105018-105649_09-16-1936_11-06-1936A 0 \5 ° �o 4v% w.v............. A 0 \5 ° �o 4v% 6 SERIAL N0. OF ROLL o2 DEPART1,1ENT ROLL IDENTTFIC4TION SLIP !PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED -ci-f Li. snit LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMED C4 CONTENTS t NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAI4E OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED �� aT• d�Lz -ate Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY -supervisor COUNCIL1•-------------- V condemning and taking: an easement in the land necessary for Inthe matter of -----. ...................-----I ....................... ....... ---.................................. --............. slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 21 Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition from Dealton Avenue to Grace Lane ': nd ftifb 11Z �. icom .DeslWt A.vepw ' rder Prellllintnefp Q% l 4 fy��rovs_d. .a -'i Tu7y kt-193• 6 approved ------ JY -14 _ under Preliminary Order..........4............... - wma: A ..st 13 1936 Intermediary Order .................... 1.04T�4.. - ....................-, approved'. ......-..........??gt?........_..z...-----_.._....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it 44.1 P4 7�b�lr� RESOLVED, By the Co -unci of the City of Saint Paul that, b be mW the same are hereby canceilod, annalled, and reseftlW 40 40 pmDege�Sbo in saW nzr Iter be d sc en inaed. Adopted by the Council .......... SEP 1.6 193.6 ....................................... 193........ ..................... , SSP 16 so Approved.........................................................19........ f� /t/ Gam✓ ....... Mayor.. Councilmen Rr Pearce Truax M�rPrOesident , 6006-33 �. CITY O }''AUL DEPART, F FINANCE REPORT OF CO TONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Kipp'a Glen Terrace Addition from Dealton Avenue to Grace Lane �a under Preliminary Order approved July 14, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 50.00. The estimated cost per foot for the abovelimprovement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: D DESCRIPTION LOT sLoaK ADDITION ASSESSED - _ _ TLUATION.1d,. Oomenoing at a point on the South line Of li2S l6G0 ;. Montreal Avg. 218 feet Beet frog t* SBRly line of West Seventh Street, theneei Bast} along said South line 50 fest? theeee South 180 feats tl>,enoe vest 80 feats th"O North 120 Peet to beginning, being of the lortheast of the 89uthoaett or B,sotign SII Nest. 15, Township 88 North, Bangs 1, 2 bipplis Glen Terraos Addition 7100 100 ; 8 2 do 800 II 2 do 250 4 2 do 250 100 6 -2 do _300 600 TOTAL, it Farm B. R. 10 • - CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSTONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT JGWCK ADDITION •yALUATIO CITY OF ST. PAULA DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS FONER'OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ' DESCRIPTION LOTB�oc ADDITIOt4 �� ASSESSED SSSS O - - __ - t t,.,�i,=- - ='bias _ i; It j Lippe Glen Terms- Addition $200: II i8 d• do I �I _. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated j' 19�� Commissioner of Finance. Foam B. B. 12 ------------ D + Indicates cut. IM — Indicates Fill. I Typical Notation }S0 JD Fit ... s above line ahew i Cut or Fill at property line. Fiaurea 6a1ew line sh— I .data nce to wh.ch slope ext°ed beyond property s line. LLoc. Beek No,2 X51 XS... Bk. Ny2351� W ,> L KI I P P' 21• 60 20 19 18 4o F~Ga r. E �I we nF r. Z `ta I O 22 23 I Z4 j 25 J K I PI P Q W D ail r CSI k. 2 Kt pps _ i.11e%r %2 rYa Cf. - 3/op,e D.2 N4408 ALLEY B L K• Z K I p p s GLEN TE R R ACE . DEALTON AVE. GRACE LANE. Scale 1 40' WS E V E N T H S T. G L E N 17 16 15 14 13 12 i I 10 9, 8, 7, .. �... .. .. .. .. •• 40 23.3 29.3 i I r 26 27 r �F✓.F r. 99 j r Go Y. r Fr. t, Fr y d Darn' Ga Y. lGa✓_�,, 4.-,rv::r:,,n ia_- r�,.-t. :.i. .. .. ..... L: -.'.'. `_� RC o If {�.�r._.. x.;..r.....s.r .�wr-.I��. _.�° .�-,-s.rr�.�y' ,fY, ` ..•u�.;,ir. ,. a..-3---° ..... .. .... .. ��ti E.. S _4� p^ Ga r. Fr v Fr Ga r� % W 0�. rsy Gar.l (� ti /G 40' 28 29 30 s 31 f 3Z 33 34 o' Cr L E N T i 83 ' •�>os ' ^ �� d ENSON AV`s. X- c 6 �« ✓ i'.�?obry M / a� q6 � y 1 � R� P 0 X90. G �P ' Adopted by the Council._. `g► " - - 192_...._ Approved - �- �Al'f4188 Councilman s'' councilman Coancilman►a r Prarre I l r ��i,".9 Petrrano V Councilman , 1 i. ,J �1 TmIll 1 A � Mayor � Form B. S. A. 84 +. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER D In the matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north aide of Jessamine St. beginning at the west line of Mendota St., thence west 186 feet; beginning 10 feet farther west, thence west 80 feet, and on the south aide of Jessamine St. beginning at a point 72 feet west of the west line of Mendota St., thence west 50 Peet under Preliminary Order approved 7-6-36 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - -new a The estimated cost pgt�ioret for the above improvement is - - - - - - $ A8 - al d ti la The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDI I TION yASSESSED Lan C1AL.UATIOAL dg• `. jj 26 . 9 Eastville Heights $350 $50 27 9 do 125 I� 28 9' do 100 ij 29 9 do ii ,, 100 i 30 9 do 125 _ u 2 116 do 12b 3 16 do 125 . . ii 4 : 16 do 125 i; Total 01175 $50 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19n Commissioner of Finance. Form. B. S. A. &S D,•,,.- ;. Office of the Commissioner,, of Public Works Report, to. Commissioner of Financelr ----..J.ulg13.,..133ff -- ...._193_..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having, had under consideration the preliminary order of the . Council, known as Council File N'b.:.10425t :....approved:.....:.Suli..4.29.36.......... ...193......_., relative to repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Jessamine Street beginning at the west line of Mendota Street, thence west 186 f't. beginning 10 "feet Perther west, thence west 80 f`eet,'and on tee scut& sIde"•of--Jessamtn-e-Street; begtrmtng--st--u--goint--T2--feet"west--of-•the--west--li-ne--of Mendota Street, thence west 50 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: n 1. Said improvement is.......................necessary and (or) desirable. F Est 0 t ew b ile .1 - r sq ft. Old T 11e 0.08 er ft. �. The estimated coat thereofupF..a .............. andithe to cost dereo $ and the nature and extent of said improvement ig as follows: ................. ....................... ._..__...,.-_..-_-_------.._ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is.. .......................... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pro , subject to assessment for.said improvement. COM OF, -12 ... '�.1 Commieeione Work • P lY7DiEllS0 01i f 5620 COU1%CIL FILE NO...--...... ......... ar"ogyzo— n," Y-"..-...--•--...._ ........................... 9alt..r .[ aon ;d m+Finb'iind'^tak " FINAL ORDER IN, CONDEMN�luag�,��e otyz� EDINGS In the matter of -..condemning _end -_taking• an_easement-_twenty-.feet••. in w...... on, under,, across and through certain miscellaneous tracts of iand'in the NVJ4 of NWl of Sec. 39 Township 28, Range 22 and the W op -Sec. 4, Township 26, Range 22 r� x,936,. � �•e under Preliminary Order ----------1Q-4442 ..................-- , aPProved ----........-.-- sT-41�.Y 27-x- -•-` -•- . Intergiediary Order .................. ...1Q4.7.a5 ... .............. ....-, approved............ A> ._11..._1971.6.-............---- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, 'and having fully considered the - same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the. precise nature, extent and kind_ of! improvement to be made by the said City is _. to construct a sewer -fit and the Council hereby orders said improvement be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same ar hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvem .. v1Z•` an easement twenty feet in width, on, under, across, and through certain miscellaneous tracts of land in the N of Olt' of Sec- 3, Township 28, Range 22 and the NE4 of Sec. 4, Township 28, Range 22 /Also a temporary easement for construction °� acz . avrtnWvec °o'°; purposes on a stripof land 40 feet in with on each side of. the easement descri- t,, ed, except where said condemnation is not cessar�,q ff$r tht eka3bd�r�se RESOLVED FURTHER, Tha�t th mm�ssione o ubl�c ors a ere instructed and directed to prepare plans and speci#tcat ons for said' improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed wit the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ............ _...... `5.1_0._.---..... /_% 19 (. ....... -T .............. .. ...................... ........... ._ ,. y / 0 ' Cit Clerk. Approved..................P.P.19..lah3>t! Councilmen r: May <c. McDonald ? Pearce "Rosen Truax Wenzel Mr. President 6004 -aa clTY (AST. PAUL ` DEPARTM 5W OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ In the matter of aonQ�moaing and toking an wrrmm t insntp,-nit l�eR in width, one ander sorou e through aertai i isoeliancous trooft o! land �n the 1P.X } of li lt. of glee.. Township t8• FanCe H aid tM %A-'i 0 &tor 4, Township l8a Ranh a ter ttrM a purpose or­oonist'ituatin6 and maintaluiu! a pnblio. ewer extending free the rrsiat Douglas Reoud to, the joiat interoepteIr .is+�e! o! the Yinaeapelir-taint Psaiti °labiW7r Diatsist at a ,tom ea the Hight-ofAxgr o!' the 0hi«�ge, lerlipgten and ? Railway, we Mori. particularly deseri*d hereafter. the enter line of said caseeen; shall M a lin=adce wthonge fell easterly aemsing at thf asrthwest earner of ice. '46 Township e Was slong,the aerlh,llno of win see. 3, a ��ot 642656 feet, tIto hcnae�at an'sya]e angle to the risht of iN n for a di>tbisxc to the lett of 1!e of ler a dietsnoc of'l�l'f4 loot to paid of beginning, thence t s�x.angle to the right of els 141 for sistense of 230.4 feat, thcnos at an at distance of 789.4 feet* thence at sn angle to the lett ;2'I' ISO 30e for a $istanoe o! 787-78 1ee22 and 467fOn the south e most Of the b! thet[E.airt�lt�le..vlf sec. 4, Township 28, Rsng sautheart corn•* o1! said R.R.} o! R.R. >or Sao. 4, .thence West along the south so�II;�er►o disteAGG of 491.4,2 Teat, theme st an. diets a 38�ors noe o! 362.05 test, thence at an angle to angle to the loft E9 tyle ,.s1'ghtivef@ 'Ao lgic lhn�er sdAaxi�Ra4#4 of 4Q9.Q4, fwt: t)oi joint pa. of the Yinneapoli:-$stat Paul shnitsrq.Di6trial�, st a int snot that last reset s liar %I_U9rbbd iste'prlFlu ,7►�1I n'l9` a"tae�o! „30S.�e1'feet �xould i eherl► Right- on i tureen mmmimesxtx�;mnrking tits bvginninB o! aures on the southasly and northerly Right• 1jf`•'I�''1#i�51`diFldf the 4hidlRj�ri�gBSi'k'iir[gi�An"`arid'4w13toyx�I�C.Llrat4 $i6±i47�t�►st�•na�+Elnor3Y', . ,; of ,the ,neat: on the ssid isoythcrly fin's o! said Right-oP�fsy. Alsoi king and aoademning a temporsrq esaement !or oonetmotion purposes on e strip of land 40 feet in ddth an each side of the easement above, described. The ae¢ 4nt and teepoter eaaemgnt to be taken and aonda®ned except where b ­ said eoii�'�astibh is not nanee ai�g"!ar"the said pnxp�ifo•' ., N W corner of the NW4 of Section 3, _ . Township 28 North, Range 22 Westl ,thence South along the West line of ) �aaid_Seotion 304.84 ft., thence South ) u420 281 East, 589.45 ft.; thence )' AS.outh 720 48' East, 532.45_ ft., )' 5henoe North 740 261 East, 425.30 ft. ) _ lito_a point on the North and South ); (',line 772.25 ft. South of the North ) line. of. said Section.. tgheence North to I i part ). $9000 Northwest -1 o£saideSection 3 P the: ) said North line, thence West 1317.02 I 'Except Sts.) That part of the N* of� the ';NWJ) of Seo. 3, Township 28 North, Range 22 West ) ii� ^_. _$_ outh _of 4 line, co unnnencing. at a_point -J "..g - ) TOTAL. Fo B. B. 10 o:& under Preliminary Order approved July 21, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or 0 parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION iLOT 141.00KVALUATION ADDITION ASSESSED i Land Bldg. _ Beginning at the ) Miso. in Township 28 Range 22 6xciapt Point Douglas Road) N.W. corner of the NW4 of $eotion 3, ) ...::Township 28 North, Range 22 West] thence South along the West line of )' jaaid_Seotiou 304.84 ft., thence South ) !420 281 Esat, 589.45 ft.; thence j !South 720 481 East., 532.45 ft., ,thenoe North 740 261 East, 425.30 ft. )! jto a point on the North and South )! Iaine 772.26 ft. South of the North )' line of said Se3tion,_thence North laeid North line, thence West 1317.02 ) !oft. to beginning, being part of the; ) :Northwest I of said Section 3. )' $9000 " N �-gept Ste.) That part of the Nq of the,NWj), jof Seo. 3, Township 28 North. Range '22 West lyiof_ a_ line�g84uth ) �j TOTAI-, �! CITY OF ST. PAUL - _ t p,•,-,, - DEPARTMED OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER SIED DESCRIPTION LOT Bloc ADDITION L ASSE T16 IIaB1IIdVALUAT ON_ dg�' oRid right of way_to tk+9_intera.eot o't 0260 , with the West line= eNawah�o A 4 produoed.-.Southf._thenoe_North.one d tto produoed line 80.3 s _the_point.of.beginning..(Exoepstrit „ I described in.-din.corded infboo I I' of la 50 by 300 ' 412 of deeds on page 318) being _...L of Govarwnent lot 3 and_the E. _# ¢ of the Northeast n of said Section 4. P _2000 fA strip of land described in Deed ! � recorded in Book 412 of Deeds, pag6 i ) 318, being 50_£t. in width and 3001 Ft. in length, beginning 304.76 feet ) 4 East_of the intersection of the ) 1 West line of Hiawatha Pt. and the ( " IIN+yy_ right-of-w&y line oP_•said..._ Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railwwa�y �I Co. and. extending. BE'ly and paralllal i ) I with said right-of-way line, being'! ) _ in _Government Lot 3,.Seotionnshi _4, T.�p28) North, Range 22 West. ! 1 I ---- ---- ---- -- I Total e+3076 #12800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. IF— B. B. 12 N D 1 A N M O U N D PA R K r 4Z• 1`1 E.`4- S E C_ Z' I 2 8- 22 X04 • `sem. \ c N. ;/4N :SIV 1/4 5 E 3 `' - 22 N 'o 1 U z �- z i p - - ---- - do — 32 -TBT-T 6 - -- -- - - �• _ \ V• 40 - - TemPoio�y Eosement� / \ V \\ k Eoscmen! p�evious:y condemned shown fh us..... �� - - ✓� \� f SE-corner-NE'a.NE•s � - Seo..4 M/SCf. TRA( TS SEClsa 7H27 - _ - \\ - P\��/.C�o��';;;a,,,,,,g,,,/a>qY-Jf ER EAJENENT D4-3 N.-229 I,!• w M/5CEL LA NEOUS TRACTS • \ SECS 3 9 4, '28 -,22.•: PC Douq/as Rd -Ji la Fere Sewer Minn. BStA.0/Son eyDal. - SEWER EASEMENT Bureau of Engineers / 4�N.W.Con.SEC.3.11*22 - ✓u/y 20 1936, .e.s IND IAN MOUNDS ,'� P.ARK NE.'4 SEC. 4, 28-22 10 \ 409 \xx / \ 1— ^ N.�,V.y4 N A \ 362.05 TemPord!y- \ AO -1— -0-6 3Q•� N 'F -787.76 1 0- - \ Temporary EOFemenl-J / \� - - - \ �•� - Be/t Line Sewer Eosemeni'� ��yy�� - � - r 10 0$'ice of the Commissioner of Public` Works `° Report, to Commissioner of Finance Sttly �s 19E6----------------------193. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104442 .approoed_Jy.:. 1858 193.....-., relative -to- _ . Condemning and takingan easement twenty feet in widtiA% tmderp across Diad throv&- Oertain sissaUsusaus t*Ute of land in the It A.j of li.A. of See. 5i lowish p 280 fie,j!j and the H.I.J of See. 4$ Tomashlp 29� Rawge 22-1 for the ; I: purpose of constraaoiing end maintaining a pvblio sever elctdnding tzan;.the Point Dacglas Road tothe joint interceptor sewer of the ttinnespoliswesiat,?i<vl. Sanitary District at a point on the Richt of Way of the Chisagoe BurLtagton and Quincy Railware as sore zarticalarlt described hereafter. 14e144"arr 114e°1of :said eassaditt sheU be a line dsooribed as follows. Com mOing at the -northwest corner of Section 5$ Townsbip 29p Reage 22$ thence easterly 4m-'Ae north line of aaid peotion>to a distance of M.,29 test, thence a* as age to the riglit of 690 -•221 fbr a distance of 842„56 feet$ themes at an ° anile to the 11ixt of,SP-01 for a diaggacs of 199Rg, tom# to.goint ox:ts tt�a►oe 'at ago to 6ti�e t o>; 8d -14t for a' disteraoe ofilti?.d taeti the at en eagle to the rigwht oil ,for a distance of 759.4 f"ty themes at as antis .ts ,t6— w g�-• 1* "i"or a At nt +too df �ftj? 1 feet .to a point on the Booth line of,the 11,Ei o! 11,8.4 of 9eoticu de Tolnship a;te 22 and +147 feet wean of the 5dntheu►a# oorJR4r 4 said XJ4J of g.8.f of Siouan 40 thence W#O along, the 404*3t'610, f aaid:!L.IC. of 1tr8. of Seciicn 4 for a distance ot.11 42 feet$ thenalr'a an a►>glehele�ct:5f10.,1;0. far s. die�t.�w„ of sO1tr,ti5e 9a, iYs at eth s>ASIe io this rig`ot` 0-t s' dienieo 1f`�lti9.b4 feet to, e, Din int for ��ww�,of tho ltinneapoli's+5aimt Pasil Senitery District$ at a point Batch a . that 3ast'd,►m3bdd lice prcdwlW seaterlt i digitaiuM of 1104►41 feet would kites+• sevst a liiee.drawn betwMn• m3owoMts s rking the twgimaimg of curve on the southerly and 11oa't R'�':Hii�►#.oY '-U"s of the 80 11 iena4 228.47.1Ea8t abrtherly of the x1007 ^S", on the said son tlaerl,T line of said Right of Way. 1 taro comuii tning'a te>tijperary easement for acrostruotiop; posey on a strl# Of - +1Q'f`eet in ?�idtJ . am eReh side of the easemsnf,"abs+re,d?ucriked. This (uerid eaOseseht and ta"rery eaiaeeant "to be taken and olmd�ined sea pt edlare' e}:fid aandem»eist4► ?rot ueceasary for the said purpose. 6 ' so 1936 coag m.tT..ri Tta rro sreCarGsr. Los. 1.1;z r:,Tc).,rrrboer;• rig eo;a?scxs 2'eshf ozr p 4,';'%vircgq c�ozrear .� F,xcc;�.�• gaxc 14—rT ,,T ,da>£;V TU u Yxr; an `:}? asria ox PUG ds , J ori r: atia cJr::U r c r �c ^€ Tra : tsq c azrr cava Jrs as Ft r fqr✓�; n .c e s&err Lo_ eo r,t; xC;-.Fosr t;'�S T, e,� no::�f s.1� a3 f1€c ivaurr��.x� u;� �,,F� -: ). rf«rrFgrfz;�-1 ,; ua ,. a �cj T��Fr moi.. -:r_• oy rtre dR f..rkc' ItnsqpY:_gc>u ,;nq f7i7a2L b �Tc,or.y P �c� it ; rJa c6'v1.ur Fda:m6c;r U4irmneu�3 rar�r� afi":. ��3 J�t��uxrss-i .,;;; n,.a.c .rsr fiJr Cc:njTf:?.'J€ qC ,iWC�./)Y.UG,f40C( f�.uttf:',t•.,J.;f1., FS ti; 3.L•1TCF5.ii��, cEr,;rrsnr ra, i',�^u '?H"� ,.��7 if`�t'dL`� ;� iirs f.�r.T € ,TV, Or, a a , t ¢, + oi X v f Uy crTc d. :rat 5TH{: rres l3 0 rr lr C. i;-: r:r ` --'� `i+� „•is - :7'`.,: f�, Ts.. ,,€ ,,o _;r. .>9' L v,..• s:u:-, €GS irrTa r rix 5zrtTC- �P6. ;9' Tr pr n+ 220—M-2& cu._ u y1 acc ay S,_i Lc C° J uer•. .t :,r f?eucr, -4 su-ur"14r, CO fiFe T,tRyF ag 91e'-Tift 2az, - a ;: vesa oT.. s0'' eon' ;F(a;CG po .rJay-yaq:a4 T3c—r;,s ,or a 9'T::i:>xrra ns Tc?S' T.GG,V ra is{zF1 Or ork-u ut�,� p au : a14ta -` Tulsa oy Et o ..€ fox t yrs#::zrec on E;1�'`c+E ' Ga;r a ;,,,;r - ; F: a a k ;1 ,•Taut; a..r� trca.:Trfr 7�'xrc CE wFTca ;u �tY=s t' � 7ta^ arez dT, ���'4��� t.�c+' rlse=✓n..; }T Qorxfrs :3i 'oli: +Trf EcdiYaYt€Y{ t1j" 3 }TQ W n iaz,s;2? €ra r�.,�r , rx;x-frrT:.sj:� qty ;f:x�:g p e�a?r,lu:.• Tat #k {r f{ ;.; E;oT4rt ULC a'i�{ F; `n1r4' FE`�R 4 ..? �crpu�,f �i atfi rr rMray. iLna rinruaa and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. , 2. The estimated cost thereof is S. ----?M ------------------- - and the total cost thereof is t --------------------- .----------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . 5. Said improvement is --------------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. CO .1. G. FINANCE. 9* 6 ' _gyp. so Is3s Commi er of Publio orke. r orfttedroctet 406. k CITY OF ST, PAUL - - ��¢�� No 105.021 OFFICE OF,THE CITY CLC No tobodl=By M 8 paba¢—� A:e1�S Petartlo¢ COUNC RESOLUTION ---G whereas en chaDtee s ek y7 of vt 3889 'a¢Y ebpntyy rano aaQ oltY o[ th /- - , flret Olatle Withln! tlpvh COn¢CY W Er�•.••-I `^_ CIt ,PO¢talntl tat¢h10 DebyOt'iY 71 agaptleatle6 val¢a}Svn vCt'moreti .. ._... PRESENTED - ¢Inatr'Avgt Der atl¢t`(ed% 'ot COMMISSI4NEsaws `as ¢app¢&tor taxaloip, of an', opertg ftbin epph a• '". - WHlREAB, by'Chapter 371, Laws of 1929, ,any county and any city of tha�tfirst class within such county, which city oontains- -taxable property_ having an assessed valuation'of more than ninety- five per cent (95%) of the assessed valuation for taxeibls'purposes of all property within such county, are authorized to.oreate by; resolution of the county board and governing.' body;of.suoh`oity a Board of Public Welfare, charged., among other things,th the relief of the poor in such city of the first class and,suoh oounty; and WHEREAS, the County of Ramsey and the-91ty of Saint Pau1 •- municipal corporations of the State of Minnesota, come .within the classification of said Aot„and the said County of Ramsey' and the Pity of Saint Paul have, pursuant to said Act, appointed a Board of Public Welfare; and WHEREAS, said Chapter 371, Laws of 1929, provides that said Board of Public Welfare shall be financed by the City. and County jointly, to=wit, two-thirds by the County,,,, one-third by the City; and. _ .._ WHEREAS -'the County Board of Ramsey=County; and the, City Council of the City of Saint Paul have adopted their respective budgets for the calendar year 1936, and neither the.County`Board nor the City Council has power to inorease'said budget appropri- ations; and WHEREAS, since the time said budget appropriations were. made, demands for relief have increased and ara still increasing; and WHEREAS, the funds for the support 'and: relief of'the poor made available for the Board of Public Welfare in the respective City and County budgets for the year 1936 have been exhausted, due to such increased demands for support and relief; and WHEREAS, a large number of residents of the City of Saint Paul and the County of Ramsey are wholly or partially dependent CoLTNCItivtlla Adopted by the Council .......................... __......................193 .... a Yeas Barfuss Fiadlan Approved __ ..in favor. ' Pearx Pecer§oa (� Be- . .... ....... .... - Tratbc .._ :....... Mayoti we=i Mr, President` '(Gehan) � � 3M 636 '' u�,': 5<..' s _v"', oil tba;�i bonds;` of the ped Thousand- e� gift eof ` obt -ai'ningA bu aYi r Oeipind m City Clnk CITY 'OF ST. PAUL iaiNO1L NO. /Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK gg 7� sy COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM --_._... ......___._.__.:__....DATE........................................................... , Ong 11 (3) said bonds; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That --the Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time in such amounts as it sees fit, and in the manner provided by Section 1943, Mason'a Minnesota Statutes 1927,, at not lees than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders, and the proceeds thereof, including any premiums realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in s;, separate fund for.the purpose of poor relief; provided, however, that the bonds authorized under the provisions of this resolution shall not be issued and sold when such bonds, plus the outstanding bonds of the City of Saint Paul, will exceed the authorized legal indebtedness of said -City. The „,proper city officers are hereby authorized;=; ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenue of the City of Saint Paul a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said bonds and the principal of any such bonde,;matur- ng in any such year; this provision being in addition to the pledge of,the general faith and oredit of the City of Saint Paul fbr the ,paymeit:of,such bonds,_ and is not .in lieu thereof. The � 'proper" city officers are hereby=..Aireoted to submit this resolution to his Excellency, Hjalmar Petersen, the Governor of the State of Minnesota, together with such other facts as he may require, so -' that he may investigate and determine that the amount herein set out to required and within the reasonable needs of this City for purposes hereinbefore described, that no other funds are available in view -,,of other governmental needs, and that an emergency exists, �;Yeas COUNCILMEN 5�P 0 �9J6 Nays Adopted by the Council......................_......._...._..........193.:..._ Y Earfuss �o Findlan SE -P 019a .:....._ ........... In favor Approved ............................................. _..... ............ _193 Pearce Peterson % Against Y _ Traua / =C Mayor +wenul �Bu moi' /moi' �� President (Geban) 3M 636 odea w cqtv.cw& Cou"em NO 1 CITY OF -ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM RESOLVEDft&t the, ol&Iu of, the St. Psul Musicians$, P.Association, Local No. 30, A. F. of M. against the City,of St. Paul in the sum of 1192.00 on account of the furnishing by the claimant of an eleven - piece band for a pageant at Highland Park four nights in June, 1936, be and the same hereby is approved, and the proper City officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the sum of $192.00 In satisfaction of said claim, from Fund, Code,19-B-2. 1� i M d " qol —Iel, " ZiAae' Ad,pp'W'by the Council..SEP 1.0 M 193 W. LA MOM KAUFMAN Supt: of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS,'PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner September 9, 1936 fair. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect Will you kindly draw a resolution for presentation to the Council authorizing the pay- ment of the attached bill for an eleven piece band for the pageant held at Highland Park on June 17, 18 and 19, 1936. The employment of this band was of an emergency nature. All arrangements had been made with the W. P. A. to provide a band for the Pageant, as well as the rehearsal, and at four o'clock in the afternoon of the day of the rehearsal the department was notified that a W. P'. A. band could not be provided owing to the fact that an admission charge was being made to the pageant. So there was nothing to do but make immediate arrangements for a band so that the pageant could go on as scheduled and advertised. Letter received from the St. Paul tfiusicians' Association, which is self-explanatory, is hereto attached together with bill in the amount of 0192.00. Yours very truly, 111 �W - ;/L'� Commissioner M E. W. WINTER - yaJf �3 0 r a�Flca. caoAR ass+ CLU. RooN 'c oAn aa�a s rl 9ERNNARO ANLIEREEN n�EOW. P. RINOIUa F. C. NOWICKI ulcer... .i ........ AUIMII St. CPau Musicians' Association Local No. 30,A F. of M. $"m; Mom �li"'" } Aated'with American Federation of .Labor: 436 Wabasha Street St. Paul, Minn. September 8, 1936. Mr.. C. E. Speaks, Deputy Oomr. Perks & Playgrounds, Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Speaks: (1 With reference to our conversa- tion a few days ago, we are enclosing herein a bill in the amount of $192.00 for the ser- vices of Dave Boland's Band, consisting of eleven men, who played for the pageant at High- land Perk last June. The Band played three performances and a rehearsal on the Monday night s proceeding, at the rate of $4.100 per man per night, with double pay for leader; as quoted to you by D. M. Jeffrey, the bill amounts to $192.00 Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in the mr,tter, we are Very truly yours, ST. P MUSICIANSI ASSIH., i BySeoy-Trees EPR -m "Boost For and Buy in St. Paul" "Blow Your Horn for St. Paul Music" E. W. WINTER 6ERNMARO AN OEREEN E,4RINOIU9 F. C;N�OWICKI - .aj.,ullet vlca aw. ay..v Tat.[u.aa , y �g St. .Paul MusiciansAssociation o Local No. 30, A. R of M. ( er,tedd— } Affinated-'rith Amedem Federation- of Lobor: - �. o• 436 Waba,ha Street® St. Paul, Minn. OIFI........ e... cue nooue ; cioen a: � September B, 1936. Mr. C. E. Speakes Deputy Oomr. Parks & Playgrounds, Court House, St. Paul, Minn• Dear Mr. Speaks: r With reference to our converse, tion a few days ago, we are enclosing herein a bill in the amount of $192.00 for the ser- vices of Dave Boland's Band, consisting of eleven men, who played for the pageant at High- land Park last June, The Band played three performances and a rehearsal on the Monday night proceeding, at the rate of $4.00 per man per . night, with double pay for leader; as quote you by D. M. Jeffrey, the bili amounts to $192-00 Thanking you in advance for your 1 cooperation in the matter, we are Very truly yours, ST. PA MUSICIANS' ASS'Ne, �. BYSecy-Treae: EPR -2 "Boost For and Buy in St. Paul" "Blow Your Horn for St. Paul Music" y ° St. P4u1:Musicians' Association r local No. 30, A. F. of PL M ttWabasha Street, St. Paul, Minn. ornce ceown ,eu 436 ®u ewe noo.,e—C—R eee, September S, 1936. IIT. c. E. Speaks, Deputy comr. Parke & Playgrounds, court House, St. Paul, Minn. Eleven pieoe band forPageent at Highland Pari In June 1936. 4 nights 0 $4.00 per man per night and double pay for leader . . . . . . . . . $192.00 Od,eod tour clak COUN6IL VV CITY OF ST. PAUL nu ____.%IIS—..__.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i'y Aiet N PrCeraon-� COUNCILESOLUTI —GENERAL ,,d 8gtoa taeima3e n^t �t eller to tpb 2itnt gjatta td' dgI jt .. bnt�b'the4 PRESENTED BY Sloc} COMMISSIONER ..... ......l...... .. ....._. "�14C S (}filet .._. - _-....._ .................__........._.. s 11 �do tuenoy f vtua nt.re i�W.th�' a llr. ' t ma��'}8emen}°eRat YMMU, Roy It. Hilton has made application for relief, to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and 6e84emaents on the following described property, to wits Lots 3, 4, 6 and 8, Block 1, and Lots 3 to 12, Block 2, Galarneaultts Addition; and WHER&AS, the delinquency totals the sum of #6,841.84 plus interest, penalties and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $6,841.84; therefore, be it VMLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of =6,031.62 shall be first deducted from the total payment of #6,841.84, and that said sum of $6,031.52 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul In settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of ¢6,841.84 plus interest, penalties and costs. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council •„_ �t93s__._193..... Yeas Nays 6arfuas Findlan e'no 1� Infavor Approved..-_........................_._......_.................._...193-- Pearce ^ Peterson......... ..........................Against . //'V. _...._..:...:.::.__— ....... Mayor Wenzel 1113}i ZB ED ---/07 — Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6•}6 Ciq 105024 O,I,Ie., to Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL N acne�n. 1V rat 0. .............:.. �' OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK COON L RESOLiUnT/I/OQN/"GENERAL FORM (-yet%C``•�`-'-'.___. 5� v y COMM SSIUNER _..._.._.. ....._.__.._........._DATE.......................................................... .._...__: RESOLVED, that the C ssioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streetet Nevada, Wheelock Pkway to Walsh Alley --York, Sime, Mendota, Forest of Commercial, Conway to Third pare a go bu Ihee miaow - f Hoffmann, Conway to Sixth Wheel k Parkwa xo, Third, Commercial to Hoffmann t,{okk 8tme; ::Mendota;)IJnre. Third, Kennard to Clarencecos ny o'ss,:tnhLrd. Yo 1 Alley--Reaney, Fauquier, Seventh, Cypress '10"o -ill 3toam8 dannard _Alley --Marion, Woodbridge, Maryland, Carbon to':Clarence. nay Paugnler. Cortland, Maryland to Soo Line Bridge Fulham, Hendon to Hoyt N. & S. Alley --Almond, Atlantis, Snelling, Aron Glendale, Wabash to Myrtle St. Anthony, City Limits to Wentworth Alley --Dayton, Matehall, Pierce, Fry Nebraska, Niagara to Chatsworth Miecellaneous property as follows[ Fred Zlomas Oil Company, 277 N- Snelling Hemline University, Tennis Court Square Deal Roofing Company COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............. ...... W.._1..... v _ Yeas Nays >r..[+.... Earfuls Sep 10 IJ17V Findlan �.......... In favor Approved .................... ..................... ..._............. ......193...... Pearce Peterson .. J `� if . •-.. '.'_0 ._.. Against _.�.., Mayor Ttau: Wenzek Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 r'A t: g _ a .Oriala.l mCib Clark - CITY OF ST. PAUL c ftm— No 1-05025 • OFFICE OF "THE' CITY CLERK COUNCIL R OLUTION-- ENERAL FORM ESENTED BY WenZe ._.. _. - ... .. .... __..._..DATE......._Sept9mbs.r. ZOISO— ER OMMISSIUNER�....Y,.�__....... P••••` RESOLVED WHIRUS# the Minnesota ontraating Oompany, Inc., contractor on P.W.A. project l[inn. 1253-R has submitted proposa3a to do work described in Change Order #1 as an addition to his contract for the sum of $1101.28 and has stated in his proposal that no calendar days additional will be required to complete his contract because of these changes, and WHEREAS, these proposals have been approved by the Engineer for the Water Department, and W13REAS, sufficient funds.Por these changes are available, now therefore be it RESOLVED, thtt,2 the Contractorta,proposals be and hereby are aeeepted, subject to the approvai,of the P.W.A. C F No Z,OBO$6—$Y g- G Weasel i Whereas t![e ]Nlnneeota Cgntraoingl ComDanY 7nm bontraator project : iMtnn. 186$ R hay, submitted yroyoeale t0 , do <.worky�deecrlbbd; ;1n " . Cham. order X0..:Y as; an 1JOloa, to hte`contraoi rbr the'auln oL iY,10L88 and. 3: has et4te8 is hla-proDMal that no cal end4r. da s addttloaai w ll -he retl�lree- tbCOII1D�Bte hta boa�l'aci beb6a9e qL: these;anagga" F •Wheeae, tneUo.cDroyoealA••tiava neeb BpD[g9Ed bythe Djaglabgr for the Water DeEpartmeai Q4nd - Whereas sufficient a', for them` • cpan80p are available Low`. tn0retor, be it Ree01 sel i'ihat :the CPntractor�a Deo- Vim ;be and Hereby are acceyyted sub jeot to,the aDDroQa at the P.W.A. -b ,t BeDt 10 1958.- Ayprbved 9eDte .10 1988* . �; •, iBeD,C'.18 1888) �� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_ ................�p: Yeas Nays...Q._1..... Barfuss Findlan ap 10 193F Pearce In favor Approved..................................................................193....... Peterson Trauz Against /........C({........ y . Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Geban) 3M 636 ti, .q BOARD 'OF WAR COMMISSIONERS W A TER D E P A R T M E N T LEONARD N. THOMPSON,^� HERMAN C. WENZEL, President CITY OF SAINT PAUL General Superintendent and Engineer IRVING C PEARCE JOHN C FLANAGAN, AXEL F. PETERSON Capital of Minnesota Assistant Secretary and Registrar R. A. THUMA, HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner Ch. & Bact. Supt. Filtration Plant W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner ego THE CITY OF PURE DRINKING WATER September 10, 1936 Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Utilities, City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: I am handing to you herewith a Council resolution covering a change order and extra work due the Minnesota Contractors, Inc., for the following items: 4 - 4" by-passes ordered installed on the 24" valves @ $70.50 - $282.00 4 - Valve boxes for the above by-pass valves @ $3.00 - 12.00 Brick -work required under 4 valve boxes @ $13.22 each - 52.88 Extra work occasioned the contractor because of the blowing out of a 30" plug at Larpenteur and the right -of -ray - 351.31 Extra work occasioned because of change in alignment which was ordered by the Rater Department on the line known as Unit #8 supplying the new sewage disposal plant at Pig's Eye -Island - 403.09 $1101.28' Yours very truly, onard N.Thompson General SuperintendInt LNT-H PORToFC`AINT AUL GatewaY to the Oreat Northwest CITY OF ST. PAUL crjoft"'L No . .......... 10.5026 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... G ERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Pittsburgh Def Moines Steel company, contractor on P.W.A. project Minn. 1002 has submitted a proposal described In Change Order Number 3, with no change in the contract price and has stated in this proposal that no additional calendar days will be required to complete his contract because of this change, which Involves only the omission of the painter's trolley, delivered to the Water Department, and WHEREAS, this proposal has been approved by the Engineer of the Water Department, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Contractorts proposal be and hereby is accepted, subject to the approval of the P.W.A. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Peterson Against amst Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council .......... SEP 1.0 1.10193 SEP 10 W6 Approved..... .......................... . .................... 193 . . .......... .......... ................. Mayor, OrJ'J­j m CICV cl..k CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. - 1-C 1027 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COLIIVCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATF -------------- ...RK R I ESOL-VED That; ZkLo C'C>Xx7ilr;<c :JL3- kmweby approves the actL0,112L Of the 44ir;Chfts:Lng mcmneLm-d11m contract for furnishing and de3-:1:ve%-:LnS appx-o3c1insL1t;4D:L-_v, 5100'bi-Ick I s lee Creams 7650 doz. EsIcInto Pies, 4750 idcoa. X31'AL--x,-3qam and 14,200 doz. Miscellaneous Specialties to the ro314owi3mLIS school cafeterias that have city -owned FJ?:LS;Lda:L:re caLb3L32a t; a z C74DX3t--X'a3-, Cleveland, Hardings Marshall, Mecham e Ares, Hurrays Rooss�lt� Sanford, Washington, Wilson and Monroe, from SePt;e=j3.ax_ :jL. to juns 15, 1957, to the SAY MOB CREAM COMFliNYs -bl3Limg bo,&32g the lowest -responsible biddexes at, BL t0t;sa contractcontractprice 40:r approximately $8,693.00, In accoxIds'000 with their bid and award of, contract 120z*ebo fiLt;taC1XoC'L mL3nc3. the corporation Counsel Is hereby instructed to draw tip U3bL4Ew Xxx-c>13ox- :rorm of contract therefor. F -B.#9321* COUNCILMEN Yeas I'JzLys. Barfuss Findlan Pearce Peterson ^&-ax-A Lisr- Truax WenzeI Mr. President (C�')o 3M 6.36 193 --.- Sep 1- 0 IM Approved-------------------/-------------------------------------- .... ......... — ------- ..... ... .. . ........ / Mayor LC, 5C CITY OF ST. PAUL NO OFFICE -OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION --- GETIERAL FORM GOEMSMENTEDNB ` _. ------------------------------------ - ---- -- -_ ._._.__._ �;&g- _ --------------- k2E;SOLVEO Flnt licenses applied roirby the Following named persons at Uxe addresses indicated be and the same are hereby gianted and the city cleric Is Instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury or the required roes:•. F. d. l ogle 1051 Payne Av. grocery ,pp. 121077 Renes a a ■ ■ a Orf Sale Malt Bev. a 121078 a Goo. Geleter 782 Rice St. Ge.s Sts.. 2 pumps a 1212 67 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -----SE_ 1_o._ws193 Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan �.-- V Q '930` . e--. -_ In favor Aped w 1 — 93 Pearce - Peterson/ v Truax -- --- --- - _" Agatnat - ..-.. - - – - --- ___- _.._ .. –. Mayor Wenzel Q Mc, President Mwe ) 3M 636 - _ o CUT Cwk 105929 CITY OF ST. PAUL isN�` NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMIES ONE In the matter of curbing Roblyn Avenue from Fairview Avenue to Dewey Avenues under Preliminary Order C. F. 103689,_ approved May 21p 19360 and Final Order C. F,. 104478s approved July 28, 1986. Resolved, That th�,�37nna and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. ✓COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce- _ Peterson Truax ._ ...... .. ........., Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council.SEP10 0610 1 193 .................................__.._ ... SEP 10 Approved_.....__ . ........... . . . ............ ..... t..... f. -.........._. _ Mayor o�ldrri * a cl.rk a oma NO s .. f aT EIY AF ST: PAUL 203 OIIGE Of Tt1E CITY CLERK C4DtJN44C_1L_ F2ESOLUTI0N---GENERAL FORM PRF-SENTHD By /�/) S �b0r 2Q M956 _ COMMISSIONER......._.............DATE.–._._—._ ter`_–_____–_---____ �___.____................... .... .. ....... n in the matter 4--w-C' gx•ad1xLg Alley in Block 5, Mississippi View, IV being Auditor's No. 59 and Rearrangement of tine *�4 from Randolph Street to SePf'ersoa Avenue, also construct a serer In the Alley Prom a poA xst 268 feet south of Jefferson Avenv.e to - the sewer in the A:L-LeW- From a point 268 feet south of Sa�f'ersoa Avenue to the sewer 1 _Li --TeY'£erson Avenue, under Prelilniaaxg - CIXd4m" C. F. 102597, app=-Mv� -Taazsary 9, 1956, and Final Order C:.. i'_ Z0344S approved April 28, 396 - 'Resolved., TYi�'G tkue pl.sus and specifications as sui�*�+i tied by the Commissioner Pub7-:Lc Works for the above named imp�vv��PT+ t, be and the same ars - 34ewrebp approved. -,;- C F No.16B08q-BY B'v}ng Gearc� Ia the Matter OL sraain 'Al2ay � E1oc�3c 8, DRlaefaslpDl 'VZeW , b gi�iLOr s 8ubdivlslop Nb:' 69 .ane. th- - •meet^ oL e .Elms-fifrbsa-=-as�+do2y3:a $treetrto.JeRLetnoa.Avsane alaQ etruoQ'a .aewer,<3a the! Alle9 -3roaz 'a polno 986 LOet south o! ;7eaeraoa aver - - pueAo lhe� aeWor in,"She-.AIIa rom":; s golat -848.Yeeieoath, of SB'itHS'aQ>Z �'^ve.– _ _nUe"to.the aewer'.ia Je>re'rsoa Avea'ac� - under'.Praliminary OrBerG_ �'_^'YaS69'J " Ord.r. '• C . January 8, 5986 auB "was- 4 - Order. 8' 108446 sDD>•eva Y �yr-11 28, r-;; ' R9solV.ed, that the plan$ sad --pec SAM- - - catloas as submitted by -Lha Commia– alone oL Publie Worlse to s -tlsti -'`boys COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan. �-& In favor Pearce Peterson Agaaast Truax --- --------------- Wenzel Mr. President (Geban) 3M 6.36 �> ' 1 " Adopted by the C`' ,n ----------- --------------- O 1936 --- -� JbI93.--- sop Approved -----------=------------------------193-- - - Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL . ...... , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - C�O/,UNCI�R"yE"a9oL+UTTION--GENERAL FORM PRESENOMMISTED e t____ V ....._� v �!�..._.L DATE....._.... __---- . CRFSPEN IONE _. ____.... .. ____,___. RESOLVED That the application of H. B. Smith .for permission to erect an oversize private gara#e on Lot 17, Blooh 8, l[srriam Park 3rd Additioxi, located at 1871'Portland Avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds snd Pub110 Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue eL permit therefor. s - ReBoiveB, t319,L the` 1[cat-#moi � �' • B Sfultb. for, rye,a„i Lo-.erecL'*sn. over9lza y�•�,Yate g�agrr�,�a "on T aL'17 �2o�k 8;^Meitlii'+n' Patk"$t8 -A�l "-i located aA.. ;8210 .ilaud. M. -i la =-2saasby: - kill' 6d > 8,,; the COmID Pstiics �4YBronnfls �ati;$ �'ll�e�l�neXonyt`:avccuo�Ntea.sud-::iasuucL-: - 04310 isepa a par.�ttt -#Heretic - -. AaoDtad' by tb6 Cnnnctl, �3ayt= YI I'838.... COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Bindles Findlan In favor Peterson Againstg, imim .................... Wenzel 3bf 636 ^ JVir � ICS 1 1�i> i� uleu[ �7•.NII:C/ Adopted by the Coundi----- ��-- ---�9t ---193-.----- S'p 1:1 Im Approve:d............. --------- ----=-------------------- ----------193 - Q ...........---------- Y W. LA MONfT KOW FMAN -Supt: of i �Mihz - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mfunesots DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 44S C'ify HaA FRED M. TRUAX. Commissioner CARL E SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner _ 1( ERNEST W. JOHNSON - .. Supt. of Pleygn ft& CHAS, A. BASSFORD - Cffy An:hffM September 9, 1936 Hon. Fred M. Truax C ox=i s sl one r wear Sir: S am returning to you herevrith application of H. B. Smith -C< r permit to erect an oversize private garage in connec- iion with his home at 1871 Portland Avenue. %Ir. Smith states that the reason for this__ s-i-ze- garage is o accommodate the three private cars orm.ed by his family. `02ais permit should be granted. Yours truly, lad it rchitect T,AR..II NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT �GZA(3E. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13; Ordinance No. 1210, of the City of. Saint Paul, )Iinnesota, application will be made on 193_ - to the City, Couneil of trhe, City f Saint Paul, Minnesota:, b ��j)�� /fJ/J/// for y permission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy,Miinnnesota, to wit Lot // Block T✓ , Addition, S Paul, Minnea a. On the side of St .� Aye., Between St. Ave. lXbr %� /� St.Ave,:. 193 Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, ` ! 1 Jen` STATE OF MINNESOTA, s County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication Press co.. Publisher of the n ._.._. . being duly sworn, on oath saps- haat be now is, aafl during all t13� time Yiere3a statccl Yaias beexa clerk of the D1s- patah.-Pioneer ewspaper 3 ­—as the St. Paul DLspatch, CR gy gjoaj .,rte Pamsm and hes full knowledge of the lasts hereinafter stated That for mre oth•an one year iunlmedfatelp prior to the Publication therein of the .... - - priated ............... - ......... hereto attached, said newspaper wss printed and published In11sh Ix+-=aQ. 94_' iron its known office of publication ibn the,city of St. Paul in the untyof Ra�^Q 5. jE;*-$� of Minnesota, from which It purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each weeg is column and sheet form egnivaleat in space, to at least 450 runn4^s laches of sj++g:be column two Inches wide - bas been Issued from its known office as above stated, e�ed in said Place of Publl- catloa, equipped with skined workmen sad the necessary material for preparing and prffiting the same: has had in its makeup twenty -live I� cent {1f news columns devoted al to locnews of interest to said community it pts— to serve, the press work of which rm,. been done in its said known office of P93b13cmtioa; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; bas not duplicated vvhollp, any other Prlbllcatton; has not been entirely made up of patents. Plate matter sad advertisem.eats; has been circulated In and near its said place of publication to the e2ct4exxZ of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter In the local postoifice of its said place of publlcatioa; tbat there has been and Is on file in the ofrj. oY the County Auditor of the County is vv*++C*X said paablication was made. proper Proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its as a newspaper for Pub- licatioa of legal notices. That the ........................... • . -� - - - C� - - - - - - - - - ...... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, sad was Priate:d and Published therein In the SSnglish itoge, o�,m1.t, week' � - - - -- - ' - - - .....iia �- that it was first so published on... _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the _ . ...... ....... day of y� _ _ .. _ ....(....... 19...., and therea.Pter oa _ _ _ .......�... mak: to and is ......................, 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, end is hereby acknowledged as being the size and Riad of type used in the composition aad publication of said notice, to -wit: a bede f 9 l i 1 m a o p Q r n t u v yz Subscribed and sworn to before me this_ -- - _ - -dap or _ _ . .... .. .. ....... ..., 6 ✓.L: c ' .......................... e Ramsey ��qv STATE OF M11WVESOTA, Cozenty of Ramsey, f Affidavit of Publication -------•--•-•.............. b-2-8 axx'13r sem=, cam oath `3 ys: that he now 1s, and during all the erein stated has bees clerk o2 the Dfs- R PER- I = -Pioneer Presses Co, Publisher of the newspaper known as the zE pm- � QSi�7 66 Pioneer k:r&"% and has full knowledge of the facts lxereYnafter stated _ -Ttrat for more than one year immediately priortothe Publication tlrertel= of the (---------- -__------------- . hereto attached, said newspaper '99vas printed and p d in" the�A=oe„=ge from Its Imowzi odiice of publication 3ra Y23,0- city of St. Paul in the County of RamSey. State of Minnesota.. Trona which 1t pa�orts to be issued. daily at least six days of each week in eok'-rrma and sheet form e�ivaleat in space, to at least 450 n nnino inches of siugle 001AMOa= tw+o 223,.3.e�s wide; 3b3t� a been issued from its (mown office as above stated, established is said place• of prrbki- eQuIPPed with skilled ,workmen and the necessary material for -- and 9 the same; has had InItsmakeup twenty-five per cent of news co xjx ua devoted �0 M4= al news of interest to said community it purports toserve; fire press wa=it of which bee.= done in its said known office of publication; hes coat"o+� oe t., _s -r ae,ws, com- Pm+t anmiscellany; iscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publicat3oraf ha:s not been ^Lixely made up of patents, Plate matter and advertisements: has bee= d+,. -ed In and near its said Place of publication to the extent of at least '*0 copses X`eB Iyr delivered t�c:3- pB.ying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second clnsa =aa6ir noatter is the M1300to$3ce of its said place of publication; that there has bees and its oa Hle In the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was .,•.n.ae proper S by one having knowledge of the facts, of its m,sun.-stions as a newspaper for Put, of legal notices. ZYrat the ... . ..... . . .............. ............. _ .. hereto attached newspaper, and was printed and p„ras�t,ed therein In vaCut ut from the columns of said ne-y---- X'' e' 3Pa-S'1is1h larrgrrage.ee= .......- ' - - - - - - - - - --- wee rs--� e + it was first so published on... /`.-!-'b-�....... the- _ - _ _ _-- -_______ �_ _ daof e 3 ' `/meq _ 1i1.- �, and thereafter on .../. 1 9 .../ —7 G .................. ....... _..___-.-------• �----; and r s'e I the following is a Printed copy of the lower case ak Pbebet fmm A to Z, botlz i-aclvsive, is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used is the composition � d publication of said notice, to -wit; - a b c d e f g h l i k l m a o p e r e t u - ........... 3G ='y -^-'bed and sworn to before me this ........ clay of .. _ . _ .. _ 3L9.... ' �`.. _.. - �a Ramsey Cormty. My exp .... _ ... - 19a aCeore the v, - CTX OF T. P 9 our+c•� I -- the regtat"gretlC-=oVir�, A.,�Le ett� a�'^ o3rowatn� �� 1�I0__----- =' =---------- •- _ _9aF8 6 bICH� i:14.aa86Y - OFTcICE . OF THE CI� l�agt§;� ty '•��� ,�,a•�i - - - l�e>.JxATT,XhyO'6o4 "1ip1'taz.,ti�,s:' ie CO Ci i2ESOLUTION--�vsrteL^;otiarca•-�2 sTc�: PRESENTED B 4YSv eY Yh�e�re;'ax'Y - COMMfSS�ONE'93ATE.-.-_ RESOLVEi� That' -the City or S-b , M'4%n1 aooept and does hereby acaoept tla.e conveyance rrom the registered owner thereof unto the Mity, oY the Yollowing desoribed res_ estate situate to Ramsey County, Misaaetsota, to-wit: The south 30 Yeet oY the northwest quarter or the 3Mort2swest _ ccusrter or Section 22, Towrish.ii p 29, Range 23, accordng to 'tia6 Government Survey til.63r-eE?Z' , sad a release of the mortgage 11 eZi thereon, which release was executed and delivered by the re8;is_'t;erec1 owner, of the mortgage afYected, and that said land be and tlae ssme hereby is appropriated 4mac3 dedicated to public street purposes and henceforth sha11 be ss=c3 constitute part of Hoyt Avenue; aati VIxe proper, Gity, orricers sre hereby directed to accept the delivery oY the deed or conve.Vzumcze sad the release of_mrortgage, and to re — cord the same in t©hLa g3-opex, oYYioe} c_U w�G� ".)t qu COUI�TCILMEN Adopted b SEP MOOD Yeas Nays P y the Council--------------------I IL ------ -- 193" - Barfuss y� Pindlan S� .SaIL - --- ---------------- In favor Peterson _Q�-.0.....- Against . -•--- ---------- Iviayor Wenzel 3M 636 Mi. Vice I'rlCSLLj.G1LC Z suT Clrw�t t. CUT G1TY OF ST. PAUL - AC AULACFFICE OF MHP— CITY CLERK a ; CQLJTICIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM � �+ PRESENTED BY- COMM,SSIONER--- _----- --------- - ---____.-__. _ -. _ _-_______________ _ __._ ..... .........----------- -------- S?s.._7.9,�.._----.-----. RESOLVED That lic®aaas for Off Sale. Va-It Beverage, applicaticsa 32-5a9, Besta=xant, app3i4=atiaa X4528, and On Sale Malt Beverage, app3icatiem 321.527, applied Por by`?osar -1m Do m» at 859 Bice Street bs aad tYta some is bmwe'by denied and the prayer city oT£icers are hereby atxt.U*rised to rePaad to J08eph Do>aagall the 1068 cX *5M -w-88; $10.00; and $9D.00 aad Vol csacel said applications for 3.i4--easas. ��-a»z66oss=ss sez:+�s '; R¢so3ved, fhaf_:-Itcaasas inr ;SQS". Sala• COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council- 193 --- r"- Yeas Nays Badfuss Findlantj Iu favor .{� jammem ----------------- - APproved 1 — Peterson n Q� ZAa yor Wenzel ent OrlQtaai to CIt7 Ct.rtc '//� ,� � ; ,.,•. . - ��yy��f CITY OF' S'T. PAUL :.��s `_" NO.—_�_s 3SJ�• OFFICE -OF THE CITY CLERK ��COCJI�IGIL iiESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _RESOLVED 2k%ftv 8s,stmu.raab 3aia eaQ a Ho. 7573. M Sala Meat Sewerage License 2976. ; tsnd CfY Ssla Malt Baveraga Id cease 3923+9,0=piria9 .Teouarg 24, 19372 iasaed to Anthony Golgan at 3.46 W. Seveath Stweet be aa8 the same m=e bewebr revolced 'upon rsooumesdation or the 3h resin. or 3Po11ce becaase or possession or ].igaor for sale vi.thout a license. COUNCMMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Peterson ' •gess --------- -•-• - ----------- Against Wenzel 9bl �� Nir..Vice :''resiaievt ("T�=i Adopted by the Council ------ ---$1---I Approved--------- -- — — ig3._— Mayor i g ffi:��uaxoas=sr Iaeaoload. aeaEaos�.,z cans4 ai-a Ysa�' �e]cDirla},r.;AUS�ai-3 3687 !1lAIIBd Lb Yea .� �Zero3 1'03 the 1 sTBaie `iibtBI s� �Y'b2 ,St:' - 'i�k#o>; Slsge�ye 8bd-'Liia.:'-+� SsLs+ia3sy:. :reR4 d,' uDo�d 'rec4axmeadaloa.�2C 'Wec b.Af oil'�e<Yor arl,4sl.,.sad`-.�Couvic-: 'Giga. Yam bbppeer�atih� .� dlabrdaigg. house: ;and vloYatlag the o3dinancS 1TYo E032. '°�fi�� h. re0.�sil+ea ,.,� i11e .cepyatmetu� at XdtlDisd by ille'.Coaa411.`$sPt 31,. 198- i - ADproxed Sept. `11, 1886 - (S9Pt. 49 Y 11—..f 1 - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK,•, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ----- �� • •s ., COUNCIL FILE NO. - i OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ......... COUNCILMEN—ROLL CA =64= B foes COUNCIL RESOLUTION G91111PL .��.IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ----- -- l0 1936 PEARCE ............AGAINS tI RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE D� TH ITY TREASURY. n 1f'911 TO THE AGGREGATE AM T S•---� �••. COVERING A CHECKS NUMBERED..... TO......f15{A....., INCLUSIVE, A8 Mice ��f.'�ll e11I CU&lt (I. PER CHECKS ON FI E T E OFF) E OF T E CITYCOMPTROLLER. V`......... ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL yr�w• APPROV _.._...�••-�' • —•• CITYCOMPTROLLEA .... _.. ..... ------- ........ ......R ..... BY__.. . �:..�..,.__...__.._...__....__- CHECK IN FAVORAF NUMBER r. TOTAL DATE RETURNED BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROlP1T FORWARD ICA q14:1 nil 28087 ,, Cleveland ►venue Meat Market Company 711 264',86 28088 Ooohran-Sargent 28089 Cracker Jack Company 139 65 28090 Heger Products Company 28091 '' Tri-State Tel. & Telg.COSPM! 63 70 31708 2$092 Peoples Electric Company 794"97 28093 Federal 0hem1081 Company 37 50 28094 J.M. Dalglieh 28095 General 1180trio Supply Corp. 4'05 12 03 24096 R. L. Gould and 002pany2 0 28097 P.. L.Hardenber R h b Company g 70 28098 )tiller Supply company Comp 42 74 24,36 I! 28099 Northern States Envelope y 2581j3 28100 Northern States Power Company; 5 M1 28101 Northern States Power Company' 121 48 28102 '1 Robiasonj Cary and Sande 000 y 28X52 33 84 28103 Stspaul Builderr Material Com ',i any 63115 28104 G. Sommers and company 28105 ! S eed4vLaq Produots company p 41! 8 06 T eon hQypeum ( 2;Vo 28 Company 81107 !' Us Be 1279 43 28108 '' Central States Freight Serviol s nos t7 28109 ! A181 F. Peterson$ 0. of Fin 9tandard Stone 002pIany a 4G 130 150131 28110 j 28111 „ Rev. J.A, Corrigan 28112 John F. Dsylet Abstraot Berk 3 00 28113 j Fulbruge Is 1`10"TesIno. 00 5,00 II28114 Murphy Laboratories 33334 28115 St.Paul Institute 28116 !' O'Malley & O'Malley, Attyso for fo Irene Davis 350 '00 28117 Smalley Staging 00111pany 10j00 20;61 28118 Midway Creamery Company 28119 Minnesota renoe Works 'j 55 03 3 1!20 28120 Motor Power Equipment Company i 8 65 28121Northern Auto Eleotrio Compan 28122 i�' Northern States Power Company' 1 168 X86 2812 1' Northern States Power Company j 1 714',$2 4 C 24 er 0 ens n � Company �! 2$1 Upart alm o p Y 1128125 Railway Express Agenoy, Ino. 93 3 $ !1 28126 0. Reiss Coal Company ij Ij 28127 9toPau1 Book a Stationery Com any 88 j?.0 �6. 28128 St.Paul Book 8 Stationery Oen any 180 28129 Stopaul corrugating Company 338 28130 1 St►Paul 01488 Company 3 28131 StsPoul Hydraulio Hoiet Comp 'y 23 64 28132 StoPaul' Saw 8 Mnife Works 6 k 28133 1 St.Paul welding 8 Mfg0Oompany 25 0 28134 St�Paul white Lead III Oil Oomp y 1011 ?.8135 Sanitary Farm Dairies 11 18 bo 14 97 28136 Soheffer & Roesum Company 2$13T Nohmidt Brewing Company 69150 34 14 28138 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 106 27 2$139 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company, 28140 Schreier's Auto Top Company 48 00 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 209 259 5 _ a* •r 9 .. 71 y,7,7 . DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CAL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ---------------------------------r ROY HZIISe COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY N FAVOR QQpteD'1�14; -+ WIZ AUDITED CLAIMS j,Q --------- -- ROSEN I RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAV�.jN ON TH CITY TREASURY. • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN OF s.503 0 ------ COVERING "PSd51>B. 1y36 CHECKS NUMBERED---�5 �-TO___----- 09 , INCLUSIVE, AS 1C,: . t,:.,l,cu[ TU8'V PER CHECKS ON FIL T OFFIC OF TH Y COMP ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE C Uty�l i------------- btbt . ..... APP ---•--• ........•••------•-' 19 ���- CITY COM TROLLER .... .+.... --A . 09 . SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD IM B �0 TOTAL DATE , CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 28141 Federal Chemioal Company • 150100 50100 28142 Standard Stove & Furneoe 001110 AY m90 28143 %' Yrs. Carlotta Trainor 3 28141} ,etre. Agnes Weise 28145 Robert If. GOT0e0n 3Z7 50 28146 Axel F. PeteTsonf 0. of Fin 28147 i! John E.fahey '.I company a 12'67 2513 28148 Coohran argent 29149 Farwell, Ozmmo Kirk & Compe 49'177 291150 General Ohemioal Company �! 1 28Y68 4 94n 28151 Northern states Power Oompanp�� t 19152 Pink Supply ompanY !� ' 1098 31 ,! 2815 J.L. 9htelY Oompeny :, 0 � 4 3 35 !� MIR Dict Speakee supply & Fuel pang 28155 '1 The Telae 003PBny 9211' 23 � 0 m an 1% Pg156 Villaume Ho & Lumber e o p y78 P9151 Vhhagen Tire Oompany�Ino, 14 04 28158 1e8tern Alloyed steel fleeting, Company's 79 P9159 Industrial Yeteriala Company 920113 29160 John As Plumb 2106 SHEET TOTAL --FORWARD IM B �0 .i I II ii f I I i I i i � I y DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL }� OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CA LLL �emaeef B ,u'sYs COUNCIL RESOLUTION September 11 36 d1m FAVOR _ v� MCDONALD pet® eon J AUDITED CLAIMS --------------------------------------79-------- �T - RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D[gAWN ON T^HLg CITY TREASURY. ER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5-.p7-I-&9t2V-------- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. [QQ[ TO___ n INCLUSIVE. AS rNL �' Cl' : I,.:I'::i❑(� i TUaB 41 PER CHECKS ON FILM OFFICE TY COM TROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE IY.-A------'---------__-- �• Y �"--. APPROVED ----------------------------- ------I `------' CITY COMPTROLLER C.• ----� R BY TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF ` RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT Foo WARD Aid Gad c 28161 Carl A• Eriokson 22 1 830, 0 28162 Thomas Finn Company 420 28163 John F. Christner 2 28164 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 126 28165 North Stan Bakery 28166 Northern States Power Oompan 144 0 43'5 28167 Northern States Power Oompan, Equipment Oompan 6a 28168' Cjjoulley 83'5 28169' The Seagrave Corporation 621 8 28170,' G. Seestedt Company 471' 28171' J.L. Shiely Company 28172, silver# Burdett Oompany 822 0 28113 'li L100 Smith 8 Oorona Typewrite coo 1' 6 28174 W,F,9Nith Tire I Battery 0011111 any 32'0 2817 90001phouun Oil oapmyozn 665 sed latex Silvio A 100100 2d�76 , p o 6 4 it itioe h nature Oo�y millpe y 0 p 3' 29179 Standard Lithographing 001011Y 16 5 29179 Standard Oil campany 422!: 28180 Standard Stone Company 3015 28181;1 Standard Unit Parts Company 136;3 28182 Star Photo Company 481 28183, State of Minnesota 28184 Stationers Engraving Company 221 128185 The Stavis Company 106 7 26',0 28186 Superior Refining Company 52 , 28187 Swift IS Company ko 28188 11 Tierney Ray & Grain Company 45 281891 Twin City Iron IS Aire Works 28190 Twin City Roller Supply OompsAY 15;4 I 28191 tl Twin City Sawdust Company 3OI 28192) Underwood»11liott0118ber Com ',any 1'5 2919 Universal 91 Ooapaay 10' 0 2 411 University ornorth Carolina 919, y 2819 Valley Iron forke, Ino, 3 28196 '' Ven Paper Supply 001poy 5 28197 �laldor� Paper Produots Oomp � 66 5 ,� 28199 neo, Warner & company )T 3 29199. 14ehington Foundry 00apany 95 � 2820 Wm. L. debar 17 7 28201 H.E. Wedeletaedt Company 28202 Test End Ioe & Fuel Company 510 3 26203 44 WestlundIS Market 51' 28204 W.J. Westphal 00� 28205 West Publishing Company 28206 wheeler Posting 9ervioe 376 23 26207 R.B. Whiteore 8 Company 13 28208 The White Company 23 5d 28209 R.w. Wilson Company 57 73 28210 Wolters]Brothers 138 29 28211 Worthington -Eamon Meter Comp y 64 00 2$212 Toerg Brewing Company 9 Bg 28213 Unemaeter Baking Oompany I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 225 29 d: IM e.6o 7 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.------- •NINJOY &TWO COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ----------- wt.ember-12 --------- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BED TREASURY. ROSEN CtAINSj, 4 Y,TCOVERING TO THE AGGREGATE A !--IT— t NOW MY CHECKS NUMBERED -------- _J. -TO ----- -- — - _ INCLUSIVE. AS ut k �57 N FILE IN F�FICE THE TY CO PTROLLER. f. vi,e , r,� PER CHECKS 0 H ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_,'__,­___.!�_ - ----------------- APPROVED-_----------------- ------ CITY COJMPT1194LER By---- -- -----­-------- MAYOR -- --• - TOTAL DATE CHICK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 28214, Martin Giesen 28M,! R. Z, Rulme hening & Shade Co 2j 1 28216,1 9t,Paul Letter Company 3 0 28217: Transit Supply Company 1 7 28218: western Badge & Novelty Comp MY 14 7 28219: CiTeal rrult 0031panY 28220: Teyen Construction Company390 5 29221: Northern States Power CompaUf 29222 Northern States Power Oompant 25� 9 2 2* 4 28223 ;: 09j, Olson 0 28224 Silver Arrow Distilled Water Ooo 22 4 2 690 1 28225Amerloon Development OompaRY 28226 Axel ro petereono 0. of Finance 357j6 28227 Axel Fs PetereoA Co of FiDA100 1 7291 2 6 28228 gra, OW108 To or R 0 29230 Memo, 0. of N4 7 500 V 11011, 28231 lel lo P001904 T1688, Of Polios Pension Fnd 10 0000 28232111: Geoojleel County Auditor 4616 28233 St,Paul Tewherel Retirement Fund Aeg000?lorenoe Roodetraiso 7 000-0 2654j: 28234 Northern states Power Oompan 28235 StoPaul. Abstract Company 28236 Capitol stationary mfgsoompan-y 15 9 4319 �! 28237 Central Co-Op.Assoo, 76 31 4 6, 28238 j Farwell,,OzIsuns Kirk & Compall 28239. Nassau Piper Company 1;5 28240 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Oompazy 3263 1�0 28241 "i Robinsono Cary & Sands Compaz� 415, 28242 H,B, Smith I9grq Refeotories 28243 Tri-state Tejo It Te1g.0ompenj 11111, 28244 , Tri-State Tel. At TelgoCompenji 1 11! I 28245 1 MT99 J*Vq Aydg Guardian 0, 01 28246 Do Van don Boase 1621 28247 JoL, 9hiely 003plAy 240 t 0 IM SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7: 500}`00 253 �` WiiE1tEAS, A written prc3r o- 3j for the making of the follow ,i ing improvement, viz.: �. �Agiulre,- In -Ir -49a ri<3_ a nroFrinte tar-c.+aytg ol7iLds p P99i-sem lots__ Rice�_a Pirst eLCld.i'tion__! having been presentee to me a-,omxx3Lcie o= xue %-My of .mac.-------------.------------ th&fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Com; + +� �� aer of Public Works beand is hereby ordered and directed: ' " -`- t. .To investigate the qty for, or, aesirability of, the making of said improvexrw- •t_ 2. Toinvestigate the estmt and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. '4f 3. To -furnish a plan, pro&x-Ie or sicetch.of said improvement. _. 4. To state whether or sow said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of Yee foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council--�------------- YEAS ^-__ 6ARFUSS. COUNCIL FILE N4...'...,....... BY................................................ s.. FINAL'ORDER kin�ffia 9e�ts itni tekldg, oondamningg p O:ar rv4 d tatia to >riuk�ty qnd had ' LL �..... ae k�oC OP to B q ..... In the matter of..,.,, r,,y : "t t site ,a = uitbping sur aae �ilvi^' 7r J. dui 2$th 1936 under Preliminary Order ... .1Q. 521 ................................ approved...........................�.......... � ............................. Intermediary Order, .........lam$1................................ approved ................_A'Vgu s.ti...14thf...1936............ A;public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- mg heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the Whe;:tko"refore, be it D, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind ofI llnp �t011t to be made by the said City is totake, CondeM and appropriate 10:1f. 104r d street urpose$ for Proepect;Boulevard the fo 0*9 rigbtty Lan gad structures ; it t and'l;the Council, hereby orders said improvements to be m de W - ESOLVVED-FURTHER, That the following land, ladds of; q sements' therein be and iC�e a[c� l 7"n�. `hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the;, bse of making the said'impioyements, Y12 . ;: berme r eY:�B to Cco98t�tictingt a patkw&Y ��Ft�? attp@E 'D�UrtenanRea'iBUda aq a@Weti@ wa p! ma ab a�i�o6'pavfa}r, retat@1 ;Wkllii aAl�`lalf `�, t t T{@.: ' 16 B�tork 19F, �1 "rU�;.v rot ��a?' ''��ESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and spceiheations for said, improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, y O'`' Adopted by the Council.......?....d...��1D................................. E Cp 15,` City Clerk. Approved . ..:.:........................................ 19........ ................i --l....d-............................................... Mayor. Councilmen {,it . Barfuss PUBUS�r fC� ,�,a0i ,,Ylndlan pearoe I Peterson /) Truax v r; Arlt. President m Me 3, � As wm*for the awry► ft0* for aorutnoting 4 puttrtith Street i tppMomo4iis eonh " $"Mrs$ gftdi�gr Wtv;s ri,g i$ ed londw 1- j +raaptag tl , pint of Let 18, 91ook ',fit. * ..iyW northerly of A Hu wish is W uuw« Biqa► r m 06atmm aine of ZW1S St, 'Tat Pat of Maas 18 and 1Q, DUA 108p no ► dna f"s a point on W 44*rayr us$ or Lot Ali to it• eou�Wriq o! dhi, n of porno ` of enid W• IC thlaNe, to a ,pesnt ou the i a Lot 1 18 thi i0iWrly W o! Doioa`Sb. ea<tgnd�ld gill Satairoaot ash xerltrrly 11" of Lpt , r i'lulti pi►t of iik so lying :het of aline dura Pm the aaprtp 0 oomr Of Lot $ to the; Orth uterly oaM►er ft Ltt It • all in Itti44'44dltio7ir:- Aa h��r Is Addition )Ang be*sen bampot ToMpl adtha Ilam ee +ot 0 a p41Alc on the lost Wo ",of:1160116t tx thi' rt aorgiir' lat 9« Block 9, thekao to iah OAt1 rout 3 ,' �,• ° "' ,��; ��aqk de �� Vic, �. �� t� aauthaa�t oo�aer v� � �, � r �� ox 10Naignar p! het 04 0 0 It r, x d8xf' pA4l' Q aa� ��► _ '' � djr•S�I�IvE+rS ,"u'1 Biu ,�'4` � "$. 'ia��aj�i<;; Mqd 1�plt9tural drsodbad li d1 i v' ` O of 1W In Tt14' g Molt Ow q !at as ao i9. Bt, rpt 7 � dhk b oi` a 1B onA 19ea! ic; in wn nortlurly axtriii ,aha oouutkeerl� at' 8t r �➢! B4Oa1c 1910 xrYino�a A4 dibla�a1t110aA Bthe1: 9tr Sud 9e1i4, 8t, 4ouQhe�►1y of 4`W & pat►t ;Im tha liarly ' 4!`8x11' 8t6 !r'»dzth of thi la 'iot g point 4i';'88ha1 qtr tmd .y $tr to a point an tho n+ rtbeeeteriy of , 1I� !"tx �iietol",q o! liid interaeotiag pgintr Jim of Mrd'it the aou rst oornar of 81i14re qnd Dills to le Blook 8deObbilrtatit1041 bio4 aalaurtal d0 it, on bum 8br and 80 ftr on De�ao' at "'v „ ip�d �; .Aw411)w *10#4 ad Oouthlv4 of the fogs*dpaoi►� d rr p*i pia All ori �trh't#4`� aE of thr a a aids db baot, ` r�i�f�'t�++� •�� o� �d�►�� 80� tq bha 'nuth of •�at . �er�Iorr'' ' Aila.M t Isr p "s of land IIOWO of bha �4#lgiivg di> d • gi t'.i�: nt !�+ p�1At 18 !tM raatthdaater�,y ;t;tht mat . all 81 t �i , ii,r ..�lapOri U r► pioa�r of pct l ii aoar er>y of thi►1 ! dparsbed ie�VSB tt a paait $8 PBsat hrtt�aa the ontbrnet aa�r at " �e 8h ��,1tat $t� Putl l'r�pa�r+ 111 �►� l+eia� ty A°:iauA si ��+►1 it, '�bnt pint a! Lada b �: a� 81aok 10, lying nosh it h puo1 to oa�ar + Crbet A paint on►{tha fat Sid. of 8tryxer Air A�fohth at thaw 1 hot 9�r llut pit o!r baba d 4 -10 , rt ✓ip � i � Yr h a` 0 'u's �'tJPJ1 1,.,.tl%{1 R4,NCa ySf1&d9 1js►i�� ouia Si'r6'� �rr�'�,Plto eolr,p ti0ft�1 Q �,� oawtrr. o 2015 V D100 J. i"01 ►�� 8 2 t vo 108 dfz' LO h1#404" � �iPu� ��oT��� g�aor.7peq J�51 DOW Y �paitbe rrQ� JTgV a a0fr�i0A off' ��5'oi ' , eIto; 4i1 Pik. @ gohd{t 0'i60 ,s ��-� �l�ttr'�rF�'hit�.Cti�"���*�a,��$►��i�'!f'_� , under Preliminary Order approved July 28, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul; The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated.amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 351000.00 The estimated cost per mr the above improvement is - - $ 5,00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: j! DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VpLUATIO LlIld . Lots 2.emd 3 .197' Irvine's Add. to West St. Paul.,$960 11100 NEtly 25 ft. of that part of Lot b - 760 1700 lying NW11y of bluff and all of 4 197' do ft .8131ly of Bluff of b and 6 , 197. do 'ly of a line drawn from a point on NE'ly line of said lot b, 86 ft*; 1 from Bellows St. to a point on �` $Wfly line of said Lot 6, 203 ftp ; 700 1400 from S'ly corner of said Block N. BO ft. of Lots 12, 13, 14 and 16.2b00 198' do 22000 Also Lots 20, 21 and 22 Lore 16 and 17 198 do 1700 90 TOTAL, Form B, B. 10 C., -K of sr. PAUL - • 1oEPARTMEN`T qw FIfiANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIMALr' - OTl PRELIMINARY ORDER, - 1I AOO►TION #s VALY ATio 1� } DESCRIPTION i LOT �BLoe,c - -- - --' r 3s 119s. -=rte ne 8_Add,- + do-- - X9. ;198 24 ' 199 ' do 11 1- 156 {Robertsons Add. _to .---Sty._-Pa!Lz1,.72 , 20© II KS - 9 1 159 -t do ,f 10 ' 159 - i do 000 r 1 28 !Town of West St. , Pa.v.1 650 j3 0011 1 ° Terraoe Place 400 i 800 h r C I _. do. 400 iSO- , I i 85011 do 10 :Town of West St. Paul 650 do _1200 10 00 Horth_67 feet of hots 5 ando 6 10 i 85Q i3 , 1 r :...: st 2. do25Ci- �• ! 2750 4 k Lot 3- _ay. We Q s 1 11 I, �_W"t__r.5 ft-... of,. the folly_. ag' _ f Gaatuneno3ng at NW corner o£ 'B. thence E.- along Pros_pa t i# Terrace to HE corner o£ Lot 4, -- if thenoe_H. along_E._lins o�.S.at_4_�- _ 1: 113 ft., thence W. to pp�t oa W. _ line--ofE. - of- Lot. _2.. 180_. -Pt �rcma P g do - _ _ 87 �._ 31� 4� _ thencse to place of be i;aning, ` - ? I I r �-- � jEsc.-:YY. bb__ft.._)_.Ca>�aenaing--s8 13T5i i___ u corner E. of Lot 2, tlzasla8 E. I i_ r -along- -Prospect-Terrace--ba,- -RTs c%-�ew_ - _ along E� 1ia6 i or Lot 4, thence S. of-Lot_.4�. 113. -f -t -r- hands_ W- to a i1 i point on W. -line of B. * or hot 2 I i thence to beginning. Part of. - 11y -do 4 I 51-_ lots__.3. and -- - _. 506 _— _ I � I -ft-.) W.-40 ft. -_off_ ___5 -} 11_ f - do_._ . , 1 s.. loo .ft.) Lot ga .__- { t +irt--or_ _ T�1 I -- - - - - --- - - ---- ---- - - -�-- _ -- y z�. CITY Or 8T. rAUL OEPARTMIKIN, SOF F,NANCE ~. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE p\ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER -ASSESSED .� {, DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK! ADDITION VL b.--_ 32._ I.Tovnl_of West St. .Paul __. __. _ 16 - I - 3 50_ _._. f ,(ExE- -. 30 o f1t.6-fr Alley) - _ f 17._IRobertscn*s Add. to St._Paul1 5 0 i ._l1 00... I_ - I � l 2 } 7 } do 1� 210 I I g 7 do JL ­`i --- - - -. L - r i II !. I 11 II i I { 6 7 do 690 + 7 i 7600 do r , 8 7 do it 6.01 - i 1 1 8 ( d0 690 - 1 iI. 2 6�0 _ That _part o.' Lot - 6 described nes I I p I followers G—enoing at a point on ih. _lana. betwielisa__ Lots _ 5- -and_ 6 83.25 ft}. - - ! -- (1 S. of NS garner of Lot 6, thence 1 along -S— _ -Um ..-of- BYerrery 28.30 j 4 ft. to tha 39W corner of Brewery, �l- 1 _ thenoa SS__on.._ _ine of_Breirs 40 t ft. to SW corner of said Brewery, being i i 19.46 ft—, _WW -- _ of .S. _line- of, -Lest --6; I 1 thence SS -bo the SS corner of said I 1 Lot --6; - thamoe..-W.._ on -M. -line- cf-Lot_ { {' 6 to begiaa3 ng and all of 1 I ii i {- -- - -- Lot_s..--3, 4, and 5 ' 8 � 19f�} 0, I � I 100I - 0 Ea the �oZloing Commenoin at a point oa the - -- line between Lots 5 ; 1 { said Lot the ce SW' la 29.30 13.46. ,,W -6. 63Z-_ ft. _ _ om_IAB. Porner of --_ oiaft 1ne of sald lot 6, 1' the Q -SP- �2 -toles corner_ thereof, �1, ___,_ Ithence Id. to be innsLot 6 �_, s _- 10 0 ` 110b i} 1 8150 all _O� i 7 8_..1. _ - do. t g ng) 660 I I i 1 0 8 do_ _ i do ) 11690 I I 10 0 1r! - I :ewes......, . I • - TOTAL 1 -- ---- ----r--+-- - -- ---------- '� - - � ,-�..� tU11M �.R�i i .t -_ � ' I i - - t . t � _ �� Total $52,825 $128,550 The Commissioner of Finance: further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated d —/� 19 Commissioner -of Finance. Form B. B. 12 � � y —S Q 4 S 199 y i 9 Colo 3 PPOS TERRACe Jp e s o qoo o R1� /4 �/�� / \ � ..� - - O �� / � 15 _ OO• \ - moi` .3 o P/?C'�S GE.:T BOLJLE✓G 47 - �.4'O�� Concord Sf - S-rn i rh A vc _ OOEN/NG / '3 �9g S? - O 21 iTAC46 Pr nt'/ TERRACE Ab vv CROS GEST BOULE✓A?:� �."��'O�'� Coi�co�dSi-Smith A✓c_ OPEN/NG � 0 � 00 4 r. - � � - �Q- CHEROKEE HG.HTS PROS ;3Q E R p,4 - -W� tA- O 3 9 De 410S J i v z a a aR05 PELT $OUtEV.4 R7 P -e{ CGnCO re $}_Sint ti' SVG. OPEN NG DP � 226 Shcct / of 2 A .1 - _ G� Citi 04 9 s r Oo R 4 / IP s h 8 9 8 <--OLORADO ST DELOS S -F 7 TERRACE PARK .3,4. OP 4 co ISABEL ST. 6 LOPENING SS' LJ ze, 0 AL -e- -Zoo JL 7.7 I U5045 By-------------------- -------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__gradislg_ Eilles ixLB}Qok_1 _Risg!s_H3.9hland__Park_snd_Blook-1,____.-___ Rjgar__B0,,lwvarA-Addi+inn frmm Bayard Vemle..+.0 Hari.fnrdAye}mg_And_1.T_OBLF1m1_LY=u_ i<p the North_A-n d SoutheYs----------- — under Preliminary Order_ --106- --------- --- ------ approved ----- --_august_ 6__1936--- -------------- -- -- intermediary Order -----------approved ------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___grade Alleys in_�1oek 11 Highland Park — �7�d SZok 1, Rived gyleyar�gd{jjtien Prem 8 [ar$�venue to Aartford Avenue end frca s t1pp_A-enue to the and the C til hereby orders said improvement to be made. RES D FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Publie Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to pare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- _eed with the making of said improvement in ac nce therewith. SEP 151 I Adopted - -- -------------- `—�--------------------- -- -- --- �°Fp 15 ®!ice -City Clerk. 17� � Approved-------------- -- ---- ---- ---------- 192- / OF -- Mayor. Councilman P,�rfuss Councilman „1 .. f o t n a u rUu1.L�ldC.U� Councilman t'rane Councilman o8an r rr •:at>u Councilman udF 'mg , Truax —Pablok e1.:'� Mayor Gehau Form B. S. A. 8-7 �Ca CITY OF 8T. PAUL DEPARTMEbM- OF, FINANCE, r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading alleys in Block 1, KinggIs Highland Park and Block 1 River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Ave. to Hartford Ave. and from Finn Ave. to North & South Alley under Preliminary Order approved August 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ 1245.00 fro t The estimated cost per2oot for the above improvement is _ _ _ $ 1.02 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows:'' DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED. L nv'LUATION Bldg.,, 1 1 .King's Highland Park $450 2 1 do 450 :.Lot 3 and (Ex. the W. 27 ft.) 4 1 1 do 650 .,W. 27 ft. of Lot 4 and (Ex. W. 10, ft.) 5 1 do 600 7400 '. W. 101a ft. of Lot 5, all of Lot 6, and E. 6 feet of 7 1 do 600 6900 (Ex. the E. 6 ft.) Lot 7 and E. 22* ft. of 8 1 do 600 7260 Lot 9 and (Ex. the E.22* ft.) 8 1 do 700 TOTAL. _ Dorm a. B. 10 . .. - C=TK OF ST. PAUL r. n��44RTMENT—qF FINANCE REPORT OF 4C--OMM1SS10NER OF FINANCE 01lwi PRELIMINARY ORDER C DESCRIPTION LOT !;,BLOC ASSESSED yALUATION Bl$g - $500. : - �. a do 425 4000 Z2 I 1 , do 425 f 33 do 1 425 �I 14 i 1 do 425 4900 _ n 35i 1 I do 425 4200.. r; _ 16 ! 1 do - 425 L 17 ! 1 do 425 5500 :. -i� 38 1 do 425 1..(Ex.. Cleveland Ave. and Alley) $_. ) if 207 ft. of N. ft. 3 1 .125.75 Cleveland Ave. & Alley) S . {i 20 do 2450 4600 -(Ex. V j 11 ft. of N. 145.75 -£t. of E. 152 :E -t -- E-t--J!(Ex. (Ex.Cleveland Ave. & Alley) S . _J! j{ 45.75 ft. of E. 162 ft. i 1 do 750 !ILWest 45 ft. of S. 125.75 ft. of =3 _ X. 207 ft. of 1 do 450 3800 1; (Ex. Cleveland Ave. Alley) N. 40 �& _ ft. of S. 125.75 ftp of E. 162 Pt 1 do 625. 200 .; (Ex. Cleveland Ave. & Alley) N- 4t3 ft. of S. 85.75 ft. of E. 162 ±4--c� 1 do 625 �I I Total $12,850.The Commissioner of Finance: furz]k3Ler reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his re'rport thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. � Dated 3L�� Commissioner of Finance. - F- B. B. 13 _9 Mr• Fred Pe LWT623,6 Depa:� St t of Pnblio Yorks, ci Paula Minna Dear sir, Baelosed pleame find petitions',agaed by residents of Bleak 1, Sings Highland Perk elEtdition, ets pinl: for the iWoveosvt,.of Pim Ave• %tween Hartford sud Bayard Avenues, else for the UVroveaarrit""ol,the alley betweiit"Hanrtford emd Bayard a frau Cleveland Me• to Piaiek�'le• .. aZ Y hemi to. use "i�.alley and Flim ATae whieb In proot lly lWassable in wet veatllore AIthough I an not a property owner.in.this bleak I would like to be notified of the hearings for this improveasent so I MY appear in It's support* very truly yours, As I* aoldenatw* 4.Z St. Paul, Minn --------- 5-3IItis+--- 193A-- To 935-_To The Honorable, The Council, f City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: o t�pen_:azid__grade--- i��--alley--h-otm-asn_Hart3_ord-Auenx --and-.Bay,&r-d - - - - x2r. Ave. from. -------- filawland-Avenue--------------- -3Z Ave. to------- V;1 -321L ------------------------ --------- 44. Ave. NAME TAT BLOCK ADDITION \ - 9 e '� -10 A I F Z -Z -e'4 VaIC 2 -77 0t -A2 Iv ,3az S Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August_13a--1938............ 193 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ----- 104646.... -approved .-....AUV.Zt-.6.,..193------------ .....193..-....., relative to the grading of Alleys in Block 1, Bing's Highland Park and Block 1, -------------- -------........................................... -- ------- ---- - ---- ..... - ------ ---------.. - -- R,iver_Boulevard-Add #on_from..Bayard._Avenue-_to.-Hartford-Avenue_. and from Finn Avenue_to_ the- Horth _and,.South .Alleys -------------- -------------- ------------ ---------- -------------- . -- ------------ and having 'investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is --------------- -------- necessary and (or) desirable. Est. cost $1245.00 Cost per front foot $1.02 2. The estimated cost thereof isS ........... and the total cost thereof is E...---.-- .................... Inspection $22.06 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1226.22 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .............................................. ................... ............. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ......................... ............................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------... - _.-.- -------.................... .. ........... ....--- ------- ----------------- ----------------------------------. 5. Said improvement ie_ ..............._ -......-.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, - ' 00 .� mmiQ.z... ssioner of Public Works. P 3r �� AN 141936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 12, 1956 Commissioner Irving C: Pearce, Department of Public Works. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alleys in Block 1, Kim's Highland Park arLd Block 19 Rivet Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alleyv under preliminary Order C. F, 104646, approved August 69 1936. Estimated Cost # 1245.00 Cost per front foot 1.02 Inspection 22.06 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1226.22 Yours truly, . E(jSHEPAIRD ief sneer Approved for transmission to the Csinnero G ComPf� o r 4 105046 1Sr hi in C U IL FILE NO... ...'" i FINAL DER IN CONDEMNATI=s$nd�tEEDINGS zn h141 ff t % ,, ri'V_ condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for Inthe matter of ........................................ ... fi......:..... ....... ..... ....... .................. slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1t Kingts Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to North and South Alley 10,}647 August 6, 1986 under Preliminary Order .......-----•------.:_._ ......................... .......__............. approved .................... -- - 64 st Intermediary Order- ................... - 1047 ............--........, approved ...................... August. -19 - 9., 1936 -- .......-56 - ............----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, King's Highland Park and Block 11 River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to North and South Alley. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block,lp' King's Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to North and South Alley, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said- improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making. of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ........... SEP-15AN6............ _........ .... 3.. ..Joe _ I q _ .......... SEP 15 � � ity Clerk. Approved.............................................•. 19 (y j.-... Barfuss r_r=7ar.! Mayor Pfndlan 9—T Pearce nald `1 _� e r''-Peter.mr nr♦( Truax - u�: resident 800.633 J � � 'c Indicafss Cut. — Indicetea Fill. Typical Notation +ao Fig-- abere line show Cut or F;ll at property line. Fieri-, below line show distanca to which alepet e.tend beyond property line. Loc. Book N02365X-5ec. Bk. Nc,0(a,S A//eys D/k. / Ki n9s fii9h/ori�Pari4. $- S/oPe. D.2N44/ N. ALLEYS BLK. I KINGS HIGHLAND PARK Br BLK.I RIVER 13OUL.ADD. From BCkyOrd Ave. HOtford /9 Y--. Sinn Ave. No. a, S. Alley H A R T F O R D A V E 13 A Y A R D r A vE. V--4 fi 2+7/.4 -j;( osto.l . yio 'Stu• LGO r l I� ci 5CO16 I =40 mss" 0 Q k: Stu. t; l2 i6.3f Ho. ` II2.o t9.3�! 0+00,/ O.S O.j 0.3 j K I N G S H 1 G H L A N D PA RK w ti > Q Q, 4403' 4385 7 j to j .S 4 3 rj- 1 60 S+t,. Stu. St'U.GOP Gd,l N Vl�ao ��� ole o\ r'n Hien �� PSS Fr. 1, LGa>j i i 1. Z 44.08' 43.5 10 I 11 1 2 13 14 I S 1-ro 1 7 ' 18 Z L K I N G S H I G H L A N D PA RK 13 A Y A R D r A vE. V--4 fi 2+7/.4 -j;( osto.l . yio 'Stu• LGO r 1.91 I� ci o mss" 0 Q k: Stu. t; l2 i6.3f 13 A Y A R D r A vE. V--4 fi � so ti INIc' yio 'Stu• LGO r 1.91 — _ 1.8 S.y! I Y2.St. k: Stu. t; l2 i6.3f Ho. ` II2.o t9.3�! 0+00,/ O.S O.j 0.3 -O 13 A Y A R D r A vE. V--4 fi CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FlbYV=_,. REPORT OF COMMfttONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ' IIhematterof condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and 'fills in the grading of alleys in Block 1, King's Highland Park, and Block 1,River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Ave. to Hartford Ave. and from Finn Ave. to Horth h South Alley under Preliminary Order approved August 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION .LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 Let 6 and (Bs. the Wo 27 ft •) 4 We $7 ft. of Lot 4 and (Zxo R. lob ft.) 8 ..w. U% ft. of Lot 5 a 411 of Lot 80 and Be B fewt Of 7 (8s. the 8. 8 ft.) Lot 7 and Be 28* ft. of 8 _.:.Lot 9 and (Bs. the B.8$* ft.) 9 . Ii. H. 1. 1 .Ltug'a gighland Faris 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do 1 do ASSESSED _WLUATION 914-1:_. *6110 440 860 . Sop 7400 ; 600 6900 600 7=0 700 TOTAL, 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FIN&HCE REPORT OF COMMI9SIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) T LOTBLoeK i DESCRIPTION ADDITION ASSESSED, VALUATION II � i.:. i. �� - - .. .bldg•' 10 , 1 '. Kin`I • jMgb3 oad Part t ri, ! 11 1,,r . do 4" 1000 12. 1 i1 do 485 32 do 425 do 4" 49W Is. 1 do lt9 4E00.. ' lo; 1 do lab 17 1 do 148 Sam do 4" (sme Cleveland Are• and. Allay) ]L• am no or M. 1=8.45 Y*. ) 1 (Sz• Cievsland a e. & Allay) a. 20 ( do a4b0 1800. )) no of 3. 146.18 f't• of S. 152 ft* 1 fi (me Cleveland Ate. as A21ey) S• We" Ili no or .$. i2so s. f0. of 8• >�7 ft. or ) 1 ! de 480 i800 (1z• oleveland_ Aioo & Allay) 2t. 40 ) Ijof $ • 1;8.7b !t. or 8o lea no ;� ; 1 do Gas goo.. _A-1107) go ) n* i3t18. 06.75 "0 or Is* oaf ft.a!( 1 s ) do 696 Total ;it,040. 548*760 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of �6 Public Works. l 27 l9 I9 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 - ... V/ Office of the Commissioner of 1?u1:>3ic Works Report to Commissioner of Fir><s.nce ----------------- s z§s 1986--....._.193...----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ------ 104647-...approved_--.--__--_-_A'gmzst 6� 3936 _-193.___.._., relative to condemning.. and_ta]dM&_ an- easement.-ia_-theland_ necessary _ _'or slopes. cute and --------- ----------- - ---------------- fills in the grading of Alleys In Block 1, M Ty 1 a High? s�k3 Psrg and Block 1, - River Boulevard Addition from BeAvenue to Harbrc)' jk-w-.L—�e sad from Finn Avenue to the North and South alley. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby r sports 1. Said improvement is. .necessary and (or) desirable- 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.-...._.?�---------------- and the total const thereof is 3 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as - --- ----------------------------------_--------------------------- ... - - - - -- ---------- - -- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached sad ms.de a part hereof. - • 4. ------------------------------------- ------------------------- ------ 5. --- 5. Said improvement is................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property GD subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. --------------- - - -----uL1 goner ofPubhc Works. CA AUG 141936 By------...... -.......... ------- ------------ .......... FINAL ORDER In the Matter of-_rele�ring,�-reoonstrua ing and repairing oement_tile sidewalk on the ngth aide of-_�,aurel Age4ue�be�inni�g- at a point B feet eset�oPWthe west line of Pascal Avenuesthence_west174 feet; and on the south side of Laurel Avenue beginning at a point 6 feet east of the west line of Pascal A,,enuel_thenoe Rest 66 feet, exoUt under Preliminary Order....... 104227--- _- --------- approved ..... _1uly.e1 1" ----=- Intermediary Order ....;..........................................Approved.................................................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Coullcil having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im� provement to be made by the said City ie., relayj__reaottetz�uot_and-repair__oement_ file sidewalk Qg_-the_prt.s�,de—QP jape_ ve ue, beeingintg_at_poilit-_6 feet_eesto the west line of .Pascal Avenues thence west 174 feet, and on the south side of Laurel Avenue,— — ,_ beginninet eoint 6 feet_east of the west in of Pascal Avenue, thence west 66 feet, excV where qod and suffioient sidewalks already exist,_—_ +` and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro ceed with the making of said improvement in �accordan/therewiAdopted by the Council..._...._.. ....._.................._----------•-.---------............. City Clerk, s plie a , Approved .........192 ........................................... .._ ............. Mayor. Councilman Councilman i1ols,140Mj f:;,,, j an , (o Councilman tMcitn7tatd r r;, , , Coun6hnaniagammi Petr, s,n Councilmani8irdheimeE a Truax C.wrW `. Mayor 1 Gehau Form B. S. A. 8-7 OF ST. PAUL ,» DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORMER In the: matter of relaying, reoonstrueting and repairing cement file sidewalk on the north side of Lgtarel Ave. beginning at a point 6 £eett asst of the west line or Pascal Avenue, thence vaest 2-74 feet; and on the south side o£ Laurel Avenue beginning at a point 6 feet east of tha wast line of Pasoal Avenue, thence wast 66 Peet under Preliminary Order approved July 8. 1936 To the: Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ "The estimated cosaRK0ot for the above improvement is SLO.11 Now the _ _ $ 0.08 old tile The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK AOOITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg.. 26 9 Boulevacs•d Addition .$660 $1350 27 9 do 650 3300 28 9 do 650 200 29 9 do 650 3800 .. 30 9 d6 726 3250 1 Summit Ave. Sdoond Add. 1276 4000 .. Total $4600 $15,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter �by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. ]Er m s_ s. w. a -s n J�x73 .- x9s 13x6------------ - 193.... -- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had_underconsideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -104297 approved......._July 8, 1986 ---------- ------------------193 relative to relaying, reconstructing and repairing cement tile sidewalk on the north side ---- ------------------ --------------- -----...................... ---------------------------------------------------------- .-------------------- ........ - ................................... . of Laurel Avenue, beginning at a point 6 feet east of the west line of Pascal .....-----------------------------------------....------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------- . -------- Avenue, thence west 174 feet; and on the south side of Laurel Avenue, beginning ------- -------------------------- ---- ................... --- --- ------------------------------------------ _......................................... --- .............................. at a point 6 feet east of the west line of Pascal Avenue, thence west 66 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports; 1. Said improvement is------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Estimated -Cost New Tile $.11 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S--- ....... and the total cost thereof is3— Old ...Old Tile $.08 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-----.-- °-------------------.-------------- -----------------•- -------------------------- - - - - - -` - --------------------------------------------- ------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........-. --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- — -------------------- ---------------•----- -------------- b. Said improvement is-.__._ ------------ ----------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. C COCA, OF FINANCE, --- � ..-...... .., nL, Commissioner of Public Works. lJ CR JUL 1936 COUNCIL FILE NO.-.. ............. By-- ------ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__relaying,__xQFai�i�ng_8zisi_;eoQ�atryat;;goement_tile_sidewelk--og.----. the south aide of Sel Avenue, e i� nnina at the great line of FrY StreetLthenoa_� weni-M feat, azoapt--9-tnnt driveway,-esae-wherKL_and_auf3.iaient_aidammlke__ already exist, under Preliminary Order_._...104517_ approved...............Juli!_28� Intermediary Order ......... _..I ...................... _..... _... ....approved ..... ................................ ......... .... -..w .......... . A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon duo notice, and the Council h8�1ng hard 811 persons, objections o d wommooklom MON thereto, and having fully W ik d the w; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of 1p provement to be made by the said City is.__relay,_ repair and-reaonstruot oe�ent til® sidewalk on the souh_efde oP_Se1bx4eAu�, b4ginnittg et.the.�realine_o£_Fry�txaethenno. iseat�lfi9...f�,--exaspt...6.-foot-.dxivawa�r-except--Daher-a-good•-e-std•-a�tff-#¢-ieat-�i�iew�1•ka-.._ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans -and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council__:..M�.. ----... City Clerk, Approved..._ 1 J .�:.-------•---..._x.,192------ / ,^ s Mayor. Councilmanz Councilman AwSMEMF' t: AW IIED 9— Councilman dam''Itce COUIIGlimall� _ �terson / CouncilYttan r ax /n Mayor " Gehen Form'B; S. A. 8.7 , CITY OF ST. PAUL �- '� DE>PAT`TMENT CIF FINANCE = REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE /U _ OK )PZIELIMINARY 0j2DER ( �`— F In the rpayter of relaying, repair1ng7raco ast x xxating cement the sidewalk on the south Side of Selby Ave. beginning at the VY_ 1:M -c== 6 of -Fry St., thence west 168 ft., except 8 ft. driveway under Preliminary Order approved July 28 s 2 S 3 4E- - To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a S folloays: The total estimated amount of the assessnne:a t $or the above improvement is squ e - new i e The estimated costperot for the above improvement is - ""may - - - $OROS - nod +ile The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as fo11<:> = DESCRIPTION tOT BLocK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lead Bldg._'a (F -K. Selby Ave.) 2S 2 Kuhl's Add. to the City of $1000, $2800 St. Paul do 1 AIES� 2 do 1000 1800 do 3L ? 2 do 1000 1950.; do 3 $ 2 do 1400 11000.. Total $400 $17050 The Commissioner of Finance fux ks�ar reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing -as his repors -thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commii ssioaer of Public Works. Dated a � JL_ Commissioner of Finance. Form D. a. A. R -S D Office of the Corzz zssioner of Public Works Report to Corz-1«vissioner of Finance Aug....51.-195§------------------------- 193---- - To the Commissioner of Finance of the Cityof St_ Paul: The Commissioner of Public hsd under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No -------- __Q452? -__-approved ...... ........_.J1?1,Y..28a-:1956._.....193--------- relative to relaying, repairing and recoastx—[zctiag cement tile sidewalk on the south ---------- - ------ ---------------------------- --- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - ........... ------------------------- -------------------------------- side of Selby Avenue, beg; Y2--1 gest line of Fry Street, thence -------- ------ ----------------------------------------------------- .-... ......... west 168 feet, except 8 Pt- �3rive�ray� and having investigated the matters anci L)lr3g referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is________________________necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile $.Z1 pes sc3— :'t_ Old Tile $08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is �_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __, and the total cost thereof is $-------------------------------- and .............._..._...._...---and the nature and extent of said improvexaezz-b is ss follows-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- � 3. A plan, profile or sketch of ecsiicl 3r* provement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------- -------- -------------- ------------------------ 5. Said improvement is-_ ______ =-sL --ci for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement_ COM, OF FINANCE. -------------------- 'sinner of 12Public Works. ?�...,..� 3 AUG 7 1936 FINAL ORDER edelk In the Matter of ... repairing,-reoonetruoting.and relaying the oement,il,ai on_hath_aislea�LYnnnd_�asb.►-b�rsgn.Hae�inga...Ay�aua-.aa.�.t4.��1...A9sB>t��.�..o�..e4�-th side of Hastings Avenue beginning at the east line of Mound Street, thence east 42 feet, exoeot whQ�_gn�d�sl_Qati-o-iQat_ai.d_Q�1�a_a�t�ads[_exi,�t� ___._. under Preliminary Order_ --104998 ------------------------- approved ------ ....... Intermediary Order ......... ........_....................._......apprpved ..... ' Wing been had upon the aboy Iii provonio �t "urn due Botico, and the Coulacil A public haring s g p 1loill haxdll pall objocti000 a�ld l'ocommoll tio�� raloti�o tll�xs�o, ��ld h�yio� f ally Goll�ld�r�d the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_ re,Pair j. reoonbtruot and relay►_ the owent tile ai ..oai.bQ�th..s dee i4Q>and Street betlrgen B�sting�_Age ut.l�d ldol►eaas� Awe ug an_saubh�..aisie..�..Bas�inga_.9xennua__begiaaiag._at�hs_��atllna�.n�.�G,o�and_Str�a+��s-. sant Z. , - ss t-�ilexa gaod_�nrl �uff� niQnt_si lka_elread taw_ _ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. — RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro= teed with the making of said improvement t inGaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 02 L City Clerk.— 22193 Approved - - - - ------ --, 192---- . Mayor. Councilman Ra•-fnss Councilman gusou ii;3v CouncilmanIc�onald Councilma to a?� Councilmant§udhetmer , rmax CoaneilmanA_aW ,--= Wenzel Mayor Gehan Form B. S. A, 8-7 1 cater or sr- PAUL- 1 . . � �1 EPARTMEN� OF FINANCE �" ` REPORT OF OF FINANCE (A) ON PR LK P-.41t4ARY ORDER In the matter of ,repairing, reoonstructiag A3L-=3 <=-L relaying the cement the sidewalk on both sides of Mound St. between Hastings Ave. and MdcX---Ar JLva-. and on south side of Hastings Ave. beginning at the east line of Mound St east 42 rest under Preliminary Order approved July 8. 193 S To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports a s :Eo3lows: The total estimated amount of the assessme rz't for t%e above improvement is square $0.11 - new tile The estimated cost peVfoot for the above improvement is - - - - - - 90.08 - old tile The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed beszefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows = DESCRIPTION LOT s>Loeec AUDITION ASSESSED - LaneBldg. Q g. 6 2 Yande • s Addition $700 $1800„ T 2 do 725 1100' $ 2 do ) ( 1150 1350 9 2 do ). 10 2 do 575 800 11 2 do 450 12 2 do 450 2150 13 2 do 450 S Mol ae.nL s Reservation 1b00 8, 9 and 10 S do TOTAL, 3200 9750 CITY OR ST- PALL • �t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM1!3ia4C)MER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMIAIARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLoc1c ADDITION ASSESSED LaAYALUATIONIldg ��`_�- �T2iat pert lying E' ly of s line drawn at right angles to the north line --- - -- l areor Prom a $oint thereon 67 ft. $1600 $7600 From the X.B. oornar of 1 3. Suburban Hills 10 W_ L. Keefe's Addition 1000 11 do 700 4250;; _._. 12 do 700 4400: _ - 13 do 700 4500:: --- 14 do 700 5000 ! .. - 15 do 700 4250! _ 16 do 700 3400!: 17 and 18 do 1400 , 7200.E . (mac. SE' ly 94 ft. measured along i,Mc and St. and Ex. Alley) The NW'ly of• the NEI ly a of that part lying 2 1 Suburban Hills 850 33004 -- ' SE' 1y of W. L. Keefe's Addition _ ' (Enc. Alley) The NW'ly 47 ftof the SE' ly 94 ft. measured along hound St. Ccxe the NW,ly '* of the NE'ly * of that part lying SE' ly of W. L. 3- do 82b 5150 lgeare I a Addition 2 (Ex. Alley) The SE'ly 47 ft. measured ;along Mound St. of the NW'ly a of that NS' 13P - Q or that part lying SE'ly of W.L. 1 do ggg 5400' `Keere's Addition 2 Alley) The NW'ly 47 ft. of the ` 825 20b0;; E'1y E of the SE'ly 142.18 ft. of 2 M. - do (Ex. Alley) The NW'1y 47 ft. of the SE' ly Mound St. Of ;$5.18 ft. measured along the NE' ly 145.8 ft. of 2 do 828 2100 - (Mac. Alley) The SE'ly 48.18 ft. meaeurad along Mound St. of the NE'ly 145.18do fto of 2 900_ _ _. 2050,;_,_ Total $22450 $-77500''_-.. The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. G� Dated �- 1910!— Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Repos ��ommissioner of Public Works to Commissioner of Finance --- ---- J-uly--29m--1936....... ---- 193------- 'ro the Commissioner of Finance a-=AEF� the City of St. Paul: 'Phe Commissioner of Pt=b _- -VQorks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File M-�477 oa _R04296---------- approved ------ .-.---.J ! y -__Qom -- 1,926 -------------- 193._.----., relative to -repairing, __rQ�oasts c ��� � - - psi--re3 ay_ing--the --- cement-.tile--_sl-dengaa-k__nn :both ..sidest.a� - Mound Street, where aac P- �8ry, between Hastings Avenue and. McLean Avenue, and on south side of Hash ;-+ _ -Avenue begi nni nc at the east line or Mound Street, --------------------------------------------------------- - - - - -- -------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- thence east 42 feet. and having investigated the TMxBsnd things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ _ _ _ _ - — _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _necessary and (or) desirable. Estimated Cost --w=m- _:E�' 11ew Tile $.11 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost isS --------------------------------- and the total cost thereof is $ ............................ 01.d Tile $.08 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of 3-w3 provement is as follows: ------- ___ ---------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sket��-= e3f' said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ----------------------------------- - - - - - - - 5. Said improvement is- - - _ _ _ ___ ------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, gem subject to assessment for said ent. � d A r3 ' t 12 Co 'ones of Publie Works. �01i. ;.".:1936, .. By FINAL ORDER N6:1060d0— onetructingrcoo 1,t�'w'seiag i.the west eldo`et Vetnon 9t Inningg at a point 289 2eet:r,. �;;t. Clair Street; <thence natb '�,eton` Avenue aj�d oq •tha` '*t9ernon8�reett beginn�l •th side of at• Clstr 9t,1 i. V.reaaof ' Cleutr `f In the Matter of_-repairingt_ relaying end__reeonstruoting- oement the sidewalk onthe west aide of Yernon Streets beginning at a point 232 -feet north of St. Clair St., thane north toPrinceton Ave., and on the east side of Vernon Street, beginning at }jt@ north side 9f St,_�laiT + _thence nox i 9_1h inoetonAve-, and on the north ®�� St.tx�+tebggirWinat th�e�tlige of Vernon Street_ thenee_east l 12 feet' e� X08pt where good and euffioient eidev+alksalrea exist, _.1! under Preliminary Order.—IMM ............. . .......... approved -------- July_ ! 1938 _.:._ _..r.. Intermediary Order ......... ....... _... ..................... ........ .approved ....._............ . ubliC WrI09 hoviol boo hid upon the AM Orfflm n 0 d06 nOUR, 40d I CuupCil ccti ��a�d rocommondotion��olot��c�hoxoto,��dha�i��.�u�lycoi����or�d I, , �o�lo�ho�gd�Ilpor�on�,abj o .M the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_?�'epair,_relsy_and_reoonstruot Dement tile sidewalk* on_-the-Mast_-aide_�oE.Yexnon Stet,-ksgit►ning at-a_p�nt-?� li4xth q�f St._Clair St.,.thenoe north to PrinoetonAve., and on the east side of Vernon Street, beginning et..the rmc "h aide e£--StLCleir St�s_t}a9nre n�h to PbAQ.. ton�Ave.. aeA-on tt,a A,+d . �acaPt-�e_good_.and.-enf£iniant_sidewalka_.nlr ea_dy�i�t.,.____-_-`�____ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for, approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - 1 need with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 221936 Adopted by the Council -----------_ -----__-_---,192 Clerk. Approved--- ..--------------- 192. Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL ., DEPARTMENT OF- FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement the sidewalk on the west side of Ve.-,=onSt. beginning at a point 232 ft. north of St. Clair St. , thence north to Princeton Ave. , and , o3� the east side of Vernon St. beginning at the north amide of St. Clair St., thence north to Princeton Ave., and on the north side of St. Clair beginning at the east line of Vernon St., thence east 12.0 feet* where necessary. under Preliminary Order approved July 28, 1936 -ro the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Tho total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - equare 0.11 - new tile The estimated cost per/oot for the above improvement is - - - - - - $0.08 - old tile The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Em. the S. 40 ft.) S. 40 £t. or S. 2 or NO ly 45 ft. of (F --c . the N * ly 45 ft.) N. a of 8. s of N. 39.25 ft. of __N. 45 ft. Form 8. 8. 20 LOT BLOCK AGID{T][ON ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 9 Mace lestar Parti $1700 1 9 do 1100 $4150 2. 9 do 1375 2900 2, 9 do 1375 3000 3, 9 do 1225 1750, 3 9 do 1275 4, 9 do 1150 2300;, 4. 9 do 1150 3800 - 7 9 do 1000 3200 5 9 Dyer` a _Rearrangement of Part 1350. _ 2250: -- of MSCalestev Pax -lc TOTAL. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL �s 7 - �, f DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY, ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT 1aLOCK ADDITION �" _ aVAL 7101ASSESSED � UA II ft.' 5 and N. 22.6 ft. - OT 6 9 Dyer I a Rearrangement of Part of $1500 $450011 S. 27.5 of _ _ _.. ; Wealester Park Ir__ '(Ex. N. 22.5 ft.) 6 . 9 do 1526 2150 ; . _.. j W. 52.40 ft. of 1 and 2 !8 do 860 2200.;.__- A (Ex. N. 40 ft.) 10 ;8 Macalester Park 13; 75 '! N. 40 ft. N. 1 0 8 do 1100 1700'1_. the N. 50 ft.) 11 , 8 do 1276 3400.: !, N• 48 ft. 11 . 6 do 1375 4450.. _ . i! .,. (�• the N. 48 ft.) 12 ,8 do 1350. 4.8 ft. 12 .8 do 1325 2500. 13 .8 do 2650 1800.'':..._. � 14 .8 do 2650. 2800 - South s of 15 '8 do 1325. .4900.. '- North of 15 8 do 1250 4750 West 60 ft. of • 16 .8 do 950. 2300!: _. u , 69360' Total $83200 $�= --- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 .015ce of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Firva ice t, ----------Alug --5v._1936 ...................193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104516 aPProved_____________July 28' 1936 Council, known as Council File No ................. ---___-_______.193 .... .__., relative to repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the west aide of - Vernon-5t:;U-beg4nu£ng--at-a--potnt--2327-Yt-.; --north-of--6t:--- 3--:L=-$t�-;--thenca-north--to Princeton Ave., where necessary, and on the east side of Vernon St. beginning est.. tha_north__side..of _St,...Clair-.-.t.Y--thence--north_to-Pxacetan--Aae.-,--ahere..neceasarg, and on the north aide of St. Clair St. beginning at the east line of Vernon 8t., thence east 12.0 feet. -------------------- - - -------------------- -- - - - - - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Coat New Tile $.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile $_08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is5-------------------------------, and the total cost thereof is $---- ...................... ...._, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ... .............. ------------ ------- -- ------ --- ------------ -------- - --- - .................................. 5. Said improvement is ........... ....... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, COM, � 'e WAgnsrent for said improvement. --------------------- --t J 1't,,:�aa C=miasioner of Public Works. 9 ...; 6 AUG 7 1936 _ September 15th, 1936. Son. I. 0. Pearaa s Coma I r of Pabl is Worax=m , Building. Dear Sirs T2z® Council laid over to September 22nd the final order is tai@ ma6tter, of repairing, relaying and re- constracting cem--eat 'G 32e sidewalk on the vest aide of Vernon Street beginning v- w a point 232 feet north of St. Clair St., thence north to Ave. , and on the east side of Vernon " Street, begtnnI ngg ew'G the north side of St. Clair St., thence north to Princeton Ava- , aaii on the north side of St. Clair Street be, ginning at the east M-!Lxe of Vorncai !Street, thence east 12 feet and referred the, orc'Aaz- to you for re -check. Qsaars of p ty at the following locations appeareds 2O4 Tea-ssazs Avo.. 216 Vernon Ave., 1667 St. Clair St., and 203 Vernon gvqw Yours vera truly, City Ole*. _7 ,, � -7 _ Ir� �--'Q �� � - a--�--� ���� � ��� � �w MoK �i MUMa r s Lodge NO St.Faul September 5th 1936. Yr.Axel Feterson, _ Comngissioner of Finances City of St.Paul ?Finn. Dear Sirs As resident property orners Of home at .216 Vernon eve. we11 not be able to attend hearing in Co:.z_ncil Chanbers in regard to coiztemplated repairs or the ' laying of file s1desr=_3-ks on V:zv:e �ron enue. are leavir>g todayfora trip east and therefore are voi c=n- our opix�ons by letter to the members of the- council. In looking over sidev:alks find that -the the is in good shape with a fear blocks scattered hero and there being cracked vrhich <pi11 have to .be replaced by neer tile. The roots of trees on boulevards have run under blocks and caused thein to get out of line in various places, this can be remedied by relaying. `It is our opinion that the v78lks can be put in first class condition si=ply by relaying with ,present the with the exception of aforementioned cracked' blocks vnc�h can be fixed by new tile beim, layed. Therefore ore ce F0 be `�.ffiprot►ement. necessary be limited to relaying old blocks at`O.Oa per `square foot instead of new blocks at $0.11 per square foot. v.79 would like this letter read to :property owners who attend conference. aincer ly r � tous Resident ovmers 215 `Ternon Rias. o�c Le:Qq _ counac�� �(105.5 CITY OF ST_ PAiJL f��s NO. ......:......... OFFICE O CITY 1�K 1 C CIL RES, 10 ---Cs FORM PRESENTED BY CO MMISSIGNER._._...__._..........—..__.._._�_...__ ----- ------ I .....................�................,......_.._ F2ESOLVEo , that there be and hereby 1a appropria-tad o==a sir th® Sprinkling Revolving Fund (1004) the sum of Four Dollars sacs Saveanty—'Cants C$4�79) Payable to C. Roman, 1662 Past llinnehaha 8traat, St- pazslw 36K-; esota, for the purpose of reimbursing him for an overcharge for stre,Bt ap ! �-* -;�� stag sgs.iaet hie property deecrlbed as Lot 1$, Block 1, Q. --_Y. Baooa' s tlmm aseessment was levied in error and the propertg,>csvaer isaviag psi a3 -3zis ssao-mat ae represented by tax receipt #2139, eeriel 1035 ti COUNCILMEN YoaN s ;I Ian earce .................... . In favor /PPeterson ..... Against �I'taua 1 �Mr President (Gehan) - 31Va 6y6 SEP 151 by the C.ouncil..`................_._..........._.............193..:... SEP i51� Approved.. ......................................................193....:.. J__:.�7 , ... __...' ........ ........... aye........... X==-_dMkh0L.J TL_ NO� OFFICE OF 'IrR—AzS CITY CLERK COUNCIL mmac>L Lj-lr 4--> ................. . . ........... PRESENTED BY A3tel F. Peterson. . ................ RESOLVED WHZRW# the X:LMnej30bjSL C Tn4m., Contractor on P.W.A. PrOdOct Minn- 3.253�—X�t it ad proposals to eliminate work described In Ckmm90 Ox'ci6x' AF2 m9L-;Em eL c1eCjjXCt,iC>3CL to his C`0Utr&Ct* in the sum of Seven Hundx'ecl C)X'.6 vm_=m-4c_3L 144/3.00 ($703.,1 j.) dollarsi and has stated in his pr-PamsL3L time or CommPlet;1on, of the job will not be effected bacsusand WHEREAS, these pv0pamgL3_m 3=Lvs*_-w--nmw- -k=p40,0jj GLppxb<:Pm,4acM by the Engineer for the Water Department* 80MCM WEERM, gLufficleimt; f sas tax _t;aaase chmmaes are availmblev now, therefore, be :it RESOLVED, that theCoatraCig3-- pvopc>seL3Ls be and hereby are accepted, subject to tla40 or. t;jje P.'W.A* COUNCILMEN Yeas ZBaSfils- - lin'tan- In favor e rson- Against r President (Gehan) President 3A. 636 Adopted by the Council S - EP 15.1-93-6 1,9,3 Sep 15 ms Approved..---.._ . . .... . ... . . ...... ...... . .... .......... ------- ------ ;i .-</ . . .......... ---- ---- --- Original m City Claeic - ,,; - - cougen. - A - .. GITY- OF ST- PAUL OFFICE OF THE COii GIL RESOLUTION ---GEN seYonstt € -- PRESENTEO B 4 - i ,rp t:rZ _- .—_-_--..-_- -, .- COMMISS/UNE __ _ _-� -------------- � * c,. ' ti 8>� � _ _: _ moi i a WB3CRF.Azs Pursuant to Section 356 dor the Charter or the City of Saint Paul, the commi.saiors appointed by the Mayor ror the selection of eligibles Por the orrice or Chief of Police has oerttried to the Commissioner or Pub11c $arety the following names: Clinton A. Haokert, Dewey M- Schaible and t313ar3Les J. Tierney as the three candidates receivizig the highest rating in the order above named; anc1 WHEREAS, a_ A_ Barruss, Commissioner of 12,ub11c Safety, has appointed Clinton A_ He -q- t as Chief of Police, gru eet to the approval of the CO3L13aci1, as provided by said Section 356; therefore, be It RESOLVED, Tis.at the Council hereby approves and ratifies .the appointment -by Commissioner Bar -rues of Clinton A,. H4MCkOXt si e Chef` Or Police for a term o:r nix- years, in accordance- with the pro>gisiens or Bald Section 356 or the Charter. COUN MEN Adopted by tC- he ouncil---------5__£P--�-`r� Yeas N s ss SEP Y �J In favor Approved----------------------------- - - - -- -193 - e ram / J.-- '14gainst rau: _fff� r - Ivia. or Y 1%& President (f=km • ) 3M 636 - - _ a, z -; OeldadmCaT Mk - .. 4 eouemL T � CITY OF ST. PAUL; nu�i.I53 OFFICE OF ,THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED By Trll.................S..ept+ 1.5........_:93. COMMIESI4NER�__._.—._..—_.__.-yF•— RESOLVE, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with Frank R. Lamb, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.28 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 21st day of August 1936; be it ' I FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper i: UR u city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Frank R. Lamb the sum of $32.56 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account, of the General Fund, in partial settlement of -his claim against the City, being for the period to and including September 11, 1936. '� \ fib' No. ti1Q§893—cBF Rhe&3Ti , 'Dao h tb� hpX4 alitho; Yo b§ tbr� a8'eeefat p�pp1�a1.#�gW�px,�',�e90 ia+r �hq� `_pgtt ,sAallx Leota6bi4lr a. df f ea . aetvpd. 77A h%letti5 sul�le tH, t. aX: the DegaYMfO'�t''ot .Part pp7I4s+srontida at4E'aibMc 8413AlDBYi Oa thQ 2lk of A soak 1ss+8 : ba it =xytt)te4 egOlT. that In AOOOtd'pnCe _ with data xgaraert_eak t prnl+8k oftr. i QFO. h A}t �}P�d.ta Day tp "H"FAalr R" L�lt tau Jd �iif :83 68 - o4t o(,.�tha 1NOrk6tea�+ �e t103r tALt�epwt�=baa a4�' ra�{a{�m�t4e. Ct'Cii**� botnR-+tor tNe't D�rYod •io �finfh sNdl SeDtembeY" 2L. YS8s A���,1�''Lhs, Coisn�tcU 9oPS� 16r 1�E�. i ' gQ4.l1 (�ePt. lY7Y906) � � COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council. 1.x.._1936. 193 Yeas/ Na s y G /{Ia as sop ei lan 193......: J In favor Approved.......... //carte �.' iPe 'raon c / ' � ��.......L��w�ai�-c' /� Against i .............. ...._� /I rauz or Ir President (Gehan) 3M 038 ' odut"I m Citi CWk - ���� GiTY OiF S'� iPAiiL nu NO._____ �,.?_ _Rl� OFFICE .Q T>f-I CITY GL.ERK COON L OLL3TIO1ni EIVERAL FORM PRESENTED B1Nf ....__. _ �c�= 3r.� - } ..._..._DATE__...... ...._ ._.._ ... ..... GOMMISSIONE ......... .__ ... .....�..-. -.. - _"._. _ RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the project d6scred as the construction of the Phalen Creek Storm Sewer Coasptro --T ea- * s Contract G-3505, Fielding & Shepley, Inc., Contractors -�13� - ane specified for the comple- tion of said contract as axn�n4= Asa s September 1, 1936, and 'REAS, due to unf'Oreseer3 scles encountered it was im- possible for the contractor do vwithin the time specified, now therefore, be it A RESOLVED, that the time -car -' 3r� 4e completion of the above con Y tract be and hereby is exte3::LC -_F_�gptember 5, 1936, and the proper city officials are he 3--40: and directed to exeeU%e an amendment to said contract icox•dance herewith provided -r however that this resolution s� -1 fit_ aot have any force and effect unless the' contractor p3ie1c1irig ep3_ey, Inc., shall agree in writing to reimburse the City off' t _ Paul for field inspection and �. supervision costs incurred dzzr� ma 927Z �� a period dowered by this - tension as liquidated dsrnaggs >. $�� b e it further provided thatt this resolution shall not Yzave� Force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor * s iso �c� -—<>3asent thereto and file such consent in writing with tYie C i tg C o�aptroller. r , -- -.:- L.�'79';4'ds-'' steins 3yybq. g q3e ;riYoi4ct $@iarlbed.iae L4le,fb,,ons oY t4e,ip'll j6 GMe}t7t: - 8&to_ ka°letnoAe0tl1ro t ty toctX,. tlmd.dpp9�gltfla to, b eo Pl��i�CbatRYdf Ive� C/� Issas d to!ttrforosesnh9°�'. - ,,�,�htered 1II Vega ,I OM Ir1IXitOt7 t76 9`ai�br 1�it4trt`:.Y it ya^a�. dn:uR �( COUN MEN Adopted by the CoundlP.,15, Yeas N s BBuuss �`e �pe��. /F" dlan SEP 15 =6 In favor ' Approved_....... irluax rce rson Against._........Ma_y- 9 Mr. Prealdent (Gehan) 3M 636 - _ O.W-1.. Ckv Clerk - -`$; ,ii!'6Htb 'rg- � , p aP • . `� • CITY OF ST_ PAUL NO <orcSetLrgg NO.�� 5056 OFFICE THE CITY 'CL �,f_ 'COLiNCIL R S (,iTION---C� ..1�#���°�► X'" i PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER_ ...._.IR�.IN:...C.a.....P�'�a+Arc..��gtelnhsr ............:,:...186.... RESOLVED WggR, S, in tate 2mpr4Dvemera_t 4ffeaax-X1bec1 as the Widening, Grading, Ornamental .Lighting et c . , on Rw--'_r# 33 .CX14 4DU NVARD Srom Market Street ` to seven r Corners, Okes Oonstaa-bXcm Cpmmpazmy, 00nt;ractore Comptrolierts Contract No. L-3900, it was Soaad ascasasry 'tomake the following addition: - ADDITION: Por the Puxaishiag oS tabor \and material in the erection. or PWJL Project Signs, an per PWA Bulletin Form 14-g: 2 (61z 101 ) siigp.n as per PWAL 4ftetai3.® $25�00 $50.00 Brection, maizMexlsaese mad ramuvs.2 -0 10.00 20.00 Tot8.1 addit2.on $70.00, and therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council approve the above addition made, in aecordance with the apeci#'icaticm submitted by PWA; Bulletin Form 144k, in the. amount not to exceed. $'TO_t0,- acid num to be added to the 1pmp sum conaideration armed iI3 the coastract known as Comptrollers €ontract'L-3960 Por the maiug of the aroresaidImprovement.' The Commissioner of Pezblic liorlcs has agreed with the Contractor, Okes Construction Company, that the scam or $7.000 is the correct amount to be added to the abov8 Ftiande' to cover thin addition are available in the proper sq:t�ccnxx -t and the City or St. Pant agrees to pay said additioa� -Olres ConatractZon Co: D: ,.. OMPTROMMR COUNC MEN Yeas Na Barfuss /�dlan .............:.....___ In favor �rce ^ terson �ruaa _----------------_. Against /Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Orli-.l;ry[ Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION--GENERAL FC'Aq PRESENTED BY i,�(��� tlLi ,. COMMISSIONER.. ......................f ................................................................... ......: �� RESOLVED V`5057 5057 WHEREAS, the project described as the construction of the Phalen Creek Storm Sewer, Comptroller's Contract G-3505, Fielding & Shepley, Inc., Contractors, the City Council by resolution Council File No./05dS-5 extended the time for completion provided the contractor agreed to reimburse the City of St. Paul for inspection and super- vision costs during the extended period,`and, WHEREAS, said inspection and supervision costs were $32.08, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid deduction made in accordance with the above mentioned resolution Council File No. in an amount not to exceed the sum of $32.08, said amount to be deducted from the lu#p sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract G-3505 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, Fielding & Shepley, Inc., that the sum of $32.08 is the correct amount to be deducted from said contract. ... FIELDING & SHEPLEY ING- Contrac or // By ✓ Countersigned: y p V Comptroller ss o o c or s COUNCILMEN Adopte by the al,,.,.... 1'........... 193..._ Yeas N s �:., ^ � �....lL.IgQ._ uss IJJY m In favor Approved,,.•.,•_._.sEP..1.5.._10-- . 193_••_ ............- A t ......_ �rce /Peterson //C--ci . ' ' .,...... �� `fruaa ✓."--... Sams Ivh_ _ Yor fi✓ie'eDeF' �vir. President (Gehan) 3M 6 0-ftlad to aty cawk CITY OF ST_ waCOM IL 117-1-c%L X -V X- x c 10 -- ------- 7-k4]E=-: 4--l-K—le- 4--"EaK FORM MA7P-- ember ll, 1936 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, QsLxXx:5L Yie is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of -ft33L4et: Aff-myor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 80C313 Ag;- -- Ions "0," leaded gasoline, 68-70 ootane, from PHILLIPS COMPANY, at a price of $ .11258 per gallon, Meas 3.1& on refinery price only, including state tax and fi3t;aL1-L-- :1L3mLgEg]pPL--4--t;fLon, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau g3j:xur S- - 313EL:Le St. , on informal bids as an emergency exists wlae=4a Yai3szre to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment— :1L0303-3346 Adopted by the Council----.-.9?-J5Afi =-193— Approved-------------------.--------- __193._ Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barf'dm - Findlan 12 Pearce .................... In favor Petersou Truax X, --4-:1-Against AMMM.6 r'AW* 3M t.,/ Mr. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Council----.-.9?-J5Afi =-193— Approved-------------------.--------- __193._ Mayor COUNGL CITY Off' ST. PAUL nLr NO - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing ASe33Z be ali'd he 38 hereby authorized, with the coxwenZ aS' the Payor s:nd Comptro3.ler- to issue an order to J. J. TSQmpsou isa the sum or $56oei oo Por services as a commercial. c'Livar izs repairing caster mars In the bmssissippi River w Por a period cc fourteen days at $40.00 per day, as an emem-SOMOy waists ®here failure to act progtly would worms a hsrd.sh3.p to VIme best interests oP the eity. Chsrga ureter Department Pvsmd. COUMEN Yeas N s rBa ss i lan .......�• In favor -'e/Pecer.. �rua8 -------------... Asst• Riee�el - -&lr. President (Gehan) 3M 636/ W '9 S 1 Adopted by the Council ----------- ... S........P ........... 15--....._...._..193 --- Approved-------------- ----_SR 1506-193-- ---- 5 _193-, Q Mayor Cewnal to CUT Clerk cOYNC�L 1.�'W J �iETY OF ST. PAUL nL. NO.._..v_. OFFI -SHE C'TY CLERK COU E� O ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED, ._. _. ..................................................DATE..._BeptiQ i.Q�Ti...._ : .,......a..9.t�..�i.......:. RESOLVED That the Counoil herebg pproves the action Of the Purchasing Committee in awarding - -W-- contraot for furnishing one Caterpillar Diesel Auto Patrol vwitM=3L- adem Drive to the Bureau of Municipal Equipment, to 'WU. H_ .1.M � R CO. INC., they being the lowest re- sponsible bidders, ekt $_ �r ice of $5,049.80, less allowance of $100.00 for one Webor Ems= mer No. 422 to be taken in trade, making the net amount of tl=.e; v =3 tract $4,949.00, in accordance with City specificati.oags -11-t-3t=L-4aEmmz— 3L r told and award of contract hereto attached, and the Co3cp4c=m. — tion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper �'ora� cs ::r contraot therefor. F.B. #9335. COUNCILMEN Yeas N s P�/��/ uss an In favor ................ rson - Against rasa r President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council..... �7n,..,�,.5.,.`...,193..... 06 Approved................._SEP_ 15 L / 193_._ .......................... ..................../v...................... ........ ------ Mayor oa40o.11ocityC1.,k - - 1�?c�yli' 1 COYNCIL lJ CITY- OIC ST_ PALL .lLt NO.—_.___.-_ — OFFIC JM- CITY CLERK COUNGENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER . .......... .. .... ..._...."'._ ...-__'_-_ _'-__"-'_ OATE._S�.p.0t.BmTSerT....1C�i'�.�SS......... X RESOLVED That the Counoil 33Ler6'2=Pg s_ggrov es the action of the Purchasing Committee in aaa.rd.iafc 4=o3atrao$ for furnishing one Marmon - Herrington Model 39—S-95 46 to the Bureau of Municipal Equip- ment, to the MOTOR P©' -71Er-Qt37=PBEENT CO- , they being the lowest responsible biddersS a Brice of $6537.00, lees allowance for one GKO truck chassis 3C<no— ZOO to be taken in trade, making the net amount of the cosstract 05437.00, in aecordanoe with City speoifications, their b ick R i -.c3 a.Rard of contract hereto attached, and the Oorporatiox>t Cao' '^ ss1 is Iserebp &netructed to draw up the Proper form of 003CVtr49L4=-1-- P.B. #9334. COUNCILMEN Yeas AsN a 'Find an In favor iY�(earce /YCterson ....._......% .,... iigdltlat /I'raaa ,% �Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 63 Adapted by the Councit,,,_.....� },C19 ,6193..._ Approved"'..._...............SGP _...._......./V..._J_...v/._./i_..__...193_..... Mayor 0 43vWn.1 ro:city Clem - - - - - COUNCIL V5062 CITY OF ST..:1?11JL`.': nu No O1FF iCE Off` THE CI'T Y CLERK = COLJY\iCI1_ RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM JA pRESENTRD MY _, � .: Mm......_ .........DATE__SB�Z.tEDibE�T,._rri...... 19i..3.6.............. - -COMMISSIONER....... ........... REsotvED T2aat the Conacil hereiDy approves the aotion of the Contract Committee .in 4sLvrzs:30-CL .7Cs the sOntract for furnishing transportation for oertaia e4-_3bLaol children from. their homes to Lindsay, :Irving, and Jefferson schools and the Mechanic 'Arts High Sohool� „and back again, dur crag the sohool year :1936-37,- beginning 80ttember 14, 1936, to the,. $LUM 8= WRITECAB ASSOCIATION,` they be•ia►g 'hhe slowest responsible b idd�rs , ata price of 17,j¢:.. per ` mile dor t.T4"6rtation f Eby seven -pas seagsr automobiles, with the -.-cost of additions, do- � dtiations and c�+�=aes in list affecting mileage also 17j* per mile, to aocordancsa situ specifioationo, their 'bid and award of contract heieto ettao7z8d= $xxcL the Corporation Counsel is hereby. instructed to. draw ug the p=opE3r form of contract therefor. F.B. 8329, �C F DIo 106odj--z Jo"kn & FladlBiF s Raaglved,thatsthe CByaclt hgreb 1{I DroV'o :tIIo aCtfnri of tT3d' C9att4at �Yd �• �,.` mYyjOthing 8"tpio&.tatioL.r Cgaer °• _ school •,ghll�i e+i tro *"6dly 80mii-;:lu 1,yaffy, ,�,. • , a� •o ..: n._.... - _.. - _ _ - -. ... � aac� "tha"',�acif�n�P 4•Stax��ho03r , it. .. - to lKAe}t !$%tti hau°.�o1'�t{ioa they b-elrl 0 awDe reeD 1d�pfita. fin,' aDM Dii.;.foF tr 6rt�ioa t1Y ,Bevba ta�tL4e wJt1x "�th0 scats`- {` d tYO�D. , - ' $odit-ctfotia s�ah.o`hauBes fn.�6t�tf'�:br atii als�'xiT�A, DOFari11Q..f6 `r8!'�}R4 spas 'a�7}tn aper(HcaUan't tr, Ltlt mid - - award bi CbatYB�t .heF4¢t�o. sW,d she to ]Do C'auaq . D. hefODg 1a. stated. ted JdreslNZuthe rZo'Np b - co U7ac{ th0r0 F Y No $g x> - �SdoD.b'e�3fir tLo�i"iWil 86.Dt.�i!<.'6T4'�4 _ - •AD,DYodp¢ - - - COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..S-..... Yeas Na�193 !La uss - In favor Approved. ..............._`_ 1 fir..:... 193__,_ 7 rce rson�/�... _: .. ruaa ....................� .. ..� Mayor 11GIr. President (Gehan) 3M 6-36 - Orlemal w CUT Clerk 4C-- A -T -'Nr OF Sr. PAUL OF <G1E OF THE D'^tJL- YHE =I-rle CLERK --mL-ric)N '—c=F-7MIERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMI.S.ONER ..... ..... .................. ............ -------_------_---DATE-_ RESOLVED ------------------ DArM-- RESOLVED "Vol"wL No� 1(1.5063 That liciii-se 35Lmew sw -immwent, amP3.:L=e6t:Lon 144749 applied for by,,,., Rilde, Nygard at 1043 Payne Awemmm-om les -e said the same I a hereby granted and the city clerk '1e Instructed to logme, unmo—m3ml. :3L3-4c--4ezxse upon the INslyment Into the, city treamzy of the required fee. New COUNCILMEN Yeas '-�Barfuss Na l indlan In favor arce I/Peterson Against _x Rtenel /Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Hilda NYSa CA ' t 6W 0., info the'g1t11 etreaElary orApproved'3e}fi IS 1988 - Adopted by the Council15 193 Approved- Sep Mayor Ori¢Eaa1 eo C cl—k I -C,5064 C-'R-N—mr 4=10IF S t - PAUL nLs No. C>FrFrIC--F—= 4C>W=' CLERK -X7-K4C==1kr%a—C.-I=-T4r=RAL FORM COUNCIL- f:ZJ= -W--W cOtisM�sston . ............................... -- ................. DATF . . ...... 6 ...... . . ............ RESOLVE That .so for Hotel Ic 4T7rcoms), application 13214, mppX1ed for by Dell Record at 337 -T-400k--m—w— ZNtro--4m-t be� and. the same is hereby granted azL& the city clerk Is instructed to :2-swmrwm-0 -jwcw-4c:Mx 3.:Loense upon the payment into the city tweaxary of the required fee. 0�' COUNMEII Yeas favor /Y len earce Pin Sterson Against r — ------- - / Valm" Ar. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Council --,---..,,S P I..S..JM193-... rd I Approved ..................'SEP Mayor I -C-5065 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU14%iGIL N?ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED 7 ter 'That licenses applied for by the following named Persons at the sdrlrssaes indicated be and t}ag sass a6ra hereby granted and the city clerk to in- strncted to is one such 11,0eXs8es apoa the payment into the city treasury of the required feeas _7.08L ]diner AE&" PaLrkmay Drive Barber App 14522 Renewal S. Fideln an GSE" Selby Av. Butcher a 14495 a Lmelia. Godfrey 216c)p B. Seventh a _ a 14502 a d. Langmen & S. Sigel z 5 i. 14th St. a a 14550 a S_ Dardelli '38 s Smith Grocery 5-30-34 to 35 a 13125 a a w s s a w 9_30-35 to 36 a 13126 a Doris Hagpert.& H. P. Con_vW 624-3 43aivera1ty Restaurant a i44si n :46M, a w tl U a • On Sale Malt Bev.14492 a Fraeman Gas & Oil Co. 394L -3L W- Seventh Gas Sts_ 5 Pampa a 14532 a C. Sndcliff & G. Irentz iSU-3L S. Snelling ° a 3 a a 14509 a _ -Robert Thibault 114-39 LrCede St. a tl 6 r a 144�5 ■ triz; - "3'.ptuatnad areaRtia ai xhe ad - s. cCB[ed �6e snd''the swiss .ac'o, lOd =d, iha city CiarY c - y�feBge gI7C1L.11C.ae6i u {' i�-bO tlreCity trean �:: r`K ,.! SEP 15 1936 COUNCILMEN p y ............... _.....-_ Yeas ys urs Adopted b the Cottaal------ 193 -...- Findlan 5 ��- ,._.._-- In favor Approved---•_----- -4 - �r" aPsornesi-Awa= Nayo dent _ (Gehan) lry )66 cou— No - 4C le' IF� ST. F -^UL - CI -Mr CI-MI:ZIC CIPWIC 4=>W= COUNCIL- FORM RES TED BY ------------------- - - - - - - - - - - ---------------------------- .......... ----------- iDikR._........._ . aso r=7 Mat Gasoline IFITXIm4r. -W m=xmm License No. 3751, covering three Imups, expiring Augmet 23, 1937, Iemaum,43L to :3� – X. 33ratromm at 3aO3 Arcade Street be amd the same is hereby transferred tc> Wwepe=:Le3r MM UOLO Same add bee and the proper city officers are hereby d:Lra=,bewc:L -cOmaxLge the c:Lty 9 s records accordingly. COU MEN ce UNCI MEI N Yeas P8 In favor .......... Against rrp-sident (Geban) 3M 636 Adopted by the Couna S.EP 1.5_IM93 Approved ............ SEP - -------------- - ----- . ...... Mayor CITY OF -HINT' PAUL 0rWn.1 t CU, Q-AA4 N0 5. OFF1G>= OF THE CITY CLEi2K CoUIVCIL FORM :PRESENTED Y .......__...__.._._.__OA___.._._�C.._........COMMISSIOR_.. _...._..._..... ..___��t8"J.fY]� ;1 AS, Zack Cohen deeirs s to withdraw application 13104 for On Sale Liguor License at 503 wabmiAsNa Strreat aoad reilaeats the return of the fee -and the bond deposited theraaaz 1;3meo: efore, be it MESOLVED, that the proper city of~Yicars be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Jack 00hen the fes of $62500 and the bond in the amount of 0,000, and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. COUNCI EN Yeas N Ys asn � _............. - In favor earce � "/il.,on ........� -•. Against ruga r. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 t .. Adopted by the Council ........ SER I.rd.._ _193..... `Approved-............ ------------------------ - ------.- Mayot J GiTY OF !Sr- PAUL Fl �L Ha OF THE icl- CITY CLERK �COUIVCIL i2wS�OLIJTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED / .ge P.IDb BS 2� GOMMIIS, ONE ......... . ..........._....___..................................._.DATE._....__.__..._�:1____ __..__..._._ REED ' TOIR=, C. J.croolansr si6sires to withdraw, application 145TS gor—est.awm=ant, application 145579 for On Sale Malt �evera°sge, and application 111.580 for Q1'Y 97 6 Malt Beverage at 302 Rice Street sac! 30mmmcgo=-msto the return of the fees deposited t�+ar6cszs; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the pro3ser city officers be and they are hereby aatt horized to refund to C. J. Crocker the meg s of *3L©.00= $50.001 and $5.00 and to s sid applications for licenses. COUN' MEN YeaaYB B es }adlan L In favor Y rce terson %� .......�.... Against !Truax c President (Geban) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council ----- sp-__-m-_�-____193---- Approved-- - S E P y193� C-s".....'J.. �......... -- Z -A- CE -FY OF ST. PAUL COYNQL NO.- Iu 9"`� �.Ls- C>F IFICE 4OP THE CITY CLERK COLS tE�ZCtL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That 3r,&=0wt se No. 1094, expiring Jaaaary 2, 1937, i s shed to Jean. Broolk=s vp®rating the 1me Hotel at 42 !- Co22ege dvezme be and the samm -2-a 3kxeralay revoked upon recc>®endat3sj3m oS the Hnrearn of Police becauss cai arrest and conviction for opera b:jxkg a disorderly house. 3idT NC31 MEN Y" Yeas an ............ -- In favor eterson ruga 3M 636 r. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Couacil_c£ -- 193..... Apptoved-............. —193--- C/ . d - -- - Mayor n RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL AM {i$ SESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME -OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of----------------------------------------------------------------------------- hand+ ag ,ktad +A&bg b perms WOMIA for W perp 00 af oeaNn a�iit� `wr d lain» N►tf13q Vol ' 84" 00 anular, 111mos "d 'Obro o the '4600, 1, FaU �� tad be�nM�n Flllmora venae. a>nd �9airfiold Ar�u�, +tv�id aia�a:�� a> ttert ��! A 6 to wirtiad Avi*o ad to ixolade all fti: 1? a! 8 gar r Crabb, t r►bedblb�ne>3 pairdlle� *0k " XC !ad 'lrbm a 01A�tfr i}le dra>Rt I fir: a miter Tile of t+tlrl" Avmae '$O fwd �ro>4*0 r� f� I 1 iii htoifrly� IJAI 00 Mki Ib"rb tO w gorf;�� ox►' tbla 0441 toot 1000 Of its igurs ant for oils 01 it'd j trail 110 OW �1dA1K; 4 ■y ! �„ Y 4 q >rfa.�.win �hwrtl►6h�r ilk« �b!arsArn�+►f fit+ tt Z; gR 1 from Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the --Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --------- day he____-______--day of__ Qotober------------------, 1936-_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council---'17P7Li ------------ 4 � City Clerk. Approved---------- ...... 19--- ./ ---------1-----Ca�'d-�-- Mayor. Councilman fovj@ffa= BarEuse Councilman rindlan �> Councilman €arce " Pearce 9—/: CouncilmanI o Peterson C 00&mn uax Mayor Gehan - M:.x Ee 'g^ 7 ',:Till j1hiG�i;11, }`Q PIN 1 0L A�Jpjoq 0 i(p�,.,,:,,';, �ir. QF�V�V.tY. ;4F�'���i•�>�PAYt��r�i r..St tiv,a.tr ,a���C. ... $11.�Mi�+�+M{FU7.11}NMM d.c ;�.,.i �. FF'R FP;,n, 04 Ana t!;d ill :qoz 4 �d�zrrea 7p�, Tgo"AW.q e A��I, �� � :'Gly pPa :��s1�ar.,�� ,e�`��:�, �l"�1� �fk�o�: ,�Q � .hn�. ��,,�p'��Pi� �nntras,�"►i, uu�P�Iimi� o�d�.....149612---�-------� approve... �y �� 19 6.---.-.-.-.--......, Intermediary Order -----------104522-----------, approved---- JulZI8 _DI -----------------, 1 _-__--__-_, approved-___ August 27.1936- ------------ Final Order __________________04823 _ _ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- povement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment off benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the ---- --- he______ 14th_________ day of__ Q*bey__________________,19$6 _, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. nr Adopted by the Council___-- p_ _ _____________ --------- 1 ----- -------------- --�A -City er Approved---------- � 06-----,19---- C� _=-- Mayor. Councilman Barfuss Councilman _ hindlan Councilman Councilman earee `� Pearce Peterson Councilman Rb'hgan"'r?7_.%:M 0611 W&Wn Sa tejWa Z Truax Mayor t- . = _- '4C'w _ =� Gehan COUNCIL FILE NO.........................................{ter of tine asaesame+ oats and espsnaei for ode eR,'UnlYeralt By..............................' ast lin00�� of'hrlor k ....... Iof Ve4ds11 l � A�!Q4Ue rr� I CITY OF �T, PAUL t Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for chsaging the grade of Uaiversity k", from the sett line :of Prior.Avg, to the West lint of Vandalia $t, sad of pleveland Ave.frm4 14grtle Ave. tb University Ave. snd :44th* tweet side of VeA44218, St. !roes.gnivorsity Ave. to 100 feet aorto of Unil9ity Atie.,•eutd of the east side of YatielElia $ir. t�rro 1gQ ieays south of Univirsi Atre. to 160 toot north of Uaiveribity "., and of the 164t aide►•; oi` Prior Avstt .treeslit.Y :Ave. to a Point en t;ie' West line of Airier A:s. 1111 Yset �artah of +ihtii�aeot' at,tano treat line of Prior Ilve.y and the northerly 1ins.of Univortty A#n' to paesar�t tQ the red linos on the pitiies hereto attached eapd Weeds helrea k w�,tproseat :esfiablier}ud grades being elspz by blas 1108 thereron, a ls4 !Sr 1 asses aewat.-eidets►3>rs or. rneonstradting O*LA oa k Ps!6� >t;geexstrao>ag iiYie oi' Psi t linolWirAt d: 016 wJ i+ilew•y wyy........, �.v.,.,,•r h "} • `�'�fA9'�EdCry r A `r asary t�t p=ee ji tie,! to tt[6 ibavl,dneor.bed: House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. 5 Adopted by the Council- ....... -....................................... .._......... ..... .. 9 _ - .....'.. . 1 Clerk. APgieved............... .. .. .•--- 19 - G Councilman IWRWR 7 Barfnss ---••- ......'-•---_......--... .. ...._�"--7� .�..., Mayor. Councilman I+et nseff---7;-J r;naean Councilmana Teed=• Prarce� Councilman VAI -RW Peterson �j)BIJSIit;li Councilman M(Mex n Truax Mayor Form a..a. 17 .,.,.k .tea-veih=A7Kr �hi:.l:,,?we.v �iiRl•M.,li:..`; .�• .0 �. ;...r.. . , •- •..:. •.a::::. �, :•: V q 041,011;197 ;d PPO Upo.nA g0R0.Tpgq 'r]UhGA0WQW +o ;PQ bwma11.p, gs.oils)fsL{. erf. 1,1.r01, lrn90 a1Jq 1,01.0117rr YAW 0100 '']•7 6.F1:01. rnot.)i, veoocsUL'I", ?Asir1111 T 1yo:>ta�11�11 CjoAorvuq 11AV 911a i,l.rob. Vnrl rn);p r uovuon otr 1,1,010 (�,11�.eVlLUi ynU' ,)f- 1;r,onr y'�t+a jlj yr,0- rr1 Vn(I.' r1po Cu din" wz )T'? kl;i.lfG;jM°a or 1)` 1;{ r1' I ilo olq lruhQATd4, ��on�'�claat2� ob�ua as t1 tv',;QL Virplo' uoliw-mll vurl 9T"UfTPl° dn�D- t4wr qoap�nnriuo,.P.0 hohrs pl jpoa rtpm 1.101` Grp ovq?, „aqo' 1mpiR VII uv0000t141 gt,��.�:h �bta�;otra� ��aza uaooat9�xA� oau���+ra��u� lla�ol,� �l�,pol, �lJq ��ra oolu�lo.�7o�a ���g�i �)�a�'n��;�� Arrr�p��� ��q �nr��xy� ��ra�'�rg• q>c�ap�+�� ufi�ll.aaaEr�q' �,000a��,lrra��n� aFP 4nala 44..�°l btiit�'it»'nM.Mth�{'iwer},,4rriwi'wR ri:.nxl:ails,tMni.N..n�.nni;ihw�A�rAwkA tr A#i:S .i»w nw.tLt�rrrwi�vr`n� tlf+i�"'HAW':. ...... br ;s rraa )7 fi�pa P Ir44 � >� �a1t�=`1"�n� n>�, b'�'d�.�aa+? �tt� �Y� i{Q;:;.'ri•� 3�T+� Y „ tt #fits ¢ baa a-iee ma u `ctt I�� ase T2zre aL l Ta 't.y7 to {� buL ob � Y � duii'i� •FCi.SG b�q� :oxo a pzt�nea��A,yuar° rsp�;obve iasie� alaex 'b logy man under Preliminary Ozder......_97292................................. Intermediary Order ................ 100254.................. ............. Final Order.........IQ044.0 ................................ approved ........A8.?:b1.42........... _.......................... :......., The assessment of_........ ............. _.... _.......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and . found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ..............day of (Iataber _______________ 19- 36 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. Adopted by the Council ................................................_......_...---" -/ ✓ � � Be.............. - ----- l/ i Clerk. Appieved......---......-............ -......---19 ..._ ........:...../. V...�..:. -n•c ....... Mayor. Councilman o3MF= ]3fl rfvsg Councilman Fe soff'�71- Fiudlaa Councilman Pearce Councilman 4Ta�i Q" i'eterson pj)$Ij$,ti 1� ^�r• Councilman d3ed$exiiiW;a-z Truax Mayor C7ehan F— B. B. 17 r CITY OF ST. PAUL �... ......... OFFICE THE CITY CLERK nxed6�eepoiba{u; b78y St�a6t SF6ia ad COU IL OL r4fGENERAC P4' a ear 6C .MiY,a in6 'a trgctor� trot Ll tNaay 905td4U s e C MM SS 4�6 2 dr .eats Coa� MMAWft livor uB—�--- .c�ESOLVED N� WMHMASS in the project described as t6'paving of Sibley Street from Tenth Street to Norris Street, etc., Itinuesota Cea- trauters Inc- oohtractors CGIMptrollertsCoAtraot'No, L 39o8, the .time specified for the completion of 'said' was Sep - Umber 15, 1936, and WBEREAS, due.to legal delays In execution of contract it was impossible for the contractor to start work until after Sep- tember 15, 1936, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorised and directed to execute an amendment to said contraot extending. the time from September 15, 1936, to December 1, 1936, provided however that thin resolution shall have no force and effect unless the sureties on the oontiactor's band consent thereto and file such aonsent in writing -with the City CoUIptroller, and be it FMTRER RESOLVED that the City of St. Paul hereby waives all claime for liquidated damagea and engineering and Inspection during the extension period. COUN MEN Yeas Na s /t'tp��uss In favor 5.U a ........................... Against President (Gehan) 37 636 F.2 Adopted by the Council .......SEP1.6 �U193 .•; ..barca-' i 105073 t CITY OF ST_ PAUL t•�tt� orQetn;P12 O............. ptityOaN b cpn-.. . OFFICE OP' THE CITY CLEF° r RI a°tstnit: a p Llia atrS=geatt6e�"d_a, COUNCIL RESOLLJTIO(V=--GEN,ER4tL PRESENTED .. ,, COMM1831UNE .�" .- X =ih4 RYoP4 .... _...... �l — f11�Y�f.:: .. bgahe 0 t of ,Sa t Paul 3MWHEREAS, in the matt er of the condei;na ion)yof an easement for the purpose of oonstruet ix3g- and maintaining apublic 'sewer and embankment described as `follovwsr An easement for the purpose of constructing and maintain- ing a public' sewer'and embarilQnexzt- fin, over, across, under and thru the property hereinafter described, said' easement being 150 feet in width, the center' line of whic]a is described as follows: Commenc- ng at the intersection of a, lixze that is parallel with and 33 feet !southerly from the northerly, lixie of East Seventh Street with the north and south center Zine of Section 32, Township 29 North, Range 22 West,•, t,l ence South along sai c.-center line of Secti•, �n-� 32,464.59 feet,; thence westerly at right a2agles to said center (S ae of Section 32, 128.14 feet to the point of begiaxzing cE said centerPine of easement; thence at ;an angle to the r fight . of 92 degrees 17 minutes, 04 secMnds, a distance"of 217,,77 feet.; t iue3Zce at an an-�ye to the left of 7 degrees, 49. minutes, 34 seconds, for a c33�s trance of��3dl18 feet; thence at an angle 'to the left of 75 degrees�,34 minut . ,•_48 seconds, for a distance 6 < 3Q�97, feet; thence, at c aaigTe to tile. right oY 86 degrees, 50 minutes, '3.ecanris,n. a dl$�axac. of 540.32-feet;...thenee at an -an'gi� to the left of 37 =L3aute m , 35 seconds, for a:di$tesree of 320. 45p feet: The property above re:Eerreci to which- said easement crosses is';- described as follows: Part oi: the Southeast Quarter of the ,Northwest Quarter of Section . 