104650-105016-08-27-1936_09-09-1936., � ierH� is3i woumos3d •e000no�n m SONVONVIS d0 nv32:jns -lVNOIIVN Qf - � j •-9—•illlll %•TIIIII �Z•IIIIII - � - � � 8•illlll s� o—z������ i i VIII s�E ill _o XL 4-4 zZlllll s,e�iiii -� U _i -VIII sZlllll B.ZIIIII b r. ., r � S j\ AN Ze •��� - l SZRIAI; I -TO- OF ROLL AEPARTIhE:NT ��'�T �� �L, ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED (If L m to LIBMITED RFTENTION/� / DATE MZCROFZLNLD CONTENTS �' o ,Gc__ NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR HAM OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILtED SICKED _/- Opera :.or JOINT CITY COC3idT1f MZ CROFI LM BY Supero sov c �> &ct/© �^L ?^ a" 441 - .�� � J )' Ja ay 22nd, 1936. Hon. Acrel F. Peterson, comer of 8inance, Building. �.. - Dear sirs ,A hearing has been set for Ananst 5th in the matter of rezoning - Lot A, Block 19, Uerrian Park Addition, being on the northeast corner of Iglehart and Wilder Avenues, from Class "B" residence to Class "C".residence district. Will 3rpu kindly send notices of this herring to the interested property owners? Toms Very truly$ City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT -PAUL capital of Ao n nesota e OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S_ FMGUSON -City Clsrk and Cof Registration .. < . Lm st 5th," 1936- ' v -f ' - �[r • aohn L• Coanol� , - Coriwratioa Conasel, BaildlaB• �;,. Dear Sir: a ' The City Council 3rarerre3 to you the attached pet itioa is the matter or- reaoa;lo mot S, Blocic 19, Merriam Park /Addition, being oa the northeast ¢orae= or Zg2eisart sad Wilder 14emxLes in. a Cla.as "C" realdeace district , ror the preparation or as ordinance grant lag each re tsoaiag • Yours vary trtz7_y, C-Ity Clerk. P Adopted by t3ze Couaeil Yeas tsA1�FUS5 4� LAN P N TR x _193_ Nays pR FcIDENT (GEHAN) ` T.H E --IB O A R D OF ZONING by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 a . — SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA _ 234 COURT HOUSE A duly 7th, 1936. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Cheir ® - LOUIS BETZ - ALBERT BUENGER Eam WAHMAN - BERNARD J. McGLYNN - _ - CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect - - GECIRGE H. HERROLD, o Engineer Secretw Ferguson s City Clerk. Dear Sir t - Your 1g It-- Pyr of .Tuns 29th in the matter of rezoning Lot S Block 19v Kerriam Park Addition, petitioned by the Greyling Realty Company. The pet1tiar3a- mar rezoning is sufficient. This J1- -,It-1as northeast corner of Iglehart and Wilder- M -1= 1* zoned for "Bn Residence. The applicant wishes X413 rezone it to "C^ Residence with a view to the existing house into" a four -plea. Enclosed s3F�etch shows the dimensions of the house and aXso sows -that the house porch encroaches on Lot 9�, tM-mr - adjoining lot, 'which is also owned by the petal_ honer. The house is about 60 -ft. deep x 34 ft- -wwr=B_ --es two stories with a large finished attics *Ml3I­qaea�- 8 is a side yard of 15 ft. on wilder Ave. and a r -JEEB—� r yard of 68 ft. There --- is. an apartment build# :3 AK across the street on Wilder, building permit for vw3=x-=W cja was taken out prior to adoption of the zcm T3 - ordinance. In v3q----Wmr- of a13. circumstances, the Board believe that tQbeytouse rem dellarge forresidence four « can now be put to wcw or five family apari -; t building. 'The recommend that Lot 8, Block 19, Merriam P - � 1derobe beinogg ed a northom east corner of Iglehart Residence to ^CT' Resi cfX_ Yours very truly, George. H.'Rerrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh _ enclosures. ,e kM�-06� kt- e s AXEL F. PETERSON ' JOHN C.FELDMANN Commissioner - .. Dea.h Commissioner - C I T O F SAINT P A'U L Capital of Minnesota [:>EPI�RTNIENT OF FINANCE LEONARD -c— t £A K, Valuation and Assessment Engineer ElLEu - AF--d&—eawft-ssKv i.. JorfNsoN, chief aert �s amp M. NYSTROM, CashierT'!( -June 27. 1936. Ll 27 To the Council. City of St. Fant n Gentlement I have oheckecl tha petition attaohed hereto. filed in the matter of rezop.iay Lot 8. BZoc7c �� �J� Merriam park Addition, on H.E. corner or Ig �M--nmwsw- batt sad Wilder Aves. from Class "B" Rsas aeaoa District to Class_ "C" Residence District and fiord est sere is sufficient. a Yours verytruly, very aC.a _41 Amel F. Peterson, Commissioner of F7nanoe. s 1 i. Iii t Los I 6 To the Honorable, The 'City CouncilF Bt, Paul, Minn, QentleOn ,I � YVe, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected,have acquiesced __ — ir8 in—j 7 - vim owners or -yo%"or morn -or-tm Mnt" to be reclassilTea�-peiitio,r ---^ yogy Honorable Body to change the following described property s i�.nlc fromr•a District to a 6144CO '" District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23,.Ordinance No.5840. Record B' Owner Lot Block Addition I 1 I t State of Minnesota ) se County of Ramsey ) being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consisting of page,; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the .lots p aaced immediately following each name; that this petition-was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, .and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and, all of the parties so described. Subscribed nd sworn to efore me ✓/ 1({ this qy of X193j, ,,• Fot cy Public, iamsey unt Minn.> 1sy Comms ��.9�1w� U�, rOuni 1, My commission expires February 22, 1942 1 A at, Paul Him"* To the Honoratlej, As city councili Gentlemen We, the undersigned mere of twootW40 of the several descriptions of real estate situated within loo fto of the real estate affe0tedibee acquiesced heroin, and W6, ptners of 50�'or more of the frontage to be reolaosifiedt Petition your Honorable Xddy to change the following described property i Diatriot to a 16� ---District.. This.petition is made pursuant to Section 2.3, Ordinance Noj58400 Record Owner' Lot Block Addition - state of Minnesota as County ofRamsey- being first duly sworn, deposes and says 0,1 that he is the the personwho circulated the within petition consisting of - fiemd that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the 1,t immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said the of this affiant,, and that the signatures above are the owners in presence true and correct signatures of -each and all of the parties so doscrib9d Subscribed and sworn o before me sworn this 4 of i y C.0 Y, R. Tq—trry PZ;b1I0* Ramsey Cou Y, nn.,. commission egires PI 22. LQQ 4 • +,. F • �, ✓ 1111!!!((( //��'' v Bt, Paul, MIMOeita, �x �o the Honorable (� The City Council; V Btu Pdul,r Id on � (WINen Ie, the undersigned more of twoothirds of the severe debcriptions of r� real estate situated within 100 ft- of the real estate affected;have acquiesced a' hereins and Tel owners of 54 or more of the frontks to be reclassified$ petition your Honorable Body to chenge the following described property s District to a CQA] -9w Thie'petition is made pursuant to Section.23, Ordinance No.5840. Record " er Lot «Block Addition i 0,04 ea• i�, ,r'i '�0T` ,fih 9� AW/' r YI'f,Q.,.� uw.-r'C . ikJAWI. 2 (f f; state of Minnesota ) se County of Ramsey ) t being first duly sworn, deposes P", ys that he is he person who circulated the within petition consisting of age_i,, that the partied described above are the owners respectively of the loted' immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiantf and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and aworn t before me t this day of .143•x'' r y: N6taryr' Publio, Ramsa1D, Ne1rY Pubta Nenw) Guft�'a1 - r; pmeussion expires22. 1942 inion expires February St. FaLi.I Minn, To the Emorable, The City Counoil, St. Pa,1, Nina, P V Gentlemen, l We, the undersiped owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein; and we, cw%ers of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petitiog your Honorable Body to change the following described property;- . Q � - from a District to a District. This petition is made putsuant to Section 23, ordinance No. 5840• Record owner Lot Bloc �k Addition �f 191 DD ✓.� L..� 7ei.� �9 /�Gi,.t�.c�rc a PAk � AX If 7SMZ41;a 24 Stale of Minnesota) SS County of Ramsey ) /� 11z,�i P�Ci being first duly sworn, deposes and says that' ie the person who cirmulated the within petition con- sisting of page ; that the parties described above are the owners resp.. i y of the lots placed iediately following each name; that this petit n mmwas signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the aignatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. i S Subscribed and- sworn to before me t \ this /.� � day of G/gzw' �- 1930 Notary Public, Raffseypounty, Minn., My Cornission expires W, G. KINGSFORD, Notary Public, Romsey County, •+"6 Y 22 1942 My commission expires Februar v 0 STATEMENT OF RECORD OVMIRS I 1� OF Lots 10 to 14, inclusive, Block 18; Lots 5 to 10, inclusive, Block 19, Merriam Park; Lots 5 to 7, inclusive, Block 28, and Lot 1, Block 29, Merriam Rearrangement of Blocks 24, 251 261 271 28, and 29, Merriam Park. 3 1 0harles A. Patchin and Warranty Deed. Anstis Patchin, his wife, Dated Dec. 14h 1929 William C. Krog and Filed Dec. 23, 1929 AA Dorothy I. Kvog, his wife, "871" Deeds 501 Alivilda Munkel, widow,, Doc j;Merr lam Park ,Oscar h r�and, 1� Rami yliO J Clara E f6c,h husband and wife, as joint tenants and not as tenants in Common. 2. Peoples 0onstruction 0o., Warranty Deed, a Minn,, corporatio#, Dated Feb. 91 1928 �by Pro & Seely 08 Filed Feb, 20, 1928 To 11839" Deeds 639 Stanley H. Watson. Doc. #753326 Lot 11, Block 18, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. d 3. lliam J ons y W CITY E. Si. (508' 1 LI D a 1G03 �hld_ wOei-, Filed :3, Y� ,!- To- Filed May 1, 1923 idget A. Murphy. n7424 Deeds 272 Doc. #632626 12, Block 18, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. Subject to any change in size caused by the vacating, opening, widening or narrow— ing of any street or alley. 4. Security Land andP,o _W kay reed p Company, by Vice d 0 To i d IUUFI 719',19129299 Emily R. Brown, 08640 Deeds 539 Marion L. Brown Doc. #784585 'b 16 .,���Jessie C. Brown:- Lot 13, Block 18, Merriam Park, Alice R. Brown, including, however, any part or as joint tenants. portion of any street or alley adjacent to the premises herein conveyed heretofore vacated. 0 t WEII=El=A=0WIM= MAWMMMARMA&MMI D 7 0 e k t n1 5. Pauline Leahy and Warranty Deed. William Leahy, her Dated July 10, 1933 usband, Filed July 14, 1933 To "923" Deeds 480 Thomas P. O'Connor. Doc. 0851232. Lot 14 Block 18, Merriam r�,p r n Addition to City of �g 6,argaret G. Gove and Warranty Deed. illard 8. Qove, her ✓ Dated June Filed June 26, 19203 1923 husband, To 0740" Deeds 553 Mary A. Doyle. Doc, $637196 ql riot B1oi � 1� b Fr iam C� Park6 7. 'Edward G. Nowlan and Daisy E. Nowlan, his wife, Hazel Bugbee and eorge H. Bugbee, her husband, CA, T o 1" 8 ,,Daniel O'Connor and _,p a Margaret O'Connor, his wife. Joint Tenancy Form. a 8. Annie S. Martin widow, To Adelle Bowmw . Warranty Deed. Dated April 25, 1924 / Filed May 27, 1924 0754" Deeds 463 Doo. $659854 Lot 6, Block 19, Merriam Park, Ramsey Co., Minn. Warranty Deed. Dated Mar. 29, 1392 Filed April 9, 1892 "285" Deeds 241 Lot 7, Block 19, Merriam Park. ll 9. Mary J. LorYg and I��Ii! i\'j 11 jC,�ijeA d. Abraham Long, her ht7etYarid, ,_ 1900 To Filed April 9, 1900 Jennie C. Johnson. 11426" Deeds 503 ' Doc. #247288 1 Lot 10, Block 19, Merriam Park. Jv 4 ® 1 10. In the Matter of the Estate of Henry H. ETamwiede, Decedent. ssigns; a Final Decree. probate Court, Ramsey Co., Minn. Dated Nov. 16, 1914 Filed Nov. 16, 1914 "5730 Deeds 214 Doc. #467549 Is. ment of Blocks 24 to �i es 'eal. ) Loti � W � qJl to City of St. Paul. lop DIOCK 1, Vanevtl The homestead to; Freda u 1 8, foiv,` for life, remainder to Edward Krumwiede, son, �O Frederick Krumwiede, son, 1 D "Beatrice Krumwiede, daughter, 1 iAlfred Krumwiede, son, Marie Krumwiede, daughter, Aloysius, eon, and to each an undivided 1/6 thereof; To said widow an undivided 1/3-ofall other. estate,..- To said chTr�t wit�h4�} e .ud3ce 1 d� udW Holding blOny, wrnnV X1. n p Dated Oot, 2i, 1932 a Minn, oorporatim, (� by Vice Pres & Ass I t sec l y 08Filed Nov 18 1932 To _ "914" Deeds �57 Greyling RealtyoOorporation,��oc, #842549 J a Delaware corporation. Act; 8 and 9, Block 19, � Merriam Park, an Addition to City of St. Paul, Minn. 12. In the Matter of the Estate Of _V I.7 - ' Final Decree._ FrbgY ,t�,1��4 t��Rtsey Co., Minn. Beatrice Krum did` � �u�604.1. , iiL 0_ 09 \�, L 9$Q Filed oct. 20, 1923 0710" Deeds 241 Doc. ¢645737. Died intestate; Feb. 4, 1915. Residue consists of the following real estate: Q Undivided 1/9 interest in Lot 18, Block 1, Dawson and Smith's Add- Ae lVion to City of St,. Paul, Undivided 1/9 interest in remainingprivate estate of Freda McCoy in Y Lot5- Bi, -onjr 28Assigns inclus- above deseri s ther estate of decelient in the State of Minnesota: To Freda McCoy, mother of decedent. 13, in the Matter of the Estate Final Decree. Of Probate Court, Ramsey Co., Minn, Alfred Krumweide,`%Decedent. Dated Nov, 1, 1920 Filed Oct, 20, 1923 11710" Deeds 242 Doc, #645738. $ Died intestate; Aug, 5, 1916, Residue consists of following real estate; �n undivided 1/9 interest �zt 1%, 131�,c 11, Dawson and Smit'h's Addition to City of6t. li"'in�g'-'p'r�ivate estate of An undivided 1/9 inters ___ Freda McOoy in Lot 5, Block 28, Merriam's Rearrangement of B ocks Ase gns a ove•described real estate and all other estate of decedent to Edward Krumweide, brother, Aloysius Krumweide, brother and Marie Krumweide, sister; and to each an undivided 1/3 thereof. Li FL lIL V L U ffll lU�n' J _ U �Z 14, In the Matter of the Estate Final Decree, of Dated Nov, 11 1920 Rodniok Nmweide,' NWont, Filed Dot, K) 103 1171011 Deeds 243 Doo, #645139, Died intestate; Aug, 12 ,1918, Residue oonsists of the followi al estate; Undivided 1/9 interest in Lot 10 Hloek 1, Dawson & Sm1tV6 AAditim to City of St. Paul, and an undivided 1/9 interest in remaining pri- vate estate of Freda McCoy in Wt 5, Block 28,yerriam�s kar*anumeg of Xi7 nnlra 2F, i n 2A _ i nn Ingi ve _ ition to EitV 0f St- Yalll. Assigns above described real estate and all other estate of decedent to Freda McOoy, mother of decedent. I�1: Lr U 1 Addie L. Sullivan, and warranty Deed. Franklin P. Sullivan, her Dated Mar, 27,. 1922 husband, Filed April 20, 1922 To 117261 Deeds 194 Harry Iverson; Doo, #608112 ` Lot 7 Blook 28, Verrin e h e r� a of 'Blooks 24 to 29, Iv rriam Park, h t 8 i s a' St. Paul. Subject to a mortgage S �a , 16. 11a`M. Munroe, warranty Deed. idow, Dated Oct. 20, 1920 To Filed Oct, 26, 1929 The Mounds Park Sanitarium "688" Deeds 265 y "'Ass'ociation, a corporation. Doc. #57933; -Lot 1, Block 29, Merriam's Rearrangement of Blocks 24 to 29, inclusive, Merriam Park. WITNESS my hand and official seal-4his 14th day of April, A.D. 1936 at eight o'clock A.;M. __;ficial A ract Clerk. 6TATEMENT OF RHORD OWNER A8 TO Lot 6, Blook 28, Merriame Rearrangement of Blocks 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 29, Merriam Park, 1. Torrens aertifioate - Volume 179 page 373. Registered in the namesof Joseph L. BIde� a�41 b(�r J. Borden, as joint t4a ,`d�ndrr a�tas ino�md.:� r WITNESS my hand a dd ficial Beal this 15th day of April, 1936, at eight o 1 clock. A.M. ficial Ab tract Clerk. laid ovi ( 3rd: & app. Yeas ays Pearce ' Peterson Rosen yj Truax Warren � Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Yeas Pearce Peterson Rosen r Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan aINAINCEc Qr�awl fo Clay Clak � , COUNCIL FILEOO• PRESENT ORDINANCE NO. 12,2 Litt t 8n a co ora - ti t Jacob Li t R al C inenae ran o the e _ ,:An ord granting y Company, ?'i+ tion, permission to maintain a portico at the Garrick Theatre,at the southeasterly, corner of Sixth Od St. Peter Streets th:s.is`an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the pre; mm&Xon ^* the public peace, health and ssfety. b _ 104651-Ordlpanae Na 72� The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordains . granstns to tee aae. mpany;' a, conotatir •n¢int"ala a portle SECTION 1. cit P 0U. Authority and permission are hereby granted to the J'aoob Litt Realty Cagmny, a corporation,.to maintain a portico on andover the sidebalk at the Garrick Theatre at the southeasterly corner _ } of Sixth and St. Peter Streets. l SECTION 2. The:Comm' sioner of Public Works is hereby authorised to issue w a permit to the Jacob Litt Realty�Ccmpany, a corporation, for the malntenanoe of said portico upon said Comipanyts oomplunce with thea fonowi.ng aonditione K<' `(1) Said licensees furnish s bond to the City of .St. Paul }= in;,Oe sum of $5,000.00 xiditioned to save the City harmless Prom an and all liabili y tyy,lcse, suits, judgments, co8ta, charges, or.•da>magea,said band ahail be in- such Foran as may be- approved by ;tha'C ioration Counsel and have such surety as may be satisfactory t r , o the ' ormnissioner of Finance. Y ( �• The portifo shall be removed by said licensee whene'mr.the - Coninoil of the City of St. Paul :shall so order. {3) Said•lioensee'ohall pay -the obst'of the publication of this ordinance and shall within five (5) days after.the usage of ;this ,ordinanoe; file a written aooe anoe thereof with p pt the City Clerk,. in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinances - r. ` gendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health,,) SECTION 4. This ordinance shall take effect qnd be in force from and after:1 • its passa4A and publication. 1 4 AUG 27.1936 Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council:................................................ Pearce Peterson ...... �..---.-In Favor > Findlati Truax . Wmm Harfudswwlwk / --- �-----Against ` AUG 2" ,�,.A Mr. s (G an - -- - - Attest: - " -- may City Cler_•-L'--�-�,_or� 3UY 4-,15 • / i r St. Paul, Minnesota. August 29th, 1936. Mr. L. R. S. City Clerk, St. Paul, MiaaqEmw sots Dear Sirs To, the undersigned, do hereby agree to abide by and am -c—_= sl 1 the terms and conditions of Ordinance No.' 7706,_ adapt —Em -c3 b y the Council August 27th, 1936. JacobRei Co. .Ch 3e'ore y 4w=3TY OF ST- PAUL 4,+ r" etc NO�_ QFTHE CITY GLERK COUNClit - L J GENERAL FORM PRESENTE Y - . �. ._...._vA'ig- �1l.S_._1.S.3S......____ ' ..._.__. COM MISSIO .._ ............ ... .......... _____ RESOLVED That. the Purchasia4 -ARLgaat be, acid he I hereby authorised to UX purchase, with then aoaslent or, the =Comptroller, for _the St. . 41L Workhouse, 103 pigs =lr,=o: the OZXTRIL CO-OPIMATITS ASSOO TIOR at a total prioe o= - #1185.88, without advertisement, as this to the only way a pnara3sase oS 11vestook oem be made on the South St, Paul Harket. E3KMmaa.rge Pab110 Works- Workhouse 10-06-231 n COUNCILMEN Yeas �ss Nays n an In favor - ......................- e rce son e. _ -..I Agalns t ///111111 t a: r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 i `�clncl.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICSjTHE C ' ITY CLERK COON N ---GENERAL FORM ma NO. f Agent be, and I he 18 hereby authorized to RESOLVED Shat the Puxcbast purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, 4ppr0X1M&telYx8000 gallons vq0 leaded gasoline, 68_70 octan 1 0, iron the DWW ROCI OIL CORPORATION, at & Price of $ .11578 per gallon, less 1% ton day*,, including state tax and state inspection, to, be spotted On itm"'Pal Zqu'pment bureau spur . at Dale St.,on informal bids as, an onergenoT exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests Of the City. charge General Fund - Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 C"i- No. 2044153-13Y lr�ln j""1.'L that the lutborl"d to P -r - be. Add ho7is,berabY , t of thij7 jayor b"O. With - thil, fait esm, sp- jro-los-i%.400.04% from'the ohne'SC Aitg%vrto*' 0 it e 1r 0 t" ,11673 k' IWO, mo;hrnrmel bide imir o"Uld" CO Yeas :U�"NCI EN Nays Zdlla: In favor Again-�vi' —.0 r. President (Geban) 3M &36 ,9310 Adopted by the c ouncl ............7........... 7 10 Approved............................. : .......... ... . ............. ,2 04ORIGINAL �MwL TO CITY cont COUNCIL CtTY 4p F" ST_ PAUL FILM NO. OFFICE OF" THE CITY CLE<K 1 COUNCI�OLL)TiON —GENERAL FORM PRES DATE COMMIS R RESOLVED That permission be mbd tt>rs4e Wri–State T01000- and elepon andTelegraphCompanyto naoesseLy-y ssa:tatzon. lay under ground conduit and esLble t2ae mlecIvwe& 'y asa skum0 ee mad lateral pipes connecting the 1-ate3V'A1W4EW1CXti3=g streets maa 'allays to not Poles and anchors and plslae tha equlipms>xt oza '"ia followimg named streets and alleyss In alley east of Rsy=LaXW& . A -Ws - from Dudley Avm - to Beverly Road. In alley east of Sue 11iaS A—a --ew $oyt Ave .. to 1li4r.hlixbd Parkway. Annapolis St. from Joy St - to =eves I•ias. Stephens St. from Cherolos4s lve - t.0 Bld 13L Sty C_ F_ No. 204654 --BY Irvlei C Pearce - Sidney St. from Chippts+wa A�� to B&ry 13- Sty h -Xt olv` anteat o°atnel ni lz—iatem " Bidwell St. from Prosp4aot. Tarr:os f.0 Anaspolls St• phon..and Telegraph CoWpan7'to o' tLa:?shary ;ezcry +n, lay Dodd Road from Blimabet]: S t to Sidney St • 41 sy4Y�e' Fnnemt an.=r-=� _: , eeieiaz7 manhole. Page St. from ClsippOW- wvw to 7rsterloo St t =MF the Int. Ohio St. from Fairfield Ams to - -AzuaA•polis Sty 'a t. e.v r. net Baker St. from Chlpp4ew - ` Ams - to B:Lct 11 S -b Xing 9t. from Cheroloee fives -to Bidwell St - Alley South of gi_tc St ='roc Claes z-oloee Ave. to la:V 4 a 11 St. O y Poles and aerial eonstrimatiosi to bs removed Asa requested by the City Go- ji. Vork to bs iC1Lo=0Ws —d 3r the d5re43bio3CL of the "Cousis- sioner of Public IIor?rse- -ft3awNw 2s2-eph0ne Casapaay to paY the cost of publication inoidsatt b4W3L-4st4o - Date Approvedf-iff7 2�:- dv s up t- o o iaa arm & W40-LIMMen COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Rarfn�:s tiudlan ?`en - Pearce i R—ri j Irl favoYr Petc!, Truax Trl,a.:. V�artejt ___.�Agairlst Mr. President (Genan) 5M 6.34 Adopvc:d by the Counci T 193 Approve � '193 Mayor PZ3:2-SIII;D � U i. p� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO ,-_q.�l - Ja ..�a,��.7}- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .FILE 44 i 'Y kIIAR LL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ♦ ,�_________ bAYDR AUDITED CLAIMS ---------------A•. nPEARCE _AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRI�NNtlN THE CITY TREASURY. _COVERING 8M`TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f INCLUSIVE, ASM CHECKS NUMBERED--- TO-- - - , 8qp �e IlycPTROLLER, 0 PER CHECKS ON FILE N fH FFICE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -------------------- _..___------•- % CITY COyIPTAOLLEA APP ROVED -� L- . ................. BY.. t... ../........... .. MAYOR • N U TOTAL DATE _ RETURNEDI CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSE HECKSENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I II 71 17 6 8 27077 George lobilks, 401 270TS;i John Rose 8 6450 27079 I Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 356117 270$0 '! J►xel Jr. Peterson, 0. of in e 27081 Farwell, Oim<un, 17, 3 �iri & Oomp ?7082 R.B. Fuller Company 11', 270$3 Grasselli CbeBiioal Oompanlno. 19;3 270 Graybar Eleotrio Company"nes 2708 Lexington Tire & Battery 0om Ol y 29'5 270$6 O.B. Lyon & Brothere,Ino.. 3 UP! 1 270$7 Borthern states Power 00span ; 0 orp. 27 1 270$$ i, Publloker Al ooboI & 0hemioal'�. 3 $ 27089 St.Paul Wbite Lead & Oil COPY 26770 2709Q 8b�cp and Do?3ae Ino, 418 �7og2 Waldorf, K16117 ONPIAY �he��t �� �Itlder Ob�rltlee 50''100 X1093 a a 1,00 2708 �,�,�ohneo�, 8upt� Plygd 190!79 27095 Ballard MOtore and AemP, Ina 22;00 27096 Fred A. Brodt Ino. 27097 OO.Opo Laundry LIMP nY, 1 47 27098 Ormea'cospanY C. F. No. 104655— 4 63 27099 Farrell Resolved, that checks be drawn on Hop. the city treasury, to the aggregate 101CO 27100 The Frederio Rotel amount of $16,835.95, covering checks 71 numb red 27077 to 27126, inclusive, as G2 7 27101 Freeberg Pies, Ino. Per checks on ale In the office of the 7J f city comOtroller. .39'90 27102 ! Greene graving COMPan ApppovedbAug.e7, 936Counci1 Aug. i, 1936.'$31102 2710j Gruber Auto Eldotrio 0 (Aug. 15, 1936) 27104 i R.L'. Rulme AwII - g & S any — 284I� 27105 Landers-aorblo CbrPateneen Olmpany i l( l] 27106 F.a. Leslie Pa er Oompeay 8951x4 27107 '1� ccKeededon ftlesalebeTt r ,I�iao4 55'19 2710 �6175 2710$ Martin Auto Livery 1115 27110 It we Hell TelePhOne Oaap�►Y 21120 27111 ; 018AP 02ueh Diet" CONPany 14' 6 27112 Oriental LanndTY 001PanY 14 ��1 2711} ! Prioe �leotrio Oo�penY 74I9`� 27114 II Railway Express Agenoy 2711 Ramsey county Ines Agenoy,Ina, 4609 27116 it Rex Linen Supply company 27117 ';; Robinson, 0ary & Sande compan 41157 27118 '! R. &Bal. J. Rotheohild 17 50 27119 !i, Royal Typewriter company 600 27120 Jobn Sandquist & Sone 122 2712 S000ny-Vaouun 011 company 1411!61 2712 I The Speaies 0001pany 155. i08 2712� 'TF1 -State Tel. & Telg•company 181144 127124 Tri-State Tel. & Telg•Oompany. 112193 27125 Tri–state Tel. & Telg•0ompany 25197 27126 1 Villaume Boz & Lumber company', SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM 6 #0 I ,I l �.48 010 5 F. a d I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO ,-_q.�l - Ja ..�a,��.7}- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .FILE 44 i 'Y kIIAR LL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION ♦ ,�_________ bAYDR AUDITED CLAIMS ---------------A•. nPEARCE _AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRI�NNtlN THE CITY TREASURY. _COVERING 8M`TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f INCLUSIVE, ASM CHECKS NUMBERED--- TO-- - - , 8qp �e IlycPTROLLER, 0 PER CHECKS ON FILE N fH FFICE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -------------------- _..___------•- % CITY COyIPTAOLLEA APP ROVED -� L- . ................. BY.. t... ../........... .. MAYOR • N U TOTAL DATE _ RETURNEDI CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSE HECKSENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD I II 71 17 6 8 27077 George lobilks, 401 270TS;i John Rose 8 6450 27079 I Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 356117 270$0 '! J►xel Jr. Peterson, 0. of in e 27081 Farwell, Oim<un, 17, 3 �iri & Oomp ?7082 R.B. Fuller Company 11', 270$3 Grasselli CbeBiioal Oompanlno. 19;3 270 Graybar Eleotrio Company"nes 2708 Lexington Tire & Battery 0om Ol y 29'5 270$6 O.B. Lyon & Brothere,Ino.. 3 UP! 1 270$7 Borthern states Power 00span ; 0 orp. 27 1 270$$ i, Publloker Al ooboI & 0hemioal'�. 3 $ 27089 St.Paul Wbite Lead & Oil COPY 26770 2709Q 8b�cp and Do?3ae Ino, 418 �7og2 Waldorf, K16117 ONPIAY �he��t �� �Itlder Ob�rltlee 50''100 X1093 a a 1,00 2708 �,�,�ohneo�, 8upt� Plygd 190!79 27095 Ballard MOtore and AemP, Ina 22;00 27096 Fred A. Brodt Ino. 27097 OO.Opo Laundry LIMP nY, 1 47 27098 Ormea'cospanY C. F. No. 104655— 4 63 27099 Farrell Resolved, that checks be drawn on Hop. the city treasury, to the aggregate 101CO 27100 The Frederio Rotel amount of $16,835.95, covering checks 71 numb red 27077 to 27126, inclusive, as G2 7 27101 Freeberg Pies, Ino. Per checks on ale In the office of the 7J f city comOtroller. .39'90 27102 ! Greene graving COMPan ApppovedbAug.e7, 936Counci1 Aug. i, 1936.'$31102 2710j Gruber Auto Eldotrio 0 (Aug. 15, 1936) 27104 i R.L'. Rulme AwII - g & S any — 284I� 27105 Landers-aorblo CbrPateneen Olmpany i l( l] 27106 F.a. Leslie Pa er Oompeay 8951x4 27107 '1� ccKeededon ftlesalebeTt r ,I�iao4 55'19 2710 �6175 2710$ Martin Auto Livery 1115 27110 It we Hell TelePhOne Oaap�►Y 21120 27111 ; 018AP 02ueh Diet" CONPany 14' 6 27112 Oriental LanndTY 001PanY 14 ��1 2711} ! Prioe �leotrio Oo�penY 74I9`� 27114 II Railway Express Agenoy 2711 Ramsey county Ines Agenoy,Ina, 4609 27116 it Rex Linen Supply company 27117 ';; Robinson, 0ary & Sande compan 41157 27118 '! R. &Bal. J. Rotheohild 17 50 27119 !i, Royal Typewriter company 600 27120 Jobn Sandquist & Sone 122 2712 S000ny-Vaouun 011 company 1411!61 2712 I The Speaies 0001pany 155. i08 2712� 'TF1 -State Tel. & Telg•company 181144 127124 Tri-State Tel. & Telg•Oompany. 112193 27125 Tri–state Tel. & Telg•0ompany 25197 27126 1 Villaume Boz & Lumber company', SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM 6 #0 I ,I l �.48 010 5 F. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO__.._..�.� CONROY BalfU COUNCIL RESOLUTION • .- & AVDR AUDITED CLAIMS ----- --------- AUMVb----••--;-----193 PEARCE �(� ' OP.IAGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWNdON THE CITY TREASURY, �rww M.w.WDPNRi YE �Ler80A' TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5--,G3 ��i•• COVERING IE Aaw,walS 8de o CHECKS NUMBERED.--_4yjJ�y�j/TO— E f },& VITY C INCLUSIVE, ERS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -------------- ------- - ------- PER CHECKS ON FILE RP OFFIC F'f ---- arY cotwrrnott4n ............ .. MAYOR..___ � I TOTAL DATE CHECK IN. FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 1 C J 2T077 George 10114 61 9C 27078 John Roee 40100 27079 1101 F, Peterson, 0, of Fin oe 8 645' 01 27080 Axel F, Petereono 0, of Fine" 382 25 27081 Farrell, Owun, Hirt � Oomp 56172 17082 H.B. Fuller Company 17;39 27083 Grasselli Chemical Company 11!20 27084 Graybar Electric Company,Ino. 191,37 1421,65 270 Lexington Tire & Battery Company 29'52 427085 I f 27087 C.B. Lyon & Brothers,Ino. Northern States Power Compan 3 232'15 27088 ; Publioker Alcohol & Chemical P.0 orpe 27,16 27089 St.Paul White Lead & oil Com jalny33 86 27090 'I Sharp and Dotmte, Ino. 26'70 41 82 27091 ''i velvet Mfg, Oompany 27092 'i Waldorf Bindery Oospany 4og 41 Q�Og �,�,Johneo�, Supt. plygd�, 1 , 27095 Ballard 11002e and Raap, Ino. 190179 27096 Fred 1s Brodt 22,00 i Oo4p. Laundry Oompany, Ino. p7 27098 Crane OOMpany _ __ 104 47 i, 27099 1 •Iv hat checks R.P. Farrell % ed, that he drawn 014163 ' 27100 > ty treasury, to the aggregate The Frederic Hotel of $16,835.95, covering checks 10' 50 27101 ed 27077 to 2' 4. Freeberg Plea„ Inc. « n� Inclusive, as CS 'Rice et tas 71 90 27102 Greene Engraving Company 27103 ',: Gruber Auto Electric Company, 83102 27104 R.E. Hulme Awns g & Shade 0 CbrBetensen Q any mpany 92i00 284176 27105 Landers-Norblo Company 16$1 27106 F.G. Leslie Pa er 895'4 27107 Votadden4ambert Company 27108 McKesson Wholesalers,lno• 55'19 27109 '' Martin Auto Livery 6175 27110 ! H.Bell Telephone Ompany I. 1',15 27111 ', Orange Crush Dist.Company 221120 27112 1 Oriental Laundry Company 14:?6 27113 27114 '' Price Eleotrio Company Railway Express Agency 141 1 17 5 2711 Ramsey County Ins. Agency,Inoi,7 Supply Company 4609 94 27112 Rex Linen i23 27117 Robinson, Cary & Sande Company 27118 I' R. & gal. J. Rothschild157 27119 Royal Typewriter Company 11 70 27120 John Sandquist & Sone b,00 I 27121 S000ny—Vaouum 011 Oompany9!22 27122 27123 The Speakes Company Tri—State Tel.•& Telg.Company ill 155108 ;61 27124 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Company 18144 27125 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Oompany 11213 25197 27126 Villaume Boa & Lumber Company SHEET TOTAL FORWARD V ' s L(CLO-A I ( 1 v4 r OrIal—j w City Cirmc— C 656 4-- 1 -ff-- je- OFOFS�.. F'^ILJL- No ------ OFFICE -W -1-4M C-'I'T-ir 4--L.E:F:tK mON—C.-F-rmej:ZAL. FORM PRESEN-M COMMISSI 4 4 GATE RESOLVED That license for m:ppX:Led for by the Society of St. Int pnio de Padova at jmmmmwcSL 39=x -3r S%x-ao%s be and the ease to hereby granted, provided all ord:Lmm=#--qmm- 4maPFjr-w:3R-::=--="mb3La thereto bare been complied with, and the city clerk is IzLstxImO'tOw& 'ft© 7:S- -jmiEw%&is smalm 3.1commse impo:m the payment into the city treaumry of the Irecrm-1-3c,430dL ZE'400mAm3w CZA- 0' Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Barfuss r—l'earm Findlan ri'&t@r Pearce --------In favor MR 1',totFm, . TrtlEgtj T r '-Warren -- ------------Against Wenzel+ Mr. President (Gehan) 3m 11-53 Adopted by the CounciL---- Approved -------- ------- - --- Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION JLugust 5. 1936.: Yr. G. H. Barfuss Comm. of Public Safety Dear Sir: . I am herewith returning your letter of August 5th. 1936 wherein you request a survey in the neighborhood of YinnebaLa and Burr Streets. This has been complied with by hav- ing Squad 9, Officers Gilmore and Burch, make a house to house canvas. Their report is attached. Trusting this is satisfactory, Yours very /truly, ��� 0. A. Hackert Chief of Police . I �,� I R E L L A N E O U Sd g g i2 E P O R T ICU.. SLJ BEAU OF POLICE ° City of St. Panl se IK_ Bow 8aeaiwcd 19 - Tlma and Drb M OCmsome _ . :I1l. 13- Homos M _ Repcod tsAdda-os 11 Phoae I • 7a OL. 0;,51 / --j rA . o G THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION f Angnst 5, 3.936 Mr. C. L. Heckert, Chief of Police Dear Sir: The $t. Antonio di Padova Sooiety is &skim permission to conduct a festival at Harr and Kinnebahm Streets from August 8th to August 15th. They have also applied for a license to operate a merry-go-round at this time and place. Will you kindly have the residents of this location indicate .whether or not they approve the oper- ation of this festival? I would appreciate having a surrey made as early as possible, so that the Co wIl may act accordingly. You will note they contemplate starting Angnst Sth. Very truly yours G. H. Barfhs 7( Commissioner of Public Safety GHB/k s CITY OF SAINT PAIS capital of Mkwmmte OFFICE OF CITY CLERK tf L ILS. FMC r"4 City Clark and Comagm4orier of Repidra6m - o kngast 4th. 1936_ Hon. CB- _ H. EauKtass., Comm a r of public Safety a City. i - Dear S ---m-3rs the at -�- --� The City Council referred to yore w..Ued application or the St. Antonio Society asking perm=s ion to Conduct a Sestival at Burr and llinnehaha !roma ingast Sfth to iaagust . ljth. The application for asrry—doo— rouna was also been riled. The Council request that lourL ment Canrassthe resid nts in the vicinity of this �a to determine whether or not they are oppoaed.�o.................. _.. snob asL Seatival. Yours very trn]y, City 01e2Lc_ 00911d a CUT Clwk PRE3EN'�ED COM IS .ONIK Cl'TY OR STr PAUL O CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNGIg-- —RESOLUTION ---GENERAL ,c.�, ?•t�� — iw�—ate' No_..... _ 1S! it i-,-- =HE", --W HE", , W+ w M—=2=Ma= W. Walsh prop©ses to construct a building at No' 1i3+=1� IRaaelolph Street, to be used as a :lotion picture theater, Lzwm lase wade application for advanoi informal approval, of a llo aas - to ©perate such theater when it Is con- struoted, so that Izs wsi31 have assurance that he can eperat8 the theater once it "M s esonstruoted, and WHEREAS, JL It-- is the opinion of the Council, after hearing, that suChL =�vaxic--e informal approval should be given, snbJeot, however, t4E3w compXlanoe with all the ordinances of the City, therefore be i — RESOL`TEIF3 Vkuwt the Council does hereby agree to Issue to said Wig > + � W- Walsh, a license to operate a motion pieture theater at IWsm�- 1a2O Randolph Street whenever such building is consbr-aae --wed 3n conformity with the ordinances relat- Ing to buildings or —what type. ,,,,low. COUN MEN AUG 7 1936 Yeas Na s Adopted by the C7ou 01.................................... ...._._....193... sa P /,.... In favor eterson 22 T ux..............:..: }\a in.t PuBmsaw� .... ... .... May es _ Mr President (Gehan) k WILLIAM W. WAman SAINT PAU LI MINN ESOTA To tue El o rzo rib 1 a 2ayor, and the Counc 3 -1 of the City of Saint Paul G e n t I e m 4E-, = -- 1 I hereby x- s�ectfully request taaL tYie council brant me: a L-->e--rmi ,)r the constructiozi, mairi- teIla nce -ri'a of a Moving Picture House, to be at la2O Randolph Street irn the City of ir1 L' Paul. I furtr:e r ra s �ect=ully request that i= your Honorably ;3oe31- grants :,,e a permit to construct, maintain, operate the abovementiorneci Mov- ing PIC t 1-7- House , that the Council irn£ ormal ly vote to -i s sum me a license for the ooerat ion of a mom i nJ Picture House on said- premises if, and W.Ier-L - J-- mane= application for tf , same, sfte,r the buil 3 is constructed and I be�--irr to oper- ate t1l ma y= v- i rzU P i c turc House. I an mEa. _c i ---a- &f; r.- Cau< st -Lr :nfor;ca vote C> 1-1 the license u I do n...; W isrl 160 go "u max ; =rise Y putting up a pi -o- 6 ua:, ic- 6ur, Ho-�L T a--c;laout being Lssured than, S v1111 obtain z- !-_I_ is e nse to one rate it _.i'ter it if -- built . built. Yours v'ry-,ruly, olo Endicott Suilriirng, St-. caul, ti>innesota: 11r. L. R. S. F erapa s City Clerk. Dear Sir : Za ``t2x4m matter of application of William W. Walsh Por s psrmit to construct and operate a motion pi c *;. r s house at 1320 Randolph Street. T2Y3 s s Commercial zoning. It is on the south side o� Raadolp*i St. with four stores between the proposed s3 to of the moving picture house and the- co'TZ38r a� Aamlin1e Ave. The Board has heard the also Mr. Bllerbe, archi- tect for the propos sc3 s tructure. There ,al46 appear- ed before the Board 3€r - Crebbs, Pastor of the Randolph Heights CYxur a and Mr. Paul Daggett, repre- senting Archbi slang gray bo th opposed . to ' a moving picture theatre at. l -mss location. T2.et So cerci. wish to advise that on June 25th, 1995 this propos---a— --1-4c=w4r--ation for a moving,picture picture" house was before tt id based on information avail- able at that time tY4Og approved this site and recom- mended that thle _4�>.4at3a-zm--TL -4t-- tee granted. They now wish to advise that ties n before the Board at the June 25th mestr� vwas not accurate and that they were misinformOa ter .. ma --IL s-Axit arpreted the: information before them r..egarc sir i:e-s�ttitud�e. of the education- al interests ixa tliS �-cinity. They now recommend that this permit b8 --AdX:ed. They - believe that there is no necessity ror a mac3�-viug, picture house at this site - there -s_ - ao aw A6rand View"- at Grand and Fairview, the c*S $ r" at St, Clair and Snelling, the "Hptown" at Ritd oxford and the "Garden" Srsnth gt� bs�tweea Rsadoh sad Paaev This an',x�duaa'£iQaei and reli ious center ilk` wpi�h a mo8c�uroouae ,�rduldgaot bs isarr�on �wTth th „t H ii�is,t dep�%1opm t of-the"";dis`triot, t zth*"Veoy�d live her,.s because of'; its freedom from thole _thinsVrhici. 3isx aet`from a uaatioaal ideals "and'tbat '40a£ionsl iast'itutions ars of the Xre* et importsace o tha city ,aril' should be 'fo`se�ed�,in every, wsys:siple. The:Board rllcomend that the permit 4 be denied,'_ Your's very trul_ M GEQRGB H. R99R()L.D t 1"Aheer. ; rip. tart' gh-rh '2 _:.• r A YG— b t tk } h B f i r- 5 k` w �.e bF bl � ,*• a � ` roar e f .a t 1 r_�t� r ; - 1 Attorney at %haw _ - iiiz-13 Ooameroe $raildissg - . _ St. aaz1 -wm=z="-zmc=wL-Avxw 3L 1936 xv. William A. =W&I*b ele Baflioott Building - St. Paul, Yianeeota . Dear Sir: se4 that at the ragealQ T Please be advih = _ tialy Heating y - of the Board of , -Directors o= the St - �� —Maph s German Oatholio Orphan, Society held at t2sa �s 1455 8aadcl. h Sheet on Jtaae S, .193E�- L60 at osrd adopted a resolution ezpreseing the visa--tlza-s ._prphan Sooi- ety would not be opposed to theby' the Oity oounoil• of the oity of St. Pau I of S license to erect, i=d operate a mov3.s -Tr-ition for = = =ester on the south side of Randolph Street, between - . �_ Avenue and Syn- dioate'Street. - In view of this action of the Boar-ci - _-= "aced not as►tio- ipete any objections being voiced. by � sr representative of the orphan Society or Orp�-._=fie�s zhe Qity;. 0ounoil at any hearing which ma'T tae _ in the matter. - g truly yours, fired A. 8ueppers FAS: DLJ y. J1r 21st , 1936. Eon. Axel t. arsost , Corns I r of ?i , Handing. Bear Sirs Mftm City Council set a bAmwtne for Au8net 5th is �t tae uma.Lter of the application Of William R. Vlalsh for a p it to Conet_ of and opereto A mo tIon Fiwnrl.olph • Street and ro�quts ed piotnre that you a3ncL 1-320 to property ovmers in the district. i Haariae vm)6s also set for Am mt in the matter w_ -::!r tiseg aq>nlicution of Mr. Walsh fOr a gaso- rops y• the aba" property- line filling sz'� �ticoa mAjoinirg Yours very truly, Yours R City Clerk. 0 St . Psu2 , M inne so t a August 3, 1936 I To the Honorable Mayor oY the City Counoit: Gentlemen: / - We, the undereigriad.s �-saw-T+e+3tiy pet It ion a 13cense to be issued for a movie- thea. er to be established in the vicinity of Randolph asci 1Er$-m3 ixne Streets. Sincerely goers, In", 1' (((, l' V v o -V4 ^ t pQ 7-Z L�a.w,�o ' 77- _. -- - - _ B 1o89 Asnetrong Awe=ae at. Paul, 111naeeota. AuffaSt 3, 1936 To the Honorable Yayor Mmud 3i40mbere o= the City .dovnc i1 Gentlemen: I_understand that eS�a --.1 are being made to erect a movie theater in the viaie>rty of "Haml3ns and Raadol! streets'. I heartily) this.. -exic3aIM$-aft I am a railroad mato mmL==zkx:!1 do not have muoh time at home, �`- and there ,are times wbLera ie ie• in mp dist'rict s7a� mould Bice to attend the theater. - could attend without having to W. Th go clear down town. it meete'*ith myappraowa7 and the approval or several other® with wh0ffi I hada ez����en. I earneetly pet it ion you to allow the license to - ba 319w ed. V46% -Y truly youra, DUNN AND STF'21_W—M EM PIRG DANK DUEoO � !V d BTATC wN9 SAINT PAU L- M ■ H "'a C 20r -OTA H9 uvNcwrr �+wNwocincNT f TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OP M713ES C Z-- Y CW ST'. PAUL: The undersigned,' Duan & St3rirag63r, Z orporated� is the owner of the following described real 4M ate in the City of at. Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota- to--WW3t: All of Lot tWeaty—S ver 4E 24 ) and the East twenty (3_ 203 Bet Of Lot twenty-three three Devernl s Blocks ionr (4), five (5) s3= L 6 "3 of Laaington Park Plat 10 which said premises are cpWnnoaly -A9C==M=i4=0wm esti 130? Juno Street, St. Paul, Minnesota; That there is constructed vcpoza sae ; � premises a dwelling house and a garage and said px-e L--- as =-� occupied azclusively for residential purposes. The said Duna & Stringer, Zacarg-�o ted, therefore, objects to the granting of the appliasLioa of 7Pi11iaa[ w_ Walsh to construct and operate a moving pictux-e tlZea er at 3,320 Randolph Street, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dated August 4, 1936. DZ.JNN I INCOSPORATED By - Its Preside By 1 l Its Asst Seely July 20, 1936 `I o the Honorable Magor aria City Co'Ixx l : We the members o --Tf- tkle Boards of Randolph lieights Presbyterian Church do 1 -MUa-tion the City Council against granting a permit for the c o astr xc tion of a moving picture theater on the corner o:E' F;$aciolpjx Street and Hemline Avenue. S igned Aw We the underi�r���—� � property owners and interested par- ties in the vicinity. o --I� Rar-xclo:Vph Street and A ttalirne Avenue, do .hereby petition the .establishment of eL rnotion pic- ture theater at the a7I3 0 --we location. 45 • � '� �� Irv, ti OP , 41 �� ', >,,. �, ;; `s ,.., ��, _ � � � � . ---._� _ �:: -. �:�> . We the w3.cLe rs ikr=4acl, property (5wners and interested parties ln.the vicia3t� o� Randolph Street and aniline Ave- 3a -me, , do h:eraby petit :2-o3cL -.aRaiastthe establishme t or m mo- tioa picture .theater st the s ove, locati ` OOV low -�_�Uj �1711f - - 0 - We the unde:rs;gr3.e4a, property ow3;Lers and interested par- ties iii the viointty of Randolph Street and Hemline Avenue, do hereby petition asinst the establishment of- a motion pic- ture theater at the a ove location. _77- frj i A u ,3 Iv -17 . ;yam �' 3 M We the undersigned, pzwoj:>oT-ty c)-mMe-rim VLMcl J-3at;--ex-ke-sted par- ties in the vicinity of Rancic>l:pkx Street gi3-m-ci llam3A3=43 Avenue, do hereby petition against the cx:r xn4:)-t,:Lon pic- ture at the above locat on. 1)9 1 a;4- We the undersigned, property owners and interested par- ties in the viXcinity of, Randolph Street and hemline Avenue, do hereby Petition diximt the establishment of a motion Pie - e, the*tter at the"a bve location. .�o{it�;r�ywras.�■,�, fill ...... ..... '17 S -Z lk • i Ta' THE BOARD OFZONING r_ Estebtuhed by 40 ininm No. 5840 August;22, 7922 . a SAV�NT.PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE , ISAAC SUM RHELD, Ow June 5th, 1935. BETZ ALBERT BUe4GER- EGIN WAHMAN .. _ -BERNARD J. M-GLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City AwhiteH _ GEORGE H. HERROID, - _ - Engineer Seaetuy Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of the request of William W. Walsh for permit to construct,. maintain -and pperate a movingpicture; theatre at 1,530 Randolph St.sp and to obtain an operating license for same. This is Commercial zoning. It it :on. the - south side -of Randolph St. 83 ft. east of Hemline Ave. The, property is occupied by a small home. The corJiew property which is. the southeasterly, corner.; of: Hemline and-Randolph,is occupied for 83 feet by a'two story brick building heed for commercial purpose. Thi: v1— cinity i:s built with residences. The Cretin 8igh''Sclirool property lies at the southwest corner of;Randolp" and < Hemline with the ,St. Joseph's.:property'to the west of that. At the meeting of the Board, Mr. Paul Daggett, Secretary of the Diocese.ot St. Paul, Rev. J. C. Breis of the Randolph Presbyterian Church, Rev. Otto. of the Calvary Lutheran Church' and George B. Thera and Ns.: 8ueppexs, Vice President and. Director, vespe6t3ve— ly,of the St. Joseph German Catholic Orphan Society, appeared and explained their opposition to the location - of a moving picture house at this site. A petition presented' by Rev. Krebs'and a letter received from the St. Joseph German Catholic Orphan Society is made a part of this file. f, r r Chancery Office Archdibnese of St. Paul 244 Dayton Ave., St. Paul, Minn. June 21, 1935 Mr. William W. Walsh, 616 Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Walsh: On my return to the city this morning, I received your letter of,the 19th and also one from Mr. L.R.S. Ferguson, City Clerk, relative to your project of constructing a moving picture theatre at 1330 Randolph Street. I am advising Mr. Ferguson that the copy of the minutes of the City Council, which he sent me and in which I am quoted are thoroughly cor-rect and, therefore, as I informed you some days ago, you may say to the members of the Council that although the Most Reverend Archbishop does not wish to withdraw his formal objection nor does he sponsor the erection of said theatre, nevertheless, the Diocese of Saint Paul will not appear before the members of the Council to press the objection any further. Very truly yours, (Signed) D.J. Gregory Chancellor. a `-GG/ �iGCf7UJTi — - Juno 3�- — .may 35_ Hos. City Planning Board arsd the Hon. City Council, St. Paul, Xlzxnasota Gentlemen: Attantion has been called to a pending application for permission to erect a li14o-wi3mgrr , Picture Theata seathe corr ne of Hemline and Rsado2-pls Straats- Our Institution is located near to said locat4o3n_ The Sisters of oair =nstitution as wa12 as the Board of Directors imva carafslly, cogs idered this matter and are now convinced that it wos;ld zmot b6 to our best interest to have this theatre erected at said place Ta therafore , as lc your Honorable BosrdB to oppose the granting of a permit Yours truly _ ST- JOSEPH GERMAN CATHOLIC ORPHAN SOCIETY b� / iica-President GT sAJ Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas. / Nays. PEyRCE PETERSON j R TRUAX W�EZZEL N / MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) J WMLLiM w. WAL6II SAINT P UL. MI N N FSOTA May 27th, 1935 To the Honorable Mayor, and the Council of the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: v I hereby respectfully request that the Council graaxL m+ss a permit for the construction, maintenance and ope rat io a of a Moving Picture House, to be situated at 1330 BnLa<Ao Street in the City of Saint Paul. I further respectfully request that if your Honorab3.6 Body grants me a permit to construct, maintain, and ope the above-mentioned Moving Picture House, that the Ca-cz :5L---JL- informally 5L—JLinformally vote to issue me a license for the oper-at ioa of a Moving Picture House on said premisee if. and we3ue3C2L I make application for the same, after the building is constructed and I begin to operate the Moving Pletuiew House. I am making request for informal vote on the license for the reason that I do not wish to go to the expeasB of putting up a Moving Picture House without being s s 4c:SL that I will obtain a license to operate it after, it is built. Yours very truly, WWW ADD A �- TO THE HONG -BLE 41,YOP AMD MZBEPti''THE CITY 00t717CIL. We, the undersigned,are property owners residing within the radius o two blocks north, south, east and west of 1330 Randolph St., and h+3reby respectfully petition the City Council to deny the permit ` for the Walsh Investment Co., to build a theatre at the above A!,mentioned address. NAME. ADDRESS. LOT. BLOCK. r� 6 3 3 ly nqq a C ,� fir• z�.�?i�B� //3 6`���m-v�! f rA ?r"i ti E'er..:wcr f. MRS i�ar[r►, wad Von** .. n .x Go r i M la • vmtm All 00 *% dik lb Cc a, -V -` AlAA, ell - Petitiuna of Pr,:teat abwir.st she ,.l%cin�; of e. uvin ct':rd ^h3utre at 133: an1o1 :h Utrcat,^.t . ne.t.l,'?Iinn . 'r ae,ltel t'Li' tLr`cl'_._:h '?elight6 Presbyteries-- _nn the c.._..idert,.ti-n :% the 7c.nins 3uard in caaai::n June 4,1-35 :.t 11:30 0 the c@n >iuerati; n (.,f the City ,uneil ,.-;nv6ning ed . June 12, 1535 at 1:; A.::. eai,actf-L�.11y Subr.:itted: A - . "3a ate' 1�rtau 00 u ,i a4 i71Womb" a: r » a•., y � F �d y� �• s 139� Lit t � N J■ f^.t �0. V II r a r �9'�/ lfl7. 1 Y �tr•1 � Y�'�''� � � , �rl�! �' ,N' `�14',Y� � �4.' a / 41 Alf K 4'• Y 4 I % yy r � r •4�-i�' ,4 X. ::L 11 rF 5 41' ''' ! tip:'• i i i',. m I ml -77M-777�. ' i. ' t io uw 25th. 1935_ son. Axel 3r. ps 'I—'- a -m-- Dazs Come' r or Rvil dine_ - Dear Sirs Tta• C -t=cil today set a hsarizy- for mai3� Zs--� msr nn 12t}x� '-� ttaof the application of .-Vllliam s- -mar paawww3 t to constructs maintain aa'A operate a --;m;a'—#pis fihestier at 133^ Randolph Street: and send —tices to property Owners of Bald fey also requested that you seal notices tco s -Xs ar colleges in the district Town very trulys C3.ty C2ar2m— Vey 26th. 1935. Mr, �3eo. t*. Reriold, Secretary, Zoning Board, Building. Dear sir: The attached remast of William N. Walsh for permit to construct, maintain and operate a moving picture theater at 1370 Randolph Street was referred to your Board. tty the City Council, for invostigatton and recom;..endation. The Council has set a hearing in this matter for J4Yne 12th, 1935. Yours very traly, ,it city Clerg. ' n Vey 26th. 1935. Mr, �3eo. t*. Reriold, Secretary, Zoning Board, Building. Dear sir: The attached remast of William N. Walsh for permit to construct, maintain and operate a moving picture theater at 1370 Randolph Street was referred to your Board. tty the City Council, for invostigatton and recom;..endation. The Council has set a hearing in this matter for J4Yne 12th, 1935. Yours very traly, ,it city Clerg. May 29th, 1935. Mr. William W. Walsh, 614 radicott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. i?ear Sir: The City Council set a date of hearing. for Jame 12th at 10 A. I% in the Council Chambers in the matter of your application for permission to constract and operate a moving picture theater et 1'9V Randolph Street and directed that notices be sent to property owners in the vicin- ity. They oleo referred the application to the Zoning Board for reoort. Yours very tral.y, City Clerk r N RESOLUTION At a special meeting of the Board of Directors of the South Midway Commercial Club, held June 26th, 1835, the following resolution was passed; RESOLVED TRAT the South Midway Commercial Club heartily endorsee the project fostered by William W. Walsh to build and operate a moving picture theatre at 1330 Randolph Street, St. Pail, Minnesgta,and that a copg of this resolution be delivered to the r. City Council and Mayor of the City of St. Pail, n , SOUM MIDWAY COM ICIOL CLUB b President 4 is 'f 1 1 41 n4 tr i i.: Xillin T. Walsh has made applioa`li l to` the city,col for a lioenee to operate a soling_ pietuur0 house on Randolph and Huline streets in the f city of, Is. Paul; and, VURRAB the members of this Association are Qe- sirous of having a moving pioture theatre in this neigh- borhood; and, IMAs Willian W. Walsh intends to operate this theatre as an independent theatre, employing looal people tooperate the sant; eid, we believe that a theatre will be a d a 'root aeaeti o the 00nuity 414 Will fulfill a de-' sF.. sired need for entextaimeent in this seol of the p v- low T ' w a IT Rgobv DS that the Rdp. ri a o01* '10ygrounds Boostor Aesooiation hereby approves ,K5 the `establishreat euid operation of,& moving goture 4 the4tre at Randolph and Wine streets in the city of St. Paul. ,BE'IT MTHIR RISOLUA: that this Assooiation petition the Oounoil to grant the lioenee applied for b, William R. Walsh. Rg IT IMM REBOLM: that a copy of thio Resolu%lon be, sent to the Zoning Hoard and, the Council 101110 city of 0. Na to 4 cwt s VMMZAS, William W. Walsh has mads appli4ati031 to the city counoii for a 110ense to operate a moving Picture house on Randolph and Hamlin Streets in the city of St. pawl= and. SOMAS the members of this Asseoiation are de strous of haviag a mooing picture theatre in this nigh* borhood; and, WH MAO WiUIM V. Walsh intends to operate this the&$" as an imiepe"snt theatres. emp%ying 1poal people to cporate -the at" an44 jM&UAB we betie*eFthat a theatie will be a diatiaot asset to 4he Owimunity and will fulfill a 40- eared need for entertainment In this seotion of the city, SOW TH WOM, BR IT `RWSOLTSA1 that the ZVI Oumbe playgWou4ds Booster Asao0lation hereby appros's9 the establiahneut said operation of a no" platers 1hoatye at Randolph and xamllae Styeets in the city of 8t. Paa: BE IT FMTRZR REBOUVO: that ibis Association petition the Oowwii to grail% tee lisensa Applied for by Xi1]. ,a 11: Maki R IT ?MM MIQUO thAt A #appy Of tb11 i i 01 ths Quy of po Pilaf . fS"+ r p is P. rai 3 sr + i - ��� 1<t io-ilr 114r t1 _ J �^ Y1 {P VIV ri+. JI11�, + y I,I. Ifl li I'' iril 4 '�U :.�I141 I II,I jl�: �i � r '.Ir rt fj lti�l^�iYrr7..at sh III r. 117t� 1V (jlb r l 1�� +T i. •i Irl y ,. '� ,� 1 II+ 1ltl r r«,a lt,da r r t41fy1,;Yr i4l5bl��� i ' Jr .14'1 I r , li'�I� l lf� rf, Y i Rl 4FIf r fl 1 i ti �tY; velar. tfyur,d3}��kc.�l�il. jlr�rrrr'fd'r�J+V rrhr ,�� L .71 R4V �h 1R47iv- u.�rvlV a';t,ra �tYrl '�LIR�d I 7, , 11 To the Honorable Mayor and Council of the City of St. Paul Gentlemen: We, the undersigned residents and people in business in the vicinity of 1330 Randolph Street in the city of St. Paul, respectfully request the Honorable Council to grant William W. Walsh a permit to construct a moving picture house at 1330 Randolph Street and to grant him a license to overate the same after it is constructed. We believe that a :roving picture house in this district would be a benefit to the business -men in the district and will be a source of entertainment to the people living near the proposed moving picture house. / j " Fa , ro S. 7/� CL I j I 31 V / � i al, (/ t` m Gentlemen: IIs. the undersigned residents and people in business in the vicinity of 1330 Randolph Street 1n the city of St. Paul, resoectfally request the Honerebie fiotiacil to grao William II,. Walsh a permit ro construct a moving picture house at 1330 Randolph Street and to grant him a license to Operate the same after it is constructed. We believe that a moving picture house in this district would be a benefit to the business -mea in the district and will be a source of anteztainsent to the people living near the proposed moving picture house. Icay 1416 fc'. r G 4 a r Gentlemen: We, the undersigned residents and people in business in the vicinity of 1330 Randolph Street in the city of St. Paul, rdspectfully request the Honorable Council to grant William W. Walsh, a permit to construct a moving picture house at 1330 Randolph Street and to grant him a license to operate the same after itis constructed. We believe that a moving picture house in this district would be a benefit to the business—men in the district and'eill be a source of / 4entainnent to the people living near the proposed ,.vl picture house. J3/4'e 131! 4 //3 ad,� -A/ Ale. °F f3 J Gentlemen: o We, the undersigned residents and people in business in the vicinity of 1330 Randolph Street in the city of St. Paul, respectfully request the. Honorable Council to grant William W. Walsh, a permit to construct a moving picture house at 1,330 Randolph Street and to grant him a . license to operate the same after it is constructed. We believe thFt a moving -picture house in this district would be a benefit to the business -men in the district and will be a source of entertainment to the people living near the propomoving picture house. vo .... ' Y ►746 w y 1 i 7 .......... �_- " s -I 7,9 m A m av� iR 19, fi- �i xy dEm% j. - 1110Amak, A n - To the Honorable mayor and Council of the C i.ty of St. Paul sentlemat W#,- the nadepigned residents and neo -,)le in business to the vicinity of 1330 Randolph street in the city of St. Paul, rew"CtfullY MqUArit t,136 NOWAle Council to grant William V. Sa1sh a - - a movies pActurs house at 1330 R"dolvb Street and to grant him a 11004ge to Q*sra%o the same after it io oonstracte4L bqlj@V9 that 1, tMy� 910tUrg bou$q in this di$triCt would be a benefit to thl busho distriFt ad will be of 4 *Tips platm boilm Intert4lume I IOUs loaf 04 proloo t Z /2 J-7 -7- V 7777= Ali "I 1, 1 r I X-1 c il 17-76 I I,'41V LI 7 -AJ if I tJ A (JIIQL Vol' i��`�Q,,� ku %� c 13 LA4, • fJ,9j t���'- �'�`� b '�. �4 a.' ':F.+""�� ��� Ct4.s'4.. 1 /G� � � / ..��'.-G.`G.�,s���'r��. y f 1 vi 11 } P ��`'��,� ��L,:�lJ , { ,i"11 , , ✓�` i1-�_ 3L.(,l.j � 1 i„ (�.%;Lt, �,;�i�Cc 1 t i 131 I JA l i `�lf I G4il i //r�F1 •Z � � s % \ � fry' V`„^•• � / �� i��-•'G � �/ .�/(f `,' ;t �, J < � ! � �l f ��ti`^�� � „ � � (� �ia•��� GGlrf (Allw I� f / . r i ..g r ..g r r � w Mq 23, 1935 To the $oaorable Vgor and Council of the Cityy' $t. Paul b We, the uudersigaed restdente eAd poople in'business in the vicinity of 130 Randolph Street in the city of St. Paul, respectfully request •the, Honorable. Council, to grant William M, Walsh a permit to construct r a moving picture house at 1330. Randolph Street and to grant him a license to operate the same after it ''s constructed. is i We bels eve that a moving picture house this district would be e benefit to the business -men is the d titrict and, will be a source of entertainment to the people livir,h$ar tue proposed moving picture house, h A' 2A( t ig �+•71 `} 1 i 4 + d,) n V� � ,,�i II Irr ��II I hhhr��� `'�J{� - Vi x IF (� e �k t 1 Y( J J YI.fit 'J F.1 t � 4 � ��� + v�+ r 4j v y h u� /y� �l� �1 M a Y � i 94 s 4,51 1 41 �f r. s t 7 v f ICS oi !�~+o •� UL 'jam � �J � � � � � ' �o 7 $. I {" I r pp qA if �4" { If � l r I•rr } ,` �I�;�I �I IJP RI ���l�y S� �I�"' I i �I ,:k�A�114� �l g � ��I�"19� I fYv�l�{� ��d 1 itl���� Y �t I �� P / �` ��yG'I!j{�•, li f#I,M �i111M.t a I, fc I,I 'I I t t I it ,1r(p1,I ry�ifV I, I}��I I� Iijt %II lij J 111{�.l ��• Y� I 11I�)p�y l'IYI�yBI' Z r � I It el, > ',tn �� � J ft � �-?1r'e ��r F y4 x I '� , �'"• . _ Sr a ..f ,�}.dz 1 y B pl"1 ` k' •' �� I � 1 K I F1 3 4,, ! r7 ! v t z F ,. N' ;iC• pit. .1 r __.temod i 4 r k , m ti � fey ;�T N.l.►o,, 4 i AAA- ��` � � :'.fit :•: { 3 r f o � � Pr,n,�".; p'�` � A,/rte-"�- `�ll�r„k�Lt�'' e�,u,►1 ""T"i,�E, Z'.. S .7 'Py� 7 r ,� � i+ $� YTI., t i.0 i . To tba 3otora1�14 vgor and Couaail of the �,, • 01ty o f Si, QIN111Ma) Too 1bo Al rioiaiy ' of Ii�O 9�Mlpb 3t"s��nat Ni111a �city Of �. 'tie bog►t�*16 Oouooilo a aor picture bou44 at 1330 W6116 #rca$ as to tad hia a 11844" to wpl# 00 lana Met it i• ooadriatoc Ot�1�r►1 t lE � tN '' to " i� it�� 4ti��1�� +�►�� �, � IWC 0111141114 fill 10 1101" of Igo A at to M $"Ill Iifils Mil �A 9 shh" bill, do g jr,30 JAL Lana 7777W I hd V y ` - - ' ..:'�"' I 1•t>r� j� y I� �/ n ,,T� � � � � , 1, ...- ,•;.� Y r Na/lo�-- y \ �► ' W R A) 1- .� R�J►i���l� e , s rVp O� D• i i v ,/ V � i t_�r.•s `;w; Fllin��h1�r' . � , � �. � �P,, � 1, .., ��' � c •i .. ,/+ f i ��.CUI) ,r � � 1 l�,a Iia) I f �c. 7 ; G . /^ E �o to N I�i t0 8 / l./�4� 1 6v d1 To the Honorable Heyor and Council of the • city of St. Paul Gentlemen; Ae� the undersigned residents and people in business in the vicinity Of 1330 Randolph great in the city of pft•Aaleh,a respectfully fit tolco etuest iuct +� the Honorable Council to grant Ailliam a oqving picture house at 1x30 Randolph Sty truo�k,d grant his a lioense to operate the same after it is co We believe that a moving picture house is thin dish be &soource of A benefit to, the business -men in the district and will acture house entertainment to the people living near the proposed moving p " R s �g ��xPkP n� RA til pa���,n�• , Ir 5 Y _ . _ l 11 :_ 'e -"- 0 gcmroble blor and Council of°the City of 9t. Paul Oeatlsmen� Vol `be,'wOU0 4i "lideuto sad Mop1e in hnsioess iq the 4414tq 0 {' 0 ph $ fAdt to the rt city Of 8t, Palo ' i ' `oiQt'vite bouts at 1330 *pjpb' re8td to (lMgt his s license to operoto ►� 0-14 after it It constroated► Ae belt6ve tlleit g pati,picture house to this district Mould be s. benef$t to the h linesmen to t4s distridt end .MoiAd be a source of entertainment to the people living near the proposed moving picture house, iHonorable IWOr and Counci the -City of St, Paul Gentlemen: 1 We, tre undersigned, residents and people in business in the vicinity of Bio pandolrh Street in the City of St. Paul, respectfully request the honorable Council to grant William W. Walsh a vermit to construct a moving picture house at WO Randolph Street and to grant him a license to operate the same after it is constricted. is believe that a moving picture house in this district { would,be a benefit to the business -men in the district aud,would be a source of entertainment to the people living near t,proposed moving picture house, �l Oro N r Iw' Ynh's��o•�� � 4 1 J I. /I 1 Vl/3 4vvtA �Pa I ' M g s ' M g 93sd,14lb q�►saD1 ; Moor asd Cogneil of tea flit di 3 . tanl • ;a0�atlorat :.. r: ipd sootdoats tai paialo is ►aotaior in the .io aitY tpndosoo k eitrof St lodi,,IvopotMliy, 1pCk is �1M 10 doaa�oil tl. �alob a �o .ortt , x i7o►wti11laa .po:ait � 3adMot As I'm rest -and to dsaat biw'� b 1i :ooao4 etN.. ; 1N: bohav i %bat i' my ag `pietarl botiolr'ia tbls d�iL; et .enld:lr a MrSf t6 tt►o lnsiaoso-► is the distsiet� aad; mill b. a plica of J fl olflr3eibat to tbo _ : t li uw acus tl,o pm*voiO - ip.laS idet'" b" -- 4-4* r s - t y 1 �l�� �� ISI•! I'�1� �: 4; .. r. r it I � II I.II�.,�M.•hv1ti•";,',vy,, ti Y 7 7* vow ;*Ai St. 'low, me La -.� , gq .ogi Oc6 pp w4 WIII-I—Pl 11 ,I ............. . . . . . . . . . . . 21, r�z I mvaml�vwjm� ffa 11 1 1 P'll F. Vv f I ' t k�;�'�,'��, � i �d� Ali ��I �,•�� �� � r,'1'� �.---- tW ?3rd. 1936 -!o MIS Solvomble SWor and -Conseil of the / C ity of St, Pant y, Y % ' oentlasant m/ 4108 the undarslpuld,residams and people in business in the vicinity �f 'I,fSO 8aado1ph Street in the city of St. Paal.respeethalr "*We% t a`Soacrable Council to grant Pilliu Y. Paldk a permit 0 0e11010st A iftting picture hours at 1330 tandolph, Street ane to grant ma's 1306* to opeato tue sena aftab it is ooaatructe4 We believe that a sowing pietsre house in this district would be a boarfit to the basiness-sea in the district and will be a WUrca ai -antertainernt t people living near the Vispose wing pictsse bmi% Cak a Y- jr in f 64 f Rl . � �i��; �itft�rr «sJM , !/t+xt�r�•1.� �.� /S` ��1!t���,;r .-�� - �;,,�"`� ���, t• � NII o I 1 i M� o ro ,N {, —101 ,F�t, . y,,ty ,yam .t:•. «s. u .. t .a .�,x Nt'� 4 t d t $ �'' � �� '� l� k b y 3' •t h � '. t a • t„.. • / U .xaY �rx.� >,r „�y..u� 7tM, ,. "r ,•e^_ - �.� a �s,a HiQ fit '�,G �k d' r {,.N� - .... • t t� � *^fit a y �� 4 • � ^ ..41 ttt 5y Jx• � J nY F.• 3 � 4 S t r _.{ qq y ' a RT i' s J �iv> � • t � �r� r�J .17 ry# � ,� � eX tt v rpt. 1 � r 5 a •..` t *� �kc a ` r z e �� 4 ,Y •.. ,� 4 ,, s a � .uw r* 04� , 44, + } fdr 1 x°}. an 4 t , Pj K f ! x��#n'S JG rJ. LW Lp y x ,v �iY y� � tit j ti" r1 9t a t f a�y .f �` ){ yX ttV4 �A { Vb1t Y� h r'Y• „ t J + gJ r M1 1 44 ifl 1Y Y' fS 1 '1 )'4 11� Yi 4 ItY J,t { r}/ f i • tl '' 1t 1. dq� #t i , t , t# r� •x�u� ���ri�� �s t. � '•t lo>' , �DA♦t }rJ iJ i0.1J 4r�'� t M�, �' 1 r �� � '�r1+ I # r"rXit��P vl y � N i k J 1 flt ��p]'�t'e t�srJy'YS< � ii{ib�x'^�bi�� °`b0.'i }k1• `� `''r >Ed � 4 t pp r±4� rh ��4�}t y�fJt a , J�ptti 7r ° '� ���q: I�4�� sv.W�h v '�w {q � •,i �� 1 1 t �F+•�t .rY�, �' ZF ddt• `" a fi. . i ti,� � � . �5 •.. i'•? � Y ,� � "# 1 r' rr "'.t�� rix a; ro, b 3• r ;t t yy f�. aJ.e a A r ° r M� S � 1 i �.lp ��e411�� Y �uttl t1 � 41 nh1YxE%�iaN�'• 0 To the Honorable Wyor and Council of the City of St. Paul Qentlownt. We, the unddersigned,reeids1s and people in business in the vicinity of 1330 Randolph Street in the city of St. Paul,respectfully re qu�et const the honorable Council to grant +yilliam •. Ra1sh n persit tt his amt a ppving picture house at 1330 Randolph Street and to gren license to operate the no aftef it is constnlcted, \ We believe that a moving picture house in this district would be a bensfit to the o the se- li lit ng agrrthe proposed be picture house. a Source Of entertainment to the poop r 4 I ly t y.. MAI Ad y 4 1 � 1 ogq(c v e ` a ,4 �_ ..... a 0 •..*F Pti �... _ I.1 i r 0 To the Honorable Wyor and Council of the City of St. Paul Qentlownt. We, the unddersigned,reeids1s and people in business in the vicinity of 1330 Randolph Street in the city of St. Paul,respectfully re qu�et const the honorable Council to grant +yilliam •. Ra1sh n persit tt his amt a ppving picture house at 1330 Randolph Street and to gren license to operate the no aftef it is constnlcted, \ We believe that a moving picture house in this district would be a bensfit to the o the se- li lit ng agrrthe proposed be picture house. a Source Of entertainment to the poop r 4 I ly t y.. MAI Ad y 4 1 � 1 ogq(c v e ` a ,4 �_ ..... a 0 •..*F Pti �... _ I.1 i I 1 50 a4e AIJ 77 J N) R. o 2 � 9 3� rIt A C'(!%•'4"_ r 9 ■ • Mpg Tom,17 NOki* 1:71111Y o jY �� WV i l `i 11 1 • Mpg Tom,17 NOki* 1:71111Y o jY �� WV i l 11 1 v t 4 3 E. o� 3 3 Honorable lWor and Council of the City of St. Paul Oentlesans We, the undersigned, residents and people.in business in the, vicinity of1330 FOU4010 Street in the City of St. Paul. respectfully request the Honorable Council to grant -gi11fem W. Walsh a permit to constrict a moving picture house at 1330 8andolpb Street and to grant him a license to operate the some after it ,is constructed. " We %oils" that a moving picture house in this district Would bb a bensfit tv the busie�ese-men in the district and vould be a source of entertainment to the people living mbar the ,prioposed moving picture bouts. t a all Ij Ae r i t j 4 3 E. o� 3 3 Honorable lWor and Council of the City of St. Paul Oentlesans We, the undersigned, residents and people.in business in the, vicinity of1330 FOU4010 Street in the City of St. Paul. respectfully request the Honorable Council to grant -gi11fem W. Walsh a permit to constrict a moving picture house at 1330 8andolpb Street and to grant him a license to operate the some after it ,is constructed. " We %oils" that a moving picture house in this district Would bb a bensfit tv the busie�ese-men in the district and vould be a source of entertainment to the people living mbar the ,prioposed moving picture bouts. t a all Ij Ae r 1 h' m. c/ r�" • �cj�v � v �� q�� �,Q. �, /07 � 7-Eis�✓-r..e .�l°. I�/l�.p JyAp v Jf7f'`�. C �� 3 t� ii f � ��% ....,. � ,,iv I PFJ ,l ,/� -1 r vc� � }�,;.,.. ✓rJ, , "X'C t/i �'�` �:�t✓'MK.,• �'' �.ii !'i...._.�"�..""!�... r(. J (� P.+. ��. !�+ � w t:.-, . �.;;f.� ,,` 4G rOtt /� gI y Y _ j �.,..�.� NO........ CIrTY OF ST. PAUL F.a.c...... ............ ...... ..... ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEFtK 11L�r1 ESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM No_ 104858—By G. x Eartuae 7 j�IL H. Paterson—H. C. Wenzel—Joh: _ sreas, W1111— W. -Walsh hsa Prr i 1 the Coaa Ml F, ,�satoa _ Mr _ OATEand_ main• :.�r..•.y,..'!c S�..,.f�"" @�FFtvr�s, William W. Walsh has petitioned the Council for permission t0 install asci maintain a drive—iza iilltng station at about No. 1320 R=+T+dolph Street, on Lots 0, 3-0, 11 and 12, Block 3, Davern* s Re-arramS4ement of Blocks 4, 5 aasd 6, Lexington ; Park Plat 10; aa4c-L avfrF'R e -E3, said W illiem W. Walsh has submit ted a blue- print of the proposed 1aY-::ut, with driveways, curb returns, pump location, sir_ciev eLILka, etc_ for the ir nfomz:tioa of the Council; an d healing has been held ixx accordance with Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; t3:iL6refore be it RIES- 0X --%r that- permission and authority are hereby given to William W_ Walsh to install and maiataia said station in accordance wi-r--3z the piss submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved -vvi1.l automatically void the permit The tanks and pumps sha12 b P inata.11ed in accordance vsritli the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner Of Public Safety the building plans and landscaping to be sub- ject to the approval of the Commissioner of parks, Playgrounds and Public Bui 1 ciim.g s ; and nay changes in curb sag , sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvelpents within the street lines shall -ba Tse c-49 under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissiozaer of Pu3D11c Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to r evoeatlea by the --council -whenever _ said 0ounAmt3 _WI-tC- dstermiae -that-the ma13mt4mTAT(36 of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. AW A'UG i 193, 69, Adopted by the 40oclncil_..'_:............_._.--------------- _. / Yeas / N /l�in�la:l . _.-- A- ............... . A Inst -------------> �1>: - �etlmel Preiaeat (ce..,.,> _ pvRs✓asr�-�.--� 3M 6 36 - POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE St_ Paul, Minn., July 25. 193 6 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St_ Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby -notified .that the application of Wi 111am W Walsh to erect and install a f911irng station located on the south aide oP Rerdolph Street looet7w4w Hemline and Syndicate Avec oa Is RearranFCeMftent of Rlooka 4. S aad O�7c3BrStn Park Plot 10 ' will come up fdos f crnideratiozn before the Council in the Council Chant- ber in the City mall and, Court House Building on the 5th 0 v 193 6 at 10 o'clock A_ M. s. aEh F PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. PakPl File 43315 Adopted by the Gouacil 193 Yeas Nays B S ' FI� NDLAN PETERSON TRUAX / MR- PRESIDENT (GEHAN) POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER. OF FINANCE St_ Paul, Minn., July 25. 193 6 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St_ Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby -notified .that the application of Wi 111am W Walsh to erect and install a f911irng station located on the south aide oP Rerdolph Street looet7w4w Hemline and Syndicate Avec oa Is RearranFCeMftent of Rlooka 4. S aad O�7c3BrStn Park Plot 10 ' will come up fdos f crnideratiozn before the Council in the Council Chant- ber in the City mall and, Court House Building on the 5th 0 v 193 6 at 10 o'clock A_ M. s. aEh F PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. PakPl File 43315 CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commi.Io— \Q/M. J. SUDEITH I Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. July 1, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of William W. Walsh for permission to install a "drive-in" gasoline filling station at about 1320 Randolph Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly yours, John P. Mullaney Deputy Commissioner LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ^ INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June SC, 1936 L -r. John P. rullaney Laputy Comiesioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: This is in reference to application rade by '.illiam W- Walsh for pe-z:.issiou to install a "drive-ir." gasoline _filling :station on Lots 9, 10, 11 and 10, Block 3, ravern's Pe -arrangement of Blocks ¢ and 6, Lenin -ton Park, Plat 10; also described as atout 1-120 Pandolph Street. Please be advised that I have rade the usual inspection of the proposed station and drivewkys and do not find tliat the drive- v!ays will raterially interfere with the movement of traffic. Yours truly, 4 parry IT. ';:e`.Ceroren Superin:-endcr.t Traffic ?I1M sin THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIE SAFETY • ~ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTKR.OFFICB COMMUNICATION June 27a1936• Hon.G.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear 81r: In regard to the application of William illi m W.Wglsh for permission to install a drive-in g Daverfiln's Re - station on Lots 9,10,11 and 12, Block 3, arrangement of Blocks 4•,5,and 6, Lexington Park,Plat 10; also described as about 1320 Randolph Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report he nottgrsuch eatlynincreaseinstallathenat firethazardiindthatation wo vicinityd Respectfully youurrs, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. APPLICATION TO OE .A.. IN ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ;MR:PAL'a AND FILED IN THE cITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ------------- 1 @L-- 9 - ------------------- I g3!q TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made w Mr. williantAWal sh-------------------------- --------------------- --- ----- By - -------- - -------- --------------- OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) "Drive-In"------------------------------------------------------------- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A -------- w �,;--- --- j��-vE I - I ;w AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOTS --- 9,1411 and -12 BLOCK.— ----------15--- ----- - ------- Davern's Re -arrangement of Blocks 4, 5 and 6, Lexington Park Plat 10 -Atreat --------- ----- --- --- __________ALSO DESCRIBED AS - about _j=_ 2-1I6TREEoklAUMBER) 3.000 gal. - NO. OF GAS TANKS ------- ------------ CAPACITY OF EACH TANK NO. OF PUMPS [7 IFILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE------ --------------------------- DEPARTME'K F PUBL4C SAFETY 1Y404 1 d, 4 ------------ — -- — — ---- — — — - BY-- --- --- --- --- 616 Endicott Building,__ ------------ at-.; ...... RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE------------- — ---------- — ---- — ----------- 19 ------- CITY PLANNING' BF BY C GS�Y Off' F � Ir_ N G ; q ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER - EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, Gy Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary THE BOARD O F Z O tV 1 N G Established by Ordinance N.- 5840 A io—v � o'W..l m GL, Clak = CITY OF $T." PAUL r��c NO............I.C.465. ii�� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL71" SOLUTIION---GENERAL FOS �/�PRESENTED BY "`�_ /. COMMIS SIUNER_____......... ._.-,------ ..._-._....................._......_.......----_ UA _...._.........._._.._--._.-......._ .__........... ....... ......... ......... _ = WHEREAS, Herman Glickman, owner of t2:- premises at No. 241 E. Robie Street, with reference to whicl-z condemnation Pro- - pending before the Ooluloil, has eed -b make all alterations and repairs necessary to make sszm_0171 building conform to the ordinances of the City, and has agree to dismiss the pending action in the District Court which 2s brought to enjoin the City from wrecking such premises, and Yi requ$gte4d the Council to dismiss the condemnation proceec33L s because of inability to obtain a mortgage to provide : -cis for swah alter- ations and repairs while such oondemnatton M=m-- oceediags are pending, and WHEREAS, it is the opinionythe C01 -14--s that such request should be granted, in accordance with the mer of the said Herman Glickman, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the condemnation proc eclings relative to No. 241 E. Roble Street be and the same are 3rasrebp dismissed, subject, however, to the dismissal of the a tion pending against the City aforesaid, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the COMMIBBiO cr of Parks. Play-. grounds and Public Buildings be and he is 2a =eby directed to begin new condemnation proceedings if the g id Herma=n Glickman fails to complete such alterations and rape - =s within a period of ninety days from the date this re solutio is passed. - -- •4659 7�y F're'd M_ xrua:- Z3er t-eaCc� plicicmaa. owr_ , to 41 hich Rc Drocse H a D¢n+lSnR �. ane r-.. - �-actic COUNCILMEN Y. Nays, as In favor taaco� // �PtXraon / Against Y enzel Xv1r President (Gehan) 3M 6 Adopted y the Council----- AU G _ 7__1�7V.....193_..... ALIGb� 2 - r- . -------- .........................193....... — ✓�J.. %..sr .–........._........_......_ _ .. --- --- -- Mayor PUBLISI-MD ! J I CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY C. H. BWEDEEN IRVINO OOTLIES CL... I. -T -1 - JAB. P. SULLIVAN A. -T. - August 6, 1936. To the Council Gentlemen: Herman Gleckman, owner of the premises at 241 E. Robie Street, about which the Council had heretofore -@tarted condemnation proceedings, has brought action to en- join the City from entering upon and wrecking such premises, the case having been set for August 10th. 11 In preparing an answer for the City, exam- ination of the proceedings before the Council discloses that at this time no effective condemnation order has been passed, apparently thru confusion due to the number of times the Council has considered this matter. We also find that Gleckman has shown satis- factory evidence, either in the form of contracts or bids from contractors which, when carried out, will comply with all requirements of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings and that therefore there is nothing to be gained by appearing in Court on this action. Counsel for Mr. Gleckman and I have agreed to continue the case for thirty days and Mr. Gleckman will, in the meanwhile, proceed with the repairs to the building, as required -by the City Architect, most of which we believe can be completed within the thirty day period. No further action by the Council is necessary at this time and the proceedings can.remain in their present status until the case in Court is tried or dismissed or the premises repaired. Yours very truly, EM -S Assistant Co-rporation Counsel Anv�,ust 6th, 1936. Mr. John L. Conrol_v, Coroor-_tion Counsel, De1r Sirs The City Council requested von to drags resoIntion discontirmin,- the present condemnation proeeedin_^s in the matter of condennation of a building at 21A E. Roble Street, owned by Herman Gl&cknn, with a provision in said resolution that lir. Gl(kekman ahall com- plete alterations and repairs to said building to make the same comply with the building code within ninety, days from this date. Tours very truly, W City Clerk. An, -,3t 5th, 1936. Hon. Fred M. Truax, Co^s'r of P.P. & P. Bldgs. Building. Atts Mr. C. A. Bassford Dear Sirs The City Council to&ay ordered resol,ition drawn dismissing, the present condemnation ?ro— ceedi,ins a(7.iast a buildinC, at 241 E. Roble Street owned by Herrrm Gleckman, with the provision that Glecla= complete alterations and renzirs to this building to make the same comely with-)rnvisinns of the Bnildinp Code within ninety (90) love. Ymirs very truly, City Clerk. June 30th, 1'30. kr. Cao. }?. Rerrold, Sacrnta37r, 1.oninlr'Board, Building. Dear S1ri Attached hereto is n letter of Richard B. Kvle, attorney for itvland J. Rothschild, remiesting that mr. Rothschild's mmlication for a license to onerate a Notion ic`:nre thoater at; the nnrth�-^ ;t co ner of HonBnlph Strert ani' Faintiew Avenuo be reforred ')ack to the 7.oniur 3oard (or ?iann;.nr, Board) to he cnnsidered at the sane time th-A ttte 'toard cnnsidnrs tha a-r+lic•ition of 11111"? W- "alsh for motion-,lctnre theater at tutc.nlnh and Hamline. Thn Couneil cormlied with this request and r -^-rested the Zoninp Board z-a.in ennsVer this natter an' ro-,ort to the Cmincil. A hearing has been set before the Coulcil for Jaly 22nd. Yrni will recall that yo i wrote a letter dated }'av 5th, 153; set`inC out the recorr,ond:.tion 3 of tho Roard at that time. yrnirs very truly, City Clerk. June =0th, ljju=. Xyle f.. Kyle, 61�.-15 Giiar,ilzm Life Buildinr, 3t. Poaa, 1:i1:re-ota. Gent1rment Corc--lyin': with the r(-cmest contained in ymir le`tar )f Jura GSth, f.Le cit;, Conn:Al rr ,-rred the •)lin:Sion o, 41:,nc J. ot?i�c!:i1r for ii- ns" ,0 o_,Ar;:te T --.ion sic- tri j.,Itr:• at nort}r^, t corner �f Randolph and Fr_irviex:; to the 'J.onb! .: for ,-.rthor co,si;'er-tion ,,-nO se? a t`,� Citi: cov.rcil for Jiil.y ?nc,. Your- very tr.rly, Copy to - Mr. Rylc.nO J. Rothschild. City Clerk. jjjj;- 7rd, &aarcHan .11AIdInc, S t• - T AnneBota. Cont? anent 11 -.tion Rothia? Zr_ :n!- tc, Y-OrL^c, a mtian -lc'vur t' Y�-A=ic- to !hl'- ^nth ict -,)t in -,u, lottor to *rou ef.tce June 70th. City cleTit. July Aon. xtol F. Peterson, Com='r of Fin nce, 3u.ildinr. Dear Sir - The City Conrcil set aha 3x -i -t - ror JulZr 2clth in tho raper of tha an-,licati-n or Ry1,3nl .T- P.othschild for a Itense to o-erctc a cation picb-mr,e in a builcin;- nhich he prcmoscs to erect at the nor�h,T act co* -nor of Randol-h Fairview. The Council requested that vas_ send notices to property owners in this vicinity arAd also send notices to St. Paul Acader17, Inc. 171-2 R T1aolgh St and the Colle; a of St. Catherine, Randolph and Clcrra3-amcM- ionr3 very truly, City C1er2�- Jul..v 3rd, 1930. Ti^. Geo. F. TTnrro Id, Secretary, Zonin,- Board, Bnildi-1F. Dear Sir: The ',ea:, -inn ho_`crn txn City Cm ncil in ti- eat 'I- �' t'—^ n" Itrl-end J. Rothschild `nr a motion 7,1c,lirc thn:ttPr 11r.enso at the nnrthsrr�t cnrner o` Randolph an? Fal—vi" hr.s been (,-*anted to July 29th Instead. of Jnly zPnd. Tonrq v^rr truly, City Clerk. July 21st, 1936. Ron. Axel P. Peterson, Comer of Finance, Building. Dear Sin the City Council set a he ri:q for Aucxst lith in the matter of the apiAlcatim of lt,tiwld J. Rothschild for permit to construct and operata a motion picture tl_caater at t'ie northriot:t corner o: Ranlolph raid 7airview and requostecl t4at you send notices to property owners in the vicinity, including the St. Paul Acadew .cid tho Collego of St. Cathorine. Yours vory truly, 4D- city Clerk. May 6th, 1;36. Gtr. Ryland Rothschild, (P.7 -',OF Guardian Bulldin�, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: The City Council tOON, rece+vnd e. letter °rncr the 7.nnin-, Boar' recorx endin-• thrt your rr.licr tion for license to n?erate a motion picture tlrePtre in a build'nr at tae northwest corner of Randnloh rnr Frirview be denied. In vies o` the fact t`)<�t the Zoning '03rd held s henrinf n "is c:attcr r_nd in view of the rest- dential ct:n.racter of tie district an" due to the fact that` several educetinnal inrt;tl,tions in the district are nnnosed the Co11ncil doe^ nrt cnr:ci-ar it advisable to hold another he rine Sr. t':is natter rnd Directed me to so in, nrm ,yon. very t.ml;; City Clerk. �Ar A * 4� r * t e r,arr r F c 3tA e e ,r�tti jdh e r - r w + yt eyfi. a i Y r, t^l5� �.& a,C. ,Q* 5 yyY�+�,ydam� +��]i'��:5 r r H• zv. t i, iZ ..r + N8 YRmw : . "t 1 � IDK s�ii lsIIY.' �L li sf�. t -yf'.' ,./�. r.'•�F��v+T�cxY. �'''IMF A ;t-,`?�K :14 'a-r,�r y `+, '� ri`•'�_�'Pe O;r a .' y MOO yrp yx "SWI'T..•> yM� �r� x 9 it l 0 4 p rr14PTSiw ._. � .y § ...� "� ,l?rr...c..�wii �,''���'a.�'tY►_-:�.t+OifOf.�`.00/.A.i�' r �.�����.. 5 � . ] 3sl .3 y ♦�� r ���+.7.�. r ice, F 5 i" A i w f [� {`'�}�� 1 �t t - � 1 P��►�ry� x +p���+jyZ��'�7.Y$��{�F,�j���efy Ar �ryj�-r� dAy ,1{T- .Pa�5o11143d•'��/ COW'T APOW S dMO��RY�ILSI��r rn low ouh� 9�. Irgg :ity offidi371► re, �l $ ?•�xD s,f f�s><y r�zS � - s a °� w ''a ` + ,r,� �iTra � ,rs � w ''. r� �.� r k r �K h r# r X "Tk'." Y�, t.i �i _�•�"'r�s �C'�z4sf � iY. 4_�_�, march P! th, St. Pe>>1 Academy, Inc. , 171,' Randolph Street, St. Fa»1 , Vinnesn tn. Gentle©ens Yot:r letter -.f }'arch. Vth nddrs-sed to t`ie Cit_, Co'mcil op:.)osirg t.ie t-rnntin, nF a license for the open Ainn f a motion pict"re t1 entre on the northwaFt corner of Fairview f.' Rsnd�IDh tt^a r. c to t"O C'"'cil this morrinF anc a copy wp.s ordered sent to the Z.onir_^; Board for their in`ormation in considerinP this matter. In the event that s hesrin,-- is held In this clintter before tile Cn wcil, you x111 be n.itlftec. Y�-,rs very truly, City C1^r'r. Adopted by the Council_ Yeas Nays /RFUSS F/N/ISI_, A N / EARCE /1,ETERSON' ZAX WENZEL '(C;EHAN� MR: PRESIDENT ��.�� 1�3934, o�mmm m city ©ere ,� NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM offftys& VNER S, by Council File No. 103636, approved May 15, 1936, the Council did determine that that certain building located at 241 vast Roble Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; and WH$RUS, due notion of such action of the Council has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. ring of such 7210, and an appeal has been taken by the owner, requesting a re-hea matter; and WHIZATAB, the Council did, on the 9th day of June, 1936, conduct such re -hearing and at that time heard Berman bleckman, owner of said pertise:9 h!Lated;nand, and residents in the vicinity where such prop y WAS, as a result of such hearing, the Council is of the opinion that said building continues to be dangerous and unsafe; and WH1FAS, it appears to the Council that the owner of said building refuses to take proper steps to protect life, limb and adjoining property by removing such building, although ample oppor- tunity has been given him so to do; therefore, be it RBsOLVMD, That the Commissioner of Parks, P115.jigrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do anyY'and/nll things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and ad- joining property. COUNCILMEN ETay Yeas Barfuse Pearce Peterson " $ Findltlln------.-...In favor Truax //�� I�surn=-1----<------Against Wenzel L/ Mr.' President (Gehan) 3M ii -35 1J - Adopted Adopted by the Council— .......... ...............--•---..193 Approved---------------------------------- ----------193...... Mayor 1-1 �pj 1-4 40 , I June ti, 1936. To the Oammiassioner of Parke & PlayKroundu, *.nd to The City of Eft. Paul City M11 & rtourt Houma 814. Paul, Vinn. Dc:+*sr gentlema+eni rdthout cmlvinr. any oX my legnl or :%)natitutlonfel ri hts arol In view of the st.aton.r.nt by the 11ill linC Deiaartmcnt that the pr-,�mieoa at 2'41 r. Roble Street could ire properly ren-alrei fs.nTl rebuilt within a period of trip Jays, , I 7,A par - featly +gillin.^ to ^rater into fin arrawvt emf.nt irttmeAlatcly with the 1nai1.11jv7 Dep-trtm-ant of the City of Itj Paul anA the City of `fit. Paul to the refrcot thrtt i will be rwaAy, abla and zfillih+I to rake all noaer.,oary end proper repairn �xn t zlterar,ione to salt! ?,uilrlinr, in %oaordanoe r+1".h the reasonable request of the Huilrlinp Department anti to this End am roady, willinfr and abler to have a reputable arohitect represent �@ ani to oonfnr with Mr. %.saford anti tha, %il tine Department .on all 'neoosairy alterations qnd r paha to be made in cletnll. Alao to thio end, If *hr nits of It. Paul will extend me oixty inyd rraoe, thirty ditys to be 'tevotrd to rh,% f lxin ni *' r outal le of the tee t.7uildinFr ,r l thirty dnva for the inni le of maid hail-lim, In the mtantlnf, th- rnn-icmno"ion :+ill eland °aa Ise, ,nil ts-;Mn tgon the sa,;in'' oo"} 'Ifork !en re— ri,lrel the proov-O!,n`°o m•ty s*r,^n be (Umminoe4. Fteapent r,tl1Y. uw orncn or � SUDHEIMER AND MATTESON G r .09 — PAUL .UILCIN. DANT PAUL. MINNESOTA !�'h June ti, 1936. To the Oammiassioner of Parke & PlayKroundu, *.nd to The City of Eft. Paul City M11 & rtourt Houma 814. Paul, Vinn. Dc:+*sr gentlema+eni rdthout cmlvinr. any oX my legnl or :%)natitutlonfel ri hts arol In view of the st.aton.r.nt by the 11ill linC Deiaartmcnt that the pr-,�mieoa at 2'41 r. Roble Street could ire properly ren-alrei fs.nTl rebuilt within a period of trip Jays, , I 7,A par - featly +gillin.^ to ^rater into fin arrawvt emf.nt irttmeAlatcly with the 1nai1.11jv7 Dep-trtm-ant of the City of Itj Paul anA the City of `fit. Paul to the refrcot thrtt i will be rwaAy, abla and zfillih+I to rake all noaer.,oary end proper repairn �xn t zlterar,ione to salt! ?,uilrlinr, in %oaordanoe r+1".h the reasonable request of the Huilrlinp Department anti to this End am roady, willinfr and abler to have a reputable arohitect represent �@ ani to oonfnr with Mr. %.saford anti tha, %il tine Department .on all 'neoosairy alterations qnd r paha to be made in cletnll. Alao to thio end, If *hr nits of It. Paul will extend me oixty inyd rraoe, thirty ditys to be 'tevotrd to rh,% f lxin ni *' r outal le of the tee t.7uildinFr ,r l thirty dnva for the inni le of maid hail-lim, In the mtantlnf, th- rnn-icmno"ion :+ill eland °aa Ise, ,nil ts-;Mn tgon the sa,;in'' oo"} 'Ifork !en re— ri,lrel the proov-O!,n`°o m•ty s*r,^n be (Umminoe4. Fteapent r,tl1Y. 9 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY 17 RAMSEY } SS CITY 0! ST. PAUL )) I, L. R. S. fergason, City Clark of Saint Pahl, Minnesota, do hereIV certify that I have oompared the attached affidavit of J. 0. Shalind with the original thereof on file in ap office and that the same is a true and correct copy of said original affidavit. RITNiSS MY BAND AND To SEAL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL, TRIS 29th DAT OP JULY, 1936• -1 3� p >F� R �y City Clerk. 13 OrW..a m chy COUNCILILK10.4660CITY OF ST. PAUL .O......... ,OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM r PRESENTED BY ..................................... ....... DATE.. Augna.*r.....5.,,...19.36......................... COMMISSIONER—....John...$......F�ndl-aml---..._....................._........._. RESOLVED WIfEREAS, the Commissioner of Educatior. has reported to the Council in accorden,e with Section 53, of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ- ment; theref or, be i, , RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby aur thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAIME 'TITLE TI4,E RATE TOTAL Hamlin Branch Library $ceding, William J. Janitor -Engineer 5 hre. .58* hr. $ 2.93 Merriam Park Branch Librar3 Davenport$ George L. " ° 18 " .58* " 10.53 COUN MEN "Yeas Na Ba as iFipolan i In favor /P tt �reon / Against ' �✓eazel President (Geban) 3M 636 N.. U Adopted W the Councjj Aug. 7. 1996. Approved Aug, 7, 1896.. Adopted by the Council........U_V.....-.7...,...193...... AUG 7 !Pr APProved............................................. ..................193....... /.. ....! ............ 3 �layo4 LQJ,. 1 f� FORM NO. 1 ugaa+-R, 1936. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education, Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work; This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessa_ to keep +hese bran h 11brariAn nnen nn account of special activities at All ISS This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. OrlQioal to Cltr Clerk i !,- aouNGL OITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r, --C UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ci onTE. _ _Ang4..At....7.1.._1935?........................ RESOLVED �reeee r y b0 andoihp That licensee applied for by the following nen#�pers hr- addreease indicated be and the same are bareby granted and the city clerk i tructed to lame such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest Joe. Iris 710 S. Smith Av. Bakery APP- 13744 Renewal Wm. Goldberg 179 Concord -St. Hatcher " 13747 " D. S. Raney 1110 Arcade St. " Is 13913 " Emil I. Jobneon 751 Payne Av r a Grocery " 13671 " Off Sale Malt Bev. " 13772 " a r r Bertha J. Palmer 679 Ohio St. Grooery " 13717 " S. Peter 234 E. Fillmore St. " " 13699 " Rothstein Bros. S41 Barr St. " " 13700 r R. Hitch 1174-6 Arcade St. r Restanrant " 13767 " On Sale Melt Bev. " 13769 " n r r n ■ " Off ■ a r r 13769 " L. Schumacher 674 So. WOasha ■ On Sale Malt Bev. " 13797 " " 13799 ° r ■ " r ■ r ■ ■ a Restaurant Off Sale Malt Bev. " 13789 " Marvin Lee 845 S. Robert St. Gas Sta. 3 pumps " 13734 u C. J. M=tson 492 Case St. " " 3 " " 13565 " A. J. Trepsnier 777 Payne Av. r a 3 v ■ k,m13701 ■ Max Paymar 844 Payne 2nd hand dealer Gen." 13711 " 7 COUNC MEN .....3.493._.. Adopted by the Council„ -„_..._AUG ... . .1... Yeas N s 7 '19V1. ........_..._..._ In favor Approved ................................ ............................. _ 193._... eatce le iion //.....jA t, ........... ... a yor �ul �� . President (Gehan) PUBLISHED 3M 6.36 Orialod to Cit, Clerk / (/ . ,�. COUNCIL lei 4662 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...�..__....:.__....__._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�6U CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM "� ^ - -- ingaet 7, 1936 pr. RESOLVED 1" application 13410, Restearant, That liaenees for Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13411, and On Sale Malt Beverage, epplicaSion 13412, applied f or by George Sirott at 740 Rondo Street be and the Beams are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. 60k Tew Approved ved 9 oancil informally COUN5COIEN Yeas Nays ues indlan In favor 1l'e/rice ,P rfion/ ........................... Against Ven ,I(Ir. President (Gehan) 3M 6)6 'c wrNmrvnx8 1I lW C. Pei lioeneee upon cue ps., . e... I treasury of the equired by Council Informally July y the Council Aug. 7, 1838. Aug. 7. 1936: (Aug. 16, 1936) AUG 7IM6 Adopted by the Council.... ...... .................... 193. U J (.'q?c Approved..............................................................._... NO._ ._-._j orlalo.l co Citr Clock ) Q COUNCIL �\ ! 3 CITY OF ST. PAUL •—•..__._. JIL FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM e�a�ur�r, aY n ��'`�/',�.�'`, x..._19 ............... _...................................... _._...........DATE .................. f RESOLVED That license for gasoline filling -station, 3 pompe, application 137u3 applied for by Thomas Rackley at 776 So. Smith Ave. be and the same tB hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue Buell license upon the Psymaot into the city treasury of the required fee. Raw owner — established station COUNC EN Yeas N n In favor -Against /Pe rson /I'r�yas JD✓enzel Mr. President )M 636 (Gehan) C. F. No. 10 888—By a• H, Bar[uee— F, M, Truax—Irving C. Pea.Tce-- Itesolved, that 3 It.ump e,foap S .tion filling station, FaCkley 13749 applied for by beoand the ame t 776 So. Smith Ave., �a hereby granted and the city clerk le' .,atructed to lasue such. l_canea upca the payment into the city treasury of thetactfee. New owner; eatablfehged atatlon. AAd DOpt It Aug. 7 1 u .11 Aug. 7. 1998. (Aug. 16, 1936) AN - 7 193 Adopted by the Council .................................................... 93..... AUG 1! 991 `193 Approved..............................._............_..............._... ...... A4. / Ma Griakud to CftT Clerk /, Y'.ITY OF ST. PAUL COUnu""` NO._�l OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �r—�.\ -- .CUN�jCIL/R FS�OLUTION--GENERAL FORM_ _s�' PRERENTEO BY ! ' / �l _-�.. August T,A936[ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Y Adolph Silverman 13TT F,dgerton St. Grocer'[ App. 13641 New Joseph Taffell 9T9 Randolph St. Grocery " 1374 " 0 0 " ■ Butcher " 13T41 " Frank L. Srnsewski 462 Mississippi St. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 1372 " COUNC MEN •Yeas Nay uas 11 an In favor ce......._.._. 7rson ........ ....... .......-Against r a nzel . President (Gehan) 3M 616 164—BY G. H. Bartuee—1 -Irving C. Pearse— �t licenses applied for by .gamed persona at the ad - Led be and the earns are. d and the city clerk is'. Issue ouch licenses upon nto the city treasury or 3eman, 1377 Edgerton BL, 13641, New. - tl, 979 Randolph at., Gro - f0. New. fell, 979. Randolph 13741, New. ruzewskl, 482 D1feslaelypl .it Bev., Ayp 13728, New. the Council Aug. 7, 1986. ug: 7, 1936. 4ug' ,16, 1936) Adopted by the Council., ............ AUG 7 IOU- 'AuG 7 iss Approved, ................................................. ........... .... 193 .. Mayor y orwa.l to cin Ciark CITY OF ST. PAUL ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .............................DATE ............_�xat'.._1 -9 193............................. RESOLVED ;OUMGL NO..._ i.1.466J - 4 That licenses for Restmuant, application 13462, On Sale Yalt Beverage, application 13463, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13464, applied for by Edward A. Bertsch at 1036 Tront Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city cleric is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now Informally approved by Council J'aly 29, 1936 COUN N j Yeas N 6a use �le an In favor ��earce-........ ....... Xeserson /11 ~A�t ..................... zel r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 7 C. F. No. 104666—By G. H. Barfu9e— F. ruax—Irving C. Pearce— Raeolved, that licenses for Restau- rant, application 13462, On Sale Malt Beverage, appiicatlon 18463, and OR gale Ma][ .Beverage, application 13484, applied for by Edpw¢ard A. Bertsch at 1U38 Front. Street d and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk le fnatructed�`t. 1s.ue such .Itc..... upon the payment tato [he city treasury of the reaulred fee.. 1 New. ` Informally approved by Council July 28, 1936. Adopted bythe Council Aug. 7, 1936. Approved Aug. 7, 1936. i (Aug. 16, 1936) �j _p' t Adopted by the CouncilAUG_..__...7....' lf......... :10 _... AUG 7 1936 Approved.............................. ..................................... 193_..._ Odend m City Clan/ /�'�Jr// CITY OF ST. PAUL COi"c" NO........�Y.�. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OODUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COV BSIUNE ._ ..._....__..._..._._ ._..........—.___....__......._....._._................................... DATE .................................... ..... .....�..,.............................. WHEREAg, heretofore "on sale" liquor license No. 439 was issued to John R. Wolf at No. 486 Jackson Street, and _ WHEREAS, said John R. Wolf has requested that said license bqftransferred to John J, Schmitt at the same address,,, ' and r5, v WHEREAS, said John J. Schmitt has filed a bond in the sum of $3000 as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer of license be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that "on sale" liquor license No. 439, heretofore issued to John R. Wolf at No. 486 Jackson Street, be -.-.and the same is hereby transferred to John J. Schmitt at the same address, and the bond of said John J. Schmitt Is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said John R. Wolf from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. C. b'.104668—By G. H. Bar[uss— F. MNo. . Truax—Irving C. Pearce— .,. Whereas, heretofore "on sale" liquor license No. 439 wasIssued to John R _ Wolf at No. 468 Sa.it on Street. and Whereas, Bald Job. R Wolf has re - toSoth hn J. Schmi ttat the Bucense be m. address. and Whereas, aid John J. Schmitt has died a bond in the sum of $3000 Be re- - COUNCILMEN . Ideas Nays ` v In favor eon �..._ Against . President (Gehan) 3M 636 said rVquest for be granted; there. :o noel le authorised end. Vdirectedl [o AUG ( ���� 'a ease the. surety on the bond of the ,aid John R. Wol from.any further Ita- uncil .........................._. dlitY arteln� after the date this193"'"' Ion,ls Published. resolu- - Adopted by the Council Aug. 7, 1890. - Approved Aug. 7,1986. (Aug.ab. 1938) lf � ApprovedA ..... `..............................................._ 193....... .................. e. ... ... /........ I .......... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL A. Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK�?�, L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration A,gust 14th, 1936• Hon. G. H. Barfuss, a Chairman, License Committee, City. Dear Sirs The attached application for the transfer of an on sale liquor license from John R. Wolf at 1486 Jackson Street to Sohn J. Schmitt at the came ad- dress was referred to your Committee for investigation and recommendation and with the request that you the matter before the Council on Thursday, if possible- Yours obible. Yours very truly$ yrs � City Clerk. w St. Paul, Minn. August 3, 1936. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: r, I have sold my on Sale liquor license issued by the City of St. Paul, covering premises at 486 Jackson Street, subject to your approval. I respectfully petition that you transfer my said on Sale liquor license to John J. Schmitt, to cover premises at 486 Jackson Street, St. Paul, 1.,4inn., Mr. Schmitt having purchased said license from me. Yours respectfully, Ie6fm H. Wolf, y 486 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. St. Paul, Minn. August 3, 1936.. To the Honorable City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: 4- I wish to advise that I have purchased from John R. Wolf his on Sale liquor license issued by the City of St. Paul, covering premises at 486 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Mini-.., this subject to your approval. I respectfully petition that you approve and transfer to my name said On Sale liquor license to cover premises at 486 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. yours respectfully, J. S itt, 63 Bunker Street, St. Pau'., Minn. 0 u APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No. Name of Applicant John_J,--S9-13m1_tt.—_-- _-- —__---Age S9 Residence Address 263 Bunker St. St. Paul, Minnesota Telephone No., r1P 9568 Are"you a citizen of the UnitedHave you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?._ 829 Fast Mi nnFhahe St St Paul , Minn- June- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation—----------------- When--- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? --__—____--------------------------- -_-. How many members?---------_--- ----------- - ----- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known_Seaboard Surety C9mA8x1 _— Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 486 :Jackson North 9th and 10th 4th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? Eight bloc$8 --- --______ How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? St. Louis Church e1 t blo0ks _ How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets)? Five Blocks Name of closest school Franklin—_— How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? Business _ On what floor located? Mn 1n Are premises owned by you or leased?_l_ea29&—If leased, give name of owner- Bowlin_ Real C_ o. If a restaurant, seating capacity?_ 50 If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?---- Give oom?_. _Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? - Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)-- Give otel) —Give names and addresses of three business references: I William Dunn Hamms Brewing Co. Sx Paul, Minn -- 2 Mr. 0lseen, Olseen Uantly Uo. St. Paul, Minn. 3 John R. Schmit, 629 B1 Dale St. St. Paul, Minn. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLI- CATION; AND, THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated 193--- 500 93__ SEE OTHER SIDE 600 12-96 License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, t S aa. County of Ramsey. 3Chmi tt------------- --------- - - --- ------__being first duly sworn, deposes aro says ,tEiat a has read the following application and knows the contents thereof and that the same is true to the bust o his knowledge, information and belief. S sc' a sworn to before m this—_ 3 day of_.—__ A494el193 g NotAty Public, Ramsunty, Minn. OL E EVE A R0GERS, My commission eapirea_Notarr Pua, c_.Ramsev County Min My Commission Expires Feb. 9, 1939. STATE OF MINNESOTA, sa. County of Ramsey. --- -- — — - - - ----- ----- -- -- - -- - - ------ _-being first duly sworn, deposes and says that_ --the------- --- — - — ------- _the— ------------- --- - — a corporation; that-- -___--has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of—__.__.___knowledge, information and belief-, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument, is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this------ ---day Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Council File No. I -CM f • PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRDLrafrNAR.Y ORDERS. To. 104887—By Irving C. Pearce— PRELIMINARY ORDER _ sae, a wrtr�n proposal for b ` ' of rhe , ,,:' g 7mrir:! .d%1'• The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by"iLeCity of S4."'Paul, viz.: .01 Taking and condemning an easement 18 feet in width for the purpose of con- strueting and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across lots 9 and 10, Block 28, Baker's Addition and the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, 30. Paul and Pacific Railroad from St. Anthony Avenue to the northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, tho center lite of which shall be the center line of Fustis Street prodaoed southerly from Eustis Street as laid out north of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Also taking and condemning a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip of land SO feet in width on each side of above described permanent easement. Aloe taking and condemning an easement 16 feet in width for the purpose of y constructing and maintaining a public sanitary sewer in tunnel below an elevation 50 City Datum through, muter and across lot 9, Block 28, Baker's Addition and toe sight -qt -W' at the Whicago, Miliaokes, St. Paul and Pabifit Railroad from 8t. AnthonO,A*mW to the aortber3y11 ne of saSA Chicago# Milwaldtse, St. Paul mud 8+u4#.fic. �Wlr"dj tha anter line o2'• u&fch shall be $ lime 96''tet° west of end V*ftl mM1w the tinter line of Suatis Street prodtaeed `sotOwdy from Eustis Axwet as Ian ougno9lWost the said Ch>icagdi, .4t. Paul'# Milwaukee and Pacific Also iaVistg and ounfdssmibg an easement 1 for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public ganbtery sewer U14W0el ,be?isw ea , *2x*atian 150-CStr Datum yen that part of ]our. IAand 18, J.00b0 Deam er PAri, lyixog somtineaster]y of the northweetorly line Of =x. .SopervM- a Avenue as laid out southerly of Beverly Road Produced to the west line of Somerville Avenue as laid out north of Beverly Road. -vnp7-r2gnv�or=WW of the Chicago, Yilwa e , St. •sail St. Anthony Avenue to the northerly, line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and.Paeific Railroad, the center line of which shall be a line 20 feet west of and parallel to" tins 4 Eustis Street produced southerly from Eustis Street as laid Df the.said Chicago,, St._Paul, Milwaukee.-and.pacific Railroad righ Also taking and w an easement •soetaeatr.for th k constructing and maintaining a public sanitary sewer in tunnel below eiid on 50 City Datum on that part of lots Y4and 15, Block 10, Desnoter Park, lying southeasterly of th%.ao of l+ Somerville Avenue as laid out oLBever1y line of Somerville Avenue as la at"north of Bevbr man "�` ��'l�'"f�';�`-g' �{.',i7���s�zts'< � rM.": t��",�na-"tF3�g+'�. 3y�•cJr 4 .3i���',,J`. ...,.. cozrs.�x�r�:��' :"Berry ssul.:; • ,. :.r ;Q Tr. O.. j.)OL, .. .1,.:- -,J Zi •.,A1+. C 7F, :: T U0711'. '>bti' and -'s' .,4" _, 11 ,ug r ;;au cs 7T C, bir,:rUG, iP-ITT 9 TJ,0 )zrT s n., o ,r.r< , ,{ L; TG Lc__r LGL FPB r,rz.no-, ccr- _..__...-- ---..-...._------------ -... -.... -'-- Dated this day of Augusta 198 — 19 --........_. ...._....__. — - '— Coundlman. PRELIMINARY ORDER S WHEREAS. A written or000sW for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Taking and.condemning an easement 16 feet in width for the purpose of con- structing and maintaining a Public sewer on, under and across lots 9 and 10, Block 259 Baker's Addition and the right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad from St. Anthony Avenue to the northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad, the center liAe of which shall be the center line of Eustis Street produced southerly frsm Eustis Street as laid out north of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad right -of -gray. Also taking and o6Ytd7efting a temporary easement for construction purposes on i4-4briprof :lend 80 feet in ,width on each side of above described permanent easemsntt;_ - Also. taking and condemning as easement 16 feet in width for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a.public sanitary sewer in tunnel below an elevation 50 City Datum through, under and Woes -lot -Op Block 25, Baker's Addition and the, right-of-xey of the Chicago. 2911wan)[ee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad from St. 'Anthony Avenue to the northerly line of said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and.Pacific Railroad, the center line of which shall be a line 20 feet west of and parallel towri%line.of Eustis Street produced southerly from EustisStreetea laid f the said Chicago, St. PaulMilwaukee and Pacific Railroad righ Also taking and um an easement ees for they constructing and maintainer a public.sanitary sewer in tunnel below an on 50 City Datum on that dart of lots I4 and 15, Block 10, Desnoyer Park, lying aontheasterly of tbg no F oP 4k Somerville Avenue as laid out��bt8eaerl� s r ,w line of Somerville Avenue as 1eorth dP BeprY►r. i ': Trus OT, 20061hTIT6 VA6ufr6 as Ta nP uoLPF oL nGiAGLT% T�,oaq•. ZoysLATTT6 VAsu:-s , J T:;P.f on{ a L snsiJ?. go ruogg BJOOK JO' DG21J0%GL b: LK' T3Tu3 aorrPPsaaPeLTa OL PFe uo;. L T17O ° Tu PMMGT POTe;.t vx GTGA,4T0u 20 CTPD' Duf%= ou PFeP b -.P oL TOP2 TI -q 12' e� ToL rIJG brrboa6 OL CouaPLrrcPTuw ouq m4LTU^9TUTug e bfrpTTC 2auTPaL2 2G,AeL VTao P}TKTuR bafq coug6muT��. =m G92Gm6uP Loi=d pe # 2 au�e�siez e7 $ ggTTLocrq LTtlJP-o?;--Inua- cCLes.r a2 TaTq Cap uotpg oL FF6 zaTq CFTcaR�o' 2P• ba'TT' ATT-4FGG anq BiJGTLTC suq b-LuTJeJ Po PFe GGDPGL TTuc oL p'JaPT2 2PLOcip bLOgfresq 2afr;�PGL LLom I . Ta vIN i3OcTTTe 1iIJTTL0aq' PPG ceufOL TTus OL-�JJTCR 2TJaTT PG o Trus -,0 Le6P ns2P OL dr' VVVP(,UI .;Aeons PO PPG uOLWGLTX TTus DL asTq CFTOaBo' y;TTnarrxsa' t3P btinT � Je Lr FP-oL-udA OL PFG CFicego' iYTJasrtRes' 2P' bd77 auabEr G TLTa Y TLC q T, W cU GT, % DV V— PFLDAP' f:ugaL auq t?CLoaa TOP a' BJOcit 52' BsKs�., 2 'tigg? P- OL; t=bq ou2PLrrcrv'_ 6uq maTvrbrc;uR a br:pTTC 2buTPaL1 961n6L u PmnJGT PeTor.,, au VTRO PoKTTTS: M;4 COugemuTue �31,j ecaGm6uc Te LscP Tu uTq=F T,OL rrG bm:.102s e.;a6msuP• - ou a aPLTb oL T`-'uq ;SIJ LfieP ri MTgPi' ou Go up 2Tge OL UPOAG geacLTPGq bGLxm6uP Tao PaK u auq cougGunipfd a PemboLui:,, eaaGmGUP ;OL Go.vaPLUCPTou bf-rbo2G2 b9CTLTc gcTTLOaq LTF,FP-OL-MOL- LLOIJ g,R9PT9 2PL66P 92 TUTq ou; AOL}'P OL aaTq CFTCa€o' YiTJf^eJTKse' 2P• bamT 'UUq TTuG OL aFTCF 23JffIT Pe PFG csuPs TTu6 oL EIMPTa 2PLec; bLogtmeq eofrPFeLJ2 TTue oL a:;Tq CTrTGAO' ATTeaar3Tt66' 2P• barn auq bacTLTG gaT7-Loeq' PFe ceLI GL 2P' barrT auq bacTL-TG geTTLoaq LLom 2P• duPFOua VA61109 Po PFG UOLPPOLTI BTOcK S2' DV7tsL,2 VggTPTolt auq PF6 LTi;FP-of-•easy oL Ppe CF7cago' WTTMaJr7te6' aPLncPTug src*q maTuPeTuTuR e bfrPTTG 2G-UOL ou'• frageL euq ScLo2s 1449-a auq TO' Fuq covgemuTuR 3U e;%T86meIIP 7-e LGer Ta enTgPp Loy Ppe furLboae OL coo- - - having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Co+'*"4'0ner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated 3. To furnish a plan, Profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AI!G 11936 Adopted by the Council----......._ ...... ............. -..--- .... ---- — YEAS NAYs Councilman BARFUSS ql l fINDLAN Approved ----- PEARCE PETERSON `-/- TRUAX , ✓`� - WENZEL — Mayor. 11'f8. PRESIDENT jMrm CAIS (SM -643) i 7 VUeLISHEDLf 1 22 -- r _~ • Fai�`�� NO. ......... 1114-6360 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM CPRESEOMMISNTEDSIONERBX( _.............. S................... ................ ._..._.......... ........... ............. RESOLVED , that the appointment by the Commissioner of Education of Paul S. Amidon, as Superintendent of Schools, effective September 1, 1936, is hereby concurred in and approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,iBarfuss / r Findlan /j In favor /Pearce /Peterson / Against � Tnu: W /V✓enzel Mr. President (Gehan) IM 676 ar No Reeolved, that thyappointment S. lby the Comm,ssloner of Educatio—f Paui 8. Amldon,.as Superintendent of ehereb, effective September 1, 1898, Is hereby concurredyInland approved. tuHeld without or for o re. days and re- AdoDted by the. Cou 1888Aug. 11, 1988. -(AiIB. 22, , AUG 1106 e Adopted by the Council..... _ ____ _ ....... . ............197....... Approved.. _. _. .....193...... Mayon 44 C, ef a A Q. THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE �pl� /l� //1q�� '1�1 1� T 1220-a CLASS OF SFx44ce SIGNS DL-D['I<rrer This 4 a full -rate JIIFLgJ� JII�••. JII{L'•(\[\l.l\`\`711 Telegram or Cable• NM-MehrtMe—g, unless its dae- NL-Niner shrte ferred charattec La in- UNION 1 7 i� LC - Deferred htCAI. Le dicated by a suitable i sign above or preced- NLT - Gb1: Night I.earr ing the address. Ship Radfoemm WHIT[ J.e. " L[v[R The filing tim m eho— m the date line on[full-roto teleamme and day lettem,rand the time of reeaipt at deetimtion web— on ell memaaes, Is STANDARD TIME. Received at PUH42 80 DL 45 EXTRA=MW STPAUL MINN 11 1134A MINlTIBS IN TRANSIT HON MARK S GEHAN-(MAYOR A -ND MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL= ra CITY HALL STPAUL MINN= 4 WE VIGOROUSLY PROTEST THE APPOINTMENT OF PAUL S AMIDON AS SUPERINTENDENT OF OUR CITY SCHOOLS AND ASK THAT THE APPOINTMENT BE NOT CONFIRMED WE WANT A TRAINED EDUCATOR OF ESTABLISHED REPUTATION AND NOT A POLITICIAN= GUNDER JOHNSON H R LEONARD E W SMITH C A BORNKAMP GEORGE R LEWIS W E THOMPSON E H WHITE A R SEDER E B MAHLE 0 J CONILIN R H SMITH H E KOENEKE D D TURNER R W,WASHBURN. OH (`J THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SIFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE Angnst 19th, 1936. Mr. J. B. Probst, Chief Xxwdner, Civil Service Bureau. Dear Sin The City Council, on August 11th, 1936) concurred in and approved the appointment by the Co--misaioner of Education of Pel S. Amidor., ue �perin- ten6ent of Schools, eff�tive September 1, 1936. Tour3 very tra y, City Clerk. ORt.iH�L—-NYMBWt � CITY O! SAINT PAUL .s�_- • �?•�`.+ �"` "'/'��: e n e1[KK RESOLUTION -_ 8. COu.K GI. No. COUNCIL �1 AUTNORIZATIO OCAL t ROVEMENT PROJEbTf4 •Resolved, That the 0011il hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awarding contract for the construction of•Yonolithic • Concrete Sidewalks on Kellogg Boulevard from Market street to 86v9h ;rM Corners and constructing curb on the north side of Kellogg Boulevard, from approzicately 88 feet east of Ezohange street to Seven Corners,} to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible ' bidders, for the sum of approximately $5,191.86, in accordance whir specifications, their bid and award of contract hereto attached,. and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 105869—FIY'"..%C. Pearce—� Raeolved,.that tha Coucil h6reb11 aD' proves the KCtlon.ot the, contract Com-', .mtttee fq aWtiding contraep- tqr We cidew- k- of of Monollthlo Coacro ! 'gtdewallca; bn 7ieliogg' 73oulevpr4 from Market street to go'.%orth..I O Of con- k�.?e" k, strutting curb on the north aide of $el- logs Boulevard •LTOM appraYlmately 88 ry\Y Leet east -of Exchange street: to 8eden C r ere, to the Standard Stone: COm- paay they belag the. lowest responelble bidders, for Lhb sum o1 apytoximato%Y {6191.88,: ih accordance with aDeoldaa- Y tions. Wefr bid and award 'do montra'gi hereto attached and the ed"torall gn Counsel; to here�bY.. lnstruated'tq draw upAbe Droper form of contract: therefor. s, Formal Bed Np 8817 Engineer B matt-. , hate, i&,OMB OD • ` AdoDtpd.by the •Qounetl Aug. 11; 1086. u+*'�7.•. - Approved Aug. 11. 1888 FORMAL BID NO. 931!2. 16: 1888) NOTE, TO BK CERTIFIED AS TO PUNDS AVA'"S, v BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRE.EMTIN I TO COUNCIL POR ADOPTION. h, _ PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSHO FOR COST OP `rH.IB IMPROVEmjzNT AS FOLLOMiz y L ASSESSED AGAINST 0@I[PITTm lROP[RTY - - - - - - - - - - -- - - f, 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'. SNARE. OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COO[ a. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f { F'• 4. APPROPRIATED FROM . BOND ISSUE—CODE f f. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 11 County Aid 'sa19i1.66 TOTAL .�COPIE8 TOt IRMBHY CERTIFY THAT THERE IB AN UNHNCUMBSRm CITY CLERK ANC[ AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE 8TA1�D APP PRIATI O CITY CLERK RKIMBURBE THE PERMAN[ IMPROVEMENT ND LOCAL IMPROV[MEMNo. 'IN TRK ABOVE AMOU PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING C O _( a� ' S DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED, 3 COUNCILMEN 1 [� • YEAS .. - NAYS ADOPTm'BY THE COUNCIL AUG + F :E IN FAVOR 1 AUC 1 +a?q APPROYm - �1�LAowltur I l --/-L 0 Mk FIRgID[NT - ✓ r MAYBR August 6, 1936 TO THE BONORIMLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL 01 THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: Tie Contract Committee hereby recommends that the following contract be Ewarded: T.B. #93171 TO ITANDARD STONE COMPANY: 1'or the construction of monolithic concrete sidewalks on $Kellogg Boulevard from Market street to Seven Oorners and 4onstruoting curb on the north side of Kellogg Boulevard :From approximately 88 feet east of Exchange street to 'seven Corners, at the following prices: 1. 20,000 sq.ft. One course monolithic walk 4" thick- sq.ft. $ .15 $3000.00 . 2. 782 ' do. 6" 'drives " .18 140.76 3. 498 " Relaying cement tile sidewalk with old the - " .05 24.90 4. 1,614 ' Removal of old sidewalk must be included in above items No.prioe 5. 1,235 sq.yds.Removal of monolithic walk which cannot be removed by pick and shovel - sq.yd. .10 123.50 S. 194 " Removal of reinforced concrete side- walk which cannot be removed by pick and shovel .a0 38.80 7. 24 ou.yds.Class "A" concrete In sidewalk slab, beams or oolumns in place 6 finished complete including all excavation, preparation of site and all form- work necessary - ou.yd. 11.00 264.00 8. 5 " Rubble masonry laid in cement mortar complete, including excava#ion and 01a.00 lo.00 baokful-, 9. 30 F.B.M. Plank headers set in place 1000 l.B.M.30.00 .90 Continued— 10. 10 ou.yds. Extra excavation in accordance with pro- visions of Par. No. 6 of Special Pro- visions- ou.yd. $ .85 $2.50 11. 10 " Embankment or fill in accordance with provisions of,gar. No. 6 of Special Provisions - • .40 4.00 13. 4,350 lbs. Reinforcing Steel (deformed bars) lb. .05 817.50 13. 500 • Structural Steel Girders of standard rolled shapes, set in place. (Does not include bolting or rivetting.) " .06 30.00 14. Curbing, Drainage, Grading and Pre- Mixed Bituminous Surfacing on northerly side of Kellogg Blvd.iiom a 88 ft. east of Exchange St. to Seven Corners- lump sum 1335.00 Making total amount of contract approximately- $5191.86 Engineer's Estimate $6,033.00. APPROVED: THE CONTRACT OOMHIT - hatrman odeed m l;tti 6" f14 i� (� (� ,^p ' yy++ COUNCIL �4 f [� Q\. ■ CITY OP�ST. PAUL I.L. NO......... AZ1l R/ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM commIsslu ED ER—_ _.. .......................... _._.. ......__._ _................_.........._...............DATE ............ .............. ................. ........................................... I :11211mOmIQm WHEREAS, h retofore an "on sale" liquor license, No. 690, was issued to Joseph M. McCormick at No. 129 last Fifth Street and WHEREAS, said Joseph M. McCormick has requested that said license be transferred in his name to No. 390 West Seventh Street, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such transfer of license be granted; therefore be it RESOLVED, that "on sale" liquor license No. 690, heretofore issued to Joseph M. McCormick at No. 129 East Fifth Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to said licensee at No. 390 West Seventh Street, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the records of the city accordingly. C. F. No. 104670—By G. U. Barfusa—I N. M, Truax—Iry gag C. Pearce— " Whereas, Baltd Joseph M. McCormick) has requested hat said license be trans- ferred in his name to No. 890 Weet,15 - enth Street, and Whereas the Ll an..Committee bas li- • recommended that such transfer of cense be granted; therefore be, It Resolved, that "on sale" liquor license No. 690, heretofore issued to Joseph X McCorick at No. 129 East Fifth Street. m be and the same is hereby transferred to said licensee at No. 8. West Seventh „ ^ Street, and the proper alty the record. are hereby directed to change the records the of the city accordingly. the Council Aug. 11. 1988. Approved Aug. 13. 1988. (Avg. 16, 1988), i CO EN Adopted by Pp, G lI 1 Council......._.I Yeas Nays d the . ...................................193...... ua9 Ian In In favor �Ca j 1 19'6 ......... Approved......................_....................._...................193...... � ) .... Again9t 1Mayor - Pr ddent (Gehan) 3M 636 / s , St. Paul, Minn., August 71 1936. I To the Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council, Saint Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: I have made. satisfactory arrangements to operate what was formerly known as "Club Zivah", located at 390 W. Seventh Street. The City Council,after due consideration, granted me an On -Sale liquor license for the location at 129 E. Fifth Street, and I respectfully request your Honorable Body to transfer ;his license from this location to 390 W. Seventh Street. In taking over this location the name will be changedf�m "Club Zivah" to the name of "McCormick's", and I will handle local beerf in addition to Anheuser-Busch,who own the building. With my past experience I know I can operate this place in a high-class manner, and would appreciate your favorable consideration on the application for the transfer of the license. ncerely yours, �J I S � j V Ddylnal to Citr,f.'Ixk '- 1146'71 CITY OF ST. PAUL nuMQ1 NO._.._..___ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM A�1,,'. ,��', COMM18s10 BY. _/ ................. ..... ..............................._................................._...................DATE.._.........+±`6.:..8+.(.._11...._ 1936..,.................... RESOLVED That licensee for Restaurant, application 12936, On Sale Malt. Beverage, application 12937, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 12935, applied for by Fannie Terrizzi at 3.101 R. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instraoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. New — Informally approved by Council Jnne 25, 1936 COUN IvfEN Yeas Nays Baa ow /FindJan ce /Pe}erson In favor Against �rpr-sident (Gehan) 3M 616 Efy G. 11 ng C. P, Y approved by Connell June ,y th'e C66n.11 Aug. 11. 1986. Aug. 11. 1686. (Aug. 16, 1936) Adopted by the Council ..NJ._1_l.._1936.:..:._193—: AUG 11106 Approved.._........................... _.... ........ ........... . 193 .. ..............,.........._.. �z OrW-1 m C19fC1.,k / G CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4/4/''/ CO NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM I (A 672 c=uN w uNw WSMMU, Mrs. Rosa Barnette desires to withdraw application 13969 for Off Sale halt Beverage, application 13965 for On Sale halt Beverage, aryl application 13967 for Restaurant lieduses at 359 East Seventh Street, and requests the return of license fees deposited thereon; therefore, be it MMLV1®, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refund to Mrs. Rosa Barnette the fees of $5.00= $50.00; and $10.00 and to cancel said applications for license. V COUNCI ... Ess /Findlan In favor iPeterson ,.._ Against 3M 636 Mr i71ce 1 resideut (Truax) I- AUG 12 1936 Adopted -by the. Council:..:..:: :......193— AUG 93 -AUG 12 Approved.......................... __._.......... _... _...... .__..193_... �.............r_d.._..:.... - Mayor (hi6Wl to City Ctrk 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL c11L.ouncu .10..6.73 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C(gUlUUl�!CIL/ R SOLUTION--/-%({/�JENERAL FORM CCFRFNvR Av l A ! ` A/ \ 77 — — A Y RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby#.uthor- ized to enter into an agreement with Arthur Lindbom, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of in- juries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 8th day of July 1936; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Arthur Lindbom the sum of $64.00 out of the Workmen' a Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including August 5, 1936. C.F. No. 104673—By H. C. Wenzel— 'V Resolvod, that the proper city offi- cers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Arthur 'Lindbom, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of !16.00 per week during such time as he hall be totally disabled by reason of Injuries received by him while 1pp the employ of the Dapartm.at of Public W �CI(e, on the 8th: day of July; 1988; Further. Resolved, .that In accordance with said agreement;. the. proper city offic.re are. herfbyy Guth? ized to pay to said Arthur '&.dbo the 'Bum: of. $64.00 out of the Workmen'.'. Compensation Account of the GeneralF.utid.;inpartial eettlement of his claim against the City being'for the perldd to and..Includini August_6, 1998. Adopted by, the Council Aug. 18, 1936. Approved Aug. 18, (Aug• 16, 198!) COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council....._ AU ��.._12._1936....193_..... Yeas N s ;nd>an AUG 12 9936 f. favor ..✓ Approved ........................ ..................... _............... ....193... lCs.... eon / 4Against ...............__.............. Mayor 1 r President (Gehan) o'ho"I w oie, cwk CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r POUNCIL R LU] I N—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Oomptroller, one Mimeograph Machine $98 for the Bureau of Engineering, at a cost of $450.00 less an allowance of 175.00 for one old 78B Mimeograph Machine to be taken in trade, making the total cost not to exceed $375.00, without asking for competitive bide, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. 0harge Engr. 10-B3-151 COMEN Adopted by the Council._.._AIJ.C,,,.1.2,.........193 _... Yeas y N s . �indl �AUG �� q y�� In favor Approved ...................... .................. ...::...................... 193_..._ ........... e rson :f Against._ /I'ruaa .........................._........--............_. Mayor �Jenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 / •� orldod to Ch, Clerk ;1.�•.`. �. 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu"p` NO"IA-675 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESO�.�l7T1� --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised and directed to oil the following streetet Alley --Grange, Hyacinth, Greenbrier, Walsh Brand, Kennard to Flandrau Center, Furness to Winthrop Fish Hatchery Road, Fish Hatchery to Pt. Douglq Harvester, Hazel to Ruth C. F. No. 104076—By Irving a Pearce Hazel, Third to Fourth Resolved, that the Commlesionar of Public Works be and, be to hereby au- Third, Kennard to White Bear thoriaed and directed to oil the follow - mg at ... is: Bayard, Chat eworth to Milton WaAno —0-9., Hyacinth, Greenbrier, 'Dunedin Terrace, Ada to Congress Brand, Kennard to Flandrau. Center Furness to Winthrop: Road, Fish Geleniery tap, Western to Matilda Fish 1#atoh Hatchery to Pt. Douglas. Huron, Lake Como Phalen to Nebraska 8sze4 tar 6o Fou Ruth. Me Territorial Road Hampden to Pillsbury 4 my Third, Kennard_to Bear., Dunedln rr "ongresa. ndp S. & W. Alley --Almond, Atlantis, Sne111ng,Alon ace,�Ada t _ Geranium, Western to. Matilda. _ Hartford, Cretin to Fina Huron, Lake Como Phalen to Ne - S. W. Alley --Orchard, N.P.Ry., Hyde, Colne Dr Territorial Road, Ha uPdea to Fnle- � butY. ID. & W. Alley—Almond. A4lentis, Miscellaneous property as follower s°alli°gg Ar°na. I, Ha}'lford Cretin to Flum. - H:, �& W e�iey—OrchArd. "N P Ry„.. IIRyde Colne - D. D. Hilger, 1941 Selby Mlsc llaneous property as follows. i D„D Buser, }043 Selby. A. M. Prendergast, 1936 Selby A:,m. Prendergast leas Selby Consel(dated,PrinlWg"Ink CO,. sk N Consolidated Printing Ink Co., 431 N. GriggsarHanc(g� ock Nelson Me— Co. Hancock Nelson Marc. Co. Workhouse Drive and Yard Twin City Lbr. & Shingle Co., 8087 Workhouse Drive and Yard Franklin Lbr. & Sul Adopted Twin Cit by the Council Aug. 18, 3858 City Shingle Co. 2563 Franklin Approved Aug. 18: 1088: (Aug. 30. Isis) tU�NIN Yeas / N e B 63 Indian In favor 7 e son �.`. Against a i /Wenzel /Mr. President (f yeW 3M 6•!e Adopted by the Council,.,, AUC �.9 ......-1936 ....193 ..... An 12 W9 Approved............................... _.............. ...... ............ (/A.........._................ y MaYot 9 Original to City CUA Wonz• CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .1 CIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM DATE ......... ........... RESOLVED That the Council of the --City of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of water mains on the following streets in the City of Saint Paul: James St. from Duke to Western Diggs St. from Highland Parkway to Eleanor Beverly Ave. from Raymond Ave. east approximately 552 ft. Hatch St. from gent to a point 195 ft. east of Dale Larpenteur Ave. from Edgerton to Bradley GOUEN Yeas a�ea Nay h /Findlan In favor exerson > /iL_Against ua I %u fir President (Geban) 3M 67d C. F. No. 104076—By H. C. 1 (3rlgge gt. Yro n Highland Parkway to Eleanor. Beverly Ave. from Raymond Ave: eget nppro.1mately 662 ft e at of Dale. Kent to a polnt196 ft. L6rpenteur Ave. from Edgerton to Bradley. Adopted y thAuge Cou-11 Aug. 12. 1999. (Aug. 16, 36 AUG 12 193E Adopted by the Council. ........... ............. ...... .._................ 193.:.:_ Approved......._ .................. ................ /f ...... .................................. Mayor J CITY OF ST. PAUL NO .............._ ------ OFFICE OF THE�BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS LATE...__..__A..Ug.!Z.9.*it4,►...._1.93..V.........___:.. RESOLVED That water mains be laid on the following streets: James 3t. from Duke to Western Griggs 3t. from Highland Parkway to Eleanor Beverly Ave. from Raymond Ave. east approximately 552 ft. Hatch 3t. from gent St. to a point 195 ft. east of bale 3t. when a concurring resolution will have been adopted by the Honorable City Council. Water Commissiogers Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas s Nays 3 C August 8th ........I---------------- ... - 193..6. Pearce Peterson President Wenzel ................................................ .............:. In favor -3 Opposed Q._�ssr: eicr. CITY OF ST. PAUL No .....................----- OFFICE .......... - --------------- OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTICN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Peterson DATE� -Aug49t-l......_93......._......._ COMMISSIONIM--------- -- --- ------ ---- - - --- . .. . ...... . .... . . ......... . ------ ------ ------------ - RESOLVED That water main be laid on Larpenteur Avenue from Edgerton St. to Bradley St., when a concurring resolution will have been adopted by the Honorable City Council., Water Commissioners Yeas Nays 3 Pearce 0 Peterson President Wenzel In favor.-...—�z Opposed .......... 0... Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners August 8th ................ ---.193.. .............. ..... ............ -------- ..... ... ...... ......... ... o,talod to CUT Clark COUNCIL 4677 7 `. CITY OF. ST. PAUL euz NO ........................................ }y„� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION--- GENERAL FORM ^ ✓ G11q..ro. 104677-89 F. M. Truaz-1 t. re", foo food rloee-Lave risen ver.• PRESENTED BY - ...DATE......... y during t�e paet two mons; CRESff# 16PLER._--.........____......_._.._....._.............._........... g the Dresent flecurlt9 Wage rt'-- .._.. _ .._._....._. _.___. ate to meet theAdis of t ..Is employed on WPA pro; pA ragulatll I» r.z•'�` v�Y�t,on tine v.' WHEREAS, food prices have risen very rapidly during the past two months, making the present Security Wage rates in- adequate to meet the needs of those individuals employed on WPA projects, and WHEREAS, present WPA regulations do not take into.consid- eration the varying needs of the different sized families, and WHEREAS, recent regulations of the Works Progress Adminis- tration have resulted in reducing the number of hours for skilled workmen, and, consequently, reduced their total earnings during a time of increasing living costs, now therefore be it RESOLVED, by the City Council of Saint Paul, in Ramsey County, that Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Works Progress Administrator, is requested to increase the Security Wage rates in order to take into consideration increasing food costs due to the severe drouth, or, if a general increase cannot be authorized because of the limitation of funds available, that the WPA regulations be amended so as to take cognizance of the varying needs of different sized families; be it FMTHER RESOLVED, that the number of hours $r skilled workers should be increased so as to permit such workers to earn an amount equal to the amount they were earning prior to x, the time the recent WPA regulations reducing the hours of work went into effect. FURTHER RESOLVED, that copy of this resolution be forwarded to Harry L. Hopkins, Rorke Progress Asministrator and to Victor L.Christgeu, State Director, W.P.A. Administration. COUN MEN Adopted by the Council ....._.'�uC.....1...;.._19.`3..6....193_..... T� . _ ... Na �°' AUG 121936 /Findlan In favor Approved ................. ................... ........ .......:......_.._193...._ P/ ctereon Against,....._.........4��.. /1 tau:Mayor President (Gehan) PUBLISHED � 36 3M 636 JV,-ast 12th, 1936. Mr. victor L. Christgau, State Director, W. P. A. Minneaota Building, St. Puml, Minnesota. Dear Sirs The City Council directed me to send yo,i tic enclosed copy of a resolution requesting an increase in the security wage rates on account of increasing food costs and an snendmont to the 17. P. A. regulations to take coMizanes o.' ne. vririous needs of lifferent size families, as nore fully set out in said resolution. Respectfully Yours, City Clerk. Aucust 12th, 1936. Aon. Harry L. Hopkins, ltorl_s Progress Administrator, Washington, D. C. Dear Sin The City council directed -,e to send you the enclosed copy of a resolution requesting an increase in the security wage rates on account of increased food costs anal an mnendment to the W.P.A. regulations to talcs coPnizanoe of the various needs of c.ifferent size families, as more fully set out in said resolution. Respectfully yours, City Clerk. Cddml to Cirr ClerkNO~A V _ eOtINCIL — J-007 8 fJ my OF ST. PAUL nL� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK n IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM C PRE$ENTEb Byy / ...._......_ .......................__.........DATE_._ att.....I�.f._193Y .....'::. -':COMMISSIONER.......... ._ ..._..._._......... •-•..•••..•.•... ........_. RESOLVED' That Restaurant license T946r On Sale 1181t Beverage license 3389,, L.eand pit Sale melt Beverage license 4603, expiring May 22, 1931, issaed to Sam Markus at 1447 test Pifth Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bnreea>. of Police because of arrest and conviction for possession of ligaor for _ sale without a license. COUNCILMEN Yeas /- — n In favor _ )gainsr Ve . Mr: -Vice 11c 'Ca f (111 a$j c u..r.in�a1A nv 6. H. Barfues- ase. opted by she Council Aug. 18, 1988: proved Aug. 13: 1888. (Aug; 18, 1088) 0,10-1roMYcast 4 �. 6'�9 CITY OF ST. PAUL i°ai OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COOU�NCIL��OLUTION --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized and directed to pay the items listed below, incurred in the. Municipal Fourth of July Celebration, said amounts, to be POV from Holiday Observance Fund: To St. Paul Letter Company $23.14 R. E. Hulme Awning & Shade Co. 20.00 Western Badge & Novelty Co. 16.75 Hennepin Bottling Co. 196.50 Martin Giesen 53.00 St. Paul Ladies Bank 20.00 1 COUNCIL N Yeas Nays :::imdtan In favor .........Against 3M 636 ts"'EC'e6a°�'" ' I .649-13v F. M. Tr - t C Co. tY Co.... 11 Aug. X12. Adopted by the Council ............ AU.G 12 1936-193....... AUG 12 1936 Approved...................................................................193....... ...................................._......................................_.................. Mayot Orl,tod to City Clark / nu`I` l �l3 ITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C-vO-UUN1CII,L RESOLUTION �—GENERAL FORM PRE' SENTED1BYe �/ i I . — mat 12. 1936 RESOLVED mat licensee for On fele Malt Beverage. application 13684, Restaurant, application 13185, and Off bale Mat Beverage. applicatica 13886, glplW for by Jahn J. Hiller and Zaary ?lasted at T67•TT5 Tabs" street be and the same are hereby granted sad the city clerk is instructed to ins= such licenses Epos the psyaent into the city treasury of the required fees. new Informally approved by Council Aug. T, 1936 GPOUN MEN Yeas N "s 8 as 7FiBdlan ._ In favor 7, , 7ea !/..._.._ Agalnet 3M 616 Mr. Vice 1'residcut (-lruaz) . R No. 104680—BY0. C. H. Berl— F.M. Truax—Irving, Be.olved, that lic..... for oa Salo Balt Boverag.: application 13 Ulf gale surent,.&,Plication 18886, Ne.It-Beverage, ep llcatlon 18888ler and , aD- F1 etadr&ty787 n Waba.ha Street b! Che cl Y clerk fa Instructed ori etua eUoh treasury oDf the required the see. the city New. oroved by Council Aug. Informally approved 7, 1988. AdoDted.by the Couwcil Aug. 12, 1888. Approved (Aug. 15, 1886. - - Adopted by the Council ............. Aj-tp......�_.t5� - e X193..... � Approved_.AUG 1� )S. 6193. ._...._..__._..._. _ _... I -A ......'V! ........�.. . Mayor Oe191o.1 to City ClerkrCln' CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.^,_..._'CE OF THE CITY CLERK UUJ NES TI --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses for restaurant, application 13851 Off Sale Melt Beverage, application 13850, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 13849, applied for by Howard J. White at 482 University avenue be and the same ar; hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses uptin the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. NOW Informally approved by Council August 5, 1936 CAUN MEN B uss indlan .......... In favor rson L....................._... Against /1 �I 3M &36 r. Vice 1'resideut (Truax) Ib r Barfuee-- fo tesue such'llcen city clerk le Ieetructed InInto the City treaau Don the payment ry of the required eformallY aPproved by Coll Aug.' 6, 1936. Adopted by the Council Aug, 19, 1998. Approve UK- 12j52036. (Aug. 16, 1999) _ Orlalnd w cmr, Clerk '� /mn��L/' m CITY OF ST. PAUL 2.umw` NO,_1QM- OFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOL iME --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licensee for restaurant, application 13851 Off Sale Wt Beverage,41 application 13850, and on Sale -Walt Beverage, application 13849, applied for by Bogard J. White at 482 'University Avenue be and the same arb hereby granted and the city clerk is instnloted to issue such licenses upba the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. BOB Informally approved by Council August 5, 1936 COUN MEN Yeas N s i B�uas /Pindlan In favor ..�...... Against /I' nul 1M s>6 t. Vice Presideur(Truax) Ib r H: aarfuss_ es. — m restauranq Malt Bever, 0'S"' Malt Uniersit are herebyy Is Instructed the payment [he required. ;Ouncll Aug UK. 18. 1888, adopted by the Council 'AUG 12 1936 ................................ ............ _...... 193..... Approved._..._._.[AUG 12 I .._......... .. .. C ... f...../� ...-....df/�Yof o,yle,I to cl,y cert & !`NO -111140-2 CITY OF ST. PAUL :%i"°" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That license for Restaurant, application 13496, On Sale Malt Beverage; application 13497, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13498, applied for by oil d Bolden at 317 E. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now Informally approved by council July 30, 1936 COUNC EN Yea& Nay �indlan as In favor e Allain&, en 3M 636 Mr.V`'1CC 11 �.;Ic1C:11 (1fUaa) C. Informally, approved by Council July a8, 1936. Adopted by the-Counefl Aug, 12, 1938. Approved Aug. 12, 1936. (Aug, i6, 1936) Adopted by the Council, ................... AM 1.2 19* Approved...._.................._AUQ_Ik..._._ '-...1........."...f.....r............. may- ri', ,mak 04683 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.___ _ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r--COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM An�.let llr 1936 PRESENTED COMMISSION .......__..........r ...... ........... ._.................................................................................DATE._...................._............................................................ - No: )oj.r E. Barfusa ; .. ' aDDI eI for b, - RESOLVED licensee °" ' ' � at aateoheeeT applied for by the following named W as at >hQjl The h• addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in- structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasut9 of the required fees: Hick Nicholas 192 E. Seventh St. Barber App. 13395 Renewal John A. Maimgmist 705 Z. Third St. Botcher " " " 13576 " " 13577 " s s " Grocery C. H. Christensen :134E.Seveutla St.Grocery " 13757 " A. Eisenberg 643 Selby Av. " " 13775 " Adolph Gross 1180 E. Ourtice " a 13797 Otto Hdinsman 556 Woodbridge " " 13925 " Henry Pariseen 1406 White Bear " s " " Off Sale Malt Bev. " 13777 " " 13775 " " s W. H. Prescott 965 Grand Av Grocery "s' 13771 " J. A. Batto 671 N. Snelling Av. Confectionery 13575 " Stefan Bergl 690 N. Dale St. " 0 13562 " Prank A. Thurston 46TJ *abashes St. Notel 50 rooms " 13796 " Marie Zeror 452 St. Peter St. Hotel - 14 rooms 13817 " Acme Auto Parts 266-8 Rondo St. 2nd hand auto parts " .13753 " Barnsdall Ref. Corp. 11106 Arcade Gas Ste.�3 pw1ps " 13929 " E. C. Pfleger 1343 Randolph St. " N 3 " " 13779 ° COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..... .... ......... ......................... _........ 193 -...a Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved................. _.......... __..... ..................... _... 193--- Pearce Peterson Against _... Truax Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M s.n Oriado.l t�:ti Clete wuwcn 1V4683 r CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...^_:..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM . . PRESENTED COMMISSIONBY ER................................................................................................................................._.............................DATE......_.....Au®a.ex....1Z.a....1936........ ...... ......... . RESOLVED —� Bevy Pint 579 Jackson St- Gas Station 6 Pumps App- 13998 Renewal Beat' Ice & Pool ' 1218 Thomas St. Ice Station " 13995 a Bray Ice & Fael 1220 Selby Av. a a a 13894 a Minnesota Ice Co. Selby & Arandel a " ■ 13132 " Randolph Ice & PcLel Palace & Snelling a M " 13657 ■ Randolph Ioe & ruel 920 Randolph " a " 13698 a B. Wendt 361 Stevens a a � a 13697 " Leo Paraukevas 1377 St- Clair Vehicle Peddler 1i 47 " 11005 a " a a a a a a Ifoodstmff i4006 U N -C MEN Yeas B uss Findlan In favor P/ ecereon _Against zel t e.. , 3M 636 Mr. V cc (i lna4 Adopted by the Council ........_.__AU_G 1_2.'. 1.�g93.._. Approved._. `�G 1 2 1936....193_._ ....._...._..._......._......_........_.. .......... d�..... __._..... Q .- rvsl.ISIIEn � � ^ � o".9 to City Clerk . couwaL , �., A ,,,W��f CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..._=_._ NO­ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That license for Ice Station, application 13723, applied for by Ted Hill at 1251 Point Douglas Eoad, be and the same is hereby granted and the city olerk is instructed`to issue each license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Now a 0 COUMEN Yeas Nays a as indlan In favor ......................... ecerson .�Ot... Against nzel )M &36 _._ �li:clll i Il1a8j' hji. VICO i.s C. F. No. 104884—ay G. EL Harfusa—I F. M. Truaz—Irvlag C. Pearce— Resolved, ttiat Ifcease [or Ice Station V�Dllcatton 18723,- applied for by To .Bill at 3261 Point Douglas Road. be and the same. hereby granted aad the city clerk 1s Instructsd7to lssye such license upon the payment tato the city treasury of the required fee. New. Adopted by Ithe COUCIl Aug. 12, 1888. Approved Aug. 12, 1886. (Aug: i6, 1888) Adopted by the Council ..................AUG....� Approved...................AU' •-Y Si_. .193_.... original to City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL t UNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC TION—GENERAL FORM DATE- ingnst 5, 1936 RESOLVED That license for Ice Station, application 131121, applied for by lalv Paul J6mk on Front Street between Pictoria and Barrett, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the dty treasury of the required fee. Hew IC. F. No. 104888—B7 6. H.- Bartusa— Irving C. Peatce— Re.ol4ed, thaY.licen.. for Ise Sts - tion, cation 19481, applied for by' -Paul Sack on Front Street between YIo torla and Barrett, beand the aame Is' hereby granted and the city clerk fe Inatweted to issue euoh license upon tae payment Into the city treasury of herequired [ee. New. Adopted by the Council Lg. 18, 1888. Approved (Aug. 16191936) - r AUG 12 1936 Adopted by the Council._-....-._-....--------- ----------- 193____ AUG Approved--------------------- --------- ---- -- 193._... i'... - - ' Mayor <M1, COUNCILMEN Yeas ..----13arfus8 N s Findlan e'r fm":+o.. I ---- ... ----In favor irmfiw ..----- ----- =...Against V�'eazel - Sl Cn �e�1fi91' 3M 11.83 Mr. V'1CC 1: r AUG 12 1936 Adopted by the Council._-....-._-....--------- ----------- 193____ AUG Approved--------------------- --------- ---- -- 193._... i'... - - ' Mayor AuMst 6th, 1936 - Mr. Real C. UctInhon, License Inspector, Cit,r. Dear Sirr The Council referred to ,von the natter of the application of Paul Stack for ice station license on Front Street between Victoria and Barrett for further information as to whether this is a new location for an ice station or is an established one. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Honorable Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G E. BRISSMAN, Asst August 7, 1936 With reference to your ingmiry of August 6 as to whether or not the location for an Ice Station Front Street between Victoria and Barrett as applied or by Paul Stack is a new or established location for ch business: is ice station was moved from 6Y-7 :varsity tvenue about one month ago. It liras operated re by 00.8 Moline. Paul Stack is now the new o ,and the location Se a new one. Very tbly—fa rs, 1A LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital oll Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminloner Honorable Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G E. BRISSMAN, Asst August 7, 1936 With reference to your ingmiry of August 6 as to whether or not the location for an Ice Station Front Street between Victoria and Barrett as applied or by Paul Stack is a new or established location for ch business: is ice station was moved from 6Y-7 :varsity tvenue about one month ago. It liras operated re by 00.8 Moline. Paul Stack is now the new o ,and the location Se a new one. Very tbly—fa rs, 1A LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 6th, 1936• Mr. Heal C. McMahon, License Inspector, city. Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the matter of the application of pawl Stack for ice station license on ?rout Street between Victoria and Barrett for further information as to whether this in a new location for an ice station or is an established one. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Aurist 7th, 1936 - Mr. Pahl 1taek, Brrn' ',t. betwOen Victoria and Barrett, St. Pani, Minnesota - Deer Sir% The City Connell has held -gyp yoar ap lir...tion for an ice statian license as it appears that you h1ve nc+ver obt.-Aned a nernit fro? the CO"ncil for the installation of an ice st�tion at this location. For this reason it will be necessary for you to call at this of_`ice to file such an applic•.tion- Yours very truly, City Clerk. odelnil to City Clerk86 �// - CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO -PAC Aill OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE commissloR...._......._ ..................................._...... ........ ..................................................................._........ ........ .............. RESOLV D That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hdreby granted and the city clerk is 71, instrnoted to issue such lioenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the reqaired fees: A. H. Barther 485 S. Snelling Av. Gasoline Sts, 6'puslps App. 13819 New H. E. Saul 962 Marl St. " " 3 " " 13792 " Richard G. Taylor 877 S. Robert " " 3 " " 13835 " George Werner 1624 Rice St. " " 3 " ° 13866 " All for change of ownership established stations COU MEN Yeas N 7 Fiadlan In favor eterson 49ains t Mr. Vice I'resideut (Truw F. ?lo. 104888—By 6. H. Bar[uee—I M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce-- esolved, that licenses applied for by following named pare one at the ad- 'ees Indicated be and the same are ,by grantedand the city clerk Is Ip- eted to Issue such licensee upon the went into the city treasury of the deed fees: ' N. Barther, 488 S. Saelling Ave., clips S.a., 8.pumpe. A 18819, New. • H.' Baul,•r 988...IDarl gL, Gasoline 8pumDDe, ADDp. 13702, New. tabard 6. Taylor. 877. S. Robert, Gas - 'a eje„ 3 pumps. ADD.'18888, New. Gorge :Werner, ,1884 $Ice SL, oae- 4 Sta,'8 puMVs; App. 18888 New. I`for change of:owperahip, estab- ed eta 'be dopted:by the Council Aug. 18. 1988. VVro,Ve I Aug. 18, 1988. (Aug. 16, 1988) Adopted by the Council......_._AUG _1.2._'93 _. Approved--------- ki!{� 2 _ .. .M— Mgycr 01W.91. Cllr QL", �i�468`7 CITY OF ST. PAUL liuMO1 NO.��__.�.�__ OFFICE OF THE CITY NCIL RESnI I tTI-- r-r- CLERK. JE!— _71M O M3IIry Re,. at ]^ ifedPRESENTED y 1.d f,COMMISSION....... =rE B.ti...l 936. ...............c �..,r _.......... .... .. .......... ° h a .-1 ........... RES That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted end the city clerk is instructed. to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast A. H. Adams 740 N. Snelling Av. Restaurant Opp. 13759 Renew. w w w a M N Cn Sale halt $ev. N 13 T59 r Off Sale Malt ev. a 13760 a Hazel Chaikeris 869 Grand Av. Restaurant a 13772 a T. C. Cochran 455 w. Seventh St. Restaurant a 13828 " a w n n a s On Sale Malt Bev. " 13829 " n a a n a n Off a a a a 13830 John Dornbach 2059 Randolph St. Restaurant " 13724 Mr. b Mrs. A. G. Holmes 629 Grand Av. Restaurant " 13784 " D. Levenson 387 Cedar St. Restaurant " 13745 ° Ban Maloney 1359 University Off Sale Malt Bev. a 13765 " Restaurant " 13766 " Eli H. Martin 364 No. Dale St. Restaurant a 13650 a N On We Malt Bev. a 13651 a aN a Off M M a a 13652 r Joe McBride 501 University Av. Restanrant " 13836 " a " N " On Sale Malt Bev. " 13837 " Joe Selbitschka 558 Esmond St Restaurant " 13780 a On Sale Malt bev. " 13791 a N a M r Off N a M n 13TS2 a Nick Squillace 560 Upiversity Restaurant a 13867 a On Sale Malt Bev. a 13868 a a a ■ ■ Off N a n u 13869 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council " Yeas Nays � ................................ ........... _....... .193..... Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved 193 Pearce_ ............................. .................._........ _. Peterson ........................... Asst Truax Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 Oddml t. Cl" CI.ck _ y ' CITY OF ST. PAUL i.i.`l` ` 4&� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Angnet 11, 1936 COMMISSION..................................._...................._........................._........................_......................._........_ _...........DATE................................................................................_.... —2— RESOLVED ?rank Step]sa 350 Oomo Av. Restaurant n ■ ■ r n On Sale halt Bev. ■ ■ p p fl Off ■ ■ n Union Hees Co Union Depot On Sale Malt Bev. Vest End Oomrl Club 525 w. Seventh Restaurant n If n;i If ■ a If On Sale Malt Bev. white Castle System 1945 University Restaurant COUNCILMEN Yeas KI. Findlan favor /0 Against enrol 3M 6.36 Mt. VSCe Pmsideut (Truax) App. 13531 Renewal " 13538 ■ " 13533 " p 13592 p ■ 13458 p p13560 n " 13521 " AUG 19� 06 Adopted by the Council ............................ - ...................... 193..... Approved_....._..................... _............. .......... 193... .......... ._ >or PUBLISHED origlo,ti to city cl"* COUNCAL ;124 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO_AG8_8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C NCIL RESOLUTION.—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE V/ C missl ......... . ............................ ..... ........... ........ ........... . .. . .. ... ..... .. ........... ! . ....... DATE k4mat ll.... 193.6 .................. N That license for Ice Station, application 13785, applied for by Clarence " at Viixifred and Bidwell Street be and the same is hereby granted and the oitj clerk is instructed to Issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New COUNC MEN Yeas N Zdl. In favor "?et'er:nAgainst It 3M 636 A"Vi M-4 I& I C' F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— In o`.e=Ltt1,.,.t 1137'8'5,s`a,`pII.d­f.� by Clarence Henry at Winifred and Bid-, well Street be and.the same 1s hereby - h granted and t In city clerk Is notructed to issue suchcense upon the PaYerent into the city treasury of the required to e. New. by the Council Aug. 12, 1936.� Approved Aug. 12, , gllo (Aug. Y5. 19i6) Adopted by the Council AUG 1936193 .......... 12 ................................ . U G1216 Appmveck .. . ........................... ..193 --'1-..,.-,. ............_./. t�. .... .... ....... Mayor oeale.tmCity Clerk N/p �9?�l.�C7;7 CITY OF ST. PAUL cn°u�cn. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED, .........b�g118,i_r,.._ll.t....1936;193k ......................... COMMISSIO R.................................................................Fed .... ......................... ....................................DATE. RESOLV That licenses appor by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast Ted Bies 1141 Forest St. Grocery App• 13793 New May Johnson 1060 Seminary - " s " 137355 " " 13736 " it a " Off Sale Malt Bev. Hervig Pederson 1460 Grand Av. Grocery " 13508 " Florence Strumpf 76 Indicott Bldg. • " 13909 " Mrs. Alma yarien 19115 Antuma Av. " " 13633 " s sac s M s s s s 13633► s Lowell Franklin 1030 Hastings Av. Restaurant " 13895 " Ben Zetlin 644 Selby Av. 3 pool tables " 13658 " / Sam chumas 483 St. Peter St. Restaurant " 13518 " COUNC EN Yeah Nay [3a ss indlan _ In favor • stetson i -Againa Im sae Mr. Vice President (:luaz) C. F. No. 104889—BY 6. H. Sartuas— F.Iiving C. Pearce— lved, that III `ea. aDDlled for by named person. at the ad- ,a Indicated be and the same are strucherebted to Issue such lice see clerk the, paYmeat tnto the eltY treasury of the. eyuired fees: r Ted Slee, 1141 Forest St, Grocery, App. 18788 New. May Johnson, 1060 Seminary, Gra- cery,.ADD• 15786, Naw. May Johneoa, 1080. Seminssy, Ott Sal- 1, ale 'Malt Bev., ADpp. SS7S8, New." B:ervtg Peflerson. 1460 Grand Ave., Grocery. ATLy. 18608; NewE Florence 8trumDf, 78..Enflicott Bldg., Grocery ADD• 19809; New. Mrs. Alma Varlea, 1046 Autumn Ave., Grocery App. 18889, New. 91 Mrs Alma Varian. 1846 Autumn Ave., Grocery A D• 18684, New. Re oWe 1,, ankli , 10 ' paetinge B.Zetlin, ^ 844. Selby Ave.. S pool tablee,'ADDD. 18868• New.. Sam Chumae 488. St.- Peter St. Ree- b l (� faurant° App. 1§818 New. Adopted' -by the Glounoil.Aug. SS, 1088. Approved 986. Aug. 161 1086) Aroved......................................_...._....................lf3Mayor _..... odw-1 en City cler� R 4699 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu" ` NO...--.._}..._.—_.— FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK U CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ► y PREAENTEo RV RESOLVED (? /^ r 4 That licenses for On Sale halt Beverage, application 13644, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13645, and Restaurant, application 13646, applied for by Frank Thill at 439 University Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. A New Informally apf4bved by Council July,29, 1936 COUNC1LJv1EN Yeas � Nay B se 3ndlan In favor Peterson ..._............... _<Against nul 3M 636 •^••:•.. • . rnaX Mr. Vice l'resideut (T ) 'e Adopted by the Council....,. AUG __1_2__192F_.193..... Approved...................AUG 12. 1 6 .......... .......193....... �- Mayor Orlsl"I to Clty Clerk / / 1�'4�191 /(J` U/^) CITY OF ST. PAUL `Net` }....—._' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �CO CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenseor Ice Delivery, application 13786, applied for by Clarence Henry at 729 Aurora Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 104691—BY C. o Barfuee-- F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce f Resolved, that llcenee for Ice Deily - y, aPPltcatlon 18786, applied for by' beoand the eamnus ye fa hereby rgrantedeand' the city clerk Is Instructed to tesue such license upon the psyment into the etty treasury o[ the required tee. 1986 I Adopted by the Council Aug. 12, Approved (Aug. 15. 1936) Hew COUNCILMEN Yeas Na Adopted by the Council.,,..._ :„ 1.9..7_6.193..... ar indlan AUG Yq 2 _........ In favor Approved............................................................... ( I%_._ ............. "W ozel Against ......._.........._. ' ..........__........'._{ .. Mayor Mr. Vice Cresident ("Truax) Orioles! to City CIssk CITY OF ST. PAUL n ... IL No ININ92 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that Gasoline Filling Station License No. 3437, expiring January 2, 1937, issued to the Standard Oil Company at No. 292 Pleasant Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to E. C. McLane at the same address, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change their records accordingly. C. F ,�,.JIY G H. Barruee M F. Tr.I.ILII_II.. C: Pan - Resolved, that Gasoline Filling Sta- t,0 . License No. 9997, expiring January, 2. 1997, Issued to the Standard Oil Com- pany at No. 292 Pleasant Avenue. bel ,rg the same Is hereby transferred to m C. McLane at the same address, and the proper city offteers are hereby dl reefed to change their -records accord- ingly. Adopted by the Council Aug. 12. 1936. Approved Aug. 12. 1936. (Aug. 15. 1936) Year COUNCILMEN B N Adopted by the Council A In favor Approved.................... . kdG 12 ......................._...................193....... P-Wson Against ......... ............ enzel Mayor 3M 636 Mr. Vice 1'r-ident (Truax) `- STANDARD OIL COMPANY ?(INDIANA) ALL QUOTATIONS 8UBEECT TO F SALES DF.P.1IiTAfENT NO SP ATE ACCEPTANCE MT POT.i AND 8PECIAB CON HEREOF �. _PTP'«_ Aa BgApTUg DOTED ON BACK HEREOF A1.D �OiilOJi! G. W. O0=wwOW. >r...o.a r. A. 'A,...•+.----- (Rorer..+) M7NNEAPOLI S. NUNNES OTA B. R. PL'STl]HBION. IEA.Aea CmAaJ FILE SUBJECTLicense #3437 The within license is herewith assigned and transferred over to E. C. Mc Lane subject to approval of the License Department, City of St.Paul,Minnesots. (Covering 292 Pleasant AV) STAI ARIL COMPANY q..//�cJJ Of is anag r City Council M City of St.Paul, Minn. Kindly make the necessary arrangements for transfer of the within license to the above party. i STANPARD OIL COMPANY J Of ice Mandgefr 0,I9Id1 IC4693 CITY OF ST. PAUL `n°imp` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK iOUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM vv PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER..............................L................................................... ...................... .................................... ................ DATE ............... 7D.i,..IZ....1936.................... RESOLVED 'that licenses for Beetaurant, application 13802, end On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1380] applied for by Israel 8igslasn at 602 Jackson Street be and the same are hereby granted, provided, however, that the former licensee, Henry Lovioh shall not have any connection with the business and shell not be employed at this location, except for a period of two weeks only from the date of issuance of said licensee for the purpose of acquainting the new owner with the austopers= and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Zn ower Informally approved by OMM11 Ang. 5, 1936 COUNCIL Yeas EN Nay arfuss dlan 'Peisse. /)Sejerson ......; _. _J........ In favor L ................... Against T//-.--- .�Venzd Mr. Vika i'rreideut�('�ruax) AUG 121936 Adopted by the Coaneil ......................... _.... ........... _....... 193..... AUG 12 06 Approved........................... ... _.... .......................... ..193_..... G .............. ....................'..... ...............__ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesote OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration August 5th, 1936. Mr. Heal C. McMahon, License Inspector, City. Dear Sirs The City Council today informally approved theapplications of Israel 81a�rleman for restaurant and On sale malt beverage licenses at2 Jackson Street provided, however, that the resolution granting the license shall expressly provide that Henry Lovich shall not have any connection with the business and shall not be employed at this location except for a period of two weeks for the purpose of acquainting the new owner with the customers. Will you kindly draw such resolution? Yours very truly; City Clerk. a r olwml t. CRY Clerk - coUN" CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.: ��-i��I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESQtMT4,ON --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That license for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 13911, applied for by Joseph Walsh at 999 Payne Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the pay"nt into the city treasury of the requilel fee. B. by 1h the suc cit} 16. Ai Ai New Informally approved by council Angust j, 1936 i. AUG 12 193E COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................ ...........................193..... Yeas Na ar w indlan ..A=-42� nfavor Approved....._.................G.Against y........,............�y or Wenzel )bl 636r. Vicc 1'rrs�Crlu- . II Joseph Walsh 999 Payne Ave, St Paullyinn, August,4.1936 Honorable hembers City Council St Paul,Minn, Gentlemen; I want to present my application for a 3.2 beer license which was recently deni6d me. I have operated this business at the same ].ovation for the past 6 years and have no ill feeling with the Payne Ave Business Assn. I am enclosing a letter from the secretary of the Association and also have the full consent of all of the members to operate a 3.2 place.Hoping you will reconsider this case.I remain, Respectfully Yours, rL`' AC Rrado and prosper with qour fellow merchant[ of Payne Avenue Business Association I„—P9RAr[9, J. A. MORE . PR-- Omc[ M SaR[rARr LAW RENCE RYLANOER. ELLERT S. AHL - V�cc PR[eio[Rr 00 963 PAy-A— C. F. P=ERSON. TR—..RER T....693l July 22, 1936 To the Honorable Members of the City council St. Paul, Minnesota In Re= 3.2/ license for Joe Walsh, 999 Payne Ave. Gentlemen, in view of the fact that a number of residents and some of the business men in this locality have petitioned the City counoil to grant such a license the Payne Avenue Business Association withdraws amy objections they may have previously had with regard to this particular license. Yours very truly, �' Copy letter Secretary July 22, 36 oe,lwc�/�,lQrt �� aouwea NO.._���lJ:?t� CITY OF ST. PAUL ^" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That license for los Station, application 13696, applied for by E. H. Olson at 246 So. Sueing gvenus, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is inatracted to"inane auah license upon the payment into the city treasury of the rsgmired fee. • C. F. No. I04696—By G. $ Barfusa— F. M. Truax—Irying C. Pearce— _ Besotved, that license for Ice Sta- tion, application 12888; auplled for by E. H. Olson at 246 So. Snelling Avenue. be and the same Is hereby, granted end the city clerk is Instructed to Issue such license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. New. Adopted by the Council Aug. 12, 1926. Approved Aug. 12, 1996. (Aug. 16, 1926) Hae fi0"►r�9'w.+""� — _ . ij r � r AUG 1 4t, 2 t9. COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council.,,.._ .............................. Yeas Nay ad Indian 1q9�73�+ ............. In favor Approved, etec6on._ Against .....a......L...."Y....._. ....... ._ r 1b1 a.n Vice 1'zcsideut (Truax) -. �J 1 Orlalv.l [e Cir, Clerk nu els [dC.. �('_�t,.9 �.ad6 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL REN GENERAL FORM .�[ ����.......MATE...`....... ot-._1.12,.1.._1.9J'1......................... PRESENTED ...... ...... ....... GOMMISSIONE ...... ......... ....... �................ ..................... RESOLVED IMCRUS, G. 0. Slutzky desires to withdraw application 111047 for On Sale Wilt Beverage license at 747 Tatum Street and requests the return of license fee deposited t1vareon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to G. 0. 1utz1W the fee of $50.00 and to cancel said application for license. C. F. 7. No. 104090—By O. H. Borrow I M — . Truax—Irving C. Pearce_ G. O. O. Sutzky desires to withdraw apyllcatlon 14047 for On Sale St it Beverage license at 747 Tatum' Street and repueets the return of It- c. t-,, benit fee deDoefled thereon; therefore, Reeolyaedd,, "bat the DroGet city o® - core be I. they are hereby authorized to refund to 6. O. Ifutzky the fee of $ 50.00 and to cancel said aD kation for license. Adopted by the Council A- g. 13, 1996. i z ADDroved Aug. 18. 1930. (Aug. 15, 1930) COUNC Yeas � EN N'J" c Adopted by the Co(1nci1 ................{�Ci..Z.2.-� a ss / J Mj r°1%19'A indlan Jar ............._.......... Re arson In favor �AApppprroved.......:.................................... ..........._.. f - �j.._ �....... ...... Against G._-- ..._...._........_._.... may /W oul T 3M &36 Mr. Vice 1 cirw.al to Cl" Meek ,COUNCIL .�����q ITYOF ST. PAUL .IL. NO ......................................... OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK CQIiNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, t a permissio an authority are hereby granted to the Selby District Commercial Club to conduct a festival at the corner of St. Albans and Dayton Avenue, from August 84th to 29th inclusive; provided however, that said organization is to pay any license fee that may be required and to comply with all ordinances of. the City. of Saint Pau_]_Wplicable —o—round operated thereto, and provided fort er that the%mer y—g P at said festival shall stop operating at 9:30 P. M. each e -toning. 4._. iC. F. FNo. 104697—By G. 11. Barfusa— . M. Truax—Irvingg C. Pearce— Reeotved, that perm salon and author- Ityy are hereby ggrranted to the Selby t Dletrlat Commerotat Club to conduct a festival at the corner of 8t. Atbane and Dayton Avenue, ..from August 24th to c� 29th Inclusive; provided however, that /y said organ lzatlon le to pay any license 4` fee that may be reQulred and to cam- pply wfthordinance: or thl.te Cltypp o[ vlded. furtherul that th musloai facllltie:: f the merry-go-round operated at sold festival :hall atop operating et 9:30 P. M. each eveningg V Adopted by e th'Councll Aug. 12, 1936. Approved Aug. 12,.1936. (Aug. 16. 1936) It AUG 12 1936 COUN MEN ya Adopted by the Council .... ................... .._.....................193_..... Yeas s indlan In favor eterson Against . I 3b:Vice l'resideut (T1va� t . , Approved. . ........... ... .... ............ 193 !estival, at St.- Albans & 18rtOu 27 man -objectors 12 objectors ,a42,e C z?l'?,,r2 J Adoptcd by the Council_ Ycas /Uss F1 LAN PEARCE "E RSON, 11RRUAX 11wZZEL MR. -PRESIDENT (GEHAN) —193— Nays OFFICERS: GEORGE M. STAFFORD PRESIDEIT CHR?STC. L UER _T 11-PRE111EIT CHARLES A. REED T ARTHUR E HOFFMAN, JR. SEC" IND TREAS. LEONARD E. SWANSON RECO11110 BE - 914 Selby Avenue ST. PAUL, MINN. x ii 4,le Selby District Commercial CIA BUSINESS- 1 ilqi�� 20 !,F,� PROPERTY MEN OWNERS ... 111U1E -ENDS 01 T11 PROGRESS 01 OUR DISTRICT - July 29, 1936 City Council. Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. We the SNIT, Y DISTRICT CoialluPRCIAL CLUB wish to secure a permit for a summer Festival to be held from August 24. to 29th inclusive, at the corner of St. Albans and Dayton Avenue. We are also having a Merry—Go—Round and would like to secure a permit for the above. Signed: 4� IC. 11 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY. OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 3, 1936 Commissioner G. H. Barfuss, Department of Public Safety. Dear Commissionert 11 In answer to your letter of July 30th in which you request that the Police interview the neighbors in the vicinity of St. Albans and Dayton. This has been done by Officers George Hemmergren and M. %rammer of Squad 7. Your letter with one from L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, and A. E. Hoffman of the Selby District Commercial Club, and the list of people interviewed by this squad is attached. Respectfully submitted, Chief pf Police. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION July 30, 1936 Mr. C. A. Heckert, Chief of Police. Dear Sir; Attached are communications from the City Clerk and the Selby District Commercial Club with reference to a proposed festival to be conducted at St. Albans and Dayton. Kindly have officers interview the neighbors In the immediate vicinity of this location (and a block in each direction) and give me a report showing their sentiments which I can present to the Council next Tuesday, August 4th. 9e truly ours, G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety.- CITY OF. SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON -City Clerk and Commissioner of Regi;tration July 29th, 1936. Hon. G. H. Barfuse, Comstr of Public Safety, City. Dear Sirt The City Council referred to you the attached application of the Selby District Commercial Club for permission to conduct a summer festival from August 24th to 29th inclusive, at the corner of St. Albans and Dayton Avenue; the said festival to include a merry-go- round. The Council requested that you have your department inquire of the neighbors in the immediate vicinity of this location to determine their attitude towards such a festival. I Yours very truly, City Clerk. ty� l% THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY (/ OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL +. INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION duly 31, 1936 Roll Call Lieutenants: Herewith communications from Commissioner Barfuss, the City Clerk, and the Selby District Commercial Club, relative to a proposed festival at Dayton and St. Albans. Instruct Squad 7 ( 3 to 11) to canvass the immediate neighborhood and inquire of the residents as to their sen- timents toward such a festival. I would suggest a canvass of at least two blocks in all directions, and leave a report to me with those in favor and those against this festival. Include in the report such remarks that might be said either way. Return all communications and reports to this office. Very t y your , �. A. Heckert, Chief of police :, •• nmee 94a.d Dluriet MISCELLANEOUS REPORTOLICE Netma oi8e°aet, i ..'i Z,1'1'74�2�4&446,e DEPARTMENT M. 19 City of SA Paul P6ce of o�n..na . , Rccel .d Tim..nd D.ee of Otto.. - Reported b1 Addem Phone . 7 a � Aan �f 42 tet` , _ • 3 — / , . M. 71. ZZ a :lC It C� r — y..: 1101,14, 1 _ y t7 We y N� c• .. f r 8erw District ftom'eisl 67nD, S 8erw District ftom'eisl 67nD, 814 BaIW dame, Sty Paa7., ttlrmesata. 6entlessal oenmsetton rfth wour Amal ation for psrsts to oondeot a onow r festival at Dt..AUw= and n toa, the 01tF %=cdl dtseated to to Warn YM that polies brie =uvp►ssed stieldents of this ].Quips and-hass reported that t"I" of these residents are opposed to the anatins of thin plait. at Me Ieeatuat. the Co=on Wd the setter, over to Inst jth for farther aea ldersu s and have xegn wted that you t79 to 9w another location Wah Wbll not he oAJeetum- able tos ldsatts+ VIII Ybe, VA ?sit us 'low W 4F6ft 1Q, A. D«,'Trids� EO V* rei7 t-MIY, 4ltY 'fRiisle. r 1 F w�44j aminal W Ckv Clerk � 104698 CITY OF ST. PAUL ri�i�a` NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �LU_N,CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED �r� - r---\ -.-- t 11. lti�6 RESOLVED / That license for Merry -Go -Round application 13970, applied for by Selby District Commercial Club at St. Albans and Dayton Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto are complied with, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. provided, however, that the music facilities of the merry-go-round operated at said festival shall stop operating at 9130 P.M. each evening. C. F. No. 101999—Sy G. F. M. Truax—Irving C. t Yeas Nay ifldlati In favor ete,son ^'k Against w 3M d3Qr. Vice President ( ruami AUG12 196 Adopted by the Couccil........................... ..... ........... .__193..... V 12 in Approved.._.......................... .. l___ _� Plied ncee as d the thereto are comb toy .trueIedl feeue euohcllcenele upon the I Payment Into the city treasury of the �t required fee; provided, however that the muslc'facllltfes of the. merry-go- reuad Operated at Batd festival -hall 'to stop operating at 9:30 P. M. each even - New. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1999. Approved Aug. 18. 1930. (Aug. 19, 1939) IIelr.. ., t Yeas Nay ifldlati In favor ete,son ^'k Against w 3M d3Qr. Vice President ( ruami AUG12 196 Adopted by the Couccil........................... ..... ........... .__193..... V 12 in Approved.._.......................... .. l___ _� I i I AJ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY-- ---w1, HAZ'2h oa 4 r S 0 MR. PRIES. 11 e DOPTED^BY THE lr( CITY OF SAINT PAUL .{ _—OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL� q j' FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO_______________ ___!_,_••._______ AUDITED CLAIMS ------------- Augua!__7____________193__ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. /� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i_3, COVERING a. Q _:,IWHECKS NUMBERED-__ �M(-TO_____ �qr INCLUSIVE, AS a rLL ��R CHECKS ON FI Lp �,,2 ICE O�FTTH[ MAYOR BY COMPTROLLER ___._CITY _.. ....... _ C 7021 _Yo. 304699_101700-101701-109_ CHECK thResolred. that checks be drawn TOTAL NUMBER IN FAV clty trexx urY — DATE ft Ithe j6Y,8 9gtoc U n�beret I.lPaggK lle ke SR RETURNED V i DISBURSEMENT BY BANK Com k'v flle ln�o85' o/flcexip e' CHECKS c•1[}- c Ptroller. the AtloPted by the ( the BR( 14PProred1201936 `tug. 12, 1936. I (APg. 15, 1936) t 27127 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin oe 27128 Dorothy Potter 25 0 27129 'i Central CO-Op.Assooiation 8 1 034' 0 27130" Pederson Brothers 27131 National Regulator Company 229 0 27132 Standard Stone Company 74 4 74 27n134 A. Pellizzer '+ 0 26 27135. Yrs, J, E. Roach Joe Coohiarella 27136 27137 !f Axel F. Peterson, C. of F1 as Phil Rosenblum 6o 38611 27138;; 27139 A 1 stenographic Bureau Ahlberg f ` � ! CITY OF SAINT PAUL .{ _—OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL� q j' FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO_______________ ___!_,_••._______ AUDITED CLAIMS ------------- Augua!__7____________193__ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. /� TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i_3, COVERING a. Q _:,IWHECKS NUMBERED-__ �M(-TO_____ �qr INCLUSIVE, AS a rLL ��R CHECKS ON FI Lp �,,2 ICE O�FTTH[ MAYOR BY COMPTROLLER ___._CITY _.. ....... _ C 7021 _Yo. 304699_101700-101701-109_ CHECK thResolred. that checks be drawn TOTAL NUMBER IN FAV clty trexx urY — DATE ft Ithe j6Y,8 9gtoc U n�beret I.lPaggK lle ke SR RETURNED V i DISBURSEMENT BY BANK Com k'v flle ln�o85' o/flcexip e' CHECKS c•1[}- c Ptroller. the AtloPted by the ( the BR( 14PProred1201936 `tug. 12, 1936. _ (APg. 15, 1936) 27127 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Fin oe 27128 Dorothy Potter 25 0 27129 'i Central CO-Op.Assooiation 8 1 034' 0 27130" Pederson Brothers 27131 National Regulator Company 229 0 27132 Standard Stone Company 74 4 74 27n134 A. Pellizzer '+ 0 26 27135. Yrs, J, E. Roach Joe Coohiarella 27136 27137 !f Axel F. Peterson, C. of F1 as Phil Rosenblum 6o 38611 27138;; 27139 A 1 stenographic Bureau Ahlberg 65 29'5 27140 Bearing Company Ahrens Fox Fire Engine • 27141 pomp y Air Reduction Sales Company 106 1 27142 Allis—Chalmers Mfg.Company p95 24;7 27144 American Assoc, for Adult E ation American Insurance Agency 215 I 27145 27146 American Law Book Company 16 5 8 0 27147 American Library Association American 1 5 27148 Linen Supply Compan American Medical Association 153 7 27149 27150 Austin—western Road Maohiner "Co. Automotive Service Company 85'9 52 I 9 '5 27152 2715] ostitob salesi&oService Braunig I'7 9'15 27154 & Sone Baking Compan F,J. Brings & Company 20 9 27155 Brookings Institution 4813 27156 27157 ,, Burrougbe Adding Machine Com any Capital Ioe & Fuel Company 2 63 5 27158 27129 Cedar Rapids Thgineering Co any Central SupDly Company 6 23 27160 27161 Chain Belt Company Chicago, 11 1 8"5 27162 Burlington & Q.Ry.0 Charles W. Clark Company 4 2716] 27164 Coohran—Sargent Company 151 1 27165 Colby Ramm Company Concrete Steel Company 88;, 27166 27167 Cudahy Packing Company Curtis 1000, 2 1 0 27168 27169 Inc. A.B. Dick Company Dispatch &Pioneer Press pom any 32 35 14 27170 R.C. Duncan Company 10120 27171 W.J. Dyer & Brother 112; 25 27172 27173 Tleotric Blue Print Company 'Phos. J. 0 15;64 27174 Engel ^melding & Mfg. orks Erie Book store 3675.1 I 27175 R.W. Fisher ! 50� 2717666 27177 Foote Lumber & Coal Company Chas. 466 I 4 1 50„ Friend & Son i p" 33 15 F SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i 491 399 §3 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ., COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL —OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO------- ------ -------------- NUDY arfusa COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA�11RdbRRL� FAV // AUDITED CLAIMS----------------August-T----------- -793{-- 1: ROSENC y- IN3f... RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. y8 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ -� COVERING MIL9299. B I Prose Gejxsn ` ] CHECKS NUMBERED___ TO____ _. INCLUSIVE, ASR. j�UC PER CHECKS ON FILE IN -T OFFICE I COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ --- i (li'L;lx� APPRO D______ __ {�_ -___1 ______ ------- --- - ------- _ _ ____CITY COMPTROLLER___-_ nr ---- — - ---- _- - TAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 91 389 93 I • 27V'S Axel F. Peterson, Costly. of Fine 16 500!,99 271 Axel F. Peterson, C.omlr. of hue 6195 9 27180. Axel F. Peterson, Comer. of Fin. 1 074:'37688 g14B 27191 John Me Garrick 76 27192 ! George Williams 29 29 27193 Mrs. Delia Brown 27194 Mrs. Anna He Foley 24 92 27195 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 23'75 27196 rlor—Saul Mfg. Company 27197 Feist Small Animal Hospital 1,00 27199 Leonard Frank Company 5150 27199 ' Cane Brothers & Lane 27190 Garland Luggage Shop 90 27191 Garrison Ice & Fuel Company 12'00 27192 General Electric Supply Corp. 69197 2719 German Book Importing Company6'15 7 27194 Goodrioh-Stivertown, Inc. 16 27195 Gus Service Station 4413 27196 W.J. Haas Mig.Oompany 41 27197 Hall Electric Company 49 25 27199 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 4 27199 Theo. Hemet Brewing Company 51 10 27200 7.11. Hanks Company 5070 27201 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company 16 39 27202 Hauenstein & Burmeister,Inc. 15100 27203 Heger Products Company 600 27204 falter J. Helfman 6 00 27205 Hertzberg Bindery 1 12 27206 Hetiield—Parry,Ino. 31,01 Y. 27207 Highland Spring water Company7'00 27209 Highway Trailer Company 229'14 27209 Holm and Olson, Ino. 24,90 27210 ! J.,1. Hulme Company 14'70 27211 Arthur Ingvoldstad Lumber C any 178',76 27212 Int. Assoo. Chiefs of Police 20,00 27213 'I: C.I. Johnson Mig.Company 21',47 27214 I Jurgens Company.1no. 93;14 27215 geasbey & Mattison Company 127149 27216 gee Lox Mfg.Oompany 17,62 27217 I. gessell Company 41pp 27219 Va. Kline 17 1550 • 27219 Lawyers CopePub.Company 27220 Libl6artan, Library of Congres 13!15 27221 Longmans, Green & Company 16 41 27222 A1. J. Louis 7 30 27223 Lowe & Campbell Company 61 20 27224 Lucker Sales Company 4 50 H I; SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD -� 111 074 14- 1. ..10 �I I I l � 11 s i ' DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL ., COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL —OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO------- ------ -------------- NUDY arfusa COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA�11RdbRRL� FAV // AUDITED CLAIMS----------------August-T----------- -793{-- 1: ROSENC y- IN3f... RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. y8 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S_ -� COVERING MIL9299. B I Prose Gejxsn ` ] CHECKS NUMBERED___ TO____ _. INCLUSIVE, ASR. j�UC PER CHECKS ON FILE IN -T OFFICE I COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ --- i (li'L;lx� APPRO D______ __ {�_ -___1 ______ ------- --- - ------- _ _ ____CITY COMPTROLLER___-_ nr ---- — - ---- _- - TAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 91 389 93 I • 27V'S Axel F. Peterson, Costly. of Fine 16 500!,99 271 Axel F. Peterson, C.omlr. of hue 6195 9 27180. Axel F. Peterson, Comer. of Fin. 1 074:'37688 g14B 27191 John Me Garrick 76 27192 ! George Williams 29 29 27193 Mrs. Delia Brown 27194 Mrs. Anna He Foley 24 92 27195 Yrs. Hannah Peterson 23'75 27196 rlor—Saul Mfg. Company 27197 Feist Small Animal Hospital 1,00 27199 Leonard Frank Company 5150 27199 ' Cane Brothers & Lane 27190 Garland Luggage Shop 90 27191 Garrison Ice & Fuel Company 12'00 27192 General Electric Supply Corp. 69197 2719 German Book Importing Company6'15 7 27194 Goodrioh-Stivertown, Inc. 16 27195 Gus Service Station 4413 27196 W.J. Haas Mig.Oompany 41 27197 Hall Electric Company 49 25 27199 Theo. Hamm Brewing Company 4 27199 Theo. Hemet Brewing Company 51 10 27200 7.11. Hanks Company 5070 27201 P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company 16 39 27202 Hauenstein & Burmeister,Inc. 15100 27203 Heger Products Company 600 27204 falter J. Helfman 6 00 27205 Hertzberg Bindery 1 12 27206 Hetiield—Parry,Ino. 31,01 Y. 27207 Highland Spring water Company7'00 27209 Highway Trailer Company 229'14 27209 Holm and Olson, Ino. 24,90 27210 ! J.,1. Hulme Company 14'70 27211 Arthur Ingvoldstad Lumber C any 178',76 27212 Int. Assoo. Chiefs of Police 20,00 27213 'I: C.I. Johnson Mig.Company 21',47 27214 I Jurgens Company.1no. 93;14 27215 geasbey & Mattison Company 127149 27216 gee Lox Mfg.Oompany 17,62 27217 I. gessell Company 41pp 27219 Va. Kline 17 1550 • 27219 Lawyers CopePub.Company 27220 Libl6artan, Library of Congres 13!15 27221 Longmans, Green & Company 16 41 27222 A1. J. Louis 7 30 27223 Lowe & Campbell Company 61 20 27224 Lucker Sales Company 4 50 H I; SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD -� 111 074 14- 1. ..10 �I I I l � 11 f a 4 r v v v)f DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU CIL -OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO .... COUNCILMEN—ROLL CACL B&rXUas COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY MCDONAL 1A AUDITED CLAIMS -- --------- JLuguat--lo ------------ 19 ---- 36 raeOffilk, I N RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE OR H� TY.TCRE BURY. .0 COVERING E TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S ---- -- UUMM Wenzel _. INCLUSIVE AS CHECKS NUMBERED -_27225 --TO PER CHECKS ON N 7 HE 0 - OF THE C Y COMPTROLLER. F Cr ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI ---- - tce 'r ­ ­irulx) AP V -------19 -- ---- CITY C—IPTROL-A yg ---- -- ------ -MAYBy� Z2-< ----- ------------------------ CHECK CC''Fj No. 104699-104700-104701-104- IN FAVOR NUMBERth solved, that ch,�k. 7=_ --- 04- bo 11— on ­� AL DATE R ETURNED 13Y BANK DISBURSEMENT DISBURSEMENT I S I' treasury. mount of "'-- mbered i"t".17285. t. III` e aggregate h 9, covering checks inci—ive.ta CHECKS ,,r checks Me to the office of BROUGHT, its c—Pt" r936. edP_l by!lehe Cuunc 'j— II Aug.Aag12, ' —d AnK 12. 15. 36 1936) 01 a • 2722256� Central Co-Op.Assootation 71 1 27226'; Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Coup 'y is, 1211 2 27227 Malady Paper Company 103 3 I 27229 J.L. shiely Company, Ino. 260i 27229 The Texas Company 1 ig 415,!: 27230 4 Okes Construction Company 27231 Capitol Stationery Mfgaompazy X00fing Com any 3513 216,0 27232 Zrlokson4etrat: 27233 Northern States Power CompFtnr d'9 27234 ?-in City Brick Company 15'73 27235 John Haurue 2'3 27236 mechanical service Company 2 27237 Merobants Motor Freight COMP y I 27238 Merrill. Greer, Chapman Company 7'0 27239 Gus Do Messing Company 2!5 2&5 27240 Midway Chevrolet 24 0 27241 Midway Foungry company 4�8 27242 Midway Ice cream Company 27243 The Midway News 233 7 37t3 27244 Millar-Tarras 2724 Minneapolls Honeywell Regula Dr Co. 9 27245 6 Minnesota Box Company 18,00 P7 3 10 27247 Minnesota Chemical OOmPany*I - ,6 27249 Minnesota Farm Bureau Service Co. 5 4 ro 27249 Minnesota Law Review 27250 Minnesota Milk Company 95 53 63 97 27251 Minnesota News Compoy 66 go 27252 Mitsoh & Hook Company 6o 2725Model Launderers & Cleaners 18,00 27252 Monroe Calculating Machine Company 27255 Moody's Investors Service 25 00 27256 F.J. Morse & Company 23,60 27257 Norton salt company 2,91 27258 Mothers Friend Latmdryolnc. 2!25 2725.9 1 motor Power Equipment Company 7,82 27266 National Bushing & Parts Company 98,18 27261 National Carbide Sales Company 25 50 27262 National Expert Window Cleaning Co. 129 00 27263 National Mckirer Company Company 654 45 50 27264 National Wire Cloth 27265 m.G. Neal. •4 27266 Nelson Oil Company 11 25 82 50 Iloolso Dean & Gregg Company 128 74 27267 27269 Northern States Power Company 2 249 66 27269 Northern states Power company 387,3 27270 f, thern States Power Company 321 27271 N.I.T. Airlines* Inc. 115 50 27272 N.A. Copper & Brass Works 12 21 2727Z Emil 0. Novotny 28 25 2727 Otis Elevator Company 612;00 27275 Owatonna Tool Company 5 25 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD Y 927 U I f BROUGHT FORWARD • 27276 J.J. Thompson 27277 Pederson Brothers 27278 Yrs. Mary Emily Christy 27279 Mrs. Louis Fay 27280 Mrs. Elizabeth Literaki 27281 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 27282 Carl Moranda 27293 General Chemioal Company 27284 Neptune Meter Company 27285 Lawrenoe Soler, Cashier • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM 6]0 140100 999 56 27 00 28 80 40 00 28 80 33 42 784 45 441 00 185 39 'I 1� i� 634 93 A-- DUPLICATE TO CITY'CLERK CITY OF SAINT FIAUL-' "'". ` `II•{�/ TA COUNCIL -OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO-------- - (�---- �i COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MA� fuse .6. E DF N FAVOR COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ------- Avg t--30--------------___19--6. o_SR, . --� , ROSEN �eT iAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON TµLLE ITY TREASU , COVERING RGTIREF - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5----ZF�Il�l ____, �_�9.EBEIiY� VOif6�. C --&%% [ C2 -2 _ •� i `� ` CER CMEC KSMONRF ID �FFOI E OF TH �Y COMPTR'OLLER6 - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL__-.b�L---�,----1 APPROVSD_____ __-_-L#Lgy--_.__.__ - . , _ _ '-i r %- _._______________ -__— _____-__-_____--_ B- _____ cCow PTROLLER X �voR BY __---------------------------- R --.- -_ �.I TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED BY BANK V DISBURSEMENT NUMBER CHECKS TRANSFER 11 CHECKS f BROUGHT FORWARD • 27276 J.J. Thompson 27277 Pederson Brothers 27278 Yrs. Mary Emily Christy 27279 Mrs. Louis Fay 27280 Mrs. Elizabeth Literaki 27281 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 27282 Carl Moranda 27293 General Chemioal Company 27284 Neptune Meter Company 27285 Lawrenoe Soler, Cashier • SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD IM 6]0 140100 999 56 27 00 28 80 40 00 28 80 33 42 784 45 441 00 185 39 'I 1� i� 634 93 t 1 I r i -j__ I I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF eA1NT AUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CAL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No -_-___ _- --- .__ _____- o.wwr� BT1ti18B COUNCIL RESOLUTION ssdlan FA !eR AUDITED CLAIMS ------------Amt --- u ------------ 19_3b-- ROSEN INST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DBAW N�Q4i7,"TY TREASURY. stErsG�P CC CJV TO THE AGGREGATE AM [. E_______ -----• COVERING .'� �, Geba*NECKS NUMBERED______. O_ INCLUSIVE. AS ER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE O� OF THE CITY COMPTRO LER. ), L,� 1t �lrtlax fQi'r,/J ADOPTED BY THE CODU�NyCIIL-___--- AP PRO ____ _ / _ _ __ __ CITY COMPTPOLLER _____, (- l �) Y -- ------------------------ ---°`------------ CHECK IN FAVOR OF TOTAL DISBURSEMENT DATE RETURNED 11V BY BANK NUMBER . 01703— i,iced. that checks n[Y,f[r$22,2ea—`. to be drawn on the aggregate CHECKS - - --- — 58',200.7;, co BROUGF red 2,!86 to 273341nclusive, ecke n file In the sting hecka a office of [he14-o 63k 5 ^oilth .tug. 12, 1036. 27286 Lindstrom & Anderson I(AUK. 16. 1936) S the C- u936. .lug. 12. 1936. 18 072,3 Clement r. Sculley 27287'; Northern States Power Qompan 280 7 27288 Northern states Power Comeau 1 O 7 . 27289 - Omega Machine. Company 3:5 27290; Mrs. Elizabeth Palmer 33 8 170,'5 27291 I'. Papers Calmeuson Company 27292 Paramount Ink Company 311 27293 ", Parker Appliance Company 10010 21294 Park Machine Company 71 27295 Q.A. Pearson, Inc. 2 27296 Perfection Sprinkler Company' 27297 Peters Sausage Company 27298 i Pink Supply Company 23'0 3 ' 27299 Pionertleotric Company 27300 Pittaburgh Plate Glass Comp 67. 27301 ' Porter Electric Company 571,5 27302 Public Utilities Reports,Inc. 15 27303 Puritan Compressed Gas Corp. 10'13 27304 Purity Baking Company P6�47 27305 Quick service Battery Company 12',21 27306 Raymer Hardware Company 27307 Remington -Rand, Ino. 12041 27308 Review Publishing Company 3'35 27309 Richie -Browne and Donald 6075 27310 Rihm MotBr Company 27311 Riley Stoker Corporation i',0 27312 Riverview ChevrolstsIne. 3175 2731Roe-James Glass Company Company 1241165 27314 cRosoo Mfg. 1256 27315 T.W. Rosholt Company 60 CC 27316 Maurice L. Rothschild 27317 St.Paul Book & Stationery Company 22719 27318 St.Paul Bottling Oompany' 27 00 27319 st.Paul Cement Works 1.05 27320 St.Paul Goodwill Industries 2 88 27321 St.Paul Machine Works 19'25 27322St.Paul Piano Company 20.00 27323 St.Paul stamp Works 1020 5'40 2732 Porter Sargent 27325 F.A. Schletz ® 27326 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 70 744 05 27327 Schneiders Gifts 87 j6 27328 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company b 27329 Sohreier's Auto Top 51 00 27330 Schultz & Haglund 75 27331 Schunemans & Mannheimere 4 70 27332 J.L. Shiely Company,Inc. 198 11 273333 D.B. Shotwell Company 12 50 3 00 2733 M.H. Sime Company 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD - Petition (Public Necessity) Council File No. _� 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and r PRELIMINARY ORDER S The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ConatrnniWinc sidewalk on south . __— ' Street.'to LJ:Ki eton Avenue. Dated this— .----_--day of_____ ...... ..... Councilman. C.whe e-agos jai n proposalforothe making of the fo',',ewing improvement,' vie.: 'ponstructing aides a., ;. south side of PRELIMINARY ORDER con¢ra�e acro sees street ro tgvf- rnt� - •"'Ei vinB. been dJF",l: ad w-` �/c,{he CITYI WHEREAS,'A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu:•: `'fie Via. Construct inz sidewalk gn sogth aide _Q# Cq>�glesa._�t a from Wabasha�_.-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul...-..-__.__.._...._-__- .............. _.—.-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council---_----------._._�� �t Z ��,7�.- ------- YsAS NAxs Councilman Form C At1a �111."j President (Truax) BARFUSS AU , FINDLAN Approved_ �ili�In4Gi PETERSON WENZEL Mayor PM1Sf]ED r ll�� Council, File No. U11705 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _Rscpnatritt<tjAg with 411 monolithic concrete the aidewalk_oa_the east side ---of MatUda-Av-mue-. from Cooko_.D] ivezB#seat, rrhese-=`- �,- ------ Dated this.]2th_--___._-..day of_ ..... - ....... Angus C. W he ea& 9706W, n VioPO al foie :f ' .making of the following lmproveme . 'tz.: PRELIMINARY ORDER to with 4" monoutmc r. rete the sidewalk on the east el' u Matilda A'�: rir prem COO}; F' '$ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:('live' _rF _Ke=str=tino with 44 monolithic congrAtp__th.Q_.Ajdewa.1k on the east side -� _—.af_Matilda-.gveaue-Ysom-f.00k..S#seat-ta_Ol.irer�traetr..whera nwnea.- a �--.nrv. _..-.__ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---.... _-....... ........... -....... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. ' AUG 121936 Adopted by the Council -_-_---...-._--.-_-- YEAS NAYS Counta7maa BARFUSS FINDLAN 4*PMM PETERSON TAUAVA.. �7C WENZEL ,Form CAIS �-885)e L't e'l�ent (Truax) "•.fes ,� ::, — r Mayor. V(MLISHED �3� Letter attached AL % Counml File No. %I (,)A47(6 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Relaying, re irittg_and reconstructing cement til idw? kin the ann+h ai Ae _ —cf >;"tmmri Str at._118ginning at a point 160 g�t_yr�t oP..-DaleStFee#i #d ee- — west 40 feet. Dated this _...---_12th ------...day Councilman. C. F. No. 104708--gy Irving CPearce— is_: Wherea., s written Drofoosia for the PRELIMINARY ORDER maki[ng othe following Drovement, Relaying,reDatring and recorteh- e cement til. e'-iew111 WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following unproved Relaying, repairin and reconstructingoeme4_t tijeon the eonth side`_ of Edmund Street beginning atm g4irit.� S�9t_1fw6 .9 s 1�St3Set. thenoe.-.--_..___ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paw -----...__......-------._._......... __.... _._.------- --- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. • Adopted by the CounclLL-........ - ..... YFAs NAYS Counf�lman BARFUSS FINDLAN *�— PETERSON TWA% WENZEL germ CA 18 Nt,-a��c President (Truax) AUG 12 3936 Mayor. $UBLLSHED 0 COUNCIL FILE NO. IC4707 INTERMEDIARY ORDER S In the Matter of grading Walsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana -Avenue INTID1iy"MmaY OSDEM C. S. No. 104707er t0 4 thn Matt¢radln¢ w.1 1; Ad ;AnB AVennr "ter 104248 u ti under Preliminary Order 104248approved+1938. . L un& ofheCity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Pinance the above.improveinent, affd-having considered said report, hereby resolves: ' 3." That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and'the said ihap gvem hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 'grade Walsh: A4e7Y Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1105.14 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of September 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givetnonce of said meeting to the personstand in the manner provided by the)Charter, stating the time and place ofrhear ing, the nature c the impraav+nent and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 193 —1 Councilman Bnrfi,ss �+ CouncilmandRlr*gw ---V F;ndlan `. 1 .rveenr CouncilmanQtd9Ut—�'='—z Peterson. n •t Councilmanet+s.: - wenzet Mnw. nowiRl ROME Vice�l dent Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Clerk Mayor ]BUSHED a-53 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER V4708 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Walsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue C. S. No. 104708-- In the Matter of. coade%.Ing an Ing an easement in e�:lsnd_ r eery for etcDyee uta h Aveasad Aa - gradlag of Waistle n1n, Draeka Avenne I. Ime taDa . _ Hader P"I"Inary Ordpr 304 proved Julr 8, - The Covac 141 th- Cit? 6'. ;rc _ S. y4iY•�iY HSE under Preliminary Order 104249 approved July 8 1988 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the° said improvement, u hereby ordered to be proceeded with. X.it the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is eondemm and take an , - easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the -grading,,,' TRalehfA�cealue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue, is acoordance with the bineprirlt Hereto M attached anCjade a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs ar ghada4 portions a the fills, 41, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 26.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of September 193-9-�4at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building tt+�e City of St. -Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons an the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear ing, the nature of the improver a and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council AUG 1.2 193 AUG 1210' Approved193—` City Clerk .- c Mayor Councilman Barfnss -,,<6-uncilman Findlna Councilman eii'-`- Petersoa CouncilmanvoemzomWenzel '-mayetN4 Mr, dice President (Truax) Form B. S. A. 86 IC,4700 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of oonstruoting amrere on Germain Street from Third Street to Fifth Street, on Fourth Street from Germain Street to Flandrau Street, and on Fifth Street from Germain Street to Kennard Street 0. F. No. 1047091— 'he 04709=the 1fa11- of conslrpetl 14 ' oa'Ga't..n Street frory T '^ .., to Pifth Street. on Foarti Germain Street to FI7 } 9and on Plfti, treat•. j Street to B:e Nrt01 llmlaar9 Q'. t6 I9A8 sd ^xs r "Zhr I., under Preliminary Order— 108866 approved June 4, 1956. a a '. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is a40r'Luet serrere oia Germain Street from Third.Strest to Fifth Street, on Foutt}i`Street-from German[, {- Street to Flandran Street, and on Fifth Street from Germain Street to_`%enriard $treat with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 16,208.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of - September 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as -estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 12 193— AUG121 Approved 193— //�J� Clerk /aJ - o Councilman —Eouncilman 13arfuse .,_ Y Findlan Couneilmatnsea`.,;� Peterson Councilman Wenzel F0,VXBVjpc,k.F"eut ('Truax) "S PUBLISHED COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER - W4710 In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of Aurora Avenue, beginning at a point 27 feet west of the east line of .Lexington Avenue, thence east 27 feet; beginning 18 feet farther east, thence east 30 feet, Jl io. fLer of rHconHtruqudeswl loll tblo ooaer.te tb8 aidgW `:=y :Hdutbt Hide gi:urora AvQ4ne ing Ba yglht9TYHet wpet-'n 77 f et bello $ eritfn 1 5 } thence e under Preliminary Order 104201 approved July 1 1986 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fitiane upon i�, i theabove improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: a l 1. That the said report and .the same is hereby approved and adopted, and die said impto�vedaentlS hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends isreoorinteil°, a �a monolithic ooncrute the sidewalk on the south side of Aurora Avenue, a point 27 feet west of the east line of Lexington Avenue, thence east 27 deet; xf beginning 18 Peet farther eget, thence east 30 feet, except where good andsuffioisrt X sidewalks already exist, ; k S with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.00 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of Rwnf:wmhwr 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court _ House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council AUG 12 1936 Vn�1C_4a_6_11___1 �� Approved— RUG 19 193— ity Clerk Mayor Councilman W90VMd&W Barfusaf Councilman_jG.wy Findlan / rj�j✓ Ca Pr>. rep `– 3Fi1BLISHED . Councillllell.R� m_ Councilman &t�h'=� PCterson Councilman Menzel Mr. Vice I rc-i eut (Truax) r Form B. S. A. 8-6 IC471-1 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on' the west aide of Arkwright Street beginning at the north line of Rose Street (produced) Vience South 130 feet, beginning at a point 46 feet farther south, thence south 66 feet, No. 104711- ^'°'-'R R' under Preliminary Order 10420E approved,MY 1 1936.- The 938 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon a the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvanentJS ' hereby ordered to be proceededwith. s 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 'reoonatrCtat with 4" monolithic oonoretd the sidewalk on the went side of Arkwright Sties$ beginning at the north line of Rose Street (produced), thence south 130 feetf baginii}ng e° 0 point 46 feet farther south, thence south 68 feet, except where good and 9uffioielti` �{i _;_� aidswsakd already exist, ? w r; .; y :5 with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.00 Der front foot* Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of September 193-A-- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Comm'i sioner of Finance give notice; of _ said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plate of hear in& the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. ' Adopted by the Council AUG 12. 193— AUG 12 Cit Clerk Councilman Barfuse CouncilmalS '" � Findlan Peterson S Councilma o�eer T .� P- 1 'C`o-u-n_cilma±�rry..-' Wenzell V�Y7 LCSltlettt 4 il7aA� Form B. S. A. 8.6 Mr.. vice yMayor / r PUBLISHED �� �s �� IC4712 COUNCIL FILE NO._— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repairing, reoonstruoting and relaying oement tile sidewalk on the west aide of Earl Street beginning at the north line of Hastings Avenue, thenoe north t0 alley ,C. F. No. 104712— In the rtter or repairing, aetrucM lareeo g and relaying cemeat tue eldewaJY;l 0 —the west side or Earl tree be + lveg a+' t or F I Itne or H84,sLj,l under Preliminary Order 104099 approved June 24 1956, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement; and having considered said report, hereby resolves - 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repair, reconstruct•sid relay cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Earl Street beginning at the north line ,of Hastings Avenue, thenoe north to alley, except where good and suffioient sidewalks }€Tslready exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoftis $ 0.12. new tile; $0.09 old tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of September 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Ado ted by the Council AUG 12. 1936 , 193— AN 121936 . Approved 193 ity Clerk Mayor Councilman 11, R i i Bnrfiss -Councilman 8';T' Findhn Councilman pclr.rson OC/ Fie---a.+.ilamndsnw _a..�.� isf7BLISHED / Councilmalr iffil I Wenzel �O Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice lresident (Truax) COUNCIL FILE NO. IC4713 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of conatraoting monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Fry Street from Marahall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue, F. No. 10,712 "'yI l y Order 1012$1 fyTiHeb under Preliminary Order 104281 approved July 7,J9 ryx The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the'Commissioner of Finance opoils, i the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommenda is oonstruot=monolitfiib concrete sidewalk on the west side of Fry Street from Marabs. Ave'. to Iglehart A4salie, F except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, == with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-1.00 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the.-8tb day of September 193-6.—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG 121936 Adopted by the Council 193— Councilman*1CF16 Barfuss CouncilmanZMay Findlan CouncillnaRfitbUr = Peterson Conncl� Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8-6 "1�: Mr. Vice Presideut (TruW City Clerk Mayor �D CAR1. l to as olak 41 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 2/� COUNCIL R SOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM '1t ,c_ h. 7/� COUNCIL - NO_ ........ 1%?.4' 14 No. 104714—By Fred X True— ,area.. as arovidefl by Council Fn of wi R�30SA�D WHEREAS, as provA4e'd by Council File No. 104379, appro July 15, 1936, the Council did on the 11th der of August 1936, at 10 o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House end City Hell, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two and one-half story frame dwelling located on Lot 18, Block 14, Mackubin & Marshall's Addition, also described as 429-431 St. Anthony Avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant.,tp-Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is Ahe opinioni��ft ,Council that said building is unsafe and danger - o Ktn. c�'}a to life, 31l ;li *dioining property, and should be wrecked and moved; theref`oiz `f ` -it RESOLVED, that.said building be wrecked and removed, and t1T`et a copy of this reeolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building r structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact ta.,the Council. CO Yeas _ MEN Adopted by the Council_..........AU.G...1.3....1M.63...... Nays O3a AUG 13 ......__.._..........._ In favor Approved......_ ...................................... .................... 193...... ,Peterson � l� ....__ Against. ........./..........._- Mayor t 3x4 s3s r {{;i lasilent (uaz ) >P[1JgLISHED �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 12th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The Attached file in the matter of .condemning that certain two and one-half story frame dwelling located on Lot 18, Block 14, Mackubin & Marshallts Addition, described as 429-431 St. Anthony Avenue was re- ferred to you, by the Council, for the preparation of a resolution (2nd) confirming this condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council 193__— Yeas Nays /lA SS F� INDLAN PE PERSON T AX WENZ / WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Adopted by the Council 193_— Yeas BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL MR.. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) t� Nays fodalert to Circ Qak 1-('4715 CITY OF ST. PAUL .0U MCIL No ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 1. No. 1o471a—By Fred M. Truax( areae, Continental oil comna., PREgEN'�ED ® A _ _ s ,, J 'fft;nae �� " Connell for norm' ComVINS 1QN RR__.___...1.==�.—""`.-.._ ____._ �.-------_-----_._........__...._..DATE................_... .......:.•.: malntafn s d;t.}ir -- - Ne south 86 $3L�C WHEREAS, Continental 011 Compax* had'petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on the south 85 feet of Lots 13'and 14, Block 29,_Merriam's Re- a=angement of Blocks 24 to 29 inclusive, Merriam Park, being the northwest corner of Marshall and Wilder Avenues, and WHEREAS, said Continental 011 Company has submitted a blue- print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns pump location, sidewalks, etc, for the information of the Counoii; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, therefore be it RESOLVED, that permission and authority are hereby given to Continental 011 Company to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitt'li; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically vota,the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and'landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, PIgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under ,the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Publio`Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that this.maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. r 4n '<D. Against ozel 115 M11nm 1D'' SJ6 Mr. Vice 1'tesident (TruaxI ,..`"w Adopted by the Council ........_�G............................ 193 AL1g '. 3 Approved........,...................................._....................193....... l...... ...... or �� � a or �� ORIGINAL APPLICATION 1. -E MADE IN F, ITT CITY AF ST. PAUL THIPL LED IN THE CLEM;IDATff AND OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .. OFFICE. Application For License 5 -- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE__________-______ ______ ___Q79-^� TO ATE------------------ TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ?61 A - ------------- --- --------------------------- BY---- - ------ FiWM R 'Wi;� --- --- --- (NAME 0- ;F�I --- FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A._____ J-011. ------ ----------- --------------------- ------------------- - I -.R OR 'INe1D¢ GARAGE') AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT ----III______. 7)GA4:al� 0, 1'1 -_.---.- 4.-_ ---- 41-4AL.0DESCRIBED --- A.- ......,. ..... R) (ADDITION) NO. OF PUMPS - ----- ---------- No. OF GAS TANK --Z� - ------ a ------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK--- FILED I RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE-- ------- ----------------------- ______________IB DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY-_._.__._ Ie�C_E-�14/�--�-______.__61ONATURe OF LICA BY Y--------- By---------- - ----- ----------- 1424_9;- 74" WA� RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DAI CITY PLANNING BOARD — — -- - --------- CITY OF SAINT PAULs Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 12th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the attached application of the Continental Oil Company for permission to install a drive-in filling station on the northwest corner of Marshall and Wilder Avenues, located on the south 95 feet of Lots 13 and 14, Block 29, Merriam's Rearrangement, for the preparation of a resolution to grant this permit. Yours very truly, -�� -f�er City Clerk. 7 POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Auguat 1, —193-9-- Pursuant 939Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Continental Oil Co®Aaav to erect and install a filling station located at the Northwest corner of Marshall and wilder Avenues on the south 85 feet of Lote 13 and 14= Blook 29. Merriam's Rearrangament will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 12th day of Auouet , 193-6, at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Page QIP 8120 Commissioner of Finance. POST CARD NOTICE -ZIA" (, i Adopccd by the Council Nay 1 s 93— Ycas 4A�RFUSS AFINDLAN "ECE PETERSON WENZEL /MR. I PRESIDENT (GEHAN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Street Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminioner Mr. L. R. S. 8ergmeon, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Jb17 31, 1936 Returned herewith is the application of the Continental Oil Company for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of Marshall and Wilder Avenues, and reports of inspection and approval as to fire hazard and traffic. Very truly yours, John P. Vallaney Deputy Commissioner LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION July 31, 1936. Mr. John P. Mullaney, Deputy Commissioner. Dear Sir; pelative your letter of July 27, 1936 regarding the Continen- tal Oil Company making application for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the south 85a of lots 13 and 140 Block 29, Merriam*s Rearrangement of block 24 and 29; also described as the northwest corner of Marshall and Milder Avenue may I submit the following. I have made the usual inspection of the proposed station and driveways and do not find that such driveways will materially interfere with the movemant.of traffic. Yours truly, ".w.ren, Supt. of Traffic. -If THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION July 29 1936 Hon. G.H.Barfuss, Oommissioner of Public Safty, St Paul Minn. Dear Sir; 01 In regard to the application of the Uontinental Oil Oo fot permission to install a drive —In gasoline filling station at the N.W.cor. of Marshall and Wilder ave. We have investigated the foregoeing application and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully Yours Ohief Inspector Fire Prevention THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION July 27, 1936 Mr. William C. Barron Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention, Dear Sirs The Continental Oil Conpmy bas made application for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the soath 85' of bots 13 and 14, Block 29, Merriam's Rearrangement of block 24 to 29; also described as the northwest corner of Marshall and Wilder Avenues. Three pumps and three tanks of 1000 each are to be installed. Please inspect as to fire hazard and furnish report. Very truly yours, �' o John ?. 14il.leaey Depmty Commissioner 4 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF ZONING July 28th 193 6 Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd] 19220and subsequent amendments. Appeal t Filling 6 " tion Amendment: Petitioner's Name : Continental 0LI Co* Date : July 22nds 1496 U. J. Coleman 1018 80,2nd St*lipls, Minn. Location t South 8$ ft. of bots 19 and 14, Block 29s Merriam'9 Re .: of $looks 24 to 29# Kerriaa Parks(ST corner of Rarshall- Zone : and Wilder Avenues* Commercial Inspection discloses t Two Lange house8j, one on each,Xot. B11fok was, rezoned at request of residential owners from sCK` Residence to Commercial some time ago. Stores with flats above being construd;ted across the street on southwest corner. Plans are well drawn and show street conditions* Discussion tea oli,eotion to the site and pleas are 9=011enis Moved by Afto a seconded by lam. hott$ that the permit be granteds Yeas Nays X---- 3ummerf ield X- -Betz Absent --- Buenger McGlynn George , arrold--------- Wahman Engineer Secretary. X------- Bas sford Report to Council - See letter ! ----A I n m Ao a� 0O a r =Z Cal - m � m s Z N A v '*1) 3 Z ----A I n m Ao a� 0O a r =Z - m � m s Z N A N A v '*1) 3 Z -�D v '*1) -�D •.i �s 1 ' • , �� Y 40-- r :D p u • E � -i m Nr c .y r _-i•_'.D i pc v '*1) APPVO. DPEP. .ATE 7"su' DATE TRACED CHECKED A!lVO. APPYD.CNF. pEPT. — _fY BY DAT[ AlPVO. OPER. URfTMN. DRFTMN. I4 D2lT. DRAWN TRACED CHECKED APPVD.CHF, APpVD. OPER. BY BY BY DPFTMN DATE DEPT I �V 4, - t 1• Y yep , L; c P R e o 6 ff c 3 Fd R V i c c S jri 71 0 n/ a CO/YT JIY E/YT9 L. OIL CO CN / C 17 C7 � J U1. F A R n! S w o` . RnKn %O�KR - � A M11./Nk' n f o -If4 V3 OF f�ovo I4 f"yj 10 O v T J / D E .d C u < F✓ A R o u bb V � 3 V p R e os s c 3 F R Vic c .5717710t%" ARJHA c c �L//LOE.(� /��/L'J. ►S, �fiU.[, //I l NN�JOli4� CO" / r --1Y H L O/ f o R I � T T � ,I� R ►� r Q'een.�T,,, � a,.�. ,G � .J T •L. u R e Q •t % i AF /o O C a . 3 E c u �CJi L•ro/� S � II � Q � 1 / II I II JL - VA E M .,i s i o .✓ a i✓ a. b ~ V Adopted by the Council --- --- --193— Yeas Nays /BARS FIEF AN PE --ARCE PETE N R . ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) r /' THE BOARD OF ZONING ;1 Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1944 U SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE May 25th, 1937 - ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BU Jx'`-��— ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary ! Q -r r Mr. L. B. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : r. t -111 f ^o ^ F In the matter of application of the Continental (� 011 Company to change the plan of their driveways at their filling station at the northwest corner of Marshall and Wilder. The Continental 011 Company wish to out out the large elm on Marshall Ave. nearest to Wilder and widen the pavement in order to give them more of a corner entrance into their station. They also wish to set the curb back at the second elm on Marshall Ave. about 7-1/2 ft. The Continental 011 Company submitted the plans for this station to the Board of Zoning in 7uly 1936 and the plans were approved by your Honorable Body August 13th, 1936. Marshall Ave. is a wide street - 56 ft. roadway, fine appearing boulevards with some wonderful elm trees at this point, these trees probably being eighty years old. The Board after giving oareful consideration to this proposed change in plans and talking to the repre- sentatives of this Company wish to advise that the Continental Oil Company be required to follow the original plan, Xhey can find no good reason for making a change. They, therefore, recommend that the plan as submitted with this file be dis- approved. Yours very truly, +� George•H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh enol. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION a.,!ej�,,o May 25th, 1937. Mr. George M. Shepard, Chief Engineer. Dear Sir : In regard to the attached file on the Continental 011 Company's filling station at the northwest corner of Wilder and Marshall. The original application was made July 22nd, 1936. The plan as submitted at that time with some modification in the curb returns was approved by the Board of Zoning end a permit was issued by resolution by the City Council, August 13th. I do not think the Board of Zoning would approve the present layout. In the first place it would destroy two or three beautiful elms that are probably one hundred years old but in perfect condition. gh-rh enol. Yours very truly, George'H. Harrold. Y _LL CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 7� JCJ�tr-+ May 21st, 1937. Hon. I. C. Pearce Co -sr. Of Public Works City Hall Attention: Mr. George t!. Shepard J Dear Sir: The City Council referred to the Building Dent. end the City Engineer for reennnendation the attached request of the Continental Oil Co. for nernission to chance the driveway and curb arrrnrenent to conform to the blue print hereto attached. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CONTINENTAL OIL COMPANY 2222NORTH HERNDON HT. GEO. J. Wooos D ...... . M..... CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Saint Paul, Minn. May 21st, 1957 Honorable Council, City of St. Paul, at. Paul, Minnesota. Attention - W. L.R.S.Ferguson, City Clerk Gentlemen: Continental oil Company has a building permit covering the location of a gasoline filling sta- tion on the northwest corner of Marshall Avenue and W11der Street, construction of which is now going on. The curb arrangement for driveways, eto., was approved by your honorable body before the building permit was issued. For reasons of safety to the public and believing that the original curb layout presents 4isad- vantages to patrons in entering and leaving the property, this company respectfully petitions for a *hangs in the curb arrangement, which will deviate from the original idea as shown on the layout herewith attached. This company asks your favorable oonsidera- tion and an official approval of this change. Yours very truly. Fiel onotruation Engineer RST: S or1-1m u , City 0ak 4'7 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL rIL� NO............ ..........'......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / \ Ai7g118t l5f 1956 COMM I S$IUN ER_ .... _...[............1 .... .................................... _....._..._.._.._....___�..���............................ DATE..................................,.................................................. Whereas, in the matter of constructing a sanitary intercepting sewer from the joint interceptor newer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District on the right-of-way of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad and near the northerly boundary thereof, thence easterly and northeasterly across Indian Mounds Park, the State Fish hatchery and the Municipal Forest to a connection with the Belt Line Sewer at a point near the south side of Point Douglas Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 1042989 approved July 8, 1988, therefore be it Resolved, That plans and specifications for the above named improvement entitled "Belt Line Sanitary Sewer Interceptor" as submitted herewith by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it Further Resolved, That the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the making of the aaid improve— ment in accordance therewith. �COUN MEN Yeas Ea ss C.m*No.-304719h m.'t-te'r"cfCc f and the same are nereey appro.ea, d. be It Further Resolved, that the proper tty bmciate are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with tba making o[ the said improvement in .accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Aug. 19, 1996. Approved ;Aug. 19. 1696. 6 Adopted by the Council ............. _4Vjr1-13-11^'1'J3...... 13 -1 Approved.. ........................._...s..,.................193....... Mayot Nay indlan ea e In favor enzel Against 3h: 6 36' Mr. Vice l'resident (Truax)' C.m*No.-304719h m.'t-te'r"cfCc f and the same are nereey appro.ea, d. be It Further Resolved, that the proper tty bmciate are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with tba making o[ the said improvement in .accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council Aug. 19, 1996. Approved ;Aug. 19. 1696. 6 Adopted by the Council ............. _4Vjr1-13-11^'1'J3...... 13 -1 Approved.. ........................._...s..,.................193....... Mayot ode—I'. cin cteek / couweiu __04 tOU�NCILJRESOLUTION CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO..._...717 ...`..___._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK G---ENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER............................................................................................ .........................................................DATE.._...........AugUat....13a...1R ...................... RESOLVED That license for Merry -Go -Pound, application 1140500 applied for by the Uni-Dale Playground Association, at Grotto and Minaehaba Street be and the same is hereby granted, provided all ordinances applicable thereto are complied with and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license Upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 104717—By 6. H. Bartuss— F. M. Truax—Irving C, pearce— .s.1 ed, that 11cense for Merry -6o Round, spplication 14060, applied for by the t Grotto s ale M n1 uehaha 8t Street be land the same is hereby granted, provided complled withs pan, the city clerk ie nereto e structed to issue such license upon, the payment .Into the city treasury of the required fee. New. Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, 1936. ADproved Aug. 13, 1636. (Aug. 16, 1966) New �✓ �� Jv COUN MEN Yeas Na u63 F' Ian In favor e rce etterson _......__ ... _ Against / //Wenzel IM r. lice 1'rCSI(L11 f'Pnlas) AUG 1310 Adopted by the Council .................... -.......... .... ...... ........ 193..... AUG 13 Approved .......................... ..........__.193-- _ ..._........_......._........_....___...� Mayor Orwa,l to t:h, Clerk IC4'718 CITY OF ST. PAUL eounu� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM .19. ............... — -- — -- —•--- ,i That licenses applied for by the following —ad persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasary of the repaired fees: Hartford Berglund n n I. Shapiro it n COUNC EN Yeas TBuea indlan ) In favor rce oAgainst 4nrW 'm 616 Mr. Vice President (Truax) 1076 Payne Ave. Vehicle Peddler &S Poodetuff 203 E. 13th St. Vehicle Peddler #49 " " " Foodstuff 04718BY G. IL Barfuss— Pesice— that licensee applied for wlag named persons. at the odtoated be and the same Ito In? such 11—t ee reeted and the .1ty uD n t f o the etty treasury of I fees. Bergund, 1076 Payne Ave., 11er, No, 48, App. U011. New. Berglund, 1076 Payne Ave.. app- 11048, New. E..18th St., Vehlcle . 48;80AJ. 14048 New. 208 E. 18th 9L. Foodstuff, New. lythe Conned Aug. 18, 1886. Aug. 18, 1088. (Aug. 16, 1036) App. 14041 Now " 14043 s " 14048 " " 14049 " Adopted by the Council......... AU619 19ds .. 193..... AUG 13 06 Approved.._ ................ ........... _...... ....... _._...... .................. . f...,............ .mayor _ odemttoc1r, 2LOK` 4d'4'7191 �j�J CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO._____.....:.._.�._.__. OFFICE HE CITY CLERK COON SOL TI N ---GENERAL FORM PRNTED_................................._........._...DATE_....._..... 8t.._1 �..._�:.t,.. ............. C._....... OMR................................................................................................... RESOLVED That license for gasoline filling station, application 13816, (3 P�ps� applied for by Fred Herriges at 2607 Feet Seventh Street, be and the as= is hereby granted and the city clerk is instmcted to issue inch license upon the parment into the city treasury Of the regmired fee. C.IF� oC.1F8arce—y G. H. Barfuee— R..—d, that llcenee for gasoline dlling station, application 18818 (8 pump.), applied for by Fred Herriges at 2801 West Seventh Street, be and citya-- ark lie inetrure yot doI, I sd ue ouch license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the reVufred Lee. New owner; u. abliahed location. Adopted by the CounolI Aug. 18, 1988. Approved 1936. (Anug. 15, 1988) New owner established location. 13193E GOUNCJLMEN Adopted by the Council............._1.......................... ._..I93 YeasN s /F (........._......... an In favor Approved ..................._6 _... Against / ce lelf J. /Pe son .................. ..._..... ....._...._.__._ ental )M bis Mr. Vice President (Truax) - - Grrytul to C(q� Cl k �.n (�J� J� Co.— OF OF ST'. PAUL nu NO ... __:.:......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That licensee applied for by the f ollowing named persons at ane acarseeou indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue suoh licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the r eqaired fees: 0. L. Oollea.t T46 Tatum Barber Opp. 13703 Renewal Gottbebat Bros. 1059 E. 4th Grocer¢ " 13949 " p p a a s Butcher " 13050 " ✓ Jos. R. Rogers 43T Marshall Grocery " 6324 p a a a n ■ Off sale Malt Bev. " 6323 " Yrs. Biose seashore T6T Raymond Restaurant " 6310 " Julius Singer 340 N- 13th Junk dealer " 63TO " J. W. schult 422 Midland Bldg salary Loan " 13939 " Sam Saashian 193 1- seventh Restaurant " 13974 " C. F. No. 104780—BY O. H. Barfuse— Irving C. Pearce— Reeolved, that ifc..... .➢piled for '94' [oltowing named Dersone at the aYddreeees iipolaated be and ttto came ars herebygranted and the city clerk IsI lastructed to issue such licensee upon the DaYment Into the city treasury of tae required tsea: C. L. Wolle.t, 749 Tatum, Barber, ADvv 18708,ub ReneWaL l3ottbeHBros., 1069 B. 4th, Grocery, ;App. 18049,eaew.L Gppottbebut roe., 1069 ID. 4tH, Butcher, ADJ.os13W ,oBrRenewal.87 Marshall, Gro - eery, P. 6324,0 Ronewal. Joe. W. Rogers, 487 Marshall, Off sale Malt =" ADD•• 9888. Renewal. Mrs IDle1. Seashore 767 Raymoad, (Restaurant, ADD• 6810, haus JDlto. 9inger, 840 E. 19tH'. Junk Deal- er, AppD. 88?0. R%newal: 9abult, 488 Midland Bldg., Sal- '.rY can. ADDD• 18988, Renewal gam 8raahlan 198 W. Seventh, Res- j taurant, App. 1i874'Renew.L hill Adopted by the Glouncll Aug. 19, 1986. Approved Avg. 18, 1986. (Aug. d6, 1986) COUNC MEN Adopted by the Council,,,.... X17. 3 19gF193..... Yeas �jn uss Pinlan................. favor Approved. ............... .............._.........._...._...........-.._ ea e son Against ., . y- en?.e1 .F eM 6.76 Mr. Vice President (Truax) -J � 1 k ! r s �• �� i , DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU, CIL THE COMPTROLLER NO COUNCILMEN—ROLL CAL FIILENIrl _- _ _ OFFICE OF 4 COUNCIL RESOLUTION CONROY pp map �T#FAVOR - L ._______ �12RIA t__�_-_____-_-19'3.6___ AUDITED CLAIMS WL �an PEARCE ��a '�.��� _OAX-CAGAINST SILOHEII�R }��n RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE Lf6N T ITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AM N_T Q,F f—i•(� f COVERING MR. PRE.. B LLii -' NUMBERED—�6fJ-1;y;`iI,-TO—__ INCLUSIVE, AS COUNCIL----------------------- :HECK. CI70 ER CHECKS ON FILE i 11 •FFICE F THE ITY C PTROLLER. - �T1ua% ADOPTED BY THE ff�_fy f ____,_ _ ____ _ _____ CITY GOTIPTItOLL.R /jam .., C. F. No. 164721— Resolved, that checks be drawn CHECK rN Ithe city treasury to [he aggregate NUMBER �il amount of $29,646.67, sling numbered 27336 to 27384, Iacluslve, TOTAL on ISFER heck' !CKS a' DATE RETURNED BY BANK DISBURSEMENT CHECKS check' on file In the oHlce ....:city _MIu`rollei. - _ of the ---.- ---=- _----- _---_ =-- - Adopted by the Council Aug. 13, j� ADDroved Aug. 13, 1936. (Aug. 16, 1939) 1936. 1 L2 9 3J V • 27335 II Lindstrom & Anderson 20 5901 27336 ' Axel F. Peterson. C. of Finance 3 27337 i Axel r. Peterson, 0. of rinazpe 27338 11 John Lennon 20,85 40100 27339 i Yrs. Harriet Jane Gay and George G. Chapin 23104 27340 ;; Thomson, Wood & Roffman and I J Todd 8 rosues 100 27341 'i North Star Bakery Company25 E 27342 A. J. MoOarthy 0 27343 George Sudeith 28!00 57 26 2734+ ' Northern states Power Company; 27345 Northern states Power Company 194104 27346 A.J. Reiser 1155 27347 Riley Company 27348. St.Paul Builders Material Company 9127 27349 St.Paul Corrugating Company '12P 27350 ,1 St.Paul Motors, Inc* 428 217150 27351 '! Jacob Schmidt Brewing Compan '! 10100 27352 The Frank Shepard Company Company 1 610143 2735 South Park Foundry '1 Company 30 00 2735 Speed..0-.Laq Products I 27355 1 $pool cotton Company 21100 ! 27356 !, R.B. Stahl Company 333'99 27357 standard oil company 537167 li 27358 ;! Standard Spring Company 8.92 ii 27359 'j Standard Unit Parte Corporati n 521,23 27360 :; G. T. Steohert 8 Company 'I 5123 2640 27361 Toro Mfg.Oompsny 27362 ',1 George A. Trudeau 2105 27363 I Twin City Book & Stationery C mpany 273 11 Twin City Lumber 6 Shingle Coopany 1 27365 '1 Twin City Show Card Company '; Twin City Textile Mills YOO 27j� 27366 27367 ',; Underwood Elliott Fisher Com y 149100 27368 I United States News 8100 27369 11 Universal Oarloading & Dist.C,.Inc. 216 27370 j� University of North Carolina:Press �'93 1 128 !;27371 Vellumoid Company 1;27372 �� Victory Printing Company 79150 Wm. L. Weber 18130 9100 27373 it Western Sign Company 11 Westinghouse Electric • ectric supply 31161 127375 27376 p R.B. Whitacre III Company,Inoe Iompany I 259 ',79 1127377 The White Company 11 ;13 27378 1,I R.W. Wilson Company ! 565 I'60 29147 27379 Wolters Brothers 27380 florid Peace Foundation 1 05 1;27381 'Ij Worthington—Damon Meter Oompa#7 195 5 27382 Yoerg Brewing Company ! 67 0 61 273g3 ah. H. Ziegler tlompany, Inc, 334 273gµ Zinsmaster Baking Company i 5 97 0 II SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD s.ao +s Petition G-13 U4722 Council File No. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: eargd.ing the present roadway to surface with e mei cg�E tmiixwua_aurYarinv- ---- Dated —.---..--...day of..-.. . . ...... ....-AU99 an. No. 104722—By lrving C. P. � hereas. a written proposal f Ing of the following tmpre_ ading the present r..d-- d Street',fron, Cl�o S PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the Making of the following improvement, viz.: ___gMrA4&ng_t4q_2r qsent_Kosdwa onW _Sjreet J�rom Cross Street to Z_qj!d _ McKenty Street, and surface with pre -mixed Bituminous surfacing. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-_...._.—_. ---__— be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for an the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the YEAS NAYS BARFUSS 11"Cl Councilman FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON WENZEL arm csla�bt !'resident (Truax) Approved_____Mfi_" aa Mayor. HED 14723 COUNCIL FILE NO By - INTERMEDIARY ORDER �. In the Matter of grading Alley in Block 2, Kipp'a Glen Terrace Addition from Dealton Avenue to Grace Lane C.1o4raa— rnMatter o[ grading Aller 1n Bln� 2„ K(DD•e (ilea Terrace Addittoa r Dealton Avenue tclraee 7mno, ur:t :. Rrelfmtna v or t'-�. 4586 'sgDro - -'.Sul 14 x ..� h 7 'i#,fir et •. 104385 approved to . under Preliminary Order PP � 1411956 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said lmproviment is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. _ 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in `Block 2. Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition from Dealton Avenue to Grace Lana t! �a -with no.aheinatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ I Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of a 3eetember 193_SL, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That the 'Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 31936 193— s 13 1936 Approved—193 Ciry Clerk —T—�� Mayor Councilman Iiarfusa Councilmany---._j Findlan Councilman )?farce Pearce Councilman IRttsetr ---n Peterson Councilman V-'enzel J f0 „dorm B..S. A. 8-6` Mr• Vice President (Turas) z' z`> COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER IC4724 In, the Matter of condemning and taking an sasemer4t in the land neoessary for slopes, outs and fills in the.grading of Alley in Block 2, Kippes Glen Terrace Addition from Dealton Avenue to Grace Lane— %j 104724— } 4e n easement i nthe l ang�--and tar .q an easement fa the land nbeee9arY slopes cuts anfl fllls`}n We Brad. of Ali'ey infile Bioclt 2„SipDa n, ^race Addition fro nealton An- to Grace La^ S under Preliminary Order 104366 approved July 14 1936 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said. improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take sm4 easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley Sn Block 2, Kippts Glen Terrace Addition from Dealton Avenue to Grace Lane, in accordance with the blueprint hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portiohs slowipg the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 60.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of September 1938, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul- That the Commissionei'-of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. np� Adopted by the Council AUG 13 3&% , 193— Approved AUG 13 1!33g93-_ � C' Jerk Mayor Councilman Bnrfass Councilman 1 '=-_- Findlnn Z5,� Councilman bWc -- - P-,rce T TMITSFTGCS Councilman d1sen 5etlelelk:sen $Sal- Councilman fflftntatz=220 Wenzel 1e{a fTelzati 1 Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice 1'resident (Truax) \V COUNCIL FILE NO - JW25 , INTERMEDIARY ORDER the Matter of amiiag t nd,ts4ingan easement twenty. feet in width, on, umler,'japross said Lin mis, 6411ansous.tracto of lend in the N.W.J Of Sea 31 hip 28, Range 22 and the N.E.J of Seo, 4, Township 28, Range 22 for the ,so of constructing and maintaining a public sewer extending from the Point *a Road to the joint interceptor sewer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary 1j* at a point on the Right -of -Way of the Chicago, Burlington -and',illoy as,more particularly described hereafter. asatn-jiAs 6fsapid ,essement shall be a line Aesq;jba 3440m 401� 0 ML 01f 36a $, Towni&V' Riii6 thkie _4&94 -8.4at, thence al eagle 40 t an qx to a is a-Z71ATO --detitioe of 197.2 feet + 1,MMA1106-or Z"4­f4dt;,11XW11".1 N, 30" 'for 6. distance of 50.4 feet, thelzob Ark 7 t J H 97 .74 g j " _&qpt lit _Ti tjw��ak,.-poi on the,00 W B.1 of See. 4, Township 8. Range 22 and 467 feet west of the southeast corner of said N.E.J.of N * ;f Soo. 4, thence west along the south 411ne of s 0 of Sao,*.* Por Q,-_,4;.tspqo, af�, 49;,!42.� All it a S, f"Jae ng 1P -W -061 -4' r th ri. UP!, at !A int W, j of edpo lot &CWZPV ira# lik NO woo Vdu.� vi� N - Bu t i b116kh, V Aih Ot -y 4 bit spa ?m'SY Rai 2 aina iTitr a,- a u"F of a+i63ii stent en the OP, ou 0 1=11 ELY. A r ems' ii -,a f, d --*aid on.l., r A r Ir f and. t of 40, �4por of said �o�}AdiamDa�;r�acaeg�twhera 467 feet 0 f Township 28, Range 22 and 467 feet ji .thence .0, N"i"t.j Of N.B.1 of ton 4y .thence :at sa" t of Ssotj6H'14 for a'di6ftilde of 49 ..42, feet, thence at.sa 091* V k- the left 390 56, for a distance of 3 -05,,:66t)�`thencq`-At an 00 - Alit 4T , right of 410 231 for a distance of 4 9.04 feet td thd ftera6ptor sawar of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary 'District, at a point such t4t, listwSescriVO4W6 Produced- westerly a distance of 104.41 feet would, inter - between monuments marking the beginning of eurlvs,•tiil the ioilths'mV, ik"bi-therly -Right-of-Way, lilies of the Chios o, Burli* onAind northerly of the Inanument oJilK4-4bid 602!rly-lize zhhd easement for construction purposes Ecf'XtjjP of land 46 feet in width on each side of the easement above de - "bed. The said easement and temporary easexent to be taken and condemned t where said condemnation is not necessary for the said purpose. eogfa�sei� xe 478ferteni fez pTafLTcf sfnAgho+&oF £A� 8a°`f64 ar n arxop pp er,Qehf aL.FTJe;W{unogbo7Ts-2g�nf btrn7g2psvice oL d08'Od Esef fA fps a ss�eia-fie`ff' $ oL d7o' S8� Sot aft 02 Leef fiparlco A �Fix@0.6sgxt fps LT pf oz a 4T o0 oL 38$' L.�S L4+ gn2 e.fo fFa Ie '38o E8i L eo• d Lox. a gTafence oL 487 , Q:t@ po o flx T a oL 14•E• oL 2 a eo• d' fpanoe �h $fa o . F ne..oL atria R•E' ylq a oL y.•E• g °L ?, aon�Eesa$ oourar °L � at ge •y3'.So�apTb S8 Reaf$fo s ..,�oTni 3�e €ft I e o ys 31 E °L R'E•x Lox s gTaftrooe oL &e oL'id8 d be0 ,t x¢slii¢ a BA foz,f &So 73, 0 028 70, 30u Lor. a gTaf G. ppgzsoe Ltrp s Foxfipe 3T9Ff oL 879 encs oL=la Q5 booF $30 $ aQ ' £ 7ss 7d, b o bosAf M" a oL 780 01 LFL tr' f gftrFrQe ob 2�iS'2@ beefsfit g;jae,s�'eA tree so a: x TRgp oS 98o S5� g° 3,qg 47gsTca oL E23' �"stzoa.,ael�fi a snot. Bali 4 , s oeezi3lrTbB' ;. oats=- C s2oA8 FpoF fi� p ' ooiifssL .oL sac $ e s 7Tna goac aaf7p wa tox7 �cBnQ nntrL 7Tn OL atrT� esaaaspf $p°77` p qOVT;soLTFeg }rexeaLfeL $ ou uu4 tlo2 r:'JraF.utol:'e b°a .8'TFf oLGpitrceRuussjtP_'b°fez.1. f fF hoZxxp o roeb�gr aoeneT oL *P inT expel amort kF 0 .:gosrgrpo FFe"-�n� t=gfh g stTs@ a'BIrP77o,os. .:+s::.3o cr cona.px.cl°f7 a,g T uair - under prditninary Order 104446 approve' July 21, 1936: The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having COMIdered said report, hereby rescives: r d. That the ehideport ane tie same is Hereby approved and 10606 4.A hereby ordered to be proceeded with .2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends 0. @ondesaa and take aII easement tw my feet in width, ons under, across ,s'., sand through certain miscellaneous tracts of land in the N.of a"221ror 564^ Township 28, Range 22 and the Not. I of Seo. 4, Township -28, Rang , the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer extending from -. Minneapolis - the Point Douglas Road to the joist interceptor sewer fYWthe offitheaChicago, -Saint Paul Sanitary District at a point on the Righ Y Burlington m Quincy Railway. as more particularly described hereafter. 'xe center line of its easbmen �ftall be s line described Aaefollows- heMl%dtjK r the a4rtpn[egtroosr oY .Section 3, Township $8, ung i4lynslong the north line of said Se ion 3, a debenoe of"663.28 feet, , fir., at: to the` right of 69x22 for, a disteaos ofxSB deet, y =fit d 16-11,s #a to -thv left �df 19c- d' foir a ; istsaoe aoE 1R .2 sr� o d, ' of bdgimTti?igi thanes est aIe to,.iha iSght cfKsl A 1vuilor-9akdl tamsew _ 6 .4 vfeet,4' bifenee=tet a angl+ty a thr sight: oS $ k a ce for aodistands r a aof le , o the left 320 of 769.4'feet, thence at an an$.,, �- 7�9Ci78 Paet�'to s;ptsiat on_the•-sa6Yl line -df the: of 1T Ea; ;vf Section 4, y4 Townoblp 28, Range 22 and X487 feet west of the eent$eedbt Qosaer of said H.E. of H.E.} of los 4ya fhb ab�ith lino oYtsa3d`i ^^ thence west eIong .- 9�jt,-Vj} of, Seetio for s dietem6e of 49l.4 2 feet, thence at ,an Angles%a t r,.'. $ the left 390 661 for a distance of 3,62.Oi feat, thenoo at an s}a.�#r right of 410 23' for a distance of 4o9.04 feet to thd� * tt ' iiiterodpt'or �t,; sewer of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul sanitary District, at A point such that leaf:dsselrie"produced- westerly a distance of 104.41 feet would inter- soot�a lUiridrs*n between monuments marking the beginning of ourve,,A. the bouth*lgn &ifttbrtherly Right -of -Way lines of the Chicago, Burlington Aad {t{jj - Qu3;nD �>Rlyd1'l iYi -228.47 tlortherly of the -monument on'the �siiid soul;herig-line - ` 5id[e'end aondemois teltaYe�ty easement for construction purposes " pA`ggtrip of land 40 feet in width on each side of the easement above de- � The said easement and temporary easeirent to be taken and condemned }t where said condemnation is not necessary for the said purpose. ®i. OM Oj�$ br.0gnG$ gxvepban7 lfez ODiafI-T'.p F a fF °#?�F oL.: fFe'�lvneabo7.; 2 'Lot a 9Tafsvbe °L 408'Od L F Fesf, F .4"I# FF° L;gFf. Fb d1o'$3i t oL a 47afevos of aes'02 ;6 svg7e fo Plle 7s19 880 26E L o� 2 Zee• d L°oLg8C8foNeAce�A+�ro 71ve °L agTS 11'E' °L H*E*i °L H'1 'ig gp�yfpesaf caLveL °L q a+ yoxneF7b 5E IigA&s. 55 .., n�a.•$ ax�.yi'lti'3 oL Sao, .. ptiJeLO 8G{Q ewhILSI.I� 65:.0 +F SDC AO pe8 JF° et;c 6eae7 6I7{ e.9 F cs 01 bnzbo_ez L b oL 7g°q �0 Lee* Tv A -Too °D escy a:. oL cOOEfLnofSOD S>ryVT R fgKe, gvq.'GO a fembot.aLX Ouse meAf L e seTq aonFpeL7T 7Tve Ya tyoarncenf on FF g or! eD9 pL s tf S gF'C L yoLFFsL7T' oL f}Ig OPTcego' BnL7TP e. G B QT',%U$ 7Tnee oL FFesgTvuTug, oL CnLae oA- kF a t• 1aLu oD oDfa nrsLg7ssg fFe Po .i7'LeeF m°rr7(T P Ot 41 anc FPFf getl a 7Td8"`raw i?ef eseafezj�"g. 4T$fgDoe L 8ack?pB�Ips.bjognoeg n 2�Tfgt1.efrT f pFera@bFoz :. -Tea oy fWe yitresbo7Ta agentb:�08'03 Teef Fb fNe �ofg3etf FFe: o ° k5j?F b ; o OL g q7$ aDae OL 365.08 '6' avcs g atrreD&7 f0 ,r oI 58E Ls. af fF ~ oFe 7eLa $Bp eD� Lot a q.p� g qaa sDae °L d27 fiS Leefjig acn a oL e8T9 I4`E i T, ¢a IAGe; 676 0- oi�^ of ou fFssloeaat b fWs aFoi fgsgeF a DSb6e T FePDe g�ifi]e Fo.rs'iT�Pf °eg2cD eoFToD 3' s 4fe�os;§Kxse S5':'flss�@ eas si7'A'g?°ug` ow F°L" 7 v�oyveL ob 2abfroD 3. ,yon Pi? S`8 #fig bo7Toxe { a voz F+neaf tae eacLTA . gonmletrb7ng gfsLF De OL asT4 eeaevrevf aFg77 Po a 7 4 SFe oepf 7T bzea -fez• . a ga•roLB ;bsfiC47�=•z1+ 4gS�g7Qt tii RFs (`FTcggo' BttL�Ts7gfou ff 6n yc7t SgTIf. of s boTV; by l0,,,IT WP oL PFs Y{? OaF 7Ta- a;st+ bg� 8g3��fsLi DTEiT f v eLoebfox $ o fFe Toglaf.°T $ r. . - fFs b°Tuf D°ng7ga bouq f _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00• ,Resolved Further, That a public besting be had on said improvement on the 9th dAy oY S�tembe>1 193 `� , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Co t House and City Hall Building ir. 012''City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice.of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AIIS 193 Approved AUG I 193--� Z�� Clerk Mayor Councilman Rerfnae Councilman N+3�" h a d a❑ n, Councilman p� Yea ee U PUBLISHED Couhcilman RxWIi Peterson Councilman wgie�= ilenzel Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mr. Vice 1 resident (True:� tell. COUNCIL FILE NO } By e INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south aide of Ven Buren St. beginning at the west line of Dale St., thence west 119 ft. in- cluding 8 foot driveway, and on the west side of Dale St. relay, repair`and reconstruct the cement tile walk beginning at a point 6 ft. nosh—o -the south line of Van Buren $ _thence south 42 ft. and relay (10 x 6 and 4 x 6) extensions on the 80ut,00at' corner of Dale and Van Buren Street, c. F. 9u. 104726— Iin the Matter of recenstrgcttng wIW monolithic concrete the sidewalk the south side of van Bwen st ginning at the west line of - 7{.x thence west. 119 ft inciuitnv Ariveway and on tWRI 4G re18y r ra ift,� is under Preliminary Order 104100 a approvers TMJnne¢,1ri1956+ �,; The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance u the -above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ¢� 1. That the; report and the same is hereby approved and adoptedy Kit he said Lm�ira eat s whereby ordered totbe proceeded with J 2, That:(ltq nature of the improvement which the Council recommendd 6-4, oonstrttat monollthio oQ4brete the sidewalk on the south side of Van BurenS-t begimaipg et, is A west line of )ale�St., thence west 119 ft. including 8 foot driveways and ozi th �Sef�ot aide of Dale -`.St. relay, repair and reconstruct the cement the walk: beginning a a� point. S -K.--n—orMA of the south line of Van Buren St., theao9outh 42 ftaad reisq! # (10• a 8 6d 4 a"'6) extensions on the southwest oorner oY a ate �Ieut Buren Si.. yy,, t"where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist,` ��. '£G, with no al�''n vas na �t a estimated cost the sof is $1.00 per front Ydq�" mond thiol f41fSY, new tale 12gr of £iia 9 per square foo • tta Resolved FuiNer, That a public hearing be had on said improvement ori ih 9tfi h dYf fi September 193-A-, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the:Cquneil'chamber $f ffie 4,k HouseandCity Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. Thar the Commissioner of Flnaa s$lie Ic ee of SS said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and plilt o Ete.h ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted- by the Council AUG 13 16193— o� = Approved 193_ Clerk Mayor Councilman Barfuss 5 Councilrnan -�=- Findlan Councilmancarre Penrce Councilmarf,Rbuff-M Peterson CotmcilmarL--lass Fenzel e an>- Mr. Vice 1'resident (Truii4 Arm B. S. A. 8-6 IV 27 COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of van Buren Street beginning at the west line of Dale St., thence west 68 feet (7 feet in width); beginning 11 feet farther west, thence west relay 8 feet of tile walk and (7 x 8) corner, (9 x 10 and 2 x 6) extensions on the northwest corner of Dale Street and van Buren Street, C. F. No. 304787— In the Matter of recoaetructing witr. h thenGlithlo north side of Van Buren std beginning nt the west line of V, ;_ thence west "feet (7 Leet th! beginning 11 :ofeetf•'-;• A � under Preliminary Order 104101 approved June 24, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement. is s( hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with'40 monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of van Buren Street beginning at the west line of Dale St., thence west 68 feet (7 feet in width); beginning 11 feet farther west, thence west relay 8 feet of tile walk and (7 x 8)oorner, (9 x 10 and '2 x 6) extensions on the northwest corner of Dale Street and Van Buren Street; except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, with no al�erntives a tlttate timated cost theeeofis 100 per front foot, monolithiof x•11 per square oo , nervi ei .0� per square o0 o d3Te.- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on tha 9th' day of September 193 6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Courr House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of, said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council 13 , 193—_Z�115�1 14�115�9_ AUG 13 4_�� City Clerk Mayor Councilman . I3� fuse Councilman 1=,, i :a I Indian Councilman l cc:: ct Penrce Councilman tMLISHED - Councilman Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8.6 Mr. Vice President ('Pruax) COUNCIL FILE NO- 'South O ir4728 ' C. F. No. 1047E8-- Ia Uie 8iatter o[ reoonetruettagwii a� m94?ltthlc oacreethe aStre the north ekde , South Strewafy glanlag at the west Itna o4' atreek the4ce west 188 feet, FrelltnfaarY Order t04j 5, aa�. Julr Tape Cour �^ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north` aide of South Street, beginning at the west line of Rice Street, thence west 128.feet, under Preliminary Order 1042bb approved July 6, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north aide of South Street, beginning at the west line of Rice Street, thence west 128 feet, except where good and sufficient h sidewalks already exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_j.00 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of ,pt: bar _ 193_6_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti ed. Adopted by the Council AUG 3 193 �� Q� AUG 13 WS councilman1WWonaiff--2' linrfoss Councilman:'s;.:_..� Fiudlan Councilman Peacce Peterson Councilman ,• � Ibsen`" -=.v,, W enzet Counci Mr. Vice Ifcnident (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8-6 - Mayor 0jRLISHF.D- V-1 4729 COUNCIL FILE NO , By INTERMEDIARY ORDER ,. In the Matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement the :sidewalk oII the north aide of Jessamine St. beginning at the west line of Mendota'St.p thence s west 186 feet; beginning 10 feet farther west, thence west 80 feet;,and ori ha anutl► aide of Jessamine St. beginning at a point 72 feet west of the weat line... Mendots St., thence west 50 feet, under Preliminary Order 104254 approved July 6, 1956' s The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves:, 1 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repair, relay and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Jessamine St. beginning at the west line of Mendota St., thence west 186 feet; beginning 10 feet farther west, thence west 80 feet, and on the south side of Jessamine St. beginning at a point 72 feet west of the west line of Mendota St., thence west 50 feet, except where good and sufficient` sidewalks already exist, per square foot 0.11. new tile; X0.08 old tile. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof o $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th An of SaRtemher 1 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 131 193— Approved AUG 13 1� 193 Ci lerk J 7�' Mayor R Councilman Bnrfu=9 Councilman =-7L Fmdlan Councilman �8a ee `" 1""Ice / Councilman4 sets= - Pltrraon Councilman nnm Wenzel Form B. B. S Mr. V resident (Truax) 104'730. C. F. No. 104780- 1. the Mattel or. reDaiH¢H: COUNCIL FILE NO. !hence north 'J02':1d width)" ' - °,g...a$Provgd7u1y 0,'=1'. ou „mot the,. CA By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing the�4oemeitt tile'eSdslstil on the east side of Smith Avenue, beginning at a point 42 feed nbith of the. nco line of Ninth Street, thence north 102 feet (8 feet in width) i under Preliminary.+tn&ao approver --+ The Council of the City of St. Paul having receivtd the report of the Commissioner of Financeupon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same it hereby approved and adoptedr and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which uncil recommends is repair, relay and , r;eoonstrnot the cement tile sidewalk on e t aide of Smith Avenue, beginning at ` a point 42 Peet ,north of the north line iin'th Street, thenogc-.aorth_102 feet (8 feet in sid6h), except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereo(/is $ 0,11, new tile= 10.08 old tifie. Resolved FuttheIr, That a public; hearing be had on said improvement on the 9th day of stjoptanhar 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esti ed. Adopted by the Council 936 193— Clerk Approved ANIG 193_ C Mayor Councilman a " --I Bat -fuss, Councilman >- - F k641an Councilman DOW- Peirce fleterson Councd*n 1#b"sen• Councilman Wenzel DAr. Vice rressdeut(Truax) `'' Form B. S. A. 8-6 ti_ ; I n47M Original to City Clerk eouata CITY OF ST. PAUL ra NO ------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM BEsonoazoxa PRESENTED BY • `� �� DATE: COMM) aIONE No. � , Ervlagg C. Pearce--� 4 buacllof the City; j. award. the oftzl RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby awa &( ',r Sibleey street! contract for the paving of Sibley Street from Tenth StreettrP Norris Street, Tenth Street from Sibley Street to 120 feet west, and market runways in the City of Saint Paul, to Minnesota Contractors, Inc., said Minnesota contractors, Inc. being the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder therefor and the formal bid No. 9313 of said bidder having been the lowest reasonable and reliable bid received therefor, for the lump sum contract p ce of $86,337, in accordance with said formal bid No. 9313 and the plans and specifications therefor on file in the office of the Commissioner of Public Works, and the Corporation Counsel `> be and he hereby is authorized and directed to prepare the pazQ or form of contract therefor and the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorised and directed to execute said con— tract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul, the Engineerts estimate having been $95,784.00; be it w -„- FURTHER RESOLVED, that whereas the Council has determined to award Said contract as aforesaid, on the basis of a lump sum contract price and to reject all unit price proposals for the furnishing of new -brick to supply any deficiency which may arise in relation to old brick provided to be laid in said improvement, therefore all such i unit price bids be and the same hereby are rejected, and be it FURTHER itE$OLVED, that all payments on account of said contract by the City of Saint Paul be made from the following funds appropriated therefor: P. I. R., the City Local Improvement Aid Fund, Code 31 E 1, Business Street Bond Fund; and be it a” FURTHER RESOLVED, that said contract shall contain a provision that :..:: tj:o-..ity shall not be required to pay in excess of $1.20 per j square yard for any new brick furnished and laid by the contractor to Supply any deficiency of old brick required to be relaid as T5TOvided in acid plans and specifications. COUNCILMEN AUG 1419196 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---- -.....----193---•-- teet_ ,son AUG 141 a Barf B-- -...In favor Approved .............................. -------193...--. Truax / 1 W 9P'P/1IId1an��/ ABainst .....-.b' .. Mayor nzel PIZ 3M 11-35 r. President (Geban) �� f RUBLISffi?D @ i a CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUD P. SHKAHAN HILARY J. PLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVINO OOTLIES JAS. P. SULLIVAN ARRMTANT! To the Honorable Council Of the City of St. Paul. JOHN L. CONNOLLY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY E. H. SWEDEEN C -M INVIIST10ATOR August 13, 1936. Gentlemen: Re Paving Sibley Street from Tenth Street to Norris, Tenth Street from Sibley Street to 120 feet west, and market runways. This is in response to your request of the 11th addressed to the Corporation Counsel for an opinion as to whether or not the Council has the power to award the contract pursuant to formal bid 9313 for said improvement. The determination of this question depends upon the interpre- tation of the pertinent provisions of the Charter, to -wit: "Not otherwise specified. - Sec. 309. All contracts not otherwise provided for in this charter shall be let by the council." "Opening bids. - Sec. 312 (a). All bids shall be opened in the presence of the comptroller or his representative, the purchasing agent and the head of the department most directly concerned in the contract." "Award of contracts. - Sec. 313. Unless otherwise provided for in this charter, all contracts involving less than $5,000 shall be awarded by the persons charged with the opening of the bids and such contracts shall not require confirmation by the council. Where more than $5,000 is involved, the award shall be made in the same manner and by the same persons, but it shall not be com- plete, and it shall be of no effect to bind the city un- less approved by the council by resolution." "Sec. 349 (a). Said commissioner of public works shall prepare plans, specifications and estimates for all work provided for in this chapter and the iiaapter of this charter on local improvements (ChapteY'X�Yj J and said plans shall be approved by the council before any work shall be done under them. After any such im- provement has been ordered, said council shall cause bids to be received therefor on the basis of said contractor furnishing all labor and material for said work for a cij -2- 5-13-36. To the Honorable Coun specified sum; also on the basisof a force account, said contractor to receive a certain percentage of cost price for carrying.on the work. Said council may let said contract as it may see fit or it may reject all bids and order said commissioner of public works to secure the necessary material through the purchasing agent provided for in this chaarter, and perform said work by day labor. In either case said work shall be paid -for as this charter provides and tski:d commissioner shall have general charge thereof. The council shall by proper ordinance give effect to this section." The work contemplated by the proposed contract is provided for by Chapters XIV and XVII -of the Charter, and the said proposed con-. tract involves more than $5,000. Section 349 (a) is contained in said Chapter XVII. The Comptroller, Purchasing Agent, and Commissioner of Public Works, the contract committee in this case, after due receipt and con- sideration of competitive formal bids.submitted by seVil"Al private contractors for said contract, by majority vote, the Commissioner -of_,- Public Works dissenting, determined to report and did report &xe6om- mendation to the Council that all bids be rejected in lieu of awarding or recommending thle award of the contract to the lowest reasonable and reliable bidder. The question arises as to whether or not in relation to such a contract contemplating only work provided for by said Chapters %IV and XVII, the Council may make the award without a previous award hav- ing been made therefor by the contract committee. The said Section 313 applies to all contracts unless otherwise provided for in the Charter, and wherever it is operative an award by the contract committee may be deemed essential anda conditiorx,pre- requisite to such action by the Council.' Section 349 (a) is limited in its operative effect to.contracts providing for local improvements and improvements provided to be done by or under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works: The contract proposed is such a contract and is embraced within the terms of said Section 349 (a). Said Section 349 (a) contains a provision' that in relation to such contracts, the.Council may make the award. as,it shall see fit and contains no condition that the contract com- mittee first act in the premises. If this section were alone .to be considered, we should have no difficulty in concluding that the Council has the power to award the contract in the instant case. There isat To the Honorable Council -3 843-36 least a serious doubt or ambiguity by,reason of the existence of the two sections 'on this subject, Sections 313 and 349 (a). It is a car- dinal rule in relation to the award of, municipal contracts, that the procedure provided therefor by the Charter must be in every essential respect carried out in order that a valid award may be effected. See - tion 313 provides in such cases where the amount involved is more than $5,000; the award of the contract committee shall not be complete and shall be of no effect to -bind the City unless approved by the Council . by resolution. The approval required by this section involves a Judi- cial rather than a ministerial act, and in relation thereto the Council is empowered to exercise discretion and judgment in reviewing the ac- tion of the contract committee and may officially approve or disap- prove, or in a proper case, revise such action. In the instant case every condition of the Charter which might be deemed to be required in cases falling within the provisions of Section 313,, has been performed except that no award has been made by the contract committee nor the Council. The committee has acted in the..premises to the extent of determining to recommend, the., rejection of bids and not to award or recommend award of the contract. It has been said that where charter provisions are capable of either of two interpretations, one designed to expedite and facilitate the conduct of the City's business, and the other to hamper or retard it, the former interpretation should.:be made. There is a palpable. distinction between contracts for work such as that contemplated is the instant case and ordinary contracts for the purchase of .supplies or the construction of other improvements, and there is a justificathn ' for confiding the award of contracts'for local improvements to the Council. The ruling that the Council could not award such a contest in the absence of a previous'a*iLr by the contract committee in the...,,. event of a situation such -is that here presented, the. only, alternative where.the necessity for the wor•�w&s urgeat, would be by an order to the Commissioner of Public worksl .