATE .... .. DeC816ber . i...R.._...2 .L6 ............._..._.. PRESENTED .....__. _. COM ISSIUNE ------------" RESOLVED on of George 11cIntosh for the transfer Of � �°Mowing .That the applicati licenses, to—wit, on Sale Malt #31124 Restaurant, from 483,if8basha St. to 932 Arcade St. be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. COUNC EN Nay/ Yeas �° _ _ .............._. In favor eter Against .... 19 nt eUZ4 3b+lu¢i6 Secood Vicc i'zes. C. F. No.� 708067 By °,-: fl BorNee- 3rVing.C.-Pea 0a asuu: (Dec. IH; 3088),�� 6 Adopted by the Council. DEC 16--i �� ..� � � a'•Xti F7 Approved..........._.......L .'......_zW.f_....193.._... / n ...._......._............ ...�..... ....... .._Mayor 968--8Y a Ii 'Irving Q Feat q Orlde-1 �e CnvCMek ..., [ Ileeas6e av'-. NO�tiJJ�i1 t 11c. op llet.�uwea CITY OF ST. PAUL anm tba Dame ., _... 'he C�tyrCte S��i OFFIC HE CITY CLik COU OLUTI--GENERAFJi+1 COM 1 _.:._.__.��__.. ......._.. ._. .._._.—DATE.......Dea.@A0.b.Q1:...x,.a ..x..936 ................._.. . RESOLVED That licenses applied for W the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Atlas Gas & Oil Co. 1400 Marshall Ave. Fuel Dealer App. 15990 Renew - Wm. B. Johnson 1344 Marshall Ave. Fuel Dealer " 15977 " Samson & Volk 183 E. Fairfield Motion Picture " 15808 " "n n " Confectionery " In5809 J. M. lleyandt 253 tomo Ave- Fuel Dealer " 15963 " " n " 1199 Rice St. Pixel Dealer " 15962 " A. C. Sedin 1412 Arcade St. Tavern ^ 15951 " n n " " Dance Hall " 15952 " a nn a " On Sale Malt " 15953 " 0. L. Hopkins 2304 Como Ave. W. Gas Station " 15946 " Twin City Fuel & Ice Co. 1160 Sims St. Fuel Dealer " 15945 ^ Ben Freeman Gas & Oil Co- 323 Como Ave. Fuel Dealer " 15939 Backer Fuel & Ice Co. 929 E. 7th St. Fuel Dealer " 15937 " C. M. Dunn 958 Newcomb Fuel Dealer " 15931 " Hertl Coal Co. 649 Rice St. Fuel Dealer " 15927 " Reliable Fuel Co. 104 W. Broadway, Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 15885 " E. F. Miller 1771 Selby Ave. On Sale Malt " 15941 " '" ■ " " " Restaurant " 15942 " " Off Sale Malt " 15943 " Louie Kinkor 297 Rice St- Restaurant " 15956 " COUNCI EN Yeas � N Fin an J In favor etereon Against 3M 634�'r Secoral Vice fres. enzel) Adopted by the Council .......... ........................ .......... ........193...... Approved.................................................................193....... ....... ............... .................. ........_......_�....... Mayor odstna t. - b i(�5958 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM � Y COMM158IUNE ... DATE RESOLVED —2 Helen E. Wiese 1158 Selby Ave. Conf. APP• 15933 Renew. S. B. Dean 189 W. 7th St. Hotel " 15918 " Adolph Kotowski 274 Rice St. Restaurant " 15915 " " 15916 " On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 15917 " May Mills 124 Bremer Arcade Restaurant " 15913 " H. W. Johnson 340 Minnesota St. Confectionery " 15912 " Midway Amusement Co. 1633 Univ. Ave. Pool Tables " 15903 " Allen Bros. Grocery 928 Raymond Ave. " 15902 " Rapp & Wittmann 919 St. Clair St. Grocery 15900 " J. H. Baulk6 539 Rice St. Grocery 15899 " Lddwig Hatter 1105 Rice St. @as Station " 15898 " Bertha C. Barnes 762 River Blvd. Restaurant " 15891 " W. J. Winburgh 414 Sibley St. 2nd Hand Dlr. " 15850 " " 15881, " James J. Bibeau 624 Wabasha St. Restair ant " 15882 " n ■ ■ " On Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 15883 " Mabel Kelley 979 Rondo On Sale Malt " 15874 " " 15875 " " " " " n " a n' Restaurant Off Sale Malt " 15876 " H. Kroening 741 Edmund Restaurant " 15966 " W.J. & 0. J. Murpby 893 Westminster Restaurant " 15860 " " 15861 " on Sale Malt Off Sale Malt " 15862 " J. E. Bertrand 561 van Buren � " 15577 " COUA,-ILMENx ce Hall Adopted by the Council........DE11...1..6...... " ...193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss y DEC Irj W5, Findlan In favor Approved .......................................... ...................... _193....... Pearce i Peterson Against.......................:_.:......_..._-� Mayor ' PUBLISHED-/ Mr Pvcai&ut (Gehan) 3M 6,36 - ��r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK FILE - OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NO.— OFFICE OF CALL - COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROv --,�ntT--F ar t aA FAVOR dlan AUDITED CLAIMS - - � � } 19 - 36 PEAROE sseem� nQ` �n RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. + gMAVG,Gy 1 r.CN VERING ��,,I�Z •TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5---SIVE.AS MR. PRE Bspa^ CHECKS NUMBERED__._'j -'��'--.L�rf0---"—TROLLER. 'u*PER CHECKS ON FILE If}FADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------------- j/--:� - V V .____ __.____ V-. -------"- - CITY --- COMPTR L ER R % .__ -- AP _ BY /� - TOTAL DATE RETURNED C. F. No 1. that --- CHECK a city ed, that ch erks he aggregate t TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER the �I[l Ire, Burl to the aggregate CHECKS AI CHECKS amount of al 11.,341 52 covering check, ---_- numhered 3111' to %1169 Inclu,lve as}---� - - - - 7 500 00 402 42 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD • __2 IM c.710 � 4 70 2go 0 241 6 3] 2 3 11 7 28 2 27 0 2$ 4q 2 2 5 5 6 400 7 29 125 14 5 55 0 26 733.6 3 125 0 40 o31 4C 297 S 497 8< 160 21 104 398 6. 939 597 51 69 01 416 6 509 8 2 4 543 7 87 1 175 8 32 C 13 262 f 22 107 7 3936c petyr rhecke on the In the office of the 1 cicomet roller. Adopted by the Council Dec. 16, 1936. Approved Dec. 16. 1936. ( Dec. 19. 1936 ) e� 31117 311181. Pat;iok Conroy Oomooroial State Bank, Assi Awe OonstruotiOn Company 31119 John Bailey 31120 31121 John a. Hurley rational Regulator Company 31122 COOhran-.Sergen_ 3112 Griggs, Cooper Company Dick 9peakes Supply & Fuel C 311 311 55 Western& prase Comp 3112b ggRubber yrsg P'Company 31127 31128 ; Mrs. Easy Sm"y Christy 31129 31130 Yrs. Louis Fay Yrs. Elisabeth Literski 31131 31132 Yrs. Elfrida Soderberg Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin 31133 31134 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin 31135 Axel F. Peterson, C• 0f F, 31136 Amerioan Linen Supply mp In 31137 31138, Geo. Benz & Sons Adam DOOker Hardware Company 31139 Northern States Power Compan UOMPany 311140 Pioneer NIS trio An 141 for James Glass Company 142 L.C.Smith & Corona Typewri 31143 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compel 4 nJosYorgaln 31145 Fret 31146 A. J. Yoarthy 31147 Carl YarO'nde 31148 31149" National Tea Company Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina 31150 31151 f fine p1°a P. Peter eonPet , 0. of Fine. 3115332 Kalman & Company 31154 Vern�G.&nienasny 31155 31156' Mike Dobney Auditor Geo.J.Ries, County • 31157, Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin - 31158 31159 Peoples Eleotrio Company Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin. 0. 31161 city of St.paui,'B' of Aud.. 31162 Capitol Stationery Yfg.Oompf ennings 3116 31165 Yidway�NeweT. Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compai 31166 31167 John PBetuoh . Axel F. Peterson, Cof Fina of Fini Axel F. 31169 Axel F. Peterson1168 , 0. of Finl 7 500 00 402 42 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD • __2 IM c.710 � 4 70 2go 0 241 6 3] 2 3 11 7 28 2 27 0 2$ 4q 2 2 5 5 6 400 7 29 125 14 5 55 0 26 733.6 3 125 0 40 o31 4C 297 S 497 8< 160 21 104 398 6. 939 597 51 69 01 416 6 509 8 2 4 543 7 87 1 175 8 32 C 13 262 f 22 107 7 3936c 105960_. COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY 0'. In the Matter of grading Alleys in Blook 2, Lexington Avenue Avenue to Yinnehaha Street and from the Horth and South Alley to Blook 2, Lexington Avenue Addition, 4 105852 a rovesa Hovemher B, Y9Sf7 under Preliminary Order pp z The Council of the City of St Paul having received the report of the Commissiotet of'FinanCb'upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alleys in Blook 2. Lexington Avenue Addition from Capitol Avenue to Miunehahe. Street and from the `Horth and South Alley to the east line of Blook 2, Lexington Avenue Additift, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 785.75. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the lath day of January 1937 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court uHouse and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of z _ said'meeting to -the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ; , ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. DEC 161936 Adopted by the Council 193— € EU 1 �i �..a-gin-✓ Approved 193— Ci k ' Mayor Councilman `- - Councilman Councilman Councilman h'bsih Councilman Councilman � ffi blL - - a �i'euzel Mayor NINKOH60M Form B. S. A. 8-6 pjJBLtsiic O �� COUNCIL FILE NO.._..._._..._. _.._... _ x.05962 CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses 4 for grading alley in Blook 2, John Gearden Addition from Fredericka Avenue to Fairview Avenue, ~under Prel4inary Order -----•_l $0 Intermediary Order ......._103826 .................................... - FinalOrder.---.......---.1A36fl4...................... approved ........jhMe...9..... -............................................... 19-31. The assessment of. ......... ........................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the....... !P4..............day of _L 19..AT., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 1'a to �� Adopted by the Council ................................................. ................ 9 T.. n :1 ................ .. . City Clerk. �. Approved........... ------------------•----.....19 y/ 7 ..... Councilman Barfuae Councilman „__ "�0 Councilman Findlan Pearce Councilman Peterson �-/ PUBLISHED Councilman dodkimalm Ir"921 Councilman dftmmd� Wenzel Mayor Al@p�� Form B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE-._._.-..---•-- --_ ------ --- ----------------- _------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL ry W,5963 a«ter ot-' the zaeseee>f Veebeta�:: and eXDOnt 0ayton AveIenroNa-beret � 4 Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for changing the grade of the North and South Alley in Block 88, Desnoyer Park from Dayton Avenue to the East and Hest Alley to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading and paving the Horth and South Alley in Block 58, Desnoyer Park from Dayton Avenue to East and Hest Alley to the proposed red line when established, and constructing a sewer from the Alley to Exeter Place in the easement to be obtained on the southerly 10 feet of Lot 18, Block 68, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order ............ 1035.7.5-.......................... Intermediary Order ---1030. 6-.....--------•-••--------------------•, ........:............. Final Order . .-.....-•---------•------------------ 19.58-- .----...10416Q ------•, aPPmved-...----.....--_-....J..---- une.• - $9 The assessment of. -----••-............................................................... -.................................. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 13th day of January • •-----------•-•- ........ 19. $�-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 16 ft Adopted by the Council ...................... ------------------------------- -•--- -� DE� ..�.� �'r .. ..............:_V City Clerk. Appmved................. ...............................19..--..... "••••.................�'u�yor. Councilman folpliag Barfuss Councilman Wism en Parc Councilman Pearce CouncilmanP Peterson PUBLISHED/ - Councilman Councilman Wenzel Mayor VrAn= —QAbAu roan B. B. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO ... - ..... _...... -..--.-..- .... _. By-...... --- _----- -........---- -_--- ------------------ ------- of >� aeabeem,• nd elillen For 9 _ 1L►5964 �& rge�o+taeY t ot'<t{a�Ir'edte atels { 10.egdpeatl .� - ovamenG i aP+�• ' ilr.L A°°nm y�8fsr r CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses curbing Frederiolm Avenue from Juliet Street to Palace Street for under Preliminary Order......_ 19; .............................. Intermediary Order -------------------------- , Final Order....:........066.2----------......---- approved. ....... J41Y--11.................................. The assessment of. ...._bsaefits---oo�te. and ea�onaes......... ....................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...............day of damtary 19.5., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 16 10 Adopted by the Council -------------------------------- ................----- .._ .... r � E, G T ( `" . ........................---........-....-. ...-------- •------., City Clerk. Appteved............................. ................... 19 - Conneilman; 0 ancy Councilman Yerguson i t Councilman McDonald i :I,�cD � Councilman, Rohland _ son Councilman€Sudheimer - - / Councilman uWAnze "^-3 Wenzel PUBLISHED Mayor Nodgm e3ehatr.� F— B. B. 17 orytml m fab tJerk � ,.:_ ? ORDINANCE ,,, � (��Q(� C,`,�NCIL� � �l7Vilittl 4'�fsa:utmvF.. An ordinance granting to Nbrthera BSatse Powar flompany s corporation organized wader the laws of the State of lttnnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul,,.for the purpose of conducting and supplying electricity for all purposes for a tarn of five (S) years from and after January let, 193?; proscribing, rates which such corporation may charge for such service and determining -the amount which such corporation shall pay to theCity for. the use and.oeoupancy of its streets or other public property. Mals -an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation=o!'the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES CRDwIN: ftetion 1. Northern States Power Company,,a oorporatlen ' v organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, being a pablia service corporation supplying electric energy within the City of Saint Paul its franchise having expired and all of, the tempax �a n licenses authorized to be issued by the C}sarter o! tae Sity of Saint Paul•having been given and having expired, and said corporatism ham'; 4 mg tiier'esitnr continued to furnish such servieol'and in so doing Lou - ins the streets and other public property #f such city, pergiasiomr. is hereby given to Northern States Power Company, a corporaton.or8en izod under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and aesSgns,'to use the streets and -other public property located in such eity,for such purpose for a period of five (5) years from and after January let, 1987. Thie permission shall extend to the use of all EVf streets and public property now being used by said Northern States Power Company and such otherstreets and public places as may from Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council.... _-__- --- -_------------------------- - --- Barfuss _------- -------------•-•----- BarFuss Findlan Pearce .............. ........ .In Favor Peterson------- Truax- - - - Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved.......... . .. ......• -----•------... ........... Attest: City Clerk Mayor 41 (3) todowrl A, '�"e';i,4 v, 4AX-40't Effective on all bills on and after RESIDENTIAL Available for residential use only in single private reel - dentes, for lighting, incidental 'Be of appliances, and domestic power heating and Cooking served through one meter. Not ave. e than 15 dwel uget able for TOOM'-a houses Of mOrbuild rooms, jugs which willmultiple continue to and general 130 ice to apartment be served on suite rates. For demands not in excess of 5 RPA First 25 kilowatt-hours per month 0 Z.O* not per6 kwh a .00 Next 25 0 3.00 Next 50 2:50 0 Next 50 2.00 Next 200 0 1.50 zZoess _tha kw �h jn�the third, Where demand ezoe lo, and fourth and fit - th blockia!�A&! Inoreiied 10, 40 kwh: respectively, for each whole xVA of demand in excess of 5 EVA. Delayed Payment Marge: 5% Mini— Charge: $1.05 gross, $1.00 not per month Other Provisions Of this schedule now in effect and On file In the office Of the CoWdseloner of Public Utilities remain unchanged. Zffective on all bills on and after /�, DIAL It 1937 OOY LIGHTING P. .1 -- Available for lighting, Lao d ntal use of appliances on lighting circuits and motors totali t more than one HP in oapaoityo For demands n n excess of 5 EW First 13 kwh or less r month 01.00 net Next 337 kilowatt—hour rr month 6 ?051 not per not Next ® 4 Next 1 000 N N R N ® 3.00 N a W Next 1 000 W r R R 2.04 N r r ExcessR M N M 1.50 N N N Where demand is in excess of 5 KW the fourth and fifth blocks will be lengthened 160 kwh for each 500 watts over 5a1w. Delayed Payment Chargel 5 Minimum Charge: $1.00 neV per month Other provisions of this schedule now in effect and on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Utilities remain unchanged. Q COMBINED LIGHT AND POWER Demand ChargeE First 10 kilowatts ® ¢3.25 net per XW per month Next 40 r ® 2,25 N a N a r Next 50 N A 1,90 r N N N R Next 100 a® 1 Excess 5 a a N N a Plus Energy charge., D.O. A.C. First 1 000 kwh per month f 3.50 3.50 not per kwh Next Ooo r a a ® 2.5 2.5 Nexv A 000 R N R ® 1.5 1.2 r N N Next 30 000 a N a m 1.3 1.0 N W r Neat 50 000 N N r 0 1.2 0.9 N r r Next 100 000 r N ° 0 1.0 0.d saoe9e N r a ® 1.0 0.75 a N a Primary Voltage and Long Term Discounts: Unchanged Delayed Payment Charge: 5% Other provisions of this sc od le now in effect and on file in the office of Utilities r®main uncbanged. Effeoti on all bills on and after OONVEROIAL LIGHTING Available for lighting, cooking and heating up to 10 EW and small Power up to 5 HP with no individual motor over 2 HP For demands not in excess of 5 Lw First 1 kwh or less per month $1. 90 net Next 13 kilowatt-hours per month ® b.0� net per kwh Next 13000 sNext N N N 6 Sop¢ tl ■ Fest 1 000 r ■ N tl 1.0* M N M Excess N ■ ■ r w 1,50 M N N Where demand is in excess of 5 ESP, the fourth and fifth blooke will be lengthened 100 kwh for each 500 watts over 5 EW. Delayed Payment Charges monthly minimus Charges 5f .00 net plus S.50 net per HP and S.50 net per EW for all power and beating in excess of 1,SP said 1 1W, respectively. Other,.V** sjcq j og this schedule now in effeot and on tilt in the onsite of the t?omesisstoeter of P&JIG Ut 11tiee remain unchanged. UNERAL POWER . First 50 hours) nae per month of max. demand O 5.00 net par kWh zest 150 N N ■ ■ N R N 6 2.54` tl ■ R Excess N tl R R R R ■ 0 1050 N N N Quantity Discount: Unchanged Delayed Payment Margot 5% monthly minimum Charges First 1 HP or less $1.00 net Excess horsepower $.50 net per HP Other provigions of %big schedule now in effect and on file in the otfloe of the Commissioner of Public Utilities remain unchanged. w, pt14�m! m D4 ©erk PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE ���� COUNCIL FILE NO. ORDINANCE NO. A Seotion/G. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force upon its pasea6e and p0lioatlon and acceptance, as provided in Section 6 hereof. Yeas �uncihnen Nays Baifues /Pe/Pearcearce /1 UPQterson ,Wenzel j14i/t ( eha Attest: --------------- ` - ------------------------- City Clerk 3" 9 -Di r r. Passed by the Council ----- ._-..��a-3-1-2I,L-•--•--------- ..................In Favor ......-------- -0 - Against k• . ..------.—..._.. roved:.- ---------------- .yor PUBLISHED /' U" fec lR, T: Ln9 .. Laid over to- 3rd. &app.. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nay s4 Ap' a uss Barfuss dlan Findlan arce Pearce e rson / Peterson ruax Truax enzel Wenzel r. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan r _ ,�+ �ri. _. ' I pa t luwlmosampsi orwnal wabaak ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Yeas Councilmen Nays -iarfuss larcen \ ii'et-.rson U/ ) it�`'uax iWenzel /�Ir, resident (Gehan) Attest: 1r / -..-.._.........-� Cit Clerk 3" 9136 DEC 3106 Passed by the Council...--.-----------. ----------------------- ---- 'In Favor ....................... -----Against AnaS' roved: ---------r. ----- /-�>� --- - 1111..................._ Y Mayor > L-�- y H �, °`"'°"t. (34©ar ORDINANCE COUNO PRESENTED 8Y. /� ORDINANCE NO. 1133. An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of oonveying and supplying steam to consumers for all purposes -for a term of five years from and after January 1, 1937; prescribing the rates which such corporation may charge for such service and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to -the City for the,use and occupancy of its streets or other public property.' This is ani emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserve— tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. t, Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, being a public service corporation supplying steam for the consumers for all purposes within the City of Saint Paul, its franchise having expired and all of the licenses authorized to be issued by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul having been given and having expired, and said corpora- tion having thereafter continued to furnish such service and in so doinguses the streets and other public property of such City, permission is hereby given to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, to use the streets and other public property located in such City for such purpose for a period of five Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council. --------------- --------------------- ------------ --•- Barfuss Findlan In Favor Pearce ............... ------ --- Peterson Truax .-•------.....---- ..Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved: ................. ...•-- Attest: _.. - ......--... ................................- ------.....................--- ...............................City Clerk ------.......................Mayor 700 9.36 2nd.—/ Laid over to 3rd. & app• Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barfuss J�fuss *�dlan Findlan /P/ arce Pearce Ae rson Peterson uax O Truax enul Wenzel Pres. Geban Mr. Pres. Gehan °`"'°"t. (34©ar ORDINANCE COUNO PRESENTED 8Y. /� ORDINANCE NO. 1133. An ordinance granting to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, permission to use the streets and other public property located in the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of oonveying and supplying steam to consumers for all purposes -for a term of five years from and after January 1, 1937; prescribing the rates which such corporation may charge for such service and determining the amount which such corporation shall pay to -the City for the,use and occupancy of its streets or other public property.' This is ani emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preserve— tion of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. t, Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, being a public service corporation supplying steam for the consumers for all purposes within the City of Saint Paul, its franchise having expired and all of the licenses authorized to be issued by the Charter of the City of Saint Paul having been given and having expired, and said corpora- tion having thereafter continued to furnish such service and in so doinguses the streets and other public property of such City, permission is hereby given to Northern States Power Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Minnesota, its successors and assigns, to use the streets and other public property located in such City for such purpose for a period of five Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council. --------------- --------------------- ------------ --•- Barfuss Findlan In Favor Pearce ............... ------ --- Peterson Truax .-•------.....---- ..Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved: ................. ...•-- Attest: _.. - ......--... ................................- ------.....................--- ...............................City Clerk ------.......................Mayor 700 9.36 Steam_D; so that the -company's els business in Saint Paul shall be reported, and the Council, Mayor, City Cemptroller c or any other competent person or persons designated by the'Council or the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the right at all reasonable times to'examine the books of account, records and vouchers of said company. Said Northern States Power Company shall also file r with said Commissioner of Public Utilities within two months after July first and January first of each year a complete. detailed statement.on forms to be approved by saidjCommissioner ofall additions to and retirements from the company's property in the City of, Stint Paul, a statement of financial conditions, igsu811y cal led a'balsnce sheet, 0 pertaining to the Saint Paul 4f 1�Toper, Department of..the c„ompany together with such -break downSr� r _` ;fid snelses:,of open&ting",statements as the said Commi4sioner m�x� *section °6. Nothing contained hex-jin &abe u 'oarutretad an granting to the Northern States Power Company, its encce ,fir ass. 4A4v4,# indeterminate or perpetual permit 4190 9 bd fit etibjoft tor an. the 1',..,..: provisions of the Charter of the City of St. Paul applicable hereto.* ereof in forr�o be.•approved by e of U therein shall agree to abide by end keep and perform all the terms, U -'limitations, conditions and provisions of this ordinance. Section �. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency, ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the publio peace, health and safety. —4— IU 4 2 S• } � f i { r i so that the company 8, business in Saint : ,.. � City,Oamptroller` Paul shallbe reported, and the Council, Mayor, Persons designated by the-Council or any, other competent person or the Commissioner of Public Utilities shall have the `rgbt.at' or all reasonable times to'examine the books of account, records and vouchers of said company. Said Northern States Power -Company shall also file Commissioner of Public Utilities within, two months ro►ith said after July first and January first of each year a complete- detailedstatementon forms to be approved by said^commissioner of. all additions to and retirements from the company's Property in th'e City of. Saint Paul, a statement of financial conditions, a. balance sheet, as .Pertaining to the Saint Paul nasally nailed n,. t ether with such break, down of the company tog a ProPer'Uepaxtmen� al ser of operating statements as the said Commis8icner _. ani anZ request. Section'. shall within thirty Said Northern States Power Company , i:. approval and Publication of this ordinance,, days after the passage, the City. Clerk of said City its written acceptance, 7�file with. �theregf in fo o be approved by the. Corporation Counsel, and K ^ee therein shall eg to abide by. and keep and.parfgrm all the' terms, , limitations, idonditions and provisions of this ordinance. Y Section �. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency, ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety, xf M'. fuiEt r , °'°'' to cx°©w` ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 165967.. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. Section 9. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. i DEC 31tw -- Yeas ZCouncilmen Nays rfuss � Passed by the Council---- --------------- ------------------------------- --- an /� -----In Favor earce terson U -Against 1 lMr. Attest: %��c'2"_ - -•-- ---- ••---...---,F•'ll..-�---«S��-.-..._----.. City Clerk a♦y*o�r�r�t� ZN 9.36 �Mf PU13LIJ[liLL _ - NO_ ............ 1U5y68 Or1d"'l/Oa"clack CITY OF ST. PAUL ^" OFFICE OF T "TY CLERK UNCtL RE . ON-- FERAL FORM ) Whereas, the funds made available through emergency appropriations ed for anon removal, cindering icy streets, and have been entirely a Vand � ant and setting up snow fences for the e4 for repairing snow cleaning Pm ensuing winter season, and Y➢ttereas, it is necessary for the protection of lives and tsmafe of of the inhabitants of the City of St. Paul toenablethe Ding the re— Public Works to remove ow and cinder the is streets during ` maining part of this year, Resolved, That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to borrow the sum of Ten Thousandtiesllars ($10,000) and to. execute and deliver to the party or parties bearing the loan a promissory note payable to such party Said note interest at the rate of not exceeding three P� cent Per eanum, to be payable one year from the date of execution thereto; and be it Further Resolved, That the funds so borrowed be credited to the Emergency Street Snow and Ise Removal Fundt Code 15 J. all of the said icy fund to be expended only for the purposeof removal of .ci ring streets and repairs and maintenance of snow cleaning equipment. `{06008—aYTrvin i l , the thndpe r D1 1er6ee7�ry�6e6 ?t•+ - § 9ilgdd'JeY attee4! - t W-cleeRlnB .fort noWtepce6.teF j, ear9:1 tt•16, occas tet 4; 1•ves'and;. •Le CttY': of COUNCILMEN ' Yeas ➢s /use dlan In favor earce /Pe reon . �,.. __.. Against UX " `ra`j__enzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council._ D�C'6'''`�` ..193....._ Approved....................... DEG.1.6,.1 -193....._ PUBLISHED �• ^J r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council, No A Theundersignedhereby proposesthe-Alcingofthefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: the 1 - ---------- ............ and taking an easement -------------- .................. PRELIMINARY ORDEIL the following improvement, viz.: WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of essary s3-QP"1—=L+S Co demnil3g..And taking sn easement--in-.the-.l ,_..StrH .p ejt_.fr_QM =line ................ . ................... ............... I ....................... . .................................... .............. ....................... ......... . ................ . ......................... ............... I .................... ........................... .... ------------- — - - ------ Council of the city of Saint Paul ......................... having been presented to the Coun therefore, be it ED, That the commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: RESOLV said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the makingof -2. -To investigate the nature, extent an(festimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. ra 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owns 5. To report upon all Of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance - Adopted by the council....._........_.-... ...................... YZAS NAYS BOFUSS DEC 1," 193i� councilman /f ..................................... ,R4DLANApproved --------------------- - ---------- /PJARCE #,VERSON IROAX !Mayor. MR. PnzstDWT AW� - - - ------------ - ---------- jr. C A 13 (M 7-M Petition G-19 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council no No ......... IC597Q Theundersigned hereby proposeethe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grading_ Atlantis._Street-_from_Hamline__Avenue._to-_Holton_Avenue-------------------------------------- ................... ............ Dated this 16th.......... day of ................... Decembers -193 .................... 193 r. _..3. Councilman. eW � �qn .'KSd iu•-. PRELIMINARY ORDER. f •sw. t orel'4s 4 t .the Commis.ti¢, ne 6a111 dehereD•.� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,at a tbn n Avenue .d Holton Avenue. -Grading--Atlantis--Street_Prom Haml ------ ------------ -- ------ -------......_.._ -A' having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ----------.------------------------------------ ------------ - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. d/ Adopted by the Council------------------------------- DEC.IUM. .------..... YEAS NAre Councilman ARFUSS P NDLAN!Approved................. C F l .u.. ----------------------- - ,f ERSON 1/Ma Paaewnxa / Mayor. F— C ♦ nl (91! 7-38) /PUBLISHED � oei4lo.rtat�Chek i•��' 4 - :1'. CITY OF, ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FIC 'sem 2 o97 s �� Tinx y .SaoJ¢ _Islsfur oee'o' r 6 WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgroue#p and Public IBuildings has proposed and recommended that the following described /real estate, title to which was acquired by the City of"St. Paul for the purpose of a public park, parkway or boulevard, be sold in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul regulating the disposal of real estate owned by the City of St. Paul, assigning his reasons for such proposal and recommendation, to wit: That sAid premises are not suitable for the purpose of a public park, parkway or boulevard, and that the best interests of the City require that the same be sold, which premi'aes are described as follows: °All that part of Lot 1, Lot 2, and the N. E, a of the N. W. 4 of Section 14, Township' 28, Range 23, descrited ab: at - Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 2, thence north on the west line of said lot 100 feet, thence norther ---- easterly to a point 230 feet southeasterly of the centerline of Stewart Avenue measured at right angles from a point:°350 set,southwesterly from the intersection of center lines of Stewart and Otto avenues, thence northwesterly 197 feet to 8butheasterly line of Stewart avenue, measured at right angles thereto, thence northeasterly on said line of Stewart Avenue tc.;t4elsouth line of Otto Avenue, thence east on said south line to tb:,' southwesterly line of .-Uverside, Add-ition 'No:- 2 produced to Otto Avenue, thence on said southWI y line of said Addition to the Mississippi River, thence on the shore line of said river to,the intersection of the 197 -foot line above described produced to the said river, thence northwesterly on said last described line to a point 530 feet from the center of Stewart Avenue, thence southwesterly to a point on the south line of Lot 1 that is 420 feet east of the southwest corner of said lot; thence southwesterly to a point on the south line of Lot 2, that is 290 feet east of the southwest corner of said lot, thence west on said south line 290 feet to beginning, as shown on the map prepared by the Bureau of Engineers of the City of Saint Paul, Maty l 1eys within the same, and all 5th, 1915. (Including all al vacated streets adjacent to same, title to which has been vested `n the City of St. Paul, as expressly authorized by Section 423 °ass of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, as amended.) Sub"jiect to tris following reservations-: _,The right reserved to the Saint Paul Crushed Stone Company, a corporation, and its assigns, Council........ ......... 193"` WNCIt&IM Adopted b the :..... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan.. ::... _.193....... In favor Approved ...._........... _....... Pearce f/ Peterson Against ...... ... r .. ......... :. — Traua Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 odXt.}. otyClak (dry ' CITY OF ST. PAUL i"`" NO_........;�0ry�iJ.. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMIPRESENTNTEDBY .............._._.DATE.................................._......_�.........._..__.._......._. SSIONER__._..._._........._......_.._._........__......_..__... ...... .___— ... ._............. _. X8801103Mx to occupy and use said tract and conduct quarrying operations thereon until such time as the City of St. Paul may require the possession and use thereof for park, parkway or boulevard purposes; and the further right reserved to the Saint Paul Crushed Stone Company, a corporation and its assigns, to maintain and operate on a portion of said premises the stone -crushing plant now located thereon in substantially the same, location for a period of fifteen years; the said premises being located in Ramsey County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the sale of'said premises is expressly authorized by Section 423 of the Charter of the City of St. Paul as amended, and the sale of the same is deemed in the beat interests of the h City of St. Paul, therefore be it, RESOLVED, That said proposal and recommendation of said Commissioner and the project for the sale of said premises by the City of Saint Paul, in accordance with the ordinances of said City prescribing the rules and regulations for the disposal of real estate owned by the City, be and the same hereby are in all things approved, and that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to sell said premises, and all right,title and interests of the City of Saint Paul therein, and that all proceedings to be taken in the sale of said premises shall be in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance #6576 of the City of Saint Paul, approved November 5, 1925, as amended by Ordinance #6957. Yeas �� COUN EN N Adopted by the Council........ BEG...�.7.._'�a1�...193...... a Findlan E C 'l Infavor Approved.............................................................193....... sPeter n / .. Against ....I_....../.. QMayor t fin? PUBLISHED 3M. 676 Mr. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Perks I upt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PA Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiuioner December 15, 7.936 To the Honorable, The i,:ayor and Council of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: The following described real estate was acquired by deed by the City of St. Paul for the purpose of a public park, parkway or boulevard, pursuant to the provisions of Council File 4962, adopted May 15, 1915; providing among other things for the vacation of Stev;art Avenue from the northeasterly line of Alaska Avenue to the southerly line of Otto Avenue, to wit: All that part of Lot 1, Lot 2 and the N.E.1 of the N, i^1. of Section 14, Township 28, Range 23, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 2, thence north on the west line of said lot 100 feet, thence northeasterly to a point 230 feet southeasterly of the center line of Stewart avenue measured at right angles from a point 350 feet southwesterly from the intersection of center lines of Stewart and Otto avenues, thence northwesterly 197 feet to southeasterly line of Stewart avenue, measured at right angles thereto, thence north- easterly on said line of Stewart avenue to the south line of Otto avenue, thence east on said south line to the south- westerly line of side Addition No. 2 produced to Otto Avenue, thence on said southwtly line of said Addition to the Mississippi River, thence on the shore line of said river to the intersection of the 197 -foot line above des- cribed produced to the said river, thence northwesterly on said last described line to a point 530 feet from the center of Stewart avenue, thence southwesterly to a point on the south line of Lot 1 that is 420 feet east of the southwest corner of said lot; thence southwesty to a point on the south line of Lot 2, that is 290 feet 'e`ast of the southwest corner of said lot, thence west on said south line 290 feet to beginning, as shown on the may prepared by the Bureau of Engineers of the City of St. Paul, May 13, 1915; SubjFct to the following reservations: -2 - The right reserved to the Saint Paul Crushed Stone Company, a corporation, and its assigns to occupy and use said tract and conduct quarrying operations thereon until such time as the City of St. Paul may require the possession and use thereof for park, parkway or boulevard purposes; and the further right reserved to the Saint Paul Crushed Stone Company, a corporation, and its assigns to maintain and operate on a portion of said premises the stone -crushing plant now located thereon in sub- stantially the same location for a period -of fifteen years; the said premises being located in Ramsey County, Minnesota. The sale of said premises, including all alleys within the same, and all vacated streets adjacent to same, title to which has been vested in the City of St. Paul, is expressly authorized by Section 423 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, as amended. The above described premises are not suitable for public park, parkway or boulevard purposes, and it would be im- practicable to devote any portion of the same to any of said purposes, and the best interests of the City of Saint Paul require that the same be sold, and the undersigned proposes and recommends that the same be sold in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance No. 6576 as amended by Ordinance No. 6957, prescribing the rules and regulations for the disposal of real property owned by the City of Saint Paul. Respectfully submitted, /Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Bldgs. atl r-eCi',cl. COONx.659'72 CITY OF ST. PAUL elle.CIL NO_ .................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNR SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_____...... _._.... .. _. .._:....... ........_....__.._...___..._...._.._...._..........._...........GDATE.._.._..............._..._,......................_._............................ RESOLVED, that the following employell bonds, issued by the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, covering the duties of the positions set forth, and which bonds have been approved as to form and ezeou- tion by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit them in the office of the City Comptroller; Clarence A. Storms Chief Clerk - Registration $1000.00 Harold K. Voss H. J. Riordan George Sadek Leonard Vesely Bureau, City Clerk's Office Typist - City Markle Office $1000.00 Chief Clerk - City Clerk's Office $5000.00 Senior Clerk - Office of City Clerk $5000.00 Senior Clerk - City Clerk's Office $1000,00 C. F. No. 106972—By Axel P Peterson, by request— Resolved: that the following am. Typist, City Clerk's Chief Clerk. City 1.00 nlor Clerk. OIBee of 0. Senior Clerk. City 0.00. ;ounoil Dec. 17, 1990. 1. 199& Yeas COU MEN Nay' Adopted by the Council..... DEC �. 193...... 1' t36 `a¢( ss /� In favor Approved..... .................. i.... `..........193..._.. tereon / / Tlnna d ... Against /` Mayor W 639 wtxvlc.. r--. ., �1Cn88) 0,411..(mCUT cwk . 015973 / CITY OF ST. PAUL co �Hc NO ......................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CCMMISSI4NER—__._.__.._............_...____......__._...._.__.____....._.....—....._...__..... .......:... ._.................. DATE .....-3),00onitlea'„_ 7.. .... .936 ................ _ 4k WEMWAS. Willard Helgerson desires to withdraw application 16044 for Transfer of Taxicab License $67, and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Willard Helgerson the fee of $1.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN MEN Yeas Nays �Findlan In favor =n ............. �.... 'Against 3M 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) 0 .,. �n_av-6• H. Bertuae- 7 Deae17O19881 Dec. 17. 1988. (Dec. 19. 1938Y EC 193E .193_.._. Adopted by the Council ........P ..................................... h r ( 4 r� a'+ Approved..... //..................1_�:..:..,...F::........1 ° .......193....... V ' ................................ ..... Y CIL D"1 -tmcitCITY OF ST. PAUL "" //j�jV�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/ ((( COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ___._._._....... .... _... _..... ............................................. DATE. ...Decomher._.1?......1..36...................... _. CO M M19S1 UN ER._.__.._......_....._. S. L. Leestemper desires to withdraw application 11117702 for On Sale S, Liquor License at 383 Rice St. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it, Nays the city officers be and they are hereby authorized to RESOLVED, That proper Leestamper the fee of $541.67 and to cancel Baid refund to S. L. 3M 636 Mr.resident (Truax) application for license. K g6rtvee— V.Mt ee. sj,;° �an 114s �l sic e B e of vq zt o Qe. .,.;« Salo r 4 Teen. theteoDa=cf otised of 88fl6L dep 061d aha thbce the to g0 dta4411CPft n gep 9y end 1988. to ca cel .1 fund to Des 14. { LoYAB 9t.ed bDecel A4Dr°ve6 COUNCILMEN Yeas f Nays mdlan In favor .Pe eon Against 3M 636 Mr.resident (Truax) Adopted by the Council ......._DEC --1719N'93 - Approved.. ,y r!Do 193....... ��................ Mayor Orbs.! m City clink A �op��,�(5.y7.5 CITY OF ST. PAUL .IL. No .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /" COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT UNE _.__..._.._........ _......._. __.........__......_. _.......DATE. PRESENTED Hlj.....D.ecember...l7.....1.936 ...................._. RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: H. J. Beech 618 Edmund St. Butcher App. 14855 New St.Anthorq Ice & Fuel Co. 260 W.Central Ice Station ^ 15267 ^ National Tea Co. 2034 Marshall Ave. Butcher ^ 15318 ^ Herman Winnick 802 Univ. Ave. Grocery ^ 15851 ^ n ^ n n Butcher n 15952 n n n ^ n OffSale Malt ^ 15853 ^ Edw. G. Pmvogel 272 S. Snelling Florist It 15906 ^ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,�Yart as lndlan In favor e n Against IN RN, 3M 636Mr Vice -r -'_u: (Truax) ' C. F. No. X06976—By G. H. Surfuee— F. M. Truax-- Reeolved, that licensee appll'ed [or by the. following pereone at the' ad- dreeeee Indicated be and the same Bre nereky granted%and the "city clerk to Instructed toIssuesuch licensee upon the payment Into the city treasury o[ the repaired [see• *. H. J. Busch, 618 Edmund Se.'Butoher, APP• 14866, New: ; 8L Anthony Sce & Ppiuel Co. -, 880. W. C National Tea Co�;8084 Ma ehaH Butcher, Ab�pp 16818, New. Herman Winnlck, 80iUniversity -Ave:. Grocery, A�n 16861, New. . Herman WtPn16k,808'IInlverelty. Ave., Butcher, Ana 16868;'. New. ' Herman Wlnnlek, 808 University Ave., off 8ais Malt ADD. 16868. W.W. .Edw. 6. I?uvogel �87 e. Snelling, F16riet. App 16906,2R&41,.. Adopted Dy the Council Dec. 17, 1986, Approved Dec. 17, 1938. (Dec. 19, 14'86)' Adopted by the Council ...DEC ...;g;..7...},936.......193...... Approved........ _........ ............._..................193....... ../._/ .... ..... ..:......................... Mayor 0AZI- l m ck. 101..1, couwca CITY OF ST. PAUL yr NO........ OFFICE OF THE CIr,AA-tVRILK- lft" COUNCIL RESOLUTIONS to 1n Aiih - ent Into I.N IRM ed'tees PRESENTED BY eros:. Pecking -.., eutohar ADD,�l7� --e. ,: December 17, 1936 COMMISSIONER—___.___..__...._..........__.........__. __..__.._...__ . _. __�.___....,. .., �DATE::..........................................._...._........._..............___ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses iKicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inetiiwted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest Tittle Bros. Packing Co. x445 Wabasha St. Butcher App. 14728 Renew. Northrup Fuel Co. 892 Newcomb Fuel Dealer " 15153 " Harry Speeter 1437 N. Cleveland Butcher " 14818 " �a Anna Cochiarella 661 Payne Ave. Butcher " 14531 ■ William F. Miller Sr. 578 Rice St. Butcher " 14933 " Stanley J.