32, Township 29 North, Range 22,, West,: commencing' at the northeast corner of Wa.gexx,er,* s Addition- thence north along `the quarter section line to EL po3at 16_ $O chains 1108,8 feet), north from the center of said Section 32; thence west% 16 chains (208.56 feet) to an intersection Wi_tlz the east line of East Street; thence southwesterly to an intersectioxt. with the easterly: right-of-way line of the Northern Pacific 1Rai1way as esta'blished by deed- recorded in Hook 550 of Deeds, page 53. is the Ofifice of the Register of Deeds; thence southerly along said 'light—of—vaay lane: to the north line of Wagenert s $` Addition; then" northeasterly -to beginning;;. (exoept so much thereof previously acquired by the City ox` -Saint Paul for sewer purposes). Said easement to include all bui7clizags and structures thereon; pursuant to Final Order of -b ize Council of the City of Saint Paul, ,Oouncil .File No. 104479, as appeal to ,the District Court from the ,;award of damages therefor, a s cozlf firmed by said Council by Oounoil 3File No. 104932, has been ta-I­exi and fie now pending,` and COUNCILMEN Adopted by she Council Yeas Nays......................_ .......................193....... Barfuss Findlan Pearce............. In favor Approved................. .... 193.:... Peterson Trau= ............. Against ` _.............. Mayor;:'; Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 77� cUNCIL 10 073 --r. I�AUL. .—No. ....... . .1 k:h'.5 .......... CITY CLERK OF gy COUNCIL. RM*-wC>JL--x__W-71r-X4=>r4 C31=-r4E:1RA1_ FORM COMMSSE NER_._ _.-DATE ........................... 3E3E0CML=aEXX d/ WHEREAS, the Int e e 9E.- s of the City of Saint Paul require that the physical use of o --L:2L c5L A_r__emexjt for the purpose for which the same was condemned be 3mc> <21- e2_ayec pending the determination of said appeal and Bo th.--L-b -t-31e (--:I-t-y of Saint Paul shall be entitled possession of said easement con to forthwith enter upon n-ric -t-- said condemna- tion and put the same to -t--37-3Lv--- use Or uses for which was madd, therefore 'bqe :I --*— RESOLVED, that t1lie=4-at 3- s 1-i exe7by appropriated from the fund available for the payment c:),:E ai cL award, — Phalen Creek Sewer Bond Fund, Code 4001-A of the C:L-tofSaint Paul, and Bet aside in the , _qF 4==w #-- :in a fund therein to be known as treasury Of the City Of SalaB of $1250.00, a sum equal in "Condemnation and Award Flu-xxcLvO 13M amount , to the award of da mag s as made and confirmed for the condemnation of said ea,Bexnexx-Ir- �� said proceeding, which sum shall — be retained in 'L -L - the pendency of said appeal as the such fund c the ssL1d condemnation of said ease- ment, of damages OonfirmecL the payment thereof, upon demand, ment, available at all t:Lx­4ar-- =E:- clear right thereto, and . be it to whomsoever may be BhOW3a -t-- <=P- a gtJRTHER RESOLVED, full faith and credit of the G M=),3 -edged for the payment of any I ty'" f Saint Paul are he=*� r :in said case which may be allowed increase of the award of clams es apps al. xipon�'the COUN MEN In favor rso Against tauz ;President (Gehan) 3M 636 SF -P1936 Adopted by the Council ................................................193 SEP 16 OF Approved........ . . .................. ......... ................... 193 ..... ......... . ....... .. --- - ----- - Mayor GI'T» OIF ST P�CLJL" a <ConTt1�19�6rr O ... . E CI'T'Y `CLE'e�f oo apu ox, t.ai� u . COUNCIL R tE.-o#tt7�e CttX of - Ql�l DENIER a siipoXr�a4 re�,ttgeyt d; " -: - ��&/�� Pi2ESENTED B11, n� COMMISSIUNE - _.:._.._...:_. ) - _ toaz _: ...3, ,. WHEREAS, the C-imr-i3 106021, Ss3 b� resolution known .as _Counoll ��sr 3C);, 393 P1119 No. appro�484L - anew Gale of $100, 000`_ O - __ , authosiz`e :"the .issu- - valizia o� the bonds of the 01ty of .and Saint"_.Paul For` the support - � 3 83isY or- " Zlxa poor;" under, authority of Chapter 120, ; Laws or `f �� B cs s `Yor_ ``1933, as amended by "Chapter 48, :;Session Lana of lM3naeso s__ yr 3935 sa;d WHEREAS, said resp LiL3L-t�3� T= o� the 06immesil was Submitted to his Excellency, Hjalmar Fet-�sr -?533: ( OQeZ`IIOT or the state oF: Minnesota, torhis review and approvBZ : -'-" WHEREAS, the said. H3 4mL=a — 3P6tarseaw- e3.id, by 6ertifioate, as provided'by Section 3, of sa�4d%- 4C, �ptar- 120; Laws . of 1933, ea amended by Chapter 48, Laws 2935, sLg3g=P-- vs aatci-issuaz�oe o= old COO.00 par, value of its• bonds' by ths- �:�.I � �3tp ot" Saist Pauls -arid WHEREAS, "said. Cov.=-scsi - Ido _ 105021 did .provide ;that the _ 0ounoil oY- said City ahou3a3 sss ofii nt reeoltitlon, Yix the denominations of said bonds S3-_-�--� -t a e dahO"s C 'maturity thereof, and did also provide that satc2a. �-� cis be .so3.d. -M the .manner by ,provided Seation 1943, Mason's !dam a � ss _� � atsstss 392'T; therefore ' : be it _ RESOLVED, That` the to be issued; slid sold by said resolution (Counoi3 Xw'A:--m a _ 3Q ?3 tas - 3�ssued and sold in the manner provided by law -xx ass e3ac�szat Qf 1x0, 00 .00, said bonds to, ' be in denominations of $3= s .ea�li tv ba' dated October` 1, ' 1936, bear ilit:erest':at a rate not exc®� _ 6 s 3a -par -..cent., i 6J per ' annum, ` payable semi-annually oa April 3a'� 3 3c ober 1st, a000r8in -ta tYie ooupbn#; to be attached. to said INOOM4 L _ _ - � -d bEsziBs'. shall ,be ser a1; a porticll thereof shall be payable saw --,ser, .but ioaae ;:.or, said bonds shall run ror" a longer term than t ern. g � �� s sc3 ; �h a _ 3 .b nuti�bered`' 483I? to 48476 inclusive: The 8a-t~ss c =Nil 611 -j3 b©nds`:ehall mature and the amounts,_ which shall maturB s -= � 'R y _over. said period - shal l. be as follows: Date of Maturit SXmbex-s aunt , 'of,bonds October 1, 1937 ����=?—so " 3s4 � s,aoo:oo' 1, 1936 8392 8,000,00 a 1, 1939 =18401 9,000.00 COUNCILMBk Adopted by the Council. .................... Yeas Nays ,ti.8arfuss Fitidlan In favor Pearce APProved. 193 ....-_ ;. Peterson Trauz .... ... .... Against Mayor Wenzel - -- - Mr President (Geban) ..3N.":.636 :A - ►re- �atiori 10 . :,; •:: - ._ oaa u x. cu, CS"IC 50 74 CITY OF ST. PAUL r�is��` OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK GOL.31�ICIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIUNER_.J._r-.___—_..------------ ---------------- -______._._.__.____..._____.._.._..-._ (3) r •- IN WHEREOF, the said Cliy< of Saint Paul, by its Council, has causgcSL timi s bond to be sealed `t►itii its corporate seal, to be signed by its 3WEs3-or, attested by its City Cleriz, and counter- signed by,its Comptro3ler, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached to be by the lithographed fac-simile signatures of said officers, tM=w-:5Ls first day of October, 1936_ Mayor Atte St City Clerk Countersigned City Comptroller COUPON No. .........._-_ - - October On the Y':2- =w --et dsty of April 19.. _ . , the City of Saint - Paul, Minnesota, px-om'i a es to pay the bearer Dollars ($.... _ _ _ _ 3 at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in -the City of Baz.:5Lr3-X-- 3Psu1, or at the Fiscal Agency of ttie City- of Saint Paul, in tis Sty of New York, State of New York, at the option of the ho3-r-i4ewx-. Por interest due that day on _its BUBLSC VIM. - FARE BOND, dated Qc ober 1, 1936. Attest ' Countersigned City Clerk Comptroller" RESOLVED FIJR'PKR 'That sealed proposals be received at the office of the City C34c=w3awp1zr4ol3.er, in the Court Souse and City Ha11, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council -------------------------- __ Yeas Nays --------- --- -- -----193....... Barfuss Pindlan Pearce ---- Za favor Approved --- ------------------------------------193.:.-.. - Peterson ..---------------- A g� rte= Trauz -- - -- - - -- ---------------- Mayor Wenzel Mr President 3M 6 36 CITY 4=IPF= f= --r. PAUL No .......... . ................. OFFICE OF 1—= <--I'rY CLERK FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _DATE ................................... .. . ........................... IC -46 in the City .rte :C Sa2_3a-b Pai;xzX, up to ton o'clock A. M. on Ootober 8—J=2x. 1936, =cIox- the sale or all or none of said bonds, after giving <-Ixx4a xxot;:Lc_-qa c),:r vwx-xc_-3nL sale in the manner presoribed by law, in the 3DwW_11_c-Lwa_V . Nems, , I. -13L43 paper or said City. Each bidder sha.13- -bkep z-6cjLx23.z-*3cL to his bid by a certified oheck or oash depc)p m_2_1t; rcik3L- two paw- c_-Amrx-G 2%) of the amount of bonds bid for, whioh eLM==L.l be :r<3-x-:r,&:L-t4Bc-L -U4cp the City as liquidated damages if the bonclaL 4aLx-e zzO-b ZaLlciiwm zLxxc-L ipP,4eL_'1_cX for when ready for delivery. The dity,ComciL�-bx-.03-3-493L- at -Uh4m neat meeting after reoeiving bids, preseim-*7-- -Wae n4ami& to zix6 Council for :its action thereon. The said bonds mk&=3L ak-1 7 lomia ci:E:rex-ac-L to -ta36 person who will pay par or better therefor, at: -Ukme 3_c) -w*_ -g3 -b x-sL.'b4o c3,:r i3m-berest not exceeding six per oent. C0UNC1LMF_1',T Yeas _ U Na In favor Amux— - - ------------- 3M 636 Adopted by the Council 5.q I IM .... .... . ................_......193__.: P I � 0 mi, Approved.. .... ........................................ ................... 193 . . . .......... ' . . ...... ..... ...... ......................... . ....... _ City of Saint ,Paul, Minnesota: `$500,000.00 Sewer. Bonds==Sei3es No. ; 4 •' -Not Eicc6eding 50/, - . $100,000:00 Public Welfare Bonds Not Exceeding 6% TO i$E'SOLD AT ,... ,. - - 10:00 A. M October 8, 1936 Official`Advertisement NOTICE OF BOND SALE COMPTROLLER'S OFFICE,. CITY OF $T. PAUL, MMNEBOTA, SEPT. 18, -1936. - - INFORMATION' - Notice is hereby given that sealed proposals will be received at the office. of A.DDITIOATAL _ - the City Comptroller in the CourtHouse and City Hall Building in the City of Pauli Minnesota, up to 10.00 A. M. October 8, 1936, and the Council will, Saint at said time, meet to open and consider bids for the sale'of all or none (by issues) Bonds to be issued is coupon form, but may be exchanged F. r B.egistere43 of the following bonds: _ - - - Bonds, both as to principal` and interest, at a cost of $1.00 per itegister•e3 . SEWER BONDS—SERIES NO. 4 Bond, plus Postage. - - - Bonds are P42Y&ble in lawful money of. the United' States' of - A—ericSs Bond Amount Data Boad Account Mato "ty Numbers of Bond. Maturity N b - f Bond. - at the office of the CcxumiBsiouer of Finance, 1n the. City of St. Paul ZAix3 _ - Ck,t bar 1. 1939 47877-47887 $21.000 October I, 1963 48080-48007 $18.000 PFota. or the Fiscal Agency -of the City of St. Paul, in the City of New YorIc� , October 1..1940- 47888-47899' 12,000 October 1, 1954 4809848116 119,000 12,000 October 1, 1965 48117-48186 19,650 of-.- New York.- - _ October 1, 1941,. 17900.47911 October 1, 1942. -:479Y1 2-47924 13,000 'October 1, 1956. 48136-48165 20,000 - _ BbIIds are exempt from taxation. - - - -Oct beu• 1, 1943 47926-47937 ..'. .Is, October 1, 1967 48156-40175 20,000 October 1, 1944-.. 47938.47951 74,OIX1 October. 1, 1988 48x78-fB196 21, 650 October i; 1945 479.247966 14 ,00. Oetobor' , 7959 44197-18217 21,000 October 1, 1946. -4706647980 16,000 October 1, 1980 4821696236 21,000 The City of St. Paul was incorporated March 4, 1854. - - October 1, 7947 -47981-47995 16,000 October 1, 1961 48 39-48260 22.000 - - - - October 1',-1948.- 47996.48011 I8,000 October 1, 7982 482141-48282 22.000 October I. 1949 - 48022-48027 16,000 October I. 1983 46288.48806 • 23.000 October 1, 1950 48028.48044 - 17,000 Oatcber 1. 1984' X48308-48328 -' 23,000 October i;1966 44s33a3-+mo z - - POPULATION - Ootoi,ar' i iss2, - 43o6z-same is;o�a 0000 _ - 1930 Government Census.' -.. ..............271,606.. _ _ $500,000 The above *500,0 a Value Coupon SeweryofChapter sofo. of ,the The Permanent- Ins rovement Revoiv' Fund Bonds are issued agaixss t- - p mg • 3Series a esu authority of Chapter 341, Laws City of Saint Paul, to be ad defetred-instellmeats of Local Improvement Assessments and are:•. first -Tien -said -assessments. The elty - Chapter 41 sots for the year 1933, and in all re acts in full compliance with said Chapter 341 in respects being u the coIlectibn- frown general creditofthe :ss` - p to tiny all. deficiencies in case the collections are insufficient t:o. ptsy and the Charter of the City of St. Paul; .and Council Fde'No. 101510, prdiniaace No. 7648, approved October 11, 1935, and Council File No. 106010, approved September -%.1936.. These bonds are to be issued under date of October. 1, 1836, in denominations of 11,000 each, to bear interest at a rate not exceeding There is no general, tax limitation for_ bond redemptions or interest oa 'Lhe cent. (b%) Per ��, Payable semi-annually, and era aerial maturing Bawer bonds. Ymvisiaas'-are made annually through the budget for all citeist_ Spee _i - service charges and a direct tax levied which insures ample appropriations -to_ The approving opinion of Chapman'&Cutler, attomeys Chicago, Illinois, ' - retire all obligations at maturity_ _ -_'- _ - will be furnished with; these bonds at the time of Bale and alb bids moat beC11n- The Water artment bas no tax limitation which would prevent -:tt3e - - 'bond �" l. - ren Tthe f form o h b t b determined, but viiibe approved by - orin f the and has no yet been pp redemption of boa at maturity: The interest and redemptions are P = Chapman &Cutler or`Counsel for the Government of the United States should - fully provided for'. by its; earnings and is under a.. rigid budget. control W7al-aXz the Government o!' the United States be the successful bidder; and approved '- - .insures ilia proper' appropriation for all debt service charges -annually_ _ - - also by the Corporation Counsel of the City of Saint Pauls - The value of the Water Works whichincludes real estate, plant, and egzap- _ - PUBLIC WELFARE BONDS - ' meat1s conervatively estimated by engineers to be $15,000,000.00. - 1, ' -s .1 The amount of the capital assets as stated in the balance sheet is based in 1912, :.with improvements' added sce tHsE. _ Date of 11io6d .Amount ' -D to of Bond-- A t 1Katurity Nnmbora, o[Bond. Maturity xumbers - f8 nda October1,1963 4843148441 $11.000 ozr an aj)pr'aimil matte in at ,. - - - - .- - October 1 193 48377-48886 38.000 - Oetoba 1, 1988 48585.48802 8.000 ..: Octobee I. 1944" ' 48442.48452 11.000 date. - - - October 1. 1939 48393-48401 9.000 October 1. 1945 48468-18464 , 32 000 ootobor 1, 1940' 48402-48410 9,000 October 1, 1946 � 413465.48476 12 ADD The City of St. maul tins never defaulted on any of Its obligations, sad 9s the principal and-- interest 'oa .its bonds previously.:ismed have alwa h4�s-- October 1.1941 4ssn-48430 : 10,000 $Ioo,000 October 1, 1941- 48421-48430 10,000 . _ ., . - . _ paid promptly at maturity_ - - ._" .. - :' The sbove *100,000 Par Value Coupon Public Welfare Boada of the City of in full Saint Paul, Minnesota, to be4smed under authority of and in all respects compliance with Chapter 120 LDWSL of 1933, as amendedby:Chapter 48, Session; Laws 1935, and C. F. No. 105021, approved September 10, 1936. These bonds are to be -issued under date of October.1,-1936, in. deuominationsvf .$1,0Q0,each, .: :. to. bear interest at a rate not..exceedmg.Six per, cent L(6%). per::annum, payable _ - semi-annually, and are serial maturing as-above'schedule.'. - The _appmpingopinfonof Thomson,'Wood & Hoffman; Attorneys, NAW York Walter Foeness, attorney, $t. Paul, Minnesota, will be - _ City, New York, and f tr ixished with these bonds at the time of sale and all bids must be unconditional. - - - - Under and by the terms of the Ordinance or Resolution, as the case may be -faith the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, are irrevocably pledg - the and credit of - to rea��y the,priaoipal and interest at maturity on above issues of -bonds. : - Bids on above issues of bonds maybe submitted in:multiplesef,l/10 and 3/4%• Bonds must bear one rate of, interest.::; Mach:bidder accompany, his bid by a certified check or cash deposit for Two per cent"(2%) of the amount of bonds bid for,. which will be forfeited as for for _.. ;.: .:.. uidated damages --iif-the bonds aro not taken and paid when ready:: . d2TV ' "..Make certified -checks payable: to. the. City off Saint Paul; _ - No bids -not in accordance with this proposal or for less than par and accrued interest'will•bd considered, and the %ht is reserved to.ieject any or all bids. " - Bonds;will-'be'furnished by -the City of Saint Paul but delivery shall be at - purchaser's expense. .. :, 'pr . . • 'HAROLD, F.. GOODRICH C01iPTROLLER. :.... -... CITY ®F.,ST,•PAUY., MiNNESO1'A... --;GENEIt ALS ChiFITAL A113ID iOCALI3iP"GO M*14T FU DS , as at 3une:30, 1936. -; - ' CnxsEh^l ASSETa: - - _ Cash Unlances:. _ . _ .... .... -$1,914,645.48 Geaerai and Spec�sl Funds E 311,579.12 - "- - - ` Capital Accounts . _ ... 1,1013,009.83 - - - Tom..-a7..Improvemelat '':•• - 500,056.73 - PetLy....:.1. 5,055.00 - - - Receivables—Miscellaneous Revenue. .... 707,98640 - Inventories--�-Materials sad 8u"liea .. 205,751.67 -' PndCtet Regmrementa . .: 215,910.00 - Worlk� is Progress _ . Preplsatd Fatpeasel: _ _ ' _ _ _ ........ r....... 469,392.70 2,762.08 CisaysNT AssaTs ............ $3,b21,.fiO3.S 3. Irtvris�trxxtas: � - >' - - General Sinking Fund.... _ ° 5,166,119 .05 . _ Local Improvement Funds. _ _ . _ .......... 500,600.00 -- - TorAb INVE8TWMNTs............................. 5,666,1 T9_t7L9 Din•m�•R�•• AssleTa: Taws B.eoefvable.................. .... 4,877,765.44 i3eliaquent Tax6a Receivable ..... . . . ..... 3,916,784.28 Asaesaments Red6ivable.... _.......... : 2,305,496.06 - - I?eiincluent Aaeess=enta Receivable.. _ 1,818,626:35 - • - To*AX.,rh irmzzmmn Ass: Te .............. ...�_ .. 12,913,G7Y _C3FS Lead ..... 10,106,008:21 . l3uilduaga. and Structures _ . _ ....... 26,100,612.92 Lgffipment. . . . .. . . . . ..... ......... 2,767,660.81 - - - ToiEA:.F rnAssBTs.................. ......... 38,974,283_9 - Orman Assmws: - - - - Assessmaents—Taa Exempt Property ....... 199,160.57 Objectibns=—Isi .Litigation: _ ..... 8,40q-80' - - trovAf. Orsr>_u Asawra _ ................ ........ _ 207,550 It _43 . - 2XD`kAll 'ASSETS....... _........................ $61,283,23 a3 - GiiSHBENYT IiYASi2.ITiL'6: - Vc ucl era Payable.-,_- _ .. $102,525.68 -- _ .. Cahttrncta�Payyable. ... Awards-Payable—Acquired Property 8,220.8 84 - Interest Coupons• --Due, - _ 5,738.16 2,850.00 Appropriations... , _ .. - 4,731,579.00 - .. Paving Aid-9uspenee_ _.. -.. ::.. _ .. 260,405.61 TorA:r. CvzanBNr,Lx6nzLzxzr:s.................:.... S 5,486,025_3 ' I.7Ez+�xsaEa: LxAz;urrzas: . Advsaae Sewer Payments. .......... 8,149.17 - Oficial PubiicaMons.'.. . .................. , 253.88 PTOTAL iEYLB.Ri:D LznarnrTiEs. ..-..... ....... 8,:i>E.laai=Qs Frxssa Laasazsrie: - - General Boada Outstanding........ .... $1,252,860.00 _ %,00al'Improvement Bonds. _ .............. 6,500.000:00 _. - To3Ai-FrxsD LiAsr*.*'+IES........ _-......... .:'.... 37,752ySOO_E3�.3 R a-.lxT.32�zL''S ATSD .SURPLTiB:, 44:6: - - Glewex%J Sinking :Fund_ ....... -:5,383,,18.68 - - aWMAL Iisapaysa. : ..... ::. _ , ... 8.817,658.85 . . . . CapiitSai Accounts "27,419.18 .. - a(`es�'_tsl Ft3nd_. _ 829,280.08 9,566.899.26 - -. Lucs3 Znapro'oement Fund ` - - ,. - _ Deficit. _ _ ...... .. 1,338,452.816, - _- - TOTAL ............... . . :.............:". - TowAL 21.Na s-AxD SuarLoe.......-... .. 'j1pt+AT, T_.•anrr rtcsmei.: RmsasvEs AxD SOarrrre...,...... $61i�s�� "�' _ - Note 4100,000 Public Welfare Bonds issued July 1, IN& 46800AMl Flersmatxent . ImVrpv6%wMt - ; Revolving Fund Bonds re- - ,..,.... . <.. , aleea�red AugnsZ 1, 136.•.,," _ SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA -- - - DEBT --STATEMENT " Ad At August 31, 1936 GROSS BONDED DEBT General Bonded Debt .. . . .: . .......... $31,226,800.00 _Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund- ` Debt...... , .. _ _ . _ . ... 6,000,000.00 prter Department Debt......... 6,615,000.00 ti ToTAr. Guoss Dsar.............................. $43,841,800.00 DEDUCTIONS: . General Sinking Fund (Cash and Securities) _.:..._ $5,843,309.51 Serial Bond Retirement for 1936. .... 259,800.00 Inter -City 618,000.00 MinneapoLs-St-Paul Sanitary Sewer Bonds.. 3,074,000.00 -PermanentlmprovementRevolvingFund,' - ' Debt.:.:...._._-. _.: ....:.:......: ._ 6,00,000.00 Water Department Net Bonded Debt ...... . . ..... .. $5,30,912.54 Water Department 8inlang Fund (Cash and Securities). .. _ . 1,314,087.46 6,615,000.00 TOTAT.. DanvcrzoNs ............................. $21,910,109.51 TOTAL,NBT BONDED DEBT......................... $21,931,690.49 _ General Improvement Bonds authonzed.but not issued . .... ...... S 200,000.00 Margin for future bond authorizations 4,127,533.01 MAaGI son Fvrvam.BOND Iasves- ................ $.4,327,533.01 STATQTony BownxD DEBT Luaw (10% of Assessed: Valuation).— $26,259,223.50 The 'percentage of the Net General Bonded, Debt of the Assessed ' Vaalluation.is: . ............... —........ .08357420 The percentage of the Net General Bonded Debt of the True Value........................................ .... M46U77, STATEMENT OF , ASSESSABLEPROPERTY ATr'rBM FULL AND TRUE VALUE... REAL ESTATE VALUATION {1935)..... - .. ...$314,023,138.00 PERSONAL PRAPEB.TY VALUATION (1935) Gare No. 2'subject to 2S%% of fun "value.. . t; 28{,040.00 . Class NO. a subject to 33% -of full value.. . ss 48,511,277.00 - Claw No: SA subject to 10%'of fuIIvalue.... 100.00 Class No. 4 Subject to 40% '"Un Value:..... .15;392,358.00. . 62,184,775.00 MONEYS AND. CREDITS-300%of Full Value..::........ 115r470,18600 $491,878,096.00 .STATEMENT. OF �ASSESsED VALUATION. 1935 —Real Estate Taxable Valuation :.......5111,248,821.00 Plus Assessed Valuation. due to Homestead Law (Chap. 359—Laws of 1988):.= :... 14,277,082.00 125,523,703.00 193x—Personal Property Taxable Valuation.......... 21,508,347.00 1935—Moneys and Credits Tazable Valuation ................:. 115,47,185.00 .. $262,592,235.00 .VALUATION.....: . . ............$147,122,050.00. 1935 Tax Rate—City .: .$60.68 1935 Tax Rate --County ....... 23.08 1935 Tag Rate --Oris Mill 1........ .1.00 1935 Tax Mate—State Purposes.... _.... 13.34 _ 498.10. City of St. Paul Population --Genius 1930 Incorporated March 4, 1854 271,606 f�� ;:M ill tl-) : , i�!) �� 11 1�-.) 1 5075 oad..i�slnea«k.FIs NO_ ......... ..._..._...._......__. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE oF. THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM lap PRESENTED IE3 �/( ... �C .W_..:_ ....._...... ....... .. GATE ....................... .........................._............... COMMISS,,NEt<._.. ..... ••'• _ -" REsoLVED That permission and authority are hereby ' given to Walter W'. Magee to alter the gasoline filling station present located at the northeast corner of Aroade _and East Seventh Streets, As to sorbs and islands and tank installation; said alterations to be made in accordance with the plan submitted, and any deviation from the plan, as approved, will automatically void this permit; and such alterations shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Work's. CT2�ioeakan 1. ILMEN Adopted by the Council ........---•193....._ Yeas 1 � EP TL Infavor Approved ........ .....................................................193-.. ce i gtereon 10 _ �7-C .. Against.r..........— ram resident (Gelmn) 3M 636 CITY OF SAINT PAUL`��5 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSCIN City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 15th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly t Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of the Walter W. Magee Co. for permit to alter the present station as to carbe and islands and tank installation located at the northeast corner of Arcade and Wast Seventh Streets was referred to yon, by the Council, for a resolution to grant this application. Yours very truly, City Clerk. olilGIN AL FAIV".W.MSN �am WE Ct"Ti y OF SAINT PAUL Gpitsl of Minnesota WM.1. ChCh.Pf H CLINTON A. HACKERT Fire ief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tssstha end Minnesota Sheets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOIE -Bl -i P_ MULL/'►IVEY, Deputy Comminionv IlSeptember 14, 1936 Mr. L- 8 _ S _ P`eram sou, City C1Br1s= St. Paa1 MAL;z+i+esota Dear Sir = getarne& herewith is the application of the ia=11-t 6r R- VeLgee Co. for permission to alter terse present gasoline station as to curbs, islands _gra tam3c installations, located on the northeast corner of Arcade and East Seventh Streets , spa reports of inspection and approval as to moire= j'+mweTa and traffic, but the Divisions of IPirs 3E�rsveat ion and Traffic. Very traly yours, / epnty Commissioner of is afety C � ' LIFE IS SINE R BY PRACTISING SAFETY. YHE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ° OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL v ■tli Ttc R -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 14, 1936. John P. Mullaney, Deputy Commiss Tori ®r Dear Sir: This is in resporisc t;o your latbar of September 8, 1936 relative to nEceby the 11alter W. Magee Co. for to albe-r present gasoline filling station as 1=-o curbs, j.slands, and tank Installations, loca Led on blas r-,ortheast corner of Arcade and East Seva-=tti Streets. You may be advise3 i st S have Dade the usual inspection and do not find Llia 't-- ti -ie proposed alterations of station and driveways w5-13 with the movement of traffic. Yours truly, H. iQ. eTe'b a �T-L'ZA Supt. of Traffic. CITY" OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital CA MinnesoChief Fire Chief Minnesota Fire J. f H Chief of Police pEPARTMENT C3E PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota $tracts Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G_ H_ BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P_ MULLAlVEY, iDaptaty Commisaana September 8,1936 Hon.G.H.Barfuas Commissioner of �Fuo1 is Sai etyma St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir 1. In regard. to the application of W.- lter W.Magee Co. for permission to alter present gasoline filling station as to curb s,islands, and tanl� insta11at3.orns, located on the northeast corner of Arcade ani East 7th Streets. Three acldit ior3al 1000 gallon gasoline tanks are to be installed. 'lde have iavestigateci the foregoing and report that the desired changes and tYze acLc3it!.onal storage would not increase the fire hazard in that v3cinity� Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. LIFE !S Vi'►LiJIABLE — S/a►VE IT BY PRI►CTMNG S^FETY. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairmen LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. MCGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, CIH Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary THE 8 OA -,RD OF ZONING EstablisFe.ad by Ordinance No. 5840 August 44, 194'4 SAiiT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE Sept. 11, 1936. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson , City Clerk, 368 Court House. Dear Sir: - In the mat t e r- o :ff the appllcat ion of the Walter W. Magee Company to remc>c3e 1 the present filling s tat ion at the northeast corner of Arcade Street and West Seventh Street. Federal Trx2Tt]6v Xiiglzway #212 passes this station on West Seventh Street arzC3 Trunci highway #61 pauses on Arcade Street. As this station now exists, and as the work consists of improving tie <ar-iveway entrances and the reloca- tion of the pump islaric3s rn0 public hearing is necessary. The Zoning i s :or light industry. The plans erica oseci are in et ocordance with State Trunk Highway and City Co: St. Paul standards, and the Board recommends that the perm3 t be granted. Very truly yours, GEORGE H. HERROLD Engineer -Secretary (CHH/EM Copy to Mr. Geo. 313.epar4c5L _. � Cooti; Te.�,:s.�-v ,. �Raec. li+s."._ �,. Yie•v _ � B—U Or CGN.... RVAIw JOHN M. REAROON. SUPT. OFFICE ENGINEER O. N. HERROLD CHIEF ENOR. CLK.K MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVINO C. PEARCE. CoMMusIo NER OMORGK J. JACOBB. DEPurr COY WEEION[w OEOROK M. DHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Sir: September 14, 1936 BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER, SUPT. BUREAU OF DRIDaRE M. S. ORYTBAK. ENGINEER Buw[Au or coww[er1oN• RAY J. KARTAK. Suri. In the matter of application of the Walter W. Magee Company for remodeling the present filling station at the northeast corner of Arcade and East Seventh Street, 2 beg to advise you that plans as submitted meet the engineering standards of this department and consequently are approved from an engineer- ing standpoint. Yours ve truly, GEC M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. -Sept. 11, 1936. up. L. R. 8. Terguacezz . City clerk, 368 Court House. Dear Sirt- Tra ntsa ,tze�- es=ih appii_astloR of the 8:1t eer W. Magee Conpany to rshottc�3 t2he preeent YS13.sg sStsa st iS+s northeast oorner of Arcade Street and ®test Siventh SLr�eet. rederal r^s U-ILECUway #212 passes this s}#sa3ssri on West Seventh 9irstrt; -tom W,040ral '!rums highway. #6X Psmsss an Aroafle Street. As �'� station Roe euls6s, aad_-aa 't0ftW tw"Vk consists of AAPz' sFSh%g -%Nomamm arlvetsay entrances ax%4 tftm - ras3 ooa- tion of the pump 1Lm-1, +mese no publlo hearing is neQosmwart. The zon-A szg �%_ mw :ror light industry. The plsaas are in a aoordanee w2.t;3 33'ftate . Ttui�s`Hig2tit�ray a+ 3"'8t. pawl stanAards, aad t1s+s=-$varQ rsoomadn8s that %2w& be granted - Ye" trues your*, _ Engineer-Sesr+staurT OHH/8it Copy to Mr. aeo. S COUNCILMEN Adopted by vjme Council ...........S'E'P.AA'.-0°1.._._ Yeas Nays Barfuss / g Pindlan �� In favorApproved.........._SCEP.._.... .... .:............. 193....... Pearce Peterson k/ Against -- -- ----3 Trru= ..C! .......... .... ayor Vialael- s�I su 1 ' EiF+I� �' Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 ' (150'6 �I.t��r. " .CITY OF ST. ,PAUL. t1 6 asp -�erc3ce&t°a;au a 0....... _............................... on.�d __'Lz a -'=-E- cat---��a•'-. OFFICE -OF THE CITY CIS aaa ' - tSoa-oScr -�.�--_�-15c�ndiYon'e 2oY-, �-� a.SgriBarta Sub- �i COUNCIL RESOLUTION GE[V P __ cprnep R `, -satsmf�-i+a-� _ ��azs .3Print x._..... '. ........ PRESENTED BY 1s4—oez�'� 8rivawS9t _............... .._.......... .... _RN_. ..tsmggl� _ 'E 4 Comp WHEREAS, the DeLoop Service Stat:LOJM 33as Council for permission to install and mainta=� petitioned the � 8 -rive -is filling station on, Lot 6, Auditor$ a Subdivision Ko . 56 located at the corner of Sixth and Jackson Streets; anti. WHEREAS, said DeLoop Service Station 3'+9mw submitted a blue-prilt of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb- r_e-turns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of and WHEREAS, a hearing has been r<S4_ =ce with Paragraph f, Section 6 of OrdlYlianoe No. 5840; there�orP RESOLVED, That permission and autYsori't Zr- as m -e hereby given to said DeLoop Service Station to install s3ic5L -jrmmm i ntain said station In accordance withirthe plan submitted;- any c3svl Virion from the plan as approved will automatically void the perm_' _ The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with t vrdinanoes of the direction or' t;]ze AC—_o-xxxmissioner of Public City of St. Paul, under the Safety; the building plans and landscaping to subject o the Commissioner of Paris, r+cis and Pu is _ approvalt,of the 3= a nage, sPlsygrca�� Buildings; and any changes in curbing, ide z� or other public improvements within the str�+e s = ramps, _3ziea shall be made - under the direction and to the satisPaatioa 4=1-7:0 a Commissioner Public Works. The permit herein grantees > subj eat to "revocation by the Council wh exaev e: r �-jr�a be forever s $i c1 Council shall determine that the maintenance of said etat:ir�x coastitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Adopted by vjme Council ...........S'E'P.AA'.-0°1.._._ Yeas Nays Barfuss / g Pindlan �� In favorApproved.........._SCEP.._.... .... .:............. 193....... Pearce Peterson k/ Against -- -- ----3 Trru= ..C! .......... .... ayor Vialael- s�I su 1 ' EiF+I� �' Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 III, APPLICATION TO -E -A" IN ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL - TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLERK-8 OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE______ ----------------------- �19 TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made --------------- ---------------------------------------------- BY- '^, ----- - --- - -------- (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) ------------- - -- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A___-- ------------------------------------- - ------------ ------------- SLOCK__9 ---- - ------ AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON Cdl .1�-&-4-ALS. DESCRIBED A6_-_ --------------------- 18TREET AND NUMBER) ' F PUMPS -------------- No. OF GAS TANKS ----------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_f'T�!_ NO. 0 .4 v sIGNATUnK OP'APPLICANT. Al FILED By- ._ .----- 7�U—S1WESZ ADORE88. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 4 DATE._ -_______—_-_—__. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK r to to DATE------ ------ ----------------------------- DAT TY :0 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY PLANNING BOARD BY— BY-------------------------------------- - -- - - - -- - - POST CARD NOTICE OF FSCE -OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn._ Sept. S 193 8 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted b3r the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby aotifaed that the application of Deloon Se3 Joe ntn- to erect and install a filling station located N-W& 00r- Sixth & Jaal�+soa Sts will come: up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City 11all and" ".Court House Building on the d_f Septdnber , 193—!L, at 10 o'clock A. M. " _ AXEL F. PETERSON, Page �`+lp 8146 Commissioner of Finance. Mr. L• 73_ S- Pergason, city C1erg, St. Psa1 , Ifdinaeaota Dear Sir s WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. September 11, 1936 Returaeei herewith is the application of the D@3.00p Service Station for permiaslon to install a drive—ia gasoline f13.3.1=g station at Sixth and Jackson Streets, sacs reports of inspection and approval as to traXfic and fire prevention. Very truly yours, 7 epaty Commissioner LIFE Its V^L_U^gLE — SAVE IT BY PRACTMNG S^FETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota I Chief of Police pEPARTMENT CSF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULL^NEY, Deputy Commhsioner Mr. L• 73_ S- Pergason, city C1erg, St. Psa1 , Ifdinaeaota Dear Sir s WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. September 11, 1936 Returaeei herewith is the application of the D@3.00p Service Station for permiaslon to install a drive—ia gasoline f13.3.1=g station at Sixth and Jackson Streets, sacs reports of inspection and approval as to traXfic and fire prevention. Very truly yours, 7 epaty Commissioner LIFE Its V^L_U^gLE — SAVE IT BY PRACTMNG S^FETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SA�1�II-Y OF TME CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION S e p t e r,_b e> 9, 1936. John P. Y�ullaney, ;;eplaty Commissionor, Public Safety. Dear Sir; This is in reference to your letter o -f— 1936 relative The DoLoop Service Sta t rz application for permission to instaZi 4�-- in gasoline filling station on Lot 6, ; s Sub - Division „A56, at 6th & jachson Stree -t s Please be advised that I have r,,ade -i-- 1 ---LB -%-za1 investi- gation and do not find that the iE�:> arl ing ramp garage and oil station or _:aterial- ly interfere with the movement of c YourS truce a w Supt • o f — r —c 711f c CITY QF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTME"-F OF PUBLIC 'SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Testis assd •o/iissssesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G_ H_ BAi2FC.iSS� Commissioner JOHN P_ MiJLLAl�iE=Y� Vlsputy Commissioner 15 Septernber 9th 1936. Hon.G.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Sa f e tom,- St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to t rie i cat ion off the De—Loop Service Station for permission_ tc> Sri s a31 a drive—in gasoline filling station on Lot 6, Auditor s suzzb _ 456, at 6th & Jankson Streets. Six pumps and six -t--- —1-3-- s (:Cour 500 gallon and two 1000 gallon) are to be install e cL ;e have investioa �. e� �lze foregoing and report that such an installation at the cle s s r e c3 1 ooation would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that v z c 2323 a. y Yours truly Chief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. LIFE IS VALU/�BiLE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. �s'iY or � a°s c a ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, ` Engineer Secretary THE BOARD OF ZONING Establishac! by Ordi-ce, No. 5840 August 44, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE Mr. L R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : September 14I.t1a, 1936. In the matter of application of the DeLoop Service Station for a drive-in filling station at the Northwest corner of Jackson and Sixth Sts. The plans for this station ca11 for a ramp garage on three it-cKwrs With filling station on the street level. The pumps are to be placgd along the sidewalk on both Sixth St. and JELCksd?n St. but the pedestrian is to be protected by a glass screen between the pumps and the sidewalk. The driveways vary from 12 Pt. in width to 22 ft. in width measured at the sidewalk line. You will note that the plans have been changed in red so that the washrack door will be re- cessed 15 ft. from S:Lmth Sty, the same as the main driveway to the garage on T8Cks0n St. Tlae Board recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very t1rul3r, George.* H. Herrold, Eyagineer Secreta�/- ry. gh-rh i mdr:2; /6=a. _ ��� �� — .��� �•�..! 75H(O�) Men • a ft�.4,.�H/r✓G I GRA.:/� �o, a I .s ^-� o. `SA s✓o: �e� _: �p � . .ti. i 5 �S � 'e t' _r � '? � � -F n . e� ,� �... T.-. %-�" J ._... K _ �,��,,�„�l;}� �o�iS f� .�,'� � /�' .4�s�.>rs /moi � �S—�c�� 'o � ��k�ae•d-o.. i u , 3/X7// 3�� 7 Z-9rf'1,a GAl1,� G� 3/XT// _� ✓�G Soo/ _ � G - /)UDS To,� ;� - 3�JbD/✓.- �.5�- • AY T 6 aL'GEfi - ) 4 -LY /Tr`t T 1 a�n�SdC�ld/,(cl/�ej-;D % �ryP f/ _ �q /O/N �X/6�/.�q �-_.—c-�—_. I .. I.A pf ... Z -.•- _. P�.O:. � !� —! t f�YOS� ��� /.--�Y _.' .' 6 ^y.ei • P '� s_. .. .'/O//O �6 5j, a�y G 1/r> c . ✓I4 - YT 2S¢n-f tfi/'b ` l'/KJ¢/1I Si �i!k:OI�.L<I-i d Fxi J /<n c_-4 S a / q�%y. .%��%��%✓ �+� ifs/-�.5�� T1� C.� . ✓LC<%IO/i� o �/Y. F/✓T 41���\/i�J�iCJ Orli a %kap/ iio sy8 RJ RS r /•a= e' i i ' fi✓�,[GiSL�D>a/�IZK/NG.9TZF-1� ;� ,_.1 - - �� ��'Yi_ _ eta_, yF,-i `,• a _ s � .•� ' _ _ _ `4� /o 1 Ai b of/i ca�c 1 jj 3• 0 � ? ^' 7bn. C) f._ •.� Po z �' .. alk- � 1 �! •. ..,r<s... µ _ ee IN i k/k /f/l/G G�EA.i/ice - o• o - i - jf h V y./i .q� s f' _ i Q i..r / .moi .'i. - -= ^�a — — ` ` ,�.. l _-� :���, �o - ��• P� p� 1` � I I _5,-j S- 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE, CONMISBIONSR BUREAU Or COM/�. / R/FAIR GEORGE J. JACOBS. D/PUT' COMMISSION" JOHN M. REARDON, Supt. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIo BNOIN[SR OEPIC/ ENOIN//R -G. H. HSRROLD CHI/P LNOR. C" X MARK W.WOODRUPP September 15, 1956 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building Dear Sir: BUSMe->s�Y O► VIS- Ar .. �SxED DBLSVCR. fun. ara/.I� ��Y O► aR/0088 SSSSMMMB_ S- czzw% V_ CMOINSFw 1 BY!- �/t.Y O GORRtCTOM/ �� a�-2/qY J zmz Rm I.K. aU In the matter of application of the DeLoop Service Station for drive—in filling station at the north— west corner of Jackson and Sixth Streets, I beg to advise that the plan as submitted meets the engineering standards of this department. The application consequently has the approval of this department from an engineering viewpoint. Yours vetruly, EO M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. 0041.0 r CUT CMk o 2ouwca CITY OF ST. PAUL, NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + COU TION ---GENERAL FORM w RESOLVED Whereas, Joha Y. Garrick, 826 Chtrles Sheet, has made application for license as house surer contractor, and whereas, John H. Garrick, in accordance with Ordinance 80. 7661 has been examined by the Board of Examiners and`ap- proved by said Board for license as a house sewer contractor, and Whereas, J "][. Garrick bas filed a bond in accordance with Ordinance go.11 1; therefore be it Resolved, that a license as house sewer contractor be hereby granted to said John M. Garrick subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the Commtissioner of Public works is in- structed to issue said license upon payment into the City Treasury of the required fee. COUNC�I-LMEN Yeas / N s .. Ba ass dlan In favor akce e raon Against �u: III r President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council ................ SE'Q...-I-6--.993...... AFF 16 we Approved...................... ......._`............... ....... ............. 193....... ........... �i Mayor Oeide.lrCn C7rk �ij r�Q CITY OF ST. PAUL r`��i"`" NO,!Q5078 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .................... COUNCIL. RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PREgaEN����p COMMISSI4N__..8.._._iuBB _ DATR .............. ...................t'i9.tl........S.�......rQ..f�i3.S?......_._ RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement with Noble M. Quiggle, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $20.00 per, week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Depart- ment of Public Safety, on the 26th day of June 1936; be it FURTHER REQOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Noble M. Quiggle the sum of $150.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation / Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including August 31, 1936. COLMEN Yeas . T] AB igdlan _ In favor �F rson 'frau: Against 3M 6,16 Mr President (Gehan) Adopted by the Council .........._SEP -1.6 "-e EP- .6fQ6 3D 16 W16 Approved........... .._..................... ........ .......... _...... ............ Mayor ST.PAULFCOUNCIL CITY OF S - NO. .......... OFFICE OF IrHE CITY CLERK FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL P"EIWINTEDN COM SS10 DATE ------------------- — ------- - . .. . ....................................... ............. . ..... .............. )Let- MM01.01-0-IM-01 [ I I WHEREAS, upon the recommendation or.- the COx-poration.-.Counsel'# reciting that special circumstances em:Lj3-t x-eiacLex.-Ing :it, afti"4';sable to employ spedial counsel to pass upon the -%rexX-'Ld1AZy of the issue of $100,000.00 Public Welfare Bonds of the City c3or Saint Paul, author- ized by Council File No.' 105021, approved September 10, 1936; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That the Sinking Fund Carnim-:LZZee be and it is hereby authorized to employ Walter Foones, attorney c3.:r Saint Paul, and Thomson, Wood & Hoffman, attorneys or New Yoram City, to pass upon the validity of said issue of bonds, at et aOmiporioeLtlon of not to exceed Seventy-five Dollars ($75.00), peLyzLbMet out of the Debt Ser- vice Expense Account. Yeas COUNPII�MEN Na Adopted by the Council.....................................................193..... SEP .. - - 16 193. Y... ... ... . . . ...... Eat Sep 16 Mg Z.. ..... ___ . ... In favor Appr<wed................................................... U93- 7 'PA Al ............ ............... ... gainst .. . ..... ....................................... M . ay , o . r /ZwPresident (Gehan) 3M 636 O� to City Clak V— wuxea 1�� No.. ............._7jo ....._........... OFFICE OF TI—Y WE CLERK COUNCIL FORM RESOLVED That Tavern and Dance He.1� =x` ---w enses issued to Jack N. Karter at 678 University Avenue, mrck the same are transferred to Ralph B. Smith at the same acic3r oE-- 4EEar. s and the _ proper City offioers are hereby directed to make the r34E�t -w�m vas ssry changes in the City records. Yeas CO/MEN Na s B: use In favor e eterwn __..... . %�_ ............ /J ,.,Against rauz �ddent (Gehan) 3.M 636 505bif � GH_ Bartuee--; _ aBQIved_ Lt+aYt.,>•±a4.Orn 8ad'Dfiace:H'sll:' = ae#s4 aefl,tn-.Ysck: N., Barter aE, 878.. - �v�z-siiy "Avetine be �a.nd the'. eame' - _ _ trsasfarr¢d-.-ttr Ralph $.. Bm1'th at� aidflr¢as , 1*e6ted to lyare$y - in' the, it make the UY -t ie 8 W WO City Yott-`- g:' a cs�ted b9 Lhg COIInC11 HBpt 18, 19ae.'I _ '3��Yoved Sept. YB 1888. Adopted by the Council ........$E..Q...j..P'....1Q�.C.193_..... crp 164W Approved.................................................................93....... ...._............tt�,�........................ ................................. Mayor r = CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota X04 - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration - !;% September 1.5, 1936• Ron. G. H. Barfass, Chairssa, License Cosssittee, City. Dear Birt We enclose herewith regssest for transfer d tavern and dance hall licenses Prom Sack N. garter at 678 University 4venae to Ralph 8. Sssith 8t tias same ad- dress. we also enclose regsest cif Beamb- :B - Saith for transfer of his Mon sales liquor license aael 3-2 off and on sale and restaurant licenses from 678 V2xivars3ty ALwenue to 129 last Bifth street. These a:ppl1e&t1one were referred to the License Comsittee, by the Council, for 3nw4asti8ation and report. Yours vary t rely s City Clerk. Sept . 14, 19 86. ' To the Hon. la^W or 8c City Council; I have bought the p1 a:e a of bue inese at 678 University Avenue -from JaLCIc Il- Sa.rter and kindly request you to transger the tavern and dance hall license to me at the: sa=c atcLclress . You ze t ru,2a- RALPH . SlLIT Sept_ 14, 1976. To the Hon. Mayor Gehan, & Couric i1 z I sold my place of business =t 67S University Avenue and Kindly request you to transfer my tavern and dancing license to Ralph B. Sm It 7z at the same address., Yo 'X -s trn[. J i IR = 8 PRES - -TED SY CO M_l� ►..�-_- _.__. - SSZ O ra ER............ COUNCIL 1015081 CITY OF ST. PAUL rlu NO — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESO 1 --GENERAL FORM September 16, 1936 _ ......... _...... DATE— -....-.....-......--.-.......--------------- ............................ REQ= D That Hestanrant license, application 13627, Cha Sala Malt -leverage license, application 13626, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license, application 13629, applied for by H. I. Prodger at 775 ]Front Street, and under which said applicant has operated for a period of approximately two and one half months be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction for maintaining gambling devices an these premises, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to H. W. Prodger the same of $T•90: J9-5, s : $4.15, respectively, and to cancel said applications for licensee. r COL.TNLMEN Adopted by the Council ..._.,r r.n.... ..p.... 193 ..... � s // Na s � V .. ���,,B���///���fffuss - In favor Approved ...........-.._i. Ian aS�{..'._Y �......... - --- - earce i .Peterson rruaa Against�.........._......_ .�_.. ._..._. Mayor /1vlr. Pres,dent(Gehan) RESOLVED 4o,-50- 2 CITY OF ST. OFFICE OF THE CIT7� CLERK CILR LU —CF-- m= 3-.a ERAL FORM 7c....16, -.1936 - -_--------- That Restaurant License 7T46, --51 C3t3m=:w- Seae Malt Bavara.ge License 3119 expiring April 2, 1937, issued to StBVB v� �am=ejc:j at 2039 Arcade Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon racv�exidatioxL of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction for xmEL. +Meaibliag devices upon these premises. CO7ILMEN yeas Na/yB arfuss / , indlan ) 1SIn favor rce ......................... .Lys /Ye[erson �,.... Against �(UdE r. Preeident (Gehan) )M 636 77*77 it. Ba'etuee Renatvad. that asta-urant .Lteeneaj ?�46, and:Ofi Baj N�-aIY-'8eaeraAs License X19 sxDlTing=dprfl_ g�'.,Ycadogtret.be! - -^de PaderaXi ie 50191 y, rt ¢'3Cd dpoel tha.saaaa ars hareb� revoked d0oa e{comaiendatioa•- �_ thq- Byreau-of Po - Yeas or ai�rast':an8 Convieftou for - - �'iutain-in� Sazab2iag- d$vicee;:. npoa,� 4doDtea zb� tpa>-�nvuail gept. l6 x9a8t� _ - ��9DrwcH'.SepL- r6_ -3936 - - fSapi 29�I93$j, Adopted by rhe eounpl........... SEP 1..6 636193 - ..............- ---- SEP 16 we Approved ................. ............................ .... ......... - 1- _ ... , .._.-.__y-__________...........r.....__.. t 4 Mayor a aouwNO—11(5083 1-? 0 83 CITY OF ST. PAUL ^� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED That Restaurant License 7660, and. On Sale Malt Beveralge License 3022 expiring March 12, 1937s issued to Alfred. Dafonr at 1116 S.. *abashes Street be and the same are hereby revolosd upon recommendation of the Bnreen of Police because of acreat and conviction for maintaining gambling devices on these premises. COUNCILMEN Yeas `/ N e /Buss ,rigdlan 1n favor earce A�eterson . _ n _- Against .... ruga JAt. President (Gehan) 3M S36 T Adopted by the Council......_SEP ...1.6.._1 6..193..... Approved ................... ._ 1..._..............__..193 .....�........- Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTjO ENERAL FORM RESOLVED "— NO��� nu September 16, 1936 ................................................................. That Tavern License 3159 Dance Hall License 750, Restenrant License 8116, On Sale Halt Beverage License 3533, and Off Sale Halt Beverage License 4791, issued to E. B. Pitkin at 240 E. Seventh -.Street be and the same are hereby' revoked upon recommendation of the Bareau of Police becense of arrest and conviction for keeping gambling device. Tavern and Dance Hall expire Dec. 23 1936 Restanrant, and On and Off Sale Malt Bev. expire June 26, 1937 COUN Yeas Na s _ uss / .dlan // _.....__......... In favor ,P�earce Xetemon t Against ............._....... coxa iJeeseF President (Gehan) 3M 6-36 Adopted by the Council... .............. W.1.6 1930 M 16 W6 Approved........................................... _............... _._..I._._. mS t0 COYNOIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nts NO--T,5-Q85w/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v, , • COUNCIL RESOL9ff0Tfq-GENERAL FORM RESOLVED (r That Restaurant license 7776, On Sale Yalt Beverage license 3197 and Off Sale Wt Beverage license 4259, expiring April 7, 1937t issued to Tom Shoury at 140 S. 4abasha Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction for maintaining gambling devices. N COUNCILMEN YeasN s ,P(indlan In favor Against terson ., ruaa /r. President (Gehan) 3M 676 Adopted by the Councils..eP 16 193E 193..... ........._.. .............._._...._....._....__ Sep 16 6 Approved......................................... _........................193_..... ..... Y -j.. ._ Mayor, o�tao.r�F+a a..i sou„a� 586 1. CITY OF`%T. PAUL ras NO. -Y, ................._.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CODICIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to draw a warrant in favor of Roy F. Morgan, Court Reporter, in the sum of $480.50 for taking a part ,of the testimony and transcribing the same in the matter of the appeal of Thomas A. Brown, a Civil Service employe; said sum to be payable out of the Police Fund, 7-D-2. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays tfuss lan In favor ce terson ............ Against taus Al etuel ,Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 SEP 17 193Q .... Adopted by the Council.................................................193...... X17 06 Approved......................... .......... ......... _.................. .193....... Mayor odgin l to City Clan .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK eouxe�� I.L. iv0....... . .. .. .�.�7, ((..�� Umsa&amsa An ordinance authorizing and providin for issUWT bonds o[ the Ctty o[ 9alnt Sii eeoEa for the purpoea- o' ofq Thousand Dollars ( palt ^ Tal^ vbD��! o0 F✓e�Jdoken of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose o es en enlarging and improving the Water Works system, owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul* WHEREAS, the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul, did,on the 17th day of September 1936, pass a resolution reciting the necessity of raising additional funds for the,purpose of ekteuding, adding and installing water mains and for the purpose of making an addition to the 91ty filtration plant.and other necessary Improvements for the betterment of the water-*orka system, and estimating the cost of proposed exRtrid si'and additions to the water works system at the sum of Zedred Twenty,Thousand- Dollars ($820,000) and requesting resolution Council of the City of Saint Paul direct the proper city: officerse!'�0(fn,. of said city to issue, negotiate and selIARA {` eJ1D�D water works bonds for the purpose of,extending A.A.L.Aff adding and installing water mains, building an addition to .the -, (:Sncooc) filtration plant and making other necessary improvements:.for, the betterment of the water works system, owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul, and requesting that the City Council:submlt: the question as to whether such bonds should be issued to the voters of the City, and WHE'REAS,,said resolution has been duly presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul, therefore SeeThe Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordains l. That the City of Saint Paul issue and sell negotiable/, lNodsAgiD bf(said city in the sum of %'✓C/1d�DrPt°D par value, for the purpose of extendingt adding A14.4,10A14.4,10t. and installing water mains, building an -addition to the tiitr`ation C�Svccoo) plant and making other necessary improvements for the betterment of the water works system owned by the City, as.authori>ed,b`y Section 217 of - the Charter of said City and-other'sections of said Charter applicable thereto. 10,5088 'r O`idml to Cul' Qaek- couMci� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ............... ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I� PRESENTED BY _... 1 COMMIS SI UNER__.____...._....._.........NTE...... _. (continued) RESOLVED Section 24 Said bonds shall-:besar date the rirst day o8 the month in which they are sold; said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue,'�c�' but none of said bonds shall run roe a longer period than MMkrftJ a)(_P) years, and the Council shall rix tha denomination of such bonds and the dates of maturity thereor. Such bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed four ()4.) Per cant pez'- annums payable semis annually, and both principal and interest shall be payable at the -office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City Of St. _Paul or at the fiscal agency of the City or 3t.Pau7, in the City of New Yorks State of New York. The coupons attached to said. bonds may be authendfaith andthe cedit4o thea 01tyeorrSt:.peLul is hereby &7Or and comptroller- Therre- vocably pledged for the prompt and raithrul payment of both principal and interest of said bonds. The proceeds Or said bonds are hereby appropriated for and shall be used solely roe the purpose of extending, adding and installing water mains said building .an addition to the filtration plant and malting other necessary improvements for the betterment of the water works system or the City of St.Paul. section 3• The Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time, in such amounts as it may see rit,* upon such notice and in such manner as may be prescribed -by law, at not less than par and accrued interest, to the highest responsible bidder or bidders and the proceeds thereof, including any premiums realized thereon, shall be credited to and placed in the rand or the Board of Water Commissioners of said City. Section 4. The Board of Water COnmiissioners is hereby directed, ordered and required to set aside annually Prom the revenues °f the interest Water Department of the City, a suPricient amount to pay the on said bonds and the principal on all bonds maturing during such year. This provision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City Por the payment of said bonds and is not in lieu thereof. Section 5• This ordinance shall tape effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage and publication and upon its app roval by the vote of the electors `"sas provided by law. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounciL......171..:.. 3..-..-.--- --193.- Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved ................. ....... _................... 193....... Pearce Peterson OAgainst _ �.... - -,.— .............. ... Traua _ ......... Mayor Wenzel_�� Mr President (Geban) �� 3M .'J6 carr C:__ _, September 28th, 1336- "r. John L. Connolly> Corporation counsel, Building. Attentions Mr- Edwin ltnrohY Dear Sirs �t czpsed hereto are two copies of the minutes of the ConaA=33- --Am=mm,&t*-ng held today with refer- ence to an ordinance —zing the issuance of $500,000 bonds of the City of SsiaL-- :—.-sul , for the pur,ose of extend- ing, enlarging and the lister works system. ®111 you kindly approve astisfactory to you and return one copy to us. vv -M_ 3_ 73- you also kindly draw a resolu- tion calling a special s1c¢'Gion to be held on November 3rd for the purpose of enbmit'G w=ag this ordinance to the voters. -Coura very truly, City Clerk. At YIDU'P=3 O2 WHX GOUWG2:3r-- Sentembgr 26 1336 Meeting called to order by Mr. Vice P3rewlLcl6at Present - Comers. Barfass, Findlaa, Pearce PgtBrsoa Wenzel,, Mr. Viae Pres. Truax - .6 Absent - Mr. President Gehan• .1 Commissioner Wenzel stated that a iac6 kgs V--:3Lc3sy' s Council meeting he has been assured that the City can obtain a II'ed6i-AMjg==-4q-x+t; to defray part of the cost of extending, enlarging and improving the Rat erVW o:W'1=s system owned and operated by the City of St. Paul, as more fully describec�L 3a Etn ordinance, Council File NO. 105085, and because of this aseistaa.ce aLTI-CL b e�-mouse certain funds are available from other sources it will be nnnecessscr� for t: a City to authorize the issuance of more than $500,000 in bonds for the prof ect: - commissioner. Wenzel then moved that Lig �aM�+ci1 reconsider its action in approving the form of Council 3Pile 240- 1f350Sg � 'be�ag wAn ordinance' authorising and providing for the issuance and sola of 3Er7txt*drecl Twenty Thousand Dollars ($820,000) par value bonds of the City of Ssiat B4E30=L1 , M!Lzmesota, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the 7Pater works system, owned and operated by the City of Saint Paul" - Yeas - 6 aeys - 0 Commissioner We el then moved that t3z8 or�iaance be amended to provide for the issuance and ale of $5003,00 Pur va1�B �taoads of, the City of 'Saint Paul, Minnesota instead $820,000 and that the woa-tLs sad. figures "Might Hundred Twenty Thousand Dollars $820,000)" be stric3can t2iersfrom WI%erever they pertain to the amount .of bonds and that - the words anc'L, :C!Lp_ re>s 'wF�ve Handred .10housand Dollars" ($500,000)' be inserted in fieu thereof,.. jv--, Yoga -6 Reye - 0 -� _approved as to form, as amended. Xd�. yeas 6 i Hays - 0 The ordinance was laid over to October 3sc3 for final adoption. rnctecl ` to sea3 this ordinance to the printer for The City Clerk was Inst - publication on Saturday, October 3rd and to wrest 8 a letter to the Councilmen setting out that it is imperat ive than they amt �ar2 tins Council• meeting o3, said date. The City Clerk was also inatrrxctgd- to M=g4B pr8par4d,s,resolutlon calling a special election for the submission oY the f s�3 �a ing ordinance and arrange to have the same published on October 3r1- Swgg'tss "'=+6, 1956 Meeting called to order by Ur,w P : 3E - Present -Comers.-.Sartttss, FIjm&Teaa 3E� 341ent -, Pet'ersoas Wenzel, Yr.' iTios;Pres.. Trnas 6 Absent - Yr. Praeident Qehan- -1 Commissioner Wenzel steztON& t�� � - s3aoe yesterdagr•s Council meeting be has been assured that; the .City cmim ?edera2. great to defray part of the cost- ostof ofeztending::'enlarging and immprars ,—te a IIem"I Vor3M syaton.gwae4l ead,ops et ea• by thapity of SR ; Pana s as aor8 is as ordinance, O09=011�i1�R . Ha.. 105088, and betraase of this was ash - �- .�=ce. eiad became certain Ennis, are available , ' from other so"* it ;Rill be snaa� sy sem: iae• -� Yor. the' City to authorise -the, ieanan of more than $500"00@: n bonds =or � s ojea#.•. _ Commis*ionar Menzel thea - 'forin r 2. P3 3Las _ _ t the Counall reconsider ..it's action is �S8, being aha orgiaancs authorising approving the ConnC and .providing .,for the • is aua pe 4axxAM - s ®1INEW, 2E9 of "gl.ght" N=A -041 Twettty Thousand polls ($820,000) pan value bonds or Lha 1=7SL_� oi` SaSat. Pauls Minnesota, for the purpose of aztendiagi enlarging a+ad isapres4 ,-® -�?sa- 1�ater Morlce system, owned and operated by "the.atty of Ssiat PAMLI"- �saa - 6' - Keys - 0 Commisoloner Wenzel- thea W�� at the; ordinance be amended,;to,provide for the issaanae and sale *:r*�[3 :<3�.�' - - w value bonds of the Qity of Saint; Paul, Minnesota inrtea _of $Q2O,OCXN azT - C;+' *.Yee words and figures "Sight ;Suadr}3 Twenty . herever they to the =. Thousand Dollars. ,�$a2O:,flOO�� aea satr- amount of bonds and that the wo=-cM= e_---- __� therefrom wpertains figaras 07Yve S'sndred Thousand Dollars" i$500,000) i be inserted in lien thereof.. - v Teas Approved.as tOfOrma �.: Teas - bb _ __O , r y. The crdinanae was laic& ovssM-_ ctobsr 3rd for final: adoption 'rinser The 0ity Clark was fact#rezct sear, the ordinance to tha" #or ublication on'Satnrday., Oatanar _ - aZi$ to' mfiite s' letter tq ths,_.Couaoil=sa ' setting out that, at -'is ;%egerab 3.ge - t2iedt at sad acannoil meeting an said Le. The 01 01er1c" was aXIs40 - -« a #sd to ]lave '3�r iartld`wa rarolution calling: special election or the sabaSss_ - -es= the farsgoiag ordiaanae and arrange. w. have the samo'pabliahed oa Cfa-tea _ _ bra. 5 , Y Adopted by Lt7.c 41Z:—^uncil 193 --- yeas Nays BUSS .���LAN �P//FARCE XETERSON i ,:FRUAX T�E�ENZEL PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 1st.-' ! L5�6 Laid over to 2nd_ 3rd. & app Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Pearce Pearce Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen Truax Truax Warren Warren Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan •2 s,o r it2101`• L tlto D=o 4 fY� offiFfs�a zlae��''#h_ ev a�'e 44Fe � a� c�eorue t 'xm` pen sea e ea Pubifa � �Dou eaaKato - uautamssg�l etsembg{ waz c)-lat-1m City cl—k `. �j�(-� ' r 4 CITY OF STL . PAUL. w�icwc" No_.axr]...0 ..... ti. �3 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R T1 ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE BY COMMISSI -17f...1936 RESOLVED y In the matter of pavjmg Jackson Street (east side) from Tenth Street to Grove Street_. and Norris Street from Jackson Street to 124 feet easterly of the center line of Jackson Street, under Preliminary Order C. F_ 102804, approved February 3, 1936, and Final Order C. F. 108381, approved April 21, 1936. Resolved, That the p7 sarsa and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Wax'ks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Adopted by the Council ........... S 7 7_1.7 .19361 93.------ SEP 17 1936 Approved--- . .... ------ --- .................... 193....._ Mayor U COUI�ILMEN Yeas Nays uss in < In favor - Ce . U Against , us - Wenzel /Mr President 32— 636 (Gehan) ' Adopted by the Council ........... S 7 7_1.7 .19361 93.------ SEP 17 1936 Approved--- . .... ------ --- .................... 193....._ Mayor CITY 4DF_6T. PAUL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL -14 OLUTI --GENERAL 1=OF2M a q -1 --1 .—._........... ..... ._.....___.... .__. .__......_...�.:_ �_—____�__ _______DATE____ COVMC�6 ��•��/Vi IVO_ ................_..................... .........ept-___1T.1....19.°56.......... .. In the matter of the contraction oP eL Interceptor Seiner F on Easement and Walpa. Street Proms I)e2os Street to Starkey Street; on Starkey Street From Colorado' to Water Street; on Easement from Water Street to INA *3sis1q3..3Ppi River; River Channels and Respberxy Xo-I a and Chicsgo, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railway Company and Chicago S -t- Pav1.� Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company to Kellogg Bo-txleva.r, 1r, on Kellogg Boulevard from Cedar Street to Wabash; Street -amd.er Preliminary Order C. F. 104940 approved Septeffiber M, 1936. Resolved, That the plans and spec -1 ficatioxx*3 spa submitted by the Commissioner of Bubl.ic Wor3cs Por the $hove named improvement, be and the same are hereby a171:x ve l - Resolved. Further, That the proper city are hereby authorized and directed to px oeeed mitis tlxe n aJ � of said improvement in accordance thereaith. Adopre d by rhe Council ---S................................... -17 In ----------- . ..193_- SEP 17 06 Approved------------- --------- ----------------- ---- -------------------- 193....... fy- . ...... ..YOr........... COUNCIL MEN Yeas / Nays. B ss an In favor ce eterson us 4:' Against zel Almr. President (Ge6an) 3M 6 36 Adopre d by rhe Council ---S................................... -17 In ----------- . ..193_- SEP 17 06 Approved------------- --------- ----------------- ---- -------------------- 193....... fy- . ...... ..YOr........... ocs�mi eo clay Ct�lc ;r! Gt COMMISS CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL j r NO. ......... ��1.5 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTIO -GENERAL I=C> ow ___ COUNC LMEN .SEP 17 1936 Yeas Nays Adopted by ��� ��oundl....................... ..................... 193 .... as /Y)an SEP 17i �.._. In favor Apo .._._., __ rayed........ 1 ...93..... rce rson Against Ux Mayor 1 President (Gehan) 3M 636 �1 In the matter of the construction of the Som eT — � a A 61, Sanitary Surer Interceptor, Linder Preliminary Order C— F 104911 approved September 2, 1936.; Resolved, That the plans and specifications as w==mw--1=x=i tted- by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above nam 3am-ovement be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That the proper city off'ici4!m --eaL3-Q hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making O:r improvement in accordance therewith. COUNC LMEN .SEP 17 1936 Yeas Nays Adopted by ��� ��oundl....................... ..................... 193 .... as /Y)an SEP 17i �.._. In favor Apo .._._., __ rayed........ 1 ...93..... rce rson Against Ux Mayor 1 President (Gehan) 3M 636 Orl,trr 1 to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ,y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESO ENERAL FORM COMM SSIONE .. RESOLVED ras That licenses for Restaurant, application 14483, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14484, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14485, applied for by Charles L. Goble at 1043 Grand Avenne be and the sane are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasary of the required New Informally approved by Council Sept. 8, 1936 COUNC MEN Yeas �p� as ,11 indlan Nay g e raon r�a............_...._......' l / Against / �Ivir. President (Gahan) l,// 4} 3M 636/ Mr. P Adopted by the Council.„,,,,;,,,,,,,,,,,,,_1 7 ..193..... SEP 17 10 Approved..... Mayor OrW-1 to Cly Clerk 5( CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..___--_�_____.._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES N ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Hotel Licenses 80. 1080, expiring October 22, 936, issued to J. pavilla at 516 St. Peter Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recomme»dation of the Bureau. of Police because of arrest and conviction for violation of law requiring the registering of guests. 9 s :xo, xoroue�s; < n BsrTueS= ";4=.d Ttu4; 3rvlw L Peatc9--> ` tlte.t Hotel L!>sepao :Noc:1080, :exylripg ; CSct OS 1038 feeoed to � �.privllia tyt� 610, 8t. Peter &,upon re the toe ielb rebg, revoked ppoRteoom ; monagtiptt, oT ttllV otl lo1 Ro)SGu ne- ',tS6pRo oTeAli,dAd) CcnfOD,V18- r, allow of W7r reQ�tla& tdrsoBtlLd7ttalf. oT s�UuR�li. Adopted by the it, R9pt 1' 1988 , j, Ayproved: BEDt. Y7 }aa88 (B0D410 Y938) CQjJAjPILMEId Yeas / Na s [3 us' indian zn favor 1. nejeo^ ...` Aet .. ......r fal /Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6 Adopted by the Council ....SEP .._1..rf.._ y....193..... S 1c`f�4i Approved.._ ............. -.._...... �' Jv.,�................IVIdyOr Council File No.__..t1 , PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of 9sint Paul, vis.: lie __entiire___�S�AQIl#�__ti7.8..Sld�➢fllk.-----•---•---- ----------------_on _both_. sides-- of__9Patson__ Av__eaue__ from _ Pleasant ---AM __to__ Dated this...-._Mth------day of_.______._ -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ------------- - - -- oa_bath.-sides ..Of_.i�edrson--A��,,,�__%om--Pleassat--AQeaue -ter- Chats�wx#}s--Stxesi. •---•-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------•----•-----.._...-- -------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ---------------------------------------- --•----------- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worker be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. U Adopted by the Council. ._-..._-------------------- ----------------------------------- Ynes Councilman BARFUSS FINSpproved--------------------------------------------- _----------- .. PETERSON�TRUAX `�--- W ENZEL Ma PasBln�r Mayor. Form C ♦ 13 t2d! 7-387 Council File N......Y-1599 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making ofthefollowing public improvement by the Cio of Saint Paul, viz.: $epairings.-,reconstructing_and__relayin_g-_the- cement tile sidewalk on - --------------------------- ------------•-- ------------•- ---•----- _______________ both__eides_oP_➢Pinifred_Street__Prom_Ohio-Street to Bidwell Streets and from --------------------------------- --------------- A_v_enue-_to_Hal_Apenue�--where_necessaay. - - ............... _......... Dated this ---16th ------.---day of ............. ........_September,. CA HIeH IMINARY ORDER.treot,trom%g to, SfAoH;F 4431 4,vonue, Where ner. r; WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.- "' bea*�ipta nceq Re reconstruct and rel - -Pairings ...........................f °g eying._the cement the sidewalk on ............... both__sidea..oP..Yiinifred.Straet- Prem.Ahic..Street.-ta.Bidwell..Street,.--sxul..CrAa1...... ---------- AY�nue--#a--Hall. Aveaus,--Mere..aeressary-.------------------------------ ......---••---•-----------•-•----..................... -........... --................... -----........... --------------------------------- -------------- ---•-----•-•--••---- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------------------------•------••-•----------------..-.....__--..__._..---•.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .......................... UP._17- YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS 17 W6 �A FI E%proved-.. ......... -....................•••---- PETERSON Q TRUAX WENZEL Ma Pase1DIM Mayor. F— c l to tent r_aa) v Council FSIs No..._I.C. 5097 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe makingof thefollowing publicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: _Reconstructin&_aitki-.4"-.Monolithic--concrete.the sidewalk -_on -the north aide ----------------------- --------------or St.....Clair_Straetyline- .............. O;r liam-i u"venues--thenne..sast.-4S.0..faet� ------------------------------------------------- --- - . 1986 Dated this 16th ......day of----------------- 9....---•-temb.er, er PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.:' ecoastruct with 4"_Monolithic concrete the-sidewalk--on-the-north aide ............. R ......_......,of..St.---Clair..Stssat,--keein�aing--at..a.3tu�ut...Si...9.. QQt_wQet._4f._the_east_line-•--•--------- of..Hamlina_Axsnue.,..-t}as�ucs..Q }-.4�r,Q.- Qet,.---------------------•------------------------ .........----- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ----------------------------------------- -------- -•--•-----•------••----••--- therefore, be it ---RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 6. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. � Adopted by the Council...----•-........ _- S -P ---------- YEAS NAYS Con neilman Ma PRESIDENT Form c A 13 (2M 7-33) BARFUSS FINDLAMpproved......... ---_-- Sep�-�. W 5 _---- foomee, PETERSON L� TRUAX / WENZEL- - —_ r....... Mayor. Council File No ...... U5098 ------------------ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of $pint Paul, viz.: ----------RepairiAg� ................ side, of_Charlee--Street,.-_beg-{nninL__at_a__point__54.0__ feet_ east_oF the east --------------- --------- -------------------------------------------------------- ----------- ............. Dated this ....... 18th -_--_-day of .......... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via_: .......... Repairing, reconstructing and relaying the existing sidewa-11c on the South side--of-_Qhaclss.-Street-,---b®ginning---n£__#he__,eaat--------- ----------- ---------- line --- af-_Pa acal. Asenne, `_thence-_seat__26,_Q__Peat------------------------------------ ---------------------------------- --------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1:. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. fib. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council-----------------------------�-^ - `�-FM--------------- YFAs NAYS Councilman BARFUSS SEP 17 *06 FIN�i D dI�Kpproved-------------------------------- - PETERSON TRW 0 WENZEL -- ----- -- - ------ Ma PRESIDENT Mayor. F— c A 13 (211 7-28) ��� U ,tom Council File No......._1U.509 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and `14 PRELIMINARY ORDER. TheundersignedhP =by propoeeethemakingof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: R#suatinB-and--xe3Ay1n9-the...oameA,t.M10-.10exalk_on_both-_aides--•------ m .-- -rest to f%ommonwealth_Avenne where neceea --••---�--R:1Sd..�Y�"„�'�4�_ �.r'Q----�.PP..rpt..----_...._..................---------•• -•---•---•-�•-----------.....----••------�'--�----------- ------...... - -- — --- - ............... _............ .......a ----- - ....... ---- Dated this....3At}-3 --------day of........----•....._.septobQR-vIA58._, 193....... PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A vw--7=itten proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: a pgpaixing,-- �� ="onatanct�g•• and. -rel egin8._tha...eameat--t1le--- 1114m ----- - Qg--gAymppd_Av=entre_from_Itnapp Street_to_Commonwealth_Aveauer-_xhere neceasar.._...-_-. having been preeentee11F_ to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ....-----•--------------- ---•-----------•..----_-•...-----•••--------------•-------•- therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tk== mLt the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investiga.&the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investiga.lt�the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a 3pIan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state wh*_---*her or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ b. To report uj=­vn all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. -Adopted by the Cou c>s----------•----•---- "`-j ` ............ YmAs NATO Council msa BARFUSS �n FIN1Alt pproved.................. .................. ----- -- PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL-....T..... ......� -- - - Ms. Fsr =�rDmrrr Mayor. F— c A 13 tea 7-33i 4.0uncil file NO.:... .-.al—�-- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundenigned hereby propos em the malting of the followingpublic improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vim-_ __ _._.--•--•-Constructing_-the _Stewart_ Altos _Branch _Saaiter� 38wer _2nterceptorI--_-•----------_------ comprieing eevrera on Stewart Avenue from Rankin Street to the meet _ .....__---•--------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- ---....................... i................. -- line •.of_Sectiaa22=----Townahip_28a-_Rsage-_28:-_end_ oa KZton Streetoa -- .—______-__�tgli:r...AY.4ft9� Dated thin..._ .........disy of - _---------------------8eptember� ----------------------September, _---------r- - -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written prop>c3-sal for the making of the following improvement, vis.:rm- -i:oma: stagy uJ? �i ha" QII?it1C41e#r?3►B__thB _-u�ewa-A152P B7C4*3C21._1.tg�i__Seerer _InterceE+Ars.._ :_ ao�c mai com�Msing sewers__on Stewart Avenue --from R-10" to the west-__-_--____________ line of_Seetion 22�__Tosnehip_28•a:•Rpe 28�_- and__oa gZton Street- from--___•___________ ..... -............. ..t8$art_�Yf'.IIil@__ Q—W___SYED1. Strewt.---------•---------'-----------------------.._---••---:..�.---•----------- having been presented to the 40cmxm til of the City of Saint Paul---- ------.-_----------------------•--....._...-------••--- ---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Com wxxiss+oner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of staid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof - 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether ornot said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of FIXM3Mce. �r Adopted by the Council---------------- - - S i -_l7--06------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman SARFUSS FINDLAt�Kpproved_............... -- --------- _........................... �i14pE5 j PETERSON Q TRUAX WENZEL--iyt --�-------- Ms. PsEernmtvr ' /4 _Maayyor_ v,.m c A 13 (2M 7-n)° .-� PRELIMINARY UKULK. Theundersigned hereby proposesthe maldngof thefollowing public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: deconstructing-_with__5"_Monolithic_co4orete the sidewalk on the north _ -----------------aide..sz£._Jgirth..Streat._12eginniuS..�t.a_EQ nt._8a.0_feet_.�ast_ of__the east e-------_---- .:..----•---•---.of..Ilain-Avenue*..thenae..$est..SaB a -teat.----------------------------- ---•-••-•------.................................... ---- •-----------..... -Dated thie_:....16th day of ........ . ...._Septembers 1986 _., 193 �ry.::a dp t:ha�,,�61fdY'iFYl=� ItncPT' _. at F 7. S PRELIMINARY ORDER. ° b tto�tt N Wnu -a °$ Wlld�t i' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followingn improvement, viz.: P d z Re. ................... ... •-.............. .. . -.._.__......__....._..._...-------•- ----••.............................. ........... _.... sida._ot. Iii nth..Strest..beginning-- at -8 --.point.. .tbe.weat-a.f fie_.... _.... _... AQe_ weatl_68.0_-feetr..--------_---------------•--------.-----------.---_- ---_-.-- _---_- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............................ _..... _._.................................. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, estent'and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓! !'� b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. /" Adopted by the Council..._..................--_-..---------.--- YnAs NAxs Councilman BARFUSS FINDLA%proved._.... _........ . '�irhNE@ PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL � ...,1� ,... --. Ma. Pa�aIDIDNT r. Petition Council File No.._ -02 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersignedhereby proposesthemakingofthefollowingpubli"improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: Curbing-Lafond Street Prom. Victoria. Streetao Milton Street . ___.---....:. ........_ ....-----_.................... .............. . __.....----:.......................................-......-------...............-......_..-........._................-.................._ �• Dated this..161h...:.....day:of:................ 6APtembQrs... 19 6...... ................; 19 ................ ---- ..-. ....�.. _. '�, er:..• n08IO2=ny T—Irkv C Pelwl% . a' written yytopgaaT-tor diel: lbilowlag 1myr7 e..; tWondtbetre@t morn,'Rfotot;% '1 Mna etree , bhvtag Des ' PRELIMINARY ORDER.ta tbd cogaon yr tDe i ' .1 therefore bo•!t' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the'making of the following improvement, via.: bek the le fimmtbeyatot fhtabing..LafDnd iztr�e .Pry.Vintoria treat..ta.Mi] inn ;?traet..._ thea tDfaalalnakee�':t. . .. *nate r .oat -?..... x-. _................. .............._-................ _. _.. c., r ..._......._._........._.......... .._....... .......__-__-..... ..........-.-._. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ............................ ...................... ................ ............. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed" 1•. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 20 To investigate the nature, extant and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 8, To furpish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement, r 4. To stats whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, b. To report upon an of the foregoing matters tc�the Commissioner of Finance. ' l ," try �p Adopted.by the Council_._ ......P.1 ..�St....................._ Yloes" Nsxe f Councilmen. BARFUSS SEP FMS DLMpproved . ...... ........_._�" ........ ......_-.........._... k' PETERSON Q e TRUAX WENZEL . ....f. u 32a. Paa�lnnNT . •. Magor. Porn Clli OM*ii) -_; COUNCIL FILE NO -------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matterof...graditig_Alley in_Benedictine_ Plat 1, Lots 1 to.9-and-24 to.32,_... inolusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benediotine Plat 11 www.r..w...r...w......r.w..w..�M.Y....................r-...w.................rw... I.....w..w..ww..ilY -------------------- 7 --------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- --...-....-•-•.............................................--..-..--.-.----------------------w---. - -------------*r ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order...104682.......... approved -A!Y_31,-1936................ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends _______ Benediotine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9 and 24 to 32, inolusive, from Macalester Avenue to -........w.r........................................r...------....------..................... the _east _line of Benediotine_ Plat .l .................. _.............................. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $.. 518_06,,_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the .... INk........... day of ..................19K .., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St, Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place,of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciLSEP. .7.V.....192.... �^ e------------- Approved.. ---------p.. �4! ...192.. ' -- --City Clerk. --,�--1d---- ... ................ Mayor. COUNCIL FILE NU.-------------- BY---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of...radibg_Alley in_Benediotine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9 and 24 to 32, -------------------------------.4------..... inolusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1,_.__.__-__ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- -= ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ under Preliminary Order ... 104682_______'_____ .......... approved ..July ................ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the � rd�a�dr�o�t hc�cb c avi coni dc� a OVe � i 1, That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with, 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is.0iU11e1in._.____. Benediotine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9 and 24 to 32, inolusive, from Macalester Avenue to -the-east-line of Benedictine Plat i ---__ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 1W ----------- day of QgtQber,--- ------------- 1911--, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.SFP1 Z_U..:,-, 192___- Approved--------- 1�-- City Clerk.. --- ---------- ------ Mayor. Councilman l Barfuee Councilman ppigg Ffndlan r Councilman o l' PeteraonTruax Councilman n eimer Wenzel Councilman Ciehan Mayon Form B. S. A. 8- ..._ r� u COUNCIL, FILE NO. .............. By.............r................................ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of..9ondemning�and_takinf, an_e ------seme----t in the land n ------ ry_for_______ siogesi outaand fills in the gradinG_of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots -1 -to -9,-- ---------------------- , and 24 to 32, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1, ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------�-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 104583 July 31, 1936. ,under Preliminary Order -------- -------------------------- aPProved --- July of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above ifbprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. king 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__condeffiting --- ------nd --- an easement in the land neaessary_for_slopes- cute extd-fills in the ----------------gradin------- 9 of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9, and 24 to 32, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- to the east line_of Benediotine -Plat------3 l _ in-aocordanoe-with_the blueprint hereto------ ----^-------'----------------------. gttaohed _and made_ a mart hereofa_ the_hatohed portions_ ehowinp� the cuts and shaded --------------------------- portions showing_the-fille'-------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives; and that the estimated cost thereof is $___25 _00 ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 13th --------- day of 0stt:Qtgr _________________, 19, 6 __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof a estimated. Adopted by the Council --- RUIZ- .---- ,19z___�Qe� -N--/G , � ='�--- rho --- -- y ----------- City Clerk. --J -.----------- ------ Mayor. Councilman " linrfuse Councilman Vnjggx Findlan +""`r•r ' T 1 Councilman VM#===1 Yntrraun 1� Councilman Truax Councilman W9=13== Wenzel Mayor NOMMA Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 __ A COUNCIL FILE N0. -------------- Iv �,,ad(na Norih,drokto r� p ce Ogmn and Phalen'. {! �� ��ry, �y DenLenT APenlie 9hdeT V p ,^ Order, IQ46G4 apDxo4,ed• oII Ot the' CItY of ;t alved the repoprrt o! the G `-;Ani. Fapd Asal13 01 d ! hereby rQeolY.ee:' s'aI 4e CA ::pptoved aqd, ad�P ovement _U peri nature>r, By.............................................. INTERMEDIAILD.Y ORDER In the Matter of...A4Ag North Grotto Street from lake -Como -and Phalen-A-v_enue to... Larpenteur-Avenue z---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- - under Preliminary Order ------ 140x`} --------------------- approved -__:1u_ 29,_1936___ ---__--_---- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be, proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.�jQrth �rgtto.-w Straet o end P��a�v0; wWW....M qrpMuAvemej w.wwww.wwwwwwWM.wwwwWw.WNWN NWNWN 0-00 j,101110WWW NNNN w. '.____________________________________________________________________________________________________. ---------------------------------------............. ----- (P.W.A. pro jeot)-------------- ------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__:::-_-_._.._ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 3th --------- day of LAtobax------------------ 191§ -_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_,gXVJO `.------, 192--- 6 -.r ----------- Approved... 17 ��low ------192- - City Clerk. -- ----- Mayor, Councilman Barfuss Councilman P 'eo Findlau .Councilman 9oi! •. T -j Peterson r Councuman 5i4t�tei kF- 1 Truax Councilman iFPaa Wenz�4enzel Mayor 1*e6n"`� Gehan Form B. S. A. 9•6 i 3 t' t, COUNCIL FILE NO. .............. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of.. ognd ing aud_ taking sn_ easement_itt the_ land------------- sry_f -- -!V. g, _@tj f il�:� i� the_gr@ding of_ orth Grotto Street------ -- Lake Como and Phalen Avenue toLarpenteur Avenue,--------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 104655 pp July 29, 1936. -------------------a roved ---------------------------------- The 'Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby, resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ oondenul_and take an 9J>�9mQit _iil. l@_��Ad_A��c�§� iC_ 9x _4�9Res,_cuta_es�d_fills_in the_grsding_ . North___ Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen -Avenue to Larpenteur,-in accordanoe with the ---------------------------------- ------------------------ blue�ri�t hereto_attaahed_and made a_part_hereof�_the_hstohed_portiona showing the_ Qu+,n_ansi_abasiad_poxtl4_sYlsiu�-------------------------------------------------- -------,-------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------- with nd alternativSa, and that the estimated cost thereof is, ,$-A!22 -------- 4tes4lved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the------ ?1 ? --------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Half Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetingto the' persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof estimated. Adopted by the Council__SEP-_1-7 ------ 192---- Approved ----------SEP - 17 IRB ------------192--- Clerk. m. Mayor. B rfuae Councilman Councilman M9qF9A1X0 a Findlan lc 3 Councilman ifii3cTgT a Peterson Truax Councilman Sidh'}n1et--m Councilman VNRRFI ,� `i'enzel �♦ Mayor 1W9 Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 'C COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1.[ 5-107 In the Matter of__57liYly repairing sad reoonatruoting_the_oewment file sidewalk.-- on the east side of Western Avenue beginning at a -point 81 Peet north of the -north ` ----------------------------------------------------- �P.tk�•ejoskh line of Lafond Streeti_thence north SO Peet,_ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order..... 104864pp August -27,1936o ----------------------a roved ------- -------------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ r91W,_r Mfr J%k--_ reoonatruct the oement the sidewalk on_the east side of Western Avenue beginning at ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------- e_p�iat��.�esfianrh_nP_tJ>a_noxtbJ.�n4_s�.�Yslnd_Sticaet�_#tl�Aae__aoh_$o feet except where good and_ sufficient sidewalks already eaiett_________________________________________ with no alternatiSes, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_.QsQ0_A1d_ e= $o,11 new tile - per eq oro Resolved Further, Thaba public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 13th ------------ day of Qgt,Qilgp------------------- 191A__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council.Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of_Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing; the nature of the improyaaent and the total cost thereof as es ' ated. 3EV17193E Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192____�� SEP17 ------------------------------------ c.--- --- Approved ----------------------------192- L u r ------- ity Clerk. Mayor. Councilman) 11.,r{„ss 9 Councilman Councilman Councilman 3ydlieilieiW `� Tr ,ax Councilmans Mayor. N:s3 Form B. S. A. 84 `� CITY OF :3T. PAUL NO 4C=02F=r-1F10E 'OF THE ;CITY CLERK Cour4c RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESMENTED �� l - _��� - DATE _ ....................... ......... RESOLVED That the Saint P -a== Council of Parent-Teacher Associations be and it is hsre7A=3wy granted the free use of Ramsey Hall of the Saint Paul Azz4c=%-ACorium for meetings to be held on the following dates: Thursday Oct_ 15, 1936 at 1;.30 P. M. R Nov. 19, at 7:30 P. M. R Dec. 17 , ° at 1:30 P. M. R Feb. 25, 1937 at 1;.30 P. M. )Cdar_ 18, " at 7:30 P. M. Apr. 22, ° at 1:30 P. M. FURTHER RESOLVED, That s mEs�-� equal to the oost of opening and oper- ating Ramsey Ha11 an the above occasiona shall be set up in the budget for tlmL+Eam year, 1938, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. . Yeas 3M. 6 In favor - son _... "/ "'... Against . zl - rice Pre i'l<ut (1'rtia-ti} Adopted by the CounciL._...._>2_ .._18 _1 v-193....._ Approved .......................... .193._._ Mayor September 17th, 1936. lion. John S. Siac5-3 MM , Coms I r of Edvcait 3o3m s Building. Dear Sirs littached is a COPY of a resol xtion granting the '�e of B-'3n+seJ `tall of tie tdunloiPal 1��di- :f`---:f`-----torium to the Teachers A33ociation on certain dates s�Ocified. `�'3'sqs Council laid this matter over one day trequested that you determine the cost o September 18Lh and of opening an8 ageratin�. Yours very truly, Citi. Clerk. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM Edward A. Fux-rx3, Manager The Conve:r,t'aoes Ememble ARENA -47,000 Sgeaere F«t Seaun,15,000 Ice Rink 100.d2Q't EXHIBITION H^J-1- 54,000 Sq-- F --t Even Service AUDITORIUM THFATRE Saari- 3,100 Complete Stes— STEM HALL Ballroom Complete Stele See. 1,450 LINCOLN HALL Sra. 900 RAMSEY HALL S..550 4 HALLS Sptins 150 14 COMMITTEE ROOMS SERVICES AVI.n--',EU-F; Hot end Cold %W.ter Drain C— G., Steam A.0 C.— 1 � 0-430 Vol. Sorel na 3 Z. D-C Current 9-I 0.440 V.1 - T.1 -h— — -F—I ol.T.1-h ne--F—I Graph P. A. Syrt I ,=Io—f FI— for Comb -ion ne— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota SAINT PAUL MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 143 West Fourth Street -06�R-O September 17, 1936 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION RIMEI .. JOHN S. FINDLAN, CommW— P. E. M. DERMOTT, D".ty Mr. John S. Findlan, Commissioner Department of Education Sixth Floor City hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Findlan: Per your request we are herewith submitting the. cost of opening and operating Ramsey Hall for the Saint Paul Council P. T. A. meetings on the following dates: Thursday, October 15, 1936 at 1:30 P.M. Thursday, November 19, 1936 at 7:30 P.M. Thursday, December 17, 1936 at 1:30 P.M. Thursday, February 25, 1937 at 1:30 P.M. Thursday, March 18, 1937 at 7:30 P.M. Thursday, April 22, 1937 at 1:30 P.M. The estimated cost per meeting amounts to $9.00 for light and. heat and $4.00 for -cleaning, milking a total of $12.00 per meeting: Six meetings give a total actual cost to us of $72.00• Yours very truly, SAINT PAUL oAUDITORIUM EAF:"I Manager CITY'OF SAII�IT PAUL Capital of Mir it s�so'ta OFFICE OF CITY CL.�RK L. R_ 1 _ PERCsUS�I�i City Clerk and CommL--;M zer oT September 17th, 1936. Hon. John S. liudlan, Coms'r of Dducation, Building. Dear Sirs dttscls:1_s a copy of a resolution granting the free nee oY 33Lsz-a sy a i IL caS the Municipal Ondi- torium to the Pareat Tesc33er2M fsssac atioa on certain dates specified. The Conaacil 1a--*-c'S- t33vias matter over one day to September 18th and yQu determine the cost of opening and operatiag- Yvarsa vary truly, City Clerk. 4�1— GITY OF ST_ PAUL nes NO jr*4E GITY CLERK COUNCIL R��;=v = ,C>r4 -GENERAL FORM -. .. _...._ ._—. -- PRESENTED BY --........DATE_ ----- - " """"•' RESOLVEQ t r...a'� �a r oP Publto Utilities' =has ,reported in WEMPAS he CO acsordanoe Charter, ,the existence oyes or f an amsrgenay whicsh' renders as ces eery the employment of certain emplo With 3eot oa 5- 4=0:r the City time Mater Department for 3ai3rs tImem sight hours per: day, said employment being more than usa3. tour$ oP 6mP3o7ment, therefore, be it the Resolved, That the proper cites ca -C -Vicars are hereby authorised to pay Following named employes at 'to:i8 rata otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra iseraiaafter set Porth: -JE-jr--IMEAM Filter 1P24surit UtilitWm.S-s jTwelewd le correct N. `lheL�ssps 03 General Supe rrnCendent Overtime laborer sws • 9b Rate .5 .6 Yeas /i// N s ss In favor .....------- �rce e n Against 3M6M'� �• ;asr_-'Vice 'resident (Tram Adopted by the Coundl__....SEP-- � g SEP 8 8 ApprovedJ�----- __--•------ September 17, 1936 An emergency has arisen in the Water Deuartdent rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating air compressor :'or, WPA Project #1734 --- This emergency arose by recon of the following facts and circumstances: IPPA finishing up project #1734. Cert f ed correct Le rd N. ThOz*z*nn.•. _4 Gen al Superintends BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By� �a deaden odenat to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION. --GENERAL FORM r/MiA�� r�eTE". .%J1 "CU. NO—IQUB; - 5antsnlber.....18.....1936.`........... _ RESOLVED That Louie A. binther, Baperintendent of Police Radio, is hereby authorised to attend a meeting of the Associated Police Communication Officers at Davenport, Iowa, on October 5, 6, and T, 1936, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to issue a warrant in the amount of $50.00, in favor of Louis A. Ointher, payable out of Police Radio 7hnd T-3-3 for the purpose of defraying the expense of attending such meeting. COUN MEN Yeas ays uss dIan /P ''rte... _...__ In favor /Peterson ... � .. Against entel 3M 6''s Mr. Vice rresideut (TrUa4 Adopted by the Council SEP {3_.1 _193 Approved. sip 18.__ _. .193 orwa.l m IXti Disk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK- 1 8v.azet F Peterson COUNCIL RESOLUTI ENERAL FO�,"S','Addition,_.exe a thq;cityo[ saint Paul to`tho we$teal Of a.tte,ept pha y toot there [ aIIi a1- 8tock R dbet Whltna MUMTED BY 'pt strait and [� - 9IUNER _..___.__. _.•__. ____. _: ___. .. DAT to DroDertY remelaed or _the Year 1994; th • - -••.• .......•. - t Cha uttfy C..Vtr - � v ahorized tip T .yIlnhaten _Tx' IR WHEREAS the City, of Saint Paul acquired title to the westerly half of L'ot 8, Borupla Addition, except the southerly` 23} feet thereof, and also Libts 5, 6 and 7, Block 2, Joel Whitney'a Addition, except street; and WHEREAS, said property remained on the tax rolls for the year 1934; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Comptroller be and he is hereby authorized to make application to the Minnesota Tax Commission requesting abatement of the taxes for the year 1934 and the assessments on said property; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves said application and requests that such relief be granted. COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council._SEP...�.8._y�► .193...... Yeas N s �r7t'1f7--- B use Q �n V me In favor APProved... ..............193....... ecerson / ..._.., Against ....... .... 1 Mayor 3M s Mr.Vicc t :idcut (f"ier��� Ortalad to City Cleek . CI OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No. F ..... OFFICE THE -CITY CLERK to MI. LOTION—GENERAL FORM' PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONEI: g� .>r 1renZel. ..... ..... _DATE......................._..........................................._. _.: ....._ RESOLVED That the Counoil of the City Of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of water mains on the following streetl in the City of Saint Fault Ravoux Street from Iglehart to Carroll Duke Street from Casoade to James St• CF.. No 108117 ;'By ii C. WOnzel—. Resolved that of, the Counclt;- of the Cityy oL Bafnt Paul hereby tluthorlse-ihe leyingg��o! water mains On, the foliowIng streets' -.In the Clty of 9alnt Paul• _RavouII StreetFfrom. IglehBrt•to Car- 01'.U ll• - Duke.�'8treet from Cascade to, d�mee. Adopted by the Councft 5epta'18..1988. AROrOvad (neeeyt.tt. 18, 1858. I' 0 28. 1986) CZNILMEN Yeas s Andlan f e In favor etereon `�� ...._ ....................Against /vyenzel aiN 636c -e 1 resident (Truax) l- otlQla.t to csa cleric - u ti el1B Ooinale¢datlDa os' u ice, No.- ..... - oc fshin coal, colo ■LLs '-"•^"""' ' ck Committee' in awa eo m, CITY OF ST. t33o ta'=1 1h n daDartme OFFICE OF THE (5of.st PauUa@-requl%de': ,}-i4f.19ad 8TH ending BePa COUNCIL RESOLUTION e -follows w—tern Fnel'. C,or-+U .pRonntalneer ly 360 tons .inti• . C M."NTEG�p Xfir" l��9Ptember l 1936 COMMI6910N -y RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contracts for furnishing coal, it Coke and briquets to the various departments of the City of St. Paul as required during the season of 1936-37, ending September 15, 1937, as follows: .Morth Western Fuel Co.- Approximately 5665 tons Mountaineer coal and approximately 150 tons Anthracite at a total -cost - 41,846.60 of approximately - - - - - 0. Reiss Coal 00.- Approximately 75 tons Anthra- oite, 4830 tons Elkhorn, 9795 tons Pocahontas coa1,240 tons Koppers Coke, and 55 tone P & A Briquets at a total 85 961.60 cost of approximately - - - - s Reeved Coal & Dock Corporation- Approximately 960 tons Pond.Creek Splint coalat a total cost of approximately - 5,748.50 Pittsburgh Coal Co. of Wisconsin,- Approximately 4851 tons Pocahontas coal at a total 4 384.x5 cost of approxisately - - - - - GFreat Lakes Coal & Dock Co.- Approximately 100 tone Mid -Volatile coal at a total 823.00 cost of approximately - - - - all in accordance with City specifications and Formal Bid y No. 9331, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper forms of contracts therefor. S� COUNCILMENSEP 1 8 ., Yeas Nan Adopted by the Council-----••-•----•---... --.--193..._ • _ Barfnss q� Findlan `.In favor Approved........._-� -� $- 471► -.19 .�. Pesrce Cc ...._.--.....-"- Peterson Z',70 ' ..-..Against t "•- - - -- Ma -or Weuzet 43194M am 11.63".•'_.'-4�!}Bnt 3 D ��_ .3 - Mr. Vice 1 rccideat (Truax) -- _ o.�dmtwper wu�a� .:_ CITY OF ST. NO .a OFFICE OF THE 4-1TY 4C—IL CORM tCOUNCIL S UTIO -C1=iriIE= —&M %3_ .. .. �C _______—_______ �` DrAT6___...r.,earYxSliRx:...1.F.a...s57. _ _. --... COMMISSIONE ....._.... .-__....._.. .. ... ... ..,r.w _. RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, air �+3 :N_— as—'s- cwa 34450, On Sale Met Beverage, applicatioh 1114.51, ani Qtg SsM t Beverage, application 141152, applied for by Henry ScbmmL 3 gr es.$ 226 7_ Seventh Street be and the same are hereby grazrteo& 4e&=m=M- 33as ci tg clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon tame Pace- -- =+tc3 tha city treasury of the required fees. Ca. 1-L Bsrtus0- Lor••8eetau- aat�-aalicaLYoa. 1.4460, OnMalt Baver sand Off ire _ - B.-vD13cat£oa 1446], apDylleatlon 14162 - Heary--SchouV iller atl:& e—I- be and the'eame are clty-;clerkly insLrucL�@: tT— - - Scsszaa -sa ¢h licensee uVon psi - -L..: 3.aLo the- cttY t;eeeury u1. ,... -'Bars — -ms's approved by Councll•BeDL, -Hog �� b9 �>�a Counctl SeDt:Y2, 19,58. 2 `1 26, -'193 1956) '- New Informally approved by " Council September 9, 1936 COUNC EN Adc3p�ec3 by the Colmclt ro;ryr�c� S'C'P""'$'.'tail®___ Yeas Na s . uas 4 SP 1 8 36 'dlan In favor_._193.: APP—�::::............. -- -".� �rce terson Against / Mayor e t -;.. 'M bas- r. Vico krcaideut lru- C3,� w CUT ItUe C�6� NO CITY OF ST.FmAtktjl- - A—M THE CITYOFFICE OF 'I-=mmV SOL nom COON 3 1936 ............. C_C�mmlsslo ._....... .. ......... -_ _-_--- ------ - --- -- RESOLVED That licenses applied for by tIX- :rc),114=mr3agac 3m,,m=g& persons I at the addresses indicated be and the same are 1x43w40'b.V- —cL —3-cL the city clerk Is instructed to issue such licenses ILPOIL t7m`0 XZ0NVXmL*=_-=w A_mL*_4:b the city trelLau37 of the required fees: Against __CC>=k:V *-:2_1C=WJMA9�3r-_V- APP- 13358 New John H. Eggert 390 Jackson St 401= Joe Dim 112 X. Dale St. 111491 0 Alfred Usk 1339 :Ba,— v" C)rX-.V IAELM-b 14419 11 :Bev. 14420 J. Gres:ey 451 MendotaSt- 14447 u Arthur Reardon 127S Selby Grocery14493 114494 d a 3KZ3.1 t Bev. Mary Vemer 543 W. Seventh C:r:r SRIe 11K� t Bev. 9 14431 Morris Peldman 419 Jackson 157 rooms " 14471 � Charles Briggs YX) J-1-01, St- X140 an 3.4375 Alice Bacabn 1091 Fay-ne A:w. V :ELIO W*- 4EECL_-C-J9L3ML-t;r 14503 J B. Slocumb 751 W.7th 14343 COUN MEN N, Yea 5, B N 7 uss F. d1an In favor rce Peterson . . ...... Against 3M 6 s6 (T,.a.1 Aaopcea by rise council SEP 18AW J93 ................... . SEP.18 W..193— • . ........ G w -v --XL— O IF= ST. PAUL Q'M �.OFFtGE O THE CITY CLERK V U!!N za�r-4—GiEmIEMAL FORM ri r-Ou tco PRESENTS September -COMMISSION . ... . . .... .................... . ......... OATS . .............. . ....... 17 193.6 ........... RESOLVED That license for W13.limz StELt:loup 3 PUMP62 SPPlicetiO U 14523 applied for by R. C. Moshnexx eL-f-- -C33M:j-wew8:Lty AvemL%Le be and the gems is hereby granted and the city to :L...rLe such licensee -upon the payment into the city treesiI27 of the x-6c3c:w-31–=zrE--a fee. C. Wr2�_�� :[ , C. li, G�., 1-1-- Barfus P—c Nciyr owner Established station COUNCILMEN Yeas I� ' u s Zipdlla. In favor Ce /Feterson Against 3M &M vice ant ruam) ,:dVTIU�Wr'.theest�Wll sh edestation. App -ed SeViL 1S, 1936. Council e3,t, 18.1936. 2 1936) Adopted by the Council IM. -.--193 SO 18 06 Approved ..................................... . . .....193 .... . ... oa:v= co carat cte�t�� C[TY OF ST_ PAUL :ois "` NO DOW OFFICE OIF' THiM CITY CLERK COUNCIL —GENERAL. FORM PRESET ED n . ........... RESOLVED That licenses for aprlication 14551, On Sale Nait :Beverage— application 14552, and Off Sa 4e 36�� t Beverage, application 114553, applied for by Gyrus H. Braclain at 499 IIabsaass S-tiraat be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instvticte -L to 3 ssae Such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the re ga_ir g8 YBB s . z Adopted by the Council -SE -P-4.8 IW --193 Approved - - --------------- - - --........ I --- Y CITY„ O F ST. PAID L OFFICE OF THS CITY CLERK COUNCIL t3TI0m---GENERAL FORM uePtamb 6r.:.� Z ..... 936..:....... That licenses gor $estauraat, application 144S7, Oa Sale Malt Beverage, application 14488, aad Off Sane Malt Beverage, 86 t1 a Yon '_, 14489[, applied for by Ralph B- qXL_ + -at 469 lfabaa shStreet be and the same ase hereby granted and the city cler%c is instructed to issue sash 110--enses upon the payment into the city tress sorry oS the rega.ired gees. Hew Zpplicaat has been issa.ed On Sale Liquor license. CO�ILMEN Yeas �ys dlan la favor.` P rce Peterson Agauut /wessuI 3MVice k'resid -r n - Adopted by the Council-_---- ��--..�...._1Q 6193..... !!'fP Is Ms y App—ed ------- -------- ,� 193_ ---i---- l - -- e Barluea- >c>as I ■(' � �'-a'+ 3-7.�Sas.ea: sDDlIed W■ OW" .. Odsdoal m C s 3.3e ':peraon4[. #t 6 .i CITY OF ST_ pA�.J L tlrm a 10 �x S'tsa � Lhe cite ' cl �``%%� .x .l.•' �a+1C----tQ �-aacL iicaa8ep,v OFFICE OF THE CITY G ��>•��_ �za a3xy. trgas�n � / COUNCIL PRESENTED B - e. _—_L�A'T�'-'` 9rt�7'• 1936 COMMISSIONER...... .... ........... ...... .... __ ____ _______ _____—_______ –._ .. RESOLVED That licenses agpliecl #or by the �o11os3r_xa� ass�38 persons atthe addresses indicated be an& the same ase 3sereby �'s�t Ej!:4dL e=g tlig city clerk instructed to issue amelm liceases upaa tlza t 3�ato the city treasury of the required fees: Blom9ner Ice Cream Co. 3-CA4-9 M-aL;V a JL-Mr- Goss'�ectioaery App. 145ol Renewal victor E. I'eit .Si3 S_ Saa33iag s „ 14363 n Park Receeatioa 1SE4-92 H. Sae3liag s " 14406 " • tl a ! to S �oF2iag allays " 14407 u Paul Damian 956 t3 onAe ry " 14338 " M a A " 3 0 03 tables " 14339 " Berman House Inc ZI-IFZI 83ce St_ g b4cwvw1jL=xa alleys " 14556 " Chas. Janetto u25 Upper S.sves D'mL-z=r 8 2as11 " 14473 " Ray Jelinek W29 St.'Pater 3ELAEm t resat " 14515 " ! E3sa_ ! 1e Idalt Bev " 14516 tl tl tl 529 a 14517 N Harold Fang 379 ga1varsity 8,e$taseQs-ant " 14547 " Anna M. McNamara 12I+ St at g M1453 t Ben a n tl ! ! Oa Sa,1e Malv " 1� " tl tl tl ! Q ��g ina N n Nelson ttjier 7 11 SO > - th �8sltaj axWMt " 14453 " " & Galletl tl a ! tls Osz Sa3 a Wait Bev. " 1124 a • a 1, a 14454 N Mao stryker 371 $°bort Muak staeazrant " 14497 " of tl ! *+ ckm Sale Melt Bev " 14498 " r tl r.; �► a csir a' a tl 14499 " COU CILMEN _ Adopted by the Coaannl..... ...... ...... _J93 -- Yeas N a B uss Indian In favor App raved----------- ................... . .............................__lam_... P arse Peterson / 9 Against - - - ....... ..........._.......... -- ---- �T uaa 7 Mayor 7enzcl %Ivlr. President (Gehan) 3M 6 p .tel io City C> -k ,. - CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. - nas _ O1F1F'IGE OF THE CITY CLERK CC>Up44C,-IL RESOLLJTIOIV—GENERAL FORM COMMISSeptember 17, 1936 -1m-f--mm .._.........._...-..--.............._.... ........-....OATE RESOLVED Union Gospel Mission Matt H. Weber a a a a a a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan Pearce Peterson 'lrves Agai—v- Wenzel 3M- 636e$- Mr. Vicc 1'residevt 235 :m- Seventh St- 8estamran.t App. 1141459 Hen.eaal 20 Hi _ Seventh a a 1145214 a a m a on sale Malt Bev a 114525 a a a a Off a a n a 1145526 4f Adopted by the Council .....077. n _ ua�c Zrvlag C Pearcat. Ctrl¢n.l co Cip Clak �y - - r ,thRL Hcenaea aDDI "'+ ..}lawfn�asamed Dergont� CiT'Y OF ' ST. PAUL is tnarcased ::he gran ih� NO. 4 rated and the cit? OFFICE OF THE CITY-.CLERI�t3aeae sash ucerg tn.to the city t r' CC tum 4 --AL RES ON—GENERAL es PRESENTED ml= - -6 Cr.. t.BIDbe..............._193... - GOMMt5S10NE .__:_. ........._.._ _____ _�______ RESOLVED That 11cens6s applied for by the following gamed persons at the addresses indicated be anti the same are hereby granted sad the city clerk is instructed to issue s%2=3 liaen.ses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: T. A.Donshne 183 S. Chatsworth Grocery App. 14337 Renewal Basely Bros. 707 Sndscm " ° 14390 ° ° ° •• s Hatcher 14391 " H. Jepson 539 W. Grotto Grocery " 14445 " R. L. 8ramlinger 922 Sdnaond r " 144214 " George Z. Sew 122 Pioneer Bldg. ltestaxmm t ° 143214 'John Oradorf 476* Qabasha • " 14308 ° Andrew Noonan 322 N. St. Albans Grocery ° 14436 " J. R. Sevcik 2121 H. Dale r ° 14441E " W. P: Spengenberg 688 Selby s ° -14496 t Ionis Vad 179 Diva • ° 14186 " Louis Spelloponlos 626 Selby Av 3estaaraat " 14398 " R. R. Topel 16o msxm Ploriet ° 3.4533 " St. Paul Theatre Co. 363 St- Peter Motion Picture Theat. 14548 " A. W. Swanson 1135 St. Anthonr Oil .Burner Installer 14422 ° Prank ?ehland 851 Mation St. Ice S4w44rs Delivery 13790 r Prank Byan 2059 Temple Court Ice Delivery 14299 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s Adopted by the Council ................................ ___.. ...__193..... B.f. �indlan � _ In favor Approved----... 'Pe rte _ ..-.__....._.... ............ -- ......... - I93..._ terson �'e' Gg ........._.. Against: — ,...._._yam zelPresident (Geban) 3M 636 O.W.9 MY c1wk CITY OF ST. PAUL0 N OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN 0 By OMMI.IE .NEP L .................................... ........ . ............................................................... 4? Morris Saxemd 313 Topping Barnsdale Oil Co. 477 S. Snelling Justlu Curren 484 S. vabasba, T. J. Rampp 456 Broadway Skelly Oil Co 1138 Payne Ust Side Motor Sales 683 E. Seventh Kemper Chevrolet 801-5 Z. Seventh Al Mergens Service 1000 W. Seventh Sandberg Motor Co. 1201 Payne Wm. S. Wolff 8158. Seventh COUNCILMEN Was Nays Barfuss Pindlan a 111421" In favor Pearce 114472 0 Peterson 6 TFlIbR .................. . ...... . Against Wenzel — 14179 " Mal W ast we .9 UNIIIiiii Ice Deliveries (two) App. 143.40 Renewal Gas Sta- 3 pumps n 14434 " Is a 3a. a 111421" 3 " " 114472 0 3 a a 14521 - 2nd 'hnmA autodealer 14179 " a a a u 14195 " n m w a 0 14435 " 14346 141M5 Adopted by the Council ............ Sep Approved............_. 1-1pp 193 ................ . ...... ... ............ By 6- C Bqr ;Pea ca- pN� r - Ads Lhat 11Z.-Ts.. aenaesHU <vtng�"ameayereo9--%t-t,! a at tt «� 1C5�AI CITY �►- ST_ PAL7L"dtcfitea be and- the Bar rlc..—_ 0lgave eneti liceneee0ujq OFFICE O IiE CITY C nto-tris ctty, 1z X., �1� { COLINCI S TI-»IcmmmiiA* ma is s -tsnn n ".15912 ilR yLL� R PRESENTED' - coMr..r�ssioNe���!%'"7i:d':..��s�......-------•'�"- -- ��(� 193.6 ...................... -- RESOLVED. Th&j-..licenses agplield for zzs=Sp- the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same 3merebg granted and the city cleft is instructed bo issue each licenses avo --'Jk--Mxe payment into, the city treasury* of the required fees. Elmo 0. Solem Iles _ Smel.Ming Aw. Barber app. 14430 Re- W. W. McCollar 14=3w�� Selby ay. Bakery ° 114576 " Walter 8ujawa AL -rade St. Butcher " 11x429 " North-American Meat Co. Seventh ° " 14Y55T r A. J. Schadegg --' a Selby " s 145149 s Srankle Variety Store S _ Smelling Confectionery " 14591 Empire Puel Co. :3L ::m _ Concord Bhel dealer " 14313 " W. E. Macanlary _ Ylllmore " " " 141463 " Montgomery Ward & Co. 3LX3 -University Gas Sta.6 pumps 11 14475 " Ed. Schifferl 3 r " X4599 r H. Wigstrom 6 mice St. • " 2 " " 1459 f U James Clemens Nebraeana 2nd hand anto parte 14612 " Henry Goodman --3m _ Swwanth 2nd hand dealer 144143 a W. E. Galvin S7serbarae Ice Delivery 14410 " West Bud Ice & Pmel .4% Victoria. Ice Station " 14534 " MR1E=d0-1Ph 2 Ice delivery " 14536 " ■ a r r S --X 1.ng & Randolph Ice Station " 14535 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................................. 193 _--- Yeas � N e ......-" -- B use 11an P arcs In favor Approved, Against uaa-..-....__._...............__......................_........__......... .... May- W/enzel �1/r. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 sse Odsiml .� CUT Clerk e CUN=L GZTY O!= S.-r. PAUL ..L■ No.- ufm OFFIG� CF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RiE=-��OLIJTIOI-i--GENERAL FORM Pi2E5ENTED er .September 181 1936 COMMISSIONER........._ .................................... . ..------._-_-______—___—__.......__._..-----___.................._......._.............AATE�_..._.__.._.:._..._.................. ..... ........... RESOLVED W_ w. McOollor ZC3tj3 Selby tv. b!f Sale Meat Bev Opp, 14577 Renew. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Peterson � ...................._... Against Wenzel _ TT,, Mr, Vi'.11-1!Se�tt (Truax) Adopted by the counciI................. SIE .p..�.8_ ..._ Approved----- -- .............................. _._......_..........193_.... i ---------� .......... - C7 C?ETY OFr ST. PAUL m"s O1` NO OF'1F1C>E OF TI=IE'CITY CLERK COUNCI N ---GENERAL FORM September 18, 1936 That license for application 3-4573, applied for by Xmil G. Martz at 384 No. Prior A --m + 4— be and trine same is hereby granted end r the city clerk is instructeci to is2'� g sash license npoa the payment into the city treasary of the regmired Ye -e C— F No.' 1aS122—B Irving Y - G. 8. BarLvae- F.. 3K--, G:Pearce Resoived, Yhat. licenee for Barber. ap- 'w1cation. 14573, _ applied;Yor by Emil' Surtz aY_ 384To. Prior._. Avenue be' and' the same is her by granted and the city cleric is .instructed to issue such license upoao thg .payment into, the city treas- � vey f the re4nired fee. : AQoptad by the Council Sept. 18. 1936: at. Sept C 1836 - (Scpt- 26, 1936) 1 New COUNCILMEN Yeah 8 u6s F' than In favor /`.........._ 7etecc rson Against enyel i Sat '� li4r �l' ce 1're! deut MUM '�o 18 Adopted by the Council ........_sQi'..y..._1936193_._ '3 2-P � Appr+oved............................... ............_........_..._.__ 193___. ._.1....... . -------------- ..f... yor 40wimle—I to O. a , r CITY OF ST_ iSAL�L CO NO. !� /�L■ O.__._..Jw� T"'� OFFICE OF THE GiTY CLERK J/ COUNCIL RE tai=EIVERAL FORIdI -' --------- osa-rE_-------- Sept emb er.._1g.x.._193.6.............. RESOLVED That license for Barber, appZiecatioa 14572 , applied for by dames Vscsk at 851 Z. Seventh Street be "—A tlzB ls8 is -h reby granteaw d. the city clerk is instructed to issae smclL 23eeasa apoza the paymBat into the city treasury of the tegnired fee. C, F - No_ 1Ob123—By G. E3. Barflies--- Triaas—Yrving C. P¢aFce— t- Rcsolvsd_: -that'. license for Barber, f app23ca.'tioa 14b72, applied for by ad -1. 8SCb1Ee s 861 E. Seventh tree[ bea and Lh@ same ist7 granted and the city cleric: is J---t—tedructedastied to .save liceaee -uption El'a@ me paynt Into the city itytreaeury; oP r@.regtafred f¢e. New ANadaw pted by Lhe. Counel3 Sept 1$, 1936..1 Appro ed Sept. 18: 1936. <BBDt. 26. 1938) COUNC Yeas N s..._...,_ uss 17 dlan 1;51n In favor /e�rce Peterson Tca4I� ......... Against ,,%�enxel 3bS 636 I- VICC 1'rC5ldelft (Truax) Adopted by the Council----�R€.P_- 193---- Approvedi s t� S - --................. ___........ .- .............._.193_._ Mayor NAM GiTY OF ST. PAUL NO..—__---- L/ ' OFFICE OF- THE CITY CLERK L/ COUNCIL R Li. Tt hQN--GENERAL FORM PRESEN'i'E� ABY a�-'�/�a -- -- -- - ---------------�j0`----sspt emb-i 1.$a. -1436.....-- ------- - RESOLVED That license For Hestsu.x*3Tx-U, application 14359, appliad for by Robert Moss at 391 W- Seventh Straat 'be "'a the same is hereby graslta& and the city R clerk is instructed to isms such 1ic4wa1mg szpoa the payment Tato tba city treasury of the vegm1red fee. 19L BarLusa= l F -M-- -ruesIrvine C. Pearce= :Resolved. that:. license Sor.- <Restau- rant.. aDDlica.tion. Y43b8; 'applied. =or -bY.' Robert on: at 381 W_:S'eveath Street be; and the same is hereby granted end the city" .clerk is instructed to lasue--, uch .license upon- the payment Tato: tLe city easury oS the requires 1e:e__ 'Adopted "bY the: Counctl Sept- 1936. A1pvro ¢d Sept- Ts. 1956. (Sep=- 2B, 1936) - New COUNC MENAdopted by the Couac:i1SE_Q..j.8-193C-------193----- Yeas Nay /F dl n Zd1an25 favor APP roved :SFP 1 8 In - rce. 7t� .. Against - - .._-... - l.._.--- / - --------Mayor tnzel r 3M 636 "."�� _�.__� .. •LL Mr.�V icc 1-resideut ("Cruax� - o �.r m Iq Clert NO -AO eouMea �� GITY OF ST. PAC1L nu OFFICE OF THE GITY CLERK IIr CO(ITICII_ R S Ol�i---CyEhiERAL FORM -- PRESENTED GOfVt MISSIONE ....................._........_.._.._ _________- �!��-�_�•'-� - _ DATA ___awl t8fIlb9 + - - - - - - - -18,..19.36.............. RESOLVED That license For Ice Station, agplicat3ca 2421u, applied for by St. Pmol Coal Co. at 863 Kiss issippi Street be --& the seams i 9 hereby granted end the proper city officers are hereby aat]zorizeci to iesa.s saxCb 2.icease upon the paymeit Into the city treasury of the rec;nireci Fee _ Hes COUN LMEN Adopted by the .193 _....._Yeas Ny8 _... B. �lan In favorPPro� 7rce193 - Against ----------- ---- - --••--••' --- _ Mayor /W }�xT/�enW M j1fYr Vlcc 1 rcddenr (LruaX) courlu� NO1 105 CITY OF ST. PAUL nts . �%� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COiGIfL LOTION ---GENERAL FORM -PRESENTED B _ ♦ -.� =-- - September 18, 1936 COMMISSIONE.._...._............................ ......»_____-__1' __--------- _.................... ............................ ............ ._......_.-9.^.E_._...__...._..........._.......__............_............................. RESOLVED That licenSet saw- $gplied for by the following named persona at the addressee indicated be as _ -time iammie are hereby granted and the city clerk is Imst. ted to issue snch -W upon the payment into the city treasury of the regmired fees: Jos. Salisbury ='�_ �� Wogpiag St. lee Delivery Opp. 14673 Renewal 7-28-1934 to 1935 Jos. Salisbury s " Ice Delivery ° 14674 9 7-2$-35 to 1936 Joe. Salisbury = as Ice Station " 14672 7-29-35 to 1936 COUNC MEN Yeas N s uss �al�IJ In f, mor fe}rce /Peterson s� Freaxdenr'(Gehan- - - — 3M 636 - Adopted by the Council......_��..�_..._19�6 193_... qPp 181W jApproved .......... ................... ............... _..... ._..193_._ � .. ` . ......../ ............ .._._ '-Mayor 77 CITY OF S'r. PAUL .`,�iNO G>FFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK # ' C:C>Ljr.w-IL RES ION --GENERAL FORM `! PRESENTED B�_ Se tenbe 1B 1 , .6 - COMMISSIONER..............._..................________-________._..__._.__________....._....._._......_._..................................._..DATE_____._____....._.....P_._..........._x..........7....._.93.......... RESOLVED That Tor Bastaaraat, application Xlt-E0 , On Sale Malt Beverage, application sad OPf Sale Malt Beverage, application 14606, applied for by Sam Chica� at 379 39 -tee, Street be and the SUMMLe are hereby granted and the City C �-v is instructed to issue sack licenses upon the payment into the city trsasys'y o£ the required fees. -..approved by City Ayproved Sept_ ept11 (s. 2 26 1838)936) _ ------------ Hee Informally approved by City Council sept — 1936 COUN�IMEN Yeas y8 Adopted by the Council..._.......�.._1_g................193--- / 17F. than 1:n favor _ 8 iif►'3v r Appoved /P rce .__....__.......... /may ^ - / Peterson (/�/ p►;,.at - ---............................................................ _.1 _.... ---- --------------- enol Mayor praeidcnt-(— Mr. Vice President (Tr a.s,) C�W_Ita RESOLVED 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REION---GENERAL FORM nu a� NO. 10512 That license for Grocery, application 14OT3, applied for by Jerry llhorton at 915 Arcade Street be and -the same is hereby granted and the city cleric is instrmcted to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New COUNCI MEN Yeas Na es irydlan In favor /1! ea ce terson Against zel ut nVice 1'resideut Mr. (Texas) C. F. No. 108128—By-G. 8. Bactuea- F. M. Trua—Irving C, pea BQart ap Pl/Callon' 11073, gppiled foe byrJei y lor- Whorton at 916 Arcade 8far be and the same fe hereby geanted =ttie.clEY, clerk. is lnatroeted to feeue euch Ifo.1 Y upon_:the payment Into the easury or -the repulredKee. Adopted tiy the Counefl Sept. 18,1888.. APProved' gopt-J24 pt. 18. 1988. (Sop 1936), 1936) Adopted by the Council ........... SPP 18 06193..... Approved ...... .........(._1� I "LA a .t A .:N . . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE ,CITY CLERK CIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ns °p NO.—�j� 4J RESOLVED That On Sale Milt Beverage License 3202, and Restaurant Licenwe 77809 expiring April 2, 1937, dsaaed to James Bruno at 932 Arcade Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recosmendation of the Buren of Police because of arrest and conviction for possession of liquor for was without a license. ,oeneo.-- --- a =d' Adopted"bS the Council BeDt'18, 1938. Approved Sept 18-1936., ' (Sept. 28, 1938) 1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP 18 NN Yeas N 9 .......................... arfuas tt�ci]an YYYY//// '! In favor APProved..__........._. 193 _._ ._......._...... /t e rce /Peterson Against......j......... , / .. .,.......... _........ .mayor a y /Wen.1 r: -President (6ehart)-5-:. ,r:a, ant aae/ Mr. Vice President (Truax) ' �I PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.........._..._ ............. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM NO 1Q Se2temb9R.19.t 1936......... RESOLVED 'Pkat license for Fuel Dealer, application 14374, applied for by Sears, Roebuck & Co. at Lake Street and Elliott Ave. Minneapolis, be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Pael Inspector, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to Seare, Roebuck 91 Co. the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNMEN Yeas Nay Ze%%%%%%4���[fuss _. In favor ,Peterson z .... ........ � Agamet 3M 636 ' Mr. V1ce Crcafdent C. F. No 106180-8y O. 8. Bartune--- R M.,Truas—Irvine; C. Hearca— '- Resolved, thatrHcenee Ppll.d e1 Dent- er,. e; Roebuck & Co ,applied Lor ..-by Beare; RoA-v &-Co., c poll , - Street and asElliottto Ave., .. Mlaned noon re w- the dame 1s hereby dented sir. r, - .d mendatton of the Fuel_Imppactor, Viand. the,.Droper city -.offices are '.beieby:su Co.otheQd to re 426.00 Bearer; Roebuck= 8: C. tae -fee of 1llean and to cancel said a Ad.Pted for ]e Coo . _.Adopted by the>C, 1936 Bent iS, 1886. ApDroyed (SbPLSeP 18, 1888: ;- ' (BepL 86, 1888) - Adopted by the Council_......... s.18 93..... App—ed------- ,�............ 1..... ......... mayor ._- /W CITY OF ST. PAUL �NO OFIFIGE OF THE CITY CLERK _ C0Ur44 WL iZ TION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �� - � L COMMISSIONE....... ............... _.......... ..:.................. .......... MATE _...._..9�.fi9Dlb_O.T,...:a.S.y....�3v............ .. ._. --------- _. .............. ...... RESOLVED That license for 3EEot"81 (Evans) application 7843, applied for by John Califano at 48* pest R'ea-*--33L Stre®t be and the Same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the' Bmreat= ts=E" Po2ica becomes of arrest and conviction for violation of the hotel Ord-1----m3c-es :m32& the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to Jona �-- -iiaao the sum of $�.47 being the -mused portion of license fee, and tp =4 r.c®2 said application for license. C. F No X106181—By (i T3. Barfuee---� F. M Tru-.—_i.•.s License would have expired 9, 1936 Operated approx. 10-1/3 moats COUNCIL=MEN Yeas y6 Ta dI /Pearce ............. ..........._ In favor --Peterson Against Wenzel 31%4 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) cation for 11cense- -� I:lcea'see would, Lade efpired`NoP.' 8 3986. operated onthapproximakelp 30 1-2E m. -. Adopted by the Couacll Sept. 18, 3988. Approved" Sept. 18. 3958. _-(Sept. 26, 1858) "rp 18 � Adopted by the Council.-.-.- STIP 18 .......... ..................................... /v --......_..__.. Mayor RESOLVED ST. PAUL- rcoi� sou` No- 1 IISJ�'�!^ E -6ITy CLERK �,N—GENERAL FORM p pz _............ ...... _GATE—____ S6pt8ID1@T ._1.J..L..a1.1.6................... TAMV 11cerilas i0=' $est8arant', appllcaZIOU I.—IJLt> , Un Sale Malt Beverage, application X16 atiad Off Sale Malt Beverage, appllcation 14417, applied for by John D. — X.o at 250-52 W. Kellogg Boulevs3rc3 , 'be and the same are hereby granted a—A city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into a city treasury of the regalred Fa43s. C. F. No. 105132—By f 13:_ BaHusa— F. -DL Tctisz—. 3rv3aS C. Pearce ,Reeolved,-..-ilYat-.-iic¢naee for Restse- rant .'. appricati'oa 14425. On Sale Malt Beverage.• application 14416, - aa8- Off Sale :Malt Beverage,--- apOycatlon' 14417, ap piled for by Jolla �D. Kane; at,260-52 W. Kellogg Boulevard, be andthe same are hereby -granted -and the Itclerk le instructed to issuesuch. llcenaea upon Pa yment fnto -the city treaaury of the required-2aes NNew. In[36. - 3 y approved by Cout5c11 80Dt.. 18,.1936,-: - Adopted by- LPI¢ CoEincfl Septi; 39, 3958: -. aBA ApDrov¢d S¢DYt 19, 1936. Informally approved by <S�pt E6 1936) Council, Sept. 18, 193 COUNCILMEN YeahN ���82 uss Ie lan ..... ...... In favor e3rc n ._....... ...._ =►Kama Xnzel / President (Gehan) 9M 6761 S F*D 19 1936 Adopted by tie: Council........ ..._....._ ..............._.......__193-... SEP 19 App ---,A--: ............ --.......................... ..... _...._..1 _..._ /j /4/ _. o z4 /906 ozlztnmA 'CA's CL=k � �''�+"'' G1TY OF ST. PAUL �jj I JI p C CITY CLERK CQ �l�i 3L LU GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B _ ---•„DATE_ COMMISSIONER........... ._---------------------' ___ - __________...._....._.............-......._.............................._...._. RESOLVED �eember_...ls 1�36- That licas�ses mor Oa Sale Malt Beverage, cm 14+60, and Off Sale Malt application 114461, applies fOr by Jacob Ossery at 267 E. ge12o�� 7:3Baailevard, be and the same are 7aeseby granted and the city cleric is --1W -x+ st 3r-rmcted to issue such licenses vpoa t3m,e payment into the city tre a£ the required fees. S [�.' F_ 230_ 10 S2S3�ST ,C�• A. $ei'1uea-�I Renewal COUN LMEN Yeas NNay B Uss i ce _ lan Ia favor CQ - e. son _ A� t �; en�el ,2Vlr. President (Gehan) 3M 636/ %y oY tu. r—a-1 42 See-. --' -. Renewal- ' Adopted' by 'Ll— Council Sept 19:�: Appsoved Sept 2611936), I Adopted by the Coam_ Cil....._.....•S. 9 19'�q93 ----- 183x9 Approved - -------------------------- ^193_._ DRIOIRAL TO OITY CLt RK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE ""CIL__RESOLUTION — GENER COUFILE IL No. 1(15134 --A �'-Pet--eiaun-: V TYia-� Leoriard C. Seamer, Valuatiori a3mLcd Assessment Engineer o tie City of St. Paul, be a nLcl Yae is hereby directed o attend the Twenty-ninth Annul Tax Con- ference v the National Tax Assoclatiora to be held in Indianapc=�- 3 s Tndiana, from September -2S to October 2, 1936; be it Flirt maser Resolved, That the proper City officers be and t3 -icy are hereby authorized and c3�1-rected to reim- burse C. Seamer for such traveZi-r-i expenses ineurred y him in attending said con.i'erarice. Charge Finance Xn1-eipI,a3-tment Fund, Code 6-A3. COUNCILMEN Yeas NaSr� 9arfuss 3 Findlan ^Peters Pearce >Roses_ -i 1n favor Peterso.; .Truaar-_.; Truax 2_w_ Against Wenzel �'Werizei,i Mr. President (Gehari) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council .SEP 19 1936 193— $ ' 19 19?6 Approved '[, —193-- Ma or Orkin 1 m Cie/ Geek - `�' CITY OF ST: P �lg�1SJ#� c F:jxo ;osiss— No.._.._ 8Y Fred -'.M. Whei•ea.s the^ - others 'Fciend� ' OFFICE OF THE CI dry :3a� hes. aisp¢a.;¢a from th' , ton "oY the-"Coasm;ssioner of r " CC�L�NCIL RESOLUTION---;aygrounas ana Quaisc -33: lid .. �eimia9ton to' e<ict¢nd t) �6 ow+.efl by said .co poratlo}e i Lota 6 and T Aud;tor's S COMMISSIUNER_..__.�. _�Jq T2: --• - PRESENTED BY - ��i�. - C/ $ Wher¢ea, cue "fiearing ......................... '• .neon nd the 7-0= WHEREAS, tai -E� Blio'ttsers Friend Laundry, Inc _ has appealed from the decisions -j-,Iae Commissioner 'OP Parks, Playgrounds and Public Build rm gs denying it permlgofon to extend the build - Ing owned by said corporation, ionated on- Lots 5 snd 7, Auditor's Subdivision No. '7� i� azs2i WHEREAS, 234eoaring was held thereon and. the Zoning Board has recommended '-=9t -I--Ya.e appeal be granted, and Hast the commercial zoning of said Low s 5 axncl 7 be extended to cover the entire area of said lots; be it RESOLVED, Ta'>C b3=Le Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings -M==w4E3� arid. he is hereby authorized tO issue.a permit to the Mothers Fri_ szia Laundry, Inc, under the provisions of Para- graph a, Seotiors oP the Zoning Ordinance whicia permits the ex - tens ion of a use on a portion of a lot to the entire lot; and said Css#.cszmer is authorized and directed to issue a permit for the cso-=est;=-axetion upon said property OP the additional structure request --wa3�c3 irs the appeal. SEP 19 -1W COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council. ........... _......... _...... ......._...._193..... �+ gam. Na r, 13!P 19 1936 i T=� favor Approved.... ..._..193....... /P� _ /P�fer6on e=1 +P Mr President (Gebaim> 3M 6 _ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J'. FERGUSON �3'rY Cleric and Commissioner of Regffitratton -1047 September 16t11w 1936. Yr. John L.-a2M3LMj^•11y, Corporation Building. Bear Sirs 'Phe attacgied appeal of WAWb1m ar' s Friend 33mo;orporated for an extension og t73s Coa- nercialvise -mcwf L3ze property located at 7U+ ]:a st Se we r"th Street wss :� sccerred to you, by the Coy -all, :row' a. raso- lation�,= -S CXLV,-- s-eseh appeal. Yours very traly s ` City Clerk. c� - -ir Nw- ---� v 105136 OF ST. PAUL a<.. NO - ~ aF OF THE CITY CLERK, - vo._ osias=ar M K OLlIT1ON=-GENER OE2M Yetereou- Q • 1 A by Ctlun011 File J .1 Augnet R6 SeSB t YeQ user bt tkt PRESENTED B1f 1-Adminietratlon _ GOMMISSIONER._.._.... _..... a .— _•. n0 o! 11U0 On •._�.r._.... ' WHEREAS, by Courzci.l File No. 104813, approved August z5, 1936, the OourlCiZ _greed to a request of the 7'eciera1 Emergency Administration o:ff Works to reduce -its lva-n to the City to the amount of _10;� Z , ZOO, 000, for the purpose of ' constructing the Minneapolis—S �­ -S 3mLt Paul Sanitary District Sewage Disposal System, subject v a -t-- he submission of a pmoper Zoan and grant agreement, and WHEREAS, t12Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works has submit -t_- v—__4c:3L a Superseding Loan and G=ek -h Agreement betwben the Oit3r o --:ff- Saint Paul, the Minneapolis—Saint Paul Sanitary _-=-LT= c4L the United States of America,, in.. which agreement s -aid Public Works Administration agrees to loan the said s,x3mm o f O1, 100, 000, and to 'make the same grant as provided in the gdLxxa1 loan and grant agreemrtt_ between the same parties, wh ac � oxi-glnal loan and :grant agreement, "dated as ;off May 9, 1934, : by such Superseding Loan a_zxcL Grant Agreement cancelled, and WHEREAS, -tie Corporation Counsel has approved the form of the Superseding acs 4 T and Grant Agreement now s ubmitted, therefore be it RESOLVED, ' iE- -b such Superseding Loan ar3d Grant Agreement be end the sameapproved, and the proIwr city officers are hereby author -% sed and directed to a xecut a skid Superseding Loan and Grant A a 4EE!t em.eut for and on behalf o the City of Saint Paul, and the CJ_ - �� C erk ie directed to forward the ffhree executed counterparts of �z�c33 greement to the Federal 1Lr3ministrator, together with ter �� led copies of this r e solution and three certified copies of a =-tracts of the minutes of this Council, the adop tears of -showing this resolution. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the �IounciL...... 193...... Yeas: NaY� 1 usa /Findlan SEP 19 / In favor Approved ._ ..................................... .......193....... &_Z.. uu �..-Aga�r.�� �_- --------- .- --Ma or President (Gehan)j�� g r3 FEDERAL ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS v MIIII�SiE'0- ZSa.3M + PAUL SMITARY DISTRICT PROJECT Project Engineer, P L. 432 UptoFn P- O- Sc Federa3_ C oa t s B3 -dg., 3 St. P4eL'u10 Ali auesota 14, ' C g t- 4 September 20 3-936 � . ' �," J ,N REPLY PLE/�SE REFER Ta V 1 Legal - B. T � N'Ltzpatriek Mr. L. R. S. Fer�oa City Clerk, City Hall, St. Paul, Minn.esv-tea Re: Docket No. 4397 City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Sewage Disposal system Deer Sir: There - e enclosed herewith three counterparts oY a Sapa=- seding Loan and 4 - 40 3=3U -T-- JL65reemaent relative to the above- captiors6ci project in whicka ffinount of bonds which the GovermneLnt agrees to purchase has, 13mL accordance with the provisions of the resolatioa adopted by the -iGg C oancil on August 25, been reduced to 01:100 . 000 aggregate princi-:31�- e amount• If the z - terseding Grant Agreement is satisfactory, tlza three counterpart s enclosed herewith should be executed oxa 10o4a324sL1:r of the City and re, ed to this office, together with the owiag documents' C _ -jZ*3res certified copies of the resolut ion s.d Dted by the City Council approving 1;kL Superseding Loan and Grant Ag=eement asci a33th40rizing its execution on beh%lf og the G:JL -Wnm=6e certified copies of extracts Prom the minutes of the meeting of the City Couacilx at which the above-mentioned resolution was adopted, showing in detail all proceecliags tal�ezz by the Council incident .to the adoption oP the resolution. Pleas -+e bring this matter before the Council as soot: as uos- sible and retxxa=- -�3ze documents herein requested to this o:E:rice at the Mr. L. R. S- Faro Baa Page 2. earliest possible date in order that we may then 33 -age the counterparts of the Superset; z*o X.oan and Grant Agreement executed on behalf of the Minneapolis—Sart Paul Ssaitary District. Very truly yours, N. C n -r = Project Eng a PWA (Minnesota) For the Administrator. BTF:is Ene to sure s oadoa r4 CUT ct—:k�A, / CITY OF ST. PAUL ` O" NO. ,astslj- t O�IIGE 'OF THE CITY CLERK COI3i�iGIL N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B _ _ +',-.!:!!SATE_-__ sgP_tBIDb T _l�i 116.. COM MtSS10NER___..._.._.__.r. _ .-__-_ ---__ -. - . . e.. RESOLVEDlication 1)}681, appl3es�, Yor b� 'Pkat lic8ass far Barbar, application Harry Pappaa at 167 So - £rano Street be and the same is iaareby granted and the city c3_e Ic is �a+�t=-ezcted to isane sach lieense %Lpoa tYia payment F�. sato the city treraStzsy of tlms required Yee. { o u0613Y iug a nlic8tloa PRyDt�]ia�:�StYS�'6 0.N'=by Harry ' Straat ba New Cita. Ckork t 1k n ��te8 sad tha license. 0- E issue such 'upon}p$':` a,it- Lo- the city. tr� u�rY of:`t&e'tba'� Adoptbd by the Count? Sept_ 19. 1936. ADDrovgd {3ep .(2E r Adopted by the C.ouncil........_.IV-P-g9-�b193_.._ COUNCILMEN - Na Yeas �Q mSWll I igB]an Approved-- --......... __. _. _.__....__. 'a 193___ // Za favor . . /s �. 80n fig-airy=L - . .F..t.... s r. President (Gob a�3 3M 636 WHEREAS= t1'ie City of Saint Paul, prior to Septem' Pr first, has beam t33e airmail terminus for all airlines oiler- at ing in th i s and WHEREAS JE3g-t+ford Airlines, Inc. had, _prior to September 1, 1936, a cox- =-act with the Federal Governmexi-h to carry the mails from gain-- s City to Saint Paul, and 'beta.use of such mail contract, has —_ --- ix3tained headquarters for their passenger oper- ations in this using the facilities of EEc>-1 ■zt, Municipal Airport under most nominal and mutually satisfactory agreement with the City v-- Saint Paul, and WHEREAS by order of the Postmaster General, effective September firs- -- X936, said contract .was moc L 4Ei c3, and airmail service to Sai-� Paul over the Hanford Line, Roue AM 26, ,was discontinued, �- �sulting also in the loss of passsn.ger service to the people =:E' S eint Paul, and —WHEREAS disoontinuance by order Arbitrarily,. prbmulgated, vw-�= t3a opt affording the City of Sa.za-b Paul a hearing in the matter, --X-s -most discriminatory and c3.etraamexital to the best interests o:E' our people and the taxpayers vaj3L o have, already made substant3- --1 i xxvestment in municipal airpor G facilities,:, therefore be i - RES0LiTH:A==1k that the Council of the City of - Saint`Paul t - tz� s action on the part of tlxAa Postmaster General, hereby protes as not being ; — - tie public interest and contrary to fundamental purpose of airai3 appropriations to further x.ot only the facility of airmail butps•3Ezaarily to provide a aubstaxztiSl background for aviation in a.-I of its branches, and it is hereby respectfully urged that the order here referred to be rescixsded and both air- mail and passservice over this line be imxnPciiately made available to xst Paul citizens; be it FURTHER- RSQLVED, that a copy of this resolution be for-// warded o the-o�-maser General of the United S-�ates. AA-.!S.t1z± COUNC EN ' Adopted by tlse Counat.-..-_U ._ �.---`�_----- 193 YeasNa / - Ia � vor � L Approved--------- ............:1 ...... torte..............................__..... Feeeraoa `: ; Mayor 1 Y, X0!. 3M 6� y�Vice President i Septea'Dar, 23 -mL . '1936. Senator 8enr12rc S3sipstO-a , Senate offjcc& Sz�i331z3�s Washington.- D- - Dear Sirs fihe City Council has d3-recta8 m® to Bead you the aaa].esse3 copy of a retio2.ntio33 adopted by eaifl Ocwnc3l s grata:ting the discoatissvaaaa og 31Lrma11 service to St - Paul over the Sanford Liao . DA01Mt e — 26. Respectfully P C;i*;y Clerk. Senator Elmer A. Benison, Senate Office Dailaintr Ranhineton, D. C. Dear Sim am,wvz6mber 21st. 1936• The city Coeas4=i'3L ass direotod me to send you the enclosed ooh or a rasc3lesLion a.�opted by said Oouncil, protesting tics disssoat s Wi'� ce or airmail service to St. Pearl over the 3iaarOr3 -w-- 'e 3m s Bomta AN 26. City Cis]r1c. Sept. r 210E , 1936. Hon. Melvin Maas, Representative in Congress, Howe Office Dailding, Washington, D. 0. Dear Sin The City Oauaail 'tom AdUiraaLtad mo to send you the enclosed copy of a resolaIM— -'M- csa mAoV%etd IW said Connoil, protesting the disoontinooS aiz—e►11 service to 8t. Paul over'the Hanford bines StsaLe An 26. Respeotf ll,r- +' City Clark. I ! tsanpcamisma'ber 219t► 1976. Hoa. Oaee A. Parlor, Post+%ter 46ner4d faekingtou ";D. 0. Dear Birt The 01tr Oounail hsss directed me to send you the enclosed oopr of a resolatiQa adopted by said Council, protesting the disooatImn:xAaaa of airodl service to Bt. Paul orwr the $sntord Liaqws Moate M 26. very truly y+CFas-s , 01tq Clerk. osyiaai to ©ts task _ CITY OF ST. PAUL '" NO..•.-.. ti[... �; CE OF THE CITY CLERK y .i ON—GENERAL FORM OMM INT190 ER fired Y� Y'1' = .. s �s �w�re� # /Z41 t. P�te3 sCli..-r.: - 5�,-� 18th . 14trt_ RESOLVED,Thea the 01l;Z 4=:3L#arX and COMissioner or Hags s3Vaa11;ioa is aerpby` authorized, empowered :wa a a f =esoted to equip the polling" p'Xaass at the locations in the 839 qwa aa preoinots o! tim 18 wa -dLM QS •tue Q*ty of .Sty Pau], Minnesota,h�=�saS'Zar to be designated by thaw =oaaoil for tits General neotioa of ' %Rmlw-Hovemnber 3rd, 3.936, to U40 1s the City or at. 'Paul, Rax"y G1w4—asota, and for snob p1m3r3Pesssss said City 01srk and ®om issionsr csf 3E�_sg3stration is hereby aat3twsrX=ed to engage the necessary labor AT+mM sr3s�21i and purchase U6006811MY 6003s1: and materials, Aha cost and exposes est _� 2 • ftereof to be met and paid ot><# oS the Election Sspenss Account of the 4 qanK==_era1 Mande - C.105139—_gy F- W_ Truax—t}. l3.; Bartuaa, 11ze2 F_ -Peterson— - oived., L81at- L71+a City ,Clerk and 0=100 sdoai;'r o3."Reglstratfon la hereby. authortzodl,, aazposcarad ::t:td directed .to i k'� € ' equip the poI21aS -places--at the location* $o a° - in the 287 e2Coa preciacia 'oL the 18 _ II wards of tb.e Ci=9 a3. SL- Paul, Minna- - eois;..hareaitar t'.a_ _be deal CouactI =or- -- t2a8 13aaated- by the Tuesday, Navazabe �Srd� 198H to be Leld" in theqa, City of "St:=-Paiti,-: As,maeY County NnaeLota�, -'and Zor --such purposes said City on, I : "aaH-Cozszaiiasioner of. Re61e tratlon' fa Yaerebp suT.borfzed to:.eaEase the ne--no ry labor snd aXill. and Pur-. chase-" necessary - tooIs and materials, the coat sad exgaasa . of sii thereof to be met and=-: paid ouLot Eloctlo¢, Adopted' g--It3h—�'Cot:13— =6­a i2 SeDL 21'199d. :. - :ADProved _33Bgt_81.-1986- - I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council----��i>--�ji•�•�-193-...-. `. Barfass C�� Find7an SEP tPearce----------------�3ca Favor Approved------ ---•-- ........_.:.193-__„ �- Peterson-'Fruajrj. - -_ Mayor Wenzel.GNAW 3.r.: Mr. ut cr Vice PzesideA = 105140 CITY OF ST. PAUL coum°O N �_c THE CITY CLERK —GENERAL FORM LIxairrmaa Lzel'y Peteraog„, eaeti »iib, 193A, COMN1198IONB RESOLVED > 'that the Elaatlon to be he3.d Tuesday, Aa•alber- 3rd, 1936, v In the City of at. Pte-L_�_ Raaesay County, Yinnesot&q sftall be held in the two hundred and thirty 4w3jwatioa precincts or the Lw w2.ve wards of the said City at the plane amomma in the *contract Book oz Election Precincts* oS file in the offices 4c�-� t2ts City Clerk and Comsaisslansr of Registration. t CQIINCILMEN —` p�.p�� Yeas ays Adopted by the Council .____--_SEE.2._�9K93___.. Barfuss Findlan n1 Pearce Ave—,--------- - --- --In favor Approved__-. .................. _.._____._._...-193- .. - II4rren r ------ � — Against a </ '�. `-~= - ._.. Wenzel ame17 ; Mayor i;n_ 33K 11_35 Mz. vice President aaiQiaaim csa task _ CITY OF ST. PAUL CA NO._- E OF THE CITY CLERK UTION—GENERAL FORM ' Jp PRI ELATED Bv2red -8 Axel i`s56 GOMMISlitONat+ --- -- Y:lgmww Atd ieii�� t��i ani RESOLVED :�- That title Gi d �3ia�]c and4BO1wieiiOner of �g LwZ -�ioa be and be fm bmrebf authorlsdw& 40wima asp-soted to purahass and proiids tilts n.eeesselry • I supplies required for Z1Zs altAKnAwVfti 3leatioa to be held OZ1stemlaiy, Hareubet 3rd, 1936, in ties Gid o-A� St. Patel, Y,immesots`, Ooet hereat tat.. be paid ogt of the MAOtioa 3=zp4m3sae A�QQount of the General VcLzk&.& I a F. No. 108141 84 F M- T�'aaz—d- H- Bartusa•--Azol F_ Pcteraon— - Reeolved. that 'L'lza City Cleric aad Comtntse[oaer oS b Rcgiatra'a ba tr I hereby sathorized t.4 t and-dirsoted o purc V1181, se aad;Drovide-_t'ha naCeaaary, w1tD- Duee;requlrcd .Sot -the t38nara.l -Election to be h�lld' TueiaQa.Y 1`iovaiaberBrq. 