`to secure the necessary materia , through the Purchasing Agent _and, perform'the work by day labor. Such. construction would have a tendency to hamper rather than facilitate the City in the transaction of its. business. Section 349. (a) is concluded by`the following sentence: "Ttie council shall by proper ordinance gine effect to this section." We have been unable to discover ani: such ,ordinance and assume rat none_ iPas enacted. However, in view of the language of section 3the subject of its provisions, we 'conclude that such oan&nee was not essential to give such sem ffect, at least in sp.Far,as it purports to grant the'Council *:K award. contracts. It is our opinion from these consideratiins,tha!t in this case action by the Council awarding 'said contract; to thelowest reasonable and reliable bidder would not be disturbed by the Courts,and that .the power of the Council sq to do weuldA# sustained. Y.o y, Lt?S_gspis apt _: _ r'pprat M Counsel.. ////t � jf�.. _r �ir,. � �J �/ f �,_ July E0, 1936 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAIL! PA10L Gentlemen# The Contract Committee hereby recommends that bids received on the fo].losing work be reJeeted because of irregularities in the lou bid, and the work be readvertised. Fe B. #953go For the paving of Sibley Street from Tenth Street to Norris Street Tenth Street from Sibley Street to 3.20 fe;A wast. and Market Runways. Respectfully submitted, THE CONTRACT CMaTTEE onamt to CA%Cler% WMCI.�C 1� CITY OF ST. PAUL p„8 No.—IC-47 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM f�- f PRESENTEONERD BY ,L/.—W_ �'�/ Dp -, 6 Comm RESOLVED, that the appointment by the Mayor. of Walter T. Ryan and the appointment by the Council of Herbert W. Austin, to act with John B. Probst, Chief Examiner of the Civil Service Bureau, on the Board of Appeal created under the provisions of Chapter 409, Session Laws, 1933, in the matter of the appeal of Thomas A. Brown, are hereby ratified and confirmed.by the Council. COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays earce I/Peterson grfus-s__..-.._.._In favor ruax W r:VX in(Uan3'- Against enzel r. President (Gehan) 3M 1i -as �r Adopted by the Coancil._..AtP..t. -.193...... Approved---.---AUrl.-y .&M-------193...... Mayor August 14th, 1936. Yr. Walter T. Ryan, Attorney at Lax , 6og Globe Building, Ht. Paul, Uinnesota. Dear Sire Attached hereto Is a copy of a reso- lution adopted by the City Council today appointing you a member of the Board. of Appeal created under the provisions of Chapter 109, Session Laws of 1933, in the matter of the appeal of Thomas A. Brown. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Angnst litth, 1936. Mr. John B. Probst, Chief RSraminer, , Civil Service Bureac, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Hirt Attached hereto is a copy of a reso- lution adopted by the City Council today appointing YOU a member of the Board of Appeal created under the provisions of Chapter 409, Session haws of 1933, in the matter of the appeal of Thomas A. Brown. Yours very traly, City Olerk. August 114th, 1936. Mr. S. W. Austin, Purchasing Agent, Building. Dear sirs Attached hereto is a COW of a "so- lution adopted by the City Council today appointing you a member of the Board of Appeal created under the provisions of Chapter 1+09, Session laws of 1933, in the matter of the appeal of Thomas A. Brown. ?oars very true, City Clark. es. Gehaa orw..l t. CJq a.kORM',"" } {ti + #*OUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED '10' ' � 4 ORDINANCE.; RlO --j { in ordinance amending Or8liee No. 5840; ;entitled a`r } w "An ordinance for the purposeof promoting the roruan puir�lic health, safety, order, convenience, prosper- p°,a °f4 itq and general welfare by providing for the classi- ealth ..t.t i'tY azlii fioation, regulattp*.and restriction of the' location �clodlaad ° of trades and industries and of buildings used for md°lne. e human habitation ikd for specified purposes, and the ad tot .D ! ..lght height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or .� .Tooted .ag eaddeG altered, and r egulating and d etermining the minimum also et 1 i s34e oY1ot, line courts and other open spaces, and ' establi.ehing the boundaries,of districts for said yDes a,_ F fi p uposeera Spprowed July 7th, 1922. f R is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for "V 7 the Ireeervatiota of the public peace, health and sof sty. z ?SE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 3 a7 i eition.l. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, �u 'W and the same is hereby amended. so as to rezone �t S �1'he 'East One-half (EJ) of Lot Three (3) and all �r r DY�otFour (4), Block Thirty-three (33), Suburban tri ls Addition F.q,Clas IipA Residence District to Commercial District.': �• �� .. i This ordinance is hereby declared to be an Gln tordinance rendered necessary for the preservation.of the"`'p4peaae, health and safety. '- 3ee'tion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ., force from and after its passage and publication. may.a SEP aIN Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ...... -------------_•----_-------------------- Pearce, Peterson - - *i �3 Sarfuse /� _...In Favor Findl (-� ...Against Weasel Attest: hir csid roved:.- ......... - ---•-- - --------------- L% - - - _ ........ - - - - .... ----- .. ........... -- - ------- City Cle /�/j-/�':j/{�'�o'/y�o JU. -5 �PiT^LTSHED j ed N 1 ; Ist. Lald oveFta r ^J: 'i z r�0 es. Gehaa orw..l t. CJq a.kORM',"" } {ti + #*OUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED '10' ' � 4 ORDINANCE.; RlO --j { in ordinance amending Or8liee No. 5840; ;entitled a`r } w "An ordinance for the purposeof promoting the roruan puir�lic health, safety, order, convenience, prosper- p°,a °f4 itq and general welfare by providing for the classi- ealth ..t.t i'tY azlii fioation, regulattp*.and restriction of the' location �clodlaad ° of trades and industries and of buildings used for md°lne. e human habitation ikd for specified purposes, and the ad tot .D ! ..lght height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or .� .Tooted .ag eaddeG altered, and r egulating and d etermining the minimum also et 1 i s34e oY1ot, line courts and other open spaces, and ' establi.ehing the boundaries,of districts for said yDes a,_ F fi p uposeera Spprowed July 7th, 1922. f R is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for "V 7 the Ireeervatiota of the public peace, health and sof sty. z ?SE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 3 a7 i eition.l. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved July 7th, �u 'W and the same is hereby amended. so as to rezone �t S �1'he 'East One-half (EJ) of Lot Three (3) and all �r r DY�otFour (4), Block Thirty-three (33), Suburban tri ls Addition F.q,Clas IipA Residence District to Commercial District.': �• �� .. i This ordinance is hereby declared to be an Gln tordinance rendered necessary for the preservation.of the"`'p4peaae, health and safety. '- 3ee'tion 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in ., force from and after its passage and publication. may.a SEP aIN Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council ...... -------------_•----_-------------------- Pearce, Peterson - - *i �3 Sarfuse /� _...In Favor Findl (-� ...Against Weasel Attest: hir csid roved:.- ......... - ---•-- - --------------- L% - - - _ ........ - - - - .... ----- .. ........... -- - ------- City Cle /�/j-/�':j/{�'�o'/y�o JU. -5 �PiT^LTSHED j ed N CITY OF SAINT PAUL ���►� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration August 13th, 1936 - Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sin The Council has referred to you the attached file in the matter of rezoning Lots 3 and 14, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition in a Commercial District with the request that you prepare an ordinance to provide for the rezoning of only the Hast one-half of Lot 3 and all of Lot 14, Block 33, Subtarban Hills Addition from "d" residence to Commercial, as recommended in the letter of the Zoning Board hereto attached. Yours very trulq, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council 193— Ycas / Nays BA SS FIN AN EARCE �RSON RUAX IVENZEL PRESIDENT CGEHAN) ///1R. January Plot. 19"46. Tion. Axel F. Peterson, ComO r -)f Finance, ?nil ding. Pear Sir: On February 9th, 1q76, a hearing will be held in t'e cutter f rezoning Lots 1 and 49 Bloc'-: 11, SmInirban Rills Addition from "A" P.esieance District to Oommercial District. will yon kindly send notices to the interested parties of this hearinr4 CYo'tre very truly, City Clark. a In the matter of application of the Hutchins Estate to rezone Lots 3 and Block. 33, Subunban Hills Addition. This is an "A" Residence District and the owner has been disturbed through the relocation of the Point Douglas Road and the Hudson Road. This refers to his filling service station at Burns and Point Douglas Road and the filling station on the triangle at Hastings Ave. and English St. Both will have to be abandoned. The applicant is the owner of Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition. The State Highway Department have acquired Lots 1 and 2 for the widening of Hudson Road and the building of a service drive to serve the Hutchins property. The applicant wishes to consolidate his filling stations at the two above named locations on Lots 3 and 4 and add to the commercial services to be rendered the public. The Board does not wish to rezone the 125 ft. in depth of Lot 3 abutting Johnson Parkway, and this has been acquiesced in by the applicant. The Board, therefore, recommend that the East one-half of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition be rezoned from "A"Residence to Commercial. This matter was before the Board in January 1936 and the petition was certified as sufficient by the Commissioner of Finance. At that time the Board suggested a postponement for six t'tY Ola - THE BOARD OF ZONING A Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 i : SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURTHOUSE �+ FILED G4'fii i-Y('IrnylS t 193 ISAAC. SUMMERFIELD, Chairman 'lav , • LOUIS BER ALBERT BILIENa 4 F)J6 GIN WAHMANR - N,] BERNARD J. M.GLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect _ � ` '�• GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Sometay _ - Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Hutchins Estate to rezone Lots 3 and Block. 33, Subunban Hills Addition. This is an "A" Residence District and the owner has been disturbed through the relocation of the Point Douglas Road and the Hudson Road. This refers to his filling service station at Burns and Point Douglas Road and the filling station on the triangle at Hastings Ave. and English St. Both will have to be abandoned. The applicant is the owner of Lots 1 to 6 inclusive, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition. The State Highway Department have acquired Lots 1 and 2 for the widening of Hudson Road and the building of a service drive to serve the Hutchins property. The applicant wishes to consolidate his filling stations at the two above named locations on Lots 3 and 4 and add to the commercial services to be rendered the public. The Board does not wish to rezone the 125 ft. in depth of Lot 3 abutting Johnson Parkway, and this has been acquiesced in by the applicant. The Board, therefore, recommend that the East one-half of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition be rezoned from "A"Residence to Commercial. This matter was before the Board in January 1936 and the petition was certified as sufficient by the Commissioner of Finance. At that time the Board suggested a postponement for six page---2--- months. until the State Highway Department plans were further advanced. The board recommend that the Gast one-half of Lot 3 and all of Lot 4 be rezoned from ngp Residence to Commercial, and that the applicant be permitted to move his filling station appliance and operate his filling station on this tract of land. Yours very truly, �--"a!-......,rte •P George H. Harrold, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh enclosures. GtTY G,. ,i Ad ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman •- LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J' McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, Cry Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir February 4th, 1936. Your letter of January 16th in the matter of petition for rezoning Lots 3 and 4, Block 33, Suburban Hills Addition. This is petitioned for by Y. M. Hutchins, and the area asked to be rezoned is 5001x 1031, one end of this property being against Johnson Parkway. Mr. Hutchins appeared before the Board of Zoning at their meeting this morning and is agreeable to a postponement of'several months, when it will be possible to get com- plated plans of the Highway Department's lay- out and the possibilities of getting into his land from the new highway. The Highway Depart- ment are rebuilding and lowering Hudson Road along this property. Also, he may consider reducing the area which he asked,to be rezoned. The Board recommend that this matter be postponed for six months. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLIO Engineer Secretary. gh-rh encl. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Veluaiion and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier ®® January 15, 1936. To the Council, City of St. Paul, Yinn. Gentleman I I have chocked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lots 3 and 40 Block 330 Suburban Hills Addition from "AO Residence District to Commercial District and find that same is sufficient. YY�ou��re very ttrraaly, Gael F. Paterson, Commissioner of Finance. JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner St. Paul, Minn, Jan. I5. 193�i City of St. Paul city council. Gentlemen: The attached petition for the rezoning of lots ##3& 4 is asked on account of the State Highway dept who are rerouting Highways # I0, I2, & 6I2 I have been served with condemnation proceedings relative to some of my property at that location and shall have to move a service station which is in the path of the proposed right of way, 0 This is all vacant property,and upon rezoning I will be able to move my present business and turn over to the State Highway dept the property they desire to widen the road at this point. Sincerely, St. Pa Minnesota s g s" To the Honorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen : We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected,have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 509 or more of the frontabe to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following deacri�ed p� operty � frcm..an tv _District to a '? -^'j' ,1,4��-^ District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 231 Ordinance No -5840. Record Owner Lot Block Addition AY State of Minnesota ) as County oamse� ) being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the person who circulated the within petition consistine of -L page_; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the d° gneturea..af: esah. ander of nxrtie{d� cr}1?�d.;< S ecrib�, --d sworn Y6. before me -- / / / /Y ! • ]�Y.. wA t. s 131 ay 193 No ary Pub ic, amsey ty, Minn.,pp My Commission expires a.3- 13W /°/�' �_� a $t. Psi'., Minn. 3- S Po the Hmorable, The City Co-jncil, St. Pa,1, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned owners of two-thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein; and we, owners of 50,%'or mcre of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property: Q cK�y / .ln 7 ,L // .1 .a f7 �e�-sr-�r�. Qi. !!J.I/ 3 from a 49 At District to a / ✓:;;�District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 23, Ordinance No. 5840. SPY Record Owner Lot Block Addition �. 3-. State SSS, /off QMinnesota) 6-2-0 �"'K j�) sing first duly sworn, deposes an says that he is the person who cirdalated the within petition con- sisting of / page ; that the parties described above are the .owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parts go deperibeo! • Subscri ed and swo o before me d, this day o 1933• tary Public, Ramsey ounty, Minn., My Commission expires / _, m j d FRED 11. KCrff,o Notary Ve.b!tc, Rntrsry ..o 1-s MY G0W.W!rsl6o 5ss•3rm J I --t6, 1D30.' .-. -`.•`' r /1 T..' i64734—BY Fr, ..&a bY Council W d YUIY 9tb. 1938, V MUNC. NO---- 0�ljj—1 t. OU70-k CITY OF ST. PAL10 tt cer a_ I" lun located on OFFICE OF THE CITY 1: 4 ar "' - .1 n COUNCIL RESOLUTION --G dVJ Ta. rt ..d ue aotice h•• 'd h,• BeCrov PRESENTED BY TTUal Comm NER 149WO&IM WHEREAS, by Council File No. 104310, approved July 9th, 1936, the Council did determine that that certain two-story frame dwelling located on the west half of Lot 6, Block 4, Markley & Walker's Addition, also known as No. 221 Norris Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and r emoved; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parka, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Nays Yens A�ce favor ruax ...... Xgainst �enzel Mr. President (Gehan) ass v -as // Adopted by the Council. -........A }; 4--1978)3 AUG 14 Approved- ---------------- .......................... 193 ..... ............. .. . ......... Mayor PUBLISHED CITY OF SAINT PAUL? Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 12th, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs We attached herewith lettere from Chas. A. Bassford, City Architect, relative to the follow- ing condemnation matters - Condemnation of dwelling on the west half of Lot 6, Block 4, Markley'& talker's Addition, - 221 Norrie St. Condemnation of building on Lot 10, F. F. Lapham's Addition, known as 159 Acker Street. These letters weee referred to you, by the Council, with the request that you prepare resolutions (No. 3) directing the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to wreck said buildings. We enclose Council File Noe. 104310 and 104313. Yours very truly, City Clerk. • ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. LA MONT'KAUFMAN Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of Perks CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiuloner August 7, 1936 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: undented Of Council Filerdate of No. 104310uly waslmailed6toaAbeiSechterpy529 Jackson Street, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the dwelling on the west half of Lot 6, Block 4, Markley & walker's Addition, also known as 221 Norris Street, as published in the official paper. Tn accordance with the last paragraph of this resolution, may we advise that no appeal has been made to this office for a rehearing on this condemnation and the dwelling in question is still in place. Yours truly,,, u City Architect LAR..0 Original to city crarl :. o. ioszac -Br F��.'4 0 t3� t CITY OF ST.'B juli soi9ae,. eounCll. l:. that that car: I+aB NO.......-_ ............... OFFICE OF THE C;1\tmgg located .qqPP .� \ ddttlon.'.AtBt`.i �OUNCIL RESOLUTION --L. 'iPe > 2M PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .[ — —^/ �_ pA r a1hEs0WWxx WHEREAS, by Council File No. 104313, approved July 9, 1936, the Ootmcil did determine that that certain two—story frame building located on Lot 10, F. W. Lapham's Addition, also described as No. 159 Acker Street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wrecked and removed; and WHEREAS, due notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the owner or agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon add premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to dosny and all things which in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays A�eilrce �terson ,r-- Bar us s_ _ -..In fav r r. F indlan.__�..Against enzel 3M 11-36 r. President (Gehan) AUG 141936 Adopted by the Council -_ ..................................193...... .'kLie i 2r to Approved............................ .----- ----------193 - ?3L1SHIsD. �or '- B W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hal FRED M. TRUAX. Commissioner CARL L SPEAKES, Deputy Co- -4 -10 - Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect August 7, 1936 Ar,�" Under date of July 20, 1936, a printed copy of Council File No. 104313, adopted by the Council on July 9, 1936, was mailed to Isabelle Michel, C/o F. 41. Lapham, 410 Pioneer Building, which resolution directed the wrecking and removal of the building on Lot 10, F. W. Laphamts Addition, also known as 159 Acker Street. In accordance with the last paragraph of this resolution, may we advise that no appeal has been made to this office for a rehearing on this condemnation and the building is still in place. LAR. .LT Yours uly, ,le T-� Ci y Architect OrWeed to City Clerk3� � // COYNGL g A OF ST. PAUL nu NO..._.—_..._..__....___. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER..._? ........ ....._.............................:......................................... ........_......DATE .................. Augast...14,...1935................. RESOLVED That licensee for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 13942, Restaurant, application 13943, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13944, applied for by Otto E. Redmann at 928 Jackson Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council Aug- 7, 1936 COUEN Yeas Nays Zuss Fit}an F' .. In favor rce rce iPe rson .......... _... . Against ruga //�enzel Ivlr. President (Ceban) sM 616 C. F. No. 104738—By O. ff. Barfuss— F. M. 17uax—Irvl g C. Pearc.— Resolved, that licenebs for Oa sale. Malt Beverage, appllcatlon 13948, Ree- '�taurant, aPPlfcatton 1594$ and OR W. :Malt Beverage, appllcatfon 13944, 8D- jpplied for by Otto E. Redman. at'9E9 Tackaan, Street be and the same are .hereby,g to I sd and the city clerk is structed to issue each llcenees upon the payment: into the city ts'ea9ury of the mored fees. - New. Informally approved by Council' Aug. . 7. 1989, Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1939. Approved Aug. 14, 1939. (Aug. 22, 1939) --- Adopted by the Council ......AM....1.4...06...193..... Approved, ...................... A.06-14...A�3A_.193__.. c.Q............1..c....:... ............... /Ivlayor 0,Wasl to City Clark ....�..�....r... e.. Vim•' FA_ CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM NO._jL IL *wst 14, 1936 That license for Restaurant, application 13861, applied for by William Nyere, at 6110 Selby Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such lltcense upon the payment into the city treasury of the re- quired fee. IC. F. No. 104787—ay C4. g Bartuse— F. M, Truax—Irving C. Pearce— WIl- Reaolved, that licennplfedrtgr�byuran- appllcatlon at 61 64 Ilam Myers, at 840 Selby rated and She City the "n" 1s hereby to trees- clerk is instr inIssue 0to the Citylicense upon the P-7"' lred tee. my of the re New..the Council An,. 14, 1888•I Adopied by 14, 1888. Approved (AUB• 22. 1888) New COUNC EN Yeas Nayq uas lan ZIn favor ce rel......__..../...yam... rson / 1.. A 4Bainst /! ax Z*enzel Mr. President (Gehan) lM 6.)6 Adopted by the Council N_P 1 A' ITS 193..... AUG 14 9 ^/Approved........................................._........................193-..- C/ y owslnd to cu, irk A , CpD„p,L 104738 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK lo COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM y That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees[ Jos. Salisbury 1162 Topping St. 2 Ice Delivery App. 13707 New a a a a Ice Station a 13710 a 04739—Br G. 8. Eartusa— ax—IrvI— C. Pearce— ,,, I Joe. Saliahury, 462 Topping St., 2 Ice Delivery, Apo. 13707, New. Joe. Ball. ury, 492 Topping SL, Ice 9tatlon, AlD. 13710, New. Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1939. Approved Aug. 14, 1936; (BeDL 26, 1936) -- I AUG 141936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.................................................:...193..... auk an AUG 14 _......_ In favor earce /Peterson Approved..............._.......................;..................._..1�__. i ,G, ...._�gatn3t //1 ruaa __...�...�..r.._........_.................._ rte........."-' .`_ ��..., Mayor /Wenzel Mr.President (Gehan) 636 �' �JM a> 61�1 orl6lmf m City Clerk P4739 3J CITY OF ST. PAUL eouNat OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........ ...... ... _.............. ____.__ ........ ............. ��,,,,,,,,.„„._8t.._�'4 f..._1... �.0 .............................................DATE.............�.'.'.'.Fa" ... 936........................ RESOLVED That license for Ice Delivery, application 1$012, applied for by Jacob Groes at 771 No. Snelling Ave. be,and the city clerk is instructed to issue each license upon the payment i3y6o the city treasury of the required fee. New \11 C. F. No. 104729—By o. H. Barfuss— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearoe— ,Resolved, that Itcense for Ice Del1v- ery, 1p It 1. 140I2,-aDylled for by `Jacob Arose at 771 No. $ne 1tng Ave. be l se, - the same le. hereby granted 1111 and the. city clerk to instruate d to issue such licenseupon the Dayment Into the �cfty treasury of the reQu red fee. INiew. Adopted by the Council Aug. 14, 1926. Approved (u 46. i CA[IEN n Yeas Adopted by the Council AUG 14?s._F.193..... ar use igdlan g In favor Approved y 9 ..�G suite .193....... .............................................. yterson T a Against ;Jnzel Mayor r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 odelosl to city clerk/7eouwu� �Q �4 / 1® q —CITY OF ST. PAUL nai NO..__._....._ .__.__ _. OF THE CITY CLERK tf,J-.OFF10E ctL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM That license for Ice Delivery, application 13916, applied for by T. P. Farrell at 1038 Linwood Av. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the repaired fee. New COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays lla ss an -----In favor �Peterson X. �. Against ruax /l?Venzel /MI. President (Geban) )m 6.16 ' C. F. No. 104740—By G. 8. Barfus FJL— Ta—Irving C. Pearce.— Rolved, that license for'Ioe Deliv- ery, application 18918 applied for .by T. P. Farrell at 1088 f Inwood Ave. be and the. same Is hereby granted -And the city clerk is Instructed Ye Leslie,. such licensee upon the yayment Ititothe city treasury of the reQulred fee.' New. i Adopted by,the Council Aug. 14, 1936. Approved.Ang. 14, 1988. (Aug. 88. 1936) Adopted by the Council..............AU&...1 AUG 14 06 Approved...................................................................Mayor 193....... I.(4'�41 otiela�l to Gtr Clkk� 7 � ITY OF ST. PAUL'_ / v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OU CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �application 1��..._�:9�6.MMISS(ONER.....................................................................................RESOLVED 13751, (In Sale Halt That licensee for 8estaurant, Beverage, application 13752, end Off Sale Ya1t Beverage, application 137531 applied for by Arnold J. Nergens at S71 Arcade Street be and the Same are hereby granted and the city clerk ie instructed to issue such licensee upon the paYmeat into the city treasary of the required fees. C. F. NT. 104i9r—By O. H. Barfuse— evucted tolssus suchIlceneee upon the payment, into the. city treeaury ot. the reeuir.d,reee. NNew Informally approved by Council Aug. 4, 1926. Adopted y the Counell Aug. 14, 1986. b Approved Aug. 14, 3e,,. (Aug. 22, 1996) Now Woapproved by 0—C11 Infrmally Aug. 4, 0936 Avc 14 193 .. EN Adopted by the Council .............. I ..................... I... .- .. COUNC N e Yeah 4 Bag1189 i06D® Y 08 F!pdlan Approved ............................... _.._.......... _..............._.193_..... In favor 4e roe `/ 61 .1 ...................:...................................._. tvfayor Against /p✓entel ,i(Ir. President (Gehan) 3M 616/ ( oc4,cl.e0r-u1a0x474rarriBnYg ca r.. 1(1 4742 CITY OF _..._.._._.'."" owing named Derr � OFFICE OF THE CIT s' �paicatsa. ne an d r sr nted and �' �OUNCIL RESOLUTION---Giatid'f i eur4I,..d / • ` �.. � PRESENTED _B . r--� _._........OATE...........�t...14,-..1936_., .... ..... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at rhe addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the Payment into the city treasury of the regnired fees: J. E. Christianson 221 ComasiIce Bldg. Barber App 13975 Renewal Harry Johnson 205 let National Bank " " 13900 n Hoy gietake 125 W. Central Av. " " 13951 " Dainty Dot Bake Shop 380 Wabasha St. Bakery " " 13977 " 13995 " DeBorost Blackney 600 St. Peter Confectionery Deforest Blackney 600 St. Peter Off Sale Malt Bev. " 13999 " A. C. Darlson 1399 St. Clair " 13774 " Grand & Silver Stores 67 E- Seventh St. 13572George 1. Janssen 1440 University " 13921Frank W. Burtis, Jr. Fnf 1336 Grand Av. 13953A. T. Grant Co.Inc- 41 E. Seventh St. " 13962 1 P. 1P. Woolworth Co. 61 E. Seventh St. " 13950 Bray Ice & Fael Co. 560 Fuller Av. Ice Station " 13596 " Bray Ice & Fuel Co. Smith & Belmont " " " 13997 " John ]sling 499 Greenwood Ice Delivery P 13922 T. E. Jackal SE cor. gent -Edmund Ice Station " 13904 " T. E. Jackal Lexington & Lerpentear p " " 13905 " COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... Yeas � Nays ss /( an IIn favor earce Approved, .............................................................. . .. 193 rson Against............................. fi•ruaa . -- Mayor Aenzel }fir. President (Gehan) )M 6•)6 _ u city cl—k PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.............................................. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ......................................................................DATE............ COUNGL � 14742 ....1.4 ......1.9.=6 . . ......:.......... RESOLVED —2- T. E. Jackel(-,548 Edmund St. Ice Deliver* App. 13903 Renewal A. Melamed 130 R. Colorado Ice Delivery 0 13973 11 S. 0. gindlein 1114 white seas Gas Sta. 3 Pumps s 13656 a COUNCILMEN Yeas Adopted A Nays P by the Council..........^.UG1...1.4...m ,193 _... Barfuss Findlan AUG 14 08 Pearce In favor Approved ........................... X193_..... Peterson Truax 57 Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) PURTISTTED_ JM 6.)6 /\\\ �(� 14*�j eidB.tmaM q.ek -aa_ o ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the to install one 500 gallon gasoline tank and pump at its place of business, located at No. 2408 Territorial Road, be andihe same is hereby granted, the tank and pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of Saint Paul and under the direction COUNCIL NO.........._.' IIL[ r, ation of Leonard Frank Company for permission and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; said equipment to be used for the storage of gasoline for private use only. COUNC MEN Yeas Nay 7Ba uea indlan In favor 1-111terson Against `enrol President (Gehan) No. 104743—BY 4• A• BarLuas— L'rrusthatrtheCB Plfoatfon of old Prank 00 yllCompany or e yermleeton stall one 600 lion gaeoline'tanY atp -' 'to "errltorlsleR D.M. in. :he aame is hereby granted. the a th the ordinances to be lof the City et Piaul and under the dfreetlon nd sattefaction of the Commiaeloner ibito Safety; epld e¢ufputs to be fo the storage of gasoline for opted by the Council Aug. 19, 1838. proved (Aug. 2811918) - Adopted 4y the.Coundl......ASJS._l4_..:.:^.. ".....193....... a 141936 Approved..... ...... - .................................4 :............... 193....... _ L✓......�'_EC �/ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL "coy Capital of Minneseta OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration dvgust 12th, 1936• orpkJohn L. Connolly, oration Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of the Leonard Frank Co. for permission to install a 500—gallon aattaoline 2409 Terrrritori Roadd pump twaseir place of referred to you, by thecated Council, for the proper resolution to grant this permission. 141L-141L-4-11°_ours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commissioner August 10, 1936 Mr. L.,R. S. Pergason, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith is application of the Leonard Prank Co. for permission to instal a five -hundred gallon gasoline tank and pump at their place of business located at 2408 Territorial Road, and report of inspection and approval by the Division of Pire Prevention. GHB/k VA errytruly yours, G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 8th 1936 Hon.G.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Faul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the Leonard Frank Oo. to install a five hundred gallon gasoline tank and pump at their place of business locat8d at 2408 Territorial Road. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired looation would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Ohief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. ST.PAUL, Minn. Chief Insn.Fire Prev.Bureau. Aus 4th,I93a Citv Of St Psul,Minn. Gentlemen: We have. chanced the location of our business from I387 University Ave to 2408 Territorial Road. For our convenience in our business we had a five hundred gallon tank and pump at our old location we aee removeing the above enuinment and Nish to install same at our new location 2408 Territorial Road. This equipment is for storage of gasoline for private use only. Kindly issue permit for above installation and oblige, Yours Very Truly EAK-A - --- e nand Frank Co. ORIGINAL— NUMBPs Q Q C CITY OF BAINT PAUL '� DIYY OLKRK o v �J aiNOL... No��._1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION - H OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS i PROBNTED BY NO C DA B!�' • Sesolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract it T. Committee in awarding"contract for grading and paving of forth and South Alley in Slo'ok 58, Desuoyer park from Dayton avenue;•.to Zest and West Alley, and constructing a *Wsr from the alley to Zieter Place,' In accordance with plans and speolftoations hereto attached, to the CLEMENT F. SCULLEY ZQUIPMENT COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the $um of $3,465.000 and the Corporation COunssl is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 711 ..o1Dp a Pearce--� .. p - FORMAL BID NO. 9318 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE, 3, 5W.00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: EN I. A1E181E1 AGAINST BEFITTED PROPERTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i 3, 465.00 , Z APPROPRIATED FROM CITY -8 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COOS f e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - COD[ : A. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—COOE { e. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s. s TOTAL _ _ _ _ s 3,465.00 COPIES TO: 1 HER By CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNOICUMEDI[D ECL- CITY.CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO 1 COMPTROLLER REIMBURSE PRRMANKNT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROV[MENT NO.� IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS, PUBLIC WORKS -1` l � PURCHASING CO�ROLLM -`J ��� DAY[ FINAL ORDER ADOPT[D COUNCILMEN • YEAS NAYS — "� w. PROebKNT 4�� I 11nn1 ADOFTKD BY THK COUNCIL IN FAVOR NUMBER 8 V �) cITY ole iwINT PAUL V COUNCIL' ��� h, COUNCIL RESOLUTION No 1224 POR a �• �L'[M OFIOCAL IMPROVEMENT FROJECTB. 1 C PRpENTED BY HG OA Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the action of the contract committee in awarding contract for grading and paving of North and South Alley in 81ook 58, Desnoyer park from Dayton avenue to East and Vest Alley, and oonstruoting a owner from the alley to Eseter Plsoe, in a000rdance with plans band speoilioations hereto attached, to the CLEMENT F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sun of $3,465.00, and the corporation Counsel is hereby instruoted to draw up the proper form of oontraot therefor. FORMAL BID NO. 9319 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATES 3, 50.00 NCTHI TO BE CERTIFIED AE TO FUN- AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS 1. AEEHBSED AGAINST HENHFRTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 3,465.00 i APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'S BHARH OF LOCAL IMPRDVEMENTE— - - CODE j e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—"ffMPT PROPERTY— - =OR j {. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND MuV COD. j S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - j e. , -_ TOTAL - - S 3,463.00 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT. THERE IE AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK -NCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURBETH9 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO.-_. _ IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. - PUBLIC WORKS / --'^7° 1 wrJ�v - a PURCHASING C9�PFLOATH FINAL ORDER ADOPRD COUNCILMEN YEIIE NAYS MR. PRESIDENT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL paG 14 INS FAVOR APPROVED 14 INET }���Yss Council File No. '4.745 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN': - 'Lier7111-LA"or`r' end 77 . 104746=* Irving -A, :sae, written ilrovor,, the anlIo tg to PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Relaying .924—r ing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the aouth aidg --a2- aod=Lch.-.Avanua_4'rnm OzYexi At"At +, _T.wrt�„gygn zy-- Dated this_....- 13th_.._ --._day of_..— ....... -_Ag 1._9$@_ 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __$ei ey1gg, re�eiri nc-¢Il�reconatrncti no ggggg}i_ } sidewalk.. on__ the south side e._Goodrioh kvmu@Straet.to_ T•exne•on Avgz.ikg,_whore neceaeax9.......... -__-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul----------.._._._.- ....... -._... _._............. ... . _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. Z. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattes to thg Commissioner of Finance. ✓' Adopted by the Council-__..._...._..._ ......... _. puG � _�—......_-_... YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN Approved—_. ---II- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX �o G WENZEL MR. PRESMMT Mayor. Form CAIS (IM -6-M) I ON ie: sr # 4 a� LLL� 4`tV v CITY OF Notli9b the Gerk as. n�, i('1N [trr b iC;il ear. S ' r OFFICE OF TFi,:. - ti �` � {� a ; �,• COUNCIL R$SO A t 18th "1 6 PRESENTED BY ! R..... - ' iyfV� _,. _,:_ _.._......... D....�a...a •— •••1R• J�. QOM MISSIONER_.......... .�__... .—vt'. - x' RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is her eby+ dfrectted to cause`the get l It s; h expenses of the.City for the fiscal year Cf 3637 end of •the rev J).. �the Comptroller, necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the goon" to be published in the official paper of .W.City, on est 22nd, 1936. RItiSCYl9�D.FCSTHIIR, that the Council hold public hearings from day to dug in the realer place of meeting of said Council in the Court Hoagie and City Hall, at ten otclock in the forenoon for not lees than twenty days., beginning September 2nd, 1936,,;1 which time and place` all residents of the City of 5t. Paul desiring to e heard,in reference to any of said estimates or any befs t�+ereof. be heard mW,,br IESOURD PUETHEA�r # ,the �ty Crerk pr air$ std oansi. o -„ paper of the City at essame time said estimates of expenditures are"pt'iblished a notice o&,said times and places of public hearings: whish Imd+liehed notice shall;imse 'mately prgoods said publishA& estimates of espendltarea in said of- ficia "paper qad a l.expressly Call attention and refer thereto. r t� a� r +. s ! e COUNCI MEN Adopted by the Causal8 193 - s Nays ti uas in len In favor Approved_Ee — E e an 4 : _ -IV -..._ Against y� _ BED F r a�r President (Gehan) Heartimp on 'Budget . earl% \. Day_ DATA �egar•tmQn'% , I_ —+{�- at F--�' W ed I -� ✓ - - - _ TSU_ _ ---- [o✓ -- -- �-� SAT - 1'V ✓ _.. — T -�T - 1- - ✓ -- J lik - __ q ao.---- rg _ Eon. M. H. Oehan, Mayor, City of St. Paul. Derr Sirt September 29th, 1936. The City council today agreed to further consider the 1137 budget on Thursday, October let after the regular council meeting. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Rn-. 7t V. C!t" Ci.v'trnl,.nr. .+U ld Lng. DEnr g(rt to -cm for ro r ';�. ..' i•^t 3'.:rn� nt ,1..: `I'f;:1.:^,'�F.T�� iiE,t.t ^(,G^.�1� SiU`.�� n.3IIO— c' irn,;es''n- `hr+ tL- 1-37 to:: levy co -it .'n r -n item in tine cunmu t o' 3E,13d.fi0 for the pirpooes of si:id Asso— cir.tion. Yours vei9 truly, V City Clerk.. ELECTUS D. LITCHFIELD ARCHITECT S]S MADISON AVENUE ERNEST BUORKNAN NEW YORK September 25th 193E The Honorable Mark H. Geban,tAnyor, The Honorable Members of the City Council, St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: On a hurried trip to the Pacific Northwest early this month, I stopped off, at the request of the officers of the Hill Library, and consulted with them in regard to certain contemplated improvements. While the time was short, I took occasion to make a hurried inspection of the Public Library and was shocked at its condition. No public building, particularly one of a monumental character, such as the Public Library, can continue to be a credit to a city unless there shall be a reasonable amount appropriated annually for its upkeep and repair. This should not be taken as any criticism of those in charge of the actual care of the building itself, for without the necessary funds for replacement, protection or repair of decoration, the custodian is powerless. But m�6tters of this nature at the building are second in importance to the overcrowding everywhere, due to the lack of provision of additional book stacks in'the stackroom. At the time of its completion, this Library was unique in having a splendid reservoir for books. The book stacks were placed in articulation with the delivery room, the reference room and the cataloguing room, so that with a minimum of effort, the needs of the people and of the workers of the Library could be readily satisfied. The whole theory of the planning of the Library falls down when the stacks do not keep apace with the acquisition of books. The great reading room was recommended by Dr. Soule of Boston, who acted as adviser to the Board, and myself, as architect, as a place for reading of popular books and maga2,ines or as an attractive place for readers to sit and read after having obtained their desired books at the delivery desk. page 2. The Honorable Mark H. Gehan, The Honorable Members of the City Council September 25th 1936 It has become a veritable catch-all and its beauty and affectiveness is largely destroyed. It can be returned to hts original condition readily upon the provibion of much needed additional stacks in the stackroom. Let me beg of you to make at the barliest possible moment an appropriation sufficient to provide stacks for all the books, magazines, newspapers not in immediate and current use and sufficient to provide space for at least a couple of years' acquisitions; and that a policy be adopted which will continually provide greater stackroom than the books on hand. This accumulation of books in improper places is a strain on the structure of the library and must place ar, im-ogsible burden on your library staff. I think I am not exaggerating when I say you have one of the great libraries of the country and that it could be one of the most efficient as well as one of the most beautiful if it is properly taken care of and kept up; but today, in its present condition, it is close to a disgrace to the community, These are strong words and perhaps could only be said by me, as one who loves St. Paul and the building which he built there for its public.library. Very respectfully yours, ST. PAUL TEACHERS' RETIREMENT FUND ASSOCIATION ]TY ST. PETER STRER T6VRORE CWAR l SAINTPAUL MINNESOTA July 127, 1936 0 The Honorable the City Council St.Paul; Minnesota: Gentlemen: The Board of Trustees of the Teachers' Retirement Fund Assoc- iation of St.Paul, Minnesota, has directed the officers whose names appear below to request you to include in the 1937 tax levy an item in the amount of $86,136.80 for the purposes of the associations axd , in order that provision may be made for the said item, that such a part of the one and one-half mill tax provided in the State Enabling Act under which the association operates be spread on each dollar of the assessed value of all taxable property in the City of St.Paul as will produce the said amount of $86,136.80. This request is made of you in compliance with the provisions of the Act under which the association is incorporated. Yours truly, A.C.Anderson, President, / Florence Rood, Secretary -Trees GEO. J. RIES R A M S E Y C COUNTY AUDITOR O U N T Y JOHN P. KARTHICINEIEER C.W DW - OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR SAINT PAUL . S.TA September 8, 1936 Hon. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: At the meeting of the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee held on September 3 the budget for 1937 for this Department was discussed, and it was reported that the City Comptroller had submitted an amount approximately $3700.00 less than was submitted by the County The Joint Court House and City Hall Committee on this date approved the amount of $63,568.00 as set up by the County as its share. A motion was adopted that the Secretary write the City Council setting forth the amounts as approved by the Joint Court House and City Hall Committee as the County's share: _OUST HOUSE AND CITY HALL FUDID Salaries 28,646.Oo Llaintennnce 32,422.00 V:.'T�pNS� QUARTERS -AUDITORIUM Salaries, Maintenance and Equipment 2,500.00 TOTAL $63,535.00 Yours very truly, Geo. J. Ries Coanty r i Bq eputy MEETS SECOND AND FOURTH FRIDAYS OF MONTH PRINTED ON UNION -MADE PAPER OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY fit. �tl a[rabra anb Kabor Al"Irmblll E. D....NNON, Se—VII7 Labor Temple, 416 North Franklin Street Telephone: Ceder 1930 SAINT PAUL ^e'. August 17, 193E Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: Court House St. Paul, Minn• Gentlemen: The Trades and Labor Assembly had befoof Ast uest fromrthe hSt. em aPaul musicians t their gAssoclatlonithq at we urge the City a sum Of OY n the proposed city budget il to awhich eni will provideformusic in the St. Paul parks next season. The Trades Assembly concurred in the request of the g yoourJ onorableation body oand takeare favorable therefore urging y $ action on this request. EDM/kmm I � r Very truly'y+burs, 9T. PAUL TRADES & LABOR ASSEMBLY r. Se c' y a: lq co, CX 17, 1 t x�� r w y 'R°y. .fit Y r Y r r;e �} a + v K A? 6t #huT✓r. rI S d� ? h rt`Y 1�. r y h t �: -�'•ti. d Ory 5��yarf-ow Cr",4, t o- Sr.. 4 yb r (It 1r„u„3txx il vex itis) r45 C . d f`y�„u �..v1My' ^' A t ty'prk ,Ll,YIV, lF'`F ,i. i., i! � ��iS'�' � �A`� �r Y A[ # yy` srN���' t�d�� �`������q„ ,�, 1• dU Ut a + '�5��� 1 r + i�'r�Y3 f�t"..>rt'1 34�? 015 Am + is MCT £Y A f`'i ^Yrp X al. � a v;'is'`�s :i 7 r r N_ w f f r ,.r a r r R•'v r _,� 1 tY r: t � r 1079 Goodrich Avenue, Saint Paul, Minnesota. September 15, 1936. Mayor & Councilmen of the City of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the members of the Women's Civic Leabue, Inc., wish to go on record as favoring the increasing of the Shelving Book Hacks and other e- quipment for the City Library. We understand that this will be dis- cussed Wednesday, September 16th, at 10 o'clock, and we sincerely hope that the Women's Civic Leabue may be added to the list of clubs standing for the need- ed improvements in our City Library. Sincerely, WOMEN'S CIVIC LE.�GUE, INC., Mrs. Dorr Thomas, President Mrs. H. A. Moore, Corresponaing Secretary. (9i#g pall anb Court Puns8 meg at" - - JSL V—i 'Mown SCOTT L. GIPPLE Custodian -QW@ Hon. Mark H. Behan, Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen,' Herewith request that Custodian's budget be increased in the amount of $3,768.00 as per explanatory figures shown below: 1936 Fund Budget 1937 1937 1937 1937 it . •Co. Auditor Compt.• City Short City Ov. Salaries 57,226,00 28,646.00 27,000.00 1,646,00 Heat, Lite h Pow. 44,000.00 22,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 Elev. Mtce. 7,344000 3,672,00 3,500.00 172400 Telephones 3,500.00 1,750.00 1,800.00 50.00 Vets. Qrts. 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500,00 Mtce. & Supplies 10"000:00 5J1000.00 5.000;00 ,070:00 63,568.00 59,800.00 3,818.00 50.00 City 1/2 63,535:00 50.00 Overage or County 1/2 63,535.00 3,768.00 Phones. Note: The County Auditor has allowed the same budget as for 1936 with the addition of 33.00 to tape care of its share of an Increase of 66.00 er year allowed by the C.H. & C.H. Comm. -ir John asco Watchman The City Comptroller has made up his budget 43,768.00 short of that submitted by the Auditor. The law requires that expenditures must be made on a 50-50 basis and unless we are granted the additional $3,768.00 by the City Council, we will be curtailed the amount of $7,536.00 Therefore we urgently re uest that the Coun�incrse our budget in the amount of3,768.00. If NOTICE OF HEARING ON BUDGET POR YEAR 1937. Notice is hereby given that the Council will hold public hearings from day to day in the regular place of meeting of said Council in the Court House and City Hall Building at 10200 o'clock in the forenoon for not less than twenty days beginning September 2nd, 1936; in reference to the estimates for the expenses of the City for the fiscal year of 1937 and of the revenue necessary to meet said expenses, submitted to the Council by the City Comptroller and which immediately follows this notice. At said time and place all residents of the City of St. Paul desiring to be heard, may be heard in reference to any of said estimates $or any item thereof. L. R. S. FERGUSON, City Clerk of St. Paul, Minnesota. August 18th, 1936. 4 6:,j v.d ctj �, 4 i. (QitV pall nub Court Douse �Umseg (6mu�tg - - J 13=1 SCOTT L. GIPPLE Custodian Ron.. Mark R. Gehan, Mayor and Members of the City Council Gentlemen:S' forequest thatCustodian's reigueincreased n the amount of $3,768200 as per explanatory s shown below - 1936 1937 1937 1937 1937 Fund Budget Cit Short City . •Co. Auditor Com t, - ..Y.___,_�- r... -0v- Salaries 57,226600 28,646.00 27,000.00 10646.00 Heat, Lite & Pow. 44,000.00 ^ 22,000.00 20,000.00 2,000.00 Elev. Mtce. 7,344.00 3,672.00 3,500#00 172.00 3 500.00 1,750.00 1,800.00 5000Telephanea r Vets. Qrts. 5,000.00 2,500.00 2,500.0.0 mtce. & supplies 1p-000:00 5.000.00 5 0 0' �..-+- ,0 0:00 63,566.00 59,800.00 3.B I 0 overage City 1/2 63,535:00 3,768.00 Phones. County 1/2 63,535.00 Note: The County AudQr has allowed the same budget as for 1936 With the addition of 33.00 to take by the C.H. share C.oComm. increase of 66,00 per year, allowed by Yfor John Basco watchman The City Comptrollers has made up his budget $3,768.00 short of that submitted by the The law requires that expenditures must be made'on76850-50 theicitydCouuncil,less wweare willrbeted the curt curtailed iinithelamoount of y $7,536.00 Therefore we urgently re est that the Council increase our budget in the amount of 3,768.00. Respect ours, ...... .,..� .,...�. a..,�.........r,e. GOODRIC0 H SKIPTON - o..orr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota CITY COMPTROLLER ` ROOM 109 CITY HALL 1, ; .460.8 - e� Anguat 15. 1936. rs To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Connal. %. y Gentlemen: In compliance with Section 200 of the City Charter, I am submitting the estimates of expenditures for the City of Saint paul for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1937, together with the estimated receipts and resulting tax levy. Allowing for a three percent increase by the Council, the estimates Of expenditures and receipts as contained in this budget, will result in a tax rate for City purposes next year of 57.62 mills, as compared to 60.68 mills for 1936. The decrease in this rate 1e brought about primarily by an Increase in miscellaneous revenues, plus additional receipts derived from delinquent tax collections and increased state income and local monies and credits taxes. Another factor making this possible is the lack of necessity In this budget to provide substantial sums for Omment operating deficits and back salaries that arose a few years ago and now have been paid batt. Deoauss of a somewhat improved financial condition in our City, this rate, however, will make available $225,000.00 more for current opera— tions in 1937 than is available for this year. In preparing this budget cognizance has been taken throughout of the fact that the taxpayer cannot stand an increase in his taxes. This Cou.r.o GOOD: RICH E. M. SKI=TON D.rurr C.M.TPOII.A CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capitol of Minnesota CITY COMPTROLLER 4e, ROOM 109 CITY HALL �8 August 15, 1936. To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - 2 year. on a levy of $5,000,000.00, this office now estimates that $1,000.000.00 will be delinquent at the end of this year. At this time there is uncertainity as to what the County and State tax rates will be. I feel, however, that un- der any circumstance the rate will be kept under one hundred mills. Any sum that can be s&Ted to the taxpayers at this time, - I feel, should be saved for them. 7arther, the decreased rate will not work to the disadvantage of our City services because this budget is sufficient, after the three percent has been added, to permit every city activity to be carried on in a perfectly sat- isfactory manner. In preparing this budget, account has been taken of the fact that the preded6ut as established and followed by the City Council is to increase the budget as submitted by the Comptroller by three percent. It is my opinion that a major portion of this three percent, amounting to $324,000.00, should be allocated to the Schools and to Pyre and Police. If this is done, these three activities of City Government will receive next year, substantial In- creases over this year. In connection with the Department of Plducation. it will be noted that there has been $5,000.00 additional granted the Library, which money is to be used for new books and periodicals. The total cost to the City of Saint Paul of the new Cleveland Jr. High School amounting to $187,000.00 is also being financed in this budget. T n.rno GOODR?:ICH E. M. SKIPTON CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota CITY COMPTROLLER ROOM 109 CITY HALL ®e August 15, 1936. To the Utorable Mayor and Members of the City Council - 3 The attention of the City allizaa1 is directed to the fact that the Parke Refectory Revolving Pond has a deficit, the Anditorium shows a deficiency of approximately $50,000.00, and the P. I. R. Pand has a deficit estimated at from $1,000,000.00 to $2,000,000.00. For many years the Comptrollerse office has included in the General Fund a substantial amount to apply toward the de- ficiency in this latter Rind. The Council, however, has established the pre- cedent of reducing this amount. While I still believe that the budget should contain each year a substantial amount to reduce this deficiency, because of this prededent, I have allpwed:.onlyt the amount that the Council granted in 1936. It is sweated that the Council, in cooperation with this office es- tablish a definite policy to bring about the elimination of these deficits. Respectfully submitted, CITY OOMPTEDLUR. odgli l to Cu, Cleek�. . 1 104'747 �i���/j'��'J (/�T Y�1 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu � NO..r...__.._..__._.._.__. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO NCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM. Z PRESENTED BY...........................................DATE............_ 8.t.'....�'B2..._�; 6....................... COMMISSIONER...-........................................................... .... ..................... RESOLVED Beverages That licenses for Restaurant, application 13552 On Sale Malt rage, application 13853, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13554, applied for by William Kemple at 225 Best Seventh Street be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to William Kemple the fees of $10.00; $50.00; amd $5.00, and to cancel said applications for licenses. C. Denied informally by Council Aug 14, 1936 un.11 Aug. 14, Aug. 18, 1936. AUG 181936 COUN C jLMEN Adopted by the Council ................................ ........... _......_193..... Yeas N s Ba as AUG 18 �U an �P/ In favor Approved ....................... _................. _...... ............... 193_ ..... Z/e�rce /Peterson�., _.-- 1 a /..�... Against' ,..... .Y ............. ...... !..... Mayor Z�VVenzel f J //At. President (Gehan) 3M 636 City //4_4� COUNGL k 4748 CITY OF ST. PAUL .-NO ....... ................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That license for Barber, application 121027, applied for by Julius J. Morin at 1053 Selby Av— be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to,issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 104748—By (i. H. - Bartuee—i r. XTruax=Irving C. Pearce•— Resolved, that tpplcenee Yor Barberr ap- 'Morriniat.10837SelbyfAvenue b. and the' 'same Is.. hereby granted and Mlle clty clerk ls'lnstructed t, Issue such lleenee upon the payment Into ttie efty trees_. vry ot. the erequired Lee. New ownr; old location. Adopted by the Council Aug. 18, 1988. -Approved Aug. 18. 1988. (Aug. 22. 1936) 'law owner old location COUNCILMEN Yeas Na 9 Barfuss Findlan In favor ....................... Pearce Peterson ............l...... Ttea>r ^^ Against Ba. Wenzel 3M 6.36 Adopted by the Council i J_s...1.9. 693 Approved ....................... AUG ...18... 193_._.. .......................... ................_. Mayor T F4749 COUNCIL FILE N0.__ ---- _----- ---------- By -- ------By- ------------------------ - --------- -----------1 tIn the Matter of____stxrb_4nnl�Btrsst_frma_For_e�t _>tre4 _l o_ CyDxsaa_ 3r_a __-_____________ No. }04719-- - _________—_-9 Matter 6f purhi❑g' Foree[ Bt}•aet;'to Cgpr, t'�Prellm.tftkOrder 1 3�' --------------------------- - e'lmprovem. - ---------------------- under Preliminary Order--------- --------------------- --__----------------------- Intermediary Order --------------------- -approved------------ A ---------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fuUy con idere the same; therefore, be it ya'. - 4-- fl 4 Ore tai RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the_ a strim. exte ---- d� �8!!!le Rl� llPtaby cane=lled�arnnll �-+�..a ..------1M4l�i-$ gat-m�trter -6e diacos:inued. and he Council hereby orde said improvement to be ade. SOLVED FURTHER, the Commissioner of P is Works be and is here nstructed and directe o prepare plans and speci to for said improve t, and submit same to the cil for approval; t upon said approval, the p r city officials are here authorized and directed to Geed with the aking of said improvement ecordance therewith. r Adopted by the ncil ______------ ___, 192-------- ------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- �ri i_ Approved--------------------------------------------- 192---'_- c�Mayor.— Councilmann01005Jt Barf❑ss CotMeilmanjSMpyW9W§= Findla❑ ` Pearce C011IICihnan CouncilmaII Peterson CouncilmangRW Tn,ax CouncilmaII Mayor u e t„❑ i� orm B. S. A. 8-7 1 rJ To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Sr- Paul, Minn........ ("44 /-.z_-- 193_ r We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following i ----------- ----------- . ------------ � _ ---- - - ---- ..St. front��/ v -moi/. -------- - ----.St. Ave. to - --- --------- -St. Ave. 2 CITY Or ST. PAUL -, 449 t DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE '. + REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of ourbing Cook Street from Forest St. to Cyprese St. 44 under Preliminary Order approved June 4, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 653.34 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ 0.77 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Tandd Bldg.. S. 62* ft. of 16, 17, and K. 25 ft. of S. 62* ft. of 16 1 Forestdale Addition $725 $2650 Lot 19 and E. 16 ft. of S. 62* ft.of 18 1 do 475 3300 20 1 do 400 1460 21 1 do 400 1250„ 22 1 do 400 1300 23 1 do 400 2950,. 24 1 do 400 2000, 25 1 do 400 26 1 do 400 2300.. 27 1 do TOTAL, 400 2400. -. Form B. B. 10 CITY, Or ST. PAUL e DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE 4 REPORT OF COMM(S6IONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ` (C/ DESCRIPTION LOT eLocic ADDITION ASSESSED 1,aZVALUATIO%ldgy,, ntl=1600,, • 88 1 Forestdale Addition ;400 29 1 do 400 5100., 30 1 do 426 1900.. 1 2 do 425 1900,, 2 2 do 376 1700 5 2 do 400 3200.. 4 2 do 400 2100, 6 2 do 400 2600., 6 2 do 400 4060.. 7 2 do 400 2960., 8 2 do ( 800 4300- 9 2 do 10 2 do 400 1700 do 400 6000., 11 2 do 400 2760„ 12 2 13 2 do 400 600.. 14 2. do 400 2800„ 15 2 do 650 2000,. Total #11775 ;8336p The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated �j 19b ommissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 n St. Paul, Minn._;-- -�L-- `-193.- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------- - -- -- ---------------- -------------- ------ ------------ iq a: •✓ C -N....- -------- St. Aso.--- from------ -------------- - -.St. Ave. to - - - St. Ave.. V Z/ 19M �L •moi /� ,� .. `% � /.' 1 �� m T. IT2 21-�' MAGr-7 - - ------------------- - -------------- - ------ z 14 WIYO/Vl cd1.qr—t" S,.,Y-o /rAw,' ,-,. 28 -- 15 CA �,� W Us 6 b- V/ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance ------- ---193_ _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the /,3bS7 Council, known as Council File No-. — --approved.....-._J-une-4:-1936.- - ,----..---193.._._-, relative to curbing Cook Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street .__.-__.____..___.....__..... . . ......--_ . _ _...._ - - -- .....-- ._ ...... . _ ..... - ..------- — _.. - _ _ _...._. -------------- - - ------------ - and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _._ .necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot .77¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is $...85.$.S.k._.._..__., and the total cost thereof is $------------------------------- , Inspection $15.24 Engineering $76.00 Frontage 1115 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-.. _._ _ _........---._._...-._..._-------------------------------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .... ---- ......._.... - .......-------- ------ ...... - ------------------- -----------------------. 5. Said improvement is--- ____....a..............asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE,---------------------- ��ZG�2.�.��.. 'over of Public Works. 0-: 901936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 26, 1936 Commissioner Irving 0. Pearce, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of -cost for curbing Cook Street from Forest Street to Cypress Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 103587, approved June 4, 1936. Estimated Cost $ 853.34 Cost per front foot •77 Inspection 15.24 Engineering 76.00 Frontage 1115 ft. Yours truly, . SHEPARD, ief ineer. Approved for transmission to the commissioner of Finance �.�� ING . PEOCE, Commissioner o Public Works. 't FINAL OSDffiB t ` �Y 60—'{ 't of g[ading:Ane9 �. j : 0j SB nr4vr"a COUNCIL FILE NO ------------------ --- -- -ByBy -- -- ----------------------- -- ----------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ----- Hlook_33�—Weet_1d Additioa,__frami Alaska_Apemie 103918 _____-__--approved _____June 9, under Preliminary Order---_----------------------- ---- ----1956------- Intermediary Order - — ------------ approved ------- — -- --------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_____grade--¢lley_ in_ Hlook_S3� Neat—Ehd_6dditioa, frau Alaska venue -to -Albion -ASenun --- — ---- -------------- ------ — - ---- ------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there h. Adopted by the Council _______A}G-4$-06--.---- ----- ------------------- AUG 18 08 City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------------- 192------ / __-- ,----1_�'----�����-_-- -- - Mayor. Councilman fuss Councilman �f ids"n / Councilman '- '%arc,. 6 Councilman ete rson Councilman momw&= %l/� Councilman V, Pnzel Mayor R /¢ahan Form B. S, A. 8-7 {'' / CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading Alley in Block 33, West End Addition from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue under Preliminary Order approved June 9, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 589.28 fr at 0,84 The estimated cost peg , for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Ex. Street) do do do do Farm B. B. 10 LOT BLOCK 1, 2 and 3 33 West End 4 33 do 5 33 do 6 33 do 7 33 do 8 33 do 9 33 do 10 33 do 11 33 do 12 33 do ADDITION ASSESSED La4kLUATION Bldg, $1400 $5060. 460 1200 460 3300 450 2000 500 350 300 1650., 275 1660, 260 2$b TOTAL. @50. (C) CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER u DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 13 33 West End • 4225 *1700 . 14 33 do 250 1400 .. Total $6125 $18,700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Date 19 3 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn.- �.- --- 5 -O ------ 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause he following improvement to be•made: - -------- -- - - - - ----St. Ave. from------------ - -------------------------- St. Ave. to. _--_-.St. Ave. I J12 N PV. % Sec. /4. 77 28. fr' 23. Scale Sao '-1 - 5E TEVJ _ S -e 42 7 a Office o I f the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 23,_1936.__ ...........193...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105918 _,approved June.-9._1936.__._._.-193_._...,relative to grading Alley in Block 55. West Bad Addition from Alaska a . Avenue to.. Albion . .. ............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ig., necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.64 2. The estimated cost thereof is 589.28 . .. .... and the total cost thereof is V ... ........ .. Inspection $10.18 Engineering $70.00 Frontage 700 feet and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. ........ ­ ­­ ­ ­ ------------- --- -------------- .... . .. .... .... ........ ...... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------ ---- __ - - - --- --- -- -- -------------- - ---- - --- -------------------- 5. ------ -------------- 5. Said improvement is...._._------- - ----- -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. (D COM. OF FINANCE, 40, 11111111111116 ! ---------- ---- Co�Batoner of Pub& Public z 0 J" 11 1936 A THE DEPARTMENTFOFPUBLIC WORKS OTHE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn• June 22, 1936 Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the-. grading of Alley in Block 33,-t End Ad to .�}e enue Albion Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 103918, approved June 9, 1936. Estimated Cost $589.28 Cost per front foot 0.64 Inspection 10.18 Engineering 70.00 Frontage 700 ft. Yours truly, ) D54r__� E w ' hief sneeee r. Approved for transmission to the Co ssione of Finance .LJ.2Q/2.CPJ. IRVING PEAME, Commissioner. Y4751 -COUNC LE NOPER cohdemnfng an,.•G`FINAL IN CONDEMNATION i.'n4°)Bl`heoc'ak nd E D I N S k' In the matter of.....condamnin$ and takingan easement in the lead necesseryor _.... . slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 55, West End Addition, from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue under Preliminary Order.........103919 ............................. approved ..................... 1956......----.......-------... Intermediary Order...................10.W7........ - ................ approved.-...............J.t11y..U# 19,3.6........................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 559 (fest End Addition, from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 55, West End Addition from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council...:..............AUG 18 1936 PJJG18 IV ............... .. ................... ............................... ity Clerk... Approved......................................................... 1 ........ — .// ".... ...... 9� ..........+.. ............ BarlNgd ® i ............. Mayor. Plndlaaoll� / Pearce 2� �� Id� pU73LiSHLb Petersotf � � Tina: wmml Mr. resident 500.&33 i 0 +IndicatesCut. AIL — Indicates Fill. Ili Typical Notatwn rzp ao Figures a6eve line show Cut or Fill at property line. F.yares 61— line show distance to . kith slopes extend beyond property line. Loc. Book No,L;54_ X -Seo. Bk. ALLEY B L K. 33 WEST END ADD • ALASKA AVE, ALBION Av E. W. SEVENTH ST Y Scale 1"= 40' ADRIAN ST. l¢y,Ci/.4, 33 {Nesf� love. O 2 Np 90S i W E 5 T ,E N D A D D. W 2 3 4 5 6 so' I W So, 33. Q Q � a o _ a 60 Go t i N s1 y Dbl. Dbl Ti le Fr. Fr Sh _ — o , D I. 1 3 �GarbI ri, Gar'' Ga Gar '� r. i °J3. -I 14 13 12 I I IO 9 b "� Q W E g T �E N D A D D: ADRIAN ST. l¢y,Ci/.4, 33 {Nesf� love. O 2 Np 90S i CITY OF ST. P#UL • a. DEPARTMENT OF171NANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matterof oondemning and taking an easement in the lend necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 33, Nest End Addition from Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue under Preliminary Order approved ime 90 1956 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 26.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED _ tLUATION 1111dip, (Hs• Street) 1, S and S SE West End $1400 RSOSQ de 4 SS do 480 INQ do 6 SS do 480 'Soo do S W do 460 4 de 7 Ss do 800 a i3. 40 do >!oQ 16eQ 10 SS de q78 186Q it SS do 280 u do TOTAL. M. Rorm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (C) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCKADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION • W" Bldg. p 111 IE •erb Bad SIM SIM. 34 .50 d0 ISO 1400:. v fetal #BIN $10$t00V The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19--3z L &¢ z (� Form B. B. 12 -� Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of PU�Iic Works Report to Commissioner of Finance - ------ 193.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.105919... .. approved. J.Une_9.,_l956_ ­ . . ..... 193 relative to condemning an -d. -.taking- aneasemen.t. in. ..the .land ..,necessary -,for .,-s.1-op-e.s-, cuts ...... ...... and fills in the grading of Alley In Block 55, West Fad Addition from ­ ­_ . ........... - ------------ ­ ---------- .. ........ .... ..... ..... ....... Alaska Avenue to Albion Avenue ­ ­ - _ . ........... .... ...... ...... ------- ----------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ..... _ . necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E.-.... b700 . X . X and the total cost thereof is 8_...__..._..._ ............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:.. I ........ .... - ------------ ------------------- I ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ........ . --- --------- ----------- ------- .......... ...... ----------------------- ----------- ------------------------- 5. Said improveme# is .......... .. ---------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, 72 ----------------- - inner of Publio Works. 406 9 6 JM 24 'o 14752 COUNCIL FILE NO.._ --- -___-__-_ -_ By-- ---------------- --------------- In the Matter of ------ rA4ME-911f_in B1ook_2,__Simonitsoh!a Al s .ve tux+rc em - �. ne Yo.abfu n under Preliminary Order_____ LW§5 ------------------ - ------ approved --- --__-Har 211 19S8L Intermediary Order----------------------------aPProved-----�--` A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cogsidered the same; therefore, be it(��� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preeise .,^t..re Amtmt and kind of = psyydment to be mac the said Cit'y-ia-______grnd.-e g4on from Oxf?dJtreet to a po0"70.7 _ be Md So Woe arm hereby caneelled1_annulled, and reseh A on 80 !a maid matter be discontinued. the Council h eby orders said im ement to be made. OLVED R, That the Com over of Public Wo be and is hereby trotted and directed repare plans ecificatione for sai provement, and it same to the ncil for approval; tha on said approva , proper city affici a hereby sutho ed and directed o ceed with the ma of said improAvUG tin accordance th with. Adopted by the Council -------- _______, 192.______. Approved------------------------------------------- 192------ /✓ s _ eyor. CouncilmanBarfvss - Councilinang1kNXIM41=2 Findlau \ , CouncibnanSMODMILUM Pearce ConnCilmanabZg i0'gJFM Peterson U CouncilmanagGidiYiimei Truax / Councilman ffiLEl-:'-� R'enzel Mayor NOWMP Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 (� - _ 4 We, the undersigned, who Signed the petition for the proposed improvement in the alley bounded by University Ave- nue, nue, Sherburne Avenue, Lexington Parkway, and by hereby withdraw the petition, and oppose the improvement in Said alley in Block 2, Simonitsch's Subdivision from Oxford Street to a point 470.7 feet west of Oxford Street. CITY OF ST. PAUL tY ISJ < <- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE " RLPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Simonitsoh'a Subdivision frost Oxford Street to s ALqff In the matter of grading Alley in Blook 2, point 470.7 feet west of Oxford Street under Preliminary Order approved May 21, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is _ $ 626.15 fr nt g 0.67 The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOC ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 2 Simonitoh's Subdivision of $450 Blooks ll,k 14 of Hyde Park 2 2 do 400 3 2 do 650 $1750 4 2 do 650 2900 5 2 do 650 1450 . 6 2 do 650 2425 :. 7 2 do 650 2000 8 2 do 650 2900 9 2 do 650 2575 . 10 2 do TOTAL. 650 2300 I—a.w to CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COM9413SfONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT !LOCK ADDITION ASSESSED .LanYALUATIOIBldg�_..__ 11. 2 Simonitechrs Subdivision of =660 �26bd Blocks 11 & 14 of Hyde Park 12. 2 do 600 230Q Ex. Lax. Pkwy. 8. of 13 and 14 . 2 do 900 ' 18. 2 do ( 13200 6300 ( (includes other I property) 19 2 do 20. 2 do 1800 21 and 22. 2 do 3600 3600 23 2 do 1800 24 2 do 1800 25, 2 do 1800 26 2 do 1800 27 2 do 1800 28, 2 do 1800 29 2 do 1900 3o, 2 do 2800 7$. Total 642,300 S33,225„ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that lie has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. '2/ 19 Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. Il 147684 St. Paul, Minn—). -- ... --- 193A To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvemet to be made: /` - - --' . `..... �-------------------,- -- Q----- St.Ave. from I--- - ---------------------------------- St. Ave. to •----------- ---------- -------------------- St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION nD LO , As I /(97 5. Vz, N. W. /4 SEG. THO E DPAy- C H A P- L E 5 II I i I-� T Z 0 F A u UNIVEIZ51-.T-Y r---t- ,TWO 6 b- -*; t 1 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance • June -951.1.956, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 103685_. roved. - May 21� 1986 --193-._._., relative to Council, known as Council File No.. __ . app grading of Alley in Block 21 Simonitsch's Subdivision from Oxford Stre6t to a point 470.7 feet west of Oxford Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. _. .___ necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.67 2. The estimated cost thereof is :_._626..15 _-.., and the total cost thereof is $...__......................... Inspection $10.41 Engineering $95.00 Frontage 986.91 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. __. __.._..---._ .___.._------------ ------------- --- ---------- ------------ 3. .---__---..3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -- _...-..--- ------- ---- - --- -------------- ------- 5. Said improvement is...._-_ ..... --..... ...-....--.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. ........................ Com inner of Public Works 0;.••• � t 2 9CR JON 24 1936 .THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION o June 15, 1986 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 20 Simonitsch's Subdivision from Oxford Street to a point 470.7 feet west of Oxford Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 108685, approved May 21, 1936. Estimated Cost $ 626.15 Cost per front foot 0.67 Inspection 10.41 Engineering Q5•00 Frontage 936.91 ft. Yours truly, GEORGE M. SHEPARD$ K Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co ssioner of Finance IRVING PEARCES Commissioner. 1('4 753 In the matter of -an.-esaement-- in-the--land--necessarq-for slogPs� .-.--- cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Simonitachls Subdiviainn,f___ —EY 7rvinaa'C.;Pearoo--' Oxford Street to a point 470.7 feet Rest of Oxford Street bonda the end, tsk tiln ins lma Hetes o S'ns 87 411.111nthk of QEtera -;Order' 198- n. ...., n- tem�r, 1Ap`3+'- d�. 108688 May 21, 1956 under Preliminary Order .._............. .. approved ..... _............ ........ ........... ..................... J Y21, 1956 Intermediary Order.... 10445approved ............�......,...................................----------- ..................................... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it $SOLj ED,_ By_ the Counci of_the City of Saint Paul that fhsa.»ee"nn4arc r*�'�d—lcmd-of—� a he>hetructed at ed hereto shit an is hereby ref- ed$o an"3 i PR LVED FURTHER, he Commissioner Public Works nd is and directed to are plans and specifica for said impro nt, and the pr chereby authorized and ' ected to proceed with the aking of said imp ement in actorith. AUG 18 1936 Adoptedby the Council............................................................................... 193........ ...................................................... Approved... ...... ---- --- NJ- _...... 19... Barfass ® Mayor. Pfndlago Pearce �Id ' P LISIiED l / Peterson tFtYMM Truax Mr. President NNF&33 t L © t Indicates Cut, AM — Indicates Fill. Typical Notation +U Figures abort line show Cot or Fill at property line. Figures Wow line show distant. to which slopes extend beyond properly line. I_ae. Bock No,R-31.70XSee. Bk. Na6g 219 L ALLEY SLK. 2 SIMON ITSCHIS SUO. - Ox{Ord St. 470.7ftWe6fOfOxford St. Scale =40 SH ER 5 U R N E A v E: UNIVERSITY AVE i9//ey.C�/k 2 SimonitsehsSub. �"^ Slope .02 N1'906 1 S I M 0 N I T S C H S S U B. 3 14 13 12 39' II 10 9 B 7 I 6 ? `, 3 39' 39'4r' $ Y OI CL 2. . F r. a ✓ r ' Fr a r Fr ✓ � i iFr i' Gar) �� rFr I ti—� Ga r. co LGa r. 70 Gar. 1- i� � Z - 0 0 ISt.B�ick. F f- Fi'llin9j Station 1 St. BY. z X j X W 17 18 19 2,0 21 22 23 29 .. . 39' 25 2(0 27 28 24 -- S U B 3 9 3O0 1 S I M 0 N I T S C H S UNIVERSITY AVE i9//ey.C�/k 2 SimonitsehsSub. �"^ Slope .02 N1'906 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for elopes, cute and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Simonitech's Subdivision from Oxford Street to a point 470.7 feet west of Oxford Street under Preliminary Order approved VW no 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 50.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is 77 --- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ygLESSED dg. �nBldg. 1 ! 3ixonibohle Subdivision of sm Blooks 11 A 14 of We Park ! ! do '0 3 ! do 880 X1780 4 ! do 860 2900 .. 8 ! do 860 1.450 8 8 do 86o 2428 7 ! do 880 2000 .. 8 ! do 880 2900 .. 9 ! do 860 10 ! do TOTAL. 60 Porn B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK. ADDITION ASSESSED . _ _ YALUATIO' iA1W Al..., ' 11 ! llsoniteehte Subdivision of X830 �t83of Eloeke 11 6 14 of eydo Berk is. ! 40 800 JIM Hz. IAZO PbW. S. of 13 and 14 ! do 800 18 ! do 13200 8800 (inoludee other 60 20 ! do 1800 21 and U . ! do 3800 3800 !3 ! do 1800 24. ! do 1800 E6 E do 1800 E8 E do 1800 2T E do 1800 to E do 1800 !8 ! do 1800 Eo. ! do 2800 T4 TOW $".300 $83,!!3 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated of Fina Form B. B. 12 Commissioner Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 22.,-1.986- - _ - - ------------193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 103686 ..approved- 21, 1956 193 relative to condemning and t4ingSA._the Isn4 necessary for slopes, 184SeMect in --------- ­ - --------- and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2. Simonitsch's Subdivision from om ............ .......... ---- --- - -- --- . ..... Oxford Street to a point 470.7 feet west of Oxford Street. . ..... ­-------­------ -------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. _ _ . necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S _?R?99� .... .. ..... and the total cost thereof is S_ ........... ----- -------- - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. - . ..... I—— ­­ _ _ ----------------- ------------ .. ..... . ..... ­­ . ....... .................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -.-- --- ---- ---- ........................... ---- ­ ---- ------- ----------------- --- ------------- 5. Said improvement is ------ ----------------------- .-asked for upon petition of three or more owners of subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. ----------------- --- in over of Pu 'c .......... 92 .' OF�_ M 24 a �i� COUNCIL FILE NO. -___- By__ ------_----_---_-------_-_-----_---_ -_-____- FINAL ORDERS V.4754 104704— �,he Mntter of aurbinl;� Ford Road iFom F. ; `, BYRdlcate Avenue, c'.f . Nlnre9c Avenue from ' i to BYndlcace Av, [Bohland Plnco- to 126 ft -- ,A In the Matter of_ouiBing-tha__flouth-Rid$--s-3 Qrd_&osd__from Hemline_Aye. _to S�ndioate Ave. Qn_both Bides of Hilloreat Ave.from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on north side of. - i Bohland Place from Hemline Ave. to 125 ft. east of Syndicate Ave.. on the south side of Bohland P1�ogmline five. to Syndicate Av__e.L-_on the north Bide of Beechwood Ave. fro Hemline Ave. to S ndioate-Ave., on the_ east __side_of-Syndicate Ave. :from Ford Road to >Ahlandace _end on the west_eide of Syndioate Ave. from Bohland Place to Beechwood Ave., under Preliminary Order -----_--1Od69------------------approved-------- 1fa9_24 1988---------------:--------- Intermediary Order ----------------------------approved ------------- ---� -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered" the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent, and kind of im provement to be made by the said Cityis-_ourk__th4_�9?Ath_e14Le_of_)?oFd Road frca.Hamline Ave. �o }._. u .4d.. nP A4llnr.et Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave:,,, novthyitl� BQhlead -Place_ Yrs-$�m13g4�y4:_to= 25 _ft._east'of�dicate Are., on the south aide oP_Bohland_Pleae_from Hemline Ave._ toS�rndicate Ave., on the north side of Be9nhwood Ave from Hemline �y-a. o Svnda . on the east side of Syndicate Ave. from to Bohland Plsoe� and oa _��e�t_4151e Qf_Sy_ndioate Ave. from Bohland Plsaa to anro a uncjilorders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the tnaking of said improvement in accordance there -_. Adopted by the Council____ 2vklilw ------------ 19 7 City Clerk. AUG8Approved-------------------------------------- - --, 19 --- --� ----- L_- v/`_____ ---- ri rf use Mayor. Councilma CouncilmaiNIFEWMn10, _ .' fl'.arc•e - COUIIC11m8�- etereon Councllmal b J ua8 Councilma Wier wenzet ✓,'1 Councilman Gehnn ! Mayor Wpow I Form B. S. A. 8-7 j `j� � ' CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Orf FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) . In the matter of curbing south side of Ford Road Pram Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., both sides of Hillorest Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., Borth side of BohlandP ob Prom Hemline Ave. to 125 feet Stet of Syndicate Ave., South side of Bohland from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., Borth aide of Beechwood Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., east side of Syndicate Ave. from Ford Road to Bohland Place, Beat Bide ofbysadicate Ave. from Bohland Place to Beechwood Ave. under Preliminary Order approved may 21, 1836 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 2,456.04 The estimated cost per of for the above improvement is - - - g 0.63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 3 Gilbert's Greenway Court $300 East 15 feet 2 3 do 76 (EX. E. lb ft.) 2 and E. 35 ft. 3 3 do 360 (Ex. E. 35 ft.) Sand all of 4 3 do 325 5 3 do 250 East 20 feet of g g do 100 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 8 and E. 35 ft. 7 3 do 325 (Ea. E. SS ft.) 7 3 do 75 B 3 do 250 8 3 do TOTAL, 250 Fan B. B. 10 ' CITY OF ST. P�IJL • 2/ DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF " ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT aLocK ADDITION ASSESSED �,pLUATIC0J d$ _ - Hll DESCRIPTION .. _ 10 3 Gilbert's Oreemvey Court 100 Bast 20 feat _ u do (Ex. E."20 feet) 10 and E. 35 ft -Of 11 3 325 I (Ex. A. 36 feet) 11 a do 76 ; • 18 8 do 300 13 3 do 300 p. 14 a do 250 is a do 250 , 16 3 do (Ex. E. 10 ft.) 200 (E. 10 ft. of 16, ell of 17 and ( 18 8 do q (W. 15 feet of 375 " (Ex. A. 16 it.) 18, de (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 19.3 do 3�6 . B. 20 ft. 19 and all of 20 3 do 360 21 3 do 250 22 3 do (Ex. E. 37 ft.) 65 E. 37 ft. of 22 and (Ex. E. 15 ft.) 23 3 do 360 u 23 3 to E. 15 ft. of 75 24 . 3 do 300 E. 15 ft. of 2 and all of 1 2 do 375 2 2 do (Ex. E. 15 ft.) ) .. 350 (. S 8 do East 35 feet (Ex. E. 35 ft.) Lot 3 and all 4 2 do 385 5 2 do 260 6 2 do 100 East 20 feet 385. 20 ft.) Lot 6 and E. 35 ft.. 7 8 do . do (Ex. 8. 36 ft.) Lot 7 ead all 8: 2 325 i�E. 20 feet 10 L do 9 N 3$0. µ Lot and _(Ez. E. 20 ft.) 1• -2 -do TOTAL i0 - — r CIT,78F ST. P. L • �,�. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE a OF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT L.C.aADDITION i ASSESSED it Laay h ALUATI0j dg.-._ - DESCRIPTION .„� . 11 2 Oilberk's Qreeniay Court $250 jl 12 . 2 do 500 la . 2 do SM 14 2 do 280 SESc. S. 20 Pt.) 15 2 do 180 N. 20 ft. of 15 and all of 16 2 do 580 17 2 do 250 a (sm. E. ab ft.) 18 2 do 78 X. ab ft.. 18 and (Ex. S. 15'ft.) 19 2 do 360 Lot 20 and E. 15 ft. of 19 . 2 do 325 Z1 2 do 280 $5700. 22 2 do ” 250 West i of 23 2 de 125 Lot 24 and S. 23 2 do 426 l . 1 do aao 2 1 do 260 a 1 do 260 4 . 1 do 250 5 1 do 250 p 6 1 do 280 7 1 do 250 8 1 doVi 250 9 , 1 do 250 : - � 10 1 do 250 11 1 do 260. 12 . 1 do aQO. - do _. - TOTAL j�. `�..d''1• i (C) DESCRIPTIO Lot 13 and S. * of N. j of 14 and all „Lot 16 and S. j of N. j 17 and all of Lot 18 and S. j of ..N. J 20 and all of Lot 22 and S. j of N. * of F CITY n ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT 0if FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER N LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LaudVALUAT10Nd s , $300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 350 425 375 375 375 376 376 375 12b 300 14 1 Gilbert's Greenvmy Court 16 1 do 16 1 do 17 1 do 18 1 do 18 1 do '20 1 do 21 1 do 22 1 do 23 1 do 24 1 do 14 4 do lb 4 do 17 4 do 18 4 do 20 4 do 21 4 do 23 4 do 23 4 do 24 4 do Total $22300 =6140- ..___ The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon 'to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 199 Form a. B. 12 ( Commissioner of Finance. To the Honorable Council of the City of Saint Paul: Gentlemen: The undersigned hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause to be installed standard cement curbing on the following streets: On the South side of Ford Road from Hemline to (125 feet East of Syndicate) on both sides of Hillcrest between Hamline and Syndicate; on the North side of Bohland Place from Hamline to 125 feet East of Syndicate; on the South side of Bohland Place from Hemline to Syndicate; and on the Forth side of Bechwood from Hemline to Syndicate; on W6f (both sidesof Syndicate from Ford Road to Bohland lace and on the West side of Syndicate from Bohland Place to Beechwood. ITEW HOMES, INC., BY owners of all lots affected except Lots 13 and 14, 23 and 24, in Block 1, and Lot 21 in Block 2, a total of 79 lots. 7 N. %z Sec. 15 -T. 28N. -R.23. qq i6 �•rL��cale:l zoo'. flamline VL . I i 41I �I I I j to � I Ave . Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance June 22, 1936... _ ............ 193.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. .105692 -approved .......... .h!ay-21,..1936 ..193......., relative to curbing south side of Ford Road from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue Ave._from Hamline_AvenuetoSyndi......._ Avenue - __ cate- North side of Bohland Place from Hemline Avenue to 125 feet east of Syndicate Ave. ,South side of Bohland Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue or s e' of Heethwood- Adams from AamTiiie" AdehVe to Syndicate -avenue- -------- -- east side of Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place ---_Yfest -aide-o€- Syndioa-te-Aveenu-r from --Bohlend- place to- Beachwood— Avenue.. ------------ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. _ ....... -necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot 63¢ 2. The estimated cost thereof is E...2:456.04 and the total cost thereof is B__.......... - Inspection $41.62 Engineering $200.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -......._ ...... __.....----- ---------------- --------------- _........- ._._... .-....... - .._....._.._.... ---------- A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -- -----..._........-------------------- ..........._----------- ........ .------------ - 5. Said improvement is -..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject td assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, ,�n12,..1 9' N�h, c3 �� ...6 ' JUN 24 1936 mmissioner of Public Works. 4 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION June 15, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirt I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of the south side of Ford Road from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, on both sidgs of Hillcrest Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, on the north side o£ Bohland Place from Hemline Avenue to 125 feet east of Syndicate Avenue, on the south side of Bohland Avenue from Hamline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, on the north side of Beechwood Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, on the east side of Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place, and on the west side of Syndicate Avenue from Bohland Place to Beechwood Avenue, under Preliminary Order C, F. 105692, approved May 21, 1956. Length 2,525 feet Width of Street 60f 501 Frontage 5,725 ft. n n Roadway 501 20 t Estimated Cost $ 2,456.04 Cost per front foot .65 Inspection 41.62 Engineering 200.00 Yours truly, GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer. Approved for transmission to the Co sinner of Finance 6.O Vmis C P EARCE, ,Commissioner. ti Angnst 18th, 1936. ' Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Corsi of Finance, Building. Dear Sir% The City Connell laid over the final order in the swatter of Curbing the south side of Ford Road from Hamlin Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on both sides of Hillcrest Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave., on north side of Bohland Place from Hemline Ave. to 125 ft. east of Syndicate AT., on the south side of Bohland Place from Hemline Ave. to Syndicate Ave. on the north side of Beechwood Ave. from Hemline Ave. to Syn- dicate Ave., on the east side of Syndicate Ave. from Ford Road to :3ohland Plane, and on the most side of Syndicate Ave. from Bohland Place to Beechwood Ave., by the order is tax after you had reported that property delinquent. The Council requested you to investigate this tax delingaenq and determine, if poossiibb�� t the Petitioned rospects are of collecting this delinquency The for by New Homes, Inc. yours very truly, City Clerk. Laid over to---. 3rd. & app. fi Yeas �f Nays Yeas Nays �Barfuss /Barfuss Findlan Findlan Pearce ✓ Pearce Peterson Peterson Truax ✓ / Truax Wenzel ✓` Wenzel �\ t Mr. Pres. Gehan ; /Mr. Pres. Gehan Z Adopted by the Council._ ----- 193_ Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX NVENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 57-it. wac,aat ORDINANCE: 1��4'�55 r COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 325071, s approved August 20, 1914, as amended, entitled: "An administrative ordinance relating to the Civil ,$ervice Bureau of the City of Saint Paul, approving and adopting rules and regulations therefor". THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: section 1., That Ordinance No. 3250, approved August 20, 1914, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended -by inserting therein, immediately after section 45 thereof, the following: "Dection 45j., Compulsory Retirement - All 1py e: holding positions included within the ; A s Servioe,; Police`Servioe or'Health service as established in Section 6 hereof, who have been employee by the City .of Paul for at least ttwanty years and have attained the she of sixty- fian (fib.) years and whoiare entitled, by reason of su4h service and age; to the benefits:of a pension' Eund'oontribntad in whole or in par b.bq tazatloa, shex3. be automatically s eparated from the servioe.ton `ti�a last daq of the mouth' in which the `aizty-fifth „r b r#hday to attained." a }Seotion a. this ordinance shall take effect- and AM, �,p� be JA force from sad;after the last day,:of the sixthmoath 7y yxry;, 4 following its passage, approval and publication. g dF; a =^ Approved: cv v ery ce' o as over 0„ F.a F � i Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council --- ....-_--- Pearce '' Peteisoh W; n�' 4 • ;, Barfuse -------=--• .. —.......... In Favor �ptatir ' F`indlan-- ............. _Against 7 '11Sr. President (GeSan)": '... , Approved _.... -- - --.._._. . ......................... ........... ..- ..» Attest: i City Clerk Mayor r AFFILIATED WITN THE AYt111CAN ItOt.ATiON OF LAEOn Jnternattanal Annartattan of mar4tntatn orncE or BUSINESS REPRESENTATIVE QU DG GRAND LODGE HEADQUARTERS 238E UNIVERSITY AVENUE NDGETe• auQU - PHONE NEtron 1974 WASHINGTON. D. C. ST. PAUL MI)JN. , DISTRICT NO. 77 August 24th, 1936 Office of Oity Olerk, Oity Hall, St.Paul, Minn. Dear Sir= Will you kindly forward me copy of proposed ordinance for the retirement of city employees over sixty—five years of age employed in the Public Safety and Fire Departments. Also would like information as to when hearings will be held on this proposed ordinance. Yours very truly, DISTRIOT #77 INTERNATIONAL ASSOOIATION OF MACHINISTS Fred Lutz usiness Repres ative s4 care! a THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY / OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 25th, 1986 Commissioner G. H. Barfuss, Department of Public Safety, St. Paul, Minnesota My dear Commissioner: Regarding the effect on this Bureau' of the Ordinance requiring compulsory retirement at the age of sixty-five years of all those who are entitled to pension: At the present time, there are two employees who will be immediately effected by this Ordi- nance. As to the effect on the Bureau, naturally we know that in a Department like the Bureau of Health, there are certain employees in executive positions or specialties,, such as medical men, whose background with years of train- ing and experience, are valuable even after the age of sixty- five. Nevertheless, I am dognizant of the fact that some regulation regarding the retirement age, must be made soon- er or later, and I shall be guided and governed by your good judgment in the matter. Very truly yours, M. D. RBJS-S Chibf HdaEth Officer P.S. - I am epclosing a statement of 2ews of the Bureau do of Health Relief Association, in 3agard to this Ordi- nance. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER-OFFIOE COMMUNIOATION August 25, 1936 Dr. R. B. J. Schoch Chief Health Officer My dear Dr. Schocht I have your letter of the 21st regarding the views of the Bureau of Health Belief Association as to the proposed ordinance calling for compulsory retirement at the age of 65 years. The views of our members are as followat We do not feel that we should be included in this ordinance. Length of experience in health work is an asset to the department and if a memberls physical condition is such that he is able to perform his duties he should not be compelled to go on pension at 65 years of age. However, if this ordinance is passed we suggest that it should be patterned after federal civil service regulations --that ie, at age 65 members may be required to go on pension or if they are phyei— cally and mentally competent the head of any department may continue a member in service until 70 years of age. Also, as the commissioner probably ]cows, several years ago the health employees in conjunction with police and fire employees were denied the sixth automatic raise because of the pension funds of the various departments. The fire and police department employees "were later advanced one grade in civil service ratings, in this manner obtaining a salary raise approximating the sixth automatic raise. This, however, was not done for health bureau employees. Consequently each employee has suffered a salary lose of approximately $60 per year, which in the aggregate amounts to about $2,400 per annum salary contri— bution that we have mads to the city because of our pension fund. If this amount were credited to our pension fund it would be practically self—supporting. To reiterate, the bureau of health employees feel that experience and mentalability are the real requisites for work in this departmente our work being very much different from that of firemen and policemen where physical strength is quite necessary. I trust that our comments will be of some value to the commissioner. hs Respectfully yours, ,President1� Bureau of Health Relief Assoc. JOHN 0.89ANLON, Prmident EDWARD H. MIIHPHY, Vim President J. L YEAG= FlWmn418e"et&m F. L. LDND8TROM, Reoording 8emetw7 Engine Oo. No. ID Engine Co. Na 4 Fire Alarm 0111. Engine on. No. 18 City Firefighters Union No. 21 -J0 WERRER� INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIREFIGHTERS gine Oo. 14 7Ytt�ttef Srrgrgnf w Army M. HOLLENITSOH, ARTHUR T. 6088 Engine CO. No. M Fire Pre 11_ Bureau JOHN HARRY, BQead AC e JAB. I IIIII III II IE 0.i� H. h L. O0. 3Y0. B �® St. Paul, Minn., Aug. 21, 1936. Wm. J.'Sudeith, Yire Chief, Public Safety Bldg., St. Paul, Kinn. My Dear Chief: Confirming the conversation between yourself and the officers of our Union this morning, it 1s their earnest wish that because of the short time between the third reading (August 26) of the proposed compulsory re- tirement ordinance and the next regular meeting of our organization (Sgptember..2) that council action be, delayed until an expression from our members on the proposed amend- i�ent may be had at that meeting. In order that our membership may be fully in- formed of the provisions of the proposed ordinance and learn its advantages, an invitation is hereby extended, through you, toour Commissioner of Public Safety, ius, harfus, or whoever he may designate, to address our two meetings on. September 2nd, 10:00 a.m and 8:00 p.m. Yours very truly, Rec, Se City Firefighters Union #21. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 8, 1936. Honorable G. H. Barfuss, Cot,2 ssioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirs For your information, I am enclosing copy of letter of September 5th from F. L. Landstrom, Recording Secretary of the City Firefighters UnionSo. 21, relative to our visit to their meeting on September 2nd when the compulsory retirement ordinance was discussed. Respectfully yours, J Fir -thief. Encl. WJS/j Al ahi8'3:rid912 r s cn r z <t f t < s r z <t THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 24, 1936. Honorable G. H. Barfass, Oo mliseioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: Your letter of August 20th to which yon attached a copy of ordinance calling for compulsory retirement at the age of sixty-five years. I feel that the ordinance as drawn up by you is fair and just as it will treat alike all employes in this Bureau. I believe it would improve the efficiency of the Bureau and also would be an incentive for the yozmger men to strive harder for promotions which, in my opinion, would make for a better fire department. I have made a survey and find that (if this ordinance takes effect in 1937), between the years 1937 and 1947 it would affect sixty-four men in our Bureau. Also, in checking up on the pension ftmd for 193% I find there is, at the present time, a surplus which is ample to take care of the men that this ordinance would affect,in 1937• Respectfully yours, Fi ief. ifJS/ j THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 28, 1936 Commissioner G. H. Barfuss, Department of Public Safety. Dear Commissioner: In reply to your letter of August 20th wherein you ask what the effect might be if the proposed ordinance and amendment to Ordinance $ 3250$ were adopted. The proposed ordinance no doubt would be of benefit to this department inasmuch as it would relieve from duty those not able to continue to stand the hardships an officer must endure. It would enable this department to add new and younger men more often. It would eliminate the necessity of "making° day jobs for a few who would be unable to work on the same basis as a younger man. I have asked a report of the Executive Board of the Mutual Benefit Association and that report is attached. For the benefit of the entire department I strongly urge the adoption of this -amendment. Respect lly submItted, C. A. Hackert Chief of Police NEAL C. McMAHOIJ, Fin. 5ec'r-Tr.as. Trustees: 1115 Cherla Snot THOS. E. DAHILL E%—t 4435 CHARLES COULTER JAMES S. MATHIESEN, Rec-Sefr St. Paul Police FRANK SCHMIDT 282 Sherbume Avenue Sergeant-at•Arms: Elkhun 5853 FRED McGLLPIN Mutual Benefit Association 60— RAY H. DOENGES, President LOUIS W. BURG, Vice President SL Paul, Minn. Mr. C. A. Hackert, Chief of Police. Dear Sir: August 27, 1936 The Executive Board of the Mutual Benefit Association have decided in favor of the 65 -year re- tirement plan as proposed by Commissioner Barfuss and wish to so notify you. Very truly yours, Ra,Mond H. Dosages,� President. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 24, 1936 Hon. G. H. Barfuss, Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: Replying to your letter of August 20th relative to the compulsory retirement at the age of sixty-five years, this will affect one employee id the Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm. I heartily 'endorse the principle contained in your ordinance inasmuch as it treats all employees alike, who are eligible for pension and gives them an opportunity to adjust themselves before attaining the age of sixty-five years. Very truly yours, G. E. Brissman Asst. Supt. Police & Fire Alarm GEB/k PUNTED ON ONION,MADE PAPER ME SECOND AND FOURTH PRID"S OF MONTH QFFICE OF THE SECRETARY i. Paul, lZrabrs anb Kabor Assembly lL D. McHiNNON. Secretary Labor Temple, 416 North Franklin Street Telephone: Cedar 1930 SAINT PAUL Oct -18, 1936 To the Honorable Members or the City Council Greetings: The Ste Paul Trades and Labor Assembly has given considerable study to the ordinance now before the City Council which has for it's purpose the compul- sory retirement of employees in the Public Safety Depart- ment who have reached the age of 65. The Assembly is of the opinion and offers the suggesID tion that in view of the fact that the retirement fund was created by an act of the legislature that an ordinance or act which will retire employes should also be enacted by the State legislature in place of the city council. This suggestion is offered to the city council for their consideration by the Trades and Labor who took the action at their meeting Oct. 9th. Very Truly Yours. St. Paul Trades and Labor Assembly, %�� /enc _. President. O. CEm �. .It"AN i RIV;.os:T JOHN C. SCANLON. VICE-PRbID.N RALPH MCRRILL. TR.A.UnM CFRANK W.CITY­­­1FDuu MUYYAL .ww..1Y A..w. ...—L — Central Council of Public Service Employees Saint Paul, Minnesota _46b.® PRINTN ON ONION -NAD. FAP.R AFFILIATES FEDERATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES POLICE MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION SCHOOL ENOINECR9 CITY FIREFIGHTERS UNITED CRAFTS Ne LYO-H.11-aCaw1H— October 12th 193 6 Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Councils The Central Council of Public Service Employees after carefully considering the proposed amendment to Ordinance j 3250 1/2,ae amended,which would establish a cumpulsory retirement age for employes in the Public Safety Department,wish to report the following conclusions; 1. We beleive that a law to terminate an employers service to the city because,in such service, he has reached a certain age,should not be controlled by Council Ordinance which may be amended, suspended or repealed with comparitive expediency and ease. 2. We also beleive that the passage of such an ordinance will in all probability lead to expen- sive litigation because our lresent civil service laws ails to recognize an employers eligibil- ity to a pension,created by statute,as sole, and sufficient cause for his discharge at an age definitely fixed by ordinance. 3. That greater permanency,fewer opportunities for discriminations and more sound pension systems would result were the State Legislature -which now controls the pension laws of these employea,which laws also provide the method of obtaining revenues and the amounts so derived - to also determine the age at which these employes must avail themselves of the benefit so Bet up. Because of these contentions the Central Council of Public Services Employee respectfully petitipn Your Honorable Body to table the proposed compulsory retirement ordinance and await action by the State Legislature. Yours very truly Central Council of Public Service Employes F.W.Chapman .• Seely Ori,ls.l em Cir perk CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 64756 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK F.L. COUNCIL RFrSOVWION --- GENERAL FORM Whereas, the Federal Hnergency Administration of Public Works requires that minimum hourly wage rates be furnished for all classifications of labor, and Whereas, no minimum rate for watchman is included in the City Wage Scale ordinance; therefore, be it Resolved, That the minimum rate for watchman be $0,50 per hour, and be it Further Resolved, That on contract work being performed for the City of St. Pauul on which federal loan or grant, or both, are received, that the maximum weekly hours of employment of watchman be forty (40) hours. ✓v COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Pindlan l/J' Pearce In favor Peterson (� Tutu— ...._ Against Wenzel aM 636 Mr. Vice President (Truax) man is lncluded fn the City Owatch- r,s' j.e; therefore, be it Wage Scale Resolved, that the50 minimum rate for r Fur her Resolved ethat no and be It lork being n contract) L Paul on which federel loan oCity f; r both, are received, that the maaimutti� eekly hours of employment of watch- n be forty 140) hours. Adopted a the Council 88DL 84, I988. Approved Be t. 84, 1s8s. LBePL 88, 1888) a, p Adopted by the Council........SEP ...24:..1...193 ..... /Approved.........._...8 -174. 193....... Mayor � �� �- /w� �� � ��,� � ,�����. �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION JOHN S. FINDLAN. COMMISSIONER P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY PAUL S. AMIDON, MRS. J. T. JENNINGS. L.—R.— BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU. Don—, EDWARD A. FURNI. SS.I.—T..... I September 22, 1936 To the Honorable error and Council of the City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: The attached resolution, referred to this committee for investigation, and providing: "That the minimum rate for watchman be fifty (50) cents per hour, and "That on contract work being performed for the City of Saint Paul on which federal loan or grant, or both are received, that the maximum weekly hours of employment of watchman be forty (40) hours." is hereby recommended for adoption. Respectfully submitted, Inst 18th, 1936. Hon. John S. Bindlan, Cometr of Fdneation, - Chairman, Wage Scale Com©ittee, Building. Dear Sirt The City Council referred to you the attached resolution fixing the minimum rate for watabman and the mazimma weekly hours of employment of watchman for investig.+tion and reaoanendation. Yours very traly, City Clerk. orw,a to CUT el�k COUNCIL NO.-- 43 57 CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L. OFFICE OF THE CITY CL@RK COUNC SO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRES&TED Y 1 August 18, ..................... COMMISSION .... ... .... .. .. .............. ..... ................. ........._........._.. ................. ...........DATE................. Whereas, the Department of Higbwnys of the State of Minnesota acting under and pursuant to Chapter 43, Laws of 1955, proposes to construct and install a Highway -Railroad Grade Crossing Signal system on Reserve Street at its crossing over the tracks of the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company, and Whereas, under Resolution C. V. 104333 approved, July 10, 1955, the City Council authorised and directed the proper city officials to enter into an agreement with the State Highway Department covering main- tenance of the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system, and Whereas, it is deemed advisable that the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company maintain and operate the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system at its sole cost ,and expense, and Whereas, an agreement has been reached between the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company to the effect that the Railroad Company shall maintain and operate at its sole cost and expense the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system, such agreement being approved by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are herein authorised and directed to enter into an agreement with the Chicago Great Western Railroad Company covering 4-+—anne end operation Of the aforesaid S�,�,,�7 system I ^ F No. 104757—By Irvin, , Signal .ys Whereas, the DeparttneF..., va of the State of 11nn.., 9r and purduant to Chapt� >>96 pr- ..- to oonatr" �s IilghwaY•1 nilrnv..l Gr 'Final sYate t V" AUG 18 t93b COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council ...................................................193...... e AUG 18vow In favor A roved.. . Approved-..... ............. 193... ,ten `c�Ce /Yeteraon Against ', .......... . Mayor enzel Mr President (Geban) � �/ %il1�dLIS1�1:D 15 �� 3M 6 :-in.lm city Clerk ?�� CITY OF ST. PAUL : �:�`" NO....... .... OFFICE HE CITY CLERK COUNCI OL T N ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B F '�� August 18, 1936 COMMISSIONER_............_._....... .__...._....._....... ... ................... .............. ........ .._.........._.....� -.__.........._.............._._.....___.._.._................... I'Qo. 104768—By Irving eae, he DeDartmen ' the State of Minn, p�Q.�p� I Par .... t to Chrrl p'Ieea to . n-tr, dt u Whereas, the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota acting under and pursuant to Chapter 45, Laws of 1955, proposes to construct and install a Highway -Railroad Grade Crossing Signal system on Reserve Street at its crossing of the tracks of the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, and Whereas, Linder Resolution C. F. 104354 approved July 10, 1956, the City Council authorized and directed the proper city officials to enter into an agreement with the State Highway Department covering main- tenance of the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system, and Whereas, it is deemed advisable that the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railway Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company maintain and operate the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system at their sole cost and expense, and Whereas, an agreement has ben reached between the Commissioner of Pbblic Works and the Chicago. Burlington and Quincy Railway Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, to the effect that the Railroad Companies ahall maintain and operate at their sole cost and expense the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system, such agreement being approved by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are herein authorised and directed to enter into an agreement with the Chicago, Burlington and Quin Railway Company and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Rail- road ompany covering the maintenance and operation of the aforesaid Signal system. COUNC LMEN Yeas � Nays uss �P' dlan In favor earce Zr erson / � Against Went ouzel /Mr President (Gehan) AUG 18 1936 Adopted by the Council....... . ................................ 193 ... AUG 18io Approved 193. s� ayor RIL`l.IS1�F;D o ,�� "o. 101760—By Irving • ' "-eae, the Depsrt—o 0ri0a1[o Citr Clerk �dhD =euant toMChap,iuHei� CITY OF ST. PAUL proposes to const F;— NO__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE, eieiema Bead ' ' v Street &PA �. COUNCIL RE OLU N---GENERq !' c.� PRESENTED B / � J �I COMMISSIONER_ ........... ........ ...... ... ._.. � .... DATE.. .Angust_.18,..19§6... .__............ RSD Whereas, the Department of Highways of the State of Minnesota acting under and pursuant to Chapter 45, Laws of 1955, proposes to construct and install a Highway—Railroad Grade Crossing Signal system where the intersection of Fry Street and Iglehart Avenue crosses the line of the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, and Whereas, under Resolution C. F. 104555 approved July 10, 1956, the City Council authorized and directed the proper city officials to enter into an agreement with the State Highway Department covering main— tenance of the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system, and Whereas, it is deemed advisable that the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company maintain and operate the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system at its sole cost and expense, and Whereas, an agreement has been reached between the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company to the effect that the Railroad Company shall maintain and operate at its sole cost and expense the aforesaid Grade Crossing Signal system, such agreement being approved by the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officials be and they are herein authorized and directed to enter into an. agreement with the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company covering the maintenance and operation of the aforesaid Signal system. ✓as COUN LIMii EN Nay Adopted by the Council. MG .......193__.. Ye Buss Pi Ian `1t iFWD /,r( In favor Approved... _._.. ....193...... �Srce Pe rson Against �enzelr r President (Gehan) Pi RI,ISiiFI) 3 C 3At 636/ Original to Clty ©ark f CITY OF ST. PAUL eouNca NO....--------------- OFFICE -------- ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO UNC RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE at<ED WHEREAS, John O'Dowd, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Police and Fire Alarm, was injured on the 19th day of August 1934, which injury occurred when a pole upon which he was repairing wires broke, causing him to fall to the ground, and WHEREAS, as a result of such injury he was totally dis— abled until December 1, 1934, and has suffered a permanent disability to his left leg, the amount of which permam6n6idAe— ability cannot now be determined, and WHEREAS, the amount of such permanent disability will not be less than ten per cent thereof and the said John O'Dow$has requested a partial settlement of his claim for compensation, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Act provides that compensation shall be paid for twenty weeks for a ten per cent permanent loss of use of a leg, and WHEREAS, the compensation rate of the said John O'Dowd is $20.90 per week, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to the said John O'Dowd the sum of $400.00 in partial settlement of his claim against the City for compensation, resulting from his injury of August 19, 1934, said sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Y Account of the General Fund. 10�700—B: Sohn O'L �flrtn nY q . v. COUNCILMEN AUG 18 0C Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciL_....... -.. 93 -Pearce p� terson�� ,+�1lLG (, a R=XG BaS'fuai�� vor Approved............................................193.. -.. 3'ruax Cf Find-1nst Wenzel _ \ Mayor OM 11.35 Mr. President (Gehan) J / / I'UY3L1SrIliU ��(/!, Orl,loel to Cil, Clark 43 �` l rt/ CITY OF ST. PAUL i°�i�`" NO.._.. 'y9Vl / W/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL TION ---GENERAL FORM rf COMM155IONER_....................................._...`.....__............._........__................ _........... ... .... ...._..—.ATE.._ WgU0t_..l..f.;.... 1 .6....._ .......... ...... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorised to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank oar, approximately 8000 gallons IQ$ leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the DEEP ROCK OIL CORPORATION, at a price of $ .11578 per gallon, lase 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale 8t -,'on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund— Municipal Equipment— 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Ear ss indlan �a In favor rce Peterson � `..... Against Al/ ruax ,AVenzel AM r. President (Gehan) ant s.}s Pearoe— ig Agent >ttea on .Dur Bt ee an to Bet lip to thi Adopted by the Council_,_ _.y.._l.�_...193..... AUG 18 Approved tt.JJ.......... .. 193 .�f/...(17 ....... l�.. __.�r...u.........-._ Mayor I original to City Cl -k CITY OF ST. PAUL Cooties ,ice No.. ----- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESo, ON --GENERAL FORM , _n Y 113 6 PRIESENTE y COME -4" .10 COMMISS10 — — --- AT - RESOLVED 104762—B -y.: d, that h the. perr40 fy.t Bay -rl That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the south— west corner of Bayard and Finn, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Oommon Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power company. Municipal, Estimate 24171- I J Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays �'Adopted by the Council Afi. 1 UV'43.. Barfuss Findlan rj!qM�M W6 Pearce r-iMmMM --------- In favor Approved----------.._.............................193Peterson- Mm'] Truax omg=- - - ----- ............... Again,A Wenzel � Ma nr Mr. President (Gehan) YtAiLISHL 3'M 11-33 Orlalr l to City Clerk /PRRESIE.' S CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL-aESOWTION—GENERAL FORM That the Northern States Power Company bei given permission to install 1-35 foot pole on Nevada Street at alley West of White Hear Avenue, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole aud�wfres to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #24-695- a COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays AUG 8 Adopted by the Council...__........._.�....1'A1II93...... Barfnsn /I Pindlan Pearce [ ------------- -----In favor Approved-------- ------------------ -- __-....193. Peterson Truax ( 1 Against `---- Wenzel i Mayor Mr. President 3M It -83 (Gehan)% Subjec FORM No. 2 .A `" O Ba'noil File No. r am" in.---�- %jf '. •..�> .rgea Ayes m en Nays ussPdlan rrce terson ss. lenzel /4r. President'Gehan % Certif orrect Leonard N. Thompson General Superintend nt Adopted by the AIIf;.R IMS 1936 Approved AW.181911F 1936 PUBLISHED 3,6 Date presented August 18 1936 Resolved, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an, emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized" to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: 4 NAME M TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE William Dupre Water -Shed laborer 16 bra..b Antoine Leroux do 13 hrs. 8 " .5 Albert Duren Filter -Plant laborer " .5 Dan Slater Dan Looney do Ditch digger 8 16 " .5 .55. Julian J. Duren Filter -Plant lab 16 " " •5 Pierce T. Murphy Sta. Engr. 16 n 8 55 August 0. Yaeger do 16 " .55 Frank Hayek Sta. Fireman 16 " .4 Oscar Holmgre�nn Ste. Engr. 16 16 .65 .55 George 0. Mcq non William J. Sagissor do Sta. Fireman n 16 .4 William D. Carlson Filter -Plant Lab. 16 " " " •5 John G. Mandel do 16 7 " .55 Roy Munson Utilitymsn 3 1/2 " .67 IL .67 Herb. Buechner do 2j "51 Clifford Rasmussen Truck driver " " ` Gust A. Johnson Utilityman 12 4 " .65 Michael Lavelle Hoist.Engr.-Gas 19 1.00 Henry J. Conrad _ Plumber's helper 1 n John Anzevino Ditch digger 7 .571 Joe blMartino do 7 " 5 " .55 James Saporito Mech. Helper .b7} Vito Cocoo Ditch digger 5 " .55 Ben Danns. Peter Fabio do do 10 " .55 .55 Ayes m en Nays ussPdlan rrce terson ss. lenzel /4r. President'Gehan % Certif orrect Leonard N. Thompson General Superintend nt Adopted by the AIIf;.R IMS 1936 Approved AW.181911F 1936 PUBLISHED 3,6 FORM No. 1 August 17, 1936 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating, Highland, Hazel Park and Centerville Pumping Stations.* Driving truck.# PWA job #1253.' Cleaning out stopboxes.## Repairing hydrant.## This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *On Sundays. #Taking men to and from work in the country. 4* Inspecting. ##Work had to be done outside of BUSINESS hours, acct. of shutting off water. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By Presiden Ce fi d correct Leo and N. Thompson General Superintend t NOTICE CITY OF SAINT PAUL V4765 I 4766 TO v 164768-104766--^UNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PR INTHR� u that checks be �I aeury, to the tP 87,886.28, coverin Aj]�uBt 13 193 L 7686 to n th 01 1936 — "I'll"'*", Hle In the ol'R liar. by Lhe RESOLVED,THAT�cH <^°eQ+m AWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE GREGATE AMOUNT .157,1 si ,' — a 7,42W OF S'iC COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDt_TOINCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AUG 18 193E ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193_ W—— AUG 1€3APPROVED YGI3L18 UU G CITY OF SAINT PAUL '= , `'Rri�.I"" DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL tEl LMEN-ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.._-----�----------------- IM Roy COUNCIL RESOLUTION n d3;ft AUDITED CLAIMS----------Avgu"--1_______________9- -- earOORESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA N N THE CITY TREASURY. WREN -____i___ GAINS y�roon TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f-- COVERING r . B 7 . Pros. G8 CHECKS NUMBERED__ _�I INCLUSIVE, A6 I PER CHECKS ON FI I"'Ii E FI OF E OMPTROLL ER. ------------------- ADOPTED BY TH COUNAPP 0 YJ- ---------' O _____-- _ CITY COMPTROLLER ------ � i.. -._- _-_-"-.___ MAYOR BY-- ----- ------ --------------------- MAYOR -------- ---" ___--- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECK6 BROUGHT FORWARD • 27395 Minnesota Envelope Company 27396; SteSseir Tire Company 27397 { Thornton Brothers Company 27399 George G. Wilke 27399 j Mrs. Rosa Bernett 27390 Arthur 8dndbom 27391 John W. Hurley 27392 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fil 27393 Edward A. Furni Supt. of 27394 Axel F. Peterson,* 0. of FSI 27395 General Chemical Company 27396 Neptune Coter o—Op.Assoo.y 27397 Central 27399 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 273399 Mrs. Ames Weise 27400 Industrial Materials Co. 27401 Board of Public Welfare 27402 Board of Public Welfare 27403 Bear Creek Nursery 4 Miss Adeline Dupre 27405 Inter City Paper Company 27406 Mrs. J.T. Jennings, Librar: 27407 Northern States Power Comp 27408 Roy 0. Palmer 27409 quality Park Envelope Oomp 27410 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Comp 27411 United States News 27412 St.Paul Institute 27413 Thomas 8 Garner 27414 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fi 27415 Axel F. Pet ereon, C. of Pi' 27416 Axel F. Petereon, 0. of Fi. 27417 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fi. 7418 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Ft 27419 j Axel F. Peterson, 0. of FI: 27420 " Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Vi' 27421 Phillips Petroleum Company 27422 Stegneir Tire Company 27423 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of F1 27424 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of 71 Ir 181' 1 541 5 7 289 651 MI 64 0 so 18' 6 500! 1 634 o 98216 226 2 1 185 8 22' 9 31 9 2 115 7 456! o 40 0 10 0 315 43 37 21 209 2 15,00 106 21 282',57 1',0 333133 5195 297 i 8 2 662',12 10 449126 2 762!48 6 308103 2 679 62 4 024 82 927 58 17 [ 988,81 1 620 53 .I r ii i i SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 246 15 _ 66 i y �r I jj 4 J 1 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 441 11�+_ so i 'T v DUPLICATE T CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No. IF -17 COUNCILMEN—ROLL I ILMEN—ROLL CALO-� MAY 14 I Barthes VOR/ --Mindy COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS --------------Auguat-17 -------------- 19-36 Pearc ROSEN A STV JA jj 0 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ONT C&TCR.E'A:R'RY, AMO T OF 5----2004 NG Bus. IV Bug. IV a - TO THE AGGREGATE .4. ------- "II-NCLUSIVE. al* Pros* Go' E.Tb as. Gahm CHECKS NUMBER W,4,T. OF TH2 CI MPTROLLER. _,r PER CHECKS ON FILEOFFICE ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI ALIG-1 a R6 ---- _ ...... 