& Rose R. Miller 739 Selby Ave. Butcher " 14843 " Mrs. B. Schochet 500 Selby Ave. Butcher n 14990 n Nick Torok 834 Como Blvd. Butcher " 14891 " Midtown Theatre Corp. 1533 Como Ave. Motion Picture ■ 15526 " Nick Andert 1230 Farrington Ice Delivery n 15570 ■ " ■ " ■ Ice Station ° 15571 " Leo Farrell 127 W. Central On Sale Malt " 15598 " n n a a Restaurant ■ 15599 " a a a a Tavern " 15§60 ■ Dance Hall " 15601 ■ C. F. Hoppe 857 Rondo Butcher " 15949 " Arthur Cigel 699 St. Peter Grocery " 15909 ■ a a n a Butcher " 15909 " a n " " Off Sale Malt " 15910 " John W. Lux Co. 147 N. Snelling Grooery " 15928 " n " n n Butcher n 15929 ■ COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Adopted by the Council..._................_..............._.........193_..... ..... Barfuss Findlan Pearce _ . In favor Approved.._.............................................................193....._. Peterson Trau: Against Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 7M 676 (7f o.ld� o. an Clot _ I eouNcu ] CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO........... ��.'�r.�l..I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_...._....__ ......... ........ _..... .......... ... .......... ... ... _......... _._.............. .................. _.................. DATE. ...... ...................... .............. ....................... ..............._... RESOLVED _2. Ben Freeman Gas & Oil Co. L. E. Jordan Al Salita Rome City 011 & Gas Co. Intercity Fuel Co. Consumers Meat Co. CO�MEN Yeas Ba Nays indlan .............. In favor e rson Butcher 2429 Univ. Ave. Against st ent( Gas Station 3A: ax Mr. Vice 1 resw1 , evCrum 390 E. 7th St. Gas Station 595 St. Peter Butcher 452 Jackson St. Butcher 2429 Univ. Ave. Fuel Dealer 2466 Franklin Ave, Gas Station 172 E. 7th St. f Butcher APP- 15939 Renew. " 15964 " If 15969 r " 15969 r " 15979 " " 15592 " DEC x.710 Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... DEC 17 Approved..........-.....................................................193....... PURT.ISHED /r-15 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL`5 �y1 ,I COUNCIL Q_ 4 SI Y COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ,_:OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.----____--_____-_____---- p� SarI118a S COUNCIL RESOLUTION - d�'VOR AUDITED CLAIMS --------DQosmbHr-- 5 PEWT PEWT assns, Pe arson RQSMU— R'IA�L ��AI ._`-.. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER �"-` Pr so Qeban TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S- . ----• COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE Tp __ AS 7 r. 44.CHECKS NUMBERED___ .�.^p ----- �- i 1�.i� PER CHECKS ON FILE, [ OFFICEi_ _TROLLER. 1 . INCL ER. 7� TY CO 'P ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__------------- -- - ---cel-j----- _ �•I B.. _ _ "-'"---��--�- CITY GOMPTROLLCR - ----- '- --% MwYOR ',t.. F. No. 106977— n TOTAL DATE CHECK Resolved• that checks be drawn o _ _ RETURNED V NUMBER the cl[y Ir. ha r)', to the a"'s.aka unt [ j57,166.64,coverinK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK m...t - 31170 [0 31_26. Inclusive, as CHECKS CHECKS a Per on file In [he oHlce o[ [he Per checks _. ...__ .. _.. _ _... � it) com Pt roller._ - - 4dopted by the Cococll Dec 17• 1936 Approved Dec. 119 1936) ® 31170 John F. Christner 401 0 31171: Board of P. welfare 11 4731 31172:; Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finalloe 29 7931 31173 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 10 096; 31174 John Fitzpatrick 64 0 31175 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 2 026 7 31176 John Lennon 401 31177 Harry Scott 2010 31178' McClain & Redman Company a 31179 McClain & Redman Company 20' 31180 McFadden—Lambert Company 1 072 6 31181 MOGill—warner Company 6 9 31182 G.A. MacArthur Company 311E3 N.Z. Macaulay 95 311811 Msendler Brush Mfg.Company 23 1 31185 Mack International Motor Truk Corp.. 102 53 31186 ' Mahle Auto Body Company 31187 F.A. Marko Sign Company 2'0 31188 John Mourus 3 31189 Phil A. Maynelyd 33' 1 31190 May's Ino. 1 6 6 59 9 31191 Meier Sales & Equipment Company 31192 Melady Paper Company 8134 31193 Merrill, (freer & Chapman Company 177 96 311 Gus D. Messing 13 70 31195 M.M. Metcalf 44 0 31196 Michaud Brothers,Inc. 23 00 31197 Miokelsen's Fancy Groceries 3 86 31198 Midway Chevrolet Company 49 M 31199 Midway Ice Cream Company 746 o9 31200 Midwest 1 50 31201 Millar..Tarras 66 11 31202 Miller—Bryant—Pierce Company. 33 �j5 31203 Miller Supply Company 11 40 31204 J.A. Miiaer 1 50 31205 Mining Auger & Tool works 12,00 31206 Minneapolis Directory Company 21 00 31207 Mple.St.Paul & Sault Ste.Marlb Ry.0o. 554 31208 Minnehaha Cleaners 3 31 31209 Minnesota Chemical Company 28'05 • 31210 Minnesota Creamery Company 10'80 31211 Minnesota Welope Company 2900 31212 11 The Minnesot&.Leadsr 24 00 31213 Minnestoa Milk Company 21 26 31214 " Minnesota News Company 143'09 .31215 ,j Morton Salt Company 17'46 31216 Motor Power XQuipment Company, 42"00 31217 i; Mueller Company 18 70 312111 R.A. flyers & Company 32 85 31219 `, Nassau Paper Company 71 59 31220 it National Geographic Society 3+00 -31221 '!National Probation Assoc.Ino. 15 31222 New York Tea Company 14 3 31223 Nicola, Dean & Gregg Company j 13 16 312211 Nioole, Dean & Gregg Company 45 31225 Nioole, Dean & Gregg Company 303 x5 31226 Niemann's Grocery 21 80 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD. I� .-1M 6.80.._ ' ' I COUNCIL JL t ' CITY OF ST. PAUL :PBn °J00, 'S b/.� nLs NO.... XS OFFICE OF THE CITY ClIK anahe-ct O /RESOLUTION---GENET°d amount and th a -Qua.t of said N vM No g052, PRESENTED RMSMIQCIEl1NFR I� __...... ...... ......._..... ............. WHEREAS, by assignment dated January 19, 1935, the Empire Rational Bank and Trust Company assigned to the City of Saint Paul $90,000 in bonds to cover deposits of the City to be made in such Bank, and WHEREAS the amount of such deposits was reduced to $80,000, and the bouncil in response to request of said Bank did by Council File No. 100523, approved Ray 9, 1935, authorize the withdrawal of $70,000 of such bonds, and WHEREAS, there now remains assigned to the City, $80,000 U. S. Of America, 2 1/8% Treasury Notes, Series A, due June 15, 1939, being notes No. 6634 and 6686, each in the amount of $10,000, and the Bei¢ Bank has requested that it be permitted to withdraw such U. S. Treasury Notes and substitute in lieu thereof the follow- ing City of Saint Paul bonds, namely; $5,000 - City of St. Paul, Minnesota, 40 High School _ Construction Bonds, dated 471111, and due 3/31/419 being Bonds No -.-59A 60A, 108A and 109A and 110A each in the amount of $1000. $5,000 - City of St. Paul, Minnesota &60% Improvement Bonds, dated 5/1/34 and due 5/1/42, being bonds numbered 43605 to 43812, each in the amount of $1000. $9,000 - City of St, Paul, 4% Public Welfare Bonds, dated 2/1/34, due 2/1/48, being bonds numbered 43566 to 43574, each in the amount of $1000. Ti]EREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, tbt the request of the said Empire National Bank and Trust Company be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to return to said Bank the said $20,000 U. S. Treasury Notes upon delivery by the said Bank to them of the said $22,000 City of St. Paul bonds aforesaid, the said $88,000 in bonds to remain with the City pursuant to the terms of the assignment before mentioned, as security for deposits in such bank.e j�y� COUNCI MENCouncil... r C 7 1.93...193..... Yeas Nay Adopted by the Council ............................. a s 7 1 indlan In favor Approved ........... ...... ........193....... Against M � q.� %ayor Mr President (Gehan) pUBLISHED1—)-- — �—'' 3M b ode—I'. ctti oi.-. - - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i nuwm_ NO.._.I(IF3aJ.•L J WHEREAS, at the Annual Conference of the United States Con- ference of Mayors, concluded on November 18th, the following resolu- tion was adopted: "WHEREAS, a number of cities have reported to the United States Conference of Mayors that manufactur- ers and dealers in certain equipment and supplies com- xr•,a. ,only purchased by all cities, are submitting identical t`°"..r8ct,;3„ bids on municipal requirements of such supplies and a'— entah'- a^ a by au a.. equipment; and iGf bid. a ti [ such .i WHEREAS, it appears that collusion exists ' between certain manufacturers and dealers in main- am taining a uniform price, the result being that there , Is little or no competition on public purchases of such supplies and equipment; and WHEREAS, individual manufacturers certainly have varying oobts of production and the quoting of Identical prices to cities can only be attributed to collusive practices; and WHEREAS, cities must purchase under established legal conditions which prevent bargaining for fair prices under those procedures following in private business; and WHEREAS, under the circumstances it is apparent that the only agency having legal authority to investi- gate this situation and to order such manufacturers and dealers who may have entered into collusion to cease and desist from such practices is the Federal Trade Commission; Therefore Be It Resolved, that the United States Conference of Mayors petition the Federal Tide Commission to set up a separate unit in its organization to deal specifically with instances of COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................................ .............. __..193..-.- Yeas Nays Darfuss Findlan __..._.. In favor Approved ............................................... ........._...193.._.. Pearce PetersonA Inst Ba Truax Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 O.Idn.I w City Clark • .—CIL 195979 CITY OF ST. PAUL____—• -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ..DATE ....................... COMMISSIONER................................._............... .... ........ .......................... .................... ................................................................................................................ juagolum (2) the character above tinned which occur in public purchasing t ughout the country, to the and that prom and effective action may be taken by the lesion to protect the tax- payers of cities in this matter." THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul that the Purchasing Agent of said City be instructed that in the future, where bids are identical, complete report of said fact be forwarded by him to the Executive Director of the United States Conference of Mayors, at Washington, D. C. so that this body may take the matter up with the Federal Trade Commis- sion or other proper body; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That a copy of this resolution be transmitted to the Purchasing Agent of the City of Saint Paul, and a'o y to Paul V. Betters, Executive Director of said United States Coerence of Mayors, Washington, D. C. COUN MEN Yeas Nay uas Zdlan ..................... _ In favor stetson 94-011M.......�... Against 9 3M 636 ,..) Mr. vsct�.I - Adopted by the Council .......DE -,,,17....19N..193..... Approved ............. I_C 9 ..._II ........... 193....._ ..y......../.........................................._. _.... — Mayor PUBLISHED J'.�—/ ¢'J 6 THE UNITED STATES CONFERENCE OF MAYORS, 730 JACKSON PLACE N. W. l �� WASHINGTON, D. C. December 10, 1936 Dear Mayor: For your files and information, and in accordance with the resolution enacted by the Annual Conference last month, I attach herewith a bulletin which has been forwarded to all city purchasing agents throughout the country: To: All Municipal Purchasing Agents From: United States Conference of Mayors Dear Sir: At the Annual Conference of the United States Conference of Mayors concluded on 14ovember 18th, the following resolution was unanimously adopted: "Whereas, a number of cities have reported to the United States Conference of Mayors that manufacturers and dealers in certain equipment and supplies commonly purchased by all cities, are submitting identical bids on municipal requirements of such supplies and equipment, and Whereas, it appears that collusion exists between certain marn- facturers and dealers in maintaining a uniform price, the result being that there is little or no competition on public purchases of such supplies and equipment, and Whereas, individual manufacturers certainly have varying costs of production and the quoting of identical prices to cities can only be attributed to collusive practices, and Whereas, cities must purchase under established legal conditions which prevent bargaining for fair prices under those procedures following in private business, and Whereas, under the circumstances it is apparent that the only agency having legal authority to investigate this situation and to order such manu- facturers and dealers who may have entered into collusion to cease and de- sist from such practices is the Federal Trade Commission, Therefore Be It Resolved, that the United States Conference of Mayors petition the Federal Trade Commission to set up a &eparate unit in its organization to deal specifically with instances of the character above mentioned which occur in public purchasing throughout the country, to the end that prompt and effective action may be taken by the Commission to protect the taxpayers of cities in this matter." As a result of a conference on December 2nd with Chairman March of the Federal Trade Commission, President F. H. LaGuardia of the-Uaited States Conference of Mayors and the undersigned reached an understanding as to prompt Commission action on apparent instances of collusion which may be expressed by cities. By following the procedure here set forth, I believe that the interests of the cities may now be properly and adequately protected: Now to the practical situation. We have stated the situation in as clear and plain language as we possibly could. There should be no misunderstandings. Therefore, if conditions are not working out as indicated, please submit specific instances and facts either to your admini or or if he is at fault, direct to kr. Sonkine r to me re in Washington. We will then take the matter up immediately for you. I am, PVB*OC Sincerely yours, Paul V. Betters Executive Director December 18th, 1936. Nr. H. N. Anotia, Purchasing Agent, Building. Dear Biro Hereto attached is a copy of Council File No. 105979 adopted by the Council December 17th. Yours very truly, City Clerk. December 18th, 1936. Mr. Paul V. Betters, Executive Director, U. S. Conference of Mayors, 730 Jackson Place A. W.: Washington, D. C. Dear Sirs Enclosed is a cony of a resolntion adopted by the City Council on December 17th relative to identical bids on mmnicipal requirements of supplies and equipment. 7rnirs very truly, City Clerk. 080 CITY OF ST. PAUL iCOUNCILr OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --.GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONEIL•�1G..__- .y....._. RESOLVE4,that TOrmal Bid 110, 9370 of the Review Publishing Company, pnblisher.a St. Paul Review", for printing and publishing all ordinauoes,.resolutions and other proceedings and matters required stitder the Charter or by resolution or ordinaaoe,.of fhb City. Clounol..for the year 1987, in the •St. Paul Reviera, for the nam of fourteen *onto per inch for the first insertion and seven cents per Inch for each snbsegtent insertion, said Review Publishing. Cosipany being. the 3owest responsible bidder, be abd„the ease hereby accepted- the,:94108t. Paul Reviews being a weepy newspaper prints i„and published in *he 'Inglish language in the City of Saint Paul _:end qualified under the Saws of the State of HIMSsota'ta. publeh legal ad�ertieemente; be it ` !'9RT8ER RzeovxD ; that the said 88t. Paul Review$ be and it is hereby designated as the official paper of the City of Saint Paul for the year beginning January 1, 1937 and until its successor shall have been desigostsd, in which all such publications for the year 1937 shall :'be 'nade; be it !UMM RESOLUD, that the/Corporation Counsel be and he hereby is authorised and directed to prepare a proper contract therefor, and the pzoper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to execute such contract. uadeit,.tlfi6:4 _ _:rdtne I •e •. alueare lean of �fu ' H Nr a ;.91134. .. :t4fi >eiM uaoot COUNC EN Adopted by the Council.: DEC 17 '��_....193..._ Yeas Nay sa pp9y, ry q indlan • DEC 17 MS In favor Approved ................. ........193 41 ✓... Against ..� .._.. _..... rauz ayor 3M 636 �� dent Y (Gehan) PL)B.ISHED. 0 Teoember 15, 1336. To Hon. M. H. eehan, mayor and Members of the City f'ouncil c3entlemen: Thor^ was referred to your Committeo for recor=en- dation an' report I the Question of who was the lowest bidder for the officic.l newspaper fo the year 1937, under 'action 470 of the charter. "Fabulation of the bids shows that the `=evlew pub- 11ohinc ('oa;)any bid, for the first insertions per inch, fourteen scents, for the second insertions seven cents; the Legal Le zerp firat lnee-tion, fourteen and ono -half cents, second Insertion, five canto; ridway Pows, first ineertion, fourteen cents, second insertion, ten cents. Uoinr as a basis the total number of inches pub- lished for the first and aeeond insertions for the year ID35 and up to the fir:,t of December 1936. the `,eview T'ubliehin ; Company would be low. Thor- fore it to the opinion of your Committee th:,t they are the suerossful bider and should be awarded the contract. As yo;; will recalls those bide were opens: the morninf- of °ecember ©thy and in the afternoon of the s m- day bids for printinr°, and binding the ;:ounril proceedingoI adninis- trative :nd legislative code for the year 1837 were opened. Tj' ooe second bi a war(, op tined by the T'urohzioing cbmmitton. In this case the Legal T.el;;^r. Inc. w�:s the low bid -ter but qualified Ito bid in the folloAn� manner: "This price contingent on the award to us of the publication of the offioi-1 pr0R9edtng0 of the Council for 1937^. Tt Is the opinion of the �'uro?reing :�om- mitteo th-t this bid to ,ualified in ouch a manner that it could not be considered a a lee�R,al bid. !,action 134 of the "harter provides for the �)sbiicstfen of bound co;�ies of the Council pro- ceedings. It is the recommon,11ation of your committee the it the Counoil and the Turo',asing Committee might well adopt the plan of calling? for those bi"s in the future as ones and in th t way perhaps :7e w^uld get a better price. Thia was considered on the ,)T -sent bilis but inasmuch as they wr-r.d called for at diff, -rent times' your committee to not ah1A to W07c a r ^comnAnriation th::t they ,o "at rao:: on thio basis. t'ayor and Council ')eoernber 159 1336 Page 3 "he Committee also considered the question of re-adw,rtisinF for new bide but in view of the or-lin;=nce rpquirem-nts, the publication would not be pos.-Able in the time 1 ft before the first of the ye: r to aocornplisL this. Y')Ii! .; V"ry truly, 1uichasiN-1-1k,(--- -t' (: i y Cler orporea on C )unset CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUD P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY E. H. SWED BEN IRVINO OOTLIEB CLAIM INv..TIGATOR JAB. ►. SULLIVAN ASSISTANT. December 15, 1936. To Hon. M. R. Gehan, Mayor and Members of the City Council (Gentlemen: There was referred to your Committee for recommen- dation and report, the question of who was the lowest bidder for the official newspaper for the year 1937, under Section 470 of the Charter. Tabulation of the bids shows that the Review Pub- lishing Company bid, for the first insertion, per inch fourteen (mute, for the second insertion, seven cents; the Legaf Ledger, first insertion, fourteen and one-half cents, second insertion, five cents; Midway Hews, first insertion, fourteen cents, second insertion, ten cents. Using as a basis the total number of inches pub- lished for the first and second insertions for the year 1935 and up to the first of December 1936, the Review Publishing Company would be low. Therefore it is the opinion of your Committee that they are the successful bidder and should be awarded the contract. As you will recall, these bids were opened the 'morning of December Sth, and in the afternoon of the same day bids for printing and binding the Council proceedings, adminis- trative and legislative code for the year 1937 were opened. These second bids were opened by the Purchasing Committee. In this case the Legal Ledger, Inc. was the low bidder but qualified its bid in the following manner: $This price contingent on the award to us of the publication of the official proceedings of the Council for 1937". It is the opinion of the Purchasing Com- mittee that this bid is qualified In such a manner that it could not be considered as a legal bid. Section 124 of the Charter provides for the publication of bound copies of the Council pro- ceedings. It is the recommendation of your Committee that the Council and the purchasing Committee might well adopt the plan of calling for these bids in.the future as one, and in that way perhaps we would get a better price. This was considered an the present bids but inasmuch as'they were called for at different times, your Committee is not able to make a recommendation that they be awarded on this basis. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY E. H. SWEDEEN CLAIM IHV[.rlowioR IRVINO OOTLIEB JAB. P. SULLIVAN A....—T. Mayor and (Council December 15, 1838 Page 8 The Committee also considered the question of re -advertising for new bids but in view of the ordinance requirements, the publication would not be possible in the time left before the first of the year to accomplish this. Yours very truly, urc as ng Agent ty jerk rporat on Counse / JLC -.8 REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 141 EAST FIFTH STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. U / December S. 1936 toy Honorable L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Pursuant to the provisions of Section 470 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, competitive bids were received by the City Council for the printing and publishing. during the year beginning January 1, 1937, of all ordinances, resolutions and other proceedings and matters required to be printed under the Charter, to be published in a public news- paper. Three bids were filed: One by Review Publishing Company, qualified under the laws of Minnesota to publish legal advertisements in its newspaper known as St. Paul Review, in the amount of 14 cents per inch for the first insertion and 7 cents per inch for subsequent insertions; a second bid by St. Paul Legal Ledger, a daily newspa^er, in the amount of 14j cents for the first insertion and 5 cents for"subsequent insertions; and a third bid by Midway News in the amount of 14 cents for the first insertion and 10 cents for subsequent insertions. Section 470 of the Charter referred to provides: "said Council shall be ordinance determine the manner in which such bide may be received and such contracts awarded, provided that said con- traots shall be awarded n ea -ch case to the lowest ualified bidder and in such manner as to serve andArotect the interests of the City of Saint Paul." An examination of the records in the Comptroller's Office discloses that during the current year of 1936, 10890 inches were published once, and 700 inches published the second time. The figure of 10,890 inches being exclusive of the 700 inches published the second time. Ttl"follows, therefore, that the bid of St. Paul Review is the lowest bid submitted for the year to commence January 1, 1937, and that that Company is, REVIEW PUBLISHING CO. 141 HAST FIFTH STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. (continued) therefore, pursuant to the Charter provision referred to, entitled to receive the contract, since that Company is the lowest qualified bidder. It has come to our attention that one of the bidders, namely, St. Paul Legal Ledger, has filed a contingent bid for the printing in a separate book of every administrative and legislative ordinance, and also a separate book containing the ordinances and resolutions of the Council, and that such contingent bid will be considered in connection with the bid for the printing of the publications required under Section 47m simultaneously therewith as though ,it were one contract. The Charter provision referred to has no reference to the printing in book form of ordinances and resolutions, and it cannot therefore be considered jointly with the bid for the publication for current notices. Because of the shortness of time it has been impossible to compile more accurate data in order to demonstrate that the bid of St. Paul Review is the lowest of those submitted. It is, therefore, respectfully requested that your applicant be accorded a hearing so as to demonstrate that it is in fact the lowest qualified bidder and is entitled to receive the contract for the publication of current legislative enactments during the calendar year of 1937. Yours very truly, REVIEW PUBLISHING COMPANY Ale., SAINT • PAUL • LEGAL • LE;6 Legal, Building and Business News 1409 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul GArfield 3076 Rinim of Briefs and R=& December 9, 1936. Honorable Mayor and Gentlemen of the Council: Relative to the bid of the St. Paul Legal Ledger on the publication of the official Council proceedings for 1937, we respect- fully submit that on the basis of the volume of business for the current year our bid of .14j¢ and .05¢ is low and we should be awarded the contract. In support of this contention we submit the following facts as ascertained from the records now on file in the City Comptroller's office: The total number of inches published in the Midway Hews from January 1 to December 1, is 9,002 inches. Of this total 5,114 inches or SO was repeat matter that was published two or more times. At the price we quoted of .14-1LY¢ for the first insertion of 9,002 inches add the subsequent insertion of repeat matter at .05¢ per inch the total cost to the City would be $1,560.90. The same amount of business awarded on the basis of the neat lowest bidder of .14¢ and .07¢ gives a total of $1,618.26 or a difference of $57.36 in favor of the St. Paul Legal Ledger. There is no reason to assume that the official publications for the coming year will disturb the ratio between "One Times matter and "Repeat" matter and on that basis the City will save money by awarding the contract to the St. Paul Legal Ledger. Respectfully, THE ST. PAUL LEGAL LEDGER AUSTIN, Purchasing Agent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 253 City Hall and Court House December 22, 1938 Review Publishing Co., 141 E. 5th St., St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: GEORGE J. FISHER, First Assistant Buyer The purchasing Committee has awarded you contract for Printing and binding in book form 100 copies of the proceedings of the Council for 1937 with index, being 778 pages more or less, at a price of = .80 per page, or approximately - $688.40 printing and binding in pamphlet form 100 copies of Administrative and Legislative- Code, City of St.Paul, for 1937, with index, being 140 pages more or lose, at a price of $ .75 per page, or approximately - - - - -- 105.00 Making total amount of contract approximately I'27.40 All in accordance with city specifications, copies on file in the office of the purchasing Agent, your bid No. 9371 and supplementaly letter dated December 21, 1938, reducing your price from $1.10 per page on each book to above prices. The Corporation Counsel will notify you when your contract and bond are ready for signature. Yours truly KWA/H PURCHASING AGEST H. STIN, Purchasing Agent GEORGE J. FISHER; First Assistant Buyer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota ly DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 253 City Hall and Court House December 88, 1936 ATIARD OF CONTRACT F.B. #9371 The Purchasing Committee hereby awards contract to the REVIEW PUBLISHING 00. for Printing and binding in book form 100 copies of the proceedings of the Council for 1937 with index, being 778 pages more or lean, at a price of f .80 per page, or approximately- $622.40 Printing and binding in pamphlet form 100 copies of Administrative and Legislative Code, City of St. Paul, for 1937, with index, being 140 pages, more or lase, at a price of $ .78 per pate, or approximately - - - - - - - - - - 105- Q0 -Making total amount of contract approximately $787.40 All in accordance with city specifications, copies on file in the office of the Purchasing Agent, their bid and supplementary letter Hated December 21, 1936, reducing their prices from $1.10 per page on each book to above prices. Charge City Clerk- 4- Official Publications 4A3. APPROV)EDt THE PURCEIASING 00tH! TTSS Chairman �, t WMA IGJ�z— — oev..rKeKT 3592 CITY OF ST. PAUL CONTRACT NUMBERI — OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER 1 NOTICE OF COUNTER -SIGNATURE ON CONTRACT S��O DATE-- —. J8_rAW1Y_ 7 193-7 DEPARTMENT OF SIR: YOU ARE HEREBY RESPECTFULLY ADVISED THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CONTRACT HAS BEEN DULY COUNTERSIGNED BY THE COMPTROLLER. COUNTER -SIGNATURE— January 6 —193-IEXPI RATION ___ ___. ____193_ DEPARTMENTFUNDS AFFECTED AND AMOUNTS APPORTIONED TO EACH FUND FUND SUB -FUND AMOUNT IJ Qffj C4.1 11"'.11 ca 1A DrA Fourteen Ggnte_ne_r inch for the fiep insertion_! _ and Seven Cents $er inch for eachnd ever subsequent insertion) I � I RESERVES TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT CONTRACTOR'S NAME Review Publishing Company I BID NO. 9370 CONTRACT to print and publish all ordinances, resolutio-s and ot.:ler proceedings and matters required under t -ie Charter or by resolution or ordinance of the Council to be publisned i- a daily or weekly newspaper printed in LInglish, in the St. Paul Review during the year 1937. and until its successor shall have been designated. • ENTERED RODKK.EEPER ___ –.__– _H. F. Goodrich__ COMPTROLLER ENTERED CONTRACT CLERK NOTICE: A LIABILITY FOR THIS CONTRACT HAS BEEN SET UP AGAINST THE FUNDS AFFECTED AND ALL "ADJUSTMENTS ON CONTRACT" MUST BE REPORTED TO THE COMPTROLLER AT ONCE. ALL REQUISITIONS ISSUED AGAINST THIS CONTRACT MUST BEAR THE CONTRACT NUMBER 510 9-L 1 _ Deus nr.ervr CITY OF ST. PAUL CONTRACT NUMBER,� .3596 — OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER NOTICE OF COUNTER -SIGNATURE ON CONTRACT DATE—__- January 14, _1937 DEPARTMENT OF ----- SIR: YOU ARE HEREBY RESPECTFULLY ADVISED THAT THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED CONTRACT HAS BEEN DULY COUNTERSIGNED BY THE COMPTROLLER. COUNTER -SIGNATURE— Jannar9 13 1937 -EXPIRATION_ _.. DEPARTMENT FUNDS AFFECTED AND AMOUNTS APPORTIONED TO EACH FUND FUND SUB -FUND AMOUNT r/ City Clerk - u - Official Publications 4 $727_" II - - I i II I I I ' RESERVE f TOTAL AMOUNT OF CONTRACT $727140 CONTRACTOR'S NAME Review Publishing Company BID NO. 9311 CONTRACT '9D mint and bind in book form 100 conies of the proceedings of the Council for 1937, with index, being 778 pages, more or less, at a price of 80¢ per Dade; and to print and bind in pamohlet form 100 copies of Administrative and Legislative Code, City of Saint Paul, for 1937, with index, being 140 panes, more or less, at a nrice of 75¢ ner nage, in accordance with supplementary letter of Contractor, dated Decem`.er 21, 1936, reducing its bid. 1 • ENTERED BOOKKE PE ER _ H lr ii00dri `L}, COMPTROLLcr ENTERED_— CONTRACT CLERK NOTICE: A LIABILITY FOR THIS CONTRACT HAS BEEN SET UP AGAINST THE FUNDS AFFECTED AND ALL "ADJUSTMENTS ON CONTRACT— MUST BE REPORTED TO THE COMPTROLLER AT ONCE. ALL REQUISITIONS ISSUED AGAINST THIS CONTRACT MUST BEAR THE CONTRACT NUMBER �nit. Uti ©.rt MUM IL 105981 CITY OF ST. PAUL �105981 CITY �) OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ( � COUNCIL TI�ENERALORM �J COMMM19�SIONS BATE November 19, 1936 RESOLVED ' YivingCi'; P�, g�NoYtherh.; VenpesmfeE .e on: Wer i ot � Unfvelire relts-�' nchore,' 1^Ir.,it ty w$ee That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-35 foot pole on the West side of Cleveland, south of University, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 24346. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Barfttss Efulxr Findlan FP Fearce -Rosen ....... ........In favor Petcrsou . Truaxj Truax t'WAt_ rM '... /...Against simmer amll -aa LW- Mr. President (Gehan) Wand Adopted by the Council ._.....A.! G 1.1.-W 193._.-. . Approved -j----------------......... ... --193 /----- Mayor PUBLISHED /a — / 7 --?6 � . a• s 2nd Laid 3rd. &app. , 0 Adopted Yeas o % Nays Yeas Nays " r�ettllan � Fi Ian earce I Zrce P crson �i ti� ison fuzz .// a oax Wenul enol M. Prez. Gehan r. Pres. Ge'han oflabw to 017 ORDINANCE ,qR2 COUNCIL FILE NO. PR �� D By ORDINANCE_ NO. ^� b!J Si! i 6n ! An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7537, approved January 18, 1934, entitled. "An ordinance regulating the sale of intoxicating liquor within the City of St. Paul, providing for such sales by duly licensed persons, establishing regulations for the gperation of places where such intoxicating liquor ii sold, providing regulations for the granting of such licenses, setting license fees, providing penalties for the violation thereof, and repealing all inconsistent ordinances. This Is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety,' by changing the amount of the 'off salew bond. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOLS ORDAIN: Sectio>l 1. That the second paragraph of SeetiOu 19 of Ordinance No. 7537 be and thesame esis herebollmended so that the said second paragraph shall as 'No 'off sale" license shall be granted until Dollars ($1000n00e )shall SM be�Thousanddl furnished and approved by the State Ligaor Control Commissioner and the City Council, and filed with the proper city officers.@ Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss xiwiiml- O Pearce Peterson Truax Wenzel Mr. P 'dent (Geha Attest: City C 309 9-36 Passed by the Council--------. JAN- ----a--1931 ......... -------- .....In Favor ---............ Against - -----roved: ------------ -'=w...._-?...:.;- ........ ----------- - - - ---- ---- a. Mayor / P�I3I.ISTIIiB 1-�4-�% CITY OF SAINT PAUL�t Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration December 15th, 1936• Hr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the application of Nat Taylor for transfer of his second hand auto parts dealer license from 651E Rice Street to 754 Rice Street with the request that you prep reso- lutionare granting such transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Parks CHAS. A. PASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner December 1, 1936 Hon. Fred L1. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: I am returning to you herewith file in connection with the application of Nat Taylor, requesting transfer of his second hand auto parts dealer license from 654 Rice Street to 754 Bice Street, which was referred to me for report. This is a light industry district, the building on the prem- ises is vacant, at the end of Acker Street, and our inspec- tor sees no reason why this permit should not be granted. ours truly, C ty Architect LAR .. i; CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. 1. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissloner of Registration November 17th, 1936 - Ron. F. M. Truax, Comer of P•P• & P. Bldgs.> Buildings Dear Sir: The attached letter of Nat Taylor 6 requesting the 54aRice St' tor of his seoond 754 Ricend auto Strest was referred deal- er license from 65 to your department, by the Council, for recommendation. Yours very truly, r �� d City Clerk. In re: Nat Taylor To. t ^e To the Council, City of St. Paul: Your petitmoner respectively shows that his address of place of business was at 654 Rice Street, at which place he was a second hand dealer in auto parts, operating by virtue of lieeaoe?NO. 234 issued September 17, 1936 to expire July 16, 1937. That on November 1, 1936 your petitioner removed to 754 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, there to engage in the business of a second hand dealer in auto parts. That immediately before he was removed from 654 Rice btreet petitioner neglotated that said property be leased by the owner to prospective purchasers of his auto parts. That the owner of said property refused to deal with these prospective purchasers at that time. That immediately after petitioner was evicted from said premises the same identical men that he caused to be brought to the owner of said property commenced to occupy the premises. Petitioner feels that as well as he has on hand a great amount of auto parts that his licence at 654 Rice Street be transferred to the place he was forced to go, 754 Rice Street. Petitioner is not a man of means, and will suffer a great financial loss during the winter months if he is not permitted to sell the auto parts accumlated during the last year, and respectively petitions that the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of St. Paul permit him to so transfer his acid licence No. 234. i� -- at Taylor 745 Rice. St., St. Paul, Minn. HE'�:.�LdYraoC�.`.HAl+lesi.?.rseR§5tlE1°1'y76'.'�2'Sli4"&�i'�5F "! "Y"' In re: Nat Taylor To -6- To the Council, City of St. Paul: Your petit&over respectively shows that ]lis address of place of business was at 654 Rice Street, at which place he was a second hand dealer in auto parts, operating by virtue of lioeaoe?No. 234 issued September 17, 1936 to expire July 16, 1937. That on November 1, 1936 your petitioner removed to 754 Rice Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, there to engage in the business of a second hand dealer in auto parts. that immediately before he was removed from 654 Rice btreet petitioner neg4otated that said property be leased by the owner to prospective purchasers of his auto parts. That the owner of said property refused to deal with these prospective purchasers at that time. That immediately after petitioner was evicted from said premises the same identical men that he caused to be brought to the owner of said property commenced to occupy the premises. Petitioner feels that as well as he has on hand a great amount of auto parts that his licence at 654 Rice Street be transferred to the place he was forced to 'go, 754 Rice Street. Petitioner is not a man of means, and will suffer a great financial loss during the winter months if he is not permitted to sell the auto parts accumlated during the last year, and respectively petitions that the Honorable Members of the Council of the City of St. Paul permit him to so transfer his laid licence No. 234. at a for 745 Rice. St., St. Paul, Minn. W. LA MOM KALIFMAN Supt. of Parks ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of=Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota / DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Decom ;er 17, 1956 Hon. rred i:i. Truax, C ornai s s i or_er Dear Sir: The City Council has requested me to hake another investi- gation of the novr location at 754 nice Street for l;at Taylor, to be used for the sale of second hand auto parts, this license to be transferred from 654 Rice Street to 754 Rice Street. The Council requested information as to the resiclential character at 754 Rice Streot, which I report as follocts: It is not as residential as 654 Rice Street, the old lo- cation. It is surrounded 'oy industrial activities. yours truly y Architoct C 7..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 16th, 1936 Hon. F. M. Troaa Comer. of Parks, Playgrounds & Public Buildings C City Hall Attentions MrCltarlee A Bassford, City Architect Dear Sirs The City Council referred to the City Architect the attached resolution granting the request of Nat Taylor for transfer of his Second Hand Auto Parts Dealer License from 654 Rice Street to 754 Rice Street, with the request that he check the neighborhood of the latter address and determine whether it is residential in character. Yours very truly, City Clerk ;i f i J , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PA L COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..--___- CONROY n ma�y•^,� COUNCIL RESOLUTION P" uAN B il�AIN FAVOR -._.____ De Cember__i6 ____________79 6__ McDONALD AUDITED CLAIMS "R7t!!LZ M R�OrcrM Gn�•e 8oY �\ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIME TT'VQ�� U TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF a--"Faj��---- COVERING ��IRR!rREl. . .�y __ AS bft'. 2� /R CHECKS NUMBE —�y INCLUSIVE. !_ ♦ ' Ve� PER CHECKS ON FIL OFFIC SOI PTROLLER. . ADOPTED BV THE,COU ------------------ e eeOnven __________ _---- �- ----_ ---� /7. // CITY COMPTROLLER �____/___-.___./{(----__ --. i6_ MAYOR -_.- -- BY-=-�f._ '- - _ _____ ______________ DATE RETURNED V n theles It )'ed[rene �r .hetoke the db'bre6Rte CHECK checks �elncl TOTAL n a .t �mbe red 31._i l0 3128. us lYe, s NUMBER unt ( SN 6._1E.33. I'nu Hle In the office o[ thr TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS 1Prr ,flecks on _. rity com Ptroller _- -ado Pted bthe ('nun, 11 Dec 18. ]93fi. 4PPro. ed Dee. 1S 1938 ID ne. 'ss 193s) .. 182 02 42 --- 6 4 5 5 • 31227 =, H.O.venzel, O.P.Utilities 31228 S.F. Bowser Company.InO. 205 31229 Farwell, Oamun, Kirk & Company 31230 , General EleotriO Supply Oorpo 31231 Oraybar Electric Company,Ino 15!0 31232 '; John Salera 31233 Westinghouse Electric Supply 'Coo, 18! 1 31234 Claribel Lawton, oto. 275 0 31235. Axel F.Peterson, Treas.Polloo,20 000 0 Pension Fund 31236 '; St.Paul Teachers# Retirement Fund.AsPoo. 11 845'Oc. 31237 Axel F.Peterson, 0. of Fin. 15 000100 31238 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin. 31239 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin. 10 000100 17 61148 31 Blue & White Cab Company 1 219'0 31241 Sylvester Bnowlan 23'0 31242 Ml's. Harriet Jane Gay 3124] Yrs. Carlotta Trainor 0. Fin a X�25�2, 31242 Axel F. Peterson, of 224 5 31245 John Bailey 31246 1 0. Reiss Coal Oompany 1 629. 31247 j Mrs. Amelia Marion 115 7 31248 Midway Creamery Company 31249 ' Mpls.St.Paul & Sault Ste.Mar 'e Ry.Co.; 30'2 31250Northern Auto Electric Comp 10 3 824'8 31251 Northern States Power Oompan O6 1 31252 Northern States Power Oompan 155'6 31253 Northern States Power Compaq 2g 31254 North Star Varnish Company 11'S 31255 i N.A. Copper & Braes Works '. 3fli, 31256 Orloff Leather Company 31257 Owens Motor Sales,Ino.47`2 31255 Owens Motor Sales,Ino. 31259 " Oxidite Battery Company 63 31260 ; Paper, Calmenson Company 31261 ' Pathfinder Auto Map Company, no, 301', 8 " 31262 C.A. Pearson,Ino. 18 9 31263 Peoples Eleotrio Company 22 0 31264 Peters Sausages & meat Co. 5',4 31265 Phillips Petroleum Company 31266 Pioneer Maple Pzoduots Comp � 15 '1 , • 31267 Pioneer Company 4g$ 7table 31268 Pittsburgh E9uYMeter O r 6 3 31269 The Police Journal 31270 Public Ownership League of A prmioa 37 31271 Pure Oil Company ' 25 2 31272 Pyramid Comr,any 15 0 3127] Ramsey Motor Servioe,Ino. 31274 Raymer Hardware Company 73 0 6 31275 j Red Wing Union Stoneware Com any 612 00 31276 Republic Creosoting Company 24 7 31277 Republic Flow meters Company 31278 Rex Linen Supply company 25 3 31279 Riohey-Browne and Donald 4. 31280 Ribm Motor Company ' 31281 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dist, k. 75 95 31282 Robinson. Cary & Sands Oompall y I 322 9 194 a SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD '; 2215 1 O CITY OF ST. PAUL, THE CITY CLERK EsoLUTHOI--.GENERAL FORM 0 Fl= «- No - December December 19, RESOLVED / 1% That license for Restaurant, application 159914, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15985, applied for by Alex Holmes at 699 E. Minnebaba, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment iLto the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by Council, Dec. 15, 1936. COUN EN Yeas Na BU as indlan J In favor e rson �...y Against roue r. President (Gehan) JM 6J6 C. I, No. 106886—BY G. K Barfuae—. F. M. Truax—Irvine C..Pearce— Reaolved, that Ilcenae for Restaurant) apPllcstiun-16981,: end On pl Merit r by Ia le, aDPllcat10 16866, applied -for by Ales Holmen at Der r anehaha, be and the same are hereby granted and .the city clerk la Inatructed�to 'leaue such licensee upon the DaYment into thIn for mally aaDPrcvcd by Councl Deo. 16 1886. Adopted byy the Council Dec. 18, 1938. Approved DDe 18. 1838. (Dec. 26. 1838) Adopted by the Council ,,,,,,_.RE -G -1 -9 -IM -193 OEC Approved............................... _.................................. 193.._... _yam COUN LMEN Yeas N. Adopted by the Council......�._Ct...�8.......193...... Iuss Find n In favor Approved .................................. ..........._......._..........193....... .._..... _Against r �y rani......_.........._....t..................5...............:............. ........................ .................. Mayor President (Gehan) ^ 3M sx PUBLISHED /oma' Orlafe.i mfSrrq k a IC15986 i,c lfcenaoe a D1fe,TMe1L CITY OF ST. PAUL d'1 itis ams ar ' NO-- ....... OFFICE HE CITY CLERK' oltr clerk fa 1:r• ......... . -'hes upon tb- COUNCI OLUTIO ---GENERAL, Fi y v of tt; • ' PRESEN B cotnlNlost ....____._._ DATE. • ; u ._._.._..___..._....._ _ •- ---- �, .._.... _.. ._.._ _December.._19.1!._1936.......... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in- strnoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. F. Luchan 1074 Hastings Ave. Grocery APP -15069 Renew. Sherril & Olin 463 Aabasha Restaurant " 15797 " Fred Roy 573 Atlantic Butcher " 15972 " Maurice B. Moy 413 Robert St. Restaurant " 15919 " David Blumstein 802 Univ. Ave. Grocery s 14924 " Butcher " 11925 s " Off Sale Malt " 14926 " S. Getzug 627 Canist. Grocery It 15936 " Bay J. Ryan571 Qypre:s Butcher " 15948 " Barnsdall Refining Co. 38 We later Fuel Dealer " 15967 s COUN LMEN Yeas N. Adopted by the Council......�._Ct...�8.......193...... Iuss Find n In favor Approved .................................. ..........._......._..........193....... .._..... _Against r �y rani......_.........._....t..................5...............:............. ........................ .................. Mayor President (Gehan) ^ 3M sx PUBLISHED /oma' co���,� CITY OF ST. PAUL .�u NO. ................._........._... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO ESOL ION ---GENERAL FORM COMMIS ._...—...___ renter....__DATE.....,Ae.Sr:919t1.d1.:...1:8....1y. 6 RESOLVED That licensee for Restaurant, application 159229 On Sale Malt Beverage, Application 15923, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15924, applied for by Gilbert St. Sauver at 956 Payne Ave. be and the Same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to issue Such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by Council, Dec. 10, 1936. COUN MEN Yeah N 6 6s indlan ...... ,....... .. In favor 0. e Againat nua /a'1r rreer'dept (Gehas) 1M 6J6 malty approved by. Council Deo. 6. a .ted by.theCouncll Dec. 18, 1936. •oved Dec. ls. 1936. (Dec. jo, 1936) DEC 18 1936 Adoptedby the Council .....................................................193...... DEC 18 1110 Approved .......... ....193....... C.. ................ Mayor De1du1 ro cis cash - - • - couecp. NO .......... ...:: t'" ( g CITY OF ST. PAUL n—t�E7 OFFICE OF ITY CLERK COUNCIL ... UTION--- ENERAL FORM PRESENTED 9 .....DATE .......Dec.ember...19.,....L336................. _... COMMISSIONER._...___.–I–......----.._..._..__....... ._............_......_ _ ................ RESOLVED' That license for Eestaurantr application 15993, applied for b Thos. MoOormick. at 840 B. 7th St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUN91tMEN Yeas Nays rss indlan S _ In favor ................. e Son . ,against rau: President (Gehan) 3M 636 C. F. No. 1o6988—By M'H. Barrusa-- F. M: Truax—lrvin8 Resolved: that licensed for Resta ant, u'plloatlon 1at8840gI9.l 7th-gt;; be' Thos. Mc le , gt and th�srka* �a S�nstructed to ile ,a "U city c 'license uyon the; paymept Into th9cltY treasury of the req ovn Il Deo. 18. 1938.1 I Adopted by the C Approved Dec. 18. 11988) LDec. 26, DEC 18 M', Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... (11 A 8 IMS Approved... ........... ....................................................193....... Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._ 15989 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � ..,, 12==K ilTn9N___GENERAL FORM December 19, 1936 RESOLVED That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application, 16001, applied for by the Curling Club of St. Paul. Inc. at 470 Selby Ave, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. Informally approved by, council, Dec. 15. 1936V COUN MEN Yeas Na a as indlan _.._ ....._........_ In favor eser-n /J Against ................. rasa An President (Gehan) 3M 636 C. F. No. 106989-13y Q A,'Barfuss— F.so Trussiatllcg C Pear"On Resolved. that` license forsOn .Hale Malt Beverage, apllcatign-10001, apy- piled for by the' urling Club oL St: Paul. Inc. at„470 Selby Ave.,Ibe aad3he same e liereby granted and .the city clerk Its -lnatructed to�,feave .suctr It - tenses upon the, DeYment info the ;cltY treasury of the required. fee.” - Informallyapproved by CeuncllDec. t6Ad Dted. by the Council Dec. 16,' 1938. i Approved Dec. 18. 193& - (Dec. 26.1936) Adopted by the Council,,,......... Q C 1 r193fi93 ..... Approved.....................{.'}...j,.......#fy, Mayor A, oddea w a Ck& .':sr en Port assn � p} �r1 lf,�`/ry�1/11 rl has r.Doi ted, L� Y.LLM r� r CITY OF ST. PAUL,17 ss of ttre ep. couwn� t y the egar .as NO t .. dry the e'mpi OFFICE OF THE CITY C tf CSED B�COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- G.EN"ERAL b_9ny,- r,',i M PROEINST`................._DATE .............. _ .i.... .., ......-Kn n RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of saw emergency which rendered necessary the employment of eertAin employ- ees of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sun- day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the proper city officers are hereby author- ized to pay the following named employees at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Name Title No. Hrs. Rate of Pay Bates, Carl D. Truck Driver 15.64� Bourquin, Harold K. Truck Driver 212:; Carroll,E. J. Truck Driver 25 .64 .64 Claussen, Edward C. Truck Driver 15 .64 Dickey, Paul Caretaker 28 Diegnau, Chester Truck Driver 6j •54 .64— Einck, Walter T. Truck Driver 90.64 Gallas, Max J. Truck Driver .64 Hamer, George Road Mach.Oper. 1.65 Heller, Walter Truck Driver 15 .64 Hilger, Carl J. Truck Driver 25 .64 Hoen, Carl 0. Truck Driver 2 Jagger, Russell Truck Driver 1 3� .64 . 64 Kabitz, Paul Truck Driver 22* Lilly, Grove A. Maidl, Truck Driver 1 .64 .64� Francis Truck Driver 34 .64 McKenna, P. J. Truck Driver .64• Paden, Clarence A. Truck Driver 24 .64 Proulx, He T. Timekeeper 2 61— Taube, Albert Truck Driver 10.64 Welsh, W. P; Truck Driver 222 .644 Wigen, Martin Unsk. Lab. Winkel, Fred L. Truck Driver 39 .64-" Zusan, Frank Road Mach.Oper. 172 .654 Boeck, Wm. C. Michaud William Jr.C1k.Typ. Unsk. Lab. 7 .46 � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council....DEC' 2 1936 193...... Barfuss Pindla" Infavor DEC 21 1936 Pearce _ Approved ...............__......................._.._...................193....... Peterson /�, l.l-....__ Against I I �7 Ttaua �y . ..'.'..... . .../........ ...._ . Mayor wenul Mr President (Gehan)(� PUBLISIILD19-- / 3nst aaa C35990 An emergency has arisen in the DFPART1 M OF PUBLIC WORKS. rendering necessary the employment of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Plowing and removing snow from city streets This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Heavy snowfall I NO -Ma V of Ramepq Coum„�ounea peidodroCfry Clerk b7l ,f{t the iBa6� CITY OF &T• PAUL . a, :nave aQproprn tanoea realsinln,r OFFICE 9E_ THE CITY CLE * a ; awav :ten 9 !4..l:f1Sf'1I1 / COUN�i�v.�2ES LUT N—GENERAL FORM y (C December 18,_1956 Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County pursuant to Chapter 874 of the 1985 Minnesota Session Laws having appropriated the unexpended balances remain- ing in the various -items of highway and street improvements Of the United Improvement Council Program for the completion of Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Seven Corners, and Whereas, the funds availahke at this time for the improvement of Kellogg Boulevard, including unexpended bW ance&4 federal grant received and refunds, total $641,258.85, there still remaining $108,000.00 to be received from federal grant and assessment'for physical improvements, and Whereas, the Kellogg Boulevard project, inclu:dirg net. cost of acquiring land, wrecking of buildings and construction contracts let toube o this togethertime,$with an estimate for contingencies, and the remaining will cost a total amount of $708,891.06 of which amount $9,500.00 is estimated for con- tingencies and remainin work, and Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners are desirous of appropriating any balances remaining in the aforesaid fund after the completion of 'Kellegg Boulevard for the Progpect Boulevard Improvement under the terms of,Chapter,Z74 of the 1985 "esota Session Laws; therefore, be it Resolvett,,"That the City Council of the City'of St. Paul does hereby agree to am sese full responsibility for the completion of and -to pay all costs in connection with the completion of the Kellogg Boulevard Ijuprovement provided the Board of County ,COM - missioners appropriate from the aforesaid fund for the completion of Kellogg BouAevard the total of $600,891.06 including amounts already paid out by the Couuyty; provided - ply further that the Board of County Commission ttahearememainaingtfederaall g anntcand otherarefunds to the cost of completing Kellogg ided further that should there be any and assesswInts 3#11 outstanding; and prov of Kellogg Boulevard, such amount balance remaining to the City after the completionba j Further Resolved, That there being a contingent claim of $2820.00 for cost of acquiring certain property for the Kellogg Boulevard Improvement, which property had been acquired for the use of the St. Paul Public Library and the Board of County Commissioners having on the 21st day of December, 1936, adopted a resolution to the effect that such claim would be paid from the balances remaining after the coats of obtaining land for the Prospect Terrace Improvement have been determined,and Be It N --�'•^' COUCILMEN t Adopted by the Council .....p.tL...`,�_j....}5��..... ..... / Yeas Nays / l3arfues Findlan In favor Approved r! L 6 .. st_� .��193-- Pearce 7 _. - , Peterson O ........ Truax Against .......- — mayor Wenzel ,� -°� n -3G Mr. President (Gehan) PUBLISIIlill 3M 6M 'ti [069 t $y 'Lwlat 7 tfie 9osagry4 at t arPIO. 1LL��srf� ttdo.t m ctn Clerk • a37{ dot, the Ja, se s "CO,s p` CITY OF ST. PAUL E a nava aovrooert aipnaeq,-reM4tnini OFFICE O THE CITY CL ER �'i, av-4 COUNE/S LUT N ---GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED ,eY ....r, I....... ._,._�.DATE.�..._DBC@mbP.r _ ZS.t.._1956................ Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners of Ramsey County pursuant to Chapter 874 of the 1935 Minnesota Session Laws havlag appropriated the unexpended balances remain- ing in the various items of highway and street improvements of the United Improvement Council Program for the completion of Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Seven Corners, and Whereas, the finds available at this time for the improvement of Kellogg Boulevard, including unexpended balances, federal grant received and refunds, total $641,258.85, there still remaining $108,000.00 to be received from federal grant and assessment'for physical improvements, and Whereas, the Kellogg Boulevard project, including net cost of acquiring land, wrecking of buildings and construction contracts let up to this time, together 1937 an estimate for contingencies, and the remaining work to be done in the spring of , will cost a total amount of $708,8891.06 of which amount $99500.00 is estimated for con- tingencies and remaining , Whereas, the Board of County Commissioners are desirous of appropriating acrd balances remaining in the aforesaid fund after the completion of Xeliegg for the Proppect Boulevard Improvement under the terms of. Chapter 374 of the 1935 MAnnesota Session Laws; therefore, be it "sr" -aThat the City Council of the Cityeof St. Paul does hereby agree to ""—°-�'>4�ty,.,ror the completion of and -to Pay all costs in connection with --Amd„Im„i�rovement provided the Board of County Com- namnletion of Kellogg Boulevard balance remaining -. be returned to the County; ane Further Resolved, That the City Council of the City of aoe"4 Ttere - ommissioners to reappropriate the balance of $40,867.79 request the Board of County C or the Prospect Boulevard Improvement, then remaining �f ✓ Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council„_.n..[...r_j....�y.._ � Barfuss Findlan 7 In favor Approved .............._ . _.Sr 3......I�r Pearce Ii.: Peterson Utl ........................... Against Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M F36 PUBLISlll%D�''-- ” �/Wi'lLrlt�{Y�I'i� n / ��aL� �V •f�'�� -7o'— --7 -- / 105992 - - jtrnvwi`+osut'' � �' � tBr$f ggr"rssdtap •� "et td bei. COUNCIL FILE N0 ------------------------- By---------------- -- -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter a_-Yidway 1ldditlo�i fram_:Dunla_ 8tr-"t-to-Lexington--aukway' --North,-------------- ----- ----- ----------------------- -- -- - - - --- ------- under Preliminary Order------_105438----------------.approved ---.- -Ootober_15, 1936 -___- Intermediary Order --- - - ----- aPProved ------ - - -- — - - -- — -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be Rade by the said City is__-__ a Alley in Blook 1, Sanborn Is Midway Addition i9nl_S>iinll8-,St��4t-Q3�9a-1A6?eQALkl[9Y ISR? bhp------------------------ - — --- ---- -- - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and dirseted to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. ------ DE�_22_t936__-------- /192- C �-- City Clerk. DEC2, . 3.,,,S �e Approved--------------------------------------------- ., 192 )�, Mayor. Councilman IN 11 BerEuse Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce Councilman )Tu Peterson Councilman Truax Councilman WWIA� Wenzel Mayor Rgewdw Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 j �� pL7I1LISIiED1a+-�� CITY Or ST. PAUL(` t➢yy2 F DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of grading alley in Blook 1, 'Sanborn' a Midway Addition from DunlaP Street to Lexington Parkway North under Preliminary Order approved ootober 16. 1986 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: R9g 89 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ n9 from- $ The estimated cost pellfoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION QQ llffj LOT BLOCK ADDITION ALUATIOW4,. Sanborn is Midway Addition to $ =50 5oulh ! 1 St. Paul '500 do 650 1800 5 1 do 625 1985 .. 4 1 do 625 1995 . 5 1 do 6$5 $598 , 8 1 do 625 1900 . 7 1 do 6$5 1525 6 1 do 626 no 9 1 do 8E5 $400 10 1 TOTAL. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIC►NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,_ _ ... J ADDITION DESCRIPTION ; LOT BLOCK F� A'L�ATSED O N.I.« 4anbora+o Uldway AddIUM ion $1078. la 1 do 420 Buts I} 16, 1 do 4R6 IIa4 15 and all 14 . 1 do Sao am la 1 do 900 6360 16 I do 760• 4720.. 17 1 do 675 2600 16 1 do 676 4126.. 19 1 do aoo 1666. a0 1 do 676 9164:. 21 1 do 676 2600. 22 1 do 672 2628. 2a I do 676 6660 24 1 do 674 8760, a5 I do 676 4100. 26 1 do 674 6160, 27 1 do 676 Vo0 to I de 676 2260. 29 1 do 1100 8160.. foul $18.550 $68850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Boren B. B. 12 COPY • St. Paul, Minn. -----Sept. -193--- Zo The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ....... Grade the alle in Block.1.3 b rnls.Midway-Additi-on -------------- - ...... _y_ _ ----------- -- - an. o ------- -- ------------------------------------- --1 --------- -------------------------- St. Ave. from-------Laxingj�Qn --------------------- ----- ------- fit. Ave. to--------- ------------- -------------- -- - ------- St. *me. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Frank J. Dian I Midway Sanborn Owner Nicholas Korman 4 1 --do Owner R. K. Tibblingl u Owner Charles E. Hawley _A' I do Owner Rudolph T—Tabs Owner August. Carlson (10 Owner MAhP,I A. WArd P ria Owner so. No. 7 Delinquent Taxes Date August 4, 1936. t I Sp, I,otLBlkl sears ' \ \ \ . � ' ^ . | -----| /| ~^ \ It 1 | �---_ | | | | | || ��������i� ��� Office .of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance October 2.9-1."5 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105438 approved__ Oct. 1 1988_ __193—, relative to g ar di_ng of Alley in Block 1.Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 879.39 Cost per front foot $0.79 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is 3 Inspection $15.09 Engineering $110.00 Frontage 1118.3 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ subject to assessment for said improvement COM. OF FINANCE, mY•ee� 23 9`, • 33 i LJ 6 NOV 5 1936 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, / rmmissioner of Public Works. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 8..4;F_1.0 October 26, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Mina. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 1, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105456 approved October 15, 1956. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage Approved for transmission to the Commies ner of Finance' ING C E �[ucc Commis. er. $879.39 0.79 15.09 110.00 1113.5 ft. Yours truly, iSHE ARD / M. SHEPARD Chie Engineer w r t0 December 22nd, 1836 Finn. Axel F. Peterson C,,nnr. of Fi:innce Ci'y Hall Dear Sir: At your request we ret.Irn herewith lettere of Mrs. ?d;dna v, U?csfield relative to an order for the grading of alley in Block 19 9anbornIs ltdway Addition, The order was ad—ted. Yours very truly, City Clerk 1L►5993 COUN FILE NO ............. -- .............../ FINAL ORDF" IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS I In the matter of......pPTLAI? ing_and..taking_.en._easement..in..the.. land necessary for .slopesr cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North r°ate' 1014 'ember 2 beat•ev R under Preliminary Order....................105439 .............__........, approved October 15.. 1936 .................. -- ...... - - .........- .. Intermediary Order ............. 105790................................... approved ..... ..... ........ November _252..1936 ..................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ... ........pFc.....: . ?-C--2 ......1.936.............................. ... 3r —of—' v .. .. " rt Clerk: Approved.........................................................19........G /�' � . ........----•------< .................. ----V :.. _..------.........G—.a.....,� Mayor. Councilmen May McDonald Pearce / D-36 Rosen (kj pUBI,I9HLD Truax / Wenzel Mr. President 500-6-3a lndicafesFuf =t Alley-B/k. l Sanborn, ,Widway Addifiori T�yy icallYofafion + $ Fgures about line show Dunlap St. Lexir�gfon Parkway No. Cutar f// of Properf Line. Figures below lire show Disfance fo which slopes fxfendbeyond ProperfyLine. X Sec. & Loc. Book A? 2455. Sca"e. 1-4Q THomAs ST. S N B 0 R N o 15, 41.65 14 13 44: 40.' 12 30•' 1/ 40: l0 �, 9 ,. 1 8 7 6 3 � 2 „ �cp 40.' �7 h Fr. Gar. r. Gar. Fr. 1 c �� ry 6ar. Fr r �° FFr. __ �oc��` ^ Gar. Frear. fr. Sh bar. — Fr. Gar. Fr. Gac Conc. p�+ m �- - �a * *oc,N _ o ►fii Fr Gar. 3 Sfu. Fr. Fr. Gar.Fr Stu 6ar.Stu.Gar,ibar� Fr Gar. ,Co FFr y; Gar. JJ Zz l6 4,.65 17 40: 18, 40. l9 3a.' 20 �NN aa' 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 40' • j � x S r9 N B O R S M / D Y✓ A Y fJ D D • � ' EDMUND ST Al/e -Blk. l 5anborf.8 Midwayy Add. S/o. Dr. 2 M -'4 S. I � 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL - (, DEPART.%4ENT,OF FINANCE' -P�O� g REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE A- )o �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C� In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land neosseary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 1, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway Horth under Preliminary Order approved Ootober 15, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 25.00 The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg.. Horth 2 1 Sanborn'@ Midway Addition to $500 $3650 at. Paul South 2 1 do 600 2550 3 1 do 660 1600 4 1 do 626 1925 5 1 do 625 1975 6 1 do 625 2376 7 1 do 625 1700 8 1 do 625 1526 9 1 do 625 860 . 10 1 do 626 2700 TOTAL. ;, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - ' DESCRIPTION LOT pLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED _ 14 ALUATIO Bldg. 6 k 11 1 8anborn's Midway Addition 4628 $1075. 12 . 1 do 460 East 13 . 1 do 326 West 13 and all 14 1 do 880 3200 15 1 do 900 6360. 16 1 do 760— 4760.. 17 1 do 675 26001, 18 1 do 676 4125 19 1 do 500 1626• 20 1 do 678 2250- 21 1 do 675 2600.. 22 1 do 675 2826- 23 1 do 675 2660. 24 1 do 675 2760- 25 1 do 675 4100. 26 1 do 675 3150'. 27 1 do 675 2700.. 28 1 do 675 2250 29 1 do 1100 3160- Total $19,050 $71,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �y Dated - Commissioner of Finance. Form n. I • . 12 Office 'of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Oct. 29L,_1956 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105439 approved—. 19+56-- - --193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopesr cuts__ and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Sanborn's Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--- __ - __ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ �, and the total cost thereof is $ xxxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. OD COM. OF FINANCE 0" &2eal Cornfssioner of Public Works. � z X53 g�7..6,. •0;4 NOV 5 1936 15994 o. 106991—' LOakv COUNCIL FILE NO.— ------_-------- avenue Block 3Tenue to welehl _ to the :"d tlne tl,,hod an By ------ - -------------------- .-. ------------------------------- the D FINAL ORDER ` + In the Matter of --A h &111& the__grade__oP Alley__!a__Hlook__l71__Oakgille_Park_Prom Weide Avenue_to thlsh Avenue,_to_oonform_to_the-red line on the profile hereto attached and _made-a_pe�rt hereof._ the presentestablished grade_bein� ehoen b,y the blue line thereon; .Alen_gradi,ng-Alla►g..is__BIQQk_l7�-_Slalceille_Park_fr _llei�}e__Avemis to_1[e2ah Avenue to the proposed red_line_when_eetabliehed�---- -------- ------------------------ -------------- - — -------- - - ------------- - - --- under ------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----- 106'k_4_Q--------------- - ----- --.approved----------Ootoi�r__lb _1956---------------- Intermediary Order ---------------------------approved ------------------- — — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__2>_969__the_grade_of_A11 - _k_Blook 17, Oakville Park from Weida Avenue to_Walsh _Avenue. _to conform to the red line_ on the profile hereto �ttl�ek4d lAdda_�_r__hesslgt. -tha�rAseot_eetablished Crede being_ehoea_bY the bluo_]iIOQ_ tt9xeoxtf a]OQ_gx�sllz_allev in B�ook_17�Oelcville Park frm Weide Avenue to J�3ilh:_A,g4p�tte�o the nroyst9_gSLr� line when established __-- — —_— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RE9 4VI,t FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper cifi officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in secordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ------- NC_22_193 ler k. . - 2 City Clerk. Approved----------------- ------------ -- -------- 112 /!! , ----------------- ---------------- - -------- - - Mayor. Councilman Barfuse Councilman V i Findlan Councilman Pearce CouneilmanMMftG1agmr:!e Peterson CouncilmanrSndheimwm Truax Couneilmanr4Vea Wenzel Mayor lasblV Gehan / / Form B. S. A. 8-7 Pi7BL1SIiEDJk2_ (P CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE t REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i �51��3j . 1 In the matter of changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 17, Oakville Park from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue under Preliminary Order approved October 15, 1988 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 625.29 The estimated cost perr of for the above improvement is - - $ Q. 76 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED �YALUATIONHld C0. g 1 17 Oakville Park $600 $4900 2 17 do 560 2050 S 17 do 660 1250 4 17 do 650 1650 5 17 do 660 1650. 6 17 do 650 7 17 do 660 1500 8 . 17 do 650 900 9 17 do 650 4900 10 17 do TOTAL. 600 57.60 I_ B. B. A CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT .OF FINANCE A REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER _ (C) ';,,• DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSE83ED� L&yALUATIOI$ldg- - - 11 17 Oakville Park 1880 42960 k 12 17 do 300 13.17 do 660 3160.: 14 .17 do. 600 2900. 16 .17 do 600 3660 16 .17 do 600 3000 17 .17 do 600 3400 - 18 .17 do e 800 2860 19 17 do 600 2260 20.17 do 660 2000 Total 44t60 448600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 34 - Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 12 C 0 P Y June 27, Sc. Paul, Minn.__. 193 --- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grade and oil A11ey.rimning-_from Walsh -Street --to Weide_Street, between Geranium and Bose Streets, located in Block 17, Oakville Park S�dome -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ----- -------- Addition to St. Paul inmonx ----------- ---------------------- ------- ------ - --------------- ------ ----- --------------------.Svdaw NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION D. E]aeer / S% 17 755 Geranium St. A. E. Benson 17 755 ° A. M. Moe 13 17 749 Josephine Johnson / 17 741 ° Lydia C. Jones _ 740 Rose St. Not Red E. Cedarleat 776 E. Rose St: Not Re John Stark 17 760 Bose St. F. Durenberger H. 0. Peterson _7 �_ _1�— 752 E. Bose 746 Rose St. EdgarR Ohlson T1 7 _LZ_ 775 Geranium St. Anton E Oberg 768 Rose Mrs. Knodt D 17 750 E. Rose 0. W 759 E. Geranium )WNER )WNER )WNER )WNER )rd 0, .ord MINER )WNER )WNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER �, ���. ;��a. ,fir., r � �F MOEW-A M7 ,Allk, A1,67-14, cfwc- Z9-7-2-9 -SONA E: Jff'ro If !!� W Us b-, it �- 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _ Oct... 29, 1936 _ 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105440 approved_ 0 ctober_15, _1956 193—, relative to changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 179 Oakville Park from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— - -- --necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.78 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 625.29 and the total cost thereof is 8 , Inspection $10.69 &gineering $80.00 Frontage 800 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is - subject to assessment for said improvement. CORA, OF FINANCE. ,1•, 12...1 NOV 5 1936 asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, --4 *.i..,o.Jer.fZP1-Dblic Works THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION s o October 26, 1986 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the changing og grade and grading Alley in Block 17, Oakville Park from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105440 approved Oootber 15, 1986. Estimated Cost $625.29 Cost per front foot 0.78 Inspection 10.69 Engineering 80.00 Frontage 800 ft. Yours tru'I,y, )),).5 FD M. SHEPARD Chi Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commiasioner of Finance G C EARCE Commies new. COUJ FILE NO ............ ..... ............... .. L�...... . -FINAL OR R IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS a condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, Inthe matter of ....................................... .............................................................. ----- ......................... cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 17, Oakville Park from Weide aa, Avenue to Walsh Avenue "Welde�A, --ender Prelim - _ )raved Oetobv having b- 105411October 15, 1936 underPreliminary Order ..................................................... approved ...................... ..........................._..._................ IntermediaryOrder--------------------------------------------------------------- approved ........ ..... ...................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 17, Oakville Park from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 17, Oakville Park from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. DEG 2 2 1936 Adopted by the Council ..................................... ............................ /.. '. ........ .....a, ------ (( // .. h� C- Jerk. Approved....................................`................... 19 Mayor. Councilmen May McDonald —36 JO Pearce PUBL1Srlc D I L Rosen Truax Wenzel Mr. President 500-6-33 L I i A'.eU-Biock /7 vi//e Park S•b. Dr. 2 N°4/7. o + lndicafes Cui: � - •• Fill. Typical No1afion 'o Figures bove !ine show Cuf nr fill of Pmperf Line. Figures below line show Distance lo which slopes Exfend , eyondPrgDerfy Line. X Sec. & Loc. Book 2454 ROSE ST. scale: rz, 40.• Lf; Us GERANIUM ST. CITY 4 ST. PAUL IZEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSi6NER OF FINANCE -V, ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �s (A) In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes. outs in Blook 17, Oakville Park from Weide Avenuetn Walsh Avenue and fills in the grading of Alley under Preliminary Order approved October 15, 1988 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 26.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed vafivation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: yo,m B. B. if ASSESSED BLOCK DESCRIPTION LOT BL ADDITION L dALUATIO Land 'Rdg4 1 17 Oakville Park $600 $49W , t 17 do 660 2060 3 17 de 660 1260 4 17 do 660 1660. 6 17 as 660 1660 6 17 do 660 7 17 do 660 1600. 6 17 do 660 900,. 9 17 do 660 4900 10 17 do TOTAL, 600 3760 yo,m B. B. if CITY OF ST. PAUL DgPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED dALUATIO 11 17 Oakville Park =660 $2"0 .. it 17 do i00 16 17 do 650 6160 14 17 do 800 E900 16 17 do 800 6660 16 17 do 800 6000 17 17 do 800 3w. 18 17 do 800 2650.. 19 17 do 800 $$60 80 17 do 860 am .. !oul SUM WIWI The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 'r o2 s— 19`36 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 .. _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ___ Oct. 2ta,_1436 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 10S441 approved_ Oct. 15,. 1936_ - 193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 17, OAkville Park from Weide Avenue to Walsh Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is---- -- - necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ , and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is cos b ec FINANC nt for said improvement. ..0.....a 9 0 T)1 7 NOV 6 ` asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, IC Pi..ioa.er.f Public 4o,.-- 0,141nal to city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL C� Cm NOV- ��`--96 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTIO��,MAL FORM if 1hereas, the Sinking Fund Committee has accepted the offer of Soochiching County of $95.00 per 100 for $299,000 $oochiching County Refunding Bonds held in the Sinking Fand, and Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen ....................In favor Truax Warren ......._ ....Against Wenzel Mr. President 3M 11-3s (Gehan) the e2Council19Det, 22. 1936. Dec. 28. 1938) DEC 22 1936 Adopted by the Council_..................................193...... DEC 2 1 36 Approved........................ ..... ... .......... 193....-. i� ......-... . Mayor o lwluclocrk Ce°��� �13e599 CITY OF ST. PAUL FIS. NO--- ............... . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM � COMMISSGNER_PP1SId1=.............._�~...=`.... !i._._.. __._...................... I .................... DATE.... _............. _. __......... ....... ............_.................. ....... ... RESOLVED That the free use of the Arena in the Saint Paul Aut3torium be and it is hereby given to the Children's Hospital Association for the Ice Follies on April 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1937; said Association to pay only the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion. Z L. COUN LMEN Yeas Nay �ss an In favor e son Against a 777-- ennael Mr President (Gehan) 311 636 C. F. No. 106997—By john a, Flndlan_ Resolved, that the .tree use of the Arena in the Saint pan) And ltorlutn be On RoePl tai �Aeeoclago0 for°thee lceild.r e Aeaocladoa° Lo and and 9th• 1937; eatd o ening and Day only tha coat of that occasion. °Derating the Aran. on Adopted by the Council Dec. 22, 1936. I Approved Dec. 22, 1938. (Dec. 26, 1926) D E C 2 2 1936 Adopted by the Council......._._......_...._.._......___ _...193...... Approved.. ....... �93.. _. Mayor December 19, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Ra. Connolly: Will you please have prepared for my pre entation to the Council a resolution to provide for the use of the arena of the St. Paul Auditorium by the Children's Hospital Association for the Ice Follies on April 2, 3, and 4, 1937, at cost of opening and oper,sting. truly yours, &" 00 � 04 � /ery ommissione- of EducItion JSF-R CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. D.— COMMI-toN[tt BUREAU OF PUBUC SCHOOLS LS •.*R"g BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON, d.tendent MI5. J. T. JENNINGS, LIL—I.. BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM ti E TRUDEAU, Dtreapr EDWARD A. FURNI, Superintendent December 19, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Ra. Connolly: Will you please have prepared for my pre entation to the Council a resolution to provide for the use of the arena of the St. Paul Auditorium by the Children's Hospital Association for the Ice Follies on April 2, 3, and 4, 1937, at cost of opening and oper,sting. truly yours, &" 00 � 04 � /ery ommissione- of EducItion JSF-R odder w oun ta.ek o"" N 1(.1.5998 CITY OF ST. PAUL ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE.._..........._.._..__._ _._... _.. WHEREAS, David Foley, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on the 5th day of January, 1935, while in the course of his employment, which injury consisted of a fracture of the middle finger of his right hand; and WHEREAS, as a result of such injury, he has suffered inadditionhas sufferedent loss Of function of a 15% loss Ofcfunctiondofithertand hird finger; and WHEREAS, the compensation law provides that he shall be paid at the rate of 020 per week for 9 weeks for the lose Of use of his middle finger, and 3 weeks for the lose of use of his third finger, making a total of 12 weeks at $20 per week, or $240.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said David Foley the sum of $240.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in full and final settlement of his claim against the City for the injury of January 5, 1935. no: o_ nsan� 'rt91. qne a ens •: r• ,.Lau tlon )1n. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciPEC'.._2.2... 93 ....-.--193 .... Yeas Nay `ar{.S.ss �• �' �t'i dlan 6)� �_� .is)Ci In favor APProved. 193. 7 / rdun Against / .....� a w Mayor �Jentel Mr President (Gehan) . U 6LISHED l ^s 04 636 DrW-1 to City M& `� 1 999 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO ............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RErsOLUTION--G n NERAL ORM RESOLVED, that resolution, Oounoil File No. 48446, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Subdivision "Truck Owner Dri'ilter", where they appear therein, the words 0$1.35 per hour for 11 ton", and substituting in lieu thereof the words 0$1.50 per hour for 1j ton." S COUNM8N Yeas Nay Ba es a� ear� c In favor Ison Against It enzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 676 C. F. Nor.1p6998-89 John & Findtan— and Wage scale Cvmmlttee— (7punc1l Itesolvad, thea amended. be nded'LbY File No. 42446. a same te. out bo[ t9ubdivls on e r ear CrlRtn6 Driver;' where they r owner pp in for thereto. the ewoordsubi tltuttnr hour Lor ly, ton'. thereof the words _' iL60 Der hour -tor isy to. pp Ad9ptved Deco2Co1938t Deo 22. 1838. ADRro Cee. Dec. 26. 1936) DEC 20, 1936 Adopted by the Council. ..._.............. ..._............ ._ ___......193..... 6 �p,o C / /' /ved..... / ......... ......193....... BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAULS.AMIDON, Ldntende BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. F TRUDEAU, Di,e , CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minn"Ota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER December 14, 1936 TO 1HE HONORABLE MAYOR and hMvID-RS OF TiM CITY COUNCIL Gentlemen: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. L JENNINGS, Ub,aW. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Svoalnt-dmt The Committee having for consideration the request of Individual Truck Cvmers Local No. 62, for "a wage scale from $1.35 per hour to $1.50 per hour, on Civil Service owner -operated trucks of one and one-half tons capacity" reports that investigation shows that this group is,being paid this amount by outside firms, and therefore recom- mends tc,at the ordinance covering the wage scale for Civil Service truck owner operators be amended to provide for the rate requested ($1.50 per hour). Respectfully submitted 3' 21'CITY OF ST. PAUL couwca 106, a`�6UOu4- .�. NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COM—t4:a, LOTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY -/y/y/� COMMISSIUNER_�.. ... ... .f x../•. �....._._...................DATE........ ..... ._........................... .... ..... ..._............................ 3a==M satas WHEREAS, heretofore "off sale" liquor license iso. 858 issued to James H. Tyrrell at 80. 350 Robert Street, and WHEREAS, due to the death of said James H. Tyrrell, Robert J. Tyrrell has requested that said license be trans- ferred to him, at the same address, and WHEREAS, Robert J. Tyrrell has filed a bond in the sum of $3000, as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer of license be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that ■off sale" liquor license No. 858 heretofore issued to James H. Tyrrell at No. 350 Robert Atreet, be and the same is hereby transferred to Robert J. Tyrrell at the same address, and the bond of said Robert J. Tyrrell is hereby approved, and the City Clerk 1$ 4directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Cor- poration Counsel is authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said James H. Tyrrell from any further liability arising after the date thba resolution is published. COUN91LMEN Yeas P' n Nays, _ In favor -Pe / iAgainst US �¢nrKl Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council...EC 2 ... - - ..2._',`6....._.193. _.. Approved............ _ ...............................................193 t...... CSS' Mayor PUBLISHED 4 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of RaRistration July 29th, 1936. Mr. Robert J. Tyrrell, c/o Sexton,Mordaunt, Kennedy & Carroll, Pioneer Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs The City Council today informally approved the transfer of an "off sate" liquor license at 350 Robert Street from James R. Tyrrell to yourself, as requested in your letter. it will be necessary for you to call at this office and fill out the necessary appli- cations and file a $3000 surety bond before the resolution granting the transfer can be_adopted. We have the necessary forms, except the bond. The resolution authorising the transfer, when adopted, will authorise cancellation of the bond of James H. Tyrrell. Yours very truly, City Clerk. • STATE OF MINNESOTA i I 0 (� LIQUOR CONTROL COMMISSIONER o! OFF SALE STATEMENT TO BE EXECUTED BY APPLICANT FOR OFF SALE LICENSE The OH Sale Statement Must Be Acknowledged by a Notary Public. Whoever shall knowingly, wilfully, and corruptly swear falsely thereto shall be deemed guilty of perjury and shall be punished accordingly. In answering these questions, "APPLICANT" refers to an individual, all members of a partnership, and in case of a corporation, all officers, directors, and principal stockholders. 1. Name of applicant age address em F& iala, irms 31 address 2. State whether applicant is a citizen of the United Statens 4�. If naturalized, state date 8. If a corporation, date of incorporation— state in which incorporated amount of authorized capitalization amount of paid in capital if a subsidiary of any other corporation, so state give purpose of corporation name and address of all officers, directors, and principal stockholders If incorporated under Iowa of another state, is corporation authorized to do business in this State? Number of certificate of authority Also include a certified copy of Articles of Incorporation and By-laws. If articles and by-laws have already been filed and no changes have been made, so state - 4. Address of location for which license is being applied for St. VA4. U t 5. State name of owner of business premise nai• .— T residence 0. Specify the date of deed or lease for premises as the case may b T. Are the taxeson the above property delinquent? No, 8. State whether applicant h eav lire d i�yt give date and type of business_ i!r��a it rw If applicatiol d.1 gew0trlij V 0 that you first began to 9. State whether applicant has ever had an application for license rejected by any municipality, state authority, or Federal authority, if so, give date and details Rio 10. State whether applicant has ever been convicted of any violation of any law of the United States or the State of Minnesota or of any local ordinance with regard to the manufacture, sale, distribution or possession for sale or distribution of intoxicating liquor, if so, give date and details me 11. Had the applicant ever had a license under the Liquor Control Act revoked for any violation of any such laws or local ordigances; if so, give date and details 12. State whether applicant was ever indicted or convicted of any crime other than as stated in No. 10, in this State, or any other state, or under the Federal Law, and if so give date and detail No 18. Give name and address of any or all partners, silent or otherwise, who will have charge, management, or control of the establishment for which license is requests' 14. State whether any person other than applicant has any right, title, or Interest in the lessehold, or in the furut- tnre, fixtures, or equipment in the premises for which license is requested, and if so, give name and details la lla Qt 16. State whether applicant has any agreement or understanding or intention to have any agreement, or under- standing with any person, partnership, or corporation to obtain for any other, or transfer to any other person, this license, or to obtain it for any other but the specific use of the applicant; if so, give name and deta 1 16. Has applicant any interest whatsoever, directly or indirectly, in any other liquor establishment in the State of Minnesota or local municipality: if so, give name and address of establishment 17. What occupation have you followed for the past ten years? 18. Furnish the name and address of at least three business references, including one bank reference, and briefly state the nature and extent of business relation with e 19. State whether applicant is rated by any commercial agency, and if so, give name and details of rating No/ ,rA_'0W 1y 20. State whether or not applicant intends to handle certain exclusive brands of Intoxicating liquor, and if so, give details of contract or arrangement with person o in bora purchased or to be purchased 21. State whether applicant is engaged in any otherl business or intends to engage in any business other than the retail off'sale liquor establishment; if so, give type ofbusiness name of employer 22. Does applicant intend to sell intoxicating liquor to other than the consumer? No 28. State whether or not the applicant intends to possess or operate or permit the keeping possession, or opera- tion of, on the licensed premises, or in any room adjoining the licensed premises, any slot machine, dice or any gambling device or apparatus, or permit any gambling there' NO 24. Give number of Federal Stamp Tax Receipt��1 26. In connection with the off sale license does applicant intend to sell non -intoxicating malt beverages for con- samption on the premises of the off sale establishment? so 26. Under what classification is the license applied for EXCLUSIVE LIQUOR STORE, DRUG STORE, OR GEN- ERAL FOOD STORE D!'9Q Sli>h If a drag store, state lengthof time the store has been in operation - 27. If the off spjp„dV etttjswyll j under a trade name, state name to be used 28. State whether applicant will be granted an on sale license in conjunction with the off sale license and for thb same premises -W_ 29. How do you intend to deliver or transport liquor sold under this licenae? By "physes of elb ore 80. State whether applicant will comply strictly with all the laws governing the sale of liquor, and q� es and regulations to be made from time to time by the Comnanc Commissioner, as well as the municipal orde= I hereby state that I have read the foregoing questions and answers and the answers to said questione are tree of my own knowledge. / Subscribed and sworn to before me th. lob day of �19a�_ o ' /K c / � �o�r S. D. i.: CL P'�tg, Notary Public, Bem;ey County, Kinn, IdyClualin tlsaRaphe.tpril11,:9•t3! Form 8—For R-taU.". Off4W. Ll -- APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF -SALE LICENSE State of Minnesota, License No. County of Rnmse3r To City Couq�il of_ City og St. Paul, Minn County of Ramsey To David R. Arundel, Liquor Control Commissioner, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned Robert J. Tyrrell of the City ofCounty of State of Minnesota,ereby ma es application for Retailer's Off -sale License to a used at the fol- lowing address: Robert St, et- City of Com__ _Pani i Minn _ County of Ramsey in accordance with provisions of Laws of 1934, Chapter 46, for a period of one year from and after the Zday of Deeember 19345___. The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Dated this l"11 day of 193Si_. By PERSONAL ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey Iss. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, he has read application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of s o n 1 Subscribed and sworn to before me this -- 10 try of Dace ber , 1936. ' E• D. McL6�,�+, � ktt �yryyPuubblic,, Rnmeeq,,CCamt", Mtn. [J CORPORATE ACKNOWLftjj&' t 4'fl STATE OF MINNESOTA, � County of as. On this day of 193_, before me appeared to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the of , that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. -411W. im Pete w1, , CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application leo.-_— a Cnida form moat be filled out in addition to the app)ie►aon form and armrn'amtement required by the Liquor Control Conani"loner of the stem of Minnmota) Name of Applicant---Bnbsr_t-,J-.-T-yL. ell Age--- 31 -- Residence Address— 2019 Telephone No._Em. 3226 Are you a citizen of the United States?—__ Vas Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Paa- operating _Drug store at_U0-Endicot-t--jrc-ade St. Pauli Minn. When and wheregur-ir4B--past-4-months-------- ----- -- - — -- -- - ----- -- - - - If corporation, give date when incorporated__—___—_-__:—_--__________—�____--_-_ Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold-------------------- --- - - - - - --- -- - --- - -------------------- Name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward ?asp Robert East Fourth and Fifth a How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from church (measured along streets) ? How many feet from closest public or parochial high or grade school (measured along streets) Name of closest school -- How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? On what floor located?—__--__________ If leased, give name of owner__-___--_-Dav-_is-a aKeLMan_ Store Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor MDrug ore?_-______--_-_-____________-_—_- How long have you operatedpresent business at present site?