1836; to the 97 P --t 3 f tbl s Me coat _ tbem.r to be -p¢id -aut 'oi Lias Election Exyease Accoaiat_o2-:tha.t3eneral Fend. Adopted by t1teConaCiI Seyt_ Z3.' I936:. Approved -Ba t tr 2.1. 1936_- �SsP:26w 1936) -.., Wenzel Me zeU Mr. Vice 1'ccsidela t t Adopted by the--10��----- 'Z 1 15B Approved----- -- /---------- ---19 ------ Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Barfuss Findlane r Pearce rim eA_.) ____ ____�=y —=a favor Peterson Truax _A in$t Wenzel Me zeU Mr. Vice 1'ccsidela t t Adopted by the--10��----- 'Z 1 15B Approved----- -- /---------- ---19 ------ Mayor to-Cia cl.s� CITY OF ST. PAUL waxNO..--105142 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LiZ-iCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e�.ra , a.rs.''�, ntm._ R6SOLYEO gZhat tbM 3PsrMM33U seanlied on the lista Qa Iits 1a the offiee. of the Coss' =m&ansr o3 Regia-t`:x-oa are gvelifled. Tofiers in th+ it resyeetiT,* precsinets, and tUey ars jS-�re7ay appointed 3ndgss and ale -7r oY elsation in tha<ir prsoinots is a430mp3-igc3ae with 3eet101L 559 or the 3Mleatzon Laws of the Stats of wi rna sot a. s to aer',qw,'a at the General 393 atioa ! o 'be held 1n the City Of St. Pahl on WI.+QascXAmL-V-,, November 3rd, 3.956• COUNCILMENu iLS� 21 lW6 Adopted by the Conc___--._----•----------------- -193------ Yeas Nays Rarfass EFeteracs 4�� Approved ------- ---------------------------- •---193 ..... Pearce i. - - Peter:=.on -7ruaa % Vi�arren ---- =----Against T- Mayor 'Wenzel LWenzel - am si-as 1".i`.;:�t n1o.1 c 1a Q � ` � �,���_�, f.... — CITY OF ST. PAUL � C0 NO._.. FF ME m-4OFr THE CITY CLERK RE b r►_ /� 9�SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM ISSIONEY �Ma('fX1w ` " 43 ft3V'� Q' AM&M 3'. -Psi �$ Yom•th, I9S6. RESOLVED, 2baft the ckcw3=mqpewLmwSWLcm oS JVLdLgen and GZerhs o! Blection ser.irV at: the General 79:Ls4c3-ftio3cL to bet hsld in the City of St. Paul, rota, on Tuesday, RcRamTs4mwr 3rd, 1.8:56, shall be fi=ed at $ 6.00 each, and the City Comptroller maw h+es®by mathorized and directed to audit such olaimm on the said bstsis< -s3Lpoa ceirCitiaation of the City Clerk and Comeissioner of RegistratiomL ¢oases tbmwescsr to be paid out of the flection Expense Account of the Gsexamiat rs]_ 3r umoX COU! sQILMEN SEP 21 Yeas / sys! ._ Adopted by the Council_....._............_:. _._..._._.193...._ Barfnsa � u COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------------- V r� >'i�ait�r o�9�i}1rIhB, �ela�ing r�' ' �s5tru0tlpg ,t, a gerheht tie t- y%oa tbN pohtll@rly sld povard, beg[fihlsg at' d :tot roue street, the0 e*hteil�, i'. A'Ihdn :At.edf ernenf whe By ---------------- -------•- t4 Minder Pre"ItiN>�a Order ` - -•--•---- ''•sued JulYR2R� 1956 . `bnc bearing bavta,' • '4 above lih rove ,i FINAL ORDER In the Matter of repairing, _xeltg �ztd re4g1�9tFu°trig-the oemegie _t,�e.. �d1k:.:_ _on the srnrthe�_eide of Como Boulevard, beginning at the_eest line of Qrotto Street, thence easterly to St. Albans Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks alre� exist ---------------------- � r` . . Vod Jul�(.28,,19;6 , ippro intermediaryOrder...................................................approved.......................................................... A public hearing havingbeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard an persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—repai r,_rela_and_reoonatruat_ the__oement the __ aidewalk_on the southerlv_pide_oP Ccu90 Boulevard beginning at the east line of -- _ Grotto Street, thence easterly to St. Albans Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks ahead•Lexiet�------•— ..—.___---------------- _ ....__...._..........—----------- _................. ............ ...................... ....... �4..._.__....__. and the ,Gquncil hereby orders said improvement to be made, b instructed and RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby directed to'prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted_ by the Council__ . 'SEP —_ _—_2 2 19___-_—W--=�--�, 192___ - ) City Clerk. 5E'P 2 2 193 6 Approved------------------------ /.. ------ Mayor. Councilman COtll1e1hII&IIRe-"51 'r dlan „�y�yyya►y.•l� CouncilmanrXcDmtakl'r prce i� Councihnan ogaM- I' 1 r erson Councilman,o8adheimerat ,, Y Couneilmarr,_W*nleh-_zaa�(((�'enzel Mayor SHWi¢� �Unhan 111111 Form B. S. A. 8-7 t ' r u COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------------- V r� >'i�ait�r o�9�i}1rIhB, �ela�ing r�' ' �s5tru0tlpg ,t, a gerheht tie t- y%oa tbN pohtll@rly sld povard, beg[fihlsg at' d :tot roue street, the0 e*hteil�, i'. A'Ihdn :At.edf ernenf whe By ---------------- -------•- t4 Minder Pre"ItiN>�a Order ` - -•--•---- ''•sued JulYR2R� 1956 . `bnc bearing bavta,' • '4 above lih rove ,i FINAL ORDER In the Matter of repairing, _xeltg �ztd re4g1�9tFu°trig-the oemegie _t,�e.. �d1k:.:_ _on the srnrthe�_eide of Como Boulevard, beginning at the_eest line of Qrotto Street, thence easterly to St. Albans Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks alre� exist ---------------------- � r` . . Vod Jul�(.28,,19;6 , ippro intermediaryOrder...................................................approved.......................................................... A public hearing havingbeen had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard an persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is—repai r,_rela_and_reoonatruat_ the__oement the __ aidewalk_on the southerlv_pide_oP Ccu90 Boulevard beginning at the east line of -- _ Grotto Street, thence easterly to St. Albans Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks ahead•Lexiet�------•— ..—.___---------------- _ ....__...._..........—----------- _................. ............ ...................... ....... �4..._.__....__. and the ,Gquncil hereby orders said improvement to be made, b instructed and RESOLVED FURTHER; That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby directed to'prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted_ by the Council__ . 'SEP —_ _—_2 2 19___-_—W--=�--�, 192___ - ) City Clerk. 5E'P 2 2 193 6 Approved------------------------ /.. ------ Mayor. Councilman COtll1e1hII&IIRe-"51 'r dlan „�y�yyya►y.•l� CouncilmanrXcDmtakl'r prce i� Councihnan ogaM- I' 1 r erson Councilman,o8adheimerat ,, Y Couneilmarr,_W*nleh-_zaa�(((�'enzel Mayor SHWi¢� �Unhan 111111 Form B. S. A. 8-7 y CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMEVLOL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FI MANCE C !N PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of repairing. reals z y -sag s.nd reconstructing the cement ti 3a sidewalk on the southerly side of Como Boulaysrd. begias;izzg at the east line of Grotto 8-b -thence easterly to St. glbans St. , �t under Preliminary Order approved Judy 28 , 1936 To the Council of the City of Sr- Paul The Commissioner of Finaacc hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount o£ the assessment for the above improvement is 0.11 new till The estimated cost 15v?-X"21£or the above improvement is - - - - - _ 0.08 old the ( 0.22 drivelleys The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: 0ESCRIPTIC>M 1Q. of Orchard St. -v-aa- and aLcLj _ Herm 8.8_ f0 LOT BLOCK AD0I1rI101N 4 Ware and Hospes Add - 1 5 do 2 5 do 3 5 do 4 5 do 5 5 do 6 5 do 7 5 do 8 5 do 9 5 do TOTAL. ASSESSED LaX4LUATION Bldg* Q $1150 100 100 100 125 150 175 _ 200 450 650 3100. CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 6 - � - ASSESSED 11 ADDITION LaneALUATI�d p ...:.. DESCRIPTION j. LOT eLocc _ - _. 10 5 Ware and Hoopes Add. $675 $4050 116 do 675 4700 c _ 12 6 do 675 3450 That part of Orchard S6 vao. & adj.) and Lot_) 13 b do 675 3250 _. That part of Orchard St. vao. l and adj. & Lot 14 5 do 675 2050.1 _ ,'That part of Orchard St. vao. and adj. & Lot 15 b do 350 I F Total $6925 $20600', The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. F- H. B. 12 Office of, the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 3+ 191 ............. --------193------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.. -----104518 approved July 28, 1936 193--------, relative to repasipgr�leYing--and-reconstructing=-_where_neceeeary= the cement tile --- --- ------------------ sidewalk ------- --------- sidewalk on the southerly side of Como Boulevard, beginning at the east line of Grotto Street, thence easterly to St. Albans Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.___.. ------------- _necessary and (or) desirable. , Est. Cost New Tile S.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile x.08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----- ---------- ---------------- and the total coat thereof is $-------------------------------, Driveways $.22 per sq. ft. and the- nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.................................................................................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------ - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' 5. Said improvement is ---------- ..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, All subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, ioner of Public Works. 9 3 \ `AUG 7 1936 1051451 4146— ter of rolsping:reC�alrldf�en ^- 'eatlntt camas. Mlle sldewa� tiauth ddb ot�Prineeton.A-" ;ytdnue'-. neue ;t ehc:eest nne -A,. thbricp 9aet 76 t- COUNCIL FILE NO------------------ ----- %114'teat-�b6r eutl tu. feet St a feet, In cold h� ze od eed,ei lest ander - f} ---I In the Matter of____?ela�ring1_rairingsnd_ reaonetruotinoementrthe sidewalk oa'- t}+_eouth aide of Princeton Avenue. beginning at the east line of Vernon Avenue, tlienoe east 75 Peet binning _97 Fset P®rther- east, then4e east 160 Peet .(4.6 Yeet — -- -- in width except where__gjR and suffYoient sidewalks airead extet, — under Preliminary Order -104§16__ __--_-_-____-_-spproved July__28,--1986-------------- =--e rrmediary Order ----------- --approved ---------.----- -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, d having fully considered the same; therefore, be it �,G 4-1,t, RYED,liy the Council of the City of St. Paul that khe�reeeee-eeb d -e ity is vement to be ma by the said Celay_2-repair ._____ reconstruct_ cement t a. a 4}l t �Qath ai Prinstet4a Armen b�ginni n�at__la �Linrnon A us thence___ at -1k Yeeti_b r eastA_t euloe st 150 feet (4.5 Pee in width Iere�a and euffioient erralka already axis Nig g the same are hgr� h� c7c2sil�it �tlnull9d, aqd � MRMW 10 said mater be \directto cil ereby orders said improve ent to be ma ED F THBR, That the Commissi r of Public s be and is hereby ' tructed and P, re pia nd specifications for said ovement, anit same 0 the i1 fort upon 8aid,ap val,the proper city officials a hereby authors and directed to pmaking of Said 1 ,�yrovement in accordance theregith, ov Adopted by the Council -----_ . �!s�s....n--.____---_, 192_-____. ------------------------------------------------------------------ --- r�- Approved-- -- - 192-- / Mayor. Councilman^l...� ,..n Ba rin ss COUnC11maIIiWP�+�=_-1 r? o d l an Councilman sane �Sva=.�rzi+-ee+r- Councilman rNV4 07 --a y aolfa`::zr:=s139 Gsi�ets Mr. Vicel'rc ident (Truaw) Form B. S. A. 8-7 �. CITY OF ST. PAUL -. �:. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ._ IREPC> OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of •relaying, repair; g sad reconstructing oement tile sidewalk on th side of Prinoeton Ave. begins— g a -t the east line of Vernon Ave.. thence east 75 fee s beginning 97 feet farther east tlzaace east 150 feet (4.5 feet in w1dt1i) under Preliminary Order approved JT az3y 2 8 , 1936_ To the Council of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Finance hereports as follows: The total estimated amount of t7nL assessment for the above improvement is - - atynare - new The estimated cost pe oot for t'- - above improvement is - - - - - - - $ n _n8 - nl d ti -1: The lots or parcels of land that s-+-= ---=iL3r be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, r= as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land_ Bldg._;•.__ West 60 ft. 16 8 Macalester Park $1-L50 $2900;', E. 47 ft. of W. 1Q� Pt 16 8 do 950 2300" (Ex. S. of E. 110 #'t 1 8 do 2050 4300,; $4250 $9500 The Commissioner of Fire n4 --e further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing is iris report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by rte+ a Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 9-3 D It OffiCe of Coxnxnissioner -of Pnblic - Works Report to Commissioner of Firiaxvce gaagus t Z- 1936 - - ---------------- ------- - --- .193. ------ To the Commissioner of Fi nsz3ce of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Riblic -VVorks, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council July 28 196 approved__. -.---.--_-.----------_--------------------------193-----..-, relative to relaying:_ retf+i +-_�''a_ _ R;±___reconatrncting..cement-. tile_ side�A� ----____oa __tlae__south ------ --------- side of Prince-Lc>xx cze beginning at the east line of Veraoa llvenue, thence ----- ----------- - - -- ---------- ---- -'----------------------_---- ------ east ---- east 75 feet, 97 Peet farther east, thence Bast . 1S0 Peet (4.5 ft. in width) and having investigated the aZatters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement 1s necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Aeraw '3ffi3e S.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile SCAB per s4 - ft. 2. The estimated cost tl3ereof is S --------------------------------- and the total cost thereof is 3_-----------------------------, and the nature and extent o£ E�Id improvement is as 3. A plan, profile or sketch c f said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said ��*�provement. COM. OF -FINANCE. }� ----- --- -- V> - C=missioner of Public Works. 9q� c3 AUG 7 1936 COUNCIL FILE NO ----------- -- ----- ----- By FINAL ORDER 1,10�,�I6.- ,atrtoil�jgoolarnfirt' tl►r'1 b' odlu'W aide 4f. 444. $hillIng Ave4tye tw de, exogpG wher6, e'' t eldeli�l>ia alreas; a4lnAryy�'Order 101,;' '^0.1888; "e hesring ha�,' In the Matter of-_rela}!in&_-repairing sttd reoonetruoting-oement dile sidewalks on the south aide of Laurel Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue;�ezaept vrhere and auffiaient sidewalks ahead exist1—_-__-___--_—_�__ 10 6 3 IMIxOVBd ........,.. U 28�r 19 g rwwwr,rwa,nrrrrrwr,rrwvwurrr,��� �h ��rrv,rw + M.+�w.xr.nrx..v.....vv�•u�•,•r... IntermediaryOrder .................. ... ».................... ......... approved ...............................» ,.•.».......................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it . RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_rela�r,- re�air_and_reoonetruot cement tine sidewalks ars the �Q�th de 9L La el_Avanueom- elling MUD—t9—aaratslga-Av�aue • xo t . yrh9r$_$gOd.-sad-8u#'ii6iexlt-aidewalli8-alr.6ad3F--exiat-r----------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon sAid approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ----_SEP 229g��36 Com^ Fty Clerk SEP 22 1r13n Approued------ -----�--------------------------- l92_ __ Mayor. Councilma _,1 Couneilmanrfawm CounciImanmMbRonald CouncilmaxCS�oga�-� tersou , Councilmaix�fiudheimer_, Councilma�Keazei: -x Mayors /Gehau Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL Minn St. Paul. Pant, _ St. l has in a tisated and The Conned oitnheat ducetl by the Dem o£of 6ddepartmen�has public Works, wh gn�tii 83de o4 found the foIIo'c�ra-= g--rlbed.cement sidewalks desc to deSfeeLrm--bo a Ave 3aallIng Ave. T�ure2 Ave £ro>$ �prove Order WW;e IIeCg$88rji. defective portional and under Preli�iaary propoa.'s to co =:�–duct EIIZ— said --Ewtll a- 8o�er'� and Jessie 3Nillis St pa�l will consider ethe To 'You are IX.E estimated cost thereof is -�b£y that the of $bevte t o 1 bili _._:.._..._..._ to improvement; • n 8 400t. pQ= gn��are will be held on said improvemeat in the Council That a pglilc he82'lap; City Hall Building. on th . Chamber o£ the Court House and 193_–, $t 10 o'clock A. M. G--a-c�mbel' — ` A7CEL F. PETERSON, F;1- 54051 Commissioner of Finance. Page– S ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE O� '. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE JJ ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of• relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement the sidewalk on the south side of Laurel Avenue from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue under Preliminary Order approved July 29. 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - O� new t le square - _ _ _ _ _ $ 0.08 old tile e The estimated cost pe oot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION Land Bldg.- 13 ldg.-13 Laurel Addition $1500 14 do 850 $4400: 15 do 775 2800;, 16 do 775 3600.: Lot 17 and W. of 18 do 1300 4750. E. 2 of Lot 18 & W. 30 ft. of 18 do 1025 2800.: Lot 21 and E. 10 ft. 19 do 1000 4450.. Lot 22 and W.20 ft. of 23 do 1200 4750„ E. 20 ft. of Lot 23 and the ) W. 35 ft. of ) 24 d6 1100 3650. E. 5 ft. of Lot 24 and all 25 do 1350 24750-_ -. Total $10875 $55950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said tter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated J� 19s2� Commissioner of Finance. ... Form B. S. A. 8-8 D - OfR6 of the -Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance --------- -------- -----------193.. ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: t, The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.-l! approved ............... jU3!Y._9Q_x_!QM ...... 193 relative to ,_.a42theMuth side of Laurel Avenue from Snel3J= Avenue to Sarato ..Av ............ of-.Laurel- --------- ------- ....... ....... ----------- — ------ .............................. -------------------------------------------------------- --------- ----- ----------_ ............. ............. --------------­-_---- ­---------------- ----------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is .................... jressary and (or) desirable. Fist. Cost Now Tile . per sq. ft. Old Tile $.08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8-----------------__----------, and the total cost thereof is 8.--.-......---.---------....... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:........-.___.....1­ .......... ............ I—— ............... ­ ............ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ........................... -------------- .................-------------------- 3. ....................3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --------------- -----_------_- ......_---_ _----- ----_----------_---------- --------_-------_-_- --------_-------- -------_---------_--- 5. Said improvement is .......... ----------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. I ........... ....... .. ... .. V PU asioner of blio Works. 6 AUG 7 1936 105147 J{M�F�o#, te1i71n8' e��� kete°oan Pemen� �tlo.4 /t6e;.aortii atdo"ot ntnd. •eglaning al tBe;eaet lln' eet.`theaoe eallt; to.the.' COUNCIL FILE N0------------------------- s oai;UBopn4 21 moaalithto oonarete t� 'a.: easdlA 'AVdnne By ------------- -•----- - ----------------­teooneteuotFr coao�ete the eld r FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ... relaying,-repairing�and_reoonstruoting_-oemeat the sidewalk mlthe north side of Randolph St. beginninL_t the east_ line of -Bay St.. thenos east to the east line of Lot 21, Block 32, A. Vance Brown's SubdivisionLand recomatraoti.ng with m�x141ithio oonor�#�_thQ_dflk_ir9m the gg_11pe oft21thence to Osceola except driveways, and reconstruotina with monolithic oonorete the sidewalk on the west side of Osceola Ave. bq&iiai�at the north line of Randolph St., thence north 28 feet, except where good and suffioient sidewalka already exist, under Preliminary Order___J94I?bs----------- ___ -approved _____July_ 29 1 6 Intermediary Order __..__.-_--•--_----_----approved ----_____ - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having,heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im• made b tho said Cit is.rall�y,..rg4 aeolltruot oe,svt Lila a MIk provomentto bo y y............................... ............ ............... ' on-ths.north„aide.o�,Ra>adolpb„Sty.begitwi�..at.tha.e�s�,.liba..of„Hay„St��.,,t apse emit t�n..tha,a9Sh 1in9.a£..I,Ci.21,.B1DOk..32,.1,.��nOfl_ko1M!-B_8abft1J1J0J,6nd re0tMfltM8t with monolithio�aQ�orete thedewalk from t�h� eas�ine- of Lot 21, thenoe to 0e0e0la . . Ave.�exce t d veway�. and re000netruQtlgith moA9_UthLq oonorete the sidewalk on_the west side of;0soeola Ave. beginning at the n rth line of Randolph St., thenos north 28 feet, see 41-nt sfdewa3ke- "imdy extet; -- — `and the Council hereby order said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro• teed with the mSEP 2aking of said improvement ;cordance therewith. rte\ 19 __ Adopted by the Council____ ________^__-____ `r'+2 inoC City Clerk. SEP Approved------- ------ - ----- ------------ 192_ Mayon Y Councilman 10sag,},;� Councilman;gw4 Councilman rkDonald � Councilmanrpan a fterso❑ Y ,� CouncilmanE$ndheimeL_ax Councilman'nzel Mayor NUUMm ehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 /% n r (� .. GI-r'r OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF GOMMiSS1ONER OF FINANCE OlV PF2ELIMINARY ORDER cement ide of in the matterof relaying, repairing Ara raaxxe OruBeLy St., thence least toathe east line oflk on the north sLot 21, Randolph Street beginning at the east line of Bay Block,32, A. Vance Brown's SubdivlL ;9N and reoonstruct with monolithic concrete the rust with from the east line of Lot 21, trieace to Osceola Avenue, except drivevreL and reconstruct auto with monolithic concrete the aidewal3c og tYia vrest side of Osceola Ave. beginning at the north line of Randolph St., thence north • 28 meet. under Preliminary Order approved Jzz�-MT 29 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: Fl— The total estimated amount of tree assessment for the above improvement is Gq re - - - The estimated cost Per cot for tine above improvement is 4- Monolithic concrete walk $1.00 Per front foot The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, arc as folloays: DESCRIPTION LOT Bi-ocK 13 32 14 15 Lots 16 3c 1? 18 (Fa. 11. 62 ft.) Lots 22. 23 sac3 24 -and W. 20 ft. of S. 31 ft. oP 3!W 62 ft. of Lot The Commissioner of Fi r:erste further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said mat er by the Commissioner of Public Works. O p� Dated Commissioner of Finance. 100, Form B. S. A. " D - 19 20 21 32 32 32 32 32 32 32 22 32 ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION Land_ Bldg.. _ A. Vence Brown's Sub* of Stinson, $850 $3550 Brown k Ramsey Add. do 700 1550 725 1800 do do 1450 2300 do 725 225E do 725 2900. do 725 1500. do 725 do 2000 1800: _. Total $8625 $17650 Office ofl-_- Commissioner of Public Works Reps�rt to Commissioner of Finance -- ----------- 1956 ............ ---193 ..... _ To the Commissioner of Fina of tine City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council 1 No___:Xl-------- approved ..... ------- July_2% --- 956- ---------- 193 ------ .., relative to relaying, repairia� sad reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side ------_--of RsridoTpii--Sty ---east--limi--of-Bay--St; I--thi rice- Oast--to--'the ------ east line of lot 2.3— BZocic 52, A Vance Brown's Subdivision, and reconstruct ----- ----- £-rom the--east--3-ine--of'--lot -21,---thence------------ to Osceola Avenuev eacapt driveways, and reconstruct with monolithic concrete ------------ th- sidewalk--Dia.-tk4� --W — -_--isie--Q#.-QBSseS2�✓14_AYB�t1e_.beSinning_.at_.the--north--line--°t Raddlph St., thence :zx<;P,:r--t3bL 28 feet. and having investigated the – Iters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Coat Sawr Tile =.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile $.08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost is $------------- ii-------------, and the total cost thereof is 3 --------------------------- 4^ Monolithic eon-- �-ste wmL3-k $1.00 per front foot. and the nature and extent o£ a=d improvement is as follows: ---------- -- ------------------------------------------------ --- -- 3. A plan, profile or s tch of sand improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -------------------------- - - - - - 5. Said improvement its _ __-_____----___ subject to assessment for said — provement. COM. OF FINANCE. ,1 - gqQ `I ,13 AUG 7 1936 ------- -- - -------- ----- ------ ------------ - - -------- -----_-_ - --- --- - --- ------ _asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propertyOD, ............. - 1429 9ssi---__0 mmioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FINE N0 ......... .-------- ....... By...................-..._ .................................. FINAL ORDER 105148 O�laYla , revdlrtaaa r �, q gismed� tt1e,,,elGeV r' Fa<trvlep tlt tpe eolith llhe st f enol aouth� t40 t@et 1p; , �dr�Voway{'fio8lnnln�} ut 1 home eout�l 9� �� aout�dde of �otb 4n1n6%`fit the,°w@pt Yepw; theg'oei WOO I rare ood and .a, tlrea�yy ezlat, upd , i dor �1Oti668, apprh 1. ' r'i" paving n In the Matter of__.relayin�t_ repairing and reconstruatin . oement the sidewalk;... ..... the west side of Fairview Avenue beginning at the south line of Selby_ Avenue, thence south 140 feet including 8 foot drivewayf-beginni�8 feet—farther south, thence - south 2 _feet; and on the south side of Selby Avenue beginning at the west line of _ Fairview Avenue, thence west 52 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks. already exist,----------------------- -- -- - under Preliminary Order --- 104558---- - --- -------------- approved ----- Intermediary _ Intermediary Order ------- ----- --•---------- A Plic horipg Wigg been had upon the above improvement upon due notice and the Cou l 610h�����ll ���o�io the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City is..._rela r, repair and.recon...ru.....emen.tile ........walk os�t}ae.bcest.sida of F�irsie�9yenuS �s3gil�t>.at-he_..eQuth line__of Se1bAvenue, _ thence south 140 feet including 8 foot driveway; binning 8 feet farther south, thenc�_so�th 2�Csst1=_szld_on tk1LQ so tl�gL of _ae nue besinning at the west line og airview Avenue. thence west 62_Yeet�_except_K t --aced and sufficient ----------- -------- ----- ------ ------ --__ _—.— and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro• teed with the making of said infOovement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._-.-_SES.--2....10 ..... 192.__.._.. Sep 2 2 19 - - - it y Clerk. Approved-- ----------- ------------- 192--- - Ma Councilman MINIM BarPuse / Councilman Findlan eouncihnan-41 — 7" � � � Councilman �¢6togati" Peterson Councilman�nt�lieiit�e `, Truax Mayor) Ew Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL .moi r DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Q REPO'OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C�, C>" PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) tp In the matter of relaying, repe.ir- aaael reconstructing cement ti.le e1dews.l1c on the west aide of Fairview Avenue bpginning at t17ae south line of Selby Avenue, thence south 3-40 feet, including B foot driveway; beginning 8 P e et farther south, thence south 2 Peat s ancl on the south side of Selby Avenue beginning at tie-vvest: lime of Fairview Ave., thence west 52 ft. under Preliminary Order approved 13, 0!9 s 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul = The Commissioner of Finance lze=eby reports as follows: - The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is aqar _ _ _ _ $0.08 n1d the The estimated cost upe�oot for t3a� above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor _=E�E re as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT e­oeec 1 2 AOOtTIO►V ASSESSED Land ALUATION$ld Bldg... Washburn's Re—ar. o£ 3-8, $1175 $3100 Second Add. Merriam Park do 1075 2900,: T c tel $2250 $6000'. The Commissioner of Fa zzarnce: further reports that he'has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoiaigg=:7 aphis report thereon to the Council, together /wvith the report made to him in reference to said matter by Z��--mrxmissioner/of Public 'Works. ��f� Dated Commissioner of Finance. -Form B. S. A: 8-5 D Office of the - 4z>xx vrn.issioner of Public Works Reporter Commissioner of Finance ------ -----Auggust -5r-1958-----------193------ To the Commissioner of Finance o£—fie G�ty of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public --VVor3ss, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File 1*To---_3,CkIs558------ approved ------------- July --- 28_,._3956 ------------- 193--------- relative to relaying, repairing and recce strncting cement tile sidewalk on the west side of I�airiiiei'"Aveaue begiriri�riv"" g�� -- }die- soufi�i Tine" cP Selby Aveniie� fEerice d6ffl -140------------- feet including 8.0 ft. driv ; b@ginnirw 8.0 ft. farther south, thence -south --- 240--€`t.y -sad--on--they--s--- s:Lcle--of----Selmer-Avenue-beginning--at--the--west---------------------- line of Fairview Avenue, west 52 feet. and having investigated the matte; aaa things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Baer sq. ft. New Tile) $0.08 for Old Tile per sq.. 2. The estimated cost there_. dU is ----------- and the total cost thereof is 1 ..............._--------_-.--, and the nature and extent of said �grovement is as follows: ---- .......... ---- .---------------------------------------------------- _--_.------ 3. A plan, profile or sketc23L -vf said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .......... ------------ ------------ 5. Said improvement is_______ — _ ______________________asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said inzpr��ovemeat_ C I"- OF FINANCE. ----------------- - - -- C muemoner of Public Works. CA a -3 A� IF 1936 COUNCIL FILE N0.— .................... B in the Matter y I ` i� � �'�n�IC@mail 0" PP WPI ; gat kh�,e�t in i' . �; �srl0a `east 90 f 6Ci,trhQ,�t� ' iaide pt�MarY aq� street b9�i t tae .$set �lne ot: PaY1�q' nen�e :east 64 feet;' etCerr ; :d and: euf9clent,sldetve i" '.Igt, under;i'rellminar�_.� voproyAd July 99, ?" . e'b FINAL ORDERaving �epgiring aud_reoonetruotin�-Dement aii aidewalk_on_the bMinning at the east line of Payne 6venue, thenoe`east 104567 29,1936 under Preliminary -------- . — - A Zntermediory Order ........._ .................................. approve �...,_ .,..._ .. uI ' r and having full conAora� having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative the 8t0, g Y the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im provement to be made by the said City ie relay, repair and reoonstruot cement file sidewalk on the north side O Maryland Street beginningat_the. east line of Pine Avenue, — t�Qaio���fltStQ_e +_tx_spa.�e__sa>►�isL�Q€__tr3'�-greet beginning at the east line of P�ime_avenue, thenoe east 64 Peet, except where_g_god and auffioient sidewalks siren and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance theret Adopted by the Council.---���- SEP 22 f City Clerk. Approved--- - - ----------- — -------- --------- 192 / Mayor. Councilman ��3�.% vn B,rfuss Councilman LF r${3eO 3 Findisn Councilman PeRlogan f-2 Peterson COunCiImallAI he}mer 1 Trnax Mayor Wndam Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 �/ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tiles sidewalk on the north aide of Naryls>nd St. beginning at the east line of Payne Avenue, thence east 60 feet, and on the south side of.. hlaryle nd Street beginning at the east line of Payne Avenue, thence east 54 feet under Preliminary Order approved July 29, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 13 tl re _ The estimated cost cot for the above improvement is - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Ex. Alley) N- 25 ft. of 13, 14 & ADDITION ASSESSED LOT nuoaK Land VALUATIOVIdg. 22 4 Stone and Njarton's Addition $1500 $6100 15 1 Evans Addition 1300 3000 Total $2800 $9100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work/- Dated a S/ 19� C'l Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-3 D — Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Aiiglist -59 1956----------- ---- - 193 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104557 Council, known as Council File No.............aPProved_... July 29� 1988- --_- ----_--.-193--------- relative to ...... relayingv repairing_ and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side - - - - oP-g- eYn ' 04' Mary�:an�! 3tree� iiegi nen at -tIie --east--Tine-' - --e'-gveYtuA _. thence --- east ------------------- 60 ----- -- - ------- 60 feet, and on the south aide of Maryland Street beginning at the east line -- of- -Payne--Avenue-,-thenae--east-- 644eet<. --------- -------- --------------- - - -------- ------------ - - ----------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie ---------- _------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile $.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile $.OS per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $ ......................._..._:__- and the total cost thereof is $._......._..._.._.___.._.__.__., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------- ------------------------------------ _............... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .. ----- ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..------------------------ --------------------- 5. ----- -- ---------5. Saidimprovement is. ........................... ... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE.---:---- ommissioner of Publio Worka. CRII� AUG ,7 IPS �. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__repairing,_relpyrienld reoonatruating_oement the sidewalk the_go_rthaide of Case Street -from Payne Avenue to_Greenbrier Avenue, exoept where— good and suffioient sidewalks under Preliminary Order____104Sb9-------- _ ------ _----- approved _Jk3X 29, 1936 Intermediary Order - -- --- — - —_ approved - -- -- ---- - - - --- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City idewalk Qn_the north aide of _Case St. from Payne Avenue to-_Greenbriss_Avenuer except where _ good snd suffioient_sidewalka a1reA4Y exists___—_____-____-.__—_______—__—__—___— " ' and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications`for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for F, ,,, � approval; that upon said approval, the proper city official -are hereby authorized and directed to pro - ceed'with the making of said improvement in acco nee therewith. Adopted by the council.__ SEP 2 2 193_ SEP 2 2 9 City Clerk. Approved------------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman fiblowma jrgax. arfu- 43ammffinan ;r:i a •:: 9�� Ciouncihnan terson s Councilman t%wdl bue=' / Mayor Adliam /Gehan.- Form B. S. A. 8-7 �/ • _ 1 �`iTY_ �� ST. PAUL .Y �EPARTM�l�iT OF FINANCE � '�JA. REPORT OF CO M M I SS I OrIEF2 OF FINANCE 4E �10 ON PE?ELI ORDER jr, tine matterof repairing, relaying and r.g cement tile sidewalk, where necessary, on the north side of Case St. from Payne Ave to Greenbrier Ave. -104863 under Preliminary Order approved July 29, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as fol lows = The total estimated amount of the assessment for improvement is - - $ 0.11 new tile The estimated cost peq oo for the above improvoman Z: fs - - - - _ _ $ 0.08 old the The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed ben efi t:s for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follovvs _ DESCRIPTION LOT ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATI ON _ Lanced Bldg.::.. S 25 £t. of 16, 17 and 18 17 Arizagton Hills Addition $3800 $3950_ 19 M-171 do 450 500. 20 17 do 500 5250. 21 17 do 500 3400:, 22 17 do 500 400.. 23 - 17 do 450 2300: 24 :3L 7 do 400 450.. 25 3 7 do 375 950, 26 27 do 275 1150. _ Wast $ 28 and all 27 3 7 do TOTAL. 450 350,; Form S_ S_ 19 C-47 QWF ST. PAUL DEPARYMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC -K ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATIO ianc� 1�. dg s 28 anjl(Ex. the E. _ll Pt..) 1 29 � 17 .Arlington villa Addition ,$_60Q _ .$960.; tt -- --=_E. 11_ it.e of 29, W. 18 £t _of S _60 60 d -b. of 30, and W. 13 ft. 65.39.ft. of 30 ; 17 do 350 1000:: of S. 60 ft. of 30 and E. 27 ft. of N. 65.30 ft. of ): 30 17 do .400 2100 I� ii i Total $9050 $227601; The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. aS 19� �. ONS Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B_ 11_ 12 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works A Report to Commissioner of, Finance f �T _..August..;za..19SS---------------------193-- ---- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -.:..104559 July 29, 1956 ......approved-- - .-- - --- -- ---- --193--------- relative to repairing,relgping--and.reconstructing-,cement-tile_-aidevralk�.where necessaryt on the north aide of Case Street from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue. _.... ------------------------------------------------------_--------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.... -------------------- necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Nes Tile A.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile A.08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.--e ---------------- -........... and the total cost thereof is $.-........-.......__...--_.._--, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... -------------------------- -------------- ---------------------- ------------------ ------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4- ------- --- ------ ---------------------- -- --- .. ------------------ OD. 5. Said improvement is ------------------------------- .asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. a COM, OF FINANCE. (�6nmieeioner o0 f Public Wor 9 � 3 / CR AUG 7 1936 . 5151 V-.0 —l" c No. ....................................... cl-r-'r C30W M) OFFir-FTY GLERK PL- FORMCoumCIL. RE:S40L-V-3 P EWM 13Y Cam ISSI&F-R- -t>y is appointed member RF -SQL -VF -D: that Harold E. Flood be a-13�c of six years, beginning Jt -Y fox -�t; Taeof the Port Author term August 18th, 1936. to Yeas COUNCILMEN N;� - In favor -4e rson lauz Against /yAr President (Gehan) Resolved. that Harold Wood 'be V ,I 6dmeglber ' ,gad he' tserabyy. fn ePp e lz Lh6 Port' AssLhoilty ,Lor AIft . 6.1 a%jpl-,6a lb -g tbS C-bWn"i'll 2; .--pt-22.1036-- Adopted by the Council... 193 SEP 22 WS Approved.. . . ........ . ..... .................. . .................. 191 Bureau of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STREICH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner s.jW o September 17, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel. Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport -105��� FRANOS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer You will find attached letter from Mr. Herman Mueller, Seoretary-General Manager of the Port Authority, calling my attention to the fact that Mr. Harold E. Wood's term as member of the Port Authority expired on August 17th of this year, and suggesting that a resolution be presented to the city council reappointing him for a new full term of six years, beginning August 17, 1938. I would appreciate it very much if you will prepare the necessary resolution as requested, and oblige:. Very �trpuly, yours, HERMAN C. WENZEL COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES HCW:ER POR"foi AINTFAULEM23 Gateway t0 fisc Gtent No*thwelII Ron. PORT AUTHORITY 5-�.Cjcnend (!ommttsianers .. OF THE HERMAN MUELLER WM.F. DAVIDSON, VraWmt CITY OF ST. PAUL HAROLD E. WOOD, Vice Praww CLARENCE G GRAY. Treaurer H.�1 end Coon Howe City _ ST. PAUL, WNN. 936 September 14. 1936- Hon. Herman C. Wenzel Commissioner of Public Utilities B u i l d i n g Dear Mr. Ccmmiesioner: please be referred to Council pile $102763. resolution presented by you, adopted by the Council January 1. 1936 appointing Harold H. Wood of St. Paul a member of the Port Authority to complete the unexpired term of R. P. Warner, which tens expired on August •17. 1936. It was through oversight that I failed to bring this matter to your attention prior to August 17 last. May I $Meet and urge that you present resolution reappointing Harold X. Wood for the new full term of six years, beginning Avgast 17, Respectfully. _ — H. MQELm Secretary-General Manager EM MM C""t to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r_lt- Rr.SOLUTION --- G@NERAL FORM ce..M 105152 pt.emhar....21,....]� 6......... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Ager be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 60 Hers�y Compound meter, Model'CT, at a cost not to exceed $468.00, less 2% cash discount ten days from date of invoice, without advertisement or competitive bids, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. C7Bdfiulas ILMEN Yeas Nays !�/J�//, f In favor rson /IL_ ......... Against ruga r. President (Gehan) 3M &36 Adopted by the Council ,,.,.SEP ,..2i1._1.9*.._193..... Approved...._ ................. OPT ..2.2.. X193..--- .,........1 ........... ............ .._. Mayor orwa to Car Clerk couNc NO-105MO CITY OF ST. PAUL nLs HE CITY CLERK OFFICE OF T C 01 U 61-L RESOLUTION 'dENERAL FORM L RESOLUTION O...So193,6..:_... .. COMMISSIONER..... . .. .... ................................ ............................ . ............. .............. 91-A- RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized t purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 1 Monroe Calculating' JyLchjne Model L160X$, at a cost not to exceed $229.50, without advertisement or competitive bidsp his is a patented article knd 3%o advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. aO�V. C. R: No. 10515106152-8y8: C.-Wen..I--� ' Resolved, that the Purobaming'Agent be, =4, hj 1e hereby autherixod to P. - hr h tn"res"C."null.ft' the Coo' tr 1� Me 1. 1., Machine ------ Model L16OX at a cost mot to exceed ':b, $229 5b;'WlthoUt adverti-mept or, corn pe�jtnted COUNCILMEN Yeas; Z. flus. 4 N ya �In P n Irr-r-80 ... ....... favor Against WA10- NPresident ,241.•(Gehan) 3M 636 barge -or -.Per- on' dopted by the Council Sept.t. 22.1828. ".rovedSept. 12-lsa.. 25, 1995) J� Adopted by the Council. 6 - n.............. 2 -g -l" 193 Sep 22 we Approved......................... . ........................................ 193..-.- -- - - /-v7w— Oelytod to Clq Clerk 2 NO..__._10514 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTI & .GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ................................................ ... DATE......SO-PteMbor. x.18.0 ...193.�T......... COMMISSIONE............._......................................................._.. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized,. with t the consent of the Comptroller, to purchase 42 pigs for the St. Paul Workhouse, the purchase to be made by the ging Pig Company on the South St. Paul Livestock Exchange, at a total price of $558.25, as this is the only way a purchase of ltrestock can be made on the South St. Paul Market. Charge Public Works - Workhouse - 10-06-231. COUN LMEN Yeas Nays Darfuss In favor �eterson �..... Against �uaa / r. President (Geban) 3M bJ6 Adopted by the Counal.,,_,._SEP ._22._W.6-193 Sep 2 2 1936 Approved........................ ........ .......... .... _.......... _.... 193_..... ..�.......1 --/....... ..... ._........ ...................yD==• -- 0.40-1 w C10 cleric -wn` 105155 . CITY OF ST. PAUL. enNO.......... .............. OFFICE O CITY CLERK COUNCIL TIO - -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BSe Bmbei • 1956 COMMISSIONER._...___....___._ ............._ __....._._ .___._.._.__.._....__.._._.........__.__.._..__....._.........DATE...............,K�........... ....7........_...._.._.....__ RESOLVED That the proper city officials be and they are hereby w authorized and directed to reimburse George H. Herrold, Office Eagineer, from the Engineers Fund, Code 1013-5, for expenses in the amount of $6.60 incurred while attending the meeting of the National Safety Council at Duluth, Minnesota, August 7th and 8th, 1956. COUNCjx MEN Yeas N Barfus., Nays _.........__...... Pet/ ereon // In favor Jtraua Against `�Vleerei-' President (Geban) SEP 22 1936 Adopted by the Council .......................... _............. ......... ...193...._ SEP 22 WS Approved........................ :..................... .................... 193....... that the $aCtton.or t sgade oa d.VUV U thi . 11' n877j, anip�ddfMa.Yii�. t�„tm�� CITY OF ST. PAUL,'A- bas. OV,, ! at el �g� of as an6 tai we. OFFICE OF THE CITY 57 o es Stoe Pl6muI COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GEi'v too iaeeof ea Band eej Yt7! y 611a[e - 766 ' � ?'t �-� it seeeeemeate ana 111M1 -via - PRESENTED ` ♦ '� ! .. -- __. COMMISSI )NE. _ - - W son babel! of the RESOLVED That the actioa of the Committee °n Lana oe No. 7887+ under and pursuant to Ordinah City of Saint Paul, estate des - approved May 12, 1936, for the purchase of the real oribed as Lot 22 and the westerly 16 feet of Lot 230 Slock 7, Edmund Rioe•s Second Addition to the CityOf Saint Paul' 1"Ift undred Sixty six and the owner thereof, for the sum of Seven S nclude all assessments 68/100 Dollars ($786.68)9 this prioe to i and taxes paid in full, said property to be used for the expansion and the proper Of the Anker Street Playground, is hereby approved, City offioe_rs are hereby authorized and empowered to draw a warrant 766.68 in favor of the owner of said property, when in the sum of ration Counsel, the proper deed conveying same, approved by the Gorpo has bsen delivered to the City Comptroller; the cost of said land to be charged to the Miseellaneous and Unforeseen Item of the Gen- eral Fund- Ye" 7iiI�.MEN Yeas Nays uss / In favor ' ......n...... Against rauz Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 O �,.bt._�......193...... Adopted by the Counul....��+--- SEP 112 ..... Approved... ..................................... _.... ...... _...... ..193.. ..•� . Mayor } 106167'-1iY O $'Badu•• . 4i'�rtl uax—SrV1nB C Pearce— " . Oriximlto Ciq Ci 0 4T1�wuasrleeuedt a d C CITY OF ST. PAUL 488 134 Retee ntraet and, No -10A"57 e Peter n ' Battle b' OFFIC OF'THE CITY CL4tiRfotie*fleonna a tr TY C)OUNC L 2? N---GENERAywoh rNqu at th611M1• r PRESENTFfD /� .._ . ...._ _.DATE...._._._f6Q�At0z1)er..,22.4..Jt 3.6......... #; COMMISSONE ......._.... ................................... ..._..... .. ......... RESOLVED WHEREAS, heretofore On Sale Liquor -License No. 471 was issued to Peter J. Battis at 499 St. Peter Street, and WHEREAS, Peter J. Battis has requested that said license be transferred to G. E. Richardson at 444 Wabaeha Street, in which request the latter concurs, and WHEREAS, G. E. Richardson has filed a bond in the amount of $3,000 as required by ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by,ahe corporation counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said transfer of license be granted, provided, that all inspections of the premises at 444 Webasha St. have been completed and approved; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor --License No. 471, heretofore issued to Peter J. Battis at 49s St. Peter St. be and the same is hereby transferred to E. Richardson at 444 Wabasha Street, subject to the approval of premises by inspectors, and the bond of G. E. Richardson is hereby approved, and the city clerk is hereby instructed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed and authorized to release the surety on the bond of Peter J. Battu from any further liability that may arise after this resolution is passed and published. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Coundl.......... `SEP. 2 �`�36193 •-- Yeas ,(/ Nays /Ifyi[U08 �P9edldir 22 19 In favor Approved._ ...... ........ ........._._..._....___...... __.193_ _ P reon Agalnet Lr .............................. . Mr. President (Gehan)r�- s- 3M 636 September 17th, 1936. Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Secretary, License Committee, City. Dear Sirs The City Council referred the attached application for transfer of "on Salem liquor license of Peter J. Battis at 498 St. Peter Street to G.I. Richardson at 444 Tabasha Strest..to the License Committee for investigation and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. FitFD .. C Ft� September+ 1936 ]ion. Hark H. Gehan, Mayor, and ,P,.S.fERGUS�N.CI'tY CLERK city council of St'. Paul, at. Paul, JAinnesota Honorable Sirs: I have sold all my interest in my liquor and restaurant Iestablishment at 498 St.. Peter St. St. caul, Minnesota, knosin as "old Heidelberg", and have transferred my ,On Sale Liquor License to Mr. G. E. Richardson of this city; I respectfully petition yTrjr honorable body to' confirm, such transfer by proper resolution to 11r. G: -E. Richardson. Respectfully yours, 1-dfawe�, Peter J. Battis, St. St.. p ul, miinnesota CITY OF SAINT PAUL "APPLI.C7`ION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. G • E. Richardson Age Name of Applicant Residence Address 1597 Summf t Ave. _--_— �Tefephone No. Mi. 2632 Are you a citizen of the United States? YES —. Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where? 499 Wabashe for past three years _ __— If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation — When incorporated? -- ---- ----- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?, _ NO--------- -- How many members?- -- -------- --- - - — -- — ----- - - ------ -- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if knovvn — Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 444 Wabasha East 7th & 8th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? ove r.Qrtg__or i J e _ How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? 2-81 acka How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)? 4- blocks Name of closest school Assumption How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? Commercial _ On what floor located? f i r s t floor and basement Are premises owned by you or leased? ---Le —as ed—If leased, give name of owner J oe F r i edman If a restaurant, seating capacity? 250 If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?- No Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: 8th St. Entrance (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?_ Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) Give names and addresses of three business references: I, NhXXk ikXXX Hamm Brewin 2 Van Dyne Moran 3 H. E. Carnes THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN FFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY TO CATION;AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BEEATTACHED:E THIS APPLI- Issuance of license is not recommended. _ Application checked by Dated_------ -- 193_ SEE OTHER SIDE 600 13-96 License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, t ss County of Ramsey. S _ - ---- .—.-,---__being -- g bein first duly sworn, .--�-- =--- --'-- ------�--��--87CHARIISODI deposer ;and gays that he has read the following application... an nows t co t reof, a at the sa is trtim 3o the' best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me , thin—_ =-C��y Of - , Notary Public, Ramsey ACon rLt, W Notary Public, Famsey County, Minn. My commission expires qqZ, STATE OF MINNESOTA, t m County of Ramsey. S __-----___---—-----------------___ _—.---being first duly sworn, deposes and says that —the __ of ------- — —--_----- , a corporation; that has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of--- knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed. on, behalf of. said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and swotn�to before me this day of 193— Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires COUNCIL Oto.fity CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.A01W-8 OFFICE HE E CITY CLERK, - NT C OU UN LUT r"11 --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTS CIATIE 2P . ..... L9.36 ................. .............. COMMISSIO ........................... RESCnVOW WHIREAS9 30mil Barbean has made application 14670 for license to operate as a taxicab VL-pon the streets Of the City Of St- Pan" one Plymouth automobile, Serial No. 2977125, Motor No. P2-361973, cowered by Lloyds of Minneapolis insurance policy TO, R-39905, and license No. 20, and VHZRW, Emil Barbeau, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, as amended by Ordinance 7674, has filed copy of insurance policy With the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been . approved as to form by the corporation counsel; therefore, be it RESOLVZMI that license to operate said gntomohile as a taxicab upon the streets of the city of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted subject to the provisions of said ordinances, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the Payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas /iarfuss /In �favor eceraon P,; Alpin. /frum, rP,.ideot (Gha-) 3M Adopted by the couodi ............ SEV 2.2 IMBL93 SF'� 22 = Approved....................-...-...._..-._.---..._......._...193 iNo: 106168—By ff 8 -T1 : 6 Truax Irving C Pear,' alowi g nt edivea nvplh1051 Or tl odaia.imCih Clerk lowing named.Deraonea-eou"gc 1 Vhlr }, IndicateA be' and the `, CITY OF ST PA granted and the city el,. mut IVO ^/ vOFFICE OF THE CITY 1;[o secre even licensee t .jthe' city teaser , COUNCIL N-GE�yLDD�i��7isRe 1 Nnµ s; 98R ned PRESENTED `' COMMISSIONE ....... .... ..... ........ ..... _.............. ......... ....... ............. ..wl�!"'M',�*iee�j�y OATS_..:Se�ltembeT...2..2,t....1�/.36..............._ RESOLVED 9 That licenses applied for by;the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Strobel Bros. 2119 Grand Av. Butcher App. 1377 Renewal a a n a Grocery If 1 378 a Off Sale Malt Bev. " 14379 " Anna Stevens 250 Thomas St. Butcher 14632 " A. M. Nistler 324 W. Seventh St.Gaa Station 2 pumps " 1440s " Petroleum Service Go. 391 Sibley St. " " 4 " " 14615 " C '-F.=Rillmerling 790 W. Seventh if 11 3 " " 14625 " Woolery Machine Co. 29th & Como S.E.Mpls. 011 burner a 146s9 " Malmon Motor Co. 461 Rice St. 2nd hand auto dealer " 14667 " Hat Taylor 654 Bice St. 2nd hand dealer ' 14658 " 0. Graber 80 E. Seventh 2nd hand dealer (gold)" 14624 C. 0. Holt 294 Endicott Bldg. Chattel Loan " 14564 a 0. 0. Holt 294." " Salary Loan " 14563 n Yeas COUNCILMEN Nay Adopted by the Council........_....��P..�.t... �.�.3f93..... .. Barfuss SEP 2 2 �.................... _ In favor Approved._..................._......._.._..._._......_...._.....I93._.. Peterson / Against /Truss = l ^ Y ............. ..�........_�......_� ._.... _. _ Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) JM &36 orwna toChyClerk cou"WL 105160 CITY OF ,ST. PAUL Flu NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL --GENERAL FORM PREJENTED BY .... .:DATE._._Se�)teIDbeT. ZZ, 19.36 .................._ 'Cocom MISBIONER....................................... ......_ ..... ....._.,. i RESOLVED That licenses for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 114695r On Sale Malt Beverage, application 11469+, aad Restaurant, application 114693, applied for by Louis Mastroddi at 201 A. Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund. to Louis Mastroddi the fees of $5,00; $50.00; and $10.00 end to cancel said applications for, licenses. IC F No,.1p8160-13y a H. 8e:rfuso-- F L{', Truax—Irving C. Pearoe Re lfiaolPed, Yhat, licensee ,fob OS $ale MeBeverage, >, aygllcatlon.:'14886. On. SaWwalt Beverage, agDlleatlon '31684, aod-Reetaurnnt; agDSlcatlon. 14693, a.pp piled ;for by Louis. Dlsetroddi at 2DL�W. Sev@nth, etreet.,bejand lho rsame.are hereby denied, and the prop@F-c1ty bnid-: ere are hereby authorised to reFnnd' to " - Loule.Maetroddl tbe..feee ofi8.00; i6D.0Dt. s and'i10,01 and to cancel eald..appIle tt Denied lhdona - Dented lntormally by Council,' SEAL 19.1886. ' -- Adopted byy the Cuunell aeDG 22;1898, Adopted eeyt. 22. 1938. . (Sapt',28, 1988) ,. Denied informally by Council Septa 19, 1936 COUN MEN Adopted by the Council. r%_.�Lt._193 Yeas Nay yindkyrp ................. ._ In favor Approved. .............. .... ,. _... _...---- -- reteraon ��, .TIuax c ✓ '' _... Against ,.....�1�' Ar. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 TO - AUL COUNCIL'�1rIt:E �62 - PR114i' Aosolved [,that pllecke be aigr on, the .c1ty, treasury._to (the aggregate L,O'T[pN NO.' R - amount, of. i16680fi.$8 .;oovering, e4gea. numberod 2828 to 8$837 tneluelve, ae - Der checks -on Elle In; the officq of tDe cli : cemPtroller Wopted=4Y the:Coune!] -7 teMber is 199 ADDroVed,BePt.. $2 1988 ,(eeDL 28 4988) ,. RESOLVED, THAT CH4_ � ,_. Y TREASURY.TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 15g9t>s. 9 , OF ; ,'COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _TO 28317 _lNCLUSIVIA,As PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OFj THE CITY COMPTROLLER, ADOPTED THE COU 14C SEP tLJ r ,BY 193_ t:.�ItlR " - APPROVED n corn 193_ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 11�.�1 _ COUNCIL ,�7` CQU NCILMEN-ROL'L CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._.-___ CONROY �yypa COUNCIL RESOLUTION pt18 «*�►""" al - IFFAVOR September __79 36 611913 D C J AUDITED CLAIMS ------------------------ PEARCE r1lE�llr� _`_ AINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE pyR/�� GfC3H TY TREASURY. fflE� yAYF�'u, . TO THE AGGREGATE pq�@pyyNy'{[��OF 5-! i•O1i--, COV ERINO ES.DCCIIFF CHECKS NUMBERED 47[ _Y____TO___�-- -• INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FIL I TOFPIC F THE CITY CO PTROLLER. ` ADOPTED BY TH OU C _- ---- gg - - A CITY COMPTROLLER MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER I�1:: BY TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER R II DISBUSEMENT I BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i 0 2824$1# Healy Plumbing & Heating 00-'i 5 1051 8 0 28249, Maude P. cottew 3 2825011 28251 John Fuchs Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 331 7 55 3 28252; Tri-State Tel. & Telg.0ompan, 13 259 �4F 28253I Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fi ce 297(8 2825411 282555„ Axel F. Peterson, 0. of pin0e Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin ' oe 50215 2825611 J 28257 i Axel $. Peterson, 0. Of Fi A2e1 y- Peterson# 0. of Fi 0e oe 2 10 97716 553 0 0. Fin 0e 2 869;AxelF.Peterson.c. 258;! Axel F. Peterson, of Fi 2 Si of F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe s 6 P56g 260 282611! Axel Axel F. Peterson# 0. oFin be 1 2 132 77 28262',! 28263 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finaloe 3 8p6�2 1 0 28264 i! 28265 ':! John Rose Colbert Ellie 40j 0 i' 28266 ii Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin e 4 420 4231 7 0 28267 'i 282681! Axel F. Paterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin a a 221 '' 28269 28270 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final'be James LeGore 30 w+►b016 ' ' Welfare 10 6671 28271 Bombd of Public O.J. Crocker 5 0 28272'' '28273 I 28274 ;, Arthur Lindbom Thomism Towey 2P "'i 28275 ji rank R. Lamb 32 505 28276 j George William$ 144 1213 1 28277 �I iI 28278 Carl A. Erickson Sylvester Enowlan 47 5 28279 Joseph Salisbury 480# ! 2828 j Axe98280 l F.YPetterson, 0. of Fin pe 2 56615 ii 28282; General Chemical Company Supply Corp 1 037 61!25 85 28283 1 General Electric 11712 1 28284 1 " Graybar Electric Company. In -1. Mfg. Company 2 1'71 28285 ;1 Hersey 6532 28286 Neptune Meter company k07107 28287 28288;1 N.W. Stamp Works Robinson Plumbing Speoielty Cmpany Sands Oom ! my 391 61 1151,0 • 28289 Robinson. Cary and 31!4 28290 Twin 02ty Brick Company 29,03 28291 28292 !1 Velbumold Company Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin a 10 8341 8 28293 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Fin e I e55 11b100 28294 Axel F. Peterson, O, of 11 438 52 i 282951 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of,Finarpe 560 00 P8296 !i J. J. Thompeft 31 90 28297 iI Mrs. Anna Foley 24 92 28298 11 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 40100 28299 ';i Matthew Towey 50'00 28300 25301 Hilary J. Flynn Axel F. Peterson,, 0. of Fina.1108 553'21 28302 Axel F. Peterson# C. of Fin e 6 97340 SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 7 6-10 COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 105162 NO.__________________________-- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE CALL COUNCILR—��@---'—"'FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION September 19 36 AUDITED CLAIMS --------19-- MCDO ALDT ._____________________ _6P RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE A�py �N CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMERPrea TO THE AGGREGATE AM�pyy�yq 6°�04'Qi ---• COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE ! 1936 CHECKS NUMBERED— __=_LTO--- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE I TH OFFI E OF THE CITY OMPTROLLER. --- - - — ADOPTED BY THE fi0l1pCl7F-- °� ------------------ 1 M1�/J,( -----BY_N-}^/OE•"'-""-"'" cl COM—LLiR___— APPROV C��.J ______________________ MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TOTAL DATE RETURNED J BV BANK TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 00 0 L09 CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 909 62 .288303 Brown &Days Ino. �3 1 g 04 J.M. Dalglish " 600 2 0 Les -Hoff leigCompany 283 5 i • 28306 ltarwell, Ozmun, Kirk 60ompany; 6 293 �1 307 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compsn 5 I 211308 H. Peltz 6 Son ;'28309 Sharp 8 Dobm, Inc. „ 252 2 1 28310 ; Diok Speakes Supply & Fuel 006pany 2 28311 ;� gamin �reise ; 8 0 198312 ; Capitol Stationery Yfg.Compea 2831 Ooodriob-Silvertown, Stores 11957 �2� 1 0831 ! araybar Nleotrio Company, Ino �7 "6' 28315 National Oarloading Oorp. 22 160 28316 it Pittsburgh Coal company I 2 635 8 28317 Dr. O.H. JObnaon li i I I i I it I i I I 170 I I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I loo c,ftmc'L CLERK ERAL FORM SQP.t.::22 193E in the matter of grading Alleys in Block 1, King's Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104646 approved August 6, 1986, and Final Order C. F. 105045 approved September 15, 1936. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, t,. ,,,,a +.ha nAme are herebv annroved. Petition P.6 Council File No ...... ��5/= PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theundersigned hereby proposesthemakingof thefollowingpubBeimprovement by the City'' ofSaint Paaul, P.axing..A�7�1*>:H�aaIC_2-,.-8og�r.!.s::AdditiQa..amd_.I�ear3z�.Qa.Plass__Huk�divis%n------------- -•---- from-_Oxford_Street.to;Lexil ton-.I'qrk?!eYa................:_._.....----...._.._....----:........._..---_...-_.............----..._.. Dated this...._A9th....--_day PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Paving..A7lsy..its..Bloelc.2,--Ragax'a.Bdditicw andLe��Oton3laca Snhdi4leion 3$A8Y tiBDID$8 fgom•Oxford_StrQgt__#0..�144$toA_$exl4Tevw----..-. 7mLma ...---.__.:..... ...............__..__.--___.-_. ......___...................................._-..__..... .....-._ 3i. 105}Oi—Ry IivtnB C Peprc'a� sate 'a Wr/ttep ,pro oeal,.tor DD of tae SoUOWla6 anDroR �i ....._.._.....................__....-_-_-.-_--.....-.-._._.-_-_-____-__..__--._.._..___................___. « 411ep 1n nlook 1 Roae n i 7.,eztaBton P34ce Svh, - ` having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ....................... •-..... a street,, t in6 bee>Ly1 t* therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is heleliy ordered and, directed' 1`. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement 2.' To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement,'end the'total cost theieot 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of"three or more owners. i b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finartoe. - 1 SEP 2 21936 c ' Adopted by the Council._....----• ............... .... --- ----------_------------- rid Nets- Councilman BARPUSS p1proved ... 2i.. .-............. ...--- PETERSON TRUAXWemm Ma. Psz4smarrr Mayor. IF- C ♦ 1312M 7-81 .y - 9;-0210 - c7 e4,-nAfd6tPUII'E1 k43 d Nw ,i, w• - The;Councii of the;Lity the above improvement, and t 1 ,That the said.report hereBy ordered'zo be proceeds liel.:"V-� rpone of ootiptrt 01ug 0a k� Du>iwall,.ntd 3gsnaer?a :Addy+. a iirnriutEto. tiN d'SiIIe ,dlkw0 `: s.s..� �' sP > Irxtt7`• � c;, }�Je L N1--oL-.vc�L o}, i u ssaG 51`' 7 }�o -• Laos fo �J' u'IOU,+ro zo :FNz;L7., a;qo 1 oa4o iJ i,T. Lis o ,.Fau UulgF.' I 0=. It t' T ii fC P rr9liJ p. g7ao 9q c. u'' Lo�� s T�FI? eTo rs , +,Jasc+- aLT'r. °L � a=uou;Y F zr� ou vti- 1IIDOLBLi� ©808fit0:J� LoL .,:: R. .. y.,O .� 8OF IIOL 8 105166' _ 1 4f raPalriag re1aX1»g ii fit tn9 ydds slds Y 4e1TTn Sv - sYtoRyp aad dSara '. pdped"."fEe��gembsins��� T3 of-cq,R,":OItY of at. . - ���6�t+W�9Pobkor iPaY? "- COtT14CIL FILE NO-------------- By-- - ----------- ---------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ repairiag, relgying_ and-raoonetrnotin_goement_tile _aidwralk_on'__-_ tib ,reef side of_Snelling A_v_onue bet�reen Day_ton_Arenue and Marshall A_v_enue- ---------- - --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- ------------------------------ =---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------- under Preliminary Order_- "Nii ------- ------------approved Se�tembeT-SL 1986._--_____ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having' considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby orderedao be proceeded with. =` Z ` That- the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_re2air, loleX a=id---- reoonatruot demes ile sidewalk on'the west aide of Snelling Av_ettue-betireeq Dayton Ammuo and_Its�raballr9snnns� +ersosR�_ a_P.stad-aasiAuP .i 4i #_�id�wslke ai;cagy_ exist, -------- --------------------------------------- ——----- ------------------- per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereog(s $_Q&14 -U= tile, $0.07 old tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___.B.Q#111.---------- dayof _October ---- ___. _____ 1 , , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court --- House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Gouncd _____ _2,._-___, 192____ S�-_ ® �yt� , Ti Inds - / ---- - -- -- --- ----------- Approved ------- — --- — -------------- City Clerk Mayor. Councilman Barfuss Councilman Peterson Councilman TfiTaz {/ Mayor Geban Form B. S. A. 8.6 r` _ 10516'7 t repatrla8 rela7ing t U cement the afdeµR -. i Tilde oY Faitvlew'Avex 2 a^Do1at ^B..th soot}- ' tAence south �6E f v t 8Dolnei f4c tar xe= eout6 lE feet, :q ` to8rrd8er iC4Vj&.' & r:. of tAe ::City of at; r report oL th COUNCIL FILE NO______________ ttpan t T By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__re�airin�,_releyin�-and reoonetruating_oement_tile sidewalk on the east slde of Fairview Avenues beginning at a point 6. feet south of St. Clair St.,- ---- - - --- themoe-south_62 feet begimling at a�oiat 46 feet farther south, thenoe south 12 feet, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order____ 104968 _—__--__-_ approved Se ember S, 1956. ----------a roved --------- --�------------------- , The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the _ above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyordered; to be proceeded with. Z That the natureof the improvement which the Council recommends is_ reE&?rte rele� sad ___ geooastruot_oe�e-i111s sidewalk on the seat aide of FairvierAvenue_be�inning_at_a '; .point' 6_Yeet_eouth of St :Clair St � tkeaos_aouth b2 feetr_beginni� at a_poiait-46`_. ' teat:.F43�9>t_AatT�lil`+ah4A44_ODAtcb_1p..R4e�s_lxoept xjler_e goQd_ggd_suffieie>�_s3dn�ellu slraad3rexipty.----------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- ----- --------------- ------ ---- -------- — ------- --------------------------- ----------per egasr fo with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereopls ?raD... ,.-tLUes $0.07 old tile.' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__M&------------- day of ? �--- - --------, OAS_., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House' and City. Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council-9E-19—WO--_____, 192____ --- ------ -- `----------- --------------- Approved--- --------- -------------192--- (� City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman: Councilman- Peterson Councilman:' Truax Mayor Gahan Form B. S. A. 86 105168 IngrcOmeat�tlle�eid. r hett tbe.e-dtr!'W $nlep'( A pnorth.liab aY ' ,l'nceockrortb tb he.ppp' Bl;23 Irvinep- • �under,aBteliminsrq - • droved September 3 %, 'ed thb +Y1Dott of yv: / COUNCIL�FILE NO -------------- t 2"wad b Stag 'By ----- - --------------------------- naw INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___t'�siringl_rel�yying__snd_reoamatrnotia�_oeett-tile sid4nmlk ol1 tha aoa _aim _nY_J�►se_�ge�,rtie begi�gipig at_the aorth_line_of North Street,_thenoe at:Ltb_t4l►a �l48# lq of_�,ot S,_ B1ook 11,__Irgine! a Seoond Addition______ _________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_--NOU-------------------- _approved __1ppteanber S_, 1936 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ` above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: e` 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. re r' rola an 2.` That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____�__e__ _ Y___4,,4_ iA+nonafi=lia�3lamo]i�r: ti]s�_aislvo�lk. ou_�h¢_y4et aide of_Batea Avenne beginai.ag st_the-. north_line of North Street _thenoe north to the south line of Lot 3, Bloak 11, to _g � Y11 t i�q,_ exce�k xhere $ood _and: sufficient ----sidewalks elrea- ----- ----- - -7 --------------- ----------------------------------- --------------------------- - ----------------------- ---------------- - ---------------------------- per square foot wlth,no alternatives, and that the estimated cost there$0.10A tile] $0.07 old tile. • - Resolved Furtheri,That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-_tqh------------- day of Ootobsc --- — ------------- .1910-___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House aad..City Hall Building in the City of St: Paul. ThattheCommissioner of Finance give notice of saki misting to the persona and; in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of.,J hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP It�i Adopted by the Council. ---____-_---SW-____- 192____ , Approved ---- ----------------------192--- City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Barfues Councilman Peterson Councilman009mbows Truax G..•A Mayor Ndown Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 s COUNCIL FILE NO-_____________ 'By ------- ---------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ reoonstraoting xittt 4° taonolithio conorete the sidewalk on the south side_of_Central_Ayenuea_beginnin�_at the east line of Rioe 3troet thence east 46 feet; "-----------------------'----3 -------------- beg_inning st_a goitit 27_feet farther _east, thence east 36 feet, ------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---- -- under Preliminary Order --_104866 August 27, 1936. ---- -- ---------------app roved ----- ----------'------------------ The Council.of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 40 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isrl•eot @trnot with ----------- mgpLq}ithio concrete the eidewalk_on the south aide of_Centrnl Agetme,_beginnin�_at the east line of Rice Street, thence east 48 feet; beginuiag at -a point 27 feet farther eastL thence_east 36 feet,_exoe where good and sufficient aidewslks already exist, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-1-099_Rer_Lmat foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_ _Al*h---_ y ________da of MAW ----- -------------- 19'hL_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Couit House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paula That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetingur to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nate of theim rove en d the total cost thereof as estimated. fir 1W Adopted by the Council----��---------11 1 -- 192_ 06 Approved_ -----------------192--- ity Clerk. ----------�--4--------- ------ ---------- Mayor. ---- 105170 re�tD� Tutt n m« re of RoU13dsAp@nye u 'Iovelao Y,ep�ra:lutAa§t; • bo8lnnln6 Peau& thi f at R Dole. Beet ;thepte tels'. jrellminarq Or4er_ir" tembeae 'Y888.. of the •�zy+ of 9Y� the rsDoM ot'tF?y -------------- BY .. COUNCIL FILE NO.________ ,. BY- ------------------------------------------ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In.the Matter of___i'R4�DEt394_t�l_4_"_m4r341ik119 24?4or®t._te_pdewglk oA tjx4____ >4Qr#� `side _oP_Robl�$v_egne baginnin� at_� point approximately_ 84_f®et_eest_of ______ Qleyelaey therloe;eaet_6 Peau beginninget_A_Roir�t_SS_feet Farther-sesta___ thenoe`relsy 20 feety_ _____ under Preliminary Order__.1941i{2.------- ~--------------- approved ___atItAdhor A.-7..o�°.ra_______--_ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_.xaa=Ltirw e3,th_4_e__ monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of Roblyn A_v_enue_beginning_at a__ Qoi.nt__approzimatel�_f34 Peet _east of_Clegeland_6v_enuej thenoe_eset S6_feet,� begitmin� at a hoist 3S feet farther _east. thence relay - Peen exoe where good~swd_enfYioient sidewalks already exist -------------------------------------------------------- ----- ----~- -------------------------------- ,., with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_1.00 -per front foot, monolithic walk; $0.07' per square foot, relaying old tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 21?tth---- - ---- day of October 1910---, at the hoar of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House > and City, Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing' the nature of the impro`vveetnegt tlIthe total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council =-------�------c---------bb-----, 192---_ 22 c ------------------- - Approved ----------------------------192--- City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Barfuss �o _tet_..:: • - ---ta n'. Councilmania Peterson Councilmaull Truax Mayor lie• Gehan Form B. S. A. 86 ,J _ - 105171 `t reAaltln8, vela? ----------- d. cement file • `, °nue Order to�Poitlani� Sri Hminary -11 U t 0, c1 y fi cl1 br the; City ea^ 14ad the report a<' tft, A'1na,aSB: hpor-: a ' Yereby"Xetlbltle' COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- .x °roved sv3' B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- yepsiringt relaying ARk reooaetruoting aament file 61devalk on the weet aide of_Grotto_Street from Summit Avenue to Portland Avenuer______________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ MO --------------------approved _Seytember_8, 1956__________-- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ rePairt_rel�r aad _ _ �gQg trngt oemeayt tile_eidewalk on_the weat_side of Grotto Street_fron Summit Avenue }.Q pyFt�� �penuq,_ezoept �rhere mood and enfficient sidmmlks_ alreaq_exiet,______--- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- per eqa po �4 t_ n1__ew_t Is; 0.07 old tile relaid. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof s $_9_s Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--- .4 } -_---_-----day of ------------------ 19D6 --, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building fn the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ------ 192____ %- _ _ (//•- --- FYI SEP 22 06 - -- --- --- - - - Aooroved----------------------------192---f�— r;:� / City Clerk. Councilman Barfuss i n t % Councilman hildgemom= Peterson �{ Councilman @=flzd0UM= Truaa Mayor NERNM Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 7, ---------------- 105172 1051'72 �O6i7E— <Ciar at'COIIatrUCt::. Peterson Truax ., .f aotth.efda-;.of:;6e1 � ;levelana d0ebue3t. Mayor WV11W= r.der; PrellmlIIarY. C' 'fid Ayguat Er::19885 1� oua011 .of the'. Clty_ ;OCalved the teDort ., �r oL F7aane6i:upor: meat, and,'hapiaBt }orG" herebY.7reaoly;. COUNCIL FILE NO______________ t the Bald rappt ty erebY .aDDruved..� s � a1d imptoviz�- By---------------- ----------------------------- . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ ga®atMq,.tt tg eidmm1k_ on the north aide of Soheffer Street from Cleveland Avemte to Fina Avenue, ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 1WN--------------approved _Aa_gttst 27i_ 1936_ ---_-__- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ a4A4 aidetaalk __ t� tie_ns:e#�de__s?Y_�Q�e��r_8�ze4t��Q1e9o�a�d�ge�® t4 Fia�av_enne1 eaoe�b_-- ':: ----------------------------------------- where good and sufficient sidewalks already eziet, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-I 00 pq,=JZgpt foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- E1Ltb---------- day of Qotober---- ------------- 1991_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP UM- ------, 192---- Adopted b the Council_________ __ o p r 192---- 22 191 -Fs ------/-------------- - ----- ----------------- Approved ----------------------------192-=- City Clerk. 7 -�� -- -4a'r ------ Mayor. PUBus1VDf a CouncilmanIdIRMWERM Barfuss Councilman Councilman Peterson Truax Mayor WV11W= Gehan Form B. S. A. 9.6 PUBus1VDf a �.: 105173 Council File No ......... ........ .-............ By_ ------------ --...._.----------..._..--...._- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costa and expenses for oonetruoting a server on Saratoga St. from Portland Avenue to a point 195 feet south of Portland Ave. ,�xmtii'wsdxt:- j l7aatter of ` , aeaeanl i a coats and ery"a-es: . �1g-UabA A�tehu9a toga Ds n oLPorgand Avenue�;�;, ry i , flyder:B9737, Into^.- 'a under Preliminary Order 99717„_- Intermediary Order....99986 „_� Final Order._100150 _,_„ approved__ AOI 2L --•--------19A§_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement; and said assessment having been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BB IT =R RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in----..----._ ............equal installments. SEP 23 1936 Adopted by the Council..—. -..____.-...._.-.._.—v— __ _ . __�_�_!�!�Q.-..---•--. SEP 2 3 1936 a Clerk. Approved__ — - — --- — - --- --------------------- - 19 ..._ - / c/-1 ..L-......._..i�...r. .., Mayor. F— B. B. 18 - S6� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment -------------- 19.A6 In the matter of the assessment of benefits, boate and expenses for 9M oon`traoting a amrar on Saratoga St. from Portland Avenue to a point 196 feet south of Portland Ave• under Preliminary Order..........897.......17 17............................... Intermediary Order...........899..8 ............................ ..................... , FinalOrder 1.00.150 ...............................I approved ............................ AyM1..2/................................ 1J...36 To the Couneil of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: ° Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $ ----------- Cost of publishing notice . . . . . . . $..........I -OD........... Cost of postal cards $-------------- '�-------.--- 13.90 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . . $................................ .80 Amount of court costs for qonfirmation . . . .$....���Sd............ Constraotion Engineering Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $...._791.96 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $....991.98 upon each and ever lot, art or parcel of land deemed benefited by ---- ---------u Y P the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by-i'he "sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such fiction thereon as may be considered proper. x........... Form B. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. --------------------- 105174 Council File No ......... ---------_-----------. By.._..:....... ...._.... _--- -------------------- --- CITY OP ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and 94PIU-48- for ourbing both aides of Cook Street from Walsh Avenue to Weida Avenue `rnco e9sID8BSIH3P7 `- -:atter -:atter of .the" aeeee coeta'apfl azpeneeedor.r. orl I •, h afdee i -' oTO treet Y \vanneto Weida Aveape, r gary,Ordet•303888;Inter�- .;3.01780'i+er Inal bider,;' - au�ovem6, 3936'x+ 101288 Intermedia Order.._101760 r•-•-, Final Order -_101968____•. under Preliminary Order....--_-.-_--,._•.-., 3'y approved_ November 6, E; A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and, having been considered, &Uy satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be. aiidz the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the Distri9f,O imt of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable in-_...... ........equal installments. SEP 25 Adopted by the Council- .......:........=_-.-.....-.._.__---_._ -_ity Clerk. lmi•'� Approved------- -------- --------------------------- 19.- /�+"�_ Mayor. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ------...... IIgl -Zs� is -_ss In the matter of the assessment of benafites costs and expenses for SM curbing both sides of Cook Street from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue under Preliminary Order ......_ 101288 Intermediary Order..... -._101780 Final Order - -101968 ..................... ..-- ., approved.-- November --6' - - 19.36 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve - went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $.---._ ANAP. .. _-_ Cost of publishing notice . $........... 2.86 Cost of postal cards $...--_-....._•6T ............ Inspection fees $- - ......-9.50------------ Amount of court coats for confirmation $........._2.:86...-......-. Construction Engineering 'i2•� Total expenditures . . . . . . . . $......652..81........... Said Commissioner farther reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, 0 -wit: the sum of...................upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him;uuritY which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered proper. Form a. B. 17 Commissioner of Finance. v MIAMI MER Is 1st. 2nd Laid over o - 3rd. & app- Adopte Yeas Nays Yeas ' ays Pearce Pearce Peterson Peterson (((/ Rosen Rosen Truax Truax ( f Warren Warren Wenzel Wenzel j Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan r106175--O,dl�nence No.: 771• I,'l".i�� nee auchgrising the, Cht Mtnneayo�(Bai�A OWatia�#Q. EM WNORAM' Ma 00muL or 20 our OF SAD T PA M# XMMSMI 27►* ohloWs Saint Paeiv Minneapolis and QmWM 8aiiVsy ., Dompww (a corporation) dots borer regaast that it be 8rantOd psacisolon and authority to construct and tbsrealt*r naistais ad operate certain industrial.traelp" on and ald" ]Wde �IreN betnea *bet P113more mems and Indieaa AMen1M, sabstastialiy as and wbore shown ooiered in yollos on Ibe print btreto attaobad ad malt a pari 310"Oft for OR parpese of tnablses Ibe said Qhio*goe Saint Pani, Yinnoepolis and ameba Rtliwer' structures asci orectod ant eoppeersted or that w be naafi:: d erected and Operated along and adjacent to said industrial tractus* by the Minnesota Maoareni 0oapwW# m by each otbsr concerns and isdustri*s as my har*after to least*& along Fad adj"ont to said industrial traehag*e Dated at 8t. pwa# Minnesota* this 19th `day of September, 1986e 0820AGO, SAM PAM, OML 001 RI 'L is Vice Pres. 6 8o '1 Mgr Uneeseta Meearsai 0 a corporation) and Oiilaoee Ecz b Uj*b*r Go* (a oerporation)r ss the s*n*rs of certain real estate situated on the w*steriy side of 91" dtrost between Pairtldik Areave and Indiana Avewer and adjacent to proposed industry traohag* desigaattd`is To" ea altacbed print, hereby consent to tbs granting Of 08 foregoing petitios. Dated at St. Pay.a Minnesota, this 19th day of S*pt*s�btr, 1986. go CK Lynn 000 V" r I Will 1: 11, 1 1 L3 In•H Fon �•,�'�-may�/' • - gYt o - JLa ,S W-flumoft (+ -� � i _ � { 6 2 • G � H per � �?.fifl>J� � hn ; FA"EI.t, ;(3ZMU[I \ 5 i 3 I y-, t r• a. 1• S rr` 444 �. t L.. i ..j. r S I � x y - •. V, �M&1• M' ,.+ , ai I� .. +/� arse Yqq ,_ i3r- �` - T �`► - 9 .� s i0 _ �( 1; � N* ,1 *`r 1 r I _.t•' L ""'�?a { _n .by1� "' S 1. _ 3"''�L.+w^""'' ;r, .� 'r _' � .moi.: � -_ FAM 6 ' 4Wf 77, • pea ` y ,� ; 's;X •�� ; ;. `F' a s--to" t i ANS r- WLLAUME Ba 8'Ll C6 , r5sy •'L' / .�mv. sHEO GARAGE o •} , .' W r '" ` r . . . • i uY �:'a 16 Qa r t F I, F \59 Dear Sir: on September 19th'the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company presented a written request to the City Council for permission to maintain and operate a spur track on Hyde Street between West Fillmore Avenue and Indiana Avenue. This matter was referred to the Corporation Counsel and the Department of Public Works. There is no objection to the construction of this spur on the part of this department providing the use of the street is proper— ly protected by the planking of the crossing and provided the other necessary safeguards included in such ordinances are stipulated. I am attaching hereto in duplicate copy of an ordinance suggested by the Railway Company. 1 would suggest a clause be added to the effect that in case sewer, water main or other city improvement is ordered across said track, the Railway Company shall remove its track during such construction or shall shore it up satisfactorily without cost to the city. There may be other provisions which you may desire to include in the ordinance. Yours very truly, Encl. I" EO M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital Of Minnnot, DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE, COMM19MIONER OUKKAU Or CONiT.A REPAIR GKORGK J. JA 080. DSPU COMMISSIONER BUN"U OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SY►T. JOHN M. MAROON. SUPT. GEORGE M.KCNKPARD. CHI" ENOIN_uR OFFICE KNGINKER RON.AU OF BRIDGES G. N. NKRROLD M. S. ORYTBAK. ENGINEER CHIEF ENOR. CLERK SURIIAU OF CORRECTIONS MARK W. WOODRUFF September 212 1956 RAY J. KARTAK• SHPT. Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: on September 19th'the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company presented a written request to the City Council for permission to maintain and operate a spur track on Hyde Street between West Fillmore Avenue and Indiana Avenue. This matter was referred to the Corporation Counsel and the Department of Public Works. There is no objection to the construction of this spur on the part of this department providing the use of the street is proper— ly protected by the planking of the crossing and provided the other necessary safeguards included in such ordinances are stipulated. I am attaching hereto in duplicate copy of an ordinance suggested by the Railway Company. 1 would suggest a clause be added to the effect that in case sewer, water main or other city improvement is ordered across said track, the Railway Company shall remove its track during such construction or shall shore it up satisfactorily without cost to the city. There may be other provisions which you may desire to include in the ordinance. Yours very truly, Encl. I" EO M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. Io Dear Birt Your letter of October 12th, eaoiosing printed copy of Ordinance No. 7715 authorising the Omaha OompatW to construct. maintain and operate a epnr track on Hyde Street between West Fillmore Avenue and Indiana Avenue. Herewith, pursuant to provisions of Paragraph (5) of Section 2, written acceptance in behalf of the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Compaxy of the terms of said Ordinance Bo. 7715. Yours , Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, city Clark, Court House. St. Paul, Minn. AOOMAIMB OP OIS]7NAI1O74 I,. Ohicago, Saint Pan,• Minneapolis and Omaha Railway hereby declares and makes ]moon un" the OOnnoil Of the Oity O2 Saint Paul, Minnesota, its acceptance of Ordinates 710, 77159 passed and approved on October S, 1956, authorising the Chicago, Saint Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Comparq to own- struot, maintain and operate a spar track on Hyde Street between West Fillmore Avenue and Indiana Avenue. at, Paul, Minnesota; October 15th, 1956. , �t'to C ty Clerk c ou mm No. o X051'76 f CITY OF ST. PAUL F" ••••--- +t' " OFFICE OF THE CItY CLERK "` M1 COUNCIL; RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM COMMIIONEYF't_.Jr i nn"w 7- 7777777 w RESOLVED That the free., use 6fthe theater section of the St. Paul Auditorium be..and it is;h®reby given to Dr. John J. Becker, State Director of Ellusic'for the WPA, for a concert on Wednesday, October 7th, 1936; said WPA to pay only the cost of opening and operating the theater section on that occasion. O•Reeoly d8fithat BtheJfree ' 6la A,.dl t- theater'-�eeeriom oL.: the 8G 'Paul Au torinm tieiand At le hereby glRen to Dr.: tOr the ;WPA r H a Iona rtt) W dnes , day, Oetob r 1th,.1838: Bald WY.A t6. pay.onlq'.the Foat,bt: opening and oper-i ating,the, th star sectlon on that Data eton. •' ted b the Counctt Sept 23.'l AdoD, 9 Approved sept 25;1888 F• SEP Adopted by the Council.— --_•..--- 2310--•-- ..—•..-.-193.__ SEP 63 WS Approved------------- -193 Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfvss `? Findlan 1-'1WrH6A Pearce 1-R.682a"1 --------- ----..In favor Peterson ::Txu5x 7 s --- / -• =•••°Against Wenzel,,, '& 311 11.53 Mr. Vice President (Truax) SEP Adopted by the Council.— --_•..--- 2310--•-- ..—•..-.-193.__ SEP 63 WS Approved------------- -193 Mayor BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON, Sue..mrexuaxr BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. P TRUDEAU. Di --- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of MlnnBsota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION iAs JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER - P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. L'.aw— L BUREAUAUDITORIUM EDWARD D EDWAA RD A. FURNi. 6ueawrt+raxoaxr ,r September 22, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Pagl Dear Mr. Connolly: Will you please have drawn up for » presentation to the Council a resolution to -provide for the use, at coat of opening and operating, of the St. Paul Auditoriutg, theater section, by Dr. John I. Becker State Director of Music for the W.P.A., for a concert on Wednesday, October 7 - Very t . Veeryy truly pyours, ' D Commissioner of Education .TSF -R .. t tnYnr Balt' $ 6iAp HY' e�bCitf eek John F. 8u.n ; n rtment J 1{.75.177 po Use�ouxa� .�_J CITY. OF. ST. PAUL-, > 1ss . ,Wht}p to un�s:- NO........ s yment 'S9r;�a'r:1 OFFICE .OF THE CITY -CL sleft,thaty�- COUIVCI tON... GENEF2p�q%� cateaau .. .. yY w[tMt PRESENTED .:_......_._.. COMMISSION ._:...__.. ..._ _..... _..._.._.DATE .....Begtelrber....83,__.123.8. C� 4 cent permanent loss of use, and *HERUS, th,9 Industrial 0onmission has approved a settlement on the basis of a ptyment,for a twenty per cent loss of use, which entitles -the, employe to, compensation for a period of twelve* weeks, and WHEREAS, the oompeneation rate of said Joha F. Sullivan Is #14.40 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to pay to tle said John F. Sullivan, compensation for twelve weeks at the rste of $14.40 per west, or a total of '$1?8.80, in full and final settlement of his olaim against the City for the injury of Bovember 80, 1935, said sum to be paid out of t he *orknen's'Qonpen®stien Aocount of -the General Amd: COUNC EN Yeas Nay In favor /P reon ✓ ....... ................... Against: enzd 3M 636 jdr. vice President (Truax) CoUN pL NO 105178 pd9la,tmctir ..CITY OF. ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY ° CLERK COU NC RE,SOLt�ION—GENERAL FORM ' ��-8 (ember 18x ... :PRESENTED S ................... ep_......_ ... ROMMISSIONER............. ...- •• -• RESOLVED Tflab license for Barber, application 14575, aPPlied for by J. J. Easel at 36 So. Dale Street be and the same is hereby grantefl "Id the issae such license upon the payment into the city city clerk is instructed to treasury of the required fee- - C . P. rio losers—sy o s.$arfnea-� 8eeotd thscgDaa�gfor 8&c er aP'I vllcatton, 1467¢ `aDP 11bd for.by J• J Hazel at 88 130. pate Steeet b*,,t a the same is hereby ggrratnted and -tbe ctty / clerk ta:instructgd;to rzsue such llcenae upas the Payment Into the clty¢reasu" of the required tee.' ,; `, ; �epaa. Adopted byy the Cm1n0II SBPL; 28 1838. ADProved BePL 88 1988 „r, .., New Ep 31936 193.- 70U�N' MEN Ad6¢ted by the Coun : ......._ ... _._- Yeas YeasN a R, 99 SEP # 1 jFjf(d93 lan Appmoed.....__..... / In favor 1 e son /�� Against ....../......�•.'.•-.__... fviayor etuel i ,"Bur B et )M 6)eMc�lridAt e ""n"-� fo. 933' of said Fiel$ing Shepley• tnc.a'for the co c Laid ver 'f -Adopted 3rd. & app. Yeas Nays Yeas ays Pearce Pearce Peterson Rosen Peterson 0 / 1 S Rosen Truax V Truax Warren Warren WenzelWenzel Mr. Pres. Geha Mr. Pres. Gehan :(lR T1T11T A 1\T(''�:nE�°=°�n N .._ as Councilmen ', :. .Nays Passed by the Council.__..Q�rT . ........... Pearce: ,r^ Peterson "BaTPu88 .% 7`i ....... .._ .......In Favor ., B'lildlan Against 14197, � d , Approved V n - g�yp�IIII� g I� _.- . � YT ... Mayor Bureau of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON; ' General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STREICH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner ado September 23rd, 1936. Mr. Herman C. Wenzel Ccmmiasioner of Public Utilities City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer At the time the original permit was granted the Northern Natural Gas Company for the pipe line to the Ford Plant, a permit fee of $3,500.00 was agreed upon as representing approximately 5% of the cost of the expected use of gas at the plant based upon their past record of coal consumption. During the first eight months of 1936 the use of natural gas amounted to 182,208 MCF,'which at the average cost of 20¢ per MCF represents a total cost of gas of $36,441.00. A 5% tax on this amount would be $1,822.00 or approximately one-half of the permit fee. Inasmuch as these figures include the gas usage to September lot, and the present permit expires September 30, 1936, it is apparent that the license fee for the original one year permit was considerably in excess of a 5% tax on the actual amount of gas used. When gas was introduced to this plant last winter, however, only one boiler was equipped for the burning of gas and as a result a considerable amount of coal and oil has also been used during this permit period. The further and in my opinion the sents a fair estimate gas to be used. EFd: LW D0KTa SA1NTDAUL 11 Gateway to the Grent NotKhwee4 conversion of the plant to gas is contemplated license fee of $3,500.00 per year still repre- of an equivalent tax on the expected amount of Yours very truly, r. UTIL'fTIES ENGINEER. h� i t Ur No._._V5.5 ode -1 W Cut Q-A CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF .THE CITY; �G,LERK GOON N ---GENERAL FORM ' `._...Dare...Sepaemb.es...2.3.,:...1938......... COMMTTE ` COMMISSION - ...•• • _ hasing Agent be, and he 1e heReby'4Pthorized to' RESOLVED That the P or and the Comptroller, purchaeey with the consent Of the May allons non leaded gasoline, one tank oar, approximately 5000 g`, from PHILLIPS PETROLEUM CONO ABY-, at a price of $8-70 octane, 11133 per gallon, less i% ten day once efinery price only, 'to be spotted on including state tax and state inspection, informal bids Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., o municipal Equip promptly would work as an emergency exists where failure to act interests of the City. Charge General a hardship to the best Fund- municipal Equipment- 1003-134 G'FF 777777 I. No 1oslo8 BY. Zyxing C Peatoe--� . laed. -t6nt� Uye Pnronnel a8 0,geni _. cOUN LMEN Yeas B as N s e an' son In favor Against........... enul aM bas jrlr. Vice Pres'ident(Trnex): Adopted by the Coincil;,:_......�P SEP 24 ......_•---I _ Approved._..... ................. ... ._:..... _._. jj�, �, � ....i..'..`�.`_MaYor "Y Contraet.No. 88•S8 11 beir a, er between .'lith street r �v 5.1- ,,, Clerk CITY OF 'e�at' t&. tr d Sh. p. O rr.require mush _ ' OFFICE OFM r ;be c6necaot, ane COUNCIL sogeu-Tib --GENERAL 24 1556 ........... ............... ... . .................. ESE .. ... ..... Msl . .............................. 1hereai Oontract NO- 56 -BS -n.0 being a contract for the enclosing , of pj,�Ien cre:k sewer between Fifth Street and Magnek, Str6etV Fielding , . ,orl required that the .-flow '6f,Phalen creek:tte and Shepley, Iuc-P contract work in advance of the final COA'Plet*':'� of passed through the completed the contract, and a inspected by the Chia Engineer on AqgustI17* Whereas, this work we erted and the flow of Phalen Creek � ordered to div, 1956, and accepted by him, through the new work so as to enable the balance of the backfill and other ted, the contractor being relieved of further - reap OnSibility items to be comPle interior of the sewer on accouat�cf it being put int.6 service in olegnto the int by the city, and Whereas, at a later date before completion of backfill was made by the contractor, a severe storm washed certain gravel and debris from the northern portion Of phalen Greek into the sewer, and Whereast this condition of depositing of debris has in the past and will continue in the future at intervals until the entire length of Phalen Greek is enclosed, and the use of Where -as, such quantity of debris does not m aterially affect sewage flow after the the sewer and can be easily flushed out by the ordinary completion of the northerly portion; thereforev be it Resolved, That in view of the ordering in Of'the use of the completed of the interior . of the aforesaid sewer, that the contractor will be relieved h stone, gravel and debris from the sewer and that necessity of cleaning such price with additions and, final estimate be paid on the basis of the contract pri I ;deductions as agreed upon- COUN OMEN 17 41- N s /Y 1; s use 7 F' in In favor 7e 2n Against enzel 3M 676, Vice I'rcsideui(Trus: * C S No IU8188-89 C 1� Bartuaa— lrvta6 C. Pearae 38 Truax �' tot' by 8 OAeI�(hq • Resolved.{that kcena t a ked the named do +the �iPet attached t - CITY OF ST PA Dsreope Y0 tbie cepolutlon be "and the acme' aro hereby granted and he city, olaxlc is OFFICE , F CITY lneteubted'to lssao auoL aoetuee noon th e Dayjneat fnY th0 clty treasuey Ot fee ('.OUNCIL ( the required :. ddopte$ yy the Connell ii C 84 '1988. � ' ADPrnved 9epL Sf 1988 , , .PRESENTS . LCOMMIssio .. ... ....... ..... _....... '...1936 _..... - . .; RESOLVED for by the following named persons at the addressee That licenses applied the city cleric ie instrnctndto indicated be and the same are hereby granted and licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the<retYnired facet' issue each 4 Jackson Barber App. 14492 Renew. Sas. 4ethow2kas Imil Bachtle 181 N western Bakery " 11}590 n Geo. Dahl 193 N• Snelling Lv.." " '14655 Bannon_ s.Msrc. CO. 80 E. seventh Confectionery . _ H. 8rotahaer 918 Grand Av. « « 14613 " S. 8abeustein 628 IIaivereity s " 14643 N J. W. smith 123 9. wabasha " " 14631 !� 1. j04 Rice SE. Grocery a 146142 a Cres Bros. 8. 0. Henefeld 8 Thomas St. « 79 " Off Sale Malt Bev. « 111645 M 646 « 14« - .. „ «. e g; O. 8loateaan 8r son 778 Selby Ave Butcher „ 14626 " wm. Mayberg 1g38 6rend Av. Grocery " p Off Sale Malt Bev. " 14316A " 14320 " Bntoher g. 11j,3�9`a Henry Mohr 1674 w.'Seventh Grocery a n Off' sale Malt Bev. u 14663 ," " 14664 "' .Hans Peterson Bis Payne Av. Grocery " 14607 " Jos. Pillie 1102 Ric e St.. " a 14469 " 707 Selby Buteher « 14269 " L. Rose COU MEN Yeae Ys _ Adopted by the Coucefl.._............._ 1 — Ba es tf}dTanIa 193 fal+or Approved _....__ ........ _ Ce /Ye son Against _... _ Mayor• wenui d �M: b.ss �e,'Tiice 1'resicleot (Truai� Ori.[.d W CUT desk .. '( wuapL i l gg CITY OF ST: PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -»GENERAL FORM September 24, 1936 .. PER ESENTED'BY- COMMISSIONER ............ _...... _............ .......................................:_..__......__..............., DATE_.:.._..____.... ......... RESOLVED —2— 2Pearl PearlSchaffer 319 R• Maryland Grocery App. 14466 Renew J. G. Smith 1828 Feronia n a 14682 " Ida Strain 560 van Buren " " 14559 " Geo. yBlkin 244 S. Hemline a a 14404 a J. T. Gordon 822 Raymond Av. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 146+7 " Jos. Pillis 1102 Rice St. " ` " " " 8 14+70 a Joseph Strenskye Jr. 1209 W. Seventh S bowling alleys " 14603 " A. G. Johnson 535 Jackson Auctioneer " 14442 " Louie Bans 449 St. Peter Pawnbroker " 14656 " Schubert Theatre Player" Go. 479 Webasha Motion Picture Theatre 14614 Is Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Ice station App. 14251 " D. Resnick 234 Maedl St. 2nd hand dealer auto parts a14657 a Effie Garrett 309 Rice St. Dance Hall " 143x1 " 0. G. Armstead 605 University Restaurant a 14546 If Hgpoleon Be Roma 1355 University a a. 14621 a 9erafina Fida 846 White Bear " Sale Malt Bev." u 14617 " a 14618 P_ n n a Off " n n a 14619 n a The Golden Bale 95 E. Seventh Restaurant " 14648 " " '19 a n n a n a n n u n Grocery Hatcher " 14650 " n n n n n u n Bkkery " 14651 a n n COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.._._,,,,.__ .................... .... ._....... 193.__ Yeas Nate Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved ._..... ............ _.._ :...._._._..... 193 .Pearce _ • Peterson Truax ..._..............__.. Against ............................................ ............ ___......... __...__... Y or Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 676 . 1v5ivV Odamalw Circ Cl-rk - CITY OF ST. PAUL COYNGL nLe No ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,,.. I COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM 1836..._ ......... .. PRESENTED BY -COMMISSIONER ................. �---• -•-•• """" - t RESOLVED _3... . Renew :Off Sale malt Sew. AP"p. Mrs. J. 1lsnoe 2141 1 - Seventh St. 01 " a 14601'. :11 a 1146 " a Reatmmrffilt �• seventh 11F511 n On Sale Malt Bev. TJ n 11451.23`" Lndwig Uetoger LI p3-5 Tavern a 14514 a Reatau.rant " a a 1451 Dance Nall a a Gas Ste. 1+ Pampa a 11451 n Floyd U. Heid 1110 A.Sne111ng n a 114710 " 2599 I- seventh p „ 3 W. 0. Rohde 14692 " Base S¢Pply Co. 116 W. Seventh SEP 2 41936 Adopted by the Council_........................193— COUNCILMEN Yeas ys SEP 24 IS Earfuss Pindlan Ia favor 193 Pearce Y•� Peterson. �Wenzel pow 3M &36 1'residevt (Truss}' ?acl.�k GOYNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO—B-5189 // /V✓/" OF THE CITY. CLERK c ✓ S L ION--GENERAL FORM PRESE BY COMMISS..:..:.. ....._. ?.. ... .. .:.... ..._... .. - DATE._...._.1 RESOLVED �27 'licensea applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inettmoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: R. Richardson 1191 Ban dolph St. gasoline station 3 pumps App. New- old location Geo. Pospisil 205 Concord St. " a 3 n n n s n ICU, a t6Ys 1� d YBb•+ ed,'t YP1cen i a sad= 'Ee.eivedc'taat S/cea000.a4DIl8Q ft b , a4 al,11, S%B anmdt(�, sans ,at aha addreeHea Indicated S'snd the-1 are here49 graAI.d sa� Lae city ofar'.k, I lnatraatad:ao Issas each d;aenaea:,vpoa - ttte gaymea;;`late the o,taX fFenaurY.4r " �h6'CaaryUlrad;feea : ,, S Rlaaardeoh, Y791 zltaa�olDh �BL� Established stations as1°a°iuoawon tion a quina, ADR xaw; -l�'Ciao PoOD)d11 $O6 CDa9ord SL, 1SPA0 � he eta}fon ,y8 yamDe ;pD6 xew-,pbla -. ,Eetabllehe'p;^eiatloap,rt"' CAdoptea 4p_ a0 3aDt.(ai 588lK " - ,AyprtlYOd 88p4 a4 19aa: csaDt. a9 nasal ii n COUN MEN Adopted by the Cound7"l+-,�!193 ... Yeas s Na Wen SEP 241936 �'` �an ....._ Io favor earce ..._ . , r9on A i t _....... __ 8 .. OURR Mayor Wenzel 3M&36 air. Vice Presideut(Truax) y W City Y COYNGL 105190 CITY OF ST. PAUL nLe NO.�_... OFFICE OF THE CITY" CLERK COUNCI ' (oN---GENERAL FORM COMMS ....... ....:;.. . __ ...� ... .................. ............... �...:...DATE._.::....Sapt .....ar��k►:..�936 .�........... " RESOLVED That licenses applied for by'the`following named persons at the addresses indicated be, and the .same are hereby granted and the city cleric is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Alma Hol -Well 992 Payne Ave. Bakery App. 14530 Now George 0. Snyder 2048 Marshall Av. " " 14059 " Lamis Ratsick 420 S. Snelling " " 14449 " �Dlla Hillis, a5 114 Endicott Bldg.. Confectionerk " 14675 n L lens M'' Mayne, 1041 44ceola Grocery " 13912 " imris Bntaiok 420 S. Snelling Grocery " "'14448 " :� CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'COUNT 'FIQE OF, THE'COMPTROLLER FILE ;OUNCIL RESOLUTION iTDITED CLAIMS � . ri I�YII OR TO 'IN FAVOR OF , TRANSFER.-;� .CHECKS .:. - BROUGHT FORWAR4� �z s , „ R�ba!oJF�•zo�� �Y� �.� OWN kii. i►,��.: a� �' e . eonnu� C�51 oagle.lm«ereierh ., s'-,� NO....._... CYtY OF ST. PAUL TY CLERK OFFICE OF - COUNCIL TIO --- ENERAL FORM 'PRESENTE;'. _._,_ DATE.....S.eptember...,�,¢.,....1.9.81..............__ ' COMM158D1UNBYEfL_-..•--•-• •• -"' Alley in Block 3, George Bros. Addition In the Block 2 Little matLand Hoy Addition and part of lot 18, ginneyls Outlota, Block 2, Paul Martin's Grove Addition, and Block 41, Midway eisence, from Fry Street to Aldine Streets also construct a sewer lPlthe alley from a point 40 feet West of Fry Street to the sewer in Fry Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 108408v�apprJune�5y 1988. April 22, 1956, and Final Order C. F. 104017, ppr Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submittedemar►t, by the Commissioner of Publi c Word for the above named improv be -and the same are hereby ppr C i­-No. lthe 1met8ter of , gcA.din6 All 9 n Bloek B., George pro�.'Ad�ttfon B1ooY 2 LlCtie-end HoYtd Addltfon and �4r't, Lot 18, 8lpney's Outltota., Black 2,o kA, Martln'a Grove AddlM.and Sfromtreet t MidWBY Plafeance, the ine Street,ey s1a D 4ni 40 ree4 West AtTol. Fry Street to tbe'eevrer in _108408treet,. Under :Preliminary Cider C ' approved A ,ril 22,?BBd and F'fna 988 der C. F, 1040144 aD�Tove&dun0 29: 1 d$ "';ed tha ,the p1Che Commfeaioned; of�Pab o WorkPal9r -tha ahov_e lmyrovement; beand same are here- . byapprov d. the Cbanctl aeyk 24 1888. ADDroved S(tieppt. 24. 18188381 eDt. 28. SEP 2 4 ✓ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.... ...---.--.•.. Yeas Na s Barfuss SEP 29 Approved ............193...... '. Findlan � APP ...:.........:................._._..... In favor Pearce �.. ...;. . Peterson •----- Traps Against ayor Wenzel .,�3i.G e3dIviceYresiddlit(Trii - Oetetel m alar Bark •..�, iiiy CITY OF ST. PAUL coena� NO.... OFFICE. OFT 'CITY; CLERK COUNCIL RESOL TIO -- ENERAL FORM4 '. COMMISSr1 _....._.: »:. ATE... –Sept.—Mi-190.0 COMMISSIUNE In the matter of grading Alley in Block 11.,, Sylvan Park Addition add Habitation Plat 1 from Palace Street to Jefferson Avenue, also constructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the northerly .10 feet of lot 6, Sylvan Park Addition from Brimhall Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot, under Preliminary. Order C. F. 103920 approved June 9, 1936, and Final Order C. F. 104585 approved 4, 1936. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 106198x"'.1! insg C,:Pearc9�. In ttie matter "at gradlnB tions ion y, n BIoOk '11 8y ivnn-�-F`ark- Addtiton and irpbltatiob P1aY). from` Palace.atreatto ]eRereon. AYenyey''also conetructlna" a the-northerly-loafeet olblot-' Sylvan Para Addltlon from $rlmba)1 Av¢aue to tha,alleq-in the rear, gr,eatd,at• under Preliminary order C F;108980appro`ved June 8:-1988. an iji Hal 'Oiler R� R„ 1{14888lve,%. yed'Avgnet 4 3988- ' RaeolveQ that O plans andreDedd as one ae-aubmitted by ff; ommle ManeF of publlo�.'Wors tb tho above - named. {mp}4vemen t a ai d t110 same - - are hereby approved. '-- - AAOppEE04 tbe-Counot(' abpt.' 144 1988 ; ADprobad ept.jl 1988 f {eept�.i<.81888) i 1/�3 • SEP 24 1936 Yeas COUN94LMEN Adopted by the Council............ .............. __......... 193...._ N' s BB use tc. n Approved �EP 24 ....In favor ....._. ......_............. .... Against __.. ....1.! y�. {��• .. /�jenzel 3N. 636 Mr. VICe 1 resident (Truax) r�1WItO CIq CIad[ COUNCIL CITY OF.ST. PAUL nu NO........ �51.16 OFFICE OF TH ""CITY CLERK Cour4CIL R U_ - ENERAL FORM ' PRESENT > ATE Sept► 24f,._7.986. ___...:...._. gCpOMM pIISSIIONE _....:...__ ....._. In the matter of curbing the south side of Ford lio from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue$, on both sides of 11471orest Avenue from Hemline .Avenue to Syndicate avenue, on the north aide of;Bobland PlacefromHemline Avenue to 125 feet east of Syndicate Avenue, on the south side of Bohland Place, from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenues-on the north aide, of Beechwood Avenue from Hamline,Avenue to Syndicate Avenuef on the east side of Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Bobland Place, and on the went side of Syndicate 'Avenue from Bohland Place to Beechwood Avenge, under :Prelimina=7 Order.C.:F. 105692, approved May 21, 1986, and Final Order C.-F. 104754 approved August27,.1986. amu. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted? by the Gomm ssioner of Public Works for the above named impsdvenf, is be and the same are hereby approved. D.-' C F 1Qo 306Y88—BY'Sriln6 C P"earae— Sn the matter .o anrbing,'the eavth: &deof ord,Road:Yxom nlme Avenue to reyn, a�oata .gpenub an,Fbocn alaea. of - tof ;Syndi aAtv6�;Auv@IIIWponH`lhel).north, side nt;�oliland placecfrom Hemline Avenue �}_ the-.'sout toOnteteastnY•9Yhdlcate.`Aveav oa; h "efde o!LBohlaad. Placa Y enpe,e, Hdm- Aveaae;ta:Hrndlca44 A.v, ..r oaSthehe-north e1de.:Dt Heeollt?ood AYsave; .. trom;iiamD7le"AYoaua.to BYndloata Xve-- . nue;•oa iias epgtfalde.aYSYn n4q - nva Brom dsd Road to.BoW. Plaee,w snd,arq;O,' oh2&f'slde&ce ?a aa1 AY84'- nue_',YX.bin Bohlana. Plaae o`"Heechmoo6 Avenue .hdor,:PreltminarY•'Or11 108688 aD roved Tda1� 81 18,88 and '87aa1 Order: C;�.108?68 ap�Xoved;}tUBpet p7. _ R solved, that'the,'!o7L '7 aDeW ficaEioa6 ae' dub ittod a the Coa o.v' stoner `oi Bubllc�;:LVoxka Yor the abn9A named: lmprovernen4 be and the eam4 are"herebY apDsoged :Adopted bY.the. Cgnnoll shpt. $8 Ioa ADDroved BeDpp)RO 1888 �, COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council .......... SER-2.4-1936.193.•.... Yeas Na s SEF 2 41936 Ian In favor Approved 193....... P s rrson �I Against ,� ...... ..................... _.... //JMayor �Vllenxel ' tesiden"r�e 3H; 686 Mr. Ice Pres en rnaa Adopted by the Council 193 — Yeas /Nays B SS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON MNWYEP— MIR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) / 1st. 2nc Laid &app. S Adopted` Yeas Na s Yeas Pear Peterson Pearce Rosen V Peterson Truax y Rosen Warren Truax Wenzel Warren Mr. Pres. Gehan Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan I" Petition Council File No. 105201 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Curbing Geranium Street from Earl Street to Frank Street Dated this�_�`� — day of, September.aftS 1 77' 77777 V'r PRELIMINARY ORDER A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Cvrbiru Geramitlm Street from Earl Street to Frank Street. arhrcraarp[ear>Qabtgae�u� . •- �--- �' No: 1068GL ByYrving Q mereas, A wzltteaDroyyoW 2 folJoWing lmpr - �" - � iing 6eranlurr 4tr having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--- therefore, aul_ therefore, be its RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement Z. To investigate ,the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 13,To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. n 4. To state whether or not said improvement Is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters w the Commissioner of Finance +. LO &pted'by the CouncB YFAS NAYS; Councilman• BARFUSS r BARFUSN Approved— • PEARCE � :TRUAX / Council File No. A17t1F 02 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and 1 PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Relaying, repairs and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of (�ahi ntt d Aymue,�g IInitrg at the west line of Lot 80, thence�r�t to the west line of Iot 23 of BI ock 9, Hn1nomhwra AAAitlon- wbarA nAt Aaaa> *._,T Dated this 25th .--day IC.'F_ No.,10680E—Bv y laYlu6.`rePalrfng�"and recaaetr'v �� PRELIMINARY ORDER want>tile eldewalk an the nort .1 AeLland v_, be4lnnhip,; WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improve>t16w r �a s c , iu b e.,8 - Ashland Avenue beginning at the west line of Lot 80, thence west to the west line of Lot 25 of Block 9,_$oleombe's Addition. where negea�e�y. _ ``having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total oust thereof. 3 To: furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. :4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked "for on the petition of three or more owners. 5" To report upon' all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. " Adopted by the Cmmcil--:_- 'Sep 25 1936 YEAS NAYS Couna1nanBARFUSS % FINDLAN J \ Approved___-__ —_ UAX PEARCE C/ c TR. WENZEL �—� Ma. PBLSnBNT Mayor. Form CAVI (ar-646) PUBLISHED Council File No. U5203 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Relavine, repairing and reeonstrueting cement tile sidewalk on the south ^_..s ae of Winter Street begins at the west ling,'of Park Avenue, thence ._ Dated this_.— 25th —._day of--..– September, Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER ­" Ve xepRJN a vandk recons ntingi - of r'nter:street bo' aning'�at'i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, v1z of t.,e ,y arneen°veeeerii ea f" Rnla n r it and r ona .ruatina nnm ot; at. r Yig.---eta—�.ng�__.en� �^t mile sidewalk on the west line Of PaA Avera i, i:henea West 62 C"t having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ----.-- therefor%. be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement, 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish.a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petitionofthree or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council— SEP 2t9a�6 — YEAS NAYS CouncilmanBARFUSS APP s: FINDL/4N' rove� �,� �d 6 —_ PEARCE' WENZEL -- o Mx. P.. /Mayor. Foran C A 1a (M-6-38) t?UBI..iStIEF7�.�.-� �P 105204 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: saaitaiy sewers on e Drak, street from Tuscarora Avenue (Vacated) to Tiendolph S Constructing treet on Randolph Street from Drake Street to West Seventh Street, 9 Audubon Street from Drake ronv Aoen)7,8_YZWA-n at- 4treet to 40 meet 3treP}• }. 27 fee+. se of Oeceo�a Avenue on Armf}�,^ - _ - -- 25th da of_.-.- mel'°`==_ Dated this ._.--.---.-.—. Y Councilman. C F iqq- 10¢201=BYy, I}vlag_C< pearc6-=I Wheresa A wrUtep DroDDdaalfdY'Wel maklag>ot thq toll asln$�/mymbement,' OIR Con )oet, from eanitary aewere otC Draxi Street Yrom Tusoarpra, AOenue (vasa pRELIMINARY ORDER ea) t sarlaQl h streer as rrand Street- [ oro rake Street to, eev rth Street an sewers on Avdu*o WHEREAS, A written pmiwsel for the making of the following impmvemeSl�ry�it `)rak. St'@I ot'Streetr, io rile Drake a Street from Tuscarora Avenue 'ter axe stye ?Adolph acting8511f.ttiry' -. ...� . 'a++,:set from Drake on east of Oaaeo; --�.,_._--•- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: : 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said,improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To "furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4: To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to. the Commfssfoner of Fiance. SEP 251936 Adopted by the Council_---- - Y1rAs NAxs• - - � c� Councilman BANFUSS A ro— --' 510 fINDLAN ppved PEARCE 1G- TRUAX , WENZEL Mayor. MR. PRESMMT corm CATH (rM-e-as) RL7gLiSHED Council File No."`" PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.,. Repairing, relaying and reconstructing the cement the sidewalk on both sides _of Fremont, Street where necessarv, from r ada Strap+ ta nto„ Dated this Mt—.•—___.._.day of—.._. •"-�� Councilman. C,`.:.Y+ No 1O6Z06—HyIrvloB C• Pearoe^-I„_ �syrhereds, A Written Dg 1.5rovem r ivp(q�1(�! g of 'tile followlag )mprovemen- PRELIMINARY ORDER g¢palring releYing and`reconetrucV, the cement the sidewalk on both Hit of Fremont Street where neoesr _. ,WHR$, A wntien proposal 'from Arca for the making of the following de 9tr -Me dote Fl ' ha�tea.becn q as tq theA 1 Cil ;. of the C __ ReDeiting� re�avinv and reconatr�ir+ina the ment�lt walk on both sides of Fremont reet where nwaesaar¢� from rca�e_g{Q'_MeIAdota Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner. of Public Works -be-and is hereby ordered .and directed 1. To investigatethe necessity for, or desirability of, the making .'of. said impiovemeaL . \ 2. To`investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v A 'Adopted by the Council rr �' YaeS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS S FINDLAN Approved EP 25 Im PEARCE (� TRUAX WENZEL Mayor. Ma. PaEsmEla'r IMrm C A 13 (1M$39)�f�S�D 6 .3� ...105206 CouncilFile.N PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY "ORDER. ' Theundersignedherebyproposesthemaldngof thefollowingpublicimprovement by the City of Saint Paul, via.: .......... Relaying=-_repairing•_and_recons rutting _cement-_tile-,aideWalk,ahere- a gesary�.,.•---- ........... ........ .... _..... south•-l�a►e-o> ..pghlautl..dgenuer--#lieace--south --to e..point-.?A--feet.-noxth..ot--el ley.------ _........ _... ................................................................ ------------------------ --------.......... ..._.... .__......._.........----.............----...... Dated this � .........day of.................... _September.I 3 ......... ... _.......... .... ...... ...._..... .. --- -- - --------- V --•---- Counoilmsn. C F No ;i06Z01K—Br Irving C. Pearce' � .; Wpereae,=A-.wrltt0n-Dropoeal' for Sf-- making of the ,toltgwing imDropem.� PRELIMINARY ORDER. R 1Payin t ` tje amfe and Wh6r 'j, ' cement tike al8ewalk, where ` ' '- eery, on the east !lo of WIW ave, beginning _,-; t 20 1 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following im a ........... ASa...> @R--a1A41..1 QCQT1&fe & C� Ag---SFBAl�7Afi r� 7 � i 'ai4:ti a_1rk48Sfl 1#dG@RB s j, oa(06e . ----------_on the seat• aide of VPilder-_Avenue,._beginning at a..l?oin _ 20 feet•_south oP the;_..__.. ---.--_...ecuth..]ins..n�..Ash]emsl_�Qenue.,.thence.,eauih--tn..a..point..7.D-aet.notb.of a7.1Hp'..----• having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul .............. _..... _.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. ,To_investigate,the necessity for, or desirability of, the making ofj said, fmpmvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total Cost thereof. 8. To furnish a plan, profile.or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. CP 25 Adopted by the Couiicil--- _------------------- s�1................ _._....._............._ YaAs Nees Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAIKpproved .................. _$ rt }.VFL--.-_-- ..._._ PEARCE 1 N WENZEL Ma. PasetDINT Mayor. Form c ♦ 13 CIM aa> pUBI,1SIX 105209 oHptml to Cib ©erk - 'eouHca NO....---....,' CITY OF ST. PAUL me -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM w� COMIS410NE Findlan GA RFsoLVEn That the free use of the Arena in the St. Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the Retail Department of the 8t. Paul Association of -Commerce on Saturday evening, November 7th, 1936, for a ball to be given under the auspices of said Department; the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion to be paid by said Repan Department of the Association. n�7 Adopted by the Council-- ._.�.'- S. I�l7S�..193— Approved ............. SEP 2 6 �.. - 6193 . r .Mayor ' originalto a4 aeric 1052.110 � a CITY OF ST. PAUL "Ouuaca NO ...... __.... ..... _.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM SSIONE - Findlan RESOLVED That the free use of the Arena in the Saint Paul Auditorium' be end it is hereby given to the Civic Opera Company for the evening of November 5th, 1936, for a performance of Cavalleria Rusticana; said Civic Opera'Lempany to pay only the cost of opening and oper- ating,_the Arena on that occasion. C F ,No.10B210-1y, John 8 .Ffpdian— ' Reeolved, ,that the fee uae ,tits the Ar na to the Saint Paul Auditbriam be �- - nd it le hereby given. to the., Civic � Opera ,Cotnpa v ton the ven(ng.'.of No-- . vembr `6th 2988 fora pbro formaace [ ` Cavatlei:ia: `R�fatlebna; said Clv1e:':Opera l; Company, topay only the coat of ppetiin lag: - and operating the Arena on that odea•- en.. Adopted "'•b thelCohnell Sept 28; 1988.- . Approved SeDt. 28,'1998. - - CITY OF SAINT PAUL 70 Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P, E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. Ll- ­ PAUL S. AMIDON. SUI .... T[xv[xr BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS EDWARD A. FURNi. Sur[wxr[Rvcnr A. E. TRUDEAU. Du .R y; September 23, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Kindly have drawn up for W presentation to the Council a resolution to provide: 1. The use of the St. Paul Auditorium wrenl to be cost of opening and operating, for given under the auspices of the Retail Department of the St. Paul Association of Commerce on Saturday night, November 7, 1936. 2. Also for the use of the Auditorium, arenasection, on the evening of November 5; 1936, y the CivicOpera Company, for a performance of Cavalleria Rusticana, to which members of the Minnesota Education Associa- tion are to receive complizebtar9 t ickets- of the Retail ent oft a St. Thompson, sAssociatioSecretary Of Commerce has written us that"all net profits d"m these two activities will constitute a fund which will be spent entirely for ade- quate Christmas decorations." Very truly 9ourap ' a�(Jyyl C.:' sBioner of Education TSF -R 105212 o.ldoa` w at. 1. NO _._...._... _ CITY OF ST: PAUL OFFIC&�OF THE. CITY ,CLERK IO ---GENERAL FORM COU 36Y 1gN (.DATA ;.'RESOLVED- That Licenses for Off Sale Malt Beverage., application 14639- On Sale`Malt Beverage, application 114639, and Bestatwant, applioatioa 14637., applied for by William H- Hoeflin at 2024-2026 Marshall Avemie be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers :are hereby authorized to refund to Wm. H. Roeflin the fees of $5.00' $550.00; and $10.00 and to cancel -aid applications for license. Adopted by the Coundl..... ........... Q..F+.9. Approved ............ ..._....... _.__ .�.....:./ v .......�P+ I&Yot Gaul— 1195 , - _ CA131=1�.DRESS LAW OFFICES OF JESSE E. GREENMAN SUITE 1407 PION® BUILDING Se t.22IId -36 ST. PAUL MINN. P COLLECTIONS CREDIT ADJUSTMENT CO. To the Counoil,City of "t.Paul. Gentlemen: In regard to Preliminary order 104754 File S4058 Defective sidewalt- esouth side 1-ocdrich Ave. I -own lot 4 and west 20 feet of lot 3 E.A.Phinney's Add,No lo56 Goodrich Ave. And objegt to any assessment being made for defective sidewalk in front of my premises,for the reaso n that a year or so ago I relaid the sidewalk at my own expense,and the walk is in good condition. If there is any defect in sidewalk alongthe Avenue,it should be paid by abutting property. There -is no defect in the walk along the south side of Goodrich between Oxford & Lexingtd)n that.would in any way be dangerous;or for which the City or abuting prmperty owners would be liable. Yours Truly, SE E. G.ENMAN THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION g0 September 26, 1986 Commissioner:[. C. Pearce Department of Public Works Dear Sirs on account of objection from certain property owners and a statement from them that they will take care of rough conditions due to tree roots, I would suggest that the order for the reconstruction of sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich Avenue from oxford Street to Lexington Avenue either be discontinued or laid over one seek for further investigation. Yours truly, 9G m. SMARD, f Engineer. fl CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE L (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of relaying, repairing and reoonetruoting cement tile sidewalk on the south�si�V of Goodrich Avbnue from Oxford Street to Lexington Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. #104745 under Preliminary Order approved August 14, 1936. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ New .11 per sa. ft. The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is _ _ Old _ $ .07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION II LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land 2060Bldga.6450 1 1 E. A. Phinneye Add. to the Lend 1950 E.2 o£ 3 and all 2 1 City of St. Paul Bldgx3650 Land 1950 W.L of 3 and all 4 1 do B1dgs.3550_ _ !_ Land 1300 5 1 do Bldgs 4350 Land 1300 8 1 do B1dga.2800 Land 1300 _.€ 7 1 do Bldga.2450, Lend 1300 8 1 do B1dga.4360 9 1 do Land 1300 " Land 1300 10 1 do Bldgs -31M S 111 do Lana 2600 12__ 1 .__._. _ _a.— B1dga.4400---7."r— TOTAL. TOTAL, '. Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON OM MI SIO OR ER OF FINANCE c _ I - -- DESCRIPTION -- LOT �LOCICI - ADDITION — �I VALUATED SSESS ON ' ' g- 13 -_ -:_ y 1850 13 � 1 E. A. Phinne a Add. to the B1d a. __ _--- - City of St. Paul I _ 14 1 Bld e. 5200. - I II , u I _ , , ii I Land 19,500 Total J I'. B1dge.40.850 - The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. -.ptl�l,ti Dated Sept. 1 19 36 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 fore, he'it By the Council of the City: of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im made by the said City is— aonstri ot.8" monolithic eonoretedriveways on the t r roa,an Councihna Councihuani-Mc6le�bn_.�, pate an . Councilman�SudheimP Councilmax,.,WeGZ Truax menu! Mayor Gehea Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL •. ZO DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �� REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER FINANCE 1,? (1 -19 (D) R In the matter pf oonstruoting 6" monolithic Street, thence east 8.0 £eetj be - Street driveways on the north side of West Minnehaha Street, beginning approximatslg 145.0 feet east of Dunlap ginning apprbximetely 32.0 feet farther east, thenee east 8.0 feet. #104799 under Preliminary Order approved August 201 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows. - $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost pe/?oot for the above improvement is improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such imp parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION - �1 Land 600 19 8 Gilberts Addition Bldg. 2450 Land 600 20 8 do Bldg. 2000 " Land 1200 - Total Bldg. 4450 tigated l of the The Commissioner of Finance his rether reports that he has to the Council, stogether alwith t e report tmade torhimIin hereby submits the foregoing a Port thereon reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Sept. 1, 1936 —J—T Commteatoaer of Finance-, V— s. S. A. 8.5 D Office of the Commissioner .of Public Works -- �, Report -to Commissioner of Finance A 193 ------- _Aug To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.: 104799 ---- approved-----------!?11et 20:.1958 193------•> relative to -- conatrgcting-_6°. monolithic•_concrete drive�e�y _.on_ahQ,n4&W_k$Q.of-AQet --------------- Minnehaha St., beginning approximately -145 0 Pt. east of Dunlap St., thence-------- -...---- east 8 0 ft - __begin :gppro�dmstaly g2�0. ft. -farther _east, --thence_ east 8.0 ft.• and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...... ... ..........necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Coat $0.18 per sq. ft. -.---- - and the total cost thereof is 5--------------------------- 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5...--- > -------•- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ................._. ------ ---- -----•--- -------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..... 5. Said improvement is._....._ .. .asked for upon petition of three or more owners ofproperty, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. -- --- .. ' 'oast of Public Works. AVG 25 1936 0 105215 f 4 Ta fhd Hattan tlf �ea4natractia¢ 'wl •mtlatlntMC:dmltl¢ete th;a �r15}valk• COUNCIL FILE N0.____------------------ le-a"'ue ua aPeltlrBw ens tieaaA . �( 2 ;4g0.�ebaY ABAa4 YC9atuPNaiae ; -- C HOA¢e11aae e:oeDt wb BY----- --- - — - - aad eumnl• s ,tdewanca atl vaddk ' nary.oraer.�av FINAL ORDER > tl 4�_ �, �,. 39s. 8:�� In the Matter of reconstructing_with monolithio oonorete tba sidewalk on the north aide of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning 60 feet east of,the eaet,lina.oP Prior x--- Avenue, thence east 50 feet, and on the south aide of St. Antiionp Avenue from Prior Avenue to Howell Avenue, except where good and suffioient .aidewalkp now exist'' -- under Preliminary Order-104648_—_____—______nPProved Intermediary Order __ aPProved _— A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is reoonstruet with--monolithic concrete the sidewalk - ------ on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning 60 feet east of the east line of Prior Avenue, thence east 50 feet, and on the south aide of Ste Anthony Avenue from Prior Avenue to Howell Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. and tTie Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- teed with the making of said improvement in accordance th SEP 2906 erewith. Adopted by the Council — -- -- 19 ----------- City Clerk. -- e� -- 192----- Mayor. Councilman Barfnas % ' Councilman�7indlan Councilman Pearce CouncibnanVA'k£Cxl@#8R-- -Peterson Couneilmanrw<enzel CITy OF ST. PAUL 10521-5 1, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FIIVAi�IC - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reeonatruoting with monolithic eonorete the sidowe.11c oa the north aide of St. Aathony g�enue, beginning 60 feet east of the east line Of Prior Avenue, thence eaezcept feet, and on the south side of St. Anthony Avenue from Prior Avenue to Howell Avenue, P where good and suffioient sidewalks now exist #104648 under Preliminary Order approved August 69 1536 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: - is $ The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement - - - 1 The estimated cost perlsontr the above improvement is the assessed valuation of each lot or of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and The lots or parcels parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT OLOCK ppptTlONVpL ASSESSED ATION - DESCRIPTION Land 2625 -" 8, 9 and 10 (Murray and Fay • s Subdivision 70 Land• 1380 (of Lot 31, Merriam' s Out Lots Bldg, 8600 11 and 12 Land 1350 8 (Merriam's Rearre-ngeme=-b of 1 Land 1250 8 (Merriam Park Bldg. 1200 2 Land 1300 3 8 do Bldg. 8300 Land 1350 4 8 do Bldg. 1100 Land 2400 6 8 do B1dg.10000 N.60 ft. 5 and _ w Land 11625 --- Total - - Total Bldg. 36600 tigated l of the aforesaid matters, that he has Salr in nto the Counei t getherovith the report made to him The Commissioner of Finance furtherreportsthereon te hereby submits the foregoing as his rep of Public Works_ reference to said matter by the Commissioner 8 t• 1 19 36 Commissioner of Ftaancr_ Dated M 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Avguet-13t 19$6.- ..193..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the Preliminary order of the relative to Council, known as Council File No..104M.......apProved-------------NL1gf11at..H►..a8$&--------193....----, - xith manoliChic-_concrete_the-_sidewalk_on.-the north aide-.- -_ ---_ _ --. reooastructing . A be 60 feet east oY the t line of Prior of St. Anthony ,venue,. B1�±�6.--'---- --. east-•--- ....................................... - -------- - -- --- Avenue, thence east 50 feet and on the south side of St. Anthony Avenue ------ -.......... . -- - - - f�i Prior AvVnue to Howalt�.A,, e. and having inveatagated the matters an t gs referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is... --necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is E-. ----- -.---. and the total cost thereof is S. , said improvement is as follows:......._ . ------ ---- ---- - --------------------- and the nature and extent of 3. A plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement fs hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement ie........ asked for upon Petition of three or more owners of property, ' subject to assessment for said improvement. r COM, OF FINANCE, ..._...._..... o of_..... ' 'ner Public Woxke. �,,......,,js 33 6: AUG IS 1936 105216 y S COUNCIL FILE NO------ ----- - ---- --__--- _ ---- --- - ----------- Op;tne'ngttp efde ai aummtt ,Avenue Orlgga2etteet to ;nuataD atredkt FINAL ORDER a tba Waat,alde qt n m>ap urge trom north Iine nt )3ummlt Aveny{' ,thence north 3o�.aileya except 10 iq drl4eway d'— I where good epmctent eidewalkd no az%t, u Prellmina ^p °•9;.iarb'i In the Matter of_relep_inngp repairing and reconstructing oement ile�idewalk oII— the north aide of Summit Avenue from Griggs Street to Dunlap Street, and on the line of Summit Avenue, thence north to alley, _west side of Dunlap Street from north except 10 foot driveway; except where good and sufficient aidewalka now exist. under Preliminary Order----_169 ------approved Auguat_6, 1956. Intermediary Order A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and>the Council having heard ,alt persons,, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be'=it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is relay, repair and reconstruot oement the sidewalk . on the north aide of anamit Avenue from Griggs Street to Dunlap Street, and on the west ,side of Dunlap Street from north line of Summit Avenue, thence north to alley, except 10 foot driveway; except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the'Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials' are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council----------------- __—___ - lty Clerk. SEP 29 W6 -- Approved------ --- Mayor. Councilman mamm= Councilman . u pUgLISHIsD v aftBansid—, rr Councilman 1AEcfliiiagatr'_e r o yon Councilmanr?ezrasL Mr. Vice 1'residentA(Truax) - Form B. S. A. 8-7, OP ST. PAUL - CITY i DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A)` cement the sidavr'a1k oa the north re iding and reconstruoting �d On the west szcla o£ Dunlap Street Dunlap Streets exoept 10 loot c3rivaway, exoept where In the matter of relaym Gri Street to Dun p of Sttmnit Avenue from OitgAvenue' thane north to alley, from north line o£ Stumm good and sufficient eidewelke now exist. August 61 1936. 104649, approved under Preliminary Order To the Council of the City of St. Paul: of Finance hereby reports as follows: - - $ The Commissioner - for the above imp rovement is The total estimated amount of the assessment - ffor the above improvement is - footaxe cost p arsd the assessed valuation of each lot or The estimated rovement, may be assessed benefits for such imp The lots or parcels of land that parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED AE)OITIOIV VALUATION __.--._.. LOT BLOCK 1 DESCRIPTION - Wright' a Rearaangamaat oY Land 1400 (Ex. S.50 ft. for Summit Ave.) S. Blocks 2`L -23-24-z5 0£ Rana E• Lia ' 1450 lb 1 1 gssaseys Additioa to St Paul 125 ft. ' Bldgs. 7.200 1600 16 (�. 5.50 ft. for Summit SPe•) do Land Bldgs. 3550 _ 1825 17 1 Ave -)do hand Bldgs. 8100 (Exp Summit 18 1 Land 1800 do do 19 1 Land 1825 do dd 20 1 Land 1825 do 21 1 do Land 1950 do do Bldgs.. 1800 - 22 • _ 1 Land 1950 do do .':. do i .porpa 8.:8..10 CITY OF ST. PAUL, " DEPARTMENT OFINANCE y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) I� DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK] ADDITION ASSESSED I VALUATION t1l Ex Summit Ave.) 24 j 1 Land 1960. Wright's Rearrangement of Bldgs. 9900 _ 1950 do, 125 1 Blocks 22-23-24-25 of Anna E. __ _ _ - __ _ - • Laced' _30 W.= 27 &All (Ex.Summit Ave.) 28 1 Ramaey's Addition to St. Paul Bldg..:6600 Bld a _ d Land 5050 7 (Ex. Summit Ave.) E.* 27 & all 28 1 B1,dgs.13950 I, 1! I! 1� I: Lama 27,526 Total Bldgs. 60#1A0, -__-- The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Lfo Dated Sept. 1. 19_L6 �i✓P/l %, / uC^ Commissioner of Finance r, 4 M Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ... ....... ugust..12 V..19M-----------------193_.---.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: _The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. -._...7040-9 --approved._...-.-----�??g!ist--g ._1956.-------193--------, relative to and reconstructing --cement file sidewalk on thenorth . ...... .------ ...- reSYS:.:°g - - side of Summit Avenue from Griggs Street. to .Dunl.ap Street, where necessary,......._ ....-........ . and on the west side of Dunlap Street from north line of Summit Avenues ...........................---------------------------------- thence north to alley, except 10 foot drive—Y. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is-_ ...............- --necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E.-- ---- -- --- - and the total cost thereof is 5---------•- Relay New Tile $.3.1 per , nt foot Old Tile $0•08 per oat ft• and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------- ------- .............. - --------------- ---- - - - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Vo 5. Said improvement is --------------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. ' COM. OF FINANCE. �!J - ' 'oner of Public Works. -0 crit AUG 1319?6 FINAL ORDER 10521' in the Matter of__oonstructing sidewalk on south side of Congress Street frost-- - " Wabaeha Street to Livingston Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks _ now exist. "Aiatf4r dt; �tietxuciYnar eetefrom . under Preliminary Order__ ----104204 ------- -----aPPmved _A4&4et_1Z., 1¢ Intermediary Order __ approved A.public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of I'm-, provement to. be made by the said City is —°onstruot sidewalk_ on south side of Qbngress Street from Webasha Street to Livingston Avenue, except where good and.aufficient ` Sidewalks now exist --------------�-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED RMTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. SEP 2919 �--- Adopted by the Council______—____________._____.., 192 ---------- ___ `— -- ---- --- ------- -- ---- SEP 2 91'936 ty clerk. Approved---- - ---------------------------------- - Mayor. Councihna n nos l Councilor: z 1"I anSIED CouncilmanAalA � : -ce / g Councihnan�lYlgGloseaa �' arson /n %i Councilman-engplWenzel Fo1RIcBV r keg (Truax) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE C REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ORDER FINANCE In the matter of oonuetru Cepa sidewalk o asouth 8nd euf fide�ieof Congress Street � Wabasha Stree nt sidewalks now exist ef to Livingston A3en }104704 under Preliminary Order approved August 12, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ The total estimated amunt �f the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,00 ron The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ..- LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION T DESCRIPTION Land 1600 Part E. of So. Wabashe, St- Ofl 2 63 Town. of West Saint Paul Bldg. 1600 and Lots Land 126 !! (Ex. Gorman Ave. and Exit S. 6 64 do " 6b0 200') 6 64 do i. (Ex. S. 200 ft.) ) q (Ex. S. 200 ft.) 7 64 do ) S.,200 ft.) 8 64 do )' Land 526 do } ,. Bldg. 1300 (Ex. 5.200 ft.) W. 20 ft - II Land 2900 Land Total Bldg. 3100 q hat he has tigated aforesaid matters, tohimin reports tto hereby The Commissioner of Finance the Counc l,stogetheralwith he report made as his rether submits the foregoing port thereon Public Works. reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Dated Set '.1 19 36 Commisstoner of Fiat A , r Auguat 20t..1936 -- --- .------------- 193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council He No..104TQ4...._...approved..........A.�@t.12-x_1956.---------- 193........, relative to constructing sidewalk on south side of Congress Street from Wabasha ----................. _-----..._......... ----...---......-----......-----..... ---------- -- .-------------------------------- ---------------- Street to Livingston Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated coat thereof is 3 ................................. and the total cost thereof is 3 ........................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:------ ---------------------------------- ___.-------_-_-__----.--._---____-_ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .................. ' .............................................. ............ ........................................ ...... ..------------------------- 5. ---------- -•----------b. Said improvement is ................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, 001-rvi Co oner of Public Works. AVG 21 1936 ,, �IS E ► JUC Z 3 1936 St. Paul, Minn------------------ -------------193----- o The Ijonorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Construct sidewalk on south side of Congress -St. . -- - ------ from Wabasha St. to Livingston Ave. _-----_St. Ave. This is a public necessity. ------------- from ------------------------ St. Ave. to. ----------------------------------- St. Ave. NAME I Lor BLOCK ADDITION n &1' 4 i,/.snip- A /ter, �!