71 C I- APPR� ---------- 19--- CITY CMPT14OLLER t ----------------- ----- CHECK IN FAVOR OF - - — — ---------------------- TOTA DATE RETURNED BY BANK NUMBER TRANSFER HECKS CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHEC S BROUGHT FORWARD • 27425 J.I. Andersqu Kempe,Agents 1 91 14i83 27426 27427 1 Bacon & 11 T.O. Bergstrom 3!80 2742a M.K. Bonner 2�62 27429 27"0 0. Christensen Julia F. Fitzpatrick 4 40 14 63 18'75 27431 Harris Brothers 27432.1 Hurd Rgalty Company 8'02 4,99 27433 Kirch & GillieWe 19�2 27434 A.J. McQuillan 27435 H. Hattfeld 18; 27436 27437 W. A. Ryan Jacob Sobmidt Brewing Company 1;37 1 67 27438 John A. Seager 5�00 27439 J. H. Zuehl a 119 325100 27440 Van Hoven Company, Inc* 27441 Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Finan De 22 47? 71 4 64 27442 Axel F. Peterson* C. of Finaribe 30 4 340196 2744 27444 Axel F. Peterson, G. of Finan1te 1 G" 0. Zutzky 50!00 27445 27447 ThomasTowey Axel F. Peterson, 0. of FinanO: 1 WOO 13 056104 27447 1 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finam 500100 55 98 27448 capitol Stationary Xfg.compant 27449 Tri–State Tel* & TelgeCompany 133!25 27450 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28128 11 20750 27451 27452 Board of PublSo Wflfars Geo.J.Ries, County Auditor 42 000!00 .2745 Geo*J.Ries, County Auditor mayor 73 000!00 9 274_4J �5 M.H.m.H. Gehan, 27455 II Bacon & Kempe, Agents 100 00 27456 i! Barnedall Refining Corporationt 399 b4 27457 Farwell, 0—un, Kirk & company 274-5a P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company 22 P5 . 27459 Dr. C.H. Johnson 2 46 IDO 27460 '!27461 1I Jurgens Company, Inc. St.Paul Letter Company 30 73 27462 2746 st.paul Pepsi -cola company J.L. Shlely Company,1noo 6o 719 607 W. b91Ii 2 1• ' 2746Z Tri—State Tel. & Telge.Compan 7' 27465 27466 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 's 26 30 11 160 P5 18 27467 Central foundry Company 96 4o 27468 27469 GulbeTt Ellis lire. Charles Tuohner bo�, 32 00 27470 Fielding & Shepley, Inc. 401 A 27471 GT&Ssell1 Chemical Company i j 6 4 27472 C.B. Lyon & Brother '27473 Louis B. Gundlach 26 el 22 65 27474 �27475 Ray J. martak, Supt. 'Price Electric Company 13 17 27476 27477 ;socony–vacuum oil Oompany,Inoi 1 Wagner Paint & Varnish Compan 668 15 14 5 i27478 Testerlin & Campbell Company 17 PS SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 441 11�+_ so i Ch,W .l w City Clerk 1 eouNClL I\, p4�_V- CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO— OFFICE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM . c PRESENTED ,BY / .rpt ..DATE ............... Aimnd.l...a..6.i....1.9.36...................... RESOLVED That licenses for Restgurant, application 1140131 On Sale Melt Beverage, application 14014, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14015, Tavern, application 140371 and Dance Hall, applicationl4038, applied for by Joseph McCormick at 390 West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted, provided, that such place shall not be operated as a tavern after one o'clock A. M., and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. IC F No. 104787—By O H. Barfuss F V Trona Irving C. Fearco-- Resoived, that licenses for Reston-' rn L mina 1 a 1I111R .. froloMal}' tees. No - 1n formiklly ew.Informglly approved.. by Council 12, 3028. Adopted by the Council Aug. 18; J Approved Aug^ie, New Informally approved by Council An4plat 121 1936 COUNC MEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council,_.AU._1.8._i!'� ...193..... 22 /an 4.dul _.._.........._ In favor r�rtr� — (, Ov rim Approved, ...................................... . ........ . ........... �..... rce�on Against mays' m�azel Mr. President (Gehany/ JM 6.36 Oelµnel m Cter Clerk �/�� CITY OF ST. PAUL `n'uNO1 NO.. ��.. 470 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r— OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C2�1 (A_k_X_� A& ­t t lg_ IQ79 RESOLVED 7�Pc That licenses for Restaurant, application 13822, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 13823, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13824, applied for by Gladys M. Barsakine at 425 R. Seventh Street, be aid the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instracted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees, provided, however, that the former owner or bartender at this location, Joseph Pillarella is not to be employed for a period longer than two weeks from the date of issuance of this license. i New Informally approved by Council Aug. 11, 1936 COUMEN Yeas s In favor u�� an earce ........ raon /tea .....__rAgainet �V✓enul r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 / e lly eDProved by CouncA-Avg. _ by the Counofl Aug. 18, 1958. id Aug. 12. 1988. (Aug. 22, 1228) Adopted by the Council...... AUG ...18.....1W 193..... Approved ..................... ..�.8....J .193_..... Mayor /�`,� , OriQivdm City Cleek eouneu \?��59 CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO..._._�.....�.Y..._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ---� A RESOLV�ED That 1102. applied for by the following nailed persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Orville Cohen 131 E. Robie St. Vehicle Peddler #50 App. 14075 Renew 11 11 n s If Foodstuff If 111074 11 Dave Selznick 641 Iglebart Vehicle Peddler $51 n 14112 a 11 n 11 Foodstuff 11 A. Negofs17 468 state St. Vehicle Peddler #52 it n 4 d n s r u foodstuff 14125 10�4789—ay G. A —Irvina C. Pel 1 60, E.App.; 14076, Roble 76. ` Re- ye -_I . E. RobW SL. Food- ,�YAdgpted py the Couaoll=Avg. 18, 7 'pPDrtived Aug. 18, 1898: (Aug. 92..1998).' 0 n11r- 1$ COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .............. ............................. _...... .193..... Yeah � Nays AVG 18 06 thanIn favor Approved, .............................._..._......._.._._......._...1�_..... earce ,Ater9on AC / d. ' f/ ... gainst ..........1 .................. .. .... . /1fr�uaa Mayor iv✓en9e1 /�4r. President (Gehan) IM 6-)6 Drielo.l to Ciq Qerk�� F 1�.�..Wo COUNpL CITY OF 57. PAUL nLs NO._..._.._..... _..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED — That l oen es for Restsarant, application 1381311 On SalMalt Beverage, application 13642, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 139, applied for by John J. Schmidt at 11.86 Jackson Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk 1s instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the repaired fees. Few Informally approved by council Aug. 6, 1936 COUEN Yeah Nays a ss Ilan J�rc In favor �L' a _._.. eIrson Against uaa zel r. President eeident (Gehan) 3M 636 C. Intormally approved by Council Aug. 6, 1936. - Adopted by the Council Aug. 18, 1926. -Approved Aug. 19. 1986. (Aug. 22, 1936) Adopted by the CouncilCt_....... 193..... Approved ............... tAW...1.010 ..........193_.._ Mayor oddoal to Cit, Cl"'�f (� • CITY OF ST. PAUL nuNG` NO.� IC47.H 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licensee for Restaurant, application 14001, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 140021 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14003, applied for by Oscar Schmeling and Fred Johnson at 187 D. Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. at Informally approved by Council Aug. 12, 1996. Adopted by the Council Aug, 16, 1986. Now Approved Aug. 18, 1886. Informally approved (Aug. 22. 1936) by Council Aug. 12, 1936 COUNC ENG 18 Yeah Nays Adopted by the Council....._...............,..........p...�...__193..... las Fi�}an /In favor Approved ............. ................ _........... _............... ...193__.. e eors ...... 7..,._.../.._`�......... ........... .. _........_ _ ZZ AS iW enZel May - /Ar. President (Geban) 3M 6•)6 Mi'Tpa; Irving C Ofla n to[yod, that 1t¢ennee ar.� o.l to Cltr Clerk �lowl" couwm� ,q j p �j J/�/SAI "Od "e.pereori�� CITY OF ST PA indicated be and th.� nu eranted and the ¢riy ¢k ntiin2o'tLe¢cttlyoevT•, NO..._. OFFICE OF THE CIT1Y ¢d rsa: _ / COUNCIL RESOLUTION GEti *.ra2u.tI r a t OY 1 T c 1S.....1 ........... PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER........ _: .....DATE ............�74 6Ms.1'1.. ... .. ...... .... .. ....... ......... -93R Zt for by the following named persons at the RESOLVED li ems s applied addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted ani. the city clerk is inr stmcted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees[ John Hager 214-16 Bremer Arcade Barber App. 13956 Renew Paul Weise 856 Edmund St. Butcher " 12344'" John W. Goodman 763 N. Snelling Confectionery " 13955 " Walter B. Schoewe 817 E. Maryland St. " " 13907 " Gast Chingerin 436 Sherburne Grocery " 13939 " B. M. Doerrer 1178 E. Maryland " " 14004 " H. C.ELlers 1871 E. Minnehaha " 14021 14022 p " p p " John Asch 1120 Beech St. " " 13989 Stanley Brost 960 N. Western " " 13994 " Israel Haclsuer 1080 Earl St. " " 14007 " Mrs. Anna Hines 260 Burgess St. " " 13927 u R. Johnson 956 Edmund St. " ° 11613 National Tea Co. lOj W. Summit p „ i35S6 n ulil Soman 480 Greenwood " " 13952 " Pan. Turner 146 State " " 14009 " Gertrude Stein 81 Michigan "~ 3 an g " 13993 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved....._ ............. _.............................. ..... 10 Pearce Peterson _................_........................_................_..... ......._...... Truax ..... .Against Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M ssa OrigIml to City Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL cau- NO.._.__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COMPRESENTED BY MISSIONER-.............................................................................................................. ................................................DATE.................. Alltel f 191 at LS RESOLVED —2- 0. A. Lee 2205 Robbins Bhel Dealer App. 13979 Renew Roy J. Behland 990 W. Western Ioe Delivery " 13425 " Garrison Co. 1533 Cosmo W. Ice Station " 14016 " William J.. Oerdts 392 Pront Gas Sta. 3 pumps " 14011 " Socony vacavm Oil Co. 634 S. Dale " " 3 " " 13941 It John Clarisio 421 E. Seventh Hotel " 144i)00 Is COUN!ILMEN Yeas � Nay B uss Ian PJe�rEe In favor iPetRrson %%�r11 .........�El.....'.,.. Against .7 a nul r. President (Geban) 3M 636 Adopted by the Cmencil,,,....,.AUG 1......8....0 193—.. Approved................................1......... .................. _....... 193__ �'UBLLSHED 3� 19!773 Bq.d I dV47733 Oyi Cf.rk �tv Sue= Irv1n8'C P.', . A l Rhat Lcen"eg apy, �OYNGL CITY OF ST PAU�j Qnamed aaa iee' ^� NO.__.—.... nted and the'ott�' -' OFICE OF THE CITY 4o,teaue each :10UNCIFIL RESOLUTION— GE 1°toa: the CIt91L ' f6 10 PRESENTED BY i�— COMMISSIONER.,in................... .../.m. .... ,......................................1_1../....................\....................... ....._...Z.IDATE............. ... .!.t ......... 16 9.L... 1 1.936................... COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................................. Yeas Nays ....................193 ..... Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Approved ................................... ....................... _....... 193_..... Peterson Truax ... ................._.. Against Mayes Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 RESOLII� That liceas applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: H. Anderson 1190 Rice,St. Restaurant Opp. 13529 Renew Dainty Dot Bake Shop 380 Wabasha St. " " 13976 s Grand g Silver Stores 67 8. Seventh " " 13871 " Irwin J. ging 242 S. Cleveland " " 11035 " G. Pappas 123 W. Central " " 13770 " J. M. Lowenthal 477 St. Peter " " 13847 " Bred Merrill 467 St. Peter " " 13901 " E. Sotiropoulos 25 W. Tenth " " 13990 " M. L Twchida 606 Como " " 13993 " _-&liue J. Chioda 453 Rios St. 6n Sale Malt Bev. " 13934 " a ■ a a n Off " " " " 13935 " n ■ n ■ " Restaurant " 13936 " Martha D. Fisher 492 S. Snelling Restaurant " 13913 " a a a n n ■ On Sale Malt Bev. " 13911+ " n a s ■ a n Off ■ n a ■ 13915 " Adolph Gabrielson 497 St. Peter Dance Hall " 13930 " n a a n n Tavern " 13931 a a a n a ■ On Sale Malt Bev. " 13932 a Philip 8irmser 382 Wabasha St. Restaurant " 14044 " a a to a On Sale Malt Bev. " 14045 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................................. Yeas Nays ....................193 ..... Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Approved ................................... ....................... _....... 193_..... Peterson Truax ... ................._.. Against Mayes Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 Clerk b CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL u NO.__.._�.i.3-77 _£r OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 191 1936 COMM ISSIONER.............................................................-.................................................................................................DATE...................................................................................... RESOLVED L. Saadi 305 W- Seventh Restaurant Opp. 13917 Renew. It It n a n On Sale Malt Bev. " 13919" It It It a a Off a a a n 13919 " COLMEN Yeas Nays ss irydlan ' In favor e eSerson lI/ ......,....._.1... Against r x enol r. President (Geban) 3A4 636 A AUG 18 06 Adopted by the Council.. ......................................._.........193..... App—d. ................_ 8 -TF-193- .193-..... P,B1.i. M13 h� Orwml is City C17 ' j /^[ 'W/'�w// A �!�/ CITY OF ST. PAUL ALtNGL NO —^ , {4 ®'Y 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCiL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED a", ....... COMMISSIONER ...... . ..... .................. ....................................................................................DATE..................An�18t1.93.6 ................... RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14039, Restaurant, application 111040, and Off Sale Halt Beverage, application 1110419 applied for by Mrs. Frits Fiedler at 423 University Aveale be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into tbo4city treasury of the required fees. 9 New Informally approved by Council August 12, 1936 COUNC EN Yeas Nay ss i .an In favor P�earce iPeterson �............... Against ruaa /14nrel �t1r. President (Gehan) 3M 676 / O. H. Barr -9— C. Pearce—. ... Lor On Sale �tlon 14039. Res - 040. and OR Sale biC Council Aug. ell Aug. 18. 1999. s. Adopted by the Council._AUG...1..8 j," !.......193..... Approved................AUG.-� 8....._._..._..........193_..... � .. %_ .... .............. ..... --_- mayor COYNWL CITY OF ST. PAUL =BY OFFICE OF.THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTE.. .... .................. ..............................................................DATE.............._�^G� . .... RESOLVED That; licenses for Restaurant,application 13963, On sale Malt Beverage, application 13964, and Off sale Malt Beverage, application 13965, applied for by William J. Margach at 1930 University be and the same are hereby granted, provided, however that the former proprietor, Augast Masi, will have no connection with the place and shall not be employed there, and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Informall approved by Council August 120 1936 COUN MEN Yeas N s Il ss than . In favor rce etenon AB /fruaa //.......Against enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6M Adopted by the Council., ........... .,.1.8=93 •.... (* 18 1" Approved/.._........................................................................193,._ �........... Mayor oN"a_1 w City //k '. Truaxblat leg'' pr'E "a' 9 that d. CITY OF ST. PA►tottowlng per ndfoated be e OFFICE OF THE CITY �o° seuedec OUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GEN,a teeeo the (Iektp- ,. N r§aw PRESENTED B . "` . t4 NO.____....__ RESOLV\ ED�� That licenses application for by the following named perso4 at the addresses indicated be and the soma are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses Upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feeel Against uaa William Gerhman 436 Sherburne Am. Butcher APP• 13940 low Blommer Ioe Orem Co. 1196 Arcade St. Confectionery a 13948 " Theodore Martinson 1958 W. Seventh Off Sale Malt Bev. ° 13073 " " " a a Grocery D. I. Haney 1110 Arcade St. Grocery " 13812 " M. A. Hefner 571 H. Dale St. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 111036 " R. Johnson 956 Rdsund St. a a a " 5 " 13$59 " S. G. Craidon 435 St- Peter St. Restaurant " 14033 " Wm. Dann 190 W. Fourth St. a r 13924 " Miss M. Montgomery 899 Grp Ave. " " 13949 " COUNC MEN yes Nays Kansa l .dlan In favor �P/ ce ear e cson Against uaa ZenZel /�vfr. President 3M' Q)6 (Gehae) Adopted by the Council ...,..._,...5..1.8...93..... � AUO 18 9 CQApproved ...................... :........ _.................... ..............193.. ...._...:......._................/.....................................::.._...._ ..Mayor PURi.TSHEl) --- _�'i� 3� OriQltul to City Clark /� CITY OF ST. PAUL `n°O�iNQ1L NO__1(14,777_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONE.......:...................................................... . .J............ .... ............................. E ......................DAT...........,t14*1:11, .at...1.84....19336......................... RESOLVED That licensee for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 138569 and Restenrant, application 13855, applied for by S. Ferris and James O'Malley at 916 Grand avenue be and the same are hereby denied; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to S. Ferris and James O'Malley the fees of $50.00 and $10.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses Denied informally by Council August 14, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Na Barf ,;;ea'.nd n In favor ererson Against /T'ruaa ,-Wenzel r. President (Gehan) )M 6•)b Adopted by the Council AUG ...1.8-193F_i93..... Approved............_.......AUG 1 . L, .........._.......... ......_..........._..193_._.. ��.....'............ .......-....._................ ... may- V4778 _ MG AAD QoN ' 91aAATIOIR, w+^ 1 � �6 AI(11rikA� N. RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING b CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter oP_ oondemain� and_ te]cing_an eaeement_in the lend aeoeeea_I _ for slopes_ outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, George Bros. Addition; Block 2, Little k Hoyt's Addition, and part of lot 13, Kinney's 0atlots; Block 2, Paul Martin's Grove Addition; and Block 4, Midway Plaisence, from Fry Street to Aldine Street, under Preliminary Order_____ 103409 ------------ approved ------- _____________, Intermediary Order ---------- 103744------------ approved__ May 26i-1936--------------- Final Order ------------------------ 104018 -----------> approvedJune-23,1936 --------.------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. chm Adopted by the Council -___ AJG_�_9_C.7P________-___ -- ----- - -- -=------------ i - Approved ------------------------> 19-- - ----------- c,ty Clerk. -- --------- Mayor. Councilman — B'irfass Councilman Councilman."ce Councilman F' Dan EE 13 1.1 SFiFD_ Councilman �ohlantl `- Councilman StidFieiaier- Wenzel Mr. ' .._ . 13 viu;ix) Gehan REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of__4andenming_and takiag_an esaemen_t in _the -land f neoeasa-ry_or_slopea, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 3, George Bros. Additions Block 2, Little k Hoyte Addition, and part of lot 13, Kinney's outlotal Block 2, Paul Martin's Grove Additions and Block 4, Midway Plaisance, from Fry Street to Aldine Street, under Preliminary Order ----- 103409-- approved-------- ----------------------- Intermediary Order -------- Aq4744--_ approved -------- _26 1936 ------------------------- Final Order --------------- 104018___ approved------_ Juxle_231 1936. ----------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cogt there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. --------- Commissioner of Finance. 0 OrW=1 t, City clerk COUNOI CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�w�C�O�UN/CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _BY�1! ��.__........... .....................DATE. ........ J777.fl.Yi....9.p.'.:19.3F1........... ............. .. r— )LVE That licen esor Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14031, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14030, and Eesteurant, application 140291 applied for by Pram. Mancari at 267 W. Seventh Street, be and the game are hereby denied and the proper officers are hereby authorized to refund to Frank Mencari the fees of $5.00; $50.00', end $10.00 and to cancel said appli- cations for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s B um FPdlan In favor stetson Against enol 3M 6.36 MWV. Vice I'moideut ('ruaa) lone ror ...:......• Adopted by the Council Aug. 19, 1986. A➢Dro_d Aug. 18. 1996. (Aug. Et. 1986) 6 AUG 19 WS Adopted by the Council ....................................................193 ..... AUG 19 WS Approved...................... ........._._.................._......._..193_... ..r. .... .. . . .......... ..._......... ..._.__..._...... — Or1a1I m Cut, Clerk 21u.` 104780 a. CITY OF ST. PAUL n1a NO.._._.....__ ............._-._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK \/'�\ COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDIBY V - ' �_.................._............... DATE..._.........,AIWMIIt--19.f....193.8...................... RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 139571 On Sale Malt Beverage, application 139591 and Off Sale.Malt Beverage, application 13959." applied for by Mary Mager at 951 Arcade Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the repaired fees. " Na s C. F. No. 104780—By G. 11. Bar(use— In favor 7e............. F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Resolved, that ]lcensee for Ra .I,apyllcatto. 18987, On Bale Milt " Beverage, appllo,ll*n 18988, and Oftliale Malt Beverage, application 18969, -SD- Mages ArOade plied or by Mary at 981 Street^ be and the same are tiereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to Issue such licensee upon the payment Into the city treasury of the .required Sew _- NAe, " p Droved Informally by Council. Aug. Approved informally by 18, 19ws6. by Council Aug: Council Ansust 12, 1936 ,lee.. Adopted the 19. 3888. Approved An.19, 19 App (Aug. 28, 1988) COUN MEN Yeas Na s as Pi an In favor 7e............. /.Against Zl3M 636 _ Kir. Vicc Adopted by the Council.._AU"G 19 9w`! 193 Approved.._ .......... .......... ...... ........... .................. _ 393-.- ` __ .. Mayor. 1ORKEDIARY. 081 _ A ry q- - i47a1— g.a-a4 0 81 �� ter 'ot teking, „Go .l,prlall ior;Dlit'1�• Y,. .to %�lliue • COUNCIL FILE NO. - BY INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1. the Matter of XI ` 4 eoadeslning sad appropriating for parkwgq and street purposes for proepeot.•:• Bonle�ard the following surface rights, land end structuress V !or the surface rights only for oonstracting a pp>ckW with street Des such as aeware, water -mains, grading, pavirig;`retsia ng walls aid lain• cu part of Lot lb, Block 198, lying.nortberly o! a Wo ch is"the ortlnrs bhsoutlrkera line of Delos St Thai part of Lets 18 , iii, Block ls$, _. notbw oP a flus dresis t _ fat on the sisterly limp.LotlB, t0 !t. sepaYlj ol'Cl6iii�r 3dimr oP ,"tth�riss to apoint a� "b`ster .Lot 1$ a kia;q�llns isttsaot! est „IN Z,],yl aaa� �a arwrl}' t vox eo#ner b� iits ,corner of $i�- ali°ia lrriae's 6dd��ton. •'int., x8 and: 9y Hoberteon'a addition lying betneen proageot lrao�.„>Rmd `erne ota6;�e s t enoae . tl0 a or i t 4 R p. l38 !t. north of the southee#t oornpr oY Lot 80 thanes to rs ef Lot 3, Block 8, bb !t. =forth o! the southeast ootasr o! kLat rayl ea!I�i1 4 Ql�y+o fi, :Blask 7, = lt. -noti�ish sF a;pei�4t Dalt ths::sagt line of Lon 1, Block 7, 7S ' t 1 --of Isaid Ub 1. 3? p: 3 ' atuae rau`oaFtha ll � gritAek,.� 64 *440 Wia3' g J tl �1 f � T �' 4fi,d4vin5414itOW, V cry 3s �'•� "n�'�i.� 4 ��^ �r'y'+. ° �? e x,i ..; .i , Yr t.. �,; 7 �,`.>f",k :.. "'.hf4” �` � �;, ,' s Axed 1'�r:�X,��1+8$~l1'�ai �rl�►roP,srliaa•+ad:4aA�la;bhoi,ta �}.;zx a ° 1� if%i•iJ�..,i?:ca � i+';;,1; 1, i'iS. . �„+i: -+ � v. ala seA of, ieg4�it1fa►e4"004,4 99MW i Xtram►!p,�►dditlolPaat!r'!B4x«..'Hsi 'feos of land lying easterly and southerly r a 30*1 49roexY;r1rL._B3tl-sllt> a tJile frith a radius of as ft. sad em aagl { srrt }o b., -cm ;iif land ]*ins northerly of the _-P N L ld Yt , aonthe to a point 15 ft. n x AIL r rb WA ow a point corner of Lot b, Hook 52, fleet Qa�f�.,Q4wetl Ti tL1140.: V •.yy... _, __ __ o 1f`te ehdt ;fine of .Lot -4, 175 ft.- north of the north � +: Also a<tr+iangular ,piece of land at the northeast lanai red 22 fti along the westerly side of Lot 5 b7.ot 5, Brook 32, -gloat St. Paul Proper.,. It is th`e intent to ag eoustruct this parkway an a..,+..*'Pare-with th 50, thpaos on a tpagari' r f"'dalorido St. to a"1,y' f Colorado St , 1, 11 ser of Halle e and"Iweabd;L ft. along thgf,outherly aide y raw,`. 1 „rm rtarulnne9 '.. S'&tai ng i1 . .J f the nortbea'st1+r3,� � � .Ag following daaori7led 1i8es onto hdditi`on, thsnaS ca ". 50, thpaos on a tpagari' r f"'dalorido St. to a"1,y' f Colorado St , 1, 11 ser of Halle e and"Iweabd;L ft. along thgf,outherly aide y raw,`. 1 „rm rtarulnne9 '.. S'&tai ng i1 . .J f 7 pflq sft.eoFntee ou f1e b 77 i r S9e 0.4.J.4,�;`: 7Q� °J2 b 636449 of ooruer ob sg;g TDF J•ou fps oeef 7i. 3fAT.Fp t Fp 1`af:2' Fpouon fo a bo;rrF ue of Toff 8' BTQO 1y � otr RsF ooS4aeL ob T°f o s: boiuF ou FFe ege; B7oa� 9' BE 3f ktoT p °� ; o f'oF B' Fpouce so st " e e>rsf tib °b i°F : anLFF ob FFYe ae oosula b` o a bojP; 00 Fpo �v8p 7v fl► $� g7°b� ao Dow., ob r°f e' all' 0 NeFoseF 7i#o °b i "ll q s gse0 Peg That Beermi;vS gf a bo; � .�'i PeF"euT. btoabe4f t,aoo d37 �peou,a lr4gifi 9b B70Qi 1 8 �g 8 lseisre,e Ygg7fi°` oz ob ° sroa�gfon7� cosrlet. ob ST ' e7J T� n i}pyteap le :F Mao g y �. r T°F 38'pgF `qr' ob"'TmF S0 3hi� �v� 4' ems" . t. ua bL Dn3av' &pn tiag�s7fi S$F�� y7a 78 t►�ri�Le FP F ob egig . T°F I8' Fiero F° .g So;uFaA a 1nF 18 AO , 4W o fipp'aar.}issf a boF on Fps atttgiFe7a J7 P no-' o �r 7 pg" qry t Lsoar oa Me J9 X38 BJ o etr- rg � V F a 01 ob P°f�le, ooR ae' 7+rB&Psbeaipg� zg JFa 8Aq 7�?g" .. a snag Jra , eeaeia maFos. meius gsvq; ri sb ��gt)s;=bra stiirb9-�''Tr�P�n o>',�C#n all3�f . under Preliminary Order 104621 approve' July 28, 1986. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement -is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is gondemn and appropriate Por.pasktrey:'end street purposes for prospect BoulevsxT te:Yblowag surface rights, land end -structuress 9n easement for the surfaoe rights -only -for constructing a parkway with street . appurtenanoes such as sewers, water-mij gradin, paving, retaining walls end IsMd- soaping that part of Lot 15, Block 198, lying northerly of a line tih s of the, ep><tlern ,line of Delos St. That part of- Lots 18 and 19', B].ba i�9, E a y oY SSQQ ft utherly of oi^th- - ooS:7io �'� the the abtxtheasrt=corrier Rah lend lit tan bboeastSrl o$ Lot 19, _TO so Lot' `t Wto A .point on the westerly line o£ Lot` 18 where,,tha' it,ws tel} %iteir¢sQt`auoh,R�ster3y liate,,o£'Lot 18.' at corner Lot to tlioi t o£ a line drQwn'froa tine northwest of ;16 Ent 21 sllK in�f p44 ,gddition f,»d �-.a•Rt. �o-sa ' t ,ate' 4 w 1� 3m•;b% iraogm'sgagiigiiln ron Bn the seat 3'igi% of Bidwell A. thwest d6f*Or o block 9, thence to a point on the east VO thence to .e - 118 Yt, north rofr noutheast oorn8l; gf.NiR1". .+ °" • 1 't at- s.snv i�"r rII°'fyh` A 4'�Yr.y'%aDks ..; �r't. %fat *r20 L'f "ter fFa?Joi fid L_ # IIgi 'r. fl. °o IIR,, J' �r eIIq ?' oatC T tea ww �.�fLee rs ` d x f$ f]gilj j7if7n/ -77unF oT. H c s 5 191 700 bf' uo @� OTofa $ srrg 2' B7°pK 73' Meafl 2f' i,sn7 t,zoce. Jr{u' I.cza:y 1, b J:uu II4tr v°? .GwpLog o 2-F - -T TV BJOGK JC' :arTJ brobec- mrfN (} e s�eLoa r9 7: uo aoz.^zz oc^ q ;, gLee:v 0o7ozagP 2F' Foo Eo up ou ^Na abzceLJA JTuc 0,: Ior °F a Go g4manu LL&U.s'-boTxf op ;p4 mea; 7Tae ob Pof ?' 1fi� i; uo7 f)aLJ'� +- j7s.AOL:�}roeaF .oz.aaL �•I. T-n� n• .;H� hnT.F GL rCP2 2tTAtt fi �' co roT.orsoo P.0 cwItu rLoai Ir boTnr on rus eaoQF aa�ja 07 it efe 1, s. avg 3' i,oLLwce aJJ4p ycraF b9j_; oL jo(a 2 gAq-Er AIGD r�� = PoAika yggr fTott mstaaris Tuk SO %4 oTl BgT7Oei `'2f � 0 orf Der 8f' oL 7snq sf flra $pqo eeaf obws (e oZ He77omg''srlq DeTOB Tff l'01 7' s oTV d§afei7� ag;q ,rule aeo}� Atli b id#s3K� RNs; 2 aMJ BOI7oga g" fA a borap op f7re Ao.rFNesafeL7T 7TAe .°b 8 g xP qr• borAf"'oA ¢Ne eiea�eL7i► 7;Aa OL Ae7J°ma 2f SQ2• 16r AO�•fN °b fi1Q al i�B xe,a 9g4f�o ria& Pefineea Rfpelf' a�►4 $aj7oace afsarfpeLJ7 F# 84fFaX%A Tette vly pias 9f '� t10 AOb L -O'LR9 jtprOi"- ;I Te, sAq' I� 11X°AK 78$ I fl3e 3 TO 1'�41c;$8 Tra}�e�a Vg9Tozi _isgetn� &f'�'4 F towZ O -3k0l af. a xrss, c� ; P 6 nate:"2f ' g f�i�3 b retYs j8ug ?A m 7enq ersq a¢iaofnLse or fPa boIT"TnB geaoLTpaq IsAq; Q }fQ f oweL SOL aBTq rof 7' FFenoa, fo; a bo7Af on ;ye erre;. 7lae oD rop . L' BSOC ' e o o ' " oo ' rye sohfpeof 11,�c �'0?do§�fb � �oTrtf ou Ova' eve -9 7� L T F 2 B7 K J 23,,bf "i#4�ox ga6f 71ne o JRf 3' H onK fr' Q2`Lf' no N °b file sort staf aoroeL o� Pof kMt8 raaK 8' TIB if`4LH oLv ponfpeeaf oonzrar o I' i3" fpenoe fo g> 0 BI , eroa o s t oTxr en c e a"aa A a' eon eef ooLASL La 0 001( e Fi F f N f " ioesTp& jaor.TPe4 �uib.; BePxzi rJ 'qAf oA fpe esaf .4#0 °L HTgma7J 3f Art 1, ® o!w%, Loabe4f yeLLepe t�uq a1�4 8 iioPet[stud8 ' ]'�i P !fes , r 6°4" 6 Q£ j -of $7 e77 TA Ts7Y�zt$ a �ggrfT°A , D r `aa¢f ot,'s 7raa gLamn bLanr fpa AOLfpmeaf ootgaz °b rof' 72 F° fl�� �Ce+ o7}afoe 2f etgbzi$K:,iai Paf gnaN ffisaPaL7a 7Tue ob I'Of 7$ yRBP aaf d�e a e¢rg rof 79 pNenoe< fo s boT#F ou fpe' mea�ei7a .JTAs oL Pof 7g mp, %e �}te ��.. a r�xfaezonz a SoTrtf oA fpe eaa0¢tI�A X�us of Tof 78aOpfjreI3! flµ 0 iiii�]'TT?a °E Daloa 2f J f .`�L rofe 78 wag ra' Bro° a9'''t7o � }sA off' beLa7 ,Pof SB'` BId°R peL7x oL''g 7;zre &it Tg"F1'a e�al°�3 ' b aE�ia .?asfei3`o a enojt ea a9asa3dh' +b. t.�rtrr ben.02' L497AT11g AZITa" ez?4 7EW- yTl1 8829mAAF boL 4jye e17LLETO8 L7 p'9 OnJ•A IOL C0172CL;TQFTTIR 17 bsL".P\ 2{`L88{_` lung with -no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 35.000.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 5th day of Appliember 193-SL_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. PauL That the 'Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. AUG 19 W6 Adopted by the Council_ 193 iG/� _ O—� t AUG 19 Approved 193— ity Clerk -.02 Mayor Councilman '• Berfusa Councilman lMaq -- Fmdl�ln r ,r Councilman oEetctce ' P,arce j CouneilmaneltSSat - = Peterson CouncilmantTr p Truax Councilman =ftWdt=M NVenzel Mayor NSAIEW Gehan ISHED Form B. S. A. 8.6' r2 Pik 4 ,.•r �-, � �,- - i''3. �.:r ..,. r ,^� n.F,..-� , rus, 70. 101782— .. Matter ot-relayL f��( .nd repatringoet 1Q( jj)) '•"�78�-C1/�� on the nortti aide � heglnning at.H Doi1 a west line of Pso-� •west feel: and [ Lsural Avenue .b S 8 Leet eaHYot,N.- pBeeel ggYbRit�R: ;, order Pr611a�1t. • ped Jnll• 9„„ -g ,� COUNCIL FILE NO.-- INTERMEDIARY O._ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, reconstructing and repairing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Laurel Avenue, beginning at a point 6 feet east of the west line of Pascal Avenue, thence west 174 feet; and on the south side of Laurel Avenue beginning at a point 6 feet eavt of the meet line of Pascal,Avenue, thence west 66 feet, under Preliminary Order 104297 approved July 8, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered, said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to'be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, reconstruot and repair oement tile sidewalk on the north side of Laurel Avenue, beginning at a point 6 feet east of the west line of Pascal Avenue, thence west 174 feet; and on the south side of Laurel Avenue, beginning at a point 6 feet east of the west line of Pascal Avenue, thence west 66 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per equg a Ooll, new tile; $0.08 old tile. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost theteo{/u $ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of September '1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Ad(; 19 1936 , 193 AUG 19 City Approved 193�/v�' Y Mayor Councilman l&WDvtskL-. ? Ba fuss Councilman Councilman ]irarce I'rarre !I % 1 Councilman REU11-c '_ ”- Peterson / PUBLISHED !/ Councilman'Fivax -- Truax Councilman @IdP = W\ nzel Mayor Nbdomripm Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 iP4asa= V47- 83 Hattec of reDsfYlnr 'd-YelaylaB the ceG, n- hoth afdee. of MW ':n 1 e nu-eAvenue venuue, andd op soul+. `a Avenue tiegfaai• dell3eliminars' i COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repairing, reconstructing and relaying the cement tile sidewalk on both aides of Mound Street, between Hastings Avenue and McLean Avenue, and on south side of Hastings Avenue beginning at the east line of Mound Street, thence east 42 feet udder Preliminary Order— 104296 approved July 8. 1936 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repair, r'eoonstrnet and relay the cement tile sidewalk on both sides of Mound Street between Hastings Avenue and McLean Avenue, and on south side of Hastings Avenue beginning at the east line of Mound Street, thence east 42 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/. $0.11. new tile; $0.08, old tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 16th day of TSentember 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court . House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Counci) QUG 19 —, 193_ Approved p�6 1 193— City Clerk Mayor Councilman Barfuss Councilman "a F;ndian /- Councilmanfta' _=== Pearce Councilman Peterson Councilman Truax Councilman \Fenzel Mayor N005W Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 � f t*t tttLISFfED � "4-a�, l COUNCIL FILE NO._ t8 ^r or oonaemnm;. i nla thalaad eR -.e aad anetin the ;._ i Blogk 1:'81nga .; BlOak 5.:.�ii9er bf1. ;from BaygM Ave •r venue rte.rtd�trom Flr: +vo6 4ad;9oatti Binary. Order .t�„r fet B 196& t t ghe.Glty u: " uo INTERMEDIARY ORDER V4'784 In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the laud necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, Kings Highland Park and• lock 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Order 10464y approved August 6, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to -be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement in the land necessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of Alleys in Block 1, King's Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard ., Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, in accordance with the blueprint hereto attached and made a part hereof, the hatched portions showing the outs and shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th day of September 193 j at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council._ AU- 193 Approv ed— ADS 193 City Clerk Mayor Councilman MI&MM& Barfuse Councilman .z.=—Ac=a Councilman '-- Councilman _�' Findlan Pearce ,,' i Peterson J Councilman @'xuar3Z—.so Truax Councilman MI d ]Fenzel Mayor 141hoagn Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 ' COUNCIL FILE NO. -- ��. F. ND. to,z8 t V4785 . a the Matter of ggrrading ', 1, Kine FIlghlaod Ear' Findlau =r'lverBoulevardAddit' �•d Aveaue to Suitor � I'rnrce / bm Fian Avenue+t�• Muth "'uOy'runder'„ �•� Peters.. U aDDroYedhn Truax . Counall of t=°n;r� redelred' •ao� Wenzel s' Mayor NNNSW Gehan ^C— fi INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Alleys in Block 1, King 'a Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, under Preliminary Or 104646 approved August 6 1936 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ,.That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alleys in Block 1, King's Highland Park and Block 1, River Boulevard Addition from Bayard Avenue to Hartford Avenue and from Finn Avenue to the North and South Alley, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,245.00. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th day of September 1193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 19 = , 193 �- 9 13P Approved 193 j City Clerk Councilman bk 911 3 Barfves Councilman bhV .•3' 7 Findlau Councilman Pte- - : I'rnrce / .Councilman ltbiC2I .- = Peters.. U Cou'n'cilman QYUW "_ ! Truax Councilman-- Wenzel s' Mayor NNNSW Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor 'p1381.ISHEA 4�13 Ckwo.]. CUT Clark aouaaL114786 . CITY OF ST. PAUL F.L. NO ................................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN R4'SOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/(.iYA f. `irJ1Q��. -il.. COMMISSIONER_..._...._ .._ _.._._. ........ ....... DATE......._ _.___ __.......__..__.. RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel be and he hereby is authtrYized to stipulate for a judgment in the matter of the assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses for the changing of the grade of East Third Street in the City of Saint Paul, etc, pursuant to Final Order No. 82987, for the confirmation of the assessment of benefits in the aggregate amount of $2491.65, with interest thereon f rom andaf ter January 1, 1936, against the following described real estate: Except Third Street, Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 26, City of Saint Paul, and except Third Street, that part of Lots 13 and 14 lying westerly of a line parallel with the present westerly line of Jackson Street and distant 60.14 feet therefrom, in Block 26, City of Saint Paul, the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel and the Oommis- sioner of Finance to the effect that such stipulation will be in the best interests of the City, having been submitted. l o. 10478 BY Aa. .esolved; thatstda or, be and he are la 'ate for's':jucgnlent'1. aeeeeamau of bengA- ad eapenaee for 'the c ie or,IDast _T.lot Ra I; .eta, 1 Na 82a87,' fo; 1. aeeseeftieat , ?rd:. au, C UUN LMEN Adopted by the Council .......AU(�'...P, (0.... 6....193...... Yeas Nays near ip Ice �P/ In favor Approved ................................... ....... .................... _..193...... yarce �rL rson �/ Against �! i / `'' �.... °= Mayor . Wenzel PUBWHED44� / /Mr President (Gehan) �j JM e)e od to Itr Clerk �l i 8 d CI OF ST. PAUL vine ca No ------- .c. *7L OF F.THE CITY CLERK Co FORM PRESENTED 6Y Pearce � Aug. 20, 1936. COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED) that the proper city officers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with Gregor BPygivki, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injur— ies received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works, on the 17th dayof July 1936; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Gregor Brygivki the sum of $64.00 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including Aug. 14th, 1936. COUNCILMEN YeasNays sorce �eterson ar f ufi 6 _..._ __....In favor Truax= 1nd1=1.�..Against /Wenzel aM a-asj Mr. President (Gehan) AUG 20 1936 Adopted by the CounciL_..................................193...... aur 9,006 — ........ ........ ...........193...... odsidl m City pmi ,((///C✓1/� ',*L � �l?Y7vIJ CITY OF ST. PAUL n« NO ............... ..:�...................... f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM . eV/ /----- DATE... .... ..... .. ..._.....__.... ... ......................._._ V - — A— `T MKSI WHEREAS, Peter Belgea, Sr. has requested that "Off sale liquor license heretofore issued to him at No. 893 Rice Street betransferred to No. 889 Rice Street to permit him to operate such business at that address; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has r ecommended that the request for transfer of said license be granted, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the "Off sale" liquor license granted to said Peter Belgea, Sr. be and the same is hereby transferred from No. 893 Rice Street to No. 889 Rice Street, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city records accordingly. COUN BN Yeas Na Ba In favor /pL�cttt (L son.'.. Against I r President (Gehan) 3M 6 Adopted by the Council AUG -9.0 -, 193...... AUG $a 10 A�pproved....... _._............_.............�...._....................193....... C_ ...' .1..../...... '...... j f i/ . Mayor Saint Paul, Minnesota Au„ust 20, 1936 City Council City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sirs: The undersigned respectfully requests the Honorable Body to transfer his "Off Sale” license from 893 Rice Street, to 889 Rice Street. The new lioness is in the same building as the one for which the linense transfer is asked. Thanking you, I remain Yours very truly, (y'Z orial—t W City ©-1, COUNCM Jia 13 tl UJ CITY OF ST. PAUL Fu a NO.---------------------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK P -%w COUNCILS (RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �/ - - DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That there is hereby appropriated out of the Parr Department Fund (18-H-9) the sun of Fifty Dollars (#60.00) to defray the ex- pense or the visit of the LaCrosse Cavaliers Diamond Ball team, whish team will play a series of two games August 22nd and 23rd, at Dunning Field, against a representative daint Paul team. Yeas COUNCILMEN N e Barfuss ISAMISSM Findlan UTUM PearceSd3H� �_._..In favor Pcterso:i Truax -'J' Truax i "' YVAria"s.! ..---.-.�,:---Against Wenzel 4Q;j 11 Mr. President (Gehan) 3M a-sa AUG 20 06 Adopted by the Council -_--.-_-_-- --------------------- " 20 19'r - Approved. ---------------------------------- -_193_ Mayor F. DTo. 30}780—BY d EL Truax- q f��� ONQiral to Clq Clerk Phereee bq Co"uttcYlo No' 104683 /7NL. CITY OF ST p°ved duaust ;', T88e tha, Councti NO.. ,-: (p vI the abtlon of t$e Committee '--- ••--•7 �'- 9 de awardlnQahe sale oG oertala 2 OFFICE OF THE CITY,x to the Commerofar Inveatmept COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE's I T` dna W8C 1 t� .u% /j,/(�� �f 9TCm nt a' P ---r1 AV //Y I � I Lt. � fl WHEREAS, by Council File No. 104591, approved August 4, 1936, the Council approved the action of the Committee on Lands, awarding the sale of certain property to the Commercial Investment Company, and WHEREAS, by said Council File No. 104591, such land was described as a part of Government Lot 4, Section 9, Township 29, Range 22, which lies south of Gervais Creek, etc. and WHEREAS, the description was in error in that said property should have been described as lying in Government Lot 4, Section 8, Township 29, Range 22, which lies south of Gervais Creep, therefore be it RESOLVED, that said Council File No. 104591 be and the same is hereby amended so that the said description shall recite that the land lies in Government Lot 4, Section 8, Township 29, Range 22, which lies south of Gervais Creek, etc. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the balance of the description following the words "Gervais Creek" remain the same. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �rce Peterson/ gssIn favor z:z llgainst � r. President (Gehan) 3M 11 -as AUG 20 1936 Adopted by the Council_ ....................... ........... 193....-. AUG 20 '1936 Approved_ ............................... -•-•------193 - Jel May RWISHF,n O'�ml to Ciry Oleik • - i047k1*-Hr Asst 8•. r� muwea No..-••-, CITY OF ST. PAUL13sae HE CITY CI:°t6ethdeenfoeralll wetoe>n bo'� OFFICE OF T,.ing„ i -- --- - - - - 188 -: s -.-f "• �'° PRESENTED BY Ill COMMISSIONER XXDQNM wzbdf WMMM", the following bonds are owned. in the General Sinking land of the City of St. Paul, to–wit: Funding ------ 1, 1 5.000.00 1, 19141 9.000.00 1, 1942 01 200 j,00. 000.00 and, WHERUS, the Sinking load Committee received an offer from Allison;-Willi— !o llison=Williams Compsmy of Minneapolis, to purchase the bonds at the cost price to the City, namely, a 14.709 basis, plus accrued interest to date of delivery, and WSEMEOS, the Sinking land Committee has accepted the above offer and recommends that the Council concur in the action of the Sinking land Committee in the sale of the abov6 bor* and VECM B, the Council is of the opinion that the above offer shouldbe accepted, therefore, be it, RESOLVED, that the Mayor, Commissioner of Ifinance and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to consummate the transaction. COUNCILMEN Yeas ys Barfuss Findlan Pearce -------- In favor Peterson Truax --------------- -Against m7enzo Mr. President (Geban) aM 11 -as Adopted by the CounciL_.AUS.2t-Q..106---193-....- AUG 20 06 Approved_ ............................... .... ...... 193 t-' ��--- yor QCBLISIiEL orlptna, ro CIO Cl"k1 V4792 CITY OF ST. PAUL 20." NO ..... ...........--: OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY GpaNHGpIpNGlae.__.ww�r.QT...G�A�-f-.__....__..._f._._.._._..._..__._�'___ !IDMS, Catherine A. Ayneley, Secretary -Stenographer in the Meyor's office, will be incapacitated and unable to perform her duties for a period from August let to October 29, 1936 , and s 1HEMIAS, the Mayor has recommended that Catherine A. Ayasley be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disability with pay from August let to October 29, 1936. , said leave being in compliance with Paragraph 3, Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that tjis proper City authorities be and hereby are authorized to grant a leave of absence for Catherine A. oynsley from August let to October 29 1936 with full pay. COUNCILMEN ess Nays use 4"P /?iadlan /eaadd sorts .................In favor eterscn T ax ../---...-...Against Henze] / Mr. President -Mahaney Oehgn 6M 37 6 AUG 20", Adopted by the CounciL------------- --- ---.... ........... 193.- --- NX 2 0 1,916 Approved .......... ................. ...y -/-!/.'J-.. Mayor Oriploel to Ctq Clerk / / =UNCILJ295QLUTION +�CITY OF ST. PAUL :'o.1t NO..._._�V-4.93 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ---GENERAL FORM J RESOLVED I i1w That licensee applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast J not. Felzer 786 Randolph St. Bakery App. 13928 Renewal. Geo. Carisch 627 S. Smith Confectionery " 14o63 to Randolph Pharmacy 860 Randolph St. It " 13902 " Prank E. Mikschl 496 Thomas St. Butcher " 14053 " Leonard E. Jordan 595 St. Peter Grocery " 14076 " Julius Hiefield 386 Ilabasha Fruits—Vegetables to 14065 " Alex Eiden 419 Sibley Restaurant " 14064 " I. Feldman 353 I1. Winifred Ice Delivery " 14068 to R. B. Beek 1T5 E. Arch Foodstuff " 14154 to s ° " to " " Vehicle Peddler 53 " 14155 " I��' T3'UA1C47�liYlpg l �' -. lZeeo�v ae� COUMEN Yeas 17 i an In favor eprce 'P! reon .......... ruaa ............... Against 'Wenzel vlr. President )M bib / (Gehan) 11 Adopted by the Council ...;.._A ..G 20. ......._........ ..... vs 20 1936 ipptove4...................... .............. .... _............... 193_..... yor O.Wasl to City C- 1(14'794 . CITY OF ST. PAUL na `" NO ___..._'.....__..___.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Jr/ OUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM r .... ......B........_.sAT1pp.36 ...............coMMlslo .......................................................................... RESOLVED That license for Ice station, application 13999r applied for by Fdward fere at 753 Mississippi St., northwest oorner of Acker St., be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the repaired fee. New COUNC MEN Yeas Na s ar m�lan In favor rce Peterson Against ruax �der,W /Mr. President (Gehan) 3M e-36 C. F No.. 104794-8Y G.—IL Bartuo — Irv,, F� M.`Teuax—C.:Pearae— ReeolViVced.-.that Iloenee-+tor Ise eta Edwart Miniere to 769 Mlasl9sl 1, x ngrthweat Corner of ACBer St., he. and the same Is hereby granted and the'cItY Clerk le -Instructed to Issue.suCh license upon th""""ent: tn"', otty trees- ury of the re0ulred fee. New. AfloDtefl by the Council Aug. 20. 1888. Approved Aug 20 1998. i (Avgy 22, 1898) Adopted by the Council.__ AUG._20... .......193..... Approved, ..............._AUCi_ 2. 00.6 ......193. No. -10106 --BY O H• iWax Irving C Pea' 'i Original to Ciq Clerk - co uwca CITY OF S�: ved,.that Ilceneea DWI' veYeona ar, `?4'795 •- �•wing named tpoleatafl be and the OFFICE OF THE Cf' ranted and the C1tY ' -to. taeue uclC hoer" COUNCIL RESOLUTION --G p! into tfie"bltY tr'iy o.. PRESENTED BY u Ess "- 102 ,a:lvi .............._ St _�9�..._?936................ COMMISSIONER................................�/...... ........................... ..........................n ris+......DATE RESOLVE That licens? applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in- structed to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: R. V. Carlson 559 RiCe Ste Confectionery App. 14028 Renew J. G. Longendyke 63 W Winifred " Bev. " 13986 " 0 13981 " n n n n p n n n n On Sale Malt n q n Off n q Il 0 13988 " C. F. Dinger 635 S• Smith Restaurant " 14057 " Emil Fideli 91 S. Robert " " 13937 a I. W. F. Greve 878 S. Smith n ° 14018 " J. B. Haglund 1321 Rice Tavern " 13503 np, " n If It n It Dance Hall " 13504 Hildebrandt Bros. 43 E. Fifth St- Hotel - 87 Rms " 14060 " Joe Hovich 300 S. Snelling Gas Sta. 3 pumps " 13852 " Frank Stassen 680 Dodd Road " " 1 pump " 14034 " Rea Trumter 923 Randolph " It 3 pumps ° 14069 r Ernest Kruel 542 Stryker Ice Station " 13975 " E. B. Terrell 306 New York Bldg. Salary Ioan " 14070 AUG 2 0 1936 COUN LMEN CO Adopted by the Council .................� ......................_........193 ..... Yeas Nays (3 Ian as Pi In favor Approved..._ ................_.._...._._.......__._......_._.. AUG AUS `� o M� 93_..... ce ea ce /YJ e sun if//rruu,aas v nzel r. President (Gehan) .5 3LISi-x'"F;T3__C�ay JM 616 ✓� orw—1 to Cl" RESOLVED CITY OFT. PAUL `nig.` \'795 %",// FICE OF THE CITY CLERK ��'(� COUN IL RES4JTION--GENERAL FORM 20, 1936 That licenses for Restenrant, application 13991, and On Sale Melt Beverage, application 13992, applied for by Clarence D. Lasher at 15TS Como Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Approved informally by Council Ong. 11, 1936 COUNCILMEN YeahNay Bar tn,,Ian /P/ __......_._.. In favor `'rce /k'esereon /I/ ./........... Against 1rugs �Vj7enul r. President (Gahan) )M 636 C. F. o. 101788—. FI. Barfuee— I 11.MN. Truax—IrvinqBy 6 C. Pearce— Reeolve8 than llceneee for Restau- rant, aDDI(cation 18881, and Oa . gale Matt Beverage, application 18888, 'ap- p110d for by Clarence D. I.asher at 1878 =for be and the same are here- by granted and the clty clerk ie In- structed to ieeue eveb llceneee upon the payment into . the city treasury of: 'the. reaufred:. teen' .. .: New. Approved informally by Council Aug. 11, 1986. Adopted.by the Covnoll Aug. 20, 1828. Approvefl 'Aug. 20. 1989. - (Aug. 22, 1888) .. .I Adopted by the Council ........AUG ..2.Q...j%, 6_193 _... AUG 9010 Approved............................... ...... _......... ......... _...193_._.. Oelalod m CUT Clerk / / eouaau. �� LC i e� CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO._ A OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY r,w'm•�e._ ...:r inRldf 'k�• 14. 19;6 f WflEVAS, Itm. H. Zinfeldt desires to withdraw application 13522 for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 13523 for Off Sale Malt Beverage, and application 13524 for Restanrant lioenses at 482 University Avenue, and whereas said applicant has operated each bueines under said applications for approximately one-half month; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby enthorised to refund to Will. H. Einfeldt the sums of $47.91; $4.80; and $9.57, and to cancel said applications for licensee. COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays .�dB�rfusslan _______....... In favor rce stereo. Against uaa Wenzel ,i,Ir. President (Geban) 3M 6.16 C. F. No.-104797—By G. H. Barium F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce—Whereas, Wm. It Hinfeldt desires to withdraw application 19622 for On Bale (Malt $average, application .,18628 for Ott Sale Malt Beverage, and apDllcatlon 18624 •for Restaurant ltcenam at .48E IIni eraity Avenue, and whereas mid ayyLeant has oyyorated �uch..bu�ine�s under.'eald a llcatlons for .approxi- mately -.one-halt mouth-, therefore, be 1t Resolved, that ,tphe prpDer. alts. officers be and theyy.. are fioreby..avthorlsed to (refund to WID. H. Elafeldt the, sums of 147.91; 14.80; and.{8.67; and to caacel �eaid-apC]lcatJonetor llceneee.. Adopted by the _ug. 20. 1888. Approved An.,, 1998. ,Aug. 2E, 1990-) / Adopted by the Council!uG Approved ............._ ._......�._19JP............. .193 i Mayor a DUPLICATE TO CITY'CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL -> COUNCIL COLINCILMEN—ROLL L OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. -_- _-- _ - -_-_- ----- corlaov BS•,1s6 COUNCIL RESOLUTION August 18 -------------- -- tadl�i ` AUDITED CLAIMS --- ----------- PEARCE ear Qe r __ ____ __AGAIN RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D�QypyjV N�,(�1 H TY TREASURY. GYG..�..�R eterson, $41e 526.4y5_- TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUf�jTOF S_----=7/y-3��C2T�--- --- COVERING MR. PRES. tp} , QeL[Yi _ - .moi' -512_• 1 `IiAfR,F•J(" CHECKS NUMBERED.___ _ O______ INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------------- ------------------ PER CHECKS ON FILE E FFICE O THE TY CO TROLLER. 4. T_ ._-------- _ _ _. __ITY <OM PTNOLLEN �91 'hl �A(/y--- ___._.-____ -_ .�__________ MAYOR C. H NO TOTAL DATE Resolled, that iherke be draten on RETURNED � V CHECK the r113- tret ry to the aggregate NUMBER do, ant of 541526+5 ro,ering ch¢cks TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK mbered _^.+74 to ^_7532, Inrluslve, CHECKS CHECKS Prhecke n fl In the office of the frit" —roplroller. - `} Adopts.] by the Council Aug. 20, 1936. Appro"d Aug. 20. 1936. YARD (Aug.^_2,1936) 27479 Michael Messina50 • 27480 Adolph Shetka 40 27481 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 2 541.4' 27482 Axel F. Peterson, o. of Finance 7 9040; 27483 Anthony Sosnoeki 65 27484 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin. 7 500 6 6 � 27485 Geo.J.Ries, County Auditor 1 416 611 27486 C.B. Lyon & Brothers,ino. 10 6 27487 The Speakes Company 27488 Villaume Box & Lumber Compan 9 3' 27489 Axel F.Petervon, Tread of f Police Pension Fund 10 000 0 27490 st.Paul Teachers Ret.Fund As oo. 7 GOO' 27491 McCallum & Robinson, Inc. 26 4 27492 Pittaburgh Coal company 2 577,8 27493 E.J. Stilwell Paper Company 131 27494 William Yungbauer & sons, Inc. 422'3 27495 Apotheoary Shop 79 10 00 1 27496 E. J. Bailey Company 115 60' 27497 Bethesda Hospital l; 27498 Drs. Chatterton & von der Weller 141 o 6 0 27499 Cherokee Drug Company ! OQ; 27500 Dr. Philip F. Donohue 51 00 27501 Dr. George A. Geist 67 00. 27502 Dr. S.M. Herman 27503 Dr. Carl E. Johnson ' 35 0o; 27504 Dr. z.P. ging � t 27505 wm. A. Kohnke 3 560", a 27506 Dr. E.w. Miller 55 00' 27507 Dr. D.B. Peterson 5 CO 27508 Drs. Ryan & Ryan 6 oo 27509 st.JohnIs Hospital 1 6 27510 St -Josephs Hospital 100 35 r 27511 St.Lukels Hospital 55 85 27512 Dr. Edward Sahons 5 00 23 27513 Dr. B. J. singer 00 27514 Dr. X.C. Wold 12 00 27515 Carl A. Erickson 27516 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 250 00 27517 star Photo company 120 99. . 27518 Geo, M. Mbertz 124 6o 27519 t41111em Eberts 402 40 27520 nin am Ebertz 27521 Sanitary Bottling Company 667 80 27522 Dr. D.C. Jones 75 00. 2752 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 41 70 2752 Axel F. Peterson, C. of FineAce 49 2o, 27525 Chas. Teresa 50 0 00 1 27526 central Soap Company 10 15. 78 27527 Farwell, osmun, Kirk & Company 262 4q; 27528 J.L. Shiely Company,Ino. 4 27529 G. Sommers & Company 65 0 27530 The Bpeakee Company 645 , 27531 ^am. Hemple 5 00 00 27532 John Hildahl 481 142 r SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 6d 7 500 h IM 6 i0 1 � rittev pMoyyoeal for the (,IlowtnB� Iniygovemevq PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT m0.=1 t%,, sonarate'. vorW @Ide of We'eG . t)r e8apnt SnB apDToi-� 8.0 feel• "heglp and vn, a?.0 Seet4:tara(@r • e Oltgl' t .. PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Coastructing_6" Monolithic concrete drivetra�s on fire north aide oY Rest .--._-_ --_Mi nnwhwhw-$,irByt,T_ hwoi nn�inQv_nnI1TAZIID$.t�a�ljt-y.^,�.�.�.�=Bt- _—_..thB31CH_E9at_.fi O ee f b,__e,¢Lnninn aD'�'OALWo.+,wy-}0.T't'%IwT Dated this.._ -?-!at..._. ........ ----- --day PRELIMINARY ORDER 19 -?....----- _.- — -- Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructing 6" Monolithic concrete drivetton the north aide of Fest - - Mi nn �l+eha .Strflet.,_�BB1�8.-aPTM-•n mAtel y_1h6...4_.i@9t._elaBt_..4.%...D�1—±3.I'-�.t�'eet�---- -----...------- +hwn .e gftRt-fl..Q_-few+----.._'----......-_._..._._...__._......__....__.._...__.-------- ---^-- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ---- --------- —..... ------------- _..._.__----------------_...... - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the rrCommissioner of Finance. Adopted by the ----- Yens Nnvs ` Councilman BARFUSS is,@O FINDLAN Approved-...____-----.---- --- PEARCE /U) PETERSON TRUAX WENZNZEL Mayor. Ma. PRESIDENT Bbrm C A 1H (1M-6-38) ld4gWr1t .,DIrofng Pe4roe— ' e;+A-'mrltteuro oa81 Lor'tlie PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT the Lollowfng PmyrovemedE,i ^tfngg. with 4" In ""tblo oori+ . efdewalk an .the ngsth. tllde and , Street;. basin#!hsti'st+',the .ot Rlce 8trget LlteV'6 Vbto ving heed DMM,Nieatodet6 ttib PRELIMINARY ORDER city ^ st 7paut: here- .. �,;by ordered The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the Ctwer'"t. hul, viz': Reconstructing with 4" Monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side --- ef- South-. eety '�-fie At the west liaa oY aiss Etaee ......�... - ... Dated this ------ ._--day of._.._ ...... Al -lo is PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: gec0nstrtetllu[wwith.A!-Monolithi4 GfLncre e t }e._.@idewaL k.- on the north side ------oY.South..Straetr...beginning-aL-the-weal-line.._oY.Bica_Straeti_thArtne psgt---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--'---......_....--- ...................... ................ _.._-- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matterss to the Commissioner of F'mance. Adopted by the - _-----_-__-- YrnS NAYS CouncilmanBARFUSS AUG 2 C jq36 FINDLAN Approved-------_---- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL Mn. PRESIDENT Mayor. porm CAIS (IM -env) 1 IC4801 =77r vo. 101801— Scatter of repatrtn coaetructlag cemen `, n the wast etas .. ir tom— a 'gin �- COUNCIL FILE NO. „.,etc° rk/: ~ .at By m INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Vernon Street, beginning at a point 232 feet north of St. Clair St., thence north to Princeton Ave., and on the east aide of Vernon Street, beginning at e north side of St. Clair St., thence north to Princeton Ave., and on the north s de of St. Clair Street beginning at the east line of Vernon Street, thence east 12 feet, under Preliminary Order 104616 approved July 28, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received jhe report of,the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resofves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repair, relay and reconstruct cement the sidewalk on the west side of Vernon Street, beginning at a point 232 feet north of St. Clair St., thence north to Princeton Ave., and on the east side of Vernon St., b6ginning at the north side of St. Clair St., thence north to PrincetoitrAve., and on the north side of St. Clair Street beginning at the east line of Vernon St., thence east 12 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, 46, ~' per sqquare fyot with no alternatives, and that the estimate cost thereof�is $ 0.11 -new tile; $0.08 -old tile. IV Resolved -Further, That a public helar ng be had on said improvement on the 16th day of ;'193 g y "at theme our of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House aft ffiq Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said mE ee 3f the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvemggtgnij jhe total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Councii~' , 193 Approved AUG 20 193 ityity Clerk Mayor Councilman li:vfuss Councilman N �= F...Ilan Councilman Imo_ Councilman l r. -n- Petrrsoa Councilman Asx "t'ruax Councilman nz Wenzel Mayor MF;Ne9= Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO 1480191 ,. 10l802— M stat ru of r cement a the south Alda of 8e :glaning at the west set, theaoe west 188 ` .cot drlvewaY; uad.' der 30l61'/,�appr� ecu of th, .a the yfr INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Selby Avenue, beginning at the west line of Fry Street, thence .at 168 feet, except 8 foot driveway, under Preliminary Order 104517 _approved July 28, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct ogment tile sidewalk on the south aide of Selby Avenue, beginning at the west line of Fry Street, thence west 168 feet, except 8 foot driveway, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per gquare f000 ii -new ti le 0.08 -old tile. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereofA $ , � Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 15th day of September 1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estima ed. AUG 20 '1996 Adopted by the Council ,, 19����- Approved 21D °'x'193— City Clerk Mayor Councilman*l3trt"�t ��rfuss Councilman 37""�N E i„tan -'L Councilman iCdrCC�_„� Prdrre Councilman�'OBCR'_ (.'e teriov Councilman friG Truax Wenzel Councilman qVW&q=M0 Gehan Mayor Form B. S. A. 8.6 Y'VBLISFII;D �/ , 41803 Drldod w Ctt, Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ..".""' NO.-, X0 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�CU�ION --- GENERAL FORM _ PCROEMSMEINSTSEIODN_............. ER . _.................. _... Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised 7 RESOLVED, that the and:directed to oil the following streetet l RESOLUTIONS Seventh, White Sear to Van Dyke 101803—BY Irving C. - Soheffer, Mercer to Canton Gaultier to Woodbridge ed, that the Cen`n'isE' Works be and he is r, t i and directed to oil tta Lawson, E. & W. Alley --Como, Dale, Burgessta` eh, Mercwbit. Bear to Vv-4.er to Canton Walker, Taylor to G.N. RY• Alley --Sherburne, Charles, Asbury, Simpson A13y"came °, i, ,Yior to a, burn n. x Eleanor, Snelling to Hemline Saratoga ; Alley --Goodrich, Lincoln, Snelling, " "• N. & S. Alley --Highland Pkway, Eleanor, Pascal, Albert Alley -Fuller, Aurora, Fisk, Avon Miscellaneous property as follows[ Ruth Dudley, 1946 Dayton Thorne Extension into Indian Mounds Park Onega, Congress to Concord T. C. Lbr. and Shingle Company, 2563 Franklin Avenue Village of Newport W. 407' Alley --Jefferson, Wellesley, Fairview, University of Minnesota, University Grove COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Ba ss indlan J In favor e r Against T�entrr -� Vim Fir 1.._ `%F... , ..._193....._ Adopted by the Councilyyt10.._n....._.... P, 11°09 Approved... ._.............................. ._..................... 193..... -_ _ J✓ . - Mayor.......... PUBLISHED a ,3 OriQlo.i to Cit, Clark acvrtrn NO..��? 80 CITY OF ST. PAUL nt.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED ®hei)Qas, Ruth E. Haglund, Senior Clerk Stenographer of the Department of Public Works of the City of St. Paul, will be inca- pacitated and unable to perform h6r duties for a period of at least thirty (30) days from and after August 18, 1936, and Whereas, the Connissioner of Public Works has recommended that Ruth E. Haglund be and is hereby granted a thirty (30) dayy leave of absence for disability with pay, from and after the ltlth day of August, 1936, said leave being in compliance with Paragraph E, Section ¢1 of the Civil Service Rules, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Ruth E. Haglund for thirty (30) days from, on and after August 18, 1936, with full Paye COUNCILMEN Yeas Nayq' ;F#lan In n Eavor 'Peterson Truss- ...-......�......'...... Against 3M 6.16 Mr. Vice 1'resideut (Truax) C. WANo 3048a0d—BFI ulna C. Pearce—i the Council Aug. 21. ug. 21. 1028. fug. 2s. 1020) Oar Adopted by the Council AUCIDi....193..... Appmved........... _ .7li� tl�n7� ......._..1 J ........................ _..... �— yor orW—I to Cit, Clerk / / . _ COUMML (',1805 /YdV/I CITY OF ST. PAUL lu NO.__-...`.. _._._...._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED IBy W. ..... .........._........................ ....... DATE..............Jug{1st....2L,....19.3.6............... ....... COMMISSIONER........:...................................j............................................... ....... RESOLV / That license for Ice Station, application 13731, applied for by R. P. Salisbury at 779 E. Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New owner for established station. COUNCI EN Yeas Nr1n an Pipolan vor ..................... earce eterson �ew� ......._...._�_ Against 3M 636 Mt. Vice k'resideut (Truss) C. F. No. 104805—gy 6. I;. Bartuae— I R M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce—. aPPllc tion d.that 8l license for Ice Station, and dstlury at 773'E�geventhled r Street' be city tclerkale linetr teF'a ted a such ilicense upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. New owner for eetabliehedstation. Adopted by the Council Aug. 23, 1938. j ADpr—ed Aug. 21. 1938. tAu6. 29, 1938) 1P 11 Adopted by the Council ,.,,._AW?41_ .193 Approved ...................._ d! g._...1�_..... thlyi,ul to 1`.(tf cl.re Z'/ CITY OF ST. PAUL cu" NO._.__W.06 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO_UUN–ACIIIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 13945, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 1394611 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13947, applied for by Golden and Jules St. Aubin at 419 lheelock Parkway be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the regaired fees. low Informally approved by City council Aug. 12, 1936 �f C. F. No. 104806—By O. H. Barfuse— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Reeolved, that licenses for Reetau- ant, aDDlfentlon 13946, On $ale Malt Beverage, aDPllcation 18948, and Oft Sale Malt Beverage, aPpliragoa 13947, Aublin et 419 forb Golden and Jules St. the a me a h,e elockbY Parkwnteday nd the lty clerk ale Instructed to issue Both Iiceneae upon the payment Into the city I of the required fees. New. Informally approved by City Council A Aflpted9 36. oAPuby the Council Aug. 21, 1936. Approved Aug. 21. 1936. (Aug. 29, 1936) Adopted by the Council AUG 2l 10 193..... Approved ..........................._� 1 193..._.. ................................ Mayot COUN MEN Yeas Nay uas Fin len In favor 7ce stetson T"ar-. Against 1M 6 M a'iT• ;1CC Ylti:,T" �f C. F. No. 104806—By O. H. Barfuse— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Reeolved, that licenses for Reetau- ant, aDDlfentlon 13946, On $ale Malt Beverage, aDPllcation 18948, and Oft Sale Malt Beverage, aPpliragoa 13947, Aublin et 419 forb Golden and Jules St. the a me a h,e elockbY Parkwnteday nd the lty clerk ale Instructed to issue Both Iiceneae upon the payment Into the city I of the required fees. New. Informally approved by City Council A Aflpted9 36. oAPuby the Council Aug. 21, 1936. Approved Aug. 21. 1936. (Aug. 29, 1936) Adopted by the Council AUG 2l 10 193..... Approved ..........................._� 1 193..._.. ................................ Mayot oriaiaat m cin cl.rt -� Al.l.`$8�_/ [ I// CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.___ (J _/ ?0UNCIL FICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 14054, on Sale Malt Beverage, application 14055, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14056, applied for by A. x.crowley at 946-50 Raymond Aveane be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasu.ry of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council Ang. 13, 1936 L0480I-13 6 C. Pear— ' licensee for Reetau- �cation 14064, On Sate Ddalf application 14066. and O6. 13everage, appllcatton 14068. by A. H. Crowley at 948-60 kvwnobe and the nted and the city sa erkare is oto issue such licensee upon nt Into the city treasury of ;d fees. ay approved by Council Aug. by the Council Aug. 21, 1936- d (Aug. 29. 1936) Adopted by the Council.,...,, AUG .211�,96 193..... am 21 'C4F C'" ._......1.T/ ......................... ....__ :._....._Mayor. / COU LMEN Yeas Nay /Fuss Findlan S In favor /1?e rfion 9Jvna�L' Against 3M 636 Vice President (Truax) L0480I-13 6 C. Pear— ' licensee for Reetau- �cation 14064, On Sate Ddalf application 14066. and O6. 13everage, appllcatton 14068. by A. H. Crowley at 948-60 kvwnobe and the nted and the city sa erkare is oto issue such licensee upon nt Into the city treasury of ;d fees. ay approved by Council Aug. by the Council Aug. 21, 1936- d (Aug. 29. 1936) Adopted by the Council.,...,, AUG .211�,96 193..... am 21 'C4F C'" ._......1.T/ ......................... ....__ :._....._Mayor. oaala.I to an clerk y t �1 14808 4J CITY OF ST. PAUL ryL`NGL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PR �Su ncED BY // AA,N, ,,,�„, __ _........................_.._...................................... DATE .......................`!�ea.'r..� t.._21s.. 1936................ RESOLVED That license for Gasoline Filling Station, 4 pompe, application 13926 applied for by Ben Freeman Gas & 011, Inc. at 156-160 No. Dale Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to isame such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. New Permit for installation granted May 13, 1936 O.F. 103590 C. F. No. 104908—BY a• H. Barfueu—� Truax 0Irving C. Pearce— Reeolved, that license for Gasoline Filling Station, 4 Dumps appllcation 13828 applied for by Ben freeman Ga. Oil Inc. at 168-100 No. Dale Street be and tfie same -1s hereby granted and the Ity clerk is Instructed to leeue ouch license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. New. Permit for inetallatlon granted. May 13. 1836, C. F. 103680. - AdoDted by the Council Aug. 21, 1898. Approved AuAU•g2 291 1998) Adopted by the Coundl__AUC_.2_1.. ._._193._.. AUG X811 Approvedd..-...../............................................................193....... U Mayor COUNC MEN Yeas Nay es ind n _..._ In favor earce .............. 'etereon Weernel"�' Against t SM 6.16 M,. Vicc 1'c_�iilcut (1•ruax} C. F. No. 104908—BY a• H. Barfueu—� Truax 0Irving C. Pearce— Reeolved, that license for Gasoline Filling Station, 4 Dumps appllcation 13828 applied for by Ben freeman Ga. Oil Inc. at 168-100 No. Dale Street be and tfie same -1s hereby granted and the Ity clerk is Instructed to leeue ouch license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. New. Permit for inetallatlon granted. May 13. 1836, C. F. 103680. - AdoDted by the Council Aug. 21, 1898. Approved AuAU•g2 291 1998) Adopted by the Coundl__AUC_.2_1.. ._._193._.. AUG X811 Approvedd..-...../............................................................193....... U Mayor Odalnd to Cin clerk / v CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �S COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 104809 That license for Hote11 application 1110591 applied for by Frank Carlisle at 380 Jackson Street be and the same is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby anthorized to refund to Frank Carlisle the fee of $25.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas 7,/// Buss �lan _,.....__... In favor e ce �[erson __._. L ........................... Against 1M 636 I�ii ,,I! vicC...._ .. C.17. No. 104809—By G. H. Harfuss— F. M. Truax—Irving C. P,eaice— Hesolved, that license for Hotel, ap- p11111ion 14089, applied for by Frank FIe ]serge is hebe reby d Hied and the propa er city oRlcers are hereby au[horfzed to', refund to Frank Carlisle the fee of for license. and to cancel said application for IICCDee. Adopted by the council Aug. 21, 1938 Approved Aug . . 21. 1938. 1938) (Aug. 29, AUG 2 11936 Adopted by the Council ................ ........................... _....... 193..... AW Is I s D Approved................................_.................................193....... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L k S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 20th, 1936. Mr. Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector, City. Dear Sir: The City Council today failed to approve the application of Frank Carlisle for hotel license at 380 Jackson Street. Will you kindly bring in a reso- lution denying the same and authorising refund. referred to above. We enclose herewith the application Yours very truly, City Clerk. orialaal to can clert n 1 CITY OF -ST. PAUL nu�`I` %430 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM GOPRESENTED BY..........................................DATE...................._�?:gt..?11..._19.35.............. MISSIO E ....................._..................... ........... ......... ....... ........................ A RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant No. 8047, On Sale Malt Beverage No. 3476•, and Off Sale Malt Beverage No. 4719, issued to Peter Flaherty at 589 East seventh Street be and the same are hereby revoked upon reconmendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of possession of liquor for sale without license. j C. F. No. 104810—By O. B" Barfuss— F. DL Truax—Irving C. Pearce— ; Resolved, that license for Reetau- nt No. 8097, On 8sle Malt Bevas,erage �No. 1719, esued nto PeteraFlahertyaat, 589 East Seventh Street be and the same tion allh t the Bureau dof Poll e her us.ofmeet and conviction f posses'of Ilquor for sale without llcenee. Adopted by the Council Aug. 21, 1938. Approved Aug. 21. 1938. (Aug. 29, 1938) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � /t3ad mdlan ,,!! /r�earce ......._. ........... In favor �Peter9on aeeeN• ................ .. Against . ee4� 3M 636 III, Z/1CC i�rCSlc�fn roue) 4: e Adopted by the Council ,.„._AIJG..2_1,_M6,.,.193..... 1936193....._ Approved.11 ....................... ........................... .....J.....`.'....._Z�4 .....�lxy_w _ Mayor DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 9i [F11181 p COUNCIL F�• i I �r COUNCI Lh�EN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.-------- CONROY $ Zi18B COUNCIL RESOLUTION IN FAVOR ---------- A.ugilat__20----------- ----- 193' 6-_ q+ erc, AUDITED CLAIMS p terao AINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D#AlV HVdTY T ASURY. nu'•," GAb4i'7i4+T:-'� TO THE AGGREGATE AM .--_____J_ C VERING nnr_ 4 - - MR. PRES. BUNDLIE• .r•_ � `••- L- � .-.11i1.Y� CHECKS NUMBERED_—_ O____---- INCLUS VE. PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------------------------ -- --- APPROV EO_-_ 18------� - - - -- --c ITV COMPTROLLER----- C. F.----- Resolred, [hat checks be drawn n TOTAL DATE CHECK the city treasury, to the aggregate RETURNED Int t 540,71'.60. co erinK checks. NUMBER numbered ?7533 to ^i -i Inrluslce, s TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK per checks file /n the oftice n[ the} CHECKS CHECKS Soo on y •it.' rnmptrnller ..- - a Adopted by the (`ounell Aug. 21, 1936.�ARD Apprayed Aug211936(Aug '9,1936) • 27533 chemical Sales & Safety Comp y 370 27534 Deep Rook Oil corporation 9161,09 '27535 Goodrich-Silvertown,Ino. 9;7 27536 ! Alvin Olafson 7'3 27537 ii Axel F. Peterson# 0. of Fin a 11 6408 00 27538 ! Yrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 27539 Matthew Towey 40 00 27540 ' John Rose 4000 27541 " Roseorans Eleotrio Company 215193 27542 Axel F. Victory Printing CompanyFin e 7 732 20 2754'+ ! Arthur Lindbom 32100 27'545 r John o 'Dowd 400M 27546 capitol Stationery Mfg.00mp 35',77 27547 Central Soap Company 16;91 27548 Coohren-Sargent Company 61!68 27549 The Crane Company of MinnesotiL 4 490';36 27550 Gangl and Company i7 27551 ;1 General Electric Supply Corp. 6 '+ 27552 Graybar Eleotric Company 170 80 27553 Inter City Paper Company 2656 27554 1, McKesson Wholesalers 3510 27555 National Lead Company 33'30 27556 Paper, Calmenson Company 11,11 27557 St.Paul Builders Material CoRpany 9:12 27558 Sharp dl Dohme, Inc. 3:72 27559 H.H. Stahl Company 8071 27560 Stationers Engraving Company 21 '56 27561 Velvent Mfg.Oompany 5 52 27562 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan?a 4214400 27563 John Sullivan 13450 27564 Maurice Broderson 12!50 27565 Sylvester Knowlan 47 50 2T566 Dittenhofer Realty Company 2'93 27567 ;1 J.A. Nelson 3 107 2756$ '; Northern States contracting C'. 23;50 27569 Y B. McGlynn 4o'.00 27570 H.W. Kingston Company 25 48 27571 :j Axel F. Peterson,# 0. of Finan a 13 oo5 04 27572 Bernhard Low 70 p • 227T5573 j George SudeWilliam 28 IE 44 ;George Williams 14 0 27575 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 1138 63 06 27576 Miller -Bryant -Pierce Company 27577 Western Shade Cloth Company 44 70 -SHEET TOTAL FORWARD 7_��'O.1 _.00 5a $5620_ t PRWSE2iT8D B2 O MMISSICKIRS g. X. Barfuss, F. M. Truax, I. 0. Pearce, Axel P.Peterson, 1 B.C.Wenzel,John S.7indlan,Ma9or M. 8. f)ehan. t �`}4812 r= /maim the URA Of dit* bM Wit epos this 0*4 OdspartNSIM- I. and bas ramowd tram the high otfies of Chlsf tls !Ls Iianoara4?�1 ' John S x-4,1 `•death bae tieenlstd 71ord D• Olson. 7the hig esith".—stia Vi i om high n®oa bo•- .e' 8onorabx `F1oY�" the passing of asvesner Oiwn the pate of Yinneseta has Set c fi—otcsi�s : OXsop wa. an softy" A=* for GoVemmor Otem was an ewodtirs of national leer. e.atto°softy" Go7ernor Olson wag the prodoot of ow purer► Ammrioal oitilisatiee. � Dora b perery, br the tome of his indmitab2e COUP*" end Will, he to *a sablisw, Lionel tome and tWortwa% In a 0ti40 like We We fonet owr li!#i and ml ww no at !hair Isom w.sih. InWd !, Olsom possessed m msaaal degree of abilif4r. BIB mental Ceplaitie* at oratortool abtlitt" W010 of gnoh a obreoter that his useeraesare agintiilatsd lilS ing flambbs of light rstlesting h19 pan smellty sat his lame AMIfq.lar eat 00 .t goVera w1.U1' iiNss. @ovaraor lloyd L ti1lOa'P343isteA bUi fifty the forog of big toles 111.6 . 01MAWklntoilegs tot' along date the *11"I end politield lift of M Vt meal► root hieoolt'ek iii the hi&eet oonnoi% 'a of "On. �� She asmboro of tho 8bat o3�Oo R Doers of tale Qetmtp of Rosser and abs MAS" of the Sio=m Oouwn of flue 0% Pauls U's,seat CC Sha dovernment.of the Mate of Minnesota, in joint meeting "Oembleis di0#ts this mragmdal to for xemary of our "Oessea "Vernon, "OL aftorabie rioyd7.`0 "14 Wil, at a part of the ®bm mmoft th of Minnesota, hate lost a oomageoas, singers and &Mted oospatriot. Ser`1be armbere of big eftioial stall and petty &MIUtes, and to ttr 40"Srsor 40;1=1 4616 "IdiTs we otter oea @in"" odndoleasss In so, geeat 1�ppr tb4 bw ' °"' Barivse Adopt ed by the council Au -ra 25 16 Bindlan Pearce 7 In favor Peterson 0 Against Truax - AUG 25 1936 Wenzel Approved Mr.Pres.Gehan m CLL, Ck6 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ' rai NO. OF9 C$6 (pF THE CITY CLERK '813=By M. H. PRESENTED ft , wHE1lEA8, by s loan and grant agreement dated y 9 1934 , , the City of Saint Paul, The Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, and the United States of America did agree that the City would sell and the Government would buy in the aggregate $5,550000 In financing the construction of a sewageds of the said City fPaul, Saint disposalsystem in the District, and WHEREAS, certain of such bonds have heretofore been sold by said City in accordance with the terms of such Loan and Grant Agreement to other purchasers, and WHEREAS, the United States of America has requested that it be released from its obligation to purchase the balance of the said bonds not yet issued, and WHEREAS, it is the opinion of the Council that it should not comply with the request of the Government by releasing all of the bonds not yet issued but that it is willing to "Issas the Government from its obligation to purchase any further boas in excess of the sum of $1,100,000, which said sum is the esti- mated amount of bonds necessary for the City to issue to complete the City's wort as well as the City's share of the cost of the joint wort included in the sewage disposal system plan, now therefore be It !RESOLVED, that the said Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby declares its willingness to release the United States Gov- ernment from any obligation to purchase under the terms and oondi- tions of said Lca n and Grant Agreement more than $1,1009000 aggregate principal amount 4# bonds covered by said Loan and Grant Agreement, upon presentation of a revised loan and grant agreement, satisfactory in terms to all of the parties thereto; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Government by and thru the Federal Emergency Relief Administration of Public worts be and it is hereby requested to submit for consideration and action by She said City Council of the City of, Saint Paul and the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Distriet, a new Loan and Grant Agreement providing for the purchase of not more than $1,100,000 CO Ue a principal amount of bonds of such City. AUG 2 5 1998 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.....................................................193....... f WAS 2t i wdlan -% In favor ° - Approved _ ........... __ ... .............193 .. Pearce Peterson ;;'`' % Against /_. ........... .......................... Mayor President (Gehan) 36�- 7M 676 H. F. GOODRICH eo•� nx•xo. o.neui. u.onenoxl Comptroller ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of k%nesote ------ CITY ..__CITY COMPTROLLER ROOM 109 CITY HALL .4ows August 7, 1936 To The Eonorable I' yor and City Council Gentlemen: The local P. W. A. officials have requested the City of Saint Paul to release the Federal Government from its liability under the loan agreement entered into for the purpose of financing the ldinneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary District, This loan agreement is a guarantee by the Federal Government twat they will purchase City of Saint Paul Bonds,,issued to finance. the Sanitary District at a rate not to exceed four percent (4;%), E. M. SKIPTON {qDe uty Comptroller Investigation of the situation as it affects the Sanitary District and the interceptors constructed by the City of Saint Paul discloses that approximately $575,000.00 principal amount of bonds ✓ will have to be sold for the account of the District, and $525,000.00 for local interceptors. At the present time it is proposed that the bonds for interceptor purposes be issued as of October lat. According to present indications it will not be necessary to issue bonds for the District's account until the latter part of the year. Very truly yours, / FBW :mn J ,IT= 01WES XCOW�S Oeidaal to Clq Qak 14'414.... / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL.i NO _1C4814_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM PRESENTED RESOLVED IEMUS, Ralph B. Smith desirea to withdraw application 14099 f1W On Sale Liquor Licen®e at 129 East Fifth Street and requests the return of the license fee of $500.00 ws, therefore, he it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and theft' are hereby authorized to refund to Ralph B. Smiththe sum of $500.00 end -to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. C. F. No. 104914-3311 F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Whereas. Ralph B. Smith deal es to wlthdrow appllcatfon 14099 for On Sale Liquor License at 129 East Fifth Streets and re as a the return of the license' fee of (600.00 therefore. be it Resoived' that the pro er city of"' care be and they are here �y authorized to refund to Ralph B. Smith the Bum of 1600.00 and to cancel said aDDlfea[lon' -- [or On Sale Liquor License. Adopted by the Council AUS. 27. 1929.1 — Approved (Aug.Aug27, , 193 — i (Au29, 19. 3�T COUNCjL141BN Yeas / r1ncarte favor C 7son l Against rau: , w sident (Gehan) 3M 6M AUG 27 1936 Adopted by the Council... ....................... . ........... 193 Approved..... AU.G... .. 7...17!70 ..................193....... ........ .... Mayor Adopted by the Council 193— Adopted by the Council Yeas Nays BACISS Yeas Nays FI AN B FUSS FI�IDLAN PEACE RSON � CE / �• ZE RSON TRUAX RUAX WENZEL PRESIDENT (GEHAN) !/ �� d POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.— August 15 —19a--6 Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approved July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Jose h Salisbu for permission to erect or continue retail ice station locate a at will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 26th' day of a .,at 193Sz at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of.'Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration ...�ilLliCv/17�/ r 416-1 1 ye 0 o. 1a8T�BYIrving C Peg(_j15 Od�q.l m MY Clerk - eae, In the imDroveme�,� CITY OF ST ere the yyvvtdeninB. gradlr couwca netructfbn and Llghtln(r - – OFF E OF THE logs laoutevard from i. SevenCorn re, Comp e No. L-3900: Oke- Con CO L OLUTION---k• contreCtora. tt wa ' .j� Oto make tfie toll+,7 COMMI6SIUNER....... .,Z...L.T.4... ....., .di�R.r.1 ._.._____....___—__.._._/$s5 ADDITION1.93.6 ................. ................. PnI'^ 7 �13U<A RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the'`kmprovemnt described as the Widening, rading, Concrete construction and Lighting of and on Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Seven Corners, Comptroller's Contract No. L-3900; OKes Construction Company, contractors, it was found necessary to make the following addition: ADDITION: For installing Police and Fire Alarm Duct and conduits and moving Ornamental Light Post at the Northeast corner of Fourth Street and Kellogg Boulevard for a lump sum cost of -----$294.80 and, WHEREAS, the total net addition is $294.80, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council approve the above addition made in accordance with the Plan and Specifications prepared there- fore, in an amount not to exceed the sum of $294.80, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-39.00 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The-Comtnissioner of Public Works has agreed with toe Contractor, Okes Construction Company, that the sum of $294.80 is t'kt correct amount to be added to the above contract. Funds to coven this addition are available in the proper account and the City of St. .Paul agrees to pay same. ffCodpt2roler ✓ COUNCILMEN Yeas ss ' an In favor carte ,,f:raua rson / `"` // Against /I' Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 37.: 636 Contractors-�� Co anion of Public Works AUG 2 7 1936 Adopted by the Council..__:.............__..................._....193 _.. AUG 27 1936 ........ Mayor PLIBLiSHED_�� (l",A to Cit, Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL :.� " NO..._K,.... -16 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK � COUN SO TION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ..............DATE.AI� et ��, 1838 COMMISSION • ... ...... ._ _.................. �. .......... ....__ ... ._............ _.. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the construction of the Phalen Creek Sanitary Sewer Interceptor, to W. W. MAGEE, in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the formal Bid No.9323 of said W. W. MAGEE, for the contract price of $33,528.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said W. W. MAGEE being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw•up the pro4r form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Engineer's Estimate $42,590.00. F.B. #9323. Charge Sewer Bond Issue, Code 4001. 1,C. F. No. 104616—By Irving C. Pearce—I Resolved, that the Council hereby ap- I j tract price of $33,622.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said W. W. Magee being the lowest rellahle and 'reason- able bidder, and the Corporation Coun- eel be and hereby 1. directed lg draw �- "y up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper CRY officialsherebY are authorised to execute said contract En behalf of the CRY of Saint Paul. F. B. ngineer's Estimate $42.690.00. No. 9323. Charge Sewer Bond Issue, Code 4001. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1938. Approved Aug. 27. 1939. (Aug. 29, 1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas /// ays f3prfuss F' "dlan „...___... In favor Ze rce terson fi .... . Against s ��nzel /lv1r. President (Gehan) 3M 636 AUG 27 1936 Adopted by the Council ...._.......... ..__....._ ................_.193..... AUG;; ! 1536 yor o,�m ,,MY �( �oa��� 1'1817... CITY OF ST. PAUL n�� NO.. + / CE THE CITY CLERK \ Oumcz LUTION---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED application 14174 for yPIOrRFA6. Minnie Bolheres desires to withdraw app Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 114173 for On Sale halt -Beverage, and application 14172 for Restaurant licenses at 541 Rice Street, and requests the return of the license fees deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby enthorizbd to refund to Minnie Bolheres the fees of $5.00; $50.00 end $10.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. I C. F. No. 104817—B9 6. H.- B&rf"`I COUNCILMEN Yeas N ys ss �n ee//��rr __......__.__...._ In favor �peseuson O /11 Against Wenzel President (Gehanl 3M 6 m at 5C rotor. , thereon to cannel 27. 1930. AUG 27 19 Adopted by the Council .........................._..........................193...... AUG 2 7 19M Approved..................................................................193....... COUNCIL FILE N0 ----------- ---- --.------ By.-__ -------------------- --- FINAL ORDERS 104818 C. F. No. 104838— In the. t tter'of reconstri -sew 4'- monouthic' conhret walk on: the west e.de of D. ':;beBlaatag at. the north, Itat Baten$tree! thence 0' '8 feet !n -width) thence 8 0 feet do width) b4glrt tat,l4 feet ofdtM , h a8 feet (8 vh•-e good an.'..-fi!;�F -F� r In the Matter ofaeoQggtruotpg_thA 4" monQlithio__oonorete__the-_aidenalk on the__ west aide of Dale Streat,__b�#_ Ag at the north line of Van Buren Street, thenoe 1torth_30__ffiat__(i3__3net_in asdt T thende north._42__fsgt__j6�Q_faa#.�]L4d�h)t begil�ise at_a _g1At 14 feet farther_north. thenoe north_38 _feet_�6.0 feet in width), axoept where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist under Preliminary Order ------------- IM --7-b ------------------- approved---- ---_Jnne_23,_1958----------- ------ ------- ---- Intermediary Order ---------------------------------approved ------------ - --- — ------ — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City istesaastr_uQt#h_A-4"__A9ljthio oo�orete_ the_______ sid,�xal�s_szt_ha_ass _eSS��_of�aJ a �tr��_bQginaing _at_ the��rth _ane of Van Buren Street�__thenoe north_SO feet _j8_feet_in__width�thenoe north 42 feet. (6.0 feet in_ wi4th ba&inning at a_pOint 14 feet farther_north. thenoe north 38 feet (6.0 feet i>L_sddth)__ axa wher�dod_and_snf£iaimt_aidevolen already exist. _— -- --- ------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. W RESOLVED FURTHER,'That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said im&ov t j�gccordance therewi Adopted by the Council ---------'--------'---- -7 -11 7—D - 19 �G_- _--------.._ ------ -_--.------__________ XJ6 27 IM6 City Clerk. Approved-------------------------------------- ---.- 192-------- Mayor. Councilma Barfuee Councilma Find}K❑ Councihnsly��y�d� Pr:vice / YUBLISHED_�� S� J �/ 01 In rT ni Councilm Council W,­,.ri Mayor (irtlan Form B. S. A. 8-7 / YUBLISHED_�� S� J �/ CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) 1 the In the matter of Street, b9ginni gcatnthe northtline mof Van Buren onolithic nSt concrete thence north 30lk nthe West df feet (8 feet in width); thence north 42 feet (6.0 ft. in width); beginning at a point 14 feet farther north, thence north 38 feet (6.0 feet in width). under Preliminary Order approved June 23, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: a The total estimated amount of the assessment for tb above improvement is $ 1.00 The estimated cost peroot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 30 1 Syndicate No. 4 Addition Total ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $1960 $7300 (includes Lot 29) $1960 $7300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works./.� Dated= 19 Commisslonet of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-3 D _ _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance .July. l,_-].9.38 _._.- _... . 193. ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1.04.075 approved.. __.. June 23, 1936 .193_......,.relative to reconstructing with new 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the west side of Dale _.. _.. - __.... -- ----- - ---------- .. - Street, beginning at the north line of Van Buren St., thence north 30 ft. (8 ft. in __ _ . _.-......_ __.._...... _ - . _.. --- ------.. ---- .- width); thence north 42 ft. (6.0 ft. in width); beginning at a point 14 ft. farther north, thence north 38 ft. (6.0 ft. in width) - -- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....._.._...... - ..___., and the total coat thereof is $..................__..-__ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:....__ __ ----------- --_-------- ............................. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ....._..... ... - - _..... .... __­_ ---- --------.._-------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is..... ____._....__-.....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 COM, OF FINANCE, �? to Commissioner of Public Works. ll" 12' ?, 9` M y 3CR 8" , 6 °4 JUL 2 1936 COUNCIL FILE NO.___. _ ______ By___ .----------------------- ___ FINAL ORDER U4819 c xo' Ia tt he Mltt ero[ reeonetiuotlag ' .mouolit hte concrete 'the aid tlro.Weatacd oL�IsaetA��:' a, a except Wesley Aveaue,. thanoe: Where good'au"d'i -. +.ike°:alreadyexlet; u.n. -%7 Order 10407a, aVr.;T. ,��Ic hear'^ ,, �1• 10 In the Matter of____reoonatnLotiAg_til 4_"_ moo�glithio__a_gnorete;_the_sideivalk__gll t11e____ great aide of Snelling veL-e.bee inning ata point _76feet north of Weal s9 Avenue. thenoe_north 74_feet, exoe_pt where good aAd__auffioieat_aidewalks already exist, under Preliminary Order-------- -104476-------------------approved--------.-------------- ----------- Intermediary Order --------- --- ------ — - — - --- approved - - - -- - --- --- — ------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is--reoongtruot_with_4"_m4n�olithio oonorete the side- walk on the_weat Bide_ of Snellixlg AvenuebeZJnn uS_gt a _p-Jiit-76 t n?rthof Feer Avenue, thanoe north 74 feet, ezoept where good and auffioieat sidewalks k" etlresd exist, -------_---- --_ — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therew' Adopted by the Council _--_'_271 - 19 ��1 City Clerk. I ta27136 Approved----------- -------- -------------------- , 192 ------ Councilman as'"eax Councilmanef tEfl` r'`"`the Councihnan%K9Ft6d"J "'u" ` Councilman Y"c .t° Councilman -1 Truax Councilman Fenzel Mayor Gahan Form B. S. A. 8-7 - j Q� CMayor. �0 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the west aide of UT Snelling Avenue, beginning at a point 76 feet north of Wesley Avenue, thence north 74 feet, under Preliminary Order approved June 23, 1936. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ froQnt 1.00 The estimated cost per/toot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 2 Savage Subdivision $700 $2750 (Ex. N. 43 ft.) Lot 18 k N. 19 1 ' College Place West Division 975 3800 N. 43 feet 18 1 do 950 6850 Total $2625 $13,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated-- l / D aY 19 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. !-S D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 1, 1986 __. 193..... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104076 approved June 28, 1986 _ 193.. __-, relative to "-I reconstructing with 4" mono is concrete the sidewalk on the west side - - _..._.. -- -- -...- - ---..... _.._- of Snelling Avenue, Beginning at a point 76 feet north of Wesley Avenue, ................... ...... _............... _..._.__........................ ..__..__ ._ _...._.. . thence north 74 feet. - .... .. ........ ....... _.-- ._...._ - ......... ....___............ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is,. _____ ..... .necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_ _____... __.... ....., and the total cost thereof is $.....------._-----......_. - , and the nature and extent of said iniprovement is as follows:...._.. - ___._.----------------------------- -------------------------- .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..... -------- .............. ................ 5. Said improvement ie.........._-....._. subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, Ilk 9 ^^ N �3 JUL 2 1936. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property ...........-... ... Commissioner of Public Works. rW 1%x'482® �In.itie-2iatter oCreeoLptr, mononthlc.conoreto: th.' `tke'eouth etde _--- ------------- oL.Jenka r COUNCIL FILE NO ------ ntns at moat uue of a ,thence west .8 feet; b"F ,puID1 5izteat, tttiencewe. _e 'fangg ttle`to be ret e "D $y----------------------------------- ____________.__________ fMnt 9 feet farth. o -To feet of eZfe �' FINAL ORDER e rveet ->d In the Matter of__reoonstruotiig_with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Jenks-Streett_ beginning at west line of Arcade St., thence west 6 feet; bb1&J=inj, a po1nt22 feet farther west,-_thenae_we8t 54 feet, thence west 82 feet of existing tile to be relaid; beginning at_a-point 9—fest farther west, thence west 180 feet of existing file to be__relaid; beginning at a point 10 feet farther west, thence west 5,5 jeet of mo. ithia conorete to include 6 x— 6 corner, except where good — — and sufficient sidewalks already exist, under Preliminary Order --104073 ---------------------------- ------ Juna-22__16216----------------------------- Intermediary Order ______-_---- ----- --- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-___r_aQnnattllnt_lti th--4_"__�1oAsl� thio oogorete the si4"alk ..- Op_the southaide of J Sika beeinniat gest line of Arcade St., the... west 6 feet; beeinn-ing st a �oiY3t 22 Peet farther weetythenoe-weet_54_ feet. thence west 32 toot of tk#stile to be relai�)�Sginning at a Point 9 feet farther west, thence west 180 feet of existing tile to be relaid; beginning at ayoint 10 feet farther west, thence west 6 feet o mon litkiio o n rete to include 6 x 6 corner, except where good and suf- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therew' h. ,d+'''r_"___ Adopted by the Council _ _ -_______� 1 - - -----�v_______- - City Clerk. Approved --------- --------------------------------, 192 Mayor. Councilman rf°se / x Councilman Councilman EHalr�-E' CouncilmanCouncilman ° j m Councilman Wenzel pUBL1SID Mayor i Gebau Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (o) In the matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Jenks Strhst, beginning at west line of Aroade Street, thence west 6 feet; beginning at a point 22 feet farther west, thence west 54 feet, thence west 32 feet of existing tile to be relaid= beginning at a point 9 feet farther west, thence west 180 feet of existing tile to be relaid; beginning at a point 10 feet farther west, thence west 56 feet of monolithic concrete to include 6 x 6 corner, �V under Preliminary Order approved June 23, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.10 old till The estimated cost peyootefor the above improvement is n -t o per Monolithic walk g1. 0 per yrop�t foot. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. North 25 ft. of 1 and 2 20 Arlington Hills Addition $925 $1350 3 20 do 450 2900 4 20 do 475 5 20 do 500 1500 6 20 do 500 1600 7 20 do 475 2350 East 20 feet of 8 20 do 250 20 ft. of 8 and all 9 20 do 850 850 Total $4425 $10550 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. e. A. 8-3 D Office. of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July.2:_ 1936.... _ 193_ ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104073_..__approved.._...._..June_23=_ 1936_.___. --- 193_._. , relative to reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Jenks Lt._heginnin�v._et--wast line. -n£_9raade_S.t_*...thence..wes.t..6.-3t._;..begirming,.at_.& point- 22 ft. farther west, thence west 54 ft., thence west 52 ft. of existing tile to be relaid; beginning at a point 9 ft, farther west, thence west 180 ft. of existing tile to be relied- be ronin at a g g point 10 ftfarther west, thence hest 56 ft. o£ monolithic concrete to.include 6 x 6 corner. ----------- .. _ ..... .............. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: Est. Cost MonolithiO wweelk $1.00 per front foot 1. Said improvement is......._.. __..._ necessary and (or) desirable. New Tile $0.12 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.10 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $_----....-_- .__.--.-_._.., and the total cost thereof is E._.........._._......... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as fonowe:._...__....._._....------- ------- .._------------------- f 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .- ---..__............... .................. ----------- ................................................................ ' 5. Said improvement is__...... _____......._.-asked forupon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, ............................ - - - ,1=VCo 'ssioner of Public Works. �. a 1936 eMeLtee o[ recopetrUotfag and teDefefng-'the 'c. o COUNCIL FILE NO.___- want oa tae west alga of; „__.___________ I�Auth of beglaalt g st a it sesta of tae e t 31ne of, iue, .thence. south 76 Qe-',� --e good and an lent e By______________________-___-___-____—_-__-____-.__-___ Ay eaiet; undep Uir FINAL ORDER =�>a .Pr, In the Matter of___.__reoonatraoti_1tg!__rela�ing_and repairing the ----meat file sidewalk oAhe wQ4t eidQ__2Rte__)iggz Av�guw, begit�ir_at spoint 46 feet south of the south line of Beo h Aveaue, thence south 76 feet, except where good and sufficient aidewalks under Preliminary Order -- ------------- 104074 ---------------- pproved ---------- June_ 23, 1936 Intermediary Order —--------------- -- "pproved ----'— — --- — -- = — — — — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said Cityis__reoplUfat�__relay_-eu-d_rejair_the_oement the aideEalgyg west _eide_Q#_jyhite Behr Avexl33e_bagigniA&_at a point_45 feet south of the south lei a of__Heoah AgenueLthanoe south 75-_Psezt where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, ---- _--_—___ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the .proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said' if iprovement-in accordance therew' Adopted by the Council ------ ___ ________, 19 AUG City Clerk. Approved----------- —-------------------------------- ., � 192------ Mayor.. Councilm �f""e Councilmap sOiP /Iy i1'o Couneihnal Councilmaw,220106W Councilm" Councilma Wenzel Mayordlde40% Xiehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL !- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of reoonstruoting, relaying and repairing the oement tile sidewalk on the west side of White Bear Avenue, beginning at a point 45 feet south of the south line of Keogh Ave., thenee south 75 feet under Preliminary Order approved June 23, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Thi-&mmissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost pe ot for the above improvement is $0.12 –new file fo The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATIONBldg. 1 2 Birmingham's Park $175 30 2 do 400 $2250 Total $575 $2250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / y Dated— t419s-Zd>.z- 6� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. A. !-S D Aw­ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July.. -1,...1956 . 193 _ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.104074 approved.--.-.. June 25, 1936 _193_ relative to reconst tiriz,...re.laying and.. repairirw,,. --the _cemeat tile weat side of White Bear Avenue, beginning at a point 45 feet south of the south line 1. ­ ­ ... ...... .. .­ ­ .......... .......... ... . ... ... . of Keogh Avenue, thence south 75 feet. .................................. ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__ _.___......_.necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Gost Old tile relay $0.10 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5 .......... and the total cost thereof is 8_............_....._._......, New ------------------------------- New Tile rely $0,12 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_...__ ... .......... .............. --------------------------------- ......... .. ----------------- ------------------------------------ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...... _._ _ _ -------- --- ...................... ___ ------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Said improvement is ---- -------------------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0M, OF FINANCE, ---------------- - V azf ..12 Commissioner of Public Works. Z3 `8% 6 40 JUL 2 1936 COUNCIL FILE NO.__------ --- -------- __ By-------------------- ---------------------- FINAL- FINAL ORDER t4 104822 11.7109 reyalclag, r,. '7t ."eemeat tLL4 • t. of p `'t Arcade 'L a yI . 88 :'feet t 'at a pm°n� z'a "�+ nth 84 a In the Matter of_-_repairine•__reo4pstru�iig and relaying_aeanent_the sidewalk og_the _WeAt—odeQf_Aroade Street_ be¢innine et�_po�i t_22_fee_t__eouth of_Jenlce Street. thane south 16 feet, beinni at a point 22 feet farther south, thenoe south 24 feet, exoegt where _good and__suf�oie t eidewalka__already exists__ —___ under Preliminary Order____l�lQ!------------ ------------ approved ------June 242493-6 Intermediary Order ------------------------------ approved ----- _----- --__ -------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ... repgir,__reoonetruot_ and relay_oement the sidewalk _per- }e wee eide oY Aroad4_ e�t,_b4giAniAg_��4�__gQfnt- 22 feet s Ath of Jenks Street, thenoe mouth 16 feet,_bninning_at anoint 22 _feet_ farther south, thenoe south 24 feet, except_whare_good sad-_suffioient aidewalka__alreadYexist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER,,Uat the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewit . Adopted by the Council-----AU%$7---- ---- AUG 2? 1936 Councilma se Councilm #E-han o Councihnaki•.__-F COUIIC111na_Rw'�'9��� Councilma�tk#jeip�1Councilmar�it�r�al Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 ,192 ----- -- Z��� _ . _- Mayor. � lf11iLISHED���� G� CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the ma,terof repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement tile sidewalk on the west aide of Aroade'Street, beginning at a point 22 feet south of Jenks St., thence south 16 feet, beginning at a point 22 feet farther south, thence south 24 feet under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.09 old tile _ n is ,eff till The estimated cost per/bot lot the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION - LOT 13 OCK ADDITION North 25 feet 1 and 2 20 Arlington Hills Add. North 60 ft. of S. 100 ft. 1 and 2 20 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $925 $1350 1500 100 Total $2425 $1450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19�_ (�J� Commtastoner of Finance. Form B. S. A. " D - Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July --7, 19$6- _. -..--_._._193.__.-- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. .104104 approved______ June 24, 1936 193__..., relative to repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Arcade Street beginning at a point 22 feet south of Jenks Street, thence _........ south 16 feet, beginning at a point 22 fee-: farther south, thence south 24 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is - _ _ _ ._ -necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile $0.12 per 9q. ft. Old Tile $0.09 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is i__. ..__ ..__., and the total cost thereof is $ ...... .----------- __........... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:... _ _ ._ _ ___--- _...._...._----- ._------------- ----- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. Go _-------- ...... - _......... ._... - - ------------------------------------ ------------ 5. Said improvement is ---- _............ ........... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0 COM. OF FINANCE. missioner of Public Works. 9 Z ]►e3 JUL 7 1936 CANX FILE�� �.�; 7[C��itJ B FRDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEtINGS condemning and taking a permanent easement for the purpose of._.......... Inthe matter of ..................... .................. ....... ............................................ constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under, across and through the easterly half of Starkey Street vacated between Fillmore Avenue andJN coamIDztnrAs M:nnrae Fairfield Avenue -Ilrafe. Pee ndemnaB an' �aeement f 'fay5, 1936 -'ad m. under Preliminary Order .......... 103512......------ .._...., approved.- ........................_................. • t• Intermediary Order .. ...............1052X............................. approved ................... July- 28,- 1936 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is Constructing and maintaini one a public sewer. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: ,paid easement to. extend from 1 s ale Avenue to Fairfield Avenue:c in clude all that part or stag • vacated lying between oa�11 , >:1h 10- feet from acv Q..lot oa t RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with thl ViW said improvement in accordance therewith. XG Adopted by the Council .................... __........................................ ............., 1 AUG 27 1936................................-Q-g.,-� y Clerk. Approved......................................................... 19........ / Mayor. Councilmen May McDonald i �rr� tu�LISHED Pearce Rosen Truax Wenzel / Mr. President b00-633 CITY Oa 6T. PAUL _ .�, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) ' b� :JT \7 In the matter of condemning and taking a permanent easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public suer on, under, across and through the easterly half of Starkey St. vacotted between Fillmore Ave. and Fairfield Ave., the said easement to extend from Fillmore Ave. to Fairfield Ave., and to include all that part of Starkey St. vacated lying between parallel lines each 10 ft. from a center line drawn from a point on the center line of Fairfield Ave. 20 feet SW'ly of its intersection with the Elly line of Starkey St. to a point on the SE'ly line of Fillmore Ave. 8.27 feet SW'ly of its intersection with the Elly line of Starkey St. Also taking and condemning a temporary easement for construction purposes on the following described land where not occupied by permanent buildings: A strip of land 10 ft. in width abut- ting on the Wily side of above described permanent easement, also that part of Starkey St. vacated lying easterly of above described permanent easement, also the westerly 30 feet of lot 1, Block 174, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul, also that part of Block 175, Robertson's Add. to West'St. Paul and Lot 8, Block 4, Baaille k Robert's Addition lying Wily of a line described ae followat Commenoing at a point on the B'ly line of Fillmore Ave. 30 feet northeasterly of it�Ist interseckktion with the Elly line of Starkey St., thence BW'ly and parallel with the Elly llfater Ststand�het'pyd}4 en°; Starkefyt���thenoe HYIf'ly to the intersection of the S'ly line of under Preliminary Order approved May 5, 1935 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 500 .00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. That part of vacated Starkey Street lying East of a line commencing at )$31000 $30000 a point on the Horth line of Fairfield Ave. 20 ft. E. from the 3.E. ) (includes other corner of Block 177, Robertson's Add. to West St. Paul] thence Horth ) property) to a point 35 feet West from the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 174, said Robertson's Addition) thence Borth to a point on the South line of Fillmore Avenue 50 feet East from the Northeast corner of said Block 177, adjoining said Block 174 ) 1 174 Robertson's Add. to W. St -Paul) That part of Starkey Street vacated lying W. of aline commencing at a point 7`00oludee other on the N. line of Fairfield Ave. 20 ft. E. from the S.E. corner of Block 177, Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul) thence B. to a point 36 ft. W. from property) the Northwest corner of Lot 3. Block 174. in said Addition, thence N. to a point on the South line of Fillmore Ave. 50 ft. E. from the H.E. corner of Block 177 in said Addition. TOTAL, I_ B. B. 10 CITr Or ST. PAUL DEPARYMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER ORDER FINANCE ON (C) • ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION la&LUATIMf DESCRIPTION a ]]3311�a 00 The followingdescribed part of Lot B, Block 4, Bazil k Roberts Addition . includes other eet S. from to West St. Paul= beginning on the W. line ; th-06 ne ofelon& Levea 17said Lot, 10ffeet, thence (property) the Levees thence B'ly to East along 17 feet, thence Southwesterly to beginning; also (except Lev4. ee) is Lot 9i also all those parts of Lot 10 and vacated of 8eotey inlonib,BToownahip and of Block 17, bRobertson's Addition and of pared 28, Range 23, lying Westerly of a line described as follows' Beginning at a point on the South line of said Block e Borth , 70 feetstraWestght m71h50 Southeast corner 7. said Lot 30, feet to a point 37.b0 feet west from the Feet line d said Lot 10, measured at right anglea thereto.; thence in a straight line B4 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot 10 aforesaid; thence to the Southeast corner of Lot 9 in said Block 4, Bazil k Roberts Addition to West St. Paul, All that pest of Block 17b, Robertson's Add. to West St. Paul and all that 1300 part of Lot 10, Block 4, Baziinking atta pointAddition tPaul. lying on the Southlineof said E. of a line as follows: Beg Block 17b whish is 70 feet west from the Southeast corner of aeoint°ihioh thecae Borth in a straight line a distance of 71.b0 feet to a p It said feet e, thence in aine of straightilinet10, 64 feet asured to theat r northeasight tnoorner to said E. line, of said Lot 10- $43,600 $30,200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to. the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated F.- B. B. 12 — — Commissioner of Finance, 1 L Lam. 74 - Aly F leo. 6280 — Whereas, There was .heretofore presented to the Assembly, one of the branches of the Common Council of the,' City of St. Paul, the petition of A. B. Stiokney and the Chicago Great Western Railway Company, who are the owners of the property abutting upon both sides of Starkey.Street lying between�.Fillmore Avenue and Fairfield Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, praying for the vacation of that portion of Starkey Street lying between Fillmore Avenue and Fairfield Avenue, more particularly described and shown upon the plat annexed to said petition, which said petition is duly verified as required by law and sets forth the facts as to the dedication and the present use of said street and the reasons for such vacation; and Whereas, The said Assembly deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proFreeded with, and ordered said petition and accompanying plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk, and ordered said Clerk to give notice, by public— ation in the off icial paper of said ,.city , to the effect that said petition had been filed, and etating in brief its objects and that said petition and the subject matter thereof would be heard and considered by the committee on streets of, said Assembly, at its regular stated meeting to be held upon the 3rd day of February, 1902, at 4 otclook in the afternoon of that day, at the Council Chamber, in said City of St. Paul, and thereupon said petition and plat were duly filed in the office of :the olt� Clerk and said notice was .duly given and published, and said,tpetition and plat and other matters connected therewith were duly referred'by said Assembly to said committee for hearing and investigation; and il Whereas, atetheidayssembly and houriabovet at the mentioned aid f orOthechearing ex, in said city, thereof, and did investigate and consider the matter of said proposed vacation and then and there heard the testimony and evidence adduced on the part of the petitioner and the other persons interested in the matter of said proposed vacation and took proof of the matters averred in said petition, and being of the opinion that the prayer of said petition should be granted, reported its conclusion to the . Assembly recommending the adoption of an appropriate resolution declaring said vacation. Now, Therefore, it is resolved by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul that all that. part of Starkey Street in said City of St - Paul lying between Fillmore Avenue and Fairfield Avenue, be and the same is hereby vacated, subject, however, to the following conditions: That said petitioners shall pay. into the Treasury of is theherCitby fixedOf St - Paul the sum of one hundred dollars ($100), as the compensation to be paid by them to the city in consideration of said vacation. Adopted by the Assembly, Feb. 6, 1902. Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, March 4, 1902. Approved March 6, 1902. f 5TARKEY 5T r %/man Are _ fa/rile/d Ave SEWER CASEMENT OR - 3 /yo - 72. f5 -A M96 WATER ST. 9 � 8 I I7G3 II 17. 13in O >ID .Gj FILLMORE 927 AVE. �Q O n- 4 3 2-i I 11 30 ; ----- a 3 > 10 If ( I2 ` 13 ^ u FAIRFIELD - 6zD - AVE. Y Q F- V) STA RKEY .57 ��/�na�e Ove-Fni�'%e Id dve 5EWER EA5EMEN7- Burecu nP Engineers ^foy li 0 roI�4- Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance May. .19.,_195.6..... - .......193........ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.. 103612.._ _approved .....__X0.y._5s_.79$6..._........... ._193_._..., relative to 0ondesning and taking a paresumit esseumt for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a pablic sewer on, emder, across and through the easterly half of Starkey Street vacated between Fillm" Avenue and Fairfield Avenuep the said easement to extend from rillmore Avenue to reirfield Avenue, and to include all that part of Stehdcsy Street vacated lying between parallel lines eaoh 10 feet 9*os a canter line drawn from a point on the center line of Fairfield Avenue 20 foot sQu%hwe¢Wly of its intersection with the eatterly.line of Starkey Street to a point on the southeasterly line of rillsore Avenue 9.27 feet southwesterly of its intersection with the easterly line of Starkey Street. Also taking +end condemning a tespore17 easement for cmetrnotion purposes on the fellowiwg desetibed land where not occupied by permanent baildiagst A strip of land 10 feet 1A width abutting ca the westerly side of above described psTmaelnt easement, also ttnut part of Starkey Stmt vacated lying easterly of above described perm went sasesent, also the westerig So feet of lot 1, Block 174, Roberteca's Addition to Blest St. Paul, also that part of Block 173, Robarlsan's Addition to Went St. Paul and lot 4 Block 4, Besille &Robert's Addition hying westerly of a line described as fora 0oeounoing at a point on the northerly line of pi"Ac"'Awes%* 30 fe" nordw"terly of its intertection with the easterly line of Starkey Street, thence northwesterly and parallel with the easterly line of Starkey Street a disUnoe of 50 feet thenee northwesterly to the intersection of the southerly line of Water Street and the easterly line of Starkey Street. subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. 9= <I 3 MAY 20 1936 of Public Ab T,.� es e- 0 office of the Commissioner of Public Works -;R lo 4"T' 3 C,.: .'�opw �P":V'vrk 1: T- :T tP, G, 01 P It 4�Fl"E i-GiT - - - --------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is- , - necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.--"-""-----"-... and the total cost thereof is $._...-"-- --------- ....... . and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: . ...- - -------- - ---------------------- - --- ----- ........ - ----------------------- .. --- ....... . 1 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. .......................... 4. - - - -- -- ------- -- --- ----- ............ - --------- * - ------------------ ------------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is - ---------------- -asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, ........... Commissioner of Public Wo ks. 7 G9i 6 80 17 MY 201936 e" 1 ('4824 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMIN't CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__oondemningaz�d taking an_easement_in the_land neoeasary_ for_slopeet_ cuts and fills in the grading and paving of the North and South Alley in Block 58, Desnoyer Park from Dayton Avenue to the East and West all'1 'R • Oft RATFYNG ,..' AWARDS OF DAMAGES aE888DNT TBmlavon. "in. 1o48at7 Matter oI coademning ;'i n easement In the In ,'or O.P.A. cute and f, ' v and Pavlof, of the Alley In Block 58, a +m Dayton Avenue -'t aleyunder - 'F 576.I&% -roved M a/ '',.18 Fin Or l IolA,:- e8o, 18 under Preliminary Order__103576--------------- approved_�-aY- 12,_1936 Intermediary Order _-_____ 103859__ ---, approved_ June 4, 1936 Final Order -------------- 104162--------------- approved June_30,_ 1936. A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. AUG 2 7 1936 Adopted by the Council ______________________________ _ --- AUG 27 ly36-�-�% --------------------- - City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- - - - ------------ ayor. Councilman '1'. fuss /// /s Councilman - �• . 1 t a n ± UBLiSI3ED__-� Councilman � d' Councilman e 3.'rson VJ L Councilman o sad Councilman $&e'rmi=•'=`o /eh— Mayor F"^� --uzelrte.- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of___ condemnxr!<g and_takigg_an_easement_i the land_geaessary_for slopes, outs and fills in the grading and paving of the North and South Alley in Block 58, Desnoyer Park from Dayton Avenue to the East and west Alley, under Preliminary Order ---- 103576-___ approved ---------- 1'_12,_1936 ---------------------- Intermediary Order --------- 103859------ approved---------- ---------------------- Final Order --------------- ID41S2___-, approved ----------- Iune_30—Md--------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. v ----------- (--:- Commissioner of Finance. 11U13iAS11L D — 4825 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING } CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES Al'V+D ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__ o4ndemaing and_t_akin& t4_leas ement-in- the- land-neoessary-for- slopes, - outs and fills in the re -grading of Eagle Street from West Savanth Street to.Exchange Street ,OLUTION SATI6'YINO E.MINO CONDEMNeTI deans os neMAaEe 'SIUMT THEaEPOIL 'o. 104828— Matter of condetenin easement la the n nr eloDee, cute aar -tng of Eagle sire gllminary Or �, -11 23; 1! under Preliminary Order ------ 103423__----__- approved--___- APril 23, 1936 Intermediary Order-___--____-103747Mayr 26, 1936 ----------- approved------------------------------------- Final Order ------------------ 104021July 7, 1936. ----- approved ------- ------------------------------ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. taresanemtxha vqmtkK AUG 2? 1936 Adopted by the Council ---------------------- _---- ---------- AUu � i lei - - - - - City Clerk. Approved ------------------------,19---- / ' J --r-- 1 -------- ------------------ Mayor. Councilman a, 3yr f u y e Councilman, Couneilman� eeBB enrce, PUT3I.IST;F.D 96 Couneihnan ires� r eraon Councilman 1R6h?&11'd' -'" Councilman �utilieifnei- Mayor c Wenzel e�cw-^n Gehan REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS IND In the matter of_ and_balcing_an_easement-in the land_neoeasary_for elopes, outs and fills in the regrading of Eagle Street from West Seventh Street to Exchange Street, under Preliminary Order ----103423_-- approved------AQril_231_ 1936_____________ --- Intermediary Order ......... 103747-_-- approved ---_-_May__26t_193-------------------------- Final Order --------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. Cir, Clark oatl�P a CITY OF ST. PAUL onO°�i"a` NO._ -!L_4826 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �//,,/ OlUNNCjIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRERENTED� C / ���a. — An8nst 11. 1936 y 1` RESOLVED I-- IV That license for Ice,Station, application 13733, applied for Brings Ice Co. at 319 T Seventh St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCI EN Yeas N a a as i an In favor Xe3rce 7 son ...__..... _.....'. Against ruax 61 nzel r. President (Geban) 3M Z.PF. No. 104828—By 0. H. Barfuee-- F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Resolved that ll. -4 for Ice Sta- tion,- application 1&732, applied for I' - .ad the reambe e le herebyvgrAnt d and Lthe city clerk le instructed to issue such llcenee upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. New. Adopted by the Couneil Aug. 27, 1988. Approved Aug. M 1938. I (Aug. 29, 1988) W27 1936 Adopted by the &uncil ....................................................193..... d..l16 2 7 1936 Approv/ed../..........................................................._..193_..... /-K i... .. ........._Mayor POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE O'r'THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., August 16 -193 6 Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approved July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of PWW for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located a.teat e h eet will come upfor consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 9.ath day of Aueuat 193 at 10 o'clock A. M. ABEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. Page Ftile 8128 kimst 11th, 1:30'. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Coms'r of Finance, Mlding. Dear Sire / The City Council laid over to Pridq-r a lm,-,ist 14th, the application of the Brings Ice Co,-z1aV-f6r l% ice station license at 31Z 17. Seventh Street W"I rOT"sted yoi to send notices of said hearing to property ocmers. Yours very truly, City Clark. i � k 15} _ 2nd. s - � I � k (r Laid over to { `� 3rd. & app. ' Adopted � k Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barfuss Barfuss Findlan I Findlan Pearce %� IIW/�/, Pearce O Peterson �! Peterson Truax Truax Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan An ordinance relating to local improvements constructed jointly by the Federal or State Government and the City of St. Paul; providing for the assessment of the cost to the City against proper- ty benefited and dispensing with the necessity for proposals for contracts. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That in connection with every local improvement now or hereafter provided to be constructed in the City of St. Paul, by the joint contributions of the Federal or State Government and the City of St. Paul, and wherein the cost to the City of St. Paul shall be confined to the furnishing of materials duly purchased by the City of St. Paul, equipment, technical, engineering, and super- vision service, the Council may by resolution dispense with the requirement for the proposals for contracts and an assessment may be levied against property deemed benefitted. However, no such assessment shall exceed the actual cost to the City of St. Paul nor in any case the benefits conferred by the improvement, and that all such proceedings shall be had and taken as the Charter in such cases shall provide. SECTION 2 That in each such case the Council by resolution in the local improvement proceeding may provide for the furnishing of materials, equipment, technical, engineering, and supervision service by the City of St. Paul under the immediate supervision of the Commissioner cf Public Works, and that proposals for con- tracts therefor shall not be required. However all materials supplied by the City of St. Paul in each such case shall have been or shall be purchased under a contract duly let by the City of St. Paul. SECTION 3 Provided that all persons employed on each such public improvement by the City of St. Paul and therein engaged in the per- formance of any technical, engineering, or supervision service shall be duly employed in the service of the City in accordance with its Charter.and the ordinances. SECTION 4 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency or- dinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. SECTION j This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. SEF ��06 Yeas Counedmen Nays Passed by the Council ..... ............._ ----------- ...