101338-101781_08-23-1935_10-15-1935x SERIAL NO. OF ROLL y DEPART VENT _a t ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limite LIMITED RETENTION DATE MICROFILIED �c• QST /� �v/ CONTENTS e i NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF �EGULAR CONTENTS � �• __ A .. � / sig - NUI -MER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT FTICROFILIIED BY Supervisor SIGNED Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM t "`"" CITY OF ST. PAUL '' �� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C4uNyuVEtESOLUT, do tGENERAL ki M COUNCIL nae NO. 8 dY A-1 r. Peterson— felon le a ported that the ,.noble to the oDlnion that �Mlee/sal aoqulre the Droyp- plete the l housing alta la and Dro,ect *� this be .neretore, true, th.eJCttyenlose thof be It the Commlenl°"• to Nolo-•,. µ• WHEREAS, It is reported that the Housing Division is of thetopinion that it will be unable to acquire the property on the Mississippi - Jackson site in time to complete the housing project on schedule, and WHEREAS, If this be true, the City of Saint Paul may lose the project entirely; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Finance, through its Valuation Bureau, be instructed to acquire options on all that property included within the Mississippi - or any other site acceptable to the Federal Government Jackson site and deliver same to the Federal Housing Division. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ✓ �t18>uoa�/+tom C�S�In favor ✓ $ekkad—C�� ✓Sudlaei��_Against ✓ We`eI �j�P� MrYPreeident I0gwa Adopted by the Counc&G 2 9 1935 19-- _ Approved___ _.__ 19_ MAYOR ,ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK -BY nRBI F. PBtei90 CITY OF ST.' PAUL 34e,N Vemberaeeth M- NO. 16133 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE gq� pae� 1 NF,.int pawl, j4.F CO q�%)RESOLUTION —GEf2A Eonas, aato•': y1L/7� w$. a'reaeurr i ^rear I D DEQFNTEO 8V WHEREAS, by assignments dated September 25th, 1934, No tuber 26th, 1934 and January 17, 1935, the F ret National Bank of Saint Paul assigned to the City of Saint Paul, 84,500,000 in U. S. oTretsury Bonds, as follows- 1 ollows: $1,500,000 ZT, S. Trea y 2 1/2� Notes, due 9-15-38; $$1,500,000 U, 3. Treas y 3 1/oro Bonds, due 8-1-41; 1,500,000 U. S. Treas 2 1/8p Notes, due 6-x.5-39; to secure deposits of said City made and "6i�, made in said Bank; and WHEREAS, the Sinking Fund Committee has reduced the deposits in said Bank from $4,500,000 to less than $3,000,000, and the Bank has requested that the $1,500,000 U. 3, •Treasury 3 1/4°0 Bonds, due 8-1-41, above mentioned, be withdrawn from the said assignment and returned to the Bank, without prejudice in any way to the retention of the$1,500,000 U. S. Treasury 2 1/2% Notes, due September 15, 1938 and the $1,500,000 U; S. Treasury 2 1/8oto Notes, due June 15, 1939, mentioned aforesaid; therefore be it at RESOLVED, that/the request of the First Nat �cnal Bank of Saint Paul, the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ized to return to said Bank the $1,500,000 in Treasury Bonds heretofore described, assigned under date of November 26, 1934, and the assignments of said Bank, dated September 25th, 1934 and January 17, 1935, to remain in full force and effect as to deposits UP' to,$3,000,000, to be secured by the $3,000,000 in U. S, Treasury Notes aforesaid. COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays / farce • Pe[erson -- _In favor t Truax _// iV mmn Against /Vemd /ioCr i reslac�er ���e.+rN.'r� M ulQ. VICE YRES, ROSIN Adopted by the Council All 1QM3_ X16 2 190 Approved —_ __ 193_— Mayor �'UB-LI3iiEDS ORIGINAL TO CITY CLd-K � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE JV COMMISSIONER--- C. F No. 101U0t-7BWitgo, Aosf ' >+ r{aaolvea thaF4e,; NoYthern I, 'r Comy am be given ifetmise RESOLVED .40 wart, yoiee ih the sitar ,vast, between W. 7th 7 ve., with b- RadT a Co I!pary 'bur COUNCIL PILE NO -A(.340 1 .Pq - of .or) 1. That the Northern States Power Company be given pear' mission to install 4--40 foot poles in the alley south of Stewart, between IF. 7th St. and Prior Ave, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and telephone Company . wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do soby, the Common Council and cost of said rs- novel to be borne by the Northern States Power Company =atimate 22860• I COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council —�� 193— , Pe rce Wt 2210' In favor Apvroved_-- --193_ \ ar en Wenzel Against Mayor 1141. presi . tr- t„T,) Wn. VICE i'tinS. hubjiN ORIGINAL TO CITY CL*RK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 101341 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GNERAL FORM RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into. -an agreement with Joseph Pepin, provid– ing for the payment of compensation ,to him at the, rate of $17.60 per week during such time as 110 shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department, on the 3rd day of August 1935; be it FURTHER RE$OMD, that in accordance with said agreement, the Board of Water Commissioners is hereby authorized to pay to said Joseph Pepin the sum.of $35.20 out of the water Department Fund in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to an ;eluding August c.xeao v°;a 01841— _� ,� 24th, 1935, cnere— -- am ra 17 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e ce ete son ^_In favor r ax rren ✓Against enzel R. VICE PRES. ROSEN• Adopted by the Council111�10,35, J6 T2 3 10 Approved----193-- Mayor pproved —193__Mayor ORIGINAL To cm cl.9RK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /{ COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED , that the application of Madden'Bros. Inc, for permissign to erect an addition to the public garage located on Lots 13 and 14, Block'4, St. Catherine Park, being No. 2277 Ford Road, be and the same is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Warks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. IC. F._ No.•39184E--,By Fred M. Traa:—1 A COUN LMEN Yeas P@arce � Nays i.c7r.'o nfavor �• ,./Warren _Against �✓ enzel MR. VICE PRES. ROSEN sm 6.14 Ionated on Catherine Road, _b9 •Y E9, 1935.1 1 Adopted by the Council AUG 2 ` 1935193— AUG 2 319 Approved_— -- ---193-- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAULf`�-,J Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissionerof Registration V August 20th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached applic ion of Madden Bros. Inc. for permission to erect aadd on to public garage on Lots 13 and lb, Block 4, Si'. LatheRtLne Park, being 2277 Ford Road was referred to you forsolutio granting this permission. Yours very truly,, City Clerk. FJ1 Adopted by the Council _ __ - 193 Yeas. Nays PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) I'm NOTICE OF :iPPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A' PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 193"; to the it Council of the City o nt Paul, ,Ilinnesota, for b do garage on the fol g describ- permission to erect..&, b c o g ed real estate, situated i Ramaey County, Minnes , to wit: Lot tMinnesot iBlockAddition, Saint On tside of St. ., Between a/3�� Ave. and «.., - _- ::�/R -/ t.Ave. St. Ave. Number Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, U im EMZRSONAI 36 r _ MADDEN BROS., INC. Coordinated Transportation GENERAL OFFICES 2277 FORD ROAD ST. PAUL, MINN. August 7th, 1"35 Cite ^lne,7 City Fa1.1 9t. peu "inn. Deer Fir; _nclosed ole se find tv,o ffi,'avits TI:ich serve ns notice of an-lic-tion to erect nccejtion to arse on Lots 13 and 1L, ploc',e 1+, st. Ceth, rine P-rk addition, St. '.. jAr.:.esota. 1s:id notices in these two e.oers tieing -,,.-de -ursuznt to section 1 -13 Ordinance "o. 721.0, of the Cit-, of St. Paul. Said an-)lic.tion brill be -made on Au,:ast 20th to the City Council by us. A•rnrecie.ting Y96X he.vina these sworn-+aoers tr}-en c,•re of in the usual manner, we are y Yours very trul7,, !UDDE:: -BROS. 7J. CLT:�DS President _ncl. r ' c STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ra e , a- fI�Y� • ....... .................. .. ... being duly sworn, on oath d during all the tbnes herein stn has been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Press Co„ publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than oneyear to the publication therein of the.. .. 4 ...� ' ...... ................. ......................... �.c �Ia.Ce(Z, relnaf ' escribed, said nen pe' ' was printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the Coun of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time( said wspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publt n the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated In column an t form equivalent In space to at least Your pages, with five columns to a A- page, each sixteen inches long; has been issued daily each week from a known office established In said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the ---szox P'OA PIDH•I necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in its i• .:toarizox. ro HUB makeup not less than twenty-five per tent of Its news columns have been devoted to local E, floras• Beeby 91 that nit r news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it has ta.. xo, s.� ucoar dal "Pant; - riot+• a ett• not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up o1 patents, mkde oh Apa. re, 1895. to h.ot°epe. Cres of eamt Paut, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near Its said place of pub- afadeen ecce., na wr eer- rn�asnbve seam the licatton to the extent aK at least two hundred and fluty (340) copies regularly delivered to mtMs�e`' ttaatm io' paying subscribers and had entry as second cissa matter in its local pastofflce; and that enols, to �k, 4. 9L Catherine eaek t:;Ya >atoaeeote: co me there hes been on file In the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, �4'oed' Aetweea Wooe- xnee v"dr a1vd. the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of r;a Rose. >pt=r&W, MMneeota; Ausuet said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal ataa._Aus. 34•s. >,sas1. _. � newspaper. � _ That the ......................................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was (7wp�ristitedd n and published therein 1 the English language, ....: �. /..:.::.::..'........successive weeks; that it was first so published on. . Abe................. day of mss- L/f�j �e� S:.. / Sj- 19......, and thereafter on..... J.............�. e[ -each --week to and Including the ...................day of..........................., 19......; d that the following Is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abedetabuki OPQntevwiya ......................................................... ... .............. ............... ....... ............. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .. ....day of..... ,....... ........... 19�`!. ........ . .................. Pu c, County DSSnnesota My commission exp ... �eKar,. L- a ............, 19..... . A 'Ua cxPL'ea N - ry, lira 3ti STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Romsey, se P .......................�///�/ V �"�......... being duly sworn, on oath ........... ............... says; that he Is, and during all the times herein stated has been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Press Co„ publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Dispatch, MQOM er P"M and has full knowledge of the factss hereinafter stated; that for mom than one year prior to the publication therein of the .:.:.:.......... {F • • .. VF. • • • • • • • • • �. . ........ hereinafter described. said newspa was printed and published in`the City„of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Mlnnesoa, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known -office of publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least Your pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been issued daily each week from a known office established In said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns bave been devoted to local news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of pub- lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter In its local postofflce; and that there hes been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. Thatthe ....................... ..................... hereto attached was cut from the oolumna of said newspaper, annd was printed and published therein in the English language. onQe & bPA*Akr%'... • • • • ......... ccessIve weeks; that it was first so published on...:........•.. ... the ....................... day of ........ 19......, and thereafter on.. ..... ......... I .... to and including the........�.........day of ....... .--.7—.... 19......; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, - and is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abedefehUM=0ygntay.vsre ........................................................................................... ........... ..... tK 0-9A -4 - Subscribed and sworn to before me this.. �. ..day of...... ., 19.`.... ------------------------ ......................,...... ..................... Notary Public, y County. Minnesota h, My commission ex ires�.......;.CV...... J... `,........ 19..... nti ORIGINAL 10 CITY OLtAN . FI ENGIL, NO.—Mm ' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P`,I2ESENTED/ August 23rd, 1935• COMMISSION DATE RESOLVED Wheneas, the Boss Auto Supply Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in. filling station on Lot 10,,Block 6, Rice & Irvine's Addition, also described as Ho. 104--116 West Seventh St., and Whereas, said Boss Auto Supply Company has submitted a blue print of the proposed layout, with driveways, curb returns pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the douncil,; and 10 Whereas, a hearing has been held in accordance with Paragraph F, Section 5 of -Ordinance No. 5840, and said plans were approved, and Whereas, the Boss Auto Supply Company now wish to make slight changes in the driveways eliminating one driveway on Fifth St. and increasing the area of the sidewalk apron at the intersection, and Whereas said change is approved by the Board of Zoning and by the 6hief Gnginee;;therefore, be it Resolved, that the revised plans dated August 22nd, 1935 .bec substituted for the plans dated May 21st, 1935. C. P. No. 1019!3 -Hy UUton Roeen— f Whereas, the• Hoee Auto. BupV11 Cor ner�YNeefon ptoi Install th." coulntl, drive -1n filling et&tlo. on Lot 10.. 6, Rlce & Irvine'e Addi a rlbed &t 70. 101-110 Wtion. ,. Bt., and vor� ✓ COUN MEN Yeas Nays j Ice e rson r 1 In favor frren Against zel srf 6YR. VICE FRES.. ROSEN . Adopted by the Council W--2-2 J - S 193_ Approved ---05 2 3 1 i Mayor ORIGINAL TQ CITY CL... COUNCIL — NO. �(jl � OF ST_ PAUL ' -v YYY OFFtGE OF THE CITY GLERK _ CQU�VGIL SOLUTtOtV —GENERAL FORM ��/ PRESENTED BYg, E. Warren �y; DATE �.�,at 23',.1935 COMMISSIONER ImmomEmweem WFi MEAR Earl Strand erg; d6 sires to withdraw application No. 6210 for On -Sale Malt Beverage- license at 1561 Grand Avernie , and requests return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Earl Strandborg the fee of $50-00, an.cl to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �e P rce rson ___ __In fa%•or tax Warren __�— Against ?Wenzel 5M c.MR. VICE PRES. ROSEN C. F. No. 101344—RyWarren— ,- Fred W. Truax—I. C. Pearce— _ � } Whereas, Earl gtrandberg deatree toy Ithdraw aDDD-lcation No. 6210 for Oa- Sa1e Malt Beverage hcenee at- 156L Orapd Avenge, and reageata return of license fee; therefore, be !t Resolved, that the prober city otH- to.ore fe d they are hereby agthor-sed tore 10 Ear- 6trandberg for license. the fee of E60.00. and to esacel' Bald aDDIlcatloa Adopted by the Council A.K. 38, 1885. Approved Aug. 33, 1936. (Aug. 31-1936) Adopted by the Council—M"31 193__. ilk � ° jg35 Approved— ------ -------191 _ MRY-r HUMB.R $ " ' - CITY Of- =A►Xr T' IrALtL =O—LK COUNCIL RESOLUTION �oR dPA- AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL / MPROVEME:NT PROD EGTS Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee- and awards the contract for curbing Blair street from Avon street to 440 Peet gest, Contract °An, in accordance with plans and sp%Q X...i.pati.o.na._.h.e.r..e.t.o._.a t ?e.d.,. to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $565.00, in accordance with supplementary letter dated August 16,1935 reducing bid from $569.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form oP - contract therefor. _ 102346-333, 1�•lton R.ogen— Reao2ved, That theCouncil hereby the ecommendatton of the ! Coa tr ct Committee aad awards the coa:Lract for curbing $lair F Avoa ito 440 feat westStr, Cot Sreeitt MI' ,frontracm A' : a accordance with plana and. spec- � iH RtToas Mere to attached, to ' _ the $TAN- hI.--.tS�O1�TLr C034�ANY, the, being ta res o - ' atbla bidder, for the urs or 5665.0. in accordance with aupplem0n tart' letter dated Angnat 16, ! 19x 6 reducing bid from -3669.00: and%the ad. to Corporation, Counsel fa U'hereby ;nstrurt- 1 draw (rp th0 prO form Of'.00n- - tract Llaet-ator_ Formal Bid No. 9202_ E?�2 giaeeYa Estimate $666.00. ..Adopted by the Council Aug. 23, 1986. " Approved Aug_ 28, 1986. - tAug_ 31-1956) - 565. OO FORMAL BID NO. 920 ENalNE£R'sxESTSMATE i NOTBZ TO CERTIFIED Aa TO FUNDB A m—eLH BY C:OMPTRO• • vo BEFORtE PRSSENT[NG; TO CAYNCIL POR AtiO►TlOtt PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE RE(M8UR3SD FORS` COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS POLLOMS: 56..5.00 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENBPRTED PRO►.RTY - - - - - - - - - - - _ _ - - , L APPROPRIATED PROM CITY•. SHARE OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS- - - CODE S ]. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVHMHIiTa-HX£M PT PROPERTY- - C APPROPRIATED FROM E{ONO (3311E S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CODE S -GOOF 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ , e. TOTAL - - - s o - - - - - - - - S 5B.ri_00 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE [S AN VINBNGUM19�R6D d/[L- CITY CLERK A.C. AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STAT® APPtiOPR(ATIONS TO COMPTROLLER R.[M...S. TH. PER MANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLV[NG FUND IN TH. ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS - PURCHASING _ COMPTROLL BY COUNCILMEN YEAS Mw. PRESIDENT LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. GATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED NAYS � ADOPTED BY TMC tN RAVOR AUG 2 3 193:, DEUR-31-71' 31 . MAYOR -ORIOINILL� NU)Je6R Q K , ' 01'('V OF SAINT PAUL R ��4: CRY eLtRK 1/ lJ V COUNCIL �O�■Ve�V-- e COUNCIL RESOLUTION FOR •' I ! AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT6 PNQSQI BY.NON._____ pAT. Au&ust 22)_19,5 Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the.reoommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in SBlock 43, Auerbach & Hands Addition from Front street to Hatch street, in accordance with plans and specifications heieto attached, to EMIL FREI8EI8, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $486.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 4creer o,aarolL eTTECI. In,eocq angio: mlth planaand .peeiticatlone here q 8t- 3he'to E3111. FIMSHIS he-Leiug e Ibwest- roepon6(ble, bidder, for the of 9489.00, and the Corporation the r hereby lof co tr to draw UD the DrODeE form of contract there- for. - Engine Bid No. 9906. Engineer' HeUtoite 9499.00:- AeBe.eed agtinet benefitted Property. 9499.00.- Total 9490.00.. Adopted by the COURCII Aug. 33, 1991: Approved AGg. 33, 1931. 'r(AuK:'94%19311 _ e e� FORMAL BID NO. 9205 ENOINSER'S ESTIMATg) 495) 00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS. FOLLOWS: 1. AEEESEED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 486.00 3. APPROPRIATED FROM CRY•S SNARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT.- - - CODE , e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTE-E%EMPT PROPERTY- - CODE f .. APPROPRIAT.D FROM BOND IB.UE-COO. f S. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ e. f TOTAL - - - - - - - - f 486.00 COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 1E AN UNENCUMBRISM NAL - CITY CLERK COMPTROLLER ANC. AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING No T IN HE ABOVE AMOUNTS. LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. - - _- PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING ✓K �^"r+ ® COMPTRO R BY DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COUNCILMEN • YEAS NAYS ADC-.- r ((jj BY THE COUNCIL OG r 3 IN FAVOR _SAP AOAINR APPROVEDIN 2 •_ / !y ' MR. Pq.eIOENT NAYSII ORIGINAL W Rli j CLICRK COUNCIL ST_ PAUL FILE po. 6134 —mayOFFICE OF THE -CITY CLERK //12Y1 A,A COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL�FORM RESOLVED DATE July 26 1935 That Motor Vehicle Driver License, N6. 338 issued to Harley Van De VAalker for the period ending February 1, 1936 .be and the same is hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Ta.Idcab Inspector. No_ 101847—BY "8. E. Wesrea— Fred M- Truaz-1• C. Pearce— Reaoivad. That Motor tDriver yrcaraaa :: No. as8 feeae, to. 8es•1e9 for the yerlofl e441n9 E'abFaa'r-Y : Y, ,3838 be "j?the eaIDe ie heveb4 m-�avok6d UPOn ­OI`ndation- oi;Taaieab1n8V0,1r., Adopted. Dy the COunall'"g. 27. 1986- Asiprovad �An388111986) COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Pearce �terson ___In favor "/ruax Z4rren _— - Against �[7enzel Air. President (Gehan) 5M'6.34 1 ~ Aru_ P, 1%5 Adopted by the Council --_193 Approved 193— �� Mayor THE DEPARTMENT OF PiJ8L1G SAFETY CITY OF SAINT. PAUL ' INTER -OFFICE GOMMUN�CAT�ON August 26, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren, Chali-man, License Committee Dear Sir: Attached is a resolution For the revocation of Mohor Vehicle License issued to Hai-Zey Van De Walker on recommendation of the Taxicab Inspector on complaint of passenger in this driver's cab (W. E. Heath, 3015 18th Av. So. Minneapolis) who was robbed of his watch by this driver. Very trrily yours, , Carlvl R. Leonard License Snspector 0 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK I �1V OF ST. PALL FILUB NCIL NO. Ll �'/'�'^� ✓ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION — G E l� ERAL FORM 3� COMMISSIONER OMM PRESENTED _ DATE Angst 27,, 1935 RESOLVED That Gasoline Filling Station Li cep se No. 3087, exniring on March 5, 1936, issued to Frank P. Raiser at 1786 Universit p Avenue be and the same is hereby transferred to said licensee at 1825 IIniversi tp Avenue. G F. No. 301818—By H. E. Warren- - S ¢ � d M. Troax—I. C. Pearce - 3E sol 0, That Gasoline Filling Sta- 't#oa ZAcenee No. 8087, expiring on _ _Bch 5. 1836, Issued to Frank F. at 1786 University Avenue be sadethe came is herebyy transferred to said licensee at 1886 University Ave. Adopted by the CO -11 Sept. 3. 1936. Approved Sept. 3. 1936. E (Sept. 7-1986) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e rce . o, eterson � Rqsen —__In favor ax atren -_.� Against �IX�enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) , 5M 6.31 s 1 f `til Adopted by the Council_ SEP IJ93__ Approved SEP _33.1 11993__ Aur•ust 27th, 1915. Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, City. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached resolution grantinr. transfer of gasoline fillinr station license issued to Frank P. Walser at 1796 Univer- sity Avenue to said licensee at 1825 University Avenue for further information, particularly as to whether or not there has been a fillinr station at 1825 University and who the licensee was. There ie also attaclaed a letter-of Fran?c P. Raiser askinr, for this transfer. Yours very truly, City Cleek. 4,z2� THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL V INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 29, 1935 ■r. H. E. Marren, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sirs With reference to the transfer of gasoline filling station license issued to Frank P. Kaiser at 1786 University Ave. to 1825 University Ave. A gasoline filling station bas been established at the latter address for the past five years and at present the licensee is E. J. Fox. The license at 1825 University Ave. covers two pumps. Very truly yours, �'� ewnard 1 License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 27th, 1935. Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, City. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached resolution granting transfer of gasoline filling station license issued to drank P. Kaiser at 1786 Univer- sity Avenue to said licensee at 1825 University Avenue for further information, particularly, an to whether or not there has been a filling station at 1825 University and who the licensee was. There is also attached a letter of drank P. Balser asking for this transfer. Tours very truly r� City Clerk. Ao,�nst p9th, 1935. Son. 9a -e1 F. Peterson, Comnis3inner of Finance. Dear Sirs Tlu-- -5-1 renuestod that you chec'c t'zm tax sitn-�tion at 18?� Avenue in con- nection with the application ---� -jr- r.asic r, Kaiser for a fillip; station liconee at sa_3 ew ociress. �. This applica- tion was laid over to 3 -d - Y -=w s; very truly City Clerk. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SA I T PAUL Capital C4 N+►- to EYEPARTMENT OW= AME7' 1 MANCE LEONARD C SEAAAM Valvatri— — Assasvnent Engineer HARRY A JOHNS<=Io�— — — Clerk CLIFFORD hk NYSTi?�Ustr Cashier JAngust 3,Q a _-Aw 9S5. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St, Paul, � idinn . Dear Sirs JOHN C FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner" Referring to tis --A�—�lioation of Frank P. r Kaiser for a filling etatioa :]L- etmse at 1826 University Avenue, I have this data ckma�=-- the taxes and find there are none delinquent oa t ; as property. Yozzrs emery truly, Aare 3 :31E-�-- Paterson, C43wmoccm3oner of Finanoe. ORIGINAL TO CITY OLiRKCoLI GIT�� Q it ST_ PALL FILENCIL NO. -AIA -M9 .,L OFFIG1E O JIF� —iriiE CITY CLERK /i Y� C0�1d t�`RE'co� Z3T=ON= sENERAL FIORM DATE August 227, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses £or Rases application 6120, and On Sale Malt Beverage, ao-lication 6121, by Jock Malone at 491 St. Peter Slireet be and the same are hereby city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses uuon the payment into – 3€-3e city treasury of the reauired fees. New COUNCILMEN. Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson / Rosen / ITr favor Truax Z Warren_— _Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council— Approved— ouncil Approved.— --- 193 -- Mayor August 27th, 1915. Uri ao c?c L381on9, ' 1491 St__ Peter St. , 3t . Pawl Minn. I]a$r S1 rz The City Corxaicil will consider a reso. luLioa formally vrantinF your avolicaLiona for restaurant r3ad oa sale malt bevera?e licerises at 4,91 St. Peter Street ori 11'23ursdmkY, Atv ast 29th at 10 A. M, The objectors are also t a2ap, notified. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 4 " J August 27th, 1915. Uri ao c?c L381on9, ' 1491 St__ Peter St. , 3t . Pawl Minn. I]a$r S1 rz The City Corxaicil will consider a reso. luLioa formally vrantinF your avolicaLiona for restaurant r3ad oa sale malt bevera?e licerises at 4,91 St. Peter Street ori 11'23ursdmkY, Atv ast 29th at 10 A. M, The objectors are also t a2ap, notified. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 4 kupust 17th, 1975. — _ A. L. Shinnere, �— -F. .1. Schmitt & Co. , Midland Buildine_, !S--- Paul, De inne so ta. The City Council will consider a solution formally PrRntinP the apolications of Jock Malone �eT®r restaurant, and on and off axle malt heverape licenses _Z 491 St. Peter Street on TPmraday, AW^ist 29th at 10 A.M. —_� the City Coi==11 Chambers. Yours very truly, City Clerk. w Aw--lst ?9th. 1935. Mr. C. 73. Leonard, License Inspector, City. Dear .Sir: At tIP Co'tnCil ;%Osti:;- 1101P, todayl a resol,,ti-n to ,';rrnt the restmi* nt nn' on snl- mAlt bovsrau!e licenses annlied £nr by Joc1- }salon At -)1 3t. Peter Street of adoptinn to the City Conned icy mmnimous vote of those present. Will "n draw a resolution denyinp these lie ense 87 Yonrs very truly, City Clerk. a ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK / '(.rr'1fff CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL No.c�tl� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C= OUNCIL. RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED DATE August 26, 1955 That fox- Restau-,-ant, ap-,11cation 6258, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 62.59, zv_�z-� c O£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 6260, applied for by Steve Mago at 564 P � v*+e Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk, is instruc-tc—_e3 -It_-o issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required Renewal COLM EN Yeas Nays arce /Peterson _In favor �f rren _Against /Wenzel nn 5M 6.3*"R . \% Z CF _ T� -Fr r7 C. F. No. 101360—By g, E, Warrea— Fred M. Trua-2, C. Pearce— Resolvee, That ilcensee for Reetau- �t• aVVII—tloa 8269, On $ale Malt Bever B , a8Plioatlon 8269, and OR gale Malt ge, aPPIlce.tloa 8280, a y11ed for by Steve brago at 684 Payne Aveaue be aad the same are hereby edpt ieaue such Le Hees Don the rust- meat late the etty treasury of the re- quired fee g. ADDroved Auge 8, 1936 Aug• 29, 1936. (Aug. 81-3836) Adopted by the Council 193-- ApprovedF i l l 3,) / -- - – Mayor – – ,+ ORIGINAL TO GTTCL[RK \ - y COU NGIL OF Sj T- PA>� s !�_ FILE NO.- � �J OFFICE OF THE" G� Thr CLERK /7Yl/✓OUNCIL RESOLUTION — C� Is�a )i=RAL FORM DATE August 26, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, orf 6337, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6338, Off Sale Malt Beve -age, app1-! —Aoil 6339, Tavern, spplication 6583, and Dance Hall, apnlic tion 6584, applied for 1::iy � $tYlilda Thompson at 488 Rice Street be and the same are herby granted and the city—girls is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury © f the required fees. New 0 * 1k COUN ILMEN COP Yeas Nays/ regi / r eterson In favor / 1ruax 4arren --L __ _Against e nzel sot 6.349R. VICE PRF,S. ROS' C- F- No. 101351-13Y R. E Warren— FT¢d M. Truax—I. C. tau - Pearce= Resolved, That liceneee for Res at, apllentlon 6387, On Hale Melt Bev - rage, apPltion 63 633& Off X Malt Sev¢rage. PPlicnd Dence9 Hall eapllca- nlfca.Uon 6688, ailed foRIOer by Ilathnd. ti oa 6684, PD b Thompmon At hereby' grantednd th- ` tiha $clerk ale Instructed to 1 -i --e h 1ty - licenses upon the payment foto thh e eftY treasury t the required tee R. Adopted by the cGnell 11,u19 11. 1936. Approved Sep((Seep 14-1936) A aopted by the Council SrP 1 -193____ Approved__— SFP- 1 g-- -.-193— Mayor At r August 27th, 1935. Matilda Thomoson, 219 Goodrich Ave., St. Paul, Minn. Dear Madams A hen.rine- will be held before the City Council on September 4th at 10 A. M. in the Council Chambers in the matter of your aoplications for licenses at 49F nice Street. Yours very truly, City Clerk. V September 4th, 1QzF. A?athil da Thompson, 21 C',,-�odrtnh Ave., St . Pain . Minn. Dear tda.dams A hearing will be '.eld before the Citi Council on September 11th at 10 A. Y. in the Con-ncil Chambers 3n t:'zes cater of yo•=r ap�licatione "or licenses at 4S^ Rice St feet. Yo»rs very tnilyp City Clerk - 0 r F7.ori_ �a �ce2 F. Peterson, Coir • -- of Finance, BJai 2 c ---v --W --mrxz-_ . Dari- 1-jr s Seotember 4th, 197ri, The City Co•mcil sot a date of. hesr- in=- _ a- Saptei;ber 11th in the setter of t> -ie aonlientions of M.J-- tiz m- -MW <!3- ql�iozmcoson for Recta+went, Om Sale Malt Bevemme and nrF --1L te 1.1.4alt rovera-e, Tavern ani' Dance "all licenses at 4g m Street and ro-aestnd that yo+i send notices of said. to nm"porty owners in thc vicinity. Yours very trily, City Clerk, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK `\ COUNCIL .��ilrzt G e_G e -L Y OF' 3T. PAUL FILe No. 101352 OIF= �>Er— IE OF THE CITY CLERK COL1ldGIL_Z SOL UT�ON —GENERAL FORM DATE August 26, 1935 RESOLVED That OP£ Sale Beverage License No. 3326, expiring April 7, 1936, issued to C. J. Croolcer at 3fl mice Street be and the same is herehv revoked upon recommendation of tYze in the vicinity. COILMEN Yeas Nays P Ce eterson �- In favor /4ruax �arren �� Agafr>,st Wenzel ,/Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 seaTa o£ Police because of complaints of residents Na. 101362 —ByWnrren— FredPearue— Reeolved, That off Sale Malt Beven age License No. 3320, a p, Mal April 7, 1936, Issued to C. J. Cro ig t 302 I Rice Street be and the same la her evoked—datlono of the Bureau ofpoPolloeo because [ corn- - plaints o[ residents In the victalty. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1936. 1 Approved Aug. 27, 1946. (Aug. 31-1936) i i Adopted by the Council AUG 2-7-M-193—" Approved 9106 2 193— Mayor COILL-MEM Yeas �ear-ce /Pete=rson �r+isz x ��/arren �2Gfr. President (C--char-i, 5M 6-34 Nays Adopted by the CouncilT1.-193____ __In favor Approved -AUG ___193- --Against Against— Mayor ORIGINAL. TO G�TY C��RKr` , COUNCIL .i Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.10135 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM. PRE:S$Y COMMB ER – August 26, 1935 DATE RESOLVED That licenses £(ar Restaurant, apnlicati-:)n 63x5, and On Sale Malt Beverage spvlication 6386, apolied for by Kenneth McCoy and Lydia Plifka at 162 No- BA—S Street be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Kenneth McCoy and Lydia Plifka the fees of i�10.00 as t:f_� 450+00 send to cancel said applications for licenses. C. .: 101868—BY 8. e. Warren= .''`. , R go� BQ hTRY licene0ae or .RBDttII- raht.., ,.atioa 6886, and Oa Bale 3Talt- Beve age, appueau.i; 8886. sypiled- " 168 gr1rUitoII Street T and tP11fahe mat are here6Y denied. and the proper city dffic'ere are hereby authorized to refund to $enneth areCoy and Lydia Pufxa the ;e 8 W $10.00 end ;60.00 and to cancel eafd"aftildatione for Lc6neem. - AQMt% by the Counc7I' AUK, 84,� 1986. : Approved Aug. 87, 1886. - (Avg. 31-1936) COILL-MEM Yeas �ear-ce /Pete=rson �r+isz x ��/arren �2Gfr. President (C--char-i, 5M 6-34 Nays Adopted by the CouncilT1.-193____ __In favor Approved -AUG ___193- --Against Against— Mayor ORIOINA} TO CITY CLiRK cOUNCILFILE NO. - OF ST_ PAUL – OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - 1 OU ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM s PRE$EF1 r- 8Y - - DATE August 26 1955 COM,YFI(SW HER RESOLVED Tilst transfer Bf On Sale Liquor License issued to Effie Reilly at 3-593 t Fourth Street to same licensee at 694 St. Peter Street as requested by fze Reilly be and the same is hereby denied. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �erso tt In favor ruax � arrerl —Against .1Cfr_ Presfder><t (Gehan) 5M 6-34 C. F_ No. 101864-89.. 8• - ID• Warra>r- 111 F. 3L 'i'rnes t C. Pearce— R.eaoNed.T That transfer of a Sale 'I . XAgn 8 lice egeurth 8trmt-'.to6eeme at 18. (-tenses e.t 694 SL Peter street >ia s'e• quested b9 Etlle Reilly be "d the eame- ie hereby denied. - j Adopted by the Council Aug.:7. "1966• i Approved . Aug. 87. 1986. (Aug. 81-1986) Adopted by the Council AUG 2 ~ 193____ Approved ?–_mm_R 1193__ Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL DUPLICATE H. E. WARREN - Commissioner of Public safety Date HEALTH DEPARTMENT" REPORT ZW MLi OILEA6U OF LICENSES Application No. INFORMATION KEQUIRwO /M C ION WITH � � � '�J LICENSE Name of Applicant 372-2", Address Jy , Light , Toilet Facilities–' Hot and Cold Water Facilities General Sanitation Condition of Equipment Type of Refrigeration Food Storage Ventilation i Remarks:— APPROVED 'e/� _e2 42 NOT APPROVED Inspector CITY OF ST. PAYL H. E WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety Information from CorrspTrol{er_ 8. Finance Dept BUREAU OF LICENSES INFORMATION Rf>=- QSiEli IN CO 711=719MWITH ''1'V Name of Applicarir ✓�✓ —7 ��'°� J� Owner of Building Taxes Paid Taxes Not Paid arzH�ow Much Deli Remarks: Final Approval Fitnarzce Deparrrnent AL3173 a1 9 1935 QUADRUPLICATES 'r— Dat py -,-*. " Application No. bQ _417 . c U Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF ST_ PAYL QU ADRUPLICAT6 H. E. WARREN_ I Commissioner of Public Safety Dace Information from & Finance Dept. BUREAU OF LICENSES Application No -- INFORMAL o- INFORMATEOli REQUI ED CONNECTION W■-W*4 3_ - % , -t 40t O A' AcECENSE Name of Appl:cax-it Address ` Owner of Build zrzg �/ G��✓��� - Taxes Paid �� Taxes Not Paid and Ho Much Delinquent—NO -�L : Remarks- — 2 f' �A I7 � � / I �' %�_L l l��i✓G' .S �Gl A�16 1 9 1935 CITY OF ST. PAUL TRIPLICATE H. E. WARREN -"-j —�QCommissioner of Public Safety Dare —t—�— FIRE PREVENTION REPORT BUREAU OF LICENSES DAnpplication No._ I— - INFORMATION REQUIRED IN CON ECTION WITH ® V--'�^^� LICENSE Name of Applicant Address------- Owner of Building---- Fire uilding--- Fire Hazards-_-- - -- _ - - ENtinguishers-_— .--_ --- -- Building Inspectors Report 3r ick mor Construction _— _ _--- - ----- ---"- -- - rrc Exits-----.-_.-- - - _. --- -- — ---- -- _. 1 actio it 0 orr i� soca_: anda�-- Remarks: — -t = c�'G- -C: 'J7: e`. APPROVE AMC�p. BARROPA. _ -- --CIT Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration 1.icust 14th, 1935. Hcl,za— E. Warren, Licsza_ v e Committee, City Dear E11 r: The attached application of Effie $ei33L-_-W— Sor transfer of her On gale Liquor License and $aseZa 3�- —tet lYcense from 372 Wabasha Street to 694 St. Peter Strome eras referred to your Committee for consideration and vac d8 tion. L hearing bas been set in this matter for t 21st, provided that the taxes are not delinquent. Ws 2MARL-Ta written Commissioner Peterson regarding the tax siLval:� 3oa. Yours very trnl?, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE LIQUOR LICENSE , yan-afer of Liquor Lioe :se Application Name of Applicant _._.._..._._-------- dfi..o__aiLly............ Age------ Residence ___3Residence Address Telephone No, Aili53 _ Are you a citizen of the United Statee?.__......Y'#.. ..... Have you over been engaged in operating a saloon, We, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? Ye0.._...__... __............ _... _............ _... When and where? (�ba�lla_,� .li it.�_ ,�L' '>, If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation —__ When incorporated?— ------------------ -- — If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?__ _ _— How many members? ---- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if ]mown - Bond on file Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? �.%~�� two li lna How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) Name of closest school ideehanio marts iiirh 6ahool How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?___ du si ne gaOn what floor located?__— ----- _____ground floor Are premises owned by you or leased?____ leased_____ If leased, give name of owner__tixr airaon9on If a restaurant, seating capacity?___ --_g j�__-5Q______ If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? -- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: no additional rooms (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) Give names and addresses of three business references: on original application THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED. Application checked by Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 193___ License Inspector. SSE OTHER SIDS STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. J ' --------------------------------------------------------------- being first duly sworn, deposes and bays -that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the some is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. -::� -- - - - --------------•- S scribed aVworn to before me 13th 1��6 6f August, yqa 5 v " Notary PfiRamsey County, Minn. My commission exp - s_Ueaeuber 1_; STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 J}88. County of Ramsey. .-being first duly sworn, 11111111111001,111 Iloilo +,,,+,pu11p1u1u1gnunplrgpuuunuumMuuupnnlquoqu1U11mnn1ul Of ___ _ _ __ __..._._...__._._....__. _ �..,...— __ , a corporation; that.__._. -._--_-.has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of_.._.__..�._-_._-knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, apd said application and the execution -there. of is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this --_— day of-- __198__ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSC>N City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Jime 21st, 1935 - Hon. H. S. wa-x-, n, Comstr of Public Safety, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir-* The attacbod rssolntioa and tils in the matter, of tho tranefer or tavern license 80. 226 and dance hall license issned to Httla! Heilly at 138 3sat Fourth Street to said llceasee at 372 Wmabasha Street wam raYarred back to yon for reeommendatlon and for information as to the number of square toot in the dance hall and whether or not the dancing Is to be done in the bscrroom. This seat ter was laid over to Tuesday, Jane 25th. Yours very truly, I City Cleric. PIPPIL CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Date 3 %S HEALTH DEPARTMENT REPORT Appli 1-[o— INFORMATION REQUIRED MMC'TIO)NVZI("C JCEI Name of Applicant Light Toilet Facilities. Hot and Cold Water Facilities General Sanitation Condition of Equipment l is fQ Type of Refrigeration Food Storage Ventilation Remarks APPROVED NOT APPROVED Health Officer 5w=— Inspector FIRE PAZ VENTION REPORT INFOR P%/ ATION REQUIRED IN Name o£ A pplicant-----—� !/ Address Owner o£ Fire Haza r -:a s � - Eatinguis�-� yrs Building n spectors Rep�r Constru g= —a- t } Remarlt5 APPROV CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E_ WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES WNECTION -sea I-ea4m.04Mkom - Date __� Application i U% y IqWector -__LICENSE i CITY OF S''_ PAUL H. E. RTARREN Commissioner a:f Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES INFOR r _A'FION FROM COMPTROLLER &FINANCE DEPT. INFOILl�1• A'I'IION REQUIRED IN CONNECTI > ITH Name o:F Applicant Address Owner ol= �asiidirig Taxes 'Taxes Nom Paid and ._�Floyv Mh elinquent Date Application No._ Firial Approval Fiaanc�2 Department Commissioner of Public Safety++ 6 1985 00017-- owo CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E_ WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Iiate_�' INFORMA ION RE.QL3IREDIN CONNEC�p�I�W' I -F o- �`� "LICENSE Name of App zcant �2— Address_ �%'%�i'�•y � -a � �. Between what cross streets and on what side of street to be locatew�.�i- Trade Name,_ f any -- — ---- ----------- - -- — — - Is application or renewal of license in same location? c' J. Is place to be ®perated by new owner or former owner? If new owner, 3Ihas he been in similar business before.' Where_I a ��'/'__`���� _When "3� J � In any other L usrness _ ' Have there be n any complaints against operation of this type place by applicant?'_�"___, _ _-- Has any form r owner been arrested for any violation on these premises? Are you a citi en of the United States? > _ How Long in the City - Moral Chars ter Ever Been - Violation of t- - - hat Criminal Law or Ordinance --__U. State ANY 3-iccnses 1lpplieant has had Revoked Number of 3Places <L'ithin 2 Blocks_—__.� Closestlntoa>E sting Liquor Place Off Or On-__.°3��_-__ If premises nc.: -- � unoccupied state how long and previous use L"` ---y - � •' 'z - '�/ ` Nearest Chu r--- h Or School Number Of g�oth s, Tables And Chairs--/ Time On Citii�enship e ♦—c C t-"T-t�t�_ .Q ! �K:.0 -tee n. �,�. �� 0�! !- APPROVED NOT APPR4— -V»iD 111,; S PECTOR Chief of Police License Inspector CITY OF SAINT ,PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration may let, 1935. Toa _ H. E. Warren, mai+-xamn. License Committee, ^�1 ty of St. Paul. max- Sir: The Council approved the attached application of Effie Reilly for the traasfer of her "on n'Jefe liquor, 3.2 malt, tavern and restLmx=ant license$ --rrom 138 Mast lburth St. to 372 WeLbasiaa Street, subject �o tM:x a approval of the various hureana aad tax check. Tours vary truly, City Clerk, 'Ism 2o ,, I.,,jqoj Gehan iskthi, 09400: fou aii o the OW 0. GOU 0 X" ieh '16 ffst 100stecl its 0�.SinQ 83 8101 AO MY 8 Bu It it Ott, yoi-faoawdo * flout'JAhs Oily r.1 -r toOu t' pet so as of 1 - -0the h` - ' �`b n a y• hair �ftr�et• - Otme 0,� Of4sa a fQ ry 000up ed by 16 tt Abop 4 4, Dot �71 q' mm rse ET d ORIGINAL .1.. COUNCIL " No. �-��� OF ST. PAUL FI 1n��114- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK N" COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMIS ER DATE August 26, 1935 w E11.EAS, E. H. Sharretts desires to withdraw application 6650 for Off -Saiz B4O9r_ftX7abe license at 2360 University Avenue and requests return of license fee; thG­__T— More be it RESOLVED, that the proper cid officers be and they are hereby authorized to ref3„3rliL—�. to E. H _ SYlarret t s the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said application for license. �--��UNCILM EN YeasNays Peterson r� favor 3 ruax iWarren __—� _Against --'Wenzel President (Gei-ran) 5M 6.35 C. F:No. 101355—By 8. B, Wesrea— Fred M. Truas­L a Pearce— . Whereas, 1S H. Shprrette deetree to � MaltdBe eragel license attion 0for 7f50 Uulff ver- elty Avenue and re0ueeta return of Il- - enee fee; therefore be It Resolved that, tha, proper oo y off! - e e' _ ;ndIt ' sra herea t autDor. led to xrofand to R. 8. Bharre te_the as of 55.00 and to cancel utd_application for It c." - Adopted by the Couacll Anse 21.1985. ADDrpved It ifl 876) Adopted by the Council AUG2 - M 193— AUG 27 Approved—_ _— _----193___ Mayor oplolwdt ro mn cuprc -. ITY OF ST_ FyAtIJ L Fu.e ca NO. jL/`�`-,ss•/L OFFICe OF THE _J9wj_1 COUNCIOLUTION GtT C�_)EI[4iG — G E iV )E R�L ORM AllgllBt 269 1935 ATE WHEREAS, Paul Kauser desires to witlz�3T-s�vrr ap ilication 6086 for Barber License at 165 No. Dunlap and requests return o£ £49e, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city, and they are hereby authorized to rdfund to Paul Kauser the fee of "0.00 and to said ap-lication for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays Ye ce Z eterson ,goes __In favor Truax i Warren _ Against /Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 No_ 101966-117 a. H, wanes - 3 .ft M. TLLas—I. C. Pearce— 1 ?OQ7aereav, Paul Senear desires tr appit—tion 6086 for Barbar r �c�arise at 166 No. Dunlap and repueete fibra of license fee, th.refore, be ft solved. that the pro ber-elty o®- c+�rs bad e nthey are hereby authorized to Paul Saueer the fee of S 20_9D and to eaneel said application rvr license. Adoptees by the Council Aug. 87, 1996. g;spx oved Aug. 27. 1996. (Aug. 91-1886) Adopted by the Council -AUG 2.7,1935-193--_ XJG 2,19,15 Approved--_-- —193— Mayor 6 0.101.11' 1. CITY C1..K OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GATE Aueast 26 1985 COU ( 7 COUNCIL FILH No. 1 X135 MAS , Hari ry Smith desires to withdraw application 6638 for Restaurant, application 66 Z!!; For OAF .Sale Malt Beverage, and application 6626 for On Sale Malt Beverage licence E3 at 1942 St. Anthony Avenue, a-nd requests return of license fees; therefore, be z k� OLVE3 , that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to fTvEEw. �-c-y Smith the fees d' $1.0.00, 55.00, asld $50.00 and to cancel said applications i Licenses. COUNCIL EN Yeas �l ce iPeterso =� Truax ren Wenzel C_ F. No. 101867 By H. E. Warren— i Bred >a Trues—L C. Pearce— Ba a• eDll Smith desires to ra.nVt, .'ff.' ar`1on�6637 for OG Sale n 1688 for shalt ' 1atau- @ At -It Bever P"lll""91 licenses 6636 619iE BG Anthong Avenue, and request. return of 1loanse tees;. th.rdf.r., he It iars bav—C ttheyt areDh pabyclauthofr- zed to stand to Harry Binith-the fees $6.00, and $60.00 and to can- cel a1d appllcatto.. for licensee. Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1986. Approved Aug. 27, 1985. (Aug. 81-1996) Nays Adopted by the Council F C 2 ~ 10-193_ _- [G 2 IS% favor � _Against-------- -- - --- Mayor A4r. President +EGeltar 1 5M 6.34 O R�O�NAL TO Ga:,. GLtRK - FILE I ENCIL NO10135 OF TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTION-GENERAL FORM PR�TIEI� BY ` - DATE A at 6, 935 COMM�SS101fiER RESOLVED TY>at licenses for Restaurant, agnlication 6266, on Sale Malt Beverage, appl�c�tion 626.7, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, applicatio¢ 6268, applied for by Ch—.rZes Duren at 1-040 Univdralty Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city c1ar2� is instructed to issue such licenses uuon the payment into the city treasury of tYaa req_u'ireci fees. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `e�rce /yeterson arren - - ---Wenzel Mr_ President (Gehan) SM 6-34 favor — — =Against C. PY6dNii. Truan 1- Pew ee-ar-rea— Reeolved, That nceneee for Reatau- ! Bant, a1pli.s.0 n 6266, On Sale Malt everage, a plleati— 6207, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, DDllcatlon 6268, 1 pDlled for by Charles Duren at 1040 University Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city olerk fs Instructed to Issue each licenses upon the payment into the city .treasury of the required fh Adopted by the Council Aug. 27, 1985. Approved Aug. 27, 1925. (Aug. 21-1986) p Adopted by the Council- Approved -------- AUG --27 -- Mayor oaionws. to ca.z.+�cC F ,Fro. J.918S By H. 1C. Warren,— �613 1 59 .car: CITY OF 1- C.'?earce='�Frea M. TrUa:h1 $oaplyea that Ilcegeea foravhloh aD- Hngatioup haus beau made by the per- OFFICE OF TMrq sopa named Qa )fat attached forfhe ad- bo the eaMe are. dt'egaee•Ind1oated and R OLUTIO hereby granted -and tae Clty:,Clertr is ---_ CIL inetruct'ea jofesue eu6h ilueadee upon the DaYment of the reQulyed.,,Yees.tato _ the City Treasury. Au¢. 87, seas., ADDroved Au60 26 1955 PRESENTED HY COMMBSSId�'1ilER a 1!186 (Aug. 51-1986) RESOLVE That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the address s i-rnd3cated be and the same are ®ereby granted and the city clerk is inatra2�— wed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city Weasury of the regnir feeso Minuesv -*-s lcce 8c Fuel Co. 121 W. Maryland St. Ice Storage Plant App. 5509 Renewal A. 4V _ a •der sou 60 S. Cleveland Ice Station a 6166 " Geo_ I3 Baldwrin 1341 St. Clair " If It 6213 It Bray a 8c Fti1e1 Smith & Belmont " It " 5564 " 1237 Matll.'Ss " " " 5884 " Geo. T•DPIters 3—ag 499 Greenwood Ice Delivery " 6326 " Joh � 13oldt Selby & Chatsworth Ice Station It 6519 It Hama► -W-- e Co- NW cor. Grine & Forest It " " 6317 " Hamas a Co 1095 Arcade It " " 6518 " Ham ce Co - SVf cor. Randolpl-Griggs" It It 6319 " Hamm ce Co_ NE cor. St -Clair -Syndicate n 1t 6320 " H— 71IFF­ ce Co NW cor.Rice-Charles It It 5857 " W. Kam 1328 White Bear Ice Station " 6140 " W. 13- Rear 690 N. Snelling It 11 1" 5894 " Randc��� p}z Ice 8e Fuel Co. Smith & Ramsey SE cor. " " " 6217 " ffiorr3� _a xe=Ld 902 Farrington " a " 5758 a Cv �7NCILI�iEN Yeas Nays ouncil_- Adopted by the Council--- -_In favor Approved___---- --In ---193-_ �-rtiax %arrern ---Against _ --- -- -- --_-_ - Mayor �L7enzel Mr_ IIP' aesider#E (Gahan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL Fne No. 1(4359 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED My DATE August 26, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVER a -2- Bud Wendt Stevens & Manomin Minnesota Ice Sc at Co. 121 w. Maryland Geo. Deuters 1757 Matilda COUNCILM �EN yeas/ Nays P`e�Irce eterso n // Roseri __In favor /1`ruax rrerz —Against nzel i /l�tr. President �Ge2zari) 5M 6.34 See Station App. 5557 Renewal 2 Delivery trucks " 5510 2 n H R 5885 b Adopted by the Coun 193 --- Approved_- ---193_ Mayor ORIOINItL r. CITY CLRRK - �iT� OF ST. PAUL __ COUNCIL PILE No. (ice OFFICE OF THE CITY GLERK r COU RESOLUTION—GENEF2A1L_ FORM BY DATE August 26 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Tpat 131- sea a p-pM:Led for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the are lzareby granted and the City clerk.is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city- treasury c:3 -:V the require eels Joe J. Dolzer 1398 Edmvnd St. ButC2z+gr App. 6377 New J. C. Henzler 1771 W. 7th St. a " 6533 " e Sam London 2-53 W. Sixth St. Grocex-y " 6242 " " tI n tti n orf Malt Bev. " 6243 " Francis T. Randolph 14 E_ l2th St. " " " " " 6365 " n n a n n Grocery " 6364 " C. F. No. 1o1366—By H. E.Warren- - b7ed M. Trua:Pearce— Resolved, That licaneea appued for by the following named pereone at the - –^ - addresses Indicated be and the came are hereby granted and the city claiIt - _ ' is Instruct d to leeue such licences ypon the payment Into the city- trove _..,.....__ Lary of the rejutred fee.: J.ADyo z63Y71398 Edmnnd 'St., +^" BuJoe the K c. Hezlor, 771 W. 7th. St., Butcher, Appl.6533 , New. Sam London. 268 W. Sixth St., Gro- ! - cLry, AyL 6242, Naw. Sam Iypadon, E68 W. Blzth 'St., tM ' - Sale Malt Bev., ApIII BE43, New. 177eacis T. Randolph, 14 low St. _ ^- - S.le Malt Bev. ,AApppL 68667 Now. Franois T. Randalplt, 14 E. 12th St., 4irotory, P. 8864 SI.w. - Adopted Dy -the -Cannell Aug. 27,193k. _ 1W - Approved AUB• 27, 1886. , (Aug. 81-1826) COUNCILMEN Yeas ays Pearce ,Peterson �—_—Iry favor Truax _ W/arren ���� Against 4'Wenzel ,Mr. President (0ehELx-u3 SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council AI)G 27 193__ �G2t1935 193- Approved_---�-LSC^ Mayor P \9 i 1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLK— _ FO ENCIL NO. -IMU G..l rC Y OF ST. PAUL `— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COLD ESOLUTION — GENERJdLL FORM J111y 26 1985 RESOLVED -1 i-1 It 3z cense s £or On Sale Melt Beverage, ap^lication 6052, Restaurant, application 6053 ,_DLr_d O££ Sale Malt Beverage, application 6054, applied for by 0. P;. Lorenz at 1202 NT o— _ �a1e Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to — ssue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees - Pew COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Zterrce - �P/etson _ favor 4arren Against Wenzel Air. President (C-3 San) 5M 6.34 C. F_ No. 101861—By H. H. Warren— Fred:DL Truax—I. C. Pearce— . Resolved, That llcenaes for On Sale. Malt 8eve=g8 appllcatlon 6068, Ram- to.—Ant, app Icailon 600on 0063 amid 1(' Salep- plfed for by d. W. 1—Ti, at 1808 No. Dale Street be and the same'.ase here- py granted aad the Cl.ty Clerk .he,*: la- ir ted to Issue euch Lcense.upon the V.Ymeat Into the city treasury of the required fees. A OPted, Auge Council Aug. 27, 1935. Appro(Aug. 81-1930) 10 Adopted by the Council All G2,7j --193-__ {AUG 2.7 Approved – – – 193– - Mayor ORIO°NAL i0 C�rY case«c a COUNCILJA T OF ST- PAUL FILE Noz_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK iV COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ COM MISS IC>"EFa DATE August 26, 1935 RESOLVEM T s licenses Tom- Restaurant, application 6571, and On Sale Malt Beverage, applica.tioa Bim? s.pplied for by Leo P� flood at 953 No. Dale Street be and the same are haT-Pby granted and the city cZe=-lc 1s instructed to issue such licenses unon the Payment ire o the city treasury o£ tl-Le required fees New COUNCILM ll✓2� ° Yeas / Nays ijS��ce - j /Peterso rz j; �R--In favor f+ruax \ ,-Warrerz __ _ _�\ —Against /Wenzel /' /Mr. President JM 6.34 G P, No, 7D7362—BY 8• 8 Warren—, peed M. That Itcenseee foe Reetau- nt. up ed, It..— rent. ag-. a ti llcat'0n' 687E�aDplt stM..r Haverege, aDD by IAO P. rlood at 963 No. D e Htr -e be and the a1 a fe loetructed toI. and the city c thehIi cityetreasuryoo[ the required Cage. Adopted by the Council Au¢. 27, 1936. Approved Au¢. Zai 198.) (Au¢. Adopted by the Council_AUG 27?10 193._ _ Approved__ AUG 2_7_1%5__193___ C_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRk COUNCIL J Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. V3 �y, �C OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK '10? OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE August 26, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, ap-lication 6261, Off Sale MElt Beverage, application 6262, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6263, applied for by Norman Strinden at 182 Concord Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses uponthe payment into the city treasury of the required fees Restaurant - Renewal of license On and Off Sale Malt Beverage, - New license COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce ­kterson _—_In favor /i'ruax 1,*arren - _ Against ilVenzel /,11r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 101363—By H. g WarreR— AUB. 27, 103b. AUG 2 7 IMEaw Adopted by the Council_ _193___ AUG 27 Approved _57 ; Mayor osianat. To. CITY cuss. COUNCIL /' CITY OF ST. PAUL Fag NO. (� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OLINGlL` RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i - 01 PRESAugust 26, 1935 ENTED BY DATE COMM18810NER � RESOLVED That J-1 ® yes Sr Et.est ae, _nt, application 6055, On Sale Malt average, application 6056, an c3 Sale Ma1.t Beverage, application 6057, apolied�for b Emmett R.Roche at 439 Unive-Ir- Av®nue be Emd the same are hereby granted d t e ' y clerk is instructed to cYl licenses noon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. e - New COUNCILMEN Yeas —�—'T S rce Peterson `IlOSRT'- — �Truax ,14rren , i, -- .4crizel /Mr. President (Got><ara7 SM 6.34 _In favor A¢ainst e.FredNli. Trues—$YCBPearee-- ran— Resolved, That Ilcenees for Itsetau- ragt, application 0066, Oa Bale Malt' Beverage. aDDilcatlopn 0060, and Off Bale DNDlled for byg nmettt AtRoch. aon t 4i9 II,Ied f r Avenue be and the Mame are ' Hereby granted and the city clerk Is Instructed to fMene uch licenses upon the Datment Into the city treasury of �tne r'qulred tees Adopted by tho C. non Aug. 27, 1016. Approved Aug. f7. 1970. (Aug. 91-1910) Q 193_— Adopted by the Counci AUG 2'� ? Approved_ '--193— Mayor On1a1NAL TO CITY CL itK COUNCIL (�1 65 / CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 13YD ATE July 26, 1935 COMMISSIONEFZ --�--T �'�� RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 57471 on Sale Malt Beverage, application 548, and O££ Sale Malt Beverage, application 5749, applied for by H. McBride and J. J. Jamie at 535 No. Dale Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is inst +cted to issue such licenses ueon the tpayment into the city treasury of the required :fete s j Pi. Warren—� New C - - - - --- ----------- ----- ,i Ye COLJi�Tic �'ILMEN Yeas Nays -�et -zson • �P ___In favor -iV/a ren — Against _VC Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6-34 C_ F. No. 101806—BY H Fred M. Trues -1. C. Pearce-- TP-1ved That llcenees for lte9tan-! rant, appllmtion 6747, On isle Malt' Beverage, aDDlicatloa 6746, sad Off sale', Malt Beverage sppllcatloq ::6748, aDp- lied for by �• McBrlde � and J. -J+• Lhe�eametare6 hereby�lgnaiedtand the city clerk le Instructed to feeue euoh licensee upon the, psyment tato the city treasnrryy of the roantred tees. ' Adopted by the Council Aug. 97, 1996. Approved (Aug• 9111996) �pp� "` Adopted by the Council. nllr 27_W 193_— AUG 27t Approved- _193___ ���Mayor ORIpINaL TO c.� c«wK COUNCIL 101366 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OF CITY CLERK c� NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE^ — Y $ _ (� / DATE Aagaet 13th, 1935. - COMMISSd� R RESOLVES 'Fust licenses applied for by the following naedkpersons at the addresses indicated: ba aad the same are hereby Vnoatei and the city cleric is instructed to issae each 11c;a=31Wsae upoa the payment into the city treasury of the required fees$ =mmmor E. J. go= Leo N. 3C —Z V. H. s at 93 W. Tenth St. 1825 University Ave. 175 V1. University Ave. 21 E. congress St N IRS Station Appl. 4513 Now %Ss Station: " 5984 r 3 pmnps " 5600 • • " 3 p"3njPs ■ 4146 " C. 1e. xo. 101366--BY]ELn warren — I. C. Peerae—HTed M- Truaa— It..;1 ed, That Leeneea applied for by th6,f.Uorving named persona at the addressee Indicated, be dad the same. ase hereby granted dad the .1ty dark la Snetru0ted to taeoe each licensee ne- on the paymePt foto the elty treasury . of the rogutred fe0s: StJ. P. ,9 Connor. 9 W.NOW. Tenth St., Ioe z. r v... , 1329 IIntverelty Ave.,, Gam 3'S,s above named persons are new owners in old locations, previously 11 c®nsed. COQ 7NCILMEN ' Yeas !�; Nays In favor warren Against - /Mr_ P �— csident (Gelman) T.M 6.14 Adopted by the CounciAUG_21--Iq*__193—_ Approved_— Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL /1 Capital of Minnesota �10 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August loth, 1935• Mr. C. R. Leonard, S,icezLsa Inspector, City_ Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the following spp2ications for licenses: J. P. O'Connor 93 W. 10th St. Ice Station E. J. Fox 1825 University Gas Station These applications were stricken from _ resolutions presented.by you and referred to the Department of Pars, Plegvgrounda and Public Buildings for check as to wv12.et73er permits were taken out by these applicants. Weare xanw advised by that department that there are no records of pez�i is having been taken out by either of these parties. -ter Yours very truly, City 'ei�l hi CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC L R. 5: FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration d-ugnet loth, 1935• 3NAL= _ C _ 8. Leonard, 3Ca 3CQa$a Inspector, City, �a ar Sir: On a recent rasolntion presented to Cozmcil granting miscellaneous licensee there appeared t3ze aszaas of Leo N. Snuffs 175 L7aiver9ity Ave., gas station, �-cx33xL=oa — new and, R. H. Schmit , 21 E. Congress Street, gas s tstioa —3 pimps - n4w. These applications are returned to you -Mm' -t- t moo instruction of the Council with the request that you d� termiae whether or not these parties have secured a permit 7=�ro>in the City Council authorizing the installation of these --mtatioaa. We do not find that aria such permission has been g= -s++ t 6 d, Very t rely yours, city Ole ORIGINAL TO S.ITY CLCRlC —i l��J • - CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO.—IS.t�tll►-L OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -a GENERAL FORM PRESElWED BY � � �/I,itiL/I��- DATE— COM MI�sss10NER � RESOLVEDpermission and authority be and they are hereby given to the ire Oil Company to alter and rearrange its present service station aLt the northeast corner of Minnesota and Ninth streets, in accord�� ce with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved vri 11 automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps sha31. tic imx accordance with the ordinanoes of the City, and satis- factory to tiie Commissioner of Public Safety; any changes in curbing, sidewva.l-U= s , ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street Z3L3r:Les shall be madeLtln�r the direction and to the sat-is- factioas of the Commissioner of Public Works. `r n COU ZLMIF- N Yeas Nays Peter c e __In favor %�GTaX_ r a lr-a /_--Against �%enzel President �Ge}zan) 5M 6.34 dralnag9 or othernD I. tavern. ce -within the street as sh 1 be made under the direction add to the sails - faction of the Commissloner of Public ,W,rl.. _�- — Adopted by the Council Aug. 87,-1986. Approved Aug. E7, .1988. (dug- 85-1986) Adopted by the Councit-1iti11_2 Itq%-193_ X!6 2 7195 Approved_.__ -- CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 22nd, 1935• Mr. Jc* L. Connolly, Corpor r.3 meson Covnael, Builds neer 29:M- The attached application of the Pure 011 Co=zc:am=mm seaawgr _ to alter and rearrawe their present service statin mt the Rortheast corner of Minnesota and Ninth Street • weLa referred to you, by the Council, for resolution grants this name. i Yore very truly, City Clerk. 'c G�TY Off' F.6 �sr 3 � P ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairma s LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. WGLYNN _ CHARLES BASSFORD, City GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Seuetar-�. THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE ffir L R . S . Ferguson, Ci y Clerk. Deter Sir August 21st, 1935. In the matter of application of the Pta:3-- e C) 31 Company for 'a revision of their station at Pi iritla and Minnesota Streets. This is in a Li Zt.t 2adtastrlal District. 03a August 13th the Board reported that tlbplans submitted were not acceptable and that tYkx permit should be denied. The Pure 011 Company have now submitted re;isgd plans which are acceptable. In other words, there is to be no change made in their existing dr �� veways off of Ninth St. or off of Minnesota St., bu � ttie Pure Oil Company will build a curb as shown oa �Yze it own ground which will prevent vehicles from c1r vigg over the sidewalk, the only change being ira tY2e location of their pumps and the rearrangement of the building. The location of the pumps with re' erer3 ce to driveways is satisfactory. The Board recommend that the permit be gr -ut ac3 . gh Yours very truly, GEORGE L HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. V 1-9 THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 Anust 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 13th, 1935. ISAAC SUMMERFIELE>- «— LOUIS BETZ ALBERTBUE14GER EGIN W=N BERNARD J. McGLYNI--i CHARLES BASSFORr>- C.�.sy /►sct::sect GEORGE H. HERRC>LJI:>— Enai— 3E6r — L - R. S. Ferguson, C :2_ tY Clerk. � sar Sir : In the matter of the application of the stir a 011 Company to alter and rearrange their present service station at the Northeast corner of Minnesota Ninth Streets. This property is zoned for Light ::3u-rsc3_ tats try . The plan submitted shows the driveway ramp ori the Minnesota Street side increased from 45 ft, to S 2 f t. measured along the curb line. This is not permissible. As the plans also show a rearrangement of th.e pump island,we have suggested a slight change 3r1 this pump island location which would make it po s s able to use the driveway off of Minnesota St, IF- A lit any change in it. This suggested arrangement gvss a 12 ft, driveway between the pump island and taus building, and a 16 ft. area between the pump 3 s 3 ani and the sidewalk line. At the hearing before the Board, the Attorney for the Pure 011 Company refused to consider this c=^— Ze andinsisted that they widen their driveway towards Ninth Street. As this uses up part of the apron of the sidewalk at the intersection of Ninth -A-r:3 4[=1 Minnesota Streets and does not comply with the s -t-- --=ar.dards of the city for protecting the pedestrians, -t3k-ze Board recommend that the permit be denied. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. :=Ik---]L—rh ORIGINAL CITY OF ST_ PAUL-LIOATIOPILEO IN TRE N CITY 1' OFFICE OF -r" E3 CITY CLERK CLERKsomce. Applicatiori For License AUTOMOBILE F--2 LLING STATION DATE ------ ------------------ V _.- -_- ___. 1 9 sal _� TO THE HONORABLE THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL_ MINNESOTA PPLICATION Is Hereby Made' BY FOR PERMIT TO YilMrkrMVI!! A _-__-- a DRIVE I - or'c - • HsaDE GARAGE') AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT_ _ _ - _ BI,OC K.- -_ ALSO DESGR I B p AS V / �- -•-- ----> -- --- -- ----- (STREET ---IGTREET AND NUMBERI NO OF PUMPS ---- ---NO. OF GAS TANKS FILED RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK / DATE______ ___ --- _______�--- --- --------- 197N� __ DEPART OF PU LIC SAFETY DY _ CAPACITY OF EACH TANK _---- SIGNATURE ___61GnATURE OF APPLICA rvT. 0U9INE85 AGDRE88. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK / 3� DATE---- _-------- _-------- __--- ---- ___---------- _ IB CITY PLANNING BOA BY------- --- Q�/ ---------------------- ---------- MILTON iii pSEtV CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. RE f20O4-4, Aa—'t Osief Error. and Supt. of Construction G_ H_ HERROLD, Office Engineer ��ic1C W_ WOODRUFF, Chief Eng, Clerk August 21t 19$$ Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Sirt FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bride, Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse The application of the Pure Oil Company for EL revision and reconstruction of its station at Ninth and Minnesota Streets, as originally submitted, was returned by the Board of Zoning for revision. The revised plans are now before the Council. I beg to advise you that the revised plans as now submitted for your consideration at this time are satisfactory from an engineering standpoint. Yours very truly, RGETSHEPARD, lefneer. c _ -_ _ � 7PG ,,•� ac,.:_ _ e ✓ �G-S _-=sem--: .. _� - _ - PURE Ia a I 1 c _ -_ _ � 7PG ,,•� ac,.:_ _ e ✓ �G-S _-=sem--: .. _� - _ - PURE Ia is c _ -_ _ � 7PG ,,•� ac,.:_ _ e ✓ �G-S _-=sem--: .. _� - _ - PURE Ia ` ewlolw�a. ro cam _ CITY OF ST_ PAUL PILECOUNCIL No. 10136 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTI,O,N/—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY `� — COMM1061143.11%dER DATE W HIEREAS, Mrs. June Beiersdorf heretofore deposited the sum o:E S3Lgty Dollars($60.00) with the Clerk of the Municipal Court as bail moxa to secure her appearance in said Court to answer a charge thea pending against her, on August 23rd, 1935, and W-HEREAS, thru an error the case was placed on the tab in sacci Court for the 20th day of August 1935, without the knowledge of said 1A B. June Beiersdorf, and there being no appearance on her part , the bail was forfeited, and AREAS, the Hon. John L. Rounds, one of the judges of said Court l-a.as recommended that said bail money be reinstated; there- fore b e it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers -b•e' and -they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of George Dig, Clerk of the Municipal Court, for said sum of Sixty Dollars ($60.00), payable out of the proper fund ._Sy 8: HL Warren, 'a. Jane Befersdorf'hera .. 4, he 9." Clerk1xtOfntge e ball_ moneyy to ea- ry eb 1. -snld Oetirt to Men ending against io3p6i and errIn ��oyrq1t,ph��e,(qcaee N COU ILLMEN Yeas Nays �rce eterson n --In favor I -I rreri — Against �j�7Ver�zel Presidezit (GSI -can) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_ AUG ZZ1t000W6___ 193___ W 27 05 Approved__—_ _—.—___ 193_ ._. -'- ._--Mayor -- ORi61NAL TO CITY GL6RK CITY OF ST. PAUL cNc�l NO.1013 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES©LUTION—GENERAL FORM /t -'`J COMMISSIONER ��a�t re, Al.l -t 2 , 1935 F2ESOLVE� That the Purcha83.3ag Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with tha consent of the Mayor a_nd the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 >--allons, "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the W. F. S11ITH TIRE & E5ATTERY COMPANY, at a price Df per gallon, less 1,�& ten days on ._-;asoline only, includin_ state tax and st-te inspection, also Federal excise tax, to b e spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emerL-ency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the Ci-ty. Charge General Fund- Muriicipal Equipment- 3 -003 -2 -34r - C_ F_ N2 10136 -BY. $ C. Wenzei— COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 'Pearce �eterson In favor ,,Truax /Warren i ---- Against jlenzel f,4r_ President (Gehan) 5M 6-34 ye-K- 1-0 3.^��. ai a Rrica. of 5-11499 Der �•� n, I i tea days a gg-oilao on y, !n- lndiag- atata tae, a.ad -'rata inspection i also F¢d¢rar ¢aci-a . tom. to be aDotta� oa D3uuiciDai E' o'S�aaL BurCau aepur at Dale SC.. oa iaiorsaal %ids^Ss,...as m� ' be -L 111E T09'L- I C+Zaeral Fuad—� aicipai FQuipmaat— � 1003-1 Ta.t. d U9 tlaa C uaoil Au8.:.24. 198b. avvro�d (g g 28].-1i9a6) V Adopted by the CouricipM G 2 7 IM 193 MM 27 1b Ap roved -------193 _ 1193 Mayor IS -RA OROINAL TO GtTY C� RiC - rBy Tl i(�13'7p CITY OF ST_ PAUL t tbd toueavibe': < - Js"e4:bY the gI OFFICE OF THE GnTY_ CLERK Yopang, of 3Sar7 y, a ai_.the Dool .P - - COUNCIL RESOLUTiOiV - GENERAL FORM I i - hav N PRESENTED SY - COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED twat the following employes • bonds issued by the Fidelity a31<5L 3E34 --posit Company of Marylaricl, covering the duties of the po s 1t iaas set forth and which bOxxc18 have been approved as to form aLXi<M- eae cut ion by the Corporat ioa C o132asel, be and the same are hereby approved and the City C3erg is directed to deposit them ixi t3=Le office of the City Comptro33e0r: Jos. Pavlicek, ACCOuzit 9r t - Public works Dept. $1000.00 M. W. Woodruff, Chief 034--,rk - Public Works Dept. $1000.00 H. T. Proulx, Timekeeper - Public Works Dept. $1000.00 Frank O. Corcoran, ` - Timekeeper - Public Works . Dept. $1500.00 J. L. Connolly, Accouritazzt - Public Works Dept. $1000.00 _ Gertrude M. Lau.esman, Senior C 3erk- Typ i et t — Department of Finance $5000.00 4irginia Manz, Senior C3er1�- Typist _ Department of Finance $5000.00 John C. Feldmann, Deputy Commissioner - Department of Dinance $5000.00 Paul A. Froehlich, Principa3 Clerk Department of Finance $5000.00 Ed.Ward W. Jahnke, Assis taxat Cashier Department of Finance $5000.00 C. M. Nystrom, Cashier Department of Finamca $5000.00 CC>LJN AMEN w,' �rs Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council hDt7G 7 1" 193 Petersora / In favor Approved AUG 2 7 193_ �Wa era Against eraZ 1L /May Or /Mr_ Presider:t <Csetian) 5M 6-34 /� NOTICE _ IL01371 to 13'72 PRINTER * i` i'.i76e 1018?3•bST COUNCIL FILE NO. -.R0301Y6 T]l�.i':Y`i18QKA' 3s6 �TSW11 06', City,.- 47easuryl. td =C'h aggrat<ate - , ('apiount: ai 7x355.88 covprtas chocks; 23 - numbered; 1 im h to 15700 8ai lusive,'i Ail$118 ti iier phacko +da 81a in'".LhO OQioa of the' l-7ty ti'd 4 piiar. 189 _ Adopted by the Connci3 Aug_ 87 1986..x.. ADDrovad :A.uu 87.+;19 35 ` LVED, Ti-�AT CHECKS BE D! esus. -ai-L935> {�� _—URY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF ;3 �s COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 16602 TO — �—INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE 11lV THE OFFEOF TT�H� E CITY COMP^T/ROLLER. / AOOPTEO BY THE GOLI niG• ■ .AU `GIC27 APPR OLEO- �� dF ( R�i9A 193 �� e�ry eourxgo.�ra 000 .o as BV /A i _ SAINT PAUL / DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF COUNCIL lll!! COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.. -..- -- coNRov COUNCIL RESOLUTION M«r--- eteTV*V ' 19 -'- e s AUDITED CLAIMS - - t--23------------------- 3� � arxen PEARCE ROSEN -------- __AGAINST ° RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRgF��y7pl gNJgjiE (� Y TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN F 5 -----Ll 'F �o- COVERING SUDHEIME' t' III;/�� - -- MR. PRES. BUNDLIE 2 S CHECKS NUMBERED __.u+.�.-------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER FI E T E OFF E OF T E CITY MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_-_ ER CHECKS O . _`�--�+---�-�-",•-�--- APPROVE .------- 9__,�,jst- 9 _-- --- tier eofw riRoueR --�-..- ..r----- -'--- Y -------- BY-_- - ... ' -- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- — RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 40 232 79 268 16 16602 David Baehefkin 1 32 0 16603 Jack Kerrigan 11016 16604 R.O. Duncan Company 3416 16605 Farwell, 02mun) girt & Comp y 16606 Midwest Chemical CompanyoIno. is 96 60 00 16607 Pioneer Wheel & Rim Company 16608 Sanitary Food Xfgo0Ompany 10B'oo X6609 fill xuohelt is Iona 35 62 �66�o I'll 1011 bpoillul g6 0qeo g x l Wilth 28' N 1661 16612 Pittsburgh Oul Company 105101 1661' Bra, Delia Brown 28 28 1661 Ursa Mary Emily Christy 27:00 16615 John 1, Fahey 12 67 16616 Mrs. :jDuis Fay 28:80 16617 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 31 90 16618 John Lennon 40,0 16619 Mrs. Elisabeth Literski 40100 16620 Albert J. McCarthy 40100 16621 Mrs, Hannah Peterson 24 92 16622 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 28:80 16623 John Sullivan 21'84 16624 Ed, Young 37'12 16625 The Cracker Jack Oompany 289'10 16626 Mayle Ino,Ioe Cream 1 29507 16627 AX01 F, Petereont C, of Fin oe 47 56 88 16628 Sohouveller Meat Market 6 88 16629 Riohman Brothers Company 00 16630 urs, H. Mitoh i9 731 16631 General Eleotrio Supply camp y 16632 Osborne -Peterson, Inc. BTioschi Studios and John B. Garatti 2 415 00 16633 David Hammond 16634 John ritspatriok 9 0 1663 American Linen Supply compan 104 65 166 Adam Decker Hardware company 110 16637 Drewry & sone company 2901,30 16638 Jos, Haag Roofing & Cornioe 0 Inc..4260 16639 Harper Nut company ? 38 16640 Johnson Service Company 9 32 16641 J.W. Hulme Company 16642 McKesson wholesalers 12809 16643 National Window Cleaning Com any,Inc. 175 00 16641E Northern States Power Compah'I 2 245 69 16645 0tia Elevator 0ompany 1 612 00 16646 Tri-State Tel. & Te1g.Oompan 291 12 144U7 Tr3-3tetP Tel. & Tekg.Oompan 166 15. �: § 1 9 'Testern Badge & NoveW Comp y 33 0 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 40 232 79 325 634 1. . a. W + y A C I � f r I I ' SAINT PAUL / DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF COUNCIL lll!! COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.. -..- -- coNRov COUNCIL RESOLUTION M«r--- eteTV*V ' 19 -'- e s AUDITED CLAIMS - - t--23------------------- 3� � arxen PEARCE ROSEN -------- __AGAINST ° RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRgF��y7pl gNJgjiE (� Y TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN F 5 -----Ll 'F �o- COVERING SUDHEIME' t' III;/�� - -- MR. PRES. BUNDLIE 2 S CHECKS NUMBERED __.u+.�.-------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER FI E T E OFF E OF T E CITY MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_-_ ER CHECKS O . _`�--�+---�-�-",•-�--- APPROVE .------- 9__,�,jst- 9 _-- --- tier eofw riRoueR --�-..- ..r----- -'--- Y -------- BY-_- - ... ' -- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- — RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 40 232 79 268 16 16602 David Baehefkin 1 32 0 16603 Jack Kerrigan 11016 16604 R.O. Duncan Company 3416 16605 Farwell, 02mun) girt & Comp y 16606 Midwest Chemical CompanyoIno. is 96 60 00 16607 Pioneer Wheel & Rim Company 16608 Sanitary Food Xfgo0Ompany 10B'oo X6609 fill xuohelt is Iona 35 62 �66�o I'll 1011 bpoillul g6 0qeo g x l Wilth 28' N 1661 16612 Pittsburgh Oul Company 105101 1661' Bra, Delia Brown 28 28 1661 Ursa Mary Emily Christy 27:00 16615 John 1, Fahey 12 67 16616 Mrs. :jDuis Fay 28:80 16617 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 31 90 16618 John Lennon 40,0 16619 Mrs. Elisabeth Literski 40100 16620 Albert J. McCarthy 40100 16621 Mrs, Hannah Peterson 24 92 16622 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 28:80 16623 John Sullivan 21'84 16624 Ed, Young 37'12 16625 The Cracker Jack Oompany 289'10 16626 Mayle Ino,Ioe Cream 1 29507 16627 AX01 F, Petereont C, of Fin oe 47 56 88 16628 Sohouveller Meat Market 6 88 16629 Riohman Brothers Company 00 16630 urs, H. Mitoh i9 731 16631 General Eleotrio Supply camp y 16632 Osborne -Peterson, Inc. BTioschi Studios and John B. Garatti 2 415 00 16633 David Hammond 16634 John ritspatriok 9 0 1663 American Linen Supply compan 104 65 166 Adam Decker Hardware company 110 16637 Drewry & sone company 2901,30 16638 Jos, Haag Roofing & Cornioe 0 Inc..4260 16639 Harper Nut company ? 38 16640 Johnson Service Company 9 32 16641 J.W. Hulme Company 16642 McKesson wholesalers 12809 16643 National Window Cleaning Com any,Inc. 175 00 16641E Northern States Power Compah'I 2 245 69 16645 0tia Elevator 0ompany 1 612 00 16646 Tri-State Tel. & Te1g.Oompan 291 12 144U7 Tr3-3tetP Tel. & Tekg.Oompan 166 15. �: § 1 9 'Testern Badge & NoveW Comp y 33 0 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 40 232 79 325 634 1. . a. W C I � f r I ' SAINT PAUL / DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF COUNCIL lll!! COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.. -..- -- coNRov COUNCIL RESOLUTION M«r--- eteTV*V ' 19 -'- e s AUDITED CLAIMS - - t--23------------------- 3� � arxen PEARCE ROSEN -------- __AGAINST ° RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRgF��y7pl gNJgjiE (� Y TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUN F 5 -----Ll 'F �o- COVERING SUDHEIME' t' III;/�� - -- MR. PRES. BUNDLIE 2 S CHECKS NUMBERED __.u+.�.-------- INCLUSIVE. AS PER FI E T E OFF E OF T E CITY MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_-_ ER CHECKS O . _`�--�+---�-�-",•-�--- APPROVE .------- 9__,�,jst- 9 _-- --- tier eofw riRoueR --�-..- ..r----- -'--- Y -------- BY-_- - ... ' -- MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- — RETURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 40 232 79 268 16 16602 David Baehefkin 1 32 0 16603 Jack Kerrigan 11016 16604 R.O. Duncan Company 3416 16605 Farwell, 02mun) girt & Comp y 16606 Midwest Chemical CompanyoIno. is 96 60 00 16607 Pioneer Wheel & Rim Company 16608 Sanitary Food Xfgo0Ompany 10B'oo X6609 fill xuohelt is Iona 35 62 �66�o I'll 1011 bpoillul g6 0qeo g x l Wilth 28' N 1661 16612 Pittsburgh Oul Company 105101 1661' Bra, Delia Brown 28 28 1661 Ursa Mary Emily Christy 27:00 16615 John 1, Fahey 12 67 16616 Mrs. :jDuis Fay 28:80 16617 Mrs. Anna R. Foley 31 90 16618 John Lennon 40,0 16619 Mrs. Elisabeth Literski 40100 16620 Albert J. McCarthy 40100 16621 Mrs, Hannah Peterson 24 92 16622 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 28:80 16623 John Sullivan 21'84 16624 Ed, Young 37'12 16625 The Cracker Jack Oompany 289'10 16626 Mayle Ino,Ioe Cream 1 29507 16627 AX01 F, Petereont C, of Fin oe 47 56 88 16628 Sohouveller Meat Market 6 88 16629 Riohman Brothers Company 00 16630 urs, H. Mitoh i9 731 16631 General Eleotrio Supply camp y 16632 Osborne -Peterson, Inc. BTioschi Studios and John B. Garatti 2 415 00 16633 David Hammond 16634 John ritspatriok 9 0 1663 American Linen Supply compan 104 65 166 Adam Decker Hardware company 110 16637 Drewry & sone company 2901,30 16638 Jos, Haag Roofing & Cornioe 0 Inc..4260 16639 Harper Nut company ? 38 16640 Johnson Service Company 9 32 16641 J.W. Hulme Company 16642 McKesson wholesalers 12809 16643 National Window Cleaning Com any,Inc. 175 00 16641E Northern States Power Compah'I 2 245 69 16645 0tia Elevator 0ompany 1 612 00 16646 Tri-State Tel. & Te1g.Oompan 291 12 144U7 Tr3-3tetP Tel. & Tekg.Oompan 166 15. �: § 1 9 'Testern Badge & NoveW Comp y 33 0 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 40 232 79 325 634 1. . a. W DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL I i 1....1115����----�(i7` COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. VVV---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION MA. eterBoll ,09~ 1 avenIN FAVIW AUDITED CLAIMS -----------------e_� PEARCE ROSEN-- -------- RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE Df N�N F CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMO T OF S--- {.�- ((-ILI --_. COVERING' MR. PRES. BU�NDLIE1 54 DO..__. �-ryV�a�i��CHECKS NUMBERED _1 ._ r TO-.-- INCLUSIVE, AS AllG /'_{. 193 PER CHECKS ON FI IN THE OFFIC OF H CITY C MPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL iiRRu �(,.. �) . '''ggq Ott (/..' �'/y SjQ�ll FP . .-- ..__ - APPROVEO*t --�f�V j--� A'�+'�------- - V ' -- -- ,-' - CITY COMPTROLLER MAYOR By __ ______ _ _______ - -- CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD • 16650 Joseph Pepin 16651 Nar1 Strandberg 16652 Jos. W. Finley 16653 Fe D, McGee 16654 standard Stone 00111pany 16655 Capitol Stationery 94000 166 6 Oapltel Invelope 001pany 16657 10"111 Omura# 111k 10040 16658 General 118drio Supply ODIN 16659 0haet Ega8e & 00mpaRbIn13. 16660 Lapland Lumber Oompany 661 10 G, Leslie Paper 003panq 662 Via Lumber a Supply Oomx �uality Company 1 663 Park Envelope Tire & Battery Oomx 16664 w.F.Smith 16665 &J, Stilwell Paper Company 16666 Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Caper 16667 Air Reduotion Sales Company 16669 Amerioan Linen Supply Compan) 16669 GA, Ashton Company,Ino. 16670 Barnddall Oil Company 16671 The Belmont Corporation 16672 A,H, Bennett Company 16P3 H,.O•Bogeson Stationery Compax 16674 ;; f o Brings & Company 16675 Brown 1 Fenney 16676 ' Bros sheet iron a steel 001x 166?1 0910=16 Art Supply Company 16678 0hioagot Burlington & (uinoy 16619 000hraNSargent Company 16680 06144amm & Company 16681 Concord Steam Laundry 16682 Co*Op• Laundry Company,Ino. 16693 Eleotrio Blue Print Company 166 Leonard Frank Company 16685 treat Northern Railwq Compar 16686 Harry Bolmse 16687 McFadden -Lambert Company 116688 Northern States Power Compan3 16689 Northern States Power Company 16690 Oriental Laundry 16691 The Pitometet Company 16692 Pittsburgh Equitable Yater 0c 166 Postal Tele aph4able oompat � 1669 fandard Oil 001pany 16695 MOM Supply OONpany '16696 Tr A tate Tel. & Telgs Companj 16697 Tri-State Tei, & TelglOompanj 16698 Universal Oarloading I$ Dist,( 16699 Western Auto Supply Oompany 16700 Amherst H. Milder Charities ` SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD IM 080 TOTAL DATE _-.—_ --- RETURNED V TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS t 0o$ 5o20 j00 26o ! o0 32 X00 860 ! 00 86 76 203 37 45;31 735 08 21.28 178 36 250 88 90 88 905 87' 115 77' 25 ;57 321Q2' 67 90 1050 311,59 46 90 58'73 34156 180100 19:00 7',00 17,90 9 90 13 '46 31;62 24 44 355 23 21 i35 10'90 20'85 466 ;o2 203 05 597 '06 662 82 1 !31 11'75 6 514,07 862 5 119 '58 88 79 13 89 1 ',58 50 00 40 232 79 [340 523 C `.' Petition Council File No...IW73 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ...................Gurhing-Duluth ..Avenue_fxom_Maryland__atreat--- ------------------------ .......... -----------------------------..._..._-....-------------------------------------- - - ----- -- .--........--------------------------------------------------- .... Dated this - 27111----..day of--------------------- &U9?l9t>--1/93E' 4✓"' 193....... Councilman. improvement, PRELIMINARY ORDER. from Maryland +treet having Deen '�' F WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: fN' ora,nbe jt' the City ofthe Commissioner of sad Ie hereby or- --------------------Cushing.-Duluth.Avenue-.from.Yaryland.Street-.ta_Magnalla..stxeat....'F the neeessity for. the making of eald ..- _------------------------....------..........._._-._._..._..._......_...-.......................-..._..-...-_.............._.. :.. ., ------------------ ................... .-------------------------------------- ------------- ------- ..._..._........................................................................................ having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul------ ----------------------------------------- I ------------------------------------- therefore, --------- ..._..-.............--..-------.-._-----.-.-.._- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AUG 2710 Adopted by the Council ------------------------------------ ------------------------ YEAS NAYS /F Councilman mxr /�,�s�--,/� MsD" otan )lan,v� Approved -_------------ PEARCE TRUAX WENZEL i.............w..... Ma. PRESIDENT / Mayor. Fsrm C A Iz t2M 7-33i Petition ✓ Council File No...._.. ---_".3 • 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersignedjiereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: -----ConBtruct-monolithic gongretQ-.S-iSie[eh�k--Azl the ...wea-t.-S.i.de..-of--Duluth---------------------------- Aveaue-.f rom-Marylend--Street---to--bW gUOI i43 --S tree-t,.-except---wher-e-good--and-------------------- uffi�ient...we�ka..now--eais-t.----------------------- -------------------------------------------- _---------------------- ------------------------------------------------ ------------- - ---------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ...................-------------------------------------------------- ----- ------ Dated this-. --- 27th. -------. day of - - A?lgust ..-1955.....-- ......., 193------- ------------- ---------------------------- ncilman. - �.. ttea Dea pro l ror the PRELIMINARY ORDER. ll°wlns Palproyement , lith)e Ste elae- WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following 9t toe° r Duluth ave. p p g g improvement, via.: ,a and :um ilentw'alk. Ihe been presented to _.._CoAs-trllct.-maaalithir-..cianir•ete_aidewalk--on---the.west--side--a£--IIuluth.... Clty of Saln. -_... ------ --------�PCII7ie.-flOIII.-�82�*l8I]d..�tTP-Et.-tO..EH n.. �,. .�a gnol3.s--street,-axcepL-xher-e-$osd-e�ne1•-^� ---•---------- 3u#ri.�ient--.aa]ks--AQR..eais-t...- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul-------------------- __................................--------..--______._-- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing '' matterstothe Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council..._..-.-----------------�'fl!!G...r�+. 5. �T - .............. YEAS NAYS Councilman Aimp PEAS R� jW4010- TRUAXV WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (2M 7-33) vii 2 Approved...............-----------=--------- - C— J..... ,.... /. ......... ------------------------ .---- - Mayor. PUBLISHED _,9' /—.�� Petition Council File No.......IM! 5 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. d The u3m====an.dersiigned hereby proposes the makingof the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: ---------------- __ _Pinehurst Avenue from ------------- ---Tr,r3 t-- � cod__Asenue-.to.-Fairviai¢_bsenue-•----------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------------- --------------- ------------- - ----- - -- - ---- --------.... 27th August, 1955 Dat this-- day °f --------------------------------- - .... 1. .._... ----------------- -- ----- ---- ........ an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,•'•�R, ,a aece6eaay, - W -UX SEAS, , written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: cJ ea Ing rbeen ,.nctl f the City of ..__----_.-__- _ �_Qrts *.rlxct__�isleire7ls irbere--ne&e �a _ on Pinehurst Avenue from ":ire• be +c �--- _Tpa----------------------_.-.....----tee Commissioner of .l Is hereby ordered i -- SJz►c3ss�ocad-A enue--to_Fairs�e?�-Avenge• ------ __--------------------- the necessity for. making of said .-.------------ _____________________------------------------------------ _-_-.-.--.--_---------__------_____ nature, ezter• sold ,... .. having be—a preicented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul -------- .......................................... ..-......-..---..-.-_-.--_.-- therefore, --RD.e it RFS©LVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. T—� investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3_ —JU—o fLir-r,.ir;$ a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4_ sts t -e whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. T'io report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. v" Adopted �y the eouneil--------------------►i�G-----.'..---.------.---------------------------- YEAS NAYS r� ouncilrnan IVir��r- PEABCE //�J T�i�7 V RTENZEL M$_ PRESIDENT Form CA 18 2M 7-33) Approved---------- 1���--��-�--- �.� Mayor. OaIOINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No.—AW-376 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENT— L7 E;af/ 0 - COMMISS. ON r - ���t'�� DATE E Whereas, Ldmund A. Faust, Assistant Superintendent of Mechanical Equip ernt of the De-partment of Public Works of the City of St. Paul will be lricz— apacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of from Auguste 16th to August 25th inclusive, and WYiereas, The COYMnIBBlOner of Public Works has recommended that Edmu.rnc:f3ZZNZ2ZEL_ A- Faust be and is hereby granted a leave of absence for disa- bilit-5------ �.-- with pay from August 16th to August 25th, inclusive, said leave being in corspliance with Paragraph M, Section 41, of the Civil Service Rules therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper City authorities be and hereby are autho —izecl to grant a leave of absence for Edmund A. Faust from August 16th o August 25th, 1935, inclusive with full pay. C UNCILMEN Yeas Nay rs e�ttce 1 Y on In favor ax amen __--o— Against - enzel - rfChan) 5N 6 C. F. No. he City W and for a I > Aug.. The CC hes ree ­ea there- Res thorttle'ebe zed That the to grant a l.". of abeeece or Hdmund A. b`ezed a't from A4guat 16th to August 26th, 1986, lncluelve with full pay. Adopted by the Council Aug. 28, 1936. Approved Aug. 28, 1936. (Aug. 31-1936) i Adopted by the CouncioaL2, bffl__-_ 193 Approved------------ T193 .- Mayor O R.drM�t TO C\TY L`LCRK OOUNOIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. -M377 OFFICE O. ryryryOFFICE OF' THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESS �_ _yC BY J GOMMI��rO IV ER ��Nl- �L LZ „ ---'vim DATE WHEREAS, the Berman Girls 'Softball team won the championship C). f -t-- 2z a Twin Cities Girls' Softball League, and they desire to raise 22x ::U icient funds to defray their expenses to the National Tournament, a -rte c3 - WI-IEREAS, in order to assist in raising the necessary funds i t 3 s desired that said team rent Dunning Field No. 2, lighted, for e xz3gnts of August 30th and 31st and September let, at aental of 2 S 00 per night, payable night 1y, the Parks Refectory Depaiment t o furnish lights and help, now therefore be it \\ RESOLVED, that the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Pub :3- 1-c Buildings is hereby authorized to rent said Dunning Field Ido _ 2 ire accordance with the above provisions, to Harry Berman, as sporisor of the Berman Girls' Softball Team. COLJi� ILMEN Ycas ce � rson r ax �strren ��enzel [r TC iTiT i R - 5M "AR V -F Nays _In favor ROSEN Against C Where". tile 7Berm— Girls- Softball team won theohampionship of the Twin Cities Girls' Softball League, and thes to defraydesire theirso raise oi ent funexpenses to the Na tonal Tournament, and Whereas, In der to slat I. raising the necessary funds it Is desired that that Aug. 88, 1985. Adopted by the Council -AUG 2 -8 -IM-_ 193 Approved_- - AWG-?� , V+_ 193 ---- Mayor O..... .L TO CITY CLERK ■ � ��� CCIINGIL li CITY OF ST- PAUL File NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK e, COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ COMMISSIONS$ � DATE RESOLVED -I-Yie proper city officers be asici they are hereby author- \ ized to ewer into an agreement with William McManus, providing \ for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per 1 week dur3Lrig such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of inj-L� 3L es received by him while in the employ of the Department of Pub1 i c -%i Or1CB, on the 7th day of Aust 1935; be it FURTHER RES OLV I3 tlaat in accordance with said agreement, the proper city of z cars are hereby authorized to pay to said William McAllanus :,7a e sum of 428.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Accc) uxnt of the General Fund, 1n partial settlement of his claim aa3rist the City, being for the period to and including Augus t 2 8� 1935. I anr...M:Jo 3 -By Mi'too xoaea- �L COUNCIL -N4 1E2N7 Yeas / Nays earce /Petersorz -- --- - -- __In favor ��r"uax iW arrer> - _Against 1*7enzel srn fi.,�gFi- 5I3CE PRS _ R0SEN Ldogtcd by theCouncil_AU 24 -193 193 -- Approved ----- ----- -- - -- 193 -- Mayor Og101NAL TO OITY CL�nK OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED 8V August COMMISSIONER DATE COUNCILNO. - 101379 FILE RESOLVED Th.�t license for Merry-Go-Roizzic 1polication 6522 aonlied for by the St. Drill Teem, Vete.-ans o£ ForPikn Wars at Snelling and Fandolnh St. from Z4 to August 20, 1935 he nnc3 the some is hereby printed, me the city cler}c i s instriucted to issue such license urron the nr) ant into the city treasury a t17_� =--cuir d fee -nd provided t'zat sgic; or.-anizat,ion e.omnli�s -ith all or6in4nces o f- city of St. Ppul ttlereto. COU ILM F—= 1V Yeas Nays Pe ce ee rson 1______1nosen favor / / pax siren ._Against enzel /,At. President (CLe1-><*k 5M 6.34 Warren— o..a}red tee and pr lded tnac a.a �- i gaaization compile. with all ordln- ancca of the city of St Paul applicable i «Adopted by the Council Aug. 66, 1966. Approved (Aug631-1936) Adopted by the Council19W -_ 193_ Approeed_____-AG 2 F Iffl.,,1 193.._. . Mayor - -ffHzp_m", heretofore On Sale T -i q»x,or License No. 249 was issued to Ralph -xons at 515-17 West Seventh Street, and WEMMZMAS, said Ralph Marrone bas requested that said license be transf is his name to 827-529 West Seventh Street, and WHEiLM S, the License Committee baa 8 recommended that such transfer of 'Iicg-�Nr -=--e ba granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED'; that On Sale Liquor T_; cease No. 249 heretofore issued to Ralpr Mame-one at 315-17 West Seveam—b i Street, be and the same is hereby transf eci to said licensee at 327-529 West Seventh Street and the proper city are hereby directed to c n—ge the records of the city accordingly. COUN MEN Yeas - Nays oRMHA . TO Ci c�s.t�� ' Y F ST_ •'a. Warren a NO. •' 1(— ►gin PAUL '�.r. Pease -yr • , -0n 81[iY, Titim OFFICE OF THE GtTY CLERttnirer:.eued ih G ` e _ � COUNCIL R_ ESOLUTIO N •aSeventh street, CG ENEF �'n eh D7arrone has re- I, (Geta -37-329 West Seventh PRESENTED BY 28 1985 GOMMI3310NER . . .h , •" ,ad: there[or-- -ffHzp_m", heretofore On Sale T -i q»x,or License No. 249 was issued to Ralph -xons at 515-17 West Seventh Street, and WEMMZMAS, said Ralph Marrone bas requested that said license be transf is his name to 827-529 West Seventh Street, and WHEiLM S, the License Committee baa 8 recommended that such transfer of 'Iicg-�Nr -=--e ba granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED'; that On Sale Liquor T_; cease No. 249 heretofore issued to Ralpr Mame-one at 315-17 West Seveam—b i Street, be and the same is hereby transf eci to said licensee at 327-529 West Seventh Street and the proper city are hereby directed to c n—ge the records of the city accordingly. COUN MEN Yeas - Nays Pe ce n //eterse�.� �Roser>L _ _—__In favor T//ruax 1Warr�_+ —_LL----.__Against �lenze )(Ar. Presiders t 5 6.34 (Geta Adopted by the Council -AUG -24 - 193 ---- Approved - 93_ __ Approved-_ _r_3__6r-i?•r-. Mayor MBLISHED L :2/-� 5 APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application—....— Nameof ----------------------------- .._. _ ---� Age--�6---------•--- Residence Address' estnrll AY$nuQ SCIS-_--- — Telephone No._�___.___ Are you a citizen of the United ------ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ---Yes+ for tho, _Izav-t__ihrie--- yam -- — — -- -- When and S t also 2b West 7th St. If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation When incorporated? - --- - --- — - -- ------ -- -- -- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?- ____._...—_---- How many members?-- Names embers?— Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known a-S4r0AY Co - dumber Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 3�7 & 329 W. 7th St, North Leech and Ramsey 5ti, 5th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets)?—N o ne in vicinity How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? Ten hl oaks How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?_—L UO -o" Name of closest school__ Jeff arson_ Public School — How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?.. B$s inesi — On what floor Are premises owned by you or leased?____leased, give name of owner_5Am-Jr.iadM&L.--. If a restaurant, seating_.._ -------.--_--.---_-- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended; �taurint at 327 & % W.-LkSt. --- _ (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel? manager (restaurant or hotel)___Raloh ti• Marrone 2.-----0 RAn9 Tjqiinr mmn_any, - —----—------------------ ----- - -- -------- ------------ g, Hol t MotOT Oom-.anv THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED. Issuance of license is not recommended. Application checked by Dated — 193— License Inspector. BEE OTHER SIDE STATE OF MINASOTA, as. County of Ramsey. ` 3barrQn4------------------------------------ being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following applicatidn and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed and sworn to before me ------------ 193.5_ A.4S_l1 Qr _------ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires_��31._.21it11._1s2 _____ STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 J}ss. County( Ramsey. -------- --- --------------------------------------- ------------- being first duly sworn, deposes and says that_ -- -- --the --- -- - - - --- -- ---- - -------- 0 ..__........_ ............._.._----------------.._ __.___.., a corporation; III /IYAl11A1111..WIIh�� x��d the f o>r'egoing application a>ld knows the contents thexeof, and that the same is ����IIIIIA 1 i true to the beat of .......... _..... _.------ knowledge, information and Wild; that the Beal off axed 10 the ioNgo ng instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed, and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution there- of is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this ------day of-- — - ---='-198-- ------- ---------------------------- Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission O ° t J J a I i € O • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 29, 1985 ■r. H. E. warren, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: Attached is resolution for transfer of On Sale Liquor license issued to Ralph Marrone from 515--17 Rest Seventh Street to 527-529 west Seventh Street, which transfer was informally granted by the Council on Augu st 21. - The Tavern and Dance licenses issued to Ralph Marrone 'at 515-17 west"Seventh Street, the transfer of which was also granted, expired on August 27, 1955, and it will now be necessary for Mr. Marrone to make application for these licenses at the new address. Very truly yours, �C.rl.--Vonard License Inspector AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD G SEAMER, VaWtim and Assassmmkt Enpinaar HARRY A. JOHNSON, Oriel Clark OJFFORD M. NYSTROM, fishier . -4010�® August 27, 1935. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Mixm. Dear Sirs JOHN C FELDMANN Dewy C.ammi-io , I wish to advise that satisfaotory arrangements have been completed for the payment of the delinquent taxes on property located at 327-329 West Seventh Street, thereby re- moving this objection to the transfer of the Marrone licenses to this address from 315-17 West Seventh Street. Yours ve t , Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. J Adopted by the Council 193 Yeas. Nays CE .EITER N ROSEN "R WA EN WENZEL ZMP PRESIDENT (GEHAN) i i August ,13, 1955- ]E -- 935. L- R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, 0.t- Paul, Minn. I?asr Sirs B3sgarring to the transfer of liquor, beer and tavern lioenaes in the nar a of Ralph Me x rove from 316 West Seventh Street to 327 West Sev+eath Street, there are zza delinquent taxes on this property except half of 1933 in the amount of $317.88, vrYzioh are in litigation- = therefore, recommend that this lioense be not passed. Yours very truly, Aate1 F. Peterson, Coad a s loner of Finance. JOHN C. FELDMANN AXEL F. PET%PSON - Deputy Commissioner Commissioner - - - /000"' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesc> a DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Enol w HARRY A JOHNSON, COiei dark CLIFFORD M- NYSTROM, C.- -hi -mm August ,13, 1955- ]E -- 935. L- R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, 0.t- Paul, Minn. I?asr Sirs B3sgarring to the transfer of liquor, beer and tavern lioenaes in the nar a of Ralph Me x rove from 316 West Seventh Street to 327 West Sev+eath Street, there are zza delinquent taxes on this property except half of 1933 in the amount of $317.88, vrYzioh are in litigation- = therefore, recommend that this lioense be not passed. Yours very truly, Aate1 F. Peterson, Coad a s loner of Finance. uw orwlces HARVEY J. DIEFfL � _i� - CAMMOtCH Bu1LDIN0 r l SAINT PAUL t _ J Aum t zo tri, 1135 Tla a 3 t y Council, Sae za i1, Mn nnaeota.. A t t o r t ion: Citi: Clerk. I hereby petition =md your Fio n o r abZ ei Board to refer this appl i ea t i o n to the L:1 c c —is o Inspector for investigation 3.nd siomission of 3 rs3 sport to your Lic,-nee Co m:L t to a for a tr�%ns- f c r o J' tha liquor, beer Land tavern 1 3 c terns as of my :1 �L P rz 'Ra1ph ;'irrone, who has v -ere op ceratin the Tyv--I- a- writ Tavern at 315 -: d 317 W --at Steve -z-± -t 1-1 Str-et, of -t 37a ; ea city, fur the past thr-e year$ to 327 and 32 9 -v1v es t Seventh Street. His rejuest for a transfer o:r ga.id licens-s is was it --d upon the fact that said :ont�mplated location is mor.- 3nsirable, larger, cl-anl-r and more accomodating irk every respect to operate said 1intm- of ixusiness. I trust that your HonorFsbl a Board, after i nv a Imo. -t:;:!-dation and due considerat1--> rx, w i a-1 grant said i ca_ -t` s request for a transfer of saki tic -rises. ^ti e>r y trul yours, Aur st 13th, 1935. Hwa. Axel F. Peterson. Coms•r. of Finance. Building. Doer Sir: The attached letter of Harvey J. Diehl saltine- for the transfer of intoxicating, liquor, beer and tavern licenses in the name of Ralph Marrone from 315-317 Wast Seventh Street to 327-329 W. Seventh Street was re- iss-red to you, by the City Cocnsail, for a report as to the ta= actuation at the latter address. Will you ltindly return Mr. Diehl ' s 1®t ter with your report? Yours very truly, City Clerk. UO Awust 14 th , 11-115. Hnn- Ag® -Is- W. Pate-rson, C o.-_ .a • :V- B -tlx'l CI -SL Bezildi; 130 ML=- Si W-ItYi relax -once to your letter of A�� z� t ? Giz recom..ezdin? tizat t.ze a,?licntion of Rglph mgr= �s mor trrnsfern of its li -��r� beer AzI6 tavern et lic � moron. 31�-17 Stent S_�er_th Street to 7- S�va = _ i S trli eet e ilele; �p ;s.ti1 aelinauent taxes in U e be Paid, ' the Ci tzr Council concurred is �� +�� r�co�:endation rand rei9rred the matter back to yo�1 s3 tza the renr-ast that yc�v ne--oLinte with Varrone or tTia c�� sr n the bvildittF7 vrith n view to ca?in� s entis- 4�acio r� _.._=,-rn-ernent Tcr tYia naYraent of Wiese tnzae. ��111 you lcincly notify the Connell i you ^?re e�fcKh sn arrsn �emen t? q,&rvey J. Diehl, Cocunerce Bzai1 4a 'i is attorney for Marron. Yours very trulyr City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLt F LUeNCIL NO. OF ST. MAUL �o OFFICE OF THE CITY �y " 4F )'?. d b' • �4 :. ana,! COIJNCII RESOLUTION—GFft#,:'eueeu a"i1RM C.s- P:; '1 ­to tb, c . PRESENTED ' � +a .�e:4 t, Alt comml3si�lo — �i° RESOLVED T Zicenses ap-?lied for by the f-11 \./ named rersons at the addresses indicated be arz� _ the same ax -e- hereby Frrnted a.nci the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses — _ on the naymPnt into the city treasury of the required fees: Arthur H. Adaarzs 740 N_ Snelling Restaurant Apn. ° 6441 Renewal " On Sale Malt Bev. 6442 Off R n li " 6443 T. C. Cochran , 455 n. 7th On Sale Malt Bev. " " 6294 " Restaurant 6295 Off Sale Malt Rev. " 6296 " L. SCIt]II1flC11e= I3. Roar3te 674 S. `+abasha Restaurant "a 6248n n u n On Sk1e Malt Rev. 6249 r, n n n Off 11 116250 Katherene L_ 1079 Forest Restaurant " " 6301 " 6302 u zT n n On Sale Malt Bev. 1 Union Nears Co _ Union Depot On Sale Malt Bev. " 6300 " H. C.E'ilers 187E F. Nlinnehaha Off Sale Malt Rev. " 6282 F. E. Granaui s— 799 Raymond Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6096 " Romeo Hathaway S31 hd. 7th St. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6401 " COUN. Lam' EN Yeas ce �erso rz /osezi /C cy�ax K�' rre r: enzel Nays In, favor =Against /Mr. Presiderzt �Gehan) 5M.6-34 Adopted by the Council AUG 28_& %__193____ 193___ mG 281 _193— Approved_— _-----.- Pi3BLT3FiED&' 3/-3S�syor ORIGINAL To CITY CLtRK C. F. No. 30133x— By H. S. warren- 3 � 2 -1 OF ST; ;- c Peorce—ptea M. 'rruax-NO. 'Dli�catlonedItnvetbelonnma,for which �( ►mfr the per-' OFFICE OF THE s names n 11st trachea for tee 4=2-W CSL RES LUTION $ere hereb indicated be and the ame 11 r Y granted and [he city Clerk 'e PRESENTED BY is to tr uC t ed to Issue uch IlCeneea p - /,in t0 the Clly Trenearye repulred fees COMMISSIONER Adop ied by the Council Aug. 28, 1936. P7,19$.5 Approved Aug. 28, 1936. — - (Aug. 31-1936) RESOLVED That Zicarise s for which applications have been made by the following1 named persons at the saga s s a s indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instrexcte(3 to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the reauired fees: Acme Meat Market (Geo_ F _ ;-W-arissen) 440 Urtiversity Butcher Ani-. 6321 Renewal Jos. Damiani 587 E _ 7th 11 11 6368 11 Wm. Goldberg 178 Concord " it 6345 It John R. Malmoutst 705 E_ 3rd " " 6164 11 National Tea Co. 1816 St _ Clair " " 6148 11 C. A. Neice 397 N_ Daae " 6292 n I1. H. Prescott 865 Gro nd " " 6505 it T. Syvertsen 972 N _ Dale " " 6427 11 J. Brussel 521 Wabasha Fruit. -Vegetable Store 6285 NLw Esther Burnstein 168 --q- Congress Grocery AD-. 6067 Renewer Frnnk W. Burtis, Jr. 1736 Grand 11 1' 6344 11 Geo. Canetz 190 Concord " " 6314 11 C. H. Christensen 1134 E. 7th " " 6197 11 Thos. Cummings 537 N_ Dale " " 2915 11 R. fi. Doerrer 1178 E- Maryland " 11 6333 11 H. C. Filers 1871 E_ Minnehaha " 11 6281 11 A. Eisenberg 643 - P1by " n 6499 It Emil K. Johnson 751 F'a:Trie ° 6122 11 11 11 11 11 11 Off Sale Malt Bev. I' 6123 11 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council---__. _ Pearce _193_-_ Peterson Rosen I r: favor Approved Truax Warren A>v�irnst Wenzel — -- Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY C-ftK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CITY OF ST_ PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY GL.ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM _ Ez DATE Aueust 27, 1935 COUNCIL (, FILE NO. RESOLVED —2— m Josenh J. Kubes 65 W. George `. Grocery App. 6356 Renew John A. Malmquist 705 E. 3rd " " 6163 " Henry Pariseau 1406 White Bear " " 6334 " IT " " " " Off Sale Malt Bev. 11 6335 " Sarkis Peter 234 E. Fillmore Grocery IT 6039 " Harry Pittelkow 599 Wabasha " " 6326 'I Ray J. Ryan 571 Cypress IT IT 6144 " E. H. Samuelson 1059 Beech IT IT 6278 IT H. Schaffer & Sons, 223 W. 7th IT IT 6224 " IT R 11 " t1 " ^ Butcher " 6225 " Otto Schmidt 224 N. Western Grocery " 6397 " Paul Turner 146 State IT " 6363 " Joe. Kriz, 710 S. Smith Bakery " 6313 " M. J. Cummings 1938 St. Clair Confectionery IT 6316 11 J. W. Goodman 763 N. Snelling IT IT 6387 " ?halter Schoewe 817 E. Maryland " (New owner) " 6137 " J. E. Christianson 221. Commerce Bldg_ Barber " 6322 " 0. J. Courtmanche 1085? Grand Av. " 2490 " Roy Kietzke 125 W. Central IT It 621..2 " FrAnl- J. Lock -man 748 Grand 11 " 6082 " COU ILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by theCouncil----- ._.-. _- 193_ _- - rce P r son Z / sen _—J ----In favor Approved -193— /Warren �- _ _Against - Wenzell/ Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6•I4 oelm"wL ro mrr cLtRG No. CITY OF ST_ PAUL FILENGIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE July 27, 1Q7iS RESOLVED -�- John Clarizio 421 E. 7th St. Restaurant ApD. 6244 Renewal n II " " " Hotel (40 rooms) " 6245 P Dainty Dott Bake :Exx 380 Wabasha Restaurant it 6276 " II IIs n n Bakery " 6275 " Frail Fedeli 91 S. Robert Restaurrnt " 6214 " 111. F. Grewe 878 S. Smith " It 6349 " Sam Kashian 193 W. 7th " to 6356 it J. F.9. Lowenthal 477 St. peter " " 6137 " Efthimios 25 W. 10th " " 6306 " r, E. (`uincy 127 Endicott Arcade " " 6233 " I. A. Tschlda, Jr_ 606 Como Av.- to it 6232 " Barnsdall Oil Co_ 38 t". "Mer Gas Station 5 -umns" 6240 " L. Barthol & D_ 88? Selby " " 3 It " 6390 " Goodyear Service Co 335-343 7P_sh1ngton " to 4 " it 6550 it Geo. D. Hutchins 1298 Hudson Road " " 3 " " 6343 " Joe Novick 300 F. Snelling 3 " " 6130 " u- 7% C. Rhode 2599 W. 7th " " 3 " " 6398 " Shell �etroleiirn Corp_ 224 N. Cleveland " " 3 6503 " Shell Petroleixrn Corr+_ 1940 St. Clair " " 3 " " 6504 " Skelly Oil Co- 776 S. Smith " to 3 to " 6358 " u n u 1222 Randolph " to 11 it 6283 'I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— _ _- _-_193____ Pearce Peterson Rosen - _-__In favor Approved_— _.. _-_..___. __193 Truax Warren Against _ Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehar> i SM 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY GL<RK FILE NO.1�i CITY OF ST_ PAUL f./ - OFFICE OF THE OTIC CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYAugust 27 1935 COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED —4— J. W. Schult 422 Midhnd Bldg. Salary Loan Ann. 6355 Renewal Louis Bans 44" St. teeter Pawnbroker " 61.57 " CassBinkowshi Rice & La£ond Second hand dealer 6-54 " COUNCIL EN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterso Rosen Truax Warre r Wenzel Mr. Presiderz s -NCOehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounciLAUG 2 8 W193___ __In favor AUG 2 8 — Approved_--- --- — —193_ — - c=_---Against Mayor �T DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILM ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No. -----= - ----- ------------ CO ROY 'erBon COUNCIL RESOLUTION Mme+ iYarTe h FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ---- ------ --A-'-'- t --- 28--------_1 __ _ _3___5 MCDONALD 9 PEARCE ROSEN _.AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR WN ON TH CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER /�,, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -- �-���- 5---• COVERING Ge - - INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED__ -.j -0170_ 7. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_AIrl1.-K+�-iy - PER CHECKS ON FI7�AEPFFICE F THE TY, COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_._-_�.. _ _t. -_ ____-____..._--.1 .,.. __. CITY COMPTROLLER By MAYOR TOTAL DATE C I', Sa IuI J— RETURNED V CHECK I;I,.oll�d,'That Ihrclts be dralrh on NUMBER fill ('Ilk hI'e;lflllr}, in the aggregate TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK anunull of $i,�I�.J�, ,acerllW' cheeks CHECKS CHECKS aumL�nd 116;111 to IGIJ:I imIt, I,. as -- I�r nc�rles uu file in the office Of the -- - 't'Ilc I'�nuptrullrr. 40 P30 7 3410 5 23 .idnPle•d Lc the I'ou n,il ,lug. C9, 193x. • 16701 Walter Dunning 10 0 16702 Seen Kut L wn Mower Company 24 7 16703 Kenneth Mowoy & Lydia Plifka 6o oc4 16704 The Crane Company 42 16705 Curtis 1000, Ino. 32 0 16706 Fisher Nut Company 1 9 16707 Flint Broom Company 22 31 2 16708 Gangl and Company 16709 E. Geiger �5 5 16710 Glendenning Transfer Servioe 1.3 16711 Goodriob-Silvertown,Ino,34 02 16712 Graton & Snight Company 15 6 16713 Greene Engraving Company 279 23 16714 Griggs, Cooper & Company 16715 Grinnell Company. 139 9. 16716 Hersey Meter Mfg. Company 973 80 16717 Joesting & 8ohilling Company ld4 3 51 16718 Johnson Printing Company 1 48 93 16719 Jurgens Oompany,Ino. 16720 Linde Air Products Company�9 59 16721 Lowe & Oeapbell Athletio Goods Company SO 16722 CIIA, Lund OompOy 27 5 116MIn 1 , Copp q I7 M B 1111 �1 511 n ����� �ou�dr Oo� �► 16726 Miller Supply Oom m 29,99 16727 Minnesota Milk Company 537 16728 Mitsoh & Heck Company 2.3 81 16729 F.J. Morse Company 96 00 16730 R.A. Myers Company 22.50 16731 National Cheoking Company 16732 National Mower Company 102 95 16733 Northern Jobbing Company 10 97 16734 Northern states Power Company 162 41 16735 Northern States Power Company 80 50 16736 North Star varnish Company 42 16737 Northwestern Fuel Company 601 og 99 16738 N.v. Stamp vorks, Ino.30 16739 v. 9. Nott Company 954740 16740 A.N. Palmer Company 337 40 • 16741 Paperl, Calmenson & Company 46 &0 16742 Paramount Ink Company 16743 H. Peitz & Son 102 66 16744 Pioneer Eleotrio Company 58 86 16745 Ramsey Motor Servioe,Ino. 50 63 16746 Raymer Hardware Company 74 90 16747 C. Reiss Coal Company 12• 16748 Remington—Rand,Ino. 94 62 16749 N.C.Robinein, Clerk of Diet. Ot. 49 05 16750 Maurioe L. Rotheoild & Company 8 00 ti 16791 st.Paul Book & stationery Company 194 33 16752 st.Paul Book & Stationery Company 73 81 16753 9t.Paul Brass Foundry Company 11 47 1 rt - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 40 23'L ;79 11 345 039 1 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL COUNCILM ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No. -----= - ----- ------------ CO ROY 'erBon COUNCIL RESOLUTION Mme+ iYarTe h FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ---- ------ --A-'-'- t --- 28--------_1 __ _ _3___5 MCDONALD 9 PEARCE ROSEN _.AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DR WN ON TH CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER /�,, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S -- �-���- 5---• COVERING Ge - - INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED__ -.j -0170_ 7. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_AIrl1.-K+�-iy - PER CHECKS ON FI7�AEPFFICE F THE TY, COMPTROLLER. APPROVED_._-_�.. _ _t. -_ ____-____..._--.1 .,.. __. CITY COMPTROLLER By MAYOR TOTAL DATE C I', Sa IuI J— RETURNED V CHECK I;I,.oll�d,'That Ihrclts be dralrh on NUMBER fill ('Ilk hI'e;lflllr}, in the aggregate TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK anunull of $i,�I�.J�, ,acerllW' cheeks CHECKS CHECKS aumL�nd 116;111 to IGIJ:I imIt, I,. as -- I�r nc�rles uu file in the office Of the -- - 't'Ilc I'�nuptrullrr. 40 P30 7 3410 5 23 .idnPle•d Lc the I'ou n,il ,lug. C9, 193x. • 16701 Walter Dunning 10 0 16702 Seen Kut L wn Mower Company 24 7 16703 Kenneth Mowoy & Lydia Plifka 6o oc4 16704 The Crane Company 42 16705 Curtis 1000, Ino. 32 0 16706 Fisher Nut Company 1 9 16707 Flint Broom Company 22 31 2 16708 Gangl and Company 16709 E. Geiger �5 5 16710 Glendenning Transfer Servioe 1.3 16711 Goodriob-Silvertown,Ino,34 02 16712 Graton & Snight Company 15 6 16713 Greene Engraving Company 279 23 16714 Griggs, Cooper & Company 16715 Grinnell Company. 139 9. 16716 Hersey Meter Mfg. Company 973 80 16717 Joesting & 8ohilling Company ld4 3 51 16718 Johnson Printing Company 1 48 93 16719 Jurgens Oompany,Ino. 16720 Linde Air Products Company�9 59 16721 Lowe & Oeapbell Athletio Goods Company SO 16722 CIIA, Lund OompOy 27 5 116MIn 1 , Copp q I7 M B 1111 �1 511 n ����� �ou�dr Oo� �► 16726 Miller Supply Oom m 29,99 16727 Minnesota Milk Company 537 16728 Mitsoh & Heck Company 2.3 81 16729 F.J. Morse Company 96 00 16730 R.A. Myers Company 22.50 16731 National Cheoking Company 16732 National Mower Company 102 95 16733 Northern Jobbing Company 10 97 16734 Northern states Power Company 162 41 16735 Northern States Power Company 80 50 16736 North Star varnish Company 42 16737 Northwestern Fuel Company 601 og 99 16738 N.v. Stamp vorks, Ino.30 16739 v. 9. Nott Company 954740 16740 A.N. Palmer Company 337 40 • 16741 Paperl, Calmenson & Company 46 &0 16742 Paramount Ink Company 16743 H. Peitz & Son 102 66 16744 Pioneer Eleotrio Company 58 86 16745 Ramsey Motor Servioe,Ino. 50 63 16746 Raymer Hardware Company 74 90 16747 C. Reiss Coal Company 12• 16748 Remington—Rand,Ino. 94 62 16749 N.C.Robinein, Clerk of Diet. Ot. 49 05 16750 Maurioe L. Rotheoild & Company 8 00 ti 16791 st.Paul Book & stationery Company 194 33 16752 st.Paul Book & Stationery Company 73 81 16753 9t.Paul Brass Foundry Company 11 47 1 rt - SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 40 23'L ;79 11 345 039 under Preliminary Order . 101255 approved August 8, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in Block 1, Weed and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 4, university Avenue Addition, and Block 4, Franklin Addition from Yilton Street to Chatsworth Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1115.17 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th day of September , 193 ,5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 2 8 1935 193—Z/ / Councilman Councilman Councilman,,,,,,,, Pearce Peterson 101384 Councilman Rosen v r njonx0DI"T oaDEae. Truax Warren No. 101334 i Matter of grading Alley In Blk r COUNCIL FILE NO 'sed and Lawrence A di lockAlion, a °�� 1, Dlder Addition, Brock � .= + Avenue Addition, an,,,' ac �'nqdc Addition from ` B :ot., under r y .1 '.A4. �.. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of grading Alley in Block 1, 1'leed and Lawrence Addition, and Block "4, Elder Addition, Block 4, University Avenue Addition, and Block 4, Franklin Addition from kilton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order . 101255 approved August 8, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is grade Alley in Block 1, Weed and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 4, university Avenue Addition, and Block 4, Franklin Addition from Yilton Street to Chatsworth Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1115.17 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th day of September , 193 ,5 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 2 8 1935 193—Z/ / Councilman Councilman Councilman,,,,,,,, Pearce Peterson % Councilman Rosen v Coanciiman Truax Warren an, MyWenzel e�_ Gehan Form B. S. A. 8.6 &t4_4V1V y Clerk Mayor PIIBL k, COUNCIL FILE NO .61385 a86— 1 r of condemning and tak- 'sement in the land nece.o elopes, cuts and aIle In ',- F Alley in Block 1, y' y lee Addition, and 1 tsa,-Jtlon, Block 4, it y ddltl0n, and Ft 'a7eq an from lp INTERMEDIARY ORDER ,In the Matter of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley ii Block 1, Freed and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 4, Unive-sity Avonue Addition, and Block 4, Franklin Addition from 1AIton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order 101256 approve- Au0sem, 1936_ The Council of rhe City of St Paul having *eived the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvelplglt, and having totis*4 said gport, hereby resolves: 1, That the said report and the sarle is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and +Fake an ease- ment in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the ;radinp of Alley in Block 1, Need and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 4, ilnivarsity Avenue Addition, and Bloc'.: 4, Franklin Addition from Hilton Street to Chatsworth Street, in a,ceordance with the blue print hereto attached ar,6 made a part hgreof, the hatched portions showing' the cuts and the shaded portions showing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-25 - 00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th _day of September , 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AUG 2 R IT5 , 193�ZA,, Approved AUG_2i 8 IN193 ity Clerk Mayor r> P1,J611Si� � �/" 3S Councilman WeRmaid Parse Councilman v - -^r l= Peterson Councilman K {f?F `*r3 Ibsen Councilman 4!l161Rf Truax a Councilman "fvown2l Warren n fm� Wenzel Gehan , Form B. S. A. &6 COUNCIL FILE N0. 