� , �„ //, ,����►r, /� s` THE DEPARTMENT OF,o PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION -Ono® June 6, 1936. Mr. G. M. Shepard, Chief Engineer. Dear Sir: I spoke with Mr. Marks relative to the attached and he stated that he raised this sidewalk issue as an interested member of the Riverview Commer- cial Club. It appears that on numerous occasions, the question arose at Club meetings as to whether or not this sidewalk should be constructed, but without an estimate of the'"possible cost, they concluded the property could not stand an assessment for it. In view of this, he was of the opinion that the work could be done as a W.P.A. improvement. I advised him that W.P.A. haven't. authorized the doing of sidewalk work, but suggested that he submit a petition which would properly afford an opportunity for those interested to hear and be heard as to costs and assessment spread should the fat;tei�loome before the Council for consideration. This he seemed satisfied to do. Resp. submitted, l e. 105218 LCOUNCIL FILE N0------------------------- FINAL -------- - `--FINAL ORDER _In the Matter of relayian$, re�aiin—g_and reconstructing cement tile_aidewalk on ___ the south aide of Edmund Street beginning et a point 160 feet west of Dale Street, thence west 40 fest, except where go and sufficient sidewalks now exist ------- he.Matter of relayln6 raybtrinB and'— eacanY�euaEing �nmeat Llle""-eldewalr n",2he south J"s ot:-.ffidmltA atrn.. beBinnln. ""' 1rt03eet weer,e_�_- lale�atXeet::.thence w*,^• 40:�>•eet" aq tr;where -good o ; 71ef - : Ike,;now ezleh 104706 T --- August 1Z.L936 under Preliminary Order_---------$PPr,6ved __-- -- -- Intermediary Order ---PProved — — A-public hearing having been had upon the above improvementL upon due notice; and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully.considered the same; therefore; be it -RESOLVED,'By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and_klnd of im. provement to lie made by the said City rele ,repair- and reoonstiuot oement' .tile aidewelk on she south`; ids of Edmund Street beginning at a point 160 feet We' eof-dale Street, thenoe,west.40 feet,exoept where good and sufficient sidewalks now esiat., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;'that'upon said approval, the proper city officials. are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making bf: said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--__-_____SEP 2 9 1936_—/%�— / SEP 2 O City Clerk. Approved___ __.__ _-_ ________ __ ---- 192 _ Mayor. Councilman se Councilman d!an PUBLISHED I&— Councilman nakt= L a e �\ Councilmanigh4nF'7. Z. rson C��uuei3manl�[t ((�� t/ Councilma7r.-W m r- � , Fenzel i ForMr$Vg.eJ ji4eut (Truax) CITY OF ST. PAUL r I sir DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE Q r ! (�( REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ER FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the south side of famtvad Street beginning at a point 160 feet west of Dale Street, thence west 40 feet, exoepi',,where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. #104706 under Preliminary Order approved August 12, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ New $.11 s.fn. The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement Is per Old The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION _.. .. -•------ Land 650 i, 5 1 Syndicate No. 2 Addition Bldgs -2000 li a Land 660 - - Total B1dgs.2000 _ and The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in "sr reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works, h DAted Sept 1, —19 36 Commissioner s , � .JJ 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance -Avgt�s 2tlr 3856 ------------------- To --- ........To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No .... -104706 approved..---. •: 12r. 19$6 .__.193_.-....., relative to T.Q7gYBr--x@PB and..raconetructing-.cement--kale-eidexalk--on--the--south--side--------- of Edmund Street beginning at a point 160.feet_west. of Dale.Street._thence ...-----__---- west40 feet. ° ---------------------­-- -- --- - - - - ---------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ....... ................. necessary and (or) desirable. Est. cost New Tile $0.3-1 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.07 per<sq ft., 2. The estimated cost thereof is S ------------- ......... ...... and the total cost thereof is $- ----- --------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. _. ..... ...:......................................::....--.----..---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. i 4, ...... ------------- --------- -------- --s-_.._ YM S 5. Said improvement is.. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for said improvement. CONI, OF FINANCE. " ......................_ . Co oner of Pubha Works. AUG,12 21 1936 f,4� d�� Y - - --- 7777777177 f . � ,pr n[ reodasirm !n eeacrete tlle�Bw g h aide of 'MatlYde ¢venue . - street fo 011verStreet, - ' -- _ . e_good andnuIDolent°elde COUNCIL FILE NO----------------- - - 1 e IaDP pvea map �D1t°ni`, - ___ __ a '^— In the Matter of_ reoonstructing -with 4" monolithic ooncrete the sidewalk on the east sides nf a i7de Axenue 'Prom Gnnk gtreat tn nlivar S .refit exeap • , where geed And sufficient sidewalks now exist. under Preliminary Order—__—__10470b______-_--approved _august 12, 1936 e Intermediary Order __---.--------approved --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having-fullyconsidered '+ the same ; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , N'vement to be made the said Citq ia�__ ruet.with 4 monolith;! eo ete the on the east de of -Matilda A ue from OdokStr to Oliver Sod and. sufficient idewalks now exi bi >n the anme ere_ ov'-7_=;�g:,- � . Jej, ==a regeftd w all _ ONGNe&W in said matFwr be disccr< Wil. "'^ R CdA d the Council h by orders said improv ent to be made. ESOLVED7plans R, That the Commis ' r of Public Works be an hereby instrue ed and directe to preparspecifications for sal provement, and submit sa to the Coun or approval;- at upopro the proper city efficia a hereby authorized and ' ected to pro- ceed with the king of said imQpro nlrjwaeecordance the ith. CT Adopted by the Council --------- - - - --_ ______-----------_ 192 --------- -------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Approved ---------------------------------------------- Councilman ---------------- - Councilman Bnrfurts ,GFindlan OUncilmari rin�i.an Councilman Pearce / J gUl3LlS l/ Councilman rweuzsj:--- Tdr. Vice 1'rc u.cut Form B. S. A. 6-7 r CITY OF ST. PAUL Ile DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 90: REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of Matilda Avenue'£rom Cook Street to Oliver Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. #104705 under Preliminary Order approved August 12, 1936. To the Council of She City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is front The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement is - - - 8 1.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lead 376 (Ex. alley) 10.22 Auerbach and Hands Addition B1dgs.2950 Land 350 do 11 22 to the City of St. Paul Bldgs.2700 Land 350 do 12 22 do Bldgs.$000 Land 350 do 13 22 do B1dgs.2800 . Land 350 do 14 22 do Bldga.3050 Land 350 do 15 22 do B1dgs.3000 an do 16 22 do g ags.2800. , do 17 22 do Land 350 B1dgs.2800 do 18 22 do Land 375 B1dgs.2700, Land 3200. . Total B1dgs.25800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reforenee;.to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ . ✓ . _ �__�)a-fig 1 Office of ,the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August--20y 1956----------193- - -- To the Commissioner of Finance bf the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, ]mown as Council File No.... 104705...... approved _...-August--12,--1956-_......-. ---- 193--------- relative to _reconstructing-with 4" Monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of Matilda Avenue from Cook Street to Oliver Street, where necessary. ----.... - -----------------_... ....... ----------................ ----------------.....--.......------------------------- -------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. cost $1.00 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5--------------------------- and the total cost thereof is S........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------------------------------------------- ........................ -- -...................------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ..................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. . .......... ........................... ........................ --- --------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is...............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, ilk subject to assessment for sadeVrov FINANCE. M, - of Public Works. ge AUG 21 ssA 4 105221 orwaw to cla ©e k CITY OF ST. PAUL rOO UNC No ------- ----------- _. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . 7.", UNC14 RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM riieserrrEo aY Findlan \ A-+•�—_— on*R ^..CM OMISS10NErt_ 1 RESOLVED That the free use of the Arena section oY the 8t: Paul Auditorium,'ineluding the public address system, be and it is hereby given to the National Co-operative Milk Producers Federation, on November 10th, 1936, from 9:00 A. M. to 6:.00 P. M., said Federation to pay only the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays E8t{1196 Fiudlan psi Pearce i1 ....................In favor Fetenou S,Tnaiiaz:! Wenzel, am a-63 Mr. Vice resldeut (Truax) l .< Fr- 29 193 Adopted by the Council_ ------ _._.._-_------- SEP 29 i83 Approved ............. ..-----.-.-_- ---.__ Mayor" BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON, Su- ... ...... BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU. D..— CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1t�J2� Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDtAN, COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY S MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. LIaRARIAN BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURN1. S—iR....... September 23, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Please have prepared for my presentation to the Council a resolution to provide at cost of opening and operating, the use of the St. Paul Auditoriu* arena section, with public address system, by the National Coop rative Milk Producers Federation, on November 10, 1936, from 9:00 aama-to 6:00 P.m - TSF -R Very truly yours, Commissioner of Education � N 5 COUN¢jLMEN Yeas N s C07 ila. ss In favor rson _..(✓� Against enol sM cas Mr. Vice ! resident (Trua$) °`leoil to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK If - COUNCIL RESOLUTION. GENERAL FORM I.... PRESENTED BY......._ �-y"v'_.�',, .........DATE. COMMISSIONER....A��. r'"""""""""""' c=u -W' NO. 1052 Whereas, Charles S. Daly, Assistant Plumbing Inspector of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of the City of St. Paul will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least thirty days from and after September 21, 1936, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended that Charles S. Daly be and is hereby granted a thirty days leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the 21st day of September, 1936, said leave being compliance lriE, Section 41, oftheCivilService Rues, therefore, beit, Resolved, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Charles S. Daly for thirty days from, on and after September 21, 1936, with full pay. COUN LCMEN Yeas NN as Buss � /F' Ian ..... _ In favor ......... 2Ice n F.nzel � Against DST 635 Mc vice 'resid eut (Truax) SEP 29 1936 Adopted by the Counc6................................ _...... _.__193 SEP 2 9 110M Approved„_.._...__...__.._.__.__ ................... �:...... /....... . ......._ 'otwrw ,ty, elk OF ST. PAUL nGiNca 105" NO.................._............. FFIC F THE CITY CLERK Cd O E L ORM coM$iNlssEUNEBytr29,...1936.... _._...._. ._.:.:...._...DATE....._ P. _ ........ WMEM, in the General Speoificatione .Por the project described as the Widening, Grading and Concrete Structures eta., on Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Seven Corners, PWA Project 1117-Rf Okes Construction Company, contractors; Comptrollsrls Contract L-3900, provision was made restricting the time during which concrete could be poured,'and Whereas, this restriction 1prohibits the pouring of concrete during such time that artificial/isgnecessary, and Whereas, due to the lateness of the season and in the opinion of the City Engineer, it is deemed advisable for the City' eavail it self of the present favorable weather conditions by recinding the foregoing Specification and thereby permit the pouring of .'concrete at times when artificial light.is necessary, now therefore be it, RESOLVED: that the City Council hereby approve the above / General,.Specification Change, subject to the approval of P.W.A. Ito 1p83E4-$P Irving G, Peaiee �' ¢r ae Inx tJd ttleneCr1be -as a to; tiiepYblect described sa ; rif B ` ,6eadfng n and,,,,, Coni �turea it... ioJCsnogg-rl3oul , ';afarket, street to 13 ven C• -:PtoleoVAX17 R Oker„ d>r company contracto ^ �+ ecr'i+ iuA ,hytP, Yeas COUNC�,JLMEN Na Adopted by the Council S -n .lr..9_..19ffi ....193....... �an SEPI 9 1 In favor Approved .....,..193.. jenn'wn cZ�— . ' I y �' . Against Mayor zel 3 /' lb636 mr. Vic! lr nu ) l J'i3T,1Si� J w COUN Yeas e 3M 676 Mr.' IEN Na s _ In favor Against c. Fi xrq tosaae—fir a.` a. sarmea- F:;M. Trasz' I ving C. Pearce— ar �anpcc�led `4151 nIloatio4 14566,for Ci A. MAthea, at 6 Weet' at Siztri Street be clty,t terk 1e �bantru ted to tteeue eucb lice�ee ,gpon,the, payment Toto the clty- treaBury or the;eeyc6ired tee: ..., ..__ Adgpted by tdgCquncll BeDt R9 1986: - Ayproved, 9e t., R9 1930 p IEN Na s _ In favor Against to CltTClar COMM N� 10522'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL ^Lf r OFFICE OFTHE CITY CLERK COUNCI UTION•-GENERAL FORM COMMI6S1 '•"'••""'"' '*.. ...._DATE......_S�B.teIDbej' RESOLVED Thai:license for Hotel (Palace - 14 rooms), application 14703, applied for by Charles Smith,:at 452 St. Peter Street be and the acme is hereby granted, provided, however, that the former owner Marie 2eror is to have no connection whatever with the place, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 14567, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14565, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 145697 applied for by Harvey Gieseking at 559 E. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the psymut into the city treasury of the required fees. Informally approved by council Sept. 15, 1936 Adopted by the Coundl..:SEP 2.91936_ 193._.. SEP 29 06 Approved. .................... . .. . // i COUN MEN Yeas 8 uss Na s gigdfanIn favor ,�rce 7 s°" Wenzel Aga;n,e )M 6.36 Mra u;ident (Truax) Adopted by the Coundl..:SEP 2.91936_ 193._.. SEP 29 06 Approved. .................... . .. . // i ,•p�i�od Wtlie►cleik COO WL No._..1.( 5229 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C OLUTION... GENERAL CORM PRESE._. .... ... ....... DA' E_.._..Se.bns. _29..:.::7„93fi ...... ._ . COMM)$= .......... .. RESOLVED a+ • That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon_the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Geo. D. Allen 525 Wabasha St. Barber App. 14708 Renew. Floyd Eispert 10 N. 6th St. " " 14680 " Dale Whitehead 8114 Z. 7th St. " " X4735 " 0. Wright604 Jackson St. " " 14745 " J. P. Qligley 224 N. Cleveland Gas Ste. 3 pampa " 1414$ " Bred Szalay 956 Rice St. Grocery " 14662 " Rana Grigull 3091 Jackson Chattel Loan " 14721 a ' Mrs. Minnie 8sanedy 292 St. Lawrence Vehicle Peddler 62 14774 " a a a n n n. Boodstuff " 14773 thRtxj'V yu x 'Irving Ir pnPDe4r 4o �or 69 ;."?a•',.. r e ee indtoatod be and th8 nu re .heteby.gtantI.ed.ands the Bert •.is _ 'lnet[pDttoed' to sue pi(,ah 1tQepaeB; nDon the pft eat tnto3he„olty treaaUtp Of the requtted 1"s (iso D.:Allen 686 Wabaeha at Sate - ber ADP•+1!708 Renews/ P7oYYd'BfeDet4 18 34. 8th 8t. Barber; A n 1,4860'.RenewaL • �le Wtiltel4ead 84(,� 7th at Barber, ADPL 14796':E{eneWWaal � �. ^- O g' 804r 77aCtteon at. BatAer: :APP 147424746 ReneWa! J P !Qn`1d1eY x884 �N Ctedeland, tisa ata. 8 DntnD4 ADp 14148 „liepbWal. Fred atalsY 9qd 'RIcB @t. 4ikocer,Y, .. ADP 14688 Renevtal P .. Anttu 6Aggdu1 E09$.'TBCttpon, -0hattel . ...Loan .ApD:147�1 R6a9W%1 ' Mre Mtnni✓t �ennedY 898 81. `Taaii-. revue oelUcle Peddler 88 App ;14774% '.onen res 6 o"ndetuR ADD14478 ReLawaf � COUN EN AdaDcaay r we Connell sent se. 198a ...; ...... aDDrovasd t B9 Iaad Yeas.. yt . ;, "iliac a, i9se) a S�� 9 F. ° In favg4 Approved _... __._ 193_.__ .... _ ce e [son t /G- A f.............._....... enol .. 1M _'0•18 Mr:`. Vice l�resideut (Truax Cp ILMEN Yeas Na B u F Ian In favor ................ rce e rson _...._� _ Agatnet enzei M -.. 3M-'-' 6'M - r. V1ce 1'resideut (Truax Adopted by the Council. -SEP` 2 9 19�i6 193..._ SEp � 9 Approved, .._.................. .... __.____. ...,.......... Ma�- . odo d w Clef Clerk PttESENTED COMMISSION R......_.....__:... '....., RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNC} _ v fs ~ GENERAL FORM That Off Sale Malt Beverage License 4340, On sale Malt Beverage License 3232, and Restaurant License 7793, expiring April 7, 194, issued to William U. Stewart at 473 Me- Snelling Avenue• be and the same are hereby revoked dapon recommenation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction for maintaining gambling devices at said place of business. ?�tr c a, ,n: " No 105232 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE "CITY CLERK �(- COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM co TED B ... ...-..:... ..DATE.. ..-P."tp*.9r 29.,_1936............ RESOLVED That licanse for 5 Pool tables, application 11+598, dated Sept. }I+, 1936 to Sept. 14, 1937, applied for by William U. Stewart at 473 So- Snelling Ave. be and the same is hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction for maintaining gambling devices,, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to William U. Stewart the sum of $29.753 the unused portion of license fee, applicant: having operated under said application for one half month. e G F No 106282—BY 6, $ , BattYea- ! ` Rep'Iv¢rd thatrllcn.eneetor�6 gyoyol 1936 to SeDt;f 14 11987` ayaDlled pt -14 j . '�Wlllfam M. Stewart,at�4?3 No. 6ne71[ng Ave, bQ ` d. the sane le. hlorebY, dented upon recotn,aendatloh otthe.8ureau�et Police because of arrest:a,fd convlet[da th, D�alnir. alt sam411np; devfeea,�an4 tb.r[soa to cetiund to ��vtllfam MbBfew - art fh'esuiniot =28.76, the'unuaed•pbr- tion ficenae _tee," applfoant, havin6, operateto d Under, half, Bald apDtltl, catlon,L4r month> "Adopted by'Ch Cauncn'9eDt 29�1938f Approved 8e t ,29, 1938 t8or, s, 1"easy 291996 COUNC EN Adopted by the Council .......... ............ :...... ...... ____:193.._ Yeah Ye ,anSEP 29 Iffle In favor Approved ... _........._ . _.__193_._ ce e reon /V �� Agatnfit ............ ..............._.... may enztl ��'�ewdesafC 1t3r:"A. f.. 1 rct�ideut (Truax) - mlmmm=;=� m �i�rnliffiliu unanuIffilillinvnl, I .................... .................... sI man I . R Kepley, Ina" being t e lowest ze'; �NAYB � AOOPT[G IM ►AVOIt ' Yeas 3M 616 authorised to refund to 0. ff..Gunther the sums of $9.30, and $4.65, and to cancel said applications for licenses. i �C F No. 106840—Bq ti Barfuea-� F M. Tru" IrV1.S C. earce Whereae.;p-GO iI. Onnthet?f-do res. to ( andhapDgBt,ce;`lotu 115480 for, Hale"R61t �i8urn .ro[°.11aeheea teee.0. led grhrhO e�Af ee ad' O: 8. Gunththener has .Petals¢ undereed .. _ _. - appilcatio twrentq-$v�A loge th0re . .: fore belt-''! Reeolved;ahak the:proDeY'oliy� olHnere iefud to OiaH� t nutheh�4he�aume ;oi" 89 80ni4 B6;;_and to cancet eatd spDllca- alon� for'Bceneee. +- '. Adopted �hY rhe Council BeDG 80,1988. - -: ADProyed;SeDG 80;1988 - (OcG AUNN MEN Nay Adopted by the Couna_ ! .......SEp O I�lV ... /B uss _ ... /g' lea ...........:.. _ In favor ce Pe APproved............... 4.:1F._193�.. son Againn Mayor !��, p' 5241 tenses CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN _ ION ---GENERAL FORM l Sept64r 30, �. DATA PRESEN'�=r COMmISS10 ... ........................................_ .. No. Yp6241 BY -6 !t. Truax=lt�!InCbr.P,earca—: `-'. solved:: that lfceneep hDplteflQor ylolloWlag named Derpoas'st the { same Indicated bet. RESOLVED eep ity;e 4,by�6ranted and the aeu of Prffi, 1 ted to leeue 8 eh;ll¢eaees uv, That licensee applied for by the following nameE ea eta the ¢its transact.: L„ hereby granted and the y addresses indicated be and the same are is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the clerk city treasury of the required fees: J. Damiani 587 S. Seventh St. Butcher App. 14727 Renee. =' Edborg'`& Lorentson 1167 Arcade n " 14620 " E. & M. Gerenz n " 14663 " 518 Selby Morris I,iatzky 641 Selby n a 14731 n Michaud Bros. Inc. n s 14713 " 10 59 Grand National Tea Co 644 So. smith " " 14690 " A' F' $vrth 34 Confectionery'" 14566 2Rondo " on sale Malt Bev 14561 " 11 " off " a n 14562 " n s n 410 Pleasant off Sale Malt Bev -11363 " Sadie R. Eichinger I. Cohen 228 E. Indiana Grocery 14659 " 4 - Arrowhead Puela, Inc. 11 2614 Essex St.N.E.Mple Biel dealer 14705 John V. Bentz Vehicle peddler 63 14922 622 a n6 7{yton Place Foodstuf3 62 Igtou Place Vehicle peddler 64 14639 1n Wm. Bantz Foodstuff i4M SEP �: l MLN CElan Adopted by the Council .........._............_......--------- _..._.-� „ Yeas Nays i In favor Approved._. ........ BET 4.. iY ?.___193__ rce son /.v... Against ...... .......... ...... . _ ..._..�__.._.._ �D 3 "� .President (Gahan) 1�11Sia�i3 3. 6 NJa_ OWOINAL TO CITY OF SAINT PAUL FILA CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 6 PRESENTED BY - -ATp Sent 22 193 COMMISSIONE Axel Paterson A! E BOOKS OF THE RS BE MADE ON TH RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING NSUNAVOIDABLE AVO DAB E DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS • COMPTROLLER, AS BY .SO DOING MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE, MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRANSFERRED ERRE_ CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. �—� FROM `TO 567.9 2482 Bd.of Pub.Welfare (gong. Expense) n II (Co. Home Expense) 501.09 2402 ° 24n3 " n (Outside Aid Expense 7,443.6 II (Admin. Expense) 43.88 24A2 " ent Hand) 8'468.87 a 24F1 " (Conting a n (Bond Expense) 40,426.00 2483 40,426.00 24M n n (Bond Salaries) NO.'ior,242_✓BY Axel E petet'son:� T.gneRt� we i e "i Qwthath. booXRootltha � # Q� be mails -on -ji1 LS . ,,leT a' by eo doIu .nn t" egtek tra1111ar , YES W) COUNCILMEN 1,11 JAYPETERPETERSSON IN FAVOR TRUAX / J li ARR" •S�j {�GAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT SEP ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -193-- SEP ,�i �193-- APPROVED /' COUNTERSIGNED BY4*F�: MAYOR iTRI_Y CoOUR wilm -�Iw M-Im fiz \}\}\\�\ �\�\��\}\\�}�\�\\ um.\ lam \ \ \ } \ \ \ \ \ \ / } \ \ \ \ } \ \ \ 7 '1 -1\ . f In the matter of_o nS-> g- a �� -for _the -p Yn!4 of oonatruotin�_ _ a3a maintaining a publio swer on, under and aorose the northerly 10 feet of Lot B, Blook 11, Sylvan park Addition from Brimhall Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot, also oondemning and taking a temporary easement for construotion purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the south side of above easement and on the southerly 5 feet of Lot 5 in said Blook 110 from Brimhall avenue to the alley : E;EHOLVTIQF RAT18'YII70 dFD A"; -A-AS00* CODWWAGATlOF AND- . ;.y 4WAD$iFk�18 DA'MAOSd APID �E!( 8ffiHHI �ffiH'OR. R 'C F Nah�f�— ' I Sa the r of ogadamnfnH and .' ' :, Ing an, eeeement_for,the Du;p r n3 ,ntln�aad mhliltalntag �g 103922 June 9, 1936 under Preliminary Order--------------------- approved-------------------------- ----`----+ Intermediary Order ------10'302---------------, approved__ July 8,-1936 ---------- 104687---------- -- approved__ Agust 4, 1936 <,Final Order -------------------- ------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. V Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. Adopted by the Council ------ Sep------ 30--- - 1b ------------ City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19--- r >� �- Mayor. d +Son 4wF Al Vice (resident (Tr=.) _._ . III V4914 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE _ ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS A�'D _' �:�z,r,.- T OF lzENMTS J In the m tter of__ oondem¢iing sad taking as easement for the purpose of constructing ----- -- ----16- and mainta sing a public sewer on, uridea-end-eoroes the 6FWizly i`ee�-off Block 11, Sylvan Park Addition from Brimhall Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the south side of above easement and on the southerly 5 feet of Lot b in said Block 11, from Brimhall Avenue to the'alley under Preliminary Order—I3922 ---- approved ---June 4 1936 -------- Intermediary Order ------104302 ------ approved--- q!qK8, 1936-------- Final Order ------------- 104587----- approved-- August 4,-1936 ----- ------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ------------- Commissioner of Finance. .31 105245 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING -` CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ °0 sad taking an eaasmelit in the land nsoesaary for slopes, --- outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 11, $r1;;i Park-Addltion end Habitation Plat 1 from Pelaoe Street to Jefferson Avenue o�ox•.n;s'r�'xxrte�exn o'on` mxo } 'oosa�ruxs�ox enr benne os=naxsas�-,uvn s ;:No 106E�Fy. �t 7 �nMett � r under Preliminary Order --103921------------- approved_ June 91 1938 July 8, 1938 Intermediary Order -------104301 104301 ------------- approved ------------------------------------+ 104586 Auguet 4, 1936 FinalOrder -----------------------------------> approved ------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. A131'XI Mall SEP 30 1936 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------- 2 City Clerk. °. Approved ----------= t»l ` in i9---- / 9-22------ /--�- =----- - ------ Bariuss � Mayor. uncibnan Co Pladlan ncihnan F son Coun cDonald Nano Counc' earce }a@pornou Co R nd oilman Sudh ' erg_ Mr. Vice Yrc>ideut (Truax) PLML1SHED lA- 3- (D .... roe �s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSER ,TENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of_onmde=ing_and..taking-an.A amsntlu the 1m". outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 11, Sylvan Park Addition and Habitation Plat 1 from Palaos Street to Jefferson Avenue under Preliminary Order_ 103921_------ approved__ �_8t_ 1936 July Intermediary Order ------ 104301 -------------- approved -------- 8, --- 1936 ----------------------------------- 104186August 4, 1936 FinalOrder------------------------- approved----------------------------------------- ---- TO TM COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners, thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance - w• 105246 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_99Aa44 ' l taking as easement in the_laad neoePA— fq!!-e29pes _ outs and fills in the grading of the following streets' Commercial Street, from a point 380 ft. sally of the center line of Conway St. to Fourth St. east of Commeroial St. Kellogg Boulevard below bridge from Comtoeroial St. to a point 100 feet east of the center line of Commercial St. Fourth St. from Commercial St. to a point 498 feet west of the center line of Commercial St. o Conway St. from Comneroial St. to a point 100 feet east of the oenter line of Comniaraia7 St. �sg °mauas°w �xn &TION wwexmr FOXV as+..usuwsof easemsrrr .r�ne9eoa. - C. F In 6,1 8atter'o— f. an hamLiaisrid. :. nae m n he lan nee�' ary td`38 que a under Preliminary Order ---10------8792 --------------, approved--�Y___28 t ------ Intermediary Order _______ 104208--------- - approved__ Jtilq 1, 1938 104478----- - approved__ J� 28, 1938 Final Order --------------------- ------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respetita ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. meiheni�tlrsfmdfx "tP 30 06 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------, - C/ city Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- - Rufass �' - ---------- ---------- ----- uncihnan CDnokY phoan Co Gilman F songp� Counc eDonald Farce yor. f0 Counc' Pearce Peterson ( U Cou and 06hei SudENrqer4bsnn& Mr. Vice President (Truax) 3 iMI lull J, i 11 1 s jos .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSM11"' T OF BENEFITS eery for slopes, In the matter of_ O°ng_ te�cing-� - the-land-neoes outs and fills in the grading of the following streetai --- ------ Commeroial Street from a point 360 ft. SE11y of the center line of Conway St. to Fourth St. east of Commercial St. Kellogg Boulevard below bridge from Com wroial St. to a point 100 feet east of the center line of Coammercial St. Fourth St. from Comneroial St. to a point 496 feet west of the center line of Commssroial St. Convey St. from Commercial St. to a point 100 feet east of the center lime of Commercial St. under Preliminary Order -10M ------ approved --� 28a-1936 ___-- 1- - 1936 Intermediary Order ------- 104206----_, approved__July' ------------------------------ 104476 July 28, 1936 FinalOrder ------------------------- approved--------------------- ----------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement not exceeding the coat there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. - k-4,1222 ---------------- Commissioner of ].mance. ------------------------ 105247 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING ! , • CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of_ oondeamiug and tgking ea_easement is the lead neoesagrg for_ sloQest__ outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Sanborn's Midmy Addition from Dunlap at. to Griggs St. nmeo'nmrcox awvy�xa'.�g F.ta*rura aolr�uIDKNAl7pg °OsxxD ;•. ee osoaa'sxnwe.": ' Lthe MatC T'or;eoade+naf as eea.meat-fa d, 08 14 1956 under Preliminary Order -- 1---608 ------------------- approved-�---;---------------------------- 104180 Intermediary Order ----------------------------- approved - June- 28, ---- 1986 -------------------------I Final Order ------------- 104420-------------__ approved__q!i 21, 1936 --------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. RKX SEP 30 1996 Adopted by the Council ---- --------------------------- ---------- - - - -----a �kty Clerk Approved ---------- SEP--0-As 19__ � � / --- Barlsee -- - --r- k� - ---------------- uncilman Co I+indian Mayor. Coin ' an Fe on Pearce / Cound Pearce d i �O Do +(A�y� Pearce Peterson Coun ' , d oilman Su _M Wenzel . Mr. Vice President (Trnax) Air. 1OF5247 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS jNp OF HEN EFT S ea •esament_in the-neoes---- for elopes, In the matterof_-----------g----------- outo and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 7, Senborn'e Iiidwap Sdditicn from Dunlap St. to Griggs St• under Preliminary Order-__ 103606----_, approved---` 14i_1936 ----------------------------- 104150 Jame 26. 1938 Intermediary Order ------------------ approved ---------------------------------------------- 104420 July 21, 1938 Pinal Order ----------------- "20 July THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- theror to he owners priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards a hdsas � fixed and determinetd the thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable, that amount of benefits to Property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. aaL 1„ p,��1----------------- ----- - �_ Commissioner of Finance. C6uncii File No ......... __-................ _.. Ey.._-------- ---_---- ._--- _-------....._-..._.. CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, oosts and expenses for curbing both sides of Van Buren St. from Dale St. to- Victoria St. ;s,��sxixa dssesssii�T Jr ,y t S -F - X06246— �t 1 ![6tLe! OI } k6nle>t � Costs-.8T•.Sl Hader Preliminary Order 30088? Intermediary Order..._1028,9 .._.,.� Final Order:-.,,Qa,A�L$____.. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been farther considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby order d to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation. BE IT THE- RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable ._........equal installments. Adopted by the CounciL.r._SLP 30 1936_..._.._.....__......__ Y Chrk. 30 3936 Approved.... -.-_.------- ------ - --------- _--- -..19...._.. L ..Q... -' Mayor. Form B. B. 16 �� r?USI iShTsl) 1 CNTY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment ............ Vfl 19_36 In the matter of the assessment of bensfits; 00ets and expenses for ldme ourbing both aides of Van Buren St. from Dale Sb. to Victoria St. i under Preliminary Order...... -.1 �� 101289 -- - ...; Intermediary Order ....... -•-89....................................... Final Order .......VMS! ...... -............. ........... approved --§qptember -lea .................................... 19._$5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve. went, viz: Cost of construction . . . . . . . . . $--- .2.284.02 16.65 i Cost of publishing notice . $.. ................. Cast of postal cards $ ..............: 3.33 Inspection fees . . . . . . . . . $----------_44.68__.•.- Amount of court costs for confirmation . . . . $...--..-_ 16.68 Construotion Engineering i74.e� Total expenditures . . . . . . . $....2�49Qs50---•-•- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of..............upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits con- ferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such setion thereon as may be considered proper. alps. �..../..�Q.J...._............................ Foy H. H. i� Commissioner of Finance. thi61na1 to dty tlerk •-R t �� - + (�i �2nA9n i CITY OF ST. PAUL Fas "� NO ..... �i[l�E+tZa/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK bUNCIL R ELUTION—GEN�ERA/(� F��LQ/�, M 1�R64ENTED_BY A_ A_ 12 �%J�lGi"I `^ ae..+. an+Y.. loan RESOLvEo, That a special elect on is hereby ordered to be held in the manner provided by lax in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, on Tuesday, Hovember 3rd, 1936, (which is the same day the General Presidential, State and County ke'ation will be held.) for the purpose of submitting to the electors of said City for the ratification or rejection of the following Water Bond ,F '0629Ordinance: 8 $ aRedlvad that —Hyae ewemZe- �ebYy drdered,to be held in.the manfler vldad by law=in the C/tyoY St, 'F.an1,= ORDWANGE NQ. 7713 aabaoYs on Tneada¢ November'9Yd; +3 �gq�htoh le'ihe same, dryy the tlenr sidenEE„, ;y d Cbhnty, h rbe^. OAA ordinance authorizing and providing for issuance a[x -sale of s' Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000) peer value bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of extending, enlarging and improving the, Water Works system, owned.and operated by the City of 811--i- 77-- Pau1,`Miane�ta.a Resolved Further, That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give notice of said election in the manner provided by law and he is hereby authorized and directed to prepare the necessary voting places, printing, stationery and election supplies, the cost and expense to be paid out of the Election Expense: Account of the general Fund, Besolved Further, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby ordered and instructed to cause to be published the Sall text of Ordinance So• 7713.in the St. Paul Dispatch, St. Pall Daily News, and St, Paul Pioneer Press., Said osdinanoe shall be published once in each of acid newapapara not Iesn than tan days nor. more than fifteen .davas before Diovember 3rd. 193 ,end' it o.iain•i to cia dart 1��MMD By corAt4ISSIMTEONOL-� CITY OF ST- PAUL OFFICE I OF THE CITY CLF -RK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENF-RAL FORM cou"cw- NO ------------- ----------- FUX page 20 RESOLVED 0 atifioation estatementthat said ordinanO or rojectIOU shal be PrOced"bya -for a of the City of Ste PsUl. Ujunesotas, tus, elector be bold wesdaY, November 3rd, 1956, (*Job, at the Special GI" Election to and (;Ounty Election will be r, re, presidential, State a the same day - the Go" ion Shall be -paid from the Election Ezpense held.)fte cost Of such publication ,.Ooonnt of the General MaO City Election shall Resolved Furthers TbMt the polls at said Special the dolling Placeerexcept hours provided by law, and. ,main open during the, ordery, aid the judges and clerks, Of as the Council may hereafter otherwise at the general eleotl*IL- gm,d election shall be the same as thosea C;jty (;Jerk. Or Other lega" Such JudgeS shall have the rightt to take from the lists used and use at seid eleetiO30L the AuPIADGAG registration custodian at . .... %,W general 011*cti*U* COUNCILMEN N&Y8 Ye J. f.", rson ..Against 4 --no am Adopted by the QCT see .193 Mayor Y L N -� St. Paul, Minn., September 28, 1936 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen: I hereby respectfully make application for the transfer of my On Sale Intoxicating Liquor License no. 680, and also the transfer of my Malt Liquor Off Sale License no. 3943, Malt Liquors On Sale License No. 2994, and Restaur- ant License No. 7606, from my present location at 421 East 7th St . to 180 East 7th St . My reason -for making this request of you gentlemen is that I am unable, on account of the location, to success- fully continue in business. There have been no complaints against my place of business of any nature, and with your permission, I will use my best efforts to continue to oonduot my busi4ess at the new location in a similar manner. Very sincerely trusting that you will grant my request, 1 am Respect -fully yours, Vito Clarizio \ ` 421 East 7th St. 1 f1 Q St. Paul, Minn. JJ" CITY OF SAINT PAUL - APPLICATION 'POR ,ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Pito Clarlste:- Age 41 Name of Applica;it- r. 4g3 Residence Address z aamvh St- ---Telephone. No.,, Are you a citizen of the United States? Yes Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or.- business of 'similar nature? yes When and where?- 81196291$ - at %)5 If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation When incorporated? If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club How many member Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. cGive name -of surety company which will write bond, if known 9saboard snretY_0MqMUW_ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets 'Ward iso IL Seventh South Jackson & Sibler How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?___1bm_z9ar___— How many feet from a church (measured along street 5 blocks How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)? blocks A Name of closest school St- 1knou Pirorhlr How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? Dommercial On what floor located Are premises, owned by you or leased?__LMM"_If leased, give name of owner Scilimidt Brewing Co.,!,' If a restaurant, seating capacity 60 If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? - Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: F IFI 111 WA ISI H1111 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey. -- --`-- _.being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows 'the contents , ereof,land that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief Subscribed-- R and sworn to before me thu day of_. 193— Notary 93 Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires-__ STATE, OF MINNESOTA, ' as, County of Ramsey. first duly deposes and says that __ _the ---- -- — 8 y sworn, of— .. --- that _T — — - : a Corporation; has read the foregoing application and knows the, contents thereof, -and that the same is true to the beat of——knowledge, information and 64liQf: that the seal affixed to the foregoing: matrument is ,the corporate seal of said corporation, that,said applrcatroq was signed, sealed and,executed qn: behalf Qf,laaid corporation by authority of its 13oard of Directors, ana'said application and `tYie execution Uteeol`is• tha voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to befoce'me thin —day of --__T-193— Notary Public, Ramsey` Coup ty, F Mx -commission' expires In conneotion with the application Of Vito Clarizio for transfer of on sale liquor lioense to 180 East Seventh Street, I wish to report that all taxes are paid to date on this property. Yours very truly, Axel.F. Peterson, Commi.esionerof Finanoe. 1 ° 7 CITY •CF -:ST., PAUL Hueco NO.. _ to.- OFFI CITY ;CLERK COON OL--QEIVERAL FORM �inassa�sr irrins c r Counatl F13a;No, p7�,.�,',,..w"i"�, rJ •�j„ ir.� 3d 'March x8 18g4, coNye. tr.ard.a ed `o Mrs 4 CatAer. .� rauard�hn ot'theyere m , coum— 1Q5250 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO ........ .. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM ER. .NT 1D.Ey ...DATE....:. , MfL:....__.-:�_.__.._...._.._.. e.____..._., ...__._. ......... ......... ...._......._.... herebyauthorised to pay to, the said Yrs. Catherine Y. 0laugherty, guardian, the ewe of X116,92 Compensation for the period to and including September 26th, 1936 and the further no of $16.02 per week until May 14, 2936, or until the total sum of $7800 has been paid her, whichever is - first reached, said sums to be paid every two weeks out of the Workmen'* Compensation account of the General Fund; be It 8889kz _ TMTHER.RESOLVID, that 00=011 Pile Ro. , 1932 be, and the same is hereby amended t3 Y solution. �1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan L In favor Pearce ... ..................... . Pewraee� T-1. ................ Against Wows;- 314. 636 Mr. Second W= rc (`.'enzel) aolmeD. Nok055- 51 t' Original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL res ICE OF .THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL; RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM ' DA r;1 PRESENiE:S6Y !'indlen COMMISSIONW RESOLVED l21at the free nee of the Area in theSalat..Psul-Atdditorim( .� bs and it is hereby given to the St. Pahl junior Association of 9oanerae, for the MS boys, and girls, on ;Iiretilber 11th, 1936, as follows: 1. Lighting and heating of the_Anditorivls; 2. Use of the public address systea and drop curtain; 3. Installation of a sufficient asonat of ice to stage an ioe'showi 4. Betting up�of bleacher seats around the lee rink; 8. Use of chairs for setting up the banquet and Such other incidental se i es an , Gary for the staging of such Be IV FURTMp"OLV1ID, nut the cost of opening and operat- ing the Arena on that occasion shall be set up in the budget for 1938 in Auditorium Pbnd leo. 17. C F. No:198881 as;; -John s_rindl.,— Reeolvea that th4 treo i.6' of the A enw In tfie saint-]?sul Au4ltorlum.11e wnd'it to hereby glvea a the 8t PavI, Junior AmoelkWon'of lromme[se fora the A -H DoYe'nnd g1rR on.November rluvnt {tnk'and'h@atlg aof the Avdf-a �1'Uee,otz the publlnkaddYe@a system ) j' andAroDGttatlonourtairt 8 Jnetof a autsotent amottnt. of Ice to @lege of Ileicper) 4 feetElng vD of beaajter Beate Ground, t1, lee rime LS 6 tre@ :of g up the' tuintluet, apd - o r e/ ,'t 8 9uoh,-::other tael�el��.aS earvteee an ' may be n,'eceebary for the etaBln6 of I �SI �� such att aRalr - 9@ It-Fnrther Reeoty�g that the cosh�� ` tha�pocoe# n shell it, eel uF fnatLe budBgt foF 198.8 ,t;},.rAYylltoripm Fund. AdopteA✓bei� they Coun'@R Oat: 1 ADDYo'ded Oct 1 1988 (Oat. Ss19$8) COUNCILMEN dCT 1 jp�G Yeas Nage Adopted by the CotlnoiL_._._._...._..._._.-.�l.�±.193_.._ Barfass OCT Findian Approved....... ,._.._ - _..193. Pearce ...-•---- . ...... In favor Peterson 7 Mayor (Wenzel), Mr. Second Vice Pres. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4AN Cepifel of Minnesofe S� DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER PAUL S. AMIDON, S.I.-T..... T 46b.8 BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS MRS. J. 1'. JENNINGS, U.m.— A. E. TRUDEAU, D-- BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI, Sur.—..n September 29, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Will you please have prepared for my presentation to the Council a resolution to provide for the free use by the St. Paul Junior Association of Commerce (for the 4-H boys and girls) of the St -Paul Auditorium arena, as follows: 1. Lighting and heating,of the Auditorium. 2. Use of the public address system and drop curtain 3. Installation of a sufficient amount of ice to stage an ice show. 4. Settigg up of bleacher seats around the ice rink. 5. Use of chairs for setting up the banquet, and 6. Other incidental services necessary for the Staging of such an affair. This entertainment of the 4-H Club is a civic affair for which no admission is to be charged. Free use of the Auditorium as above is to be granted, and the cost of opening and operating to be set up in the budget for the year 1938 in Audutordum fund No. 17. Very truly you C aioner of Education TSF -R Bureau of Water m LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRIOf, Director $ureas of Lighting H. C STREICH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner B®0 October 1, 1936. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANas J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer In answer to your letter of September 30th relative to application for Fuel Dealer's License for 0. Beokkedshl and J. Fauchald at 459 E. Eighth Street, wish to state that they have established a yard at this address and have otherwise complied with the Fuel Dealer's Ordinance and are, therefore, entitled to a license. Very truly yours, FUEL INSPECTOR RHR:ER poxTal SUNTPAUL Gateway to the at Northwets4 �Y t nye NO CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY :CLERK COUNCIL GENERAL FORM CITY OF ST. PAUL, - ^" OFFICE OF THE . CITYCLERK COUNCIL CSflt TION---GENERAL FORM — -..... t 1O.2...... PRIES DA CMMISSIO.. ►' , - RESOLVEDarsons at the addresses That licenses applied for by the following named p indicated be and the same are hereby granted acrd the city clerk is instrmoted to issue.such licensee upon the Payment into the city treasury of the regained fees: Jerry-Skardo 1656 brand Av. Barber App. 14756 Renew 8 N. Smith Grocery " 14583 " S. Cardelli " pYg Sale Malt Bev. "'. 13124 " " It .Chea. Ellitt 1111 Payne Av. Gas Sta. 4 puma It 14628 s Louis A. Roiener 1581 'University Restaurant " 13298 " It n s n u Oa Sale Malt. Bev.. " 13299 ° s n " a Off It " " " 1113300 " 'University Av. Restaurant , " 111439 u Midway d® ement Co 1633 s 14440 11 u " n s On Sy"le Malt Bev. �� 11441 " It n n Off e It It n 8 bowling alleys ° 14460 " s;r a P. 1 8y 472 N. Prior Av. B'uel dealer It 14766 " J. A & A Credit System. " 14769" 490 N. Snelling Chattel Loan " 'I'VO 306367=HY d Hi,�Ea[IU69--. Peatce— bbtved, that l eeneea aDDlled for DY Lollowing named dicatedDersone at the Ad- eea In.ba and the game are ;1 o e o lisuatid th Alde& es. fe-fa ! metro o ieaue each Jlceaees tryQn IDH -.. meat Into Chet city Eteaeoay der is tYrnnd, AVe P'.¢Lt- COUN LMEN Adopted b the C000cil......._._......................OCT P Y..__. ._ . Yeae � Nays OCT q B OC A i9�6 dl bIn favor Approved 193_ _... eceraon et _ p .. Again C_ .. '� Mayor ....... I ERt 15 pUBLISiW AM 6.16 hit, Second Viec rree. (W®q7E 11111 �II�II Its] u �• .. limat1;LLlfer Syt ai rniurClL.�iESOLLFiION-•-G�urt wsd_4Pttior�sed e,{i �'., V, . trustee be granted,,' tnereiore, un y� i.1'rnnrt�trS'tn'the req�lest of the Fjlist iy Ake} F` Ieter'oi orl9w to. Gtr ctmk CITY`OF. ST. PAUL j Hornln6 hetetotore r. ot, Flfteen.Aonare OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 (Cterk ot:�sun�ci�atf ney to eeaare hla aD i ` ;rt on �eDtember 98nd. U LUTION=GENERAL EORM ;toacharse.Wen vanfl, an4 - t A W Horntn i s' . W n',that day b xpRr PRESENTED BY A p dean ;.. WHEREAS, p, .W. Horning heretofore deposited the sum Fifteen Dollars ($15.00) with` --the Clerk of the MunicipalCourt s.6,bail money to secure his appearance in Court on September 22nd, 1936, to answer to a enarge Ut,U., ra..••r, o - - WHEREAS, said A. Horning was present in Court on that � day, but failed to hear his name called, and the bail money was forfeited and turned into the city treasury; and ' WHEREAS, the Hon. Clayton Parks, one of the Judges of 1`4said Court, has recommended that said case be reinstated on the z` calendar and said bail money returned to the Clerk of the Municipal Court; therefore, be"it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are: La herebv authorized and directed to draw a warrant in the sum of r X15.00 in favor of the Clerk of the Municipal Court. COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Harfuss Find7an JI ___....._In favor Peterson ;;T '' L7itRe • _._—_.—_...Against •;itsTruax/ n�r.:Vice i'resideut Adopted by the Council_--�'�---•-.-193_._ Approved .... _.._ o -(,t7.._ rrte�,,--1�-�--- _----�----.- '/� y_ . _ / Mayor UBLISHED / '' 13 .r Oeidud w cuY Cleek 'as—BY ° ,r. , = F COUMpL NO. CITY OF.`,STypdt ltceaeea,<sYRliea for nr� at�tr^�yer t Harped A s8�ICE. n COUNCIL RESOLUOetY trbmuryme / eaD PRESENTED . -COMMISSIONER....._........ _...._...................................... xi RESOLVED That licenses applied for by,the follow9ng nad persons at vhe dcireclerk is ease inaicated be and the same are hereby. granted and the city instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the regc.ired fees: p, J. Doris 0 Payne Av. Confectionery App. 143110 New " 1 pool table(additional) If 14341it it f it Henry J Pagere 155 N. Snelling Confectionery It 14570 2 Joe Fleiscbhacker 858 Puller Av. Grocery s Joe rt Off Sale Malt Bev. ° 14788 s 14789 e n n it 8dward C' Conrady 840 E. Seventh Restaurant ° 14715 n Harold J. Pleetham 131 W. University n e 14747 a r� P. J. Doris 890 Payne Av. 1 additional pool table s 14589 " h COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council....... ©C........_. YeasNays as . 193-... indlan ........._.._ In favor Appmved............ _.IIrtT-. __ -193— eteraon n j , Against d enzel �Y°i PUBLISHED 3M. 6,16r,. Mks !'resident {Truax) 0 Bureau. of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C STRETCH, superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner B®o September 25, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Court House. 205270 Holman Municipal Airpod PRANGS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Marken LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Invesrigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer Dear Sirs Will you kindly draw up an agreement between the Northwest' Airlines, Inc., and the City of St. Paul, leasing them 1 - 8000 gallonstorage tan nowwintoralsttallleeddYat the Holman equipped Municipal Airport, The Northwest Airlines agree to keep this equipment in first-class condition at their ownexpenses and a clines which sideration agree to furnish the city agent to be made may be purchased for resale at Dost; that the at of on a yearly basis and should the Ci�the Northwest Airlines the lease decide not to renew same, nt to the operating oon- further agree to restore such e$�P dition prior to the leasing f ER : PHELIS P -2�.! M N o -tan �- Gateway to the Great Ngrila'reat very truly yours, HERMAN C. WENZEL COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Bureau oMater LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VIROR H. ROEHRICi, Director Bureae of Lighting H. C STREICd, Superinlendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner 84000 September 25, 1936. Hon. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Utilities. Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANOS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. OBEGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer I have taken the liberty of drawing up a.letter for your signature to the Corporation Counsel for the leasing of the gasoline storage equipment to the Northwest Airlines in accordance with our conversation of September 23rd. This lease will not tie the city up for any length of time, and I believe it very desirable Inasmuch_ as. gasoline sales at this time do not warrant the purchase of same in tank car lots and it will be much better for this equipment to be in constant use than to leave it lie idle,as we would otherwise have to fill this tank with water to prevent deterioration and the saving on the purchase of gasoline will increase the revenue for the operation of the airport. While it may not amount to a great deal at the present time with the increase of operations at the field, should the city decide to continue this agreement it will accordingly increase our revenue. Very truly yours, 'r AIRPO T DIRECTO FJ G: ER PORToFIS PAUL MTMn rn GatewaY to the Great Northwest `ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. LA MONT KAUFMAN - Supt. of Playgrounds Supt: of Parks - CHAS. A. EASSFORD City Arehited CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital, of Minnesota atr V DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 aty Hep , FRED M. TRUAX, CommitslanOr f' CARL E. SPEAKS, Deputy Commtutoner - - October 2, 1936 Hon. H—C. Wenzel Commissioner RE: St Paul Public Market Docket: Minn. 1019-R Dear Sir: The extra work listed on the attached Council'Resolution was requested by the market Faster and is explained as follows: The iron sign brackets will be used as holders for wood signs giving the number of the stall and`the Name of the person who has rented it. These brackets are to be built and erected in accordance with details shown on:the accompanying,drawings and will be primed and painted two coats;, of lead and oil. The painted and lettered metal signs are for the designation'of'' sheds, one sign will be placed on the outside and another on the inside of the sheet iron gable ends of the shed., The " signs that are to be painted and lettered on both sides .will be,hung-in the center of•the sheds. These signs are to be made of #20 ;gauge sheet iron, 20 inches wide and 30 inches high. The T shaped stall boundary lines will be stenciled on the, concrete platforms of the sheds with yellow curb paint. The vertical line of the T is to be 6 feet long and the horizon- tal line 3 feet long. All lines to be 4 inches wide. We have checked over the various items of this additional work and .recommend that the• Contractor; be authorized to do the work. Yo�vor/yy truly •. Architect RLE..0 .r r eovxa�';NO CI TY .OF ST PAUL nu NO. . OFFICE 'Q E GITY ��CLERK; �OUNC�ENERAL FORM. eeUHea NO ��tJF.ri"5 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ON—GENERAL FORM October 3 1Q'�6 PRESEN...._....DATE._............................._.....3....... COMMISSION.:._....:.......... .........-................................................................................. RESOLVED That Restaurant License 6109, On Sale Malt Beverage license 35271 and Off Sale Malt Beverage License 4762, expiring July 9, 1937+ issued to George A. Osted at 1966 Stillwater Avenue, be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for arrest and conviction for violating closing law, and selling liquor without a license. COUN LMEN Yeas Na s uss an In favor 4rroe e:�son �Againnt a JiGenul Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6M Adopted by the Council.0...C.T.......t�._� 6.......193..... Approved. OCT 3 . ..... ....... 1193 _ y................._............_.._....._._ �............... Mayor COIINCILMEN Yeas Nay'',, Barfnss I Findlan n Pearce ( _.-..----- •••In favor Pc:kersou :%r1 - .� Truax ___._1-= ••--.Against C. F'. No. 106877=BY � C �enael- Resolred, that Item=22 82 fm ttie, 1957_ budget ae eatllnittefl .bYy the `Comptrol-. ler to theAltY Connors be and the game is herebY9ilncreased 31100000 eo se to be. $181.574 Adopted' by �th'0 Couhcll Ocb 6.I9S6.' Approved Oct. 6, 181396) (Oet• 30, 5193. sa...._ , Adopted by the CounelL___.. Q_C.+..r__._. _._._._. Weuzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM. 11-$3 . Mayor I COUNCILMEN OCT 51936 Yeas Nae Adopted by the Counei ....... ........ __._.__:.193-.- Berfnss p Findlan uv 7 ` Pearce In favor Approved: __:_.. ___..... .__.- 3.-._. Peterson 1�?'��: J Trussprrenj..Against,- .! ._.. -- - Mayo . - r Wetizd wMPAZQI ' Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 11-35 the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby decreased—tp.000:00` so as to be COUNCILMEN Yeas N�.d Adopted by the C..fl...___Q�+T /l � v .......;_ In favor / P�Srcereon v ASamst Approved_....._._.__.._. _... ruas .y......:.1.. -._.,..._ ... Mayor /W 1 r. President (Gehan) ' 3M 636 1. Qeialnd to iylf .fit,; CITY OF ST.,PAUL ins 61L Q528W NO- - " OpFIGE OF ,THE CITY: CLERK _ COUNC G Sr '��J N ---GENERAL FORM ' n �iy PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. .....: ._....._- I1'•. ..._. .__ �. .. _ .../�%�6.... _.. ..._ 9 _..... ... ._... ,t RESOLVED That itieas 31 dik ' in the 1937 Budget ae eubmitted'tq the City Conacil the Comptroller4be and the Same is hereby iaareaeed st600.00 so a8 to.bs $9,000.w O.;F No 106¢80—BY Azel 'b' PetereoP. by re4neet— � f-:Reeoivedithat Item 31-61� in the 1987 budget ae enbmltted to the Clty Coun- bo and tae saltie all,by, the Comptroller �ia:�herebyincreaeefl-:6,00000 eo ae'to : , Dei 6.000.00• the Connell Oat. 6. 1998: 6,opted by 1 88. ,�' 6. $ i,, '- „ilDDroved Oct. , - (Oct 30,<18$0) _• '' COUN 1LMEN Yeas., Adopted, by the Co =l -W, ,,:; Nays y 193E OCT ....... ... -/Bss ,�, OCT 510 In favor Approved..._ _ _.. _.__.. _ _ . __ �_ /Pe rson Aga tnet C/' ... .. __ /Tr s yot' • Mr. President (Gehan) .._. ' ' '. ,' aM _ 6. . . COUN1LMEN Yeas Nays use dean ..................... In favor e taut Against 10- 3M President (Gehan) a 3a C' R No.;0.06188—By.Aze1 F'peterson; ', ROeolvOede,that Item' 16 Al (n tt 0 1997:. oll bgy the Comptroller benand the same 1e hareDy Increaeedr,i1,848.00.ao; u ¢o be 118,848.00. AdoDta4 by'tde Counoil Oct. 6, 19181 ADPFeV,ed Oct. 6,.1918. ,, y o-wd-1(Wgv u* COUNCIL - ... CITY OF'St. ,PAUL .�� NO.—J.0.� ' OFFICE OF THE CITY 'CLERK, UTIONw»GENERAL- FO M y COMMISSIONE ..�_. _ ......_..__.... — _ ..... _._. TE ......._, ...... _. .._._.... .,._ -, 1. RESOLVED ► 2mt item_25=p in the 1937 Badget as submitted to the Oily Oonnoil by the oompt"JISr be. and the ease 19 herelp ; \ increased $P--000-00 _so as to be ''M2,200,00 _ `^ -77777777-7--7 C:F No'.106863-Hy Asei�F. Petersoht bs request— Resolved, that item 26t In the 1937. budget es submitted .to the Clty Covn-. CI1 Dy the Gomytr0 er•be en$ the,enme'. 1e-hereby ineseesad ;2.009 00 so ".to - - .,Adopted-by She Couuoll Oct: 6:' 1988. � Approved 1988) yO�ct'10 f f . COUN WEN OCT 5 1936 Adopted by the Council ...... .. 193 Yeas Nays OCT S 7dL- 1*** In favor Approved............. ................................. .......... .... _ 3 .... /son Against/ / ! ::.. Mayo[ 1 eudent; (Geban) 3M 636 OAaimlta .< CITY OF ST. PAUL`u 61 No •' OFFICE iOF THE'CITY : N-GCLERK UN SOLUTIO—ENERAL FORM PRESENTED ,COMMISSIONER .._. ...k..... '....._.. ... _ ._..._.,. TE_....__.:. RESOLVED , That item. 25-A5 in the 1937 Bueget se submitted to , the `City Oouaall,bg the Oomptroller be and the game is her incresse8 mdt p_00 so as to,be $3,672.00 , C. F No. 3068611.-8y AzeI�F. Peterson• r �fe '•R600 Ved tb'at_itelq'86•!i6 1n the 1957 'budget ae enbmftted to the Clty COnn+ ail -by the Cora trollerbelanfl the same - - ' thereby lncreaeed ;178.04 eo ,as to'bb ;3,678 00 -. -Adopted byY>the CobnglI' Oak 6 1986' ADDreyed Ook 6, 1986 ` (Oet 10 1886)_., „x ea6 , &U 1vIEN Napa Adopted by the Colmetl • OCT 5 193 use _ a n , r OCT 593 Is favor t Approved__..._ pace _ � N " t . .',' �rua��iG..y. .. ✓ lvisyur rte6latot (Ge*) " 4� n. fae�.l w cu, cl«k m� NO x 11 t CITY OF ST..PAUL. „ OFFICE':OF. THE CITY:,'CLERK CC CIL RES UTION--GENERAL FOR PRESENTED .BY - V-1, _.:..... _...._.... .» _........ ' . .: Q P' No. -106888-73y.A,Re1F PetgYeon, byy iequeeL - i HeeolY,ed,. Chet item `81 CI fn the 1987. budget aeeubmltted to the CStY Coen-, cfl by the Comptroller'be and the ngme le hereby Hecreseed i1 000.00 eo es to ..Adopted by'Cha Council Oct,6,1988: - ADproved OCL 6; ^1888. -g� orldeaj,k . CITY OF ST. PAUL m� `NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK P COU 1 UTION---GENiERAL FORM PRESENTED <.COMMISSI NE .r ....... _. ..... .. ._. .._;. .._._... - ...._.... .. ........,:. RESOLVEDThat atom 27—b1 in the 1937 Budget an submitted to the ,City Council by the Comptroller be and the same ie hereby '- decreased 000.06 so as to be $300-000,00L " C.P' Ho. 106x87 By Azelll* Petersoa - eat L, I lttm 27-A1 it the 1947 budget•as'eubmed to ih'e Cfy Cauncll by:the Comptroller ba and th8,am6g hereby decreased ;60,000,00 eo as to,''be ;.At{opted byY the CouacilOot. 6. 1938: ,- :� ., " ApDro,Ock 6 1838: a : :. ..,. (Opt 30.1886): .":, c• _ C.ULTIV MEN _ ..._ 93 ._.. Adopted by the Couna--- (' T___..5._I 1 ���N Yeas ✓ ays taln 193 r. In favor _ ce l f ' Against Gil ..� : .._..._. _fir Preetdenf (Gehany " 3M636 cfrr OF sr Pain"; OF iet, OF THE CITY CLERK, COUNCLRFSOLl1TICN---GENE�aL FORM y P N ......:� DATE_..�tP..:.�.."...�.�SG..., that" ithe 1937 BuagetX' .•. ' Fund No." 17 A-1 Coun ll, He oluticnsetoir submitted to the Council by the ,C tr ller, "bethe sem-3iere- " bT is increased by'the.sum of so as to aor he•purpose of reimbursement to `the extea cost of the ogQning-and operation of the.,Auditorium for public purposes and as authorized by Couneil;Hesolution on the occasions referred to in the ' Yol'lowing resolutions adopted and approved by the City Council- YEAR BILL N0. PURPOSE -� AMOUNT 3935 6-95 John 8: bYj Coo Daily News Cooking School 0 e° 17:A Y COu ` the 1987 bu et 721.24 r 1935. 6-.96 oun°n by;thn om Admiral Downes Meeting 'm"oma $11.995.00. 218.59, ; 1935 6-9.7 Navy' Day; Program y,.�'"e same bethg rnr, 235.59 -y'ute° M.M W;lo .o' ` 1935 6-99 Parent - Teacher .Council 3j[urfumuto:;uuxo; 33.46 1935 6-100 Invoice W P A Orchestra - December nhehpcc6eiou. 149.73 19 8 2058' o�ut�dne Trades & Labor Assembly: " fc"?�iy O > 105.32 •1936 2124 W•P A Orchestra - January. 156.86 1936 2125 �! " _ February 134.47 " x936 2127 Minna State:,Dental.Asan.; 1,84¢:25. 1936 2128 Conference Christians &,70*0 116.08 ,1932 2162 Reimbursement- On Old Amounts of St. PaulAssn. of Com. CF�1p0555° 4�095.OQ 1936. 2194 Union for•Soeial dustSCe; 195.95 136 2253 Singing ChurcYiea: 2$0.67 3936 "; 22�55 Democratic Convention, 3005,0 1936 4142250 Araiy.. Day Program 340.#9 1936 2261 Baseball Rally 320.24 1936::" 2279 W P.A Orchestra - March 139.63 1936'.. 2280 W P A Orchestra • April;;, 41 27 1956A"r,- 2281 W P A Orchestra -May;`,116.21 r`, 1 2282 II of Minn. Band Concert °2$8.74 2283 Indian Dedication " 164.04 SON. 2289 High School Graduations"; 1° 448.49 1936 2291 W P A Officials Meeting';.149.68 1936 2292 Degree.oY Honor Meeting`' 234.06 Er- 1836: 2297 W P'A"Orcheatra(June �;72.09 TOTAL OPENINGS - �+ ZWNLMEN YeasNage Adopted by the Cottnp7 C�•, 193 a. an OCT 5 In favor APp►oved._ 193 on Against S ,y ✓ '- 1Qayor PUBLISBED r.President (Gehan) COUNCIL iQ52 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL Fax NO...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL, RESOLUTION NERAL FORM :i COMMit381 ON EY -`+ DA RESOLVED ,;That Item 22 B3 in the 1 37 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Couneil be and ;the same is hereby iaareased $2,500.00 so as to be $35,742.00. C.'r No 106290=nY H. C. Wenaei� +�"e olved..that item 22 H2.fn the 1987. budget ae,eubmitted by the ¢omDtroller to: the C1ty Counculbe and the game is, herebg9 Sncregsed {x.600.00 so-: sa to -be - $S6 74200.. Adopted by (he Council Oct. 6.k 1956.' ADDrovedOct. 6, 1986... _ OCT 5 1936 COIINCILMEN Adopted by the Co unciL_....._..._.._. - _.__._...193...... Yeas NaysOCT Barfusa " Findlan It �.we In favor Pearce Peterson . ••-•• ••-'-" Truax ss Against � � �• 7... Ma or....... Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) _ BM 11-86 u✓: Adopted by the Couacll Oct. 6, 1986, Approxed Oct. 6 1980 (Oct i 3y COUN91LMEN Addpted,by the Council.,.. QCT 5 M 193._:: Yea$ Nays B uss ....... . _.._ In favor APpro�. _193 /Peter. Z. 'a ..: r Mayor yo em Mr. President (Geban) �..: 3A 6.36 : - + COUNCIL 1.V529 odiga.lt rvncl k �� NO. ......................_ �• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM gg p�[♦, DATE......... .............::.: . COMME 88 LINC-=••-••••--- ryv._...L_....:.---- •. - ......_.__... RESOLNEO, That Item 19-C-1 in the 1937 budget se submitted by Comptroller to the City Council, be and Lthe same is hereby increased $2,000.00 so as to be $14,340.00. C�Rego ved th t0 item 19-C-3 mib 19.r budg@t a9 eubmttted by[he:ComgtrolleF to tL6,ottq Co¢ac11, be a¢d tho same f4 �e�e��yy fneteaeed: 8 000.00 pb ae to, be 314.840.00.; Adopted byy the Council Oot 6 1988. ADWt;. Cot 6. 1988 (Oct. 10, 1838) •OCT._.. 93. Cp ILMEN Yeas Na Adopted by the Council. _5_ . .:... Buse e el ' OCT Fpfdlan In favor ................... Approved .................................. 193....... ................... tersonAgainst nn (� i......_ G�-!...� .............. Mayor Idux /1� 1 r President (Geban) '3M 636 ... _ couNea 1067 CITY OF ST. PAUL riu NO. ....................................... f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL �{RESOLUTION ..GENERAL FORM _._.__. _..—..__.�._.. _..... _ DATE.......................................... _....... ....... ...._.._....__ RESOLVED p.,,That. Item 19-0-2 in the 1937 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council, be and the same is hereby increased $1,240.00 so'as to be $2,660.00. olved;0tat Item. y: Frod M.,Truax- goeolVed .that item l9 C 21a'the,1887 budget ap,.ubmitted;by t4,e Comptroller, to the Clf Coupol4`be and tbe-eame fs hereby,increased,=I� D,00 po�sa to-bB 1,8 880.00.. , Adopted by the.Cduncil Oot. 6 0.,88. ApproVed Oct. 6. 1888 - (Oct. 30;:3088) COUNCILMEN Yeas / Na a Adopted by the Council_._......_._......._..........193..... Q.......q 51936 Muss /la° ............ In favor APProved.. OCT 06 .193...... /P%�reon j!...... Against ux .... .... ` ..... L.....�tly ........ ..: May . or eazel Mr. President (Gehan) ,,. 3M 636 `k Y, CITY ,OF ST. PAUL `n°ri NO.......141.5 OFFIC�'1 OF TI#E CITY CLERK COUNCIL e J N GENERAL FORM ' 'Approved..... is .... ,. J Againsp .w. / k 7 ' 'Otl9111.lt.CIM0.1, 105302 cauwa NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK"` COUNCIL RE -GENERAL FORM ., PRESENTED HY. .,,. QOMMIS9IUNERr._;., - '- ...._::.._, ......�:. ......_ :;�_... ...._... �., ...y.,: »..._._::DATE...::.:.. September RESOLVED That Item 10=04 in the 1930 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the: Comptroller, be slid the same is 4► hereby increased $5,600.00 so as to be $12,249.00. s � C F buea30680E—lTtHeedy Itr1v0l-aCB4 CI.•the Cdgolvs6dbms'19 a7� 611 by tbe�COmDttoller,: be aad tbe'6ame J4 heTaby Inar66sed, 16,800 00 ab ea,;to be $121249.0- - tj � � AQoDteQ by kbe ;Coi le Oat.S. 1888. - ADDroVed,&I, 6. X836 . ,. ._ Yeas COUN MEN Nays Adopted 'the byCouncil �� Q CT_. 5..:193 n " favor 6i:T 5 1936 e son, .. _.In Approved...._ 193 .: i ...._. AgainaC4 L..�•-• - 1. Mayor, r Ptte#dent (Geban) 3M 636,. CITY OF. ST. PAUL couwci� nu I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL -GENERAL FORM Septeml f•••"•-=�.. ..:.._..__.. ... _DATE ................................ That Item 11-A1 is the 198¢ Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller, be and the same is hereby increased $5,590.00 so as to be $52,590.00. C Re.Olved, —By Irving C.' Rearce=l eoltthahat Item it -Al is the 188T budget.ap submitted to the, CityY Ceun- Cll bythe Comptroller be and;the'eamo In, hereby lnorelee& $5,590.00 po as. to be 88889000 ,_ - i Adopted by thq Couch; Oet.' b: 1988. App roved Oat. -8,' 888: - (Oct. q --- Nays ()C7 In favorAPProved 193:.... Q t/....... Against sident(Gehan) couw em tort oto,imcinta.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL NO...... OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK ; COUNCIL R - GENERAL FORM September S0� 1986 p PRESENT$Ep BY CCOM 15 TUNER:_.-..' - ........ .... .... _... . _.. _. _. _. - _.....-...-__. - .-....DATE ............. ....... ., RESOLVED L That Its, 3.142 iu the 1984 Budget ad Submitted to the City, Cotulcil by the Comptroller, be and the same $S>OOC•CC so as to be $199OW-00. is hereby increased C, F. No..,}06806—SY IrvinB C. Passes— at Item R A8, In the 1Ba7; Resolved W City .Coun- �. the e yams - - - budgetas aubmlttedita t bil by-the Comptrolle8 000 09 tl4 se,to be ie hecbtiyy looreased(= . - Oct. .6 1988., $13000 d byy the,Counc{! ., Approved pot 610 81980) - (Oct.;, 51936..193...... COUN MEN Adopted by the Council ...._�CT ---..- Yeas Nay AI dIan In favor Approved �C. P ce eaon c - V J eve /f ua Against 7 Mayor elizel Mr President (Gehan) �„✓J% 3N. 6:36: aouxcv CITY OF ST. PAUL NO- ........... .5308 OFFICE OF THE, CITY CLERK COUNCIL R�NGENERAL..FORM _DATE.... .......Saptember_.gC.�_.19g8 " That Item 14 -Al in the 1986 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptrollery be and the same is hereby increased $2v000.00 so as to be $16,000.00. IC COUNCILMEN YeasNa B uss dlan ........... ce In favor �erson nn /T ' x (......!'Against nzel JJJJJ/ President (Gehan) 3N. 636 Resolved., that, ieYm1 i Al' Ini . 18 budget alb submltted to the 41tY Ceun- oil by, the Comptroller be Ahd the same Is Beeincreased i2 600.00;.6 as to' byy b Adbpted by the Coungfl Oct. 6 1938:; APgrdved Oct. 6 1980. _ ;t (Oct: 10 1838) `prlyteel to Citj Clerk .0UH L �Q � CITY. OF ST. PAUL nu MO :. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRE6ENTED By . ............ .... COMMISSIONER.......,_ .-..Q`.T..:......t,r' F, Tj............ RESOLVED That item 15-G-5 in the 1937 Budget as submitted to the - oiler be and. the same is hereby city Council by the Comptr so as to be_ 60,000.00 increased jisaweaeed-10.000.00 y.'S Yeas COU ILMEN Napp Adopted by the Connell OCiT §...1936193 w. O.W io to Cly Oluk „4.t eoYNGL s� CITY OF `ST. PAUL •~ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--.GENERAL: FORM PRESErase0 eg TAUW a FTNntl1N Hary SEPT. 1936 V Ree0lved that itgm 10 8 1 in the 1887 budBoti:ae submitted to the CIiY Coun- oil by the Comgtsoller be and the tame is hereby /ncrem04, ib 000 00 eo as to,be {E6 600.00 ' Adopted by the Comfclt Qct. 6 1988: —•APDroved Oct 6; 1988. ._I (Oat 10 1898) , .Y" eoure(15317odenal to City CI.k 1 f: CITY OF $T.'PAUL au, NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L//Lr1,�1 COU CIL/ �RESOLUTION­-.GENERAL FORM C PRESENTED BYE Yom[(/W'Oe••i._..........._...._......_ - .................. .DATE..._.......�...._OOtObQT..e, ._1936 ......._ ,. COMMISSIQNER ........ _.......... ._.........._ ......._ RESOLVED That Item 7—D-1 Deteotive Division Salaries, Bureau. of Police of the Department of Public Safety^ as submitted to the. City Council by the City Comptroller be and the same is hereby inoreased $9,000.00 eo as to amour to $99,189.00. I C tl Reaolvea in ! eaim� 4 P41 Dept ce Dlvlelofi .6alarlo9; Bureau of Police of 1987Dbil08eteae eubmltted to�YthabCtoy Councll DY the CItYppComPLFoller:be and eoA [p �mouvvnt;to, i9918A Ope4, iB 000x0¢ PPv A OOC�B: 398ra 8 a roll Oot. 6 1988.. 10..j 1888) COUNCdMEN YeasNa ss dlan In favor ce _ e rson ..... ..... lti/_._ 'Against etuel r. President (Gehan) 3M, 636. Adopted by the Council,........00T ......5...,tnnn 193 00T 5 INS Approved..//........ _....._...._._.._____.._....__._ �...... Au .......... _ lvfay pelploel to city Clerk eouxa� 1:.. ,•' CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO._05g OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -: PRESENTED BV ,(/f/J...... OA�...T. October 5,1936...... .. COMMISSIONER....,..._..___.... ..... ................................... .. �:. ........ ire ;i RESOLVED That Item 5 -API Administration Salaries, Bureau of 71 re of the ,tai / 98 7-9-vi7woo' Department of Public Safety as submitted 60 the City Council by the City Comptroller be and the esms is hereby increased $3,000.00 so as to amount to $38,000.00. COUNCILMEN Yea$Nays as tan re ZIn favor n Against 1 r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 tr td lv 106$1$1136 8-A- eartuee•- - ation v al that Item $-A-1 Adm .,th6 trBtlom epl811 Bhresu'or F}re,,o[;th0 D'* On bElSuWe 6a[etyy. s4 aubmlt- ted(#a the C(ty Couunoti.,:by the City. Comytroiler be and the pQne to hereby Inoreased $3,000.00 So,,ap,t0 s,p4unL $0. lassoo$$ Adopted b;tpe Counali.00t. 6 38881 APProved let 6 188& (Dot 10 1a88�;"�, '`"-` RESOLVED That Item 8-D-1 Repair Shop Salaries, Bureau of Fire of the Department .�wxaee /497 of Public Safety^as sabmi� the City Council by the City domptroller.be and the same is hereby inereased $122000.00 so as to amount to $28,123.00. COLINGILMEN Yeah / Nays - Ian Ia favor rson . a _....... ��'.. AgalnBt r. President (Gahan) �IC F -No 30688f; 8Y 4 art via tbat (tom B -D 7, Rapair.. Shop ; Baisvieu,, Bareau o! Fire- or tbe, Depargnent of Publlo 8ar0 In..tb60 BudgBi ae eubmlLtad to the:Clty Courier off by tha CItYGomptroller:be bad tbo., eamz herebY'1nOreaeed":18000 eo sa. to amount to f8B Y88 00 Aflopta&b be Couaoll Oct. 6 1986.. APproved ocC6 Y988 t 3M 6.36 _ aouwca5 ^—`' 6dig.A.6CU, C.`k s. ...- ruts NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU M RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM G ..PRESENTED BY ................... _..DATE::....:.._QG.ti.S1.�r....5a....,.R. ......... -COMMISSIONER .......:__.._.:... " ' RESOLVED9areau. of Health That Item 9.p-1, Prom°tioa of Health in Schools 11�ad� city 00=011of the Department of Public Safety in the 1937 Budget as submitted -JO the the same is hereby increased $2,000.00 so as to amount by the City Comptroller be and to $11,557.00. A F No 3068$8 --BY fid' 'A' ��nu; of Resolved thea item,.8 C i otOton got Sealth fp 8ohoopW Fv eni ntT�n1,110 etY fn?be 108KBSn Lew en6mittgd to the CttY Co¢ne0. by tM CttyComE. ,,trolls!'hd'%nd thee to amdpnt° -oleaeed(&00000 qo'., 331 664 00. ;, s ppDloVdefl OCL1888 �1 Oot• 6. 1986:' tOct. 30,4988) COUN MEN Yeas B fuss Nay dlan Xrce _._ In favot utereon Against enol . President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council ......lapl......... 5. 10-193..... Approved._ ...... ..... Q„C_{L __._. OrWaj Cfty cl.k` COUNCL No J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .PRESENTED g .... ....... .. ..................._.._........ . COMMISSIONER... •- -- •• RESOLVED That -p mt 9-D-1 efood Regalation, Bureau of Health of the rG /937 Department of Publicic Sa3etyAa,s eab tted to the City Council by the City Comptroller be and the some is hereby increased $2,000.00 80 as to amo=t to $14,072.00 CAU GILMEN Yeas /B ues Adlan Nays . _. favor earce 4terson Against enol r. President JM 616 (Gehan) 106884"Al O �'1•H� Lu6s— geeolved, that• St9m 9 D 'ood Rett- ulatton, Hurean ot; Health 1utihe 1987 yySe,rtmeut:�of Pubtio eatat9 eeyme-l".;'ooutb atiblyymComocteacee4be,tan0d0fd0 e.IttoY nthe so, smount t }34.078 a to a 00 Adopted byy tbo Glounetj. Oob,6 1988., ADDtov ed ,Oat. 6, .1930 (Oct. 10;:'1886) ` CITY OF ST. PAUL COUN GL <:.�'i• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON , LRESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM - October 53 1936 ..DATE._.._.._.. ... , PRESENTED BY .._... f[/�// ....._... COMM SSIONER........! r.....;....._...... RESOLVED That Item 9-d-2 Board of Psieonerel Bureau of Health of the DepBrtmeat of Public Safety in the 1937 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the City Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased UP000.00 ao as to mount to $2,500.00. COUCJLIAEN Yen XB Na 6 ues Findlan Trce _._ In favor erson ._.......__ Ai -r Tr.enzel resident (Gehan) 3M 636- C 7P. Nod id6886LL=8Y O TL UbaCM = &eeolved. tbat1tp� d q-4 ^_8ouroL' nADmea Or.AtblCat i B tYt in ihee 1988 Budset,ua submlit.dNo'.the City Coun- ail by.the Ctty COmDtraller Da+and tha same is hereby lnoreaeed 4=1,OOd as toamount to'i8,690 do Ad0Dtod byY tb9;Caunoll Ockt.6, 1886: ADDroved OOk 6.1988 'rook, xo, isad� ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE .� . ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of Changing the grade of Hoyt Avenue from Hamliub Avenue to Albert Avarua to oonform to the red line on the profile hsreto attaohed and made a part hereofs the Present setablit,had grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading Hoyt Avenue from Esmllins Avenue to Stelling Avenue , #104367 under Preliminary Order approved July 14, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: to be done The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $Work mer WPA Pr03set - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are a's follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION - 1 1 Eoyt/s Rearrangement of HOYtG Land. .600 30 1 c=o Out Lots a 600 S.lOt 29 h all a 41002 1 i' do 30 2 do n 40p 1 3 400. " 626; 8..13 iPt•.of 29 and all 30 S do Bldg. 6000', Lend 400' _.. 1 4 do Bldg. .4600! 5.16 ft. of 29 and all 30 4 do Land 660 _ ._ 1 g do e 400 ii 30 6 do Bldg 4000' TOTAL, j., CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER V J� Z )--;—SMELL ING-- r 771 FASBURY AVE. r D a u t1 /KRONA D AV E. �3 �I SIMPSON AVE. I� s — V i PASCAL AVE. I r I I HOLTON I ALBERT D AV E 1NELDON AVE �I i I I 1 CITY LIMITS. I I I N Z r^ y� '011'iee of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July.. tS1a..19;56......... 193- To the Commissioner of mance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No._ :!4 T.---..:-approved............. Ji17Y..1-4s..19------------ -193..-....-, relative to Cheng ?8.. 1e-.&rade. QY. Hgyt--Ageaue m._He� Ae AY- Alw - tq -Albert._Avenue.► ---- and grading Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue...... -.- --------------------- ----------------------------- - -----................----------------------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- .._..------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Work to be done under W.P.A. pro, eat 2. The estimated cost thereof is S------------------------------, and t e total cost thereof is S------------------------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------- - - ---- -------- ----------------------- ------------------------ .------------------------------------------.----------------I... . - - ------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4• ----------------- ------------------------------------------------ -- - _..... -- 5. Said improvement is....... ......... _......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. ......... Cooner of blia Works. 9s g 3 7 ..6..,54 Age $ 1936 THE DEPARTMENTTFOF PUBLIC WORKS THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION July 50, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Worker city of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In the matter of changing the grade of Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Albert Ave �s also grading Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling This work is to be done under a P.R.A. Project. Moura truly, 54-4 G E SHa.AHD' ief ineer L Approved for transmission to the C7Xgoo f Finance nwING C.P Public Works* Commissioner of yCA �;N 7 B F CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS ................................. In the matter of i.n the lend n.e.ce.e.sarylfT ..................... slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the south side of Hcyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue of condemning ar,! .fin the, 1"d Prc' ala iJ 14 1986 defill xo under Preliminary Order ....................... — approved -rL S 8, 1938 IntermediaryOrder ............. ................................ approved ........... ........................ .......... I .......... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections,and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue from 6 ..:Hamlina..:HamlinAvenue to Snelling Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.; For slopesp cuts and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Snelling Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. i OCT6 IW6 Adoptedby the Council ............................................ ......................... 0t--7 VSO .... ........ .................. ................. .... ............................ ...................... Approved ...................... OPT- 6..0 city C"', 9 L 1 .. . . ............... ...... Mayor. Bohm (Councilmen Mdlan I May McDonald peareei Pearce PUBLISHED,4 Rosen Truax Wenzel Wenzel 500 -6 -Mr. Vice President (TZU&4 c 'FFLolow iod"Cwciedee Filletetion +-ore lira a6 W d popo0' li"br lint s6oro w6ch slop"'.j psaosh line Lu 5w k Ne,11,14X-3m E4 io HoYT AVE. /� SNELLINGAVE. HAMLINE AVB. Ns ! A ✓e. Frons �n►/:ns Art. TeSaal�;s•�Arts - dbpc D• % N6.4/e I �I N• _ - i Scale I = 100• Q C A B L E 'S H �', M L I N TH E I G H T D D. 20 21 2.2 23 24 2S 26 27 �Q 222 23 24 25 26 27 2830l7 Id20 21 4G.�9 I �o / 76• C, ty LI I" l is _ �,, v ` - - - - - - -t�►+ -- _ y+ =- Pa+ N+.. ---- - -_� - -t. oio d` cio ao 60 I °i° _ `�►- - - —.�+ - - NLS olo �° 60 W 20 d "Ic ' d ° �° d 60 S I6 r, W 1 20 :I- 60 ! ! 60 ,sf. 114 f 20 Ho > a.ss' . ,sass' Q 0 'r. Ns. I 3a W Is . ' 3e .Sfu.Hs Ill fu. _ . > Q W Q> Q z Z Q F- - z U T L V) H p T' S Q C' O M co W Q x = f , . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE llpfk5 (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Snelling Avenue. #104368 under Preliminary Order approved July 149 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - - $ The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 1 1 Bogtts RRo rrrenge�m=b of Hoyte Lend no 'w 41 1• 1.101 89 S so 1 cow out Lobe O No 1 6 do ° 4o0 30 R do • 40o 1 6 do " 400 • 6>tf Nell ft., of 20 end 41 6 do .30 �. 660 1 4 do Bugle 4W 1.16 ft* of 29 end all so * do laid W 1 6 dp " 00 so 5 do elft• 4 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 15 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER •ADDITION LOT 'BLoC1 ASSESSED VALUATION _ 14* -.. �'S ofIO7 " N � f0 A ow Out Loll HiQ66 �� 1 7 d0 Lead 00 III Im .so7 BUS9150000 - d g do L.nd 4W fD 8 ,I Laad 8225 Total "Bldgs. 46650 l The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated k 19-x- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 V a• Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _..J.uly--- .5.lo .1950------------------193..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No...104868_..... approved...........Jt117-14s-,1938-------------- 193--------- relative to _anndemninB..end..tAring..en..easement.-in .the.land.neceeearg--dor-. slopes,._cute-.fid-------------_. fills-- in. -the -grading. 04 _the --south. ,eide._of- Hopt.-Avenue.-from- Hemline- 9penue------------------------ to Snelling Avenue. ...------- -- -......................... ........... -- ......... -- .................._..._.-- ......... ... ---------------------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is 3-------- ......... and the total cost thereof is t--------------------------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ........... -------------_------- ..................... ---------------......... ------ ------ ..... - - .........-- . ----- ..-- ......_._.........._._.._...._.. ------------- -- ---------------------- . ----............---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------ ......... ------------------......------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------._...------- 5. Said improvement ie ...................... ...----...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. O' COM, OF FINANCE, 9Z*MX --- .--- ---- 12 mmiseioner of Public Works. . 3 ..fi..,5 AUG 3 1e�s IT _AJi !4f 1n_0 k In the Matter of !- Y §;gLq- !?--A and the south side of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to -Alley between Chelmsford and Bythe Street under Preliminary Order___ 104364 -----------------_-_approved - — --- - ----------------- - -- Intermediary Order ------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it extent and kind of im- provement By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, e to be made by the said City is_°Sb ----Chelmsford ---Street from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue, and the south side of Buford -Avenue -from Chelmsford Street to Alley- betviien Chelmsford and Bythe Street -------- -- — and ------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to, prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for aj�pi�yal; that upon said, approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there h. . I accordance Athere h*:� CT 6 "d by the Adopted Council ---- - --- -- --- ----- ---- - - ---------- - ------ --------------- -- - -- --- --- ty.Clerk. Approved------------ -- -192 ----- wl /."/. Mayor. Gouncilm.gn plw Councilman FApg"o#7_-n Findlan Councilman Pearce 'Gooneib'PUBLISHED mw "a"Sam- Councilman fflftmmL_: azm Wenzel kk-ftffft- 0 M (Truax) Formr0k.ex.r0eu, iQ `entre and the`>'outti^. COUNCIL FILE N0. _______ __- --------- widpt 7 he Connofl;% By ---------------------------- — ----------------------------- — -- FINAL ORDER _AJi !4f 1n_0 k In the Matter of !- Y §;gLq- !?--A and the south side of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to -Alley between Chelmsford and Bythe Street under Preliminary Order___ 104364 -----------------_-_approved - — --- - ----------------- - -- Intermediary Order ------------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it extent and kind of im- provement By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, e to be made by the said City is_°Sb ----Chelmsford ---Street from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue, and the south side of Buford -Avenue -from Chelmsford Street to Alley- betviien Chelmsford and Bythe Street -------- -- — and ------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to, prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for aj�pi�yal; that upon said, approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there h. . I accordance Athere h*:� CT 6 "d by the Adopted Council ---- - --- -- --- ----- ---- - - ---------- - ------ --------------- -- - -- --- --- ty.Clerk. Approved------------ -- -192 ----- wl /."/. Mayor. Gouncilm.gn plw Councilman FApg"o#7_-n Findlan Councilman Pearce 'Gooneib'PUBLISHED mw "a"Sam- Councilman fflftmmL_: azm Wenzel kk-ftffft- 0 M (Truax) Formr0k.ex.r0eu, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r. • r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of . ourbing Chelmsford Street from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue, and the south aide of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Alley between Chelmsford and Bythe Street #104364 under Preliminary Order approved Tu2tiV 14, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1295.35 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - _ $ .85 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 19 St. Anthony Park North Rest 100 ft. of that part 12 19 do S. of a line drawn from N.E. oor. to a point on W. line 100 ft. from S.W. oor. of (Finapt W. 100 ft. of that part lying S. of a line drawn from the N.E. oor. to a point on the W. line 100 ft. from the S.W. oor. of Lot 12) and all of Lot 13, and that part of Lot 7 lying S11y of.a line drawn from a point on Elly line 20 feet from the S. corner thereon to a point on the T. line 60 ft. from the said S. corner of 7 19 St. Anthony Park North TOTAL. Porn B. B. 30 ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldgs: 1300 4400 600 475. . 25550. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) - - - DESCRIPTION .LOT Bwc[ ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Ltmd 14 19' St. Anthony Park North 15 19 do 850 4600 18 19 do 860 3000 i - __ 17 19 do 850 4050 18 19 do 850 3100 Lot 19 and the South 10 ft. 20 19. do 1025 3950 ., PSmept the S. 10 ft. 20 19 do 1350 5000 21 20 do ,. 22 20 do . 23 20 do 3900 8100 24 20 do 900 3950 26 20 do 900 4050 ., 26 20 do 900 3300 _c 27 20 do 900 4350 28 20 do ) 1750 4250 29 20 do 30 20 do 850 2400 31 20 do 860 4650 32 20 do 850 6950 1 Oreavea Re—arransemautt 1100 6750 2 do 900 3 do 900 _ 3200 Total 23,700 81,600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Sol& 8. 1936 Commissioner of Finance. Farm B. B. 12 y 1403 1438 14.34 St. Paul, Minn._ _---- - --- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------ c;Ur 3__-_both_sides_.ol- Chelmsford--St.--from--Dosvze3 l--Ave.---to-------- Buford St. and the south side of Buford St. Prom --------------- j 6�e. Che]msford S$. to alley. _-_ %� ------- irwr------------------------- ---- ------- -----------fill. m . w y O7 O`I �' 4l ��• FULHAM ,ST. RA VS TON --- Sr C 0 CifE� /`JSTORD ST — ST RAYMO VAO AVE. •-GYBBS- -- •AyE. -- w H._ H _ Tx r i1/%z SE'ly 5ec ZO 7-Z91F Z3. I. Q I • �•`� z I A,rc i ``L Ip0y� - v NVF, 2 CARTER 0 0 VVfq LTH PYT- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August --11.11.- INS— ........... 193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File NoA.M6k.--_--- approved --------------- J Y.14x--1986.......... 193-........ relative to curbing-. of Chelmsford Street from Dosiell Avenue to Buford Avenue, and on .------------ --------------- the south side of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Alley between --------------------------------------------------------------------------------......... -- -- ..-- .........--.._... 1111 Chelmsford Street and Hythe Street. ........... ----------------------------------------- ------ ----------------------------------- - ------------------------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------ --------------- .-necessary and (or) desirable. 1295.35 C st per front goot $.Sb 2. The estimated cost thereof is b----------------------------1111, and the Total coat thereof �s 5..... -.--------------- inspection $22.75 Fhgineering $135.00 Frontage 1527 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. --------------------------------------- ----•--............ -------------------• 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is ------ 1111 ----- --------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subjeLet to assessment for said improvement. CUM. OF FINANCE. Pof]Qbliio ----------- ----Co esionWorks. 93 •�� k 3 AUG 13 1936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL Y INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION a,o August 11, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sire I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for curbing Chelmsford Street from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue, and the south aide of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Alley between Chelmsford Street and $gthe Street, under Preliminary Order C. P. 104364 approved July 14, 1956. Estimated Cost $1295.35 Cost per front foot .85 Inspection 22.75 Engineering 135.00 Frontage 1527 ft.- Yours t.Yonra t , 00 G E M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer Approved for transmission $ Commis ower ofJCFe IR9 C. PEAME, Co asioner 105329 etatltbntiddi, o4 the lt. jaem(nbrY.AvZauq bad-;.. _ u8der Prettm111aty Q •:' COUNCIL FILE NO- _-------------------- By - — -- --- ---------By_—___ ___ _ ____ _ — _-__--_____-__- thBbJeet',iir FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__ourbin; Seminary Avemse from Hamlin Avenue toSyndicateAvenue, and the waist side of Syndioate Avenue Prom Seminsry Avenue to the middle, of the blook between Seminary Avenue and Capitol Avenue under Preliminary Order -__10463 ___-_---------approved July 14, 1936 Intermediary Order ----------- approved A. public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ourb Seminary Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to provement to be made by the said City ie—_____ ____ _______ --------------__ --- ----- Syndioate Avenue, end the west side of Syndioate Avenue_framt Seminary Avenue tothe middle of the blook between Seminary Avenue and Capitol Avenue - and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit Adopted by the Council__—____OCTC61936 - - -- — uR-�Y7--/- City Clerk, NT a Approved..- -------------------- -- ------- 192 -- Mayor. �ouneilman,u L'ariuxr. Councilman�ux�' l-i,tdlau CQUhcilmand_10_01,1*01k-y Pearce / GYii➢C31i� W �il���?B1i;1RiS� .�Tr�e env. ,CiouncilnniJ}�aN Wenzet .. Mr. Vice President (Truss) / Form B. S. A. 8-7 iiIJBLISHED �� � l CITY OF 8T. PAUL x :�. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE tGI REPOROF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE T U ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Z (A) r ate Avenue, and the In the matter of ourl Seminary Amentia from.Hemline tonthe mi middle oue to f theoblook between Seminary t I side of Syndicate Avenue from. Seminary Avenue' and Ctpitol Avenue 1104363 I under Preliminary Order approved July 14. 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 1163.25 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ .87 front The estimated cost p foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK land Bldge.". 16 8 Hersey Sooleey Addition qp0 2950 526 2760 14 8 do 526 2150 18 8 do 525 2300 19 8 do 526 1950 20 8 do r 525 2850 21 8 do 525 2300 22 8 do 23 8 do 625 525 29M 24 8 do 526 8500. 25 8 do II _ TOTAL, 1 Pam B, B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) --.. - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION -I_— Land Bldgs. �I 26 8 !Hersay,W00180Y Addition 626. _ 2450 r._. 27 8 do 525 2950 II 28 8 do 525 2750 29 8 do 626 2300 I, 30 8 do 575. .3050 1 11 do 575 2600 2 11 �do ; 525 2050 3 11 do 525 2200 4 u do 525 2200 b 11 do 525 2150 6 11 do 525 2300 7 11 do 525 2050 8 11 do 525 2300 y 9 11 do 526 2100. . 10 11 do 525 2200 11 11 do 525 2300 12 11 do 600 1250 8.50 ft. of 13, 14 and 16 11 do 850 2960 I'. r Total 15,275 64,800 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Sept. 8, 1938 Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.-H&y--- 1-6;- ------------- 1934&.-. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to. cause the following improvement to be made: heteeea Hamlina_A�ce-►_and Syndicate-AQa_ The Curbing of Seminary.. S'tc- ------------------- -- r St. The Curbing of the west side of Syndicate Ave. from Semi ------------------- IMI -to_ -the. middle--af---hlaak------- i10liimweYa--be-tweem Seminary St ----------- And C"itol St. ------- ---------- St. Ave. s El 4A Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: order of the The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary - July 14a 1956 - 193 ......... relative to Council, known as Council File No,."..1 approved ------- .---- ..-..---------- -.Syndicate."and_Rest-_-- __-----------gtu'bing..SeminaFY._Avenue giwm" Hemline -.Avery."- to.---.. - side of Syndi tate Avenue from Seminary Avenue to the middle of the block--_- ----------- - Avenue and Capitol Avenue. between Seminary --- ------ --- -- - referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the matters and things improvement is._--..--- necessary and (or) desirable. 1. Said imp Cost per front foot $0.87 ��-2�,..., and the total cost thereof m E.........................2. The estimated cost thereof ire rig 05.00 Frontage 1589 ft. Inspection 620.75 E1�B - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-------------- "---------- -------------- -"-."."".--.-.--.- -._--."-""."-.-."."-----._-._."..".-.."..-."-."."-.-"-_------ ..--."."-.-..-.--."---- rofile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof - 3. ------------ i A plan, p - -------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- - - - owners of property, 5. Said improvement is -----------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. mnusdoner of publio Works. 9 ,'•3 AVG 14 1936 • 4 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 12, 1956 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear sire I transmit herewith preliminary estimate 8 cost for the curbing of Seminary Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, and the west side of Syndicate Avenue from Seminary Avenue to the middle of the block between Seminary Avenue to Capitol Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104565, approved July 14, 1956. Estimated Coat $ Inspection 20.75 Engineering 105.00 Frontage 1559 ft. Cost per front foot 0.87 Your , M. SHEPARD, Chi Engineer. Approved for transmission,, to thef saion/�J.LJ��/Gf:E'J' G . C/PE6RCE, Commis ioaer COUNCIL FILE N0 ------- -------- -------- By--------------- - ------------------------------------- FINAL ---_--By--------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER 105330 T. +t,o Mo++ar of oonstruotig&_aurbing on_the_ west side of Fry Street from Marshall July under Preliminary Order ----104282 ---- --- - --------------approved ---- -------7, 1936 ------------------------- Intermediary Order ___------------approved ----- I ___ I A,public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice,. and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- oonatruat aurbin on the west side of Street'_ provement to be made by the said City from.Marsh!Q Avenue_to_ lehart Avenue _-_______—___---_—_-_—_ _--. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that -upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 06 Adopted by theCouncil_______OCT_-6 1 --- --- 192_____ =- - City ------- -- Cflee rMT 6 06 k. Approved-- -- --- - ----- 192 - - Mayor. Councilman TJ IM ami3arfass PUBLISHED IG Councilman L15gFg%MU --:: ri,� Ha Councilman d P -❑-e / �O Councilman dMff9XF=3Me'en zel / - Fo BV �i�1O�i` ct (Truax) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER IO ORDER FINANCE ON (D) In the matter of oonetructing curbing on the west side of Fry Street from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart AveRtre under Preliminary Order approved July 7, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 201.37 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 0,89 fr nt - The estimated cost pepoot for the above improvement is and the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION band Bldg. _ DESCRIPTION 1 7 College Park $175 $550,. (Ex. S. 61 feet) 450 1 7 do 175 S. 61 feet 725 2600.. 6 7 do (Fac. Ave.) 650 650, 1 6 do W. 100 ft. of 650 1b50 (lac. Marshall Ave.) 2 6 do A strip 100 ft. in width being 50 ft. on either side of center the S. * of SOo• 331 T. 29, R. 23. 49,000 line over and across Total $50,375 $6800 that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and The Commissioner of Finance further reports Council, together with the report made to him in hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ �O 196 (/�X Commissioner of Finance. Dated / Form B. B. A. !-S D r - m Zz4 5. %2-,5 E. %4 SEc: .33.e—r 29- e.23 AVE. I I \ I OL I /GLEHA2r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ............ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 1956- Council, known as Council File No..._104282-.-_approved---..-..J--T:..__-__.___.193relative to ---.-..., ..... ... ng on the seat aide of Frg Street from Marshall the construction of curb _.... Avenue to Iglehart Avenue.--------------- . -------- -- -- _... __.._._..... ---------- - - - - .-. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: desirable - 1. Said improvement is-- - ---------- -.necessary aCost per front foot $0-89 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8.--.2- ............... and the total cost ft- ---------------------------------- t•hereof is $............................ Inspection $5.42 IIngineerinB 27.0.. - -- -.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-..-.._.....--------------- -------- tch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 3. A plan, profile or skes 4. ---------- - - - - -------- - ----------- ----- - - - 5. Said improvement is --------------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subiect to assessment for said improvement. IM COM, OF FINANCE, -------------- �- � mmissionar of Public Works. 12 9` ';3 AUG 25 1936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION s.4.?.Nvo August 21, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing curbing on the west side of Fry Street from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, under Preliminary J Order C. F. 104282, approved July 7, 1936. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage Approved for transmission to the Co asioner of Finance Comma sioneG C' r Public Works $201.37 0.89 3.42 27.00 226 ft. Your , E M. SWARD YChi IDigineer / . / ` f Laid o er to 3rd. & app. " r Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Xariuss Foss ?�FF' lan n 0 /pei rson coax ruax enzel / /�4Venzel Mr. Pres. Gehan .Pres. Gehan ORDYNANE S Passed by the Council.......: ------- ------ -..In Favor - -� TW 9 ----Against Mayor IN THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAINS. Section 1. That Ordinanoe 10. 3103, approved January al,, 1913, as amended, be, and the same to hereby further amended by s truing out, in 8eotioa 6 thereof, the words and figured N?wo Hundred Dollars ($800,00)d, and inserting in lion. thereof the words and figures done Hundre8 Dollars. 0100.00)" Section B. This ordinance is hereby declared to b e an emeigencg,ergnanoe rendered neoeassr9 for the preservation s' of>the publlo'peaoe, health and oaf ety. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be and publication. . in force upon its passage, approval Passed by the Council.......: ------- ------ -..In Favor - -� TW 9 ----Against Mayor IN Orlaln.i to City Cleric � n CITY OF ST. ,PAUL �11'e" No ------1 .5 tc�332 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Q6 RES LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED / 7� �_. ' COMMISSIONER t�DATE October 6, 1836 R96oEDJ ' 8t the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons NQa leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY, at a price of .11133 per gallon, less 1% ten days on refinery price only, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale 8t., on informal bide as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 10037134 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss IZEUM / Findlan (f Pearce ....... In favor Q .......... _._..._. Against Wrnze} �ei:ee t. n 3M 11-33 Mr. Vice i r, ; l i113X) Adopted by the Council_._---_�C'T .6193193_.-__ of"T 6 06 Approved.......... ......---------------- 193._-. Mayor 1 lo888a-8y John pdal..lto City Clark,tae in the Improve! LL a COUMC(!Z1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,tau c°eguaansua orDeV. nu NO--� ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY r CLEhm BPHIm6MDec'' Comptroller COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENER/ it mae roans .. Mowing dada B ca u PRESENTBY .. 3 I7r.G.. o :.--------------------------------..............-............. ,COMMISS, NEIL ..............._.. _t.N....v� . .. ......... _ N- .-._ R/S� (/Ps' V ereas, in the improvement described as Painting and Decor ng the walls and Ceilings of The Concert Hall In The St. hM.11 Municipal Auditorium, the H. M. Sime Decorating Co., Contractors, Comptroller ls Contract, No. G-3422, it was found necessary to make the following deduction from the Contract: �. Deduction: -•— (' For r hong all painting and decorating from the area over the proscenium arch in the Con -I 1570.00 cert Hall Vlhereas, the total net deduction is ;)570.00; now therefore be it Resolved that the City Council approve the above de- duction made in accordance with the specifications in an amount not less than the sum of 17570.00, said sum to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the Contract known as Comp- troller's Contract No. G-3422 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Education has agreed with the Contractors, M. H. Sime Decorating Co., that the sum of 0570.00 Is the correct amount to be deducted from the above Contract. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce PpRleell. Against Wenzel 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1CJ"e1)t .'... Adopted by the Council ................._........................_... _ 193.. :. Approved .......................... . .T 8 ... QCT_....._........ — Mayor . c.vmm.a RESOLVED .1 CITY 01 1�he` OFFICE OF TFIEai >61at,-:the "! PioVeml't:+ the,-Addltione. and he Cleveland; , Jaffe f ldstrom: and Andern 9Z Mll,Eaulytaent CJ' _ COUNCIL RESOLUtION-4�{ CoM was oUn� ae N was found aeoeseat's t wia6 addltloae to the C' ( ... ` ADDITION ..._. �..:.... Gr ..........._....... oal'T�'s whereas, in the improvement described as theAddi- tions and Alterations to the Cleveland Junior Higi school, Lindstrom and Anderson and Clement F- Sculley Eq PnL found Contractors, Comptroller's Contract No. G-3516,. it was necessary to make the following additions to the 'Contract: Addition For furnishing and installing 1008 combination$695*52 locks in lieu of padlocks For gtt3ng asphalt til. floor, and metal base and cove as,. spec ied fon,Ttoom ,' 116, and sub- stituting terraz�floor,-base and cove 341.2 whereas, the total net addition is $1,036.76, now therefore be it Resolved that the City Council approve the above ad- dition made in accordance with the specifications in an amount - not to exceed the sum of $p1,036.76, said to be added to COMP - the lump sum consideration named in the Contract tlmoaforesaidas p trollerts Contract No. G-3516 for the making improvement. The Colmnissioner of Education has agreed with the Contractors, Lindstrom And Anderson and Clement F. Sculley Equip - went Co., that the sun of X1,036.76 is the correct amount to be deto areSavailablehinabheeproperaaccouitnds andto cver the�CitytOfsaddition St- Paul -agrees to pay same. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CounCl7 N ...,_.QG�.._...s.-�' ••-193..... Yeas Naga Barfuss OCT 6 06 Findlan In favor Approved.._ .................... _..._...__.... _............... _ Pearce ,gxwcow. Against .�........ ....__ ..... �.._. - Mayor T��' ......_........._.__.. stns Wenzel ,�, int old shl 6.l6 Mr. Vice 1 resicleut (Truax) 'p�gi jgliL� ry�NGL ' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO� �m OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rn OWbeir rMON...GENERAL FORM R�?,5ptr�{/ED i *t the application of VitoClarizo for the transfer of the following licenses, to -wit: On Sale i+ AM4 Sale Malt _i943� e8 #76069 tom 421 East Seventh Street to 180 East Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby granted, and tbs proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. Aw- 1� COUNCILMEN , Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce ......_G_ Against Wenzel 3M 676 Mr. Out TllasJ- OristceimCitf Clerk ICOU RtNC.L i�iO.�_..I"il'.i.tV CITY OF ST PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 o-­mrn Mmm_- nN_GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of Edward Clarizo for the transfer of, the following lioenses, to vrltf ,• On Sale Malt 238 Sale Malt 4358 j atauraBt �799Z� �rom 180 East Seventh Street to 421 East Seventh Street, be and the _same is hereby granted, and the props City officers are hereby directed to make the proper ohanges in the City reoords. C. F. No. 196386—BY O. IL Barfus F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— 111 Resolved that theaDDlicatlon of Bd-I ward C,oriso for the transfer of the followingg llcenaes, to -wit: Ou BaleMait No. 3258, OR Bale Malt No. 4568,! Restaurant No. 7797; from 180 Nlaet Seventh Street to 4Sl East seventh Street; be and:the same Se here- by granted, and the proper City, o[dcer- Are hareby directed"to 7nahe the proper ] q changes ta. the City r rda. Adopted by the-Covnatl Oct. 6, 1986. �I ADDro .d Oct. 6 1988. at.. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,,..GrT..:......�'.. ...._193..... Yeas Nays Barfuss1-1 - q Findlan S OCT.. 193 ,_, In Favor APProved,.,..,._._._........_......_............_.._...._—._ Pearce .... Against ......... .._.. ..... yor Wenzel Im 3M 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) CoUNC,L 105337 CITY OF ST. PAUL--- �yy _ f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC UTION--GENERAL FORM -- October 6, 1936 WAS, Angelo Brum desirbs to withdraw application 14877 for Restaurant, application 14878 for On sale Malt Beverage, and application 14879 for Off Sale Malt Beverage at 189 West Kellogg Boulevard and requests the return of license fees deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVI , that the proper city officers be and thWare hereby authorized to refund to Angelo Brttni the fees of $10.00; $50.00; and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. 11 I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Ptndlan 1J In favor Pearce .006 ........._0..._.. Against Wenzel ,nt 636 HIr. Vice IC:Ai -Cll (Truax) Adopted by the Council ............... Approved ................. ..._193_..._ C ` / C ................. mayor Orw—t to City Cterk GOYNGL 1(15338 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.__..__-••,_.__._-- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rn laom[aLuTioN.-•GENERAL FORM October 6, 1936 pH.>na, myr1 Bash desires to withdraw application 14799 for Barber license at 523 Selby Avenne, and regnests the return of license fee deposited thereon; therefore, be it gESOL98D, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Myr, Bash the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. 1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfdss Findlan /_� U In favor Pearce ... PCiiii� O e� ... Against . Wenzel ,. 7M 636 Mr. Ul � 1.....,i.. L bY'the Couuncll Oct.6. 1938. ed Oct. B 1936- (OGt. �0, 93, No105836-11Y G. ]EL 3�' CriQiod to City Clerk 1 ed that CITY OF -ST. PAUL vitir named 1=8 .1'.P'it-IVL- 0., "N.53 -39 dIcated be and the 0.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF ,. Epnted and,the 'city 0 to, Inatio such Ifeens- COUNCI TION­GENERAC;�'�ats`r. th' city t-7 "PRES M Co MIS I ...................... ... ................. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan -RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same, are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast G. P. Rose) 30 So. Dale Street > Barber) App. 14904 j Davison 1191 Earl St. Bhkery 14734 H. Sandberg 932 White Bear Butcher 14737 It n If Grocery 14938 Mrs. John Olson 1392 Payne Av. Grocery 14694 W. Schmid 900 DeSota St. Grocery If 14739 11 Ida Silver $59 Front St. 14921 If McGlynn Oil Co. 179 X. Irving Av. Mple Fuel Dealer 14796 u Gay P. McGrail 919 Selby Av. Gas Sta. 3 Pumps If 14797 Rem, sin 1822 University3 14956 is, 114d E. Severson 340 N. Smith 3 14974 Skelly OilCo. 2067 Grand Av. 5 14916 R. G. Swanson 1560 Payne Av. 3 14733 J. Hutchinson 991 E. Seventh St. Reetkurant 14697 Greenman Motor Co. 225 University Av. 2nd hand auto dealer 14666 Z. A. swain 204 Globe Building Chattel Loan 14724 11 0 If It Salary Loan 14725 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce tiNweex IAgainst TW=V Wenzel ttO�t 3M 636 Mr. Vic� ( :-t runx) Adopted by the CoundINT 6AR§__.._193 to CUT COUNCIL S 1 0 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..........JJJFFF. .••--• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI T --• GENERAL FORM COMMS 6 Y �� ....._.� :_ .._.DATE ............ 991"AT _6,.. _ :936...........__...__. RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 14866, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14867, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 1486K, applied for by William Fisher at 1017-19 Arcade Street/ be and the Berne Are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treaspry of the repaired fees. Hep InfArme Oct. 1, 1. /. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce __5......_... 4.. Plgdlil9t www Wend eM 636 Mr. Vice I rc_idcut (Truax) i`I9W. InrormallYappDroved Oct. 1, 1836. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1938. Approved Oct. 6. 1936. (Oct. 18, 1936) :. / CITY OF ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL UTION GENERAL FORM RRE3ENTE 1�] __.........._ ..............DATE. couumL 1-V RESOLVED that licenses for Restaurant, application NO. 14740, On Sale llal.t Beverage, application No. 14741 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, applica� tion No. 14742, applied for by Albert J. Hathetock at 142 R. Seventh street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in- structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. �C F. No 106891 -BY O BcearfuBe—I F M. Truax—Irving s Pfor Reeolved that a for Restau- a rnt... apDll A—see No 1740, Oa Sale COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor .... Pearce ............ -Romw�n ....... Against r _.......� Truax Wenzel __l 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1 r,-dcut (TruS4 by the -Council -4 5. 6.'1996. Oct. 61 1996. (Oct. 10; 1996) OCT g Adopted by the Council .................................... 193 _... OCl' � Approved. ........ _._... _........... ... ---..._......._.-.193.._ y Adopted by the Council 193— yeasNays BARFUSS 19IINDLAN /PEARCE /PE N UAX /WWENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL WM. J. SUDEITH CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commirrioner September 23, 1936 Hon. Mayor and City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Albert J. Bathstock has made application for Restaurant and On and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 142 W. Seventh Street on the south side of the street between Exchange St. and Seven Corners, and to be known as Carlo Cafe. J This building has been vacant for the past year. It was previously occupied by restaurant with 3.2 On Sale Malt Beverage. There are two 3.2 places within two blocks; the closest On Sale Liquor and Off Sale Liquor places are each one—half block away. A ochool and church are each four blocks away. Applicant has previously been employed as a cook. Very truly yours, I Heal C. McMahon Y, License Inspector /// LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Application No. ;G H., -C6ma ssfoner of"i Tilic"Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Neal C. McHehon. Inspector, ` 3 Date icense. 1. Information required in o ection w". _.. _ 2. Nage _ of. Applicant � j. Busineas<address. ome 4. Trade name. if aYW . to o erate t businea yourself - _ 5. Are you going- . P ss _ G. On what floor located ber of Ro s used -_ Which side of street_ 7. Between what cross.str t . 8. Are premises now occupied_________ t �— How long—✓� L%ow business ng `vacant/ revious use y, a premises now unoccupied SL 10. Are you a new owner Have you been in similar business before -- en -- Where ].1. Are you in any other business at the present time -- complaints against your operation of this type of place 12. Have re been any comp / When ✓ Where ✓ __. Wh1t reason and -date ✓�_-.. lj. Have you ever had any license revoked i4. .Which U. S. Internal Revenue Special Tax S p w you use ($20 or $25 �o---� 15. Are you a citizen of the UntStates IID�. 16. }gher�e 9�ou bor hen: /Mo ou live � n $t. Paul "How- long have y - ., . .. . . ).S, Have you ever been arrested 19.'° Violation of what crimAalelaw or ordinance 20. Xt.bber of 3.2 places within two blocks 4 OSale Off Salle 21. Closest` intoxica ng,��L 4uor place. n- j-�'-�3earest School 22. Nearest, .Church__ _ _---- 2 Number of is��Lstools 3v ables-, Chat 24. What occupation have you followed for the past fi7re years 25- If­ In--b I f your self, what were you doing, give location and dates_ ,.'7insss-for 2'. 3f.. 'YAPI ov-dd by.. a of employm, on* 2-­ "t V V 0 ri -t-ddi-6ss of two person/R.Udentz'of Sta paal� Minn., 4,16, cin'' Ve il on ce ng you hale -A Area Z AddrAR -fin STIM: OF -MINNESOTA.,) as C&T-TY OF!RAA6Vr` Being first duly sworn, deposes r *L says upon oat hat he has read the foregoing application bearing his signature z,r,l knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge ex,:f.,,,,, Y to those matters therein stated upon Information and belief and as to t so na.tterB he believes them to be true. Subscribed and sworn to be ore me of 9.3 Or, fublici a. NORMAN STORR My-commissiGn bipires- -igotavy-,Publie,-Rams*Yf�Cblin)Vy, xl"i": MV CO.Mission "PIMS txw­ JOHN C. FELDMANN AXEL F. PETEIt5bN _ Deputy Commissioner Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier 100 ® September 24, 1936. Refer to File GPC L. R.S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, r'.'— Dear Sir: Answering your letter of September 23rd relative to applications of Albert J. Rathstock for restaurant, on and off sale malt beverage licenses at 142 West Seventh Street, which matter was laid over to September 25th, I would like to report that check of the tax sit- uation reveals the following: 1932 $1,609.07 Answer Filed 1933 1,776.04 Answer Filed 1934 1,866.08 Answer Filed First Half of 1935 Paid Yours very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance Odthsal to. City Clerk '105342 ceuaca CITY OF ST. PAUL nu No. _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY f��``"'� T �. —.._ _.. 0otobeT 2 1pp 6 COMMISSIONER ....................... ........... _.........................................:.............. ........DATE....._..... .....DATF.................. ._..t.......l..3... RESOLVED That license for Barber, application 14797, applied for by William Paulos at 414 Broadway be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New C. F. No. 106342—'.By'6.' H.'Bartuea— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— yy Resolved, thatlleenee for Byyarber, ap- Pauloeoat 414HBroadway be and the slam. (e. hereby granted and the city. clerk is instructed.:to:.iseue such lice... upon the payment into'.. the city :.freesury of the' required. fee. New. Adopted by the Council Oct. 6, 1836. Approved Oct. 0, 1930. (Oct. 10, 1936) 530 od,tul to Citycl.+ eouHca OF ST. PAUL + E OF T CITY CLERK \ ane in the DroJeatgd eo i'; " lbing or the north--aId or. COU IL LUT O ENERAL FORM twenue from 8enneth St. Avenue, Pederson Brc / COmptronees Contra +ae found necessar9 to COMM N Y .... .. ._......_ DATE .............. Ing additton:..---...._ ...._.... ......... ..._.___. __.. ... _._. ,ADDITION: r.. RESOLVED WHOFNAS, in the projeot described as the Curbing of the north � side of Fairmount Avenue from Kenneth Street to Cleveland Avenue, Pederson Brothers, contractor, Comptrollerts Contract L.390�, it was found necessary to make the following additions ADDITION 140 Lin. Ft. of curb reset at $.20 $26.,00, and _ .,, m,,,.:._.�._,..--.---�•-"AS, the total net addition is $28.00, now therefore,. Be it Resolved that the City Council hereby approve the afor®- said addition made ;111 accordance with the specifications provided in the contract in an amount i►ot to eaeeed the sum of $28.00, said amount to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the con- tract known as Comptroller's Contract L.3909 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Publio Works has agreed with the contractor, Pederson Brothers, that the a= of $26.00 Is - ,the correct amount to be added to said contract.,; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan Pearce _............_....... In favor Against ;Trans k Wenzel k Mr President (Gehan) 3rt..6 D6 Adopted by the Council ..........._0-Cl..:....s 193893...... a QCT Approved/..................................................................193....... ..a ...../..V... .......... ...... ... ..._ ..._ Mayor PTJST.TRW,D,�d -,tkided m CR. MA OFF] COUNCIL - COMM SSIUN _ va t IM5 COYMCIL .1 ST. PAUL FR: NO ..................................... OF THE CITY CLERK OLUT10ON... GENERAL. FORM �i :-W­VP ........... ........._........._.... ezpenditnree in dollars that dart to, buresue or a otivi- C thel 11957 sh 11 bSdjjt eia their year' beginning J&uu",y s rth,opposite the :various -named Lunde as shown upon Le hereto attached 1837 Comptroller+s Budget Estimate®i d M. Truax. by re4ueeL- arloue ambureaus Or activities t le the t. ,artmente. 1, durly the. fiscal year beBlnnlug ama '�ppool e the various named"tu d as E t I `'CROLLER'S BIIDGET E$TIXATEB. E moo':"., GOMFIWLIMIS r 1937 « sn�stimates e q 1937 CoMpTROLLERIS BUDGET ESTIMATES Code Charter Fund 1 City officers Salaries 2 Wor+e office j Corporation Counsel 1� City Clerk 5 Contingent Elrod 6 Finanoe Commissioner 7-9.-9 Public Safety - Administration 7,Police Fire 7-8 Police and Piro Alam Health i 10 Public.Works ' 11 Street Construction &Repair 12 Sewer Construction_& Repair 13 Street and Sewer Cleaning 1 Bridge Building b 8epair 15 Public Schools 16 Public Library Auditorium 18 , Publio'�Park�.. 19 Public Playgrounds, "20 Public Buildings" 21,, Public Utilities. 22, ._TUbiic Lighting 23' Water Department 2 Board of Public Welfare 25 City Hall and Courthouse 26 Interest 27 Sinking Fund 28 Redemption of Bonds and Notes 29 J'ud6sent 80 'Compromise 30 Comptroller and Civil Service 31 General Fund TOTAL Comptrollers Estimates 3s000.00 ;494 .00 31,007.00 29.756.00 �64,666.00 1�C;w�y i r '00 1,021,970.0a. . 300,000,00 63s`8• ��.�,�� 1,269,522.00 30� 000 t,066:70ZOO . 0,000i00 tll� lYi, / .OD PER CAPITA LI19TATION population 293,752 r GROSS BUDGET 4 Vmemntions f .947-00 .. Sundry Offices 12, 18.00 Participating OertificEes j 000.00 municipal Court Recove ble Ex endit as Public Safety j,5o .00 Bureau of Police 2,000 00 Fire Fire Alarm 100. 0 Health 0.0 6,350,00 Public Works 41,000 00 Bureau of Engineers 10,000. Workhouse Street Const do and Repair 6,500 0 S3%7er Const tion d Repair 20:0 Street and er Cl aning .00 73,5 .00 Education 1 ,500.00 Bureau of Schools 75,000.00 Libr 99.714.00 Audi onium % 192,214.00 / parks Pla o An and Public Duildi s 2,000.00 Bureau of 4rks 100.00 sygrounds 100.00 b c Buildings 2,200.0 Public Util ies Bursau o Testing Laborator as 5 00.00 Holman nicipal A rport 200.00 6, 0.00 3 00.00blic rllLi tin 1 02 0,00 �vater D tment Total inaneed Outsi of ax Lev 1,3 .752.00 Financod by Tax Lavv Debt Service 1,269,522• Bond and Note Inter Bond and Noto Red lone 1,066,70 .00 FO 0.00 Sinking Fund Ra it rt 0 2. 8 ,230.00 Pensions f Police Bene t A sociation 2 100.00 12'.9 18 330.00 14 082.00 andltures t n 0.00 er ca ita limit tion ,8 5.00 Per Ca ita imi anon (Popu2a'tion 293,752 $30.00 per capita) 8.812,5 00 , zS ESTIVATED TAR LEVY 1937 Purposes GROS-� E i7, aT Financed as follows: j Hisrel'.aneona Receyits 500.00 Apportionment -State Cig. License ,17. State Income Tax `50,500.00 State & Federal Aid I for Schools 456,000.00 Business Licenses 4w'OOO'O0 120.000.00 County One -Mill Tax Delinquent Tax Collections 625,000.00 Departmental Permits 18,000.00 2.500.00 Dog Licenses Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits T0.000•00 Gross Earnings Tax 385,000.00 695.00 Highwey Privileges Monies and Credits Tax 300,000.00 Mortgage Registry Tax 15,000.00 8eatgo-..interest---and Sundry Earnings- 5,000.00- Tax Penalttbs 50.000.00.. Trade and Occupational Licenses 20•x•00 2.934,695-00 Departmental 8ecoiyts 2,818.00 Participating Certificates °, 13,000.00 Municipal Court 6.350.00 Public Safety 6 %%5"00. 00 Public Wort -s' 2,214.00 192,200.00 Education and AudiAti.um Parks. -Playgrounds &Public Bldgs.. 6,700.00 Public Utilities 3,000.00 -/ TA&tip Water Department 1 021,970.00 1317 ZY"Wod 4 17 Sa899 ,Shr,,,,.g e in Tax Collections 750.000.00 Eet!mated Tax Levy for 1937 r Year Assessed Valuationae?�; Cit�'Tax Rates 132,100.29 ,6069 1937 " 6o.6s i935 133,62 .555-005z:z 1934 163.10 .500.00 50.49 1933 166,790,555• 191,154.389.00 50.71 1932 COt+k mLLBRIS 1937 BEET - CITY OF ST.PAUL Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES 37 000.00 W Salaries 2 MAYOR'S OFFICE 5,194.00 2A1 Salaries A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 2,500.00 9.411100 A3 Office Expense 900.00 3 CORPORATION COUNSEL 3A1 Salaries 27,507.00 1,900°.00 A2 Legal Fees 8 00.00 A3 Law Library A4 Automobile Allowance 300.00 9OO.00 l GO 00 3-� - 7 — A5 Office Expense 4 CITY CLERK 4A Records 13+425• 00 4A1 Salaries 1,000.00 A2 Office Expense 6 000.00 20,425.00 A3 Official Publications 4B Registration g 531.00 4B1 Salaries 900,00 g 3 1.00 B2 Office Expense E-0 Total Fund No. 4 5 CONTINGENT POD 5A1 Council Resolutions 6 FINANCE 001MIiSSIOM 6A Receipts and Disbursements 48,719.00' 6A1 Salaries 0.00 A2 Automobile Allowance 23/50.00 51,848.00 A3 Office Expense 6B Participating Certificates* 6B1 Salaries 10,56g,Q0 64,666.00 2.250.00 12,819.00_ 82 Office Expense *Financed from Participating Certificate Receipts • 9 Code Charter Funds and Items 7-9-9 DP•?AR'P=rL OF PUBLIC S"ETY Public Safety Administration 7-9-9A Administration 7_8-9%1 Salaries A2 Office Expense 7_9-9B Building Maintenance 7-6-981 Salaries B2 Office Expense 7 POLICE 7A Administration 7A1 Salaries A2 Office Supplies A Equipment Maintenance A� Office Expense 7B License Inspection 7B1 Salaries B2 Office Expense 7C Uniformed Police 701 Salaries 02 Supplies C Automobile Maintenance C Back Pay 05 Traffic Signal Maintenance 7D Detectives 7D1 Salaries D2 Preveling Expense D3 Supplies 7E Radio Division 791 Salaries E2 Lignt, heat and Power E3 Supplies 7F Police Station 71 Salaries F2 Light, Heat and Water F3 Supplies F4 Feeding Prisoners 7G Record Division 7G1 Salaries 02 Office Expense Total Fund No. 7 Ir Amount Sub -Totals Totals 9,018.00 675.00 9.693.00 12,o68.00 x.640.00 20,x08.00 0 63 do 500.00 1 100.00 0.00esk-ee' 20 0800 12,664.00 150.00 12,814.00 ,��098 00 800.00 35,000.00 10.000.00 - S'<oi X98 00 Ae y 9, is 00.00 - /o% elf. 00 11,225.00 100.00 2.000.00 13,325.00 13.733.00 200.00 400.00 4.500.00 19,933.00 Code Charter blinds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals —01 g e' FIRE 9A Administration ,39, boo. 00 W Salaries A2 Supplies 180.00 100.00 y80.00 A3 Office Expense gB Fire Prevention /300.00 c 00 SBl Salaries 200.00 $2 Office Expense SC Tire Fighting (0449, 3$6.00 gel Salaries C2. Gas, Oils and Greases 00.00 2,2 0.00 43'P Tires, Tubes and Repairs 3 500.00 CCII�� `New'Hoso C5 Equipment Repairs 2,000.00 g,000.00 06 .Other Supplies 07 -Back Pay Cg New Equipment 31,100.00 09 Miscellaneous 200.00 — i gD Station Maintenance 'r g3)1 Salaries 500:00 D2 Telephones D3 Light, power and Nater 2,300.00 71600.00 Dl+ �ej 700.00 D5 Supplies Repairs and Renewals 11000.00 ,00 D7 Miscellaneous -, ... . Total Fund ITo 8 �939J9, o0 7-8 `.. POLI �iO.4o.00 7_ias A2Automobile Maintenance 1;200.00 ASupplies 1,200.00 6, 2:00_00 A� Telepiwne Lines A5 Repairs to Equipment 122,00 A6 office Expense -; 937 "0 9 BEALTH 9A .Administration g,p5g,00' 9AI Salaries 750.00 A2 Auto Allowance 00.00 9,309.00 A3 office Expense f 9B Vital Statistics 5,130.00 981 Salaries 1,Coo.Oof• 6,13ci!00 F 82 Office Expense code Charter Funds and Items D'HPAR bM OF PUBLIC SAFETY 9 ° Health - Continued 90 Promotion of Health - Schools 9°l Sda C2 Supplies 03 Office Expense 9D Food Regulation 9D1 Salaries D2 Automobile Allowance D3 Office Expense 9E quarantine 921 Salaries E2 Auto Allow. &Maintenance Ej Supplies E4 Office Expense 9F Tuberculosis F2 Hent 73 Supplies F4 Oarfa' e F5 Office Expense 9G Workhcase Hospital _,,-9G1 Salaries G2 Board of Prisoners G3 Supplies G1F, Miscellaneous 9H Health Laboratory 9RI Salaries 82 Supplies HY', Office;Eacpense 91 Harriet. island Park =911 Salaries. 12 wale 1 Light, Heat.and Water I4 Supplies and Insurance 9J Dog License, Enforcement, 9J1 Salaries. J2 Automobile Allowance J3 Supplies Total Fund No. 9 Amount Su' b Totals '60tals iA 2,200.00 ySi 200.00 1,000.00 1.00 18,192.00 goo. 00 600.00 100_00 21,692.00 13.323.0° 600.00 500.00 500.00 l00_00 150-0° "K 6,500-00 ao, oo yf 150.00 25.06' ' 1/ 6,943-00 500.00 loo.00 7.543.00 1,000.00 Zio.00 1,403-00 1000.00 150.00 100_.001 2y2� 0� ioa, 668. a� fir.- Code Charter Funds and Items Amount Sub -Totals Totals SCARY Department of Public Safety 7-8-9 Administration 7 Police 8 Fire 7-8 Police and Fire Alarm 9 Health Total 30,6oi.00 633,963.00 ' 723.999-W 50.937.00 95.668.00 1,535.05$.00 DEPARTMENT _QF. PUBLIC WORSS 10 Commiesion€rof Public Works l0A Administration 1OAl Salaries 13,750.00 A2 Office Expense 900.00 14,650.00 10B Engineers (Inc. City Planning) 10B1 Salaries 9P y 3Qi8. vo B2 Automobile Allowance 2,250.00 3.000.00 �6 q,11 6>9,00 B3 Office Expense 10C Workhouse 1001 Salaries 25,170.00 02 Truck Maintenance 550.00 03 Light, ruel v Gas and Water 3.400 • o0 04 Supplies:, 05 Auto'Allowance and Postage 200.00 06 Farm Activities 5,000.00 07 Repairs and Renewals 500.00 C8 Miscellaneous 100.00 AZ7 /69 00 Total Fund No. 10_ 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION & REPAIR �• 11A Repairs - Streets & Walks Wages „Y,r9o•00 µ llAl Salaries and A2 Truck Sire 0aa•00 A3 Auto Allowance 1,500-00 A4 Truck Maintenance 7.000.00 A5 Materials and Supplies 20,000.00 _. A6 Miscellaneous 400.00 Total Fund No. 11 9.1, 590: oa 12 -' SEWER CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 12A :'Repairs . 12A1 Salaries and Wages 17,230.00 AP Automobile Allowance 950.00 Truck Maintenance 700.00 2 Paving Repairs 150.00 25 Materials and Supplies, 3.000.00 A6 Miscellaneous 450.o0 �. Total Fund No. 12 22.480 00 , i 11 Code Charter Funds and Items 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEZING 13A Administration 13A1 salaries and Wages A2 Auto Allowance A3 Office Expense •13B Cleaning Streets and Walks 1381 Salaries --:and Wages B2 Trask Hire B3 Equipment Maintenance B4 Supplies B5 Miscellaneous 130 Snow and Ice Removal (Including Sanding of Streets) 1301 Salaries and Wages C2 Truck Hire Gj Equipment Maintenance �} Supplies 05 Miscellaneous 13D Weed Cutting 13D1 salaries and Wages 1)2 Team and. Truck hire D3 Supplies,,.: 133 Garbage Disposal. - 13E1 salaries and Wages` E2 Team and Truck Hire E3 Egaipment Mintenance E4 supplies E5 Equipment Replacement E6 Auto Allowance 13Y Removal of Dead Animals 13F1 Truck Hire 13G City Dumps 13GI Salaries and Wages G2 Aiscellaueoue 13H Cleaning Sewers,y 13H1 Salaries and Wages E2 3gtipment Maintenance gH33 Supplies H4 Miscellaneous 131 Sewer Pumping Station 1311 salaries and eges I2 Light 13 Fuel and Supplies 14 miscellaneous Total 8'und No.,13 Amount Sub -Totals Totals 250.00 _ 150.00 �wf 5,700.00 00 Uo.00 300.00 6,4so.o0 3,000.00 So, Yfo. 00 14,500.00 1,500.00 s�,Gso.00 300.00 1.500.00 6 8, oro. 00 25,800.00 9,000.00 3,500.00 1,000.00 i 000.0o 40,300.00 1,200.00 250.00 _ 150.00 1,600.00 —13.300.00346ro 00 6,500.00 200.00 3,000.00 s�,Gso.00 3,900.00 6,500.00 200.00 6,700.00 18,500.00 1,000:00 300.00 200.00 20,006.00 4,500.00 St10.00 150.00 _ i5o•oox,600.00 � 7O s j Code Charter Funds and Items Amounts Sub -Totals 14 BRIDGE BUILDING AND REPAIR /6, X00. OO 14A1 Salaries and Wages - A2 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 A3 Materials and Supplies 4,900.00 A4 Stairways & Fence Maintenance 1,700.00 Total Fund No. 14 SUMMARY Department of Public Works 10 Commissioner of Public Works 11 Street Construction & Repair 12 Sewer Construction & Repair 13 Street & Sewer Cleaning 14 Bridge Building & Repair Total DEPARTM3NT OF EDUCATION 15 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15A Business Administration 15A1 Salaries A2 Office Expense 15B Education Administration 15B1 Salaries B2 Auto Allowance B3 Office Expense 150 Attendance Division 1501 Salaries 02 Carfare 03 Office Expense 15D Operation & Maintenance 15D1 Salaries D2 Express and Freight D3 Office Expense 15E Supply Storeroom -` 15E1 Salaries E2 Light E3 Truck Maintenance E4 Office Expense 15F Promotion of Health 15F1 Salaries F2 Supplies F3 Office Expense ig,994.00 600.00 19,4g4.00 20,793.00 4g0.o0 1.125.00 22,399.00 13,000.00 1,500.00 225.00 14,725.00 11,799.00 650.00 200.00 12,639.00 Totals 6Co. oo 144,9g1.00 95,900.00/ 22,4go.00 199,2go.00 21.600.00 473.241.00 9,500.00 100.00 200.00 275.00 9,075.00 42,619.00 250.00 750.00 43,619.00 i Yrl Code Charter Bunds and Items 15 PUBLIC SCHDOLS - Continued 15G Instruction 15G1 ;Salaries Gtr Carfare - Taxi Service. G Trans. -Crippled Childred Laundry G5' Supplies G6 Miscellaneous G7 Athletic Salaries GS Special Classes 15H Operation of Plant 15H1 Salaries and Rages H2 Rents �3 Telephone H4 Light, Power and Water H5 Fuel R6 Supplies 151 Maintenance of Plant 1511 Salaries and Wages I2 Carfare 13 ,Auto MaintenMce 1 Tiuck Maintenance rj.ire and it-ewale Total Fund No. 15 15J School Cafaterias, 15J1 Salaries J2 Merchandise <J Telephones " . \1 J Supplies and, Seirvices J5 Auto Allowance - J6 Repairs and Renewals *Financed from Receipts 16 PUBLIC LIBRARY 16A Library Services 16A1 Salaries A2 Tru4 Maintenance A3 Supplies A11: Postage A5 .dew Books& Periodicals A6 Binding Books, A7 Rent1, d Insuianco AS New Equipment Amount Sub -Totals Totals .2 000.00 10,500.00 5,500.00 550-00 6o,00aoo 375.00 1.4000.00 P,�yS, 9yS o0 5.000.00 -2;: ;9 g oZ 70, 000. 0 0 350.00 3,100.00 s 39,000.00 �0 pO 00. 00 / 12 '3 � 44b 0,00 wee X8,000.00 1,500.00 950.00: 450.00 vc , 40.000.00 l l O, Soo i0s4 00 41 998.00 - 76,092.00 250,00 2,0:00 ?60.00 12 000.00 3.500.00 _ � ----- 127,412.00 475:00 3,000.00 450.00 27,000.00 2,500.00 $40.00 500.00 162,177.00 a B Mals Code Charter plhnde and Items Amount Sub -Totals 16 p0LIC LIBRARY - Continued 16B Building Maintenance ,'00.0 0 16B1 Salaries and Wages 5,000.00 B2 Light and Power 7,400.00 Bj Heat 500.00 Bl} Water 500 00 B5 Telephones 900.00 86 Supplies 87 Repairs and Renewals 500.00 32.000.00 7,000.00 BS Real Estate - Tries Total Band No. 16 REA 17 AUDITORIUM 17A Conventions 17A1 Council Resolution 17B Self -Sustaining Activities* 37,664.00 1781 Salaries and Wages B2 Ligut, Heat. Power & Telephones 25, B3 organ Maintenance 35400-00 35500.00 17,000.00 B4 Supplies B Repairs and Renewals 2,400.00 3,000.00 B6 New Egaipmeut 1,000.00 B7 Rentals BS Concession - Salaries 3,200.00 7.500.00 B9 Merchandise B10 61iscellaneoue _2 .200_00 Total Fund No. 17 70 49 *Financed from Receipts SUMMARY Department of Edncatioh 3,117,104.00 15 Public Schools 299,477.00 16 Public Libraries 1+.00 17 auditoriumTotal -0 B Amount Sub-Totals Totals Code Ohartdr bund end Items DEPTPSI+BUILDINGSS lg public Parks 1SA General Administration 9,247.00 Al salaries 240.00 9+487.00 A2 Office Expense ,a park Administration 5,7 B1 Salaries B2 Auto Allowance 480.00 10o.0o 6+333.00 83 Office Expense 1zi0 Park Maintenance�B�4pp•oo and Wages 6 400.00 t'.1 Salaries d2 g,,,y,pment Maintenance 7,000-00 C supplies 0 � Repairs and Renewals 4+5—�0 67 _500.00 05 Miscellaneous lgD Police and Watchmen D1 SalarieA 1owesice 4,320.00 60.00 1,440.00 5+7 D2 motorcycle 182 Greenhouse and Nursery p /o/000.00 El Salaries and Wages a /,000, o0 E2 Light, Heat and Power 3,000.00 y/,Ooo.00' E3 Supplies ,1 and Renewals 1.000.00 E Repairs 1SF Upkeep of Lake Como 917.00 F1 Salaries and Wages 5,000.00 102 Electricity00 F supplies 75___00 6,042.00 g Repairs and Renewals 16G.Improving Public Parka System-Phalen Park 328.00 220.00 G1 Water Como Park G2 = Highland Park Como Pk-Golf 322.00 870,00 p G5 Lake Gervais otal Fund No. 1g /K,791/00 1SH Park Refectories' 45+000.00 H1 salaries and Wages 500.00 H2 Auto Allowance 35,000.00 1,000.00 NMerchandise Laundry 1,500.00 H5 Ico 4,000.00 _ R6 Supplies E7 Repairs and Renewals 3,000.00 27,000.00 HS Equipment and ls ;000".00 3 H9 Miscellaneous *lrinanced from ReceiPts 120 000.40 r Code CHARTER FUND AND ITEMS AHOONT Sub -Total TOTAL DEPARTH1W OF PAA%S. PLAYaROQAIDS AND PUBLIC BUILDnW 19 public Playgrounds 19A Administration 7,063.00 Al Salaries 60.00 A2 Auto Allowance 720.00 A3 Rent b Office Expenses 1 080.00 � 9,923.00 19B. Athletics and Sports Bl. Salaries and Wages g,624.00 r1 .0.00 /O ts8 eo ' 82` Supplies 190 IftLintenance / 3y(O,oO Cl Salaries and Rages 660, 00 C2 Truck Maintenance C3 Supplies 4.500-00 // 2od, 04 Repairs and Renewals 2.000.00 X100.00 19D Capital Outlay Di Land -Edgerton Playgrounds Total Fund No. 19 20 Public Buildings 44�koi.00 20A Administmtion 7,617.00 Al Salaries 300-00 7. 917.00 112 Office Expense 208 Building Inspection y4-, 6 8.00 - Bl Salaries 5,=:B2 Auto Allowance� 83 Truck Maintenance s/0a Bit Miscellaneous 03/, 200 Drafting 0386.0 0 Cl Salaries_ 02 Office Supplies ., 6�S'8b,v-0 Total Fund No. 20 SU alm 106,192.00 18 Public Parks 19 Public Playgrounds -- .00 21 20 Public 8uildinge 20.1 .00 Amount Sub -Total 'Totals r Code Charter Fund and Items DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 21 public Utilities 21A Administration 4.910,00 Al Salaries 200_.00 5,118.00 A2 Office Expense 27.8 Testing Laboratories 11,153.00 Salaries 11200.00 :p2 Rent gj Supplies 75.00 490.00 12,908.00 $, Expense 21q tnveatigAtiOns 9.787.00 10,287.00 C Salaries --5pp,00 0$ Office Expense 21D Holman Municipal Airport 11,501.00 D1 Salaries and Wages 2,500.00 02 .Supplies 8 jaight, Heat and Power. 3,000.00 2#300.00 Dµ [bngar Maintenance boundary Lights -Other Maintenance 3 500,00 22 801.00 D5 1 114�00 Total Fund No. 21 22 public Lighting 22A Administration 6,796.00 Al salaries A2 Auto Allowance 360.00 100,00 7,256.00 Aj Office Expense 223) Maintenance Salaries and Wages8'So e 81 W. Electric Current 387 i 00 Bulbs uld Globes 2,500,00 Supplies 2,000.00 5; 'Parts 36 LI&t, Heat and power 1,200.00 5 000.00 � .207i 0 j4% 00 37 Auto Maintenance Total Fluid No. 22 51,17,00 21 Public Utilities 1 '. 8.00 22 public Lichting . '412.00 7 Code Charter Fund and Items Amount Sub-Totals Totals 23 WATER'DEPARZENT 23A1 salaries and Wages 270, 77 0.32 270,775.71 A2 Otber Expense A Interest A Sinking Fund Requirement 237,231.25 173+000.00 A5 Acquisition of Property 109.732.72 Total Fond No. 23 1021 0-02 24 BOARD OF PUBLIC WELFARE 24A Administration 3,690.00 Al Salaries 21M Anker Hospital 31 Salaries and Wages 6 667,E 91.116.00 " B2 other Expenses 167,793.00 240 Ramsey County Home Cl Salaries and Wages 12,334-.00 1633.00 29.767.00 02 Other Expense 24D Public Relief D1 Salaries and Wages -00 96+770.00 D2 Other Expense 81,037.00 24E Veterans' Rest Camp 3,000.00 E1 Expenditures Total Fund No. 24 300.000.00 4 25 CITY HALL AND COURTHOUSE ya,44 6,00 25A1 Salaries and Wages v, 000.00 A2 Heat. Light and Power 2+ 00 A Vetoranst Quarters A Telepho:es A5 Elevator Maintenance adeftw 3�67Y o0 A6 Service and Supplies 5.000.00 Total rand No. 25 (,3�SZ8•oo 26 INTST 2681 Bond Interest 1,269,522.00 A2 Noe'nterest 1.000.00 s; e" f Total Fond No. 26 1.269+'522.00 27 SIMaNG FUND =3e"^o�oo oo 27A1 Sinking Fund Installment 29 MWWTION OF BONDS 911,000.00 2381 Bond Maturities A2 Note Maturi#98-, 2 00:00 Total Fnnd :`10. 28 1.066.703.00 Code Charter Fund and Items 29 11UDGMENT AND COMPROMISE 290.3 Judguents and Claims 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SMMI "G.4 30A Financial Records Al Salaries A2 Auto Allowance A3 Office Expense 308 Civil Service BI Salaries B2 Special Examiners R3 Annual Report B Office Expense Total blind No. 30 Amount Sub -Total Total 30,786.00 1.800.00 32,586.00 16,332.00 300.00 100.00 1.000.00 17,7 2.00 10,000.00 �o 50,318.00 31 G'SNEP&L FUND 31A purchasing Department 18,000.00 Al A2 Salaries Printing and Postage 645,00 425-00 19,070.00 A3 Office Expense 31B M%nicipal Court 38,983.00 Bl Salaries 500.00 B2 B3 JurY Expense Office Expense 1.875.00 111,358.00 31C Armorygoo 6 0.0 0 01 Salaries and Wages 7 150.00 C2 Light and Power 1,.135.00 C3 Heat and Gas Repairs and Renewals P -00.00C 865 05 Miscellaneous 31D D1 Election Salaries-Judges,Clerks,TemP'He1P D2 Labor -Placing Booths Rent, Light & Heat RIBooth Truck Hire D5 Printing D6 Postage and Supplies Equipment Replacement D7 31B Assessment and Local Improvement Aid 50,000.00 E1 Local Impr.-City Share: -Charter Sec.278 15,000.00 E2 E} Reimbursement Non -assessable Local Improvement 669-o0 7+6X5800 E4 Sprinkling -Cine Owned Property E5 E6 Forestr,/ Water Frontage E7 E8 P. I- R- Deficit Non -assessable Tree Trimming and Grass 22,661.00 1=4&r.� 9cf9�o.o0 � Code Charter Fund and items Amount Sub -Total Totals 31 GENERAL FUND - Continued 31F Pensions 31F1 Police Benefit Association 132,100.00 F2 Firemen's Relief 66,050.00 F� Fu Teachers' Retirement Health Employees' Relief 86,137.00 6,60`x�J.00 62,214.00 F5 F6 Old Age Pensions Widows and Orphans 1.500.00 354,6o6.00 a� 31G Miscellaneous 31G1 Workmen's Cgmpeasation 00 32,500.00 G2 Debt Service G3 Financial Forms 3.500.00 G4 Municipal Employment Bureau 2,790.00 G5 Miscellaneous & Unforeseen 2,000.00 G6 Public Examiner Fee 3,000.00 -- G7 Surety Bond Premium 5pp1-90-. _... 4,060.00' G8St,..PW1l 09 lue_Atute-- -Hdhtji' i Observan ce , .46 o 0 67.0 Water - Wilder Bathe 1,500.0 611 Outlay - Holman Airport 2,400.00 G12 Humane Society c • G13 Port Authority � 000.00 Gil{. Fire Hydrant Rental--�----- Total Fund No. 31 SIBIS14.00 �t Petition G.40 V534S. I Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ (:rade. e'1'l av i n 8l nck l 2 BnArf ie�d Sy�l i na 'e !td_dj tirRn No P+V+*i — ------__.— Dated Wis— 6th _.—_-..—_day of.._. _ _..._ Onto .'418-8Y IiwIng .written -'P". PRELIMINARY ORDER '� o nmruFAc A writtre nmoosat for the making of the following improvement, viz.: having .been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_--_.._—'--------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, -extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan; profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Councl __ ---------Q---$-- ---- YE" NAxs Councilman BARFUSS — FINDLAN Approved—- --- PEARCE TRUAX C/T ./% `! _ WENZEL Mayor. Ma. Prism y�jrtfL�o W goers CA 13 OV -6-E3) ejBBED fi Cou.& File No. � PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Paul, viz.. _ ConL..ing end,takin8 sn ease>nent in t_he land neoessar7for elopes cuts .--_ n�+e -.—nnd.filla3n t3ie_�eai.to of A`11eg in Bl_OGk,–?3_. Btr*f.9Si�91$._4ondi �_.. .�+�i,_nn 1Qn l 4rOm S+ Alh n�...tQSxTAttO.-StTeB.t..--'•-'--- '----- Dated this__...._ -_-__------.day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning end takjpg an easement is the lend necessary for slopes, cuts — having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul_--...--___—__._. —_-- si. A(ti - crept to t asen�tud therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. L 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pian, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. /� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. V Adopted by the Council.----- ---- ._--._—..—��--�'--------- YEAS NAvs CounalmanBARFUSS FINDLAN Approved-- — -- PEARCE Q ��'�– TRUAX I_ Q WENZEL Mayor. MR. PREsm Form C A 18 (IM -8-88) i(JBLISIi'ED �� �� 3� f ^� Petition G." Council File No. __10 Y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT 61, and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the )Waking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: t ori from F+'o ea..ee to thw —_ _ xaAw Allwva in Al pc�7 R� B 1�lOAD90II _@_�d�S�.ti'1. ---ROith-ead'.SoutiE-hiYaY--HIICI.