__.------------- ✓ Pearce / —Peterson In Favor Against Wenzel vp t2 nt - Approvt.d Attc :Mr. Vu� f City Chrk vo 30a 4-35 t sLi—Ord1nanv No. 7709— o'lgaao to City Clerk - InR C'. Pearce— ODINAN'e, - •.. - _t e rclatlnR to Inca) Im Pr etraeted �elntl>. ,,Y_the Fes_ t G_ to nn,e t o 1 r v Ylaing 1.r the S -NO. = to tette City r X27 .' - .! _ PRESENTED afl ted d di: til lty e an gen •E NO.— -ed nece...ly Puhi 0 An ordinance relating to local improvements constructed jointly by the Federal or State Government and the City of St. Paul; providing for the assessment of the cost to the City against proper- ty benefited and dispensing with the necessity for proposals for contracts. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: SECTION 1 That in connection with every local improvement now or hereafter provided to be constructed in the City of St. Paul, by the joint contributions of the Federal or State Government and the City of St. Paul, and wherein the cost to the City of St. Paul shall be confined to the furnishing of materials duly purchased by the City of St. Paul, equipment, technical, engineering, and super- vision service, the Council may by resolution dispense with the requirement for the proposals for contracts and an assessment may be levied against property deemed benefitted. However, no such assessment shall exceed the actual cost to the City of St. Paul nor in any case the benefits conferred by the improvement, and that all such proceedings shall be had and taken as the Charter in such cases shall provide. SECTION 2 That in each such case the Council by resolution in the local improvement proceeding may provide for the furnishing of materials, equipment, technical, engineering, and supervision service by the City of St. Paul under the immediate supervision of the Commissioner cf Public Works, and that proposals for con- tracts therefor shall not be required. However all materials supplied by the City of St. Paul in each such case shall have been or shall be purchased under a contract duly let by the City of St. Paul. SECTION 3 Provided that all persons employed on each such public improvement by the City of St. Paul and therein engaged in the per- formance of any technical, engineering, or supervision service shall be duly employed in the service of the City in accordance with its Charter.and the ordinances. SECTION 4 This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency or- dinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, and safety. SECTION j This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. SEF ��06 Yeas Counedmen Nays Passed by the Council ..... ............._ ----------- ...__.------------- ✓ Pearce / —Peterson In Favor Against Wenzel vp t2 nt - Approvt.d Attc :Mr. Vu� f City Chrk vo 30a 4-35 t - t a` 1 .2nd._ 11 1 k , s �C Laid over to 3rd. A' app --`�Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan . Barfuss d, Pearce /� / Findlan Peterson U J Pearce G Truax Peterson Wenzel Truax b4r. Pres. Gehan Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Ortainat to City clerk 14azs—ordinance A C. Pearce— ' ORDINANC aD athaorizne M y DDratl'4�8 loading Dlatform l rnLr o[ Ninth and i an em ergen, PRESENTE r l�"'7^'-^�•..�.r .4t tneeap o 1. An ordinance to authorize M. B. Hubbard Grocery Co. a corporation to main- tain a loading platform at the southwest oorner of Ninth and Pine Streets. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: Section 1. That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to M. B. Hubbard Grocery Co. a corporation to maintain a loading platform at the southwest corner of Ninth and Pine Streets. i Section 2. The Commissioner of Public works is hereby authorized to issue a per- mit to the said licensee for the maintenee of said loading platform upon their compliance with the following express conditions, namely: (1) The said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (5,000,00) conditioned to comply with all the terms of this ordinance and to indemnify and save the dity of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property by reason of the maintenance of said loading platform, (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall within five (5) days from and after the passage of this ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel; if such acceptance is not filed within sai�' time, the authority hereby given shall be void. The loading platform shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby deblared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, heAlth and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_-`SE.1_Z as Pearce ...... ................... —Peterson_ In Favor li zel ...... ..... —Against Sep 1 2,1916 Attest: Mr. cut A roved - - - f City Clrrk ,1i ur 3U0 4-35 f.,ft CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L P S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Hon. I. C. Pearce, Comstr of Public Rorke, Building. Dear Sir: August 21st, 1936. The attached letter from the M. B. Hubbard Grocery Co. requesting permission to main- tain a loading platform on the south side of Ninth Street between Broadway and Pine Streets and the west side of Pine running south the length of the building was refer- red to your department, by the Council, for investigation and report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. MILES B. HUBBARD, :,,,1 .t ' Our Brands: c. a REUTER, vice >§®fa.nt Garfield 2811 "HUBBARD•S BEST" GEO. P. MADISON, S..r.t— "DAILY DISH" M. B. Hubbard Grocery Co. WHOLESALE GROCERS 308-312 East Ninth St. SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA August 19, 1936. The Honorable Yark H. Gehan Mayor, City of 3t. Paul, Min;:. Court Hhuae Room 347 f Dear Sir: 'Je the undersigned wish to maintain a to -,din' niet- form on the South side o" Ninth Street 'oet�,veen Sroad- way and illne Str.ats and the .gest side of tine running South the length of the buildin±, Lind he_•eb:, resnect- full,y ,.sk that this Permit be granted. Yours respectfully, M. B. HLTB5,RD 1`?OCE'RY (0 -PARTY I ) V" !TBH: arJ! Mr. L. B.S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: St. Paul, Minnesota, September 21st, 1936. We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to accept and abide by the terms and conditions of Council File No. 104825, being Ordinance No. 7709, adopted by the Council on September 12, 1936. M. B. HUBBARD GROCERY CO., By 2nd._ Laid over t 3rd. & app..::: Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas Nava Barfuss Barfuss Findlan Pearce Findlan Peterson O Pearce o � Peterson `J Truax Wenzel Truax Mr. Pres. Gehan Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Geh2o orjo..j City Q -k ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 V482.9 - d PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.— An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5840, entit Pt,829-0rdlattqe N6.7710-, Wrutt— e 6Aa ordinance for the purpose of promoting ..f—di.g Ordta. d the public health, safety, order, convenience, prosperity and general welfare by providing for the classifisation, regulation and restriction of by Provid nff jar - w the looation of trades and industries, and the -b height and bulk of buildings hereafter created or altered; and regulating and determining the -mini - sum size of lot line courts and other open spaces,-, and establishing the boundaries of districts for:s.kid purposes'n approved holy 7%h, 1922, as amended. This is an emergency ordinance ronder4A necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and oaf -sty. THE G09NG1L OF THE CITY OF MINT PAUL DOW ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5840, approved fuly My 1922, as amended, be and the same Is hereby further amended so -as to re- Xojjethat part of Let 6 west of South Wabasha Street, In Block 120, loirn 0f test St. Paul, being located at the northwest corner of Axgusta and South Wabasha Streets, In a Commercial District (the same beingt4t present zoned as ID0 Residence). Section 2. Me ordinance Is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the. ,pabllc peace, health and safety. 4"` Section 3. This ordinance shall takw�effoot and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councor Nays --Pearce Undlan —Peterson WAMOI& �Weqzd x) Attes . . . .... ...... Cit; Clerk a SEP 12 W Passed by the Council 1 ------------ ------------- ....... ....... in Favor ........ ............... Against 3pp 12 1W6 Approved:-------`----------------'---- --------- --- --- --- ------------- ... ..................... ---------- avor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 19th, 1936 Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached petition for the rezoning of Lot 6 west of So. Wabasha St., Block 120, Town of West St. Paul, on the northwest corner of Augusta St. and So. Webasha St. from "B" residence to Commercial District was referred to you, by the Council, for the preparation of an.ordinance to grant the petition. Yours very truly, . City Clerk. /GG��'yLs-r' fj/ � f-� ,�' �' • Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays �fJSS �FI AN 4PE RCE PP TERSON I TRUAX /WENZEL /NM . PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, Gty Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary L.R.B. Ferguson, City Clerk, 386 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota THEBOARD OF ZONING v Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 ' �' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 12, 1936 Dear 'ir: In the matter of rezoning that part of lot 6, block 120, town of West St. Paul, that lies west of old Sputh Wabasha street, from B residents to commercial. That portion of the lots in this block 120 which face Stryker avenue are zoned for commercial purposes. The rear part of these lots lie between South Wabash& (never vacated) and the rear of the lots facing Winslow. This is at the point where the Dodd Road leaves Stryker avenue., The owner now operates a paint shop on the front end of lot 6 facing Stryker and Dodd Road jointly, he wishes to extend these aotivities to the rear parA of his lot. There are no homes in the vicinity. The petition has been certified to by Commissioner of Finance as being sufficient the Board recommend that part of lot 6, block 120, West St. Paul lying west of an old abandoned street and abutting on lot 5, said block 120 be rezoned from B residence to oo»w mercial. Yours very truly, George H. erro d Engineer -Secretary GHH/EB ELIZABETH c� AU GI ST. �9L w Q o' J N Z i ST. �9L w Q P� moi. �► � � g®� � :.•:••:s:;;, UlElL_ i 50 14 TL E3Ji Ao r4.r. x.._ -n f (.+Y. �_ _ . __ .trs� L__ .f➢�• ` _ _ -1 � Y�=. �K. with s11 amending ordinances until Sept. lst 1931. CITY OF _ A I N,T PAU.L e ZONING MAP To accompany the Building Zone Ordinance Au�.22"—d,19 2,2. V Scale 1 inch = 500 feet. PREP_APED BY CITY PLANNING BOARD AXEL F. PETERSON. Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -000 August 30 1938. To the tbunoil, City of St. Paul. Gentlemens JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner j I have reoheoked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 8 west of So. Rabasha St., Block 120, Town of Rest St. Paul, on N.V. corner of Augusta St. and So. Wabash& St., from wBw Residence to Comeroial District end find that Same is sufficient. Yours e0very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Cormissioner of Fineno9. r .. St. Pauli Minnesyta To the CityHonorable, The City Council, St. Paul, Minn, i9106 Gentlemen I r We? the, undersigned owners of two+thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected,have acquiesced herein, and we, owners of 50% or more of the frontage to be reclassified, petition your Honorable Body to change the following described property That part of lot Lot Six (6) lying West of South Wabasha, formerly Dakota Avenue, in Block One Hundred Twenty (120), in West St. Paul, v i from::& District to a C'a yrs r9 P Y -C, i<a / District. This petition is made pursuant to Section 231 Ordinance No,5840. Record Owner_ Lot Block Addition qp EO t...lr,' Not State of Miota County of y being first duly sworn, deposes and says that heTs e per"n--aha-#irculated the within petition consisting of / Pages; that th ties described above are the owners. respectively of .the lots placed immediately following each name; that this petition was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the s. ures above are he true and correct signatures of -each end all of the.par es so des cr'be Subeori,b and aworeto before mes^� tl— n„- n f.4v e LOUIS A. RIESCEI, —� Notary Public. Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission Expire, Jan. 28, 1A3. O- P it / V/ August 6th, 1936. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Comstr of Finance, Building. Dear Sirs Hearing will be held on August 19th, in the matter of rezoning Lot 6 west of So. Wabasha St., Block 7.20, Town of West St. pant, on northwest corner of Augusta St. and So. Wabasha St. , from "B" residence to Commercial District. Will you kindly send notices to property owners of this hearing? Yours very truly, City Clerk. August 6tb, 1936. Z.." Yr. Coo. A. Harrold, Se—et__:r, Zoning: Board, Building. Dear Sir: The Council referred the attached petition in the matter of rezoning Lot 6 west of So. Wabasha St.: Block 120, Town of West St. Paul, on H. W. corner of Angasta St. and So. Wabasha St. from "B• residence to Commercial District, to the Zoning Boani for them recommendation - This ,attar v. -Ill come before the Council for hearing on August 19th. Yours very trulY, City Clerk. 0 Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Coms`r of Finance, Building. Dear Sirs Angust 4th, 1936. We attach herewith petition in the matter of rezoning - that part of Lot 6, lying West of South Wabasha, formerly Dakota Avenue in Block 120, West St. Paul from "B" residence to Comaercial District. Will you kindly re -check this peti- tion and report as to its snfficiencyy Yours very truly, City Clerk. June 30th, 1936. Mr. ?iernarO. Koenke, C57 Winslow Avemxe, St. Pmil Minnesota. Dear Sir! .V. . The City Council was advised today by the Connis-inner If Finance th'A the petition sig-ned by yon anc others for the rozonin,_ of Lot 6`rest of So. Vabasha St., Bloc:_ 120, Town of West St. Paul, on northwest corner of Au;,ssta St. and So. Wabasha St. in a Commercial District, Is insufficient as it does not contain the required number of signatures of record owners affected by this chan6e. Ycrrs very truly, City Clerk. To the Council, City of St. Paul• Gent 1 even. s JOHN C. FELDMANN AXEL F. pETERSON • Deputy Commissioner Commistioner So. Wabssha St., CITY OF SAINT PAUL from "R" Residence to,Conmercial same in insufficient. Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier June 26, 1936. To the Council, City of St. Paul• Gent 1 even. s I have checked the petition attached hereto, filed in the matter of rezoning Lot 6 west of Son ,fest St. Paul, . k. Wabasco ersoflcckustavSTown o So. Wabssha St., from "R" Residence to,Conmercial same in insufficient. District end find that Yours very z1Y, Axel F. Peterson, Conwdssioner of Finance. WHBRESS, Ella Hibler has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the follow- ing described property, to wits Lot 16, Block 3, F. W. Hoyt's Rear. of Lots 25, 26 end 27, Hall k Brown's Add. to Hyde Park; and WHERF&S, the delinquency totals the sum of $713.24,.and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $500.93; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer oftsettlement; provided, however, that the sum of $276.28 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $500.93, and that said sum $278.28 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of de118q`' assessments included in the total delinquency of $713.24. AUG 2 7 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ..........193..... Yeasj" Nays t}arfu.s .� i. /Fin an AUG 2 1 1.7.1`} Iniavor Approved .._.... _........ earce irua on r .. /'1:.. Against . E c... ruax yor Wzel r. President (Gehan) fhigirel to City Clerk ....... �VP30 CITY OF S� nes N .__..._......... ._ . C F _` "Ta—By Axel F. Pe. 'Where... OFFICE OF THE N;ua Hiller hea "leation for relief to the MI . COUNCIL, RESOLD ION-` commission relative to deb,., .a'C' , d ...ea -ts on the fol �; Ihed property, to -wit: .l 16 Black 3, F. W Aayt'. PRESENTED BY '. 4. ?6 2s and 27, Hal1 & B }" . COMMISSIONER.........o .........._..... ....... ..... ............... ... ....... Hyde Park. and the delinquency t, X18.24, and the applira full s,111, nen' ' +93; ther lh, WHBRESS, Ella Hibler has made application for relief to the Minnesota Tex Commission relative to delinquent taxes and assessments on the follow- ing described property, to wits Lot 16, Block 3, F. W. Hoyt's Rear. of Lots 25, 26 end 27, Hall k Brown's Add. to Hyde Park; and WHERF&S, the delinquency totals the sum of $713.24,.and the applicant offers to pay in full settlement thereof the sum of $500.93; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby approves said offer oftsettlement; provided, however, that the sum of $276.28 shall be first deducted from the total payment of $500.93, and that said sum $278.28 shall be paid to the City of Saint Paul in settlement of de118q`' assessments included in the total delinquency of $713.24. AUG 2 7 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ..........193..... Yeasj" Nays t}arfu.s .� i. /Fin an AUG 2 1 1.7.1`} Iniavor Approved .._.... _........ earce irua on r .. /'1:.. Against . E c... ruax yor Wzel r. President (Gehan) o.l.�.l m as Cry .,« .._ ...� 3 _. CITY OF ST. PAUL ND COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED .�BX------- .----- DATE ........_........... .................... RESOLVED nal the applioation of D. Pablo for permission to areal and maintain an oversize private garage on Lot 2, Bloat 34, Sirmingbam 4th Addition, also known as 1692 !lace Street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized. -and instructed to issue a permit therefor. I C. F. No. 104831—By Fred M. Truax Resolved, that the appllcatloa Fablo for permiseIon to erect and mal-- - tat. an over,l- private garaga on I.ot 2. Block. $4, Birmingbam 4th AdAil[ n, also known as 1898 Race Street, is hereby granted, and' the Com leelonar of Parke. Playground. and' Public Buildings to herebg authorlaed and 1. - strutted to Issue a permit therefor. Adopted by tha COun.il.Aug. A 1939, Approved Aug. 87. 1988. - - (Aug. 29, 1989) COUNYALMEN yeas N s Biuee /Fin an In favor tt eterson ^ /_./......../.) Against cdu: enzel Mr President (Gehan) 3X1 6 36 'AUG 27 1936 Adopted by the Council........... ---......... ..........................193...... QUG 21 1936 Approved................ -- ............ .............. .................... 193...... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 21st, 1936. Ir. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of D. Babio for permission to erect an oversize private garage on Lot 2, Block 34, Birmingham 4th Addition, being 1692 Race Street was referred to you, by the City Council, for resolution to grant such permission. Yours very truly, Q J-9 Q City Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT �GARE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to 'Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on to the CJPp Counc of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, by for permission to erec7 �g geonthe following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy, Minneso a, to wit: St. Ave. St. Ave. Number n St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 193 Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, ............................. I......... ..................... . being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now Is, and during all a time herein stn hes been clerk of the Dis- patch -Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the MgWKSOMAW, 14G Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated That for more than one year immediately prior to the publication therein of the OCA - .ateoM..:....`� 4. ° 9 printed . •f ................................................ hereto attached, said newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication In the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey. State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; has been Issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of pubu- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columna devoted to local news of interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which has been done In its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file In the office of the County Auditor of the County In which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the .................. ................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language,. ............ stffi; that it was first so published on '. .....the ...... �.�.......... day of �........... �" �"'.` :� 19..6 and thereafter on ..... /. � —/ 3 a�cf _�Ic to a ......................... 11111M ......................, 29—.�; an that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind o used in the compositlo and publication of said notice, to -wit: a h c d e f g h l i k l m nop Q etuv xyz ........... .. ... I...... ................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. G. day of .............. _� ............. . ... .. ,........... .................. N ry illa, Rem County, Minnesota �..:....� TO i - My commission expires ,.1., ..n.�;TT...... , 19... to c ......................... .; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case al"medin oth incl ive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kincompost on and publication of said notice, to -wit: ab <d a fghl l kl m nooppg\r,..... ..... . ......... .... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ day of ................1 ........... 19. .............N... .. ........ ...... f............. C. County, MYnneSota My commission expires Y..,�, .., :- •a. .prF?jryj�.........., 19... Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, ,fit -_I .................. '... J........... .................... ..... being duly sworn, on oath says: that he now is, and Burin 1 the time herein s ted has been clerk of the Dis- patch -Pioneer Press Co.,publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul Dispatch, Sh )�PJ4aeer, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated - That for more than one year Immediately Prior to the Publication therein the toff printed /[.�../% .•,— "'.. ✓..... ! ...%�'......:..i:— .. ........:.................................. hereto attached,idsaid newspaper was printed and published in the English language from its known office of publication In the city of St. Paul In the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which It purports to be issued, daily at least six days of each week in column and sheet form .`I,O tOW^oP APPr xcemiON svx PM -1 sasar AN OVEnalzn equivalent in space, to at least 450 running laches Of Single column two inches Wide; GAaAaa Itl.IitieDT tYm.that Pu[euteG� oa da -fa::. neat mce- 9 .Y¢J1o„ o[ ' hes been issued from its known office as above stated, established In said place of Publt- caftan, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and 1cDle (1�Lp =ul �—tp,~ th itch �Vtil Acne alt 104 193ti, to 4 the Same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted OItT codoci 4t the y i e61nt Paul, aramee0itlt' by -13 . sror V.IDwaim-so printing to local news of Interest to said community it purports to serve, the press work of which d oiled m .eO has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- I c ice. a m E4, Wet son simy so, bNe, DIk. 11'I1lemlogluua 4th AdNtiw, has not duplicated wholly, any other OR all has not been meat and miscellany; p hes been aunt. Ppw, Miheeeti. on tDa south Blas A]. et. sed vita entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; circulated 1m and -'S U H_ 131'9aa&. at euat Paw, Mllu—a, Augoet near its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered tPIW E 1310. Aug. 4-8.8.1938.) i a to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local pogtoHice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the _- -- office of the County Auditor of the County to which said Publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication. of legal notices. That the............................................................ hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and a�ndd published therein in the English language, diiiik a� Fef ....... ... `.:..::."-'.... t that it was first so published on.11^JJ/��_-�--a...,......the....................... day of ....//�g1U.r , - /_/93c ��. ................. ...... 1936 , and thereafter on . G.. ./.....��^.... —8ek to c ......................... .; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case al"medin oth incl ive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kincompost on and publication of said notice, to -wit: ab <d a fghl l kl m nooppg\r,..... ..... . ......... .... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ........ day of ................1 ........... 19. .............N... .. ........ ...... f............. C. County, MYnneSota My commission expires Y..,�, .., :- •a. .prF?jryj�.........., 19... A-im,,st 14th, 1936- Hon. 936. Ho:. Trsd :'. -Lnic ± , C�"slr of P.P. 8: P. 79ldLs., aiilding. De.r Sir, TrI..'.e City Coimcll ref^rrcP 1,ack to yo,, the att�c�ed m , licaticn of D. Pablo 'or porrission to cr- ct an cver-slze rriv to 7.r:7 at 1F9P Bryce Street, for K ur inrost!mtion a.d recom-endutlon. She a;r,�lication was also laid mover to A -rust 219t. Your- vers tru-Ly, Oity Clark. ERNEST W. JOHNSON W. L1 MONT KAU Supt. of Playgrounds Supt. of P.A. CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Arohifed CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesote DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX. Cemmisiioner CARL E SPEAKES, Deputy Cammipion.r .46b.® August 15, 1936 Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: As per your request, I have made an investigation of Lir. D. Fabiots lot at 16%2 Race Street, who is applying fo a three car over -size private garage, 34 feet by 24 feet, in an "Alt Residence District. This lot is located in the rear of the commercial district on west Seventh Street. It is an old neighborhood and pub - lie garages are located directly across the alley from his lot. I would recommend that Mr. Fabiots application for an over- size private garage be granted. Yours truly, - City Architect CAB..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration august 14th, 1936. Hon. Fred M. Truax, Comesr of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred back to you the attached application of D. Fabio for permission to erect an over -size private garage at 1692 Race Street, for your investigation and recommendation. The application was also laid over to august 219t. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Q I CWC- l t. CUT Q•[t - CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCILNO���4832 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,�a f3CI COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM COEg y + w1 I V MME1891EUNER_._1FJF.M.MAM......._..........._!V!�� ..._�/!%l GYL'.l._...... ........................ _............. DATE.................................................................................... WimtUB, reaolxtion, Council File No. 103982, through in- advertenee, deseribed the appointee to the position of Superin- tendent of Buildings as "Edward D. Notinnon;n and WSEMAS, said appointee's first name is "Zlroy;I therefore, be it IIESOLVED, that said resolution be amended by substituting the name "Elroy■ for the name NEdward" where it appears therein. C. F. No. 101832 —By John B. Flndlan-- Whereas, reeolutlon, Council Fne. 21o.. 103982, through Inadvertence, described the a polntee to the position f Super - Intendant of Buildings as "Edward D. McKinnon"; and Whereas, said appointee'. first name le "Elroy": therefore, be It ' Resolved, that said resolution be amended by Bubetltuting the name .,El- roy" for the name 'Edward•'. where It -pp are therein. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1838. Approved Aug. 27. 1936. (Aug. 29, 1938) COUrrceN AUG 2 7 1936 Yeas / N s Adopted by the Council ....................................................193...... r� • In n AUV `�i ! 1,�` 6 In favor Approved ... .193....... �_�raux _ _ Against �/ �... / Mayor President (Gehan) 3M 6 ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION I R JOHN S. FINDLAN, COMMISSIONER BUREAU OF PUBLIC LIBRARY BUREAU OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS S. O. HARTWELL, S .... I xT..... I P. E. MCDERMOTT, DEPUTY COM M16810NlR MRS. J. T. JENNINGS, LI....uR BUREAU OF SCHOOL CAFETERIAS BUREAU OF AUDITORIUM A. E. TRUDEAU. DIRECTOR D. D. MURRAY, S.-- ..... T August 21st, 1936 Mr. Hilary J. Flynn Assistant Corporation Counsel Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: on June 16th, Council File No. 103982 was approved appointing Mr. Edward D.MOKinnon Superintendent of Buildings. It has been brought to our attention that Mr. McKinnon's first name is "Elroy"; the second initial is "D". While he has been known as "Edward" to his associates for a number of years and does not object to this name, his record with the Civil Service Bureau established years ago lists him as Elroy and it has been suggested that in order to keep their records straight that a Resolution should be drafted amending this Resolution appointing him under the name of "Elroy D. McKinnon". Would you kindly favor us by drafting such a Resolution? .With kindest personal regards, I am Yours truly, JSF-L C SSIONER OF EDIICATION. s Oriylml t. City Clerk ......� _JV4833 CITY OF ST. PAUL nes NO.._..-_..._..—____.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 57- PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER......._�!.................Y.l.!..C.............................................................................................DATE..................................................................._................. RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the improvement described as complete installation of electric work in the Additions and Altera- tions to the Cleveland Junior High School, The Peoples Elec- tric Company, Contractor, Comptroller's Contract No. G-3521, it was found necessary to make the following additions to the contract. Addition For installing intercommunicating telephone Rooms No. 123, 132, 221 and 215 and a public telephone Room No. 215 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $192.00 WHEREAS, the total net addition is $192.00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approve the above ad- dition made in accordance with the specifications in an amount not to exceed the sum of 0192.00, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Vomptroller'-s Contract No. G-3521 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Education has agreed with the Contractor, the Peoples Electric Co., that the sum of $192.00 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Funds to cover this addition are available in the proper account and the City of St. Paul agrees to pay ___ C. F. No. 104838—By John Whereas, In the Impr � e Abed as complete Ins Iectric work In the Adtl U teratlons to the Cleveland J,. achool, The Peoples Mectrlc >ntractot Comptroller'. Cots X621, It a. found neceeeari "ollown, addl[ians to ti, ADDITION 1•mstallin lntereors telep ..a. in 1, ,L 32, 221,. and ;( �v COUNC MEN C` l Adopted by the Council.�,`�..2',r.7.._1�......_ 193..... Yea. � ays Vv k ar as 1 i n'' p�Q In an ' AW 21 IW6 . I........ In favor : ( Approved...:.__......... _.__._.........._ .................. rce -Son-Against'V S� .._......... � � �..._...._.........1........'...........'.....L�Siv� Ivtlyo�,�� _- ruax w�r1zel /r. President (Geaan) IQUNL35HLll 3� ]M 6]6 ori,iml t. City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL ' L`NCIL N JY6( 483 _ OF OF THE CITY CLERK 111 ��( 2 C1RLUTION --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby allthorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the. Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallane NQN leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from THE TEXAS COMPANY, at a price of $ .115 per gallon, less 1% ten days from date of shipment, including state tax and statA inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale 8t., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. 1003-134 Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment CUN Na ._...,.,.....Z...�..q' ..1%6s Yea. ' Adopted by the Council . ............. .....193 asn .' .... 4R+C7 �e�7Ei Ce In favor Approved .......... .................... .......... .._............ _� ...........193....... .Peterson `Against �/' �.....t........1....-.. ..(LQ^►�— �uar / �/ - - Wenzel Mayor Iyk. President (Geban) 3M 6)a CITY I.—CLERK NUMBER CITY OP SAINT PAUL COUNCIL � `P �1� UNCIL RESOLUTION PEE NflL€Sl_--- PL I AU IZATI .OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS 16 PRESENTED BY HON.--...- DA 47 • - Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contraottot curbing north • side of St. Anthony avenue from 130 feet east of Prior avenue to Ferdinand street and south side of St. Anthony avenue from 800 feet east of Prior avenue to Ferdinand street and Howell avenue from St. Anthony avenue to Roblyn avenue, Oontraot NAN, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY in accordance with plans and specifications therefor herdto attaohed and the Formal Bid No. 9385 of said STANDARD STONE fo the contract price of #768.99 OOMPANY,7such bid being the lowest bid and said STANDARD STONE 00MPANY being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of con- tract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized • to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. X.. 104886—By Irving C. Pear? '•IVed, that the Council hell .ea the award of the Con; + �ttee erb tracthforfcurbingoandhnorth BI`f bony avenue from 130 f, i'.Ivenu. to F.rdinand,-l`- r� 32�j ,, of S 9 L Anthony el'i' FORMAL BID NO. 5 0'_t Of PTIOT aV.II ^,iTIMATE1 1085.00 ,, ,rV , : t.nd 8ov,e1'yl..! . 'I NOTE: TO Be CERTIFIED AS TO FUND[ AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE FN-NN14A&L,`V1tlyCODROYL FOR AOOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. A88E89E0 AGAINST .—KITIT[O PROF[RTY _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ [ 768.99 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE , D. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL I MPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE / 4. APPROPRIAT.D FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE 3 S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a. s TOTAL - 768.99 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 18 AN UNENCUMBERED 8AI - CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO - COMPTROLLER R[IMBUR99E TH[P[RMQNHNTI RO EMENT RBVOLV FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. IM THE.t(1;ZE AMB{INTB.. ^D��(♦ PUBLIC WORKS • PVRCHA3ING DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPr[O' ' C PTROLLER eRom M t � COUNCILMEN AL11}} 87 1936 Y.AB NAYS �- AOOVTED BY THE CO IL AY�ju1 (r ( ,3v • IN PAVOR ^vL7 ( I 0 An.— APPROVED MR. P.Rem.NT. .. N.» t, _ _._...._:._.. aOOn* CLARK NUMBER n rl CITY OF SAINT PAUL DpYNGL 4R,1R _ y COUNCIL RESOLUTION "`E N FOR AUTHO 1 OF AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS .; PREE0IT A.—AM=R ••2, 3 ,.. . • Resolved, That the 0/=oil hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the grading and improvement of alley in Block S,.Joha Gaarden Addition from Fredericka avenue to Fairview avenue, to the-.�FRE38;I8'4QbNj*R8QTI0$ COMPANY in accordance with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and the Formal Bid No. 9384 of said XREISEI8 CONSTRUCTION Company for the contract price of $695.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said FREISEIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized Lo_execute said contract C. F. No. lolffl —By Irving" On behalf Of the City of Saint Paul. Reeolved, thec th coaaA P prove: the award of the Con"; tttee thereYore gr hereby a: • ' - •,trace for the grading L_nt of alley is Block E, John Itlon [Torn Frederleka s, U-lew avenue, to the. Frel'%' 'I•'on Company In accord:'!". It e...Ill atlone thern and the Fonual R'L1 eta Conatn-t' .d FORMAL BID NO. 9321 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE / 713.00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: I. ASSESSED AGAINST 1IMSFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 695.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- • - CODS S e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS -EXEMPT PROPERTY- - CODE f L APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE -CODE f e. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T TOTAL - - - - e Ags-00 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY "AT THERE 13 AN UNENCUMBERED SAI.- Y CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSETHEPSRMANENTIMPROVEMENTREVOLVINGFUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. Y// PUBLIC WORKS lid e PURCHASING COMPTRO GATE FINAL R. COPT BY- COUNCILMEN r COUNCILMEN 27 IM • I.A. NAYS ADORED BY THB COUNCIL IM IN FAVOR 27 1&% AGAINST APPROVED AUGt�, (^ j/pVg . MR. PRESIDENT M LLN °delft.] es ahs net �oaa�,� CITY dF ST. PAUL n�z NO -.1V4 ��OUNCILJR"DLUTION OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEREAS, Salman D. Bink desires to withdraw application 13750 for On Sale Liquor License at 469 Wabasha Street and requests the return of the license fee of $541.67 and the bond in the amount of $3000 deposited thereon; therefore, be it \ EESOLVO , that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Salman D. Fink the sum of $541.67 and to return the bond in the sum of $3,O0Oand to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. COUNCILMEN Yeas I/yy/a �yy 38 Xlan ZZ e � In favor 3fason Against uz Wenzel /Mr President (Gehan) 3N. 636 104837-139 Ci. 73. Bartusa— F. 115. Truax—IrvingR C. Pearce - 1 hdraew appllcatloh 1377 0 toreOn gale .Liquor License at 469 Wabasha .treat and requests the return of the license t 691.67 aee of $d the bond In the amount of $3,000 depoelfed thereon; therefore, beResolve 3 pp -or. be and they the herebyrautkoriz d et refund to Kalman A Flak the sum f 3641.87 and to return the bond Ia --1 let sam of 23.een .r n ,......- .... AVG 2 7.:,,�6 Adopted by the Council_..._....._.........'.........................193...... Approved.../.... AU C....2..2...193&....'........193....... Mayor Oeida.l to Cit: 4aak N . .. CITY OF ST. PAUL Ce�. ONC1 Ol'38 4 . .................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUri6W'1f"OLUTION --- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHEMS, Sarah Fink desires to withdraw application 14157 for On Sale Liquor License at 469 Wabasha Street and requests the return of the fee of $458.37 and the bond in the amount of $31000 deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Sarah Fink the Sum of $458.37 and the bond in the amount of $3000 and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. COUN ILMEN Yeas NdYs �uss // Zoe _ In favor `spice _._._..... �Pe[2reon %1 l/ , Against /frau: Wenzel tr President (Gehaq) 1M 636 C. F. No. 104838—By O. H. Barfuea— F. M. Truax—Irving G Pearce— Where.. Sarah Fink desires to with draw application 14187 for On Sale Ltyyuor License at 489 Wabasha Street nd requests the return of the fee of 5468.37 and the bond in the amount of l {3;000 deposited thereon; therefoire, be it R ... Wed, that the proper city of icer& be and they a hereby authcrlaed to refund to Sarah Fink the sum of $468.81 and thebondIn the amount of =8,000 and to cancel said application for On Sale Liquor License. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27. 1936. Approved Aug. 27. (Appro1936. (Aug. 29, 1936) I AUG 2 " 1936 Adopted by the Council ....................................................193...... Approved...... AUG ._2 .... ....._1936 ..... ....... ._....193.. .. Mayor 0vist-1 w pay Qnk 0 i 1 CITY OF ST. PAI OFFICE OF THE CITY • .S fee.- ...,, _•:r , Ut 1411{1 1184 ^'.�R; syr R.tii�r,- "nrl ATE—_st,1....1936................_ RESOLVED That licenses applied for W the following named persons at the addresses Indicated be end the same are hereby granted amd the city clerk is Sastmcted to issue such licensee span the payment into the city trearosy of the required feast Yrs. J. Y. 9elat 1184 w. Seventh St. Butoher App. 14104 Renewal Barry Distach 601 t. Western Dance Hall r 14152 " 0. J. Becklund' 43 S. Cleveland Grocer! " 14117 • o0 • " " Hatchet 14118 " P.:. MoYahon St. Peter Hotel 5T Boost " 14193 " X55-59 On Sale Pelt Bev. " 14194 • Jndrew Geschwill 225 1. Seventh Restaurant 1 14166 " r ■ ■ r r On Sale Malt Bev. • 14167 r ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ Offs ■ • • 14166 Patsy Guzzo 440-42 Broadway Restaurant " 14182 " s a I a " On We Malt Bev. " 14183 ■ Robt. Odekirk 403. Cleveland Restaurant " 14169 • If. C. Thompson 376 wabasba " • 14217 " Peter E. Pooshe 157-63 II. Seventh Tavern " 14225 " e ■ a r a " Dance Ban • 14226 " Citizens Ice 6 Puel Co. Milton bet. Charles and Edmnd Ice Station • 14122 • COUI j�fLMEN Yeas � � Y. ,yAidlan Pearce - In favor Xeterson ,Jraua Against Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) abi 6 36% AtlG 2 71v46 Adopted by the Council..... ........... . . ........ .......... ...... _193 W6 Approved......................5........Q.,...........................193....... e42: Mayor PUBLIS11rD /111-' odxind to City 4a.r COUNCIL{{/�& a, CITY OF ST. PAUL K NO_.�L.•�84.0- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ARSOL MON---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE.........AmgRst...27., ...1936 ........................... That Dance Hall License Ho. 795, and Tavern License No. 342, expiring Jamar! 31, 1937 issued to Robert D. Miller at 767-775 Habasha Street be and the some are hereby transferred to John Miller and Henry linstad at the same address and the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to change the city's records accordingly. N'. No. 104940—By G. IL gartnea— F. M. Truax—Irv4ng C. Pearce— Reeolved, that,Dance Hail License No. 6, andTavern Llcen-W.. 949 Ef, ezpplr- Millerary 31, 1997 bound to Robert Miller at 787-776 Wnbc,,I Street be �d the 11q6ra.. are hereby transferred to �hn Miller end Henry Flnatad at the uneaddrea3 and theDrbDer city om- ire'are hereby, authorlxed and dlreeted ` change the city's records accordingly. Approved Inlormally by Council Aug. 1936. Adopted by the Council Aug, 27, 1936. Approved Aug. 27, 1939. (Aug. 29, 1936) Approved informally= by council Ang•-7,"1936 AUG 2 719n COI MEN Adopted by the Council.........- .:........................................193...... Yeas N ys ��rfusa /Pi�ldlan AUG 2 7 1936 In favor Approved.... 193...... PLgarce �1 a son .,. Against Mayor Wenzel /Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 ^. F. No. 104841—Hy O. YL • •. F. M: 7.. h.rIrving C. Pe,y vharede, heretofore On 8r. u Oeild.al to Ch, Q.ek l,hse No. 888 was teeued i NOIe /,841 N111ar at 767.775 Wahae' COUNCIL C 7L.�.J .AI. CITY OF ST. PA •��■ •- \areae, the Bald Rohert H.� OFFICE OF THE CITY .cea that sold ItceaeeS. 4 to John' ..41d r and �+t COUNCILeRL!l01lUTION--- GEN.pye sono aaarAea 'ii DATE ................... &,Lgmat.. 27.,...1936 ........ ...... RESOLVED t SIS, heretofore On Sale Liquor License Ho. 638 was issued to to Robert =. Miller at 767-775 ■albasha Street, and WMZ U, the said Robert E. Miller has requested that said license be transferred to John Miller and Henry 7instad at the same address in which the latter have joined, and 11EEEEV9, the said John Miller and Henry 7lnstad have filed a bond in the amount of $3,000 as requirod by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to execution and form by the Corporation Counsel, sad WMICAS, the License Csassittes bas recommended that said transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLYZI, that On Selo Liquor License Ho. 638 heretofore issued to Robert E. Miller at 767-775 7abasha Street be and 414 same is hereby t raneferred to John Miller and Henry 71:nstald at the same address, and the bond of Jobn Miller IOiisd Henry 7lastad is hereby approved send the city clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the city comptroller and the corporation counsel is matborised and directed to release the surety on the bond of Robert 1. Miller from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUN tMEN , .G '� 7 Adopted by the Council..........................:.........._193...... Yeas N ys ea AUu 2, IW6 /Fipolan LIn favor Approved .......... ........................................................193...... sorts __.. Peterson /iLreua !/ Against ._ ... f ....Tl....._._.. ... ..... y ._........ a or Vj%nzelre'PUBLISHIsD �'(v,"_ Psident (Geban) – :�/ ✓� 94 636 CITY OF SAINT PAUL 7/ Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK {� L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration August 7th, 1936. Mr. Neal C. McMahon, License Inspector, City. Dear Sirs The Council today informally ap- proved the application of Robert E. Miller for transfer of his On Sale Liquor License $638 at 767-775 Aabasha St. to John Miller and Henry Finstad at the same address. Yours very truly, 1 7'5� -J. City Clerk. oeldsd rn City C1uhCoa��,� . - _ 1 " 4842 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�. NO............I............................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CU SO � ON ---GENERAL FORM PRESE mmts31 C. -_ ...DATE. Jugua*7,...19 6............fi.......a......... _.. RESOLVED 'chat liosnees applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be said the semi are hereby granted and the city clerk is instruoted to issue such licenses upon the pM nt into the city treasury of the required fees: i4ottie Rasmussen 128 W. Seventh 8t. Hotel (Little we -0 22 14092 Jerry Cemnoa H. R. Streif, COUNgILMEN Yeas 98 Ian /e�Cce �t'e rson taus ,9 ys In favor �. Against 71' Mr President (Gahan) 3M 636 rons)s app. Has owner 1857 University Lv..Rsstsurant App. 14161 Hew 470 Minnesota s ■ 14176 s. C, F. No. 104842—BYBarfuee- 1r, 8y Truaa—Irving C. Pearce— ` Resolved, that licensee aDDlted for byythe following named Pareone at the addresses indlcated he and the came re hereby granted and the city clerk are to lanae each licensee upon the payment Into the city treasury of the reaulred tees: LOttle Rattel1muesen, 128 WrSev e,t App. 1409E, neLwth. ..t), Jerry Cannon, 1887 IInfversity Ave., I Restaurant, ADD• 14381, New. 8. R. Streit, 470 Mtnaesota St.. Res- taurant ADD• 14176, New. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1988. Approved (Aug. 27.!986. Adopted by the CouncitA 6_27-193.6 . .... 193, Aur; 2.1 lysb Approved...... ....... ..........193..... Mayor 006h .t. Cky cl-k� i ( x4843 �o���,� CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ....... ....... ..................... ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �N- ftnnnj[zuo..R99bLn`nON...GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That, license for gasoline filling station, 3 pompe, application 14220, applied for by Ludwig Butter at 650 Dice Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Bew applicant Zstablished station. AUG 27 19;56 COUN MEN Adopted by the Council...._................._._............__..._._..193...... Yeas � Na Ea de ■7�y1*�. �• jun .ce In favor Approved.................................................................193....... eazce /fetemon N ... Against/ - ..'. L ..._ ....r.. .. . eal—M.Yor wenul j4r President (Gehan) 3M 636 odst-.1.ra~c&m*FoUNC,L (�y IC4844 Fl- ITY OF ST. PAUL u NO__........................... ........_ t`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C0UNC]WRIESGL.UTION---GENERAL FORM .19.36 ............................ MMRW, H. E. Boyd desires to withdraw application 14107 for Restaurant, application 14108 for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14110 for Tavern, and. application 14109 for Dance Hall licenses at 848-50 Payne Avenue, and requests the return of the license fees deposited thereon; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to H. E. Boyd the fees of $10.00; $50.00; $200.00; and $15.00, and to cancel said applications for licenses <27 " COUI�ICILMPN Adopted by the Council....__..........._ ........... 1W Yeas ass �p� dlan iuira :2 7 1936 Infavor APProved.....__......................._...... _....... .... .........193.... arce ;'t'e rson ua%. Against l/ �...t_._G�tl4,. / Mayor enrol President (Gehan) 3M 676 CITY OF ST. PAUL couwa� If .14 r « _ ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK O �yf/W CO NCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE._.__.....8t.'..._,L..S L... 19.6 ....................... WHEREAS, A. H. Orouley desires to withdraw application 11745 for Restaurant, application 12744 for Off Sale Malt Beverage, and application 12743 for On Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 2264 Hampden Avenue, and whereas, said applicant has operated under said applications for a period of two months; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to A. H. Orouley the sums of $8,34; $4.17; and $41.67 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUN ILMEN Yeas 8 �n N s Zrson In favor rau: __. Against Wenzel /Mr President (Gehan) 3M 6 J6 Adopted by the Council. ..2 7.._1936. ..193...... AUG 2 7 1936 Approved ...... ... ..... ............. ...193 ..... Mayor OdWod w Gq CI.& %, RESOLVED �� ICIM 6 CITY OF ST. PAUL : �:"`" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK+ LUTION --- GENERAL FORM That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the sante are hereby granted and the city clerk is in— structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Bernard Pfefer 300 Iglehart Foodstuff App. 14209 Renewal n if n it nn Frank Nicosia 328 Arion n n '1329 Arion COUNCILMEN Yeas B//yrfuss /Findlan _ IY� favor Pe rson ///\ .. Against taus Menzel Presides[ (Gehan) 3M 6 vehicle Peddler 54 14207 Foodstuff " 14231 " Vehicle Peddler 55 " 14230 " Y - H. Barfuae— �g C. Pearce— nee. aDDlied ror by persona at the ad. and the same are each 11-ne.a V.. ie city treasury of 00 Iglehart. Food. I AUG 27 1936 Adopted by the Council ..: .....................................193...... AUG 27 1936 Approved. ........ .......... 193 ..... ''�' ..............._........ .. .4...- ..... - Mayor o.+`la.l ro CUT CI.A If ,p' Q /A_ CITY OF ST. PAUL GOUHC1 4 ` 8.4� I— No.._u......... OFFICE OF THE ..CITY CLERK COUNCIL R,F &UgION---GENERAL FORM DATE ..........._ lgtl.8t...20 1936 _ ..................I......................_ RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the Same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in– structed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Ned Engler 944 White Bear Av. Bakery App. 111090 Now Sarah Sigel 956 1402 E. Seventh St. Butcher ++ 3 n n n n it it COUN MEN Yeas dy6 ues 'FjtShcan P __ In favor rrterson I, rau: Against elucl Mr President (Gehan) 3M . 'hit. Bear Ave., El. E. Seventh et.. 9T1. Seventh 9t,ero- Selby.Ave., aro- St., oto- st., oe ..1 pool Seventh, E7. 1988. UTL.2 7 1936 Adopted by the Council.......... ............. .. .. AUG 27 1936 Approved.... .... .193...... Mayor Grocery " 11102 it Mrs- E. Gebert Colbert n n 1626 Selby Av. Grocery ++ 111084 n n n n u Off Sale Malt Bev. " 14095 n Clyde arphj-, 419 Concord St. Grocery0 n 111071 '+ If 0£f Sale Malt Bev. n 14072 n F. J. Doris, 990 Payne Av. 4 pool tables " 14093 If Fred J. Rdbinson 150 E. Seventh Pawnborker " 14-094 P Ny 11 C. F.MNo. 109817—By G. A. Sarin— F.I(., Truax—Irving.C. Pearce— COUN MEN Yeas dy6 ues 'FjtShcan P __ In favor rrterson I, rau: Against elucl Mr President (Gehan) 3M . 'hit. Bear Ave., El. E. Seventh et.. 9T1. Seventh 9t,ero- Selby.Ave., aro- St., oto- st., oe ..1 pool Seventh, E7. 1988. UTL.2 7 1936 Adopted by the Council.......... ............. .. .. AUG 27 1936 Approved.... .... .193...... Mayor Dei�ad to Chr47ak ��COUNCIL ? M In.. f4,1 ITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO.......... r .............. . ..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK V ' "OLUTION---GENERAL FORM n to ���fL... 1 —__—..._../............_..._..._....__._...._.._........_..._..._...._....................__..........:..........DATE.....:....dugu,st...21b,....1 )...................... RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Calrncross Tire and Battery Co. 2 East Ninth St. Gas Station 3 pumps App. 14101 Renewal William Dom 392 Rice St. 11 II 3 n n 14209 it COUNIC Yeas ,ILMEN Na/y^s/ /Fifldlan �Petereon 1`'AA"JN// In favor /f'raua !S�.. Against 1 President (Gehan) ]M 636 '.04848-13y G. FL ax—Irvine C. Pe ed for by t the ad- eame are Clerk la Is Tire and Battery Co., 2I Bt., 6ae Station, 3 DumDe, Renewal. Dorp, St - IP., BI- Bt., Ga. St IPe, App. 14209, Renewal. by the Council Aug. 27, 1986. Aug. 27. 1936' Aug. 29, 1936) — @� wS, AW 27 1936 Adopted by the Council.......... _............ ....... _........... .... 193...... (, AUG 2'r 1936 Approved ......`. ......... .....193.__.... Mayor No. 10f8s9—By G. 8 ode -1 ro City cWhTryax--`.Irvin c. Pei. counts(�(d olvee,:that nceneee IPP,I. CITY OF ST PANlowd, J�l�1 NO.. namee Pere... A •ns ntetad be and -the OFFICE OF THE CITY ¢ranted and she oity d. Fr �! u Y •�.. to IBBUe BUCK 11CBpBC'3I OUNCIL'RESOLUTION—GE P}'.to tee elft treart c EN D B COMIS UNE ......_._....._i._....." � / - oke 3 7,N GrK 9 Renewal 'tai 4 g' ._ ............. _........ _...................... ... ........ rye!i�,:?Iq`YE.........An�7.8t....2!�I:q.. �L OL D t licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses .'.,indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. A. J. Brooke 327 N. Grotto St. Barber App. 14139 Renewal Thomas Real 531 St. Anthony ^ " 13844 n Harry Spaulding 125 E. Fifth ^ " 14116 it Elms Holmdahl 7 1197 Arcade Bakery ", 13982 n R. F. Nelson 979 University Confectionery " 14150 " Mrs. B. H. Rohweder 1035 Charles ^ n 14130 it E. H. Wiberg 282 Rice St. " " 13910 " Herseth & Bowman 826 Aldine Butcher it 14010 " J. 0. Hensler 771 W. Seventh " " 14133 " A. H. Abramovitz 82 N. Milton Grocery " 13682 " if " if Off Sale Malt Bev. " 13683 it Lloyd Chartier 910 Agate Grocery " 13799 " n s it a OffSale Malt Bev. " 13800 " H. A. Clark 202 W. Central Av. Grocery " 14137 ^ Geo. Del Signore 179 Rondo St. Grocery " 14175 " Chas. Dick 201 N. Snelling " " 14135 11n " n ° n Off Sale Malt Bev. ^ 14136 n Sam Drucker 361 W. Seventh Grocery " 13635 " Harry L. $ramerman 1171 Cortland Grocery ^ 14061 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Na s Use Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... Ian In favor APProved... 193....... /Peterson Against Mayor enrcl Mr President (Gehan) PUBLISHED O �/ 3M a /s ckw. I. citycIwk CITY OF ST. PAUL tai NO1!I 481. .9.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f; COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY .... _...... .._....._..... ................... .................... DATE..:...............X11,�11SYe...2'x....19.36.......... __.. COM MISSIUNER_._.__............._........._.............._......_...._.._. _. RESOLVED —2- 0. J. Lape 1140 Arkwright Grocery App. 14128 Renewal Mrs. B. Poses 136 N. Western " " 14131 " If If it is If It Off Sale Malt Bev. of 14132 It Otto Schmidt 224 N. Western Grocery if 14165 " Heo. H. Schmitt 399 E. Maryland " " 13445 n Mrs. W. Thole 1194 N. Dale of If 14138 ° Eli Wiener 136 No. Dale If " 14105 of Off Sale Malt Bev. " a34" 14106 of Bud M. George 472 S. Robert On Sale Malt Bev. " 1411 It n n" n n of Restaurant of 1411 'I If to If n It to Off Sale Malt Bev. Is 14115 " E. J. Belly & Louie Pappas 513 Rice 3 pool tables to 12766 " If u n If It to If If Restaurant of 12767 " If " " a of " " " On Sale Malt Bev. to 12768 Ralph Marrone 327 W. Seventh Restaurant " 14079 " u n n n Is On Sale Malt Bev. ° 14080 " u n to s n Off " n n it 14081 " Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Restaurant to 14097 " John M. Walsh 870 Rice St. " " 14086 11 t0 n 11 n n n On Sale Malt Bev. it 14097 11it n 11 n n n Off 11 n n If 14088 of Wm. Alexander 234 W. Kellogg Blv Hotel (Pigeons) " 14123 " Marvin Abramson (Marvin Flower Shop) 386 St. Peter Florist 'I 14096 of D. W. Helper 223 E. Fillmore Junk Dealer " 14151 ng Northland Amusement Co. 287 Maria Av. Motion Picture Theatre 14098 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ............._........... 193...._ Barfuss Pindlan .........__.............. In favor Pearce Approved ...... __............. ............. ....._.......................193....._ Peterson Trauz Against Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gthan) 3M 636 odded . CUT cl.eki (/ � Y1 CITY OF ST. PAUL ccuwm� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I Sloe COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM 411� PRESENTED SY....._._.._DATE...........Bt...24, _1936 COMMISIUNER_.—._.__.........__..............__.............._..__....�..._.._._....___..._...._............................_.........................._....._.._... RESOLVED -3- Holt Motor Co: 199 Pleasant Av. 2nd hand auto App. 14171 Renewal G. G. $linker 388 Como Av. 2nd hand auto parts " 14192 " Owens Motor Sales 709-19 University2nd hand auto " 14129 Barnsdall Refg Co. 38 W. Water St. Gas Sta. 3 pumps If 14126 " Barthol & Babler 882 Selby " " 3 " " 14103 " Jos. Friedmsa 451 Cedar if If 3 " If 14180 of Ted Hill 1251 Pt.Douglas Rd " ° 3 " " 14062 " Martin Auto Blue Cab Line 100 W. Tenth ° " 5 of If 14083 " —� J. W. Hreschnick 1220 Selby " It 5 " if 14092 to J. P. Quigley 1940 St. Clair It If 3 " " 14149 " W . Citizens Ice & Fael 1388 St. Anthony Ice Station It 14121 " Citizens Ice & Fuel 6 E. 4th 40 trucks Ice Deliv. " 14119 " Citizens Ice & Fuel 600 Selby Ice Station it 14120 it Joe Pink 335 W. Lawson Ice Station " 13512 of John Hahold 535 Ashland Ice Delivery " 14142 " John Eshold NW cor Rondo & Louis Ice Station " 14143 " John Hahold Selby & Chatsworth ° " If 14144 " John Hahold Western & University of It " 14145 of John Hahold Dale & Puller " " If 14146 " Hazel Park Ice & Fuel 1000 Kennard 2 Ice Delivery If 13972 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ...................... -............... ......_._...193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Infavor Approved.......... _.... ................. .........._..._........._...193....... Pearn Peterson Against ... ............._ .........__._......... Trau: y._........__. Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Geban) 3N. 636 ow a cier cwt 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL C,- "No /....:.......:._:....._'... OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK COON RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 2 4611 CoMISSIONER—...._............. _............. _.._................. ...... ..... ._........ ___........ ...................... _...... ... ............ DATE ...................... 11 8.t.'....-.. .'..._l...,l............ __. RESOLVED Minnesota Ice Co. Minnesota Ice Co. W. P. Salislmry Morris Saaemd A. M. Schmitt U COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Peterson Ttau: _ . _.... _ _ ... Against Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 —3- 121 W. Maryland St. 121 W. Maryland St. 868 Fauquier St. 902 Farrington 228 N. Western Ice Manufacturer App. 13129 Renewal Ice Delivery 2 trucks " 13130 " " " 2 " 0 13730 Ice Station " 13533 " n " " 13474 n AUG w" �93o Adopted by the Council ....................................................193...... AUG ti " 'z'�- Approved.._ ........... ._............ ..... ........ .............193....... Mayor Od4ia.1 mCNr l',I-l�%_ wu�ca f41 �n /�vj//J CITY OF ST. PAUL n -a No.�C 48.5.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM That licenses for Restaurant, application 13553, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 135549 off Sale Malt Beverage, application 13555) Tavern, application 14066, and Dance Hall, application 14067, applied for by Matilda Thompson at 488 Rice Street be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction of applicant for selling malt liquor to minors; and whereas, applicant has operated under said applications for a period of one month, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Matilda the unused portions of license fees, namely, $9.17; $45.83'. $4.58; $183.33; and $13,75, and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUN¢iLMEN Yeas E uss F** Ian N Ys In favor ce /Fe neon raux Against wenzel President JM 6J6 (Geban) . 4. Adopted by the Council ..:...................._........_..... -q93...... AUG 2 7 Approved. _............... _................ ...... ... . ............ D.tda.t� /e� 9 COUNCIL T� 4.851 CITY OF ST. PAUL rIL. No.........._.. Rel OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �C UNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM RESOLVED DATE .......................... : $t..._95L..._�06....— That Hotel License No. 1104, expiring March 4, 1937, issued to Leona Crenna at 500 St. Peter Street be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of arrest and conviction for operation disorderly house on these premises. IC. F. No. 104861—By G. H. B—Nes--I F. M. Truaz—Irvin C. Pearce - 111 -1 ed, that Aote1 Cleanse, No. 1104, e, yirtng March 4, 1987, Issued to Leona Cranna at 600 8t: Peter Street� be and the same to hereby revoked upon recommeadatton of the Bureau. of „Po-', "" hocanea or arrest and. cgnvtetlon' � for oysratIng dlsorderly house,. on these y Adltossyestsse.•d by the Council Aug, -27, 1926.�I Apyroved Aug. 27, 1988. (Aug. 29 1988) It 7 1,9X COUN MEN �//// Adopted by the Council..:.. .........._... Yeasays .........................193....... uea 3�ilart In favor AUG 2-7) Approved.......... .....193..... e �on i Against rau: Mayor 1 President (Gehan) !M s Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER Council File NoJ-('4852 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conatructir—g_a Sanitat9 Sewer on White Bear Avenue Prom Fifth Street _-- ---__to_&_poj.Tlt_50_.fea - norfh of Thirrl_St eet.__.S — rater +•• �•� �••�••�>� Dated this.--.94th!.—__-..._.—_day PRELIMINARY ORDER �PABY ORDERS -By Irving C. Pearo,{ rttten propo..j for *:otrowtng tmyrovep• i t ..It -Y Sower'r � I"- ou�•ovl Ftft6 M, -;V `iL:d>a WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: frth of _—Conatructirt� a ita,R Sewer on whi e_.i}.earLvemle—rxstin Fifth Street �_to s point 50.feet_aorth o�_Tb. 3� ICeF .._�t4z�1+at to.b�—q1 ed. _-- ---- having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_. -_--__.-___... therefore, be it RESOLVED, ThattheCommissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement ,.O*R 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total~Cost. f. 3.. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. V'45. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 27 1936 Adopted by the ---._._----__— YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS A jG.r FINDLAN Approved— ak PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL Mayor. Mit. PRESmENT i Fenn CA tD (I>•r-6-33)! l . 1E111BLISHED Council File No. 1(14853 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: ContjfruCting sidewalk on the north de -_of ch -91 --—Ys°ta.fj fflMj d=A��BI�e to Finn Bv_1�13��.._—_.�-- -- -- ---- — — Dated this—_.__.. 25th. _ .......__..day of ................ August, I -._ .....— .. ly -- Councilman. l 863-Hy.Irvtng C: Penr,•'� .A written DroyyoEal ver ) he following lmyt'ovem: PRELIMINARY ORDERside-1kon rbc' i.` e2er Street from Cleve` WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .. Finn. -Avenue, ,having ,: the count of th. Constructing sidewalk on the north aide o-4cheffer Street �. therefore, belt r at the cm6mle'' _—.._..—_—_..—__�—_.�_. nd is bereb " T' T having been presented -to the Council of the City of St. Paul .__...-----..... _... .......................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 2.7"1936 Adopted by the Council _... ....... ........ -... ------------........... _..... _—.-- YEAS NAYs CounahnanBARFUSS AU6 2 7 1936 FINDLAN _; . Approved—...---------------.---.—_-- -- PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZ ENZEL Ma. PRESIDENT Mayor. Form C A 1S (1M•68E) . liJRTTCITVA)_' //�� rau�ciuiie»x-(14854 C. F.'No 10986E=BY9 'rJing-C. Pearce ---- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROV Whereas, A wrlttea proDoeal for tae Making.'of the following mprovement, I vis.: Relaying.. repairing and reronetruetiag and the oement tile endow lk n . tho east - side of Wnet�rn �t "t� ` ..''imgh PRELIMINARY ORi e vir 1, The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz•: _ Rele nn._."r9pa�T� arl,�A*'e60n8trllCt.�ffi8_.�t��.t3W�L�{ile sldeaelk on the enr+t. .4A...,of WAAtSM_AY Ua beginning at A enint._fll.. -- line of1. 1988 Dated this_.... -.25th .-_--___.day of___-._.... Auguatr 19 PRELIMINARY ORDER VAUREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Rela ago re no &>«A reconet* •tiro ..#��__4emeat�_tile _sidetralk on the seat _._.�id�oLweatern Aveut�h��i�. at a noint�l�Qe4t.no_�f.._the north--...---- lin e_.gf LaMond Sea tltenae no_$U.feet..--.---._...-._..-.-------.--. - -...---- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-._--.-.-...._--._...._._...._...-..-__.._.............._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the Mature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not Said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the j4WOgdmatte tp jo the Commissioner of Finance. ��!✓'".� AUG 27 1936 / Adopted by the Coonan-----...---------- -- - — ----- YEeS Nets ? - +' AUC Z + i` Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN Approved-. _..—._..----.-------- -- PEARCE PETERSON _ TRUAX �- WENZEL Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT gorm C A ]x (1M-8-88) PliBLISHED n _ S� Council File No. _04855 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTvile easd48A6 wriittr n`V. Klug of the followlnt and ;nretructinF with 1' w�d �e. .elda"x� . ,r 11V PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing with 4" Monolithic conereter the sidewalk on the south aide yf_Central Avenge. beginner at_._the east line of RSce Street. thence - — ------ east-48wG-4-eetr beglanAng at a _Ppiat-2Z.0 iea Partkex-eaatr thance- Dated this_.....___2.5t2A_.......... .-day of__ ........ _....flYg118Lt 12sit -- 19. .... ... _...... _.... - ... -- Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: __.--'- RecfalatI1cti�$ 9rith.�"_ Monol hi getg�....t��.MiIS @walk oa the south - ..... ...... _.— _.—_.._.amide.-of'._f:en+.,rel.A¢mue,�legitLi 9 +rti-LhH._esat,-11ne Op Rise_S eet. thea.C_�._.._-_ ----'--�BSt_48�D_iE@t�hevdi�nni a a ..,a noinL_.2Z�Q%eS east '550 feed --._.._—.._..----------_ ..... ........... .......... ......... - -- ...--- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul -..... -........... ------- ------- _---- _......... _....... ___.......-- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 27 1936 Adopted by the Ysns Nets Councilman BARFUSS AUG 3 7 1936 FINDLAN Approved-------_-------- ---..-------' PEARCE PETERSONTRUAX WENZ L Mayor. MR. PRESMMT gorm CA 13 (iM-d-sa) ? t'UBL1S1iUU �/ COUNCIL FILE NO ... _............. .---- -..--------- --- By........ ----- ---- ---- ------------ ----------------------------- ----- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessments In the matter of the assessment of .benefits, costs and expenses for constructing a sewer on Saratoga'St. from Portland Avenue to a point 195 feet south of Portland Ave. 6IDa0I,nTION OF b6i*0M- tN6 68aB1E1PTt 0. %,e0 1att0d860— ' In the �hter or ti.ses� benedte, mm. and.: e o b BhvC.tlag a eew'vaOn .y from Tortlaad Xv nue f ',yet south. orPorttaad llminary —.r Ards. e ' under Preliminary Order:...........99717 ............................ Intermediary Order ........... 99956 Final Order -100150 .............. ................... approved --..........April Z-------•-••------------------ 19-36. The assessment of........benefite-,._costs,-and--expenses••............................... for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the ................ ?3rd____.. -day of Sagtembar.........................19,36..., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. . MG $ •1 1936 Adopted by the Council...-- - ...........- '- ......- ---- - - 9 ........!"---..... Ity Clerk. �JJG 27 1936 Appneved......................................`........19...... _ _ CouncilmaqsffhvWpMW= Barfass CouncilmanHFargEMOW-1 Findlan CouncilmanrWBtlY3 Wi I'era rce CouncilmaBdffftd a "-I Pl'tersOn Councilmantjgu3Lstiq�a T—ax Conncilma `,j'e-1 Mayor 159E@NW t F.— B. B. 17 . Gehan r'OBLISHED 42�� COUNCIL FILE NO..._- ... _......... ................ By..._._.._.- ----- _..... -......................................... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses for curbing both aides of Cook Street from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue C. F. No. 104867— -i rn `she mattet af, the a8.. 6'oneate, costa; snd�ezpeae� Ing -.both gldee;-;oE'Cook; i Walsh Aveane-t0 Wge, . d9rPrellmlaarrofdeeld10 7�hed18ry Drders loloVegl& mp- s;. t`�o8.aFDroved�N e gAgeaenlegtx -Jw :•i. 101288 101760 under Preliminary Order .................. ................ ............--..., Intermediary Order.- ............ - - - -> Final Order 101968 November 6, S6 ...... I......._..--- .....................I approved........------.............------........................ 19 The assessment of....._banefite, costs and expenses for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the. .-....._Z�rd............ day of $eptemb�s._,_•--- 19..36., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. rr 7 �4ivV Adopted by the Council--- ---------------- ...:..as::..------ ---------.._....--- -- -�-- AUG $ 7 1936 - - .....r :i1.e.1 ty Clerk. le . ......... Mayor. T Coune lma WKMP_ n Birfnss Councilmangps4p�-=•.7 Find!au C0uncilmandff33V3t8a1d -: Peirce ^ / / Couneilma�^� Peterson 6 j CouncilmanmSmHwhnaF^, r/v Truax ti I�il1;LISIIED Councilor Wenze; �< Mayor MMIgNM Gehan Fo B. B. 17 - ' COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the south aide of Princeton Avenue, beginning at the east line of Vernon Avenue, thence east 75 feet; beginning 97 feet farther east, thence east 150 feet (4.5 feet in width), f rN'1'IDBEiIDt1IA1tY eF,fr F. n the Watt — - .4ttet'.f ie18y1, yrec�onetrnetlag, Cm .Tr _ �1L,a utLW'W v , 4 under Preliminary Order 104615 approvrd Ju]y 28 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the. Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. , 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair,..and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Princeton Avenue begat. 3 the east line of Vernon Avenue, thence east 75 feet; beginning 97 feet farther thence east 150 feet (4.6 feet in width), except where good and sufficient `eid already exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoVis $0.11 new tile: $0.08 old tile.' Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22ad day of September 193 8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and � the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council.._ AM �7Y7F1 193- d--- Approved 27 11%6193 ity Clerk Mayor Councilman K -fuss CouncilmanddWF--==--s) Hi dlau Councilman1RtffW- • - 'I Pf-a rce - CouneilmanFRbt6ff---= 3 Peterson 1'nLISHED Councilmar9T uax,:= Truax l.i � CouncilmatV-VVhNZXE--MWenzel r Mayor WAiRW Gehan s Form B. S. A. 8-6 .ry COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER V4859 In the Matter of repairing, relaying and reoonstruoting the oement tile sidewalk on the southerly side of Como Boulevard, beginning at the east line of Grotto Street, thence easterly to St. Albans Street, — ------------- No 104869— -. c - ,,c,onatiq or repel Cement -monetrgcting the come¢[ t, .op the'southerly side ;.Ule," I egluning at the • Grotto Streett,, theppce a "'� f. Albano -84,1:.104518, app' ved minell vodor f" � under Preliminary Order 104518 approved July 28 1956. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of .the Commissioner ofi.Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said, report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repo i r, re4ay sad , 31 11 reconstruct the oement tile sidewalk on the southerly slAe-of Como Boulevard, be?•l' ginning at the east line of Grotto Street, thenoe easterly to St.'Albane Street, eaadpt where good and suffioient sidewalks already exist's per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoVis $p_1 i new tile- $0.08 old tile, $0.22 drive- ways. -. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of Reptmmber 1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. Mi, in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul That -the Commissioner of -Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter,; stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improve m tQral cost thereof as estima[ed Adopted by the Council 193— �-- Approved193— City Clerk, Mayor Councilman' Rarfoss ...Councilman kl=- rinrlian Councilmantsrea = Pearce Councilman SWR=! = =z Pterson n founcilmanTruax / .PUBLISHED n Councilman 1Venzel Mayor Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO- By- INTERMEDIARY OBy INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Laurel Avenue from Snelling Av enue, IQ t6g ,MaRtec. OL selaring. �. `nnA iOooQetruotln8^cemeQs��'-' ;Avvnu,'6Mft outb aide : Avenue hom 8gelltng-Avento 1-r 10466E 114V ov% Torun `!ng ugerAfhthteeDOotrtty Botr3 - � emeaL� �andn t �kl'�CZt under Preliminary Order 104553 approved July 29, 1986. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk* on the south side of Laurel Avenge from Snelling Avenue to Saratoga Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, . per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereoVis $0.11 new tile, $0.08 old tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of 4gpember 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner proyided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvcma"thaftal cost thereof as estimated. lowAdopied by the Council 193��� / Councilman 4._ Mirf,iss Councilman Wft=_: Bfndian Councilman Pearce Councilman twee_- Peterson Councilman Truax: ^ Truax Councilman Wg--., 1=..,.-m. Wenzel Mayor Geban Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor rjMISHED k� / IC4861 bF No. � the Matter of relayfag; e '- .d laCOnetraCtl4B Cement' ik o the north elle of • ' x> - sae[ beginnlag at [ha et._ of Lot 21, Block 8' � r, is 3ubdlvfelon, ri COUNCIL FILE NO>; By : INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Randolph St. beginning at the east line of Bay St., thence east to the east line of Lot 21, Block 32, A. Vanoe Brown's Subdivision, and reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk from the east line of Lot 21, thence to Osceola Ave., except driveways, and reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the west side of Osceola Ave. beginning at the north line of Randolph St., thence north 28 feet, .,11171! under Preliminary Order 104556 _._approved July 29, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and re- construct cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Randolph St. beginning at the east line of Bay St., thence east to the east Iine of Lot 21, Block 32, A. Vance Brown's Subdivision and reconstruct with monolithio-'otlnorete the sidewalk from the east line of Lot 21, thence to Osceola Ave., except driveways, and reconstruct with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the west side of Osceola Ave. beginning at the north lineHz% Randolph St., thence north 28 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks al.rfady exist, with no alternatives and that the estimated cost thereof is $0.11 new tile, $0.08 old tile, per square foots 4" monolRiio concrete walk, 41.00 per front foot. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of September 193-A— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvernent and the(ttootal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by '� the Council b 2, j"�'� 193AN ���o A _ /r .,.,r,,.,e i a', 193.1 City-^Cle�rk� Form B. S. A. 8-6 Mayor Councilman c i`_' Rnr(use _Ona1 Councilman May - - s Councilman Pearce a- Pearce Ioscn" -9 Councilman PetersonCouncilman Truax Wenzel �F1HWa1[]G8/ Council Gehan �� ' Mayor a oney Form B. S. A. 8-6 COL;NCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER x'4862 In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Maryland Street beginning at the east line of Payne Avenue, thence east 60 feet, and on the south side of Maryland Street beginning at the east line of Payne Avenue, thence east 54 feet, No. 10486 e Matter of relaYing, rer onetracting cement til. he north elde of Meryl ,ping at the east line thenre ns' e sIP� oii lig under Preliminary Order—_104557 ____approved_ July 29,91 36. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Maryland Street beginning at the east line of Payne Avenue, thence east 60 feet, and on the south side of Maryland Street beginning at the east line of Payne Avenue, thence east 54 feet, except where.,, good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square foot with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $0.11 new tile. $0.08 old tile. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd —day of September 193§—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hali.Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the -,persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cotincit_— � t 7 '�7�--, 193 Approval � � 7 193— -_ ---- City Clerk Mayor CouncilmanMcDonaldP� CouncilmanFe�rk lues CouncilmanCouncilman _I P,tr,snn Councilmanruax_. _-, prnnx Councilman 17� Wenzel ' Mayor ��gYurey Gehao Form B. S. A. 8-6 VLTBLISHED �� COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Case Street from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, 't No. 104863— t - Matter of repairing, relaj netructing cement the e. '•e north slde of Case slre,„ ue Avento nreenhrler . Preliminary order 1046e ruly 29, 1888. nlas '! under Preliminary Order— 104559 —approved July 29, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: . 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is repair, relay and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Case St'. from Payne Avenue to Greenbrier Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square foot new it �e $0.08 old tile. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is pa Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of tep}ember 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council C' �!' 7' 10 193 Ic. a Approved 193 ity Clerk Mayor Councilman R: rause Councilman Way- _ Fhdian Councilman &-arcr. P irce Councilman $oxen Peterson VWLISHED —� Councilman iiFruax'.:.:, Truax Councilman Wenzel Mayor MAERM0 Gehan t 1, Form B. S. A. 8.6 `COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 104864 In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Fairview Avenue beginning at the south line of Selby Avenue, thence south 140 feet including 8 foot driveway; beginning 8 feet farther south, thence south 2 feet; and on the south side of Selby Avenue beginning at the west line of Fairview Avenue, thence west 52 feet, y'. No. — a Mattertter of rel cern n, e,hetructfn66 a F - .an west et e s F o a t at the sou .ue, thence out, r'^ foot driven .a under Preliminary Order 104558 approved July 29 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved. and adopted, and the said°improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the stature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Fairview Avenue beginning at the south line of Selby Avenue, thence south 140 feet including 8 foot driveway; beginning 8 feet farther south, thence south 2 feet; and on the south side of Selby Avenue beginning at the west line of Fairview Avenue, thence west 52 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, per square foot within alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof/is $ 0.11 new tile. $0.08 old tile. ''`Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 22nd day of September 193 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ 193_ Approved 193—� ty Clerk Mayor Councilman N� Rarraa� Councilman" Courkilman ce--- 1 Councilman Itei_77--j 1'c^.ergo Councilman'gtt�ir=�= - •rpt,. Y Councilman _ Mayor M o6?m Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHED�j `y I I ? I f DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL eik OLL CALL OFFICE OF TH&COMPTROLLER FILE NO. --- -------�� ------ COUNCILMEN—ROLL fuss COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY -dit AUDITED CLAIMS-----�► �--2----------------_3931,—rce RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. eSraftp S • 8'a� II W.Se�• TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f_%5Q3t4j--• COVERING E GQ `Y21!•G�tF p'T}�,f_ CHECKS NUMBERED - TO_-_ _ INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FI. OFFIC CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE R------- - _____------------ LER APP V�FD .___ _�.__ r cin c L rMAYOR - BY_____�---._�___�:✓_t_�^t-.___-.-. ____.__________ J c on ('.. F. !�'o 1o4865 � TOTAL GATE Rea Olved, that heck, be drawn CHECK thr elty treasury. to taggregated RETURNED � NUMBER am.unt of $`85503,31 ­%r ing heuka� TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK mbered 27578 to _'612lncluslve CHECKS per, checka o Elle In the offl— of the CHECKS net I comptroller. Adopted by the COUrell Aug. 27. 1936 Approved Aug. 27. 1936. ARD (Aug. 29, 1936) • 27578 9t.Pagl Ladies Band 20 CC 27579 Gregor 9rygicki 27580 `: Commonwealth Electric Compan26',25 27581 Farwell, Osmlun, Kirk & Comp y 30155 27592 George F. Feller 9'1 37583 George J. Flynn i 0 27584 Graybar Electric Company,Ino. 1 8731 27595 Miller supply Company 23 27 27586 G. Sommers & Company 7 5 27587 The Texas Company 2 94297 27588 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 117 60 27589 Mrs. Delia Brown 29 28 27590 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 31 90 27591 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 27592 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finanas 444 12402 88 27593 Atlas Gas & 011 Company 3 27594 Badger Meter Company 453 14 27595 Belmont Corporation 67 ;45 27596 Adam Decker Hardware Company 276 33 27597 Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk & Oompanr 207 79 27598 Farwell. O mun. Kirk IN Companr 120 12 27599 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 45 25 27600 Grinnell Company, Inc. 89 51 27601 Kenny Boiler & Mfg,Oompany 195 08 66 27602 McClain & Hedman Company 24 27603 Pittsburgh Equitable Meter Cosipany 11333 27604 St,Paul Book & stationery Com any 146 01 27605 st.Paul Glass company 7163 27606 Standard 011 Company 912 69 27607 The sta-vis 011 Company, Inc. 126'';88 27608 John N. Theissen 10 65 27609 Twin City Sawdust Company 14 27610 Frank Carlisle 25 ;00 27611 Hennepin Bottling Company 196!50 27612 O.Raith Mgr.LaOrosse Cavalie s 5000 2761 A.J. Mo8arthy 40 902761+ Carl A. Erickson 10 50 27615 Mrs. Mary wily Christy 27 00 8 27616 Mrs. Louis Fay 20 27617 Mrs. Elizabeth Literski 40 00 27618 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 28 8 e 27619 John w, Hurley 40 00 27620 Carl Moranda 33 42 P621 Peoples Electric Company 173 43 i 27622 Carl A. Erickson 10 25 27623 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 31 147 0 27624 Chicago, Mil.St.Paul & Pao.Ry Co. 9 9 27625 Firestone Auto Supply & Service Stores 7072 27626 Goodr Service Stores 19 82 27627 John Ravansoroft 1 00 27628 Sculley Steel Products Companj 54 24 27629 E. J. Stilwell Paper Company 11}99 27630 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 661 9 27631 Tri-State Tel. & Teig.Company 52 29 27632 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company! 351 63 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500;00 _LIW339(� cao $ � PRESENTED BY Comsrs. Barfh>se, Findlan,Pearee,Peterson,Truax, I , Wenzel, Mayor-M.'H..aehan. ' 06 In the death of Dr. Seymour R. Lee, Superintendent of Anckerlt Hospital, the County of Ramsey and the City of Saint Paul have lopt a most efficient and conscientious public servant. The position of Superintendent of a great public institution such ac Ancker Hospital entails patience, ability, and an exceedingly large portion of those very essential elements, human sympatby and human kindliness. All of these Dr. Lee possessed. Doctor-. Zee gave all of himself to his work of alleviating pain and physical distress, and by his kindly sympathetic nature did much to ease the mental strain and stress in the hours of 'pbysical incapacity, and County Whereas, We, the members of The Board of/ Commissioners of Remsey County and the members of the Connon Council of the City of Saint Paul, realizOA the great loss the County and City have sustained in the passing of Dr. Seymour R. Lee, therefore, be it Resolved, That we express to the bereay.ed family our deepest sympatby, and be it further Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the Minutes of the Board of County Coumiissioners and also upon the Minutes of the City Council, and an engrossed copy be sent to the bereaved family. —by G. H. Barluea=� —Irving C. Pearce, ,n—Fred M. wrua. Cnzel—Mayor' lit. $" �Dr. seymonr R. Ancker Hospital, ttie . tend the City of deist poet-emelent and can. 6eerv=t Theposition i of a great public in a Ancker HospitaU en- 4 '.bility,• and an ez4ed- �ton of those very ee-� t&h All of these Dry nd Lee Hawn: all'ei' :of allevisting p-' .and by hl,: 'e did to el;' a efr' Adopted by the AUG 27 1936 Council Approved — AdG 1936 Mayor AJBLI5HHD4,J "__"�6 Ya the death of Ds. Seymour 8. Lee, SVerintendent of inter Hospital, the Ccunty of Ramsey and the City of Saint Paul have lost a most efficient and conscientious public servant. 4he position of Superintendent of a great pnbl`* institution snob as Amber Rospital entails patienes, ability, and an exoeedingly lards portion of those vexy essential elements, humin "aft and hasan kindliness. All of those fir. Lee possessed. Doctor La gore all of himself to his sor)s of alleviating pain and pLr oioal distress, and by his kindly sympathetic nature did much to sass the mental strain and stress in the hours of pbroloal iunapscity, and Whereas, Ws, the members of Me Board ofAOommis ioners of Ramsey County and the members of the Common Cousoil of the Oity of Saint Pawl, realis the great loss the Oounty and City bove sustained in the passing of Dr. Seymour R. Lost thsrsforet be it Dssolvedt That se express to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy, and be it further Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon .the Auntes of the Board of County Commissions" and also upon the Minutes of the City Council, and an engrossed copy be sent to the bereaved family. COUNCIL FILE NO- _--- --- ---- By-- ---------------- FINAL ORDER € 67 FINAL OHDI ?to. 104887— dI. of ehtying reDe.0" . t` d eaeterlY .1d. aide + it then or' ' thvace - In the Matte; of___repairil3g�__;eogAetrliii�gg and_,relaying-oemetlt__tile_aidewalk_gil-___ the easter aide ofOhio__Street_beginnin�_at the_north_line_of_YYini£red Street__ thenoe_northarly22 feety beginning at a point_-78__feet_farther_north. thenoe northerly 22 _f_G t­gXaept._Bhera_4aQd- andM1f_firient_aidewa7lra-glre� sly under Preliminary Order -------- 104072 --------------- __----.approved ------------- June_ 23L--1936----------------------- Intermediary Order -----------------------------------------approved --------- A ------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upondue notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is --- Legaix._T_999nstruot_Bad_S_e18ry_Qeass�lt__bilu_ei imm@1k og_the easterly aisje_Q�iQ—$r�et�b_pBillg-_st_tha..uoxth_liAQ..2t�fi73f�ed Street thenoe Aorther422 feet �_beginning_at_ 8.-R # 78Peet__farther-north- thenoe northerly 226_Saet, ez t where-$Dnd_and _anf fi ei erlt ei dwwelke_BlraedaLBxist_._—_ — and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement'}p��,c EP ��33CCcordance therewith. S Adopted by the Council ------- _------------ ------- — --- ---- City Clerk. SEP 19� Approved ----------------- --- ------ 192 Mayor. Councilman Councilman e Councilman - CouncilmanaftISIDSME 3' -Councilmanadodtreimat' CouncilmansWOULUMOm Mayor lens Form B. S. A. 8-7 Birfuss i'.ai rre I'r;rrann 'l Holz J � U PUL 1SHLD 13 w CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE / REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE i� (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER o - In the matter of repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement tile sidewalk on the easterly rZ aide of Ohio St. beginning at the north line of Winifred St., thence N'ly 22 feet, beginning at a paint 78 feet farther north, thence northerly 226 feet, under Preliminary Order approved June 23, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: , The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost p•r oot for the above improvement is _ - - - $ 0.12 — new the The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 1 4 Dawson's Addition to St. Paul $450 2 4 do 500 $g¢Op 3 4 do 500 1750 4 4 do 500 2200 5 4 do 550 6 4 do 700 2950 Total $3200 $10,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _ no.m B. S. A. a -s n (/ Commissioner of Finance. :.0 I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance t> July 1, 1986 193. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104072 approved- - - Jame 25, 1986 193......., relative to repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement tile sidewalk on the easterly side _..__ ..._._... - ..._ ............. of Ohio Street beginning at the north line of Winifred Street, thence northerly _......- -- ..... _... _ - .. _.. _ .- ........... . 22 feet, beginning at point 78 feet farther north, thence northerly 226 ft. -.._.. _......- - .. _ ..... . _. -- -- ..... ... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. . _- __ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Dost Old tile relay $0.10 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is t._._._... _ __ .- _, and the total cost thereof is S ------------------------- _...-- New Tile relay $0.12 per sq. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___.___..............._......._------..._..------ _-.._------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .._-.... - - - .- ...... _._ ._.... - ------- ----- -------- 10 5. Said improvement is .... _ _—.- ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. M. OF FINANCE, _.-------- Commissioner of Public Works. 9_ c• �niN, 3 JUL 2 1936 V,4868 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF RESOLUTION RATHW .... FICON- ASSESSMENT THERET°fiDR°a i o'. X. 104888—` *atter of cond>m-,- -' ent f In the matter of__94Aa ing_and taking ay eeaemen_t_for_the_.p rPose_of_oonstructin&___ and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the southerly 10 feet of Lot 18, Block 58, Desnoyer Park from Exeter Place to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the north side of above easement and on the northerly 5 feet of Lot 17 in said Block 58, Desnoyer Park, under Preliminary Order ---- 103577-----------. approved ------- --- May -12, - 1936 ------------------------� 1 Intermediary Order ------------038--60 --------------- approved ------- June ----- 4 -- , 1936 ----------------------� Final Order _______________ !(AIN __--_ J 30, 1936 _ approved ----------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. xdstbexmbfzzkA=tzxps7abdz #X�eQcusa ' a Adopted by the Council ----------- a.im_____ ___ 9 � Cit k. Approved-------------�---� --- � O - ->------`------------------- Mayor. Councilman -,—.- Councilman uffMV Councilman Donald Councilman .nrce ---1 g�eiiwtarr9�i7pnd . ,.a. Councilman 3Udheimlr PUBL1SULD /P Mr. Vicc lzee]Uc t Truax) f REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ?a; In the matter of_ oogdemning and taking an _easement for_the_Qur�oae_ of oonstruotin� and maintaining a public sewer on, under, and across the southerly 10 feet of Lot 18, Block 58, Desnoyer Park from Exeter Place to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the north side of above easement and on the northerly 5 feet of Lot 17 in said Block 58, Desnoyer Park under Preliminary Order-_ 103577 --- approved------ May 12c_1236j__________________________ Intermediary Order -------108860 ------ approved ------June 4t 1936 -__________________________ Final Order --------------194163 ------ approved ------June 30,_1936. ------------------------ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. . -�- ---� (�[�—O'�4� ------------ ----------------- Commissioner of Finance. G Aust 27Th, 193'0. Hon. Axel F. Peterson Co ilsciaaetr of Finance Cit, Hull Attentiont Leonard C. Seamer Dear ;irt The City C -c: ,il laid n-rer to ,e t-0mbnr Std the Natter of r:_ti^ying %nd Confirming the damages :And Osossnents LI the natter of ^ tde;:mtn,; an easement for serer on, Trilor, nrnss the southorly 10 feet of Lot 13, Mock :9, Desnnycr Park from F,yeter Place to the alley in the rear of said lot, and referred the matter to yrni.and the Commissi vier of Public Works to consldmr tlio c'}jeetions filed on behalf of Grave H. Ruth rutd :o_ ,rt to the Co -.moil. We have sent the object°.ons to •_!te Cornisaioner of 7111b1lc 7orks. Yrrars veru trnl.,v, G City Clerk. Amust 27th, 1935. Hon. I. C. Pearce Cn-=ission�r of Public works Cit? Hall lttoations George H. Shepard De.^r Sir! The City Council laid ovsr to September 3rd a resolution ratifying and confirming condeamation and avards of damages i t e ^,at`.er of en idemning and taking a ;ower easet,mit across the srtth�rly 10 feet of Lot 1E, Block 5°, Dosnoyer Park fr-j• Rceter Plnce to the alley In the rear of said lot, also onndemning a temporary casf=3-it, rrd referred the attached Objections of Grove H. ILlth to 7M ^,nd the Com^,iseioner of ?inane for ao-isideratt'), and re, ort. 'dill y -I the objeetiOne to act Yobs vary t raly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON — City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 27th, 1936• Hon. I. C. Pearce Commissioner oz Public Works City Hall Attention? George M• Shepard Dear Sirt emDer rd The City Couing and confirming conl laid over to detmnation3and a resolution ages *in6 and taking awards of damages in the matter of condemning a sewer easeomt across i,ne sou6herly 10 Peet o4 Lot 18, Block 58, Deenoyer Park from grater Place to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning a temporary easement, and referred the attached objections of (trove H. Huth to you and the Commissioner of Y nance for consideration and report. Will you kindly return the objections to us? Tours very truly, // 1% v City Clerk. OBJECTIONS of GROPE H. RUTH - .. a - In the matter of condemning and taking an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the southerly 10 feet of Lot 18, Block 58, Desnoyer Park from Exeter Place to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes an a strip 5 feet in width on the nol*h sideof above easement and on p the northerly ary Order ft' o7 lot 17 in said Block 58, Desnoyer Park eta. Intermediary " 103860 Final Order 104163 TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL of THE CITY OF ST. PAUL GENTLEMEN: GROPE H. RUTH, the owner and occupant of Lot 18 in Block 58 in Desnoyer Park, St. Paul Minnesota, on which is situated his house and homestead No. 155 Exeter Place hereby objects to : let. The award of damages for condemning and taking each and both of said above mentioned easements. 2nd. The condemning and taking any easement on under and across the southerly 10 feet of Lot 18, Block 58 Desnoyer Park, from Exeter Place to the alley in the rear. 3rd. The condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the north side of said ten foot strip above mentioned. The reasons for eAh and all of said objections are 1. Said proposed sewer should be laid from said alley, to Montrose Placs, not Exeter Place, as Montrose is several feet lower then said alley while Exeter Place is at least 3.75 feet higher than said alley. 2. Because if said proposed sewer is laid running up hill to Exeter Place it will be only 5.5 feet below the surface of said alley, and in winter time will frequently freeze up and clog np k bave to be steamed out and thawed out in order to make it function during the Sp//ring thaws when it will be most needed and for which conditions it to being constructed to tale care of. �0 3 3. Because the main sewer in Exeter Place will be only 2.1 feet or about 251nchas lower than the sewer in said alley, and there will be a fall or drop in said proposed sewer of only 262 25 inches , while its length is about 173 feet, and for a substantial portion of its lenght over or under this objectors lot said sewer will be only 5.5 feet to 6.5 feet below the surface of his lawn, and such shallow depth may and probably will interfere seriously with the use of said lot particularly the souht 15 feet of said lot, and this objector may and very likely will wish to add a room with foundation to it on the south side of his house and will not be able so to do as his cellar is 8 feet below the lot. 4. That said sewer should be laid on the boundary line between said lot 18 and the next lot to the south, lot 17, if the same is to ran to Exeter Place, and when so constructed will give each of the owners of said Lots full free use of their lots and not throw all the burden and nuisance upon this objector. 5. Because the main sewer in Exeter Place is now and for many yearshas been too small to carry off the storm water at certain seasons of the year and has for many years at ouch times filled up to the surface of the street and over the curb and even over the sidewalks on Exeter Place and when this occurs the water from the sewer backs up into the cellar of this objector and fill the same with mud,filth, greasy water and sewage. That your objector knows that if said sewer is contructed as proposed than at such times and seasons it will not function as desired but the conditions will be reversed and it will become an artesian sewer and spew all each sewage and filth all over the proposed alley in copious quantities. 6. For the further reason which arises out of the conditions just stated in paragraph 5 above, that the opening or drain to be put in said alley to said proposed sewer will not be large enough to let all such back water out promptly and therefore the water in said propsed sewer will be under heavy presure and the same will cause the backwater to be forced out of all the joints in said sewer (same being of vitrified tile) and such seepage will pour into the earth in said 6.. (cont.) proposed easement on his Lot 18 aid trickle along the WI&SO of said sewer tile and create tunnels, fissures and crevasses and cause the sewer to be undermined and weakened and the surface of said lot to settle and sink and cave in and damage said lot and his lawn and cause recurring nuisance and damage and expense to this objector refilling, reseeding and resodding the south 10 feet of his said lot 18. 7. Because your objector at some considerable expense has prepared a pavement oY flooring of rock of a very substantial thickness on the south west corner of &aid lot 18 about 20 feet square which hes become firm and well settled and 04 wa about to construct a garage , that if said proposed sewer is constricted as planned it will necessitate the disturbing and unettling of said floor and render the same unfit and not solid for a long time to come and interfere with the use thereof for the floor and foundation of his #Aad said garage. 8. That the County Assessor of Ramsey county has assessed the said lot 18 exclusive of improvements at the full value of $1,100.00 which is at the tkta rate of $27.50 per front foot and that on account of all the foregoing reasons it is manifest that the sum of $75.00 or even $125.00 is not fair just or ads.. quate compensation for the taking of said two easement$, if and when Rill and serious consideration is given to all the damage, inconvenience and depreciation in value of said property by reason of the construction of said sewer. WHEREFORE'L Objector prays that said sewer be abandoned and not constructed in or under his said lot 18, but that it be laid from said alley westerly to connect with the sewer in Montrose Place. That if said prayer be denied then objector asks that said sewer be constructed along the boundary line between his lot 18 and enid lot 17 - That if that be denied then objector asks that the award of damages allowed to him be made and fixed at the sum of not lase than $250.00 and in addition thereto that it be stipulated and provided in said easement that he may be permitted at any time hereafter to build an addition to his home on the south 1 side of said lot together with a cellar and foundation thereunder, in upon and over said proposed easement, and further that it be stipulated and permitted that he may erect and maintian a garage on the southwest corner of said lot 18 over and upon so much of said easement as may be reasonably necessary so to do. 1 OBJECTOR. Dated at St. Paul this g dev of august 1936. 155 Exeter Place St. Paul - Minnesota. 0 0140—t. City Cl -b - CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE . ____._. August_271. 1956......._........ In the matter of paving Kellogg Boulevard from the center line of Franklin Street to Seven Corners, under Preliminary order C. F. 102811, approved February 59 1986, and Final Order C. F. 1053799 approved April 21, 1936. Resolved, That the plans dnd specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. V COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Earfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Traua Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 6 RESOLUTION. C. F. No. 104889—Ry Irving C. Pearce— In the Metter of paving Kellogg Boule- vard from the center line of Franklin " Street to Seven Corner., under Pre- llminary Order C. F. 102611, eDDroved February 6, 1888, and�pr`lnal Orden C. F. 108879, approved ADrll 21. 1988. Resolved that the plans and epeolflca- tlons ae submitted by the Cown .loner of Public Works for the above named Improvement, be and the same are here- by approved. Adopted by the Council Aug. 28, 1986. " Approved Ang. 28, 1888. (Aug. 29, 1988) 14 AUG 28 1936 Adopted by the Council 193..... AUG 28 193E aApproved. 193 _. 1��... Mayor odst-1 CITY OF ST.j� X, OFFICE OF THE CITY -?:CLERK` COUNCIL RESOLUTION"-GitAm� ZR-- wured ------ ------n. 2=nir...... - .....H_..._.- RE8012MIX WHEREAS, John F. Christner, an,empliiye of the Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Fire, was injured December 8, 1965, while In the wourse of his employment, an a result of which injury he was totally disabled until February. 6, 1936, and In.addition has suffered a 50% permanent lose of finatien of his.'hand, Inolud- Ing the wrist motion, and ,11 - WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Act provides that com- pensation shall be paid for 87* weeks for a fifty per cent lose of use of a hand, Including the wrist notion; and WHEREAS, the said John F. 0hristner is entitled to compensation at $20.00 per week for the said 81* weeks; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper 01tv offiogre be and they are he authorized and direetedd to: the said John F. Christner $2� !CO per week for 87* weeks, be "' ing February 6, 1936, said I sum'to be paid out of the GIN Compensation Acoount of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce -Pe . ...... .. ........... Against Wenzel 3M 6J6 Mr. V'- 1'rc-ident (Trues:) IM Mir V Adopted by the Council......................`............................193...... ir", �! , Approyed ..... . . .......... W 193 -IAi 9-11 "--/—Mayor.. PL13LISIIED,�/'�,/ piped w Cin 611 6 eouriea I(� R CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO .— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM That license for tel Dealer, application 13901, applied for by the Standard Coal and Coke Co. 443 Como kvemle be and the same is hereby I r, and the proper it off icgra ,vc uu s u ,I� � vim are hereby authorised to z:.Be. COUNCI EN Yeas Nays arfuas • / 5 Findlan • In favor ......... Pearce . 466"mm (' A ainst Trs�' ua G.... g Wenzel ' i 3M 636 Mr. Vice Yresideut (Ttuar� f' > C. FF.AN�'r7 u1048 a-1-ny Q.¢Sprtues- pgC Rearpe= Resolved that lleenee [or. -,out Deal4[, sypllcatfpn 18801, s pllad fpr by th2 8ft%andsrd'Coal Bad dpp a Co„ -188 Com Aveuue',be apd. pqe aa,ge..-te gardby $mated: and the Drpper aitq OidCeMM� are hereby authorized t0 "teeue'suoh license. ppon the pay" eat Into the pity treaehry of the requtred'tee. Adopted by the Coi�nail Aug. 88, 1886. Approved Aug. 28,1888. (8ept. e' 188e) i i i V l•r i� AVG 28 06 Adopted by the Council .............. - .................................... 193..... 4UG S$ 06 /�J /� L / _� �� / /-'�_�Z' � d �_� ��/ � ���- 9 � / /` / �/ �_ y/ / ` i l -'y/ __� .. /` / � _ � /� CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SMEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN EDWIN MURPHY IRVINO OOTLIEB JAR. P. SULLIVAN ASSISTANT• JOHN L. CONNOLLY CORPORATION COUNSEL To the Council. ,Gentlemen: ROY E. H. SWEDEEN CLAIM IM-STIGAYOR August 21, 1936. The City Clerk advises that you laid over a resolution denying the application of Standard Coal and Coke Company for a fuel dealer's license at No. 473 Como Avenue, to August 20th, and requested an opinion whether or not the Council can grant a fuel dealer's license when the applicant has not a yard. The matter of granting a license to this Company was considered in this office, and the License Inspector was advised that there was nothing in the ordinance to prevdnt the Council from granting such a license. If the Council is of the opinion that the applicant had some improper motive in applying for the license, it might refuse it. In discusdng the matter with the applicant, we have been unable to discover any improper motive. However, the Fuel Inspector or the License In- spector may have done so. Assuming they have not, we know of no reason why the license should not be granted. Yours very truly, n Assistant Corporation Counsel E I Orl,ln.l ro 0" Clerk RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i s. COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM C. r :°� m NO1f o'er o ,304871.,-$y Find W,.azA = maple clty0mdrlopni I fhmn¢cYCifYIaarliei. Ete,f AC-1-cWhpany c We e'b "Contrhat "Ro. •:..... .............. fid. neaegeary to,maki �dffloatr�fo iheaonira.� ._ WHEREAS, in the improvement described as a complete installation of electric work in the neva City Market, the Rosecrans Electric Company, Contractor, Comptroller's Contract No. G-3513, it was found necessary to make the following addi- tions to the contract: Addition For installing bells in Sheds Al C, E, G, Hs and I and connecting them and the existing bells in Sheds B, D, and F to the master clock in the Market master's Office, and for rearranging the electric lighting in Sheds B, C, D, E, F, Go H, and I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $497.00 WHEREAS, the total net addition is $497.00, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the City Council approve the above addition made in accordance with the specifications in an amount not to exceed the sum of $497.00, said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. G-3513 for the making of the afore- said improvement. The Commissioner of Public Utilities has agreed with the Contractor, Rosecrans Electric Company, that the sum of .'''497.00 is the correct amount to be added to the above contract. Funds to cover the addition are available in the proper ac- count and the City of.St. Paul agrees to pay same. it NIG 28 19* COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ti x 2 Adopted by the Council._.................................................193 -.... Barfuss / Pindlan y AUG 28 3m Pearce ........ In favor Approved...................................................................193_..._ ^ � } Pororc�n_ � 1 .... Against Sa�xir. ...........�.........._............._ yor ;Wenzel IMILISHED )M 636 Mr. Vice President (Traaa) W. LA MONY KAUFMAN Supt. of Perls ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commiuioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissloner '® August 20, 1936 Hon. H. C. Wenzel Commissioner of Public Utilities City of Saint Paul d' RE: City Market Dear Sir: The work listed on the attached additional work order was requested by the Market Master and is explained as follows: One bell will be installed in each of the following sheds: A, C, E, G, H, and I and be connected, with the existing bells, to the master clock in the Market Master's Office. These bells, which will have a 10" bell metal gong and weath- er proof housing, will beIused for the opening and closing of business hours, and for signal calls for employees. All underground wiring from the :=arket Duster's office to Shed A and between the various sheds will: be lead encased, and all other wiring to be in rigid conduit. These new bells and wiring were not included in the contract. Electric lights in existing sheds B, C, D, E, and F are now controlled by two (2) circuits and the lights for the exten- sions at the east end of these sheds and for new sheds G, H, and I are shown to be controlled by two (2) circuits; every other light being on one (1) circuit. Under the rearrangement of this lighting, all lights in the extensions at the east end of Sheds B, C, D, E, and F, and the same area at the east end of new sheds(G, H, and I)will be controlled by one (1) circuit and the balance of the lights for these sheds by another circuit. This will eliminate the necessity of lighting the entire shed area during the seasons when only a small portion of the market is used. Yours truly, i gLE..0 rchitect P!C pazo� • � arrwe- I � Odde.lwLyM (a.ek'Ore On Bale Llquor NO Q1'�i� �� CITY OF ST. PAUL 1,.4$73..... fie Issued to Jaok' N. f / OFFICE OF THE CITY +eceuy avenue asd ��d Back N. Kanter .Lps x14 Ilceaee be traps•, CO` 6�LUTION- -GEI rata ' Mqb st stie sena i2 � M .request �the ngUre and PREIgVNTED R B. &XIER�s filed a. L COM S51 ._ .. ,y •.• StY In the — .t..8....19�r� – ........._. .__.. ....._. bed.�ay.cirioe'e .................. ............... D 1M3R8J8, heretofore On Sale Liquor License To. 562 was issued to Jack Z. Earlier at 679 IIaiversity Avenue. and 1BJGR8AN. said Jack H. Earter has requested that said license be transferred to Ralph B. Smith at the same address, In which request the said Ralph B. Smith concurs. sad UZRFAS, Ralph B. Smith, has filed a bond with the city in the amount of $3,000 as required by city ordinance, and said bond has been approved as to execution and form by the Corporation Counsel, and WRIE AS, the License Committee has recommended that said transfer of On Sale Liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RLrSdLYlD, that On Sale Liquor License No. 562 heretofore leaned to Jack B. Earter at 679 ftiversity Avenue be and the same is hereby granted to Ralph B. Smith at the same address, and the bond of Ralph B. Smith in the amount of $3,000 is hereby approved, and the city clerk is instructed to deposit such bond in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby authorised and directed to release the surety on the bond of Jack N. Earter from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Pindlan 5 In favor Pearce �1iar`i 0 Against Wenzel - '.' )M 6 36 AM Adopted by the Council..B..a_.�_..._................................193...... Approved__._ ............................... . ...... 193--. Mayor WDLISHLD / CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �, L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Augubt 2/th, 1936. Hon. G. H. Barfuss Chairman, License Committee Public Safety Building Dear Sirt The City Council referred to you the attached application for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor license at 6TS University Avenue from Jack N. Kanter to Wph B. Smith for investigation and recommendation and the preparation of a resolution to grant. Yours very truly, city c16*- Adopted by the Council 193___ Yeas Nays BARFUSS I riNDLAN PEARCE 'YF.TERSON IRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) St. Paul, Minnesota August 21, 1936 Honorable City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen; I have purchased from Jack K. Kar ter his on sale liquor license issued by the City of St. Paul, covering premises at 678 University Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota, subject to your approval. I respectfully petition that you approve and transfer to my name said on sale uor 14oense to cover the aforesaid pr • e B. Vith at. Paul, Minnesota August 21, 1836 Honorable City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: I have sold my liquor license issued by the City of at. Paul, covering the premises at 678 University Ave., St. Paul, Minnesota, to Ralph B. Smith, subject to your approval. I respectfully,petition that you transfer my said on sale liquor license to RalphSmith to cover the aforesai4;A Jacer CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATI,QN FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE ,application No..— Name o.— Name of Applicant Residence Address2�___---------_.___---Telephone No, Are you a citizen of the Unite 2,4__ _------------- -- - - Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where?-------- — - -------------- - -- — -- -- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation— When orporation_ When incorporated?- -- -- -- - — -- --- --- ---- - - - --- - - - - -- - If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? ---------- ------- ------ ___.__ How many ----------- ------------ Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. ------------------------------------------------ -- ----------- — Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known — ---- —�A -- Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along eets)? O> ' _�__�Y} ____—____...__ How many feet from a church (measured along streets)?,_(&ufit._ L� <�t�± -_ ----------- How many feet from close blit o paro ial grade or high school (measured along streets)? Name of closest school_ ���'-------- ----- How are premises classified undoning Ordinance? On what floor located? Are premises owned by you or leased? If leased, give name of owne If a restaurant, seating capacity?__— If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?-.___- —_— ----------- . Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? — Name of resident roprietor or rn rt er (restaurant or hotel)-- Give otel) —Give names a ddresses of thjj�-� �business referefe� 1. 1liill/ /CLl/s� ua 2, c! ✓ ✓ _ THIS APPLICATION MUST'BOVERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT. AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLI- CATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated__:_ _J93_ SEE OTHER SIDE 500 12-85 License Inspector. STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. I r� ---------' � -----_ -1---------being first d�y sworn, deposes and says that he has read t e fo wing application and knows c e then the sa mX is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. --11ri Subscribed and sworn to before me this—_—da of--- J _ _ N Itc, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission eapires�_—! STATE OF MINNESOTA, t County of Ramsey. S _......_being first duly sworn, deposes and says that--- of hat__ of --... -------------- ------- — --- --- -- -- — -- - -- a corporation; that has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of -------knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed„ sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by. authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporapon. Subscribed and swom'to before me thins _—day of_, Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My Commission ORIOINALITO Ci:Y CLtRK COUNCIL 1_04874 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED 6 - That permission be and is hereby granted to the Tri-State Telephone and Telegraph Company to make the necessary excavation. lay under- ground conduit and oable with the necessary manholea and lateral pipes connecting the intersecting streets and alleys; to set poles and anchors and place the necessary equipment on the following named streets and alleys: Alley east of Cherokee Ave. from Ohio St. to Annapolis St. goagt� Belmont St. from Joy St. to Dodd Rd• j�.e°ana biaceral hDlpe Charlton St. from Congress St, to Annapolis St. M .roeoclDs .tmara ank. Doles and anOhore —ad Stryker Ave. from Pro speot-Terrace to Annapolis St. My eie°ana°sue°- .0 Belvidere St. from Dodd Road" to Levee Line. 'C h:' wve. trctu ue ac: Lucy St, from Dodd Road to Levee Line. aor sa ro'n•-a Wyoming St. from Chippewa Ave. to Levee line. Alley South of Stewart Ave.trom Cleveland Ave. to Tuscarora St. Alley east of Asbury Ave. from Marshall Ave.to Hoyt Ave. Hazelwood Ave. from Larpenteur Ave. to Conway St. Alley east of Hazelwood Ave. from Larpenteur Ave. to Conway St. Alley south of Grace St. from Chatsworth St. to Western Ave. Poles and aerial construction to be removed when requested by the City Council. Work to be done under the direction of the "Commis- sioner of Public Works", the Telephone Company to pay the cost of publication incident hereto. Approved:_Date / Y up�of 'dg tiingBur'eau Approved:' 6 / Data Asstt. Sup t. of Police Alarm & slag. Approved: Date Commissioner of Parka and Playgrounds Approved: Date o issione f Public Works COUNCILMEN AUG 2'U 1936 Yeas RARlvss Nays Adopted by the Council __193_ ea Prce FiivOLAN Peterson AUG ,? � F 13.1116M favor Approved --___193_— W, (1; — Against _ � Wenzel M 'or Mr. Vice president T,vax) / sM sax PUBLISHED rj Orwo,t. cis, ct<.k ,:""' NO.. 8.1-& CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF TI•IE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY ................. ............ DATE............... ........... .... ....... ..... ......................_....._............. COMMISSIONER .....................�.. ........................................... . RESOLVED , That the specifications for room and laboratory furniture and equipment for the Cleveland Junior High School, as sub- mitted herewith prepared by the City Architect under the dir- ection of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings, be and the same are hereby approved, the same be- ing satisfactory to the Commissioner of Education, and the purchasing agent is hereby authorized and directed to adver- tise for bids thereon in the manner provided in and by the Charter. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce d'eters6li ..........................' Against Mrivl�f7Q4�i9Elf�(Ei���� 3M 616 AUG 281936 Adopted by the Council ....................................................193..... AUG 26 IW6 Approved...................................................................193_..._ . ......... d Ma 0e40m1 m Cit, Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL cou"ea 10487 JOFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 CO^NRESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM YYJJ i DATE ..... ..... ...._ t'.. _.�Z..t.. _1936........_......_._ 'Pkat licensee for Restaurant, application 14162, On We Malt Beverage, application 14163, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14164, applied for by Richard W. Davis at 699 E. Minnshaba Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk to instructed to Losse such licensee upon the paymat* Into the city treasury of the required fees. )fey► Informally approved by Oooncil August 20, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan _,. In favor Pearce .AeletErnP� n�j T+�er"........._.. ' _ . Against W, AUG 2 8 1936 Adopted by the Council... ............ ..... . ...... ... 193 AM 2 u jWb Approved_........ _..... _............... _.....................193...... c %4t ._.............. Mayor .... CITY OF ST. PAUL :°.i"`" NO.. _.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM .. Aagas.L...26.....1936................ __.. RESOLVED r That licenses for Restaurant, application 13995, On Sols 1Ia1t Beverage, application 13996, and Off Bale Halt Beverage, application 13997, applied for by iktok A. List at 359 Zest Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrnoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into 4*e city treasury of the required fees. Yew Informally approved by Council Aug. 20, 1936 �— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Earfuls Findlan Pearce ol- In favor a Against Wenzel �p 3M 6J 1CR redSl(iCII A AUG 2 3 1936 Adopted by the Council. .....................__........................ 193...... AUC 2°199 Approved.. ............. .............. _ ........_....193...... AOfl�tq Mayer 'G4"CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.............1L.487.s........................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM P_ESENTED ,@x I . ...................................DATE....___.�.....,2.g, 19T!......................... RESOLVED That licmees applied for by the following meed persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in- strnoted to issue such licenses upon the pslrsent into the city treasury of the required fees: Harry Berkovits 2D8 Z. 14th St. Foodstuff App. 114302 Renew • " s • • Vehicle Peddber # 56 ' 1301 " Alex H. telsch 957 =• Seventh St. J. 1. Bisenette 699 Laurel Ar. Merchants Motor freight Co. 2234 IIniversity H. J. Siaons 640 R. Prior AT. St. Paul Motors, Inc. 165 Pleasant Av. St. Paul #33 7.0-E691e9 16T V. Seventh St COUNCILA413N Yeas Nays Barfuas Pindlan _.._. In favor Pearce fete M Against Tsa•f'� Wenzel _ 3M sQr..., .. AMI Groeery Hotel (Anthony Apts) Gas Station 1 pulp s • 4 PWVS 2nd hmd automobiles Dance Hall On Bale Malt Bey. Restaurant " 13981 " ' 14025 " ' 14147 ' ' 14215 • ' 14216 ' • 14222 ' • 1422 • ,r. AN 2 3 1936 Adopted by the Council ........ .............. .... _...... ....... ....... .....193...... AUL: 1)2 i r Approved...._ ......_......_...._ ................. .................. _193...... ayor PURLISIED�� cirwat.t to. City Clark : UNCII. NO..Y�i.4l.1a-�.. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM Ir PRESENTED By V ......_ ..........................DATE....... August a.� 19.38................._ COMMISSIONER......_.............................................../.v`...........................r........ a..E'"`.°. ._. �..._ RESOLVED That the Council hereby approvee the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract for materials to be furnished and labor to be performed for the replacement of pipes in trench of skating rink in the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium on West Fourth St. and West Fifth St. between Washington and Exchange Ste. under "A" to the O'NEIL COMPANY, they b ing the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $13,788.00 for the complete installation as specified using copper alloy steel, in accordance with plans and specifications on file -in the office of the Purchasing Agent, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. #93W. Architect's Estimate $14,000.00 AUG 28 193E COUNCILMEN Adopted b'y the Council ....................193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss AUG 28 06 Pind!an Infavor Approved...................................................................193.. Pearce -12at"ean A met -- or -� _.. _... ._ _ Wenzel i sM sae �T•rce I testdeut Trona) O•we.L.Cia Oak ,tw- -UNCI 1('4880 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO._........._ ........................ :E OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM DATE............._...._........ ___....... RESOLVED Shat the application of Michaud Brothers, Inc. for the transfer of the following licenses, to -wit: 'qW Off -sale 3-2 #4184 Vlorist 111 114 Grocery # 382 meat 14285 from 456 Robert Street to 1059 Grand Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in the City records. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Pindlan 5 In favor Pearce 4k"r9m_ Q Taef" _ Agairlst Wenzel �L_-�1 ''� IB�­�`pp�� y_—, 3M 67R"• ice "re '(lent Rwx) 0 AUG 28 1936 Adopted by the Council.... ................... .. ...... - 193 — U62819', Approved.._ _.._...............:..................................193....... ........... y, &' �6J 22. OPPICBRS /J//%/� OIRHCTORS WILLARD P. IO88POf, PRomDrt i��N� PARMK C. M. BROKAW ER PARMEL1A M. BROKAW. V. PRo. PMIBC R. �� ®WARD MICHAUD, 8-e 18WI6 B. LONMAMV Relai MICRMID.TRWMRa OILININf HINNY WIIJ.ARD P. K183fRR Aug. 26, 1936. Commissioner Gus Barfuss, Public Safety Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; We are moving from our present location at 456 Robert Street to our new location at 1059 Grand Avenue. we would greatly appreciate having our licenses transferred from our present location to our new store at your earliest convenience. I have checked up with Mr. McMahon of your license division and find that the fol owing licenses are now in force: off -sale 3-2 exp ation 4-7-37 # 4164 Florist " 4-6-37 $ 114 Grocery " 3-10-37 #362 Meat 9-30-36 # 4265 In talking with Mr. McMahon, I am advised that this matter must be taken before the council. We will appreciate what you can do for us in this matter. Very truly yours, MICHAUD BROTHERS,c.� By. CITY OF SAINT PAUL -Z%11vs Capital of Minnesota (9f) OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 2Tth, 1936• CCoorporation Counsel City Ball Deer Sirt The City Co�il referred to you the attached request of Michaud Bros. Inc. for the transfer of certain licensee from Bobert Street to 1059 Crena Avenue, with the request that you draw a resolution granting this transfer. Yours very trulys City Clerk. 066.rmat, ck* , =UNCIA N01�1.'�k�7.lJ.:l1...... `` CITY OF „ST. PAUL 1— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v, COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM eecccNn By -" `�"ihlU / � /. ____........DATE_ ........ ........ .....__..._._.... ._..................................... 1. RESOLVED ftat the application of Durant 0. #raves for the transfer of On-sale'Liquor, Restaurant, and On- and Off -Bale 3.2 beer licenses, from339 west Lellogg Boulevard to 208 past Seventh Street, be and the same is hereby granted, and the proper City officers are hereby directed to make the proper changes in tBt, City reoords. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfnss s Findlan In favor Pearce ...................... a _.._..... Against Wenzel 3M b,Mr, Vice PlIsident (Tru n - AUG 28 183E Adopted by the Council ....................................................193...... I 4UUG 2 81936 Approved._....... _ .................................... _................193...... / A . /_,_......._................................ {, .... Ma y or Rcting 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL g811 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 27th, 1936• Mr. JohnL. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirt The Council referred to you the attached request of rank C. Craves for transfer of his On Sale Liquor license and other licenses from 139 H. 8ellogg Boulevard to 208 E. Seventh St- and requested that you draw a resolution approving and granting the transfer. Yours vera truly, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council 193___ Yeas Nays BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL t MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) f' St. Paul, Minnesota, August 22nd, 1936. City council, City of St. Paul. and License Inspectors: Gentlemen: Your petitioner, Frank C. Graves, proposes to remove from 139 West Kellogg Blvd., to 208 East Seventh Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, with the permission of the St. Paul City Council, and to re-engage in the operation of an on sale liquor establishment, restaurant, and the sale of 3.2 beer both on sale and off sale, and respectfully asks the.City Council to consider the removal for thefollowingreasons: 1. That West Kellogg Blvd., has been and now is in the process of reconstruction and widening, and as a result thereof, all of the-restaurant trade and $any of the patrons of the bar in said German Village at 139 West Kellogg Blvd., have moved to other parts of the city, and the condemnation of the street has ,curtailed the business at the German Village to such an extent that it is highly desirable to remove to another, location. That these conditions are all beyond the control of petitioner and the falling off of trade is through no fault of his own. P, 2. That he desires to remove to said number at 208, East Seventh Street, and to have all of his licenses previously granted to him at 139 West Kellogg Blvd. transferred to him a4 208 Zast awenth Street, so he can move on or about Sept.1,1936. ,Frank C. Gra a' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Jr ` APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE V q Application No. Name of Applicant Frank G�-GraYeB_dba German Village --_-Age ,:? Residence Address 137 W Kellogg Blvd. , Telephone No. Co. 0623 Are you a citizen of the United States? -__—_7 AA __-__ -------- Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? When and where? __139- W1CPl � n9;g RI Vel - gin°e all of 193$---------- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation r m individually- under of FrankC`Graves. dba When incorporated? -------no - - — - —------------------ ------ ----- -------- - -- -- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? -_-no.—_ ----- -_-------- ___-_-_______------ How many members? -- ---------------------------- - -------- - ------- - - -------------- - Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. none Give name of surety company which will write bond if known3 in BlLd_ Maryl_Casualt- QO�ny of �altimOTe csaTVlnna. Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 208 :E. Seventh :south :Sibley and Wacouta Third How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)? several_ miles.____________ How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? a blocks How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured alongesthre0eP,0_-jbl oaks_.__ Name of 'closest school ptimin antnnl near Batheada Hosnita How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? rrntnrneretal On what floor located? f i rat Are premises owned by you or leased?.-_1ea ed^ -If leased, give name of owner_ Hamm Realty 00.. If a restaurant, seating capacity? 64 7plaees If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room?----noIle-_-- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: — To 62 served in one continuous room facing Seventh Street. Petitioner has license at 139 W.---Bellogg_Blvd., and owing_— --------- - — --- --- the condemnation_-Qf Southside of said boulevard, -all of _ his ateady customers have removed to__other parts of_town, and__ it greatly affected the restaurant and the sales of both beer and qugs_,--Tepetitioner eithermust remove or close up on ---a�QDUnt-_4fconfitions beyond his_control.)-------------------------------------------- (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor -sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)---F-ran k Q _ Graves - kestaurant _-- Give names and addresses of three business references: I. Hamm Brewing Co. c/o Wm. Dunn, St. Paul, Minnesota. 2, Benz x Son, 8t. Paul, Minnesota. _ 3, E F Matthews, 811 Commerce Bldg., St. Paul, Minnesota. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLI- CATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED: Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated Aiigust 2.2, t93si- SEE OTHER SIDE 500 1226 License Inspector. 4 STATE OF MINNESOTA, as. County of Ramsey. Frank C Graves -__-_--being first duly sworn, -------- ------------------------------------ C. ------- --- - — ---- --- - deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. -r - Subscribed and sworn to before me sandA'Ugust 1938 omayyo I Notary�Public, Ramsey County, Minn. M commission expires r Jun®g 1837.-- y R41--'�?rwt�,-Ti7}in^Y r�,- CJLRIY, +Aii�;LS.r, - . STATE OF MINNESOT'i; U', Ln _.. $s. County of Ramsey. _ --being first duly sworn, deposes and says that —ehr --_------------------- of --- --... -- - —------- -- --- ----- --- a corporation; that _ __--has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of—__ --knowledge, information and belief•, that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution thereof is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me thin --day of__—_— 193__ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires Oriana, t, City ©ar 1��4��2 CITY OF Sr. PAUL v� "` No--- -•-.------•---------- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO C ESOLUTION—G NERAL FORM PRESENTED BY J�i , Sly 1936 COMMISSIONS pA� RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-40 foot pole on the North side of Maryland, between Forest and Cypress, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States' Power Company. Municipal Estimate 24796. COUNCILMEN AUG 28 1936 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._ ............................... .193.._.. P a ce�SS AUG 2 6 1936 Reese- ------. --In favor Approved ................ ............... ... ------- 193._... Against Wenzel r 'UJP9 /Mayor 3M Il -E5 Mr. V ice President (Truax) PUBLISHED /q_ _ _ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL - J1.1.�. COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No.__-_.:-__ _______-------- 8221166 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Meffaltm •�Al1ALFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --------------- "--27-----------19- 6- ROSENc earn INSt RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. �*IUMARIM. st ^�..� Wenzel. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f__.5t�S��------ COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE Ur ----- .�'f�' __, INCLUSIVE. AS Lyl¢UF` CHECKS NUMBEREDf%-T E PER CHECKS ON FILE O T IITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THS COUNG�IL-- ----------------- APPROVE - -------------- ------ -------1 B..----__ cITY cow PTROLLER F. No. loasa3— TOTAL DATE CHECK Resolved. that checka he drawn n RETURNED V the ' Creaeur" to the lag grheck. NUMBER It ant o[ $1,1111_.'13 `e�nc1. lve, ne TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK I 2, 0 1 CHECK CHECKS p1r checka file In the office of tha Ity comptroller. 1936.' .l dopted hl' he t'ou ,Il .lug. :6. 1V Vror ed ALLg, 281936. ARD (Sept. .1936) • 27681 Healy Plumbing & Heating Com any 70 40 27692 lira. Grace Sobmalzbauor 75100 27693 Ralph B. Smith 500 00 27694 J.G. Taut gges 56 69 2768 Minnie Bolhers 65 00 27696 John Lennon 40 00 27687 Carl A. Erickson 10 50 27698 Michael Maroo 6 67 27699 Armstrong Cork Company 12 28 27690 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 28 67 27691 Robinson Plumbing Specialty Company 100 32 27692 Schelen Automotive Company 6'62 27693 Simonson Lumber Company 160 966 27694 Dick Speakes Supply Company 27695 Materous Company 37 24 27696 O.R.Eokhardt Company l e 0 27697 Egeberg Cycle Company 2 27698 Electric Blue Print Company 291 66I 27699 Elk Linen Supply Company 32,791 27700 Elvgrea Paint Supply Company 62 05 27701 Emporium Mercantile Company 5 13 27702 Eselinger & Company 2,05 27703 Fairbanks, Morse & Company 3 75 27704 F.11. Faxon Company 35 '01 27705 Fisher Nut Company 177'50 27706 L.L. Freeberg Pies, Inc. 44,66 27707 H.B. Fuller Company 129 12 27708 Gas Age Record & Natural Gas 2 00 27709 Gas Consumers Association 1 50 27710 E. Geiger Company 49 Oji 27711 General Motors Truck Company 9 27712 Generator Specialty Company 1 6 22 27713 J.J.Gillen, Register of Deeds 75 27714 Gold Medal Beverage Company 70 00' 27715 Goodyear Tire & Rubber Compare ,Ino. 19 26 27716 Gopher Carriage Company 1 00 27717 Graton & Knight 14 22 27718 Griggs, Cooper & Company 304 80 27719 The Grinnell Company 671 12 27720 Griswold Signal Company,Ino. 286 BO 27721 Gruber Auto Electric Company 78 50 1 S 27722 Guaranteed Concrete Company 79 OB 27723 Burley Candy Company 24 93 27724 A. -Guthrie & Company,Ino. 12 50 27725 T.J. Haas Mfg.Company 114 20 27726 Fred ?!.Hanks Company 229 96 27727 Hersey Meter Company 374 40 27728 Hertzberg Bindery 26 p0 27729 Herzog Iron '9orks.Ino. 27730 Hetfield Parry, Inc. 27 27 27731 Hilex Company 3 00 27732 Home Comfort Company 17 50 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD t 1 i 1 I i � I t i 7 5DO PO ?30 53 iI � rr DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.- ------------ .._____________ CONROY+ fist COUNCIL RESOLUTION ----'----`D 63Le FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -----Ams---2Z---------------------9 _ PEARL! �RtlSE1T�_AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE THE ITY TREA6URY. T Wenzel �5 -2--- MR. PRES. BUNDL E n TO THE AGGREGATE AMOIjNT OF S- COVERING ts' "^ w tJ CHECKS NUMBERED_ {LiJ(�= TO - INCLUSIVE. AB ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL -- W 1y36 PER CHECKS ON FILE I TOFFIC OF TH CITY OMPTROLLER. __. _ _- 19'_ v __ I APPROVED__ -' L:.��--�-f -IB --- ---------------------- -- - �---- ' -- - - CITY crnt PrrtotLCR T (x 104884— Reaolyed, that checks be drawn on CHECK i the city treasury, [o the aggregate NUMBER mount of 616,361. 20, v ring heeka numbered 87833 to 27680, Ineluetve, as per checks on flit In the oMee of the city rum p[rolle r. Adopted by the Coon cll Aug. 28, 1936. Approved Aug. 28. 1936. (Sept. 6. 1936) 27633 S. Ferris & James 03 27634 Purity cone Company 27635 John Fitspatriok 27636 Yrs. Harriet Jane Ga 27637 American Linen Supply 27638 B.Y. Davie Company 27639 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk 27640 Harper Nut Company 27641 Walter Hellman 27642 range Crush Dist.O Paris 643 Factory 44 Sohouveller Meat Mark 27645 Lawrence A. Soler, C 27646 Service Ice Company 27647 Minnesota Contractors 27648 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 27649 Kremer Auto Spring C 27650 Air Reduction Sales 0 27651 American Library Aseo 27652 Armour and Company 2766553 Auto Sngine Works y Barnes & Nobles Inc. 27655 arnsdall Refining Cc 27656 Jarrett & Zimmerman 27657 Berman sporting Goode 27658 B Line Service 27659 Blue Print Service C 27660 Borchert—Ingersoll,In 27661 Bowen & Sons 27662 Brown Sheet Iron & St 27663 Buffalo Springfield R 27664 Clara Buffum 27665 Bus Transportation 27666 capital Ice & Fuel C 27667 Chicago, Ste Paul, Mpl 27668 Citizens Ice & Fuel 0 27669 Cochran—Sargent Comp 27670 Colby -Ram & Company 27671 Concord Steam Laundry 27672 Consumers Researoh,In 27673 The Crane Company 27674 J.Y. Dalglish Company ® 27675 Dauber & Pine Booksho 27676 Davese Auto Parte 27677 Adelle oavis 27678 . A.C. Dege Company 27679 Diebold Safe & Look 0 27680 Downey Typewriter Com SHEET TOTAL—FORK � F j Halley Gay ospany ashier ompany Ca Ca any pe. TOTAL DATE RETURNED V BY BANK TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 4wARD 0 1107359 60 0 9oc 6 0 �3 o Company118 9 50 0 & Comp y �5 13 6 oo 390 90 51 2 48'92 at W. ept. 1 26 1 4 00 Inc. 13 881 55 22 90 74'08 ompany 38 1& oiation 14 7�3j rpt 4 412 69 54 Company 2o 6 12 7'86 ce 51 00 3 95 eel Comp y 93 oller 8 pang 75 6o 4 060 a. & O.R . Co. 128,19 6 70 ompany 4800 36 73 21 93 Company 2 08 o. 1 00 979 9g Inc. 1 BC 2 2 00 14 ompany 1700 pany 18 00 i ARD ill COUNCIL FILE NO--------- -- --------- By------ ------ --________-_______________________________ FINAL ORDER IJ?188J ' 101880— Matter of ourblag Edgerton from 7eeeamineatreat to Case under M&Y 14'nery Orde�r•,,;F' ,proved May 1, 1950. _ •!Ic h""06DavinR aboveImprovemi� 'td the council 1-' ne. objections - -wi In the Matter of____sorbing_Edgerton_Street_from__Jessamine Street to Case Street under Preliminary Order ------------------- 1ON601------------ approved .........may 141. 1936. IntermediaryOrden -------------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered' the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ------- ourb- Edgerton_ Street Prom Jessamine Street to and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to -pro- ceed with the making of said improvemenk iordance therewith. Adopted by the Council-________S�p____------ _---- -.---- _--- ---'------------------- S�� 1 IT City Clerk. Approved----------------------------------- Mayor. Councilman CouncilmansEersusaam CouncilmanlMr id.:x 1'rorre Councilmani>iog Yr+e+rsun Couneilman%ft iii8i#tff1p1 Truax Q Councilma. '= %%- zel Mayor 99ft"~ Form B. S. A. 8-7 / CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT. Or—FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of curbing Edgerton'St. from Jessamine St. to Case St. under Preliminary Order approved May 14, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 2.791.06 front The estimated cost peVoot for the above improvement is $ 1.07 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanrLUATION o d tf1 g• 6 J. M. Warner's Add. $600 $2700 7 do 500 800 Lot b and N. of 9 do 750 1250 Lot 10 and S. $ of 9 do 750 1950 11 do 500 1750 12 do 600 1000 1 Lanberg's Rearrangement of Blk. 675 3300 13, Beaupre and Kelly's Add. 2 do 550 2100 3 do 550 1600 Lot 4 and S. 13 ft. 5 do TOTAL, 750 2000 Form B. B. 10 .. w. L b Cm of . FAME RME DEPATN TOP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER li ' poi ewcK,` ADDITION - ASSESSED )el_UATIT L8II4. � D1dQ} ., ..._ �..: ....DESCRIPTION !j N. 24 feet of 5 and S. 26 £t. of 6 Lanberg's Rearrangement of $750 $2700 ,. Blk. 13 Beaupre & Kelly's Add. Lot 7 and the N. 11 ft. of 6 do 800 1000, 15 b Arlington Hills Add. 825 1850 (in- eludes other prop.) 16 S do 475 North of 14 and 15 6 do 400 350 .. South of 14 and 15 6 do 460 4550 16 6 do 1000 4850 (in- eludes other property North 25 feet, 14 and 15 15 do 300 1100 . South 37'J ft. of N. 62* ft.,14 and lb .lb do 400 1350- South 37J ft. of N. 100 ft. 14 and. lb lb do 400 1900 South 25 feet 14 and lb 15 do 250 950 Lots 16 to 21 15 do 2000 70,500 North 40 ft. 13, 14 and lb .16 do 525 2650 North 40 ft. of S. 86 ft. 13, 14 & 15 .16 do 4.75 1480 S. 45 ft. of 13, 14 and 15 16 do 525 1900 . 16 16 dog 1260 9000 (in-, eludes other propert# 1 1 Fairview Addition 600 3300 _ 2 1 do 550 8400 3 1 do 550 3500 .. 4 1 do 560 2950 .. Lot 5 and the S. 10 feet of 6 1 do 700 3300 .. North 30 feet 6 1 ) do ( 900 3000 7 1 . ) 1 8 do 575 2250 ,. 2 8 do 525 3700 3 8 do 525 1450 4 8 do 525. 2760 , TOTAL Y" ' CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENIO-W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5 8 Fairview Add. 6 8 do 7 8 do 1 9 do 2 9 do 3 9 do 4 9 do 5 9 do 6 9 do 7 9 do 1 16 do 2 16 do 3 16 do 4 16 do 5 16 do 6 16 do 7 16 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $525 $1600 525 375 300 575 2500 525 4900 525 2700 625 2100 525 2150 475 1850 600 2150 800 3800 525 1850 525 3300 525 3750 525 4600 525 1800 425 1900 Total $32075 $195,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. U Dated f9 Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn..ibb.-it--- --.--.---- 193- 6 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --_.Curbing troth-_szee--9f -ert9a - - ---------- -- ----- St. At from---_Jeseamine__St.-,__south__-. ---____oto C"s Street --------- - - - _-- -- - - �fik C NAME IAT BLOCK ADDITION Lj j/// �� n! /3 G�/iL //LLL .13 lildL� Yz_� 2 St. Paul, Minn. - --------------- 193_6. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Burping • hath__al�iae_.uf_. Fslgartaa----- ------------------- - ---- ---- -- -- - - ...... _ St. Mont from ------ feeesmine_St.,__eouth_____- --__--oto- Cela Street f�{ ON f�{ �UUuU- W6dTA/iiws, -- ST . 4 bei lel y Z a A a Wbao14No 3 t 0 Z q.QdW4/GH7 ST, CLACK S7 OE SO TA 3 Z Be24OLZY ST. y y ✓ESJiE ST. c o�rw - -�✓ S-;- E F -I F I N T" Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 9, 1956.. 193 , To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 105601 ,,,,approved __ May 14x, 1936 __193-- relative to curbing Edgerton Street from Jessamine Street to Case S 11 treet and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $1.07 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....2.,79.1. ,06 . and the total cost thereof is $...__._....__......-....._, Inspection $50.61Engineering $200.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __ _.__ ___.........................__ ...... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ....................------------------------------ 5. -- _------------5. Said improvement is . ...--...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. CUM, OF FINANCE, � �-�'��� - mmiesioner of Public Works. O,d, s g 6 - a`� '�4 9 JUL 111936 I 1 . THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION July 61 1936 Commissioner Irving C• Pearce, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn, Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the ine Street to Case Street, under curbing of Edgerton Street from Jessam Preliminary Order C. F. 103601, approved May 14, 1936. Length 1572 feet Width of street 66 ft. Frontage 2,607 ft. u of roadway 36 ft. 2,791.06 Total k%stimated Cost 50.61 Inspection 200.00 Engineering 1.07 Cost per front foot ` NOTE: In addition to above estimated, changes in pavement will cost $255.00 from City Share of Local Improvement Fund. I Approved for transmission to thes7 mmissioft..-IONG neer of EARCE? r. Yours It , 4C i. SHEPAFD, Chie Engineer Staw of lti rinesota `JiOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES moms W; joffiieoe+, seed SAINT PAUL CRIME PREVENTION COMMITTEE • ULJON. J. A.. CHAIRMAN O,ROURK[, J. [., VIOt CHAIRMAN tl[VtR. J. M. .RIKt[ON. L. IMtTU[N. AH—KW- n O „AYIORO. A. O. 6RIINDANL. LtWlt K16II[R. W. N. K. ALR[RT ^ NIKOKKO"N. A. OLAN. MARK A. J. tTOCKIII A.. [. A. l WANL[TR—ANO. N. L. WAN. C. T. WANVICK. VIOK. A. C wwn, J. J. Jr o COUNCIL FILE N0. -_---- By ----------- _ By__.-_-_____ ___--- FINAL ORDER 104886 1048— ie yfatte80r of coneUt, ^• I ngnte on Beech _ ln8 Place Blllereet Road, from in to 6outn ndicato Avan •h Bohland Place a u ce from South Sy x' dgecumho Roa --der 1004007. In the Matter of --- aonstruotiyg_oregtal_lights__oa__Beeohvrood_AcenueL_Bohland_Plaee, Hillar_eat-AvAnue__And._F-re' _Rnad_,__ _�_SVndioat_e_-AYe= i2 outh tramline Avemme. and on__South Sydo�teg�@g»fT_o&LF9]Cd�4ad__to__ii4hleASl-Elate. �A41-4A B4?and Plaoe from South Syndicate_A_v_enue__to__Fd�avmbe_Road under Preliminary Order -___------------- .44497 ----- ------- approved ---- ---tTulge_S4,__19$6__------------------------------- Intermediary Order -----------------------------------approved -------------- — -- — - — ----- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully_ considered the same; therefore, be it. _- RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is.-_aonatMot_orttamental_l1Zhte_on Beeahwood_Aveaue�_ Bohland_ Plftoe,Hillorest Avenue and Ford Road1_from_South SYadicate Avenue to South Hamline Apegue� agd _ outh_,�ynd tate avenue frq�B4rd__$Qad- to Bohlaax d -Place , and on Bohland Plaoe from South Syndioate Avenue to_Ed�oumbe Road, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement inaccordance therewit . Adopted by the Council _ _--SEP1 19Jq 0 /�.------ ---------__-- _. - — ------ -Q�t/ 19 _ City Clerk. Approved------------SF--------1 --- 10-3-G --------- - 192------ .' Mayor. Councihnar=QIN lPM� Councilmanodkovagomm Councilma Councilma Couneilman `h-KLr'n Councilma Mayor 14 Form B. S. A. 8-7 Barfuss Pearce Peterson 1'rnax � U'e�crl Jrilaa CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of constructing ornamental lights on Beechwood Avenue, Bohland Place, Hillcrest Avenue and Ford Road, from South Syndicate Ave. to South Hemline Ave.., and on South Syndicate Avenue fran Ford Road to Bohland Place, and on Bohland Place from South Syndicate Ave, to Edgoumba Road under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 6,395.00 front frontage $1.13 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is -side $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED vLUATIO Lan ldg. 13 1 Gilbert's Greenway Court $350 14 1 do 300 15 1 do 300 16 1 do 300 17 1 do 300 18 1 do 300 19 1 do 300 20 1 do 300 21 1 do 300 22 1 do 300 TOTAL, Harm a. B. 10 Cm OF'6T. OftL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION SED ALUATIO Land, r$ldg." 23, 1. Gilbert's Greenway Court ,$300 24, 1, do 360 I Highland Park ---- 13 2 Gilbert's Greenway Court 300 14 2 do 250 (Ex. E. 20 feet) 15 2 do 150 E. 20 feet of 15 and all of 16 2 do 350 17. 2 do 250 (Ex. E. 35 ft.) 18 2 do 75 E. 35 ft. 18 and (Ex. E. 15 ft.) 19. 2 do 350 Lot 20 and E. 15 feet of 19 2 do 325 21 2 do 250 5700 , 22 2 do 250 West j of 23, 2 do 125 Lot 24 and E. of 23. 2 do 425 13 3 do 300 14, 3 do 250 15 3 do 250 Ex. E. 10 feet 16 3 do 200 E. 10 ft. of 16, all of 17, and ), _ West 15 ft. of ) 18, 3 do 375 (Ex. W. 15 ft.) 18, (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 19 3 do 325 E. 20 ft. 19 and all of 20. 3 do 350 21 3 do 250 (Ex. E. 37 feet) 22 3 do 65 E. 37 ft. of 22 and (Ex: E. 15 ft.). 23. 3 do 360 E. 15 feet 23 3 do 75 TOTAL CITY Or -ET. PAWL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ,BLOCK i ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO' land �ldg�i ,•. 24 3 Gilbert's Greenway Court $300 4E. 15 ft. of 2 and all of 1 2 do 376 �(Ex. E. 15 ft.) 2 2 . do ),350 "Feet 35 feet 3 2 do ( ). ,(Ex. E. 35 ft.) Lot 3 and all 4 2 do 325 5 2 do 250 East 20 feet 6 2 do 100 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) Lot 6 & E. 35 ft. 7 2 do 325 (Ex. E. 35 ft.) Lot 7 and all 8 2 do 325 Lot 9 and E. 20 feet 10 2 do 350 (Ex. E. 20 feet) 10 2 do 150 11 2 do 250 12 2 do 300 1 3 do 300 East 15 feet 2 3 do 75 (Ex. E. 15 ft.) 2 and E. 35 ft. 3 3 do 360 (Ex. E. 35 ft.) 3 and all of 4 3 do 325 5 3 do 250 East 20 feet of 6 3 do 100 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 6 and E. 35 ft. of 7 3 do 326 (Ex. E. 35 ft.) 7 3 do 76 8 3 do 250 9 3 do 250 E. 20 feet 10 3 do 100 (Ex. E. 20 ft.) 10 and E. 35 ft. 11, 3 do 325 (Ex. E. 35 ft.) 11 3 do 76 •. .... 12 3 do TOTAL 300 (C)• CITY Or ST. PAUL DEPARTME917'6F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lot 13 and •S. t N. of 14 and all Lot 16 and S. 't N. of 17 and all of Lot 19 and S. j N. a of 20 and all of Lot 22 and S. N. t of S. 30 ft. of 11 and all of (Ex. N. 120 ft.) LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED Land VALUATIO1 ld g• $6100 425 375 375 375 375 375 375 125 300 450 2000 650 total The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Z6/ Commissioner of Finance. Fo B. B. 12 2 King's Park View 14 4 Gilbert's Greenway Court 15 4 do 17 4 do 18 4 do 20 4 do 21 4 do 23 4 do 23 4 do 24 4 do -14---4- -de- 12 4 do 1 6 West End Edgoumbe 4 10 do ASSESSED Land VALUATIO1 ld g• $6100 425 375 375 375 375 375 375 125 300 450 2000 650 total The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 Z6/ Commissioner of Finance. Fo B. B. 12 St. Paul, Minn. )a-1- 10 — ----- 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlt!men: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --------- -------------------- -------- St. A-rc. from ---h- W-4 "Y jo 0 4A -St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION "T41 �41L 0 21 W .42 Bureau of Water LEONARD, N. THOMPSON, General Superintendent 8 Engineer Bureauof Municipal Testing Laboratories VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Director Bureau of Lighting H. C. STREICH, Superintendent CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES 216 Court House HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner June 17th, 1936. Mr. George M. Shepard City Engineer Department of Public Works City of St. Paul Dear Sir: Holman Municipal Airport FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport Director Bureau of Public Markets LEO J. O'REGAN, Market Master Bureau of Investigation EDWIN F. JONES, Utilities Engineer I herewith submit an estimate for installing 38 single light ornamental standards on Beeclwood Avenue, Boland Place, Hillcrest Avenue and Ford Road from South Syndicate Avenue to South Hamline Avenue, and on South Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Boland Place, and on Boland Place from South Syndicate to Edgcumbe Road, at approximately $6,270.00. Yours very truly, SUPERINTENDENT OF LIGHTING. HCS: IN PORToFAINTp �7 11 Im Gateway to the Gmet NmRhwett SP CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration April 218t, 1936 Hon. Milton Rosen, Comer of Public works, Building. Dear Sirs The attached petition and file re- questing installation of ornamental lights on Beechwood, Bohland, Itillcrest and lord Road from So. Syndicate to So. Hemline and on So. Syndicate from Ford Red to Bohlandt etc. as per petition: for the curbing of part of lord Road, Hillorest, Bohland , Bohland Place, Beechwood and Syndicate as per letter attached and for the constroction of cement sidewalks on the west side of Syndicate from lord Road to Beechwood as per letter also attached were referred to yon, by the City Council for the preparation of preliminary orders to cover the same. yours very truly, c" City Clerk. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner , JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier tea® April 17, 1936. To the Mayor and Members of the Council. Gentlemens I as transmitting herewith several petitions for the installation of ornamental lights according to a petition already submitted and the installation of curbing as per petition attached and the installation of sidewalks on the west side of Syndicate Street from Ford Road to Beech- wood as per letters attached. Mr. Seamsr of the Valuation Bureau and myself personally visited the location of these proposed improvements with a view to ascertain their used and justification, espec- ially in view of the fact that there is a considerable smount of tax and assessment delinquency involved on the vacant property which abuts all of these improvements. In this area, there have been built 23 or 24 very fine homes and more are contemplated and some are in the process of construction, that In, the basements are now being excavated, so that all things considered, I believe that we can safely proceed with these improvements and that they will be reasonably oertaln of complete pay out. I, therefore, reoompand that the Council adopt the necessary orders to proceed with the work. Very reepeotfa11y AWANOL UQ 4//// g�ce�/hereon. Commissioner of Finance. NEW HOMES, INC. Minnesota Building SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA April 13, 1936 Commissioner Axel F- Peterson, 113 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Commissioner: In response to your inquiry with reference to the development to date and the expected further development of Blocks One, Two, Three, and the West One-half of Block Your, Gilbertle Greenway Court, commonly known as Edgcumbe Slope, we wish to report as follows: There is in this area a total of eighty -Your fifty -foot lots and during the past winter we have erected twenty-three new homes of the larger and better type in various parts of the plat. Incident to this we have paid out approximately $20,000.00 for taxes and assessments which had long been unpaid against the property. There is also a house now being built on Lots Twenty-three and Twenty- four in Block One by Mr. Welty of Brown and Bigelow. This is lo- cated on Beechwood and Syndicate. Of the eighty-four lots, the taxes are paid up to date on forty-four, leaving forty with delin- quent taxes. Architects are now working on additional plans for the development of homes on some of these forty lots, and with any reasonable degree of success in the matter of the sale of the houses we have every reason to expect that the building of homes on these ad- ditional forty lots will progress rapidly. We point out that in the matter of installation of ornamental trees fox the boulevards we have contracted with Holm and Olson to install these not only where the houses have already been erected, but throughout the plat, including Beechwood Avenue. The caliber of the houses which we have built, together with the 41 interest shown by the public in the development leads us to believe that this entire area would be Hilly developed in the next two or three years even if we did not do anything further toward the building of houses ourselves. In other words our development P`� the unusual advantages of this04 to date has shown St. people ry. w W - Page 2 - Commissioner Axel F. Peterson April 13, 1936 location and hes created a desire on the part of many to live in this location. We trust that this is the information desired and that yot% report to the Council may be favorable to us. The items involved are: 1. The installation of ornamental lights according to the petition already submitted. 2. The installation of curbing on the South side of Ford Road from Hemline to 125 feet East of Syndicate; on both sides of Hillcrest between Hemline and Syndicate; on the "orth side of Bohland Place from Hemline to 125 feet East of Syndicate; on the Sou ssVs of Bohland Place from Hemline X.bs to Syndicate; and onn eechwood from Hemline to Syndicate; on both sides of Syndicate from Ford Road to Bohland Place and on the West side of Syndicate from Bohland Place to Beechwood. 3. The installation of cement sidewalks on the West side of Syndicate from Ford Road to Beechwood. Very truly yours, NEW HOMES, INC. By RHT*AA N CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration January 22nd, 1936. Hon. Milton Rosen, Comm r of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: The attached petition for the following improvement - ornamental lights on Beechwood, Bohland, Hillcrest and Ford Road from S. Syndicate to So. Hemline and on So. Syndicate from Ford Road to Bohland Ave., and on Bohland from So. Syndicate to Edgoumbe Read, was referred to your department, t® the Council, for the proper order. Yours very truly, City Clerk. t r • NEW HOMES, INC. Minnesota Building SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA January 21, 1936 Mr. H. C. Striech, Superintendent Bureau of Lighting City of Saint Paul 216 Court House Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Streicht We enclose a petition for the installation of ornamental lights in so-called Edgeonmbe Slope, our new development east of Highland Park. We will be pleased if you will start the ball rolling on this so that work can be done in spring as early as possible. We understand that the cost for this improvement usually runs approximately $1.00 per front foot. If we are not correct in this we would appreciate word from you. BHT*AA Eno. very truly yours, NEW HOMES, me. By J o� J�/ / d/t'�; /G f%a U T� J � !i✓.t,/;�; � /�% G � :,/n' li / ✓� � fi;�;//�;��G fry/�l ✓D �r�; �i/�.: '/c �� � t; f�I�� �,�:'.: C%'d, r/i, i' I v"'�/' �1211fl CIO 5¢00;'/07��Ns s , L--ji Ave. 14VOOd Ave. 2 Office of -the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 6, 1936 _.._...._.193._..._ . To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104097 approved.. _ June 24, 1936 _193- _.., relative to Council, known as Council File No. _ _ _. PP constructing -ornamental lights _an- Beechwood -Avenue, .BQhlsnd place, from South Syndicate Avenue to South Hamline Hillcrest Avenue and Ford Road, Avenue, and on South Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place, and on Bohland Place from South Syndicate Avenue to Fdgcumbe Road and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is, necessary and (or) desirable. 1.13 Cost per front foot — front frontage.31 6 395..00 .., and the total coat th�r� is i 2. The estimated coat thereof is i--- --1. - - ��' ------- and the nature sed extent of said improvement is as o ows: - .............. r 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made s part hereof. _... 5. Said improvement is ___.... -... ----- _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, nt for said �, subject to assessment improvement. OF FINANCE. mmissioner of Pubhc Wor 'e. ! 9N.s 3 ,NIL 111936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION o July 3, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works) City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for constructing ornamental lights on Beechwood Avenue, Bohland Place, Hillcrest Avenue :.nd Ford Road, from South Syndicate Avenue to South Hamline Avenue, and on South Syndicate Avenue from Ford Road to Bohland Place, and on Bohland Place from South Syndicate Avenue to Edgcumbe Road, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104097 approved June 24, 1936. Length 3,625 ft. Width of street 60' - 30' " roadway 30' - 20' Frontage 5,400 ft. Front frontage 1,075'Side Frontage Total estimated cost $6,395.00 Cost per front ft. Front frontage $1.13 Side a .31 Inspection 125.40 Yours truly, �^ �/i• -5-4-4 M. SHEPARD, ie Engineer Approved for transmission to the 'ssioner Fjgano� IRVI�GG C Commissi er. COUNCIL FILE NO. - By - -- -------------- O.-By_..____________________---_-__-_- ----- FINAL ORDER _4 -1837 SOf887— Iu. tk,0. Matter of :reDalr,.. and reconatructiu6 eem. .; - A elk on both .1ke oFnke 8r -seat, eaceDt where 60 aldewYalka ahead - • yf Order it In the Matter of____repairin�,_reley and reaonatruoting oemmzt_tile sidewalk on___ bot}L_glde�f—pgpggerX��_s�iryL�A][_dtf_tg Ear $treet� exoe�t where good _ and--puffioient sidewalks already exist, ----------- ---------------- _ — --- —_ under Preliminary Order ------ _ 104098 ----------------------approved ---- ----- Juae--24A_-1936 ---------- - ------------ -------- Intermediary Order --------------------------------------approved ----------- --- - — -- --- — — - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, bra it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_repair,_ relay_sad_ reoaastruot_oement the sidewalk ozi_both aidea_oP Fau _ier_Street�_ fpm Frank_Street_to__Earl Streetyexo2pt whert_rood .and__auffiaieat-aida=tyee gheady--eai-at-------------------------------------------- the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement � �cordanAtherewiAdopted by the Council _______SEp____-_----_—_-__-____�/ - - _ _ - Q------�/ �p J '936 City Clerk. Approved ----------------------- --- -------- --- 192 Mayor. Councilman3 If`ti` Councilman diogaRNP24 Councilman 002459W2 I " Councilman Councilman lieF-'= "1."' Q Councilman m Mayor BNOOMP_ iSHED�� Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL f- " DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMMIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Inthematterof repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on both aides of Fauquier Street, from Frank St. to Earl St., where necessary, under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City t. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is square 0.09 old tile The estimated cost peeoot for the above improvement is - - $ 0.12 newtild The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION lAnddBldg. 13 8 (Tarryto Addition to the City $700 $2800 )of St. Paul, County of Ramsey. (and State of Minnesota 14 8 do 650 1350 15 8 do 625 2300 All of 16 and W. 5 ft. of 17 8 do 700 1400 E. 45 ft. of 17 k W. 10 ft.of 18 8 do 700 2400 E. 40 feet of 18 8 do 500 2650 19 8 do 625 1660 20 8 do 625 1200 21 B do TOTAL, 625 3700 Dorm B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISAONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDd Lan 22 8 22 Terry's Add. to the City of St., $625 $1050 Paul, County of Ramsey, State of Minn. 23 8 do 625 2100 24 8 do 700 1050 1 9 do 700 3200 2 9 do 625 3 9 do 625 750 4 9 do 625 600 5 9 do 525 3000 6 9 do 525 1000 7 9 do 525 850 8 9 do 525 2000 9 9 do 575 1200 10 9 do 600 1450 Lot 12 and West 5 feet 11 9 do 776 1800 E. 45 feet 11 9 do 550 % Total $14,875 $39,500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. / Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 Off'icq of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 7, 1936 ... 193 -... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: ' The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104098..approved.. June 24, 1956 193......, relative to _ repairing, relaying and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on both sides of Fauguier Street, where necessary, from Frank Street to Earl "treet _- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ ___ __. necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $0.12 per sq. ft. Old Tile 90.09 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 96-........_...__ . _ _ --, and the total cost thereof is $ _...._....._ _._......_, and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ _ _ ___.__.___... ...- ___...._..... .............. ._. ..__... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. -._ _ . _ .. - - - .... ......... ....... ------- ----- OD 5. Said improvement is.....__ ------_-.-_._...-.asked for upon petjtion of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF... Com o�erf Pub�Woris INANCE,�- _-_ 3 -2 ca X 33 7 1936 1048,48 � F No- ItEetao 'eefa9 �� -- __Tn'ti�e COUNCIL FILE NO.__ _ --._ . __ _ __ to nnp senatrtng o w�tk on the noren alae ",� .enta Street from jrteee •t. ,,a exceppt •lent eidawalae ahead"^ By______________ ______________ "reltmtnar9 Order ls> .7�•iv l.rlae8 � •' FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ---- north side of f___northsideof Fenno XlvaniaStreet from Jackeotl_Street_to Ash Street,—exoApwhere good and_suPSicient_airlawai tr w w l rgady-_8xi8t -------------------------- --- 104204 -__approved -_July 1, 1956 under Preliminary Order________ -___-_______-----____-_-_ Intermediary Order --------------------- - --- ------- ---=---approved --------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same;3therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___ a lap, _sesonstzact _sad_s_ayaic__aementAU"idw alk on the north aide of_Pennaylvanis Street from Jackaor�_St._to Aah Ste, except where �e_�uP-fisient_Bideaalka__already exit --------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon sai4 approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement 'c Rrdance therewith. Adopted by the Council -._________ SEP ----- _ -b - 19 ��v_ - - ----------- /� City Clerk. Approved.-----------------------------------------, 192----- - Mayor. Councilma _ . , tsarfi,e, Councilma - • � � a >� ISIdED CouncilmaTe FxD mat&=' r, ...... r Councilma gawp I' Councilmani H JheimeY : T, „as CouncilmamvW.mzelr-,— We -1-4 L Mayor itadgsoa Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL 411b, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ham+ (o) In the matter of relaying, reoonstructing and repairing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Pennsylvania St. from Jackson St. to Ash St. w under Preliminary Order approved July 1, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement isp, 0 o e sqre _ - $D,.� +t 1 e The estimated cost pe }cot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and d the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follolks: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUAT'C DESCRIPTION Land n+dg• Lots 3 to 11 2 Ashton and Sherburne's Add. $15,700 $45,000 (includes other prop— erty) I Total '$15.700 $45,000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by Lie Commissionet of Public Works. Dated I — Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. !-S D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 7,_1986 _.....__.193....._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104204 appioved_._--Ju1Y.1, 1936 .._.193._..... relative to relaying, reconstructing and repairing cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Pennsylvania Street from Jackson Street to Ash Street. - _ .... _.. .... ....__......... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. .- _--._ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile $0.12 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.10 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S---- ----- -------__- ... --.... and the total cost tfereof is E-_....___....-__.._ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _._....--._..._..------------ ---------------- ..._.._.. --- ------' 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4......... .......... .. ...------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is ... _..__------------ -_--..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. Com loner of Public Works. 12 93 Ur '14 JUL 7 :97q ` r�and FNo.'104869— the Matter ofreDelring, relaylag reconptructlnethe Gemnt t11a tdewalka �dn the north side of Mar - hall Avenue, tieelnyln6 at a--yyoiat �--:� feet west o[ Snelling AvBnue, - - 9 west 69 feet, eaceyt where 'dsufficient sidewalks alr@@ady - er Preliminary Order 10I108, In the Matter of__-reQairingl_relsging and_reoonetruoting_the__oement- the sidewalk__ gp-_fie-n�grth-eide_�f Mars �I�uI begit�i�Ig_at e�oint 138_feet_�reat of Snelling Avenue.._thtalo.Q�9at�8_�aet.�axa-� where gaQd__and__auPf1_oiaA�__e�slQr�].k8__ta<1�LQ�dy-��6t, under Preliminary Order __19.4I,Q;£-----------------___---__approved --_June._24�--1936-------------------------------------- Intermediary ___-------_ --------------------- Intermediary Order---------------------------------approved----------------------- ---- - — — — — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore; be it /„ , '-, �,� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that i p vement to be made by he said City is r- _ir,_relay_____-d__reoonetruat_t___ Dement the ai a_orr-thQ �h_ i O__Q __.8ha11_ use -regi 4 3$ west oi— 1�g-t��elLh a ]r9s_$2_is�t��7LR _7�Lu@_8szad end- - t id ulrefi xiet ---- —'-- --- --- ---- -- --- f ., be slid. the same are hershy caricellm. nr tn(;2d_. _ s 1a4 !m. %dthe Council eby orders said improve nt to be made.So p ED Rthe Commisal of Public Works be d is hereby instr tandto prepare plana �ThL ns for said i vement, and subm me to the Coun or approval, at upon said appoper city officials a ereby authorized directed'to pro- cegd with't . . .king of saint in accordance therewl Adopted by the Council _---_IVp B t9' __, 192.______. �r ----- ---- -- - - ----------------------------------- �_ l3gp 61936 Approved----------- ------------------------------- 192----- ' Mayor. Councilman i0 Ba fns4 Councilman Fi ndlan 4 CouncilmaIl '�4 Yrnrce O 1 Councihnanganaa Yeters�,n Mr. Vicc 1'r,sd ut (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8-7 COUNCIL FILE NO.-_-_ - -------.---- By__ ________________ ____ ___________–_________ _ _.ae 94, 1999. s:ring havlag bG=• Y myrovement r+ • -.,until hwl• r�and FNo.'104869— the Matter ofreDelring, relaylag reconptructlnethe Gemnt t11a tdewalka �dn the north side of Mar - hall Avenue, tieelnyln6 at a--yyoiat �--:� feet west o[ Snelling AvBnue, - - 9 west 69 feet, eaceyt where 'dsufficient sidewalks alr@@ady - er Preliminary Order 10I108, In the Matter of__-reQairingl_relsging and_reoonetruoting_the__oement- the sidewalk__ gp-_fie-n�grth-eide_�f Mars �I�uI begit�i�Ig_at e�oint 138_feet_�reat of Snelling Avenue.._thtalo.Q�9at�8_�aet.�axa-� where gaQd__and__auPf1_oiaA�__e�slQr�].k8__ta<1�LQ�dy-��6t, under Preliminary Order __19.4I,Q;£-----------------___---__approved --_June._24�--1936-------------------------------------- Intermediary ___-------_ --------------------- Intermediary Order---------------------------------approved----------------------- ---- - — — — — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore; be it /„ , '-, �,� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that i p vement to be made by he said City is r- _ir,_relay_____-d__reoonetruat_t___ Dement the ai a_orr-thQ �h_ i O__Q __.8ha11_ use -regi 4 3$ west oi— 1�g-t��elLh a ]r9s_$2_is�t��7LR _7�Lu@_8szad end- - t id ulrefi xiet ---- —'-- --- --- ---- -- --- f ., be slid. the same are hershy caricellm. nr tn(;2d_. _ s 1a4 !m. %dthe Council eby orders said improve nt to be made.So p ED Rthe Commisal of Public Works be d is hereby instr tandto prepare plana �ThL ns for said i vement, and subm me to the Coun or approval, at upon said appoper city officials a ereby authorized directed'to pro- cegd with't . . .king of saint in accordance therewl Adopted by the Council _---_IVp B t9' __, 192.______. �r ----- ---- -- - - ----------------------------------- �_ l3gp 61936 Approved----------- ------------------------------- 192----- ' Mayor. Councilman i0 Ba fns4 Councilman Fi ndlan 4 CouncilmaIl '�4 Yrnrce O 1 Councihnanganaa Yeters�,n Mr. Vicc 1'r,sd ut (Truax) Form B. S. A. 8-7 • CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ti y REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER eea;. ,y In the matter of repairing, relaying and reoonstruoting the oement tile sidewalk on the north aide of Marshall Avenue, beginning at a point 138 Peet pest of Snelling ave., thenoe west 52 feet, under Preliminary Order approved Jude 24, 1936 st_» To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is 10.09 old tile The estimated cost sWoo? for the above improvement is $ 9.12 now tale The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITIONASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. (Ex. Ave.) E.* 8 8 College Park $300 $700 (Ex. Ave.) W.* 8 8 do 300 Total $600 $700 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19. `� — 2 ✓ •%'-�� *J Form B. S. A. 8-3 D Commissioner of Finance. N Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 7, 1986 193...._. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104103 approved. __ June 24, 1986 .193 ... ..... relative to repairing, relaying end reconstructing the cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Marshall Avenue, beginning at a point 188 feet west of ---------- Snelling --- ---Snelling Avenue, thence west 52 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) d irable. Est. host New Tile $0.12 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.09 per sq. ft. 2. The esti mated cost thereof is S...___ ___ and the total cost thereof is $...._____..._............. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .. _____ _.._...- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ _... ....-.. - -------- ._.t... 5. Said improvement is __.___..__._.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE.�� Com seioner of Public Works. co9. :3 JUL 7 1936 �I 104899 COUNCIL FILE NO._ _. - __.- -__--. in tpe niaetei s omni' tnononorth .fth e1Qe of eonc U ti i the nlde,' begglinning at a Dolnt42 $y. -_ ----------- ----- ___ _._ .___------- __ --------- Asbury Aveaue, thence ee beVaning at a point tC FINAL ORDER ea° thence ea, In the Matter of____re_40A5_tT39ing_RitkL9" mglithio_ ooxlorete_the_ sideaalk_Qa the___ marth_BidsAt_AYteint__49-1-9Gt east of Aeb=-,Lvenuey thenoe_eaet_24 feetp__beginning ata point 10 feet farther-easti_thence east 64 fee_j beginning at a point 12 feat farther east, thenoe east 24 feet, exoept where good and auffioient sidewalks already exist, under Preliminary Order ---- 104102 ------- --------------------- approved -------------------------- __------ Intermediary Order -----------------------------------------------approved -- A A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise naturz, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .... reoons_t_rust_with-4"_monolith- c__oonorete_ the side- walk_ on-the_north_side -_ Univ_er!i#y Aveaue_bagi;ming at_s_point 42 feet_esat__of___-- Aebury_Avenue;-thenceeast_ 24 feet; be�inning_at_a_koint_10 feet farther east, thence east 64 feet -1 beginning -at --- a pp -int 12 feet Farther east,_thenee east 24 feet, except where good oyd suff;<ai� e�Q��.k@_��Te_�Y--ea�kt�---------------------------------------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said,approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council _----- -_SL'. - ,ovv - --- - --- C -Q - City Clerk. Approved -------- ----- .__ , 192 Mayor. Councilman-^, Councilman � _: Councilman- Councilman 7M Councilman 1 Councilman Mayor NKVAW Form B. S. A. 8-7 i i:li �11�H Tw< / Q herr ISHED '5�'7 -5 l� CITY OP ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of Reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the north side of University Ave. beginning at a point 42 ft. E. of Asbury Ave., thence E. 24 ft.1 beginning at a point 10 ft. farther east, thence E. 64 ft.l beginning at a point 12 ft. farther E., thence E. 24 ft. under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost pee oot for the above improvement is $ 1.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK 10 5 11 5 12 5 13 5 14 5 15 5 16 5 17 5 ADDITION Lyman D. Baird`s Addition ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $6500 $10100 2500 2300 2300 ( 6526 11700 ( (10125 27500 includes other ( property. Total $29,250 $49,300 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ��19_� Commissioner of Finance. i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 7, 1986 193. - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Publit Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104102 June 24, 1986 _193-__..., relative to Council, known as Council File No. _ _._approved...._ __..___ reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the north side of University Avenue beginning at a point 42 feet east of Asbury Avenue, thence east 24 feet; beginning at a point 10 ft. farther east, thence east fi4 ft., beginning at a point 12 ftfarther east, thence east 24 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (orQdesirable. Est. Cost 4" Mono. concrete walk at $ .00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is S.. _ _......__ and the total cost thereof is $___ _._.._.....__.._. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:- _ ._ . 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvements hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. .._ _ _ - - - ...... _---- -------------------- -------------- ------ - ---------1W 5. Said improvement is.._.._ _ -_-_.-.....__..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. �� COM. OF FINANCEy� ..... - ------ -- -- cons ionei of PuI works. 1,NW ca �� ''•••.6,.•5:4. � - t \ JUL 7 1936 COUNCIL FILE NO. ___-.. -_ By-- --------- ----------- - ------ --- FINAL ORDER 104891 In the Matter of___reoonstrueting_with monolithic ooncrete the sidewalk on the north -------------------------------------------------------------- - Bide of__Fuller_Avsmia_ from h side _pf__I�zller_venue_b�inning_at_a_�int 220 _feet_esat of__the_east sidewalk line of — J,exington_Avenue�theaoe seat 114 feett eaoept_Aiere__good_and auffioieut sidewalks .alrsa.dy-exist-------------- - ---- - - -- -- — - - - - - - --------------------------- under Preliminary Order ------------- 104203 ----------------- July -1,19-3-6 IntermediaryOrder ------------ ------------------- --__------approved ------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objectio& and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___raeane£ruet_ Rich_�QAnlithl4_�s2114][ee__the_ sidewalk -on_the_north_side of—Fuller Avenue from Lexing-ton Avemie to Oxford Street, and on the anuth_eida�f I�ller_gQsnas-_]regi int a pein_224_ eft- QQ£ the east side- walk line of Lexis on AvenuJ thence east 114 feet,_sxospt where good and su£fieient and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -------------------------- _---___._-______-- 192 -_-____. - - - 1----------------------- ------ - - Ci- ty Clerk. Approved---------------------------------------- :. (� Councilman PUBLISHED Mayor. �''� ""rr"- � I �(l/� Councilman Councilmansm ltti%-� Councilman' Cogaff Councilman6dhfrii�i Councilman'Wenzel qq (� Mayor 1%dga6n D'30- / Y eq \ .' Form B. S. A. 8-7 ti C� r'J � b "-' � � ,� Pte`' n �w CITY OF ST. PAUL I DEPARTM ^fT PF FINANCE . REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER .m. In the matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the north side of Fuller Ave. e south side of beginning atfa pointi220oft vE' of theoE. sidewalk line hof Lexington Ave.,ller thenaeeE. 114 ft., under Preliminary Order approved July 1, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of FinaW hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimRted cost perroot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTIONI DESCRIPTION LOT ewcK Lan'tLUATIOrBldg. (Ex. Lexington Ave.) Part South of Aurora Ave. of Form B. B. 10 1, 15 Hyde Park $4000 9 2 (Lindanann's Sub. of Lots 9 k 150 )10 qAWde Park Add. to the 10 2 (City of St. Paul 150 11 2 do 150 12 2 do 150 13 2 do 175 14 'L do 200 15 2 do 275 16 2 do TOTAL, 375 $100 CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (a) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 0 ft - VALUATION 4kand Bldg. 6, 7 and 8 3 (Lindemann's Sub. of Lots 9 h $10,200 $45,000 )10 of Hyde Park Add. to the (inoludes other prop - (City of St. Paul erty) 1 1 American Bldg. Co. Plat 3 100 Total $15,925 $45,100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of'Finance. Form B. B. 13 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works I Report to Commissioner of Finance July 7, 1956 _.____..193-...... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.. 104203. . -approved 7, July 1,_19.56_ 1 —-..193__._.,relative to reconstructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the north side of Fuller Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street, and on the south side of Fuller Avenue beginning at a point 220 feet east of the east sidewalk line of Lexington Avenue, thence east 114 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_.__ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Mono. concrete walk at $1.00 per front foot. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $- -- .- - - . -, and the total cost thereof is 8 ...... and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:. . ..... .. ........... .......... ............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. _. ___.__...__-------asked for upon pet, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. .................. C N2 9- 6 6 JUL 7 1936 ;0. September let, 1936- 4 Hon. I. C. Pearce, Comm'r of Public Works, Building. Dear Sirt The city Council referred to you the cutter of Reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of Puller Ave. from Lexington Ave. to Oxford St., and on the south side of Faller Ave. beginning at a point 220 feet east of the east sidewalk line of Lexington Ave. thence east 114 feet, under P.O. 104203, for check as to the necessity of this improvement. The final order In this matter was laid over to September 6th - yours very truly, City Clerk. July let, 1936 Ron. Milton Rosen Comer. of Public Works City Hall Dear sir$ The Final Order in the matter of reconstructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of Fuller `Ve. from Lexington Ave. to Oxford 8t., and on the south side of Fuller Ave. beginning at a point 220 ft. east of the east sidewalk line of Lexington Ave., thence east 1114 ft., which had been held in abryence sinae September, 1936, was brought before the Council today and was laid over to July 8th, pending a report from your department. Tours very truly, City Clerk. 114 qzv�' Frod X Tru"'_ 1(4892 CITY OF ST. tt.Uld th. ftUb1XIA�'=,4 �b".O' 'Itgdn Tire & . ................................ Ye In OFFICE OF THE cltymdu�xmv ' I 1=199101. � to �Ldd COUNCIL RESOLUTION .. GENR'� dt MMEM &H I, WURKU, the Milton Rosen re & Rubber Company has petitioned the Council for permission to Insfill and maintain a drive-in filling station an Lot 12, Block 3, Rice & Irvine's Addition, also described as No. 147-149-151 WOO Sixth Street; and WHEREAS, said Milton Rosen Tire & Rubber Company has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns; PUMP location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; ard WHEREAS, a hearing has been hold In accordance with Paragraph,r, Section 6 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it - RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to Naid.Milten Rosen Tire & Rubber Company to Install and maintain said ation In accordance with plans which shall be subject to the approv- al., �of the Commissioner of Public Works and the Superintendent of T. :'f:f0. t any deviation from the plans as approved will automatically v d the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be dUbjoot to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other publio Improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commieston- orOf' Public Workto The permit herein granted shall be forever subject toZe=tAon by t Council whenever it shall determine that the naInt-, as of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. ,COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pearoe. Peterson Against Traux Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) W 636 I (I SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council.........................._..........................193...... SEP 11936 Approved....... . .................... - ............... 193 ........... ......... ....... Mayor PuBusliLL) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration August 27th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sirs The City Council referred to you the attached file in the matter of the application of Milton Rosen doing business as Milton Rosen Tire and Rubber Company and requested that you draw a resolution granting the application subjects however, to a change in the plans in conformance with the letter of George H. Harrold hereto attached, resolution further to provide that bhe plans shall be subject to the approval of the Commissioaar of public Works and the Superintendent of Traffic. Yours very truly, Cit:�.rk. �� ��� � 1����D �z �� ,� i' ff/l -'-moi!-rte % f�/�.��! r Adopted by the Council 193__ Ycas Nays B/ SS FIINDLAN /PEAACE ,,P-E/TERSON TRUAX WENZEL �. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) . POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., Aum st 15. —193A- Pursuant 93 6 Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul, July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Milton Rosen to erect and install a filling station located At the northvest corner of Franklin and Sixth Streets on Lot 12, Block 3, R oe and Tr inAly AMition will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 26th day of August , 193-6_ at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. Page Mle 8131 ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION THIS APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN TRIPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE. DATE ------- A16'1"t --- _ ---- --- --- 19 36__ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY on,-Rosandb&-mil :.J_...________ _____________ __. -__.._ (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A ------- dl�LV_0 _AU_lJJ-lln9--eLtAt_l'Cm -------------- t --E IN OR -INSIDE GARAGE-) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT______ 362 ___ - - BLOCK .- -- ......3__._______ _.. -____ Race ----- 3------- _Rtce & irdnes, - -- --- ALSO DESCRIBED AS 1477!09-151 WITA - 6th- Stlr§et---- (ADDITION) (STREET AND NUMBER) NO, OF�PUMPS - ---- -- NO. OF GAS TANKS - ----- 3 -- -------------- CAPACITY OF EACH TANK 1000 SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. By-- ---- - ------ - - - - ----------- -- --- --- RECEIVED - - RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE fn_ll ---------- ------- ----- a -Cr 6 DEPART NT OF PUB SAF, T -- ------------- - ---- - --- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE-________________________________________________ 19 ...... CITY PLANNING 130ARD BY----- ------- ------- ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary L.A.S. Ferguson, City Clerk, 386 Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5640 August 22, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 25, 1936 In the matter of the application of Milton Rosen Tire & Rubber Compahy for a Drive -In Filling station at West 6th street and Franklin street. The Board finds no objection to this location, but the plans which have been drawn by the service department of the Jr/Skelly 011 Company, are not in accordance with the City stand- ards and the Board cannot approve the lay -out. The Plan appears to have been made without making any survey of street conditions, i.e. present radius of curb at the corner, location of lamp Post, of catch basins, location of fire -hydrants, etc. nor do the plans make any provision for taking care of these utilities at a street corner. On the plan enclosed is shown In black ink the.ex- isting curb and this curb should remAin. The City does not put in 4 -foot radius curbs at street intersections as it is prac- tically a square corner. The drive=way should then be moved 2 or 3 feet to provide the required distance from the property line;At corners, i.e. six -feet measured along the street curb. The Board recommend that this plan be re -drawn to con- form with the City standards before it is accepted as this is an extremely important intersection where traffic is heavy on both 6th street and Franklin street and is involved with traffic on 7th street. very truly yours, Qeorge H. Herrold Engineer—Secretary GHH/EB n ,I - ,. ... - � .� �•. ... f� .♦, �AF1; o ;l '\ - i , t - r _ `. CITY -OF SAINT PAUL ' CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM, J. SUDEITH Fire Chief Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt, of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Comminlonv September 28, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Milton Rosen Tire and Rubber Co. for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station at 147—T49-151 West Sixth Street, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly yours, / Deputy Commissioner JPM/k 1 LIFE IS VALUABLE — SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL G INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Septe::bar 2 G, 1936. John F. :_ullane"', De��::t,,' GOrT..15S10'ler. Dear Sir: P is is in res,,onse to ; o':r letter of nu;o.st 11, 193G rel .sive to c _ :cation i,.de b tl.o ;.ilton ; ooen ":re and F.ubber Co. for nor;._.ssio.i to inotall a drive-in sol-:�c fi:_iiz ice and lrvi::c .d'_8ion; .,_^o "cccr:036a s L.'?- '9-� -.1 ..rst a_.th :: tr_ at. Fleuse bo a'wised 'Leat I have n�'.de the usu:�l in:: -Lection of tie ,proposed 1_—tion ani' ririvccra"s. she fi_st -plaTis .,...,c ;rete s,b._a:tr.d on ts 'is tatiot: ..ere c iiiie unsa1tisfactor,1- For I;t ron,son • r. errold of the City i'Iaininl- :-oRrd r, _ueste,l tlt a r, now set of •_dens e rndu. T?�,is has been down :.nd he latter plcn li.x been f and to Le satisfactory. -1;e lest pier, will not m.terin_i, interfere .:ii,h the move- : ent of .traffic. r`Yom a traffic standpoint there+ Trill be n ob, ection to the jrautin;; of this peen dt. _,�urs tr,.l:" 7 "Jcren, Supt. o" -raffic. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 13,1936 Hon.u.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Milton Rosen Tire & Rubber Co. for permission to install a drive-in gas- oline filling station at 147-149-151- West 6th Street. Six pumps and three 1000 gallon gasolne tanks are to be installed. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, vv �� Aselt Chief Inspector Fire Prevention. . orist d b dry Cl.h c� C 6� 9�,�1 CI OF ST, -PAUL nii ca NO-.....�4�?..... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESS NTQED BYo RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with Frani Romooky, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 4th day of August, 1936; be it FIRTIER ABSOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Frank Romooky the sum of $18.67 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account ofhe General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against th City, being for the period to and including August 19th, 1936. SEP 11936 Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... Earfuls 1 1936 Zindlall Pearce __._-....__. In favor Approved............ ................... 193 Peterson �. C J Against C_ 1........ V �-ay& Trau: /.-`.�...... Wenzel r � 4. Mr President (Gehan) 3M 676 oadev m ati C '/ COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO�..°.._�:.'-J�t OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B X-�._--........_...�.._........_..1... _... ...... ................. _..............._DATE_ .Bt6lf_1................. _. RESOLVED 4hat license for Ice Station, application 6514, applied for by. I/. J. 0I8curlos at 1334 Selby Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city olerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the .city treasury of the required fee. Now License period has expired. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Finales - ........................ Pearce In favor Peterson .. Against Trau: Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 314 6 36 SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council ....................................................193...... 0 0 SEP i93� Approved.. ........ . ...................... . 193 .......z ... ... ==-. _. Mayor � 5���,;�-xivin(s�' Pepeelled.�ioi. ,qp p[) (y�)/a�� Odtt-g CUT Q'h R�4�lde, ..0j�ad,. J..A.�.4l..lU6... CITY OF $br tpe De go�rt■ n a esam;'�arpp4 ieAy NO.. to eglutt a and "ine ott ole tk 1p In■ttPoted- e �5 OFFICE OF THE�tb�esSe aFdtl$ yytr uD jun D[PR�uWF@4 �LINCIL RESOLUTIOII°``'r"B"�31`#�t,Y 9 s i --- e'iS4dbPte"dJb t�terL'v9u"'80Dw'fi 3Y88: ttDroveAe �, ti ,��'eD >�. t s'e << .er... Is 1.936............_... COMMISSIUNE _.._..-_-.. ..._... _. .....___. ._ __..._.._. l._✓.___•_..:� RESOLVED l calmed persons at the addresses That licenses applied for by the fol owing indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to into the city treasury of the required foest issue mach licenses upon the paynant Geo. Lamaroff 642 Jackson St. Barber App. 14127 Renewal S. Behrendt 305 Ricest. Bakery ' 13749 " Riley's Delicatessen 1100 Grand 1v. Confectionery " 14241 " _. T. spry 1039 Selby Av. " " 14100 " S. Ostwald 1459 R. Dale St. florist Seeger Floral Co. 533 H. Dale " " 14253 ' Twin City Exterminating Go." 2399 University Av. fctaigation " 6622 ' spires Antenioa 621 Selby ,v. grocery " 14216 " David Blmsteia■ 802 University 1v. ■ Grocery eatohter " 7039 ' " 7035 " i 11 ■ ■ Off sale Malt Bev. " 7037 ' C. J. Croaker 302 Rice St. Gtooery ' 13330 " Alma Davis 412 Y. Smith Grocery " 111160 " Arthmr R. Gess 334 H. Chatsworth Grocery " 14204 " I. R. schaffer 221 R. Seventh St. Grocery „ e 13994' 13985 " a ■ ■ ■ a a Botcher John Stasny 1053 IL Tests= Ice Station " 14252 " The Golden Rale 7th 6 Robert Sts. Oil Horner Installer ti 14260 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council... ....... .......... _..._._ ......................193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan r In favor Approved...... 193....... ........ Pearce Peterson O Against.......Mayor.......... Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) I 7M e]e Ddd..Imch, Qnk?�96 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL .IL[ NO. ..:............._.................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIUNER_.... _...... ..................... _...._._........._......._._..__..__.._........._..._...._......................_..................... - DATE............!rvY.T7.e..._l.f..._193.6 ........................... _... RESOLVED .a. T. S. Bystrom 1103 Arcade St. bas Station 3 pumps App. 14238 Renewal Lawrence Johnson b Edward Boehm, 1042 brand " " 5 ' • 14046 " Bea oil Co. 20T Como Ly. ■ " 5 • " 14242 ' W. Salewtld 315 UniversityCAv. ■ r 3 ■ ■ 14263 " Case Binkowskl 633 Rice St. 2nd hand auto parts " 141TS " E. A. Robb 654 University Usedcar dealer " 142)10 " St. Paul Nash Motors Co. 184 W. College 2nd hand anto dealer " 1421#3 " Chas. E. Daley 20 W. Tenth St. Restaurant • 14261 ' Leon E. Hell & Jerry R. Byan, 169 N. Dale • " 13754 " ■ a s • a a ■ a In Bale Malt Bev. ■ 13755 ■ r ■ a ■ r ■ ■ a Off a a ■ • 13756 ■ Mrs. Clara Lester 1207 University Restaurant ' 14232 " a ■ ■ r • On Bale halt Bev. ' 14233 • ■ ■ . . a Off a ■ a ■ 14234 It Kenneth McCoy 162 N. Milton Restaurant " 14256 " ■ " ' " On Sale Malt Bev. " 14257 " White Castle System 172 E. Sixth Restaurant " 14267 • COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Trau: Against Weiael Mr President (Gehan) 314 636 Adopted by the Council......... ............ 193 Approved..... ............... _............... ......................... 193..... . .............. _........ ....... Mayor o}Istdl W city Glut COUNCIL ras NO_ ..... �0 CITY OF ST. PAUL........(�... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONGENERALFORM PREMINTEDN BY ................Q.. 1, 1936 ............................. COMESSIUER_._.__.....__................_...._......_.................._._...._.._.........___.._....._............................_............... DATE RESOLVED —3' Peter Lataff 23 TT. Pairfield Av. Bestanraat Bev. iPp• 14296 Renewal " 14287 ■ / / " ■ " On Sale Malt Arlene Oldfield 355 Jerson Restaurant " 14311 " Joe. Pentelovich 722 H. Selling Bestanrant i4�5 ° Confectiones, :erryuChevrolot 35 S. Victoria tad band auto dealer " 14277 " Binghslm i ]Tortoni Ino. 857 Grand lv. / " " v / ■ 14278 / 1 Modern Motors, Tne.�, 18DO University ■ ■ / / / 14279 ■ Henry Scbn Later 275 E. Seventh 2nd hand dealer Beal " 14271 " Thornton Motor Co. 571 a• Snelling AT. 2nd hand auto dealer " 14303 " Hetfield-J'erry Inc. 917 Grand AY. " " ' " " 14300 " Irvin Stoss 1228 Z. Snelling Gas station 2 pumps " 14253 " dalins Singer 34o z. 13th Junk dealer " 139TO " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays BarfusaXwAkir- /_..... IU//n In favor Pearce Peterson b Against Trau: Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council .....C.._............1... ..... .�...q....�.............. 193 ��...... Approved...._...Fp......._l_� 7N............193....... .......... ....... ............ . ����j.....y................. Mayor original ta ckv Clark COUNOtL CITY OF ST. PAUL ..L. NO ......................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �/�COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED _ l (57W ' /---\ �, —e RESOLVED 'Slat licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses Wicated be and the sane are hereby granted and the city olerk is instraoted to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Maris Cohan 271 N. Seventh St. 2nd hand dealer An. 6688 New Capitol Used Car EYchange 337 V. Seventh 2nd band sato " 6992 " A. Diamond 264 8. Seventh tad hand dealer " 6842 " Midway Chevrolet Co. 1389-99 University 2nd hand auto " 6930 " License period of above has expired COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Earfuse Sind i -m In favor Pearce Peterson Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 SEP 1 19M Adopted by the Council .......__............ L._. ..........................193...... — Approved ...._ '......_.._...._....._ .............:................193...... Mayor ortsind w chyt NOIC4898... CITY OF ST. PAUL n�i"`" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,--COUNCIL. RESOLUTION --- GENERAL'FORM f ..l_ .._..__._..... C.1.._...__.__................_.........._.............DATE............_S_ 6�IeDIbeT......97Y ....._................ RESOLVED C .' That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the some are hereby granted and the city olork is iustrmoted to issue snap licenses upon the psymsnt into the city treasury of the regaired fees: _ I. Kaufman 77�Cortland Grocery App. 1W65 pew r r r ■ Off Sale wt Bev. r 14266 r Israel Siegilman 602 Jackson Off Sale wt Bev. s 14258 s C. D. Iasher 1578 Como Av. r s.- ■ s r 14272 s COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss `Pindls7r�. Pearce In favor Peterson Trauz O Against Wenzel Mr President (Geban) 7M 636 Adopted by the Council...._.....I T..............------................_...193....... Appcoved........'� ............................ ..............193._.... L%_.,.._..../51...x... .. ........ / Mayor Odda.l m City clak �IV� X Y/ COUNCIL - CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO -U.,4899.... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK pCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM rrnuswi aci ukw \ /��`r/ c / __..._......_._....___.......__....._...................................._DATE.............. .. t.W'b.9r....4-193-6 ....... That license No. 4651 for Off Sale Pelt Beverage, ezpig April 7, 1937, issued to Sansby Bros. Drub Co. at 800 VAiversity Avenue be and the same is hereby revoked upon recomsendation of the Barsan of Police becsuse of arrest and con- viction for violation of the liquor ordinance. C F. No 104999—By G. IL fu64.— F..ia_ Ttuj x -wing l;aeolved ttiat Bcenso No. 496E Lor OQ=_Bulb Mattlievgrg�8 e7tDitlaB Adril• 7881 ab�t6A,ttq §�n}b"1!�Bgo9 13KnB Oa. at, fopoly r6}tp Avo"nye,_ be and tha, same 1■ her ragaicod- u 8p reoom gl6apatlbn ;d3- a ButeJtu lo Polloo b4-' cause of arrest end oonv odloa for�vlola- on oL the liquor ordingnbe ,Adopted:byy-thlut_ .ounoll-SpPU 1, 3989. ADprOVea 4V Ole. tele. .CFJeDt• k. 1986) m SEP 1 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,_._......__.................................193...... Yeas Nays Barfuae . 4w"& In favor Approved........ ......._ _ ...............193....... Pearce Peterson _ _0._.. Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 37,1 636 Orw-1 CI!, Clak CITY OF ST. PAUL eouw— ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENT BY / COMMISSIU __......_-------- .--- _------ ...._........._..... ........ ..DATE- _.......... .._...et 31, RESOLVED That license for Ice Station, application 13706, applied for by Joseph Salisbury at 1163 Oomo Ave. be and the stns is hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to rafkmd to Joseph Salisburythe Yee of $3.00 and to cancel said application for license. V C. F 'tpiit .. � f,�4r$�sctues—, �1 nayD .� 7 un�e��Pr I e BEB=i _ as 3 4a}pg� kf�9t Aad for -py; Ih tr e1m0pp1;e6 d&8 iq Q 'b4• th et fa retliryd t'6."ltorbby g 8, Plloagono =cry �leQdr� to osnaeLsard gyy? ADrDvedbHetpp'[.o iC3888 1.86Dt. 1. 39�, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss -;nd6a -- Pearce In favor Peterson Tiauz Against Wenzel 3M 636 Mr President (Geban) Adopted by the Council. .......... _ . ......... 193--. up I fm Approved.... .............. _................. _.......... ............... 193...... OrW—I m th, Clerk / / j TV OF ST. PAUL nLs NO._..._._.......__.—.._.. VCES OFFICE OTHE HE CITY CLERK O ION --GENERAL FORM E Effs ,m-�.r "�"s"'YL�+6mies — klgfst 19, 1936 RESOLVED That li ense for Ice Station, application 13706, applied for by Joseph saliabury at 1163 Como Avenue Hest be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue suoh license upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee. IMAIA, New COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuas Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Truax ... .......... .... ...... ... Against Fenzel fl f Mr. President (Gehan) 3m 6-36 Adopted by the Council .............. ................. ........... _....... 193..... Approved .............. _.... `..: ..193....... ............... ................................... _... _._..._... _ Mayor r' / � _� �;��, �� �%�/ P /�� �f ���. Adopted by the Council 193-- Ycas Nays SARFUSS / FINDLAN PEARCE PETERSON / TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN)/ J -J Toru. rQ couJ<cTeb DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED ACCOUNT ORDINANCE VIOLATION. To: BUILD MARK SQUARES ❑ BY x CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTI FILED APPLICATION FOR P INSP=ECT[ c; c'; rY hI nY INSTALL ADD. ALTER REPAIR MOVE 11Y .2 t1ANG pry. COMBWATION �� ERECT REPAIR ILLUM- ILLUM- ROOF PRO- JeCTINGI HORI- VERT- HORIZONTAL -,•, tl `;`�STRU URE USED AS ZONTAL KALI -. IINq YJmYjgAla, i,' NEWSIGN OLDSIGN I INATED INATEO II � 2 ADDRESS_ S z OWNER CONTRACTOR—_— ADDRESS— NUMBER STREET SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS C- 4A 4elce-- YII-kL21 WARD LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR TRACT ' 1:a A'�� PRONT a,1 WIDTH 81DE aR LENGTH HEIGHT NO. OP Pwa,BCTIax B-- BVILDINO aR Pg00. `—=— = of BION PRON ATERIAL ara,nOu. Mu A WaN N 69TIMATED VALUATION IH FEET IN FEET IN FEET STORIES I nIT- LINe I.FEeT GRauro Ix FaT OF NSTRUCTION I SWARe rrir SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGEDEVILS OR RE ARK SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGESTO BE AT LEAST lO FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT' j'• �^` G ((( TO BE AT LEAST TO FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building Work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work In strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY C` NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING OR WARM AIR SIGNED_ FURNACE WORK. --� , / `�\ '• z y f SCHLEH BROTHERS COAL, COKE - WOOD and FUEL OIL 611 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Elhhurst 3706 July 28, 1936 a F. 11, T— Court House, St. Paul, "Unn. Dear Mr. Truax: We would liketo inform you that Mr. Salisbury has a new house which has been up a ut two weeks and is operating it withoutaaIce�rmipet or a license, at 4 Como Ave. Mr Salisbury has already go house at 462 Topping St., and we are located our Ice house at 462 Como Ave., and is practically right across the street from us, and we think that two Ice houses so close together at the corners of Como and Atwaters we think is dangerous as there is two much traffic. I wish that you would consider this matter and not grant this Mr. Salisbury a License. We certainly would appreciate it and we will do all we can for you in the future, Yours very Truly Scpleh Bros �!� August 11th, 1330'. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Co-M'r of Finance, Building. Dear Sirs Application has Leen made Ly Joseph Salisbury (c/o Tierney Grain Co. 1159 Como Ave.) for permit to install a cash and carry ice station at 463 Como Avenue. Will yon kindly set a date of hearing on this application and notify the interested property owners? Legal description il; Lot 12, Blk. 11, Foundry Addition. Tours very truly, City Clerk. I I PERMIT NUMBER -------------- l5rR46e r ----------- STREET APPLICATION FO PERMIT STRUCTURE USED AS WARD FILE I PLAN tai m q d Q p W J7 .a y w w N w Aurist 14th, 1936• Mr. Albert J. Lueller, Attorney at Lair, B-1327 yirst Kation B ank, St. ^au:. , Minnesota. Dear 1 }dnellert A hecriae: nus been set on A rust 26th nt 10 o'clock A. :#. in the City Cluncil Ch:aruer in the ck.;te_" of t`.is w licr_`,i,n Jos salisbi:ry for permission to ope: '.e �1 ice st orn A-,enre Vast. Yo'irs ve:v tril,r, Cit; Clerk. W. LA MONT-KAUFMAN Supt. of Parks UL pv CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 446 City Hap FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES. Deputy Com,ntwioner Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect August 6, 1936 I am returning to you herewith the application of Joseph Salisbury for permission to move an ice station to 463 Como Avenue. Also, a letter received in this connection objecting to another ice station to be placed in this block. This property is in a Light Industry zone and a coal and wood yard is T¢eing operated on the lot. There is an ice station at 462 Como Avenue directly across the street, operated by Schleh Bros., and another ice station at 462 Topping Street. It is possible that three ice stations too close together will create a scrap among competitors. Yours truly, City Architect li4iitit[IitiJ ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BM ALBERT WENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary ___L _ �_�- L -M -21 ---re rguson, City Clerk, 396 Court Hou e, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 12, 1936 In the matter of the application of the Tierney Grain Company for an ice house at 459 Como avenue: This ap- plication was made July 29, 1936 but the ice house was erected some 3 weeks before that date. It was never authorised; it Is very unsightly; it was moved from some other location and set up on blocking and a lot of dirt piled up around it to Insulate it and although this land is sgned for industrial purposes it is a detriment to the street - Como Avenue. The Board recommends that the permit be denied and ice house re- moved. Very truly yours, George H. Herro d Engineer -Secretary GHH/EB SCHLEH BROTHERS COAL, COKE - WOOD and FUEL OIL 611 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Elhhurst 3706 July 28, 1936 A. E. Peterson Court House r St. Paul, Minn. Dear Mr. Peterson; We would like to inform you that Mr. Salisbury has a new Ice house which has been up about two weeks and is operating it without a permit or a license at 477 Como Ave. W. Salisbury has already got a Ice house at 462 Topping St, and we are located our Ice house at 462 Como Ave., and is practically right across the street from us, and we think that two Ice houses so close together at the -ornere of Como and Atwater we think is dangerous as there is to much traffic. I wish that you= would consider this matter and not grant this Mr. Salisbury a License. We certainly would appreciate it and we will do all we can for you in the future, Yours Very Truly Schleh Bros. � SCHLEH BROTHERS COAL - COKE - WOOD and FUEL OIL 611 UNIVERSITY AVENUE Mhurst 3706 July 28, 1936 M. H. Gehan, tbver Court House. St. Paul, Minn. Dear ;dr. Gel}pn: We would like to infoxv: you that ::s. Salisbury has a newi`house which has been up about two week and is operating it without a permit or a license, at 477 Como Ave. Mr. Salisbury has already got a Ice House at 462 Topping St., and we are located our Ice House at 452 Como Ave., and is practically right across the street from us, and we think that two Ice Houses so close together at the corners of Como and Atwater we think is dangerous as there is to much Traffic. I wish that you would consider this matter and not grant this Mr. Salisbury a License. We certainly would appreciate it and we will do all we can for you in the future, Yours Very Truly Schleh Broa Q ;Petition of the Vropert D ne .in Foundry Park (Addition to St. Paul) To Honorable Counci3 city of St. Paul s We, the undersigned, owners of the following Property in Foundry Addition to Sit• Paul$ hereby request that Mr. Joseph Salisbury's application for a license to operate and sell ice from 'his Ice Station,, located in Lot 12. of "'$duridry Addition in St. Paul,.be granted �'i . • • •. ...... • .. • .. • . ....... • ....... • . • .. ...'.. •,,y,;• rr 'sv .1�• ,,t �.. •-ate ...... T �j� .`'. :. .1... . ...:.... �:: ............... ................... G?; . ` .: ....... C ..... C � .... � .............. /�� �1►........?v SALISBURY, FUEL AND ICE WHOLESALE AND RETAIL COAL • COKE • WOOD • ICE Yard and Office: 462 Topping Street 'Phone: HUmboldt 4980 Residence and Office: 868 Fauquier St. Phone: TOwer 6263 ST. PAUL, MINN., Aug • 1, 193 6 TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL CITY OF ST.PAUL Enclosed find a petition signed by the property owners and tenants, within 200,feet of 463 Como Avenue, (on the right hand side) where I have located an ice station for the sale of ice. I also wish to call your attention to the hazard the public are taking. In order to get ice from my competitor, who has an ice station at 460 Como Avenue, which is across the street from mine, they make a °U" turn on Como Avenue, or cut across out of traffic, parking the wrong way, while waiting to be served; then, when served, cut across again to reach the right side,of the avenue, which is very dangerous, and a menace to public safety. In view of these facts, I request that my appli- cation for a license be granted. Yo s Respectfully, Tierney Grain Co. h99 Co -o Avenue Szi�t Pahl, Minnesota Dear Sirt Augnat 27th, 19356• Attentlrnt Mr. Joseph 83llsbnry The Ctty C<nrcil tckiap dented 3mur ap^l.t,atim for = ice st nt t nn at 463 C,r o Averme. Yonra veru truly, City Clerk. . orkywlroCity a.t��A/���� _ ������ NO...3.9Qf" TY OF ST. PAUL 144 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN IL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM . . ......................... Ltgnat....31,...196............... ....... _ RESOLVED That licensee for On Sale Halt Beverage, application 114298,Aad Restaurant, application 11429T, applied for by Prank Ballis, Jr. at 201 *est Seventh Street be and the same are hereby denied and the proper olty officers are hereby authorised to refund to Prank Ballis, Jr. the fees of $50.00 and $10.00 and to cancel aaid applications for licenses. C. F. X6..104901 Sy.(i 8,, Battuee- F. 14. Truaa Irving -.0 .Pearce= Reaolv.dc. that Ilaenpoe Qor On sale Malt Beverage app]la4tion 14208; and Restaurant„ aDDlloatloh 14297 ap lied for Ay Frap k Hnl., :Tr at" �O1 BVeet ser' Y 9treey •be, and the "-es,ve aze ber6by -denied and the proper city -- Denied informally by sera aqe herebq authar)sea td.reruna to., Occaoil Ling. 29, 1936 $10.1 s teo?c�ncee7 a�`a°av °osilo°nse C:. [or 4odtlaea. - Denied Intormat by Coundl -Aug. 29, 1958. " AdoDtefl Ebyy the Council Sept. 1; 1998. Approved -9&L 1, 1989. (Sept. b, 1998) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss d+ladlmr"• favo Peazce In Peterson Against Tiau: . Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) SEP 1 193E Adopted by the Council. ......._............_......__ .............._...193...... SEP as Approved....../.../......................................................193- ............... 93........_................. Magor , COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL ..L. NO ....... ......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM ERESENTE ;a ....__.................... .........._......_""""....,,rP_.___._... ................................................... DATE....__._3.0pte r...l,...1936............._._ %at licenses for $estanrant. application 1419T9 On Sale Valt Beverage, appli- cation 141950 and Off Sale Valt Beverage, application 14199, applied for by Harold Schneider at 465 Robert Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrmetsd to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the repaired fees. Hew &www. Informally approved by oounoil an Ang• as 1936 nnpp i-0 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pearce In favor Peterson Trauz �.__. Against Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 approved by 'Conndll on the Councll Sept. 1. 1936. SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council........... ........... -- - -__193 SEP 106 Approved-. ................. ................ _ ...............193.... L% .t......T/ /. .. _ .. ............ Mayor orislad to City Ctnk n/ � ✓V/"d///�'> CITY OF ST. PAUL .��............._.......................... dd/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /?—'OUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE— . .SOOCUbe#... '>I....193'6 ".......__. RESOLVED / 'heat license for Barber, applieation 14276, applied for by John R. Scales at 425 So. Robert Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instreated to issue saeh license upon the pent into the city treasury of the required fee. Bow owner s COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss In an In favor Pearce Peterson 1�I Against Traux Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 C. F. No. 104903—By G. S. Barfuss•— F. M. Truax—Irving C. }?agree— Resolved, that license for Harbor, ap- pllcation14276. applied for by John 'IL 9calee at 426 @o. Rpbert ggtreat be -gad the same is hereby greeted s44 the city clerk Is Instructed to Iseoe each license uppon the payment into the city trosBary o['the required fee. New ownery.Adotpp Avppoved 9e➢tDt1,61919816) . P L 1, 1886. sa SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council..._ - .- .193 ..... SEP I'M Approved......... Mayor o.Itied fu Cit, t7a<k /C ��ee��,� V 4904 CITY OF ST. PAUL .��. NO ...................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM svtmq;ber _1f...193.6.......... RESOLVED That license fork Ice Station, application 13677, applied for by John Morris at 390 T. Central ♦venue, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to iasae each license upon the payyment into the city treasury of the required fee. New m COUNCILMEN YeasNays Earfuse In favor Pearce Peterson / Against Trau: Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 C. F. No. 10/009—Ry Q. 8 Barfnae-r n M. Truax jrving. C. Pearce— Reeolved, that llcenee for Ice i t§tlon. aDDllcatlon 19677 sCy9Dlled for by John .Morris d te some IsWheroby 6 anted and the �mty clerk le Instruoted'to leeue au¢h d/cenee upon the Payment into the otty treaeyry of the required fee. New. Adopted by th¢ Council BeDt. 1, 1096. ApProred Sept. 3, 1. (Sept. 6, 1096) SEP i lbob Adopted by the Council_. _......_._...._ .................... 193... So- -. Approved._ 193 . . Mayor Oridml to City clak CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM - ... I DATE.- __ _ September ._1 ....1936 .............. ......L NO:I 1 � 49 D5 RESOLVED That license for Ice Station, application 14206, applied for by Capitol Ice &Taal Co. Inc. at 1201 Edgerton St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each license upon the payment into the city treasury of the reqaired fee. C. F. No. 104809—BY Q. Ii Bartues— ce— Resolved, gthat iteenee ttionorr Ice 8ta- CRpltolpIcae & Fulication el 0Co8 PP dat 1001 Edgerton St. be and the efa herfl granted nad the ctt, olerkaiaise lhethArAbbyd at0 the scity treasurypof the required fee. New Hes Adopted by the Couaclt Sept, 1, 1996. Approved SepC 1, 1988. (Sept. 91 1988) SEP 1ING COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .........-- .......... Yeas Nays 193...... Barfuss SEP i i,,QC- -,:steins.. In favor Approved........................................193...... Pearce Peterson 1. Y..._. Against Traua VV Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 � COUNCIL n CITY OF ST. PAUL tai NO- .............�,:#06 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESE.G.'NoYNy �\ ___ ............. DATE __...... _.__. _............... . RESOLVED That the application of Schleh Brothers for permission to install a gasoline pump, for private use, at 460 Como A�Tenue, be and the same is hereby granted, said pump to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss In favor .................... Pearce Peterson Traua Against Wer== Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 SEP IIMS Adopted by the Council....... — - 193...... SEP 1 Approved.. ........................193..... C, .............. Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Af�f�, Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 28th, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sire The City Council today referred to you the attached application of Schleh Bros. for permission to install a gasoline pump for private use at 460 Como Avenue, and requested that you draw a resolution to grant. Yours very truly, f � � City Clerk. 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G. H. BARFUSS, Comminioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Co—Wianar August 20, 1936 Mr. L. R. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Schleh Brothers for permission to install a gasoline filling station at 460 Como Avenue, and reports of inspection and approval as to fire hazard and traffic by the Division of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly yours, / eputy Commissioner _ l LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 20, 1936. hr. John F. idullanev, Deputy Connissioner. Dear Sir; This is in rap'_;• to your letter of Au,ust 7, 1936 relative to application rrde by Schlah Bros. for perrussion to in- stall a gasoline station for privateuse only on :.:iscalla- neous Tract bounded by Corm, Atwater .,rundel and Great Eorthern ^ailway; also described as 460 Comm Ave. I have made the usual investigation of the location where gas pumps are to be place and find that they are to be located on their property and there is no change to be made in the present driveways. From a traffic standpoint there would be no objection to the granting or this request. w/f t/ Yours truly, ii. :v. Watt,) ren* Supt. of Traffic. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 11,1936 Hon.G.H.Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Schleh Bros, for permission to install a gasoline filling station for private use only at 460 Oomo Ave. One 550 gallon tank and one pump are to be installed. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, 1 Chief Inspector Fire Prevention. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary L4-R.S.Ferguson, City Clerk, 386 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 12, 1936 41 In the matter of the.Aipplication of Sohleh Bros. for private gas pump and storage tank at their coal plant, known as 460 Como avenue near Afiwater: This location is zoned for heavy industry. Their storage garage is some distance from Como avenue and the pump and storage tank -of 550 gallons, is to be placed next to the garage, pump will be used entirely by their own trucks and vehicles.. There are no objections and the permit can be granted without a public hearing. GHH/EB W Yours very truly, f3e8rge H. Herr d Engineer—Se •etary ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL ^T'*' T T.:F1^.CATECA.- I.L.*. THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'5 OFFICE. Application For License �AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE___________________-______ ---- -- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ------- --- - --------------------- t NAME of FIRM ---- - ------ -- By_ - - - - ORINDIVIDUAL) FOR 7ERMIT TO INSTALL AND OFATE A to 'IN111. t.TATI BE L D ALSO DESCRIBED AS IADOITIOHI I.T.—T AND NUMBER) NO. OF PUMPS NO. OF GAS TANKS -CAPACITY OF EACH TANK-- -_V __ _ _ _L_`„z__ __ _- ____r UFA____ ANK --- ------ ----- ---- FILED SiINATURE OF APPLICANT, BY ------------------------------ ------------------------------- - -- 6�4 S706 U.I.E .. ........ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE - ----- ------- ------- DEPARTMENT 1.,S.F.TY -------- -- RECEIVED COPY: FR CITY CLERK W ..... --------------- ----------- 117" CITY PLANNING BOARD Oei.iml to Cltr Clerk (/ /'I/% , ,, �I � ' ' • 4907 ( CITY OF ST. PAUL cou�ea OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER........._......_._ ......... ........... ........................__.._................................_.................._..._..........................DATE.... BH temb.er__ p ],x1,..1936 ............. Whereas, the Department of Public Safety, claiming an emergency, ordered direct from the Ahrens -Fox Fire Engine Co., without the consent of the Purchasing Agent, the followings 87506 Crankshafts - - - - - - - $640.00 1 7508 Crankshaft Hrg. Cap #6- - 1.30 Prepaid express - - - - - - - - 11.32 _992:a Resolved, Therefore, that the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, to issue purchase order covering same. Charge 8 -Fire- 0-6 Repair Parts & Materials- 8-0-6 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Garfuas In favor Pearce Peterson .._..., Truax Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 1M 6.16 0. 104007—BK.,a. x. Wherege, the Department 9afepy._clslmy s, an_emetsepc lkehafte..:-...$040.00 ankehaft Brg. .r ............. 1.80 ae ........... 11.88 Repair Parts and noil Sept. 1. 1880. SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council__ .......... ................... _.193..... aP i93� Approved.... _... ............... .................................193 ...... Mayor C,rW—1 to Ch, Clerk -.��.! 490 l /\ COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL nLa NO ........ ..... ...... ........__....._ � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN OL ON ---GENERAL FORM 1 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he 1s hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons ')Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from THE TEXAS COMPANY, at a price of $ .11503 per gallon, less 1% ten days from date of shipment, including state tax and state inspection, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the City. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134 C. F. No. 104909—By Erv)neigr C. Pearse— be, and he pie Ler by authoriziedt o Ag rt chase with the Consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank cat, ap- Droxfmatety 9000 gallons "@^ leaded 9 gasoline, 6 -70 octane, from The Texas Company, t a price of 3.11608 per gal- lon teas 1% ten days from date of shtpp- Isyyectloncltolbe spotted on Munand icipal Equ(pment Bureau eyur at Dale St, on ilnformat-bide Is %t. -e5tleta where hardship act promptly Would of the CltydehlCharga h6 neat lf� nd tei Muntclpal Equipment -1003-184. f{ Adopted by the Council Sept. 1. 1996.< A➢proved Sept. 1, 1936. ` I r (Qept. 6. 1936) 7 SEP 1 19RF COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.__ __ _ _,_. .........._.........193._. Yeas Nays Barfuss qv 9 a.,,, .Ewiiff J Infavor Approved_........__ ............. ......................... ............... 193....... Pearce Peterson ...._ Against Truax ........ ........ yon Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan)�~ 3M &M • OrIon.ImMYQWk COUNCIL 1614909 CITY OF ST. PAUL .�. NO. ..................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTEDBY Findlan ...1/ �J /V ..._ .............._...._..................:fi....._................................. COMMISSIONER_... ._.._.._......... _ ... .. ............. .... RESOLVED That the bond given to the City of Saint Paul by Ndward A. Fural, covering his appointment as Superintendent of the Auditorium, in the sum of $6,000, dated August 7th, 1836, with the National Surety Company, as surety, approved by the Commissioner of Fiasnoe and the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to file the same with the City Comptroller. lth. Natloai appr.v.d 1 ,nan.e. and SEP 11%6 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council........_..... 193 ... Yeas J Nays Barfuss VJ B:_diee In favor Approved 193....... Pearce Peterson %�� Against Traua 5./ _ � � �........ Mayor.......... Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) ant 6 36 CITY OF SAINT PAUL p �/ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK G �4' COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ----------------- -----"--------------- cON__gr arfuse COUNCIL RESOLPTIPN -- FAVOR ... ________ M=o.«�be adldfl AUDITED CLAIMS AUgt1"--�--------------- �6 Pe Cr Pear CA�RINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA TREASURY. SU _-Pet Br BOII, li�s6s, Wenzel TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S.___. - { f-�- -- -• COVERING MR. PRIES. BU NOLIE {�t(/Z CHECKS NUMBERED.____ {{{���_ii�(((,,/ZZZ// O------- INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE [C'OUNCI PER CHECKS ON FILE ICE OF C COMP OLLER. Gel % AP ED._._____si-C- ----- _--- _.'i"I ITP COMPTROLLER____- , - - MAYOR t'./I BY --- _ _._ _ I ___ TOTAL DATE CHECK C.No 101910— RETURNED V 1 t".1,'r d. th°I rl rrks he ,.ta the NUMBER ;Iii' Irean��r,. to thr a$', Katela io O ��n riinR ch e'ks n imbued TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK et R34.000,�•g;l°Inrlusl 'e. °s prr checks CHECKS CHECKS ,iI° "- °( [he cit, mom P- 33 _ -e m• in the omre onrr. �o°cru ' Adol) br u,e 7RWARD A 0I'm �'ed 4(Se Dt1.51 1936) 27733 Clara Aamold, Widow of H.Aam Id 30 0 27734 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.H C. 27735 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S 30 27736 Society forithe Prev. of Cru lty 21008 0 27737 Dr. G.H. Burfiend 541.6 27738 Kalman D. Fink `F58 3 27739 Sarah Fink 27740 Mrs. Agnes Weise 31 8 27741 G.H. Barfuss, C.P.Safety 1 126 o 27742 Board of Water Commissioners 530 0 27743 Board of Water Commissioners 237 6 27744 Board of Plater Commissioners 241 8 P 27745 Board of water Commissioners 13� 05 27746 City of St.Paul, B. of Aud. 27747 John S. Findlan, C.of Eduo. 20 87748 Irving 0. Pearce, O.P.Works 12 485 6 27749 Irving 0. Pearce, O.P.Worke 1 649 5 27750 Irving 0. Pearce, C.P.Works 1 43}g 9 27751 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 5 464 3 27752 Irving 0. Pearce, C.P.Works 303 6 27753 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.W orks 63 6 27754 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.worke 1 747 27755 Irving C. Pearce, O.P.works 674 '+ 27756 Irving Co Pearce, C.P.works 743 6 27757 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 620 1 27758 Irving C. Pearce, O.P.Worke 1 009 1 27759 Irving 0. Pearce, C.P.Works 205 9 2776o Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 173 0 27761 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 422 9 27762 Irving C. Pearce, O.P.Worke 1 406 7 27763 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 1 242 3 27764 Axel F. Peterson, C.P.R.F. 1 178 1 27765 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, eto. 761 9 27766 H.C.Wenzel, C.P.Utilities 200 2 27767 American Linen supply Company 144 5 27768 Capitol stationery Mfgcompazy 109 5 27769 Mrs. T. Dahill 272 3 27770 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compaxy ill 11 27771 Mclesson Wholesalers,Ino. 39 75 • 27772 Maendler Brush Company 37 8 2777'f May's Inc. 1 o43 9 27774 Pouoher Printing & Lith.Oo. 61 5 27775 Rex Linen Supply Company 46 56 27776 4t.Paul Builders Material Go parry 27777 Sullivan Tire & Battery Comp y 27778 Thomas & Garner 31 7 27779 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 162 91 27780 TTI.State Tel. & Telg.Oompan 149 87 27781 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 59 4 27782 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 121 23 27783 °►eetern Union Telegraph Comp y 46 5 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 42134 '431132595 84 IM c-ao I 3 I� CITY OF SAINT PAUL p �/ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK G �4' COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ----------------- -----"--------------- cON__gr arfuse COUNCIL RESOLPTIPN -- FAVOR ... ________ M=o.«�be adldfl AUDITED CLAIMS AUgt1"--�--------------- �6 Pe Cr Pear CA�RINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRA TREASURY. SU _-Pet Br BOII, li�s6s, Wenzel TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S.___. - { f-�- -- -• COVERING MR. PRIES. BU NOLIE {�t(/Z CHECKS NUMBERED.____ {{{���_ii�(((,,/ZZZ// O------- INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE [C'OUNCI PER CHECKS ON FILE ICE OF C COMP OLLER. Gel % AP ED._._____si-C- ----- _--- _.'i"I ITP COMPTROLLER____- , - - MAYOR t'./I BY --- _ _._ _ I ___ TOTAL DATE CHECK C.No 101910— RETURNED V 1 t".1,'r d. th°I rl rrks he ,.ta the NUMBER ;Iii' Irean��r,. to thr a$', Katela io O ��n riinR ch e'ks n imbued TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK et R34.000,�•g;l°Inrlusl 'e. °s prr checks CHECKS CHECKS ,iI° "- °( [he cit, mom P- 33 _ -e m• in the omre onrr. �o°cru ' Adol) br u,e 7RWARD A 0I'm �'ed 4(Se Dt1.51 1936) 27733 Clara Aamold, Widow of H.Aam Id 30 0 27734 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.H C. 27735 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S 30 27736 Society forithe Prev. of Cru lty 21008 0 27737 Dr. G.H. Burfiend 541.6 27738 Kalman D. Fink `F58 3 27739 Sarah Fink 27740 Mrs. Agnes Weise 31 8 27741 G.H. Barfuss, C.P.Safety 1 126 o 27742 Board of Water Commissioners 530 0 27743 Board of Water Commissioners 237 6 27744 Board of Plater Commissioners 241 8 P 27745 Board of water Commissioners 13� 05 27746 City of St.Paul, B. of Aud. 27747 John S. Findlan, C.of Eduo. 20 87748 Irving 0. Pearce, O.P.Works 12 485 6 27749 Irving 0. Pearce, O.P.Worke 1 649 5 27750 Irving 0. Pearce, C.P.Works 1 43}g 9 27751 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 5 464 3 27752 Irving 0. Pearce, C.P.Works 303 6 27753 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.W orks 63 6 27754 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.worke 1 747 27755 Irving C. Pearce, O.P.works 674 '+ 27756 Irving Co Pearce, C.P.works 743 6 27757 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 620 1 27758 Irving C. Pearce, O.P.Worke 1 009 1 27759 Irving 0. Pearce, C.P.Works 205 9 2776o Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 173 0 27761 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 422 9 27762 Irving C. Pearce, O.P.Worke 1 406 7 27763 Irving C. Pearce, C.P.Works 1 242 3 27764 Axel F. Peterson, C.P.R.F. 1 178 1 27765 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, eto. 761 9 27766 H.C.Wenzel, C.P.Utilities 200 2 27767 American Linen supply Company 144 5 27768 Capitol stationery Mfgcompazy 109 5 27769 Mrs. T. Dahill 272 3 27770 Farwell, ozmun, Kirk & Compaxy ill 11 27771 Mclesson Wholesalers,Ino. 39 75 • 27772 Maendler Brush Company 37 8 2777'f May's Inc. 1 o43 9 27774 Pouoher Printing & Lith.Oo. 61 5 27775 Rex Linen Supply Company 46 56 27776 4t.Paul Builders Material Go parry 27777 Sullivan Tire & Battery Comp y 27778 Thomas & Garner 31 7 27779 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 162 91 27780 TTI.State Tel. & Telg.Oompan 149 87 27781 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 59 4 27782 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Compan 121 23 27783 °►eetern Union Telegraph Comp y 46 5 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 42134 '431132595 84 IM c-ao I 3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end 104911 Council File No. -- - --J PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Conatru ing.a sanitsr sewer int -22-2 tor._oa the line of Somerville Avenug ft9_19— the Mississippi River Boulevard to St. Anthony Avenue sad on an easement on said 9treet -line-'Produced-to'- bh&-. end of Htxatis � toBeth� to be such diversion works and connections to existing sewers as are necessary, to be -'herea-£'Yer-Tatodn as a ome a venue San`ftary Sewer YnteTceptor. - Dated 19._-. pg�,rglNwnY •DRrtIDna. I F. No. hereeo1f1". th1qgBr.wIrvgrinogyo"Cea.tPetaottoeth—e I im➢rovemeaf PRELIMINARY ORDER ie�t -_.wrY a r�� •r WIiEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: .on4 .ruct' the Mississippi River Boulevard to St. Anthony Avenue and on an easement on said - i#�e_produeed--te-tbe...dropt�k-end--e€--E%0ti4-�t�setr.=- such diversion works and connections to existing sewers as are necedsary, ..#o&atherto be rea£�er-Ymown as }fie me a venue ganftary Sewer TneTceptor.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a pian, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing �majtew Commissioner of Finance. �. SEP 1 a• Adopted by the Council._._....-._....._ ...............—.. ---- ----- ....--- .... ----- - -- YFAs NAYS 1 le%J� Councilman BARFUSS SEP ---...�..--- / I✓ PETPETERSON (/ TRUAX W ENZEL Mayor. MR. PxEsmar4r / PUliLiSID�! Fotm CA 13 (1M -e-83) CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM counu� ..,4912 . �. NO_ ....................................... *......... WHERZAS, by Gounoil File No. 102706, approved January 24, 1936, the sum of $780.00 was appropriated and set aside out of Miscellaneous Holiday Observance Fund (31-G-9) for the purpose of defraying the expense of the Annual Fourth of July celebration for children, at Phalen Park; and WHEREAS, the actual expenditures have exceeded that amoun%Ny the a= of $123.48; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the sum of $123.48 be and the same is hereby appropriated from said Fund 31-0-9 for the purpose of paying the expense of said cel a F. No. 104912—By Fred M. Truaxj— Whereas,. by Council File No. 102709. approved January 24, 1980, the sum of {760.00 ae appropriated and set aside out of 3floo.11 neous liollday Obervance Fund, (31-G-9) for the purpose of de- fraying the expense of the Annual Fourth of July celebration [or children, I at Phalen .Park; and Whereas, the actual" expendttures heveexeeeded that amount by the sum , of $128.48; therefore, be It Resolved, that the sum of $188.48 be and the same is hereb appropriated from said Fund 81-0-9 for the purpose of paying the expanse of said cele ra- tion. f Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1986. n P Approved Sep, 10 1989. AI^ (Belt. h. 1936) i IVY Y &V" 1. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Earfuas Findlan I In favor Pearce Peterson �j v Against Tlaux Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) )M 636 Jel C'7 Adopted by the Council..........`.....P...1.0....................193...... or 1 Wn Approved. _.......... _............. _................................193...... ........ Mayor W: -CP. MONT KAUFVAa1j ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds _ CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota_�� DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy COMMIWoner August 28, 1936 Phr. J. L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: C. F. No. 102706 authorized expenditure in the sum of 4750.00 out of the Lliscellaneous Holiday Observance Fund for the purJose of defraying the expense of the annual Fourth of July Children's celebration held at Phalen Park. Actual expenditures have exceeded that amount in the sum of $123.48. Therefore will you please draw a proper resolution for presentation in the Council, permitting such additional expense, chargeable to Item 31-G-9, of the above Fund. Yours very truly, Commissioner OrideslmCityQsek ��-BY' lrvin C. Pearce' //y� i CITY OF ST. PAUL city le t�e owner D_. / '(4 / efna[ter described,"'"" OFFICE OF M CITY CLERK.' or the M18 I not ueIng such y COUNCIL R TION- GENERAL FOi t ort Authority bA Mand be ttane[e at it may be e' PRESENTED - {�Q .. ne use, and t COMMISSION __......_..... — .... ' Out. r,rl WHEREAS, the City is the owner of the property herein- after described, located on the east bank of the Mississippi River, and is not using such property, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has requested that the land be transferred to it in the hope that it 1w.y be able to put the land to some use, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority was created by State law for the purpose of developing the Mississippi River and the land abutting it,for industrial or terminal purposes, and heretofore city owned property abutting said River has been transferred to the Port Authority but said piece of land was not included, there- fore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute a. quitclaim deed to the Port Author- ity of the following described property, namely: Commencing at a point on the east bank of the Mississippi River as it was in June 1867, 547.8 feet southeasterly from the northwest corner of Government Lot 3, thence east 660 feet, thence south 22' 351 east 660 feet to point 184 feet north of the south line of Gov- ernment Lot 3, and on the line of Government Lot 3, and on the line between Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Riverside Park produced northerly, thence west and parallel with the first line 660 feet to east bank of Mississippi River, thence northerly along said River to beginning, ten acres, being part of Government Lot 3 and of Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 28, Range Twenty-two (22), with a provision that such land shall be re -conveyed to the City at any time the City Council desires, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to prepare a proper deed thertfor. COUNCILMEN Yeas ' u NT / In favor Ceara /Peterson Against I' �J �1 X �y re '"' s Idr, ice i iceidcut ( r CI'rua Adopted by the CounciIS,EP.... _8....1. ...........193...... or1R100 Approved.._ ........... .................... - ...... ..... . j......__193....... Mayor PUBLISHED 9-aA6 -3,19 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration ®e September 1st, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel Ci ty Hall Attention: Mr. Edwin Murphy Dear Sir: The attached resolution deeding land on the east bank of the Mississippi River to the Port authority came before the Council today and was referred to you to insert provision for the city's re—appropriation at some future time if so desired. yours very truly, City Clerk. odgi—I m 421" Qwk COUNCIL .fY'491 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.... J. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM * /74 3BkMR0X3= WHEREAS, the City is the owner of the property herein- after described, located on the east bank of the Mississippi River, and is not using such property, and WHEREAS, the Port Authority has requested that the land be transferred to it in the hope that it may be able to put the . land to some use, and WHEREAS, the Port AuthQrity was created by State law for the purpose of developing the Mississippi River and the land abutting it for.industrial or terminal purposes, and heretofore aft City owneat property abutting said River has been transferred to the Port Authority but said piece of land was not included, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to execute a quitclaim deed to the Port Authority of the following described property, namely: Commencing at a point on the east bank of the Mississippi River as it was in June 1867, 547.8 feet southeastbrly from the northwest corner of Government Lot 3, thence east 660 feet, thence south 220351 east 660 feet to a point 184 feet north of the south line of Government Lot 3, and on the line of Govern- ment Lot 3, and on the line between Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Riverside Park produced ndrtherly, thence west and parallel with first line 660 feet to east bank of Mississippi River, thence northerly along said River to beginning, ten acres, being part of Government Lot 3 and of Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 15, Township 28, Range Twenty-two (22); and the Corporation CotmBel is authorized and directed to prepare a proper deed therefor, / IN G r A COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council.....___ _.._ ...................................193...... Yeas Nays Barfuss In favor Approved....... 193....... ...................... Pearce Peterson Against............. Trau: Mayor Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 AXEL F. PETERSON Commiwi— JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clark CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier .4ffl1..® August 6, 1986. To the Mayor and Members of the Council. Gentlamens On June 24th there was referred to me a communication from Mr. H. Mueller, Secretary of the Port Authority, which is hereto attached, and has reference to a strip of land on the east bank of the Mississippi River south of the St. Paul Barge Terminal. In this a1munioatiom it Is suggested that this land now owned by the city, and being put to no use of any kind whatsoever, be turned over to the Fort Authority because of its proximity to the river and preeent Barge Terminal, so it mW be kept constantly before the only constituted authority that may put this lend to any use. I reoolrq nd that the land be transferred to the Fort Authority with such reservation as mey be neoessary for its reappropria- tion by the city for soma useful purpose not now contemplated. Respectfully submitted, Ax�F.Feterson, Comedsaionsr of Finance. �C,J r"s�i PORT AUTHORITY eummiuwo OF THE 5emraTyGenaa1 e9ganager WM. F. DAWSON, Pruld., CITY Of ST. PAUL HERMAN MUELLER LD HAROE WOOD, Via Prald,nt CLARENCE C GRAY. Tr—re, City Hall and Cou,t House ST. PAUL, MINN. Jane 16, 1936 Hon. Mark H. Gehan MEyor of St. Paul 347 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Mr. Mayors It recently came to our notice that the City of St. Paul owns a piece of land comprising 10 acres fronting on the east bank of the Mississippi River about three-quarters of aliMb down -stream from the railroad bridge of the at. Paxil Bridge de terminal Company, now leased to the Chicago, Great Western, the description of which is as follows: Commencing at a point on E. bank of Mississippi River as it was in June, 1867, 547,8 ft. 6E1ly from NR corner of Government Lot 3, thence E 660 ft., thence 6 22035' E 660 ft. to a point 184 ft. B of 6 line of Government Lot 3, and on the line of Government Lot 3, and on the line between Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Riverside Park produced N'ly,thence R and parallel with first line 660 ft. to E bank of Mississippi River, thence Nsly along said river to beginning, 10 acres, being part of Government Lot 3 and of NE I of sw I of Sec. 15, T. 28, R. 22. This'woald be approximately on a line with Chester Street, Highwood, and a distance of about 1 1/4 miles from the Point Douglas Road. On the plat map the Newport Realty Company is shown as owner of abutting property. Mr. Seamer advises that this land was acquired by the City of St. Paul in 1868 from Joseph and Lucy Irish by Oomptroller's Deed No. 81, recorded February 17, 1868 in Book MM of Deeds, Page 448, and subsequent Comptroller's Deed No. 567, Recorded December 28, 1886 in Book 186 of Deeds, Page 222, both deeds annotated in red ink "quarantine Groundsm. So far as we can learn this property has never been used for the purposes indicated and upon inquiry Mr. Connolly states that as far as he can determine the property has never been under the control of any particular depart- ment of the City government. 8 The Port Authority believes it advisable that this piece of land be „r placed under its jurisdiction with a view of developing same for industrial or river terminal purposes at the earliest opportunity. With the assurance /W Hon. Mark H. (}shun -2- 6-16-36 that the 9 -foot channel will be completed in the near future we are receiving s, and it Port Authoritybeinide positionyrial to offer this particular laandms �to prospevisable cts. the At meeting of the er City officials witthority on h aeview of having titleinstructed to this tract with the prop y this tract conveyed to the Port Authority. pursuant to Council File No. 96723, adopted by the City Council Jhne 29, 1933, and approved some date, Quit Maim Deed was executed on April 4, 1934 conveying certain river -front lands to the Port Authority. This docement was recorded with the Register of Deeds June 8, 1934. Thanking you in advance for your favorable considefdtion, I am Very truly yours, Secretary-General Manager HM:MEH CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT 'LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L. CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL ROY E. H. SWEDEEN IRVINO OOTLIES CLAIM INYSvi .-- JAS. F. SULLIVAN ASSISTnNT• September 17, 1936. To the Council Gentlemen: We have your request to amend the reso- lution providinE for the transfer of certain lands to the Port Authority, by inserting therein a provision for a re -appropriation by the City of such land if at some 12tPr time such re-anpropriat-ion is desired. A similar request was made at the time the City deeded to the Port Authority other pieces of land but it was pointed out at that time that a pro- vision for re -appropriation or one which prohibited the Port Authority from alienating the land would, in our opinion, overate to annul the deed and such a deed would be of no effect. We have gone into the matter again and we are still of the opinion that the insertion of the requested provision for re -appropriation will have the effect of entirely annulling the deed. However, we assume thEit the desire of the Council is to afford the Port Authority power to develop this property, which it may do, in our opinion, even tho such a provision is in the deed. The Port Authority could not sell the property with this provision but inasmuch as we believe the Port Authority has no desire to sell the property and it appears that no harm can be done, we have inserted the provision. Yours very truly, EM -3 Assistant Corporation ounsel T J1 10 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING loll E1111 am= fMEREON AND F1\i\G MIL OF `i 0.1\1G ON TIFF ,AWARD OF DAMAGE_ In the matter of_991i t anmsetuant_for the_purpose of_ oonstruoting_--___ and maintaining a publio sewer on, under and across the northerly 10 feet of Lot 6, Blook 11, Sylvan park Addition from Brimhall Avenue to the alley in the rear of said lot, also oondemning and taking a temporary easement for oonstruotion purposes on a strip 5 feet in width on the south side of above easement and on the southerly 5 feet of Lot 5 in said Blook 11, from Brimhall Avenue to the alley ,A ppFF QOIINQIL AHPRO.Y- RIDO IDa81RT AND O .AIE7 OF 8IDAR7F0 7'H R 'TIRO OF H NO C' ARD OF OF DAMAGES. 4— �I � demni� under Preliminary Order_103922--- ___----__ approved- June -9x_1936 104302 July 8 1936 Intermediary Order -----------------------1111-I approved --------'1111-111111 11---1111-� ------ August 4, 1936 Final Order --------------1045---------------- approved -----1st 4, -193111------------1111-- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____----- 30th ------ day of ----------- September-------, 19Ara-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. -- Adopted by the Council_____________________________ - ' - ---- ----- - SEP 11936 City Clerk. Approved ------------------------------ - 11---1111-- Barfr=r C-' Mayor. Councilman Geeroy PInd1(/! Councilman Fergneen . F PUBLISHED Councilman McDonald per, -c, Councilman Pearce Councilman Rahlsad Yeterlm: ' Councilman Sudbgimmjruj= Mayor Wenzel t .1049M RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENrf A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING THEREON .AND MING TIME OF HFARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of_oandemniDB_and taking gn easement_ip this_la_ns�4a#@ar9Q7[_ellop�aF__ outs and fills in the grading of Alley In Block 11, Sylvan Park Addition and Habitation Plat 3, from Palaoe Street to Jefferson Avenue IIICSOFDTION 11&r1INOIL AFFHO 1 IN6 ASBFASMid111YT AND. FIZ•. r . TM OF HBIA9ilYO T$�HEON FII;IN6:T1ldE OF $ID�IaINO 07 Aw.4$D OF DAMAGES. , {ti 10(916— , atter ^en confer meat In •�.. under Preliminary Order__ 103921-------------- approved__JuneA 1936 _--________-_--_-___ Intermediary Order -------- 104301-------------- approved- _July 8� 1936 109586--- --------- approved__ August 4t Final Order _______________ 1936 _ __ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said reportand for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- -------- day he___- -_______day of ------ 4Ftember------------- 19 3A_ at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. "II h717� Adopted by the Council----------------------------- -- SEP I City Clerk. Approved---------------------------- 19---- Barfuss 1 C"--=-� i --1 _.------- -- ----`------- Mayor. Councilman Conroy Ffsdlan t-- .. Councilman Fergusolb�me PUBLISHTT) q �_ Councilman McDonaa�rdd" sc. Councilman Pearce Peterson Councilman Rohlandas Councilman Sudheim Mayor Wenzel L- D -:,iooNdu. Arraov, stcr__ 7Rzx aiNG - of MASIBG OF 72M RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVIl G'.- tl,,-ilss + NT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING 01111 THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING GOONNTTHE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of °4n�ffi et�i taking as easement in the land neoessarr-for slopes, --------the-1 ----- outs and fills in the grading of the following streets% Commercial Street from a point 360 ft. 38']y of the center line of Conway St. to Fourth St. east of Commeroial St. Kellogg Boulevard below bridge from Comaeroial St. to a point 100 foot east of the center line of Commercial St. Fourth St. from Commercial St. to a point 496 feet west of the center line of Commercial St. Ccuwayy at. from Commeroial St. to a point 100 feet east of the center line of Comoeroial St. __ under Preliminary Order - 103792 ----------------------- approved- _�V_ 284_ 1938_---------------____-> Intermediary Order ------104206--------------- approved__ July 1, 1938 Final Order -------------10447628, 1836 ---------------- approved--- -------------------- Ju1y_---- The Commissioner�Iof Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------ AQt;b ----- day he---__-____AQth_-___day of_-____,Y01L wbvr _--__-_____, 1914-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. SEP Adopted by the Council ---------------i ---------- '--- �� -- -------------------------- ---------------- ` City Clerk. Approved -----------------------------,19---- `/ Berfvss---l- v _---- ---- ------ Mayor. Councilman Conroy gindlan Councilman Fergusog 1 Councilman McDona sarse F''tJLL1St1LD � Y�' Councilman Pearce Peterson Councilman RohlandI Councilman Sudheim"a Mayor Wenzel___ 11('491'7 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D O FIXING TIME OF HEARING T(�O TD M 4VON DINGS i HEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGES In the matter of__ condemning and_tekiag sn easement in the land neoessary for elopes, ---------------------------------------------------- auto and fills in the grading of Alley in Blook 7. Sanborn*e Midway Addition from Dunlap St. to Griggs St. ,axcv errsov- .udNT exn FtSIxP' :1aixG THID T8®RE(IN (ten Ox- ,OAMAO&B. - nde�ei Brand • xrt: "1 Ma 14 1936 under Preliminary Order-------------------------pproved____Y_------------------------------ Intermediary - �-------------------------- 104130 June 25. 1936 Intermediary Order ----------------------------- approved---------------------------=--------� 104420 July 21 1936 Final Order ----==-----------------------------, approved--- -------�-------------------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- ------- day he___- ___----day of ----- $ep_ta>4b4r-------------- 1938 _, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. 1 1M6 SEP Adopted by the Council______________________________ �- -- g--_ � ------fit/ &� City Clerk. Approved------------------------------ 19---- Barfnss Mayor. Councilman Conroy Flndlan Councilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Pedree Councilman Pearce Peterson . Councilman Rohland Councilman Sudheimer Truax Mayor Wenzel It,1918 COUNCIL FILE NO ... _.................. _........... r wge>asex�7rre. v By Ha— _...._"......__............' .............'."....... ,r of the aneenn' pt,p bld sapen.ea - `y.. - � lot Is. at $-.-:ler-'300887•' CITY OF ST. PAUL di -Man nf:CA�ninrA� Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benefits, costs and expenses curbing both sides of Van Buren St. from Dale St. to Victoria St. for under Preliminary Order .........100687............................................ Intermediary Order ......_101289 ................................. Final Order .......... .......................... approved.............. ....................... The assessment of....._ nefiter_oostq._-gI}d__9-n—OM95 ..................................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on said assessment on the...-._S�h............... day of ............ Fte ................. 19.36.., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, stating in said notice the tine and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notice is directed. SEP 1 i Adopted by the Council ---._-----R,.... ................................................... - - �— a" I a, �j�/f�-`""" ."--;'City Clerk. Apprev ed .......... .......------------------..... _.19......... .<---- ... ....... ...... lam --cam Mayor. Councilman filewp2bennm Barfuae Councilman Fmdlao Councilman )sid- I'oarcc / Councilman MWdand_':-s Pears,.;, J 11Ui1L1STILE1) — — (p Councilman dDdheimer.L.3 Trus, Councilman ff++wd�^-+a R'e, ze, Mayor 111811610 Gehan Form B. B. 17 IC4919 �:. usnsae: ` ''``�'��� --'-coastruoting 8• mono - COUNCIL FILE NO. artvewsre on the north jr.9iinnehaha etre,tbe- ' - %&r1y 146.0 Leet eaet B— ,aet,thence easf 8.0 y t1Wc1:Ematefy 32:0 '. thence east 8.0 feet. ,_tallyorder 104790, ap; 1990 INTERMEDIARY ORDER r PDOn In the Matter of constructing 6" monolithic concrete driveways on the Apith side oV1 West Minnehaha Street, beginning approximately 145.0 feet east of Dunlap >itraet, thi66q bast 8.0 feet; beginning approximately 32.0 feet farther east, thane east 8.0 feet under Preliminary Order 104799 approved August 20, 1_ : The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of 'Finance, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report,.hereby resolves.,: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, an,d7 the. said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of she improvement which the Council recommends:ill:%:donstruct 6"' monolithic. ` concrete driveways on the north side of West Minnehaha Stree-5r`beg ting approximately 145.0 feet east of Dunlap Street, thence east 8.0 feet; beginning approximately 32.0." feet farther east, thence east 8.0 feet. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ .18 ger &quare foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of September 1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council SEP 11936 193 !FP 11938 City Approved 193— Mayor Councilman iv- Barfusa Councilman Councilman Pssrce=" -_:: Pearce Councilman 1:._:_._ Peterson Councilman ' io=';:. > >: a Councilman Vrnzc _ _!-_.M, Wenzel Mayor Mahb-iey- Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 PUBLISHL;i3-9—� _36 . rj, COUNCIL FILE NO. "t� �aetgrycCtlnBggtrddewatk ;' c`to LiDvlagli oa Ave I IC4920 -=b° ilminsrY o;deT 1of704.= `vat 18, 1958. of T -0th.ieDPrt ofthe athe Com, uDop b>' hav/n8' coast, : rt ar INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of oonstrueting sidewalk on south side of Congress Street frtmf Wabash& Street to Livingston Avenue under Preliminary Otder 104704 approved August 12, 1936 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct sidewalk on south side of Congress Street from Wabasha Street to Livingston Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.00 per front root Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of September 193.8 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improveme�,.af}��CCird the Acost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council y �+�' SEP 1 Approved 193— City Clerk Mayor Councilman VAVW9MkhW= Iiarfnse � to Councilman PUBLISHED Councilman PElff&1-"%' _ — l'rarre Councilman Ipssen--s -::=ut Peterson Councilman 31PIIWC< a Truax Councilman Nfthf I'�c" 'Wenzel / Mayor Mre� Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 4t�` - 10492. AuWtony Avenue seaof the east ce , e, theneast 60 ouW elle of St. L Barfnss ¢onetruotlag, with 4"U —' Councilman Pearce.------ Pearce to the sidewalk on. Peterson Councilman Truax . <— t Truax >[ St feet Wenzel Mayor � v^ Ave¢u :Il from Prior. Avenue COUNCIL FILE NO e, under o,- -r .1nar• _ B Y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reoonstruoting with monolithie conorete the sidewalk on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning 60 feet east of the seat line of Prior Avenue, thenoe east 50 feet, and on the south side of St. Anthony Avenue from Prior Avenue to Howell Avenue, under Preliminary Order 104648 approved August 6, 1936 The Council of the Cit=y of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reoonstruot with monolithie eonerete the sidewalk on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning 60 feet east of the east line of Prior Avenue, thenoe east 50 feet, and on the south side of St. Anthony* Avenue from Prior Avenue to Howell Avenue, exoept where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. , with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.00 per —front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th clay of September 1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement dPtheioUst thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council DD 193—� 2� Councilman d ,M Barfnss Councilman lay �-+r—;_:--<• 4"U —' Councilman Pearce.------ Pearce Councilman Rnsen,- 7 Peterson Councilman Truax . <— t Truax Councilman W tri ;-� Wenzel Mayor � Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 0 19 PUBLISFICD � J 6 Mayor . 104922 ' i , :aplpg, reDalrfagaad _ cement ,tile .ctde�alk -set So Dun aD 8tieet, 't,elf oLDuplaD street -�f•f 8ummlt Avenue (� OUNCIL FILE NO wley, emeFt }0 foo A {� Drellminwy Ori- By. ri- By. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and. reconstructing cement the sidewalk on the north side of Summit Avenue from Griggs Street to Dunlap Street, and on the west 'side of Dunlap Street from north line of Summit Avenue, thence north to alldy, oxcept 10 foot driveway; under Preliminary Order 104649 August 6, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature. of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the north side of Summit Avenue from Griggs Street to Dmlap Street, and on the west side of Dunlap Street from north line of Summit Avenue, thence north to alley, except 10 foot driveway; except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. New $.11per sq. ft. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Old $.08 per sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on .the 29th day of September, 193A_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 1108 _ , 193 Approved 1 193— ity Clerk Mayor Councilman WIMMUKI&M Barfunn Councilman hitt 1 10+mL1ai. Councilman Councilman RMWU-:-.. --3 Councilman Tfthx':' -- - 'r, ,a, Councilman Vftffz_&=—_ P r„zei Mayor NIO955W Gahan Form B. S. A. 8-6 �PLTBI,ISFILI��_��� 104923 COUNCIL FILE NO By _ y INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of raying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Goodri'ah Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Avenue -;. ,a,, ng, 7epa1ring and calnent t11e Ald ; u. aide of Ooodrlch Abanne rd street to Lnxfngton Ave- . � •r Prellminnry Order,.3Y14746. -nA.d1 ut the Elly or at r 1Q P• �nce wcn t M ,� under Preliminary Or 104745 approved August ?4r 106 --- The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends, is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Goodrich Avenue from Oxford Street to Lexington Avenue, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. New $.11 per sq. it. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_-Old-02-2— Resolved me_n7"Resolved Further, That apublic hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of September 1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing,'the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. SEP 11936 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved SEP 1 193 -City Clerk Mayor Councilman McDon$ld-2 : liarfuss Councilman May" 1� •,o r Councilman P.eatte-" -== P rce (v/ t'UT i SHED . 1p Councilman FxaiY:: 1' to son / Councilman Tnau -__-:-n Truax Councilman W'efld-- 'W Weucel Mayor 11 i dw Gahan Form B. S. A. 8.6 COUNCIL FILE NO. — t aidetvelk Pina 'Auld. Avenue from Oliver street, under �0179 , opvrovp9 d thehreport of the Cam. Fln.$pace upon the aM a 17 h.41.0 • cohet7� re— resolves: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of Matilda Avenue from Cook Street to Oliver Street under Preliminary Order 104705 _ approved August 12o 1936 The Council of theeCity of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is reconstruct with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the east side of Matilda Avenue from Cook Street to Oliver Street, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. Es El with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1.00 per front foot Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th _day of September — 193_ 6 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �- Adopted by the Council SEP 119% 193 k1Nl SEP 1 Approved -193— City Clerk €;p Mayor Counciloan I?lrfnsd J PUBLISHED Councriman/—"'�'_--✓ 1O . Councilman Peace.:: , :. ' ,P.t;drae Councilman Iktisea'_=c_ii.Gf _3 f;g}arson Councilman 7ntsir`°•_ Truax Councilman V wffd='=' Wenzel Z. Mayor MIAWftilom Gehan :ii Form B. S. A. 8-6 _SV COUNCIL FILE NO.. .'W* 104925 sl 1aq_.ng r_ePatritl4:And '+'G .wt file etdewalk ; 1 dmugd Street _ a meE West ofi set m - INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of relaying, repairing and reconstructing cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Edmund Street beginning at a point 160 feet west of Dale Street, thence west 40 feet. under Preliminary Order 104706 approved August 12, 1936. The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is relay, repair and reconstruct cement tile sidewalk on the south side of Edmund Street beginning Mt & point 160 feet west of Dale Street, thence cost 40 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist. New $.11 per sq. ft• with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ ou 07 11 " " Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th day of - Sep-tembgr , 193 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the -Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement anEdPthe�o st thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council— 193 Approved 193- City Clerk i Mayor Councilman � lis rtusn Councilman hi w--- Councilman Eearre _- - Councilman ftoawt _--s:-r:" 't Councilman Peterson Councilman °Fruaa'' ±' %11 'rrnoa Councilman fflftnel::zam Wenzel Mayor hdahaueym Gehau Form B. S. A. 8-6 FIIBI.ISHI.It__��_✓!D Oi1si-1 to cur CI..4 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu p NO 1i 4(.26 OFFICE- OF THE CITY CLERK KE50LVED CRUS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment fv the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE Overtime rate Michael Lavelle Hoist. Sbgr.-Gas 26 hrs. 1.00 Leonard Munson Utilityman 2 " 6 Ed gordell Meoh.Helper 2 " •� Sam Ranelli do 2 " James Tighe Emer.Repairman 2 " Leo Boyle' Ditch Digger 5 2 " •55 Joe Bruno do " G F No 164926 --By CW..i.i- 055 Whereas the. ComxnlI. seloner of Pub -I it. II#Illt+ee,h" reported In s¢cordance. mltlL BeotloaNE3 ot.the City Charter,'. Certifi9 thb;+.ealef.66a¢e_o[ au emergency which reitdargdltebeeeary r51e•ospploYlgeat of hi4'. Depart{neat. Oorre t .OKf8+4" emplVYea of for;t{1oYe th eight hqura.per d.Y...�g(d. S p�,pyment etnglhore thantipilal hell. hours of dm■ gYm6pt, therefore Resolved,,igst tppe •proper city dmeff*_i ' e hereby 5patllo- aQ So..PBY the•�tol��`�I owlSis ,nameA elpplosee`�at the t otaetwiee 6Yed for eats emplormel+ herelnatteYeet Le ons r . Thompson Lor theeatra t(me tortt4 = MI¢11aer sYeue hoist engr : 8e Goner S perintendent are: at u.00: Leonard ntnn ¢a at III irman E .tiip. ,.. at 66?6a ...: . Vd,$orde11 mach. helper, 9, hr.. at ?yam I{gp,lll, tnech. ,helper, 8 lire.. at - , .. + ' ,. dames Tighei eme-. E, lire. at 68yo' Leo Boyle, ditch digger. 8 lire. at 660.. -0. Ino, ditch diggeerr-E lire. 'at 66a: -Adopted by tDhte Conautl Bept. 8, iB38. 4D?toyed-�geVt2'61 928) Yeas COUNCILMEN Nae Adopted by the Counc........2AN ........-193..... Barfuss Findlan Pearce In favor Approved ............................... _..... .....__........... __...193-_... Peterson ........................... ZOOM Aga+ net — . Mayor Wenzel I6f 636 W. Vice i'resiueut (Tisa) PUBLISFIED_ ----� 4=1 w Chv Clark CITY OF ST. PAUL nu `" NO.____._ OFFICE..OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED WHERW, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE Overtime rate Michael Lavelle Hoist. Engr.-(has 26 hrs. 1400 Leonard Munson Utilityman 2 " 6 Ed Kordell Meoh.Helper 2 Sam Ranelli do 2 • James Tighe Emer.Repairman 2 " Leo Boyle Ditch Digger 2 •55 Joe Bruno do A"N^ ...... x C. W—i-j—i 55 Certified} oorre t �t .. V / ` OM1/ Le ona r Thompson saner Superintendent COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson ANIM— .......................... Against H Wenzel )Al 6*36 Mr. Vice 1'resideut (Trux) lsel ravelle, holdt engT. bas, -28 t, tx.00. ¢atord Munson ut,llt7 n. 8 hra. ``o . irdell,mach helper, 8 hre. st ('gsnpill,'y?ech. helQei, 8. IIrs. at 4o Tighe:. ..or. repairmen,'2 hre. Boyle, ditch digger, e-.hrp. at 6666e. 06- )1ted tisathe tchCovn9ctl SOPL 8 Close. moved $ep Dt X611988) - ' Adopted by the Coun ............193..... Approved ......:......_. _. B ........._. . z-�.... ......... /.......�.. ._.._..............__.._.. fit PUBLISHED_ I. 13� September 1. 1936 ME An emergency has arisen iii the Water Department rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating air compressor for WPA project #1734 Repairing main under Miss.River This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: WPA finishing up pro3ect #1734. Necessary to finish putting in sleeve. Cer fieri correct h Leo and N. Thompson General Superintendent BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By Preai t �A NP1`ICE na1[. r -_-t9— •�,.,'„_"_"#"'d af�.� NOR,, COUNCIL FI 7T. TC �eolpPetpa7t 01le de"nrwaon. ON ' PRINTER t P4ty ury �..tn thgg$reg}}t6 '�11nt�+P�B p8� 69 sovoringg sp J� nnfieed $7784 to E�678 ,lnellyt4'1$ ,°coerm°v¢Lro�`inter°}eu tpe utAe bt ih� Amt 31 193 : �; , -. �' sA$oD.t4d l�y the QR4netl,8ept a ^lBaR ' ,� �.. pprOvOd 9e t.� 1988 RMOLVED, THAT CHECKS types 19Ee> �ASURY,TQ THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT -' OF.; 125E COVERING CHECP, NUMBERED 7 TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF TAkCITY COMPTROLLER: ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI SEP - 2 199_ 2 �% APPROVED -_-193_ ur urn DUPLICATt IT Y CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. COUNCI -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER .___± ] _ ' -�' COUNCIL RESOLUTION N FAVOR A ev 31 --------------- �_ ..DONAL AUDITED CLAIMS - --------------------------- —_-r9XR _ `� ar oe, P�.et soap ROSEN __ftn" RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. F_.MR_ - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S.__ 12g.�105.M. COVERING " CHECKS NUMBERED__ -TO-____ __-. INCLUSIVE. AS MI. ICC fi CD TIIdX 2 , PER CHECKS ON FILE FFICE TY CO PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COIy�[`1 y-.--�------------------------ _ _ CITV O OMPT.OLLER • -__ 2-,-- • _____-------- _ _2_r__ ____ -_ BY __ _________________ 27784 'Vinton Christenson MAYOn 75 0 0 277 Eddie Landeen Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a 297 8 TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF ---- --'- 27790 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finw Axel RETURNED NUMBER 27791 F. Peterson, 0. of Finazoe Fin TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 42 4 4 3 113258.5 27784 'Vinton Christenson 75 0 0 277 Eddie Landeen Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin a 297 8 N796 Axel F. Peterson. 0. of Fin ce 502 5 1 671 2 27788 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finaice 27789 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finazoe 3 179 2 27790 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finw Axel oe 6 103 7 1 091 84 27791 F. Peterson, 0. of Finazoe Fin 2 679 64 27792 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of os 3 951 86 27793 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 27794 John F. Christner 580 0 27795 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finace 10 520 23 27796 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 160 25 27797 galter Salinger� GO 27798 H.O. Buck 27799 Geo. Benz & Sone 125 00 27800 Buffalo Meter Company 3 07 27801 McFadden—Lambert Company 767 38 612 001, 27802 Mechanical Service Company 1 27803 Montgomery Ward & Company 7 80 275 04 27804 Parawax Company 27805 Perking—Traoy Printing Company 110 00, 27806 Postel Telegraph—Cable Company 12 13 27807 St.Paul Foundry Company 1 378 78, 27808 J. J. Sullivan, 'garden 56 27809 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Company 4 114 33 27810 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Oompany 192 90 27811 Thomas Towey 40 00 45� 27812 St.Psul Stamp Works 19 27813 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 22 312 24 27814 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan be 110 25 27815 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 126 00 27816 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 28 27817 Mrs. Charles Tuohner 32 00 27818 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan )e 4 052 28 27819 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan is 4 34217, 27820 John Sandquist 10 00 27821 Standard Stone Company 15 00 27822 Gilbert Ellie001 40 27823 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan )e 30 763 71 27824 John Sullivan 28 20 27825 J. C. Zabel 2 77 27826 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burne 102 93 27827 Cullen & Crowther 72 22 27828 L. D. Engberg 23 56 27829 First State Bank Ins.Agency72 221 27830 Hannaford -0 SOlU Inc. 13 86i 27831 Landon—Sauer Ins.1genoy 27832 T.P. Lowe & Company 44 22 2783 H. & Va.J.R2thsch1ld,Ino. 14 48 27834 Board of Public Welfare Is 10 996 89 27835 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finers 13 238 06 y # SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD .14215443 dtGnn IM 660 �e rgc�{] DUPLICATE' 'ITV CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL y k`�.7„� l COUNCIL - COUNCILM —ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. __- - .---_------ nc„Rr+Y a COUNCIL RESOLUTION ^^ MAY NFAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS --'----A et--.1-----------------1934- .I.EO}�RGD —=�� Y CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK / ��. k' f•�a COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO------- - -- --- ------------- _y_ J,_w COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY �s FAVOR d1m 18 aj'od AUDITED CLAIMS---------"t,-3--------------36- ROSEN - etere�n ROSEN ---------- GA �S RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE p-{RC(]�W�pp (yam, Ty7c(��.ITV TREASURY. SUDHEIMER n TO THE AGGREGATE AMO��U((yy��T OF SE Ss_Y__�1_1A_Y__-___. COVERING '•tt. ,,�� 'CS [�j]j y/l `l CHECKS NUMBERED --3G..------TO--j3j---------- . INCLUSIVE. AS MiA OPTED.CSI I yv�------- PER CHECKS ON FI OFF[ C OF TH CITY COMPTROLLER. 6Y 4 _----____ .-- - APPROVE -_OM___-- ___.. - Y- ---- - - --CITY CPTROLTROLLER- BY ee�nlYea thnt vheck9 he drnwo TOTAL I� tr a-3 to the nggreK t GATE CHECK noth,I,t) f $3926616 coverinK checks __ RETURNED V NUMBER inhered 3_fi In {1:, Inrluelce n9 P r TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK c�heck9 n file In the sears o[ the cltY le,p troller. CHECKS CHECKS i �c Ado Pted h)' the C.O,OI) Sept. ?, 1936. A nprt, t'ed SePt. "_. 111F- (Sept 5, 1936) I� 326 Axel F. Peterson, C.of Fin. 9 000 CC 327 Beyen Construction Company 7 549 8 d1 200 0 328 Woorich Construction Company 329 Roge Well Jompsny 280 5 330 Okes Construction Company 200 0 331 Carl A. Erickson 7 5 332 Yple-Bt.Paul Sanitary Dist. 18 936 57'" 333 I.C.Pearoe, C.P.Works 2 024 1 ii 334 Belmont Corporation 4 3 A- 335 Remington-Rand,Ino. 10 081 336 Electric Blue Print Company 44 4 - 337 Grossman Instrument Works 28 7511 0 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 11 024 28 2G2, O I M 6.70 SAINT PAUL CITY OF S1 a�( DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 1�. � i -_�F J;� COUNCILMEN—ROLL GALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO...._ ------- CONROr COUNCIL RESOLUTION August 31 19-36 ;j -ar AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS Mc ON LD �-� 9arOAsB�, Tiaaff" RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THF, CITY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $--9.3LL_ __. COVERING ' Mfg CHECKS NUMBERED_1 ___. TO____ _ INCLUSIVE. AS N .._ FFEE; COMPTROLLER, ADOPTED CFOU1U;CiI S1r.n----- PER CHECKS OE _____________________ n �TY cooLAPPROV ----- By ^i o. "30be be drawn on TOTAL DATE jl CHECK Resp lt'etlt thq t tl1C eKKregnte --- RETURNED NUMBER the i.l crr ay 2_?.361oc ,I__ checks TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK nred IOn1 l0 1026` In Ice lo[the CHECKS CHECNS 'l - - Der checks file in the oHi _ -.. IIL city com stroller. 1936. A dopl�'d b3' the t•o uncll Sept. 2, Approy ed Sept � Pt •611936) �- I 1023 i Fielding &Shepley. Inc. S S68 lo I !i 1024 I.C.Pearoe, c.P.worke 307 32 1025 ii.c.wenzel. c.P.UtilitPee 37 20 1026 Electric Blue Print company 2 7 107 Quincy A. Hall 3 0 1028 star Photo Company 4 r J PH^I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 344 Q M777 1st. 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app. —Adopted Yeas Nays Yeas / Nays Barfuss rrfuss Findlan Findlan Pearcearce Peterson O /� Truax ruax Wenzelenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan r. Pres. Gehan pelyaal to Clay Cick _ .._., OR � . ANCE _...:....,. .�.y:-. _ 1 - COUNCIL FILE NO. U49"1- PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.� An ordinance authorlking'the issuance of a permit to Sherman W. Clark to maintain gasoline tank under the sidewalk and boulevard adjoin- ing the premises known 'as 601-605 Rice Street. This is an emerg- ency ordinance rendered necessary fai the preservation_ of the public peace, health and safety. 104931—ord.Lan.. No. 7711—� s C. Pear..— The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain: •;-ace authorizing = the 1- ` ••smtt tollueraan W. n and, bo ae. tank SECTION 1. and'Soulevard Authority is hereby given to the Department of Public Works to issue to'Sherman W. Clark a permit to maintain gasoline tank in the sidewalk adjoining the property at 601-603 Rice Street. SECTION 2. Said licensee shall obtain a permit for the maintenance of the gas- oline tank from the Department of Public Works, and shall execute and deliver.to. the City -nf St. Paul a bond in the sum of Ten Thousand rrx.:;;�bllaa�r�, conditicned to indemnity and save -the City of St. Paul harmless t a all damages, judgments, costs or expenses, and liability eirq kind arising out of the maintenance, operation, presence, or- jZft. al of said gasoline tank. Said bond shall be in such form as shall be satisfactory.to the"C orporation.Counsel, shall have such surety as shall be satisfactory to the Commissioner of Finance. (1) Tice said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this << ordinance and shall within five (5) days from and after the passage of thordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in i's such q' -.as may be approved by the Corporation 6aunsel; if ouch accept- ance is foot filed within said time, the authority hereby -given shall be void:,. _ - f:. SECTION 3. The permit issued hereunder may revoked by the Council at any time and -gasoline tank shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of the City of St. Paul shall so order. SECTION 4. This.;ordinance is hereby declared .to be an emergency ordinance, renderednecessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. SECTION 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. =7 171936 Yew' ihnen Nays Passed by the Council .......... ..... .......... -......o ............... ... Z. -L' ' F' e WNII Fete: son diceen In Favor Truax -- ... -�1 Against Wetzel s Mr. i hon 7 - Approved:. - ---- ---- - .. _..... Attest: City Cler flay / } 309 4.35 ••. eUBLdbFiLL?�. M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration t7Fyi , August 27th, 1936. I. C. Pearce Commissioner of Public (forks City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred the attached request to you for investigation and recommendation. Yours very truly, -XV - City Clerk. C 0 P Y To The Honorable Citq Councils I, the undersigned, wish to maintain gasoline tank ualer the sidewalk at 601-603 Rice Street. (Signe) Sherman R. Clark W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Han FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Depufy Commissioner SepteTnber 1, 1936 Hon. Fred Y. Truax. Commissioner Dear Sir: I am returning to you herewith letter regarding installa- tion of gasoline tanks under the sidewalk at 601-3 Rice Street. This is a natter for the Public Works and Fire Prevention Bureau to decide upon. Yours truly, City Architect LAR. .L CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK • L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 27th, 1936• Hon. F. M. Truax Donde &public Buildings Comtniesimer of Parks, Pleyl city Hall Dear Sir: The City Counoil referred the attached request to you for investigation and recommen"tion. Youre very truly, city clerk. M C 0 P Y To The Honorable City Councils I, the undersigaed, wish to maintain gasoline tank under the sidewalk at 601-603 Rice Street. (Signed) Sherman N. Clark. I, the undersigned, wif3h to maintain gasoline tank under the sidewalk at.6o1-6o3 Rios Street. �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of PoliceFire Chief DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY JOSEPH MACAULAY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Health Officer G E. BRISSMAN, Asst. G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commieloner September 2, 1936 Mr. L. R. S. Pergason, City Clerk, St. Peal, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of Sherman V. Clark for permission to maintain a gasoline tank under the sidewalk at 601-603 Rice Street and report of inspection by the Division of lire Prevention. Very truly yours, epnty Commissioner JPM/ LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Aug.25th,1936 Hon.G.H.Barfuss Oom:r,issioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of Sherman W.Clark for permission to maintain a gasoline tank under the sidewalk at 601-603 Rice Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that this tank has been installed for years in connection with the garage operated by Sherman '.,'.Clark. Respectfully yours. Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. m COPY To The Honorable ,City Counoii! I, the undersigned, wish to maintain gasoline tank under the sidewalk at 601-603 Rice Street. (Signed) Sherman W. Clark ' �/ f -4 t� Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: St. Paul, Minnesota, September 21, 1936 I, the undersigned, do hereby agree to accept and abide by all the terms and conditions of Council File No. 104931, being Ordinance No. 7711, adopted by the City Council on September 17th, 1936. IC4932 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAb-„x " Dd.NABM.'. AAD AB - ASSESSMENT THEREFOR -`" ao„.dur theag '^ln In the matter of_oondemning_and taking an _easement_ for the purQoee_of oonstruotin end maintaining a public sewer and embankment over same on, under, across and through property described as followes The N* of SWI, and SEJ of N94, of Section 32, Township 29, Lange 22, Blocks 1 and 2, Wagoner's Addition, and Irvine`s 2nd Addition, and Block 4, Theo. Hamm Brewing Company Addition, except streets and alleysi; property owned by the City, and except easements for sewers which haft been acquired by the City, the center line of said easement being a Tine described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of a line southerly of and parallel to and 33 feet fr'am the northerly line of Seventh Street with the north and south ganger line of Section 32, Town 29, Range 22, thence south along said q@nter line of Section 32 464.59 Net, thence westerly at right angles = .ila3d oente line of Section 32 128.14 feet to the:conmsencement of line to be described, thence at an angle to the right"bf.,.92° i7!.b�'�£or a distance of 217.77 feet, thence at an angle to the left 7.0' 49' 34" for a distance of 311.8 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 750 34v 48" for a distance of 30.97 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 860 50' 33" for a distance of 540.32 feet, thence at an angle to the left of '`b° 371 15" for a distance of 320.49 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 180 271 02" for a distance of 244.82 feet to a point on said center line of Section 32 which is 1149.41 feet north of the point of beginning,/ / thence continuing northeasterly on last described line produced a distance of 13.71 feet, thence at an angle to the right.of 230 22' for a distance.— of istance.—of 167.82 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 420 291 for a.A stance of 269.82 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 240:4 1 40 41 for a diatanop of; 279.48 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 390 40' 50" for a 3iatpitoe. of 550.5 feet to the terminus of existing Phalen Creek Sewer in'Blnok Theo. Hemet Brewing Company Addition, approximately 280 feet south center line of Minnehaha Street, the said easement to be 30 feet in w(#th south of the south line of Culvert Street, 150 feet:in width between'* north line of Culvert Street and the center line of North Street produced weaterly, 80 feet in width between the center line of North Street pro- dueed westerly and the southerly terminus of the existing Phalen Creek sewer approximately 260'feet south of the center line of.Minnehaha'Street. The�sbove described easement to include all buildings and structures be- tween the limits described except buildings and structures between the west line of Truxton Street produced northerly and the northerly terminus of said easement. Also taking and condemning an easement for tie purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer and embankment over sane on Preble Street produced southerly and between the Northern Pacific Railway right -o£ -way and the easement above described, Councilman McDonald PUBLISHED Council [F,. ee 6e u —4_- _— Councilman 4ime-r- \% . R �£ffi is.�.em�ry •.riles+ 103fi11---------- approved---- B X 51_ 1936 -------------------- I under Preliminary Order ----- Intermediary Order ---------1Q4209----------- approved__- 1936 ------------------, Final Order ----------------- q4 ------------, approved -----July_ 2ft 1936------------____-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it and condemnation of the lands described in the annex Resolved, That the taking ed assessment r roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, pand the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said e is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. assessment roll, be and the sam said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects Resolved further, that the mitted to the District ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be subCourt for confirmation. L Xr� +..:..aie3ime.e4Flc�[7t9 __..e__�i,,�l,p8rttilet�'�k?!tt]�$tIIf --------- ---------- Clerk. Approved ------------- ----,19---- -- ----- -*----r - Mayor. Councilman ntB9" PUBLISHED Couneihnan lir ti��n i " n Councilman McDonald Councilmaneatce n CouncilmanimQr •TF',5. ;?„ y. r.., ^+4F�R '•.,�'�!rti h75.:.,. Asr'2t!.�'...,.. . R �£ffi is.�.em�ry •.riles+ 103fi11---------- approved---- B X 51_ 1936 -------------------- I under Preliminary Order ----- Intermediary Order ---------1Q4209----------- approved__- 1936 ------------------, Final Order ----------------- q4 ------------, approved -----July_ 2ft 1936------------____-- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it and condemnation of the lands described in the annex Resolved, That the taking ed assessment r roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, pand the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said e is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. assessment roll, be and the sam said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects Resolved further, that the mitted to the District ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be subCourt for confirmation. L Xr� +..:..aie3ime.e4Flc�[7t9 __..e__�i,,�l,p8rttilet�'�k?!tt]�$tIIf --------- ---------- Clerk. Approved ------------- ----,19---- -- ----- -*----r - Mayor. Councilman ntB9" PUBLISHED Couneihnan lir ti��n i " n Councilman McDonald Councilmaneatce n CouncilmanimQr In,,matter of the condemning and taking of an Easement dp,�{` 6 City of Saint Paul, for constructing and maintaining a Sewer, under, across and through the property in the NE4 of the 4 and the SE-41ofthe NWt of oection 32, Township 25 t2�x�� 22, etc., Ramsey County, Minnesota. Now comes John Wagener, owner of a portion of the land lying-in the above described parcel of real estate, and objects to the amount of the award 01.00) which he has been awarded as damages for the condemning and taking of an easement for constructing and maintaining a public sewer by the City of Saint Paul, in the above desc;abed property. Dated August 221 PAUL D. SCHRIBER Atty. for John Wagener, 1515 Pioneer Bldg., St. Paul, Minn. '• s REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS :EFITS In the matter of -condemning and taking an easement for the -purpose -of constructing and maintaining a public sewer and embankment over same on, under, across and through property described as follows: The NE4 of S* and SF� of NWJ of Section 32, Township 29, Range 22, Blocks 1 and 2, Wagoner's Addition, and Irvine's 2nd Add on, and Block 4, Theo. Hamm Brewing Company Addition, except streets and flays, property owned by the City, and except easements for sewers which have been acquired by the City, the center line of said easement being a line described as followsc Beginning at the intersection of a line southerly of and parallel to and 33 feet from the northerly line of Seventh Street with the north and south center line of Section 32, Towm29, Range 22, thence south along said center line of Section 32 464.59 feet, thence westerly at right angles to said center line of Section 32 128.14 feet to the o=aenoement of line to be described, thence at an angle to the right of 920 171 04" for a distance of 217.77 feet, thence at an angle to the left 70 49' 34" for a distance of 311.8 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 750 34' 48" for a distance of 30.97 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 860 501 33" f A& distance of 540.32 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 00 37� 5" for a distance of 320.49 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 180 271 02" for a distance of 244.82 feet to a point on said center line of Section 32 which is 1149.41 feet north of the point of beginning, thence continuing northeasterly on last described line produced a distance of 13,.71 feat, thence at an angle to the right of 230 22' for a distance of 187.82 feet, thence at an angle to the right of 420 29' for a distance of 289.82 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 240 41 for a distance of 279.48 feet, thence at an angle to the left of 390 40' 50" for a distance of 550.5 feet to the terminus of existing Phalen Creek Sewer in Block 4, Theo. Hamm Brewing Company Addition, approximately 280 feet south of the center line of Minnehaha Street, the said easement to be 30 feet in width south of the south line of Culvert Street, 150 feet in width between the north line of Culvert Street and the center line of North Street produced westerly, 80 feet in width between the center line of North Street pro- duced wsterly and the'southerly terminus of the existing Phalen Creek sewer approximately 280 feet south of the center line of Minnehaha Street. The above described easement to include all buildings and structures be- tween the limits described except buildings and structures between the west line of Truxton Street produced northerly and the northerly terminus of -said easement. Also taking and condemning an easement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer and embankment over same on Preble Street produced southerly and between the Northern Pacific Railway right-of-way and the easement above described, �,c- L ---------- ---------------------------------- Commissioner of Finance. tW�Ww under Preliminary Order ---103511--- approved --- MILY_ 5— 19M ------------------------------- Intermediary Order --------104209 approved --- July_ 1� 1936 ------------------------------ Final Order --------------- 104479------ approved__ July_ E8a_1936.---------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. -------------- Commissioner of Finance. V4933 C RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAG,a-1A AND c� ASSESSMENT THEREFOR h gntng atld tak- 1 e-.and rrw.- In the matter of_ condemning and_teking an_easement_in_the la�d_neoesear_y_for slo�ea�__ outs and fills in the grading of Alley in Lots 2 to 19, inclusive, Block 1, Stewart Avenue Addition, and Block 1, Riverside Addition from Bay Street to Bowdoin Street, under Preliminary Order_-_ 102590 ------------- approved ------- I=AMY- -8,_].936 103178 March -25,-1936 Intermediary Order----------------------------� approved----------------------------------� 103417July B, 1936. FinalOrder ---------------------- ----------- approved------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnatiox} of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. liVartksu iR Ix�c>ycdc taxkete DEC 11936 Adopted by the Council--------------------------s-%�%����-' -- . -Clerk.. Approved-----------------�-- 19----� -- -7---�'------- --- ------------ r ae Mayor. Councilman W% Councilman Ids= � idlan (D Councilman � rce PUBLISII) D Councilman-�ers�❑ Councilman Mr. Vice 1're 1x) / POST ,BARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE � ft +St. Paul, Minns xave�ber 80 19a-6 In the matt�lo G G' condemning and taking an EASEMENT in the lands necessary for slopes for cuts and fills in grading ■lleg in 1100k 1. N<illismt as 6�'nt of o Bio9k a_ Nelsonla Add ' ". `B1ook 4 Nelsons Add. n.. •�yewA.,t. $t 106580 approved 10-6-E6 under Preliminai9 Order 10+8�E6 under Preliminary Order 106861 approved— To Philip .ad Rosis 1Man! You are hereby notified that the City of St. Paul proposes to make the above improvement; that the total estimated cost thereof is the-sum of $ 990.71 or $ O 09 Per front foot. That a public hearing will be held on said improvement in the Council Cham- ber of the 1____"day l o Howeand City Hall Building, on the y flseembe! , 193J. at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL1'.PETERSON. Pag 4 File 8161. 8160 Commissioner of Finance. A 'WI 4141 Y�� RED CROSS 3 936 ROLL CALL JOIN THIS SIDE IS FOR AD Philip and Roeie Mauer 828 8ima 8t. at. Paul, Minn. REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS In the matter of_ oondeonningand_taking an easement_in_the land_neceseary_for $lo�ee, cute and fill$ in the grading of Alley in Lots 2 to 19, inclusive, Block 1, Stewart Avenue Addition, and Block 1, Riverside Addition from Bay Street to Bowdoin Street, under Preliminary Order__ 10§99 ------- approved ------8.-18SS+----------------------- Intermediary Order ------ 103178 ----_- approved---- Maroh 25. 1936—________________________ Final Order ------------- 103417 ------- approved ------ uly_$X1838---------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whore such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finance. SeP"':` er 2nd, 1?36. Bon. Axel F. Peterson, Comer of Finance, Bni131nn. Dear Sire The City Conucil today laid over to December let the Resolution Ratifying Assessment in the matter of Condemning and taking an easement in the land nec- essary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Lots 2 to 19, inclusive, Block 1, Stewart Avenue Addition and Block 1, Riverside Addition from Bay Street to Bowdoin Street, under P.O. 102590, and requested you to notify property owners of hearing and of cost at that time. Tours very truly, City Clerk. /0" 3� St. Paul, Minn. 193�'- To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned pro ert owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --------- ----- --- 04AI __:I*x Ae� -------------- St. Ave. - Ave. to- 60� -------St. Ave. - -- - ---- ------ �A NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Ar It. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 1v July 9th, 1936. Hon. 1. C. Pearce, Coms1r of Public Works, Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Comesr of Finance. Deas Sirt Re - Grading alley in Lots 2 to 19, inclusive, Block 1, Stewart Avenue Addition and Block 1, River- side Addition from Bay St. to Bowdoin St., also con- structing a sewer in the alley from a point 60 feet northerly of Bay St. to the center of Bay St. and in Bay St. from the alley to Butternut Avenue, P.O. 102589. The City Council today adopted tW final order in the matter of the above improvement, subject to a further hearing when bide are receiveei= award of contract. 6e'cov Yours very truly, City Clerk. OrWom to city 0-k NO.._.___�L1: �;J. `� i—+ CITY OF ST. PAUL / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - CO CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM . _ems.............................................DATE.......... S9pteIDU.Bl.. 97.... 19-* ................... LVED That Hotel icense 1077 (junior Hotel) expiring October 1, 1936, isms& to Hatbsa Neff at 416 Jeckson Street, be and the same is hereby revoked upon recsmmOdstion of the Hareem of Police beaanse of arrest end conviction for selling malt beverages withoat a license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Tlauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 IC. Fu0—xBCHBerfue— MF. NTax—gO. 'I Pearce— Reeolved, that Hotel Licenee 1077 (Junior Hotel) ezpirlagg October 1, 1030, leeue to Rathan Ne at 416 Jack - eon street, be and the e.—fe hereby revoked up o recommendation of the Bureau of Pollee because f arrest and, ,,o.v1,tlonfor ee11119 malt beverages without a beverages, Adopted- by the Council Sept Y, 1936. i Apprpved a. t. 8, 1935. (Sept S. 1939) Adopted by the Council.__......SEP .._..2...93 .... Approved.........__....SEP ...:...4.:.>ti7t7e....193.__.. I Mayor Driddl w Citi CLh COUNCIL 1..?4935 CITY OF ST. PAUL .aa NO ........................... .............ITY OF ST. PAUL. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM —___.�e.._........._............................................. DATE, ......_...Septeeb.er2.,...1$36.......... RESOLvtU That licenses applied for by the following named Persons. at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructs to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of d the required feest 183 E. Thirteenth St. foodstuff App. 14396 Renew R. Amodeo " 14395 " " :iresi Vehicle Peddler 59Mika 83 Mt. Airy St. foodstuff " 143j1 • . r u . . Vehicle Peddler 58 " 14312 " Hick 9ongi 18jO Margaret St. foodstuff PP s 14eddler 5j 14362 d°�i Veiole " r p . . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Y Findlan In favor l Pearce Peterson Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) aM 636 Adopted by the Council _ _.. SER. ..._2-194893 . SEP z " Approved 193 mayor )Gii� n o.id..ir.cle.ta.hA��t— CITY OF ST. PAUL . �. NO ....................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 ---COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED If I That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the paymsat into the city treasury of the required fees.- Mrs. ees:Yrs. C. 8ulkey 540 Rice St.- Restaurant App.'14310 Renewal Cedar Ice dffizel Go. 1722 Hennepin Av. Mple. Imel Dealer " 14290 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson 0 Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President 3M 636 (Gehan) C. applied for reor. 'st the he earn. are .1.rk le 1h- " ".. the sury of the St.. Reetau. Sept. E, 1999. Adopted by the Council.. _S]_ ... _Q ja . 193...... Approved �_ ... �' . .....193 .. Mayor /J 3 i O -W-1 b C"Clak ((�iA � COUNCIL .� ���� J/FCjl� CITY OF ST. PAUL •ILS NO. ........................................ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �— -- .-. _.......�..... r_rnlcanl FARM 'that Licenses for Restemrant Bo. 8004, On Sale aalc beverage DO, TrJI, end Off Sale Malt Beverage NO. 11664, expiring June 17, 1937, issued to Robert Boyd at 2550-52 R. Kellogg Boulevard be and the same are hereby revoked upon, recommendation of the Bure_ of Police becense of arrest and conviction for possession of liquor for sale on these premises. 15 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson Q, Against Trauz Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council......... SEP 2. 1936 .193 ... rp 4 x10 Approved... ...........193..... �. /Vr.. /..........��,zzio, lmcv CITY OF ST. PAUL CanNCIL .1L. NO .......... ...................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ... GENERAL FORM n g 'or the (.9ty PRESENTED B1'111 / /yC //�/,1���(� 1 L ,A-..paoft8ted apA COMMISSIONER_,/`�"'( �/ —7� 4 �tiee for e. yyerloq ........ ..... ... ......... ................_....._..._.._............._.......__ ....................DATE.. n .Dtember:e. if8 . A. "nlnDtroll• WHEREAS, George A. Sheehan, Real Estate Clerk in the office of the City Comptroller will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of ninety days, from September 6December rd XL, 1936 to , 1936, inclusive; and WHEREAS, the City Comptroller has recommended that George A. Sheehan be ffftnted a leave of absence for disability, with full pay; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant such leave of absence to George A. Shekan, with full for the 6th December rd pay, period from September X9Z to 1936; and said George A. Sheahan be and he hereby is granted such leave of absence with full pay. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan Pearce 1 In favor Peterson Against Traua Wenzel Mr President (Gehan) 31- 636 Adopted by the Council_:......SEP ._.....2...10-193__.. Approved. 2 @.._193 /- Mayor k'U13L1Jt�D � prw-1 m Cit, ct-h RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUpOh1,--GENERAL FORM COUNCIL 9,39 FIL,No. __ ....._ _.....__ _. liv That the grade of Alley in Block 11 Hardenbergh Heights from Snelling Avenue to Macalester Avenuer in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Worksr be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. i C. F. No. 104020--13y ]ruing C. Pearce— BIoCk lie A'ahi�Aenberggh�Heightautrom Knelling Avenue to Macaleeter Avenue, In accordance .1th the les a rAde Avenue on the accompanying rod Sad as recommended by the Commlesloner ori PpblloWorks, be and the same Is hereby adopted ae the established grade. Adopted by the Council sept 2, 1020. Approved sept. 2, 1020. (Sept. b, 1020) ✓° COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Tim - Wenzel is 36 Mr President (Gehan) : SEP 2 WF Adopted by the Council__ ._ 193, (11 ) 2 Approved 193 i Mayor -a,0.. Pearce.—; F- ( 4940/�((��/�((j� �• oe uveq�epte,� � sower 'SnE6roeD-D.. Mark I to starker PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTfruetr6efet tom co+ •: eta 8treatt,, on m M.0"to MIMlees•+: and t9roe6tt he PRELIMINARY ORDER _ The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Cone .rugum sari ry aeaer Interceytor F on ,ea easement and on_VPabasha Street fr,Qm .__. Delna_StreeY tta._S.ta]cke9._Sir. et, on Starkey S F�gt. f QgL ColQrado...Btze .o wa .ps...Street, on ..easemeat_jrom..Watf3x_ street to Misais i�Pi._River,.._ he Dated PRELIMINARY ORDER Street_to._Wabasha St. Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ConAt_ct.ino ani-_�tfscegtgx_F.._.on._a,T�et��m�Bt_and on_YYabasha._Street from Delos Stzoet.._to_._$.}arkeS.tFeet,,._on Star key _._Street_Yrom.__Colorado___Street to Water Street, on ..........--- ----------....... _..... - ea. a nt_from...Nater ._Street....toMiasjujpB1—RJ:K@y thenceacross.the.Mississippi River and railroads-_.ta-Ze11ogg--Bo+>>exa___.wand_nn...KelI- g_ ,aulevard._from_Cedar 5tx� et to lt,b ha_St. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........ _............. _......... ............. .._._..... ....._..__.._....._.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to he Cissioner of Finance. ' Adopted by the Council.__.._._...._.......... _......._.--..._._.. �_..........._._.__...— YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN C Approved __._..__...__SEP .._. 2 1 PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX — — WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT - .. .Mayor. Form C A 18 (IM -6-83) PJBLISHI;D — — t s. 2nd. i ISL31, Laid over to 3rd. & "PP -ter Nays Nays Yeas yeas gp(fuss BarEuss Findlan / Opearce Findlan Q /pearce n peterson i fJ Peterson 'j'ruax / Truax i Wenzel IWenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan orylml on Uty Clerk -0� Inan� �,Jo. 771E—I ORDINANCE,.' authorize Dollar t I any perm Won to are r, r.an Iron poet and vlac.. on the sidewalk nw 'No. 63 Eaet alzth Sir �/j/� , nargency -ordinance PRESENTED BY•y "--" - - y ace eeaitn° nd er_'NO._-� . K, City.of 8t. Pr., An ordinance to authorize Bullard Brothero Company permission to erect and maintain an iron post andplaoe a clock thereon dW the sidewalk next to the curb at No. 68a kst Sixth Street. This is an emergency ordinance rendered agdessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. maul does ordain:` SECTION 1. That permission and authority be and the same are hereby given to Bullard Brothers Company to erect and maintain an iron post with clock thereon on the sidewalk next to the curb at No. 63 East Sixth Street. SECTION 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the said licensee for the erection and maintenance of said post and clock upon their compliance,with the following express con- ditions, namely: (1) The' -said licensee shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul 1n the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (5,000.00) conditioned to comply with all the teres of this ordinance and to indemnify and save the City of Ht. Paul harmless from any and all liability, loss, judg- ments, suits, costs, charges and damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property by reason of the erection and:mairltenance of said post or,clock. (2) The said licensee shall pay the cost of the publication of this ordinance and shall within fivs.(5) days from and after the passage of this ordinance file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel; if such acceptance is not filed within said: time, the authority hereby given shall be void. The post and clock shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council of-the--City_-.of St.Paul shall so order. SECTION 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, he9lth and safety. SECTION 4. This ordinance shall be in force and take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. --YMadlan cilmen Nays .—Pearce n --Peterson r. Am. .—Weaz n Attest: city Cl 390 4.35 Passed by the Council.-.... SE -P -14 -40 ----------------- _......._In Favor -_------------ -------------Against SU Is 90, 5 Approved: ... ............. ......... .................. k )'Ul3I,ISUED Mayor r — / CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mirmesota yy S+dr' o OFFICE OF CITY CLERK��, L. R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration lot August 27th, 1936. Hon. I. C. Pearce Commissioner of Public Works City Hall Dear Sirs ..,.'ie Council referred to you the attached request of Bullard $Mthers Company for permission to maintain a clock on a poet on the sidewalk in front of their store at 63 E. Sixth Street, for recommendation. Yours truly, w City Clerk. E. W. KOMLSMT, Pale.E Tau.. WYLIE ABULL .B C4 AW4 , WV, August 20th, 1936. To the Honorable City Council of St. Paul- Gentlemen: - HENRY B. PMTT, VICE P — Under resolution BdF No. 14343 adopted October 6, 1903, permission was given Bullard Brothers Company to erect and main- tain a post clock an sidewalk in front of their store. We ask your permission to maintain this post clock on sidewalk in front of our present store at 63 Nast Sixth Street. Yours respectfully, JD BROTHERS CO. EwK-M. Yr. L. B. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: St. Paul, Minnesota, Sept. 28th, 1936• We, the undersigned, do hereby agree to accept and abide by the terms and conditions of Ordinance Ho. 7712, being Council File go.104941, adopted by the Council on September 19th, 1936. netd-mi to Gq Cl -k 1(. 4342 CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Nn. .84949—By F. M. Trnaa— .! ............................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ae Provided by con. 108889, ' approved Deoeml COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- CsENERAL �cbe CO -no I did, on the i ..anuary; 1988, at ten o'Wool e Goan" Chamber of PRESENTED 8 .cone aad .Clty Ban, hoz Trod;[..._ ..^ ((� 'earmg -yon the advie ,."..."...".."",.._. COMMISSIONER___._.___. eneltY of wreaking that -j "................... ' located- on Lot 97, A net Addltton, a1- , )V 17 Loeb Str, ,,, berr% w WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No. 102389, approved December 17, 1935, the Council did, on the 10th day of January, 1938, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking that certain dwelling located on Lot 27, Block 2, Como Prospect Addition, also described as No. 1147 Loeb Street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved 1(ay 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, liml? and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or oocu- pant of said building; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mail- ing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. i� J COUNCIS.MEN Adopted by the Council_._..... MAY 5 1937.19s ,.. Yeas s / 71. favor Approved._. tir ....193 �P terson 1 Against /�41 Mayor c. j vir President (Gehan) PUBL1SlIED 7= 37 ]M 6M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 1st, 195. Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Co,msel Ci ty Hall Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the matter of the condemnation of a building at 1147 Loeb St. and asked that you draw a resolution authorizing condemnation of said building. (No. 2) Yours very truly, City Clerk Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas Nays /BARFUSS FINDLAN ,PEARCE PETERSON TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Adopted by the Council 193— Yeas N ays BA SS I LAN ' PEARCE �TERSON X 'T4UAX / /ENZEL fit. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) i r January 10th, 1416. Hon. Bred ,,. Truax, Come Ir of P. P. & P. Eldrs., Building. Dear Sir: The City Cmincil to?ey 1a18 over to February llth the attached resol'rtinn relative to the con'emnatinn of that certain dwellin- locates' on Int 27, Block P, Car.» Pm aoect AdPition, Plao 'tn-wn ns 1147 Loeb Street and referred the natter to yon far fnrt!.er investi- Fation and report. Yours very truly, City Cleric. September 3rd, 1936. Mr. C. B. Smith, Jr. 415 Metropolitan Bank Blde , St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: A resolution confirmin,• the con - de oration of a dwelling located at 1147 Loeb Street was be- fore the Council this morning. On motion of Commissioner Truax the natter was laid over one sleek to September 10th and I was instructed to notify you. Yours very traly, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council ...... _._............._.._....__._—_.......193__. Yeas / ��RCE Nays PETERSON ROOSEN i9'RUAjE WARREN ,-WENZEL 1-fAR. PRESIDENT (GEH N) W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Sort. 9, PMR ERNEST W. JOHNSON Suter. or P"YONOUNe. CHAS. A. BASSFORD C— A-1— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 city Hao FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner .415W8 January 20, 1936 Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: I am returning to you herewith file in connection with the condemnation of the dwelling at 1147 Loeb Street. This building is not in any immediately dangerous condition and a thirty day eptension is agreeable. Yours truly, v City Ar itect LAR ..0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration January 10th, 1936. Bon. Bred M. Truax, Cometr of P.P. & P. Bldge., Building. Dear Sir: The City Council today laid over to February 11th the attached resolution relative to the condemnation of that certain dwelling located on Lot 27, Block 2, Como Prospect Addition, also ]mown as 1147 Loeb Street and referred the matter to you for further investi- gation and report. Yours very truly, D 0� `1� ! City C4rk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. JOHNSON CHAS. A. BASSFORD Supt.- of Parks Supt. of Playgrounds City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner April 23, 1937 Hon. Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: This will call your attention to the old, dilapidated dwelling and shed on Lot 27, Block 2, Como Prospect Addi- tion, also known as 1147 Loeb Street. Complaints have been received at this office and our in- spector's n- spectors report shows that these structures are very dil- apidated, run down, and out of level. The roof on the dwelling is sagL]ed and shingles are missing. The owner is the Security Trust Company, c/o Charles Schultz, 1147 Loeb Street. Kindly institute condemnation proceedings in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. truly, City Architect L.S ..0 ;t 1�;4Q43 CITY OF ST. PAUL mee hp . ads ��O_._.................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF°: .2q he era[ aennit betWeeq.; Sro86Way COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENF.t, sppd for a Dermit to ruse at 389 South _Waba PRESENTED B Der notloe Aad been y /nj IMI a ee Dan -t to Para COMMISSIONER—..._......... ._._............l..L.--=...._..........�,._.._........___....._.._...................._3Ordlgance No ._._........... .. ....................__ - moil 1.oL.tAe. Vpint�• eAputd,., be' gra+; X11 ,t ..mh�t WHEREAS, Miller & Holmes have made application to the Council for a permit to erect an Lao -house on the east side of Mississippi Street between Broadway and Grove Street, and for a permit to ereot an ioe-house at 399 South Wabasha Street; and WHEREAS, proper notice has been given in eachcasepur- suant to Paragrapt f of Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permits should be grant; ed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to issue to said Miller do Ho4,mes permits for the erection and maintenance of said ice -houses, the buildings to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permits are granted subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. COUNCILMEN Yeah Nays Barfuss _ Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against z_m>r Wenzel Psce*nr'(6e1 3M 636 Mr. V'i !'.• Adopted by the Council .........-SEP- _........19 93...... SEP 31S Approved.. ............... _.............. _...... ..............193- Mayor 93...Mayor PUBLISHED__ � (O CITY OF SAINT .PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration - September 2nd, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached applications of Miller & Holmes for permits to erect ice houses at the following locations were referred to you, by the Council, for resolu- tions to grant! Miller & Holmes on east side o GSt- Miller issisippi St. bet. B & Holmes 399 So. Wabasha St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn., August 22 193 Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approved July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Miller & Holmes for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located on the E. side of Mississippi St. between Broadway and will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 2nA day of September , 193 6 , at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Page F+le_ 8142 Commissioner of Finance. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary P THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 44, 1944 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE L.A.S. Ferguson, City Clerk, 396 Court House, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: August 25, 1936 In the matter of application of Miller & Holmes for an ice house on the East side of Mississippi street, between Broadway and Grove: This is light industrial zoning. There Is no objection to location or operation of an ice house at this site. The Board recommend that the permit be granted. Very truly yours, �+�' •►CJI ------•'c. George H. Herrold Engineer -Secretary GHH/EB j rV i POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn.. Au0st 22 1936 Pursuant' to Paragraph F, Section 6, as amended, of Building Zone Ordinance, approved July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Muller & Holmes for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located . TQQ Q _ WA b, nh S} will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Cham- ber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 2nd_ day of R t�h ,r , 193.6—, at 10 o'clock A. M. AXEL F. PETERSON. Page File 8143 Commissioner of Finance THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 25, 1936 ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect - GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Q L.A.S. Ferguson, City Clerk, 396 Court House , St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: In the matter of the application of Miller & Holmes for an ice house on 399 south Wabasha, between Colorado and Delos: This is a light industrial district. There is no objection to the construction or operation of an ice house at this site. The Board recommend that the permit be granted. GHH/EB I^ / O V Very truly yours, George H. Herrold Engineer -Secretary r' t9 40. -LA DONT KAUFMAN. Supt. of Parks CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hap FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES. Dapufy Commisslonar M® Hon. Fred 1.1. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect August 1S, 1936 I an returninE to you herewith application of lAiller And Holmes, 501 Lafayette Road, for permission to build an ice house on Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision ;;o. 23, on the east side of Liississippi between Broadway and Grove. This is the southeast corner and a fillinS station is on this lot. An ice station is now located on the northwest corner of this intersection but is not operating. The property is zoned for commercial purposes and, if it is placed at the rear of the oil station, there is no objec- tion. Yours truly y Architect LAR. .0 OWNER-- + , ' "� —A CONTRACTOR__ A NUM BER STREET SIDE 'r CITY OF SAINT PAUL T BLOCK i ' DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS TOTu.EeeoLDscr® DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED FRONT OR IN FE£f W IOTX I DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED 1r�-II HEIGHT -F- APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Pww¢iION e[YONO I BUILa1Na OR PRaF- I vRY LIN[ IN P[[T LOWYT POII'R a. B16N FnOM GROam IN F[[T ACCOUNT ORDINANCE U /// VIOLATION. To: IB—UI—LSD{/ INSTALL ADD. ALTER REPAIR MOVE WRECK HANG j DATE—_ -193`5 MARKBy RES ' /' 111'LLVVVLJJ�1�' ❑ ❑ ❑ F] ❑ ❑ NEW S GN OLD SIGN I INA- o I NOµ INA-sD II ROOF ego- I oNR'I� 'ECRAL- OOMBIN�TION HoRnoonG STRUCTURE USED AS OWNER-- + , ' "� —A CONTRACTOR__ A NUM BER STREET SIDE TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT WARD- T BLOCK i TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit t0 d0 OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED FRONT OR IN FE£f W IOTX I e1DE ow LENGTH I IN FF£D HEIGHT -F- I NO, OF BTORIE4 Pww¢iION e[YONO I BUILa1Na OR PRaF- I vRY LIN[ IN P[[T LOWYT POII'R a. B16N FnOM GROam IN F[[T So BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS ADDITION OR ACT ,•�,.tA71,�1 #'L 3 I� MATERIAL -BION ESTIMATED VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION S— FQT SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE DETAILS OR REMARKS: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES n TO BE AT LEAST 10 FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT - TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST 8 FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit t0 d0 OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building Work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY n / / NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING OR WARM AIR , L'✓� SIGNED_ FURNACE WORK. /// BY / Anent 220th, 1936. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Comstr of FinrUlce, Building. Deter Sirt � a Application has been roads by Miller and Holmes, 501 Lafayette Road, for permission to erect an ice house en Lot 3, Ar61tor' Subdivision Nn. 23, on the east sle,-a of Mississippi St. between Broadway and Grove. Aill �-au kindly set a 'late of hear— inP in this mattrr and notify the interested rroperty owners? Yours very trnly, City Clerk. W. LA•MONT KAUFMAN• ERNEST W. JOHNSON Supt. of Par4 Supt. of Playgrounds CHAS. A. BASSFORD City Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Corogsiloner ®® C. Hon. Pred M. Truax CormissionAr Dear Sir: August 19, 1936 I am returning to you herewith application of ;Biller & Holmes, 501 Lafayette Road, for permission to build an ice house at 399 South Wabasha Strect, described as Lot 7, Block 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 36. There is an oil station on this lot and the nearest ice station is seven blocks away at Winifred and Stryker. The property is zoned for cum-iercial purposes, and there is no objection if this building is placed to the rear of the ice station. Yours truly, / 9� City Architect LAR. X CLINTON A. HACKERT Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Co—Issioner August 13th,,1936 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Regarding attached Applications for Permits to build an Ice House at 399 So. Wabasha St., also one at Broadway & Grove St.: Inspector reports that the above mentioned locations are "0. K." Yours very truly, BUREAU OF HEALTH Per LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. N _ - CITY OF SAINT PAUL 1DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS TOTAL IEE COLLEGTEO DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION UBLE FEE COLLECTED ACCOUNT ORDINANCE F-1 APPLICATION FOR PERMIT VIOLATION. � To: BUILD INSTALL ADO. ALTER REPAIR MOVE WRECK HANG DATe-_—L_193 MARK SQUARES ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ El ElBY x NON- rAMeINwT1oN ERECT REPAIR ILLUM- ILLUM- ROOF PRO-HORI- VERT HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE USED AS yam, NEW SIGN OLD SIGN I INATED INATED II JE—NG ZONTAL ICAL I AND VERTICAL NUMBER� STREET SI� I \ f L' WARD LOT BLOCK Pwaid�Sevarlu L.owm Fahr a• mowN FEET OTH I SIOEIN FFETGTM I IN PEEP I STORIES I BaLOLItu IR �'ar I G SR�aN FN Fm 17 4ESS J BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS ADDITION OR TRACT MATERIAL wu — aSTWATED VALUATION OF CONSTRUCTION S—. Far SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GARAGE DETAILS OR REMARKS: SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES TO BE AT LEAST IO FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST PO FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST SO FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST B FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY The undersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED Building Work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING OR WARM AIR SIGNEDj(jl l wr & HOlmwg FURNACE WORK. R. H. Jackson NUMBER SEPARATE STREET - CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS roru.PlxcoLLEcrEo DIVISION OF BUILDING INSPECTION DOUBLE FEE COLLECTED �I APPLICATION FOR PERMIT ACCOUNT ORDINANCE U VIOLATION. To: BUILD INSTALL ADD. ALTER REPAIR MOVE WRECK HANG DATE MAR QUA ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ BY ❑ ERECT REPAIR ILLUM- NEW SIGN I OLD SIGN INATED NON- COMaINATIAON L ILLUM- Roof PRO- HORI- VERT- HORIZONTAL STRUCTURE USED AS INATED JECTIN. I ZONTAL ICAL AND VERTICAL PRONT oR WIOfH LENG 91DE oR TH / OWNER----- ---- ----JADDRESS_ CONTRACTOR—_ -- --ADDRESS NUMBER SEPARATE STREET SIDE BETWEEN WHAT CROSS STREETS rI - WARD LOT BLOCK ADDITION OR * CT .t PRONT oR WIOfH LENG 91DE oR TH HEIGHT NO. OF Ixol oPRV Low[R POlxr or 9iaN PAON MATERIAL A lu BIaN u.W — 6 9TIMATED VALUATION IN I— H FEET IN— IN PEET STORIES IN DRr LIxE FEEL pRauxo Ix PElr — OF CONSTRUCTION BWAR[ PUT I SEPARATE PERMIT REQUIRED FOR GAHACit SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE GARAGES TO BE AT LEAST tO FEET FROM DWELLING ON SAME LOT TO BE AT LEAST 20 FEET FROM DWELLING ON ADJOINING LOTS TO BE AT LEAST 30 FEET FROM FRONT STREET LINE TO BE AT LEAST H FEET FROM SIDE STREET LINE UNLESS DOORS OPEN TO ALLEY CONSTRUCTION ON VACANT LOT PROHIBITED GARAGE DOORS MUST NOT OPEN INTO ALLEY NO PERMIT ISSUED UNDER THIS APPLICATION WILL COVER PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL. PLASTERING OR WARM AIR FURNACE WORK. DETAILS OR REMARKS: � �✓ii�G!y. 1t' The utliersigned hereby makes application for a permit to do Building Work as herein specified, agreeing to do all work in strict accordance with all ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota. 1 1 � Original m Ciq awk _ 1 (r CITY OF ST. PAUL iii NO...... . AA 44 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM NER_.._......._.._ ............................ .------ ... DATE _...... ..... ........ ............ ............. . RESOLVED That the application of the Inter -City Fuel Company for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 26, Hewitt's Out - lots, Second Division, being on the west side of Fairview avenue between Thomas and Lafond Streets, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings Is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. C'. True— Resolved,F No 64944—BY Fred ti that the application of the Inter -City Fuel Company for permis- ,810, to 6r 41 a publlc garage On Lot 36, HeW1tYs Outlots, Second -DIV lelon, be- ing on the _west aide of Fairview Ave- nue between Thomas and 'Lafond Street.. to hereby granted and the Commlestoner of Parke. Playground- s d Public Buildings le hereby au- thorized and Instructed to,ie-ue a per-. mit therefor. Adopted by the Council Sept. 3, 193b, Approved Sept. S. 1938. (Sept. 6. 1936) COUNCILMEN S �? 3.. 1§19,..... Adopted by the Council... ... Yeas Nays Barfuss S r P 4 19,Ig Findlan ____.._.. In favor Pearce.... Approved.. ............ ........... ........193.. Peterson 4kwi _ Against / � � w Wenzel; Mayor 3b. 636 Mr. Vice. rc:;ident (Truax) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration September lets 1936, Mr. John L. Connolly Corooration Counsel City Hall near Sir: The CityCormcil referred to you for resolution to grant the attached application of Inter City Fuel Co. to erect a public garage on Lot 26, Hewitt's Cutlots, Second Division, being on the west side of Fairview between Thomas and Lafond Ste. Yours very truly, City Clerk. A NOTICE OF IzPPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on _ 193( to the City Counail of the City of 4aint Paul, Minnesota, by A for permission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy, Minnesota, to wit: Lot p�G Block Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the St. Ave. and St. Ave. Number Addition, side of St. *=., Between St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 194 i STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication �..wn...�.. ........ being duly sworn, on oath says: that ring all the timehe in stated hes been clerk of the Dis- patch -Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as the St. Paul DlspatcN; pwuKAeneer" "4 , and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated to and 1 .............-.^� ...., 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a h c d e , h l i k l m -1 t u v w x y x 1� Ck 3C Subscribed and sworn to before me this . day of ......... .. ... ........ 9 • • . ✓,L.�ic ....� .. . ..................... 0. Ramsey Co to Myco n ..... ..........�..... .......... 1 ... • That for more than one year Immediately Prior thhe/^ publication therein of the Ato �'... printed �. "`:.'�:`:`. �.".... .... ........... .................. K A —`"""....P-.`.::".."........... hereto attached, Bald newspaper ............... was printed and published in the Ehglis anguage from its known office of publication In the city of St. Paul in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, from which it purports to be Issued, daily at least six days of each week In column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches wide; •ucnmto has been issued from its known office as above stated, established in said place of publt- unnA catton, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and devoted printing the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns to focal news of interest to said cow#nunity it purports to serve, the press work of which 1- has been done in its said known office of publication; has contained general news, com- vu ment and miscellany; has not duplicated wholly, any other publication; has not been i. entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and °�" • near Its said place of publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and Is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication was made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. That the ........................... ............. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was and published therein in � ,( .sp-1r'iinnt�eed caeeeeal+e-weeks: ..(.................. the English language, mrtsnch-week"'for'+.. . that it was first so published on..�. . ..the........ V.. `.......... day of .�.�., 19...., and thereafter on .... ................. .. of oa^* •^^^Y to and 1 .............-.^� ...., 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a h c d e , h l i k l m -1 t u v w x y x 1� Ck 3C Subscribed and sworn to before me this . day of ......... .. ... ........ 9 • • . ✓,L.�ic ....� .. . ..................... 0. Ramsey Co to Myco n ..... ..........�..... .......... 1 ... STATE OF MINNESOTA, es. County of Ramsey, Affidavit of Publication �...... ... being duly sworn, on oath . w is ....... says: that ... hee . now , and during all the time herein stated hes been clerk of the DIs ews,patch-Pioneer pre•�and hes full knowlr of edge n thee fa hereinafter sta, known as the ted Paul Pioneer Press, That for more than one year immediately Prior to theZge on therein of the ..�... "•.• •• .. . 1 printed �T� VV ..........J_e q` �lXthereto attached, said newspaper wasPrinted and Published in the IIrg from Sts known office of Publication in the city of Bt. Paul In the Countyamsey, State of Minnesota, from which It i purports to be issued, dally at least six days of each week in column and sheet form equivalent in space, to at least 450 running inches of single column two inches pude; has been issued from its known office as above stated, established In said place of Publi- cation, equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for Preparing and prfeting the same; has had in its makeup twenty-five per cent of news columns devoted to local news of interest to said community it Purports to serve, the Press work of which has been done in its said known office of Publication; has contained general news, com- ment and miscellany; hes not duplicated wholly, any other Publication; has not been entirely made uP of Patents, Plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated In and near its said place of Publication to the extent of at least 240 copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers; has had, and now has entry as second class mail matter in the local postoffice of its said place of publication; that there has been and is on file in the office of the County Auditor of the County in which said publication wes made, proper proof by one having knowledge of the facts, of its qualifications as a newspaper for pub- lication of legal notices. �^I1Y.` �............ hereto attached That the................... ............................. was cut from the columns of said newspaper. and was printed and published therein in the English language.�r•S°r-......._......+.n�.-.v.........af�eemeiroe-1+aaLet- �//.... u....... that it was first so Published on.. J...the....../day of and thereafter on .... !............... ^"" to a daY of ....................... 19....; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowledged as being the size and kind of used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: a b, d e f g h i 1 k l m n o P 4 r x r ......... u/ 19.... � Subscribed and sworn to before me this.� �. .day of/........ ✓ .�+ .0 ptlic, l7smbey County DrWdtrotit, CMA 114945 OF ST. PAUL .�. NO._..._........._..........._._... tFFI`CE0F THE CITY CLERK Cy/OOUG�Nf�CIILRESOLUTION.J----GENERAL FORM %.SOie%/. ................................ DATE. 5.........................— RESOLVED That the application of the Northwestern Looto Company for permission toerect and maintain a 25,000 -gallon fuel storage tank at 791 Hampden Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson � Against -9111iP Wenzel :dens -Ir ��� 3M 6 L�.a 4ti� Mr. Vic..:. -A, ut (Truax) 04946—BY G. H. Be.rfu®e— a. 1996. Adopted by the Council..........._srP-.-.....3 IM3 ..... Approved. 193..... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 1st,1936. Mr, John L. Connolly Corporp.tion Counsel pity Hall Dear Sir= The application for permit to erect a 25,000 gallon fuel storage tank by the Northwestern Locto Company at 791 Hampden Ave. was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, l� C14lerk. A THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1944 tMI ; • • r SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA � .;•. hr 234 COURT HOUSE M. August 27, 1936 ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary L.A.B. Ferguson, City Clerk, 366 Court House, St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Your letter of August 21st in the matter of the Northwestern Locto Company for a permit to erect a 25,000 gallon steel fuel oil storage tank on their premises at 791 Hampden Avenue. This is the Northwestern Blau Gas Company, at the north-west corner of Charles and Hampden. They now have a nest of tanks of varying capacity and wish to re- place two old small storage tanks with one 25,000 gallan steel tank. The land is zoned for heavy industry. There is no objection to a storage plant at this location. The Board recommend that the permit be granted. Very truly yours, George H. Harrold Engineer -Secretary GHH/EB V v NORTMES ITLFFAW Cir®1KINAMY FUEL OILS 791 HAMCDEN AVE�NESTOR 1328 august 21, 1936 City Council City of St. Paul City Hall St. Peul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We hereby make formal application for a permit to erect e 25,000 gallon steel fuel oil storage tank on our premises at the address given above. On these premises we already have storage for 175,000 gallons of fuel oil, so this new tank would be simply an addition to -present facilities. We would appreciate your consideration to this matter and as early action as your convenience will permit. With the fuel oil season approaching, we will need the storage quite soon. Cordially yours, NORTHWFS TLOCTO CO sy RDT:L Russell D. Thomas Aur—;! 'lst, 1?3=- Mr. Gno. 11. ?T—cold, sqc- * _-v, znninm Road, B+t{ 1 A' Drr- r ' - . The cj*v Courall r-fer•-ed the ^-mlir.,tInn t ,Trrf}— .,frrn 'ncto t, rr^.r1; - ?G ,n�� ^sllnr. 5tnel .` Iel t` �{ 7r1. tc.m^den Avenue to +.,,. ^..n{-1p'3c,r_rd. frr {rvF-ti;nt{nn and recommendation. ym,^< v,.,..,. City Clerk. 5 Elm ?1 et. 1 Mr. '41111am Barron, Chef rf Fire Inspection Bureau, St. Panl, Minnesota. Dear Sir: The City L;cuncil rt °error, t'.�.r at- tnet Pd ao-)y of an a; �21n^tion of t.hr. Rorthx^st i^n Ln7to �ermt ;, r,n e,-e't a lin steel flip! oil stn -a. -P tank on their premises at 791 Hamden Avenme, to you for investiPration and report. Yours very truly, CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Health Officer G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy C—.1.1ona, ]tr. L. H. S. dergason, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. E. BRISSMAN, Asst. Augaet 29, 1936 Herewith is application of the Northwestern Locto Company for permission to erect a 25,000 gallon steel fuel tank on their premises at 791 Hampden Avenue, end report of inspection and approval as to fire hazard. y%<�'Jtly � oars, G. H. Barfuss Commissioner of Public Safety I LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 27,th. 1936 Hon.G.H.Barfuse Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn• Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the North—western Locto Company for permission to erect a 25,000 gallon steel fuel oil tank on their premises at 791 Hampden Ave. ,!e have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Ohief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. 10, (copy) NORTMIIESTWN LOCTO COMPANY 791 Hampden Ave. Nestor 1328 St. Paul, Minn. Angast 21, 1936 City Council City of St. Paul City Hall St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: We hereby make formal application for a permit to erect a 25,000 gallon steel fuel oil storage tank on our Premises at the address given above. On these premises we already have storage for 175,000 gallons of fuel oil, ,fso this new tank would be simply an addition to present s. We would appreciate your consideration to this matter a nd the as early action as your convenience will permit. Witfuel oil season approaching, we will need the storage quite soon. Cordially yours, NORTMSTERN LOCTO COMPANY BY Russell D. 'Phomas - 0^ Or4dev m City C4h nu .. �FFICE OF ST. PAUL NO ......................................... F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL //RREEQSrOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM CATE................. ..... ...........................__................ ........... ...__ RESOLVED That Gasoline Filling Station License No. 3655 issued to Nicholson and Niblishauser for a station at 235 Northfnelling Avenue, be and the"same is hereby transferred to R. H. Luchsinger at the same location, and the proper City officers are authorised and directed to make the proper changes in the City's records. L(14946 -BY, 6: H. B4r1ue6-- �y tfie o"ncll Sept. S. 18,86. d L S. 119 (Se58) (pt 6, COUNCILMEN SEP 3.1936..93._... Adopted by the CounciL......_...._._..... _. -- Yeas Nays Barfuea C c o 3 = Findlan In favor Approved.._ __ _...... ......................................193 - Pearce ` -L Peterson Againsc_._ .._ _.. , Mayor Wenzel 7M 616 Mr. Vicc ri:,u.ciir (Truax) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 2nd, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached application for transfer of gasoline filling station license $3655 from Nicholson and Wiblishenser at 235 No- Snelling Avenue to R. H. Luchsinger at the same ad- dress, for a resolution to grant such transfer. Yours very truly, O City Clerk. " id494'7 Orldmi m CiHCWL. eouaa� i� " CITY OF ST. PAUL NO ..........:.............................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTION---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY • .. ..........................DATE . COMMISSIONER—___..._...... ....._..............._..._.................... ................................ _ RESOLVED That the license held by William Judson Smith for a gasoline filling station at 78 North Dale Street, be and the same is hereby transferred to Carl J. Johnson at the same location, and the proper City officers are directed to make the necessary changes in the records. COUNCILMEN Yeas I Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce ......................... Peterson 0 Against .10th Wenzel 3M 636 Mr. V1cC` .[��tU�t1C (lrnax) C. F..$0. 104847—By 6. H. Irving i'Baelus— C W110/VJPeant—Si11-4udsomthiorSe. I' Baeullne fluingStation at 78 North Dale Street. ,be and the same Is hereby tranererred to Carl J. Johnson at the Same looa- tlan, and the propper City officers are re dictS4 to make tha necessary changes In the rands. - - - Adopted by the Council Sept. S, 1988. "Droved Sept. a, .1888. - (SeDt. 8, 1098) it Adopted by the Council SIT I...M. -- ..193 __- Approved.._ .. _........ .......,93...... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON t� City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 2nd, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached application for transfer of gas filling station license from William Judson Smith at 78 No. Dale Street to Charles A. Swenson and Carle resolution t- Johson at hegsaid asuch ddress with the request that you prop transfer. Yours very truly, City Clerk. JO$EPH F.COWERN LAWYER E.706 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA August 31, 1936 City Clerk Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir., In March a license to operate a gasoline station at 78 N. Dale was issued to William Judson Smith. Mr. Smith has now leased the property and when I was in your office in April, I was informed that in such cases the Coun- cil on petition of the interested parties would transfer the license. I enclose petition signed by Ivlr. Smith and the two lessees herewith and will ,you kindly have transfer made? Sincerely yours, JFC:MJ JOSEPH F. 001YERN ���i(�"YlJ Odaimt m cin Cl.ek (/may A amen penoudi gR he. G� NO..__.._.__......_...__._... CITY OF ST. PAUL ) e -.and tpe same are .po 91IY=>PI"rk 191 OFFICE OF THE CITYh'e �tyfouem°ury otl OUN/SIL►/R RESOLUTION—�GENER+h� ffevev "" • + J ALL � ���%'.47t.Jr./ A7ARe.. PRESENTED BY E September 2+ 1936 for by the following named p6reons at the RESOLVED That licenses applied 1Sarfuss be the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed addresses indicated and Peterson licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feesi to issas such s. B. slocamb 707 11. seventh St- Confectionery App. 13974 Renew. 7bopprinm Percentile Co -Inc. 139 Z. Seventh St. Restaurant ■ 14249 " C. B. Rilliams, 379 Carroll Av. Hotel (Seystone) on sale Malt Bev. " 14304 " " 14305 " a r a r ■ r r Off ■ " r a 14306 " a r r a r Restaurant r 1301 • A M M cow & Ezlsy 419 S. Cleveland ■ r Butcher (}toasty 13691 " " 13692 r r 1 r r s. nett 921 Rondo St. Grocery ■ 14282 ■ A. Lee 921 Selby Av. r r Grocery Off Sala Pact Bev. 14294 A 14317 r N Bilbow Amusement Co. 406 Minnesota St. 6 bowling alleys ■ 14326 " --�Ga. Home City Oil & Gas Co. SSO Grand Av. stetson 3 pumps " 14323 " R. Hanson 146 H. Snelling " a 3 r ■ 14275,'e.T. •. Yaeger & Bockaer 455 s. Robert " ■ 3 " ■ 14321 " Bele Tlvisaker 1222 Randolph St. 3 " ■ 14322 " Mason Pmrnsce Co. 1571 Selby ►v. 7he1 dealer " X4331 " Geo. T. Itr►ehlbaah 116 Brasier Arcade Oil Burner " 14332 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1Sarfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Wenzel DM 6•)6 l 'ice t i.>t.'.wt (Truax) Adopted by the Council_... REP.........5..I* 193.--- SEIP 3 so Approved .............................................................. _...193 ----- _ iro PUgL1SHED� Oddo.l ro Ctn Clart A (.�7� O n�:""` NO..�l.�..�.1949 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLVED sons at the addresses That liaensea applied forty the following named Per indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrected to issue snch licensee upon the psynsnt into the city treasury of the ragaired fees: J. C. Ballinger & R. V. Pats 1602 University iv. Confectionery ABP• 13ST9 Dew Beecher—.'Laminga+Ina• 49 E. sixth St. oil Darner " 13925 " Yid -'Town Motor Sales 928 University AT. Second hand car dealer 111239 " 260 Rondo St. Jhnk dealer 1$250 Edward fiddle " Mrs. M. 0 Piddle 2T6 Rondo St. " n 1 SS s Irt F. No. 104848-8Y G-. ELI ft COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor .................. _.. Pearce Peterson Against Wenzel 3M e.3e Mr. \'i:c ::.i.l�ut ( i ruax) 'do St.. Ionic Tadd St., funk Sept. 8. 1880. Adopted by the Council .......... SEP ........3...19 5193..... sPP 310 Approved...................................................................193....... ,w. .. ....._zyor — 11 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -.11L N14950 . �. NO_ ..................................... DATE.-_ _.. _............... WHEREAS, Ralph E. Quinn has made application for an "on salem liquor license at 469 Wabasha Street, and has paid the required fee and fumished the proper bond; and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such "on sale" lituor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue said license to Ralph E. Quinn; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the bond of said Ralph E. Quinn In the sum of $3,000, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is instructed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Pinolan In favor Pearce Peterson Against .%e. Wenzel 3M 636 Mr. Vice I resident (Truax) C. F. No. 101960—By 0. I3. Barfusi Irv.Ing C. POarco=— - roiteri 'Adoptod by the Council Sept. 9. 1991 Apptovep -8egt. 8 1999. tBePt. �. 1999) Adopted by the Council ..........S....._3.193_... SIM Approved..___ _........._... .................................193._ _. / Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration September 2nd, 1936• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached application of PalPh M• Q}iinn for license to operate an "on sale" liquor license City at 1169 ,for t Street was ofred to you a resolutionatoj by thegrant such Council, for the prep application• Yours very truly, o City Clerk. orw_t to MY clerk NO.._ ..............._.._..._.._. UL CITY OF ST. PA OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK_ RESOLVED iring September 14, iy)o, That Hotel License (Stevens) No- 1073> a =p issued to Cora 6ran4niet at 2S West Ninth Street be sad the *ems is hereby revoked upon r*oommendation of the Duman of Polio* because of arrest and conviction for running disorderly house, and selling liquor without a license' COUNCILMEN Was Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Wenzel g&r_", dent (Geti3G7"�. iM o-39 Mr. Vi_, : l- 111,"t (Truax) C. F.No 30061—By 6."Ii'Bnrfaga— Irvhi6 C Pearce— g�08eaolved, tLat Hotel Lioegagee (etev-' Weat NIP h 9trcei `nea enapih sea& a f1D herotiy revoked uppon reoommetidapon rq�tje Bpro§u of P0)ice 4ecquee of-arr �pet ad cogvlctlbn for . .... order aou9e, and pelllnB ]t4por wlth- opta)lppgpee. AdoDt9¢ ti' tyhe Council Kept S. 1916- V Befiept&61999) SEP 3 10..193..... Adopted by the Council ...................................... ... ... Sep 3 $8s Approved..............................................................193....... C -...,.. ....... Maya The undersigned hereby proposes the matting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _________pA,LQ=t,rUAtjng with 4” Monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side __ Av ue thence east 36_0_feet_p binning _at -.a Point 38.0__.ee _.__..-__.-„ B— ela 20_0 feet—..._.._- ---......_...farthex...AMD& . th _ .._•_.._—_.._• September, 1956 --, 19 Dated this ... _........-Srd._.._.._......... _day of ----------- ._......-- ..... 1-9-56- 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:,-,/ Reconetrueting..v_r�th"$�AAflll-thllr--�S78G��.t�.....tkl.8--fl.��W� 011,—�e._aorth _s1de.....---- -..._..._.9f...R.Qb1YI►_.A.v.QUue_b.wi=oinaing.--at....e_� & Tuaimatta]Y $!k..4...feed_.ea_fit._gf.............__.._... Cleveland Avenues thence seat 56_0 feet; beginnir_at.a--pointt 55_0 feet having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL.- _ _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . � _.. . Adopted by the Counai._..._............__......._.......__....----�---$-iq�7c7' - -- - YEAS NAvs Co ncilman BARFUSS FINDLAN Approved -_..... ----- PEARCE V o PETERSON WENZEL Mayor. iiasD$1l1 Q�, s / Mr. Vice l'resi�leot (Truax) ISIIiD 3 p'orm c s ra uM-e-sat FUBI seal for toe- 104952 . �-„.lmprnvement. 1 w MonanWld ooa- ' oa the north alde PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' it as°}eBot feet Basi of ¢ syoSni ae o tee° �nq aeTe:Y aB0 P S and PRELIMINARY ORDER - The undersigned hereby proposes the matting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _________pA,LQ=t,rUAtjng with 4” Monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side __ Av ue thence east 36_0_feet_p binning _at -.a Point 38.0__.ee _.__..-__.-„ B— ela 20_0 feet—..._.._- ---......_...farthex...AMD& . th _ .._•_.._—_.._• September, 1956 --, 19 Dated this ... _........-Srd._.._.._......... _day of ----------- ._......-- ..... 1-9-56- 19 Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER ' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.:,-,/ Reconetrueting..v_r�th"$�AAflll-thllr--�S78G��.t�.....tkl.8--fl.��W� 011,—�e._aorth _s1de.....---- -..._..._.9f...R.Qb1YI►_.A.v.QUue_b.wi=oinaing.--at....e_� & Tuaimatta]Y $!k..4...feed_.ea_fit._gf.............__.._... Cleveland Avenues thence seat 56_0 feet; beginnir_at.a--pointt 55_0 feet having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PauL.- _ _. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. . � _.. . Adopted by the Counai._..._............__......._.......__....----�---$-iq�7c7' - -- - YEAS NAvs Co ncilman BARFUSS FINDLAN Approved -_..... ----- PEARCE V o PETERSON WENZEL Mayor. iiasD$1l1 Q�, s / Mr. Vice l'resi�leot (Truax) ISIIiD 3 p'orm c s ra uM-e-sat FUBI PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER Pease— 1('4953 fY Couf O8`t tor.:the i'mDrovemenG - r`th6 tr 81da FINDLAN �• �-• on the "at-elAe ._ beitmltn86ts PEARCE r : t at!r PETERSON •ene.pQytfi, tho�.or -PROW WENZEL gorm CA13T1M-B=HSf. •... ..'�t:[ (Tivax) N The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _._ +n�.ring....xglayin¢ aad reconatructine__cement_tilo aidewc]k_on the east aide— _._,Qf_Fair3d.sR.,.&yenuei._beginning at._a_oint 6.0 feet south of St=Clair Street...._____ ...,igouth_52.feet; beginning at int 46.0_fee.. farther south. thence .-- ...... -............... Dated this. ................ _b1xi............ _.._..day of-.................Septemb�i',- 1936 w_—, 19.j Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _gw°irtnv_ relate reconat t�tcting.._cemen..__tile_sidewelk on the east side —,_oY Fairview enue�._b-e�inning__at__a�oint 6.0 feet south of St. Clair Street, __..thenne-.-s,outh_.52.feat;nn ._bsg ---= oo-.aim-Point-46.0�£ftp.L__Farther__south'thence.._..._...__- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........ _........ .... ...... .._- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1> To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 3193E 17 Adopted by the CounaL_..._...._.......__..__......__..-----`��--_._------------_---- YsAS NAvs Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN PEARCE „!7 PETERSON -PROW WENZEL gorm CA13T1M-B=HSf. •... ..'�t:[ (Tivax) Approved —_..._.__.tJ3 _....._ Mayor. PUBLISHED_ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER y6y.C. frig Improvement, r Q ieaonetracUna . doyent tile '6110- •caaa — I The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: tepairinvy _T.Bll of na and PBCOIIfl%TLGti nn•=--_ QTfl IIeGflHa81R�_�8mtm+ +il g,.gidnwelir--_-- _—na..Lhe_>,[SHL_a1d.8_q..�1AYenue-bet�wee�t DavtoII AYdAus .gAdJ6arnh_AYenne_-- 19 Dated Ulis._......__.3xd........ ...... _day of__.— ------ ._.._SaPtemhezr _ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Reyalxi3lg, rel ayi g na . a i ns _ _1b&r i�tf�s .@6a%S-, cement._tilfl aidew_alk__--_ _.._.�Dri._the-FB3t--SidB--Gi-G"allt � B.II.entlb-b8L9[e6II-i1fig.'t.O11.�Y8n11e-.9IIfI..Marahall having been been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul--_--. ------- ------ ---.._._.........._.._.............__..._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said Improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. �f►�^� 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SU M6 �r Adopted by the Council _............ ..._..._..------- _..__._..-._... ..... .... _._3 .... .— YEAS NAYS CouncilmanBARFUSS FINDLAN Approved_......—_..__..__..._...-_..._.----_---- �.. o PEARCE PETERSON WENZEL ----- Mayor. "Y l resi�leut (Truax) _ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER Council— . -B ;C Pearpe;z !,¢o�eat ror the . Drgvpp�ent. ra,recpnetracriug�' an -tee treat arae — m aummlt Avenge -h8� n�ces""�nr• ! the r.,•. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: _ Renair�rfg, relaying_ and reconstructing cemeat tale sid—TT-a1-K on the seat side -----cf—Gratta...Street ...prom +mmi tAv�t�e—#9__Pbrtlaad Av�ue�]mare_aestieBarX— .-.--.---- Dated this - ........ Sid--..- ........... . ...... day PRELIMINARY ORDER 19__ Councilman. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: ...----RQ•i)ai r=mss rei Pi nev_�d`rec�onatrnrt.in�v _L.CC1A8IIf._til9 Hi�AI/��.411 .�8, We5t ,8S(12.-_._. Gr4tt5?...a�trQ-Q-t, f .Q.R 51 1.t. Ag(3 ue..-t4...P.9I,:�7.�ei}�i Avenues tahere._neceasary-...--------- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ................... _.... ................ ......................................_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That4he Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: I. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. .4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council._._.__...._................._...----.._---SEP-3-1.906-._...--- ----- YEAS NAYS Coon dlman BARFUSS PEARCEN EARCE PETERSON 4W010 WENZEL Mr. Vic' i.-of'Acut (Truax) ,Form CA 13 (rM-6-84) -- --r— Mayor. ,PUBLIsRED � --3 (O PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the CIty of St. Paul, viz.: __ _ R_tRE-Liring= . relaying and rec0n13t-4in r_ where necessary-,-_cemen _A le aideAallc..- on-tha-w.eat._aide._.oi...Hatsn Avenue_beglnning--at._the_nor.th-IJnB_Df _._.__thance..north__t� Lhe aouth line o� lnt ..3.��lflcic-11,...Irvineis. sa��n� Addition Datedthis _.......... ..........-.........._........_......day of..- ............. ...... _..... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _-Re_pair relayiin&_a d reconatruct -a _where-._necessl _cement the sidewalk 1.ine....of.-1I0rth Street,.----.. to.... the __arntth lino nf-1pt.-.,t-g1Ock. II ...I inn�.B..:Sraeond AAAitipn�.--_- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........---...._._...._......._._.........-_................ ......__...__. -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .._.._... -........ ........................... ... so -v - - _ YEAS NAYS (ax— Council File — a " _1'eatce- d on"��e�.,vAo�r .t t'. FINDLAN tine. ' eu U14'% PEARCE PETERSON 4 ,; �R!l1ME a6 tie WENZEL . tee Avdnne •rth1,he'.or" N6•" - to the 6ou"' " The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the CIty of St. Paul, viz.: __ _ R_tRE-Liring= . relaying and rec0n13t-4in r_ where necessary-,-_cemen _A le aideAallc..- on-tha-w.eat._aide._.oi...Hatsn Avenue_beglnning--at._the_nor.th-IJnB_Df _._.__thance..north__t� Lhe aouth line o� lnt ..3.��lflcic-11,...Irvineis. sa��n� Addition Datedthis _.......... ..........-.........._........_......day of..- ............. ...... _..... .... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _-Re_pair relayiin&_a d reconatruct -a _where-._necessl _cement the sidewalk 1.ine....of.-1I0rth Street,.----.. to.... the __arntth lino nf-1pt.-.,t-g1Ock. II ...I inn�.B..:Sraeond AAAitipn�.--_- having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul ........---...._._...._......._._.........-_................ ......__...__. -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council- .._.._... -........ ........................... ... so -v - - _ YEAS NAYS Councilman BARFUSS FINDLAN / PEARCE PETERSON 4 ,; �R!l1ME WENZEL Aj= Form C A 18 ZIM-8-s8) • "':""t (i-lUax) Mayor. FUBL1�liLL;� �� oam"d m cin ct.h COMM 98EID.BE COUNCIL to4957 CITY OF ST. PAUL Z" OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK --% COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM DATE. - .._.Seplember...2x...1956 �r abdb- ..� rCQ SCsn677y. .a.i0384,�+;.ayyrbpe� `p`:� �tLenComreufs- '� tol' tlrb above: .a eufl the'B,@' In the matter of paving Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Franklin Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 102811 approved February 5, 1956, and Final Order 1. F. 108879 approved April 21, 1956. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson d Against Sw10 Wenzel ft0-'Presid--J1Gek 3L, 636 y;r . _ ('i uax) V. Adopted by the Council ....._ ............. 91936,93-. 9 Iw Approved ...... 193..... .............. ✓ �j .. / Mayor e1JBLISHLI)_z_ _�� 3S O.sdb wt9p ci..k CITY OF ST. PAUL `nOi"`" NO -A01058 . OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI;- R$664,UTION--GENERAL FORM In the matter of paving a Roadway and Ramp from Kellogg Boulevard to Exchange Street and Eagle Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 102611 approved February 5, 1986, and Final Order C. F. 108879 approved April 21, 1956. RESOLVED, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. 0" . iy:anA' C F. 1088' a � m^edaAD fl.¢87 s : ne - and eDaot` —. v'1heCnmmin- i =er nd ,ththae a6r ' ^ aJ 7U Adopted by the Council, SEP .....,..,3,0.6 193-- m Approved............•.............. .._. 193....... ................................................. Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 6arfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson 0 ........_._ __.._._ -T-11w— Against g Wenzel ent .d i'ruax) ant 6)6 Mr. Vice . i—j"eut 0" . iy:anA' C F. 1088' a � m^edaAD fl.¢87 s : ne - and eDaot` —. v'1heCnmmin- i =er nd ,ththae a6r ' ^ aJ 7U Adopted by the Council, SEP .....,..,3,0.6 193-- m Approved............•.............. .._. 193....... ................................................. Mayor 1st. 7 sf v t 2nd. Laid over to 3rd. & app—r,b Adopted Yeas ays Yeas Nays Barfuss Barfuss Findlan Findlan, `N Q Pearce Pearce vvv... jjj Peterson Peterson Truax Truax Wenzel Wenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan OrWnal w City Clock ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 1 (.4959 PRESENTED sYZ-I1.dL=n-.1J ORDINANCE NO. - An ordinance amending Ordinance No., 7607, entitled 'An Ordinance dividing the Classified Service of the City of Saint Pail into eight specialized Servises, a Skilled LRLbor Service, anCan 9hekl1led Labor Berries, and defining and fixing the titles, duties and qualifications for the various positions with - In each servioe,0 approved April 13, 1930. TEE COUNCIL OF THEICITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: gsotion,l. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved April 13, 1965, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by Inserting In Section 11, Subdivision M, immediately after the title and quali- fications for the last position in said subdivision, the following: 'Title of class: ASSISTANT AINTOBIVX MARAIRR Duties and responsibilities: Inder teneral supervision, to perform assigned work In connection with Auditorium management, program preparation, supervision of advertising and public relations, prepar- ation and distribution of publicity and book - Lag attractions. Zxmples of work performed: To take charge of Auditorium In absence of Manager. To supervise Auditorium employee. To prepare programs and supervise adver- tieing soliolUtion and preparation. To prepare and distribute publicity and advertising for billboards and Insertion in public press. To secure booking of attractions for Auditorium. Minimum qualifications: High Behool graduation; at least tire years'experienoe In supervisory capacity In theatrical business and at least five years experience in publicity work.andten years in newspaper work as writer or:oditor.0 Section S.. This ordinance shall take effect and be In force thirty days after Its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson as Darrues Trus�K -W.., X6dlan Wenzel r , Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: ................ ................... -- ......----- ... -------- City Clerk 300 4.35 Passedby the Council ---------------- ------- --------------------------- - -- Approved: ... ......................In Favor ........................... Against Mayor P -F September 22nd, 1936. Ron. John S.lindlans Cocusr of Sdnoation, Building. Dear Birt The Council laid over your ordinance creating the title of Assistant .Auditorium Manager to September 23rd and requested that you consult with the Corporation Counsel with a view to amending and modifying the minimum gnalifioations set out in the ordinance. These qualifications now reads "$ice School gvadnatlont at least five years experience in supervisory capacity in theatri- cal business and at least five years experience in publicity woslc and tan years in newspaper work as writer or editor." It was suggested that the words "or equivalent" might be added in the proper place. Your% very truly, City Clerk. 0,4a .t . Citr 0-k RESOLVED CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY; CLERK l- "COUNCIL RESOLUTION -r -GENERAL FORM u 16 .... .................... 'PJT.'EFiHAS, the Havre,,All-Star Softball Team.,tpe State. Champions of the State of,Yontana,' desires to play the Frank and Joe Roger's Team, Saint Paul City Champions a game of softball on September 9, while such team is enroute to'the National Tournament and fI�S, it is the Aire of the Department of Parks, plgygrounds and Public Buildings to,offer the use of Dunning Field, for fifty perame centnofhtheasis-that the said proceeds afterstheHavre cost ofl-Stars receive fifty p lighting the field and other operating expenses have been as tictedtherefore be it resolved that the commissioner� ` ,parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings ba and he ereby authorized to make such offer to Joe Zook Manager of the said Havre All -Stars, and to permit the use of said Dunning Field upon such ba9is should such offer be accepted. ly C. m. 1 0l COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Counall.-SE- ?. ........4.. ....._193..... Yeas Nays 6arfuss ..(, : SEP ¢ IN Findlan In favor Approved, ........................ ...................................... 193_..... Pearce /— Peterson G . / Against Mayo[ Truax Wee�L Mr. President (Gehan) — 3M 6.36 C*ha.w.cih'OLh eoune,L x.14961 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO .................................. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL JR/ESOLUTTIIIO(//QN-/%-�GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY H C•NZSL....._�`��"""_ S� ..... DATE......_ ........ ._ COMMISSIONER__........_�............ ... _ _........ ........... .____ ...... _.. .. RESOLVED RHERE0, the Lakeside Bridge and Steel Company, Contractor on PRA Project Minne 1003, has submitted a proposal to allow the change described in Change Order No. 2 as a deduction to his contract for the sum of Six Hundred Right -six and 96/100 ($686.96) dollars and has stated in this proposal that no calendar days additional will be required to complete his contract because of this change, and SEAS, this proposal has been approved by the Engineer for the Rater Department, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Contractor's proposal be and is hereby accepted, subject to the approval of the PWA* COUNCILMEN Yea Nays Barfuss Findlan /J i In favor Pearce Peterson Q _ Against Trau: illy wi- Mr President (Gehan) W. 636 Adopted by the Council ..._Cv` f -P..... -4 t0...-193 ..... SEP 4 i Approved_ _ _ ...........................................193.. .. G L.__.. _. _..f.._.. .. . ....._._._.... Mayor 0.W_1 m Cin 94,U 4 It I :( 'r CITY OF ST. PAUL t 1(q�,"`C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --- GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY S._Find1B.II'.:.r"!-��!.�-!- .............. A e.. eSTt6�lb6r...3.,.._.�,9...v3.6.�........... RESOLVED WHEREAS, the Commiseioner of Educatior. has reported to the Council in accordance with Section 53, Of the City Charter the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than their usual hours of employ -o' ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named employes, at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAHE TITLE TI;IIE RAT--- TOTAL Merriam Park Branch Library Davenport, George L. Janitor -Engineer COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson n J Against Trzus Welmai Mr President (Geban) 7M 676 13 hrs. .581- $7.61 Adopted by the Council ..SE+p__.__4.'W5....193, Approved .I� Mayor FORM NO. 1 September 3, 1936. An emergency has arisen in the Department of Education Bureau of Public Libraries, rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day, in doing the following work: Tn IrpAp }he wAyriom Park Rranah Library open and to clean the building This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: Necessary to keen this branch library open on account of special activities in building, This report is in accordance with Section 53 of the Charter. prialoal t, city Clerk / / / eouNrn ��,�.:�... f I CITY OF ST. PAUL nt.� NO.._..—.__.._.........__..._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That licenses for Beetearent, appliaatim 1434T' On Ssl%�alt Beverage, application 14348, and Off Sale 11al.t Beverage, application 14349, applied for by Henry Slobs at 53S Ries Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council Sept. 1, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 1-1 Findlan J In favor Pearce ........... Peterson Against Truax 1hW.M& v Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 6.36 C. G. No. 104963—By G.H. Barfuss— F. M. Truar—Irving C. Pearce— Resolvedthat licensee for Restau- rant, application 14347, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14348, and OR Sale Malt Beverage, aDDticatlon 14349, applied for by Henry Skiba at 638 Rice Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk Is Instructed toIssue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fee New Informally approved by -Council Sept. 1, 1936. Adopted byy the Council Sept. 4, 1938. Approved Sept. 4, 1936. (Sept. 12, 1986) Adopted by the Council ........SEP ,.......4...193..... Approved.................� ....... .....193....... y ..... Ivfiyor n { �[ �. Orialod Io City Clete COUNCIL ��_'. �1/4 CITY OF ST. PAUL u NO..._ r/ O FICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM J ��� 11 PRESENTED BY ........_...DATE..... _.9jTC.0A.er....'T,.._1936.......- COMM ISSIONER.-.........._................................................ .......... ......._.... That licenses for Restaurant, application 14350, on Sale Wt Beverage, application 143511 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14352, applied for by S. Ferris and James Otualley at 777 Selby ►veane be and the same_are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council....OF5........4 ��... 1.....193. Yeas Na s Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved..................a a `.." `.'........193....... Pearce y (f Peterson T j Against j/ i .. .................... ...__._...� Truax Mayor AJ"eeel— [ Mr. President (Gehan) )M 636 C. PeaBaerfuee— M. Truax9fi Iron g C. Resolved, that lice.... for Re.tau- ant, application 14350. On Bale Malt application 14361, and Ott Beverage, saleMal Hew . forBebYr B.e�FeTil.caand Jajme- ,leY at 777 Selby Avenue be and informally app roved by the a me are hereby granted and the clerk is instructed to inane �uchl Council Sept. 1, 1936 city treasury required fees.to the c![Y o[othe New. Informally approved by Council Beet. 1, 1936. Adopted byy the Council Sept. 4, 1936. Bept. 4. 1830. Approved -- (Sept. 12, 1938) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council....OF5........4 ��... 1.....193. Yeas Na s Barfuss Findlan In favor Approved..................a a `.." `.'........193....... Pearce y (f Peterson T j Against j/ i .. .................... ...__._...� Truax Mayor AJ"eeel— [ Mr. President (Gehan) )M 636 (NW -1 1. cl" Cl-- t(1[nfi"i CITY OF ST. PAUL NO..._..:_..._..:...._......____ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �/•l�.^. COUNCILRESOLUTION---GENERAL FORM R PRESENTED ,6Y Q I _ .................DATE................ September 4 , 193b............ That licensee for Restaurant, application 14353, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14354, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 14355, Tavern application 14356, and Dance Hall, application 14357, applied for by John Drinane at 498 Rice St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Informally approved by Council Sept. 1, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Naya 6arfuss Findlan J In favor Pearce Peterson Against Truax Mr. President )M 616 (Gehan) r , Bart..— Adopted by the Council `aP.......¢...W.......193..... .......... Approved., ... I . E. 4 1......................936 ..193.. ... !.. _ Mayor otiatn.l to ctn faa► --V`496 � CITY OF ST. PAUL couwctt. ............... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN RESOLD GENERAL FORM PRESENTE COMMISSIU__..._._.................._............_....._............._....T._..—DATL.:...1___..._.._._._.........._.__....... ........ ...._.... RESOLVED That the proper City officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with John A. Plumb .noth Jtoi,. _.f the rate of t h tt e.....It. he providing for the payment of compensation to him at the byf ..Im while to e tment of Public �` f March, 1111,, rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be ); ,at to accordanee the proper City totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him +.. ne'sumtoof av to while in the employ of the Department of Public Works 4' on the 11th day of starch, 1936; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper City officers are hereby authorized to pay to said John A. Plumb the sum of Two Hundred Eighteen and 40/100 Dollars ($218.40) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including June 30th, 1936. . Yeas COUNCILMEN Nays ... Adopted by the Council.. Sp_�..�... x193__.. Findlan DLII/ In favor Pearce Approved ..............193___. Peterson 3�i �.... Against - �% , l� w✓- a - Wool+ Mayor 3I.' 6J6 Mr. Vice 1'residW (Truss) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK • COUNCIL V4967 (l�%��• CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL�R€�S,OtLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / r• COMMISSIONER ER DATE— VED�"-'G. Fr.,Bartuee=l F. Peterson—M. .o, n C. FW nlzel ry Ting it nr the prober Cldir "n suthorized and directed •> a warrant In [ evor That the proper City officers are hereby 'theeCiy'e o 1tott°o ` (or 6ovemoF Oleon'e z.. to Miscellaneove and authorized and directed to issue and draw a warrant in ^,nt, of the Gene ­1 naw nril .in; favor of Fulbruge's Flowers, Inc. in the sum of $25.00, being the City's portion of floral emblem for Governor Olsonls funeral. Charge to Miscellaneous and Unforeseen Account, of the General Fund, Code 31-135. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce P tersog L Vfimmwu \1K�laol Against snl 64dr. Vice l'residect (Truax) Adopted by the Council. 193_ 5 10?C 193 --- Mayor • .F JY Irving G Pearce— (!() {� [ha ImDrovemeatp��t,Tk Orl,ia.lwCl[r Clerk ReDatring, Reisying and �[ i) Y[ J CITY OF ST. PAI,1!_ h9°eaeibe°Ida ntBVlato is NO.. _----- !- an Of and Tie,gee J• .- OFF CE OF THE CIT [hat Qeecrtbed " the R, 1� yta tad �tecunetrue�' CO yq[ L SOLUTI N 1 n;edr°etreei hl` i(V (iA Hees ,t PRESENTED BY J ..... ......... DATE _g.Q�l"PbOr RJ....19.a.6.....__._. COMMISSIONER.......ivN.G.... •....PEARCE........... ..._............ t RESOLVED Whereas, in the improvement described as the Repairing, Re- laying and Reconstructing of the Cement Tile Sidewalk on the east side of VICTORIA STREET between Selby and Haguee Avenues and that described as the Repairing, Relaying and Reconstructing of the Cement Tile.Sidewalk on the north side of SCUDDER STREET between Gordan and Blake Avenues, Standard Stone Company, contractor, Comptroller's Contract No. L-3899, it was found necessary to make the following additions: ADDITIONS: (Areaway construction; Lot 99 B10011�9, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition) 1.0 cu. yd. of Concrete Class "A"- ® 12.00 $12.00 98.0 pounds of reinforcing -steal- ® 0.05 4.90 18.0 hours of labor in removing tree roots on Soudder St. from Gordan Ave. to Blake Ave.- a $ 0.625 11.25 Total Addition - $28.15, and WHEREAS, the total net addition is $28.15, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council approve the above additions made in accordance with the specifications in an amount not to exceed the sum of $x "5, said sum to be added to the first partial estimate to be paid to the Contractor, Standard Stone Company, under it's contract known as Comptroller's Contract No. L-3899 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor that the sum of $28.15 is the correct amount to be added to said contract. COVRTBx$IGN$D: �+ omp ro or ✓�vn8. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays fle:fam Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson O Against Tfun- Weevel. 3M 6.36 deg(Ge=} Mr. Vicc<;tucat ('i roas) STAND S MPANY, By�1= Contractor C as oa o24b a 0r 3 Adopted by the Council..t..�^......_...17.....193..... Approved... _....._193....... Mayor PUI3LI�Ii1✓D �— /� - 3 t" 0.1,d .l to city Clarkcouwca 10.1 +,�'" 6 9 CITY OF ST. PAUL 2u NO .......................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GENERAI -ay F: az. Truces - 01 n Mlarni, Dalry Sof t d ;ne chaftball hea s the .:u to raise softball League and PRESENTED BY .b to Senn sutl the funds to ............................_....................... COMMISSIONER..._._....._............................................................................_.....__......................_......_'+elr ezpeneee to the NeNong'. s , aced e, s order to -aet I Ir ..' U, eoeeeary [undo It Iv: eam rent Dun*'; RESOLVED n "rhted VJT?EREAS, the Itleyer's Dairy Softball Team won the championship of the Twin City Girls' Softball League and their desire to raise sufficient funds to defray their expenses to the National Tournament and WFEREAS, in order to assi.st in raising the necessary funds it.is desired that said team rent Dunning Field Number two, lighted for the night of September 8, and to use the procedds from the game on that night to defray such expenses and WHEREAS, the trip to the National Tournament will not be taken unless the proceeds received are sufficient to pay the expenses of such trip and WTEREAS, R.K. T"urray Tanager of such team has agreed to pay the Department of Parks,Play�rounds and. Public Buildings the sum of Ten Dollars (J10.00) rental for such field, if the trip is taken and to give the Department the entire proceeds if the `,rip is abandoned therefore be it Resolved that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized to permit the use of the field i.n accordance with the aforesaid teras. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pmndl n /I-/— In favor Pearce Peterson I Against Twp• vlenesi 3M 6.36, Vice i'r�sidcut (Trues) Adopted by the Council .......�EP.........5....1..9.3.6j...193..... Sep IOn J 4 Approved......................................_.......:...................193 ...... y PUBLISHrD y ,� � NOiiICE' i C.RF. N e. 104970-304871— PAUL .104970 ��J`4��i TO Resolved, that ghacke be erevm on COUNCIL FILE No.___�_ the Dler tree ury to the AIrareaete LUTION PRINTER amount of 8188,88$60 coverina cl(eckei numbered 77874 to 77978, 1ncluelve, se' Per checks on nle In the oetee of the c it camb® Adomptroller. Sept opted bgy the Connell Sept. 6, 1988.'Z _l93 ADDroved "'Ji ' 6, 198811 . r (8ept. 13, 1988) RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 66,66x. 2T9T6 OF; , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 27g?T0_INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. s tN6 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL193_ APPROVED / 193— ciry co oL�en - By SAINT PAUL OF �* I DUPLICATE TO CITU CLERK CITY COUNCIL jILI .--.-. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO-- ----- ------------------ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA.BOMMID adlae FAVOR I AUDITED CLAIMS --------Sep-t�'aT--3-----------19�--- PEARCE ^P arse a son, ROSEN _ G I S RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D W T ITY TREASURY. - enzel. �4 "1�.- - TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN Qp E.__. __J__.__ _ COVERING -v P� Mr.1C. .��i�L- 1X re>�•13av`�' CHECKS NUMBERED___ g7 ax) INCLUSIVE. AS IruPER CHECKS ON F E OFFIC OF THE ITY C PTROLLER: ADOPTED BY THE ^O.VCI L. _- ---- - -- _ __ _ _ ________________________ APPROV D..____-- _----- --19. --__-_ - ITY COMPTROLLER ._____- C --- MAYOR ------ ---- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF — RETURNED !IV NUMBER TRANSFER OI.. U RSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS II CHECKS 11 BROUGHT FORWARD • 27874 1 0. Thompson 4 5 2787 27876 NPls Frederickson Lindstrom & Anderson & SCU11 00• 4 32 93 4 27877 Matilda Thompson 256 6 27878 Jacks Mf g. Company 35 2 1 22 6 j 27879 Johnson Service Company S49 6 27880 J.L. Shiely Company,Inc. 31 4 27881 Twin City Briok Company 18 6711 27882 Gregor Brygicki 18 6T' 27883 Frank Romooky 40 0 27884 John Rose 12 5( 2788 Walter Salinger 7" 2788 Frank Romoohy 10 & 27887 27888 Harry Pappas Sylvester Knowlan 47 5( 27889 27890 Frank Mancari Arthur Lindbom 65 0 32 0011 27891 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 40 `w 00i11 28 OOi! 27892 '>7893 George Sudeith Tr.W.Johnson, sec. of MeBoASS1, 300 0a1 278914E w.W.Johnson. Seo.M.DBall Assr. 600 001. 27895 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finaroe C. Finpffoe 119 001 368 30�i 27896 Axel F. Peterson, of Finance 265 20 27897 Axel F. Peterson. C. of 92 03, 27898 27899 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 2 861 31 27900 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 462 8 27901 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finance 12 191 91' 359 691% 27902 27903 27904 William Ebertz William Ebertz 'Williams 175 311j 1 0' 27905 George Frank Ballis, Jr. 60 0& 27906 27907 Board of Public welfare Board of Public Welfare 13 562 16 16 675 80 27908 John w. Hurley 44 200 00 27909 27910 J.J. Thompson Ahlberg Bearing Company 13 20 27911 Charles F. Bruess 70 001; 34 891 27912 Capital Envelope Company 97 28i 27913 Capitol Stationery Mfg.Company 27914 Yrs. T.F. Dahill 271 15 • 27915 F & E Checkwriter Sales Comp y 75 27916 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Comp sa 70 86'I 27917 General Electric Supply Corp. 22 91, 27918. Goodrioh—Silvertown, Inc. 73 77" 27919 Grasselli Chemical Company31 29 27920 Protectoseal Company 49 01 27921 Otto Sohmalsbauer 6 78'i 144 25:. 27922 27923 H.K. Stahl Company Standard Register Company 194 43i 27924 U.S. Bedding Company 3 371 27925 'Westinghouse Electric Supply ompany 85 83 i, 27926 Amherst Wilder Charities 50 00. I 'DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN-RbLL CALL MAY L "lanIN FAVOR arcs, Peter oa ROSEN �,GW&S 1. __ _ MRL- _ _ Y1I OOii�� �roT`.+ - MR..P ND - ADOPTED ABY TME COUNCIL__..__.-�--r / 1 U • CHECK NUMBER { CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL '�I IL Q OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.._-....___---------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ------------- ---------------,9 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DV' H46TY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE A 'JMF 5._-O-_ . -------• COVERING 7pUgN'J7�71 I CHECKS NUMBERED -_.--TO______ __ ____. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -! F-=----1Sf�_-__________ --------- ----CITY COM RTROLLER I� MAYOR IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD BY -___--___-_n------ __—----------- _------- TOTAL l DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 11 BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS IIS P N ALL i i I; rl� 27927 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina ce 27928 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin oe 27929 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 27930 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 27931 Mrs. Delia Brown 1 27932 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 27933 Mrs. Louie Fay 279*1 Mr9. Anna R. Foley 27935 Mr4. Elizabeth Literski 27936 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 1 27937 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 27938 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 27939 Ballard Motors & Ramp Garage) 27940 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burne 27941 Griggs. Cooper & Company 27942 Inter City Paper Company 27943 The Liquid Carbonic Corporation 27944 Tri --State Tel. & Telg.Comp 27945 Tri — State Tel.& Telg.Oompany 27946 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 27947 Magner Paint & Varnish Company 27948 American Linen Supply Company 27949 Geo. Benz & Sone 27950 Aorthern States Power Company 27951 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 27952 John L. Connolly, Corp.Counse 2795 Okes Construction Company 1 2795 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finanpe 27955 Addressograph Sales Agency 27956 The Ahrens Fox Fire Engine "p 27957 American Hoist & Derrick Comp 27958 American Linen Supply Company 27959 American Medical Association 27960 Barnsdall Refining Corporati 27961 Alfred M. Best Company 27962 Lew Bonn Company 27963 Booth Fisheries Corporation 2790 Boy Scouts of America 27965 wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg.Companyl 27966 Brown and Day, Inc. 27967 Burroughs Adding Machine Comp 27968 Citizens Ioe & Fuel Company 27969 Coohran—Sergent Company 27970 Commonwealth Eleotric Company 27971 Co—Op.Laundry Company 27972 A.B. Dick Company 2797} Dispatoh--Pioneer Press Company 27974 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 27975 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Compan� 27976 Fuller Brush Company' 1 III SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 3925 10 125 52I 7 759 26i1 27 0q 28 Bal 3190 o 00 424 92 28 SOI 33 801 147 2911 5Q 6211 4 12j'. 4 00' 131 26'1 81 64� 18 32;I, 4 2011 2 90'I 125 001 2 94! li 170 851 49 552 991 12 166 13111 8 521 any 16 7911 y 6 oo 10 541' 15 00, 11 56;, 16 19 1 601 10 Ol l; 46: 2 25!11 5 Sgt! y 15 70''. 80 oo,k. 68 33 6 90 46 23 4o 25' 11 10. 17 41I 107 59 5 85 166 688 5011 F � I I i � 4 I 'DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK COUNCILMEN-RbLL CALL MAY L "lanIN FAVOR arcs, Peter oa ROSEN �,GW&S 1. __ _ MRL- _ _ Y1I OOii�� �roT`.+ - MR..P ND - ADOPTED ABY TME COUNCIL__..__.-�--r / 1 U • CHECK NUMBER { CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL '�I IL Q OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.._-....___---------- COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS ------------- ---------------,9 RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DV' H46TY TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE A 'JMF 5._-O-_ . -------• COVERING 7pUgN'J7�71 I CHECKS NUMBERED -_.--TO______ __ ____. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -! F-=----1Sf�_-__________ --------- ----CITY COM RTROLLER I� MAYOR IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD BY -___--___-_n------ __—----------- _------- TOTAL l DATE RETURNED TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT 11 BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS IIS P N ALL i i I; rl� 27927 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina ce 27928 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin oe 27929 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin e 27930 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 27931 Mrs. Delia Brown 1 27932 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 27933 Mrs. Louie Fay 279*1 Mr9. Anna R. Foley 27935 Mr4. Elizabeth Literski 27936 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 1 27937 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 27938 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 27939 Ballard Motors & Ramp Garage) 27940 Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burne 27941 Griggs. Cooper & Company 27942 Inter City Paper Company 27943 The Liquid Carbonic Corporation 27944 Tri --State Tel. & Telg.Comp 27945 Tri — State Tel.& Telg.Oompany 27946 Villaume Box & Lumber Company 27947 Magner Paint & Varnish Company 27948 American Linen Supply Company 27949 Geo. Benz & Sone 27950 Aorthern States Power Company 27951 Tri—State Tel. & Telg.Compan 27952 John L. Connolly, Corp.Counse 2795 Okes Construction Company 1 2795 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finanpe 27955 Addressograph Sales Agency 27956 The Ahrens Fox Fire Engine "p 27957 American Hoist & Derrick Comp 27958 American Linen Supply Company 27959 American Medical Association 27960 Barnsdall Refining Corporati 27961 Alfred M. Best Company 27962 Lew Bonn Company 27963 Booth Fisheries Corporation 2790 Boy Scouts of America 27965 wm. Bros Boiler & Mfg.Companyl 27966 Brown and Day, Inc. 27967 Burroughs Adding Machine Comp 27968 Citizens Ioe & Fuel Company 27969 Coohran—Sergent Company 27970 Commonwealth Eleotric Company 27971 Co—Op.Laundry Company 27972 A.B. Dick Company 2797} Dispatoh--Pioneer Press Company 27974 L. Eisenmenger Meat Company 27975 Farwell, Ozmun. Kirk & Compan� 27976 Fuller Brush Company' 1 III SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 3925 10 125 52I 7 759 26i1 27 0q 28 Bal 3190 o 00 424 92 28 SOI 33 801 147 2911 5Q 6211 4 12j'. 