161386 C. F. No, 101388— ln the biatter of condemning and tak-f Ing an easement for the ppurpose of E constructing and maintaining a pub- Ilc sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 feet of lot 4, block 4, Ur.'-' verslty Avenae Addition from SI barne Ave. to the Alley In the 'said lot, also condemning am i temporary easement f 1101M5'n purposes on a stripe B. the west side of ,.�' nn thr ''Saar- aa£ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and taking ar. aesement for the purpose of constructing and maintaining a public sewer on, under end across the easterly 8 feet of lot 4, block 4, University Avenue Adcition from Sherburne :.venue to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for condnction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in -width on the west side of the above essement and on—the. westerly 5 feet of lot 3 in Blick 4,Uni7ersity Avenue Addition, under Preliminary Order 10125? approved ,August 8. 188 6 Council of the City of St, Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easement for the purpose of constructing and mainta_ning a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 feet of lot 4,Alock 4, University Avenue Addition from Sherburne Avenue to the Alley in the rear of said lot, also condemn and take a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the west side of the above ease- ment and on the westerly 5 feet of lot 3 in Block 4, University ..venue Addition, with no alternatives, and that the estint ted cost thereof is $ 75-00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th —day of Raptember 193-L—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CouncAUG 2+g "'�"' 193- 0 93r_Z'0�� Approved 193—,. % / City Clerk Mayor Councilman _7 Councilman tl'f1i3'Iroe ,- Councilman P@a&Qq-:.;.tom Councilman Councilman oTgwalimmmaw Councilman l Mayor alfilliblilliR Form B. S. A. 8-6 "M$LMHED Pearce e Rosen Truax / Warren r Wenzel ' �-- COUNCIL FILE N0. By - -� X387 C. F. No. 101887 -- In the Matter of constructing with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of Buford Street from Chelmsford Street to Hythe Street tf. a width of four and one-half (9' feet, under Preliminary order IV,,' iapproved Aug, 9, 1896, Th1 •1 ipf the City of S, 'r' t the rep or, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructin; with monolithic concrete the sidewalk on the south side of Buford Street from Chelmsford Street to Ilythe Street to a width of four and one-half (4z) feet, under Prellmir Order 101262 �pprov�d_J� The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Buford Street from Chelmsford Street to '';/the Street to a width of four and one-half (42) feet, except where good end sufficient sidewalks now exit, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 299_no Resolved Further, That a public hearing be- had on said improvement on the 24th day of September , 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council —AI,113, 2 8 1935 193 Approved 193— ity Clerk Mayor Councilman Pearce Councilman 1'llFf ka!'+s'= Peterson Councilman P&T&K`-""- *0 Hoaen Councilman Rtls2Et+' -44,40 Truax CouncilmanVKMF" Warren Councilman WR900W Wenzel Mayor 11N Behan Form B. S. A. 8-6 •'•1988— I y,tter of constructing mon dewalk on the north Bid ` F :r Street from a point W Atlantic Street, thenO neon Parkway, under 4?rder 101261 approve " COUNCIL FILE NO. anal nof the cit `5�. ..th,,. n INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing monolithic sidewalk on the north side of Fauquier Street from a point 237 feet east of Atlantic Street, thence east to Johnson Parkway, under Preliminary Order 101261 approved The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construct monolithic sidewalk on the north side ofraucuier Street fro^ a point 237 feet east of Atlantic Street, thence east to Johnson Parkway, except where good and sufficient sidewalks now exist, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 260.0o Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 24th _day of September 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of bear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council Qi�G 2+8 `l 193 APprovMIG 1* 193- f IrCity Clerk Mayor Councilman McDonald Councilman Councilmanrc'b°""" 1' �Jgjisi Councilman96— Councilman` uax Councilma enzeT Tr r� Mayor`s 1i'rnzr; Form B. S. A. 8-6 GeLau 101389 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT A N D FIXING TIME OF HEARING TUEREON AND F EKING TIME OF HEARING ON TILE AWARD OF DA}IAGES In the matter of__oflsuis3:ai _-1'=,_lauI n,_slo2asr_ cutsand Fills in the-rad_n- ,f ,Jle�,, inPlock 8, Lerir -,ton Pt+rS- '1,_+ 11, from Syndice.te ,_ -:nu • to Fna:line ..v^_nu.?. RESOLUTION OF COVNCIL FIXING -Xu OF HEAIUNG 1N CONDEM- NATION PROCEEDINGS. C. F. No. 101389— 11 the matter of eondemning and Ing a went In the lan' n - for aI.M.- cute ane 'ng of All.— � Plitt' ' under Preliminary Order -------- approved_____.? u-a_25,_1J.3L_________________ Intermediary Order------------1Q107s---------, approved -----j_11 -16,-1_qd.4--__ -----, Final Order -------------------- 101257.......... approved--___ .u;ust_ U; -1_935--------------- The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore. be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Pahl on the---- -------- ML he____--_-__--25th ___day of ------- aept�-mb�_____-_____, 19-35_, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. AUG 281w Adopted by the Council_____________________________ 7-L --------------- -- City Clerk. Approved ------------------------------ 19__ :t� Pearce Mayor. Councilmarr Consoy, "m Peterson Councilman grffso Councilma Hosea Truax Councilman Warren Councilman- Councilmam'� \\ enzel Mayors c�ehan 1.. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL Flu NO.__i(i1390 OFFICE OF f—eet•beie,,RK <<aroraA .:y LUT ` ac°uirc � li, gtlnsoa '4l►L FORM COg� �Ep By ; ire I t 8L �in1 MMISSIONER -nr loepted i Y. name, -DATE artnient u dw.elllug; a ]!7Ll [+ eet r etre .. et a t .fir. WHEREAS, In the matter of widening West Seventh SoiCCL between Richmond Street and Tuscarora Avenue, the City, by condem- nation, acquired a portion of Lot 33, Block 14, Stinson, Brown and Ramsey's Addition to Saint Pr.ul, on which land Tim located two buildings, one a two story frame, store downstairs and apartment upstairs; the other a frame dwelling; commonly described as 472-4 Grace Street and 762 West Seventh Street respectively, and WHEREAS, A controversy in relation to the amount of the proposed award arose between Charles Hausler, representing the owner, and Leonard C. Seamer, the City, Mr. Hausler contending for an in- crease of $700.00 on the ground that certain items of expense were not properly considered, and Mr. Seamer contending that the items in controversy did not exceed the sum of $200.00, which he stated he would recommend, provided it was accepted by the owner as full and complete settlement without litigation, and WHEREAS, A mutual mistake of fact as to acceptance of Lhe compromise offer is now in controversy, Bir. Hausler contending it was accepted and not allowed, and Mr. Seamer contending it was not accepted, resulting in a substantial prejudice to the owner, and WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Finance has made due investi- gation and reported his recommendation to the effect that the net award of damages as confirmed by the Council for the taking of such portion of said premises,in the sum of $1,803.60 should be increased by adding thereto the sum of $200.00, making the net award $2,003.60; therefore be it RESOLVED, That the net award of damages in the sum of $1,803.60 as confirmed by Council File 99649 for the condemnation of a portion of the above described real estate, be and the same is hereby increased by adding thereto the sum of $200.00, making the net award $2,003.60, in the furtherance of equity and justice. Charge United Improvement Council Program Project No. 2. COUNCILMEN YeasNays ✓Pe�eon erre In favor �— _Against /� WenZel ✓ MR . SEC ,E3 . i RUAX Adopted by the Council_ AUG 2 e�59- _ _ Approved___— ..__{�_ a i. 19_ MAYOR O.I.INAL TO CITY CLKIIK L OF ST. PAUL �IieNolL No. � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the use of the theater -section of the St. Paul Auditorium be granted to the St. Paul Daily Hews for the afternoons of October 29th, 30th, 31st and November let, 1936, for the cost of opening and operating said section of the building, for the purpose of conducting a cooking school therein on said dates; provided, however, that no admission fee shall be charged persons attending such school; be it rURTHI RESOLVZD, that if the theater section of said Auditorium is not available on said dates, because of delay in completion of federal project remodeling of said section, the use of that part of the arena section of the Auditorium, necessary for said cooking school, be granted fir such purpose, at the actual cost r: 1 of opening and operating the theater section.gul At thtoriuma be Paul Daily News for or October 29th, 20th, ; caber let, 1026, for the S, -end peratlag Bald I— d,.., " �.ild,.., for the purposeof cooking school therein on ovided, however, that no s';'• -,all b charged yereone hoof be tt .il.. d, th.I .. - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays/ carte �terson /// I -R.060,4..-R.060,4..-�j__In favor ar�r'en _ Z Against "'kenzel III i� sum e.R • �F�'C)•�S V i I. Pi- p_", . i RUAX Adopted by the CouncilAUG 29I% __193__ AUG 2 Approved—__ Mayor 6NIGINAL To CITY CLtRRFI 101392 ENCIL IVO. l/M1/ G17Y OF ST. PAUL _ — OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK No. 103892—Sq Fred yS • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO. `po['Heaver Lake, whi" �ecated la Beene. 26, Toy —�� � we 21, rt the C.—te or .,. PRESSSI.TED BY �i I�y-�' c.. "o e city located wi!.= COMMISSIONER DATE— the CItY of St. Paul.Nf a=ftum tha a ltizeas residing is the vicinity of Beaver Lake, which is 1304� 7=3ffL_a.32y located in Section 25, Township 29, Range 21, in the oouaty XtaLmisey, and to also partially located within the limits of t2mia_E33t7 of St. Paul, county of Ramsey and State of Miimesots>y �—alaw desirous that the property surrounding certain parts of sa3e_ Mmoke be acquired by the public and improved as a public parts; and 13oa-1r_- -=2L3•sg beaoh, and WIEEFtSA_� the city of Saint Paul has no funds with which to purchase t h s s aid property or improve the same, and Nil 1p�1.3cLe State of Minnesota, thru its Executive council pursuant A. o — apter 51, Laws 1935, has authority to expend moneys for the pur =— - aiii;;miiiiI ma aad improvement of slid property, and VHw•3REt there are many persona in the city of Saint Paul and the of Ramsey who are destitute and in need of immediate employme3m-t s 3Cft employment could readily be furnished by the inetittlt3Esa the foregoing project, now therefore be it RSSOIs s that the 00unoil of the city of Saint Paul hereby respeotfall� 3 equests the State of Minnesota, thrn its Eiecutive counoil, Ion sszch other officers and commissions of the State of Minnesota 1NWM'_ 'v have the necessary power and authority, to purchase e said p _ arty surrounding the said Beaver Lake and improve the same, IMIS ch State funds as are necessary and applying tothe Federal in order to make a federal project for the cempletioa �1101111— name; be it ` FTIIRTR� AB980L4ED, that a certified copy of this resolution 1t be deliv6re;��o the lgzeotttve council of the State of Minnesota. j I 4' 'COUN ILMEN was Sys P rce eterson In favor Adopted by the Council AUG �+ .Ii 193-- Approved /'Warren Against ,/Wenzel Mayor -T - - 7 - S 5M 61"i . 0n14—L TO C -T C • — a2 COMMISTEO� COMMISSION EFZ COUNCIL No. -1('x1393 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 29, 1935 Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Works on petition of the -operty ovmers and tenants in the area bounded by Fifth Street, ghth Street, Wabasha Street and Robert Street, has introduced a —eliminary order for the construction of a relief sewer serving 3s district in order to eliminate the frequent recurrence of ooding of basements, and Whereas, the City Council of the City of St. Paul has informally _ roved the institution of proceedings for the carrying out of this - rk contingent upon receiving federal grant of 45% for the physical axxstruction involved; therefore, be it Resolved, That Mark H. Gehan, Mayor of the City of St. Paul, and he is herein authorized to execute and file on behalf of -�� e City of St. Paul an application for a grant to aid in financing tae construction of the aforesaid sewer, and be it Further Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works, the qty Comptroller, the Corporation Counsel and the Ch* Engineer -Ve and they are herein authorized and directed to furnish such —w =m�,m pormation as the United States of Americas, through the Federal 11110— ergency Administration of Public Works may reasonably request connection with the application which is herein +^ B £11ec1• y3-89 H. C. Wenzel— mmiseloaer of Feb- melon Or the property F eta 1a the area bouad- ,�e�eat, tail street, , Wa- r, M Robert street, nae fa- ' .illmin11 f oMpr ror the a tenet sewer seryl g a ord., .h a f_, ill 5,• ;,r: .. ... rev COU N 3E LM EN Yeas � Nays / on In favor r en Against �sJCTew-Z el _.3 V S C: -F- PRES TRUAX Adopted by the Council UG .� t936-193— Approved—AUG'" Approved AUG'".� 93_— _Mayor QRMIIMAL To CITT CLSAK AUL. _ FFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OLi1VGIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE August pg, 1985 COUNCIL FILE NO.—RUN =19118I MaR vRwRIM-Ag ., bcrstorore an On Sele Liquor 14c3 a8e was issued to Philip Kisser at 476 Rabasta.s. Street, and IfHE 3rr_eS-S" sem; cl Philip Kirmeer has requested that said license be transferred in his agmalom to S82 Wabasha Street, and Wggggac� _t_ I=L*_ License Committee has recommfended that such transfer of license be grantac3� be it lig,SpL�Tffi3� tYsat On Sale ISquor License heretofore issued to Philip Kirmser at 476 Wabasha Stree be sacs the same is hereby transferred to said licensee at 382 Webasha. Street, aaod tl�g proper city officers are hereby directed to change the records of the city accordiaglY- COUNCILMEN Yeas / TTays / 'IP cc / eterson ji— _In favor ^ )Warre- � Against _/W_eenzel SM fit. = C1)NI ' I C r=. PRF:=-' TRUAX C. F. No. 101394—BY il. E. Warren— l Fred M. Truax—r. C. P-arOn Bale Whereas, heretofore an Liquor License issued to Panlllp Klrmeer at 4'Bd Y b P Ki smear[ hes re- Whereae, said Ired sin his ted hac.ei o lic,382a, be trans er- Wabasha Street, and nrecommended %hat snse uch tr nsfereBfhlels- cense be granted; therefore, b,.,4 p nae heretofore[leeued uor toSalePhil lI.Ktrm- nt 476 Wsbasha.Street be and the e Is hereby transferred to said same et 1". Wabasha Street, and the proper city cers are hereby directed tod hange the records of the city sc- o Adepts c Adopted by the Council Aug. E9, 1986. Approved Apg.29. 1936. (Aug•.. 31-1936) _ Adopted by the Council.. 193—_ r 1l�1G 2 `• ��jv Approved —193— -—_L Mayor A Dated ✓–.— – Remarks APPROVED Ins ector NOT APPROVED Health Officer P CITY OF -S-17- ,PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety - BUREAU OF LICENSES HEALTH DEYARTIVIENT REPORT /�� INFORMATIOI-T REQiJIRED_IN CONNECTION WITH�/ Name of Applicari-c ! — Address Light Toilet Facilities �� -Hot and Cold Water Facilities0� General Sanitation Condition of Equiipnzcrit Type of Refrigeration Food Storage_ Ventilation A Dated ✓–.— – Remarks APPROVED Ins ector NOT APPROVED Health Officer P CITY OF SAINT PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Suroau of Fire Protection Division of Fire Prevention INSPECTION REPORT Date 19 • Location Warne of Occupant •3S 3M�M* v _ How Occupied_' A Name of Owner or Agent 3W IAD X QpMIL- 4c0n.structiorAbdAk No. Stores 3 CONDITIONS FOUND �t �i� �i�a, SBi& r, m;' 'i` FIRE PREvIi✓N7"TION REPORT CITY OF ST. PA LTL H. E. WARRENT Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICE—i- S Date � 4 plication INFO.'' MA'I'IpN 1RUF, UI D_ IN CONNECTION WITH �ICENSE Name of Appi:cant ___ ✓ � s' : i v�—'—� _ Address i u�� Owner of Build Ti Note; --- r� Fire Hazards See attached repex-k —'Mmae metalls. Extinguishers_ "%~ILLIAIIA C. BARRON, C/X/���/_�� Chief Znsi Inspectoo CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Date_ 1=5r—,2 INFORMA-FION R XEQL7Z1--ED IN CONNECTION WITH � O v11�L.a�`� ICENSE Name of Applicant Address )'"7$�-1� ----- ---,•_ __�O--� --- Between what cross s -jit- reets and on what side of street to be locate,d' "Trade Name, if anv -. Is application for ren � «-al of license in same location?- _ �'� - �- - Is place to be operate e3 by- new owner or former owner? If new owner, has lie in similar business before'--N',-here �_. Il _ In any other busines-� Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place by applicant.' Has any former owrz r been arrested for any violation on these premises _' Are you a citizen of z 3f-ze Urrited States.' a How Long in the Ci t Moral Character ----- Ever Been Arreste .=a -0 Violation of )vV hat 4Z --7r1 r irn a l Law or Ordinance _ _ ,: `-Y -`� State ANY Liee� s applicant has had Revoked Numberof 3.2 Pl-it1- in 2 Blocks - Closest Intoxicating Z-iqu Place Off Or On If premises now state how long and revious usefj"-_ Nearest Church Or School Number Of Booth s_ -S'abl`es And Chairs ,off Time On Citizen sl- i Remarks: APPROVED - �7 NOT APPROVED I I,< S I- T-- ' Chief of P ue License Inspector ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK Off' ST. PAUL 1013 FILtNC16 NO. OF1= ICE OF THE CITY CLERK i/f%Y:� GQLJlVC>�L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ! DATE Anitast 29 1955 RESOLVED 1 T2a+e-ft Z1 ac==­wmmwasas Por Reetwarant, application 6545, On Sale Melt Beverage, application 6544, sad c3k3wV-S :3s.1e Malt Beverage, application 6545, i►pplied for by Charles E. Dover at 518 �zscmmc m street be and the same ere Hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby szztimc),rized to refund to Charles E. Dover the fees of $10.00; $50.00; asci *:jr* _4j=wnC? aaa- to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN / Yeas `/ Nays iPeterson 440set—rte —In favor �IX7arren - __— – Against Vehzel 5M - &34 :. _7 '. F. No. 101305— -_ E. Warren— Fe— red M. Truax—I. C. Pearc Resolved, That license. for Reatau- ant, application 6543, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6544, and Off ' Sale M.It Beverage, ayplleatlon 6545. applied or by Cherie. E. Dover at 319 '.IRondo Street be d the earns are hereby denied and the prover city "T cers e hereby authorized to refund to Charles E Dover thefees of $10.00; $50.00; and $5.00 and to cancet .afd ay - plications for license.. Adopted by the Council Aug. 29, 1935. Approved Aug. 29, 1935. (Aug. 31-1935) Adopted by the Council AUG 2_9_19' 93_ _ AUG 2905 Approved--- ----193---- .N l Mayor r PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Council File No.____..- W396 and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Theunderaigae hereby proposeathe making of thefollowing public improvement by the City,,R PPr nwrovo.ai for the ! :ollowln,r pnprovement. -^re on `: m Second at. to 9ev- ConstrLl � 5 ELY6S' S On — "7 - % Cedar SL to Itobert ' Rinnesotz�_ Street from Second Street to Seventh Street :"ktozoisbml Seventri —=Mw— rEet From Cedar Street to Robert Street q+ Robert Ste_ 3-e et From Seventh Street to Eighth Street Six-th St=— et from center of Cedar Street to 100 feet west Sixth Str et frog. center of Minnesota Street to 169 feet east Fifth Sty— .Qet from center of Minnesota Street to 180 feet east Fourth from center of Minnesota Street to 75 feet east Also connecting manholes at the intersection of Fifth and Cedar Street c3 at the intersection of Eighth and Cedar Streets, also build divers -.c -r-; sevrer at the intersection of Ninth Street and Cedar Street, also construe= corLriections to the as. rs -described above, where necessary. t�innesoZa ��4re@t Srom Second Street to Seventh Street Seventh . pct From Cedar Street to Robert Street Robert ct 3r— oet From Seventh Street to Slghth Street •Sixth S - from center oS Ceder Street to 100 feet west sixth 8-t from center of Mipnesota Street to 169 feet east ilia -- fpm ce7CltEr of Mi3nitasotA Street to 180 feet ea at 1►0urth . -%;.�t From center, of Minnesota Street to 75 feet east Also c�o�s� — ssct coaaecting manholes et the intersection of Yifth sad Ceder Streets _ at the Satersectiaii tiY gt4�h'taad 0iedar 8ttbrtn, 'ma -96 build flivee eivereE mac# the iatmrwxeat on of Ninth Street a" Gedar streety also boas to the sew pa dascrii:Vtd above, *here necessary. Adopted by the _ YaAs Ns we CouI 4MX-X a ms. 1 7i s� mss' ]teJ,�aw�--rte. PF � RcE ��y wExzEl. Fors CA is Aur...9-1 Approved ----------9 ur...9-- ------------------------------- M3ay5o�r. v� 1 U1396 .,;.12 Lr3 —.Fj 6C:} UUf? .f0 �`j,7 E; ;D GM Lei E c.'c-1.1-})Cq ma c,+ Zi . si�3�ry_c L F +F s du4'sa e6c+I�u o� L. .F uuu icy:.). 7 ..c �.='47 �l.pOi6"t16TuC sLaec�Tou orgg NEY aL 2FLRs��. v leo ofr4 L LiF' POO Dated thin-- — --- - . - -193 - 29th ------- ..day of------------------------Augusts---1985 --------- -------------------- /`.�.[. - -- - ...-........ - nc' PRELIMINARY ORDER. ., L -PP - .3.E E'er �LOIST C6L'toi. ;'>F :?T?3IJE i?C.F, 'E�,4: -C..G6{.' :!TY jPIJ ,_ _ — 3_' [. {_` �S�OII! C6II �'_ Ui. A-111TJGC 4 _ LEG1: {`O jF:'.1 r.?•.: �:OPC 1- �_. s�E6 T LOi;i G6iT$'RL Off. vvq z'1- �;$'L66-` {'O TCU ..t E.j 2t ?;jz6L-F' - T 5.66_[' S.OIL �Gf_EL' ey cat =x-om canter of Minnesota Street to 75 feet east Also ccom 1 - -pct connecting manholes at the intereection of lMifth and Ceder Street, Dated thin-- — --- - . - -193 - 29th ------- ..day of------------------------Augusts---1985 --------- -------------------- /`.�.[. - -- - ...-........ - nc' PRELIMINARY ORDER. WT�F.RF A A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Coast rcic 'I1=023 aerresrss on - Street from Second Street to Serwenth Street Se:emtJML Brom Cedes Street to Robert Street Robert S �— --eat r'rom Seventh Street to l;igbth Street Sixth S� t :r o center of Cedes Street to 100 feet *est Sixth S et from center of M1=esota Street to 189 feet east ft:N*t - e14- Komi cagtter or Mi edesota Street to 180 feet east lonr,Nh } cat =x-om canter of Minnesota Street to 75 feet east Also ccom 1 - -pct connecting manholes at the intereection of lMifth and Ceder Street, 'the tritersectioa or ML915L+I. and badaj streets, also build diwea-a =w sesaeaa , the iatarsectix� o! M:1= -street and 6edar 9treeto also +ctloas to the sewers describsf¢ above, there necessary. __.. -- Ynss NsYa Couzzc-�� mea ins •� 7.c. �S-�.e^'+`� PEAHCE ire V RTENZEL s—CA asci b: ,._T V f., .RU AX a app g��i•-, Approved:--------bilF.e�_��.-_: c-------------------- --------•---------•----••-- v -ifs '• ._, :.r .. ':y .. F•-' ..` tyv ,x., . 4` -gate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. ?,Y.`a , ra 3. To f a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemexat_ 4. To stat whether or not said improvement is asked for oa the petition of three or more owners. b. To repo xissioner of Finance. upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coxuu TRIw A10. .... Adopted by the ClouriciL----------------- YnAs NAYS .,4 trYL iTTr r 16162 Gj.{JL OJ/, T:` Taxa TgftwF �i yy` l p {� MY' � Approved:---------5]Y431F:._ c -Y 5T4:' -•7J6 O:L '(}TG IP'3&.&3%CZ -Xibl7eswr■ T - �.'fL L,.. .._ GTJ�- '��, - .iY�-r �. G.-JJ6G" J�: l!. J)!+]'..._ r -T -Y E =. :�E OLJ OL r I, ,017:..{ 7-N .(.� -. _ — — - .-�.. (:6ti ,. E.:., - f'.i E-cfi ,'t - �jY-i :E. 'C, 1'_.. -. ,';4F "• ., 'i:•t ): - S� �. AZO:.; CGIT;=„_ C: -v a\�117.JG00}E{:_Ei+}-U J'ec7 L, -,P 682.E ',T,-4 1T T_i.CUlif GGUTPeL o{,.. CegsL :,,s _ bopE1.� 'aGac - -'------------- Dated this------ A _ St 195-- -9th-- ��' of --- -------------------- Al?&u-.._:.- ----------- .193_...-.. f--_..----"-' -..{. >, :� _ 4: ,tu{ E.c{Iuu oe F.7 t-r,fl' isy .a.ja: T. 1... o`i ' I, i •: > -c:�v -_ 4- _ - z -s . + cOljue .4 Tav4 lug. v}I r, 7 -c -e it =FJF r�� � •> i Ee1'7c.t oF, GF;,4,_, _. oy SiTvuee,o.Fs•:t ..�L�6-�^ -C �' J2 ;t,aF es,aF L' !i.f'Y ��a_�� - m -C' ��a_r ee�Fc s. o� ✓1I'isss©:.oF,� pit �.t +:: F' fC> SBU Le,,3% 6` '}' uIYFJJ c: -L' �'�„�+ '�Z£3 Til G67Si6:. 07� (,`Eif(iiL 'jiL66f.' �^.O 3-QQ Z"o6F MG: -f o .'"off � r _ - � —a �. Biu go.v<:a•PF t;&LesC +'a Fc78 F-F'i.T 2a='s� �� _ ...----------- having been Pr - .......... ... .- ------- -.......--• -- ------_--"''----` ated to the Council of the City of Saint Paul_________________ ------------------ therefore, be it therefore, RE,SOLVE� That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To irk -gate the necessity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To inv to the nature, extent and estimated cosh of sand improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To f a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemexat_ 4. To stat whether or not said improvement is asked for oa the petition of three or more owners. b. To repo xissioner of Finance. upon all of the foregoing matters to the Coxuu ' Adopted by the ClouriciL----------------- YnAs NAYS Counc=� Taxa TgftwF �i yy` l p {� MY' � Approved:---------5]Y431F:._ IP'3&.&3%CZ -Xibl7eswr■ T - WENZEL L-_--_________.�C..................�...__._... ro c A 139�� OR�O�lif�TQ Germs =--- n' . I Y O ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO 101397 = F HE CITY CLERK - - — OIJNGIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL N \ CPROEMSME�N3T3E�ODNBY - ulicah ER �aiapplintahiun a. 7� u�1st 31e 1935 • and return of proper city e / ' ,: �l.erebr such. RESOLVED t ^ Drr WMM3CA.8, X1ke Duffy has made application for *on sale* 11gvci,r license sat 292 81ce Street, and WEEERZA S. the Council has not granted said license and applicant baa rw ove sets d wi thdrawal of application and refund of license fee and re,tvz-a oS his bond; therefore, be it SSSOLPaD. That the proper city officers be and they are hereby an.tborised to re2haad to the said Mike Duffy the fee of $708.33 deposited with application, end the City Clerk is authorized to return his bond and to x+c-a2 his appllcetion. - COLJN�ILMEl`d 'Yeas Nays P�rce Peterson — a—ie�crr In favor LW amen Against Wenzel Presidcnt (G�hara) SM 6,34 Adopted by the Council--AUG-21-19W 193__ _ Approved._— A'jr � 1 � 193___. i .,or i i4v Jil l%_ -7 SJ i ./ CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSO" City Clerk and Commisskwmr of RsSWass—tion J ORIOINIIL TO CITY CLARK . : 4 PRESENT aY COMMISSI ER l CITY OF ST. PAUL rc di -k mwy'Connt77 6i oqa� or-kutLorlty ., OFFICE OF THE CITY Cj' tet sus rsw■ * , InSnrpvemr^, - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER:j:2er - 51, 1956 Whereas, the Board Of County Commisslonerd of Beater County has1955, heretofore, acting under authority granted it by Chapter 574' Laws of Market Ovemant of Third Street, or Kellogg Boulevard, from Market approved an impr thereto proceeds of certain bonds Street to west Seventh Street, gaoff ha Chapter 116, Laws of Minnesota for 1929, issued pursuant to the authority 000,000.00 of County bonds to which said Chapter was the authority for �6r ement program, and be expended in wh4t was known as the United Improv Whereas, by ordinance #6974, the voters of the City of Saint Paul in November, 1928, approved the issuance of bonds for certain improvements, and Whereas, pursuant to the authority of said ordinance and the laws, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, adopted council file #80419, approved April 26, 1929, by the terms o2 which Wrr000.00 was assigned to pay the Ciyts share of that public improvement therein designated as prospect Boulevard, and Whereas, the County Board, pursuant to the requirements placed upon it by Chapter 127, Laws of Minnesota for 1929, adopted a resolution asaign— ing the proceeds of the $6,000,000.00 band issue to various public improve— ments, and Whereas, the County Board is authorised by Chapter 574, Laws of 1955, ed under said assignment 'for the of a to expend any balanced remaining pad along the bluff of any river opening, widening, and improving of a two in such city, which parkway will connectct two state trunk highwerd." and Whereas, a plan hes been proposed for the opening, widening and improv— ing of a parkway along the bluff of the Mississippi River trunk highways,on South aide thereof from Sby the Board of Countyall ,Commissionera, and plan has been approved Whereat, it is evident from the plans and specifications and estimates of coat heretofore furnished the City Council for the improvement of t to 1Ee3leBB,. Boulevard from a point 120 feet east of Market Stfrom Wes st Seventh Street, that certain balances will remain unexpended. he $6,000,000.00 bond issue; therefore, be it COUNCILMEN ORIGINAL TO CITY LLtHK COUNCIL No. 1613 % CITY OF ST. PAUL PILE I OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CRESENTED BY OMMISSIIONER 5M Resolved, That the Cutty CouncilpSed p� for ProspecttBPaul oulevards hereby approve and adopt Avenue, which plan shoring an 80 foot width from Smith Avenue to H Board of County has heretofore been submitted to and approved by the to said Commissioners, which Board has assigned and appropriated000.00 improvement all balances remaining unexpended from said $6,000 , bond issue upon other projects heretofore lawfully appmred, and be it Further Resolved, That the groper city officers be and they are hereby directed to make an application to the Federal Em�tof funds cy Administration of Public forks for a grant or an assignor to be combined with the County funds herein set forth and funds made available by the City of St. Paull for a start upon the herewith epimprovement of Prospect Boulevard as fixed by such p lan COUNCILMEN Yeas LL Nays /e arce / r2terson .„fie In favor .Varren Against /Wenzel //Mr. President (Gehan) $M 6.34 Adopted by the Council �-193— Appr�ove%d- air. 2, 1�5 —193_— Mayor Augast 29, 1935 I RB90LUTION INTRODUCED BY 00MMI83I0NER CARR MID Cot,24133I01W MOELLER. n,:Llij, the Hoard of County Coumiissionere has heretofore , acting under authority granted it by Chapter 374, Laws of 1936, approved an im- provement of Third Street, or Kellogg Boulevard, from A9arket Street to West Seventh Street, assirping thereto proceeds of certain bonds issued pursuant to the authority of Chapter 116, Laws of Minnesota for 1929,. which said Chapter was the authority for •6,000,000.00 of County bonds to be expended in what was known as the United Improvement program, and WHERWI by ordinance J6974, the voters of the City of Saint Paul in November, 1928, approved the iseuawe of bonds for certain im- prorIMIta, ad Id , purauaut � tGa �p+�orltp of sa Ng�BJ,9otE1�nW �d tb 16A, the Council of the City of saint Paul, adopted council file #8041 approved April 25, 1929, by the terms of which $45,000.00 Was assigned to pay the City's share of that public improvement therein designated as Prospect Boulevard, and wHERw, the County Board, pursuant to the requirements placed upon it by Chapter 127, Laws of Minnesota for 1929, adopted a resolution assigning the proceeds of the $6,000,000.00 bond issue to various public improvements, and WHE;2LpS, the County Board is authorized by Chapter 374, Laws of 1935, to expend any balances remaining unexpended under said assignment "for the opening, widening, and improving of parkway along the bluff of any river in such city, which parkway will connect two state trunk highways." and RHEHLAB, a plan has been proposed for the opening, widening and im- proving; of a parkway along the bluff of the Mieeissippi ^Iver on the South side thereof from Smith .venue to lull Avenue, two trunk hi;d:weys, which.plan the Board of County Commissioners conceives to be the proper plan for such an improvement, and wHEREAS, it is evident from the plane and specific*tione and estimates Of costs heretofore furnished the said County Board for the improvement of Kello�zg AOulevard from Market Street to WeA seventh Street that certain balances will remain unexpended from the $6,000,000.00 bond issue, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RkSOLVED, Thet said 90a.rd of County Commissioners does hereby approve and adopt the proposed plan for Prospect Terrace Boulevard, showing an eighty (80) foot width from :math Avenue to Hall Avenue, which plan has been heretofore submitted to the said County Board, and does hereby assign and appropriate to said improvement all balances rjulgiq 4pleglo riom laid pl000l000loo boad ism up other projecte heretofore lawfully approved, and does hereby direct the proper county off icer$ 0 to submit such plan for approval to the City Council of the City of Saint Paul and does urge upon the said City Council its approval of such plan. BE IT FU MER RE AVSD, That the proper county officers be, and they are hereby directed to make an application to the F deral PTA for an assignment of funds to be combined with the funds which will be available under this resolution and the funds made available by the Citf of Saint Paul for a start upon the improvements of Prospect Terrace Boulevard as fined by ouch plan herewith approved, 0611CIL NO. 101399ORGNAL TO GtTY CLERK FILE 6gv OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,�COUNCIL�LUTION-NERAL FORM �-, SEAS, Irred Bens MBAs epplioation for an "on sale" 11c1uor 13cense to conduot said business at Ho. 693 Yisaissippi Street, sad has requested withdrawal 04 �gAS, said applicant the same and a refand of the license fee, and no license haviag been issued to said applicant for such business, now thereYore be it RESOLVSD that the proper city officers are hereby anthorl zed to refund to said applicant the lioeuse fee hereto - Yore d6poeited by said sppileant, and the City Clerk; 1s 'n -to cancel said applloatiou.to s E yQarren C. F" No. 01399—BY Trv/nreBa. Fred Bar ltyporelicena ic1'W 1cr an ••Oti gas at No. 69S D� dId rt t Stcag9• and itCar`t hsa regaei8= etregsa id es�tyheaDD g,me nodllcgn6. d atthdc wl ce ee tee. esd aDDltcant 'Lordor the n is go aad toeaerore be ig hm bee geeolved Otho hsfCoeissnd toffi Be.id au b licenee fag heretofore de- se here[ the ltoa c�acgd'the sP i pppltcan Batd aDD 1 Bald L`1�erKa B ,-%ftcted to pltcatloi.d b9 the Co 1836"AUB• ADDTOv.d Agep41'7_1836) COUN MEN Yeas Nays / eterson / —In favor _Against �X7enzel �r. President (Gehan) SM 6-34 AUG 31 IM 193 Approved-- Adopted by the Council— --- S a31 } _193--- -�- Mayor G ---' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration ♦vgust 29t11, 1935• 193c-_ Sohn L. Connolly, Co x-vo ration Counsel, Z Ging. 33kE Ess :-- S1 r: The attached letter of Fred Bans with- dx-wring his application for an "on sale" ligmr license at 693 2[ississipp1 Street was referred to you, by the Council, -r'o x- the proper resolution. Tours very truly, City Clerk. �� � �� �—� — _.. c... �. �� d �- � !fir �L U" �i� VI � ' V � d ���� � t 1st. 2nd.�'_�,., Laid over ---_--_-- 3rd_ St app. Yeas / Nays Bearce erson / Rosen TU ax arren lenzel Mr. Pres. Gehan AdoL:te Yeas Nays earce / Peterson R sen ruax J J arren "Wenzel 1-m r. Pres. Gehan owlmww� ro circ sows: eT F ST. PAUL CILK L N0. 1 U1400 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOLJIVCIL RESO{yUT1ON—GENERAL FORM RRESENa •��/t,��-G %tit (�jt - G COMMISSIONER— COMMISSIOAER_ I 1 DATE September 9, lASS RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6120, and On Sale halt Beverage, application -6121, applied for by Jock Malone at 481 St. Peter Street be and the same 'A,„ arehereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Jock Malone the fees of $0L0_0O and #50.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUN EN Yeas Nays / P�e ' eterson i 7Ren ruax Zrren / _Against /Wenzel —_- _--- -1-Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 C. 3 No. 101400—By H. ElWarren— FredPearce- 1Leeolved. That Lcenaee for Reetau- nt, appl)Cai/on 6120, and on Sale Malt Beverase. aDDllcatlon 6121, applied for by Jock Malone at 491 SL Peter Street Abe and the name are hereby dented and the pproper elty ofacera are hereby au- thorized to refund to Jook Malone the fees of $10.00 and :60.00 and to cancel Bald aDD1lcsU ons for Il neea. i Adopted by the Council S.VL 2, 1926. APP—ed Sept 2, 1926. (SepL 7-1926) 0 Adopted by the Council SEP 310 -193__ - SEP Approved- - ---------- 193- — Mayor CITY.OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Ir 1[3r- C. 31. Leonards Liceaee Iaatpector, City. Dear Sir: August 29th, 1935. At the Council meeting held today a resolution to grant the reetaurent and on sale malt beverage licenses applied for by Jock Malone at 491 St. Peter Street tailed oS adoption in the City Council by unanimous vote of Lbose preaeat, Will yoga draw a resolution denying these 13c enaee sT Tours very truly, City Clerk. O... -L T. CITY tLMRK _, 101402 olv dl4 hat8 tA-1 e loll•.,` FILE I ND CITY OF ST. PA• bone OFFICE OF THE CITY °othe JNCIL RESOLUTION—GEA: to i AMA Ta RESOLVED, t t the following employees bonds, issued by the Fldel's tT sad Deposit Company of Diaryland,o o vering the duties of t3positions set forth and which bonds have been approved as to 3orm and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the M& are hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to des sit thea in the office of the City Comptroller: Haro1� Z- 'Wass, Typist, City Clerk's Office $1000.00 Leoaa=—a Wesely, Senior Clerk, City Clerk's Office- 1000.00 Be J- Riordan, Chief Clerk, City Clerk's Office b000.00 " 3eoxM Sadat, Senior Clerk, City Clerk's Office- 5000.00 Clarets c• AL- StOr", Chief Clerk, Registration Bureau, 1000.00 CaorgF- Feller, GeorM AL- Sbeahan, Rose uxth rtyan, irsisa 3ba- 331c pion, Died 3MEEMEEML — R11aon, COUNC11-1% � IEN Yeas `sicca /Yctersorz Rosen �ax 11acten .Wenzel Accountant, Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings- =8000.00 Reel Estate Clerk - City Comptroller's Office $5000.00 Bond Clerk - city Comptroller's Office $5000.00 Deputy Comptroller, City co>sptroller's Office $5000.00 Senior Accountant, City Comptroller's Office. $5000.00 Nays In favor 4—Against /j11r. President GclLar>) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_ SEP _ 3_M,5)3 SEP 31925 Approved---- 193 — Mayoy amusmIn L7 3 f ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... 'COUNCIL �3 G1TY OF ST. PAUL PILN NO. 1014 ' No. 101408—By 3.+ OFFICE OF E CITY CL .'T for RLU, r�amovv- GOL—W sCIL F2E50 ION—GENEitiionRMarchels'lsai with th. rule. r the o.Uocuo. PRESE ED BY ? -id 4-- T� _ COMMI666666SIONER WHKREAg s, :MM— _ J. alarkson, holder of a license for the removal of gams= v -ft� s *rh loh license bears number 444 and ezpires on Yash 16, 193.E s has failed to comply with the rules and regulations csovs� mag the collection and hauling of garbage, laid down by t23L---- --3E96-azream of Sanitation, and WHERSA93 vmid Bureau and the Department of Public Works have re Qo .dad that said license be revoked beonus9 of said failure 3Go abide by aaid ruleB, therefore be it RES0LQEI:)0= -U2aat said license be and the same is hereby revoked. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays ce /1 eterson Rosen — 1n favor T ax Zen /—_ Against Z. ,,Mr. President (Gehan) 5%1 6.14 Adopted by the Council--sLi 305 193— Approved-- _--__--- —193-- x' � i � MILTON ROSEN Commiszi8na: v CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chi—S- yr_ and Supt. of C—sn-cnon G. H. HERROLE>— ice Engineer MARK W. WC>Of>RtfF= AIF�_ Chief En9r. Clerk August 23, 1935 Irl=- � v � L. Connolly, Coe—�_ oration Counsel, City o£ St. Paul, Minn. Inez_ Sirc FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supi, of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Budge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Kindly note the attached communication fro—�3 h4r_ Gottlieb with reference to the activities of Clarkson, Riverview Station, St. Paul, who i s ollectirng garbage throughout the city. It is the ra-oxnmendatioxi o£ Mr. Gottlieb that his license be rev o2iec and S would like to have you arrange for the up o£ tine necessary resolution. Yours )very truly, V 'MILTON ROSM, Commissioner. --4 �M3r+4-3-_ THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION _4111111101® Hon. Milton Rosen Co=mmissioner Dear Sir: August 22, 1935 Will you please prepare a resolu- tion cancelling the garbage hauling license for Mr. E. J. Clarkson, Rive rvieNStations St. Paul, Minn. The reason is that he fails and refuses to abide by the rules of the Bureau of Sanitation. All complaints and otiaer matters pertaining to the matter will be presented at the proper time. Respectfully yours, �_f �' I E. Gottlieb Supt, of Sanitation IEG/lp THE DEPART OF PUBLIC WORKS 01= THE CtT'W- oIF ST. PAUL INTER-4Z>IFFiC1E-== COMMUNICATION -00111310"® $ t 13, 1935 Milton Rosen Commissioner Dear Sir t I find tI?a _ . ]dr. Clarkson who has a li- cense for the c_ -c>2_-1 a -c-- 3 ors of' garbage and who has been authorized t© c -c=3w-1ect said garbage at a spe- cific number of p1_-ax_ee =E3� is now disrupting our or- ganization by cle2 z @ S 8t e1y going from restaurant to restaurant arnd Aff- r © := hotel to hotel, etc. and making arrangement S o pick up garbage. A of collectors under our supervision have satisfied to oollect gar- bage year in and out regardless of what the price of hogs were they are now complaining on the basis that _1P__ _3k=31t_3 s rxij:Ln Clarkson is picking the best spots away f'r cz3� t2zem. A petition is prepared signed by all the c o Z e ctors asking that this man be stopped. W*-_ IrL -*7-- M�i s man in our office and he insists tLpoYs claiTmQ -JEEars Ize sees fit. Prow, them =Zff'- o re, I find that in order to save our system o£ c o ::I- lection and to prevent dis- ruption of our orgy 3-3 s nation it is necessary to revoke the ? icens P. _= oar being held by this Mr. Clarkson., IF tlaer a re no objections may I pro- ceed to have tb.3 s --a cancelled? Res ct lly urs, SUPT. OF SANITATION IRG: S r 3 Mr., I•E. Gottlieb, Supt. Bareati of Sanitation, Dept. of Public works, St. Paul. DearSir: We the undersigned licensed garbage collectors of the City of St. Paul are presentirng herewith a complaint Which we believe You will f-1 nd justif'iecl. Daring the Years past -.viaorl tl-ia collection of garbage rias not as remunerattiae as it is tocla4,we"worked conscientious- ly with your Department in sAa ing tYsat the garbage was collected, and the service to the people was our foremost thought. Today with a little better condition 3rn the hog market we are confronted with a certain few collectors vOho era disturbing our roiiteB, by, offering payment to some of the bus irna ss houses and- institutions in 'our districts, thereby confining us to Only the residential. 1.1Qoticna, and which we believe is sot fall to us. It will ,. Ex ",o tend to disrupt your garbage collectiot system in due. xce-ask- that you give cooperatioxx ixi stoppmng these matt �d s $4Yx b detrimental to us and to the garbsga collection system - Alt _ F yea T D. Y l r r� Mr. I.E. Gottlieb '42 ro errr o�aa - eouNCIL NO.�y—=."4 . s ' Y OF ST. PAUL _ s=,'.YC . ea Sarre. O� FACE OF THE CITY CL �g ntamea para°one �:cated qtr R�OLUTtON—GEt sad be -anted and the — to ileus such 11' �- [ into the c�cy jrees: 6rc ���•eF moo_ IQRS NTED BY ISSIONER�'.� RESOLVED named persons at the addresses That ZicPT� s� s �Y-�r� ; ed moa- by tkse following indicated be and tha saws@ s —e gpraated and the city clerk is instructed to �� Esat sato the city treasury of the required fees: issue such liaea43e93. upas A. J. Brookat 32� 14 Grotto St- Barber App. 6692 New location Join Hager - 4-216 Breen@r Arcade " " 6537 New Omer S. I. gnanb 425 S i?ubsrt " " 6680 New location COU LMEN Yeas TI a y s farce _Pe.o_S._" Irz favor JW/arren -- — — Against -4venzel /Mr. President (Geliari) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council SEP 4 192F,-193___ KQ 4- Approved--- Approved---- —--193--- ORIGIN— To cm etuRK - - � tielL �f f � L1� !'l OF c _FI%dML Truaa—BY H. ms Warren�,� IVO. i/_L-�F3E/ Resolved, That Reat urant OFFICE OF T aynucat... B7s6, ana oa sale 7, , age Ifoanse, aD yll4 atfoa 8767• . COUNCIL R�SOLU "AI by Ic,.m; h 3f cc.y an: "'7 Pilfka at 182 No. 3illioa Stie -. the a rebs denfe� •"��� $ �___". ��;• ! `�� � ,�_•, - PRESENT6" l ��W.B �— �� _ -" —�-,", _ � AuP st 50 1955 COMMISSIONER —s.yc /»�� r� i i--7-;6 rV 7: RESOLVED Tlicense, application 6756, and On Sale Malt Beverage license, app3Lic4!sqw-- 30n 6757, applied for by Kenneth McCoy and Lydia Plifka at 162 No. Milton Stre:4----AL--- be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby t3i refund to Kenneth McCoy and Lydia Plifka the fees of $10.00 and t50 — E3wC=? and to cancel said applications for licensee. COUN MEN Yeas $YYS j P`e3rce i /Peterson y� jto�n !___In favor �f///tuax A rren _ _ -� Against Wenzel /lir. President (Geltari� 5M 6,34 a Adopted by the CouncilC Com- 193 t, 19; r Approved - -- . B/fGp_ 193..... - ZIV-- - Mayor omoinw� ro mrr euna C. F. No. 101406—By H. E. Warren - Y OF ST Fred ev d Th I. C. P C'c t thlrity are hereby gl en atonthe 8er� + • OFFICE OF THE Coat co:naany to matan a 660-�a1k COUNCIL RESOLUTION 'recite' use onlly, tank s49 Rfoe street, ti tall to , Bald tank to beIi ance: in accordance with the ordh aaceof the City and under the dire - tion and to the satle[ac in. or the Co. PRESENTED BY mlenioner i Public 8atety. COMMISSIONER Adopted b the Council Sept. 3. 193 Approved Sept. 3, 1996. ( Sept. 7-1935) RESOLVED haat persission and authority are Naseby given to lartl Coal Conpefty 'to install a S50 -gallon gasoline tank at "0 Rice street, for private use only. said tank to be installed in a000rdahoe with the ordinaaoes of the City and ander the direct ilon and to the satisfaction of the Colmmiesioner of Public Safety. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rce ax �erson Rgden —. _.-. _( In favor re �JCp✓0,Against el /r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 W. Adopted by the Council SLr _E_p_ —a_ __ 193___ SEP 3 Approved._ — Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL 4106 Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Ongust 29th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Hertl Coal Company for permission to install a 550 gallon gasoline tank at 649 Rice Street, for their own private use only, was referred to you., by the City Council, for a resolution to grant this permit. Yours very truly, G City Clerk. • THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY ' of Tyle CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 27,1935 Hon.H.E.Warren Commissioner of Public Safety, Dear Six: In regard to the application of the Hertl Coal Oompany for permission to install a 550 gallon gasoline tank at 649 Rice Street, for their own private use only. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. NMMTL 'C Ad COMM PANSY -.4®� - T[L[PNOME3: O GARFIELD 1313 FEEL L �M'ADtQ� EM9MONO GARFI E LD 1314 I-= bpg R I CE 5T. $JTj, �A�Wj �� •yJJ ,4j Ml E•B, OJT,rAN August 22, 1935. Mr. H. B. riarren Commissioner of Public Safety Public Safety Building City Dear Mr. v+arren: Some time between now and the 1st of September we plan to install a 550 gallon underground storage tank for gasoline. This tank will be installed on our property and the gasoline drawn from it will be strictly for our own use. The place of installation is so arranged that the tank will be beyond 100 feet from any buildings. Could ,you kindly arrange to grant us a permit for this installation. Yours truly, AERT �L OIL CU. �IiT:NM3 �� l ORI6IN/1L TOLIRK Of Q C`'LE (.' I Y OF C. F. No. 107404—BY H. E Warren— Fred M. 'h'uaz—L C. for ay- 161+U OFFICE OF OF TH �Belved, that ticensee vthleh ylloatlone have -been ads b1y, the Der- eona named on the attached llet be and COUNCIL RESOLUTI they re hereby granted and LLe City LNO, j i Clerks ie Instructed to Issue such Il - �, censee upon payment into the Clty fees ' .i, PRESENTED BY �/ Treasury o1 the reQutred Adopted by the Council Sept. 8, 3996.55 Approved Sept. 3,71 996. COMMISSIONER (sept. -1935) RESOLVED That liaenees applied for by the following named persons at the addresses hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue indicated be and the same are licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: such 290 E. Fairfield Bakery App. 5530 Renewal Phil $hlich H. B. Steinkamp 1828 St. Clair n ^ 6410 ^ 662 Selby Confectionery " 6011 " Eva Iagber 1422 Arcade Fruit Vegetable store 6058 ° James Berkey Harry Bloom 779 Wheelock Pkwy Grocery App. n n ^ Off Sale Malt Bev ^ 59M " 5966 ° M.—li.-6ikeiads:---------------wA�' Ii#ee-------------F+ree9iy n James Damiani 587 E. Seventh Grocery ° 6655 " Otto Hein- 886 Woodbridge ° ^ 6202 ° n ^ 6547 ^ Leonora E. Jordan 595 St. Peter Walter Mast 1026 Front ^ " 6580 ^ Mrs. M. C. Pleimling " n n n 774 Capitol Rts ° " ° n ^ Off Sale Malt Bev. a 5476 " 5477 " Spangenberg Meat Co. 313 W. 7th Butcher 1954-55 n n n n 6615 " 6616 ° ^ y 11 n n Grocery " " a n n Butcher 1934-56 " 6617 ^ ° a n a a n n n Grocery ° ^ ° 6618 ° Antos Spiros 621 Selby Grocery " 662 " ^ ^ Thompson's Bargain Market 1616 Rice 6255 " " a 6426 ° Louie Dad 179 Eva COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council--- - Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen __In favor Approved_ Truax Warren -----Against Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO C( CL.RK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. IUff OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— AVgllst 29, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED _2__ J. Zayechek n " ite Beer 980 White a n a Grocery O Sale Mint Bev. App. 6569 Renewal " 6570 " John W. Lemmerman 650 Rice St. Gas Sta. 3 pumps " 6659 " Floyd Placlmer 286 Rice ^ a g n " 6633 " Ray J. Plut 563 Jackson ^ " 3 " " 6690 " Pure 011 Co. 1220 Selby ^ a 5 n " 6630 " Pure Oil Co. 100 W. 10th ^ " 5 " " 6631 " Shell Petroleum Corp. 1042 Grand ^ " 5 a " 6632 " A. T.Asp 925 S. 7th Restaurant " 6655 " —g------------ --t;a: ---n Emmett-Cesaeliy----- _ _ _ _--ee---- A. R. Mesi 1980 University Restaurant " 5385 " Montgomery Ward Co. 1400 University " " 6591 " Arlene Oldfield 355 Jackson w " 6699 " Geo. Pappas & Anthony George, 123 W. Central " " 6621 " Alex Riden 419 Sibley " " 6444 n Louis SpelioPoulOs 626 Selby Av. " " 6894 " Jack Wong 367 Selby n " 6332 " Town Talk Sandwich Shop 380 Robert a " 6327 " - E. B. Terrell 306 New York Bldg. Salary Loan " 6598 " Geo. Damien 258 Front Ice Station " 6590 n COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen --_In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council----- ___ __ 193— - Approved - — --- -- --- _____193__ . Mayor ORIGINAL T -OV CLSRK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Rjalmer Erickson John Heholdt Ray Oil Burner Co. Bilbow Amusement Co. J. Nightingale aJ COUNCIL NO. 10140 FILE DATE August 29, 1935 731 Carroll Av. Ice Delivery App. 6575 Renewal 535 Ashland 1 1 ^ 6517 " 834 Marshall Oil Burner Installer " 6428 " 406-08 Minnesota 6 bowling alleys ^ 6700 1 822 Como Butcher " 6651 R COUTICILMEN Yeas Pprce Nays / /Peterson l n__In favor ZR X� ,ren _,Against nzel /- 3CIr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council SEP 3 10 193___ Approved 2F—? Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL RK CITY OF ST. PAUL COU NO. 614()8 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILES ROLUTION—C.ENERAL FORM C`J� i PRESENTED By �D���� COMMISSIONER _ S4g se -; -.- A 01 0 / DATE Ai1g118t 29, 19.'SS RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6608, On Sale Malt Beverage, application6609, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6610, applied for by J. M. Walsh at 870 Rice Street, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. i C. F. No. 101408—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. True:—L C. Pearce— Resolved, That licenses for Restau- ant, applleatioo 6608, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6609, and OM Sale New Owner Dien Beverage, appilcation 6610, ap- plied for by J. M. Walsh at 870 Rice Street, be and- the sameare hereby granted and the city clerk Is instructed to Issue such licenses upon, the pay- mant Into -the city treasury of the re- quired fees. Adopted by the Council Sept 8, 1936. Approved Sept. 3, 1935. (Sept. 7-1935) COUOILMEN Yeas �I jNays Pe�fce "Peterson! Ro n In favor ruax rren __Against /Wenzel 'A President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncilSE _3.93_—_193__— Approved_ SEP A G-- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK 1.61 09 COFILE NO. NO. Y OF �T_ QAUL OFFICE OF TH>= CITY GLERK COUNCIL�RESOLl9TIO;moi —GENERAL FORM P •• mIRSI/)NEER � ,.� ,i'; •. _ ; - -: • ---�-mac=_, —mTEn _ _ - DATE August 29� . RES IRR 4 1955 RESOLVED — That licenses appl; ed Por by t3ae -1T4=*Z14=Pvr3ng named persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby graataa 8 rd the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into t7ne city treasury of the required fees= Francis G. McRoberts 92® Se16ly Confectionery App. 6257 New owner R. H. Cusick 925 Rica Grocery " 5946 New Edward J. Duffey Grocery " 6624 " a n n w e Of£ Sale Malt Bev " 6623 " H. R. Streif 2279 W_ Cameo Restaurant " 6612 " T. S. Williams 26 W- d ° 6270 " Harry Schaffer 1960 tW Oi£ Sale Malt Bev " 6581 " Sao P. Flood 953 M _ Ts>am e a 12 " " " 6605 New owner ? C- F. No. 101409—BY R. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— i EL—olved, That licensee aDDlled for { by the following named Dereoas, at the }address.. Indicated be and the Came are hereby graat.d and the city clerk Is instructed to Issue such Ilcenses up- - the payment Into -the city treasury of theyuired fees: ! Frascla G. McRoberts. 980 Sleby Ave., Confectionery, Apv1. 6257, New owner. It. M. Cusick, 926 Rice, Grocery, Appl. 6946. New. Edward J. DURay, 1828 Selby, Gro- ceEdwardlJ 6Duffey, 1626 Selby, OR Sale i Malt Bev., ADD1. 6628, New. II. R Strelf, 2279 W. Como, Restau- v t, App,: 6612, New. aT. 9- Willlams, 26 W. Exchange, Res- t.sura.nt, APDL 6270, New. M,Schaller, 1980 Ualvsrslty, OR Sale ]3dalt Bev., ADDI. 6681, New. Geo_ P. 11111d, 968 N. Dale, OR Sale Malt Bev., ADDL. 8806, Newowner, Adopted by the Council Sept. 3, 1986. kk ADDroved Sept 8, 1986. (SeDL 7-1986) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council__S-F� 3—JW. 193___ Pearce ---Peterson . �c �qf-- �EP 19035 __In favor Approved-- —193-- //eeett /Cruax /*(arren—_Against] //,)/enzel Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIOINIIL TO OITV CL�aK COUNC � � (� Y OF Sl'. PAUL FILE � NO_101M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM at PRESENTED BY - DATE— ugg29- 1955 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6289, Restaurant, application 6240, and Tavern, application 6241, applied for by Ludwig Metzger at 78-76 West Seventh Stre8t be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e rce eterson Lam. favor __In Truax j _'Crren __ /. —Against -/Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101410—By II. H. Warren— , Fred M. True:—I. C. Fear— Resolved, That licenses for On We Malt Beverage, DDBoatton d. T Ree- applic application i led and Tavern, pyli9atlon 8241, aDpplled for by 111W1B1 Metzger at 78-76 Wect seventh street be and [he came are hereby Brasted I and the city clerk n Instructed to tante { such licensee upon the payment Into y f he ipt treasury [the 3. 1925. Adopted by the Connell Sept.BepL 8, 1986. ADDr9Ved Sept.8, 1935. Sept. t 7-19861935 ) Adopted by the Council SEP—3 10-193-- Approved- 0-193_ Approved— ---�p-193—_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITT CLKaK �d G4st@e OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �► COUNCIL RLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE !! �_- Z9, 1985 coum"IL NO. 101411 ILE ti:' .d RESOLVEDcation 6108, Off Sale !'flat !!ceases for Oa Sale Malt Beverage, app11 Malt Beverage, application 61091 and Restaurant, application 6110. applied for by Joan Du Bois at 164 Concord Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New iNo 101411—BY HPIDe.lWe".— IC' F are— IC.FFesdolvLed,TThg aIDCeiofnr11 rllea9%l Malt Be� Beverage, aDDB�t7oa 56D. ealde R�%urant. nDDttcstton 5110. ,t 1 plied for by Sown u Bo�tsRe are heraD9 Acord Street be and the s the Day- ' e.t. Geuch the city upontnstructe t.*..t into the city treasury of the re- qutred eby the Council Sept- 3, 1985. Adoptedt 3, 1986. Approved BeeDDG 7_1936) Adopted by the Council_ SEP 31035 ----- 193___ SEP � 105 Approved- ---- 193__ } L�s Mayor / COUNCILMEN Yeas �- ,'Pearce Nays Peterson (---nI Rosen favor ax /.rten / = �( Against '10�enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 iNo 101411—BY HPIDe.lWe".— IC' F are— IC.FFesdolvLed,TThg aIDCeiofnr11 rllea9%l Malt Be� Beverage, aDDB�t7oa 56D. ealde R�%urant. nDDttcstton 5110. ,t 1 plied for by Sown u Bo�tsRe are heraD9 Acord Street be and the s the Day- ' e.t. Geuch the city upontnstructe t.*..t into the city treasury of the re- qutred eby the Council Sept- 3, 1985. Adoptedt 3, 1986. Approved BeeDDG 7_1936) Adopted by the Council_ SEP 31035 ----- 193___ SEP � 105 Approved- ---- 193__ } L�s Mayor !---- zz_ LENCIL NO �l O1- TO CITY C"RK r_, ITY OF ST. F -10"a i4— W- 3E m v — OFFICE OF THE Gli vim—=— �`' Pearce x'33 liElbae; i.DD I " COUNCIL ESOLUTION ag asaReQ yefeon � sun c'RM ,�pp • ,G` %'l/�.iL�l�ti--�.�7�--' ceQ ant. the ci _ isaab sash sato tae ett7 ty I teas o AU St �. 1935 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER __ _ 1764 lu.1 -, -6 RsaeY"• RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the fo1.ZcWw3-ag n>sermed Persona at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted aaci ti1a city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the pa7metat into the city treasairy of the required fees: 1764 IIniversity Restaurant App. 6595 Renewal " M. E. Cregan n n OP£ Sale Malt Bev. " 6594 ° n " On Sale Malt Bev. * 6593 " " Fraternal Order of Eagles #$3 167 W. 7t h IRestsurant ° 6686 " ^ 6695 " On Sale Malt Bev. " n n n n n ^ Danee Ball " 6684 " J. G. Longendyke 68 W. Winifred On Sale Malt Bev. " " " " 6352 " " 6353 " n n ° n n n OYf Restaurant ° 6351 n Roy Mubdx 261 W- COmo—Phalaa On Sale Malt Bev. ° n n ^ 6508 " ^ 6507 " n a ++ n n Off - Restaurant " 6506 " Rocco &Farrell 842 Rice n n Restaurant Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6628 " " 6627 " n n n n n On ° n n " 6626 n Emmett Connolly 924 Rice On Sale Malt Bev. " 6221 " Marie Miske Public Safety B1clig Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6346 " B. G. Novak, 741 Van Buren S-tn n n " " 3841 " COUNCILMEN Yeas �atce /Peterson 7on -JJax X1.,ren 'Wenzel Mr. President (Geha 5M 6.34 Nays Adopted by the Council aE�---`,; 193___ In favor Approved—.— _ SEP —:3 Mayor n) yj��IIED 9�� Ow101NaL TO CITY cL[RM1V�.• _ _ GOUNGIL �CITY�ST. PA FILe OFFICE OF THE CITY CLNO.ERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED'161y DATE 6nvnf+} 99 l IRS COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 59749 On Sale Malt Beverage, application 5975, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 5976, applied for by john C. Miller at 1105 Selby Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New COUNCILMEN, = Yeas Nays P rce Peterson Rosen ----In favor Jfruax / IK W en —Against enzel ,,Mr President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 C. F. No. 301413—By H. E' Warren— By Req ... t—Fred M. Trua>c�- Resolved, That licenses for Restau- rant, application 6974, On Hale Malt Beverage, application 6976,, and Ott 11:11. Malt Beverage, epDI "tion 6978, D- I for by ]ohn C. Miller at 1106 8e1- by Avenue be and the came are h.ieby dgW Issue such ❑...sear Don the Pay- e 'at into the city treasury of the r - qulred fees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 3, 1935. Approved Sept. 3, 1936. (Sept. 7-1936) SEP 31935 Adopted by the Council_ %EP 31935 193 -- Mayor COUNCIL -;i FILE NO. ST. PA_.41ties4--L C_BY . . OFFICE OF THE CITY ., ^ae ticeneeb i , .,ia b ea made the attached . su 4, CO�NCvI� RF�LUTION-,GEfo,Y gd to lean ,, _.; ated t PRESENTED BY I.,..ulrtq tees,.. .. .l.eyr_�nWet 291935 OMMISSIONER COMMISSIONER- RESOLVED RESOLVED That licensee applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: William Bentz 62 Lyton Place Vehicle Peddler Lie. 22 App. 6374 Renew Foodstuff " 6375 Frank Demme 585 Warm Vehicle Peddler " 23 n 6388 " " " It n Foodstuff " 6588 " Isaac Cohen 176 State Vehicle Peddler " 24 n 6592 Renew n n " " Foodstuff " 6593 B. Zuperman 283 E. 14th Vehicle Peddler " 25 0 6595 Renew Foodstuff n 6586 Mas Bloom 891 Iglehart Vehicle Peddler " 26 " 6399 Renew Max Bloom " ^ Foodstuff " 64.00 Tony Torntore 581 Carroll Vehicle Peddler n 27 " 6402 Renew Foodstuff " 6403 Angelo Frisco 246 Grove Vehicle Peddler " 28 " 6404 Renew n n if n Foodstuff " 6405 Joe Demme 585 Warren Vehicle Peddler " 29 " 6406 Renew Foodstuff " 6407 " Bernard Pfefer 300 Iglehart Vehicle Peddler " 50 " 6408 Renew a n It " Foodstuff " 6409 Gus Inserra 315 Goodhue Vehicle Peddler " 31 " 6411 Renew Foodstuff " 6412 Antonio Insersa 72 Mt. Airy Vehicle Peddler " 52 " 6415 Renew Antonio Inserra n n n Foods':uff " 6414 Nick Nicosia 659 Canada Vehicle Peddler " 53 " 6415 Renew " COUNCILMEN " " Foodstuff " 6416 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _ Pearce Peterson Rosen —___In favor Approved-____-- _.- _—_193__ _ Truax Warren — _____ Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. ��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE- Anoiat 29, 1995 — _2— • RESOLVED Orvie Cohen 131 E. Robie Vehicle Peddler Lie. No.34 App.6418 New n n n n n Foodstuff " 6419 John W. Rentz 76 Lyton Place Vehicle Peddler " 35 ^ 6420 Renew " n n " n " Foodstuff ^ " 6421 A. Rosen 603 Fuller Vehicle Peddler ^ " 36 " 6423 Renew Foodstuff " 6424 Anthony Raiolo 672 Bedford Vehicle Peddler " " 37 ^ 6429 New ^ ^ " • Foodstuff ^ 6430 J. Nolan 1330 Goodrich Vehicle Peddler " " 38 " 6431 Renew " " " IT Foodstuff " 6452 A. Leibman 197 E. 13th Vehicle Peddler " " 39 " 6434 Renew n n n " n Foodstuff 6435 Aaron glaimon 568 State Vehicle Peddler " " 40 " 6457 Renew n n n n Foodstuff " 6438 Dave Selaick 641 Iglehart Vehicle Peddler " " 41 " 6439 Renew n n a " Foodstuff " 6439 Thomas La Nasa 124 Arch Vehicle Peddler " " 42 " 6445 Renew Foodstuff " 6446 Mike Ciresi 83 Mount Airy Vehicle Peddler " " 43 ^ 6447 Renew " " " " a Foodstuff " 6448 Frank Nicosia 328 Arion Vehicle Peddler " " 44 " 6449 Renew " " Foodstuff " 6450 Morris Dorfman 230 E. 14th Vehicle Peddler ° " 45 " 6451 Renew " " "° " Foodstuff " 6452 ROY Bask. 192 Aurora Vehicle Peddler " " 46 " 6453 Renew III " " a Foodstuff " 6454 Harry gasdan 276 Dayton Vehicle Peddler " " 47 " 6455 New " COfJNCILMEN " ° Foodstuff ° 6456 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council --- 193 Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved _ _._ _193__ Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK • PRENTED BY COMMISSIONER ONER CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ FILE NCIL August, No. 22, 101414 1935 — —3— RESOLVED Jacob Rosenberg 231 E. 14th Vehicle Peddler Lic. 48 Apn.6457 Renew a n a " a Foodstuff " " 6458 " Abraham Bernick 618 Temperance Vehicle Peddler " 49 " 6460 New a ." a ° Foodstuff " 6461 Sam Nemer 596 Iglebart Vehicle Peddler " 50 " 6461 Renew If IN " a Foodstuff ^ 6462 B. Waldman 719 Iglehart Vehicle Peddler " 51 " 6464 Renew n n a a Foodstuff " 6464 Maz Bindorsky 220 Grove Vehicle Peddler n 52 " 6465 Renew a n " a Foodstuff " 6465 E. Nemer 231 E. 14th Vehicle Peddler " 53 " 6467 Renew " " a " a Foodstuff " 6468 Julius Katz 253 Carroll Vehicle Peddler " 54 " 6459 Renew " a Foodstuff a 6470 Melvin Rice North St. Paul Vehicle Peddler " 55 a 6471 New n n a " " Foodstuff " 6472 J. Rosenblum 503 Greenwood Vehicle Peddler " 56 " 6473 Renew III It ■ " Foodstuff " 6474 Joe Loberman 2a25 Grove Vehicle Peddler 57 " 6475 Renew n n ^ Foodstuff ^ 6476 W. E. Drewery 1051 Marshall Vehicle Peddler " 58 ^ 6477 Renew " " a ^ Foodstuff " 6478 S. Shapiro 299 E. 14th Vehicle Peddler " 59 " 6479 Renew n it " a " Foodstuff " 6480 Sam Cohen 308 Ramsey Vehicle Peddler " 60 " 6481 Renew It n " " Foodstuff " 6482 A.Wegofslq 468 State Vehicle Peddler " 61 " 6483 Renew " a " Foodstuff " 6482 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council__—____—__._ Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved ___. 193 Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... CITY OF ST. PAUL FIOLENGIL NO._1S1_ 414 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMTED BY ISSIONER DATE_ August 29, 1935 - _ RESOLVED -4- Samuel Berkman 205 State Vehicle Peddler Lie. 62 App. 6485 Renew n IT " ^ Foodstuff a 6486 Isadore Spizmen 261 Constance Vehicle Peddler " 63 " 6487 Renew " " ^ " Foodstuff " 6488 E. %lama" - 275 St. Lawrence Vehicle Peddler " 64 " 6489 Renew n n " a n Foodstuff I 6490 William Fowler 316 E. 13th Vehicle Peddler " 65 " 6493 New " " ° ^ a Foodstuff I 6494 George Georgopolos 872 Hague Vehicle Peddler " 66 " 6591 Renew I " I Foodstuff " 6502 L. Weisman 490 W. Central Vehicle Peddler " 67 " 6509 Renew " " " ° ^ Foodstuff " 6510 Angelo Sireno 184 E. Minnehaba Vehicle Peddler " 68 " 6515 Renew III I I n I Foodstuff " ° 6516 James Hendricks 187 §. Pennsylvania Vehicle Peddler " 69 ^ 6526 New 00 111" Foodstuff " 6527 Hick Bongiovanni 1870 Margaret Vehicle Peddler ° to 70 n 6538 New Foodstuff " 6539 Harry Ackerman 572 State Vehicle Peddler " 71 ^ 6540 New ° " Foodstuff " 6541 A. E. Van Zieleghen 174 Aurora Vehicle Peddler " 72 " 6552 New n a n n n n Foodstuff " 6553 Paul Rocher 184 E. Indiana Vehicle Peddler n 73 " $554 Renew Foodstuff " 6555 Victor Oglansky 3.10 State Vehicle Peddler " 74 ^ 6556 New " n " ^ Foodstuff ^ 6557 COU)dCI LM EN Yeas Nays � Adopted by the Council --------._193__ /gcarce / Yet son osen _-_—_-In favor Approved _.____ ... —_193_.. . Truax i 'Warren __ __Against Wenzel :/ --- Mayor — / .Xfr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIOINIIL TO CITY CLCRK COU101414 • CtTY OF ST'_ PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLLJTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY August 29. 1935 COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED —S— Samuel Gangi 226 E. 13th Vehicle Peddler Lie. 75 App. 6558 Renew ]Foodstuff • 6559 A. Goldenberg 918 Ashland Vehicle Peddler " 76 " 6571 Renew n n n +* Foodstuff " 6572 Sam Goes 304 W. Ce{ltral Vehicle Peddler " 77 " 6576 Renew " It w In Foodstuff " 6577 Joseph Resnick 33-5 Arora Vehicle Peddler " 78 ^ 6578 New " " n Foodstuff " 6579 Sam Orenstein 198 E- 32rLc1iaas Vehicle Peddler " 79 " 6586 Renew n ^ a a n Foodstuff " 6587 John Smith 642 Lee Vehicle Peddler " 80 " 6596 Renew n n n v Foodstuff " 6597 Mathew Towey 240 Mcrvnt AA -m-.7, V eb:Lcle Peddler " 81 " 6642 Renew Foodstuff 6641 Harvey B. Beck 175 E. Archer Vehicle Peddler IT 83 IT 6647 New " ^ " Foodstuff ": 6648 R. Amodeo 183 E. 1§t0LL Vehicle Peddler " 84 " 6656 Renew " n a e Foodstuff " 6657 Howard Hendricks 177 Graaite Vehicle Peddler " 85 " 6676 New n n o s� Foodstuff " 6675 William Gos 25 E. 10th Vehicle Peddler 86 " 6685 Renew Foodstuff " 6686 Jobn Leibgot 289 E- 14th Vehicle Peddler 87 " 6701 Renew v Foodstuff " 6702 Sam Riback 221 State Vehicle Peddler. 88 ^ 6745 New IT n n n Foodstuff IT 6746 COUNCILMEN Yeas Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehar 5M 6.34 Nays —___In favor .__ _.—Against Adopted by the Council_��P��_193____ Approved __-- SEP __ __193 Mayor/ guLz�;.1T7D s ORIGINAL TO CITY CLE.X <F H _ 101416—By Ai: C6UNCIL NO. 01415 CITY OPv't><creas, rted A. h FILE g the Aa... nti., OFFICE OF T .ers, has made en -UaQlleitt aeeesemen:,, COON ESO LU T IO t13ue, levied ag"I" Took 7, Davem'e ORM eum or 3LI2T. > PRESENTED BY out Coal amount „ COMMISSIONER adding the. salty, and .le the ante %E of iii rtim �•. r WHEREAS, Fr@d A. gueppers, representing the Assooiation Of Charity Workers, hsa mads as otter to settle the delinquent assessments and assessmeatS dj-'sav levied against Lots 1 to 8 inclu- sive, Block 7, Davernii s Burro AdUlltlon, for the sum of $1127.71, said sum being the actual ass®oat oY assessments w ithout adding thereto the interest sad persaltp, and WHEREAS, it 1s the 3stszstioa of the purohaser of the Property to erect buildings thereon in the near future, whloh buildings will enhance the vales of said property, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city offioers be and they are hereby authorized to aa¢ept the sum of $1127.71 as payment in full for local assessments, delinquent and due on said property. C UUpICILMEN Yeas � Nays PeLarce /�eterson Rosen _ _In favor /-Truax ,-Warren Against Wenzel Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5h1 6.34 Adopted by the Council-W--2493&--193— Approved— s-qEp a3 S,7tPb 193-- q �May`or NOTICE IL 1416 10141'7101 18 j t�1� TO TION COUNCIL FILE NO. C. F. -DTas_ 1(y4i6. 101417, 10141$ 101419 PRINTER Resolv¢d; Tbai ch¢clis ba dr9.wa oa the G7ty 'I"S nry, to -_rs.a a88re88t¢ amount of 5228.iTr_aS. �o�-tas on�oxe AtlgtiBt 30 5 anmber¢d 1686I to 16953 incl aasive as Der hecica o 81¢ iu tb¢ office of th¢ Igg_ City heck. ro ftl Adoyt¢d Ii th¢ Conacil SaDt_ 2. 1986. RM&VED,THAT CHI-- ADDrov¢d Sept a, 1985 cs¢Dt-isab> TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i 22__.b1F17s� _ _ _ - - - 1 . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 16°& TO/_-INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 31� WWW ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193 APPROVED—_ SEfjP f7 3 93 nr eor.rnaucx aao io as 13 it g. DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ILE NO, """""""-""-'""""'"""""'"""""" MAY Ate. . ��w COUNCIL RESOLUTION "MC'PEARCE r 0 XJ=IN FAVOR Warren AUDITED CLAIMS .........Angnat....30. .... ........,9.35. TRUAX __ AGAINST WENZEL TO THE AOLVED. THAT GGREGATE AMOECK3 P i�gy�J O�.T}�.12 TREASURY, MR, PRIES. MAHONEY (D� L�it��u(z� ... , COVERING 90%Q 1un/t1p CHECKS NUMBERED...... L . TO..........i 1^M_..., INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED 4?y,� COIjN�. ...J...! 1 1``,--..... PER CHECKS ON FI L I T OFFI OFT E CITY OMPTROLLER, .. _ CITY COMPTROLLER L.J.......1... V............. MAYOR BY..._ ../_..... ..... .... ...... ....... CHECK TRANSFER IN FAVOR OF NUMBER CHECKS 0 TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD I 4236 1 7 78 16864 Michael Larkins 16865 H.B. Fuller Company 16866 Rensselaer Valve Company 16867 The Speakes Company 16868 western Shade Cloth Company 16869 (talus Staffs, 16870 Dr. Arthur E. walker 16871 Edward Thompson Company 16872 Rzel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16873 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finwioe 16874 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 16875 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina oe 16876 Axel F, Peterson, C. of Fina oe 16817 Axel F. Petereon, C. of Finame 16818 Axel F. Peterson, 09 of Fin oe 16819 Axel F. Peterson, 09 of Finvol 16680 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Flu ae 16461 Axel F, Peterson, 00 of Fina oe 1601 W1 It Peterson, d, of rim of M Axel 14 Mom; C. of Raul 1W Axel Is N111a, of till of 1W Axel �'� Peteraoa� 0, of F1n� oe lW Ballard Ramp Garage 16887 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finejoe 16898 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 16889 Axel F, Peterson, C, of Fina oe 16890 John L. Connolly, OOTP. 00an e1 16691 MOH. Gehan, Mayor 16892 l w4*1* , 4.1.1)epu 1689 XV& t�t''P'Z a2er'Wpment Company 1689 8teadiirdl Stott Company 16895 ft l%iza allay Nutserlea. 16896 Cashman Nuraeries,Ino. 16897 The First National Bank of S .Paul 16898 McClain & Hedman Company 16899 MoBesson libolesalers,Ino. 16900 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 16901 Northern States Power Oompan 16902 Northern States Power Compan 16903 Railway Express Agency 16904 Western Union Teleg#aph Company 16go5 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16906 John Sandquist 16907 Wm. Bossenmaier 16908 Corning—Donahue.Ino. 2 9_ -rf;_..Mitchell 16910 National Battery Company 16911 Northern States Contracting Cp. 16912 Mary Rieger 16913 Paul 0. Schorr 16914 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Finanoe 16915 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan:e 16916 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan:e i I i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 11 III 4-32 ! 74 836 79 DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 380 009 5 478 20 764 9 82 31 'f 10 0 56 o 486 8 31 836 2 3 10 756 9 1426 o 418 4 463 5 � 3191 � 059 2 134 6 2393 66 2 12 5813 21213 63 159 1 216 0 17 95 167 a i150'0 00 loo 00 9o96o 1 245 94 21 12 47 120 27 206 06 50 78, 3 770 031 1 189 00' 13 00 35 00! 2 43,1 28 22:. 12 00 30 92 3 297 it 9 874 46' 4 318 13 512 3n DATE RETURNED BY BANK i DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER F COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ILE NO, """""""-""-'""""'"""""'"""""" MAY Ate. . ��w COUNCIL RESOLUTION "MC'PEARCE r 0 XJ=IN FAVOR Warren AUDITED CLAIMS .........Angnat....30. .... ........,9.35. TRUAX __ AGAINST WENZEL TO THE AOLVED. THAT GGREGATE AMOECK3 P i�gy�J O�.T}�.12 TREASURY, MR, PRIES. MAHONEY (D� L�it��u(z� ... , COVERING 90%Q 1un/t1p CHECKS NUMBERED...... L . TO..........i 1^M_..., INCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED 4?y,� COIjN�. ...J...! 1 1``,--..... PER CHECKS ON FI L I T OFFI OFT E CITY OMPTROLLER, .. _ CITY COMPTROLLER L.J.......1... V............. MAYOR BY..._ ../_..... ..... .... ...... ....... CHECK TRANSFER IN FAVOR OF NUMBER CHECKS 0 TOTAL BROUGHT FORWARD I 4236 1 7 78 16864 Michael Larkins 16865 H.B. Fuller Company 16866 Rensselaer Valve Company 16867 The Speakes Company 16868 western Shade Cloth Company 16869 (talus Staffs, 16870 Dr. Arthur E. walker 16871 Edward Thompson Company 16872 Rzel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16873 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finwioe 16874 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 16875 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fina oe 16876 Axel F, Peterson, C. of Fina oe 16817 Axel F. Petereon, C. of Finame 16818 Axel F. Peterson, 09 of Fin oe 16819 Axel F. Peterson, 09 of Finvol 16680 Axel F. Peterson, 0, of Flu ae 16461 Axel F, Peterson, 00 of Fina oe 1601 W1 It Peterson, d, of rim of M Axel 14 Mom; C. of Raul 1W Axel Is N111a, of till of 1W Axel �'� Peteraoa� 0, of F1n� oe lW Ballard Ramp Garage 16887 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finejoe 16898 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 16889 Axel F, Peterson, C, of Fina oe 16890 John L. Connolly, OOTP. 00an e1 16691 MOH. Gehan, Mayor 16892 l w4*1* , 4.1.1)epu 1689 XV& t�t''P'Z a2er'Wpment Company 1689 8teadiirdl Stott Company 16895 ft l%iza allay Nutserlea. 16896 Cashman Nuraeries,Ino. 16897 The First National Bank of S .Paul 16898 McClain & Hedman Company 16899 MoBesson libolesalers,Ino. 16900 Maendler Brush Mfg. Company 16901 Northern States Power Oompan 16902 Northern States Power Compan 16903 Railway Express Agency 16904 Western Union Teleg#aph Company 16go5 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16906 John Sandquist 16907 Wm. Bossenmaier 16908 Corning—Donahue.Ino. 2 9_ -rf;_..Mitchell 16910 National Battery Company 16911 Northern States Contracting Cp. 16912 Mary Rieger 16913 Paul 0. Schorr 16914 Axel F. Peterson. C. of Finanoe 16915 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan:e 16916 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan:e i I i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 11 III 4-32 ! 74 836 79 DISBURSEMENT CHECKS 380 009 5 478 20 764 9 82 31 'f 10 0 56 o 486 8 31 836 2 3 10 756 9 1426 o 418 4 463 5 � 3191 � 059 2 134 6 2393 66 2 12 5813 21213 63 159 1 216 0 17 95 167 a i150'0 00 loo 00 9o96o 1 245 94 21 12 47 120 27 206 06 50 78, 3 770 031 1 189 00' 13 00 35 00! 2 43,1 28 22:. 12 00 30 92 3 297 it 9 874 46' 4 318 13 512 3n DATE RETURNED BY BANK M DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No, .1-01417.. ........ COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MAV �w Peterson COUNCIL RESOLUTION A 3 MCS)W,,. FAVOR August31 ... ....................... .... .......... .19... 5 PPEEAgRRCC��"" �/" AUDITED CLAIMS .....--.. -- ROSEN TRUAX ,,,,,,,,,.._,,,,,._,AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, WENZEL COVERING MR. PRES. MAMWW, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT ,MDISBURSEMENT ..27...244, CHECKS NUNCLUSIVE, AS ADOPTED BYT UNC _..... PER CHECKICE COMPTROLLE �.l.. p1 l APPROVED _....... . ... . ..... .19 .. - CITY COMPTRLER... MAYOR...... ... .. ......... ..........rDATERETURNEDCHECK IN FAVOR OF ISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS Ij CHECKS p 2 7 BROUGHT FORWARD 742367 _512 31l 7 1, .t _. 16917 Board of Public welfare 21 423 5 16918 George Barrett ! ;i 28 8 16919 'Filliam mciianue 16920 T.J.Bailey & OomP3ny 16921 Dr. Hugh Beale 16922 Dr. P.H. Bennion 16923 Dr, R.P. Bentley j 16924 Bethesda Hospital 16925 Dr, John C, Brown 16926 Dr8l Obatterton & Von der We of $21 NNW mug 003POT 19d � j Dr.101, Held 16930 DT* Me Hilger 16931 Dr. George F, Kelley 16932 Mrs Bernhard Low 16933 Midway HosDital 16934 Dr# sale Mogilner 16935 or, F.H. Veber 16936 Northern PaDifio Hospital 16937 Drs, ostergren & Youngren 16939 Dr. H,J. Prendergast 1699 9t,Joeeph's Hospital 169 o Dr. J. 9Shhort 16941 Dr. Benjamin J. ginger 16942 Dr. C.B. Teisberg 16943 Dr. F.L. Webber 16944 Dr. Clayton 1. Williams 16945 Joseph Pepin 16946 Geo. F, Di x, Clerk of gauze 16947 9, Berglund Lumber Company 16946 Oapitol Stationery Mfg.Oomp y 16949 Northern States Power Compan 16950 Northern States Power Compan 16951 9t.Paul Bottling Company 16952 Dtok Sphkes Supply & Fuel 0C p 16953 Mike Duffy • I% 5 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 700 0.72 12 0 18 0 320 0 92 01 16o 35 0 3 39� 2� o 16o 6s0 o 25o 64 0 20 44 o 65 9 80 43 0 80 27 0 90 6o o 169 7 420 1 905 T 1 111 6 574 5 1 108 3 74 236 79 09 512 67 f I e r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK F I I CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ll 1014418 -JL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N0. . COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION *�� Arson August 29 35 MAYIN FAVOR --- ---....----------------------------------..19-------- LU AUDITED CLAIMS PEARCE t{TH ITY TREASURY, ROSEN ....... AGAINST RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE D�WN SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AM UN OF 5--- COVERING -'-t d INCLUSIVE, AS MR. PRES,� CHECKS NUMBERED---TO---f/_ i9 PER CHECKS ON FILE 1 0 FICE OF HE CIT COMPT OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI -----------�-- ----' n ------- - - --- - e{------ ------ - C TY COMPTROLLE0. APPROV3/pD�j--�---,-- --� ------ 'o)j�'4�C'] "'-FC�;I�'� ���7'T--%'. BY--.--."`+'� MAYOR TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF --- - -_-- TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 16754 B.R. Sharretts 510 16755 Harry Smith 65. 16756 Clara Asmold, Widow of H.A. 30' 16757 Ann F. Campion, widow of D.H C. 30 16758 Helen Sullivan, widow of U.S.30, 16759 Soo. for the ?rev, of Cruelt 200 0 16760 Mrs. J.Y. Ayd, Guardian 16761 Mrs. C.M. Claugberty, Guard! 40'. ,: 16;762 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 2 16763 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 9 16764 Mrs. Agnes Weise 21 0 ;_1676 Mies Grace Heller 1676 - Mise Rosalie. O'Connell 28' 0 1676' Burroughs Adding Machine Com any 64:05 16768 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 28 870 00 16769 Board of water Commissioners 328 03 16770 Board of water Commissioners 5 695 39;72 16771 Board of water Commissioners 16772 Board of Water Commissioners 88 25 16773 Board of water Commissioners 2Q,91 16774 Board of Water Commissioners 157: 28 16775 Board of Water Commissioners Clerk 825!52 50 16776 L.R.S.Fergneon, City 16777 L C.Pearoe, C. of Education 136,77 16778 Axel F. Peterson, C.P.R.F. 883:16 16779 Milton Rose#, C.P.Worke 10 69«',89 16780 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 913',23 16781 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 10 8 5;65 16782 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 310 97 167883� Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 440,35 16784 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 16785 Milton Rosen, O.P.Worke 451'92 426,5 16786 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 108,49 16787 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 292;19 16788 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 115;95 16789 , Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 510.61 16790 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 227 23 16791 " Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 642;19 16792 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 336:04 !1679 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 7.65 16794 Fred M. Truax, C.Parks, etc. 18Z 05 16795 R.B. Warren, C.P.Safety 1 11 55 16796 H.C.wenzel, C.P.IItilities 2599 16797 Nele Frederickson 57 60 16-798 leveland Avenue Meat Company 81 54 ' 9'Lou's 168Co ru ge - General Eleotric Supply Corp. 3 186 75 51 16801 -Ray $artak 22 16 16802 Paramount Pies 1 75 16803 Jos. Pavlioek 53 17 16804 .Joe. Pavlioek 62 09 16805 W,F.Smith Tire & Battery Company 108 1 16806 Tri-State Tel. & Teig. Compan 55 75 116807 Tri—State Tell & Telg. Company56 p9 c;ea SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 74 3 ;7® �#� 3 2k t� no DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL / e�Alib 19 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO . _-- v FILE COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MAYCOUNCIL RESOLUTION V) r NRS arson �CKW rlR1 _._. IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS _ August 29 TRUAX AGAINSTRESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASPJRY, WENZEL TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f.'� ........., COVERING MR. PRES. MANONEY Go" o" 3 .I nf)(` l' i iW.R'{R•'/1 CHECKS NUMBERED TO. $�jj�./3.INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY Ty COUNCIL i ` �,. ... _. PER CHECKS ON FIL OFFICE I MC CITY C MPTROLLER. APPROVED it .. .. tPT OLLER ..... _ ..... . .. c . � MAYOR BY .. J.. ... ...... .. .._.... -- - _ — -- - — _ TOTAL DATE C CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS RETURNED DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD + 74-236.7 375.341.1 - 16808 Mrs. H. Mitch I 275 0 16809 'Vinton Christensen 16810 Eddie Landeen 6 401 6 16811 Review Publishing Company 42 16812 State of Minnesota 382 16813 Suite of Minnesota P 16814 J.M. Whalen 16815 Fred Heavers 28 8 16816 Mack Int. Motor Truck Compan� 12 7 16817 midway Creamery Oompany 6 16818 Modern motor&,Ino. 76 1 16819 motor Power Equipment Compan 56 16820 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 16821 Owens motor sales, Inc. 10g 9 Owens motor sales, Inc. 16822 609 4 16823 Park Machine company 22 5 16824 Quick Service Battery Oompan 1682 Reeves Coal & Dock company ,I 0. 19 lib Rosholt Company 1682 T."►. 5 16827 0.0. Rothe ` 4 3 16828 St.Paul Glass Company � 16829 St.Paul Machine Works 12 5 3 3 16830 St.Paul Stamp Works 102 2 16831 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Com any 16832 sanitary Food Mfg. Company �9 2 16833 Soheffer & Roseum Company 41 16834 schelen Auto Electric Compan 5 16835 Schreier's Auto Top Company 15 16836 Smith gelding Company 3 16837 G. Sommers & Company 36 16838 H.K. Stahl Company 202 9 16839 stanohfield Company 9 16840 Standard Spring Company 5 1 4 16841 Standard [Tait Parts Corporat on 88 16842 Steel Sales Corporation 38 1684} swift & Company 92 2 6 16844 Tilden Produce Company 16845 Twin cit$ Hardwood Lumber Company 73 0 16846 Twin City Textile Mille 38 16847 Tinderwood-Elliott-risher Com any 638 8 16848 7nited Auto Register Company 16849 TTniv, carloading & Dist.Co.I c. 12 3 16850 Valley Iron Works Company 19 2 6 16851 Vander Hie Ice Cream Company 7 61 8 1 _.j, a cry r n Ing ompany 1685 ^aldorf Rindery Comrany _ 256 55 50 1 16855 H.E. 'Aedelstaedt Company 364 16856 IV. J. 16857 west Publishing Company 5 0 16858 R.B. Whitacre & Company,Ino. 319 2 16859 The H.w. Wilson Company ! 551 1 16860 Worthington-Qamon Meter Company 189 11 16861 Toerg Brewing Company 15 75 16862 Wm. H. Ziegler Company,Ine. I 91 772 16863 Zinsmaster Baking Company25 26 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD M IM I . ei +� - ..101420_.... 57771 d 4 . I I . ei +� - ..101420_.... 57771 MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION —4*698WILDN ,_roll -IN FAVOR �Tust PEARCE AUDITED CLAIMS ROSEN 31 j9_35 TRUAX .......... __._AGAINST. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WENZEL DWgN60214 .�STY.TCR.E'A ........ COVERING ING MR. PRES. VAH.N,.y Gohan TO THE AGGREGATE Allif F 3..._.._ . .... INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED ..TO PER CHECKS ON P T E OFFI ADOPTED BY THF% ... ......... E 0; TH CITYPTROLLER. APP7!y 19 Nv. CITY COMPTROLLER I . ei DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCt CALL FILE: twhft - ..101420_.... MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION —4*698WILDN ,_roll -IN FAVOR �Tust PEARCE AUDITED CLAIMS ROSEN 31 j9_35 TRUAX .......... __._AGAINST. RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE WENZEL DWgN60214 .�STY.TCR.E'A ........ COVERING ING MR. PRES. VAH.N,.y Gohan TO THE AGGREGATE Allif F 3..._.._ . .... INCLUSIVE. AS CHECKS NUMBERED ..TO PER CHECKS ON P T E OFFI ADOPTED BY THF% ... ......... E 0; TH CITYPTROLLER. APP7!y 19 Nv. CITY COMPTROLLER . y MAYOR C. F. No. 101420— TOTAL DATE Resolved. That checks be drawn On CHECK the City Treasury, to TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK NUMBER Mnount of $48,602.58, o,h,`rl.',L,99,rhe,9'ak: numbered 175 to 193 Inclusive, as per CHECKS CHECKS checks on file In the office of the City Comptroller. Adopted by the Council Sept. 3, 1936, Approved Sept. 3, 1935. (Sept. 7-1935) 175 Milton Rosen, C.P.Torks 3 407 69 176 H.c.venzel, C.F.Utilities 39 90 177 H.W. Fisher Company 3 52 179 Victory Printing Company 12 00 179 TlectTic Blue Print Company 56 22 180 Johnson Printing Company 11 10 181 Goodrich-Silvertown,1no. 3 95 182 OaDstol Stationery Mfg#Oompan 5 59 193 General Electric Supply Corp. 7 27 194 Cleveland Container Company 1 2 79 185 Mpla.—StPaul Sanitary DistrDt lo 409 67 186 DeGraff Wolff 12 864 50 197 Thornton Brothers Company,1no 10 878 55 198 Thornton Brothers Company,Ino 8 989 74 189 Milton Rosen, C.P.Works 1 870 30 190 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Compan 3 68 191 Soheffer & Rossum 3 20 192 11%sotric Blue Print Company 11 41 193 Goodrioh—Silvertown,Ino. 22 50 INTERCEPTOR SEWER BOND FUND SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 70 � 32 t 4+ Counoil File No...... 1104 PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO No. 101421— Abstract. `,reds. A written prof. and f the following liNG 1' zOM O2 FTS PRELIMINARY ORDER. sTasEr ro ; , ondemning ar "'I"' , The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvemt/..,oy the City of Saint Paul, vis.: wIDRUNG OF KELLOGG BOULEVARD FROM 112 FT. EASTERLY OF MARKET STREET TO SE70 CORNERS — By condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, visa That part of lot 4 and the west 22 feet of lot 8 iia Block 1D, Rice and Irvinels Addition, lying southerly and westerly of a line described as Pollowei Commencing at a point on the south line of Fourth Street, 88 feet westerly, of the northeast corner of said lot 4, thence south at a right angle with the south line of Fourth Street, a distance of 10 feet, thence eoutheaapterly to the south— easterly corner of the westerly 22 feet of said lot 5. That part of lots 4 and 5, Block 18, Hide s4•Tieinels Addition lying south— westerly of a line drawn from the southeasterly earner of the,westerly 12 feet of said lot 5 to a point on the westerly line of said lot 4, 16 feet northerly of the southwes erly corner of said lot 4. A11,of Auditor's Sulodivi.aicuN4, 28 All of lots 1, 2, S, 4, Bind 8, Blbbk 24, Rice and Irvine's 9ddit3oa All of lots 1, 2, S, 4, b, 8 and 26, Auditor,' -s Subdivision No. 44 Ali,d Block 22, Rice and Irvinele Addition That part off lots 7 and 8o Block 20i Rice:and Iry iaeis Addition, lying northerly of -a ill" dmana fromr•a point an the westerly line of said lot S. 11.2 feet southerly of the northwesterly corner of said lot 8, to a point on the northerly fins of said lot 70 112 feat northeasterly from the northwesterly corner of eeid lot S. Also condemning and taking an easement to construct and maintain a railing for the protection of the sidewalk on the south side of Kellogg Boulevard, spid easement to be on the northerly 2 feet of lot 1, Block 91, Rice and irvi-1 , ing 1' Peet more or lens west of ?Aarket Street. uz a ,.zne-uranw—Trom a posnt on the wester4 line of said lot B, 11.2 feet - southerly of the nortb*ftterly corner of said lot 8, to a point on the northerly line of said loth 7, llkfeet northeasterly from the northwesterly corner of said lot 8. for condemning and taking ea easement to construct and a railing protection of the sidewalk on the south side of Ke5l6gg Boulevard, said easement to bep the northerly 2 feet of lot 1, Black 21, Rice and Irvine's Y .bi.Go t�c.WW 4 I �iTr TOP W' �� � i ,�' , ;a �;, �id,� J,il,v��l,{i��� i'� y,.'• i:4 ��11F 91�,� +••, 14 !'4'1�i.���!!'lrr���iti��T•Bih58:�JM.�V r11 0 I DOS A, M �iIJ!�L*i.7}�d�.Y,�l"P'•S "':t��,��i.,.,. 0T {LI r0} r' , ql , {1'•5'� �; )G 0� r, ?q Tod j� , i XEEG :YOB-jF;Pij7 d. p�'9 ?. G':.•D':. q ;P , iC 704 i, o a ' fpearcc oon�pssas�E ,ja . r (pO eonV- ror.�} Top d' F,-LGG scYY.Up e.{` a zrglyp cru2; a AT.Pl: � PEi �ntu i,o.J;:sucrn-k s}` t .,.J�tF �YJ cgs rotlrr ,';;c oL. a^mAp L,; -r BE b ; jl OL TTUs g®ecil'psq s;2 76'77o. -s: yu:T b xF OL T,.i q uq ;PE? sC i, b bcer 1,1. TO;2 :0 BlOcic TO �70E ;nlq l e usY OL c.ArEK CObU 2 — Imo' C`13 Y ::otrut guq f FMJE rps I,o TTo-Tug gezczy psq To¢s au j ................................... ..................................... I ......................... ................................................-----....................................... ..............-----.................. ............................. -- ........_............. - ...........---........................... ............ -- ......---- ---........... Dated this.......... °rd......day of....................September, 19J3b - -' 193....... ................... .... - - .......... -----...............---- Councilm PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: 1RDOM OF KNIUM BOQLBVABD FROM 112 FT. EASTEW OF HARM STRM TO MEN CORNERS - By 000deeoing and taping the following described lots and parcels of land, vist M;,�� of lot, 4 and the west 22 feet of lot S in Block lb, Rice and IryIneIa , lying southerly and westerly of a line described as follows Ong at a point on the south line of Fourth Street, 86 feet westerly of the northeast emu of said lent 4, thence gonth at a right angle with the south lice of 1041u'th Street ,� a distance of 10. feet, thaw eoutheas®ter]y to the sonth- easter]y tomer' oil the westerly 22 feet of sag lot g. That part of late 4 and 5i Block •16, We and Irvine's Addition lying south- westerly of a line drawn from the southeasterly censer of the westerly 12 feet of said lot b to a point on the westerly line of said lot 4, 16 feet northerly of the southwesterly corner of said lot 4. All of Auditor's Subdivision 9o. 29 , F P i1, x, e All of lots 1, 2, S, 4, b, 6 and lb, Auditor's Subdivision No. 44 All of Block 22, Rice and Irvine's Addition That pert of lots 7 and 8, Block 20, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on the westerly line of said lot 8, 11.2 feet southerly of the northwesterly corner of said lot 8, to a point on the northerly line of said lot 7, 112 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly corner of said lot S. Also condemning and taking an easement to construct and mqlttsin a railing for the protection of the sidewalk on the south side of Eelldgg Boulevard, said easement to be ;on the northerly 2 feet of lot 1, Block 21, Rice and Irvine's I'Ra.if it'll 11 if Elf I I bt y a Pz:a �OA!, t.�r; E��x�b�v� tc�sc :4 `Cr ...t tr{ fst���nrsf R�)rii`I➢tfiLU"di' .;:,5, yhJ�+r,;; combn.ia p ugTIA 78 ;ee; mor'e OL T082 uea; o; W91FO; 24OW ea omeL VggTPTwl te a, ex;eu9 ;Loin gems; 24GOP Po �>� bo:easnry qoL rezo q 17 b sesemev; Po ps'�r ;pe uoLPpeLT1 S ;ecP o; TOP I'•BIOcR ST' B7ce auq I +Tne,s ;oL PFs bzO;GG;Tou O; PFe eTq"erTlc on Ppe aonPp aTge Oi SeTTo6S BOnTG"Lq' 8sig VTao cougemolut muq 4'slq t mII emaemeuP PO couaPLIM; quq mrpPBTv a L9TTT;Jt asTq TOP 8' ea eL a cOLDOL o; JToe o; amiq TOP V TTS ;e6P UOLPPOO"OLf� ;Lom PFe�uoLPp�Ab P P7OV Ppe UOL;FeLIX &OnPFeLT1 O; PFe uol.nacaPsyJ3 COLneL O; asTq TOP 8 PO o; m Tine gLebu gom a boTup on PFe neaPe&Ta TTAe o; asTq TO; 9' TI'S i88P ,Lug; bey} 0; Tops d 8uq 8' BTOOF SO' gTcs sIIq ILeine�s VggTPTorr 7 'g nOLPpeLTX II^Tu°lg maT;roo drr o6 r4e r1 VIT 0; I48 I' S, 8' 1' Q s�fq el BIOCK Sj' Mics Vq ILAip642 Vggi;iou Ot fps aongpree;eLTI, co=GL 0; asTq TOP d• uoLPpeLT2 os asTq TOP 2 PO a bOTuP On PFe rsePeLTA Tins O; asTq TOP Te LOG; smaPeL]'d coLueL o; Ppe reaPeLTi TS ;e6P reePOLA o; a Ties 9LOAD ;Lom PFe aotrPp awf b9-74 o; TOPa I MR 2' BTOOK Tel gTee m m ILAVO0 VggTPTOU TITOE aonPp— emaPeLT1 coLneL o; PFe req;eq) SS ;eeP O; ogTq TOP Y' sesbPeLTL PO PFe eonPp— TTue Oa Low4p BPLeeP' m gTePmuce o; TO t88P PFeuce GOAM a SCOW uoLMeme; cosaeL o; amT9 TOP I' Vauce eonPp u; a LTRFP evSTs ATfP PF pommsucTa eF s.boly; ou fps 201W TTus o; LOAF 2PL660 86 bsep rs"OLTa 0; n gw;peLT1 muq &Q800, O; m Tina gev(mTpeq ma ;oTTOaes lyb T a sea; SS ;ss; O; TOP 8 Tu BTOOF 12' YTOs muq IL°Tus,e �Ob TOP d sag PF beyceTa o; Teuq' Alas Ba OougeopE gVq PBRT� PFe ;OTTO� goaeyipeq 100 suq Zan COBIM — Ri n Unnrr 7Ts La KV2j Pli 0L anu 21KM s0 ............................................ ............... y....................................................... __..................... ........................... ................. ......................................... ........... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul. ...... ... .................... ............... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. S. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. ✓! b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council .................... p......$. . ........................ YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY .� MODONALD Approved ...................... PEARCE ROSEN TRUAx WENZEL.. MIL PRESIDENT . 1 ............._7....................................--................ Mayor. Form c A 13 (xM r -aa) / Council File No------------�1 --�(---------- 422 �► PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT •01+33— Abetract. .. A written proponal and the following impr,., 'tcthe negrmite o E. '1 PRELIMINARY ORDER. ° a rr The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publicimprovemeit 1 y & City of Saint Paul, viz.: ChanginF, the c;rede of F. Third from 117 ft. e, st of KEnm;r(R ♦;i • to 7itcPF. r :ve. -nn from.. cl feet e ." f Whai Bee -r lvenue to 530 fect. e.st of Hazel Ivrnue, also ch! nnir.- the T.. r o^ Fl�.ndrru t.reet from Third Street t.o 1::' fcct north of :. Thirc. Street, to conform to the r^d lines on the profile hereto ate -he -d s,nd mEne i uart hereof, the present established grade being cho.vn 1w the -)lue liner thereon; :.lso [r ring F. Third Ft. from 117 ft. east of Kennard St. to 1x.st eve., c:nd regra�e Flandrau ;t. from F. Third ot,. to 120 £set north of F. Thiry ct.rret to the proposed chcngc of i�rnde when estab'ished and the rreo;ent. Est. t l�-ct.cd 7- de where no c` .,need. l lso rrE-ring Hezel :.v, . from :rd °trect to ' Fourth St.r^et Changing the grade of E. Third St. from 117 ft. east of Kennard St. to White Bear Ave. and from 516 feet east of White Bear Avenue to $30 feet east of Hazel Avenue, also changing the grade of Flandrau Street from E. Third Street to 120 feet north of E. Third Street to conform to the red lines on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present established grade being shown by the blue lines thereon; also grading E. Third St. from 117 ft. east of Kennard St. to East Ave., and regrade Flandrau St. from E. Third St. to 120 feet north of E. ThirdStreet to the proposed chango of grade when established and the present established grade where not changed. Aso grading Hazel Ave, from E. Third Street to E. Fourth Street i 5. To Teport upon au or Me foregvtng 319 • - yr�S----.......------- Adopted by the CounclL----------- ---------SLP YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY MCDONALDApproved..----------`--- ---------------------------------------------...----------- PEARCE ROUEN TRIIAX �. V ' ..- W EN ZEL ................. J-.... ..!_ ................................_...... Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (RM 7-33) q%_ / _ 3'UBLISHL"Tf / I < 2.q _ SP7z' -:+ t� TI -IG L•..,.• c } r S J 1_.> .:c c i ' i y +• LzoW 77J G+ ` 7s} eq tge PE 7 . o c r �. r.0 S-4 Nc 9 tr33 nu Pe b> o F _ -r i ....�n......_..m.,.... ..---------------------------- -- -- ------ -- - --- - - ---- - --- ---------------------------- 2nd-----_da Se tember, 1935 Dated this---------- .d y of-------- - ...... -- P ------- ------z - --- - -- ------ ------ ---------------- ... -- C ------------- Couu nccilil man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Changing the grade of E. Third St. from 117 ft. east of Kennard St• to White Bear Ave. e A from 516 reet east of White Bear Avenue to 550 feet east of Hazel Avenue, also changing the grade of Flandrau Street from E. Third Street to 120 feet north of E. Third Street to conform to the red lines on the profile hereto attached s=d made a part hereof, 'the present established grade being shown by the blue lines thereon; also grading E. Third St. from 117 ft. east of Kennard St. to East Ave. s and regrade Yla;rdrau St. from B. Third St. to 120 feet north of E. Third "Street to the proposed change of, grade when established and the present ostai3,3_ished grade vikere not changed. Also grading Hazel Ave. from i E. Third Street to E. Foux•th 3traet k a 5. To report upon au or the ror`6v.ug .ua �•-� . 31 -yr.- • Adopted by the Council----------------- SLP - YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY MCDONALDApproved ------------J--------------- ............................... ............... �. PEARCE ROSEN TRIIAX - ` / WENZEL ---------------- Mayor. MR. PREB[T DMN F— C A 12 (2M 7-23) 9 / PUBLISfIETf / J 7— 33 _ Council File No -------- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT:naa a— Abet;—'- A written Drbp�oeal fog sad the following lmproven ng and t§.lcing an eae ; cessa" for elor^ i ARY PRELIMINORDER. a ,hanOpg of, t The and reigned hereby proposes the making of the following publicimprovementbythe rCity ofSaint Paul. vi- Con0e^u — n r nd «'cir an easement in the 7_^nd necess, ry for slo7es, eutF, :-nd fills Z-1 the of the grade fnd F x— -ding of F.. Third Strcc.t from 117 f et ea s' o" TKElun=- - I St rc et to -shite Be-. r vernue and from 516 feet e- -i of White Peer - _ rlue to 53C fCet east, of Hanel 'venue, and in the chanpinr of Prada and regiac3— � of F1—ncirau E'treet from E. TYzird Street to 120 feet north of F. ni-cl Street --a--d 'ri t- ht- gradim: of Hazel vr: uF, from. F. Thtrd StrF-Ft to F. :.,urth Stre-e t 1 so -n -the g.ra<' inF, -o' - n sin row ch on Ha-zelwood Avenue from F. "'hire -(nllth of T'7?_ "Ci ViTH N SAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.-. Conf3a ^r+ -i g aaa3 taking an easement in the lnnd necessary for slopes., S,uts and tills =ffM� the CIxa-aging of the grade and grading of E. Third Street from 117 feet east o Senna.—d Street to White Bear Avoaue and from 516 feet east of White Bear —QE aua to 530 feet east of Hazel A_vsnue, and in the changing of grade and r -ac3 =�� of' Ir-l-sind.7au Street from F. 'iiaird Street to 120 feet north of E. Third Sires— . and iu the grading of Hazel Avenue from E. Third Street to E. Fourth StlrvxwL,�.r also iTi tiie gradimig of an appresaah on Hazelwood Avenue from Bi Third Stres-*=- -t-o 200 Suet south of E. Third Street. ---- - - 4- To state vvhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. Ta- report upon all of the foregoing matters te- the Commissioner of Finance. ✓ "Adopted b9 the Council -------------- SEP ----- YvwFs NAYS � -Msacilman MAY MCDONALD PEAacE ROBEN TRUAX RTENZEL MS PsmslDElwr Perm C A 18 C'=—' — 7_33) Approved ...... .SE .----. ------- ............ ------------------------------ ............. Mayor. 163 Council File No----------------------- l Dated this....---- - -----------day of------ — - - - - ...... Councilman. pRELI1ViINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malr`iug o£ the following improvement, via.: Condemning and ta',ri-rsg as d-rs tYae 1=.ad neieEeerirdfor 5slopestreetirom11 t7and feet fills in the changing of t}se gree 21S1a grad. Tb o east of Bonna-'d Stx-ooL to 24lsi a 3e mss�-�l s�exa�ae and d in tthe feet east e Of grade Bear Avenue to 580 feet eRt(:>:rs, (:>:rHaae1 P_v6r1nB� incl n he changing B rj$t'ading of Flsndram Stree-lr T�r'affi --Jr— TI�3-=-a Street to 120 feet north of E. Third 8treety land in the gx-sCl" of Hr --J, Aveszue —x-om E. Third Street to E. Fourth Street, also in the zx-lm 8+�a-csa os Hazelwood Avenue 4nom Eli Third Street to 200 feet soizt13 of E Taz1a a Str®et. - 4. To state whether or not said improvemeai its salted for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoiag matters to -tix Commissioner of Finance. ^Adopted by the Council------------- 50 R 3 - -- ----------- YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY SES c " MCDomALD _ APProved------- ------------- ._---:-------------------------------...--------•--- PEABCE Rosr x TRUAX W ENZE,.._---`- L ............................... ...... Mayor. Ma. PaascDBrr'r F>m C A 18 (411 7-34)"1 ` ) UBLISITC ' ✓✓ ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... COUNCIL 1 cc oft"""' NO. 142 / CITY OF ST. PAUL ___-In favor Lam— l'ruax OFFICE OF THE CITY CL' 1o14zs—sr a. E. w OUNCIL RESOLUTIO GENER `Arthure Haesetg. the Clesetntid Service t ,Mr. President (Gehan) ialnt Paul, has deme' [oreR the Civil Service SNTED B PREE �+ , or --1-1 �M1`neprov" COMMISSION WHSRW, Arthur F. Haessig, an employe in the Classified Service of the City of Saint Paul, bas demanded a hearing before the Civil Service Board of Appeals or Referees, as provided by Chapter 409, Session Laws of Minnesota for 1933; and WSMAS, the Council has heretofore appointed Herbert A. Austin as a member of said Board, and the Mayor has heretofore appointed Walter T. Ryan as a member of said Board; and WHEREAS, said Chapter 409 provides that the Board of Appeals or Referees shall, within ten days after their appointment, fix a date for hearing and notify such employes; therefore, in order to comply with said act and to make said date certain, be it RESOLVED, ?hat the appointment of Herbert W. Austin and Walter T. Ryan be and it is hereby ratified, and the said Herbert W. Austin, Walter T. Ryan and John B. Probst shall constitute the members of said Board of Appeals or Referees to hear the appeal of said Arthur F. Haessig. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce / PecersoD- ___-In favor Lam— l'ruax Warren -------Against /Wenzel ,Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council193____ AEP App�rovedd-,--_---- ayor -- PUBLISMED �� / ORIGINAL TO CITY GLHseK�7 4/.6 COUNCIL 1//f•••��� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESERITE� MM-'W-DAentember '7, 1955 COMMISS [OH E F2 DA RESOL.vtE=a That the Purchasin,& Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to pui:o1ias:e, with the consent of the Comptroller, approximately 3000 gallons of Tarvia P_, from the Barrett Comoany, at a price of 12¢ per _-cellon, to be applied on various bridge decks es required, without a.dverti se•nent or competitive bids, as the Barrett 00 ip, the only manufacturer of this product. ChzrZe Bridge Bld--. & Repair. - Material & 3uhnlies 14-A -c.31 COLS N4C_—ILMEN / yeas � Nays earce __In favor ruax 1 iV�/ arren � i Against Ivtr_ President (0chan) 5M 6.34 C- F. No. 101426—By A. C. Wenxel— By Request— - Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he to hereby e tth f i hs to purchase, with the co Comptroller, approximately 3000 gal- lons of Tarvia A. YIf— the Barrett Company,in. a pries to s 2f p de kwon. to be npliwa as required, lthout as the Barretrt [ Com mpetitive bids. a any is the ly anufacturer f this P, Charge Sr dye Bldg. & Re- palr—Material & Suppl les 14-A3-331. Adopted by the Coune 11 Sept. 4. 1936. Approved Sept. 4. 1936. (Sept. 7-1936) Adopted by the Council— SEP 4_193 -- QEF 195 Mayor O --NAL TO CITY CL COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOLJNGIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 3 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVEo T1-iat -t I-- E-_ e iTng Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purcYias= VwZtYi the consent of the Comptroller, 25- 5/811x3/411 ident cold Ovate"r meters, at a total cost not to exceed Tr $225- 00 tivzthout advertisement or competitive bids, as these are �� t ant ed art ides and no advantace could be rained thereby. Charge `."Tat zr Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas /Pearce R`` — � VC7`ruax jarre:n — �G7enzel /Mr. President (C 0118 r1'3 i 5M 6.14 C Rea.lved 101427-13Y hatt he Porches ngg Agent be. and he Is the rconaen�tho� Ited to -,troller, 26 9y^- " Trident cold C.—,troller eters, t P total Coat not t0 eY- eed $225.00. without advertisement or pet, tive bide, as these a patented articles and no advantage c uld be gamed thereby. Charge Water Depart_ . m- tAdopted by the Council Sept. 4, 1925- Approved Sept 471936. Adopted by the Council _-EVn 4- ft193—_ SEP 4 Approved--.------ Mayor pproved -.----- OPI.- TO -1 CLBNK RESOLVED CNCIL NO. 101428 C1TY OF ST_ PAULFITLUE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 3. 1935 That the PurchasiTi A Brit be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with tiae consent of 'the Llayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, a 8000 gallons, 'IQ" Ethylized gasoline, 700 octane, from th= STANDA=tD OIL COILTANY at a price of $ .12469 per =Tallon , 1 e s s days on refinery price, including state tax and Federal excise tax, on informal bids, ae an where failure to act promptly would work fl best intereets of the City. Charge Water DepeLx tmernt . COUNCILMEN Yeas , Nays carte .P,Mrst)rr 1A10ee"-- f a v o r JCtuax i'� /*arren Against /Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 Adopted by the Council_ SEP 4 06 193_ Approved ---- SEP 4----1933 Mayor COUNCIL NO. 1.0142-9 CRIGIHAL To CITT C—K T. PAUL FILE CITY OF S OFFICE OF THE CITY GLEF2K COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Se tember 3 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That t� Furchas� Agent be, and ize is hereby authorized to purchas with the consent of the Cornptroller, one 3" i eTseY Comvourz 2&eter, one 411 Hersey Compound ;deter and 25- 5/311x3/4-1 cost Cold_ ^7a �r ieters, Hersey lAodel 'IF' , at a total not to ` exceed5'`�-4O, «'ithout advart•ieamzrit or competitive bides, as -� xe tented articles and. no -3dvPntage could be gained these pa Charge N7'ater Department t e r 2b z_� x. c. weasel— C. No. 1011x2— �` rhes Purchasing Rea solved, hereby apthorjzed gent be. a,ad h0 ie of Ath. the t o purchase. o ib the conaeCo Sound C mptroll�r. 3� Iieraeyound Meer Meter. 4— M-M—ey Comb and 26 %_a .l> r Cold taster Meter,, t r- ,ey Model P� ai a total oo,t not to 599.40. without edverU,ement eaceed 5 thea. ere Paid en or apetitiv¢ bide.pgptagec ted rticles a.t><d no De Kalned Wereby Charge Westar De- psrtment_ 7936. Adopted by the 19361 Sept. 4, Approved Sept 7_1936) COUNCILM IE i Yeas Nays earce _ In favor arren ___Against ,,Wenzel - Mr. President C�3 ilan) ,M 6.74 AdoSVP Adopted by the Council_—__y7-�.c--- 193__ SEP 41M193_- Approved------ Mayor ORIai�NAL TO -C iTY GL6gK e6UNCI� (I CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. o OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESS R+i ---AW--AE=—:O COMM2 MOEVER REsO>�_v>Ep That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pByT -t-lae city) s hroportionste share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Court House d City Ha -11 Building Commission as shown on Abstract of Claims Plumber 70 of the l Qv isory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, totaling 16,552.30, the city 4ff=_-- si>zlre of which is $3,276.15, and all as shown upon the claims submitted by said C ©zarnission. C. F. No. 101430—By M. H. Gob— IrvingC. Pearce— Resolved, That the proper city ofd - be and they are hereby author- Ized and directed to pay the city's pro- portl'nota share of the Mlle submitted H the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Com In ., n as shown Abstract t Cialms Number 70 of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, t0ta1th9 $0.652.30, the city's share o[ which is $3.270.16, mand ally.1 shown upon the claims sub- ltted by said Commission. Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 1935. Approved Sept. 4, 1935. (Sept. 7-1935) Nays f -_._-_--- _-- In favor --Against Adopted by the Council— 4SEP--- 4]9K193_.__ SEP 4 Approved-- Mayor CO _W___3 N ILMEN Yeas rce ruax arren _ enzel �t� i'Mr_ pr sidcnt (Gchan) 5M 6-34 Nays f -_._-_--- _-- In favor --Against Adopted by the Council— 4SEP--- 4]9K193_.__ SEP 4 Approved-- Mayor /SENTED ST. PAUL FILEOFFICEOFTHE CITY CLERK GOLJNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PR BY ��"� i_ C_�7f COMMISSIONER n r1 _T_ DATE September 5, 1955 gaS s C_3m+m-lB K-wenbeolc desires to withdraw application 5925 for Grocery license at C13Lar1es Street, and requests return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVIm3 that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Ci m_ -4E the fee of 510.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas � 1Pearce ruax Warren �" Venzel /Mr. President (Gehari' 5M 6.34 Nays In favor - _Against C. F. % 101431—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truaa—I. C. Pearce— Whereas. Ciara Kvanbeok desires to ithdra-v application 6926 Cor Grocee license at 669 Charles Street, and r a ne�te return be ft of license fee, therefor hat Resolved, e li Y eree hereby city m- terrefundnto Clara Kvanback the feaEcd ot E70 00 and to or, said application for Hese. Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 1936. Approved Sept. 4, 1986 (Sept 7-1926) Adopted by the Council_Sf_p_4 +jt3ms 193_ SEP Mb Approved _._.. _.. ------ - - _--------193 Mayor OFFICE aF , � 5[ .. I..ERK Htoo`rr sass ciiY xwu. :. REt;tYEp OF APIrACATION sen -- -.� N .. N 49orAPP - - 0 Dollars Is goo ISA `RECE OWME D Sim .ON 'yOUt- APPUCATION FOR � — - .W . �_ � _ - .. i y CLJ►aB „OF !JClMs6 •:-: r = Wl�TIIr� TQ APP CANT` �iIS iS NOT A- LICEN$ ,'. VE TE 7COOE,APPLIOI►TION FOR LIONISE WILL EITNHR SE O*' BiUEOiEO� li^7N� ESPI#�Q -'OE TBE lR$PECTIOE NY THE LICENSE IN- 3PEOFO .. COW1MuNICAf :wIT Y#IE_ OEiISE S7$S OTO R. PUBLIO.SAFETY 811i101E0, W17(1 EEF• _N �ftEE{OF TO YlIE COYPL OIf OF:IIE BEQURRED� EG"om. YOUR 00 ; ;TH10EQE!PT ON -IN THIS MAT• $9QIATBD IFYL SSP HEJEOZ RE$E 70 CITY CM, -�� aor rr •as ;s s6t.is raaaan�xn.se.m.ms�m.kre�..awmo.ouoa.s.�. C ITY OF SAINT PAUZ Office of City Clerk L. P__ S. Ferguson City Cleric July 25th, 1935 CDaz-Mm- Bvsnbec]c 559 ries St_ St _ 1 . lsian. Dear —dsm: Yours s very truly, �v C Clerk. I have been directed by the City Council to iuFo �—u you that application for license at 559 Charles Strec has not been passed due to the fact t_xat tse �— aaces are delinquent on this property. fine City Council has been withholding licenses foxy 3lcome producing properties on which taxes are delinquent. If you are not the o*ner of this property, the owner should be :M- formed o£ this action. It will be necessary for the owner or agent of such procQ rty to contact the Gormnissioner of Finance, Room 113, Ci Ly 13x11. fihe Office of the City Clerk has no discretion is—matters. Your case will have to pass through the offz a of the Co=nissioner of Finance before final action wi1 be taken by the Council. Yours s very truly, �v C Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL ANTE R -OFFICE COMMUNICATION MEWORANDUrM mor City Clerk — C1mmrR gYBIIback to now residing in Minneota, Minnesota. She has 1e:Ct ]16r dnrl i tate receipt No. A-5208, and has requested that the c --l- 4=3< mor refund of license fee be mailed to Clara. Kvanbeck, Minneota, Minnesota as she wi11 aot return to St. Paul. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL_iR - _CITY OF ST. " PAUL OFFICE OF TF 7 g, No. 101433— COUNCIL R SOLUTIO -a o'ved, that 11ce s Lave been ✓`-� � � don thea L1reby gra PRESENTED BY ��strneted COMMISSIONEFa Ipe�a I -RM t -d d ted . o 1, IT COUNCIL, FILO• 4 RESOLVES That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses � -- dicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instruct4s� o issue such licenses upon the pe7ment into the city treasury of the required :E!- -mmmmm-- e s V. W. GE � 27 W. Sixth St. Confectionery App. 6755 Renew. E. F. 1112 W. -Seventh Butcher 1934-35 U 6534 ^ C. J. Bed 45 S. Cleveland a IN 6740 " Tom J. M 1112 W. Seventh a 1935-36 " 6535 " E. D. Weak - 2042 Marshall n " 6721 " I. CohOWL 228 E. Indiana Grocery " 6645 " John Ms C4m33 1120 Beech ^ ° 6566 " Gruet zmmma om- s. 858 Thomas n IN 6709 " Butcher " 6710 " I srael Sa!_=K_ �c— Z-ftc3+ e v 1080 Earl St. Grocery ^ 6525 " L. C. 1285 E. Minnehahm ° " 6588 a C. J. L.e� 11.40 Arkwright n a 6598 " Wm. 419 S. Hamlir+e Butcher " 6713 ^ Wm. 710 E. 7th Grocery a 6525 " J. R. Sgv 3L lc 421 N . Dale n IN 6758 " Ben Fr Gas Se Oil Co. 325 W. Como Gas Sta. 5 plmtps ^ 6734 " COLJINT �— -_W_ LM EN Adopted by the Council— -_ -- -- - 193__- . N Yeas ays Pear e Peter sozz In favor Approved - ___-_. -193__ _ Truax War s _ -- Mayor "OVer:zel Mr. (C' han) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY =­11CCOUNCIL A J• 1 — ITY OF ST. PAUL vlLe NO. L�Fj�,j OFFICE OF TF. _ F. No. 10143E— COUNCIL RoSOLUTIO so.vea• Lhat Ilcensea I :?2M d ✓ �t'oas have Deea C_/J tiea on the attaawadi '( ST—tdPRESENTED Y h'reby B Ilinactea to 1. COMMISSIONER �C�' — _�„ ,«ate. Cgp}eetnh 1958 RESOLVED �J�haat licenses applied for by the Pollow3ng named persons at the addresses isQ; sated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenaes upon the payment into the city treasury of the required V. W. 27 W. Sixth St. Confectionery App. 6755 Renew. E. F. Brown 1112 W. Seveath Butcher 1959-55 " 6534 " C. J. BBCIsZ-xiarmL-x=-N_ 45 S. Cleveland n ^ 6740 " Tom J. 1112 W. Seventh ^ 1935-56 " 6555 " E. D. Went m 2042 Marsh -ll " n 672.1 n I. Cohen 228 E. Indiana Grocery " 6645 " John Eseh 1120 Beech " " 6566 " Gruetzmen 133r-cz mEar-o 858 Thomas " " 6709 " " Butcher ^ 6710 " Israel Ha—tip+ 1080 Earl St. Grocery ^ 6525 " L. C. Jacobs 1285 E. Minnehnha ■ " 6588 e C. J. Lape 11.40 Arlcwright " " 6598 " Wm. Mayberg 419 S. IlAimllne Butcher " 6715 " Wm. Petter 710 E. 7th Grocery " 6525 " J. R. Sevc _lam 421 P. Dale " " 6758 " Ben Freemsta C -Z'_ -_-ma* s 8a 011 Co. 525 W_ Como Gas Sta. 5 pumps " 6754 " COUNCILM 12� Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council.._______- ______-_ -193.. Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved _ _-----_ -. _ _ _-193-_ Truax Warren __________— __. Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President art) 5M 6.34 .. ORIOINI.L TO CITY CL... _ IIL NO. - (11432 GITY OF ST. PAUL. 'INCE O*�FIGE OF THE CITY CLERK GOLI�[GlL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— SP MGRS COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Ban Freeman Gas Be Oil Ca Martin Salzwedal Rex Trtmtmer Herbert F. Uebe L A Eat Shop No. 1 The Emporium White Castle System Harry J. Di-etschv Orpheum Theatre Realty Co David W. Halp®r Max Paymar Wm. Zwirm n " " n H. R. Dunn n n a n ++ w a Peter LatuPf a " Carl Gorkin A. Martz & A. C meg@ COUNiMLM EN Yeas Nav . earce Peterson Rprsen //Truax Warren — i -Wenzel Mr. President (Oeharn) 5M 6.34 —2- 341 W. 7th St. 2759 W. 7th 925 Randolph 699 F. Shelling 385 Robert 159 E. 7th 172 E. 6th 601 X. Western 365 St. Peter 225 E. FIL 1more 844 Payne Ave. _ _In favor Gas Sta. 6 pumps App.6735 Renew. n n 3 " " 6750 " n n 3 n " 6546 ^ n n 3 " " 6761 ^ Restaurant " 6778 ^ n " 6651 " " ^ 6760 ^ Dance Hall ^ 6562 " Theatre (President) " 6719 ^ Junk dealer " 6707 ^ 2nd hand dealer " 6640 " 728 Armstrong Restaurant " 6528 " n " On Sale Malt Bev. " 6529 " n n 0£f ^ n IN " 6530 ^ 28 W. 7th Restaurant " 5728 " n " " On Sale Malt Bev. " 5729 " 23 W. Fairfield Restaurant n 6725 ^ n n " On Sale Malt Bev. " 6724 " 185 E. 7th On Sale Malt Bev. " 6595 " 175 Market Place Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6417 " Adopted by the Council SEP41%5 — -----_---193___ 05 Approved.-- SEP ----- -- --- --- ---193-- Mayor --193_Mayor 7 / I >UNCIL A CJ a.{ tt2 $ >;. warren—Le NO. ' TY OF ST_ PAUL y .. C. Pearae— OFFICE OF THE CITY CI aneea for which ar Made by the f _ COUNCILOLUTION —GENE. a ne at uie_eaddre. the same h, O( ty .1—k upon to i1—t:e `eee uppon the P,: PRESENTED S� L y f the September 3 1935 `L COMMISSIC>"Mzm114,11 LI j 1197 Arc„ RESOLVED „nr Tbat licenses for which applications have been made by the follo*ing named Bacons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city c� Pa3� is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treeLa=L rte of the required fees: s Alms Bakery " 6357 " 1197 Arcade W. A_ XDW-mE�w -AF.�an 2121 Randolph Butcher " 6742 New owner Wm. 1938 Grand " " 6712 New JLrtbmx=- 4-- — Gess 354 N-Cbektrw cwrth Grocery " 6693 " Henry e1 392 Prior Gas Sta. 3 pumps " 6759 New owner C. T- Zoo ster 2607 W. 7th " " 3 " " 6766 " " Harty 3g w�3saiaitz 208 E. 14th Foodstuff Veh.Peddler Lie. 89, App;6799 Hrs_ asbeth Brislance 1538 Como, Av- Restaurant App. 6723 New owner Irwin ging 242 S. Cleveland " w 6369 " Mrs- L. Byen 1615 St. AntbKMY Ice Delivery " 6604 " Haamy 3EEME _ Schnmeister 275 E. 7th 2nd hand dealer " 6716 " COLD 2`T �—Z LM EN Yeas Nays -I--- 35Z an ---- __In favor Against /GV e ra z�l /Mr. Pres:exit (C3ehan) SM ,6.34 Adopted by the CoundiSEP_-4_ j-_-_193__._ MCA May o • PUBLISIICD / 7-3 ORIOfNAL TO CLLRK - FOE10143NCIL NO.3�.. _ ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /�//����Jjjjjj,,L/// COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEZ•V'TED BY — �J��� � DATE September `5, 1985 COMn/EiS510IVER 111 — — RESOLVEm V That licenses for Reataurant, application 5981, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 5988, and Off Sale Malt B494erage, application 5985, applied for by A 4C_x-v4c13a at 171 Front Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is 371stx-x:xcted to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the rP� ;red fees. Re�e�a1 0£ licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce: In favor Truax iiXTarren _Against /'Wenzel �.Mr_ President (Gehan) 5M 6-34 101434—BY A F_ Warren— grad Trus:—I. C. Pearce— gesolved. That licenses SolROOM— Id- t ant. apphca 1lcation869822, od OK Bale } geverage. app llcetiou 6983, p - Malt Beveregge•Gropazo t 1-11 Front 8t - plied d rthe a the are herebY to Sesue U. c1, is inatrpiCnteOnd into the and the C"Y the pa 1 d tees. h licenses u to the reeu re 4. 1936• Creasury of 35 Adopted D the Council Sept..I Approved (S pt- q 1936) Adopted by the Council SEP_410-193-- WP_ 4 job Approved-- --------__ __._----193-___ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLK V.11435COUNCIL I CITY OF ST- PAUL •ag NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL -RE:SOLUTION — GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B* N �/ COMMISSIONER DATER seDt21 1933 RESOLVED V Twat -I -`W ceases for Restauran+,, application 6606, and On Sale Malt Beverage, app3_ic4st moa 6607, applied for by Rierminrt Vigernst at 866 East Seventh Street, be aad tImAaw same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such Imes �e s -wzpon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Now COILM EN Yeas1--J a y s .arcs / 24tetsvn —Rosen /Truax ]Warren /Wenzel /111'r. President 5M 6.34 __ In favor �- 7_Against C. F. No. 101436—By H. E. Warren—I Pied M. TYuax-1. C. Pearce— Fla— earce— I Resolved• That peen... for Rest.-' Bevter ppllcatlon 6608, and On Sale Malt by Fr re mean Vigerulet a[6 B68.111t East geor nth 3tr et, be d the same are here- bIn- trdCted t to issue 0 and hsuch tyllce.... clerk 1 upon the payment Int. the city treasury of the equlred fee.. Adopted. by the Council Sept. 4, 1936. "Droved Sept. 4, 7936. (Sept. 7-1936) Adopted by the Council_ 193-__ Approved193____ C !/ --•—.LSC.. �----Lam•--�--+-� Mayor OpI01 NAL To cety i ITY OF ST_ PAUL cOUNCIL NO.