-ixOm..Bdm�md-Street."#p_�homata •StrA6t.— --- lao Blbok'1, g,"B, - -,, from. ,ry Strer:•l PRELIMINARY ORDER tea Wth-, . 11, 0. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade All.eye in Block . R H Thomasoa_ls Addition from Fry Street to the _H91�-ensi.. SS)Ath_A17.eX-e^d from F�mtmd_�.trQe� t�..T�l�� _ reetr_.�_ having been presented to the Cotmal of the City of St. Paul__.--------.._—._.—.—._--- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 6 06 _ Adopted by the Council YEAS NAYS CouncilmanBARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE Q) TRUAX MR. PREsm WENZEL Form C A 1A t1M-6-83) Approved — ..... Mayor. Irv. h VU�9 . virtttep nror� � No. __ 1�e'tollowtpg; mt� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEIfnir tatting a ea :ceeeary ror etc ' Vlpe ggrradiny,. o; r and '. t omDeoq �•' et. ku Yse' p• V lt�om-.Bd� PRELIMINARY 'ORDER *avert The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: CondgMAUW, md taking an easement in the land necessarq for elopes cats and — fille in tea &rbd'LnC of R. B. Thomnaon►s Addition from -- Fry--_Ct_reet to the No nd South Alley and from to Thnman 31:reet. Dated this—__ gM► ______day of--.-----�tober 1 6 _, 19 - --- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: —Co damming and taking an easement in the land necessary Por slopes, cuts and _ fills in t}ha- grading- of Alleva in Alnnk l_ R_ B_ 'jhQ gon!g_�� ,tion from.__ __$g.. eet to thg_,ggr _and Spylt}i Alley andj"m Fdmund Street to Thomas Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul—. _--.-----.----__---- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public -Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 61936 opted by the Council_ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE JNKQ1.I®N TRUAX W/ENZEL MR. PRESMMr Rbrm C A Ia (IM-d•Sa) Approved_ U -.--- --- 0 Mayor. �"L7P.LISfiED �Q ��J Petition r- A- 7� Oy-Bv Irv�nB'�Ci robe Dro yWVe Q. NO. following lmpro•�..,, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN1r.,d..fM.e sinc o s'A'dd)tlon, ark slid hereto:att CTt PRELIMINARY ORDER V The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ding the grade of Alley in Block 1, William's Rearrangement of part of Block 4. en's %A i£ion_ an o e an o?1�iock 4. Neleonta.Addition. to established grade being shown by the blue.lins thereon. Dated this.—_.. tb__.__—day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER Wf3EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of Alley in Block 1. William's Rearrangement of Part of Block 4. Nelson's Addition, and lots 11 to 14 and 21 to 24, Block 4, Nelson's Addition, to Gp�Q�p o'Rhe red -1 ins rn the mrzfiIa hereto attached and maAa mi. part hereof, _--kh[a — present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grading Alley. - iii tack L, 11121iH7[*8-Heuer en o OrkUOft 4, BeIBOWS H n IM low - 21 -t 14 and _27 to _2AAAI 4i an Prom breads atrset to YandpiA Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-------.----.----------.-.-.-_.._ therefore;-be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the-1_-- YFaS NAYs CouncilmanBARFUSS GUY b Wb FINDLAN Approved---- �0 PEARCE Q hh TRUAX WENZEL Mayor. MR. Pa. T .Fo m CAIS (IM -6-88) nwtns Pvn1Dr)ov Y PROPOSAL FOR INIPROVEMENT-xtne an eaeem �-yo[ Alt and ading �-;RCBCT&i•6eTr:J PRELIMINARY ORDER the Ci of St. }Y�aul, viz.: ed hereby P�� the making of the following Public improvement by City The undersign � ,i, and Pi l l al a ^� +xlrinv 9II easement in }jte_i9Ild necesae+g for clones ?---- Condemalni� �— __�_ +4� or�,Y_�p—i*�o._�f Al l as i,��_. ^ Bl eok � Wi l l il�! '• - ----, ---'- . Ae- t a AdAi +i on Prom_ -�ele+ou�a_a i i -Au 70 6 ll Dated this—.._..._ _ —.._.._—day of_..—......—_-•-- ---------- _.—.___._ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WEEREAS, A written P-Posal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Conde++i^� and tn7rt.^¢ an easement is the lend neces eafor slopes, cuts and fills —iII_.the-- �Q�BZOQI[-�-.Bel80nt AAAI tion _�tOm_ t , having been presented tq the Council of the City of St. Paul----- therefore, aul_-T---therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or dedrabgity of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement - 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners - 5. 5. To report upon all of'the foregoing matters ,to ithe Commissioner of Finance. q ' Adopted by the---- YEnS NnYs �3� CouncilmanBARFUSS Approved.------- -- 6 � -- FINDLAN PEARCE TRUAX'M WENZEL ayor. IVIS. PasMMT Form CA 13 OM4"S) —"— 1Q5352 �+ following ymeal for, rollowing ImDrovem. . PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ,+d taking an easem t' - se'of—.trycting"+• and publlo sewer on u d Biocks f88 a `ditlonMYrtle , "Ic 186, :Roy+,.: PRELIMINARY ORDER • o The undersigned hereby proposes the Vdn of the folio public improves tt by th�n 'oty, f SG Paining s public Condensing and taking an easement for tfie purposeoro ooastrnatiag end +R-»��e ­purpose ane ....a IAC. Twvinnttt Adflitia BeReY t Street vacated, and Block 188, Robertson Addition- S9te said easement is es as Line strip of-Taand--3ff Yeee jr-Iiia : fr; Ji<slEtR Street to Walter Street. Also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction-purpose8 on a strip of land 40 feet -In width Excepttid condema8tiorajeofnot necessary for panto ee abav9describ gth October, 1 E /. Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public vacated, and Block Also 40 f as a strip of therefore,be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3�. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattets to the Commissioner of Fiance. OCT 6 �F Adopted by the Couch---- — — YEAS NAxs Councllman BARFUSS FINDLAN APProv�-- — PEARCE 0 �flTlRSCT1 - TRUAX WENZEL`!'—�i" Mayor. Ma. PaEsmsxr Farm C A ra (rM-e-aB) / "LTSI-iF,D and znd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas ///// Nays /' 's a n f ndlan , Ian earce l PetersonBerson arce . IV! J� / ruax Wenzel/Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan i�ljil� Mr. Pres. Gehan STORAGE RATES x HOLMAN'MUNICIPAL AIRPORT Hangar Storage: 50 Monthlg Rate, .W per foot wing spread per month. Daily Rate, Planes up.to 36 feet wing spread inclusive, 1.00 $O[ift per 24 hours or fraction thereof. Planes 37 to'41 feet wing spread inclusive, 1.56 ft@& per 24 hours or fraot'ion.thereof. Planes 42 to 51_feet wing spread inclusive, 2.00 ftift per 24 hours or fraction thereof. planes 52 to 61 feet wing spread inclusive, 2'5p1nes pto 71 feethours wing or fraoti6n thereof. spread inclusive, 3.50 � per 24 hours or fraction thereof.. Planes 79 tfeet o 24 hoursworgfraction thereof.' 4.50 p Ground Storage: —� Monthlg,MXRRxMI;d&'-' .25 per foot wing span c>Q C4 Sl Daily, IARXI45t AW one half of Hangar rate Dead Storage: 909 When space is available, tf the ` regular monthly.rrate will be charged. No planes will be permitted to operate commercially unless equipped with a suitable tail wheel and brakes, any plane owned or operated by more than two parties will be considered l a commercial operation. Aas zs�a, 0- W l couecm NO. ---•'105354 �ta owt to MY a"k CITY OF ST. PAUL F"$ - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM ONE EAS, the Continental Oil Company has Petitioned the Council for on Lotsi4nand bnstall and me and the westi10afeet ofiLot i3 `, filling sta� Block 4, Ao i and Others Rearrangement of part of Hewitt'9i - Outlots, loca ed on University Avenue near Vandalia Street; and WgEREAs, ,Braid Continental Oil Company has submitted s 13,jue-print Of osed curb thet, with forformation of returns,. pump locatin, the Council; and W#Z�yAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, Seetion_5 of Ordinance No. 5640; therefore, be it horitRESOLVED, that permisalon and ainatallyand are herebmaintain give n to said Continental Oil Company 'said station in aecordanol'd with the plan submitted;x,any deviation ed w 1 automatically void the permit from the plan as approvtglle gd In aecordanee with the 0,.tanka b=PumPa shall a der.=the> d xeotion ctt n .the CiiL r w�i"] ai a3q"' amd_landscap ng n . ...t .----- side - -a' subj:a�t to the app and anY changes in curbing, grounds and Public Buildings, walks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements withisatis n the street lines n shall be made Coundmmissioner Forks. Th r thel,direction dpermitto eherein Yae the Council granted shall be forever subject to revocation by whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COIINCILMENAdopted by the Counorl _.- _.... Yeas " Nays/ FindlanPeeex .-.193-..-•- t'�,azCe ,Rosen 9 _-.-In favor Approved..-• ---•----- rcterson.--...-..-••• _-•--.--.-- Against ; - Mayor Wenzel C:=Neuse Mr. Vice 1'resident (Truax) -CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN TRIPLICATE TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S.OPPICB. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FIL ING. STATIONo /� ( o- DATE-_:'"` ------------ DATE LF TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ----- - ------ BY_IC�-L' ., ( AM OR FIRM OR INty VIOUAL� y er — —--— FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A (�D E IN' on 'INSIDE aWRA.i;3 `. f �. _♦t`�Il �dlf� --' _ B AUTOMOBILE FILLING' STATION TO E LOCATED ON LOT -------r ------�- _ ___ BLOCK__- R�.✓' /�,(�.�'�J�,{ A;f �, 1 �(` /� ' f,"=♦ �I' R }� !'.Gish 4-- '-_ - fSTRE�EtC ANO NUMBER) —_-- _____ f_ �% .CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_f-Aec1�-K NO. OF PUMPS__ -----NO. OF GAS TANKS_-----{ - - -- SIONATUR6 OF APPLICANT. FILEDBy d 1—T 'T' B INH99 ADOREee. _ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK _ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE._-___ A�,.,�H CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT O UBL SAFETY I BY _--_—__--___— `----- t7 CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminloner Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. September 28, 1936 Returned herewith is the application of the Continental 011 Co. for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on University Avenue between Cleveland and Vandalia Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Fire Prevention and Traffic. JPM/k Very traly yours, D ommissioner LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 26, 193C. John P. Eullaney, Deputy Commissioner. Dear Sir: This is in response to ;,-our letter of September 21, 1936 relative to application made by the Continental Cil Co. for peri,dssion to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lots 4 and 5, and 10 ft. of Lot 3, Block 4, P-obbings and Others Rearraner:ent of part of Hewitt's Outlets on University .Avenue tetiesn Cleveland Avenue and Vandalia Street. Please be advised that i have rude the usual inspection of the proposed station and driveways and do not find that the proposed station and driveways will materiall- inter- fere with the movement of traffic. From a traffic standpoint 1 have no objections to the granting of this permit. Yours truly, 7 aa• W ii. iv. 'i�ettergren, Supt. of Traffic. Vl : F C 4 , POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., 3eplember 2k.193-6— Pursuant 8.193Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of the Continental Oil Co. to erect and install a filling station located on Tota 4. 5 and W. 10 ft of 3, Block 4, Robbing e+_+d Others Rearrangement. At about 2129 W- Tinivereity Avenue will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 7th day of ootobgr , 193.11—, at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. Page ale 8152 THE "DEPARTMENT;OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF'iNC CITY'OF.,SAINT PAUL INTGR-OFFICF COMMUNICATION THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT MOUSE September 25th, 1936. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT WENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, CIN Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. L. Re S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of the application of the Continental Oil Company for a drive-in filling station and garage for their own trucks on the north side of University Ave. between Cleveland Ave. and Vandalia St. This property has 210 ft. frcntage on University Ave. The land is zoned for Light Industry for 100 ft. back and the balance of the property in the rear for Heavy Industry. Their ownership runs back a maximum of 161.5 ft. It is now vacant property about 4 ft. above the grade of University Ave. with trackage in the rear. Plans call for ith aragecapac- ityin from University Ave.w in the rear on trackage. There is no objection to this location. The plans are in accord with the City and State Trunk Highway standards, and the Board recommend that the permit be granted. Plan enclosed. Yours very truly, GEORGk H. HERROLD Engineer -Secretary.; gh-rh encl. :- . ::-T ,.,.. I ;, �: . �, -., � ;, � i. `' � ! - y - CONTINE � r O1J` '-OMPANY "V A H O Lr f ENGINEERING ';iiw:•_,DEPARTWENT scale,- = �' Approved-_ .. orW,d t, City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL Flco«umcu No.. 105355= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE—SOLUTION--GENERAL �ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 9ze1 F. PeteT80II I�+ October .. 1936 COMMISSIONER. ..._. ......DA'!tE.'..._........................ ..a_l............_..._....... .�j R6yOLV�D� ' hat the assessment for sprinkling the streets in the City of 6t. Paul, Minnesota, ordered sprinkled by the Council during the year of 1936, as submitted by the Comptroller with his audit under date of October 1, 19360 be and is hereby approved and the Commissioner of Finance is hereby di- rected to certify same to the Auditor of Ramsey County, accompanied by a certified copy of this resolution. t d CV11 COON ILMENNa / Adopted by the Council... ......�it►,..........._� 193 Yeas }}}%%% Buss 4indlan �pp'f'� In favor Approved.._._ ...................TA4...__. W9 _ eteraon Againstf/ ...._ ..... _.. t.....".. A._:15.. Mayor et`t sae Mr. Vice 1'rsi(levt (Truax) Mr. Axel Peterson Commissioner of Finance Building Dear Sir. In accordance with Section 275-B of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, I wish to report that the total cost and expense of sprinkling streets as ordered by the Council during the Year 1936 will be and is as nearly as the same can be ascertained, less the pro rata amount of the cost of such sprinkling to be paid by the Street Railway Company, the sum of $175, 149-31- I am delivering to you herewith twelve ward books iden- tified by my signature. They contain a complete list and des- cription of the parcels of land abutting upon the public streets that have been sprinkled or oiled and the amount set opposite each respective description is the pro rata cost including water and oil, inspection, cost of equipment, repairs and maintenance in front of each respective parcel of land less the pro rata amount payable by the Street Railway Company, which amount is paid by monthly bills. Yours ver truly, aWY Commissioner Public Works Y" 136 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital OF Minnewto DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVINE C. PEARCE, COMMISSIONER BuwuU or {ANRATION GEORGE J. JACOBS. D[PUTT COMBM[ION[w FRED DRIVER, SUPT. eUw U OF CONST.w R[PAIR GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CNI[F ENOIN[[R JOHN M. REARDON. SUPT. SUw[AU OF BRIDO[[ M. {. GRYTBAK. KNOW[[. OFFIC[ R[[R G. X.. KKNSRROLD BUR[AY of COR ON[ RAY J. KARTAK.AK. Suri. CNI[I ENOR. Cl[wK MARK W. WOODRUFF September 29, 1936 Mr. Axel Peterson Commissioner of Finance Building Dear Sir. In accordance with Section 275-B of the Charter of the City of St. Paul, I wish to report that the total cost and expense of sprinkling streets as ordered by the Council during the Year 1936 will be and is as nearly as the same can be ascertained, less the pro rata amount of the cost of such sprinkling to be paid by the Street Railway Company, the sum of $175, 149-31- I am delivering to you herewith twelve ward books iden- tified by my signature. They contain a complete list and des- cription of the parcels of land abutting upon the public streets that have been sprinkled or oiled and the amount set opposite each respective description is the pro rata cost including water and oil, inspection, cost of equipment, repairs and maintenance in front of each respective parcel of land less the pro rata amount payable by the Street Railway Company, which amount is paid by monthly bills. Yours ver truly, aWY Commissioner Public Works Y" 136 Co. cm 105356 CITY OF ST. PAUL vac NO ------- --------...... - G/�`'����G OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1 PRESENTED BYE DAT'F -- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED that the license of the pure Oil Company fora gasoline filling station at 1089 University Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to dames R. Shepherd at the same location; be 1t FURTHER RESOLVED, That the license of the Pure Oil Company for a gasoline filling station at 1036 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to H E. Zabel and R. A. Fortmeier, at the same location; and the proper My officers are directed to make the proper changes in the records. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na e Barfass Findlan t Pearce _..I \---In favor Peterson r Tama- rmmm ....... --.._l-Against Wenzel 4-W.enwl - am 11-33 Mr. Vice I resideut (Truax) Adopted by the Council.--... OGT -.-...7 ,1..'-193_._ Approved ............ --••--•--........ 193.— ............ --._..._.-_. -•-....J✓ - Mayor CITY OF SANT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 6th, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application for transfer of gasoline filling station licenses from the name of The Pure Oil Company to the following James R. Shepherd at lOg9 University ave. H.E.Zabel and B.A. Fortmeier at 1036 Grand Avenue was referred to you for the preparation of resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. GENERAL OFFICES, 35 EAST WACHER OR IVE,CHICAGO. MARKETING DIVISION MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. October 22nd, 1926. "ayor and City Council, City Fall, St. Paul, Minn. Att=ntion - City Clerk Gentlemen: Will you kindly transfer the gasoline filling station licenses from the name of The Pure Oil Company to the names listed below? 1089 University Ave. to the name of James R. Shepherd 1036 Grand Ave. to the name of H. E. Zabel and R. A. Fortmeier 'ire are transferring these licenses for the s!jme reason that I gave you when I appeared before the council some time ago. Yours very truly, FHE URE OIL COMPANY LP.Y: Ea Y,. � YOL'NGREI , J o.ldo.l`1"7a CITY OF ST. PAUL ;«��,� NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BEj___._...__......__...........—._....__...__._..__..................._._.............COMMISSIUN..DATE ............. O!Mker.7x.19.........._...._..__ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees ti He rJ–SCHiGaitsl 103 W. Seventh St.� Eestaurant� Opp. 14886,Hew` M. H. Parenteau 116 Seventh St.White Bear Oil Burner ° 14g99 to COUNCILMEN Yeas s NIan �duss In favor itL�ice ��Yetereon �... Against X 1 / 3M A36 l MT. Viw csident (Truax) Adopted by the Council......__.......... -7._....._ ..................... 193-- `1 #46 Approved..................................................................193....... ........�. �...,.._./._.._ ................................... . Mayor 105358 Ort tel �o Glp Clark couMGL CITY OF 57. PAUL nu NO._.—•.-•--••--- (/ / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM PRESS TED -f ....... L..... ...........................DATE..............._QtObar__6......19.36................. COMMISSION.. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Albert Alzant 632 University Av. Barber App. 14835 Renew. Fred Jones 517 Rice St. a p 7672 n Steven Moser 520 Rice Bakery " 7307 W. Schenker 1 2 St. Clair �5 n aY Groceryn Malt Bev." 2 7530 " a n Hole L. Anderson 704 Plum Gas Sta. 3 pumps to 7633 " Asa A. Eldredge 4 W.Eachange 9 D a 3 s s 7456 " Hofacker Bros. 1906 Stillwater Rd. ° ° 3 " ° 14665 " D. J. McGinley 1423 W. Seventh St. It 11750 3 ° II 0 u B. F. Byan 1190 Randolph St. n 11 3 to " 7415 " Twin City Tire and Battery Co. 1491 University „ n 4 it n 14795 u- Gemstone Products Co. 1500 E. Minnehaha Fuel Dealer ° 14775 Clara Bahultz 494 Rice St. 2nd hand auto parts 73i4 al _ Herman Krinsky 521 W. Tenth St. Hotel (Reo) n 14794 Brown & Bigelow 1 3 10 University Restaurant 14545 W. Z. Dickhudt 1192 H. Dale a 11 Restaurant On Sale Malt 14825 14829 " u u n n n n n Off n a 14830'" It to 11 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.................... ........... ........... _...... _1 -- Yeas Nays Darfuss Findlan In favor Approved .... _......... ................ ............ ............. _..... 1 _._.. Pearce Peterson Against _ _........_............................................_..........._.................._ . Mayor Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 105358 eouseo. No .. ................................. o"IIII,.1wcity a.k CITY OF ST. PAUL do OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PREBen1881�e.0 o.----------- C O M M LI N E R_--- --•--"—' -2^ RESOLVED �- App. 14783 Renew 792 E. Seventh St' Restaurant R. Evanson x It 14785 y & L. Holmberg 372 Robert u 14971 R. W. Kempen 371 Earl " un on Sale Malt Bev. ;; 14973 11 R. W. Kemper n n OfY x x x It n 14924 436 Wabasha St- Restaurant Musicians Union a 14965 William gikituk 514 St. Pater u " 14917 " 1441 11. Cleveland it M. G. Ritchie " 14935 n Thomas Skwerea 900 E. Seventh " u a It�� On Sale Malt Bev. 14836 148 7 3 I off p- n ILMEN Ad .. opted by the Council... QCT ...........' .......193...... C'AU N s Yeas OCT ? I Ba Approved. .... ........ .... ...._...................193....... In favor /P- Ian ce eon �......... Mayor _ �..... Against �Veazel 3M 6a6 I�r, Vice Yresiden � original tq MY Clerk .01M IL 105359 CITY r CITY OF ST. PAUL rue • ---- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R solfvED J 6t the%�e use of the Arena in the Saint �1 Auditorium /be and :it is hereby given to the National Co-operative Milk Producers Federation, with public address system, for a meet - Ing on N6vember 10, 1936, from 9:00 A. M. until B:00 P. M; be it FOR== R$SQLVED,(d'iat the cost of opening and operating the Arena on that occasion be set up in the budget for 1938 in Auditorium Fund No. 17; be it ygpaq ER RESOLVEDyfilat Council File No. 106221, approved September 29, 1936, be and the same is hereby repealed. V� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss Findlan Pearce C .......... -`2 ---- In favor Peterson i,si vrww MM= ----••--_- /•---Against Wenzel GNMUM 3Ir 11.53 Mr, Vice I resident (Truax) Adopted by the CounciL_-..�C'T 1---- ----------- 193..-._ Approved........ •....-.._..-..-.. ...- 193 _. Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota js/) DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION J JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON. S.I. INT.....T MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, LI--. BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU. D-... EDWARD A. FURNI. SUI -1 -....NT October 7, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: Will you please have prepared for my presentation to the Council a resolution to provide for the use by the National Cooperative balk Producers Federation of the St. Paul Auditorium arena section, with public address system, for a meeting on November 10, from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., cost of opening and operating to be set up in the budget for the year 1938 in Auditorium Fund #17. Very hrulyyours, Jpp(W all Commissioner of Education --.0- 1 , - F-1 ; I 100"I 536 ... . ................... ........... 'err tn6 C1 TrTl' No CITY 011m F ST. PAUL tV. for , 1,; .' t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENEkAL ....... ......... ..................... PRESENTED v ........... . DATE .......... . ... ................... .... .......... CO M RESOLVED, that local improvement assessments and installments thOre*f,. JeTied by the city Of Saint Paul and heretofore certified f 02 collection with general real estate taxes, the interest, costs and penalties relating to which were heretofore duly abated by Minnesota Tax Commission* affecting the I following described real estate Bitn&te in the City Of Saint Paul' to -wit: Lots 3, 4 5 and 8, Block 1, and Lots 3 to 12, Block 29 4larneenitts Addition; Lots I to 9 inclusive, Cagimer's Addition, may be discharged separately In relation to each separate Par se of the aggregate of the prin- Gel by the payment in each caovement assessments and install- oipal sums of such local impr meats, and the proper officers of the 00unty of Ramsey are hereby authorized to accept such payment' COUNC LIAEN Adopted by the CounciINT 8-10 193...... Yeas Nays ''r 1�duss W 8 nC.......l.193-- In favor ........... ; .......................................... 111indlan Approved.. .. . ........ 7i son Against i pUgLISIIED /d 3M 6S6 M Vice rc i nt (Tru—) WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have officially designated Saturday, November 7th, 1936, as "Saint Pearl Cinderella; Home- ""6eming Ball Day", and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council had in mind, by such desig- nation, the fact that the University of Minnesota is playing its 1936 home -coming football game with the University of Iowa on that date, and WHEREAS, the festivities on that day are for tie amusement of Minnesota teachers assembled in Saint Paul for their annual convention and for the benefit of visitors to the City for the purpose of attendtag the aforesaid home -coming game, as well as all the citizens of the Northwest, therefore be it J -;RSSOL9ED, that the Mayor and Council do hereby invite the State University Band to take part in such celebration at the 4 Saint. 'pail, [unioipal Auditorium on that day, and the City Clerk is herebyiithorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this res.Qlution to the Hon. Lotus D. Coffman, President of the University of the State of Minnesota. POUNPfLMEN Adopted by the Council.........._�CT...._.8... .-....195_..... yeas Nay ass { _; Findlan oo In favorGe Approved .............._T.-.....5)... Feeeestm /` J %, / Against _......_............ /...Y...... a , Mayor 3Dt 636 Vice President (Truax) _ Ori,lo.imGh G7eie No gig, ereab, the.or'and�"C�� - ❑Y `designated 6aturdc. (! x361. `I" h, leas, ns eatnt Paul CITY OF ST. PAUR "ans' as No......l�.tt� " 'mtng Ball Y" � sae,y the MBYOT Bnd l' OFFICE OF THE CITY C %'., eisde lgfatl COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENE i"1936. homecpmf: Ch TlniYerfi y�� � �//� 'hV V PREgENTED By COMMISSIONER__ ...................,1 _....... _........._............._._......_. .J;..DA�.....:.:....... ............ ......................................... ___. WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council have officially designated Saturday, November 7th, 1936, as "Saint Pearl Cinderella; Home- ""6eming Ball Day", and WHEREAS, the Mayor and Council had in mind, by such desig- nation, the fact that the University of Minnesota is playing its 1936 home -coming football game with the University of Iowa on that date, and WHEREAS, the festivities on that day are for tie amusement of Minnesota teachers assembled in Saint Paul for their annual convention and for the benefit of visitors to the City for the purpose of attendtag the aforesaid home -coming game, as well as all the citizens of the Northwest, therefore be it J -;RSSOL9ED, that the Mayor and Council do hereby invite the State University Band to take part in such celebration at the 4 Saint. 'pail, [unioipal Auditorium on that day, and the City Clerk is herebyiithorized and directed to forward a certified copy of this res.Qlution to the Hon. Lotus D. Coffman, President of the University of the State of Minnesota. POUNPfLMEN Adopted by the Council.........._�CT...._.8... .-....195_..... yeas Nay ass { _; Findlan oo In favorGe Approved .............._T.-.....5)... Feeeestm /` J %, / Against _......_............ /...Y...... a , Mayor 3Dt 636 Vice President (Truax) W City Clerk �W nNe Ae o cfat oBthCoM nt e } iQ5362 p ouNei�" NO.. CITY OF ST yd In, Saint, P4U1-. biovember ��� OFFICE OF THE CI 7th, 1936, a'Clnderello Ha] 9'on NoVember 7th at t' T Mualclpal AudltorlUm as COIiNCIL RESOLUTION --- d o[ avah co "" nn auch Cinderella F:. �, dote wh PRESENTED BY ^,�`l,�/ 16ye iter hops COMM1851UNER_..._.._ ._ ......._r�.r- !`_..........___......_ _... _... ._.... th/aty L ty�•..... .........0i ......................................_ . JRA , WHEREAS, during the Minnesota Educational Association Convention, to be held in Saint Paul November 6th, 6th and 7th, 1936, a Cinderella Ball will be given on November 7th at tle Saint Paul Municipal Auditorium, as part of the entertainment of such convention guests, and WHEREAS, such Cinderella Ball will be held on the date when the University of Minnesota plays its home -coming football game for this year, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that the attention of the people of the City should be directed to these festivities, therefore be it RESOLVED by the Mayor tad Council that Saturday, November 7th, be and it is hereby officially declared tube $Saint Paul Cinderella Home -coping Bali Day." COUNC�If:MEN Yeas. / Nays Eindlan Pearce In favor ., Against 1 3et 6identi(nTn 36/ rMrVice 1r - OCT 81996 Adopted by the Council.....................................................193...... OCT 81936 ....jApproved .............................................. .._............... .............../..Y.... ........M ayor NJBLISH1:ri_42,/d/3 9.. - P- Nu. 10696a sy Joh Whereas the aemm,e.i 1053 ....... ... .... rendered necessary it, OFFICE OF THE CIT`,f °foi8'moea °than m loyment there.i. COUNCIL RESOLUTION... 1,-t the prom . PRESENTEDNER_.BY Ft--- v� o^^"` ,....._-bATEtob.so . O.G.ET.4....193.6 ry, .. i COMMISSIO�T.Q�311...S.i._.F_i ,.�.. .. —_........ --..... _ ._ T'.._ RESOLVED wHmEAS, the Commiseioner of Educatibri has reported to th6 Council in acoordance with Section 53, Of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the.proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: WANE TITLE T 110 RAIL TOTAL Arlington Hills Branch Library`s reen, William Janitor -Engineer 5 hrs. *5E4 2.93 Hemline Branch Library Kading, William J. it if 5 " .58j 2.93 Merriam Park Branch Library Davenport, George L. " " 3 " .581 1.76 Riverview Branch Library Polanka, Rudolph J. n n 9 if .581 5,27 COON I.MEN Yeas Nays uss indlau In favor psasc& Against enol �Fsea�d�ts�arl7=� ,1N dM 11111' Vice president (Truax) Adopted by the Council........ ®CT. _...................... 193..... -7 8 =, Approved... .. ........ ........... . ..................................... 193 Mayor "UBLISI ED� Z9 Counei� CITY OF ST. PAUL nit NO..........053fi4 ..................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October S, 1 6 COMMISSION ER ._._._ ....... _..._..."""".....___...._..._..__.....-_._....___.............................. .... ... DATE ....:... ................ -..................._93......................_..... 4 WHEREAS, P. F. Mavroulls desires to withdraw application 8949 for On Sale Liquor License at 618 Selby Ave. and requests the return of the fee and the bond deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to P. F. Mavroulis the fee of $1,000.00 and the bond in the amount of $3,000.00 and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. COUNC�ICMEN Yeas / Nays es indlan _ YeLa�aac. ........................... Against 1 ardent.( ` 3M 636 Mr. Vice Pre518ent --tib Adopted by the Council ......fl.gf........8...06-193...... OCT 8 Approved.......................................... ........................ 193....... �..�........./Vr ,.........��f�.G^"•- ..Mayor COUNCIL 105365 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.. ......... �/�`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ! COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .:... _.._ ............................... DATE .......... Octo}ler....4.m-lf3r...................... _... COM M I S S I U N E R_....._.._.......:......_...._....__.._..._....._............_:._�.._.......__......._.. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses' indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: William Easdan 176 State St. Foodstuff V.P. Apptr 14965 Renew. It ^ a s Vehicle Peddler ^ 149 ^ M. 'C. Wagner, 56 E. 4th St. Gas Station " 14781 " Bud M. George, 472 S. Robert St. Pool & Billiard " 14574 ^ G F No. 106006 BY G. H. D—fuea-1 COUN TLMEN Yeas Nays lid: In favor Against 1 . 3M 6% 1� Vme l'r i5 ddent (Truax) laden, 176 State St. 'Ve. App. 14964; Renewal: ;ner 68 H. 4- Uhl th8G,:(4a6 1471; ReaewaL rge;.4T2 B�-Robert Ht.;Pool App: 1487{, Renewal, - wa,covnclr ooa.s: lase, ct: s. 1936. Ocb101. 1988) :. Adopted by the CounA#Y..l........_0..9".36...._..._.._.193...... OCT 8 Approved /.................. ...............................................193....... ....,......_1.Y_.........L ?t �rn....N ........ Mayor �'.� =UNCtL 165366 CITY OF S T• PAUL ray NO.- ............................._ OFFICE OF THE ,..., (CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY :.' ..DATE..._OCtOber.._5�..._1936 ...........................__ COMMISt4NE1Z_...__.._..._.»_..___........._............_._......__.._...._._..._......___._..._.................................__.__. . RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 114605, On Sale Malt Teverage, application 114603, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14904, applied for by Nick Saracco, at jig S. Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved Sept. 29. 1936 COUI(MEN N Yeas Y // a Buss �Findlan In favor feawt- . Feeerselr Against 3111 636 Mr; Vice 1'resideut ('Trull") f* Adopted by the Council. ....W" ......-8...1DJ5......193...... . OC Approved..................................................... .........193....... ......./f t ......................... . .. r c Mayor Od`toilmClp Clerk- �o���,� 105367 CITY OF ST. PAUL cou NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 8, 1y36 ,_ CO M M ISSIUN ER_..___..._........._........-._.._._............................._.._.._............._. ........_.............................................DATE.........._............................................ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrylcted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Y Mrs. Matilda Nelson 807 Ohio St. Grocery App. 14m New II n fSale Malt " 14g11 " n Leon Burch Co. 422 S. Wabasha 2nd Hand Auto Dlr " 14799 n H. D. Ziegler 207 New York Bldg. Salary Loan " 14633 " (doing business as Ace Finance Co) 105367—By. Q. H. Berenee-1 M. T�uitx- COUN LMEN ye"Nays Ba user _-_-las Pence In favor Aeeelawr Against /W 1 __ `t( JM 636 �. Viae Yresident lir""" 807 Ohio 7 Ohl. at.. iopted by the 'C ell Oct. 8. pproyed (Octt_1031888): Or 81938 Adopted by the Council......_ .......... ...._.._.......... ...... .......... 193..... OCT A Approved.................... NDCT10..............................193....... . / y........_. L"� lv,aaa�� �ov��� NO .................................... G .OLIN CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM October._S, 1 _ 6 .. PRESEN rEDB------------------------............................. DATE ................................. .........._ 19M ............. 7' y CO-SF,N LINER.__._..._r......._...._.......:__......._""'......�.._.._._...._._ WEMBE1,S, Glenn Rose desires to withdraw application 14931 for Barber license at 523 Selby 1 enue and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon; theiefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Glenn Rose the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNC/ EN Yeas Na s, sa indlan In favor ��^ .................._._ Against Pt enrel (Gab yreeident r"4 8 993......... Adopted by the Council............���..._......... . Approved. 193 M Mayor Oriale.l t. City ckr"L CCyMCIL 105369 CITY OF ST. PAUL •ILC NO- ............ .... ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM In the matter of curbing the Horth Side of St. Anthony Avenue from Prior Avenue to 180 feet east of Prior Avenue, and South side of St. Anthony* Avenue from Prior Avenue to 200 feet east of Prior Avenue—Contract 'B" – under Preliminary Order C. F. 101709 approved October S, 1935, and Final Order C6 F. 10303e approved March 10t 1936. Resolved, That the plane and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improve– ment, be and the same are hereby approved: , ✓� COUN -iCMEN Yeas Nay(,.favor Barfuss "Vindlan Ptersotr D... Against zel ant (P�eba�-' t 3°' s Mr. Vice President (Tru9sb C. F. No. 106889—By IL C.'Wegzel, he i�QOnat Adopted by the Council Oct. 8, •1998. Approved Oat -8,1936. (Oct. 10, 1996) original to City Clerk eouNca. No.---•-[-YVV7V CITY OF ST. PAUL rat OFFICE OF TH CITY CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUT N ERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / C�j� I" fCATF COMMISSIONER W MEW, the Council by Resolution No. 105010, approved September 9, 1936, \1d zed the issuance an& sale of $500,000 St.Paul Sewer Bondaeries No. 4, and as per city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be vertised for sale and vertisement required bids to be submitted on October S, 1936, and as bide were ed and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council. and the joint bide of oston Corporation, Eetebrook & Company, First of Michigan Corporation and Harold & Company, was found to be the most advantageous bids RESOLVED, that the said joint bid of First Boston Corporation, EstebroolC & . First of Michigan Corporation and Harold E. Wood & Company, be accepted and said bonds awarded to First Boston Corporation, Eatebrook & Company. First of Michigan Corporation and Harold E. Wood & Company. 8t a pride; namely, par and accrued interest, with an interest rate of 20 per annum, and a premium of $2.445.00. Further Resolved, that the Council hereb*--tifies and approves each and every other act of said Cosmtittee in connection with the sale of said bonds. OCT 81936193.... Adopted by the Council._ ....................... . -, -1- 8 Approved .................. --•-- �--•-•--. _. 93...... Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Aarhus GMM'/ Findlan ESP t [ ......----\....... In favor peft".__ f'etcc�on i�� '14he.c— ••-----t ....... Against \L'euz�l CYP'ehzel� 3M 11-35 g (Truax) m., Vice i'resident OCT 81936193.... Adopted by the Council._ ....................... . -, -1- 8 Approved .................. --•-- �--•-•--. _. 93...... Mayor W MY Clerl, cevNcm No._-���`- - Oridlnal i CITY OF ST. PAUL • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RUMMM W=REAS, the Council by Resolution No. 105021, approved September 10, 1936, authorized the issuance and sale of $100,000St•Paul Public Welfare Bonds, and sale a the proper city officers have fully caused the said bonds to be advertised for and said advertisement required bids to be submitted on October S. 193t% and as bids were submitted and were opened, examined and tabulated by the Council, and the joint bid of Graham, Parsons & Co., New York.Eldred e & ., Inc., New York A. G. Hecker Chicago^_ \ Allison -Willi tfinneapo is, was found to be the mo a vantageoue bids RESOLVED, that the said joint bid of Graham, Parsons & Co., Eldredge & Co., Inc.. A. G. Becker &Co. and Allison -Williams Co. be accepted and said bonds awarded to Graham, Parsons & Co.. Eldredge & Co., Inc., A. G. Becker & Co. and Allison -Williams Co., a _..1 vrice, namely, par and accrued tereat, with a interest rate o per annum, and a premium of $90.00• Further Resolved, that the Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every other act of said Committee in connection with the sale of said bonds. Yeas / COUNCILMEN Naye / Barfnse7 Findlan$ neater- FRII� In favor favor Peter^c�i 'Tt'da$'E ,Ts>+err .................... Against ant 11.33 Mr. Vice l resident (Trues) OCT 8 " 193....-. Adopted by the Council _----- --------------- - Approved------------------ -------------- ------ _- 93 solved, that the a, —11 I for the support -of 't to CIL nment, Baia "d of. CITY OF ST. PAUL Clt' NO.....I.o5372 '!`�...fh'' t- OFFICE OF THE CITY CL2.2-for Jftrl �.�tboy:wl' '1936 to RESOLUTION----GENER th . CI RESO for onch"fluod'tt" set forth;. t of BY p4+ neh ............ ............ PRF EON 11 .... . ..... .. Co S, .. ...... ........ .... . .......... RESOLVED I that there be and is hereby levied for the4upport of the various departments of the City Of Saint PaUlOvOznmentl and Of the Special School District of said City, Upon all the property taxable therefor in the City Of $Uit'Paul, for each ftarter rUnd, a tax for the year �193 f)ln an amount eq=1 to the annual estimate of expenditures for each.fund as herein recited and set forth, after deducting therefrom -the amount of the Departmental Receipts, Delinquent Taxes and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows: (Insert Schedule) BE IT ru R RgeloLVED, that the City Clerk be directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1937 to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately APOn the adoption and approval Of this resolution. COUNCII.MEN Yeas as Ye �in&an 1 2Y /In favor 171—/ ers.0. W4 Against Enol ' Mr. Vice 1'resident (Trues) Adopted by the Council- Q -G -T d -M.193 Mf 'N lm'q Approved.. ... .. .. .............. . .................... 193-- - may- Pl:;�LISHED zz�5 -,- - . q: . Fund No. Charter Ptinds Amount 37,000:00 1 City officers Salaries g,11g14,00 2`" Mayor's Office 31 ,007.00 3 Corporation Counsel 29,756.00 1}- City Clerk Contingent Pnad 64,666.00 ?6 , Finance Commissioner 30,601.00 7..gr9 Public Safety - Administration 6914,06g.00 '.`7 .Police 793.999.00 g Bire. 53.937.00 Police and Fire Alarm 100.669.00 �7-g Health 159,1457.00 10 11 Public Works Street Construction & Repair 911+4,1490.00 22,1{80.00 12 Sawer'Conatraction & Repair 207,290.00 13 Street and Sewer Gleaning 23,600.00 114 Bridge Sanding &Repair 3.292 10 X15 Public :Schools 2314,k77.06 6111,709-00 111.709.00 17. Auditorium 116,_792 00 Sg Pnblio`._Parks : — ---- _ - ,207:00: 19 - - ublta PleSgrs'yad11 146,0.51.00 20 Public Buildings 51,1114.00. 21 Pub1i'o,Vtilitiee 2114,299.00` _ 22:,. A�b3 C"biP,Yet ng 021,970.00. 23� Water Department "-300,000.00 24 Hoard of Public Welfare 63,56co0' 25, City Hall and Courthouse 1,269,522.00 26 Interest 300,000.00 27 29 sinking Pond Redemption of Honda and Notes 1,066,'70g.00 10,000.00 29 Judgment & Compbomise 50,318.00 30 Comptroller and Civil Service _ 599.5914.00 jl General Pond TOTAL 11,122.915.00 Plus Shrinkage in Tax Collections 72,910.00 11,9972.915.00 Lose Departmental Receipts 1,317,752.00 Miscellaneous Receipts 2 9114.695.00 142 . . 146 7. 20. 9.00 lto. Qhart�x;Tunds 1 city Officers I�alies 2 WOO parporxtion Daun�sl .' Oit9 glet9e OonLlnBent lhati� �" ?inenOe Commisfribnar , 7' 1 Polis ;Sle!"e1qjdministratioa Polios a . g 74 ,... ?ire Polloo,*i J, in Als1IM lq BsaiLhr -^ public:Ytla9t# it 12 St rest Qonot}!ilW`.o' & Repair Ol n ennr Qonetx pRepair 't SLR}at Bind mei" Qleaala6 BridBeBediai Bepais polio ftbca'U1 , 1 polio s�+ibxs iq pa]►lio pieiYB�+ep�,ds 20 mum 8aildlgBs 21 Polis nLSlitios 22 Public LiRhGis�y' 2+} Rater Departn 0*4 24 Board of 16116eltsss 2 Oitvr Rall" ana donrthonM 2 interest . fi � �raa 2E RedsmpU6jA of Bonds and Hotes 2g 2udpeb�t & QON004 90 30 OomPtnrol7.ea?? O4 civil Service 31 General l'mdA16 Phu 9Arini[s('1k0'taz collections Lege Dapastm nsil Receipts Receipts 1031 i �•� 2 Yiecellansous F 105373 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter ofoondemning and taking an easement_in the_land neoeasary for_slopest_ outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Blook 1, King's Highland Park and Blook 1, River Boulevard Addition frm Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, HESOLIITION08 .:YIN{: ,1pDHtBdffi,.. N TB�AWd'aD.OX- '. e�•; oY:condeaTl 61i,rneahhit+. under Preliminary Order__104647------------ approved------ August_ 6� 1986--------------, Intermediary Order -------- ,.Q42@4------------- approved ------- uguat_11.1938__-----------, Final Order ---------------106046--------------- approved ------- $eptemb9r-15--,9$6,___------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assess benefits; benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the___- 4th------------ day of___ Nggember---------------- 19_3A_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council___�%�i7 g IJ�F -��— --------------------- - -- "-;1 19 UPJ----- City C1erlC:'- Approved--------------------------- --- ---------- -------J- -r-- Mayor. "+ B rf Councilman a uss Findlau Councilman _rgusen / C1.i0;uuf1..7,, Peterson Councilman esie v Councilman Sildl'f Wenzel Gehan Mr. Vice lresideut (Truss) PUBLISHED /� 3� 105374 • TION .OF OOIINOIL Ie9IDleMEFT;AND B'.HaAD7N0. TIIIDNO. Ti.IID OF gNAAI: 'VABD O'F DXMAOE6.. RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROV �SMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING °L na fe oil ME= THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES Inthe matter of---------------------------------------------------------------------- ;ooudemning and taking an easement twenty feet in width, on, under, across, and through 1.0irtain miscellaneous tracts of land in the N* of Hii'} of Seo. 8, Township 28, Range 22 and the HE} of Seo. 4, Township 28, Range 22 for the purpose of constructing and maintain- ing a public newer extending from the Point Douglas Road to the joint interceptor serer Of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District at a point on the Right -of -Way of the Chi�go-Burlington d+ Quinoy Railway, as more particularly described hereafter. 'The center line of said easement shall be a line described as followas Com$encing at the northw'estoorner of Section 8, Township 28, Range 22, thence easterly along the north line of said Section S, a distance of 668.29 feet, thence at an angle to the right of,69O 22* for a distance of 642.66 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 190 0' for a +etanoe of 197,2 feet to point of beginning, thence at aa;!p,ngle to the right of 810 141 i4r a d'stones of 280.4 feet, thence at an angle to the r� of 680 10' 80" for a dis�t8!�'.. of 7 e '4+rty. #hln0ar.st an angles--ta the left 5f 33vi3Ge a distance of 787.78 _foot; 4� a po#2tt: ""the scat line of the J* of HS} of 8eotion 4, Township 28, Range 22 and 487 f.et wesc'i'raoofilesatcorner of B'aid 1<E} .of RE} of Qedtion 4, thence;` gest along thesouth lig bt`eaid BFB} of NF* of Section 4 for a distance of 491.42 feet-, thence at an angle to Life,68:ter.a.dietsnoe'of 862.06 feet.,theloe at'an`angle'to the "right of 419 28' or a distance of 409.04 feat to the joistt interceptor sewer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul niter Di6triot,.at��a int such that haat described line produced westerly a distance `ef> 04.}3et�s n antis s8tl$`a ri#tle=dra5kicf"betsweeu mi�himieYita marking'tiis"beginning of' aurae ri .3lhw saatherly< end nortlserly. Right�of. y liana of ther,Zhicago, Burlington and $'q4d ?2�.9?f,foet northerly of _the mount on the said,..eonther7,y line of sold r;�y d �peraty eneemeat 'fbr' oondtrddtion purposes on a strip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the easement described, except where said condemnation is not neoess9}7;tg1r t;kW ,aid purpose, firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- 4th -------day of---- November ------------- 19-$S-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ---------------------- ---- - - ---� �, (�! ] 136 ------- - ----------------- ------------ Clerk. Approved---------------------------- 19- / r, ,r- Rarfuas Mayor. Councilman fivnr0g- rindlan �nffaoiiid PetersonCouncilmanCoaneils�an Wenzel Councilman Sudh Gehan Mr. vice rresident (Truss) 1053'74 r8:11.=N.2 Q;rGLj PGIJ'I AX.. r.} .. d�:: r.:o raerSc.L esicac:en; To,. ronar:ML",aaoa .,.; pL. Jo ',rr o•.�r,sFjLouq S�<,,•�� F,ae� ;;oLrp:,LJ3. ar ;p�- mcurm;sn;. o. F„_ a;-. r �or._u�::.J?. nuLn: n r . , aOI2,UG .J^' u„ =;c , ca _7Tc _ .rn , 01, 1"u,i'Fj L,194' atanja Iz?raLascP c ITL 9LeLss p.,Fr.aau nroum or+c n Lj j '1-4 p '::act ,.. OL r1r�eLA nT3 L;aT' �c n oo;n a. r �; losr geticLrpoq s r.oFn do .o3FuL�;i a qre �.r uc.a Uos, tr grerr �ar o �pG' n. z,aoc ro ;i3 Toru -. + F>1FeLoobPaL atc:L OF, Ccro rru..aaoJFo F>>.= gsrrJ MO 7gbf 22o lei 2gS'02 LaaF' pTrance up vu KZEJC I:No LJri}:.F OT, vJo Sar 7fao ab'esJ.g :c^ oL i 7 OT.�aorTon 1'o'.4 a gTaxVroa Or,�c37':S gec2' enoo er V31su'Jo ko ae o� H earcloa�r 007.UGL aL rrrg _s.j OT, MI -f r 03 2oc4jou f' Fpouco aPnc rJou� r}ra uanfF rr hajzt ¢Ire 2oncg Jane OL -Pf w0 or. PLEA nG 9,30;Tov 3' Soransp7�u Eel v3J2Q SS euq. tO_1 J'Gko� to Of "goucs CT; FM vn2To ;o ;To Jet; 250 J4r 20a I,us 6 gTagtrnc4 oi, 48S'A3 T.ea( +o Tos is q .X{=t*Ac: oNatdlt.City cleh i:" —1"11L��375 t...................f, . El WAS, additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary in the improvement described as the construction of the PHALEN CREEK STORM SEWER, Fielding & Shepley, Inc., contractors; Comptrollerts Contract 6-3505, have been provided for in the Specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the Contract, and Whereas, it has been found necessary to make the following deduction: - 38.0 lin. ft. of piling ® $0.23 $8.74; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approve the aforesaid deduction made in accordance with the specifications therefor, not to exceed the sum of $8.74, said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract G-3505 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the ..<` reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, FIELDING AND SHEPLEY, Ino., 4.1' 4' +`'- $8.74 is the correct amount to be deducted fromsoLuazoxa ?76—By ving IrC. peareons �tddltiOn. and deductlona COIIN D: .A/ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / 11indlan Pearce In favor Peterson �:r�ws... ..... _. __..._... Against . 3n: 676 Mr. second Vicc Pres Menzel) lcea::theref rbavej tract, and ­ 'i'been found n!•=?l' ° i`a ' FIELDING & SHEPLEY, Inc., Contractors �SMICK, 0 W IN the OCT Approved.......... :...................... ................... .193....... ................. ........... ........_OC,T .._/ .. .....Mayor._....... ` MISHED �d 3� 0rW-1 m City Cl.tk COMMISSIIONE RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---G FORM Axel F. Peterson.. COUNCIL NO—A-0-5176 6 October 8, 1936. 19 'Whereas, Mrs. Katie Hahn, is the owner of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate No. 234,972 for the amount of One Hundred Dollars; and Whereas, said certificate has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lieu thereof; and whereas, the said Mrs. Katie Hahn has filed a bond in the sun of Two Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said certificate, Indemnifying and saving harmless the City of St. Paul from any lose or'demage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, and Whereas, said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge Gustavus Loevinger, of the District Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of General Statutes of Minnesota for 19271 therefore be it Resolved, that the proper city officers are authorised to issue to the above mentioned Mrs. Katie Naha a dtplioate certificate in lieu of the said certificate No.. 234,972 which has been lost or .destroyed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson n Against VUasael� DM 6.)6 Mr. Second•Ficc Pres. (Wenzel) Adopted by the Council ............... O.(,'T........9...W3 ®CT 9 05 Approved. ............................ . . . . ... . ... . ........... 193_ Mayor O.q Cterk 3 115377 COYNGL JLW crWm,j to oeaiv—s a=el r. res CITY OF ST. P,.a,. Agnes Smith nae m4. nL� Findlan reuet to ttie Mnq e Pearce n relative to deutons. OFFICE OF THE CIT�or i , •rents on the follow-., CouN GE►;ertr to—it: s, wud aeee 0 Against • n TV - 6 delinauanor toti ti PRESENTED BY ... ....... ..................... '' COMMISSIONER............_...................__..........................................................._..._ .. �Ptichnt otters to -t -thereof the f .,�a"npConncll � "t. � ,nprovr •911} ..,,..P- WfMpM$, Agnes Smith has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 25, Block 3, Wild Hose Addition; and WMUMa , The delinquency totals the sum of $196.91 plus interest and penalties, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $149.55; therefore, be it `4. " RESOLVED, That the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $127.44 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $149.55, and that said sum of $127.44 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $196.91 plus interest and penalties. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson T+aea. 0 Against 2v�r,-Frceidcnt (6ehag_7 'm Q's I$r. SecoLa �i fres. (Weuzeu Adopted by the Council._.....,....._ QCt..l..........r9..._/M a Approved.............................................................. rMLISHED / Q 4�� ••-� oeilliml to City Clerk CITY. OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 2.u"' No.. 1135378 WHEREAS, Agnes Smith has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit: Lot 32, Block 2, Wild Rose Addition; and VaMREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $199.39 plus interest and penalties, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement jj thereof the sum of $151.44; therefore, be it i RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $129.33 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $151.44, and that said sum of $129.33 shall bepaid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total -delinquency of $199.39 plus interest and penalties. C. No. 105378—Hy-Axe1F� Wh reae,: Agne9 Smith hx1 pliratwn for relief to the Mh Commission,relative to dell ml nd assesemgnts oa itis font. Abed D�oDerty, to-w/t: r. t 32, Block 2. Wild R,' L ''";,eae,. the delinquene-= '199.39 plus'interes .� t`npn�enn^ nPs COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson ...... Against Tina= Wemtt 3M 616 Mr. See Pres. Adopted by the Council..:...... Orr.........o(;' Approved ............................. _®CT _.,9'._. ............ 193__ Mayor PUBLISHED / / D /3 NOTICE 105380_. To CITY OF SAINT PAUL379 COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FItENo. PRINTER - . ootober T 193- F Noq_ 106878=y06880— -' I Aeaolved r RESO V D,TH T CHEC �'9�,checks that cheoka be flramn on '. the c1tY,-� treasury, to.. the aggregate" num60iea°Izs�sseiu'Es�sos°i=eigai BeOaa n dle !n theoffice of 'the cl comptroller: - " REASURY'TO T{{rr�� Ary.GREGATE AMOUNT �. 7/0 (� Ams"WINfloated QF Co by the counclt Oct..9 Ysse; ADSroved Oak 8,.1986. y� ay'��7�p' 2`+f TO INCLUSIVE. AS PER ' ,(OoL1888) CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OFTR ROLLER. OCT 9 1936 ' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ t93_/. 444 �� t 91-W a oannocue APPROVED 193_ p BY 1. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITV OFeA,NT PAUL tOUNCII j.V3v ''- • " OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER . s, COL#NCILMEN=_ ROt.L GALL _ , FILE NO.--_- COYmcm.-M OWTION IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS,-. w RESOLVED. THAT -CHICKS BE NCH ; TY TREASURY. " TO THE AGGREGATE A F f COVlRINO .. , ' c CHECKS. NUMBERED-TONCLUBIVE, AS IS. SNCOISd- G2CL�C .' �U PER CHECKS ON FI E 1 T E OFFICE OFT E ClCOMPTROLLER: ADOPTED BY TyE:•COUNCN.-- - --� na I APPR.VEO�-- -- CITY �ot,rtnoLLER .1 - • CHECK NUMBER ..: _:J (V FAVOR: OF.... _- i - • TOTAL DATE. CIS'RETURNED TRANSFER BURSEMENT '.:BY BANK,,, -: CHECKS CHECKS _ .BROUGHT FORWARD - - - 2 4sir3 �tayagdq -15 .. 2�9b Hcdrd, of �b xelirs 15 41 7 X8797 ,:o eorayne� Ino:; 3 P8794 �%� d. �taair�t y _ b25 . 2!1799IX k • Oob .� 2150 2x901 �[rll. $eat bane fis7 Liwl#iean At#ddrpana.1► Dailey 29 .30 a 2990 Axs1 *, F�ltersoz�a a, A ss Qnt 1". . " �� elsr,►iew t3axt►ge ��ivester 7 2 �nowlan 29905 nisi'.'PeterSon ! d: of !i • 2i"560 288ab 2lIQOT :P.eopientlAoro Catipany ' Okee +�onat�ot#on Aa.pauy - bs 935 . g lis ►4tota Qan xflotollN Ina $e9a9'Axel Mia �'. Pettraon! 0.; of yin_ Aaei �... Peterepn,,C. eri !i ; e a 11.790 •b Eoard,q publso welters, 13 add12 4�AIriaYiOn -'' 3 2891 g Wit. ,Peterson 3!rot 3tD, Ater�lia 1a 29t0,�i 2A91 dtPan1 ;Yo411chaol.Rev1,.11u►d Tx►a, �brea�a pax" ?ire Eagsne ':0 1g:3 4 g 21!1 dd`eduotioa ealeaiino. 2l19i9 T2te iUirioan . o ty" Yagds�#no 2d92a Almer#+fan Lenon Supply Qo�epan 100 89 gd921 35eanlC &1M11oA " Oa�Pan ` Qaa#al 241 Y:: 12L 156 00 24922' 3 � afoobraslgenx oospany 7 57 pfbro uab-Yfs0d' apony 28 Qsard "A. ft ni.Supt ' 2 , . 2 iR7 4ann1 and aooapany G,eaiesatlor 8pn9ial�': 8Pon 7_ 29 Ott 9a , $� �3ead±�nnsng 'Ii'sanayer BarrSot- � �� ;, O9csvh Bi'l.ertorrn�Ino. ilia 2�{n31 tei�nel c on Qusaa2 _A,.. 1 ` 2 39to 51 coni 25. It ; 83 Hstl aaemany . =tinny 8oA1ar Yfg QaOpany ' 2nd3 ][azaaeon Kbo�esxalarelno. " Pmilen 8eil 9� 2!{�3l1 and an :S .,poll >x 8 9oa :6 Utley StoYer f grporatson 17 �.. 9alsebu=y ioe 011■paxny b00' 0 Qhad Dob+a InW bP 35 8l 1 1l �l. ho#noXl 84rpS_ Q2 9tVer Aieeleptiiled itatsr p. 2 $! A. Q. 8p42dit1g� dI $rothor@ 22 811ptf, of nodlsAente 2 Tsi..b#ate Tek.21 ?el0oslpMil4y iafi it ,.. i'ir�tatee��k,'8 Teig, ioapy 73"1n , F 'SIElity tntx X313 3, 3 - 'N►en %Arotberi RandsIly' 1 2 2 xortt�#ngeori.aa»tan Itl�ter aoyip , y .' 96 �' _. mri rrrrr�u��.�u��r■�.�r�u�r ��r [MITI's R12111,21,13 NEVRIMINJ INERARNMER Mal odd_l W Cur «-t COUNWL NO.10tJ 81 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /W ''DOLL ................ DATE ....... .............. _.... ........ ............... _............................... E ................................. COMMISSIONR....................._...................................................................................... RESOLVED ; That the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the trimming, ren*val and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering the public highways, during the year ended September 1, 1936, be and the same is hereby approved, and the city clerk is hereby direeted.to certify the same to the Auditor of Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees and of grass plots bordering public highways during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council, accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution. OCT 91 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ...........................................__.__193..... Yeas Nays Barfuss I �q 9 Findlan j� In favor Approved ............................... _........... .................... .193_.__ .......... Pearce Peterson ..........._O.. Aga3net Truax VirwF 3M 636 Mr. Second Vice Pres. (Wenzel) 1414, CITY OF ST. PAUL ru.e No ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEN SED BV Bartuae DAT F— RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby author- iced to draw a warrant in favor of Marie M. Booth, Court Reporter, ,in the sun of $870.00 for taking a part of the testimony and pro - paring the record In the matter of the appeal of Thomas A. Brown,!, a Civil Service employs; said sum to be paid out of the Police Fund, 7-D-2. C No 105382—By G. Berf"a— 'Rc..l�od that the P -r tCity,.c cof t be and theY or. her draw rootawarrant in favor o Marie f"hC.urt Reporter, eurti o $970.06 for taking a Partf the teed roony and preprin record s the a matteBum to r Civil or B B=. be paid out of tris Police Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1936. Out, 9 Approved OD 1936•17 3958) COUNCILMEN Yens Nays Barfuss Findlan CT rear,� .....-._...--...-..In favor I ctcraon .- TMMA Tnlax Miom ........-...---Against V4=W1 MA -130t, SM 11.33 Mr. Second Vice Pres. quz..el) Adopted by the CounciL-.-..-GC-,f Approved ................. . OJDI—JUM693— Mayor. SHORTHAND REPORTING T.L.rNON [� Orne[Sfb2. 9401 �a SECRETARIAL SERVICE Rul.[MCE TOW[R 420'5" City of Saint Paul, Corporation Counsel, Saint Paul, Minn. MARIE M. BOOTH AMO .-..ATS. 2O1b COMMSRCS EUILDIMG SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA October 8, 1838. To: Marie M. Booth. In the Matter of the discharge of Thomas A. Brown and hearing before Board of Appeal: e-* days at $0.00 $54.00 2-j days at $8.00 12.00 4 days at $15.00 80.00 744 pages of record 744.00 $870.00 Deduction made for 11 pages- numoers skipped. Ordeal m ch7 cw COMMI,� RESOLVED couwcu. 105383 CITY OF ST. PAUL .« IdO........................................ THE CITY CLERK cnd i tu�Ilr�nl...GENERAL FORM That licenses applied for by the foll6wing persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees; COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Badu,, Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson _........0....... Against Traua aJex� W. 636 Mr. Second Vice Pres. Memel) . 781 Selby Ave. Grocery App. 11+81+1 New n a Off Sale Malt n 148112 New 5111 Ohio Grocery a 1118117 a Adopted by the Council........... OCT.._......9...193&93....... Approved. Q.CT.....__R... ...193....... 7,76 6a , — Y , Ifava 1hat. ]Sc s', wing named "o '0"' dim d.i-t coo, c— �.I�.IlesdUd IN "d Wf` 5384 oc NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL and the 'city 0 C. I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLF1e�,I`e'1hsU ty t­eA c' 't" cl A�A""' COUN LUITI --- GENERAL -d-lln- 1af, - a TE 90 1193 6k .......... .. PRESENT com ISSID — ----- — ------- ESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city tratasury of the required fees: Ernest & Adeline LaPoint 1312 Forest St. Grocery App. 14712 Renew. Fanny Farmer Candy Shops Inc. 426 Wabasha St- Confectionery If 14793 of C. Groves 209 E. 7th St. Restaurant If 14g00 of If If Frank On Sale malt 0 14901 11 a a Off Sale malt 0 14902 Geo. E. Pyhrie 1007 Payne Bowling Alleys It 14909 To Geo. Schneider 621 Lafayette Gas. Station 11 14809 Ba�ry J. Speeter 1437 N. Cleveland Grocery " 14819 M. E. Averbeck 799 Raymond Grocery a 14920 Mrs. I V. I Thomas 470 S. Snelling Bakery If 14925 'Thos. Skeweres 1 900 E. 7th St- Pool Hall (7) " 14934 of Rogers Recreation Co. 343 Robert St. Confectionery If 14944 it u 0 0 1f Bowling Alley (12) 14g45 to It If Poibl (7 tables) 14946 Nick Torok 934 Como Blvd. Grocery 14892 Frank P. Dades 215-17 w, 4th St. Restaurant 148g9 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas Nays Barfuss OCT 9 Findlan In favor Approved ....... ........ .......... ............... 193 Pearce Peterson Against............ ........... ..... ..... TanaMayor W4_L ,7 res (_ 'enzel) $1" 636 h4, Second Vice Pres- 05385 Codon; to Chr clerk - ;',:""` NO. - _ _ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF F . CITY CLERK COU SOL TIO ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONS .. .�--:::. DATE.._.........._.QcLDller_..9.+..�93 pg>I�EpS, Alecia Meath and Marlon Murpby desire to withdraw aPPlicatioa 111827 for Barber license at 26 M. Sixth Street and requests the re- tura of licenee fee deposited thereon; therefore be it BESOLPBD, that the proper city officers be and they Are hereby authorized to refund to Aj;eaia Meath and Marion Murphy the fee of $10.00 sad to., cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Balu. Findlan In favor .............._ Pearce Peterson Q Against Truax 1M 6.16 Mr.Second'Vice Pres. enzei) C. F. No. 106336—By O H;, Sartube— Irving C. Pearce—: " ad MWp Yyredeel el to W",,dra.W' DDlflcat[on 11 17i,or Barber Lleenae at. 26: E. Sixth Streeand.requeeta the return oflinenpe tae' de oelted: thereon; therefore' -be" It Ree.Qved. that the Groper city: officers he. anfl the p are hereby nUth.rlaed=to r tundtu A1ecf8 Meath and Marlon Mur- phy the fee of 530.00 sand to eaneel said nppllcatton for sense. .Adopted the Approved Counefl OctH, 1988. Approved Oct 8,6. (Oet.,17. 1936) OCT ��.,193 _.. C '�h Adopted by the Cotmed................................ ...... OCT 91 Approved__ .............. __193 i .. X/ ...... ......_._ 164 Cleek� V CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK __. ...--^rj__GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That license for Barber, application 149271 applied for by glecla Meath and Marion Murphy at 26 E. Sixth Street be and the same is hereby instructed to issue such license un pothe Payment into granted and the city clerk is the city treasury of the required fee. New r / • COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ...... ......... ................. _........ _...... .193 Yeah Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Approved .......... ......... ._... ............ _..... _._........ ...... 193_._ Pearce Peterson Against .............. _....._.___.ycr ........................ . Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Geban) 3M 636 coum— 9.05386 6ame/lm n Lc,'� OF ST. PAUL nac NO .......... ............... ........ .:_._. ✓/�"C�OFFICEF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI O U 1 ---GENERAL FORM PRESE._.... ...... DAT E.........ectober._gi....1936...................._... COMMIS ............_.__ RESOLVED That the license for Barber Application #14926 applied for by E. W. Haack at 249i W. 6th St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instwmeted to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C P. Nmlosa8s<Rr O• 1i• Rarfuss— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— gpReeolved, that the pled for°b ypj by e sameklea,here Ypiwaten Bw�r Ot d and the .City - clerkls too tructed to laeue such lfcenee upontha'PaYment Into the city treaeurY of the required tae: : . New owner: old-tocatfon. (. Adopted og the: Council Ock'9. 1938.. Approved Oct. 9. Me,1838. ct IRIN36) New owner old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan (f j/ In favor Pearce Peterson Against Traux -shwa 1190 'l 3M 636 ESx. g¢co ICC Tres. (wend 4. Adopted by the Council ......Q.CaT......._9.1936 193...... OCT 9 = i Approved./ ............ ... ............ ....... .... _......... ............... 193....... f.................... Mayor le5387 AUL' CITY Or S7. P E CITY CLERK COU IL, LU --GENERAL N -,FORM ......... — ATE _1.93.x....._.. E E E RESOLVED T I b4t Barber License No. 1117 expiring June 29. 1937, issued to Thomas Prokopowicz, at 270 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendationI of the Bureau of police because of arrest and conviction for violation of Bomber Law. Adopted by the Coundl ......... .. 0-U-2-1-1093 Approved ....... ... ............ 0.97 211 .... . ... ... .... 9, . ......... ...... COUNCILFILEN0--------------- -_------ ----------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__gFading-911ey in__Henediotine_Plat_1,__Lota 1 to_9_and-24-to 321_____ inoluaive from Diaoalester Avenue to the east line_of_Benediotine Plat 1, under preliminary Order_---104bii2- --__ _---------approved --__ __-Julx, 31L 1936 --------- Intermediary Order ____---------- -approved- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard allpersona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-zrade_Ah in Benedf etine Plat ly Lots 1. to 9 and 24 to 32, inolueive, from B6aoa1eater Av-enue to the east line of Benediotine - Platl ------ --- — - - ---- - ----- - - — --- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval • that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -`T �, 193F ____19 d� �- City Clerk. Approved-- ------fid fv� -r 192 -- ------ J- - Mayor. CouncilmanI;arfnss Councilman of i 2 iT indlan Councilman �IeDoaal , Pearce / - Councihnan Glogan Peterson ,✓ -1 }�C18LISHED , Councilmancffi%" da„ l Wenzel' Mr m Gehan , Fft ifc%t'rA^';je?t (Truad CITY OF ST. PAUL , y DEPARTMFNT,Q,F' FINANCE REPORTOF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1�-to 9, and 24 to 32, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1 . 6'rb9 under Preliminary Order approved July 31, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 516.06 frgqnt .69 The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 Benedictine Plat 1 $1325 2 do 1000 3 do 1000 $4800 ., 4 do 1000 5 do 1000 6 do 1000 7 do 1000 8 do 1000 9 do 1350 950 24 do 500 3800 TOTAL, Form B. Is. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL t DEPARTM .14TOPF� FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DEf3CRIPTION I', LOT BLOCK ADDITION 25' Benedictine Plat 1 26 do 27 do 28 do 29 do 30 do 31 do 32 do ASSESSED T otal LYALUATIONBl,d Q g1 $460. $3800'' 450 3550;. 450 3400. 450 450 4850.. 460 450 600 750.. 3750- Total $13,925 $°28,900 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 f Commissioner of Finance. Roan B. B. 12 Q- 2�4 St. Paul, Minn_-Mar.163,1936........ 193-.... To 93----- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ---------- ------- ------- ALtU.- TO br-,WIADU -- ----- --------------------- -------------------------- ------ --- ---- - BZTWM T S & RLITDOLPH JUM . - - I --------------- ----.St. Ave. ------------------------- ------------------ ---- - --- -- - _- --------------------- ----- from -------------- ----- -------------- St. Ave. to ----- "It"ar' TIM ---- AM- --- - -- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Is N%. S. E. %4. SEC 9. 7 Zs R. t LI -- --- ` LOIS - 77 � W L❑�1 Q -O N/L ES A ✓& Jv 2 WAT501V Q A✓E- � HAR7'rO.e0 JT. r v' V1.33 ' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ---August--11,..1956-.-..-- _------------ 193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No ---- 82.....:.approved......-July Sly 1886 193........, relative to .grading..of..AllW.-in-2 edictina._P ..1,.-Loth--1--t4-9--and--24._to..8?,--inolnaives from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. - and (or) desirable. 518.06 Cos f t fflt h.6� 2. The estimated cost thereof is $----- .............. ------------ ..t and i�e tofu ncos ereo �s......-...--....-..........--..., Inspection $8.69 Engineering #75.00 Frontage 756.2 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... -------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ -----------_-----................................................. 5. Said improvement is. -_----------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. ____ - -- V-- - -----& oner of Public Works. 12�4� 9 3Co. ...}tea 4 AUG 131936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS f OF THE " . CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 11, 1986 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9 and 24 to 82, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104582, approved July 31, 1956. Estimated Cost 518.06 Cost per front foot .69 Inspection 8.69 Engineering 75.00 Frontage 756.2 ft. Moura t , M. SHEPARD Chi Engineer Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of jnpna� V07 6 MILTON SEN Commissioner Public Works COUNC L ILE N ..:. ........ . BY............................. ............. 105389 FINAL /RDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS l In the matter of........_Condemning _and taking an easement in the .land neeessar 19.r slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9, and 24 to 82, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine 1Im t1eiiDii C Plat 1 awanase,- Imiti a Pee under Preliminary Order.......7SkE,i85................................ approved ................ eF]?1y...1'Slj._1936-__--,-...1,aa°Rdaeceedszi' •v f i the gra, .e Intermediary Order ........... ...._105104............. ..........------, approved ...............Sept....171-1986 - ..... ' .. ' ar A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 9, and 24 to 82, inclusivet.from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1 and the Council hereby orders said improvements to;:bQ�;made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and Pills in the grading of Alley in Benedictine Plat 1. Lots 1 to 9, and 24 to 852, inclusive, from Macalester Avenue to the east line of Benedictine Plat 1, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......_o.�e 1. D. �.�' 6' ........_.. Itis ..... . .. . .City Clerk. Approved.......................��p ® /."..!.- Barfnss Mayor. C6- i Fiadlan f:Iplgy Pearce Pe7 Id -Pear,aJ Peterson 4- Rosel r r.®r �D a E -�VenXalel i?BLiSHED �� wenzef i soo-W. Vice president (Truax v ALLEYBENEDicTINEPLAT I LOTSI^O'7&24 O�ZIMC L. ®t Indicates �-I„d;fesFill- E I'Ir.,CALESTERAVE. [3ENEDICTINEPLATI Typical Notation +ad Fiswres abwe line above GA,w FII at pepeAy FM. F.ijw,a bele+ line chow distance to which &fops+ eic4ed beyond pro"rty lire. loa gook No,2281 X-Seo. Bk N.,2281 Scale 1'=40 RANDOLPH ST. g E N E D 1 C T 1 N E P L A T W 7 I 6 5 I �e. ss,i .5q Q h � So W %2 --- Gar. Fr. DFS Stu Stv. Stu. Ga aY. Gov, Z W 60 ---- Ga✓. �jl W F Co V) ru W -3 Q2q tj 24 - 40' 25 2(0 27. 28 3O 31 S3. od • J 3Z F Q - g E N E D I C T I N E P L A T n w yt/Jgren.✓rehie J u N o S T. Y9fiflL.hhyss+J+� . AM D.2 N04//. CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF CONLMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In•the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in thgrading toltheBenedictine teasline of Benedictine Plat and 24 to 32, Benedictine Plat l inolp�ive, under Preliminary Order approved July 31, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: _ $ 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION AD ASSESSED _ YpLUATIONS14 O , 1 SmodiotinO PUt 1 i1n16 t_ do 1000 5 do 1000 do 1000 5 do 1000 g do 1000 do 1000 g do 1000 p do 11550 950 N do TOTAL. 500 i900 po,m B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' 'DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ' _ • __. ..._ I. .. ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT'13L.Ocic ADDITION ,,rLUATION Y 251 nat 1 tl �' do "0 i0b01 do "0 is00,. 16' do "0 f9 de "0 di6o. so a6o 40 do no $760.. r. j ii h --4 Total I�i.8i6 1fe�ioq� The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. D Dated 19- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 i' Offi } ,of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _.. _...:August --11,-.-1956 - ----------- 193--_ -.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....1t 583 -.-_.-approved ------- J 3r--gh--1836------------ ----- 193-."....-, relative to and taxing- an" easement_in._the-.land- aecesa-ary. condemning ----- a of �� in Benedictine Plat 1, Lots 1 to 91 -- __--_- and fills in the grading - ------ ------ . ------------------------ and 24 to 329 inclusivet from Macalester Avenue to the east line o--------- ------------ --- " ---- - - - --- - ------------------- _ Benedictine Plat 1. atters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the m 1, Said improvement ie.._._... _--------- necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5----------- ----- -------- --, and the total cost thereof is 5-.---.- -- ----------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .._.___----------------------------------------------------------- ---- ----------- ----------------- --------------- ------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ----- ---------------------- --------"---- ----"-- ......................... ------------------ - --asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, 5. Said improvement is--------------------- subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINAML �4�_-_Iioner '-' --"--" - " of Public Works. 6 AUG 1319?s COUNCIL FILE N0 ------------------------- By -- ___-_ --_ -___By__ ________ ___-___ -_____-__________ lUt�r��111 `FiNAL'�O1tIlERB:.. � 106890— j�Matteto[ ggeadtng k. Tram 7.ake Como >as S k:!e foLarpentevrAve.;� ,y- •vY Order 10}b6/ c� CLn 9hearinB hqv': •qr Jeri .- FINAL ORDER a .; In the Matter of___&r%1iz9-siQrth__Gr_nkta 3tr�s _€r9m_I�1S_e_ Sea --»d-- le A3Qtai]Q_ A__. i I,araen£6ur 9venue�___----_^----------------------=--- h'. under Preliminary Order— 104554 ---- ------------approved ____ July 29, 193 ---------------------------------- Intermediary Order -___--------- --approved ______ ------------------------ --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City grade North Grotto Street from Lake como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteurand the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said im r e e t ' ccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--------------------------- ��� ---- - ----- -------- --- - - - 2 3A City Clerk. Approved----- --------------- ------ - --- , 192 -- Mayor. COIlI1CIl111anT P,ar`u=s CouncilmanFu$�A-,;� �,--Councilmanf%"M C� - ('r•;i rte nouncilmaUAR990-k---a Peterson VUBLISHED /® Mayor Hodsom Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OP ST. PAUL i. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ,r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY R (A) ORDE In the matter of grading North Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue +r under Preliminary Order approved July 29, 1836 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ (P.W.A. project) The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION 'LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED V LUATION Lan Hldg.. (Exe 11. 8 !te) 1 1 aamo $1000 $1200 4 1 do 700 (Elco He 6 fte) Be 33.28 ft, of Lot. 20 8 and 8 6 all 6 1 do 1000 1 1* do 800 4 14 do 800 6 1* do So0 330 1 18 do 800 4 13 do 300 6 13 do 800 TOTAL, Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FITIANCE- OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 'L_ LOTSI BLOCw- - ADDITION DESCRIPTION t 'VAL i ATtOtl_ _ it ji �I � III '• � _. _-. _ f. - �_ � � �-� _.... _.- . -. -. _ "_'rf i _.' T 1 _- i A 34 2 I IT io is 4 I 19 a de RI X0 3 do _° -- I t g. d4so_ 1 - — .-_dam - - _ L 40 to y iol 40 I 80 I _do._ � r oI, Aw_ !i4 I - _ --- — -- - TOTAL I I - - GITV OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT'., OF FISVANCE 'REPORT COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE OF ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �— I DESCRIPTION LOT le�ocK� ADDITION - ASSESSED V ALUATIOl�s_ _— '�- r= �+ ' • s Falk - �- - I 80 f IdDdo do a 1� i� ._ $Q. I IF I _ _. 18 ♦ ;. do {,1 14 . S. , 201 do, r 11 it t ! do N -_ I -- I I ..Ili ___.ii -da- do I 76 �- -1 I----- + 1 _aa +I _d0 - F TOTAL CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE kF-PORT OF COMMIk4b VER OF FINANCE r ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ><8 a >ior4horn >inoilio oae t&= ASSESSED dALUATI gad 176 76 70 76 76 tow $2401" 17.760 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / I9 — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 do !b: B do as . b . ASSESSED dALUATI gad 176 76 70 76 76 tow $2401" 17.760 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / I9 — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ri Mi v Ji �r e GO 1 — 3 AV — Av e c = � o M � R 5T f r r ' N n to 0 N. - o D a S A r z Av e c = � o M � R 5T f r ' N to N. EOTT �. � ?0 N w LANGTRY AVE. 5T AL.13AN 5 .9 T. COLEMAN ST. *A I h N.I N.E:'/+ SEC.rZ3 T z9 R.23 ISCAt[ 30d x 1" —LARPENTEUR-- AVE Qa i orniea F N IDAHO T_ � � 1 p w � a 0 OYT ^V F-. i _. _H. v r ------- _Y_ a- cUI I c E STAN O. ATLAS X13! Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance 193.-.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No..1G4@b4..approved-..-___.._..July.. 29,19256 .......... 193-......., relative to the grading of Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur - -------.._. _.._........_....----------- --- ---- --- .............-------------------------------------------------- ---------- - - - Avenue. - .....-. ..... ................. _.......... _ -.._ _.. _.. ... - ..... ............ - - _ - - .. ------ -...-. __ -------- ---------- - ................. - - .....- - - - ....... -.......................... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.____._.____..necessaxy and (or) desirable. Work to be done under P.W.A. project. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 3 ---- ..............__.__...... and the total cost thereof is 8 -------------------------- .-.-.., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _------ .._._.----------------------------------- _..-------.__.---.----_-- r 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. t 5. Said improvement is ----------------- --------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, �!� -� / a) .........._2�C_/..--..... mmissioneca t of Publio Works. , 9- AUG 18 1936 CD THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE • CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 14, 1986 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce Department of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirz In the matter of grading North Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104554, approved July 29, 1986. This work is to be done under a P.W.A. Project. You71"'iE SHEPARD ineer Approved for transmission to Commissioner of Finance , ^n / @" 31tVI59 C. PEMF Commissioner of Public Works �d r« 'COUNCI FI ENO.......-{'� 105391 B 4 I a� FINAL O7'ER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of ..... ..... ....condemn:.ILjn nd.-taking-_an.-easement_.ia_-the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of North Grotto Street IN co"Inn. PROCmmDING9 Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue - -P,a Irving C. P, [ �• -% BadiAla6 ands R � 55 pp J 29:..1936 .......................... under Preliminary Order.........1Q4u..r....s ............................ approved .._.........__�Y.... Intermediary Order ................... 1053.06............................. approved............... ................................ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sane; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of North Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of North Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 131936 Adopted by the Council ................ ........................... ............. .�� r. .. .<:... , Clerk. ...:... u , Approved......................................................... 1 ) 9........ ....... ... 9 .. ........................ Mayor. Councilmen P3rEr y� Do ald / i'UBLISIIED/Q J far1 / R n n / TrdhLx� r. President_ / l 500-&33 ILa ke CO -MO & Phalen Ave. LerpenfeurRve. no—z -- Scale I's 100 W OW - > n > M °Q Q W' G a Q } 1.4 I 5 `� zoz y3 33 N ' ZS 15 ° s 4 H Ir Q 5 q I = 50 0 5 v 4 _ W . .. 50 cyg�a a N. P o 66� 50 • N+ m o __.N� �o 4�I IZS' 120• liy` .t�. w '71"3 , • �a 'i .. ' A~ -..._ _ ....�+-..__ -o. ,�E - --- c �I' •n YI6 r 15 '�. 4 of°-- ._ 70-Y'o--- 4N-- �------�qtJ en �= .N h NI«i ._ _ Is�t• O' 13 W ob a o z 4o - W 40 4247 W 40 17 I d 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 2�0 28 29 30 RI 2 K W W . _ .. .. 27 Z Q <4e > I I IS I6 !7 18 14 20 21 . 60 _3 4 22 23 24 Q I6 4O 15 17 18 19 20 21 2'2' 23 24 25 26 L 1 Q. Q. 14 15 16 17 1'a 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ; CITY OR -ST. PAUL DEPARTMEyT,QF�FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 010 (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of North Grotto Street from Lake Como and Phalen Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue under Preliminary Order approved July 29, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 25.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg - (Ex. N. 8 ft.) 1 1 Como $1000 $1200„ 4 1 do 700 (Ex. N. 8 ft.) E. 33.25 ft. of Lots 2, 3 and 6 & all 5 1 . do 1000 1 14 do 800 4 14 do 600 5 14 . do 800 550.. 1 15 do 500 4 15 do 500 5 15 do 500 TOTAL, Farm B. B. 10 - - CITY OF ST. PAUL . . • DEPARTMENT 00--MNANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ---=- r- DESCRIPTION LOT eLocd ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATI O `; _—a.L9nd-,__.,.i1C}g h_�-•. . 1 ;28 Como :.0600 4 28 do 600 ._ 6 ;28 do 90.0 14 2 : Lane's North Dale Park . 2000 200 __.._. 15 2 do 60 i 16 3 do 60 17 3 do 50 . ;1 18 3 do 50 . 19 3 do 50 . 20 3 do 60 . 21 3 do 60 . 22 3 do 50 . 23 3 :, do 50 . 24 3 do 60 25 3 do 50 26 3 do 50 . 27 3 _ do 50 28 3. do 50 . 29 ; 3_do b0 y i 50-, 1960 ._... 30 3'. do 13 8 do 50 14 8 _ do50 ?0 . 15 8 do 60 16 8 do _... L _ 17 8 do 50 - - TOTAL CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION - ASSESSED ' 6-._ .LanVALUATIONld 22; 5 Northern Pacific Addition $76 23; 5 do 76 24. 5 do 75 25. 5 do 75 26, 5 do 75 Total $12,175 $7,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said mltter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 a �61 ( �i Form B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 'Off'ice of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _...Auguat -151 19.5.6 ------- ------------ A93 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the • 104555 J 29 _-1956----------- 193- relative to Council, known as Council File No.-----_.---.....----.--apProved...-.--.---------- ---- aondamning-nnd,_taking-an.easement-in-tha-.land--aeceeeaxy_for.-slopes,._outs------------------------ and -.fills -_in-- the_grading-- oY -North. Grotto -Street- Yrom_L4e-.Como._and -Phalen._----------------__- Avenue to Larpenteur Avenue. -------- ------ ------------ -------- --------- -------------------------- ---------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ---------------------- ..necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.-.... �Xxx-------- ----------- and the total cost thereof is i----- --------------------, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --------- .-- ------ ----------------------------------------- --------------- -------------------------------------- - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. _. 5. Said improvement is-------------------- .......asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. -' COM. OF FINANCE,���. ------ mmissioner of Public Works. 11,a�n,7Co. 1 9'ODv AUG 18 1936 T COUNCIL FILE NO -------- ------------- -- By ---------------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER 105392 In the Matter of__—rel __ re —ring aad_reoonetruoting he cement the sidewalk on the east side_ 04 Western Avenue beinning at a point al rest north o4 the hofth lino or Lefon-gtreet.,-_the-ce north 3n fa—_at__exnee: wba a gnad sed auffioient sidewalks under Preliminary Order___ 104864 _-------- ---approved ------ Intermediary __ Intermediary Order -------------------approved --------------------- ----- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is relayr_�air and reconstruct_ the cement -tile sidewalk_oa the east side of Western Avenue binning_at a point 81 feet north of the north lice of iafond Street, thence north 30 feet,_exoept_where_rood and suffioismt eidewalks_�lrendy a et, _ _ --_--- I i.; and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval;. that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed withi fhe making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council--- -OCT 13.1938---------, 192 Q� G - City Clerk. 0'; i 13 0118 Approved------------------------------------------, 192-- Mayor. Councilmanaean11 Councilman CouncilmancMcDonSld- " eos /PUBLISHD d�0.6rce �3Councihnan4cGlogaaW � �iGliaRiliilfla�n�2i�_1'I' err (,/ / � ;y �= Mayor UW#W= ehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 / CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) -. In the matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing the cement tile sidewalk on the east side cog_, Western Avenue beginning at a point 81.0 feet north of the north line of Lafond St., thence north 30 feet under Preliminary Order approved August 27, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is a f). mnewe The estimated cost per cot ?or the above improvement is - " $ n_nR n1d ti le The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION _Land Aldg. (Ex. N. ) Lots 7, 8 and 8 24 Lafond'e Addition to 3t•Pa l 7960 includes other props Total $7960 $106,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. a�R Dated % % 19� - Commissioner of Finance. I— B. S. A."D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ....... Septemher...4,_-19388...............193..---... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No....104$ra.4.-.... approved -------.Avgust..2-2,..193.f1.------------ 193-------, relative to rlayn e repeiriug end-reaonstruating the cement tile sidewalk on the - --------- g�..- seat_-side.of Western_Avenu beginning at a -point 81.0 feet north of the north - e..o . af�nd_Str.est•-thenoe..uorth..34..feeto---------------------- ------ --..................................----------- and having investig d the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Laying old tile $0.08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S---------------------- -------- and the total cost thereof is S.-.-_-_-.---_---...---------, Est. Cost " new tile $0.11 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows----------------------------------------------------------------------- -------- -------------------------------- ------------------------ ------------------------------------- ----- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is- _----------------------------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of .property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE.0- -- l ------ - - - - 'oner of Public Works. ' 92 z 1 3co r.......� j� . 6 SEP ,11Q 1936 Laid of r to 3rd. & app. Yeas �muss yidlan !47 Adopted y ays Yeas / Nays 60 / Wenzel ` r. Pres. Gehan I /n son JJJ Tenzel Pres. Gehan 1ffiQ6i 4k'f ;`(!Z _. _� nr::s.r_ Lttwwaant:C 'fixlna: thA Lth end: sittety1. uaat to the det3led bu$�et°and,00mP pooedure and x fox the aalieato L of ., ie 1, 1ffiQ6i 4k'f ;`(!Z _. _� nr::s.r_ Lttwwaant:C 'fixlna: thA Lth end: sittety1. uaat to the det3led bu$�et°and,00mP pooedure and x fox the aalieato L of ., ie "for of ai s�Of,!it e..'hu`tdi r -b -d I500;'.)-,bondC'o"f date and, t otdr bOnaB -ball � n I'llm- w, , t x For .,the year 19b4 a avtPbient ;iodecd. f 2677.5,•f or: interest, the 'awn rino p .....For ...... I0 r IS iief 18 4 O�4.'P ro-- tbo' year 6i, 1. 1 . - - e: bk�'#7 26'25 -for V A h*' PIL t t d oP26,8Q1.25 ;for -A bt-the clear 957 j pro fIduos interest and t im of Far {+hg year 1968 a tax f id,ift toro- 175 in t ores duce sum oP. 'A AM-, suf x, -o-.,pro- ri NO ,' .year 1960 a:ex euPPioieat to -P, - f y&'50 for Intere t and s%;n0 noi, on Fpr the:yaar 19 1 61 6: tax P, p mlwi t principals A dl� Or 1909 i: tax, surfiblent, For un 3:7, bd"", -Of 426 is or In Oro 4� Pa tax For yearo' pro `1963 OW 0i3*75 for IntfirO 6 t ip- al Ybr t SUffiPisut to � diq*: be soapiut6ian d cA For the year 1865 a tax sietio lip". for t and duA ;the sum of4,#25r$ iul 'x s4a urax 1}auo ,►n v.vauavv +�r�+ dity purposes oP "t1�e- 4�.�y19�' Sint P'au�. t'a �• �; ; taxes' ehaa.l `;b`s ool7.eated�aad payment,; there Adapted by the.- i 1yn9s Councilme; IkI fAJY /� r, u��41O8� weans k CITY OF ST. PAUL ax ° NO..__ 10391 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM .. a `�/ • DATE RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by Leo J. O'Regan, dated Sfptember 24, 1936, in the sum of $1,000.00, covering his appointment as Market Master of the City of Saint Paul, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file said bond with the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council-____ _193...... Approved-•--/-...�.---------• ,r- , -• 7 - - r----- -- ---• Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Na Barfuss [ earcel P;ndl:.n 'p'eteisii$ -.••.---•-••-\------In favor n' = Y�VArcei ! Against Mr. President (Geban) 3M 11-53 Adopted by the Council-____ _193...... Approved-•--/-...�.---------• ,r- , -• 7 - - r----- -- ---• Mayor otgi.,tt; 1Q53�' o,Ur CIV_oF ST. PAUL IL6NCIL NO........... ............................. t OFFI O THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL S UTION- N L FORM 9RAX IRVING 0. P&A_............._DATE•._October..l3r. .............. RESOLVED That the Commissioner oZPnblic Works be and he is hereft authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed below by the PEISERSON BROS. COMPANY, under their annual sidewalk contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3895, at a cost not to exceed $80.00, based on the unit price bid for 4° Monolithic Concrete sidewalk for the current year, which cost is to be charged against the P.I.R. FM TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES: - Northeast corner of St. Clair St. and Hamlin Avehue (Siegle Apron) - Northwest corner of Ninth and Main Streets �9eA any'` a reef 1+ (Double Aprons) y;+ t L-3 !T,:j D so ba i kt'+ g ..Itthl curm lie rch.rgodnt -Northeast oorner of Fairview and Hartford Avenue 5, Es.mpt rM;' ( Double Aprons) ` st otntr ron3' ,J Northeast and Northwest corners of Portland and Griggs Streets (Double Aprons) -Northwest cornAE Kenneth Ave. and Fairmount Ave. (Double Aprons) Southwest corner of KennAth Ave. and Fairmount Ave. (Double Aprons) COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council .......... OLT...1..0...1936..193...... Yeas � N Ba ss indian Infavor Approved..................................................................193....... e eterson - A / ...... Against ...y....... 1 r.......__ ............ ......_ Mayoryor I'UMF1sHED �D Mr President (Gehan) 31, 636 • No 106306-8yy IrvinB tt} �(1���� �eolved, that:,the Committ �OYMGL V Oriala9mGgflaek "Works be'snd he fe 7r NO.. CITY OF ed and dlreoted t cane ll. ■iLi ........ - - '.9ewalk. ezteneleneC OFFICE OF THE' It tee tocatl ne ueted l ,lard ' atone Compan. COUNCIL RESOLUTION -A"' o ngae Compt olk coat not -t y i n the unit n`-��' ERFS SBIEONEiL_IHY.SNS%...�i.►._.PISARCS._..._....__._..�___.--_.._. �__. =_.e nPd ATE. October..._?3.,.. 36 ................ RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Publie,Worke be and he is hereby ' authorized and directed to cause the necessary sidewalk extensions to be constructed at the locations listed below by the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, under their annual Relay and Repair sidewalk con- tract, known as Comptrollertp Contract - L-3899 - at a cost not to exceed $55.00, based on the unit price bid for relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement the sidewalks for the year 1936, which Goat is to be charged against the P.I.R. FUND TAX EXEMPT PROPERTIES:, -Northwest and Northeast corners oft Raymond Ave. and Knapp Street.(Double Aprons) -Southwest corner of Fairview and Selby Avenues (double aprons) -Northeast corner of Payne Ave. and Case Street )double aprons) ✓� COUN LMEN Yeas dNZa u I lan J _,. In favor Pearce .............. . I/eterson Against AeMr President (Gahan) 3T. 6 ed by the Coundl. l 3-.. -........193...... Approved.........._OCTI I.R.......... /.................................................. ..,_.....J.......1... Mayor b. City Ll <k OFFICE COUNCIL RE oO�Nc2 No._ -----10639/ IPIEREAB, Walter T. Ryan was appointed by the Mayor as a member of the Board of Appeals or Referees, pursuant to Chapter 409, Laws of Minnesota for 1933, in the ease of Thomas A. Brown, an employe of the Department of Public Safety; and WHEREAS, the Council has fixed his compensation at the rate of $50 for the first day and $25 for each succeeding day; and WHEREAS, the hearing in the case began August 15th and ended October 7th, 1936; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the bill of said Walter T. Ryan in the am of $500.00 be and the same is hereby approved for payment, and the proper City officers are authorized to draw a warrant in said aam, payable to Walter T. Ryan, and payable out of the Public Safety Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na e Barfass¢aree Findlan 'f el�tsoe� Pearee(RDgea -� .............. ......In favor Peterson 'Trgs" %me, rwgr etrl ---------I Against '`.Wenzet; Mr. President amt it -53 (Gehan) Adopted by the Council-___.a£T__1.3. .193..._ Approved .......... .............................. 1 Mayor 1�' BLIS1-IED /� V G 1('53 X -AW OFFICE WALTER T. RYAN 009 OLOBB BLDG. BAiNT PAIIL� Mi1.N. October -8, 1936 City of Saint Paul In Account with Walter T. Ryan In re; Thomas A. Brown hearing. Time spent in preparation, hearing and drafting findings= Aug. 15, 1936 One-half day. n 17 M e a a 21 " One day 27 • a • 28 ■ a • 31 " a ■ Sept. 1 2 n a n 4 n a a 14 n n • 16 21 a ■ a 22 n a a 23 " a ■ 24 n n n 29 Oct. 2 6 n n n q n ■ a 8 a a e One dei' ® $50.00 .............................. $ 50.00 Eighteen (18) days ®$25.00 ................... 450.0_ III 1a,F. No 106398 Whaceae, OW=l to City ClanPDllc tlon:ror CITY OF S x Commfaelc 'e and-aeeei OFFICE OF THE Crf•ibted:efi o6: 1NHERE9S, John A. Lytle, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit'- Lot it:Lot 651 Hewitt's Outlots 1st Division; and. WHERuS, the delinquency totals the sum of $2602.11 plus interest, penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1739.70; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $239.70 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1739.70, and that said sum of $239.70 shall be paid to the City of.Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2502.11 plus interest, penalty and costs. COUN�PILMEII Nay Yeas B U, than In favor ea eter6on /� Against a Mr. president (Gehac) 3M 6.M Adopted by the Council._Q-�.T...l.a�..�� 193 ..... Approved.._ ............... OCT i J �gJ� .193__ C !/..1... ........ �..._ PPIMLISHED / � 1L53y8 GOUM6IL NO.— on; wf ty tb , 'i ............................ ....................... 1NHERE9S, John A. Lytle, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit'- Lot it:Lot 651 Hewitt's Outlots 1st Division; and. WHERuS, the delinquency totals the sum of $2602.11 plus interest, penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1739.70; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlements provided, however, that the sum of $239.70 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1739.70, and that said sum of $239.70 shall be paid to the City of.Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $2502.11 plus interest, penalty and costs. COUN�PILMEII Nay Yeas B U, than In favor ea eter6on /� Against a Mr. president (Gehac) 3M 6.M Adopted by the Council._Q-�.T...l.a�..�� 193 ..... Approved.._ ............... OCT i J �gJ� .193__ C !/..1... ........ �..._ PPIMLISHED / � o,l,ladw MY cl.rk IC. F. No. 106809-8y past eouea� la(S��JU Whereas, Alfred A Mahl p� NO. CITY OF ST.�,aylfcatlon fur reH.f to tt �. .4 Commission xulatly t, � OFFICE OF THE Cees;and asseesmeatt on t;,., 'ea& the delingaear 9 81.067.88: of f ... �1460VY4'rW' A; WHEREAS, Alfred H. Maher, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lots 13, 14, 15 & 16, Block 38, Lyman Dayton's Add.; And WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $1067.86 plus interest, penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $1067.86; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $28.28 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $1067.86, and that said sum of $28.28 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $1067.86 plus interest, penalty and costs. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce PetersonAgainst /-� €1 ............. v...... wens_ Mr. President (Gehap) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council ....193._.. OCT 1-31W-- OCT' 191 Ci� .. ..b.__193___. .. Approvend../............................ ........ _.... _._. C !/......%.. ... �.......L. �?.... ............CSSF4w mayor t1tiLISIdED / 2 �Y .. _ _ .... _.. eOYNGL 11 (5400 ortstot w ctti ct.rt nu _- CI C: F. No 106;00—BY A el F F WhereaerEdward Llo9fl hae OFFICE yIlr%,o for relief to the D Tax ,Commisafon reiative to 8. RM CL RESOLxee and aseeeameate on the roribed proyerty, to wlt: Lot 18, Bleek 2 Hazel Pgr is -- -- -DATE. _..:._.. ....... . t sutre s+r ,WHEREAS, Edward Lloyd has made applioatibn for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wit. Lot 18, Block 2, Bazel Park J5 Add.; and yMEREBS, The delinquency totals the sum of $296.57 plus interest, penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $254.67; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $198.15 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $254.67, and that said sum of $198.15 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paulin settlement of delinquent assessments inoluded in the total delinquency of $296.67 plus interest, penalty and costs. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan �` in favor ................... Pearce Peterson ..................... derma--• Against .. B� Weffe — Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council ......_ OCT 1.3 _j$X_193..... (OPIT 131� Approved ................ __._......... . __.-_ _---- i 1. ootober 9, 1x36 TO THE'HCNCRABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlessn=, The Contract oommittes has awarded the following oontraott' F,B. #9347, For curbing Boblyn avenue from Fairview avenue to Dewey avenue To PEDERSON OROS. 311.00 For the sum of 'Engineer** Estimate J375.00 RaepeCtfully submitted, oaam.t w oh, cl.rk - 105404 I - , CITY OF ST. PAUL CFIL.OUNCIL NO.._.._...._._._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK , COUNCIL REM TI -GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee .therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the construction, of a Sanitary Interceptor Sewer F on Easement and Wabasha street from Delos street to Starkey street; Starkey street from Colorado strut to Water street;_ Easement from Plater street to Mississippi River; River Channels and Raspberry Island and C.M. St.P. and P. Ry. and C.St.P.M. & 0. Ry. to Kellogg Boulevard; Kellogg Boulevard from Cedar street to Wabasha street to the OKES CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9348 of said Okes Construction Company for the contract price of $253,933.00, suA bid being the lowest bid and said Okes Construction Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract there- for, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Engineers Estimate $2842516.00. Charge Interceptor Sewer Bond Issue, Code 4001.F.B,#9348 } ving C, Pearce— .uncal hereby ,eContract Com - be { erebY- awards the ..ruction Ea..to t ar if G: Irom e street 9tarkeY. teeb Ltom ' - eogator- treet: Ease- .etrleetand MRaeBberrY� ny. to Ke110 BB Houle -i'. "� evard 'from Ced^- reet to the aOf v; to acco�, gill ul.il'i - C7Z. ILMEN Yeas N.7 Findlan // ......................_ In favor /Pe tce .rrerson ......._�. Against F,P,.id..t (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the CouncilOCT 1 ............................................. '319$6 193..... OCT 1,3 Approved..............._..........._.._...._..._.._.... i Q - Mayor PUBLISHED 3 (� '::. ortala.t to cttY cl.rtt _ _ - ea No..:105405 CITY OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE. OF THE CITY CLERK i—COUN O ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT J...L'............—....._4'.�p........_CATE_........_Q.�i..tiab�r.T......Q.q.... �.9.3.C]... ......... COMM ISSIONE .....-....... RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the construction of the Sommerville Avenue Sanitary Sewer Interceptor to the NORTHERN STATES CONTRACTING COMPANY AND LEO BUTLER in accordance with plane and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9349 of said Northern States Contracting Company and Leo Butler for the contract price of $70,251.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said Northern States Contracting Company and Leo Butler being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder,and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is orm of contract therefor, sad the proper directed to draw up the proper f City offioials,hereby are authorized to execute said contract on be9349 of the City of Saint Paul. Engineer's Estimate $93,133.00. F.B; # Charge Interceptor Sewer Bond Issue, Code 4001. ,es—sr irvi-ir c'rea e COU ILMEN N yy� Yeas f11;n In Ivor rc'son ............ Agaznet r. President (Gehan) 3M 6•)6 ..hat the:Councn hereby-ap- :freforrand';hof erob naw.rft m.- _ for tfc6 construction. of U': - "lie Avenue•t. Sanitary:9et,� --•~ ,1 ,ro the Northern :Stat,. Sol. .ompahy and Leo B'a " with plana and apecinca /. •elo attached uitd theF 9 -of snid Northern. :oto y any and prlue`. of - .fi oweet l:nlf'• ,ntr.,, ;..,.• Adopted by the Council ........... 0.�aT....� OCT 13 Approved .:_ ........... .. 2vSa 1� PUBLISHED /n 17 3 October 9, 1936 TO THE HCNORABLE MAYOR AND TRE COUNCIL Gentlemen: OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. The Contract Gommittse has awarded the following contract: F.S. #9349: For the uonetraoe on of the Sommerville Avenue 8aaita'17 Sewer Interceptor TO NORT STATES CONTRACTING COMPANY AND LEO�LER 70,35.00 For the --.4 m' of Enginee*+e Estimate $93,133.00 Respectfully submitted, T .October 9. 1936 TO THE HOI.ORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen! The Contract Committee has awarded the following oontraott F.B. #9350: Paving Jackson street (east side) from Tenth street to Grove street. and Norris Street from Jackson street to 134 feet easterly of the center line of Jackson street TO THRRNTON BROS. COMPANY 3.450.00 For the aum of Engineerts Estimate $25,464.00 Respectfully submitted. T NTRYCT 0 WEE hairman' t.(wcLL�Cleek ... nii No—A0. JI0 p CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILRE L N- GENERAL FORM e7` � __ ..�e Octobeirl,_.1936........... RESOLVED application 14704, applied for by That license for p1ie1 Dealer, P. O. Flaherty and M. ihimmel at 500 W. Lawson Street be and tbs same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment ' into the city treasury of the required fee. -,Hera a� —11 tUe `i q the New L'OUNC MEN Na Yeas IIa uss 1n favor eterson Against Tom-, Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Coundl,.....Q Approved ._..._....W.LI .x_193 PUBLISHED. / 4 ./ 7 ry oatober 5th, 1936- The 936 The oltq ocanall referred to you the applioa`laa of P. 0. y1 mantL Stereet t=or repart tael dealers license at 500 7 as to the tart eitmtion on We property. Yours Tom tray, AXEL F. PETERSON Comminioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier ®® L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: October 7, 1936. In regard to the application of P. C. Flaherty and M. Ru>amel for a fuel dealer's license at 500 West Lawson St., I wish to report that all taxes have been paid to date on the property occupied by these applicants. Yours very truly, A.1 F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner Bureau of Water LEONARD N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent & Engineer Bureau of Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Burean of Lighting H. C STRETCH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner ego City Clerk City of St. Paul Dear Sir: October 8th, 1936. Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO 1. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer In answer to your letter of October 6th with reference to application of P. C. Flaherty and M. Ru>mYTel for fuel dealer's license at 500 W. Lawson Street wish to advise that they have leased part of the Crex Company warehouse and have established a fuel yard at that address. very truly yours, FUEL INSPECTOR. p�ORTorAiNTp u.. r+e oaurwar W the great Northv+eM i WELMUS, Arthur Rossini desires to withdraw application or Sale Malt Beverage, application 14995 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and applica- tion 14994 for Restearant at 277 W. Kellogg Blvd. and requests the return of license fees deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to 11n#htLv-Rossini the fees of $5.00; $50.00; and $10.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. 1`pli tlo: 1Ti 4' Mlge an rj Hev rraa ga e a 3777 J urantr ai W e-�ueete the pelt therec, � 1 4/ V COUN LMEN Yeas j' Nay uga fl d In favor eteraon ; Against 'ltaes'�' Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Ortde.I to Cis ;� By (3 A. Barfvee- 7.t ltcen ea avo, ed for by CITY OF ST. PAUL cera ne at thhe addresses nd thesame are hereby�C,05409........................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE 1 "..nses clerk, shins syu Pe, COUNCIL r of :he re r' ON--GENEI�ti►L` r v, r3rocery E far,> RESOLVED / W. That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city $reasury of the required fees: Norman Fink 74o Selby Grocery " " n n APP- 13407 New Off Sale Malt n 13409 n Butcher a 13409 n Fred L. Christiane 108 Concord Motion Picture a 14479 n J- J. Baumler 2191 University Gas Stalion 1 P. to 13479 a Ted Bies 1141 Forest Butcher n 14748 " H. J. Busch 619 Edmund Grocery n 14854 a C. J. Weinke 921 W. 7th St. Gas. Ste. 2P. n 14883 u T. Cummings 201 N. Cleveland Grocery n 149 n 97 Dozier Brown 618 Arundel Barber n 14898 n Leo A. Diel 418 N. Cleveland Grocery " 08 14 n 9 E. J. Berthiaume 659 N. Dale St. Grocery a 1 14 a 95 Hattie Plant 539 Cedar St. Conf. n 14921 a Paul Turner 146 State St. Butcher a 14951 u F- J. Campbell 2050 Marshall Butcher n 14963 " R. S. McLean 1599-1601 Selby Bakery n 14982 " COUNC MEN q Yeas Nay Adopted by the Council OPT y 3 19 93...... r dlan OUT 13 10 77�ce In favor Approved..._ ......................... — _......' y,..�'....... Against _...... ............_..�....../. �.. ,....._.... ,�t Mayor Pre6ident (Gehan) PUBLISHED 7� 3M 636 . f -105410 �matrclak OFFICE OF THE CITY GI ted and, o��u ou"m' hat 11 eneee av .,=: NO. ...................................... CITYnam d ..'he lts^` Itlon be' and.the ' the city x issue. such lieu COU OLUTION... GENEMa.f-t" arty tre- rf COM - .DATE.QCtObBT._�:3.t...19.36......._._.:....__ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk to instructed to issue such licenses -upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: \ Dora Dadovitz 685 Wabasha Grocery App. 10324 Renew. Mayflower Donut Co. 395 Wabasha Bakery " 11289 " to to n n n Rest. " 11290 " p. J. Mulkerin 451 Forest OffsaleMalt " 11162 " Thos. O'Rourke 1520 Albany Grocery " 13343 " H. R. Frye 9g4 E. 5th St. Oil Burner " 14687 " Druailla Porter 364 Rice St. Rest, " 1269s Bullard Bros. 63 E. 6th St. 2nd Hand Dealer 14743 " (old gold) 824 E. 7th St. Grocery " 14771 " Arthur Cigel n u n Butcher " 14772 " n Motor Power Equipment 1515 Univ. Ave. 2nd hand Auto. 14959 n S. Rosenblum 697 Selby Ave. Butcher " 14895 " Coepopolitan Finance Co. 23 E. 6th St. Chattel Loan 14997 " Wm. Geo. Wicker 270 Rice St. 2nd hand dlr. 14996 " (general) " Clara Schultz 494 Rice St. 2nd hand auto 14905 parts W. T. Grant Co. 41-43 E. 7th St. Confectionery 14910 " COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council.....................................................193...... YeasN a usa In favor Approved ............................................... .. N than.....193.. U �. ............ stetson Trauz............... Against .................. .....:............................... _.... ... ......................... Mayor_........ w h resident (eehan) LBT.T3HEn �° l7 :3 3M 6 Dd�et m Cla C4el. couxei� iQ5410 CITY OF ST. PAUL . �■ NO_ ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY-------------------DATE...........a.,�l�...1�J. l.........._.._.__ _. n._._ ..._.._ RESOLVED Page 2. E. J. Berthiaume 659 N. Dale St. Butcher App. 14916 Renew. E. F. Swanson 1199 White Bear Grocery " 14927 " A. Freeman 367 E. 7th St. 2nd hand d1r. " 14949 " Anchor Block Co. 565 Aldine Gas.Sta. 1 pump " 14955 " James A. Ilk 601 N. Dale Confectionery " 14956 " Marie Barr 494 N. Snelling Florist " 14956 part P. Boranian 779 Selby Ave. " 14959 " " 14960 a " " n n Butcher phil Cournoyer 1396 Edmund Grocery ° 14961 " Isreal Hackner 1060 Earl Butcher 14970 " Marvin F. Spindler 1061 Hastings Gas.Sta. 3 pumps " 14971 " Leo Boutell 469 N. Snelling Off Sale Malt " 14974 " M. Alpert 1041 Front St. Grocery ° 14977 " Thos. J. Harking 26 W. 7th St. Bowling (16alleys) " 14979 " Sam Segal 204 W. 4th St. Grocery " 14961 " A. Brown 176 W. 7th St. Grocery " 14967 " Geo. Gorgopolas 219 N. Nilton Foodstuff VP. " 15016 " " " n ++ is Vehicle Peddler " 15015 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._..1.°3-1936.193..-- Yeas Nays Earfuss 1319 Pindlan In favor Approved.. ..... .... ...... ................... . .. ............. .. 193 Pearce Peterson....tea.-=, __ Y�� .......................... Against ....... Y 'r PMISRED o 1_7Z3(, Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 (See petition attached t0 ourbing order) 105411 Council File No. ---- PROPOSAL FOR, IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby Proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz•: GradiuB._4ill+no levelling end 1mr„Klyin¢ bonleverd8 oa Char, ems.-y',��aw—_.----- ..—Srs?>a.3iia� .SJxget._t�4. lSarion Datedthis ._..__..._8t11. ----day PRELIMINARY ORDER 19A • Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grf levelljnoand ila�ing-b°ulevards on Charles Street ------ _ --"— .PSELffiNARY DSDi 4',•nm Rt eaS±•rAet:--.t0. I —' `uX Charles St—t•5 having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--_------------------- rt nrlon. atr �y therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I.' To investigate the necessity for, or desimbl'lity of, the malting of said improvement. 2- To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a Plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners• 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. A. OCT 131936 Adopted by the Council -- YrAs NAYS Councilman BARFUSS { e FINDLAN AppLO°�'" PEARCE PETERSON TRU 'OiRElilT�i1► L'"'s`.t--•���� Mayor. Prism / Form CA 13 t1M-8431 J/ : ULLISHED Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER Council File No. ____t(�� The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the CityKo - St. Paul, viz.: CurbiArz_.rikl�p Street from like Street to lde4f1 +�t��fi-. —.--- PRELIMINARY ORDER _2—B3r Irving c Pearce written Droyosal Sor,t' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: follow(ng 1mnrpvemer lee street Ecom i�.ice��' bine Charles Street from Ripe Street to Marioa Street. ( ,,� nhou`oigtrie - `1 ;rite, bait. =Cha Commisalr : having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau ------------- --- —___. _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing hatters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 1 Adopted by the CoundL...:_,—.._--..._.. ——.----- -- YEAS NAYS CouncilmanBARFUSS -- FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON 3iiYil - MR. PRESIDENT Form CAIS (1M-843) Mayor. w p'UBLISi�--'��r IN OF COV*61L'bPT 105413 + s4.A89ID88MEA1T.:... COUNCIL FILE NO..._.... ,ter of cer of the assessment r _ w �f s and,expenses ter co By _ _---- __.. l..tlthlc cement aid -- 1, contract CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for constructing monolithic cement sidewalks Estimate No. 1, Contract 38-Y-16, 1936 Assessable-- F.O. TC391+6 ptnshnrst Avenue, both-aidesa from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue F.O. 104348 Kent Street,-st'side, beginning at the mouth line of Charles Street, thence south to alley. Constructing monolithic cement sidewalks Estiamte No. 1, Contract 36*9-15,•1936 sa�Itosomsirirr,-'"Y n�._t _.a "1��$sbbli��ttbei"�$"Iis�-ndo�fis4dlierdt-Pn'blf��lfori�i'<i�i�ki�ehy' �1'l,�reeted.to';`";, ; ;ley sidewalk es c�i4?►! at the following Ioeations, under, Comptrollers Contract 'a a' -acs$ "ntit'to eicoeed n9c, to 'be charged against the P.I.B. Fuad wax .eOopt, pzopertigm _ N.E. corner of Laurel and Pasoal Av6=68 "(double apron] N.E., wd $# corners. of Nebraska Sad Paaoa2 Avenues (doublb apron) N.E. and�S.E. corners of Cook Street and Walsh Avenue (double apron) N,W. -a;pd, &.W., oomars of. ,Cook .Strest pad.Jfeide Street "(doubl+ apron) SAW, and S E. corners of Mouad Street avid jai can Avemte (double apron) f,,' ) B.W. corners of.Syndiosts Aveltne and Sohland Plies (double .apron) N.W. ant} B.W. corners of Syndicate Avgaae and Hillcrest Avenue (double apron) S.W.•aftd S,Nj cornets of Syndioate Avenue and Ford Boal (doable apron) { F.O. 201914'Pinehnrat Avenue both sides from Underwood Ave. to Fairview Ave. Fredsrioka Wa3lc Iaterseation,H.E. corner Pinshurst Ave. and Fairview Ave. 1 C:Y 14571$"'Beeolved that the Commissioner of Public Works is hereby directed to lay alley crossings at the locations listed below, under Comptroller's Contract L 3d9fi at a cost not to exceed ;50:00 to be charged to the P.I.B. Fund Toa �r;Fropertiea' Allsyr.t Block 2 8alet Addition Ai1s4iin Blook::l7 Oakville Park j C.E. 103711'Beeolved that the coLmissioner of public Works is hereby directed to lay sidewalk extensions at the following location under Comptrollers Contract L 8894 at a Bost not to wooed $45.00 to be charged to the'P.LR. Fuad Taz apt:` propertles Sidewalk extension at S.E. corner Jefferson Ave. and River Boulevard C.F.-T04298 Resiolved that the Coimisai nor of Public Works is h9repy directed to lag a d*aalk extensions at the follanring locations under dompbrolier4s Cori raet 4L 3890GSh a Dost not to exoeeda$183.60 to be charged to the P.I.B. Fund res ssssmgy t�p�.,,•.-,-� Sill14xlc sstepsions at S.E. and S.W. corners of Edgerton St. and Lake Coma end Si7ic�estfsiona At N.W., S.W., N.E. and S.E. oornere-af Van Saran and Avcri oil, M� extensions at S.W., N.W. and H.E. corners of Van Buren and Oratto Sts. Sidewalk Ottintions at N.W., H.E., S.E. and S.W. corners of Van Buren and � - � 1 .,..,, .r:rye�uzJy. ou ggae.F.aeaert ,g• gi.oaa �, •+, u?'CjOr1.>PC o=c.FaAitTOL2 6:C ,,v .4'f'�� .ri° ra'AA $ ',` GOIXGLn 0; J19A 'Di -QA aY.gasurlft :_•¢c aros•� e1 a `t�T5 ll oo is' _ , x•_zc oJ, AaA Briseu euq az a,:a• i aigoaucs �.ax¢o.a?cAa 5r si•M e *ji,� Sl'r,• sizTe 2•i • eortlsze o% 2sn .gALGAOrVA011 : bJ'eTau yza r � 2?S•w Gfcna?ons f.� OO a•��.. t3 r r a"i"'q G•:S• S.;T4a.a C;; CS�r-.L.(.'OA 'cid• 5nCt ICfCGb CIT i 36 H sp u c08p pop go ok T e7go3 eztgroA& s 788 00 fo Pe oAT rnrzgoq go .g}33 b I'B •:o nuc .^���, F - i. tii ^;,, ✓� i tet.- q S;':,� 4��T rzt u�J �a•� � .•. . r^ t10 ,4o a xi5c§er� aA_O'QO ra o5 j,aa.2aq co - J���13en�vzva${ ase ,iF �Nc ruorrp�Tuua 7? ='+69 PGIGe�' aa,r eL urt,,:LoJ7or•,o Gougzircf G'lb T081TS gc¢olaeq Favi .PPa 0a=YTe2T0rr07- ob bnP7?G AOLfrayTe yezepj q > Gcpog- o } yzip®Laso� o7 WE' GOLUOL L7AC1rALa.1.` VAG• "qhsrLercac yae+ i lizegazrofcs tal8y?c To T23T bsztal Tta; V-&GAne pods o:rgsa TLo o pliclazmooq :Ifao• -Po Lerywasi Vas su9 a.'f;• cnzuoLe oT 2%ngTGv;G yaartao eAq gozq osg. goarp7a siizazi P Ae euq VNI cozaGLe ol, glAgrotr;Q tnaalTo -q 11TT163 e64 aozrrta {4oi PJ?, sbzoA R.F,, er rq g'J'A' ovzira-.; ol, anxwcapa V-&exrae Vuq Sop7ir q bJ oa (gorrpTo vbzoA) a P;' Mq 2'i3Goa.Aazn 07, 10fZq 2TLee; rtuq IlorcfrA anoatiss (gorP7o ebzoA) ';:;' rare; 2•.1• coxfe" o'. Goo; 2;L`{: au�i 9So?.e 2ALesp (gonpjv 6=bzon) 7' OLUOT a o, moo•, (g A7 L y 9 2fT e F sAq ;le3a l aerrne or crb oA) 1 E' r i ooaJGLa {. ,=,pLzra a sa;q ear _ ); j1a' J 'Q'89A79a (gonA7o rabzox;) _ • cozy x r 5 of v j I'recsJ VAG&,Ge (gongs9 :bLCA) e3cawbp bLni .CI9a s78G'00 A> ct*s•a.i:GS r'"a7uaA Fro b•1•g•rJ,Aq J?G �I76 77f; fl1. TJ ;DJs S+ 1Jfl d,CIJOlSraii jO03_70DE' AAg3a. G4L'bPLOjjaL,a GOAFLCCF E TWO eoJn.9q AFat flfl Co=carer or, �TA7rc ;,ro 1:¢To NoLGPi 7Lco __ ;_o --tgoA � aaoaes~pJa-- Coi;afLnGc.ru1. nr(Yuc7? .Tr ceaea, -961 7;ce ga :rum.a rto j ° oarLaoc ?QTR -7?' J73B e ¢Auroo corrp;J ;u 0,jjGl for and in connection with The assessment of.-..._begeFite-,-_ooets-_and••exlaensea -------------- ---------- - the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED. FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......-.12th ............. day. of November _-_ 19.x6.-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court _................... ........ House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said id notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in sa improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner •to whom the notice is directed. ®CT 1 4 1c --,19d•-- Adopted by the Council...-------- l • 06 �.--..... , City Clerk. APpmved.... ---••--•--•--------•--•----....---•------19.-.. Councilman w Barfuss CouncilmantERINWRa3n Findlan �( ouncilman?> ^ Pearce 1 �o Uouneilma Peteaon Mayor MnlffiM Gehan Form B. B. 17 IC5414 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D TTL''M1,T1�T A FIXING TIME OF HEARING 1@1 AA ; THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF IIE:kR!M's C.`; T"![- AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of ---- condemning and_teking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 33, West Ead Addition, from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue, OF,co"NA L APPRC, 9ARING ARDFI7C'--' IEARIR(i:' THEREOF • ] OF DA" '5414—. of condemnir- mi:t '.:ai:'.^. under Preliminary Order_-_ 01919-------------, approved__ NA! _9a_1986 ---------------------, Intermediary Order ---------104447-------------, approved__ Julg_211_ 1936 ----------------- Final Order --------------- 104751 ......... ---_, approved__ August 18r 1936. __________------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --- k2JL1 he---___-12th--------day of_ N94ember -----------------, 19--a6, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council----------------------------jrj:�� ------ ----- c..'J-- �. City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- - Mayor. ee Councilman andl H Councilman F Findlay Councilman 77 Pr:F rce _ Councilman Clffi'CC'=-'-'--� Peterson =M TvpffT" Mayor G M:• Gehan Rtlsllsl�v l d 105415 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONF - - - -- awTIFYIxfi exn CONDEMNATION AND AND AWARDS OF DAMMS exu, A", ASSESSMENT THEREFOR ar of coademnlagg and tali; nut: eaeeemenn for A F L netruct'!"'and''.maiataf . weaster: ander, ly halt of Slq .' q, rd between: bFlnnFato.fle1dlAveau Onm*, , EZ In the matter of------------------------------------------------------------ a z..:.r--------- .r ee>{desatnd eaWtokfts a pernaWk Restart for 00 pa poe of b" eCaclreetlag, aasd aain- W►=dE a pebl�c SeW Cale under, fomes cad tkraeah the 09#10irly+`of kV 8t=ttlt t1►oa't" betwoeat 711jim r� Avuus and patri'leld Amery sold sold : us mom 'to etlad fift .T"Ift" Auris tte Ptittrfleld AVVI*64• and to Include .11 tie.ts Part+ a!„' Strewm�aatAd �6 between parauer �lwo cash 14 feet tarns► a �a�saier dram -tut , an bke acuter line et Fairfield Aveame to Peet s Itu ". Iueerceeiiica with the easterly► 1laie et Siai!#ujr"Street to a paint eu rase s "' tarty+ r 1lac. oI 8111akn*c d�ea►uC 8.89 teat eo_ueh�tftl*i * of it is oreset�,em ritt� ; ` , eaeteriy► .` 2lite of 'at k' It j A1se d , aacement fqr i a9atNteuot aa purptlses cat the tellss�U _ d1M Abed � '; � Chi . ; ,;. �y+ aide oP abaplts ,dei pesaus�ettt aeea�tea�e olso t1I�}� pari r rr�eta+rd � eCa�e#IY oPnbo�r,d�RitrilN�,,�*�'au�t��sl+ls �it r et.eP LCrb 1, Beek �Jd#'AebCrtsdits AdditlCa 1� iileek X'1S'� ,lttlbcrlci�a�s Add3tlear ibo Yssi �s t� altd 'alb ',B� ! E * do `iG}be �e ltddtii3boi iy4a8:1�+tst4tly' aP s tine described ai telLaonee ' at ►= as tshc np jr g_ yip„ ' Fllys rane lip ,.• i iln h+ria bt St Arm t�satle: g a-' ,itdf,f0 111 F I�NeC: roll, identified by the signature of-the Commissioner of -Finance; and made a part hereof,- and the _ awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e Adopted by the Council --- KT_14-10--------- ------ --- --------------- ------- ------------- ------- ----- Clerk. Approved--------------OCT Councilman ftommENWO BarfuseMayor. i Councilman- Findlaa Councilman11 � Pearce Councilman ,t Peterson Councilman `� 1SI3I D / 7 �3 Ctulaleik,tan TT a€ x yrs WMAESOL01+'NO KrCONDEMNATION AlD AWARDS OF DAMA ASSESSMENT THEREFOR~ a475— rid; ------------------ --------------- --------------- -- .'approved- July 28, ---------------------- 1WO------------ approved ....... Au_uat 271_1936.----- ------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. e Adopted by the Council --- OrIT-UWS--------- ------ ___ ---------------- OCT 4 clerk. Approved--------------------- --- Councilman psi Barfuse Mayor. Councilman Findlan Councilman Pearce i Councilman Peterson Councilman Ro " ati %E1 1SIiLD41 / 7 3 couueihmmu8" t�€i— " / C°r _ REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSE;S.7,T ?NT OF BF'%EFITS In the matter of________________ eondemaing and taking a poraanent easement far the purpose of constructing and main- tainias a public sewer on, under, across and through the eastsrly half of Starkey Streetnoated between Fillmore Avenue and Fairfield Avenue, said oasemant to extend tramm Hillwore Avenue to Fairfield Avenne, and to include all that part of Starkey street vacated lying between parallel linea each 10 feet from a center line drawa Prows point aq.the esnter line of Fairfield Avenue 80 fest southwbsterly;of its iiteraootipn frith the easterly line of Starkey Street to a point onthe.aoubheasterly line of 1N11mois,pvemue 9.27 feet soutiumstorly of its intersection with'the easterly line of Starkey, St. Also a tampbrary easement for adpatrastion purposes on the follewdng described land whereI not 000upied by permanent ?idildiagsr A strip of 1and:l0'foet,in,wiAth a LAO Of Start 0 of the sou khe �;,reuussiorer to mart;,& i:erduy report . Q, dirtance'or 30 -feet, th e of (Pater Street and the That he has fused and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. --------- -- ----------------------- Commissioner of Finance n 10 L0 jIOta'7 auq Pof 8' B1ooh 2{.. bull ? -0 4$sf af!'Ori 91,j ip ai Fson,© VggifIon { LOQ4' ul s h@LII(�JB2tk` as'esm67l:�" � 'A 2pLao; keav . u J.iJz ©osF97.jn o{, epode gesoL�P aiga ob sera— e r ke&"'�I6a Lp c ;:rJuS 0t FPe ,xa6�flT7? BPaa� a2esq Ye mz[e17-0, bs2 77Q7 x i? bt► 1e� a sr gfi ds peq_ TL --'q r,PeLe np,: 00016709 P�OWFOoscxov ja(n Qe9@ gjoc a �9mne�Gx2 oevowsa+ fox ocaaFl., « u J7Ija oy ep. t?�a o_. 877Pvo:_a ;raannu 8,B& mon.F za•T.�FS.t60{eZj�s O'j, `vTF �'` t„ n under Preliminary Order ---103512 _ approved ----------'-5, 1936--------------- ----- Intermediary Order -------104522--- approved ---------- Ju)�t_28� 1936 --------------------- Final Order --------------10482$---- approved ----------AU9llBt-&7--19M------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. 105416 IH'YINQ ABBIDBBMIDNTB. Counet'LFile No--------- ----------------- ------- tt iosas— �LSat[er ;ot the se"sees e costs Bad exe err " the. grade .oi ' B_ ----------------------------------- �\ em rho east Jv gyp, - �•the'veeat nn, ' + �a ae to Un1' 4f CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution Ratifying Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for ehan6iag the_grado of IInirersit�r Are. lsea the asst line of Prior An* to the mast line;'of Yaawla Soy and of Cleraland Ate. lrW It to Aras to vairarai'biyr Arie., and the fest side of Y St. frail 1lairarsi* Are. to 100 tact nosh of v"VorsityAve•. of tha asst aido of 4'euWAA 8ac UO*. frac foot south" of ilniv`rsity An. to ISO feet north of MdVorsit,/ Ara•, nail of the gest side of• Por- Are. ,frasi ft$"rsity Ara. to a point oa the mast lino of Prion Aie. 117 faa�a r # rsasisiam of the mOft.iine of Prior Are.# and the northarlar`liae of.Ui4iv+irtity pro mora isg tug red: limas on the prooles hereto attaahad and ian4o a part the=parent ssiabiithad grades belnrehowa by bino lines the#r $loo 3 alai: =oar oaf idllcs or raso�lsicttetiag► ti 3Oo tits rnfst iili� st ` rte, . ATa a'!ilamla Are. to University Aver, and on Pandalilt Bti fro. e ' ir#riiii W * Ito toot north of IInivsrsit� en., er�d oua Prier Aaey 1�pirarai :Ave. to ll4 test aorlh'of its intoraw",on of the V, Of ? p up Perla► lino of IIaitaatiit� _Ars• to Saint rad iaes qa( ,• , lis �s�7'P"a'i` apD lirias `whiireadf► 3a+ makft aaoaasaYja, t x #ars,'and aptasnaes,a- rink t Aro. b71�a 1MRs; 1�1 .4Mit41i#e c l 9 ,: ge�'�ab�i'� •soribod inFra�rasanl. i J -- r........equal installments. __.__. s.....-.-. Adopted by the ConnciL_..__....OCT 14 -- _._ rg ••City Clerk. OCT 419 L, Gf-. Mayor. �.. Form B. H. IS / pumisHED /� / 7 3 d l ' 105416 YB'YI$Q A99®987 frs Council.File No --------- _------ ---------------- Matter;:, of tt a asa408s Fa;Ot a b�,4 trx1¢ 4saFaa} v 3-qb y.40aAq, Fgko:=�J it -Loc I also r7T U¢pe swffiyl: rooeauaa # &exl 1.�TNst�, ��a` a'�� Iyu�ab iA�• .�k`�F, �-.A�s�,:��. bs.� �ztr�e�.f&, �:�,�i* 1;`all; �AC� �Yz� f�xa�w srZrwl :meq c�,s. st�jss�rEcQ�ae�g �s9ez+,A;�i:nt�p i'J s$�v1�4tNtx}T p}, }aes:• �Q 580 �bxfP. ai fiJbatB9�t��E�q`. `, 47 9 V ;Lai .1ae.Y`j¢#s�MMay 3fai �2L QM fit! ,^ _AqZ�' � a+� -*T"M �i� acrrasffi Vis= Aga s.rtt�,e �t ,ansa P;1 4�" -Tw 0%:;Ae.-8;-11 i a4 b*iay bE34"Y zil# S r1 F�iI!: jus s� gs� ��js 1 under Preliminary Order. 97?9•�-•-__..., Intermediary Order -..._-1002b4 •„--, Final Order..1004 approved.. April_30,t•_.-__--..-_19.-�5_. A public hearing having been had upon the assessment for the above improvement, and said assessment haling been further considered by the Council, and having been considered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court of the County of Ramsey for confirmation BE IT RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and it is hereby determined to be payable �---_--••--�lL--.----equal installments. -...._ Adopted by the Council----------- OCT 1410 s.. •------..__-..._.__..__.�._ City Clerk. 1419. _ Approved _ _ ...-- OCT 14 - ��_._-•--`-"i-------.-, Mayor. F.— B. B. 18 17 J 6 1 J u' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment September 1f ,,....... _ 19§A In the matter of the assessment of benefits, ogpts and expenses for *W changing the grade of University Ave. from the east line of Prior Ave. to the west line of Vandalia St., and of Cleveland Ave. from Myrtle Ave. to University Ave., and of the west side of Vandalia St. from University Ave. to 100 feet north of University Ave-, and of the east side of Vandalia St. from 150 feet south of University Ave. to 150 feet north of University Ave., and of the west aide of Prior Ave. from IIniversity Ave. to a point on the west line of Prior Ave. 117 feet north of the intersection of the west line of Prior Ave., and the northerly line of University Ave., to conform to the red lines on the profiles hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grades being shown by blue lines thereon, also grading, 4 pavingi'A&<oonstruating 4i cement sidewalkb-,tnnursavnetruoting30M ffing.sidewalks on Univeraity Ave. from the east line of Prior Ave. to the west line of Vandalia St. z: afid:on:Cleveland`-hiaanue from B�Vrtle;•Avar:-to. Universitty 14,se:.,.-snd._on Vand6lia St. from 150 feet south of University Ave. to 150 feet north of University Ave., and on Prior 'I, Ave.tErWmtfniv8rgty„Ave 1.1,7, feet north of its intersection of the west line of Prior Ave., and the northerly line of University Ave. to said red lines when estab— lished,, :ianluding-0403AC, said,pagistg alley ;and>dfiiXasgey, apps@ahasr.': reoonetrunting:- driveway approaches where necessary, constructing serer, water and gas connections' fros4rstAeamp3a;.e9.,Pr9Perty linee:.WhQsa;:not,a]s@HdY,made,.]makinB;all.neoessary changes in water mains, sewers, and appurtenances, installing trsPfio signals, con- p stryotiag or reconstructing ornamental lights, also grading and improving Montgomery raity Ave., also constructing a sewer on University St- from Myrtle Ave. to Unive Avenue between Cleveland Ava andxPr�o; Ave - .w14 a gonngotion-frena gniveraity Ave. i to the present.dropghaft;,gt'B,AQr Avq!,;and,Feronia,Aye„,also all ot4gr work necessary and essential t_,-the,abo e,dee ri.ed improveme4tw _I 4e 3 E. �3 -- Inspection fees on sewer connections' . . . 9.72 Amount of court coats for confirmation. . 1.66 Water connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 440.00 Sewer connections . . . . . . . . . . . . 466.00 Total Expenditures $ 550,939.35 Less the sum of (Paid by Minnesota State Department of Highways) 550,000.00 Net Assessment 939.35 Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above aster- tained, to -wit: the sum of $:..__x.3.5 :_ ___-upon each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by the aaid improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tifled by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered poroper. �� Commissioner of Finance. Form H. H. 17 ----------- ------------ --- ----- __ suy ea�avfis, fu fN3 spuae qec .;rt fo , fps bLseaAf gzobnpv;; 64 I LLTOL Ira3 F7ACJ LazouT Irbenne pe�taeeA CSeae7ss14 Yee,'. osjg S,L£oL yeo�;pl 2P . b omLPIG YAG- ;o IlA neLalpl� yA9 ' gJ�ao coz a�zrreszrEti;�ix 04no44oFo,ta Ai �Ilti•. ajr.0 cjj vf]�eL enozg AueceaavL2t OOAAGG�S�A I,LOm 11ATAOL27{X `AG* snLtdv 011 nVTAGLBUX BLTOL Yae•. a-rq fpG ...iaF­j.. ,;_— - .. ,7" 0. gzom i1A?aGLeTfll lrAG* fO 77S Loaf AOLfp Ob Tfu TufsLee' 720 b89f eon.fp o{ f1A7AOL2T fi raa • fo 720 Iesp vozflr c7 rvr. euq cA C7aaaJsuq Yaepno. {Loin P�LFje FAG• '- R - ' '- .?4 Yae, 11ATAGLCT.FX FAG- ELom. apo Ga ; Jrvo OT, j,LTGL yae• Lo fps fig' pEea effJugPE OL LeccuafLn 0U2fLfT112GCgMon;ZTgofd bsTasuP' vAg.0M 3p7ne gsegb' ¢1ra btaseAf.Paponw p �ntITOrss r_o-ctreZ:zeq`.77uaa-.ou fAe.tiLolr7ea jreLef4 a rr. '.bq v °A., ppe ;:area f I rhe Ao• ;LOW nVTAGLaTf� VAG' -Po'-v, P n33TaeL2Tf21 FAG' fo.J20 Laep AOL.fp off, Rr±aoLa?A Ya4'' J?Asa eapoA GQfep- 6;V° xezf 3sue pL ,Vna a ' trnq oil bL.0L or AgVggJ7g Ob Arrgg7la Zl. XTa.f?ue flrgeAus7FP 0 i .fpeLeoA' aJaa RL�rgsA�' �q mage ;.g bgzp. .2y.;TTAB' 0 , .jlI1JA6Lfl7.f% ! ,n.. t;rt ,i96L:AcT4V Off, under Preliminary Order............_97292............. __- ....... .............. ... Intermediary Order .......... ... .�Q42`,i4 Final order _._..._._100440------- ... — ...... ........ ............. approved --- ---------- _._. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports to the Council the following as a statement of the expen- ditures necessarily incurred and to be incurred for and in connection with the making of the above improve- ment, viz: _ Coat of construction _ _ _- 550,000.00 � 1.66 Cost of publishing notice . • • • • . ' ' ' 0.33 Cost of postal cards . • • • • • . ' ' ' ' 9.72 Inspection fees on sewer connections • • • 1.66 Amount of court costs for confirmation. • • .00 Water connections . . . . . . . . • • • • • 444040.00 Sewer connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . Total Expenditures $ 550,939.35 Less the sum of (Paid by Minnesota State Department of Highways) 550,000.00 Net Assessment 939.35 _.-__._„".,,.,,- Said Commissioner further reports that he has assessed and levied the total amount as above ascer- tained, to -wit: the sum of each and every lot, part or parcel of land deemed benefited by .the said improvement, and in the case of each lot, part or parcel of land in accordance with ' the benefits conferred thereon; that the said assessment has been completed, and that hereto attached,iden- tified by the signature of the said Commissioner, and made a part hereof, is the said assessment as com- pleted by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as may be considered oe 1 Ad' Pr. l . Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 17 lst. 2nd. Laid over to / lo/'/' Std. &app. Adopted y Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Muss B fuss dan yce '0 —Pin�dlaen- ,e�t/etson ��ax�/iO� ✓ enol Mr. Pres. Gehan �Wenul /1�1r. Pres. Gehan written;release,,`:releasing.and discharging Vie City LZ damages i or the taking of, such easemienta for Lng the Citi:,: om sll. consequential damages by. res of s.�3.d street. �e,.afCBr the inception of-said'work; shall prose sly , ii dil"iginoe and shall -complete >-said. Work on day. of:November' 1936. If said=licenaee,shail°fail!' 7k,:within acid time, the I Gommisaoner;of :Pablic ourtor e,pended'thereby.,,2end.3hah coat 6ha11 be.a'liabillty upon s a Cantiitioniof siid lioensee�s'bond' i5 gaid"licensee shall'•give a.bond to -the City, of t: Pail in the pena3 m of �5s000.00 conditioned'to oomply With•sll the;terzys of th ordi o4s. etncl to indemnify and, save the, City of S, Pahl harmless `fr' atm and a loss,' liability, judgments, suits, costs,.charges, damage and exile gthat may aecrne to pe sone or -property, ocoasione'd by the_ making o . R . e 3mprove*ent or ;ai�t_--out , of . the same -t Y__ we Y ce— j Passed by the Council- --- -- ---- -- ---------_... ..... ---.- U ORD ANCE �pae Wallhgt Peterson yf ek Ye 1 ■^(�l l eLL y:.for']. C�i+�hb iV� Attest: Approved:...._ -Z - --- -----•----- -... ...--:...... _._._.. City Clerk zoo 4-M written;release,,`:releasing.and discharging Vie City LZ damages i or the taking of, such easemienta for Lng the Citi:,: om sll. consequential damages by. res of s.�3.d street. �e,.afCBr the inception of-said'work; shall prose sly , ii dil"iginoe and shall -complete >-said. Work on day. of:November' 1936. If said=licenaee,shail°fail!' 7k,:within acid time, the I Gommisaoner;of :Pablic ourtor e,pended'thereby.,,2end.3hah coat 6ha11 be.a'liabillty upon s a Cantiitioniof siid lioensee�s'bond' i5 gaid"licensee shall'•give a.bond to -the City, of t: Pail in the pena3 m of �5s000.00 conditioned'to oomply With•sll the;terzys of th ordi o4s. etncl to indemnify and, save the, City of S, Pahl harmless `fr' atm and a loss,' liability, judgments, suits, costs,.charges, damage and exile gthat may aecrne to pe sone or -property, ocoasione'd by the_ making o . R . e 3mprove*ent or ;ai�t_--out , of . the same -t Yeas a;, Councilmen Nays r Passed by the Council- --- -- ---- -- ---------_... ..... ---.- U Pearce:- Peterson _.In Favor Truax Warren . -.Against Wenzel Mr.. President (Gehan) Attest: Approved:...._ -Z - --- -----•----- -... ...--:...... _._._.. City Clerk zoo 4-M Maor Y PL7$I,T,SHED V fo'Lr1, Berk ``' •' ORDINANCE 05417 COUNCIL FILE NO. ccFNrEo BY ORDINANCE NO. OCT 29 Ift Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council----__-----.---- --- ...--- .------- -------- ---- --- ... ... _In Favor Truax ------- ---------------- Againit :rR'enzel r Pres'ent (Gehan) Approved:---• T• -9 ...... . ....................... . .rM attest�� t a.L-fJyt� . - - ........_........ ...-----••- City Clerk ---- - AQtIRQ Mayor 300 4-35 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS FTHE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 12, 1936 Mr. George M. Shepard Chief Engineer Dear Sir: Attached please find request for per- mission m Ne racket Montana Avenues Privately - o grade Walsh Av- He from He wants to do this grading for a Mr. Linell and a Mr. Oberg and two other property owners. to ave a form of have typewrittendif .thisnce aappll lication wouldready world be favorable to you and the City Council. This for your information. - very truly yours, MAGE W. WOODRUFF Chief Engr. Clerk MWJ : S a �': r <. . St. Paul, Minnesota, November 2nd, 1936. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to accept and abide by all the terms and conditions or Ordi- nance No. 7720, adopted by the Council on October 29, 1936• oou"CIL 105418 o,Wod to Cit, C-.tk iflett CITY OF ST. PAUL ewpriCE OF THE CITY CLERK - RESOLVED, That John B. Probst, Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau of the City of St. Paul, be and he is hereby directed to attend and address the Civil Service Assembly to be held at Cincinnati, Ohio, beginning October 21, 1936, and be it Further Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorised and directed to reimburse John B. Probst for traveling expenses incurred by him to attend the said Civil Service Assembly from the Civil Service Fund, Code 30-B, upon presentation of itemized state- meat of traveling costs. ,e c„ COUN MEN Yeas Nay %dan �.._ In favor 7-'r e ..^ Against 3M 6.36 Mr..cecon�l;vicc' .. t inaaSar s a durt ^:I'seembly to be he.�' ,, ?blo. beginning O, be it Re.olvedIals that be and they ar<LJ I. to aattenRJ:. Ir. "ie' Adopted by the Councd .......... Q.L'7...1.4.•. 193 _... Approved .....................JD0T..14-9*-_.193_ 14941-761 PUBLISHED 0,10-1 to city Qeek .CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cil. RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM c...co. NO......_105419.. �,« 4 RESOLVED WHEREAS, Elmer Magnuson, 28 West College Street, has made application for license as house sewer contractor, and WHEREAS, Elmer Magnuson, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7661 has been examined by the Board of Examiners and approved by said Board for license as a house sewer contractor, and WHEREAS, Elmer Magnuson has filed a bond in accordance with Ordinance No. 7661; therefore be it RESOLVED, that a license as house sewer contractor be hereby granted to said Elmer Magnuson subject to the provisions of said ordinance, and the Commissioner of Public City Works risoinstructed to issue said license upon payment f the required fee. � ho hon use uew,gv Elmer N ordinanceeo No. t< ed bYe9ald Board ; e sewer contracto- ,l s, Elm— Mag.,,' accordance v he!ho te. 1be P that 1.. Apr be 1 T Adopted the oun............^.T � •CpUNCILMEN d by Council Yeas Nay loss O� �� Flpvlari In favor Approved .... .............._..................... ...._........ ...... 193... . P to / Peterson /) �./�.._ Against Mayor J %�Mrl President (Gahan) pl7gLI3HE 3At 6)6 orixi. IWCityClttk 105420 couw y .,... CITY OF ST. PAUL nea NOu ................................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION... GENERAL FORM ..PRESENTED .. COMMISSIONER_..:.:IRYntG....C.w...PEAR -.�dw :.,DATE......