___ 6 months as administrator of estates wf Jame& H. Tyrrell who operatod business for 25 years. Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? —Aso I -i nems i a in names of James He Tyrrell. (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated --+' -i -". 4.'_- - -.198 -4-- / Licenee Inspector. 4PWLICAA�T.'- - OA, 106001_ oaewgwCUT cw"' M/jS /✓AT. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cn L R LOTION---GENERAL FORM ,ems December 22, 1936 _ I . DATE._......._..............................._...... ............................. RESOLVED /t That the application of John Colbert for the transfer of the following licenses, to—wit: Off Sale Malt, 44570 on sale Malt, 43363 Restenrant, #7919 from 590 Rice St. to 566 Bice. St. be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper City Officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the city records. COUNC MEN ' Yeas N s 7�i�ndlan ss In favor 'Pe Troon Against t r�a Mr. President (Gehan) sac: ;sw a i,thet Itc Oetil..ufrp C(q Clark 6_aDereon 61)M nd the . CITY OF ST TOL PAUL the ctev " "nu NO._.___.__—_____ l��enees b. \� OFFICE E CITY CLER .�by tree COUNC�IL� U r4oi1VERAL t"dPoS OLlm* ; 1` RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at thsees indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is Anstrueted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; E. R. Eckhardt 319 Minnesota St. r Florjtit App, 10306 Renes W. G. Alwin 1576 Portland Ave.' Off Sale Malt " 11156 " " " " " " Confectionery " 11159 " John Gleason 331 Cathedral P1. Grocery " 12052 " Leonard Doapner 1003 N. Dale St. Ice Station " 12592 " R. 0. Webster 223 N. Snelling Ice Station " .13195 " National Tea Co. 1916 St.Clair St. Grocery " 13594 " In Butcher " 13595 " J. A. Rewash 1918 St. Clair St. Conf. ": 113940 " Mrs. Gertrude Selly 739 Pillsbury Ave. Restaurant _ Al15911 " J. F. Andres 145 W. Kellogg Blvd. Gas Station 4 P. " 15947 " Butwinick Bros,, 224-226 E. 7th St. 2nd Hand Dlr. " 15949 " Joe Gana Constanzo 256 W. 7th St. Tavern " 15954 " " " " Dance Hall " 15955 " Peter Gerard 691 S. Snelling Gas Station " 15992 " Anton Kamp 153 N. Snelling Barber " 15993 " Paul Schnaith 974 E. 7th St. Gas Station " 15995 " Albert Johnson Coal Co. 10 Lumber Exch. Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 15996 n E. F Miller 1771 Selby Ave. Grocery " 15997 " COUNCIL EN Adopted by the Coyynncil193..x. Yeas Nays Rar6ra % / 1 Iji favor son s Against /Pee zel President ((eban) JM 6`/ Orywq.( IP MIT cl.h 'l� 10� 0 0 v CITY OF ST. PAUL :`u NO._.._.__.._—.__..._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER....:...........................................................................................................................................................DATE......._................._8....._N EN Yeas Z', Decemb.r '.1936...................... /t` s ce RESOLVED ,(2) `gar /Ye 0... Against Ede. Frerck 144 w. 4th St. Gas Station App. 16004 Renew. Esch & Wolden 19 E. 5th St. On Sale Malt n 16005 ■ L. Schumacher 653 Stryker Tavern n 16066 n n a n n Dance Hall n 16007 n Salvation Army 51 W. "Kellogg Blvd. Hotel s 16010 a B. P. Stassen 741 Cherokee Pet Shop n 16021 x Market Oil Co. 517 Broadway Gas Station n 16028 e Dakota Coal Co. 712 Cedar Ave. Mpls. Fuel Dealer n 16030 n Socony Vacuum Oil Co. 606 Vandalia Feel Dealer n 16057 n Fuel Oil & Gas Co. 1367 Marshall Ave. Fuel Dealer n 16065 n Peoples Coal & Ice Co. 914 Guardian Bldg. Fuel Dealer 16070 n COUN EN Yeas Z', ye /t` s ce . In favor `gar /Ye 0... Against enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council DEC 2 2 ism ............. --.............. ................... _193..... Approved..... ...................193_... PUBLISHED 14—Q �r —� ... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C LRE 1,UTION --- GENERAL FORM eouwta� I. 4 ." N 03 NO...__..—_...._.._....� heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 531 waIMMENOMMs issued to John Colbert at .590 Rice St. and pHERUS, John Colbert has requested that said license be transferred in his name to 586 Rice St. and WHERELS, the License Committee has recommended that said license be transferred as requested; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That OnsWe Liquor License No. 531, issued to John Colbert at 590 Rice St., be transferred in his name to 586 Rice St. and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the cityts records accordingly. COUNCI N Yeah Na s as �lan rAgainst In favor ce 7"i-,zraon... 60" a W enol Mr. President (Gehan) 1M 676 C. F. No. 106003 -By G. 'H. Barfues— F. M: Truax—IryiA6 C. Pearce— Whereae�'rhetefofbra On Sale. Liv,or Cleanse Na. `631. woe. Issued�to John bert at 690 Rice. et:, and Whereae,':John Colbert has requested that sold (Insole -be, transferred to his name to 668 -Rice et:, and Whereas the L2enea Cotnmittes'has tecommenaed. tha4 , said license be ransferred as requested;. therefore,-: be Resolved, that On; ale Lfaauor License No.. 631, Issued to dohn.Cotbert at_690 Rice et:, be transferred'iA hie name to 686 Rice et. and th14 pro vyer city Lomcere are hereby dlreotedA9,d ad e.[hs clty's �recorde accordfas .. AdoDtad by the Conanli-Dea'E3, 1936. APDroved Dec 2E'i"1838. tDec EBr 1838) 0Ec 22 1936 Adopted by the Council .................................................... 93..... t C APProved......................................•.i............j...,.r,..,i . .�... .........193 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROU50N City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 16th, 1936 Hon. G. H. Berfuse Chairman, License Committee Public Safety Building St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs The City Council today referred to your committee the attached letter of John Colbert asking for transfer of his On Sale Liquor License No. 531 from 590 Rice Street to 596 Rice Street, for investigation and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. jf W x v Saint Paul, Minnesota. December 15, 1936. To the Mayor and Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: - As I desire to change my place of business from 590 Rice Street to 586 Rice Street, may I request that the On -Sale Liquor license, No. 531, rich I now hold, be transferred to cover the new address? Trusting that you will grant this transfer and thanking you for your early consideration, I am Very truly yours, o.l�o,l w Cl.r a eeowu� -0 CITY OF ST. PAUL n� J���u3--- OFFIC9_QF THE CITY CLERK i COU[\ESOL� ON---ENERAL FORM ne. a moo, ,� pj/ G PRESEN (7 ` \ \'iSl..t/. 2... 7Q36._..._.......... WHEREAS, J. G. Kelm desires to withdraw application $15893 for Restaurant, applica- tion 15894 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and Application 15995+ for Off Sale Malt Beverage, at 856 Payne Ave. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it, RESOLVED. That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to J. G. Kelm the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN5ZMEN Yeas Na Ba as Ian e�rce .._....... _ In favor rson Xa ....�...... Against enrol Mr. President 3M 636 (Cehan) C. F. No. 10800*—ay .6. H. Barfuee--- WWW F. M_ �acll D6c. 22. 1936. 936. 1936) DEC 22 1936 Adopted by the Council.... ...................... - .................. . 193 DF0 2 2 1936 Approved..../..........................................................J93...-- Mayor COUNCIL ' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..._._.......... ........... ..... .. a� W {,� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUtIgN---GENERAL FORM emus December 22v 1936 WOW, Albert H. Y®gerst desires to withdraw application 15801 L Restaurant, application 15802, for On Sale Malt, application 15803, for Tavern, and application 15804, for Dance 71e11, at 107 E• 5th St. and requests the return of license fees deposited thereon. Therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Albert H. Yogerst the fees of $10.00, $50.00, $200.00, and $15.00, and to cancel said applications for license. COUNYAMEN Yeas B:rfuss N a elan In favor r rson a Against enzel Mr. President Al 636 (Gehan) 108006 ---By O, I Bar[uae— uAlberta H Yoa�res desire. to tDPllcatlon 16801 far Restau- Icatfon16802 for`On +Sale cation 16803 for Tavernandareetertr,l enAderecatheun ot posi,o thereon, there- the here- Ythat thA DroDer city oYecere ,lbert I3 �Yogeret tfieri[ee of 00, -820 .00, nd 816.00, and aid apDicationa for ]fcen9e. by the ouncl] Dec. 22, 1888. Dec.1988. (Dec.. Adopted by the Council ._DEC„_2d., 2._ 1936 ......193..... . , Approved................................._ .............................193_..... V- - Mayor lei bid 0'W=1 to City Clerk RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFI THE CITY CLERK COU L- ESOLU, ON—GENERAL FORM .tu NO. .�.__.. .. December That licensee for Restaurant, application 16013, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 16014, and Off Sete Malt Beverage, application 16015, applied for by Mary Ann Peterson, at 425 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by Council, Dec. 16, 1936. COUNC EN YeasN s a as lan In favor aon �;.-'zel gainst Mr. President (Gehan) 3Al 636 approved by CoUncil Dec. the. Councll Dec. 22,•1936. Adopted by the Council...D E C.. 2.2.._1936.,,,..,193 ..... 9 2 1936 Approved................. _............ _..... ............................ 193..... Yl..,........... /✓ ............SSC Mayor orw_l'. City cl.rk / )0 couMwL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..r.___..___._..� �Ir • OFFICE QE_THE CITY CLERK V COU" LUTI1--GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: & D. E. Mutchler 611 Central Pk. Pl. Grocery App. 13071 new " n " " " " Off Sale Malt " 13072 " E. C. Harris (CentralCoalOo.) 377 Rice St. Fuel Dealer " 15974 " Frank Slater 506 S. Smith Ave. 0£f Sale Malt " 160311 " COU1v1EN Yeah ays 4a.rfi as an In favor ece rson Against r a enol Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 C. F. No. 106007-13y O. H: Harluss— e•_M..Truax—Iryt"g'C. Pearce— . of rae re. al Park PL, elPark Pl., .W. al Co.), .377 16874, New. th Ave., OR lee: 22, 1836 DEC 22 1936 Adopted by the Council....__...._ ................................... J93_... t '� �" y' 1936 Approved...................................................................193....... nrta69 a conA 10W to Chv Clerk zenutedbY end L. OouNC�L CITY OF ST Pgjr°sato[ raut.ana to . nu No. —_ _.__._. a � TeteKtg�h Conr OFFICE OF THE CITY `J y t e�arcompa�R'4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEIV=1e e_ RESOLVED That the contract to be made and executed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri-State Telephone & Telegraph Company, providing for the furnishing and maintenance by said Company during the entire calendar year 1937 of certain facilities, tie lines aggregating not more than 2117.08 wire miles, ducts, tunnel vault and riser space, essential to the operation of the Police and Fire Alarm Signal System of the City, in consideration of the payment to said Company by the City of the aggregate sum of $6,592.60 in equal monthly installments, be made and executed in accordance with the form thereof submitted, approved by the Cor- poration Counsel, and filed herewith, and that the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute the eaa on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, and that all payments by the it thereunder shall be made from Police and Fire Signal Service Fund, Code 7-8 A 4, 1937 Budget. i COUNC MEN Yeas Nay ar ss iOan In favor Pea'` O. Against ,;,on r x enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 616 DEC 2 2 1193 ..... Adopted by the Council ....................................... ....... DEC 2 2 19$6 Approv^ed../............... S.....:......193....._ . t.......l..v....t..........G............................_....._ pUBLTSHCD Bureau of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent 8 Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STRETCH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner B46wg December 21, 1936. Mr. Herman C. Wenzel Commissioner of Public Utilities City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer The attached ordinance covering a contract between the City of St. Paul and the Tri State Telephone and Telegraph Company for Police and Fire Alarm Service was referred to this department for checking as to rates. Some years ago an agreement was made with the Telephone Company for payment of the sum mentioned in this contract, that is $6,592.60, which amount was to be in- creased gradually year by year. For the past several years the Telephone Company has accepted this contract at the above mentioned figure and the proposed contract is at the same rate as is now in effect. Very truly yours, UTILITIES ENGINEER. EF,T: LW POC`AINTP® JAFP Gateway t0 the Great Northwest CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration December 16th, 1936 Hon. H. C. Wenzel Comer. of Public Utilities City Hall Attentions W. Edwin P. Jones Dear Sire The City Council laid over to December 23rd the attached resolution and contract between the City of Saint Paul and the Tri- state Telephone & Telegraph Company and requested that your Public Utilities Engineer check these rates and determine whether they are higher or lower than the City has been paying for this service. Yours very truly, -.�' efg�r� City Clerk 0dWml w Oty Cie* 1 t 6f )09 CITY OF ST. PAUL iuUNCIL NO.- OFFICE O...OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON IL RE' SO UTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 6Y . COMMISSIONER._ ....... __...................... ......_.................. ........ DATE _....._... ...... _...__.._ _._. __..__....._._.._...._............._. RESOLVED That the following bonds given to the City of Saint Paul, dated August 1, 1936, with the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland, as surety, approved as tq form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same are hereby accepted and approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bonds in the office of the City Comptroller. Rrmin M. Skipton, Deputy Comptroller, $5,000.00 Fred B. Wilson, Senior Accountant, 5,000.00 Rose Ruth Ryan, Bond Clerk, 5,000.00 COUN MEN DEC 22 1936 Yeas N s Adopted by the Council ....................... __........................193...... uss Fin n �- FC 22 19F' In favor Approved... e Approved.... .. _. . .-.. .... 93 e/cson Against Mayor �1 Mr President (Gehan) 3N. 636 aoroea.. en4, tdtouR�._y�: northwesterly of ar COUNCIL FILE NO 4. H..IM and IR, West At INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of taking and condemning an easement 20 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through the land lying northwesterly of and adjoining Block 4, Bazille and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul and Custer Street vacated, said easement to extend from the westerly line of Bazille and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul to the center line of Custer Street vacated produced northerly, the center line of said easement being a line northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Block 4, Bazille and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul and dis- tant.90 feet theref romt, from_the westerly boundary of said Adt t# e+to ;g, point 130 feat _r aot''�eaateY7:y'oY' teeaterly line of Starkey 3tree£"prt8uoed northerly, thence easterly to a pmt. AA:. -5 48? elapter line of, Custer 84 rV.& 1;4d PTodLtae ;gpl hasdys said point a bethaef*r@ly:c,of:and 20 feat biAtapt.fegt4 t1;ltohwpaterly line of said Block 4 produced. Aliso'dtili�`8ieidS�6cnde�niiig e- teesper$rjr d"emlint=tor ooialflirn6tioiY ptipbeds 20 -feet :4 h>t g gtxtfie jsogtbeilyside of above described easement except where property is !take -and condemn an easement 20 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through the land lying northwesterly of and adjoining Block 4, Bazille and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul and Custer' Street vacated, said easement to extend from the westoly line of Bazille and Robert4s Addition to West St. Paul to the center line of Custer Street vacated produced northerly, the center line of said easement being a line northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Block 4, Bazille and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul and dis- tant 90 feet therefrom, from the westerly boundary of said Addition to a point 130 feet northeasterly of the easterly line of Starkey Street produced northerly, thbnos basterly tc-s point..on the optsr line of..Cseter:&*x@et 7adiiA*d)prod49ed northerly, said point being northwesterly of and 20 feet distant from the northwesterly line of said Block 4, produced.: 91" take and condemn a temporary e¢eemen fo pngtr�totlon pZrpooga 20 feet in width'alonA the s outherly aide oP above ddhoSA a ' e8$'bxb�€_ re properly is OOOU Sed r ,trail izi e, ;� 'i na, - rn aton r o± u z ... . s..� .. ;rr . t:,ting the 'r,c arid .1:-. ...,, PAdopted by the Council -0193- ���r/ Approved 193 Mayor Councilmac WbkEona1Y1-'_ 13,rfttas - uncilmanrlday --- r.r. tan CouncilmanrPearce Councilman -Rosen I'<taraon Councilman~Truax ax Councilman--Wenzel.-- Wenzel Mayor hbdu eV Gehen Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED /2_ L- 1 06(40 or.cobs aq p"\ Oil *JgTaKa• .:... .z:. .�.�':� -�►;:. l:;ty �_ c .:.„ In A,TgP cJNe LTR 2T a o ,, 001..3 aa,, VI va...,cuugQXU U e a i ec aaweu{ a u 1. 3 11 L ,L i s 1 L �.: 3.7' }OIULc,:. ;, :_� a( illy J(: �'-L is ,,:l j' 1 ♦•.r ... 1 '7:. �'V:1 .3 ,s � i �,U.iT ,'1J T1J. U0L;y,,A02,:.Jr.J:I 1luo °l.'- SFe coII-PGL TTne oT, eaTq seaawouF 1":�` BggT;.Iou po Idoaf a¢' bunj 4o Fps oap�eL Tips 2W&004: ne_noefaqor ,nefoL Last aroa;eq bLogroaq aoyCNaa T;k' -uPFo axFezrq �wm 42PO nae 9LT� TTIIn O?na- r,.,. . under Preliminary Order 103694 approve' November 13, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the imer P P r which the Council recommends is - eke and condemn an easement 20 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining s public sewer on, under, across and through the land lying northwesterly,' of and adjoining Block 4.news Bazille and Robert's Addition to West St. Paul and Custer Street vacated, said easement to extend from the westnsly line of Braille and Roberts Addition to West St. Paul en the center line of Custer Street vacated produced northerly, the center line of said easement being a lito ne northwesterly of and parallel to the northwesterly line of Block 4, Bazille and Robert's Addition to Went St. Paul and dis- tant 90 feet therefrom, from the westerly boundary of said Addition to a point 130 feet ed northerly, e northeasterly of the easterly line of Starkey Street produc uced northerlyhsaid poiutr� to: a point on the center line of. Custer Street. yaceWp being northwesterly of and 20 feet distant from the northwesterly line of said Block 4, produoedr_ Ild r.� cur >� orary easeme t �o AW take and condemn a tempQpyn$tr`totion p rposaa 20 feet in width e1'ong the southerljr nide o iPabove deeoYibdab�,9fttb1 progeriy is { oosuped by buiidi�g'd , rr ra'tng CI W aur) .. ,:,�r�•�,, i - .,rod' ---- -- _ --� Adopted by the Council , 193— ���� Vic` s• % 19.35 Clk Approved— 193— 1 er Mayor Councilmargbke 13arfuss CouncilmanrNI"' `-` P"nlitan CouncilmanrRearce CouncilmatrRosen ' !'dtarson CouncilmamTruax A 1'max CouncilmannWenzel:-'--4 \\'rnzel Mayor Monep C,ehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED /2 L - 6 106010- ocrnhTaq P\ �n 77Tati a ro ,.our 2r' �s., •`"". *' J :Ld aura �L eB7a asan— ..e. -..P _ _- .., , � t UAu alv- 1 That the said report and the same is hereby approved and ierebp ordered to be proceeded with. _—vement which the said improvement 7Athe e;givenotice o the pecs6ns antTtne and place of hear - of the improvenient`an 'thDEC 22y the Councilpct, � ; 9��; 193— i -Clerk Mayor CouncilmanrhfCHoCiai$' Fiarfnss CouncilmanrMag_ —– T_ CouncilmanrPearce Councilman -Rosen son Councilman; Truax p°x Councilmant:Wenul-• r"zel Mayor high.W l�cLau Form B. S. A. 8-6� PUBLISHED /� 1(16011 T t3- or condamning and i ; tush' tortbe. purat po.. V and - mantaining. a 1 Win, under, through a uo si—, vacated v- %3hertaon Addition S - - le deaertliad as . In ]Yln� ti decent to T COUNCIL FILE NO 4,r aur fv� By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose. of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, through and sorons Blocks 188 and 189. Irvine's Addition, Myrtle Street vacated, and Blook`168 HOberteon Addition. The said easement is described as a strip of laid 80 feet in width lying, southeasterly of and adjacent to U. S. Harbor line from Hoses Street to Walter Street. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land 40 feet in width lying southeasterly of and'adjgoent to above described easement; except where said oondemnetion is not'eoesesry for purposes above described, under Preliminary Or 108362 Approved Qotober'$ 1986 The'Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolvesr 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted,,and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is poomm and take an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a-pnblio sewer on, under, through and across Blocks 188 and 189, Irvine's,AdditioniAlyrtle Street vacated, and Block 188 Robertson Addition. The said easement is':desoribsd as a strip of land 30 feet in width lying southeasterly of and adjacent to U.'8. Harbor line from Moses Street to Walter Street. Also condemn and take a temporary easement for consttuotion purposes on a strip of land 40 feet in width lying southeasterly of and adjacent to above described *agement; except where said condemnation is not necessary for purposes above described, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 19th day of Jamiary — 193_ 1 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improveguEC and22 cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 6UJ �i JJ , 193—���0'-�- Approved 193— itY Clerk Mayor Councilman1jiWiNeftm Barfusa Councilman y^t - Findlan Councilman0carce" '" -- Pt irce Councllman&oset P,.trrson CouncilmancTruax Ttnax Councilmanffen a-=,,.sa %Venzel Mayor Gehan/- PUBLISHEDI°�..� Form B. S. A. 8-6 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING EI in I iffift - THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING 0'1 THE AWARD OF DAMAGES f 1012—. ;e In the matter of ----------------------------------------------------rt otIs y. neat.,, fn•:_. .____________ .,,nay 1d taking and condemning an easement 16 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and. maintaining a public sever on, under and across lots 9 and 10, Block 28, Baker's Addition and the right -of -say of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad frosi St. Anthoupr'Avenus to the northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Ptul and Pacific Railroad, the center line of which shall be the center line of Eustis Street produced southerly from Eustis Street as laid out north of said 0hicago., Milwaukee,- . Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way. $tet V Also taking and condemning a temporary easement for construction purposes on a Sp of land 30 feet in width on each side of above described .permanent easement. Also taking and oondemning an easement 16 feet in width for the purpose of oon- straating and maintaining a public sanitary sewer in tunnel below an elevation SO City #� ¢e}r,Fnd aersss=dpt 9, Block $�, rfs Addis shdsE} right-of of b, l:V'K,se, at. Paul and Pacific Railroad from St. Anthony Avenue to the ne ,,said Chicage.,iaMUwauk,3t. Paul, -Mynd Pao ifTe'�Bs4l1%sd�xUe center 1 �jIl'be a line 20 feet iof and parallel to the center, ine of Eustis Sti {y ed aautherly. frog 4stie Street. ay ,lid; out nciN4h'�!'f` I& s hicago, ;' Miii6itice and Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Also taking and condemning an easement for the purpose of constructing and main- tainin" 364 traftttes bntkh9tnou;' par ,,ttpp gg.,�$$ pp n dfix��Fr��,, h�p�, e3 f@F7aTCe �r:.. wesiex��d�fm8irne as `I"a� out sou t7ierle e�$ad roduoed to thep l➢Rk1$Rn �1 SYi>Ii $t l leak* hllapotit l',hdmtti 4f BiFlBI `$�oa44ff,Qt ne�it,. to prvper,.> from the making of said im�i'ovoalest thrxe or L� Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages ma�}t a_by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court house in the City of St. Paul on the---- ---------- day he-___-___-_____day of ------- J�aT)_r-------------- 19--3-7-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. �— Adopted by the Council----------DEL'-----22----100 -------- - -----,---- ------- -- ---- -------e-- — ------- Approved------- -- City Clerk. -------- ----------,19__x_ _ Mayor. Councilman POSPOMM Barfuss Councilman Findlan Councilman nlE}-_ I'r; rye Pul iII.�-- 1 == Councilman u l,e rrsv Councilman Councilman uft1i'er=' Truax Mayor Wenzel Gehau fpo enezf I, TOO u{, 20ruu•At7J" VAsunU vx IeTq onf aULri n!, f14Ar4Lf'K Tforrr.i' jTUe o-, 20c ,LATII" na jvTq crlP sonppol.l u;, R„a-.Lfo": sud I2' gjor,- ),� Dnx;,o .uOL by LTC' Ial:rmnr + T:;T;J e _,npjro 2";T.? -r.' .Umar. 'TI r,:'cJ !,GIa"% o o:, ,.Ir .',!.rrt •., �, V720 faa.7U . s q C,,j r,;mr; ,w26,21e1jF' LoL fl: VL ';.J1. °fl 2f• bsnj' ylT1—,11C0G acrd Pc LT= i;RTILor,, r-,�L_.,aA• 2fLeaf bzognoeq aonfj GLj1. LLOW ETrzflz 2Fte0,- as juiq cr* oL ,,L +ir,a aoTq Ci:c,, 1711110 9{; J&F,T*s91V71 Pe B TTI;a SO LOO; mGef o, 0_0(4btrLUJ)a7 4.0r� o fi,GeufGL 11.0OL y ri'fTz VO4j19%g1 TT=?' qb 2g7q CP7ovEo' 91T7^WnK43e' 2f' 1,vn7 onq Buo7L7o gv77zooq' fpr, Genfez o� ire 0p dgEo' 9i77�trTcae' 2f' ben7 Ong heOTUG BnTTLOW9 TL= 2f` Vpflron''A VA9Lne fo fPo .¢����"rrti{ger., ezrq aos.gsaa 7Of 8' BTOv7< S2' Bv�ez�a Vgg7x7ov euq fPm L7gFGF-oS-a�itA e far d injAO a bnPT7o aev7neza aeekez 7n-pnnite7 Ae7ox eu ejeAs ;ars 80 07f� r x �, ; ',� � RCiJQ ogxrgel>m{ttg gn aeawuenf � $ Leef 7A mj9F}► j,o� �gebrt>r5o8s zO� gott- ����`ia �;Zi?,€g®f j� m�'gD1? qu '®sod a7ge ob spoesgoaozT,�bc� SQzmssran� e�i�VnreYi.�- {t '�F7g cgrtgev�ixr7xili 9 feutb¢ gxa ebaemezrg 7OL oost8 Ylfc ou nnrBgr;oa.on s fer 7's�iit•�tsorx.ro rte�rrzesa zr&ur;-or-ua�•' - _ under Preliminary Order ------ 104667 approved ------ August 7, 1936 Intermediary Order -----------105621__________- Councilman 1 approved____-- November 6, 1936 Final Order ------------------ 105813 -----------------+ approved------- Deoember----------1,-----1936------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the -__- _20th ---------- day of ------- J�g--------------- 19_37, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ---------- DEG -2 2 1W ---------------------- ----------------- PP -- A roved------- .:s,;. iCity Clerk. --- - 1 ---------------- Mayor. Councilman Aarfuse Councilman --1 Fi nd!au Councilman i id. -• Pearce Councilman 1 PUlii..�- Councilman '� 1'C1r srou Councilman u �1iYier=3 Truax Mayor Wenzel �� Gehan COUNCIL FILE NO --- - ------ ------- ------__....__ 1 (,1 6t )i3 Ig COUNUQ. PP"v-I •emess�NTe � the eeeeeement. d ex De gnea la,. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, _costs and expenses for constructing monolithic cement sidewalks Estimate 80. 2, Contrast 86-Y-18, 1958 Assessable-- F.O. 10$528 Onega Street, both sides, from Congress St. to Canoord St. 0. 104549 Syndicate Avenue, west side, from Ford Road to Beechwood Avenue .0. 10441E Pascal Ave., east side, between Como Ave. and Breda Street 'Construoting monolithic cement sidewalks Estimate No, 2, Contract S8 -M -1$,y`1' 3B C.F. 10 Aealvea that the Copq1lesSoner of Pub12o works be and he is heteby authorised In Hrc pO11tlb4tDT8 wader their annual ltgztjjthio Roricl�ete, didswal raged omptro �esr1 G9ntitadt L Saot at a s`h'at n6l to eaea6d" $1Ee00, tq bs .charged taR. Blind Tax Exeunpt Properties: to Aveans, we c3d9;:,Prirm Ford Road to $seohwood avenue• Avenue, east side, between Como Ave. and Breda Street _aar,Y.............................. 19-.`F., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 2 2 11 Adopted by the Council--------- --...- ............... ----...--.......-....--- ���,�- C - - 1'�ity Clerk. Appieved..--................ ............ ' ...-..19......-.. /..... /= --- - ...... �ayof. Councilman Barfuss Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce Councilman lagd,:w a Pc", son Councilman Lppg<.' Truax Councilman) Wenzel Mayor VrAJWWft Gehan Form B. B. 17 PUBLISHED /,97116-,1L IC6013 ;. _,.r.,-. ;.mr. her a• otu; f1Lfq[+ ?FtaWl: - ny,.oi: 1,r:u,l .7,trx xutab1. b;.ui4,u1.1a'�. r,o1 0»a'CII;14:tfraf 1' ^aQbj? a1, a uoaf uuf po ovcooq S7k,.i�1• p% ppf, Lrgo:,aov dLoa• u0vf7.vofot3 nugf:l. {Ilmlt cr;unol 14opu11$pjdQ 0ovox,Qpu ujga�aln x04G 104 OL EIeG uupo ilo®g, 4?l;01J00 ,nual r71ab7.a;,luraf,uT,% Bit& Luo} ,41n lie ttuun4)1,110F0W n 9{104(100 R;Loo; oprwIXIC, glia 07Go uL Gpu llowooLorp 00ppol a•t.otr 0Rlqulu`x Of ops V"9 W,0009 40 orrnam v wo7aoJ7Giy7o Donn ,Go oTgom&1G' ;a po jtrTq ou plro uoz.pl, gtilo C'h' 1Slf it$ a�olnoq l'Poi Giro Qor>lulcr7 al. C'L h"nl-lo )ALmIca pa tvuq po 10 par.apA ar7G}ruslr�sg --Hasa-yseceeap�o__ gou4GLXo{t1n ; rgAo71F11Tu oetuovp oTgarurJxa lnG7meCu '10• S. 0oufiaaop 86"W^7^c' 1820 voi .JeojTP,LWaouJ VA9 ^G'f clgo' poor4Eev 00mo VAG• 8`;J9 RLGg8r gpLoep l'0' 70d241 BArgTcsrfe V&ori;7a' a;sef zeas' ;ro•.l j�,ow gccp fo Beseymoog .4, f, vn<: �ocaiacaxxa 1sacxzgc7��xxxT;rxxzl< The assessment of........_benePite �•_oosts_4nd- expeneee-. for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......?QNK---_-.......day of _J---,_,-• _................. 19_57., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court elwary House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 2 G 193' Adopted by the Council--------------------------------------------------- ........- .. v �;�City Clerk. Appreved.................................. .............. 19......... - / .... / :..... .......... ... ......................., ayof. Councilman Barfuee Councilman Findlan Councilman ,_penrce Councilman d . Pe.erson Councilmanhg�uuq}_, Truax PUBLISHED /A_�� Councilman "' -^moi Wenzel Mayor VINJjIMS Gehan Form B. B. 17 166oiU - 106015 u 10601,C16017 NOTICE CITY OF MINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE N To - t COUN�2ESOLUTION .; PRINTER L .1iaY 2' 4i ? eaevY Deomber 21 ,D3� y 91Y g91lOi� �,��� '� my file -4,1d4. •'V,Wp Ii „y X16 j9 Ii l ? il `CITY T 31 i RY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMf NT RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRA. 29 3ou9. 2:< OF i $, COVERING CHECKSNUMBERED TO -314-95— INCLUSIVE,ASPER. CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. DEC 22 1 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ or coYrt.pu APPPOVED T.j_ dtl.Li 183_ ,5�—✓ `P n BY �U ... ,_ . ,. PLJBLIS:iED 2- 2 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL o' 8T�3ae COUNCIL RESOLUTION M�1 neof n}y,�.�N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -------Deeem 19 34 ROSEN - arcs, I ST son RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR N ON THE CITY TREASURY. ' Anse TO THE AGGREGATE AMOU T OF 8_Z ].39_29--. COVERING MR. PRES. SUNDLIE ea p j CHECKS NUMB ERE. -3 -TO. __ �--. INCLUSIVE. AS ^ 1(_}'.p l.4'-- PER CHECKS ON FI E I THE OFFICE C TY COMPTROLLER. �1: J ------- --- - ADOPTED BY THE COU NCI L_. ___--_-.--' _ _ _ �______ CITY COMPTROLLER_____ APP -i+.-_•__ __ _ __..1-__ c -.___ _ ___ _ _ __________ MAYOR TOTAL GATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF "--� - RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i • 31341 Standard Bailing Machine 0orvo 4 43 5 31342Standard Sprang company 313Stanford University Press 14 4 31344 stationers Engraving Company 31345 G.E. steohert & company 16 2 31346 E.J. Stilwell Paper company y� 31347" Sunrayed Product Sales Oomp y 124 3 31348 Superior Refining Company 2 5 31349 0. Szwedzicki 2q 2 31350'; firs. Etta Flaherty 31351` Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina os 704 4 31352 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 18 577 31353 Axel F. Peterson, 0. Of Fin oe ill 166 3 3135 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fi oe 114 579 8 31355 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 9 668 31356, Mrs. O.M. Claugherty, Guardi' 32 0 31357• Yrs. Agnes Reiss 40 0 31358'' Gilbert Ellis 31359; Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finazoe 1 617 31360 Reuben L. Anderson 0 31361 Don Dunlop 25 31362 Northern states Power Company__71 0 1 040 2 1 31363 Northern States Power Companyi 93 2 31364 N.R. Fuel company 5 31365 Owens motor sales Company lb 51 1 31366 Panama Carbon Company 31367,1 Peppard & Fulton Company 12 6 31368 'I Postaggea meter Company 130 6 31369 R.A. Quarrie &Company 31370,; Reeves Coal & Dock Company 1 2 148 2 31371` St -Paul Book & Stationery Company 31372, St.Paul Book & Stationery Coapany 510 5 31373 st.Paul Brass Foundry Compan 3137' 'i standard Brands,Ino. 19 5 O 31375 star Photo Company 31376'' State of Minnesota, R.Co.Boi er Insp, 21. 31377 Edmund A. stein 21' 31378'' G.H. Tennant Company 25'5 31379': J. H. Terrell 12 5 31380; Trap Rook Company 108!1 • 31381 Twin City Brick company 32 31382' Twin City sawdust OomDany 12 4 31383 Twbn City show Card company 314484 Underwood -Elliott -Fisher conq any 9 7 31385 Union Water Meter Company 2 31386 United University Presses 3 3 31387 Universal Sign COMpaay iq g 31388 University of Chicago Press 389 0 31389' valley Iron Works 2 31390 van Paper Supply Company 656' 31391 victory Printing Company 31392 o. G. raffle 231 8 31393 Wagner Paint & varnish Comp y 1 5 31394 Waldorf Bindery Company 31395 Wallace IS Tiernan Company.In . 3'6 31396 Warwick & York, Inc. 8 3 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _%3_9Q. 3� 73 ._ M b E0 j} 1 7 ` I LA TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -' RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER 11 DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ �1. •.r, ..,. • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL $ 16 FO ENCIL N O. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER __- _ _-.._.-_____---_ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL 31284 CONROY 26Q COUNCIL RESOLUTION December 4 _6 MAY MCDONALD ------------IN FAVOR Ross Valve Mfg.Oo.Inc. AUDITED CLAIMS ------------ PEARCE ROSEN -- AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER -------- 151 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 52-1,D0_614_ -. COVERING MR. PRES. BUNOLIE 31287' CHECKS NUMBERED__ __ __Tp-_--_ _ ___. INCLUSIVE. AS FFICE TY COM IR.L PER CHECKS ON FILE THE OLLER. -- - --- - ' BY THE COUN4it_�_ ;7',--{-�-�+: APPROVED____. ___. .____��a_ ._____- __}_____ CITY COMPTROLLER TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -' RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER 11 DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD _ �1. •.r, ..,. • 3122 Robinson Plubbing Specialty Tire Company o. $ 16 1 1 31284 Milton Rosen 26Q 31285„ Ross Valve Mfg.Oo.Inc. 16 9 31286 Capitol Stationery IDtg.Oomp y 151 1 31287' COohran-Sargent Company 1 31288 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 242 9 31289 Farwell, Oz&n, Birk & CompalWY 131 5 31290 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & OomPaftY 3 31291 Hersey Mfg.Company 42421 31292' Neptune Meter Company St.Paul Corrugating Company 321 6 31293, 3129944 St.Paul White Lead & oil Company 229 31295 Shiely Oompany. 1110931296 J.L. 9 Twin City Brick Company 86 31297 Villaume Box & Lumber Oompan 25 31298 Waterous Company 6 4 31299 North Central Publishing Com any 1 581 3 31300 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Fin os 40 0 31301 31302 Thomas Towey Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ce 2 654 3 31303 04 Axel F, Peterson, 0. of Fin 9.L, Lee Stamper os 11 7zo 5146}1 5 4 0 31305 St.Paul Book & Stationery pony 345 31306 St.Paul Book & Stationery Coilpany 4 31307 St.Paul Cement 'Rorke 7 4 31308 StePaul Foundry Company 27 1 31309 St.Paul Glass Oompany 223 9 31310 St.Paul Milk Company 46 7 31311 St.Paul Office Equipment Com any 86 31312 StePaul Stamp Works 52 31313 St.Paul vocational Sohooll 5 31314 Russell Sage Foundation 208 7 31315 Sanitary Farm Dairies,Ino. 24 0 31316' Soheffer & Rossnm Company 31317, Sohneiderls Gifts 24 1 31318, Andrew Schoch Grocery Compan 0 1 31319%: Andrew Schoch Grocery oompaur '� 31320 The School Executive 31321 Schroeder & Company 4 9 31322 Schulz Food Market 43 3132} Chas. Scribner's & Sons 2 • 31324 9ervioe to Industry 7 . 31325 Seven Corners Printing Compaq 35 0 31326' L.W. Shafer Company 8 5 31327 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 1856 31328 D,B. Shotwell Company 1 31329., W.C. Simonson Oompany 3Z 0 31330: Simonson Lumber Company 31331 Singer Sewing Machine Oompau 1 31332 Harold J. Slawik,Inc. 5 3133}' L.C.Smith & Oorona Typewrite s,Inoe 21 5 31334 Snap'On Tools,Ino. 5 31335 Snell Sash & Door company 89 31336 G. Sommers & Company 134 6 31337, South Park Foundry & Machine Company 4 31338 Speedometer Service & Aoc.Oo to 63 31339 Sperry Office Furniture comp' y -- 31340 -- .1. 9taU 9omnanv " __ _ _ _. __ __ 52 4 -. - SHEET TOTAL FORWARD .� _ , 90 766I212 444 91 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL Ill! COUNCIL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO__________ ________--__ --- COUNGILMEN—ROLL .004010*—tearos, COUNCIL RESOLUTION MCFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS------------Deo-ember-_1--------__19-__.. 6 wimPYA.�� Pet reon ROSEN"ft 1 RESOLVED. THATCHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUdi611�O011��T� . /��1 _,. Pr S. Gehan TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT -- S --- . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ---TO--- _ INCLUSIVE. AS I: fl -1. PER CHECKS ON FIL OFFIC ITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIV�1_',-2- 1-�! Ti--- ---- // _-_19_- __ _ _ _ ______------ C, _____ APP ___- CITY <OM PTF OLLE '____------- ______ __f___ H�YOR _ _ _ ----------------------- MAYOR _______ ______________ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 229, • 31397 WasbSngton Foundry Company 31398 H.E. Wedelstsedt Company • 31399Y.I. weloh 31400 Western Badge & Novelty Company 31401; western Electrio Audiophone omp 31402 � western Sign Company 31403 western Tea & Coffee Company 31404 Westinghouse Electric Supply Co. 31405 Windsor Beverage Company 31406 Wondra Grocery 31407' Wool Products Company 314oa World Book Company 31409 Yoerg Brewing Company 31410 Willard Helgerson 3 411 AmericanSporting preses Company 31412 31413 Farwell, ozmun, Eirk & Compary 31414 Andrew Hpnsen 31415 mise ottilie Hees 31416 w.w. Koepke 31417 Chas. P. Murray 31418 9t.Paul Voo.Training School 31419 Arthus W. Smith 31420 L.A.Soler, Cashier W.Dept. 31421 Western Shade Cloth Company 31422 John Bailey 31423 George Williams 31424 Mrs. J.Y. Ayd, Guardian 31425 Mrs. Charles Tuchner 31426 ' Doniniok Ramaoiere 31427 Bogert and Honper, Inc. 31428 Foley Mfg.Company 31429 rrederio Rotel 31430 Greene Engraving Company 31431 Griggs, Cooper & Company 31432 Dr.B.A. Pomeroy 31433 Thompson's Restaurant 31434 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 31435 Iowa Valve Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD iM 63o 1153, o 39 0 24 5 36 342 7 12'' 6 7 55. 22 15 �+ 74 84 76 02 233 o6 13 70 5 00 33 65 00 89 55 33 00 167 a4 78 63 238 50 14 40 40 00 32 00 5 23 9 1403 4 42 49 22 13 36 50 2 261 �6�1 1 35 41 225 513 2133789 SAINT PAUL • �, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF COUNCIL J OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No .-------------- COUNCiLMEN—ROLL CALL 7 cONROY B fuse COUNCIL RESOLUTION - )� %1 MMAR� .II.dla N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ------------ December -41-----------193-6--- ROSEN p +�.�i�IWAGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE RA4 ON & CITY TREASURY, I'mY eYBOII� TO THE AGGREGATE AMO NT OF S- ff ,LA-'ilL COVERING MR NOLIE {k_ __ - __ e�Zel. CHECKS NUMBERED_ TD---- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FI OFFI OFT CITY OMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY TFI E. COUNCIL-"--�aB. '� . t� f - - - APPROVED_ - B'— - - ----1/ --- ci cow PTROLL[R _��__-_-_ _— - g - BY- - TOTAL DATE CHECK M FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 31436 Apothecary Shop 1 6 6 0 31437 9ethesda Hospital Welier 68 5 31438 Drs. Chatterton & von der 31439 Dr. E. V.%olta 91 0( 31440 Dr. L.P. Hiniker 31441 Dr. J.T. Holcomb 11 0 31442 DT.O.W. Holcomb 125'0 31443 Dr. F.V. Langenderfer 12 0 31444 Drs. Larsen & Wheeler 31445 Dr. J.J.MoCaarthy 2 0 31446 Mayo Clinic 77755 31447 Midway Hospital 44 35 31448 Dr.E.W. Miller 4 31449 Dr.V.N. Peterson 31450 DT.H.J. Prendergast 87 0 31451 St.Josepbls Hospital 5 00 31452 St.Maryle Hospital 6 00 3145 Dr. Frank Nhitmore 31454 Proteotoseal Company 99 3145Ottilie mesa 4 6 6 League of Minnesota Mun10. 10 00 300 00 I 31457 Ballard Storage & Transfer Cospany 30 94 410 30 31458 Barnsdall Ref.Corporation 31459 James H. Barw�ee 22 50 31460 Borohert4ingersoll,Ino. 1 5Z7 50 31461 F.J. Brings & Company Oapitol Laundry Company 31462 49 00 31463 Commonwealth Electric Company24 50 31464 Consumers' Researoh.ino. 1 00 60 31465 Culinary,Rrts Frees 31466 Dadis Cookie Company 75 31467 Daily News Corporation 53 73 31468 Denoyer-Gappert Company 6209 5511 05 31469 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company l0 86 31470 Elk Laundry Company 31471 Arthur Fellows Fielding & Shepley, Inc. 330 00 31472 31473 Freeberg Pies,Ino. 20 00 31474 (las Consumers Association 3 00 31475 J.J.Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 9 25 76112 31476 Creat Northern Railway Company] 31477 Quincy A. Hall • 31478 Han000k-Nelson Company 153 00 253 68 31479 A.P. Hersohler Factory 10 20 31480 Hertl Coal Company 12 70 43,00 31481 Home City Oil Company 31482 R.E. Hulme Company70 31483 Jameson, Hevener Company :121 63 31484 Johnson Printing Company 191 31485 Kenny Boiler & Mfg.Oompany 127 31 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - IM c.ao „ 225. _ 90 212207 A5 Orlaiml to city clerk mm+en. �'�� CITY OF ST. PAUL ros No------ OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK CO � ESOLU ON—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED i\ That the Northern states Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the Southwest corner of ,Albert and Hartford, and 1.40 foot pole on Albert at alley south of Hartford, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern states Power Cmen o p y. Hunioipal Estimate 25125. aM it -as h�x$�15Yid`Vit=e.�x3e#iii, mi} DEC 23 W6 Adopted by the Council.- ....................... .'? 193.-..-. DEC 31911M). ..193-:.-.. Approved _...... -•--.-. -./-._..... . ... . _ ........... ---,-� Mayor _:. PUBLISHED COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfass-pe[ aae; Findlan .pk EtepAn Pear2c �: Roseu� .In favor I'etc,sc:, Truax -1 Warr'A to Against aM it -as h�x$�15Yid`Vit=e.�x3e#iii, mi} DEC 23 W6 Adopted by the Council.- ....................... .'? 193.-..-. DEC 31911M). ..193-:.-.. Approved _...... -•--.-. -./-._..... . ... . _ ........... ---,-� Mayor _:. PUBLISHED 0091-1 to City ©ark couaau W `-' `)N CITY OF ST. PAUL .n= No ----------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C ESO TION—GENERAL FORM Z PRESE OA1� December %, 1976 COMMIS - RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on Thirteenth St, between Temperance & Canada, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal Netimate 25496. C11 [U Adopted by the CounciL_11E.G.2.1.IM ---193...... EC 23 Approved.............................. --.......193... Mayor PUBLISHED 112L -t!o`3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nye Bartow Fludlan F-79-&M. Pearce iia® ....................In favor Peterson S .TnFw l T M - L:Waft-a --------..Against Wawa L.wtniia 3M 11 -aa' -- C11 [U Adopted by the CounciL_11E.G.2.1.IM ---193...... EC 23 Approved.............................. --.......193... Mayor PUBLISHED 112L -t!o`3 ONQImI to City perk RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL Wolf i URI .1� No OFFICE O THE CITY CLERK G<T!i LU —GENERAL FORM - That the Northern States Power Oompany be given permission to Install 1-35 foot pole on the North side of St.0lair, West of Grotto, with neoessery guys, auohors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Oommon Counoil and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Oompany. Eatimate 254495. Adopted by the Council -_------AFr 93 Approved---- ---------------------------- .... 193 _.. � iLl -----------------y------- ... ........ --- Mayor PUBLISHED ` 6 3 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay Barfun Findlan r n Pearce Peterson i -1 '. Truax 1 -------------In favor lhaeee ;-.Warrea .................... Against Wemei-j'WenCej int-(6ehan) -, ass a -as Mr. Second Vice 1'rc;. (;feuzel) Adopted by the Council -_------AFr 93 Approved---- ---------------------------- .... 193 _.. � iLl -----------------y------- ... ........ --- Mayor PUBLISHED ` 6 3 Odenal to qn CWk e. -- CITY OF STPAUL �`` YN61 NO. a to �ie�� .._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK'; COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FOCi7il CUMM SSION B; �^� JD R._......._.....jOEN........S.._......FIRDLA-1..........._ ...........Y!.