�� 6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK FILE COUNCILTRESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENI�p BY COMMISSIONER I RESOLVED DATE_ Sept. 2, 1936 east licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6297, Restaurant, application 40 and Off Sete Malt Beverage, aprl i cation 6299, applied for by Lodovico gAT-a "Ext 725. West Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city zs instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury o:r t _ff=__B regnired fees. New Owner COUIyCILM E N Yeas Pearce Rweraeoll `T "Warren _ �VC�enzd /�r. President (0e1z ri :�w 5M 6.34 -- _In favor ----Against C. F. No. 1014 3 6-13y H. E. Warren Resolved TTh t 11 nava efor On @ale Mait Beverage, application 6297, gee_ [M -Rant, applicatia. on 6298, and OK @ale Plied fore byj d ppll a on 6299, Seventh Street be n ardl at 726 opeet h are by granted and the city clerk le are st tad to issue such lloeneee upon the PQ yment Into the city treasury of the Adopted aby the Council Sept. 4, 1936. Approved Sept_ 4, 1936. (Sept. 7-1936) Adopted by the Council._- SEP 4 93__-._ . Approved. - Se 4 ---- - --�M 193_____ Mayor OR101NaL TO C1— ClCRK COUNCIL AW 43'7 Y OF ST_ EPAILIL FILE No. OFFICE OF T�E CITY CLERK E.-­-, UNCIL RE-C31—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By _`Sept 23 1985 ComMISSIONEi2 DATET") 4T J J�/l /7 ! Y RESOLVED / —»t licenses for Restaurants application 6229 On Sale Malt Beverages application 5 230 and Off Sale Malt Beverage s application 62313 applied for by James J_ g at 985 W. Seventh Street be nerd the same are hereby granted and the city cZ =k is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury o--� tYae required fees. FRreeadolv7fda:_d,101437--jl$y CP[. oWaren— TTul"r— aReetau Aent, appkl¢ tiop 6229, On Sale Malt verage. anplication 6830, and OR Bale Malt Baverage� aDPllcatlon 6281, ay - lled for by Sala 9s ,7, Kelley at 985 W. Seventh Street ba and the hereby granted ea— are New QWn62- thetru y;o to d ch ,alts lark n II DaYment iia to the City[etrea uenses ry of the eq utred Peres_ Adopted tav the Coun ail Sept. 4, 1935. APDrOvad Sept_ 4. 3935. (Sept_ T-1935) rr� I� COUNCILEN Yeas earce K/OSeL2 /Truax ,(VV�rrer: �Venze� Mr. Preside -_=z -at-- 5M C5M &34 Nays / favor __ Against Adopted by the CouncilSEP _4. &W.- - Approved- KP r! M7 *5 __193 i - Mayor 161438 OaION�L To CiTy Ct.a:R C ... e" NO. _- _ T. PAUL FILEt OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Sent 2 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED 1/ That licenses fox. Restaurant, application 6360, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6361v' and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage, application 66399 applied for by D. F. Blackaey at 542 St. Peter Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New COUNCILMEN YeasNays /k'` earce ' Pp favor Xruax ,.W1�arren �S_� _Against /W enzel i /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 I C. F. No. 101438—By H. E. Warren—' Fred hf. Trua:—I. C. Pearce— Resolved. That licensee for Reetau-' rant, appllcatlon 6360, On Sale 'Malt Beverage, appllcatlon 6961, and OH Sale Malt Beverage, application 6639, p - P lied for by D. F. Blackney at 543 St. .Peter Street be and the same are here- by granted and the city clerk Is In- structed to Issue such licenses upon, the the pequi ment ed fees. into the city treasary of Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 1996. A ppeoved Sept. 4, 1935. (Sept. 7-1935) Adopted by the Council --_Sf-p-- n=1a193___ _ Approved 3 - 440- - _193 - ' ayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK ppUILE NO. 0NCIL /� �Q �1F OF ST. PAUL F9 439 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COM MISSIONER_ DATE Sept. 2, 1985 RESOLVED ' v That licensea for Restau -a t, application 6660, On Sale Malt Beverage, 19 application 6661, end Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6662, applied for by Ralph Marrone at 527-9 West Seventh §treet be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C Fred M. Truez BI.y CHP arcee--Arran—I Resolved, That Iicenaea for Reetau- @W rent, application 6660. On Sale Malt Beverage. application 8861, and Off Sate iMalt Bevera6e, B"""ttOn 6662,' ap- plied for by Ralph Marrone at 327-9 I herebynth -,ntedt bd the cand ity Oetrl, is onl therppaated ndttinto thehcity treasury of the regulred fees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 1936. Approved Sept.4, 1936. (Sept. 7-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Pearce % ,3Lesteeer - - � -v— .__ln favor /T'ruax ,Warren —Against i )Wenzel i 'Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council—SEP __4 —_-193__ _ 4 8 Approved --- — Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK : COUNCIL �((�����(� C�bF ST. PAUL FILE NO -101440 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK L COUNCIL RE gisOl-u-noN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��r COMMISSIONER � _o�)4r..'9 �� DATE Sept' 2, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application $830, and Restaurant, application 6331, applied for by Philip Kirmsez- at 382 Wabasha Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the paj went into the city treasury of the required fees. New COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce i?eteraotf� _In favor Tru \\ ✓ rren -__ _ _Against / Wenzel �vlr. President (Gehan) 5M 6/.34 C- V. NO. 310144 HycRP arca-- ren— Reaolved.'That Items - Lor On Sale Malt Beverage, I, DaD��Cnat16331.3 aDDlied' Aestauran t, pP Streefor t beiiip a d ithe orama 3—, liereby, granted and the city cleric 9a instruct- ed to tseue such It cense- upon the pa4- I t Into the city treasury or the re- quired tees. Adopted by the Council Sept- 4. 1936. i Approved Sept- 4 .1936. (Sept. T-1936) SEP 4'i Adopted by the Council_ __-___193____ SEP 410 Approved _- -__- _193___ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[a OL_Q�ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (�lI COUNCIL ES'O'tLUT,ION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTE Y ���" �i/ , _ ^ , DATE_ September 31 835 COMMISSIONER _ COUeNCIL NO. 101441 FIL RESOLVED / That licenses for Restaurant, application 5673, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 5674, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 5675, applied for by Jackson Harris at 235 Rondo Street, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F7edNIv[. 1R'ruaz—BY CHP Brce—ren— Resolved, That lloenses for .1. rant, application 6673. 1. Bale Malt New Beverage, application 11 tion 6875, cape Malt Beverage, apD Vied do Street, Jbeh and he isame 336 hereby ttonleeue su h llcepd the eeesupork v the payment Into the city treasury of the "'Adopted Approved by 4,019361 Sept. 4. 1936. Approved Inept 7_1935) COUNCILMEN yeasNays /Pearce / Reep�� In favor Truax /*',C arren _-. _— --Against Wenzel j Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_—_St_R__- 193 _ SEP 4Rf Approved --_--___193._..-- Mapor ORIGINAL TO an c�iw eg' �OF ST. PAUL OFIFICE OF THE CITY CLERK RESOLUTO /{G�OU IN—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED HY"� — Jr L, `�� t DATE SODt 2 1935 COMMISSIONER - - RESOLVE Tim.at licenses` for Rssta��'=^t, application 5888, on Sale — Beverage, application 5687aael OfP Sale Malt Beverage, application 5888, applied for by G. L. Rice e t S41 0331Lo Street be sad the same are hereby granted and the city clerk ie instrazcteci to issae so.ch licenses upon the payment into the city treasury nP the regAi3c-4ec1 Fees FOEN�,� No. 101442 New 1'1"�rII� COUNCILMEr-J Yeas Nays P/earce /Peterson / Rosen / favor Truax i Warren Wenzel / Mr. President (Gelian� 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council --___193__ - Approved -_ -____ _--- _.193_ Mayor _..�%� - -- �j - ,._ _ � , . __ _ .- �j:.., �� �� .f.,�,_�. �� �� � /, ` �� _--- / - /" n ��r H6r.. ; zal F. Peterson, Coi ; in -1 - ^r ,f Finirce, Build:, -. Dear Sirt ", e Cit:^,n'r cil c.>t a hf in- for t `cr 11 :.. in t?.e n,r tter -,f V.e rnal;^ntinns of .. T. ^ica, c7' Z:."^ ' wen's rqr ?c^t ,"r nt, : Sale Palt Aevero-e a.n;i Of' 4�1e 1;elt 9everr.o:e llca::?eS et 5u1 G.i Stroet a^P re- nne5ted yo -i to Bead notices of —c'., `:e^-ri;y' to prnperty owners in tho vicinity. Yours very truly, City Clerk. o RIo1N11L TO CITY cL[RK FILE CIL OF ST. PAUL NO.V4443 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRE NTQED BYo DATE_September 2, 19E5_ RESOLVED That licenses for Tavern, application 6681, and Dance Hall, application 6682, applied for by Alydt and Richter at 408 Wabasha Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal of licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas a Nays eatce � I -gett`s°rr-- J Lam_. In favor `I uax /�,arren __. _.__ Against /4/Wenzel . President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 F. No. 101443Fred IT M. TruaxResolved. That licensee for Tavern, application 6681, d Dance Hall, ap- plicatlon 8682, applied fot by Aydt and Rich [er at 403 Wabaeha Street be and the s re hereby granted and the 10, -lItY clerk ais Instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment into the city l n•:wu ry nt the required fees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 4, 135. Approved Sep, 41936. (Sept:. 7-1935) _ Adopted by the Cquncil— SLP 4_W 193 —_ Approved---- -- -_193 — _ y CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No'��—� "ORIOINwL— O1Y CLERK NUMBER G Q o o - FR -H COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS TO ^// e te'mber__IBE� PR88ENTED BY HON.—<-- BE REIMBURSED FOR 0 her conours in a recommendation of the REVOLVING FUND TO Resolved, That-zB Council AGAENST SENBF tTTEO PROPERTY - - - the contract for the construction of the Contract Comr31- v o z and awards ® pavement on QVa s - Seventh street from Osceola avenue to rus�oarora street, _ gPPROPRIATED F120>~Ri ^�'AL IMPROV BMENTB—BXEMPr PROPERTY— SONO IBBUH—CODE �. APPROPRIATm F-aa.►� CODE I _ ,58,865.00 hereto to 1. COUNTY e. in accordant e th plans and specifications 1attached, COMES TO: being the lbwestYresponsible bidders, THOR14TOI3 BROS_ C<3j"KNY, they FUND the Corporation Counsel is hereby iZ+i ME ABOVE AMOU for the sum o f 4,S� S2 , 805.00, and PUBLtC WORKS instructed -to c3E r Z -=%LW U- th groper form of contract therefor. • PURCHASINGDATE F. No. 101444—BY H. C. Wenzel— BY iced°eat—- but the Council herabY 4 SEP 4 iienolYntl, n In the ommendatlon o[ the 1 C ntrMt Committee the ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_— o true-diof 5\ ontract Toon the na 'tWest seventh Street from to cuacnrora Stree�ogn YBwH NAYS IN FAVOR vaceola Avenue oroance with plane to THOHNTON ttached, • I tions hereto the 1ow- B, U . COMPANY, they being blddera, for the Um of SEP 44� t sponalble 'jaL,$6b.U0, nd the Corporation Cl. Unthe I IB hereby instructed pFor- APPROVED proper torm o o etotherd'!.'for. M.I Btd No. 920. Englneer'e Estimate yL AGAINST $66.dopted by 140.00. the Council Sept. 4, 1936. A Approved Sept. (Sept• 4,71936, s 55,140. 00 FORMAL BIO NO- 9.1�—>Q ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE TO FLNOS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOP ADOPTION. NOTE TO BE CERTIFIED_ BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEM E ET REVOLVING FUND TO fS AGAENST SENBF tTTEO PROPERTY - - - 1 ABSEBSEO E. gPPROPRIATED FRO�.�S CiTY'3 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVBMeHTB— - CODE i I _ gPPROPRIATED F120>~Ri ^�'AL IMPROV BMENTB—BXEMPr PROPERTY— SONO IBBUH—CODE �. APPROPRIATm F-aa.►� CODE I _ ,58,865.00 1. COUNTY e. - _ - - - _ - _ - COMES TO: TOTAL . HEREBY CHRTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERBD . TO ---- �teCE AVAILABLB IN THB ABOVE STAT® APPROPRIATIONS TO LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. CITY GLHRK iZtzIMBU ......p.. A. IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND COMPTROLLER iZ+i ME ABOVE AMOU PUBLtC WORKS OI FINAL ORDER A00PTE0 • PURCHASINGDATE LER L SEP 4 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_— YBwH NAYS IN FAVOR • SEP 44� APPROVED AGAINST M YWI MR_ rRTrii CPE�iT R.tt COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK FILE NO.- CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE"NTED�BY DATE Au�Ua t' `3 19,5 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the Council hereby approves the action of the Contract Committee in awardinw the contract for furnisr.ing transportation for certain school children from their homes to Lindegy, Webster and Jefferson schools and the Iiechanic Arts Hi?h School, and back again, during the school year 1935-36, beginning.' September 9, 135, to the BLUT_ & `'!HITE CAB AS,,OCIATION, they beim the lowest respon- sidle bidders, at a price of 1?z(t rer mile for transportation by seven-paseeng'r r-utomobiles, lith the cost. for additions, deductions and chanes in list affectint -nil>a.�e also lv�0'r in :cmile, accoTJance with specifications, their bid and award of contract joration Counsel is hereby instructed hereto attached, and the Ccr to ()raw up the ^roper form of contract therefor. F.B. I, C. F. No. 101446—By I. C. Fearce— Resolved , That the Council hereby approve' the action of the Contract Committee in awarding the contract 1 fu iehing transportation for cer- t lain school children from their home' to Lindsay, Webster and JeEereon fiools and the Mechanic Arte High School, and back again, during the school 8yy ar 1936-36, beginning Bept8m- herASSOCIAT10N35 to h they ube ng heT lowed esponslble bidder', at prlce Of 17%* per mile for transportation by a ven- paesenger automobiles, with the coat for addition', deduct, One ndhanges In list affecting mileage also I7%f per Ile, In accordance with specifications, d of contract hereto aheir bid and ttached, and the rcorporation Cou¢ el is hereby Instructed to draw up the I proper form of contract therefor. F. B. No. 9203. Adopted by the Council Sept. 6, 1936. Approved Sept. 6. 1936. (Sept. 7-1936) COUNCILMEN8EP 5 Yeas Nays _ 193-- Adopted by the Council_—_-- TPe rce erson KP `5 °`+""' el cc - In favor Approved_.-__ ----------193.— et �iTr ax rren — J ---Against c_LSC —--M�yor =_ enzel 5m MR. VICE PRE-. ROSFN ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �.0144V CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 11 COUNCIL RESOLUTI —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1tII.TGN R DATE September 4, 1935- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED , That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorised and directed to oil the following strestes 1446—BY Milton a1o,aoa°All• -Case, Jenks, Payne, Greenbrier !bat tba c°`nr"Aa:a°vra t Alley -York, Sims, Greenbrier, Walsh i directed to oil the follow Brunson Woodward to Partridge . Jenks, Payne, Greer Woodward -Brunson to Payne k, Si—, GreenbrierR 'Yo Award to Partrie Curve -Helen to Sherwood -Branson to Para•,. Alley-PalacesJuliet, Syndicate, Griggs n to Juliet,,00a Highland Parkway-Wdgcumbe to Montoalm `''u i Loretto -Wilkin to Slim Alley -Dayton, Marshall, Chatsworth, Milton Alley -Grand, Summit, Chatsworth, Milton Alley-Hollys Ashland, Victories Avon Alley-Holly,Ashlandy St. Albans, Dale Alley -Laurel, Selby, Dale, gent Alley -Lincoln, Grand, Dunlap, Lexington Alley -Sherburne, Charles, Mackubin, Arundel Lake Como Phalen -wheel ook to Gaultier Alley -Ashland, Laurel, Herschel, Aldine Alley-Berkeley,-St.Clair, Fredericka, Underwood Alley -Jefferson, Wellesley, Kenneth, Prior Alley -Juliet, Jefferson, Kenneth, Prior Alley -Juliet, Jefferson, Fredericka, Underwood Alley-Lincoln,Grand, Prior, Sue Alloy -Randolph, James, Prior, Sue Alley -Stanford, Berkeley, Kenneth, Prior Alley -Stanford, Berkeley, Fredericka, Underwood Griggs-St.Anthony to Bohn And Private Property for the followings Minn. btate Agricultural Society - Fair Grounds Fielding and Shepley - Sunset MemorialPark Village of Newport P. I. R. Project #3580 St.Paul White Lead Company Hemline University Briqueting Company - Barge Terminal COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays / Adopted by the Council 9fR 5_193-- e ce eterson SEP __In favor Approved__— ?*arren __'Against ,'Wenzel — -- - — Ma r � YU�LLSIi1;D 9 - � 3 -0 01, VICE PRES. ROSEN FOS 9 Subjeets .a -By H. CI. Wenzel— ,` Commissioner of Public reported in accordance of the City Charter, th, IC an emergency which r, " ry the employment oY ��• des of his departmen. ght hours per any 47 ' employment bel•y,0• u Dore of. employme � o I th.• i , Date presented _ 1935 o ed, %EREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency whichrendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight.hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: pig TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATS ,Antoine Leroux Water -Shed lab. 14 bra. .54* Albert Duren,' Filter Plant Lab. 8 bra. 8 " •52 Julian J. Duren Ludwig'iZoirner Unak.laborer " 16 " .4$ William D. Carlson Filter Plant Lab. 8 " 19 •5 Leonard Ronson IItilit yman " .56'1 Ed. Kord611 Mach. helper " " 21 " ,66 Sam Ranalli " " 2 " .56 Thos. Thorson Jame Tighe Emarg.Repairman 9 9 s •5 Joe Bruno Ditch digger 9 " .55 611 Rarvey Donahue Utiaityman g " •61 Roy Kane Thomas Fahey Mach. helper 6 " " 5 Chas. DeVinney Emgpg.Repairman o 6 6 N .5 .5 Peter J. Murphy " " 6 95 Frank D. Strong " " 6 " .b4 .5 Frank B. Truso William D. Davis Utilityman 3 " .61 John R.SWedahl Meter repairman 3 " 3 k .58, ^ Tike Fritz Tartero Ditch diger n 6 .85 '55 Pasquale " 3 " .55 Dominick J.Todora 15 " James Saporito Mech.helper 15 .56* Mike Alfonso Ditch diger n 15 .55 Joe Grappalie 15 " .55 .bb Mat Roberto John G. Mandel Filter -Plant Lab. 16 " " .540j Antonio Anzevino Ditch diger " Leo C. Boyle " " " .55 �ntenio3 Bruno " " 6} " .55 .55 Vito Cocoa Joseph D. Filben " " " 16 " " .55 p� ommaso Mazzola rc " " S " .5S Walter A. Scott Peter Fabio 12 " 4 " .55 .55 Banton Flowers " " 3 " 3 " .55 Pa't Fritz Join E. Gard»er " 6} " .bb .bb Erne Hammer " " 3 3 .55 Frank Janasbak n e 3 "b5 055 Wm.. H. Langevin " " 4 " .55 - Harry Leyden 6 Frank F. Racine •55 r '! hr.. - . Name Title, Sunday Regular Rate Rudolph L. Piringer Ditch diger 33 hrs. .55 Edward A. Schwartz955 55 Wilfred 007�aier e a 3 " • .55 Ernest S. Coy " " 3 " .55 Ernest R.Hawkinson *55 James A. O'Leary " " 3 " .55 Earl Plante „ " 3 "' 55 Leo Swift Ayes Co0o ilmen Ways //fit grow terson Adopted by the SEP 51;p _1935 �- Unnrl Approved SEP 5 2935 MR. VICE PRES. ROSEN Ce ti a correct Zrn Le nard W. Tho mpao General Superintendent FORM No. 1 September 3, 1935 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Repairing 20" main on University Ave. at Vandalia _St.* Repairing 2" meter at 21r E College This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *Main broken by contractor. - # Work had to be done outside of business hours. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By Pres t ' art ted correct qle-�JA 4"",- Leonard N- Thomps General Superinte dant INTERMEDIARY Councilman Pearce ! 4a 101948— �; �} 'attet or opening, w ng a twenty (20) .� yyoming Street er i' a11eY, by taklnF } IIIc x1 1� f448 I'.west twenty i. Councilman Asa- - . ,i rren ;lookAd„ .�Iminary Order � o16, 1986. ^.II of the Cl, led the n - e Min . O COUNCIL FILE NO- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of orening, widening and extending a twenty (?0) foot alley from Wyoming Street south to thepresent alley, by taking and condemning the west twenty (?0) feet of lot 6,block 3, Sauer's Addition, under Preliminary Order 1-)1074 ..—approved Jul Y 16 r 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement whicliAe Council recommends is oven, wir'en and extend a tcenty (?0) foot alley from Wyoming Street south to the present alley, by teking and condemning the west twenty (?O) feet of lot 6, block 3, Sauer's Addition, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 190.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 1 day of October , 1935— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council SEP 596 193— sg s>^ Approved_ 5 193—£tiw Councilman Pearce Councilman(1 >ks- i- Pefersotl ///✓,), Councilman 11�18Met^� Councilman Asa- - . ,i rren / Councilman- _',. X rnzet 6"kid" I( J 14"81 Forth: SYA.C?6PRE9. ROSLM / EMLISiI1;n -�-35 ORIGINAL TO CITY OLtPK `,D UNCIL No. �(��.-44 . CITY OF ST. PAUL No. 101449—By ICVI%LE J ie that thee..On. ; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLL tax dorlyed .hall 1,,, 7tt COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN ER, of d,a,Tlcts, and th:, ,,rsed to each dlt,, ;y for the puma,,, -YmenL or i�lR PRESENTED BY DATE v, COMMISSIONER �Cg W REAS, hapter 405, Laws of 1933, provides that the amount of State Income tax derived shall be distributed to school districts, and that the amount so disbursed to each district shall be used only for the purpose of (1) Payment or providing for the payment of any bonded indebtedness of such district, outstanding January 1, 1933; (2) Providing for the payment of any bonded or other indebtedness thereafter incurred until such debts are fully paid or payment thereof provided for; (3) Any such revenue not required to pay or provide for the payment of any such indebtedness shall be used to cover and pay current operating expenses and to reduce and replace levies on real and personal property, and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul, in adopting its annual budget for the year 1935, estimated the amount to be received by the City from the State of Minnesota from income tax in the amount of $200,000.00 and allocated this amount to Budget Fund No. 27, "A Sinking Fund", and WHEREAS, the said Chapter 405 was amended by Chapter 252, Laws of 1935, adding a fourth provision, as follows: e first maintainingvitsdownat in the schools, orsofoanyny city districtforhlass districts covering the territory of any such, city, the amount distributed to it may be used for current maintenance and operating expenses during the years 1935 and 1936 only to the extent required to make the total annual maintenance and operating cost per pupil enrolled during any year not in excess of $90.00. For the purpose of this section the bonded or other indebtedness to the payment of, or ied provision for, the c whichhofthe sums • distributed must or may be app I municipalities operating their own school system, be limited to such indebtedness incurred for school purposes." and COiJN ILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council earcl ,Peterson .4�osen - -_-- —In favor --- _- _.._. Approved 193-- Truax Warren ------ --Against — _ — Mayor *cnzel ,,,Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Wo' ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK �, COUNCIL No. 161449 CITY OF ST. PAUL FRE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A, PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER ftlanuvMD 1 WHEREAS, the school budget for the year 1935 shows an apparent deficit of $55,000, and due to this apparent deficit it is necessary to close the schools for four days to keep within the said school budget as originally estimated for the year 1935, and WHEREAS, it is estimated that the collections to be received by the City of Saint Paul from income tax sources during the year 1935 will be in excess of .the amount originally allocated to the Sinking Fund in preparing the budget for the year 1935, tO-wit, $200tively thistimated at source duringsthemyearae 1935 will be $275,000, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that in accordance with the authority conferred by Chapter 252, Laws of the State of Minnesota for 1935, and in order to avoid any necessity for closing the schools during the 1935, the eoil anddoes operationyofpschoolstforntheayearke available 1935 the further sum Of $55,000, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to take the necessary steps to carry out the isions of this ufor the purchasedofhtext booksforIndigent of said 5500.0 shall be appropriated pWile an t $50,000 of said $55,000.00 shall be appropriated for instruction- al Salaries. Yeas COUNCiLMEN Pc tee , son 111 eoxen Nays _In favor amen - --Against Wenzel /fvit. President (Gchan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council_ SEP 61W. -193 -- --In 1W.-193_— Approved --- 6 - ----- - KT - --193..— -- Mayor/ EtIBrlsr�D �— �35 ORIGINAL TO CIT' CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL �oFNC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'uso—By Milton F V �jvv QOUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a Sinclair Reflnln l' Ietitloned the Cour ^ lnetall and malr f) //- ' ^'ntiOn at the no' POMMIL TED BY /L/-[ •.d 7rR^ntinr COMMISSIONER _ ATE WHER31AS, the Sinclair Refining Corporation has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the northwest corner of Oragd and Rawlins avenues, being the south fifty feet of bots 26, $7 and 28, Block 1, Wann;s Addition; and WHERZA8, said Sinclair Refining Corporation has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb re- turns, pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5, Ordinance No. 6840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Sinclair Refining Oorporation to install and maintain said station In accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordi- nances cif -the City of St. Paul, under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Com- missioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public Improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation ty the Council whenever said Oounoil shall determine that the maintenance of'said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN §fp s YeasNays Adopted by the Council____. _ _-193_._ _ aFce lPeterson Rosen In favor Approved— ---- - - - --193-- Truax Warren - -Against �y- - Xenzel ` Mayor ,At. President (Gehan) PUBI,ISI1ED / q 5M 6.34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 5th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Eouneel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Sinclair Refining Corporation for a drive-in filling station at the northwest corner of Grand and Hemline Avenues, being the south 50 ft. of Lots 26,27,281 Block 1, Wannte Addition was referred to you, by the Council, for the proper resolution granting this permission. Yours very truly, City Clerk. T HE B OARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 o SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .y��ma tie 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ August 20th, 1935. ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. WGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter oY application of the Sinclair Refining Corporation for a drive-in filling station at the northwest corner of Grand and Pammine Avenues_ This is commercial zoning and is planned Por a vacant lot. The southeast and southwest cora r -n are now devoted to commer- cial purposes and the northeast corner is occupied by an apartment builcliag The plass are iu accordance with the standards of the Ci ty ., vRi th one driveway off of Hamline Ave. and twto o:C-C of Ghand Ave. Each driveway will be 22 :C*-- at the sidewalk line. The station wi11 occupy 126 ft. on Grand Avenue and 50 ft. on Haw -11 iae Avenue. The Board recommend by a vote of three to one that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H.'HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh I ij. ORIGINAL _ - CITY OF ST. PAUL O FFtCE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ..... ... __ _.- q. --_.--_. 19 j4 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY -o� ,N oR FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL ANE1 OPERATE A 1,�) ___- _.---------- .--_------ .__-------- ._-__-___.____. t -DRIVE IN- oR INSIDE G�x�oE•I AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOC ATEO ON LOT-Y_Y.�C� '��r�9 26 LOCK _ FtLEU RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK // / DATE DEPARTMENT OF RUSILIC SAF-ETY BY GQESS AID -1:12 RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK / \� `L DATE ______ ___________{__ CITY PLAN IN BOA d Y_� __By __Y__-.__-- DESCRIBED AS-__� NO. OF PUMPS - - _-- NO. OF GAS TANKS y --___ _.CAPACITY OF EACH TANK.._1_.%_0 FtLEU RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK // / DATE DEPARTMENT OF RUSILIC SAF-ETY BY GQESS AID -1:12 RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK / \� `L DATE ______ ___________{__ CITY PLAN IN BOA d Y_� __By __Y__-.__-- MILTON ROSEN Commisvone: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M.SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Ass'r Chief Engr. and Supt of Construchon G. H. HERROLD, Office Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Eng, Clerk August 27, 1935 Nr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Building. Dear Sir: FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supe of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridg9 Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse In connection with the application of the Sinclair Refining Corporation for a drive—in filling station at the northwest corner of Grand and Hamline Avenues, I beg to advise that the plans as filed are in accordance with the city standards and that from an engineering standpoint there are no objections to the construction of this station. Yours very truly, r RG . SHEPARD, Chi e Engineer. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Ow THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 29, 1985 Mr. H. E. Warren Commissioner, of Pnblio Swffety Dear Sir: Answering your letter of August 26 concern- ing application made by Xhe Sinclair Refining Corporation of Maine for permission to indall a drive-in gasoline filling, station on. the northwest corner of Grand and Hamlin Avenues, will sett' that I have made the naval inspection and do not r&x1a that the proposed station and driveways will materially interfere with traffic. Vert' truly yours, \ Harry N etter'gran Superint ent of Traffic �j THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 23rd,1935• Hon. H. E. Warren Commissioner of Public safety St Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Sinclair Refining Corporation of Maine, for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station, at the North—West corner of Grand and Hemline. Three pumps and three 1000 gallon capacity tanks each. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. RWO/ jgd. 9 Respectfully yours Chief Inspector Division of Fire Prevention. /� /� � /'. -�.Pri = r �"�r� it �, � .. ,�_ l., -C Saint Paul, Minnesota September 4, 1935 To The Honora:oln, The Co,incil, Citv of St. '=aul Minnesota Ge-,tIpmen: 7e, the undersigned, property owners, h-rebv petition your Honorable Body to disapprove of the annlication for the erection of an oil filling station on the south fifty fent of Lots 26, 27, and 28, Block One, "'a -.ns Addition, being the north- west corner of Grand Avenue and H.amline Avenue. VIE, THE UNDERSIGNED OWNERS OF PROPERTY V/ITHIN TWO HUNDRED FEET OF THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF HAMLINE AND GRAND AVE., ST. PAUL, MINN., ON WHICH IT IS PROPOSED THAT A FILLING STATION RE CONSTRUCTED, ARE AGREEABLE TO THE CONSTRUCTION AND OPERATION OF SAID FILLING STATION AND THE ISSUANCE BY THE CITY OF ST. PAUL OF A PERMIT FOR THE SAME; OWNER ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTIpg 13 16 r 7z � J 3 3 G `��e...`� • 3, !j:�-�r� G G Q J no Efas IN MIM ORIGINAL i Y OLCAK GCUNCIL . 51 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,F By Milton Rosen— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ph Frendt has appeal- FORM the Commlesioner y� C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM laygrounde and Publl. 'S ?eying him permleslon '4 Ilding line at No. • ayn I_ entre a tanee PRESENTED BC.__ DATE�� Board of zon}r.. . ; COMMISSIONE she building 11 rtt� 1 under N- �wrv���R�[ 5-s•f ' dJ tv. WHEREAS, Joseph Frendt has appealed from an order of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, denying him permission to extend the building line at No. 1247 Farrington Avenue a distance of one (1) foot, and WHEREAS, the Board of Zoning recommends that the building line be modified as requested, under the provisions of Paragraph 1, Section 16 of the zoning Ordinance, due hearing having been held theyeou and a petition of all the property owners in the block being on file, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to the said Joseph Frendt to remodel the house located at No. 1247 Farrington Avenue and to extend the porch a distance of one foot closer to the property line of said lot. ° COU NCI LM EN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_—.�£� 93— Pce / Per errerson Rosen _In favor Approved_—__.___. Truax C_ / Warren —\—JAgainst f _ _ _ _ / Q Mayor Wenzel / 'M_r1 President (Gehan) ELMj j$IMD .M 6.14 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK. L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 4th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached appeal of Joseph Frendt under Section 16 of the Zoning ordinance, for permission to extend his front porch one foot at 1247 Farrington Avenue was referred to you, b the Council, for resolution to grant this appeal. Yours very truly, City Clerk. C♦RY Ot' F, r� c ; a ?� hucan.oa hp THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE August 21st, 1935. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERTBUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, Gy Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Joseph Frendt to extend his front porch one foot at 1247 Farrington Ave. This is in a RB" Residence District,and the build- ing lithe is quite irregular. This man has obtained an F.H.A. loan to modernize his house. He has an old open porch and he wishes to add to its width making a 5 ft. porch a 6 ft. porch. The petition is signed by residents of all the houses fac- ing Farrington Aire. in that block. The Board recommend that the build- ing line be modified as per paragraph "1" Section 16 of the Zoning Ordinance. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh lo— �-- ��o►-tea � '� ,�v C��, _Zn rl 64 /;I-vo 21j44 -f-1-07 o ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK ICOUtL,11452 FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL L AI— FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . Whoa Rosen— COUN IL RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM —Ynmtuhtic ssionBuiler dif ogs PRs, narhas that that er- rear— of of No. 883 / :�n as IA[ 12, Victoria PRESENTED IIY �� if AAdltlon, Is Sn an,' COMMISSIONER DATEti^ _ s coadP' r.n WIMRW, the Commissioner of Parks. Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain shed in the rear of No. 883 Wend street, also known as bot 18, Victoria and Lafond Street Addition, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous con- dition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RZSOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability /and necessity of wrecking said shed, on the lot day of October, 1938, at ten o'clock-,#. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RBSOLVBD, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Adopted by the CounciL_8EP__ __193_ IT ,ce t'eterson Rosen _ ___In favor Approved_. Sa _ _-_193_____ Truax 7arren —<_ ..—Against / Wenzel Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34`�— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 4th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter of Fred M. Truax, Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, recommending the condemnation of an old shed at the rear of 883 Lafond Street, being located on Lot 21, Victoria and Lafond Street Addition was referred to you for a resolution setting a date of hearing on this condemnation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. W. L MONT KAUFMAN Sun. — PMR. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minneso+a DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX. Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminlonu Hon. Council City of Saint Paul ERNEST W. JOHNSON SU o, PLAY.nOUN.. CHAS. A. SASSFORD C.- A.—— August August 31, 1935 Gentlemen: The old shed at the rear of 883 Lafond Street, described as Lot 12, Victoria And Lafond Street Addition, has been referred to this Department for condemnation. The owner is Mr. A. Seifert, 1353 Marshall Avenue. our inspector reports that the shed is on the rear of the lot, it is dilapidated, out of plumb, and beyond repair. A Danger Notice was posted August 6 and the owner notified to remove tl-e shed, but nothing has been done. Kindly set a hearing in connection with the condemnation of this structure, in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yours truly, Commissioner I LAR. -U i ORIGINAL To CITY CLC.C6 INCIL NO. 1« 453 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f 4COUNC�::11_ ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, Plit the pr per city offioere be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with IJohn B. Heuer, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Eduoation, on the 39th day of July 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city offioere are hereby authorized to pay to said John -B. Heuer the sum of $18.40 out of t he workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and inoUAIng August 14th, 1935. I C. F. No. 101453—BY I. C. Penree— Resolved, that the hpr. byra cihoroL e n e and they or. for ter Into agreementwithJohon B. Neuer, providing for att nt f peneatlon to him f the rate f $18.40 per �'e k during each time as he shall be totally disabled by P Injuries received by him whlle In the ,mV toy f the Department of Educa- tion, on th¢ 28th daY oP 7uty, 1935; be It with Id Rgreementh tt roper city ofllcersa re hereby authorized oopaY [o Bald John B. Neuer the sent f $18.40 out of the Workmen8 Compensation, an Account f the General Fund. ettlement [ his rlalm again.[ the (,IIY. being for the per od [o and In- cluding August 14th. 1936. Adopted by the Council Sept. 0, 1936. Approved Sept. 6, 1936. (Sept. 14-1936) 6 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "Pe cc 7�on (� I,In favor arren __—.. _Against ���Xlenzel !Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CounagEp___g_j-----193— Approved_ SEP —_193___ Mayor ORIOINAL"Cl CLRRK COUNCIL 61454 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE UTION—GENERAL FORM -----•--, f// / 1. �.C��, ���a�w _ owTe S'atemb�r 6 1935 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the eived for making eight Contract Committee Rnd rejects bids rec (?) house sewer connections on University avenue from Prig avenue to Vandalia avenue, as bids received were in excess of the L'nGineerls estimate, and the Purchasing Agent is hereby autnorized to ask for informal bids, as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would wDrk a hardship to the best interests Df the city. Formol 13 9209. C Resoly ed.l That the Coluncll hereby c In the drejec of the Contract Commftteemaei rejects bide calved by making eight (E) house connect on University Ave - se eer co Prior Avenue to Vandalia Avenue, as bids received were in ex- A-11.1, the Engineer to hereby a and thea Purcbas�ngan thorized to k for informal bids, enxergency exists where fauure to act romptly would work hard, to the beat Interests of the city. Formai Bid No. 9209. Adopted by the Cou nett Sept. 6, 1935. Approved Sept. 6. 1935. (Sept. 14-1935) ' I COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,ZPearce 'Peterson 4osen _— _-----In favor warren —Against /'-,Venzel r. President (Gahan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council— CFP —6- 193— i Approved— EF -" Mayor O a1GIN,.L TO CITY CLKKKXT It'll /� �-, Y OF ST. PAUL FILENGIL NO.CJ� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 6, 1935 RESOLVED '� V That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Mrs. John Barbos 959 Gaultier Confectionery Appl. 5497 Renewal Jacob Gillman 236 Carroll Off Sale Malt Bev. " 5343 " Pure Oil Co. 719 Payne Gas Ste. 3 pumps If 5547 " W. Yeldman 748 Iglehart Foodstuff Veh. Lie. 91 App. 6889 COUNC MEN Yeas Nays �erPe rce 1son /Kosen -----In favor I V ren / ._—Against Wenzel ,141. President (Gehan) • SM 6.34 C. F. No. 101966-13y $. E. Warren— Irving C. Pearce— co pllRcatiolnsa. That have belennmadeo by fr y the f.,: 1-1.g n amed persons at the a ldreseea indicated be and the... a e are hereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to tleee`ity license. treasury of the on the required mentl fees: Mrs. John Barbra. 969 Gaultler, Con- fectionery, App I. 5497, Renewal. A[1 Jacob Gillman, 236 Carroll, Off bale Bev., ApDl. 6843, Renewal. Pure Oil Co., 719 Payna, a- St" 3 pompe. APIA. 6697, Renewnl. W. Feldman, 748 Iglehart, Foodstuff Veh. Lic. 91, Appl, 6889. Adopted by the Council Sept. 6, 1935. Approved Sept. 6, 1935. ISept. 14-1935) Adopted by the Council Approved _ _P fj 1__193_ Mayor r4 UNGIL NO ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK I ST. PAUL eOFILE l, HH++// OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE qep h r 6 Lg55 — RESOLVED applied for by Tracy Bros - at license for Off Sale Malt Beverage, at 355 No. Snelling Ave. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon tine payment into the city treasury of the required fee. c. ` 1 ao.1 146G—BY H. E. warren— t Matto Beverage, applied a for for by ttlTrr Tracy Bros. at 333 No. Snelling Ave. be and ,he same to hereby granted and the city clerk Is Instructed to Issue such 11- eense upon the payment Into the city treeaury [ the re iulred fee. Adopted by the Councll Sept. 6, 1936. Approved ((Sept.614 1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas/,6 rce Nays / e erson sen--------ln favor / --- ^i JWj�rren —Against . President (Gehan) SM 6.34 LII �j 61 _ Adopted by°the CouncilSEP -193_- — ----- -- -- Approved 193-- - � – Mayor ORIGINAL To CITY CLiRK GOu NCIL 1� y • CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. JI • 1457 OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK sy Muton Rosen /CnO{/U'UNNC'IL R LUTION-GENERAL FORM se Brothers Lumber 9, f ✓��`'"' _----— '. Y. Inc. ham ¢made aPPll- rmleeYon to et a one- PRESEN126 BY DATE °:ilp6 aDProalmatety 60 ,,It COMMISSIONER aoroaimately 100 feet Ion i t ' •fl on the Dr -Darty ' mouth Wabnah . itiiiiCR'lLaya '' • ..ith' io] T.rbid AURBAB, Moss Brothers Lumber & supply Company, Ino. has made application for permission to erect a one-story building approximately 89 feet wide and aepbuilditelY 100 loostedest on theg, im- mediately adjoining the Oompany property known as Po. 18s-197 south Rabasha street, which building will be of frame construction with the outside sheathed with sheet metal; and VNEM8, the city Architect and the Tire Prevention Bureau have advised the Council that the erection of such a building will not increase the fire hazard at that place; there- fore, be it Ras$LVSD, That permission is hereby given to said Rose Brothers Lumber & supply Compsny, Inc. to erect said building of the size and kind and at the place above mentioned; provided, however, that this permission is given subject to the condition that said buildng shall be remMed at any time when ordered so removed by a materity vote of the Council. COUNCILMEN SEP Yeas�` Nays Adopted by the Council—__-_--.- - ---193. " arce /Peterson Rosen -------In favor Approved _— _-_----- ---- - -_193- - - Truax <2 Warren--_--Against�_.L.----__ _ Q -� Mayor Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 6th, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The attached application of Rose Brothers Company for permission to erect a metal clad building on their property, which will be located adjoining their present building known as 195-197 South wabasha Street, was referred to you by the Council today for proper resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk ERNEST W JOHNSON Se or P,.rrOxOUN.. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN CHAS. A. BASSFORD n Su Pin K. - Cl— A .... — CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner �e August 28, 1935 Hon. Fred M. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir: I am returning to you herewith application of Rose Bros. Company for permission to erect a metal clad building on their property, which will be located adjoining their m present building known as 195-197 South Wabasha Street. se on the It t their ding, to construct a which will be ofwframeuconstructionaex- of this building, This property ist the tindthelll FireeLimitsk,ewhich makestiteim- possible for this Department to issue the permit. I refer you to Section 5-1, paragraph (f) of the building code, which states: "Where it appears that the construction of a one - store frame building will not increase the authorizere thehazard, the Council, by a majority vote may nuance of a permit therefor, within the fire district., ovid- upon such terms and conditions as it sees fit, pr ed, however, thaimsuch thatstructure Council ding shall be byla majority vote removed at any so directs-" It appears that it is their intention to build a one story building fifty feet wide and one hundred feet long immedi- adjoining the above mentioned building in the rear, and1I do not believe that this will increase the fire haz-/ and in this location. I am further informed that it is favorable actionhinFire connectiontion with hisuand matterecozimiend Yours truly, LAR --U (y Architect CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration sng-ust 20th, 1935. Hon. Fred M. Truax, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir% The attached letter of Rose Brothers Lumber and Supply Co., Inc. appealing for pe:mission to con- struct a non -fireproof building in the rear of 195-197 So. wabasha Street, in the fire limits, was referred to yon, by the Council, for recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. \ L 5 R05E. Paca 5 G. R05E. — VICE Pn G H. —SE,2 I.— Pncs W.A R05E.T s. J M ROSF. Sr cv E V E R Y T H I N G F O R THE BUIL-DI FROM FOUNDATION TO ROOF Honorable Council, City of St. Paul To F LE No ER c/o L.R.S. Ferguson, City Clerk Gentlemen: We are the owners of property adjoining our present establishment which property is known as 195-197 So. Wabasha Street. This is a two story brick building and is now being used by us as salesroom and ware- house. It is our desire to construct on the rear of this building a warehouse which will be a frame construction except that the outside will be sheathed with sheet metal. Due to the fact that the property is in the fire limits, we are unable to obtain a permit direct from the Building Department. Section 5-1 Paragraph F of the Building Code reads as follows: "where it appears that the construction of a one story frame building will not increase the fire hazard, the Council by a majority vote may authorize the issuance of a permit, there- fore within the fire district upon such terms and conditions as it sees fit provided however that such structure or build- ing shall be removed at any time the Council by a majority of votes so direct." In accordance with the above provision of the Building Code, we respectfully petition your Honorable Body to authorize the Building Department to issue to us a permit for this building. It will be 50 ft. wide and approximately 100 ft, long and will immediately adjoin the above mentioned building. t will be one story high and we are positive that the fire hazard, by the construction of this building, will not be in- creased, therefore respectfully ask for a favorable decision on your part at your earliest convenience. Yours very truly, ROSE BROTHERS LUMBER f & SUPPLY CCCMP , IpNC. 12 „a�`a o 'r HKW: js BY Branch Mans, yiyE - �EPARTM ENT OF PU E31_1C SAFETY OF TME G1TY OP SAINT 'PAUL C .LATER-OFF�GE GOMMUN�GATON et 26. 1935 $oncrable H- _- W40L"L-X"B0Q CpMMieYi03m9r of Btsb33c 3sis12y. Dear sirs I is rascs%pt or letter from the City Clerk, d.Me,d `-=—*- 20'*Ibl• Z-�M�Ug se follows' wAa mai ]sea been mMh by Rose Brothers Lumber orad SIW3P3S Goa - a- 2saa. for permieeioa to con trent a non�ireprooS b�3Ai ,WC is rear ear of 195-7 Streets. is t3s,B =i= -e Zim& *w- 'This building is to be of frame ooastrsatio� �� $P* that .1,,, oultsida will be aheathe8 with shoot metals—C2 133 ba 50 St. wide and ePProsia�+fely 100 root 3.03M9 -XW& si33 imm'saiatwly adjoin their preallnt estab- � Zisbment.'� �3sah t o ssta*e I have investigated this matter sad rind haat tZas b>ai3diisi� trill be used for the •forage of pipoo, s.b vwm ass,3 ms*a1; tJesor trill be no heat in building, and aotYtiag oY a Q4s20bmmw*1 ble nature. Z =sat *bat tbore will be no serious iaorease In the Y5.3r6 -JM 'Mrd 'bW- grsmtILmg this regsest. Respectfully YGWs+ Chief lire Prevention Inspector. DCB/3 ORIGINAL r0 CITY CLCRK COUNCIL ' (� A M CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—Y1, 8 OFFICE° OF THE CITY CLERK OU C50 UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER 14oe AxelP. De F. Peters George ' „u f rgParrticlpat ngaan opmends: of a ..able to *,led for a period of fnoti . s from d after „Is fifteen -day Ick The CO NMI, eco ended Rb WhiNhEA8, George Y. Dean, Cashier in the Bureau of earticipating Certificates, Department of Irinance, will be incapacitated and unable to perform his duties for a period of not to exceed thirty days from and after the expiration of his fifteen -day sick -leave; and VhhhLAb, The Lommissioner of Finance has recommended that George P. Dean be granted a leave of absence for disability, with pay, from and after the expiration of his fifteen -day sick -leave, said leave of absence not to exceed thirty days, in accordance with Paragraph (e) of Section 41 of the Civil Service Rules; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence to said George P. Dean for a period not to exceed thirty days, with full pay. SEP 1, 1gg1 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_— 193 �� �Ye ce erson SEP 10 C� In favor Approved__ _ -- _-193_— 1 � /�_ atren _Against ��Gy1�-r / Mayor ,Wenzel ,(r. President (Gehan) SM 6A4 C �IJBLI$IiEIS:J COUNCIL FILE N0. By-. ---------------- ---- ----------- ------- InIVA1. ORDER r„ g. No. 101469— in the Matter of ourbing both aides of tVio- en fSt gt inten underrXeii mi arytom Dule o0 d 100687 aPProved DtaY 28, 1936. A PUDlic hearing having bean upon the above Improvement upor .11tIPe<sone objections ano.darec� -,tfoneoMr.l.t dared they stems nd FINAL ORDER 101459r In the Matter of ------ -__-_______ under Preliminary Order ------------ 1006fl7--------------------- approved -----------21ay__28, Intermediary Order ---------- -------- ----- — — approved ----------------- ----- -- — — - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ------ curh__hath-siztas-n£-Van__3uran_Strast__£tnm_Dela--- _Sizaat__*-.c_-iliatnriaSir�at,------------------------------------------ -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council____ SEP_1 e-t7�T�----------, �1 w S --- City Clerk. Approved ------------------ _1-�-n ---., 192- -- - -, Mayor. ,"Councilman —in Pearce / Councilman, Fecguaon.. m Petersou ,,Councilman MoDenalfi:-.a Rosen /Councilman,1MeGlogan*A Truax /Councilman Warren ,-CouncilmanLWGW'�" "'� \Cenzel Mayor EMIMM (ieilan Form B. S. A. 8-7 1V —mss CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT Or FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) In thr. matter of ourbin- both si os 0!' ',an aur +n Wit. mor., 'al ,t.tn Vi.:i:orie St, under Preliminary Order approved ,iay 28, 1:135 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - $ 3,451.8.) f r t, The estimated cost per400t for the above improvement is - 0.76 The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land bldg. ( 16 1 S. nd°onto "o. 4 Ldditicr "75 700 ( 17 1 d^ 13 1 do 525 2500 19 1 60 - 52.5 20 1 do 525 1050 21 1 do 52.5 450 22 1 do 525 1600 23 1 do 525 1150 24 1 do '2,, 1050 25 1 do 525 1400 TOTAL, Form B. a 10 CT/ OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK - ADDITION ASSESSED ' 1 Lq_0LUAT1� 26 1 Syndicate NO. 4 Addition 525 1350, 27 1 do 52,5 '3100; 28 1 do 525 500'' 29 1 do -1950 8100, 30 1 do 16 2 do 475 1450. 17 2 do 500 1250 18 2 . do 500 1400 19 2 do 500 1350 20 2 do 500 1400 21 2 . do 500 21.00 22 2 do 500 1350. 23 2 do 500 2500 24 2 do 500 650 25 2 . do 500 .1900 26 2 . do 500 1400 27 2 . do 500 1450 28 2 do 500 1500 29 2. do 475 1350, 30 2 do 750 1800 16 3 do 475 1950 17 3 do 475 18 3 do 475 1600 19 3 do 500 650 20 3 do 475 3000 21 3 do 475 1850. _ 22 3 do 475 2550 , w •. . t � TOTAL ii CRY OF 6 . PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - - REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED p ADDITION VALUATION g DESCRIPTION Lor aLocK w 23 3 Syndicate No. 4 Addition 475: 1700 rt j'475: 24 3 do 1500' e 25 3 do 475 3200 26 3 do 475 2800 27 3 do 475 1550 28 3 do 475 250 V :st 38 ft 29 3 do 426 2500 (Ex. 7i. 38 ft)29 and all 30 3 do 850 4200 20 4 do 400 2500 21 4 do 400 100 22 4 do 400 2300 23 4 do 400 3400 Ea 24 4 do 400 660 `Nest 30 ft 25 4 do 300 1700 E. it £t 25 and PI 20 ft 26 4 do 300 1360 E. 20 £t 26 and 7: 10 ft 27 4 do 300 1600 East 30 ft 27 4 do 300 1500 28 4 do 400 2050' 29 4 do ..400 1400 30 4 do 475 2300 (Fac. South 31 ft)1-2 3 Dale St. Addition_ `o the 1950 3300. City of St. Paul 4 do 525 1250 5 do ..525 1600 g do .525 2950 7 do .525 1700 8 do ,525 850 TOTAL 525 1350 . CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF PINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER j DESCRIPTION LOT :BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION ,�... _..„ I, 10 Dale St. Addition to the City 52.6 20,00; of St. Paul 11 j do 52'5 , . .19,00' East 35 ft 12 do 450 16.00, West 35 ft 12 and E.301 13 do 45,,0 .1800. l"!. loft. 13 and (Ex. 450 2300 W. 15 ft) 14 do W. 15 ft 14 r.nd all 15 do 675 2900 1 St. Albans Street Addition to 550 1350 the City of St. Paul 2 do 500 2900 3 do 500 3150 4 do 500 2350 5 do 504 1000 6 do 500 2300 7 do 500 2100, 8 do 500 2150 9 do 500 2000. ri 10 do 500 1800 11 do 500 3000, ( 12 do 1000 2200, ( , 13 do 14 do 500 3450 15 . _ do 475 . 1 Grotto Street Addition to the 550 2650 City of St. Paul 2 do 475 35.50, 3 do 475 3350 4 do 475 1950 5 do _ 475 . _, ,0004 --- TOTAL �q:� j + CITY OF ST. FAVI. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE - REPORT. OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED LOT iewaK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION t 6 Grotto Street Additi^n to the. 475 1700 n City of St. Paul 475 3450 7 do do 8 47.5 7850. 9. do 475 _ 15,50 10 do 475 1650 11. do 475 1500 - 12. do 475 2000 ' 13 do 475 2760 14. do 475 2250 15. do 450 3800 1 Avon Strut Addition to `he 475 2300 n City of St. Paul 2 400 4350 do 3do 400 1950 . 4 do - 400 4050. 5 do 400 2350 6. do 400 1750 7 do 400 1700. 8 do 400 2150, 9 do 400 1650. 10. do 400 1950 11. do .400 1950 $56700 "v4�1�,400 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -1113 191- Commissioner of Finance. Porm B. B. 13 Report to I Commissioner of Finance July 25, 19-35 193_ To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: - The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 100687 May 28, 1955 --193- .... relative to Council, known as Council File No. .___..approved___ _ _ _ - - .. cur ing_both-.aides _ of Van Buren Street from Dale Street to Victoria 3 Street .. .. ..- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. ___ ___ . necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front ft. $0.76 2. The estimated cost thereof is $.-8.1451.80 _ and the total cost thereof is $__.... ----- _............. Inspection $64.74 Engineering $150.00 Frontage 4,554 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ---- -- - - --- --- - ....... ..-- - ----------- --------------------- 3. ------ --- ----------------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - .... - --- -- - -------------------------- 5. ---- ---------5. Said improvement is .. _ ... _..... _..... asked for upon petition of three or more owne of prope subject to assessment for said improvement. _ (b 11, A h E _.. _.... ------------ ------ ------------------------ Commissioner of Public Works. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION -09001.® Commissioner Milton Rosen, Department of Public Worcs, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs Tu>y 19,'1955 I transmit herewith PZreltminary estimate of cost for curbing both sides of Van Bureau Street from Dale Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 100687, appF�oyed_ May 28, 1935. Estimated Cost #5,451.80 Cost per, front foot 0.76 Inspection 64.74 a Engineering 150.00 Frontage 4,554 ft. JIM 1935 When Van Buren St. weLe graded in 1885, it was planned to raise Victoria St. by filling to meet the Van Buren St. grade. Under present conditions it will not be feasible to fill Victoria St. to the le7e1 that was planned in 1885, and as a consequence, any further improvement at this intersection will necessitate regrading and lowering Van Burean St. Por some distance eastward from Victoria St. The temporary connection now eocisting between these streets is �, unsatisfactory. It Would merely add to the expense of regrading Van Buren St. if curbing is installed at thii, ( s tme, and I therefore recommend that no curb' M be built between Victoria St. and the west line of lot 20, Blk. 4, Syndioate---W Addition No. 4, and lot 11, Avon St. Addition, a distance of approximately 158 ft. / Yo *AEMILTOWN Po ans /J__ to M. �ppgD �� 7 o Finance ie Engineer. EN, Commissioner. St. Paul, Minn ---April lby 1985 --192-.... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gent emen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Garbing_ on--VanBuren- Streets -both- aides:--------------- -------- -------------- -- -------------------------------- -------------- - .-St. Ave. from--- - Dale- - - - ---- - St. Almy. to--------Vtetor* --- St.AVF NAME IAT BLOCK ADDITION I� Math Hainer I 25' 8 Syndicate Add #4,769 VanBuren S. J. Klein 22 8 a n775n Joseph Hefner 8 Grotto St. Add., 770 VanBurean John'Lang 5 & 4 Grotto St. H. J. Novak 26 8 Syndicate Add.#4 28- B. E+ Novak 29- 9-BO• BO. A. Runge 19 • 2 n n a Ed. Gehrman 18: 2 ° John Leier 11 'd; St. Albans St. Add. Gustave Studeman 9. -6 "ff Geo.`Tschida 14 Grotto St. Add., 794 VanBuren, J. M. Samson 15- J. H. Hoelscher 12• " " " 786 " Mrs. P. Timme 10 urea M. A. Hefner 11• " " " 782 VenBuren Joseph P Land 26 Syndicate , anBure ni Half'man /KR o. 28' 2 " " 689 VanBure . Sc eider 11 von R. M. Merth 1 & 2O• 4 Syndicate #4 Add. W. B. Schamro & 22: Chas. W. _ Otto 24 - _- , 4 ° Susan M. Sc amro Avon 5t Add P. J. Peachke q/./P,p 28' 4 Syndicate #4. Add. Albert J. Menke Tschida Miter 71• Dale St. Add. jx Wa ter a eas von Bertha Voight 27 • 8 Syndicate #4. Emil Geh John B. 7-grAmbingky I- JCL Dale bt. a n - -S �� Fi�1. �u, t�-4, k�� et i _ . Years Ailount• • SP Lot B].k Years Amount SP Lot Blk SYNDICATE No. 4 ADDITION. AVON STREET ADDITION 16 4 1926 to- 1933 1.69.67 1 l7 4 1926 to 1933 $80.44 18 4 None x 19, 4 None 3 Y- 20 4 None - 4, None 21 4 None _ 21 None x g2 4 +None - 7 X 23 4 None -- 8 None 24 4 None - None 25 4 None 26 4 None x 27 4 None None 28 4 None 89 4 None x 11 x 30 4 None - 12 GROTTO STREET ADDITION 1 None None 2 None 14 1932 & 1933 x 3 None _ 1927 to 1933 66.11 X 4 None_ -- a None 6 None 7 None x g ; None _ 9 None x 10 None - $66.94 111932--- ` 18 None X 13&14&16 None TOTAL DELINQUENT TAXES $1,215.45 AVON STREET ADDITION 1 None 2 None 3 None 4, None g None 6 None 7 None 8 None 9 None x 10 None x 11 None- - -- 12 None 18 None 14 1932 & 1933 $207.82 15 1927 to 1933 66.11 TOTAL DELINQUENT TAXES $1,215.45 St. Paul, Minn_ .ARril.-15th----- 1935 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: That Van Buren Street curbing be put in on both sides of the ---- - -- -- - - - -- - ------------------- - ----- - -street --------- ---- - - ---- ---St. Ave. ------------------ from------Dala- ---- -------------------- --- ----.St. to --Vlctor. a. -.... -... -.St. �e. F14111 '�a / � t � / � /!.Ii ♦ iii � � /. i N lSOON, Vii✓ � �r�' �.,r F14111 '�a St. ~Paul, Minn— --April- 15th 193.-5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: That Van Puren Street curbing _be_-put---ir._on bothsides of the street -_ - - St. Ave. --------------------------- -- ------------ -- ------------ from pile -------------------- --- -- ...-._. - -. St./V(! to - - - Victoria - - St. AH. N ME LOT BLOCK ADDITION G/ au _ 3O Llyw,�r �d Ao/� ?r - - ' y ORDINANCe 460 • COUNCIL FILE NO. i j� .-7 / 'PRESENTED BY An ordinance granting a temporary tfeense to the Northern Natural Gas Company to construct and maintain a natural gas pipe line across city park property from the point of river'crossing approximately 4,800 feet southeast of the high dam to the southern limit of the Ford Motor C mpany property. °w n1_20 rddina�n ' N.. 7644— The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain:t` "no Lh Northern t.bmporary It- s y to construct and matat�alnt^'' SECTION 1. a Inq across V 4. That license and permission are hereby granted to thooTorthern Natural Gas Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, to construct and maintain a natural gas pipe line from the eastern terminus of the river crossing approximately 4,800 feet southeast of the high dam, thence in a northwesterly direction between the Mississippi River Boulevard and the Mississippi River and approximately parallel thereto extending to the southern boundary of the Ford Motor Dompa y propert4 aRyro4M telt' 2,10_ feat southeast -of the high m da. The said terminus of river crossing to consist of two pipe lines not greater than lop inside diameter and said pipe line to the Ford Motor Company pronerty'to be not greater than 8 inch inside diameter, laid with approximately 4 feet of earth cover. The privilege and permission hereby granted shall be used for the oon veyanse of natural gas from the point of river crossing to the Ford Motor Company for use by the Ford Motor Company, and under this privilege and permission such gas shall not be resold by the Ford Motor Company. SECTION 3. The privilege and permission hereby granted shall not operate to possess the Northern Natural Gas Company of the right to occupy any -street in St. Paul, and the crossing under the Mississippi River Boulevard necessary to effect service to the Ford Motor Company shall be under permit pre- viously granted the Ford Motor Company. SECTION 4. The privilege and permission hereby granted shall terminate one year from and after the publication and acceptance of this ordinance, unless the same be renewed by the Council for a further term, as provided by Section 150 of the Charter. SECTION 5. The said pipe line shall be constructed a000rng to plans and specifi- cations therefor to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, and the work shall be done under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner. n } a 7 �. Yeas Caun ' en Nays Passed by the Council --------------- -.------. ...... Pearce tr Peterson Rosen - �- ......In Favor Truax Warren - -.._....... Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) l ,! Approved-__ .......... ....... _ , 2nd.. .r-- Laid over to— . --- -- – 3rd. & app._— Adopted Yeas ,:':: Yeas Naps Nays Y s.. earce arcs eterspn lYeie son sen �ax q ���� Ven �ax Marren . Pres. Gehan ren n:el /1,A Pres. Gehan y ORDINANCe 460 • COUNCIL FILE NO. i j� .-7 / 'PRESENTED BY An ordinance granting a temporary tfeense to the Northern Natural Gas Company to construct and maintain a natural gas pipe line across city park property from the point of river'crossing approximately 4,800 feet southeast of the high dam to the southern limit of the Ford Motor C mpany property. °w n1_20 rddina�n ' N.. 7644— The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain:t` "no Lh Northern t.bmporary It- s y to construct and matat�alnt^'' SECTION 1. a Inq across V 4. That license and permission are hereby granted to thooTorthern Natural Gas Company, a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Delaware, to construct and maintain a natural gas pipe line from the eastern terminus of the river crossing approximately 4,800 feet southeast of the high dam, thence in a northwesterly direction between the Mississippi River Boulevard and the Mississippi River and approximately parallel thereto extending to the southern boundary of the Ford Motor Dompa y propert4 aRyro4M telt' 2,10_ feat southeast -of the high m da. The said terminus of river crossing to consist of two pipe lines not greater than lop inside diameter and said pipe line to the Ford Motor Company pronerty'to be not greater than 8 inch inside diameter, laid with approximately 4 feet of earth cover. The privilege and permission hereby granted shall be used for the oon veyanse of natural gas from the point of river crossing to the Ford Motor Company for use by the Ford Motor Company, and under this privilege and permission such gas shall not be resold by the Ford Motor Company. SECTION 3. The privilege and permission hereby granted shall not operate to possess the Northern Natural Gas Company of the right to occupy any -street in St. Paul, and the crossing under the Mississippi River Boulevard necessary to effect service to the Ford Motor Company shall be under permit pre- viously granted the Ford Motor Company. SECTION 4. The privilege and permission hereby granted shall terminate one year from and after the publication and acceptance of this ordinance, unless the same be renewed by the Council for a further term, as provided by Section 150 of the Charter. SECTION 5. The said pipe line shall be constructed a000rng to plans and specifi- cations therefor to be approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, and the work shall be done under the supervision and direction of said Commissioner. n } a 7 �. Yeas Caun ' en Nays Passed by the Council --------------- -.------. ...... Pearce tr Peterson Rosen - �- ......In Favor Truax Warren - -.._....... Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) l ,! Approved-__ .......... ....... _ odgwa W 9ty a.rk OR. DINANCE " COUNCIL FILE NO. 101460 'PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO._ SECTION 6. The said licensee shall pay into the treasury of said city, previous to the operation and use of the facilities to be constructed under this permit, the sum of Three Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($3,500.00) for the exercise and enjoyment of the privileges herein granted. SECTION 7. The said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00) conditioned to save the City of St. Paul harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, charges, damages or expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising from the construction, maintenance, operation, use, presence or removal of said pipe line. The said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be approved by their and shall be filed with the City Comptroller Dommissioner of Finance, SECTION 8. Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. SECTION 9. This ordinenoe shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson PANO Truax Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. eei nt (GQ}+pu� Attest. ye ........................ City Cle auo ;.jq Passed by the Council....... SEP 2 519` 5 ......-......------- ------- In Favor . .............._ _C..... -Against Approved: .............. ....... t P 5. ......_.......... MaHED � �� ✓ a� N ��^�. s , � _ +e, s �t' a ,. � � � ��� r., �¢'�. � � k • � - u� �"q F '� 5y � f� . M+ is �` � .�,y. rt k + .� � � S w -q k n, E,�•� � •j'9a v u -' y�7„y :. +u i. " �` `� .+33,•a�at.+�. yam.<���� �y4 ..M 'Yrs _'� a` �' 4.' x�� Y�f :- WQ' .a yy ✓ f :.A Ax ��' for .f• - ��� +,e .FK+�i� yr -}_ `�lR+"�!i%4:.�"'�'" �` „ .4 �.: $Y�}t;y0 fLd 71f07i� i tt '9Et' is °,$fi�.`03' �''Rf"!�"4sebo-iQx o Fiin x � � a ' y u 1{y j ry �gy"1V �y11 it ��.4 �,x•?: Saint Paul, Minnesota September 5, 1935 To the Honorable The Mayor and Commissioners City of St. Paul at. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The Northern Natural Gas Company respectfully requests of your city a right-of-way easement, as shown by the red line on the accompanying maps over and across operating ark a mss, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, ning, natural gee pipe rant istdesired ieater n order to inches po possible the diameter. This gr delivery of natural gas to the plant of the Ford Motor Company. If this grant is made available at such reasonable terms and conditions as will make Its aOcconsents possible, and if all collateral and necessary natural and rights are obtained so thatcanebe aoitually oonsce of iumated, the gas for the Ford Motor Company ca pay to the City of Saint Paul Northern Natural Gas Company _ Dfor the easement ollars ($10,000.0o) herein as eed foree ya Haat °f Ten Thousand Your early considerationuld be Of appreciated. s request, and your advices concerning it Yours very respectfully, NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY By L. E. FISCHER President Confirming discussion of the above it is further stipulated 1. That the city shall have an option to buy the of the three pipe line on its city park ground at the end year period at original coat less accrued depreciation computed at 6% per annum. 2. That the gas may not be resold by the Ford Motor Company. That this proposed grant shall not operate to 3 , of the rigkit to possess the Northern Natural Gas Company occupy any street in St. Paul and that tthef r effect service under Mississippi River Boulevard nee easary the Ford Motor Company shall be under permit previously granted the Ford Motor Company. L.E.F. U • r CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN JOHN L CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL IRVING GOTLIEB JAS. F. SULLIVAN A66IBTA- ROY E. H. SWEOEEN CLAIM IWIIXTIGATOR October 5tb, 1935. Dr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir; I am returning the acceptance of Ordinance No. 7644 by the Northern Natural (las Company, which I have approved as to form and execution. However, I have not seen the bond required by Section 7, which I believe should have been filed at the same time as the acceptance. Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Co s CITY OF SAIN19 PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 4th, 1935. Nr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: Attached is a copy of Ordinance No. T644, together with an acceptance of the said ordi- nance by the Northern Natural Gas Company. If this acceptance is in proper form will you note your approval thereon spd return the same to us, we also have a dupli- cate original of the acceptance in the event that you desire one for your files. Yours very truly, City Clerk. OFFICE OF L. E. FISCHER 231 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET ROOM 1517 CHICAGO PRESIDENT NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY September 30, 1935 City Clerk, City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: With this I am pleased to enclose acceptance of the ordinance passed by the Council of the City of St. Paul on September 25, granting a temporary license to Northern Natural Gas Company to construct and maintain a natural gas pipe line across city park property as described in the ordinance. I am assuming that the form of this acceptance will meet with the approval of the corporation counsel, and am enclosing an additional copy which may be submitted to him for examination. I shall appreciate it if you will kindly advise of the due filing of the acceptance at your convenience. Very tru y yours, Stec 1. oc Mr. H. C. Wenzel, Commissioner. Ford J'lofor- Co. lk 4 `o 0 7/ f /S.z c _ Co r e a CO • / Fo✓od �ptor V� D 9e IN w Al Q • e, y a c r k, a 4 _tt 8e m I A .ry v 1 8x d Y° .,A • � ear . L 'fir C' ✓r.Q ai{" f /�0 Lr(f'#� � � � .�y � � '' "'. { � •�y'' � �ffF^' � � � -N � •3 ` f�. � ': �y�q.�'+.ry�� v Y� ' l ".Jim �$ tYr \ \ Q Oi 10 �G � 3iBBIO ¢ 0✓P • � /78tiq.z7 yiz' b \9• 12• B o 4 1 O 4n y' C' 1 ANM \\1 �S O //Bf"Cro res urto _ _ Orpp P�".yy Li Fort S.-��//ir�9. _`-'_-- `—'P •�--� a t Q m V V 3 6o ioa o FORD ROAD Ford J'lofor- Co. lk 4 `o 0 7/ f /S.z c _ Co r e a CO • / Fo✓od �ptor V� D 9e IN w Al Q • e, y a c r k, a 4 _tt 8e m I A .ry v 1 8x d Y° .,A • � ear . L 'fir C' ✓r.Q ai{" f /�0 Lr(f'#� � � � .�y � � '' "'. { � •�y'' � �ffF^' � � � -N � •3 ` f�. � ': �y�q.�'+.ry�� v Y� ' l ".Jim �$ tYr \ \ Q Oi 10 �G � 3iBBIO ¢ 0✓P • � /78tiq.z7 yiz' b \9• 12• B o 4 1 O 4n y' C' 1 ANM \\1 �S O //Bf"Cro res urto _ _ Orpp P�".yy Li Fort S.-��//ir�9. _`-'_-- `—'P •�--� 4 4i m Q � 2 � � V `C3, u �E Ll f'ORD ROAD rte• - 1 G.' '•�.1,� 100 OO CITY OF SAINT PAUL Halm.n FRANCIS J. Alert B-.- of W-1-1FRNVCIS J. GENG, Airport Motcr LEONARD N. THOMPSON, Gq<rl Eneln<er Capital of Minnesota Burcau of Public Mark<n Suaulntcnd<ne a LEO J. O'REGAN, Mer4n M<ncr Bpr«°arMnnl<la.lTan^,L<Dboromfiu DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES B°r<, all^ ane<tian VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, . EDWIN F. JONES, Utlhll<s Accountent 216 Court House 8o .'rof Li,hnn. H. C. STRUCK Su—int<nd<nt HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner ,0ews September 9th, 1935. The Honorable Mayor and The City Council City of St. Paul Gentlemen: Some time ago the City of at. Paul was notified by the War Department that the Minneapolis Gas Light Company had an application with them for a river crossing permit for two 10 inch natural gas pipe lines crossing the Mississippi River appromimately one mile below the high dam at the Ford Plant. Inasmuch as this river crossing would terminate on St. Paul park property and the city had no information as to the proposed destination and use of this pipe line, the City Council instructed the Corporation Counsel to write the War Department objecting to the river crossing until a hearing was held on the matter. Subsequent to the filing of this objection the permit ap- plication was withdrawn and a new application made by the Northern Natural Gas Company for the same installation. The City of St. Paul filed a similar objection to this application subject to a public hearing. Mr. Thomas Sus, representing the Northern Natural Gas Company, appeared before the Utilities Committee and stated that for some time his company had been negotiating with the Ford Motor Company and the Waldorf Paper Products Company for the sale of natural gas in St. Paul and that an agreement had been reached with the Ford Motor Company. This agreement was for a period of three years, subject to cancellation, and proposed the use of natural gas to Supplant the coal and oil fuel now used at the Ford Plant. Mr. Sus further stated that while no assurance had been given by the Ford Motor Company, there was a strong possibility that the introduction of natural gas would permit the reopening of the glass plant and the employment of 400 to 500 addi- tional men in this branch of Ford activity. Mr. Sus stated that their present interest was concerned only with the Supply of gas to the Ford Motor Company. Following this meeting a subsequent conference was held by the Utilities Committee with Mr. L. E. Fisher, President of the Northern Natural Gas Company, and Mr. Kus, their local representative - The Committee informed Mr. Fisher that the city would not permit the introduction of natural gas to St. Paul in any manner without the payment PD S W H GatcWZ o J to the Great Northwest of the 5% gross earnings tax imposed upon utilities at. Paul. the Mr. Fisher informed the Committee that his company wouldnot pay gross earnings tax as such, but would consider the payment of a rental fee for the right to Gross the City property to serve the Ford Plant. The Northern States Power Company was informed of the application which had been filed and Mr. Pack and Mr. House appeared before the Utilities Committee and stated that they would have no ob- jection to the service of gas to the Ford Motor Company as proposed. The Koppers Coke Company were also notified and Mr. Smith, the local of natural gasgat�theaFordted tPa�t. Mroom�thpany had no objection to the use , howeverp stated to the Committee that the introduction of natural gas for domestic arra commercial usage in St. Paul, either as straight natural gas or mixed gas, would create a serious situation in the operation of their plant and requested that beforerios ®a$yudefinite esteps swere taken in the be given to the puse iofenatural gas effect in tfor domestichis s purposes. In order to determine the experience resulting from the southern introduction of natural gas by the Northern Natural Gas Company in Minnesota cities, the Utilities Committee spent two days visiting Rochester, Owatonna, Faribault and Austin, conferring with the officials of these cities. It was found in each case that natural gas was first used for industries and boiler plant fuel and that substantial savings had resulted therefrom. For instance, the Fganklin Heating Station at Rochester estimates their saving at approximately $20,000 annually; the Owatonna Municipal Light Plant 010,000 plus the saving in coal and ash In each thein to NortherrnasNaaturlal- Gas Company and stated that no dissatisfaction had arisen in their dealings with this company. In order to determine approximately the amount of gas to be used at the Ford Plant, Mr. Jones secured from the Ford Motor Company coal Used a pricemoft20¢ per thousand fcubic feet, dthe scost eofagas st tfor ethis rs. t of the amount three year period would have been $148,240.75 and the 5% gross earnings tax would have amounted to $7,412.04. The oonsumption during 1935 is greater than during the two previous years and will amount to an equivalent sum first7six9months. The i1 gross the aearnings tax lance of the on this ear 3amount 5 on hwould iof the be $3,355.96. Okloi= ND J 1 Gateway to the Great Northwest CITY OF SAINT PAUL Holmen J. GENG, ntrgorc M•rtcr J. GENG, Bure•v of Wter ONAOR N. THOMPSON, G <.iv.<rme<nd<nt a Eneln«, Capital of Minnesota FR.INC15 FRANCIS Burceu oI Public Marken M.,w Bnre•..I M.nlei-I T.Uns U6--i.DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES LEO J. O'REGAN, Me,ke Invettigetien VICTOR H. ROEHRICH, Di—t.,216 Court House B.ru. .I EDWIN F. JONES, UIIlllia ,lc<ountent Buren; of Lishens H. C. STRETCH, SuPcrimm-dent HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner .4giR.8 The Hon. Mayor and City Council of the 5% gross earnings tax imposed upon utilities at. Paul. the Mr. Fisher informed the Committee that his company wouldnot pay gross earnings tax as such, but would consider the payment of a rental fee for the right to Gross the City property to serve the Ford Plant. The Northern States Power Company was informed of the application which had been filed and Mr. Pack and Mr. House appeared before the Utilities Committee and stated that they would have no ob- jection to the service of gas to the Ford Motor Company as proposed. The Koppers Coke Company were also notified and Mr. Smith, the local of natural gasgat�theaFordted tPa�t. Mroom�thpany had no objection to the use , howeverp stated to the Committee that the introduction of natural gas for domestic arra commercial usage in St. Paul, either as straight natural gas or mixed gas, would create a serious situation in the operation of their plant and requested that beforerios ®a$yudefinite esteps swere taken in the be given to the puse iofenatural gas effect in tfor domestichis s purposes. In order to determine the experience resulting from the southern introduction of natural gas by the Northern Natural Gas Company in Minnesota cities, the Utilities Committee spent two days visiting Rochester, Owatonna, Faribault and Austin, conferring with the officials of these cities. It was found in each case that natural gas was first used for industries and boiler plant fuel and that substantial savings had resulted therefrom. For instance, the Fganklin Heating Station at Rochester estimates their saving at approximately $20,000 annually; the Owatonna Municipal Light Plant 010,000 plus the saving in coal and ash In each thein to NortherrnasNaaturlal- Gas Company and stated that no dissatisfaction had arisen in their dealings with this company. In order to determine approximately the amount of gas to be used at the Ford Plant, Mr. Jones secured from the Ford Motor Company coal Used a pricemoft20¢ per thousand fcubic feet, dthe scost eofagas st tfor ethis rs. t of the amount three year period would have been $148,240.75 and the 5% gross earnings tax would have amounted to $7,412.04. The oonsumption during 1935 is greater than during the two previous years and will amount to an equivalent sum first7six9months. The i1 gross the aearnings tax lance of the on this ear 3amount 5 on hwould iof the be $3,355.96. Okloi= ND J 1 Gateway to the Great Northwest A eommittee of. Ford officials, including Mr. Dorsey, the local plant superintendent, urging conferred or on thean and part000ffitheocity Wenzel on September 4th, urging for them to proceed in the matter, stating that it would be necessary before cold weather set with the conversion of the boilers to gas burning in. These officials stated that they expected the use natustated al gas to result in the opening of the glass plant, and they savings resulting from the use of gas would lower the operating cost of the St. Paul plants which now eIIstands the aeasonalyom deolinetin Ford salesin the 15 branches of the Ford Motor Company. necessitates the closing of branches, the determination of which branch is to close is made from the operating cost record of the various branches, the decrease inooperation operating this expenses locamould therefore tend to insure the on Thursday, September 5th, Mr. Fischer again appeared before the Utilities Committee and after some discussion submitted the attached proposal which was informally Corpapproved ration 0 uthel Committee, Mr. Coave a n oilyopiniabsent. Subsequent to the meeting,r the that the three year grant proposed was not possibbllesundConnolly ea number y Charter, but that the City Council could grant yearly P to acept a one ear ermit and pay exceeding three. Mr. Fischer agreed ject to theoacoeptonce of this arrangement $3,500.00 for this permit, by the Ford Motor Company on the question of making their investment on a permit of this duration. The Utilities Committee is unanimously agreed that the objection filed with the War Department should be removed and that a permit should be granted to the Northern Natural Gas Company in view of the following facts - The arrangement proposed covers the supply of gas to 1' the Ford Motor Company alone and is of such a nature that full control of the extension of natural gas in St. Paul is retained by the city and the payment epayment proposeds tax for red ot is permit more than equals the 5% gross operations of the plant. g. The benefits to the Ford Plant will tend to create through the lowering of operation costs, a more uniform level of employment and lessen the danger of shutting down the plant. PORToFSAINTI 11 . wt <R Gateway to the Greet Northwest CITY OF SAINT PAUL Holmen FRANCIS FRANCIS J. GENG, Airport AMeto J. GENG Burwu of Wattr LEONARD N. THOMPSON, Sop<Hot<nd<., a E^0 Capital of Minnesota Bureau of Public Merkae J. O 'REGAN, Merk<t Meseer e<�<reI Burwu of Munleipel Testing pbora���n DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES LEO B1VCeI -I ImoB. ". - Vir H. ROEHRICH, 216 Court House EDWIN F. JONES, UUIiUa Accounent wu Burof Lishuin Superint<ndcnt H. C. RICH' HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner 8 The Hon. Mayor and City Council #3 A eommittee of. Ford officials, including Mr. Dorsey, the local plant superintendent, urging conferred or on thean and part000ffitheocity Wenzel on September 4th, urging for them to proceed in the matter, stating that it would be necessary before cold weather set with the conversion of the boilers to gas burning in. These officials stated that they expected the use natustated al gas to result in the opening of the glass plant, and they savings resulting from the use of gas would lower the operating cost of the St. Paul plants which now eIIstands the aeasonalyom deolinetin Ford salesin the 15 branches of the Ford Motor Company. necessitates the closing of branches, the determination of which branch is to close is made from the operating cost record of the various branches, the decrease inooperation operating this expenses locamould therefore tend to insure the on Thursday, September 5th, Mr. Fischer again appeared before the Utilities Committee and after some discussion submitted the attached proposal which was informally Corpapproved ration 0 uthel Committee, Mr. Coave a n oilyopiniabsent. Subsequent to the meeting,r the that the three year grant proposed was not possibbllesundConnolly ea number y Charter, but that the City Council could grant yearly P to acept a one ear ermit and pay exceeding three. Mr. Fischer agreed ject to theoacoeptonce of this arrangement $3,500.00 for this permit, by the Ford Motor Company on the question of making their investment on a permit of this duration. The Utilities Committee is unanimously agreed that the objection filed with the War Department should be removed and that a permit should be granted to the Northern Natural Gas Company in view of the following facts - The arrangement proposed covers the supply of gas to 1' the Ford Motor Company alone and is of such a nature that full control of the extension of natural gas in St. Paul is retained by the city and the payment epayment proposeds tax for red ot is permit more than equals the 5% gross operations of the plant. g. The benefits to the Ford Plant will tend to create through the lowering of operation costs, a more uniform level of employment and lessen the danger of shutting down the plant. PORToFSAINTI 11 . wt <R Gateway to the Greet Northwest 1. CITY OF SAINT PAUL B.rn. nl.2 LEONARD N. THOMPSON, :nl S.cArintnd— a EAslnccr Gcce Capital of Minnesota Bureau oI Mun. T -Ins LAboretorin DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES Vh'TTOR HROEHRICH, DI­­lcloel 216 Court House Bureau of Ushuns H. C. STREICH, Succrm—dcnt HERMAN C. WENZEL, Commissioner W. A. PARRANTO, Deputy Commissioner a The Hon. Mayor and City Council #4 Holmen M-1dwl Airaort FRANCIS J. GENG. Al—Me-r Burn. of Public M.A.. LEO J. O.REGAN, Merkel Mnter Bureau of 1.v 1setlon EDWIN F. JONES, WhIja Accountant 3� The availability of natural gas at an advantageous price to the"Ford Motor Company together with the advantage inherent in the local deposits of silica sand will provide strong inducement for the establishment and operation of a glass plant by the Ford Motor Company, causing a substan- tial increase in the investment in the local plant and creating employment for 400 to 500 additional men. Yours very trul , UTILITIES NEER. Approved by Utilities Committee COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC UTILITIES R 4 L___7 CORPORATION COUNSEL LW 0KToF J A Gateway to the Great Northwest October 8th, 1915. Northern Natural Gas Company' 271 So. La Salle St., - Ronm 1517 ChicaPo, Illinois. Attention: }'r_ -L. r_ Fischer Gentlemen: we are wain encloslnP, a copy of Ordi- nance 7644 and wish to call your attention to Section 7 thereof, which provides that you shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Pau' in the sum of $10,000.00. We are advised by our City Attorney that this bony' should ehave erbeen filed at the same time as the acceptance. as'! that you kindly send in sal' bond to us at the earliest possible data. May we also call your at ention to Section 6, which calls for the payment of $3v;00.(r previous to the operation and use of t1le facilities to be constructed under this permit. Yours vert truly, City Clerk. L: E. FISCHER 231 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET ROOM 1511 CHICAGO PRESIDENT 1� NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY October 9th, 1935 Yr. L. R. S. Berguson. City Clerk, City of Mint Paul. St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs Your esteemed favor of the 8th inst., is at hand. We understand that the ordinance prescribes that we shall furnish a bond in the sun of $109000.00, and the procurement of this bond is being arranged. The ordinance does not prescribe that it shall be filed simultaneously with the acceptance. We understand. furthermore, that we will be required to pay. and certainly we intend to pay. the sum of $3.500.00 previous to the operation and use of the facilities authorised to be constructed by the ordinance. The ordinance will be of no use to us unless the City withdraws its previously filed objection with the War Department to our river crossing, and I have understood that as soon as we filed our acceptance, the previous order of the City perfecting this objection would be rescinded. I shell be glad if you will advise me whether that action has been taken. Yours very truly, IF October 10th, 1935. Mr. L. 7. Fischer, Preslr'.ent, NorthAra NatT3rPl Gas Ca:ioAny, ?Al South LaSalle St. , — "on- 1517, Chicago, Illinois. Dear S1 r: Fn reply to ymir letter of October 9th, we are enclosinf- a cow- of Connell File rro. 101704, adopted 0.y the City Co,incil on October ird, 1919, w',ich resolution withdraws all ob jectinns previously filed in the matter of the application for permit for a river crossing. A copy of this resolution was sent to the T'. S. 71ngineers ('!Ar reps^trent) at r•15 Commerce Buildinm in }t. r'nul a October 5th. 'ye trust this is the desired Information. Yours very truly, City Clerk. �' �— r /' ,o.. �. 10 ( �bo P' t- AMPTANCE OF ORDINANCE Northern Natural Gas Companyo for itself, its successors and assigns, hereby accepts the certain Ordinance passed by the Council of the City of St. Paul, on the 25th day of September, 1935, and entitled "An ordinance granting a temporary license to the Northern Natural Gas Company to construct and maintain a natural gas pipe line across city park property from the point of river crossing approximately 4,800 feet southeast of the high dam to yr the southern limit of the Ford Motor Company property." all in accordance with the terms and provisions of said Ordinance. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Northern Natural Gas Company has caused these presents to be duly executed in its- corporate ts corporate name and behalf,•by its President or a Vice -President, I< vl and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed and attested by R its Secretary or an Assistant Secretary thereunto duly authorized, this 30th day of September, 1935, NOR L GAS C ANY 1 By � President. :ATTEST: C Stant Secratary. Approuea to form and exeeutlon • thla.......day of�5�'.s;....18�5 Assistant Corjbro6n 06Y*I ' c �+ Ll C} 0 COUNCIL og1O1NAL TO CITY CL{Rx FILM -NO• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C UN CIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY, COMMISSIONEAt ' 111P ens, the Council by Resolution No. 101230, approved At g. 1935.p authorised the issuance and sale of $434..000 Saint Paul Sewage Disposal System Bonds' Series No. 2, and Nhereasi the proper city officers. pursuant to said resolution and the lags oofdt e's advertisement requirede bids tcabeeenbsdttse doaoseptembere io ei935.dnfor sale Nhereas, bids were submitted and were open�lexamied and Co., antabulated e e y the Council, and the joint bid of Nelle-DitkBy Company. Phelps* bid for said bond Milwaukee Company, was found to be the highest and most advantageons issue; therefore, be it joint Resolved, That the said/bid of Nelle -Dickey Company, Phelps. Bann & Co. and The Wilwa kee Company, be and the same is hereby accepted and Said bons �c o Hells -Dickey Company. Phelps, a� & Compoy and The 91.1wmnkee Company, aemed. namely, par and accrued intereesstd.swBremium of t :996.40.t rate of 'Pao and seeenty huadreths per cent (2.701 per �� Further resolved that the Council hemeby ratifies and approves the action of the Sinking ?uad Committee in fixing the =ambers, deaaminat*Oae, datesPlace aad also payment andf arms of said bonds. and also the notice to bidders thereon, Cher act of said Sinking Bead Committee in ratifies and approves each and every 9 of mid bonds b ore and attar the adopt on connection with the offer. sale. and issgs of this resolution. nI—Br Axel F. Peterson - the r o eddlAu este 8, 1936, e the and le of ,I 'nth Paul S.—g. Disposal) .ids--Herles No. 2..ItY d..,. ..,1' the proper tloa• aid r s lun n ;fnu stn of Minnes�"' +Id her'' .b od• COUN MEN Yeas P rce /P�terson // /Ro �se �n c amen enzel r. President (Geha 5M 6.34 Nays ^:�? Adopted by the Council C__ G�? n 193-- U SEP 10 1 193— In favor Approved _--- -- _Against < // q Mayor / n) /4� - BIDg RECEIVED ON $434,000 Sewage Disposal System .$srles xo. 2 Bonds offered for sale by the Sinking Fund Committee of the City of Saint Paul on September 10, 1935 Halsey, Stuart & Co. ) Williame,Reagan & Co.) First Boston Corporation) Harold E. Wood & Co. ) Edward B. Smith & Co. ) First National Bank ) Brown Harriman & Co. Inc.,) Mercantile-CLumerce Bank &) Trust Company ) Kalman & Company ) BancAmerica Blair Corp. ) 3tranahan, Harris & Co. ) Allison -Williams Co. ) Bigelow,Rebb & Co. ) ) Harris Trust & Savings Bank) Federal Emergency Admin. *Successful Bidder 434-000- 434-000- 434,000. 34.000.434,000.434,000. 434,000. 434,000. 434,000. 434,000. 2.75% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 3•00% 3.00% 4.00% 7P-90 1,605.90 1,215.20 956.00 2,732.50 2,607.00 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE L NO. 101462 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE_ Se^tember 9 1935 RESOLVED That the Purchasing Alent be, and heIis hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Hayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, a.rproximately 8000 gallons, 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the H. K. STAHL CO., at a _^rice of $ .11465 per Gallon, less 1% ten da,,rs on refinery price, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment ?u.reau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship totbe best interests of the City. Charge General Fund— Municipal Equium=nt— 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Pearce / 'Pgterson /kosen In favor /arren . Against "l enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6-34 C. F. No. -101462 ---By Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank approximately 8000 gallons, Ieaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the H: K. STAHL CO., at a price of 11.11466 ,per gallon, lees 1% ten days finery price, including state tax andnstate In-, so. p action, also Federal excise tax, to be .not on Municipal Equipment Bu - 'T at Dale St., on informal bids Ten. emergency exlete here failure to act D om oily would work a hardship to the best Interests of the City.- Charge General Fund—Municlpal. Equipment -1003-134. Adopted by the Council Sept. 30, 1935. Approved Sept. 10, 1936. (Sept. 14-1935) Adopted by the Council__srP_,_ 193 Approved KP 10 f 193__ Mayor oR181HwL— NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL `LL"`. 8.59 COUNCIL RESOLUTION 1� No FOP r' UTNORIZATION OF LOCALIMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - DwTe_—$eij- 2mh�r ;3--tQ=—% PRHefiNAT • Resolved, That the council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for making eight (8) ® house sewer connections on University avenue from Prior avenue to Vandalia street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to THORNTON BROS. COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $486.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. F. No. 101403—By Milton Rosen— Resolved, C.That th"feee Council hereby concurs In the recommendation f the contrnet for"making eight nd w(8)d house ewer con tiorte on UnlVe[slty Ave " from nPrior Avenue to Vandal[a street, in accordance with plane and specifications heretottached, to THORNTON BROS. COMPANY. they for the sum of $486. the lowest ,and the Corpor- ation Counsel is hereby Instructed to draw up the proper Yorm ofcontract, therefor. Informal Bid No. 0229. En- gineer'. Estimate =491.00. Adloted by the COUncll Sept. 30, 1935. • Approved 'Sept.et114-1988 Informal ESTIMATE $ 491.00 ENGINEER'S M=YOjg_ BID NO. 6289 AVAILABL! BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTIN G TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. NOTH: TO BE CERTIFIED A8 TO PUNOB COPIES TO: FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING 1. ABSES8lO AGAINST BENLFRTED PROPER TY - - - - -- - - _ _ _ _ :486.00 2. APPROPRIATlD FROM CRY'S °NAR! OP LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COD! / S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE T A. APPROPRIATED FROM SONO 188UE—CODE s - - _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ j !. COUNTY A10 - - - - - a. f DATA FINAL ORDER ADOPTED f 486 00 TOTAL _ _ _ _ COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 18 AN UNLNCUM STATED A ROP RAL - To CITY CLERK ANCA AVAILABLE IN THL ABOVE RL"'I" ETRE PLRMAN!NT IMP VE MEN iG FUND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. _ COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVfi AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS ` G DATA FINAL ORDER ADOPTED ®PURCHASING COMDTF40E BY COUNCILMEN RCn SLr 9 NAY6 ADOPTED BY TH! COUNCIL • YEA, IN PAVOR APPROVED str �AGAINST � ✓/ AIATaw MR. PRESIDENT CR NJ. September 9, 1935 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL. Gentlemen: The Contract Committee hereby recommends that the following contract be awarded: InF•P. #6289: For making eight (8) house sewer connections on University avenue from Prior avenue to Vandalia street TO THORNTON BROS. COMPANY $486.00 For the Bum of Engineers Estimate $491.00 ORIGINAL TO CITY C'... COUNCIL .NCIL NoS I I , (d,� l - CITY OF ST. PAUL — ��y- - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GOUNGIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c PRESENTED BY DATE 5 Sept. ,19-35 COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED tirhat ZicBases Yor which applications have been made by the f011owing persons a.t the adclrasses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city 4�2terg is instructed to issue Stich licenses upon payment into the citytr8asczry oY the req -nix -ed fees: Harry S ,BIpard, Jr. 729 White Bear Ave. Berber Appl. No. 6599 Nee COU 1LMEN Yeas Nay s P ce - erson open lq-y ax /Wacren - Menzel /Mr. President (Ge:haril 5M 6.34 In favor / Against C. F. No, 101464— Reeolved. That license for which ap- p-Icatlon has been made by the fol- lowing person at the address Iadl- cated be and It Is hereby granted and the city clerk Is Instructed to issue "ch license upon payment Into the city treasury o fthe required fee. Harry Shepard, Jr., 726 White Bear Avo., Barber, ApDl. No. 6699. New. Adopted by he Cou ncll Sept. 10, 1935. Approved Sept. 10, 1936. i (Sept. 14-1936) A Adopted by the Council -_S EP -10 10 - 193 - Approved ---=p S-- -- - Mayor Adopted by Oe Council... .............9..�.. o ......._.193-�.. Yeas Nays PEARCE 'PET SON / ROSEN " AX WA REN �WENZEL MR, PRESIDENT (GEHAN)• / �� {.,// i^ �. September loths. 19",5. Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, city. Dear Sir: we are retu2min.–, herewl th the application of C. Stein for barber l-icense at 165 Mo. Dunlap Street, which w— Ptricl-en -n resolution and denied by the Colmcil. :i'_? you kindly brine in a resolistion denylrL-: the sale and ay.thortmin,=_-, reftmd of ti -ie feel Yours ver,; traly. City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLINK e 101465 'UNCIL ITY OF ST. PAUL• -33y warren— a NO. --I. C. Pearee— OFFICE OF THE CITY #At licenses for wbloh ap- .+ been made by the fol-; COUNCIL RESOLUTION —G per the at the aadIr R -s. znd the ame re her, j "-I G e Ity clerk Isalnstru a•eneee upon the ay n treasury of the rpr PRESENTEDZY September 10, 19.35 COMMISSIONER —___ 1184. E. 7th 3t. :,ad, 1200 Forex, REF�.WED / sa That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: J. M. Valet 1184 E. 7th St. Butcher App. 6176 H. T. Edlund 1200 Forest Grocery " 5914 Anchor Block Co. 565 Aldine St. Gas Station " 5936 Sam Brodinsky 951 Payne Av. Grocery " 0454 Ben Frisbberg 676 S. Smith Av. " e 4092 Geo. A.Weide 425 W. 7th " " 6395 Ben Frisberg 676 S. Smith " " 4093 D. J. McGinley 1423 W. 7th Gas Station n 3528 Edw. C. Valet 1199 E. 7th Theatre " 0506 S. Birenzwieg 2046 St. Clair Butcher " 0572 H. B. Gersch 1301 E. 7th Gas Station " 2556 Peoples Fuel Co. 198 Kellogg Blvd. Fuel Dealer ^ 0724 Peter Girard 691 S. Snelling Av. Gas Station " 0414 J. W. Fenstamaker 1554 St. Clair St. Barber " 3653 Mayflower Doughnut Corp. 395 Wabasha St. Bakery " 3601 n w a " ^ Restaurant " 5055 Zaclmian Bros. 1247 Payne Av. Florist a 2507 Whi 1081 Payne Av. Restaurant " 8380 ��teNm YeasaysAdopted by the CooncilM��M 193 .7C1' L70�1 �rson /Rosen _In favor Approved_._193_— amen _ __Against /Wenzel -- — - -- Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan)q 5M 6.34 PUBLiSI3GD ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.— 1,01466 COUC FILE No. ITY OF ST. PAUL 1� -- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM is PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER_. RESOLVED DATE— September 10, 1935 That licenses for Tavern, application 6566, and Dance Hall, application 6567, applied for by Peter E. Fooshe at 157-61 R. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal of licenses C. F. No. 101466—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax—Irving C. Pearca— Resalved, That licenses for Tavern, applicalion 6566, and Dance Hall, ap- plication 6567, applied for by Peter E. Foo.he at 167-61 W. Seventh Street be andthe, same are hereby granted and the city clerk le instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees. Adopted by theCouncil Sept. 10, 1935. Approved Sept. 10, 1936. (Sept. 14-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays SEP / Fp Adopted by the Council_ ..193___ rce erson ,'Rosen __// ____In favor Approved. - _—�.G_'_"__i .__193. Iiemad- Warren n_ ______Against- / /Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.74 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK (� /� (�� a 1 OF ST. PAUL FILE No. 101467 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK „-COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER CZ , ^ ^ .. „ DATE- September 10. 1955 ... ., RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6563, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6564p and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6565, applied for by Sam Crea at 559 E. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Owner Ito COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays Learce Peterson i /Aosen In favor Warren _ _ ____Against ,Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101467—By H. E. Warren— Fred It. Truax -1. C. Pearce— Resolved, That licensee for Restau- ant, applloatiun 6563, On Sale Malt Beverage, appl leatlon 6664, and Oft Sale Malt Beverage, application 6665,' ap- plied for by gam Crea at 359 E. Sev- enth Street be and thesame are hereby granted and the city clerk 11Instruct- 'd to Issue sucb 11—nee. upon the pay - n111 Into the city treasury of the re- uired fee.. Adopted by the Council Sept. 10, 1935. ApprO\'ed Sept. 10, 1936. (Sept. 14-1935) SEP 10 ft Adopted by the Council—__ -- 193- Approved— __�W` 193_- Mayor ///' CoV NCIL v Q6101NI1L TO OITY QL[aK 4 ].l FILE. NO.----�''-`�''-`������o VV �� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL_RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 10 1935 ---------- RESOLVEDcation 6644, On Sale Malt Beverage, iat licenses for Restaurant, aPP� application 6645, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6646, applied for by Mrs. Amend E. Werth at 421 S. Wabasha St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into, the city treasury of the required fees C. F. No. 101468—By H. E. Warren— flew Owner COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �rLe 'P/trn5on ox—� In favor u amen ---Against 4enzel , Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Fred M. Truax —I. C. Pesrce— Resolved, That Ilcens es for Restau- ant, applicat Ion 6644, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 664, and OR Sale Malt Beverage, application 6646, ap- plied for by Mrs. Amanda E. Werth at 421S. Wabasha St. be and the e e her granted and the city clerk Is Instructed to issue ouch licenses up - n the payment into the city treasury If the required fee.. Adopted by the Council Sept. 10. 1935. Approved Sept. 10, 1935. (Sept. 14-1935) Adopted by the Council- SPP --1 0-M93— - 1% 93_-- M Approved— - L+- F 193 —.Z— Ma ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK OFFICE OF -THE CITY CLERK' COUNCIL R5AOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE___S�1985 _ COU NO. NO. 101469 ST. PAULFILE RESOLVED That license for Oil Burner Installer, applied for by A. W. Swanson at 1185 St. Anthony Avenue, be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � rce eteerson /46sen —_In favor �/� airen _ !__Against /. *enzel Mfr. President (Gehan) SM 6.334 i C. F. No. 101469—By H. E. Warren—� Fred M. Truax 1, C. Poore.— , Resolved. welled for by A. W. Swan - at 11 Use for 01 BUM 35 nPP t 1135 54 Anthony Avenue, d and I the a me le hereby !;ranted and the CItY clerk is Instructed to tesue such It- uPan the peYment Into the CRY �tr,_UTy of the requtred fee. Adopted by the Council SePt. 10, 1936- Approved Sept. 10, 1936. (Sept. 14-1935) 1 Adopted by the Council -10 M -.193-- CAppr�oved__ _— SEP 1 0 ---------193_.-__ Mayor ro car+ conk % oalol�a� i, Ct�ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY'CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE3sEf�TcED Bo `J .,_ n �l Fin �+ L nI .� DATE— SepteIDber 1l), 1955 WHEREAS, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 302 was issued to Leo J. Fleishman at 371 Earl Street, and WHEREAS, said Leo J. Fleishman has requested that said license be transferred In his name to 1070 Hastings Avenue, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that such transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that OnaSSale Liquor License No. 302 heretofore issued to Leo J. Q Fleishman at 371 I3xat Street be and the same is hereby transferred to said 7 ,---____acensee at 1070 Hastings Avenue, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the records of the city accordingly. C. F. No. 101470—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Whereas, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No, 302 was Issued to Leo J. Fleishman at 371 Earl Street, and Whereas, said Leo J. Flelwhman has requested that said license be trans- ferred in his name to 1070 Hastings. Avenue, and Whereas, [he License Committee has ended that such transfer of 1t - e be granted; th ceerefore, be it Reedlved, That On Bale LiquorLf- I No. 302 heretofore Issued to Leo Je Fleishman at 371 Earl Street be and the same Is at transferred to sald� licensee at 1070 Hastings Avenue, a d. reef the d Ioechantge the records of the cly' a Adptcd .' cby the Coupon Sept. 10, 1936. Approved Sept. 10, 1986. (Seat. 14-19361936 ) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / �Ce (/1 �erson iRosen _ —__In favor arreIt _ — -_ _-_Against 4enzel Mir. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CotinciL,0,EQJAM -193- - - Approved --- - - -- 193 - Mayor St.Paul,Minnesota August 21st,1935 The Mayor and `%ity Council, City of St -Paul, St.Paul,Minnesota. Gentlemen: The undersigned is the owner of hard liquor license Number 302 issued for premises known as 371 Earl Street,St.Paul,Minnesota, which said license expires on February lst,1936; and is also the owner of a 3.2% on and off sale malt beverage license, restaurant and hotel license for the same premises all of which expire Sept- ember lst,1935- Because of the fact that +fM said premises were inadequate to answer business requirements, and the further fact that the taxes on said premises had not been paid for several years last past, the undersigned purchased a lot and built a building at 1070 Hastings avenue, which is situated one-half block from the premises for which the above licenses were issued. Application is being made for the renewal of the other licenses at the new address, and it is the desire of the under- signed to have his hard liquor license transferred to said premises, effective September lst,1935, or as soon thereafter as.is possible to open said new premises for the operation of said business. It is Possible that said new premises will not be ready for occupancy until two or three days after Septeaber 1st, and the indulgende of the council is requested for this period -of two or three days to the end that it will not be necessary to close one place of business -before the other is ready for occupancy. Wherefore the undersigned prays the favorable consideration of your Honorable body, upon this request for a transfer of his hard liquor license Number 302 from premises at 371 Earl Street to 1070 Hastings Avenue. Yours very truly Leo J.Fleischmann. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.RK 1014'71 I F ST. PAUL FI ENp1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED COMMISSIONERER _ DATE September 10, 1955 R� heretofore Off Sale Liquor License No. 159 was issued to N. J. Sattler to conduct such business at 480 go. Snelling Avenue, and WHEREAS, the said N. J. Sattler has requested that his license be transferred to Victor E. Feit to operate said business at 480 So. Snelling Avenue; and WHEREAS, Victor E. Feit has filed a bond in the sum of $5,000, as required by city ordinance, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for transfer be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that Off Sale Liquor License No. 159 be and the same is hereby transfer ed to Victor E. Feit, subject to the approval of the State Liquor Control Commissioner, and his bond in the sum of $5,000, which has been approved by the Corporation Counsel, is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit said bond in the office of the City Comptroller, and to notify the Liquor Control Commissioner of the State of Minnesota of this action of the 6omaoil, and the proper city officers are directed to make the proper changes in the City's records, and, be it FURTHER. RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to notify the surety on the bond of N. J. Sattler that he is released from any further liability arising after the date this transfer becomes effective. COUNCILMEN Yeas �Zsert Nays ___In favor i /arren — —_Against j Fenzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101471—By Ii: Fled M. Truax—I. C. P... ,. Whereas, heretofore off I ^use No. arconduct was lase to co dudu ,f ct such h. J. ^Iling Ayenae, n the Bald Ny 11 F Adopted by the Council S_EP �• O W_ 193_ Approved ------ Mayor YUBLISI1W3� CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK A)zd L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration ° September 4th, 1935• Eon. E. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee,, City. Dear Sir: The attached letter asking for the transfer of liquor license of X. J. Sattler to Victor E. Feit at 480 So. Snelling Ivens was referred to your Committee, by the City Council, for consideration and recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paaa "Ninaesota September 3, 1935 TO UM MAYOR AND MPMBERS OF 9O CITY COtINCn, St. Paul, Minnesota. Oentlemaens I hereby requeet that your Honorable Body transfer the liquor license of N. J. Sattler, Druggist, 480 So. Snelling Avenue, to Victor E. Felt, adw is purchasing the baaelness. Yours very truly, CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES HEALTH DEPARTMENT REPORT INFORMATION REQU E�NNECTION Name of Applicant ' ---- Addrest w Light ca l(, , Toilet Facilities d Hot and Cold Water Facilities (OL %L ' Date r Applies n No. -dZ LICENSE General Sanitatio Condition of Equipment l Type of Refrigeration Food Storage— Ventilation Remarks � pY � � ^ _ APPROVES / r� NOT APPROVED Health Officer Effspector CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Date 9 INFORMATION FROM COMPTROLLER &FINANCE DEPT. Applicata No. INFORMATION REIRED IN CONNECTION WITH I ICENSE QU Name of Applicant — Address Owner of Building �f_ Taxes Paid Taxes Not Paid and I Remarks: By �ELnan 5 a Delinquent 4> Final Approval Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAUOF LICENSES Date_ FIRE PREVENTION REPORT Application INFORMATION REQU IRE D IN CONNECTION �WIITH G& Name of Applicant __�/�C�C U�f'^ ` "�• Address _ Owner of Building ------- Fire Hazards Extinguishers Building Inspectors Report Construction WILLIAM C. BARROM Chief Inspector Inspector '11 - �Q '� 2� S , � CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENS ftS Date_- / IA e sE INFORMATION REQVIR.ED IN CONNECTION WITH Name of Applicant _ , --v r+ Address1�=---- -- _ C �'�.� Between what cross streets and on what side of street to be located. Trade Name, if any - -_ -- - ---- - -- -- - -- Is application for renewal of license in same location?- Is ocation Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner? /� wLA„L-------.-- - -- If new owner, has he been in similar business before? //b Where--_ When �- In any other business? -- - - -- --- - _- A-,--- -----" -- --- Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place by applicant --- Has any former owner been arrested for any violation on these premises? ------- Are you a citizen of the Gaited States? — - --- ---- How Long in the City _. .- -� �- ------ - ---: — - Moral Character .___ _ - - - - - - — - — Ever Been Arrested --- Violation of What Criminal Law or Ordinance ----- -- --- --- ---- ----_- State ANY Licenses Applicant has had Revoked ------ Number of 3.2 Places Within 2.Blocks_- 3_..—- - - - Closest Intoxicating Liquor Place Off Or On. - - A.,..0 If premises now unoccupied state how �long �and previous use Nearest Church Or School Number Of Booths, Tables And Chairs__- . - -_.- _. --- - - - -- -- Time On Citizenship--- Remarks/: _._ ��v"'. ' !- - - APPROVED ItiS1'EC'I'OR NOT APPROVED ___ _ ._ License Inspector Chief of Police IM PdU 1d1 , CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "OFF SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No -------------------- _- (This form roust be filled out in addition to the appliestlon form and sworn statement required by the Liquor Control Commissioner of the state of Minneeota) Name of Applicant--- ------ nS*TE. IaA - ------------------------------------ --- - - Age -44----------------- Residence Address_________ ------- Nina.- ----------- --_-___-Telephone No._19.__b226_____ Are you a citizen of the United States? .__des------------- ---------- -------- —_______---- _—--- —_----- -___________—___---__-_-- Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? no Whenand where? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If corporation, give date when incorporated ______ _-------- ---- -------- ----------------------------- ----- _-------------- ----- ___-___-_____ Name and address of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of manager of premises upon which liquor is to be sold. --------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- Name of surety company which will write bond, if known r______-___________ Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 480 :So. Snelling East Cor. of Randolph Eleventh How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured al ng streets) ?-__6 _blooks--------_ How many feet from church (measured along streets) . _____ ___ O - ---------------- ------------------------ -------- ' How many feet from closest public or paroc ial high or grade school (measured along streets) Name of closest school ---- ------ _]__eD-------------- --- ------ _ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance?-__ --_ _-_____ ___ _______-- --_-.____--__-_----___ On what floor located? --------------- first -floor If leased, give name of owner ----- Leeaing,--- N.-_J._&at$ler___------- - Is application for drugstore, general food store or exclusive liquor store? ------ P_r_ug_1t! Qre_. --------------------- How long have you operated present business at present site? --------- Stsrting--------------------------------------- ______________ Do you now have an "On Sale" non -intoxicating liquor license? __._ --------- ------ no.--------------------------------------- (This application must be signed by the applicant, and if a corporation, by an officer of the corporation.) (Note: The State application form and information must be verified.) Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated--------------------- --------------------------- 195 --------------------------------------- - -- ---- -- --...... - --------------------- License Inspector. APPLICANT. Farm 9—For aetdler', OHr9,le Leman. APPLICATION FOR RETAILER'S OFF -SALE LICENSE State of Minnesota, License No. - County of Ramsey To City Council of St Pain Minn. _ County of Ramsey To David R. Arundel, Liquor Control Commissioner, State Capitol, St. Paul, Minnesota. The undersigned Victor E_Feit of the City of St. Paul, County of Ramsey State of Minnesota, hereby makes application for Retailer's Off -sale License to be used at the fol- lowing address: 480 So Snelling Avenue —City of -3t- P. s _ul_ County of Ramsey in accordance with provisions of Laws of 1934, Chapter 46, for a period of one year from and after the 3rd day of September, ,193b . The undersigned agrees to comply with all the municipal and state laws and with all the rules and regulations prescribed by and to be prescribed by the Liquor Control Commissioner. Dated this 3rd day of September,, 193-5--. ��11 �� - By PERSONAI, ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey Viotor E. Feit being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he is the applicant named above, that he has read said application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true of own know edge--) Subscribed and sworn to before me this "= AktL t'EttiEV, 3rd day of September. , 193-5. Idatary rubttc.:3taro,ep (aunty. l4ian. My (:oRmissi0u.l��4pixe3`Jbn. :Srcl, ly¢2. CORPORATE ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF MINNESOTA, ss. County of On this day of —__ ____, 193—, before me appeared to me personally known, who, being by me duly sworn, did say that he is the of that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation, and that said instrument was executed in behalf of said corporation by authority of its board of directors and said— — acknowledged said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation. SubscribOd and sworn to before me We W day of Sep - Umber& 1936, my to Victor Be Feit 2e 480 So. Snelling Ave., St. Paul, Mian. 3e 1802 Be )"lend St., St. POU1, Minae 4. Yes 60 Loan", Sept, lots 1935 70 so Be No NO 10. No 11, No tae No be Pbarmoint# approximately ton years with the Enw1um Uvro—tile Campeow U# American National Bw* of 'St. Paull Maena=.St. P-1 Drug OolspwW, St. Paul, and &Vorlua Morse CO*p Ste PO4o Not rated 16„ llo 16* Ito I?- Dro6 More 180 Yoe is. 20e No 210 Dng store SubscribOd and sworn to before me We W day of Sep - Umber& 1936, my ....... To Crtv � FILENcIL No.—.101 4 + F ST.' PAUL -1 r� OFFICE OF 'THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM /1�� 1 y/� ���n_ PRESENTED BY \ �� DATE Seutember 10 1935 COMMISSIONER - � RESOLVED �f I and Restaurant, application 6912, That _licenses for On Sala Malt Beverages application 6911, applied for by Kenneth McCoy at 162 No. Milton Street be and --the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. C. F. No. 101472-33y H. 11 Warren Fred �I. Truaa-1. C. Pearce--- Resolved, That licenses for On Sale Malt ]leverage, application 6911, and Restaurant, application 6912, applied 1 Por by Ken 111h MICoy at 162 No. ilrll- ton Street be ad the acme is i granted and the city clerk Is lnatruct- hereby ed to lssne such llcenses upon the pay_ nt into the cl ty treasury of the re ,.,red fee. Adopted by the Coun ell Sept. 16, 1935. yT AOproved Sept. 16, 1935. A@R [Sept. 21- 1935) COUNCILMEN SEP 1 ^ 1935 Yeas COU�Nays Adopted by the ,'Pearce , / ry� Peterson { /� SEP 1,'j 1935 -aeeee+� __In favor Approved—_. i W rren • —Against /-----^� Mayor enzel - ✓�vtr. President 4Qeha 5M 6.34 Seotenber 10th, 1935. Hon. Axel F. Peters -ins Coms'r of Finances Buildinp,. 'IV Dear Sirt The City Council has set a date of hearing for sept-:ber 16th on the application of Kenneth 14cCoy ror Cn sale Dalt Aevereee, and Restaurant licenses at 162 No. Vii ton Street anc rennested you to send m tices to property owners in t --:e vicinity. 1� Yours very trulys City Clerk. ORIOINIL TO CITY CLKRK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL" FORM amber �0 l0'SK DATE——_++T.Y-I P COUENCIL NO. 161473 FIL RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6810, On Sale halt Beverage, application 68111 and Off Sale Halt Beverage, application 6812, applied for by Chas. F. Kraus at 559 Charles Street be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of protest of residents in the neighborhood; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Chas. F. Kraus the fees of $10.00; $50.00; and $5.00; and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 4 Al/ . �dopted by the Council---- ___ -_ - - _ .193__ --In favor Approved-_____ - -- --193-- Against 193- Against Mayor CITY OF ST. PAUL R H. E. WARREN > o Commissioner of Public Safety �� b BUREAU OF LICENSES Date_ %�-_ jet � _ INFORMATION REQUIR I CONNECTIO WITH- �- — LICENSE Name of Applicant p Address -_41 __ r Between what cross streets and on what side of street to be located ?