_O6tObe2,ay,.S� 19gg ..... . RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised to cause the necessary, repairs to be made to•the existing cement the sidewalk where necessary on Albion Street:between West Seventh Street and Lexington Avenue, abutting the RIVERSIDE SCHOOL BZTB� to be constructed by the Standard Stone Company, contractors, under their annual Repair, Relay and Reconstruct Cement Tile Sidewalk Contract for the year 1936, known as Comptrollert6 Contract L-3899 at a.cost not to exceed $100.00, based on the unit prices bid for this type of construction, which cost is to be charged to the P.I.R. FUND TAX E MPT PROPERTIES: �ai'F`.. weer a t eta8 iv A�eaue i 4 Schoot Site. oto b y{'udard 3toae P. • 1 ��der . thele.; hams Reconetruot Cp: tract ton th• i or..;to M, clk�Q542 CITY OF ST. PAUL `n'i"ca NO........... 'A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R LOTION ---GENERAL FORM �( ..PRESENTED BY NIRVING C. PEAR ATE ....._O.n. t.9ber.._13, .1836 ............ COM............__... _........ _... .____. RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary repairs to be made to the existing the sidewalks, where necessary, along Toronto Street from Jefferson Avenue thence north approximately 250.0 feet to the north -line of Lot 8, Block 1, Dawson's & Smith's Sub. and on Jefferson Avenue from Toronto Street thence west approximately 126.0 feet to the west -line of Lot 13, Block 1, Dawson's & Smith Sub, all of which abutts the site of the DAVIS SCHOOL AREA, to be constructed by the Standard Stone Company, contractors, under their annual sidewalk repair contract for the year 1936, known as Comptroller's Contract L-3899, at a cost not to exceed $150.00, based on the unit price bid for this type of construction, which cost is to be charged to the P.I.R. FOND TAX W=PT PROPERTIES: { t I C. Pearce- -.1-1, e Pearce s eoff he':te. herrebyby an to cause theneces- di be made .to the ..[sting .t where necessary, along c from JeRergon Avenue -t 11pproxtmat.ly 250.0 feet line [ Lot 8, Block 1• m, Sub. and on JeRe m T....1, street tbe7, o rlY 12fi.0-feet t, ):i &, a, Block 1, T). of which , hool •cif if d„ i ;y.� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Codncil ........... 0011A..M93...... Yeas laNays +uss � 4n F/'/n ................. In favor Approved......................OC,t ......................._...................193....... ce ' Peterson / Against ... , ... ............. "..... Mayor enzel /Twit President (Geban) Q �7 b JN. . October 10, 1936 THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. ®ntlemen, The Contract committee has awarded the following contract: #9346: For grading alley in Block 3, Mississippi View, being Auditor's Subdivision No. 59 and Rearrangement of the Elms from Randolph street to Jefferson avenue, also constructing a sewer in the alley from a point 266 feet south of Jefferson avenue to the sewer in Jefferson avenue TO WILLIAM EBERTZ $4622.00 For the sum of In accordance with his bid and supple- mentary letter dated October 9, 1936 reducing his bid from $2684.00 to the Engineer's Estimate, $2622.00 Respectfully submitted, T ONTRACT COMMITTEE Chairman gymCity wuxm� 10542 CITY OF ST. PAUL ied anu NO......_._......... . OFFICE OF THE CITY & ' - nd th � a°fTGittt Msd1na 611 t COUNCI U710N---GENEFtfi ve 'Uose &.b.91 ,, ?uetpeater. A --I . October 14. 936......._ . COMMIS !„-...:z� _DiaYL .. .... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following- named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the paymen�,into the city treasury of the rlequired' fees: ,a River Terminal Coal & Dock 2694 Univ. Ave Fuel Dealer App. 14770 Renew. M. Schofield Fuel Co. 190 S. Wabasha Fael Dealer 11 14622 x Walker Pence Co. H 75 N. Western Ave. Hotel(Commodore) 14994 n Wm. Barnacke 15 W. 9th St. Restaurant 14911 " Wm. Barnacle 15 W. 9th St. On Sale Malt 14912 11 Minn. Mining and Mfg. Co. 937 E• 7th St. Restaurant 11 14923 n Fred C. Duerr 432 Toronto St. Restaurant n 14933 n n u' 11 n On Sale Malt 11 14934 It J. J. Kohn 466 Wabasha St. Restaurant 11 14941 o_ Oscar Nelson 1144 Arcade St. 011 Burner n 14944 n Leo Boutell: 469 N. Snelling Restaurant 11 14972 n n x 11 n On Sale Malt n 14973 " Chas. P. Anderson Inc. 235 W. 9th St. 2nd hand Auto n 14993 n R. Herrold 1179 E. 7th St. Restaurant n 14964 " Frank L. Kruzeski 462 Mississippi On Sale Malt n 14990 11 N x u n Restaurant " 14991 n COUN OMEN Adopted by the Council .......0 -CT -14-493f ...._193.. . Yeas � N s ``7 OCT 141936 n In favor Approved.......... ................... _193.: ... .. eterson .. Against G / ./-" • .... Mayor ....... T=P, 1+%.+ resident (Gehan) 3M 636 - i�Y� Y IJr 41 oristna C«QYkk CCU. 105424 CITYOF ST. PAUL NO ......................................... OFFI E OF THE CITY CLERK � Cp N ---GENERAL FORM � PRES • . _.,___DATE.......: OCtober.._1-F.t..._193.6....... — G _ RESOLVED / That licenses for Restaurant, application 14594, On Sale Malt Beverage application 14595, and Off Sale Malt beverage license 14596 applied for by Ralph B. Smith at 679 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees. New Liquor License transferred 0-29-36 J,I• plication 4ty 14 'nevernge Been 1+'.- •Y Ra1Dh B. ami -L. venue be and tbit' oto it...ede-it 11cerf it the City ? u1 i �Af hl CO�MEN Adopted by the CounciLt.._ ...1.4�- .........193...... Yeas Na �'Nptan Ct Ji� t �/ In favor Approved..................Q......................._....................193....... e eterson - /� '_...... Against ..y ....... r e._ ....... .......... Mayor I KAILISrIEn /eh/ 3b 5-sident (Geban) 3M 636/ RESOLVED 105425 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. .............. . .............. �OFFIC CITY CLERK • COUN LUT ---GENERAL FORM yy7/f......_._......_...___...__.._........._..._..._.tober 14 .9....._.............._... That licenses for Restaurant, application 14919, on Sale Malt Beverage, application 14919, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14920, applied for by rrank Mancari at 58 W. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council October 3, 1936 that ji.e' Md- Pg-' DPIl.ib .. . ad YhFranmWarncae,aq* 'IT CItY Clerk It fl,.tmcter seO�'.VOnht a pa%mer . the 'eq, N COUN3X�MEN Adopted by the Council Off 14W-193- Yeas OCT 14 In favor Approved.. ..... .. ...... .. .. ...... .......... terson Against _ President (Gehan) Ie4l 7 3M 636 CITY OF $T. PAUL nu NO.........w . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f..OUNCIL TION ---GENERAL FORM' CC CONE MMISSIIUNE ._. _.__. J . /...__DATE................ QCt Q1L2>'...�...a....�,9.,�, A...__._.._.. mutMELS, heretofore On Sale liquor License ITo. 631 was issued to John E.. Smith at.133 W. University Eve. and WHEREAS, John E. Smith has requested that, said license be transferred in his name to 751-755 Wabasha St. and, WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said license be >' transferred as requested; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License No. 631, issued to John E. Smith, at 133 W. University Ave. be transftrreddin his name to 751-755 Wabasha St. and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city's records accordingly. C.oU1�9ILMEN yeas N s usa i��lan In favor raon 2..... Against ,Mr Preaident (Geban) 3M 636/ Adopted by the Council......_T-14 193....... Approved -..../ .....................O. l.._A 4_1093......: Mayor 1cTiF,D `D cum. . RESOLVED COUNCIL N0..145427 CITY OF ST. PAUL raa """'" OFFICE O CITY CLERK COUNC 3 LUTI N GENERAL FORM R' c DATE............. Oct ..._1.4 1936 ......... _............ _.. That license for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15046, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 15047, and Restaurant, application 15046, applied for by Mrs. Ruth Lee at 1966 Stillwater Road, be and the same are hereby denied, and.the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to-Mre. Ruth Lee the fees of $5.00; $50.00; and $10.00 and to cancel said application for licenses. Denied informally by Council Oct. 13, 1936 CLMEN Yeas / N s u Oeaa n In favor ..'so .. Against TP sident (Gehan) 04 636 •.=ppimauon ---- ,,�ge.. 1j,tU. at160• � aPPU. A 1Sra. Rntdh..Lb eeatni� Ri,•d. be' a . andthe ProPRT: ctt t . t e�teest u� nn andto can^^ i as OCT 14.1936 Adopted by the Council ............ ....... ........ _......... ................. 193....... Approved .................... OCT..1.4-., 193....... l_ ,......fi.....Lez.-<-r Mayor PUBLISHEII 0 �� �b O.W—I to City Clerk - 05428 .: CITY OF ST. PAUL couHO1L NO.._- _ ._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R GENERAL FORM w PRESENTE I �' COMMISSIO ...............:.....................-•...DATE._.....Q.O_'ti4�ier....14....... 1..3.6............... RESOLVED That the Pur acing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purohase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one'tank oar, approximately 8000 gallons IIQf1 leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the BARNSDALL REFINING COMPANY, at a price of $ .11253 per gallon, less 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- , Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas/rdlaNa n Pe ice In favor Gerson ..__�......_... Against rVVenul Ar. President (Gehan). 3M bl6 p, —no-fromat Cn, as at stategallon, alnd'elaat96 e s stted- on Municipal E, tpur at Dale St. on....}p., emergency.exleta Wh. I,). i"r:aptly would work..:' Interests of tt lP. ._ Adopted by the Council .......... �,♦.5„ 193 Approved .......... ............ CfIY. . ....... May- YUBLI'MD AI I7 odgwo to ad 0-kCOUNCIL NO. ---- - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILM OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL q96-LION--GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By 0 C COMM, SSIONE OMM RESOLVED That the UGO Of the theaterqp -q gotion of the Saint Paul Auditorium be given to the Capitol City Hebrew School an Sunday evening, November 1, 1936, for the presentation Of a play by said School, at a rental of one Hundred Eighty Dollars ($180.00). the use 10 hSaint F.Capitol t.' ,e .pit 3 ,d.Y DTBsentntl0a 'j a.S0rfA1' W Adopted by the Council---.010T.-ViTI-493 QCT $5193 Approved.. ------ --- -- ---- 3— --- -------- .... Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pat dkM= Blndlen ..-._..----• ---.-In favor liteeuon ..................Against Ift - Mr. President (Gehan) SM 11-53 the use 10 hSaint F.Capitol t.' ,e .pit 3 ,d.Y DTBsentntl0a 'j a.S0rfA1' W Adopted by the Council---.010T.-ViTI-493 QCT $5193 Approved.. ------ --- -- ---- 3— --- -------- .... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT. DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAUOF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMIDON, S.1 .... T ..... I BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. E. TRUDEAU, Ot—Ton October 13, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear Mr. Connolly: BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. L--.. BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD A. FURNI. Su— ....ocnT Will you please nave prepared for my presentation to the Council a resolution to provide, at a rental of $180, for the nee of the St. Paul Auditorium theater section, on Sunday evening, November 1, 1936, for a play to be given by the $apitol City Hebrew School. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Education .TSF -R ILI odX1.4 city ck&k CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILM No...105.43.0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. 4 COON rl—RES�ON ON --,GENERAL FORM C PRESEN COMMIES . ...... ...... ......... . ........._DATE O.ot.Qb.e.r._l4 ..... RESOLVED That licenses for—Aestaurant,.application 14901, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14902, and Off We Malt beverage application 14903, applied for by Leo A. Diel at 419 N. Cleveland Ave. be and the same are hereby. granted and the City Ciberk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council, October 6, 1936 COUNCILMEN YeasNays • � ............ In favor .......... eterson Agdinst .16d sident 3M 6 (Gehan) Leo e. ap�)lcation 14UZ.. e A. lei at 418 N. Clove.; Od,th. am. a,. h-" d the C1F10rk " ""r", ... h nee.,t.11..Ptatth.p. ,:-ity Treasury,pf th,, Adopted by the Council .................. O.M.151" Approved OCTISM I ..... 93 ........ .. . ........... Mayor PUBLISHED 14)h7134, CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota H WM. J. Chief Fire hie C Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Very truly yours, JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. I SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. License Inspector G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminlona October 5, 1936 Hon. Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: Leo A. Diel has made application for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage and Grocery licenses at 418 No. Cleveland Avenue, on the south side of the street be- tween St. Anthony and Roblyn Avenues, and to be known as "The Corner Store". Application is for change of ownership; the present owner, Mrs. Marie Soenen has operated this place since February 24, 1933, and as restaurant with 3.2 malt beverage since April 7, 1933• There is one 3.2 place within two blocks. The closest On Sale Liquor Place is six blocks away; and Off Sale Liquor place is one mile. The nearest church and school are each ten blocks away. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. Applicant has been employed as a bookkeeper and foreman during the past five years. Very truly yours, )/_p�lap Neal C. McMahon d License Inspector LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Application No - _.. 1__ .._._ �9 Qoromisaionerof �Pu�Iio`'Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES. Neal C. McMahon, Inspecto _ DateAgo 0b 2. .193 dM 4 -beer 1. Information required in connection with d 3.2 Licens e. 2. Name of Applicant L eo A. Diel 3. Business address 418 N.C1eye18nd.AYe�,:;,. Aome. 2119 Temple Court. _ 4. Trade name, if any "Thome CoTneT BGOTT e° - 5. Are you going to operate this businoss„yo�rself yes G. On what floor located ground floorNumber of Rooms used IMO _. 7. Between what cross, streets. a4 • Anthony aad .Roblyn. Which side of street_$_outh a4d 3.2 beer 8. Are premises now occupied es What business confectionery How long_4g, 9. Are premises now unoccupied' ow long vacant �revious use 10. Are you a new owner yes Have you been in similar business before no Where When ].1. Are you in any other business at the present time n0 — 12. Have there been any complaints against your operation of this type of place no When Y Where 13. Have you ever had any license revoked -118 What reason and date" . U. S. ; Internal Revenue Stamp will you use ($20 or $25) X20.00 -+ Which U5ue Special Tax 15. Are you a citizen of the United States yes 7.6. Where were you born 9t111Water Minn. When; March Mo.-j--Day1909rYr= How lcng have you lived in St. Paul Nine years — 19. Have you ever been arrested no ].9. violation of what criminal law or ordinance 20. Number of 3.2 places within two blocks QW, 21. Closest intoxicating liquor place. On Sale 6 Iblooke Of£ Sale 1 mile 2?. Nearest et nxrch_�t,.��ark�_s ___ tearest School St. Mark'B x-10 blooks 74 i..' I 7'."T 23, Number of booths 4 Tables ekP'04Chdirs 8 Stools none 24. What occupation have you fo21dw'dd7f0r-'the`pAst five-'yoars book—keener and orem8n 25.--MAA-business'-dor-yo4irself , what were you doing, give location and dates '�--,. If employed-bSc others,.: give name-and-address-.of each: and -41atureof-:employmb/Ytt �• _ T. . �Patry ----959i.:$�at. �ve,�""$ Ti;'<HItnrieapo�is�., �' � t�t�/ C.=/t+1bti'�Ltl� - P,. AveCi -ono and t adre'ss Miffn. cah' ve if ration cgnderning you Jr'._,.. cQ. �a Xxr:e A. P Niellign Address 2168 St Anthony Ave_ Name John Heinen Address ~ 620 OttowtL Ave_ P PPJ• �-� STAT_: OF.MINNESOTA-..)__ , ,- ) ss 'G,P_'I': Oy RA1.iSEv Leo A. Diel Being first duly sworn, deposes an•3 says upon oath that he has read the foregoing a,ppl cation bearing his signature A knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of his own knowledge ex:cat to those matters therein stated upon information and belief and as to those natters he believes them to be true ., �f! Subscribed and sworn to before me :i 2nd aay.of Ootober 19 39 . F .. . ) is '.... fr,tary Public-, &Lamicy county' iimeeoti#'- - f IV commission expires--.... +Jetaro Puelto. Ramaeg G'oanfg, M/nneaota • My Commission Expires December 17, 1836. V. o'ha-1 CUT Cl k eoueea NO....... ..................._............. CITY OF ST. PAUL "" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE fiO TION-- GENERAL FORM i ......_DATE...........Qctob.er..15...._19.36........_..._. PRESEN..�.....__....._......__. RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Nm. R. Beattie 26 E. 6th St. Barber L. V. Grinnell 1584 Univ. Ave. Bakery App. 15014 New 11 14091 s .1 Pro :,gin' ams 'toti.'7. "the citYclerkfe t1h "....e. upon the - ty treasury. of. the W—.it tKeattfe, 26.E. eth SL- Is" h'ew. ll; 1684 Unlverefty .t, r16 O Adopted by the Council.........................CT 15 t93............................ OCT $ 5.......... 93...... Approved....L...../.................................._........ Ma. ....__.. I O �7-3 (� COUNCILMEN Yeas �c n Nays In favor ......................... Zrm ' J , Against 1 President (Gehan) 3M 6J6 App. 15014 New 11 14091 s .1 Pro :,gin' ams 'toti.'7. "the citYclerkfe t1h "....e. upon the - ty treasury. of. the W—.it tKeattfe, 26.E. eth SL- Is" h'ew. ll; 1684 Unlverefty .t, r16 O Adopted by the Council.........................CT 15 t93............................ OCT $ 5.......... 93...... Approved....L...../.................................._........ Ma. ....__.. I O �7-3 (� 0'W -d m ckt c6 k co M RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL aQ5432 NO. .......-_...... OFFICEE CITY CLERK et ' O UTIO •.GENERAL FORM ,...1936 ............ That licen>de for restaurant application #14992, On Sale Melt Beverage, application #14893, Off Sale Malt Beverage application +14994, and Pool Hall application +14595, applied for by George Wolkerstorfer at 473 N. Snelling Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such lilenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, provided, however, that the former owner at this location, William M. Stewart, is not to be employed or to have any connection with the business at this lomation. New Informally approved by Council Oct. 6, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas ..................... In favor eterson ..._......�..... Against JWenul 3M 636 Mr President (Geha4/ at -on 14892 On Sal' -9cii aPP11 cation 81489 , P DV' cat on 148¢6,. ap3 lirf, e and the same Arei}ereb� he "Yeclerk Is InsEroctcZ otothehre r thgt Adopted by the Council ............ QQT._.4.5.._1936193__., Approved ......................!^ 0T..15...193...... ............ Mayan WJSHED O /2 ort m.tf City CI.& COUNCIL ♦ 433 CITY OF ST. PAUL rai No........1-�..�.._i.... OFFICE CITY CLERK �'OUN L LUTI I ---GENERAL FORM !j:PRESEN _ � RESOLVED / That licensee applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Barnicks Grocery. 612 N. Griggs Grocery App. 14998 Renew. x n a n Butcher It 14989 a Finch Downtown Chev. 9-15 W. Exchange 2nd hand auto. 14980 x John E. Smith 133 W. University On Sale Malt a 14219 a .M.:u the se -i: the ctty I , "•it ltcenspr A'; - .cy treasury o Dor...ry, 612 fr(,s, grocery,: 83E e2.. I. ^tPwntown.'1C evrolu; - --Id 3'-ndAuto. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council........... Yeas Nays .•�}93...... carte _ _ In favor Approved ...................... 193....... Against v - Mayor �nzel 3M 6 PKBIdenL jan)nJtty.D (! J t oridol w cin cluk���/� CITY OF ST. PAUL Chu"`" NO. ......... �1i,;.tl.�F.�� OFF19X—OF—T`HE CITY CLERK [:ntinie-�n9nLUT'dN--- GENERAL FORM ` DATE.......... OC.tOb.:jx...15......1936.... ............... _ WEMRFAS.rMae Rivers desires to withdraw application 14942 for Restaurant License at 965 E. Minnehaha St. and requests the return of license fees deposited thereon; therefore, be it. RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Mae Rivers the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas NavS l� In favor ecer. Against 1 Pre6ident (Gehan) 3M 636 y,. naha tl 1., llcenea e !uorefora, pro0e bereb ivnrstT "1 aii ap aS 'A Adopted by the Council.... O' 193...... OCT 1.5.. . OCT 15 09 Approved(....�............ .........................._..._..193....... Mayor 7 In BLISHED /d / 012ta.1 man ca«k RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL HE CITY CLERK kSON --- GENERAL FORM =u"�,� 1�54� I— � NO ......................................... October._h1� •.._�.9�'6......:.._.......__ T, That license for Restaurant, application 149351 On Sale Malt Beverages, application 14936, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14937, applied for by Leona Beguier at T87 Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Leona Regnier the fees of $10.00, $50.00, and $5.00, and cancel said application for licenses. Denied informally by 8ouncil, 10-14-36 COUNCILMEN Yeas Ne Zindalan J In favor eterwn .......... ` Against yI President (Gehan) 3M 6,ll' t, Ute Far ccltY is i°siorr Adopted by the Council...............................193...... OCT � 51� Approved..................................................................193....... c/...._'..... ..........._...._................... _,.._.............. Mayor nir3lt� Io l7 3 6 Orlzind m City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL Couwcu. 1(536 rue NO............ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI UTIO --GENERAL FORM DATE ................. Oct.... 151 1936 RESOLVED f T That the grade of Alley in Block 12, Butterfield Syndicate Addition No. 1 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na ; F/ i an In favor Zce eterson Against �nzel . r President (Gehan) 31.. 6 36 SL 'Al". I !`naccord: . the sem, !+ eti `.,, meaditc R K ' .rt, Adopted by the Council ...._HT...15...06......193...... CCT,1506 Approved....... ...... 193....... .........._R .'r...... Mayor PUBLISHED %D Q b Origiml to Cit, Cl -k - COUNCIL 0(� /� 37 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�: NO..........Y�j......: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ............DATE..........._Q,6tOU9T..l�r�.7..._1W................ ... COMMISSIONER�._....._...........__............_........_....._......_.._..._..._.._.....____.._..._....._...................._. RESOLVED N That the grade of Alleys in Block 1, R. B. Thompson's Addition from Fry Street to the North and South Alley and from Fdmmtd Street to Thomas Street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. 01, A * COUNCILMEN Yeas Na %�j�s r/F'gdlan ................ earce In favor /I-erson /` Against / enael /Mr President (Geban) 3A. 6 36 a North 'tee N tro- to , .orlon a'wi t to 1. ddnnce ,wlth-t - -e'adod by tt`� mended -.by .I, ' .ac r�kn, be ae thAv 9 Adopted by the Council. .... Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and G-54 X5438 Council File No. — PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: �aA„ e'liev iLL3i]�ak � S�tnborn�s_�id�g_.AAAI+.i en_ixp>bIA3II7.8j:-�reeL----"-- Dated this.— 15th —.. -----day PRELIMINARY ORDER ./ _. Colmdlman. VA EREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Tirade Alley in Block 1, Sanborn' a 1[id a�Bdon from Dlmlao Street _.... ----------- Aae:, Block.; 1. Ba...v . an from Donley- n_ , __..—....___....._.—._....._._. _.-- ss Parkwa .:. Nortl. s c jnted Paul tthe� fu of 7t' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..._..—.---- - - - ....—._._.—_..—___�5 m ¢t th c �1`� coo z roar therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.._._..__...._.._._..__.—. YEAS NAYS Councilman S LM1N APpm--.—.-_. ved—O OCT FIND/ --- PE PE7ERSERSOW____) WENZEL Mayor. Ma. P. T }Form CAIS OM -8-88) Council File -✓ 105439 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St.#'Paull VU.: TheCcmdW.jjj& d tqkL.�--B�--t in_ the J-dLl _1�—eqp_a U f _Bjoj3k-1,-Sanbnrn I A-Mid2W----- Dated this.-...--- L5�th---.day PRELIMINARY ORDER 19 Councilman. WHEREAS, A written Proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _Mldwa ti—on . ........... . . . . .... . .... . . ............................. . ki a. nMedessa'ry"'for slope W t �.dtog Ot A, 'Y' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. lay street to therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of public Works be and is hereby ordered and I p.es 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. Tb report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. or' T Js A936 Adopted by the — ------ YEAS NAYS Councilman -000" FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON 1wai'm 0 WENZEL Ma. PRESIDENT ^ CAIS (IN -6-33) OCT 15 Approved— Mayor. -7 Petition G•52 105440 Council File No. — E PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz•: WMgj o thq erade of Al].ev is Block 17.E 0Ak_EL1e�k. profilehereto attached to Walsh Avenuer to conform to theredlie ot�he PiO�b� aan a tom.. ---- --. -- All in Block 17 line thereon. Also grading e9-_--- Dated this--_-MtA—.---day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Avenues to conform to the red line on and elan a hart_ Alley in Block 17, Oakville Park from blue line thereon. Also grading a o�$_�_Y�_I�$_.��._estBbYt>�:--• �-- --RSIIIe�iT�II� b� WUYAtb v -- ..,. -------- -. grade. 0 t Alley to _ d Park from Weide A i Avenue, to. conform having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul----------- --- - --- n ae a parr a mofw' ih-p .ablf nesade b , therefore, be it time it care*A , RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ri,� i4-1 I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said fmproveco-L 2 To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council---------....-----'Qs'� YsAs NAYS Councilman FINDLAN Approved _....__—_OCT �.. PEARCE PETERSON 17I p" - _ WENZEL Mn. PRESIDENT Boren C A fs (IM -648) - PUBLISIwD O 7 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER ✓ (�C� Council File No.- 501 ,t The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ___.,eympg.._and an easement in _the lend_ aeaeeaary Yor slovea• (u_ans±. __r._iljg _injhe_grinf Allein_Block 17s Oakville _Park _Prom Weide Avenue._-_ to Walsh Avenue. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and taking_an easement in _the .land necessary for slopes, nota and —_..filla..ia._tha_grading.of-Alleg3a_Blonk.l7_,_OakrjUe._to�.._.rom_Weide Avenue_..._._._ d taking an I,- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ ..- _.._ . ._ _.... _ _............................... __;ne gcadine oink `3villo'Park from therefore, be it ;eh'Avenue ` havl e Councli of ; RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 06 Adopted by the Council__ _ .......................... ._ ........_.......OCT_15 YEAS NAYs fl Councilman mss -90T � 5omho FINDLAN Approved.......... _.... --._..._._....----.---.— - PEARCE PETERSONTwhw- JL// TT—�— WENZEL - - - MR. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form CAIS (1M-6-33) 1d11-7 I The d1- ` C-OUNCIL FILE NO______________ By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of recottetruoting with 4" monolithic conorete the sidewalk on the --------------- _-_- north side of St. Clair Street, beginning at a point 6 feet west of the east line ---------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------- g,-$eAMA9_ AY9 thence_ Ak§t AliPeet ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___ 19§9E _ ______________approved __September 17, 1986 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyrordered to be proceeded with. 2.. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ reaonatruct with A°_moTLQl3thI.C_9SIAQTS+�o_�rlle__ei$.9SY41�.t R)9_t}}e north aide of St._Clair_ Streets be�itmin� at a goint 6 feet Meat o£ the east line of Hemline Avenue, thence east 45 feet, exoept ;; where mood andauffioient sidmmlks__already exist, S� t� --- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- with no.alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 1_00 per front foot. Resolved Further,- That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ Nth ----- _----day of ogember-_------------- 19$g __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House -andCity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of j said meeting'to the persos and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the' nature of nthe improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -__OCT 11-------- 192_0--�`'� -----�---------- - r--------------- Approved-----_----- OCT ! 192 ---City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman 105442 -- Councilman Pearce a�7 3 �i CouncilmanmThelgonwo Peterson n ?UNISHM t`. J4 z `[er Wenzel of rec ldc concre,� "gat a Dolnt.d Gehan Form B S A. 8.6 f INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of recottetruoting with 4" monolithic conorete the sidewalk on the --------------- _-_- north side of St. Clair Street, beginning at a point 6 feet west of the east line ---------------------------------------------- -- ------------------------------------------------- g,-$eAMA9_ AY9 thence_ Ak§t AliPeet ------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___ 19§9E _ ______________approved __September 17, 1986 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is herebyrordered to be proceeded with. 2.. That the mature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ reaonatruct with A°_moTLQl3thI.C_9SIAQTS+�o_�rlle__ei$.9SY41�.t R)9_t}}e north aide of St._Clair_ Streets be�itmin� at a goint 6 feet Meat o£ the east line of Hemline Avenue, thence east 45 feet, exoept ;; where mood andauffioient sidmmlks__already exist, S� t� --- ------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- with no.alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 1_00 per front foot. Resolved Further,- That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ Nth ----- _----day of ogember-_------------- 19$g __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House -andCity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of j said meeting'to the persos and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the' nature of nthe improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council -__OCT 11-------- 192_0--�`'� -----�---------- - r--------------- Approved-----_----- OCT ! 192 ---City Clerk. Mayor. Councilman Findlan -- Councilman Pearce a�7 3 �i CouncilmanmThelgonwo Peterson n ?UNISHM CouncilmansiiiimENUMMM Wenzel Mayor bdwmM Gehan Form B S A. 8.6 f IC15443 ;��"ai--Rm• pven�r, �ncll or the G. ,.. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ` BY --------------------------------------- s INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of____ ;eg�nstruoting with b"_monolithio_ oonorete-the sidewalk on the aorth_aide of Ninth Street bepinning_at s point 8 feet east of the west line of ---_- Wir3 Apenuel_ thence west 66_feet---------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_____ MIA --------------------- approved September 171_ 1956 -__----_--- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same -is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered.to be proceeded *lth. . 2That the nature of the itri .rovement which the C` ' ouncil recommends is__reoonetruot with An monolithic oonorete the sidewalk on the north side of Ninth Street beginning at a Qoint _8 feet east of the west line of Main Avenue, thenoe west 68 feet, except exis 1d19L8_g44a_�A4_suffici%t:aidewalka_already_ t;---------------------------------------- s with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Q,14k _ger square foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- lgth __________day of Iov-ember----------------- 1SA62___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. n nT + —0 1 Adopted by the Council --------____, 192____ ,p Q OC1' 151936 _ -- -------------- / - - - ty Clerk. Approved ----------------------------192--- ��/ ------ Cid =�- ----- -T- ----�---------___ Mayor. CouncilmanFindlan r'0` Councilmap' 11rarre PUBLIBHFA tD /7 3 Councdmaa 1'etr.rt ­ , CouncilmandAkIN0=60 \Venzel Mayor4% Gehau Form B. S A. 8-6 r, 1054:44 - Ilb fU Rtd�R+- -'Xs • - 0 It, c.Cd.., Fuacf c11 'of�the Ctty of -f _, ved the re➢ort of. ' w'' Finance unnr�U4 1.19' eOUNCIL FILE NO ----------- —_ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER a r nti e In the Matter of__ rele�ing� reoonetruotirl and repairing -the e cement the entire - sidewalk on both aides of Watson Avenue from Pleasant Avenue to Chatsworth Street ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,eti under Preliminary Order___ 105096 _-____approved September 17 1936 _---_____ " The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement`,is' hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is --- relay,_ reoonetruot _ { aad_re�air the_eatire oement the sidewalk on both aides of Watson Avenue from Pleasant'Avenne to Chatsworth Street___ ___ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- - ----------------------------- per aq are foot with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof.. $2Z.-lu-tilu $0.11 new tile. . Resolved'P;t hher, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 1QN1------------ day of XQyjM 2r__—___________- 19ZA__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of Said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated.' Adopted by the Council____-Wl.-W___, 192____ 4 , ________________________________ --------------- Approved -------------B Bar-li--- Clerk. Mayor. .9981reill"Im q! -CUM uncilman FRN809MMEMS F-dian�Q / 7 6 Councilman h1 Pearce Councilman 1h24p9=MT= Peterson Councilman W.etrgel =` = Fenzel Mayor NkUW-zxn,% Gehen Form B. S. A. 8.6 .� Chi"l m City Clerk r1 CITY OF ST. PAUL �,�� ca 10544tj 5 OFFICE OF THE. CITY CLERK OU)VCIL ME S O 10 ENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSICINER...._i.......... ..;:.:..... _..._......._....... ...............OOt�...�8...._3956................_......_ In the :atter of ornamental. lights on Beechwood Avenue,_ Bobland Plane, Hillorest Avenue and Ford_$oadv from South•$yid3ds, r Avenue to South Hamlin Avenue, and South Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Bobl.and Place, and A,.46hland Plane from South Syndicate -Avenue to Fdgoumbe Road, under Prelio** Order C. F. 104097 approved June 24, 1986, and Final Ordeie C F. 104886, approved Sept. l 1958. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by,,the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be'and the same are hereby approved r Ave; 4g`t ';.ue,. n.nd 8outh.SYLIt,, -Ford R ."NuttHqt 3x Mand P19oe,lrom A�. ` y. oOrder Crb !j 1988, and ed Sent; r ✓ Yeas COUNCILME/Nays / . B U9vor eter9on%awc inst wawal_ 3h: 6 36 Adopted by the Council......�T...y_6......193...... Approved... .......OC. .. i. �.... '^x....193...... yi........... _/-........... Mayor Pum n i7 Orwnal w,c(y clerk .A. . CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK CgUNCIL RESOL1X1Ai1L -GENERAL FORM :>TCH. NO -10.5446 I r� In the matter of constructing the Drake Street Branch Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, under Preliminary Order Ce F. 105204 approved September 250 1956. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. - Resolved Further, That the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. ; JJG-By Irn t.tter, of -cot f. Branch -b d , � Eray.d epee pp roved 8aptevr• thatthe p1aaBai.'� Work dtor :the'C ,.vent, be and the: eam r, wed: A PariheF, ttiai. 't� ae"re hereby aath ! oed;wIth: tb ..I�n' 1T8CC0ll l COUN ILMEN Yeas � Nay B uss d1an . In favor 7Pea ce e.son Against W -UM , Mr Areaident fGe nL 3M 636 Adopted by the Councila.GT...,_6„W-._.,,193.-.. OGT 16186 Approved.../..�............_”... .............. m ..................... Mayor PUBIZWW O / 71-3L odginst to City Chsk 10544'7 _ CITYOF ST. PAUL rad NO ........................................ � OFFICE OF E CITY CLERK COON UT _ ---GENERAL FORM +-�—r�-� 0otober 16, 1936 PRESENTED9 ........_ ........ ._........._.... DATE ............... ..:.......... ........................................................._ COMMISSIUNER—.____........._......_._........._!.........................____._,._._....._..____..._. M Whereas, Section 6 of Ordinance 7547, as amended, provides that where federal government regulations as to hours of su"- meat differ from those set forth in this ordinance, the Council by resolution permit the adoption of such regulations governing working time, and Where", the federal government regulations governing the Kellogg Boulevard improvement provide for a maximum working time of eight hours per day or forty-eight hours per week, and Whereas, Fielding and Shepley, contractors for paving con- straction on the aforesaid Sellogg Boulevard improvement are unable to obtain sufficient crane operators to prosecute the work on a thirty hour per week working time, and Whereas, it is extremely necessary that this paving work may be prosecuted with all possible speed at this time to enable it to be completed before cold weather; therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council of the City of St. Pavl permits the adoption of the federal regulations as to hours of employment as set forth in the contracts for the aforesaid paving Y constrvetion. nut re >: is ord nlance thfn r �o1permit tho.a}optta 1s governing work.: -sae, the federal governmt s.governing the, �8ellog9_. ovement trovlde. for a .'I Ing tune of:.: eight, holt' -efjht hours per Ming -and ' .'ons! it `) vv' COUN MEN Yeas Nay uss dlan . In favor ce eterson F:atf! Q._ Against Mr 4 AMont (Gehan) 3N. 6 36 Adopted by the Council ........_OC'T ---193...... A�ptproved ....................... 1 s .... ...... Mayor eusLas /7 3± COUNCIL RESOLUTION No AUTHORI2ATA IMP VEMENT PROJgCT1I - TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF 8T. PAUL. Gentlemen: October 14, 1936 The Contract Committee has awarded the following contracts: T.B. 49354: For curbing the south side of Ford Road from Hemline avenue to Syndicate avenue, both sides of H111orest avenue from Hemline aveaue to Syndicate avenue, north side of Bobland plaee-from Hemline avenue to 125 feet east of Syndicate avenue, south side of Bohland Ylace from Hemline avenue to Syndicate avenue, north aide of Beach- wood avenue from Hamlin avenue to Syndicate avenue, east side of Syndicate avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place, and the west side of 8yndloate avenue from Bohland Place to Beechwood avenue I TO JOW SARDQUIST 'Far -the -sum of $1846:00 Engineer's Estimate =2188.00 F.B. #9355: edrbing Edgerton street from Jessamine strsst toCasestreet TO STANDARD STONE COMPANY For thesumof 2487400 Engineer's Estimate $2540.00 'NUMBER ✓ U LI CITY QP SAINT rAVL ...L 15451 aL NO _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR ' AUTHORI^TP' PRgV6MaNT PROJ-ECTB Reeo%ved, That the poundil hereby approves'the award-of'the,Contraot Coa3mittee.therefor,•and hereby awards`.,.the contract for gradin�.al3ey ' itt Hlook 110sylvan Park Addition and,lsbitation Pbat 1 from Palace street to Jefferson avenue �lso,:'conetruoting.sower 1n the`isasement to be obtained on the northerly l0 feet of Lo't 6, sylvan Park Addition, from Srimliali'avenue ,to'the alley in the rear: of said lot, to wILLIAY ; EBBRTZj in accordance" with 'plans,and-spe , pat ions therefor hereto attacher;and:ihe Formal Bid N6F 935 of said Wi111em'Nberta, for the contract prioe,of X1054.00, in a000rdance with supplementaryr lette dated~October 14j:, 1$36 reducing his bid,fromsf1057.00,to the englneerta, soe,such bid being the lowest'b•id and said William Ebertz being #be lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the,0orporation Counsel- � f be and hereby,"4i directed to draw["up the proper form of oontraot'thare k 'r`and the proper -city officials hereby are:authorized to"axe oute . esi`d"contract on behalf of the city of$aint Paul. s ;-,FORMAL BIO NQ '8353 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f, 1054. �0 f � 'NOTED TO B[ CERTIFIED As TO FUNDB'AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLERBEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPInON, ;,PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT RBVOLVINO FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OP:THIf IMPROVEMENT A8 R/O�LLOMAe 1..A8[EBBED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY _ _ _ , `� V _ i .1054.00 Z APPROPRIATED FROM C1TY,'8 SHARE Or LOCAL IMPROVEM[NTS— - GOfjj" + set tO..-Jel , EIned sewer h. S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL. IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— +}�cn�ned an thBnOTtt. [ 9�yr '.. 9YIYan Pa>•k Addl- 4. APPROPRMTED PROM BOND 16SUe—W� 1 nvenae to the allea• 6 ' ,.oL to W1111Agt T11, _ " e. COUNTY AID -`. - _ c. _ _ _ _ Ttr^ - ' f .'. TOTAL z 1054_ OO COPIES TO: 1 HERESY CERTIFY THAT THERE IB AN UNENCUMBERED RAI, CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLEtN THE ABOW STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMSYRBE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING Nb LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO, ' IN THE, ASOVE AMOUNTS. 9 PUBLIC WORKS _ PURCHASING C �- j Bit OATS FINAL ORDER ADOPT® ..• L I' COUNCILMEN Y[AS NAYS - ADD"= BY THE COUNCIL OCT 16 14 MS A .. IN FAVOR AGAINST APPROVED Ol T MR PIIRSIO[NT (•---'/6%? '`'-` MATER TA IM C OF SPAUL ; 1C545 OFFICE' HE.CITY CLERK tR an"y �nutieCOUNCIL RES ION - 2 GENERAL FORM ,.s6m68ee to - ..ot 10 breve •nBet PRESENTED ' menA - �COMMISSIUNHY �........__...�VAL.a..l ....... ...... wHtty M", the City Attorney has certified that bo js in, doubt to whom to pay -the award of damages to the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 10, Grove & Oppenheim's Re -arrangement "A* City of Saint Paul, taken by oondemnation in the matter of'the expansion of'the City Market, and _ WEERZM, Chapter 219, Laws 1921, as amended by Chapter 396, Laws 1931, provides that wheneer the City Attorney shall certify in writing to the City Council that he is in doubt as to whom such award shall be paid, said City Council -may order 'a warrant to be drawn for the sum, payable to the Clerk of the District Court, and providing that the City Clerk shall deliver the same =to the Clerk of Qourt.and take his receipt therefor, thus enabling the Court to decide the respective rights of any claimants to the fund, _and WHERICAS, the purported owner of this property has, by his attoraequested the City Council to pay this ;money to the Clerk of"--the'District Court, therefore,be it RESOLVED, that theproper city officers are hereby author Swed, and directed to draw a wATrint 'for the sun! of; $800.00, payable , to the Clerk of the District curt and to' BAii the same to City Clerk who shall deliver¢ the to saiA h of"Oft and take his receipt therefor, a�tiv tl:e Clerk of „said Court that thy. ,�: money is paid to him pursu g,._q a th herein set forth and for the property herein des �ob�= .- - t Yeas COUN ILMEN Nay �i- Adopted by the Council r]n193...... / u,� y F 6n In favor Approved.... VVF 16 i� `gta ...' ... ,,.. ... ..............� .................................193 .. /Peterson Against - C ... .� � � �2"• >> PUBLISHED f.�4 .6 3M 636 CITY OF SAINT PAUL A�_��^ LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHSAHAN HILA R1 J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY K. H. SWEDHEN IRVINO OOTLIEB CLAIM IRV.STIGATOR JAS. P. SULLIVAN AS.ISTANT. October 15, 1936. To the Council Gentlemen: In the matter of condemnation of property for the expansion of the City Market the Westerly 10 feet of Lot 10, Greve & Oppenheim's ke-arrangement "A" was taken but this office is in doubt to whom to pay the award, and interested parties have requested that the award be paid into Court so that the Court may de- termine the question of ownership. The amount of the award is #300, and we have prepared a resolutimn in conformity with is law which direots that that sum be paid to the Clerk of the District Court. The resolution is attached. Yours very truly, FM -s Assistant Corporation Counsel R couNlo' N0...10 53 oi1 tO' CITY OF ST. PAUL •"` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Bl�• _.. ...._ _.....__ _ A7E ......... ...... ..................__. G RESOLVED, that the Corp,ration -0cunsel be and hereby is authorised to stipulate on behalf of the city of Saint Paul, for a judgment" of the District 0ourt confirming the assessment of benefits made and. levied is the matter of the, widening of West Seventh Street treet- maid to a width of 96 feet from Franglin'Street , deet the fo�llew- 80 feet from Ramsey Street to MoBoal Street, sum Ing described parcels` of real estate, in toewi4 specified, with. interest from and after January 1, 1836, The Southwesterly 45 feet of Lot 7, Block 26, Rice and Irvine's Addition to Saint Paul (except eo mach thereof as lies northwesterly of a line parallel with and 53 feet southeasterly from the original center line of Seventh Street also except alley . . . . . . . • The 8onthwasterly.2 S feet of Lot 6n nand k e locNortheasterly of feet of Lot 7, 26, Rice and Irvineve Addition to Saint Peal (except so much thereof as lies north- westerly of a lineparallel with and 53 teat southeasterly from the original center line $417,89 of Seventh Street . . . • • • • . • all in accordance with the reoommendations of'the Oommissioner Of Finance and the Corporation Oounsel. rN ro'ftQivi6ge. "7 ,A%`I09CfIOnlQ�yl ted by the Council.. COUNCILMEN Adopg19 Yeas / Nay /�'� ' OCT �619�6 fiin I., Approved ........ 193._.... In favor e. eterson C y. .... / YJj 'Masa."^ . —` _ ... Against .. yy...t _�•��..:�:�=:=-� evstat7t�u !D 2 3,6 7M 676. oleto.l w an Cleeh �A A#ACITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO...............7 .tJ� 54 OFFICE O TY CLERK 'COUNCIL UTIOVjOENERAL FORM PRESENTED B [\ t—........_._......DATE...........et9......_lss.._1956................_... COMMISSIONER— ._..:c::.:........._..:.._............_.........__._..._..___.._.Y_.,.__..._..............._. r' Whereas, by lease dated October 25, 1954, the City in renting from the Inland Investment Company the following described real property, to -vitt The west half of the northwest quarter of Section 1, and the northeast quarter of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22, comprising in all 239 acres, more or less, according to o the Government Survey thereof; and x' will exiIir, ' the CitY e:. - j Whereas, said lease will expire on March 1lea a t6 exit 5, 1937, mite's �,*A193a $�s�u the City exercises its option in such lease to extend the leasenE�r for the further period of one year, namely, to March 15, 1958; and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works has recommended that such lease be extended for such further period of one year, namely, to March 15, 1988, at the stipulated rental of $1.00 per. month; therefore, be it Resolved, That the City exercise its option to extend such lease for the period to Me" 15, 1988, at a rental of $100 per month, and the City Clerk is hereby authorised and directed to notify immediately the said T"Amil Investment Company of this action of the Council, and to forward to said Inland Investment Company a certified copy of this resolution. �pr�e Yeas COUN CC,� ILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council ........... OCT...�,_6._193...... "t1a ssSs /Fi lam e In favor Approved .......... ............._ .�'..�...... V 93....... �ce eterson ' C Against Mayor 3M 636 Nim} PUKJSHED Q a fG octobier 16th, 1936• Wend Investment Company, c//o Bacon & Kemp, 9140 Pioneer Building, 8t. Paul, Minnesota.. oentlement Baclosed is a certified copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council today, whereby the City exercises its option to extend its lease of certain property described in said resolution. ?ours very truly, City Clerk. IC5455 .105456 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. NorlcE �6O '?UNCIL RESOLUTION TD 6 October 13 PRINTER +06466-106' IB3 uat cheel -. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TRR`SA�SU3 Y,TO THE AGGREGATE AX, ?UNT / D d#_Or 9G To � INCLUSIVt AAS Pf-R OF; COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT 16 06 193_ n ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL arr coM*coucc OCT 193— APPROVED— PUBLISHED { p t' C I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DUPLICATE TO Clp4C_ERK ---- / OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ------ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ,/7/'_ COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1_..e...._S MAV N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ----ootobsr-13-----------------19- meECRIRD y HE ITY TREASURY. P asOe, e T BOAS RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR ��,T COVERING ROSEN --. T_ 7�(�L� E i - - - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN OF 5--- AS R TO ---- MR. PRES. BUNDLIE Y CHECKB NUMBERED---j-FFIC OF T MPTROLLE 1 Y C INCLUSIVE. PER CHECKS ON FIL I M ADOPTED SY THE C L---- ----,--- PTR_L.R___" CHECKIN FAVOR OF i NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKB CHECKS _- - — — • 2S943 Matthew Towey Pittsburgh -Dee Moines Steel o. 28945 j Mrs. Etta.Flaherty P8946;1 Mrs. Charles Tuehner 28947 ; Frank R, Lamb 28948'; Mr. Arthur H. Kraut 28949 Ieak Helseth 28951 11 lede y. Peterson, 0. of Fin. AxeelR. Edison 28952 Geo.J.Ries, County Auditor 2895�j j MoRuilien Brothers 28954 j1 H.O. week Brown and Day, Inc. 2g 8956 i Mrs. T.E. Dahill 28957Mrs. J.T. Jennings 28958 ', The Midway News Republic Oreosoting Company 289590 b 'i 28961 St.Johnle Hospital St -Paul VOO.SOhool Revl-Fund ;l 28962 Lawrence A. Soler, Cashier W. P 286963 The Texas Company 28964 Van Hoven Comparcy,Ino. 28965 ;i Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin. Silver Arrow Distilled �ater os 28966 28967 State of Minnesota 28968 !1 Minnesota COnteaAtOra, Ino. 26969 28970 'i John Rose Industrial Materials Company,; 28971 ii Mrs. J.Y. Ayd, Guardian 28972 li Arthur Rossine 289 28974 j A.H. Orouley j Standard Stone Company 28975 The Anthracite Equiptent Corp 28976 ii Corhing-Donohue,Ino- 28977'!, Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Oompan Expert Window Cleani g 96978 '26979 National i Otis Elsvator Company Company 28981 !j St1Pwa Institute 28962 J.L. Shiely Oompany,Ino. Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compsny • 28983 28984 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.0ompany 28985 Jake Van Heel 128986 . Roseorans Electrio Company 28987 ';1 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan e 28988 i Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan,e ',e 128989 Ij Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 28990 jj Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan Is 28991 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan Is 28992 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan Is 28993 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan Is 28994 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 28995 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 28996 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan e 7 500 Co. Inc. 4 416 6 3516 0 101, 376160 15181 71'57 430164 1337 18 421,99 1 31 1116 2147 32 00 10 1.1 6 � 00 12 529,64 40100 457 !10 46�50 i 00 541!9918 7446 125 100 17314 8171 1621 00 612,00 35 28 423 5 3881,08 110 ; 88 36157 955 13 2945 25 7 505 00 1 7�9 128 2 944 160 25 ;30 47 90 2 90098 6 390 PO 2 6o9 04 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD a---- -"--•_- IM 6 30 DUPLICATE TO CIT*CI.ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL J�.l. 11�3CJ p N F� 456 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N0 ------------------------------- - $arfues COUNCIL RESOLUTION - -yindfL1SJVOR AUDITED CLAIMS---ADotober-1.5------------------19-16- MAY e« ------ Pearce eraoa, ROSEN (� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE �R/[�y`W �O f(��THE/�C�ITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5311_ff�.jV1a>V/L- COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE NL • aSQ��_Q�.,A. CHECKS NUMBERED__ TO___-___ INCLUSIVE, R. 6 PER CHECKS ON FILESN TH�i OFFIC: F THE Y COMPT LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_-__-______"__--- - "---- C%"i APPROVED__ --- Jy/I /� CITY COMPTROLLER —yy, r -/�--------"--- ------ BY - a f-2---------- M�YOR ��---i- F I• � � �i � T � ! i! � BY BANK I. t� tin � 28997 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Finance 'a 10 18292 4 275!69 28998 ! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of 50!96 28999 H.R. Kingston Company 29000 Capital Envelope Company 13113 4o 29001 ', Capitol Stationery Mfg.Companr Clerk of M.Oourt;;400 95 29002.11 Geo.F.Dixk, 2900} !; Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & comp ! X. 33 29004 i Mies Louise Markert 2 29005 i1 Price Electrio Company 5 1 1'', 29006 ;I Robinson, Cary & Sands Compaq25 'I 8 lg 173 29007 ;; St.Paul Corrugating Company 29008 St.Paul goo.School Revl.Fund Ij 27 M09 i L.O. Sul th & Corona Typewll ter,' 29010 1 The Speakes Company ,Inc. 11160 1 4 1 29011 Stationers Engraving Company 664499 DUPLICATE TO CIT*CI.ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL J�.l. 11�3CJ p N F� 456 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N0 ------------------------------- - $arfues COUNCIL RESOLUTION - -yindfL1SJVOR AUDITED CLAIMS---ADotober-1.5------------------19-16- MAY e« ------ Pearce eraoa, ROSEN (� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE �R/[�y`W �O f(��THE/�C�ITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5311_ff�.jV1a>V/L- COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE NL • aSQ��_Q�.,A. CHECKS NUMBERED__ TO___-___ INCLUSIVE, R. 6 PER CHECKS ON FILESN TH�i OFFIC: F THE Y COMPT LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_-__-______"__--- - "---- C%"i APPROVED__ --- Jy/I /� CITY COMPTROLLER —yy, r -/�--------"--- ------ BY - a f-2---------- M�YOR ��---i- TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD tin 28997 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Finance 'a 10 18292 4 275!69 28998 ! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of 50!96 28999 H.R. Kingston Company 29000 Capital Envelope Company 13113 4o 29001 ', Capitol Stationery Mfg.Companr Clerk of M.Oourt;;400 95 29002.11 Geo.F.Dixk, 2900} !; Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & comp ! X. 33 29004 i Mies Louise Markert 2 29005 i1 Price Electrio Company 5 1 1'', 29006 ;I Robinson, Cary & Sands Compaq25 'I 8 lg 173 29007 ;; St.Paul Corrugating Company 29008 St.Paul goo.School Revl.Fund Ij 27 M09 i L.O. Sul th & Corona Typewll ter,' 29010 1 The Speakes Company ,Inc. 11160 1 4 1 29011 Stationers Engraving Company 664499 29012 '; western Shade Cloth Company 90 5� 29013 ; Board of Public welfare 29014 Axel F.Peterson, C. of Finanot 1 � 11 032101 3 84410402 1 !� 29015 Gilbert Ellie !i 29016 jl John F. Christner 40 00 4oloo 29017 '„ Rihm Motor Company 1 00 10 00 29018 Murphy Laboratories 29019 Axel F.Peterson, Treas. of j Police Pension Fund 10 000'00 29020 j� S%Paul Teachers'- Retirement nd.A.,! Florence Rood,TReas., 7 000 00 30 219141 29021 1! Axel F. Peterson 0. of Fin 29022 , Farwell, Czmun, ;Cir! & Compan a y 29023 Goodrioh-811vertown,Ino. 42 145 290244 Folmer Lauritzen 29025 ;i National Bushing & Parts Comp y 1 84 67 1'29026 Oliver Farm Equipment Sales Q mpany 29027 i Phillipe Petroleum Company 8990299 tl 29028 II C. Roman179 1129029 Soheffer & Rossum Company 59 is ' 29030 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan'e 29031 '1 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan a 21 %9 95 160 �L25 29032 '; Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 1 683 2 p 2903] James LeGore. 30 00 29034 American Linen Supply Company' Sons ' 2 90 125 66 29035 '' Geo. Benz & 29036 Northern States Power Company', 7 40 29037 "' Tri—State Tel„ & Telg.Company 131 0 29038 Tri-State Tei. & Telg.Company 7o4 6 9 ,:29039 Tri-State Tel. & Telg*Companyl X9040 I Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Companyl 115 1 x29041 Amerioan Sporting Goode Comp y 224 49042 111 Birtton Motor Service,Inoe 3 0 10 0 04�3j j; Fairview Garage ''Fielding 341 29044 & Shepley, Inc. 29045 The Grinnell Company,Inc. 56 29046 ;Hotel Lowry 5 29047 C.B. Lyon & Brother,Ino. 1 29048 Grasselli Chemical Company 156 29049 Molesson Nholeaalers,Ino.29050 12 St.Paul Builders Material Com any SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Im 0.30 Y'10 1 a� o,knOeocu. eouhcu a CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LCOUNCIj..F;ESO` GENERAL FORM PREENT A J=��LrY'C'`ftir�E :October 161936:...... ..COM ISSIUN �F_._...._._._...__.___........__.....�......._.... ..._.._..... RESOLVED That Grocery license applied for by Carl H. Kron, at 1200 Payne Ave. application 14928 be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. N COUNCLMEN Yeas Nay se In favor /P eazce tenon ............. against ............ Wernet�+ A. 636 t Adopted by the Council...i � -193...... Approved......... .......... ............ ........ _ v:.3...... Gi ..., ..... Mayor PUBLISHED In — CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` ' le, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �o (D) In the matter of rsoonstruoting with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of Roblyn Avenue beginning at a point approximately 84 Peet east of Cleveland Avenue, 1� thence east 36 feet; beginning;at a point 33 feet farther east, thence relay 20.0 feet O under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated co.f q*oot for the above improvement is $1_p00 = 4"_ momglithie eoncre*e;�'r0.-07pew oars . The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 8 Welshon's Place $460 $1160 ;. 9 do 600 1660 10 do 800 2300 I, - Total $1760 $6000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Work Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 3.3 D -1986...---- ------.193 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the y 104952 September 8r 1936 ---193._.._., relative to Council, known as Council File No............ approved._.-.... reconstructing with 4" Monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of . ---- -- ... Roblyn Avenue beginning at a point approximately 84.0 Peet east of Cleveland Avenuer thence east 36.0 feet; beginning at a point 88.0 feet farther east, . - ....---- --- thence relay 20.0 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is— .... ...... ...necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost 4" Monolithic walk at 41.00 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is t .............. .................. and the total cost thereof is S •---------•------, Relaying old tile 40.07 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.......... ----- . - ....................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 -- - ..------- ...................... --------••----•------.-.-----------••----- 5. Said improvement is ........ ........ ............... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. J� -- 41.. 12 oner of }?ublio Works. GD, SEP is 1936 CITE' OF ST. PAUL .( ; DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE h V REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �Z ON PRELIMINARY ORDER �r In the matter of oonstruoting sidetralk on the north side of Soheffer Street from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue r under Preliminary Order approved August 27, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ $ 1.00 front - - The estimated cost pcroot for the above improvement is - benefits for such improvement, and - the assessed valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: (y ., DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Land. . —Bldg.500 17 2 King's Highland Park $425 18 2 do 19 2 do 425 =35004 20 2 do 425 21 2 do 425 22 2 do 425 23 2 do 425 24 2 do 425 25 2 do 425 26 2 do 400 4500;, 6 2 do 9001 Total $6200 t8000' The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to Bald atter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated i A a I Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. !-S D _ September --14s-.19.5.6 ------------ ----193...----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public -Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No... approved ------------- '-- 27r 1956---_-_--- 193-----..-, relative to _.constructing, -sidewalk- on_ the._north _side-, of _Schaffer. Street. --------..._-----._--_--------------_........_- from Cleveland Avenue to Finn Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is........................necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost 4" Monolithic Concrete $1.00 pezz front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.— ----------------- and the total cost thereof is $- .............................. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------------- ---------------------- --------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .........------------------ ------------------------ --------------- ................................................. -•-• b. Said improvement is.............................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of pr subject to assessment fq� said i�pFTITCE�E� ryl UI r 1�J1 l:U �2..l mmissioner of Public or O,c 9% Y ^�.., ... 1 SEP 161936 s � Sc. Paul, Minn - -- GG � 0 ------- 193-e. To The Honorable,, The Council, City of''St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: nTH.S------------------------ �y /Vo pTH S/ i7 - aF-`-�c-.l---FI--,E�- - - -----------------k Ave. from----- C<E-li L A_�/ v------ -------------- &. Ave. to -------- T'i:.✓i------------------------------ St. Aaoe NAME IAT BLOCS ADDITION .. C 0 P Y i r SIL Paul, Minn. Sulp _16,. 1956 193.----. To The Honorable, The Council; _ Cityof St. -Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, 'hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be.made: Laying. of Sidewalk.on north aidg of. Scheffer Avenue -------------'-----------------------------------•-------•------------------------------------------------------------------------- .. . -----•-------•---------------=----- _..----- -----------.St. Ave. from ----------- Cleveland -------------------------------ft Ave. to --- Fi....... ------------ --- ----------------------------------------------- St. AVx. honer )wner hrner 4 i76!d N xEoA'�, �gA u�� ae as - Tda�sB�sae COUNCIL FILE NO --- - - -------- --------------------------------- FINAL ----- ---- ---- ----------FINAL ORDER In the illatterof___repairiag,__relsyin_ng_and reoonstruoting_ eeme tt tile sidewalk on the west side of Snelling Avenue between Da on Avenue 'and Sarahall Avemia,`exoept where _good and sufficient aidewslka already exist, under Preliminary Order --- 9 ------------approved --- September 3, 1956 - - -----_ Intermediary Order -- approved -- A public hearing having.beeu had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made bythe said City is ripair,_ resad reconstruct cement tile aidewsik on the aide of Snelling 6vesyue between Ds�t _Avemxe and Marshall avenue, except ere pod 6�gtl _snPfioienE 4idew,k4 Area exiat�_ and.the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the "Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith, Adopted by.the Council._C, 192 �� City,Clerk. Approved-------------MT-21M-192 - Mayor. Councilman Barfuss CouncilmanFinatan Councilman`Mcl),olmld; 1 Pear puammD Councilmaiv�Ne lava? Petersotk CouncllmaIID`W Wenzel /�✓/ Gehan or vim 1'resi�l (Traa/ Form;B. S. Ar`8-7 s) -7 //' CITY OF ST. PAUL ` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ,yrc Cat ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o), ._ i In the matter of repairing, relaying and raeonstruoting, where neoessary, oement tile sidewe.] on the west side of Snelling Avenue between Dayton Avenue and Marshall Avenue under Preliminary Order approved Sept. 3, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ eq re $0.10 -new tilt;$0.07 old tile. The estimated cost perrot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED j; DESCRIPTION V LUATIO Lan .1¢g• - S. 74 ft. of Lots l k 2 and the H. 663/1000 ft. of T. 74 ft. of S 1 Oakland Park Add. $2260 $3650 (Ea. the N. 563/1000 ft. of E. 74 . ft.) Lot 3 & all 4 1 do 2000 3650 b 1 . do 900 6 1 do 900 100 7 1 . do 750 B 1. do 750 2700 9 1 do 750 10 1 do 750. 2000 t 11 do 12 1 do 7000. . low Total $11050 $1$100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to ,him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 9 s2 -2 1¢—� Commissioner of Finance. 1— n. S. A. !-! D i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance - - Sept. --14, _1986...............--193----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104954_Sept. 5,- 19.5.6 .._ 193........, relative to Council, known as Council File No..............---......aPProved-.----.-.....----------------- - repairing, relaying and reconstructing, where necessary, cement the sidewalk ------------ _.......... I _............. ... -----...... ----------------- ---------.... ----- ..... ---------.................................------. . on the west side of Snelling Avenue between Dayton venue and Marshall Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.......... necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Oost New tile laid $tl.10 per sq. ft. Old the relaid $0.07 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_-_---------------- .......... and the total cost thereof is $__ ............................ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ----------------- -..................................... _.-......................... ............ -- ............................................................... .............................. ----------------- .................----- 3. A, plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4 . .. ........ ..----------- - ............................ ----------------------------------- ........... .................................... .............. 5. Said improvement is .......... ...................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for v ~ mmissioner of Public Works. 9 d �"'�✓ 3 \ SEP 15 1936 -a 105463 - 1S4S1 4&X�i' T. - nd-4!��cieot :etch - miler Pretl�pI �dr� rvrF a{o- COUNCIL FILE NO------ --------- - ---- = ------ ------ -- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_ tepairinsj relaying and raeonetruotioenent file aidox_alk on :the -- -- ---- 3t. -seat aide a* Fa'�rri_ew Avenue_. b—aa{r^ing�t��;i►t 6 feet ■A +'H ^�' 3t ' Claij{�theaoae e�ath#eets be¢imsirat a point 46 feet fartheeouth "the oe eouth 12 feet, #xgept.where "pod gnd a„?fia+ent e;dewaitie_g]f�asiyL ?Clad, under Preliminary Order_-104955 __—_----approved __ 3eptember_Sl_1956_—____— Intermediary Order ---------approved --- — — -- A public. hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto; and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- _ o}r and_ reoonetruot "oement file aidesralk provement to be made by the said City is_ rair2 rel _ Qg the eget side of Fairaies Avenue beeinnin¢�at _a_g2fat_f�g�e AQ�tth of St Clair St., theaoe south 62'feet: beginnintt;at a point 46 feet farther south, thenoe south 12 feet, dzo_p, reA and ist and the,: Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare pians and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council----_-Q0-L2- -'Q'6 - - - --------------------- --- �T o� City Clerk, Approved - - — ----- ------------ - ;192 Mayor. Councilman I3nrfnes Councilman erg9s0p---i gindlan i� D COUIIC11IIla71i'G�9TI$Id^ •' Pearce CioUIICllmane3MCQa0,$'"3 Peterson. Councilman Wenzel / Gehan Forma i�esjdeg �(Truaa) CITY Or ST. PAUL 14 , 5 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �••� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D), In the matter of repairing, relaying and reoonetruoting cement tile sidewalk on the east Bide of Fairview Avenue, beginning at a point 6 feet south of St. Clair St., thenoe mouth 52 feet= beginning at a point 46 feet farther south, thenoe south 12 feet QT under Preliminary Order approved September 3, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: he Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ The estimated cosP gt for the above improvement is $0.10 new tile= $ 0.07 old the The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK VALUATION .Land Bldg. 8, 9 and 10 weinhagen Plaoe $5650 $21850 Total $5650 $21850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. �( Dated %— 19i---4 G Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 3-3 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance — ---------September 14� 1986 - 193---..--. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the. 104958 Sept. 8, 1988 -------------- 193... relative to Council, known as Council File No._ -...--.----_---------approved.-.----------....- - repairing�_releyying--and_reconstructing-.cement-tile. sidewalk on the east side of Fairview Avenue, beginning at a point 6.0 feet south of St. Clair Street, thence south 52 feet; beginning at a point 46.0 feet farther south, thence ............ .-----------------------_--------- ....................................... south 12.0 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New tale laid $0.10 per eg. ft. Old tile relaid $0.07 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $--------------------------_., and the total cost thereof is $ ............................... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ------------------------------------------- _----------------- ..................... -------------- ...... .......................... --------- ---------.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ­ ........................ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. --.. .........------------- ---- _---_- . .. - .-------- __ _- ---_---------- ......---------- ..--- ------------- 5. Said improvement is ................................asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, mmissioner of Public Works. 0 9, d ��y = S 6 Cn L SEP 16 1936 - 'eho�l6 ton COUNCIL FILE NO ------- Sys w�uce s - ___ �, pini alrebdyy i•• Rae 10�8�G�y t; ---------------------------- FINAL •---- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of__repairiYtgi_ rel gi—gn —and_ reoonstrnot _ oement the sidiffilk 011 the west aide of Bates Avenuebegimiing at the north line of North.Streat'.thence Borth to the aout�ine of Lot S, Bieck 11, Irvinets second Addition, except—where Rood and sufficient sidewalks already exist, under Preliminary Order -_-104966 ----- __ --approved ----$ePtember S, _1936 Intermediary Order _-- -- approved-------�--- ---- A'public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objectionsandrecommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of'`im- pro vement to be made by the said Cityis___ �tais, rely sed reconstruct cone►t ;tile sidewalk on the west aide of Bates Avenue beeinnim at the north line of North Street, thence north to the south line of Lot S, Blook 11, Irvine's Second Addition, except where goodYand sufficient sidewalks dreads exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council- 01120 — �1902a�� ------------------ - --- - City Clerk. DST g o 1936 Approved-------------------------- — --- 192--- Mayor. Councilman J@1@ymqz 1',nrfusa Councilman 1ffl-W"A F- Finalan Councilman eDanaJd Pearce (�\ l(jf -Cf UUcilman C�4 Iogon."j Peterson - . COl1nC2lnlanG Wenzel V' / _ GeLau .;• Truax) Forma. 9r A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE C}1 ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof repairing, relaying and reconstructing, where necessary, cement tile sidewalk on the Rest side of Bates Avenue beginning at the north line of North Street, thence north tothe south line of lot 3, Block 11, Irvine's Second Addition, under Preliminary Order approved September 3, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ s re =0.10_nesr_tilel _ $0.07 of tile, The estimated cost per oot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED LOT BLOCK B ldg. �I DESCRIPTION Lang ALUATIO'!: 4 11 Irvine's Second Addition $576 6 11 575 #1900 6 11 575 2400'. 7 11 650 1460 j, ,l Total $2376 $5760 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said ma ter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated i 195�.� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8.3 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance'" "! -------------- -3eptember-14' 1956. ---- 193..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, ]mown as Council File No.104956-......... approved..._ Sept... S 1936. -.-_ -. -----193___.., relative to repairing; relepiag and reconstructing, where.necessaiy� cement the sidewalk on the west aide of Bates Avenue beginning at the north line of Horth Street, ..................................... -- -............................ ................... --------------------- thence north to the south line of lot 3, Block 11, Irvinets Second Addition. ....................... --------------------------------,-------------- ............. -- ........... ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ------------------------ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile laid $0.10 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.07 per aq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $..-_-------------------- and the total cost thereof is 3— and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:------ .. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -•----- ... ---............•-------------- ----- 5. Said improvement is --------------- ..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners ofro rt P Pe Y, U) subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, ................ .. - ;,2N�1. oner of Public Works. 9' Q 's '•'r� g3 SEP 15 1936 CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of reconstructing with 4e monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of Central Avenue, beginning at the east line of Rice Street, thence east 48 feet; beginning at &'point 27 feet farther east, thence east 36 feet, under Preliminary Order approved August 27, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ front The estimated cost pefoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATIONBldg. (fix. Rice St.) N. 12 ft. of 7 & all, 8 1. A. G. Fuller's Add. to St.Paul„#6200 $18000 ::That part of Byron St. which lies ibetween Lots 6, 6, 7 and 8, Blk. 1, and Lots 10, 11, 12 and 13 2 do 1160 260: r Total $6360 $18260 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. p Dated�?e2 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. A. 8-5 D Office of the Commissioner- of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance September 14�. 1956 193_...._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104855 August 27� 1986 ._198 ------ relative to Council, known as Council File No..._.-------.-------.approved.------------...-- Iis�oz�ata ct ---Wi.th..4°._Mono]�tb�c..aoncxe��,---t�il�--s�deRs�._on..#fie_�outh_side_of---------- Central Avenuev beginning at the east line of Rice Street, thence east 48.0 feet; ----------- st a point int 27.o feet farther east, thence east 55.0 feet. beginning and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ............... .._.necessary and (or) desirable. Est. ost V Monolithic Concrete $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is i..-._----------------------- and the total cost thereof is S --------------------------------- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:...................................................... ------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - -- -------------- - ........... ............................................... ---------- 5. ------ -5. Said improvement is -------asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, . subject to assessment for said improvement. l COM. OF FINANCE, ommissioner of Public Works. '0 's 9.4 N g�'� ..�.. •rte 9l SEP 15 1936 105466 c i'`ao g -.ceane'tus WLeMIr gds�,,,, -ix�•2 1 IXdkt e'lixst, COUNCIL FILE NO --- -- ----------- ----- h° efl a imrrawirn , By--' ----- -- -- -- - --- ` FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_ reirg,._re��ayine and reoonatrnoting :oexaeat the sideealY og„the west aide of Grotto Street from Sumit Avenue to Portland Avenue, ezoept where good and snff oient sidomIke Alrea under Preliminary Order--- 1049bb----------approved-•----3ept-A'106— Intermediary, Order approved __---_—�--_ — --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully, considered the same; therefore,. be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is re�+e�f� relay eRd_reoQBgt�ruQt,—Q-Mile aidesalk gn_#j�gt@et`eide oP Grotto,StT9e} from Q�mnn±t Avenue 4— V-4 Aven�+}t� except where gped asp' en4Piaient ei doollre already and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,'That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. OCT 20 as Adopted by the Council_ �� ����' City Clerk. Approved----- -- Mayor. Councilman nel7"- 11 fuss Councilmahson Couneilma"3Yldl341)onald 1 r "`•r li jr � /�-� Couneilma�"'MeGlogan t 1 etr,y„n , /^� Coum” Councilman="VVen�e��"''� z\�enzei Gehan ]qr. vice President Truer} Fortm k S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL o DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE S� ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of repairing, relaying and reoonetruoting Cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Grotto'St. from S—it Ave. to Portland Ave., where neoeesarq, under Preliminary Order approved September 3, 1936= To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost peyfoofor the above improvement is $ew the r $0.10& Old tile $0.07 valuation of each lot or The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: _ ADDITION ASSESSED - DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKnYALUATlOdldg. _ All of Lot 1 and E. 11 ft.of Lot 2 and W. 33 ft. of E. 44 ft. of N. X76 ft. of 2 4 Bryantte 3ubdivieioa !,#9400 X17000 II d 1 Total ,$9400 $170001: The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said i tter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ c �Z 1�3� Dated Commissioner of Finance. I— S. S. A. a -s D To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104955 Sept. 3, 1956 193........, relative to Council, known as Council File No.--.-. iing,--elsying_end_reconstructing--cement_ tile__aidewalk, _on.th_e_ west side of Grotto Street from Summit Avenue to Portland Avenue, where necessary. •------------ ............... ------------ -...-------.------------------------------------------------------------------- ..................- - .................. and having investi ated the matters and -things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ...necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New tile laid 10.10 per sq. ft. Old tile relaid $0.07 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ............ -•- ---------.. and the total cost thereof is $ .................. --.--.-......, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__ . ...- ..................... .................................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made, a part hereof. 5. Said improvement is .................._ --------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. ------------------- .. ,.2�� Co oner of blio Works. 92.4 .y ssE3 � >ts 1636 COU FILE B F A ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of........_taking-_and._condemning-- for---sewage-.-pumpj1g-..station and also yup --.....-- an easement for s sewer 106487 ' gg iy .atter os; tektrhl kr aewaicw,a�,nit;. y w�rRir 7;; ut• under Preliminary Order 2.0-4-620 ....................... approved...-.-.Augua.t....5.,...1.,5. 6-.---....... Intermediary Order --------------------10-53.65.......----------........ approved---.....Saptemhar....2-....15}' 56 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be male by the said City is to acquire land for a pumping station and an easement for a sewer and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: Lots 5 and 6, Block 18, MarshalIs Addition, except the southwesterly 40 feet thereof. w!*"ao~w men= west line of the right-of-way of the Chicago, o ,�• ,"z aua n+�: Rock Island & Pacific Railway, also taking and .a.,� .,�a . �- condemning an easement for constructing and main- '->'" p taining a public sewer on, under, and across a strip of land ten (10) feet in width southerly of and adjoining Bayfield Street across the right- of-wCay of the Fhigggo io�k IsITd & Paoif.? Failway.- RESOLVED FURTHER, That the ommissioner o Pu lic or s e an is ereby mstracte an directed to prepare plans and specifications for said, improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making.. of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.... ......00T..2.1..1936 ...................... f� _ cy��g Approved ......................... OCT--y-� .0619 - City Clerk.— // y �.Yl.._.... _.aa--- -...----._ BarftsB Mayor.-- -. ,_ y Findlsxo'`uiicilm' e� �`x` Pc i PUBLISHED A� h 3� MCDA' ald Persaii : _Pe�k&GI sen j Mr. President 6068-33 21 TEXAS iI I MARSHALL'S ADD. L.M Sd G BLK /B CONDEMNATION DUNWELL a SPENCERS ADD. ALK. L4 STS - SEWER EASEMENT Texas St-Wgandof/e 5Y 'N' 12 II to i ,9X12 \IO 9 S 7 VACATED - i \ o it E NQ & S . 1 2 3 4 S 6 4 Q ST. LAWRENCE Y � O N � W W _ Z v Sewer Zasement - shown Condemnation a Opening 8 AYF/ELD Sr - OPGN/AIG L St. Lawrence Si. Bureau oFEngineers 12 11 i 10 9 8 7 Y, Auq. /2-/93G Scale /: /ID W Z O z Q 12 3 4 5 G �— i ST. ---- 17 _ 1_A w s. w,/4 N.E!/4 SEG. 5, 28-22 YA RJNRLL•I00L Il Gff CON DEMNf T�oN O(/NWfLl/JflRf� f G WOf R0R v0f/—/EeLmD— OR -3 ST N- -T29 r r N N N AVE . CH ICAGO 2 w I 1 Q 3 4 O 4 3 6 Q 18 e �a ul 9 10 _ 11 j4__ 10 12 15 AVE. PLATO 21 D F: U TEXAS ST. 10 9 12 I� II 10 9 8 7 X12 �IQ� 19 18 7 �I LLI VACATED \ c T r I I Z E I VQ tt l L4� 6� Q I 2 3 14 .5 6 r 4 3 4 5 6 4 I 2 3 ~ } i 3 ST. LAW RENCE 5T. Z Z W e H O q Z W w Z = ' LL -v z/ S.W./4 N.L/4 SEG. 5. 28-22 Sewer Easement shown Condemnation a Opening •..ar-- • • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of Taking 'Fond condaoing for a sewage pumping station, lots 8 and 6, Block l8, + Mershall9 a 1ddit1=4 eowept the southwesterly 40 feet thereof. SG3J?1 Also taking and condemning an easement 16 foot In width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a PW.%Uo $ewer on, under and across Bleck 24, Dunwell and Spencer's Addition, rad Chester Street vacated, the center line of said easement to be a line dramn from the intersection of the center line of i r Chester Street and the southeasterly line of TwIns Street to a point on the northeasterly lino of Said Block 24 and 28 feet northwesterly from the south eester2y corner of said Block 24, also condemning and taking n tmnporasy saseneriV for construction purposes twenty feet in width along the southwesterly side of aforesaid easement and twenty foot in width along the northeasterly side of aforesaid easement. Also taking end condemning a strip of lend 10 feet in width along the southerly uncle side of Bayfield F,treet from St. Lawrence ^t•reet to the snot line or the ripht— flU of—way of the Chio<go, hock Island and Pacific Rail`T- x' w...-w., The Commiseloner of �`inzlneeLere6'q reportd�aa-follower' , . � ' The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1500.00 1 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED InALUATION Bldg.., 5 18 (Marshall Addition to West St. $475 $250 (Paul 6 18 do 425 9 1 do 50 8 2 do 50 .:(Exoept St. Lawrence St.) beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of ) 5000 Hitchcock's Addition, 50 feet W. from the center line of said Railway, as ) located; thence SE'ly along said NE'ly line to a point 50 feet E. from said ) center line; thence N. and parallel with said center line, and said center ) ,.line produced, to a point 711.28 feet N.; from an intersection with the S. ) line of Government Lot 5 produced E., thence W. 119 ft, to a point 50 ft. ) .Elly from the center line of the main tract; thence NW'ly parallel with said) center line to the Elly line of Dttnwell h Spencer's Add. thence S'ly along ) said Elly line to the SE'ly corner of said Add.; thomes outh 14 degrees ) 15 minutes East 818.25 feet; thence S. 0 degrees 06 minutes E. 501.36 ft.; ) thence SE'ly 28.68 ft. to the point: of inter cation with a line 96.02 ft. E.) ;from the W. line of Government Lot 4, said ] e being 60 ft. W'ly from end ) ,pgr$lel with the center line of said Railwa3l; thence S. on said TOTAL, soeh e6 6 beginning; being part of Govt. tots , b, 12 and 18, is Section 6, ) Township 28 North, Range 22 West. CITY OF ST. PAUL +Z^ • , DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE .- �on'' RETOR, T;OF;GQMMISSIONER OF FINANrrc (A) - t ti u t ,trgti uJY r It � � .. (,: a .,,teat l� r�;4'iJ -:ryc vy syo :r•1 "dcw3atttr ,t:� c z, t k,. z, u x3 yfiV VTOJe Cir w,11ae. ao:ru sac.pT'�u trx.Jo .au ea13.6:4. ti ; ; u` S { l;Tust cov7,i,;cx7 ,-u ss tt4 .�i,zppw ttpuz �b n Sys: d7a tYz t> U1 'AWOL ,y-.xs, "2 xra; rli C�F rn fl, pa u.� ou ctzL'•ta'txe.rs _a TTS under Preliminary Order approved August 5, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 1600.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LavtUATION Bldg. 5 18 -(Marshall Addition to West St. $475 $250 (Paul 6 18 do 425 9 1 do 50 8 2 do 50 ,(Except St. Lawrence St.) beginning at a point on the Northeasterly line of ) 3000 Hitchoock's Addition, 50 feet W. from the center line of said Railway, as ) located; thence SEIly along said NEIly line to a point 50 feet E. from said ) center line; thence N. and parallel with said center line, and said center ) line produced, to a point 711.28 fest N., from an intersection with the S. ) line of Government Lot 5 produced E., thence W. 119 ft. to a point 50 ft. ) Elly from the center line of the main traot; thence NWIly parallel with said) center line to the E[1 line of Dunwell h Spencer's Add.j thenoe Slly SAong ) said Elly line to the SEIly oorner of said Add.1 thence South 14 degrees ) 15 minutes East 318.25 feet; thence S. 0 degrees 06 minutes E. 501.35 ft.; thence BE'1 28.63 ft. to the point, of inter action with a line 96.02 ft. E.) Y P from the W. line of Goverment Lot 4, said 1�ne being 60 ft.Wily from and ) gr p allel with the center litre of said Railway; thence S. on said TOTAL, ) F, sa 9 beginning; being part of Govt. Lots 4, 5, 12 and 13, in Section 5, ) Township 28 North, Range 22 Went. CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 'll DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION i t '!(Except Bayfield Avenue) That part of Miscellaneous 'Government Lot 5 bounded on the N'ly aide by St. Lawrence St., on the East by Walton's Sunnydale, on the South by the South line of said lot, and on the West by Block 2, Langevi}n's Second Addition, being in Section 5, Township 28 North, Range 22 West. Lots 1 to 12 inclusive, Block 23, and vacated alley in said block, also vacated Chester Street vacated between Blocks 23 and 24 also ASSESSED aVALUATIO"Bld g!- 3000 Lots 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 . 24 Dumrell and Spencer's Add. to 7676 Brooklynd 4 24 do 350 6 24 do 360 6 24 do 376 9 24 do 300 $1600.. Total $16950 $1750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 9 ' 19� 11 -/� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Oridol w city ct.& �t - 4 g CITY OF ST. PAUL .2.1m— NO..... 15 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ER.--.BY.BY......................... ............. ..... ..:........... RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications for Alterations and Repairs t0 Mechanical Equipment in the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium, submitted herewith prepared by the City Architect under the direction of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same being satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby authorized to advertise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the charter. COUN LMEN Yeas Na uss dlan In favor .........._..... tx Eeterson Against ..._....�%...._.. /We 1 fie—h; 'da(ihe. 1pulpmedt. 'tj2uditorlum, "l 3 red:.'by 'I. the 'Ef b. .dg1I.TTY �.- e Report to Commissioner of Finance Commissioner 9.AtAg .................193------- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No 1.M. jZQ approved A -U -9U -.At -.§_p 19A0 .............. relative to Taking and condg=UW for a sewage pumping station, Iota 5 and S, Block 18# Marshall's Addition, except the southweatorly 40 feet thereof. Also taking and condemning na assonant 16 feet in width for the purpose of constrUoting and maintaining a ptiblio cover on, under and across Block 24, Dunwall and Spenowl a Additiam, red Cheater Street vacated, the center line of said easement to be a line drain fzvm the Intersection of the center 11no of Chester straot and the zmVwwst ,*r),V line of TeMa Street to 45 Point On the ftot*etsior I W It I as of w4d: Mooi'M and 29 feet northwesterly from the south- easterly corner of said 81"k 24# also condemning and taking a tapporrT ease mon0ft, 101100ftAt Ispurposes Twenty feet in width along the southwesterly side of aforesaid e"emont and twenty feet In width slang the northeasterly aidw of: xforwnM, savanw1w Alap taking !A strlp,of_lumd 10 feet in width along the southerly Sidi or b'4ftkd'8tr4iat'66m St. Laurence `street to the onat line of the riptt— of—way of the Chicago, Rack laland and Pacific R&11=7. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is her4o, attached and made a part hereof. 4 - ------------------------------------- --------------------- ---- ---------- --------------------------- ---------- ------- — ........ -------------- .................. 5. Said improvement is..._._._.............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. 60 ............. Goner Of Public Works. 3 7 - 6 8141' AUG 18 1936 1106466—By 7 bD, 9:', orw"t ro Cir, Clark - In the (mDrovemen' #��"A(�('k inetallstton f Ph�c.uxa� 1 [ITl(SIVR.}/J CITY OF ST. PAUL ao°sila - CI. a FM- NO.. ._ z 11 OFFICE OF THE CITY .C�°act Noot;O°ss s ii: l w COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN to gtr8vtthe to116. PRE8ENTED BV _...._............ ........................................ COMMISSIONER.J..1/1/1..f<..`.�Y.......V..1/..�._....................... ... t[.. K'f�" .......... FRENNUM Whereas, in the improvement described as,the in- stallation of Plumbing in the Addition to the Cleveland Junior High School Building, Healy Plumbing and Heating Co., Contrac- tor, Comptroller's Contnact No. G-3518, it was found necessary to make the following addition to the Contract. Addition: For furnishing all labor and material for the installation of three.(3) additional three - bubbler drinking fountains $361.65 Whereas, the total net addition is $361.65, now there- fore be it Resolved that the City Council approve the above ad dition made in accordance with the specifidations and in an amount not to exceed the sum of $361.65, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. G-3518 for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Commissioner of Education has agreed with the Contractor, Healy Plumbing And Heating Company, that the sum of',,$361.65 is the correct amount to be added to the above con- tract. Funds to cover this addition are available in the prop- er account and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay same - COUNCIL MEN Adopted by the Council2�,C'T.0 1936. . . 193..... ............. Xeae I Na e � QCi 2 Q 1936 Vi n In favor Approved .............................. _. ..._....._.. _... _. __._193__.. ....................... . son- .t....._..lv...:....... _ ... _. ..__ eenzelhbyor Against ant 616 T. Vice ('resident (Trna>r) W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt of AUark, Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. SASSFORD City Ambited CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capifal of Minnesoftli DEPARTMENT OF C n/� PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND. PUBLIC BUILDINGS ver 445 City Han FRED M. TRUAA Comminionar CARL E. SPEAKES. Deputy Cumminioner October 16, 1936 Hon. John Findlan Commissioner of Educati6n City Hall & Court House ` RE: Cleveland Jr. High School Docket 1276-R. Minnesota Dear Sir: The additional work listed.in the attached council resolu- tion is for furnishing all labor and material for the installation of three additional three -head drinking foun- tains similar to Crane C -9330A in the corridoriat the east end of the new class room wing, one on each of the three floors. These additional fountains were requested'by the Superin- tendent of Schools and the Principal. truly Cit Architect RLE..0 .47tU=BY B C Weak. tmycovatp¢¢IIi . Ort,l.dw city Dwbtletallatlon o(�p7u.- t . CITY OF STP UL :, i •ryq XArkett,, Qeo^,M !� NO-� itraotor tt mCopfol j, -9699 wa6 "ae OFFICE !00 T, COUNCIL COUNCIL RE'3OLUTION--GENERAhl r s ADDITION - ......... :PRESENTED -- """ COMMISSIONBY ER_ ... "_....:._/`%..............._........ —'�?b4 ,.�.._..__._......_ Whereas, in the improvement described as the installation of plumbing in the new City Market, Geo. M. McLeary &'Son, Contractor, Comptrollerts Contract No. G-3509, it was neces- sary to make the following addition to the Contract: Addition: For furnishing all labor and material for changing the location of a hot water radi— ator in the Market Master's Building - - -;$82.54 Whereas the total net addition is $82.54, now therefore be it Resolved, that the City Council approve the above addition made in accordance with the specifications in an amount not to exceed the sum of $82.54, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comp- troller's Contract No. G-3509 for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Commissioner of Public Utilities has agreed with the Contractor, GeO. M. McGeary & Son, that the sum of $82.54 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Funds to cover this addition are available'in the proper ac- count and the City agrees to pay same. COUNCI " EN Adopted by the Council ................. OCT ..2.Q._193 Yeah Nays ®® ��++ In favor Approved..._...._ -------_-_OCT �e 0_K� jenzzel A - lz � wee w . / p(]'SLLSI� 3M1&36 Mr \'I 1ii�Cf1[ (Truax) _ W. LA MONT.KRUFMAN Supt. of Farb CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minne60ta DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS "S City Hal, FRED M. TRUAX, CpnlMWOner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiulonar ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD COX Arch1tad October 16, 1936 Hon. H. C. Ivenzel Commissioner of Public Utilities City Hall & Court House Dear Sir: RE: St. Paul Public Market Docket 1019-R Minn. The additional work listed on the attached resolution is for changing the location of hat water radiation in the Market Master's Building. The work in connection with this change included a change in the supply piping and the return, with the necessary pipe hangers, pipe covering and painting of radiators, pipes, and pipe covering. This work was not included in the contract and was made necessary on account of the alterations made in the build- ing. Yours truly, Architect RLE..0 t�ri,lar;m clt, Clerk 6471-13y H " C. W it 1 5471 f CITY OF ST. PAUL � he Commiesfonet NO .w.�il� ham tevorted•In ac OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER� �,°eme cityCl'!1 OUNCIL SOLUTION- ENERA� oye oihthe �i ere -than eigCD ht h vme - being mn X9"16 Yffank tti"' .PRESENTED BY He C • WO11Ze that tha COMMISSIONER..............................»........................................:...................... ... ...... ... .... _......:. .... ............._ RESOLVED WHEF4W, the Commissioner of Public Vt1-lities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of the Water Department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pyx the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth$ NAME TITLE John G. Mandel Filter Plant Laborer Certified correct Leonard N. Thompson General Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas ss Na an ....................... . In favor ear ���fff''///�i�fff»/// ce II'eterson Against -.... _, /✓enzel 3M 616 Mr. Vice 1'reSidClIt (Truax) Overtime Rate 46 bra. .50 0 Adopted by the Council .....QCT,40... .,...193 -- Approved .. 93__ Approved._.............. 16t_Q 193 - ..�....... ............ .__....... .._ ._._—. may - /0 A i, VIP October 16, 1936 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating Hayden Heights pumping Station. This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Regular man on vacation, had to have experienced man on Job Corti ied correct Leon rd N. Thompson General Superintendent BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS B9.........'... ..... ro'sid e $a10 a 054'72 iirl�.l..Ow �� O:Dowd anemploY<<I� CITY OF ST. PAUL ? of Puhlic Flats. NO........ ..yAY.. _. V._.Yu... _ if d. Alarm„we OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF'�;r°e When a pot( pep airin wlrewr COU IL RESOLUTION---GENERiV Lalli t.% sro I a result of nuJ L.41sa Wd UntY B PRESENTED BY ftl a..l� 9 iy .....i. _ ,.... ..... ............. COMMISSIONER.__-.•.—_.. •_•"'•'”" WHEREAS, John 0*8owd;_:an employe of the Department of Public safety, Bureau of Police.and.Fire.A.larm, was injured on the 19th day of Augast 1934, which'-iajury occurred when a pole upon which be, was repairing wires broke, causing him to fall to the ground;'and.. WHEREAS, as a result of such injury herwaoL,tojally disabled until December 1, 1934', and has suffered a permanent disability to his left leg,,`tha amount of which permanent disability cannot now be, determined, and WHEREAS, the amount of such permanent disability will not be less than fifteen percent thereof, and the said John O'Dowd has requested a partial settlement of his claim for compensation, and WHEREAS, the said John O'Dowd has heretofore been paid for a ten per cent permanent loss of use of his leg and is now entitled to compensation for an additional five per cent loss of use, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Act provides that compensation shall be paid for ten weeks for a f ive per cent permanent loss of use of a leg, and WHEREAS, the compensation rate of the said John O'Dowd is $20.00 per week, therefore be 1t RESOLVED, that the proper city offioers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said John O'Dowd the sum of $200.00 in partial settlement of his claim against 0Wthe City for compensation, resulting from his injury of August 19, 1934, said sum to be payable oit of the Workmen's Compensation A,gsount of the General rund. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council......_ ^.'...2 p...10...193_..._ Yeas s osa 6dlan In favor Approved.. .........O...C�._........1..9. 3. r,, 193....... 5Een=%on `` Against ...l pUgj,LSIIEDy.�—� 3b1 6 -•� Mt. Vice President (Trutt) states power company* MMI,oipaa Zatimate 2516d. COUNCILMEN Nay$ Yeas Berfuss Fiud-lan QPM Penrce,,, IWAW", -------- ---------In favor Peterson TrUd&J P /1? twdslaw ...... Against 3M -35 Mr ­ ire ideutCTru") It — ,e6d1-1 CTr' . Vice � L Adopted by the Council- OCT -- 20 --- 10 -----193. Approved .............•--- 0 C T -- 2--0--1W ..----193 ....... ... PUBLASE00 IQ�473 0d5AO,.l W aty cauk ✓ wvNca- No. ------------ CITY OF ST. PAUL Paz OF THE CITY CLERK OFFICE COESOL ION --GENERAL FORM /PR DA Oat r CM(MISS RESOLVED gC P 0 4.19lV6ft:0v Ole, -On . Y!. :, 4 tZe.. . 8 rho6 C Pn �;S; b. r. .by �­_. nat, the Northern States power oompany be given permission to install 10JW foot Pole an the North side of Neryland between , Payne and Greenbrier with neoesaary guys' wires, snohore and Telephone 00mPany Wires' Bole and wires to be removed when requested to do 80 by the 00awn 00mc" end aost Of said removal to be borne by the Northern states power company* MMI,oipaa Zatimate 2516d. COUNCILMEN Nay$ Yeas Berfuss Fiud-lan QPM Penrce,,, IWAW", -------- ---------In favor Peterson TrUd&J P /1? twdslaw ...... Against 3M -35 Mr ­ ire ideutCTru") It — ,e6d1-1 CTr' . Vice � L Adopted by the Council- OCT -- 20 --- 10 -----193. Approved .............•--- 0 C T -- 2--0--1W ..----193 ....... ... PUBLASE00 orianal to City Clerk coUNca.'i�Y•3Z CITY OF ST. PAUL FOE No.------ ( OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK gCO ESOL TION—GENERAL FORM COME SSIONE l ''—��• DATE September 25• 1936- RESOLVED q� Irvlog C: 1'earc ' giR Northern 3t ven D6rmieelr� .fh the So BI•I ea Le..gto- "eBBarY'. guys.; a, f "uoue%,Compe• ; by,, th i4 re..i That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 21 poles on the South side of Larpenteur, between Lexington and Hamline, with necessary gine, anohors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by Its lorthern States Power Company. estimate #24-750. COUNCILMEN O CpO �c Yeas. Nays Adopted by the Council__..-Fl.....�r�l-.----.193...... Bat(ties Findlan I Pearce - ose In favor Approved........ -._.--193...-.. Peterson � Weriaa) Tii18%i .% _ Warret ------.Against ...-._.;............. Weuzel i Mayor j Sat 11-35/0—.i ``LL —1 Mr. Vicc 1 rccid.W (l run-,) orfamt to MY clerk wuNea JL1-i���� CITY OF ST. PAUL Fag NO...-.- OF_FI``CEE']]���'"'_pp_ CITY CLERK 1 COUI3L4DRBSOLUTI�--GENERAL FORM ,A.m octobor 6. 1936 COUNCILMEN • OCT® Yeas Nays Adopted by the CouncJ._.........f.P....._.......193...... Barrow GrTMa Nudlaneier on Q+ Pearce Ro eii ........... -_-In favor Approved .._........... O6r.�..-�. .193----- Petersun Tru" " _. . 'pelne— '�..�arre�n .........-Q...Agalnet ..............y.. �......:....... ..---. �-.:. Wenzel 1 MM or PUBLISHED Mr. Vice :'rc-dent (Truax) I J RESOLVED sive `:, ypr 'ole on:� / E 7th d11' ivlree ' nmmoa.Cou•.'I` i..-:•ei {aaWW tie ,.'.ary.r That the Northern States Power company be given permission to install ]r50 foot pole on the Fast side of Etna, South of =-7th street, with neosseary guys, wises$ anchors and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Oounoil and post of said removal to be borne by the North*= states Power Company. Netimate 25172• COUNCILMEN • OCT® Yeas Nays Adopted by the CouncJ._.........f.P....._.......193...... Barrow GrTMa Nudlaneier on Q+ Pearce Ro eii ........... -_-In favor Approved .._........... O6r.�..-�. .193----- Petersun Tru" " _. . 'pelne— '�..�arre�n .........-Q...Agalnet ..............y.. �......:....... ..---. �-.:. Wenzel 1 MM or PUBLISHED Mr. Vice :'rc-dent (Truax) I J W city ���N��No—.1.1.054'76 CITY OF ST. PAUL cel. ....._ 5 .................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Cou NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM � 'v— ✓_/✓t-1-41.JC__..._._....._...._....._._._._......._...._DATE...................... Q.t.....50.,.....193.6......_... RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to enter into an agreement With Frank Romooky, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per Week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him While in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 16th day of September 1936; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance With said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Frank Romooky the sum of $64.00 out of the Workments Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including October 15th, 1936. COUNCILMEN YeasN a s Zs lan In favor /e1 c� n ........................... iinte]l Against 3M 636'a 1'resideut (Truax) Idr. V n PStTlI? .:. been = ;lr :'E• J tarty d u 1y.d by:: him the n Dartm ,],ids and Publie . ay o[ BeDtem C� �e6o1 ed,'thaP, �reemen4 t nere Ramimo, �> OCT Adopted by the Council. ......................... G O..�v .....193...... DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL -- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No. -----x:054 77- COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL CONROYCOUNCIL RESOLUTION aX _vim_ #FAVOR78 dan AUDITED CLAIMS ------- 40tobdFv --- 14 - - ----- PEARCE TALE CITY TREASURY. _§Lq:g�qUARAt RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BEPR OU iffenz I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ',ft - ----------- COVERING S 51 INCLUSIVE. AS CHECK NUMBERED-na ---TO ----- 0. R LLER. iu PER CHECKS ON FII;k2 �VF!FiCE OF THE V ADOPTED BY THE Ch- -------- - ------ MAYOR - - ------ 7500! TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF • 29051Geo. X. Shepard Brown RETURNED NUMBER _J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS ci­fEcKs===��_ By BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 7500! 0 7 • 29051Geo. X. Shepard Brown 151' 1 28 21 290521 MTs. Delia 29054 Mrs, Anna R. Foley 31 9( 2905 Mrs, Hannah Peterson Finaipe 24 9, 2 8 9 Is ii 2905 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of 0 Finance 45 2905 Axel F. Peterson, of 95 29057 Northwest Roofing C;mp" 0. final'a 5 '2 809 2 29058 Axel 7, POUTSOUS Of Standard Company i5o 6 29059;; Oil 1 5819 9 29060 jog. pIlivilook 2061 ii joa, Pevilosk 19 1 0 870 0 29062 Marie N. Booth 2902 !1 Walter T. Ryan 0 500 0 290 1 AN Oil Burners Company 2000 ! gdressograph Company 290615 !i a 37 8 9 92 29066 lberg Bearing Company j! 29067 American Insurance Agency 10 00 29069 American Hat Company 2go 1 e9069 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 72�19 i 29070 Austin-a-weetern Road Haohine'ryi Co.33 19 631 6 1� 29071 1 Automotive Service Company i 29072 i The Baker Mfg* Company 1 43 73 i 29074 Beecher Cummings Company Sporting Goods Compare 1032 loiso i 29077 Berman ), Company 116112 29075 ii 0,0, Birobard & 26100 29076 s, tooth FisheviestIno. '1 105 00 29077 Borool Laboratories 77 26 29078 ii Boas Auto Supply Company :i 29079 R.R. Bowker Company 3 50 29080 S. Brand Coal Company 29081 !1 vft. Bros Boiler & lfg.Company ! 1270 22100 29082 Cedar TllapWa Zng.0ompany 1 12 68 5163 290 83 central Scientific Company 60166 o! 6 n 084 Central Supply Company !Z3 29085 it Chicago, St.PaUl" Mple. & DoRiloo. 4 129086 ill jog, To, Cirkl 1:29087 5305 119 46 11; Ooohran"Sargent Company 29098 :' Commercial Gas Company 11 22E 45 po 29089 O.H. Congdon Company !29090 I Correct English service Comp a 29091 Curtis 1000, Inc. y 1, 139 50 '33 g g 08 29092 Adam Decker Hardware Company 29093 A. Dege Company 5 29094 Detroit Stoker Company 45 90 2"1 A.B. Dick Company 228 00 '90 2909 Diebold Safe IN Look Company 3 Dowling & Lewis 1 PO 129097 29098 ; R.0, Duncan Company 7 !70 29099 Edison Institute 150 29100 I' Electric Blue Print Company 130 110 Thos. J. Engel 12 0 29102 r-selinger & Company 75 0 '29103 H.L. Ettmen Sponge Company is 9_0 29104 IR.P. Farrell Ice Company Compare; 1�3 463 62+3 '129105 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & 1:29106 ''i Firestone Auto Supply Stores 13 +6 �29107 Leonard Frank Company 11 70 29109 H.B. Fuller _4MUiany__ 3T - 13 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD �4 V J I ''` CITY P'SAINT AUL- - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK - ' COUNCIL I OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO --------------------- -- -- COOU`C LL CALL lr1C/n COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROv M�GGNu-= ------ e;- 1 FA OR'�e�er on, AUDITED CLAIMS -------- 100toI --------- ` RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DSR ALy�N ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER `�"/ TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF .DR AGGREGATE COVERING es. 1(�`J1 CHECKS NUMBERED__ ; TO__- INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OCI TY COMPTROLLER. Mr. Vice : �etih5�b �sTF�}PrE��OLLgC - -- - ---------- ------ ro - -------------- - /Jy//_ 9 iJ 1 OM- OLLER ____ _ I A/PP ED___-_____-______ _ 19 _____ _ /��cITY c 6P- ___________-_____ BY______________________1/_____--_____________________ MAYOR - - --- ------ --- - -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BV BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 29109 John Johnson 50 1 2 29110 Arthur E. Thom 29111 Jos. Pavlioek 7 5 29112 H.H. Elmquist 29113 Graybar Electric Company,ino,' j0715 29114 Wheeling Corrugating Company�1 I 2i,j0� 2 532; d'+ 29115 ;' Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin i 29116 11 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fi s a 11 380!53 29117 '! Rudolph T. Johnson and 10100 myrtle Johnson 8� 29118 jj Gane Brothers & Lane 29119 ! General Electric Supply Oorp.i 131,74 42 jl 29120 ;1 General Electric Supply Corp., 57656 p, 29121 `1 German Book Importing Company!, 4150 29122j2 Good Housekeeping 9124 '11 Great LakeGopher P�sbCoaleB DooktOomp any 1 155 21 29125 ''j Griggs, cooper & Company 261!25 29126 R.J. Haas Mfg.Company 423120 ii 29127 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 5100 29128 '' O.B. Hammond and Company '', 5 00 29129 The Heidbrink Company 1'007 29130 Theo. Hells Company 28131 11, Helwig Company 27!34 29132: Hetfield-Parry,Ino. 2150' 2913] institute of Traffic Engineer ,50 29134 'i Inter City Paper Company 29135 '' Jacobson Office Furniture Coni any 36 2913150 6 Jameson Hevener Company 16190 74!90 29137 Johnson Printing Company 115 60 29138 S.O. Johnson & Obn,InO. 29139 Keystone View Company 12144 2914400 i Kiauer Mfg.Company j29141 11m. Kline 1151 2 j 25 1!29142 Librarian, Library of Congres', 44157 29143 ii Linde Air Products Company 16188 29M i Literary Guild $175 29145 'i Longmans, Green & Company y29146 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Good Co. 75175 33100 ii 2914Lon & Heals Inc. 1 131 29148 ! Gus D, messing • 29149 Mine Safety & Appliance Comp y 5100 45170 29150 Mple-Honeywell Company Machine Co any 7 98 is 29151 Monroe Oaloulating 29152 ', Mothers Friend Laundry,Ino. 83 1al 129153 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 0 ,29154 Northern Auto Electric Compan 39, "29155 1 Northern States Power Company', 3 X36 29156 Northern States Power Companyli, 29157 '' N.I. Stamp works, Inc. 1 70 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD —7 -5W -9p-,_ -6x537 Off._ IM 6.40 _ - f th8 r C tiff A Concrete Com RESOLVED TIM11 the application o e 6 pant' for permission to install a gas pump and a 550 -gallon under- ground storagetank at the concrete plant at flood and Starkey Streets, for private use only, be and the same is hereby grant - ad, said pump and tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas an In favor Wear etecson Against etzel CErR' Sat 636 Mr. Vice 1'fesi�ent (Truax) -,g:ikpt Tt1:� ta5 1v .'hereby g '• a WLob0 in0taliey i nrdt Bncee ot. th0 11. ins. r thp' ' tr CERTIFIED CONCRETE COMPANY S-, oma AND PLANT • WOOD AND STARKEY STS - SAINT PAUL, MIIJN. ARTHUR 1, BRYCE, PRESIDENT September 18, 1936. Commissioner of Public Safety, Court House, St. Paul, Yinnesota. Dear Sir. Vie want to put in a gas pump and 550 -gallon underground storage tans, for private use only, at our Readymix concrete plant at Rood and Starkey Streets. If this meets with your approval, may we have your written permission. Yours very truly, CERT�IFIEED�D/ CONCRETE CO. by GC�GI w, -7 AJB:R �G,evL<._G� Ir,� %(�yVl'� �''r��✓ September 24, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir, Herewith is application Of the Certified Concrete Company for permit to install one gas pump and a 550 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank for private use only at the Readymia Concrete Plant, located at Wood and Starkey Streets, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, Deputy Commissioner JFM/k LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commiutoner September 24, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir, Herewith is application Of the Certified Concrete Company for permit to install one gas pump and a 550 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank for private use only at the Readymia Concrete Plant, located at Wood and Starkey Streets, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, Deputy Commissioner JFM/k LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. LA MONT KAOFMAN - Supt. of Playgrounds- . Supt. of Parks - CHAS. A. SASSFORD L` City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 44s City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E SPEAKES, Deputy Commiwiener -dw® September 22, 1936 Hon. Fred F.I. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the request of the Certified Concrete Company for a permit to put in a gas pump and a 550 gallon underground stoPage tank, located at Wood and Starkey Streets, Saint Paul. After investigation, I submit the following report. This prop- erty is located in a Heavy Industry District and there, is no objection from this Department to an installation of this kind. Yours truly/ , Ci Architect CAB..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. Y. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 19th, 1936. Hon. Fred M. Truax, Comsir of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Deas Sir: The City Council referred to you the request of the Certified Concrete Company for permit to put in a gas pump and 550 -gallon undergroand'storage tank, for privste'hse only'; at'their 8eadymim concrete + plant at Wood and Starkey Streets, for investigation and report. Yours very truly, AQ r� City Clerk. 0021'..1 W City C.k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T-OUION---GENERAL FORM COMM NTED No . ...... 1.0.5480 WHEREAS, Ed:01arialo has requested withdrawal of his appli- cation for 88u Sales liquor license at No. 180 East Seventh Street, the refund of his license fee, and the return of his bond; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to the said Ed Olarizio the license fee hereto- fore deposited on application for nOn Sales liquor license, to return his bond to him, and to cancel said application. O—Byi spry COUNgLMEN Nay1s- Yeas 66' stan ZIn favor F7on Against 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1'resident (Truax) Adopted by the Council OCT -10 106-193 Approved ...................._®V- 60 1193....... ............I...... . ..................................... ... .... .. ............... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: October 16th, 1936. The City Council referred to you the attached letter of Ed Clarizio withdrawing his application for an On Sale Liquor license and request- ing refund of the fee paid and of the bond filed, with the request that you prepare a resolution granting said requests. �C Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota F cry �i4t` OFFICE. OF CITY CLERK L. R. Jr. PEROU50N Q�4, .Alerk and Commissioner of Registration co, r Herbert Stock. at 445 Cedar St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instaacted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: V% / New Old Location State No. 5094 COUN�PdJMEN Yeas Nays usa /Findlan J _��_..... In favor �earte Aleterson J �....... ABauist entel eon 3M 636Mr. Vice 1'residevt Truax) V% / odd -A CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO........ 105484 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSI4NEFL,._........_.....�_..-__....________.._..... October 20, 1936 .�._�._...-...._-_._.___..._......._...._ DATE.................................::............................_...._......� RESOLVED (No.2) E. C. Jette 231 W. 9th St. Gas Sta. App. 15004 Renew. German House Inc. 444 Rice St. Conf. tt 15005 n Nick Sallee 19 W. 9th St. Rest. tt 15010 11 H. W. Banks 823 S. Robert Grocery n 15011 a n It if n It Off Sale Malt n 15012 n' R. J. Davini 347 Minnesota Conf. n 15023 n . E. A. Thom 677 Hague Butcher n 15025 It H. Margolis 937-41 W. 7th St. Grocery n 15049 1t H. Bockstruck Co. 69 E. 6th St. 2nd hand Dealer a 15040 8 (old gold) 'Loretta Hill n n 1215 Randolph n u Grocery 11 15053 n n n OffSaleMalt 15054 Blue & White Cab Assn. 190 N. Smith Gas Station n 15055 s Hiller E. Hoffman 900 Rice St. Conf. tt 15057 a B. F. Shannon 237 W. 7th St. 2nd hand dealer n 15062 a E. M. Miller 834 E. 7th St. Grocery n 15065 a n n n 1t a n Butcher n 15066 It J. Walsh 999 Payne Ave. Pool Hall- n 15067 s Lambert & Ran 830 S. Robert St. Gas Station It 15079 IS J. H. Niemann 496 St. Peter St. Grocery n 15082 It E. E. Shimota 275 W. Winifred Grocery it 15083 n Herman Glewwe 253 W. Fairfield Foodstuff VP It 15147 a s a Vehicle PeddlexoCja2O a COUNCILMEN Naysa Yeas Adopted by the Council ...........................193...... .......................... Sarfuas®CT Findlan 2 Q as ....... ...: ....... In favor Pearce Approved ..................... ................... _._:._........------193_..... Peterson �� ........ (0........... Against Mayor Wenzel PUDLISI a; 3M 636 �., Vice 1'rceideut� coneeo. LQ5484 CITY OF ST. PAUL ryu NO ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI _ LUTI ---GENERAL .FORM .. EE-ggg6,� OBf84—}g9 t;% `::_Bx�IrvinsCaPe:arBoeer�f-upe- 2,.Of...19.3`Y k_.__ thCOMM18$I4NE t,9lcenppH, .. evDlled , _., ' r,t3hC,eeby ggpCo8lu0tt6& jUdt thd7, A , eted�,to 1ppue encq IIS RESOLVED i tr tue of That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby "granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Allen Lederman 380 Thomas Grocery App. 12919 Renew. n n n n Butcher a 12820 a n n s n OffSaleMalt a 13077 If Rothstein Bros. 841 Burr Butcher if 1339 " s a a n Offsalemalt a 13340 " C. G. Aderman 1076 E. Maryland Butcher " 14295 a E. T. Burke 321 Thomas Grocery ° 14401 -a J. E. Conway 693 Mississippi Restaurant a 1481 a If n a n n OffSaleMalt a 1481 a If n n n If OnSale Malt " 14813 a 0., Oleson 869 E. Minnehaha Grocery " 14860 a James O'Donnell 978 Selby Ave. Grocery n 14922. a A. Blessenbach 99 N. Dale Grocery " 14950 If J. A. Brozek. 999 Hastings Butcher " 14992 a Wm. Glaser 203 W. 7th St. Bakery " 14993 If Chas. Ballwin 243 Concord Grocery a 15000 If If n s a OffSaleMalt a 15001. Irwin J. King 242 S. Cleveland Conf. " 15002 a COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council............... ...193...:.. Yeas Can Infavor Approved .......................................... ....... ...... _.... 193....:. eon I....... Against .....:.................. .... ........................ .............................. Mayor �enul Mr President (C &n) 3114. 676 CITY OF ST. PAUL •iu NO....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL -..GENERAL'x4Q tukc°:: e8, ' COON R LU rthat Ilcen¢ed;a pIi 5 - Persons af'a�i cI2Y alerke rtober 20. 1QQ 6 ` tt .... ........ l.... �._ t I16ehde9 Vydn �„ GOMMIS$1 ___ _......__ _ _.._.._.... :-treasu oi• :y .y17$ 77 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses indicated be, and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructsd'to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. L. Devine 176 N. Western Ave. Grocery App. 13939 New n n n " OffSaleMalt. " 13939 " Anna Pignotti 939 Payne Ave. Confectionery " 11+395 " N. Handevidt 1658 E. 7th St. n " Grocery Off Sale Malt " 14969 " " 114870 ; p n " Mae RivYre 965 E. Minnehaha Off Sale Malt n 114943-i n " 15006 s a �� " Grocery Boy Addison 1830 at. Clair Grocery " 15009 " 0alter Appel 1016 Arcade Pool Hall Conf. " 150jj " ° 150314 " Andrew James 533 Nabasha Barber " 15044 " Clement J. Lucchesi 1066-68 E. 7th St. Bowling Alley " 15095 " LMEN COZa Adopted by the Council....... OCT 2.0-4.0 193..... Yeas Nay OCT 201W In favor n Approved ................... ............... .......... _...... _...... _193..... �Fson Mayor PUBLISI�D� 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1'resideut (Truax) Oti(ilul6) CUT ct k .. COUNCIL NO .10.5n 137 CITY OF ST. PAUL nL[ ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK — COUNCIL RES UTI � ---GENERAL FORM f PRolr.g ED �y !�%a A.DATE.....UC�,. .-V*•1956.... Sal ..._...... That the grade ofwalsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to liontana Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Worksq-be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. n aCtl�ruw e ' khbdedolr nom_ WOtke, t o cr' ^aDa qt � he �; u lf\ 1 1 //✓r 7 COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council.o.`.,........ .....1"...... Yeas N s �.e , ......... In favor Approved.... .....................193..... . /_2Asst enzel � 3M 6$6 Mr. Vi eot (Tru—) ��oslse—ap .txm J• rete '� , 0,W-1 W City Ct.ek R p E Hlltoq ae a6 { FTiI[oa hae ,�8se g pl 105488 CITY OF ST. PAUL aleti e i ebunna°Ovarrttni?, NO._� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEFT Coa�oY�tthd [gllooring ar "a",-1 ck 2 dl ".'ncaull t COUNCIL RESOLUT ON GENERk 4 ' PpESENTED By / ^//�9y/–/�,J��}�✓•,• ...•• } 1 e }�+.7.1 i•• COMMISSIONER.....:...........__.....:................k � ""` u" •�'a _•. .••x' ..r... ��''C ......... RESOLVED WHEREAS, Roy T. Hilton, as agent for Judson D. $ilton,-has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commis.A relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 13, Block 2, Galarneaultts additions and° WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $690.66, plus interest, penalties and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum -of $690.65; therefore be it RESOUPD, That the Council of the .City of Saint Paul hereby approvet said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the, a.= of $624.96 shall first. be deducted from the total payment of $690.65, and that the sum of $624.96 shall be paid to the City OfSaintPaul in settlement of delinquent assessments inoluded in the total delinquency A of $690..66, plus interest, penalties and costs. GO�LMEN Yeas Na s In favor e n Against ruga / , President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council..................V..4 t.T.. Approved.. ... ................ 67�i 1 d (...................._...,.._........._..._... vvv Mayor X31 V • '1 ." i88 ar A..1 -r. PA.r. - Ore -1 to City Clark . . (made' a applfcatlonator* - 1054$' CITY OF ST. PAUL eeota Tas Commlaslon ( ngpent taxes nad aseeer;NO._.__._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF.0-7 ng ae crltted prover ll, Stock iMeit attosYr- COUNCI RESOLUTION GENEW PRESENTED BY./�,(' r COMMISSIONER................................. ............. ............... ......:....... ................ .. 'irki° fi .,....y ..._:.. .._.... .......,: S RESOLVED WHEREAS, W. J. Dunn, as agent for the owner has made 1pplioation for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the following described property, to wits Lot 11, Block 1, Mattock Park Addition; and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $858.24, plus interest, penalties and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $666.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however,that the slim of $555.31 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $666.00, and that said sum of $555.31 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $858.24, plus interest, penalties and costs. COUNC MEN Yeas �Na..a . uss/d(an In favor Z� eSerson ruax .... ..... _-� Against NIP , oil At. President (Gehan) JM 676 Adopted by the Council,,,,,..._. CT 2.1 1.06 -193 Approved ............ .... ®CM__ffl_ 193—_ /.. Mayor YUIILISIIED 105490 CITY OF ST. PAUL i �iNC1L NO ......... ......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM gg y . ........_........._..._..._.DATE...........OctQb.er...�_..�-93G..............W. CMME 88 4NER__..__._..___.__..__—_...._....._._._....__r.Y..... _........ _. _._. _. . . RESOLVED (2) G. N. Emp. Cafeteria Assn. 176 E. 4th St. Hest. APP- 15056 ren ew Hiller E. Hoffman 900 Rice St. Motion Picture " 15058 " F. C. Sharp 1558 Como Ave. Bakery " 150j0 N Shaller & Spicer 1344 Thomas Butcher " 15071 " Mrs. M. Lymenstall 1184 W. 7th St. Barber " 15075 " L. W. Jordan Co. 680 N. Snelling 2nd hand auto Dlr " 15077 " Northern Motors, Inc. 1469 Univ. Ave. " " N 15079 N 0. G. Aderman 1076 E. Maryland Grocery " 15086 N Ed Hall 1042 E. 7th St. Barber " 15093 N Joe Doty 201 E. 4th St. Rest. " 15096 ■ _ 0. Christensen 1567 Univ. Ave. Rest. N 15102 • " " N N Confectionery " 15103 s; Otto Geiger 983 Randolph Grocery a 155104 N a N r " Off Sale Malt " 15MO6 " A. gestin 145 Robertson Grocery " 15108 " John W. Ullrich let NatlBankBldg. Gas Station " 15110 " Bay W. Carr 383 W. 7th St. Rest. " 15111 " Fred Brooke -50-. 312-14 Rice St. Dance Hall " 1511 " N N a " " " Rest. " 1511Z " N OnSalamAlt " 15115 N a " " " Tavern " 15116 " C. J. Wrabek COUNCILMEN 939 w. 7th St. Fuel Dealer—" p�q 2�._t9W N Yeas L N Adopted by the CoundL.....UCT F* dean 7/f� ........................... In favor OCT 21 MW .............................._............_193_..... Approved .............................................. ... a Zeraon Against L, ......., .vn u= Maya, �1 A Mr President (Gehan)7� 30. 636 / Slicen C. Pesrcef, Oe7d�m Cluk (( licensee the 8 !- , y 7 J tale a ab 71st attacl' �u"CR ITY OF ST. PAUL ba`in°e the 8% �k NO.......-- "^ OFFI E OF THE CITY CLQ )' citylirc,,,jj-� COUNCIL TION.,. GENER .': r rhF 14 PRESS ._._..::...._ 'c �_._._.... - OOt -21 • 1936........_...._...._.. _ . :COMMIES _ ATE........ .........- RESOLVED - That at the addresses That licenses applied for by the following p indicated be and the samr are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Minnesota Amusement CO. 22 W. 7th St. Motion Picture App. 14806 Renew Thos. M. Clarkin l S7S Stryker Butcher " 14849 " a a Grocery " 14850 " Gordon Darse 748 Tatum Butcher " 14857 " a a a fl Grocery " 14858 " Mrs. Mary Ferris 625 Waba"ha Hotel " 14962 " Carl gessling 139 E. 7th St. Rest. " 14975 " a a " " OnSaleMalt " 14976 " Schubert Theatre PlayersCo. 479 Wabasba Theatre " 14997 " Edw. P. Berthold 1657 E. 7tk St. Grocery " 14998 a a e a a Off Sale Malt " 14999 " Alverdea Restaurant Inc. 379 St. Peter Rest. " 15003 a E. H. Ayer 132 E. 4th St. Rest. " 15013 " R.A.Olein & A. N. Nelson 686 N. Snelling OffSaleMalt " 15017 " Grandview Theatre Corp. 1930 Grand Ave. MotionPicture " 15018 " 0. E. Sauter 720 N. Hemline Grocery " 15024 " H. E. Schwarse 739 Univ. Ave. Rest. " - 15030 " I=& Berman 256 Mackubin Grocery " 15031 " a a e " OYfsale Malt " 15032 a ;•, COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ......................... ._................. .........193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Infavor Approved ............... ........................... _._................... 93_..... Pearce Peterson Against................. .................................... _.... ............................. _... ........................... Trau: Mayor Wend Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 -------- - _ a..c -,q 5ra rwm ana vine c3.T,.v Clerk le rson instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city Prresident`(Gehan) �3M 636 treasury of the required fees. 11. Winer k361 W. 7th St. Grocery, App, 15029 Now Butcher " 15029 " Earl Carpenter 232 E. Sth St. Hest. " 15050 " Albert Weiseler 8110 E. 7th St. Hest. " 15051 " Mrs.Prite Fiedler 100 Earl St. Hotel " 15057 " Minnesota Amusement Do. 1150 Wabasha Motion Picture " 15MO9 " . Fred Brooks 312-111 Rice St. Off Sale Malt " 15112 0 i COMEN i Yeah ;In Zian favor rson Against raut.._ Prresident`(Gehan) �3M 636 wtao.lmaac«k .� NO.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CbUNC •-- GENERAL FORM c PRESENTS DATE...:.OQ}i......a.....�„3.4 ` .... .... _ COMMI551U _ RESOLVED That the license for Farber, application 15092, applied for by Ed gall, at 1042 E. 7th St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city greasury of the required Yee. 3l ,;C.�hO IIc 11i sz 'n she n it.. fb. `attr; .a - :I:t t6d tcnd the; cl. llcen- :Ait- � old location. State barber license $ 1907 (,p(JNOICMENAdopted by the Councii.Q^v}..._i--� 193...... Yeas N' s °' ®CT 21 1. ran In favor Approved ......... 193...... e -n Against %5( ............ ..._.... ....._ or- rauz � v $ r �P�rCaiaenc (cchan) 3Ai 636 - - 5��� 493 , -► }� '2L NO ......10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ""` !�+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO I SOL, ON---GENERAL FORM = �g-_.-DATE...._000W x,.,..19.36. ._...:._..:. PR RESOLVED' ication 15059. on Sale Malt Beverage. That.license for restaurant, appl application 15060, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 15061, applied for by halter J. 1f$aver at 309 Bice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, provided, however, that the former owner at this 14cation, 8ffie Garrett, is not to be employed or to have any connection with the business at this location. a ITVIt^,� �.t ltcanee - ' ���16a80, snd,3. �{,_ anon 1608:.1 er at 8q8 hBtebY New Informally approved by 0onnoil Oct. 13, 1936 COUN LMEN Adopted by the Council.........._!tj._!tt_1..4�7rR5493•.- Yeas Nays ne3 Ups 21 lan Approved......... _..._193..... In favor ce � D Against ..y............4!...,....... . May 27 2� Ivlt President (Geban) 3M 6 36' ....:.:i. M VMM Lvru That license for Restaurant, application #14763, on sale Wt Beverage, application 14764, said Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14765, applied for by Emil N. leekson. at 775 Front St. be and the same.are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees, provided, however, that the former owner at this location, H. W. Prodger, is not to be employed *v to have any connection with the business at this location. erplicAtIon 6,0,4., by MWIJ Nj' same a. - the1411I.Mk Now Informally approved by Council Sept. 29, 1936 Yeas COUN91LMEN Adopted by the CounciDDT 2-1 -19N 193 tr n . . ......... T . 11. favor Approved ............. Wall .193 ................Against .......... 7raux M4 VANNONk/ �''. I& President (Gahan) 314 636 That license for On Sale halt Beverage. application 15041, Restaurant, application, 15042, and Off Sale Melt Beverage, application 15043, applied for by Josephine Hovis, at 216 T. 7th St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inetraoted to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. .yT'JE t ,r at I n" Pp i i,cation 11", e t gge, 6py itcatL— Jod thdeHovi( ah clty aerk-U ;116aps clerk -la nce A.U, vDov, tT• aozreBsury.... .. tE NOW, Informally approved by council, Oct. 13, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas K -u� Ftndlan In favor eon Against /Ttau: O Mr President (Gahan)/ 7M 676 pg { Adopted by the Council.. OCT 211936 ..193...... Oeidml to 4Xt7 Qk COMMi RESOLVED I t -J4 4 �i�""f ' f CITY OF ST. PAUL ���,� I.05497 NO ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO CE U ION GENERAL FORM ^....DATE.... ._OOt 20, 19�E>, r That the license for Barber, application 15105, applied for cameo Beanty Departments. Inc. at 14 A. 5th St. (Field-ScLlick Co.) be and the same is hereb granted and the city clerk instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee, id lee eheuoL lice.., Y:H No. 448F'�• State barber license 4485 COUNQILMEN Yeas Bues e /Fpidlan �tt In favor f raon ���.. Against /frau: 3M fr I -ident (Gehan) 6 ✓✓ Adopted by the Council...........�{r' .,�. ...19*93_..... Approved...._................0..2.1. _193....... ........... ..,.................. .......... .. r�^t�aya, �� A 6 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 10 498 COUNCIL ----- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.----------------------------- COUNCILMEN—RO" CALL DD.� B :1a6p COUNCIL RESOLUTION _71N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ------OotobOr--1-9----------------'36-- PE.I. 1 a83en, P�e oe, ROSEN P�IRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN (O�(N�(T�ME CII�TY TREASURY, SUDHEIMER U TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5--L5t=9_lir-_ COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE CHECKS NUMBERED } ----TO__-_ INCLUSIVE. AS (7� —TVJ/ PER CHECKS ON FILE'IN E OFFICE O TH ITY COMPTROLLER. f ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ---------- ---------- -------- APP D__-----�����--Fj'= 19_ __ _ -------- • CITY COMPTROLLER_----- . / __—___ ___------ — _ -- By ---------- _ _______________ %- - _-- MAYOR e CHECK ' NUMBER Ij 29158 29159 29161 29162 9163 4 91 91 291 291 291 29183 29184 29185 29186 1 29187 l 29188 i' 29189 11 29190 I; ?9i91 29192 29193 291945 29196 29197 i 29198 !i 98 0 29201 29202 i'29203 204 j129205 IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD Arthur Lindbom Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Leona Regnier Mrs. Very Mally Christy Mrs. Louis Fay Mrs. ]Elisabeth Literski Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg N.O.Robinson, Clerk of Dist.1 Sylvester Knowlan Dr. G.D. Brand Dr. John 0. Brown Drs. Chatterton & von der We, Dr. A. Christiansen Dr. Gustaf Edlund Dr. Z.V. Colts Dr. D. D. Hilger Dr. Paul H. Kell' Wm..A. Kobnke Dr.M.L. Larson Dr. E. Miller Drs. Ritchie & Ritchie St.Jobnts Hospital Dr.F.J. Savage Dr. E. A. Smlaek Drs. Sohlberg &Mattson Dr. J.V..Sprafka Dr. A.H. Stolpestad Dr. Chas. H. Zander Charles A. Zwicky Brown and Day, Inc. Capitol Stationery Mfg.Oompal Co-Op.Laundry Company Mrs. T. Dahill J.W. Hulme Company McKesson Wholesalers,Ino. Miller Supply Company Mine Safety Appliances Compal National Drug Company Northern States Power Compare Northern States Power Oompsa John 0 °Brien Price Eieotric Company St.Paul Voo.School Revl.Fund St.Paul Brass Foundry Compan Sharp and Dobme,Ino. The Speakes Company U.S. Bedding Company Amherst H. Wilder Charities SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM s.90 TOTAL DATE RETURNED V TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 11 28 80 200;00 13 5 00 00 107100 7100 20100, 9100 6;oo 26100 6175 10!00 10!00 49100 19 59 9100 18 00 12 00 5 00 32 85 3 00 335� as� 264 35 25 55 38 31 to 56 12 25 2 293 31 162 41 0 16 4 10 155 621148 25 184 31 I1 50 '00 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—RID L,CALL coNROY �� B�8r::1®4N FAVOR • MR. PRES. BUNDLTE ADOPTED BY THE ,C 1- ------ CHECK NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL 105499 COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO ----------- _ ----- ------------ COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS IIotabar- - - -- 19 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D��RA''((W T�H�7g�=C(ITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNN/��TPPF S__1:' �+�----• COVERING n CHECKS NUMBERED_ 2yp---TO-- INCLUSIVE. AS fl __T PER CHECKS ON FILE IJJ SHE OFFIC- T E CITY COMPTROLLER. MAYOR IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED TRANSFER I DISCHECKSENT BY BANK CHECKS 29206 ! Doyle 8 Allard, attorneys fo i Foley 60110 0 29207 Loretta Anel F. Peterson, C. of Finie 42105 29208 i', 29209I Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin 0 pe 1 592!74 6 667j91 29210 li 28211 II Yrs. Ruth t. Lee John Fitapatrick 40100 00 2 2 29213 A. J. MOCarth George sudeiih 32!81 3; 00 29214 ;� 29215 ;I Carl Maronds O.H. Gunther 1319 29216 'i� Yrs. Harriet Jane Gay & GOO " , 231 621 70 29217 Wesson Wholesalers,Ino. 96155 29218 29219 Ysya, Ino. Harrill, Greer a Chapman Com omY 41132 106135 29220 1, 29221 !! 11 Midway Creamery Company National Safety Council Tea Company 12 4� 29222 29223 II New York Nicole, Dean & Gregg CompanyiI 'I 339 26950 67 292, ;! Northern states Power Compan 29225 ,i 29226 Northwest Greenhouse Yfg.Oom �10nY Owens Motor Salea,Ino. +I 120 20 11 29227 Oxidite Battery Company108 E••I 9160 3 29228 29229 1 Paper, Oalmeneoa & Company C.A. Pearson, Inc. ! 197;30 29230 11 O.A. Pearson, Inc. 307 1 00 45 29231 II 29232 Julius Peter Company, Inc. Pioneer Electric Oompany� I 29233 ,1 1 P�neer Rim a Wheel Company 11 Plate Glass COMP&4 i 142159 29234 29235 Pittaburgh Postal Telegraph Cable Oomp 155j�64 29236 29237 11 W.F. Quarrie Company i Remington-.Rand,Ino. 1 1 55 so Brown & Donald 1 29238 Riohey, 1 50 29239 8 Riley Company I Robinson, Cary & sands Oomp 105 02� 29241 29242 :. RoeJemes Glass Company 11 st.Psul Book d stationery Oc any 28 59 35 192 2924 `St.PauI Book & stationery 001 any 777 64 00 29244 29245 St.Paul Cement Works St.Paul Corrugating Company 1 2255 20 29246 jl St.Psul Milk Company :11 1 113 29247 1� St.Paul Saw & tnifs Norks 21 40 29248 29240 j� 9t.Pau1 stamp Works a Schelen Auto Ele0tri0 Compan 29250 29251 'I Albert Sobleh 1 Jacob Sobmidt Brewing Company � 33'128 42 44 50 29252 ;; Sohreler's Auto Top Lumbar Company 171100 721150 2925 Simonson 96!65 2925 Halter 0. Simonson aompsay i! ; 319 12 29255 29256 1� 'valter 0. Simonson Company 11 ginger Sewing Machine Compare l ; 10120 29257 29258 Speedometer Service d Aoo.Co.; Sperry Office Furniture Comp 'y 17113 16 30 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 509 .00496 0 � t I 1 �I e yi r 77 ,j q� 4 +I ` b E••I 1-�BY irvingg -�4 'Y't the Coilhoili�5� r City Cwk arH ori the Contt��aaet Vll55 ;Oe1tAm1 rand hereby aWv mL t` GITY OF :ST PAUL„ the co btruction NO._._ Branch 6anita OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEinff� npeveY t GOON iN GENERA*#Hh°, '­ ...... .._.... r"3.�.g� COMR_...._ . PRE13 STDyRMIO�........_ .. RESOLVED`,That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, wd,hereby awards the contract TOr the con- struction of the Stewart-Alton Branch Sanitary Sewer Interceptor to DAGRAFF WOLFF, in accordance with plane and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Hid No. 9356 of said DeGraff Wolff, for the contract price of $32,820.00, additional lining for Drawing #407 $3.75 per lineal foot of tunnel, such bid being the lowest bid and said DeGraff Wolff being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to drat up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Engineer's Estimate $42,309.00. Charge Interceptor Sewer Bond Issue, Code 4001:- F.B. $9356. A� COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council, ........ .... ..C.T2 93 ..: YeasNays barfuss q Findlan ............. ..__.... In favor Approved:.............. Pearce_....._...._._...._....__.�............_..__193__.. Peterson 'Against . ff 1�+1�' nt... Truax ' W or 1 y .Irl+uwi. J r�— Mr. President (Gehan) YUBI ISIiED / G �� r — 3M 636 pp II 15502 ` zvo I10baba— z 9tgtter oitayyairing ree, A relsYing thd; esiattng� - :-eantl� slldew,Rt CLarid;+. _ Ingg aL.aippofut bl�Yee'• `., - '1t11eb[.Ppdual Xaent" - .teet.'DPdei'-PkeLm1^: COUNCIL FILE NO_------------- By----------------------- ---------------------- INTERMEDIARY -------------------- --------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___F�@ ring,_ reoonetruoting_and releyin the _--ist ------sidewalk on -----___ the_ aQuth side of�-Ciiarlea Street= beyinning_et _a_point b4 Peet eaat of-the-eaat----- lin�e'_of__]?aaosl Avemiei_thence east_ 26_ feet ------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------- under Preliminary Order 1060 ----------------------- approved ------Se tember 7 --1936. --^----- The Council. of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. Z That the natureof the improvement which the Council recommends is__teRl ;�_X@4_oAetl!t9t- _gx�d reley_the_eai�ting eidewalk_on the south aide of Charles _Streett_bepinaing at e ,Q,Qint_ 84_Peet east of_ the_ east_ line_of PasaaT 8_v_enuel thenoe_east _26 Yeetf ezoe�t where g_ood end auff oient_sidewalka_already exist,-------------------------------------- ------ --------- ------------ -- - - - --------- ----- per square 3`00$-- - -- - ---- ---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoftls $,.7.+._AqW_tjaSs $.07, old the Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the-17W_____________day of November _ 1910-__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting o' the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place' of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimate Adopted by the CouaciLGff.t}_''W_-----,192_��� OCT 211936 ----- - ------------------ ---- - Approved ------- — ------------------- 1�--- Cityerk Cl Councilman Berfuse Councilman Findlau �Councilman Pearce Couaalmand Pgtereon Counplmaa• xruaz �� .Mayor GeYiaa IgHEIj �� � � Form B S A } x.05503 " otTrepalrtns.' resat, the.cemant'tF�- fd,, yf yy{Pop. vaypatr..t^.to'Cc- ` •�e, under=Pro. iyrovedlaepter -1 yhr City an;9ii Ct7UNCIL FILE NO______________ By-------- -- -------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of� regsirinpi_reoonatruotin and reL l lig the oement the sidewalk-__- Qt3 both aidea_oP_Raymond A_v_enue from Snapp Street to Commonwealth Avenue, ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 99 a ember 17 1956 under Preliminary Order-----IO105050 ---------------------approved -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report; hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvemput is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. The the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_Xm irs-reoonstruot__ and relay_[the_oement -bile sidewalk on both sides of Rawmond Avenue from Snapp Street to Commomrealth Aveuuei_except; where mood and sufficient sidewalks already exist, ----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereova$s7Z-U91C Yeiha. $.07 old tile. FResolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 17th _____day of No���� b_er 19W___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Howe and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 106 Adopted by the Council --OCT 2 - --- -1 --------------- OCi' � 2136 `u ------------ -- Approved ---------------------------192- Councilman Barfuss Councilm Findlan Cound matVASIDWINN Pearce CouncilmadM316dffiF50= Peterson Couucilmati"^Sildhefi3lei?l Truax MayorqTellfon Gehau Form' B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-------------------- ---------- y'YePglFingreSayfr Cpfient tlloeldl �+ a� L9 rain atree - rlort� _71na af: t)I{enRa ?larch -�&: e feet for drlvi. ltinninj(_:�iu Doini th .::t ailce. bort- north=aideYgC ,r ;Inning, et a-::; 1.�5t�alne 4 i3.;;. 105504 . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ re$eiriag, relaying and reconstructing- cement tile Sidewalk on the _flg9t aim Qi'_S9,&repe _gtreet,_beg��nixlg_at the north line of_Eaet_Fourth Streets thence Point 4grth A_feet; kt§k-oe nort4_20 feet for_drigev_ray_oonatruotioag beg-inniag at s ----- het_ _ farther p9rtha_thenoe_north 8_feets and on_the_north aide of East Fourth____ 84 Ye ,fit;gats beginnipg_at_s_poiirt_6 fest went of_the east_line of_C�resa Street,_thenoe a, ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 10520? --- — --------------- approved ___ September G5,_ 19$6___ ---__- The Council of the City of Paul.,bavibg jteivsd.the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and,having.,eonsidered.said 'report, hereby resolves: 1. That the sald'ieport •and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be, proceeded with. 2.`, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--- epair+relay_ end'____ . t reoonstruot oement_,tile_sidewalk_on the east side- of Cypresa_Street, beginning -at--- She.north lice of Eeat Fourth Street thence_north 18 feet; thence north 20 feet ----- ----------s-- ------------------------------------ for drivewar_construnt ons begsinninps at a point 64 feet farther north, thence north ------ - ;. >, b _$_YR@�,_4Ad_4A #e4 _iltSie :4f_East_onrth street_beginning at a �oint_6 feet west of d sufficient the eeat line of Cyprsee Street, thence east 18 feet, except where good an -Ilaiwa'ITta already a iii =------------p-8FF-:8are foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cosi t'& O'ls $r0.2,_s lag_atd tile; $.11 lay new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said'improvement on the__ 1Ytli._ _ day of Ho_v_ember _ _ yi,192,_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City; Hall Building in the City of St. Piful.' That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons apd in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improy�eer r l g total cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council --- — -------------------- 192 ---- OCT 21 21 Approved ---------------------------192 - ity Clerk. -.---1-✓--=---- - - - -4-y------ Mayor. CouncilmaMOMMY9UM Barfuss a Councilm COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By-------------------- ---------- y'YePglFingreSayfr Cpfient tlloeldl �+ a� L9 rain atree - rlort� _71na af: t)I{enRa ?larch -�&: e feet for drlvi. ltinninj(_:�iu Doini th .::t ailce. bort- north=aideYgC ,r ;Inning, et a-::; 1.�5t�alne 4 i3.;;. 105504 . INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__ re$eiriag, relaying and reconstructing- cement tile Sidewalk on the _flg9t aim Qi'_S9,&repe _gtreet,_beg��nixlg_at the north line of_Eaet_Fourth Streets thence Point 4grth A_feet; kt§k-oe nort4_20 feet for_drigev_ray_oonatruotioag beg-inniag at s ----- het_ _ farther p9rtha_thenoe_north 8_feets and on_the_north aide of East Fourth____ 84 Ye ,fit;gats beginnipg_at_s_poiirt_6 fest went of_the east_line of_C�resa Street,_thenoe a, ------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 10520? --- — --------------- approved ___ September G5,_ 19$6___ ---__- The Council of the City of Paul.,bavibg jteivsd.the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and,having.,eonsidered.said 'report, hereby resolves: 1. That the sald'ieport •and the same is hereby approved and adopted; and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be, proceeded with. 2.`, That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--- epair+relay_ end'____ . t reoonstruot oement_,tile_sidewalk_on the east side- of Cypresa_Street, beginning -at--- She.north lice of Eeat Fourth Street thence_north 18 feet; thence north 20 feet ----- ----------s-- ------------------------------------ for drivewar_construnt ons begsinninps at a point 64 feet farther north, thence north ------ - ;. >, b _$_YR@�,_4Ad_4A #e4 _iltSie :4f_East_onrth street_beginning at a �oint_6 feet west of d sufficient the eeat line of Cyprsee Street, thence east 18 feet, except where good an -Ilaiwa'ITta already a iii =------------p-8FF-:8are foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cosi t'& O'ls $r0.2,_s lag_atd tile; $.11 lay new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said'improvement on the__ 1Ytli._ _ day of Ho_v_ember _ _ yi,192,_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City; Hall Building in the City of St. Piful.' That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons apd in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improy�eer r l g total cost thereof as estimated. - Adopted by the Council --- — -------------------- 192 ---- OCT 21 21 Approved ---------------------------192 - ity Clerk. -.---1-✓--=---- - - - -4-y------ Mayor. CouncilmaMOMMY9UM Barfuss Councilm Fiadlaa 1 Con acilm ' Pearce 1 a Couneilma Peterson "�� Ir- Councilmadg5W iei�t-`9F3 Truax Gahan' i'UBLISHED �d ��� Mayors-3 Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ 4 ------- e-------------------------------------- �6� of:;blay�ng, re• nng aement:tn; ,,;ifae ar Wiide}:F yolnt HO ree 'a• �tu�i 70gfee! nor' - " ha rabort i-�' INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ relating& repairing snd reoonatruoting aement file sidewalk on_the eea'i:�Jaida�of _Ifi].der_AYanua.-bag.inning-et.a-pniat_2R�eet.scuth_ef_�hs_santl�J.im.u�._ Ashland Avenue, thenoe south to a point_ 70 feet north of alley*_ ------------------------ ------------------ under Preliminary Order____105206 ____approved _____ September 25, 1836 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having_ considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to; be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ relaya rein_ arid____ seoanat_oemeat_tile_atrlawalk_on_t he_seat_aisle_cY.�ildsz..B.ssnua.�_l�aginning.at_a._ goint 20_ feet_ southof the sbatth line of Ashland Avenue, thence south to a_poirtt_70 loot north uf_a.L1QY� aanaRt 8hexe_gund_anti_suP�tQisa� _sis�atxslka _alr_a�QY-��i��1 ______ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated copstrthere. is $f ._is2.sy.Jd tile, $.11 lay new tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--_ l7th ----------- day of _ November -------y _--- 191R._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of .Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council--- OCT Q 1 -•----s----, 192---- �-Q1' -- Z ------- Approved ---------- Q -f-121- ---192--- City Clerk. Mayor. Couneilm Rarfuss Councilm" I;ndiaa Couneiim Pearce Councilm Peterson CouncilmaV4 d Truax •�� PfJBLISHED Mayor Gehan 3P Form B. S. A." F 9iF o� revetytng rolv5lii �avB:. A oemagb aUlllgi. � ears�aei is �ten�o°t�f� ptadi'y Order 10489y - nbgr 25 1938 :`- d;hq Ctty oiiatr � 'the-xeDort' or he-- m -iwco v on,t d. has' qqa, COUNCIL FILE NO______________ " o By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of-_re�airingl_ relsyiag_and_reoonstrnotLA the cement tile -sidewalk on bgth eidee_of_Fremont Street from Aroade Street to Mendota Street, ________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- ----- --- under Preliminary Order___lOfi20b - _----___approved _ September 25,- 19361----- The Council of the City of, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 1. That the'said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2: That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_re�siri_ relevy- and _ reoonstruot'the cement tile sidewalk on both sides of Fremont Street from Arcade------------ " -- --- y4trest to_�lepgiot�_Streett__exo�t where .good and_suffioient side_walka_slread3r exist, --------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereo�sgt $.07 old file re aid. 17th Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the________�______daq of November 151n___, at the how of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give.notjce of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and,place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_-_ ------ 192____ Approved-------- � Mayor. Councilman jkjWjWWmj Berfuss �1 Councilman 1RVWwMW= Findlan Councilman Pearce k Counci1manmVjx1gs==W Peterson k �LTSl13ID CouncilmandhsfltetWff= Truax Mayor Wdonm Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 ;.4 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER - Inihe Matter of_ relying, repairinp� sad reconstructing oement _tile sidewalk on the �cxt�_alitla_aP_YLiu��r_ gtra���_ kagi�sig_at the west line_ of _Park A_v_enae�_ theme west 2_Yaat----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- x--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- I under Preliminary Order--------- 03 A___ --approved ___ September 25----19Mti _------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ rels�r1 rePsir and____ reconstruct cement tile_eidewalk_on the_ south_ side_ of Winter -Street, beginning at: the west hne_of_Park Aveuue� thence west_82 feet_ except where food -and sufficient -side - i walksalready eaietl ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------- `----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- er are foot 11 new tiles x•07 old jtile relaid with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thrreo�s� __________J :__ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ 17th ____day of November --____-___ 191_6__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the,City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciljCT 21_Ws192__-- W 211996 - -- --- --=--:--------- Approved---------------- ------- -192- City Clerk. ------- -- Wit'/-----=- `r = ----- Mayor. Councilman I Barfuss CouncilmanAffiffidlIMFindlan Councilman Pearce Councilmang-00,1m Peterson 1 Councilman M -*MN= Tniax pfTtlrrcrarm )w Mayor Gehsn Form B. S. A. 8.6 L -:403V66eg 105508 NO .... ..... . ...... . .. — ----- - --- Etattev, of, COUNCIL FILE 6th e r B d ........... lle Or pn .....By , IRW CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for changing the'grade of East and West Alley in Block 2s Sunnyside Addition, and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition from the North and South Alley to a point 290 feet west of the North and South Alley, to conform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by a blue line thereon, also gredingthe alleys in Block 2, Sunnyside Addition and Block 4, Jefferson Park Addition Prom Stanford Avenue to Berkeley Avenue and from the North and South Alley to Albert Avenue to the proposed red line when established, ................................. . under Preliminary Order.._ ................ .................. Intermediary Order Final Order -...101299 . ..................... _ .......... approved Lugus:L -- - --------------------------------- ----- 19._3b. The assessment oL nd . . ........... . .. . .......... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER; That a publie=hearing be had on said assessment on the._.-:_......-_ 18th. -_day Of November ......................... 19.�_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court .................. House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. �)_l 21 Adopted by the Council --------------------------------------------------------- .............. City Clerk. Appnved ................. off .. 2.1-193-6 -19 _G ....... ....... . ...-.1......--I Mayor. Councilmaraftumr-w--la Barfu8s _CouncilmanXVrgn=7..71_1 -Q Fi,ndlan Councilmanafth1fmd �2 CouncilmanEndheimer- 7,, Truax Mayor ENIPW F— B, R. 17 COUNCIL FILE NO_ ........ _......___........... ._.. By__ __.._._._ _....___ ..._..___....._....__... a 105509 qnd exF uses.. ret to onnon_; - nry Order, _a cµ t K i CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both sides of Onega Street from Congress Street to Concord Street 103008 ......, Intermediary Order ----_...10317b - -•-•----------------..._. under Preliminary Order-•.------_...-•------------------•-•.------• Final Order _............... 103-4jSQ....................... approved...ALPTA -_ Ll -s--.._._.......----_. ------------------------- 19.N--• The assessment . _ ..............fur and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ...._... lftb.............day of, November ............................... 19-.!§, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. QCT 211936 Adopted by the Council -------- _..._.......---------------- ,D ql ..._--..-....i'.Q.�./( ............... City _ aCity Clerk. V Appmved.....................---...--------...----•---.19......... Mayor. Councilman Bnrfuss Councilman&Sff!# a Findla. Councilman . Itlsjd1;,=3 Yete Councilmanrann mer�:2 Truax o 3. �.. PI78LISHED�� � �� Mayor Geha••. F— E. R. 17 COUNCIL FH,E NO.__. . ..... By-- _ ..__........ _• _ .. __ _........ G CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, coats and expenses for grading alley in Lane's Fairview Villas from Fairview Avenue to Bast line of Wellesley Place, 103050 103403 ander Preliminary Order -----------------------------------••-•-----._-..., Intermediary Order...._.-__..---._..._•----------.:;..---------------•, Final Order--------------- 103640- ..... -...., approved :............. -May ._1p-,: ........ __-.------------------ -_ benefits, costa and expenses ........... for and in connection with Theassessment o£--------------_-•------....------.-.....__-_.-.-.... .....----.._---._- the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the .......... 18t4 --day of Nover---................... ------, 19--3k, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, _and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. OCT Q 1 IAV Adopted by the Council ..................................................... .... ...- y s� CC _- 4�1- "`�'�'.' ., City Clerk. APpruved-------------------�.ey Fal..e.°'i9.. ......... / •«-_ Mayor. Councilman Barfuss �„ConncihnanFFREigaa¢B,`M Findlan r CouncilmandlWilah .-13 Peterso w® Couneilman eieadr -7 Truax �BLISIIED �� 02� �� Mayor Oehan Form B. B. 17 FOUNCIL FILE NO__.... ..._...__. _ ..__ Bq_ _..- __ _ ..-_ __......._.. .._..._.. 105511 CITY OF ST. PALM Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses grading Onega Street from Congress Street to Concord Street, for 102468 0274. under Preliminary Order...0.2..................................... Intermediary Orden1 ....._..-...-_.............._.................. 102907 -... - ... a roved - Februa? ! 25,---- ---•-••----------.__-- 19.-36 Final Order.:.;.:>.----------------- approved __. The assessmento$_ ..._benefite�•_eoets._and,•ex,-enSLgq..,_•_-.._---._-•_------for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the 18th- ..day of Zgpgemker.-........ --- 19... 6, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. A Adopted by the Council ............ CT �+. .W.6..• ............... • 9 1.!!. .._........ City Clerk. Appseved ..............��i�••Fr t .19......... _..._...y -/ Mayor. Councilman may' .�-Y71 B:lr(„ss nncilman Fergusow.-, n,?! n n_.._ •t..__.. --seen ..la -.,.., �. Councilman d%hlaad_.. 1 � er}on O Councilman @ndheimer A Truax Mayor Gehan Fora H. B. 17 Odalod to Cky Ctaek CWherea Ubb3tA BY (3 H eouttmt. 1055i N s CITY OF ST & Ottlll iieee NIC tela ;earvleea tq +. - OFFICE OF .THE CI In ¢aaaeetaon tth Yh6 exw: t ducted for tda'ee[eeuan CO uNcIL RESOLUTION u. p�Yeln 1tad dae='preeoated a. CNa oud n aP; stasa, wax :. Yl, eaeiok eR bD t� Chatrml t ' kiim TED BYtNat�the R......._ ..._ ... ......_ s ^eY pro. '1;;^rl , S'COMMISSIQN ......:w ...... .. ._.. ... .: are hera4Yre�. i .. - - - ,_ -. �l,t{41 fit•. .. _ . WUN MEN Yeas / B ues N s /dlan rce........... ....... In favor 4"on 7 etr;el lM 6•)6 - Mr• Vice r're&iile};t (lt'N�%.;.,. Adopted by the conn«i OCT 22.1936_:_is3- Md [[R MVNICIIAL IINARC[ OAIOIF[• A[[OCIATIOR BRAD FORD, CU MMINS AND CUMMINS ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS 330 MINNESOTABUILDING awOFORD .AglN. w.cuM MINS :SAINT PAU L, MINNESOTA Y'E.CUM MIN4 MANDT TORRISON —EOH. P. BRADFORD October 20, 1938. Mr. Harold F. Goodrich City Comptroller Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: The enclosed bill of Ottilie Hess should be paid. This is the only item of expense incurred by the Police Commission and we will appreciate it if the proper steps can be taken so that Miss Hess receives check for the amount of the bill. If there is anything further the Commis- sion needs to do in order to have it paid will you kindly advise. . Very truly yours REOumminB :MH V'61�A" RAMSEY COUNTY -. OFFICE OF DISTRICT COURT REPORTER a� i 5,21 SAINT PAUL MINNESOTA September 29, 1936. Ray C11 ix}s, Esq., Member of the Commission consisting of Ray Cummins, George Lawson & John Feuhling, St, Paul, Minn. To Ottilie Hess, Dr. To reporting proceedings on September 3, 1936, in re Examination of Applicants for position of Chief of Police, - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $10.00 Received Payment, 0r1pt,.1 to VItr OA k 105513 CITY OF xo:Yosat3 ss ns =cap NO...................._... hereag the atpAA OFFICE OF THE e.be dtQ, ,ro.n euObfttte°et:3x ttla: Stour U CIL RESOLUTION—'.�!�ybpi°�°�p8� g°i `4: 1d 4nlhbe1tdh MSORCOM a/ iN aAecd:G eiser ; ecnMm°AT, +n� tttb sri,�i, tt•� t mf• 11hereas, the Sinking Fund Committee did on October 14, 1936 ask for bide to be submitted from time to time on various county and village bonds of the State of Minnesota, totalling $977,000, held in the General and Water Slnk,'ing.Punds, and Ahereas, bide were opened in the Mayor's office at 2130 P. M. Wednesday, October 21, 1936, and the /inking Fund Committee recommend-, that 'the Council conal3i in the action of the Committee and accept the following offerst COUPON NAME OP 37EN iam OF Bom EARS 111fO1TNT MATURITY I'M ;": Pslman dt Co. Marshall County, Minn. a 57,000 Aug.I,1 _ 99 Funding and Refunding Harold E. Wood Swift County Refunding 4 & 5% 64,000 Feb. 1,1954 98 and Company Whereas, the Conncil'is of the opinion that the above offers should be accepted, therefore be it, ' Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and t they are hereby authorized and directed to constmmmate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfpgg $-3 Vindlan P! lspui 1(///V/// Pearce llossrr r.... _..:._...An favor 1 YP&L...'!Against Weuzel I�Ve@7 3M 13.35- . -Vice , t stdent (Traas) ,Adopted by the Coune L_" .193__.. Approved_....__OCT22j _._193_.... Mayor VUBLISHED �Q od.l.aW aty F N . =opt,—aY u �,� 105514 IV CITY OF ST PA� Proleci@1u19 OFFICE OF THE Cl �nasltttrom°`a�`a3eis`o . ' L6t•tII&:,tomDl ttot:. COUNCIL RESOLUTION---S3ENEIc reabB; tna C W, .,d -extra@ to an@b - _ � addtttonal time PRESETED N BY - gd hat tae tim iw•-- •-•-�- •"_""'_"' COMMISNSIONER._...���-- ' of-, calci �oatr(u„ '..li@reb¢ ext@ndc , ea WHEREAS, in the project known as Project 1019-R Minnesota, relating to the City Market, which contract is with Lindstrom & Anderson, the time specified for the completion of said contract was October 1, 1936; and WHEREAS, the Council has heretofore ordered extras to such contract, which require additional time to complete; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the time for the completion of said contract be and the same is hereby extended to and including November 5, 1936, and the proper City officers are hereby authorised and directed to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance fierewith; be: it FURTHER RESOLVED, That this resolution shall not have any ;force or effect unless the surety on the bond of said contractor` consents thereto and files such consent with the City Comptroller. COUN91LMEN Adopted by the Council ........._0.CiT_12,e....193F.193...... Yeas Na usa �FYY//// QCT X219$6 In favor Approved .............................................._...................193Pd`an.... ZZe rawMayor / Againet.i....... l ...... ......... .......... ........ /Wenzel 'YUDLISHED Jr/ .� 4Ivfr ale ent 3M 636 �- 11jCC L rialdent (Truasi ERNEST W.. JOHNS( W. LA MONT KAUFMAN - - Supt. of Pla Supt. ;of Parks CHAS. Arch CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital I of, Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUP City.HA DPUBLIC BUILDINGS FRED M. TRUAX Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, D.puly Commisslorwr October 22, 1936 Hon. H. C. Wenzel commissioner of Public utilities Saint Paul, Minnesota Rt: City Market Dear Sir: The Lindstrom.& Anderson contract for Project 1019-R Minne- sota, which is the City Market, was completed prior to Oet- ober 1,'1936, which was the.date set for the completion of the contract. On account of extras for steel brackets for name holders and number holders for each rented space for new additional stalls, also the painting of stalls and lettering of sheds, an extension of time is required,as_these brackets are made of a steel frame which are to be `secured to; the columns, Because of this extra, I recommend that the contract be ex- tended to November 5, 1936. I would like,to have this exten Sion of time approved by the City Council. Yours truly, �ts Architect ii I Yo DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL t05515 COUNCIL JCCYY OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. --------- ------------------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL p COUNCIL RESOLUTION coNRov IuS Maw- arA FAVOR OCt Ob®r_�_________________79_36 CO AUDITED CLAIMS -- - PE CE ,++ R � Q8XO�ARery SOU f `/ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAW ON THE CITY TREASURY. IIenS 1• V TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_�_ _-____. COVERING 6 Q ��! CHECKS NUMBERED___ �JmT_TO_____ _ ___. INCLUSIVE, AS d(jy A ?e PER CHECKS ON FI I T- OFFI TH ITY CO TROLLER. Mr. Vice . L .aUc ruax n /// ADOPTED BY THE COU CIA _ - APPROVED____ _�1 .___ __ CITY c ROLLER_____ J -�� _ ___________ ____ __-----------AYOR BY- _ _ __ _--- _----------------- TOTAL ______________TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I • 29259 1 Frank R. Lamb j A 0 29260', tieola Heath & M.Hurphy 29261; Frelseis Cons.Company 18� 1 29262'il Frelseis Cons.Oompany 6,_, 29263 Pederson Brothers Company b2�1 29264 Amerioan Sporting 69ods Oomp y 261, 0 29269,1 S. Berglund Lumber Company 29266:; Braunig & Sons Bakingg Company 142;3 29267' Capitol Stationery Hfg.Comp ,y 3271 5 29264; Farwell, ozmun, nrk & Comp y 29269'. Joesting & Schilling Company,, 341 1 29270 4 W.W. Soepke 29271 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 7� 5 29272', Mrs. Arletta Shipman 29273,', Simonson Lumber Company 16522II0 29274 Wm. R. Ziegler Company,Ino. 4 b5 29275 Angelo Bruni 10 0 29276 i Mae Rivers 64 0 29277', Frank Romooky l I i I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL •��� COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL L`A'LL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. --- --- wealWa as COUNCIL RESOLUTION /� 2j u&v. _ anN FAVOR .____QotQber__21__________________7916___ ----M � aroe, Pet eon, AUDITED CLAIMS -� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE 4RAWNON THE CITY TREASURY. • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-4.-#_62]_90 COVERING SUDMEIME Pres GO�/��.�4--,---� i'� YON CHECKS NUMBERED___-FTO-C JTZ-.QQ"�, COMPTROLLERS Mr. V1C� � j{E1Co�.CIL-------------------------------- a--- _ ____ ________ ___ff UU1 r, ____ PER CHECKS ON FILE OFTF a Sn' APPROVED-_� _ '. t�-r, _ ____ - - _ ____ _ - -__ f_4_ __e%rCITy comp LL[R - i i -- BY__ __ _ __ _________________ MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF JJ RETURNED NUMBER. TgANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK 6CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD • 29278 Jobn Lennon 40 00 29279 C.A. Pearson, Inc. 46 '7- 29290 ', C.A. Pearson, Ino,5 10253 29281 Pioneer Maple Products Compare'r 2 173 29282 r, Rex Linen Supply Company 68'10 29283 2 The Seagrave Corporation 1161 29281} :; Service Joe Company 1 2 08 29285 W.O. Simonson Company,Ino. 29886 11 1.0, Simonson Oompany,Inc. 29267 i R.S. Stahl company 276 6 16 o 29288 ! Standard Brands,Ino. 49 29289 Standard,Vnit Parts Company 1__ 2 29290 The Sta-f s Company,Ino. 5U 2 29291 Stott Briquette Company,Ino. 19 .6 29292 ' Superior Refining Company "29293 swift & company 66 0 129294 II Transit Supply company 1 ?37 0 X129295 '! Twin Ogt-Hardwood Lumber Com any j4 p0 Ii 29296 Twin Cit Sawdust Company 129297 ilTwin City Supply Company 3a 6 1129298 ;Twin Disc Olutoh Company .129299 rUnder,ood-Elliott-Fisher Comp' y 34 0 1129300 j�U.S. rpaum company 15 1i 29301 Utliver'asl Sign Company „29302i'university of Chicago Press 51 00 29301 1University of $.C.Press 29304 1jValley Iron Works, Inc. 230 83 ,29305 '!Van Paper Supply Company 36 86 X50 11129306 Victory Printing Company 29307 !Ivillaume Boz & Lumber Company' 154 g7 !29308 Geo.?* Walker & Company,Ino. 2434 6 '1;29309 11 Geo. Warner & Company 129310 j'9ashburn-Orosby Oompany,Ino. 18 0 29311 dWashington Foundry Company 111 3 129112 Webb Publishing Company j4 0 ii 29313 W. L. Weber 213 5 11;29314 'R.E. Wedelstaedt Company 1129315 ;';Weinman Pump Mfg. Company 3 7 !29316 ;i M.I. Welch Company 33 5 '29317 jw.M. Welch Mfg.Company 232 1 . 29318 .1 W.M. 'Welch Mfg.Company 29319 West End Lumber & Supply oompony 75 0 18 0 129320 "Western Sign Company 29321 " Testinghouse Electric Supply Company 83 21 49 29322 `Qestlund Is Market :129321 R.B. Whitacre & Company 22 0 ;,29324 �i1The white Motor Company 66 0 129325 Jobn 0. Winston Company 606 '29326 �lWolters Brothers 26 6 29327 !Woodburn and Brandi 113 5 ;29328 'World Book Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD I Ij 7 Cop _� 11 509 1g_9„ y32 f 1 O �A'heeeae"tAe'Oomm� t IV �(� Original to Cit Lderk - 91aya'robnAs and'PubT B .. U� tl Sorted to the,Coundll tb , eOfea. NO.. 9 CITY OF �mbinatlop st a and ��–"' ' 1 °: "7heaet oornor of Ce OFFICE OF THE C11 Gwy •reet'26 COUNCIL R LOTION—GENERhI:$ t PA b '` 4k ad' ' COESEN.T ONE .Trani "MUS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pu4 o Buildings has reported to the `Council that that certain combination 'store and dwelling on the northeast.00raor of Central Avenue and: Lehi Street, known as No. 836 West Central Avenue, on Lot 11, Block 40 Drina e b Deweyls Addition, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be It RZBOLVBD, That a public hearing be had upon the f4viekbility and necessity of wrecking said building, on thsplr'�eldrodesa 1936, at ton o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and laity Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Kinnesota; be it . !'BATHER RB$Efh'118D; 'The►t _Isat less tiiau -ten days 'prior. to .6ke time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Pabllo;Buildings shall mail to the last knee record owner of amid property, at his last °known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also-cauee a notice of suoh hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hear 11 COUNCILMEN 0 OCT 23 106 Yeas Ns Adopted by the Council. ........ .......... _...... _... 193..._ Pearce Peterson OCT 2 3 193b i ;,, 193 R d ,PFaJ.f ......---J4.-Againfft --•---In favor � Approved .......... ----_.... ...._... _.. Truax W��t?1 R4 /y y - y Wenzel ? Mr. President (Gehan)i ass u•aa 1 tUBLISHED �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL`��" Capital of Minnesota �! OFFICE OF CITY CLERK - L. R. Jr. FEROUSON Clty Clerk and Commissloner or Reg6stration September 29th, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter of Chas. A. Bassford, City Architect, recommending condemnation of the combination store and dwelling on the northeast corner of Central and Louis, known as 235 hest Central Avenue, described as Lot11, Block 4, Drake & Dwweyle Addition was referred to you, by the Council, for the preparation of a resolution setting a date of hearing on this condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. -- ERNEST W. JO4SON.. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt.'of Farb CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL, itaI' Minnesota Gap DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND, PUBLIC. BUILDINGS 447j* Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL L SPEAKES. Deputy Commiuloner September 29, 1936 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: - Please be advised that there is a combination store and dwelling on the northeast' corner of Central and Louis, known as 235 West Central Avenue, described as Lot 11,.Block 4, Drake &`Dewey's Addition. This is a one story frame build- ing. The; roof, sills, and siding are rotted, all floors are out of level, the front part is used for the storage of plumbing materials, while the rear part is arranged for liv- ing quarters, which are at present unoccupied. The build- ing.is in a disgraceful condition, and is dangerous to life, limb,'and adjoining property. A Danger card ;was posted September 19 and the owner is Ruford G. Patton, C/O Frank and Rose Lawler, Basement 170 Summit Ave- nue. May we ask that condemnation action be instituted in accord- anee with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yo s trul �y, '�� Architect LAR..0 Ijxh� � LP, � � October 7th, 1936• Yr. John L. Connolly, Corporation counsel, Building. Dear Birt In the matter of the condemnation of a ballding at 235 1Test Central Avenue, described as Lot 11: Blocl: 4, Drake & Dower's Addition, the City Council referred this mattor to you and the Commissioner of Finance for a report as to whether the taxes orassessment$ are delinquent on this property and if they are delinquent to determine whether or not the Council can legally condemn the building. Yours very truly, City Clerk. October 7th, 1936. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Comer of Finance, Building. Dear Biro In the matter of the condemnation of a building at 235 West Central Avenue, described as Lot 11, Block u, Drake & Deway's Addition, the City Council referred this, matter to you and the Corporation Counsel for a report as to whether or not the taxes or assessment are delinquent on this property and if they are delinquent to determine whether or not the Council can legally condemn the building. Yours very truly, City Clerk. September 6th, 1936. Son. Hied M. Truax, Coms'r of P.P. d P. Bldge., Building. Att1 Mr. Chas. A. B,e d Dear Sirs The City Council ordered a resolution drawn setting a date for hearing in the matter of the condemne,- tion of a building at 235 v1. Central Avenue on your recommenda- tion. The Council requested that you determine whether or not there are any delinquent taxes or assessments levied against this property and if it is tax delinquent to determine whether or not the Council can legally condemn the building. Tours very truly, City Clerk. AXEL F. PETERSON JOHN C. FELDMANN conmiwoner Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief (Jerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier Ootober 8, 1936. L. R. S. Ferguson, , City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs Replying to your request for a statement of delinquent taxes and assessments on property at 236 West Central Avenue relative to the condemnation of building at that address, 2 wish to report delinquent taxes and assessments from 1927 to 1934'amounting to $660.19 as per attaohed statements. Yours ver truly, Axel .Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. Memorandum Statement of Delinquent Taxes RETURN THIS*STATEMENT WHEN z a' YOU REMIT Auditor's Office, Ramsey County, Minn., C 193 Make Checks Payable to Statement delivered to Treasurer, Ramsey County, Minn. All Checks must be Certified Address_ - 1. Svc[ 1 T -. I... TOTAL D.. f Sale Am c i� I um[ _ T�xil Ii. nU — _-- ------ --/ - -- — % AL >U 'Twe vW _'� I_�_� 5� - I� GENEEU o N- Leel rmv j Tiuc —II W. e= a am i ce' tit NAME OF FORCE A6Ea Dascan-TION zKY-C-fifl�<,cf_•¢.' tj Iit I 1 Gc r,-r� [. �rU '. =+(, t�•r . `� (c'.r =t�` I� y1. t �i477 14J % if - _ 0, a/ - - f 'i %7 o U a-._ . _ t - {.- a d : ' 9 tam (91 r -. ` 1 v �� I -- - I ✓'� - , Zl /! - if I Ir - I — . , - i 1_ L 4_11j� i I Intent Figured to........... .193----_� GEO. J. RIES, County Auditor ��.-- It CITY OF SAINT PAUL • WRETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT .._ STATEMENT DELIVERED TO ADDRESS OFASSESSMENTS RATIFIED BY THE COUNCILOF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND CONFIRMED BY T)RE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR RAMSEY COUNTY =-= -----------------.� ----- '– – -- -- - -- –in .-.D to of NotimlIAME OF"IMPRAVEMENT 'AND DEHCRIFTIO� Loi., Hlock :Ir, . .� —�. s e%fo tromp Iwe�eollm�e m II TOTAL It. O tttoo Aea �I;r Io��mani. PAGE 'I t.rA,mnw.wrNm�r i or Range I ADD 7jON minet llinante gto Comty. Au�me ;Balmce �M . My Yeat r - ue �I. PmdeY I, 110. Dog Year & Um' T .. } -... 7 177f, im y �Q P'�s 7 1 n' it (._ i _ If ' if if it it r i -- -- If AI{ '.Il ' � .� m n— it - CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE 'MAKING PAYMENT. /i MMI16tONt 1r w FINANCE INTEREST FIGURED TO //^/^ I.S -KINDLY. NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. - _ .aup— d:�e nou�.ww � ...N I...h.l,ir Eceh I.—M osvui®e. f the fir itu CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT October 6, 1936 Mr. Charles Bassford City Architect City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: Relative to the legal situation with respect to the right of the City Council to condemn dangerous build- ings on property on which taxes are delinquent, about which you orally inquired the other day, please be advised that it is the opinion of this office that the statute forbidding the removal of buildings on tax delinquent property does not apply to the removal by public authorities of dangerous structures, and therefore, the Council and your Department may proceed to remove them. The statute is intended to pre- vent the owner from taking a building out from under the tax lien, thus depriving the State or other purchaser of proper- ty they are entitled to receive if the lien is foreclosed. Yours very truly, (Signed) Edwin Murphy Assistant Corporation Counsel EM. X W. LA.MONT KAUFMAN ERNESTYYHNSON .M of Pub M Supt, of Pteygmundi CHAS. k BASSFORD City Amhit*d CITY OF SAINT PAUL capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hell FRED M. TRU^ Commissioner CARL E SPEAKES, Deputy Commiulenrr -ew® October 22, 1936 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: In reference to the building at 235 West Central Avenue, described as Lot 11, Block 4, Drake & Deweyts Addition, which was condemned by this Department. The reason for this condemnation is on account of the roof, sills which are a part of the foundation, and the siding are rotted. All floors are out of level and the building is bulged. In its condition, it is dangerous to life, limb, and ad- joining property. The owner refuses to make any repairs. Yours truly, i Architect CAB..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 20th, 1936. Hon. F. M. Truax, Coms'r of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred back to you the attached resolution and file in the matter of the proposed condemnation of a building at 235 W. Central Avenue with the request that you confer with the Commie - stoner of Finance relative to the delinquent tax situation and for your further consideration. Letters of Commissioner Peterson and &dwin Murphy, Assistant Corporation Counsel with reference to the tax situation are"also attached. Yours very truly, City Clerk. od¢..1 w city cm,k COMM IL CITY OF ST. PAUL COM NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY%1.._. _—_ COMMISSIONER.....:._........._ ............ ...............................................DATE.._._.._ ......._ {8—By.;Axet F. Pete -� ielie['to g. 11, ,+ relatfvo to dell+ lmepte;on .. , vl lLptY;iton;i lF. .: WHEREAS, Alice J. Godfrey, has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on Lot 10, Block 5, Como Heights Addition, and will ereot a dwelling house on said property if the application is granted, and WHEREAS, the delinquency totals the sum of $858.88 plus interest,penalties and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the aim of $007.10; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however that the sum of $90.66 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $207.10, and that the sum of $90.66 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $258.88, plus interest, penalties and ousts. COLMEN YeasNa uss Flan �1L' rce Pyrerson �I s ....._ In favor %} c/..._..... Against :Irrrel President (Gehan) 7M 636 Adopted by the Council „...:.,._Or'T 2 31936193..... 111211936 193_ . Approved ............................... _........ ............. _... G= .......... j�........ d --- mayor 4'UBLISHED cou"' NOAM9. C11; T PAUL —x OFFICE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES6L410, L . ORM . .... ............... DATE All Y- .- 7-/-, ............. Octt.'-22 . ..... FVBSOMUM WHEREAS, on June 15, 1936, Permit 61163 was issued to Hans 0. Sorenson, 484 Winona Street, to erect a canopy and do alteration work at 612 South Smith Avenue, and WHEREAS, the matter of the construction of the canopy comes under the jurisdiction of the Dejurtment of Public Works, and the said Hans 0. Sorenson is entitled to a refund in the amount of $15.00; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to3Bfund to said Hans C. Sorenson the sum of $15.00 heretofore paid for permit for the erection of said canopy. T COUN MEN Zen Na In favor E.son Against x Z., 1)0� President (Gehan) 3M .636 0";' 23190 Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... ap'-f 9,3 193 Approved........ ... ........ ................... . ....... .......... 193 .. ............ I .... ....... . .e, _. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN S.Pt. of Parti ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF 105519 PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 city Han FRED M. TRUAX Comtninioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiwloner .OW® October 20, 1936 'John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel Department of Law Dear Sir: On June 15, Permit 61183 was issued to Hans C. Sorenson, 484 Winona Street, to erect a canopy and do alteration work at 612 South Smith Avenue for Robert R. Johnson, for which permit a fee of $15.65 was charged. Through Council action, the matter of the construction of the canopy was found to come under the jurisdiction of the Public Works Department. Therefore, the Contractor, Mr. Sorenson, is entitled to a refund of $15.00 for the canopy permit. May we ask you to take care of this refund in the usual way? Thanking you for your cooperation, I am Yours truly, Commissioner LAR..0 FOR CONTRACTOR • CITY OF SAINT PAUL Dl\'18ION OF IHIVDING INSI-W tON PERMIT • 1 2 S34 1 TOTAL FEE COLLECTED X,/,, �;- . ��.�' _ Date 193 DOUG E FE C LECTED Structure �A /,', 4 Structure ACCOIiNT 0WDlI ANCE Used As VIOLATION Permit No. PERMISSION 19 HEREBY GRANTED Owner / �Ij;U % Address " Address Contractor • To c .ry d thework ap cified thi permit on thef IIoR ng de. 'had property, pon the expre.. --di i.. that id per.on. end Minne.ote. their agent., empl yes. d Workmen, ouch ork done eh ll —rii r null re.pect. to the dinence. of the City of Suint Paul, lProvi.ion. Thi, permit be revoked at any time upon the violation of any of the of .aid ordinance • • BUIt:DING I ELECTRICAL PLUMBING I PLASTERING WARM AIR HEATING I SIGNS I BILLBOARDS I ELEVATORS OLD W FRABR I BRICK ICONCILLTEI STEEL ]ICTALi .NTED SECTING ZONTAL CAL I t'G VenI.0 BOOP VKIITI- Horlxont�lNC1iBBT • • TBLTR'EENRtATBT1lELTRr ///IQ�E/'/l L �j �� �� • "0"BLO �-T 1-110 I • ARU]lU1IF. No. Item Story NO Item story B INET IS. Lll HANG OPEN I CONCEAI CONDUPT CABLE RATER KITCHEN INSTALLIDLATION cweLT BINK ALTER REPAIR MO{'E WBECA • • KILO- )tATH WATTS WATTS TUH 'EA -C.- pANTAY BINIr No. EACH riIlINAL Two i..man Trer IFlrt.l FRONT OR WIDTH, IPE Tl eIDB oII LENGTH IFEETI DYNAMOS SHOWER IIITo"T.n • SIGNS BATH • F[YTUR EB TRANSFOR—Itbe1.W.te WASH BASL' LEADERS IIEIGDT (FRET) N-U6ffiER OF STORIES 6EFIB RAATOIt DRUB", • OIL BURNER SLOP RIDtH FOUNTAIN • COOK STOVES OAS STOVE GARAGE Flaar Dr.in 1'ROIECTION HETONDI F•OWEBT POINT OF HEATERS GA8 W.wr Be.lar C.rch Haeiv Corr¢ocUon HUB.DINO OB PROP- BION F.O. ERTT LINE IN FEEf I OBOUYD 1N FEET • • STOKER Ro(ri.enwt t'oNtlTItULTED OF MOTORS FIXTURES B.r elnc -- DN•+IN --- All.cell.neaus No. H. P. Each Fixture_No. cna DevlcF; slop. nnm GAe • • SIDE_ LIne.I Feet tlm11'Iiw oil I L'GB CONTENTS ESTIMATED VALUpT10N CUB OR SQUARE FEET_ OF WORK CEILING = — BL'pIKE88 ADVERT Or, WOBDING OP BlG:i CORDS A • CASE-- - WL\'UOW L HIS RHIT IBUEHHE FOR ERNMINr GOB IN OAP e IF E 5 T TOTAL BEIIEBr AUTFI0111EED UNTH, DEC. 8" or THIS YEAR. • • OUTLETS LIGHTS MOTORS Irl Applied on Lath a: ApPli d Leth ec L,pt to - O EiPecl to 9t 193 • • SWITCHES METERS_ CN�S,3I Start 197 ape121 6Ei.1, r• Fspect t e FLAT IItoN. Tnmwrme YW F ieh 193 FI Ithe PLUG REC. TOTALn Kind N.. Yd.. _ Yd.. Room Flats PENALTY FOR VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE 41• PROVISIONS OF BUILDING CODE. ORDINANCE-. No. 1210. FINE OF FROM FIVE DOLLARS TO ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS OR IMPRISONMENT ,Ci MM15510NER OF PARKS, PAR�HI-A—vUNDS AND P LIC ;UILDINCS . FOR FROM FIVE TO NINETY DAYI wEstMl Y 15M � 35 �, ■...ft prlatW WTh.R IlM.nr DD.,DWtm.GW.. U. B. A. Mgr < CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF, CITY "CLERK FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration October 22nd, 1936• Hon. I. G. Pearce, Coms'r of Public Yorke, Building. Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the at- tached resolution authorizing a refund to Hans C. Sorenson on account of permit issued by the Building` Department for the erection of a canopy and to do alteration work at 612 So. Smith Avenue. The Council desires to know whether this comes under the jurisdiction of the Public Works De- partment. Yours very traly, City Clerk. fI Ct� N 055 a.rb Wer cVr�7-�7 eouuw� CITY OF S.T. PAUL OFFICE E CITY CLERK k CO R SOLU I N ---GENERAL FORM L COMMIS ... ......... ......__ .... _...._. ...............DATE__......_..._ ..SiSiQ.�iQk......�....9W.. RESOLVED That liq�jlse for Fuel Dealer, application 1+952, applied for by the ]tel 2upply Co. at 219T Robbins be and the same is hereby granted and the City Clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the City Treasury of the required fees. n C'& M-ykuaxBaIrvnB C. H. :Resolved, that.lfenee'for Fuel Dealer. apyllcatton-1i962 :apDlled for by the d. Fuel 3upP19 Co. ay't;'197 RnWne be an Clerlcme ifnetrucC,bp'; toy fee ea Pooh 11 enso;.upon ttie-ye'Yµlrea Leeo the City: I Treasury of tha pp Adopt d by the�Councll Oct. 28 3988. Apyroved Oct. 23 3958. (Oct:,SY, 1988) OCT 2 3193 N LMEN Adopted by the Council...., _..:_lam -- Yeas Nays / Earfuls ' Pindlan QCT 2 3193 In favor Approved.,_..._....._...._._.._ 19=W_ / Pearce ,f Peterson t�:..............._...___.. / Ate' MQyor Trtlaa / �r en2e1 1 /ter. President (Gehan) • a October 20th, 1936. Hon. Fred M. Traax, ComsIr of P.P. & P. HUO- 3ullding. Dear Stri The City Council.laid for one day a resolution denying the application of the Fuel Supply Qonpany, E. E. Kendall, for fael dealers license at 2197 Robbins Street, at your suggestion. Ionre very truly, city Mork. CINDERING B. Friedman DAY L.Heleniak LOOP RIGHT W.Dalpe — DAY J.Neibart BRIDGES NIGHT _— W4Dalpe DAY Ward Fore. — WARDS C NIGHT Ward Fore. — CINDERING & SNOW REMOVAL 1936-1937 J. R. JOHNSTON SNOW PLOWING DAY NIGHT F.Peabodg J.Gleason LABOR AND HIRED TRUCKS J. Cotter MUNICIPAL EQUIPMENT Art Koch TIMEKEEPING F;Corooran SNOW REMOVAL Geo. Garen DAY L.Heleniak / LOOP RIGHT E.Elliott DAY J.Neihart j'BRIDGES NIGHT E.Elliott DAY — Ward Fore. WARDS NIGHT — E.Elliott THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS of the. INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 26, 1936 Hon Irving C. 'Pearce Commissioner Dear Sir: , In re: Snow Removal Organization for Season 1936-1937 Acting in accordance with your'instructions we the un- dersigned, Fred Driver and J.R.Johnston, have worked out a ten- tative skeleton organization f or'snow removal in the City of St - Paul for the season of 1936-1937, and present the same for your consideration. -- For the purpose of organization we have divided snow - removal into three main activities as follows: Cindering Snow Plowing Snow Removal In our opinion the supcess of any organization depends upon the personnel and especially in snow removal work,, We have, therefore, selected men in the employ of the Department of Pub- lic Works who we believe are best fitted by training and experi- ence to direct the various activities assigned to them. It is proposed that the entire organization will function under the or - dors of the undersigned and they will assume the responsibility for the work. If the proposed organization meets with your ap- proval, details of the operation. of same will be worked out as soon as possible and presented to you. For your information we present the following data in connection with snow removal work in the City of St. Paul. SNOW PLOWING: Miles of streets ?50, of which 200 miles are laid out in primary•routes and 550 miles into secondary districts. Equipment available for plowing owned by the, City: 29 single blade plows, S to 10 feet in length mounted on trucks li to 5 ton capacity, b A -2- 4 V -plows with wings mounted on tractors 1 Sno-King with tractor 2 Tract arcs and scarifiers 3 Motor patrols with scarifier teeth and blade 1 4 -wheel drive truck with hydraulic V -plow SNOW REMOVAL: Miles of streets from which snow is to be removed: Downtown loop district - approximately 10 miles, roughly thu a1sLrlot pounded as f ollows: Smith, from Kellogg Blvd. to College 10th, College to Wabasha Wabasha, 10th to 9th 9th, Wabasha to Robert Robert, 9th to 8th 8th, Robert to Broadway Broadway, 8th*to Kellogg Blvd. Kellogg Blvd., Broadway to Smith Outlying districts - approximately 30 miles Business district on East Seventh Arcade, E. 7th to Maryland Rice, Central to South Payne, Minnehaha to Maryland University, Park to Marion University; Kent to St. Albans University, Hemline to Fry on the north side and Asbury to Fry on the south side University; W. Lynnhurst to Prior University, Raymond intersection Dale; Sherburne to Aurora Dale; Dayton to Hague Dale, Grand intersection Marshall and Snelling intersection Selby; Summit to Chatsworth Selby, Saratoga to Fry Fairview and Selby intersection Grand, Dale to Lexington Snelling and Grand intersection Fairview and Grand intersection Cleveland and Grand intersection St. Clair; Brimhall to Macaloster St. Clair; Fairview intersection St. Clair, Cleveland intersection Randolph and Snelling intersection Randolph and Cleveland intersection -3- Minnehaha and Hamlin intersection Minnehaha and Snelling intersection Snelling; Charles to Shields Snelling, Dayton to Hague Snelling -and Como intersection West 7th, Seven Corners to Ramsey Lower business district on the west side Equipment available for this work is the same as noted for snow plowing except the addition of garbage trail- ers and 1a, 3, and 5 ton hired trucks for hauling of snow. CINDERING: Dangerous intersections and hills throughout the City. Equipment available for this work: 3 5 -ton dump trucks 10 ii -ton dump trucks Note: No city owned tracks will be used to haul snow or cinders when snow 'is being plowed. Trucks for this purpose must be hirod. The operation of the skoloton organization will oper- ate as follows: Mr. Johnston and Mr. Driver will issuo-all orders for eindering, snow plowing and removal of the same, the policy as to the extent of this work to be dotorminod by you. When it is doomed nocossaro cinder streets to reliovo hazards of traf- fio, Mr. Frio an will be directed to do this work. He"will so- ouro the necessary labor and trucks through Mr. Cotter. Whon the necessity for the plowing of snow is detor- mined by us, Mr. Peabody and Mr. Gleason will be notifiod, and they will request from Mr. Koch of the Bureau of Municipal Equip- ment, the necessary plows with drivors and helpers, and they will despatch tho plows and diroct the operation of some in the field. When it is doomod necessary to remove snow from the streets, that is to clean the streets, Mr. Garen will be advised of the extent to which it is desired to havo the snow removed, and he will direct the work of all snow removal throughout thn City. Mr. Garen will secure the noeossary common labor and hired tracks through Mr. Cottor and mechanical equipment with drivers and holpors from Mr. Koch; he will consult with Mr. Pea- body and Mr. Gleason as to the availability of snow plows and equipment used jointly. -4 - The timekeeping for the snow, removal work will be under the direction of Frank Corecran who will direct the erolls os work of as- sistant timekeepers and be responsible for all part' now removal work. So far no mention has been made of -snow fences. The Department owns at present approximately 12,,500 feet of lattice slats and 1,300 feet of railroad snow fences which are placed in the fall of the year at strategic points throughout the city to prevent formation of drifts. These fences will be placed under the De- partment to oopurchase an additional 10n of Mr. Garen. It ,000 feetsoflthisrf fence this e- this winter if possible before the ground freezes. It is almost impossible to estimate the cost for any of the activities mentioned, but from past experience we believe the folla*ing will serve as a guide for requestingone for this work. Cindering of the streets costs approximately y Vo000 per month for five months from November. to tdarch inclusive. Snow -plowing of streets of the city for a fall of 3 to 8 inches will cost between $4,500 to $6,000 depending uon whether the snow is wet or dry, and will require from 36 to 4� hours time. Snow re- moval of 3 to 8 inches will cost approximately as follows using available mechanical equipment and hired trucks for the,bauling of snow: Main loop district as outlined - $5,000 to $8,000 de- pending upon whether snow is wet or dry and will require two nights and three days. If snow is to be removed in outlying dis- triots as'outlined it will reqquire approximately five nights and six days and will cost from $6,000 to $8,000.. Securing of labor in the past for snow removal work has been extremely difficult. It is b ee6ming more and more so with the present government work going on. it is our desire to secure as many former employees of the department and men on Civil Ser- vice rolls as possible, but the very nature of the work makes it almost impossible to secure them under present Civil Service rules and regulations. We feel that the plowing of snow and the removal of same is an emergency which must be met at once as time is the essence of the success of the work, we suggest a con- ference with the Civil Service Bureau to the end that this situa- tion be clarified. we also request that active co-operation of the police department be secured in the interest of traffic safety. In conclusion we re iterate the desire to be given abso- lute authority for the issuance of all orders for catllned work and that our orders be final. Very trul yo s, . JRJ:S Approved: jiffG tj SHEPARDtyneor OIIIOINAL TO COUNCIL ND.105522 uTr CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL us APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM PER CHARTER SECTION 208 PRESENTED BY Oet- 22st- 1936 • RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. CODE APPORTIONED ITEM FROM TO 4-B2 Bureau of Registration,Offioe 4-A2 I(;ity Clerk*e OffiO690ffioe Exp. AMOUNTRP TRANSFERRED DR. CR. $ 50.00 $ 50.00 ,08622—By Axel F. Peterson,.) i�that the 1pilowlng transfers t .the books of the eomPtrol-; so, doing an unavoidable de certain Items. may be'..V by fere without hampering the rlded'by„thteIn 1n;the n. whioh the trans(@re •.are' ansferred'trom Code'4-82= Registration ONlce Expanse`. inferred,%., ode 4•A2--C1ty:- lee; office xpmse,' ' Eby. the dourell 00t.,23; 1938. d Oct 29, '938 1) , OCT 2 3196 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--. OUNCII 93— OCT 2 31936 APPROVED 193 - COUNTERSIGNED YES (y) COUNCILMEN (Y) NAYS PEARCE PETTERSERS ON 3Rfus.f IN FAVOR TRUAX ...F/ND y^I ,_AGAINST WENZEL - MR. PRESIDENT AMOUNTRP TRANSFERRED DR. CR. $ 50.00 $ 50.00 ,08622—By Axel F. Peterson,.) i�that the 1pilowlng transfers t .the books of the eomPtrol-; so, doing an unavoidable de certain Items. may be'..V by fere without hampering the rlded'by„thteIn 1n;the n. whioh the trans(@re •.are' ansferred'trom Code'4-82= Registration ONlce Expanse`. inferred,%., ode 4•A2--C1ty:- lee; office xpmse,' ' Eby. the dourell 00t.,23; 1938. d Oct 29, '938 1) , OCT 2 3196 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--. OUNCII 93— OCT 2 31936 APPROVED 193 - COUNTERSIGNED That Off Sale Wt Beverage license. 4471. On Sale Wt Beverage lioe' n0e, 3293, and Restaurant license. 7933, issued to Gas Olson, at 1021 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon reooibmendation of the Burgen, of Police for arrest and conviction of consumption of beer after hours. C. F. No., 1066232' -By IG, H. Bartuaa= F. M. "'1611 Resolved. tK.-t1101ffh1AaC14 polt-B—i.k. lieens6.4471-'On Sale' Malt Deveraxi 3; staUrant. Ifeengi Is- at1021 Ar.ad. be t 6 re hereby'revoked e Pon r .11- ofthe B._ for Pollee arrestan,l tIan of coo - gumption erhe.-.Ad. net. 23, 1936., Approved e 96. COUN911:MEN Yeas YS ..........././... In favor an Against W. .M 11(ft President (Gahan) OCT 231936 Adopted by the Council ........................ ........................... 193_ QW 2 3 Mk Approved......................................... 7 ... . .................... 193 . . ....... ...... Mayor �UNCI. 105524 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO............._ ..............._........ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC OLUT ---GENERAL FORM PRESt..E / __._... ..DATE.....Q6�'i,Qbe? 23,._.1-936 nnu tCf4i[.NE _�_..�.__...._....................._.._...__.. .... .. .. ...................... _... _ RESOLVED That the license for Barber. application #15132 applied for by Edw. J. Hofsebuite at 607 S. Smith Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 161 Renewal. COUNCIL14EN Yeas usa �F. ddlan 5 7,In .}._.... favor Against President (Gehan) DM 6ffff OCT 2 31936 Adopted by the Council.....................................................193...... 0@12 3 ir)� Approved................- ........ .................... ..................... 193....... .�._..._(.1/...... Iva or ....... Y psiaidl m Ci4 �di �1�I �"J�' PRES COMMIS ---••• RESOLVED CITY OF'ST. PAUL r« OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :OUNCIL RE I �GENERALRM —e* TE....Si.QG.Q.11161...23s._.153.6 ................ _......_. That the license for Barber, application $15133 applied for by Schnaeaaa and Mannheimers at 405 Aabssba St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instructed to issue each license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. now Registered barber in attendance, State license ¢3847 COUNCLMEN Yeas N s uss 4t.n } n In favor 9,11 ...._ .�._...'.... Against /�Mr President (Gehan) - ]M bjb/ OCT 23 06 Adopted by the Council... ................... ......... ................ ..._193....._ OCT 2 3 19 (193....... Approved..,..../ .......... ........................... _............... .... . .v.... _ ...................... .. ....................... . .. .. . .. Mayor oditusitoatycw& r 2, Lu,N c 1 L N 105526 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. UTION --- GENERAL FORM COMMIS t)ATE- octaber P-3.....3-9.36 ......... 'Mm RESOLVED That the license for Barber, application #15072 applied for by Ernest Bredermann at 1570 pandolph St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 17 G. M or a— a C. �!-,��Toip ltoiis2&ax —By u ,jtas�jiedj. that tht,111 farBarbar..1 1 IN pl! ad application 16072.'W 1.r 13r,d,mann' at 0, Randal t.. I b s �dt a t,�T.sru., IIJ t and — is granted and .1-k..18,h1n1 urtedu to t a Ott as ai—on 1. it upon of the re�, red to.. NewOld tion; Stifte.L P137" ass Adopted by � the 'co -6 I 0 Approved Oct. i3 -Q,0398 I - 6) Now Old Location State License 399 Yeas COUN,91,JMEN I�Eau- �ian a In favor � ,f .7 P#ce I PeIrson Against ZP'tesident (Gehan) 3M 636 OCT 2 3 IM Adopted by the Council* .......... ....... 193 to iI 2;� iO,)L Approved........................... ................. . .................... 193 .,�..... .. ... .......... od&.1 W CUTcouRML ...chi CITY OF sT. P AuL No OFFICE OE CITY CLERK COUNCI LUTI ...GENERAL FORM PRF ECOMMIN .,-D E OctdArP-3....1.936.....__.............._P RESOLVED That licenses applied for by, the following persons at the addresses ' Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: W. Most 1026 irront, st. Off Sale Malt APP- 19073 Renew. Fred Iseli 165 Como Ave. Hotel a 14957 N R. Glewwe 194 Concord Grocery a 15091 0 C. B. St. John 170 E. Kellogg Blvd. Restaurant of 15095 8 COUNCILMEN Yeas uss ipolan In favor ce /Pe rson 41W Against nzel j President (Gehan) 3M 6 OCT 2 3193 Adopted by the Council ..................:..................................193...... irx"T T q, 19P Approved............................... . ...... ................... . .. 193 -,V .. . ...... 040o.t m CUT CU& t `C \ C, MISSIONS RESOLVED NO 105528 8ouwoa CITY. OF ST. PAUL .�u ....._............... ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK *UNCIL,E L IO GENERAL FORM That the application of Mrs. Brits Fiedler for the transfer of the following licenses, to -wit: Off Sale Malt x}4878 On Sale Malt 3617 Restaurant 8216 from 423 University Ave. to the Burlington Hotel, 100 Earl Street be and the same are hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ssa in lan In favor oa Against rau: IV 1 resident (Gehan) 3M 6 aaaeee��� OCT 2 3193E Adopted by the Council.....................................................193...... -41:i ;JAApproved............................................._....................193....... y...._" ................................... Mayor Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Chairman, License Committee, City. Dear Sirt The Council referred to Your com- mittee for recommendation the attached letter of Mrs. Fritz Fiedler asking for the transfer of her on and off sale malt beverage licensee and restaurant license from 423 University Avenue to the Burlington Hotel at 100 Earl Street. Dr. Artz the owner of the premises at 423 University Ave=O objected to the transfer and claimed Mr. Fiedler had-not'paid his rent for these premises for October. Mr. Fiedler claimed that he had been notified to vacate these premises and further that the owner had failed to clean up the premises and put them in proper Condition. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �auN... 5529 I- NO...... .................. . .......... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CbTY CLERK 611 ONCL ON GENERAL FORM LL CO PRE ELATED ........... .. . ......... Is 10, VMRVAS, heretofore Off Sale Liquor License NO. 247 'me issued to S. pan' Johnson at 661 University Ave. and ITM MS, S. pan, Johnson has requested that said license be transferred in his name to 299 3- 7th St- &nd- WMU�F&s, the License oommittee has recommended that said license be transferred as requested; therefore, be it ]IBSOLM, that Off Sale Liquor License NO. 247 issued to S. Paul jobasou, at 661 University Ave. be transferred In his wmG to 299 E. 7th St- and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city's records accordingly. COUNPILMEN. Adopted by the Council............_.........._. ....... ...... ...........193 leas Nays Fn 9m. 2 3 1936 In avor Approved ............................ . . . ....... ........... f r son Against .. . ......... Ux - President (Gehan) 31. 636 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 44. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FERGUSON - City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration October 21ety 1936. Mr. Neel C. McMahon, License Inspector, City. Dear Sirs The City Council informally approved the enclosed application of S. Paul Johnson for a transfer of his "off sale" liquor license from 661 University Avenue to 299 East 7th Street and requested that you draw`tresolution providing for this transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL E CITY CLERK LUT N_ -GENERAL FORM in t}�e contract described as the construction of the RESOLVED WfD,REAS, Boulevar widening, concrete construction, grading and Kellogg ornamental lighting from Market Street to Seven Corners, Okes Construction Contract L.3900, the completion Company, contractor, Comptroller's date specified was November 15, 1936, andrvtne„, WHEREAS, due to the failure of the proper agencies to supply laborers, more particularly iC� contrac n of the P ore amensiii tte Seyen c the contractor with sufficient skilled and machine operators, said lack of skilled laborers Comp any cont 3io° m- " carpenters causing a delay of twenty dage in construction, and �a the l"i ; WHEREAS, due to rules and regulations prohibiting carpenters iNp lythe c`. }i� Ada ma,on" and steel Workers from working on Saturday under regular rates, -Of sxu�a ' construction was delayed an additional twenty-four days; novo, z therefore, be it RESOLVED that the proper city officials be and they are hereby to execute an amendment to said coatraot authorised and directed forty-four days from and after November 15, 1936 extending the time that this resolution shall have no force and provided, however, unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto effect and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it further RESOLVED that no claim for liquidated damages and engineering and " be made by the city on account inspection conte on this project will of such `extended period. A COUNCILMEN ye Na usa Fi Ian In favor i;l ......�Against enze 3M 636 Idr. V1CC I•r CZ7Cllt (Trna X� 71193...... Adopted by the Council..' cT...............2.........__..... . .......... OCT 271936 Approved........... ..... .... ........... .......... ........ ...... ........ 193_..... L.......... ..-_............'..............:.......... 1 Mayor �U[3LISI-II;IY G 3 �� CITY OF ST. PAUL 2"u"'L IVC 1Q5530 . OFF1 E CITY CLERK CO CI LU71 N ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEREAS,#n t}�!e contract described as the construction of the Kellogg Boulevar widening, concrete construction, grading and ornamental lighting from Market Street to Seven Cornara, Okes Construction Company, contractor, Comptroller's Contract L.3900, the completion date specified was November 159 1936, and WHEREAS, due to the failure of the proper agencies to supply*. contrne, n at the P the contractor with sufficient skilled laborers, more particularly �g.con reteoorrnamental ct ho Seven Ccarpenters and machine operators, said lack of skilled laborers omyan9. -o-t. causing a delay of twenty days in construction, and a w sN v m 1>' tris {attars the con �. WHEREAS, due to rules and regulations prohibiting carpenters. ','Ilea ued laborers and steel workers from working on Saturday under regular rates, mar :.of ek-ere andutea construction was delayed an additional twenty-four days; now, .: 'i"�P therefore, be it 1E7 �r RESOLVED that the proper city officials be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract extending the time forty-four days from and after November 15, 1936 provided, however, that this resolution shall have no force and effect unless the sureties on the contractors bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller, and be it further RESOLVED that no claim for liquidate damages and engineering; -,and inspection costs on this project will be made by the eity on account of such extended period. COUNCjLMEN Yeas Na rtes tan In favor ... Against .._ enzel 3M 636 Mr. -Vice I resident (Truax] t. Gl� Cl.rk eoawea. 105531 CITY OF ST. PAUL rn.e No .... _.................... ��- OFFIC THE CITY CLERK Q ESO U ON—GENERAL FORM �~ Octobos lt, IL QENTE OMMI5310 RESOLVED IC RF,SNo 106631.8y Il rvlagy' esolved, , that thg -NorL:4 W IPoiver Gompany6e giventhei�, Install 1-4otooE. Dolle on e . At.• , of Jenks, Eaef of PaYae, with :. gachors,:wire,. "tnpa.d*when ' Po)e add- .y,Y�ed'when .requested to �, ' Mon-:Counen nd'co �nif ,, hA-botne., ^mm�an� That the Northern States power Company be given permission to install 2F -1W foot pole on the South side of Jenks, gest of Payne, with necessary gays, anchors, wires, and Telephone Coapany wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal intimate #25200. � 4 U� COUNCILMEN OCT 279.36 Yeas Nay Adopted by the CouneiL_..............___.... _..r�__._.__193..__._ Barfnss � OCT 2 7'1931 Findlan f -Pe.— n Penrr. -Rosea-_1 ------_ _ _•--.--In favor Approved.._...--_- ....................... _- ...-._ Pet, „i Truax',/. / a.anw� Warre ---"Against !/ .._._'..,._-.-..1 G. -.I ---_-_._..._..-- Mayor Nvc . 21 wenag nt use PUBLISHED a Mt. Vice President (Truax) orWa.i w anc-k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE :OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM Pi ACI RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 12 face pieces complete with corrugated tube, insert, coupling, and speaking diaphragm, 2 carbogen cylinders, and 72 All -Service Canisters for All -Service gas masks, for the Fire Department at a total cost not to exceed $590.80 from the Mine Safety AppliancesCo., without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Fire Department- Miscellaneous- 8-08 IIL[ NO.._-.v� COUN MEN Yeas Nay uss as F' Can In favor Re son ...........� Against i enol r ?p�eiva�t cc )m &36 �. Vice 1'residcut buss) Adopted by the Council............( el...2.7...1951.93 _... OeWmi w City CI"k c=u N G: L NO_W5W CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICBjZF_T44F, CITY CLERK C COUN ifq0LUTIO _GENERAL FORM PRESE TE ccIS SZONE ............ . . . .......................... . f _.. ... . ...................................................... ................................. DATF . ..... .................. RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the mayor and the Comptroller, one lank car, approximately 8000 gallons 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY, at a price of # 11258 per gallon, less 10 discount ten days -on refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureauspurat Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge `General Fund— Municipal Equipment— 1003-134 COUNgLMEN Adopted by, Council 1936 he 193... ........ ..... .... ....... leas a a XB.If Us,In �Odlan favor Approved, . .. . OCT 27 193 ............. . . ..... ce Pe son Against ... ..... .......... mayor enzel 3M 6:36 Mr. vice 11re5idelit (Truax) 0rW_1 W MY Ca.dl COUNCIL �j. .\�! CITY OF ST. PAUL IL[ NO.... LLLRRR .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM U.....DATE..........._......................._.......... _— CMISSIN RESOLVED, that the 'proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to enter into an agreement with Eugene Evans providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally dis- abled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 31st flay of July 1936; be it rMTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay do said Eugene Evans the sum of $18.67 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fvnd, in finnl settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including Augustly, 1936. 44AA COUNCILMEN Yeas use Naya than In favor nAgainst F = 3M 676 Mr. Vice 1'resideut (Truaxk) Adopted by the Council ......... .... _ 0C1_�`_7._�3...... OCT 2 7 193E Approved- ..................................... ­ 193 �.... ...... ............ % Mayor oA0.dftCitVCl-A 1-05535. CITY OF ST. PAUL c2ft" NO:._ ............................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --- GENERAL FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION ,P .................... . .... PRESENTED 0 IE3X_ .. .... . ..... ATE..� ..................................... . . ...... COMM SSICIN RESOLVED, that the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by Ruth E. j.,Ram, as Assistant -Clerk of Municipal Court, in the sum Of $1000.00, dated September 24, 1936, upon which the IFBtl0n&l Surety Corporation is surety, which said bond is approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and as to surety by the Commissioner of Finance, be end the same is hereby approved and acoeptedt and the City Clerk Is hereby directed to deposit same with the City COmPtrOlIOT- Adopted by the Council VT 2-7 .....193...... OCT 2 719, Approved.......................................... ... ................. -193 Mayor COUNEN �PILM Yeas Na favor ce so �Pgson Wenzel Against 31" °M M! r. Vic e c T. " —7 Adopted by the Council VT 2-7 .....193...... OCT 2 719, Approved.......................................... ... ................. -193 Mayor 05A r No'1her. BYt6 Il NO-W5.5^•_ trd. Truax Irvin6.0. PeaJj{V� eel to 4 - rash; heretofore an ' m coueett, meneh was feeuefl .to TIO nu CITY �i aqQ Walter . Nelson /- OFFICE OF bene hs at , liso `Eae V p COUNCIL RESQW7Ba- the nd,L, y' ot.A u • ,F ORM fllss.lvs0 Part:e' ZpP E. N01sontCounoll trans or .d ._....f -nsg 9D e Jos a, t M .:DATE.__..................................._......._.._...._...................Li C90NER....._............._. ...... ]RESfY]�D WHEREAS, heretofore an "on sale" liquor license was issued to Timothy Gallagher and Walter E. Nelson to operate such business at 1180 East Seventh Street; and WHEREAS, the said Timothy Gallagher died on the 22nd day of August, 1936, thereby dissolving said partnership, and the said Walter E. Nelson has requested that the Council transfer to him the "on Bale" license issued to said partnership; and the said Walter E. Nelson has filed a bond in the sum of $3,000, as required by the ordinance; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the re- quest for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said "on sale" liquor license heretofore Issued to Timothy Gallagher and Walter E. Nelson be and the same is hereby transferred to Walter E. Nelson to operate such business at the same address; and the bond of said Walter E. Nelson, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller; and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of Timothy Gallagher and Walter E. Nelson from any further liability arising after the date of the adoption of this resolution. COUN ILMEN N Adopted by the Council......�.�± ..._.�+._7..1936 !?_..193..... Yeas 21an ussTr q �p�s - - 041 2 [ 1939 /Y( ..................--- In favor Approved ................... _......-.._..._......._.._........193__... ice , mon n Against / v ... ___.... ///.iii..._.. �....,..................................... enrol ��) stt 6.]6. Vice 1'�csideu: ("I'.e^.>• "LISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration October 23rd, 1936• Mr.'John L.Connolly+, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached request for transfer of "on sale" liquor license issued to Nelson & Gallagher at 1180 East Seventh Street to Walter E. Nelson at the same address was laid over to October 27th and you were requested to draw a resolution granting this transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. the, Rc�.4 -slso' restazraii - quguat 22, 193E x is':the:aSwYiarah{ I '' WILLIAK"H, .S,EWARD -ATTORNCY.ANp C0UN6[L6R,. - 000.0000{:O�L \VILDINO.. - �eT. PAUL. MILAN. -. - October'26, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City.Clerk City Hall Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir; Your letter of October 23, 1936, with reference to a request to the City Council made by Mr. Walter E. Nelson to transfer On Sale Liquor License issued to Walter E. Nelson and Timothy Gallagher at #1180 E. Seventh' Street, to Walter E. Nelson, individually, was duly received and I have notified Mrs. Katherina Ga}lagher of #1188 Fauquier Street; this city, by telephone and'I have forward- ed "her a copy of, your' letter, " Mrs. Gallagher is represented,,however,. in 'connection with this part oular,"tiansaotion by Mr. A. J. Donnelly, who is an employee of the Legal Department,;of the St.Paul City, Railway Company:., Mrs.. Gallagher advised me this morning that she would communicate with Mr. Donnelly and arrange toeither be present or be represented by counsel at the hearing on, October, 27:th at 10 A.M. For your information, will state that Mrs. Gallagher is the sole benefioiary of her deceased husband under his Will. _Also that I am theattorney for the estate which I am probating and represent Mrs. Gallagher, who.'is the adminis- tratrix,-with reference to the eState,L exclusive of this one particular item which involves a partnership in an` Off Sale Liquor establishment at #1180 E. Seventh Street. Moura very truly, WHS;SAE October 23rd, 1936 Mr. William R. Seward 606 Qlobe Daildin6 Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs John A. Darns, attorriq for halter J. Jolson, has requested the City Council to transfer an On Sale Liquor licens16he� heretofore issued to halter D. Nelson and Timothy Oallagi+ at enth Street to Walter J. Jolson. The Council 16 informed that yon represent the administratrix of the estate of Mr. tithiIoaallster er, the deceased partner, and wishes to inform yon will come before the Council on October 27th at 10 a.m. She Council wishes to know, whether the heirs of Mr. Callagter have ark}► objection to the transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk- Octoz,er 24th, 1936• Yr. John ,'.. 'Mrrs Attorney at Law, vinnesota Building, St. Penl, Minnesota. Dear girt Your remtert for the transfer of an on arle limtor lic'nae nt 11&o ria` Seventh Street fror s ome be - lore the MY Council t lonOctober rTolson B. c 27th, 1936 M 10A -N' for consideration. Yours very truly, City Clerk. i r i October 23rd, 1936. Mr. John 3—Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached re„uest for transfer of "on sale" Iigv.or license is-ucd to I:elson &. Oali.�;,rjiar at 1160 Nast Seventh Street to '7alter L. Nolson nt the ssae adr,ress Pas laid over to Octobor 27th and you wore requested to draP a resolution granting this transfer. Yours very tralyr City Clerk. 4T U1W r.;. CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION- FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. Name of AppGcen► Walter E. Nelson_ —Age 41 Residence Address 205 E 3rd Street, 9t. Pau l.Minne sotA Telephone No. To08 182 Are you a citizen of the United States?---_V-e8­— Have tates? yes Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? —_—ye When and where? Sines 1934, at 1180 E 7th St --- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation — Individual When incorporated? -----..----- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? How many members? — -- -- - — Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Seaboard Surety Company — Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 1180 E Seventh South Duluth and Atlantic 2nd How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? 1 miles How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? SIA blocks How many feet from closest public or parochial, grade or high school (measured along streets)? five blocks Name of closest school Dean How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? Business _ On what floor located? Maln —_—_-- Are premises owned by you or leased? Owned_If leased, give name of owner_—._ If a restaurant, seating capacity? 80 If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?_ -----_ — Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?— Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)------- Give otel)_--_ —Give names and addresses of three business references: I Hamm's Brewing Company Schmidte Brewingcompany _ Telat Grocery 3. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT. AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLI- CATION, AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated--- ------- ------J93-- SEE OTHER SIDE 500 14-85 License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, EE. County of Ramsey. ---------------YPA1tes_E� N@lHi2ri_---------- ----- --.being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application"and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me P da of OrtoUwr 1938__ Public, Ramsey County, Minn. Cullen My commission expires Wou—ber- P5,1938 STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. —" -----_--------------------- --__.---being first duly sworn, deposes and says that _the ___ of ---------- ---- ---, a corporation; that —has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of—_ knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, 'and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ---day of 193_ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires s Yeas WHEREAS, on June 25, 1936, J. M. McCormick made application for an "on sale" liquor license at No. 129 West Fifth Street, and deposited the sum of #625.00 as license fee therefor, and WHEREAS, said license was not granted until July 1, 19369 and said J. M. MoOormick is therefore entitled to a refund in the amomt of $41.67, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby author- ised and directed to refund to said J. M. McCormick the sum of 141.67. ON Na Adopted by the CoundA�T 27 1936 19a ._ OCT27 i Infavor Approved......../ ..................................._..... ........ ..... 193....... .... Against c= ./....�......._/v. .... — _.._........._........... .. .. r Mayo JN. 636 _ Mr. Vicel'rc5id;ut CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 22nd, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly'; Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached request of J. M. McCormick for refund of $41.67 on license fee deposited by him for an on sale liquor license at 129 West 5th Street was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant such refund. Yours very traly, City Clerk CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. f. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration CGUN IL 38 CITY OF ST. PAUL m c NO..._.1J .....- OFFI F THE CITY CLERK COU ESOL TION ---GENERAL FORM �PREBE -.......DATE.....October....�7—,-_-1936.........._............_. COmmiss__......._.._...._....__....._............ WRER►S, William L. Gieske desires to withdraw application 15222 for Barber license at 2T0 Z. Seventh S¢ and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby anthorifzed to refund to William L. Gieske the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said applica- tion for license. C!, F. N0.106688 =By O. Fi' Bartues— F. M. Truax—Irving c.* COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Us Findlan In favor Zece raon _............ ft .... Against . enzel 3m 6 j6 Mr.Vice !'resident (T Adopted by the Council :.............( 2+..7..]............193...._ Approved ............oriT 27.1`x......_.._193....... ; ......... Mayor..........- . . ........... .. C*COUNCM C66.0k 105539 P CITY OF ST. FiAUL. nu No ....... .......... .................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COON' ZOLU N ... GENERAL FORM PIR . . ........ DATE.- fttob.ar 97.,...1.936 .................. - cim ISSIC) 7— RESOLVED That the application of John E. Smith for the transfer of the following licenses, to wit: Restaurant, #7992 on Sale Malt, #3633 from 133 University Ave- to 751-755 Webasha St. be and the same is hereby granted. and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. C. r. No. 105539—BY G; H. Barfu­ MT_"gC P' ail..Xo- Job. E. 9ml[h for tris Ir ... fer of the 1.11— to_wIt­ Restaurant 7992, On A'Ito"tg'!3d from " It Mo171I7NWabeaha Bt. ba and 1 t ba �. I., ore nt.d.= andnba - t r ItY,officers are hereby. directed to a make the I ro orchanges-_n Adopted t CounelU t -27. 1936. Approved et '27, 19 3 COUNCJLMEN Yea. Ple:.": 0 n In favor Wenzel 3?A 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the Council.APT 97 . ....... 193 OCT 27 19M Approved........................... . ................ . ....................193....... ...... . . .. ... . .... ..... .4 Mayor 4 Q COUNCIL CITY, OF ST. PAUL NOu5540 ................................. 70Ea TY CLERK CITY S L I bOUN L S UTI ---GENERAL FORM RES C m Is I N . ............ . . . . ................ . DATE POPNT.172.193� ............ . .... .. RESOLVED That the license for Shooting Gallery, application 15145. applied for by Kirch and Gillis, at 1597 University Ave. be and the same Is hereby granted and the city clerk instmoted, to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New C G. H. B—td-- 1 Itisompd, that the 1 onse for Shooting Cation, 15145' applied for Gallery, appli Gillis, at 1567 University by, -- . Ave.. O� �'jfte ssoU6 1.�hafobk granted, v b Ot6lJOU and 7th .,Oil �lork, to lu-trAcod t at�,-, the: --a` I e. such It .0 upon M.Mrsd cit treasury 0 the r 1".*a , 1936. New. Adopted t Council Oct. i7. . APPr ct. 27. , 1936. , 31, 1986); Adopted by the Council OCT2 7 1. .. 93h.,9, ............ I .... ...... .... I I - OCT 97 IN Approved..................................... . .................... mn 96 �M-Y-t COUNgILME.N Yeas Na In favor 7-n Against 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1'miident i r1111J (i C G. H. B—td-- 1 Itisompd, that the 1 onse for Shooting Cation, 15145' applied for Gallery, appli Gillis, at 1567 University by, -- . Ave.. O� �'jfte ssoU6 1.�hafobk granted, v b Ot6lJOU and 7th .,Oil �lork, to lu-trAcod t at�,-, the: --a` I e. such It .0 upon M.Mrsd cit treasury 0 the r 1".*a , 1936. New. Adopted t Council Oct. i7. . APPr ct. 27. , 1936. , 31, 1986); Adopted by the Council OCT2 7 1. .. 93h.,9, ............ I .... ...... .... I I - OCT 97 IN Approved..................................... . .................... mn 96 �M-Y-t CITY OF ST. PAUL No......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11P COUNCILR C N ---GENERAL �GENERAL FORNA 'n ERE EjTM 007-^— _4DATZ 00�1k% 193k RESOLVED That license for Restaurant application #15063, on Sale Wt BeVA�mge. application #15064, applied for by Eft. McKenna., at 222 Eagle Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the Payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW Informally approved by council, Oct- 13- 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas T , favor Ir . Tece Against r envel 3M 636 Mr. Vice President (Tru") Adopted by the Council......._ CT.2 ­ 7._x...193...... 936 1 Approved........... I ...01T........... ....27............................ ..... 193 ............ .. . .. . ......... .......... . .............. Mayor o.� OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC L1,TI ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT'rED 9 . _„ ,.DATE.. NO ...... .g5�42 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following -nervone at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city tr"Nom of the required feast A. P. Monihan 325 Maria Ave. Gas Station App.15144 Renew. R. V. O'Rourke 410 Midland slag. Salary Loan a 15159 a Sam Ward 176 W. 7th St. Butcher ■ 15140 a H. W. Prechtel 1821 St. Clair Off Sale Malt a 15099 M a a a a a Butcher n 15100 a a a a a a Grocery a 15101 a CJOMEN yeas Nay uta b�eam _............ In favor �Pe son ............. Against /wenul [" a� 3M 63a Mr. Vice i resident (Truss) Adopted by the Council.......QG.. 2...,....193...... OCT 27 10 Approved..................................................................193....... ./............ .�...._......� Mayor 105543 �ancrt .ui NO....... \ OF E PAUL """" TY CLERK PF(pCEOF WM1A1VH0E CIGENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following persons at the add.resd'o Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and toe city clerk ie instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: E. B. Terrell 306.New York Bldg. Chattel Loan APP -15159 New James B. Keogh 215 Guardian Bldg. Salary Loan a 15169 a Personal Loan. Society Inc. -219-220 Commerce Bldg. Salary Loan " 15161 • Geo. C. Rostron 46 S. Lexington Gas Station M 15137 n COUNPtMEN Yeas N ,Ys lan In favor reon Against 3M 636 Vice 1'rc_iclent Cr runs) OCT 7 Adopted by the Council.................._6T+........1..36.......193...... GCT 27 1936 Approved............... _ _............. .............. _...........193...... /................ Mayor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL �C F�� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.----__ 55 — �„� rlla9 COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN FAVOR 19-34- ,c95.,._,��, oe, peter a AUDITED CLAIMS---@otobear-26------------------ -was" RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE �DR�:AyWN ON "THE TY TREASURY. L.N. F(€IM_EE TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S120.r415�5 ---• COVERING 2fRpPRx [� CHECKS NUMBERED__ _-TO__�,D INCLUSIVE. AS Mr. Vice llC:ilufllt ( 1936 PER CHECKS ON FILE, OFFICE `"'f�� ry ITY CO PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY C .F�iCf -- ---------------- -------------- C- COMPTROLLER .____. BV- i na - -- - I ( F \ 10554-1- 11, 0 541—- 11 I 1, U R, ¢heck. b. I TOTAL DATE 11 a It) t R u y I. tli !SB g t RETURNED CHECK II �1O t t E7!0, 416 56, c� I K h k NUMBER numbr e 1 912'1 to !93-A�v fnclusl�e, TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK Vit d pI,cl b ( tli 1, 1(1`194fil O�fflce oft q, � RD • I -_CHECKS — CHECKS _-.-_.._.-_ _ _ _ 7 50d 509 192 1 • 29329 ;i Allan L. Firestone Adv.Agenc C. Fin a 29f 6 10 58 0 29330;; Axel F. Peterson, of ! Commerce ''; 7 29331 Chioago Journal of 29332Larsen & Larsen 230'4 2933 The Midway News Company 29334 St.Paul QOO,Sohool Revl.Fund 38 2 29335 John Sandquist 15'0 Si5 29336 : Miss Edith M. Soanlan Stone Company 24917 29337 Standard 293381', N. Thorbue'and $one 11,i5 29339'' Twin City Br1ok Company Cloth Company 33 9 267j0 29340 Western Shade 2218 29341 1 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 1 29342 1 Eddie ClarizioI 2934] ; Grove B. Ruth 4 { 550 0 4p 0 293 ill Thomas Towey I- 1414 29345 1' George Williams 29346 Newman & Bowman, as Attorneyo! 500 for Mary Fiorito � 3118 29347 Mrs. Agnea Wales 32. 29348; Mrs. C.M. Claugberty, Guardi 51115 ii 29349 ;I Thomas and Garner 29350 Blue & White Cab Assooiationii 934115 29351 1, John Pastuoh ! 2 0 29352 J.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 a 2935 John W. Burley 65 2935 11 Sophia B. Beinze Flaherty 281 E d 29355 It Mrs. Etta 29356'; Mrs. Charles Tuchner i 3210 10010 29357 Margaret 3. Aberwald 29358 lj Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 103 8215 29329 Axel Anderson 0 9930 grown and Day 29361 Capitol Stationery mfgcompal 3 29362 G.E. Dransfield 5j0 29363 ; ' F & E Cheokwriter Company 2934 ' Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp 198 9 29,365 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Comp`** 615 29366 I J. J. Gillen, Register of Deed 3ag' 29367 : Goodrioh-Bilvertown,Ino. 8 29368 Graybar Eleotrio Company 111 0 • 29369 '; E.G. Bam 1'; Mfg. Company i% 13 7 29370 Lineer Hroroam 551 0 29371 McCallum & Robertson, Ino. 2 2 29372 Maendler Brush Mfg.Company �i ►t6 _ �937� Minnesota Chemical Companq.I . 28 8 2937 Geo.E. Robertson 5 29375 11 soheffer & Rossum Company j 126 86 2 j! 29376 i, Simonson Lumber Company 346 It 29377 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan ! 29378 j Twin City Textile Mille il, I V SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD r -7 V ovwa,� NO CITY OF ST. PAUL c^�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM .RESENTED BR..............................DATE...__Oatt OUBr 53.!_...1938.... ........to . .MMISSIONER.................. . ._ .. __.__.... REsoLvED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing and installing at the Public Safety Building, one Electric Ash Hoist, to be Electrolift, trolley beam, tmolley beam supports, and electric servioe, switches and controls to VERN G. ELLEN, in accordance with plan and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9359 of said Vern G. Ellen, for the contract price of $539.00, such bid being the only bid re- ceived, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul- charge Public Safety - Building Expense- 789-35 F.D. #93 9 C F IAp 1U66{6-8y(i 8 Bartuee- ReeoIvb�;that the CounCll hereby COUNt_;r&EN Yeas Na �uss ao In favor e�ce r�e son i/ enol ;M 6636 Mr. Vice President kA 1l 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPART OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) _ In the matter of regrading the present roadway on Oxford Street from Cross Street to MoKenty Street,'and surfacing with pre—mixed Bituminous surfacing �..i ND s under Preliminary Order approved August 13, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - _ $ 1080.00 fro1,00 t The estimated cost pe�oot for the above improvement is - - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION ;LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land _ Bldg. Ii 7 Warrendale $375 12 7 do 400 _. 13 7 do 450 $2600 •j .. 14 . 7 do 450 2800 15 7 do 500 II 16 7 do 550 3500 17 7 do 600 18 . 7 do I• 625 3000 19 . 7 do 625 4100 20 7 do TOTAL. 860 3700 Boren B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,. .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER C DESCRIPTION LOT LOC ADDITION ySSESS ASSESSED - -- _- 1 do 4_ 2 18 Warrendale � 8 8 do F 626 2700 I- �� 4 � 8 do 625. 3250 -�ib 8 do 600 j 6 8 do 650 2500 7 8 do 500 ! .. i 6 8 do 450 3200 9 8 ', do 425 2150 II 10 8 do 400 i ji I 1! i'. !I i! ii j. 11 i 8 do 400 i ;j Total $11500 $41 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works.�� Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 ��i✓ Cv7�� ry _ 173 - St. Paul, Minn..L / _-�-/---�--� 193 "`To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. C Gentlemen: ' We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ----.� -- -- ------.St. Ave. ------St. Ave. to-- - - -- .--St. Ave. ----------------- � �-A " w4 v A i i Y C USN/LL - A✓E o ��r r —�a a A96YL E ST. 0 c'/iAT.rlt'o,erH �7 . C a i v o LOv 0/JT. 1 • {�/c-�*o,eYst-- � —sem - - - I IN { 1936...._.. .... -------193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order "of the Council, known as Council File No ... 1q 722 ------- approved ---_......-..Avguet-l3a-_18$6_---_193...--.-., relative to regrading the present roadway on Oxford Street from Cross Street to McBenttiy ------------------------------...-----------------....---.......--------------------------..... ............... -- -- ..- ..... ..---- - ......------------- - - Street. - ---_---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - --------------------- - ............................................ ... --- -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is--. ...necessary and (or) desirable. Eat. Cost $1080.00 Cost per front foot $1.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5 ---------- -------------------- .,and the total cost thereof is S ................................. Engineering $55.00 Frontage 1080.6 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .......... ......................... ............ ------ - ----------------- ­ ...................... ­ ..................... ----------------------------- ........... ---------- ---------------- -- --- 3. ollows:............-----------..............---........-...-------............ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _......... ....---------- -- ............. ---------------------_.-- ......... ........................... .--.................................................... 5. Said improvement is _ -_--- ...... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for said improvement. . COM. OF FINANCE. Pu.............. - Qg blic Works. 9' i 33 G j, SEP -11i 1936 BUREAU OF COMET.A REMIR JOHN M. REARDON. BURT. 13-- ENOIME.. O. H. HERROLD CHIEF SRO.. CLE.K MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital OF Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVINE C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS, DEPUTY COMMIEEIONER GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF !ENGINEER September 4, 1936 Commissioner Milton Rosen, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SOFT. BUREAU OF s...... M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINE[. BUREAU OF CORRECTIONS RAY J. KARTAK. SUFI. Dear Sirs I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for regrading the present roadway on Oxford Street from Cross Street( to Mcgenty Street, and surface with pre -mixed bituminous surfacing, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104722, approved August 13, 1956 - Estimated Cost $1080.00 Cost per front foot 1.00 Engineering 55.00 Frontage 1080.6 ft. t Yo truly, E M. SHEPARD, Ch of Eagineer. Approved f transmission to the o ssioner oSZ7,A� ING C. E, Commi oner of lic Works. ��rOrdlnauce'Na. 'idlait—F Dd; 77 M41W to aq Clat ,31 8' 3'etereoa ORDINANCE keadtagoedfnaa° ebrusrY 1, 18t !' COUP"yg¢ a iti a ._ = ywpt6fa6 'thb �t An ordinance emending Ordinance No—7547, pebruai'y 14, 1934, as amended by ordinance No. 7612, apprth, oved March`EB 1935,.entitled 'An ordinance prescribing the wages which shall be paid for skilled and unskilled labor uponnpublio` works by contract ors where performing such work for the City of Saint Paul; providing additional provisions to be contained in.all contraots-with the City of Saint Paul for ,such work; providing for>Arbitration in cases of disputed facts arising out of its provisions; making this`ordi n"oe a part.of all such contracts; and establishing maximum working hours in any one week, with certain exceptions; and providing pen- aloes for the,- violation hereof.' This is an emergency ordinance. rendered.neceasary for the preservation of the public peace, health .safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7547, approved February 14,. 1934, .as amended by Ordinance No. 7612,"approved Maroh 28, 1935, be and thesameis hereby further amended by striking out of Seo - tion 1, iroup.Vl, where they appear therein, the following words: *Iron workers, structural, ornamental,- re- inforcing rod and tank ereoton' Section 2. That said ordinance be and thesameis ieby ftfrthar, emended by inserting i -n Section 10 immediately after the } .c Y" s tions;, enumerated in aroiq ' Vl, `the following 'GROUP VII. 1 Maximum Rate: $1.25 per hour_.. Ironworkers, structural, orna- mental, reinforcing rod and tank ereotor." r' Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to.be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, ,health and safety. Section 4: This ordinance shall take effect and be in foroe from ;and after its passage, and publication. Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_ "NOV NAYS ... ... >.. Barfuse' / Findlan ................................ In Favor / Pearce Peterson _..Against Truax Wenzel Mr. 'dent (G an NOV 131 A roved:-----.... .._ -- F..............-...... ........... Attest: t a -s- .._...._.. --r - _ . _....................... Mayo City erk /I PUi3LI5}iED / � fv 2nd. Laid over to 3rd:'& app. Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays fu s Barfuss Ian Findlan Pearce rson j/f tl Peterson Truax vVenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. John L. Connolly Corporatim Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: Cn June 30th, 1936, the City Counoil adoPted a resolution increasing the dty wage scale for Erin porker (greeting) to $1.25 per hour and iron Worker (Reinforcement) to $1.25 per hour. ` She Council requestecifiesathat YOU arax an the rate which mastrbe paid jrce contractors ctor b� contractors engage8 on city work to correspond with the city scale. Tours Very truly, Z"' ( f �f"' 4 W, City Clerk. odSt dwcurCt. k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM No 105548 WHEREAS, George F. Buettner has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on Lot 11, Block 7, Como Heights Addition, and will erect a dwelling house on said property if the application is granted, and WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $573.69 plus interest and penalties, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $475.71; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $393.31 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $475.71 and that said sum of $393.31 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $573.69 plus interest, Vo 306648-11y Axel and penalties. 99eppniicauon for ena `aa,Commteston n �,. razes � Blockj,+Cgmqomo xei 1 ^t a dwe111n +e sPPM.6,' .a deltngo A-lw COUNC MEN Yeas Nays uss indlau In favor P a [son ....................._. eiuI oir�teeident ( Than)_ 3M 6.36 --Mr. Vice i r.: jdent (Truax) Adopted by the Council..........UCT.28 1936193..... Approved ............................ ...................__....._..._.._........__ 193_._ < ..�....... /.V................ _.. _.. Mayor.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF IfiE CITY CLERK r1VPfiWjL-P4S ION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Co H. 0 WenZel COUNCIL —K NO W, RESOLVED WHEREAS, it was deemed necessary and advisable for the, Board Of Water Commissioners to obtain a baokfiller for use in connection with the construction of the canal from County Road F to Sucker Lake, and WHERMW,suoh. equipment was obtained from the Walter W. Magee Company for a period of seventy..iAlue (79) hours from September 24th to October 7th, 1936, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be authorized to pay said Magee Company the smount of $395-00 for the use of a backfiller with an operator for the time and purpose above stated. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na �Buss Baa U a iindlan In favor Against lv�nzel 3�4 636 Iftlair-rG lid Mr. Vice (Trpax) Adopted by the CounciLaIrIT 2-940 193 Approved ...................00T ............ ........... .. ............... Mayor ON,Ind W MY Clak PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER. CITY OF ST. PAUL °n°� NO.. -•_-4,{i V OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Whereas, John E. Becker, Street Lamp worker in the Bureau of Lighting of the Department of Public Utilities of the City of St. Paul will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of at least fifteen (15) days from and alter the sixteenth day of October, 1936, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that John E. Becker be granted a fifteen nd(15) dayhleave sixteenth Of absence for disability with pay, from day of pchtEO, Se tion,411ofleave the Civilgin Servicepwith Rules, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant s leave of absence for r 16, John E. Becker for fifteen (15) day a 1936, with full pay. _— COUNCILMEN Adopted by the CouneiL__Q �!.j-•2 a.-, t •-•193..-... Yeas Nays B� I3ikm (: i�d �;. 93...... ate► oseff } In favor Approved -....._._._........_..3.. Aww ---._--- --------- -Against Wenzel .. �-` Te6l bM 11-35 M.. Vioe;.c_.i.i�nt 0IIt � �i ... odg a to city Clark COUNCIL' CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.-If"I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I.COUCIESOTION...GENERAL FORM PRESEN5EDNBY ._._�93.,6 COMMST10ER _...................... ........................ ......... . ._............. .' RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, -to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons °Q° High Test•Ethylized gasoline, 700 octane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM COMPANY at a price of•, .11258 .per gallon, less loo ten days on refinery price onlystate tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, 6n informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best in— terests of the City. Charge Water Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas / fuss Nay ZDa im.dlan In favor _.._............__ e mon Apinst enzel nu 636 Mr. Vice; r._ ident (Truax) Adopted by the Council......_ OCT 28 1936 i _... OCT ;?a 0.ra+606;c aw cs-& CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO. ....... ...105552 Whereas the curbing on Edgerton Street from Case Street to Jessamine §treet is under construction and will be completed ,*,-I; in the near future, and Whereas, the paving of the intersection of Case Street and Edgerton Street must be reconstructed in order to meet the proper new curb radius; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he herein is authorized to purchase the necessary material and.perform the necessary labor and to proceed at once with the reconstruction of the Case and Edgerton Street intersection to conform to the curbing now under construction, the cost of such work not to exceed the sum of $550.00, which cost shall be charged to the City Paving Aid Fund, Code 5lEl.. ✓u ' COUN�iILMEN Yeas / Nays /3erusa Findlan .............. _.......... In favor �Fpr n n...V.-.. Against 31,. 636 6:.dl,fua Mr. Vice t Adopted by the Council............(' C-T..2.B...M93...... �Approved................................oCT 28 19% ......... ..... .......1 �/ -..... ._.. .... ........._._....Mayor........... 0AO..d Ck' CU& IL105553 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO� ........... A- . . ................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ---GENERAL FORM RESOLPTIOJ PR. ................ . ............. 7 COMM S C) PREOEINTSEMPNOEx— IS RESOLVED that the 00 oil of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets In the 06ity of Saint Fault Arundel St. from Central Ave. to St -Anthony AvOe Edgeambe Road fr'am Davern Ave*, "at Hazel Ave. from Fourth St. to S1961 ft* East Third Street from end of present main approx. 210 ft. east of Clarence at* an additional 60 ft* east Hmtoh St. frm East to 195 fti, east of Dale St. Hoyt Ave* from Sheldon to Pascal ILMEN CON yeas _ Na B : of �du- ,"'Findlan In favor 77von Against eoZel 3M 636 Mr, Vice 1 rC:Ideut (Truax) Adopted by the Council........... _ 2.8 Igo 193.7. Approved .......... OCT.2 8.1 193 ............... ......... ../_._......y. . ......... ... . ..... .. coEingirElsS LINER_----�8��-�-•+�-' RESOLVED ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .... e�a�.. rrinnl...GENERAL FORM .O.NC,� No.._....IC5554 That the grade of Alley in Block 1, Sanbornrs Midway Addition from Dunlap Street to Lexington Parkway North, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade• v a . COUNQQQILMEN Yen/ Nay BXJ Pindlan In favor son ............._......._.. Against //......' iV✓enul �,}�st8e"sRl 3N. 636 Mz. Vice 1'resi ! (T=s) Adopted by the Council ........00T ...18...1936.....193...... Approved ...........••....//_ ®CT fd_$._;Q.......193....... G...... ....................... ............................. �..........�...... Mayor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 105555 COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL — OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO------------------------------ COUNCIL RESOLUTION arivaa � 36 MA D it+�laal FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Oot---- _____,9__ ROSEN __A6M1tYCaS U RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S—! -. COVERING M AS R,,PRES,MUNDLIE CHECK6 NUMBERED _TO_ ------ Mr. Vice . 1...._, i f� 1� � .9 PER CHECKS ON F1 10 � TY TROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --- A1.s}-. .y}-�'Vi.'1---_ INCLUSIVE. CO P CITY C PTBOLLEB 1 -------------- ---------- --' --- -� — -/ MAYOR — -- -- --- TOTAL DATE URNED CHECK II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER ( F N 106 t t TCHECKS ECKS Resolved, that rh"t.' be drawn I CHECKS 6 RET aggreg [ CHECKS the �.Ity treasury, tocoverinK the ks amount of j2.671 78, Inclusive as r--- -- --- ---_ th 0 0 j 86 1 S per checks dle In the ollice o[ eRD city comptroller. Adopted by [hr Coun cll Oct. 28, 1936. Approved Oc[. 28. 18936) Oct. 31, Matthew Towey A 1 Stenographic Bureau American Law Book Company American Library Association American Linen Supply Company Badger Meter Mfg.Company G. Baglio John Beiasel Company C.O. Birohard & Company J.R. Boubright Company Albert Bonnier Pub,Company Brady-Margulis Company Burroughs "Adding Machine Co. Chicago. Burlington & Q.RR.91 Colby. Ram and Company Commonwealth Electric Company Consumers Milk COMpany The Crane Company Cudahy PaokSng Company J.Mark Dalglish Dept. of Supt. H- E. A. Downey Typewriter.Company Egeberg Cycle Company L. Eisenmenger Meat Company Elvgren Paint Supply Company Federal Electric oompany.Ino, Arnold A. Feist Flor-sari Mfg.Company Foreign & Int. Book Company Leonard Frank Company Fuller Brush Company M.A. Gedney Company Golfer & Sportsman Gopher Plumbing specialty Oa R.L. Gouldl& Company Grasselli Chemical Company Gris$old Signal Company Rancock4Beison leroantile CO] Fred W. Hanks Oompgay fcioh S, Herrmann, Inc. Hertzberg Bindery Higbway Trailer Company Herman The Mfg.Company Independent Japan Tea Company Joyce Insuranoe.Inc. Kenny Boiler & Mfg -Company Kenny Boiler & Mfg.Company I., Kessell Company Krelkes Au#O .Spiting Company Lawyers Oo�-Op.Pub.Oompany League of Minn.Municipalitie 2040 00 11 35 20 00 16 00 106 41 i7i i 79 65 1244 24 50, 19 64 16 50 4 65 9180 9160 110 62 46 29 16 20 5 90 50 50 05 44 497 6o 33 21 131 59 25 3 33 162 0 56 4,L 12C 1'5C 12 9C 55 ac 302 a 46 le se 8 1] 46 9( 20'41 30'66 290 50 9 00 10 51 15 00 5100 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD t, -_7..5w00 .__ 6U; ( FF RF_SOLVED That license for 8estaOrant. application 15208. on Sale Malt Newrages, application 15209. and off Sale Malt Beverages, application 15210, applied for by John Bellono at 806 E. Third St. be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby-thor12ed to refund to John Bellomo the fees of $lo.00. $50.00. and $5.00 and cancel said application . for licensee. Denied informally by Council, 10-27-36 CCULjCILMEN U Yeas Na B��Lfu. /Fmdlm In favor �e reon ,,66 '-'Menzel 3M 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) C F.• No. 105556 --BY O. H. Barfu. - 65.00 ��nnd cancel satd'. sylillcation' ford dcensee. Denied Informally byCounel110-27-36.� Adopted bY. the Council Oct 28. 1938.' Approved M. 311 36. OCT 28196 Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... OCT 2 8 1936 Approved. ..... . ..... ....... ..... .. ........... C� -Ivla ..oc ........... Y 17 7 c- 10555'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL RL<MCO �_'L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY c COMMISSIONER _._.—._._.......... _......................... _........ __...... _........................................... DATE .........October ...LS......l3p ............... _._ WHEEW, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 673 was issued to R. J. Fallon and P. H. Fallon at 353 Robert St., and NHERE3S, P. H. Fallon has requested that said liquor license be transferred at 353 Robert St. from R. J. Fallon and P. H. Fallon to R. J. Fallon, and WHERUS, the License Committee has recommended that each request for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License No. 673, heretofore issued to R. J. Fallon and P. H. Fallon at 353 Robert St. be and the same is hereby transferred to R. J. Fallon at 353 Robert St. and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city's records COON ILMEN Yeas Na uss indlan favor �In /Psterson //1771 Against 3M 6" � Vice 11..1 ant rUa%) Adopted by the Council.....Q.03 2.$.. .....193...... 69T ? B R3111. ....................................... Mayor 105558 CITY OF ST. PAUL • �. NO............- .......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY i ......................._................DATE.......OOLOb6.1.'..._2.L....936..................___ _OMMISSIUNER___—....._..._._...._..._...._........_...._.._......_.._........._._....._._. _. RESOLVED That the application of the National Tea Co, for the transfer of the following licenses, to -wit: Off Sale Malt $4007 Grocery #922 V� from 2038 Marshall Ave. to 2034 Marshall Ave. be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. C70�UN�LMEN Yeas Na s indlan In favor tenon /6Je.1 � / ......... Against 3M 636 lam, Vice president (Truax) C. F. No. 106668--uy G. H. Barf.aa - F. M Truax— .Tatl osis Tea Co thfoapplication tho transfer the the [ollOwI 11tenses. to-wlk: Utt 8alel Matt Beverage 1007,.6 20 roe 922, from 2038 Marshall Avenue to 84. Marshall) gAvenue Abe and the same'.- 1e-.herebey,� hereby dlr eted top r cit ,0 cars, ae changeeln the City records.' Adopted by the Council 'Oct 28, 1936.' Approved Oct. 28. 1988. tock sl, 1sa61 Adopted by the Council. ............ _CtT-_� $...93...... Approved .............. Mayor c.A. ,. io� CpYNCn No.........105559 CITY OF ST. PAUL "'�� "" ""' "" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ........... .................... DATE............Octeutr 2g_aq.36 ............... M __......_.._—._...._.____.....__. COM ISSIUN._..._...._._......_._..____...._ RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 15125. On Sale Malt Beverage. application 15126, and Off Sale Malt Beverage. application 15127, applied for by Frank C. Krause. at 391 University Ave. be and the eamze are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council. Oct. 16, 1936 106668—By O. H: formally approved by Council. Oct. 1886. lopted by the Council Oct. 88, 1586. 3Drdved 1936- (Oct. 31, 1986) COUN ILMEN Adopted by the Council............ OLT.-2.g-3&93 YeasNay atfuss �F/indlan In favor Approved........_.....__..._......._.�...5t..! - Bton Against �...... ,/P..�..... .. ..... Mayor /Wfj alul 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1'resldeut (Traa4 odo Cheek -k d COOK L x.05560 .{ CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO. ............................... _...._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM �C PRESENTED BY___..._.............................................DATE........O.Ct......28�.936......... COMMISSIONER—._____.._..............._............_...._.....__..._....._...____......_ ... ......................._ RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 15155, On Sale Malt Beverages, application 15156. and Off Sale Malt Beverages, application 15157, applied for by Arthur A. Rossini, at 159 E. Kellogg Blvd. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by Council. Oct -2A 1936 COU�ILMEN Yeas / N s /'infuse Findlan 1P neon In favor n /.[. .... Against 314 636 Mr. Nice president (Truax) 106660-8y G. F ,y i- . fee 'rurally approved by Council Oct. 86* ipted by the Counatl Oct 28. 1996. moved (Oc[E k1191986) Adopted by the Council. ...........00T 0C2 ................ Approved.... _.............. .. ..�:.. +T2 $...1093....... Mayor :.A44 n�unca ��5561 Hyl „ CUT cla* Y / CITY OF ST. PAUL NO_ ................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK VVV COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM C PRESENTED BY ......_....___...........__.._...._ ...... ..... .................. ................ DATE........Q.Srt.Ali.£}'....��i.r....a,�3v.........:........._..._ COMMISSIUNE.__.._.._........................._. .........._._. _.. RESOLVED That license for Restaurant. application 15152. On Sale halt Beverages, application 15153. and off Sale halt Beverages, application 15154. applied for by E. L. Douglas at 451E Selby Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, Informally approved by council, Oct. 20. 1936 COUN ILMEN Yeas Nay B uss ind: In favor son � _ _ ........._ .... Against enzel 3M 636 Mr. Vice I'resideut f No. 106691—By G. H. Barfuea—. M_ Truax_ ormally approved by Council O, Opted ed b the Council Oct. 28,.19: proved 936. (Oct. 2111 929). tt ¢¢ Adopted by the Council ............_nCT-2t� ".._'.... Fe..$....f ki93...... Approved .. ® 6. T.? 193...... ........... 51 d"'110�" CITY OF ST. PAUL """ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1 opt. 28, PRE ENTED Blf .._._ ._._.............................................DATE.................. . .................._ X33............................ _..... COMMISBIUNE__._.____......._._.:..._...................._......_. _. __. _.. w, VEMRW, pmil Barbeen has made application 15247 for license to operate as a taxicab upon the Streets of the city of St. Paul, one Plymouth automobile, Serial No. 2809267, Motor No. P2-251712, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis Insurance Policy 1510. N_39905, and license number 29, and VEMI AS, Smil Barbeen, in accordance with Ordinance No. 7321, as amended by Ordinance No. 76711, has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Pant and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation CWnsel; therefore, be it RmSOLVED, that license to operate said autoMDbile as a taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby granted of said ordinances, and the City Clerk is III - subject to the provisions stmeted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. 306662—By G., ruux i Qi Berbeuu ': 16247for license upon the Streets' 17, one Pl9,uouth .i 09267+ Mot- N6 f1:taYde EI rtn— e Now COUNCILMEN/ Yeas ��us N ,ys� /// n /Pindlas S In favor rson Against 1f Wenzel . 3M 636 Mr. Vice President (Trona) Adopted by the Council .... ...... ..... OPT ...2-S..1936'3...... Approved ..... .00T'��g93.._... . __.....// ............28....._ ............. .. or CITY OF ST. PAUL copeca 10.55.63 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION" --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ................_.DATE....................._........................I COMMISStUNER_.._.._...._..__......._...__._.._._...._......._...._.__........_..._................_. v.�......................_..._._ RESOLVED, that the application of James Shepherd for transfer of his gasoline station license at No. 1088 University, to Blankinship And MoBeath, be and the same is hereby granted and the proper city officers are hereby directed to make the necessary changes in the City's record. COUN MEN Yeas Nx s 7ss an jy_�/� .__.............._..... In favor Peterson %%%!!!"/// enzel "Against jar President (Gehan) 3hf 6 M I�-F:-No. 106963-11Y C• p Baion I' ReeMolred g that the application t �Tamea. Sbaphdrd for-tranefe Nn t 1099 neoline etatlon ' llcen6e at nt)B ands niverslty. to Blanklnehip andMelaeathl ,,,,d theeame:le hereby Br4 the proper t ofnce>•e are hereby di - t Clty the rd.necennarY chatiHes Adopted by '1"2 he Courtcil,Oct 29.1936: _Approved (). 29. 19SB1 (Oct. al. OCT 2 9 1931 Adopted by the Council ............ .....................................193 -- Approved.... 93...... Approved........_.....................................................193....... /acting or October 27th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached request for transfer of gasoline station license at 1089 University Avenue from James Shepherd to Blankinship and McBeath at the same address was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant such transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration October 27th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached request for transfer of gasoline station license at 1089 University Avenue from James Shepherd to Blankinship and McBeath at the same address was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant such transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. GENERAL OFFICES, 35 EAST WACHER DRIVE,CHICAGO. MINNEAPOLIS, MINN, October 23rd, 1936. Mayor and City Council, City Hall, St. Paul, Minn. Attention - City Clerk Gentleman A short time ago you transferred the gasoline station license for 1089 University Ave. from the name of The Pure 011 Company to James Shepherd. transfergit tovthe nameconnection theanewhoperatorsstation skindly as listed below Blankinship and MoBeath Yours very truly, THE PURE OIL COAM JS:Ea JAMS SHEPHERD�� original mCity Oak ­ NCIL No.........1t 564 CITY OF ST. PAUL nL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIIONFR_.. ...._._........_......................... DATE_........ OCt.t._2..u.....1936............ .._...........__ wsEaW, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 562 was issued to Ralph B. Smith, at 679 University Ave. and WBER ". Ralph B. Smith, has requested that said license be transferred in his name to 127-129 E. 5th St., and WHW". the License Committee has recommended that said license be transferred as requested; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License INo. 562 issued to Ralph B. Smith, at 678 Univereily Ave. be transferred in his name to 127-129 E• 5th St. and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city's records accordingly. F No. 186685-9Y G. H. B%rause- F M. "'heretofore heretofore a to Tial h nee No 688, was: issuedvenu�e. and8 has '/nI formally approved by the City ,Council 8-18.36.- rtouncll Oct. 29•'1886. Informally approved by City Council, 9-16-36 2 919 C UN WEN Adopted by the Council...._` ..............................................193...... Y.Nays In favor Approved...... ..........__......... � �, .,l.<: ��r .s 21,; Cf..�_......193...._. Pew ./�' Peterson (- ..... Against _ ._............� cfiirg n1 �,r(ra�: r President (Gehan) 3M 676 p Oddml,. Cin ClerkT couwcCOUNCILNo_............1f55b5.. CITY ST. PAUL ""` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .............._.......... ..... DATE.- .......... 04t....29,r 3-9-36 ............................. FN _..--___................... _......... ._................. �_._.._......._ RESOLVED That the application of Ralph B. .Smith for the transfer of the following licensee, to—wits on Sale Dalt x'3673 Restaurant, #9293 Off Sale Malt. #4940 from 678 University Ave. to 127-129 E- 5th St. be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. Informally approved by City Council. 9-16-36 COUNCILMEN Yeas _� N Musa ndlan In favor rson �._..,,. Against ra Menzel /Ivlr President (Gehan) 3M 636/ C. F. No. 106966—By O. H. Barfu-s— F. M. Truaxth— - Resolve'd at the apPllcatlon of Ralph B. Smith for the transfer of the followinglicensee, to—it.: On Sale Malt 3673, Restaurant 5293, Off Sate Malt 4940: from -171 lj,lverelty Avenue to 127-129 E. 6th-8 treet be and the same yte hereby nre herebynd,rected to *aaketthe prober chanBee fn the CitYrecorde. lnformalii approved by the c-1 Connell 9 -Ie -36. - -- i Adopted by the Council Oot 29, 1898. Approved Oct. 29. 1898. (Oct. 31, 1936) Adopted by the Council._ ........ -...:......... . .r�.--10193...... OCT 2 a c '" Approved......__ .................. ............._"..._-.:>.i'.- ..193....... ........ f ........ _.. _.... n02:1 @g o,tate.l b cltr Q«41 COUNCIL 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL .I t ND......_1[�5566 % OFFICE OF .-fkE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .._........_... .DATE ........_OCtOber.._27.t.._�.�6.....__........_.._. COMMISSIONER_ .. ...._.......__....... RESOLVED That the application of ArtAq#,m. Heinen for the 'transfer of the following licenses, to—wit:_ Restaurant $8119, on Salm Malt $3541. Off SaleMalt 795, from 897 Rice St. to 899 Rice St. be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. C. F. No. 108886—Hy G. H. Hertuea- 'F. M: Truax— Reeolved, that the apDticatlon of Arthur M. Helnan'for tha transfer of. the following lloeasee, to-wtt.: Res-: taurant 8119. On Sale Malt 3648: Off 9,99 Malt 4798, from 897.RIce Street to 899: - Rlca Street be and the same -le hereby granted, and the props! Ctty omcers Ran dlrected- to --thea$'proDer. chaagee fn the Ctt" recorda- Adopted by the Ceuncil Oct. 29.F1986. ADDroved Oct. 29 3988.. rocs si, lass) 7UNLMEN .. .. OCT 2 9 1936 3...... Adopted by the,Council._....................._........._......... Yeas Y6 )tuss lan — OCT 9 Find It In favor Approved .............. ......................... ......_.................::.193....... ............... .5,07mon Against enzel tv(r President (Gehan) 7M 636 w filidOV mCh7 Quk COUNCIL 105561 OF ST. PAUL ..Ls NO....... OFFICECITY OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By _..._......._.............DATE.....OCtt..8+.._19?6.._�.........:.........._� -. COMMISSIONER_.__.—............._........__..........._....__.__.,_--._...___._....._..._......_. .... . WAS, Walter Flanders desires to withdraw application 15255 for Barber license at 270 E. 7th St. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it 23SOL4ED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Walter Flanders the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUN tMEN Yeas N ys 1 �uss lPitidlan V/N) In favor eterson /frauz .Against 111 1 President (Geban) 3M 6 36 No.:306607—By G. 1-1. Borluea— . F. M. Truax Whereas„Walter Flanders deeiTea to withdraw .➢plication 16266 for Barber license at 270 B. 7th Street and requeete� the return o[ llcenee fee deposited there-. n therefore: be St o: iteaoly d,,. that the proper city ..core be and they :are hereby authorized. to refund to Walter Flsndem-A . See of 10.00 a.nd. to cancel ea1d applicationli.. Adopted by the Council Oct. 29. 1936. •-- Approved Oc , 29.:.1936. .. - (Oct. 31, 1936) OCT 2 9 193E 193...... Adopted by the Council ............. ...__...... _......F................ OCT 29 936 Approved........ _........_..........................................193....... Ica covens NO - ....._1 oridi m —055 c� eas ca.h . % v".(� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM L PRESENTED BY...................................._..DATE...........4.Ct Obel...Z$,....r.S3.Y......._........__. COM M I SSIUNER_._..--��•--�•.....•._._.._. .. _........._..._...._.._. RESOLVED - That the license for Barber, application 15223+ applied for by Everard Schindler at 1945 Antwan Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. State License #4710 COUN LMEN Yeas Nas / 6ss /Findlan In favor 7 ,son ......._......... Against ua �ntel /"& President (Gehan) ]M 6J6 C. 11..No. 106668—By G. Ii. Barfues— F. M: Truax— Resolved, that the ]fcenee for BerbeF. application. 16226, aPDlted for by vEenue. hfdllchindler at 1846 Aukuman yd..and beand.the. ame ieh¢r9by er llceneey upon"the payment lntio the cl y� treasury of .the re4ufred fee. State LtcenaeNo. 4T10. Adopted by the Coun%ll Oct. 29, 1936. ApProvedOcL 29 1936. (Oct si.'.19s6) OCT 2.9..1. .193._.. Adopted by the Council ............................. OCT 29 1936 Approved.... ...............193....... ..._..._..................................... . fiCtl Y oadd .amcmA {� CITY OF ST. PAUL �COUNCIL OFFICE THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �U„C,� .,�. No _ .........1U5569 PRESENTED BY .............. _.............. DATE ............October...29,....1936......... ....... _.. ........_._.._...._._._.:�_.._.._...____...._. COMMISSIUNE __.._......................_. _ RESOLVED That the license for Barber, application 151I►6, applied for by 0. A. Bines, at 753 Payne Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk instructed to issue each itcense upon the Punt into the city treasury of the required fee. p - -� Ne; 105669 BY G• H Bartuse �. 9 C. F._. .e itceree to bBaC erg.. _ msuax-- State license #59140 COUNCILMEN Nay Yeas indlan In favor �eaiee ylc�terson Against enol President (Gehan) aM eke � d 1 oot. 89. 1996. L. C cT 2 91936 Adopted by the Council ......_._.._....._ ......................._..._193_..... �73f1..........193.... Approved............................... ... or r CITY OF SfT. OFFICE OF T fsr,J} COUNCIL RESOL t iio the 9elawedal. PRESENTEDNEa t AIP. 1136• COMMISSIOR—.__..._–•-_ coasts NO_ ........ 105570 ra. FORM ._.DATE.... Cat.. 20.....193.6 ............. _.`..._.._..__ RESOLVED That licenses applied for .by the following persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is' instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Martin Salswedel 275 W. 7th St. Restaurant App. 14360 Banes. O►hitcomb Bros. g R31— 591 W. 7th St. 2nd hand auto dtr. 14668 ■ Mrs. J. B. Lynch 2028 St. Clair, Grocery a 14706 a Sam Testa m Sam Alegi 60 W. th-St. 3 7 a Restaurant On Sale Malt a ■ 15141 15142 ■ ■ a a a ■ a n a n Off Sale Malt a 15143 a a a n Fred C. Spade 420 Sibley St. Restaurant a 15160 a John P'ieezar 1043 Hastings Ave. n Restaurant On Sale Malt a a 15182 15183 a a a a ■ a ■ Off Sale Malt a 15184 a ■ a W. C. Sregel 2180 Marshall Restaurant ■ 15188 Leon Burch Co. 412 S. Webasha Cas Station " 15190 a George Jung 1058 N- Westem Restaurant ■ 15197 Gus Margares 219 W. 7th St. n a Tavern Dance Hall " " 15198 15199 ■ ■ a Alex Viner 645-7-9 Selby ■ Tavern Dance Hall " a 15200 15201 ■ a W n a Harold Hansen XF 255 W 7th St. Gas Station a 15225 " COON WEN y� Na Adan In favor eteraon �ua Against.................. �enzel �Ir President 3M 636/ (Gehan) Adopted by the Council ........(3.('.j'..--2..9..-"--.193...... OCT9 1936 �Appro�ved.../.J...�.......................................................193....... ..//..................../....`........`........... -..).................... fiCiI aye. odea'. MW cl-k NOL = , �(- CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO ......... . .....M71 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL TION --GENERAL FORM �,r PRESENTED BY 1y`/J--_LI � RESOLVED Whereas, Ruth .9. Haglund, Senior Clerk Stenographer of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Peal, will be in- eapaeitated and unable to perform her duties for a period of twelve (12) days from and after October 16, 1936, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Warks has recommended that Rath.B. Haglund be and is hereby granted a twelve (12) day leave of abssnce for disability with pay, from and after the 16th day of otober, 1936, said leave being in compliance with Praph E, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the proper city authorities be and are here- by authorized to grant a leave of absence for Ruth E. Haglund for twelve (12) days from, on and after October 16, 1936, with full pay. iI COUNQILMEN Yeas Nye uss indlan In favor 4p tenon Against rasa.......... J/4�enul �vir. President (Gehan) 3M &36 Adopted by the Council OCT.2 9 1.7J6 193..... Off 9 no Approved..........................................................._.._..193_..._ _RQf/%J9 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL g T Cl fi OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL NO.__-_--____-- ------------- CONROY pp COUNCIL RESOLUTION yy .��[[ ~_ �SiN FAVOR ��t�V--�__—_----1935— ,,� tiiaTea �UDITED CLAIMS-------- PEARCE G,�e aOA, RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN N THE CITY TREASURY. __� tp �"^'+�'� 'L 1•'e TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $3 INCLUSIVE. NO MR. PRES.B CHECKS NUMBERED_* 7G'-T.----2� COMP SIOLLERS 9 PER CHECKS ON FILE t Tfi OFFIC O TN C ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_____.ice-------------------�� • :7 �I be dr— a TOTAL C. F. No. 106672— CHECK Resolved, that cto hacks then aggregate TRANSFER II DI NUMBER the city treasury, hedge CHECKS t o[ E371.641.71, c 1 numbered 3.1a filo Ing the I office Iot the per checks o ! city niptr Y er. Adopted by the Council Oct. 29, 1936.4D Approved Or 39, 1936. (Oct. 31, 1936) John Rose i Elsa M, Obst, CO.Treasurer ! First National Bank of Stop '1 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin oe j Arthur Maa)1s MoFadden-Lambert Company McGill -warner Company W. F, Macaulay Mason Pub.Company Gus D. Messing Midway loo Cream Company Miller-Bryant-Pieros Company; Mpls.Bt,paul & Sault Ste.Mer a Ry.Co� Minnesota Historioel.800ietp Minnesota Milk Company 1 Minnesota News Company Minnesota Union Advooate F, J, Morse & Company Mueller Mfg,Oompany R.A. Myers & Company National Eduo,Assoo, of the -S• i National Real Estate Journal! New Method Book Bindery,Ino.' Northern States Power Compan Northern States Power OOmpan North Star Varnish Company Now, fuel Company w.S. Nott Company Orange Crush Dist•Oompany Owatonna Tool Company i H. Pelta & Son Pioneer Electric Company practical Home Economics Public Affairs Information S vice public Utilities Reperts,Ino Red fling Union Stoneware 0 any N,C.Robinson, Clerk Of Dist. t. Royal Typewriter Company 1 Ruddy Labe. st,Paul Book & Stationery C any St.Paul Book & Stationery 0 any st.paul Maohinw Rorke st.Psul stamp works St,Baul Welding & Mfg.Compan' Schneiders Gifts sohumaans and Mannheimers sorantonIS Q, Sommers and Company Special Libraries Assooiatio Standard Register Company Verne steward & Associates T Twin 01tq Bag Mfg,Oompeay iTwin City Show Card Company '! Albert H. Vela Company al Wagner Paint & Varnish Oomp weet Publishing Company ;I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 14 352 1 11 1 24 731 3 510 12;3 11 8 34 9 15I 1 114! 7 DATE RETURNED V BY BANK 11 Council File No. .._.._Au1t 573 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and •, PRELIMINARY ORDER'S The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Construct a sewer on Duke Street from Michigan_Street._to._a _oint__ ...._T........ _... .. `MINARY ORDF ,feet aouth._of Superior__Street ,_ ._.... 105573—By H. C �'......_...._...... A written pr .._.................................. __...__.....__................._......._......__....._. _ ...._.. rollow!r Dated this... day of O.et�her� .7 98fi/ 19...:. h ..._ Qodncliman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ _ .................._Can irttct......s.e aer._an._Duke_..S.tre.et....froom_..Michigan__.S..treet_to__—20.14t._.. _..._... _____ _...._.. _110_ feet. south of .Superior_Street.. _....._ __ .._....._ _......_.._.__...._.._........._.....__..........__..._...__..__........_...—...._.._...._ ...... F' having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul _._. ---- ---- - -- ----- - .......- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matchers to the Commissioner Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.. _.__._'�Z.IsT....lr-.�-06 __. _._...... ........ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS y 1 FINDLAN Approved......__. __.1 J _.,.,, :,... __...._... PETERSON 1 TRUAX / WENZEL _.._........_.......___..... .4rtlflgMa o3 NIR. PRESIDENT Form CA13 OM -0-33) r / J D _� Petition Council File No. ...... _.— j-k0J- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of tbe,following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: on..ruct_q#b rade fill level and improve the boulevard PR.. . ....._._._.st.......... �$.: _�.............._.. the west side of Wilder Avenue from Laurel Avenue to Selby venue.. _._. ......... _........... _.. _. _................ ._._..._....._.._ .._....._... 19. j Dated this_....__.. day of ( CcaudiTan. .,71—BY Wenzel— written prop osel for the following Improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER Ing,grade, fill level end I—levardthe t •� erom L.eueato, nrenue WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ,�}, Avenue, 1—Ing been o cou-11 of the city of /� rde_.53 ] 1...lesel _..turd.-PT_.o..Ye..._the boulevard on h b Cft y.............. ... ..........._...........__.._ ._ . e ommfealoner of yjQ7,r$.tfi L. .tea !""f; d 11 hereby ordered the.. we of _Wilder__Ay� µQ from...Iaurel._Avenue to Selby Avenue. Vy for, .._. eh 1 f sold having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pau _ __ __ ... ..._........ -- .............. therefore, be it RESOL\'ED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council CT 9 3936 YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL WENZ MR. PRESIDENT Form CA13 (IM -6-33) Approved_......_. _-.___.. _._......_........ ... ..... ..... "Ictiv r. r s� 105575 COUNCIL FILE NO.-------------- BY--- - -- - --- - - ----- --- ------ INTERMEDIARY ORDERS In the Matter of__ reley_ingj_ rewiring_ and_renonstruotin$ cement the sidawalk-on the ;' nnrth-side_ai-Aeklsnd_Axenua,._bsglnuing. e�_tha_aae.�_13s14_ , ._ rx�nn��n ; the weed li�e_of_Lot_�S of_Blook 9a Holoombe�s Additions �T ______-_-__ ----------------------- A Matter'of rel . "arc' x`y Tlnnlug.t8t slip �• zy P a '4 Hrnok r9. >__________________________________________________________________ A_ �_- 105202 September 25, 1936 under Preliminary Order---_- -------- -- ------approved"----------------------- ------- - The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above: improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. ; That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby.ordered'to be proceeded with. r e re"eir and 2. 'That the natute of the improvement which the Council recommends_ zeoonstruot_ceezent-tile _aideNalk on_the north side ofAshlandAvenue, beginning at _- t11a_a98.t_liAa-of-�,at_�9.,._tilAn49_][@6t_�A._yrl'�e wegt �,�ng 2$_k4t Z$_of_Blook_9�,Holoombete �dtiit-pga_exge�t �rhere good _end -sufficient sidewalks-elread ekiat_____________________ ------^-------`--------------------------------------------------------------- per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofXs $_.]J_-uex—tjIa.; $.07 old tile: relaid. Resolved Further, That a public hearing .be had on said improvement on the____ 11A----------- day of 193,_-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St.,Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ QCT 29_t�------, 192__-- OCT 29 X936------� - � '��----------- ---- Approved----------------------------192--- --- Ci rk. -- ---------------------- ---------- U; Magor. Councilman. Barfuee e Councilman Findlan peeves— Conacilinan � Veterson Councilman Truaz l Councilman . Wenzel UgI.ISIiED p / 3 Magor.l Gehsn Form<B. S. A. &6 ry: 105576 COUNCIL FILE.NO-____--_-__-_ iBy - ------------------------------------- INTERMEDURY ORDER Ia the Matter of__-pavin�Alle�r in_Blook_2, Rogers _Addition and Lexington_Plaoe_-_ Subdivision from oxford Street to Lexinptton_Par]cway iv iess�s—: -------'- i g tt r .r Lt s ------------- ------------- -------- __ -- a.aa�ixf n a --------------------e Subdl Eaton K m axln Yrd --___-___ __ _______ ____________ uy Order'..106104 'i.ns ,eee. _____-___-_ under Preliminary Order_ 105164_ -_--_approved Septembe---- ----9----------- -- The Council of the *City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1 .That the said report and the same. is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with; 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is EaYe Alley_ in_ B1oak_ 2, " B,ngss.u.9slditiiDA131lsi..�.@�iA�QA.P,I.&oe ,ggb�i�v_iaion from Qgford Street to Lexington Park�eay ----- ---- --------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ -------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- . z ----- --------------- --' -- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost lthereof is $__..2t617_-__ 8b _______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- Wh----------- day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City `Hall Building in the City of St. Paul., That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and �� the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.0CT_P,9.. W------ 192__-- f OCT 29 ------------ = — — ------ ---- ----- -- Approved--- --- --------192--- City Clerk. P. --------------------- -------------------- ----- Councilman Imam Barfuas Councilman&FA11618 Findlan l! •x�_ T --- 1.1 � 140 ( n Councilman PT 113LISHED Peterson Councilman Truax Councilman `Venzel Mayor AimGehan i; Form B. S. A. 8.6 f COUNCILMEN Y— ... Nays /6arfuse Pendlan In fav i tecson Against 1 deM-fBeia s� 6 Mr. 'i e r e C 1-E) CITY OF ST. PAUL c.0 OIL NO.._.J.St_578 OFFICE OF THE CITY COU IL R SOLUTION--.GEN'kF No. 30697B av —A—) ` Whereas, Rev. N9-. �k r of the h q amea4 hoe mpde a 1 PRESENTED Y (+// "" " ... to the` Mtnaeeots.: e" g � COMMISSIONER..........._.._....._.........._ .... .. ............._................ ......... ...�we.to-delinquent tax } ._ ' on.ihe foliowlag �'•8'sad 8!' the ey_and 1 �Lr�1r.,,G .5; WHEREAS,. Rev. Vfm. W. Finley as Pastor of the Church of the Blessed Sacrament, has made application for relief to the. Minnesota Tax Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on-thefollowing described property, to wits Except South 1/2 of alley adjoining lots 22 and 24; the vacated alley in Block 2, and Lots 1 to 21, 23 and 25 to 30, Block 2, Hazel Park, Division No. 2; and WHEREAS, The delinquency totals the sum of $411.71 plus interest, i penalty and costs, and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $361.87; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer of settlement; provided, however, that the sum of $361.27 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $361.87, and that said sum of $361.27 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of delinquent assessments included in the total delinquency of $411.71 plus interest, ...,.1+.....A . .+. 7h COUN EN Yeas Barfuss Nay 4indit eterson In favor Against _._........... ...... [IIs _ 3M bas" Mi Vice President (Truax) Adopted by the Couscl, O,CT.,_3.0...10......19 ..... OCT 3 01936 Approved_ .. 193W ........... __..C.... .1p Mayor ftBLISHED 1� ,r coy CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNM No.......105.79 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMBM1881EUNER_�..,_ .................................. ' .._........ _....._. RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby 'is author- ized to stipulate on behalf ofrthe City of Saint Paul, in the pending action in the District Court, entitled "State of Minnesota ea rel City of Saint Paul, Relator, vs. City of White Bear Lake, at a16, for the allowance of the contro- verted claim of Joseph F. Cowern against the Fund of Sewer District No. 1 of the City of White Bear Lake, 1n the sum of $1500.009 said claim having been asserted for the recovery of the sum`of $2500.00 by said claimant against said Fund and said disposition thereof having been recd ended by the C V;, Corporation 679—BY'Axe) F� PeEereom Corporation Counsel by requee xe1�Ae land heal .-by to authorized to Sol- penll ne tee pending notion f the �in the Dlet trlet Qourt, entitled "atnte o[ 1llinneeoia. _, ex rel,city of saint: Reulet altg for the �ldepted byy the t;ou CIl ORt. a �...,IY' ADProved Octo 80.11988) COUN TLMEN Adopted by the Coun«1..._OCT 3 O 193.... _ Yeas � Nay Barfuss In favor ®CT 3O ...... Approved......... ........ _.193...... /Peterson V .l� .... Against c--� /✓ :enol NA ,636 Mr. Vice President (Trans) . JO,BEPH F.00WERN LAWYER E.706. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING - SAINTPAUL;MINNCSOTA October 29, 1936 John L. Connolly, Esq. Corporation Counsel City Of St. Paul, Minnesota Re: White Bear Sewer Warrants Dear Mr. Connolly: With reference to services performed by me and embraced within my lien statement, I submit the following: In an action brought in the United States District Court by the contractor and his surety to cancel the contract and bond in the above matter, a decree was entered July 9, 1928, refusing to cancel said, contract and bond and reserving jurisdiction at a later date to hear the counterclaim of the City of White Bear Lake. The counterclaim of the City of White Bear Lake sought to recover judgnant against the contractor and his surety, the Pederal.Surety Company, for the cost of completing the work over and above the contract price. Up to the entry of that jud gment h was paid in full for all services rendered by me. The eon tractor and his surety appealed to the Circuit Court of Appeals and on February 18, 1930, the judgment was af- firmed. The decision will be found in 39 Ped. 2d 608. If this judgment had not bean affirmed, there would have been no claim against the contractor or his.. surety and no recovery against either. ' After the affirmance of the case, it went back t o the nation of the City's ccuniteralaim. District Court for determi The thial of the counterclaim started On June 22, 1930.and ended on August 2, 1930; between those dates there were brief inter- missions. In that hearing there was involved a great deal of work in .preparation therefor -in advance of the opening of the trial; %he actual trial of thse case from June 22nd to August 2nd and following that the analyyhsis of approximately five large volumes of testimony, oftvolumniouaer tbrief on both squesti nSOfs� and the prep fact and questions of law extends g over a period of several months. The award was filed on May 27,_'1931, and was in favor of the City, amounting with interest to approximately �I12,000.00. Following the award excepand tions thereto were<filed by both partiesnd briefs thereon were prepared and presented to Judge Sanborn a filed. The Master's award was affirmed and on October 9, m Of __,formal, judgment was entered in favor of the pity in the sum oP '4113,108.95. odonai 0e CUT P.l.k Q�/�■ ;,. COUNCIL • ' CITY OF ST. PAUL nl.i No. ......J-11558.0, ■' i558. ■ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM ESEINTEDN1t.... , .. MMSSIOE......._ ...... .....:.... _.... _ E By 8 G MAR- wing Wena\ -8 0[ Ofdtnanco ; n tbat.Wbere 0?j, tone nn to hour om tboee net Douncll by rq� Whereas) Section 8 of Ordinance 7547 as amended) provides that deyann ne ani 4 vretiting t(R'F where federal government regulations as to hours of employment differ aequnmeB�F* . from those set forth in this ordinance, the Council by resolution permit trttvt n��y' the adoption of such regulations governing working time, and Whereas, the federal government regulations governing the Kellogg' Boulevard improvement provide for maximum *orking time of eight hours; per day and one–hundred and thirty hours per month as against a maximum ' working time of thirty hours per week provided for in the City specifica– tions, and Whereas, it is extremely necessary that this paving work be prosecuted with all possible speed at this time to enable it to be completed before cold weather, and Whereas, labor of all classifications may be employed in. the com– pletion of this work for a maximum of eight hours per day without exceed– ing the on&kuadred and thirty hour per month requirement; therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council of the City of St. Paul permits the adoption of the federal regulations as to hours of employment as set forth in the contracts for the aforesaid paving construction. OCT 301936 �• COUN LMEN Adopted by the CoonciL............ OCT Yeas Nay - arfu3s• 7 i OCT 30 1916 '-........ In favor - Approved.......................... ._................_............ ........193....... .................. e'r terson. � ..... Against L........... ..... ........ .r.._...<Jc^R. •!..