�S...A + 'f.............DATE. __._..DZC__.21936...................... RESOLVED WEEMS, the Council, in adopting its annual budget for the year 1935, estimated the amount to be received by the City from the State of Minnesota from income tax in the amount of $200,000.00 and allocated this sum to Budget Fuad NO -27, "A Sinking Fundy, and WEEMS, by Council File No. 101449 the Council allocated to the Educational Department the sum of $55,000.00 from income tax collections during the year 1935, and WHEREAS, during the year 1935 the City of Saint Paul received from the State of Minnesota as its share of income tax collections the sum of $168,245.00 and during the month of February, 1936 received the further sum from income tax collections collected during the year 1935 ,$97,700.00 making <a_ total $265,945000, and WEEMS, after charging to this fund the amount set up for Sinking Fund purposes in the 1935 budget vis., $200,000.00 and the deficit for 1934 , $6,902.10 and: the amount appropriated by the Council Council File No. 101449 via., #55,000.00 there remains a balance of $24,042.90 which was credited by the Comptroller to the Educational Fund and WHEREAS, under Council File No.105978 the excess receipts for the year 1936 were allocated by the Council to the Educational Department and at the time that this resolution was adopted the Educational Department was of the opinion the sum of $24,042.90 had been allocated and could be used by it during the year 1936 and WEEMS, the Commissioner of Education haobeen advised by the Comptroller's Office and the Oorporation Counsel that this Sum cannot be used until definitely allocated by the Council, Oity of St. Paul RESOLVED, that in accordance with the authority[ conferred upon the Council by Chapter 252 Laws of State of Minnesota for 1935 the Council does hereby appropriate and make available to the Educational, Department of City of St. Paul the further sum of $24,042.90, a'nd the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to take the necee(eaxy steps to carry out the provisions of this resolution. Yeas COUNCIL, 31E 1 Nays Adopted by the Coundl.DEC...23...1 19' oma. / ) /K•l, In favor. APPredI9 ro...................... ..._.. raon. 'O C- — ........................, Agam,t. / f Ivlayor enzel PUBLISHED D-'2 G' 3M 6.36 Mr, Vice rresideut (Truax) BUREAU BUREAU CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnow DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT, D.PUW COMMISSIONER dam® Dec.21st, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Connolly: BUREAU OF PUBLIC UBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, UbMN.b BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A.=L SVPaiN.nd.M The amount of $24,042.90 was credited by the Comptroller's Office in Feb. 1936 to the 1936 Department Receipts of the Bureau of Schools. The Comptroller's Office stated that this amount was part of the 1935 State Income Tax Aid, that was in excess of the amount of $200,000.00 required for allocation to the Sinking Fund in the 1935 Budget and the amount of $55,000.00 allocated by the City Council to the Schools in 1935. This amount was so reported In several letters to you requesting opinions and a council resolution relative to State Income Tax Aid to Schools. The Comptroller's authority for placing this amount to the credit of 1936 Department Receipts was not questioned, as it was assumed that it was done so that the receipts would equal the estimate of $375,000.000 which this'departmeat feared it would not, due to information from the State Department' that the 1936 Aid would only amount to approximately $360,000.00. Now that it is apparent, from reports released on Saturday morning, Dec. 19th, that the apportionment of Income Tax Aid will be more than the estimated amount, the Comptroller's Office stated that the $24,042.90 would not be available for school purposes unless approved by the City Council. Your informal opinion was that it would require Council approval, therefore please have the necessary council resolution presented as soon as possible so that this department_ may know its position in this matter. This money, if made available, is very necessary for the purchase of much needed equipment, supplies and books for the long neglected libraries of the schools which are in a pitiful condition. Thanking you for your hearty co-operation, I am Yours very truly, ,Q 1110-1, COMMISSIONER OF EDRCATION- 0".4 to city Clerll .. oouup��_ i� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO - / O F E CITY CLERK y COU OL N ---GENERAL FORM Z PRESEN December 2 , 1 6 COMMISSIO..........._.._................_ ... ..........................................................................................._.OATE_....._..._...._......_....�._.......1.........._............_. E. J. Eases desires to withdraw application 13949 for Butcher license at 1783 St. Clair St, and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. fl/ Therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to E. J. Bases the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. G. g C,. F.. No. 1080213T In6. C. Pearce-- R. M..rruax- W1tea allcatlon1a848 forutcherl�= d<aW" Da Yea deposited cense st,li1 .tj.» 7lcensefo sad reaseste lh. Ireturn Dt_' OILY oteCQTe. thereon,, tnet'eLore.,bera eT bRsnd�theyytaT'etherebYpauthorized to t fund to E.'�• gaess the Lee of 126.00 snd' to canceL-sald aDaltl rejsion for'll• cantle. she CouncllcDec. 2a. 1920. Adopted b A'pOroved r�De� 26319 d) fi, 1 r�,gr• COUNC EN -Adopted by the Council ........... QErt..2 3tM93 yeas Na a as an In favor Approved..........._........_®a_ 3? 193_._.. e rson �, °✓_ . ..... AAgainstf............................'.......... n .... _.............._. .� Mayor enol lhf ble Mr.Vice President ('rruax). peoal to City Clack i� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE_QP`CITY CLERK rl/1leEcSh_uT1ONa1GENERAL FORM !( 61 A .p. nu No.�... RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 16053. SestaAt, application 16054, and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 16055. WPlied for by Eoberg A. Hard at 483 Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by Council. Dec. 17, 1936 COUNCH,A EN Yeas N e as Ian In favor ce rce e rson Against enzel • �ident�(6ehacrj_a"7 3M bah Mr. Vice Presidcut (Truax) Council Dec. Dec. 23. 1938. DEC 2319 - Adopted by the Council. ..................... .............. . . 193 DEC 2 3193$ Approved ............................... _...... .................... __...193_..... /tl................. ... _..—...G^- yo 106025 OriQlut to CLL7 Cl.rk �°�NQ1L NO.__-....._.__-. CITY OF ST. PAUL ---- /�� OFFICE O��CITY CLERK ( / ' n^11k1 -u �c�1SLuT1OMG._GENERAL FORM RESOLVED �/ That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Northland Amusement Co. 924 E. 7th St. Confectionery App. 1586g New. J. Homes & H. W. Fowler 395 Wabasha Fruit-Vegtables " 15926 " Alex Dawson 376 Maria Ave. Grocery " 16011 " " " Off Sale Malt " 16012m " " Frank J. Wiese 1155 Selby Ave. Off Sale Malt " 16017 " Thos. Pasta 1039 Hastings Bakery " X6059 " COUNC MEN Yeas s n In favor e e rson ..... 'Against ji 3M 6•J6 Mi. Vice 1,Te`.itle t�leC Adopted by the Council 193 DEC i��6 Approved .................. .......................... .... .......... ..... 193__.. !/......-�....'_....,...._ylf:,l_:_.... . . Maw _-_ _ *rLnn �08088�•-By , C3 i4h I1111" , 1. p(�al�q! jL1�/F+1 �V W )26 Q• Icl.`// CITY OF ST. PAUL �ibna tea baYDu'i'. nes p` fVO.______---- 4 , OFFICE OF THE CITY' ,��; 04ty nt�xl`d CLEI*G,f. °u7•. a . COU=OL!T---GENERAL, FORM: COMMI 1w•`!r5u._i.../...h.}.f...DATE..._...C+_�IIAh.y.....1936 .................. __ RESOLVED That licenses ap lied for by the following persons at the addresses ind%„.ted be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jack Simos 107 E. 5th St. Restaurant App. 15457 Renew. n a a a On Sale Malt a 15459 a Tavern " 15459 " N n n a Dance Hall a 15460 a H. W. Milne 1330 White Bear Confectionery a 15665 a 0. Lafroth 1193 Payne Ave. Bakery a 15522 " E. L. Wendt 361 Stevens Grocery a 15914 a W. Hofflander 697 Case St. Grocery a 15921 a Ben-etlin 644 Selby Ave. Pool Hall " 15957 " Confectionery " 15955 " Oscar Bruggerman 774 Capitol Hgts. Grocery " 15959 " a a a a a Off Sale Malt n 15960 a Wm.Black & M.G.Williams 555 St.Anthoay Grocery " 15975 " Anthnr;y Zsuli 437 Michigan Grocery a 15976 a Petsch Bros. 349 Rosebel Confectionery a 15950 a Hulstad and He1n6 1943 Grand Ave. Grocery " 15991 " Geo.C. Marsh 1099 Randolph St. Grocery " ' 15994 " John Fischbach 753 W. 7th St. Grocery a 16000 " William Chernov 741 W; Central Grocery a 16002 " Sam Rosenblum 175 State St. Bakery a 16005 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ... ......... ............__.......193..... Yeas Nays Barfuas Pindlan In favor Approved..............................................................._..193....... _ Pearce Peterson Against. _ — Truax ............. ............. Ma or y Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) )M 6.)6 ,. piglo.�m civ Cbh coUMaL� -Q'I CITY OF ST. PAUL ras NO..�__..�.__ — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.......................................................................DATE............_................ ............... ........... .................... .......... RESOLVED H. C. Klosterman & Son. 779 Selby Ave. Grocery App. 16019 Renew. Arthur Treacy 1099 Grand Ave. Confectionery a 16025 N F. W. Ramaley & Co. 666 Grand Ave. Bakery " 16026 Wk. Dietrich 1560 Randolph Grocery " 16031 s Shubert Theatre PlayerB Co. 479 Wabasha St. Confectionery 9 16`039 P. W. Smetana 579 A. Robert St. Confectionery a '%042 COU�MEN Yeas N s arf ea,cece In favor e son O Against /Wenzel 3M 616 MrVICC I CCsItIIU[ ('1"Un.) Adopted by the Council,,...... .�.�3...12...3... 193 Approved ............. ......._BEG ._2_3._1�9.16..193...._ PUBLISIII:D /.2'���� Orlaio 1 m Gtr fah COUNCIL H 6027 CITY OF ST. PAUL I L[ NO........... .............................. OFFICE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTIO -GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, Lieftee No. 4730 for malt liquors, off -sale; License No. 3484 for malt liquors, on -sale; and License to. 8089, being a Restaurant License, were issued to John G. Miller and William J. Wicklow, to conduct such business at 540 Cedar Street; and WHEREAS, it has been requested that said licensee be transferred to John G. Miller, individually, at the same address; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said licenses be and the same are hereby transferred from John G. Miller and William J. Wicklow, to John G. Miller, individually; and the City Clerk is authorized to make the proper changes in the City's records. COU�MEN Yeas Na s indt/F/ n _.__..:;__..... In favor ZCe e rson _.� _.. .. Against enzel 31. 636 Mr. Vice DEC 2 3 wt Adopted by the Council ................................................193...... Approved. ._..................... 193....... CITY OFA SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration December 22nd, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Birt The Council referred to you the attached letter of John G. Miller asking that certain licensee issued in the names of John G. Miller and William J. Wicklow at 540 Cedar Street be transferred to John G. Miller at the same address, and requested that you draw a resolution granting this transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk CEoAR 3710 LEWIS E. LOHMANN ATTORNEY AT LAW 1107 COMMKRC■ 9U'""' SAINT PAUL December 21, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson city Clerk 386 Court House Saint Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In accordance with our conversation of this date, I wish to advise you that the fol- lowing licenses: Nos. 4730 , (License for malt liquors - off sale)• 3484 (License for malt liquors - on sale); and 8059 (License for Restaurant) issued in the napes of John G. :,tiller and William J. Wicklow at 540 Cedar Street, this city, are to be changed to read in the name of John G. taller, 540 Cedar Street, this city, to take effect on January 1, 1937. q1 , Please note your records accordingly. Very truly yours, JOHN G. MILLER • • 166128 ORIGINAL TO TY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL co`Nca NO. APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS -RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY 193 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED DR. CR. 6 Al Finance (Salaries) 725.00 6 A2 n (Auto Allowance) 170.00 . 6 AR n (Receipts) 519.08 / 6 A3 n (Office Expense) 1,4 09.68 6 AW " (Purchase Orders Reser e) 4.40 YES (0 COUNCILMEN (0 NAYS BetfnS$ A6►eR6E 'A Findlan E ---D Pearce ----1 IN FAVOR NyAWR4H �� AGAINST aoo --Mr. Vice President (Tmax) ADOPTED BY THE COUNC@EQ 23 936 193_ APPROVED93-St_193_ �B Td'T�F°i MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY COM -01-1.91, 1st. 2nd.I 3 Laid over to 3rd. &app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barfuss fus FindlanPeaIm Peterson et �f D Peterson ��� et Truax (•••/// Wenzel enol / Mr. Pres. Gehan XI- Pres. Gehan L�4 WA ORDINANCEi6�}29 / COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY '-v ORDINANCr An ordinance amending.Ordinance No. 58.40 approved July 7th, 1922 entitled "An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the public_; health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general.' welfare by providing for the classification, regulations` and restriction of the location of trades and industries. and of buildings used for human habitation and for specified purposes and the height and bulk of buildings here@fter erected or altered; and regulating and determining the min- imum size of lot line] courts and other open spaces and establishing the boundaries of districts for said purposes," This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the - preservation of the public peace, health and safety, The Council of•the City of St. Paul does ordain Section 1 1 That Ordinance No.80 approved July 7th, 1922 be and the same is hereby amended by adding Section 27, Unassigned Districts. r That part of the area lying north of Montreal Ave., south of Otto Ave., southeaat#rW,.rof Seventh St. and northwesterly of the Mississippi River marked on the Z oning Map as "Unassigned", and for which no regulations have been adopted is hereby placed in the fieavy Industry District, said Unassigned District is more particularly shown on a.map on file in the office of the City Clerk. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force,: from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Barfuss Pearcndlan e Pearce Peterson Truax Weml I Mr. P s' (�l/ Attest:y�/ City Cler 300 9-36 Passed by the Council ............. JAN 12.1 31 ...................... .-----In Favor ................................ t�� ------------ Against .... - Appro ed:__...-._... __ --JAN.Ix g -----. �� -- -- - ------ - -- --------- .. Mayor PUBLISI-Irl) t A DESCRIPTION OF THE UNASSIGNED AREA UNDER THE ZONING ORDINANCE LYING BETWEEN MONTREAL AVENUE AND OTTO AVENUE. Beginning at a point on the center line of the Mississippi River where it is intersected by the center line of Montreal Avenue extended thence along said center line of Montreal Avenue to an intersection with a line parallel to and 100 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Stewart Avenue as laid out south of Montreal Avenue and now vacated: Thence along saidline parallel to Stewart Avenue to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 125 feet easterly of the easterly line of Alaska Avenue. Thence along said line parallel to Alaska Av- enue to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 125 feet southeasterly of the southeasterly line of Adrian Street. Thence along said line parallel to Adrian Street to an intersectioh with a line drawn parallel to and 400 feet southeasterly of the south- easterly line of West Seventh Street. Thence along said line parallel with West Seventh Street to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 4-00 Peet south of the south line of Otto Avenue. Thence along said line parallel to Otto Avenue to an intersection with a line drawn parallel to and 125 feet westerly from the westerly line of Riverside Addition No. 2. Thence along said line parallel to Riverside Addition No. 2 to center line of Mississippi River. Thence along the center line of the Mississippi River to the point of beginning on Montreal Avenue extended. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL . COUNCIL wi ROLL CALL / OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.--_---� IIN. COUNCIL RESOLUTION v.Alazftse FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS------Deaember-13--------------- 19--o" r-00-k A SM RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. _______ fit}i Ile�e • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5------ �7 C COVERING ^_h__ SI S MI'. V13X Wi�� CHECKS NUMBERED____ OLLh`R. 3 INCLU VE A PER CHECKS ON f�IIE fN THE O`FICE COM R ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI ------ �� « R(((f�Q: 2� _ APPR i-, r;`•. fYf � ��� Vv ____ ____ __ _ __-c iTY coM rrrt011en__— fLBY_ _ ____ --------------------- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OFRETURNED R DISV NUMBER TRANSFER BY BANK - _ CHECKS -II CHECKS - ,_ BROUGHT FORWARD 31535 H.C.Wen>zel, C•P.Utilities I 1 372 60 49 • 31486 W.J. °Pestphal 31487 A.W. Hunt 4! 31488 Matthew Towey 4 31489 John Rose 4 31490. 31491 Ralph B. Quinn Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fi oe 13 27t 31492; Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finatoe 3 291 31493 T.C. Martin 31494:' Minn.Fed.Saving & Loan Assoo 2 $ 31495 L'thel 0. Rose 314961 May H. Strandberg . 11 275 31497 Albert H. Togeret 314gaL O.R.Barfuss,C.P.Safety 719 07 31499 Board of later Commissioners 430,27 31500 Board of later commissioners 13T 81 66'45 31501' Board of later commissioners 31502 Board of slater commissioners 12169 3153 Board of Rater commissions*s 25 73 947 95 315041 Board of Water commissioners 31505 Board of Water commissioners -s 721',05 369'41 31506 Board of Water Commissions 31507 John S. rindlan, C. of Bduo. 1 7j2'367 65 31508;, John S. Findlan, C. of Bduo., 31509" John s. Findlan, C. of Iduo. 00 31510- John S. Findlan, 0. of Eduo. 1T50 31511' I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 720.47 31512' I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Worke 642;38 31513 I.O.Pearoe, O.P.Works 3 789 28 305152 31514 I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Works 2 249'.13 31515 I.C.Pesroe, C.P.Works 7 924;46 31516- I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works 2 4601 91 31517 O.P.Works I.C.Pearoe, .Works 119 04 31518 I.c.Pearoe, C.P.Works 31519 I.C.Pearos, O.P.Worke 109 31520 I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Worke 801 31521 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 735'39 31522 I.C.poaroe, C.P.Works 524 55 315�3 I.C.Pearos, O.P.Works 1 129 80 1 519,49 31524 I.O.Pearoe, O.P.Worke 31525 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Worke 965.64 • 31526 31527:, I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works I.O.Pearos, O.P.Works 232;5 597;1 31528'' I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 268,,31 155',64 31529 I.C.Pearoe, O.P.Works 31530 I.O.Pearoe, C.P.Worka 753 7474 31531 I.C.pearoe, O.P.Worke 78044 31532 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 162 55 31533 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, eto. 1 060',35 31534 Fred M. Truax, O.Parks, eto., 418 89 31535 H.C.Wen>zel, C•P.Utilities I 1 372 60 RESOLVED w-4_vG, (1 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL - OF THE CITY CLERK ESO ION ---GENERAL FORM ..DATE.De.cem..b..e..r 24, 1936. . .........:................ .................................................... .............................................................. That licehses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk to instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: B. E. Hackney 1539 E. Minnehaba Grocery A pp.15120 New E. E. Biekley 517 Robert St. Gas Station App. 15999 " Peter Belgea 999 Rice St. Grocery " 16020 " Downtown Motors Inc. 163 w. 6th St. 2nd hand dlr.autos " 16023 " L. F. Wright 1649 Grand Ave. Gas Station " 16046 " COUNCI EN Yeas Nayp arf m n _.. _...._ In favor e e e �kjn ..... Against 06 3M 61e Mr. Vice I i, J,lcut (Truax) RESOLUTIONS C. ]�'. No. 108031—BY L.— C. P,eatce. F. laarfuea— Renolvefl, That }(ceaeea ayplled ;or by the tolloWlu6 De"Pon .at Llle ad- dresees Indicated be and the 9a1ne are her granted and the city clerk le 1 In. ttnoted to leeue uch Boenses ppon the' ayment Into the city treasury of th a¢ utred fees: B E. Beckney, 16a8 E. Minnehahal Gr ery, AVpp• 16120 New. E E. Blakley, 637 Robert St.; Gas, I Station, ADD. 16989 Petor Bsa, 889 R1 SL. Grocery.,. Apy. 18020 New.M Downtown otors188 8th St., 2nfl hand dir. autoto s, App.. 18023 New. Ta F. Wright. 1818 Grand Ave., Gas Sta ion, AD 16046 Naw. Adoptedd�yyDetho2C uncil 1936. Dec. 24, 1938. li (Jan. 2-1937) Adopted by the Council...........DEC .... P, A. ..... .........-193..... _� 1�6 Approved ....................._.. .�.j I .' I.:; _.... MayorT Bt ee TTh tB �, ea. �a��a,� K6 M CITY OF ST. PAUL `eceegba°ewe. nu NO. _.. _ OFFI OF THE CITY CLEF'aAu;aeu¢ CO E OL TI —GENERAL n, the RESOLVED That license applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated COUEN I es Na �;.-n In favor e e son Agatnet enol ofeat nt aha IM 6)e (r. Vic" I ',-L, CUt {IlaX) Adopted by the Council .......... .D.E- ;.2 4-.j 193..... V. •. `3 .. Approved .......... ........... ...................-...-......� �V �.._.._ ............................./......._ Mayor PUBLISHED 1 ---2- be and the same kre hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: W. J. Knowlan 663 Selby Ave. Butcher App. 11219 Renew. n " fl n fl Off Sale Malt " 11220 fl James Bertussi 107 If. 10th St. Grocery " 11954 " Jerry Wharton 6 W. 6th St. Barber " 12603 " David Kenig 193 State St. Grocery " 12641 " Joe Rogowski 151 S. Wabasha On Sale Malt " 14691 " IT " " " Restaurant " 15216 " G. 0. Gas"n 14 W. 9th St. Confectionery " 15607 " Millerest Luncheonette log E. 4th St. Restaurant a 15s46 s John Sevcik 726 Armstrong Bakery fl 15947 " Fred J. Harms 930 I Raymond Confectionery fl 15998 " Earl Hanson 591 Robert St. Restaurant a 16022 " Bailie Fuel Co. 27 W. 4th St. Feel Dealer " 16024 " Frances D. Kelly 978 Front St. Grocery a 16027 " L.Dolan & A.C.Reis 1170 E. -7th St. Grocery ■ 16035 " Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Grocery " 16061 N COUEN I es Na �;.-n In favor e e son Agatnet enol ofeat nt aha IM 6)e (r. Vic" I ',-L, CUt {IlaX) Adopted by the Council .......... .D.E- ;.2 4-.j 193..... V. •. `3 .. Approved .......... ........... ...................-...-......� �V �.._.._ ............................./......._ Mayor PUBLISHED 1 ---2- orlcla,lleCh,Clerk .19 i �id�33 CITY OF ST. PAUL nor NO._A F IC E CITY CLERK COgo SOLUTI ---GENERAL FORM -A COMMISaY........................ ........................... ...............................sires....DATE..........DBC.ember....Z4,....19.3b................... RESOLVED That licen for Restaurant, application 15987. On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15998, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15999. applied for by Mike Jaworski at 219 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved bt City Council, Dec. 16, 1936. Yeas N 8 P u Ian __-___ In favor e son Against enol I n 1211 e.w Mr. Vice President (Truax) C-Tru¢z, GBH. Barfues—Pearce, F. M. Rt Rts a"Pllcat on 15937. On Sale r asMalt ,.at. vaPpllcatlon. X6988, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, aPP11catlon 18989 Dlled for by ltlke Jaworekl at 21� W. 7th St., be and the same are hereby. anted and the to lseue such licn edeee upon the Day- ect into the city treasury of the re- quired feel. ApD�o ed Dece 24, u1936. Dec. 24, 1938. i(Jan. 2-1937) .._. Adopted by the Council,,,,,DEC 24 I ... ........... .,� 193 Approved............... ....................... ......................... ... 193_..... i �...._.............. Iv1a or Y ori,ioat w cit, Cl.rk RESOLVED ceneeu 106034 CITY OF ST. PAUL E CITY CLERK LUTIO ---GENERAL FORM Deember 24. 1936 w That license for Restaurant, application 16066, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 16067, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 16068, applied for by W. J. Wicklow at 470 Minnesota St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by City Council, Dec. 18, 1936. COUN/ MEN Yeas Nays 3 uas tF8 Ian In favor c/ rson '...... Against enul esfdEht 3M &M &M Mr, Vice president (Truax) C. F. N. 106034-13Y I. C. Pearce, F. M. True,*. G. H. Ofues— Reeolved, That licefor Restaurant, application. 18686, ot1 sale Mau Bever- age, application 18067, nd Off Sale MNL' Be—rage, application 16068, p - piled for by W. J. Wlcklow at 470 Minnesota St. be s.nd the e e are I" grouted and the city clerk 16 1 structad to Issue such .licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee.. Adopted by the Connell Dec. 24. 1936. Approved Dee. 24, 1938, (Jan. 2-1937) Adopted by the Council.............�.EC'._2 4._1`9..J`t93..... DEC S4 JOW Approved., ...................... I ..................................... 193-.-.. L—A ..... ---fe—x . Mayor Orweal to Chy Clark ST. PAUL E TY CLERK ENERAL FORM 0 COUNWI I 1936 .............................. RESOLVED That the Pursing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the I[ayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 9000 gallons "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CO., at a price of .11378 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price only, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the ",ity. 0hams General F -Ind- 1junicipal Equipmant- 1003-134 C. F. Ilv ,That -the—By 1. c sing Ag Resolved, 1;111_-1 Purchasing Agent be, a id he In hereby l authorised to pur- ehase. Ith the bent of the M, etid .the-Coyymgtroll a'. one tank car, ap• ua ollnet 88-70�octane,lon. from h'e.PHleaded IL, LIPS PETROLEUM CO., at a Pr us of V.11879 per .*gallon, less l%'ten,: days ontipetlBry•yyrlee only, Including $t pato tax ad sins tneectlon,. to be 'eFty ted on Municipal Eeu1 ment Bureau spur at Dale St.. on InlPormal bids as an 4mergency exist$ where failure to not rotnptly would work a -hardship to the beet interests of - the City. Charge General Fund — Munlelpal Eghipment-1009-i24. Adopted by the Council Dee. 24, 1996. Approved Dec. 24, 1996. -(Jan.2-1987) COUNCILMEN Yeas Na as Bar ... ........ In favor e son , Agalnat en=1 JM 6.16 Mr. utCl Adopted by the Councilcil DEC 24. 1 ....193..... ............................... Approved ............ _.193__. ,..........�1/.......... .. Mayor 106036 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RES N ---GE RAL FORM yy I COM�MISTSE, ER__.._ ...__.._._._.__.._..._ - _ i .............. __............ .i.DATE............... ............ ._....................._ ........................ ....._. RESOLVED U311 8, in the improvement described as the curbing of St.Anthony Avenue from Prior Avenue to a point one -hundred and fifty feet East of Prior Avenue, Pederson Bros. Compsny, contractors, Comptroller's Contract L.3924, it was found necessary to sake the following additions to said oontractt ADDITIONS tI e rPearc+ . vpro'pem6nt, 9.0 cu. yde. of Class A Concrete O $ 12.00 $108.00 vonu6;eo s 1240. 0 pounds of rein. steel O.0619 16.76 9 ssodS�: fV ueerj: 600.0 F.B.M. 1" x 8" #3 Pine Lumber O 45.001[ 2f.00 fom1l ne 300.0 " 2" 'x 4" lumber O 45.001[ 13.50 'eagtyoq� 400.0 " 4" x 4"" O 40.001[ 16.00 88.0 1112" x 12" " -#1 fir ® 50.00/1! 4.40 20.0 hours of Truck & Driver time O 1.35 27.00 32.0 " for Carpenter O 1.20 38.40 "80.0 " common labor 0 .625 50.00 10.0 " for Finisher O 1.20 12.00 26.0 lin. ft. of angle -bar facing O .55 14.30 1 - New Coal -hole frame & cover O 9.00 9.00 Coal and Kerosene O 3.64 Supervision O 9.00 TOTAL ADDITIONS $409.00 and WHEREAS, the total net addition is $409.00; now, therefore, be it } RESOLVED that the City Council approve the aforesaid additions made in accordance with the specifications therefor not to exceed the am of $409.00, said sun to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3924 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commisd oner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Pederson Bros. Company that the sum of $409.00 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. I.Mr•-President ` (Min4M- 3M 636 Iti1r Vice �.leut (Tro-o VContractor C esio r ol. WasrL Adopted by the uncil...:.: U . 11 ......193_, 9Frfi, Approved _ _ Mayor PUBLISHED Counter9lgned- Tr /Comptroller • COUN MEN Yeas Nyys n In favor e raon %% Against t-11-1 I.Mr•-President ` (Min4M- 3M 636 Iti1r Vice �.leut (Tro-o VContractor C esio r ol. WasrL Adopted by the uncil...:.: U . 11 ......193_, 9Frfi, Approved _ _ Mayor PUBLISHED Orlptrur v3,Clty Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES0LUTION--,1VFNERAL FL. P. Wen.,; 106037 ,.-. u x -,c :No------------------------- eiro `u Barfuss �!4.}plowe1 Findlan '.Daae ;. Pearce a ; crs.ou RESOLVED Whereas, it has been proposed that State Legislation be enacted whereby the regulation of public utility companies serving light and power will be placed under the jurisdiction of the State Railroad & Warehouse Commission, and Whereas, the people of the City of St. Paul have adopted a Home Rule Charter which provides that the City Council shall regulate such utilities operating upon the streets of this city, and Whereas, certain utilities, such as the Street Railway Company and the Telephone Company, have in the past through State legislation been placed under the jurisdiction of the State Railroad & Warehouse Commission for regulation, and Whereas, such State regulation of these utilities has resulted in a considerable loss of taxes to the city ani in less effective regulation than that of the city, and Whereas, this proposed legislation is in violation of the principles of Home Rule Government and in violation of the purpose and intent of the people of St. Paul as expressed in the adoption of thoir City Charter placing such regulatory powers with their own public officials, directly responsible to local consumers, therefore Be It Resolved, that the City Council express itself as being opposed to such legislation as affecting cities of the first class and urge the Representatives and Senators from this city to do everything in their power to prevent such legislation from being enacted as a law, and Be It Further Resolved, that a copy of said resolution be sent to the Honorable Governor elect Elmer A. Benson, and the State Senators and Legislators from this district. r ;,, DEC 2 41936 Adopted by the Council_ ....................... ._........ 193 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays OR "f¢6 Approved........................ ............_...193...... ..1-.-/. /-�.._......r1---�--. Y PUBLISHED_C2—� Barfuss L Findlan �.Pe�e1a Pearce --Rosenj _ ........I In favor crs.ou Truax Warrens Against .......a .. Wenzel., ons lr_as Mr. President-(C',ehaa)-7 OR "f¢6 Approved........................ ............_...193...... ..1-.-/. /-�.._......r1---�--. Y PUBLISHED_C2—� CITY OF ST. PAUL CO "` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, it has been proposed that State Legislation be passed whereby the Power Utility Companies be regulated by the State Rail- road and Warehouse Commission, and Whereas, the people of the City of St. Paul have adopted a Rome Ruleal Charter which provides that the city council shall regu- late such7a utility operating upon the streets of this city, and Whereas, other utilities such as the Street Railway Company and the Telephone Company are now under the jurisdiction of the Railroad and Warehouse Commission which has resulted in a loss of taxes collected from these utility companies to the people of this City, and Whereas, it has been the experience that such utilities are not regulated as effectively under State regulation as they are under City regulation, and Whereas, this proposed legislation is in violation of Home Rule. rights, and inasmuch as the people of this city when they adopted the City Charter desired their public officials,regulating said Power Company,to be responsible to the local consumers, there-. fore Be It Resolved that the City Council express itself as being opposed to such legislation and urge the Representatives and Senators from this city to do everything in their power to prevent such legislation from being enacted as a law, J Be It Further Resolved)that a copy of said resolution be sent to the Honorable Governor elect Elmer A. Benson, and the State Senators and Legislators from this district. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan _ In favor Pearce Peterson Truax Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 -c Adopted by the Council ................ ...... ._ .......�L.44J93..... DEC is Approved..................... ............................_A iw ...193___ .. ................................. ...._......._.._............._...aYor COUNCIL FILE N0 --------------- -___-___ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_ourbing_LaPgad-_Street from-4lot- - --Street-to_Yilton_8treet - - - - re - - street ---- under Preliminary Order____106102-------------- ------------ approved Intermediary Order --------------------------approved ----- -- ------ A ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- ouALat2ad_ i<! 4eii_fr� QiQtQria Street to Milton and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare',Oans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there Adopted by the Council __-__��_Q,g_�_-_19 -- --------- DEC 9 1 City Clerk. Approved. ------------- ------- --------- --------., 192 --_�` i -------'Maygr. Councilman sa Councilmq dlan * Councihnaa dNp e ce ! 1 n �.. Councilma;AVenx�l-' 'enzel d2 j� PUBLISHED s9ubi , -'11 FOM CITY OF ST. PAUL + DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELtM. [NjKRY ORDER In the matter of curbing Lafond Street from Viotoiia Street to Milton Street .4 under Preliminary Order approved September 17, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 903.60 The estimated costpeRoxot for the above improvement is - - - $ .78 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Lan YALUATIO"Bldg. Lot 10 and W. of 11 (Victoria and Lafond St. Add. $476 $2800 to the City of St. Paul, East 11 ( Ramsey Co., Minn. 160 12 do 326 900 13 do 326 1200 14 do 326 1600 16 do 326 2300 16 do 326 2400 17 do 326 1660 18 do 360 2400 TOTAL, Form B. B. It CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREUtdINAY ORDER DESCRIPTION UoatSd Blley in Block 1, South of Blair St. vacated and etoining and Lots 1 to lb, also, except East 20 ft. Ex. R. 10 ft. West 10 ft. of 3 and all of LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED La VALUATION 2b Bldg.. 16, 1 The House of Good Shepherds@ ;4500 Addition to St. Paul 1 (Thomas Street Addition to the 350 )City of St. Paul, Ramsey 2 (County, Minn. 326 $1000 3 do 325 1700 4 do 325 1660 5 do 325 1000 6 do 325 1650 7 do 326 2700 8 do 225 9 do 226 1 1 Joseph R. Weidele 6th Add. 325 1300 2 1 do ` 660 2650 3 1 do ) 4 1 do 425 4000 5 1 do 325 1300 6 1 do 326 1350 7 1 do 325 650 8 . 1 do 276 9 1 do 350 2000 Total $13070 $38,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Gt�_t! 2.' 193 F.rm B. B. 32 Commissioner of Finance. OWNER 641 •,, ¢ r-- N.R50. OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER OWNER 01MUM C 0 P T St. Paul, Minn. --Sept,- «,. 2956 .... 193. --- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing on Lafond Street ---------- - -- - - --- -- ------------------------------ ----- ------ -------- --------------- ----------------------------------- --------------- - --------------- ---------------.fie. f rom. ----------------- VlqtLQ-3714� ------------- ---- ---.St. AM- to- . ItItou - ---St. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Mrs. Nsi7 E. Phoudsv V 875 Lafond St. Ernest J. 889 Lafond St. U. C. Neuenfeldt Y,aPond Sty S A. J. Hanson 904 LUFI�t_ Otto Waltner 918 Lafond-St. V , 4—.0 g Carl Sahmarten .? St. 865 Lafon t. Paul Pranke- 861 Lafond Nt. Mrs, J. Balzer 868-Lafond St. Mrs- Nettie Schmitt 1992 L on 5-t. A. H. uchweitz YA� --I- 900 Lsfon St. N. J. Strabmayar -4- W_ jnhnnnn 874 Lafond St. RinhArA ViAman 71 rnn—I I* R139 T.A Anthony K.pp d�_ 'k -a of rlood Ph- rd- 7AE/ S S 4Lfond P Therese Roith 82 St.- ,W.R.O. NOT RECORD -OWNER R 7L - 77F �� f���. t,R�..�' ��.J' �'�d.. to 1 N Ye, N. W %4 5 E: c 35- -T ,Z9- P— 23 MIN'1EMgMA--" Sr \'AN b,eC sT FI 7 LA Fo N E) S -T Z 0 F �u t 0 IuF Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance t83— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No10-5102 approved- Sept. 17._ 193rz -_ _193—, relative to curbing Lafond Street from Victoria Street to Milton Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-- — - necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.78 2. The estimated cost thereof is 6 903.60 and the total cost thereof is S , Inspection $16.15 Engineering $80.00 Frontage 1164 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 S. Said improvement is . asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, NOV 5 mrssroner of Public Works. 44 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION 8p October 28, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Pa».lp Minn. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate or cost for the curbing of Lafond Street from Victoria Street to Milton Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 1051M approved September 17, 1956. Estimated Cost $905.60 Cost per front foot .78 Inspection 16.15 Engineering 80.00 Frontage 1164 ft. Yours truly, -1 r -'A M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance p� IC CE �\ i Commissionerner of of is "orl® C9 6 �� _ itP8099-7 • � � 140- of, ourgtn:; rom Earl 6YFea '�detPreliminary..: s: hea -Sng _hoc- . COUNCIL FILE NO._------- --------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.___sero IzinB--Qarani� _Street_ fr_ola__Esr1_Strsat_-Sfl__Frenk_Stzeet<---------_-- under Preliminary Order_______ WN1-------- - ------ - --- approved ..... ............. September__2b,_1958 Intermediary Order ----------------------------approved ---------- - ---- -- — - - - - - - — ---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is__ curb f}eranium Street from Earl Street to Frank Street and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to- prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there DEQ Adopted by the Council ----- __'_-__2.�__�__ .....-__, City Clerk. s> Approved --------------- ---- --- ---- - - 192 Mayor. Councilman QbmsFmAmarf / Councilman dta Councilman Mciiamddnw ea e n Councilman W096enzel J Mr. Vice I f'Truax) Form B. S. A. 8-7 PUBLISHrD l -J CITY Or ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �. REPORT OF COMM,ISSIQNER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of curbing Geranium Street from Earl Street to Frank Street under Preliminary Order approved September 26, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: f." 0C The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 817.66 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ 0.72 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LandVALUATIONBldg. 18 3 Cloverdale, St. Paul, Minn. $1400 $4160 (in- cludee other property 19 3 do 400 1800 20 3 do 460 660 21 3 do , 460 2400 22 3 do 460 2260 23 3 do 460 1300 24 3 do 460 3660 26 3 do 460 3160 26 3 do 460 4000 27 3 do 460 3300 TOTAL, Porn B. B. 10 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIQ,NER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) •DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED T—d ALUATIOSL d g. 28 . 3 Cloverdale, 8t. Paul, ilium. ;480 29 . 3 do 600 *2300.. 1 6 do 8602 600 3850- 2 6 do 660 300- 00_East Eastof 4 and all 3 . 6 do 676 1100.. Fest of 4 and all 6 6 do 676 1860., 6 6 do 460 800 7 6 do 460 3160 8 6 do 460 3400 9 6 do 460 2960 .. 10 6 do 460 11 6 do 426 12 6 do 626 Total 812260 846360 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 C 0 P Y 10, St. Paul, Minn.. --_Sept. -- --------- - 9 -1 56 - 193 --- To The Honorable, The Council, City -of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement tote made: ----------- ----------- --------------------------- -- --------------------------- -- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------ -------.St. Amx from --------------tea------------------------ ---- St. Ave. to- Yxisnk ------ ---St. Bat. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Stanley Tmatizewoki --9 6 —Cloverd&le0- GiW T. Wheeler 8 6 do Owl Albert O—Neutzling 27 3 do Own Arthur W. Johnson 94 S do A. West 22 ao Ow Edwin J- stindel iq A JAkp. C- T)ainilohar+. 20 3 An WM- Pp+.Iqfhnrd+. Pg a --- -0z" an 1= RECORD .95 NOT RECORD ---------- ,or Ler Ler ier ler ier .er 01119M OVINER ier 17 lzoj f�!4. V). tm d F'4 SEC. 28. T 29 R ZZ �i -141- Y /-A-7V 29-- L#4 V) L Lki Z) LL - J ESSA 1141AIE ST. IF I - -AL A4,4 C IV 0 L 1A �i -141- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Deport to Commissioner of Finance _-- Qct_-$0,-1956_- -_ 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public, Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105201 approved— _ - _Sept._2, 1936 _193—, relative to curbing of Geranium Street from Earl Street to Frank Street. —_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is__- __ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.72 2. The estimated cost thereof is $617.56 , and the total cost thereof is S--, Inspection $14.46 Engineering $60.00 Frontage 1148 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. -- 4. --- ---- --- S. Said improvement is _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, — ommissioner of Public Works. NOV 5 1936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION e.gxa. o Oct. 28, 1986 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary, estimate of cost for the curbing of Geranium Street from Earl Street to Frank Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105201 approved September 25, 1986. Contract Price Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance IRVING C. PEARCE Commissioner o PubFLi.c Works. W0� $817.56 .72 14.46 80.00 1.148 ft. Yours truly, EO M. SREPARD Chi f Engineer. ONWr two C10 C1,rk ��(' 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL COU"`" NO. .......U_ . OFFICE OF TH CI LERK OUNCIL RE �ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ^i 1 COMMM I�SS�I.O�N�ER..................................................................................................................................:..........................DATE...._............ x�nl: Mars"* in the project described as the construction of the Phalen Creek Bower, Comptrollerla Contract 04847, Minnesota Contraators, Inc:, contraotors, the time specified for thea completion of said contract is December 81, 1986, and K• f tics a.' ltereas, delays s were encountered in a warding the contract,�materielly �> delaying the starting of work, such delays being due to an omission in the proposal of the low bidder making it necessary to award the contract to the second bidder, namely, the aforesaid contractor, and whereas, the Minnesota C•antractors, Inc. have prosecuted the work diligently but are now aaafronted with the necessity, of placing. concrete intermittently due to winter weather conditions; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time from December 81, 1956 to May 81, 1987, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it Further Resolved, That the City of Bt. Paul hereby waives all. olaii for liquidated damages and engineering and inspection during the extended period. ✓ Yeas COUN LMEN Nay- / F' lan In favor Pearce -- Against enxel PJeaident•{@e6aYfj_m'� 3M 636 M7 Vice . 1::6de: " i rl a.) Adopted by the Council DEC 29 1 90 ............................... ............ _....... 193..... DEC 2 9 M Approved.,_ .......................... . ....................... .. . ..... Yor PUBLISHED Orlaioal to City CU& 106041 U CITY OF ST. PAUL nCOuNCIL IWO..s.............. ..._................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM i PRESENTED BY Findlan COMMISSIUNER—.._...__..._............... .......... Mar..+../i1/.L.X11..-...... _........................ ..................... DATE ......_..__.____...... ........ ..._......._................................... - RESOLVED That the free use of the Arena in the Saint Paul Auditorium be And it is hereby given to the Ramsey County Sunday School Association on Sunday afternoon, April 25th, 1937, for a Singing Church session; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That an amount equal to the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion be and the same is hereby set up in the budget for 1938 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. C0UN9JLfAEN Yeas Nays B`a�{ss /Y an _ _......... In favor earce 0' Against enzel III ,,,//J 3M 636 Mr. Vi". i i C. F. No. 108041—BY J. S. Mdlaa— Resolved, That the free use of the Arena In the Saint Paul Audit -tun be nd it le hereby given to the Ramsey County 3undny School Aeeoelation oni Sunday afternoon, April 25th, 1937, for a Singing Church eeeelon; be 1t Further Resolved That an amount' equal to the cost of opening and oper- ating the Arena on that occasion be budgen th and t for m1938 In nr Audltorlubset ml Fundi No. 17. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1936.1 Approved Dec. 29. 1935. (Jan. 7-1937) _ Adopted by the Council .......DEC ...29 1936-193. Approved ........... .............. DE.. 2 9.. 1.�',�. .................__._.............. 3....... �w ........ ....... . . ................... Mayor t)ddad m City Ck& 1016042 CITYOF ST. PAUL .n.[ NO ........................................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM t r COMM 88NER_...._FSndl.B±L................_...._yY�......................................DATE.........._............ .._.._.._............._........................... ...._ RESOLVED That the free use of the theater section of the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the University of 11inne— sota for a band concert on Tuesday evening, April 27th, 1937; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That an amount equal to the cost of opening and operating the theater section on that occasion be set up in the budget for 1938 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. COUNPILMEN YeasNay E 89 � an _. In favor sera Against 4—enze� l Pirmduff = Mieben 3M 636hft. Vice , r—wCIA (Truax) C. T' No. 100042—Hy J. S' ""11" That .the free vee of the thgster sectien of the. Saint peal Au- IItorium be and it is herebylx"Wtuo the University of Minnesota for a bandconcert on Tuesday evening, A Furt1937: be herReaol ed.itThat an amount e ual to the cost of opening and oper- aon t theater section Im or slbe t up the budget f 1936 In Auditorium Fund No. 17. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1939. Approved Dec. 29. 1935. (Jan. 2-1937) Adopted by the Council _D.EC.22_.1936....... 193.._.. '- si�7 Approved... _ .