__h. Trade Name, if any - --- -- -- _ _ Is application for renewal of license in same location'___ Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner.' If new owner, has he been int sigtlJar business before' fere _ - -- In any other business? by -------- - Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place applican _ _ ----- Has any former owner been arrested for any vi -anon on these premises' ti Are you a citizen of the United States.' _ �_ How Long in the City___- --r -- Characterv✓Cf .' L _-`_" 's - d �c ' Y doral Ty Ever Been Arrested-_ - -- - -- ---- - - Violation of What Criminal Law or Ordinance_.._ <`! - - - -- - State ANY Licenses .Applicant has had Revoke((— _ - -- Number of 3.2 Places Within 2 Bloc s_ _ - - ��--- - -- r-- �� ✓ t ff Closest Intoxicating I'i9tor Place I{ state hOow long premises now unoccupied1nd previous use � � fes. P - - -- - -- Nearest Church Or School-__ _.—-_�--- 1 - - r -- - - - -- Number Of Booths, Tables And Chairs- __ -- 1�---` -- - Time On Citizenship Remarks: Tom' `. � Lim' R APPROVED INSPECTOR NOT APPROVED ----- - ----------- _ _—_- License Inspector --- ---Chief ofPolice September loth, w1g. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Co.,s' r of Finance, Puildiri?. Dear Sir: The City Cmincil 'ru3s set a date of haxr',W, for September 15th on t-uo applications of Chas. F. Kraus for ^o4t9:rant, on Sale 1.alt Reverwe and Off Sale Malt ',evarn;-e licenses at 5�i C'varles Street End remiested yo•a to send notices to pro?erty ormerq in t'ia vicinity. Ynnrs very --ly, City clef-. We, the undersigned, home owners and residents in the vicinity of Charles and Kent Streets in the City of St. Paul, hereby protest and respectively request the Council of the City of St. Paul to refrain from granting a license to any person or persons to conduct a Liquor Store at the intersection of said streets, and more particularly, at 559 Charles Street, The above mentioned intersection of streets is located in a resi- dence district and there is no need for a Liquor Store in the vicinity, as a large number of Liquor Stores are located within one (1) block, and the undersigned feel that an additional Liquor Store would be a detriment to the neighborhood and of no profit to its sponsors. .%1 I'l /., :rr�.�`//fes r %�: ,.ii, ORIGINAL 10 CITY CLtP i� to) -474 FI ENCIL NO.— OFFICE - ITY OF ST. PAUL 1`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYa,Pber 1 1915 COMMISSIONER _--.____ DATE__—Sep t • 0, RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6895, and dSale Malt Beverage, application 6897, applied for by Martha Tork at 1099 Payne Avenue be and the same are hereby denied upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police for the reason that there are already too many such places in the immediate neighborhood; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Martha Tork the fees of $1.0.00; $50.00; and $5.00;and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas �ays Pearce • Peterson Rosen _ __In favor Warren, • __ .____Against / Wenzel • / i 5M 6.34 COUNCILMEN Yeas �ays Pearce • Peterson Rosen _ __In favor Warren, • __ .____Against / Wenzel • / Mr. President (Gehan) / 5M 6.34 � x 1, Adopted by the Council___—__ _ ----193--- Approved - 193___ Approved 193__._ Mayor Seotember 10th, 1935. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Comer of Finance, Building. Dear Sirs The City Council has set a date of hearing for September 16th on the aonlications of Yartha Tork for Rsstaurant, Off Sale telt Aeverare and On Sale Malt Bevera�-e licensee at 1099 Payne Avenue and you were renuested to send notices to property owners in the vicinity. Yours vex^j trily, City Clerk, September 11th, 1935. Payne Avenue 3usiness Pen's Association, c/o Youarmiist, Secretary, 963 Payne Avenue, St. Paul, tllnnesota. Gentlemen= The City Colmeil will hold a 'fearing on !.'on lay, 4o•)te.iber 15th at 10 &. /'. In the Colmoil 01=.bers on the :utter of the applications of Martha 4br'k for restaurant, 0n salo malt bevera^'e and orf vale malt beverage licenses at 109? Payne Avenue and Invite representatives of your Aesociation to appear or indicate by letter whether you favor granting or detWlnrr these apnlloations. Very truly yours, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. .2__ ......... 193.5 - You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will c—id- the matter of_.APnI Zall on_._pf......Martha.__TnXk_.Y.(1x..._...._...._..__....___... reatanrgnt., on _j,jcanaea at ln9q and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on thc_._._ ) .day oL.,88,Pt8mb,�,Z�,_193a5T in the City of St. Paul, at 10:00 o'clock A. Isf. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. to eHAurAw ...•...... OSCAR GU.Tx,,..i1 G. F. OKERLUND 1..e ....L.. .OwebiO fivangeltcal 31ree (church .e........"..1. w.w PAYNE AVENUE AND JESSAMINE STREET 11—.......TAwr a ;w.eNONc ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA ALEe RoGNNr :T aoN T•A. VALINE $e.. Vast A. %asset. Pastor HAROLD E. DAHL eeT e. eowo _ALeN Ar.. 12SS EDGERTON STREET TOWER 1908 DAVID SWANSON. ELo.. 711 1. LAW101 IT To tae Council of th.e City of St.Peul Gentlemen: c tar. lin0ersi-ned -r,en-.be�rs of the Sredish Ev:n�elic:.1 Free Church,Pryne r.nd es serine Sts. cse very siuch opposed to the of r. on rnd off n .lt bevere-..,-e license 1-t 1099 Payne Ave. T;)is plcce is rlmost directly : croF-^ the street frorc ol.zr n:r.trc'-i building-, anG the rr -ntin o.i such a license onld bar. m-istt;ke. Awv CYA,wYAN OSCI(R OUSTAFSONOKLUA [r ,[3a .wAnL[v Owedis4 fwangelitat 3jree (44=4 a ... o Awuw[w PAYNE AVENUE AND JESSAMINE STREET r .NAN.cce w[TARY ALSERTOUSTAFSON O.w. STONE ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA aw, o[NNT— T•A. YALIN! $Cu. 11-1 A. e4E3R[l, Past.r : AROLD E. "'La e. J[s •w MING •T. 117 e. C-0 • AL[N AV[. IR36 EDGERTON STREET TOWER 1305 DAVID SWANSON. ELocw 6 2Le�_ g 6 /f /7 i -Z 6- 9 Y CNwI[YwN . OSCAR GUSTAFSON ee .6wGL[Y f wedish finangelical 31ree (4=4 PAYNE AVENUE AND JESSAMINE STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA T•A. VALINE $e5. faal A. %aeeel, Pastor e[T [. collo vNwL[N wvr. 1236 EDGERTON STREET TOWER 1305 4 DAVID SWANSON. ELD[R '-m")�' cz-'L Ci�) qA—lk N'L [[Cw[TwwY .G' : `F. OKERLUND A"' ALSERTOUSTAFSON HAROLD E. DAHL t rye G6a 76% 677 CN =*" OSCAR GUI.TT. SON 1ie0 Oweb 4 fivangelical Arre Q=4 ra.weuaea PAYNE AVENUE AND JESSAMINE STREET G;w.`H NoNe ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA T. VALINE Rev. pout A. Izaeed. PHStor 001 e. GDM. na... I wVO, IIISS EDGERTON STREET TOWER 1300 DAVID SWANSON. ELDOa G`POKERLUND . '67 ALBERT GUHTA PSON 'IS DW, HAROLD E. DAHL a,s K. J969A..-- L, September 16th, 1935 Mr. Carl R. Lenard License Ins)ector Public Safety Building Saint Pail , Pinnesnta Dear Sir: The Cit.- Co•mcil today denied the applicati,)ns of Partha Tork for On Sale and Of' 58-16 1,slt Bevera!e licenses at 1099 Payne Avenue but granted ner Restaurant license a-oltcntion at tele sn:Do a''drese. Will y,u !cWly bring in t:,:e necessary res,luti,ne4 Y,)urs v-ry tri . , Cite Clerk Septwnber 16th, 1935 Reverend la+21 A. Cassel 1?16 ,'d,^erton Street S^int Pau' , i'inneaota Dear Sirs In t e matter of t je annl i cnti nn of 1'artha Toric for a2A ()n N.d off n^ie Vn't Beverage licensee at 101 ! Payne Avenue, hrari--r• on w Oc?i was held tnday, Mrq. Tor}: rennested t :e Co'uicil, ,robnbly after yn+,r delegation had left' to ;*r^nt er a Rentn+lent license at bila locntinn. T'rie Cn+ncil t',ere+>>v, -rnnted'.ier a Rentsnrnnt license bnt not a beer license. Yn+irs v^ry trniy, City Clerk a ■i= IPM 4VIII, ,id over ta_---\----- � 3rd. & RPP - Q 1 'n Adopted—;1 -- Na Yeasty Nays Yea eazrce Nays earce ete on eterson sen ^ en ax ruax f rren �Rtten / enzel /enrel r. Pres. Gehan fr. Pres. Gehan original to City ©erk PRDINANCE 4'75 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESINTED BY \ ORDINANCE NO. � An ordinance authorizing Dispatch -Pioneer Press Company permission to drill and maintain an artesian well on the west side of Minnesota St. between Kellogg Boulevard and 1edC0 riu: zes6= Fourth Street approximately 135 feet south of Fourth Street. .:chorfal¢H Mapatch-. �:ompanY porm[eefo¢ to- •.tai¢ e¢ erteaf¢n Well 1 ;le of mineeota Ht. b The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain pule s la tFP� " �- .. Section 1. That permission and authority are hereby granted to Dispatch -Pioneer Press Company to drill and maintain an artesian well on the west side of Minnesota Street between Kellogg Boulevard and Fourth Street approximately 135 feet south of Fourth Street. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to Dispatch -Pioneer Press Company for the construction of said artesian well upon its compliance with the following conditions : (1) Said well shall be constructed under the super- vi&ten and direction of said Commissioner and slid licensees shalt pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The said licensees shall give a bond to the City of St. Paul in the penal sum of Five Thousand Dollars (ordinance anddtoioned to indemnify and savehall the harmless fromsof any dg all liability, loss, judgments, suits, costs, charges and damages and expenses that may accrue to persons and property occasioned by the making of the improvement or arising out of the same. (3) Said artesian well shall be removed by said licensees whenever the Council shall so order. (4) Said licensees shall pay any tax or license fe? that may be required by an ordinance or law of the City of St. Paul. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. 141114. v YeaH Councilmen Naya 948= Peterson P4eeea Truax Warren Wenzel Attest: Mr�P'd ent (Gehan) �--.City Clerk 300 ,.as Passed by the Council.... ----- CIM --------------- _.In Favor .................... ....Against Approved:..... ................. _SEP 2 Mayor PUBLISHEIS �'' sf.vaui pispatrh _1104 Stilaui $ioueer Press v ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT To the Honorable City Council City of St. Paul. Minnesota. Gentlement September 10th 1935. The undersigned hereby makes application to maintain and construct an eummupamb artesion well under the sidewalk on the West side of Minnesota Street between Kellogg Boulevard and East Fourth Street at a point from one hundred twenty five to one hundred fifty feet South of East Fourth Street. Respectfully. Dispatch -Pioneer Prose company R. A. Kortmntm RAKsLZ Assistant Treasurer. ORInINAL TO CITY CLERK ' i Y $, C• Wendel— ie6UNCIL 1U�4�6 CITY OF ST. P' e; 0 propo9ed P. W. A vee NO. State of Kl n eota ey- I, State P: A'. A. Naginee� OFFICE OF THE rl, returned di* apProved pWne. Director at Wo NCIL RESO N - iminlstrntton, on the tF. R / 1 `otecta contemDlatet rtlo of tion of d PRESENTED BY 4antt,+nher 11 1835+ COMMISSIONER i ��ng th• +TE^-��--- RESOLVED WHEREAS, some 40 proposed P.W.A. projects in the State of Minnesota approved y L.the Hopkins,tate PDirectorgof Workswere ProgresslAdministration, disapproved by Harry on the theory that the projects oontemplated too great a proportion of material cost and not a sufficient proportion of direct labor cost, and WHEREAS, among these projects are two in the City of St. Paul, namely the extension of the Public Market and the construction of two water tanks, and a continuation of this policy will undoubtedly affect other proposed projects such as the widening and repaving of Kellogg Boulevard, and WHEREAS, through the activities of C.W.A. and E.R.A. during the past two years a great proportion of the available enterprises which might involve a large portion of direct labor, with a low material cost have been completed, and WHEREAS, this ruling effectually prohibits the performance of construction projects of permanent nature constituting real improvements in communities who are able to finance 55% of the total cost with the assistance of a 45% Federal grant, and WHEREAS, such permanent construction projects, while involving a lower proportion of direct labor, in reality involve a large amount of in- direct labor through the manufacture and transportation of materials which represents a large proportion of their cost, thereby serving to relieve unemployment nationally as well as locally, and WHEREAS, many communities have involved considerable cost to them- selves in the preparation of plans and preliminary data in connection with these proposed P.W.A. projects with the understanding that the Federal Government would provide 459 grants for construction projects of a'worthy nature, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council protest against this arbitrary ruling which we believe is a serious mistake and do. appeal to . the President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, to make possible the approval of projects where communities can finance 55% of the project cost for improve- ments of permanent and beneficial nature as originally set up by the Public Works Administration, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk be instructed to forward e coot4resolution to the President, Frenklin Delano Roosevelt, $ gators eln" t{�[ "Stead and Thomas Scha3A.f?*bq &Al 9Fan MeeaG�^ + v ce � Ott n Ll In favor Approved SEP 11 1?ii _193__ W .Warrarr en ---Against _. 1 G a�yor �. /Wenzel PUBLISIiEB 2 srn egR. VICE PRES. ROSSN ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK 1y FILECOUNCIL NO. 7 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED, that the proper city off ioers be and they are hereby author— ized to enter into an agreement with Charles White, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $16.00 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Public Works on the 30th day of July 1935; be it FDRTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Charles White the sum of $36.67 out of the Workmen$.e Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for, the period to and including August 17th, 1935. C. F. No. 101477 -By Milton Rosen— . Reaclved; that the proper city offi- cers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into en agreement with Charles White. provlding for the pay- \�- gate of peneation to him at the 61 rate of $16.00 per week during such \ time as he hall be totally dtsabled by reason o[ Injuries received by him whit. i �•�` in the employ of the Department f' t :Public Works on the 30th day of July. 1936; be It w1 hlrtald agraement� thell properaccordance Ity ollcers are hereby authorlsed to pay to said Charlea White the sum of $26.67 out coutnkeo li s hean eral Fn dnla dual set- tiement of his claim against the City. being for the period to and Including August 17th, 1936. Adoptedby the C....11 Sept. it. 1936. Approved Sept. 11. 1936. (Sept 14-1936) e is 08 COUNCILMEN Yeas �i/ Nays �ce Peterson $19rert In favor ruax / rren $Wenzel _.1� __Against ✓ sM s•IIR. VICE PRES. ROSFN' SE? 111 Adopted by the Council_..___ 93__ SEP 11 Approved__—___—____ _-- _193_._.... ORIGINAL TO CITT CL{RK COUNCIL 101478 OF ST. PAUL qac NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� DATE—F4<,■hen 11,E l9ES COMMISSIONER --- RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, appl-ieatioli tpplied 6, pOff Sale Melt Beverage, application 6857, and Restaurant, application .68*18, for by Florence P. McNeil at 191 No. Western Ave. be and the same ara:,hereby granted and the city -clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No. 10117 8-13y H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax—I. C. pearce— Id Re.olved, That 1lceneea for On Sale 8111 Malt leverage llgpp (s'tlone686� and Restaurant, appllcatlon (1868, ap_ Piled for by Florence pl Me58 at 391 No. Web tern Ave. be d the same are Dereby granted and the aIty clerk la instructed to Issue such licensee upon the payment Into the city treasury of the req efred fees. New owner. Ne OWIIST Change Ownezahip. Adopted by the Council Feb. 26, 1988. Approved Feb. 26, 1988. C(/(.[�i4 (Y4tnlQ.y✓ % (F.D. 29, 1988.) w COUNCILMEN FEB 2r Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council__---_ Pearce LIn Peterson F�-�'j 2dRosen favor Approved-- __193 -- Truax Warren _-a—_Against �_. Wenzel -�- Mayor p t Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGIryAL TO CITY -RK 1(11479 4 OF ST. PAUL FIILENGIL No. DFI•ICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED B COMMISSIONER- �� �� _ DATE_ SeotembeT 11. 1931 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6303, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6304, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6305, applied for by Werner G. Fideldy at 183 W. 3rd St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No. 101479—By H. E. Warren—. Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That licensee for Resta rant, application 6303, Oa Sale- Malt New owner Beverage, application 6904, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6306, plied for by Wernar O. Fideldy at 188 W. 3rd St. be aad the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instruct-. ed to Jesus such licensee upon the pay- ment Into the city .treasury of the re- quired fees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 12, 1936. Approved Sept. 12, 1936. (Sept. 14-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e�rfe J�1'/aenrs oson /KIn favor rr.r,,!,n ; _Against l / /Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council__&P___j,2_lW_ 193__ _ ApprovedSEI 1._.____ __193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TQ CITY CL RK COUNCIL 101480 <SITY OF ST. PAUL FUE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK JCOUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE9E TED BY DATE September 11, 1955 COMh310NER-- RESOLVED. That licenses for Restaurant, application 6774, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 67752 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6776, applied for by Martha D. Fisher at 492 S. Snelling Av. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New owner /`�� R V COU CILMEN Yeas arcs Peterson Nays // --In favor r as strep — _Against ��W�enzel /Mr^President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. h'o. 101480—By H. E. Warren— Fred DL Truax Penrce— Resoived, That licenaea for Reatau- nt, application 6774, on bale Dfalt Beverage, application 677s, and Off Bale !fait Beverage, application 6776, ap- plied for by Dlartha D. Fisher at 492 8. Snelling Ave. be an,d the same are hereby granted and the city clerk le Instructed to issue such licensee uDon the prepul -t In oe, to the city treeeury of Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1985. i Approved Sept. 18, 1985. (Sept. 21-1935) SEP 10 193,1 Adopted by the Council_— ___ 93__ _ Approved--------- cJ-'- - — Mayor — September llth, 1935. Hon. Axel F. Petersons Co❑misRinner of Finance, Buil dint'. Tear Sir: The City Co•snCil today set a date of hearing for September 19th on the aoplice.tions of Martha P. Fisher for reetai7ra.ntr N 1-1.e malt bevera.�e and Off sale malt beverage licenses at 402 S. Snelling t,-'enva and reouested you to send notices to promerty owners in the vicinity. Yanrs very trily, City Clerk. r RESOLVED / COUNCIL 1.014814�'Qr OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE— Sept fiber 11 1985 That Florist license, application 6536, applied for by F. W. Woolworth Company at 61 East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas ea ce / eterson Nays % rtyax X/" rren XZ !/r/ __In favor _- Against sM 6•AR. VICE FRES. ROSEN CFtedNM. Truaa—IB.yC PearCew—ren— Resolved, That Florist Nee—,D7 Wo636, olworth6Co partly iedtr 61 Es t 9w - e th be nd the a me is hereby grant - d and thecity clerk is Instructed to Issue such y reasur nas oof hthee requment ired into the h l Y ree. Approved SePt 11, 19the 369eDt. 11, 1935- (S-Pt..14_1935 Adopted by the Council -ST -71 -AW 193-- Approved- - SEP 1W_ 193_— — - — Mayor ORICINIIL TO CITY -RX COU NGIL A }(-/ OF ST. PAUL FIL! NO.� f(J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BYJ� eptambAr 110 l ZB COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6704, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6703, applied for by Patsy Guzzo at 440 Broadway be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Owner C. F. No. 101432—BY R. E Warren— Feed M. Truax—l. C. Pearce— Resolved, That" llcenses for Restau- ant, appllcatlon 6704, and On We Malt Beverage, application 6703, applied for bn Patsy Gueso at 440 Broadway be .ad ibe same are hereby granted and the city clerk la Instructed to Issue such lie uses upon the payment let. the city .treasury of the required fee.. Adopted by the Council Sept. 11, 1936. Approved Sept 11, 1936. (Sept. 14-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Yce /Peterson tuax }Darren Nays In favor sem—Against Adopted by the Council__ST_:r1 I_1 SEP 1 110 Approved---- 193 A�enzel _ Mayor )eAeesldettl) sM 6iR. VICE I".i E.^. R0Sci1_ ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[ (/ // COUNCIL 1(;1483 tti �"" OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM eeeavwrrvr, AY /�/ n _DATE September 11 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6287, Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 62B8, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 62892 applied for by Oust Margares at 219 PI• Seventh St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays ce eterson .8•aserm _In favor Truax 1W ren _----Against nzel sM 6AR. VICE PRES. ROSEII C. F. No. 101�Sa—HyWarren— Fced M. Truds—I. C. Pearce— Resoived,cThat 1'287'10o9alaeBDS&It rant, aPp Beverage, aPPlTe tion piG ti and68H8, gale Malt Beverage DP applied for by peslan3�her same ere as t 219 W. Seve¢th St• as U hereby Brasted and the oity clerk is in- truded Irmo the hitt tree.eury o t the paymentc the r piedebyt the Couneil Sept. 12, 1836. 936 Approved (Beet 51411 36 SEP 1115 Adopted by the Council—_ - ----193-.-- SEP 11 Approved—___— _ -- _193_.- _._Mayor ". 1484—By -H. LL Warr'.UNCIL 101484, 1 /� 84, ORIGINAL TO CITY CLiRK CITY OF ST. PALP ruax—I. C. Pearce— 'LE N0. 7 F2 That lfoeneee apyll ' OFFICE OF THE CITY;"' ai area ieardeon by granted and the COUNCIL ESOLUTION—G, ted to feeue even 11 %42 . .. PRESENTED BY �>'y't` • September Us 1935 .COMMISSIONER �zrl- RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: D. F. Hlaclmey 542 St. Peter Confectionery App. 6362 New C. G. Aderman 1076 E. Maryland Butcher IT 6718 New owner Gust Chingeren 436 Sherburne " " 6736 ° " Grocery " 6737 n n A. Lee, 921 Selby Av. Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6754 New It n n Grocery n 6753 " Sidney Feldman 1053 Forest n " 6720 " Jos. Friedman 451 Cedar Gas Ste. 3 pumps It 6708 " (Installation Permit C.F. 100407) George T. Muehlbach 1773 Ashland 011 Burner Installer App. 6777 " Sam Cereai 235 E. 13th Foodstuff Veh.Ped. Lie. 6953 " Owens Motor Sales 709-19 University Used Car Dealer " 6801 " Carl E. Bodin & B. P. Conrad 643 University Av. On Sale Malt Bev. " 6'887`. " COUIXILMEN Yeas � Nays ce /Iseterson y Repen ___In favor it/ruax 'Warren _-'-'�2—Against /' enzel SM:: . V'C� S"I[dfD. ROBS! Adopted by the Council_ SES_11 19,&i -193_—__ SEP111WW6 Approved--- -----193 - — -- — MM �UBLiSIICD ORici".t TO CITY Ct.� COU.c'L101485 �_ ITY OF ST. PAUI_FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITI,- !lceacea for which ap- COUNCIL RESOLUTION -G' been made by the per- . the attached list be and ' '(`[ yr"ted and the city n to laeue euch 11- . PRESENTED BY l// //N�/ ITER A A Into the city COMMISSIONER $er 11. 1835. it 5 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: German House, Inc., 444 Rice St. 8 Bowling alleys App. 6855 Renew Jos. Rybak 945 W. 7th Bakery 1933-34 " 6781 " 11 " 1934-35 " 6782 ^ it " 1935-36 " 6783 ^ H. H. F.Ifenbein 991 Payne Av. Confectionery " 6743 " F. 0. Fisher 242 S. Hamline n n 6726 n C. J. Becklund 43 S. Cleveland Grocery " 6741 " C. J. Grooker 302 Rice " ° 6625 " Chas. Dick 201 N. Snelling " " 6722 " n It it " ^ Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6723 " Great A & P. Tea Co. 786 Grand Grocery " 6771 • n n n n n n n In ' Butcher " 6772 " Wm. J. Hansen1658 E. 7th St. Grocery " 6767 " it n n " " " Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6768 " Haseley Bros. 707 Hudson Grocery " 6796 " R. Johnson 836 S. Smith " " 6018 " Butcher " 6019 " E. J. Lingle 1051 Payne Av. Grocery " 6769 " n n n " " " Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6770 " Wm. Mayberg 419 S. Hemline Grocery " 6714 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Crnmcil-_-_— _ _ __193__-_ Pearce Peterson Rosen -_In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.74 Approved 193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY LL[RK CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER _._ — --- DATE September », 15135 —2— RESOLVED 1251 Point Douglas Rd. Gas Station 3 PUMPS App. 6786 Renew Barnsdall Oil Co. " if g n " 6524 ^ Barnsdall Oil Co. 1400 Arcade 388 Como Av. S@cond Hand Auto Parts " 6614 " G. G. Klinkner 260 Kellogg Blvd Gas Sta. 2 pumps 9 6885 " W. J. Ramsdell " IT 5 " " 6715 " Standard 011 Co. 485 S. Snelling n n 6 " ^ 6854 ^ Standard Oil Co. 1439 Arcade 1718 Pioneer Bldg. 011 Burner Installer " 6798 " Reliance Engineers, Inc. 470 S. Cleveland Restaurant " 6746 " Robert Odekirk " " 6749 " Martin Salzaedel 2759 W. 7th " " 6486 " Tito R. 4lttori 2251, E. 7th z Harry J. Muggley n n 381-5 Robert - 3rd floor " " n n " " On Sale Malt Bev. IT 6669 " 6670 " 775 Wabasha On Sale Malt Bev. " 5895 " R. C. Millar 493 Wabasha On Sale Malt Bev. " " 6196 " 6195 " Earl Kramer n n " n Restaurant COVINCILMEN Yeas / Nays / P arce /Peterson Rosen _--_In favor 'Truax Warren — -- --Against Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council__ SEPJ 1 0593 --- SEP i l Mayor 11i13LISIiED � � — 7 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK (y(; COUNCIL' t <{.F ST. PAUL FILE No. --1"6 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RE OLUTION-GENERAL FORM `� PRESENTED BY (I COMMISSIONER�� DATE Seytember 11, 1985 o—n-tT—� y� jS�F�-}-- RESOLVED That license for Barbers application 6729, applied for by C. Stein at 165 No.Dunlap St. be and the same is hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to C. Stein the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN YeasNays Pearce eters.. -_In favor /rax 7/ /Warren - __ _ -_ Against 4enzel PrPpb� �. sM c.>}frp VICE PRF`. RO$VW C. F. No. 101486=8y H. E. Warren— Fred bt. Truaa-1. C. Pearce— ltea Wed, That license for Barber, ettelnl aton 166 No. Dunlap St. be anfar d the same 1e hereby denied, and the proper city olllcera re hereby autaorl:ea�to ud to C. Stela the xea of 510.00 and [o cancel saidapplication for license. Adopted by the Counen Sept. 31, 1936. ADpro 'ed Sept. 11, 1936. (Sept. 14-19365 Adopted by the Council_�`�'n_}_�,__ 193__ _ _193- Approved__- - SEP' 11_—. �-- ---- --- - ---- - ---- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 10th, 1935• Mr. C. E. Leonard, Licdnse Inspector, City. Dear Sir: We are returning herewith the application of C. Stein for barber license at 165 No. Donlap Street, which was stricken from a resolution and denied by the Council. 1611 you kindly bring in a resolution duping the same and authorizing refund of the fee? Yours very truly, City clerk. �. 101487 101488, CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL FILE NO. NOTICE TO _ COMCIL. RESOLUTION PRINTER C. F. Noe..101487, 101488— �I September v lteeolvad, That bhecka he drawn on 103 1 the City Treasury to the aggregate amount of $104,596.79, covering checks bared 18965 to 17037, hlcll IV 8a. "-I' . on Hla is the otos 0, the t,'lty Comptroller. RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS AoD°oVed Sept. . u e9t. 11, 1999.LEASU;RY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT LseD. 14-1935) Awdicam TO Xzm INCLUSIVE, AS PER OF $COVEF_ CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SSP 1110 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI t93 ort em c noun APPROVED SEP 11 193_— DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT FAUI- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL FILE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILECOUNCIL No. -------------- MAYp/�( COUNCIL RESOLUTION �..BBIBI..IrD et eica� 'AA R _____. W arren AUDITED CLAIMS September _6 _.___ _..,9 .... 35 TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. T AT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. WE L MR. PRES. I kHONEY TO THE AGGREGA E MO OF COVERING C1 113MBEP�`�Q'�{ CHECKS NUMB UM BE .. TO.... ..... .*.} INCLUSIVE AS ADOPTED BY THE C j, �Y.4:V-. PER CHECKS O F FICE E' Y GOMPTR R. CITY f A PPROY�JQ['O�/� �. �Z �r(19 C F' .� � ...1.. `.' . L✓`� L/_` ��� .... COMPfRO. R... 111 MAYOR BY. T TOTAL DATE CHECK RETVRNED NUMBER IN FAVOR OF ! TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS I d II )00 6 -Ji I 1 60 o j 21 17 189 05 112 32 27 39 52 26 19 60 13 32� 4o oo� 37 12I� 20 418 21� 44 35! 280 00' 32 0011 28 00� 11 944 64; 331 50 241 66 5 52 92 7 87 718138! j92 95 j 1432801 28 901 28 28 11 27 00 28 80 ii 31 9011 40 00 40 0o 40 001 24 92 2a 849 � 00 670 00 241 ;0 65 00 10 00 15 00 70 45 225 00 4o8 96 96 88 I 77 45 18 85 5 00 I 109 25 1 55 11 101 78 184 62 94 146 1 I �7 52 n 45 2�d 08 t BROUGHT FORWARD 16954 Jook Malone 16955 American Electric Company 16956 Corning-Donohue,Ino. 16957 Farwell, ozmun, Birk & Company 16958 General Eleotrio Supply Corp.: 16959 Griggs, Cooper & Company 16960 National Wire Cloth Company 16961 Orloff Leather Company 16962 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16963 Ed. Young ! 16964 ''oard of Public Welfare 16965 Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finanpe 16966 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16967 David Bashefkin 16968 George sudeith 16969 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16970 Chas. Friend & sen, Inc. 16971 Jacks Mfg. Company 16972 Pittsburgh Plate Glass Company 16973 G. Sommers and Company 16974 'iestern Shade Cloth Company 16975 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 16976 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finanpe 16977 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finanpe 16978 silliam McManus 16979 Mrs. Delia Brown 16980 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 16981 Mrs. Louie Fay 16982 Mra. Anna R. Foley 16c? John Lennon 16M Mrs. Elizabeth LiterskS 16985 Albert J. Mchrthy 16986 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 16987 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 16988 John Sullivan 16989 lenneth McCoy & Lydia Plifka 16990 Charles E. Dover 16991 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of FinanQe 16992 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of FinanQe Thomas Clemons 16993 4 Paul • 16995 Secondd ward ward Farmer Labor Club' 16996 Air Reduction Sales Co.Ino. 16997 Geo. Benz & sons 16998 Fielding & Shepley, Inc. 16999 Gold Medal Beverage Company 17000 Gruber Auto Electric Company 17001 Harry Holmes 17002 League of Minn.Municipalities' 1700] Oran. -•e Crush Diat.Company 1700 Pioneer Rim & Wheel Company 17005 Rainbow Pie Company 17006 Sanitary Bottling Company 17007 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 17008 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 17009 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Company 17010 Western Rubber & Supply Company I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD )00 6 -Ji I 1 60 o j 21 17 189 05 112 32 27 39 52 26 19 60 13 32� 4o oo� 37 12I� 20 418 21� 44 35! 280 00' 32 0011 28 00� 11 944 64; 331 50 241 66 5 52 92 7 87 718138! j92 95 j 1432801 28 901 28 28 11 27 00 28 80 ii 31 9011 40 00 40 0o 40 001 24 92 2a 849 � 00 670 00 241 ;0 65 00 10 00 15 00 70 45 225 00 4o8 96 96 88 I 77 45 18 85 5 00 I 109 25 1 55 11 101 78 184 62 94 146 1 I �7 52 n 45 2�d 08 t T 4 41 a it CITY OF SAINT PAUL DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER----- COUNCIL No FILE 1 COUNCILMEN-ROLL CALL' eter�wSo L,�UNL•�L RESOLUTION BROUGHT FORWARD ,�4--� -. Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finance 9eptember 10 ;:: -I PEARCE =en.IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ........19.3 ROBEN TRUAX 235 9 RESOLVED. T T CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, ,, .... ........GAINST y I MRNG /y pp TO THE AGGREG E AMO NT OFT$ LG' 347 '711NCLU BI ERI AS N�LS MRlIB,, Ge NUMBE FFICE ITY COM PT OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE �IyJ({Cl h PCHECKS ER CHECKS I] � '-.. .r-....�9 J{-- ..... C/ 1..ij 1U a7 {,.jp� .. CITY COMPTR ULER APPROVER .__... _.. ..moi 8 Carl A. Erickson Farm Equipment Sales Poe 0 CHECK NUMBER 1701 1701 1701 1701 1701 1701 1701 1701 1701 170 1702 1702 1702 1702 170 1702 1702 1702 1702 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 1703 ^` 1 2 4 5 b 20 I} 25 RETURNED CHECKS IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 45 248 0 -. Axel F. Peterson, C, of Finance 15 521 4 32 0 F.D. McGee Axel F. 11 438 75 138 9�1 Capitol Stationery Mfg.COmpeiiy 235 9 O.H. Barfues, Acting C.Polio 0 Norman Viken I 66 7 7 Margaret Knowlton 11 2 8 Carl A. Erickson Farm Equipment Sales Poe 120 1 9 Oliver 10 7 Presto Mfg.Company 1 I.F.Smith Tire & Battery Company 914 4 2 John B. Heuer 436 2 3 L.14. Baumeister & Son Electric Supply Corp¢ 157 3 General Osborne—Peterson, Inc. Briosbhi 5 705 Studios and John B. Garatti I' 5 6 L.H. Sault 7 Feyen Construction Company 21 714 0 46 0 8 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finale II 35 0 9 o Kenny Boiler & Mfg.Company o 14 2 1 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fine�tce 333 3 2 3t.Paul Institute �� 1 000 0 3 Fred Bane j 4 Niels T. Nielsen 16 5 5 Matthew Towey 320 6 Lawrence Tierney, 9r. 409 2 7 Axel F. Peterson, C. of FinaAce I; I � I i SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 11 438 75 OlUOINnL TO CITT OLknit PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No_ 161489 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL OLUT ION FORM Sept. 11, 1985 DATE O Nays Pearce -,Peterson i In the matter of grading Alley in Block 8, In favor Zrren Lexington Park Plat 11, fro m Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Rosen— Against . e Alley In alk. �'In[ 11, Tom MI. President (Gehan) under Preliminary Order C. F. 100911, approved orae IICe F.Aloo"11nu , a 1935., and Final Or- nProved August 13, June 25, 1985, and Final Order C. F. 101266, approved Plana andaP.c1- l by the Commis' ' ' s for the r - August 13, 1985. .nd "' Resolved, That the plans and specifications as " submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays Pearce -,Peterson i oscn In favor Zrren Against Wenzel MI. President (Gehan) 5%1 6-1 Adopted by the Council_.r1p 1 &JdGe 193__ Approved_—_ SEP ISW_193__ Mayor P rB .ISriLD - /� 35 Council File No.. -10.1-490 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ------------- Conatxvcting-regu toi.. chamber ..on..intercelrting..aeaer.-at..Bellogg--Rnuletyard-------- --- .............. Commerciel_ Street- wM--outlet."aexer. on"Kellog&-Bouleyerd- Prom----------------------------- -------------- Commereiel--Street..to--'trout-Brook..aewer--m-C-71A1 -Street.-vacated........ .--------------- --------- ........... - --.....1 - ......y _... - 3e tember 1986 ' -. �I93.._.. - Dated this -- - _...-da of.... ---_......-P.- - .........�. -- ....... -.. ----------- ,-ELIMINARY ORDERS. 101490— ---- - - - _ Abstract. -- -- -- - - - _ ,A. A •crlt[en proposal for the —' -- - `lowing ImDroVem6nt, PRELIMINARY ORDER.relioag sonic 'net with out" WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: •-ni i 1 :om V, ............... onstructinS-.rear--chamber--on intercept-ing-reser.-at.SelloSg.Boulevard!---a _....-----.And-.Cnmernial..S.treat--sith..rnttlat.-Sewer-.on-Kellogg" BnuLeverd.4,ffi..-----•---------------..... -"-_ ommerciel..Street-to--.ikout._Brook_6e+!ex..9A..G.e=1a .-ft.reet_vacated,t ------- --- ---------- ---------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau ......_............____._.-.---------- --- --------------------------- -- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of mance. ✓r Adopted by the Council ........ ....... 9?J 1. -------------------------- YEAS NAYS CouncilmanSEP�- Approved.......-------'-----•.-.....-........----------..---------------- PEARCE IleCsls TRUAX ._ WENZEL ............. •-.. /....... ._...-- Mayor. I1ffG"��r Form CAI912M'%, VICE- ?RFS. ROSEN �{ PUBLISHED Petition. Council File No.. ...11491 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT •,f and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: ....._.....................0.pen.,_ w1d.en...and---ext-end..-Y1-ew.. S.trEEt._a.t the--intersection---of------ West Seventh Street by taking and condemning Lot 109 Block 5,�.................. ....... ...... .......... - -------- 0larke's..Asidition ------------------ --------...._................................... .----------- Dated this------_1Qth.--day of........-- -_.....Sep-temher.----- 193.. , ------------------------------------ ------------------- -------- Co r ittrec4 ten proposal for the :onowing Improvement. ' d extend Vlew St, �\caf West $ev,, f PRELIMINARY ORDER. "' t, condemn •- AAdidn WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: -------------------------- Qpen, --widen-.and..extend-Yi-eaw--Sts-est --at -the,--intersection-..0f--- SeQan.th..str..eet..by-.-.taking...=d...cmi emniz ..�Q.t 10+.B�iick..5t------------ ..___ Clarke'.s..Addi.tion -- ....... ...... ..........._...... -- . . having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and- is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. P/' Adopted by the Council---------------------------W.11-11W------------------- YEAR NAY$ Councilman It= Oetebson D / PEARCE Warren TRUAX WENZEL Porm C A 13 MMNW ,VICP'. �i'FS. fiOSEd Approved-...... --------.....Ep"y,-A- /x Mayor. rUBL1SIE15 INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of wi,ler-'r I. illo-,- 71r-11 ... e -d "r,r. 112 !'+., east-irl- n" 'o --vnn ,orn s T 'I W1 in - h 'n I I ow' r. - 'ascribed I.n;.stir 1- v4z: hq� -.1-t ('4 1 ot 3 lo,,, 15, �irvi r- I s :.d -I; tin -1- of line iascribed !-,s ;'ollovnq: Cnr-ennin,7 Ft a -4-,rest, F7 ..19 northea s -, corner i se 11d lot 4, south at Ft rid' t anPle vd he :th a i'n'3 'Ou I'th 9t , _`arse o:' 10 feet, thence sou' rl,- -,ouli- c"'�r " 1, ' �: 22 'r -t s^i` lot 3. -11et —rt lo' - l --I 7i -i vrl Ir,inq's f, -t o" scAd lot 5 t. vqir14 oi-, e tore. 14,1, of ..dd lot 1. 'set Hort rl,7 of -4�,r— r -I! of -'Otr 1, ar 91 -A-,- n'i -1 1 o" lots -lo3l- 2P, ;e i ]rvino'.-, !1 .9 -,qt erl-- ,i' nrtl-mp7t�(-! rt'- an' a- eas,3meil, t "or ti.n —ot,,c4.11 i— , , th? e -Lser--:t io be on the -ortherl%, fe�i-, �f lot 1, h2oc, 11 J 9 1 S 1,4 ; 4- i n nn,'; to extend fr ,, i ' t r t 't. r + -e-i E; t"11 1"j rr 13 f"'t -ore or In - .110: io7s 1, 6, nrl Trvir,lrl -n lo- 7, 1,1 1, +,.+U ..,t,r1. of 1't f- F-!eO n r 1 nke an e, q , PC,i t C). ep,sT -nt ti I)o on -ji_ r,r to x 4- , �nm aly's 'buildin,; 17 -9t -n' I r . _t A 09 �IDZARY ORDFAN. l101016d .492— ar of widening of Kellogg, from112 ft. easterly of Z,eet to Seven Corners by C and t,ki.g th,.f.11ol I lot. . ad -.0 of 1.1�9 lot 4 and the west Bi 15 Rice COUNCIL FILE NO. O"t By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of wi,ler-'r I. illo-,- 71r-11 ... e -d "r,r. 112 !'+., east-irl- n" 'o --vnn ,orn s T 'I W1 in - h 'n I I ow' r. - 'ascribed I.n;.stir 1- v4z: hq� -.1-t ('4 1 ot 3 lo,,, 15, �irvi r- I s :.d -I; tin -1- of line iascribed !-,s ;'ollovnq: Cnr-ennin,7 Ft a -4-,rest, F7 ..19 northea s -, corner i se 11d lot 4, south at Ft rid' t anPle vd he :th a i'n'3 'Ou I'th 9t , _`arse o:' 10 feet, thence sou' rl,- -,ouli- c"'�r " 1, ' �: 22 'r -t s^i` lot 3. -11et —rt lo' - l --I 7i -i vrl Ir,inq's f, -t o" scAd lot 5 t. vqir14 oi-, e tore. 14,1, of ..dd lot 1. 'set Hort rl,7 of -4�,r— r -I! of -'Otr 1, ar 91 -A-,- n'i -1 1 o" lots -lo3l- 2P, ;e i ]rvino'.-, !1 .9 -,qt erl-- ,i' nrtl-mp7t�(-! rt'- an' a- eas,3meil, t "or ti.n —ot,,c4.11 i— , , th? e -Lser--:t io be on the -ortherl%, fe�i-, �f lot 1, h2oc, 11 J 9 1 S 1,4 ; 4- i n nn,'; to extend fr ,, i ' t r t 't. r + -e-i E; t"11 1"j rr 13 f"'t -ore or In - .110: io7s 1, 6, nrl Trvir,lrl -n lo- 7, 1,1 1, +,.+U ..,t,r1. of 1't f- F-!eO n r 1 nke an e, q , PC,i t C). ep,sT -nt ti I)o on -ji_ r,r to x 4- , �nm aly's 'buildin,; 17 -9t -n' I r . _t A 15 V. ­Z under Preliminary Order 101421 approved Saj,te;! 1 a 3 - IPH The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is widen Knllo-,- B,u],,varcl `ro- 112 ft. at,star'y of !_,rket. Street to Seven ornerr `h^ 11 owi.,,. - I e s c r 4 ',d lots Rr.-' of land, lo' tli, feat _r 1 11- i rIvln-.;s: p t e of it t -strIly of r, 11.r� ra�­� 'r- -he 12 't o':laic lo�, lotto a -,c int 11 'T, "- r n s a o' 7 et rtlhorly f `.h,n � r ni lot _11 of 'ri�i' or' !z ml,div4oion Jo4:s 2, ri ocT. -4, 7, P4 _lo2l In 7, t r— 'r- fle An 31 r,-' tr,,; to r,_,, -4- r- r `)uildinr 13 r "41'. with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 260,000 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th _ day of October , 193 5 , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the CounciSEP 1115 , 193— Approved 93—ApproveSEP WW 193 c� erk Mayor Councilman hTaBbbAi4mlyma Councilman Councilman Rtlmtsw�r�v- 1, Councilman:iY, G� / Councilman O%k%Al MI F1dES . ROSLN Form S. �. �� YL'liLI3::iD - 'sof changing the�l ❑ Block 39, Summit Park 11493. from Avon Street to Victo•' I .o conform to the red lin, / • ,llle hereto attached and hereof, the present estal ' being shown by the 1' on, also grading Alle• mit Parg$ Addition to Victoria Street 9 ^hen es - Orr COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of chesigin, the -r• de of Alley in Blook 14, Summit Park t.ddi.tion from .von Street to Victoria Street to r..onforr to the red line on the profile hereto at- tached and made a ^art hereof, the present established grede being shown b; the blue line thereon, also gradin; Alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street to the proposed red line when established, under Preliminary Order 701286 approved August 13, 1935 ___ -----Me Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the saWreport and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to bb "'toceede*d w1 fi: "' ` 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is chr.nge the 7rade of Alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Str,a t to Victoric Street to conform to the red line on th,, profile igreto ettao'ad an^ pada a part heroof, the present estab'ishod vre.?e bein; shw on 1-ytheblue lire +hereor, also ;rade Alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from i.vr,n Strut to 'Iictrrio -treat to the proposed red Line when established, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 938.62 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_Bth_____—day of October , 193 `L, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- trig, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated Adopted by the Council SEP Approved KP i. 1xt� y Clerk Mayor Councilman �earre r ��qy Peterson 92u.= OCouncilman$a�� Truax Councilman AWWWS�Varreu Councilman -Wenzel FOLm WS. U91 PRES. ROSEN PUi3LISIiGD � / � INTERMEDIARY r- .,t condemning neIn the land.d' �� v1i 94 nes,, cute and do Alley in Block 14 '. n from Avon :t^'e t, under P . "pproved Au " city .v O COUNCIL FILE NO— INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of condemning and takinc an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gracing of Alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order 10y 287 approved August I3; 143.r, The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is condemn and take an easerent in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 14, Sumri-t Park Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, in accordance with the blue print hereto attached end made a part hereof, the Latched portions showing th- cuts and the shaded portions showin; the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 25 -00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 8th ___day of October 193, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner) provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Ccuttcil SEP 11 IS 193 Approved ` �`�� ' 193— City Clerk Mayor Couneilmarc*tcl)onald� Pearce Councilman May. -¢-.--. -Ptersofl / CouncilmarMUMMAZO10--'fruax D �Vn Councilma-AVarren CouncilmaraWAIfWI� .Xenul V., M?;S. XJ93 FRES . ROSIN. / i / l � y, _ /. � / / /� / .,,e� _f�,/es-��� ,/ ' _ �; =�=; _y ---- Adopted by the Council ........ _................ ........... ..._............... 193......... Yeas Nays PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN r TRUAX WARREN W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK FILE CIL No. `Z � 1 • - CITY OF ST. PAUL � �n� i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `, 91,1 1tXZ MZX= WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of the Minneapolis -Saint ' Paul Sanitary District hers advised the City Council of its immediate need of the sum of $175,000, the proportion of the City of Saint Paul, necessary for the purpose of paying estimates on construction contracts of such Board, and has demanded said sum from the City of Saint Paul, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has no funds available to meet this demand, due to the fact that sales of bonds for this purpose have been delayed in order to meet objections of attorneys passing upon such bond sales, and WHEREAS, a sale of bonds was made on September 10th, 1935, but the cash therefrom will nota obtained for a period of approximately six weeks, and WHEREAS, by Chapter 341, Laws 19339 the City of Saint Paul is obligated to provide funds necessary to meet its propor- tionate cost of the construction of the sewage disposal system authorized by such Act, out of tax levy, bond sales or any other means within the authority of said City, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Sinking Fund Committee be and it is hereby authorized and directed to borrow the sum of $175,000, and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making said loan, the promissory note of the City of Saint Paul, in the principal sum of $175,000, bearing interest at a rate not to exceed four (4) per cent per annum, said note to be payable on or before sixty days from the date of execution thereof; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the said sum so borrowed be credited to "Sanitary District Bonds, Code No. 4008" of the City of Saint Paul, and the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to disburse from said fund the said sum of $175,000 and to pay the same into the Treasury of the said Sanitary District, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to pay such loan from the proceeds of bond sales authorized for the purpose of acquiring money to construct the aforesaid sewage disposal system, or out of any other funds of the City available for such payment. l f COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays Adopted by the Council____.___--__ 193 Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Approved- -- --- - - ---- ---- - - WarrenAgainst Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Ge "an S.1 6.)4 I DUPLICATETOCITY CLERK CIT OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL No. I j COUNCILMEN—ROLL OF THE COMPTROLLER Fl� _(1 ITJ COUNCIL RESOLUTION tote . . ...... . ...... IS 11DO"ALD AUDITED CLAIMS SePtemb" FAVOR RO EN RESOLVED.TH CHECKS BE DRAWN ON T -hr TREASURY., T . _ .,..T -39- 'V.R'WENZEL 7. RUAX OF $ _12,,q T THE AGGREGA AMOUNT INCLUSIVE A. CHECKS NUMBE D 71. RI - �­_ - - I MR. PRES. m&dQW"__ NCE 0 ME C[T OM PER CHECKS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL._ —...... . n L R jt,106— bt, d­��the K6`e6tl OTALATE RETURNED atl the 1-1LS 11,U Ss 91'��y°y 1LLcILLxIYf' the OF 1--E-.-T BY BANK :�R -,.-UCHEC"5" CHECKS phere U, IT FORWARD -93-157- 17039 Donovan construction company 200 2 5 17039 st.Paul Letter company 15 5 17040 Western Badge & Novelty 0om p Y 10 0 17041 American OonoTete institute 65 7 17042 Atlas Gas & Oil company 1704� Austin western Road Mach.00-1 59 9 1704 Automotive Service Company 17 6 17045 Richard Blank Pub.ComPaDY a 0 70 as 17046 Borchert -Ingersoll, Inc. 197 6 17047 Bray lee & Fuel Company 142 o 17049 Jr.j. Brings & Company 2Q 7 17049 Brown & Day, Inc. 9 17050 Capital Ice & Fuel Co.Inpo IS .njllno- 2 9 17051 Chase Brass & Copper 00 499 5 17052 Correct English Service 17051 Dispatch -pioneer Press Comp 7 150 17 Eastman vfg.Company '5 05 71 170 T ebeTg 0yole Company 55 Eisenmenger 17o4 L. emengeT Meat Company 17057 T.J.Engel Welding & Mfg.00-; 190 7 17098 Farwell, Ozftun, Kirk & Comp 7 37 8 17059 Farwell, Owunv Kirk & Comp Y 3 7 17060 Louis 30 0 17061 Garland Luggage Shop 1 5 17062 Gas Consumers Association 17CI63 General neotric Supply Corp 133 9 Die Company Gopher Stamp 84 17 0 17064 87 9 17065 R.L. Gould & Company 8 75 17066 Grossmann instrument Works 329 40 17067 Hamm Brewing Company tile 0 any 66 8 17069 Hancock -Nelson Meroan 63 5 17o69 Fred W. Hanks Company 15 00 17070 Hearne Brothers 28 44 17071 Heivig Company I 649 22 17072 Hersey Meter Company I74 907707 Hetfield-Parry, Inc. 2 1707� F.T. Hildred & company J.W.Hulme Company 11 75 17075 132 00 17076 Indppendent Ice Company 1 077 International Harvester Comp Y 7 7 7 + 1 17079 Keasby & Mattison Company 103 4 �4 84 17079 Kee Lox Mfg*COmPanY I I 49 11 • 17090 Lampland Lumber Company 12150 17091 Lineer Broom Mfg-OOmPsnY Luger mercantile Company 2 65' 170$-? 249 73 170 Northern states power company 7 563 50 1702 Northern states Power company so 001� 17085 st.Paul Builders material Com any 17096 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 363 02 Tri-State Tel. & TeIg. compan ISO 10 17087 4inamaster Baking Company 99 09 17099 OPIOINIIL TO OITY OL[POUNGIL .x.(_;1497 c Y OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i-C-nUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 12 1935 RESOLVED hat licenses for Restaurant, application 6496p On Sale Malt Beverage, apnlication 6497, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6498, applied for by Nick Squillace at 566 University Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Owner C. F. No. 101497—BY H. E. Warren— lrvino C. Pearce— Reeolved, That licensee for Restau- ant, application 6496, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6497, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6498, ap- plied for by Nick Squillace at 680 Unl- reity Ave. be and the same are here- by granted and the city clerk to In- structed to Issue such licenses upon I the payment Into the city treasury of the equired fees. Adopted by the Council Sept 13, 1975. Approved Sept. 38, 1935. (Sept. 14-1985) COUNC MEN Yeas Nays Adopted by theCouncil___ _ �Ce ;son SE1 Z Rosen -- ___.—_In favor A 1 Approved _--P ------- low- - ___193 r'a-Ag'ainst XWenzel Mayor 1. "". President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL i0 Clir oL[n oFILEN CIL NO. « 1 S �C,IT/Y OF ST. PAUL _ _OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 125, 1935 RESOLVED / � That licenses for Restaurant, application 6804, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6802, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6803, applied for by G. 0. Bailey & L. C. Moots at 872 University Avenue be and the same are'hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No. 101493—BY FL E. Warren— New Omer Irving C. Pearce— a uppplicatlon 16804,sOn..d of'S:11- aRf Beverage, appllcatlou 6802, and Ott Sale Malt BevecaSe,' Dpllcation 6803, &P- It for by G. O. Bailey & L. C. Moots be d the at 872 Uni v erslty Avenue o hereby granted and the elry, to clerk la instructed enses upon the Payment into the city the fees. treasury of required Adopted by the Council Sept. 12, 1930. ADP""d, Sept. 1141935- mp'1936 ) COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council SEP�� pp ..193__.. - Yeas Nays „IL_,4. Pearce Peterson Rosen —_-- ---In favor Approved . _ . _ _ .___ . -' 193_ .. C Warren __l_ --_._Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council....._...._ ................................ _..... ..._193......... Yeas Nays RCE /PETERSON /SEN TRUAX/ /WARREN WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 5th, 1935. Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, City. Dear Sir: The City Council today referred the to attached letter submitted by you, back to you for the preparation of a resolution granting the applications of G. 0. Bailey and L. C. Mootz for Restaurant and On and off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 872 University Avenue. Yours very truly, City Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION September 4, 1935 dau , �v Mr. H. E. Warren, I Chairman, License Committee Dear Sirs G. 0. Bailey and L. C. Mootz have made application for Restaurant and On, and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 872 University Avenue, on the south side of street between Victoria and Milton Streets. This place is at present licensed in the same kind of business in the name of Henry Welling, who is turning the business over to the new applicants. The closest liquor place is four blocks away and a church is two blocks away. Mr. Bailey operated a tin shop at 872 University Ave. for trelve years and before that was with the Twin City Hardware Company for seven years. Mr. Mootz operated a farm at Martin, Minnesota for six years. Applications are submitted for consideration. Very truly yours, flenard License Inspector CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety / n _ o��. • _ $UREAU OF LICENSES Date LICENSE INFORMATIONREQ ED IN C rJECTION WITH ---- Name of pplicant Address Between w iat cross streets and on what side of street to be located?" - Trade Name, if any -- - Is application for renewal of license in same location?_ -/-' - ----- Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner? --- If new owner, has he been in similar business before? &�R here_ - --------- -----\'v hen — — In any other business? Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place by applicane. Has any former owner been arrested for any violation on these premises.' -._�'-.---------- Are you a citizen of the United States? — - -- --- - - ---- How Long in the City— J -— Moral Character --_ - -- - Ever Been Arrested-.---. - - _.---- Violation of What Criminal Law or Ordinance-... /—�'_ ----- ----� --- - - State ANY Licenses Applicant has had Revoked t. `""�---------- Number of 3.2 Places Within 2 Blocks__. _ ------ _--- -- Closest Intoxicating Liquor Place Off Or On. --------- If premises premises now unoccupied state how long and previous use-..�-='---------- --- --- - -----"-- Nearest Church Or School- - -- - -- --- - j- Tables And Cha Number Of Booths, _-�- -_ Time On Citizenship � ✓ Remarks: - - --- �•� � \ i APPROVED INSPECTOR NOT APPROVED ____ _ _---- - License Inspector Of Police ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL 16,.1499 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. O'F'''F,,,,,,IIpppCE OF THE CITY CLERK /� NCIL�a'{ESOLUTION.—GENERAL FORM PRESEN� BY II,,�4//\/\/eOP'i� September 9, 1935 COMMISSIONER oU99--By �tlton Roae- •.er of ebnelrU...g r _ .oer on Interceyting y„I. woulevnrd and Cr RESOLVEDC �,Iusewer � Comms P•P I In the matter of constructing regulator chamber on intercepting sewer at Kellogg Boulevard and Commercial Street with outlet sewer on Kellogg Boulevard from Commercial Street to Trout Brook sewer on Canal Street vacated. RESOLVED, That plans and specifications for above named improvement as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same are hereby approved, and be it FURTHIM RESOLVED, That the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. II COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �Pc rce / erson /.1 /Kosen I/ In favor /arrenAgainst /Wenzel /1”' President (Crehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncilSEP 12 IS —193 -- Approved SEP 12 193._— / ZUBLISBED M[a�yor ORIGIN -t TO CITY eL[RK �. `O CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO, ,fl/![ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 t COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY",a� 1"" GOMMISS#)NER �� DATE— RESOLVED Tkat the application of *alter Nordstrom for permission to operate a public garage on Lot 18, Block 18, Baker's Addition, located at 880 Glendale avenue, to hereby granted, and the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /Pearce tlcrson 11sen In favor /IjGax /W/arren __ _ __Against 1Wenzel /1, r. President (Gehan) 5M /6.34 101600—gy pged M. True:- Wa ter1 Nord crow roe aDpllcatlon r i perste &public Sara yermis-lan to i 16, Baker•- AdditioAvenue ISn a I A "onted tat Bl 890 andntheeC mmis-loner of ore 8 Parks, granted, ground- and Public Buildings le hereby authorized and In -trusted to Issue e a i permit therefor. Adopted by the Council Sept. 13, 1935. Approved Sept. 13, 1935. (Sept 14-1936) Adopted by the Council --SEP-4-3 49q t J_193- Approved ---- -- -- --- _- Mayor — CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 11th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Walter Nordstrom for permit to operate a public garage on Lot 18, Block 18, Bakers Addition, being 690 Glendale Avenue was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ICs OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT A -err A PUBLIC GARA Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of S int Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on Jte—� to the 19oun of the City of SPaul, Minnesota, y b for Y permission to a public Rarage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy,%/Minnesota, to wit: Lot Block /� 0 Addition, Saint,.,*aul, Minnesota. On the side of St. Ave. St. A46. Number . Ave., Bet_vreen .Ave. Dated at, Saint Paul, Minnesota, do, - y- 19 • c� r C�, n n 7 cJ S STATE OF MINNESOTA, 9s. ton. My of Ramsey, �............... being duly sworn, on oath ............:.. ........... says; that he is, and during all the times stated has been clerk of the D)s4tch- Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Dispatch,' Pstns, and has full knowledge of the facts ee)r�eiinnaft�er stated; that for than cue yew /Jh _m-oree prior to the publication therein of the. .M1..61... ..... .. .�"",�p, `"�" . .... �J• .. hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the Comity, of Ramsey, State o1 Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be Issued as above stated In column and sheet form equivalent In space to at least Your pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been issued daily each week from a known office established in said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in Its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of Its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it has not olly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate tier and advertisements; hes been c}rculated 1n and near its said place of pub- licatio to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (249) copies regularly delivered to ' paying bscrlbers and had entry as second class matter In its local postoffice; end that herbeen on file in the office of the Covnty Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the aff t of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of • _ Bald newsy per and the existence of the conditions constltuting Its qualifications as a legal o OF .AP.P WATION FOR Paaairr f< OPIDRATIC- A PURLIO pAaAOn. to newspaper. Notlue L h iehy,glverj tluf yu. 0 N" aeonon ]8 la Ardluma Ne. 730 0[ ms / mtx^ Pt &. haul, -Mlmnptg,. ayy9ncau >emt Ds'ma0e ran eeyc. uW.'F;f086 tothe ,L_�y That the...........................................................hereto attached counelL of a .CI 'o[ at Paul, by wty m forr was cut from the oohmins of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in iw8 rest. s�uated' lu a aoe a�euyApime �7 ��.�t �^ -- - ---'' ^'^�—....!.... r� :: •. • • • ....... aaWeffafVrVMks; aa1l1N <h 890 6 a NYea4e. 'eDatad a W eeot8, Aux: 17, i... 10p": P e alw.. Aug. 28. 29, .30, 19saJ the English language. Z% that It was first so published on ..............: .the...................daY of �,y ....<3o _. 3r ..........`..... ......19.:3 ,and thereafter on....I ...... .....�..of--eack"week- to and Including the ..... .-77:7... day of ...:........................ 19......; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to 2, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: aWe[gh8kloioOM emuvwxy ........................................................... ........ .............. ....................... Y .......... �.f..�................. ... C t. r.. u. o- Subscribed and sworn to before me this. � ....da of .......... ...�.......... 19..... .................... ....... ......... ... ................. Cary lic, y ounty, Minnesota Mycommission expires ... ,t,.,t...... 7 .................. 19.... t STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, e8' ........... ........... .�•••••••••'•... ................ ••••••• being duly sworn, on oath says; that he Is, and during all the times herein stated has been clerk of the Dispatch- Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as tl, St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year . prior to thTPubltcatton therein of the-..� ...P.�.�p�..�.�Q,f. .............................................................. Y ............ . hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published In the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the Engllah language from Its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be Issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to a Page, each sixteen Inches long; has been issued dally each week from a known office established in said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during an said time in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community It purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of pub- lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (249) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter in its local postofflce; and that there has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. An, �APPLIag Ox aoa"PriROT That the G.[ _ - ao pjpnIATE A -PUBWO'GARAGa............................................ ..............hereto attached xotlro,I. hareb gi ea that spa�*feeu�tcot to was cut from the columns of said Baotfpb 36•Ys or�iasnee x .7T91a• newspaper, and was printed and published therein in OL -at Faul..•ytlunr t1(�.. aDDt wn ,We ea Sept Site, 1986 te tit of M. 11 wattorIor Clty t. P6W: n"xe°ap9cei`e al iea°i mtat°uu°eet io the English language, 6ete'Eat1k-*tei{4.16t. t'maof' tact was to. 1ue .... .................. y--- +�''' ne m ..ltsettad trMtz aa4 We- "scows¢ i�akee ii'e u;a Alto.. ; that 1t was fleet so published oa..1..!....,.�..... the .............. 1....... day of w..aue a gc+asmaAl 1 ((PP. P.�a. DUp , AaC 28, 42. 30. less.) y -3 •J— � d `f 4 3o -/93s— .......... .... �...., 19......, and thereafter on...7- to and including the ................... day of........... :...........-.--W- and that the following Is a printed copy of the lower cue alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowldg0d as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to-wit: aheeefgWk op9retuvt " ............. ............... ....... ....................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. �. .day of...... lg J,S, o....... .................... tary bltc, ay, ounty, Minnesota My commission expires... ATII......f.................. 19... 0 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[ COUNCIL NO. 1615 CITY OF ST. PAUL ti OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / ��G� w� DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That the applioation of the Seeger Refrigerator Oompany for permission to erect a public garage on bet 3, Audit- orts Subdivision, being located at 866 Arcade street, to hereby granted, and the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorised and instructed to issue a permit therefor. C. P. No. 101501-8y 3ft d M. Trues— Reaolved, That the application of the Saeger Refrlgeratoe Company for per- mleafon to erecta yyublic garage oa Lot 3, Audltor Sal., Won, being lo- cated at 869 Arcade Street, le hereby granted, and the Commiaefoner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public .BWld- Inge '-'hereby authorised and Instruot- ed to leave a Dermlt therefor. APOPt:d%y the Council Sept. 18, 1986. i Approved Sept 18, 1936. (geDt. 15-198fj) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,1 earce �erson /J /K//.sen — _In favor llruax ,*arren __/ r/__Against ,' enzel ,Yr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,334 Adopted by the Council__E+Cg-" 193--- - Approved --&T 13 — _193 ._ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PALL AjV Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 11th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Seeger Refrigerator Company for permit to erect a public garage on Lot 2, Auditor's Subdivision, being located at 866 Arcade Street, was referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT Tb. ZT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on '! ��-iiF 19 to the C j Council of the of Saint Pa , T?1 nesota, b y for permission t erect a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy, Minnesota, to wit: Lot Block Y Addition Sai Paul, Minnesota. On the side of St. Ave., Between St . Ave . and Lxr St. Ave. /Number / fj "r' l2` St.Ave- Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA, . County of Ramsey, r p�pp OV APF CA H'OR PERMTT ` A1'O: Ei{if7T A RI781:7(7 OARAOI:. +w 1Q b V h b=,xlVell` Ma! u0, f. to Beclfott.,16-38iso, of� Ne ty o[ !tint Pmt �MlUneeDta. epDUcetloe Ul '.be made oU h. 111U, 39;f6. to the I CrV the. C�ltyYf delpt Paul, � 1[IUheWa$eeka'• Raatgpraiot Co. [or IOU .W aeeot peblte on uthe ortiUk, ..captre art eep1 situseea m .y$"amAnOo�oob,•. wee�"ii nt em ` wLot 1Jmts �n the19. IQs of Arcade at. Het3Yaen.'wane- se. sed nrwt at. S X9 Dst sia w ae. c. oot-Psw, xtm[mta,. s -sr,. ........... ........................... C///��''.(./.�..... beteg duly sworn, on cath says; that he Is, and during all the times herein stated has been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts %hereinafter � stated;q%t for Tore t�h[an,, one year to the pt cs tion therein of the..:.::"..! .:.:"......^/• /• • •(•�•�j,",•�• •-Q� ...,1.."".�'..�A�� ........ ..... ..... . �... �.......:: ~...� hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published in the City of St. Paul. In the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent In space to at least Your pages, with five columna to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been Issued daily each week from a known office established in said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time In its makeup not less tban twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of pub- lteation to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry m second class matter in its local postoffloe; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. That the........................................,�i.�C?........hereto attached was cut from the columns of Said newspaper, and was p ted and published therein in the English language, trsi� .... that it was first so published on�....... .... the ............... (... day of ......... ....... ...:..19......, and thereafter on.../. ............/.....e>,=vSc#=veek to Had wat aing ..................--I9'—�' ., and that the following is a printed copy of the lower cede alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, and Is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abcdetaWslmnopgretuv�yz .......................................................... ... : . ........ ✓' Subscribed and sworn to before me this. �. day of....... .�."......, 19.3'r No Public, se Co asota My commission expires.....9.r STATE of vNNEsoTA, , . County of Ramsey, } gs' F,OP' APPISOATICR FOR Pllt TO MR.9L'r A PUBLIC GARAGE. N ues 5- hateb g�vm met eat to e�gogp oxlnm ,Palo; f the C, a�1 �61nI t PsW Mlnnmota, apOtixsHoe pps zaade n dept. 111E 1936, to the C ty <CouMl oL- in9 O�lttyy L Halm PnW, ewta, by aeeger Ratxlgeraf x Co.: for ibwfa '.to next ra'eal esu tadtin 7 torCOpn "to+wi'• I.oe t Ppayuyl�. lGe. ��g8ea r°dW ads i f ;. eboiefatAS�N� ' Dattl'yataBanFi'Pe�ut, Idlbnfaats, 8-27. .......... ................7 . ... .. ..... being duly sworn, on oath .. .r-v-�-s�" says; that he is, and during all the times herela ted has been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Dispatch, Pness, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year .•.r to the P llcstion therein of the:.:.:'. !.....:..�.... ..............�f...... ....s���..�:.......�� �... .. , e hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published In the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper hes been printed In the English language from Its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated In column and sheet form equivalent In space to at least Your pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been Issued daily each week from a known office established In said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in Its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community It purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated In and near its said place of pub- lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (290) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter In its local postofflce; and that there has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. That the ....................... .:.:^!..!......— .................. hereto attached was cut from the Columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein In the English language, on—seL S ... .... ..... imecesstRF-Wocks; that It was first so published on ................ ...l. the....................... day of ...... 4'x.Y 19 .., and thereafter ar�..7. )d�..../�.0 6 -Week toand in ................... ay o .......... .. ; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, and Is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used In the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abedefghUklmnopantuvw " ............................................. ........ ........ ....................... ............ ..� ... .............. ......f Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... �. .day of...... ��.�..'t.-.%........., 19..... ... ...• ........... .. ....... �..... No ary Pu Ramsey C un Minnesota My commission expires.Z „,.,..A!..../.. .... 19..... 4173.. ORIGINAL To CITY eye RK COUNCIL 1015 �2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GEN EM, recomaeen'Aag't Coun el, r. - PRESENTM%Y Rtan�ee ezl. COMMISSIONER tr .mplo li Rpfi Upon the recommendation of the Corporation Counsel, reciting that special circumstances exist, rendering it necessary to employ special counsel to pass upon the validity of the issue of $800,000 City of St. Paul bonds, for expansion of the Municipal Market, authorised by Ordinance No. 7838, approved September 5, 1935, be it RESOLVED, that the Sinking Fund Committee be authorized to employ Walter Fosnes, attorney, St. Paul, Minnesota, and Thompson, Wood & Hoffman, Attorneys, New York City, to pass upon the validity of the above issue of bonds, at a compensation of not to exceed $150.00, payable out of the Debt Service Expense Account. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �J l`5Ga4ce• '1//e[erson Rosen• _-in favor /fruax �. Aarren• /fit_- Against / %llVenzcl• /Mr. President (Gehan). 5M b•34 Adopted by the Council- S`rD.��r- I SIS 193—_ Approved__ B -19 _i ----- - —Mayor gLJBLISf�'ff--�-1-� ORIGINAL TO EITY CLERK`�`L Qi•�� J COUNCIL !IL Cli-•�L,•/1 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. -----11 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 3—By r. C. FeaTo C UNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FC+n soe oi18s°aatu cation have re e' a teat book "A' RESENTED BY n SYN a COMMISSIONER DATC P 1♦ WHEREAS, the teachers of English at Central High School and the Department of Education have recommended the use of the teat book "Adventures in English Literature" by Schweikert and Inglis, published by Harcourt, Brace and Howe, for use in the practical English classes at Central High School, in place of "Twelve Centuries of English Literature", and WHEREAS, the cost of the new teat book will be fifty— two cents less than the cost of the book formerly used, and said book will be used only for new classes, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the teat book, "Adventures in English Literature", is hereby adopted for use in said classes at Central High School. COUNCILMEN Ycas � Nays /P�tterson rcu,en .__In favor �/11Tuax NVarren Against //Wenzel /`1 r. President (Gchan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council- _ n"_a_193 — Approved SEP 1 a —193 -- Mayor r 17 J Adopted by the Council................. __ ...... _..... _____.......193__._ Yeas Nays PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 1 i Laid over to—I_�Y.� 3rd. & app._- �' I Yeas Nays earce Peterson Rpsen -Truax Warren -/'Wenzel 4r. Pres. Gehan 2 nd. Adopted - Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson .� Rosen Q Truax Warren Wen=el Mr. Pres. Gehan 7846— .. for the le- ge DIBNO al City of aint - Y. Minnesota. de%:Iption and . - - •- - z�`, offg res to Day 4 _ ordinance neces- ne lo, of the Dub- AN ORDINA R Providing for }% issu e d safety. Of ' 43 �OQt?s ease ge Diaj�oral Sys, Bondi of the n il of the city '+' £"F ay County, Minne- City oT `da{in�Tgal, Ramey Couny} MinneB A&",�� b 24th asy f No- t ifain�etlFa ani' eaor2pt30Ysand prQ Ad esDlutian dei3z e tl to 3Yg fo ivy tease t�o`.pay the same; aiid Qe ffth'd Z ar t o nana� timer ane or od un, p 5 ''�'k `�'t r. .q "',+1"[^n gr-en the -. •s+'N neaassary, fo r the pr,"9rvat ©n of tike o <. �sa`oe, ii_eaxth'- eitYd sett'. e WHEREiAS; .~ the Goanoil of-the" Ity of3sis}t l"al}, �amaayf wj ;County, Minueie�ota, hereoore on the 24th Bay o&Fagnnbsr; 19+ d, b resoluion'duly aeopt�d; o-deoiare, its iateitton to aut:, �» s ize the issue oP bonds of said Oi�ty for tha ,purposdnd the ,$oard of Trustees the Minneapolis-Saint Paul Sanitary?s tri�t in tie oonstruation, mal 'pinanpa an$ operation OfI eve a 7cr disposal systsm in'.aaid Sanitary 7 strict, -conatitutistg th gyp , f.�,u on of'th` ,66s.t of the const actio , ma3ntena�ioe drop r.3 �- oaf siidh sev►age disposal system :ta h1e,'eo�istuated aiz e8t6�hec�� in said Sanitary DSa-trle-t -due from the ski;d,City `of -faint' Pain in mnounts `ani fe�!.sutz�o$as re;o�sot3,r�ly� in; fn11 �bmplian'ee w3.tf �� and gnrsuaat to t �3'etaied buiiget and aoprehesys }ra eh po'gram of proaei�ure and work fpr th�;oolfi9etion,'treata�gnt��� � ` disposal of; sewage, and ,�easte material of "the Minneapolis vik a z, - b, Paul 'Sazt tang Dlstriot,-:du3y adopted and made by .-the, Boatlil of",.TMs; tees ,_o tthe Minneapolis-Saint Pau% Sanitary iD striata as eortified said' Gounoil of said City by the Board pP .Trustees o :said Minneapolis-Saint 1'eu1 'S33taxy Di strut, gall in the mariner and_.t1 �Ox4a as required by Chapter 341,, Minnesota Sessioa.Lawa, 1Ff etd a31 other laws the a �o enabling; G r., * �% Co4tno31 :of they Ci% of Sai,{�atf1 did hire4` -' t a rt; 7 T, toFore;=on the 29th day of May, 1934, adopt an ordinanoe iiesig- ?' nated nGOunoil Fiala 9..7331" authorizing the issuance and sale of { $986,000, Bonds of said City for the purposes hereinabova,set forth, :Aid. WHEREAS, it is now the intention of the Council of .the Gitg of,':Uint Paul, and It is now found, and determined by the Coun- k. oil of 1116 ;City of Saint Paul, that.At 1's Urgeixt and neoe613 to�� issue at ;'this time Four Hundred Thirty four Thousand Dollars '(W4,000)_ of bonds ,of said City, for the ,purposes hereinabove set. for k, atidl to fixthedetails and description and to provide -for 5 a the levy of taxe,$ to . ay; -the same.,.- s NOW NOW REF,ORE, 'The Couno iT of the City of Saint _ Paul does ordain: r Zaction 1. That for the purpose of obtaining funds re- quired to pay the proportion of the cost of the construction,3iain tenenoe and. apsration of a sewage :disposal system of the M zz . apolis=Saint Paul Sanitary District due Prom the City of. Saint -:Paul and the territory served by said City in;connection with the con strucstion,operatton a nd"matntenanee or such sewage disposal sy.,s,i to be construoted and established in said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Dist Let, in ;acdor:dance with the, comprehensive plan and €x program?.of procedure and,work fc¢- the colleotion, treatment and disposal of sewage and waste material of the. Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary Distriat and,duly adopted by the Board of Trustees. -: of said Sanitary District, and in fall compliance with the detailed. budget made therefor by;.'the said.Board of Trustees of said Sanitary .. District and certified to said Council of -said City by the said Board of'Trtistees of said Sanitary Pistrict, -there .shall be borT ... rowed v(p'the credit .of the City of Saint Paul,'Ramsey County, Minnesota, the sum of Four Hundred Thirty-four Thousand Dollars ($434,000), and there are hereby ozdee4d'issued the negotiable' k coupon bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, $' of the•par,dalue of Four Hundred Thirty-four Thousand Dollars ($434,000). Sai& bonds shall be designated Sewage Disposal System Bonds, Series Amber 2, shall be four hundred thirty-four (434) in i number,:nuihbered from 45392 to 45825, of the denomination of One a Thousand.iollars,($1,000) each,, shall bear date of September 1, 1935' and shall become due and payable serially on the first day of September in each of the years as follows: g, 000 :in. each of'the . years 1938 and 1939: 10,000 An' -!e of tha "pears 19J0 and 1941 11,000 in each of the years 19'42 and 1943 12,000 in each of the years 19,44, and 1945 13,000' in eaeh' of the fears, 1946 -. and . g947.' 14,0001n each of the; years 1948 and 1949: -1b,00E3:'in eaah.'ol the years 195(3 and 19b1, - 16,000. in :each of the years 1952 and 1953 ' 17,000 in each of the years 1954 and 1955 1,000* in each of the years 1956 and 1957" X9,000 in eraah of the yeare 1958�'anxt 19594 % ?A,OOS3;in ei(ih, of this �,qeb 14.x: `ani 196] b- 20Q is each of the year 1Q,62,, and 1983 V .' 22,OQ0 in each of the years 1964F.and 1965 � Saidp bonds shall bear i ntereste from date tb6rsaf,:'n4il paid, at the rate of Two:and Seven Tent7s.Per Cent (2.7%);per•annum, pay' .' M able; semi=annually on the first days of March and Septemper in- daoh year, whioh interest_ payments to the data of maturity of the prinoipal thereof shall be evidenoed.,by.proper,coupons attached to f, each.'bond, and both principal and interest ahaZlbe payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul, Minhesota, or, at the option of the holder, at the Fisoal- eenoy sof the City'_of Saint Paul,, in the City and State of New York, in lawful money of the United, States of America., -3 Section 2,. That said bonds and interest coupons to be L: thereto attached shall be in substantially the following form: r F. (FORM OF BOND)- UNITED,'STAT19S of AMERICA SATE OF MINNESOTA Ot�iJTTY OF RAMSEY }` CITY OF;36INT PAUL, SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEM BOND b '"-,;�!ERIES,NIJDiQBER`2 s, Number- '. $1,000. i MiOW,ALL DEEM BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for value received, hereby adIMbVl- edges itself to owe, and promises to,. pay toI)earen, the sum of One Thousand Dollars ($1,000) on the first d& 'of Septeldfer.,rlO together with,inter6st on said -sum from the date hereofuntil paid, at the rate of, Two and Seven Tenths Per .Gent. (2_. %) 'per annum;, pap--. ` -able-semi=annually .on the first days of March and September in .eibi.: r. year, in, accordaoe with and, upon presentetion.,and surrender of the intreat coupons hereto attabhed as they severally become due.' w ,,Both principal hereof .and interest hereon are .payable at r- the,.office of t Coxgmissioner of Finance. in the.Oity of Sa1nt..Pau1 ` Minnesota,_or, at,the option of the holder,_`at the _Fiscal pgenoy, of the.City of Saint Paul, in the City `and State 'of New York,'in lawful money of Ttha United State a4 of America. And for the prompt Pa3*trtent -of this bond and .the levy of tales sufficient therefor, troth principal and interest', at maturity, >the full faith; credit and"::resourees of said City of Saint Paul,are heraby,`irrevooabl•"y pledged, �.. M71. 3s bond is,_,�,ssued by the amity of Saint Paul for the gurpoae of providing funds `required to pay the proportion of the cost of.the construction,: maintenanoe and operatioh_of-a sewage e daposa� system in the Minneapolis -faint Paul Sanitary District'- _ due,from the City of -Saint `Paul :and. the territory served, by said Cityyin oonneotion with the cAstruotion,'operatim and maintenance of, such sewage :disposal system'to be constructed and established in said Minneep,o],ii-Saint Pain8eAltary District, all in eccordanc;e . with the. comprehensive -,plan. and 'program of procedure and work Por the collection, t_reatnent and disposal of sewage and waste material `:d the Minneapolis -Saint Paul :.sanitary District, duly adopted;tiy the Board of -'Trustees of said Sanitary District, and in full com- ` a 13ance`wdth the detailed budget of said Board of Trusteea of said Santar9 District' therefor,and certified to the Council of t said Cityc[if Saint Paul .by the said Board`of Trustees of said. :� a . tart' Distr.3`Oi', and 'is one of the series of four hundred thirty.. bur .j (-4-54Y 'bonds of like date .and,tenor, save..as to date of maturity, such series. aonatituting the second issue of Sewage Disposal Aga tem Bonds for the year 1934, of the aggregate principal amQunt;of Nine,'xundred P4hty-six Thousand .Dollars ,.(.986,000), autktorize, tby an or&k, anee heretofore -duly adopted by the City of Saint $aul, and is.issued .under and in all respects in compliance with the r provisions 'Chapter 341 of the Minneaota'Session J+aws for the year 1933,`approved April 19,' 1933, an$ allother la -we thereunto enabling..- Arid it is hereby Certified and resited that all ,acts,. ,a conditions':.and things_ r"equired� py. the Con:etitutioa and Taws of the` State of Minnesota to be. done ..precedent, to and i n the. issue .: of this bond have been properly'dohe, happened -and been performed .. N r in regular and due fork - i. and time as reqiiired by law; that the total: d Chapter, 541, approv�6d,April 19 i i#debtedness ineur.i�ed.axuder said 1933,`ineluding this., bond does not exceed.any eonstitutional'or provision has been made : 04 the t- St4tutopylimitati reupon, and that collection, a.diroot annual irreplaloble tax, in addi- f th61of , ti.n toa -10 taxes-j:-ca�,-all of, the taxable property *ithin said City sufficient to pay interest hsr'a'on�dh� t4i- 7:LIpal h ar6of when an&-.,� ia a the same mature. no TESTIMONY WE 1 1. 0 F the said City of Saint Paul, by I % its Council; J,i. has osused,this- bond-to.bo, signed �by'its Mayor, at.- tqpted:by its G:Liy Clark,wnder: its ooxVdrtt4 seal, 'and eountero. signed by its City Comptroller, and the'iriterest coupons hereto attaobjed to be executed by the litfiogrdphdd-.4faosImI1i6 *1100ares OhL S ; exeoution Of ofa , a j, qaielals, vhi said Officials do� by the this bg# 'adopt',as their own respective proper- all-gastures the -�N x I esl),eoilxle: fa4simile, ajgaaturqSappearing on, said coupons, all as Of ake t.'dayof -5eptembotk' ;193b. 'W LVAVY V.L" rj&. (SEAL) Countersigned: City Comptroller. -6- 4,5- I__ (FORM OF COUPON) Number On the day of , 19 City of Saint :Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, refill pay to bearer, at the office of,'its Commissioner of' Finance, in the City of Saint Paul, or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City and: -.State of _ New York, at the, ,o ption o f the. bearer, the sum of .Dollars' { ); lawful, money of the .United- States of y, America, being six months► interest dde that day on its Sewage Disposal System Bond,;Series'Number 2, dated September -1, 1935., number -ed Mayor. ATTEST x city Clerk. 0OIII1TERSIGrNED: C y. Comptro ler4 Section 3. That said bonds shall be signed by the Mayor and attested by, --the City Clerk, under the corporate seal of said City; and countersigned by the City Comptroller, and each cc tba. interest: coupons shall be executed by the lithographed faOS'A4le k signatures of said officials.. And said Officials are hereby .. e}uthoritoa,ind direoted.to so execute said bonds -and coupons - Por { end in behalf of the City•N,Saint Paul. .. The proceeds dermad , from the sale of said bonds, sball be paid to the Treasurer of the- . Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, to be deposited i.4 the treasury of a•aid Sanitary District and td�be used solely for the F'itVOofes,horplxibdfore -specified fon: which they are being issued, all ae•limited,and expressed'in said act referred to in the pre amble Iiter f . Section'4. Than for the purpose of providing for thq payments of .principal of and interest on said bonds promptly as r the same mature, and; for the collection of an additional direct annual tax. in an amount not less than Five Per Cent (5%) in excess of the sum required to pay such prinoipal`and interest when the . w same mature, there is hereby levied on all the taxable property in the City of Saint Paul, in addition to all ether taxes, a direct annual irre e' able tax sufficient for. said ur'ose there' is p §�; _ p p , N' �s =. .and hereby leviediAn addition to all, other taxes, the following`direet ; annual irrepealable tas, to. wit.: For the 1935 a tax surfioient to pror .year, duce .the sum of $18,455Xbtor interest Up to, and including March 1, ,193.7*; 'For the year 1936 a ,t.ax, sufficient to- pro - du4.Q -;the sum of ;4). :.S()- for interest; h For the year 1937. a tax :suffieient .to pro- duce the sum o21�52&;73 for interest and principal;;., For the year "1938 A tax suff16�ent ,to -pro" duce anm of .621,571.18 for interest ,the and principal,, For the„year. 19$9 x .a tax .,sufficient to pro- _I of $22,151.85 for interest duce j& x ane no 4a, For the, year 1940 a tax sufficient to pro- duee -the sum of 01,868.35 .for interest axed Snoipal: N r. For. the jtear 1941 a t4x sufficient to pro-. duee the sum of $22,6&0.68 for interest and principal; For the ygar-1942 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the spm of $22,308.83 for interest and priplelpal; For the year 1,943 a tax sufficient to pro- duee the sum of $23,032.80 for interest aid Irinoipal; For the year 1944..a tax sufficient to pro- duce'the sum of $22,692.60 for interest and principal; For the year 1046,.a tax sufficient to -pro-' duce the. sum .oY j23,387.73 for interest and principal; For the year 1946 a tax sufficient to pro- duee the sum of $23,019.68 for interest and principal; For the year 1047a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $230686.95 for interest and principal;. For the year 1948 a tax sufficient to pro - .duce the sum of :$23,290.05 for interest and principal; For the year 1949 a tea sufficient to pro- duee the vsum of $23,928.98 for interest and principal; For the year 1950 a tax sufficient to pro-. duce the sum of $23,503.73 for `.interest and principal; For the year 1951 a tax.aufficient to pro-` duce the snm of $24,114.30 ' for interest and principal; uu For.the tear 1952 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of 0,23,66600 for interest and h' ineipal'; n For the year 1953 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $24,242.93 for interest and prinoipal; 1 r �p For the year 1954 a tax sufficient t o 'pro- iVLl duce the sum of $23,7604';98 for interest and.principai; For the ye:ar 1955 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of °$24,314.85 for interest and principal,.. For the year 1956 a tax sufficient to pro- duo� the, sum oP _3,8Q4 55 Por 1nferest ani a`i ip�,; 31 For the 'year 1957 a tax sufficient-to ' duos the sum.. of $24, 330.08 for i nt ere st , and .pr.inaipal; . For the year 1958 a ,tax suffioient to pro- `; d'oe•the ",sum of -$23�7;91:43 for interest X52 and., .princ ipa1;' For. the year1959 a tax sufficient, to pro= dues the sum of $24,288.60 for interest axd principal,:., ?S For the year 1960 a tax sufficient to pro- duo"e"the sum of $23,721.60 for interest and principal; t For the year 3.961 a tax sufficient t o pro- duce the sum of`_024,190:43 for interest .and prinoipol r: For the year 1962,a tax-suffiGient to pro- .•. dnce the sum of $23,595.08 for interest And-principal; Fox+ the year.1963 a tax sufficient to pro- duce the sum of $24,036.55 for interest, t and principal; 4r^ F'4r the. year• 1964 a tax. sufficient to pro- => 1: dune the'sum:Qf $23,4185 fcir,interest and principal';40 A -10-` U4 1 to • That the principal and interestcomii6g due prior to the receipt of theproceeds of said taxes shall be paid promptl,when. due out of the' general funds of said. City of 8aiztt.'sul, and re-_: imbursement therefor shall be made vh"_said taxa -sksll rave been. a received. And the City Clerk'.of said City of Saint#Vffaul is herebg`. directed to file .a ce rtifiefl'copy oP th3s.ordinanoe with -the County. ;H Auditor of Ramsey County, t2innesota, . who shall in each;, 6f said: years,, beginning_ with the year 19 certain the rate per centum ' necessary to produce the fall amount oPthe tax Por interest and K principal, and in addition thereto an itao nt,not less than F;.ve Per Cent (5%) in excess thereof hereinabove levied for each such year, and shall assess and extend the same for collection upon the tax lists in, connection with the taxes'. levied for general City.pur= poses of said: City for each such year. -,Jueh taxes shall be cql .n leoted. and payment thereof enforced at the _same time and with and: in like manner as other :City taxes oP sa3d'•City, and when col-, lected shall be used solely the' purpose of paying the interest` c and Fri-noipal of said ,l onds,. t len and'.aa .the same aatiune. 86otion 5. That the'.general purpose and, object of the f law pursuant to whioh,the Minneapolis -Saint Paul,'4anitary•.District' k is organized andcps ntting and pursuant to whioh,ftiiese bonds are bearig tissued is to promote the- p public health` and welfare bar -pro- a viding an adequate and efficient systson'-.and means for collecti.ng,. conveying, pumping, treatment. and disposal of all domeatio sewage and commercial and industrial waste -and --their products within the - 4T territory.of said SaAitary. District, to prevent the pollution re- sulting -Prem the discharge thereof into any river, stream or watercourse within said; Sanitary District.; .and whereas,said City -11- • Y ,. ., .., , X �', q3 itF Y . I t �Q�� - tial. x Ali COUNCIL '- s'O•--__-;���� ORIGINAL TO CITY C ---RK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ' t4 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENEFt 'yTj�ea`sa La, n{rt q _ ���'� •� etreeq of LJ EE 1 � eonw�aaaia•• PR jffiNTED ER 11EMMS, the .Utility Finance Company,` a Minnesota corporation, has offered to lease that part southeasterly of Seventh street, of Late 8 and 7, Block 2, Leech's Addition, for the purpose of conducting a used oar lot under -the name of the Capitol Used Car Exchange, the lease to be a month-to- month lease, cancellable on thirty days notice by either party; the rental thereof to be $15.00 per month, payable in advance; said lease to run from September 16, 1935; and. WHEREAS, the Council is of the opinion that such offer should be accepted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised io enter into a lease with the Utility Hnanee Company in accordance with the terms herein set forth, and the ©orporation Counsel is directed to prepare the proper lease therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas `/ Nays tee /Peterson $sem __ _ln favor ;Pvkfal �Yfafrer __ � _ _Agains[ cowl r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council C ? 1 —193_— 1 4 6--193— Approved_ --- 9- / 7 '3 Mayor lj_7-2I 3s CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 12th, 1935• /X, r, Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation CounselL Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter of Leo .L. Reuther accepting on behalf of the Capitol Used Car Exchange an offer made by the City to lease to the Capitol Used Car Exchange a vacant lot bounded by Leech, Hbrbes and West Seventh Streets on a month to month lease, was referred to you and the Commissioner of Finance for the prepara- tion of a necessary resolution or ordinance authorizing the City to enter into such a lease. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 14 TELCPNONE CEDAR 2740 LEO A. R EUTH ER ATTORNEY AT LAW 911-912 �.OMM01[C BUILDING ST. PAUL. MINN. September 11, 1935 City Council City of St. Paul Minnesota Dear Honorable Sirs: Re: Vacant Lot bounded by Leech, Forbes and 'Nest Seventh Streets A few days ago you passed a resolution ordering the lease of the above property to the Capitol Used Car Exchange on a month to month basis of Fifteen Dol- lars per month for the period of ;.he season when the same can be used for a used car lot. I have contacted Mr. Seamer about paying this rent and occupying the premises. Mr. Seamer suggested that I write this letter accepting the offer and then to take the matter up with the party to whom this mat- ter will be referred by you. We are ready and willing to pay the rent as soon as we can learn with whom to complete this deal. Ver truly our , FAK:DLJ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK FILECOUNCIL NO. ' CITY OF ST. PAUL t`� _W1 5W *OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY - COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED That the application of Fred Rawkanson for permission to operate a public garage on Lot 9, Block 3, Adams' Addi- tion, located at 1685 Marshall avenue, is hereby granted, and the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Publio Buildings to hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson $oeew.\—J _in favor wo"'n __— �-/ _-Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 No. 101608— FredaHawg That the aDDllcatl on p 'ton ancon for Derynl9elon to a l o Ad.. Dubllt Karage on Lo[ 9, $lock y, hall A en uetlole hereby at 15 P6 May._ 'Brou da and pu nor op Branted,,a j the authorized Parka, and bins Bucted stole hereby ; Decd therefor. tonus I Ado Dt ed by the Council Sett. 14, 1036. I ADDroved 5eDt 14, 1936. (Sept. P1-1936) Adopted by the CouncilREPl-4 _-193._ _ Approved — s _ _ _193--_ -- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 12th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Fred Bawkaneon for permit to operate a public garage on Lot 99 Block 3, Adams Addition, being 1525 Marshall Avenue was referred to you, by the City Council, for a resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. f ICE OF APPLICATION_ FOR PERMIT"-f0-aNW& A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on �,/� 193 r to the C Council of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for by permission t a p is garage en the following describ- ed real est�ituattedsey Councy, Misota, to wit: LotBlock Addition, S int Paul, Minnesota. On the ! side of St. Ave., Between St. Ave. and St. Ave. ber {% ` St.Ave. -`, Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 4!t' 193(0— STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, 88. .................Y....•••••••••••'.... ........... being duly mom, on oath says; that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Press CO., publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Dispatch, fit' -Cj5fts,,and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year prior to th Publlcatton the—resin of the.'�`.'.`:`.....��... C' '/ •/• • • • • ••• .0..`.".°i.'.... ,°�f.. hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published in the City of 8t. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within the city from which It purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to a Page. each sixteen inches long; has been Issued dally each week from a known office established in said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in Its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community It purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near Its said place of pub- lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry as second class mattei in its local postoffice; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting Its qualifications as a legal newspaper. That the .......................... ................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and w -ass -printed and published therein 1n � pV1��� � the English language, ... g�raeh� r... , ..`'..�n�...... �;uVRI OP'APPIICATION FOR PxRMIT I PM TE w8�ame at u°rwoE 41v �b(`I6�eiutW Mur ul...00t ,mil Li000 that 1t wes so / c� a irtu bs:.�mode.m.�eai.'flo. f8syto tba published on . ................/...the........ . /..........day of ofty . D eg of'the our+of 'MoPa, M73aNYlKi, tir Prod 8a' fer. Par' fo uion to operate a PUbua oa oa9.�� tonOwl" deaeribed rent eet.it'ar butes le ...\...c. .... 19......, and thereafter on .... .:........... /. .. Ram.er� County, Mlmgota tgwlt: Tat A. HloejEB, .7 i= Addlyo 9alnt Mw. e.ota oa tis uoeth' sid of Manbalt 'Avtc "'b A.Dury. At —4 POW �--� Ave .a: - K Isaanf.e.bau wva to and including the ...................day of........ Dated'iL Pout P1yw, Mmonota. .tugua .....•. 19......; and R&: ossa: that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, (P.'P. ! Dim Aug.. 9B -3a a1dDea.). and Is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: abcdefgW RunnoperAuvwsr. ..................................................................... ..............1. Y C ......................................................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. ..day of.....f 19... •err li ................... ................ ........ ................ otary Pub y C ty, Minnesota ' My commission expires ............................... 19..... .l'r,,, _ i'', 4a. STATE OF MMNESOTA, ss. County of Ramsey, T , ..... being duly sworn, on oath ..........................."�'.. t................... says; that he is, and during all the times h(� been clerk of the Dispatch- Pioneer Press Co„ publisher of the newspaper known as SINHIMMMOdW St. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that four more than one year pqW to the publication therein ofthe...:.: • : • • • • • • • .......� ' •��• •p• • -cM• - hereinafter described. said newspaper was printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed In the English language from its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be Issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been issued daily each week from a known office established In said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in Its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of Its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community It purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated In and near Its said place of pub- lication to the extent Of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered t1 paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter In its local postofflce; and that there has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. _ That the ......................... /.lam ................... hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was; printed .Oand published therein in the English language,: �"r'�r•.• • • • • • • • • • • • • ....... �J. 'ZX---- x that it was first an published on............. ....the.........../. -......... day of �.icn or arrrrao�xfofa snaoos U -ae4 a snr j/—/,Jf ......:.:....4.1 �� Y .. 19. `3.r, and thereafter on... :. ..............e!-eaeh--wee>F- Yme I.. ,gra. pkAY� to and including the ...................day of............................ 19—=..; and rte, M Mare I that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, ss °s�[`renLan w� s Pebr�r I and Is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition t eunt R�a.ianmekow ensaer and publication of said notice, to-wit: 18is -:{>s Y k'Dikp• Aub+ 19-Ea-51-1936.1 abcdef g W klmnopgrktuvwiya .......................................................................................... ..................� ` ......... jSubscribed and sworn to before me th1�j/.... day of...... �.�� Q .... 19..� n ........................ .... .......... . . .......... N Pub t Ramsey oun Y, Minnesota Mycommission exPi ............................... 19..... T.. I WRif;HT. N o:utr Pnt:ic. R:,.1 c : nt c, ktiva.. 31r l'owmission a 'tn Nor if, §403& _ Jf 1015()7 SOLUTION PASSED BY CITY COUNCIL . Roean— ' = IBY CITY Whereas the recent decision of the Federal Emergeaoy leiob of the auelent regle- 4 Relief Administration to discontinue its transient registration r t:Pavl sndihei A a lana the ,I +,�t to five hub seaters ea of September 20, 1935 will result in the City of St. Aitamiues daily,y, Paul and the Paul and the County of Ran a having to face the' problem of otally unable ty y g P resident re- ' omt of ne- ing only handling four to five hundred transient men and families daily, "= to abc„ policy will nts to walk A.I. a. sab- ?tty nhlev- and, d, paolicy o' Whereas the City of St. Paul and the County of Ramsey �fyeeiC.' I b1111- are totally unable to finance the care of the resident relief load and consequently must of necessity adopt a policy of pro- viding only temporary overnight care to such transient indivi- duals which policy will result in forcing all transients to walk the streets of the city to obtain a subsistence by "pan- handling", petty thievery, and other similar tactics, and, Whereas the result of the policy of the Federal Em- ergeney Relief Administration during the past two yeart.of assuming complete responsibility for transients and of providing more adequate care and treatment than has been available for local homeless men has been to increase transiency and to make that class of individuals more difficult to care for because of T the 'preferred tyke of treatment that they have received, N Now, therefore, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of St. Paul that it protest the action of the Federal Emergency Relief Adminiatration in discontinuing its transient centers which action will ultimately result in placing the entire - 2 - 0 1015()7 responsibility for the care of transients back on the local oomunity. Be it further resolved that the City Council earnestly petition the Federal Emergency Relief Administration to continue to operate its transient registration centers at least until such time as there may be an opportunity for absorbing this group in the work program. Be it further resolved that copies of this resolution be sent to President Roosevelt Mr. Harry L. Hopkins, Federal stS. H7yet. D.3cHA<4 Emergency Relief Administrator,'and Senator Henrik Shipstead. PLJBr i�[ED COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson -Bag= In favor Nei® O Against Mr.President 6e3'Am/POs e/V 161150 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLeRK gy Mtlton ROA• COUNCIL nc CITY OF ST. PALklinae No. 76" FILE NO. 936, the City c" OFFIJt OF THE CITY, at. taut grant 'oG Corporati•. COUNCIL,- SOLUTION—G.a an4 mm)RM he sant nide 'en Din ang' butting 'i.k A. September 14, 1985 PRESENTED_OMMISSIONE g n HATE COMMISSIONE mce n4. , Wamum,. by ordinance #7686 approved September 4, 1985, the City Paul granted the Russian Brotherhood Corpora— Council of the City of St. tion permission to construct and maintain a retaining wall on the east side of Duncan Street between Maryland Street and Autumn Street abutting lots 14 and 15, Roger and Hendricks Acre Lots No. 2, such wall extending not more than two (2) feet into Duncan Street, and WHEREAS, the property owners in this vicinity have appeared before the Council requesting that said ordinance be revoked, and WHEREAS, after further consideration the property owners have agreed to withdraw their objections providing that the City Council, when a side— walk is ordered in thlsstreet, shall order a 4 foot sidewalk throughout the entire block between Maryland Street and Autumn Street, the outside line of such 4 foot sidewalk to be 6 feet from the east line of Duncan Street, and provided further that the Russian Brtheerhto t0000dhe wC�' r� on agree to landscape the cemetery property adjacent WHEREAS, the Russian Brotherhood Corporation have agreed to perform such landscaping; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein instructed at such future time as Sidewalks may be required on the east side of trepan street, to laannd Street4foot and Autumn Street,the theeast westside line f Duncan streetbetween Mary of such 4 foot sidewalk to be 6 feet west of the east line of Duncan Street. CCUN LMEN Yeas 7Nays PeaSce /P/stetson _ �In favor tree Against /Menzel Mr. Presidenc (6eiffi'il) 5M 6.34 S .1� Adopted by the Council _ �.1935 193._— $Ep 16 05 _193 -- Approved `���^ ! � � � �� ��` ate, e�-a.�c �c9., ��=b" W�� �//�/ 2nd. 1st.—yY—'--r7 ---- r Laid over to — --- - — Adopted. 3rd. & app- ._ _- - -- Nays Ycas Na }'s Yeas � Pearce Pearce / Peterson Peterson Rosen Rosen / Truax Truax/ �S;Iarrcn Warren�j Wenzel �� Wenzel / 4r. Pres. C'chan Mr. Pres. Gehan "'• Adopted by the Council._....____....._......1...__._......193._...._ Yeas /flays PEARCE // PETERSON y TRUAX / WARREN WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ; / orlat" t. city Cwk •�s_.r - _ fr ANCEOUNCE FILE NO. PRESF'�ITED BY ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance granting to the Russian Club permission to erect a canopy over the sidewalk at 379 Minnesota St. between Fifth St. and Sixth St. at the entrance to the Russian Club. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain Section 1— That— That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Russian Club to erect and maintain a canopy over the side- walk on that portion of Minnesota St. between Fifth St. and Sixth St., located in front of the entrance to the Russian Club.building. Section 2. The Commissioner of Public Works is hereby authorized to issue a permit to the Russian Club for the erection of two removable steel posts at the curb line of Minnesota St. in front of the entrance to the Russian Club building, upon the compliance by s-atd club with the following conditions : (1) Said canopy shall be erected under the supervision and direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and the licensee shall pay the cost of inspection, if any. (2) The licensee shall remove said posts whenever the canopy is not in use and insert in the holes at the curb line proper plugs which shall be maintained at a level with the sidewalk; and said licensee shall not permit said holes to remain uncovered,or said covers to extend high r than the sidewalk line and form an obstruction thereon. (3) Said licensee shall furnish a bond to the City of St. Paul in the sum of $5,000.00, conditioned to save the City harmless from any and all liability, judgments, suits, costs, damages and expense that may accrue to persons or property on account of or arising by reason of the erection, maintenance , presence or removal of said canopy or posts. Said bond shall be in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel, shall have such surety as may be satis- factory to the Mayor, and shall be filed with the City Comtitroller. 11 OApinal to Cl1Y C1vk ORDINANCE 101509 � COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO.• (4) Said canopy, post and holes in sidewalk shall be removed by said licensee whenever the Council shall so order. (5) Said licensee shall pay any tax or license fee that may be reuiqred by any law or ordinance of the City of St. Paul. (6) Said licensee shall, within ten days after the passage of this ordinance, file a written acceptance thereof with the City Clerk, in such form as may be approved by the Corporation Counsel. Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance, rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall bake effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. M Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel f$estdent (Gehan) Attest: Passed by the Council........ ___----- ---.._ _- --- In Favor - - ------....---- - Against Approved:-------------- ... --------------------- --- -... ------ --- -- ------ - - .._.............................. ..----- -- --. --- - --------•-- . Ci—... ty-- Cler--k-\lnyoc CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERrusoN City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 14th, 1935. Ron. Milton Bosea, Comair of Public Works, Building. Dear 91r: The City Council referred to you the attached letter of the Russian Club asking for Permit to main- tain a canopy in front of their Place of business at j79 Minnesota Street for recommendation. If you approve at this requesfor t, Hill you kindly refer the matter to the Corporation Couns�elreanest, the preparation of an ordinance or resolution granting if such action is necessary. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 14th, 1935. Hon, Milton Rosen, Comair of Public Works, Building, Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached letter of the Russian Club asking for permit to main- tain a canopy in front of their place of business at 379 Minnesota Street for recommendation. If you approve of this request, will you kindly refer the matter to the Corporation Counsel for the preparation of an ordinance or resolution granting the reouest, if such action is necessary. Yours very truly, �� - , S--� City Clerk, 4 Saint Paul, Minnesota September -15, 1955 City of Saint Paul Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: We are located at 579 Minnesota Street, this city, and it is our desire to maintain a canopy in front of our place of business. We have already forwarded to you a $5,000.00 surety compamy bond for the main— tenance of such a canopy on the sidewalk at the above described address. Mar we respectfully ask that the Council pass an ordinance granting us permission to maintain said canopy and may this letter be regarded as an application for such an ordinance. Very traly yours, SOSSIAN CLOG � - Paul Tarnaysly The Russian Club, 179 lArnem" St., St, Pan?, ViWlesota. Gentlemen: September ?Fth, 1919. %,hhe City Council today denied your re,nnst thfit the Crnincil '"s an oraintinoa Arnntin7 oermissinn to cnintrAin a canopy over the wo,,nl'c at 179 minnenotn Str,et. Yours very truly. City Clerk. "J. tt Laid m c, to 3rd. OL app. Adopted Ycis j Nay, Yeasearce NiNs Pearce terson Peterson R (3 T ro�si ca 1\1 41 ''A , rre I, Warren /<Ve", C I wen -el Ir. Pres. Gehall \1r. Pres. (lelion 't"" o'iJ11,01 to City Clotic ORDINANCE. No. 101510—Ordina— ORDINA,, , "31. H. G�h.­Aj.jto. , 51 iirdjuil­ au .E NO. A, 1h _=ing PRESENTWO BY h.- Th— . "-d, or the hortde 'ACE NO. �An ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance and sale of One Million Three Hundred Sixty-two Thousand Dollars ($1,362,000.00) par value,of the bonds of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for the purpose of paying the cost to the City of Saint Paul of those drains, sewers, Intercepting swwers, pump- ing stations, and other structures to be used by the City of Saint Paul exclusively, and forming a part of the complete plan of the sewage collection and treat- ment system of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, and providing an exception thereto. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the pre- servation of the public peace, health and safety. WHEREAS, under Chapter 341, Minnesota Session Laws for 1933, the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District has been created, and the Board of Trustees of said District has, pursuant, to such law, adopted a comprehensive plan and advised the City of Saint Paul of the adoption of such plan, and, further, that the cost to the City of Saint Paul for that part of the work to be used exclusively b6aid City Is One Million Nine Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars (11,950,000.00), and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul, pursuant to authority of said Chapter 341, Laws 1933, has heretofore determined to con- struct at its own cost and expense those drains, sewers, inter- cepting sewers, pumping stations and other structures to be used by it exclusively and forming a part of the complete plan of sewage collection and treatment, and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has heretofore issued bonds for such purose, in the amount of Five Hundred Eighty-eight Thousand Dollars (1588,000.00), therefore the Council of the City of Saint Paul does ordain: Section 1. That the City of Saint Paul Issue and sell negotiable bonds of said City, in the amount of One Million Three Hundred Sixty-two Thousand Dollars ($1,362,000.00) par value, for the purpose of paying the cost to the City of Saint Paul of those drains, sewers, intercepting sewers, pumptug stations and other structures to be used by the City of Saint Paul exclusively and forming a part of the complete plan of the sewage collection and treatment system of the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District. Section Z. Said bonds shall be in the form of serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but none of said bonds shall run for a longer period than thirty years. Said bonds shall bear interest at a rate not to exceed five per cent (5%) per annum, payable semi-annually; and the Council shall fix the denomination of such bonds, the form, the date, and dates of maturity thereof. Both principal and interest shall be payable at the office of the Commissioner of Finance in the City of Saint Paul) or at the Fiscal Agency of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of New York, State of New York. The coupons attached to said bonds may Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council_..........._......._--------------------------------- Peters Rose. Favor, Truax Warren ..... ........... ...Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Appto-ved: .... ....... ... ........................... ... ......... .......... ... Attest: .................. ... ............ ... - .. ........... .. ............. ... ----------------------- - ... .... ..... City Clerk .11avor 30Q 4.35 4 4 Ihlgi—I to City Clerk ORDINANCE 101510 COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. _ I autheaioated by the engraved signatures of the Mayor and Comptroller. The faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul is hereby irrevocably pledged for the prompt and faithful payment of both principal and interest of sa#t bonds, and the proceeds of said bonds are hereby appropriated and shall be used solely for the purpose described in Section 1 hereof. Section 3. The Council shall negotiate and sell said bonds from time to time in such amounts as it may see fit, upon such notice and in such manner as is prescribed by law, at not less than par and accrued interest, to the highest kesponsible bidder or bidders, and the proceeds thereof, including any premiums thereon, shall be credited to and pladied in a separate fund for the purpose described in Section 1 hereof. Section 4. The proper city officers are hereby authorized, ordered and required to set aside annually from the revenues of the City of Saint,Paul a sufficient amount to pay the interest on said bonds and the principal of any such bonds maturing in such year, and a30 hereby directed to make a tax levy preceding the issuance, as is pre- scribed by Section 1938-7 and 1938-10 of Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1937. This provision is in addition to the pledge of the general faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul for the payment of said bonds and is not in lieu thereof. Section 5. Hone of the bonds herein authorized shall be issued and/or sold when the total aggregate indebtedness for all sew- age purposes authorized by the aforesaid Chapter 341, Laws of Minnesota for 19339 equals three and one-half per cent (3j%) of the assessed valuation of the taxable real and personal property within the said Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District, excluding money and credits; nor when any such issue, a dddd to the then existing total aggregate indebtedness incurred by authority ofEs d not,hall exceed that percentage. Such total aggregate indebtes shall be determined by adding together all indebtedness incurred unthe authority of said act by the City of Minneapolis, the City of Saint Paul and the Minne- apolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District. Section 6. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency owdinanoe rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 7. Thid ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Rays Pearce Peterson Rosen J Truax Warren Welaael Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: City rk 30. 4-35 T I 9 3 5 Passed by the Council.._.._ ____ ............ _.............. _-- _ .._. In Favor - -Against Approved:. ............ .........._ _....__.__.-__.__. Mayorq ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO. 101511 CITY OF ST. PAUL 1`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNC E LUTION—GENERAL't°r -. the Inve lurinp PRESENT\��_ �b BY �Yat COMMISSIONER— WHEREAS, ---- - - ' WHEREAS, Oouneil File No. 101391, approved August 29, 1935, granted the use of the theater section of the Auditorium to the Saint Paul Daily News for the purpose of conducting a cooking school during the afternoons of October 29th, 30th and 31st and November let, 1935; and WHEREAS, said dates are in error, and it is the desire of the St. Paul Daily News to conduct said school during the afternoons of November 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said Oounoil Pile 101391 be and it is hereby amended so as to grant the use of said section of the Auditorium for the 5th, 6th, 7th and8th of November. COUNC Li`4EN Yeas Nays earce Z? terson Rosen - _..... In favor �LLIa )i Warren Agairw Wenzel Mr. President (Gehnn) s,n F.,• Ad�p 1 `� IV-, by the Council _ 193 SEP 1 11861j Approve,l L Mayor FORM No. 2 Subjec$:_ File N�. 1 of the CIL> C ffir i (take presented 1935 R�Vd, WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in �lcordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: Name Antoine Leroux Victor St. Martin Gust A. Johnson John P. Kruse Albert Duren Anthony Flipp Harry gas Julian J. Duren Michael Mulkern, Jr. Ludwig Zwirner Irvin Haleyy William D.Carlson Leonard Munson Ed. Kordell _§-aF Rene 111 Thos. Thorson Chris Rauer James Tighe Joe Bruno Harvey Donahue Roy Kane Thomas Fahey Chas.DeVinney Peter J.Hurphy Frank D. Strong Frank B. Truso Frank F. Racine Harry Mennell Harry, -' Leyden James Saporito Mike Alfonso Joe Grappalie Ernest R. Hawkinson Frank Janashak Wk. M. Langevin James A. O'Leary Mat Roberto Leo Swift Pasquale Tartero Frank Iosue John G. Mandel Antonio Anzevino Leo C. Boyle Antonio Bruno Joseph D. Filben Tommaso Mazzola John E. Gardner Ayes Incilmen Arco � ters on a en ,Truax ,Marren ,Wenzel //Mr. President Gehen TITLE Watershed lab. Utllityman Filter -Plant lab. Unsk.laborer Utilityman Filter Plant lab. Unsk. lab. ditch digger Filter Plant lab. Utilityman Mech. helper q N n q Filter Plant lab. Emerg. repairman Ditch digger Utijityman Mech. helper Emerg.Regairman n q n n Ditch digger Hoist. Engr.-Gas Ditch digger Mech. helper Ditch diger q N n n n q n n n n q n n n n n Filter Plant Lab. Ditch diger n n n n n n n n n SUNDAY REGULAR RATE 8 hrs. 8 8 " 16 " 8 " 16 e 8 8 " 12 " (short Aug.22) 24 " 24 " 11 hre . 8 8 " 8 " 8 " 8 " 10 8 8 8 2 2 1 22 12 1 1 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 7j 9 9 3 3 3 3 3 9 3 9 1 8 9 1 9 8 9 9 .541 .66 .61 .61" .52 45 :6A b 5 .45 .55 .54 .61 .56 056 .56 .5 .54 .55 .61 061 .5 .54 .54 .54 .54 .55 1000 .55 .56j .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .5b .55 .49# .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 .55 Nays X()1dopted by the SEP 1�9J1935 pproved1935 correct PUBLI 'D Leo and N. Thompson, G neral Supt. FORM No. 1 164,512 September 16, 1935 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities, Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Offsetting 8" main at 3rd and Commercial.* Lowering 20" main University at Vandalia.¢ Operating Highland, Hazel Park and St. Anthony Pumping stations.# Watching at Storeyard and office.