—....... Mayor Mt. vivo President trrua4 7v - Eugene Evans Chief Examiner 18 1 12 29489 1 1 29490_.Barnedall J.B. Probst. Refining Corp. 913 qi I 20--91 11 20492 Banner Chemi0ad Company Central sdap Company 212 8' 3g 21 41 1 29493 29494 000bran4argent company rarall, Owun Xjrk & Comp w 69 0 294 95 re"ell I 011mun : Kirk & ComPal 107 2- 9 4 nox Company 3 01 imThe Gas Consumers Association General Ohsmi0al Company supply corp. 1 182 31 13Z 9 General zleotrio 91 9 29500 Gt ffbgt Elsotrio 0ompanYIU00. 1 735 0' 11 29501 Iowa Valve Company 133 1 ii 29502 11 295R �j Leaftta Company Midwest Chemical C0mPan7,In0IiJ 93 9 71 2950 1 Uple, Honeywell Regulator 0 any 441 0 it 05 295 29506 iteptune Meter company pioneer Typewriter Company 1 i 75 0 29507 PTIOa TleOtTiO company 1 72 9 36 6 29508 j Roe-TJszes Glass 0omPany 131 2 29509 29510 Simonson Lumber Company Sinclair Refining Company SIU01 2o 4 179 6 295 1 29,512 Tristate T 1. & Telg.Compen '98stinglMs: 2160tTiO-SuPPly OmPany 398;1 2851.3 Gj& Bax-fass, C.P.Safety 43 00 67 29'31" 11 09525 29516 Board of water commissioners Board of Water Commissioners Board of Water Commissioners; 11 6 0 ;o 29517 Board of Water Commissioners] 69 29518 Board of Water Commissioners Board of Water Comissioners! 55 15 90 70 29519 29520 jobn S. lindlan, 0, of Edu0*1 4 46 29521 29522 I.C,Pearoaj, Oop,&WoTk I.C.Pearce, C.P&Vork: 5 1 6 29 mu I.C.Pearce, 0,PpWorks 1 20 68 30 87 29524 9 29525 a Pearos, 0*P*Works '1: a opearoop C.p*Worke 7 83 2 04 14 45 29526 29527 1,0,pearoq� 0*pgWorks 1.0,,Pesroop 0 P*Works 21 20I.O.Pew 29529 1 • 00 C:P*Works 1 0 Pearo8j, 0*PqWoTks 9 1 00 1 99 64 42 47 29530 1! 29531 j 1 96 ol 4 29532 2953J I,00pearoa, C.P*Works 1 0 ar6et.,00. Works 2 59 '9 19 a 96 33 2953 1: 05=09 09P.Works 3 21 29535 i.cPe&rqe: C-P.Wrks " 336 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF'SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.--_----------- --------- --- --- — COUNCIL RESOLUTION 0 otober 20 .3-6 --------------- - ---- - --- - --- - - - ------ ...&MAM, a son AUDITED CLAIMS D N14 � RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE EWY TREASURY. 0 __. COVERING TO THE AGGREGATE AMO tp_. INCLUSIVE. AS CHECK NUMBE EO__j"O PER CHECKS ON F 7:77FFIC F TH CITY MPTROLLER. T ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL__ -____-------------- ------- MIT ------ APPROVED - - ------ - - ----------- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER I II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD !� •1; 29488 11 Eugene Evans Chief Examiner 18 1 12 29489 1 1 29490_.Barnedall J.B. Probst. Refining Corp. 913 qi I 20--91 11 20492 Banner Chemi0ad Company Central sdap Company 212 8' 3g 21 41 1 29493 29494 000bran4argent company rarall, Owun Xjrk & Comp w 69 0 294 95 re"ell I 011mun : Kirk & ComPal 107 2- 9 4 nox Company 3 01 imThe Gas Consumers Association General Ohsmi0al Company supply corp. 1 182 31 13Z 9 General zleotrio 91 9 29500 Gt ffbgt Elsotrio 0ompanYIU00. 1 735 0' 11 29501 Iowa Valve Company 133 1 ii 29502 11 295R �j Leaftta Company Midwest Chemical C0mPan7,In0IiJ 93 9 71 2950 1 Uple, Honeywell Regulator 0 any 441 0 it 05 295 29506 iteptune Meter company pioneer Typewriter Company 1 i 75 0 29507 PTIOa TleOtTiO company 1 72 9 36 6 29508 j Roe-TJszes Glass 0omPany 131 2 29509 29510 Simonson Lumber Company Sinclair Refining Company SIU01 2o 4 179 6 295 1 29,512 Tristate T 1. & Telg.Compen '98stinglMs: 2160tTiO-SuPPly OmPany 398;1 2851.3 Gj& Bax-fass, C.P.Safety 43 00 67 29'31" 11 09525 29516 Board of water commissioners Board of Water Commissioners Board of Water Commissioners; 11 6 0 ;o 29517 Board of Water Commissioners] 69 29518 Board of Water Commissioners Board of Water Comissioners! 55 15 90 70 29519 29520 jobn S. lindlan, 0, of Edu0*1 4 46 29521 29522 I.C,Pearoaj, Oop,&WoTk I.C.Pearce, C.P&Vork: 5 1 6 29 mu I.C.Pearce, 0,PpWorks 1 20 68 30 87 29524 9 29525 a Pearos, 0*P*Works '1: a opearoop C.p*Worke 7 83 2 04 14 45 29526 29527 1,0,pearoq� 0*pgWorks 1.0,,Pesroop 0 P*Works 21 20I.O.Pew 29529 1 • 00 C:P*Works 1 0 Pearo8j, 0*PqWoTks 9 1 00 1 99 64 42 47 29530 1! 29531 I*CqPearoe, C*P.Works I.CoPearoei, CePeworka 1 96 ol 4 29532 2953J I,00pearoa, C.P*Works 1 0 ar6et.,00. Works 2 59 '9 19 a 96 33 2953 1: 05=09 09P.Works 3 21 29535 i.cPe&rqe: C-P.Wrks " 336 19 29536 29537 I.a.?eairoe, G.P.Works 1 0 P eaToe -,-( a 87 2"38 i ) P.Wo -1:0:pearoe', 0 rks Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Fin. I 7 1 1 13 50 6,10,9 Axel F. Peterson, C.P,R.F. Bred X. Truax, OPParks, etoo 73 1 03 0j 58 -50 j! 29542 R.C.,venzel, CoPoUtiliti0s 203 28. SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 11140 I C. ��5581 105582 1F. Ol e.105591—MM— th heckn be draw n NOTICE 44 ee ve P,J thr city treasury, to the aggregate TO jz`�;3 COUNCIL FILE NO. 'Ow, xme nt f E83,224.60, e v ring heckx ,`4 PRINTER ,.. :: —herea 29488 to 29692, incl usfve. e - �j1 i heckn file In the office of the i,\do apt—il.r. j`, int ed D the Council Oct. 30, 1936. OCt Cb BT �VPI'�v ed.Oet. 30. 1936. 19 _ (Nov. 7. 1936) I RESOLVED,THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 63, aa� 66 ez 9SFct OF EJBCOVERING CHECKS NUMBERED2Q488T/ INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT 3 0 193E ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 - '�1�1,n IYIIV � "7 <:.r co„nreoiein 2)v n APPROVED 193_ /' `✓ n� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL �(}.[_��- COUNCIL .475�!1- NO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ' p / OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE ---------- - RESOLUTION John BellomO COUNCIL Sw11:d�11Pp"�e°+yR �UDITED CLAIMS -------October 2g----------19 qtr _MM"eYaleueo ROSENc son ORESOLV ED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. COVER NG engi • TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S --- al g•-gq�.---• ]�. VICC' iC5l ftt R38x ADOPTED BY THE COIQ�N e CHECKS NUMBERED__ TO_ __g ft COMPTROLLER. . PER CHECKS ON FILE�1 -F �P�LITY COMPTROLLER. - - - ---- � OS� ^ � APP D___________ _ -____ _ _ � COMPTROLLER_-- . _____ _ _____ ____-__________- - CITY _ _______ - _________-_ MAYOR - BY ___-__-__-______ __ _______-__ Axel F• Peterson, 0. of FinallS TOTAL DATE li CHECK �� -NUMBER IN FAVOR OF 'i -11 TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS RETURNED I V BY BANK s • IM 92 BROUGHT FORWARD J.M. M000rmiok John BellomO Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Mai e Axel F. Peterson, 0. of rinw e Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fins' e Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finex e Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Finai e Axel F• Peterson, 0. of FinallS Badger Mister COMPSAy S, Berglund Lumber Company 9, Barks= F.J. Brings & Company Central states Freight ServicI .Ino, 0oohran»Sargent Company The Orene Company Electric Blue Print Company Flor-Sit Mfg•Company m Generator Specialty Company II Great &ekes Coal & Dook COMP The Grinnell COMpany.Inc, Harper Nut Company aalter it &Hellman Hez$og � Iiue?meiex ;i R. B• iiulmA Awning Shade Coo JaOka ompaay xfg,.0 Sewanee Boiler Company McClain & Seften Company Morwen"Lambert Company MoUsson v►ttOleealesa, no, Meier Sale's A. E9uippent Comp 17 Monarch Packing &"Supply Cos MY Monroe Calculating Machine C pang vriv, Norae Company Dtorthweet Airlines,Inor Irorthweitern.Blaugas Company I' NOrthweetern Copper & Brass , rke orange (]rush DisU 0onipany A..' Palmer Company it Papez, Calaenson & Company Paris Gandy Company,Ino, Pittsburit Meter C parry R.L. p01t30itpen7, Postage Mdter company Public Utilities Reports.Ino•I purity Baking Company Railway Express Agency Reeves Coal & Dook Company ROex4ames Glass Company Strpaul Foundry Company i st.Paul White Lead & oil Comp, y EET TOTAL—FORWARD 4 6 2 �1 2 25 110 75 49 601 140 29 144 17 35 36 3975126 17128 50 15104 16 35 162 03 223 54 46 2 92 39 10 229 50 46 25 115 26 42 09 20 73 30 92 21 12 68 30 91 oc 2s6102 45158 255150 711,64 t I to QH f,� COYNpL 105583' CITY OF, ST. P nse NO OFFICE OF THE CI F xo iosesa—sy oh` M 'h'ue's[ rrving C COUNGILf RESOLUTION---GE " neree& op Merch tnt, i len9oa for gee .ppu Avenue to th Bund �»ts g y tor. whlPh lfgene iRQ PRESENT �p i`gppyy� nafd: We muiq csL i COMMIBSIOt�HR ......... .........._.. '. ."I said ,.: ,,. ....... .. ,and -mtd, -!%41;.ap 2lQJ}a erthe :L 1 WHEREAS, on Maroh let, 1936, 1loenses were issued for gas pumps at 1201 Payne Avenue; to the Sundberg Motor Company, for whioh licenses the said Company paid the sum of $35.00; and WHEREAS, said pumps were removed July 31st, and said Company has requested a.refund of the unused portion of said lieense fee; therefore, be.it RESOLVED, That the proper oity officers be and they are hereby authorized and direated to issge_a warrant-in favor of said ?0.90 Sundberg Motor Company in the sum of $ , payable out of the General Fund, Item 32, as a refund for the unused portion of said license fee. o h� COUNCILMEN u : " Adopted by the CouncilKQ._,12...T�'��j.._,_.193..... Yeas Nays 4 Barfuss 9 Findlan N 0 V 1 2 �9 `! ,......_ In favor Approved_:...:._....... .._.... 193 Pearce Peterson / diva. _...._0.......Agattlet ...... _ ------- Wenzel ::.._Wenzel am sax Mr. Vice 1'resideut (Truax) Ootober 30th, 1936• Hon. rred M. Trcax, comesr of P.P. A P. Bldgs., 31nilding. Dear Sirs The city Oouncil referred to you the attached request of &maberg Motor company/ for refund on a gasoline filling station license at 1201 Payne Avenue and resolution granting said request, with the request that you investigate this matter and determine whether or not these spas pumps were removed as set out .in the letter. Tours very truly, city clerk. 3„ SU111DBERq MOTOR CO. SALES 4W SERVICE i.l.phona• Toru 3343—Town 3344 Night C.11 T.— 4504 PAYNE AVE. AT MARYLAND STREET ST. PAUL, MINN. October 23, 1936. City Clerk, City of St. Paul, Minn. Attention Mr. Ferguson; - Dear Mr. fergueon;- r r Following up our telephone convereataionn -� — d 7 of a morning in regards a refund on the g p 1/0li licenses located at sundberg Motor Co; 1201 Payne Ave. These pumps were removed on July 318t, and we feel we are entitled to a refund for the du- ration of time this contract was not in force. Awaiting an early refund we are, sincerely, sundberg Motor Co. r by ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Perks CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF. SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota i. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner November 5, 1936 Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: 1 am returning to you herewith file in connection pumpshathe e station Sundberg Motor Company g g 1201 Payne Avenue. This matter has been investigated as requested, and our inspector reports that the gas pumps are removed. Yo s very truly, City Architect IAAR .. U 3 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. fEROUSON City Clerk and Commissioner or Registration October 30th, 1936. Hon. Pred M. Truax, Ooms'r of P.P. A P. Bidge., Building. Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the attached request of Sundberg Motor Company for refund on a gasoline filling station license at 1201 Psyne Avenue and resolution granting said request, with the request that you investigate this matter and determine whether or not these gas pumps were removed as set out in the letter. Yours very truly, City Clerk. G( 84 od.1-d city Oak CITY OF ST. PAUL c,,Tc` No. OFFICE .OF THE CITY CLERK FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL PRESENTED S . . . ..... . ..................... ....... ... -DATE OctAer 30.,,..1936 ........ .. .... ..... COMMISSIONER_.. Sir,N RESOLVED That license for Restaurants application 152209 and on Sale Malt Beverage* application 15221. applied - for by Anthony Bova at 359 E. 7th St- be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the P13,11IOnt into the city treasury of the required fees- 106684-33yO. H- Baffe-7 Trunx— ja , Resolved license cee-for ReS-7 rant; application � 152201, and On Sale. miat Beverage application 16221 plied for by Anthony Bev- at 3 7th -St., be and the same are herebX. granted and the city c -'' �, th.,, Day- -,meat issue such' licenses,upon mcajhtathe: i_city traas�ry or the I re- q!lftd fees. Ny :' , ; : , . ­ : InLormally approved by Councll�Oct, 1986. by the council Oct. 30; loss. Approved Oct 30. 1936, iNov;,7;1936) NOW, Informally approved by ,Council, Oct. 27. lQ46 93- COUNgILMEN Yeas NaffsPutele 1. In favor ZZ.n 01: Against ........ ... entel 3M 636 Mr. Vice, President (Truax) OCT ....................._93.......30 Adopted by the Council .................. L ....... GOT 3 0 1936 Approved.... . . .............................. ..... .. ......... 193 , r/Z k6.. ........ . COMM'PRESENTIoNEED BX ISS Aq5 No.58..5 .... . ........... .... CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE...306._193==•.......__.— That 30A 193 .. ......... — That license for Restaurant, application 15171. On Sale malt Beverage. application 15172, and Off Sale malt Beverage' application 15173- applied for by Helen Ann wanks, at 959 R109 St. be and the same are hereby grante& and the city clerk Is Instructed to Issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW, , Informally approved by council, ectober 21. 1936 Yeas CO7UNMEN Naysus$ uss In favor OAgainst envel 3M 6>6 V1. 11,es.ZA (T---) Adopted by the Council OCT IQ 1936 ..193...... OCT 30'06 Approved.... ....................................... . ................. . 191 NCIL 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL 11- No. ....... ,105 5.(. 6 /� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (5 • COUNCIL RESOLUTION --•GENERAL FORM COMM SSIUNEyy.._,._,__.....__..._.___._............_.__._._...___.______..._...._....._. _. �1 R.� ........._.............._.._.DATE.....,.._OCtObBr...�[.;.:..J.936.._....._._�_ RESOLVED That license for Restaurants application 15234, On Sale Halt Beverage, application 15235, and Off Sale Halt Beverage, application 15236, applied for by Laura Jackson, at 1081 Arcade St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees._ _ C F 2iN3' �ua508f BYO H Barrues—.11 New, Informally approved by council, Oct. 27, 1936 COUNQitMEN Yeas / Nay Barfuss In favor stetson �Mr Against 3M s _ Vice I�resideut (Trow tees. 27Inrormally aDDroved ?o-n. by Counen oot: , 1838. -. Adopted by the onnell Oct. 80, I988: ADProved . Y988... (Nov. 7;_:.3838) 1 Adopted by the Council ............. OPT-...3.0....JM3...... _ Approved..... ..............._®�T.._3_0....1 6..193....... ........................... ......... ....................................................... ... _ Mayor r O'kind ck? cs-ok '.UN 105587 UL CITY OF ST. PANO....................... . ... . . . . . OFFICE .OF THE CITY -CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED I3DATE COMMISSIONER_."..-.._...__._-_ — -- - ----------- ---- 11029009mm , Wenzel Etter desires to withdraw application 150go for Bakery license at WEBM3 373 IT- prior Ave. and requests the return Of license fee deposited thereon - Therefore, be it pXSMVM; that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to retand to Wenzel Etter the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license C:O)UNLMEN Yeas Nays a m Barfuss In favor Peterson . ........ I ............. Against 3?1 63a Mr. Vice President (TittSa% Adopted by the Council...............n-'T 31-10%93 0 9F Approved ...... ............ OCT ............. . 3 ........1 ........... 193 , /,/- S94�15__� ...................................... . ....................................tea oi ........... 10084 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT' THEREFOR In the matter of__oonde®ning_and taking_an easement -in the land necessary for elopes,_ outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, King's Highland Park and Blobk 1, River Boulevard Addition from[ Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley HE90LUTION; 8A'1'II+'YING. FIiJ11NG COMMNATI�' 'AWARDe qI1' 'DAMAGICe`I 8Ee5M6NT T861LIDFU[4 No: 10559&:Le No of oond, }" 4n: eaeemen' -for dove - 104647 -'� under Preliminary Order-----------------------, approved-----August--------6,---1936 ................ 104784---___-_--- approved___- Au�uat 19,-1936--- Intermediary Order ---------------- -----------' 105046_-_--____- approved__--- September---- 1936. Final Order ----------------------- ---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �axxxmvr Adopted by the Council----NO,----`1 --- �------- -- - r f Approved----------------------- C1 - ------r---- -- -= --- - ---- Z,2', i - Mayor. Councilmanf1V@Fb7jP3M09Barfuss Councilman odlan /� Councilman f earee�� G ' Peterson LI _ �� j PUBLISiiED-��� CpuIICllmaII p,Wenzel 11Sr.JVi� 1'resident Truax) -�d�ru - �O�S REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSME` T OF BENE:FITS In the matter of_ aondomning and taking an easement in the land necessary for_slopea, outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, Bing's Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley under Preliminary Order-_1��?------, approved------- 6----------------------- ------, approved_-----_Aug_u�t_19� 1936___________________ Intermediary Order ------- 104---784--- � Final Order ------------- 1Ob048------- approved------ ----------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------:�=--- l/ Commissioner of Finance. 105589 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMINC4 CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFto, ,Uta. ,.uzwl p -wui . a NIT 10 5 ,Gr,oi donil*'A'7', In the matter of ------------ ------------------------------ and t-bj- an easement twenty feet in iiddthe on, under, earaoss and through certain miscellaneous tracts of land in the nj of Nwj of Sea. Sp Townsb4p 28s,'IbUIP 22 and the "i of 800. 4, Township 2S, Ramp 22 for the purpose of oonstrwrting and mintalm- Ing a public sower sxtanU%,.Trcc the Point Douglas Road to the joint interooptar cower of the ftmespolis.Saint Pik Sanitary District at a point an th0,Ri9ht-8f-V&Y of the Chicago. Burlington & Quinsy WIMY, as m*r# particularly described hereafter. The center line of said casement shall be a line described as fOlISMI COM0310ing at the northwest oorner of Section 3, Township 28, Range 22, thence along the north line or nU Section $j a distance Of 5634,29 foots thence it an angle to, the right: of 590 281 for a distance of 841.68 foots thando, at an angle to the left Of of for a distance of "Tea root to point of beginning. thonoo at an angle to the right or no )A$ for a.astemos of 23004 foots than** at an angle to the right of W 101 30" far a distance :Yth"49'at an lwaglo, to the left 300 for -'a AistionaO of 787-78 ZOO *0 , a point an the south line of the HE} of V* or Soatim 4. Township ge, age 22 and 467 root west of - iter aofitlin at corner or said 14 or- N*- of ---S*&Uon A' a 1"W along, the south Ifto of said NE* of aj of S�q gle to 'p 4 or a distance of 491.42 foots, thofto,# an on the or xotw root,*honoe at '�;a'1hd4fjW of 410 230 -1w2iw 561 for a die for & distance of 409*04 feet to the Joint interceptor sever of the MIMOSPOU100SOAt Paul Sanitax 'i distance D 'h that;. described line produpo westerly sup itriat, at a ps, a ii4iiia: e' it" iii is P' viae oP ha' Chlftge* Lorlingkow.and-, t .�fiw jbwtherW.-,=&, sarkhor.4 Hight qujW W .4,;," 2y.qre,#,s.x _4 q 4ne of said on the q i,p _ '�_ I . _ , �L .Jgg'" Right -4 -��# #jsn� pgryssoc�, an _0-tko 40ROrM ip, At Upd, 4, ft, 4 a�cpt where $04 ocadmination is notsec VIA 0 o'pf the �W00;0;k W he ;! 0 Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. ig *1 F Whow 3R I A H Adopted by the Council ------- Noy—ki. '7- - ------------------ N 0 V Clerk. - Approved -----------------------19 y Mayor. Councilman WIMP Councilman NWEBMWEMM Find] n Councilman Peterson Councilman Truax LISHED x Councilman 0=5ZEMON Wenzel Mayor 10MUN03 Gehen r7avCII^a8•x;.'1. LGX, ^Si?? ❑^,7C 'If ,.Jr�2�ta on osag 2118 s a asr,Qn; a°okT oc ISO i3 ¢Q.zbtl Ns.,l J Jc7 ,7 y .c. Xdj7.�'^G"� .• tQL ., .. xql, , VfSdiJQri T Tsorg Sfib',Qdl. Lest kQr. Onxae A� P}sLj% of Axa n70ri7 sW-4 on TO as;, a�wxT4a,Tuxa�rc� sV77fT�L1�i T2ua o Cyo NJ'dac aro}�,pl,F�� r9.iura � 7 � rs Low d g�ac"tis of .103101 Lo04 so rTsr>> �, R P ITZ10 xe ad q fye TGU 334 VQ, Loa u & 2G'5 02 L euPaxcsb as aejtez '4 01'f6 �Fss asoT�n iF7 bi 7 .; Ttre OT a^4Tq" V T4aruP&L7Cffi U + p oanac, ` V# 3YXS RL ra 13- �L 3f. aL 200.E;on +: tot a 4i �vzaoe o � , T. � tzAo Lp v or. �T k0.� oL �i =• aots�Ft ts� cora,aa o , ce , i . 04;�"l�ah6o rrt0? 7rirlv'1i J`2e H ,aTxr. of plr0 aarr; ; dna oi I ! oL� o Srztor. o aNssstrzasg a< c7� . €ITlip oft P. pcuoo rr vz !xu a 04 a •gTs�s ]r IOU �a5p T&c Ou tot �r S nls,I E?1 !? y w30` ti:zcc a.7ae o� o�u su�7e �iT C!�.nt+ r% »t9 o"q fi i gl'0fisnroa o F:,. , r L, S3S'S &swo :otl;:a; o Aci Tic* L�3 3z7� .d,t: Lsar. rr rdTttFfzas QL tDQ. SSj LAa a gTofs oe, o , a Pposraa ap v7 V it .lea z ltdP oL ?a' CP'i' A3aTs c;Tor<'an'Gi?e °3'S3ao�arstwyo.;p Pg7. {Lca o, Cosi t- im 14 Of4 s � ataSgQrd? rn�a� L zrTiy«1 vSol xf, r. y, ca ax Ge r ees�o= TlT s y Or iii ?3at nurA' yrs 37u , : 3e oz Pace ua STT Q e'. t t 1 I:TII"'ilv`S�i' ^}v �� T�?tT •--. _ ,, ��or7�^^�,T},' QF7al',ia; ja,arf yt x: ,. i. x�-c under Preliminary Order____10444L_______--- approved ----- July_ 21;_1936 ----------------, -____-- Intermediary Order --------- 104726------------- approved____ Augnst 13, 1936 _ _-----_---_ Final Order ---------------- 106020 ------------- approved_____ Se�temher 10, 1936_ _--_--_-- --- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmatj�n_ d$neeaaidcaaaeseixs anal7m �n�rstlm}l�eamm� Adopted by the CouncilNoV4J936----- - -- -- ------------------ NO Vi �� ---Clerk. Approved----------------------- 1 - - � y /�"/' Mayor. Co1mcibnanaggggporgMBarfuss Councilman JbwZWWW72M Findlan COunC111LSII -- Truax Peterson Councilman Councilman 'P'UP.LISI]ED Mayor Fenzel EmEzam Gehen 19 .REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON 77C7O� CONDEMNATION T) LANDS Inthe matter of-------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- condemning and taking an easement twenty feet in width, on, under, across, and through certain miscellaneous tracts of land in the NVF4 of V* of Sec. 3, Township 28, Range z2 and the NE4 of Seo. 4, Township 28, Range 22 for the purpose of constructing and maintain- ing a public sewer extending from the Point Douglas Road to the joint interceptor sewer of the Minneapolia-Saint Paul Sanitary District at a point on the Right -of -Way of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railway, as more particularly described hereafter. The center line of said easement shall be a line described as follows: Camoaencing at the northwest corner of Section 3, Township 28, Range 22, thence easterly along the north line of said Section 3, a distance of 563.29 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 590 22' for a distance of 642.56 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 190 o' for a distance of 197.2 feet to point of beginning, thence at an angle to the right of 810 14, for a distance of 230.4 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 530 10' 30" for a distance of 759.4 feet, thence at an angle to the left 320 13' 30" for a distance of 787.78 feet t0 a point on the south line of the NE4 of NSh- of Section 4, Township 28, Range 22 and 467 feet west -of, the .southeast -,.corner 'of`said K*;of'NE4 of Section 4. thence west along the south line of said NE of K* of Section 4 for a distance of 491.42 feet, thence at an angle to the '•16MS9OYSet'ftr-e distsnoe of 362:05 feet, thence at an an ie to the right of 410 23' for a distance of 40904 fest,<,to,the joint interoeptor,sewer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul . SanaYy'D%etriot, at a point`etich that,last'desoribe3 line produced westerly a distance of 104.41 feet would intersect a line drawn between monuments marking the beginning of curve on the southerly and northerly Right -of -Way line of the Chicago, Burlington and Quing.Reilroad,2S6.47. Beet northerly of the monument on the said southerly line of said .. Also a temporary easement for construction purposes qu a strip of land 40 feet in width o3'eabh!,aide-of'the 'easement described, except whererlsaid oondemnation is not necessary for the said purpose, thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. f 6i_ -------- -- Commissioner of Finance. leUst ->_ , 49 nacaazsYl. F,oL ruo zvrq bnYboza' , : o c.• r;a couyomnvrT°n Tz ea Zn o e avzemanF g9soLrp°4' axceb� ;,}' opLTb °L lrvq 30 mTgFp ou svcp aTgs t Fp o�az;^LncCrov nnY oaaa ou V TaO B {-`HY+`•bOLA'Y� OU2d10GIJ, F,°L ;; RTrI 20n�}tOYJ-� 2RTQ -oL-ova' ae.F -Pp T °, FFs movnv:su;. ov fF'a :: c;TcvP.o` 6nL7?v''_,:oa suu. OL aL i Cjn7vcT. MTTLoeq SS.1 >JOLrpHYT:n 3Tr�PP-OF.-^�s2� ITvo u7. ;I--"� r o ?o'zrtiv; �� o-, Pop Baan wovmaa.; z axrLFTv' Fp :a 2u;Tp}Je LJ\ avq oY a s q+ —nce cnu.s on F7oa{ xi°nJ4 TnFeL85C s JTneEgYseuZFPge:`cLTpac1 JT»o ynoHq .vaaF J3 ^-2 oF. 70 ''fJ , v„ a boTu� 2ncp Je eb oL 2eh1nL or FPa }'rvneebo r� s;11 ben 2'�TFeLa DrzrLro r ° 0 30 Tn.F1 2 a f° FFa LTa},* oL f7o Si, LoL e gTarsncs oT, dod'Oq L'"f + i- rJonce a vn nndJ -police v vu sn�7e i:o �Fa JsL2 330 2@t TOL s_gTa.�snco °L 3P,S'02 t°B,�` nc5 oi. i3J':'S (aap' .F oniL uo aon;F Trno oL zeTq 17B oL )", LnaLaoL zaTq T °L Y;. °L G p:r 01j "ceGT;on oew213�°Sf,,aa &J OT 5'U'i:° SS Mead OL fFs a°nqFese; a s oL Ihli °t `©o�Tou LOL v gTafvoco °t J91'�fl LOOP'Po e boTn� on fpe aon'eF ITna °L FF YEo fFo IeLF 3So 731 Sou L 30u LOL U gTaF ae �ponca vc vn sn�Ta sn auiTe �° fFa IJ4- °t 230 70. °L S23'raL�cs °L S20'd Leef' FFauoe gf enne vF sn en}.ra po FN° LTaFF oLiBTo Sfi oL or q. °- ogTnnTu�' FF o .P, L°L ° grapvnce oL 73�'S LooF ;o boTnFS �epLeaF' 2Fonce sF vn gn�Jsuce vr�a ao�Ioa�Fa LTtsp.� oL 23° SS, LOL a qTa;once °L�2�••ra..,nca °L 2@3'S3 toe F' 1'1 aIIoe :;az ei.J% vioue �Vn v q. F , fF T o 2 Tg pec TOU 2 yorena} s o; noc.r}r Tva t _ ... . oT ?acrrou 2 under Preliminary Order ----104442 approved ------ July_ 21t_1936, ________________________ Intermediary Order --------10472b approved-____ Auguat 13j_1936t---------------------- Final Order --------------- 105020___-, approved ------ Segtember-1011936.------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. f 6i� -------- -- ----------------------- Commisaioner of Finance. oadoa w ci. ci.�k cou"G� 105590 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIk RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .:COMM 8310NER.........a.nd a3t>'1....... ✓�.`....�(.G Lv�> ... ..... ........._.............DATE—......._.-. ...r.:.... ....:... RESOLVED That the free use of Rooms 305 and 405 of the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to the St. Paul Civic Opera Association during the year 1937, for the purpose.of holding re- hearsals, said Association to pay only the cost of opening and operating that portion of the Auditorium on the occasions when it is used by said Association; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the free use of the theater section of the Saint Paul Auditorium be and it is hereby given to said Association, at the cost of opening and operating, on December 9th, lith and 12th, 1936, February 3rd, 5th and 6th, and April 21st, 23rd and 24th, 1937, for the presentation of the operas C., ,r' xu 106m_ -$y dpby said Opera Association. a er hn 9 Indian a� COUN LMEN Yeas B N e uea Pindlan -favor ...... In "son �Pe7s .` Against Z1 r. President (Gehan) 3M 6, Adopted by the Council .._,,,_..NOV ........4_.M$.193 _"' .Approved. ............... . ... .... ............�....... .........:........•.."......:.._..........._% __Y- BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS PAUL S. AMMON, Suacdnt,nd-t BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS A. F TRUDEAU, Di,.a r CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN 5. FIND L.AN, I COMM SSIONER P. E. McDERMOTT. D[vu— I.—I.... -01100.® October 30, 1936 Nir. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City of Saint Paul Dear bs. Connolly: A/tic1909 - BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY MRS. J. 7. JENNINGS, Ub"d- BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM EDWARD h FURNI, Suo.rint-dent Will you kindly have prepared for Tey presentation to the Council a resolution to provide: The use of rooms Nos. 305 and 405, St. Paul Auditorium, at cost of opening and operating, f f tile St. Paul Civic Opera Association during the year 1937, and The use of the theater section of e December 9ul , 11, at cost of opening and operating, on 1936, February 3, 5, 6, 1937 and April 21, 23, 24, 1937, for the presentation of the operas of the St. Paul Qivic Opera Association. 7Vet�Yours,missioner of Education TSF -R orional to CRY tiw'k _ '- CITY OF ST. PAUL � �i868y} BY A�,eQF Petr 0 ....... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK[ Go the einkfngg on October 11 ,L19a8;aek U IL RESOLUTION --GENERAL ab.itted Irom alma to countPRIESE. EDy and valage or MtSin Ine,.beld tn;t gOMMI SIO aY ^-8lnkln Funds a• COMMISSION r,the to�lowlnr F; .. etnkin6,... tat ��hpf r t. Whereas, the Sinking Fund Comsittee did on October lb, 1936 ask for bide to be submitted from time to time,on various county and village bonds of the State of Minnesota. held in the General and Water Sinking Funds, and Whereas, the following offer was received, :the Sinking Fund Committee recommends that the Cadmil concur in the action of the Committee in the sale of these bonds= Price $ 3.000 Olivia, Minn. Sewer Warrants 6% due 5.00 leas $10 per bond 1937-1941 19,000 Olivia, Minn. Imp. Warrants 6% due 5.00 less $10 per bond 1937-1951 to Piper, Jaffrey & Hopwood. 11 4preas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, Resolved, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Finance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorized and directed to consummate the transaction. - ....4..hqo � Adopted by the CounciL_ND.V K-...193 Nov- 4 191P Approved _........ .... ._.. _....._.-.. .._...193 Mayor VMLISHED Z COUNCILMEN Yeas Na Barfuss Findlan C yyi In favor Peterson !rr— Truax L,'arren 0 -:..Against Wenzel f-epob aM 11-35Mr. President (Gehan) ....4..hqo � Adopted by the CounciL_ND.V K-...193 Nov- 4 191P Approved _........ .... ._.. _....._.-.. .._...193 Mayor VMLISHED Z \IV alga+ to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ri `a No. ---105592 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r 2.5. 1936 COMMISSIONER Ar RESOLVED No °}g66B4-ny I -L C. Wetf That the Northern States Power Oompany be given permission to install 1•MO foot Pols on the ?tet side of Raymond at allay South of Universityp with necessary guys# anchors„ wires, and Teleyhone Oompany wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Oemon Ootmoll and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Oompany. 1 satimate #2W35. r COUNCILMEN NOV 4193 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._ ................_........_...... 93...._ Barfuss � Findlan NOV- 1936 yw.ee t 7 .........----...In favor A proved_ ....................... _...--- ----------- 193—.. Fetcraov Truax_j �. / � V Trues 41C r i� ..Against � _ = � ayor Wenzel Lwexi a Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 11-35 ,. • `PUBLISHED � . 3 o~4t„ttoCity C1.< RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAbL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t r CO CIL RESOLD IO —GENERAL FORM to �a No... J5 3 That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install -2-40 foot poles on the North side of III ehahs; east of St Albans, with neoessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Counoil and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Oompany. 1[unioipal Eetimate 25260. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Earfttee Findlan /V go— L DSII. ------------ - In favor PetersonIYrits' >; Truax 1 --------------------Against Fenzel IXA�= Mr. President (Gehan) and n -as Adopted by the Council.%OV---- 1936 -•---193...... NOV 41936 Approved---------------------------------- .........---1 3...... Mayor i'MLISHED 0611n 1 to QtY Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK =LN ILNO. ....105594 FRA................... That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-44 foot pole on the South side of Orange between Cypress anal Forestp with necessary guys, anohorst wires, and Telephone., Company wires. Pole and wXres to be removed , when requested to do so by -the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Municipal 8stimate 25199. g j COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss Findlan l In favor Peterson f ,,11 Truax ......_V_..... -Against Wenzel ZMAA aM u.as Mr. President (Gehan) r P OV 41936 Adopted by the CounciL_..... _.__............ ........... 193 Approved ---•--..-._....��.0V 4 1936..........--193...... ./ ......._ Mayor PUBLISHED �/ / OrlCinai to City ClerkWUN �� CITY OF ST. PAUL FMA C' NO.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-30 foot pole in the alley west of Rest lburth Street, north of Smith Avenue, with neoessary gays, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common 0ounoil and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Xmioipal Natimate 25257. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss Findlan .Sonne .........v._.._In favor. Peterson r Truax ..........�----_,Against Wenzel LWepft Mr. President a>H u•as (Gehan) `R Adopted by the Cbdncil__NOV 41936 193..._ Approved _...... PAY....AlaadC?•. ..193. syor T BLISHED �� �� to City Clerk ,CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK as NO...... jQ5596 That the Northern states Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south side of Valley between Canada and Broadway, with necessary guys, anphore, wires, and Telephone Company wires. -Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Yuniotpal Estimate 25259• 11 0 F s� Adopted by the CouneiL_.N.0.V...193...... NOV A 1936 Approved_.............. _............ ....... ........ 193...... Mayor PUBLISHED COUNCILIEN Yeas Nays Barfass Findlan n 400M EJR --------..I. favor Peterson avXMMM 0......Against Truax CYM$B Ncnzol011y.B� Mr. President (Geban) 3H a -3s 11 0 F s� Adopted by the CouneiL_.N.0.V...193...... NOV A 1936 Approved_.............. _............ ....... ........ 193...... Mayor PUBLISHED pdooel to City Clerk NO.__.—I"5597 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU,CIIL—RESOLUTIO --GENERAL FORM T-- PRESENTED Blf7 �v — ._........ A ........ 71 .� SiRA.Q..r.....4.q...., �,.�.f'.............. 1RZ_. ...._ COMMIBSIONE........_........_.............._................................................ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he s hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one minimum carload, approximately 340 square yards 3" creosote blocks, from the Republic Creosoting Co., at a cost of $1.80 per square yard f.o.b. 8t. Paul, or a total price of approximately $612.00, without asking for competitive bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Paving Plant- 11-B-131 COUN MEN Yeas N s B uss indlan In favor /Pe 'son %% �a Against �ul 7r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council .......T.16 ......... A_._193 _... Approved .................._ vUV V. 193__.. ..r..........._......_.__.._.... . Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL nu No. A05598 OFFICE OF THE CITY .CLERK yW�' COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COMMIS IS ONER .........._.....,._._.......................................................................................................................................DATE........._..__.........._........_:_......................._........_........ WHEREAS, in September,- i938, on- and off -sale 3.2 beer and restaurant licenses were granted to Timothy Gallagher and Walter E. Nelson at 1180 East Seventh Street, at which time one of the partners was deceased; and WHEREAS, the licenses were issued by mistake in the part- nership name and should have been issued in the name of the surviv Ing partner, Walter E. Nelson; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the city records so as to show that said on- and off -sale 3.2 beer and restaurant licenses are issued to Walter E. Nelson at said address, and not to the firm Of Nelson & Gallagher. IC r.X X. 106698 -By G. H. s -cu-- COUN MEN Yeas Buss . i?.dlindlan Na s ..... .........._ In favor n. Against r a• r. President (Gehan). 3M 636 Adopted by the Council N.o._V__._.4„ ,9, 6_._.193..._ NOV Approved..:.4 1936......._.._.......__.._ ...................... _._....193__ Mayor oeyldlmCi' c`Jak�, COMMISS 0j RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLI_!T:nN --- GENERAL FORM IIL[NCIL NO._1(1559. YOMAA.....1936......._.._....__ That Hotel License 80. 1089, expiring December 15, 1936, issued to H. Hider, at 126 w. 6th St. be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of violation of law requiring the registering of guests. COU Yeas N s /pind In favor ..� Against �y I r President (Gehan) 3M 676 C Fr Noy 196699—BY G. � $ Basxuee-- Truax Reaolyed, that Hotel License No. 1988, expiring December ,l6 1938, leau d to � Hider; at 1266 w.. atii St., be and the maendati0n o[ the Buren of Pollee be- cause of arrest and oonvletion of vlols- t[on et )aw regUlrinB,tha registering of guests. -c Adopted by the C Uracil Nov. f. 1996: ' Approved Nov, 4, 1. (Nov. 77� 1938) I— e odgbw to CUT CU& COUN 165600 CITY OF ST. PAUL No ..... .................... . .... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 67)11�,A�COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMS -- — ------- – ------ DATIE ........... lK.-Idy-00-ar 4,---3-9-36_ RESOLVED That Hotel License No. 1102, expiring February 19, 193T, Issueullo A. Rieth, at 394 Jackson St. be and the same Is hereby revoked upon. recommendation of the Bureau of Police beca'ase of arrest and conviction of violation of law requiring the registering of guests. COU13&LMEN Yeas Na uss- indlan In favor Against �Mident (Geh an) - 676 I 108600-13 'G I# Harfues `.Reeo7ved, that Hotel Lice ea No. 1102. expiring I. Fhebr.rua,ry-, 19- c1987.ed ,ulosuue'dro om& Reth, t 4 JI.. so st, g0-nlt ndatson sot the r— oV'P..comsusor arrest Piviction of vfO tion f,jaw requ, re , Wing iof: guests: - Adopted jt1d b� the o.II ov:,c 19336.. ppr— V. 4 191 0 . 7� 1936) Adopted by the Council :- I lj".V--- - .4 NOV 41936 Approved.................................... ...... ............ 193 f........../ lee-... ......... Mayor M DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL y b i� ■�`L Fd NO._____ �J E OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE OFFICFC COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ootober 31 36 OR - - 18---- ...:..M..� UDITED CLAIMS ------------ — - - — rson ITY TREASURY. �ienl fy0� SEIiT RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE C& tj,T SIIMI�W�R $ 1. TO THE AGGREGATE AM UNT OF S __—-----• COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE es. Gahm CHECKS NUMBERED__�F�------TO______ INCLUSIVE. AS p PER CHECKS ON FI T OFFICE OF THE CITY CQMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY TPMUNC ----iF-�--'---- / jn�) / �� APPROV _ --18__--- .7 //, / CITY COMPTROLLER Y -` t ------------ --'-- -- -- -- -- -- -�--- MAYOR __'C�•'�? Br: -4i-- - -- CHECK II77r� �c- NUMBER ¢ 7i8681O ov¢TInF I . 369 tnrlusl�r in thee4Y TOTAL i DATA RETURNED V BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS — DISBURSEMENT CHECKS the Council NiVAIIRD Vnv. {,'"6. ' 7. • I 347 I ireyen construction Company 12 % 9 348 Aael F.Peterson, 0. of yin. i 27 70� 8064 7 349 '-vaster W. Magee company �! 350 Joa. Paviioek ! E 1 351 Board of Water Commissioners! 171 2 352 'J L C.Pearoe, O.P.vlozke 2 644 a 1 8 353 B.C.Wensel, O.P.Utilities 354 Capitol stationery Mfg.Comp i y 712 355 ; Victory Printing Company' e 356 ii Cleveland Continer company 15 6 357 Mining Auger &Tool Company 2 0 358 Electric Blue Print Companyi 164 5 359 ; i Belmont corporation �j II I i I 4 13 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL y b i� ■�`L Fd NO._____ �J E OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE OFFICFC COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ootober 31 36 OR - - 18---- ...:..M..� UDITED CLAIMS ------------ — - - — rson ITY TREASURY. �ienl fy0� SEIiT RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE C& tj,T SIIMI�W�R $ 1. TO THE AGGREGATE AM UNT OF S __—-----• COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE es. Gahm CHECKS NUMBERED__�F�------TO______ INCLUSIVE. AS p PER CHECKS ON FI T OFFICE OF THE CITY CQMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY TPMUNC ----iF-�--'---- / jn�) / �� APPROV _ --18__--- .7 //, / CITY COMPTROLLER Y -` t ------------ --'-- -- -- -- -- -- -�--- MAYOR __'C�•'�? Br: -4i-- - -- CHECK II77r� �c- NUMBER ¢ 7i8681O ov¢TInF I . 369 tnrlusl�r in thee4Y TOTAL DATA RETURNED V BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS — DISBURSEMENT CHECKS the Council NiVAIIRD Vnv. {,'"6. ' 7. • I 347 I ireyen construction Company 12 % 9 348 Aael F.Peterson, 0. of yin. i 27 70� 8064 7 349 '-vaster W. Magee company �! 350 Joa. Paviioek ! E 1 351 Board of Water Commissioners! 171 2 352 'J L C.Pearoe, O.P.vlozke 2 644 a 1 8 353 B.C.Wensel, O.P.Utilities 354 Capitol stationery Mfg.Comp i y 712 355 ; Victory Printing Company' e 356 ii Cleveland Continer company 15 6 357 Mining Auger &Tool Company 2 0 358 Electric Blue Print Companyi 164 5 359 ; i Belmont corporation �j II I i I 4 13 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,056()3 COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CAL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._____----_----- ------ ------ X86 COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA�IIIA/YORAlO� FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS October ROS N �^^-- '1'j? T BO� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE!VWgjDY 9y.TY TREASURY. �AS yIN1�M/MR 4t, {y.S • TO THE AGGREGATE A�p�U:p(��OF S'''+���'Jj'��LB i% COVERING MR. PREB. BUNDLIEvisa b* 193C CHECKS NUMBERED___ -_tel-__—TO—�-_Lj--- -• INCLUSIVE. R. n JJJ[ PER CHECKS ON FI E IN HE OFF CE OF E CITYnCOMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE CO��$(� ---- - 9�u� - E - _�._�/ ___ CI COM.TROLL6 _ _____ __ ------ MAYOR BY __ _____. _ TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR „OF _ Sn the �RETURIJED V NUMBER x,941.99, ov ''L TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK rliv CHECKS CNEGKS :i 3 In th 7, Inve Olvo, a ei• �:. Ie In1. the oftice ( the i[} _ —r--- — -- -- -- b the Council Noy. 4, 1936. 1 —� — BROL'' "II Nov. 4, 1936. (Nov. 7. 1936) •I Oontraotor-. 1033 Minnesota e,Ino. 2 65 i 1034 Fielding III Shepley, Inc. 711 1035 11 Minnesota ContraCtOre,IIIO. 27 704 8 I 1036 I.O.Pearoe, O.P•Aorke 54¢ 7 II i 1037 I! H.O.Wenzel. 0,P.Utilities 1 6 i r - - — -'-- -------- B- b SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - DUPLICATE TCIPCITY CLERK CONRO_=. a1 PEARCE ROS SUGHEIMER MR. PRE.. B...L.E ere ADOPTED BY THE QQj.�IMFI APPROVE --- -------`-------//- CHECK NUMBER ® :ioa 11 29627 29628 29630 129631 29632 2963 ii 29634 2%36 29637 29638 (296] I�2° 9 299641 .29642 !129644 20645 29646 CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL IC15604 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.______ __ _ _____________ COUNCIL RESOLUTION October 30 37 \ AUDITED CLAIMS --------------------------------------,9----- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE OR WN N THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $-- --• COVERING AS CHECKS NUMBERED_ -_TO _ -2 INCLUSIVE. R. 77{{[[CCYYCCNNYY�� PER CHECKS ON -OFFIC O TH ITV C PTROLLER. CITY Co;M PTROLLER MAYOR IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tina Axel T. Peterson, 6. of Tina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel T.. Peterson, C. of Fina Axel T..Peterson, 0. of Fins Hans 0, Sorenson Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Yrs. Anna R. Foley" Yrs. HanasD Peterson Olara A*mold, Widow of H,A. Ann F, Campion, widow of D.A, Helen Sullivan, Widow of Y.S. Soo, for the Prevention of O George J. Flynn Northern States Power Oompaw St.Paul Voo.Sohooi Revl•Fund Lawrence A. Soler, Gambler A Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Oompan', Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Oompan'. Tri. -State Tel. & Telg.Compan' Western Union Telg•Company Axel F. Peterson] 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina Walter Flanders Yrs. Thomas Brennan D.. E. Dwyer Oswald B. Eidemo Mrs. J. 000onnor R.A.. Rine* Dr. R.G. Allison Bethesda Hospital Drs.. Chatterton & von der Wei Dr. J. w., Crump Dr.. Henry H. Hall Dr., S.Y. Herman Dr. D.D. Hilger Dr,, Edmund W. Miller &.N. Belson Dr.. R.J. Prendergast Dr. W,C. Rutherford St,John's Hospital St,.Josephte Hospital Dr,, C.O. Tha*wald Dr,, Edmund L, Warren Dr. F,L., Webber Frank Romooky Axel F. Peterson, 00 of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fina TOT TOTAL I DATE RETURNED V TRANSFERDISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 40 730 55 1033815 2 e 1 729 2 50 41 11 ty 1 425 12 3 18 94 8 7�6 25 9 120 89 1.11 259 26 115 215 55 10 144 23 31 90 24 92 30 00 30 00 30 00 200 00 .12 45 3 k36 61 40 187 53 53 30 333 110 31 48 46 21 837 87 3.822 31 10 00 1 175 1 00 14 OO 6 75 30 00 63 75 8 00 23 50 131 10 0 0 555 0 10 1558 5 4 0 -9g 13 105 6 30 60 5 4 312 8 DUPLICATE TO CITY,CL'ERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL JL`V LY--- _ COUNCIL AiiOFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. ---_------------------------- ROLL CALL/pppp ((0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION TN-FAVOR3ian;.AUDITED CLAIMS --------_ pCJ- �A1�9Tt RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D'RAeWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. .... �enz . TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN OFS_I%. COVERING i�- CHECKS NUMBERED___- TO-_----{` INCLU6IVE. AS e3� Pr PER CHECKS ON FI 1 T E FFI OFT E ITY COM ROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------------------------ .....e...��c� N% V �_ _ $�i3L'!_78 L-____ e IM CHECK i IN FAVOR OF NUMBER Ji BROUGHT FORWARD !I I 29647 Board of Public Welfare 29648 George Sudeith �j 29649 ' .American Linen Supply Compare; 29650, Oeo, Benz & Sone 296%Northern States Power COmpam; 2%5Y� Tri.+Siate Tel. & Telg.Gompan; 2965 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 2965 The Crane Company 29655 Sylvester InOwlau 29656 11 Mays, Ino. Ice Cream 29657 Nassau paper Company 29658 ! Nioois� Dean & Gregg Company 2%59 Northern States Power CO,epan; 29660 Rea Linen Supply Company 29661 Robinson, Gary & Sands Compal I' 29662 Bt PSul voo.School Revl.Fund 11 29663 SOhouvellar Meat Market, I! 296 J.1. 8hiely Oompany,Inc. 6 I Sperry office Furniture Comp f9666Swift & Company 29667 villaume Box & Lumber Compare', 1 29668 Worthington-0amon Meter Comp+ 1 2.9669 Join F. Christner 2967o 1 Frank Romocky 11, 29671 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Final 11 29672 ' Gilbert'Silis i 29673 Mrs. Mary Zally Christy 29674 I Mrs. Delia Brown 296Mrs. Louis Fay 29676 MrS.�Elizabsth Literski 29677 Mxs. Elfrida Soderberg 9670 Miller Supply Oompany II .9679 National Lead Company 8o N.R. Bell Telephone Company 6 9 univ:uarloading & DMst.Co.IaI Auto Tire Company of St.Paul SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE RETURNED JJV TRANSFER II DISBURSEENT BY BANK CHM ECKS CHECKS 11 1 1 5�7 4g7 281 56 61 75 160 22 2 454 30 11-33 775 19 47 75 197 05 15 36 42 33 28 08 251 95 0 00 32 00 1 872 19 40 00 27 00 28 28 29 so 40 00 20 2 39 Ooto'ber' 30. 4� +" T _INCLUSWE,"AS PER LER. " - 0500'7 r r COtld¢Rlpl¢g', Bpd nt t¢ the Iapd Hees; _ to and 51)e in the • 1n, Block I2, Butte idltion `No I tro.l Or9tto 9tr, - Order•106847, apy-i dM16 +2 the"i'C1tY; �'e roport o1 tIIl •nee.,µyv¢ COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ¢ec7n�r By-------------------- ------------------------ IN- TERMEDIARY -----------------------INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_-ao>3demning and_taking _an_easemeut in the lend_neoeae� for slows, outs and fills in the gradinpz of Alle�_in_Bloak 12, Butterfield Syndicate Addition LQo. 1 from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, ------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 10534?tober_ ------- approved -_ 0a------- 6 1936 --------------- --- The Council ofthe of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is . hereby ordered to,be proceeded with. Z That lhe'.uature of the improvement which,.the Council recommends is__oondemn and take an easement in +,he land necessaryfor'_slopes_ cuts and fills in the grading --- of Alley in --- - B 12y i erf1el4_Syn4icate Addition a10 1 from St Albans Street to Grotto Street, in aocordanee with the blueprint hereto attachedand made a part hereof, the hatched --- portions showing the -outs end shaded_portiona showing the fills- --- ----------------- ----- ------------- ----------------- ----------------- --------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ b0 _00 ltesol Farther, That a public hearing be had on said.improvement on the_____- let _________day of y' i)Goembe*j� ----------- 19 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber .of the Court --- -------- House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost- thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council!JQlk ----4IS ____-__, 192-___ NOV99 � --- ----- - ------ -:--- ------ -- Approved----------------------------192--- City Clerk Mayor. Councilman Ek—fuss ��— 7 3� / Councilman Findlan Councilman Peterson (-1 Councilman Truax We nzel Councilman ashen Mayor N Form B. S A. 8.6 1 '� r�aI} • ,fay g.# famgrad e` n aqd Lotb n;to 14 'to t e�ied An§ odrr o -attached 'aqd ..e;. X thei_pr6aent ,eat.b, �bown by, the-bll` - gradfag Alley E, 'CO,UNCIL FILE NO.-------------- rang By--------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER - ohan in the rade-of Alle_ is Bloak 1 William's EL iZrsa an f In the Matter of-------�- g------g--------------y--------ok 11--------------------- ------ i part of Blook 4, Nelson's Addition, and lots 11 to 14 and -21 to 24, Blook 4 Nelson's Additions to_aonform_to the_red_line_on the_,Qrofile hereto_attached and made a -part_ hereofi_the_present established �rade_being_sllown bg_the_blue line thereonj-also ---------- grading_Al.lsy_�s-Blank_];. Efilliam'a aear,._�4_Qenen af_part_oY Hloak_4�-SLalsan'�_Addition sata4tl; 11_psL_l4-and_2J-o_?*4._b]slok_4yJite75�T1'_p:hrld2t¢N_Sr2m_d14�$p_it._to_3tepl}Qa St., 1 5S5Oototier 6 1936 under Preliminary Order------ Q--- Q --------------------approved --- ---- -----___s-- ------ _ The Council: of theCity of Paul having received. the report of: the Commissioner of Finance upon the ab ' ove,:improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: hereThat the Bald report and the same is hereby approved -'and adopted, and the said improvement is =ordered to be proceeded with. 'That the nature of the. improvement which the Council recommends is chan�e_the_grade of Alley , n Blook 1, 1Pilliamte_l arra gemant of Qfirt_oP Hlook 4� Nelson's addition�_and_lote 11 to 14 sad 21 to 14t_Blook_4,_Nelson�_s Addition, to_conform to the red line on the_proYile hsra%n_a#.#eo%.d_sad�nasla.a_na�t-hs�aoY�trbQ_p.F@§Qx�+�_s��ai?liah�d_gz�ade_ balgg showA, b�' the y�e _iAQ_�2FQr@QA;_1@9_x,sie Alkex_a�4sit lad 114a!'_4_Regrrangemet-of_gart_ oP-Blook 4,_H�s9A_Q-BsVlia_sASi 14& 37�st_l AA$_2J�.QJ_SlSL4k_'k��TQl�Qr3_p_Aditi_o_n__from Aroade St. to Mendota St., 940,74 . with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $------- -------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing. be had on said improvement on the_18t.-------------- day of Deoemb3i_sr __ _-__----1906 -_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court onse and City Hall Building in -the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the -manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and. place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ,..' Adopted by the Council—AEA-193-6-_192--- NOV 4 W6 _ -- - --- ----- - -- - - Approve<L = ----------------------- 192--- . City Clerk: Councilman Berfuss / 3 Councilman: Fi Idle !/— 7. d�0 Councilman Peterson Councilman Truax Councilman UMERFwalm Wenzel Mayor Ilpffil Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 • -S[ oondemnin and t�. Tint lµ the 1sn�necees�, 1 ' to �pa dee to the sr ., / q �'`lo �! n H cote 1; �Uifam a !� [/ 'cr Dazt ot8lock ! t !!rt and Torte; ll to 14 �. - - ck4.Nelaon'e .Addlsiy..'; 33treei Yo Mendota atC }!naryi er` 3038b1,A �. • 8.'1836. .: :,,. COUNCIL FILE NO______________the prey of ar , :.he'e Do ure0 tT� - nenpP �- By--------------------------- — -------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER: In the Matter of_ 9ondematn_g:and taking an easement_ in the land_neoessary Por elopes, outs and fills in the .Zrad�i"ng of Alley-in I31ook 1,_Williamtts Rearrangemen£ oP mar"t of _BloclE_4a _Nelson! s _Addition and_lota_ll__to_14 _and 2I_to 24�__Block 4i_Neleon's _____ Addition from Aroade Street to Mendota Street ______________ ____T___ ----- -,_ ------- --------------------- 106351Ootober 6, 1936' under'Prelinnnary Order----------------------------------aPProved ---------------------------------- The'Couti of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance'upon the above`improvtmeof, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1: That the said report and the same is.hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered"to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ oondem_n and_take an easement in the land,neoeseary for alopes,_outs_and fills in the grading -of-Alley in Block 1�_7Pi11iam�s_Rearran�ement_o£ _Rett of-Blook_4� Aelson's Addition and-lots-ll to 14 and 21 to 24, Block j& Nelson's Addition from Arcade Street to Mendota Street, in ---- accordanoe with the blueprint hereto_attached-and_made-a part. hereof,-the hatched portions shotidnp the-outs and shaded_the fills------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____. let----------day;of December 19¢A--, at the hour of 16 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons sad' in the manner provided by- the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the, improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. 1 ; Adopted by the Council__ _� -___ 4 --__,192____ Approved___ NOV 4 s _ City Clerk. ------------------- - -- --------------Y ,r$= Mayor. Councilmauli c m Barfuss /�_ '%—�r Councilmaai Findlan -ni Peterson Couucq0angSqgW0jjg0 Truax Couac' Wenzel Mayor XWOM Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 k 5610 `tructink a 9afiltary? 'Bear AFenNa from ' �pofat bolte7ACtnorth` _ 'etotla ,Water:, to',he il6sevrer. aaderA$e- ' '10486E. approved Aug .the Olty of aL Y� � deseDort oL.tae C'�;t each upon Cum, - vt ;navma cont r COUNCIL FILE NO______________ eeofvea y ^port and �' if r INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_ 4PIIetY'_x6t?�g a Ssnitary__Sewer _on_ Ph its Bear Avenue from Fifth Street to_a_point_50 feet north of Third Street, storm water to be excluded Prom this sewer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------- under:Preliminary Order-_ 104852 -_ _approved __-Supst_27, 1938_-- The Council of the City of Paul. having received. the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and: having, considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2.' That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is:_,9sU1@#rY7lQt_��i@OtiALY - Sewer on ilhite Bear.Aveaue from Fifth Street to s Qoint SO_Yeet_north_of Third Street; ------- atom water :to be exoluded from .this ammrt------------------------------------------- --------------------------- _---- with no alternatives, and, that the estimated cost thereof is Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_-: 1st-------- ---day of A49_m913f H_M__________, 19ili __, at the hour of 10 o'clock A M., in the Council Chamber of the Court oose°and "City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to pment and the ersons and in the manner provided by the Charter,,, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the; improvetotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-fiQ.V--- t-------- 192____ NOV 419 ---- - _`_ - ------ Approved-_ ----------------------=--1�--- �i}�Yi City Clerlc --�-- -� -------- --- - -- -- Magor. PUBLISHM Councilman fikNUMOMM Barfuss CO-cilin-10020kam :Findlan Councilman if fy Peterson Councilman finfiduumma Truax Councilman; Fenzel Mayor IbOmmm Gehan Form B. S A. 8b y CITY OF ST, PAUL ms `LL NO �J OFFICE GF THE,; CI'f�Y CL RK CO N¢IL RE�OLUTl' 14", -GAN . L FORM November 4. 1936 An emergency has arisen in the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Worklhk on WPA project #1080 This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: WPA project #1080 working two shifts. 10661 BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By J P�.�.t Certified correctbe—Y/ - v Le nard N. Thompson General Superintendent COM 0'10.1 to city Clerk -Ca' NO................... ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C L RESOLU9,TIO} N—�1G}(ENPL FORM COMMIssi NEY mill v lips WherBas, the Sinking Fund Committee did on October 14, 1936 sok for bids to be, submitted from time to time on various county and village bonds of the State of Minnesota, heldin the General and Water Sinking Fonda, and Whereas, the following offer was received, the Sinking Fund Committee r'ecolnmenda that the Council concur in the action of the Commitee in the sale of these bonds= PRICE` $S.000 Village of Badger, Minn. 5.00,E 6%,Electric Light Bonds, due March 2, 1945 to Piper. Jaffrey & Hopwood. Whereas, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer should be accepted, therefore be it, Resolved, that the Mayor. Commissioner of Finance and the comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to consa>ADate the transaction. -77777 C F. No, 106812—SY AFeY F' Peterson ,2sYor bf. ffi 0ahan Whengae,. the Sluktng Fund' Cnmmtt t,C dld�on Qetebaf gm1thriegto tlai6 on t be 4ubmlttefl - Varloil9'county and village bbnde of the: ' Btate'�oL3L.inneebta, "Wald in'the 0enerat end Water 81n$In Fu (ns oIt oras ie- . Wtis$eas th$�fo M'vp s' calved,- the •gfnkfnB Fun4 Commtttee xasommendsthatthe CobnC11 cencuaale the action of the Committee fn thA- of theBe bonds.-, ". 38.090 Vllta6e,. dL Bndg°eY.':Minn , 856 AlectrlC Llght`$on8e due March 2 1916,: price j�00% to �Plper JARraY & llop; Whereas khe Council Is of the opinioii. that the Ab ye oRaT should be Accepted, theretora b¢e than--tqe MAYor Commie- - Reeolyad stoner tFihance And the..Comptroilor. NOV 51936 - b .and they are hereby euttiorized nd COUNCILMEN dYrected td,tan'bC ouncil .......... .... __... 193 Nays ADproved T(NoV 7 1898) Yeas NOV 5106 , Bf1t'fadb 0 Findlan �n Pearee _�.-_-_- ...In favor APProved_........._..._._..._.._-........._- Peterson "• Truce L Tam*_ -War .-...r.--'•Againl)t Ing Mayor Wenzel '! Wenzel' en e a 3M 11-35 mr.. vice President (Truax) RE50LVI O 'L'r18. Tiu® ♦9,j7Y1iVAVivaa— the present drive-in filling station at 1400 .St. Clair Street, be and the same is hereby granted; said remodeling to be done in so- cordanoe with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit; any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps,,drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Works. .. C F281;6 105413— s81nB �' Pearlleaerfuae Roso�ved that the ' applteatlpn f �agrge- Xovng fpermit to .remodel. th present drive in flI11nB etatlon at 119Qd iJt Clair Street,' e,and.the same. fs hereby': granted. sad remode]I to be done -,1¢ `accordance with the. Dian anhmtttad: any j e to to is .tfie :t e _ � as approved wilt; alJtumaticallyvofd fhe: Walkst rampaG drainaga�oruotheg pub e __ - llgprpverylen� within"the street lines, shall. he.:Made under the directloh• shd. to the'satWactlon 3 the, Cam(nlesI no COUNPILMEN Adopted by the Council.............. ........ 5 1936>l Yeas N IB U� Nov 519 .. n. Ian ................ .... In favor Approved...--_..._. - ce, f �-�.... Agatnet _/ ....Cv!r._a..�.:.'--`-A'C�IRg Mayor ',5 • enzel 3M 676 Mr. Vice President (Truax) OF ST. PAUL, MINN APPLICATION Is Hereby Made CITY OFF ST. PAUL - TNIB APPLICATION TO !C MADE IN .' ORIGINAL - TXIPLICATE AND FILO IN THC 01 . - ,OFFICE OF•THE CITY CLERK . CLERWS OFFICE. .•- - Application For License AUTOMOBILE -.FILLING STATION :. CI 19 DATEI TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL ESOTA OF ST. PAUL, MINN APPLICATION Is Hereby Made CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF. CITY CIERK L. R. I. FERGUSON \ J City Clerk, and Commissloner of Begletratlon November 4th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of George Young for permit to remodel the present drive-in gasoline filling station at 1400 St. Clair Street was referred to you, bs the Council, for a resolution to grant such permission. October 30, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of George Young for permit to remodel the present drive—in gasoline filling station at 144 St. Clair Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very tmly yours, John P. Mullaney ` Deputy Commissioner LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. OF SAINT PAUL CITY WM. J. SUDEITH Capital of Minnesota Fire Chief CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D, G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY. Deputy Commissioner October 30, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of George Young for permit to remodel the present drive—in gasoline filling station at 144 St. Clair Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very tmly yours, John P. Mullaney ` Deputy Commissioner LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE D:OF PUELIC SAFETY EPARTMENT OR Tl1E CITY OF SAINT PAUL CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Fire Chief WM. J. ChieH Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B.J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fre Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deady ComminWner October 25th 1936 Hon.G.H.Barfues Commissioner of Public Safety. St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Goerge Young for statel ion r present St•Olaidrive-in Streetgasoline fill- ingtationlocatedat140 Three new pumps and three new 1000 gallon gaso- line tanks are to be installed. We have investigated the fore;oing and report that such a charge of the present gasoline filling station would not greatly increase the fire hazard. Respectfully yours, Ohief Inspector. Fire Prevention Bureau. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. BUR U of CON - T.- REPAIR JOHN M. REAROON. SUPT. OFFICE CNOIN[tR G. H. HERROLD CwVENOR. CL[RE MARK W. WOODRUFF CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnawta DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS I RVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER GEORGE J. JACOBS. DEPUTY GOMYI--ION[R GEORGE M. SHEPARD, C-1-1 ENOIN[[R November 2, 1986 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk Building. BUREAU OF SANITATION FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BURKAUOF BRIOO.. M. S. GRYTBAK. E -....BU. KAU OF CORRECTION - RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of George Young to remodel his filling station at the southwest corner of Albert and St. Clair �eeeetasq mbie t advise ise you that I have examined the p isubmitt standards plans are in conformances then department an to of the city and are aper by thisengineering details. Yours truly 5CCEMORG . SHEP) hi Engineer. Encl. a i n pe 7 F4 I t'ReoLJ I I I // ` .__- � Ii1.5 L 'I/Rn4 L.- - _ - _ ��L rnG �- •v (114 _ . V ! P5 Jerv•I An roP ` II i � /T�, \ MCn STo fT CCS tEF SG• , CJTI o PRE 5-T .� v ISI . ^ i I I o �,.• R G Ns<Gao�cS It UP Air I I, I r v t - I I t - -mac _L I( I• Tr+ESe Two SERVICE ROOMS Jh ¢h gRacP ERet:Pr FlS SNDWIY \�' � DI?I i _ '��i �_ �.,s•e.PnnEn.�s 4em.:•-- r I I 'n MPT!N oRt LGN• �` f II �� 4 eL I ID it y'fL I RIIn roAG -J OtRln �i I I � �' � Y I I ,\ I i / J / • \ / / \ / - ;` L'CUr 13 (bL,i I �. 1 -� P9 COh1PNfSteR M W GeT.rq Sr OS-TART1TIeM�) TO nG /1GLGG A* IN / // ? •` 3 t / / / , Wj-- NSJzgTlbNncr✓nn$fUP3 eene _ /r5� �/ ' ,� ;� _ - / 2 I I .. - - -` �� � - 11 E-: CUG rt ES T�:noDW 7e Floe=L ^' uc F.L. •vC-n=.•oma � 5 / R1 I Rl.een w'. oc rllln� W ATOM J`1 `G[rt l N& IN NL✓ ADD'71 N TD 1� IOL Ai ` 5\. / /` J ✓L/ \ SAMt 1.111-T AS AT -1t I r[Ar/n I OP/,rl ICE`t� IiDUS C' It I av / \ ,1oe .J musNRa Ont TYPO � v Dr•� ISLHnA Lra Nrs / �tt' SNew WlrvDo - ?-,c, C,7 Aoa+ -_ I -�{ -. c .� -{� .s zN _ .(; ✓✓✓ / '1ff _ - _ - _ �� /`t`IS \SSP`( �wPr�C `s. 0. 7�r0oW IO ANILE REFLECTORS DONN- - I --_----.-- _ - - - - - _ _ Q• �` \i� \ II II 1, D 4' FRcM r cI LINb' IC �� L_R MEPD 1rae DDeR '� fOGR IYRNISN D DVr+InrA I / "• I _ 9 � - a'C -'�!' /- - - - � � \ « / \ I I r PRESENT SUCTION L,ncs Ta of Fk co entre -nemv esneA [rt: gAMP UP To Moe KEP RCArRATR Ar(S 619U4E A'YD FILL c PEi I I� \ �I .' �O .�o �-�, ?U r!'uYWRI'I. As UCNrJAt.ln: 'a 7.;1" T LL l,rncs -'J►.. \ .` I\ I� \ Il e �� Air Fed \ 4.- 5'�' - - 4'6-_q'G'f 3 _,4�;,_rh_ - �I�' - 3^�}' wil Stcn.laM `. �• S r .cT -- I ----- \�T - - - -- - - '� - - - - - 64C'2e• CONE rrOlc -Rrn6 _ (4 CURD GGU cR C sr. L,TL° ro - I \ \` hQF:�i -_PIAL( COIL AI^ NY \ L eA^:N' agsaml_N' - I \• \ II I _r 'PASTING IN THIS AREA AS PER oWmf.RS IIHVRUCTIONS 11 II I . I JOT LfII II � \C I irr�C I I 4 — - - - - - - - L2 - - --'-- - l - i'RES ENT LF UEWFY 7rEMA ns � - r; - I PEM O4- tE Tc Nr S/Df R. Acr - COREl - - - - ! ' CClrtl I 1 W Hr?T^ EaE1R A'1fM S N I F sod 5 5 i'I 5 O( cFD ire R y�i G Oil 4(+k9R1�{ dJ 1 THIS PIMSENr \ SECT'OY✓oF ARIYE- WAY Te L3 c- c I 1JGL05EPAS SN&IVHtWN� 1 // GENERAL A R RANG FMIFNT e --� FLooM PLAN I GrG0.Y0d/vG Srf1T/ON I S T. CL 191 R e 11 L VERT s r PAI/L L.r5rbaDER - /0-2/=39- Scale K I I I ,0 0 4 USGo -IN THIS REPR Wf►LL oq NeM r+VVI '-• p ; � C -10 2I fbRAf11 JtS 0.CSt1N� 3 w I I° p ON LDW6(t PLAN"- MAKIN" A -FLUSH CEILIM& ONDER beAI'TM h o c ti u kn n L h ' � z L °4: I jler� Y I; 2:'N16N' 43141-Iil�iii' STEEL SASH fl I 7i•IDO yI 10'AN16LEIEPLBCT•aR5 GOWN 4 - I I Q o � C -10 2I fbRAf11 JtS 0.CSt1N� 3 w I I° p ON LDW6(t PLAN"- MAKIN" A -FLUSH CEILIM& ONDER beAI'TM h o c ti u kn n L h ' � z L °4: I jler� Y I; 2:'N16N' 43141-Iil�iii' STEEL SASH fl I 7i•IDO yI 10'AN16LEIEPLBCT•aR5 GOWN 4 - 1 ;e Two SERUIcE noorrrS 1Ir¢r AN6co eReePr As SNowN TO OPgJn � i I11 \ I I I � I 1 I, z (�Sij e I I xeln Pone ry � oiu+� _ _� - - - - 1 I I -I � I I \ • - i ,I, / �Y`� / 1 R5 Con1PNLfaOR N Irl NfAC . / /I 7 7-I17TrT1ON�i 70 ()C RCLOOP�' Ih \ '.k -r- �i -- _ r u _ _ - _ AASEr�^"r_r = ` c s F.. _ _ �•\. !.. ,( 5 �! +r— �E I I IN�JLgT(�N ACTIrFLH 5TU05 _ ur7n- ro 1±4 I I Ct I 1\ I t � _ - _ � � 1([''OVC ►t ES[�7 L;NOOWTe fLoe.l 1, ✓ _Iry 2f_? iJi;T - < •.. FLOOR P• -D CalLIN1� 1 el •r 2 - I \ 1 eGIL INC IN N[✓-ADDIrI N To i^ IAL Ar \, SnNla I+eloNr ns •r •rt rug 1, I. I agnea .Ti . < ' / � I 1 t p I � DRAIN -�' � J1r • / % / V t 7 �ru:nr: I � LooR � � � (IeaF I• I / \� T � / i C.E p I D c I i � I /54 tiDUSC--� j Itr L31' // / / \ O�/ ISLnFO LIEN Tt. o ;5� •tDa I I oxce , �,l� SNeW WINDe r! � / /fV5 - ___- �` I 1 711'CfcM Om1 �j 1 I _ — ---_-..--__— _� - I Q, r �f� \\ it \f' SII I� •. -� I I ��� _ _ - _ - _ _ -. - ,5 •o--�TY{•a_�S � \\ \�� it \` II I A�ei 1 3-2,� l avtR NEA. tTaE DooR _ __ — T 7 I '00' � 7RE5ENi tUe7loN Llnes Ta It bAu6E AND r LL IONCGCTL: RAMP `= HOOKEP UPTO Rf=OtArtOrjr,(S- COI.e M1Ct L' RUMP I ¢RUN ll'UPWAI�F q! UCNTS AS IN: S[G I4M1�,,,, 77, IV GEMENT 13LOcK WALLS - STUCtGED STREET FACES or 13 Lot. DMI -11. ----------------- - -- G0u 4: sr urc ie �L.ANF co- r l r�V DAseml_n 'pAJIN6 IN TMIS PREA AS PER OWNLRS INSTRUCTIONS - .... - - - - 6 ('o'- � - �''° � . \ h�ra� -nuc• -0 " I �J i I I Ib:Uilc I aox OSS}, L •_ - - �� -- - 1 I �RE$ENTDF':wFYFEMAIT.`. I PEMOb tEfcNTS/Dj0, -CUKi' i F^Ie pA. E ve4 „PI.1o,eN )5 SHOWN CCDKL 9N'E W 'N 'IT, RE OUIRCM EF' I _ I I��BERT STfirE _ _ - — ---- - -_------------- -------- I , 4 I I I i I I v C 'c 61 I SII, I/ ! yl♦ t ,Q 1.13, 1 ;e Two SERUIcE noorrrS 1Ir¢r AN6co eReePr As SNowN TO OPgJn � i I11 \ I I I � I 1 I, z (�Sij e I I xeln Pone ry � oiu+� _ _� - - - - 1 I I -I � I I \ • - i ,I, / �Y`� / 1 R5 Con1PNLfaOR N Irl NfAC . / /I 7 7-I17TrT1ON�i 70 ()C RCLOOP�' Ih \ '.k -r- �i -- _ r u _ _ - _ AASEr�^"r_r = ` c s F.. _ _ �•\. !.. ,( 5 �! +r— �E I I IN�JLgT(�N ACTIrFLH 5TU05 _ ur7n- ro 1±4 I I Ct I 1\ I t � _ - _ � � 1([''OVC ►t ES[�7 L;NOOWTe fLoe.l 1, ✓ _Iry 2f_? iJi;T - < •.. FLOOR P• -D CalLIN1� 1 el •r 2 - I \ 1 eGIL INC IN N[✓-ADDIrI N To i^ IAL Ar \, SnNla I+eloNr ns •r •rt rug 1, I. I agnea .Ti . < ' / � I 1 t p I � DRAIN -�' � J1r • / % / V t 7 �ru:nr: I � LooR � � � (IeaF I• I / \� T � / i C.E p I D c I i � I /54 tiDUSC--� j Itr L31' // / / \ O�/ ISLnFO LIEN Tt. o ;5� •tDa I I oxce , �,l� SNeW WINDe r! � / /fV5 - ___- �` I 1 711'CfcM Om1 �j 1 I _ — ---_-..--__— _� - I Q, r �f� \\ it \f' SII I� •. -� I I ��� _ _ - _ - _ _ -. - ,5 •o--�TY{•a_�S � \\ \�� it \` II I A�ei 1 3-2,� l avtR NEA. tTaE DooR _ __ — T 7 I '00' � 7RE5ENi tUe7loN Llnes Ta It bAu6E AND r LL IONCGCTL: RAMP `= HOOKEP UPTO Rf=OtArtOrjr,(S- COI.e M1Ct L' RUMP I ¢RUN ll'UPWAI�F q! UCNTS AS IN: S[G I4M1�,,,, 77, IV GEMENT 13LOcK WALLS - STUCtGED STREET FACES or 13 Lot. DMI -11. ----------------- - -- G0u 4: sr urc ie �L.ANF co- r l r�V DAseml_n 'pAJIN6 IN TMIS PREA AS PER OWNLRS INSTRUCTIONS - .... - - - - 6 ('o'- � - �''° � . \ h�ra� -nuc• -0 " I �J i I I Ib:Uilc I aox OSS}, L •_ - - �� -- - 1 I �RE$ENTDF':wFYFEMAIT.`. I PEMOb tEfcNTS/Dj0, -CUKi' i F^Ie pA. E ve4 „PI.1o,eN )5 SHOWN CCDKL 9N'E W 'N 'IT, RE OUIRCM EF' I _ I I��BERT STfirE _ _ - — ---- - -_------------- -------- I , 4 12� i ( 1�-Y-IpoW AN6�L Rf/EGTPRS DOY1N 55' l ) Ia G %",ESCYr Tfii -+r tel. Yom, USE PRESC FROM eE1 LIr14 ON 1410 ten PJIT 7`/` I � kpl1S � /GNHN6C� nT FLVf I• Mc,,s b TUE JF'P �D"KiRlRStICr� - ,a GHCUAD aDopa oc- 7rl. rNr�4.1tCMAIKs WDCs HC-SC TWO SERVILE ROON15IV Al+acD BRCEPT AS StJoWn- 'e i,_ f,_`5cIZ1 �I.rQi 89 contnNf[soRnWNLATO at!fNSJJATIbN Aerrlcs --- --- __. ` - �f.0 rtes: n• q i � 1 I �t. /r � I �•.I. _ - _ _ = *E"•DVC TRESc+r 4NDerJ Te FLeev 1, _ry;R �Z�Ji (T• `j" ,( � � Y+ �I . ♦ / _--P40PR f1'•D cill,Ha TLL A7[N y�- \ \ •I, (cj' ',A/ , \ ci.. c L'C I y I ! . - V PD171 N Te f^ 911T I - \ cE1LINa IN Nf A I 4\ SAML iY L1e NT AL Ar ►A fCPT11 OF/-er ueFRCC \ u - !• - Q, K TtD'ITrH .� MUSHROOM 7YP4 �2 1e0HOUSE _ `\ i rte.. F ,� I / h` , .. ��d'•/ �' i ' � ' E�/P - - �s ,� � I ,0,1� I I i 71'CS Cni DOOr � - � -, ii- JN � / .j\ � � - '� C `R\ �1� `(•r T\Q --- -------y-Y-�I ---- --- T rj�.�,�%T/-'��ptret{y !1 - - - - - -if --1 r .l�E�rtf I�•100 Y1 IOARaLE REFRfL7eRi GOJaN t - —_ I - \ pr�Cy+'h¢S� o oM LEl l&.E. I I� - - y r / 1 ' I 'a - - - - - rf " �'0<1 p~ �w �S !' pVtRNEnO iTrE DeeA __I� Dee oAHI;«OTrr.l rax 1 . ` _9, ..—. .- a'�' -. `�'' r '3-2 2_ \ .I\ u I (/"'A.6�\, a _ � - tOnCM1LTI 1lgMP tOntA LTL RAM? A r - - .� ....�...w�..,_....�r..._ .+.....,,s�.:,•w. -auw.�ra „+wee.. - •..�...e+....... �•.:..�w..��+'......,•A,�s...,•...r�r-w.•�+�-.+w...+-..- MMMM9:, L SI laY,�4 - 24T WI GN RR NDOWS 1PAC �/ SCNI 0404 TO f34 I 'v. 19I (y �}�J�•IOOu ANL4E REf EG7oR5 DOWN 55" USO 'ITHIS EAWALL O NEW ADDITION M FROM CE�LiNb ON GID 60NOU'T I TL I •� ',ESC NT KgllS l _ A"IbLi— I , 4 ley' IL V Ic.N16M r 4141 -�,NliiATEEL SASH I i !i•100 W IO ANt4E REP i C� V' FRom GEI LING--- ooHR MEPO 1'T✓ — Een[RCT� R $�erion I VSE PRESEn7 FLUC pf JCn TIL P*on Fon MEr`5 TOi SET 1 I II . DESRInSe. — J r CUTIN MI�RD Silt '� �bea T. 18 �iNluTg " C I PRESc nT 1AiJ YI�'�� r TD��[T WA'•` It E!'RPINf rot II 1� b '( co, p' '• LAM, EfI�AtNS' WC r FIS SHOWN Iii - , -o MPTCN aRE SEnT CON1PNRf leRn wl NCAi _ __ AgseN�er_i '�Ui'�F.L..411.ro�'n6• � 5 , 1lE OVC TRES[`T 4NDOIJTe FLee✓L, t � \`� � ' M.DGi1LIN' ATCN I�� ��.��`t, �/ / •r� 1 ; GC'I INO IN NC✓ LfSDAIiI N Te Th 1I1L AT 5 SAME IY IO Ni Af I y,:�C I� I / •. / � / p Li SMe W�N1 I N De r! /'II-� / �5r c _ f�. G 4 / !.� I I 1 - 4 N l 4 E' s. .i••� � r c, O 4 O l 2 v Ory LoWEM1 FLFncG MAKINo-- FLU511 GEWM& ONDEIZ DEAN o u 0 ~ O z h C N I , 4 ley' IL V Ic.N16M r 4141 -�,NliiATEEL SASH I i !i•100 W IO ANt4E REP i C� V' FRom GEI LING--- ooHR MEPO 1'T✓ — Een[RCT� R $�erion I VSE PRESEn7 FLUC pf JCn TIL P*on Fon MEr`5 TOi SET 1 I II . DESRInSe. — J r CUTIN MI�RD Silt '� �bea T. 18 �iNluTg " C I PRESc nT 1AiJ YI�'�� r TD��[T WA'•` It E!'RPINf rot II 1� b '( co, p' '• LAM, EfI�AtNS' WC r FIS SHOWN Iii - , -o MPTCN aRE SEnT CON1PNRf leRn wl NCAi _ __ AgseN�er_i '�Ui'�F.L..411.ro�'n6• � 5 , 1lE OVC TRES[`T 4NDOIJTe FLee✓L, t � \`� � ' M.DGi1LIN' ATCN I�� ��.��`t, �/ / •r� 1 ; GC'I INO IN NC✓ LfSDAIiI N Te Th 1I1L AT 5 SAME IY IO Ni Af I y,:�C I� I / •. / � / p Li SMe W�N1 I N De r! /'II-� / �5r c _ f�. G 4 / !.� I I 1 - 4 N l 4 E' s. .i••� � r i4 �,� a� No 10561 CITY OF ST. PAUL t�OFFICE,,OF THE CITY CLERK /" 1-1�COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM L F-R1tSENTE5• BY —! .... DATE: .............. ...._............. __.... ... ,• COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the application the Wright Auto Service for a permit to install and operate a gasoline filling station inside of,the garage at 1848 Grand Avenue, be and the same Is hereby granted: and the City Clerk is instructed to issue the necessary permit or license upon payment of the fee required by law. V C P No: 30b014—BY (i.',H "s'.77 ; I. Ree lved, that the npplicatt n 411, t tho_ SYrlght �Auto-BorVICCfor.h BBrtniC,to Idstall and "operate a eaeollne d111ng. tatlon Inei�e oC 1hea'.P.arnge at 1848 °i Grand' Avenue,, be • nd. the same is hereby granted; and theCltY Cierk is Inetructed:ao'f is the -nedessary per- tn,ltor,licetta0 upon 'Y ..t o[ the:tee reyyLLlFed by;]aw :°AdoptedbV the Council N v. 6; 1936: ~Y--- `ABpraved;NOV. 6, 3988:- �• CITY OF ST. PAUL TNIB APPUGTIGN TQpp Ec KADc M t TRIPLICATL ANO F/Ij,� B CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK cLQRK•s oPF1aQ• Application For License` AUTOMOBILE ,FILLING STATION - DATE ___-_---------- ------------------- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT__—__ _..— .. _______ D 1-Rlem As_ -----C— - - --- --- AODITIONI _____NO. OF GAS TANKS _______--/ - ----- ___CAPACITY OFEACHTANK--`�----- O' NO. OF PUMPS.--------------/- - FILED ------ -- 71 ----- / i BUSINESS ADDRESS. TRECEIVED FROM CITY CLERK RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERKDATE.____________________________________—__------f 0BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY _______ _ ____—_—__.. Mr. L. H. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Pani, Minnesota Dear Sir, Returned herewith is the application of the Wright Auto Service Co. for permission to install a gasoline filling station inside of grage at 16146 Grand Jlvenne, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of lire Prevention. Very truly yours, epnty Colmissioner JPM/k / LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT WM. J. SUDEITH Capital of Minnesota Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY Tenth and Minnesota Streeb Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Depely Commissioner October 21, 1936 Mr. L. H. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Pani, Minnesota Dear Sir, Returned herewith is the application of the Wright Auto Service Co. for permission to install a gasoline filling station inside of grage at 16146 Grand Jlvenne, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of lire Prevention. Very truly yours, epnty Colmissioner JPM/k / LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. October 21,1936 Hon.G•H.Barfuss commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the ;{right Auto Service OO.fOr permission to install a gasoline filling station,inside gaxage, at 1649 Grand Ave. One pump and one 550 -gallon tank are to be in- stalled. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard. Respectfully Yours G�J/-G��-f��_�n2_ �OF;�. Ohief Inspector. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT, PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets ROBERT B.1. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminlonn October 21,1936 Hon.G•H.Barfuss commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the ;{right Auto Service OO.fOr permission to install a gasoline filling station,inside gaxage, at 1649 Grand Ave. One pump and one 550 -gallon tank are to be in- stalled. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard. Respectfully Yours G�J/-G��-f��_�n2_ �OF;�. Ohief Inspector. LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. Original to City Clark cou. Ao!/_ CITY OF ST. PAUL c'L No . .......... 105615 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTE .... . .......... .... DATE NOVeillibsr-.5--.1-936 ....... . ....... - RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, applicathn 15099, On Sale Wt Beverage, application 15099, and Off Sale Wt Beverage, application 15090, applied for by L. J. Ruch— and R. Schmid at 265 W- Kellogg Blvd. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees. �C.PNO. 16P 'M I L, Truax—rrVlng-C' Pear ''c,;j. R. '�Voed; tbqt r 13 Cant, #tq e lid -ti— SO Malt 15088 a .D.]j.jf_ New Informally approved by Council, Oct- 15- 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays In favor ........................... — ._ 4enteeters Against l 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1'resideot oaXI) Adopted by the Council NOV .W.6 ... .5...... . . ... 193 "IV Approved.............................................. . ................... 193 �_4­.................................. 11�ftg Mayor CITY OF ST—PAUL No IU5.610 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL—RESOLUTION---GENERAL FOR • M _ COMSM S8 ...____r ,._.iia �......__.._ ___. _... _�. _1...-.___ ........DATE .. &48IDbeT.:.5.....:a,93 RESOLVED / That Restaurant license, application 15249., ,On Sale Malt Beverage license, application, 15250, and Off Sale Melt Beverage application 15251t applied for by William iudke, at 806 E. Third St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, provided however. that John Bell(omo is not connected in any way with this Oetablishment. Now Informally approved by Council. oct..29. 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Na�j /p"p�ja� 'V n ........................... 7In favor /L rson .i ..........�... Against ,enol 3M 636 Mr, Vice President (Truax) RESOLVED ru.L i1cenues applies j qax lrving q Eearc Qdaie.t toCltf CLrk� - (rn6''De[aFaa at fhetlaZ C6Yne�L �i�'i CITY OF ST PA4 b'e NO city clerk is instraoted and t�e aSme are#:.a� • e OFFICE OF THE CITY] iy?ht°renea�uryDp( l'/ r COUNC he L RMOLUTION---GEIrQ�tAm PAlY .PRESMEN .... er.5, 1936:_ ........ ___ RESOLVED ru.L i1cenues applies ror vy me r01101r1n9'persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the, city clerk is instraoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury the required fees: 0. Applebaum 2035 Marshall Ave. /o/ Grocery 1/ dpp. 14595 Bew a a a a off Salwalt a 14596 " Geo. T. McBeath 442 Rondo' Puel;Dealer " 14790 ■ MacLaren & SchneiderInc. 205 W. 5th St. 2nd,Bead AutoDir. 15039 ° General Motors Track Co. 2396 Univ. Ave. " " ■ n 15065 ■ . John P. Hegge 1136 Bice St. Pool Ball " 15069 ■ C. A. Gottfried & Son 1041 Thomas Butcher " 15124 ■" S. J. Goldberg 451 Wabasha Confectionery " .15162. ■ R. R. Antho dt _.. _ $77 _S. _Cleveland Gas Station " .15168 p. Floyd A. Lipinski 560 Randolph Confectionery ■ .15170 ■ Chas. S. Curtis 2622 W. 7th St. Confectionery ■ 15175 " Teresa LeClaire 1702 Laurel Confectionery ■ 1 185- " " ° ° " Off Sale Malt e 1156 " Jacob Ginsberg (estate) 410 Cedar Pawnbroker ■ 15203 " J. Boyd Spencer 1012 Pioneer Bldg. 011 Berner " 15207 " Installation Domenic Perrass" 556 Payne Ave. 0ff Sale Malt ■ 15235 ■ D. Weinstein 575 Wabaeba 2nd $apd Dlr. ■ 15252 ° (geneial) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_....... qp Yeas / Na �uas %Fin�lan NOV . Infavor ee Approved....................................................................193....... Against�W . +en!zweln 3M 636,ALt- Mr. Vice 1 rr;ident (Truax) j-- + + Bq 6 H. Hatfuee- n .-:rWnB C Pearce— Otiatmltdlk CMrk _. w CITY OF STP U �) �maa nein r °sir�chea io° =- Q 1056 0 f" t nd the Gama Srb hereby...........- e oltq eletk 1pp ihettucted. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL ri` ceneae gDbn thq t. U1 C cea.gry oY Weirega C:OUNC � UTION GE�NEIi y � e Conncn Nqv 8 1889.' oo. coE 751..1936 .......... . RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the,followingpersons at the addresses Indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is- instructed,to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: C. Haggard 321 Burgess. Grocery App. 14630 Renew. Agnes Erase 561 Charles Grocery ■ 14671 a Wm. A. Broecker 1126 Rice St. Bakery ■ 14746 ■ Ev. Green 1169 Rice St. Confectionery- ■ 14796 John Hirsch 558 Bice St. Bakery ■ 14810 ■ Oscar Swoboda 617 University Confectionery ■ 14917 ■ P. L. Steichen 560 Themes Off Sale Malt ■ 14929 ■ P. L. Steichen 560 Thomas Grocery " 14930. H. E. Johnson 740 Iglebs t Grocery ■ 14985 ■ H. E. Johnson 740 Iglehart Off Sale Malt ■ AM ■ Wm. Delastroda 576 Charles St. Bakery ■ 15045 ■ Henry Parasol 119 N. Western Ave. Grocery ■ 15052 ■ Arthur Dorr 882 Woodbridge Grocery ■ 15122 ■ Bohland & Elia 858 Selby Ave. kDonfectionery ■ 15130 ' e Isaac 0ozsnsky 95 N. Gro66o Confectionery ■ 15139 ■ E. A. Schmidt 329.Coneord Grocery ■ 15149 ■ James Montemarano 254 W. Kellogg ` Grocery • 15150 ■ COUNCILMEN :....._................ .........._ Adopted by the Council. Adopted 193:..._ Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan ........ .................._...... In favor ...............................193 APProved...........__.................... Pearce Peterson Trauz ........................ Against ay - Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) YUis1.+�►" ' •: V. 636 Od6ndMCA MA18 COUNCIL 1056 CITYOF ST. PAUL riLs NO. ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK gg yy COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMS 531UNER�..........__........DATE..........ND.Yember...._.....193.6.......... ..____ RESOLVED Page 2. Clarence C. Gerber 962 Arcade St. Conf. App. 15174 Renew. L. J. Tople 1036 Marshall Grocery " 15176 ■ Harry Jansen 1333 Randolph Butcher " 15177 ■ Bather Burstein 168 E. Congress Butcher ■ 15181 " Bamb & Lind 1503 N. Hemline Grocery ■ 15189 ■ T. Westberg 1903 Stillwater Rd. Bakery ° 15191 ■ 0. Applebaum 429 St. Peter Butcher " 15193 " H. B. Anderson 458 86uthRobert Conf. ° 15194 " T. R. Malmstrom 923 Arcade St. Grocery " 15195 " Paul Pranks 569 H. Dale St. Bakery ■ 15196 " L. Gottesman 497-499 Rondo Grocery ■ 15214 ■ S. R. Bichinger 410 Pleasant Ave. Grocery ■ 15224 ■ John J. Lane 453 H. Lexington Tavern " 15227 " A. & D. Rossini 309 Sibley Restaurant ■ 15230 ■ "" ■ ■ Confectionery t 15231ne :a.rb,)Bros. 369 B. 7th St. " 15237 " Grocery Domenic Ferrazzo 886 Payne Ave. Restaurant " 15239 11 a " " ■ On Saleitalt " 15240 North Central Com.Club 113 Univ. Ave. Restaurant ° 15241 " Capitol Drug Co. 0 481 Rlae St. Restaurant " 1524g " H. A. Larson 824 Aldine Grocery " Grocelby " 15244 15260 " • Fenlon Bros. 1339 Hewitt N_�V Q� COUNC LMEN Yeas Na s Adopted by the Council........... use / In favor Zee Approved.....................�l�v ...193 ............... A93 Against %ice ....i ..... .........._..........._- ... // � jar Mayor �Veaul at a 3M 6 Mr. Vice I'resideut (Truax) CGYN IL CITY OF ST. PAUL . u NO.............1.......... ........ OFFICE OF THE CITY 'CLERK COUNCIL R`JU LUTION GENERAL FORM PRESENTED..............r5..e.._1936...._.._...:...__ COMMISSIUNER_.,„„�, ......r._. __[.. -!d.� DATE November WEM Me Aan Pignotti desires to withdraw application }15027 for Off Sale Malt Beverage at 839 Payne Ave. and requests the return of license fee deposited thereon. Therefore, be it BESO Y0, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ann Pignotti the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas s use In favor �Fenzeo s/�/ / ..Against l t_Ego 31" 636 Mt. Vice President (Tmas) Adopted by the Council ............ NOV -......5...Hal 93..:.... Nov 516 Approved. ...................................... . .1 ........ .. 193 /�(!tlllg Mayor 77777, .t openlnB"widepiag'and; � ���� I6 loot {va0-t6 a1709.� venp® to a.po1nt10 foeY at tae ors7+4Y 18. Aleo'a'I meaeurtntr '& te�t;"weeG, slot AS u eeat 11ne otaot' -et eo it li of;tLq:Oath'llae'! y in 'Blocicr2 $aYel'Parh. 6, under•'PrallminarY: approved-September 29. 1G• ,the Cit9 of St: Pauli COUNCIL FILE NO -------------- 1M, aupon f";e z; l :t.'V �nlK J .. - i'_a�eYtr Byi•----------------------------------- " WTERMEDURY ORDER o enin wideain and extendin a 18 footvacated elle Prom ;, In the Sutter of--------�t------------------------�-------------�------- 1------'Y --------- ,:: Hazel Avenue ao a goint 10 feet eaet_of the_esat line of Lot 18_ --Also a piece_o£ land_WA &UriAg._8_PL@t-NP-4t_2MOL-$_f@@t_g�et_of the east line of Lot 17�and 20 Peet__ _BQa+ 9�_ _ Q48th lime of_the vaoated alley fore turn-around2_el1 inBlock 2,_____ b Eazel Park Division Ao_- st------------------------------------------------- -------- ------ n si ------ ------- el under Preliminary Order _ 105182 _ _ -_-___approved --. Se -t--- 25,. 1938 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner -of Finance upon the aboveimprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 1.� -That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be- proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ open, widen and extend W��_YQRt<_iYaCl3 nd} _alley r�4 8> e�l_A�@Alle to a point _10_feet east of the east 13ne of"Lot 18z_also_s piece o£_land mesauring 8 Peet_west _and B feet -east_ of the east' _line_o�yct_12._auci_ZII.�fla�..anuth QY_�h@.efluth_],i.ue__Qf the_v�gated alley_for a_turn= ;, --- ---------------------------- ---- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 40L-_(Kn----_-- Resolve_d Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- I t -------------day of DeoembeT _ „ 191A_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the' manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the, total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council__192____ �u 51 ---- --- App roved ------- ---- - -------=-----192--- - City Clerk lifJl`Il1y Mayon " C'uimcilma Barfuse Council maq Findlan , CouncilmalciWaMW Pearce ; Councilor Peterson B . CouncilmaggVAgagam11 ' Wenzel hitcVicePresidenTru � »atm 8b Form B. S. A. �f JQ5621 d : i ac"Dtn wins of ":!1,ruot[ag:sad.� y �aD7ie mpver000�a 04 the"risht of way *�Sllwaukee at. x Ilro't } the rto therlly p 6625 7 FII,.ukee 8t. P i ,d, tan Cent i S s ' 3c �rdoi=x'fi COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By--------------------------------- — --- --- INTERMEDIARYORDER -- ------------------ =- ] ' ---- ----------- r------ talciilgsad-ooademais an-ea$ement-16 feet in-wd,dth-tar-#he:-Purpose-:oE-aonstr a 77 and >riaintaining a public sewer on, under and across lots 9 and 10, Block 25,'l rls pp" Addition -and' -the -right-of-way- of the Chioago,- Milwaukee,S-t-.--Paul-sad-,Paoifio" Railroad from St. Anthony Avenue to the northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul said: Pacific- Railroad, the center line of -which ahall be -the center --line of-Eustis---- Street ustis-• -Street produced southerly from Eustis Street as laid out north of said Chicago, Milwaukee, Sty Ps. , aad"Peo3fiaFWlroad right -of --way. db �'3 e r e3 Ord Also tak,g sodR eonemnanp a temporary tvesemeat for' oonstruo. , on purposes on a strip of land40 flet if! iiih otF sash aide dY §K(r1e dAa+sribdd permaiien�-aseraeat J Also'- aksng and,xttoacjemmaag an eaaemedb.3& feet im,sridth.for ;the.,purpoae, of;:construoting anisiilY$aiTliitgFalpubYs sanitary sewer in tunnel below an eleva detion 50 City Datum through unciap; oss ,lot 9,. $lock 25, . Bakex'e ldd�tion,and the"'right-of-way of the Ciiiaego, MIL-M,kee, St Paul and"Pacific Railroad'fr'ora'$t:'Aathony Avenue to the ,northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific; Railroad, the center r limes of which -shall be a ,lie 20'feet west of and parallel to the ter line of Eustis Street produced squtharly,.from Eustis Street; as: laid out north of ,said'.Chicago, St"'Ti-l, Milwaukee and;i ,right of way'. i ¢1a¢ aking;and cvndemnang in. easement for the purpose of cone truet g�Andi maintaining 14 si>d, 15,, Blooit l0," Deandyer- Park,".;lyiltgr_ sogtheaster.jy;,,of- the no ti q¢aster:�y line 'vf . Som#&v e'Avenue_&s:laid out southerly: Of Beverly.,Read produced to the'west line of Somerville Avenue a's'laid out north of Beverly Road. Also take and"eondsmn an easement 16'feet- -n. a ngr and ma#t}tassling a pubilo sanitary sewer in tunnel below an.elevatiou50 City.Datum thron�h; u>�der-and across lot 9, Blobk 25,,Baker*s Addition and. the'"right=6P=way. of bise;�.hicagb, M�Iwaukee, St Paul Pacific Railroad from St. Anthony .Avenue to the itok uherly line :of ;said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul, and Pacific <Railroad, the i}};,� oentertl>ne or which shall be a line 20 feet west of and parallel to the center line '.; of .Eustis'.Straat produced southerly from hhstis Street as laid out north of the said Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee and Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Also take and condemn an -easement for the purpose of construct;.,% and maintaining a public sanitary sewer in tunnel below an elevation 50 City Datum on that part of lots 14 ant 15, Block 10, Desnoyer Park, lying southeasterly of the north.,resterly line of Somerville Avenue as laid out southerly of Beverly Road produced to the west line of Somerville Avenue as laid out north of Beverly Road. �,r £ ,. rzi Zoruesn?77a ybeAna se Isjq ons noL F Ol, BeneLJ7�-goeq• f 2oarercjlJa �oQnne •ea .Jsrq; _onp eon.plreLla OL peaaLJ2. Bosq bLogrtc�c ga Meaf 7e- ob-.' Jq Q 52' ,B7cd1t' 70' geeno2L L baLR 'J2.Tn� aorrpNerre;e J?. OVr-f �YII4�PK� a�ezJ?. 7jne a{ s bB`pljc asIIrpsLB saateL Tn' rmnoJ peJOnv eA oJeba'pTOA 20 ClF baP ,,ou:pYsf baLP "og TOPE! e7go. ejtTITi.;riq covgomATAR an O996m9u; LOL pile bnLj70se Oj ;OOAe{LnO£ n.� sIIq w97n �aTIIjTI� 7psaJ' A157Awnicoe anq bso;ijc'bffrJLOeQ LjpP-ot- csEO' 2 Lem b agtrcjeq eonpYoL7a TLom r/raYTe 2rLaep sz JsTg on; AOL p oI €N9 . asj4 CN.S s 9 $ rpe ae mes -O yr buLa B O 6 'c6il aL me OL Lna '-a 7 �1ok yagrON: aF 77 A ?. &0 1 f P L 4 77 7 f .0 P 7. fG pj xt0 ieLJA Jjna o; asrq gpT.OeZO' YT7Akaaxoe' 2P• belly =q bs°T�rc jj., q' -Pp pNe;;Clt3oego,":gjJA+anRae' BP• 1,91, anq b9ONTO Be-rJtosq ILow g2 _�rnP}ron2, daeune Po -pile p}rLoiY&it'"SiIIgeL truq soLoaa Iog 8 B7°Q;t S2' iisteL,E VggTPTOII evq PNe-. LrgNp-°b-ue?L ob irnq met TV? s brrjiJ;c 9sirPsL3,9�tMoL Tn p�rnIIeJ pe7oM sn eJeasPTOII 2q CTPA Dsfm Uleo Fsl[Tn�:`anq oougembrzrS vA"osgeiveY2.78'�B$F 7 31rgPN b°LFTs b�tsboee of couz�Lncprn€ Isngi30;4aeP;Tn mTgYN ou escu zTge o; spoae gesoLTpeq heLwsnoA.p aseewen.p• xJaO Fgr{7if¢ suq COAQOLn77II a' 9 pembOLa L% es'aewanp LOL COIIapLnOP7On baLbOS6e On OL a;LTb O 22'-1 nI sAg bsorl7c gsTJLoaq Lrgpp-oL-vs2.•. - s on; AOL o seTq CYTcsko' 7177^mnKea' 2pLeap;gg4Qag aonPyreLl�., 6LON Enaja 2fLaep as J jg PY b sssq b&orblc 138£7?oaq' pYa ceafaL 3rue 01 'A+7sTOW'21MIT; Pe fYg c�yy L .Ijve o{ Enap;a nr.rc.r�'o' wTrrdsnxea •. 2f' "7,anJ• . ----------------------------------------------------------- ----- ---------- ------------------- u taE rehmi 104667 ------------------------August 7, 1986------- -- nary Order_ ------- ------- ------ ---approved ----- --- - - 6. Council of the ,City Of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above' Improvement, and -having .considered 'said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That thE name of tTie improvement which the Council recommends is_______________ _ --- -- ----------------- ---------------------i� ii--- - --- taka and -condemn atn ea8e�aet►#�1B $set- isl vn dth for the Qurpose of constructinLand .maintaining a public sewer on, under and:acr°ss--lots 9 and 10, Block 25, _Bak ___ Ie_ ' -` ''`Addition and the right••of..way of the- Cbioago. MfJ'Wauke'e St. Paul, and Pacific Railroad from St. Anthony Avenue to the northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, the center line of which shall be the center line of Eustis Street produced southerly from Eustis Street as laid out north of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Also take and"oondemn a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of _an'. 0 £eet,in width on each side of above described permanent easement. Also take and eondemn an `easement 16 -feat 4n w4d%h `-- b•-- and maintaining a publ5u.san tary sewer in tunnel below an elevation',5 City "Datum tl►roiigiin finder and"across lot 9', Moo 25;,Baker*s 'Addition and the 'lgiit=of=way of the Chicago`; Milw- 11aukee, St. Pavl and;Paoific,Railroad from St. Anthony-llvenue to the n6rtha?1y line.of,;said Chicago, kftwaukee', St. Paul`and Pacifio Railroad, the cente`r'line.'of which shall be a line,`k feet west. of and parallel to the center line of Eustis"Stnset produced southerly from `Eustis Street as laid out north of the said Chicago, Ste Paul, Milwaukee and Paoifio'Railroad right-of-way. Also take and condemn an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a publin,eanitary seigr`in tunnel below an elevation 50 City Datum on that part of lots 14 ands;' l5y Block 10,;J)eanoyer,Park, lying southeasterly of the northwesterly line of Somerville Av'enu'e as Zai'd outib outherly of Beverly Road produced to the west line of Somerville Avenue'= as laid out north of Beverly Road. Form `B. -S. A 8.6 - - . 2omeLa?JJe Yasane es Jun on; AOLpp ob BeneLJa'.lSos9` s msa'�:7;aa °E goms;a 7.73 ygeuns sa 7srq ons n�ps2 ez81. oLoFlso � ao£ * eL & pis o eL 1�J2;AOT, BeaRLJg aoafpesep 7 i> on` a`p 7 '7; b oo eaAoTei; b R J bffL o o e j�T sfiq:Jp B7 ;.R 70' D e ox sn o sasp;oII 20 CrF:•o snp ss;Apffru?II� `.s brrp7ao aaa;�gLa 2eusL rII'�naAe7 P 7 oL Js bm.boea oL, coue�LftcfasT 4 ,: gJa.o.��sK;a� opq-oougeunm;a� su osamusap b fJ? srs ' Yd;7tanKee aaq bear;;c'ga;jtoeq L;Np-oL-r^s� AOL o s as?q CNresDo• 2p 6 J eon oL ?. Lora FnzP;z 2pLes� oz Jg;q onp FN L f., D�ksb~�-'bxocjrlaeq FN, 7 'L 77 7 o s aep oL J?Aa ob EnaP;e 3 0� ............�hprap aps77' Pa„Tine SO �BeP asap o; eaq bele a p FN p o s 77Sts, o� ae;q CN;Ge&o' l�?Jh�snRoe' 2C• btrnJ auq be'cr0 ge?Jt,osq' .33pe ceapye }?.. 7. r h+anlcea' 2f` InJ saq,bsO;L?c_Bs?7Loaq'�LOII! 2p YapNovl. Yasnna po ;ye 41 pNs,'Gkficegq' Bi.7 00 scot a r roa sAq:pNs z?gNp-ob-curl o pptoisp' migei sag eaLosa, JoF_8 BJ S2 is lase egoxga ejeasp;oa 20 C?Fl DVT - 7. q .me�apu;iT�vg s bdp c asa%Cszl gexyoL ra 7 P 7 n t. a bnboae oL coaa pLnopr.UE uTeo "�alc�ri�,� °ougewarIIg �sgne�dsz� 7e Ls�� 1'a x�rqFN �9 �N, - - »manna- aeacLraeq bsLsreIIea� sesomeap �:� � sc4 �� ,l'or9' �„Y�r u�r.�;}.r ot, il�'•naL�A h�E.q• T��k7if�7�nWG ji)'}LI )r7UoT��rRP +Lj:� o{, Itan..,i �;1 h�14I , irnln:, u,t (�u I,p., nuigp )luu ui, (1r,,,r.i,.A171” 'nnuni, LnlaJ(c=ou,.,7P,Tr,� aseveL ��rl. 17t1t,�',,, iay,ararf�,1:4 •:6 tln, i,c,,,tlr „}:,i.ai� 1!'nc, ,� acres„i.aill,i T Pnnnoj }�o,lcu, un a.l�ni�}nu P7Jo A1,(� iili= �,,� ,,� :„ Op"f: 141L( nt, TOP, J'd rflif sRO vAq aougomu sn oerao,uoA.l• ;,o;, Rlda €,n, t un �1: , Ynut,.n�+) uG ern,t ma}n}r,rfwTui: r. f.Fl"ooPo+ 24• bon7' N?7.xsnt<ao r rl t,ucl(.ia !i�'lla,�„q ,.Ir,�ip ,:� ,.,n,�• oL ]"naP7a 2P7.eaP bLognosq aonppoLjT LLnru p7u,1'1`p afii.,,.f}: u:a J"! I :u,l, uaLt;l, )1. I'}iE, aul9 aaApaL la.no 'L np;o e e Ppa ASL oL 1 Aa o p 77 Po e )'.nu pp 7 j; L ao?g Cpr,ui.o• 7I J F' I') P` 71 o{, ppo Cp;a"GO' lnuntl: a: nl uu�� c u ' 1'3?Jnornx�o' �p nu up ILJ- I,,r'y7LUO11 Clr FyLogtp' nAgel. sAq crc;.oea jo{. )na I nf11n t,,:,r ow -,}.• VIr1,1J0111 G'noUnu p0 vuq we,a a a u o bn, 7 i,vf +_,u , 1,,�, ,:pl,a qd "pv-uL-n,u� j 7 ? cl arrt,.I ��rr LA ann; , {u [`r!.rn,} ft7soRffKo crag aovgcnn+ �f lL• OFA hn ,.,r ,.. ., ui, u.u,:+}l.u,,l, ,: f 1eA9 20 Laa.R 7A 1uT9fV aA osolr�. e;qs�-o,;-�spona goao,..ipoq YJao psltc suq .00ugsara s PewboLeLl Qe oaroaf`"'TOL cOAepLnoprou brmbrooa uu bC77euanSaO' 2P• 11sn7 -q beajLrc ?;erJLoeq L �}rp-oL_nr1• 2narre 2PLseP bLogncsq eon;psLj% LLoru grrePTa 2;Lea4: oa jaig On; ;SOLrp OL asTq C}IGUCo' 2p` bon? eaq bsc;brc.gs;jsosq' ppo csnpeL j;Ae oL MifTop apajj pe ppo ceApeL JJAe oL Bs;jLosq LLom 2$` tU;JJOnl;yaearre Po ppe :70L4}7sLj% jTAa oL ag7q Cp ceEvo' Yd7Jn+anKea Y99?p?oa euq ppe Lrgpp-oL-mv1 oL , pP G}arcaEo'9. ; 77;ier7Ksa' ,2P• ben7-saq bucrtrc ------------------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__ 100 _00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ---- 1! ------------ day of „_Deoember—--- ------- 1919._ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the.Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of.St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ -:_ __5 ---- 192____ Approved____________ �_y192City Clerk. -------- ----------------- ------- -------------- Mayor. Fon Councilman16FEWM7,70 Barfuss Councilman GQW@WMWP= F;ndlan Councilman RMINAd Pearce Coune�7man„ Peterson Ct)11IIClin, an Wenzel A. 8.6 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. fEROUSON -< 'City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration tyv oyI' September 23rd, 1936. Q Hon. I. C. Pearce, Cometr of Public Works, Building. Dear Sirt The attached request of the Senior Luther League of Grace Lutheran Church regneeting permission to place a road marker on the northeast corner of Hudson Road and White Bear Avenue was referred to yon, by the Council, for investigation and report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, Minnesota September 21, 1936 To Whom it may concerns The Senior Luther League of Grace Lutheran Church, St. Paul, has purchased a r`bad marker which is to direct highway -traffic to our church.' We would like to have permission to place said road narker on the northeast corner of Hudson Road and Wbite.,.Hees Avenue. As we would like to erect this sign before the frost sets in the ground we would appreciate an early reply. Respectfully yours, �w , November 9th: 1936. Miss Verna Westberg, Corresponding Secretary, Senior Luther Laague of Grace Lutheran Church, 1903 Stillwater Road, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Madami 1.nclosed to a copy of a resolution grantinr you permission to construct and maintain a sign at the northeast corner of White Hear Avenue and Hudson Road, subject to your filing a written acceptance of this resolu- tion with the City Clerk within ten days after the passage and publication of the resolution. Resolution was adopted November 5th and was published on November 7th. We also enclose for your convenience a form of acceptance to be signed by the licensee. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Petiton 0.- PROPOSAL FORIMPROVEMEN} res' 68E8—gyymin6 a j . �. Pvrtt4e Pro mel w ;. aad 4totto�wp}o8 pmprrtt , • - ` ;%rRBem nt Y 4 PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City, of St. Paul, via.: r!haroinoQgrade of Aller in Block 5,_AST !.sRearr�ggement of Hb9tra Como outlots from a point 420 feet north of l�ebraska Avenne to Hoyt Aventte'to -aaaform'ty the yeti f#e �ereta-a%tsdtEd-and made'g-"hereaf3'_. e present established grade being ahoxn by the blue line thereosi. th-Also _ grading Ate. ley oe , a earra"agemen'"t of`ffoytTs•DoiiCo•Dt1 o s om� -- Dated Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following Improvement, viz.: r �nnni�g the ¢rade. A7,�gye,..�129k.-., H4Y_t-t s mem ent of Hoyt a Como outlote from a point 420 feet north of Nebraska Avenue to Hoyta AgenB tcereof __ _._-eenfar>$-#o--hhe-red-lice-oa-ttte- o the present;established grade being shorn by the blue line thereon. Also OIDII-0macts-from' gra�3,ng--7[]TeIy"3a 7j%ck--3, -e Aearrangemen�b-f-Hby`t+N"•C' .---Nebraska-Aveaue- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be, it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5: To report upon all of the foregoing mattersI� �the Co oner of Finance.; NO� pted by the-- YEAS NAYS NOVCouncilman BARFUSS FINDLAN Approved--_---.-- 7 ---- �^ PEARCE W PETERSON --I. . — n . _ WY ordered ' - esltY" for The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pubffc improvement by of a%Q Lon an easement in the land nett=tent _.tuita_­d..fills _ilx_.tktd-Sradin�� �1[ - ia�.�lsck, .Ho�Ct'�...Reaxrangemf Paul, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �a )lmi�g�d_,tatrine an_gAR=mlt__ z_the jfl= A0_Fesgall for slopes.___.._..---_— --.-Gt1�e8_.Brit1_�j.�.18__1II_tlle .�—QP Hoona Como Outl4+a.�rom Nela>vtt,�ka_Aveliue�,q.B.Qy� Avenue.•,•.•_` ._,_,_,`— having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul—.—._..._ ._.__ _—._.._.._ __ _. ---------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. '/ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE C PETERSON aJ of WENZEL — A&I" Mayor. LISIiL��lG i $Y Srvin$ 0. Pe¢roe'=• ppttea Dro oval for :Lbtl, PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT' f ery t eR eer6pee4" ae' }grading of Alisuylf and ""RegrSanBement."of a to frem Nebrask8; PRELIMINARY ORDER .0 nue: having'bean ".f). c°f cne efcr, feelaner:;of WY ordered ' - esltY" for The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following pubffc improvement by of a%Q Lon an easement in the land nett=tent _.tuita_­d..fills _ilx_.tktd-Sradin�� �1[ - ia�.�lsck, .Ho�Ct'�...Reaxrangemf Paul, viz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: �a )lmi�g�d_,tatrine an_gAR=mlt__ z_the jfl= A0_Fesgall for slopes.___.._..---_— --.-Gt1�e8_.Brit1_�j.�.18__1II_tlle .�—QP Hoona Como Outl4+a.�rom Nela>vtt,�ka_Aveliue�,q.B.Qy� Avenue.•,•.•_` ._,_,_,`— having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul—.—._..._ ._.__ _—._.._.._ __ _. ---------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. '/ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. i Adopted by the YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE C PETERSON aJ of WENZEL — A&I" Mayor. LISIiL��lG i Conde) a pub. Rearr+ -lot, ..i strip of la IC 5625 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Iruoitcs Qea�Bin¢. %wer' onaL, :"n -4 Ei` �R� 8,1g` of lot}' and, 4G� m A&rr Ali` PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the foUowIugg public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Lng and takiag an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining ^ggyrgp,;ppy_„�� and �nrewn tha ann4har]�y[, is 4a�t_pf,_.lpt...8� BIOfiIG•-ay-1�4i16•--•'--”" gement of Hoyt'a Como Outlots from Arona Avenueto the'Alley in the rear of sadd eo coa3iw� auk ta�f1>i g3�7 �BfI� or consiruction purposea in said Block 5, Hoyt's Dated this-__..�....._._.._.._.__da of_._.-._......._-.__.. _ SB 19 .. 4}h y November 19 s Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . Condemling dd-..--+ Pnw +1 rmrppRA f -Const '^r> ttdmg- a public sewer on, under and across the southerly 8 feet of lot 9, Block 5, Hoyt's fl..e....a.���.��..P-II�tf..a-.tmm�-.�ta+,�r-Brom-Aroae-Aveaue• to �e-A37:e3�� in--the-rea�of-said- MM easement on a of lot;-Min-se#d-141- eek-Sy--HeyttL0-FAarre0Be*sa`5"1_- - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paol_._.__......_...-__..._.._..._.._.__.____..._.._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon, all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council______...-..._ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSSApproved— FINDLAN ..__..-® PEARCE 6 PETERSON No"- �"- a WENZEL lding Mayor. .Form CAr bmva)1 residcnE. (Truax) ii -48 Pei o. $earce = •7 ('15 6 • oppoval Sor tho� -- V U _ g imyroYemeat, Jrb AlAdditl si°anc� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT, �f Son sne W", .�� ,. and PRELIMINARY ORDER improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following p P Chapping the grade of Alleys in Block 2, J. R. Weide�sdition end Block S, J. R. Weidera charging the grade of A J. R. l.1e-herete-attached ead-mede--&-p-t" " hereof, the present established grade being shorn by the blue line thereo_.__.,n..Als2 rsd—g _... the Lasmo, Nord ea3-uconfi �Ilie so a iTor a>id°uth Al1eYm Jeasamine-Alley Streai . Gezenitun estreat. _end the Feet and West-Alleg-from-the-llefrtr so to the East, North cad South Alley in Blouth ck 2, J. R. Wsiders 4th Addition and Block 59 _ J. R.- Wetdet's'�rdditl on 'ta-tlla gropasetY a'erYira3 IT Dated -- Dated t>s __.___.4th_..._.. -_._day of_..__._....._.1Ose0lber* 19 „ J ._. — --- .- --. ....._ Councilman. . PRELIMINARY ORDER WIIEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: . Weidete 4th Addition end Block S, J. R. Weide's Changing the grade of Alleys in Block 2, J. R Additttsa ts�oui es°m-1�t1- eona poc�a ire ki'eret3tt9ch�ii'ga�'8 in 'hereof, the present established grade. being shown bLthe blue line theregm g8 _eh__. Fact,-'-Aoi--t�ana-amu fey �d th— a Welty- North and �outK e3 a w � w, pom_.the-yPegty...North-and-South.'-A]1aF-to--tlte. Geran3 um-treetr and %he lsov-tea --o�� ��9 g Fast, North and South Alley in Block 2 'J. I Weidera 4th Addition and Block S, J. R. Weidera o ge$ red e w en established. Addie o : e - P_-=' po _ having been Presented to the Co\a'1 of the City of St. Paul-__ . therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. // 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattersst to the Commissioner of Finance. rAdopted by the Council._ -___.._.-_....— YEAS NAYS " Councilman BARFUSS r,� FINDLAN Approved_______----.•- k- d ' ----- PEARCE PETERSON— WENZEL --`-7 . c M yor. PUBLISH !/` 7 ' Mr. Vice !'resident (Truax) Form CA 13 (SM -9-83) Dated this 4_.._..____.__day of ....... gqyt�ber_19 — Councilman PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: the g7l W �,It.. B� ook_.�_%uhl! s 4ad Abid tioa Prom Rite --._._.—BBBr .A¢�►.Ixe_L4�isus7ran S.reet�__.--_--_.-.__.------._....-------....__—_. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_.—_._-- ------ -------.__...---.__.__--__-.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That thgCommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or.more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council___._.__-.....__-- NOV Yaps NAYS BARFUSS Councilman FINDLAN pproved-------_!�l �p PEARCE — — PETERSON WENZEL __ c C1 Mayor. L Vice President (Truax) Form CA 1$ (SM -8-98) - -- 105627 f+ Irving C.'s'Pgarca—; ' ;en proDogal [or the owing-tmyrogemenk- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT,a�ng n.9eepblent%1n'. �tµ'Y toc.' g10Pgg ute' and gA�jleiY and thq W t' - I[ AnOY rrom L.re' .,1 3nlum K?^ PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City ofSt` Paul, via.: _ Condemgn�,_and taking an easement in the_. lend necessarg_fQr. shoves fills in the grading of. the Fast, North and South Alley and the West, North -•'-a¢td'-Soatlz'-itis'ey..Y.corn...Jeasam�re.-g}a.eek-"to-Geraatmrt-'StTeet; sad'�tire'-Rast'�d_....______ West Alley from the West, North and South A11AW to the Fast,^North and South _ A17 ey in -B c - ; �: e e s tion, ani � ocic YI, J. R. Welds Is Dated this _._---- 4th .-_._......_......day of .... __........ November98 19 s - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: _ ('nnA amn9no Anri +Akins sin AAA m + in the IAnA„nepes8for—sloe<9r`3::f e_S.ild_._—__. fills in the grading of the East, North and South Alley and the West, North --Routh A�.ey-f-corn-deasamttte--Street'-•to-Geran4t�-Sbreetr�-'•end--tom-East-snd----'-- West Aller from the West, North and South Alpe to the East, North and South___ Ailey Block 2, J. R. Weidr§la 4th Addition, and block 3, J. R. i�eic s— having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_..._..-----..-------------- ... _... ._--..__-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ %0V 51936. r Adopted by the YEAS .NAYS Form CA -BARFUSS ApprovP+1 -FINDLAN _O'll PEARCE PETERSON _, • WENZEL Ci> Mayor. PUBLISHED ZL ” 7 -,j truing Gpearee 165629 en p�opoisl for the PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT es r gf g opoeo �u ff ,q Gradin$g of'':A11.y- e-and hdaitiop'irc _ ;Avenue-<toFlapdr, and ,WeDr6BE. Pat1?rR d to i!enY ra] the - PRELIMINARY ORDER 91} hereby_ d�' to .,'IIa. inn` The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City, of St. Paul, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for sloven._ cuts and fills_ is the gradingoY Alley in Begg _$ Ktlh7 t a Znd—A��j ti �n .-W _—__ftQa_Mdte_Bear Avenue to Dated this—.._...4._....... _day of__...—_.._..Ro°ember, 1!; B — 1g Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Condemning and t_-ate. an easement in the land aecessaa for _plopesz — Prom_ uta._Heei_64Pnlle to An�rHtl-4tTEat•-_—_...—_.____—_—.__ �.__ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul. _._—.______..___......._.__.._._..........___ the it it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said�rovement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. '�NOy 51936 Adopted by the Council ... ....... ___...... .... __...__._..__-- Yr;AS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS PEAR EN Approved.—.____._ PETERSON TIl WENZENZEI MW -Mayo -r-. PU$LIgT�II /ice Mr. Vice President (Truax) Form CA 1s t1M-0_ 3 3 > Petition 6% r;searDthe .Deal for the myyES5rovomaht. J n� ie2flnnehaha from PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT street, to cont -M Ithe Dronie=fiereto. - ?e a.DaR Dereot„the` hed- Fade .Detng, and,.7tne't ereon: �1en7ock.78;stineon'F pnehaha treet 1r o the Will PRELIMINARY ORDER hed, hamna t': �cilyof the / of St. Paul, viz.: The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement`{{t-tie City p ni7Xev in BIWI1- 8., _Stinaou!jLAdditithe p°m-M s"tre t reto to Fauquier Street, to o th�H_r8� red. _us•��.i&� grgd betWle cam- - sc-M [ttY"d-mf &T-s”part- y B-.._ __..t...:___. - ._.- _ _by_the blue line thereon. Also grading_ e _ lock 16 Stin�onr Addition from Mi,nnehaha Street to, atiquier Street to the proposed red line •----rhea-estsbiiahed: - - .--_ „ .19 Dated this_ 4th-__-__. _-...__dayimbeT+ 1 8 - --- - - Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changi^mt1►g Grade °f Au�-n? Block 16, 3tinsoa's Addition from Minnehai► Street to Fauq de Street, to conform to the red line on the pPo�`i�e Tiezeto - re , to c th.e_ eHEri#�ets3kl�$ ea l ad be_ _--attached-�-�'-a" Alley is Block 16� Stnson's' by the blue line thereon. Also e"e� -to-Fawd-ar-Mast-tc-the."FroP°sed.red 3iue --- vhan BAtahliahed.-----.-_`-. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_.-._.-_._------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, of desirabilityof, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 'Adopted by the Counc•L_...-------.._-_--�- WAS BARFUSS Councilman FINDLAN %� J PEARCE----.._.-.--•- " PETERSON WENZEL _� iC `mayor. �h[: `_PRESIDENT,'=:_:i Ir. Vice PreMOW OW Form CA 1 (7M -e -aa) 105631 t lrvffig d Pearee- - - - - ,.lsn DrOy�eal Kor -tt�e t �oWla$ lmprovament,, • - -.7v _ taktng8n ea°em0nt ',� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ^rie°sLaafug °oipaii° tfaeon's.°Axldltfoa j[ . f Freett e"uqufer rgl preheated to the 7 and p.,r;et. seat -thereK PRELIMINARY ORDER iA tinct fe h , - - The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following Public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Con�mm__�d twtrin�-an easem�t in the land -n _.aces for s1o286. _._-- _-_---sut8- aad-.fillsy-. in +i1a nr.wAina per,..6y..atb=e_f a &d iU-- ._f,,OID j8 nnehaha_ Street Dated this-__ t4-..---_...__ _day PRELIMINARY ORDER Councilman. WIIEREASt A written proposal for the making of the following fmProvemeot,•'for elo ee _ Cond dant an easement in the land necessary _ P _...... -- 6dditioa._----- ': ________fxom.-Minaehaha-Btxe e having been pDesettted to the Council of the City of St. Paul-._.— -- -._. therefore, be tt ,ed RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. Gyw� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted byt' the *T WAS _NAYS_ jdr:•Vice88) 1'resi o C I 1 .ram CA (1DR'8' BARFUSST FINDLAN Approved-_-__-.-------- �- ak R�-.---- PEARCE PETERSON WENZE WENZEL � PUBIISHM//- 7 - . Dated this.—.. 5th ._._.....__-day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _ Gradin Alleva i�lg�k�• Lexingts2n_.Ax�4u��f?��.ion Prom Capitol _ _t_o_Minnehaha Street and from the North_ and South Alley_ to the east line — .__pi Bjo9k_, Lexington Av nre Addi .ion__--------`---_--•-- -- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.___—__—__ ___.—._......_—...._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether of not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report u* all of the foregoing matterrss to the Commissioner of Finance. VT—"Adopted by the Council__.___.._.__.._.._ _ Ti`®V 5 936 YEAS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON AROW WENZEL �tX11n.-07--- �__:f ."CtfnQ Mayor. Form C �mw!'resident (Truax) YU$LISElED1 A i�,pg � Pear � q X5633 r{ow,ns;lmprove-; ' i<ktng an eeeemdHY to cry for :slopes cute PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN grad,ng of A,fer. tn° ton Aveaue' Addltton ;'::O,suNortliand F aF.. and pi rFt. PRELIMINARYORDER ` The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: for slopes, outs Cffiiag gad takinv nn easement in the land neoeasary -- _-------_—_. __. of A11 -s_. L1 Block 2 LexingntoAoenue _�_sad 4i1]s._in_the.-gr. --•- ' 1 6 an„r+ t' '�innahrtha 4.,t..raQtr._e_?� f.�•omthe Northand So___.._—uth .--•.---.___--- __—..�som..Capit _ B118Y—tA t � east 11ne of Block_2a Nmremb , 1986' 19 Dated this _............ — _._. _.----_..._..... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, for slopes, cuts Condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary Addition vaAintr of All.e� in Block 2 Lexingt Liol Aueaue + atin�. nehsha-StrsAt-aA,d- gym the North and South Alley _ from -Cap _____._#a. -the - east -1i nA n1` . xin�k 2- LAaLiAgn--Av...euue._Additioa-._...._..—_ ---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul__..—.-.-------...----- - therefore, be it ssi RESOLVED, That the Commioner of Pubic Works be and fs hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of saidimprovement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. �""� 5 193E ✓ Adopted by the �. Council..._ Yxas _..-N..._A.ys Councilman _ B_W.ApRF®UVSS V,an FINDLAN J_o._.... -A---r ..o.—ved PEARCE PETERSON ENZEL rC � Mayor. Mr. 1ce President Tuax) cr— - ' Form CA 13 (IDM -6.33) Date0bi5­_.....-A!41 -.._.._.._.----- day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: d on and Block Grade Alla in Block5�, West .F ►_ �d I -..s -__.___--- ._—.—.._. Ai rmi_ n�h_aia►&--Ath AAdi+i.nn__4nm.-V4sta�..Avanue to--Alaska.-Avenue..---.--.---------'-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. r5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters 1936 Adopted by Commissioner of Finance. 190V the CounciL.._........_....__.._.---.--._.._�.._�-.-- .......__..._....._ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS-------- FINDLAN PE — PETERSON WENZEL - �IGtjAg Mayor. �5 _LL_��,ztiro Form c wi mf. YiAj President (Traaz) . Petition G-62 ��VC�D4 91ncil ' Irviag C Yedree=� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT fo]low1U6I1r1rVrdj*i1 �31ock '84,Weet 'ncic 11.131rmIngY .. and ,lets ergis tieen a' J,,ifV,ur'tvs PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St, Paul, viz.: GradA1_le in Block 54. West Ead Additiop�,s�Si=$1Qslc•.17+•.--.•••-----""�^__� _Bgha4!p.4#x►. 9ddition from_Vipta Av_entz�_4..A Cygnus.. Date0bi5­_.....-A!41 -.._.._.._.----- day Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: d on and Block Grade Alla in Block5�, West .F ►_ �d I -..s -__.___--- ._—.—.._. Ai rmi_ n�h_aia►&--Ath AAdi+i.nn__4nm.-V4sta�..Avanue to--Alaska.-Avenue..---.--.---------'-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4, To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. r5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters 1936 Adopted by Commissioner of Finance. 190V the CounciL.._........_....__.._.---.--._.._�.._�-.-- .......__..._....._ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS-------- FINDLAN PE — PETERSON WENZEL - �IGtjAg Mayor. �5 _LL_��,ztiro Form c wi mf. YiAj President (Traaz) . Peacathe 05635 ; r1 - wnt�en yeo�yaed7�'tor the _--------^ _ a� Lollowingamyrovement,. take an ea ties; t t. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEME14ndlse erj'lndma oipAtierntn , �'yd±Addttlbn:and Bloch' �th Addl[ton, Iron; and AlaekaAvenue ha. .• to the Couttr.d• retore;,t ' PRELIMINARY ORDER ement by the City of St. Paul, viz': The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improv aet•i�° en easement in_thslend neoe_,.�sa�.y..._f.9�_�9P�•—S- -- nAino ei• Alle_v_..1II Ji��^^Y��-=-�a�"mil-AAAI .i —_..and rminohgmla 4th dn,,.=1pn)�n A4eri118..------ November. 19 Dated this_--�-� �-� .... -..... 19 --day of......_.._........__-_ _-. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:- Cond akiar► easement in the land neoessarq slopes,uts o e� sail t for- _-.--and_ila_xt_k►� 8r�dine- p�g�..j,n. B.�GTS_�9a-YPest Ead_.Additior►s_.and .--:::..--.---._ ham a 4th Addition,__from Vista Aveaue to Alaskvenue a . h having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-._------ therefore, au _._-.__---therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. n all of the foregoing matters to the %OV 5 1� over of Finance. 5. To report upon 414 - Adopted by the Council-__------_..._..._.-----._- -.--- YEAS NAYS Councilman x% r Vice President (Trua Form C A 1861- a) NOV 51 5 BARFUSS FINDLAN pproved--_-------- ...-^- _- . PEARCE ,; (� PETERSONIMP* `J O WENZEL WENZEL ltd -- -- yor � ,' � A1z;'. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE v CITY OF SAINT PAUL r. INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICAT19N \ \ October 21, 1936 Hon. G. H. es, Commissioner of blic Safety Dear Sir: I am herewith submitting to you a condition of the fire fund. The total appropriation for the Tire ]and 716 509 00 Disbursement to Oct. 1, 1936 600 907 00 4nincumbered balance 116 682 00 The cost of running the Tire Department is $2,213.00 per day. On this basis the Tire Tand would be exhausted by November. t.& tA ,�j The shortage in the Tire Tend is approaimate7y 83 7090,00 d The Police Tand'will have about 12.000.00 Net shortage 71 090 00 The November Tire Pay Holl could not be approved by the Comptroller even with the 12,000.00 from the Police Tend, unless some definite steps were taken to assure that funds would be made available to complete the year without disrupting the entire department. In as far as an emergency ordinance will have to be made to overcome the deficit in the Tire Tand, it might be wise to have the ordinance drawn in the near future to eliminate the doubt of its passage. Very truly yours, Accountant . .COUNCIL 1056-3 NO._----- ORIGINALTO CITY OF SAINT PAUL .ILE CITY CLERK APPROPRIATION PTRANSFERSIo RESOLUTION FORM E TER N 208 PRESENTED BY ♦� r A OCtOber 28. —193 6 Axe Pet eon COMMISSIONER _ MADE ON THE BOOKS OF RESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE DEFICIENCY N CERTAIN fTEMS' • COMPTROLLER, AS' BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE ;4 MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WH►CH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. AMOUNT TRwnar�...•-- R ---- CODE APPORTIONED ITEM DR. CR. _ FROM TO Bd.of Pnb.Nelfare (Contingent Fund) 386.66 2421386.66 21B2 )) n n mept. -'Expense) dC,,Ir Na 106637 8y Asel F Petoraon.� 'by re¢ubeL— :Reaoluod. that •trie fulloivlRB ' fern be made -.un the hooka of tyle comp: tr ner.'ae by`Rq doingg ah unavoidable. deflciencY in certnln Itelna may be met by- paid ttanef rR wliriout ,hampering " the'pprk provtdeg by the mosey In the It i from which fhb ttranefe4 are mad _ Board 6g4tPu 1i�c R'elfat✓' (C ntinMenf ta'Uod) ;888.88 tranefe red to Code 220.82' �`� B��}}aatd o4 yP bllA Woltare ():loAplt�t. „% ExpeNpe) . A y (,N(_fl,�^'� Adgpted b the Councl{ Nqt� 6 1986t'. {N' � j Approved �7ov 6 1996: - SNoY 7 1880 NOV 51933_ 193.- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED' � �nU ' MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY GOMFrRO LER t-. I YES (✓) COUNCILMEN w) NAYS ' • PEARCE /I N P;/I IN FAVOR T.;RUAX . GAINST WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT a00 f0J4 NOV 51933_ 193.- ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED' � �nU ' MAYOR COUNTERSIGNED BY CITY GOMFrRO LER t-. I od tocut.Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL- OFFICE AULOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL TIO TIOFORM ..........................................___.DATE.._....NOQ b.r.T .xS.q....:a. a�J.S ::... PRESEN�' ...... ........ REsotveo That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract the contract for the Committee therefor, and hereby awards construction of the Drake Street Branch Sanitary Sewer intereeptor to GEREMIA LAtMETTI, in accordance with plana and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. Q360 of said Geremia Lametti for the contract price Bi0, such bid being the lowest bid and said of X28,400.0 Geremia Lametti being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the .proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authotized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Engineer's Estimate 36,404.00. F.B. #9360. Charge interceptor Sewer C F Ni ..1068L18 LBLh@ Coun�f� ilereb,, t, Bond Issue, Code 4001• xean a�;, ePDFo Itt theeetorr;dnd hareby s grha the co ttea , the+ the contrabt rot the. oonetruot[on :ot, 1ateFceytor ie 4erelnts BlmouetN'`lgiie Bc, _ -ordance W}.N/, Duns'. acid ed$yyBoteatlone B}d Nor 93801 of t ald.s'L1eYem1aa00 b; the•aOnYratlf DF1cebb-b�t 188.100.00. ouch; (� bldA et meRtPlsenst!n# 16 a !TeUahie- I and r asonat+)e bldd6r�a ebY ,� O,o_alreo4ed v tion Counsel be ant1„Qf to'draw ,uP th btopt8per f offi4rt%s. th��e0tor •;a d 2hht' pp / L7' hereCy arerauthorlx, Xoexefute -a.td Paul a� Ene'ibebSlt ttj}aatet {98:iO4t00: F. •B., •Ns• 8380CoP�hD.rg{e InLerceP40r, Sewer Son blsth9 �H>IOa110r7oY 6 1J38 AdoPteQ Y APPrgved NNov �7� 1$86) , Adopted by the Council ........... COUNCILMEN�.��....... 193 Yeas te in favor PP q ( earEuse Findlan A roved . Pearce ✓ Peterson ............. Mayor Wenzel 3M 676 Mr. VICC.1 rLsident (Tru--) il OrW�.i to City n .i COUNCIL �W�..._ t. '* CITY OF ST. PAUL , nu NO OFFICE OF THE CITY gLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION...GENE L FORM 7. t r,ATEw _ ..:......,. .:PRESENTED BY ,,,....D ,...... _..... ...... .. . _ :.: COMMISSIONER ..... ,...._..... _ .,. - .. v WHEREAS, the Council o! the City of Saint Paul has duly canvassed the returns of the.votes'cast at the_t�eneral Election held in said City on the 3rC of November, 1936, upon the ratification or rejection of Ordinance issuance and isale 'oPn ordinanoe authorizing 773 and p r value bonds of Five Hundred Thousand Dollars- WOO,000.00) pa enlarging the City of Saint Paul, for the purpose of extending, and improving the Waterworks System owned and operated Ci the City of Saint Paul," submitted to the elect or`s of said City for ratification or rejection; and Y WHEREAS, it appears from said returns and the canvass thereof that 104,844 eleotors.lawfully voted at said election, 76,828 of whom voted in favor of the ratification of said ox nance, and 28,716 of whom voted against the ratification of e voting said ordinance, and that the majority.of thoson said. proposition favor of the beratification and adoption f'Ordinance No. 7713; therefore d it is RESOLVED, That said Ordinance No. d by theaelectors ofreby declared to have been ratified and adopted by said City, as required by 'the City Charter. COUNCIlLMEN Nays / ^ Yeas � 2uss lan In favoL Against �l 3M 636Ctlt� Mr. Vice 1 res, yprpoee thoL 0xW gmybovipg e`Y7,a NOV 6 193b 193 Adopted by the Council .............. ...7y.__.__ Nov 6 06 Approved.._ .................._._......_._.....__..__.....__ M193__ -- l CITY OF SAINT. PAUL k5�� Capital of Minnesota ri OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration November 5th, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The Council referred to you the, attached report of the canvassing board declaring the result of the vote on the $500,000 Water Works Bond Ordi- nance, with the request that you prepare a resolution declaring the result. Yours very truly, City Clerk. oddo►troapa«k CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COUNCIL NO.•....•..,(5640 rug nn11!!TT l,. RESOLVED, That the Board of Wate4Y00mmissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Dominick Rama;,ciere providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employe of the Water Department on the 12th day of October 1936; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Dominick Ramaeiere, the sum of $35.20 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the, Board of Water Oommissioners, being for the period to and including November 40 1936. dam eh@lr 4 �� 090 of rhe '5':71' Avec;lt' eement. J Nov 6 1936 Adopted by the Council ................. ......... _.... ...................... 193....... tMV CApproved /... ......................._. ....193: .• /v ........ ......................................... a........ .../%' Mayor C,OUN N.MEN y Na uss " ndlan In favor e peon ....... ..... Against 1/ jWenzel �►-Ag4ei 3M 63b Mr. Nov 6 1936 Adopted by the Council ................. ......... _.... ...................... 193....... tMV CApproved /... ......................._. ....193: .• /v ........ ......................................... a........ .../%' Mayor .. ori¢In.lmCry u.+k wuaut. ................. ..... " OFFICE OF ;THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM ggyy ',� A , PRESENTED ER.......... /L �`' ..__..:.DATE... ...... ._:...._...._ _.._: ._....._.._ COM IS51UN--:•"'_""""'_"__."' "_"' REsoLvED That the application -Of Fred Langlotz for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 6, Block 2, Vernon'a Addition, being located at 899 University Avenue, is hereby, granted, and the Commissioner of Parks,Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNQILMEN Yeas / Nay tuPins ldl J nlan ............... .... In favor /Pe son � Against - ........................ eazel C. F. Nop 106841.By Fled M.7h'uas ' Resolved that the apDllcatlon of rred 'B 1"glotz for, permleelon to erect and malntalnDAbilc arsgge�on.l.gt 8� Sldek's,' �Vernoh'e 9gdditldn, ¢eIn aatee atis88 oft oratty Avenud. Itl. ere - by gcaritod, sad �t¢e Commissloner of Parke; Playgrounds"and Pubilc!:BNUd+ t�ss-la ¢ereby antporized and-ITetrudteq to lesne;.a Dermlt -therefor , . ' Adopted ¢y tha:Cbunell Nov. 8 '18$6. APDroyed NAV. 8, 1886. (Nov. 14, 1898) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. J. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration November 4th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of Fred Langlota for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 6, Block 2, Vernon's Addition, being $99 University Avenue was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant. - Yours very truly, City Clerk. z A Publication Wi4avit of STATE OF MEW007A, 11 the time ereta stated bas bee says- t.a.f. he now- is, and known as the 44FARWAOMN St. trh pioneer Press GO., publisher of the newspaper stated e of the facts hereinafter Paul ItOneer Pre 14 and has full know" and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and Is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, tO-wit, STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of Romsey, Affidavit of Publication ..... . being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now 1s, and all the -,time rein stated hes been clerk of the Dis- patch-Ploneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch. tit. pal w and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately Prior to the Pub lc/ n therein of the printed ................. .. G.. ..°`9 .............. hereto attached, said newspaper AAs ➢rioted and Peed in the llsh language from its known office of Publication in the city of fat. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 460 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it Purports to serve. the Press work of which i has been done in its said known office of Publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said Place of Publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the county in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the .......................................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, e-eeeg-weelrior. 3 a.._„�...._ _.,.,.,.-. vt that/it was first so published on ................... ...the....... �... .......... day of ... 3.......... c ........................ 19... and thereafter on ..ai-mak ....................... 19....; and that the folloveing is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the Sim and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abed e f ghl i klmn,o para uv ayz .......... ...., .............. i....... I.........7...... ^� 3C Subscribed and sworn to before me this..... .day ....... ...... .........�.. 10.... W 1197— f9'� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL `jJ A Fri OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO._______ CALL COUNCILMEN—ROLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION �C NO ROY � —'FiA�—_J FAVOR � CLAIMS PEARCE __— TNSF DAUDITED RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DFj��N�HETY TREASURY. . TO THE AGGREGATE AMOU T OF S-_ ___j_ _ _! ----. COVERING ,� Mr. Vice 1're 1d2UC ITrUBg\ CHECKS NUMBERED__4--TO----- 2X�-• INCLUSIVE. AS /, PER CHECKS ON FII EJ{ T E OFFI(�l F H ITY CCNIPTROLLER- f ADOPTED BY TFIE COUNCIL-----------------�--4y h, :�J i _— _ _ __C�____£___ _____�._ _ _____CITY COMPTROLLER • E-A :I hle in the o1 ----_ _- '— "---� a Cou nctl N.'-- BR1 1C RD v. 14, 1936) 29683 i• Board of Public Welfare 29684 !I Carl M,aronde 29685 H.C. Back 29686 0. Role$ Coal Company i 29687 Axel F. Petere0n, 0. of rina,� 296M ! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 29689 Axel r. Petersoup C. of Finen, 29690 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan; 29691 II Mrs, Harriet Jane Gay 29692 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 29693 Wenzel Litter 29694 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 2%95 Axel r. Peterson, C. of Finan 2%96 1!Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 29697 John 29698 !' John Lennon 29699 Alvin Olafson 29700 Standard Stone Company 29701 S. Berglund Lumber Company 29702 I Charles r. Brueee 9 703 . Capital Laveiope Company p4 Capitol Stationery xfg.Compan 29705 it Central soap Company 29706 li Corning-Donohue,Ino. 29707 Farwell, 0 mun, Birk & compan 29708 11 Goodrich-8ilvertOwn,InO. 29709 'i Griggs, Cooper & Company 29710 1 Griggs, Cooper & Company 29711 Griggs, Cooper & Company 29712 II Griggs, Cooper & Company 29713 ilMinnesota Chemical Company,In 29714 1 Paper, Calmenson & Company 29715 I; St.Paul Builders Material COM 29716 Sanitary Food MfgeCompany 29717 Sanitary rood Mfg.Ccapany 29718 ;i Dick Speakes Supply Company 29719 iSpool Cotton Company 29720 Twin City Brick Company 29721 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Can 29722 ;iVUlaume Box & Lumber company 24 1a6 47 13 4 50 1 891.20 1 587 g 2 7420 00 231o4 22 ';90 3 100 20 165 546 90 215 70 450 10 28 40 30 00 70 00 14 53 57 73 28 89 133 7 227 2 64 59 990 110 9 263 9 166 5 2 21 2 12 _ 31 7 110 281 48 i -------------------- ---- -- _— TOTAL DATE ii +`-: ` checksRETURNED V CHECK IN FAco c. o9o.64, elr DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER 11$34, +::83 to 297 .22. c. I TRANSFER CHECKS C HECKS :I hle in the o1 ----_ _- '— "---� a Cou nctl N.'-- BR1 1C RD v. 14, 1936) 29683 i• Board of Public Welfare 29684 !I Carl M,aronde 29685 H.C. Back 29686 0. Role$ Coal Company i 29687 Axel F. Petere0n, 0. of rina,� 296M ! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 29689 Axel r. Petersoup C. of Finen, 29690 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan; 29691 II Mrs, Harriet Jane Gay 29692 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 29693 Wenzel Litter 29694 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 2%95 Axel r. Peterson, C. of Finan 2%96 1!Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 29697 John 29698 !' John Lennon 29699 Alvin Olafson 29700 Standard Stone Company 29701 S. Berglund Lumber Company 29702 I Charles r. Brueee 9 703 . Capital Laveiope Company p4 Capitol Stationery xfg.Compan 29705 it Central soap Company 29706 li Corning-Donohue,Ino. 29707 Farwell, 0 mun, Birk & compan 29708 11 Goodrich-8ilvertOwn,InO. 29709 'i Griggs, Cooper & Company 29710 1 Griggs, Cooper & Company 29711 Griggs, Cooper & Company 29712 II Griggs, Cooper & Company 29713 ilMinnesota Chemical Company,In 29714 1 Paper, Calmenson & Company 29715 I; St.Paul Builders Material COM 29716 Sanitary Food MfgeCompany 29717 Sanitary rood Mfg.Ccapany 29718 ;i Dick Speakes Supply Company 29719 iSpool Cotton Company 29720 Twin City Brick Company 29721 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Can 29722 ;iVUlaume Box & Lumber company 24 1a6 47 13 4 50 1 891.20 1 587 g 2 7420 00 231o4 22 ';90 3 100 20 165 546 90 215 70 450 10 28 40 30 00 70 00 14 53 57 73 28 89 133 7 227 2 64 59 990 110 9 263 9 166 5 2 21 2 12 _ 31 7 110 281 48 i i tt ,.I CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� Y_ NUMBER'%'1O. ORIGINAL— nM1_HS 1' CITY OLERE � 1 907 COUNCIL RESOLU',at "1'( lhP " hcreh' , t the cYI,awRt POP .11 a"d ing aY R VRTI furnishing 11 Inbo; AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPR W .,d to Install 5 t<. units uslnR =50na 0. ��,,�' c I HIlIH`extlw "IJYQ_yyJ1W.i ID]S]� I[h tiY-o_ — PREBENTED BY 46� eResolved, That the Council hereby proves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for furnishing all • labor and material required to install 25 single light bracket units using 2500 lumen 6.6 ampere lamps on Beechwood avenue, Bohland Place, gillcrest avenue and Ford Road, from South Syndicate a.rom A to South gsmline Avenue, and South Syndicate avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place, and on Bohland Place from South Syndicate Avenue to Edgcumbe Road, to the aCriE COSTRUCTIIN CO. in accordance with ;dans and speci— fications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9361 of said Acme Construction Co., for the contract price of $$3264.00, such bid being the lowest bid end said Acme Construction Co. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of r.nntract therefor, and • 'Officials hereby are authorized toQexecute said contract the proper Cit on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 3744.00 FORMAL BID NO. 9361 NOTE:_T_O BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS A — -- -- PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OP THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS:4 •00 I ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - -2. f APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'& SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE f . APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—E%EMPT PROPERTY— CODE f 3 BOND ISSUE—CODE 4. APPROPRIATED FROM S S. COUNTY AID - - - - , TOTAL - - - - - - - - f 3264 00 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 1. AN UNENCUMB. DTo CITY CLERK ANC. AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE BAL- BTATED APPROPRx��, FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. - - -- --- REIMBUR.ETHEPERM.NENT IMPROVEMENT REVOL COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS • PURCHASING GATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COMP�3'NOLLER'� COUNCILMEN 0 �_ F AS NAYS w N.N t mR PRESI DENT IN FAVOR AGAINST ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_. `I. APPROVED - `-' MwYDII November 5, 1936 TO THE 'HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL,'. Gentlonen: The Oontraot Committee has awarded the following contract: F.B. #4361: For furnishing all labor and material required to install 25 single light bracket unite using 2500 lumen 6.6 ampere lamps on Beechwood avenue, Bohland Place, Hillcrest avenue and Ford Road, from South Syndicate avenue to South Hamlin avenue, and South Syndicate avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place, and on Bohland Place from South Syndicate avenue to Edgoumbe Road, TO AOME cONSTRUOTION 00. 3264.00 For the sum of $ Engineer's Estimate $3744.00 Respectfully submitted, THE O,ON17RAOT COMMI TEE hairm AUTt PURCHA9ING.• co COUNCILMEN VGE M All THE pl Ml1NENT IMPROV MTRHWLv� '11EOVE AMOUNTS. November 4, 1936 TO THE HONORABLE IWOR AND THE OQUHpIL 1 OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL.. Oentlement The Contract Committee has awarded the following contraott F.B. #93614. For grading alleys.in Block 1, King's Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford avenue and from Finn 'avenue to the Borth and South Alley TO'FREISBIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY For the sum of $889.00 Engineeris Estimate $1103.00 Respectfully submitted, liofeet eas November 4, 1936 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE OOUNOIL OF THE OITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen% The Oonttraot Oommittee has awarded the following oontrao i F.B. X9387• avenuethe north side fromftAnthony Prior aysnueto130feet enue east of Prior avenue, and south side of St. Anthony avenue from Prior avenue to 800 feet east of Prior avenue, Oontraot "8" TO PEDERSON BROS. $885.00 For the Bum of Engineer's Estimate $355.00 Respeotfully submitted, c That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay the city's proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission as shown on Abstract of Claims Number 81 of the Advisory Count House and City Hall Building Commission, totaling $532.579 the city's share of which is $266.28, and all as shown upon the claims submitted by said. Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeah Na arfusa "Pin an ...... In favor Ice e ..- ...�.. Against 'R enzeoln ..... 3M 6.36 jdr. Vicc Presideut (Truax) C*UNCIL NO� ............. odstd 0 CUT CL -k CITY OF ST. PAUL :OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C6UNCILJRESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM DATE 110710V 6-193fi ..................... . ... SW DN1 . . .. . ...... . . .... . ...... . ........... . ...... :PRESENTED EMMINS1510 E3L—..--- . .... RESOLVED That Restaurant license 7974,.On sale Melt Beverage License and off ssle Wt Beverage license 4520. expiring May 3.. 1937, issued to George Devitt at 19 L. Sixth St. be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation Of the Bureau of Police because of arrest end conviction of keeping a gambling device. C. F. G.,M Barfuss— F. Renl�Trd.axtjj'IL Re.turant, 11don- 7874 on it L Malt, II—rase Llb.nae 3820: and oIf Sale Malt L Beverage Ita cons. 4520,L..Plrin 1937- a.ue a ixt , 8t -bei to eor eL . eVitt, a '. L .1 ­ L at 18 an the as erLareL here recommendation op.r.revoked..0 on tt the .,eoa of o tee 11, ... use of rreat and nvtctlon.�.of a In Adoptedthe ounell NOV. 8.1936Jpprv.dNov..6. as. 1 (Nov. 11, � COUNCILMEN YeasJ� N;yys/ d: In favor Against ensel 3)- 636 Mr. Vice Preiiicnt fTruazj Adopted by the Council N..0 -V -6...1.93.6..:.193...... NOV Approved.. .............. . . .............. ...... ........ 1931— ......... OeWmi� eo tSev lSak ►1�.: R� � ... � _ s ..... CITY OF ST. Irac NC OFFICE OF THE CITY .105649 CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMMI881EUNER.__ RESOLVED That license for Peel Dealer, application 14938, applied for by the Covington Coal & Oil Co. at 1728 Washington Ave. N. Minneapolis be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to the Covington Coal & 011 Co. the fee of $25.00 and cancel said application for license. C.r ."14 105�so—By G. lr,Barfuee- . .. aDDilcetion_ 9 38�c a iyD Iledt furl by gtlte- ovlhgton coal ,&'oll Co. at:47E8 Wa.a ngton Ave. N.- Wieneayoils be and tfie same: are hereby ant aad the Dropor: city ,o®care are or authorteed to "fund tothe Codington Coal &:.e Cto the .fez of $25.00 .and canael..aid aD, 1 catlonfor license: Adopted by tae C uacl) Nov, e, 1838: ' Approved Nov.1s, 1938.' (Nov, 14, 1938), ..., _. COMEN Yeas Nays s indlan ..__.................... In favor Fin ............ Against 31*1, 636 Mr. Vice 11m;ident (Truax) NOV 6 1936 Adopted by the Council .......................... ......... _................ 193...... Approved.../...............N 0 V......,.�611 ....193....... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FEROUSON City Clerk and COMMI9610ner of Registration November 4th, 1936. Mr. Neel C. McMahon, Liceneflnepector, City. Dear Sir: The City Council today failed to grant the application of the Covington Coal & oil Company for Fuel Dealer License at 1728 Washington Ave. N. Minnea- polis. Will you kindly bring in a resolution denying said application for providing for refund of the fee? Yours very truly, Q.y/ City lark. /939 SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPART 14FNT • � /!. P L,` ^.�,�_ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP (PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED �_. I L / Tteid� LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILMED ��aNwa,�7�'� CONTENTSha�p�rn�c NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY supervisor I.— ls3A .—los3tl AdO�Otl�l11 SONVONVIS j0 nv,3mne 1VN01IVN 9•TIIIII �•T����� SZ•LIIIII g.T lllll� � j • i VIII o.Zlllll nlllll s,eiilil s �lllll B �=VIII 0.1 ?0\y .�6 0 41\\�\Akft //0 o ow ti /y\ 0