__ ...................................................193...... ly r. C.10604 Peal Orl`lo.l to City Clerk llcensae aD. eouMea CITY OF ST. PAUL and the • the clf OFFIC CITY CLERK COU L . L 71 GENERAL Fi"la i � a PRES ............ TE._....._December.._29.,....?93.6.................... COMMISSIO.....:.................................. ...... ............................ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue stxh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; Geo. T. Stone 323 Rondo St. Iael Dealer App. 16003 Renew. D. E. Larson 1260 Payne Ave. Grocery " 16016 " John W. Anderson &Co. 139 E. 7th St. Grocery 16033 " C.J. & H. W. Anderson 1573 Univ. Ave. 2nd hand dlr.(old gold) 16036 " Geo. VanderWerker 954 Payne Ave. Barber ^ 16047 ■ Victor Niewinski Restaurant 1045 Arcade St. ^ 16048 " ^ ^ 1045 Arcade On Sale Malt ^ 16049 " ^ " " " Off Sale Malt ^ 16050 " Victor Niewinski 1045 Arcade St. Barber ^ 16051 " A. C. Paulson 487 N. Snelling Barber " 16083 " W. J. McAndrews 371 Thomas St. Barber " 16084 " Gordon Chergee 1934 Univ. Ave. Barber " 16086 " J. R. Seward 411 Univ. Ave. Barber " 16087 " Republic finance Co. 414 Univ. Ave. 2nd hand dlr.(autos) " 16095 " J. E. McDonald 716 Miss.River Blvd. Gas Station m 16097 " Cecil A. Collins 740 University Gas Station " 16103 " Peter Gerard 691 S. Snelling Gas Station " 16105 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_... 193..... Yeas Nays DE C...:2 . ..g... ..... ea an DLG nr 1' IMF' In favor Approved ......................................_......_......_ . ��Y3_..... .......... earce Against xx_ w__ Fe.1 v esi enc eha Puwus [EDS._—+S�-- aM Q36 Mc Vi- , i uax0 i h 106044 M6it CITY OF ST. PAUL ;OY` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,^R "L TION�-rGENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 16090, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 16091, and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 16992, applied for by George Witthans at 757-759 Mississippi St, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by Council, Dec. 22, 1936. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays as Fiydlan In favor earce . __..... Against Mr D. dent-(6ehwt}�e+eq Mr. Vic.. C. F. No. 188844—By L c- Pearce, Truax. G. H. Barfus— Ft...Wed. That licensee for Reetsu- raat, aPPH H. I o,atlo90,18091 Ssand�Ore Beverage, ap�pi( aai B tir (}eorBe p1Wltthane808gt 757-768 MWeisretDyl 84 be'�snd.the some. {e or.e Inetrneted to iesu such 110onses1U of the required fees the city treasury o ADPDto d Dnce29. 1988. Dec. 29. 1986. (Ian• 8-1987) Adopted by the Council.._._.„.„DEC'.2 9 1.9.3.k93 nn <n 2 - Approved, ................... l Mayor orlwnal to at, Cehor"�/ A�'�liQ1V �`t5 CITY OF ST. PAUL couaci� . �. NO ......................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6N/m CO RE TION ---GENERAL FORM ii COMMISSIUNE __�_.....:_.... ... -A COM �_� ......DATE........... ._.............. ... RESOLVED That the application of Alex Kufitsohek for transfer of his On- and Off -Sale Malt Beverage licenses from 1135-1137 Rice street, to 1141-1143 Rios Street, be and the same is hereby granted; and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to make the proper changes in the City's records. C� 1''• No. io6o"46—gy r. C. Pearce, P. M. Trues, G, 11. Bariuee— AlezeBublteuh1ejtfacet upe[ert ofhle On and'OC-Bafa.'Malt from 'Bevetage Ilcenees 1186-1187' Riceeteat, to 1141- 1146 Rice stree he t, be and the ams la g'red �ed6nd. the Cit Clerk le ohah6eagiah�he (,p;ygoTe proDet Adopted by the Counell ADDDec. 29. 1986. roved Deo. 29, 1988. 2-1984> UNCI MEN DEC 29 i Yeas NaApproved. Adopted by the Council ..._......_..........__......_...`...... 3...... use P' dlan DEC 2 9 Pearce In favor A d.- PP . 193_... ... p_. -Against .__ enzel Mayor ` dent , tGehait}t` 1M 636 Mr. Vice 1 1,.,::.t:: December 28th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of Alex Eubitschek for transfer of his Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses from 1135-1137 Rice Street to 1141- 1143 Rice Street was referred to you with the request that you prepare a resolution granting these transfers.' Yours very truly, City Clerk. 4 Ae'f% # CITY OF SAINT PAUL � Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 28th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of Alex Eubitschek for transfer of his Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses from 1135-1137 Rice Street to 1141- 1143 Rice Street was referred to you with the request that you prepare a resolution granting these transfers.' Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, Minn., December 24, 1936. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the Council. Gentlemen: Will you kindly transfer my restaurant, 3.2 and any other licenses that may need transferring from my present loca- tion 1136 and 1137 Rice Street to 1141 and 1143 Ride Street, which is in my new building next door to my pre- sent location? My on sale liquor lioense has already been transferred and I am anxious to have these other licenses transferred so that I may use them in my new location. Thanking you very much, I am Yours very truly, ±1 �Ku tschek. tam Or121ed I. Cly Clark ' /� COUNCIL 106046 G CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL i&UPON --- GENERAL FORM i, PRESENT BY XI–I -' ........_December.._9•....1936.................. COMMIS51R... ...l...l/..h..... ..!.....:.... .........:..,............. ..... ... ..................................DATE. ......eff WEEMS R. W. Kemper desires to withdraw application 149+4 for On Sale Liquob License at 371 Berl Street and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to R. W. Kamper the fee Af $375.00 and to cancel said application for license. `Y COUN9MMEN Yeas Nay Eas an In favor f,*>.y... Against enol Ffeeidmr- Get 3M 616 Mr. Vi- , - ', t1 ('I'ruax) C. F. No. 106046—By I. C. Pearee, V. M. True:, '. H. Barfuee— Whereas R. W. 8emper deafree to Wlthdr_ appllcatlon 14644 for On Sale Liquor L(eenee %t 271 Earl Street end requests the return of lleenee fee de- poResolvedrThat Therefore, be It prep city o®- cere be and they are hereby authorised to refund to P_ W. Ka.Ver the fee of 5376.00 and to cancel Bald applicatloa for llcenee. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1926. Approved Dec. 29, 1936. (Jan. 2-1937) Adopted by the Council.._.__._.._DEC 2 9 I W193..... Approved...__..................._DECi 2 9 1_93193_..... . .. .............. . Ivlaor y 116-14 orwost to 6604'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu"o�` . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM THEREMS, J. E. Port desires to withdraw application 12960 for On Sale Liquor License at 1048 Grand Ave. and regnests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authaoized to refund to J. E. Port the fee of $625.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN MEN Yeas Nay Eearce In favor ....` Against enol ' $dent (Ge 3M mss Mx. Vice 1'n�iJzut fiunx� C. P- No. 309047,By 1; C- Pearce, F. M. Truax, O., -8. Barfuas— Whereas, J. B. Port deal... to Ith- draw ayyylication 12900 for On Bale Liquor Llcenee at 1049 brand Ave. and ieque.t. the rotor. of B..... fee de- poelted thereon. Therefore, be It Resolved, That the D.ODer city o®- cers be nd they ars hereby author Ixed to refund to J. n. Port the fes of $025.00 and to cancel maid ayDllcatlon t for license. Adopted by the Council Dec. 29, 1990. APP roved Dec. 29, 1920. (Jan. 2-1027) 1 DEC 29 1M6 Adopted by the Council .........................._.............._.......193 .. n•.. <L" , Approved ........................................ a .......:.. ._.... 106048 1060 49 NOT[tF' `' CITY Or SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. To 9yp�j'a,,, ;, COUNCIL RESOLUTION PRINTER =86 DOH 01688 Yo 918�:.:�, noo mbar ke on $le in tkw \+puoller: - -- ,,A9 ttieouonn:.iJ RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRE 53URY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 6 Mill OF $ ; F+ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO-31644—INCLUSIVE, ASPER $25,008.20 CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ' DEC 29 l,J ADOPTED BY THE COUNCLI 193_ Liz APPPOVED 199- By .. YUiiL+�ilh'D ' °� .. , V ® v -1-a • GUPLXATE TO eITY�CLERK CITY OF AI PAUL G S COUNCIL y 1 a4i ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. Y. COUNCIL RESOLUTION Bar-- 1-8�� FAVORAUDITED CLAIMS--------Deoembez--24--- �4HepRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5.-_- ---COVERING 7 `;-CHECKS NUMBERED ___ TO- ___ INCLUSIVE. AS ax p%�,^(��I PER CHECKS ON FIL I FFICE Y COM ROLLER, ADOPTED BY THE C OUNCIL-_._._,..�_ Wd --- ` APPRO - •� -:^- ciiY coM VTn oL�ER -�-L— .__________r__ MAYOR BY� ..___ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS a BROUGHT FORWARD _�_��„ �� ,,,, �L-.n->r ►Ic • 31536 Midway News 50 OQ 31537 J.O. Kelm 28 PN 31538 Mrs. Delia Brown Yrs. Anna R. Foley 31 31539 9" 9` 31540 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 57 11 31542 31541 Jos. Pavliask 11 Jos. Pavliok 800 0( 31543 Thornton Brothers Company goo 3; 31544 Columbia Alkali Corporation 531 5, 31545 Mrs. Thomas Dahill 1 012 37 31546 General Chemical Company & 87 81 31547 F.J. Morse & Company 225 X1548 Mueller Mfg.Company 1 189 5E 31549 Northern States Power Compare 11 51d 81 31550 Northern states Power Compeer Sd 31 31551 Simonson Lumber Company 128 5� 31552 Tri-state Tel. & Telg.Compan 1 2'15 OI 3155 Tri-State Tel. & Te1g.0ompan . 215 06 31554 Wilder Charity A.R. O( 24d13 31555 David Foley 7 T 31556 Ahlberg Bearing Company 41 1 31557 American Linen supply CompanylO 9' 31558 S. Berglund Lumber Company 5 71 31560 31559 Brown and Day. Ino. 4O Oaptial Hvelope Company 31561 Coohran-Sargent Company 34 211 31562 Co-operative Laundry Company Inc. 1 41 31563 Corning-Donobue,Ino• 19 6! 31564 Electric Blue Print Company 31565 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Company 145 3: 31566 R.W. Fisher Photo supply Company 216 21 31567 Gopher Stamp & Die Company Griggs,, Cooper & Company Johnson Printing Company 31568 449 U 31569 25 41 31570 Klinkerfuse Brothers 31 41 31571 McKesson Wholesalers 52 01 31572 Melady Paper Company 128 5� 31573 Mine Safety Appliances Comp y 2 31574 Minnesota Chgoloal Company,I o. 24 31575 Minnesota Paper & Cordage C parry 4 51 • 31576 31577 N.W. Blaugas Company Puritan Compressed Gas Corp - 11 5' 7 31579, 31578 Ramsey Motor Servioe,Ino. 8 5 1 6 5 31579' Remington Rand,Ino. 14 315go St.Paul Builders Material C pang 31581=-, G. Seestedt Company 146 a 31582 Sharp and Dohme 31583 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 165 4 31584 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 3$ 31585 J. van Real 94 31586 villaume Box & Lumber Oompaa 17 1 31587 Westinghouse Electric supply Company) a I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD f } - DUPLh2ATE TO CTfY CLE CITY O AUL'`" FO ENCIL NO.-._-_ lE t COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _ _ ---------- CONROY S COUNCIL RESOLUTION HilLLtl _____ _____..--79_ AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS — - - Dgo6mbss V PEARCE w� =CE sw RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA�YN J&PE TREASURY. R Went 1. TO THE AGGREGATE AMO T OF 4-_______ j u� COVERING PRE8. e _ _ __ CHECKS NUM SERED 1 ----TO.____ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON F E T�iE OFFICE OF THE ITY CO PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__-_."___�_" -- 1------ aF�/�// _-- __-_/ ___ COMPTROLLER APPROV _ ___ __ _ _ ___ clTv LL���- _-__ _7 MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER RETURNED ' BY BANK -- TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 96, 31s,6o 917.7,53 23891 40 00 31588 Capitol Stationery Mfg.CompaA7 31599 John F. Christner 31590 The ■merioan Printer 25 3 31591, John E. Fahey 31592: Eleotrioal Installation Company 23'0 31593 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 2g 8 31594 Mrs. Louis Fay 23 23'0 31595 Mrs. Harriet Jane Gay 0 31596 Mrs. Elisabeth Literski 31597 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 310 0 31598 Olara Aamold, widow o H.A. j0 31599 `, Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.H.O. 31600 Helen Sullivan, Widow of U.S.30 31601 8000 for the Prev. of Cruelt 000 0 j 31602 John W. Hurley 31603 A.J. McCarthy 31604 George sudeith 28 0 35 31605 Mo Lesson Wholesalers 31606 F.A. Marko Sign Company i o 31607 Mastery Pub.Company 31608 Milk Plant Monthly 2 0 22 31609 Miller Supply Company 1 31610 Minneapolid Directory Compan 21 00 31611 Minnesota News Company 77785 29 31612 Mitsoh & Heck Company 31613 Model Laundry 0 31614 Monroe Calculating Machine 0 .Ino. 293 0 01 31615 Mothers Friend Laundry 31616 Music EduoatorsTNational Con . 2 31617 National Lead Company 8 0 31619 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 193 95 31619 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 39 5 31620 Northern States Envelope Com any 7 202 31621 Northern States Power Compan404 08 31622 Northern States Power Compen 207 51 36 31623 _ Northern states ftwer Compan623 31624 N.W. Fuel Company 5 Carbon Company 4 0e 31625 Panama 6 30 31626 Park Machine Company 31627 Patterson Dental Supply Comp y 3 00 31628 Peters sausage Company 24 60 1 00 3,,629 Physical Eduoation Digest • 2'40 3100 Pioneer Rim & Wheel Company 147'52 31631 Pittsburgh Coal Company 31632 Postal Telegraph Cable Compenr 21 56 31633 Purity Baking Company '' 25 31634 Rex Linen Supply Company 31635 Royal Typewriter Company 187 55 31636 St,Paul Book & Stationery Com any 305'89 31637 St.Paul Bottling Company 57 00 31638 Bt.Pau1 Motorsaino. 19 6o st.Paul Stamp Works 78 323 0 Jacob Sobmidt Brewing Company 59 80 1 sewing Machine Company singer 76 08 31642 V.F.Smitb Tire & Battery Comp my 31643 spool cotton Company 25 20 31644 standard Stone Company 10 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD _.: 6.80 263 Petition Council File No..... _............... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.; Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingoithefollowingpublicunprovement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: Grading Cohanse Street from:Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue. ......Mb b ................. .......... ........... �_cna�$ tt�ils ------------------•-•---- - ..... -... - .. ................. - - ......... q,�A �M he,° oe iik;b: .............. .........."--. ................... v Dated this _: _22nd ......"day of..".. ---Decemberf 19 1 .. ........ / - — ...._... w. Councilman: u PRELIMINARY ORDER. �YWHEREAS, *,written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via Grading CR e iy Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Nebraska Avenue* ---------"--"-••----••....................................."----"---"...... ------......-- ...------------------........-----------...........-"-"--._.........•.......... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............................ ............................................ ..... _.... . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate. the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. r/ b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters tothe �Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the CounciL.-----•-------_---------------{) �i ter t1 7 -----"--"-"- YEAS NAYa Councilman BARFUSS FINDLANApproved............. ..........._.DEQ1.At`' 1LI .......... _-•--._ PEARCE —MOO" " WENZEL f ..1.✓... M_.. _.�. ayor. F— o A is 61,A -,Vice hresidetrt (Truax) PUBLISHED Council File No ......................... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. 0$ t . Theundersignedhe"by Proposeathemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: rmda� l Dino..and..taking-.an-- •,aema„}..3a--the--land.nenessar3•--fnx--nlfl�eat-- --• ----...--ants..aad. fills. ia-.tha..grading.-of -G anssy--S.tra-et.-from.-Lake.-GAmo..ansi .Pb J_em-----,---- .............AYsnue..to-Nebraska--Av enne....----------------....----------....------------------------------------------ --------I................... ..-------........... - f 22nd y December 1936 3 _- -• a of.......-.-.._._..._-----•-•---- -------------- - - ----------------- Dated this---------------.... t m .............. "-`..... - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condeffiiz- ane taking- en easement in the land necessary for--slopeet... .......... •._ ------------- -------------- lv-en3ie...tLo..Rebr.aska.- ----------- -----------.A¢anua._ta..ftebraska.. Avenue-- --- - - ---- --- - -- -- ----------- ------ ----- -....-------------------------•-----•--_._..... _......... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------------------------------------------------- _------ ._r therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pled, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. - GEC 29 06 Adoptedby the CounciL ..................................... .................................... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLANApproved-------------------tli - ; e.. ... PEARCE -waiview S -- Mayor. /vj PUBLISHED / � - Petition 0-68 I I���J� Council File No :.. ........... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby ptoposesthemaking of the followingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 45, St. Anthony Park North from Chelmsford •-Street--te-4tajrmend Avenue--to--con€em--to--the--red -li"__en-- the ---prefile•.herete,-at--teeked and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line --iFiiion; also--grediiig Alley iri"BToak.45; -St: Antlioriy'PaTk Nor"tIi'-from L7ieZme oTd---------- .Street.-tn..Baytaoud-_4venua..tA--3he..PrApoead..red.J.irae._r¢hem..ratati7.S,ah�d,---a1ad--s~oxtstruatimg a sewer in the alley from a point 50 feet east of the east line of Chelmsford Street -to--•the--aewer--ta--Ciie-lmaford•--Street:------ ---------- --------------- -•---....- ------------- - 2�g December. 1936 Dated this. day of ----------- - - - � .an... - ---------- --- Councilman. �r iibi.Ja A i.Cne PRELIMINARY ORDER. i e°onyPs>� WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.'? & .6 brat ` '• vcm &.. .. & �._... _............ Ch i the rade of All in Block 45� _St-.-_Anthony_Park• North- from Chelms or - red line on the profile hereto attaEhed .u.,.....r-..�..� also grading Alley in Block 45, St. Anthony Park North from Chelmsford -_-----..._..�...........n...-...--.-�n-..x9a-ntrxA-.•..ttn R•- i�'15N7fY.5NY to the sewer in Chelmsrord btreez. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------------------- --------------•-•--•-••--•-•-----•-' therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. a. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matte � ommissioner of Finance. DFIC �" Adopted by the CounciL..--••-----------•---•----------------......-.................... •...... YNAS NAxs CouncilmanBARFUSS FINDLANApproved .......................... Me. -n..-� ..__.. ._.. PEARCE 0 Mayor. F— C A 18 IaeM+aafV ice resident (Truax) pUBLISIiGD� �' -s' 106053 Council File No..-•--------------------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ow Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpublic improvement by the City,of Saint Paul, via.: ........ __Q.QAd-q1€-_ted .. alai u�-_ax�..saaem�ax_.�x►.. thy._ mad--aeGsasaxx.. or...s� ase z.,-..=ta..-.-----------•- and -_fi11s_in the --grading. of_Alley- in Blocic-_45: St.-- Antho--Park-_North-_from------------- ........... ........... ........................ _-........................ --........... 22nd December 1986 •-----... 3_ Dated this day °f - - an. .... Councilman. •arta. : a. ki PRELIMINARY ORDER. 10 61, ie.. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: b " Condemning and taking -an easement in the_land necessary for•.slopes� .cuts ___._._..__•.. and...Yi11a--1n._the_.g&ding-af-..Alley.--in..Blnck-_.45,..St..-Anthony--Pnrk.North-_from ........... r4helmsford _StFQ�.L._t4._ Ym9At1-.AX LiIa�.-..........................-.......-----•---•-----•--------••--•----......----................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul _--------------------------------------- ------------- _--- --...._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fori or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said f nprovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council_ ......................... -...-29. ..........-------- YaAs NAYS Councilman BARFUSS O roan C A 13 rta[ FINDLANAPproved ....... -.......... -... --. PEARCE _ .PiiiR66N WENZEL L%/ F ....L... ...... _ Mayor. PUBLISHED / Council File No....00054 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and rY t PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposeethe maldnir of the fnilowin¢ public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: Changing the grade of the following streeter Victoria Street from Lafond Street 'to-Hinnshaha Street;Street from Vittoria Street to•a paint 110 feet east of Victoria Street; r e from Victoria Street to a point 152 feet east of Victoria Street) to a orfs to`the red I e on the profile hereto attached and melte apart hiriat,the,.present estab iehed grade being shown. by a blue line thereon. Also grading Vitoria , Straat from Lafond Street to Him ehaha Street, and regrade, reconstruct existing sidiwaUsp make the neoeeieary changes in s venter maige and appprtenanees on n on 8trget from Victoria' Street to a 'P&At 110 feet -east of Victoria Street, feud on Mar SUjqj from Victoria Street to a point 152 feet east of Victoria Street to the, said red linew when established. chit a Y1aN� n Changing the grade of the following streets. Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street; VanBuren Street from Victoria Street to a point 110 feet east of Victoria Street; Blair Street from Victoria Street to a point 152 feet east of Victoria Street# to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached abd ii de apart hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street and regrade, reeonstruct,AXAating'sidewalks, make the nbcessary changes in hydrants, water mains and appurtenances.on VanBur�t from Victoria Street to a point 110 feet east of Victoria 'Street, and on Blair Strom eet from Victoria. Street to a point 152 feet eget ofl'Victoria'Street 'to thethe^'said'red lines' Awl established. --�ZTif'0p0leUp0n an of the foregoing matters w thuwmnuemvnem v+ Adopted by the CouneiL----------------------DEC-2 ------ ---------------------- Ymes Ners Councilman BARFUSS [� FINDLANAPproved-..-..---------...QHi.�rc—......-_...- PEARCE �1iiiR89MF WENZEL../...-_..�.a... L.�sl-....... BIT I _ _ �-J Mayor. F—cafsANKUVice i'resideut (Truax) PUBLISHEDJ— �` �ro ivawnc. x,. •'f T.1 iEc ea q. AT;;'or.l•u 2{xaer . o rpb ;ar'79 zs'1 7T G-- ;_eu ;F , T- - - TIO Le6f se.2t oL A';'acazr^ �fLQ6.0 .5111x, 01' gTeTT 2fzesf Lro:,; ATcfozlw ' �zssc .fo zu ,slsu mm>ue [ntq c1brrir,l:eucanao2 ou A9rBJTLeu 2{LGs< Lout ATG+,) -T, SCzEsf Po r u04 -,j vq b4 zags' zecousf ncf dxTafTnii 2rq e: a� ,uq;ca, rPo aecaeat n l,: nese TL jfuyl.r11; fpel ou t�ao uzrgTu 4TefozT:' 2fze0; `La,ota pliLozsc)..G zssf +o iyTuusFs}rs �;zeef e aq ,s=qs g bgz,c liez•:ot* .due bzeuetlf f s.gge ps;u `Fonu 1:>21. t ;tI-JTG Trus oL AT ,;j zuT : ,UpLee l .fo couLoLu po ;y4a noel 1.pe on f ie :zi0L7ls FWCN 4fecl*eq. OL ArcfoY,Ts.gfzsGFPf PTUTr, gfzsEf T,z01c ATCOLTV Ofzsef,fo v 5oT14 T2- Lesf c:-ar tot siuepupo- 24inesfd AsugtYz 2fs.p®f tzom ATcrozTa,ufseef PQ e boTu; 110 t86f ssef GPtT11&Tufi +jis hzs�ga of P#a to17o!+� afzes:P2; ATCfc.Ts 2fzs>f bzom r:ttian' 24'I.eir Dated this ..-..-..22nd-.----day of ................. ........December.1-].936--- -- ............. 193 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, AS.: Changing the grade of the following streets: Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street; VanBuren Street from Victoria Street to a point 110 feet east of Victoria Street; Blair Street from Victoria Street to a point 152 feet east of Victoria Street] to conform to the red line. on the profile hereto attached and made s part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon. Also grading Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street and ;egrade, reoonstruot e4sting sidewalks, make the necessary changes in hydrants, water mains and appurtenances on VanBnren Street from Victoria, Street to a point 110 feet east of Victoria Street, and own Blair Street -from Victoria Street to a point 152 feet east of Victoria Street to the said'red lineswiles established. ----r---r0'Zeporrmpan aU of the toregomg matters w wict a a®monu- v, .•mv..a... '" Adopted by the CouneiL........................ ---DEC--------2----9----1936-------------------------------- Yaes NAvs Councilman Form o A :a t r#asVire l resideut ('Truax) BARFUSS FINDLAN pp c '5 A roved �(i r . �... . _ _..._..__ PEARCE *GiiR89MF - 0wolm / WENZEL C/-,......L-`t!J- ...... G?E...R- - - Mayor. PUBLISHED — V -'S Council File No 106055 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthe makingof thefollowingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vie.: and mai-4 and to an easemein-.the-land_neceesary_for-_slopesr.. cute and --•••_ ..... -� .. e.._ i-4 ------- .. fills in the grading of Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street, ead•--in••.rethe grading r Street from Victoria Street to a point 152 east of Victoria Street, and Blai lee£ easy iii Victori"a 8£re'e't�-------- . - .--- - - December 1936 Dated this....--- -22nd day of - .............. .......... -1----------------- --- ----- 193 ... :....I Councilman. ,ntr w 5n": A ' dto tnau, PRELIMINARY ORDER a.°t' 0. - fu7n+ as;salt+' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making;,of the following improvement, vies` Condemnin and an easement -,in -_the -_land -_necessary -for slopes -_cuts. -and__•-.•-.,,• g. -tom.. - fills in the grading of Victoria Street from Lafond Street to Minnehaha Street, anc ia--Fegasdixig--DE--Var+-.Borers--Streat--Brom--IIS etoria--St t .......... east of Victoria Street, and Blair Street from Victoria Street to a point 152 newt 'east'-oY Pictsria strer=t: - having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pa ------ ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- -- ------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' . DEC 29 06 ' Adopted by the Council- ------------ YEAS NAra Councilman -5's M rarmC�ta e2H-r-Vice Irccideut ('Truax) BARFUSS DEC 2 FINDLAN Approve----------------------------------- ..... — ..............._._ PEARGE 9iiii16GMF .T�iFhhil' W ENZEL - •• •.... •- Mayor. PUBLISHED j-��� 16056 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ oundetpning end taking an_easement An- the land neoessary_for elo�es.- cuts and fill* in the grading of Horth Grotto Street from Lake Casio and Phalen Avenue to larpentour Arena• A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and- made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is'hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council ___-0 ______________, - Clerk. Approved------------------- 19---- -- ---Fa Mayor. &tra Ro3 P'r.dlan Councilman r rguson - '-arca Councilman l9cDonald >b /D o •rz@PUBLISH C ? Councilman $'uaFieitner�-"� \•. ••nzei Ceei�' Mr. Vice I resident (Truax) *r�uta; fide�es�: J 40806!- -i tBt'Ot COTQ4IDP11t:. �. - =6nt=eats. in -the,, a=eYope s: f R'K�?Tbrth.`6rn -� M . P a=:F„ ana4 t v under Preliminary Order ------ 1046bb---------- approved-__ 4�•41 1956----------- -- -- Intermediary Order ----------- ---------- ` approved ----49j_ 'bar 143_1936-- ----- Final Order ------------------ ----------- approved --- .-_bottober_13,_ A93q! -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and- made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is'hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council ___-0 ______________, - Clerk. Approved------------------- 19---- -- ---Fa Mayor. &tra Ro3 P'r.dlan Councilman r rguson - '-arca Councilman l9cDonald >b /D o •rz@PUBLISH C ? Councilman $'uaFieitner�-"� \•. ••nzei Ceei�' Mr. Vice I resident (Truax) Elm V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON�CONDEMNATION OF LANDS WND ASSESSMENT O'_, BtriEFIT6 In the matter of_D�td4mniLE s� �g�° th4_�DRs1 Aeogsge fQr_�lg�e�, outs and fills in the grading of Horth Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order--- lb-----, approved _-JulY_28.#_1938----------------------------- Intermediary Order -------- --- approved-_-02tember 17` 1836 ------------------------ Final Order -------------- 106381 approved__ October -13- AW -------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. G ----------- -------------= ---------------- Commissioner of Finance. YUBLISHLD _._-- Orw"l ru C67 Clark y / ! ��M'f CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO__„., 7 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLD ION--- ERAL FORM RESOLVED That the grade of Atlantis Street from Hemline Avenue to Holton Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Pub11e Yorke, be end the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. ✓ COUNCI EN Yeas ��indfia-i�n Naye _In Favor -Against enzel 3M 636 Mr. Vice I ,I&nt c. s. xo losos7-ay r e �¢ar¢e- Reaolved, ThgF the gradq oLeAtlaatle street from Raml ap �,ya ye to'R61tph Avenue,'. Ifi adcordgnae mlthing4he.-: ran and ati iecommga ed by the .CoDro$le 416 e of Publlo Worha, be And �tAe annl¢ )q hereby adopted as We ea" Ilehed grada Adopted by alae Council De¢. 80, 1-946,� Ayyr¢Jed Deo. $8, 1888. ' (Jan. S•1887) Adopted by the Council.......... DEC 30 j3..... Approved..................._DEC 113 01936, ........... ........ .....1-. d Mayor 06stn't.a MY Clark r1 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu"WL NO_ r 1: THE CITY CLERK ESOLU N --GENERAL FORM 144ereas, under Comptroller's Contract L -59W between the City of St. r Paul and the Okes Construction Company, said contractors agreed to construct6 the Kellogg. Boulevard Improvement in accordance with the plans.. an& specifi- cations therefor approved by the City Council and on file is the office of dare the City Comptroller, and .4 Lo, Whereas, such contractor has completed such work in accordance with the plans and specifications, except for certain items of painting, finishing, sod- ding etc. which cannot be completed until spring, and Where", the City of St. Paul since December 5, 1956 has had full use of said Sellogg Boulevard and the public use of this improvement in the future will not be interfered with by the oompletion of the aforesaid items, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works, Chief Engineer and'the Don tractor have agreed that the value of the uncompleted work is $4600.00, and Whereas, said contractor has requested the payment of the balance of said contract, enbject to certain claims, lose the am of $4600.00, the estimate for the cost of completing the remaining work, and has requested that the one year period of retained reserve date from the passage of this resolution= therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized upon the presentation of a proper estimate therefor to pay the unpaid balance of said contract price less the said sum of $4600.00, and be it Further Resolved, That the one year period of retained reserve date from the date of passage of this resolution, and be it Further Resolved, That this resolution shall not-have.any force and effect unless the sureties to the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNPLMENNa Adopted by the Council DEC O 0,_ 1 _193-- li:aan ss I DEC 30 �. �¢ .......... In favor Approved......__ ......................_._. ear, _._......... _. ��...... Ate= ...,......,/� ��-�---- Mayor enol sat 636 Mr. Vice l resident ('r") PUBLISHED / 2-- 1 ti .. o6gina M City Clark -r, CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TY CLERK COUNCIL7TION--- NERAL FORM : ftmo'L No YLlM9 y RESOLVED WHEWM, in the impiovissent described as the widening, grading, concrete construction, and lighting of and on Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Seven Corners, Comptroller's Contract L.3900, Okee Construction Company, contractor, it was found necessary to make the following additions and deductionss ADDITIONS: Lowering catch basin 'fteavation - Loose Materie4 - Columns Extra<Dhainage Fittings and fittings 250.2 ou.yds. ® $10.00 $2502.00 Excavation - Solid Sandrock 49.1 0 6.25 306.88 Excavation - Limestone & soapstone 9.8 " " • 10.00 98.00 Fill 124.0 " " ® 0.50 62.00 Rubble wall 2.0 " " 0 11.00 22.00 Concrete Class "A" 79.0 " " ® 20.00 1580.00 ' �xgdx o0 Brick Masonry 11.5 " " ® 30.00 345.00 Reinforcing Steel 14281 lbs. ® 0.05 714.05 Ornamental Bail 12' 8" 0 8.25 104.50 Sandrock tunnel Sdo. B 10 lin.ft. ,11.90' 119.00. ; Adjusting forms and extending TOTAL DEDUCTIONS anchor bolts for truss 349.40 .; Cutting down Drainage Coatings -. 11.50 RESOLVED that the City Council approve the above additions and deductions made in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor in an amount not to exceed the sum of $2,606.29, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3900 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Okes Construction Company, that the sum'of $2,606.29 is the correct amount to be added to the -above contract. Funds to cover this addition are: tvail-able in-thx proper account, and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay some. Countersigned sM 6.36 Mr. Vice rresident (Tru d OKIS CONSTRUCTION CO. By - Pros. -ie'aJ - - Adopted by a (r'._ :Mayos t1 :a Outting down Concrete wall 25.04 F`ittinge to provide for sprinkler system 9.37 Lowering catch basin 10.95 Extra<Dhainage Fittings 48.45 Temporary Wooden Railings 37.44 Additional heating of concrete deck 180200 ^` Anchor Bolts to support paving slab Change in Rubble wall 17.00 TOTAL ADDITIONS $6523.29'" DiDIIftTIOMgx, Excavation - Solid Sandrock ._ 89 ou.yds.o $5.00 $445.00 s Concrete Class A *iz7.1 " " 16.00 2033.60 ' Reinforcing 804 34660, lbs. m 0.04 1386.40 8androok Tunnel."Soo, A 10 lin.ft.0 5.20 52.00 TOTAL DEDUCTIONS $19%7.00 lidT:;ADDITZt$i $26WHMC6:39`and> -. r ` MMS, the total net addition is $2,606.29; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council approve the above additions and deductions made in accordance with the plans and specifications therefor in an amount not to exceed the sum of $2,606.29, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3900 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Okes Construction Company, that the sum'of $2,606.29 is the correct amount to be added to the -above contract. Funds to cover this addition are: tvail-able in-thx proper account, and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay some. Countersigned sM 6.36 Mr. Vice rresident (Tru d OKIS CONSTRUCTION CO. By - Pros. -ie'aJ - - Adopted by a (r'._ :Mayos t1 :a odsh-d W City ctk CITY OF ST. PAULCOUNCIL 111. No.... W6060 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER - =1 RgSOLU1TI0;LGENER FORM fk,'Iq� nk 30EBOUL4= I it WHEMUS, James Robertson heretofore deposited the sum of Ten Dollars (#10.00) with the Clerk of the Municipal Court as bail money to secure his appearance in said Court on December 28th, 1936, at nine O'clock, to answer to a charge then pending against him; and WHEREAS, said James Robertson, on account of illness, was unable to appear in Court on said day,and by reason thereof said bail money was forfeited and turned Into the City Treasury; and WHEREAS, the Hon. John W. Finehout, Senior Judge of said Court, has ordered the reinstatement of said case on the calendar; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in said sum of $10.00 in favor of the Clerk of the Municipal Court.. Yeas COUNgILMEN Na B B88 7earcin n e In favor cc . Against 4e.�nze NE l W. r0.6, M Al 636 vice Vresidelit Adopted by the Council aa-Ma.....193 loop 30 Approved................. ... -- .......... ............. . .. . .. ...... 193 ........... ..... ......... .......... � DEC= .............. 2 – J>UBUSBED /—C` 2L Council File No......._ .............._ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ~ r.•� rnA a. so` 9 eR Dio 4 and i ax�n6 �y s4 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ° io 4 The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of thefollowing publicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Changing the Srade oY LaRaon St. from Gaultier St. to iatild8 Ave. to conforms -----....... to the red line on the profile hereto attsahe8 and made a part hereof. the present established--grade-.being--shown -by---the-.blue -line._thereon.....Also..grading.-La*non-.St.--- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of Larson St. from Gaultier St. to Matilda Ave. to conform tothe red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part her eof,_-the-present established grade being shorn by the blue line thereon. Also grading Lawson St. --•------.-.....-•--------------- --------------- ......--------.... - ........ ......... -----.........--- -- from Gaultier St. to Farrington Ave. to the present established grade where not _..._.....-................. ---------..._..---•-------•-------------- ----------- _..................... -.......... ttheaged-and to the proposed change o4 grade when eatabllshed. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul --------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- ---••------ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That.the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. S. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ DEC 3 0 1936 Adoptedby the Council- ........................... ........................................ Yses Nexs Councilman BARFUSSFINDLApp „ PEAR ENA roved-------•-----------------1- 3'�IM14 WENZEL ....... -. M� Mayor. .arm C�13(2U Vice I re=_idcut PUBLISHED L-42-039 IU6 X62 Council File No..._.._-.-..---------. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT !vbe u ,b and PRELIMINARY ORDER Theundersigned hereby proposesthe makingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City Of Saint Paul,via.: Decenbery Datedthio------.. day of........................... ---...------ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.- ................. r.9 ia.:_---..-------_rm,A��n+ro-mid-_tsldn6-.na_eAnemeA_a-_-r.4 ---@ o�4ea._�n Q........-- -----------------Yi11@-_ R -the -grading --of La7r80L_$treet_f'rom_Gaultier Street_to-_Farris ton having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_ .................. ------------------------------------------------------ ------ therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the Commissioner' of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. j 4. To state whether or not said improvemept is'asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted...................DEC 3 ✓r � Adopted by the Coun-•--•--••----•----- --1..'.------------------ ---. y1%&B Nsrs Councilman B USS � nI AM. SPE CE ENZEL ...... . -- - Mayor. F—cA Is faYY-Td9)`i i- -t uas) j( L/ � PUBIISHF.D_L� ...W 063 -x COUNCIL FILE NO ...... . ........ x.�p8r n, CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for toldug,.igM4wmitg'npad.spprgpr,Uti g for parkway and street purposes for Prospect Boulevard the following surface rights, land and structures: An easement for the surface rights only for constructing a parkway with street appurtenances such as sewers, water -mains, grading, paving, retaining walls and landscaping that part of Lot 15, Block 198, lying northerly of a line fifth is the extension of the southern line of Delos St. That part of Lots 18 and 19, Block 198, northerly of a line drawn from a point on the easterly line of Lot 19, 70 feet southerly of the northeast corner of said Lot 19, thence to a point on the westerly line of Lot 18 where the southerly line of Delos St. ex- tended will intersect such westerly line of Lot 18. That part of Lot 20 lying east of a line drawn from the northwest corner of Lot 15 to the northeasterly corner- of Lot 21 all in 'Irvine's Additiom, All of Blooks 7, 8 and 9, Robertson's Addition lying between Prospect Terrace and the following described line: ,Beginning at a point on the east line of Bidwell St. 126 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 9, thence to a point on the east line of Lot 8, Block 8, 116 feet north of the southeast " corner of Lot'@, thenoe to "s point on the east line of Lot 3, Block 8, 55 feet uRrth of the southeast corner of Lot 3i thence to a point on the east line of Lot 5, Block 7, 53 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 5, thence to a point on the''east line of Lot 1, Block 7, 73 foot north of the southeast corner of said Lot 1, the land and structures on the following described land: At the nos,files._6t 'n er'ag'4oftgress`and Bellows St. 'a triangular piece of a land in Lot 14,'-'ij k`299. Irvine's Addition measurng 7 feet on Congress St. and 7 feet ori Bellows St`. That part of*Lats 16 and 17, Block 198, lying northarly of a line which is the extension of the southerly line of Delos St. All of Block 197, Irvine's Addition, lying between Ethel St. and Bellows St. southerly of a line drawn from a point on the westerly line of Bellows St. 205 feet norhh of the intersecting point of Ethel St. and Bellows St. to a point on the of Ethel St. 197 feet northwesterly of said intersecting A triangular piece of land at the southeast corner of Bellows and Delos in Lot 1, Block 158, Robertson's Addition measuring 20 feet on Bellows St. and 30 foot, 0*5000s M t pM' a of land lying easterly and southerly of the following described rrift''st-the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 159, Robortswils Addition, V144 MI"`to tho'left with a radius of 65 feet and an angle of 46, :9fig`to the'above oprve to a point 70 feet west of the east line St. thence north and.piftllel to the east line of Bidwell St. to the of Prospect Terrace. Also a triangular piece -Of land -lying northerly .owing described lines Beginning at a point lQ feet southerly no fine` aCorpdo St; +x7or pi'000 "oflands iso 8t,urad 22 foot along the thesih :1t ido of Lot 5, Block 32, theastern co et of Hall Ave. and aide of Lot- and 36 fact along Paul Proper. _ f� BTI6 C;n ^f1- 7 P Fo u..'z?grut 28 qF �s .roc A 1L q ? :c B �YnLz�.Ia° s 1485bboi ,r :; 7}�IT)poa.0 rT?. �x u# JL uT° S@ rc: aF 1 LU ;.-L OL , Tull F 2 s Lci -rp�- tzuLFN ;. i bogy; J2 uoLFF©s2F+s r n lfPiouc9 jo GvF ° 4Fo �anvnPhro ol1 . P,V e msacob I UU910 ot o gpjeof*P X94 Gc?$r ctpaos,aM4 :ps i��Sq?F r,o1Iczalxt Foo yo, - r � _ `�' .:. w'•19 j'`r2't':w�t 'F#`��� � 53�+1"0� -� ��''�f�� ,ate' ���°� BTOGII 5813' _?1�t1wF ob,ra;e Te • J vup or BOITOM2 2F' L ue,a tlggi Tov nseznLivR La©F oilpcnkLr"as 2F`T°uq Tattq Itt J°* Id' tja0; Saa,coLxreL L C°IeLaaa suq BGTIDma 2F" s FLTg_PSJGL STeca o., V,F CFO gyros usap dye Isuq euq a,,od,nLeg op 4YO L°TToasu& go2cLrpa9 ;rvq: G82F GOLnOL OL 287q ou £3T D voL oopt ,'e aonFP naLFP DL FPe z�^FF FPavca F of r, a s bcVJ a GeaF ITuo oL r f I' BJ ew ; coLu oL i r 2'jo GJ2F TTua OL r°F 2, --JOGJC j3 22`3L904 OLD9L 0� PDF �� FPGnOG FO 8 Ot ro OA F1 ^DO L� TGG; nOS..F}r .0t , r. J a t107n.F On .FPO .392E 7?vs °L r°F BecnFFas2.F coLOGL-og r°F 8 Fpauc. F oo Tie L80F aLFF °L FF® encs Fo s bug ou FFG eve; 'T110Loc Fa' agnFSrae2F ",xeL ot. r°F 8' BTooK 8' FF rn9 ezcsTpa9 ?Tve: Bafnvau� sF a bDTuF ov EPs oszF T. oL Brq taf7 2F" TSp L s resev bLoabecF aaLLac9 auq FFa bo TT°"1Tr` q 0 9LFaou,a y9q%Frov vII°LBoca�'Bsug3 SP s n ILnTve,29glF7ov o uoLF}z9a2FsLJn o�yt aL o; i°6 57 T? T e no l-;�ass o0l." k uL r°F 32 F° FP ?.rv1 o N 3xG q1 �tisv FF _ L r.}zsF bn L ^r 0% r of SO 7 aapFsgwrjrbras2aoF 3naP r,".aeFaLr;i TMuaLoLFUB zogFFsLT4. Irvs o;, paioa 2F' e- 4 9 sts2FaL?a Trua DL fl°F TB p COL L ot, 2s;'q roF T8' FF°vcG Fo s lwrzfF oil FF e uoL.FpaszF G' S rvc 0T, ro; i'8' SQ baaF 2ungF9L7R °L FP Low o bcTnt c,u Fpa aszF -0 T• vOLFPGLT� oi, 9 IruG ;...y,;, oT, DGTOa 2F' ZFsF baLF vi..oF�. 'a B100F ?88 7 et.�� ,:• its Tozz OT. va z Fp "re:roil Il' 104521 104781 under Preliminary Order. ..................----............ Intermediary Order.--.... .... .._.._. Final Order -105044_ ................. approved.-..-September-16------••---....---. ................. 19._S6 The assessment of.._benefite ,._demegee1•-ooete-,and_ expensee................ for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the......._z7th.............day of _Janusr�r._____.....__.--___.___.. 19--_ �, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. DEC 30 19 Adopted by the Council -•-------------------------------------- - - ........ -- ......+ DEU v Rws"i .............City Clerk. Appmved................................. .............. 19 `` // ...... L '•-- .......... ...................... Mayor. Councilman l3arfuse Councilman NAMMMEM earc n Parc0 J / )�--Councilmen Pee Councilman` Wenzel YU61,131IED� 31"ViC81►?'esiuu,t (Truax) N - - ----------- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ......-, 199!L In the matter of the assessment of benefits, demagsa, costs and expenses for M= taking,-oondemaiAg::andrappropriating for parkway and street purposes for Prospect Boulevard the following surface rights, land and structures= An easement for the surface rights only for constructing a parkway with street appurtenances such as sewers, water -mains, grading,.paving, retaining walls and landscaping that part of Lot 15, Block 198, lying northerly of a line IN& is the extension of the southern line of Delos St. That part of Lots 18 and 19, Block 198, northerly of a line drawn from a point on the easterly line of Lot 19, 70 feet southerly of the northeast corner of said Lot 19, thence to a point on the westerly line of Lot 18 where the southerly line of Delos St. ex- tended will intersect such westerly line of Lot 18. That part of Lot 20 lying east of a line drawn from the northwest corner of Lot 15 to the northeasterly corner of Lot 21 - all in Irvine's Addition. All of Blocks 7, 8 and 9, Robertson's Addition lying between Prospect Terrace tmd the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Bidwell St. 120 feat north of the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 9, thence to a point on the east line of Lot 8, Block 8, 118 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 8, thence to a point on the east line of Lot 3, Block 8, 65 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 3, thence to a point on the east line of Lot 5, Block 7, 53 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 5, thence to a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 7, 73 feet north of the southeast corner of said Lot 1. The land and structures on the following described land: At the northwest corner of Congress and Bellows St. a triangular piece of land in Lot 14, Block 199, Irvine's Addition measuring 7 feet on Congress St. and 7 feet on Bellows St,. a That part of Lots 16 and 17, Block 198, lying northerly of a line which is the extension of the southerly line of Delos St. All'of Block 197, Irvine's Addition, lying between Ethel St. and Bellows St. southerly of a line drawn from a point on the westerly line of Bellows St. 205 feet north of the intersecting point of Ethel St. and Bellows St. to a point on the northeasterly line of Ethel St. 197 feet northwesterly of said intersecting point. A triangular piece of land at the southeast corner of Bellows and Delos in Lot 1, Block1158itobertson's Addition measuring 20 feet on Bellows St. and 30 feet on Delos St. Alsb a piece-of.land lying easterly and southerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 159, Robertson's Addition, m eft with a radius of 65 feet and an angle of 450, Bidwell Stn es�oe Hort P '"08"t ury to hand pa lel to the east i:ae of Elie south Aho of Prospect T.erxaoe : Also a trigpgular Piece of land lying northerly of_the _ following deaaribed line:"dginnfng of a poirif°Al feet seuthorly'ta a " point 10. feat northeasterly from, the northwest corner of Lot ' . Block 28, Woat S#� pey �ropor Also a piece of land lying doutherly,of the following desoribed lines Eogizuting at a, point 22 fact north to 'a "-Point S fact east Pram the south F !l7 nw4 t4 s: Wa l .;lit Asti1-1$tA3f9P� all in,Block.3ay: north; b�' r d4�e� sxdr oifit+bn the `vvoet 1% ,df Lot 4,t 190Vfeet notch af'=.the north z[o,fi4tidp$t a paint on te'Sta¢tinaf Lat§f 1"ls fent 'north o -f . the I no o Uoiaad st.- ... .,, Also a triangular piece of land at the northeastern corner of Hall Ave. and I6ahol St. measured 22 feet along th4 ti►o4torly side of Lot 5 and 36 feet along thr3 Southerly side of Lot 5, Block 320146at St. Paul Proper. __ __ , T k.. A x.F� -;::� o .. j!- qo ^{: nf.�a.W L'Loui rs '5077 1*I 8L r - LEr• .,i c" _.1j✓f cYr::u a bo!L'f SS 1, r tJou.Fl: r,; UOL,.U-•;7o L;,\ ;,L L P e .' ..t.,�:,iaa,ztr::a:. t ;....#i:it wtt4 ! T?6i:.,. :t �i4.•�..u::.=:tro[Y:�:�nsms.•axoa,arfe.-e.vn..:.era:.�ran.... .e..... .......,e.,-.,... .. irfF3 1 o s 9 nd 'g cal d 9T,09 011 FI?o a+a0Faxafi TTVGe,-at Benvii av 'SOe Y.T1. oL B doff 7a' ST.ATn9y a bg9�FTou' 7"..Tug pa4meau EppO7 2F` auq' BOTTOA4 2f' ;Fe axpeuaron o€ Fpa ao1-,FpcLT7L True 07, Dojos 2F• 3po'F bwLF ot toFe je Yuq 7a' wOOic 728' 3 TER nC1LFp3Lja oL a TTua YwTcl: To A Lae£ on geTTOmz RFPs; Tevq Tu r0F Iq' PT60F 788' ILaTue,a vggTFTou wesranLTng A Loop on GoagLgaa 24• evq V; 4iJ9 IroLFpMe2F COL330L oL COUCLeaa VUq BoTjoxia 2F' Or FL!"EfTTVL bTece oL ,.Pe I&Uq snq 2pa.ncF;3L82 ou pP, Lo' jonuuii .7oec:Lrpeq yaaC: To: on fps GV2p ITus oL roF P BTOOF S' 13 LeeF ucLFp oL Fpc 20nFpe8`2F COLunL oL aeTq Pop 2' BIocK a' e2 LOG; DGWP oL ppe eonppesap COLneL OL rop a' ppauce Fo er born; uoLFP OL pl;e 2014Pg92F cOLneL oL ror 2` ;Vouce Fo a boTnp ov Fps eQaF ITvo oL CoLueL A rop 8' pl`enog po v borup.ou Fpe 6929 IT17G oL rop 3' BjccK 8' 22 Leap po Or boTvp or pug Osap jTno oL roF 9' BjoeK 8' IIB Lae,: uoLFP oL ppe 2onpps9ap oL B791AGII 2F' 'so Lcep uoLFp oL pN: a� ;j1p eep ooLvoL oL rop P.' BjoCK a' ppevice _l,eLLeGo pnG Fps LyjjoeAVIR g02CLTP9C ,'-;".;.a: H"1ruuraL ep a Lolvp on -pps oeaF jrug �'II jOCICB Q onq j' lioPc,-, r,cn;2'^gg7C.TOD j27n6 pOF:.taBU bLoabacF cOLuaL oL roF Sy - aIT Tu ILar11e,2 tggrpron- eaap aL s ITve gLeaau LLou ppe uoLpPMsar coLnaL cL rep jp Fo Fpe noLppesapeLll. f0Uq.Qq A-PII TUFeLaacp rWGF rdaroLlil 1T6a oL top IS' bpu; beLp oL roF SO IX•Tre boT# ou Fpe Atee,peLTA TTJUG oL roc Ig ApaLa Fpe aonppeLjli jTua oL Lajoe Zp• e roF Ia' SO Leap 2ovppeLj-k oL ppe uCT,ppasap COLVOL oL earg roF IS' FPYeuca po a ja• 3TOGN jab' vol--PpGLTX oL a ITI;a gMMV '!',Lour Ir bOTnp on ppe 90`8.PeLj?1 jrua oL *$Wp^Te_pp®Ae140JtaTov CL ppa 0en1!peLn Trus oL IIajoa ?p• yp6l beLF OL ro;2 Te ax+a under Preliminary Order ..._......._104521 ...... -_............ _... _ _..._, Intermediary Order-_...... __104781 _....___.._._....____._..—, Final order......._106044 _._....., approved......... September 15 ... 19#6....... To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: Cost of publishing notice $ 8.10 Cost of postal cards 1.62 Amount of court costs for confirmation 8.10 Balance to Owner 28,753.80 (Damages - $32,450.00) (Benefits - $8,395.10) Total Expenditures $ 28,771.62 Net Assessment (Balance to City 4,698.90 Charge to County Bond Issue 24,072.7 Said'Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of 9...._28,9?1.62 upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered !proper. -............. --..... Form H. H. 11 Commissioner of Finance. � WM„M Council File No.... By CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for taking, 'abax -1-g and apprgprS UA@ for parkway and street purposes for Prospect Boulevard the following surface rights, land and struotures: An easement for the surface rights only for constructing a parkway with street appurtenances such as sewers, water -mains, grading, paving, retaining walls and landscaping that part of Lot 15, Block 198, lying northerly of a line *bUh is the extension of the southern line of Delos St. That part of Lots 18 and 19, Block 198, northerly of a line drawn from a point on the easterly line of Lot 19, 70 feet.southerly of the northeast corner of said Lot 19, thence to a point on the westerly line of Lot 18 where the southerly line of Delos St. ex- tended will intersect such westerly` line of Lot 18. That part of Lot 20 lying Beat of a line drawn from the northwest corner of Lot 15 to the northeasterly. corner of Lot 21 -'a11 in irvine's'Addition. All of Blocks 7, 8 and 9', Robertson's Addition lying between Prospect Terrace and the following described line: Beginning at a point on the east line of Bidwell St. 120 feet north of the southwest corner of Lot 6, Block 9, thence to a point on the eaet.line of Lot 8, Block 8, 116 feet north of the southeast oorner. of Lot 8, thence to a point on -the east line of Lot 3, Block 8, 55 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 3, thence to a point -on the east line of Lot 5, Block 7, 53 feet north of the southeast corner of Lot 5, thence to a point on the east line of Lot 1, Block 7, 73 feet north of the southeast earner of said Lot 1. The land and structures on the following described land: At the nortk*dzt,00rner of Congress and Bellows St. a triangular piece of land in Lot 14, Blook 199, Irvine's Addition measuring 7 feet on Congress St. and 7 feet on Bellows St. That part of Lots 16 and 170 Block 198, lying northerly of a line which is the extension of the southerly line of Delos St. All of Block 197, Irvine's Addition, lying between Ethel St. and Bellows St. southerly of a line drawn from a point on the westerly line of Bellows St. 205 feet north of the intersecting point of Ethel St. and Bellows St. to a point on the northeasterly line of Ethel St. 197 feet northwesterly of said intersecting point. A triangular piece of land at the southeast corner of Bellows and Delos in Lot 1, Block 158, Robertson's Addition measuring 20 feet on Bellows St. and 30 fast on Delos St. Also a pieoe of land lying easterly and southerly of the following described line: Beginning at the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 159, Robertson's Addition, 3 thence on a curve to the left with a radius of 65 feet and an angle of 450, thence on a tangent to the above curve to a point 70 feet west of the east line of Bidwell St. thenoe north and parallel to the east line of Bidwell St. to the south line of Prospeot Terrace. Also a triangular piece of land lying northerly of the following described line: Beginning at a point 19 feet southerly to a on the-�Gvlline of Lot 4, 175 foot north of the so a triangular pieoc of land at, *O' northeastern corner of Hall Ave. and IsaSt. measured 22 foot along the grollf:Tly aide of Lot 6 and 36 foot along the g,�,Yyttherly side of Lot 5, Block 32,* St. Paul Proper. r .', r Fr 0,1;;P srOLply-z3 oL Ng nOr�fgaLT TWIIt uoLpg.LJ7r'oL s 7 ;y aTeM J1T #o4pir uL a-.j.Jne fieLeJJ91 ;o 0019 J oL I'Orz`71 S Nuq 2' yuLLessc awa(iLueT ui, 1'oJ BTo K C 7 bxnb:L` Vjzo a br Liv 61, 7euq ircr B Lae; ncT.;gce2;OLT1 LL41+ ;IrG p c JaLeyo 2F• ;off 5�7n; ba ;g; a bOTar ou ;go M1 2f Trn: o, N4; 2 DOLa-L OL FO;: e' Ipap bwL;ro; rU;e • 91.e" LLOW e bola; on ; c M02; 27g1) Ipr; b -L; OL Iwc 2 euq e' PIOGN 10' bLobOL' a bale; 26 LO'=f gasp LLOm ;;pc, 20r,;N- 20110NOLT1 Ob 4`ga LOTT"Tut 9G"LTgO9 ; 0QW_ GL OL rap T' B,io-, se' mrs-9 a frY[� p� #�°Yt t,"p,:h� rs�o �.p � �� •d.oa� +�± bdwf�:O �2;.�e:F�2 csY.�LTOk �ro+� qBgcran T;�Crul ', -OA i nn C- 4i O.. :. is • -. r '. .+;.�.+�.ur FPS }JTooR 1p8, gopsL;eotT-r. VgqTpT._v nrw1i. TrR Sp VoWou BeT7OMa ' V V pLT nj0t bTOOs oL Teuq s; ;Vo aon;geea; GOLaOL oL Be7101Aa er,q DQJo2 borzr.p• ;ps W01,;Toe2;GLT1 TTnG OL EfgOT 2p' Tal Leep n0L;gMes;OLT21 OL zalq ru;9LEOO;yak Leo; noL;p oL ;V0 7u;OL29opTUR born; UL Eppol 2;' sun Bo77oMe g;° ;o e born; on ooapgoyTa oL e TTua gLedur LLom a 11070; an ;gG Mee;GLTA Trus 01, BOJToMa 2;• SOB VTT 0; BIOOI<.Iaa-'. IUAT88+.. {rggTFT0V' TX717R peppAGOa FANGT 2A• euq T3611 -e 2; ppe 9x;enaTou OL ;We a041TOLT1 *,Tus oL DOToa 2;• Iga; beL; at ra;2 le 8uq Ta` B7OOK Jag' t17132 aoLpgOLJ11 OL a JTus rA}rtcp TO 0 TGO-;on BGTTOMe W T41 ,T5 T'Op 7d` BTOOK Taa' ILA7ne,2 VggT;Tou meeenLTnh a Lou; ou 2cugLeaz 24• au0 V; ;go noL;gMse; GOLueL OL COVeLse2 anq Bal?OME 2f' e ;LTeuRfIja-L br9Ce Ot Igo Jaaq aaq a;LnO;nLOe On rp9 LOjj=rT;r! g02CL7pe01 7euq: roF I. On ;}ra `e24: TTaO OL 1'0; J' BIOCK a' a2 Loo; f7014g OL �: ;.. �: 20n4:pee2; GOLnOL OL 2u Tq ro; NOOK l' 22 LoGf aaLFp OL ;FQ 2OTI�700-2; GOLL'•=;L OL rO; 2' -Ifou" ;o e bcra; DoL;U OL ;I:9 ¢Qn;jJ49i1 coxpeL 0; r6C g' t 'er}De ;O C bola; on ;g9 ar72; 77a0 OL CoLue-,. )L roF a' ;gezioo ;o e boyo; 0z; sc;. ouzo TTnO OL ^Or. 2' pTOcx g' 22 LOoF 0-0 s boyo; or ;Ira Guz; T;uo at ro,: r'7c'oK 8' 778 ;oa+ oOL;}; e ;I --'O zon;Jes2F OT. ii79111eT7 2lf • ISO Leo; vOL;g ul, ;Ne eor,i:Nms2; GOLaei _L r� P' ;tJOO}c a' :.peace 1GLLITOO auq ;a9 LUTTOM7no g92CL7p9q TSnea BOVITI'MVIE. of e F`OZII; on ;ge Oa2; JT ue 77j u'L nocKa a -q a' go POL;eoa,2 Vgg7F7or% 111La pa;Msec CrLOeDGOp DOLUGL OL rO; SI - VIT TV ILA7u94a V'g97t7033• sus; OL e TTue gLSMn LLOB ;Ire nOL;pMee; cOLuaL oL ro; T2 ;o ;Ire U0L;}re92;GLT1 ;ougaq MTTT 7zr;er.8o0; ancg MGB;OLTX 7;ue OL ro; 78• IlTorp beL; OL rop.So T?T112 boxv; ou ;Ne mteapeLrl TTne oL ro; le Milena ;ire sorw9a1- I: 77ire oL Deloa 2; • sac- ro,= T 2' .l0 Les; 20npg9LJ1 oL ;Ire 1104pgea2; DoweL oL 2czq ro; Ta' .PFeuoe ;o or ra' cTOcx Tau' u0LrUGLT21 ox. u TTue 0-rOX T.Lom a bora; as ;g0- Asa OLT'A 7.ae OL under Preliminary Order --__104b21. Intermediary Order ............ 104781.,. Final Order.-.-.1C!b approved. -.__September 16--.. ....... 38 A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in- ............. ...... ......... equal installments. Adopted by the Council. ...... ....................... _................................ 19 - City Clerk. Approved.... -........................................ ....... 19 ........ Mayor. Form B. B. IS RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF BEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF III;APIN6 ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ooademaing_ana takin�an easement i- the land necessary for slopes. - outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Blook 1. R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the Horth and South Alley and from Edmund Street to Thomas Street ^9 �-r o: .•bIIC. .waemed��¢n _ s t�. under Preliminary Order -_Y 119--------------, approved-_-- October Ac 1938------__------_, Intermediary Order --------106669______________, approved-_-- Moyember 10,-193A -----------_, Final Order --------------- 0b870 --------------- approved ----- ]lleoember-8-p- J9M-------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- 27th __-day of ------ ks!AAIU --------------- 19 S7-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. c Adopted by the Council --- D.EL10-191.6__--______y DEC;,i �' ` , i 1;i S --- ----- j1 - City Clerk. <�(� Approved -------------------- --------,19.-- ==-------- r-� -- - - -------------- 1® Barfuee Mayor. Councilmausfienam mg Findlan - _ - CSunei mPearce n -� Counci m w _ n WenzelPUBLISHED Councilma (#rhasr, Mr. Vice 1 ra;ident (Truax) RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING IBM OF HEARING THEREON AND FIYI",G T131E OF HEARING (1N THF AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matteroQiwidening_and extending a 18 foot- (vsaeted� alley from Hazel Avenue to a point 10 feet east of the east line of Lot 181 also a piede of land measuring 8 feet west and 8 feet east of the east line of Lot 17, and 20 feet south of the south line of the Vacated alley for aturn-around, all in Block 2, Hazel Park Division No. 6, 105182 September 23, 1936 under Preliminary Order---------------------- approved------------------------------------. Intermediary Order --------- 105620 ___-__-____ approved_-_ Hovember 6, 1936 Final Order ----------------11§81Z----------- approved---- 1936. -------------- The Coknissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- 27th-----------day of ----- January --------------- ; 19-37-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. DEC 30 1 Adopted by the Council--- -- -?- ->- -------------------y� f-=, %-- t ---j- ~ ilDEC �r�terk. Approved---------------------------- 19---� Barfuss Ma dor. _Councilman Findlan LCouncilman pearce ..i2e,onreee ilman PUBLISHED Countihnan Wenzel Mr. Vice'.,. Odtlod to Clp cietkC�IY a� NO PAUL ._._._..___.. CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTIO -GENERAL FORM December 30. 1936 PRESENTEDE"' ............ ..... ................................ .........._....._.. COMMISSIONE.............._................................. .............. .. ..... ...... RESOLVED That licenses ap ied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury Of the required fees: Thus. Isaac Jr. 466 S. Robert St. Barber App.16088 Renew - Superior Refining Co. 261 Eaton Ave- Feel Dealer " 16089 ^ Shell Petroleum Corp. State and ^ 1608 ^ Water Fuel Dealer 9 Tanker Gas, Inc. 424 S. 7th St. Mpls. Fuel Dealer " 16100 ^ p Randolph St. Fuel Dealer ^ 16108 " West End Ice &Fuel Co. 51 Ph Nelson Oil Co. Larpenteur & W.City Limits Fuel Dealer ^ 16121 " Pure Oil Co. 1306 lat. Ave. S. Mpls. peel Dealer " 16122 ^ COUNPI,MFN N Yeas $ tlss 7 In favor ............... earce Against enzel )M &36 Mr. Vice rr=.i,:cut rua,) Adopted by the Council ........_ D._E.C...3-0....IM193 DEC 3.0 Approved.................... _................... ..................-- .............................. Owa.j to Cor gnt eouwaL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC OL N... GENERAL FORM 1 PRESE D B ....-!.-4-:�C....._+....DATE......December..?9.t.._936..................... COMMIS........... ........................................ ............................._ RESOLVED That license for Berber. application 13798, applied for by Glynn E. Eddy at 232 E. Fairfield Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F; No 1060877--* L0. Pearce. 8'. M. Truax. 6 Ii.;$arfaas $eaoived, That lloenZrae Barber; ayDtice.tlon 11788, apDlted So[ py.6lynn E. Eddy -at'888, E. Salrf{eld wvo: be and the same ie here Y_=8t1'anted and th4 city clock -ie in"ettudted to -deene such ltcenee', uDDa the :DgYn+eat Into Wq �lty trAaeury of tho [38Gu1rod fee. d opted by'tha Counal Dec: 101 1886,. ADDrov0 - 1(..' a0; 1886.:.; -Jan.B-1917) DEC 30 1936 COUN�MEN Adopted by the Co(lndII ..................................................._193..... yeas / TIn a � � favor Approved ....................... earce ._!-A6iost � .........._.........._. ` ,.......... � Mayor entel 3M 636-,.:�...:.— Mr. Vice Prceidepct( 1'1 06068 / CITY OF ST. PAUL riu aL NO.__..__.______ / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC LUT Sj---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city breasury of the required feest Clarence Seaquist & Bert Bebeau 1059 E. 4th St. Off Sale Malt APP -14392 Now N N N N N N Grocery N 143$3 N a N N N N n Butcher N 143$4 N DeLuae Oil Co. Inc. 177 S. Robert Gas Station N 16076 A Adopted by the Council_;_PEC+,3 0 ,�93.f193..... DEC 301836 Approved............................... _............................. _... 193_._ Mayor COUN MEN Yeas Na PIn favor enzel Against �/ 3M 636 Mr. Vice I`resideia (Truax) Adopted by the Council_;_PEC+,3 0 ,�93.f193..... DEC 301836 Approved............................... _............................. _... 193_._ Mayor Origing >< 106(369 CITY OF ST. PAUL rift"`" NO. OFFI E THE CITY CLERK COUNZ ---GENERAL M WHER dLS, John Svabek desires to withdraw application 11556 for On Sale Liquor License at 506 R. 7th St. and requests the return of the license fee and the bond in the mount of $3,000. deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John Svabek the fee of $1,000. and the bond in the amount of $3,000, and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor license. COUNCILMEN Yeaa Na Barfuss Findlan _ In favor Pearce ................._... Against Wenzel 3M bw Mr. Vice President (1',uax) Adopted by the Council ........................................... _._..... 193..... DEC 30 jg3g Approved............DEC x'^...........193—__ ..................._......_� _ Mayor C�F4�d< <o ctq C�srt RESOLVED, cou„e�� CITY OF ST. PAUL �� NO.—R16070 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCi�'W�LU�-TI Ij,-GENERAL FOR Earl John Hare desires to withdraw application 16038 for On Sale Liquor. license at 150 E. 14th St. and requests return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000, deposited thereon; therefore, be it that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Earl John Hare the fee of $166.67 and the bond in the amount of $3,0009 and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor license. COUNCILMEN Yeas yB Barfuas Find]: In favor ......................... Pearce pe"`_ O _...................... Against Wenzel . c{GBI )M 6M Mr. Vice t resident (Truax) DEG 30 I.&% Adopted by the Council.- ...................i 193..... DECtl C Gr :, e ger` Approved.................... ....................................... ... _.193 __... .�: ................ Mayor Cei�v.1 t0 Citi Cl.rk / COUNCIL �-IC1 e ■p 1 ■ 1] CITY OF ST. PAUL ... NO. JJ1i�� ll »>lii_fLfLf OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNNCCIIJ��(2 SO TION ---GENERAL FORM L NHEEELS, Jack Cohen desires to withdraw application 8455 for Off Sale Liqu9r Liqense at 503 Nabasha St. and requests the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000. deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Jack Cohen the fee of $M. and the bond in the amount of $3,000. and -to cancel said application for Off Sale Liquor License. COUNCILMEN Yeae Ys Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Raw'. A 'net ,?Far— Wenzel — B� Wenzel 11yrPrmdent{6eium} 3M 6.16 Mr. Vice t rc:iiicw (1'rtiaw) C. r. No. 109073—By L C. Pe Trgfzeae.Bar[uae— WherJack.. -Cohen withdraw application 9466 f LigUor -license at 608 Waba requests the return of the and Mle bond in the amour depyosited thereon;. therefore 8esolvpd, That 'the . propp deers. be `and they are he ri of $860 andntheo bond 1no1 of 59.000and teen o cancel Bald foAdopted or b rtLe Couinail I Approved 1 J. 0� 193 997) Adopted by the Council., DEG 3t.) 4ga& 193 ..... 0E" IV,R Approved............. - .................................................... 193 _..... . ../_......... ......_.. Mayor iC64 X72 Ctizln.l to City Clerk COUNO�L CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC SO TION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONE............................................ .......... ......... ....... /,. +.; `.-► _............................ Djk�.......Deaemher....30.a....1.936...................... WHEREAS, Joseph Damlani desires to withdraw application 9093 for Off Sale Liquor license at 597 E. 7th St and requests return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000 deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Joseph Damiani the fee of $250. and the bond in the amount of $3,000, and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor license. COUNCILMEN Yeas N }� Earfuss / Findlan . In favor Pearce -�.......---_ Against Wenzel lM 6.36 eaW Mr. Vice C. F. No- 108072— W. :Trues,, O. H. Barfueer Whereas, Joseph DamfeBl den(ren to Llgncral oeneel at 6879 B. 7tu St. and uastB retu11 the amoan" of lke.nb9000 de p.6 god thereon; therefore, be 1t god ,h et hereby authorized-Meeto� be and yy refund to 7oeeph Daminnl the tee o is OOOauandhto cancels, Raid a apmpllucatton., for O& 9sle�1e°C vna i Dea !0. AObb.'I Adopted •b9 Approved D(Tan 02 192b Adopted by the Council......... DEc..._30 1.936193..... DEC 30 1936 Approved ...................... 193_..... .- ,- oridoa t, Cit, Clerk� nc, unuu � 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL u NO. OFFIC CITY CLERK 'COON OLUTIO --GENERAL FORM PRESENT Y'' „eT,� 'December 30, 1936 WHE&FAS' Joseph Francis Ryan desires to withdraw application 15291 for On Sale Liquor license at 207 Bates Ave. and requests the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000. deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Joseph Francis Ryan the fee of $291.67 and the bond in the amount of $3,000 and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce . Peteeeezf Against Wenzel �9?�Rr�idmt' •t fts_j'9 3M 6.36 Mr lm ni (' fUax) Adopted by the Council......_DEC+....3 D....1936...193..... ,i Approved..................................._,�.................{......... _._.. O.W-I'. Cly (1�4�CouNctk—Radb—L—MIGN coumen. )74 CITY OF ST. PAULOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ---GENERAL FORM December 30, 1936 WHEREAS, A. H. Stahel & F. A. ging desire to withdraw application 15206 for On Sale Liquor license at 147 A. 5th St, and request the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000, deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to A. H. Stahel & F. X. ging the fee of $291.66 and the bond in the amount of z� #3,000. and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce _ ......._ 960"M D Against Wenzel ini 6•36 Mr. Vice President ('1'rua.c) C. F. No. 106074—BY I. C. Pearce, F. W. TruaxG. H• Barfuss— - Whereae. A. H. Stahel & F• X. King desire to withdraw application 16806 for On Sale Liquor Mena. at 147 W. 6th RL and request the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of13,000, deposited thereon; therefore, - beResolved, that the proper, city of- rices be and they are hereby author- laed to re[und-to A. 'L Stahel & 1.. X Klug the tee of 3861.88 ano�the;boad.fP' the amount of $3,000,. and to cancel said applloation forOnSale-Lfquor ll- cenae, Adopted by the Council Dee. 80, 1886. Approved Dec. 80, 1886: - (Jan..B-1687) Adopted by the Council__DEC 3 O 10193..... <i n Approved ......._.......... DE(' ,1 .193-- '�� 106075 I Circ Cl.' eouha� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 9-e%i i e tr-7?I CAOLUTION_.GENERAL FORM 11HEIM&S, Angelina. Gentile desires to withdraw application 9531 for On Sale Liquor license at 499 Payne Ave. and requests the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000, deposited thereon; therefore, be it EESOIFED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Angelina Gentile the fee of $1,000. and the bond in the amount of $3,000, and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. C. F,_No. 100076-11y I. C. Pearce, F. W. 'ti':'-•�;8�- [ee of 11,000 anA the pond 1¢ the amount of 43.11 <8. 00. ead to aucel eeid avvlloA- tion for Ca Sale Ll auor lloeuee. Ad. Dtedby the Council Dec.•90i�:1988. ADProved Dec. 80, 1989. (J—.a-1997; COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council....., n .L' ....2-0..•y 193..... Yeah Nays Barfuss Findlan y� ............ Pearce In favor Approved..............................._...........................__...193... .ilMgeeea Against Z„�, Mayor Wenzel sbt 6.36 !vlr, \,w, I r•-,:!,,—1 (1,uax) °�" "� Cl�� �u„n� NO. l M76 CITY OF ST. PAUL I' �I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ItESOWTION---GENERAL FORM fik December 30, 1936 P Peter Belgea Jr. desires to withdraw application 13971 for On Sale Liquor license at 881 Rice St. and requests the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000 deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Peter Belgea Jr. the fee of $500. and the bond in the amount of $3,000, and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor license. C. F. No. 106076—er BY I. c. Pearce, F. W Truax. 6. 8. a.r at— Whereas, Plication 18971rtore0a Sade w(Yhdrawapp I�'uestp the return of the lt 181 icense fee and the bond ,In the. amoun4 Of S8,000.de- poefted thereon; therefore, ba it g¢solved, that the proper cit of - and they are hereby author - tee f E600uandtthe boad lag he amount of 88,0 0, and to cancel said apDllcation hor On Salo Liquor ]leenee. 1686. Adopted b9 the council Dec. 80, Approved Dec. 80. 1086. .(Jan. B-1887) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan h In faJor Pearce A ainet Wenzel 1M 616 Mr. Vice 1 resident (Tr»ax) Adopted by the CouncREP- .3.G...'9W.,•_....... 193 -.... BC V 1936 Approved ................................ ... U t......_...................193...._ �1�.,......./.................r.................._. .....yam orw6- w VC1erk couMm� 106077 CITY OF 5T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUT O GENERAL FORM December 30, 1936 Bmf 4 WHER AS, Albin A. Benson desires to withdraw application 13028 for On Sale Liquor license at 636 Vandalia St. and requests the return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000. deposited thereon; therefore, be it H&SOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Albin A. Benson the fee of $625. and the bond in the amount of $3,000, and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor license. C.T zeallo s 7? B—BY C- Pearce, F. W. .,. 8 are, lcatlon RetoreOne6a esee withoraw sDD or linse the rat urn Bot thDaUcenee fee and the bond In the amount of 38,000 Id Do sited. thereon; Sharetore, be t eReeolved, that the DroDer cltyo[dcerto e be and-LheYl sltn°� geneon thetlea of relund to. A i886 and the Gond fn the am licnatfoo 58.000, end t cancel Bald aliD .. or On Bale yituor license. 1988. I Adopted D tae counall Dec..80, ppDroved Dee. 80. 188& COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce �etPiia i � ................ Againac 4Frtti� Wenzel � 3M 6.36 Mr. Vire :::Mew (Truax) Adopted by the Council DEL u....IM 193 Approved ........................... M3...._ ,�zb8 Q,{a1o.l w Citydvk couNuL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U, COUNCI LU -GENERAL FORM - December 30, 1936 ........... PRESENT.........DATE ................_ ............... ....................... COMmiss ... ....... ..... .. ........................... WHEREAS, George Mauro desires to withdraw application 12969 for On Sale Liquor License at 791 E. 7th St. and requests return of the license fee and the bond in the amount of $3,000. deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to George Mauro the fee of $625. and the bond in the amount of $3,000. and to cancel said application for On Sale Ligdor license. COUN MEN Yeas KIn E aS i Ilan avor earce n (/�/\J `y...... Against enzel e - Adopted by the Council ........... DEC.1....3..0...W6193..... DEC' 1011, Approved ..................... !d � G -,............................ . Ivfayo�~— Otlslad to CUT Clerk co—nCITY OF ST. PAUL FILK tv0..._.... ..6079 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORM n / �►, ! W4DEREAS, it appears that a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen and now exists in this, that the Judgment and Compromise Fund, Code 29, appropriated and set up by the budget of the City of Saint Paul for the year 1936, is inadequate for the payment of ex- isting claims and judgments chargeable against said fund, and that It is necessary that the City borrow money upon a temporary loan to the extent of the aforesaid deficiency, to -wit, the sum of` $6,610.00; therefore, be it R RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the sum of $6,610.00, and that the proper City officers be and - they are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the person or persons making such loan a note of the City of Saint Paul, payable within the period of one year from the making of said loan, which shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 2*% per annum, and that the proceeds of said loan shall be credited to said Judgment and Compromise Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay n In favor �ce e�eison Against ��Preiiideint(Gehan) 1M a 76 Axel P. Peterson and delver to the person or'persohe making uch loan a note of the `City of Saint'oPaul,. payable within the pe- riodof one,. Year from then making of said loan,- which shall. beat Interest at a. rate mote to exceed 2% % per an- aum,::and .:that the proceeds of said Iona 'shall be credited to said Judg- ment ltdC'Fuad. Aden "t thbuncil Docl 81, 7886• Approved Deo.. 81. .1986. - (Jan:: B-1987) Adopted by the Council ......_-D.GeV...3.!....i45193...... Approved.... _................ .... .................... 193.... Mayor Nays 1�? ve �v® �e /Pey on /� O - Against eouna� NO ...................................... 001"WC1r,c CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --- GENERAL FORM BY p)RESOLUTION .....__........_. ASE........... i 81 (},,.oa PRESENTED COMMISSIUNER.�._444 -.._........_ .._........._____.._..�.__--.. Itmommm WHEREAS, it appears that a sudden and unexpected emergency has arisen and now exists in this, that the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, Code 31-G-1, appropriated and set up by the budget of the City of Saint Paul for 1936 is inadequate for the payment of existing claims chargeable against it, and that it is necessary that the City borrow money upon a temporary loan to the extent of the aforesaid deficiency, to -wit, the sum of $5,500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Mayor and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized to borrow, on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the sum of $5,500.00 and that the proper City officers be and they -- are hereby authorized to execute and deliver to the person or per- sons making such loan a note of the City of Saint Paul, payable within the'period of one year from the making of said loan, which shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed 2% per annum, and that the proceeds of said loan shall be credited to said Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund. COUNCI' EN Yeas Nays _ In favor �e /Pey on /� O - Against /f a resident (Gehan) 3M 636 DEC 3 193 ... Adopted by the Council.. .........................�...�,.. DEC 311 R Approved.. — ...................................................193...... ori,iml m MY Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ML RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM nos " NO.. F WHEREAS, Edward W. Murnane has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described 'property, to wits Lot 130 Block 2, Ryan Place; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $383.53 plus interest, penalty and costs and the applicant offers to pay in fall settlement thereof the sum of $310.07; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $227.21 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $310.07, and that said sum of $227.11 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $383.53 plus interest, penalty and oosteg as per letter attached - copy. COU�EN Years Na ss.• i an _ In favor ``earce fnAgainst esident (Gehan) )M 6M 14 DEC 311935 Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... Approved.._ ............................ ....... I ................ ..........193 _.......... .... -- - Mayor Odder m Cly CL -k CITY OF ST. PAUL MrFiCE OF THE CITY CLERK_ _ N16082 lurr Thomas C. Fulton, has made applioation for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and --'" assessments on the following desoribed property, to 'fit' Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88; and the delinquency totals the sum of $476.75 plus interest, WFII3REA8 - penalty and oosts, and the applioant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $476.781 therefore, be it RgsOLVED, That the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $361.28 shall bs first deducted from the total payment of $476.78 and that said sum of $361.26 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul In settlement of delinquent assessments inoluded in the total della- quency of $476.78 plus interest, penalty and costs. COUNCI " @N Yeas Nays as an In fav - ........_... Against f�� President ZGIr. (Gehan) 7M 613 DEC311636193....- Adopted by the Council ..........................................._. t Approved. ...D .. ..................... _ may PUBLISMI)1:�� orjgl..r r. Cur Cr..t JL �03 CITY OF ST. PAUL riu NO 1 �(�'Q OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1-U6 83 CU --GENERAL FORM as rriw; ^3Y AA ............................. ty/}7a':_.L..- t...u+............................................................ y. y.. y.nicL 3a�N� WHEREAS, Thomas C. Fulton, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 11, Auditor's Subdivision No. 88; and WBEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $730.44 plus interest, penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $730.44; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $538.97 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $730.44, and that said sum of $538.97 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul In settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delin- quenoy of $730.44 plus interest, penalty and costs. Yeas Nays x.. COUNC EN Adopted by the Council,.,.......JEC ^i Wg'193..... far�ifss P lan ��yy n� In favor Approved....193 e�rson .........a.... Against /1'r ....... rvuyar nze / 1 PUBLISHED ��✓�'�G) mfr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 / Dride.frot7�8rk 1U6�)84 r CITY OF 87. PAUL couwca .1L. N0. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B1I y� COMMISSI6NER— ..5. .,........._.........._...__..._......._.._..___.....,..__._.............. - ....._....._DATE.._ ............................_... :. -�--....._....................._......_......_...........:4L........_._. RESOLVED That the free use the Arena In the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the International Institute for an All Nations Costume Ball,0 on Saturday evening, April 10th, 1937; said International Institute to pay only the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion. C. F. No. 1,60984—By J. 8. Findla.,"LC. Pearce Re -1-4, That the freo uee of ahs arena in the Saint Paul AudcoHum'be and 1t 1. hereby iven to theIaterna- tional Inetitute I- as 'All :Nalfon. Coyystume Ball:' on Saturday_"eveg1lrig, etltull to oto spay 7Onlydthetcost of open- 1nIr d operating`tbe Arena on ;that occasion.. Adopted by the Council Dec: 31, 1996• Approved (Jan.1936. 81¢ 1997) COUN916AEN Adopted b DEC 31 19 Yeas Na s P y the Council... uss In favorAPProved...� 'qj ""`tV' _�..,......._.......................193....... '. Against enzel Mayor 3M 636 Mr. Vice i`rrsident (Tiun:,) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnaote DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. D[PUW COMMIEEIONEN BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ®® PAUL S. AMIDON, Suac Im-d— BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. I. TRUDEAU, Dwe . Decemb r 28, 1936 Mr. John Connolly Corporati n dounsel City of Saint Paul Dear L.r. Connolly: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS PERRIE JONES, Ub,.d.n BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Sumdnt.ndcnt Will you '.kindly have prepared a resolution that I may present to the Council to providefor the use of the St. Paul Auditorium arer:a by the International Institute for their "All Nations Costume Ball" on Saturday evening, April 10, at cost of opening and operating. .TSF -R 1!1�1— Pert' truly yQou/rXs, , Commissioner of :ducation Cridad to Cit. eWk t CITY OF ST. PAUL ccumc" No....1.L.fi0_ 85. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13Y COMMISSIONER_..FZI1Cj.1L1..._...1L............................ _. ....... .... ................ _..... DATE ................................ RESOLVED That the free use of Stem Hall in the'Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Citi- zens' Protective Union, on Saturday morning, January 9th, 1937, from ten o'clock to twelve o'clock; be it $URTHER RESOLVED, That an amount equal: -,:to the cost of opening and operating Stem Hall on that occasion be set up in the budget for 1938 in Auditorium Fund No. 17. I C. F. No. 108088-13Y Flndlan, I. C. Pearca— R4eolved, That the tree uee of Stem aadlIt n,thepain AuditOr'. 'he Proteotive r,hy. V., to the Cltlseae' In January 9th,: ' Saturday ator.- to twelve .'dock 1987 from ten o'.1ock Further Reaolved,e �It eqqual. to the Hest of .pTenn an arnOurt In Stem t S and o eet uD lu the bu,Set for 1888 jto be dl [.clam Fund Nq, 17. n An_ Adopted by the Council Dec. 81, 1888. ADDroved Dec. 81, 1888. flan. P-1987) COON�CAMEN Yeas Nay ass /F' n In favor e reon �) -Against Against enzel W. 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the council. .......DE.E,'....3.1....1986-..193...... _ Approved... ................. 193._ - ............... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. D[- COMMI66ION-R BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS ®® PAUL MI S. ADON, Suoednwd,nl BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAhIERL S A. E. TRUDEAU, Dl, a , Deoember 30, 1936 Honorable John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel C o u r t h o u s e Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MISS PERRIE JONES, Ubuden BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Sumrineend,nf Will you kindly draw up a resolution authorizing the free use of Stem Hall in the Saint Paul Auditorium to the Citizens' Protective Union on Saturday, January 94 1937, from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 M. Yours very trul F, /di.., e 7-, 0, Commissioner of Eduoation NIS oNt.4mCity cl k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM „Aj WHEREAS, Council File No. 105933 provided for the appoint- ment by the Commissioner of Education, and the confirmation by the Council, of Perry Jones as Librarian of the City of Saint Paul for a term from January 1, 1937 to June 6, 1938; and WHEREAS, said PertJones is unable to assume the duties of the position until February 1, 1937; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Council File No. 105933 be amended by striking out -the words and figures "January 1, 1937" where they appear in said resolution, and by substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures "February 1. 1937.0_ _ COUN9MMEN Yeas Na use earIn favor .eon / .. /... %Against enol ,✓/ 3M. 636 Mr. Vice President (Trua%% .....................EC 3106 Adopted by the Council ................................193...... ®EC S 1 Approved. .. ..... ............... 193...... Mayor cirrc��aK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. 10161 /V APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHAR=R SECTION 208 PRESENTED 46 193 RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADEONTHE BOOKS OF THE • COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED CODE FROM TO APPORTIONED ITEM DR CR. _ Salaries (words office) 99.92 2-A1 Office Expense • 149.43 2-A3 A. 2 A--2 11aY ores Contingent Bund C. r. No. 106087—By M• H. Gehan— Reaolyed, That the following trane- the bdaing 'une fere be made on sn Comptroller, ae by Btn certain ItemB avotde.ble deftclency jd may be mettb wo ktr roylded by the. hampering p from which the mon.Y. I. the Item e tracettera arI, made. from code 2-A-1 8nla" Traneterrefl 6t0 rtes (Mayor'. Eo yeneeE9(MaYora olflcell Offiffice g_A_g E149.48: to codeMaYor'9 Centln- at Fend E346.36. by the CouncllDec. 31, 1986.' Adopted Approved Dea 31� 3937) (Jan. _ - e COUNCIId&wMw193— YES l✓> COUNCILMEN (V) NAY ADOPTED BY THE • PEARCE (�APPROVED193— _----�.LE, r PETERSON r Bindlan MUU IN FAVOR <� TRRUmAX�T Barfsse lmom w AGAINST COUNTERSIGNED BY clrr coNrrno��aR WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT eoo ,o -a. 0riona to MY c Wk1C 6 88 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,0 Ca NO ----------- -...-------. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - - --- � j /G J1N ESOLUTION—GENERA F M Whereas, the Sinking Fund Committee has received the following offer on City of St.Paul Bonds= Name of Firm Sind of Bond Rate Amount Maturity Price Mannheimer -Caldwell, Inc. City of St -Paul 9% $10,000.00 July 1,1951 2.9016 Whereas, the Sinkiug Fund Committee recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Committee in the purchase of these bonds for the Sin -'king Fund, and Whereas, the Council is of, the opinion that the above offer should be a accepted, therefore, be it, Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss e-pe!�Tn Findlan FPetemofl Pearce FRT ........--- ----In favor 1'eterson L T�_' Truaxr'Wsrrs�l-------- -- ------Against \i'cnzei i��� Mr. President (Gehan) aM n -as C. F. No. 109088—ny ,Axel F. Pp' son,;2L H. Gahan— � Dec. 81, DEC 31193E Adopted by the CouneiL...... .............................193...._ Approved--------- ------------------o--- --- -� ---- 193...... y...._......... Mayor Orlsld1toCUT Clark 166089 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu No— OFFICE O ._OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLyTLQN—.GENERAL FORM WV PRESENTED BY j�el F. Peterson �' �r(JI�vV"'� December 29 ....1958.. .....:.......... COMMISSIONER................_......................................................................................'................................................DATE................. ....._......._......f _ . . WHEREAS, Willard Cordes, is the owner of City of St. Paul Partioi- pating Certificate No. 240907 for the amount of Two Hundred and Ten Dollars; and WHEREAS, said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Willard Cordes has filed a bond in the sum of Four Hundred and Twenty Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any lose or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and WHEREAS, said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Hugo 0. Hanft, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 1927; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are authorized to issue to the above mentioned Willafd Cordes a duplicate certificate in lieu of the said certificate No. 240907 which has been lost or destroyed. J 789—By Ame1 F. Peter' WIllnrd Cordes, in th, ' of at Paul Partlei, F Na .240907 for the t} adred-and Ten Dollwl.' e-said--eertlfloate ha '!]d :owher. has made r"a. and1 to Lo bo. 4e., - -sof; and' whereas, t16. ioFdes hed` Md a tion►. +. Four. Bundrod and ll; or'doable the aWoa 3e,Indemalfying a the 'Clty '�of at .; or. damage R';c;• COUN MEN Yeas �Nafl rK.0ta.In favor n .... Against nzel r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council.._,._DIG ..._3..1._i ._193 --. 1:AEC+ ' '^Approveect................................ ........................1 _.. PUBLISHED I " o;IdW .Qwclok CITY OF 8T. PAUL OF5p50 F—*ftg CITY CLERK iMP.1rr RRSOL.0 •-GENERAL FORM 06090 rAgNCLL No.. z9 December ifr, 1936 In the matter of constructing sanitary intercepting sewers in the lower level Riverview District incompliance1rwytia with the compre— hensive plan of the Minneapolis and t. P and subsequent modifications thereof, under Preliminary Order C. F. 10.5943 approved December 15, 1956. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Yeas COUN EN s Y In favor ra ....... Against I President (Gehan) 3M 6 36 C. F. yq. 10608o—By I. C Pearce— In the' matter of constructingg ;ean1= Lary Intere.pting .ewers In the�>iJlw- er level RlVervlew District dn: cyem. 0 1 heOMinneapolis and St Paul San. ltarq.. District and subsequent modl• amlo% thereof, under PrelltginarA Order;C. F. 108948. approved Dee.19 Lar 36, 1988. AeaolVeb That the plans and 111)a.. officatlons r 011 submitted �� herewith by the Cgmmeslonor of Fublle -WorApN' be and the eamd are heroby auhorlced and dlreote4 to proceed wtba k. ing of said lmprovemenS in aceq;dagge therewith: Adoptedby the. Council Ree, 81, 1986 Approved Dec. 81 1988. (lan. 3-1989) - DEC 31 ...._193...... Adopted by the Council ......_...._............ _... ...... nu 1. INS Approved............ ................................. ................... _193 ..... pei,iad'm Gtr Clerk cou„ea 1C16(-)9 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...,...._._—.••_....-- �j, -/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' h! COUNCIL LUTI .--GENERAL FORM ' z7 PRESENTE BY..............................._J............DATE......._D0C8IDb8T.....t'x.1.._1936........ ...... ...... L, COMMISal ._.................................. ..... ........_. THEEW, John G. Miller desires to withdraw application 16230 for On Sale Malt, application 16231, for Restaurant, and application 16232, for Off Sale Malt Beverages at 540 Cedar St. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon, Therefore, be it, RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John G. Miller the fern of $50.00, $10.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for license. COUN MIMEt Yeas N 6 as In favor ................... �e�firis-on 8� A at r .a 1 r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 I. C. Pearce, F. .ae-- -11- deal". 16830 for On e Adopted by the Council ............._ E.