** This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances: *Water shut off. Account of Sundays and Labor Day. *It Account of Labor Day. BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS B y President YTU.nard ad correct N. Thompson Superintend t (9-1 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK 101513 t(J��ITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY _ DATE_ September 17, 19SS COMMISSIONER - - -- RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: East Side Motor Sales 683 E. Seventh St. Used Car Dealer App. 6614 New Henry Goodman 279 E.Seventh II It n " 6848 " Lewis Motors, Inc. 209 N. Sexith St. " IT It tt 6813 " COUN LMEN Yeas Nays Peirce e rson Rosen _ _In favor A ruax Warren _ __Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) _ 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101513-17}' H. E. warren— Pred Af. Truax—I. C. pearee— Rellfld. That licenses appl led for b}' the tollox'I "I; named persons at the .addresses Ind lc. ted be and the e ame e hereby granted and the city clerk i lits Instructed to Issue such licenses up - I the. payment Into the city treasury or the r-ju Il ed fee.: Inst Side At. Sales, 683 E. Sev- th St.. L'.sed tar Dealer, Appl. 6814, let Henry Goodman, 27a L•'. Seventh, Used Cnl' Lenler• Appl. 6848. New. Lewis \I��tors, Inc., 209 W. Sixth St., 1'sed L'ur 11-1cr. APIA. 6813, New. Adopted hl' the Council Srpt. 17, 193fi. Am—, ed sent. 17. ]835. (Sent. 21-1535) SEP 17 1935 Adopted by the Council _ __ . _ 193__ SEr Approved _. - _. _ t'1 _._ 193 L_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY Cana ' l '' CFIL OUENN CIL O. (" CI� OF ST. PAUL 1• �6k10E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM % 44.(moi 't't�Seotemb 17 1985 -- PRESENTED BY — _ DATE COMMISSIONER — — RESOLD--- That licenses for Restaurant, application 6859, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6860, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, r.pplication 6861) applied for by Mrs. Frances West at 6101Tuversity Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon thepayment into the city treasury of the required fees. 101514—y H. t Fred 31. Truax—I.nC. Pearee— R—011'ed. That Iicenae� for nes[au- i rtP[, aPPllca tl on 6866. On Sale Malt 1' tion 6660. and Oft Sale 1Revera K�'• aPD ��'a 11cation 6861, P - New Omer alt ae.eraac. P, n,61 • pllcd for he lira. Frances Rest at !I nr, adorn)' At'en ue he and thelerk is lr hi.�� h, granted and the city c n on the acted to Issue a e'h licenseury".f the ,eyn?ent into the city e❑aired tees. AOoP ted h" the Council St. 17. 1935. APP.'...It 'lSePtl 2L11035) COU iLMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson .``oxen ' _ --In favor / ruax n Ararren Against ,.Wenzel ,Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 , 1z 193` Adopted by the Council __ - 193__ t �4 a. 193 - Approved J - Mayor. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLCRK eoUNCfL 101151 CITY "OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL/ LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISS ONER✓—.k�6-4-t J -- _ - DATE .S'P. in .emher lith, 3 93j-- Whereas, the Dispatch -Pioneer Press Company have made application for the pkacing of sixty(60) News -Stands on various streets in the City of St. Paul, said applications having been approved by the City Council; therefore, be it Resolved, that the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized to issue permit for the same, subject, however, to the condition that such permitee shall not permit advertising matter of any kind to be displayed on any such sten' C. F. 1'0. ]01515—IIY 3filton Roaen_ rrI er the Dtl patch-Plo / ar` o Iyllo Pt slKt3i (00) 11t�'elqu [/oJ Co l[h. 'ultl n Il itca[loa In the "y �oC S[ Pnol, ns hnvin }Rexolie l3 Coon the tl erePoie onto ved Publlc µ'orkt be Comnt Shorizetl nna he la fssl onerifof [o f.aaoe to¢rmlt forkthahy au_ ubJe t, hon'nver, nhe tilrinsn nllu ltee h:C4n condltlon th V It, petl on tiler o� t l erml[ - . .Iaontea b'r rn inna:a t° be ala- �Upro ve❑ the Comlefl sent. 17. Sell[. 17. 1936. 1935. I f Sen[. 21-3J35) /�. YY COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson/ Rosen ax amen i Wenzel Mr. President (Cehan) 5sl 6.14 In favor, __—Against SEP 171 Adopted by the Council— __.__—__- _ __193 SFr t , Approved Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL ORIYINAL— NUMBER �J CITY CL[R[ o COUNCIL RESOLUTION 65 FOR m _ - AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS - ^l PREEN I ct e. - Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation o the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing Edmund ® street from Dale street to 8t. Albans street, in accordance with plans9nd specifications hereto attached, to JOHiiI00U1Snd the being 606 the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of , form Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper of contract therefor. C. F. No. 101515—By 3lulnn Rosen— Resolved. That the Counci] hereby l recom n the mendaRlauc of the ontractCommittee and da the ontrnct for urbing Edmund Street 1 from 1Jale Street to St. Albans St., In ordance with plans d peelflea- •`lknki lions hereto attached. to JOHN SAND- QI'IST, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $505.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instruct- ed to draw up the proper form of con- tract therefor. Formal Bid No. 9213. Engineer's Estlmnle $948.00. Adopted by the Co uncll Sept. 17, 1935. 1 -approved Sept. 17 1935. I (Sept. 21-1935) • ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 6 J3.00 FORMAL BID NO. 9210 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED 0.S TO PUNDB AVAII-ABLE BV COMPTRN OLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. EVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEME PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT RT AS 606 00 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - CODE $ CJ APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - CODE f Z APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - f =' BOND ISSUE—GOOF 4. APPROPRIATED FROM - - - - - - - f S. COUNTY AID - : 606.00 - TOTAL - - - - - COPIER TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED LOCAL I MPROVEMENT CITY CLERK N0. — --- - ANC[ AVAILABLE IN TME ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT RBVO; VING FUN COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS/ I DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED ® PURCHASING COMP OLLER --- ---- - SEP 17 19,q5 COUNCILMEN ADORED BY THE COUNCIL_----'-- - NAYS YEAS IN FAVOR APPRov[D MwYaw MR. PRFDID[NT — owIBINAL— NUMBCR Cj C CITY OF SAINT rAUL - COUNCIL 4 ' `m "`"" o l' COUNCIL RESOLUTION "' ` No AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS ® Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the cDntract for curbing both sides • of Charles street from Victoria street to Milton street, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $855.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 17 --BY ' Con Roe oeTebY t C F no, 1017 hot eco Council tthe de toe oncursY to the t' manda of .I t (;ontrae, f omc IrbinB and SaCeet to ontruct Street from Victoria Charles treet, In ac ordancae[mI ed la to �ti�o peclflcatlu 8 hereto q' the. TOevPa Oli c Co 4or: the SL the 10 �'es[ nd the r to beln6'on, f $365.00. In otc cored d rlawfor h CPu he usuperiaform t Engt vo. 9212. neetr sol or Qal£8 0.00. 1935 Adopted St 1. 7. 119 1 i, APProve tSe Pt. 21-1936) e FORMAL BID NO. 9212 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 890 • 00 . FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOMB: PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED - - - - - - - - - - - f 655.00 - f ASSESSED AGAINST BENEF .. PROPERTY - - - - CODE f e. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - D APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—E%EMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f BOND ISSUE—CODE ! APPROPRIATED FROM S. COUNTY A10 - - - - - - S TOTAL - - f 855.00 COPIES TO: i HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 18 AN UNENCUMBERED B - STATED APPROPRIATION /TO CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLEIN THE ABOVE REIMBURSE THE PERM A_NT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING NO LOCAL IMPROVEMfiNT NO. ---- — COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS " • PURCHASING >� C ROLL DATE FINALQRDER ADOPTED j �J SEP 1 1 193 , COUNCILMEN YfiAe NAYS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-- -------- tN FAVOR SEP .1'7 AOAINST�PPROED \ �, Mw. FRESIDENT - -- - CRIOINAL— NUMBER CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL Nom• ���� _ FILE IR CLERK C UNCIL RESOLUTION FOR A UTH ORYZ IO /1//N OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Q pyo p } /— DATwe vygmgLY2_ PRESENTED BY "ON .yf—�_— Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing the west side ® of Cretin avenue from St1by avenue to Riverwood Place, with plans and. specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONEin COidFAN-Y, they bean- the lowest responsible bidders, fpr the sum of $213.00, and. the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. C. Resoloed�IThat lthe alCoune09hereby lll s mes I I the rlnenastloa of the Contract Commltieeand a ards the un tract eor cm'bing the ncvt alae of Cretla Avenue from Selby Avenue to plans speclflcnlioneoheretoCeth ttach- p •tns nn e ed, to the S•bel llthen ion eUstR CPQ - OM PA\1". they b sible bl dders, for the sum of $213.00, and the Corporation Counsel Is hereby Instructed to draw up the proper form 9211.of n EnbineerTsfEstimate $" 8.00. Adopted by the Counell Sept. 17, 1935. Approved Sept. 17, 1935. - (Sept. 21-1935) • FORMAL BID N0.9211 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE E 228 00 NOTE: TO BE_CERTIFIED AS TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. _2_ _ PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT fB213 00 I ASSESSED AGAINST SENKFIYYED PROPERTY - - - f _ CODE APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - f �'- CODE APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— f S BOND ISSUE—GOOF APPROPRIATED FROM 5. COUNTY AID - f 213.00 TOTAL l 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMBERED BAL- COPIES TO: ANCfi AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATIONS TO CITY CLERK REIMBURSE THEAILABL IN THE AS IMPROVEMENT REVOLV IND FUND LOCAL I MPROVEMENT NO. COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. PUBLIC WORKS DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED • PURCHASING CDMPTROLLER .—� .---- —_ COUNCILME ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—.—----------- YEA' EAS IN FAVOR APPROVED AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT ,NAL— NUMBER G / CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL D"TY GL.RIC o 6 2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION No' { -- FOR AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS A.�--- AT e-otPRHB---- --- ® Revolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing the north eside of Cook, street from Greenbrier avenue to Walegavenue, in accordance with plpns and specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $244.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. v FORMAL BIO NO. 9210 C. ,zes io. -d07Th tBtheeiCouneiilton illosheen— reby s In theaa de.U. Of the awards thoe Contract Committee nd on tract for rbing the rth aide f Coeb k Street from Green Ave— InO Waieh Avenue. 1. accor It plans and specifications hereto attach - d, to the STANDARD STONE COAf- 'IFANY, they heing the lowest pon- t sihle bidders, for thesum of $244.00, and the Corporation Counsel Is hersbY fortn Instructed to draw up the proper of 'on [rnct therefor. Formal Bld No. 9270. Engineer's Estimate $270.00. pApno. by the -117- 193GSept- 17. 1935. (Sept ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE $ 270.00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE RHIMBURSEO FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLO"S 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENHFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - f 244.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'8 SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE ! S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL—PROVEMHNTB—E%$MPT PROPERTY— - CODE f a. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE ! !. COUNTY AID - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f f TOTAL - - - f 244.00 - I COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 18 AN UNENCUMBERED AL- - ANCE AVAILABLEIN THE ABOV. eTATED APPROPR IATIO TO CITY CLERK pgIMBUPeE TME PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVIN UND LOCAL IMPROVEMENT COMPTROLLER IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTe. - PUBLIC WORK9 PURCHASING , I OPT¢ FINAL ORDER ADOPTED - 0 D Ot�PTRo/µ{ R COUNCILMEN sE 1 r� 1935 • YEAe NAYS IN FAVOR ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---.-- ----- ----- AGAINBT 1935 APPROVED / C/ MR. PR -I DENT 0 • E • L NUMBER[, [' CITY Or SAINT PAUL COUNCIL T Q ` . COUNCIL RESOLUTION PILE No PGR �\] AUTHORIZATION OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS Resolved, That the Council heraby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing Holton avenue from Nebraska avenue to Hoyt avenue, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to JOHN SANDQUIST, he bein- the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $769.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, I ' C. F., ho. 101That$t e C TLoursBSOI1n the TeCaL. ntract Co't ontract t cUrblnE c from '3�ebra-g, t I't' Ip� n dance tache donee hehet'X the QUIST, tror the.. 1 bidder, ion Counsel Ceorpora uP the D d to draw tract th erel tim U En Bin -r''. by the CI AdoD e d Sept. 15 Approve t9ePL n— Teb9 ethe they ctflca- pn jple ed the truct- �f 9207• 17, 1935 FORMAL BIO N0.9207 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 010. 00 NOTE: TO BE CERTIFIED A6 TO FUNDS AVAILABLE BY COMPTROLLER BEFORE PRESENTING TO COUNCIL FOR ADOPTION. PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1, ASSESSED AGAINST BE.-ITTEO PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3 769.00 2, APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'. SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE T 3, APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL I MPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE i .- APPROPRIATED PROM BOND ISSUE—CODE f e. COUNTY AID _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f 1 769.00 TOTAL - - - - COPIES TO: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE 1E AN UNSNCUMB.ROD B CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATION? REIMBURSE THE PERMANENT IMPROV.MENT RE/V�OLVINGI, ,D LOCAL I MPROVEMENTNO. COMPTROLLER -._... _._. PUBLIC WORKS /� ✓�� PURCHASING Cn MPTROLLEp�� DATE FINAL ORDER AOOPrEO COUNCILMEN YEAR NAYS V N FAVOR AGAINST MR. PRESIDENT JEP 171' ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—__...1. cEP 7 i MAYOR o RIO1NAL— NUMBER 860 IIIJJJ V 6 O CITY OF SAINT PAUL CRY CLERK COUNCIL C,QUNCIL RESOLUTION FILE ALI ATI �^/�j POR / ON OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS • 1 O • • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recothmendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing the west side of Saratoga avenue from Ashland avenue to Summit avenue, in accordance with specifications hereto attpched, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being* the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $195.00, in accordance with their supplementary letter dated August 16, 1935, reducing bid to meet Engineerls Estimate, and the Corporation Counael is hereby instructed `^ arMo lin the proper form C. F. No. 101521—By Mllton Rosen— of contract therefor. Ttesolved, That the Council hereby a In the r endation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for curbing the west Side of Saratoga Avenue from Ashland Ave - e to Summit Avenue, In accordance with specification. hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bid- ders, for the sum of $195.00, inaccord- with theirsupplementary latter dated August 10, 1935, reducing bid to set Engineer's Estimate, and the Cor- poration Counsel is hereby Instructed todraw up the proper form of contract therefor. Formal Bid No. 9201. Engl- n .s Estimate 5195.00. adopt ed by the Council Sept. 17, 1936. Approved Sept. 17, 1935. (Sept. 21-1935) FORMAL BID NO. 9201 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE f 195. 00 PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED PROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - i 195.00 2. APPROPRIATED FROM CITY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - CODE f S. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f .. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE 3 f. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - f 3 1 OF 1/ TOTAL - - - COPIES TO: INCE CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCU. CITY CLERK ANCE AVAILABLE IN THE ABOVE STATED APPROI COMPTROLLER ROMEURBE THEPERMANENTIMPROVEMENTREV IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS. y^' PUBLIC WORKS PURCHASING r( f TO ND I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. .... - DATE FINAL ORDER SU 1719355 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --..-- SEP l APPROVED V COUNCILMEN . YEA. NAYS MR. PRESIDENT TO ND I LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. .... - DATE FINAL ORDER SU 1719355 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL --..-- SEP l APPROVED V 0 ...... I - -1 .1— COUNCIL NO CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE F THE CITY CLERK ][['�j "R COUNCIL RE UTION —GENERAL FORM Ult�,/r PRESEN306 BY xz////fy/�/� CVA:-- _era, — DATE August 29, 1935 RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to install 1-25 foot pole and 2-40 foot poles on the east side of Earl between Ross and Z. 7th Street, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 122130. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays cc / i Peterson ,'Rosen - In favor /truax �. Warren -- —_Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gchan) 5M G-34 .. apC Ville g 9 ,,ween gnYs. esaase Co e• . tpe o`o b4 lne B - 1n 9oaa1L r SEP 17 05 Adopted by the Council—_. -- ----_193— SEP A 1 Approved_– ---- ____193 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLaRR COUNCIL 01523- CIT ST. PAUL Foe N01 ICEOF THE CITY CLERK COU RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM C PRESENTYD BYF��--, DATE September So 1935 -- COMMIS SSiiONE RESOLVED That,the Northern States Power Company be given per— mission to install 9-40 foot poles on the east aide of Walsh between Case and Jessamine, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Poles and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company Estimates *22334 and 22346 eR, a"a .n j...n ee ., ,.I. .. � Ire /-1 polo. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays r. Alla Pearce �- Peterson Rosen — _— __ _-In favor Truax Warren -- -Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM [.14 M 17 1 Adopted by the Council_--_ -----y-t- ---- 93--- S� Approved --__-_ SEP A 193_— — - _.__ - - --- - Mayor :'UBI ASREII '7 -2 / q COUNCIL OalO1NAL TO d" CLIRI( CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. Wt OF/F E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL. ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM rn� DATE ►11� �9.—�-a5 --- RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given per- mission to install 1-25 foot pole on the north side of Cartier between Keston and (cordon, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company' Estimate 23025. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen -- ------In favor Truax Warren r --.-Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) iM 134 nsen— � States t .'.Iron to _ne north side and Gordon. chord, Wlren. wires—P when-rer n gEP 1 % 1935 Adopted by the Council ---- -- — 193 Approved— __193 — _ --- - -- Mayor 25 ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl— COUNCIL NO. 1015 CITY OF ST: PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 4# '/COUNCIL R OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t{�(�C__— DATE — COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED That the assessment submitted by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, for the trimming, removal and care of trees and of grass plots, bordering public hiZhwa;s, during the year ended September 1, 1935, Abe and the same is hereby approved and the City Clerk is hereby directed to certify the same to the Auditor of \ Ramsey County for collection, as the assessment for the care of trees and grass plots bordering public highways during the year aforesaid, which has been approved by the Council accompanying said certificate with a copy of this resolution- C. F. No. 101525—BY p'redrM. Trnn:— Resolved, That the assessment sub - To Itted by the CO miesionermf Parka, Playgrounds and Public BuiRodldings, for / the [rlmml og, remov pl ts, bordering tof rees tl C grass plots, d- eubllc highways, during the year �- d Sept. 1, 1935, be d We me 1a i hereby approved and the City Cletk Is j„ hereby d rectetl lO cerU[Y U e ams to the Auditor of =. County for or. - / lection, as the nt fot ord c rg of trees and grass ylo[s bordering "3 jy apublic foresaid, iwhich has be ghways agapn oyeaenr % x the Council ac mpanyI g Bald 9er[Ift- / cote with a copy of this eaolutlon. Adopted by the Cou 1931 1936gept. 17, 1935. \j ! ADproved Sept(Ssp . -1936. ) <9epL1721 Y� I `Y COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �tce 1ererson /Rosen -- In favor Truax /� Warren __. _ Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the CouncilSE _ -- P 17 M5193-- a L I ;) ._ 193 Approved - i - Mayor oaialNwL TO clry cL[aK coVNc'L NO.- . CITY OF S1 o. 10152'. FILE ,v eaa, wm,_ OFFICE OF THE C . n g are :RK Id a portion FORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION— ' Pa It narItI, ' t hfeh grope. adjacent to tb, � from Goodrli 1 /✓.-� y / , eald par,fet +:iTE —.—_ PRESEN COMMISSIONER � � __ Ruff+ m , WHZpjM, William S. Legg and Theodora H. Lang are the owners of all of Lot 5 and a portion of Lot 4, in Block 6, Terrace Park Addition t"he City of $t. Paul, which property lies to the east and adjacent to the alley extending north from Goodrich avenue; and WEMAB, said parties desire to convey to the City of Bt. Paul for street or alley purposes a strip of land 10 feet in width along the westerly side of said lots, said strip of land resulting in a widening of the alley at that point by said 10 feet; therefore, be it RWBOLVSD, That the City of Bt. Paul hereby accepts the donation to it of said property, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to accept a deed of said property to the City. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays i Pearce �� � Peterson 11 �osen In favor "truax 'Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M &34 SEP 171935 Adopted by the Council _ - _ -- 193_ Approved _ _._193. - Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 4th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The Council referred to you the at- tached letter of Bundlie and Kelley and also of Wm. H. and Theodora H. Lang requesting the Council to accept on behalf of the City the conveyance of certain property described in the letter of said I®ng with the request that you advise them as to the proper procedure and also with the request that you draw any resolution necessary. Yours very truly, City Clerk. BUNDLIE AND KELLEY Y ATTORNEYS AT LAW A �.sso—es LOUIS a TNORIN, LOT L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk Court"House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: FIRST NATIONAL BANK --N. SAINT PAUL,MINNESOTA September 3, 1935. We are enclosing herewith request of :filliam H. Lang and Theodora H. Lang for the acceptance by the City of the conveyance therein referred to. For your information, they have acquired the title in fee simple to the premises in the first paragraph thereof described. We would respectfully suggest that the enclosed be referred to the Corporation Counsel's office and also to the Department of Public Works. CTB K Enc. C_ Very truly yours, H[R`IDLIE Fy$X3.LEY By 11 St. PX"'I'm iota,` July 17, 1935. TO THE HONORABLE THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: Gentlemen: a We have entered into a contract for the purchase from the present fee owners of the following described premises situate in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, to -wit: All of Lot Five (5) and that part of Lot Four (4) which lies south of a line extending parallel with the south line of Lot Five (5) and distant 170.06 feet north there- from measured at right angles; all of said land being situated in Block Six (6), Terrace Park Addition to the City of St. Paul, Ramsey county, State of Minnesota, accord- ing to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for said Ramsey County. Among other things, it is provided in said contract that we, as purchasers thereunder, shall convey to the City of Saint Paul by deed of perpetuity for street or alley purposes a strip of land ten (10) feelt in width along the west side of the above described premises. Said strip, therefore, will be immediately to the east of and adjacent to the alley extending north from Goodrich Avenue and to the west of said premises. As we understand the situation, it is necessary for the City to accept the proposed conveyance for the aforesaid purposes. We would, therefore, request that action be taken by your honorable body whereby the City will accept such conveyance. Very truly yours, WILLIAM H. LANG ,ftMODORA H. LANG ORIGINAL TO CITY OLiPK 0�'V�F PAUL NO.its= ST. 2 COVNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF'BY Fr E. warren— I. C. pearce— !. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER: elms: . aone'at for he Fean f, v� eam, - PRESENTED BY uch 1 September 171,1935 COMM13310NER ;pie it I� RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addressesle` indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue Nueh licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Ray J. Lauer 1125 Rice St. Barber App. 5569 Renew. Lee E. Miller 645 Parkway Drive " ^ 6965 ^ J. W. Anderson 450 Robert Butcher n 6950 ^ Hasely Bros. 707 Hudson " " 6795 ^ North American Meat Co. 25 W. Seventh " " 6978 " L. Rose 707 Selby " " 6880 " Jos. Wiener 670 Canada " " 6898 " T. A. Donahue 188 S. Chatsworth Grocery " 6822 ^ Carl Zerfahs 170 E. Tenth " " 6822. " Justin Curran 484 S. Wabasha GaS.Sta. 3 pumps " 6852 " L. H. Amundsen 2191 Robbins Ice Delivery * 6940 " Paul L. Kabitz 248 S. Snelling Restaurant " 6884 " George E. Lau 112 Pioneer Building " " 6831 ^ Montgomery Ward & Co. 1400 University Av. ^ ■ 6859 ^ Pentelovich & Moscovitz 722 N. Snelling IN " 6825 P n n n n n n Confectionery " 6824 " y; Jacob Ossery 287 E. Kellogg Blvd On Sale Malt Bev. ^ 6870 " a n n n n n Off n a a n 6871 ^ COUNCILMEN SEP 1P 1�9r Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council _193__.._ B/enfce eterson SEP Is 1 —_In favor Approved______________._ 193 /fruax Warren ___.__—Against /Wenzel Mayor ,),At./President {C han) 5M 6.34 oaiaiHAL TO eirr eL[a[ COUNCIL �J1528 A61't�1 40F ST. PAUL FILE NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM R E'>m0 YEo DATE_ September 17, 1935 WHF.RF6S, licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6896, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6897, applied for by Martha Tork at 1099 Payne Avenue were not granted by the Council, and WHEREAS, Martha Tork desires to withdraw said applications and requests return of license fees; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Martha Tork the fees of $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNgLMEN Yeas`Nays ZY�eatce /Peterson Ro en In favor ryax ,10!arren ._____.._.___Against enzcl rSident (6e4tatr� R(� 5M 6.34 F. No. 101628—By H. E. Warren — Fred M. Truaz—I. C. Pearce— Whereae. licenses for On Sale ;Salt B@verage. an,11ra,l on 6896, and Off Sale' Malt Beverage. DDllcatlon 0897, flp- nlled for by Martha Tork at 1099 Payne Avenue were not granted by the Coun-' Al, and Whereas. drartba Tork desides to withdraw said appllcatlori d re-� 1 gbep_t. return of ]lcense Lasa theyefora, ' Re v Lhat tha DcoDBL, oltl' ofn- cere,biLey are hereby authorized to tha Tork [he (sea of 7;60.00, an 56-00 and to ..Id aD- pllcatlona for lice..¢.. Adopted by the Council Sent. 18, 1936. ADproved Sept. 16, 1936. (SeDL 21-1936) ffP 1 1 1935 Adopted by the Council_._. SEP 1 1` Approved____ Mayor - J Fo UeNCIL NO ■ , ... . /y ORMINAL TO CITY CL . T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTF BY DATE.-- n COMMISSI ER RESOLVED cation 56869 on Sale Malt Beverages That licenses for Restaurant, application application 56879 and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 5688, applied for by G. L. Rice at 541 Ohio Street be and the same are hereby denied and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to G. L.Rice the fees of $10.00; $50.00 and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COU 1LMEN Yeas Pcatce Nays Peterson uax _ln favor Warren ----Against /Wenzel tir/t res dentf6ehen) 5M 66,34 C. F. No. 101529—By M E. Warren— Fred W. TT. —I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That licenses for RestaU- ant. application 5666, On $ale Malt Beverage, application 5687, and Off Bal alt Be 6leverage,application 6688, up - plied for by O. L. Rice at 541 Ohl. � Sl de and the proper city kers dre hereby authorized to refund to G.aL. Rice the fees of 410.00: 560.00 and 56.00 and to cone el Bald applications for It cense" Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1936. Approved_ Sept. 18, 1836. (Sept. 21-1936) j f 'SEP i s 1985 Adopted by the Council_—_ — --- 193 SEP l J 193--- Apptoeed_—---------- l _ / Mayor WE,TEE UNMERSIGNED.AGREE THAT TOM'S AT 541 OHIO ST, IS RUN IN ANORDERLY AND BUSINESS 11EE MAMR AND 13 IN NO WAY A BAD INFLUANCE IN THE NEIGHBORHOOD 7 AA;, 1 i -4 .i kew, ))l 4 'n / /! nl J` -4 .i kew, ))l 4 - F sr TO the Connell, i City of'Sti Paul. Gertlemens We, the undersigned osaers of property, in the viGinity Of George and. Ohio Streets most strenuously object and protest to the noise and. disturbances going on at 641 Ohio Street, a beer parlor. OpN3g ADDHSS8 -r-- • V./ t n ` t I'd - , ORIOINaL TO CIT{\f CL[R - / �Y OF ST. PAUL Faer4ca No. -10153 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK GSO_YNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ---------- REQ DATE September 17, 1935 WHEREAS, licenses for Restaurant, application 2975, On Sale Malt ,.Beverage, application 2974, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 2975, applied for by Adeline Olson at 1207 University Avenue were not granted by the Council, and WHEREAS, said applicant has operated her business under said applications for approximately five and one half months; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Adeline Olson the fees of $5.42; $27.08; and $2.71, which are the unexpired portions of license fees, and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas ee,,ce il'e[e rson Nays In favor ruax arren --Against nzcl .resident (6ehan) - 5M 6.34 C. F, 1Qo. 101630—BY H. E. Warren Fred Df. Truax -1. C. pearce— lor 'Wherie tnj973�OneSale lltattt Beveraae aliellcatlon 2974, and OR filled or Beveraea� syallcatlon 2976, yD by Adeline Olaon anted by thevCoun Avenue were at Bra erat- ell, and said npPlfeBnt basins cone Whereas, half ed her brozimatelYIness and flveeland o ,or ayP therafore, be it city months; uthorized Resolved. that the hsr.b e certbe and they are the co eton to Adeline Olsonhlch a ee of $5.42: $27.08: and $2.71, w re and unexpired Portions of license fees. to Acencel so by COuncileSept•118e 1935. Approved (Se t12.111935) SEF 1:. 1935 Adopted by the Council_____._ --193_—_ Approved_.___— _--193_ Mayor ORIOINAL TO CITY CLERK FILEN CIL NO. Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED .BY ( �' ;' - _. . � .. . - �%. DATE Sevtember 16, 1985 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6784, and On Sale Halt Beverage, application 6785, applied for by Chas. E. Daley at 20 West Tenth Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Owner COUNCILMEN Yeas rce Nays Peterson 7717 In favor Warren —../ _—Against I lrzel �)5 esident (Gekew)fl oc"f 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101631—By H. p. Warren— Fred Al. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Resolved, That licenses for Restau- ant, application 6784, and Op Sale Malt Beverage, application 6786, applied for by Chas. E. Daley at 20 West Tenth Street be and the are hereby granted and the city clerk Is instruct- ment Into the city to ..as such licunses pon of the re- quired fees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 18, 1936. Approved Sept.18, 1936. (Sept. 21-1936) SEP I - 1 Adopted by the Council _ Approved------- ---ate=-�193-- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLPK ' FILE No. COUNCIL _l.il�5 l• ■ ST. PAUL t •Vlf/f. 6��OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �. COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �U DATE— September 16, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees C. A. Lee 2214 Hendan Ice Delivery app. 6568 New owner Wm. Stokes 18 Oakley' " " " 6592 New Tony Tschida 450 Pleasant " " " 6779 blew Gus Tunell 2457 Territorial Rd. " " " 6573 New C. F. No. 101532—By H. E. warren— .t Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Resolved I/censes applied for by the following named persops at the addresses indicated be nd the same are hereby granted and theity clerk is instructed to Issue such licenses upon the payment Into the city treasury of thee required fees: C. A. Lee, 2214 Benda., Ice Delivery, Appl. 6568, New o W"' Stokes, 18 Oakley, Ice Delivery, Appl. 6682. New. Tony Tschida. 950 Pleasant, Ice De- livery, ADDl. 6779, New. au. Tunell, 2457 Territorial Road, Ire Delivery, Appl. 6573, New. Adopted by the CDuncil Sept 18, 1935. Approved Sept 18.1936. (Sept. 21-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce � Peterson / ruax Y// _In favor ,,Warren __._'__Against Wepuel _ �t t�PteSident (Gehen) �0 It 5M 6.34 SEP 1310 Adopted by the Council.__ __.____193___ SEP 1 1p� Approved— _ — __1 93 _ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4V DATE September 17 1985 COUNCIL No. 1615 3 � I RESOLVED / That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: P. Boranian & W. C. Manthe 779 Selby Av. Butcher App. 6986 New Martin M. Cirhan 1178 E. Maryland " " 6938 IN Sem Dvacker 570 Farrington " " 6828 " H. C. Klosterman 778 Selby " " 6977 " Walter J. Rnjawa 979 Arcade " " 6966 " Rose R. &Stanley J. Miller 739 Selby " " 6780 " Andrew Baglio 474 Collins Foodstuff Veh.Licn. 7041 " B. Goodman 823 W. Seventh St. Gas Station " (Permit C.F.99753) 2 pumps " 6790 C, F. No. 101633—By H. E. R'arren= Fred M. TruRx—I. C. Pearce— Re.olt'ed, That lic ... ee applied far by the Sollowing named psona_at the er jII xdd re. -ea Indicatedhe d theare same hereby granted xadthe city clurk Ie ---[rutted to issues ch llcensea Onthe payment Into the city treasury the of required fees: Se by Ayre.,1lBut he , ppl. 6986, Now. Martin 11I. Clrhan, 1178 E. Maryland, Butcher, ADP-. 'Farr] New. Sam Drucker, 570 New. Farrington, ButeEl- erH. C. Klo-terms-, 778 Selby, Dutch,,Ap Vialter S. XW-Tea, 979 Arcade, erRoaeDlK.B 66 Butch. g Stanley T. Duller, 739 '. Selby, Butcher, April 6780, New. Andrew Bag -110, 474 Collins, Food-? et air Veh, Litn., ADD', 7941, New F. . 323 W o Seventh' SLPer,�Gae St-tlon53 y DAdopte Annr.4d, . Dy�heOCoune^Il Sept. 18. 193;\ COUNCILMEN. SEP 1 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council 7e ce / etersonSE' / �J . -Rases __In favor Approved------------ [lax /1 rren _ _----_—Against enzel Mayor 4r. Pres ient (F.seFiRT)�� 5M 6.74 ORIGINAL TO CIT' CL[RK FILEN CIL NO. 1-� 534 J ( OF ST. PAUL t\ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t� '�v DATE September 17, 1985 CO MSS10NER RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6867, on Sale Malt Beverage, application 6868, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6869, applied for by Mrs. J. Manus at 242 East Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. C. F. No. 101634--RY H. E. Warren• Fred Di. TThat licenses Lor Resta Resollved, Malt, t, ➢plication 6804, On Snle alt aeverage, appllc¢tlo8 6808, 8nd Off bale I for by DIre. J nMnnue ¢t0242 Eas91 t the hereby h Bgnnted treetb ad the t[y am rX 14+ use Instructed to issue such Ifctre8aury op the payment Into the city a Renewal of licenses. the required feea. Adopted by the Council Sept. 16, 1936 Approved Se ptl 2111936) COUN 1LMEN SEP 1 n 1935 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— Pe eters / erson EP t � d�.�/c;J Resew _—- _ln favor Approved------------------- ---193-, Truax Warren _ —Against d /Wenzel Mayor vvv ICCC /Mr. President (6elrm) C S r A 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK 535-13y Milton Roaen— �(�/ :f�7 the contract for the tll. NO, V,3V CITY OF ST. PAUL that Dart of the San. Y 1 , <reeDtor C. U and E on •' OFFICE OF THE CIT',ange St. an. other 6-3431. Okee Con COUNCIL OLUTION—GE;, contractor, unu rave been D rtor te:.' ary Sept. 18, 1955 PRESENTED ER 0� _3 . COMMISSIONER 1'E -- R Whereast in the contract for the construction of that part of the Sanitary Sewer Interceptor C, D and E on Tenth St., Exchange St. and other streets, Contract G-5451, Okes Construction Company, contractor, unusual conditions have been encountered making it necessary to perform additional work, and Whereas, the specifications for said contract provide for the placing of timber lining in the sandrock wherever the material to be excavated is, in the opinion of the engineer, so unstable as to require timbering in order to saveguard the carrying out of the work and to insure safety to workmen, such timber lining to be paid for as extra compensation at the rate of 10¢ per board foot, and Whereas, the condition existing in the tunnel adjacent to the Tenth St. and Exchange St. shafts is such that due to the wet and fractured condition of the sandrock, lining is required, and Whereas, an examination of the tprevious to and during trimming operations indicated that the use of1piece timber sets for lining would cause excessive caving in from the top and result in a large quantity of timber blocking above the tunnel section, which cave in and extra timber could be eliminated and the work accomplished with a greater degree of safety by the use of steel ribs bent to conform to the outside of the tunnel section in place of timber linins, and Whereas, after conference with P.W.A. engineers and_ �gsentatives of the safety division of the Industrial Commission it was DUUM the use mm of steel liner ribs spaced at four foot centers was more economical and that such steel ribs could be placed with a greater degree of safety than timber lining sets, and Whereas, it was agreed by the Chief Engineer and the contractor that the cost of material for each steel rib was $7.92 and the extra labor involved in placing each rib was $11.48, a total of $19.40 for each rib or 17.8¢ per pound in place, Therfore, be it Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works and the Chief Engineer be and they are herein authorised to order the use of such steel ribs in the contract of the aforesaid tunnel in lieu of timber linin sets where in the opinion of the engineer the use of such steel ribs is necessary to COUNCILMEN SEP 1 1935 Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council —.—_ 193 7.r4ce /Peterson In favor Approved_193_— � ax �rren Against _ �V enzel Mayor Mr. President SM 6.14 /' -- TO LTV CLtRK ' COUNCIL ( �3 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIC19 OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ---_____DATE prevent caving in of loose material and to insure safety t workmen employed, such ribs to be paid for as extra compensation at the aforesaid rate per pound, which price shall include all extra excavation, labor of placing of ribs and extra concrete required for the complete section and that such additional compensation be added to the lump sum stipulated in Comptroller's Contract 0431. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson In favor Truax Warren _Against Wenzel Mr liresident (C-36an)/– /' J 5M 6-34 / Adopted by the Council SEP 18 1M5 193__ kP i ­,qr Approved___ Mayor A � I I Li I DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER ply iiiV lVl I`� NO. --"--------------­----- -------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ,RR+— Pe erson COUNCIL RESOLUTION September 12 35 PEARCE FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS .._._.._.__...._...... .-.......-.-,9.---....- ROSEN TRUAX-,,._..__,--.-...AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE -AWN /�0(1 THE CITY TREASURY, JJ - ., COVERI /.y��� TO THE AGGREG AM41JNT OF S...-9,18 b. ...... MENZELR. B ^ VYYO.. CHECKS NUMB E F• 1 7 .�L., PER CHECKS P LE T OFFICE ADOPTED BY THE TO 4 INCLUSIVE AS S ITY COM"RO R. ... .ROLL APPR D -. ..: .. % MAYOR .....-- - CITY CO .... ... .. t h TOTAt -- - --- 1t�:.1I1-...11, 'that 'L h.1[ chicl., I.e V1n\1n 011 th. 11t> '1'a:1.: urs, lu [hi :Igsregata CHECK t -f< Inb CheCl<s TRANSFER NUMBERn•11 I �u�;UU -_•1 la_,e 1ilusl l'., 1 CHECKS DATE RETURN DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS I„'r11.,ks rl�„ 111 tnr ottie oe ,nom Clt> con111 - A111�,�1e11 li ' the t'1u 11111 S.•,i(. 1J, 1:13 WARD . 105 095 5 11438 75 17089 Canital City Lime & Cement Co. Capital Envelope Company 12519 25 8 94 17090 3 17091 17092 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Comp y General Chemical Company 1 083 17093 National Lumber & Supply Com any Co 76 358 1 17094 St.Paul Book & stationery 1 156 4 17095 J. Shiely Company,Ino. .L 112 0 17096 Waldorf Biindery Company I 4d, Guardian 40 0 17097 Mra. J.M. Catherine M.Claugberty,4. 40 0 17098 Mrs. 28 2 17099 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 22 9 17100 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 31 8 17101 Mrs. Agnes Weise 10 0 17102 Feyen Construction Company 1710 Emil Freiseis W.W. Magee 30 0 1 000 0 1710 17105 Lawrence A. Soler, M.D. 161 269 2 17106 MoFadden-Lambert Company 17107 McGlynn Oil Company 5 7 17108 Marvin Law Book Company 1 5 I 46 0 17109 Minnesota Milk Company 39 7 17,110 E.A. Moeller Company ;�, 17111 Monarch Mfg.Works,Inc. 4 1 5 17112 H. Montgomery Company 17113 Mother's Friend Laundry 110 0 17114 Nassau Paper Company j 17115 National Housing Associations 65 2 17116 National Mower Company 17117 New York Tea Company 5 Northern Auto Electric Comp y i 15 17118 17119 Northern states Power Compan 228 5 17120 Northern States Power Compan 11 1 340 8 17121 17122 N.E- Olson C.A. Pearson Company,Ino. 1 7 0 II 22 26 17123 17124 Pioneer Maple Products Comp y Pittsburgh Equitable Mter Co pany 133 17125 The Postage Meter Company I 35 17126 17127 Putnam Bookstore I Red Wing Union stoneware Com�any 1 20 i 69 041 17126 Rex Linen Supply Company I 50 20 586 92 17129 Row Peterson & Company i ® 17130 17131 Royal Typewriter Company St.Paul Letter Company 39 05 3 28 17132 St.Paul Milk Company Company 19 90 756 90� 17133 Schmidt Brewing 17134 'I.R. Shaw Lumber Company 68 971 17135 G. Sommers & Company 17136 9outb Park Foundry Company i 51 00I 17137 Standard Laundry Company I 75 43 17138 Standard Register Company 171 9 G.E.Stechert & Company 9 02 1710 stegmeir Tire Company 40 02 17141 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Companyl 111 63 17142 Tri-state Tel. & Tebg.Company 143 96 �i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 436 113 901 74'•, 11 75, I J CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM != DATE— COUNCIL FILE NO.--'�-rJ- RESOLVED That William J. Sud.eith, lire Chief, is hereby authorised to attend the International Fire Chief's convention at Knoxville, Tenn., from September 24 to 27, inclusive, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to issue a warrant for the sum of One hundred fifty dollars (S150•00) payable out of Miscellaneous Item 9-0-9 lire land in favor of William J. Sudeith for the purpose of defraying the expenses in attending said meeting. C. F. No. 101537—By H. E. Warren— Resolved, That William J. Sudelth, Chief, is end beInter ational FireeChlef'a con- Ventlon at Knoxville. Tenn., from Sept. 24 to 27, Inclusive, and the proper of ty officers a e hereby authorised d dl- scted to rlasue a warrant for the eam of One hundred fifty dollars ($160.00) tem 8-C-9 Fire Fund In favoreofl WIII amyae out of Miseuuq1J. Sudelth for the purpose of defraying the ex - pen aeo In attend l ng said meeting. Adopted by the Council Sept. 19. 1936. A➢proved Sept. 19, 1935. (Sept. 21-1935) COUNCILMEN SEP" 19 1Q,5 Yeas � Nays Adopted by the Council—_ _ .— _._�— --193___ .. aures etersonSEP 1 jqq 'Recsa-- - — In favor Approved ---_---_-.-193-__- / — /_W/�rrcn - _ �f /•-Against /We -- - - -- Mayor nzel /11 r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK �:f �f t't / COUNCIL No. 161538 C�T'Y OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK " ,'} COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL. FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER I DATESeptember19, 1935 WHEREAS, Joe Fink desires to withdraw applications 6891, 6893, and 6893 for Restaurant, On, and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses, respectively, for 335 W. Lawson Street and requests return of license fees, since said licenses were not granted by the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Joe Fink the fees of $10.00; $50.00, and $5.00, and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � P�e eterson In favor uax rren �nzcl — _Against 1/4r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101538—B3' H. E. Warren— FredSi. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Whereas. Joe Fink desires to with- draw application. 6891, 6892, and 6893 for Restaurant, On, and Off Sale Malt nevem go licen.es, re.pectl "'%for 335 W. Lawson Street and 'e" e" return of license fees, since said licenses w note granted by the Council; therefore, Resolved. that Lhe proper city olfl- s be and they a e hereby authorized to refund to Joe Fink the fees of 130.00; $60.00. and $5.00, and to cancel said ap- plications for licenses. Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, 1935. Approved Sept. 19, 1935. (Sept. 21-1935) SEP 1111935 Adopted by the Council ___193___ Approved -_- __—__ ° 93 Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clark and Commissioner of Registration September 18th, 1915 Mr. C. R. Leonard License Inspector public Safety Building Dear Sir: The City Council today denied the applications of Joe Fink for Restaurant, On and 0£f Sale Malt Beverage licensee at 335 s. Lawson Street. Will you please prepare the necessary resolution authorizing a refund? Yours very truly, City Clerk ORIGINAL TO CITY CL­ COUNCILJ&rv�NO. OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIS,.I RESOLUTION—GENERALFORM t� ....«�..+•�.. ev /1 L . ��/ A _ _ _ _ % _ DATE Seri+aber17 lA.5 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 68919 On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6892, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6893, applied for by Joe Fink at 335 R. Lawson be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New, COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen _ -- --In favor Truax Warren -Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 t i 4 Adopted by the Council------ - ---- -_-_ _193 Approved.._ ____193_ _ Mayor -- oalaiNwL TO clrr cLaaK� r ` COUNCIL w,O ST. PAUL 1`� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER— DATE September 19, 1935 t i ♦ 7 / !� g � REgreg, V96 l9RERW, Gertrude N. Johnson desires to withdraw application 7079 for Grocery license at 1306 Payne Avenue and requests return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Gertrude N. Johnson the fee of $1.0.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNC MEN Yeas Nays 1.c on In favor -- r aren _ _"'.__._Against e—el President (Gehan) TM 6.J1 C. F. No. 101539—ey g, E. Wgrren— Fred JI. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Whereas, Gertrude N- Johnson de- Grocero iensea t 1306 cation 7079 for equests license rn at 1306 Payne Ave. and fore, be Ite Ilcenae fee; there- Resolved, that the proper city on, and they are he, to ry authorized Una fee viand to Gertrudes ohn son the on fort 11.00 and to canoe 1 aid aPPllca_ Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, ADProyed Sept. 19, 1936. 1935. (Sept. 21-1935) SEP 1 c 1985 Adopted by the Council— —_ _ _ -. 193._- SEP 1 L 195 Approved_ _—-- - -- --- ---.193. ayor ORIGINAL TO OITY OIi RK COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l ! iLn l c + be 18, 112,,5 ..e-e-u.rn ev D" _ . DATE— --9-k RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: L. W. Jordan Company 680 N. Snelling Av. 2nd hand auto dealer App. 6891 New MacLaren & Schneider, Inc. 208 W. Fifth St. tt n n n n 6932 ^ 101,,40—By H. E. Warren— Fred \f. Truax -1, C. Pearce— Aesolved, Th¢t ]leen see xpPl(ed for by the follotring named Persons at the ad- dresaee indicated be x d the e hereby granted and the Ity clerkaie Inathucted to issueuch licenses s the Payment Iire nto the city treasuryp of Ih1J uT Or an Co Ing Ave., 2nd h mpan Y. 030 V.Snell 6891, Nerv. Rnd auto denier, Appl. blxcLaren R Schnelder, 1ne„ 20g W Fifth St., 2nd hind auto denier, APpI. 6932, N.— AdoPted by the Council Sept. 19, 1935. A P P ro I ed Sept. 19, 1936. (Sept. 21-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas / e ce Nay�_In etcrson favor trenruax )_�%Against zel /"'1r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 SEP 19195 Adopted by the Council — __- _ --193.__ _ Approved . - __193 Lie Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6NN ��� Ce11N CIL L� w Y.Y.(/1QITY OF ST. PAUL FILE 1�0.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ylti PRESENTED BY DATE September 19, 193E COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6913, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6914, applied for by Leo J. Fleischman at 1070 Hastings Ave. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New C. F. No. 101541—BY H. E. Wnrren— Reaol Yed,Trnax—I. C. Pearce— `env, a That llcenaes for t. W I- Zb L ge'lapIIII-Hoon 6914,On SRle Malt by Leo J. Flefachmnn at ]070PPIled for j Ave. be a d the ea ae herebyastinge d and the Ity clerk IIs Instrcted Pto Issue uch llcenaes UD u the DSYtnent Into the city treasury fees. required Adopted by the Council Sept. 19, 1935. A pprored Sept. 19, 1935. (Sept. 21-1935) COUNCILMEN SEP Yeas / Nays Adopted by the Council-___ l Pegrcc ///PPP//.rson / SEP E 13="5 favor Approved— —- __.__193-__ Q//tuax _ ,'Warren ---- j ----Against Menzel -- -" Mayor President (Gehan) ORIGINAL TO CITYse>8. Warren— I COUNCIL L� 101542 P roeli CITY OF ST. PAUL e eiI .ed persons one e• N FILE O. OFFICE OF THE CITY C' be and the and the ells COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEP +e such lice ;RM Y the city ' Jy ,tom �rss os rrRlve Ie PRESENTED BY IJ Renewal Se ember 19, 1935 COMMISSIONER ek, 529 et. $E ' � Cpl. RR. RESOLVED T)//at licenses apnlied for by the following named persona at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: C. G. Armstead 605 University Restaurant App. 6935• Renewal L n n E. F. & Ray Jelinek 529 St. Peter Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6970 ^ E. F & Ray Jelinek It It It Restaurant " 6971 " n It it n It It n it On Sale Malt Bev. ^ 6972 ^ John D. -Marson 330 Robert On Sale Malt Bev. " 5911 " Off " ° " ^ 5912 " Restaurant ^ 5913 " Anne McMcNamara 124 State Restaurant " 6998 ^ It " " " On Sale Malt Bev. ^ 6999 " n IT n n Off n n n " 7000 " Nelson & Gallagher 1180 E. Seventh St. On Sale Malt Bev. " 6905 " it It it n it It n Restaurant It 6906 It n " n " R a n Off Sale Malt Bev. " 6907 it COUNCILMEN Yeas Peafce �P/eterson Nays (/J x r In favor / -Against ifren nzel // /1A r. President (Geban) SEP 19 1915 Adopted by the Council _- _- __ 193___ SEP 14' i95 Approved- -.z pproved— -- - ---.- .---- 193. - L -1 2Q Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK \ , -+ j,� �- 1 �FILE Y.)OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL No �Qi■ [ia OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMM SSIIONER DATE September 19, 1955 RESOLVED That icenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6995, Restaurant, application 6996, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6997, applied for by Matt N. Weber at 20 East Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the C. I, No T,oa3—Ry g E Warren— city treasury of the required fees. Free nr Traa:--r c pearpe_ Resolved, That "onneae for Sale Malt Bevern6e, appllcatfon T 6n Res- tauran$tevePalcatlon 8998, aad Otr Sale Malt 9% a lice SeventhrSt 1, Ott N apelon t 9ap_ e and the same t 20 Eeet hY glI_ranted are here- structed to 1 eue euch 11tY clerk le ln- 'e meed Into the city treasurypoY the qulred tees, the Adopted by the Counell Sept. 19, 19$5. Approved Sept. 19, 1935. (Sept. 21-1935) New COUNCILMEN YeasNays A1C Peterson In favor /ruax /1(/ rren -_Against ' W ,mel ,Gtr. President (Gehan? 5M 6.34 SEP 1 `' 1935 Adopted by the Council____ ____ _____ _ 193____ 6 ti. F) Approved__ _ —_. _. __.. _193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY C16aKL//��� C6ENCIL No.101544 P'C- �f,e�e�e2$I�1L�F ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE_,,September 19, 1965 COMMISSIONER f1�------ RESOLVED T t licenses for Restaurant, application 6264, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6265, applied for by Bud M. George at -472 S. Robert Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New owner COUNCILMEN YeasNays Z'cc etcrson ,1- _-- __In favor Truax 1>0arren Against / JDVenzcl President (Gchan) 5%1 /6.34 C Fred M. Truax-1.yC. ea,E. H. That licenses for Reetau- ant, application 6269, and On Sale Malt Beverage pplicatlon 6266, applied for Streee dbeM d othe et etas hereby granted and the city clerk iselnetruct- ed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required feee. Adopted Sept. Co19u19368ept. 19, 1936- Approve (Sept. 21-1936) SEP 10 195 Adopted by the Council _ __ _ _ 193 ___- SLU Approved_ - -_- 193--- Mayor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �c eterson R.oeen ._ _ - __In faeor Xruax /*arren -_a L. ----Against ,Wenzel �lr. President (Gchan) sat 6.14 ou 1-19.E Adopted by the Council-- - -- ---- ---193--_. ' 193 Approved- - -- -- --... Mayor C6UL 1.� r Warre'. No. Oa1CIHwL TO CITY CLtaK I FILE OF ST. PA) mss FI. 9 FILE \� t N t lloeneeaeaaons a OFFICE OF THE CITI:e names persona Gated be and the R�FSOLUTION-�7!1.......b»ce ",M COUNCIL the 01- Jto /�•o_. ---_,..,:, is 195 PRESENTED BY- COMMISSIONER =_ RESOLVED by the following named persons at the addresses That licenses applied for hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue indicated be and the same are into the city treasury of the required fees: such licenses upon the payment 951 Arcade Restaurant App. 6957 Renew Henry Barndall Geo. Hanson n n 34 E. 4th St. " 1934-1935 '+ a n n ++ 1935-1936 " 5783 " 578 " n n 6924 " Mrs. Russell Miles 315 Selby " 6933 " Al Mabolich 216 E. 7th " it 6917 " F. C. Thompson ,+ 376 Wabasha 680 Randolph Ice Delivery 3 trucks " 6927 " white Ice &Fuel Co. 207 Como Av. Gas Sta. 5 pumps " 6901 " Reg 011 Co. 3 n n 6921 ^ Skelly Oil Co. 1138 Payne n I+ 3 n ++ 6922 " It n n 743 University IT ,+ 3 n ++ 1103 Arcade 6968 " R. Verness Motion Picture (Orpheum)___. 6838 " St. Paul Theatres Co, 21 'A 7th It n (Astor) " 6890 " Emma O'Malley 108 Concord Finance) 206 Frontier Bldg. Salary Loan " 6962 " J. B. Keogh (Economy 234 McHoa1 Second hand auto parts t+ 6979 " D. Resnick COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �c eterson R.oeen ._ _ - __In faeor Xruax /*arren -_a L. ----Against ,Wenzel �lr. President (Gchan) sat 6.14 ou 1-19.E Adopted by the Council-- - -- ---- ---193--_. ' 193 Approved- - -- -- --... Mayor ORIOINL i0 cITY CL[RK COUNCIL II CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE N0. ut54f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER aad r mated a bl 'p. With d-1 WHEREAS, the Auto Tire Company has petitioned the Council for permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at No. 484 North Exchange street; and WHEMS, said Auto Tire company has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump lo- cation, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the 0ounoil; and WHEREAS, a hearing has been held in accordance with Para. - graph p, Section 5 of Ordinanoe No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to accoridancetwithrthecmpany to plan submitted;;lanyd deviation from theaintain said tplain Plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the city of Saint Paul, under the direction of the commissioner of pnbiio Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Oommissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage, or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall no forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall deteknine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hesard. COUNCILMEN Yeas � e ce Nays stetson fuax /tX%/�rtcn In favor __--J _ _ Against �X/enzel ir. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 SEP 1919'q5 Adopted by the Council—_—__—. ' Sal TI 193--- Approved - —.—EP 19 -----=----- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 18th, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The City Council today referred to you the ,pplication of the Auto Tire Company for permission to install a gasoline filling station at 424 No. Exchange Street, and reouested that you draw a resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier — +Ia St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 7, 1935 City Clerk 386 Court House City Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Auto Tire Company to erect and install a filling station located at 424 N. Exchange St., on the South corner of Ninth & Exchange Sts., will come up for con- sideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 18th day of September, 1935, at 10 o'clock A.M. File 7985 AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance Adopted by the Council ........... ............. .............. ..—....... ......193......... Yeas / Nays PEARCE "PETERSON RO$EN TRUAX 71WA REN VENZEL /R. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL THIS APPI-1-111 T. RE -E IN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERKcLEPL15AOE AMID. FILED IN THE CITY Application For License II AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE____ TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY ow�ry DDUA�; FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A-.__-___kY/' _" v i r✓V 1 DRIVE Iry OR 'INSIDE GABADE'1 AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT!/ /��/ �� / % �- BLOCK - LIE /?ilorvl -_ ALSO DESCRIBED AS NO OF PUMPS NO, OF GAS TANKS --, - CAPACITY OF EACH TANK /l FILED 5��---s`t......//,,,rrrrA--- -- R --ANT. BY --- RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK fJ,�� DEPARTMEryT OF LIC/Sp'FETV l/ r RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 7 / DATE CITY PLANNING7 BOARD BY-------./=L__FZtc+rrrsf_L------------------- Zvf y UD' s9 THE BOARD OF ZQNING A, r �.] Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman August 20th, 1935, LOUIS BETZ ALBERT WENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. WGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, Gry Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr, L. R, S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Auto Tire Company to remodel the building at the southeast corner of Exchange and Ninth Streets and construct therein a drive-in fill- ing station. This is zoned for commercial purposes. There will be one driveway on Ninth St. and one on Exchange St. The pump island will be placed the long way of a 25 foot build- ing. The balance of the building facing Exchange St. is to be used for tire repair, battery repair, wash -rack, etc. The Board believe that the plans are satisfactory and that the permit should be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh THE BOARD OF ZONING A Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ August 20th 1935• ALBERT WENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of the Auto Tire Company of St. Paul for a drive-i.p filling station at the southeast corner of minth and Exchange Streets. This is commercial zoning. This is a three story brick building in which the lower floor is to have the walls taken out and be arranged for a filling station. There will be one entranceway on Exchange St. and one on Ninth St. The Board recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 29, 1936 Mr. H. B. Warren Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirs Referring to application made by The Auto Tire Company of St. Paul for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northerly 26 feet of Lot 6, Block 30 Rice and Irvine's Addition, which is also described as 424 North Exchange Street. I have made the usual inspection of this location and do not find that the proposed driveways will materially interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, A &% HarWttergren Supn e of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION August 23rd,1935. Ron. R. E. Warren Oommissioner of Public Safety St Paul, Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Auto Tire Oompany of St Paul, for permission to install a dove -in filling station (gasoline) at �} 424 No. Exchange. Four pumps and three tanks, 1 - 550 gal. 2 -1000 gal. capacity each. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours Ohief Inspeotor Division of Fire Prevention. RWO/jgd. MILTON ROSEN Commisstone: CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota _ DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SFrEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction G. H. HERROLD, Office Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Eng, Clerk September 9, 1955 Mr. L. R. S. Fergusont City Clerk, Building. Dear Sirs FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Sopl. of Sannation M. S. GUTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse In connection with the application of the Auto Tire Company to remodle the building at the southeast corner of Exchange and Ninth Streets, and construct a drivein fiilino station, I beg to advise you that there is no objec— tion from an engineering standpoint to the plans for driveways as submitted. Yours very truly, AGBD. SHEPARDs gineer. 1 "ncl. I � �Ennui 01 I I i A�✓ain.',Afy � : ra.r p E/r'ir i� �t e u �. � I ! '' I i �'l17?'i�`jlQnk�r/ jj'�j� � .I ^{•` f/ "r.���` �,1 1 •- i •`;: f, .:1 or.�•itanno poo( - � .. J' l r ` p �hf 1 AIR I _- tF, f Mil Qii .._P. tit iPauerry �3 h I d' r. } s -i L erg rnsr: s `•N 4KlA:N.t 'y 1v�Uu�j S/!%: �•^, tib �L� � - ' .. � { � `, + NEW - �.a/.•w T OYr/v/S'W.t }' j t P i `rs,r 1 y -'- - L14 �i C./l NfTq TJ AOJC• ' I ��I F �a �� U p 1. --r-' >� � .. i ° •. '-' IT 0 U dR,-. WA- O"iA MAIM `.... 0 at. Paul, Minnesota November 7th, 1935. To the Honorable, the City Council, City of $t. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen s I petition your Honorable Body for permission to install and maintain three tanks con- taining 2500 gallons of gasoline under the sidewalk at 424 No. Exchange Street. Thanking you for past favors, I remain Yours very truly' ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.RK CO101547TY OF ST. PAUL FILENCIL NO. OFF OF THE CITY CLERK OU NCI ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM COMMIeS10NER�MILTON September DATE— F ber 1$, 1935. RESOLVED WHEREAS, the PavingofWest Seventh iStreetmfrom ent dSt. rClair ibed ato Oneida Street - Feyen Construction Company, Contractor - Comptroller's Contract Number L-3864 - the completion date specified was September 22, 1935, and WHEREAS, The work on this Project was unduly delayed by the installation of the railroad cross- ing at the C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad Company's tracks, also the slower progress of other Utility Companies than was originally contemplated. Now, therefore, be it s that the ion of the above contrae contract be and the same isfor eherebyeex- tended to October 22, 1935, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contracter1-a-bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays rce Peterson r ax amen In favor Against /nrel _ /M1, President (Gehon) C. F. No. 101547—By Milton Rosen— Whereas, In the Improvement It rlbed ns the Paving of West Seventh 4 Street from St. Clair to Oneida Street— Feyen Construction Company, Contrac- tor --Comptroller's Contract Number L-3864—the completion date specified The work this Pro]ect s unduly delayed by the Installation of the r ilroad c r sing at the C. AL St. P. & P. ItailroadCompany's track., al - the lower pro); teas of other Utility Companiesthan •tv.. originally contem- pin[ed. Now, therefore, be It Resolved, that the time for the com- Dletlon of the above contract be and the same Is hereby extended to Oct. 22, 1935, and the proper city ofaelals a ;hereby authorised nod directed to e cute an amendment to said contract In evordance herewith provided, how- r, that this resolution shall not have an; force and effect unless the aur tiel on the n[ractor's bond con. et ,thereto and file each co....t in writ- ing with the City Comptroller. Ado dby the Council Sept. 19, 1935. 00 Approved Sept. 19, 1935. 11'1 Ado1 (Sept. 21-1936) 4 t 193 --- SEP 1 1935 lkpptoved_. ___—__193___ Mayor ORIGINAL YO C- cu OK FILE CiI NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL IfiVid OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY MILTON ROSEN. COMMISSIONER RESOLVED DATE September 18, 1935. WHEREAS, In the improvement described as the Paving of West Seventh Street from St. Clair to Oneida Street - Feyen Construction Company, Contractor - Comptroller's Contract Number L-3864 - the completion date specified was September 22, 1935, and WHEREAS, The work on this Project was unduly delayed by the installation of the railroad crossing at the C.M.St.P. & P. Railroad Company's tracks, also the slower progress of other Utility Companies than was originally contemplated. Now therefore be it Resolved, that the time for the completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to October 22, 1935 and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith provided however that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen ___In favor Truax Warren ___ _ Against I/ Wenzel =M 6'M� f'residcn t-(6Ch3f4i /�n`f F/1� SEP 1 ° 195 Adopted by the Council _____l93___ Fv 1r Approved 1548 • - 1 - COUNCIL NO. 1( TT' ORIGINAL TO CICLERK FILE • � CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM DATE PRESEN�D 6Y COMMISSIONER AREAS, there was heretofore presented to the Council the petition of Edward D. Langan and others, being a majority oY the owners of property along the line of the l�rrt2aoteoyilaz de on Jefferson Aver described, nue, jug f Or tAvenueatin front ofion Of, a Lot Edward D. Langan's Rearrangtition is at as shown upon the plat attached to said petition, which said d duly verified das required by law, and sets forth the facts and reasons for such Vacation; IMREAS, the Council T000ededtwi h, andtordered sathat the idtpetition therein referred p should be P 'publication in the and'eecompanying Plat to be filed of record in the office of the City Clerk, and ordered said Clerinttheimannernotice and for the time required by official paper of said Cityereof would be th law, that said petition and the subject hmadter the Court House onethe ard y the council at meeting at ten o�clock A. M., whlch said notice was 21st day August 19351 be A. duly published and given; therefore, portion of street, discontinued - Showa RESOLVED, that the above described upon a id plat, be and the rsa a is herebthe following Lted oonditionsand reser public street, subjeot exp ve'tions, viz: (1) All the conditions I reservations and provisionordinance regulating the tained in Ordinance NO. 3394, entitled: ns fornAn the vacation rescribing the colitioin the City OfSt. Paul, u" approved procedure and prescribing grounds, streets, alleys and highways March 16th, 1915. (2) The bond provided for in said ordinance, to Do filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00). (3) Said petitioner shall ay o), together the awith the costs y of the tof of Saint Paul, the sum of One Dollar (1.00), this vacation proceeding. his heirs, executors, (4) That petitioner agree for himself, administrators and assigns, that no trees or any obstruction of view COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays f Pearce Peterson Rosen -- -- —In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gahan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council __----- 193-- _ Approved------------ 193-- - --- -- mayor M -- ---- --- -- ayor I 66UNCIL NO. xi, FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY O11R" CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER 3MZ%m1L3aM Rill ever be boated upon the d vacated herein. lan one (5) That in consideration of foresuoh vacationoe Y, petitioner 01.00) as compensation condit to the under administrators by accepting the conditions bisrheirawhich , executors, m vacate s granted, agree, for himself , at any time find it necessary to and assigns, that should the City es for the taking of such land condemn the land her vaaated�� plus the cost oY re-construct- condemn be limited to One Dollar $ v1 jug the wall erected on the south aide of said strip to the new line of the street. 30 days e,fter the publication Of (g) That within thirty ( ) Clerk, this resolution, petitioner shall file with the City con - acceptance in writing of the conditionsso a with theuch otermsaanddll, within srind, comply in all resp within said Pe it required to b e performed within e ditionB of such resolution by said thirtyCity Clerk be and he is hereby BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the tans u on the acceptance resolution and Register of authorized and directed, petitioner, the conditions thereof Ramsey# a transcript p this resolution, d ctified Deeds of the County in the petition, certified copy of the plat accompany B Dopy of the acceptance by petitioner of the terms and conditions o this vacation resolution. d CO CILMEN Yeas z, Nays pe'e etcrs:: on _ ln favor Zrax rren _ _Against (/cnzci fr. President (Geban) sM 6.14 SEP 12 195 Adopted by the Council--- - ____-193—_.. SEP 1315 Approved-----------(—p--�-193-- 1/moi Mayor CITY Of SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOHN L- CONNOLLY LOUIS P. SHg/IHIIN �npoppTION COUNBHL .I ARY J. !LYNN ®WIN MURPHY IRVINO GOTLIZ J". !. --'VA 18TA++TB October 28, 1935. ROY E. N. B yJN INyg{TIOATOR R. S. Ferguson City Clerk City of Saint Paul Dear Sir: We are returning to you, acceptance of Edward Langan of the terms and conditions of Council $500 ile D• Lang together with the bond in the Bu without fZ, 101548, the said Edward D. La.nganI furnished by a deed OUT approval, for the reason Edward D. Langanby this was transferred by two days Prior to the property September 19th, 1935, recorded SePresThe effect of this effective date ioofo reopiniontian abandonment tof the transfer was, the entire vacation proceeding eby petition and became of no effect. certain conditions embodied i ll There werepetitioner the resolution which were import' transfer , for the P ant to the City but are rendered valueless by this his could not comply with You are therefo1ateedviser Ofde of o f Wlesthe st usual papers with the Reg that a copy of this letter should be forwarded to Edward D. Langan - Yours very truly, Assistant Corporation Counsel EM -s R. S. Perguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sirs I, Ldward D. Iangan, do heretr accept and agree to abide IW all the terms and conditions of Council 7110 101548, adopted by the Council September 19th, 1935. Yours very truly, ed -'n .'O -et-. October 28th, 1915. Mr. Edward D. Iqngan, 2077 Jefferson Ave., St. Pant, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Enclosed to a copy of a letter of Edwin murpbr, Assistant Corporation Counsel relative to the vacation of a part of Jefferson Avenue at Prior Avenue. Yours very truly, City Clerk. LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J. FLYNN ®WIN MURPHY IRVINE OOTLIEB JAS. F. SULLIVAN A=1117 - ROY E. H. SWSOSSN CLAIM INVE6TIGATOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT JOHN L CONNOLLY CORPORATION COUNSEL September 19, 1935. Dr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, City of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: I have prepared an amended resolution vacating a triangular tract of land on Jefferson Avenue, at Prior Avenue, in front of Lot 1, Edward D. Langan's Rearrangement, as petitioned for by Edward D. Langan and others, in accord- ance with the Council's request, to comply with the sugges- tion of one Henry H. Hall, and I am also returning Mr. Hall's letter. The original resolution was never introduced but for information I think at least one copy of it should be kept in your office, with the resolution now prepared. E" Yours very truly, f; �_ �Z_� - � �� - Assistant Corporation Counsel September. l2, 1935 To the Mayor and Members of 14 the City Councils lc� In the matter of the vacation of a small triangular strip ®� of land in front of lot 1 So D. Langan's Rearrangement 10 feet on Prior Avenue and running to a point at the SY corner of said Lot 1. The sidewalk on Jefferson Street.lms been built along the South line of said strip and not along the % line of said lot. It will be agreeable if the Council for $1.00 will vacate this offvview will ever beand plocatete d th ereon,, reone andothatat no in t berees eventrthat the City should condemn said strip that he limit of damages will be $1.00 sa3,d—�► Yours Irulyt Co M� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK CGUNCII. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK rnIwcn RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE WHEREAS, there was heretofore presented to the Count il the petition of Edward D. Langan andhe lothers, bine of eintreetaherein- of the owners oority f property along after described, praying for the vacation of a triangular traot of land on Jefferson Avenue, at Prior Avenue, in front of Lot 10 Edward D. Langan's Rearrangement, as shown upon the plat as trequired byto ilaw tandosets hich forthathe factspe oandsreasons for verified such vacation; and VMREAS, the Council deemed it expedient that the matter therein referred to should be proceeded wited h, andrecordered rd in the petition and accompanying plat oe office of the City Clerk, and ordered said Clerk to give notice and f oritheitimenthe me requiredibyalaww,,,per thatf saiddpetition and in the manner the subject matter thereof would be heard by the Council at a meeting thereof to be held in the Court House on the 81st day of August 1935, at ten o'clock A. Y., which said notice was duly published and given; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the.above described portion of street, as shown upon said plat, be and the same expressly tooth ated and discontinued as a public street, subject following conditions and reservations, vis: (1) All the conditions, reservations "An and pronoei contained in Ordinance NO. 3394, entitled reg- ulating the proiioureo mde prescribing alloysconditions highways inthe the vacation of pub " ap roved Parch 16th, 1915. City of 8t. Paul, app (g) The bond provided for in said ordinance, to be filed by said petitioner, is hereby fixed at the sum of Five Hundred Dollars ($500-00)- (3) Said petitioner shall pay into the treasury of the City of at. Paul the sum of Forty Dollars ($40.00), together with the costs of this vacation proceeding. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays j / Adopted by the Council -- -------193__._ Pearce Peterson Rosen _— —In favor r Approved-------- 193___ Truax I Warren _—Against----- Against----- ---- - --- — --- --- - Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 September 12th, 1915. Mr. L. C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer, Building. Dear girt The City Council referred to the Corporation Counsel and L. C. Seamer the attached resolu- tion providing for the vacation of a triangular tract of land on Jefferson Avenue at Prior Avenue, with the request that the some be amended to comply with the sugpostion of Henry 3. Nall, a copy of whose letter is hereto attached. Yours very truly, City Clerk. september 12th, 1935• Yr. John L. Connollye Corporation Counsel, 8nilding. Dear girt 'fihe City Council referred to the Corporation 00vtt9e1 and L. C. geemer the attacched�soof tion providing for the vacation of a triangnl land on Jefferson Avenue at Prior Avenue, with the request that the same be emended to comply with the suggestion of }Gnry IL Hall, wbose letter is hereto attached. yours very trulyo City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 6th, 1935. Mr. L. C. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred the at- tached file in the matter of the petition of Edward D. Langan and others for the vacation of a triangular tract of land on Jefferson and Prior Avenues to the City Plan- ning Board, the Corporation Counsel and yourself with the request that you work out a suitable agreement. It was pointed out that the City might, at some future time, desire to acquire this vacated Portion for street widening purposes and might be required to pay more than the $40.00 which is no* designated as the compensation to be paid to the City for the vacation. You will note that there is a report of Planning Board attached. Will you kindly confer with the Corporation Counsel on this matter as we have no extra file to refer to him. It was suggested that the petitioncR might be permitted to use this triangle through suflance and tolerance. Yours very truly, s7�7� City Clerk. T Adopted 6y !Re Council.._ ........ ....... ...._............. __. Nays Yeas P RCE TERSONN "ROSEN RREN ENZEL g, PRESIDENT (GEHAN) CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 4th, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The City Council referred to you the attached petition of Edward D. Langan and others for the vacation of a small triangular piece ,of property on Jeffer- son Avenue, in front of Lot 1, Edward D. Langan's Rearrange- ment for the proper resolution granting such petition. The amount of compensation was fixed at $40.00. Yours very truly, City Clerk. C. SOUGH RAY, TRunuR y l� J. L LYEDL. SecReTAnr y�:W. PRICE. PREnIOBNi A. F. SOUCHERAY, VICB M[nIDv�T INco Rvo RAi BD ISBi Jry1/ LvJ✓• abstract ,r ESCROW R PROPERTY SEARCHES ABSTRACTS C ��U CO� PHOTOSTATS TITLE INSURANCE J AND TITLE RECORDING SERVICE �.-PWY TORRENS REPORTS OWNERSHIP REPORTS varar►te _ CAPITAL AND SURPLUS NO. IT WEST FOURTH STREET sm.OD0.o0 — ST. PAUL. MINN- - MEMBER NOTICE OF HEARING FOR THE MI eESDTA Ti E AnSDDIAi VACATION June L26, 1935. vnrnnoR Df etre t. NDt1ne " hereby " 1_ ttiat the_ D, tltlon of Edward r,-, 4an nA <.�s fOT Ba VaCRLIO dc:^Abed a+ tt oath- Taffo+•al^'�' To The Honorable City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota - Gentlemen: I am the owner of Lot One (1) Edward D. Langan's rearrangement which is 46.46 feet wide by 125.56 feet on one side and 115.56 on the other. As all laretra -tractrovements described as now laid there follOuscommencing9at triangular thence the south-west corner of said Lot One (1 , south ten feet, thence east to the south-east corner -weth of said Lot One (1) and thence north uth linesofrsaidoLote point of beginning along One (1). Said small triangular tract is a portionis of Jefferson andnservesfront usefulsaid purpose0as far asand the s high bank, street itself saidilotoncerned and for esidentialdpurposes.from d s- posirig )f I therefore petition your honorable body to vacate this portion of the street. If this petition is acted upon favorably I have an opp o have a seventy-five hundred ($7500.00) dollar home erected thereon. Appreciating your favorable �C�� 0;15 I remain kUliLiSHED %Q � 3 - Very truly yours, Edward D. i STATE ai ilW330TA ; $$ COMM 'pa RGIS . i Edward D. Leser+ being fir" Qn$ sworaf deposes snd e+gfe that be s19IIed the foregoing PetitieaiesO those that theetaee- statements therein are true of bis own knowledge d . s� on information and baltet:.and that be bel=ietsw"fleq[ meats to' y qF V N�B�V swbsoribed and 0bra to before me "do am of daps, 1935• rdfm Drotary Pablie'ti PY .coarniseioa eapirsi �P�� 23, 1940- n - iI I I I I I I I I I Q I I I I I '01 4d i� f 'd * � sa ,�s`r„y�r q .S n}In t i.44 40 k 6224232221 r as r c, w' Y, I , L, k r as r c, w' Y, I , L, + T • J. L. LIEDL. SEcwETART • • H. C. SOUCHERAY, TREA.UwEn W, W. PRICE. PRE 0-T A. F. SOUCXERAY. VIDE PwEeIOENi POwATEO IBB 2 abstract ESCROW SERVICE ABSTRACTS Compan PROPERTY SEARCHE6 SOW 1 PHOTOSTATS TITLE INSURANCE AND 71TLE TORRENS REPORTS RECORDING SERVICE OWNERSHIP REPORTS GuaranteeCAPITAL AND SURPLUS - - NO. iT WEST FOURTH STREET f140.000.00 ST. PAUL. MINN. MEMBER NNEEOTA TITLE w. AT`- ON _ PAUL June 26, 1935. To The Ilionorable CitY C,OullCil Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: '.le, the undersigned owners of a majority of the property abutting on the part of Jefferson Avenue described -in the attached petition of Edward D. Langan resnect8.t¢31y petition; your honorable body to +o ainh nortiOA of Jefferson Avenue. Owners of: ,ot One (1) Edward D. ,angan's rearran5ement. 40 feet west Of the east 40 feet of the north half of lot ten Underwood's Acre Lots V � Nest 45 feet of north half Ernes A. a tre can of 16t ten Underwood's Acre Lots. STATE OF jI 21jjF,SO�A) SS. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) The undersigned Edward D. Langan being first duly sworn does depose and say that he is one of the persons who circulated the within petition consisting of two pages. That the petitioners described therein mein are re spectivfollowly the owners of the propert,r p each of their names. That the petition was signed by said persons in the presence of this affiant and that signatures are the true and correct sindescrib,natures of each and all of,tA COMersonsPLETEtT/TLEnSERV CEed. Page #2 Su /� day scribed sworn t� o b forethis of une 35• EWRY c. aogROUU7 Paw*C YY O—I-Wa54{tndug `• ary P lic R s „ ounty, M* eso a. rty commission e Aires The St. Paul Abstract & Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that Ernest A. Biaitrejean is the owner of record nder- woodseAwest 45cre Lotsf fand Ame is A eet of the north Pentin and Philipet of Lot J- U Pentin as joint tenants are the owners of 40 west ofeast 40 feet of north one-half feet of Lot 10 Acre Lots. This certificate imade vin conae tion with the petition of Edward- D. Langan mall triangular piece of Jesfferson Street ,in front of Lot One (1) Edward D. Langan' June 26, 1935. ST. PAUL ABSTRACT & TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY By Tr asure . "A COMPLETE TITLE SERVICE" H. C. SOUCHEPAY. Tw[AEUR[w � J. L. LIEDL. SECw[TARY W, W. PRICE, PRE[IOENT A. F. SOUCHERAY. VICE PREM ­ INCORPORATED 1853 ESCROW SERVICE abstract PROPERTY SEARCHES ABSTRACTS ■l SOW an ColllPdil y IPHOTOSTATS N SERVICE SERVICE TITLEINS RR RT TORRENS REPORTS AND TITLE, RECORD OWNERSHIP REPORTS Guarantee Gv CAPITAL AND SURPLUS NO. IT WEST FOURTH STREET {140.000.00 , ST. PAUL. MINN. THE MEMBER xNESOTA TITLE ABEOCIATION AMERN,A. T, Page #2 Su /� day scribed sworn t� o b forethis of une 35• EWRY c. aogROUU7 Paw*C YY O—I-Wa54{tndug `• ary P lic R s „ ounty, M* eso a. rty commission e Aires The St. Paul Abstract & Title Guarantee Company does hereby certify that Ernest A. Biaitrejean is the owner of record nder- woodseAwest 45cre Lotsf fand Ame is A eet of the north Pentin and Philipet of Lot J- U Pentin as joint tenants are the owners of 40 west ofeast 40 feet of north one-half feet of Lot 10 Acre Lots. This certificate imade vin conae tion with the petition of Edward- D. Langan mall triangular piece of Jesfferson Street ,in front of Lot One (1) Edward D. Langan' June 26, 1935. ST. PAUL ABSTRACT & TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY By Tr asure . "A COMPLETE TITLE SERVICE" CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration July 15th, 1935• Hon. Anel y. Peterson, Comer of dinance, Building. Dear Sir: A hearing will be held August 218t, 1935 in the matter of the petition of Edward D. Langan for the vacation of small triangular piece of propertyan Jefferson Avenue, in front of Lot 1, Edward D. Langan To are enclosing herewith the entire file in this matter, for your recommendation. !oars very truly, City Clerk. Gt'TY Off. THE CITY PLANNING BOARD gyp" °vr� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA % $ a GEORGE H. HERROLD �6 MwnwDirv6 T Hous GEORGE F. LINDSAY. MARK H. GEHAN'rtMwvoN 2A,y COURT HOUSE cnwiwMwN OF THE eowwD O N011w RY CNA MAH August 19th, 1935. Mr. Leonard Seamer, Assessment & Valuation Engineer, Dept. of Finance. Dear Sir : In the matter of application for the vacation of the diagonal cutoff at Jefferson and Prior Avenues. Jefferson Ave. and Prior Ave. have had their improvements put in - sidewalk and curbing - in notecthataJeffersonthe Ave. isattached it. wide toYou thewill west of Prior Ave. and 60 ft. wide to the east of Prior Ave. The owner is desirous of having this triangular piece vacated in order that he may develop his yard out to the sidewalk line. We recommend that this triangular piece of ground be vacated to the owner but without his making any payment for same,and with the under- standing that when Jefferson Ave. is widened to 80 ft. from Prior Ave. east to Pascal Ave. that /the City will not have to pay to again acquire this Jefferson n 80 ft. sm the MississippiRiver Blvd. toEdgcumbeRoad, 120 ft. from Edgcumbe Road to Lexington, 80 ft. wide from LexinPleasant AVe.Ptoathhe hospitt Ave. ald100 ft. *Jth the ex- ception from Pleasant of the above few blocks between Prior and Pascal Avenues. Yours very truly, gh-rh encl. GEORGE H.'HERROLD, Managing Director. 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN JOHN L. CONNOLLY HILARY J PLYNN CORPORATION COUNSEL EDWIN MURPHY IRVINO DOTLIES JAS. P. SULLIV AN A..19T ANTS ROY E. H. SWEDEEN July 18, 1835• CLwIM INV..TIawTOA To the Council of the City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: I have examined the petition of Edward D. Langan for the vacation of a small triangular piece Of property on Jefferson Avenue, in f Tont of Lot 11 Edward D. Langan's Fie -arrangement, and find that such petition is signed by the requisite number of petitioners and such petitioners are the owners of the paoperty abutting upon that portion of the street sought to be vacated and the petition is therefore in proper form to be considered by the Council. Yours very truly, AAssistan*oor�atn Counsel EM -S CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: July 8th, 1935 Will you kindly examine the attached petition of Edward D. Langan and others for the vacation of a small section of Jefferson Avenue at Prior Avenue, and advise us as to whether or not the petition is in correct form and is zigned by the requisite number of property owners? Certificate of the Saint Paul Abstract Company is also attached. V Very truly yours, 7 ✓✓ ECz�}-�'t City Clerk GC) September 6th, 1935. Mr. L. C. Seamer, Valuation and joseagment Engineer, Building. Dear Sir$ The City Council referred the at- tached file in the matter of the petition of Edward D. Langan and others for the vacation of a triengulsr tract of land on Jefferson and Prior Avenues to the City Plan- ning Hoard, the Corporation Counsel and yolf with the request that you work out a suitable agreement. It was pointed out that the City might, at some future, time, desire to acquire this vacated portion for oses end might to pay more than sthe 40100 wng hich to not designated required ed esthe compensation to be paid to the City for the vacation. You therewill note that ing oard A ll you kindlyconfer$ report with theCorporof ationn Couunselaonathis matter as we have no extra file to refer to him. It was suggested that the petition mipJst be permitted to use this triangle through suffranoe and tolerance. Yours very truly, City Clerk. C September 25th, 1935• I Mr, Wdward D. Laagaa, 2077 Jefferson St, Paul, Minnesota Dear girt We enclose a copy of Council File #1.015W adopted by the Counoil September 19th vacating a trianrnlar tract of land on.Jofforson Avenue at Prior Avenue in front of Lot 1, Fdward D. LaAganls Aearranaement upon compliance with certain conditions enumerated in said resolution. You will note that you have to file a bond in the amount of $500.00, that you also are required to pay $1.00 to the City of St. Paul (City Clerk's office), that you have to execute an agreement as outlined in Paragraphs k and 5, and that you have to file an acceptance in writing of the con- ditions of such resolutiont all of the foregoing should be done within thirty days after the plication of this resolution. The date of publication was September 219t. Yours very truly, Copy to - St. Paul Abstract 00. October 19th, 1915. Mr. Edward D. Langaa, 2077 Jefferson Avenus, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear girt We enclose a copy of Council File 110. 1015W, adopted by the Council September 19th, 1935, vacating a triangular tract of lend on Jefferson Avenue and Prior kveausa together with an acceptance tof thrn e e� . will you kindly sign this acceptance Immediately as the time has nearly expired. you will also note that the resolu- d in the smount $500requires the pfiling f .00 and the aymenofcompensationn inthe amount of f $1.00. yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 25th, 1935. Mr. Edward D. Langan, 2077 Jefferson Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: We enclose a copy of Council File #101548 adopted by the Council September 19th vacating a triangular tract of land on Jefferson Avenue at Prior Avenue in front of Lot 1, Edward D. Ltangan's Rearrangement upon compliance with certain conditions enumerated in said resolution. You will note that you have to file a bond in the amount of $500.00, that you also are reouired to pay $1.00 to the City of St. Paul (City Clerk's Office), that you have to execute an agreement as outlined in Paragraphs 4 and 5, and that you have to file an acceptance in writing of the con- ditions of such resolution; all of the foregoing should be done within thirty days after the publication of this resolution. The date of publication was September 21st. Yours very truly, Copy to - St. Paul Abstract Co. CITY E.. CITY OF SAINT PAUL `I` NO. ,-"APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS—RESOLUTION FORM ., r+L—RER_.(AIARTER SECTION 208 }_i'fESENTED BY TE_ Sept. 18, 193_-5__— eRESOLVED, THAT THE FOLLOWING TRANSFERS BE MADE ON THE BOOKS OF THE COMPTROLLER, AS BY SO DOING AN UNAVOIDABLE DEFICIENCY IN CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE MET BY SAID TRANSFERS WITHOUT HAMPERING THE WORK PROVIDED BY THE MONEY IN THE ITEMS FROM WHICH THE TRANSFERS ARE MADE. • CODE APPORTIONED ITEM AMOUNT TRANSFERRED FROM TO DR. R. 31-3–R Municipal Court (Ecpts.) 200.00 31-a3 " (Expense) 200.00 C. F. No. 301640—By A 1 F. Peter.on— By Request—' Resolved, That the following trans-' , 'Persbe made on the books of the Comptroller, ae by o doing anun- 1 avoid ble deficiency In certain Iters. May be met by said 'transfers without hampering the work provided by tha ✓, ` money in the itemi from which {he' transfers are ade. $300.00 transferred from code :tl-B-R mu l3 code -B-3 MUWcipal Court F ppenae). Approved ted Seep[. 1L7-1'J�36thl, Council 8ep[. 10, 1035. As per George Mx YES (y) COUNCILMEN (✓) NAYS PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN IN FAVOR TRUAX WARREN 0 AGAINST W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT 510 lo -34 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_ SEP 1 `' 1M%__ APPROVED—Fp --193._-- COUNTERSIGNED BY. coU,CIL NO. ORIOIKAL TO CITY CLKHKFII H CITY OF ST. PAUL "8y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ..t— �e lams, under the work' CpIJ07;� ION—GENERAL FORM mAvet'ngnaH ave r _a, such Act maker Ar / the Ctty to :ya-.. PRESENTED BY DATE 9n' ----- COMMISSIONER u r FRM40&WREAS there are in®uffioient funds to Pay compensation WHE , under the Workmen's Compensation Act, due injured City employes, and to Pay AREAS, such Act makes it mandatory upon the City compensation to such injured employee, and yrREREA3, as a result, an unezpeoted emergency has arisen requiring the City to obtain money for such purpose, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Comptroller be and they are hereby authorised and directed to borrow the sum of Eight Thousand Dollars ($8000.00) and to execute and deliver to the party or parties making the loan, a promissory note, payable to such party or parties, bearing interest at a rate not=exceeding four per cent (4%) per annum, said note to be payable on or before one year from the date of execution thereof; be it yURTHER RESOLVED, that the funds so borrowed be credited to the Workmen's Compensation Account of the Geperal Hund, and be used only for purposes required by the State Workmen's Compensation Act. % / 1 COUNCILMEN YeasNays Paer //% son -- / osen In favor x 1erre' Against /Wenzel / Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 srp v 19K, Adopted by the Council__---- -- -----193. _ 9195 Approved--- - ----- ----193-- - Mayor rvTs=.i 35 Adopted by the Council ........_----- _------------- ------ ____.._.._193_.._._ Yeas Nays /RCE /PETERSON /1iOSEN �T�R AX WARREN ,/W/ENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) ORIGINAL To CITT CLSRK C6UNCIL NO. 11,51 CITY OF ST. PAUL _ F LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLE sal—ay B. E. s OUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENE'.,Valter T. ESOLUTTION—GENE'.vValteT. RY8 mem ar of thi, ftefere M DDreUe' . the Lswe of N: PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER''" t WHEREAS, Walter T. Ryan, attorney at law, has been appointed by the Mayor as a member of the Board of Appeals or Referees, pursuant to Chapter 409 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1933, in the oases of Fred W. Reasoh and Jae. P. Orumley, employes of the Department of Public Safety; and WHEREAS, the City Oouncil has fixed his compensation in each of said oases at the rate of $50.00 for the first day and $25.00 for the second and succeeding days; and WEERE AS, the hearing in the case of Fred W. Raasch started August 26th, and was completed September 12th, 1935, and upon an agreement with the attorneys representing Jae. P. Orumley, the record in the case of Fred W. Raasoh was used in the hearing of Crumley, thereby eliminating an unnecessary amount of repeti- tion; and WHEREAS, the said Walter T. Ryan has rendered a bill for ser- vices up to and including September 14, 1935, in the amount of $462.50, which is at the rate per day fixed by the Council; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That said bill in the amount of $462.50 be and the same is hereby approved and that said sum be paid to Walter T. Ryan from the Department of Public Safety Fund. SEP 1e 1935 COOLMEN ____193_ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— rce i� �y et son REP I {;yxti osen _ _ ._In favor Approved— .--._193 — t ax 1�rren _.Against G - JIX/enzel Mayor President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 .`_f Walter T. Ryan I.AW OF ICE WALTER T. RYAN �. o�IInm azIIo. �JAInT YwIIL. MIN N. September 16, 1935 In Account with Cite of Saint, Paul In re- Hearing of Fred "l. Raasch before the Board of Appeals or Referees: 4 dV s, 4/11/35 to 8/19/7.E, search of lava in reratior. for heerirg . .......... X100.00 13 days, 8/20/35 to 9/14/35, hearing before the Board .......................... 362.50 Total .... 4462.50 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLlax 2 FoeNCIL NO. (i1,�.s2 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED Y /.Ic D 1111 o pw I RESOLVED That permission be and it is hereby given to the Fourth Distriot of the Amerioan Legion to use Stem Hall in the Auditorium, on Sunday afternoon from two to five ololook P. M. November 10, 1935; and that there be set up in the budget for the year 1936 a sum equal to the oost of opening and operation that portion of the Auditorium for that 000asion, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / terson WLysen In favor /I,.ax ,,Varren ___ - __-Against /Wenzel President (Gehan) 5M /6.34 C-, . - No. 1916b2—By I. n. Pearce—�I• H• , l;ehxn—H. E. 'var` en. Resolved, That permission be and It is hereby given to the Fourth Dl b em f the American Legion togo',se af-� FIx11 In the Audltorlum. On ternoon from tw'o lhntVtherel be sock Pt P Nov. 19,.1956; and to the budgget for the year 1988 a�sum equal to the Cost oY 'real and eper- ting that Donlon of the Atalltorlu d for that ---salon, In Audltorlum Fund 'No. 17• 11 Sept. 19. 1935 Adopted by the Coonc Approved Sept 19. 1935. I (Sept. 21-1935) SEP 1 P 19`;5 Adopted by the Council— - - -.--_193____ A�ppro�v'ed�—_--------- __ -- Mayor } To MW CLRRK . COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL 3—Bp nluto+ OF CE OF THE CITY CLER't'soara o[ Trap _ .Saint Paul Se COU NC RESOLUTION—GEN E[ponnoi sewase a n thea. o[.. York aad Pe•. PF6ANTED B I �ain�on Counn COMMISSION Cin un t WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees of is -Saint Paul Sanitary District has planned and will bake a tour of in- epection of sewage disposal Plant'slicoj4jed in the cities of Chicago, Detroit, Now York and Per Amboy, and Now Britain, and has requested that the Corporation Counsel and the Superin- tendent of Construction accompany said Board on said tour; and WHfl•REAS, said tour is to be made, beginning September 21, 1935, for the purposes, among others, of obtaining information as to the best methods to be employed in the planning, erection, construction and maintenance of the contemplated plant at Pig's aye Island, also in connection with river crossings and pumping stations on the Saint Paul part of the interceptor sewer system, and it is deemed advisable that said Superintendent of Construction make said tour; and whereas, there are certain matters in con- nection with patents that will necessitate the services of the Corporation Counsel in defending any action that may be com- menced in t$e future in connection with such patents; and WHEREAS, the utilities Committee, consisting of Mayor Gahm , Commissioner Wenzel, Corporation Counsel John L. Connolly, and Engineer Edward Jones, have planned a trip inspecting natural gas, as far east.as Detroit, and in order to eliminate a second trip back to Detroit by the Odlrporation'Oounsel, the utilities Committee has arranged to start the inspection of natural gas at Detroit upon the completion of the inspection of the Board of Trusteegof the Minneapolis -Saint Paul Sanitary District; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That said Corporation Counsel and said Superintend- ent of Construction be and they are hereby authorized to accompany the Board on said tour; and the proper city officers are authorized to. draw a warrant in favor of each of said officials in the sum of Two Hundred Twenty-five Dollars ($235.00), payable out of Sewer Bond Fund 4001, for the purpose of defraying the expenses of said trip; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the said Corporation Counsel be author- GRIGINAL TO CITY CLERK FC JNCIL NO. 1015 CITY OF ST. PAUL ILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER iced to make the trip of inspeotion of the Utilities Committee, and upon his return he estimate the amount of expense inourred that should be charged to Dower Bond Fund 4001, so that the proper charge oan be made by the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Yeas�( / Nays Pearce Peterson/ sen ki. favor Xuax -rren — �—Against Ileenzel fir. President (Gehan) 5M 66.34 SEP I ? I -193- Adopted by the Council --- SEP 19 1935 _193_— Approved-------- — Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL/RK CoeNCIL NO �,�1554 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED r COMMISSION RESOLVED That the Cquncil hereby approves the action of the Purchasing Committee in awarding contract for furnishing to the various school cafeterias during the school year endin7 June 15, 1936, approximately 6900 bricks Ice Cream, 8290 doz. Eskimo Pies, 5375 doz.- Dixtes and 15,100 Miscellaneous Specialties, to the MIDWAY ICE CREU1 CO., they being the lowest responsible bidders, at a total contract price of approximately $10,138.55, in accordance with city specifications, their bid. and- award of contrast hereto attached, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F.B. No. 10 RIMNOWnONS #9199. C. F. olv d, Th -8y lrving C: Pearne- 12eaolved, That the Coui.ciL hereby, approves the action of the Pnrchaelog Ccmmlttre in awarding =tract for furnishing to the various .Ohool este-. terlas during the school year ending June 18. 1988. anorozimnrnty aann COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays Pe r �erson /R9sen _ In favor /t/ruax /W rren Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Lucy o g the toweat reeDonslble' biddat., at a total contract price of approximately {10,18&88. In eo- 1 cordanee with city specifications, their bidd award of contract hereto at - [ached, and the Corporation Cuuneel 14 hereby Instructed to draw up the prop- er form of contract therefor. F. B. i No. 9188. Adopted by the Council Sept 80, 1988. ApDroyed Sept80, 1988. 'Sep2j_1985) SEP 2 0 1935 Adopted by the Council 193 Approved 193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[PK , / OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY\/! _ ^ )", w^ DATE September 18, 1935 COMMISSIONER_ - FCOLI IILENCIL NO Y�t�555 RESOLVED That license for Hotel (20 rooms), application 65609 applied for by William Alexander at 2882 W. Kellogg Boulevard be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. l � C. F. No. _}01666—,L C. M. Wartcn— Fred M. TFuaz—L C• Pantoe— Resolved, That- Iloenee for hotel (20 s), a plication 8600, applied for by Willem Ale.ander at 288% W. Kellogg Boulevard he and the same 1[ hereby granted and the city clerk le lnetrucled ito ntotheeul y treasuryptheof the p see. o required Adopted by the 20. 1.9l Sept. E0, 1886. New ADDroved Sept. 20, 1886. (Sept. E8-1886) COUNCILMEN Yeas `/ Nays � t'e�Cce e son / n ---In favor Warren —_____`Against /Wenzel Mr. President (Gchan) 5M 6.34 SEP 2. 193 Adopted by the Council — ___193. _ 3EP 2 U 1�a5 Approved—__ __ ----193- Mayor _-193.Mayor i SEP 2. 193 Adopted by the Council — ___193. _ 3EP 2 U 1�a5 Approved—__ __ ----193- Mayor _-193.Mayor NOTICE ,oNed Thst Cltedhe be bWa BAINt PAUL 'mss �` ' COU!„C�i /yll�l y M2478 to the Bg$fegnt "T `; Ot s86H.478.4H, 50 Inag ce,'As ESOLUTION PRINTER 'F - - 1 ton to 17860 6111c,lof the lcB on fl1e la the office of the 19 Dtrolier. - i3 7 tps 2 - �: by the @ou 93 9eDk 80, 1886. - 98yt. 80 1H86. ' � Dk 86-1886) ... � Cyt DiESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASU 3Y,T0 THE AGGI2EGAT£ AMOUNT 3Jz, �7 8. �$ OF $ MNOirnFW — COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 1 1 TO17250 INCLUSI %E, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. " SEP 2 0 'ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL APPROVED SSP 2 :;.Al�', PiTBT.ISl�..I) ' �9a OUPLIC^7E TO CITY CLERK CITY OP SAINT PAUL COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL R"OLUTION �WDID0.i� eras FAVOR ren AUDITED CLAIMS TRS _AGAINST RESOLVED. T MR. PRES. MAHONEY (��(�]' TO THE AGGREGCH CA ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-____ NUM EP__ 1��!'S PER CHECK9 O MAYOR CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD ® 17197 Axe, 0. of Finsloo j 17198 , l F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 171991 Capital City Lima & Cement . 172W Grinnell Company 17201 iiAxel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin ce 172021 Margaret Knowlton f 17203: 3d. Young 17204 ii David Bashofkin 1720gI; George Sudeith 17206 William McManus 172071 172t18 'I H.L. Ettman Sp6nge Oompan Farwell, Oamun, Kirk & 0 y 17209 ;; may 08 Inc. log Cream j 11210 1' G. Sommers & Company 'pa 17211 Twin q tp Hardwood Lumber C 17212 Mrs, Delia Brown } 1721 !; Mrs: Mar ]wily Christy ]721 John E. Fahey 17215 j.. Mrs. Louis Fay ! 17216 1 Mrs; Anna R. Foley 177 John Lennon 1721H !1 Mrs. Elisabeth Literski 17219 Aibsrt J. McCarthy 1720 !, Mrs. Hannah Peterson 17221 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 17222 John Sullivan 172. Axel F. Peterson. C. of Fin as 11 722711 Y. Peterson, C. of Fin as 1725 I, Oounty'of Ramsey, County Au tol 17226 '! lire. Ada Ramsey Gros 17227 St.Paul Chapter, A.Red. 17228 17229 1; Ha=Alon & Okes Bacon & Ramps, Agents jl 17230 ;, Brown & Day , 17231 17232 ;! Camera Shop Cleveland Avenue Meat Market.; 17233 L-7- Dow Compaay (; 17234 t E.H. L'oW111. 17235 Goodyeavice Company 17236 Hai Brien,Iuo. 1, 17237 17238 Don Ha Healy Plumbing & Heating 00.1 no, 17239 J.Y. Huber '. 17240 Minnesota Milorganite Company 17241 National Window Cleaning Com'' 17242 Northern States Power Company 17243 Otis Elevator Company 172 E.Y. Parish 17245 Rainbow Pie Company 17246 Sanitary Bottling Company 17247SOhouveller Meat Market 17248 R.C.Schroth Estate 17249 Sharpe & Dohme 17250 Villaume Box & Lumber Company, SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD COUNCIL NO. FILE CHECKS SE DRAWN ON THE CITY NO NT OP i.. TO. IN< OFPICE COh RETURNED J TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS 11 2 7 3329100 �;50 4b, 5a 31133 11'00 750 133 16 2 11340 612''00 186';15 59 71 220'00 42158 63 170 11,76 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL CIL ,COUNCILMEN -ROLL PALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER- FIS NO ..............• . _ MAY t'Bp� COUNCIL RESOLUTION 17146: Capitol Stationery Vfg comps - IN FAVOR ROSEN AUDITED CLAIMS --.BIl�Item►ber 17.._.._,.g.. TRUAX AGAINST RESOLVED. TX CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. 37149 TO THE AGGREGA AMOUNT OF i- . COVERI M PR RES. MAHONEY -SEP P� U 1Q31� CHECKS NUMBER _ TO _ B DSIV 3 ADOPTED BY TX�CAVN�1 r J.......- PIER CHECKS O �FFICE COM R. AAOVED_ _ -_19_._....._ _..... .... ! Axel F., Peterson, 0. of Bine �:- CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF - BROUGHT FORWARD SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 IML DATE RETURNED TRANSFER 0 DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS it CHECKS 12 2 856105 10 7611 64 25190 53,7504 2 795; 74 2591 29 2 4801 60 21 504109 30 861'52 1142 i2 65511 3 78117' 73910895 23;26 62145 5 652150 56 po 56'00 175 000'00 17 $981031 8 000100 7 500 00416:66 70 100 13 134 1 192 07 92 161 36 '67 is 50 17 g 15 00 50 bo 10,00 65 oo 10 00 55 00 10 00 215 A0 10 p0 2 1714 Fred Heavers 1714 ' Charles White 37145 f R.0.9chroth Estate 17146: Capitol Stationery Vfg comps 17147 H. Pelts s Bon 1 17148 Some construction Company 37149 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fine I. 50 ': Axel B* Peterson, 0. of Fins 17151 ;, Axel F. Peterson; 0. of Fine 17152: Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fine jl 17153 ! Axel F., Peterson, 0. of Bine 1775 �; Axel FS Peterson, a. of Fine, F,17155 ! Axei Peterson, 0. of Fina 17156 I; Axel F, Peterson-; 0. of Fina 17157 ! Axel F: Peterson, 0. of Fine 17158 a Axel it, Peterson, 0. of Fine 17159 ;j Axel 71 Peterson, 0. of Fine ii 17160 1,716] ';i Axel F. Paterson, C; of Fins Axel r; Peterson, G, of Fine 17162 ,; Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fins 4 17163 Axel F, Peterson., 0. of Fine 17164 'j Axel 1; Peterson, 0. of Fina 17165I AxelF. Peterson, 0. of Fina 17166 I� 17167 Axel.,F. Peterson, 0. of Fina gtandai4 Mone 'Company ! 171615 Xi aro Xy>tle B�caok i! 17169 Bila ell, 0zmun, Mirk & aompa 27170 ©sacral Electric supply Corp �! 17171 Peter Pirssh & sons Company 17172 !i Gzace.�eller 1717 , ij Mrs. Roza Y, Yo0a11 1717. I' '; Miss Rosalis 010onnell 1 %1 Julius sohmabl, state Treas. i 171 Axel F. Pete song 0. of tin. 17177 ! St.PW'a TeaohersRetirement Fuad kisociation 17178 ;! Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin. 17f79 Il George J. Rise, County Andit 17180 !dharles F. Bruess 1719M George J. Flynn 17182 " Industrial Material Company 17183 R.R. Singeton Company 17184 17185 Lorna Mittlestadt Cleveland wreaking Company 17186 ii Qgitfo-it�Donahue,Iuo. 17187 11 3t.Patfl I'bo. School Ravi. Fund 17188 ;;Floyd Atwood 17189 Maude Oottew 17190 X.O. Fiddle 17191 Otto Lange 17192 ;Henry Mertz 17193 Julius Nickel 17194 Dave Robbins & Melvin laplan ;17195 N. Rocoo k J.J. Ferrell 17196 J.a. smith SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 IML DATE RETURNED TRANSFER 0 DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS it CHECKS 12 2 856105 10 7611 64 25190 53,7504 2 795; 74 2591 29 2 4801 60 21 504109 30 861'52 1142 i2 65511 3 78117' 73910895 23;26 62145 5 652150 56 po 56'00 175 000'00 17 $981031 8 000100 7 500 00416:66 70 100 13 134 1 192 07 92 161 36 '67 is 50 17 g 15 00 50 bo 10,00 65 oo 10 00 55 00 10 00 215 A0 10 p0 2 OaIOINAL To GIT, .19.1 8—$y H. E. WUNCIL 1Q,%8 ITY OF ST. PAUL aio�� 1 �'e ee'8T`E NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLX? Vpine&R,Itor h at `. COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENEtL!1,, �O hhel PRESENTED - DATESeptembeT 24 1955 CCCIMISSIONER ER 01 p WHEREAS, Grocery license, application 5890, applied for by William J. Davies at 1511 Randolph Street was not granted by the Council, and said applicaht desires to withdraw application and requests return of license fee, and WHEREAS, said applicant has operated his business under said application for a period of approximately one and one–half months; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to William J. Davies the sum of 48.75, being the unused portion of license fee, and to cancel application for license. �=A Receipt No. A-5176 J COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays Pg�tce Peterson .Pf"Wn_ —1—In favor ttar. , "- � I en _ � _ Against Menzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_ SEP 2 19,R5193__— S€P 2 415 Approved--_--------_--- —193__ A !� Mayor ORIGINAL TO Cm CL[RK COU11 NCIL No. 161559 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEIV_T;RAL FORM 'Laen Bfi,.. PRESEN'1D BY .. - (, I � Iquor Ltud.... COMMISSIONER �V to Joh R- -rE September 24th, 1935 et, and the Reid h ^; .. Nf�iFYW.RItl vl •..•. u } WHEBEOS, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 439 was issued to O4611 Bibeau at 108-110 W. Kellogg Boulevard, and WHEREAS, Odell Bibeau has requested that said Liquor License No. 439 be trantoferred to John R. Wolf at 486 Jackson Street, and WHEREOS, the said John R. Wolf has furnished a bond in the sum of $3,000.00, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corpor tion Counsel, and WHERUS, the License Committee has recommended that the transfer of said liquor license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License No. 439 heretofore issued to Odell Bibeau at 108-110 W. Kellogg Poulevard be and the same is hereby transferred to John R. Wolf at 4g6 Jackson Street, and the bond of John L Wolf is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to releas the surety on the bond of the laid Odell Bibeau from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5N b.]4 Adopted by the Council SEP 2 =_1519 SF—P 2, } 193 G Mayor Adopted by the Council .......... __ ... ....... __._.._.._..._193__._ Yeas Nays *RCE /PETERSON /'rRUAX ,WARREN 4ENZEL /. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) COUNCIL N0101559__ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL 1RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM . DATE September 24th lqi 5 C MMISSIEONENTD R ` REIMIZZIM yORUS, heretoforsOn Sale Liquor license No. 439 was issued to Odell Bibeau at 108-110 W. Kellogg Boulevard, and VIUMMS, said Odell Bibeen and John S. Wolf have requested that said license be transferred to said John S. Wolf at -486 Jackson Street, and WEUWMS, the License Committee has recommended that such transfer of license be granted, and WEKBSOS, said John B. Wolf has filed a surety bond in the amount of $3,000,00 which bond has been approved as to surety by the Commissioner of Binanee and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel and has been filed in the office of the City Comptroller= therefore be it ggSOLVyID, that On Sale Liquor license No. 439 heretoforeiesued to Odell Bibeau at 108-110 W. Kellogg Boulevard be and the same in -hereby transferred to said John S- Wolf at 486 Jackson Street and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the records of the city accor- dingly. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �earce Peterson / In favor —Rosen- , -Truax i /Warren Against ,Wenzel President (Gehan) `\t 6,34 Adopted by the Council— _— --193— Approved_— ---193_- ------------Mayor-- ORtO1Ml�L TO OTY OLI[.K iy. 1 "�� $ C .�)•1 CIL j0_1560 Docket No. 4397 CITY OF ST. PAUL+bcdn iF[� a NC. lob Nv• - --- OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Gonlract �=�' '/COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL rb6Ff ! 33G7 PRESENTED BY ' MILTON ROANDATE September 21, 1935- COMMISSIONER RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the contract for the improvement des- ' cribed as the construction of that part of Sanitary Sewer Inter- ceptor C and D on Easement from Tuscarora Street at Stewart Avenue to Wilkin Street and Exchange Street, etc., Comptrollers Contract Number G- 3367 - Contractor, DeGraff Wolff, under Sections 24106 2407 of the Standard specifications applicable to this project it is provided that wherever the material to excavate is in the opinion of the engineer so unstable as to require timbering in order to safeguard the carrying out of the work, such timber shall be placed where ordered by t he engineer at a rate of eight cents per foot board measure, and W UMB, during the construction of said eontraot, it was found neoeesary in the opinion of the engineer to place timber as followat 67,037 board ft. ® $80.00 per M. $5,362.96 Now, therefore be it Resolved, that the City Council approve the above additional work done in accordance with the specifications in an amount not to exceed the sum of $5,362.96 - said sum to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract Number G- 3367 for the making of the aforesaid improvement. The Commissioner of Public Works has agreed with the Contractor, DeGraff Wolff, that the sum of $5,362.96 is the cotreet amount to be added for the abo work. ttC RED i g L,0t ty.Comptroller COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson ers ___In favor Truax Warren --—Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gahan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Approved.__— SEP 2 410193 ---- Mayor 193__ -_Mayor Cil I3LISI OI%_�� COUNCIL No. ORIGINAL TO CITY GL[RK FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 20, 1986 PRESEMA BY A' ].01681—BY COMMISSIONER H. Rt— �d Concord / ant from /I 966. tb` .. gAS, in and at the time of the construction of the Concord•Street paving and improvement from So. Robert St. to Ada St., in 19289 that portion of the street on the northeasterly side of the intersection of Concord St. and Robert St. between E. of Winifred the St. i-ndwalk, end o. Robert St- was widened necessitating the WHERP;AS, the new sidewalk area having been recently filled at that time, it was deemed sound from an engineering standpoint to relay and set the old walk and curbing temporarily pending settlement of the fill before new con- struction would be placed, and WHEREAS, the Department of Public Yorks at that time agreeedd to reset the curb and relay the walk as a part of the original paving and simprovement as soon as complete settlement had taken place, and imep and -the WHEREAS, the work haste walk eenmakes such se up to treetis reconstruction econstruction necessary; condition of the curbing now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and repairs and reds hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary the aforesaid location, by the to be made to the sidewalk and curbing Standard Stone Company under their annual sidewalk contract, known as Comptroller's Contract L-3867 at a cost not to exceed $126.00 based upon the unit prices bid for this class of work for the current year which cost is to be charged to the Cede . Fund u a and financed fvom the City's share of the Local Improvement Fund, y � V +__12_C0UNC1LMFN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson In favor �T�ruax �VAgainst arren / Venzel �vtr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council 'SEP -,9 W193— Approved 193_— • � M'-�_--- ORIGINAL TO CITY C19RX COUNCIL ��6il OF ST. PAUL a PILE 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED eY �'7� 7-�.T.-e.-A, f DATE Srant46mber 24 1985 rnmmIsslohlER a WHEREAS, C. G. Armstead desires to withdraw application 6219 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and application 6220 for Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 605 University and requests return of license fees; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. G. Armistead the fees of $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said appli- cations for licenses. C. F. NO. 101662—By —HE. Warren—I IsdM. Truaz—I.: Pearce— Whereas, C. O. ArmiC. stead deslrea to withdraw application 6219 for On We Malt Beverage, and application 6220 for Off gale Malt Beverage licenses at 605 University and requests return of li- cense fees; therefore, be it Resolved, that the Drover city offi- ceTe be and they are hereby authorised to refund to C. O. Armistead the fee. of {60.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said sp- pllcatiens for licenses. Adopted by the Council Sept. 24, 1986. Approved Sept 24, 1986. /(Sept. 26-1986. J COUN ILMEN SEP 2405 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council ____ -193- carte Peterson Cin 2 In favor Approved—__—_____193_— Varren —Against �/enzel Mayor /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 COUNCIL FILE NO.._-_ _-____- By FINAL ORDER 101563 �,VAL ORDER 51'— .ter of constructing concrete the aid 11., aide of Buford St n.4 at. to Hythe St. .r and one-half (4 good and .q, exist, ondr �I "6 .17 ". .. In the Matter of ----- d snnnlithin__c�nnrata__th9__siris�alk�n tha_acaiLth__ __-,3151@�1:_13_l11'�T.�_�itx�_@t-ir�helmafnrd 4tLfl£it___tn_thH�S.�T_@at__t.R-A3Pi f3'i'h o_ f' fnliT' rind _-_sp9=half_(,Q � fgei�__exeept where zood agi__sufficient-sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order -------- 191262. --------------- - ------ approved --------Auguat__8._133h Intermediary Order --- -------------------------approved - - - - - ----- ----- - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is____cnnstruct__with mn t i thi n nnnnrgtar +ha ai dSZm l k -.nYl__the_Sntltl-sid0-of 'nf r�lStreat rrnm helms£nr3__Strset-ta_I:3ha c+sat to a __wi_dt1L_gZ our _and nne-h&Lfkf(4rw'.)--- gQ}µ except -[hare grind and Sufficient sidewalkA and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instiiieted and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ---- S_EP__2__4_i__—j -___________, 19 2 -- ----- ----- . -------- -_�- Y G.�6L0��% SEP 9 4 City Clerk. Approved---------------------------------------- 192 ---- Mayor. Councilman dbagasox= PeterenR Councilman ACQ10gansom Truax Councilman fin6baimono Warren Councilman C Wenzel Mayor NFARM Grehau Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE • ON(PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) CJ In the matterof construct" r1-1 with ronolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the sout' sire of nuford Str—t fron Chelmsford•Str -t to 9yt!e Street to c vi th of four end r --half (4�) foot, under Preliminary Order approved Au -,•est 9, 1935 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 222.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $- -The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION (* X18T * South 10 foot) LOT BLOCK ADDITION 1 19 St. l.nthnny Par "orth 20 19 do ASSESSED VALUATION Land Auldin� ;9E0 4200 '_350 5550 2300 9750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated --6 �A-19: f Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. B -S D St. Paul, Minn.----- ---.-- ----.---.---- 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. i Gentlemeh: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: CONSTRUCT n�ITR MONOLITHIC.-CONCRETE,---THE--SIMVkLY,--ON--THE--SOUTH--- - ---- -- - --- SIDE-_OF.-BUFQRD-.STREET. _from-CHEI,MSFORD_STREET.__------------------- St. Ave. ..... St. A=. to. HXTHE_STREET to _n width - -of- 41 Peet --- St. Ave. C 0 P Y St- Paul, Minn.. J --------- 193:x.. ToThe Honorable, The Council City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Construct with monolithic concreteg the sidewalk on the south side -- ------ ----------------- ------------ --- - --------- ---- _ept_;rrcpA -Caelicsford-Stnes II t__to_y-theL-StTeet-- , to a width of 41 feet. fsx---------------- ---- --- - --St. Ave. Date Delinquent Taxes ars Amo-nI t S°ot Amout I Y Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 16, 1985 193__.... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 101262 _ ._approved.. __ August 9, 1955. 193._._.., relative to constructing with monolithic concrete, the sidewalk on the south side of Buford Street from Chelmsford Street to Hythe Street to a width of four and one—half (412) feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is __ .... necessary and (or) desirable. Lot 1, Block 19, St. Anthony Park North Addition $110.00 2. The estimated cost thereof is S ..... ___.....____..__, and the total cost thereof is $._- Lot 20, St. Anthony Perk North Addition 112.00 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows:-___ _____... $222 � 00 ........ _. - 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ..__._.. ......... - - ... _...--------- ...----------------- ....... -------------------. 9) .. 5. Said improvement is...__._ .... ......... __ _.asked for upon petition of three or more owr�s of propertPoh subject to assessment for said improvement. 1 COM, OF FINANCE. U// .......----- _....----------------- ------------------ Commissioner of Public .0 t0?'' ':2 8-: ,:4 AUQ 20 183o 101564 In the Matter of ---- nnnatru=ting—nnalithin__s tJelvall.fl�_the__north_�idaof_=_aajquiar_-- Str��t fxsjn_>d ainL2 �e-1t ��st_ Qf Atlantic Str_ t� thance_ east to _Johnsen Parkway, ex_ _t_tivhereA 0 L and sufficient sidewalksnow _exist�_ — under Preliminary Order----------101281-------------------approved-lugust-9-,--1931 ---------------------------------- Intermediary Order - ---------------------approved - - - — - — — --- --- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard -all persons, objections dnA recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- -Q??atrgct_monolithic_-sidewalk_-on-_the-__north side --of _Fauquie>-`'trset frnn n;n+=�7.1 t�-t_n£_btlant?r C+raA+. n _a ana+ to Johnson _ parka�r�,y_�_ssaep t--�hars�nnsi�nd_.� a £Sicisnt.� isissrniks_�obr _��t�------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilI�l/-��� --- -- - - ---' ------ ---------------- - - r +,°� s Approved------------------aEf__�-'�05 , 192 ------ City Clerk. l Mayor. Councilman y19_op„ p,.terson PUBL1S�31 D Councilman Akfiihazau, 1 ruax J Councilman lfimdhaime-z \Yams= Councilman AkmaWmamm Wenzel Mayor MOdym Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 arkw _ .clent oAdvw , '.Teliminary (' .I August 9. lbal COUNCIL FILE NO..__ imp na.ir- he improve _ _ .-.._ - - ----- a ve the above e, and tae Council and -e, objections By__.__________________ t_r, -elati" taer .' _____________________________________ videred 11, FINAL ORDER In the Matter of ---- nnnatru=ting—nnalithin__s tJelvall.fl�_the__north_�idaof_=_aajquiar_-- Str��t fxsjn_>d ainL2 �e-1t ��st_ Qf Atlantic Str_ t� thance_ east to _Johnsen Parkway, ex_ _t_tivhereA 0 L and sufficient sidewalksnow _exist�_ — under Preliminary Order----------101281-------------------approved-lugust-9-,--1931 ---------------------------------- Intermediary Order - ---------------------approved - - - — - — — --- --- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard -all persons, objections dnA recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is ---- -Q??atrgct_monolithic_-sidewalk_-on-_the-__north side --of _Fauquie>-`'trset frnn n;n+=�7.1 t�-t_n£_btlant?r C+raA+. n _a ana+ to Johnson _ parka�r�,y_�_ssaep t--�hars�nnsi�nd_.� a £Sicisnt.� isissrniks_�obr _��t�------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the CouncilI�l/-��� --- -- - - ---' ------ ---------------- - - r +,°� s Approved------------------aEf__�-'�05 , 192 ------ City Clerk. l Mayor. Councilman y19_op„ p,.terson PUBL1S�31 D Councilman Akfiihazau, 1 ruax J Councilman lfimdhaime-z \Yams= Councilman AkmaWmamm Wenzel Mayor MOdym Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF ON PREL►�MISN IONER QR OF FINANCEAl In the matter of eo^struct.infr rsonolithir, sidewalk on the north si.^e n£ Fauqu!gr t:treot from a nnin': 237 fejt neat of ,tla^tic Street, thnnce east to Johnson Park"My, under Preliminary Order approved ust '-, 1935 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 260.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION Lend Bldg. 3 and ¢ iiaas and .n.^henl, _. +rs 6�,:;ti nn 325 5 do 150 100 6 ci o 200 F. 9 ft and all 7 do 225 °400 ft Q io 111?5 5000 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated -A' 11"Ll' a 9 —193J Commissioner of Finance. Form B. S. A. 8-5 D St. Paul, Minn. -___J 1Y.. -29t5k__. 193 --5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: 7 ft. Te.-Lsy.�si3P walk_ an _tree. --north side--af-.Fauq:u_e-r- -S" --Frem._a_pt_,_.23---_-- eeatmof Atlantic St, thence 9--�enab�i�tz East_to Je_�ansans_-:-irkway--- ------ ---- ..----_----- ----- St. Ave. from .... lr'61.-FaaAaieC---- St__3Bt St. Ave. to Johnscns St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION a Haas & `rlaekenhiemiers Haas & Wackenrniemiers Haas & Wacken,tien ers C 0 P Y St. Paul, Minn ..... ;.u.17 -2p, 195§---- 193.. - To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned, property owners;hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: .To-lnorth -side oP. Fauquier._ t...-from-1261-Fauquier--St.-..-._ ----- Y --- --- -. - Stp. Fsat to Johnson �'- a --- - ----- - - - ---- ----- - ----- Si�R6 ADDITION ADDITION Delinquent Taxes Delinquent Taxes 'Years Amount SPiLot Bl -k_ Y�ars Amount, 9 _ Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 16s 1935 _ ...... .... 193...._.. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 101281a roved. August 9, 1935 193___.., relative to Council, known as Council File No.. PP conatructingmonoli 'hie -sidewalk .on_t e north -_ Side o£_F-auq uier_Street._ from a point 287 feet east of Atlantic Streets thence east to Johnson Parkway. _.._ . ___ ... _. _...___. ..... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $... - .._ .. __ _-, and the total cost thereof is $_ ...._._._....._----- -- - Lots 5 & 4 Haas & Wachenheimer's Addition $87.00 --------- and thennat5 e&6 exHaas & Wach nhei er's'Additions 87.00 Lot 7 & E. 9' of lot 8 Haas _& Wachenheimer's Add 43. ---------------------- 43.00 West 45' of Lot B Tot $1 ttache 8and 0made a part hereof. .00 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is ereto a ----------------------- 4. 5. Said improvement is.._.._.. __....__.... _.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of prop subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE. .. - Commiesioner of Public WorlA, M� /9=`Q s s ............. 64 .1, AU8 20 1935 161565 COUNCIL FILE NO ---- - : Mt A Bt., un 266 apIm prov yearlag A Council v'6 `vtl, �• ana - In the Matter of_�r_ad i n'_Llla�t_in_Hlock _1>_ :+:aed__ana_La renca_J rld.it eti�-arui--Illnek- �, �'lder-:_ddition�_Hlock 4�_Llniversity 1,yonu____dait on�and ?31 oak_4�__Frank-in F.ddi+,ion _ frnm_P,i l},pn Si:ra �t.__}�_li}At swnr th i+r_a—ra+._-________----------- ------ --- —---------- —___________----- under Preliminary Order --------- Lnaaa----------------------- approved ------- ---- _-uglist_fly__1235 Intermediary Order ---------- ------------------ _--approved------------------------- A - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered — — the same; therefore, be it.��(��i 4 cep-reGG RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thatihe13sac�oa..' be and the name ore here`-: � celled, annulted, tcid rescL., _3 -nd as _ -- -nVewdings in am ma..�r be �s ca.T--------- \th nci hereby orders sai improvement to be de. VED RTHER, That th Commissioner of Pu Works be and is hereb strutted and repare p sand specificatio for said improveme and submit same to the until for at upon sai roval, the proper officials are hereb uthorized and directed ro- e making of sal improvement in act nce therewith. Adopted by the Council . ----------- 192__----- ----------- -- ------------------------------------------------------- - - Approved ----------------- 9 ---- ------- -- M-5... 192 - h f -V'= ------------- --- -- --- - -- �J. Mayor. Councilman xgyy Peterson l Councilman 4"409N&WE Truax / Councilman 13a ✓ ( C R'arrrn �. Councilman Wenzel Mayor Aid "n Gehan Form B. S. A. 8-7 Saint Paul, Minnesota September 17, 1935 Honorable Mark,Gehan & Members of the Gity Council, Court House,, Saint Paul, Minnesota:. Gentlemen: Subject: Grading of Alley We the Tapnyers and Home Owners livipg at the addresses mentioned below are opposed to the grading of the alley lying between Milton Street and Chatsworth Street North of University Avenue, and South of Sherburne. This alley is in good condition and we feel that it is not necessary for us at this time to have it graded. Yours very truly, v►.►1 [�21 rt�i�inri• CITY OF S' DEPARTMENT NANCE REPORT OF COMMI.. . ER OF FINANCE j (A) ON PRELIMINARh( ORDER -10 In the matter of GR.`.D'"^ Alinein Block 1 V —eed end Lawrence l.ddition,and Bloc]- 4, '.ldor l.ddition, Bloc]: 4, nivF,rsity hv•m�a ,'.dd;+i^n, and 91on1: n Chatsti girth :;tram, rar.;clin .d li' i on ^rom S ilton ';troet to under Preliminary Order approved 2.v zst 6, 1P35. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is frt. The estimated cost pedfoot for the above improvement is _ $ 0 9� The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lana Building 1 4 ^rerklin _.jditi, 'I to 550 2050 t, Paul, inl. 4 do 500 2100 3 4 io :300 4 4 do 500 24:70 J 4 do IF,00 :1700 0 4 do 1100 4450 1700 8 4 90 2?00 2 � O G00 1400 TOTAL, Form B. B 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMIS RER OF FINANCE ON PRELImiN Y+'ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT rolACK ADDITION 'ASSESSED VALUATION 3 4 University Ave. Add. 625 5400.. 4 4 do .625 2100 5 4 do 1800 6 4 do 1800 7 4 do 1800 8 4 do 1600 5000 1 4 'lders ,.ddition St. Pau1,1'.inn. 525 5150 2 4 do 1 625 2500 3 4 10 32.S 2600 4 4 do 625 2"00 5 4 do 1600 6 4 do 1800 7 4 do 1800 6 4 do 7 5'00 1 1 ';leed and Lawrence's Ldditaon 1500 2400 to St. Paul, ;Lin -1. 2 1 do 1500 3 1 eo 17 00 4 1 do 2.500 4500 5 1 o 550 2050 6 1 do 500 2300 7 1 do 500 1800 8 1 do 500 2000 ',38050 y,63250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. a 41" Dated x a a 19,; 1- Perm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. G. 28 St. Paul, Minn ----- Kay- - Z zl rA 1936_. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: The. -grading -of __and._Sherbarne__A_Ve_-___ ,-of -alley. between UniverZtu .......... ------ St. Ave. from -- ---- --------- ------------- $t. Am&. to. CA&tOwortll St. Ave. _ C 0 P Y Uy 28, 1985 St. Paul, Minn. 193 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: --and-3herburn - Ave - Ora B-betseen.Dniver-aity - St. Ave. ldiltoa---..St. Arse. to Chatsworth from. - - ------------------ _St. Pme. C� / IDate -'E,/-- /3/do" ADDITION Y-1�.w��� �� ADDITION -- Delin uent Taxes --�- Delinquent 'Faxes — -� - Yeaj amount sP Years Ar.,.nu.t r s ^9 I:otj r3i.K -___ r Lot Bl - -3 -� - 7 —_ --- 71- L L I -L 3 — v _<COOP - --II I -=Td- THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION ®® August 15, 1935 Commissioner Milton Rosen, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 10 Weed and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder addition, Block 49 University Avenue Addition, and Block 4, Franklin Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 101255, approved August 8, 19;55. Estimated Cost $1115.17 Cost per front foot 0.94 Engineering 120.00 Inspection 19.51 Frontage 1192.3 ft. Yours very truly, RG --HEPARD, . ief ineer. Approved for trans scion to k] e Commission of Finance MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance . - -.... _August. 19 ...1935_.........---193...----- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 101255 approved._-. August 81 1955 193.- ..... relative to -.gr4din fey. in..Block .1,.. Weed -anal- I,awrenae_Asidition-,.. Addition,_ Block_ 4, --University Avenue_ Addition, ,-and.Block.4, Franklin Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. _.. _------------------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. __.____..... necessary and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.94 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._ ..... and the total cost thereof is $--- _._-- ------- ..----- .--- .--- Engineering $120.00 Inspection $19.51 Frontage 1192.3 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... _.____._............... ---------------- --- .-------- ------- _..------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4._ - ....-. _ ..._... _.--- ------------- -_..-- 5. Said improvement is - .__........ ........ asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. _ COM, OF FINANCE. r - - - - - ---- --- --- Commis�ioner--of-Public-Worr ks. 11,,,12 ,. 1 Oka9' 'd ; :3 fi :, AUG 20 1935 COUNCIL FILE NO.....................101.u J[_6 BY / l 4 In the matter of.........condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for .......................................................:................................... elopes, cut and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, weed and :. Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 4, University Avenue Additiouq and Block 4, Franklin Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street. under Preliminary Order ...........lOU58.........----- --------- ..., approved.............. Aug;w..t..$�...79$5..... --- Intermediary Order .....................101585 August 28, 1935 ........................................., approved --------_......._..... ............... ....... A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon clue notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci'of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of 16— f condemnlr �.sement In the - � �Itlou Addltlon. . � be anal the same are hereby �nr 'I ,t. .... :,d. ..f r-_Tlnftd id 1W Wfteedina- in said matter• be discentin:.ed. i i au and --_t- -_ o proceed w g sai r in acco- ce with. ^� Adopted by the Council. ........ S -EP.. ..............._ .............. ...... r2i- ._j�1t�W193.---- SEP2 .... ............................................................ ...... Approved..._ ............................................_ j _ C:.-. �, __, ..% .........................1- �:: G . .............. Councilmen,:.7 Mayor. *- EoarCE• �y.� �/ Reeen„ Truax • W enz/Mr. President b00-&33 COUNCIL FILE NO ..................._ BY...... ...................................... 161566 4 In the matter of.........condemning end ing takan easement in the land necessaryfor ...... _............... — ... .....................-. elopes, cut�iand fills in the grading of Alley in Block 1, Weed and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 49 University Avenue Addit $lEtiok 4s"Frnnk'lin Addition Prom Milton Street to Chatsworth n Street. under Preliminary Order........... 1A125f>...... approved August 28, 1985 and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of makin the said improvements, viz.: For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading ing of Alley in Bloc 1, Weed and Lawrence Addition, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 4, University Avenue Addition, and Block 4, Franklin Addition from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street, to the extent Shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and erected to re plans an ations for said i!ovement, and th er city official au and o proceed w y g sai )r t in acco ce with. Adopted by the Council_._....aSICiP-.!.�(MC..........._ ............... r2i- �►tI't7 ........193........ SEP ,Ep ................................. Approved.......................................... � ................. Councilme Mayor. _. P�ereLr C Truax Wenzel Mr. President 500.&33 ALLEY BLK.IWEED & LAWRENcE ADD.,BLK.4ELDER ADD.,BLK.4 UN lV ER5ITYAVE_ADD.& BLKA rRANKLINA d MILYON ST. CHATSWORTH ST. _ - --- -----Sca I e 1',-40' 5HER OUR NE.AVE. I , `1WEED & LAWRENCE ADO E L D E R A D D. UNIVERSITY AVE. ADD FRANKLIN ADD. 4 338.6• .41.07- I 41' .41 40.8 • 41. Z 41 • 333.5 3 33.5' 33.1' 1 65• I SOV• i i l r 3 Dn r rec Fr.. y Farl DGar I u rFr rDFr rl Gar Fr 1 Fr fI Gari �Fr' Fr ! r Gar. 'f — y- 4, I Fr cd... L Garf _ Gacl .Ga - -- II y� o �— Fr. Dr. I -- '- j � Fr. Ga of - Z o. 33.4• 33.4• 33.68 - 41.1' 41' - •• _ 41' 40.9• 41• 1 41 33 5' 33.5' ,99.4• � 0 3 2 I 5 6 7 8 5 6 I '� 8 S I 6 L 7 8 _ J I 4 I 4 _ ;WEED & LAWRENCE ADD.I E L -D E R A D D. UNIVERSITY - AVE. ADD. FRANKLIN ADD. UNIVERSITY AYE: CtfY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT* OF FINANCE REPORT OF COIVIMISS,ONER OF FINANCE -leo, (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER w Inthem atter of n— r .n,i _. - n^ ons gent in th., l,n,i.-sor- 'nr clons, -,It,-nd •, fills in +.hr• -i.� nP :!-11'17 in .114•:7 1, .:anti nnJ L:ar:r,nr•, riri` r, °]onl- 4. .lin tnn Streyt 'gin ,1+m1ort), -'Jra.at,• under Preliminary Order approved August as 1986. To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 25,00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED - VALUATION Land Building 1 4 Franklin Addition to 550 8060 St. Paul, Minn. 8 4 do 800 2100 S 4 do 800 4 4 do 800 2480 8 4 do 1800 9700 8 4 do 1500 4480 7 4 do 1900 8 4 do 2700 1 4 University Ave. Add. 800 8800 2 4 do TOTAL, 800 1400 F— B. 8 10 CITY, Or. ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT bF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED u _ VALUATION 5 4 University Ave, Add, 625 6400 4 4 do 626 8100. 5 4 do 1800 6 4 do 180.0 7 4 do 1800 8 4 do 1800 5000 1 4 Elders Addition 8t, Paul,lliinn. 628 3160 2 4 do 626 2400 3 4 do 625 2600 4 4 do 625 8600 5 4 do 1800 6 4 do 1800 7 4 do 1800 8 4 do 1800 1 I Weed and awrenos's Addition 1600 2400 to St, Paul, Minn. 2 1 do 1600 3 1 do 11700 4 1 do 2500 4600 5 1 do BBO 2050 6 1 do B00 2300 7 1 do B00 1800 8 1 de 500 2000 $38050 =00250 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19-1—Ac Fa m B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance S - August 19, 1935-__.__193.. _. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 101256 approved. ._ August 8, 1935 193_, relative to condemning -and talsirlg .easement in_the land -.necessary -for glopes,_cuts Weed and Lawrence Addition, of All in Block 1, - - and fills in the grading ey University Avenue Addition, and Block 4, and Block 4, Elder Addition, Block 49 Franklin Addition, from Milton Street to Chatsworth Street and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is E.-.- _., and the total cost thereof is S. -..._....._.. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. - ..._._ . - - .... ........................ 4. 5. Said improvement is ..__..__.asked for upon petition of three or more owners of proper i subject to assessment for said improvement. �/� �^ --� CUM. OF FINANCE, v ------- --- ------ --------- - - Commissioner of Public Wor 9 ,a z S AUG 20 +' COUItiCiL FILE NO.__'. ............ IG 41 t- BY... ........c..........._.......... r In the matter of....aondemning..and..taking..en..easemeat..fnr...the..purpose..of..constructing ........... and maintaining a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 ft. of Lot 4, Block 4, University Avenue Addition, from Sherburne Ave. to the alley in the rear of said lot, also condemning and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. indth on the west side of the above easement and on the westerly 5 t. of Lot 3, in Block 4, University Ave. Addition. under Preliminary Order ........101257.-- approved ........Auggst_.Sth,1955. Intermediary Order.... .......... approved......... August..2.8.th.,..�.95.5. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that _T�m, no -d— Amid be and the :same are hereby rnrrrllcd, annulled, and rexi: Sed 3W ✓ a x NOCN&V in said ma be a d the Council here orders said impr vements to be ma RESOLVED FUR HER, That the fo owing land, lands or easements therei be and the sam are he by ordered to be to en, appropriated an condemned for th purpose of making e said improvem ts, viz. The eas rly B ft. of Lo 4, Block 4, iversity Avenue Addition from erburne Ave. t the alley in t e rear of said lot; also Conde and take a tem orary easement or construction ureos:s on a trip 5 ft. in wi th on the west de of the abov easemept and on the westerly 5 ft, of Lot 3 in Block 4, Univer ity Avenue Addi ion. RE OLVED FURTHE That the Commis ioner of Public N rks be and is hereb instructed a d directed o prepare plans and specifications fors 'd improvement, a d the proper city of ials are here y authorize and directed to pr eed with the maki m of said improve ent in accordance the ewith. Adopted by the Council .._._.SER -2,.4-.1 .................. .................... , 193....._. ....................._............................................._...._... ..---- Approved._._........_......�?EP..�..4-iuc?ti., 19....._t y erk PUBI_1" =1) (L,2 02 .39 -Mayor. Councilmen_ u,pef .id -7 ea Truax ..� Wenzel Mr. President / 500.&33 - - - . UN7VERSITY AV£. ADD LOT 4, BLi-�F'- -- - Sherburne Ave. Al/ay in Rsar -. -- - 55WER EASEMENT - - Burcoo oPEngineers - - Aug 15-1935 - SHERBURNE . AVE. - . _ - 41 41 30 3 S B' 1l 11 I %Z ST. cR. O• _ I 1 2 1 pI qW IIj P/ I I Q• 4 I Dashes} -P 3 Z - i 4 3 Q� O is Pt.TR Y G A 4 L I— •f� I I _ ; _ 4 ALLEY J. I 12 o tn f' fit/ 7 8 5 6 7 I B4. 5 6 = _ UNIVERSITY AVE. UN/VERSITYAV ADO.4/I, A:I �nerburne-Allay of Ren'. _ - - SEWER EASEMENT - - - OR -3 N4 -203 -- B—A 7445 - - - CITY OP ST. PAUL • DEPARtMHRT PF FIANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (p) In the matter of n,onder^rip- and �a'_inF- e,, .--.nnt for t'!•n nur:,nr^ ,f n—str.x7tir• rnd re�,tai�in u public sewer nn, In.; =r n,,ross thn -Df -n r],,• . ne.t lot 4, look 4, UnivT-rrtt-J .*v-iue ;.ddi':ion f'ron She, i to `l 11 in �h- rear o," r -11A lot, also nder. n=r., nnrl •a'cing a tew,,orary ar..;e:�.,nt "or constru._tion nurnr>-ns on a stria f+. _. `.ti,. nn the w:, st ide of th^ aho,•e easement cad ^n i -.h= wast -r7,• 5 feet ' lot 3 4,,_. block Universi`y nue Sddition, under Preliminary Order approved -ts, B, 19:;5 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 7,.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Land B.)i1�in 4 4 do 625 54r)n 0^5 2100 11250 :7500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated 19 3-_ L —44-z_ 0 Commissioner of Finance. IF- B. S. A. 8-5 D Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 19, 1955 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 101257 . approved., August 8. 1955 ----.._.193__....,relative to condemning and taking an easement.for the purpose of constructing and maintaining_a public sewer on, under and across the easterly 8 feet o _ f lot 4, Block 4, University Avenue Addition from Sherburne Avenue to the Alley in- the rear of -said lot. -Also condemaing and taking a temporary easement for construction purposes on a strip 5 ft. in width on the west side of the above easement. -and on -the westerly56 feet of lot 5 in .. . .............. .......... Block 4, University Avenue Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: L Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is ma . , .., and the total cost thereof is $ QX=. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: ... . .......... 3- A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. ... ......... .... 5. Said improvement is-. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of propert subject to assessment for said improvement. COM, OF FINANCE, ------------------ --- ------ Commissioner of Pub&Iworis P p OL'e' 9 .3 8D ( 7 .......... CD AUG 20 1..65 Adopted by the Council ............ _............. _........ _._...... _193._.-.. Yeas Nays s PEARCE / PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX �4WARREN ./ /WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) / 1 s r. ,? /l-� j 's l 2nd.4 Laid over 3rd. &app Ado ted._ J '.) Peas NaYs Yeas �/� e Nays �r e ' Peirce ere n I Rosen Peterson Rb Rosen Truax 'vVarren Truax � Wenzel _,-.,--Warren Mr. Pres. Gehan Wenzel - Mr. Pres. Gehan oawi ro c ror' I ORDINANCE • COUNCIL FILE NO. 1015''68 PRESENTED BY------ R INAN O. ( T No. 7899— :queat— An ordinance ting permission and authority to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St- Milwaukee' �� +'llrc d Cons - Paul and Pao -Old Railroad Comppay, at its own sole cost and expense, to rcost and — change, relocate, ampldfy and maintain safety devices at the crossings R,e�ices a the of the mein tracks of said Railroad Company and certain public streetstracks rt in Du>alia in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota This is an emergency ordinance st. Paul, Mtn rgency ordln- rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health sadyres- pe ce, hr the ealth safety. .y - WHEREAS, the Council of the City of St. Paul did by Ordinance No. 8881, adopted November 10, 1927, approved November 10, 1927, grant permission and authority to the Receivers of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, until otherwise directed by the 9ouncil, to discontinue all the safety devices and protection then provided at each of the crossings of said Railway Com's tracks upon and across West 7th Street, Colborne Street, Duke Street, Erie Street, Richmond Street and Western Avenue, in the City of St. Paul, and in lieu thereof, at the sole cost and expense of said Receivers, to install and thereafter contin- uously to maintain and operate in and upon the center line of said Colborne Street, upon the southerly side of the tracks of said Railway Company and not more than twenty-five feet(25 ft) from the center line of the nearest track thereof, and in and upon the center line of the streets upon each side of the tracks of said company and not more than twenty-five feet(25 ft.) from the center line of the nearest track thereof, at the said crossings at gest 7th Street, Dake Street, Erie Street, Richmond Street and Western Avenue, electrical safety sigusls of the flasher --stop type, consisting of dual flasher lights and standard "Stop" signs, all of which said safety signals to be manila controlled and operated from a central switch control located at said West 7th Street, and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul, by virtue of certain ordinances and resolutions adopted by the Council, has since widened said West 7th Street at the crossing of said tracks, and easterly and westerly therefrom, and at the crossing of said Colborne Street, necessitating the removal of said safety signals from the center line of Vaid West 7th Street and the center line of said Colborne Street, and relocating and amplifying same to conform wit4u such street changes. Now, therefore, the Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain c Section 1. That the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company, successors to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company, until other- wise directed by the Council, and in lieu of all other safety devices and pro- tection at the crossings of the main tracks of said company at said West 7th Street, Colborne Street, Duke Street, Erie Street, Richmond Street and Western Avenue, is hereby §ranted permission and authority to continuously maintain and operate the present electric safety signals of the type known as the Griswold Highway Crossing Signal, as now there located upon the center line of the follow- ing named streets, one thereof on each side of said tracks at each crossing and to be not more than twenty-five feet from the center line of the nearest track thereto, at Duke Street, Erie Street, Richmond Street and Western Avenue; and Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council �Pearc�e Favor Rosen _ Truax = � _Against Warren -- �_ Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Approved: Attest: 300 6.39 City Clerk Mayor OPiOP : 10 <�C,CPK ORDINANCE 4 COUNCIL FILE NO. 101568 PRESENTED BY----- ORDINANCE NO. the said Railroad Company is hereby granted permission and authority, at its sole cost and expense, orK or before October 1st, 1955, to discontinue and remove the one safety signal heretofore located in the center line of Colborne Street southerly of the tracks, and the two safety signals heretofore located in the centrline of West 7th Street, one thereof upon each side of the tracks, and, in lien thereof, to install and thereafter continuously maintain five electric safety signals of the type known as the Griswold Highway Crossing Signal, equipped with front and back duplex flashing 1 ght units and reflectorised cross -buck and ro- tating Stop sign, one thereof to be located at a convenient point on the curb line of West 7th Street, in each quadrant of the crossing, and one thereof to be located at the easterly curb line of Colborne Street distant not more than fifteen feet southerly from the center line of the nearest track thereto. The signals in the northwest quadrant and the southeast quadrant, respectively, of the West 7th Street crossixg are to be amplified by auxiliary flashing lights for the traffic on Colborne Street from the north and for traffic on Grace Street, all of which said safety signals shall be manually controlled and operated from a central control board, located at said West 7th Street. Section 2. The signal system in Section 1 hereof provided ahall be installed and operated subject to the approval of the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission. J Section 5. That so long as said safety signals shall be maintained and operated as in Section 1 hereof provided, the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, shall not be required by the City of St. Paul to keep or maintain at or upon any or either of said crossings any crossing protection other than the safety signals herein authorised, any other - ordinance or resolution of the Council of the City of St. Paul to the contrary notwithstanding, provided, however, that the permission and authority herein granted shall not prejudice any rights of the City of St. Paul under ordinance No. 6109 of said City, approved August 1, 1925, requiring said Railway Company to separate the grade of its roadbed and tracks from the grade of the streets and avenues above mentioned. Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson C Rosen Truax Warren Wenvei Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: �^ 300 6.34+±+�'City C Passed by the CouncilQCT l s N35 —_ In Favor Against Approved:_ P[mr 'cD1 =o -r P • 4-317,'% 7J'• ,'O �Tri'ADDLE 777L 474, O �¢, i!POr�GS=D �5�;7"NqL W/TfFJ/%/r / 8• aNG f.9C'/r' FLASK/E/< L�cj,�/T.i . 1 / v_ :` "Oil J;•'r�.�;', �" GH• ! _-_�,/��//i - �✓ ,.- - � r T H.^ `,'��a1� x. A..�/,�� � Vis, .F11��' 74,1 /'/ti' Tj 6'0L z9 4�� f) 10 o[. A5 on 14 1, 40, /i7/tGi ��_i ��/:' d��j :'vL%L PY'. T`f, -Gl0 /Y�.• -�: dFiL.K i_.•�1.S�i/�� ,� r•'vr• `�`-"off i''yL.Sr � r,y. �J�i.� �i �.PFIL'E STs, i state ( ffire Buuai" —160a w e I's—Ea ...... November 6th, 1935. Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, City of St. Paul, Court Ilouse, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Please find herewith enclosed copy of formal operating license issued by the Commission on November 5th, 1935, covering the installation and operation of an approved manually controlled electrically operated warning signal system at the >rade crossings of Erie, Duke, West Seventh and Colborne Streets, Richmond Street and Western Avenue, over the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific tailroad Company's main tracks in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, in accord with the City Ordinance No. 7649 adopted on October llth, 1935. Yours very truly, Sip,nal Engine WE: EMR Encl. Nor IN -1--1 3 7.1 yy aG 4 BEFORE THE RAILROAD AND WAREHOUSE COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.` F. W. Matson, Chairman, Rand pefgldy Commissioner, Charles Munn, Commissioner. IDT THE MATTER OF THE INSTALLATION AND OPERATION OF T11E APPROVED WUALLY CONTROLLED ELEOTRIBALLY OPERATED WARNING SIGNAL DEVICES AT THE GRADE CROSSINGS OF ERIE STREET, DUBS STREET, WEST SEVENTH AND COLBORNE STREETS, RICHMOND STREET AND WESTERN AVENUE, OYER THE C=0A00, MILWAUKEE, ST. PAUI4 AND PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY'S MAIN TRACKS, IN THE CITT OF SAINT PAUL, RAMSEY GOUNTY, MINNESOTA. The aforementioned warning devices of the approved rotating "Stop" sip and alternate flashing red light type, with their various Paris and appliances` situate at the grade crossings over the Chicago, Mllwa *ee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company's tracks on Erie Street, Duke Street, West Seventh and Colborne Streets, Richmond Street and Western Avenue, in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, having been duly inspected and examined on October 10th, 1935, by the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, as provided by law, and having been found sufficient for the purpose of such devices, a plan of which is filed in this office; NOW, THEREFORE, it is hereby ordered that the aforesaid warning devices be, and this same are hereby approved in manner and form as described and shown upon the plan thereof now on file in the office of the Commission, and these presents shall authorize the abovementioned Railroad Company, to operate the said warning devices until the further order of this Commission, subject, however, to the following conditions, to -wits FIRST: The aforesaid Railroad Company shall cause said warning devices to be frequently inspected and properly maintained, and shall provide for their continuous efficient operation and attendance so long as they are in nag under this permit. i a Y�: �B�Dt n nese of failure of the aforesaid warning devices 4o function properly, continuous twenty-four (24) hours flagmen attendance each and every day including Sundays and holidays shall be immediately installed and so maintained at such crossing or crossings so affected, until the said devices are again restored to normal operation. THWt No change shell be made in the location of said devices, or any of their parts) nor in the mechanical construction thereof, nor in the manner of operating same, without the approval of the Commission, and In *me of W such change without such approval having been first obtained, the authority hereby conferred shall at once cease - thereby immediate installation of continuous flagmen protection shall be provided twenty-four (24) hours daily Including Bandays and holidays, at each and every crossing so affected until the systems have been inspected and accepted by the Commission. BY THE 0012 1 SS ION, 7S V"' S e a r . e Dated. at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 5th day ofNbvt=beT,, A. D. 1935. �11111MR 01 '41 i 2nd: jam L,ud over to -__- —�JJ - -Adopted.. ',j Ji app. _..-. 4.z'L , ,. i Nhys Yeas Na}s Pearce .Pearce Peterson Rosen �� Peterson Rosen Q Truax Tniax /Warren Warren i Wen.el , Wenzel Ar. Pres. Gehan '1r. Pres. Gehan ORIGINAL TO CITY Cl - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. /1//� BY _pR$INANCE NO. 17�D (" � �p�+M !n ordinance granting permission to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Ran Company and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha to change and substitute safety devices at the d t& he Hail . Company, ap hl & to Chan e' croeaing.� the main sad aide tracks of said cgmpaniea at Eagle : vIca. at cgs Street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, thiI, is an emergency ad mgeese � - ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public -eY ordln lnc eters peace, health and safety. for the preaervatloe health and ante•'. The Council of the City of St. Paul does ordain t i Ity of St. Paul d section 1. That the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific RailroadCompany and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company, vat er— size directed by the Council, and in lieu of all other safety devices and protection at the crossing ofQthe main and side tracks+.of of said companies atand That so long as said safety signals shall be there maintained and operated as in Section 1 hereof provided, said Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, and said Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall not be required by the City of St. Paul to keep or maintain at said cross— ing any crossing protection other than the safety signals herein authorised, any other ordinance or resolution of the Council to the contrary notwithstanding;sa provided, however, that the permission and authority herein granted dies to separate ll not prejudice any rights of the City of t. Paul requiringsaid street above mentioned. the grade of their roadbed and tracks from the grad e of Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ✓a„•r•3 Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson r Rosen Truax Warren cad Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 300 4.35 City Cler OCT I Passed by the Council------------- ------------------- ----- _.:... In Favor -------------- ----------- --- Approved: -------- u -- ----- ---------------- Mayor yUBUSyffV /0 -/9 _ j�— 111GII.L TO CITY C - ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 101569 PRI;-'�ENTED BY---/ O NANCE NO. l �� An ordinance granting permission to the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific gaily Company and the Chicago, Ste Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha ; HailVaAcompany, to change and substitute safety devices at the �d cue — - osing� the main and side tracks of said cgmpaniss at Eagle :ail as g�Ife Street, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota. this is an emergency t"Ease sMe`" ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public ncPeal.l, alae reo peace, health and safety. fur the preservation' health end cafe ; The Council of the Oity of St. Paul does ordain s tlty of St. Peal d Section 1. t That the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pacific Railroad Company and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway Company, until other— wise directed by the Council, and in lieu of all other safety devices and protection at the crossing of the main and aide tracks of said companies at C$ogle Street, in the City of St. Paul, are hereby granted permission and authority, on or before November lot, 1985, at the sole cost andxpenseeof oof said railroad companies to install and thereafter continuously, t hours each and every �t luding Sundays and holidays, maintain and operate two automatic electric signals of the type ]mown as the Griswold Highway Signal, each equipped with duplex flashing light units and rotating standard stop sign, to be located on the center line of said Eagle Street, one thereof upon each aide of the group of tracks at said crossing and to be not more than fifteen feet from the center line of the nearest track thereto; and upon the placing in operation of said signals, the said railroad companies are hereby granted permission and authority to discontinue thepresent safety devices and protection at said crossing;provided, however, that in the event the said new signals hereby authorized to be installed become inoperative for any reason, said railroad.companies Shall immediately furnish a crossing watchmen and maintain same at said crossing until the signals are repaired and again put in operation. Sed,-rcin"2: The aforesaid signal system shall be installed and operated subject to the approval of the Minnesota Railroad and Warehouse Commission. Section 8. That so long as said safety signals shall be there maintained and operated as in Section 1 hereof provided, said Chicago, Milwaukee,.St. Paull. and Pacific Railroad Company, its successors and assigns, and said Chicago, Ste Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Company, its successors and assigns, shall not be required by the City of Ste Paul to keep or maintain at said cross— ing any crossing protection other than the safety signals herein authorised, any other ordinance or resolution of the Council to the contrary notwithstanding; provided, however, that the permission and authority herein granted shall not prejudice any rights of the City of St. Paul requiring said companies to separate the grade of their roadbed and tracks from the grade of the street above mentioned. - Section 4. This ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson / Rosen l� Truax Warren w6filld Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: 0� Qgti./ City Cler OCT 11 Passed by the Council ------ ------------._�_...-------------.. -- --------- :..-In Favor --------------- -------------Against crT -l-1 Approved: ...... ....------ ------------ ----- ---- ................ Mayor >rw,isl-rrn /0-/9 -� �f a. OCT 11 Passed by the Council ------ ------------._�_...-------------.. -- --------- :..-In Favor --------------- -------------Against crT -l-1 Approved: ...... ....------ ------------ ----- ---- ................ Mayor >rw,isl-rrn /0-/9 -� �f _ _ ♦, E?��, tom, 4��� E�®�� rf - � - � i 7 �'�►N�'.3�.��s�1f!iwr:a ,��` tr�►e«e w..sp�p�.cw ru�x*+Mo, ►.iQ.M.s� x �F �'�'YRM114ai: lOfii yy R6QutEliLb ,.+ y- ¢g,� &' • ENAML'V GRG691Np, SIO'N ' �+ Slf�w i8 4N 8'tOA . .3 � PO iT ICSN"ONr,7rh s . a,tynirtir: s� w FWNMG R Atw4otaifk $ R "[.c . Ato IaFt8s;a RRtI LCe5.. `L iv e: LbcAibt+i.' s r s a '�� 6U t�eorir'l ih s�� t8 r"%Ac plkDtrlY,a,i.aPs 't,FkM t4iW �1 Yhi q . . `ri'-fes. sTssuE`r Fo is-�'�'s�ArRic iwi'Oi#¢o n. o..t- ' lµi�n �stoasci:Sc, :. F'ta. .>,. mom o>- c�6jr�uc,`n � >.18G $1`AtJPARO FOUhtQATI�1.. ' ,�.'� F14 S3. C1CT.(TEii O�C.:$TlIR;Ls,T GQNwFT1L1ilG' CR' 3TQ.P Otpi.S. .v 1.Itw.NwJs�V opl yy3Tiiii`7r.T1$� Ltf�S t�TMl�N. �0 WIOG�., sq: Yn5i1y,��,y''q, sett Nt.� Mu&er ��' stot< oo"sint<ICT twelCretA [lad taa.TiRb'11NCLb 9Y t1At'.A�•etb- riD - FOR LOCATION orTOP 77�-�' r occwu . t083s - �. S\7��trp 1'p� 5ic.. NAL3 EQLtPgCQ � 'KMk�1;�'' Iy � �P t^L.A7pHINC� LteGtaT3 �, i ''� fiCI:A- SRPWK Ory c zaY 6 �r q� r P.IC Rtt TO'4' P,- ttSKRltstgito iTw AOM to '(6lt TtAA'C�f i bi?w.�� �` ... WN a T.4 k wt4„.. J ,p *�w' v .�t{iS.-',1'O $ ZZLI � KS 2 F t i ZL 'fi L JY LbcAibt+i.' s r s a '�� 6U t�eorir'l ih s�� t8 r"%Ac plkDtrlY,a,i.aPs 't,FkM t4iW �1 Yhi q . . `ri'-fes. sTssuE`r Fo is-�'�'s�ArRic iwi'Oi#¢o n. o..t- ' lµi�n �stoasci:Sc, :. F'ta. .>,. mom o>- c�6jr�uc,`n � >.18G $1`AtJPARO FOUhtQATI�1.. ' ,�.'� F14 S3. C1CT.(TEii O�C.:$TlIR;Ls,T GQNwFT1L1ilG' CR' 3TQ.P Otpi.S. .v 1.Itw.NwJs�V opl yy3Tiiii`7r.T1$� Ltf�S t�TMl�N. �0 WIOG�., sq: Yn5i1y,��,y''q, sett Nt.� Mu&er ��' stot< oo"sint<ICT twelCretA [lad taa.TiRb'11NCLb 9Y t1At'.A�•etb- riD - FOR LOCATION orTOP 77�-�' r occwu . t083s - �. S\7��trp 1'p� 5ic.. NAL3 EQLtPgCQ � 'KMk�1;�'' Iy � �P t^L.A7pHINC� LteGtaT3 �, i ''� fiCI:A- SRPWK Ory c zaY 6 �r q� r P.IC Rtt TO'4' P,- ttSKRltstgito iTw AOM to '(6lt TtAA'C�f i bi?w.�� �` ... WN a T.4 k wt4„.. J ,p *�w' v .�t{iS.-',1'O $ ZZLI � KS 2 F t i ZL 'fi RDALCp Pg65T f3UiLDit�(j i r1oriTK�R�STATn Po�E %(5TPAU ' Pow ER f{pUSE -00 �I Q' a' <aqt. ECE✓. 1JRrvr✓rin1; ,F `- -_- _ - �pEa� r�N4/Rccf!`�' -300, - -C.M45TP9rP U1ANq T 400' F y — _ -Tu.BE,?EMQ' l� SAO.'_ -v -.-C.T _"' L'- CM.�%'/J�F ✓FOUR /i'S� .i . °e°�Pv' z STA-Yt5 Ot Co. Qu co �typuS'CRtA / ASV �UtLoE�p d. (h ' 6'CP�A.�ER1A �J 4� `G VIA ___-- ---� CMSTP. c'PRR.Co• 4A P SStf01NING_ - PRoposi o �QUToMAT/C S/4h/A� SRC A7- EAGLE STREET- 57 u —' joIt4 , c PROJECT CM _ro P. RR // e. NOTz; CROSS/vG/�LANh' aN -AGL� S7- — To BE Ex rENo e o q No L iN�O uo /^ S.O • ENR• DE�r C wi- ri c'uRa, SHORT TRACK CIRCU17 ARE To BE pRvv/DEo.ov,ER CRoSSI&Ca oN.ALL yARA 7RA-eAC5 ANO TRACK 5 . 4?tyE2N SrATFs� r � �AcKS- C.M.STo�,o Arlo C, QC Z AR �TE wNT� FL000 Li NTS, T?o AT'lNb 5Tbp L C MST P eP Rte• _ At-lm,DUPLCX c.M.57- f R R.R.. STANegRD DQ�G >W/NG wirta FouNDATIoNs Sr4'�/i �oMAT/C S�4NAL AROTECT/Oi-/ -.AGL� 7_ _p M/NN- �S ,�� P. RRCs. AMID C.,57 t .�O, R�Co. F rrlT PROJECT CNI T ', ENC�R, DEQ% CMSTP.. p. NJP� iS 8l60 5^. Vv� Y 0 WN kj' 0 i yf d BEFORE THE RAILROAD AND WAREHOUSE COMMISSION OF THE STATE CF MINNESOTA. f a• M T•••♦ f• F. W. Matson, Chairman, Kmid 71efald, Cotmmissioner, Charles Mann, Commissioner. IN TIM MATTER OF TIE INSTALLATION AND OPERRATION OF THE APPROVED AUTCWI0 ELECTRICALLY OPERATED WARNING SIGNAL DEVICE AT THY GRAD!, CROSSING OF EAGLE SO= OVER THE CHICAGO, MILWAU$EX, ST. PAUL Atm PAOUIC RAILROAD AND THE CHICAGO, ST. PAUL, MINNEAPOLIS AND OMAHA RAILWAY COMPAN11cS' TR KS IN THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, RAMSEY COUNTY, v1NNE80TA. The aforementioned warning device of the approved rotating "Stop" sign and alternate flashing red light type, with its various parts and appliances, situate at the grade crossing over the Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad 0 and the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis and Omaha Railway Companies' tracks on Ytwle Street, in the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, as provided for in ordinance No. 7680 issued by the City of Saint Paul, approved October 11th, 1935, : having been duly inepected and examined on December 10th, 1935, by the Railroad and y Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota, as provided by law, and having been found sufficient for the purpose of such device, a plan of which is filed in this office-, NOW, THERaORE, it is hereby ordered that the aforesaid warning device be, and the same is hereby approved in manner and form an described and shown upon the plan thereof now on file in the office of the Commission, and these presents shall authorise the abovementioned Companies to operate the said warninv device until the further order of this Commission, subject, however, to the following conditions, to -Witt FIRST: The aforesaid Companies shall cause said warning device to be frequently inspected and properly maintained., and shall provide for its continuous efficient operation so long as it is in use under this permit. SECONDt In case of failure of the aforesaid warning device to function properly, continuous twenty-four (tri) hours flagman attendance each and every day including Sundays and holidays shall be immediately installed and so maintained at said crossing until the said device is again restored to normal operation. any of its parts, not in of operating same, without the approval of the Commission, and in case of any such Change without such approval having been first obtained, the authority hereby conferred shall at *nos cease - thereby immediate installation of continuous flagman protection shall be provided twenty-four (34) hours daily including Sanders and holidays at the aforesaid crossing until the system has been inspected and accepted by the Commission. BY THE 00 BION, S a c r o t o r Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, this 23 day of December A. D. 1935. K. COUNCIL NO. ()15'70 Oa1dINl1L t0 CIiY CttsK CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Y ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION.. GENERAL FORM U t PRESENTED 1. COMMISSIONER_ 9 DATE RESOLVED That the applioatiou of the Phillips Petroleum Oompany for permission to install a 1500 -gallon nndergrouad tank at its treat, is hereby granted, said tank to be station at 83 State s oe with the ordinanaee of the City of St. installed in a000rdan to the eatisfaotion of the Paul, and under the direction and Oommissioner of Publio Safety. COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays e eiersrson _ In favor Truax /Varren _-- -Against ,,Wenzel 111"". President (Gehan) sM 6.34 9 C, F. No. 1036701 Fred .11. Truax— 1 o Resole Petr 1 umheComp",'I ofor [dere_ mh11UPe [ate t ind tank att lits stat onset 85 Set sgrou to herebg granted, said tank to treat, ecordance wit, the or- tC t l�nlalled. In of 9t. Yaul, alds e ` dl �eaOethe tdlrec"o nd to the e: -.,_ ru n at the Commtegloner oY Yubllc Safety Adopted by the Coune...Pt l Sept. Approved Sep (SepL228 Adopted by the Council_ SEP 2-4 jW-_193_— SEP 2 410§-193-- Approved— Mayor 193__ Adopted by the Council—_—.--- --- - Nays Yeas ��RCE PETERSON RO N TRUAX R RENN . wENZEL /MR. RpRESIDENT (GEHAN) / "__ rZ4,1k, 4 C/,P ON,ag QMV 5 X ��� KR esrv;. rAry ..}aa�e •fid t}i yurtb'1\CdlrAf(�R�FSPIINDENCE �ti .. u mr ',W4 Jiiaie �napeistar Pnb110 Safeiiy,At6.' fe be;eby regnest,'your, �armiseion'to LxlHt411 one 1060.a;jpOO a1An uirtergrpptl tank at anx BuSttipn loaatad atr 98 SL$t e r #3 ffi'f , r a skate arcs .Bi1 rres e` et`. ; srHet,at trawesai�na_� r 4 d is Y * ,• •. Wo to& to bQ goed fOr rege of, g"O? n . Th8Alsin8's9a11► < { ANY dy 6• .fddi i i'r� 3n �.v iA1'$'t'�flS3s i i Al 0.,04 st MIA ev ; p •` < Y i'. µdl :`u..'. _rf G. H. BARS Acting Chief of Police ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner WALLACE N. JAMIE, Deputy Commissioner Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Pauly Minnesota Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULEY Supt. of Police and Fre Alarm G. H. BRISSMAN Awl. Supt. of Police and fire Alarm September 18, 1955 Attached hereto is report of inspection and approval of the Division of Fire Prevention on the application of the Phillips Petroleum company for permission to install a 1500—gallon underground gasoline storage tank at their bulk plant on the Northwest corner of State and Fillmore Streets. Very truly yours Wallace N. Jamie Deputy Commissioner THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEp OFFICE COMMUNICATION Sept -17,1935 Hon.H.E.Warren Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sir: In regard to the application underground Petroleum Co. for permission to install 1500 gallon asoline storage tank at their bulk plant on the N.W.Corner of State and Fillmore Sts. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an increase sta lation at t e desired location would not greatly he ire Respectfully yours, r� Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief'Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -011WO September 23, 1935. City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner Referring to the application of the Phillips Petroleum Company for permission to install a 1500 gallon underground tank at its station at 83 State Street, Trish to advise that there are no delinquent taxes on this property at this date. Yours very truly, / wV' 1 Axel F. Peterson, Co>mgissioner of Finanoe. GmO1NAL TO CITY CLKRK '- t ' . / COUNCIL 101571 C(/U�Cl�9F ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILESOLUI N—GENERAL FORM J?ti C! (/ A��M'„_ /^ � w i DATE September 16, 1955 RESOLVED / ' That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses Indicated be a9i�id the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Elmo 0. Solem 42 S. Snelling Ave. Barber APP• 6847 New James Vethonrlkas 494 Jackson St. n " 6964 " I C. F. No. 101571—BY H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Bl .r bythefolllotwingnlamad persons s at the addreaees Indicated be and the came e hereby granted and the city clerk isInstructed to Issue such licenses Up- on 'the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees. Elmo O. Solem, 42 S. Snelling Ave., Barber, Appl. 6947, New. - Jame, Vetbourikas, 494 Jackson St., Barber, Appl. 6964, New. Adopted by the Council Sept. 24, 1935. Approved Sept. 24. 1935. (Sept. 28-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 1p�aice ,P'eterson In favor /7r 7ax -11en -- am—Against , Wenzel ,/-Mr. President (Gehan) 5M /6.34 Adopted by the Council S _� &f�_193___ SEP 2410 Approved.___--- _193_— Mayor °alai"wL TO d,r, dL6aK^All 1015'72 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILENGIL NO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER DATE September 23, 1985 RESOLVEDTha" t licenses c.c for which applications have been made by the persona named on the attached list be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Steffens Bakery 614 Selby Av. Bakery App. 6837 Renewal Peter E. Bigelbach 915 St. Clair Confectionery " 6880 ^ Mrs. Louis Finn 178 S. Robert C. F. No. 101672—By H. E. Warren—I! 6879 n C. Getter 440 Sibley Fred M. Trues—I. C. Pearce— plicationshavetbeennmade by thehper- as 6928 ^ named on the attached list o and they are hereby granted and then City, %rank's Variety Store y 238 S. Snellin Clerk is Instructed to Issue ch 11-. eneee upon payment Into the C1ty. 7024 " Treasury or the regnlred fees. Adopted by the Council Sept. 24, 1936. F. W. Woolworth 957 Payne Approved Seept.24. -11985. 6875 6875 ^ Alma Davis 412 N. Smith Grocery " 7032 " Berman Fudenberg 354 E. Lawson ^ " 7010 ^ M. George & Son 50 W. Fairfield ^ ^ 6990 ^ H. Jepsen 539 N. Grotto ^ ^ 6969 ^ Martin J. Hartman 1346 Thomas ^ n 6951 n Agnes J. Connolly 1853 Randolph ^ ^ 6903 ^ J. F. Lynch 2028 St. Clair " ^ 6899 " Geo. Zalkin 244 S. Hamline " ^ 6882 " Mrs. B. E. Smith 135 N. Western " n 6841 n Garden Amusement Co. 929 W. Seventh Motion Picture ^ 6697 ^ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-----_---__- Pearce __193_ _ Peterson Rosen -----In favor Approved_--- --- ------193 Truax — Warren _Against Wenzel ----- — ---- -- Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 FILE NO-� onimn�� ro cin asnK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE en ember 25 1955 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Peter E. Bigelbach N. Cardelli N. Cardelli 1. Cardelli —2- 915 St. Clair off Sale Malt Bev. Sol E. 7th Restaurant 301 E. 7th on Sale Malt Bev. 501 E. 7th Off " n n COUNCILMEN Yeas � Nays Peters eterson _In favor ,3`ruax - rren _Against �enzel �vlr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 App. 6881 Renewal " 5689 " n 5640 " " 5643. ° Adopted by the CouncilC 193_— SEP 4 193_—. Approved— - Mayor — ./ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK Y OF ST. PAUL _taI E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM -1 DATE September 23, 1935 " CeUNCIL ) t 73 FILE NO.—All RESOLVED That'licensesVapplied for by the following named persons at the - addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. W. W. McCollor 1051 Selby Av. Bakery App 6926 New U. E. Feits 480 S. Snelling Confectionery " 6918 " Max peAn Belkin 1724 University Grocery " 6649 " P. Boranian & W. C. Manthe 779 Selby " IT 6985 11 Art Cigal 824 E. 7th ° " 7009 " W. W. McCollor 1051 ielby Av. Off Sale'Malt Bev. " 7036 " A. M. Saunders 13 E. 5th Restaurant " 6705 " Cedar Lake Ice & Fuel Co. 1722 Hennepin Mpls Fuel Dealer " 6816 ^ Henry -Pudell Gas Ste. 3 pumps - 609 Payne Av. " 6853 t Frank J. Young 46 S. Baldwin Oil Burnet Installer ^ 6325 " Rihm Motor Co. 3641 University 2nd hand automobile dealer 6982 " COUN LMEN Yeas Nays PealYe Aeterson 1 In favor r x ---- /Warren Against A�enzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Th .692, Ne' 480 S ` 1. 6918, ^"4 T 4 Adopted by the Council -8—EP 24 193 .� 2 � Approved___T'5_193__ _ /Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL �,(p�, I OF ST. PAUL FILE No. O- F(E OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT` BY September 20, 1935 COMMISSIONER�y7�y-��--IT— "121A DATE WHERFM, Charles F. Kraus desires to withdraw applications for Restaurant, and On, and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 559 Charles Street, and desires return of license fees; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Charles F. Kraus the fees of $10.001 $50.00, and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUN iLMEN Yeas e ce eterson ruax �arren Wenzel /Mr. President (Gehar SM 6,)i i C. pFed M. Truax—BYCHPearce—wren—. Whereas, Charles F. graue desires to withdraw na oa sgale Malt "._.Y Be . cnneee t 669 Charles Street, and dI sires return of ]Icenae tees; theref.1.0 iAST aaulved. that the proper atty oai- reea Nays Adopted by the Council___SEp_i d -ft -193-- 2 410 In favor Approved _.— ___ _193_— __zo—_Against— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL@RK+ `1(f15'75 C6ENCIL NO. C ITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED as COMMISSION �^d /' DATE September 25, 1855 WHEREAS, licenses for Restaurant, application 4105, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 4106, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 4107, applied for by Henry G. Welling at 872 University Avenue were denied by the Council, therefore, be it RESOLVEDI that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Henry G. Welling the fees of $10.00; $50.00; and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays gxce {(/ eterson �e�wr In favor �ruax / .tVarren _ __Against ,,Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5NI 6.14 C. F. d MNo. 101676—By 8. E. Werrea— j Fre. Truaz—I. C, Pearae— v Whereea, lloensee for Reetaarant. 1. apDlloatl.n 4106, On Sale Malt Bever - 1 age, application 4308, and Off Hale Malt Beverage, appllcatlon 4107, ap- Dlled for by Henry G. Welling at 872 nlverelty Avenue were.denled by the Council, therefore, be It .Resolved, taht the proper city otfl- era be and mey are hereby author- iced to refund to Henry O. Welling the tees of 310.00; 160.00; and 36.00 Rod. to caaoel said applications for licensee. Adopted by the Council Sept. 24, 1936. Approved Sept. 24, 1926. (Sept. 28-1936) Adopted by the Council—__ _ _—_ —193._ ecti 2410 Approved------ SEP -1 4-e q--193--- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 16th, 1935. Mr. Carl Leonard License Inspector Public Safety building Dear Sir: The City Council today denied the applications of H. G. nelling for Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses at 972 University Avenue. will you please prepare the necessary resolution authorizing a refund? Yours very truly, City Clerk ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[PK COUNCIL ST. PAUL FILEN OFFICE THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �'L/� � .. - __i=w� t7 IQRS 1 DATE— RESOLVED The censes for Restaurants application 4105, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 4108, and Off Sete Malt Beverage, application 4107, applied for by H. G. Welling at 872 Univef'sity Avenue, be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New E p 7` COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Yeas % ,�`Vays Pearce/y o Peterson Rosen j _- In favor Approvi Truax/ Warren I --!----Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 193____ 193_— Mayor OUADNU►LICAT[ TO D[►ARTM[NT CITY OF ST. PAUL iliiN�I� NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM e PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE September IT, 1999G RESOLVED Mat sled ate appusetim 4m, on Bale Bait fig% Maoutiealt aW. end 0!f 8ale Sat 54TOMMs apPliostion 4=* applied for by B. Q. WOU106 at 878 Bedvahlity Avellaes be and the am e, ars hereby grentsd end the City Clark is instructed to tome etch 110"0e3 Upas the peCaant Into the city trsam7 of the required fees. Now COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen —In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council 193_ Approved 193_ Mayor COUNCIL. 6 �g NO. FI oaininw� to urr e�[aK CITY OF ST. PAUL c t'/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /1 / y September 25, 1985 ,L XA-1 DATE--� �MMISSIONER RESQ ax app? ication 7110 for Barber WHZRW� �l ,,rtz desires to witlld� ense fee, therefore license at 1558 West tomo Boulevard and requests return of lie be it, that the proper city officers be and they are to refund to R,11 Kurtz the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. �--- 8. m Werren— C, F. No. 101676—BYC Feerce— �` pared M. TruesilRurtz deeiree to Whereas, Ejjioetion 7110 for Berber withdraw app apeet Como Boulevard Ucense at 1668 d questa fee, return of license theref re be that the proper �cityee m: v4d. " 4 d, they sse hereby {e: t... ,,. i�tp�itdfl ;o. l8pgfl E' " ,r ' lTaitlon I,� of "81R90'�nA"•to cancel e�� for Iloehea• the C0 noll Sept. 86, 1986• pdo$ted by 86, 1935 ppptoVefl $Say4 88-1886) COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas / /Pegtce / /Peterson _) _ _In favor ruax -- Against �rren /enzel "u- I. President (Gch, SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council— — w R -3-m 193_-- Approved-- _ - � � ✓ Mayor COUNCIL NO. �� �- FILE oamwwL ro nr+ cuaa.��OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j] COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l9!S5_— RESOLVED Sale Liquor License NO- 255 issued to Frank P. Dades, and That On Restaurant, and ()n, and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses issued to V. P. Teianardoa an F. P. Dades, doing business at the Seven Corners Sweet Shop be and the same are hereby of police because of violation of the revoked upon the recommendation of the Bureau ngours of Sale" provision of the liquor ordinance. 1 t •,- 6 - tI 1 Adopted by the Council_-- — — _ 193-.— COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas Pearce Peterson ---- - In favor Rosen Truax Warren ----- —Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 193— Approve ---------_. -- — — ----- -- Mayor December 310t. 1935. Mr. C. E. Leonardo License Inspectors City. Dear Sir: In the matter of the resolution pending licengs ismed to V. P, providing for the reeokatioa ofsae the Sae n Corners Tsianardos and B. P. Dsdess ope ting Sweet Shops the Council today withdrew this resolution. We enclose a copy of said resolution herewith. Your$ very truly* A City Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION December 51, 1955 Mr. H. 8. Warren, Chairman, License Committee Deas Sir: With reference to the pending revocation of licenses issued to P. P. Tsisnardos and F. P. Dades operating as the Seven Corners Sweet Shop, and the probation of Mr. F. P. Dadea holder Of an on Sale Liquor license at this address, beg to report at this time that this place has been operated in a very orderly manner during the Past three months, that there have been no complaints, and the place has a very clean and sanitary apPearance. very truly yours oI, nar License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S-FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration December 24th, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Comstr of Public Safety, City. Dear Sir: The attached resolution providing for the revokation of On Sale Liquor License, Restaurant, On and Off Sale Malt Beverage licenses issued to V. P. Tsianardoa and P. P. Dadea at the Ser,7ven Corners Sweet Shop was referred to you for mther ut onlice three�months probationBBthewter of i&e expiring or License was p to day. Yours very truly, City Clerk. 661 f / ' 0 a i cdol:e` apc �Gti ca o9 �g,A SOS X519 4 t�4 4 September 25th* 1935. Hon. R. S. Warren* Comer of Pablic Safetyt 01ty. Dear Birt The City Council today laid over to December 24th a rssolntion lwvok'M the licenses of V'. P. ,eienardos and 8. P. Dsdes with the understanding that Mr. Dadee* the licenses, bemoa hstondto protroperate at this eddroee during thosethree ation- Mayor Gabon has requested that YOU supply him with a police report Covering this location. Yours very truly► city Clerk. December 24th, 1935. Hon. H. 8. warren, Coms'r of Public Safety, City. Dear Stri The attached resolution providing for the revokation of On Sale Liquor License. 8estaorent, on and Off We Balt Beverage licenses issued to Y. P. Tsianardos and F. P. Ifades at the Seven Corners Sweet Shop was referred to you for furter police report. lir. Dades, owner of Liquor License was put on three months probation, the tide expiring today. Yours very truly, City Clerk. adu57 Sk th5 City TiraatiurY. to the ggreQate' COUNCIL 1?ICENO +,. nuloont Qt 1s96.64,.67 eoveFing ohectte CIL RSOLUTION aamtiered 17E'I to 17404 laclpffive, as �m PRINTER per ohecke on 81e la the 'ofn of the, {d Comptroller. i Adopted by the Conacll 88DL 2{, 1836. _ggptember 2D 193 5-1 . Approved Sept. E{ 1986.' (6eDt• 28-1836) RES*VED.THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT .6 174&, 3 CSF COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED—IV-%--TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER GNECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE -OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. SEP 2 41935 ADOPTED -.BY THE COUNCI. 199_ - • SEP $ 4 APPROVED 19Ellf 3— h EE4.,m DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL N OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER O ...... N -ROLL CALL FILE COUNCIL RESOLUTION .:�En PEARce FAVOR september 20 IS 35 AUDITED CLAIMS ------ - • TRLIAX RESOLVED. AT CHECKS BE DRAW ON THE CITY TREASURY. MR. P"MILmomm" Gob= TO THE AGGR. TE , UNT OF S COVERING CHECKS MUM To ISlva, 8 S PER CHECKS N M OFFICE OF COMPTRO E?� ADOPTED BY THE _2.44flw ..... .. ........ . -- - ---- MAYOR JOTAL DATE RETUR D CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF .. SFER DISBURSEMENT CHECKS CHECKS 36 93� 78 440 982 19 By K -_-BROUGHT FORWARD 17251 Adeline Olson 35!21 22611 17252 mrs. H. Vitob 1,7253 A"I T. Paterson* of flumice 10 63611 fink 65� t 1 17254 Joe 1725 txel F. Peterson,, of FivafioO 10 33.01 1� 17252 :1 11111am J. Sudelth 150 4 -6ij SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK �+/y CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� 15 COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL NO -- MAS Y Y Ger COUNCIL RESOLUTION N FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS • TRUAXr --&IGAINST RESOLVEq. THAT CHECKS BE O T CITY TREASURY.- WOiffi MR. PRES. MAHONEY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF i • COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED..-1tQ_TO.— ._. INCLUSIVE. AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL ,_ PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OP THE CITY COMPTROLLER. APPROVED ------- _ ............ ....----'---._._.—....._....- -----._.....-----------_.- 4'"""",.— -- cmm MAYOR BY......._..... ..... .......... ......__._._. CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER l z. �I1 it !.1 BROUGHT FORWARD ;, Ahrens Fox Fire Engine Compan Air Reduction Sales Company American Automatic Electrio E American Library Association. American Linen Supply Cospanj Armour and Company Asohert Brothers Barnsdall oil Company Bingham A Horton Lew Bonn Company R.R. Bowker Company Bray Joe A Fuel Company Capital Ioe d Fuel Company Capitol Laundry Citizens Ioe 8 Fuel Oopany Coohran-Sargent Company Cosby-wirth Manifold Book Co. Carol Cox Book Company Ohioago, Burlington & Quincy Dally Hews Corporation Adam Decker Hardware Company A.B. Dick Company i; Diebold Safe 6 Look Company lhepatoh Pioneer Press Compam Downey Typewriter Company O.R. EckhaMt Company 11OOtrieal Installation Coaps !j 1160trio Blue Print Company f Elvgren Paint SupplyCompany F, t1. Faxon osp�y Company Morse & Felat Small Animal Hospital H.W. Fisher Photo Supply Cos; The Flox Company Leonard Frank Company H. B. Fuller Company Gas Consumers Association ,Generator Specialty Company Goodsioh-Silvertown,Ino. ' Gopher Mfg. Company "Gordon & Ferguson Company ;Graoe-Lee Products Company,lm IlGrayber rlectrio Company,Ino. The Grinnell Company,1no. 4 Griswold Signal Oompany Hamm Brewing Company Hannaford-0Brien,ino. P.R.L. Hardenbergh Company (Harper Hut Company ilHighway Trailer Company SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD TOTAL DATE 11 RETURNED %/TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS — CHECKS Co. CO. 14;23 203891 1 IS 69 P 51 26 00 3532 9 68 3 50 158;97 2191 2;74 12500 130 ;32 6'00 3 19 48 191 61 34 1 50 2 150 10 !00 ' 90 i00 00 l 00 121 84 138 ;24 30 '76 7 '70 2 80 6 ;oo 13 '50 150 26 128 193 84 0 193 156 5 0 f87 6 46 no 59 150 000 7 5Z 38 P, DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 't Rr, COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL FILE OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER COUNCIL No.._..._..1v158V--- =--p -MwY_ orR�/ COUNCIL RESOLUTION FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMSrr TRUAX GAINST RESOLVED. TH T CHECKS BE OgAy{[I CITY TREASURY, WE!®ohm . f� u MR. FRES. AND OYBI{. TO THE AGGREOA AND OF t. • COVERI CHECKS NUMB _ TO. INCLUSIVE AZ4 ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL-...-..__.----- .--.---------- ....._.._ PER CHECKS O 1 OFFICE O E C MPTRO R. � RY COM ..MAYOR Y... CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD • 17307 ,; r.a. Johnson. Tress. m. S. B. Aso St. -Paul 17308 S.w.Johnson. Treas. municipal Amateur Baseball A6 17309 welter T, Ryan 17 10 metropolitan Transportation Q jl 17311 Mrs, Susan Harmer 17312 O.L. Rice 17313 viae Grace Hailer i' 1731 mise Rosalia Oloonnell 17315 '„ - enoe A. Soler, 0.11. D. 17316 'i Book 117 Oapitol Stationery Mf& Compax 17318 Farwell OEman, Kirk 3 Compow ! Irneh Company 17319 filer {� 17320 h Yater City '(Paper Company 17321 ! midwest Chemical Company 17322 Northern States Power CO®Pen3 173! 173.2 Northern States Power Compaa3 jI Northern,States Power Goapaay 17325 Ii ,Builders lders material Cos 17326 St,Paul 'Cement Narks 17327 ;! SUPau2 moo,Sobool Revl.rund 17328 Tri—State Tel, A Te1g.0ompan3 -j� 17329 ; Tg0tate TeL a Tel&Compan3 17330 Vel�vet� *fro coup 17331 w,egber Paul; III Varnish Compan II 17332 1 George 'Warner d Company e.Js Hass 'Mfg, COapsny 17333 j17334 IHan000k-.Nelson mercantile Co. Ha1L Olscn 17335 17336 i AN Barry Holmes 17337 Hudson mfg, Company, !11"38 J.w. Hulse Company. i 17339 ,; Int. Business Yeohines Ooe 173#0 1 Jacks IMf gp :Company 1 17341 r J.H. Jansen 17342 1 Junior Literary Guild 17343 ;spy Hline x. fit,-1Fiia ._ 1 1�j3446 Lee d Hoff" Mfg. Company ! of Congree 1' 3 17357 Libraries, tbibrary ; mor dden- Aubert company e 2734 1 Phil A. Maynard 17349 'Ivelady Paper Company 1,17350 vpls.et.Paul a Sault Ste. maxi 17351 IMInnesots. News Company 17352 minnesota Pyroll Company 17353 mother's friend Laundry,Ino. .117354 mutual Paint Company !' 17355 i� R, A. Myers Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD J _ 1 V 1 HV, DATE RETURNED TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT ST BANK CHECKS CHECKS Ry. Co. 600 oo 462; 50 56500 i00 56100 56i 0o 156, 25 40121 22 39 1:92 16'00 69153 30aa 1050 0401 110;70 28170 5',52 21 112 ig'45 57165 3 ,75 27,70 4;61 3143 6 '3g 3 ;6o 21. 6110 24!45 29 78 363 ,79 38117 19 '00 58 {76 54 �0 5 '30 16 26 J F' W010 DUPLICATE TOCITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL 1615.81-_ COUNCILMEN- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No ------- aw� Pst;;;�ZLL COUNCIL RESOLUTION "COONALD _paM_FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS 0. Stain TRUAX ___IJ..AI..T RESOLVED,T ATCHECK BED W T E CITY TREASURY, WENffi.TO MR- PRES. MSI". (ImAba- THEA CUNT I _COVER 0 Natural Gas Pub. Company CHECKS NUM 0- To INCLUOI . AS ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL--- - MR CHECKS 0 HE OFFICE OF T E COM 17361 �I Northern states Power Oompaw BY..... 2 MAYOR ... . .. 1736 TOTAL DATE 1 Northwest-Airlines.1no. N.W. Copper & Brass Works CHECKIN FAVOR OF TRANSFER ..SSU..ZMEN7 ECKS CHECKS KE CHECKS BY BANK N.W. Stamp Works SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 26 601 10,od 66 IT =4 2: 6647 Nil 9 2 23a , R l 9 116' 92 16164 392102 5160 28'84 4 35 7 59 03 59 44 so 5o 6o 11 55 5505 20 ,o4 364159 107 31 19,60 ;13 � 00 2150 5 00 32:;49 a.6o 126177 7!88 7150 I i 9 27oto4 50 12'91 10;00 168 Od 8 ;70 9 i30 3 6OZ100!74 1 85 70 17 !00 182 75 �:53 P, BROUGHT FORWARD 17356 state of Minnesota 17357 j 0. Stain 1735a '; wationai Bushing & Parts Co. 17359 1 Natural Gas Pub. Company 17366 Nicole, Dean & Gregg Company 17361 �I Northern states Power Oompaw 2 Northern States Power Compan, 1736 Northern States Power OomPan, 1 Northwest-Airlines.1no. N.W. Copper & Brass Works JB665 6 I.W. Feel Company 17367 N.W. Stamp Works 17369 W.S. Nott Company 17369 Orloff Leather Company 1370 Pink Supply Company 17371 Price Electric Company 17372 Quality Park Envelope Compare; 1737 Reeves Goal & Doak Company 173 Restaurant China Company 17375 Rok Linen Supply Company 17376: Riley Company I73 N.C.Robinson, Clerk of Dlet.4 17378 11 Rochester Germicide Company 17379 St.Paul Book III Stationery Oct 17380 S t, *=2 Foundry Company 17391 St.paul Milk Company 17392 ;i St*Paul Motorsluo. 17393 pst.Paui vocational school jT384 St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Companj 1117385 i, Sanitary Farm Dairles,lno. 17386 Schneider Is Gift Shops 17387Andrew Schoch Grocery Compan, 7388 Andrew Schoch Grocery Oompani 17389 SohunemeAs and Mannheimere I7390 D,B, Shotwell Company 17391 -1,13,Smith & Corona Typewrites 1.17392 Socony Vacuum Oil Company,1n, 1739 Speakes company 1739Z Speedometer Service & AOO.004 17395 Sperry office ftrniture Oompi 17396 R,,K. Stahl Company 17397 Standard Brands,Inc. • 17398 Standard Mailing Machine Comb T gW99 Standard Oil Company Star Photo Company 1!1I7 17401 The Sta-vis Company 17402 X.J. Stilwell Paper Company ;;17403 ji Company Superior Refining Cpany 114 a Swift & Company SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 26 601 10,od 66 IT =4 2: 6647 Nil 9 2 23a , R l 9 116' 92 16164 392102 5160 28'84 4 35 7 59 03 59 44 so 5o 6o 11 55 5505 20 ,o4 364159 107 31 19,60 ;13 � 00 2150 5 00 32:;49 a.6o 126177 7!88 7150 I i 9 27oto4 50 12'91 10;00 168 Od 8 ;70 9 i30 3 6OZ100!74 1 85 70 17 !00 182 75 �:53 P, COUNCIL No 101552 ORIOINIIL TO CITY CL"K FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE AL FOR Jo DATE PRESENTED BY hen be M _ COMMISSIONER w3 -18 s R (}ottlie L. Hafemeieter, an employe of the WHEREAS, Department of Public Works, was inured pl the 88th day of his employment June 1935, while in the Course of oyment with s aid Department of public Works, when he tell from a trunk while sanding the street, and nt he died on th WHEREAS, as a result of suoh hiBisais dependent hise widow, 7th day Of July 1.935, leaving as and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compeneation Act provides that com- pensation shall be paid to the widow of a ased employe, at deoe the rate of forty per cent oof such employe, Y the daily wage and forty per rent of the daily wage of said Gottlieb L. Rafemelster is $1.44 per day, or $8.64 per week, such weekly sum to be paid every two weeks during dependency but not to exceed the total sum of Seven Thousand Five Hundred Dollars ($7500.00), and on Act provides that the employer WHEREAS, the Compensati shall pay funeral expenses n toobe paid tomthe undertaker Fifty Dollars ($150.00) suoh therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are GottlielD L. Rafmeitsr the authorized to pay to sum bBr dments to begin as oY June 89th, ependency, buuttenotgto exceed thef $8.64 per week during e total sum of $7500.00, said pay 1935, and in addition thereto to pay to the undertaker who POT— B35, formed the burial service, the sum of $150.00, said some to be paid out of the Workmenls Compensation Account of the General Fund. COU ILMEN yeas Nays 4ce rson In favor coax /f Against rren ,Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council S�' �-2-��-- 193— P 2 193-- Approved-- Mayor PUBLISHED__ LLS COUNCIL . �. ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[11K _ Fit ' CITY OF ST. PAUL _sr S C. Wenzel OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK wlaow of Roger' 7." st he suffered Rn i•' COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL F M ,.nth on the 29th `� I�A i 1 /1 n y 't. !ie in the course Y j� t], the D.P.9 citv of lop = VMpyrpS, the widow of Roger J. Mulvihill claims that he resulting in death on the claims day of Jnae euYfered an injury 1935,of the his employment with the Department while in the course ofand that of Perose outo Works is the course fofchis emplSint oyment, end such death REAS, f and the City denied that the death of the said ult of an injury arising out of aid Roger J. Mulvihill was the resand in the course of his employment with the City, SEA$, the said Roger J. Mulvihill 1Ralpheft ,�Watergand m the said widow and three children, pchildren, and Lorraine, who, it ie claimed, were dependent VOREAS, the said Mrs. Roger J. Mulvihill, foto settler herself and her children, has made as offer, by her attorney, all claims against the City growing out of the death Of the said Roger J. Mulvihill, for the sum of of Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) and pMZAS, the Corporation Counsel has recommended that such settlement should be accepted and has asked authority to Outer the said sum oY Fifteen Hundred Dollars ($1500.00) into a stipulation with the said Mrs. Roger J. Mulvihill and chi en, agreeing to pay to submit such in full and final settlement of all such claims, therefore be stipulation to the Industrial Commission for app it RESOLVED, that the offer of settlement made in this ease and be Weed upon and the Corporation Counsel is hereby d BUM authorized and directed to enter into a etSPulthe I to pay roved the proper city officers are hereby to submit such stipulation to the Industrial Commission for s approval, and when so app to said Mrs. Roger J. Mulvihill, for authorized and directed to pay the said sum of $1500.00 the benefit of herself and her ohildr�end,all claims against the City in full and final settlement of anyha thend, growing out of the death Of which sa dshe Rogerthe J.said children may COUNCILMEN 193—. Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council�'GP f! d Zw� ea e eterson ��p 1d4� 193 — in favor Approved— t//uax JiX7�rren Against Mayor 4enzel _UBLISW,,D 9 Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 ORIOINAL TO Cl CLtRK (lr)4 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILEILEt No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES LUTiON—GENERAL FORM j] PRESENTED 16 COMMISSION / OHi�._t Whereas, In the matter of widening West Seventh Street from Richmond Street to Tuscarora Avenue, a part of Lot 8, Rearrangement of Block 12, Clarke's Ad- dition to the City of St. Paul, was taken and the -dam- ages for the part taken was the sum of $5,800.00, and Whereas, Dennis J. McGinley, record owner of said property, has requested ermission to move the build- ing thereon, to conform to t1fe new street line, and Whereas, The Commissioner of Finance has fixed the sum of $400.00 as the value of the part of the build- ing. -extending onto City property to the owner to move; therefore, be it Resolved, That permission is hereby granted to said Dennis J. McGinley to move the building back on the above described property upon the payment by him of the sum of $400.00, which payment has been made by cashier's check drawn in favor of the City of St. Paul by H. M. Kalscheuer as agent for said Dennis J. McGinley. Credit to United Improvement Council Bond Issue Project No. 2F. ZUNILMENYeas Nays eterson _$6.R — In favor 1 ruax ,Warren /� 'Against ,-10�enzel Ar. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council $�") of 4 Is 193_ _. Approved— __ REP ? ' 193__ PUBLISIiED__[_ GI: 22 _3 ----- _3`5 Mayor '1 5- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRK COUNCIL t)8 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.-- -- s+ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY� 'L81.- DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED , That Herman C. Wenzel, Commissioner of Public Utilities, and Edwin F. Jones, Public Utilities Engineer, are hereby designated to make a trip to the following cities: Indianapolis, Detroit, Chicago, Kansas City, at. Louis and Omaha, to investigate Natural Gas and Municipal markets, and the sum of $450.00 is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses of said trip; $225.00 to be paid out of Investigation Fand 21 E2 and $225.00 to be paid out of market Fund 21 OR, and upon return, statement of expenses to be made and such unexpended balance be credited to the above funds. C. F. No. 101686—BY H. C. wenael— Resolved, Tbat Herman C. weasel. Commlealoner of Public Utilities, and Edwl s e heo eDY desllgne.ted ,bll]toe maXa a trip to the following cities: Indian- yPlis, Detrolt, Chicago, $ansae CItY, St. I.oula and Omaha, to inveatlge.te Natural Gas and Mu Met &I Market.. and the sum of $460.00 le hereby aDDro- Iprlated to defraY the eapanas L said Rn on2Fund t216El aidd 0.0 be upon retaid outurn, e28tement Of BZDBnee9eSL0 be made and such unexpended batan.GI Ibe credited to the above fonds. Adopted by the Council Seyt. 24, 1986. Approved e . 4, �ae97 COUNPILMEN Yeas Nays e ce eterson In favor "en' _—Against ' enzel X. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council K+24 w 19) -- I��J Approved—__>E' t / _-193____ Mayor Copggil File No.._.._�a.s3 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTo ./ 610", J and di B. Xvor PRELIMINARY ORDER. " is w TheunderBigned hereby proposestbe making of the following public improvement bjME-kti of Saint Paul, viz.: PAVING Bao=��Q�e3treat from the easterly line of Eegle St. to Forbes Ave- from Aver from Exchange St. to W. Seventh -6t. �ermsn Street from Esohange St. to W. Seventh St. `� _ from Sherman St. to W. Seventh St. xll3t.esaea[ry.�►ate, and gas conneetleWdVION mains to. pr*Per4Y lilps complete, ;here not alreadly made, also innlaQabing and paving dr veway and alley approacbea, where neeeseary, instaliGi conduit for o lights and traffic signals and all other work necessary and eseeotbd to above described improvement. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: PAVING EEohsnae Street from the easterly line of Eagle St. to Forbes Ave. yorbeo from lXchange St. to W. Seventh St. W$ir 6 from Exchange St. to W. Seventh St. Street from Sherman it. to W. Seventh Fit. with $ewer, water and gas connections from street mains to property lines v.boetpirt+em vhere`nbt *lrehdy *Ads, algd including curbing and paving driveway ,,Md Alley approaches, where necessasy, installing conduit for ornamental 1lshta and traf�1c )signals.and all other work necessary and essential to atiowe deaorilied improvement. _ u..�e..eeuazmprovameat. o.K.a.. _. v Y.oe,-r.............aaow 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SEP 2 419 v _ dopted by the CounciL --------_---- ................. .. .......-......--- YEAS NAYYs Councilman 'M wr j��¢ y` Aacil^ PEARCE T$ RuAx WENZEL MIL PRESIDENT Form C A 13 (RM 7-33) Approved ------...._SEP "2.4 -------- l' O/ .----------' �j Mayor. 3,. Cour ;t yn_ _ Atli, IrNpi u +z.rC Fc t4 ::Iz vuy '•17P oJ�FFWL ebor.K Rt.C&aDvr.3 Vu( ruq Jac :buaoticirau• aN �.c 1j00orcq.7A1' 7na.pe777nS ccv4117; Loi c 3trWt , cow jo;s' dtNewo ao; e7:.a-;- tv:;go► r1-ao 7xrayrrgr"? =_Lptud 3mq bdA{uh w;fip aoaAer.� A� vq ge a co"Uk';cfi1-oae LL=, a7"p,, me7rra .Ga bLobos.A j.rns2 �' b:�'•eic�-f�.t,:. '�as�iu o D• Fo aA' �:tfF �F' 7eiu C LLom gscap -xrSav ;. f • Fo .,a Hyo&tri Uv gosg acrl� sL— .............. --------------------------------------------- 11 ------------------------------------------- ................................. - .................... ........... . . .......... zum '---------------------------------------......-----------------------------.......-----........-----------------------------------.------------...........--------------.... _. .� e _ember , --195 --- 19 ..-----.. Dated this day of_......_..............S .... if ti -/LL - -an .. ouncilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: PAVING $Rchan" Street from the saeter]y line of Eagle St. to Forbes Ave. A4rbe�ATeg}ts from racchsmga St. to W. Seventh St. —9ltermen�fia+ese from Exchange St. to W. Seventh St. R=Mw Street from Sherman St. to W. Seventh St. with ewer, water and gap connections from street mains to property lines v4on vtey shore nbt Milresdy made, also including curbing and paving driveway pnd.alley approaches, where necessary, installing conduit for ornamental 1.4hts and.tcrIm fl4 ala .and all ss other work necessary and essential to above desor,'bed improver -...__ . .. iu 1.1-4 a ir.o", y,......, — .--. vrmncr-nnprovemenL. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters too �tjhe Commissioner of Finance. „ w v Adopted by the Council -.•----.-....--........_SEP 2 4193 YEAS NATs Councilman 14Fsr I "na..w...n_ ^.e--✓`- Approved----...... --��--�i'�e- PEARCE TRUAX WENZEL 1 ...................... MR. PRESIDENT �.�/� Mayor. �ULLISiII:13��� F— C A 13 (2M 7-33) ` 101597, ret_a File No .......................:. , ttloen D ng r� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Mend ^' with WL „n•.oea Parte and uoe and Irv1 g �Ii of Wilkin $ '-awn Paraliel PRELIMINARY ORDER. th eee! t- ti¢ ..n,.. rly The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following publicimprovementby4' 9ofSaint Paul, via.: bY i -- - --- - -------------- - --'-------'---------.o--- OP.�!.r..widen-.and--extend-.Sherman Street at its ntersection with Wilkin Stt reeat adding .-thereto._thflss_.D ts--ot..]�9.tA...� _fz4$...2a--Block. 29 x..Pits--and..Irvine--- -Additions ---------- lging-.east..Of..Wllkiu--S.treet...and..nortb..o�.....1 Ae..dra�ra..P al]el.-to_end--19.Sb feet -south . Street doted easter---------- ot._tbe...cente..17ne_of_RsmpeY°......... - - ------------------------------ Dated this ....._24#?l..-....day of...... Wtembera--198fi---------- --- ---- 193....... -- ' Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, Via.: Street by ... -...................___...-- -- ...------. it -- --- .. f)]Tl�a widen end -extend Sherman Street at its intersection with add-ieg thereso -shoes--Irarie-- of Lots..l..and-2r..Block.-23,--Rica--and-��+s'� s.-gdSii.t1.021a.--------- el..ta.and..19-55 - Yset. g-q!a�b iPi]:kial-Streak-.anal--nor-th..ot..s-Flee.-dra>am ..pe3'gu -............................................................. ------- . ..... ....... .. ......... ------ of-#d1e-ael3tea--ld,ua.af--Ramsey Street. oduced--easter .......----------... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ------ .------------------------------------------------------- -----------' ---------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. SER -22 ..'I r,--------------------------- Adopted by the Council ................... YEAS NAYS Councilman bk96 "* '" a� < MOROes7g'"^^""'— Approved&r # - *........--- �- PEARCE TRUAX WENZEL n ............ Mayor. MR. PRESIDENT F-c A 13 tam 7-33) PUBLISHEIS AHEA14 G .N CFIXING-101500 i' PROCEEDINGS. Warren ( % 101588— Wenzel ';latter of acquiring, ap- Gehan condemning for tT ^ket nil �T ' RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARINGM.OMMECUMM THEREON AND FIRING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD JF D{tm.kl;i ` Inthe matter of ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- acquiringo an-,ropriating and condemning for the purpose of a public market all the property described as follower Lots 1 to 20, inclusive, Prince and Desnoyer'e Re., also that piece of land ly- ing between the south line of Lots 13 and 14, Prince & Desnoyer's Re., and the north line of the Public Market extending from Jackson St. to Temperance St., also Lot 4, Block 2, Joel Whitney's Addition; Lots 1 to 7, inclusive, 9 to 14, inclusive, the southerly 23.5 ft. of the westerly one-half of Lot 8, Borup's Addition; that part of Lot 17, West of Sibley St., St. Paul Central Lots; that piece of land lying between the southerly line of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Borup's Addition and the northerly line of Tenth 8t.; those parts of Lots 809 and 10, Block 4, Markley 6 Waiter's Additiml lying southerly of a line parallel to and 70 ft. northerly of the southerly line of Norrie 8t.; the westorly 25 ft of Lot 7, all of Lots 8 a Sj Block 3, Markley.& Walkersi,Bd4itio* Late 10 and 110 Greve, Oppenheim tc Hagan's Re. and the westerly 10 ft. of Lot 10, (trove do Appenheim's Re. from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the---- --------- Xlird --- day he____________7.3.Ld___day of______-____Qatobsr---------- 19_31A, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council ---- W -2-A __________ City Clerk. Approved--------- `----- 19---- 1 l =- /�-------- Councilman PearceMayor. citta �i:l?,,i�l.'.i:ii _S: Peterson Councilman a on Councilman Councilman Warren ( % Councilman Sp4babsommm Wenzel Mayor , Gehan rnr.TnT!` i. APPR(1V1Ni .. +. �`� A T FI N TDM OF HEARING THEREON AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING ON THE AWARD OF DAMAGI'� 100582 under Preliminary Order---------------------- approved =- 100984July 3, 1935 Intermediary Order --------------------------- approved--------------------- Final Order --------------- - ----- _ -------------- 101176 __________--, approved Aug.22,193b ------------------------ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the_--- a�ulZd __may ogQntobor---------- 19-�43t, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com- missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council__- -2-A ---------- - </� City Clerk. Approved --------- -`.=-� ----- 19---- C� L l------=- ��------ ------------------------- Pearce Mayor. Councilman 4 ,e_- Peters,,n / Councilman on Councilman 1'ruaz Councilman 1{t Warren Councilman S Wenzel Mayor r Gehan 101589 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of___�DrsLa iin�rni_takin nr _aisen= _ +t _1aluL�ensssai wnz_slnpP�. cutsand Fills in t,l;e reeling c+' Tiley �- ,lock 8, L�xin-tor Park P1 Ft 11, from Sml cetN;.v.nue to 17 .line auo, ASSESSMENTS IN CON- ATION PROCEEDINGS. iC6c1 ler o— ''.tter et In the la and ce ePe., In the land In of Alley .e nta and fill..In t of 61 t 11. Black 8. Les -k Plat 11, from Sy- ,, ,ade ' ger 100912. a under Preliminary Order___)f 912---_____-- approved-____ _une___l_1935________________- Intermediary Order -------- I M 078-------------, approved ------ Lul'-_l ,_J F ----------------, Final Order----------------W1?-5Z------------ approved-- 8 ---- -- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. iixfu #exx&�edst>tt�e th4xsais�>:asaess> uto#�e: tt tdrit is 3tereby determineto, :be,payable, �r cxrr _z equalxinsta7lmemtsxas: oxrsakxpa l:nfdandadesci¢betAberein. Adopted by the Council --- &F -p -t 7le-____--____ SEP 2 5 4�3eeTTi���' ---- -- - -- ��/(((���-- Approved------------------------- 19---- ' City Clerk. ---------`-`----- Mavor, Councilman 1 Ce FLn3LISIiED_� CouncilmanFre�gxses� Peterson Councilman Councilman Councilman yF,,,'.,arXenlMayor atettzelan saint Paul,Minn., September 24,1935. V Rsunall.City of Saint Paul, paint Paul,Minn. Gentlemen; Hearing: Sept.25,1935, 10:00 A.M. The undersigned, owner of Lot. 12, Elaak a, Lexington Parl Plat 11, objects, at this time to the condemnation proceed- ings and the grading of the alley as described -,Aar PrelimAnary order 100912. Intermediary " 101078, Final order 101267 for the reason that this MpsoQement is not required at this time, that the alley as now constituted has served its purposes for many years and can still function in its present condition, f ufther special objections are made t;, the cont of the proposed improvement in that the estimated cost thereof is too high and can be performed at a cost considerably below the proposed gssesarient levy. ey��. 1180 Portland Ave. Elsie E. Soukup. L 10V��.� REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS ANI) ASSESSMENT OF 13ENEFITS In the matter Of__s4ltde_ n_3�_1' tn_ nP ar, etsemeZt i.n the la -,I n3cessa , �r slo^es, ----------------------------------------------- cuts end fills in +h, radia-, or r.11e- i^ `lock 8, :exinrton Perk P1nt 11, iron S;rndir,,t, .,,.—nue to Har'lire ;,venue, under Preliminary Order--- 122212----_, approved_ -vane_ ?ti,_1-9,35 ----------------------------- Intermediary Order ------- 1Q1�7✓i------ approved_ ------------------------------ Final Order --------------- Q1267------ approved__1�au-�ist_13,_1935--------------------------- TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ---------------- f --- Commissioner of Finance. I Original to Uty Clerk ORDINANCE INO. 1611590 /. soca No. 7847— Ordinance No. PRESENTED BY— tlnan tie Ciittrl � NO ae r� ,a rdinan o amending Ordinance No. 7607, entitled."An ordi a dividing the Classified Bervice of the City of Bsiut Pahl Into eight specialised services; a skilled labor service, and an unskilled labor service, and defining and fixing the titles, duties and qualifications faT the various positions within each service," approved February 130 1935. TBE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: tieotion 1. That Ordinance No. 7607, approved February 13, 1935, as amended, be and the new As hereby further amended by striking out of the on vision "Itaintenance and Crafts Service" in Section 8 of said ordinance, the specifications appearing under the title"LIGHTINQ HEPAIMW," and by substituting in lien thereof the following: "Duties and responsibilities: Under direction, to repair street lighting circuits and fixtures; and to perform re- lated work as assigned. i•. Ezamples of work performset To locate trouble on a street lighting air- onit and sake the necessary repairs. To repair street lighting fiatures which are Out of order. To assesble, wire and repair transformers. To repair high tension cables. Itinimum qualifications: Common school education and three years' experience as a journeyman electrician, six months of which east have been spent in work on series street light - Ing circuits; or, common school educe- �! tion and five years' employment as a Lighting Inspector. Applicant must be able to drive an auto- mobile, and mast possess a journeyman electrioianis license. Applicant must be at least twenty-five years of age." Section 8. That said Ordinance No. 7607, as amended, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of the -sub- division entitled "Sub -professional Service" in Section S of said ordinance, the specifications appearing under the title 'SOHOOL MORSE," and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Duties and responsibilities: Under general supervision, to perform nurs- ing work in the schools; and to perform Yeas Councilmen Nava Passed by the Council-_ ............... .. ....------...- Pearce On Roue \-.-.---------- ------- ------ J. Favor Truax x' Warren -- �ainst Wenzel " Mr. President (Gahan) r------------------------------- --------------------- City Clem Mayor wog 4,as Y4 Laid overt Znd.–�C��j��/ i 3rd. & app 9 �( Yeas � Adopted — �earce Nays Yeas Peterson Pearce Nays Rosen �'uax /� �ererson amen Truax Q Wenzel 1-41. Pres. Warren p1 Gahan Wenzel f ^. Mr. Pres. Gahan J 4 3 orf0lml to City Clerk ' ORDINANCE A COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY i ORDINANCE related work as assigned. examples of work performed: To organise and promote health work among school children. To assist medical inspectors in examining children for physical defects and oom- municable diseases, and to do follow-up work. To instruot.children in the formation of health habits, and to give health talks. Ta,give first aid when required. To visit the homes and give instructions in the oars of children. Minimum qualifications: Graduation from high school and from a recognised hospital training school for nurses. One dear coarse in public health nursing equivalent to coarse given at the IIniversity of Minnesota; or one year of experience in any type of nurs ng (prefer- ence given to pablio health oour Applicant mast be a registered nurse in the State of Minnesota, a member of the lgoal__ nursing organisation, and a member of the State Nurses Association. Applicants muat be not less than 'twenty-one nor more than,.thirty-five yeare'of age, and must passaatisfactory physical examin- ation, including Mantoux test and chest , X-ray, if necessary." section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Passed by the Council .--..._QL I -1 O Pearce Peterson Rewn ......... ...............In Favor Truax Warren --------------------------Against {IIrwsi 'mrrireaitiea roved Q Q/ MR.. Attest: - •---------- ..... ._._ ..-:....---- _ - -- ..__.. �., as, -✓ ------- ....., ✓ .. City Clerk M$yor 300 4-35 - PT.TRTTqF" CITY OF SAINT PAUL / LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN HILARY J FLYNN JOHN L CONNOLLY EDWIN MURPHY CORPORATION COUNSEL IRVING GOTLIES JAS. P. SULLIVAN Ai81-A— ROY E. H. SWEDHEN CLAIM INVobTIGATOR September 24th, 1835. Dr. L. R. S. Ferguson, city clerk, city of Saint Paul. Dear Sir: The Department of Education and the Depart - went of Public Utilities have recently requested ordi- nanoes changing specifications in certain positions. For the sake of economy in printing, both changes have b±en placed in one ordinance. Kindly call the attention of the Gommission- er of Eduoation and the Gommissioner of Public Utilities to this fact. Yours very truly, Ase t t Gorpo on counsel. &TF -U Whereas, Emma M. Ritt, Senior Clerk -Stenographer in the Department of will be incapacitated and iunable itoeperform s of eher dutiesof tfor aal� period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 24th day of September 1935, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has Em recommended that ma M. Ritt be grantedand irterdthelleave of absence for disability with pay, from day of ph Ev Section 41 ofdtheave Civil Servicein oRules, with Paragraph E, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Emma M. Ritt for thirty (30) days from and after September 24, 1935, with full Pay- tMEN GOUCNGIL No. 161591 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL ,_ . i weasel OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ — xttt, s +' COU/ CIL RES O r fa the Depart, UTION—GENERAU.aepgc a an4 ui; for a Ve" e) Gaye from Against �K/enzel '.:eptember, 199... c 4 to PR M °D BY G _ mmtnelon« I^ _ - COMMIS ONER reoomm ._o Ir Brasted ' for III, I e thea, .s RESOLVED 'W Whereas, Emma M. Ritt, Senior Clerk -Stenographer in the Department of will be incapacitated and iunable itoeperform s of eher dutiesof tfor aal� period of at least thirty (30) days from and after the 24th day of September 1935, and Whereas, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has Em recommended that ma M. Ritt be grantedand irterdthelleave of absence for disability with pay, from day of ph Ev Section 41 ofdtheave Civil Servicein oRules, with Paragraph E, Therefore, Be It Resolved, that the proper city authorities be and are hereby authorized to grant a leave of absence for Emma M. Ritt for thirty (30) days from and after September 24, 1935, with full Pay- tMEN yeas Yeas ea e eterson Nays favor / 1ruax Against �K/enzel r. President (Gehan) 5M 1,34 Adopted by the Council_ p . 51QM- 193 -- SEP 2 5 IMOMM- -193- Mayor Piif3LlSiII':D �3 S J2—By Frwa M. Tr,' e, NO. )1592 eMe1NwL TO c1rY CLIKK Co W.lonar CITY OF ST. PAUL oa°u Build' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 'ooone°i ,Aeaio. i. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL^ sd —A i dGr i�a „a DATE COMMISSIONER— WIiBRMAB, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to tSnelliinng Council that garage located on Lot ? Block 3, known as go- ggg Borth Snelling avenue, is in such a dilapidat- ed and dangerous conditionbasito warrant its being condemned and torn down; REBQLVEDI That a Public hearieidebhad ung, onpon e the advisability and necessity of wreaking s Chamberyinfthetober, 1935 at tan Court House and City1Hall, in theiCityeofeSail Paul, Minnesota, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days Prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parkb, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known oord owner of said property, at his last tnknown address, the Or to re the agent or occupant of said g operty, time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, one he shall oationainea notice Of such the official newspaperofsaid Cto be ity, saiven id notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. 5M &34 Adopted by the Council_EP_2 rr} 193 -- TOW Approved �t —193__ Mayor LISTiT'I� �/' C UN ILMFN Yeas e ce eterson Nays In favor /iWom ,Truax gWarren Against /Wenzel /f r. President (Gehan) 5M &34 Adopted by the Council_EP_2 rr} 193 -- TOW Approved �t —193__ Mayor LISTiT'I� �/' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 21st, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear Sir: The attached letter of Comsissioner Truax requesting that condemnation proceedings be instituted against a building at 296 No. Snelling Avenue was referred to you for resolution setting data of hearing (No. 1). Yours very truly, City Clerk ERN EST W. JOHNSON W. LA MONTKAUFMAN Sc or PL.v..OVN.. SUIT. .' P.... CHAS. A. SASSFORD Orry A.cH,i.cr CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Depoly Commissioner Sys September 18, 1935 Hon. City Council City of Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: The attention of this Department has been called to the con- dition of the garage at 296 North Snelling Avenue, described as Lot 7, Block 3, Snelling Park Addition. We find that the garage is leaning, dilapidated, beyond re- pair and in danger of collapse. It is considered dangerous to life, limb, and adjoining property and for this reason a Danger Notice has been posted on the building. So far as we have been able to ascertain, the owner is Mr. B. 0. Sherman, 1126 Romula Street, Los Angeles, California, who has been notified of the condition of his building. No answer has been received from him. Therefore, we risk that condemnation proceedings be instituted in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yours truly, Commissioner LAR..0 � COUNCIL No—law-3 FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT ISSIIONBy CCC/// n� •s.------- DATE OM ghat the application of Harry H• Sehlenk to operate a RESOLVED No. S, located public garage on Lot 17, Auditor's Subdivision at 179 Oayuga street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays L --Pearce ✓Ireterson favor ✓ Truax ____Against Warren 1 D.....:.1enr i�iPil ailL ✓11R. VICE PRES. ROSFN 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101693—By Frad j, Truax ru x' f I Resolved, That the DPPLI a public Harry H. 8chlen 17to AP.mt 's euLd1- I garage on 8 located t 119 Cayuga felon I$ hereby granted, and' -ds and Com - street, a playgroun publile l" l f Far fs hereby authorized c Rulldinge nd Instructed to feeue Dermlt there- for. Adopted by the 91 1936c11 Oct• 9. 193 ' Approved Oct. ,Oct. 13-1936) i j V Adopted by the Council . - i6T -�- 193—. OCT 91 193 /Apjp�Jrov�ed --'--- t �/ 0- Mayor— 416, NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERMIT T -E� A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 'fG� 10Arl" to the Council of e/Cit of aint Paul, Minnesota, for by permission t a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy, Minnesota, to grit: a Lo Block Addition, Sai ul, Minnesota. On the side of . ". --e,, ..a —,W — St. Ave., Between ���Ossl�Ss St. Ave.. Ave. U Numbe St.Ave. �" 3 Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 193 J STATE OF MINNESOTA, 2 9s County of Ramsey, f /............ being duly sworn. on oath ................................. . says: that he "s, and during all the times herein stated has been clerk of the I)Lgpatch- pioneer Press Co., Publisher of We newspaper known as 8 8t. Paul Pioneer Press, and has full knowledge of the facts thereinafter stated: that for more than one year prl r to the therein of the L°�`•:`•`... ....... .. ..................... . C......................... herelnalter described, said newspaper was Printed and Published 1n the CI of 8t. Paul. m the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week: that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the Englleh language from its known office of Publication within the city from which it Purports to be "'sued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to a pap, each sixteen incbcs Issued each week from a known ice established 1d lace of long;has n sand equipped ywith skilled workmen and lithe necessary material for preparing and Printing the same; that during an said time In its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said pie of pub- lication to the extent df at least two hundred and forty (240) ooPies regularly delivered to as second claw tter in Its local there has been on file ig subscribers and had theentry ice of the County Auditor of Ramsey Counity, Minnesotaf'ce; and , the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and. the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. Tbat the ................... ...... �. ..........hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, oaee"ee° *"fOS..-..-++•-•�. X1':7:.. .......... eive�eeka,- that it first so Published on..*r• .... ...... the .......... .........day of 3S(J{ Sde-/9jsot eaclrwaek 19......, and thereafter on ...... ...........�. . to and incl and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit. &E defgm)klmnamntuv yi ............. .............. ................. /........ Subscribed and sworn to before me this........ day of ..... ... ............... 19.3`j— .... .... ... .. .................... ..................Mary Iic, y County, Minnesota My commission expires" .............. ............. 19. ....... STATE OF Maly-PSOTA, l sa County of Ramsey, ) ,� / �I - , C. (✓t.X being duly sworn, on oath has been dark of the Dispa tob .................. ............•; .......� the times herein and duringDispatch, than, one year says: that he fe, � the nerrsPaPer known ea BL. Paul DIaP� mp1e Pioneer p1ess Co. Publisher of the facts hereinafter stated: that _ Ysasa, and has full knowledge- ...... Prio - to the p bli thereln of the. .... •."' .. .Q2�;,a qq// D / .. ti ....... .. d r I -'kl, C�i�CP. !-14,........ � . s Ctt9 of St. Paul. J.. .. was printed and Published h week: that dutm6 all hereinafter described. said newspaper mon each day of from its known office In the County of R,amse9.State been Printed m the Ens lish said time said new�pthe city from which it Purports to he issued as above statedto in ace to at least four Pages, wig five columns Office e of Publication within isened daily each week from a knOWII efitce column and sheet form equivalent h spas _ workman Bud the page each lateen inches long; ubllcation and eVipped Will' skilled said time in its established in said Place o1 P and printing the same: that during preparing ted to local necessary material for � fi a per cent of its news cdtma t during all said time it has makeup not less than twent9-five it Purports to sery, of patents, news of interest to the comm li ation, and has not been entirely made Place o1 pub- news any other pub been circulated to and near its said slivered m not wholly cup eats: has forty (240) copies regularly plats mattes and advertfseID hundred and tflce: and that licatfon to the extent of at least two second class matter in its local P"tolfi9, y(innesota, Paying subscribers and bad entry as Auditor of Ramsey been on file m the office o1 the County show.B the name and location of there hes having ice o ledge of the tecta, ualificatious as a legal the affidavit of andrson e� oe of the conditions constituting its 0. said newspaper ten newspaPer• ....hereto attached .............. • • rintsd and Published therein in That the ........... and was P was cut from the columns o1 sold newsPaPeT.., _ English language. �...... ,.. the Eng langso published ...day of ished onA -�Ti.. '.. .... the......... .. �...... that it was first / G_ �,f)• 1..... ..... � 19... and thereafter on.. . ....... ---- T,_ : and ................... 9 ........... bet from A to Z. both Inclusive, to and includingllowin copyof the lower case R I type used in Lhe cpmpcettlon that the following ffi s Dr(ots� being the sine and kind Of and is hereby acknowldged tei wit: and Publication of said notice. ab,detskOkl ' oPQnmvwsra day of..... •. Subscribed and sworn to before me this........ ^ ........ er'....... 9 C Imtiy, isinnesota on expiresbr� �.?ub11,:7.k W�lC hyo;y yl September 25th, 1935. Hon. Azel F. Peterson, Comstr of Finanos, Building. Dees Sirt The City Council today laid over to October 2nd for hearing, the application of Harry R..Schlenk for permit to operate a public garage on Lot 179 Auditor's Subdivision 170. $4 located at 179 CgMa Street and requested you to send notions to property owners of such hearing. Tours very truly, City Clerk. October 2nd, 1935+ Nr. Wm. C. Barront Chief lire Prevention InoPsotor, City. Dear girt The attached copy of a resolution granting the application of Harry IL S rblankeet for rpermitdto perate- public garage at 179 Cayuga your partment, by the City Council, for report. The resolution was laid over to October 9th. Yours very trulp't City Clerk. I October 2nd, 1935. Mr. fico. H. Herrold, Secretary, Zoning Board, Building. Dear Sir: The attached copy of a resolution nt ing the application of Harry H. Schlent to operate a public garage at 179 Ceygga Street was referred to the Zoning Board, by the City CO=Cilj for recommendation. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir s Your letter of October 2nd -in the matter of application of Harry He Schl tto operate a public garage at 179 Cayuga Street. This property is on the north side of Cayuga at. and the land is zoned for industrial pur- poses. The lots run back on to a low level and back up against the Soo Line Roundhouse and trackage of the St. Paul Structural Steel Cots Plant. The land northerly of this lot is zonhased for a garageaat the rear ofindustrial phisolot. owner which i 176 ft. deep and considerable below the level of Cayuga St. and on a level with the -Roundhouse. A public garage is permitted in this zoning without restrictions and the Board recommend that the permit be issued. yours very truly, GEORGB H. HMOLD, gngineer Secretary. gh-rh "ov of THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 as p SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE October 8th, 1935. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Yr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir s Your letter of October 2nd -in the matter of application of Harry He Schl tto operate a public garage at 179 Cayuga Street. This property is on the north side of Cayuga at. and the land is zoned for industrial pur- poses. The lots run back on to a low level and back up against the Soo Line Roundhouse and trackage of the St. Paul Structural Steel Cots Plant. The land northerly of this lot is zonhased for a garageaat the rear ofindustrial phisolot. owner which i 176 ft. deep and considerable below the level of Cayuga St. and on a level with the -Roundhouse. A public garage is permitted in this zoning without restrictions and the Board recommend that the permit be issued. yours very truly, GEORGB H. HMOLD, gngineer Secretary. gh-rh ERNEST w. JOHNSON S— — Pure...... W. LA MONT KAUFMAN CHAS. A. SASSFORD a.,. o. P.... Cm An..— CITY OF SAINT PAUL / Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF (� PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commiaiona � .®8 October 287 1935 gon. Fred L. Truax Commissioner Dear Sir I am returning to you herewith file iermissionito with the application of Harry H. Schlenk for p a public garage at 179 Cayuga Street. This property is in a Light Industry District and there is only room for one car at ection to to ineblio is geain ll bthis dlocality. can see no obJ You truly, City 'Architect G' LAR..0 ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 9th, 1935• Hon. Bred M. Troaz, Comstr of P.P. & P. Bldgs., Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter of Am. C. Barron, Chief Tire Prevention Inspector, relative to the application of Harry H. Schlenk for permission to operate ae Qouncilie gg rage at 179 Cayuga Street was referred to you, by for investigation and report. ?ours very tr�uly, /f 1� �le City Clerk. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION October 7, 1935. Honorable H. E. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sir: On October 2nd I received a letter from the City Clerk enclosing the attached resolution No. 101,593 covering the application of Harry H. Schlenk for permission to operate a public garage at 179 Cayuga Street. Upon investigation we find that this is a frame building 20 a 11 feet; has wood and cement floor; roof and side of building are covered with rubberiod; it is located 35 feet from the nearest buildings can accom— modate only one car at a time. The fire hazard is very slight and I be— lieve this should be referred to the Building Department. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Prevention Inepector. Encl. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK CITY OF ST. P OFFICE OF THE. CITU COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G,"„ PRESENTED COMMISSIONER 8.'0. -("� 594 and a on also 0 Is 1 ner ,bll¢ , RESOLVED That the application of H. L. Mundy for permission to erect and maintain an oversi$e private garage on Lot 14, B10ok 24, Summit Park, also described as No. 918 Lincoln avenue, is hereby granted, and the 00mmiesioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby aut)torized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 7/Petereson _In favor ra x z' 'arren Against 'V/enzel Ivlr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 SEP 2 51 Adopted by the Council— —___ 193 S'EP-2 5 Approved —193-- Mayor I93—Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL �( a,9g Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 24th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The following applications for garages have been referred to you, by the Council, for resolutions to grant: H. L. Mundy Oversize private garage - Lot 14, Block 24, Summit Park -918 Lincoln Ave. Harry H. Schenk Public garage - Lot 17, Auditor's Sub. #9, 179 Cayuga St. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No.. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 1`7"93J� to the Cit Council the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for permission to erect 3�rc garage on t f by ollowing describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Co cy, Minnesota, o "it: -�� L o t Block y r Addition, V f side of aul,iMinnesota. On the _S .Av9-, BetWeen umber UP-- 0��� i Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, 'o j 3 L=o � ET STATE OF MLNNESOTA, County of Ramsey, �being duly sworn, on oath ................... tch- ro says: that he 1s, and during all the times herein has been clerk of the Dfspa • . - . Bt. pioneer Press Co., Publisher of the newspaper known as y�1.�1�z� Paul Pioneer_ press, and hes full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for one year 7r�to the publication therein Of th(eJ�..... ..... hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published In the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State o1 Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of Publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated In column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least Your pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen laches long; has been issued daily each week from a known office established In said Place Of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for Preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in its o® ^ wiuvacwxrox O_1 Fotxrr makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to 10=1 4ro., ov�aarze wzm ow news of interest to the community It purports to serve; that during all said time it hes 1 r g1tBn th., Ou`o1°ooeS}r sA not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, "° xo. P has been olrculated in and near its said place of pub- 1r0lanesM Dllmtlon ' ow f'o1 Sme'cslty oSMitti' late matter and advertise menta: 1 delivered to of b, g, r. nmmr,for �F. ]kation to the extent Of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regular Ice; and that '.FrOrw wu w o*ibtdUSve4e subscribers and had entry as second class matter In its local Posto lylinnwaota, ano110enrsal �lse',"ei�°' Paying cam iha iia, to there has been on file In the office o1 the County Auditor of Ramsey County, lalook 21 t�a'mm+t Dark Ad- the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the'facts, showing the name and location of a, 2rtmeuta• -thee. wva., aeswem Milton se. as. 918 ranam said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its 9ualificatlons as a legsedatat.Paul, Mianeeota9-31990.31e�paper, L.P. 6aDt 4-3�. 1930.) e�P .....hereto attached That the ............................................ was out from the columns of said newspaper, and was Printed and Published therein in 3 the English language, �,�/(V� . • • • .. ........� that it first so Published on..:.'.......•• I ....the ......... ........day of .. .... .............. f9.3.r and thereafter to and 1D that the following is a printed copy of the lower casee aa1phabet from A to Z. both inclusive, and is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: aacdefghUklmnopgntavwirs .................................................. ....... ........ 1.... ....... /. ... ........AA... Subscribed and sworn to before me this... .?. .day of .... .... .......... .... . .................... Ile, County, Minnesota My commission exp .. n.4E41�. .!...T.. '�....., 19..... -'3a STATE OFr MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, MR P TO :. w= OVANN CATION PRIVATE V x�et,o.H'i. aereb given that leuaat w R sCaaynon 7s -1s, omwaoe xo. ono, oe the w IR -e lmeee u eeal' 1 . 1199as f,180A. M'i W the tllty' Dowell the Car O[ &. mudW tbertct•- q�a3z se n wt' {arwte{ w Wa. rolioRaM�agsamaelbat4y, reaaal aepeplaa�teg, zell- Mlidra 34 8loto rek 24, Gummi iLe e Ad - Mas 11au1, heeote. o0 aWe. oC' LaeNnAve., eetwam Mutaa et. an6tzweth rlh at. NUIDher D19 IJnmW APo:" Dated at 8t. Paul, Mlgateota, B -a, 1993. -. (P. P. h D4p.. Sept. 4 ion .- ' �• ....... being duly sworn, on oath says; that he is, and during all the times herein d has been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Dispatch, SQ!w- 1er9 Ill, and has full knowledge of the facts hh/erreei-lnaftteerr stated; tha for more than one year prio to the publication therein of the...: -:.: • • • .-/........ .... .. . ..�tiLn,:y .�....oz. ,��.�•z^rk:�•.,.......... hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and Publlshed in the of St. Paul. in the County or Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during oil said time said newspaper has been Printed in the English Language from its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been Issued dally each week from a known office established in said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and Printing the same; that during all said time in its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated In and near its said place of pub- Heation to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry as second claw matter in its local postoffice; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. Thatthe ...................... ......................hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, ..... �. : �....../..�--' \Q /1 that it filet so Published on.......h4aJ...7.the....................... day of / 11 .......... ............. 19 .5 , and thereafter on 6. .? toand Including the ................... o ........................... 1 19......; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower ease alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and is hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: atedefghUkla Ptrstuv z .................................... .................. LY Subscribed and sworn to before me this.... �. dax of ...... 1&.R.a•l•'• • •:e��,�19 3 .. .... t ... .................... No Public say County, Minnesota My commission expireAl'e et;r• f� ",,ti„�:. A� .... 19..... .. l 17. t, ORIGINAL TO Cfrr ���ak ' 91696 —By Fred M� 101595 CITY OF ST. PAUL Thnt nermleelon. NO. hereby given to f OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK et company to rvlce etatlon e' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL" ph . p y`odevdiat f d ant aG PRESENTED DATE COMMIS810NER RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Western oil d reel Company to install and operate a service station at 3$81 Wabash avenue, in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically vaid the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and land - soaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in ourbing, side- walks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satis- faction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council when- ever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station con- stitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Yease�/e Nays Adopted by the Council---- SEP 2C, 1 eterson iSEP � s _In favor Approved 193— /,President x ren Against ✓ _ l (Gehan) k'UBL1sli%I_ y 35 - SM 6.34 a APPLICATION TO BE MADE IN ORIGINAL CITY OF ST. PAUL TZPLICATE AND FILED IN THE CITY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CLERK'S OFFICE. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 0 d"a 35 TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY- - ----- -- Wastern-01-1 _& _FW31 _C_Q-1aP-e,nY-- -- . ---- - -- ---- -- ---------- ------------ - (NAME IF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A..