4 00' 131 26'1 81 64� 18 32;I, 4 2011 2 90'I 125 001 2 94! li 170 851 49 552 991 12 166 13111 8 521 any 16 7911 y 6 oo 10 541' 15 00, 11 56;, 16 19 1 601 10 Ol l; 46: 2 25!11 5 Sgt! y 15 70''. 80 oo,k. 68 33 6 90 46 23 4o 25' 11 10. 17 41I 107 59 5 85 166 688 5011 1 tMded Ci+r 1. �epa.,� i !7� CITY OF ST. PAUL .1L. NO.... ...............1 .., a.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK + (//nJ,TCOUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED.BY _ �/ .......... DATE __... _.. . ..... ............. _.._ ......... ... RESOLVED That gasoline filling station license No. 3441, issued to the Standard Oil Company for station at 623 Como Avenue, be and the same is hereby transferred to Clarence Thome.at the same address. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -8arktw- Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson n., Against Ttaus- VtieetLE!1'"" v '" 63B ri Vjc&t'resideut (T!!!) C. F. No. 30+972—By O. H. Samosa—� . F. M. Truax—Irving CPearce— I Resolved, that gasoline flllfngg station' Oil Company for seem n tat he ii, $3a Como transferred d tn be onClarenceaTfaome at thme is e address. saAdopted by the Council Sept. 6, 1996. Approved (Sept 612.936. 1996) Adopted by the Council. ......__........_..5_1. _193..... Approved ...+.}..._...... 193__.. Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 3rd, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application for transfer of gasoline filling station license No. 3441 from the Standard Oil Company at 623 Como Avenue to Clarence Thome at the same address was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant this request. Yours very truly, City Clerk. STANDARD OIL COMPANY 1 i�_FD C: , ... I�:YLE B�DF.I{AI2'IT.IENT MINNEAPOLIH BFIANOM AND e0ID1POI)0� �. W.00inEaNOW, s[...ev F. A. 9easm $. M. PSTTaaEM)N. IINNI`;APti7.l fi.'�t1NNFSOTA ALL QUOTATIONS SUBJECT TO IMMEDIATE ACCEPTANCE AND SPECIAL CONDITIONS NOTED ON BACK HEREOF SUBJECT License ff3441 and "3480 The within license is herewith assigned and transferred over to Clarence Thome subject to approval of the License Department, City of St.Paul, Minnesota, effective May 5, 1936. ST. i ALR -,l OIL 00 `-T A NY ) 0fffi/cIs Mang r To the City Council City of ot.Paul, Minnesota Kindly make the necessary arrangements for transfer of the within license to the above_ named party. 1 ST 1N ARD OIL CO!'?'A^?Y ffic anager — t) o.+de.f ie cin aaa.kCOUN61L I.L.W..�..3 NO.._.., CITY OF ST. PAUL -OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f �" C'O�U"jNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BEY . DATE _. _......... ..__..._.. .............. COMMISSIONER____._.__. """ RESOLVED That lleenses issued to Louis M11nar, at 804 University Avenue, be and they are hereby ohanged so that the address shall be 804-806 University Avenue. 4 C. F. No. 104873—BYQ• R'. Bartuee—I F. M. Truax—Irving C. to Pearce— Reeolved, that licensee feeued be alnd ttheyne,ror hereby changed so that the addreee shall be 804-806 University Avenue. Ado, b the Council Sept. 6, 1936. Approved (Sept 12936, 1936) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ........ SEP ...- 5-106193...... Yeas Nays BO&ee- t�{� Pindlan �Ev 15 `...._...._.....193_.._. In favor APProved........_._.___................._...... Pearce Peterson id> ..4.... ..._.. ....... _. TAMW Against Mayor Wasd 3M 636 4+t N,i'e' =ideal (l'rnax) CITY OF SAINT PAUL 0 pF Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 3rd, 1936. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attached letter requesting that licenses issued to Louis Milnar at 804 University Avenue be changed to read 804-806 university Avenue was referred to you by the Council, for resolution to grant this request. Yours vers truly, City Clerk. Bansby Bros. Drug Company goo University Avenue at Avon Street ST. PAUL, MINN. —8ej�aa`cr .nd. I°. r.. The HonoraLla r'it; rouncil, c,,n As aunts fnr the tuil,iin at 8C4-806 University ave. in the pit; of St. Pzul, we wish to a(!,!ise that our tenant :'i.',nnrs Csfe at 804 University :ava. has decided upon ur.largir.g his quarters rind will te.ke ever the next store v✓lic :Y: now hes an arch way between. Loth s ores and wach is in the sa:.: oama.it.clnClark /J G. x sarruee— �� 49I `� _ CITY OF ST. PAUL r. ceneee'ayyi ed or by NO . ..._i �J`%'l/�1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLG mea Persona at the aa- and the city the is ins UNCIL RESOLUTION GENE l0ecetraryof�tacity PRESENTED B ee: 46 W. seventh St.. Bak- Renewal. ... ...... COMMISSIONER... ....... ... ..._. ... ..........._... ......_.... _....... . ...... wortb. 867 Pr. ..edllbax..4,_196........ T q ... RESOLVE That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Jos. Rybak 945 W. Seventh St. Bakery App. 14315 Renew. d. W.-Woolworth 957 Payne Aw. Confectionery " 14344 " B. Cohen 488 Brainerd Grocery " 14296 ' Jos. Damiani 587 S- Seventh " " 14156 " R. Padenberg 354 E. Lawson 0- " 14254 " lreutamaa Broe. 858 Thome " ' " 14367 " " 14368 " a n n Butcher Y. J. Hartman 1346 Thomas St. Grocery " 14370 L. C. Jacobs 1285 E. Yinnehaha Grocery " 14181 " J. J. Bubea 65 W. George Grocery " 143SS " C. A. Neice 397 H. Dale 13666 " " " a n n a " " Butcher 13667 Carl Zerfahs 170 S. Tenth Grocery 14414 " Tony Lemanna 361 Upper Levee Butcher " 14418 " John Nightingale 822 Como AT. " " 14095 ° Joe Cochirello 561 Bronson Ice Station " 14289 " White Pool & Ice 680 Randolph 3 Ice Deliveries " 1428o " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council .................... 193 Yeas Nays 1�aeFuss• Findlan In favor Approved.............. .......__...................... ................... 193 Pearce....... Peterson 0...... T4— ylerme! Against Mayor 3M 6.16`w Mr. Vice l 121974 CITY OF ST. PAUL `n'u NO..__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM y PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER............. .... _ .......... .... ..._.... ......... ............ .......... ... ........................ DATE._...............Se teDher 4, 19..T.....' ............................ . .......... RESOLVED —2— Henry Predell Ida Torador Laws Motors, Inc. Schoemmoher & Sather Young Motor Car Oo. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Nwim°" Findlan In favor Pearce - Peterson .Teefls _... Against Weare} 3M 636 AIT. 471' 609 Payne Av. Gas Station 3 pompe App. 14409 11 929 V. Seventh Motion Picture Theatre " 142TO " 209 W. Sixth Second hand car dealer " 14248 " 786 University n a fl n 14330 a 850 Grand " " ° " ° 14312 " Adopted by the Council ......S.EQ5_.193..... Approved __........... SV............193. -_ _1 .... .......... ...._.........- Mayor PUI3L1SFI1 DS- /�-3Z orta.trecl" cl..k COUNCIL V 4975 ITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO._—_.__:......_....._._.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCIL CIL FORM PRESENTED BY / =�1 ���.. .............DATE.................... September.. Y,....1,9.36 That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Christen Cromer 26 W. Tenth at. Restaurant App. 6T31 Renew a On Sale Malt Bev. "6732 " Shop 1 St. Restaurant :at:93"Robert " 14314 " Thos. 1. Lendway, 5T4 Wabashes Restaurant " 14328 " ' 14329 " R R a ■ " On Sale Malt Bev. A. J. Lager 209 Marshall Restaurant " 7016 " a tl a " " On Sale Matt Bev. " 7017 ' ■ a R • • Off " a R " 7018 " Confectionery " T0i9 R Snelling Tavern, Inc. 1557 University Restaurant " 14389 " J. Zsyerhek 980 White Bear Av. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 14202 " R " • R R Grocery " 14203 • :;6—By G. H. Barfus.— ,nx—Irving C. Pearee- -, that licensee applied for by nn 6 named• person. at the dicated be and the same are j, anted and the etty clerk is to I.... such licenses upon ,nt into the city treasury of d fee.: Cremer. 26 W. Tenth at., App. 8721, Renewal. mer, 28 W. Tenth' App• 67a2,.Re- I Robert r�1 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ................_ . _..5..,.,,,.............,. 08 193 _... Yeas Nays -srfe- r 1oh Findlan __........ In favor Approved ................................_`........ .................193....... Pearce Peterson Against-._�_.../c._`...`'G� _ TI•sar. ..... _.. _. ..... .............._..._. May or r Wenvii- 3M 6)6 Mr. X'icc r.•eideui (Truax) _ PiJ1iLISII�D_L— 3 6 0donel to Cltr Clerk (j�'y couwut. CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO...... °�?.�9.76 Y CLERK OFFICE OF THE CIT COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM � ....................._...............DATE ........... S.Bpt Ar...4119.._36......_...... .... RESOLVED That license for Gasoline station, 3 pampa, application 143T3, applied for by Lather Lee at 286 Rice Street, be and the same is hereby granted and the .city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New owner Established station. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays C. F. No. 104976—By G. H. Estrus F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— ' Resolved, that Ifcensei for 6aeo1 1 nei Station, 3 pumps, application 14373, ap-' yylled for b a Luther Lee at 296 Rice' 8[reet, be an the same is hereby grantedand the city clerk Is Instructed to issue such license upon the payment ;Into the city treasury of the renal red tees. New owner; established station. Adopted byy the Council Sept. 6, 1936.' Approved Sept 6, 1936. (Sept. 12, 1936) Adopted by the Council 193 ..... SEP � Approved... ......................................................-- -- Mayor PUBLISHED_ Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson 0 'Reale Against ��WcasL )2.4 636 *Mr ., I'i•i111 `t� C. F. No. 104976—By G. H. Estrus F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— ' Resolved, that Ifcensei for 6aeo1 1 nei Station, 3 pumps, application 14373, ap-' yylled for b a Luther Lee at 296 Rice' 8[reet, be an the same is hereby grantedand the city clerk Is Instructed to issue such license upon the payment ;Into the city treasury of the renal red tees. New owner; established station. Adopted byy the Council Sept. 6, 1936.' Approved Sept 6, 1936. (Sept. 12, 1936) Adopted by the Council 193 ..... SEP � Approved... ......................................................-- -- Mayor PUBLISHED_ .r CkislOal m City Clk couNm� 1��4...7 CITY OF ST. PAUL nu No .... ..........:......__..-'-'--'- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTDNBY _13.0 eT_4r 1936 COMMISSIOER_DATE .. ILVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the 9" are hereby granted and the city clerk Is instrnoted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees[ 0 H. C. Lindholm 6 J. H Clark 486 S. Snelling Av. Bmtcher ,pp. 14089 New H. M. Doerrer 1178 S. Maryland I " 14264 a C. F. No. 104977—By 6. H. Barfuea— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Resolved, that llcenaee applied tor. by the following named Dareone at the! addresses indicated be and the same re hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to Issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the requlrad fees: H. C. LI dh 1 and J 8. Clark, 489 S. Snelling Ava T3utcher, ADD Neth 14089, Butoli R bL Doe[rer, 1378 er Abp ti4394 NevP'�•^,-T"" Adopted _by the Council Sept, 6, 1939. Approved Sept. 6, 1939. (Sept. 13, 1936) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..... Yeas Nays Findlan vr/If, Infavor Approved..................................................._..............193....... Pearce Peterson �reetr .../ A ..._. Against _. r ! /...'.�..._ ...... .... .... ._Mayo --- VdenieC V- 3M 636 Mr, Vice i r—iaeuL ('Truax) ch..' roCI" Clark couwelL .1.�' .`J78 CITY OF ST. PAUL ray NO._.__...........:....._�..._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /--CIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM -------- — --1 Saetenber 4, 1936 RESOLVED Shat licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk ii instructed to issue suoh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feast f. C. Martin 4550 Pleasant Av. Ice Delivbry App. 14281 Now Twin City Ice & 841e1 868 Banquier St. " " " 142055 h Sick Andert 1234 Barrington " " " 14262 " C. F. No. iD4848—By G. H. Barfuse— ar.'. Resolved athatr licensee eaarce by the following amed pereoneled for at the addresses indicated bed the same are hereby granted and the city clerk 's instructed to Issue Such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: W. C. Martin, 460 Pleasant Ave., Iee Delivery, ADD• 14931. New. "IClty Ice & Fuel, 388 Fauquler 9t., Ioe Delivery, App. 11206, New. I41ck Andert, 13aa Farrington, Ice Delivery, Ape• 14 123 Ne W. Adopted by the Council Sept. 6, 1936. Approved Sept. 6, 19a6. (Sept. r2, 1938) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays .l3aefess Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Q.... Against '%immi mmmmiamffilwo W &36 Mr. Vicc I r.:.,,a (Truax) Adopted by the Council,.,_Su_ 5.,06.....193.. svp rep Vs ........193 Approved ................................................ ...._..... �� ........./. V ,.......... .. ..........___._'— Mayor Orlalnal to City Clerk Q,� l ,4 CITY OF ST. PAUL �iu�ct` NO.._._...�C.�.af_l.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /�_...._.............................._.............DATE.........EF.9.pt.er....4.,.....a,R.................... . COMMISSIONER ............f.......1........................................................._�.............e... RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 7022, On Sale Malt Beverage, application A23, Confectionery application 7025, and Off Sal%Malt Beverage, application 7026, applied for by Earl A.Oerthman at 281 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New owner Informally approved in 1935 Withheld becase of taxes. License period expire9 Sept. 12, 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Berfm Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson Against Sys. �...... S �i jaaael LMr—presidenr (Geh t -T -- 3M 636 I:If ' C. F. Nom.194979—By G. H. 11-fuse— F. St. T. uax—Irving C. Pearce— _ nue, be and the same are ner and the city clerk I. i..tructe to te- suesuch licensee upon the ayment Into the city treasury of the required fee.. New owner. Informally approved In 1936. Withheld because oftaxes. 1939. Li -nae period a plree Sept. 12, Adopted byy the Council Sept. 6, 1936. Approved Sept. 6. 1936. (Sept. 12, 1936) Adopted by the Council.._--._......C�....:._ 193..... �p �` Approved ............._S G�............... ............ ...... ....... 193....... c 41tr/T'_1 original to Cltr Clerk coum— V4980 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL n« NO ................ ._......... ...... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f --COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM �[ PRESENTED BY ,.,_,,,,,_,DATE.... Septembe! COMMISSIONER........... _ .. ..... ..... ........._.... u RESOLVED That licensee for Eeetauraat, application 142452 On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14246, and Off Sale Malt Beveirme, application 14247, applied for by 8. H. Schmitt and O. Appleton at 591 E. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,_„M.........5.._19.....193..... Yeah Nays .111,116880, Sep 5 Findlan _..... In favor Approved ...................._..._............. _.._....................193..._.. Pearce Peterson Against Tamm / b/ Mayor VIIo6r�1• 3\t 636 Mr. tit:” ... 3�Y1lla:t) C. F. No. 1o48a0-3 O. ti. Barruee— F. M. Truax—Irving C. Pearce— Resolved,'that licensee for Restau- ant, application 14246, On Sale Malt a OQ Beverage, application 14248, an11424 ISale Malt Beverage, application 14847, applied for by M H. Schmitt and C. Appleton at 681 E. Seventh St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk to Instructed to Issue Ouch licensee upon the payment Into the city .treasury of the required fees. lien New. In[ormatly approved by Council Aug. Informally approved by Ccanoil 27, 1836. Adopted by VL 6, 18381 Sept. 6, 1836. Approved 9 Angoet 27, 1936 jaept. 12, 1636) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,_„M.........5.._19.....193..... Yeah Nays .111,116880, Sep 5 Findlan _..... In favor Approved ...................._..._............. _.._....................193..._.. Pearce Peterson Against Tamm / b/ Mayor VIIo6r�1• 3\t 636 Mr. tit:” ... 3�Y1lla:t) Ch'W d to Chv Clerk COUNCIL 2 J CITY OF'"ST. PAUL nu NO..__. 01 99 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COIJNCIC RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM cam. .............DATE.........._Beptasb .. 4, 1936 RESOLVED That licensee for On Sale Pelt Beverage, application 1422j, Bestanrant, application 142289 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 142299 applied for by Albert Barton at 924 Bice Street, be and the same are herft granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue snob licensee upon the payment \ Into the city treasury of the required fees. to New informally approved by council Aug. 279 1936 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 6W600, Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson CJ Against ,I;iwleel VA 419 S;r C: L, n ,'.'rnaslt C. r No. 104981—By (1 Pearor�uts-- g, m Truax—Irving C. Reeolved, that licenses for Ou B-i_l Malt Bever-gge, appBcationalna O1L Bale taurant,-pplicatlon 14228, b jea Beverlor A1ber2p8Trtonu at924Rice Street, be and the ane are hereby, granted and the city clerk is instructed to latus such licenses upon the paYment into the city treasury of the re0.uired feee. New.mally approved by Council Aug-. Infor 2T, 1928. Adopted b99 the Council Sept. 6, 1936' Approved 9Se t. 5. 1919281 Adopted by the Council._... .......5.....193..... Approved .................�........... (i.......193 _..... i .. ...............................Mayor _ - F4982 W COUNCIL FILE NO ------- .____--TV - In the Matter ofrading_Waleh_Av_enue_from_Nebraeka Avenue to- Montans_Avenue___-__.----, - ----------------- - - - - - - - ----------------------------------------------- — -- — - _ f grading waleh Avenue e Avenue to Montana --- –------------------ _--- –_–------- –_---------- —--------- —_–_--- --_–-------------- _----------------------- -------- er Preliminary Order nd July. 1938. •ring having been _ e Improvement up Iu., Com cl havinp - ctlone can r under Preliminary Order____ 104248 -------- ------------------- Ju11 3, _ 1936 IntermediaryOrder -----------------------------------------approved ----------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon`due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 44te-preelse'— !!5d the same are hereby cancelled; ann.;!1 11 and reser IN ,W ----------------- ---- ---------------- - esid-mat`s be d;sceati: _�J. nd the Council her orders said imp vement to be mad m RESOLVED FUR ER, That the Co isaioner of Public orks be and is her instructed d dire ed to prepare plans nd specifications said improvement, nd submit same to a Council appro l; that upon said ap val, the proper cit ficials are hereby thorized and dire to pro ceed wit the making of said provement in accor ce therewith. Adopted by the Council ------ aP--F-------------- 192_______. -------- AIMS Mayor. Councilman 41� B—fuse Councilman —i Findlan Councilman Peorre i'UI3L15H1 D (p Councilman mFet rs, n Q/ Councilman FBUdIR#� ^-�=� � /`� 1-1 1"'MINimi6mm; ENO M r V' rresideut (Truax) Form $. A. 8-7 ` CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of grading Walsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue under Preliminary Order approved July 3, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated smoupt of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1105.14 front2.17 The estimated cost pe/foot for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Ex. the W. 131 ft.) the S. 2 of E.j LOT BLOCK ADDITION 8 Spinner's Addition 9 do 4 B. Sohnitzius Addition 1 Netzel's Subdivision ASSESSED LandVALUATION d g• $175 200 450 $3950 200 5'000 Total $1025 $9150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together toogetheer with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated�L.--- Commissioner of Finance. F.— B. S. A. E -S D . 71.. St. Paul -114inn. -- ------------- TZ - 'To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, (reby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: al.L di 77-------- wa is 2r Ave. ------ ------- . ... ...... from -IVC.6 7'-5 k' -------------------- ..SL A4e. to, M—V- 77 tr Ave. A 1A NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION YY —/I- Y -x a 34. -5h NE k -5Z-e- 10 T I9 /F2 Z. Q MONTANA �e AVE h 4 NE DRAsr(A AVE. _ Ll IVEVAOA OVQ P4441 W I Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 13, 19M _ ..193._ --- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104948 approved. July 3' 1936, _193___.-, relative to the grading of Walsh Avenue from Nebraska . Avenue ­ to Montana. Avenue. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.. necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1,105.14 Cost per front foot $2.17 2. The estimated cost thereof is S__ and the total cost thereof is S._.._._._......._.._..__, Inspection . - - --------- ------- Inspection $20.49 Wineering $60.00 Frontage 509.12 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_.___ .. __ ­ .... .. ....... ------ - --------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ............. ------ --------------- 5. Said improvement is_.......- ___- .. --asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. OD GOM, GF FINANCE, _34.�.'60---.-..- / Commissioner of Public Works. 72,,16 IM" 9. 4 '3 JUL 15 1936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION s, o July 10, 1936 Hon. Irving C. Pearce, Commissioner of Public Works City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Walsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 104248, approved July 3, 1936. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage Approved for transmission to the Commissioner of Finance 9 6, 0'z�� IRVING C. PEARCE Commissioner of Public Works. $1105.14 2.17 20.49 60.00 509.12 ft. Yours truly, 7Chie M. SHEPARD Engineer I 1 i'AfIQ3 condemn and t an easement in the land necessary for slopes Inthe matter oL-..... !g .............. ak?n$........._......................I........... ......................................... ................- cuts and fills in the grading of Walsh Avenue fron- Nebraska Avenue to rying c- Dearne— � ""ndemning and tak- In the Land nee". Montana Avenue nage and eros m the �leh Avenue from Ne - 0 to Montaas Avenue, ry Order 109299. 'p- 3, 1838; Intermediary ouroved August under Preliminary Order ............. 104249....................... .. approved ......... .....................................3, 1986 ...... July y......__........ 104708 August 12, 1986 IntermediaryOrder.................................__.._.._..- approved _................-----------.- -------------------- - .... ._..... -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the-preci— wture, condeand takinl an easement in NQa land necesa for slo a, e �andills in grading of Walsh Avenue from asks Aven to Monenue N llEtl the tate are hereby cvincelled, amMiled, and reSdOW 44 Mabedbo in said matter be discen`,.=ued. \authorized uncil here orders said impro ements to be ma e. VED FUR HER, That the fol wing land, Ian or Casements herein be and the same are red to be to n, appropriated an condemned for e purpose of m king the said impr vements, For slop s, cuts and fi s in the gr of Wals Avenue from aska Avenue t Montana Avenu , to the ext t shown upo the plan of e ssioner of Pu lic Works atter hed hereto 'ch plan is ereby referr d made a part reof. L ED FURTHER, hat the Commis 'oner of Public orks be and is ereby instructe and p epare plans and s cifications for sa d' improvement, a d the proper a y officials are he eby an directed to proce with the in of said improve ent in accorda e therewith. } SEP 81936 Adoptedby the Council............................................................................... 193........ ............... .............................................. -- --- -- Approved .......................... 19.....^�E• Mayor. Councilmen-, A4=y" K1' . PUBLISHED Pearce ~ ' SiHi1L l k�ertzti wo-a"r. A'icc i':c;idCyi�t (Truax) C7+Ind nates Cut. AIL — Indicates Fill. Typieal Notation } Fig.— above line she. Cut or Fill at property line. Figures below line show distance to which slopes extend beyond property line. Loc. Boric No2.4.51_ X-5ec.Bk. NoZZ9i5f. C Walsh Ave. "torn Nebros ka Are. toHonlonaRye. I Slope D.2N`407 WA L5 H AVE. Nebraska Ave. Montana Av W W Q S G H N I TZI U5 ADD N E T Z E C,5 SUB. Q 60 I St. 4• Fc 10 F�r. 60 S}v. Ho. Gar. I 2St 4.7 133 129�7`f + Ot tit Nt a71 i10 �7 O n H tl } } } + ... T'—'Tr%"T.�TjT/�Tr'_rTr.__T=..:-!.^..� 12J8 Q 20 Y V) Q W S,. P I N N E R Z Z 5cct le C:40 MI CITY OF ST. PAUL • DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE r A , REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of oondemning and taking an easement in the land neoessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Walsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue .P under Preliminary Order approved July 3. 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ADDITION ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT 84OCK u1ndVALUATIOBldg. 8 SpinaWts Addition $176 0 do 200 (U. the w. 131 ft.) the 8. j of E. B. SobnitSJUS Addition 460 $3960 1 Netsel's Subdivision 800 6mo Total $low $9160 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together Qwith the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated ' / 19 6 Commissioner of Finance. e..m E. S. A. s•s D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 13, 1936 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Pubim Workv, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Councc File No. TWO.-.approved.....-J1Y-5, 1956 _-193_ relative to _C.4.ndemntng..and ting-an_easement in- the -land _ necessary_. for slopes, cuts and fills, in the grafting of Walsh Avenue from Nebraska Avenue to Montana Avenue __ .. - .... _. - ._.. _.... - --------- - -._ - ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..--- -.._.. - .._. _necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E...._ P°OC . .....--, and the total cost thereof is $..... _----------------- I .__----- ---- - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__._ _-____ .__...___.__.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 1 5. Said improvement is...._.__... subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, ,t„12,..1 9i t JUL 15 1936 ...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propeaD ---------...2'�Zomnssi ��LILCf Public Wos WMa P4984 COUNCIL FILE NO.-------- _ By--------------------------- --------------- -- ----- In the Matter of__Qstnstrnat+gig aeaera nn ��ja_$traet_�rom._Thixd_�ttsst_�n__Eifth __ from Germain Street to Kennard Street ��rdee 1088f,% `n o: under Preliminary Order -------------- 1G38b6____—_______.approved Intermediary Order ------------------------approved -------------_----- T A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notic , and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and havi "g fully Idsr the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that and th Council hereby orders id improvement RE LVED FURTHER, Tha the Commissi directed t repare plans and speci 'cations for a approval; th upon said approval, the roper city teed with the aking of said improvem nt in ac MAR 1 i} ia3 Adopted by the Council____________ i Approved------------------------------------------------- 192----- Councilma Bgrinsn Councilma Fi d1an Councihna Pen"'. Councllmal . W}:111 pvtera;'r; A Councilmau,,�,Sudhpimer ,, Councilmau,Wengei, :;,� r1 Mayor godgson — to a made. over o ublic Works be a is hereby instr ted and aid imp vement, and submi ams to the un ' for officials a hereby authorize and directed to p cordance the with. ' ------ 192 --------- City Clerk. ----------------------------- Q Mayor. Form B. S. A. 8-7 / -- /1 � luJi CI T. PAUL � r- • DEPART OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In the matter of oonstruoting sewers on Germain Street from Third St. to Fifth St., on Fourth Street from Germain St. to Flandrau St., and on Fifth Street from Germain St. to Kennard St. under Preliminary Order approved June 4, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 16,203.00 frpp It 3.72 The estimated cost per/foot for the above improvement is-- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 1 (Heinemann, Moconville and (Stierle's Subdivision of Lots (2, 12, 13 of Lee's Suburban (Homes 8 1 do 9 1 do 10 1 do 11 1 do 12 1 do 13 1 do 14 1 do 1 2 do TOTAL. Porm B. B. 10 ASSESSED LaMLUATI011dg. $50 50 50 50 25 25 25 50 50 800 CITU BT. PAUL ! 1 DEPARTA&T CIF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO Lan 2 Heinemann, MaConville & Stierle's 0-1\1 Sub, of Lots 2, 12, 13 of Lao's Suburban Homes $25 3 2 do 25 4 2 do 25 5 2 do 25 6 2� do 26 7 2 do 25 14 2 do 60 1 3 do 50 1 14 3 do 50 1 6 do 60 2 6 do 50 3 6 do 50 4 6 do 50 5 6 do 50 6 6 do 50 7 6 do 50 6 6 do 50 9 6 do 50 10 6 do 50 11 6 do a 50 12 6 do 50 13 6 do 50 14 6 do 50 16 6 do 50 16 6 do 50 TOTAL CITY OF sT. PAUL DEPARTJAENT W FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B" ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK, ADDITION i33 Land VALU ATION.1dg—. 16 9 G. V. Haoon's Addition X50 17 9 do 50 18 9 do 50 19 9 do 50 20 9 do 50 21 9 do 50 22 9 do 50 23 9 do 50 16 10 do 50 17 10 do 60 18 10 do 60 19 10 do 50 20 10 do 50 21 10 do 50 22 10 do 50 23 10 do 50 24 10 do 50 25 10 do 50 26 10 do 50 27 10 do 50 28 10 do 50 29 10 do 60 30 10 do 50 16 11 do 50 17 11 do 50 18 11 do 50 19 11 do 50 TOTAL CITY OF 6 . PAUL DEPARTaENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 20 11 G.V. Bacon's Addition 21 11 do 22 11 do 23 11 do 24 11 do 25 11 do 26 11 do 27 11 do 28 11 do 29 11 do 30 11 do 9 13 do 10 13 do 11 13 do 12 13 do 13 13 do 14 13 do 15 13 do 16 13 do 1 14 do 2 14 do 3 14 do 4 14 do 5 14 do 6 14 do 7 14 do 8 14 do TOTAL ASSESSED Lan \/ ALU ATIOltiAg $50 50 100 $1150 100 1100 100 100 100 75 600 50 50 50 50 50 • 50 50 50 50 50 50 25 25 25 26 25 25 80 50 CITY OF IT. PAUL DEPARTMENT QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION (EX. Ste.) LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11 Lee's Suburban Homes' 16 do 19 1. Chas. A. B. Weide Sub. No. 1 20 1 do 21 1 do 22 1 do 23 1 d 24 1 do *00 2 do 2 2 do 3 2 do 4 2 do 5 2 do 6 2 do 1 Dietz's Sub. of Lot 10 of Lee's Suburban Hames 2 do 3 do 4 do 6 do 6 do q do 6 do 9 do 10 do 11 do 12 do 13 do TOTAL ASSESSED IRR YALU ATI OI1!3311dg • 1400 850 .. 1300 1500 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 650 _ 50 50 60 50 50 50 CITY OF .T. PAUL + , - ' DEPART.VENT 4F FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED LOT .LOCK ADDITION DESCRIPTION _L aALUATI'jldg.;T - 14, Dietz's Subdivision $50 lb do 50 16 do 75 17 do 75 16 do 75 19 do 75 20 do 75 21 do 75 22 do 75 do 45 2600 _ 23 24 do 75 do 75 900 .. 25 26 do ) 160 650 27 ) 28 do 75 750 29 ) (do 30 ) 150 700 1 Taylor's Sub. of Lot.17 Lee's 50 Suburban Homes 50 2 do 3 do 50 4 do 50 5 do 50 6 do 50 7 do 50 6 do 50 9 do 50 10 do TOTAL 50. ..-. CITY or ST. PAUL .. DEPAR TENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (B) ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION I3S LaaALUATI"Bldg. 11 Taylor's Sub, of Lot 17 Lee's $60 Suburban Homes 12 do 50 13 do 50 14 . do 50 15 do 60 200 16 do 60 17 do 50 18 do 60 19 do 50 20 do 50 21 do 50 22 do 50 23 do 50 24 do 60 25 do 50 26 do 50 27 do 50 28 do 50 29 do 50 1250 .. 30 do 50 8 1 Heinemann, Shirk and Stierl's 50 Sub. of Lots 18 h 19 of Lee's Suburban Hames 9 1 do 50 10 1 do 50 11 1 do 50 250 12 1 do 50 13 1 do TOTAL 60 _. a. DESCRIPTION CITY OF ST. PAUL .. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATIO Land 91dg.- 14 1 (Heinemann, Shirk & Stierl'a Suy $60 jof Lots 18 & 18 of Lee's 15 1 (Suburban Homes 60 16 1 do 50 17 1 do 50 18 1 do 60 19 1 do 50 20 1 do 50 21 1 do 50 22 1 do 50 9 2 do 60 10 2 do 50 11 2 do 60 12 2 do 50 13 2 do 50 14 2 do 50 2200- 15 2 do 50 - 16 2 do 50 17 2 do 50 18 2 do 50 1400 19 2 do 50 20 2 do 50 11 1 Bunde'a Park Add. to St. Paul ) (2600 8300 (ij2- 12 to 15 1 do )oludes other property) 1 2 do 50 2 2 do 50 3 2 do 50 4 2 do TOTAL 60 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMK419SIONER OF FINANCE .. ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 5 2 Bunde's Park Addition 6 2 do 7 2 do 8 2 do 9 2 do 10 2 do 11 2 do 12 2 do 13 2 do 14 2 do 15 2 do ASSESSED Lane^LUAT"Illd riri g• $50 60 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 Total $15575 $25850 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -- Commis9ioner of Finance. Form a. s. Il L. Krohov J. B. DEVJNE, Pres. Z� S�et,•T�re_w. 533 Kennard St, Tower74 M 13341 Tower 1576, South Hazel Parr 510 White Bear Av IMPROVEMENT ASSOCIATION Meets Every 1st Thursday of Month Eastem Heights School Ruth and Margaret Sts. - - St. Paul, Minn.,-_Aa--n-a-----ICA -- To the Honorable, The Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul-- Minnesota. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, here— by petition your honorable body to cause the following Improvement to be made as a W.P.A. project, namely: _ Tapping the Third Street sewer at Germain Street and extending same on Germain Street to Fifth St. C Constructing latterals on Fourth Street between <Z Germain and Flandreau Streets and on Fifth Street between Germain and Kennard Streets. We ask this as a W.P.A. project because = of the abbutting delinquent property which would prohibit us from getting this much needed improvement in any other way. OD Respectfully submitted, tv 4-7 P (l ` I �D q-4- a G�!2� �d' Office of the Commissioner of Public Works la Report to Commissioner of Finance June 80, 1986 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 103856 a roved. June 4, 1956 _.193..._.., relative to Council, known as Council File No. PP construction of sewers on Germain St. from Third St. to Fifth St., Fourth St. from Germain St. to Flandrau St. and Fifth St. from Germain St. to Kennard St._... ..... _.. __ _.._........ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.._ - - and the total cost thereof is $_.. _........... _..._..__, (See estimate attadhIed) and the nature and extent of said improvement is asApllows: _ --..... ........... .. - - ... .......................... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ........... ........... 4. 5. Said improvement is - ._.._asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prope subject to assessment for said improverr3gAtM, OF FINANCE, 7, - - - P isaioner of Public Works 9 JUN 29,436 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION k.4"° COM, OF FINANCE, June 24, 1936 Y Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public Works, 9 '3 ; City of St. Paul, Minn. 8 + Dear Sir: NN 9qq I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of coAUJ.?khet1onstruction of sewers on Germa_ in__ Street from Third Street to Fifth Street, Fourth from Germain Street to Flandrau0Steeet, F d Fifth over June 1936reet to Kennard Street, under Preliminary 4,730.00 Estimated Cost of Project X11 473.00 Engineering and Inspection Estimated Cost of Pro $16,203.00 4,333 ft. Estimated Frontage Estimated cost per front foot, if all the cost were to be assessed 3.72 against abutting frontage The sewers called for in this order are a part of the Germain St., Fifth St. extensionto the Belt Line Sewer System ( See district map hereto attached), and for ation of assessment, and to determine whether any part consideration in the applicthe tof he cost of saidhet tcost of possibles sfewers uture hextensions ato fully sewer rthe tdistricstrict and estimated t The cost of such extension added to the cost of the sewers under consideration is 32,389.00 Frontage 11,017 feet 2.94 Front foot cost - - - - - - - - - - - This front foot rate applied to the abutting frontage for sewers under 12 796.00 consideration, would raise 3,405.00 Spread - - - - - - - - Cost of proposal 16,205.00 s spread. Area ns shoo on squarefeetfeetict andmap is is labutting 664Area feetBoflfrontage 124.25 Area "B° contains 627,.70 sq feet deep.ft. The spread rate per front foot — X0.51 or X0.004112 Per sq. Approved for trAnamis:iOn to the Cly/myissliQon�u F/ IF.VIIi�>�1f�C. ''FARCE, Comm inner. Yo SHEPARD, ie Engineer. au CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS IRVING C. PEARCE. COMMISSIONER BUREAU O. C ... T.A R-PA'R GEORGE J. JACOB S. DEPUTY COMMI/RION[R JOHN M. REARDON. SUPT. GEORGE M. SHEPARD. CHIEF ENGINEER OFnc. ENG'.... G. H. HERROLD CNIEF ENGR. CLERK June 27, 1936 MARK W. WOODRUFF Commissioner Anel Peterson, Department of Finance, City of St. Paul, Minn.. Dear Sir: BUREAU OF SANITATION 'FRED DRIVER. SUPT. BUREAU OF BRIDO[E M. S. GRYTBAK. ENGINEER BUREAU DF CORRECTION - .RAY J. KARTAK. SUPT. In forwarding the attached estimate of cost for the construction of sewers on Germain Street from Third St. to Fifth St., Fourth St. from Germain St. to Flandrau St. and Fifth St. from Germain St. to Kennard St., under Preliminary Order C. F. 103856, approved June 41 1936, I beg to advise you that the petition for this work was filed on the basis of a W.P.A. project wherein the City would assess a sufficient amount to cover the cost of materials, equipment, etc. It will be necessary, consequently, to assess about one—third of the cost as given in the estimate. I might suggest that some notation to this effect be placed on the post card notices. Yours very truly, I 's4" . EOR M. SHEPARD, Chie Engineer. COM, OF FINANCE. �v1P �y.2 9= ;3 JUN 291936 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration May 26th, 1936. Hon. Milton Rosen, Cometr of Public Works, Building. Dear Sir: The attached petition of property owners for the following improvement as a W. P. A. project was referred to you, by the Councils for investigation and repor t: Tapping the Third Street sewer at Germain St. and extending same on Germain St, to Fifth St. Constructing laterals on Fourth St. between Germain and Flandrean Streets and on Fifth Street between Germain and Kennard Streets. Yours very truly, City Clerk. A . Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Con -,r of 7irnrce Dear Sirs Ret Constructing sewer on Germain St. from Third St. to Fifth St. on Fourth St. -o„, (".""T .. +.n 1 ... . and on ;'i`..,..t f; i `ter c; i.•. S' . '.n Ker:nard St. qry� City Coilneil Laic over the: £inti order in the above i^provement to starch 10th, 1937 and requested that notices be sent to property owners of that hearing. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 0 INAL ORDER �995— o[ r c nting ele"k on fY y LSire.fto t ft.- ]' Iglehart Avenue, nn ufftcie u der PreIill m' ved July having COUNCIL FILE NO. By - - - -- - FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._constructing _monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of - --------- -- -------------------------- ----- Fry__S_tr_aat__fr>� Mar�hs.11_Av'enae_t4__Iglahact_AQsnua�__ except_where-_good_ and_suffioient .aidswaLka__alraedY--Axiat----------------__------------ under Preliminary Order --- _.._-_104281 -- _________approved -_ _ July 7, 1936 IntermediaryOrder --------------------------------------------approved ------------ ----------------- ------------------------------------- A ---- ------ - --------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St.,P"il that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- construct -monolithic _con crete_sidewalk-_on__the____ west side of Fry _Street frac Marshall Ave. to_Iglehart Ave.,__except where good and - --- ------ sufficient_sidewalks already -_ exist, -_-____________---------------------------------------------- --------------- __ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. o ;� i Adopted by the Council______'►pAR -______ _____, 19 it City Clerk. Approved ------- --- ------------ - _ 192 --- Councilman ftnur.,/- Councilman Ferguson V, / yUgLLSEiEL Councilman McDonald Councilman WdGlbgan---/- Councilman SUdheinisr j Councilman Mayor 1169J6648 f?p"'n-"— 1 Form B. S. A. 8-7 is Hon. I. C. Pearce, Works �l:ildi _ Dear Sirt S. tcAh, l,jc. Attentions Mr. Geo. M. Shepard R.'r Cn.,at ni^Lino- ^n^l•t., concrete v5:'n -i11 on e wr_r, A'- o,FTV St^eet from Uars",all Wo. to I."e':art Lvenne. The City Council today laid over the Final Order in the above improvempnt to September 15th ani referred the same to the City Engineer for check and report. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In the matter of constructing monolithic concrete sidewalk on the west side of Fry St. from Marshall Ave. to Iglehart Ave. under Preliminary Order approved July 7, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ fro t $ 1 00 The estimated cost peoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION Land Bldg. (Except South 61 ft.) 1 7 College Park $175 $550 South 61 feet of 1 7 do 175 450 (Except Marshall Ave.) 6 7 do 725 2600 4 b ? _.._... Total $1075 $3600 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor1Ss Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D -Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July- 13, 1936_-_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104281 approved.___ July 7, 1936 193_ _.., relative to constructing monolithic concrete sidewalk on the wept side of Fry Street from Marshall Avenue to Iglehart Avenue. ------ --------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ __ _ _ _ _ _necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is E....._... _ _. _, and the total cost thereof is S___........_....__. . e' and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: __..... .._._.._..-_.-..(A ....... ---- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part here& 4. _..._.... __.-------------------- 5. ------- -------5. Said improvement is _...asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, GF FINANCE. -- 1P Commissioner of Public Works. 40,.1�.. JUL 15 1936 ' 1(14 86 r reconstructtng. with 4" �ncrete, the sidewalk on #de o1 Aurora Avehue be- a point 27 feet west o[', `t-ne of, Llington Avenue, Q 27 feet; beginning 18 IA- thence east -30 feetl_ good and so clant_+ t1 y extet, under 1 COUNCIL FILE NO..--------.-- -- s2ot, approved., By---- ------------------------------------------------- FINAL ORDER In the Matter of --- reconetruoting with 4"__monolithie__oonorete,_the_ eidexalk_on_the___- south__eide of _Aurora_Avenue� beginning at e_Qoint 27 feet -west of the east line_of— Eflxi nv .GII_gYEII119_r-�hflIlffe angt. 22.�9.flt.1.--�fl$i���-1.8--Y.@@t'._�BL'tI14t_�Rfl�u- ��1flA4�_fl�b�__ �0 feet,-_exoept where_�oQ _a�jd _$pfficient__eidewalkfl_ elrea� esistl__________-.-______ ------ ---------------- under Preliminary Order --- 104201 --------- ------------------ approved ----- July _1s--1936_ Intermediary Order --------------- - approved ---------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- ic concrete, -the _ provement to be made by the said City is__-__re-oonstruot--__-_-_---with__._-----4--"---monolith ----------ith sidewalk_on the_eouth_Lide__gf �urQra Av�ue,_be ipAing_�t__s_point 27__feet west of the east_line of _Lexington_Avenue,-thence_eset_27_feetj_beLjApjng 18_feet_farther seat. thence_ -seat H0_�9at._gxnepx where -gond-sod_-guffl°ient eidewalks.alregdy exist. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi Adopted by the Council _.__- __----$-------- 192 /�� City Clerk. SEP 81936 Approved----------------------------------------- --- - 192---- -- - -r ------------ - v------ ---- --r-- Mayor. Councilman Monaimmlt;irfusk Councilman diessualk= Fiodian Councilman d_ va­- Councilman F"."rs,". Qeeeeriiamis�te'� ri.�ee Mr Vi ' rc;idci,t i1'ruas) Form B. S. A. 8-7 46 PUBLISHED 3l, CITY OF ST. PAUL ' •` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the,matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Aurora Avenue, beginning at a point 27 feet west of the east line of Lexington Avenue, thence east 27 feet; beginning 18 feet farther east, thence east 30 feet _ a under Preliminary Order approved July 1, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1.00 fro I $ The estimated cost peroot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK (Ex. Lexington Ave.) part south of Aurora Avenue 16 w ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. Hyde Park $4000 $100 Total $4000 $100 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated / -19�_ (Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. MS D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works o• Report to Commissioner of Finance 193--- T.-the Commissioner of Finance of the City Of St- Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 104201approvedJ . uly 1, 1956 relative to Council, known as Council File No. - approved..___ - reconstruct�ing with 411 monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Aurora Avenue, beginning at a point 27 feet west of the east line of Lexington Avenuet thence east 27 feetp beginning 18 feet farther ea . stt thence . . . east 50 feet. ters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: and having investigated the mat 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Est. I Cost Monolithic walk $1.00 per front footo 2. The estimated cost thereof is $___.--?PP�x . — -, and the t tal cost thereof is $ and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... .... .... .. - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. (0 5. Said improvement is- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, a subject to assessment for said improvement. COM- OF FINANCE, 9: JUL 7 1936 ------------- ..io--er of COUNCIL FILE NO By__ _. --------------- ---- _--- _--------- __- FINAL ORDER 1('14987 u ()4987— ter o[ reconettvetln9 with 4'• trlc lath sidewalk It old, or Arkwrlght 8tree` - pg at the north 11ne o, (produced) thence sou•: heglnnlag at a point south, thence south here good and au® Iready exist, unde• ` r 104202, appr- •' _ In the Matter of_reoonetruoting_rrlth_4"_monolithic_oonaretet__the_eidewalk_on_the_ west side—of Arkwright Street beginning at the north line ofRose Street (produced)- thence south 130 feet; beginning at a point 46 feet farther south, thence south 68 feet�exo�t where good_and sufficient sidewalks_-alread ----- under Preliminary Order ---------- 104202 --------------------- approved ____July - Intermediary Order---------------------------------------approved-------------------- --- -- - - -- ---------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is___reooA4truct_ with_4" monolithic_ conorete,__the_____ -'"sYdeww2k oa tha_warst 9ide_of ArlorriehtyStreet_bninnin�__st the Aorth-line of Rose Street(produaed�ther3oesouth1,�0 feet begiggigg at_g__point_46 feet farther south, theneesouth 68 feet, except where good and sufficient sidewalks already exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council --- SEP ----- $_936— --- ---------- , 192___ --------- -- — w S� 8 Imp ty Clerk. Approved---------------------------------------------, 192_C -- -� ------------------------ — -- -- — ---- Mayor. CouncilmanviJiVANOM Berfusn Councilman Fiudla❑ ' Councihna Pearce t / PUBLISHED CounC117nan l 9 Petersi�u C3 fiwianc Mr. Vice President (Truax) Form B, S. A. 8-7 CITY Or ST. PAUL "•`,- DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REN -42T OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the,matterof reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the gest side of b� Arkwright Street beginning at the north line of Rose Street (produced), thence south 130 feet] beginning at a point 46 feet farther south, thence south 68 feet under Preliminary Order approved July 1, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is b fr nt 1.00 The estimated cost per not for the above improvement is $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED LanVdALUATiON Bldg. 1 Eidsmo Addition $475 $2700 (Ex. W. 50 ft.) lots 1 and 2 John Morgan's Stewart Park Add. 450 4600 3 do 325 4 do 350 5 do 350 1950 6 do 375 Total $2325 $9250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated _19�� Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. E -S D r Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance . July 7, 1936.... 193_ .... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104202. approved_._. July. 1, 19.35 _ -93 . ...., relative to reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the west side of Arkwright Street beginning at the north line of Rose Street (produced), thence. south 130 feet, beginning at a point 46 feet farther south, thence south 68 feet. _ - -------- and ----- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ _ _ -necessary and (or) desirable. Eat. Cost Monolithic sidewalk $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $---- 3- _ __.-..., and the total cost thereof is and the nature and extent of said improvement is as foflows:._ . _ __._... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ...__ _ - _ . _._. _ -. ...... ...... -- - ....... . -- ... 5. Said improvement is... _ _.__.......___.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE,W)77 ;��72 ,,' Co ssioner of Public Works. 9% WIN .6...'�4 JUL 7 1936 COUNCIL,FILE N0._._ - By___ ------------------------ - __ 114988 reDairl en recta- +-relayingaledoe eft tna Ingwth side of Flarl tng at the north. Bh of .. _venue, thence Orth tt ".T where. good an eulael- 'ke already axis un at 104099, a D` •ing b In the Matter of__repairing�_reoonetructing_and_ relaying_ oemeat_tile_ eidewnik_on- the re-at_-side--of_Zarl_&trgat-_hsginni dna__at-_the __narth_lins___f_Hastings Avenue—,___thenae north to__alley,—oxcePt where good and__eufPioienteidgnu _already__ exist______________------- under Preliminary Order ------- 10493 __-____-______--____approved ____J=Q_-&k.__19all Intermediary. Order--------------------------------------------approved--------------------------- — - - - -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having ful y co s'dered the same; therefore, be it � '.7< RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that two - — i., ­+'­_ +oat --------------�1-> I'ii'- c�iT'L7'Ct-1 T'7 __r^t!'!* --„" '!7d, .m ..... :a. no—kdro in Said n1S'.: De d 'lr. .-.. - a the Council her orders said improve nt to be made. ESOLVED FURT R, That the Comaussl r of Public Works be an ereby instructed and directe to prepare plans an pecification. for said rovement, and submit same Council for approval; at upon said apptov the proper city official a hereby authorized and directs ^te.pLo- ceed with th aking of said imps ment in accordance the r ' h. Adopted by the Council & ---I-519 --------------- 192_____-. a Approved------ --_1510 - -- Mayor. Councilman Councilman Bart❑ss Councilman Findian Councilman Pearoe CouncllmaAawnaidwan,. r uex Cl) Mayor Vdiffggib;roan Form B. S. A. 8-7 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ` REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthc matter of repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Earl Street beginning at the north line of Hastings Avenue, thence north to alley under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated agqmount of the assessment for the above improvement is 0.101 ld 2 -new the The estimated cost pet oefor the above improvement is — The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed luation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Land Bldg. The S'. 4.5 ft. of vac. alley adj. (Sootten's Sub. of Block 71, $2550 $12250 )Lyman Dayton's Addition to and E.'2 ft. of Lot 29 and all of 30 71 (St. Paul Total $2550 $12250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. _ t Dated -F - 19 _ Commissioner of Finance. eo.m B. S. A. !-S D G Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 7, 1956 • To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104099 approved___ June 24, 1956 193.__..., relative to repairing, reconstructing and relaying cement tile sidewalk on the west side of Earl Street beginning at the north line of Hastings Avenue, thence north to alley and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ necessary Ind (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile $0.12 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.09 per sq. ft. 2. the estimated cost thereof is $- ..._ _... .- _ - _ .., and the total cost thereof is $..._ __..__.__'........., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:_-- __. .____..___._....--_...... .... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ------------- 5. ..._ - ...__._.. ._.......- - _ _ --5. Said improvement is. __._____...... _.... ---asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, 0 co mmiesioner of Public Worke. ��92 ,•112 ,, z 14 OD 7 6_..• ` JUL 7 1936 n Original to Cb. Clerk � ', v) S'9 ITY O ST. AUL :<i"`.. NO_ ...:........'"._�_...... ~ OF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY \ ,� ./t COMMISSIONER—_ .._>�._......._w....._...._......_....___............_........._........_................................... DATE .... .___.._._...._.._............. ......... .......................... _ RESOLVED a the Department of Education, in calling for bids for the transportation of orippl@d children, is hereby author- ized to include three additional cabs for.transporting approximately twenty hard of hearing children to educational Institutions, as a safety measure; the cost of such addition- al transportation to be borne by the Department of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Pindlan In favor Pearce Peterson O 4:1002— WaR�a1—^ .._...... Against aM 616 �. Yv^.-';',�-.i.AaatLTruax) C Jo11 hn o Flndlan--By O. R' Rarfsee— Resolved. that the Dep artment of Education, in in for bide for the t1•aneportatlon of OrlpDled children, fe hereby sutb.rfaed to include reel- j Clonal. ..be for traneportlnir apDrozl- � _"I twenty hard of hearing dh/ldren ducattonal fnetitutiona, ae afety eaeu" the coat of ouch additional traneportatlon to be borne by the De= partment of Public Bafety. Adopted by the Council t3ePt. 8, 1988. Approved 8ept.812 836 198(l) Adopted by the Council. ...SF.Q......._a...V__193_.... Approved.__ _ _ ._,.. .......,g ....193..... Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 4th, 1936• Hr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Attentions Yr Hilar9 J. r19na Deer Sir: The matter of the request of rather Byrnes that transportation be provided the hard -of -hearing me was referred he ll to you, by the Cityng aCCoounscil,twithltheirequeat that You pre - to you, t this request. Pre- pare the proper resolution to gran Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY Extrutiile pepartntent (ni#g of -"Raint Paul MARK A. GRIIAN MAYOR August 31, 1936 Father James A. Byrnes was in to see me today about the hard -of -hearing children's class to be held in the old Hill home. There will be about 20 children. He talked to Commissioners Findlan and Barfuss and Hilary—Flynn about this matter. Father Byrnes proposed that the city transport these children daily as they do in the Lindsey School and other institutions. Mr. Flynn advised him that that probably could not be done, because no public funds could be contributed for private educational purposes. Father Byrnes suggested that this might be done as a safety measure in so far as these children are in 4 danger when on the streets. With this in view, he talked to Commissiomer Barfuss, and the Commissioner seemed will- ing to undertake such a project. While no accurate costs have been worked out , the expenditure would probably be something in the neighbor- hood of several hundred dollars a month. I told Father Byrnes that I would appoint a committee of Commissioners Findlan and Barfuss, and Mr. Goodrich and Mr. Connolly. Father Byrnes suggested that the time element was important because school will be start- ing in a week or ten days. , W006 G� qt-oc 0 Mr. Bar#'uss, Mr. Flynn City Attorney requests your attendance in his office at 2.30 P. M. to -day for aconference. it. B. Orimo.l t, Cit, clerk 1-11L �e � 4�� CITY OF ST. PAUL . �■ NO........:_..........._......_...._. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --"GENERAL FORM i l�F'M DATE .......September..8 193.6 ...._. RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent bey and he is hereby authorized to purchase,.with the col -sent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons "Q" High Test Ethylized gasoline, 700 ootane, from the PHILLIPS PETROLEUM 00. at a price of $ .11383 per gallon, less 1$ ten days on refinery price only, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, on informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to "=act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge Water Department. C. by F. .nNom.,o. ..1—0-0486gy John S, Flndlarij, 4 from pe gasol Petineroleu, 70° the m Co. - Drfce of {.11g888383Per gallon. leas COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays [3arfuss Findlan In favor Pearce o Peterson TIM Against 3M 6.16 Mr. Vice Presideut (Truax) Sept. 8, 1936. Adopted by the CounciY___.JLY_._.._8.,„193BI93..... W 8 1q?F Approved, ................. ........... ............ 193 Mayor OrWmi to Cit, Clerk — 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL iu.�ea NO.......:� �...................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORj PRESENTED BY � � yam- 7 _' _. ...........DATE... apt ember. ..._1936 _._._. COMMISSIONER ......... .......... RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 20- 1p Trident cold water meters at a total cost not to exceed #396.00 fso.b. delivery point, less 2% cash discount ten days from date of invoice, without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. C. F. No. 104991—By John S. Findlan, ! by "Quest— Resolved, that the Purchasing Agent ! be, and he Is hereby authort2ed to pur- It"e, with the consent of the Comp- troller, 20-1" Tdent cold water yyoters t a totari I cost not to exceed $296.00 f.o.b. delivery point. lees 2% cash discount ten date from date of in- volc., without edV.rtls ... nt Or pat o pd petltive bide, a It articles and oadvantage could be gslned thereby Charge Water ...- ,art 11 Adopted byy the Councn Sept. 8, 1926. Approved BepL 8, 1928. (Sept. 12. 1926) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council,... ,SFD,,,__,$...��.193._.. Yeas Nays 6arfuss FindlanP a 193E In favor Approved_. _ ,........ .193_..._ Pearce Peterson O l ..._�_.. Against Mayor VdeeiEf )M 6)6 e 1 (Truax). CdWa.l t. City Clerk CITY OF ST. PAUL N1^ 0 . ................ .. .......... . ... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER .. ... . .. .... DATE -.8e.ptembeir...6,- 1936 - That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is N RESOLVED hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, 50- 5/8"jL3/0 Hersey cold water meters at a total cost not to exceed $450.00 f.o.b. St. Paul, without advertisement or competitive bids, as these are patented ,articles and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge Water Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson 10.. Wellml Against 3M &36 Mr. %'ice i rcsidcut (1,rbax) C. F._ No;,,1.04992—By John S. Findl—, b, Y. Chgrge Water 8 counci lSort 8. 1996 illh.l Adopted by the Council .. SEP 8 06 193.— ....— 101)r Approved.193 Mayor odglool to Ch, Clock 6 /ey 3a(l�{ ;OUNOtL -p,.. ). CITY OF ST. PAUL u NO... sss OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL D,9$ LUT ---GENERAL FORM 1... �t.�...DATE..........._S.ORt....._8.f....�9$S ..... _................ _... WP Whereas, to avoid delays in beginning construction on the Phalen Creek sewer between E. Seventh Street and Minnehaha Street, it is necessary to move the houses located on the property owned by the City of St. Paul along the line of said sewer just southerly from North Street; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Yorks be and he is herein authorized to proceed with the moving of the houses and to hire the necessary labor and procure the necessary equipment and materials at a cost not to exceed $450.001 such cost to be charged to the Sanitary Sewer Bond Fund 4001- /r-1- OUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss / Findlan S In favor Pearce Peterson I� /. Against 3ld 636 B.r. ,-, , , _didcut (Truax) Creek gi . ! get and eeary tol . the Drop-' of- St. Paul r-hetust south -,i ' trefore, he mlaalouer of Is hereto a* a the ttiovlag,' _ e s—oary t go1pto :e '=•e charged arged and Fund Adopted by the Council.......�.r�..._....g...1.1�7Q. ...193 -- Approved ....... ....... ._. Approved............_ ......._�._� azt...._..193....... .............. ......... orWretiobin cl..k w �,o���,� � >• 41194 CITY OF ST. PAUL u NO.._.__._..._._ rl colt D ✓1 _ ,Counofl Way cpm Whereas, under C. F. 101696 approved October 25, 1935,E aesalect ay D=plepti the he the City Council requested.the State Highway Commissioner to allot vzg m r 1pa H. am Highway seta for the purpose funds available for wor gr ig Y prod n^ gl a ap i�Igh-.y of completing the impr of Trunk Highway No. 12 and No. 61, /.ed Dana, Dr otherwise known as th son Road and the Point Douglas Road, and 5 -tion of T _ Whereas, the Sta . ghway Commissioner has submitted plana, Pen Battle ( " proximately ,�.,.a� ithoui profiles and specificati or the relocation, widening and re- rpnlee construction of Trunk Highw y No. 61 between Battle Creek Park and I a point approximately 2000 feet northerly from the south ci�dlimits, .wswr.— VdeBsi such work to be done without cost to the Ci of1St. Paul, 3M 636 Mr. Vice ; rceideut(Truald whereas, such plans, profiles and specifications as submitted have the approval of the Commissioner of Public works and the Chief Engineer; therefore, be it Z' That the City Council of the City of St. Paul Resolved, approve the plans, profiles and specifications as filed by the Minnesota State Highway Department and titled •SP61-104-85-20 for the relocation, widening and reconstruction of Trunk Highway No. 61 from Battle Creek Park southerly to approximately 2000 feet north of the south city limits - ✓1 COUNCILMEN Yeasts Barfuss Findlan In favor Pearce Peterson I .wswr.— VdeBsi A amat 3M 636 Mr. Vice ; rceideut(Truald SEP 8 1936 Adopted by the Council........__.................................193 WP 8 199 ^Approved. ............. .............................................193..... Mayor cw_tt. CityCl.ek //. _ COYMGL CITY OF ST. PAUL NO��..............___._,__ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / OUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That Tavern License No. 321 and Dame Hall License Ho. 758, expiring Jan. 129 19379 issued to Thomas Villelli at 581 E. Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby transferred to C. B. Jppletan and E. H. Schmitt at the same address and the proper city officets are hereby directed to change the cityls , records accordingly. C. Sept. B. 1898. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council._,.... `5,.._....8s 193...- .................. Yeas Nays Barfuss S?p 8._...,......193. Findlan ,,,... In favor Approved., ............................... ....... Pearce Peterson Against �.,... V ..... / �' ".. ...... T'••" ... Mayor 'WerfLtt� )M &M Mr. A .: i..o1cnt (Truax) fc "' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 27th, 1936• $o&. G. H. Barfuss Chairman, License Committee VOlic Safety Building Dear Sirt The City Council referred to your committee for recommendation the attached request for the transfer of Tavern and Dance Hall licenses at 581 E. Seventh Street from Thomas Villelli to C. P. Appleton and B. H. Schmiflt. Yours very truly, City Clerk. a-.'�V IM St. Paul, Minn., August 21, 1936. s To the Honorable Mayor & Members of the City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: n We desire to have the-a.e Non Sale" bee, lieert 4nd�tavern and dancing license transferred from Thomas Villelli, 581 B. Seventh Street to C. F. Appleton and E. H. Sohmitt.. same address. Appreciating your favorable consideration and 11 approval, we are Sincerely yours, At 4 4hialoal to Cltr Cluk ,�j CITY OF ST. PAUL c=u"`t` No- .._._. I-(' . 4,996 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE_SaLUTION---GENERAL FORM RESOLVED 'fiat licenses for Bestaarant, application 11333, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 14334, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 143359 applied for by Mike Ballafae at 541 Bice Street be and the same are hereby granted sad the city clerk is instructed to teens each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the regaired fees. COUNCILMEN I C. F. No. 104986—BY O., R. Serines—' 'r' F. M. Truax—Irving C. re /Nays { that licensee for Reetau- nt, aDPilcatlon 34389, On Sale Malt `J In favor Beverage, aDDlicatlo¢ 14994, and Off, .._. Bale Malt BoverI ge, ap I"'t on 14386.', applied for by Mike Balafae at 641 Rice's ' �are grantedtreet bAnd the city clerrk le instructed! upon the Payment ._........... to Issue such licensee Into the city treasury of the ,required' fees. New. Informally approved by Council 9apL': .. _, ,c.. i an � cltyrrerr)/ eC\ CITY OF ST. PAUL I NCR No ('4997 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i CO LUTION—GENERAL FORM ✓ SOE (COMMSN —AY1rVing C, pearCe— .riat the Northern states any be given Dermtseloa to RESOLVED 4souiev Toles 'eet the Com `orth, wtthtr: nsee...ry guys, 'res, and Telephone Comyaay and wires to be removed - �-Oted to doeo by the Com: nod c et of said r• Q he N That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 2-40 foot poles on the Bast Late Como Blvd, West of Como Ave No, with neoeseary guys, anohors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed V) when requested to do so by the Common Counoil and oost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate #2"91• V � - �� , 3 ,ro Adopted by the Council .......... `4.-L)p--- ._8..19393... Approved • ........................... 193.... ' r --------..... Mayor LISHFi ,_ I1� ' s6 COUNCILMEN Yeas Saurian Nays Plndlan ;. eQF�4terQ, /� Pearce E-'-- Rosen !�- ------------ -----_In favor Peterson °7 ` 1 -`trua> -. -i „'. c .. Aga4hst 3M a -3e Mr. Vice 1'resitle3tt (Truax) V � - �� , 3 ,ro Adopted by the Council .......... `4.-L)p--- ._8..19393... Approved • ........................... 193.... ' r --------..... Mayor LISHFi ,_ I1� ' s6 0di i—L o tMltr Cl -k Q Q CITY OF ST. PAUL couHa� �6�V ate. NO ....... .:......:... - �� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 5 COUNCIL RESOL - GENERAL FORM �l ........._........::............._................._........... ...................... ...............DATESBCOMMTTONER_.........._................g�'.�I�r.emTifHr.......rt.... 1936............. RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the -- construction of the Belt Line Sanitary Sewer Interceptor to THORNTON BROS. COMPANY, in accordance with plane and specifi— cations therefor hereto attached and the 8..irmal Bid No. 9332 of said Thornton Bros. Company,"for the contract price of $46,000.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said -Thornton Bros.,Company being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper City officials hereby are authorized to execute said.contraot on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. Engineer's Estimate $52,700.00 F.B. x}9332. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss Findlan __ _..._. In favor Pearce Peterson Against Truax We"" l Mr. Presider. ant- -6 Adopted by the Council ..... ..,,,�F_ �P.. 8 193_493..... Wo Approved...,....._...... _._.. _..............._....................... 193....... Mayor INAL— NUMSER CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'( 0.Jl.ill-- CLEIIK CO—OIL ea No.� n/alJ COUNCIL RESOLUTION AU}� 1 TI F LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • Resolved, Thatthe Council hereby approves the award of the Contract Committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the curbing of Fredericka avenue from Juliet street to palace street, to the STANDARD STONE CO., in accordance with plans and specifications there- for Yiereto attached and the Portal Bid No. 9338 of said STANDARD STONE GO., for the contract price of $334.75, such bid being the lowest bid and said STANDARD STONE 00* being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Counsel be and hereby is directed to darw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper city officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. _$'y` IrY1ng C. cP..rc:p- reby- y,. hoe CthunConthreact Com- �for, and hereby awards the -or the curbing of Frederlclta orothhe Standard esioae Co lain' • ace with WEBB Bud -Pa""Cb- : efor hereto attached and the, R Rid No. HH2H of said etanw� Atha .t.c tovrt-- n9 Cn ® COUNCILMEN `M SEF a Y-1 COUNCILMEN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL o IN FAVOR 0SLS 81 APPBOVlD —AGAINST rUBLISi EDI—_ za MR. FREBIDlNT FORMAL BID NO. 9328 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $340. 00 NOTE TO Bfi CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: —"^;i1.' AB6E53E0 AGAINST BEN[PITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s234.75 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S BNA.[ OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE f 3. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL I MPROVEMlNTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f A. APPROPRIATED FROM SONO ISSUE—CODE f S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s a. T _ TOTAL - - - - - s234.75 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMB[RBD BAL- CITY CLERK ANC! AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER REIMBURSETHEP[RMAN[NT IMPROVEMENT R OLVINGFUND IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. LOCALIMPROVEMENTNO. PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING cLLRR OAi¢T� OAT[ FINAL ORDER AOOPTlD • �. ® COUNCILMEN `M SEF a Y-1 COUNCILMEN ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL o IN FAVOR 0SLS 81 APPBOVlD —AGAINST rUBLISi EDI—_ za MR. FREBIDlNT DRI.IMAL— NUMBER Q9 2 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ( : C', '', rip DITY,CL.RR COUNCIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL No'�'-s's�s1317J FOR AUTHORI AL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS PRESENTED EY HO , DA • Resolved, That the Council hereby approves the award of "he Contract committee therefor, and hereby awards the contract for the curbing • of Fairmount avenue from Kenneth avenue to Cleveland avenue, to PEDERSON BROS., in,a000rdanoe with plans and specifications therefor hereto attached and'the Formal Bid No. 9387 of said PEDERSON BROS., for the contract price of $589.00, such bid being the lowest bid and said PEDERSON BROS. being the lowest reliable and reasonable bidder, and the Corporation Oounsel be and hereby is directed to -draw up the proper form of contract therefor, and the proper city officials hereby are authorized to execute said contract on behalf of the City of Saint Paul. ---- - - By 1h. Irving C. Pearce— ' -het the CoonolI hereby aD- a and of the Contract Com- efor, and hereby award.. the ..or the curbing of Fairmount r Kenneth avenue to Cleve- • Peder.en Bro.., in so- "arJL o attached and the CIon4' 9Y ,7 of said Pedereor " Drlce of $58 .t' . I ld and , FORMAL BID ND. 9387 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE T 770.00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OP THIS IMPROVEMENT As FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEPMED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - s589.00 ' 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'. SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE i 1. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE i 1. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE f S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , TOTAL - - - - - - - - - - - ' 58A.00 COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO COMPTROLLER R.IM.URSETHEPSRMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS LOCALIMPROVEMENT NO. PUBLIC WORKS URPURCHASING F ,(i -Y DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED �F COUNCILMEN SEP 1`V V v1 • YEAS NAYS ADOPTED IN FAVOR BY THE COUNCIL ' ^ CS�aI'IP/� R AGAINST APPROVED' v'-• *� MR. PRESIDENT PUBLISHED. Y.11 COUkICIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ohanging the grade of Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Albert .kvenus to oonform to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon..` Also grading Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Av �RUNDURY oav C. F. No.......— In the Matter oT changing Hoyt Avenue from Ha'11 .� to P1`�rt Avenue to cr_ _,-n the pro"' under Preliminary Order 104387 approve' July 14, 1936 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement, is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ohange the grade of goy' Avenue prom Hemline Avenue to Albert Avenue to oonform to the red line on the f. profile hereto atteohed and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue line thereon. Also grade Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Snelling Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ Work to be dons tinder W.P.9. project. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the fth day of _ Ootober 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council gPR 8 t 1, F , 193 p — Approved— APP a 193— City Clerk Mayor ita Councilman M_r___�:-e 13nrfas% �1 Councilman Mgy=s -u N , 1 i;, r, Councilman Peggy: , , O Councilman Resew i Councilman Tcttax_' Gehan Form S. S. A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE NO �r INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1050 In the Matter of oondenming and taking an easement in the land neoeseary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Shelling Avenue -' F`r elopes cute • sj of e from Haml o e;z Avenue, under 'b•.+368, approved Jai :11 of the city. under Preliminary Order 104588 approved July 14, 1988 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is oondemn and taloa au easement in the land neoessary for slopes, outs and fills in the grading of the south side of Hoyt Avenue from Hemline Avenue to Shelling Avenue, in a000rdanoe with the blue print hereto attaohed and made a part hereof, the hatehed portions showing the outs and the shaded portions showing the fills. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25*00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th day of October . 193 6 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear-- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council CFp 8 IN—,193 R1g4C 193 i ity Clerk — � Approved Mayor Councilman I3arfuse Councilman '- " F,nd au Councilman FknZC: Pearce CouncilmanF S P ;'•=` '121 Pter8on Councilman x -= Truaa _ ... Gehan Forr 'b. S: A. 8-5 COUNCIL FILE NO. INTERMEDIARY ORDER V'5003 In the Matter of ourbing Chelmsford Street from Doswell Avenue to Buford Avenue, and the south side of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Alley between Chelmsford and Bythe Street ox curbing Chelmsford_ e• Tloswell Avenue to B• a'e, and the south eidef ieoue from Cheln•__ y from Cb^. set, under P. •' �roved Jul •'j� City.• 're. vi under Preliminary Order 104364 __approved July 14s 1936 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: _ 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Chelmsford Street from Doswell Avenue to Buford avenues and the south side of Buford Avenue from Chelmsford Street to Alley between Chelmsford and Bythe Street with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1295.35 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 6th day of October- 193A.— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by, the Council QED R 193 Approved— R� 193 City Clerk PP Mayor Councilman WhOwAshimm 13arfuse. Councilman Findlan Councilman Councilman Pearce Peterson Councilman Truax Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-6 J COUNCIL FILE NO.--------- INTERMEDIARY -ORDER V5004 In the Matter of curbing Seminary Avenue from Hamlin Avenue to Syndicate the and the west aide of Syndicate Avenue from Seminary Avenue to the middle block between Seminary Avenue sail Capitol Avenue - Avenu , th L Veen I., c .AF: t04989, e 104363 approve July 14k 1956 -- under Preliminary Order_--------�— The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: and the said improvement is 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. as is curb Seminary 4v"yn 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommen from Hemline Avenue to Syndicate Avenue, and the west aide of enue and Avenue from seminary Avenue to the middle of the.blook be Seminary Avenue and Capitol Avenue with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1165_?6 Gbh Resolved Further, That a public hearing be' had on said improveme nt on the day of October —. 1936 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided ereof as estimated. by the Charter, ting the time and place of Bar- ing, the nature of the improvement the�otP b Adopted by the Council }_, 193_ $� / �t5t ity Clerk Approved 193—��� /T/. --- - Mayor Councilman_ Rirfuss (�1 _._ Councilman Findlou Councilman ` -•- PTs e Councilman "==�- Yete rsoa Councilmanf-sem-`- Truax N11 - Gehan Form B: S: A. 8.0 oliala.l <a City CI.rk alit ' *[ I r )05 4. x. Hartve— NO.L�.._t�. / CITY OF ST. PAUL -1--. C. rearae - - - 4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERi.Aenaea appllefl tor. by - amed pereoae as tae sled be and tjik same COUNCI LOTION---GENER<nted aad the Eft¢ o7erk t lnu6 aueh 1106 6" dpo, to the citytr6aeary� COMMIOtv,PRESENSTEDN......... n8,e1wrbAve: IDT.91*3E......._........ RESOLVED • That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is in— stmet?d to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feest Steffen's Bakery 614 Selby Av. Bakery App. 14380 Renewal Yrs. Louis Finn 118 S. Robert Confectionery " 14316 " Esther Burstein 168 E. Congress Grocery N 13648 " Peter Rosenberger 130 W. Winifred " " 14365 " 14366 " ■a q N N Butcher Yrs. R. Miles 315 Selby Restaurant N 14403 N Ben Novak 669-T1 University " N Restaurant " 14392 a On Sale Malt Bev. " 14393 " p ■ ■ M ■ N Off N a N " 14394 ■ Martin Salswedal affil 2759 T- Tth Gas Sta 3 pumps ■ 14359 " Agues Connolly 1853 Randolph Grocery " 14376 " Herbert T. Uebel 699 N. Snelling Gas Sta 3 pumps " 14402 " Joseph Paymer 250 t- Seventh 2nd band dealer " 14327 " Anthoxq Raiolo 672 Bedford " foodstuff " 1450 N Vehicle Peddler 61 " 1115 " ■ 11" W. Feldman T49 Iglehart Poodstuff "14438 " Vehicle Peddler 60 " 1441T " SEP 9 1936 COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council ............................. ...............__..193..... Yeas Nays Barfuss , ka SEP 9193E "Phld"— ........................ In favor Pearce /� Approved .......................................... ..................... 193 Peterson Against . — Truaxv........ y......w......................_....................._Mayorr zel Mr. President (Gahan) Mr. Pr 3M 6.36 oci`l—i to cit, Clack /' RESOLVED 1, l CITY OF ST. PAP- (/ OFFICE OF THE CITY SZUff4b4�ESOLUTION--GEN1. COUNCIL 1 1 C5006 MATE .........._...flopkember....g.,...lg3b............... Thug License for Grocery, application 14336, applied for by .Margaret Htnngitsch fat 676 Winslow kv. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury Af the required fee. New COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss _ In favor Pearce Peterson /� �..... Againat Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) lM 6.)6 t SEP 9 to Adopted by the Council _.__........._ ............................193 ..... LS Approved . _ .......................�_ .......9...................193....... Mayor 01iff1ma to cin cl.,k (1 CITY OF ST. PAUL Coumew _,i:urt ... nu No. . .......... .......... _-.-- OFFICE OF THE CITY C4 n'usai:a_o1` ,,_Septesiber5, 1936 .. . _..................... S, Adeline Delmont has made application 14325 for license for permission to operate as a Taxicab upon the streets of the City of St. Pail, One (1) Packard Automobile, Motor No. 279515, Serial No. 280328, covered by Lloyds of Minneapolis Insurance Policy No. H-47977, and taxicab License No. 1, and WHEREAS, Adeline Delmont, in accordance with Ordinance No- 7321, as amended by Ordinance No. 7674, has filed copy of insurance policy with the city of St. Paul, and said policy has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel= therefore,'be it RESOLVED, that license to operate said automobile as a taxicab upon the streets 8f the City of St. Penal, be and the same is hereby granted, subject to the provisions of said ordinances, and the city clerk is instmcted to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays [3arfuss In favor Pearce Peterson Against Truax Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 3M 636 SEP 9 1936 Adopted by the Council .......... __.................................... 193..... Approved............_1_143f....... ............. 193...... C -T._7 ....... ...... __. Mayor PUBUSHEn�e :cnprovementrce t��5009 ._. CITY OF ST. PAUL • oonsewer. Fielding of the O. norm tor.. c mp •ontre, It h s been oound OFFICE OF THE CITY CLF G-3505, ke the following de COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GEN. DEDUCTIONS EN BY IRVING 0. PEARCE ` ..,..vert ae per:'.._._._..._...._.._..........__......_............... ........_....._._..__............._._.__�K RESOLVED WHSRW, in the Improvement described as the construction of the PHALEN Cp= STORM SEWER, Fielding & Shepley Ino., contractors, Conptroller,s Contract No. G-3505, it has been found necessary to make the following deduotionst Deductions: 27 lea. ft. of Invert as per Drawing #826 or 14.0 cu. yde. of concrete 9 $8.00 $112.00 117 lin. ft. of sub -drain - e 1.14 138.38 Total Deduction $245.55, now therefore, be it RESOLVED that the City Council hereby approve the aforesaid deduction made in accordance with the speoifications therefore, not to exceed the sum of $245.38, said amount to be deducted from the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract G-8505 for the making of the aforesaid Improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications in said contract - The Department of Public Works hasagreed with the Contractor, Fielding & 31}epley Ince, that the sum of $245.38 is the correct amount to be deducted from said Contract. COUNT* , - 6. " Comptroller 'COUNCILMEN Yeas days Barfuss 441141" In favor Pearce Peterson C Traux _.... .Against Wenzel Mr President (Geban) 3h. 636 o signer - Public�gWorks Adopted by a Cuuncil.._._SEP 9 .936_ 193 - - Approved_ __ SF.^ 9 .193. S ' � Mayor ij)UISHED 9 -4a -1-3 V5610 oa�a.twcurta..k w• COV �- CITY OF ST. PAUL ^'=sr Axel F. • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;0 .un'la ile WHEREAS, by Council File No. 101510, Ordinance No. 7648, approved October 11, 1935, the City Council authorized the sale of $1,362,000 par value of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul for the purpose of paying the cost to the City of Saint Paul of oonstructing those drains, sewers, Intercepting sewers, pumping stations and other structures to be used by the City of Saint Paul exclusively, and forming a part of the complete plan of the sewage collection and treatment system of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District; and WHEREAS, it is now neoessary to issue bonds in the sum of $500,000 for the purpose of obtaining cash to defray part of the Boost of such project; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the bonds authorized by said Ordinance No. 7648 be sold in the manner provided by law, in the amount of $500,000, said bonds to be in denominations of `1,000 each, to be dated Ootober 1, 1936, to bear a rate of interest not exceeding five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually on April let and October lot, according to the coupons to be attached toz."I&- botids` said bonds shall be serial, and a portion thereof shall be payable each year, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than thirty (30) years; said bonds shall be designated as "Sewer Bonds, Series No. 4," and the numbers of said bonds and the dates on which said bondsshall nature and the amount which shall mature annually over said period shall be as follows: Maturity October 1, 1939 11 I, 1940 " 1, 1941 " 1, 1942 " 1, 1943 " 1, 1944 " 1, 1945 " - 1, 1946 " 1, 1947 " 1, 1948 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss I ISP &od6w In favor Pearce 12,000.00 Peterson 13,000.00 47925-47937 _ _ ....... Against Trau: 14,000.00 Wenzel 14,000.00 Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 Bond Numbers Amoun`t,of Bonds 47877-47887 $11,000.00 47888-47899 12,000.00 47900-47911 12,000.00 47912-47924 13,000.00 47925-47937 13,000.00 47938-47951 14,000.00 47952-47965 14,000.00 47966-47980 15,000.00 47981-47995 15,000.00 47996-48011 16,000.00 Adopted by the Council .....................................................193...... Approved.................................................................193....... ......................................................... _..... Ma ar PUBUSB� 041 6'Awc,,cf k ,, 105010 10 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL nu NO ...................................... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_._.._................................................ .................. _.... _.._............. _......... _............................................. DATE, ........_.__._....__._.._......... _...................................... JIMEBOm0NM (2) 0/},3 y, . October 1, 1949 48012-48027 $16,Q,.00 " 1, 1950 48028-48044 1'T.00 " 1, 1951 48045-48061 17,000.00 " 1, 1952 48062-48079 18,000.00.. " 1, 1953 48080-48097 18,000.00' " 1, 1964 48098-48116 19,000.00 " 1, 1955 48117-48135 19,000.00 " 1, 19561 48136-48155 20,000.00 " 1, 1957 48156-48175 20,000.00 " 1, 1958 48178-48196 21,000.00 " 1, 1959 48197-48217 21,000.00 " 1, 1960 48218 -48238 21,000.00 " 1, 1961 48239-48260 22,000.00 " 1, 1962 48261-48282 22,000.00 " 1, Y963 48283-48305 23,000.00 n 1, 19A4 48306-48328 23,000.00 1, 1.965 48329-48352 24,000.00 " 1, 1966 48353-48376 24 000.00 500,000.00 The said bonds shall be in a form later to be determined and which form shall be approved by recognized bond counsel, or counsel for the Government of the United States should the Govern- ment of the United States be thelsuocessful bidder, and which bond form shall be approved also by the Corporation}"Counsel of the City of Saint Paul. RESOLVED FURTHER, That -sealed proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller in the Court House and City Hall, In said City of Saint Paul, up to ten o'clock A. M. on October 8th, 1936, for the sale of all or none of said bonds after giving flue notice of such sale in the manner prescribed by law, in the Midway News, the official paper of said City. Each bidder shall be required to accompany his bid by a certified check or cash amount of two per cent (2;8) of the amount of bonds bid for, which shall be forfeited to the City as liquidated damages if the bonds are not taken and paid for when ready for delivery. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Barfuss 4WMH1Tr_ Pearce In favor Peterson Traua Against Wenzel Mr President (Geban) 3M 636 Adopted by the Council__........ __ _.__...... ......193 ... Approved__ ._.. .._................. ......... ... ..... ... 193.... ......... __ . ...._..._ Mayor o.rdn++wCity c1"k - I -V 501-0 CITY OF ST. PAUL '111 "`" NO....... .......... OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION ---GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM ISSI UNER_..._.................................._................................_...._..__..........._........._._...__................................... DATE_ ....._.. __..._ _.._..................................................... Moculaw (3) The City Comptroller shall, at the next meeting after re- ceiving said bids, present the same to the Council for its action. thereon. The said bonds shall be offered to the person who will pay par or better therefor, at the lowest rate of interest, not exceeding five per cent COUNCILMEN SEP 9 W6. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council. - ..__. .1__ __ .._...193...... Baduss VPj '93t —EfflAtm Pearce In favor C/ –wed _ I93_ .. Peterson Tcau= Against r Wenzel Mayor Mr President (Gehan) 3M 636 $500.000 SZW n BONDSActober 4 to be dated Oct. Sale to be held on 6 DATEOF BOND AMOM" ULTURITYN[D�8 OF BONDS October 1, 1939 7877- 7887 $11,000.00 1940 478ss-47999 12,000.00 1941 47900-47911 12,000.00 1942 47912-47924 13,000.00 19433 47925-47937 i ,000.00 u944 47935-47951 14,000.00 1945 47952-47965 14,000.00 1946 47966-47990 15,000.00 1947 47991-47995 15,000.00 194s 47996-48oll 16.000.00 1949 49012-49027 16.ogo.00 1950 49028-48044 17,000.00 1951 4so45-49061 17,000.00 1952 49062-49079 18,000.00 1953 4soso-4x097 18,000.00 19544so9s-4x116 19,000.00 1955 49117-48135 19,000.00 1956 48136-4s155 20,000.00 1957 49156-49175 20.000.00 1959 4x176-48196 21,000.00 1959 48197-48217 21.000.00 1960 49219-48239 21,000.00 1961 49239-49260 22,000.00 1962 48261-48282 22,000.00 1963 49293-49305 23,000.00 1964 4s3o6-48329 23,000.00 1965 48329-49352 24,000.00 1966 49353-45376 • 24.ow2oo $500,000.00 NOTICE t ' `� -�— Tp ' ' c Re901Yed105011-10501 5011 'he"* Ile 01 drawn on ITY of SAINT PAUL the nsBreaet° - I► e i J�ii2 the eltr tr'h' tv PRINTER amount of -29.22661: ooveri- °heck- 21977 to 28988 Inolyelve. he IC RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. n=tirpd yer chgck- on ffie (n the ofHc6 of the oitY oonlDtroller. lggg, Adopted byy the"Cooncll Sept. 9, - ADDeoted BeDL 8. 1928. - seotembei 6 (BeDt: 12. 1986) 1, 193 RESOLVED, . neGK RAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, OF; 9%7 I TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT =23W COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 29WS TO INCLUSIVEIAS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL SEP W6 193_ {�y}�' APPROVED J" - 193_ aoo w as BY DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL + COUNCIL + R 60UNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.- - :c_�.h.� --------- B8Mf118e COUNCIL RESOLUTION September 9 36 MAY AVO" �fAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -------------------- ------------ --- -19__36 9 -- ROSENR Pear GAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON/�TH ---- CITY TREASURY. �a1i A n, ruax, Wenzel. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -_LZ* 1/. D -- . COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE B. ^1.�� CHECKS NUMBERED__2W_30� TO____2tW---• INCLUSIVE, AS y_1��- PER CHECKS ON FILE H OFFIC OF THE ITY CO PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ ----- - - - -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER RETURNED V NUMBER I DISBURSEMENT II BY BANK CH - CHECKS IIHII ESE INI BROUGHT FORWARD tjl 28030 Matthew Towey 1 28031 Lindstrom & Anderson 28032 John Lennon 28033 Yrs. Harriet Jane Gay 28034 A. J. McCarthy 28035 Carl Yorands 28036 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ce 28037 BOTOheit-Ingersoll,Ino. 28038 Farwell, Osmun, Kirk 6 Comp 28039 General Electric Supply Corp. 28040 Motor Power Equipment Compan 28041 The Van Hovan Company,Ino. 29042 Minnesota Broadcasting Corp. 28043 Nassau Paper Company 28044 National Wire Cloth -Company 28045 Nelson 011 Company 28046 The Nevrmar Company 28047 Nioole, Dean A Gregg Company u 28048 Northern States Contracting O I Northern States Power Company 428049 28050 Nortbern States Power Company 28051 Northern States Power Company 28052 Northwest Airlinee,Inc. 2805 Northwestern Blaugas Company Z Northwestern Fuel Company 28055 Northwestern Stamp Works,Ino. 28056 Nutting Truck Company 28057 O'Connor Auto Repair Company 28058- Orloff Leather Company 28059 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 28060 Owens Motor Sales, Ino. 28061 A.N. Palmer Company 28062 Paramount Ink Oompany 28063 Parawax Company P8064 C.A. Pearson, Inc. 28065 Phillipe Petroleum Company 28066 Pioneer Electric Company 28067 Pioneer Maple Products Compan 28068 Pioneer Rim 8 Wheel Company 28069 The Postage Meter Company 28070 Price Electric Company 28071 Pure 011 Company -28072 Quick Servide Battery Company 28073 Raymer Hardware0ompany 28074 Rol Wing Onion Stoneware Company 28075 A.J. Reiser 28076 Republic Oreosoting Company 28077 Restaurant China Oompany DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL + COUNCIL + R 60UNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.- - :c_�.h.� --------- B8Mf118e COUNCIL RESOLUTION September 9 36 MAY AVO" �fAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS -------------------- ------------ --- -19__36 9 -- ROSENR Pear GAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON/�TH ---- CITY TREASURY. �a1i A n, ruax, Wenzel. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -_LZ* 1/. D -- . COVERING MR. PRES. BUNDLIE B. ^1.�� CHECKS NUMBERED__2W_30� TO____2tW---• INCLUSIVE, AS y_1��- PER CHECKS ON FILE H OFFIC OF THE ITY CO PTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ ----- - - - -- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER RETURNED V NUMBER I DISBURSEMENT II BY BANK CH - CHECKS IIHII ESE INI 40 11 05p7 7 440 0 4 o+ 96 1405 do 321 68 325 00 16 Go los 69 9 00 a' 37 50 2 91 242 s4 110 00 296 5s 19 7g 1155 50 10 50 43 56 1 10 4 39 8 82 50 62 37 � 54 48 131 13 7 80 J1 63 12 20 290 4 78 332 55 4000 75$ 64 44 92 80 00 25 29000 4 so 8 25 2 00 96 1s 47 e5 112 01 5 04 l 337 50 250 195914 Ol BROUGHT FORWARD tjl 28030 Matthew Towey 1 28031 Lindstrom & Anderson 28032 John Lennon 28033 Yrs. Harriet Jane Gay 28034 A. J. McCarthy 28035 Carl Yorands 28036 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin ce 28037 BOTOheit-Ingersoll,Ino. 28038 Farwell, Osmun, Kirk 6 Comp 28039 General Electric Supply Corp. 28040 Motor Power Equipment Compan 28041 The Van Hovan Company,Ino. 29042 Minnesota Broadcasting Corp. 28043 Nassau Paper Company 28044 National Wire Cloth -Company 28045 Nelson 011 Company 28046 The Nevrmar Company 28047 Nioole, Dean A Gregg Company 28048 Northern States Contracting O mpany Northern States Power Company 428049 28050 Nortbern States Power Company 28051 Northern States Power Company 28052 Northwest Airlinee,Inc. 2805 Northwestern Blaugas Company Z Northwestern Fuel Company 28055 Northwestern Stamp Works,Ino. 28056 Nutting Truck Company 28057 O'Connor Auto Repair Company 28058- Orloff Leather Company 28059 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 28060 Owens Motor Sales, Ino. 28061 A.N. Palmer Company 28062 Paramount Ink Oompany 28063 Parawax Company P8064 C.A. Pearson, Inc. 28065 Phillipe Petroleum Company 28066 Pioneer Electric Company 28067 Pioneer Maple Products Compan 28068 Pioneer Rim 8 Wheel Company 28069 The Postage Meter Company 28070 Price Electric Company 28071 Pure 011 Company -28072 Quick Servide Battery Company 28073 Raymer Hardware0ompany 28074 Rol Wing Onion Stoneware Company 28075 A.J. Reiser 28076 Republic Oreosoting Company 28077 Restaurant China Oompany 28078 Review Publishing Oompany 28079 Ribes Motor Company 28080 Riley Stoker Corporation 28081 N.C.Robinson, Cletk of Dist.O . 28082 Robinson, Cary 8 Sands Oompan 28083 Rochester Germicide Company 28084 Rose Valve Mfg.Oo.Ino. 28085 Row, Peterson and Company 28086 Royal Typewriter Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD f I 40 11 05p7 7 440 0 4 o+ 96 1405 do 321 68 325 00 16 Go los 69 9 00 a' 37 50 2 91 242 s4 110 00 296 5s 19 7g 1155 50 10 50 43 56 1 10 4 39 8 82 50 62 37 � 54 48 131 13 7 80 J1 63 12 20 290 4 78 332 55 4000 75$ 64 44 92 80 00 25 29000 4 so 8 25 2 00 96 1s 47 e5 112 01 5 04 l 337 50 250 195914 Ol tjl 1 I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL I/ OUNCIL Cp ` COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No._.__.c_=_-ae�ll fuss COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAYN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS-----��'�°s-------------ftboli to) '��-- P tereoa ROSENc p•�p�SeTT yy C •� RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE p(�RA co N/7�NZE CITY TREASURY, M�SOOREIIRE� N=05, ^_—`� 6 p�7 Q TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -les J.lYj________. COVERING • 17TDLI 10��`7i'{OJ'VY•�vR( CHECKS NUMBERE7��l __T INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE c.0 IL -__f_____ ______ ___ PER CHECKS ON FF:CE O THE Y COM ROLLER. �� ____________-__APPROV �"-- -- ------- --- CITY COMPTROLLER MAYORBYJ, _ ------------ ___---- _--- ___ TOTAL DATE CHECKIN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD3;66 699 I� I S 1812 27977�� Martha sohumaoher 2 9 i 27978' Lawrence A. Si C.W.Dept• � 27979 The Texas Company 40. 27980 victory Printing Company 450 2 27981 Carl A. Erickson 9 9 27982 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin oe 37!0 2798] Axel F. Petersoi 0. of Fin oe 72: 27984 Graybar Electric Company,Ino 472: 27985 Carl A. Erickson 150 0 27986 John L. Connolly 27987 Geerpres wringer,Ino. 82 ii 27988 J.J.Gillen, Reg. of Deeds 7 0 27989 Ginn and Company 2 109 7 ;i 27990 R.L. Gould and Company 73 0 27991 Quincy A. Hall ii 637 2 C 27992 Hamm Brewing Company 4 27993 Harry Holkes 21 1 27994 J.A. Hulme Company 27995 Independent Ice Company 32 0 27996 Independent Pneumatic Tool Company 6 27997 International Harvester Comp y 2'1 27998 Junior Literary Guild 27999 Keegan Farm Equipment Company175;0 28000 Kewanee Boiler Company 30' Ij 28001 Wm. Kline 5-51 , 5 28002 Kroohls Bookstores,Ino• 28003 Lampland Lumber Company 32'5 28004 Landers-Norblom-•Cbrietensoa company 213',6 28005 F.G. Leslie Paper Company !j4 28006 Lewis Bolt and Nut Company 15'0 28007 Librarian, Library of Congress Nil t 28008 Linde Air Products Company 41'75 - 28009 Linear Broom Mfg.Oompany 28010 Literary Guild of America, 26,25 28011 41. J. Louis 15',1 28012 loClain A Hedman Company 111!0 28013 HoFadden-Lambert Company 302'5 28014 McGraw-Hill Book Company 10',05 28015 McKesson Wholesalers Ina. 28'27 28016 Maot Int. Motor Truct corp. 2513 28017 F.A. Marko Sign Company 800 • 28018 Marts A Dege 27:50 28019 Michigan valve Mfg.Company 20110 28020 Midway Chevrolet Company 10 56 24021 Millar-Tarras 43 l6 b5 28022 Minnesota Envelope Company 2802'] Minnesota Hisborioal Sooeity 9 0 28024 Minneso6s Milk Company 98 84 28025 Minnesota State Organisation of the Blint 43 00 28026 Morton Salt Company 9 70 28027 Motor Power Equipment Companj 135:00 28028 Mueller Mfg.Company 2 89 28029 R.A. Myers Company 6 OO SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 173.523 1 5 13 sad In the Matter ofrepairingx_relaying_end_reoonetruoting_ the cement the sidewalk on_the east_aide_ of__Smith_Av_enue,_beginning_at a_pfoint_42.feet north of -the north line of Ninth_ Street t__ thence north 102 feet (8 feet in width), except where good and sufficient _eidewalka_already-exist------- ---- --------- --------------- ---------- ----- ----- ------------------- ------------------- under Preliminary Order____ 1942H ____ __ _ _approved ..... -July 6, 1936 IntermediaryOrder ----=------------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isreosirl_relsy__ and reconstruot ---the oement__tile -------- --------- - - sidewalk_on the__ east_ side_ of_ Smith_ nning_ Avenue, begi_at a_point 42 feet north of the_north_line-of_ Ninth Street, thence --north_ 102feet (8 feet in width), — wher e_good_ngd _e laf fin iegt___s_ idewalke _already_exia t x --------------- __-_--------___,_______—__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that up n said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there Adopted by the Council _P___9.1 --- ____--- ____-_, 19 ______ v _ / k-<cr 1 - { -- - - - ------- ---- City Clerk. Approved ------------------ 192 i Mayor. Councilmarcmay�' "-"` .,, C- CMISIIBI]1 Counci1ma11::McDona7d Q CouncilmarmGlogan-, 1" '-sou PUBLISHED 9—/� Councilma dheimer� T� a x Couneilman"enzeeF� N'' enzel l etlan Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 6 repairing, relaying the ....at the s east side of Smith Av: " .t• ng at a point I2 e north line of ` ? 9 north 108 feet COUNCIL FILE NO. .... `sept `°gars g -------- •.Uks already ,. •-der _. By- - ---------- - - - - FINAL ORDER In the Matter ofrepairingx_relaying_end_reoonetruoting_ the cement the sidewalk on_the east_aide_ of__Smith_Av_enue,_beginning_at a_pfoint_42.feet north of -the north line of Ninth_ Street t__ thence north 102 feet (8 feet in width), except where good and sufficient _eidewalka_already-exist------- ---- --------- --------------- ---------- ----- ----- ------------------- ------------------- under Preliminary Order____ 1942H ____ __ _ _approved ..... -July 6, 1936 IntermediaryOrder ----=------------------------------------------approved --------------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City isreosirl_relsy__ and reconstruot ---the oement__tile -------- --------- - - sidewalk_on the__ east_ side_ of_ Smith_ nning_ Avenue, begi_at a_point 42 feet north of the_north_line-of_ Ninth Street, thence --north_ 102feet (8 feet in width), — wher e_good_ngd _e laf fin iegt___s_ idewalke _already_exia t x --------------- __-_--------___,_______—__ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that up n said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance there Adopted by the Council _P___9.1 --- ____--- ____-_, 19 ______ v _ / k-<cr 1 - { -- - - - ------- ---- City Clerk. Approved ------------------ 192 i Mayor. Councilmarcmay�' "-"` .,, C- CMISIIBI]1 Counci1ma11::McDona7d Q CouncilmarmGlogan-, 1" '-sou PUBLISHED 9—/� Councilma dheimer� T� a x Couneilman"enzeeF� N'' enzel l etlan Mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 6 a CITY OF 8T. PAUL • A - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) ' In the matter of Repairing, relaying and reconstructing the cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Smith Avenue, beginning at a point 42 feet north of the north line of Ninth Street, thenog north 102 ft. (8 ft. in width) Cay under Preliminary Order approved July 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ aq are The estimated cost pe foot for the above improvement is _ $0.11 new tiles $0.06 old tile The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. S'ly z of 4 57 Irvine's Enlargement of Rice $7600 $14500 and Irvine's Add. to the town of St. Paul N'ly a of 4 57 do 1750 1300 311y of N' ly a of 4 57 do 1750 1650 Total $17,100 $17,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby, submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated—( -� 19_1 Commissionei of Finance. Form S. S. A. e -S D 'Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 13, 1936 _--_._.193.... -. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104256 approved July Pt 1936 .193.. ...., relative to repairing, relaying and reconstructing the cement tile sidewalk on the east side of Smith Avenue, beginning at a point 42 feet northvof the north line of Ninth Street, thence north 102 feet (8.0 ft. in width) and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost New Tile $0.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile $0.08 per sq. ft. 2. The estimated cost thereof is 5- .... ..... _ _ _ _. ._., and the total cost thereof is E ----------- - and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ............ .. ..... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is..... ... ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement.: COM, OF FINANCE,..... --._.__12 � Commissioner of Public Works. s3 9� co JUL 15 1936 - COUNCIL FILE NO.__.. __-_.. By- -------------- ------ ----------- C. F. No. 106014— - Rnrfnes In the Metter of reconstructing W; 6 monolithlo concrete. the side--" the south side of Van Buren - 1't.lrre _ begin. g qt the West it.. 0> Street, hence west 11%feet incl B foot Iveway, and on the wal Peterson Street [B1aY. repair, Truax ' t ut the cement t11e wall; Dolt 0 ft. nortt' 46 %'+enr 1 x, of Van Buv.• 1-h 42 ft old 6e1 an • -elona o. ,.r v— FINAL ORDER In the Matterof__reoonatruating_With 4"_monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the_�outh side of Van Buren Street beginning at the west line of Dale St., thence west 119 feet inaludin�8 foot driveww and on the'weet side of Dale Street relay, repair, and reconstruct the cement tile walkbinning__at apoint 6 ft_ north of the south line of Van Buren St., thence south 42 ft, and rely 10 x 6 and 4 x 6 extensions on the south- west corner of Dale and Van_ Buren Street,_ exoept where good and suffioient sidewalks - ------------- already exist, under Preliminary Order ------ 1041.9-0 ------------------------- approved ..... _June 24A 1956-_-_----___---_----_-__-- Intermediary Order -------------------------------------Approved -- --- ---- — - - - — - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons; objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is-reoonLatruot__with 4" monolithio concrete the sidewalk "-"'--^^-"c¢t,the_eouth aide of_Van Bureli `S�."be ronin at the west line of Dale St., thence west 119 ft.—including 8 foot d_r_L! Z_ and_on the west side of Dale St. relay, repair and re- oonetruct the oement_tile walk_beg_nning at_a. p Lilt 6 ft. north of the south line of Van Buren St., thence south 42 ft. and relay (10 x-6--and--4 x 6) extensions on the southwest corner of Dale and Van Buren Sty except_whererood and sufficient sidewalks already exist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewi . Adopted by the. Council______________________9_M6- g City Clerk. Approved------------------------------Sep -----------------s�---------- -- '192 _ Mayor. Councilman Rnrfnes 6 CouncilmanrMeDoaald 1't.lrre _ Couneilmav,WaGiogaii--1 Peterson Councilmartr8adheimer=l Truax Co uncilmancplf_ %'+enr 1 Mayor INSIMP 6e1 an Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL - % DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE �- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON N PRELIMINARY ORDER (P) In the matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of Van -Buren Street, beginning at the west line of Dale Street, thence west 119 feet including 8 foot driveway, and on the west side of Dale Street relay, repair and reconstruct the cement tile walk beginning at a point 6 feet north of -the south line of Van Buren St., thence south 42 feet and relay (10 x 6) and (4 x 6) extensions on the southwest corner of Dale and Van Buren Street e under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: ,The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ g 4" monolithic $1.00 per frot foot The estimated cost perfoot for the above improvement is Relay; New tile 12¢, old ti -W;. sq feet The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (Ex. South 31 feet) 1, 2 and LOT BLOCK ADDITION 3 Dale St. Add ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $1950 $2950 Total $1950 $2950 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. a -S D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance _----_-July _7,-1936 193- ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No.104100........approved....... -Tune_ 24, 1936_..._.._.__193 ... ..... relative to reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of VanBuren Street beginning, at the west line of Dale Street, thence west 119 feet including 8.0 ft. driveway, -and on the west side of N.16treet relay; repair arid"redon"atruct the cement tjle walk beginning at a point 6.0 feet north of the south line of VanBurean Street, - thence --south -42 feet and relay (10 -x 6) and -(4-x-6-) extensions on the southwest corner of Dale and Van Burean Street. ---------- - _..... ------_ and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is_ _ __ _ .__...necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost 4" Mono. concrete walk at 81.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is $....... --._ _..._._.-, and the total cost thereof is $....__-_._ _... Est. Cost Repair, relay, etc. New Tile at $0.12 per sq. ft. Old Tile to.09 per sq,. ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _ __------------ ----------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ----- - - - . _...- - ------------------------------------------------------- ..---------------- 5. Said improvement is___.. __----- ----------- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, it••12,4? �• t► 2 9S ).:3 AL 7 1916 - -6 Co Toner of Publio Works. 403; r- "- :2et Fo.' it ncrete de the ofXaa. ( , ap@at ]fns' owl#i�„i a wegE589'feet: -n 1111 feet fa :seat. relay a feet COUNCIL FILE N0.__.__ C`. cornea fsx+ _ on the n r -set sand t'o FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_reoonatruating_witrh_4"_moaolithio_aonorate_ the _ sidewalk_-on__the _ north aide of_Van_Buren Street_be�innin� at_the west line of Dale St. -,.thence west__ 68_feet(7_feet in w dtp1p_beginnin_g_ 11 feet farther_weet� thecae west relaLy 8 _feet ___ of_tile walk and_�7_x-_8�—oorner��9 x 10 and 2_x 6� extensions oa the northve.at_____ oornerof Dale Street_snd_Ven_Burer_Streetl exoept whe_ ergood and sufficient_ aide=__ walks_alre�_ exist. —----- —------ ----- ---- — -- ---- ---- ----- - - -- - under Preliminary Order _______104101_ ---------------------- approved ___June_ 24�_1936---___-_____________-_-__________ IntermediaryOrder -----------------------------------------approved ----------------------------: -------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St; Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_._reoonetruct with 4" monolithic oonorete the- a ide- walk on the north aide of Van Buren Street beginning at the west line of Dale St., _ thence west 68 feet (7 feet g 11 feet ---- _farther west, thenoe west rely- 8 fest_of_tle_walk_atld__(7_x 8 _corger,�_x__10 and 2 x 6 extensions on the northwest__corger of Dale $treat_a�d Va_ urea-Strset1 e)sce te_where good and sufficient s da al r��alxaa sa+............ ................... _............. _........................... _............ _.... __._._._.......__ � and ih� Cou�cii h�c�by or m iii improvamW � b� mi, RESOLVED �UR���R, phot the Co>nmiS��o�rof PubhcWork�bo�ndi�horoby�nStructcd�nd Iy ' directed to r� a�a I � and �p�cl�ication� f or ��id lmpco��m�nt,and submit nt to the Coun�Il f ar pp p approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro• cee'd with the makf 7of said improvement in accordance therewit Adopted by the Counoil --- 192 �— City Clerk. Approved ------------ aCY-----g.._---`_ � , 192 --- � ((( Mayor. Councilman R�-fins . / P1:711bISHED ' / 7 0� Councilman 41c1 sld Councilman XcGlopn Councilman �Sudheimer :, .1. Counci.wl-. Mayor=' Gehan Form B. S. A. 9-7 _ CITY OF ST. PAUL • •'� DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of Van Buren Street beginning at the west line of Dale Street, thence west 68 feet (7 feet in width), beginning 11 feet farther west) thence west relay 8 feet of tile walk and (7 x 8) corner, (9 x 10 and x 6) extensions on the northwest corner of Dale Street and Van Buren Street under Preliminary Order approved June 24, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is- he $ Old t— per s--' The estimated cost peyToot for the above improvement is $1.00 _(monolithic Neta the � 1 per a ft. The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION 28 1 Syndicate No. 4 Addition 29 and 30 1 do ASSESSED VALUATION Lend Bldg,_ $500 $450 1950 7300 Total $2450 $7760 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. DatedCommissioner of Finance. corm mss. n. s -s o _ Office oftht Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance I July 7, 1936 193, To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 10.4101 approved June 24, — 1936 193....._,relative to Reconstructing with 411 monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the north side of ---------- - Van Buren Street beginning at the west line of Dale Street, thence west 68 feet (7.0 ft. in width); beginning 11 feet farther west, thence west relay 8.0 ft. of tile walk and (?' it ElOcomer) ' ----(9 x 1-0 & 2 x 6) extensions on tlie -jiiYfthWes-t abrnar of Dale Street and Van Burean Street. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is , , , - necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Monolithic sidewalk $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is. Mx - and the total cost thereof is $....._------------------_._. - a New Tile $.11 per sq. ft. Old Tile $.08 per sq, ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:__.__ - I --- - ..... . . .......... ----------- -------------- ------ - - ----- .. -- --- -- - --- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is lhet. attached and made a part hereof. 4. - --- --- ** ---------------- ------------------------------ 5. Said improvement is. - -------------- -- asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE,12 0 ----------------- Com 88 Works. 0 9�,,,,�,1 3 0: JUL 7 1936 I COUNCIL FILE NO. - By---------------- - --------- - ------------------- 1050- In the Matter of ----- mox}olithic_ conorete_ the__sidewalk oa the___ _n�rth_side of South _Street_Lbe&inninZ at the west line of Rioe Street, thence west 12��_at,_sxaaph_share�vfficisn.._€idaulks---a7rQ��Y_exist--- ------------------- under Preliminary Order ------ 104255-------------------------- approved --_ July 6, 1986 Intermediary Order---------------------------------------------approved----------- - - --- ---------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it ,'& "�/. " RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that , be ®d the same are hereby rancelled, annulled, sad reed Wd a nd the ouncil hereb orders said improvement be made. a RESO VED FUR That the ommissioner Public Works be and is her instructed and dir to epare plans a specifications for said imp vement, and submit same to ouncil for approv tha�pon said appre 1, the proper city officials hereby authorized and directe re- ceed with h milking of said im vement in accordance there ' h. 9 ._.> Adopted �y the Council___:_- —9- - ---- 192 ___---- 91936 Approved------- ----------------- 192--- ' Mayor. Councilman rfass Cw:�::aee�+ ter" •: "^ PU$IlSHED_ / Councilman iln8id C0uncilin an63 cGlogail Councilman rSudheimer CouncilmanMOnael - e� Mayor ]IN&vV G'han Form B. S. A. 8-7 n CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE-, REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) Inthematterof reconstructing with 4" monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of South St., beginning at the west line of Rice St., thence west 128 feet . lW under Preliminary Order approved July 6, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ The estimated cost AMU for the above improvement is - - - - - - _ $1.00 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. 13 13 Hager's Sub. of Lots 1 - 7, $650 $3100 and 14 - 18 of Walcott's Add. to Cottage Homes Total $650 $3100 The Commissioner of Finance further. reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said m er by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 3 19a,�,, Commissioner of Finance. F— B. S. A. 8-8 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works ' 416. Report to Commissioner of Finance July 13, 1936 . -193... -193._.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 104255 _ approved__ _ ._ July, 6, 1936 .193___-., relative to reconstructing with 41' monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the north side of South Street, beginning at the west. line of Rice Street, thence west 128 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is _ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost $1.00 per front foot 2. The estimated cost thereof is i..... __ -_ _-...., and the total cost thereof is �.____........__.-....._., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: _- .-_..._.:__ ..... .. - _.. __ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ - _...... _ ............ -- ------ --------- 5. Said improvement is..... asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, 12 Commissioner of Public Works. gt484041 - �..e.s JUL 15 19? , CITY OF SAINT PAUL CLINTON A. HACKERT Capital of Minnesota Chief of Police DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFE ROBERT B. J. SCH H, M. D. Tenth and Minnesota Streets Health Of' i r G. H. BARFUSS, Commissioner JOHN P. MULLANEY, Deputy Commlulona I 1 Hon. Irving C. Pearce, Department of Pablic Works, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Commissioner: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULAY Supt, of Police and Fire Alarm G E. BRIISSMAN, Asst. Q e�� August 11, 1 I am referring to you herewith a copy of letter addressed to me, in which the writer also mentions a damaged sidewalk on the north side of South Street at Rice Street, where she claims that her ankle was turned. GHB /k 0 Very AW_171�� truly yours, Commissioner biblic Safety LIFE IS VALUABLE—SAVE IT BY PRACTISING SAFETY. t n, 77,77 7w 1 C y fit ry?. COpT} , h • 8t .Phu1, Y1nn., %agiist,lly 1936 .. 3 Oommiseioaer of Public Safety, St Patti, 1[im4: Dear Sirs ► Yey I Call' your aiioutioa to mewing: and annoying illegal. parking on the north aide of South St. on the corner of 8iae, at the end of the 81oe Street Car ilea On the northwest is a beer parlor ('1'! s wit8wndnpi` I sots .t�th� attempt has been dip, Ines, sad pat up A, "topai Made at intoroiit,�e St. x Pio within o se of Rice P sign, bat dna ttl the damaged, aid �,� whish I have . be repaired Ohe sideway I 3 aWde-aiso end Is turne4 my $, ... the yellow lice wse ignored' d` teotible. However, the maiapoiat is`tiiat rhea oar a parked solidly for• 'hnndred' fest or.ho 'Mesh is imPet}eible to e pass throw with,saother Car ,ast.9aad'ay the Corti doctor of the at 'Ge't its the, dye had to`. , beck lip iQ I. caald B`o Doea ,it: seem. right t for sidewalks dsmaBea that taapeyyere aha11 h$e se badlyend byr~illegal' par aL.that? If it'were hot,evea drive an the wrong aide permissible, we`coald of the .atisgt� ae ,there i e 8 boa and., $a ogwa number of cars jeu�'Yed . there nadally if this is not; a matte' for, your. department will you.g}ad*3mm it over to the proper department, sad ii it is yo�sr'Conoira; all the:pet►ple.living in ;}: that viainitywoald, appreciate your koeping' the atreet ,: C1eerMA:. Tamrs truly; °. (Hiss) wins L. �mtee, � 223 8oro.th 8t � a ' `rs f' Xi f 0 8t Pkn7, Minn , trignet,ll, 1936 (. Ous SeSvittBe `,. Public Safety, Ccmmiseio#�sr � - St Pant, Minn Dear Sirs YeyfI call your attention to menaoin& and annoying; illegai,parking on the north aide of Sbath H, St. ,on the corner of Rice, at the end of the Rice , Stre4t oar, line.' On the northdeat corner is a beer parlor (►e mat 800adnp�. S note that an attempt has been de.at .interva3s to psint.yellow lines and yet np withl 25 ft'ior so.of Rice St.0_9 ¢ b dy h a damaged sidewalk (40n nhich S Dawe r be: repaired ('the sidewal9e S 19e°a3, iaraed: nqy axilde a,'�ao end, which should line To Ignored'an3'nndeteotible. Howe►er`, the yellow ha main;point'is that when cars ars.par ed solidly ; for a'hnadred feet ,or, so west it .is 4mpotsible to pass throngh with another Car`- haat Sunday the oo� , ear oifta' in•. the `:.aye had to . . doctor of. the at�ieat baolr.dP o =,00dld gorthrou& Doed.it .saem.ri t• _ that til p rs ,shell hste to jiW-for eidewalits damaged so badly e7►d by-;Wigel;parking at,'tbatT-.Sf it were' permiisible,,•we''conld 'not egan drive, on the wrgAg side Of the strl/et, ,$ there•,-i�e a line and an equal rinmber of oars there nonally+' x If this is not a mattes fot,yoar departmdnt P #i11 kiaW, y turn it .over to the Proper dspsa`tment, -you and if it'.is your :conarrn, all tie people living a that.vioiaity'Womld.appseaiate Your. looping'the street'. 4. AYour, truly (111esi Ydnn h amlee, 223. th .8t COUNCIL FILE NO. - By - ------ O._By------ ----- ----- - --------- 1('541'47 .rck arin8 h1v1., ..� Ainproveme�, Coduoa h. 1, ,1 etlone and re �, thereto, and h, 'ie be � same; tearer n- �h¢ Couor" In the Matter of__grading-Alley_in__Block_2_t__Kippca_ Glen Terrane Addition_trom______-___ -------- ---- -------- --------------------------------------- U under Preliminary Order .... 104365 ------------------------- ._.approved ---- July -_14,--1936-- ---------------------------- ----- IntermediaryOrder -----------------------------------------approved ----------------------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be its y y[ "na RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro went to be de by the said C=is in- Blo�") Kipp en__Ter%n Additi_ox, rnm_12aa1 u�fl--------------------------- ---- -- — - — b 98 _Ed the me bre hereby-r?rrellq�,_snnu'lxi xnrl raarttfbd of - — - in said matter be dLCCnur:,cJ. a\ith he bq orders said i rovement to be made. FUR R, That the Co sinner of Public Work and is hereby ins ted and dre plana a specifications for improvement, and sub Re to the Coun ' or apon said appro the proper city offs ' are hereby suthoriaed directed to pro taking of said impr ement in accordance with. Adopted by the Council ----- SU__L& -_- ________ , 192-______. Approved---------- -SEP--l-6-06 --- Councilma Barfuss CouncilmarVWa � Fln.11on Councilmarr,MEDanald-.' i'r:­e CouncilmamrMcGlogaa'a 11etersnrn Councilmau-Sudheimer" r m Truax X•• -a , Gesaeilmelrr" Mayor Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 ----------- -- - -- ---------------- ------------ ----- 192-- . ^ - Mayor. �) PTJB-LIST�.D_1� V PETITION. WE THE UNDERSIGNED PROPERTY OWNERS MTEST THE GRADING OF THE ALLEY IN BLOCK 2. KIPPb GLEN TERRACE ADDITIOV,FRC;,., DiALTO1. AVE. TO GRACE LA -.'E, .... ........ .................................... ..................................................... .................. ... . ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . ............. ................................................ 4 ay • CITY PAUL DEPARTM FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of grading Alley in Block 2, Ki pps Glen Ter aoefrom Dealton Avenue to Grace Lane t under Preliminary Order approved July 14, 1936 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 1,010.41 The estimated cost Pefor the above improvement is $ .63 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed 'benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Commencing at a point on the South line of ) Montreal Ave. 218 feet East from the SE'ly ) line of West Seventh Street, thence East ) along said South line 50 feet; thence South 120 feet; thence West 50 feet; thence North ) 120 feet to beginning, being part of the ) Northeast a of the Southeast a of Section ) 15, Township 28 North, Range 23 West. ) Pmm B. BN10 ASSESSED VALUATION Land Bldg. $325 $900 1 2 Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition 300 100 2 2 do 200 3 2 do 250 4 2 do 250 100 5 2 do TOTAL. 300 900 • • CT' OF 5T. PAUL I►' 4 DEPARTMENT SF:FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ' ON PRELIMINARY ORDER - • DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED ALU ATIOfAldg r_ Lando _ 6 _ 2 Kipp'e Glen Terrace Addition '_$450 $2300 7 2 do 550 2550 8 2 do 400 1650 9 2 do 400 10 2 do 400 1750 11 2 do 400 2050. 12 2 do 400 13 2 do 400 2050- 14 2 do 400 2050, 15 2 do 400 16 2 do 400 4300, 17 2 do 300 18 2 do 300 450. 19 2 do 300 20 2 do 300 3i50- 21 2 do 400 350 . 22 2 do 200 23 2 do 200 24 2 do 200 1650, 25 2 do 200 2000- 26 2 do Or 200 27 2 do 200 28 2 do 200 900 29 2 do 200 30 2 do 200 1350 31 2 do 200 1150 32 2 do TOTAL 20.0 _ 3 1Q50'. CITY Of ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) ADDITION ASSESSED ALUATION 0 DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK V Land Bldg. 33 2 KipptB Glen Terrace Addition $200 34 2 do 200 35 2 do 200 36 2 do 200 37 2 do 200 do 200 1600 38 2 39 2 do 200 1400 $11425 $36350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn.---..��-._�--------- 193-` To The Honorable„ The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: - - - -- --- - ----St. Ave. from Aue. to�- .St. Ane: 446 N.%2, S.E. ia, SE.c. )5 - T. 28- R.. 23. ,P MONTREAL AuE — t 1 1, P/ Q Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance Sing- 29, -1936 _ _ _ -__ ------_...193.. _... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 10065 _ - -approved_ __ __ _-July 14,- 1936_. - ..193........, relative to grading -oP Alley _in_Block _2,_Kip p's Glen TerrfYYroG� De ton Avenue to Grace Lane r� ----- ....... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.65 2. The estimated cost thereof is 8._.] aOlQ..31_ ...., and the total cost thereof is $............__...._.........-, Inspection $17.47 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 19620.4 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ___._ _. _.._.__ __.. - .._........ _._.._.- __... ----�,.-------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..............-- ..... ....-...... ----------- .----rIM 5. Said improvement is _.._.-_...... ....asked for upon petition of three or more owners of props 5. subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. UF FINANCE,— Commissioner of Public Wor '•yN '' 9` '.1....6... JUL 30 1936 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION e -"r 0 July 28, 1936 Commissioner Irving C. Pearce, Department of Public -arks, City of St. Paul, ',11inn. De r Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate �of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 2, Kipp's Glen TerrzceAfrom ealton Lvenu, to Grace Lane, under Preliminr_ry Order C. :./1104365, approved July 14, 1936. Estimaited Uost 1,010.91 Cost per front foot 0.63 Inspection Ir 17.47 Engineering 120.00 Frontage 1,620.3 ft. Approved for tr=nsmission to theZiasione��inan IRVLQG C PEi_-RCE, Commis3ioner o Public Works. Your ruly, 4i4F'W'R SHEPAM, CMANCE. 01' ,12 9, v =3 T•,.6 JUL 30 1936 W =��� ;,. ,,, ` � r �- Y �- i i��-fJ ✓� ,- � -� V PETITION OF REUONSTRANCE We. the undersigned, property owners in Block two (2). Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition, City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, State of Minnesota, do hereby protest against and object to the grading of an alley in said block two (2), Kipp's Glen Terrace Addition, from Dealton Avenue to Grace Dane: } ,i 4 NAMESTREET NULfBER DESCRIPTION OF PROBERTY FRONTAGE Ifo A00- � y 4 / fit , is 1 gs� 74- S ' .6.4 State of Minnesota) ) ss County of Ramsey being first duly sworn. on oath says that he s a person; at a knows personally each of the above named perso that he saw each of the above named persons sign his name to tle above n ed petition, and that he knows that each of the above name persons signed the above named petition of their own free will. Subscrib d and sworn to before me t a dayo Sept ber, 1936. NOTARY PUBLIC, Ramsey Co y Minn. iet���.� y%�u���� My Commission expires September 30, 194 Hon. Mayor & Councilmen Gentlemen: Sept. 16th. 1936. In the matter of grading alley in Blk. 2 Gipps Glen Terrace Add. In view of the fact that the majority seem to be opposed to this improvement at this time, I would like to have the matter laid over to April 15th, 1937. I am sure that when the objectors see the condition of the alley in the spring, there will be very little opposition to the improvement. Respectfully yours, xp'� V - &opt. 16th.Ic1936. Hon. Mayor & Councilmen Gentlemen: In the matter of grading alley in Blk. 2 Bipps Glen Terrace Add. In view of the fact that the majority seem to be opposed to this improvement at this time, I would like . to have the matter laid over to April 15th, 1937. I am sure that when the objectors see the condition of the alley in the spring, there will be very little opposition to the improvement. Respectfully yours, a a V- W SERIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTIJENT �iT✓ G! .� ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED (If Limited) LIMITED RETENTIONS DATE MICROFILI•ED CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST A DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUT -MER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILMED SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor 0 1tlYN•3 1531 NOi101053tl Ad0�Otl0i� SC18VONV1S !0 nv32ine 1VN011VN 9't �•illll 5Z•illlll o zlllll . Z•ZII OCL VIII Milli a z���� u O /�j\\ d � j 0 'o / /~ ,ate ayy� o jj� � `�� �� •� •