�'i....3.1...J%C3 3 - DEC 91 IT -A Approved............................... _........................... .._...193--- . ........... ...................._. Mayor. orw'alto Cit, ctehk CITY OF ST. PAUL cneso m` lUb6i92 NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 7O' CNC LUTIO .-GENERAL FORM L PRESENT D BY . ........ ....at.....DATE....... P.e..�ember...31,.:.19357............. ........... COMMISS............!...... .............................. RESOLVED That license for//Tavern, application 16093. and Dance Hall, application 16094, applied for by George Ifitthans at 757-759 Mississippi St. be and the same are hereby granted and hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. .00092—By_ I. Q -P, ee % P- M. Dec. 31, 1936. Informally approved by Council, Dec. 29, 1936 COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council .,...,,,DEC .._3..1...1-93L193..... Yeah Na s DEC `1 MgIn favor Approved ............................... .... _.... __.................. 193---- e e rson /.- Against !�„_._Y�. /.. /✓.-......... _'!`�- r a Mayor / `r cnzel Mr. President (Gehan) / 3M 636 ' 4 l.i�.utlsn �� ♦♦{{ ((��az2 Bbe°a a eouMm� lIV-03 . i. CITY OF ST. PAUL Yna tde ►n" NO.�______— u6 sucK 4�, OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERk� ytc" c COUNCIL RREES�O TIO GENERAL 47 '' A- =` RESOLVED for by the following persons at the addresses indicated That licenses applied be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: George Copson 4551 F. Snelling ^ Restaurant APP• off Sete Malt " 15370 R--- 15371 " " " ■ On Sale Malt " 15372 " L. A. Rohner 1591 Univ. Ave. Tavern " 15925 " Tanners Lake Ice Co. 996 Duchess St. Ice Delivery " 15930 " K. Ecklund 432 Car St. Grocery " 15s69 " Butcher " 15970 " H. Goodman 555 Robert St. Gas Station ^ 15571 " Rubenstein & Kaplan 626 Univ. Ave. Motion Picture " 15925 " Elie Boran 994 Rice St. Butcher " 15979 " Murphy Motor Service 145 E. 10th St. 2nd hand auto d1r. " 15996 " Kenneth McCoy 162 N. Milton Off Sale Malt " 16009 ^ Golden Rule 95 E. 7th St. Pet Shop " 16019 " Kregel & Laska 390 Selby Ave. Confectionery " 16037 " Toe W. Fischer 1196 E. 7th St. Barber ^ 16059 " Sidney Notley 370 Robert St. On Sale Malt " 16069 ^ Helen Kosoy 100 N. Dale St. Grocery " 16071 ^ Geo. Weinzetl 559 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 16073 " H. H. Kroemer 210 Ramsey St. Off Sale Malt " 16077 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... Yeas Nays darfuss FindlanIn favor Approved ........................._...._............_.. ----..............193_ ......................... Pearce Peterson Against Mayor Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) )M 6•)6 0"—I.. city Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK TION...GENERAL FORM COUNCIL RESOLU PRESENTED BY...........................................DATE. ..... ..... .................. ..... ........_............_. COMMISSIONER..................................................................................................................... RESOLVED Schuneman & I(ebbheimerB 409 Wabaeba Reateurant App. 16080 Renew. 7 Scott—Burr Stores Corp. 171 N.Snelling Confectionery ■ 16096 m James Eskel 739 'Phomas Grocery " 16099 " Leo BOuttell 469 N.Snelling Tavern " 16113 • COUN EN Yeas Nays es Indian In favor e ce e 6011 i 1......�..... Against fuaa l/ enzel r. President (Gehan) )M b)6 Adopted by the Council.......... DEC....a�.1..193 6' El' � 4 Approvved.... ... ... ...... ....... 193__.. PUBLISHED cousaL �... �?6(i94 orym.t.leu, clert� / CITY OF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ RESOLVED ,That licenses applied for by the following persona at the addresses indleaZeCL be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feesi M. Dyczkowski 149 state St. Butcher App. 16064 New Frank W. O'Brien 2029 St. Clair Grocery 16079 0 Sam Sevak 182 E. 7th St. tad Hand dlr. Oen. M 16107 0 I. S -No; 100094—By_ I. C. Pearce, F. M. I M. nycakovreki, 149 State St., Butcb- i,er, App. 10001 NOW. Frank W. O'Brlev 8tl88 St. Clair, Grocery, Apnn. 18078 NqqW Sam Savak, 188 H. Ith 8t., ind Land dlr. Gen., ADD•. 10107 No W. Adopted by the Counon Deo.. Sl, -1088. Approved Dec. 81, 1988. (Jan. 8 1887) by the Council,_�EC 34-1.0 ....-.-193 COUNCI EN..... Naysno� Adopted Yeas - �1-51 Approved..... 193__.. tersort In favor /.. ._ _... r a ..........Against nul r. President (Gehan) yUBLLSNF 3M 6- Ctk 0,40. 9.0 r :o�Hea NO.._..__R'16(V Y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM- ..................... DATE ................... ........... ... ......... _ . ........ . . ORRM.....................DATE..............._...................................._................... the of ~RESOLV WHERMiSection r 83 of the Cityic Utilities Charter, the existence eexistnceei of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE OVERTIME RATE John Mandel Filter Plant laborer 8 hre. .88} Certified correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 8er3d#atr— In favor peetR - Peterson Against Truax Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council...... JH 11 5., 193_... JAN r APprored ........................._...._..._.._.._ 93T c,..... /_.✓.............�--�� T'� January 4, 1937 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Gperatinq Highland Yark__ pump Ig station. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Regula man on vacation. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By President Certified correct Leon rd N. Thompson General Superintendent - OF •y�. _ ( ItID80LpT[ONe ��a���,A } COUNCIL FILE NO. ----- --- *" - --- - - ---- B--- y----- 641 ; t bi� s -0 i cunptrnoetaBF - - ---- In the Matter Of-_co7leyruatiu;g_a_eewsr vi 110 feet mouth of Superior Street. --------- - --- -------------------- --- -- - -- -- s under Preliminary Order -----L -----------------approved-__Ootober29�_-1836 - . ------------- intermediary ----_-intermedary Order ------$pproved---------------- --- A public hearing having: been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Coun`caT, having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, lie it,Q RESOLVED, By the. Council of the City of St. Paul that theesiaaa— oonet t a suer o4Duke Street ff�'lttet,36an , p ement tole a by the sai — -- Strt set to point _110 feet_=r�_eouth of _ or Stet� — - f_ — d the Council reby orders said Un ent to be made. E$OLVED R, That the Commisiu of Public Works be is hereby ins tel and direrA�prepare plan d specifications for said i vement, and submit to the Coun ' for .. approvn said app the proper city officials ereby authorized an ' acted to pGeed wing of said imp ment in accordance therewt . Adopted by the Council ------- JAN ---- 5_sA ----- __, JAN Approved .---------------------------------- 192- -- Councilman Barfuss Couneilmanm Peteraon U Councilmanditnzeljaa Wenzel JGiMr Mr. Vice I r,rijent (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of constructing a newer on Duke St. from Michigan St. to a point 110 Pt. mouth of Superior St. under Preliminary Order approved Oct. 29, 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is S 822.60 The estimated cost pl%root for the above improvement is - - - _ g 4-20 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 7 ' Norwood addition to St -Paul =526 14 7 do 850 $2560 South of 8 Grace's Subdivision of Block 2. 226 450 Willes Addition to St -Paul North of 9 do 226 650 South of 9 do 275 700 Total $1400 $4250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to saidmatter bythe Commissioner of Public Works. �- Dated - — / b/ Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D - a 0 P Y • St. Pawl, Minn ----------------------------193_._. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. GeAlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following imptovernent to be made: -- ------------------------------------ ----------- - ---------------- - - - St. -------- ------ St. Ave. j point 11.0 feet - - --- --- --- -- from------------ - Richig - an ------------------ -------------- St. Ave. to------ ---- -------- s-outti. oY Su error__ -_-St. Aff& 16: a- �Wj VA i i �� =44' IV,4 iA ' Office of the Commissioner of ublic orbs Report to Commissioner of Finance nanAmher 2, 1436--193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105578 approved_ _ October 29, 1936 ___193—, relative to constructing a sewer on Duke Street from Michigan Street to a point 110 feet smith of Superigr Street, and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------necessary and (or) desirable. 50 Cost per front foot $4.20 822. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-12-2'80, and the total cost thereof is $ , Inspection, Engineering, etc. $74.80 Frontage 197 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is_ _ ____ _ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, Co issioner of rublic Works. 9c. ° a 7..,...`4 DEC 5 1936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS J OF THE 14 CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing a sewer on Duke Street from Michigan Street to a point 110 feet south of Superior Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105578, approved October 29, 1956. Estimated Cost $822.60 Cost per front foot 4.20 Inspection, engineering, etc. 74.60 Frontage 197 ft. Yours truly, EO M. SHEPARD Chie Engineer Approved for transmission to theGevprssioner f 'ance Y IING C. E Comm stoner Public works. le,6097 »68087 H 67dttp- at ohLhatns' tue'srias ! ' y�inatnom "hams 6�treat�i���Sa�al .lt aet'rto9208al�tO4ti°otna�° "`. COUNCIL FILE N0 ------------------------ - b By------------------------------ ------- - i• iia +s dditign t_r4la ',' In the Matter of_-ghangin%g-tom grads_A_f_�lle}( _ia_Hlook_ 18� $t___d4n yinneheha Street to_F4u9uier Street1_tq oonform_ to the__red__line ori the �r�file heretOX t - eaent_eetablished_grads being shall _�L .y sttach4d @Aa_mnde s_ pa3't_ hereofl_tk�e_-P�'-- -- ; . line thereon_elan_-gredlag_dlley__in Blook_ 182 Stineoa'i Addition Pram Yina!eluhe'�street, to_iY�u�uier_8treet_to the_-pro�tlaed__p.�__��Ile_!�a� ea+abli�hpd,,__- - ------------------------------- --- ______ _ ------ -------------------------- - govember 5,_ 1958 __ _ _ ____ -__ — under Preliminary Order --- 106680 _ _-- -_ - ---approve , Intermediary Order____—approved -- ---------- — — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having full considered+ ` b the same; therefore, be it j M By the Council a Cit f Paul that e b� Ind tls11 itrlmo ar6 heroby ct,uc>L'aci,,auuull�l, d 991 ° - a1111911tr In iwd mattes' be dlscoutir. w. Adopted by the Council_______ SAN---5--119� --------- ---------- -------------- Approved -------- - ------- -- JA N 5 ti93$ 92- -- Approved , -------- --- 7--_ Mayor. Councilma Barfvae CouneihnanK� Peterson Trull Councilman Sudhaimm � (/ V enul 3 CouncilmanvWe Gehan PUBLISII)JD Mayor ikuwa Form B. s. A.-8-7 CITY OF SF. PAUL DEP4RTkig$4T OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER tom^ (A)..: In the matter of changing the grade and grading the Alley in Blook 16, Stinson'a Addition. from.Mianshaha Street to Fauquier Street, 11 under Preliminary Order approved Nov. 5, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Y The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 1151.40 0.97 The estimated cost pe cot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L�VALUATI011d C g... 1 16 Stinson's Add. to the City of $500 St. Paul in the State of Minn. 2 16 do 500 3 16 do 500 4 16 do 500 5 16, do 376 6 16 . do 37S 7 16 . do 325 S 16 do 325 3500.. Lots 12 9 16 do 650 2760,. 10 16 . do TOTAL, 325. 500.. V- B. B. If CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT IILOCKI ADDITION ASSESSED LandMLUATIO%ldg. ; .. 11 16 Stinson's Addition „=325 #100 13 16, do 325 800 .. 14 18 do 826 1200 , 16.16. do 350 1160 .. 16 16 do 350 1600 _ 17 16 do 850 1100 Horth of 18 16. do 175 700 .. 8. of 18 and (Ex. S. 34 ft.) 19 16 do 225 450 South 34 ft. of 19 16, do 300 500 20 16 do 350 350 .. Lot 21 & H. * of 24 16 do 526 900 22 16 do 350 200 .. 23 16 do 350 Soo Lot 26 4 S. of 24 16 do 626 500 26 16 do 350 650 - bZsst 75 feet of Lots 27 and 30 16 do 600 850 28 . 16 do 350 1060 29 16. do 860 400 Total #10860 $19650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 C o p 7 Sc: Paul, Minn ----- SePt-151-19ILe— 193----- , To The Honorable, The Council, City of .St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be m3de-. Gradingo _ _r4pni - - 4�ey -nznqTJ�4 and south: - ARA to Fauquier Sts. between Edgerton and Jessie Ste. ---- -- -------------- ------------------------ ----------------------------------------- ----------------------------- fwm----- --------------------------------------- --.-_.-.-_---& 7ARIW a — ---------- -- . - - -- - -- --------- - ---- 9PORRX r r e n A i_ n w 4 IS 4 N = .01 D a h[Llwt-aKZf-TJ'J QEL. WE ST MINS TESZ ST, I I I ARKWR16HT I sT I r z Z CLARK ST. 0 \� I " DE Sore 3T s. D o A DURR I ,7 T. I t� I BRAG LEY I 3T. I ' 3 JESSIE T I i I r ul EDGERTom 4 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Nov. 25._1336_ _ . _ _193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the P. J/ Council, known as Council File No. 105630 approved— November _1936 _ 193—, relative to changing the grade and grading the Alley in Block 16, Stinson's Addition from Minnehaha Street to Fauquier Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is___ _ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.97 2. The estimated cost thereof is S 1151.40 , and the total cost thereof is S Inspection $20.22 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1187.8 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:----- 3. ollows: — 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is_ _—asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. (QOM. OF FINANGE__- omm�ssioner o[ Public Works. 921 �•4 ��...8182 / 7 fi.. ((�� NOW 27 1936 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Buwgwu or cONKr.A RKrwlw IRVING C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. D.—Tr COMNiKKIONKR JOHN M. REARDON. SUPT. GEORGE M. BHEPARD. C.— E ...... R orncK ENaMK[w G. H. HERROLD CHi [Row. CL RK MARK W.W000RuFF November 21, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs BURKAU or SAHIT—ON FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BURKAU or BRIOGKS M. S. GRYTBAK. ENO-- BURKAU OF CORRK-1110 RAY J. KARTAK. Burr. I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade and grading the Alley in Block 16, Stinson/s Addition from Minnehaha Street to Fauquier Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 105650, approved November 9, 1986. Estimated Cost $1151.40 Cost per front foot 0.97 Inspection 20.22 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1187.8 ft. Yours truly, -,.sj RG . SHEPARD hief ngineer. Approved for transmission to the7IR�VING sjoner q� F7ce C PEARCECommiso Public Works. JL s W PETITION OF REMONSTRANCE To the Council, City of Saint Paul Gentlemeni We, the undersigned, owners of property abutting on alley in Block 16, Stinson's Addition from Minnehaba Street, to Fauquier Street, most strenuously object and protest to the grading of said street as proposed by C.F. #106630, approved Nov. b, 1936. Owner Address Lot Blk. Addition 6anaome Remdtr Corporuc, , r (/ppmmrnuon (a a �/ N�-/c•-y c.r.�f I 9 iso Jr Z-4�#� 0 1 SIGNATURE -------------------- — x—v STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) sa C UN TY OF RAMS EY being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says thatpoulated the foregoing petition, that the names as shown thereon are the a�gn:i turos of the ers of the property set opposite thereto, and are personally ]mown to hW PAUL A. FRC)EHt.ILH. nota Y P.. -d" R,,,—y cw y Mlnn otary Public, Ramajoy Co ty Minn C. My cn--;on Expl," My Commission expires� December 26, 1936 City Council Si. Paul, Minn. Relmprovement la.matter of changing grade and taking easement in. Alley in Block 16, Stinson,a Addition. from Minnehaba to Fauquier St. under Preliminary Order 105630, and 105631. We the undersigned property owners of the property affected are OPPOSED to this improvement, owners of Sansome Reality Corporation. 747 Edgerton St 604 Lafayette Rd c _ - 172 C 3 - ✓moi`' Ci? ya- d lr - 7 COUNCIL FILEN � ----- - � - �- BY... -Y Y. condemning and taking-_ -easement in the land necessary for slopes, In the matter of ............................... ................................................................. cuts and fills . in th.e grading of Alley in Block 16, Stinsonls Addition from C. F. No. 108098—B9 I C Pearge— titer Street Inins matter of condemning and tak- Minnehaha Street to Fanq fns an; easement 1n tae land n6oea- earY for elopes, cute and flue ]� tf �rradlilg6",A l.� in-o�lc _tA, n� - ' n 05681 November `5, 1986 .......... 1 under Preliminary Order ........._..........._........_................... approved ........._...__.............. 105901. December 91 1958 Intermediary Order ......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consideree same; therefore, be it _ "y 0 -��t �.UqC y� _ RESOLVED, B�the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that '✓ _ rZo I �hE ASme er® h�rb� c �ee�:.11, �, ri:�; attd t+ SSR iiB � , IINMrl 1'to ei 1d matter be dlwontimW. JAil, 51 3 193 Adopted by the Council.............................................................. .............. ........ .....I .................... ............. . 19 Approved--------- ........ ......... ........_;......ia-. i+ ........ Mayor. councilmen,-, ® - f, ✓ I�a�' ✓ Truax ./Wenzel ./Mr. President 500-&33 PUP -1. `:'IED I CITY OF ST. PAUL [DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, AREPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER V In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 16, Stinson's Addition from Minnehaha Street to Fauquier Street, under Preliminary Order approved lore 6e 1966 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The Total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 60.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanaALUATIOgldg. 1 16 Stinson's Add. to the City of $600 8t. Paul in the State of Minn. 8 18 do 600 6 16 do 600 4 16 do 600 8 18 do 378 6 18 do 376 7 18 do 626 8 18 do $28 3600 Lots 1= ! 9 18 do 660 6760 10 16 do 326 800 TOTAL, I— B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE . REPORT OF,COMNII$SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) No „ DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 16 8tinsonls Addition is 16 do 14 is do 16 16 do 16 16 do 11, 16 do Horth of is 16 do 6. or 18 and (Es. 8. 34 rt.) 19 is do South 34 rt. or 19 16 do to 16 do Lot al a H. or X4, 16 do n . is do 2s 16 do Lot 26 8 8. o4 . 24 18. do 26 18 do East 76 fest or Lots 27 and s0 16 do a8, 16 do 29 16 do ASSESSED L6n ]/ALUAT10114g•, $566 $100 s!6 No „ ass 1200 260 1160. 1160 1600 260 1100„ 176 700 ass ado 200 600 860 450.. 626 900 240 800 340 800 626 600 260 660 600 660 260 1060 360 400 Total 510680 119660 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. F- B. B. 12 Fi!l. f?gures a5ove lime sow a� Property Line. Figures be, IL "ir7e show Distance is which S/Opes 5x�Crd beyond Properly Line. Loc. & x5cc. Book NI?1884 8181 JES51E 5T Di 33. 2. 3 027 33 4.^ F - C6 Fr 7r Fr. ..................... IFck W.4— ry) 3)k Fr Ja'-. r. 1 Fr. F, ear BRMI A CS 12 9LR I 17 28 21 20 1 16 13u. .3 .9 D. Eo&,ERA"*T 5k. '6 5�i,?.iqni v,n�haba 1JA'quqvie 5,'o. Dr,? 17" 424 zo k 41 Offiee - of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance __ November 25,_1986 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105681 approved--- _Nov- 5, 1956 193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 16, Stinson's Addition from Minnehaha Street to Fauquier Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ X0000tx , and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. S. Said improvement is.- _ _ _ _ _ _.. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COm, OF FINANCE. O 12 a° ommissioner of Public Works. 8181 Nov 27 191A ®f;ndicafes Cuf. - - Fill. Typical /Yo 1a lion +Zo Figures above line Sow Cul or {ill a i Property Line. Figures below ;ine show Distance k which s/opeS Fxfend beyond Properly Linc. Loc. & X Sec. Book /Y°/884. Alley- Blk. l;/ Sfinsons Add Minnehaha Sf Fauquier 5� aJESS 1 £ ST. 411ey-9k/65iinaofi . MiAtImhe%Fauquier _ 15/6. Dr.2 hb424. EDGERTON ST. .... J 106099 t� t'aQTD1yAw rej� lrit OID' AP ,i t+fIi raeka`Aven ' • f' COUNCIL FILE -NO ------------- tsad b11.h orm'to th ad aao , _ t rAo. sMachet} a part . the ya'ee yilatabllrlhed .grana �shon• ,l bl:•• Elf i In the Matter of___4hanging the -grade of_Alley__in_Blook_S _Hoyt'e 8esrrangeent_of Ho�rt's Casco outlote from a point 420 feet north of Nebraeia Avenue to Hoyt Avenue to --- - oonPQrm to__the_red_line__on_the-profile; hereto- attaohed- end_made_e_�art__hereofl_ the-_ present established_grade_being_ehown_by_-the-blue_line thereon. Also_grading Alley! ;.. i.a_Hlnnlc-3,__Hoyt_�s_Bearr *�empnt_-af_Bapr�!a_Dia_Qutlata_�'raml_.Hebraeka_Asemis__tn_----- Hayt_ Ae�ays------------------- ------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- - under Preliminary Order ______106828___________________ -_approved ___-_November -- 1936 Intermediary Order---------------------------------approved----------------------------------------------- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having ffplly considered the same; therefore, be it RF,SQL3MED By. the Councilthe City ofSt.P 1 that a� b! W the sme are he*ab< rr.rr. !!cd, _. sl i?ed; =d resdiU !n said =.Iter be Adopted by the Council __._-JAN_____5__________ 192___—___. JAN Approved--------------- --F�- -, 192. -- - -- Mayor. Councilman &Wom Barfuss GounwImm CeaaPilentee-F&�AI-F Councilman eAi4Sleg� Peterson 4 Councilman cftdheimem Truax Councilman cVe>Zffh";A-- Wenzel Mayor Ism Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 PU"LISIiED�� , CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTM€NT OF FINANCE f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of changing the grade of Alley in Block 3, Hoyt a Rearrangement of Hoyt'a Como Outlote from a point 420 feet north of Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Avenue to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading Alley in Block 3, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenues under Preliminary Order approved November 5, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 1239.77---- frppnt 1.04 The estimated cost peyfoot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 3 Hoyt's Rearrangement of $400 Hoyt's Como Out Lots 2 3 do 400 3 3 do 400 $5850 4 3 do 400 3500 5 3 do 400 6 3 do 400 3500 Lot 7 and North 20 ft. of 8 3 do 600 5000. South 20 ft. of Lot 8 & N. 30 ft.of 9 3 do 500 Lot 10 and South 30 ft. of 9 3 do 500 4200 11 3 do TOTAL, 400 3850. 1: I. B. B. if ., CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED L=WkLUATION dg. :. 12 3 Hoytte Rearrangement of $400 $3600 Hoytrs Como Out Lots 13 3 do 400 4000 14 3 do 400 15 3 do 450 16 3 do 450 4000 17 3 do 400 3700 .. Lot 18 and South 20 feet of 19 3 do 600 Lot 20 and North 20 feet of 19 3 do 600 3700 21 3 do 400 4400 .. 22 3 do 400 4450 23 3 do 400 4400 24 3 do 400 3800 25 3 do 400 4000 26 3 do 400 4000 27 3 do 400 3850 Lot 28 and South 27 feet of 29 3 do 675 4750 Lot 30 and North 13 feet of 29 3 do 525 IRM Total 012100 $83650 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter /by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 1973 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 C 0 P Y • St. Paul, Minn --- 399te-5-s- 1956 .... 193 ----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading of Arona - Simpson -- May- anddrain--------------- ----- -- -- ---------- - -------- ---------------- I ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------- --- --- --- - -------------- ------------ - -------- from-------------Hoyt------------------------------- .-At. Ave. to -- Rebreska .-St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Robert C. Johnson 7 aid I of EL- 9 -Hgytl@ Rearrangement of�,. Hoyt's Como outlots Frank H. Loritz 10 8f 3,01 -at 9 9 do L. R. Youngdahl of 8 and MI -2f 2- 8 do �M 1 ;{,, tea eti c Q CD )---,—$NELL ING ---AVE; ASBURY A%VE. z > M AMor4^ % AV E. n 0 3 —T? SIMPSON AVE. Ij PASCAL AVE. ire HOLTON AVIL. F ALBERT SIMCLOON —.,—HAMLINE-- --- - ---AVE. - CITY LIMIT! bo tn. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to commissioner of Finance _Nnsemb�eT-M, _19-6--193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 105628 a roved_ Nov. 51_1986 _193—, relative to Council, known as Council File No. PP c in the rede of Alley in Block 5, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Outlots from a point 420 feet north'efRearrangement aTrengementof Hoyt'stComonuer also grading Alley in Block 3, Hoy u o s from eras venue o oy venue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— - -- necessary and (or) desirable. cost per front foot $1.04 2. The estimated cost thereof is$ 12x--- ,77 -- and the total cost thereof is $ Inspection $21.95 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1194 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 —.--- 5. Said improvement is asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement COM, OF FINANCE, ommissionerof Public Worka. ai�1_6 8184 NOV 27 1936 Commissioner Irving C, Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 3, Hoyt's Rearrangement of How e Outiots from a point 420 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt , also grading Alley in Block 3, HoytI3 Rearrangement ePof Hoit''s Como Order Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt , r C. F. 105623 approved November 5, 1936. Estimated Cost $1239.77 Cost per front foot 1.04 Inspection 21.95 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1194 ft. Yours very truly, . SHEPARD ie Engineer Approved for transmission to the Co honer of Finance IRVING C.E Commissioner of blit Works. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I RVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUR— or SANITATION BUREAU OF CONS— REPAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY COMYIEEIO— FRED DRIVER, SUPT. JOHN M. REARDON. SUPT. GEORGE M. SHE PAR D. CHIEF ENOIHEER Bu![AU or B.IOOES 01/Ic[ CNGIN[[w M. S. ORYT BAK. HHOIN[Ew G. H. HE RROLD BUw[AU of COR—TIONS ENO!. CLERK November 20, 1936 RAY J. KARTAK. Su". CNI[F MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Irving C, Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 3, Hoyt's Rearrangement of How e Outiots from a point 420 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt , also grading Alley in Block 3, HoytI3 Rearrangement ePof Hoit''s Como Order Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt , r C. F. 105623 approved November 5, 1936. Estimated Cost $1239.77 Cost per front foot 1.04 Inspection 21.95 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1194 ft. Yours very truly, . SHEPARD ie Engineer Approved for transmission to the Co honer of Finance IRVING C.E Commissioner of blit Works. =2� � � r e % •. PETITION OF46MONSTRANG , / To the Council, City of St. Paul. \ Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, owners of property.abutting on alley in Block 3, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como out Lots most strenuously object and protest to the grading of said alley as proposed by C.F. +105623, approved November 50 1936. r. ar Address _ Lot Blk. Addition f a t r /a27 22 GZ� ?%tee IE16-31 3 j , 3;3 ,• STATE OF MINNESOTA) ) SS COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) Omar L_ Petereons_ being first duly sworn on oath deposes and says that he oiroulated t e foregoing petition, that the names as shown thereon are the signatures o£ -the owners of the property set opposite thereto, and -are- personally ]mown to him.; that affiant has himse signed said remon- strance. bsoribed and sworn to before a thi Ey dayPu io,Myission expires MIM 1 _ �_S 0 � � `�I-� � \ U �A/ ,� ,� � � � . January 5th, 1937• Eon. 1. C. Pearce, On -9'r of ?ublic 'forks, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council today discontinued all orders in the matter of chanf*in,, the _grade and grading of on alley in Block3, govt's Rearranroio-.n-t of Aoyt's Como Outlota from n pint }}'?O feet north of "ebraska Avenue to 9nvt Avenue, etc. under Preliminary Order ]'os. 1050'23 and 105621r and also for the condemnation of a sewer ectserent under Preliminary Order no. 105625, with the understanding th,it yrnrr department won -LO bring in a new order for the sewer only. Ynnrs vorl tnrl.r, City Clerk. CO, 0 In the matter of.....cstads > S_aad--tnY nn-an--.ag....PAV ia--tlie_,land;-aecesanrg_for------------------------ slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 8, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt' a Como outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue xer nt ,;,.w • of . <; a u6 .ha :.if rrr m� sd+ 562¢......November 5, 1986 underPreliminary Order... .......... . .................................... I approved .........._.... - _........r r............................................. Intermediary Order ......................1Ob903December 9, 1986 .. ........ approved...._......._.......-------_.......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it FiE$,O_LVE_D_, By the �QIlILCi, of the City of_Saint Paul that � be 2W the same me l e_,� ,ad, and resebM fV to 00 in paid matter Yea Adopted by the Council..............JAN ...5INS.......... ....... -- ......... 193........ Approved..........................::...:t:19.E Mayor. Councilmen JLw A4 Ovoid• U42=4 R,&. R,&. . Truax Wenzel PUBLISHED Mr. President soo-a-aa ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �GS ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3. Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots from Nebraska Ave. to Hoyt Ave. n under Preliminary Order approved November Bs 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount gf the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _&LUATIOfj_ -1�g, 1 a Ncytls Rearrangement of 0400J: Hoytte Como Out Lots a a do' 400 a a ao 400 lasso 4 a do 400 rico, 5 s do 400 s a do 400 $500 Lot'7 and Korth $0 ft. of a a do 600 6000. south t0 ft. of Lot s s 1. a0 ft.of 9 a do 300 Lot to and south to ft. of 9 a do 50o 4100 u s do 40o $950 TOTAL. .... -.. 4 I- B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT PLOCKiii ADDITION ASSESSED •' i',IIa J•10 It $yrt'e Rearrangement of 0400 too" ,. Hoytts Casio Out Lots la 3 de 400 40M .. 14 a do 400 16 a do 430 to i do "0 4000 .. 17:3 do 400 3900 .. Lot is ead South t0 feet of 19 a do 800 Loll 20 sad Horth 20 feet of 19 3 40 800 3900 .. 31 a do 400 4400 .. its a do 400 4460 .. 33 a do 400 4400 24 3 do 400 3800 .. to 3 60 400 4000 a8 3 do 400 4000 i7 a de 400 3650 Lot 89 "d South 27 feet of t9 a do a 873 4750 .. Lot 30 and Horth 13 feet of 29 3 de 570 3000 .. TOW $ism $Sam The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter,by the Commissioner of Public Works. - i Dated s�� 190 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 C r: r. ,a,. ., :nom. ,:. , •": .:.: ,.. ,::,,, _.. ,- ,. _,, ,,:- ��. dre!64"_ n afes- Q I D ors f y T rca/, NofaJ�i J? k Nebrae No f A r x✓ ar.`; �gurrs' Bove r C o fore/` r . f P!'ne p w'lil7e shoe✓ - _ Dlsfan77 ce is whicft,;slo i ., .:' ...'n. - Ex�end.be ondPro ert �rr;e y P y: �« l:�d. XSec. &Loc. Book;lY°?374-126% ti_ Scalc: Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Novamhar 25,193 i_ 193— To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105694 approved— -_-Nov__5,..19$fi__ --- __ _193—, relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block S, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's Como Outlots from Nebraska Avenue to Hoyt Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is---- _ ._ necessary and (or) desirable. ' 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8 , and the total cost thereof is $ , and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof 4. 5. Said improvement is_ _ - asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ COM. OF FINANCE O 12 mmissioner of Public Works. c •....+a''4 NOV 27 1936 8183 COUNCILII NO. _..... BY /Z � / In the matter of..condl�mning..a d----tAking_an_ edsement_.for-- the---purpoS-.e Of....- constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the southerly 8 feet of Lot q, Block 3, Hoytts Rearrange- ment of Hoytts Como Outlots from Arona Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a stfip 5 feet in width on the north side of the above easement and on the northerly 5 feet of Lot 10 in said Block 31 Hoytts Rearrangement, under Preliminary Order ............. approved .......... __Aov.,3mber....5.th,...19.3.6....._.._ ., 105904...._....._-, approved ........_..._December gtklz...1936.............. Intermediary Order ...................__._..... ...... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be ite RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul th t v ��C Sw OF eon b0 Red the =ne ere her,'by c:....ell: ', ..nulled, sari reSCinbi 94 � WONOW 111 staid matter be discentu :cd. � s F. No. 106101—B, I. the matter or condom* ng, sn-e^-c _pant. toy L.:, ,A ex+ate a d the Council here orders said impro ments to be m de. n:.. .ru 0 nA li RESOLVED FUR HER, That the foll wing land, Ian - or easements t erein be and the arae are he by ordered to be to en, appropriated and -onderuned fort e purpose of ma 'ng the said imp* vements, viz The south rly 8 feet of Lot 9, Blo k 3, Hoyt?\hde ange ent of Hoytts C mo Outlots fr Arona Ave ue to thein th rear of sai lot, also a t mporary ea ement foructio purposes on strip 5 feet n width on the nortof thabove easeme t and on the n rtherly 5 eet of Ln saidBlock 3, Hoy is Rearrangeme t. R SOLVED FURTHE , That the Commissio er of Public W ks be aninstructed and direct 1 to prepare plans and specifications for said' uprovement, an the procials are he by authorzed and directed to pr eed with the making said improveme t in acerewith. Adopted by the Council..... JAN 5 t99. ..._.._..1 .......................1193........ ............ Approved. ._............ ..... ............... .. 19 v J ................l........�/.✓. - ... ---- ................-- Mayor. Councilmen D&WXx B f1aald '�=ice--=i<3 5— 4X r�WxxxR9i&e:er- PUBLISHED xtDxoaxx Peterson O >cx Truax "emidxx Wenzel Mr. President _Gehan 6-33 11'CITY OP ST. PAUL • y DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public newer on, under and across the southerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, Hoyt's Rearrangement of Hoyt's COMO Outlots from Aron Avenue to the Alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip b feet in width on the north side of the above easement and on the northerly b feet of Lot 10 in said Block 3, Hoyt's Rearrangement, under Preliminary Order approved Nov. 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $100.00 r The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION South 10 feet of Lot 9 and all of 10 South 20 feet of Lot 8 and North :1 30 feet of 9 Land Bldg. 3 Hoyt'sRee�rangement of Wo $4200 Hoyt omo Out Late 3 do 500 Total =1000 $4200 The 6ommissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / (J Dated/ X19 ( C Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A e-5 D HOYTB RE of HOVTS COMO OUTL075 BL K.3 A—o Ave. - A//ey in r—, o/LoF SEWER EASEMENT s-- of Engineers Na v- /O - /93G 40' SIMPSON AVE. A[ i r APONA AVE. a/ _"IV -Sl RE COME SLM_9 S Arono Ave A//ay in reare!/o/ SEWER EASEMENT - DR -3 N. 23] -BooF /2C) Office of the .Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance November 16, 1936 _193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of Saint Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under;consideration the preliminary order of the 105625 approved-- Nov. _ 5219-5-6 __ ___ 193—, relative to Council, known as Council File No. h ose of constructing and maintaining condemning and taking an easement for the pure A m.__b_]lc seWAr on, d across the southerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 3, ear o Rearrangement of Hoyt's Coto OutlntR from Aronaeae Avenu£orotne —3y construction npurpothe r— $es °n 8said lot, niso condemning and taking P �Y strip 5 feet in width on the north side o e a ove Basemen an on e r 5 feet of lot 10 in said Block 3, Hoyt'a Rearrangement. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said i .provement is____ _ necessary and (cr) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ XXX°OC , and the total cost thereof is 8 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 5. Said improvement is_ _ _- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. �t12,? Y .i 9' ..6....1''4 NOV 17 1936 mis.ioner of Public Works. 8174 orlst" w 0.7 01.k - Q CITY OF ST. PAUL "°"`" NO._..__., OFFICE OF THE /CITY CLERK / OCOUNCjL RESOLUTIOIy(GENERAL FORM n �� �/ �. RESOLVED a'..! .1 , ,venial- _ Frnn�. .• .q ami U!:�.nc� ser br sir That the bond of Francis J. Geng, Airport Master, in the amount of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) whereon the Great American Indemnity Company is surety, which bond has been approved by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is directed to file such bond in the office of the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss EW--- In favor Peterson -Against Traua Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 6 36 Adopted by the Council_.__._. _'�. N........ Jr....3...... g,� Approved .. . .... 193....... Mayor Oridaal to CUT ClerkCOU/ Mu IR CITY OF ST. PAUL n140_4C6103 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ': PRESENTED BY dauuary 5, 1 COMMISSIONER.............................................................. ...... ...... ........................... ....................... ................................. -DATE.......... ............... ........................N ............................ RESOLVED That On Sale Malt Beverage license #3267, expiring April 4, 1937, and Off Sale Melt Beverage license x}4443, expiring April 4, 1937, issued to Mario Nardi at 177 8. 7th St. box and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of Mario Nardi of selling beer to minors. COUNC EN Yeas Barfuss Nays In favor rs ............... r a .... Against l r. President 3M 636 (Gehan) C. F. No. 106103—rsy F. W. Truax, a. H. Resolved. No. 3 67 bale Malt Hever- 191 licenan No. 31e expiring April 1. 1937, and 4Off4, Bale Malt Beverage 37, enee No. X Mario Nardi 77 I. 1857, Issuedan to Mario a or, at re W. 7th ed ' be n r the same are hereby revoked Pooh recommendation of the d con of Pollee because of arf s and convic- tion or Mario Nardi o[ selling bear to mlaora..- Adopted by tha Council Jan. S. 1937. Approved Jas. 6, 1937. (Jan. B, 1937) Adopted by the Council ............... JA.%� .......5...1 3 ..... Approved, (1, 9.._? +_ ._.....193..._.. ..i...... ................ ._ ... .. Mayor crist..l t. Cin ct.rk coawaa � �6.1.�34 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. // OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (/ f / COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ - J' 19A ................................ COMMISSIONER ............................. ................... ....... ................... ........ ........... ....... ............................................................IIA[TE....._..Y....J�........ RESOLVED That Hotel license No. 1132. expiring July 15. 1937. Sewed to Mrs. Blanche Hendershot at 4561 St. Peter St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of Baily Gordon at this place (Bradford Hotel) for failing to register Hotel guests. C. 11. No. 108104—By F. ME True., O. H- Berfuee Resolved, That Hotel i llN . expiring July Issued to Mr. la"he Hendershot ai 4684 8t. Peter B1 be and the same are hereby re- voked upon ecommendatton o[ the Bureau of Poll.. because or street and conviction f N)m1tiy Gordon at title pieta (Bradford Hotel) . for falling to register Hotel gne9e. Adopted tby he6C t193711 Tac. S. 1837. (Tan. 9, 1987) COUNCI EN Adopted by the Council.......... JA.R.,...._5__t� 193....: Yeas N. arfuss --Findf� Q 1 4 In favor Approved.............................._........................_.193_... i e son � L �..:.:.. q.� s"................ ........... ..._.._Ma or %Ir Y At. President (Geban) 3M 6J6 Orlplo•I t. Ckr Clock nouwpL -CQ+'' ■ 5 CITY OF ST. PAUL u NO..� 1fV11JeGY• Ll V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,4�COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYE....._.'.T..S.nu..�i......f..._19......................... COMMISSIONER......:................ a......... ....... ....................... ................ .......................................... ................................DATE.... Il _- WEDR , Arlene Oldfield desires to withdraw application 16339 for Restaurant license at 355 Jackson St. and requests the return of the license fee deposited thereon; therefore. be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authevised to refund to Arlene Oldfield the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said applica- tion for license. C. F. No. 108106 -By F. M.. Truax, O. H. Barfuss— Whoreae. Arlene Oldfield desires to withdraw app cotton 16838 for aes- taurant license at 866 Jackson -8t. and. epueste the re[urrt'of. the;lluonse tee deposited thereop• tberefore, be It Resolved, that the groper city o®cera l' anfl they are hereby authorised to refund to Arlene Olddeld tae fee of E10.00 and to cancel -aid appllcatlon for license. - - Adopted by the Counofl Jan. 6, 1837. Approved an. 6.-1937. (Jan. 9.1837) Adopted by the Council., ............ -JAN 5 --of - r a 1:�` r Approved.._.............._......_s�d'4J� ...._c:..._a.!. _... ...�......... ................/yor C�B.rf.ssN MEN Yeas .Nay r £Faedler In favor { -n �%•.... Against lI/ %r �s /v /W zel / 1. President (Gehan) C. F. No. 108106 -By F. M.. Truax, O. H. Barfuss— Whoreae. Arlene Oldfield desires to withdraw app cotton 16838 for aes- taurant license at 866 Jackson -8t. and. epueste the re[urrt'of. the;lluonse tee deposited thereop• tberefore, be It Resolved, that the groper city o®cera l' anfl they are hereby authorised to refund to Arlene Olddeld tae fee of E10.00 and to cancel -aid appllcatlon for license. - - Adopted by the Counofl Jan. 6, 1837. Approved an. 6.-1937. (Jan. 9.1837) Adopted by the Council., ............ -JAN 5 --of - r a 1:�` r Approved.._.............._......_s�d'4J� ...._c:..._a.!. _... ...�......... ................/yor Crlslv.l t. clerk couNnl� -.�-� � �-Q6 CITY OF ST. PAUL nai NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY..................._..........................._DATE-logwY....5.r.._1932............................. ... COMMISSIONER.............................................................................................................. RESOLVED That license for Barber. application 16136. applied for by Steve VerrOs at 111 E. Annapolis St. be and the same is hereby,g ranted and the city clerk is instructed to iesue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. Na 108100—By F. M. True., G. H. BarLuee-- Resolved, That',,license for Bartter, application 18188,"Spplled for by Steve error at 111 n. Annapolis St..be and the saw's Is hereby granted and the I city clerk In instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Adopted by the Qcll Jan. 0, 1937. Approved Jan. 5, 1937. (Jan. 9, 1987) COUNCI EN Yeas � Nays Adopted by the Cotmril.......,,,�.f.�.�........;1...��j�..193..... I3arfu9s .................. In favor Approved.......................?i..................................... J ry N 5 e son ifgainet /L�............ ' ...... .... .. _ Mayor /I '�x r} JW ul President (Gehan) ant sle ikid �l b�!iq a covMu� 'lJ Y -V • CITY OF ST. PAUL ^`� NO i(?-` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK •COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Janoasy 5. 1937 ............................ PRESENTED BY .....................DATE....................................... .._.. . ................................ .................................................................. . COMMISSIONER ....................................... . RESOLVED That the application of Norman Bink for the transfer of his Grocery License #976. Buioher License #4596. and off Sale Malt Beverage License #4799. from 7140 Selby Ave. to 976 Selby `venue be and the same is hereby granted. and the City Clerk is hereby authorized to make the proper changes in the City's records. NEN C7Baarfujam � Yeas Nal % ///��� S n In favor / on Against /� � f if r a y......_... � zel r /At. President (Gehan) 3M 6]6 C. P. No. 108107—By P. M. Truax, O. H. Rarfuea-- ' Resolved That the applicatlon of Norma tt 'Pink for the iranetor of his orooery Idcense No. 878. for Li-. cense No. 4598,. and Off Sale Malt Bev- erage License No. 4799, from 140 Selby Ave. to 876 Selby Avenue be and the same ie hereby granted: and the City Clerk in hereby authorized to make the "M o ptedrd aby eth"Counc(1�Jan: 6,c1839. Approved. Jan. 5, 1987. (Jan. 9,1987) Adopted by the Council......... JAN ......_t5....!.043..... JAN 5 68f....i........ Approved............................................................. .. Dec. 31, 1936 License Inspector public Safety Building St. Paul, Finn. Dear Sir: owing to an unfortunate fire, which occurred at 740 Selby Ave. on Dec. 20th, we were forced to move our grocery and meats to 876 Selby Avenue, to continue our business. We will greatly appreciate having our licenses continued at our new address. Gin�c�le%.rely yours, , a Einlc�e Grocery and Mats DS OF y-3-3 /3�i��` - �/ 3-37—�yS`3� {� 7q 91 �On4'� / 3 (FC9— £ / - �{-7- 37 - SERIAL NO. OF ROLL -*2-I fA DEPARTMENT pi = ales k ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP ?PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED _ If Limited) LIMITED RETENTION DATE 14ICROFILMED \ AA -N. CONTENTS eo! NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT'OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUT -MER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED O SIC44ED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY_ MICROFILM BY Supero sor N 1531 N011lI1053tl Ad0]Otl]In % S08VONVIS 30 nV3ene IVNoI1VN ,m w i 9•TI �•T SZ•illll , O-Zlllll i • i VIII -Z- Z s Obb ra , b`rS r v O 'b, b7 'a B + h fir/ f'/•�\\ j b / O\\lj