________ - 5e_rKj_q_e --- 5_t_4t_1Qn --------- ------ - ----- ---- -- -- -------- - ---- -- I-IRIVI N- OR -INSIDE GARIGE-) AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO BE LOCATED ON oexNorthweat cornar>ax= --of --- Pr-0-Per-tY ------- owned by Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company, facing on Vlabash Ave. ,- _ALSODESCRIBMAS 2221 'Habash ,AY9Z1!Q ------- --- ----- - T (STREET AND NUMBER) I.ODITI—I NO. OF PUMPS threa__(3l__ 'NO. OF GAS TANKS _thre.e. -CAPACITY OF EACH TANK__1_Q00--ga18 - FILED RECEIVED COPY 7CM CITY CL RK .ATE D,,p NT OF PURL___ 07 SAF__ AF Y ---- ------------------- a ------------- - - - --- I` WES TERN- Q_1L --- &___FUZLL_-001UDANy-- --- - SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. BY- ----- ­­ --- ---------- 221T CQ,_I_f_oy __A,verjue --- h-o-r-th,_ - - ----- V _,ue LorBU.I.ES.. 12--_ RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK DATE --- . t ....a ----------- - ----- 1. 14 CITY PLANNING BOARD BY --------- lg;� --- 7_V___moi-________ ---------- - - - ------- ------ , G. H. BARFUSS Acting Chief of Police PAUL ' ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. CITY OF S A I N TT P A v L Health Officer Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H, E. WARREN, Commissioner WALLACE N. JAMIE, Deputy Commissioner Mr, L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Pauli Minnesota Dear Sir: WM. J.SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULEY Supt. of Police and Fre Alarm G. H. BRISSMAN Asst. Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm September 199 1935 Herewith is returned the application of the Western Oil and Fuel Company for permission to install a gasoline filling station on the northwest corner of property owned by the Twin City Hardwood Lumber Company; also known as 2221 Wabash Avenuev and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Traffic and Fire Prevention. Very truly yours Wallace N. Jamie Deputy Commissioner THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INT[R-OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 19, 1935 Hr. Wallace N. Jamie Deputy Commissioner of Public Safety Dear Sirt Referring to application made by the Western Oil and Fuel Company for permission to install a gasoline filling City Hardwooon d Lumberr Csompany,eals0 known as Z221d by Twin City Wabasha Avenue. I have made the customary inspection of this location and do not find that the proposed station and driveways will materially interfere with traffic. very truly yours, Harry N. tergren Superint ent of Traffic M. J. CUWGAN Chief of Police ' ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH Health Officer i CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner Hon.H.E."7arren Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: WM. J. SUDEITH Fire Chief G. E. BRISSMAN Acting Supt. Police and Fire Alarm September 18,1935- In regard to the application of the Western 011 & Fuel Co. for permission to install a gasoline filling station :o the northwest corner of the property owned by Twin Cit Hardwaod Lumber Company, also described as 2221 Wabash ve. Three pumps and three 1000 -gallon gasoline tanks aie to be installed. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. dr. THE BOARD OF ZONING 4 a Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 PIT ► SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 234 COURT HOUSE September 19th, 1935. ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. WGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORE11 City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of the application of the station Western Oil & Fuel Company for a on the south side of Wabash between Cleveland and Vandalia This is a Heavy Industrial District. The station is on Band lieund sned betweenhtheirnCity plant andtheLumber CompStates Bedding Company. There are no curbs or United States sidewalks on Wabash. A pump island and pumps are to be erected on existing driveway into the plant to serve cars and trucks operating in this industrial district. Pump island will be 12 ft. from property line. The Board recommend that the application be approved. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh MILTON RQSEN Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M.SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asch Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction G. H. HERROLD, Office Engineer NARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Eno,. Clark September 20, 1985 Mr. L. R. s. Ferguson, City Clerk, Building• FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. I. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYI'BAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Dear sirs in reference to the application of the western Cil and Fuel. Company for service station on I b g lode of Wabashe Ave. between as land ��d with modification advise you that the pl line to pump island, as to 12 foot distance this Property from an eng�e�— meet with the apPrOMEl Of ing standpoint. Yours very truly* T..51 M. MVARD, Chi Enggineer. September 25th, 1915. Hon. Axel T. Peterson, Come+r of Pinaaoer Building. Dear Sire The application of the Vestern Cil and Buel Company to inetall and operate a gasoline servibe station at 2221 Habash Avenue was laid over to September ort ai er 26tthehtazemorrow) situation - Tows the requeet that you make a yours very truly, City Clerk. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuefion and Assessment Engineer _ HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier OR September 26, 1985. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clark, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs Referring to the tax situation on the property at 2222 Wabash Avenue on xhioh the Western Oil k Fuel Co. has made applioation for permission to install and operate a gasoline station, there are no delinquent taxes on this property. Yours very truly, arm 4 Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finanoe. 4 )ri COUN ILMEN u m: -Warren.; 101596 Yeas 'u—sr ,z�r: C. Pgaraer- NO. ORIGINAL To CITY eL CITY OF ST. PAUL ,a 0a°m`ea v°areonse� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLEF_ ted a anc1u ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE^nthcio t )L.ti September 25, 1935 PRESENT BY COMMISSI NER DATE licenses applied for by the following named persons at the RESOLVED That the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is addresses indicated be and into the city treasury of instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment the required fees: itP. 183 W. 5th St. 2nd band automobiles App. 7075 New Charles Anderson 1a Berry Chevrolet "' 6983 n Grand & Victoria " " 6866 " Grand Ave. Motors, Inc. 850 Grand " 7048 Greenman Motor Co. 225 University M n u +' 6864 " Eetfield-Parry,Inc. a 917 Grand 6862 n " ." Holt Motor Co. 194 Pleasant n " 6894 " Kemper Chev. Co.Inc. 701-5 E. 7th " IN " 6929 " " Malmon Motor Co. n 467 Rice n " 6945 " " Matson Motor Co. 1024 E. 7th " n " 6904 " Modern Motors, Inc. 1800 University n " 6863 " Patterson-Stocking,Inc. 734 Carroll n n " 7054 " Shewmacker & Sather 786 University 6865 " St. Paul Motors, Inc. 165 Pleasant n If n 11 6916 " St. Paul Nash Motors 184 W. College ° 4 )ri COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays eterson Z'('__ln favor 1r�ax Warren � --�"--Against Aenzel 111A r. President (Gehan) 5M G•34 Adopted by the Counc�Ts_ - 19t�.V Approved______f!L —193_— -- Y CLt R`� 1V15V • ORIGINAL TO CITY U'C(�•(/� V FI Eti CIL LE NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (YvJ PRESENTEDBY DATE September 25, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED T t licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: C. H. Dahl 193 N. Snelling Bakery App. 7099 Renew Bahnons Mercantile Co. 80 E. 7th Confectionery " 7057 " Wm. Bergen 441 Wabasha n " 7091 " Stephen Bergl 690 N Dale 6211 " John B10IDmeT 1049 Payne C. F. No. 101697—By H. E Warren— 7047 " Robert V. Carlson 559 Rice Fred be Truax—I.. Pearce— aesolved, that Iicenm. for which er- eoine t blist atachel for pthe 6756 " named on addresses indicated be ani the e Paul Damien 246 Front re hereby granted and the City Clerk Is Instructed to issue such ilcena,. n 6826 upon thte payment Into the City Trea.- u y of he required fee.. 7088 " S. M. Foley 940 E. 7th Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1936. Approved Sept. 96, 1986. (Sept. 28-1986) 7087 ^ R. A. Nelson 896 Payne -- Park RecreationvIne. 188-92 N. Snelling " " 7078 N. T. Simley 1039 Selby " " 6840 " S. P. Harbeck 1146 Rice Bfltafler 1934-5 " 6383 " It it 11 n n Grocery " 6381 " In In n Butcher 1935-6 " 6384 " E.T. Burke 321 Thomas Grocery " 6872 " H. A. Clark 202 W. Central " it 6665 " Julius Getsug 319 W. Central " " 6728 " Mrs. Anna Hines 260 Burgess " " 6797 " K. Jensen 1657 E. Minnehaha n " 7015 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council-.--- _ _..— -193 -- Pearce Peterson Rosen —__In favor Approved___ _ ----- 193_— Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) sbi 6.14 OMOINAL TO CITY CLERK CbLINCIL 10159 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Saz}.mnhwr 25 1U35 COMMISSIONER f RESOLVED Harry L. Kramerman E & A La Pointe Rocco Lucisano Luther T. Merrill Mrs. P. Poses n n n J. J. Resig Pearl Schaffer Ida Strane Mrs. W. Thoele Joseph Stransky Jr Park Recreation Inc. Paul Damian Wm. Bergen Peoples Coal & Ice Co. J. R. Fern Chas. Ellitt Montgomery Ward & Co. Skelly Oil Co. Skelly Oil Co. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson —2- 1171 Cortland Grocery 1312 Forest ^ 571 Forest St. " 448 Aurora " 136 N. Western ^ " it " Off Sale Malt Bev. 881 Rice Grocery 319 W. Maryland ^ 560 Ven Buren " 1194 N. Dale " 1209 W. 7th 8 bowling alleys 188-9 N. Snelling 9 bowling alleys 246 Front 3 pool t abler 441 Wabasha 10 pool tables 914 Guardian Bldg Ice Storage Plant Woodbridge & Rice 563 Wabasha Gas Sta. 2 pumps 1111 Payne " a 4 n 1400 University " " 6 " 2067 Grand " " 5 " 205 Concord " " 3 " Rosen --- In favor Truax Warren __—Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M1I 6.34 App. 6532 Renee " 7081 " It 7070 " To 6815 " To 6512 " It 6511 " ^ 7074 " " 6958 " TM 7033 " To 6574 To It 7069 n " 7077 " " 6825 " " 7092 " ^ 6034 " To 7080 " To 7090 " ^ 7051 " " 7082 " " 7052 " Adopted by the Council 193—_ Approved__.—_ ______193 -Mayor — ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED Floyd M. Weed H. Wigstrom Frank L. Dodd „ n n n n n A. F. Kurth n n u COUNCIL NO. 1(.159'7 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILS OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE September 25 1985 11]0 N. Snelling Gas Ste. 4 Pumps App. 7056 Renew 620 Rice n n 2 n n 7060 " 22 W. Sixth n n n n n " 234 Rondo n „ n n COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays Pearce /Peterson R¢sen _____—In favor TUax �� lWarren — —Against Wenzel r. President (Gehan) SM 6.74 Restaurant " 5579 " On Sale Malt Bev " 5580 " Off " n n n 5581 " On Sale Malt Bev. " 7071 " Confectionery " 7012 off Sale Malt Bev. " 7013 " Adopted by the CounciSE 2 JI,3vi __ .193 K'25 Approved------ — 193 Mayor - COl1NCIL NO. rt ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtR FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �{ COUNCIL J/LRESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM _ /T __ DATE September.25, 1955 RESOLVED On Sale Malt Beverage, That licenses for Restaurant, application 6340, application 6341, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 634211 applied fcr by Andrew Geschwill at 225 West Seventh Street be and tie same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees- _ ------ C FTed k Truax loo NO 101598—BY H. E. - C- Pear— ren— Resolved, That licensee for Reetau- ant, application63 On 6341,5 le Mal 13—jarage, application' Off Sale Malt Beverage, apDlicatlon 6862, _applied for by An Geschwtll at 226 are hereby th granted and the ceet be and ity a emrk le instructed to 196ue each licensee up- on the Payment into the city treneury of the required Yees: ADDpoved Sethe DL 26u 1926. ept. 26, 1986. i New _ (SepL 28-1986) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �cc / eterson ruax __In favor ^— �larten �) Against Menzel Mr. President (Cehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council _SEP9 a j, _ _193 Approved 193_— . - ------ — Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL{RK ,+88—By 8• E' COUNCIL '( () �(y�(y� t li C. ea FILE No. 16159V F ST. PAUL , Phat licensee wing named De OFFICE OF THE CITY C ndicated be aI- grantedand ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN, id to issue sup N \• hent into th, „ TN sired fees• RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the - addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Sam Drucker 570 Farrington Grocery " 6827 tr Fred Fiscella 500 Sherburne " " 6619 " Gertrude N. Johnson 1306 Payne " " 7079 " H. Peterson 888 PayIIe " " 7061 " Joseph Pillis 1102 Rice " " 6849 " " it " it Off Sale Malt Bever. " 6850 " Frank Stowers 404 Front Grocery " 6955 " Marshall Ave. Garage 2190 Marshall Gas Ste. 1 pump " 7068 " Yaeger & Beckner 455 S. Robert " " 3 pumps " 7028 " M. E. Wagner 56 E. 4th " " 1 pump " 7083 " COUNCILMEN SEP 2 5 Yeas Nays 7�erce Adopted by the Council /Peterson SEP Rosen -_—In favor ______—__193__ --__ Approved._—— —193_— /I� ' ax Warren —IL—Against 7 / t/, /Venzel Mayor, /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M (.14 ORMINl1L TO CITY CURN COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED By COMMISSIONER RE,JLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Duane L. O'Hara, pro- viding for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on the 13th day of September 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Water Commissioners, in accordance with said agreement, is hereby authorized to pay to said Duane L. O'Hara the sum of $17.60 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Com- missioners, being for the period to and including September 36th, V1_ 1935• C. F. No. 7J11800—BY 8. C wen:el— Reaolved, that the Board- of Water Commissirmer. be and it la haraea�a t thsed to Duane 1..ter lot' O'B.ars., Pr O, for for �, the paYment [ °ompenea .. to him at the rate of $17.80 Per. -week during' such time as he shall be totally dls- '', .bled by reason or "'If, fr the Water him while In the emD Y Department on the 12th daY of --Pi- 1935; be it _ en ♦ t the Board of to 26.1936- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council C1: P 2 r 1qq 93— eterson _In favor Approved SEP 2 _193. 1rp ax /W rren Against � / JOVenzel Mayor jOlr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK C61.)CIL N�1U1601 ITY OF ST. PAUL FILEN OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK j ,COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY IZ rY1i DATE September 26f 1985 COMMISSIONER R E+V ED WHEREAS, L. A. St. George desires to withdraw application 7079 for Confectionery license at 1090 East Seventh Street, and requests return of license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to L. A. St. George the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application .for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays e[erson — In favor r ax � ren Against Jr,F/enzel 4. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 C. F. No. 101001—By R. E. Warren— I Fred W. Truax— SVhereae,3t George desire. to Clone y license 03099 7079for Seventh Street, and request. return of license fee; therefore, be It ResolVed, that the proper city oM- l i [orretunfl LOLL AgBt. Georg fhre hereby efeeaot $10.00 and to cancel said applleatlon for llcen.e. - Adopted by the Council SepL 89, 1986. Approved Sept. 89, 1986. (Sept. 88-1986) Adopted by the Council—W p 2 f 1M_193_ _ Approved— _ SEP 2 6 WK 193_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO OITT-L... CITY OF ST. PAUL FOUNCIL NO.� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ILE COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER �+- DATE- _— I FIKEDEMm WHEREAS, The Governor of Minnesota has issued his proclamation ordering a special primary election to be held on Monday, October 14, 1935, and a"special also. tion to be held on Monday, October 21, 1935, in the Fifth Ward, 39th Legislatite District, City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, for the purpose of electing a representative in that district to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Albert Sameo, former representative, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a special election is hereby ordered to be held in the manner ' provided by law in the City of Saint Paul; and be it RESOLVED FURTHER That the City Clerk is hereby ordered to give such notice as is required by law and he is hereby authorized and directed to provide the necessary voting places, the printing, stationery end election supplies, the cost and expense to be paid out of the Account of the General Fund; and be it RESOLVED FURTHER That the polls at said election shall remain open during the hours provided by law, that the duplicate registration cards of the registered voters for the last preceding election shall be used and that the precincts, polling places except as may be hereafter otherwise ordered and the judges of election shall be the same as at the last general election and vacancies of judges shall be filled in the same manner as at all general elections. In the notice of said special election shall be listed the preoincta and the locations of the polling places and the City Clerk to further directed to do whatever also is necessary in the handling of the said special election in the manner prescribed by laws 4-101602—BY M. H. Gehaa— §g§gJ aa, The Governor or Mlnne- 1 +.s issued hle.proclamatlon order- r -- Ic/at primary election to be ;'sudsy, Cotober 14, 1986, and' J, to be held on Monday. I 9 1n the b9rth Ward, a?,, nistrlct, City, or saint PI ( .le--ty. br—Bota, It— �r It leourf ; epre9Barr I V 1 f to. 4+ vaoan- . . • o� , . sem.: .a 11 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays en. 1n favor "e^• rren. ' �Against JGPenzel- "Mr. President (Gehan) sm 6.34 Adopted by the Council SEP 2 f 19Qgz 93 �r Approved / EP �y Mayor/ PUBLISIMI1 / )-F-- -) ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK COUNCIL NO. (; M,103 CITY OF ST. PAUL F"E OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ^'RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM /A� PRE NTE/D BY �A,( v�/ V /Lam'` ' DATE CO� �gB10NER WHEREAS, as provided by Council File No- 1011821 approvedJuly 30th, 1935, the Council did on the 23rd day of August 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the 6ouncil Chamber, of the Court Rouse, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain barn located on Lot 8 Block 7, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition, also known as 77700 Selby Avenue, follpwing due notice of said hearing given pursuant No. 7310, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; there- fore be it RESOLVED, that said building be wreaked and removed and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building be mailed yt hethe lCommissiioast record owner playgrounds and Public Buildings, to .00ccupantpofpsaid building or ssttrucowaddress, or to the agent or ture; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that if within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been keand rPubliciBuildingss order, sshallCom-sport _ miseioner of Parks, playgrounds said fact to the Council. Court . ..Don the' reoking I..ot 6, 131k.- .ndltlo.: nleo :ri , ue, fallowing 72111, app, / �:a•• .nng Elven n••� o. the 9o1 �`IR the o I COUNCILMEN SEP 2= �g35 193- Yeas Nays ' Adopted by the Council eterson SEP 26 In favor Approaed -- 93__ Vrren Against -- - q J Mayor / /Wenzel �� 3� Mr. President (Gehan) PL TiLi �O 5M 6.34 CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 24th, 1935 - Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The Council today referred to you the matter of the condemnation of that certain barn located on Lot S, Block 7, Nininger & Donnelly's Addition, known as 770 Selby Avenue for the preparation of a resolution (2nd) confirming such condemnation. We enclose C. F. #101182. Yours very truly, City Clerk. v Adopted by the Council. ...... _... _..... .... .. .......... _.__.._._193......... ■ Adopted by the Council I- 193 Yeas Nays PEARCE ETERSON RO�SEN TRUAX /ARREN 17ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) Yeas. // Nays. /PEARCE ERSON ROSEN //RUAX ,WARREN ,>N'ENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) v'6) COUNCIL 1(- ' ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RIf FILE NO' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL ORM 1 ,�,,tL BY DATE September 25, 19935 pRESENTEDCOMMISS ONER ha.t the Purcn<°:aing A . nt be, anu he is Hereby authorized to RE.;LVED `r Comptroller, purchase, with the consent of the 1ayor and the Comp �I II leaded gasoline, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons, Q 68-70 octane, from the W. F• saiITH TI -PE AND BATTERY Co., at a .11448 per xallon, less 1% ten days on Pasoline on price of ly, ion, also includin._ state tax anti state inspect Fedoral excise tax, to oe spotted on :iunicipal Eca"'ient Buree.0 spur at Dale $t•, inior:a^1 bi:a as e.n e�_leT;zency exists where failure to act on ,ptly wovlu cork a hardshio to the gest interests of the City. pro re seaerel Funa- Puunicipal Equipment- 1003-134 Cha_r_ C.'r. No. 101604—By H. C. Weasel— f By Request— + Resolved. That the Purohaslag Agent be, and he is hereby so thorlaed COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / eterson --li_In favor � rr ru! rren Against XIlen,d X1. president (Gehan) SM 6.14 a .D00080 On . 'eau Spur at as as ..erg toact Dromp to the beat Equipment -1003-189. tuna--UlLunaclDal Adopted by the Couaoll Sept. 26, 1986. Approved Sept 28. 1986. (Sept 28-1986) Adopted by the Council 193 -- SEP 2 61 __193_— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK Shat the count' COUNCIL CITY OF ST..pA he recommendatl FILE No.Committee in OFFICE OF THE CIT'heuvaiatoue dee 1' ram ae F ORM COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G. • 1936-36, /_ �, I . DATE September 10, 1935 RESOLVED That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the purchasing Committee in awarding contracts for furnishing coal, coke and briquets to the various departments of the City of St. Paul as required during the season of 1935-36, ending. September 15, 1935, as follows! The C. Reiss Coal Co.- Approximately 114 tone Anthracite 712.40 at a total cost of appr)ximately - , North Western Fuel Co.- Approximately 6175 tons Mountaineer coal and ap,-roxi- mately 100 tone Laid -Volatile coal at a total cost of- - - - 41'568.60 approximately - - - - - Pittsburgh Coal Cc. of riisconsin- Approximately 3600 tons Elkhorn Screenings, 11025 tons Pocahontas and 130 tons Stott Briquet8 at a total cost- 84,289.85 of approximately - - - - - ,reef Lakes Coal & Dock Co.- Approximately 445 tons Pocahontas coal and 290 tons Koppers Coke at a total cost of 6,630.45 approximately - - - - - - Northern Coal & Dock Co.- Approximately 50 tons Mid -Volatile coal at a, total 398.50 cost of approximately - - - - - all in accordance with city specifications and Formal Bid No. 9208, and the Cor,orntion Counpel is hereby ir.struc_ted to draw up the ?roper forr of contracts therefor. COUNCILMEN � 6 ++ Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council—�—�— 93__ eterson SU, 2 6 I In favor Approved 193 — a'. / 1 /W ren Against _ Mayor / Fenzel /fvir. President (Gehan) PUBLISHED SM 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIIRK1606 FILE 1e No. _ t O F OF OFST.ST. PAUL CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL gr�SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY 55 COMMISSIONER—DATE September 26, 195 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6908, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6909, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 69109 applied for by Serefina Fide. at 846 White Bear Avenue be and the same are hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Serafina Fide. the fees of $10.00; $50.00; and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for licensee. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays "Peterson _ " In favor _fr x "n —Against �C _.zel �ICir. President (Gehan) 5M 6.)4 C. F. No. 101606—By E E. Warren— Fred M. Truaa— Resolved, That ]loenees for Reetau- ant, application 6908, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6909, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, appliaatlon 6910, ap- pliedfor by Serafin. Fid. at 946 White Bear Avenue be and the a me are here- by denied, and the propercity officere e hereby authorized to refund to Seraana F4da the fee. of $30.00; $50.00; and $6.00 and to cancel said applies. tions for licenses. Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1936. Approved Sept. 26, 1936. (Sept. 28-1936) Adopted by the Council _SEP _21:_A93_— Approved 2'_� _193_— Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CC6UNO. CIL CITY OF ST. PAUL 1`9 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 26, 1935 CC •MISSIONER , RESOLVED That Restaurant licensg 7169, and On Sale Malt Beverage license 2740, expirring July 26, 1936, issued to Ray Gnetz at 317 East Seventh Street, be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of possession of untaxed liquor. C. F. No. 101607—By FI. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax— . 1 Resolved, That Reetaurant license 7169, d On gale Malt Havera8e 11- c e 2790, exDlrin a JGiy 28, 1936, 1. I--d to Ray Onetz a 317 Seventh 8t., be and t"o ams are hereby revoked Pollee aI`—rebF.Uea dation of the Bureau of taxed Ityuor. o Poeeaeelon of u - Adopted by the Council Sept. 28, 1936. ADproved 3ey [. 26, 1936. - (geDt. 29-1936) I rk COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eterson In favor ruax — -Against Ala ren ze 7nl /'/1. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council__sf_P_" _193 Approved—_ SEP 2 6 193_— !/. -- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6RK / E7NY OF ST. PAUL FILECOUNCIL NO. VAR) R OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL F SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 26, 1935 RESOLVED That Restaurant license 6812, On Sale Malt Beverage license 2385, and Off Sale Malt Beverage license 3256, expiring April 13, 1936, i-esued to John Thury at 2315 Como Avenue be and the same are hereby revoked upon recommendation of the Bureau of Police because of possession of untaxed liquor. COUNCILMEN / Yeas Nays ete�son "� In favor ua/1' x �rren, _ —0 Against JiVen2el At. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 C. F• No. 161696 —By 8, F, WIT"Tt— Fred M. Truea— taurant license Resolved, That Res license 6912. On Sale Malt Beeveerage 11 -nee 3266, an P off gale Ml 1138 1938, teeued to `ehn Thary a `2316 Como vokednupon an oche a me a be e hereby re of Po' menda[loon of the .. atuunt-- Ilice because t possession liquor. the Council Sept. 26, 1936. Adopted by Approved Sep it 228_1135) (Sep Adopted by the Council_Sal-G—M-193_ Approved St's' 2 6 —193--- Mayor 193_Mayor — ORIGINAL TO CITY OLHR�COUNCIL 1("1609 �CCO7TY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY, DATE Sebtember 26 1935 CC iMISS10NER R wFiEtW, Martha Tork desires to withdraw application for Restaurant license at 1099 Payne Avenue and requests return of license fee; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Martha Tork the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application for license. Receipt No. 6183 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays stetson In favor r ax rren Against .n.1 /Mr. President (Gehan) 114 6.14 C. F. No. 101609-13Y FI. E. Warren— Fred M. Truaz— Whereas, Martha Tork t.tiraa to wlthdrat 10 Bi Payn fAvenueaur dt 1f_ ❑assts return of (cense fee; therefore be 11 s It officers Resolved, that the props uthorized to be and they a e hereby refund to Martha Tork [hc tion ftor0100 f and to cancel said apD Dense. Approved Sept. 26, 19 the E 868ePt. 28, 1935- (Sept. 28-1986) Adopted by the Council--SER-2.4-10-19 3____ SEP 2 G 1935 193-- ---- -Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... CTV CIL N(,.t f, t n d���F.,/ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK s UNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN ER{ �H. E. Warren— �A ' Liquor Llcenae No. oij •e G. Flynn and' !0 o Eoec seYeace 25, 1985 PR4SENTED BY- '.I"' aye a Q. Fly— CC kMISSIONER -_ requ tr RESP WHEREAS, On Sale Liquor License No. 403 Heretofore was issued to Mayme G. Flynn and Otto N. Raths at 20 East Seventh Street, and WHEREAS, said Mayme G. Flynn and Otto N. Rathe have requested that . said license be transferred to Matt N. Weber at the same address, and WHEREAS, Matt N. Weber has filed a bond in the sum of $8,000.00 as required by city ordinance, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that the request for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License No. 403 heretofore issued to Mayme G. Flynn and Otto N. Rathe at 20 East Seventh Street be and the same is hereby transferred to Matt N. Weber at the same address, and the bond of Matt N. Weber, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the -game in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said Mayme G. Flynn and Otto N. Rathe from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / eterson favor ax ren /—l_ Against .I ,)41r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_`SEP 2_f's_ 193_ SEP 2 6 as Approved-------. —193_— —9— --Mayr pUBLn-! n / � Z 3� CITY OF STS PAUL DUPLICATE H. E. WARREN Date Commissioner of Public Safety HEALTH DEPARTMENI REPORT BUREAU OF LICENSES Application No. dAmOn►3;LICENSE fl).4f� INFORMATION REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH.—6-14--_-.r-- Name of Applicant- Toilet pplicant Toilet Facilities --- Ho: and Cold Water Facilities General Sanitation Condition of Type of Re Food Storai Ventilation 9 Remarks: APPROVED �7 + h Officer NOT APPROVED AUG 3U i935 CITY OF ST. PAUL owcuay. H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety Date i= BUREAU OF LICENSES e LICENSE INFORMATION REQUIRED IN CONNECTION WITH Name of Between what cross streets and on what side of f Trade Name, t any Is application for renewal of license in same location? to be Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner? ' " _ Q q he� If new owner, has he been in similar business before?—Wher Wry/— In any other business? e lace by applicant? —'— Have there been any complaints against operation of this typ P Has any former owner been arrested for any violation on these premises? Are you a citizen of the.United Stated How Long in the City,? --T— Moral Character) - Ever Been Arrested? RK - Violation of What Criminal Law or Ordinance? State ANY Licenses APRIicant has had Revoked? Number of 3.2 Places Within 2 Blocks Closest Intoxicating Liquor Place Off or O .,�-- If premises now unoccupied state how long and previous use Nearest Church or School Numberof Booths, Tables and Time on Citizenship Remarks: APPROVED INSPECTOR NOT APPROVED License Inspector Chief of Police ORIGINAL TO OITY OL<RK F/ST. PAUL 1• u— C� etororc On Bale Lfn•__ dC—�OFFI�CEOF THE CITY CLER' `4 I"," eaea to 9 WeeKellogg COUNCIL RES QLUTION—GENERRh',.'1, ,vecov, r ves September DATE 25, 1985 PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER . RESOLVEDheretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 344 was issued to Peter V000vich at 139 West Kellogg Boulevard, and SEAS, said Peter VOCOvich has requested that said license be transferred to Frank C. Graves at the same address, and has filed a bond in the sum of Frank C. Graves X3,000, as required by Scity ordinance, which bond has been approved as to form and exeattion by the Corporation Counsel, and tee has recommended that said request WHEREAS, the License Commit for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On sale Liquor License No. 344 heretofore issued to Peter Vocovich at 139 West Kellogg Boulevard be and the same is hereby transferred to Frank C. Graves at the same address, and the bond of Frank C. Graves is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of Peter Voaovich from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eterson In favor sax //erten Against �Xlenzel 'Mr. President (Gehan) V,i 6.34 ��.. Adopted by the Council_1L1V�pp 2_6_LW193_— — OV 105 Approved ---_--- —193-- Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S...FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September lith, 1935 Hon. H. H. Warren Chairman, License Comnittee Public Safety Building Dear Sir: The City Council referred to your committee the attached application for the transfer of an On Sale Liquor license at 139 W. Kellogg Boulevard from Peter pocovich to Frank C. Graves, for investigation and recommendation. Yours very tr+ily, City Clerk �`_,,� CITY OFXWPAUL :J� f� H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety A ` BUREAU OF LICENSES A Date INFORMATION REQUIRED IN CONNEC ION WIT'ri= �"t �� A n 'i i.n � L LICENSE Name of Applicant Address 13 be located? Between what cross streWnd on what side of street to Trade Name, if any ji- Is application for renewal of license in same location? Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner? 6,1^' � If new owner, has he been 'n similar business before?_& Where When In any other business? — Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place by applicant? Has any former owner been arrested for any violation on these premises? a _ Are you a citizen of the United States? How Long in the City . 5 Moral Character--4a haracter�j Ever Been Arrested 1 Violation of What Criminal Law or Ordinance 0 State ANY Licenses Applicant has had Revoked Number of 3.2 Places Within 2 Blocks 1 Closest Intoxicating Liquor Place Off Or Ong _ If premises now unoccupied state how long and previous use Nearest Church Or School ni"' Number Of Booths, Tables And Chairs °� O i _Q lLli14 Time On CiPenshig APPROVED NOT APPROVED INSPECTOR Chief of Police License Inspector CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E.'WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety et /� BUREAU OF LICENSES Date O 35 HEALTH DEPARTMENT REPORT Application No.— — INFORMATION REQUIRED IN CO NECTIO WITH —4S44- _ r CENSE Name of Applicant _ --- Address 1 3 7 Light Toilet Facilities Hot and Cold Water Facilities General Sanitation Condition of Equipment 4 Type of Refrigeration Food Storage t 'J Ventilation Remarks APPROVED �_� w.,�� NOT APPROVED i ®lC• `!_/9� SJ To: The Common Council, St Paul,Minnesota The Hororable Members thereof: -e the undersigned hereby Certify that Peter Vocovich seller, and Frank C Graves, purchaser have entered into an agreement of purchase of the German Village, 139 'fest Kellog Blvd, and that the seller herein is not receiving, and the purchaser is not paying a greater sum than the value of the fire. 3#jz� unused portion of the Liquor License/at said place in said agree— ment of purchase, and is paying exactly, $2.99 per day from the date hereof to the date of expiration. We further certify that all help and all outstanding obligations areML'Y accounted for in the purchase orice. Seller, vV v Buyer, e�f !1 V" f 11121 CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LI9,1ENg. i; Application No. Name of Applicant Frank—C�_ Grya es ___— ____ Age 41 137 W Kellog Blvd up stairs -C-e-61621— Residence Address -- Telephone No. Are you a citizen of the United States? _—yes, nativeHave you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? no When and where?-------- If here? — -----If corporation, give name and generalurpose of corporation — no Corporatpon When incorporated? no ------- If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?_ no club How many members? none — Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. no Corporation Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Maryland Casualty Company A Corpora Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 139 :W Kellog Blvd North Washington & Franklin sts 4th How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ? 2640 _ How many feet from a church (measured along streets)? 1500 ft Assumption closers. How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ?-1500—.- Name l 500__Name of closest school Cathedral School 4 &_Colle e — _ How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? a pmmerc a On what floor located? *R— 4a—fn—_—_—__ -- --- Are premises owned by you or leased? leased --If leased, give name of ownerGeo Esterby If a restaurant, seating capacity?_ 80 peisone If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? A u 0 + a i -- Give below the name, or number, or other description of each additional room in which liquor sales are intended: Dutch Room in connection (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?--Ne._.lie te�—_ Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) No Hot el_ Give names and addresses of three business references: 1- G J Reader, lady Lincoln Ave, nIgng_J.Reader Const Co Minneapolis, 2 W.W.Dunn, care of Hamms Brewery. St Paul,Minnesota Vil uame Box 0o, 5t Paulnneso a THIS APPLICATION MUST_ BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION, DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED. Application checked by Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 193— License Inspector. SBE OTHER SIDE K'E EM e■%s■_= STATE OF MINNESOTA,1 J}sa. County, Ramsey. ,being first duly sworn, ----------- ---- -----'— ---------- - - ---_ o _--_ - deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof; and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. -- -- --- -'- --------- - Subscribed nd sworn to before me this-- IIU� —day o Se tem_ er ----1935 - `; °tea ar I',�4 Itx� 8� DKR, No Public, Ra ey County, Mm� 3� �'"'ea �.;���' Wv�3 �a• My commission expire STATE OF MINNESOTA, : ss. County of Ramsey. _—__--_—_being first duly sworn, deposes and says that— _--sue— ----- ---- —_—_T --, a corporation; Of that— has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is that the seal affixed to the foregoing true to the best of ------k owledge, information and belief; instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution there- of is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this day of — 193 -- Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires -------'--- W ORIGINAL TO CITY nL[RK — vvCITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK J COUNCI RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY/ COMMISSIONER DATE September 26, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6988, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6989, Dance Hall, application 7111, and Tavern, application 7112, applied for by N. E. Vignalo at 147 W. Seventh Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Renewal Of licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays j iteron full x In favor / / ren /Wenzel _Against vi r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 C.F F. No. 101612—BY R 91 Warren— Resolved. That licensee for Reatau- ant, aPPllcation 6988, On Sale Mglt Inevarage, aPplMatlon 8989, Dance Hall, isppllcatton 7311, and Tavern, apDllaa-, �tlon 7112, apDlled for by N. B. Vfgnalo st 117 W. Seventh Street be and the s n. are herebygranted and the efty clerk is Instructed to leeue such II- cenaea upon the payment Into the city treasury of the repulred tees. Adopted by the Counefl Sept. 28, 1996. Approved Sept. 28, 7986. (Sent. a8-1986) Adopted by the Council SEP 2 6 1935 193__— Approved_ � FW5193___ Mayor COUNCIL No KM ORIGINAL TO Cl" CLtRK FILE Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I'\ ~ DATE September 26, 1935 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / eterson _ In favor //1r}_1aX /W rren __----Against �nzel '1�1. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council- S€p_ _ _193— Approved—_ SEP �n' --193_._ �c1 - -.�� -- -- Mayor 2nd hand automobile Deal -App -7117 Hew Brothers Motor Car Co. 192 Pleasant Joy " 5410 " 390 Jackson Confectionery H. A. Johnson " 6097 " 57 E. 7th Florist S. S. Kresge Co. 486 Selby Confectionery " 4761 " Joanne Wood F. No. 101818—HY H. H. Warren— �C. Fred Lf. Trus:— Reeolved, That ee for son. a the arn.d by tha following named and teat '!addreeeee Indicated be and the same hereby granted and the city clerk Instructed to Issue such Ilceaeea UD - the DaYment into the city treasury of the ep" "d fees: Joy Brothers Motor Car Co., 192 1Ple"ant Ave.. 2nd hand automobile Deal., ADpI. 7117, New. 8. A. Johnson. 890 Jackson, Confee- tlonery, ADpl. 5410, New a S. $ i reage Co., 67 7tb, Florlet, Appl. 6087, New. Joanne Wood, 486 Selby, Confectlon- ery, Appl. 4761. New. Adopted by the Cou it Sept. 26, 1986. Approved Sept. 26, 1986. (Sept. 28-1986) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / eterson _ In favor //1r}_1aX /W rren __----Against �nzel '1�1. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council- S€p_ _ _193— Approved—_ SEP �n' --193_._ �c1 - -.�� -- -- Mayor /\% 161614 oalorowt.Yo cin cuaKFILE L NO. / ITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL �RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 26, 1935 COM MISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses for On Sale Malt Beverage, application 67879 and Restaurant, application 6788, applied for by Thomas A. Lendway at 574 Wabasha St. be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is Instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. New Owner COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays stetson _In favor ir x ---�, i - ten ___ —Against / cn/ zel 1Gir. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 C. F. No. 101814—BY 8. E- Warren— Fred M. Truax— Sale geeolved• That ..1, atlonor6787, and 'Melt Bevernge, DP Bestaurant, application 8768. aDplled for by Thomas A. l,endway at 674 Wa- baeha St. be and theclerk lslinstruct gd to issued uch licthe ensee upon the pa9- iment Into the city treasury of the re- ilqulred tee-. C.uncil Sept. 26, 1986. Adoptedea Sept. 26. 1986. ADProv (S -Pt. 28-1986) I Adopted by the Caun68u_._2,fl_jW__193_— SEP 2 605 Approved— -----------193_— Mayor ORIOINAL TO OITT OLBR J , COUNCIL No. J� CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM - PPESENTED_ Qlf DATE September 26, )_985 M C� MISSIO r'� —1 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 6678, and On Sale maltBeverage, application 6679, applied for by Joe. McBride at 501 University Avenue be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issUe such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ( / �S In favor �Tr x ------- ren Against Wenzel I President (Gehan) 5M 6,14 C. F. No. 101616—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truax11 — Resolved, That Itcapsas for Reatau- nht, application 8873, and On SRI e Melt +);ytV T.Axs Upllcatlon 8379,_epplle&. fog. by Joe. McBride at 601 University Ave. 1i ed sand the city clerk rle Ina1r1trucedn[o :Intoe such licenses upon the payment :Into the city treasury of the required i fees. Adopted by the C uncilSept 28, 1936.1 ADDrovgd Sept. 28, 1896, (Sept. 28-1936) Adopted by the Council._SEP-2 6 -193_— Approved_._—._ trSEP 2§ 193 — _- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL8"I FO ENGIL NO. } i 6 �Y OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL,ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM -- n Rv _ DATE 1 RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: H: J. Taylor 1623 Rice 1934-5 On Sale Malt Bev. Aop. 6219 Renew H. J. Taylor IT IT Restaurant 1934-35 " 6220 " n a 1935-36 " 4868 " n n n " " 19-35-36 On Sale Malt Bev. 11 4869 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eterson In favor J Krren —�,/ Against / /Wenzel �141r. President (Gehan) 5%1 66.14 IAC. F. No. 101616—BY H• E. Warren-1 Fred M. Trua:— Resolved, That llceneee applied for adthe dresses Ind Indicstedmbe and ptheat me a hereby granted and cthe etneeslup- e instructed to Issue au It treasury pf the pea Irad fees; the c Y We Malt Bev.. ADpl. 219, Renewal. a H. J. TaYlor, 1623 Rice, Restaurant 1934-6, Appl. 6220, Renewal 1936- 6, T_yl 49688 Ren6. i.e., Restaurant H. J. Taylor. 1623 Rlce, 1996-38 On. ' Sale Malt Bev., ADDI. 4869, Renewal. I Adopted by the Council , ept. 26, 1936 Approved Se pt228 1936) Adopted by the Council JL1 86193—_ SEP 2 6 5 Approved -------193_— YRni1R11L TO CITY CLt FI ENCIL NO. 101617 tt� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCI�RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 26, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n favor 7/�arren Against ;AR enzel I r. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Counci1_.Sjp__2' --193 ___ Approved_--'S�`P 2 R W 193_— Mayor 132 E. 4th Restaurant App 6973 Renewal E. H. Ayer J. W. Goldfein 1700 Grand C. F. No. 101617—BY H. E. Warren— rues aDPlled for n 7071 p Resolved licenses by the toloWing named Person, at the " 7055 " J. Hutchinson 891 E. 7th aderessebyIn anted and theInd eiY clerk Is Instructed to isue suc11(1l treaeu Y ocenses I Into the CRY L �ulke y 540 Rice .St. the payment I the renutred fees: Ayen 132 E. 4th, Restaurant, n 6711 n E. B. A Sp1.19711.o1d"1 1700 Grand, Resta'- n 7053 n M. G. Ritchie 1441 N Clev8la; cant. APDL 7071, Renewal. E. 7th, Restaurant, J. Hutchinson, wsl ADPL. 7066, Rene 379 University C. Kulkey. 640 Rice St., Restauran . Res -I 1 [t 7066 n Harold Lang ApMl.G711, 1, 14 N. Cleveland, R. Olein & A. Nelson taurant, 1p. 7063, Renewal• 686 N. Snellin 17aroAtD ; �o8'C3Renewal79 rsitY Restau- n 7064 n 11 11 n p r a 1 on, 886 N. Snelling, R. Olein & A• Ne e p 7065 11 n n ❑ It Restaurant, ApPt. 7064. Renewal. Olein & A. Nelson,167086� Renalwal. 843 Arcade R. on sate Malt Ap843 p cede. Ree- J. SPorsch n 8942 M. J. Sporschutz n. 42 Laurent, APPI. 6943, New. Arcade, On Sale p 6943 n n n It p p n n Df. J. Sporschuts, 141t, - Malt Bev., ADD1. 6943. ew. 843 Arcade, OR Sale n 6944 tl n n TL. J. Sporechutz. btalt Bev.. ADDl. 8944, New. Haetinge, Gro - 1 cepet ADPL. 8C._' w64 Sept. 36, 1916- Peter J. Memmer 1054 Hastings Adopted Dy the eDnneu led1936 Approved BeDt 328-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays n favor 7/�arren Against ;AR enzel I r. President (Gehan) Adopted by the Counci1_.Sjp__2' --193 ___ Approved_--'S�`P 2 R W 193_— Mayor OPIOINnL TO OITY CLERK COUNCIL Y OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL `RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE Se ember 26 1985 COMM SSIONER—r. RESOLVED That Confectionery licenser application 6691y applied for by G. E. McC41 at 281 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. Renewal of license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays eterson /�/[n favor JZAgainst rte. 7 enzel /r. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 C. F. No. 101618—By R. E. Warren— Fred M. Trus:— Resolved, That Confectionery Ilea..., 1 ppllcatlon 6691, applied for by G. E. McCall at 281 Selby Avenue be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk Ie Instructed to Issue such ll....a upon the payment Into the city treas- ury of the r!.ulred Yee. Ad oled by the Co unoll Sept. 28, 1936. Approved Sept- 26,1936. (Sept. 28-1936) Adopted by the Council 193— Approved_—__SEP 2 E- 193_ — i _!T _.__ _ __ _ — Mayor POST CARD NOTICE OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul, Minn. September_.2.4y__ .... _...._._193 5 You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider, the matter of_applit•a .ion ,of-EfY,1@._...G.B.rx,ert. dance hall lioense_._at._ 309._.ji Le Sty.____.,_.___,..,____... and that a Public ,Hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City llftlBhblldivg on the--U-tib—day of_j$.Qj2t Mbe___r, 193-5 in the City of St. Paul, at AW o'clock A. M. ' AXF.L F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance. I ��� ,COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITT CLARK FILE NO.—If" CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1( ,l ,TE September 19, 1985 COMSM19510By N.R RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the cityelerk is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury Of the required fees: 809 Rice St. 6956 Renew # Effie Garrett Dance Hall App. *Tevern license expires May 14, 1936 , COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Peterson _ __In favor Truax Warren __�_Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5%1 6.34 C. F No 101619—BY Fred jM. Truax -1. CHP Warren— Fred � Resolved, That license applied for bddthe reee following nbe efl d r the at the Is hereby granted andathe alty clerk 'Is Irtetr_ted t0 Issue ch llcenee uDon - the payment into the city treasury of the required fee: Dance Eitle Garrett, 309 Rico 8L, Hall. ADDI. 6966, Renewal• Tavern llcenee expires May 14, 1986. / Adopted by the Council Sept. 26, 1935' �/� Approved Sept. 26, 1936. -!T �LL ,2i{I.� _ -' (Sept. 238 -leas) f ' 1 Adopted by the Council P2 6 Approved— � —193 Mayor _...._.193._._. Adopted by the Council Nays Yeas 7ETERSION 71707. '41 RREN- EN ZEL ylg PRESIDENT (OEHAN)- September 19th, 1935 Ron. Aril P. Peterson commissioner of yinance City Rall $Ba' Sirl The city Comyoil set dates of hearing for September 26% in the matter of the following applioationet atfie Barrett 309 Rice Street Dance Rall Charles Jennetto 425 vPpe! Levee Daae Rall and regoested that yon sang notices to property owners. Yours very trolys City Ciefk Hatizi .7 _,X ORDER& ..in and Is SL taking an Will following: t southerly of the COUNCIL FILE NO- llnu. vr.- 12 —d By AJ INTIERMEDI JK In the Matter 4 'In Wt.j­by taking Cow, 1 ils dd helNyJ­ef .,tTw sormi line or a Wllaf� Poll, 18'atd 13, All, 6, Alorke's Add vj,�ox A z t -27 -J9 eitiniruiry Order 100931 100931 ppro 'I he Counul of th of St.'Paulhaving -receiveiithe report Of the pwvemenit - Considered hereby I , , ,VW.',hbove-I% -and haiving s4I&Tepoi4 ,teso1v rt That a to adopt same theiai&teportand 6: Apobt,bidered to be proceeded with. 2� That the nature of the tmprov�pment which the uncd recommends is open, iddin,Rk& itt St.'taking I Boll, viinie fleck, viaw, 3t ti, Weat "So. p, t of Lot southerly if , 0 0 of- W, t az SAW "M 0. P13 OtIthe jk oaste�riyi4iao LoiiI-12 and 13,p::&11- B I Additiolks, r -q- v S,w an that M no alter"'Oves, d t the-, red cost therpof, is 3,000-00 K3 3 r;�� 10!�wukhef;'Mat a pit9k hearinghad d' be n said improvement on the. Of,t 193-C,"at,the'li 10 o'clock A. M4 In he Council Chamber '0 !-c f -St. PguL. That the Commissioner of Finance ding -hi- ie-city,o mmis iteehng to'theverionsland lithe manner provided by the ClIartgri'stating the time and place of heat , 'ulg,'�the nature'of i�4i and the total cost thereof as estimated. r 4y e Co ed 12 UPI 6 10 193 ed Z "0 A C� Councthnar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Form"A S A' INTRA-DEpARTjMVTAL 001611JNICATI0N To: Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance. and Assessment Engineer. 'From: Leonard C. Seamer, Valuation Date: September 26, 1935• Subject: Opening, widening, and extending Watson Avenue from View Street to West Seventh Street. In submitting to you Intermediary Order in the ning, widening, and extending Watson Avenue matter of ope from View Street to West Seventh Street by taking and con- demning that part of Lot 9, lying. southerly of the North duced easterly, line of Watson Avenue proalso Lots 12 and 13the, all of Block 5, Clarke's Addition, I er so king because the improvement insistence f several of the petitioners asking ening is one that in no sense The proposed op ty. It comes within the category could be deemed a necessi of a luxury for the reason that the property proposed to be a hard surface, sidewalks, Street - assessed has adequate ingress and egress over View Stree . This street is graded, hal only advantage the opening sewer, water, and curb, give this property of Watson Street to Seventh Street would would be for purposes of identification with relation to Seventh Street. I am of the opinion that Masse sment,eandeinithe difficult to sustain the necessary to event there is any serious adversenactiong adoption of ectiO the Final Order, Respe lly submi LCS-B CITY OF 3T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI!E�SIPNER OF FINANCE ti ON PRELIWIINARY,ORDER In thematterof openin,, widening and extending . atson Lvenuo frog, View Strelt to 'Nest Seventh Street, by taking; and �on��ar-,nin:; the followinr,: That nr.rt cf' Lot 9 lyin,^, southerly of the north line (.)f„e.tson Avenue produced easterly; also Lots 12 and 13 all of Block 5, Clarke's Addition, under Preliminary Order approved J Ino 27, 1935 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 3.000.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is © - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ASSESSED LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION Lend Building That nert of 9 5 ) C1arhe's A'1'ition to the 550 750 1;,✓i_n' s-uth=rlp of the north ]i.ne 1 City o' 3t. Paul of ,stson fve. m-odo�ed oKsterly That Dart of 9 5 ) do lyin,; rortl..irly of .,atson Lve. Form B. H. 10 650 12 5 do fi 50 13 5 do 7.500 000 7 5 ) do 8 5 ) do 900 lan0 10 5 do 650 1000 11 5 do TOTAL, Form B. H. 10 • .CITY OF ST.•rAUL . - - DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT OF S ON PRELIMINARY ORDER A D ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION .---^ 14 5 Clark Addition to the 650; 2700 k 4 City of St. Paul 7'501 6000, 151 5 do 7 750' i 3700j 16 5 do 21 6do , _ . -- * 425i 2850 00 1; 22 6 do P' 425 .3050 23 6 do 425. 1500, 24 6 do 425 25 6 do 425, 27,00. :i 26 6 do 1 425 3300, 27 6 do 425 28 6 do a25 1650 29 6 d° -. x 425' 19150, 30 6 do 425 29DO 31 6 do 425 1200. 32 6 do 425. 1900 33 6 da 425 1650 34 6 do 425 1250 35 6 do 425_ 36 , 6 do --' 425 37 .6 do r do 425 38 , 6 � 39 . 6 do 425 . b 450. 1950 40 6 do. . do 650 . 4100. Last s lot 2 and all 1 7 do 625. 1950 n 7deat lot 2 and all 3 7 425 1900 4 7 do 425, 2800, F 7 do CITY bF ST.'PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE FINANCE OFPREM REPORT ISSIO ORDER CC) ASSESSED L LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION DESCRIPTION ,�...._ 7 Clarke's Addition to the 425. 2950 g City of St. Paul 425 3750 7 7. do 425 500 8 7 do 425 1450 9 7 do 425 1.000 10 7 do 425 3000 11 7 do J 425 1950 12 7 do 425 2.150 13 7 do 425 1450 14 7 do 425 950 15 7 do 425 . 16 q do 425 1400 17 7 do 425 5050 18 7 do 425 2200 19 7 do 450 1000 20 7 do 125125 ;89450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. /Ji D Dated � ��"�'�`� 2 � 19 � Commissjoner of Finance, ppm B. B. 13 t L 32 36 37. 30 39 WATSON AVE.s ."\►\ LEE AVE. m \ \ 3e s .32 33 3s` �� 36 37 39 g \ l 40 G e o - Wi7T50N AVE. ✓ew 91-W. 5-M _OPENING TUSCARORA - DR -3 ST. - N. _,9f _ I Northwestern States Portland Cement Co. MASON CITY, IOWA Phones '-'54, 255, 256, 257 MINNEAPOLIS. MINN.N- . . . . Ad—d, 4491 110043 St. Paul, Minn.-.-.- --- 6- - 193.J To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be mad : � Jr'r F�vM Al*NV- 'i' - -- - ,E-. _ - - - 7- ---------------------------------- St. Ave. to from - - ------------ - .St. Ave. LOT BLOCK ADDITION NAME - --- --_._ -- -- - -- ---� ' -- �• —�–'q� �f 'mss ---- n i J %J i Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 81 1955 _ _---...._...193.. ...- To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 1009$1. pproved-....Juae .27P 1955 .. _193_ relative to opening, widening and extending Watson Avenue from View.Street to West, Seventh Streets by taking and condemning the following: That part of lot 9 lying southerly of the north line of . Watson . Avenue produced e as terl - y also ............. - - ---------- Lots 12 and 15, all of Block 5, Markets Addition. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.__ necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $._. -?PPPIX .., and the total cost thereof is 8 and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: 11 ­ ....... .................. .. .......... 3, A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------------ ..... .........--------- ------------ 5. Said improvement is- --asked for upon petition of three or more owners' prop subject to assessment for said improvement. Commissioner of Public Work 91 3 7 Ja 9 1935 COUNCIL FILE NO........._.._...... In the matter of...opening,._..yy den ng_and._egtending Watson Ave, from View Street to West Seventh St, by taking and condemnfng the.......... following: That part of Lot 9 lying southerly of the North line of Watson Ave, produced easterly; also Lots 12 and 13, all of Block 5, Clarke's Addition. under Preliminary Order _........._...., approved ....J=-e.._Zlth,_.1.935... Intermediary Order ...._...._.._............1{}l"0.__ .......... ., approved .....Sept.26th,._1935, A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the sante; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, gxtent AAqqd kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to extend Watson Ave. from View �1L. to Seventh St. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: That part of Lot 9 lying southerly of the North line of Watson Avenue produced easterly; also Lots 12 and 13, all of Block 51 Clarkets Addition, RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council. .................. ..._......................, 193........ _ .............................................................. _------------------- City Clerk. Approved............_.................. _._...........__....., 19........ _ ................................ _............. _...----------------------------------- Mayor. Councilmen i Wxx Peterson Pearce warren Rosen Truax Wenzel Mr. President — Gehan 500.6-33 O r CITY OF SAINT P::1rL St. Paul, 14inn., Oct. 11, 1935 Anna Galles 708 Sixth Avenue, S.E. Rochester, Minnesota The Council of the C1.ty of St. Paul has under con- sideration an order proposing to open, widen and extend Watson Avenue from View Street to West Seventh Street, by taking and condemning the follo^:ing: That part of Lot 9 lying southerly of the north line of Watson Avenue produced easterly; also Lots 12 and 13, all of Block 5, Clarke's Addition, under Preliminary Order 100931, approved June 27, 1935. You are herebv notified that tie Counoil of the City of St. Paul will consider the advisability of the above improvement; that th-.total estimated cost thereof is the sum of $`3,000.00, or from $0.35 to $2.80 per foot. The estimated assessment on your oronerty is as follows: Lot 15, Block 7,'Clarke's Addition - $40.00 That a ni?blic hearing; ,vill be },.eld on said improve- ment in the Council Ci;amber of the Court improve - house and City Hall Building, on th,: 22n day of October, 1935, at 10 o'clock A.M. AXhL F. PETER50111 Commissioner of Finance Page 4 File 7966 � 4G _ltinn Po The Honornble,The rounoil, �itv of St,paul,Minnesota. V' f t O V' e onorable,The r,rnu.oil, " Ir,ity of St.Paul,Mfnne"" Gentlemen: as to tY:e cont of the hnvinS been miRinformet O P oontemyl•t irprovesent oY opening of WatsonAve. from View Street to vest Seventh Street a number of the property owners previously signed a petition asking that I this improvement be made but after receiving nntn-ler siTnt" of the assessments against our Nroperty,we,the uie property owners vish to petition your Honorable not to oonsijer the opening of Watson Ave. from View Stretreet to west Seventh Street. 9-0 7�a��r �3 Z. kA 1/��� fps � _Petition of oyeotion o To The HOnornble.The ^ouncil. ,7ity of Pt.Paul.Minnesota. Gent lemaen : we the undersigned Proyyrty owners located on watson Avenue between Viotorin Street nni Milton Street herebywish �o petition aour Honorable Rody notto consider the ProPoAed lopening of w4�son Avenue to wept Seventh Street. r� L/I'j LJ // rs t e 2� e �� Le li IL, / � �� '� / � � : J" `✓ J t J (Y �/ J J ; Y J .E .i ,. / .d E' ; .� moi'" I nP101NAL TO CITY CL,PK T. PAUL 21_8y M. H' Gelr tl t CITY OF S, By proclamation o[ the - t d September 2/, 1926, the .int Paul to required to hold , OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER-Bry le tion on Mr ' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENES jr 1926. e a a ,Peelat,^. 'ne'� Oe4 21, 1926, [or. . ` tins a ePresl.ta, -��d, a th 1.Cou " vel by Count PRESENTED BY ,,,. ' WEIMCDOOM COMMISSIONER � � y�R�g� By proclamation on the Governor dated September 11,.1935, the City of Saint Paul is required to hold a special primary election on Monday, October 14, 1935, and a special election on Monday, October 21, 1935, for the purpose of elect - Legislative District, Saint Paul, the Fifth Ward, 39 former ing a rCpunty, Minnesota' ' vacancy caused by the death of Albert Sameo, Ramsey County, representative, and yIHEREAS, It appeexs from the rep sufficient funds available to provide for the expense oort of the Comptroller that there are not f holding said special primary and special election ea provided by law, and by reason c the premises, an emergency has been created whereby it is necessary to borrow funds, pursuant to Section 206 of the Charter; and therefore, deems it p�REAS, The that 9 �rge�°y exists and, necessary to borrow=-1.1protect the public interests; nom, •herefore, be to meet such emergency and properly it 147At.l D Tha the, May and omptroller are hereby authorized to borrow the yf, meed sum of�r with interest at the rate of not to.�.� d payable fore outs and deliver to the party or partiesdue atkthe time per cent per annum, and to - loan a note or other eviden a of indebtedness of hiof defraying the cost of said aforesaid; such moneys to be used only for the Purpose special primary election and special election; and be it arse FURTHER RESOLVED That any amount which may remain after paying the nape herein mentioned, shall be used to apply on a reduction of the notes herein author- herein r' fy� COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pear etcrson In favor amen , -- — Against ,Menzel 110T• President (Gehan) sm 6.34 OCT 151W193 --- Adopted 5 193 --- Adopted by the Council— OCT 1 � _193 W -7— Adopted by the Council ........_............................... __.........193......... Yeas / Nays P�ARCE �PETE SON ROSEN ,1fRUAX ,'WARREN WENZEL XMR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 0 Oelal Nl�L TO CITY CLeeK OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 10162 6/ ��C�J1Y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM eoCSFNTEO BY DATE September 27th, 1935 RESOLVAD, That license for Barber, application 6659, applied for by Geo. Lazaroff at 642 Jackson Street be and the same is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to 'issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays /P/earce / /Peterson favor 2T arren —Against \Xlxacel . tM1�-RH�+dem•f�eei- naj,. _.r,11y i E yQarren� 1.,1 C. eed bl.dTThat apC dSL r b pb-a hol 8. ypllantl000t 642 3 bYe gratoeasoane e�1 Y Lanaetoo e rl la hetraYme tin the 935. ltY e n the {eQalre ctee t. llcenu o LLY 4o1�1i93'G) tress rid 5 ADPToved ��pct. Adopted by the Council— _ OCT- - 1_.M_!`193__ Approved_ -- 6T .._,17^-193---- , Mayor �tn9 CoudcIL NO.— ORIGINAL TO GIr, CL[Rk FILM CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM / f' W I ED BY I I/ 'DATE loNER // �— Su erinbendent of Playgrounds � That Ernest W. Johnson, P )r�OLV ED ig�,'& reby authorized and instructed to attendChicago, ;he National Septemberds anc Recreation Association congress at Chica o Illinois Sep to October 4th, 1935, as delegate and representative from this city, and Further Resolved, That the proper City Officers are hereby for fiveeventy- (ized ddirected Dollars, oroasdraw much thereof rasnmay be necessary,of Spayable five ftheP) ' in favor of Ernest W. Johnson, out of the Playground Fund Item expense , for the purpose of paying the expense as delegate to said convention. The unexpended balance thereof to be returned to said fund, and an itemized account of expense to be submitted to the City Comptroller. J C. F. No.. 101693—BY H- D• W -"— Ry Request— Resolved, That Ernest W. Johnson: Superintendent of Playgrounds Is hers - by authorized and Instructed to attend the National Playgroundsat (d Chlccag tion Association oongrese Illinois, Sept Roth to Oct. 4, 1036, ee delegate and representative from this city, and Further Resolved That the Drover City Officers aro herebyy an 8a8 directed to draw a city warrant for the -sum of Seventyffve ($76.00) Dollars, or as much thereof as may be neces- sary, payableOct of the Playground Fund Item 19-A-4, In favor of Er -bat { W. Johnson for the purpose of paying 1 the expense ae delegate to said con- vention. The unexpended balance thereof to be returned to said fund; nd an itemised account of expense to be• sabmitted to the Cit Comyytr"im" Adopted d the 1936 Cannot Sept 87, 1986. Ali - (OCL 6-1996) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce $0601*- __In favor Against /*arren---E--- �Venzel /1�'gx,;t;tft�-{r�afr�) sm Adopted by the Council -69-2-7--1 —193 --- Approved- 93_— Approved -------193--- ktinr onrornwL ro un conk Ma � 8 g, gNc,L —�. r CITY OF ST. PAUL —nzel F. Pater - NO. I WA Trvex� OFFICE OF THE CITY CL6 • .beta thaYed b7 COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GEN ERPaTerlFYkom�nf x ` Mayor M. H. Gahan euc InFY 19�u Pi, ENTED BY 1• C. Pearce F. M. Truax as. cbsr"t.; September 27th., 1935_ q- SS10NER-M41-ton-R-- The Lo duty, n +rent an' The City has again been shocked by the untimely and tragic Heath of Mr. Charles TwImer. Mr. Teakner entered the employ of the Parke and Playgrounds Department in 1926• This period ofservice service to was char- acterized by a marked devotion to duty, a loyAl and to the City as a whole. Mr. Tockner was an expert in his particular work and will be greatly missed by the department and his fellow workers. Death is always grim and stark, doubly so when it moves in tragic stride, striking here and there without warning. Human sympathy to of little avail in a time like this. God in His infinite wisdom and mercy must be in a large measure the source of comfort and strength to the bereaved, and Wil$RE4S, In the death of Mr. Charles Tnclmer the Department of Perks and Playgrounds has lost a conscientione, faithful employe, his co-workers a genial, helpful companion and his family a devoted husband and father, be it RESOLVED, That we extend to the bereaved family our deepest sympathy and in testimony thereof be it FCRTRZR RESOLVED, That a copy of this memorial be spread upon the nt records of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul and a copy be to the family of the deceased. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce —Peterson —Rosen ____In favor ,X —Against inst rt Wae—B• nzel President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council `SEP 2 7_1+6-193---- SEP 2"1a Approved - -- ----- --- -_ -193— .a yo or I�NRR PUBL A 1� l ORIOINeL TO CITY CL[RK " Aenaei—L 0. CITY OF ST. PAULreon-8. ID. Mtlton Rosen— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER,na or aeatn has COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENER ',;tiiic UUlilfea and Ir mm{aast Mr. Via - Let 8rtin entered �,� _ I o[ SL Ps01 so emhw r 97 th 19 i5%- CMESS{ONER utility man n t. Wfie trP Am'cs r3 • br o Axel F. Peterson Ilton Rosen .3. H. E. Warren Mayor M. H. Gehan Again the grim hand of death has invaded the ranks of the employee of the Department of Public Utilities and has removed from their midst Mr. Victor St. Martin. Mr. St. Martin entered the employ of the City of St. Paul September 18th, 1922 as sk Utility man in the Water Department. Was transferred to the Public Works Department in 1923 as Ward Foreman and in 1934 was transferred to the Public Utilities Department as Utility man, After an employe has served faithfully and well for a number of years in any capacity.there is established an association end a comrade- ship that brings about sincere, devoted friendships. Just why these associations meet be broken to beyond the ken of finite minds. The issues of life and death rests in the hands of God. And to Him, the All Wise, we commend the soul of our friend and fellow -worker, and WFIEHEAS, in the passing of Mr. Victor St. Martin the Public Utilities Department has lost a faithful servant and the employes a genial, kindly friend and co-worker, his wife a devoted husband, his children a wise counsellor and his friends a loyal companion, Therefore, be it RESOLVED, That this testimonial of our deepest sympathy be spread upon the records of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul and a copy be sent to the bereaved family. COUNCILMEN Adop_ ted by the Council__, Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson *F' t- fk`193__ Rosen ----In favor Approved. ----TM Truax Warren - - Against j/uwk_ As I � __��. Wenzel Mayos Awfig Mr. President (Gehan) L� PUBLiSIIi`D 7 M 6.34 _ ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK ' CGUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY � �//. � DATE RESOLVED That the application of V. R. Castor for permission to operate a public garage at 752 Curfew avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and directed to issue the necessary, permit therefor; provided that said garage shall not be operated on Sundays nor later than seven 010100k P. M. on week -days; and said garage shall comply with all the provisions of the Build- ing Code applicable thereto. COUNC MEN Yeas ea c Nays / eterson //� _In favor r a t a ren /enzcl �--Against btderle-f�� . VICE FRES. HOSES 5M 6.31 C. F. No. 101626—By F. M. Truas— I Resolved, That the application of V. n. Castor for perrolsalon to operate a public garage at 152 Curtew Avenue, ie hereby granted, and the Cotatafssloner or Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and di - 'et ed to issue the necessary permit 4 therefor; provided tbtt aid garage; ball not be operatP Mnday. or later than seven o'clock ,,nye; and said garage shall co ttlply with all the provisions of the Bulldlag Code applicable thereto. Adopted by the Co unell Oct. 23, 1936. j Approved Oct. 23, 1935. (Oct. 26-1935) OCT 2 31931 Adopted by the Council-— - -- —193_— G'i 1 F -1 Approved 93-- - Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota 4 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Ix 0 . L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration September 25th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: attached file The City Council referred to Sn The with the application of p. you the to operate a public garage at 752 Curfew avenue guest that R. Castor further you draw a resolution grantingwith the re_ reouested that the resolution ctain request. , They the applicant shall not operate said Piro°thione that tt we ek days and shall not garage later than 7 P. M. vision that the operate on Sundays and a further provisions of thea�e 'hall comply in all respects with all operation of Building Code relative to the construction and Public garages. Yours very truly, City Clerk, AXEL F. PETERSON JOHN C. FELDMANN Commissioner Deputy Commission - CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Veluati- and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier +lid® September 20, 1935 City Clerk 386 Court House St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: You are hereby notified that the Council of the City of St. Paul will consider the matter of application of V. R. Castor for permission to operate a public garage at 752 Curfew Avenue, and that a public hearing will be held in the Council Chambers of the Court House and City Hall Building on the 25th day of September, 1935, at 10:00 o'clock A.M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance (Request) *IUTICE OF APPLICATIUN� Uk PERMI TO EPAICIT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, of Saint Paul, Minnesota, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City 193,_ application will be made on to the Cit Co oil of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, for by permission to a public garage on the following describ- Minnesota, to wit: ed real estate, situated in Ramsey County, z Block' Lot Addition, ga aul, Minn. rota. On the side of St. Ave., b tween St. Ave. a nd St. Ave. St. Ave. Number Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, G ; C �A u � IS3 o �s STATE OF MVVNESOTA, ll se. County of Ramsey, j "- i L//� 0• ................ being duly sworn, on oath says; that he is, and during all the times herein stated has been clerk Of the Pau "lancer Pioneer Press Co., publisher of the newspaper known as S, St.press, and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year ��yy,, C.[ ................ ........... prior to the Publication therein of the. .....�.... v �/'. . �..°/ 0-- -!q�.... " ... ........... hereintheatter described, saidAnjacy, newspaper was printed and published in the City of St. Paul, State of Minnesota, on each day ch said time spa d newspaper has been Anted in the English laonguage from �i skknown fflce of publication withih the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated in columIn space to at least four pages, with five columns page, � d sheet form sixteen inches long; has been issued dally each week from a Mown off ce page, established 1n said Placeof publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during all said time in Its makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community It purports to serve; that during all Bald time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said place of Pub- lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (240) copies regularly delivered to paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter in its local postoffice; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor o1 Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of tle OF .+roA x -son P»- !�a"C said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal To opZjWj v Go Vit. newspaper. to eaou4n 16-iS,. 1"F hereto attached •tins Clt of aalpt %0f,. 1"Flo e p .; .. t1on w{t tin made m 8spu 11nat the .........a.... •............ C�ItrYCouneLL of me�;tll ..•••••••••••••••••••.• °aW ylnnewW Dr v'.. R-- neer- Anted and Published therein Sn ,stn _ was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was p myAve �iMtweeu Due ANt .3�.. t: ' "r 9Yuaasoe the English language, on ee ........... ... �" icunkw^^'nmon�s�ert.: }. Cont a pyenkaa A[e. `t`� 1986Y,.s DU➢....seDt. 6�9�T ^]Dag.l -�' ...the ::••........ day Of _.. that it first so Published ........... 19... S, and thereaYter on. ;T :............ and to and Includln ..alpha. .....-. ; that the following is a printed copy o1 the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, and Is hereby acknouldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: aD defghuximnopgretu—" ........... JS_ Subscribed and sworn to before me this... �.� .day of...:`., 19..... L-- .. .........•...... .................N .. P c, aunty, Minnesota n .. T I My commission explreayl. L` ebi5• (. �•� '7 ......., 19 .... . rr . I'nn, 9•,4 St. P,,,l Minn., In Accw�thoun' REPAIR SHO CASTOR AUTO p GENERAL OVERHAULING among B.dy and Fender WorkElectric and Acetylene Welding 752 Curfew Avenue ?4,41 %.�G am,/ zv,-� Adopted by the Council._ ............ ........ ........... ... ..._...._... ...... 193._.._.. Yeas Nays /RCE ' PETERSON R�OSEN 4R AX , EN ZENZEL /PRESIDENT (GEHAN) THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL n INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION September 3o, 1935. Honorable H. $. Warren, Commissioner of Public Safety. Dear Sirs On September 27th the City Clerk wrote me in regard to application of C. H. Caster for permission to operate a public garage at 752 Curfew Avenue. Upon investigation we find that this garage is located at the rear of 752 O'fGw Avenue. It is a one— story frame building, 18 s 28 feet, is lined been cut is roof d and has a cement floor. An opening has for amokepipe from stove, which is contrary to our City Building Ordinance. Building was erected about twelve years ago and has been used as a public garage for the last three years, but this department be# never before received a request to pass on an application for a garage at this Por this building to meet the requirements for a public garage it will be necessary for Mr. Caster to metal lath and plaster sidewalle and ceiling and build chimney from the ground. Respectfully yours, Chief Fire Prevention Inspector. I(M/ j September 27th, 1935. Mr. TM. C. Barron, Chief of Fire prevention Bureau, City. Dear Str1 Ths attached resolution in the matter of the application of C. A. Castor for permission to operate a public garage at 752 Curfew Avenue was laid over to Tuesday, October let, by the Council today; and referred to you for investigation and report; Yours very truly, City Clerk. October let, 1939. Mr. V. R. Castor. 75? Curfew Avenue, St. pau? , Minnesota. Bear Sir: The City Council held un the -,ranting of your application for perml4gton to operate a public Parma at the above adfirese as it n2oears that your build- Iry does not meet the reemirements for a public garage according, to the letter of &m. C. Barron, Chief Fire Pre- vention Inspector, a copy of which to herein enclosed. Yours very trily, City Clerk. October lltb. 1935 Yr. tilliam o. Barron Ohtef of )ire prevention Bassen pablic Safety Building Dear Sir: We are enclosing a letter received from Q. H. relative to bis spplteation for permieston to operate a public gar*"at 752 Ourfer Avenue• 'this to to answer to our letter to hies in RhLoh N enclosed s copy of y°ur letter of ge°tember 30th addressed to Oommiasioner warren is regard to thio matter. kindl give this letter your consideration ,II ouand nabs eifSartber report to the Oouucil. If satisfactory? Tours very truly. city Ulerlt G. H. BARFUSS WM. J. SUDEITH Acting Chief of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOSEPH MACAULEY Health Officer Supt. of Police and Fre Alarm Capital of Minnesota G. H. BRISSMAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Asst. Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner WALLACE N. JAMIE, Deputy Commissioner October 15, 1935• Mr. L. R. S. Pergason, City Clerk, Court Boase, CITY. Dear Sirs Your letter of October lith with which you, enclosed the attached letter from Mr. O. H. Castor relative to his application for permiseion to operate a public gar- age at 752 Curfew hence. It will be satisfactory with us for Mr. Castor to do the work as outlined in his letter. Yours very truly, Chief Tire Prevention Inspector. NMI. •0B/1 288 ORIOINIIL TO CITY CL[RK D COUNCIL NO. 16162 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION —(G FRAL/ FORM ee� ru,•rn av 1i Yi. I.l'_- f//)),jf�t.�.✓t npTE RESOLVED That the application of the Hluel 011 & Gas Company for permission to install one 550=gallon underground gasoline storage tank at 31 Oakley avenue, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the 7ycommissioner of Public Safety. I C. F- No. 183827—MY H. E. Warren— vs. arren— Reuneet� ved, That the panllcfor per the ssiioinl oil install onem660-galio Dunder- ground gasoline storage tank at 81 Oakley avenue, be and the sane le hereby granted, said tank to be ln- j stalled in accordance with the ordin- anees of the City of St. Paul, and On - d; nth dtlhreotlCopn�ml0Monerhof eatPUblio Safety. Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1936. Approved S(Veta b 1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas�Nays / Pearr ce _.Peferson ,gQ444b, __ __In favor ten — 4,��L Against /Wenzel 441 ,M 6.34 Adopted by the Council -QM -193—TJVW — �F_'p 2'1 a_193— •� AW49 AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota A, DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE (j��,1� LEONARD C. SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier -4Kf September 26, 1936- L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs Referring to the application of the Fuel Oil k Gas Co. for permission to install one 660 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank at 31 Oakley Avenue, please be advised that on this date there are no delinquent taxes on this property - Your s very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finenoe,. September 24th, 1935. Hon. Axel F. peterson, Coms'r of riumnce, Building. Dear Sirs In connection with the application of the real 011 amu, OomPa 7 for permission to install one Sc�C. nnder,;round gasoline storage tem for private use at 3g18'=1 gv bvea.A, the City Come" ref 00 if there is MW the taxes levied amiust this proPe to ' delingoenOY, Yours very troly, r\ City Cleric. G. H. BARFUSS Acting Chief of Police , ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. Health Officer CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner WALLACE N. JAMIE, Deputy Commissioner WM. 1, SUDEITH Fire Chief JOSEPH MACAULEY Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm G. H. BRISSMAN Asst. Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm September 13, 1935 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Pauls Minnesota Dear Sir: &closed herewith is the application of the Fuel Oil and Gas Company for permission to install one 550—gallon underground gasoline storage tank for private use for the Oliver Transfer and Storage Company located at 31 Oakley Avenue, and report of inspection and approval of the Division of Fire Prevention. Very truly yours, Wallace H. Jamie Deputy Commissioner �t t y� v WM. J. SUDEITH Chief of Policcee M. CUWGFire Chief - G. E. BRISSMAN Health Officerfficer ROBERT B. J. H Acting Supt. Police and Fire Afarm CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Comminioner Sept. 12,1935. Hon.H.E.qarren Commissioner of Public Safety, St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir; In regard to the application of the Fuel Oil and "Gas Company for permission to install one 550 -gallon underground gasoline storage tank for priva a use for the Oliver Transfer & Storage Company on the premises located at 31 Oakley Ave. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. PHONE NESTOR 6318 COSDEN LIQUID GASOLINE FUEL OIL FUEL OIL & GAS COMPANY BULK PLANT GAS OIL SAINT PAUL 1387 MARSHALL AVE. DISTILLATE d LUBRICATING OIL GREASES ' Septeruoer 9 , 1936 CLEANERS NAPTHA 14r, W. C. Barron Chief Insp• Fire Prev* Bureau St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: We hereby request authority to install one 550—gallon underground gasoline storage tank for private use for the Oliver Transfer &uStorage Company on the premises at 31 Oakley Aven, St - Paul, Minnesota - yours very truly E UIL "G AS COi�iiNY Gen • ldgr - THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFF'" COMMUNICATION Angnst 21, 1935 gr. H. E. Warren lio Safety coy,issioner of Pleb Dear Sirs made the Please be advised that I b.g. of drive- nanel investigation of the proposed Chang $ervice Station ways of the Pore Oil on the northeast corner of Ninth and Minnesota Streets, also )moron as t. 81 Bast Ninth Stree is In MW investigation I find that there re to be no change in traffle standpohe present driveways and there - he fore there is no objection from a t to the granting of this lioense, very truly t'on'es tr^=greu ry L i) Superintendent of Traffic THIS APPLICATION TO I IN ` CITY OF 5T. PAUL TPIPLIGTE AND FILED N THE CITY 1 LERK's OFFICE. DUPLICATE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL _ OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ---------- By- '� — '- - (NAME OF FIRM OR INDIVIDUAL) O_ _ __.—_. -_ A_ ---- oR "INSIDE CARwce'1 FOR PERMIT TO W".. � (`DRIVE Irv' --- - -�. 'I ION TO BE LOCATED ON LOT----- AUTOMOBILE FILLING STAT -------------- - _ALSO DESCRIBED AS _.---- - - (STREET AND NUMREpI - - .--(wODITIONI . ._CAPACITY OF EACH TANK_ - -IN 4ii . NO. OF PUMPS ..._---- -_NO. OF GAB TANKS._._-- — /// - - --- eIGNATURE OF APPLICANT. -- BY --- _—____- _----- ---- -- 6U91NEE4 ADDREes. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK RLCEIVED COPY FROM CITY CLERK 1 1{I DATE - DATE_-----------_____ ___—_ _._—____. --- CITY PLANNING BOARD DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY BY_- ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK � ,,y H. Z. 11.CrEn—DENCIL No - 161628 OF ST. PAUL deeneee Applied for OFFICE OF THE CITY r.nd =8d Dendreonethe at N •d an. ad the 'It •� • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEF,. i_.e aner,-'^ :n[o the n ee• Fr�� •7^ P%SENSONER�4m _ ,,.,,I ,.tTE. Saptamber 27_ 1935 RESOLVED ' IThat licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addressee indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Leo J. Fleischman 1070 Hastings Off Sale Malt Bev " 6915 " Kathleen B. Carey 191 W. Kellogg Blvd Hotel 17 rooms " 7095 " Arrowhead Fuel,Inc. 1122 Hodgson Bldg Mpls Fuel Dealer " 7098 ^ Empire Fuel Co. 121 N. Concord " " " 6820 " FI-ekal Coal & 011 Co. 2100 2nd St.Mo Mpls ^ " " 6883 " C. A. Lee 2214 Hendon " " " 6808 " Mason Furnace Co. 1571 Selby Av. " " " 6886 ^ W. F. Macaulay 64 W. Fillmore " It IT 6925 " Zahrbacks Fuel & Ice, 967 Bradford It It " 6949 It i; f , COUNCILMEN Ycas/ Nays carte ,/Ifeterson ikeseR -_ _ __In favor 4; WON = ren Ag-dinst i'Wenzcl SM 6.34 Adopted by the Council -'�C"-7 - 193.--- Approved- 93.__- Approvved -- -------- ------ 193-_ +� Mayor MMLISIIET5 D— s' S ORIGINAL t0 CITY CLt"K - `I`I,,UNCIL ) Ci29 3y H. Fl warren—Fg NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL., _. llceneeR for whW' OFFICE OF THE CITYa pai c eaai ena i' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GTied be and the Gary ., 3 pd the ally' Re uce city the Ne (RESENTED BY� .. `O%tTE September 27„ 1935 JMMISSIONER RESOLVED - That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Gordon F. Dorse 748 Tatum Grocery App. 7084 Renew " 7131 " E. La Fountain 372 Robert Restaurant Thomas Neal 531 St. Anthony Barber " 6836 " `W. E. & M.A. Gerenz 518 Selby Butcher " 7094 " National Tea Co. 644 S. Smith " " 7106 " Ray Abrahamson 1491 University Gas Sta 4 rn mps n n 7113 HofQCtgn Co. 1906 Stillwater Road ^ " 3 " " 7089 " Theo. Vick 1680 Hemline n n 3 ^ ^ 7129 " Pnblix N.W.Theatre 28 W. 7th lgotion"Picture " 7034 " Publix N.W.Theatre 18 E. 7th IN " ^ 7035 n Napoleon De Roma 1355 University Restaurant " 7127 " COUNC LMEN Yeas Nays earce QCLEI.64[r ,g^� favor �_Against —�= /arren enzel /Mr. President SM 6.34 �h-�• Adopted by the Council .-&P-V-- 193____ TIAW Approved_.— Mayor YUBLISHGDL— S p .FA ORIGINAL TO clTr CLIRK cou cit. NO. TY ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY Y !Y»I% [/� \ /That Dance Hall license, application 6902, applied for by Chas. Jannetto at 425 Upper Levee be and the same is hereby denied, and the proper city officers are hereby authorised to refund to Chas. Jannetto the fee of $15.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas ' Nays earce ' -Ralee9eta-_ Rmeff--. __In favor Against r Wenzel ')Ar. President 5M 6.34 C. F No. 1010a0—Ry H. E. Warrea— Irving C. Pearce— Resolved. That Dance 8aL llcenee; 1 pP I UOn 9908, GOP led for by Chan. Jannetto at 425 IIDper Levee be and the same le hereby dented. Rad the pauthor- Ia eto cityfu de to Chas. Janne to the fee at 316.00 aad to cancel Bald appll- o tion for ll"" - Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1986. ADProved Sept 27, 1986. - (Oct 6-1986) Adopted by the Council- �4 193—.- Approved__ Mayor ayor Adopted by the Council ......................... _..... ..... _._...... _..193....._. Yeas Nays PPEARCE E/TERSON ROSEN A�RUAX 4'ARREN ,V�ENZEL ,,-MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 4, IZ4, tGh =[A, i7a' M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration August 8th, 1935• Hon. H. E. Warren, Chairman, License Committee, City. Dear Sir: The attached letter of Patrick F. James, 431 Upper Levee, opposing the granting of the renewal of dance hall and tavern license to Charles Jannetto at 425 Upper Levee, was referred to your Committee, by the Council, for your con- sideration. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK //��[J� OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f ? COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE Seote ti L IABP' M RESOLVED application 7003, On Sale Malt That licenses for Restaurant, app Beverage, application 7004, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 7005, applied for by Emil Isakson at 1543 University Avenue be and the same are hereby denied; and the proper city officers are hereby authorized to refund to Fail Isakson the fees of X10.00; X50.00; and $5.00; and to cancel said applications for licenses.G F. No. 101681�BY $• I Waaten— Irvtng c- Pearce-- ' rant,RG1—dicacon 17008,BeO. S.I. Malt Beverage• aDDltoetloa 700. and 0006.6, 7 gpaple 7dalt Beverage. a8DltcattoILI,IL UnlvterSit Aven a bis and thpe eam lare hereby denlad; and the gyroper CRY iacere are hereby 't of to r- 0 ond to Emil Ieakeoend toe caacell said ;60.00: an8 6.00; appIto atlone for "cooneee. Adopoved Befippt. 1986. L 87, 1986• ADDr tpct. 6-1986) COUNC MEN Yeas Nays earce Raswoerl —In favor 'ren _ Against cnzel t. President SEP 27 Adopted by the Coun il_— Approved--- ' Mayor Actin/ COUNCIL p1( 00.101NI1L TO CITY OL[PK FILE NO•��=`� TY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 44 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 4 trambe� 27, 1015 _ PRESENTED BY DATE�— C ♦ MISSIONER _-- RESOLXNM WHEREAS, Emmett Connolly deeires to withdraw application 6222 for Tavern license at 924 Rice Street, and requests refund of license fee;.therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Emmett Connil7y the fee of $200.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN YC.161 Nays / TCC PAs— _—_— -'- _-In favor �iTSd7�' �, j�C/arren ---- _Against I✓enzel �vtr. Presiden�_fISL+n* — 5M 6,34 C p•. No. 10168 Warrea— Irving C. Pearo,t—onnolly desires to Wh cess. EmmaTavern ithdrew aDDllcatfon 6222 for Ilcenee t 924 Rlce Street, end re- eueste refund of Ilcenee .therefore, be Itro er ottY offi- Reeolved. that aze hereby authorised cars be and they to refund to Emo ctatneelnssiQ aPDltco- fee of 5200.00 and tion for ]Icon to tnc he Couil Sept. 21, 1926. I Adopd by .>•DDroved BeDI 27, 1936- (Oat. 6-1986) Adopted by the Council _ -F l �+= ry0-193 Approved. ^^- -..-- -----^--µ- 193-- A� Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK COUNCIL No.1it1 ' CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE ���]]]lll��1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK T-196UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY n DATE September 2, 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED' That Item 7-8-9-A-1 Office Salaries, Department of Public Safety Administration in the 1938 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $1,512.00 so as to amount to $10,D12.00. COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays /Pearce % -pe"Woo . LTJ/ os -en __ -_ _ -_In favor 40tirren _ /_Against Aenzel ,.Mr. President4o@MW�_ 5M 6.14 �C 'ResF. olveI,Th at IemR7-8 9-A--1 rOHte. Salaries. I>eDartment of Publfc Safety Adminlstratlon In the 1996 SudBet ae ubmitted to the City Counefi by the Comptrokler be and the came fe hereby increased =1,612.00 Io ae to amount to $10,112.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1925. � Approved B(0eL 7, 1935- 5.1926) 1 Adopted by the Council .�_�~ .193_.__ Appro\,ed ---------193----- -� `- �--- --- Mayor --r-T-T 101634 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL"K COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK f,geNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY C.� DATE September 25 1985 COMMISSIONER t RESOLVEDment of That Item 7-8-9-B-1 Building Maintenance Salaries, Depart Public Safety Administration in the 1986 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $1,068.00 so as to amount to $11,568.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas % Nays carce �Peeereerr+ men — _ __ -_In favor T4069r— ,*arren __Against 2�Jen,el r. sidcnt-(GeFrm) C. F. No. 101684—BY 1� F WatTeI — Reeoived, That I[em 7-8-9-B3 Bod fne Maintenance Salarlee, Department 198Publ6 Buldgett— aubmittedr to othenC 1Y Council by the Comptroller be and the '=.dnt to El},668.00 =1,088.00 an ee by the Council Sept. 27, 1986. Approved Sept- 8T• o1986j 1 -- Adopted by the Council Com_^_ 2-+ 193-- it Approved---- -- -- --- —193_—_ r Mayor COUNCIL FILE No °,r., °`eaK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM pph�ii DATE�Dt ismb .6il 4 RF CU.. SSIONER RESOLVED Maintenance Other Expense, Department t Item 7-8-9-B-2 Building Tba of Public Safety Administration in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $640.00 so as to amount to $8,840.00- COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays �Pearcc n e _ -/In favor 4rren _ Against 4enzel r. PFcsidenr�,6_ rl+�*'� 5M 6.34 C. 11 ReeolW,Th.1, 7 8'9"B-2 Bulld- Inq ".led nence Other E`xpenea, De- partment of Public aafety Adminietra- tonIn the the City936 Comvt 11er be °bdttted the me Is hereby Increased $840.00 90 ee to amount to $8.840.00. Adopted by the Comcll Sept• 27, 1936. ARproved SoO 26-1936) Adopted by the Cotmcil_ S ?_2_7 193-- Approved—__- --= . — �,.a--- _- -- Avitngayor ORIGINAL To CITY CLERK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ;V6UNCIL RESOLUTION /—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY / C%Z���ZC/V�/ DATE September 25, 1955 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Item 7-A-1 Police Administration Salaries, Department -of Public Safety, in the 1986 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $1,954.00 so as to amount to $12,954.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas / _ ee te Nays favor arren __/2—Against cnzel ,! + �. resident fGeh:mT 5.11 6.34 C. a lve 101686 --By R'. E Warren—i Reaolvefl, That Item 7-A-1 Pollee Ad- mintetratlon Salsrle& Department of Public Be[ety, In the 1986 8 dget ..I eabmitted to the City Counclt by the Comptroller be and the same to hezeby Inorebaed'g1t96f.00 Ns a""mount. to ,I Adopted by the Connell Sept. 87, 1986. Approved Sept. 27, 1986. (Oct 6-1986) Adopted by the Council 93 _ ' , " its , Approved_ — — --._ r r,.4.,a193---- --- j Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLLR. - FOEl4CIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM t January 25, 1935 PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Item 7—A-4 Administration Other Expense, Police Fund of the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Compbroller be and the same is hereby increased $1,000.00 so as to amount to $5#000-00- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / �1'earce , erson v//j' sen —In favor ,* Against �4 .Wenzel ,XAr. �&sident 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101637-13y 11, II Warren— Resolved. That Item 7-A-4 Admin�e- tratlon other Expense. Police Hund nt the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the Clty Council by the Comptroller be and the I IR hereby Increased 41,000.00 eo ae o amount to $3,000.00. Adopted by the CouncilSept. 37, 1936. Approved Sept. 37, 1936. (Oct. 6-1936) Adopted by the Council �---193- 2", 193_ `l"e� Approved_— SEP Wit Mayor COUNCIL NO. FILE onio�M�L To cm cLcna CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NN—GENERAL FORM CIL RESOLUTIO l y�� DATE Sqptembes 25 1985 PRESENTED ByW COMMISSIONER --d of the 1 License Police Fti1n RESOLVED That Item 7—B— Inspection Salaries, _ _Q -„tlmi.tted to the City impartment of Public Safety in the taao '" e_ • 00 Council so as to epartby the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $8,822• ..aunt to $12,169-00- COUNCILMEN Yeas carte Nays -Fetersa� B•e6C'0I- Warren - --'-- _In favor Against - -el —+ resident ,M 1..14 1, F. No, 101639—By H.7 H Qperrense •that item 1 License tit geeoived. 1 i e police Fund In the Inspect Of a Oe., .1 public �'C� the City cp t%e, I• as submitted Council by the C increasedrbe and $3.32&00t 8o e 19 untbto y t. 37. 1936. as to unt the Council.e➢ s Adopted a OeDt. T, 1936. Approve -- Adopted by the Council_ -SU _2-7 1�* 193 -- _l93 r { Approved--- - - - Acting lm COUNCIL NO._ a fi FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLGR CITY OF ST. PAUL - OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 00 OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� ia35 DATEpRFsF --��^- i-Y-- NTED BY COMMISSIONER, \ RESOLVED That Item 7-C-1, uniformed Police Salaries, Police pymd of the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is increased $5,693.00 so as to amount to $437,893.00. COUNCILMEN yeas Nays �carcc _24wreon osen ____—_ ___In favor 4 ____Against enzel �— �1- r. rresidcnt 5M 6,14 C. F. No.101889—By Ii E. Warren— R-1—d, That Item 7-C-1, Uniform- ed Police Salaries, Police Fund of the Department of Public Safety In the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City COU"ll by the Comptroller be and the same le Increased $6,893.00 s- as to mount to $437,898.00. a Adopted by the Council SepL 27, 1936. AD proved Sept. 27, 1936. (Oct. 5-1936) `2 710- -- 193.__ Adopted by the Council v�, _-_� _ �— Approved_ 193..-- Mayor--------- Acting COUNCIL A oI6 +O FILE NO. ORIa1NaL TO GITY CLtRK CITY OF ST. PAUL J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM r pRESFNT oarE J�'t`tT° 25 1935 _ COMMISSIEONBY ER RESOLVED That Item 7-C-31 Automobile Maintenance, Police Fund of the Department of Public Safety 1n the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City aou ncil by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $5,000.00 so as to amount to $359000.00• COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays carte ,L'rrasourr— ii"geyr- _ —_ _-In favor _Against enzcl r. fcsidcn sM 6.34 C Resolved, That BItem 7- -3. Automo- bl10 Maintenance, Police Fund of the Department of PUble Safety In the 1986 cilBudget the Comptrol er be andlthe same in hereby Increased $6,000.00 eo as to amount to ;86,000.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1926. Approved Sept. 27, 1986. (Oct. 6-1986) s -L? 2 71 Adoptcd by the Council__— _. --- --- _. _ 193--- Approved-- 193_— Mayor Aotin9 COUNCIL No. 161641 ORIGINAL TO CITY LLHRK FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �yOUNCIL RESOLUTIONp' —GENERAL FORM Y `��,�i. DATE --i harpRESENTED ?S 1QR6 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED ea police F=d of the Department of That Item 7-D-1 Detectives Safari , public Safety in the 1938 Budget, as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $21,489.00 so as to amount to $78,189.00/ That 1 By H. m. Wt One SklarReees, P That Item 7-I Detectly I. ment eo Police Fund of the Depart - .n Budget, o[ Public eatery In the Z. Budget, the bmitted to the a the cil I [he Comptreaer be and the Sam le hereby increased 131,489.00 eo ae to amount h Co.n9.00. Adopted by the CounGll Sept. 37, 1986. Approved Sept.E4, 1936. (o. (Oct 6-1886) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce _.Feeef6c+;a favor amen Against r. en w_. r, r sidcnt4 5NI 6.14 Adopted by the Council_ .SEF 2.1 1935__193 SEP 2 193_- Approv/e%--- --- --- --- AQti/1g ! t Mayor COUCILNO.101642 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM September 25, 1935 PRESENTED BY ��DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Item 7—F-1 Police Station Maintenance Salaries, Police Fund of the Department Of Public Safety in the 19$6 Budget as submitted to the City Council be the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $7,972.00 so as to amount to $13,480.00. C. F. Nogg. 101042—ey 8. L1. Warren— �tl ne Malfitenaneeat lSala lee, Police pond the isaeapgg�eg t of Public mltted to Safety the City Coudll by the Comptroller be end the same Ie hereby Inoreased $7,912.00 eo ae to amount to $13,180.00. Adoptd by the Council Se°t. 27, 1935. ADDroyed Se°t. 27, 1936. (Oct. 6-1936) COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays -P-,,C xac--- R-0�- _In favor d/fpax rren —10— Against IfXlenzcl ,AT.resident I 5%1 (..14 Adopted by the Council 0L-: 2_7_W--193- -193____ P 27 IM Approved------ o — ivta Aotl r -Q ORIGINAL TO CIYY CLtaK C6U CIL No.� l�i43 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 25, 1955 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Item 7-0-1 Record Division Salaries, Police Fund of the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $8,160.00 so as.to amount to $15,025.00. COUNCILMEN YeasNays A'// carce --In favor arrcn _-�_ _Against &enzel resident ) s%l 6.14 C. P. No. 101643—By R. m. Warren— Resolved, That Item 7-0.1 ROcord Division "Glories,. Police Pund of the Department of Public Safety In the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the comptroller be and the same . hereby Increased 19,160.00 eo u C* amouat to E36,036.00. Adopted by the Connell Sep, 37, 1936. Approved Sept. 27, 1936. (Oct. 6-1966, Adopted by the Council ____-SEP- _1710115393-- SP 2 7 1 Approved_______ Acta Mayor 6RIa1NAL To §rtr -911. CGU NCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 25 1985 C0f:1MISSI0NER_ RESOLVED That Item 7-8_p_19 Salaries, Police and Fire Alarm Fund of the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $4,,540.00 so as to amount to $40)040.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce Perm<n., favor atren Against enzcl / �psident FE3e+rttr� 5M 6,14 C Feeolved10Tha It m 7.g,,'BWarUIar- lea, Police and PMre Alarm Fund of the Department of Public Safety In the 1836 Budget as Rubmltied to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the to a 1. hereby ernt b µOO Increased $4,640.00 eo as Adopted by the Council Sept 37, 1936. Approved Sept 27, 1835. (Oct 5-1935) Adopted by the Council __ZE"7_ 193___ Rw UP 2 { M 193_— ot, g Mayor - ORIGINAL TO CITY nLBRK OCUNCIL No.10164 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY �. • A:� DATE September 25 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That Item 8-A-1 Administration Salaries, Fire Fond of the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $8,000.00 so as to amount to $34,000.00. COUNCILMEN Ycas / Nays earce R4w"QW►- p oW.Q_ __In favor �samr 11 arren __Against enzel rt' Mcsident 5M 6.14 C F. Resolved, That Ittelm 8-A-1 Admtnle- tratlon Balartee, Fire Fund of the be- Bud6 tart nae submitted ttosafetheiClty Co93 un. II by the Comptroller be and the same le hereby increased 88,000.00 e0 as t0 amount t $84,000.00. App odved yaept.the C27,u 1936 Sept. 27. 1085. (Oct, 5-1886) Adopted by the Council p-2— 193_- SEP 2 706 proved----_----- —193 a I t � M yor ��rn9 ORIGINAL T CITY CLHRN C6 ENCIL NO,.y CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM a PRESENTED BY \" DATE September 25s 1935 COMMISSIONER_--�=— RESOLVED That Item 8-C-1 Fire Fighting Salaries, Fire Fund of the Department of Public Safety In the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $57,000.00 so as to amount to 56031386.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays earce � -petetsv,T % favor amen _-Z-?_---Against enzcl cw r. P�esident i,�' 1. ATF" -1 6.34 C. F. No. 101848—By H. m. Warren— •lt. o.I ed, That Item 8-C-1 Mre Mghting Salarlee, Mra 8'pa4 of the Department of Public Safo in the 1936 Budget ae submitted tb�the Clty Council by the Comptroller be d the same Is hereby Increased 857,000.00 so se to amount to 8608,886.00. Adopted by the Council Sept 27, 1986. Approved Sept. 8q, 1986. (Oct. 6-1986) Adopted by the Council.SEP_2 % —193 cp 2� Approved----._ --------193-- �_ �cta Y� or - ORIGINAL TO CITY CLHRK FILE NO. ♦ �I'� (_ Ary CITY OF ST. PAUL �f-}�{j[Ze 81� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY��� ,.-C.CA DATE COMMISSIONER September 25s 1935 RESOLVED That Item 9-Frl Quarantine Hand, Health Fund of the Department of Public Safety in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby Increased $6,000.00 so as to amount to $22,363.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ,Pearce -Perauea $.acCIL _-In favor Trre4t- Aarren _—Against �✓enzel ��residcnt f� 514 6.34 C. F. No. 101647—By ILLino ffi Wgrren—: Resolved, That Item 9-m-1 art n - me. Send, Health Fund of the Depart- Sudget OfPublic submltedt to the Clth' 1986 tl by the Comptroller be and thea eoame Is hereby Increased ;6,000.00 eo ae to amount to ;22,288.00. Adopted by the CouncllSept 27, 1986. j Approved Sept 27, 1986. (OOL 5-1986) Adopted by the Council &EFl-s2--r-___193 — SEP Q7 06 Approved- �(� __ — --193_-_ A '� Mayor o RIOINAL TO CITT LLtRK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFF CE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL E COSOLUTION—GENERAL FORM /. PRESENTED BY 4 1—y DATE September 20 19915 — COMMISSIONER -- RESOLVED I , That Item 10 B1, Engineers' Salaries, submitted in the 1956 Budget to the City Council by the City Comptroller, be and the same is hereby increased $5,000.00 so as to be $969517.00. COUN tMEN Yeas earce Nays _P"fffieN RZSEff' In favor T4O9r_ 'W/arren � --Against -, Avcnzel President k-11,' :h1 6.34 C.F' .CN� 1nsol—By yReWalton eeRoaen— Resolved, That Item 10-81, mngl- a' Salaries, ubmltted Ia the 1988 Budget to Lhe oClty Co.arll' by the herecitoIncreased $6,000. 0 rat,lr, be adtshos as ot byo be $96,817.00. Adopted by the Connell $eDt. 87. 1986. ADDroved $e ', 87, 1986. (Oct. 6-1986) SEP 2 193") Adopted by the Council— -- --193__. ' 3: i% i) Approved--:—" _193_- 1'7"'"_""`– r ORIGINAL TO CITY CL/RK COUNCIL 161649 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OF CE OF THE CITY CLERK COUt�I ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE September 20, 1935 CgMMI3310NE `� - RESOLVED / That Item 13—B19 Cleaning Streets and Sidewalks Salaries, submitted in the 1936 Budget to the City Council by the City Comptroller, be and the same is hereby increased $5,000.00 so as to be $49,500.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas if earce NY—In 'I�2FBF69il �%sctr favor / j amen Against enzel �/��,� r. sidentZ � 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 161619—BY M"ton Rosen— ' , C. Wessel—B9ItemP a - Bl, Clean- _. Resolved, Thgt _ Inb 5tt dtsln sthe 1936 Bndgei to-tlee he be9 d thel enure his hterebyomncreesed $ 5.0 0.0 ed b9 the 'It e t. 87, 1935. APProved S�oi 86_1986) t Adopted by the CounciISER Approved — -11y9_3-- tMayor _ _ �— ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK Co ENCIL NO. -44650 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM f PRESENTED eB t 4 •� _ DATE— COMMISSIONER RESOLVED , That Item 18-C-1 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereby increased $3,900.00 so as to be $48,900.00- C 48,900.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas X Nays earce i'etrt'sml"- 1Ca3 favor T- ­ e. - _ _ -_Against �enzel sident ` 5M 6.34 j C, F. No. 101660— Trbns—I geaolveA. That Item 18-C-1 y the 11988 Bud6et submitted by the '!. Combtroller to the City Council be and the Rnme to hereby lncreRRed s8.890.9a so [o ba 548.900.0, — 1986- ADbioved Btbt. 2q,t19568ebt. 27, �- (Oct. 6-1986) Adopted by the Council -__SEP-2-7 19-193. -- . Approved193 — _— ------------- ate-�-- - --- Mayor coUNCIL FILE NO._—J-sly''==� ORIGINAL TO CITT CLGRR CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE ,CITY CLERK COUNCIL �RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM "J , - . n .n , / DATE— as submitted by RESOLVED , That I 18-Ct mama -3 in the 1936 budget- the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereby increased $$2,000.00 so as to be $$7,000.00. COUNCILMEN Ycas /Pearce NY--In izeeesean favor . Against amen _A�enzel — _y�!_ -- t, t ident% 5M 6.34 ,By oI C. F. No. 101Tbat GOT ire 1leeolved, at 'toMItted�b9 the CO'oV- he 1956 badgetha°Clty Coanoil 00 troller increased 10,000.00 eo ea ea . to hereb9 _ to Ae 9th - hp- 0O-� 169e t. 2R. 1956. Adoptedd (Oct 6_1906) Adopted by the Council— --7-' ow 193-- - SEP 2 "? Approve 193-- - _. ACtf��- Mayor COUNCIL oR101N11L TC CITY CLERKFILE NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE PRESENTED BY �� -- COMMISSIONERER RESOLVED, That Item 18-E-3 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereb;' increased 43,000.00 so as to be 45,000.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas /Pearce -P Ilereee- Nays __ favor /Warren _)-_Against ,Wenzel IMF r7sident w . 5M 6,34 C. F. No. 10166E---gy bred M. T,..— Renolved, That Item 19-P)-3 In the 1936 budget ae pbmltted by the Come troller to the City C....11 he d the ams le hereby Increased 35,000.00 .0 - Adopted to be 56,000.00. Adopted by the Councll Sept 37, 1935, Approved 8ep k 37, 1836. lOct. 5-1936) Adopted by the Council. $E 2 1F'* _ _ 193 _-- Approve�d�J(_._ _ ---'O - W-� Mor COUNCIL ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK FILE NO_ CITY OF ST. PAUL 161653 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMSMISSIEONER ,�� A X DATE RESOLVED , That Item 19-A-1 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Co.^.lptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereby increased $1,363.00 so as to be 47,063.00 C7UNLMEN Yeas Nays Rosen favor �___In Against enzel r. sident'K-'~ 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101863—Ry Fred RL Truaa:— Reeoived, That Item 19-A-1 in the trollar1936 utog th—C-1-b Council bybthe e C e th same !a hereby Increneed $1,30&00 an ae to be 37,063.00- Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1936. Approved Sept, 27, 1936. (Oct. 6-1935) Adopted by the Council--UP-2 7.1193 SEP 27 .193.._..._ Acting COU r+fit46 CIL �( 1��� ORIGINAL TO CITY CL- CITY IJD•— CITY OF -ST. PAUL iii ��`��, ��y "`-��� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIIL� RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM l.- / n i/, 19SENTED BY .t DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That Item 19-A-2 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereby increased $360.00 so as to be $960.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Pearce Nays Reterselk R9sen- __—___In favor 21.7'e. _ ._ Against enzel sidcnt 5M 6.34 C Reeolved,O That BItem 19- Vved A-STln t e 1986 budget as submitted by the Comp- Samee I to increased 1$960.00 0 as to be $960.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 87, 1986. Approved Sept 87, 1996. (Got. 6-1986) C Adopted by the Counci -t- Adm - 193_ _ 4 r rMV Approved---3►EF193 - - �f� Mayor COVNCIL ORIOIN�L TO LITY LLQRK FILE NO• CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM J CON MISSIEONER h A �A R DATE RESOLVEq That Item 19-A-4 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereb increased $700.00 so as to be °,1,080.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays earce .I-otocscia Reeelt— ____ _In favor amen _.__-�1--Against enzcl r. sident 5M 6.34 Cgae 1ved.That BItem 9-A-4Tlaa the 1986 budget as submitted by the Comp` m troller to the Clty C .... il be and the emu to hereby Increased $700.00 e0 as to be 111.080.00. Adopted6 p[27v1986 Sept. 27, 1986. Approved(Oct. 6-1986) Adopted by the Council_ SEP -2 Tlaw ---193____ SP _ Approacd -_----a7Cr_2 ry 93_ M10, May—or— r fjCOU CIL FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.RI' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM d DATE. - p�tSE NTED BY 1-1 COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED , That Item 19-B" in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereby increased $909.00 so as to be ;$8,624.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas L/ Nays 'Pearce / v Petere+af __In favor /,arrcn _ _--Q, Against `'Wenzel �sident SM 6.34 C. ReeolV d 1 TLecBIteme 19-B-1 In the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comp- troller to the City Counell be and the same le hereby Increased $909.00 so ae to be $,621.00. ldo�tll by 9 De 27, 1936.Council $ept. 27, 1936. Approved (Oct. 6-1936) e[p V _ 193.. Adopted by the Council acr- SEP 27 193___ Approved.- ---- _ -- _ ��m -- COUNCIL NO. ORIGINAL TO CQY CLIRN FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM 09 PRESENTED BY % Q' DATE— COMMISSIONER That Item 19-C-3 in the 1936 budget as submitted by RESOLVED , City Council be and the same is hereby the Comptroller to the increased 4500.00 so as to be $3,500.00 COUN ILMEN Yeas Nays / earce -Feeee9ety favor —_ Against 1arren 1 enzel /111(1-'1/ dent fes" 5M 6.34 IC. F. No. SO Th&f Bitem 9-C-BT[R�he Reeolved, bmttted by the ComP- 1989 budget &B su troller to the City CoUncileN &$600.00 I B&me le herw Bo ae to bo 00.0 t. i Adopted by the Council BeDt. 87. 1885' Approved Sept. 27, 1986. (Oct, 6-1986) 05 Adopted by the Council_SEP 27 1_-_- --- --- - -193_ SP 2 7 193_. Approved_------- - Acting Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL.RR COUNCIL NO.�Sl�Y 7jr-�� (( ��� ���� 8 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 7 A h RESOLVED , That Item 20-A-1 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council be and the same is hereby increased $2,027.00 so as to be $7,617.00 COUNCILNIEN Yeas / earce Nays favor /Warren __ _.___Against enzel r. resident_x SM 6.74 I C. F. No. 101668—By Fred M,, Trnsi— Reeo[ved, That Item $O�At a tgyye 1936 trolleru[o ethe CI [YmConno 1y.. d tti4 same Is hereby Increased $2,027.1id so„ as to be $7,617.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1886" Approved Sept- 27, 1986:. (Oct. 6-1086) Adopted by the Council -SEP 2-7 19 --193__ _ SEP7 Approved___ _---_193__ -, , a Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER COUNCIL 161659 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED, That Item 20-C-1 in the 1936 budget as submitted by the Comptroller to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $1,060.00 so as to be x$41560.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas ar Nays earce Rawfas" i`5–sM– _______ In favor AVarr en _- ) .._Against Wenzel esidentI rT 5M 6.14 C. F. No. 101669—By Fred M. Truaz— Reeolved, That Item 20-C-1 In the troller1936 ud o L theE CitylttCouncllh by I - Comptroller be and the eame 1e hereby Increased $1,060.00 eo m to be $4,660.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 27, 1986. Approved Sept. 27, 1986. loot, 6-1986) Adopted by the Council._CEP 2 -7 -ft 193___ Approved _ __— -- _ .. -_- -- -- 193 --- - -----,-,-;-_-n---- -- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITT CLKRK C6UNCIL No. 1( x1660660 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILC OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK o COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Ar PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, That Item 21 A2 i the 1936 budget submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $100.00 so as to be $200.00. COUNCILMEN Ycas earce Faresiow Nays peaserk ___ln favor _ ' Against rlenzcl (p resident N444-4, SM 6.34 iC. P. No. 101860—BY Hi C. Weto thO 1968budget aliat I'll s bryltted Lo Lhe•CLLY jler be and the , Council by the 1s h.CotgVttA e me TebY 1.0re jw d>,3100.00 uo'ae to be 1300.'0. the be $20 by e..Acit Sept, .37, 1936. jpyroved Supt. 87. 1939:? (Oct. Adopted by the Council_SEP_-710-193-- N& r `0A,rt93 Mayor Acting ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK • CITY OF ST. PAUL c1ENO1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 6OUNC/IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY — COMMISS/ IONER DATE RESOLVED , That Item 21 E2 in the 1956 budget submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased $400.00 so as to be $500.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas �- Nays 1'carce F.acascon tr It"S rr - - In favor / W� en � -_Against cn:cl idcnt M 6.34 C. F. No, 101861 -By H, C. Wenael— Reeolved, That Item 21 E2 to the 1.. budgbt submitted to the City Council Dy the Comptroller De and the same le hereby increased $400.00 eo ae to be 1600.00. Adopted by the Council Sept 27, 1936. ADI, Yad 8eD[. 27, 1836. (Oct. 6-1936) Adopted by the Council .-- SEP 2 / 1193 Approved__-__- _193. Aoting 41yt to city No .... 101662 Ur1 CITY OF ST. PAUL PIL[ O IC F H Y ERK *,---)�Ouwl ION— NERAL FORM DATE PRESENTED BY T - .. ..._.....SSPT • -..... 1935 COMMISSIONER....._ .......Z,..._C......PB�AHCS. _.._....___ RESOLVED i That item 15-F-1 in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased decreased- 5,000.00 so as to be 38 480.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Maw - Pearce ___ _....- In favor �a .y... _ .....__".Against We zej Mr. Pr ident 6M 6-37 /1,- ------ I - C.ReBol.VedNo 30TDs8t It'- iG-F-1 a Via. 1836 Budget--oUbrnitteetooe hedOttDe Couv.11j, pk..Comrtr,, i came Y6`t166t6by Ince8uled ¢ to De {8Bi�80.00.' Adopted by tDe' Approved 6e t. 37.' i!!�Cl. le. Adopted by the Council- SEP 2-7 193.-: Approved.. - - .. - ....._. _... - .._.193 - ]Nyle or Acting Orl6irw m City Cleric 1.016.63 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO......— IILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - t�,,.Ri6 G GENERAL FORM n PESENTED COMM ssioNER............ - _-.___.._ ......._n -..-1935a ........... DATE ..... .. ......ATTPT.a....... ___..... ..._ RESOLVED* That item 15-I-1 in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased deepeaeed 30,000.00 so as to be 70,000.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �M65 Mepm Pearce -In favor T.no.. ._._/'7,_Against Wenz 1 r.� re ident 6M 6-37 C. F. No. 101069—By L C. Pearce— Reeolved, That Item 16-I-1 In the 1936 Budget EA eubmitted to the City Connell by the Comptroller be End the same ie hereby Increased $80.000.00 edy as to be $40,000.00. Adopted by the Council Sept. 87, 1886. Approved Sept. 87, 1886. (Oct. 6-1986) Adopted I)y the Council SEP 2 719% _ 193 - - Approved._._ _..... ----9...193.__. I�Ctfll; Mayor 0rlyluel to City Clerk COUNCIL No.-. lJ�i21J� CITY OF ST. PAUL LE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CI T ��GENERAL FORM PRFSENT CCMMIISSEI�NER.._..... .. Y.l.._C ..... i...4:.R#.!YI.FI ............... DATE........_SSPT..........__..._......1985 RESOLVED, That item 15-G-1 in the 1936 Budget as.submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby Increased decreased 175,000.00 so as to be 2,500,000.00 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays U" , / Pearce In favor VAOM T-p"aft- _(..Against Weazel r� r .M 6-31 ident C r. Reeolved, o. iTha Item 116 G-1 In Pearce— the 1986 Budget u eubmltted to the Clty Council by the Comptroller be and the came 10 hereby Inoreeeed. 5376,000.00 - one to be $2,500,000.00. Adopted by thd-Counell Sept. 27, 1936. Approved Sept 27, 1936. (Oct. 6-1936) Adopted by the Council _ SEP --2-71-9&--193 . MY 27 Approved----. - Mayor ACtfflq Orlait,al to city clerk UHCIL NO ----- 161665 CITY OF ST PAUL FF E F T Y C RK I RAL FORM PRESENTED BY 1. C. PFARGEDATE COMMISSIONER--, RESOLVED 0 That item 16-A-1 in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is hereby increased deePeased 27,000-00 so as to be 127,1412.00. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays aw ,.raj all u, Pearce In favor Against Wjzell re dent Z -L 4M 6-32 r C. 101665--BYPewce— Resolved, That tte. 1.6-A-lihi,- the 1936 Budget se submitted to 6 City at 0"" and - C.u..11 by a "L -"' 00.00 is .... Is be gb,'C�*..- se to be $127,412.00. Adopted by the C .. 11 Sept. 27. 1926- Approved 1. 1936 Adopted by the Council . SEP -2 T L%5193 3EP ?7 TAM Approved 193 May., cOuNc' NO -.10-11366 0,waa to C3,7 0.1, CITY OF ST. PAUL 11L. FFICE 0 THE ITY CLERK GF FRAL FORM DATE........SUM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER.._.. RESOLVED , That item 16-A-5 Jrr the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the comptroller be and the same is hereby &.9peased- decreased 1 20J000-00 so as to be19J-000-00. COUNCILMEN lays Yeas mopeffmm Pearce 11, favor Reaan T."&QX_ .-Against enzel r, re dent 6M 6-32 1\ C. Reeoive810The, It-- 1--A-5 In the 1936 Budget as —b-itted to the City C .... H by the Comptroller be and the decreased,2 same Is hereby decreased . 00-00 eo as to be ;19,000.00. 0' ApI,I) Ad,__. Sep,III by th' 21,1 I..S. ... 11 sept. 27, 1936. - , (Oct. 6-1935) Adopted by the Council 193. Approved 193_ _L4,4 ----------------- -- -- ----- - ,P", Aotih.,�M-Y- 101667 COUNCIL rIQI Cleik FaX 0.....-..- CCITY OF ST. PAUL FF E TY CLERK NCI OLUTION—GENERAL FORM r •19.35..._.. �,��p PRESENTED BY DATE ...... ...SEP.T..__._.._....... COM M ISS IONER.._..._.._._..__S.e... CI......LiYb+>•m_._...._.._......___.._.._. RESOLVED That item 16-B-1 in the 1936 Budget as submitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the .same is hereby increased deepeaeed- ILO00.00 so as to be 20,5 COUNCILMEN Nays Yeas m1mr ikL"v_ Pear __-- ..{ _. _In favor �eeetl �PT[iRr ._.-Against Wenzel r. re dent 6M 6-31 C.R s to ved10That IStem 16-B ' e 1936 Sudget ce eubmitted to the City Council by the Comptroller be and the same is bereby increased $4,000.00- so ae to be 520,600.00.. il'Adopted the U.0 Approved 8eD 27. 1836. sept. 27, 1936. (Oct. 6-1936) SEP 2 7. 193_.. Adopted by the Council.._ . —1. Approved - " -, - -- .._..193....- i J� • C��,,..... /............ .._ ......_ Mayor Adiug ORIGINAL TO CITY CL... COU EN CIL �O. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY kG'✓DATE COMMISSIONER L' RESOLVED, that the following items, as they appear in the Camptroller$s 1936 Budget Betimates, submitted to the City Council, be and the same are hereby increased am follows$ Item 31 0-15 — $10,000.00, so as to make such item $10,000.00; Item 31 0-6- $146.00. so as to make such item 2.146.00= Item 3 ,A--3 — $250.00. so as to make each Item $800.00; Item 3 A-5 — $300.00, so as to make each item $600.00; Item u A-2 — $20o.00. so as to make such item $1.000.00, HB IT FMTIKER 080I,VID, that the following items be reduced as followeE Item 31 7r2 — $50,000, so as to make such item $15.000; Item 31 E -T — $15:000, eo as to make each item $10.000; Item 31 o-1 — $5.000, so as to make such item $35.000; Item 31 8i.-5 — a $10.000. so as to make such item $1159000- C. F. No. 101688—By 8, p7, Warrea— Resolved, that the foBowing llama, ae they ""year In the Com"tro:.;;' 1938 Budget EaUmates eutimltied to the City Council, be and the Rema¢ are.here- by increased as follows: It. 91 (8-16- $10,000.00, Be to make such Item { $10,000..; It. 31 13-6-$348.00, so as to d make such item Ee, 146.00; Item a A-B- $250.OD so se to aka eu¢h Stem $800.00; Its 3 A-6-1300.00, eo sa to make pu¢h item $800.00; Item 4 A-2- :200.00, so as to make such item $1,000.00. 1°wing ltemaeb. reduced tae't follows: Item -31 L*2-$60,000, so se to make such such Item $15.000; Item pin 816,000 so ea to make such Item 810,000; It. 81 tri-$Er000, so. as, to mak° such Item $86,000; _jtem 31 F-6- 510.000, so as to make such Item '$116,000. Adopted by the. Council Sept 27, 1935. Approved Sept. 27, 1986. (Dat. 5-1936) COUNCILMEN YeasNays 4earce Tetcrg—on B.oserr— ___In favor - 4u, /Warren Against enzn (el dent i 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_SJ`u ?'7 Approved A00110 Mayor COUNCIL NO 10166 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERKa PILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LjWbNr-IL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM PRfTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED, that the item contained in the financing schedule of the comptroller's 1936 Estimate of Budget Znsn> itures under the caption ■Shrinlmge in Tea Collection" be reduced $250.000, so se to amount to $750.000e C.geeolvedi that Ittem opntalhed In troller'e 11938 Eettmate Ofgebedulef 130gDt pendttures under h0 eaptlon "be Y90auced .90 fn Tai toamountto $760,000 $20.0 b ed , the Council Sept. 87, It986. Approved Sept• 87, 1986. (Oct 6.1986) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays /lSearce i fir, __1n favor T_..^., - %1�✓ ren __1 /---Against Wenzel r. r [dent 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council_ -_E7 93_ 4 )roved. SEP "FO-193— Mayor 193—Mayor r i1� CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS FORM PRESENTED BY RESOLVED � " ze t I�5 0 0 , ° 6 � �z �(,c �r 1 n l� f �_t�L�t ( i!/L E�r'✓� � 6 CL �J� 2 - � I /� � /i�c,-t.L-✓tom( `/- 7�rr(,FE C. F. No. 101070—By Ase' F• Peterson—' se eubmltted bytt 0 Come roller be Iat creaked bcy the num of 5600.O�et its i e h It 51600.00, the sum i16ia be lncreaeeod eke such item Ss{oo.00 eo ae =2400.00; that Item 3.161{ be Increased by the sum of 52600.00 so as [o make such I[em 12600.00. Adopfed by the Couuc[1 Sept. 27, 1986• ADproved 927, 7G-1986) j a ilme mw - — Yens Nays Pearce /Peterson . �Wenzel jimiembb— Mig V-4 domat In favor....... opposed...__... City f+R7anc_il t� Adopted by the SEP 2 ?..1...___. d r n ,. Approve. k AQbLeyor. 11f1� e C Y .itut°ea w `ne Co9Ra1l the by NO..... 0"91,10' tie and the:rl here- F HE CITY CLE{ s,000. ni ine a m;e'h e' PNCRESOLUTION—GENERAL " of teltnhvreeme .e coat of the . f the Audito 13Y1 n lto.hwe NTED ISSIONER .............. ......_..... DYq .._17...'J 1!!..____...... .... ti RESOLVED , that Fund No. 17-A-1, Council Resolutions in the 1936'Budget as submitted to the Council by the Comptroller, be and the same hereby is increased by the sum of E 000. 0 so as to be gg0200 -the same being for the purpose of re senent to the extent f othe cost of the opening and operation of the Auditorium for public purposes on the occasions referred to in the following resolutions adopted and approved by the City Council: Reg. Bill 6-75 rendered October 14, 1934 -,C. F. #99104 131.20 St. Paul Symphony Orchestra Reg. Bill #6-76 rendered November 11, 1934 - C.F. #99103 98.07 American Legion Armistice Day Reg. Bill #6-77 rendered November 28, 1934 - C.F. #99184 188.63 Thanksgiving Day Assn. Reg. Bill #6-78 rendered January 30, 1935 - C.F. #99756 & 492.91 #99652, Presidents Birthday Party Reg. Bill #6-79 rendered February 14, 1935 - C.F. #99771 & 273.98 #99923, Minnesota Assn. of Local Creameries Reg. Bill #6-80 rendered March 1, 1935 - C.F. #99947 120.18 Indian Lore Exhibit Reg. Bill #6-81 rendered March 5, 1935 - C.F. #99990 97.18 National Conf. Christians & Jews eg. 11 -82 rendered March 17, 1935 - C. F. #99922 229.24 American College of Surgeons Reg. Bill #6-83 rendered April 15, 19M - C. F. #100233 383.21 St. Paul Baseball Com. Reg. Bill #6-84 rendered April 28, 1935>- C. F. #100090, 354.00 & C.F. 100410 - Ramsey Co. S. S. Assn. Reg. Bill #6-85 rendered Week of May 20, 1935 - C.F. #100409 244.03 Arts & Crafts Project COUNCILMEN Yeas :gays Adopted by the Council. . _- - ._ ._ -___193_ . McDonald Pearce - �In���Approve&_.-...:..... - - 193Rosen Truax _ - - .......--------. Mayor Wenzel resident Mahoney 6M 6.33 PAU -2- Orl,Idl to CIV Ctat l i t 671- .. CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM MISSONER...T.._ _..._I..._D BY C..�....PSA3CE _.. .._-.. - DATE __.......SEPT .. ..........__....1935. RESOLVED Reg;. Bill #6-87 rendered Week of June 7, 1935 - C.F. No.100457 1,388.03 High School Graduations Reg. Bill #6-88 rendered June 25-26, 1935 - C.F. No. 100877 438.97 Degree of Honor Meetings Reg. Bill #6-89 rendered July 12, 13-1935 - C. F. 101026 28.66 Younger Democrats Meetings (Not Held - Preparatory Expense Only) Reg. Bill #6-90 rendered July 21, 1935 - C. F. 101087 175.02 Political Meetings Reg. Bill #6-91 rendered September 25, 1935 - C.F. 101217 94.46 Political Meetings Reg. Bill #6-92 rendered September 25, 1935 - C.F. 101272 97.10 Walther League Meeting Reg. Bill �endered September 19, 1935 - C.F. 101552 6L __ American Legion = Irstimated - .S�000. d0 TOTAL - COUNCILMEN SEp 2 7 10 Yeas Nays / Adopted by the Councl�lw. _ 193..... irfe9o�alel i // a .j.E 27 .---- -- -193. Pearce _....._ ,.._....In favor Approved ............._-- a Tstlmr k -Against _ ........... ..__.........._ WriyyQl ���// Mayo/ Mr^ r sident I_ �"` fBLiSfiED G .M 633 • o-0,. ` a �� �.•z.4• � ' � ra .�( 4 287,106.00 28,600.00 608,211.00 8,188,608.00 21E 21E1 I.c ,l..tlona 61l111ee ............ 1 T. PAUL REVIEW 10.087.00 2112 SIP Odlce Expen:r .... .' Hnlmna 3luv10a0 Airport10,088.00 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS sales t.. and W-9--.....: AS Office Expen 3;5.00 10,487.00 I IbH ClNviag semen 23F4 21F5 OF THE COUNCII. 7 -8 -OB Ba1Id1� are 111 lset Salarlee and Wage. ... ... 18,500.00 1'300 Salaries BY Office EYpene 568 00 Total Dept• at Public l: til[ttea 1992 lbHb Equlypment Maintenance .... BUDD`I" .... .... .......... 00 - T Police Fund 8's'. sap 20,408.00 2pg '9� 00 131H41 Mlell.u.naoue .... ..... ..... 00000 20,000.00 RESOLUTIONS 7A Admlhletratio. ^ 22B ^ 2281 Matatee.ace 6alarlee and Wages .. ... .. 131 Bewee Pumping 9talloa 2282 2213 Electric Current ........... Bulb and Globe C• F. No, 101672-H y Axel F. Paterson- 7A3 7A2 8alarlee ,. Office euDDllee . 1^_,951.00 2.000.00 1311 1312 8alarlee and Wages .. ... ...� Light and Power ............ 4.500 00 800.00 1,200.00 6,000.00 7A3 TA4 Resolved, that the, various amounta of epevditerea In dollars Equipment M. at �� Office Ezpenea 1u0.00 1313 1314 Supplies (P't1e1) ... .......... Mlecellaneoua ... ... ..... .... 15000 150 00 6,600.00 that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or asUvluee of the City Govern- 711 Went of the City Saint .. License, is +[�eM/on 1, _"' =1 -Up 16,851.OU 23 Water Depa traWt 23A3 Salaries d Wagon .. .... 288.867.00 168.060.00 of Paul, durlag the itscti year be 1936, shell be the aum at forth o 7 beginning DDaalte the various Junda 1. 793 g rY 782 8alarlee ....... Office EZDenae 1_,16!x.00 23A3 23,44 14 Bridge Butlding and Repair 23A6 named funds upon the schedule hereto atteached. ae shown 1,017.049.00 100.00 12,269.00 14AI 8a1ae1.- and Wngee .... 16,000.00 - 7C 7C3 Ualt ormed Pollee Salaries - 8,880.00 14,4E 14,43 EqulDment Ma/ntenance Material. and Supplies ... 1,000.pu 4,900.00 1836 COMPTROLLER'S BUDGET ESTIMATE& 7C3 SUPPli e- uto `� .t tto,��' 4's ;,893.00 3482 I4A4 Stairways and Fence Mntce.. 1,700.00 24C Fund No. 13,234.00 nb Mad:t n,, Back P� 6't' 00 '5,000.00 OtJarie. otherpen ..-9ce .. 16,433.00 Total Dept. of IrvDile Works 24D E4D1 Charter Fundsutmte. Co.CDtrolier's 7C6 Tra ' � Traffic 81 nal Mal g f t,.;.., :,.. 1.11111'u0 15,,!00.!„ 5 Other Expense ............. 16 PabBe Bch Is 24E - 1. City Officers Salaries 704 Iv Toted Board of Public Welfare 509,043.00 15A Basin- Adadnlstratlon 18,300.00 ...... 8 61aYorb 41fice "--""......'••............. .'-'.-...... 3 CJty S 9mat .00 701 M 9alarlee 25A8 15A1 16,42 Salaries Office L*zD nae ........ .. 375.0 p 1 , Clerk Counsel . • """' 4 City Clerk .... '-"""""•"• •• - 5 8,448.00 7D2 - 29,930.00 703 , .. .... Tr aveltng Expense $applies :s t, .00 00'1 Se -lee and Suppllee .... .... Total City Hall and Court 168 Edacatien Adndnlstratloa 28 26A1 Inteeest Bond Interest ... .......... Contingent Fund """'...... '-••.......... 8 Contingent Commisaloner 7-8-9 •" 39,076.00 TE ....�. ""- Be DlyWop 7 t,;5o.0o 80,689.00 16B3 1682 Solari as . ..... .......... .... Auto Allowance ...... .... .. 20,;83.00 480.00 Public safety Admtaiatrauon """"" • 7 Police .................. • 69.677.00 731 8alarlee ' 1683 Office•Exyenee .............. 1l'!500 22,288.00 8 Fire ............."'t""•"..... ..... .......-. 60.896.00 732 884,416.00 703 Light, Hent end Pou,.r .. 10,2.5.00 28 Itede of Bonds 798.000.00 38,41 38A2 ..................................................... 7-8 P. and F. Signal Ser 718,689.00 Supp 8u lies -""""' 30.00 "-.0u�.x.00 12,255.00 I6C 16C1 Atteadutfee Division Salaries .... ... ...... .... 13.000.00 9 Health ...... ..... ............... ........... 30 Public Works I " . "' """" • • • • • • - • . • - .. ............. 49,937.00 7F 85.438.00 711 PoBm 8tationn 8alarlee -- - 5,000.00 t6CP 16C9 ... Car Fare .se .............. Office Expense .............. 1.600.00 pp5 00 14,796.00 .... .. .............. ......:.. . 11 Sewer Construction and Rep.1r .......................... 18 Sewer Construction 167,188.00 7F2 LI h ....... ... g t. Heat and Wats t+ o, i aOA lrlaaveeal Records 80.000.00 80A1 and'Reyalr 13 Street and Sewer Cleanln '""..... ""•--•••• 97,bu4 00 7F8 714 8u lies ,,.. DD """""- Feeding Prlsonerfl .0 4u0.0o Auto Office AE p noes -........ 16]) Operation and Malateamee 8alarlee ... 11,788.00 Clvll BervlR g" """" • "' • - • - - .... 14 BrldB6a Building and 1iaDelr .......... 16 Pubilc Schools "" • • • • • 207,106.00 8081 o...„t 4"' 18,560.00 1603 1600 end, Expreee and Freight """ 650.00 POO.Oo 18,886.00 • - • • • -... 18 Pubtic Library"""""""""'••-••-•-......... ............ 28,800.00 7G 3,188,606.00 7GI Record D1yL1oa $alarlee 161) Office E' xpense .. ..... . 17 Audltorinm ... ...... .. .................. .... 18 Publlo Parke - • • - ""-"""""' • - 824,477.00 702 90,877.00 Office Ei .......... Dense .... .. 15,.n25 on ; ou.00 153 BODPIy etoro Room .... Salaries 8.500.00 19 Public Pls ............. .. .... .. ......... :.......... ... Ygrouada...................................... 20 Public Butldfnga 118,011.00 - 42,807.00 8 Total Fund No. 7 lelro Fpad -' -' 15,725.00 1631 1532 .... .. .. ....... Light .................. .... Truck Maintenance ......... 100.00 200.00 ' 21 Pub Uuliuee -• ""-""" �"" - ES 29,467.00 8A AdmlWetratlon 601.4 15.00 15E2 16 E4 Office Expense ..... .... ... .. 275.00 8,076.00 Pubifc Lfght(ng--""""""'••••--•.•.... 23 W.ter DepartWept••••"•'•""""'•••••�••-•••• E4 Board .................. .. .......... PubHO 60,888.00 SAI 314,191.00 BAS BA8 8alarlee ............ Su Dllee ..... --' p ........... 31, 000.00 180.00 ISFFn o edth tip of H 1..,.......... 480,00 38,250.00 of Welfare ........ 2b •.••-•.••.. ••. ••••.••••. ••••...... C1ty Hall and Court' -a 28 Ia[ereat "' • .....,.. 1,017.0{3.00 800,000.00 O®ce ExDenae ... .... 100.00 3/,?80.00 15F2... larlew .... .. ... ..... 750.00 89,490.00 - • • - • • ........ g Fund 87 Slnkta................................................. 80,469.00 BB 1.480.468.00 881 IBYro ProveMlon Balarlea 15 FS Office Expense ............. 28 Rede " mn-"""""' ••• ---••-..... 29 Jud Q1Dt1o° o[ Boada and Notes ................. ....... Boren and ComDromtae 250.00100 883 778.886.00 ..... .. .. Office Ezpense:............. 6,600.00 200.00 6,000.00 IbG Ip.tx'petion 8alarlee -..... 2,609.06000 ......... ......... 10 Comptroller and Civil 81 "'-""'• 6.000.00 BC Fire Fighting 1601 160E ... ....... Cat Fare -Tail Service ..... General Fund .. .... ...vice ••••• . •••'•""• •"•""- ""•"•••••--••-•• 48290.00 8C1 784,886.00 BCS 8alarlee ......... 603,386.00 1603 Traneportatlon - Crippled 4.600.00 Total ........... •""'-"•' BCE Gas, 011e and Ore.see ... .... Tlrae, Tubes and Repalra 4,000.00 IgG4 Chfl ren C "'""""' 7ltvnd[Y • • - • ' 650.00 60,000.00 . ....... .. .... .. .810,898,811.00 8C4 •8C5 .... New Hose ... 2,250.00 3 600.00 3,600.00 1606 f3upppllea ............. ..... .. Mtseellaneoue . 375.II�i 2,684,676.00 PER CAPITA LIMITATION. 8C6 E uipment Repairs .......... Otther Supplies 1606 ............. P4iDulatloa 380,081. SC7 8C8 ... Back Pay ... ... .... ......... New Equlpment �. 8,000.00 26,600.00 168 1691 O t/on o[ ptaat Dere - 8alarlee and- Wages .. ...... 260,000.00 GROSS BUDGET -.,,,. • 8C9 ...... Hydrant Rental-Misc. y Miac. ..... 8,100.00 200.00 655,036.00 1692 1698 Renta ....... ............... TeteDhone 860.00 3,100.00 Fsemptioe from side oar gY1t� Lindmtioa =10,886,811.00 F1ltaneed Outside of Tex BD SDI 8[atloa Malvteamce Salaries 1694 ad'!It r Light, Power and Water - Feet • 46,000.00 100,000.00 Levy Stun om4sd .. ..... ... .'.'..•. T.I-1..eDho.e 11,123.00 1696 15H6 ...................... Suppllee .............. 12,000.00 410,460.00 cipatfug Cert[8oatan .-.... MunlefDal Const 13,892.00 8D3 8134 ., "" """"..• Llght, Power and Water ..... Fuel 600.00 2,300.00 - Melatena.en of Plant Recoverable Exp i"' _ 8,000.00 806 ............. .......... Bu Ife9 7.600.00.01 161 1611 8alarlee nod Wages...... •.. 70.0200.0. DePartmeet o[ Pabuo safety buo safety Bureau o[ Pollee 8138 9DT """ . . • • ReDalra and Itenewale ....... Mtacelleneove 700.00 1,000.00 15I2 Car Fare :: ; :::::: Auto Malntenaaee 860.00 7,500.00 �rO 4.000.00 Fara """""� • � � 60.00 28,273.00 1618 I6 4 Truck Maintenance Aenewela...... . {60.00 46,000.00 9,600.00 AlBrm........:: Health 100.00 ' • • - - - • • 760.00 7-8 7-8A1 Total Fund No. 8 Police end Biro 8alarlee gaol service• 718,589 0,, 1676 Rep.tra Md School ii t"'. Public Wort 8.360.00 Bureau 7-8A3 Tari Bervice-Auto Mntoe.. 41,200.00 040 00 1671 8alarlee •' •' • •""""" 41,898.84 78,081.78 of Englneere ...... 48,000.00 Workhonee 7-eA8 7-eA{ Su piles _ Telephone 1.200.00 1674 MaroDaadise' .......... ..... • TeleDhonee ... .... .... 860.00 Street 10,000.00 Coast. & Repstr 8,600.00 7-8A6 Linae Rap.ir_N.w "'-' °lDment,. 6.96.00 1679 18 J{ Sup slles and Services ...... � 2,600.00 660.00 Sewer Coast. r Repair 4,000.00 tree! &gamer Clean. 7-8A8 � Ofice E:Denee � � � � • • 450.00 389,40 16J6 1576• Auto Allowenoe Repair. and Renewals 8,600.00 • 80,000.00 15daatloa 49.937.00 •Expense of this bureau is applicable to the Polio. and Fire Funds. 9 Health Fuad S an ........ ... ' in ced from Receipt. 125,000.00 83.500.00 Bareau-ot gahools 9A AAmipLtgtioa 18 Pnblle Lt 'S-e; .,-•; 17,600.00 State Income Ta: 876,000.00 Library 9A3 9A2 Salarlea Auto Ailowanee . • ' .... 8,008.00 - IBA LBAl Library Service 8alarlee • • - • - .. • • "" 187,418.00 476.00 Auditorium •..... • 76,000.00 • • - • • • • . 86.577.00 8A8 98 Office Ezpense """'; - ' • ..... • .. • • 800.00 900.00 8,639.00 It 1 AH g Truck is ... .. .. 8aD Hee .................... Dy 8.000.00 480.00 Parka. V/tel 8tatlsties 981 8alarlee .. 15,44 15,46 Postage New Bootie anfl Perlodlcale. 00 19.000:0 3 600.00 Playground. 4 PphLe I91dga. 658,177.00 Bureau of Parka 888 .. .. .............. D Office Ex •ens. .... , , . ..... "' 6,434.00 626.00 6,848.00 i8A$ 7 Binding Boo ............. Rea, and Inentaaoe 840.00 .... Playgrounds •. '00.0000 4 000 005A8 BeBC Promotloa of HcaltD-gchoola i BA New. Equipment 600.00 164,177.00 " - Public 1 ZtnlldlOgg .; if °.,. Q,r' 9C1 Salartee 8C8 BnDDHae - - ' • ""' 8Ca car .......... Office 10,767.00 f,12b.0o tee mea 158..., BUBdlug-. 80,600.00 ,18 Yw: 8a14srleM"a7�ri'A .Ots) lb w, 500000 51000.00 ,; SvUu, ti'6Q4 --�.�.-•..y > -.. Pugllc IItlutie. . �., •-.;. n"., ,,-iff'ah':rin�yx?a�.m__. - EZDeme- Auto Mg4c b.itoi. ......•••. 76,00: - ,-31.5,0.4;g0'�n�ass c-.. :.• .7 Fx.': rr2,'aicAtar«tr,� ,....+�.. 400 00 :..,..x550;44:. , .. w:,ar±stxN 287,106.00 28,600.00 608,211.00 8,188,608.00 21E 21E1 I.c ,l..tlona 61l111ee ............ 9,787.011 600.00 10.087.00 2112 SIP Odlce Expen:r .... .' Hnlmna 3luv10a0 Airport10,088.00 21F3 sales t.. and W-9--.....: 8,600.00 21 F2 21F3 gnpp Heat and Power .. Light, 2,000.00 3,800.00 23F4 21F5 Hangar Mnin t.'nxnce - Boundary Lights - Other 3500.00 Moto, ... .... ....... 83,688.00 60,928.00 Total Dept• at Public l: til[ttea 22Public Lighting 22A Adnr/niwtraties 8 888.00 X880.00 22At 22 A2Aoto 8alarlee -- A 100.00 22A3 Office Expensee........... 7,148.00 ^ 22B ^ 2281 Matatee.ace 6alarlee and Wages .. ... .. 39,816.40 120,876.11 2282 2213 Electric Current ........... Bulb and Globe 28 248 49 2,600.00 22.4 Supplies ...... ..... 2.000.00 22116 Parte - "" Heaower.... .. 1,200.00 6,000.00 007,048.00 22117 Alutot Maintenance 214,181.00 Total Lighting 23 Water Depa traWt 23A3 Salaries d Wagon .. .... 288.867.00 168.060.00 23,4E Other Expense .. ........ 290,838.00 23A3 23,44 Interest ... ....... .. $(airingg Fund Requirement. 111,874.00 23A6 Acqulslti on of Property ... 1,017.049.00 - Total Water Department 24 Board of Pub11e Welfare 24A Admmietration 8,880.00 24A1 248 8alarlee ... ............. AnckB-Vltal 96,867.00 SIR ages 71,116.00 187,788.00 3482 OthereExpen a - / 24C llamaey ConstYY Home and 13,234.00 24C2 OtJarie. otherpen ..-9ce .. 16,433.00 28,787.00 24D E4D1 ReBet 6alarlee and Wages ... ..... 6,793.00 91,017.00 98,770.00 EIDE Other Expense ............. 24E Veterans Best Camp .... .. .. 8,000.00 Toted Board of Public Welfare 500.000.00 25 Clty 8Nl ma Court Hoose 28,690.00 25A1 26A2 8alarlee nd Wag .. .... Heat, Light and Power ..... 23.000.00 25A8 Veterans' Quarters ...... ... 1,000.00 6,097.00 E6A4 S6A6 Telephones .. ........ ..... Elevator Maintenance ...... 8,872.00 6,000.00 26A8 - Se -lee and Suppllee .... .... Total City Hall and Court House 60.459.00 28 26A1 Inteeest Bond Interest ... .......... 1,880,466.00 80,000.00 HAS Note Interest ... ........... 1.400.468.00 Total Interest 27 Slaking pond ' 850,000.00 27AI Sinking Fnnd Instalment ... 28 Itede of Bonds 798.000.00 38,41 38A2 nd -- Bond Maturfttee .......... .. Note Maturities ... ......... 89,888.00 Total ll.edemptlon of Bond. 778,882.00 29 Judgment and Compromise Y-' 5,000.00 29,41 Judgments and Claims ..... 80 Ooes Ile and Ciril Berri- - aOA lrlaaveeal Records 80.000.00 80A1 Salaries ....... .......... 100 3OA3 Auto Office AE p noes -........ 1,800..00. 00 3};800.00 BOB Clvll BervlR 16.000.00 ' 8081 Balarles .. .. ..... ... 300.00 30B8 2085 Special Examiners .. Annual Report .. .......... 100.00 1,000.00 16.400.00 Auditorium ...:::::' fib:877:00 Parka. Playa'ro.cda ! public Bid... 668,177.00 Bureau o[ Parke .. peep 8,000.00 - P1a7grounde ........ 100.00 �. .. - PubHo Buildinga l... 100.00; Fabric Chitties 18.800.00 k Bureau of Testimg Laboratorte., . Holman 600.00 �;,. Munl0lDa1 Airport .. 8.800.00 . - P.-DLc Llgkttag _ 8,700.00 • 8,000.00 Water Department -- - 1,047,046.00 Tool B7noeed Outside of Tax Levy 1.881.686.00 • lelaanred b7 Tax Lely City Tait Rate Debt S. -tee Bead and Note Infareat ... ... 1,400,466.00 No end Note RademDtfone :... - 778.888.00 Sinking Fund Requirement ... 860,000,00 66.29 81628,826.00 peaNea. Auto Mate . ... ............ Poll.. Beaent A-4tatl.. ...... 120,000.00 • 8.868,886.00 Expenditures wttb/n the 4MOD per cnpi/n Bmitatlen Per Capita I[AmItati" (Population 890,061 ® 880.00 per capita) ' ESTIMATED TAY LEVY FOR 1926 PURPOSES. GROSS BUDGLrT ................... sat Flnanced m follows: 11,078.00 Ml.,..n.weepa ReeetDh Totals State CIS. License...... 17,500.00 Business Livens Buatneae Cleanses ........... County One -Mill Tax .. ...... 860.000.00 180.000.00 Dalingnent Tax Collection 800,000.00 Departmental Permits .......... Dag Lt...a. - .. 12.000.00 8,600.90 Fees, Fine. and Bell Forfeits' ... Groes Earntnlfe Tax ............ 80.000.00 278,000,00 Highway Prtvllegea .. ........ Monies and Credito Ta:':... peep. 700.00 800,000.00 Mortgage Registry Tax .. peep. 10.000.00 Rent0. Internet and Buadry ... State and Federal Aid .......... 6,0011.00 426.000.00 Tax P -.IU.. .. ... ....... 50.000.00 Trade and Occupational Licensee. 16.000.00 Dopar l Reedpta 1,948.700.00 11.1 PaKlclpating CeKlBcatea ....... Maniclpal COtlrC ................. 18,892.00 8.000.00 Public ............ 8.860.00 Work. Public Works .................. Education .... ........... 82,600.00 668,177.00 ound Parka, Playgrounds 8: Public i Bldga. .. ... peep. - 8,800.00 PDblic Uttl(ties peep - _peep. 8,700.00 Ligbting .... .............-. Water Department peep... .. peep. 8,000.00 1,017,046.00 11 - IIA 9B vital Statistics Salaries and Wages .... , keep ' Less: Truck Hire ................. Auto Maintenance ........ Truck Maintenance ......... 1111 Salaries..................... 61481.00 Sewer Contraction sad Repair 760,000.00 BB2 OlHde E v...6 .............. 626,00 6,949.00 2,880,865.00 BC P ronotleu K Health-eeieel. 18 8,015,846.00 -, - A. -c -di Valuations .. 803 City Tait Rate 11,717-00 13BCleaning 80.27 8 sea BBuypHe. :.................... Car Fare-Ofilce Ezpecse- 1888 18Ba 66.29 1X84 13336- 1934 163,304,600 1983 166,780,666 Auto Mate . ... ............ 76.00 11,967.00 1932 181,164,889 SO I1ood Regal H / 18C4 1306 COMP'TROLLER'S 1936 BUDGET --CITY OF ST. PAUL. sat ealarlea .............. 11,078.00 Sub -Total. Totals 808 901 Automobile Allow- ....:. O#Oce Expense . .............. ,000:0 -116.0 B!'10-01-10 - -' 18.78'1.00 ..914 'Team 9nd Truck lure ... • Equinlcteat .Muintennnre .... *Qbai'rnttae 1 37,000.00 2A3 Snlarlee ... ...... .... 5,148.00 SRIAS.lto 9E8 ............... Al Auto Allowance and Mntoe. .. 22.11 Ga." 1,000.00 2,600.00 800.00 City D.snpe 9 ... .......peep .. suppioffice E 80 MI.",,........ peep .. Auto Allowance ... C4 1144 e Office Ezpenee .............. .00 86.00 84,048.00 3A3 Law Lfbrary peep ... ::.... 3A4 Automobile Allowance peep.. BF T.bercuiwi. AC1 SA5 OfficeIII also ........... ... 600.00 9113. Salarle.................... 11.418.00 18C4 - 9F2 98'3 Rent ... :.......... peep. BupDllee ............ :peep... 800.00 600.00 •. 160 9114 Car Fare '..................... 260.00 Sal_,, and Wagee peep . 4A3 Omclal Publications ........ 9116. Office Expense .............. 100.00 18,888.00 ' 90 worlchonee. H3npit.l 411 .. 4132 Of lee Expense ......... p e e p �. 8,408.00 750.00 '9G2 901 Salaries ...:.. .......... Board of 1'rlaoner........... 8,600.00 1,600.00 Upkeep Lake Como 808 9(34 SUDDIIee ..................... Mlecellaneo.s ............... 360.00 86.00 8,176.00 4.246,498.00 18 F4 Repairs and dA2 'Automobile Allgwance BA3 Once- I.Penee ... 8,649.718.00 88 9H1 Health Laboratory ...... ... ......... 8,748.00 48,868.00 8,701,880.00 988 Supple. pens . ......... :peep. 600.00 1804 - 988 office office E Expense ..:........... 100.00 7,848.00 ' 6B2 Office Expense ...:::�:... 9I Harriett {shad Park 88.877.01 •Finances troDtpartletpating Certificate Receipts. 7-8-9 1'abU /911iN7�' Admltll.traHon 10.896.811.00 all B.larle, ......peep............ 1,000.00 IBH3 IBH3 7-8-9A7 "V e. .................. 928 9I2 Music ....................... Light: Heat and Water ....... 110.00 97,900.00 1R 15 i8H8 1817 i8H8 9I4 Sapp,and Insurance ..... 298.00 1,403.00 eJ 9J1 - Dog License Enforcement Salarla. peep... peep........ 1,000.00 Isis P US 9J8 Auto Allowance ............. supplies ......... ... ......... 800.00 60.00 1,260.00 19A2 19A3 Auto Allowance - Rent - - Total Dept. of Pnbllc Snf"- 19A4 Office Expense 10 Pnbllc Worts ' 19B1 1932 Salariesand Wage....... Supol Is. ..I ....... ........ l0A 10A1 Administration Salaries � ..............peep .. 18,900.0680.000 10.02 officeEzDanee .........peep . 14,490.00 18B Engineers (Includes City Planning) IOB1 lOB2 Salaries ... peep ........... Auto Allowance ............ 86,817.00 9 1.160.00 30118 Office Expense .............. 8,000.00 101,667.00 loc Weeklies- lOCl 1OC2 Salarlea ................. Truck Maintenance .. ...... 24,870.00 660.00 lots Light, Heat and Water peep .. 81400.00 ' 10C4 1005 Supplies .................... Auto Allow. and Postage peep . 6,649.00 200.00 1006 1007 Farm Activltles .. ..... Repairs and Renewals ...... 6,000.00 600.00 loc8 Miscellaneous .... ....... ::: 100.00 41,069.00 11 - IIA Street Construction and Repair Esp.trFBtaeetn and WnDu 1,887,666.00 Salaries and Wages .... , keep ' Less: Truck Hire ................. Auto Maintenance ........ Truck Maintenance ......... 2,680,866.OD Material. and Sup,lle. ..... MI ... Reasons .... ......... Shrinkage in Tax Collections.... Sewer Contraction sad Repair 760,000.00 --I- - - Salarlea and Wages ... 12A2 12A8 c Automobile Maintenane peep Truck Maintenance ....... .. 12A4 12A6 2,880,865.00 Estimated Ta: Levy' for 1936 peep .... Mlecellaneoue .............. 18 8,015,846.00 -, - A. -c -di Valuations aon tl Saint'- and ...peep . City Tait Rate 1936 182,992,180 13BCleaning 80.27 13133 1935 133,628,666 1888 18Ba 66.29 1X84 13336- 1934 163,304,600 1983 166,780,666 13C. 62.18 60.48 fact 1932 181,164,889 18Truck IS 60.71 18C4 1306 COMP'TROLLER'S 1936 BUDGET --CITY OF ST. PAUL. (Include. Sending Streets) Code Title Amount Sub -Total. Totals 1 City O®cera' 8alsries- Suppli... . • ...... - ..... ISE Garbsggee Dinneen]1841" Sal e. and Wages peep. IA1 Salaries peep ................ - 2 M.T r,. Omte- 'Team 9nd Truck lure ... • Equinlcteat .Muintennnre .... �18E4`r `frt V1111 I.. -. .. ... 1846... Repiac sent peep 37,000.00 2A3 Snlarlee ... ...... .... 5,148.00 Removal of Dead Animals 13111 SAS - Mayor's Contingent Fund.... SAS Office Expense .............. 2,600.00 800.00 City D.snpe 8,448.00 II Corpo ien `Ceun.. 1808 MI.",,........ peep .. Auto Allowance ... SAS Balarlse ............ EAE Legal Fees ......... peep.. 2(2,710.00 1,600.00' Once Expel.. ............ 215 00 856.00 3A3 Law Lfbrary peep ... ::.... 3A4 Automobile Allowance peep.. 800.00 800.00 322.00 AC1 SA5 OfficeIII also ........... ... 600.00 18C2 ISCS 29,910.00 4 City Clerk 18C4 Repair, and Renewal. . 45.000.00 4A Records 4A1 Salaries ......... ........ 18.917.00 •. 160 - 411 officeEBDense ... .. .. peep 1,000.00 1801 Sal_,, and Wagee peep . 4A3 Omclal Publications ........ 6,000.00 19,917.00 3,000.00 27,000.00 .4B Rca ' a,000.00 18E2 18E3 411 .. 4132 Of lee Expense ......... p e e p �. 8,408.00 750.00 91158.00 89,076.00 6 Contingent lPtlnd 18F Upkeep Lake Como 6A1 Council Resolution 6Fi-- CommisatoneYs pond. ,pf Snlarlee and Wages 18112 18F1 6A Harass Odice 18 F4 Repairs and dA2 'Automobile Allgwance BA3 Once- I.Penee ... 600.00 2,828.00 61,184.00 - 6A7 Salaries - ..:. 48,868.00 _ 1 G2 1803 BB Parlieipatlng onfttfiestnai - 1804 - BBI Salaries�....-........ 10,408.00 In to almfents Lake Gervais e; 157,126 00 6B2 Office Expense ...:::�:... 2,886.00 12,893.00 88.877.01 •Finances troDtpartletpating Certificate Receipts. 7-8-9 1'abU /911iN7�' Admltll.traHon 7-8-9A Adealnfstrstion Salaries and Wage. - IBH3 IBH3 7-8-9A7 "V e. .................. 10,112.00 - Laundry ... peep ............ 97,900.00 1R 15 i8H8 1817 i8H8 s•r Y 11 - IIA Street Construction and Repair Esp.trFBtaeetn and WnDu 13A1 Salaries and Wages .... , keep IIA2 11A8 11A4 Truck Hire ................. Auto Maintenance ........ Truck Maintenance ......... 11A6 13A6 Material. and Sup,lle. ..... MI ... Reasons .... ......... 18 Sewer Contraction sad Repair 1PA SAl --I- - - Salarlea and Wages ... 12A2 12A8 c Automobile Maintenane peep Truck Maintenance ....... .. 12A4 12A6 Paving ReDalr... ..... Materials and Supplies peep.. 12AS Mlecellaneoue .............. 18 Streetan d Bereer Cleentng l3AAdmi 18.01 aon tl Saint'- and ...peep . 13AS .. Office Expense .. ......pee p 13BCleaning Streets and Walk. 13133 Salaries and Wages........ 1888 18Ba Truck Hire ........ .. EqulDpment Maintenance peep 1X84 13336- SuDplie. .... .............. Miscellaneous.......... peep 13C. Be- and Ice Removal fact Salaries and Wages ....... 18Truck IS Hire peep . Equlpment Maintenance 18C4 1306 Auto Allowance --Supplies .. - Miscellaneous .............. 17134 1786 (Include. Sending Streets) 13D laDl Weed Cnttl.W Salaries and Wages peep. 18332 Team and Truck Blre peep.. 13DB Suppli... . • ...... - ..... ISE Garbsggee Dinneen]1841" Sal e. and Wages peep. i18E8 ;`SER 'Team 9nd Truck lure ... • Equinlcteat .Muintennnre .... �18E4`r `frt V1111 I.. -. .. ... 1846... Repiac sent peep SSEB•' .EqulDment Auto ADowance ...... 13F Removal of Dead Animals 13111 Truck Hire peep.. peep. l8G City D.snpe 1861 eelarfe. and Wages 1808 MI.",,........ peep .. 66,000.00 13,000.00 1,600.00 7,000.00 21,090.00 400.00 17,500.00 460.00 800.00 200.00 3,999.90 500.00 6,790.00 180.00 300.00 6,480.00 19,500.00 15,000.00 1,600.00 376.00 1,1190.99 67,875.00 25,800.00 9,OOR00 3,600.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 „Z 1,200.00 260.00 160.00 1,600.00 1.0,300.00 80.660. 10 6,600.00 200.00 5,000.00 1,000.00 64,660.00 3.900.00 6,600.00 200.00 6,700.00 /A4 to As 16AO Postage - New Book. and P.M.,11enls. Hicding Book, . Truck Maintenance ... - Suppllea 16A7 Rent. and Ineorance ........ 20 16A8 New Equipment ............ Adminlwtr.tlon Salaries . 168 16B1 Bu {dingMaf.tesse, Car,, and Wagee ,. . ... 2013Building long Light and Power ..... Salaries .... .. Auto Allowance .. 28118 16114 Heat ... Water .. ].87•..00 16$6 1688 -1887 T*I1p1 ......:::: . BuDDllee • • • • �Itlpair sand Re�terlaili peep.. -' -1.6,18 .;1tea1 Eetat►-•1Pazea......... • - 17 17A Aaatto - . One re.0- 6,720.00 17A1 'Council. Resolution ........ 480.00 100.00 17B Self-Sastelnl.lf Acill"tlea 48,900.00 17DI 17B8 Swarle. and Wage, - . Light. Heat. Power 8: Tele- . 1786 Dhone J: ........ Organ Mafntenance :........ 4,600.00 500.00 17134 1786 So plies ..... • Repair. and Renewals :peep. 4.820.00 1788 1787 Naw EqulDment .......... Rentals peep.. .. . .' "'. 1,440.00 1788 17BO Concession -Salaries" . Merchandlee . 10,000.00 171310 Miscellaneous . 4,600.00 6,000.00 IS Total Dept. of Ed.mtloa. Public park. 1,000.00 ISA 18A2 General Administration 917.00 Om eleSAI Expense ............. 6,000.00 18$ 18111. Ppprk Admlalstratlen salaries peep.. ........ 50.00 75.00 I8B2 Auto Allowance ... 328.00 18B8 Once Expel.. ............ 215 00 856.00 18C Park Maintenance 322.00 AC1 Salaries and Wage,......... 2,400,00 18C2 ISCS Equl meat Maintenance Scrapple, ....... 115.00000 18C4 Repair, and Renewal. . 45.000.00 1805 1141-11aneous peep . 95,419.00 160 Police and waebmen 1,669.255.00 1801 Sal_,, and Wagee peep . 1.600.00 4,000.00 18132 Motorcycle Allowance peep 3,000.00 27,000.00 ISE Greeabocae. ft.rseBrr, nod goo a,000.00 18E2 18E3 Light. HeaSalaries taada Power Su DDlle. 120.000.00 IS E4 Repairs and Renewal....... 18F Upkeep Lake Como 18F1 ,pf Snlarlee and Wages 18112 18F1 Electrlclty . S.PDiles .. .. ... .._.. •Renewals•.. 18 F4 Repairs and 180 Improving P.b1/c Parka 1 G1 Phaleno Water System , 1 G2 1803 Como -Water System lnetalments High. Pk. W¢ter 1804 Inatallmen [e Como Pk. Water 1805 In to almfents Lake Gervais e; 157,126 00 Phalen ...... ... .......... 38H Park Ror efeetle.• 18113 Salaries and Wage. - IBH3 IBH3 AutoAllowance Merchandlee . . . . . . 18114 Laundry ... peep ............ 97,900.00 1R 15 i8H8 1817 i8H8 ]co .. "' 9epplle.,.",.,'. 12 Oalre and Renewals . Equipment and Outlay ..I9 Mlscellaneoa. .............. *Financed from Receipts Isis P 22,480 00 19A 19A3 Adminlstdrotion 9a1.0- ..... 19A2 19A3 Auto Allowance - Rent - - 19A4 Office Expense 19B Athletic. and Sport. ' 19B1 1932 Salariesand Wage....... Supol Is. ..I ....... ........ 19C 1901 Malnfenaare Salaries and Wages .. 1902 1903 Truck Maintenance ... - Suppllea 19C4 R.P.ire and Renewals 20 public IS idtng. 20A 20A1 Adminlwtr.tlon Salaries . 20A2 -Ofle. Expense F....... 2013Building Inspection 2081 26132 Salaries .... .. Auto Allowance .. 2OB3 2084 Truck Maintenance ... Mleoellaneou. ........ 2nC Drnttlag 2002 Office 8upptloe ............. 460.00 Total Dept. of P. P. A P. B. 21P"blie Utilities A 21n/.trntlan 21A1 Adm Admi Sol-].... .. 21.0E Oftlae EzDen.e ........ .. 21B _ Testing Laboratories, 21131 S.larlee .............peep... 2IB2 218E Rent ... .. .. .. .. ... peep 8uDD1ie8 peep .. 21 0{ ......... ... .. 10xDeaea peep ................ 460.00 100.0 1,900.00 19,000,00 2,600.00 21,600.00 840.00 600.00 ' 154,177.00 20,600.00 18.57000 6,000.00 7.400.00 8,2100.0 1,600.000 10188 900.so 600.00 86.000.00 70.800.00 85,677.00 824,477.00 ].87•..00 6,000.00 87,077.00 100.0 1,900.00 1!•100 do - 21,600.00 1 113:00 1,00 18.57000 8,2100.0 1,600.000 900.00 2;460,00 --' 8,600.00 4,260.00 85,677.00 90.677.00 ].87•..00 3,603,680.00 9,148.00 - 240.00 9,888.00 6,720.00 14.405.00 480.00 100.00 6,800.00 Cl"e 48,900.00 ---" 1 flooths 6,000.00 7,000.00 "• 4,600.00 500.00 66,900.00 01 4.820.00 id 1,440.00 5,760.00 �s Share 10,000.00 473 Ian Uro• 4,600.00 6,000.00 1,000.00 20,500.00 -- 917.00 T1im-9."05. nR 6,000.00 92.621.00 50.00 75.00 6,042.00 .lion 328.00 215 00 856.00 322.00 ' 2,400,00 4,121.00 115.00000 833^1300 118,011.00 45.000.00 500.00 35,000.00 1,000 o0 °' 1.600.00 4,000.00 " 3,000.00 27,000.00 iii a,000.00 120.000.00 rnfi (-0 1,089.00 9,823.00 8,624.00 1,500.00 10.124.00 14,340.00 2.120. n0 3,500.00 2,000.00 -_,260.00 42,207.00 7,617.00 300.00 ;.9111.00 4,560.00 200.00 4.-.60.00 4,889.00 200.00 5.059.(,0 10,811.00 1,200.00 76.00 780.00 112,666.00 Nam BIG " slot 8108 alas S1G4 e1G6 8168 3107 8103 3169 91010 31011 31011 31013 31614 IM N peep -- 100.0 1,900.00 1!•100 do - and CI.1I 1 v,56o 99 615.00 18.57000 18,963 00 --' 500.00 - 41.168.00 ].87•..00 9,060 00 - 00 1400.00 14.405.00 825.00 Cl"e 16,25000 ---" 1 flooths 4,900.00 5,650.00 00 00 - " 7.300.00 2.900.00 65,000.00 01 2,900.00 id - 50,000.00 �s Share 15,000.00 473 Ian Uro• 416.00 706.00 451.00 I'll -- 10,000.00 T1im-9."05. nR 00 - 92.621.00 1�.7`"n0)' .lion 130.000.001 9,391.00)' 67.544.00) 61.34$ 90 2,"3100)' ' 6,150 no) 115.00000 833^1300 �i,n nnn 3,sf 0.00 : 410 "I'.16.00 i0n0 nn °' 000 00 " 060 iii lsocron n, 500.00 9n rnfi (-0 27, 1935. {Oct. 5-1935) 4!,710.01 . CC6UeNCIL No. 101-672 CITY OF FIL OFFICE OF THE COUNCIL ry\.(R/E�SO/^LU ION—G '40 --Fri FIV ESOLVEO , that the various amounts of expenditures in dollars that may be made by the several departments, bureaus or activities of the City Government of the City of Saint Paul, during the fiscal year beginning January 1, 1936, shall be the sum set forth opposite the various named funds as shown upon the schedule hereto attached. COUNC MEN Yeas Nays �I� � Adopted by the Cound1__9EP_P_24 V_193-- e.:e Z Peteft n 'Rpaetr- IMP 9.17 In favor Approved 193_— Za ren— O Against ��44—Aw.�zy— Jt�/enzel Aotfil� r. esldent SM 6.34 k 1936 COITTHOLLERIS CUDC7,T ESTII,:iT^S Y ruy d Comptroller's No, Charter Fund Estimate, 1 City Officers Salaries 37,OCC,^0' 2 yayor's Office 5,44s,cc- 3 Corporation Counsel r ,Q'O°te-eqJ14elrec 4 City Clork >? o'• j0 5 Contingent Fund 6 Finance Commissioner 63,877,CC,: 7-8-9 Public Safety - Administration 30, a9 tea 7 Police dr, S Fire 7 i 1,, ✓1 ° 7-8 F. and F. Signal Service a , 9 Health 9t a o s 1C Public corks 11 Street Construction and Repair 97,900,00 12 Seaer Construction and Repair 22,11}}80,00, 1 Street and Serer Cleaning v,^, �= 111 7ridgo '')wilding and Repair 23,600,00 15 , Public Schools 16 Public Library „� _ 17 Auditorium 9o,67 -� 18 Public Parks 19 Public Playgrounds, vol. ° 20 Public 3uildings 1 Public Utilities Public Lighting 214,197 23 Pater Dopartmont *OC 1,017,0 .00- 2 Doard of Public nelfaro 300 000.00- 25 City Hall and Court House 6C,459,CO 26 Interest 1,4CC,466,00. 27 Sinking Fund 35C,000,C0- 28 Redompticn of .:.ends and Notes 778,362*C^ 29 Judgment and Compromise 5,000,00- 30 Comptroller and Civil Service 49,30C-CC 31 General Fund TOTAL �IiL�C PEPS CAPITA LIVITATION Population 29C,061 OROSS 7ZDGET "Pxemotion from $3C.0C nor capita Limitation Financed Outside of Tax Levy Sundry Offices Participating Certificates Minicipal Court tecovorablo Exponditures Department of Public Safety rureau of Police 3,500*00 Piro 2,CCo,CC Fire Alarm 100.00 Health 750.00 Public Vorks '_larcau of Enginocrs 43,000.00 Workhouse 10,000,CC Street Const. & iepair 6,50,00 Sewer Ccnst. & Repair 4,000.00 Street & Sewer Clean. 20,000.00 Education :�ureau of Schools 17,500,00 State Income Tax 375,000.00 Library 75,CCo.00 Auditorium 55,677.00 Parks. Playgrounds & Public 7ldge. Lltreau of Parks 2,000700 Playgrounds 1CO,00 Public _?uildings 1CO.CO Public Utilities 'bureau of Testing Laboratories500.00 Holman Yunicipal Airport 6,20C.00 Public Lighting Water Department Total Financed Outside of Tax Levy Financed by Tax Levy Debt Service ':.end and Note Interest 1,4Co,466.00 -end and Note Dedemptions 775,362.00 _ Sinking Fund requirement 350,000;00 2,525,525.00 12,693.CC 3,C^0.00 6,350.00 53.50o.Co 553,177.00 2,20C.00 6,700,00 3,OCO.00 l Cu 7o4 ,oc 1, , 5.cc Pensions Police 7,enefit .association 130.000.00 2,655,525.00 � 4,346,493 z Expenditures within the $30,CC per capita limitation Per Capita Limitation (Population 290,061 c�i $j 0.00 per capita) 5,701,530.00 to ESTI14ATED TAX LEVY FOR 1936 PURPOSES GROSS BUDGET Financed as follows: 1111%llaneous Receipts Apportionment - State Cig. License Business Licenses County One -1x111 Tax Delinquent Tax Collection Departmental ?craito Dog Licenses Fees, Fines and Bail Forfeits Gross Earnings Tax Highway Provileges Monies and Credits Tax Mortgage Registry Tax Rents, Interest and Sundry State and Federal Aid Tax Penalties Trade and Occupational Licenses Departmental Receipts 17,500,00- 350,000,00 - 120,000,00- 300,000,00-' 20,000,00300,000,00= 12,000,00 � 2,500,00 — 6o,000,00- 375,000,00 - 700,001, 200,000,00 00,00- 200,000,00 10,000,00- 5,000,00 — 425,000,00 -' 50,000.00- 15,000-00 0,000.00-15,000.00 — 1,942,700.00 Participating Certificates Less: 12,693,00 - Municipal Court 3,000,00 Public Safety 6,350,00 Public 17orks 93,500,00 Education 553,177,00 Playgrounds & Pu01ic'Bldgs. 2,200,00 Public Utilities 6,700,00 Lighting 3,000.00' Water Department 1,017,o45.00-- ,017,045.00 Less; Shrinkage in Tax Collections Estimated Tax Levy for 1936 Assessed Valuations 1936 1 193 133,623,555 193 163,104,500 1933 166,790,555 1932 191,154,399 1,697,665.'00 31630,365,00 %SO, coo. 00 Y P6,,3E!o, aft jr.O/ A u'oo City Tax Rate 66,29 52,12 50.49 50.71 Totals 37,000-00 -9" f 9.449.00 i� 4A Records 12,917}00 Salaries /000.00' 4A2 Office Expense a 4A3 Official Publications 6 000.00 48 Re istration g,40g.00 yq.°7f:e� 81 Salaries _ 750.00 Ji 9.00 482 Offl.oe Expense �. COeMGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolution 6 FI2LudCE CO.'rA'SSIONER' S FUND 6A Finance Office 49,356,00 Salaries %ff0. 6A2 Automobile Allowance 2 51,194.00 6A3 Office Expense 6B P rtici atinQ Certificates* 408 00 a 10, B1 Salaries 2,285,00 12� 63,977. 00 622 Office Expense * Financed from Participating Certificate Receipts. 0012TROLLER' S 1936 BUDGET - CITY OF S1 PAUL Amount Sub -Totals Code Title 1 CITY OFFICERS' SALARIES ` lAl Salaries 2 MAYOR'S OFFICE 5,149.00 2A1 Salaries 2A2 Mayor's Contingent Fund 2,500.00 800.00 2A3 Office Expense - 3 COUORATIO"'T COUNSEL 26,710,E 3A1 Salaries 1,500,00 3A2 Legal Fees p goo.00 3A3 Let Library 300.00 3A4 Automobile Allowance �� pp 3A5 Office Expense ---- 4 CITY CLMM Totals 37,000-00 -9" f 9.449.00 i� 4A Records 12,917}00 Salaries /000.00' 4A2 Office Expense a 4A3 Official Publications 6 000.00 48 Re istration g,40g.00 yq.°7f:e� 81 Salaries _ 750.00 Ji 9.00 482 Offl.oe Expense �. COeMGENT FUND 5A1 Council Resolution 6 FI2LudCE CO.'rA'SSIONER' S FUND 6A Finance Office 49,356,00 Salaries %ff0. 6A2 Automobile Allowance 2 51,194.00 6A3 Office Expense 6B P rtici atinQ Certificates* 408 00 a 10, B1 Salaries 2,285,00 12� 63,977. 00 622 Office Expense * Financed from Participating Certificate Receipts. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY e Title 7-5-9 PUBLIC SAFETY ADMINISTRATION 7-5-9A Administration 7-5-9A1alarm' es A2 Office Expense 7-5-9B Building Maintenance B1 Salaries 32 Office Expense 7 POLICE FUND 7.. Administration 7A1 Salaries 7A2 Office Supplies 7A3 Equipment Maintenance 72 Office Expense 7B License Inspection 7B1 Salaries 7B2 Office Expense 7C Uniformed Police 7C1 Salaries 7C2 Supplies - Automobile Allow. 703 Automobile Maintenance 704 Back Pay 7C5 Traffic Signal Maintenance 7D Detectives 7D1 Salaries 7D2 Traveling Expc-nh 7D3 Supplies 7E Radio Division 1 Salaries 7E2 Light, Heat and Power 7E3 Supplies 7F Police Stations 7F1 Salaries 7F2 Light, Heat and Water 7F3 Supplies 744 Feeding Prisoners 7G Record Division 7G1 Salaries 7G2 Office Expense Amount Sub -Totals Totals i /moi//2.ao 375•00 ✓?7�� 500,00 100.00 3000 p /z., /G % od 100.00 --&, yC3%d93oo 500,00 3So00. o0 19,350.00 15,000-00 c '. 00 750.00 r 1,750.00 10,225,00 30.00 2,000.00 12,255,00 200,00 1400.00 4,5o0.o0 VFFNNW p 1,5,-V 7,5-.,o 700.00 DEPART, ST OF PUBLIC SAFETY - Continued Code t Title Amount. Sub -Totals 8 FIRE FUND 9A Administration SAl Salaries 9A2 Sunplies SA3 Office Expense SB Fire Prevention 9B1 Salaries 9B2 Office Expense 90 Fire FightiAg 901 Salaries 902 Gas, Oils and Greases 9C3 Tires, Tubes and Repairs 9C4 New Hose 9C5 Equipment Repairs 8C6 Other Supplies 9C7 Back Pay 909 New Equipment 8C9 uydrant Rental - 1-Usc. 9D Station Maintenance SDI Salaries 9D2 Telephones 9D3 Light, Power and mater 9D4 Fuel 8D5 Supplies 9D6 Repairs and Renewals 9D7 Miscellaneous 7-8 POLICE & FIRE SIT$AL SERVICE* 7-9A1 Salaries 7-9A2 Taxi Service -Auto Mntce. 7-9A3 Supplies 7-9A4 Telephone Lines 7-SA5 Repairs - New Equipment 7-8A6 Office Exponso *E_,mense of this bureau is applicable to the Police and Fire Funds. 9 HEALTH FU_''D 9A Administration 9A1 Salaries 9A2 Auto Allowance 9A3 Office Expense 3 000.00 180.00 100.00 0 5,900:00 200.00 6,000.00 603,34, o0 4,000.00 2,250.00 3,500,00 2,000,00 9,000,00 25,600,00 6,100.00 3'6, 200.00 11,123,00 500,00 2,300,00 7:600,00 700,00 1,000.00 50.00 x3,273.00 H-0/ 0 s/ -O. OO 1,200.00 1,200.00 6,925 OC 450 -Or 122. OC 9,039.00 300.00 30C-00 9,639.00 Totals DVART., -'T OF pUBLIC SJUETY - Continued fib -Totals Totals Amount Code Title 9 �gpIT3 FUTD - Continued 93 Vital Statiatica 5,424.00 525.00 5,949.00 9.31 Salaries 9B2 office Expense 9G Promotion of xealth - Scnools 10,757'00 901 Salaries 902 Supplies75.00 -Auto 1'.ntce,J_ 1,125.00 11,957.00 903 Car Fare -Office Expense 91) Foody 12,072'000 1,000.0 91)1 Salaries 9D2 Automobile 911onance 13 197.00 lam_ 9D3 office Expense y�363,00 ` 9E �'�n e 9E1 Salaries 2,000.00 932 kuto ellovanCe and l.:ntcp, 200.00 e 9E3 Sup -plies 95.00 —�— 9E4 Office Exp enso 91 Tu_barculoais 11,41 '00 606,05 901 Salaries 50c,OG 9F2 Rent Supplies 250,Oc 100,00 12,969.00 OE�___Car Faro 9F5 Office Expenae 9G Fiorld�ouso ?ospital 6,500, c0 9G1 Salaries Board of Prisoners 1,500,00 150,00 9G2 90,3 Supplics 25.00 9,175.00 9G4 i:iscellanoous 9_, xealth Leborator� 6,743;00 Salaries 500.00 100.00 7,343•p0 032 Supvlics Officc Exocnse 9H3' 91 xarriett Island Park 1,000,00 911 Salaries 110.00 912 1'usic nater93 3 .; it ;_oat and 91Li 1,403.00 2 914 Sup.olics and Insur<<ncc DEPARTLZIITT OF PUBLIC SAFETY - Continued Code R Title 9 MALTH FUND - Continued 9J Doe: License Enforcement 9J1 Salaries 9J2 Auto Allowgnce 913 Supplies Total Dept of Public Safe 10 PUBLIC WORKS 10A Administration 10A1 Salaries 1OA2 Office Expense IOB Engineers (Includes City Planning) 1OB1 Salaries 10332 Auto Allowance JoB3 Office Expense 10C Workhouse 1001 Salaries 1002 Truck Maintenance 1003 Light, neat and Water 1001} Supplies 1005 Auto Allow. and Postage lOC6 Farm Activities 1007 Repairs and Renewals 1008 Miscellaneous m i n�—++++ssi 11 STREET CONSTRUCTION AND REPAIR 11A Repairs - Streets and Walks 11Al Salaries and Wages 11A2 Truck Hire 11A3 Auto Maintenance 11A Truck Maintenance 11A5 Materials and Supplies 11A6 Miscellaneous 12 SEWER CO&STRUCTIOIT AND REPAIR 12A Repairs 12A1 Salaries and Wagos 12A2 Automobile Maintenance 1Truck Maintenance 12A3 Paving Repairs 12A5 Matorials and Supplies 12A6 Miscellaneous Amount Sub -Totals Totals 1,000,00 200.00 50.00 1,250.0 9 13,590.00 900.00 14,49o.00 2,250.00 3,000.00 o i s ?. 24,670,00 550,00 3, 0,00 6,649,00 200.00 5,000.00 500.00 100.0041 06 , oo 55,000,00 13,000,00 1,500,00 7,000,00 21,000.00 400.00 97,900.00 17,500,00 450,00 goo, 00 200,00 3,000.00 500.00 22,480.00 DEPARTLM,TT OF PUBLIC WORKS - Continued cc�p Title Amount Sub -Totals 13 STREET AND SEWER CLEANING 13A AdministrAtion 13A1 Salaries and Wages 5,700,00 13A2 Auto Allowance 4380.00 13A3 Office Expense 300.00 6,4+80.00 13B Cleaning Streets and Walks 13B1 Salaries and Wages AE =191 5 -,Io, do 13B2 Truck Hire 15,000,00 1383 Equipment Maintenance 1,500,00 13B4 Supplies 375.00 13B5 Miscellaneous 1,500.00 5g 130 Snow and Ice Removal 1301 Salaries and Wages 25,800,00 13C2 Truck Hire 9,000,00 1303 Equipment Maintenance 3,500,00 1304 Auto Allowance - Supplies 1,000.00 13C5 Miscellaneous 1,000.00 (Includes Sanding Streets) 430,300.00 13D Weed Cutting 13D1 Salaries and Wages 1,200,00 13D2 Team and Truck Hire 250.00 13D3 Supplies 150.00 - 1,600.00 13E Garbage Disposal 13E1 Salaries and Wages 13,300,00 13E2 Team and Truck Hire 30,650.Oc lj Equipment Maintenance 6,500.0c 13E4 Supplies 200,00 13E5 Equipment Replacement 3,000.00 13E6 Auto Allowance 1,000.00 54,650,00 13F Removal of Dead Animals 13F1 Truck Hire 3,900.00 13G City Dumps 13G1 Salaries and Wages 6,500.00 13G2 Miscellaneous 200.00 6,700,00 133 Cleaning Severe 13H1 Salaries and Wages 18,500,00 13'12 Equipment Maintenance 1,000.00 13x3 Supplies 300.00 13x4+ Miscellaneous 200.00 20,000.00 131 Sewer Pumping Station 1311 Salaries and Wages 43,500,00 1312 Light and Power 800,00 1313 Supplies (Fuel) 150.00 13143 Miscellaneous 150.00 5,600.co Totals D3PaT;T7 T OF PUBLIC %,ORKS - Continued 4 Amount Sub -Totals Totals Coda Title 13 STILET A1vD SE1"ER CMd,13ciG - Continued 14 BRIDGE BUILDIYG AND REPiiIR 1W Salaries and P7a9es 16,coc,00 I,OOC,UD 14A2 Equipment 1•4aintenanco and Supplies 4,90C.0C 2j_.�� 14A3 Materials 14-44 Stairways and Fence Mntce. 1 70C.00 — Total Dept. of Public Works �5 PUBLIC SCHOOLS 15A Business Administration 18,3^O.00 15-41 Salaries 375.00 18,675.00 15-42 Office Expense 15BEducation Administration 20,783.00 1581 Salaries 48O.f.0 15B2 Auto Allowance 1,125.2C 22,388.00 15B3 Office Expense. 15C Attendance Division 13C,n,0c 1501 Salaries 1,500-00 1502 C- Far© 225.02 14,725.00 150 Office Exocnso ---- 15n oration and Maintenance 11,788. 15D1 Salaries 15D2 Express and Froight 65C -C' 20r_.^0 '12,639-00 �5D3 Office Expense -- —"" 153 I „R1v Mar? 8,500.x^ 1571 Salarios 10c .00 1572 Light 200.^r 1573 Truck Maintenance 275.cc 9,075•CO 15F4 Office Expense ---- -- 157 Promotion of Health 15F1 Salaries 15F2 Supplies 75C.00 15F3 Office Expense `a M7AA ITNT OF iDUWI01d - Continuod Amort Sub -Totals Code Title 15G Instruction �,�Svo,000 15G1 15G2 Salaries Service Care Fare - Taxi Child. 9,150.00 1F 500.00 X550'0 15G3 Transportation-orivplod Laundry y (b✓7 (�� 15G4 50,000,^C 15G5 �plios 375• 1566 Ifi s co llaneous ------ 15H Operation of Plant 15M Salaries and pages 1582 Rents 15'13Tolephonc 15111E Light, PoT7cr and rater 1585 Fuel 15H6 SnpPlies 151 Maintenance of Plant 1511 Salaries and Rages 1512 Car Fare 1513 auto Maintonance 1514 Truck liaintonance 1515 Repairs and Renewals 15J School Cafeterias* 15J1 Salaries 15J2 Merchandise 15J3 Tolovhone8 15J Supplies and Services 15J5 Auto :allowance 15J6 Repairs and Renewal' * Financed from Receipts 16 PUBLIC LIBR;M 16a Library Service_ 16A1 Salaries i6A2 Truck L'mintenance 16A3 Supplies 16 postage 16A5 Now Books and Periodicals 16A6 Binding Books 16x7 Rents and Insurance 16Ag New Equipment 250' 0cc,'C 35^-,c^ 3lno,Co 45: COO, 00 lnn,C00.00 12,CC^.CC 41C,450.00 Totals 'p� 000.00 20C,OC 950,00 25100C.Co 41,999+24 76,091,76 250,00 2,500,00 66o.00 3.500:00 125,000 -co 475.00 3,000,00 450.00 17,000.00 2 g14'. CC 5Cc.co 1 r DEP:iRT11'IT OF !;DUCATIOi7 - Continued Code Title Amount Sub-Totals Totals 16 PUBLIC LIBR.',RY - Continued 16B Building Maintenance 1 Bl Salaries and ?7ges ZO,SOO.CIO i 1682 Light and Powcr 5,CC0,';0 1683 __eat 7,1+Co, 0C 1681+ i7ator 5CC,CC 16B5 Telephones 50,00 1686 Supplies 90c,^C 16D7 Repairs and Ronow is 500.20 16n8 Real Estate - Taxes 35,OCO.00 17 AUDITORIUL4 1711 Conventions 17A1 Council Resolution SOo0.00 ` 1713 Self-Sustaining, Activities 17D1 Salaries and Mages 37,077,0^ 17B2 Light, Heat, Power & Telonhonce 21,50C,00 { r17B3 Organ Maintenance 350,^0 17D4 Supplies 1,250,00 17335 Repairs and Renewals 8,9Cb.00 17336 New Equipment 2,500,00 —17:37 Rentalsg0C'CC 17338 Concession - Salaries 2, 50,CC 17339 Merchandise 6,500--C -77'O� 171310 Miscellaneous 1+,250.00 89,677.o0 Total Dept, of 71ducation ', 7o 3-6- 18 PUBLIC PARS 18A General Administration 18A1 Salaries 9,1148.00 18A2 Office Expense 2140.00 9,388,00 1833 Park Administration 18331 Salaries 5,720,00 18.332 Auto Allowanco 1180. n 18D3 Office Expense 100.00 6,30C.0C Y 18C Park Maintenance 1801 Salaries and rages foo. 00 18C2 Equipment Maintenance 5 OOC ^C 1803 Supplies 7 000. oa 18C4 Repairs and Ronewals ,500.0C 1805 LUscollaneous OC;OC DEPARTIONT OF PARES, PLAYGROUNDS iiND PU7LIC DUILDINGS - Continued Coda. + Title Amount Sub -Totals Totala 18 FUDLIC PARKS - Continued 19D Police and Clatehmen 18D1 Salaries and r`agos 4,320.00 18D2 Motorcycle Allowance 1,440.00 5,76C.00 19E Greenhouae. Nursery. and Zoo ismSalar i8ios mid CJagcs 10,000.00 19M Light, Hoat and Power 4,500.00 S, 000.00 18E3 18E4 Supplies Repairs and Renewals + 1,-'00.00 19F Upkeep of Lake Como 1SF1 Salaries and Wages 917,00 18F2 Electricity 5,000,00 19F3 Supplies 50.00 18F4 Repairs and Renewals 75.00 6,042.-'0 19G Improving Public Prrks 18G1 Phalon-^ater Systcm 326,00 18G2 Como -rater System 215,07 18G3 Instalments High. Pk. Water 956,00 is* Como Pk. Cuter - Golf 322.00 1gGrjLake Gervais & Phnlon 2,400.00 4,121.CC 183 Park Refectories 1P1 Salaries and 7ages 45,060,00 18H2 Auto Allowance 500,00 18H3 Merchandise 35,000,00 19H4 Laundry 1,000,00 18H5 Ice 1,500.00 19HG Supplies 4,000,00 1837 Repairs and Renewals 3,00C,00 19HG Equipment and Outlay 27,COO.00 18H9 Miscellaneous 3.000.00 + Fir_anced from Receipts 120,000.00 19 PLAYGROUNDS 19A Administration 19A1 Salaries 1942 Auto Allowance 19A3 Hent 19A4 Office Exponso 19r Athletics and Sports 19D1 Salaries and Tager 19_2 Supplies �q 6�a oo • 720.00 eo gG2�o�' r 1 500.CC DEPARTMENT OF PAM, PLAYGROTMMS AND PUBLIC BLDGS. - Continued Code Title Amount Sub-Totals Totals 19 PLAYGROUNDS - Continued 190 Maintenance 19C1 Salaries and Wages 14,340,00 1902 Truck Maintenance 2,420,Oo 1903Supplies 3Soo.00'' 19C Repairs and Renewals 2,000.00 244&EW Y%' 20 PUBLIC BUILDINGS 20A Administration 20A1 Salaries 1,617-019- 01700'20A2 20A2office Exoenso 300.00 p 203 Building Inspection 2081 Salaries 20,520,00 20B2 Auto Allowance 5,250,00 20B3 Truck Maintenance 400.00 20B4 Miscellaneous 590.00 26,790.00 200 jLrafti '2OCl Salaries 11"r6-0.o o ' 20C2 Office Supplies 200.00 Total Dept, of P,P, & P.B. —21 PUBLIC UTILITIES j 21A Administration 21A1 Salaries 4,559,00 21A2 Office Exoense 7'00.00 213 Testing Laboratories 21B1 Salaries 10,611,00 2192 Ront 1,200,00 2183 Supplies 75.00 21B4 Expense 750,00 12,666.00 21 21 8 DE?ARVMTT OF PUBLIC UTILITIES - Continued ` CA. Title Amount Sub -Totals Totals 21B Investigations 2121 Salaries 9,787.00 2122 Office Expense ✓roo.a 21Y Holman Municipal Airport 21F1 Salaries and Wages l0,Og6,00 21F2 Supplies 3,500,00 21 tight, Heat and Power 3,000,00 21F4 Hangar t:,nintonance 2,800,00 21F5 Boundary Lights -Other Mntce. 3,500.00 22.9g6.00 Total Dept, of Public Utilities - 22 PUBLIC LIGHTING 22A Administration 22A1 Salaries 6,6gg,OO 22A2 Auto Allowance 360.00 22A3 Office Expense 100.00 7,149.00 228 Maintenance 22111 Salaries and Wages 39,225,40 22D2 Electric Current 120,975,11 2211 nulbs and Globes 36,242,149 22B4 Supplies 2,500,00 22115 Parts 2,000,00 2236 Light, Heat and Power 1,200.00 22n7 Auto Maintenance 5,000.00 207,043.00 Total Lighting 214,191.00 23 WATER DEPI,,RTIONT 23A1 Salaries and ^ages 286,997.00 23A2 Other Expense 159,050,00 23A3 Interest 290.838,00 23A4 Sinking Fund Requirement 170,000.00 23A5 Acquisition of Property --- 111,274.00 Total Water Department 1,017,049.00 / 24 HOARD OF FUDLIC CELF.410 1 24A Administration _ 2 Al Salaries 3,680.00 24n Anckcr Hospital 27:11 Salaries and Wages 96,667.00 24_2 Other Exoonse 71,116.00 167,793,00 DOARD OF PMLIC TMIZARE - Continued, IL Codo Title Amo-unt Sub -Totals Totals 24C Ramsey County Homo 2 C1 Salaries and ',ages 12,334•oo 2402 Other Expense 16,433.00 28,767.00 24D Public Relief 2 D1 Salaries and Mages 5,73300 24D2 Other Expense91,037:00 96,770,00 24E Veterans Rest Camp 3,000.00 Total =bard of Public ❑olfaro 300,000.00 25 CITY HALL :LND COURT MOUSE 25A1 Salaries and Vegas 23,690,00 25A2 Heat, Light and Power 22,000,00 25A3 Veterans' Quarters 1,000,00 25A4 Toleohoncs 5,097,00 25A5 Elevator Maintenance 3,672.00 25A6 Service and Supplies 5,000.00 Total City Hall and Court House 60,459.00 26 INTLiM ST 26.'1 fond Interest 1,380,466.00 26A2 Note Interest 20,000.00 Total Interost 1,400,466.00 27 SINKING FU14D 27AI Sin!d.ng Fund Instalment350,000,00 28 REDEITTION OF BONDS 28A1 Dond Maturitios 739,000.0 28A2 Note Ilaturities 39,352.Ce Total Redcmotion of ,onds 778,362.00 29 JUDG12NT -111) COITRO"110 29A1 Judgements and Claims 5,000.00 30 COMPTROLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE 30A Financial Records 30A1 Salaries 3C,000.00 30A2 Auto Alloranco 100.00 30A3 Office Expense 1,800.00 31,900.00 COLff mLLER AND CIVIL SERVICE - C3ntinucd Code I Title Amount 30" Civil 1 Service 15,000,00 jC.1 Salaries 300,00 30^2 Special Examiners 100.00 30r3 ;annual Report 1,000.00 30'x4 Office Expense Total Comptroller and Civil SOrvic 31 GENERAL FMTD 31A Purchasing Department 31A1 Salarios 31A2 Printing and Postage 31A3 Office Expense 317 2kunicipal Court 31n1 ,Selari3S 312 Jury rxponse 313 Office Expense 31C Armo 3101 Salaries and rages 31C2 Light and Power 31C3 Neat and Gas 3104 Repairs and Renewals 3105 :!iscellaneous 31D Election 31D1 Salariee-Judges & Clerke Temporary Help 31D2 Labor - Placing '?ooths 3113 Ronts, Light & Hoat - eoths 31D4 Trud_; Eire 31D5 Printing 31D6 Postage and Supplies 31D7 Equipment ioplacoment 317 Assossment& Local Improv. Aid 3171 Local Improv. Aid -City Sham 3172 Reimbursement - Sec, 279 31E3 Non—Is ses sable Loc. Improv. 3174 Sprinkling 31E5 Forestry L 31E6 Nater Frontage 3177 F.I.14 Deficit 31;'9 Non -As so s sable Troc Trim- ming ..^.nd Grass Cutting 17,500,00 645.00 425.00 38,993,00 500.00 1,975.00 9,o6o.00 1,020,00 1,100,0C 400.00 925 -CO 36,250.00 2,900,00 5,650,00 1,100,00 3,3co,o0 2,90C.00 2,900.00 Sub -Totals Totals 16.400.00 49,300,00 19,570.00 41,358.00 12,405.00 55,000-00 50, 000, cc /.;000,00 416 cc 7,7o6,^.0 2�j1,c0 15.00 000. 00 9,205.x G=TR AL F= - Continued _ Code Title • Amounts Sub -Totals Totals 312 Pensions 31F1 Police Denofit Association 18,782,00)' 130,000,CO) 31F2 Firoments Relief 9,391,00}* 67,5+,00) 31F3 Teachors' 2otiromont 81:9'45.00 31A Health Maploy Relief 2,750,00)231.00)" 6, 31F5 Old Ago a ensicna //Soon. do 31F6 Th dons and Orphans 1,500.00 * 1934 Flat Cut by Council j3,oJ3 31G Miscellaneous 31G1 rorl=onls Compensation - - -- 3S,000. o0 31G r Debt Service 2,500,00 310 .3 Financial Forms 3,500,00 310 d Municipal Employ 2,790,00 31 r'Yisc, and Unforeseen Z�/��. oo ` 31G L Public Examiner 3,000,00 31G 7 Surety Dond Premiums 3,50C,00 310 F St, Paul Institute 4,000,eo 310 yloliday Observance t7000fge/vroo- 00 31G "rater - 17ildor -laths 1,500,00 31G Outlay - Holman .irport "`Humane 5,OCC.00 31G 310 Society fort Authority /00.00 z5oo.o0✓ jjb.00 31G ire Hydrant Fentnl /o, 000. oo ✓ 7.3 y 3 V�'-o Total General Fund z A Ci�cnt� /�' � // _ '� '�Gc-,f/.� ��wo ��^, . "ate/ id- x.� -rrr�t -�� hl///C -yx t L-tti /� ��/, Qom, %-�`..,,"' p-� ' October 9th, 1935. Mrs. Jean Aaysen, Provident, Cosmopolitan Club of Merriam Park, 1921 Carroll Avenue, 4t. Paul, Utmn"ota. Dear Madems In regard to your letter of October 4th to the MWor and Council, urging an increase in the liq fund in the 1936 budget, we are directed by the City Co oil to advise you that the budget has been adopted for the year 1936 and that a substantial increase in the library fund over the Comptroller's figures was made. Yours very truly, City Clark. COUNCIL FILE NO ... ................. 1011673 BY.............................. ----- ------_ -- - FWAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of .... p.ning,_,.widening...and_.-extending a 20 ft. alley from _ Wyoming Street south to the preslent alley, by taking and condemning the west twenty(20 ft.)feet of Lot 6, Block $, Saueris Addition. - -9R9 IN CONDEMNAT^. "' 10EEDDYGS. .f oDft. .11 under Preliminary Order 1071... .....- _..__ ..., approved __...JI9-Y...16th.,...1Q3.5.n....__... Intermediary Order ....__.........101448........_ ----------- ----- , approved..... Sept. ___5.thy._.1°35._...-._..........._..._. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to create an outlet for existing alley. and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.: The west 20 ft. of Lot 6, Block 3, Saueris Addition. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvementinaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __..f)r%T......4.. __........._. e�� �o , City Clerk. Approved ............_._.1J.V�_......._. a...._...... 19........ Z� Mayor. Councilmen / 3 S/ Magxxx Peterson AtobmxhaxWarr en �- Pearce /.• pIJBLISi Wffl ei TRUAX met .4I _ _ -- - 5AU MV AD D. 5LK.3. LjomingOPENINGpresent Alley - Bureau of Engineers Nov s 1926 - Seale 1"•1qo XV I It - 19 T5 - - - July 12 1995 WYOMING 5T.- - 40_ 41.2 •I 5 4 13 6 5 4 3 ®O•I. 6 IShi oc a ni 7 9 to It 12 . 17 ht 9 to a 12 1 7 Q Gi is - ' - as 40 40 1 41A1 46 48 41AI ANNAPOLIS ST. -° f ��. ►� � �. �. Aid �� ` � - - _ 10 :: - 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMM15510NER OF FINANCE � ON PRELIMWARY, ORDER i A a (A) f� In the matter of opening, widening and axtenting n twenty ('�7'0) fr)�t Alley from Wyoming Street P^uth to the rp-ent alley, by taking and conde,nninR the west twenty (?0) feet of lot 6, block ?, Saueris Ad(lition, under Preliminary Order approved July 16, 1935 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ 190.00 The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - - - The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSEDVALUATION 6 3 SPuer's Arid`ti,ln to St. a25 2 3 Paul do 0.)5 1100 Lot 1 and E. ? ft of (Exc. the E.? ft) ? 3 do 2?5 1550 3 3 do 225 4 3 r10 2?5 5 3 do 225 2650 7 3 do 450 1700 S 3 do 400 9 3 do 400 10 3 do TOTAL. 400 1250 Form B. B. 10 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONM OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY QRDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11 3 Seuere AdOition to St.Paul 1100 1900 1, 3 do 400 250 1 3 Cushing's Addition 225 2 3 do 225 3 3 do ?25 4 3 do P''5 5 3 do 225 ( 3 do 225 2000 7 3 do 400 4750 9 3 do 1'00 3950 9 3 do 400 10 r3 do 400 11 3 do 1,00 12 3 do 400 13 Auditors Subdivision of No Vpluation Lot 6 Bidwell's Addition 14 to "rest St. Paul 325 (Exc. S. 19 feet) 15 do 205 1100 S. 19 ft of 15 do 16 300 1300 and N. 25.50 feet of Exc. N. 25.50 ft) 16 325 also the N. 22 feet of 17 do CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION Lot 6 Belvilere Park Subdivision and W. 30 ft of S. 10 ft of 5 3 of Lot � of Bidwellls Aad. �''7F0 .44050 to W. St. Paul, Minn. 7 3 do 375 900 99950 8P9350 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated le—t- r 1931- _ 194Z •� �Commissioner of Finance.. F.- B. B. 12 /V St. Paul, Minn. 193 5 r. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following/improvement to be made: ------ ------------ -- - Ave. from- 'Lk" V ------------ f:-" St. Ave. to -St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION L3 L3 .9 - !t74 /_0 V M Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance July 50, 1955 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 101074 - . approved.. -JUY.16i 1955 193...._., relative to opening,. -widening --and extending a twenty (20) foot Alley frQM Wyoming Street south to the present alley, by taking and condemning the west twenty (20)feet of lot 6. Block 3, Sauer's Addition and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is.,_. . .. necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is $-- -XXX I and the total cost thereof is $ ..xxx and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: -------------------- . ....... - ...................... -- ----- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. - .... .. - - ------ .............. . ....................... 5. Said improvement is— asked for upon petition of three or more ow rs of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. -- �- % - ------ ---- -- ----------- ------------ --- - - ---------- ---------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. 9 9 , U� 7 AUG 2 1935 in.eNca NO. .K "[f"" 57 6niciM ro arr c .. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �L%O✓�� COUNCIL RE I/QLUy�TION —GENERAL FORM September 27,1935• �..SSLLI �1l �A6L�a�- DATE CO MISSION be is R soLVEC , That the authorizedoandssioner directeditoucaus lieether ecessaxyesidewalk hereby extensions to be constructed at the loeToeh listed rsanrlual below by the Standard Stone Company, sidewalk contract, known as Corttptroller's Contract L-3857 at cost not to exceed $250.00, based upon the unit price bid for 40 Monolithic Concrete Sidewalk ed to thee P.I.R. hthe p.er,e- current year, which cost is to be chargmmieetun.r oc� Funds Tax Rxempt Propertiest to berel;r sa- SOUTHEAST CORNERS OF HARTFORD & FA IRIVIEW AVENUES t..Nt tbe,aeo nfone to b4 COn-I Ori9) .tone Meted below, Double Apr jGJ� FINN AVBZIIIES C,mven9. ander., ioRT]iE'AST CORNER OF Sffi,HY contract 7 &tw (D ble Aprons) real rbased nt tt 0 based n'o6 1�COUNCILMEN Yeas e��asc- �Peterson Rein n 5m x R OU or . SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST CORNERS OF WZNSL(1N [or +^ Moubu blo rhe ,arrant year TS (Single Aprons) hereea to .. AND WYOMING STF4�, ( ng vt rr,n TIS 0 SOUTHEAST CORNRR OF WINSLOW AND BELVIDBRS a STS. (Double Aprons) --' SOUTHWEST AND NORTHVMST CORNERS ARONA AND ALMOND STREETS SOUTHWEST AND NORTMO CORNERS OF BLAIR AND AVON STREETS (Double Aprons) NORTHWEST AND SOUTHWEST CORNERS OF CHARI38 AND VICTORIA STREETS (Double Aprons) SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST CORNERS OF CHARLRS AIM MILTON STREETS (Double Aprons) 1QORTHWEST CORNER OF COOK AND 'MR AVENUE (Double Aprons) NORTHEAST CORNER OF COOS STREET AND GFOONBR13R AVENUE (Double Aprons) SOUTHEAST AND NORTHEAST CORNE118 OF EDWND AND ST. ALBANS STREgTS (Double Aprons) NORTHEAST AND NORTHWEST CORNERS OF HOLTON AND NEBRASKA ACES (Double Aprons) Adopted by the Council CT 1 LCL--193—Nays Nays M7 ,;�147 favor Approved----. ----193— __Against AQt A/ May Pv13LISIiLD ��� � Yearda— yy I. C• t � a :the Improvement de c ro nrY CL�K CITY OF ST. PAUL ono rucrid D r.r orn o* / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ' contraeto 3354- vp ams a a w� COUNCIL-R�SOLUTI —GENERAL Fe r r/ (/ e dnalaYe 39ZK_ RNsE B LVE MMpaAS, In the Improvement described as the construction SO ;O or C end D, Thornton Bros. Co. Ino., Contractor, Gompt- of $elder intercept a emended was October It roller's Contract Number G. 3354 - the completion date e 19359 and several heavy rains and to iP19:REAS, Due to delays caused by , n in the construction of the special chambers because of the extra precaution take their being adjacent to active severe and to difficulties encountered in the hook- up of active house connections, it was impossible for the contractor to complete the work within the time specified. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the time for the completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to November 15, 1935, and the proper City Officio ent to said contract in are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendm e herewith profor accordance provided, however, that this resolution shell not have any ee in ori and effect unless the contractor, Thornton Bros -CO- Inc., shall agrcur e reimburse the City of St. Paul for Field Inspection and Supdrvision and be further during the period covered by this extension as liquidated damages, provided that this resolution shall not have any force and of unless the sureties on the Contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. � 1COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_. - OCT 1(P,5 193_— — - Yeas Nays ,,earce Xeterson �eserr— In favor APProved_— — �T--� J —193_-- 4-�-. /Warren----Agatnsc Ad i,, Mar _ ruuLiSII> D 5 � ��FR� ('V li: i": 5M AR COUNCIL COUNC N—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER PILE OUN lafflx�v—erean COUNCIL RESOLUTION !Ei IN FAVOR PEAR= AUDITED CLAIMS --seV*=bsx-36- - ----- ROSEN TRUAX _AGAWIERCEPTOR SEWF,. ,E�GGRE T6 AMOUNT OF yDRAWN ON THE CITY •TCOVERINO WENZEL MR. MES.MMIMMY GebM BFUND PER CHECKS )� TO_�ECLUSIVE UL11 I ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL---..--- W.-- C. F. NO. 191 Resolved, WO&Ooks be drawn onl theto h'!:amount of $148,097.13, coveringthe hi -(* - — ---. - -- --- -- - - - — - TOTAL DATE numbered 194 to 208 Inclusive, as 1. per CHI, checks on file In y Comptroller, the on 00 of the Cit 'F (TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RETURNED BY BANK HUM, Adopted by the Council Oct. 1, 1935. Approved Oct. 1, 1936. CHECKS CHECKS (Oct. 5-1935) ---T FORWARD 194 DoGraff Wolff 11 438 7 195 international sewer & Ioe 041 5 122 5 196 okes Oonstruction CompaUT 12 775 5 197 John L. 00=9117* 225 OC Corporatioli 00=991 IM John Us Restdon, 225, OC Supt. of 0oftstractlon Azel F. Peterson* 0. ,'f rine 62 069 57 200 Thornton Brothers Company 4 473'7 201 welter W. MWe Company 34 349; 65 202 Milton Rosen, C.,?OpWorke 3 595 03 203 ILO.wenzel, C.P.6tilities 76 so 204 Belmont Corporation 3 80 205 Goodrich-Silvertown,lno. 4 25 206 General 1100trio SUPP17 Corpo 2 91 207 ElsotTio Blue Print Oomp&UY 13 11 209 Clement T. SoulleY Equipment Co, 14 492 27 to r t INTERCEPTOR SEwFp N D FUND SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 1 =4 fi 7,j r i d 458 a 4-d 'lO 33 [ 7,(]�( 10167' 1(,1ib t�1�79 lU��i80 NOTICE 'C. F.NOe. 1O1H81— •To' I IteaulVod„ )j� • 29 tleD' AdolOa 19, CITY OF SAINT PAUL ■ l) COUNC FILE NO. COUNCIL RESOLUTION----�-'�1 PRINTERKido �t of A1�LYOI. _ Wtetrber 24 � 193 City COC AdoDta ADvroV EF. No E' 5 RESOJW,VEv, .,....... War r E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT 75.397.019 17405 OF $ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED TO 44NCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL 193� APPROVED_ 193_ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL v COUNCIL NO------­---------------------- - CO J� �fAiJy &WO ftLL ii''����rOf OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE--" MAY COUNCIL RESOLUTION PEARCE IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS — Se Cermet 24 — —'s35 ROSEN _ TRUAX MR. PEES. MAHONCY _.._AGAINST RESOLVED. TNA CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGA AMOUNT OF f _.. VERING 1 CHECKS NUMBERE ... ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL—L ...–.,F _.... PER CHECKS ON TO._.._ __.. INC SIVE, AS FFICE RY CO LLER- APPROVED[� ..19..._....._ ........ .. ._..__. _.........._._.._.--..._-- CITY IIOLLDt -y��' sZTT""'""'� _ -- - TO L - DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER CHECKS D190URSEMENT CHECKS RETURNED BY BANK BROUGHT FORWARD 36 a36 7 476 626 a • 17405 Fred HeaYere of finance Axel �S. nasCAttorney 9 6 T2 811 6 17407 Royden17406 Danes or Thomas Christoffel and Marie Christoffei 0 17408 Feyen Construction Company 420 17409. Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin oe 21'7 17410 Wn, J, Davies 7 17411 Harold S. Reid' 17412 Frank Posevak' 28 7 17413 Dunn & Stringer, Inc- 17414 Beeoher-Cumming,1no. 199, 0 17415 Review Publishingg Company 5 7 8 17416 Berglund Lumber Oompaay - 1 417 Farwe11, Osmun, Kirk &Comp y 132 17(418 =son, Cary & Sande Comp 'y 391 17419 Tierney Hay & Grain Company 3 8 17420 Today Associates 17421 Trap Rook Oompany 126 17422 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Cromp ;y 17423 Tri.State Tel. & Telg. Comp ;y 653 3 17424 Tri-State Tel. & Tel& Comp y 51:6 17425 Twin City Brick Company 114.00 17426 Twin Olt y Oandg Company l56 7 17427 Twin City Iron &afire Oompau 61 T 174-68 17429 United States Yews George T. walker & Coftany,I 42 0_ 933 17430 washlu83on Foundry Company 56;8 17431 H.E. Aedeistaedt Company 142,89 17432 weinbagen Tire Company 19',26 17433 'vest Kttd Ice & Fuel company 7,69 174;4 western Auto Supply Company 17435 F.D. Williams Coal Company 2� 52 wood�.teBrike Service,Inc. 17436 17437 Kenneth M. Wright Studios 3'50 17438 Zinwaster Baking Company 115 27 SHEET TOTAL–FORWARD DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL % 11 E 1 COUNCIL NO COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER _-_--..__ -_ I FILEV + +� P� Corson RE COUNCIL SOLUTION �1' p�/ =Von IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - -----------19_35 ROSEN TRUAXAGAINST RESOLVED, TH CHE E DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. W ^w`Y TO THE AGGREGA O •...._. MR. PRES.�YYO.BBb VOYi^^W CHECKS NUMBER ...._ 1 U91VE. AS TT ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI,--ar.}-._..._. PER CHECKS O lt CE ITY P)i 1 V 1 AL DATE RETURNED CHECK IN FAVOR OF TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK NUMBER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ® 17439 ste®eeir Tire Company6 7 17440 Twin City Textile Mille 95 .9 17441 O.G. Armstead 55 17442 R.S. Stahl Company 919 2 XDr. Adolph Ahrens ISL0 Apotheoary Shop 215 0 17445 Dr. Hugh Bels 17446 Dr. r.16 Buroh 2 0 17447 Dr. W. W. Christian 11 17448 Drs, Engberg 6 Hultkrans 35 17449 W. E. Fabel1 9 5 . 17450 Dr. V.Z.B. Foley 00 17451 Dr. How. Gran` 40' 0 17452 Dr. S,M, Herman 1745 Ws. A, Kohnks 3 T Dr. A, Kugler 15 1 17458 Midway Hospital 10 1745b Charles T. Miller Hospital 229 17457 Dr. J- Ohage, Jr. 17458 Dr. D.H. Peterson 13 1 17459 Physio -Therapy Center 16 0 17 0 Dr, H -J, Prendergast 62 0 17461 St.Josephle Hospital 41 1 17462 Dr. Y.M. Sarnsoki 1746] Dr. Edward Sohons 2d 17464 Dr. G.W. Snyder 17465Dr, A. E, Walkes 30 17466 Winton Christensen 75 00 17467 Eddie Landeen 75 0 17468 Clara Aamold, Widow of H.A. 30 00 17469 Ann F. Campion, Widow of D.HoC. 30,00 17470 Helen Sullivan, Widow of U.S. 17471 Sooiety for the Preva, of Cruelty 200 00 17472 Mrs. J.M. Ayd,Guardian 40'00 17473 Mrs. C.Y. Claugberty, Guardian 40,00 11474 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 2 17475 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22'90 17476 Mrs. Agnes Weise 31.86 17477 Charles To Bruess 70,00 17478 Owen Brown 1 00 17479 Ade Dreher 35 17480 Fuel oil a Gas Company 435 6o 17481 Tri-State Tel. & Telg.Oompany 290 57 17482 Northern States Power Companj 5 219 7 17463 M.F. Falk Paper Company 36 43i 174 M.A. Gedney Company -- 17465 General Eleotrio supply Corp.1 38 43 17486 M.H. Hubbard Grooery Company is 213 64 17487 Joeeting & Sohilling Company 17488 Merrill, Greer & Chapman Company 6 37 17489 Minnesota 0hemioal Company 46 91 17490 St,Psul Book & Stationery Company 264 60 17491 St.Paul Builders Material Company 3 69 17492 Western Shade Cloth Company 69 76 17493 Chas. To Kraus 65!00 >oo a.�z SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 136 836 76 1 531 53 r k � j III s • DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL QFF /Q�1'/y(yj _ OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER CC UNCIL No _.__--i.��1l.Z.l.9 ___ COUNCILMr� ROLL CALL FILE , eTersoA COUNCIL RESOLUTION unmu.6 P aMZsw IN FAVOR PEARCE �LLi.�Y. AUDITED CLAIMS -_"'sap-termer-..2�..----__...,9.._3.5 ROSEN TRUAX ___AGAINST RESOLVED. T AT CHECKS BE D WN ON HE CITY TREASURY. WENZEL /^��_y... MR. PREB.gmtnewT Gab= TO THE AGGREG AM U OF f�- -• COVERT ��((�� CHECKS NUMB .TO_- .. INCLVSI AS ADOPTED BY THE((�C�OUNCI '1 T_.._.._...lY.-...._ PER CHECKS FFICE O COMPT R. APPROVED _S�Gi--.._.1.. W �........ 19_........_ _ ..... _.. ...._.. ....... .....-. ... _.... RC_'_ - MAYOR BY .... ... - _. .. ._ _ CHECK IN FAVOR OF NUMBER BROUGHT FORWARD 17494 Leo V. Ounnien 17495 Leo V. Cunnien 17496 Hartha Tork 17497 Edwin F. Jones, P.U.Inginser 17495 Herman O. Wenzel, C.P.Utilit; 17499 Gertrude H. Johnson 17500 The Eeterline Angus Company 17501 Firestone Service Stores 17502 Goodyear Service 17503 Miller Supply Company 17504 Huniolpa4 Supply Company 17505 Pheoll Mfg. Company 17506 Haterous Company 17507 Duane L. Mars. 17508 Axel F, Peterson, 0. of Fina 17509 Loins i. St, George 17510 Martin F. Falk Paper Company 17511 Farwell, 0saun, Urk & Compal 17512 F.G. Leslie Paper Company i7513 J.D, Rookie 175144 Board of dater commissioners 17515 Board of Water Co mnlesionere 17516 Board of Eater Comml•asioners 17.517 Board of tater Commissioners 17518 Board of slater Commissioners 17519 Board of Eater commissioners 17520 Board of Water Commissioners 17521 I.C.Pearce, 0. of Ednoation 17522 Axel F. Peterson, O,P.R.F. 17523 Milton Rosen, C.P,torke 17524 stilton Rosen, C.P,torks 17525 Milton Rosen, O.P*Forks 17526 Milton Rosen, C.P.Worke 175 Milton Rosen, 0SP.torks 175 Hilton Rosen, C.P.torks 17529 Milton Rosen, C.P.worke 17530 Milton Rosen, C.P.torke 17531 stilton Rosen, C.P.torks 17532 Milton Rosen, C.P.1lorks 17533 stilton Rosen, C,P,torks 17534 Milton Rosen, c.P.torks 17535 Milton Rosen, c.P.works 17536 Milton Rosen,'O.P.torks 17537 .'Truax, O.Parks, etc. 17538 H.C.tensel, C.P.Utilities DATE RETURN TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BAN CHECKS CHECKS i 836 7 561 531 5 82 2 55 225; 2101 22 43 1271 12 52' 34 29 Bio l0'. 85' 109; 213' 751 551 49 323 23 138 93 567 13 515 62 M 66 46a, 030 46 o6 13 695 94 3 355 22 3 202 72 1 3 69. 42 6655 6o 572 02 351 13 235 89 518776 151 36 3 171 85 1 081 62 115 41 j-22 197 493 592 752 Oa i I/ 3 11 15 , I/ 111kiCATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FIOj„UgNCIL No ---------- �iVFI • COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL MAYCOUNCIL Pete?eon R6fOLUT10N MCDONALD FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ROSEN TRUAX_`AGAINST RESOLVED. TH)eT CHECKS BE pM E TREASURY. .PPRES.MAHONEY TO THE AGGREGA AMO OF i -. OOVRIN ENCLUSIVE. MR. ngh�A ' CHECKS NUMB E -TO I - ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL.IXT- -..1..19040.1.. ........._ PER CHECKS 1 FFICE OF THE 1 M L R. _ APPROVED./- .... ...... "_.._. _...� ___.....__....._...._ i .../ inli _- c: CHECK NUMBER 17597 17588 17599 17590 17541 17592 17593 IN FAVOR OF BROUGHT FORWARD RO. Boyeaon Company Fisher Nut Company C. A. Lund Company Geo. Robertson St.Paul Stamp Works Tri-State Tel. 8 Telg. Comp Tri-State Tel. 6 Telg. Comp Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Comp western Union Telegraph Oom Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Bin Emmett Connolly B.R. Johnson Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tin Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel r. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tin Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel T. Peterson. 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel r. Peterson, 0. of Tin Axel T. Peterson, C. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, C. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Sia Commonwealth Electric Comps Armour and Company Farwell, Ozsun, Kirk d Oomp General Bleotric Supply Com The Grinnell Company Kennedy Brothers Arms Comps Minnesota Chemical Company T.W. Fuel Company H. Peitz & Son Postal Telegraph Cable Oomp Roe -James Cases Company St.Paul Builders Material 0 J.A. d R.B. Solmes Company 0. T. Stuefer Inc. Transit Supply Company Tri-State Tel. d Telg. Comp Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Oomp romgn- Paiat 6 Vn mash COMP Opals. Axel *Y0. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Tin Axel T. Peterson, 0. of Fin Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin Bail Freiseis Tail Fraiseie Review Publishing Company Serafino Fide Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Fin SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD TOITAL DwTE RETURN TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY ®Ary CHECKS IIIXIII CHECKS 13 5 275 65' 2 16519 ��15" 32' 7 2 73 200 75 4060 -Il 7 433 1 3 535 1 5t1 1 936 10 804' 7 165 5 'I 578; 626 902 1 ? 17 53311 11062 695 8 63 6 319. 2 398130 4 262 75 350 0 25 6o 45 95 19.7 1 3 15 7 29 l 139 921 40 62 26 39 208 50 136' 8888 111 99 1 95 00 12 646 72 22 564 i9 1 293 44 3 990 49 331p46 227555 65 oo 74 3 000 00 70 875 56 _016 an -Iq V 1 INNt'1 W�I�i1N11 �Ildl DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OP SAINT PAUL couNCIL , - - COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..-_---------_-------------- cowwer� atereon / COUNCIL .RESOLUTION RET RNED V BANK McDONALD x&+ FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS ------�ePseml�sr--3t1-------19-- PEARCE • - 'ROSEN---------- AGAINST SUDHEIMER ,^.,+mayy__.w. RESOLVED. TH TO THE AGGREGA CHECKS BE DRf q4 (SHE TREASURY. AMOUNT $-- COVERING MR. PRES. 06"OH I� ltd .U...2 CHECKS UMB E _ TO_-_-� I CLUSIVE. AS T7 '1 !� THE COUNCIL PER CHECKS HE PIC E OF THE CITY PTROLLE ADOPTED BY - --� gnj_l_-----1_19i.E__-___ APPROVED ---- _y -f%fL'�-----y42Vq_e------- ------ --- ----- Cow -oLLBR 0 C] I� II I TOTAL E I CHECK ! NUMBER IN FAVOR OF it� / TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT RET RNED V BANK CHECKS CHECKS I it BROUGHT FORWARD 1117594 Board of Public welfare21 089 3 o 1759 Mrs. J.R. Jennings Wholeealere#Inc. 1759 1117597 Yozesson 170 4 17598 Robinson, Cary & sande Compaq I St.Paul 9oo.Sohool Revl.Tund ! 560 7 17599 y17600 Swift & Company Axel F. Peterson, a. of Tinan e I 30 5 g X17601 Standard Stone Company 17602 II i �St.Paul Bottling Company I 2 I 0 t i! I .�i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD !10_1975 _� 0 ORIGINAL TO CITY LL[RK0'.""-C'6TY COUNCIL NO (1 OF ST. PAUL PILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,�,�C�O�UNCIL R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM --- 40. 1,,-, —, sED DATE T�\ WMFAS, Pulliam Wicker desires to withdraw application 6829 for Second Hand Dealer license at 314 Rice and requests refund of license fee for the reason that the building has been condemned; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and theyare hereby S authorized to refund to William Wicker the fee of C.00 and to cancel said P C. F. No. 101682—BY Fr. E. Warren— application for license. Fred M. Tru -1. wl ,a seam's t' Whereas, W Hatnd rDealer° Icenae t 314[or Second Hand request. refund of license fee for the r sen that the bullde 61 has been con damned; therefore, U Resolved, andthey h at D1 -Per hereby said be a Ized [' refund to William Wicker the fee of $'26.00 and to cancel said aDDll canon for license. ADD ted by t 1, 1936 �II Oct. 1, 1935. (Oct. 5-1936) 3 COUNCILMEN YcasNays P�eatce / /Peterson Reeeer -------In favor arren_ —_ -- l l _ Against < 5M .. ,.,. _f CI''. �.,,. �. TP(ILX Adopted by the Council___n:1 p:� --��ro } 3--- Approved _---2�T-- 1 _19/3— - A7 Mayor H. E. Warren= E `x, ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK C. Pearce— Iy CIL 104683 / i1iY OF ST. PAUL °naae by htna ioyt- I( NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY C eons et the nddre.ec. �. the same re hereb- I !ty clerk le inetru: CO1INCIL RESOLUTION—GENF;"e I ee yon C=JJ ,.clty trneaeDry e PRESENTED E. 6th St., September 30, 1935 / COMMISSIONERER j -- -- / N• _ RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: 2Fertr Fran�r 170 E. 4th Barber App. 1043 New Floyd Kispert 10 E. 6th St " " 7186 " M. Schofield Fuel Co. 190 S. Wabasha Fuel Dealer " 6919 " James Clemens 132 E. Nebraska 2nd Hand Auto Parts " 7058 " Joseph Paymar 250 E. Seventh 2nd Hand Dealer " 6851 " Motor Power Equipment Co. 1515 University 2nd Hand Automobile Dealer 6931 " Whitcomb -Ryan Co. 591 W. Seventh n ti ^ " - 7169 ^ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays -ReftT eterson r ____ In favor �rTta�r ,,Warren __ __ Against i{6.3i;,•,<; dcrtc(6efrarrTJ. 'ZEJAY> OCT ? t9C Adopted by the Council—_ ______ 193__. Approved _ 193___. / Adi << Mayor PUDLISIIC:D /�i l THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION Mr. H. F. 'barren, Chairman, License Committee Dear Sir: October S, 1935 The second hand automobile dealers listed on the attached resolution are established places of business and are apnlying for license under the new ordinance. The application for Barber shop of Vern Franer is for a new location. Very truly yours, T ':l R. Leonard License Inspector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October let, 1935. Hon. H. E. Marren, Cometr of Public Safety, City. Dear Sir: The attached resolution granting various licensee was referred back to you for further investigation and report. They wish to know particularly, whether the second hand automobile dealers are established firms applying for a license under the new ordinance or whether they are just start- ing in business. They also wish to know whether the application of Vern rraner for a barber shop to a new location or new owner. Tours very truly, City Clerk. Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6— ORIGINAL TO CITY{L[ ' C� 'B` H. m. WarrereNCIL C C� C• I �G�6t�Y —t Pearrs OF ST. PAUL NO. IIr'Ifor which' se. OFFICE OF THE CITY Cl, let attached Torr^" ulna an and Yr COUNCIL R 0LUTION—GEN. end a the it no lanae Ch 11• J e t Into the Cl [eee. PRESENTED BY Counci L' October 1 1935 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED for by the following named persona at the addresses That licensee applied hereby granted and the city clerl; is instructed to indicat9d be and the same are the into the city treasury of the required fees: issue such licenses upon payment George D. Allen 525 Wabasba Barber Apr.7125 Renew. V George Hauser 873 Arcade " " 7145 " Dale Whitehead 844 E. Seventh " " 7165 " Jos. Damiani 587 E. Seventh Butcher " 7170 " Alma Davis ., 412 N. Smith 7031 ° G. A. Edborg & C. B.Lorentson, 1187-9 Arcade n " 7027 " Herseth &Bowman 826 Aldine " " 7029 " Tony Lamana 361 Upper Levee n " 6809 " J. Langur an & S. Siegel 245 E. 14th " " 6980 " Morris Lestizky 641 Selby Av. n " 7194 " H. Lindholm & J. Clark 494 S. Snelling n IT 7164 ^ Wm. F. Miller 578 Rice " " 7205 " R. P. Roeback 525 N. Snelling n " 7123 " 777 Central 0£f Sale Malt Bev. " 6826 " Anne Berman Barnsdall 011 Co. ��� 477 S. Snelling Gas Ste. 3 pumps IT 7183 " Marvin Lee 845 S. Robert n n 3 " " 5971 ^ G. F. McGrail 819 Selby n " 3 " " 7182 " COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council_-- — -- ----193_ 193-- Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen -----In favor Approved----------- -_._193_- Truax WarrenAgainst --- --- — _ - — -- --- Mayor Wenzel pLJIiL1Sli1.A� — Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6— PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Geo. Schneider Mrs. R. G. Swanson COUNCILMEN Yeas �// Te tce 'Peterson Rosen //Tr�uax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan SM 6.34 COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Nays -2- 621 Lafayette 1560 Payne ___In favor Against DATE—October 1, 1935 Gas Ste. 3 pumps App. 7179 Renew. " " 3 " It 7126 " Adopted by the Council -0 CT -11985 _193____ OCT 11t Approved lligMayor PUBLISITED —'`35 ORIGINAL TO Cj'Y CLERK •r u. m, w,arre6—t. fCITr OF ST. PAI1t'liloeaeee"[Ger whlah FILE FILE P:O.I V O E F THE CIT' °e been m"ae for o sated by the foUowi ba and the same - COUNCIL ESOLUTION —C .na tho oler mars t • h llceneee D. v� -/ rity Lreesury . PRESENTED BY / 4 .Illn. - $ tember 27 1935 COMMISSIONER O tel° 1� RESOLVED That licenses for which avolications hav-`been made for the addresses indicated be the following named persons be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses unon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Andrew Haglio 474 Collins Harry Berkovitz 208 E. 14th Sam Ciresi 235 E. 13th Morris Chapirson W. Feldman Mrs. Minnie Kennedy R u R Andrew Kiprose 11 II John Rentz 632 Selby 748 Iglehart 194 E. Fairfield 11 IN 195 Charles II o 76 Lyton Place R 11 It COUNCILb4EN Yeas ��' —Pearce Nays / /Iseterson / Y / P.ecc- __— — __In favor TTWx �I % s' �*arren Wenrel _ —.__-_ -Against 5NI MR. .. .- _ ,. ..,. Vehicle Peddler (93) Au . 7040 Renewal it " (89) " 6800 " ti 11 (92) " 6952 " Foodstuff (82) " 6960 New Peddler Lic. 82 (Service -man) Vehicle Peddler (91) Apo. 6888 Renewal Vehicle Peddler No. 90 " 6817 if Foodstuff " 6818 New Vehicle Peddler (95) " 7149 Foodstuff 7150 Vehicle Peddler (94) t' 7062 New Foodstuff " 7063 " Adopted by the Council._- _'r � I- 193 _.__ Approved --193 Aoting � vor FOEHCIL NO. 1U - ORIGINAL TO CITY CL9.- TY F ST. PAUL F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM A ' �� J September 25 1985 43cr DATE /" —"'� _. PRE: TED BY COM ISSIONER--- RESOLVED WIiMW, John R. Wolf has made application for On Sale Liquor License at 486.Jackson Street, and licant has WHER,tS, the Council has not granted said license and apP requested that application be withdrawn and license fee be refunded to him; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John R. Wold the fee of $458.33 deposited with application on August 29, 1935, and to cancel said application for license. �— s H E, Warren— \,..' C, F. No. 101686—BY �I.' Fred . • TJohn R, WoiL has made .. Wh¢reae, On Sale nlpuor License plication for t granted t 486 Jackson Street, d W herene, the Count lenntahas request - ..d s ld Ilce a e ljentlonp be withdrawn and ed that pD Lunded to him: there- 1 license Eee be Ce city oryi- (ore, I It that t' a proper uthorized Re bulve4a they a hereby on .. rete nd to John P- Wolt the Lee 11 re 3 depositedla to cappelc staid o nc d &D 39. 19 r license. plicatl ted(LY the CouAd.pncil Oct. 2. 1935. Approved of"t. '5-1935) (Oct. 5 - COUNCILMEN yeas Nays ccoirce .�'eterson 46o@etr• tl ' In favor ZPro," /Warren -- — .Against x Adopted by the Cou2 ncil_. _ _Q�T-_ 1�593- -- 193 -- Approve _. _ -- Acting p J CITY OF SAINT PAUL LICENSE APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR1JO, Application No. - --------- -- Name of Applicant-_-__.____------ - -- ----- -- -- - - - - -- --- -------------- Age. ------ ---- Residence Address ------ - - ----- - - ----- ----- ----- - - - ----- ------------- Telephone No. - - - -- - ------ ---------------- Are you a citizen of the United States.__.._.------------------- --------------------------------------- ------ Have you ever been engaged in operating a saloon, cafe, soft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? ---------- - ----- -- ------ ----------- ---------- ------- ----- - --------- --------- --- - - - --- -------- -- - ------ ------- ---- Whenand where?-------- - ------------------------- ---- -- --------- -------------- - - - ---- ---------------- - --- If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation -- -- ------ - ----------------- -- ----- --- - --- - - ------------------------------------ - ---------------------- --- ------ ---- --- -- ---- --------------------- - -- ------- ---- - -- When incorporated? ------ --- ------------ ----------- - - -- - ----- ----------- - --------------- - If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members? - ------- ----- --- How - ------- Howmany members? ---- ------------ --- - - -- ----- -------------------------------------------------- Names --------------- ------------------ -------- --- ------- ---- ----- -Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. -- - ----- --- --- --- --- - -- - ---------- — -------- — ------ — - ------------- — ---------- - --- ---------------- -- - --------------- - - ------ --- ------------------- --- -- --- -- -- -- -- - I ---- --- - - ------ -- - --- ------------------------------------------- - ----------- --- ---- --------------------------- ------------ — ------ — - -------- ------- - ------------ - - ------ ---- ----- ; ------- - - --- -- — ---- Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known — -- Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward How many feet from an academy, college or university (measured along streets) ?- ----- How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? -- — ------ - -- --- ---------------------------------------------------- How many feet from closest public or parochial grade or high school (measured along streets) ? � - -- - ----- Name of closest school -.-__-..--------------- --------- — -------- - - ------=------------------ ---------------- How are premises classified under Zoning Ordinance? ------- --- ---- --- ---- - ---- ------- - ------------ -- --- ----- ----------- ----- On what floor located? - -- ---- - ----- Are premises owned by you or leased? If leased, give name of owner If a restaurant, seating capacity? -- -- ------ - If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? - --- - ----- ----------- - ---- -- Give below the name, or intended: te ar or sale room in which liquor each additional o o number, r other description f roqus e inn - ----- ------- -- ------------- - ---------- ----------- -- --------- ---- - ---------------------------- - --------------------------- - ------------- -- -- ---------- ---- --- - --------- - - ------------------------- --- -- - ---------------------- - --- --- ------------- - --- - - ------------- - -------- -- -------------------- --- ------- ---------- - - ----- -------- - - --------------- - -- — ---------- --- - ------------- ------ --- ------ ---------- --- - -- ---- -- - ------- - ------------------ - --------------- - ------------------ ---- ------- -- - - - --- --- — --- ----- — -------------------- ----- --- ---- - - -- --- - -- -- - ----------------- - ------------ ------------------ --- - ------------------ - ------- - ---------- ----------- --- - ------------------------------ --- --- ------- -- -- - ----- - --- ----------------------- - - - ------- --- -------------- --------- ----- ----------- - --- -- -- --------- - ----------- -------- . -- --- I --------------- - ----------- -------- ----- --------------- -------------------- ----- -------------------------------- - -------------- - ---------- - ----------- - -------------------------------- ------------- --- --- - ----------- - - --- --- -- - ----------------------------------------------------------------- (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?__-___.--------------------- ---- --- --------- -- — ----------- Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel) Give names and addresses of three business references: 1 ------------- - ------- ------- - --------------- -- - ---- --- - --- - ------------------------------- ----------- — ----------- - -- -------------------- ---- ------------ - --------------- ------------ ----------- ------- - — --------- - --- - -- — — -- ---- - ------------------------ -- -- ------- . I -------------------------------------- -- 3.------- ----------------- - -- - ---- - ------------ -------- ------------------------------------------------ - - -------------------------'---------------------------------- ----- --------------------------- ------ THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED BY THE APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BYaAN OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AUTHORIZED TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATTACHED. T—uanc�, of license is not rec--11!idc',I- Application checked by Dated SEE OTHER SIDE • � � i I STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belief. Subscribed,and sworn to before me this ------- ------ day of- ---- - 193- _ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires -- -- -- .----------- ------ --- ---- STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 County of Ramsey. J}ss. being first duly sworn, deposes and says that - the _ ---- - - ------ -- -- of ---- ____.-_ -- a corporation; that _ _-.- _. has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of ._- ___ _-_ knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and executed on behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the execution there- of is the voluntary act and deed of said corporation. Subscribed and sworn to before me this. - --- - - --------- - -- day of - --- ------ 193 -------- -- --- -- -- - -- ------ - - - -- Notary --Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires - - -.- ------- ------- ------------ ----- AFK / QPM DRESB�J, J .r .i �- l) yvM DE bollars_ THIS IS A RECEIPT FOO T E E@ SIT ON YOUR APPLICATION FOR do ` - LLAB OF ENBE — NOTICE TO APPLICANT — 0 THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE. YOUR APPLICATION FOR LICENSE WILL EITHER • IN - BE GRANTED OR REJECTED UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION BY 'I TIHE LIDENH REF- SPECTOR. COMMUNICATE WITH THE LICENSE INSPECTOR, Pl. _ r- ..F,., MAT i . ERENCE TO THE COMPLETION OF THE REQUIRED INSPECTIP;. ` `' ,wls �R�CEIPT TO TER WILL BE APPRECIATED. IF YOUR APPLICATION I, • THE CITY CLERK FOR REEUNP4 v • Jd • 10 1 . CITY OF SAINT PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK R0011­988)CITY HALL A (_ I ,� V / -AW— INDICATE CASH _ CMECE ISI YJI- � _,.1 � DATE RECEIVED OF �•, ,.J o APPLICATION NUMBEfl LICANY / QPM DRESB�J, J .r .i �- l) yvM DE bollars_ THIS IS A RECEIPT FOO T E E@ SIT ON YOUR APPLICATION FOR do ` - LLAB OF ENBE — NOTICE TO APPLICANT — 0 THIS IS NOT A LICENSE TO OPERATE. YOUR APPLICATION FOR LICENSE WILL EITHER • IN - BE GRANTED OR REJECTED UPON THE COMPLETION OF THE INSPECTION BY 'I TIHE LIDENH REF- SPECTOR. COMMUNICATE WITH THE LICENSE INSPECTOR, Pl. _ r- ..F,., MAT i . ERENCE TO THE COMPLETION OF THE REQUIRED INSPECTIP;. ` `' ,wls �R�CEIPT TO TER WILL BE APPRECIATED. IF YOUR APPLICATION I, • THE CITY CLERK FOR REEUNP4 v • Jd • 10 1 1 j CITY Of SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October let, 1935. Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, Cityl Dear Sir: We enclose herewith application of John R. Wolf for refund of fee paid by him on application for an on sale liquor license at 486 Jackson Street. The Council re- ferred this matter to you for the necessary resolution author- ising such refund. We also enclose a letter of John R. Wolf withdrawing his application for transfer of an on sale liquor license from George Devitt to himself, which was referred to you for resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, PGinnesota. September 30th, 1935. To The Honorable City Council, St. Paul, "innesota. Gentlemen: tinder date of w ust 2nd, 1`Jb5, I made application for the transfer of On sale Liquor hicense to me from Geor�,e Devitt, 16 east Sixth Street),St. Paul, i.:ihnesota. I now �'iish to +ithdraw this application, :.nd respectfully request that all nnection y'+ith this Application be papers executed by me in co returned to no. Yours res,)ectfully, ohn R. olf, 486 J.acicson St., St. Paul, .-inn. St. Paul, ISinnesota. September 30, 1^35. s ?o ;'he -ionoralole City Council, St. P.,;1, !Anne:.oGa. . !'gentle len: IInder date o"u -ust 29, 1935, I made application for or,S'lc T.iquor cense, to cover prenises at 486 Jackson ' time ss is application street, St. i' .ul, I.innesota, n'1 at whic'n was accojspznied b" cash deposit in the amount of w 458.33 since the abo�7e application was made I have obtained °nd therefore respect - the transfer of an on 3ale i,iquor i,icensc, fully petition you for the return of my cash deposit. Yours very truly, G% V' Jo R, 'iJolf, , A inn. 486 Jackson St., St. Paul ORIGINAL TWLtRK J { k �,% �V?-) CITY OF ST. PAULPearce— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK - nac the tree DRe of enc AtunlciDnl Auditorium be OU IL OLUTION—GENERAL o�ce�eof to the H- R- Navlail Battalion, on Friday, Oct +hout 8;30 to 0:30 P. COMMISB PRESENTED DATtj RESOLVED That the free use of the 4rena of the municipal Auditorium be and it is hereby given to H. R. Harris, Oommanding Officer of the U. S. Naval Reserve, 11th Battalion, on Friday, October 4th, 1935, from about 8:30 to 9l 30 P. m., and the free use of Stem Hall on the same evdning from 9130 to 11!30 P. m., be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That there be set up in the budget for the year 1937 a sum equal to the cost of opening and operating said portions of the Auditorium on the above occasions, in Auditorium Fund No. 17. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays `earce /Peterson 4kaaee` _In favor Against amen �denzet+ _— 4 qR r testda:hT t� LMrar$ EIR. SECONn VICF, PRE9. TRIIAX 537 6.J4 Adopted by the Council- _.�� 2�Uq —193 OCT 2 $35 193__ Approved�j___�—(—, —{' `?7 - Mayo — Acting p PUBLISII_n�/ ��/s /� ORIa1NAL 16 dITY CL[Rlt�'� •• FILE ko. E30 CITY OF ST. PAUL e 1- V aHy Fred M. Truax OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK pfi8—roved sept, 9tn�iess'' 1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL at on the lat day or ten o'clock A. AI. , her In the Court t y(/l/ an, vola vnnne . / •vlactalbltity and PRESENTED BY T ua .lwl�K t ern abed COMMISSIONER y..,.... R�Ot7AEBIX Adopted by the Council_ ........193....... YeasNays PFARCE /PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX ,WARREN R. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) V/r WHEREAB_I,_ as provided by Council File No. 101452, approved Septembeil id, On 1935, atrtenho'clock k. M. inethedCouncilthe Ist hamberday Of in theOrr Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain shed in the rear of No. 883 Lafond street, also described as Lot 12, Victoria and Lafond pure antdtot0 dinanceoN . 7210,napproved Mayd22, 1930;ganden it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be removed and wrecked; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COUNCILMEN193— eas Nays / Adopted by the Council ^ r� `--P:.,Ce /L stetson In favor Approved_ ---193_— Fkaseet iTaa7r� �Xlarren __Against _._4r/ 3 T eenzel Aofi>'t� �` 4v s1 a oax ELWLISHED tit sH . .����.- . " "6r, , I CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6- Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October let, 1935• Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The Lttached file in the matter of the condemnation of that certain shed in the rear of 883 Lafond Street, also known aet12,tpreparation Victoria tn fodresolution nStreet dd tion was referred to you for (2nd) confirming this condemnation. Yours very truly, i City Clerk. W. LA MONT KAUFMAN S- "or PARK. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKS, Deputy Comminioner ®E October 4, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul ERNE ST W. JOHNSON bur or FIR,....... CHAS. A. BASSFORD CIT, A111—CT Gentlemen In regard to the condemnation action on the shed in the rear of 883 Lafond Street, in reference to which C. F 688 has been adopted by the Council, October 2, please be advise that an inspection has been made and we find that the shed has now been removed. Further action therefore is not required. LAR U Yoga truly, j City Architect COUNCIL , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No• OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK r-nUNCIL RESO}.UTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREg. Charles V. Welty has made application for settlement and abatement of accumulated taxes and assessments on lots 23 and 24, block 1, Gilbert's Gree—e-Y Court, and said applioant will imtediately erect a dwelling house on said property if the application is grantedf therefore. be it RESOLVED. That the Council recommends the appro-ml of the application as submitted to the County Auditor, and recommends the abatement of the penalties and interest on the special assessments now delinquent on said property. --- C. F. No. 101689— Whereas, Charles V. Welty has made .application for settlement andabate- ent of accumulated taxes nd ....... encs on Iota 23 and 24, block 1, Gil- bert's Greenway Court, and said ap- picant will immediately erect a dwell- ing house on said property if the ap- plication Is granted; therefore, be it Resolved, That the Council r - mends the approval of the application submitted to the County Auditor, Indrecommends the abatement of the 'penalties and interest on the special ese.smen[s now delinquent on said property. i Adopted by the Council Oct. 2, 1936. Approved Oct. 2, 1936. ' (Oct 6-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays carte ­11'eterson In favor TAMR— /171 ,Warren __ Against �I j ... i J SM 6%Sf' tn4/�1uu w�C�i1GVi^t•,PREF. , ' Adopted by the Council—�CT_-� _193- __ Approved _.------ —--.-_ 193_. --- — --- ,40tin, Mayor Z� /If90 S3 for 3 r3/ /L./Y /P•�3 s�rr v � qrQ 37.a� . 1.<<fY 2• 3 �/ �.3ca y� 3/ /L. /v G .7 J J 4-rd•9 3 3 ./• 1/ 9 9 � 3 y 3 '7 Y./ .1,80 Af �3 35<ff .o / 7d 1,,ro 6 av 4 *01- vL a y 3 lg3.3 /fY37 3 ro 8 .�...._. ..�183_Afl _�_ pd•3/ 2?3 dO C L/ FF/.0 7y63 yrs ;?.., 3 4.,rX -- y 3 '7 Y./ Af �3 35<ff / 7d 1,,ro 6 av 4 *01- vL a y 3 3 ro 8 DY /930 �d/y jr4-v "3 /t3 .t/b r �6 - 0 G iY_ _ _4'24 (,./0 2-19 8.�q iO L 193 .31-3a- __/o�P G_48- _I2 -fib fir T -q 7 _ f /cj 33 ,y n J o--- zf,�Y 7-,q3 70 3.63 21 -- 3 FILE ORIGINAL ro C- C1.[RR CITY OF ST. PAUL ------ OFFICE OF THE CITY YC F No. 1o1690—uy . peynpllCtcppao.•ron. BtotmlAeez�hRe.elnIPtn'eaPnheddaesar COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GE N— on tor lRted nsee eamuEasmhoa" nat— d'.e .$lol$Cf:;±BJ"b. �• � • Y�eh�Ya� CourL.. ayd•.,w�, bl PRESENTED BY :R. 'n" COMM19910NER WHEREAB, Now Homes, Ino. has made application for settlement and abatement of accumulated taxes and assessments on Lot 22, Block 3, Gilbert Greenway Court, and said Company will immediately erect a dwelling house on said property if the application is granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council recommends the approval of the application as submitted to the County Auditor, and reoom- mends the abatement of the penalties and interest on the special assessments now delinquent on said property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson /i favor _Against Warren rren - 1� Adopted by the Council—V't--�- 1 , . 193— GCT 2 1% 193 — Approved---- 7— or A( in# PC1Bi.�IiCD �'�i 5 * RIBS UDMOR R'A'M S E Y COUNTY 1111111v °H o� $� OFFICE OF COUNTY AUDITOR SAI\T PAITL I NESOTn September 28, 1935 Mr. Axel Peterson, COMMissioner of Finance, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Attached find four applications Nos. 46842 and for lt and Abatement Of AcculatedTaxes, penalties Interest and Costs, all filed by the Northwest Homes Inc. As a great part of the assessments on this property is in the nature of local improve- ments the applications are respectfully referred to the City Council for action and recommendation. Yours very truly, Geo. J. Ries, Count Audltor� C_ e ty. Ahw September 23, ITS !o the *M*Mble posses, City Of 8t. Pax' 1Eiimesota 6sntlemene We have iIvered to the County Audit" 09911""M for seetleasnt of t~ as they relate to the reduoti0a a! uteresto penalty and ooets on asaeeemeats Co mote 22 sad 83.E ck bower and Lo%s 22 and Ms $lack 4 611bertle dreonxey Court, recited in the applicat1ons `the follo IM3 eP0plieation i9 ftr settlement on Local 1"Pro"ment Asseserr-ent as per agreement frith City Council on septembwr 26, 1935. APPiicaut *0e*ing to *sect taxable stracture on 1=4-wIn firmconation of the above we wieh to report to lsted e: you plans lucre been opmpd contracts are today being let for the a==ping and foundation for one home On 70t 22 and one-half of Lot 23, Block 3, and one beme on 'Sot 23 and ons,4011 of IAt M Black 4. and that the apP1148ti*n fns' building permit w1h be presented to 0111 Building t"nt on saptea*er 30th or 0etsber 1st. Applications for settlement on other late included in the group will bs meal wi timeto a nstt"etim ion o! definite as as we are read, to P bosses. Yev truly yon. UW Sam INC. 71 7T ` CLAPP-Ti4omssEN CO. REALTOR! 603 MINNESOTA BUILDING WILLIAM D. LAPP .TAINT PAUL. MINN—TA OHLAN D U. TIROMSSEN r 5 To t:,:c H:w-')roble council Cit- of St. !'in,-. cat4:. Gct : ''v 0 r' ,ie .ave ,i -7 ' to t -c CO �-,ty �u(�'t r D -r. ' " - - `or sctt-..-:.-.t f "Ixes , 9 t-, -7 i,, L. t., t 1:-c rzl ctA---n ---r, ct, Ccstc on -.r S--, -,i, Lots v:-', "l-, '51Dc'- a Lot� Joc � .1 1: -� , � - t I F arccm zr rt, rrr^t. ". in t'Zy,-t , I! , � m ' -, - follol,IrC : t?o. J, `or sttt t on Local I-,,, Asscsn A as ( r --t "I'll city Co -c -'l Cr Se -,tc.i2b, 19;:5- -A-j-.icvnt rccir erect :-.a:b ie 7 t r�;c tjre on (I. J-1 c. -,-r_, :)n to to n c ol; -c ve bC,(_j- coapt. t. C tj-��tS let f -r the cx.c-.v,,-.tins L fc 4ation -.c h- 3:,. Lot ZZ I CrLot 10 c'-- 2, -,n, Tot .22 Z-Iid 2 tion-. `'or --r At rile b rc - t:d t,-) --,c Dr xt! ;, t on S,')te iJcr , Oth cr Ist. Ap- - lots ,�jjr,ti�rp — �e t c. -.c t 2n ot' r 1. i -111 LL .1-1. fro:, tL,,, tont' s ::.c c. f y t�) �—Itec, Vcr,, tru'--- ,- -1-, 'IV , -- "s - 1. - 11... 1 C. GOU NGIL NO. -y f i(l FILE ORIGINAL TO CITY CLIRK # CITY OF ST. PAUL . rI COY CITY ' • BY OFFICE OF THE UTIO 4—GEtC.wear@.10x69- aom e01lncPet COUNCIL RESO gg aD011cetfon for settlement art mens OI mGlated toKeP, -a-1­- eeementa n a-1 88, Block __� Green med ct t, ansa a.I I.tOI .qd t, PREB94TED COMMISSIONER ytIlfcthe p operr& d; therefore, F^ WNZMS, Few Homes, no, hoe made application for settlement and abatement of accumulated taxes and assessments on Lot 22, Block 4, Gilbert Greenway Court, and said Company will immediately erect a dwelling house on said property if the application is granted; therefore, be it nBOLVED, That the Council recommends the app and recom- of the application as submitted to the County Audi'�r, and mends the abatement of the penalties and interest on the special assessments now delinquent on said property. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays/ ea e eterson R,6ea __In favor T ., Y Varren __Against ,VlcasoL SE., �.;.) J l „73 . TRTJAX SM _ Adopted by the Council_ OCT --- — 19393_ ocr a i 193 — — Approved___--- -- — —/Q, tiny ayor IUBUSB ss /q30 44.7 3 /33 q.�7 /.33 /080 /9y P? /� 16,10 3 86 /q 96 77 X163G 83�3 ---- 3� 03 -------- 60 x/63 — 4.,rte 8 d 93 0 L8 CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFU .79 3G 3r KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTM II93Y /q30 44.7 3 /33 q.�7 /.33 /080 /93/ 33 f0 7-f3/ 16,10 3 86 /q 96 - '------- 3 O3— /93/ 33 f0 7-f3/ 16,10 3 86 /q 96 ---- 3� 03 -------- 60 x/63 — 4.,rte 8 d 93 0 — CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFU INTEREST FIGURED TO__-- __193_ KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTM II93Y Yr3/ /G./O X83 yo 93 /7L 4jl / Y(L f3C/ - '------- 3 O3— 7-f3/ 16,10 3 86 /q 96 ---- 3� 03 -------- 60 x/63 l3Pad CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFU INTEREST FIGURED TO__-- __193_ KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTM IORM 0.Y! -d (YM 9-w CITY OF SAINT PAUL IM -RETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT l DATE STATEMENT DELIVERED TO ADDRESS— – OF ASSESSMENTS RATIFIED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND CONFIRMED BY THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR RAMSEY COUNTY Date of Notice Lot Hlovk Ori¢inol Aeeme- Inetnu—it Into. mt Next Ivtvn ret PAGE NAME OF IMPROVEMENT AND DESCRIPTION or br Ren¢e ADDITION evt payable in paid or certified Balavm vt 6%from 1-11moot Penelt TOTAL 9. D¢yRr Year eectiov Town m' tdlmevre to C000ty Auditor Mo. Dvy Year y r �C 1—z /�� 3�,. ® O �6� I i 3r �3/ 3q 470 Ufa $_f ai.�q ® (93 GO 3V-03 3667 t - to / �'`� • ��p,� dam' - CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT. AXEL F. PETERS(AN COMMIeeIOIiER OF FIRANCt I NTEREST FIGURED TO / Iaa KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. (OV¢R) 4T+16C, eARt : tTIF�9! RR.�-. r, I Statement of Real Estate Tag for the Year 1934. Fant I/} tar payable on or befom March 31 Secood..y�-tax-payablw<ar bofom Aun if 31 Third t/ far oev. le on or beforo Auausf 31 Name Address AunW 6r.wa1 I N.tw btmt Ti.t Muen Ta ".t w 6widil11 M-1.1 11 TOTAL ® I E:amiae thi, Statement —fully. Compare the de.erfption with that TESAFA S K pivan in your deed or contract and see that it cover. your property. EISA M. OBSTr gAAt__n&ppY COUNTY _ See back of Statement for Tax laws of Minne.om and Tax Rete Dated- ZZ4 1935 Par— ��// ON PROPERTY IN RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Return County Treasurer doea not mom. Mss levy the t"- establish va " This Statement .6. -or the tax rate. For information about tax WhenYou Pay ler, or rete sea Conon (. an tori about valaationer aa THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT County Assessor. ha Ik►'i to Ylw a s� DESCRIPTION ems. t Fant I/} tar payable on or befom March 31 Secood..y�-tax-payablw<ar bofom Aun if 31 Third t/ far oev. le on or beforo Auausf 31 Name Address AunW 6r.wa1 I N.tw btmt Ti.t Muen Ta ".t w 6widil11 M-1.1 11 TOTAL ® I E:amiae thi, Statement —fully. Compare the de.erfption with that TESAFA S K pivan in your deed or contract and see that it cover. your property. EISA M. OBSTr gAAt__n&ppY COUNTY _ See back of Statement for Tax laws of Minne.om and Tax Rete Dated- ZZ4 1935 Par— ��// Y BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT. T OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. p jii@oQAT D()$ N OF FINANCE AXEL F. PETERSON /gycf x i / G(ov ! f86 r8/ SG? - 3q 3 Y3 844 Al f 3 3'Y /y�o �ps3 f86 �246 r3� 9517 /33 /080 ).f3/ /6// 677 �yBB 2� y Go /93 f3 6 /> �A �l8 f3 /q3/ f36 .� f8lo �(/ JA7 /G-// rlo Gyp 31.3 9 7 T,?6 17(- %644P3 4493 20954 360,4 <yyy o 3/33 W� f86 ,r7/ 3Go �e8 •1t(v Joy d/-1871 d/4,'7 Y BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT. T OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. p jii@oQAT D()$ N OF FINANCE AXEL F. PETERSON Eamine this Statement carefully. Compare the description with that EISA M. OBST Tass9QRga. given in your deed or contract and me that it covers your property. r aaMegy COUI1Tr See back of Statement for Tax Laws of Minnesota and Tax Rate Dated 9—�' jt 1935 Per— Statement of Real Estate Tax for the Year 1934. Post% te: payable on or before March 3ase1 First half payable on or before May 31 1935. rciON PROPERTY IN RAMSEY COUNTY MINNESOTA Thi'IuIvy tar payable on or before Au 3 d 31 Second ball payable on or before Return County Treasurer does not Name levy the toes, establish vdu- atmor the rats This Statement For iuformatislion, about tax Address When You Pay levy or rnte, see County Hadi. [.. tor; about valuations, sea .S7.i THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT County Assessor. &,,,I — I's -1su, — m WO -I � I -Did. DESCRIPTION I .-1.11 I I F� - N I TM a1N K ad. � I T.TAL Eamine this Statement carefully. Compare the description with that EISA M. OBST Tass9QRga. given in your deed or contract and me that it covers your property. r aaMegy COUI1Tr See back of Statement for Tax Laws of Minnesota and Tax Rate Dated 9—�' jt 1935 Per— CITY OF SAINT PAUL Iff-RETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT DA� STATEMENT DELIVERED TO_ OF ASSESSMENTS RATIFIED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND CONFIRMED BY THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FORRA!ISEY COUNTY 4 Date of Notice Lot Block Original Aaeear - Imtallment Inte+t Neet Inw rat PAGE Mo Mar NAME OF IMPROVEMENT AND DESCRIPTION or or Range ADDITION ent payable in paid or certified Beiance at 6%Iron ear ImWimeal d TOTAL NoYa�1Day y Year Section To— mimtnllmtota to County Auditor Mo. Da Due Penalty ai7v Q O 0 .---3� i/�J- Q �� YY 3 &03_ �l 9Ys / s✓ 6o s�Y .% �- fl771'q 11i6 7 r3 3X90 C (%Gh2- .o 7. s if"� q 7 ✓ 9 s47 sZs 9.90 Y6 0 3 C .off CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT. AUI,F.PF.TEn^i0., � CAMMI8810NER OF FINANCE INTEREST FIGUREDTO / 193 KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. .—�� (IOM 0.Y) (OVEa) WHEREAS, New Homes, Inc. has made application for settlement and abatement of accumulated taxes and assessments on Lot 23, Block 3, Gilbert Greenway Court, and said Company will immediately erect a dwelling house on said property if ion is granted; therefore, be it the application That the Council recommends the approval to the County Auditor, and of the application as submitted recommends the abatement of the penalties and intoTertyest . the spedial assessments now delinquent on said pr P COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson _f___In favor �-retex, . Warren Against --- Vil—"t- llk'0141, V � �• � �; i. '1 IWA1f Adopted by the Council—,arj -2-w-193-- OCT 193_— OCT ° ' 193__ Approve _.--.__ Acting eoUNCIL NO. Oa�OMwl TO C.. CLt.K FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF tlC F No. 103092—BY Azel F• Pe' mgd,l� Incand Date - Whoeareas, Newe omea, ettl!de at COUNCIL RESOLUiaDDtl cationfor B anL ae- �u,=st ccumulated t 011bert l, lc 3, ald ComPanY e ne to ono Lot gin LB ea wnY onurt, a ellng Wre a ect 111 IommEeadla[elY I[ the aDD Id Property PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER house tion le granted Ott tris{ CoOo 11 llieston fifi geeolt de the aPDroval of the aDD pudttor, as submitted to the County ommends the abatement of the on the sPeWd penalties and Intereaf now dellnGuent on assees5nente property. the Council Oct. 2, 1936 Adopted by Approved Oct' 2. 681936) WHEREAS, New Homes, Inc. has made application for settlement and abatement of accumulated taxes and assessments on Lot 23, Block 3, Gilbert Greenway Court, and said Company will immediately erect a dwelling house on said property if ion is granted; therefore, be it the application That the Council recommends the approval to the County Auditor, and of the application as submitted recommends the abatement of the penalties and intoTertyest . the spedial assessments now delinquent on said pr P COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson _f___In favor �-retex, . Warren Against --- Vil—"t- llk'0141, V � �• � �; i. '1 IWA1f Adopted by the Council—,arj -2-w-193-- OCT 193_— OCT ° ' 193__ Approve _.--.__ Acting .f ' t--2 3 A -moi iJ _.4A___w:.w �`- C -w & ala TION CAREFU 66 ��• #fa.�/ 1" I<D—L NOT Y DEPARTM INTERESTPIGU D -1.0.2E-E (- E-2) WI-C4/fFP 867 b <.m /6.// 1.3/ 7.73 z3 N G 388 3/33 i fW7 /.3.7_ /oleo r3! 16.11 L.77. 1188 ,� 7 97 ss r G 2G,v8 . vG 3 44? 6. ),r /f7 v 443 s o 9 1 3f ,r ,/,/3 /?33 3/.33 9�47 /•70 _ f0 a. c ys�Y �G /.440_ 7 ? 6 ;-,r3 / 14-11 3 ?7_ /,? 7g � / 1Y �•3l /, 0�1 t3,r 13. 26 -w & ala TION CAREFU 66 ��• #fa.�/ 1" I<D—L NOT Y DEPARTM INTERESTPIGU D -1.0.2E-E (- E-2) WI-C4/fFP ;- Statement of Real Estate Tax for the Year 1934. FrN 1/ fax payable on or before March 31 assON First half p"Wo on or before May 31 1935. PROPERTY IN RAMSEY COUNTY, MINNESOTA Thlyd I/ fe: payable on or bofore August 31 second haft Payable on or before Oct. 33 1935. County Treasurer does not Name Return levy the taut, establish vale. This Statement '6o- ar the a, rat - For information about tax Address When You Pay Ioor rate, see CountyAudi- torir; about valuations, we THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT County A..w.cr. e.0 tua•1 La I ea. AumN Waal ward ma DILL DESCRIPTION Ls. Tres e s TassDss Tsx ween atn.e Taw Llai lasrx.amnt Fnstns tlastilss TasalsF as DsL De. TOT" a 90Isoll fr Foci lr o. rsv I9/ b Y V • fsamine this statement carefully. Compare the description with that liven in your deed or contract said see that it covers your property. USA M. OBSTp,,yy See back of Statement for Tax Laws of Minnesota and Tax Rete Dated_TZL �- 1935 Per CITY OF SAINT PAUL _ WRETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT DATE �- STATEMENT DELIVERED TO — ---- ADDRESS_ - OF ASSESSMENTS RATIFIED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND CONFIRMED BY THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR RAMSEY COUNTY DAte of Notice PAGE pgyw�lhp awrrvtr NAME OF IMPROVEMENT AND DESCRIPTION Lot Block Origins) AaaaIa- Imtallment .r ar R.... ADDITION mevt pay.blo iv paid or certified Sectiov Tow. i.eLBmente to C ... ty Auditor 11.Ianm I.t.... I Next I.tc.eet at o%from Imt.Bmeol e.d TOTAL Mo. Day Y—Due Penalty - - Mo. Day Yea. //47 (.3 Wf791V -61 6/.// . Qaa� 3;k -.y3 ✓ /6.// /`ftp /7 �-f� kxoeeeaa �emm /.5-3-0C1v s '/7.3f 9 s 2 3 9 90 s d l 3 f.7 ,S' Y8 1/- •3 8 S9,...a� AXEL F. PETER'5O " CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT, txaMM1IIS1UNQt INTEREST FIGURED TO 193_(.r g3 KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. l7F FINANCE (oven) e ORIGINAL TO CITT CL[RK FI ENCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL POFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL SO UTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY t, DATE COMMISSIONER WHEREAS, New Rpmes, Inc. has made application for settle- ment and abatement of accumulated Jraaes and assessments on Lot 23, Block 4, Gilbert Greenway Court, and said Company will im- mediately erect a dwelling house on said property if the appli- cation is granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council recommends the approval of the application as submitted to the County Auditor, and recommends the abatement of the penalties and interest on the special assess- ments now delinquent on said property. C. F. No. 101693—Hy Axel F. Pet ere on— I. C. Pearce—Fred M. Truax— 1 Whereas, New Home[, Inc. has ads a 'lllcatly� for ttlemert d abete- ment of ulated inert and ...- ""t' on slot 23,a Block 4,C mlDaert nyI vreenway Court,e n In Immediately r of a dwelling hones 'said property It [h, upDllcatlon Is 1 grantee ; there[ore. he IThat th t ds tthe approval of anti mends 1, en ue o,ttea o the County Auditor, ander .mends the abatement ofe dal ed, At �qr""'ty�d penaltie6 nd in tereat on theepantenodelinquentonsaid .eilAdoptby the Council Oc[. 2, 1936. Approved Oct. 2, 1936. (Oct. 6-19361 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson J /, In favor Warren — _Against 5M Adopted by the Council—QCT __2_19 ,_193— Ci;� 93 -- Approved---- -T Mayor - Acting BEFORE MAKING PA4MENT. cN- _ IISSIONEA OF FIN.— OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS, AXIL F. P':TER30N rea_— &. CSL//—/ORo�—_-- _—__— T� /9>q •, cl, •./ _ yf / /G/O 773 a3Y3 . ya G/ 2��6 8 T 3C 3,i 33 /0.80. 1 T 1 /6./0 6-76 --y96. W �/s P741- 741-8—Io —I-o / 6<1 ATG -8 5//f /`<<j 90 ylrrJ` 33 40 /93v ,$ef7G� 3133 ?4-) GYT /✓ �v. / /6/O 4/Q3 / 21, 303 / � 6•L 19-33 4(/.63 r 3/ 30 947 /7o // /7 q c- ,s �y 2/7Y/OCL yr l /6/0 3P6 f3r /00 J /V✓ 3a 0,c 760 4/43 BEFORE MAKING PA4MENT. cN- _ IISSIONEA OF FIN.— OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS, AXIL F. P':TER30N rea_— &. CSL//—/ORo�—_-- _—__— CITY OF SAINT PAUL `RETURN THIS STATEMENT WHEN YOU REMIT OFFICE OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ASSESSMENT STATEMENT DATF _ / d —193 STATEMENT DELIVERED TO __—___ —__._— ADDRESS—__.__ — OF ASSESSMENTS RATIFIED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA, AND CONFIRMED BY THE DISTRICT COURT IN AND FOR RAMSEY COUNTY Date of Notice Lot Dlock Orfgioal AMese- PAGE NAME OF IMPROVEMENT AND DESCRIPTION ADDITION in Imtallment Balance Iota eat at 6% f'.. Next Io nrmt Imtallmeat d TOTAL urArmu�oF Nvrr r or Range t payable Mo. DayAx Year section Town Ilmenm paid or certified WC ounty Auditor Mo. -Dy_ Due Penalty /-7 ;O V 0 I -/-W 3q X70 g79i8 . ,CA`s: /yam /6 /. 6 0 O r ) c� ✓. /� o_ / �/�i /� iJ' 47 3 �8 loo 3l 03 YG 31oG7-,:.mow,. _ CHECK DESCRIPTION CAREFULLY BEFORE MAKING PAYMENT. AXEL F. PETERSON CAMMIEHIONER OF FINANCE �•" -- -" - '"' I NTEREST FIGURED TO 193.,.fL - KINDLY NOTIFY DEPARTMENT OF CHANGE OF ADDRESS. 09M 0.L) (OVHA) Rfafssns.nf of RBAI FS►Afe TAY fnr fhe Year 1934. First % fax payable on or before March 31 V.*— h.1$ .... M..a .r h.f..r. Mav 31. 1935, Third I/ far peye ON PROPERTY IN RAMSEY COUNTY, NIINNESOTA worth �/. te: sIcrub B on or lWgust Or before 31 Second heli payable on or before Oct. 31 1936. ReM��an iilliiZ� County Treasurer does not Name levy the taxes, astablisb valu- This Statement aetbe'� For informationn &bont tax Address For When You Pay levy or rate, see County Audi- tors about valuations, sea THIS IS NOT A RECEIPT County Assessor. Pae SA -1 BitaaAu1 BAetl Neta Tm LAsI lon rtW au leri 4Did.DESCRIPTION 6. Tan M ser a .- 11 . TOTAL To 11 tw RI Bet TaaZ. a -So f r r ss o s 00 a a is .o c i U F-umina this Statement carefully. Compare the description with that T'.[„SA M. OBSTTREASURM Y COUNTY given to your deed or contract and see that it covers your property. r "11S / See back of Statement for Tax laws of Minnesota and Tax Rate ^� Doted_ ' n 1935 P REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE • PROPERTY. MANAGEMENT APPRAISALS PAYSON N. GILBERT GILBERT AND GILBERT LOUIS A. GILBERT REALTORS GUARDIAN BUILDING SAINT PAUL October 1, 1935 Mr. Axel Peterson, Commissioner od ieinance, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Dear Mr. Peterson: At your request, we are giving you herewith the name of the purchaser of Lots 23 and 24, Block 1, of Gilbert's Greenway Court, said lots being located on Beechwood Avenue, on the corner of Syndicate. Mr. Charles V. Welty, of Brown and Bigelow, the purchaser, is anxious to start building a house as soon as he can obtain title to these lots, and if the Commissioners of the City of St. Paul can accept payment of all assessments standing against these lots, less penalties and interest, Mr. Welty agrees to start building at once. Very t ruly yours, G T Ar By 1 PHG:mmd ,-� O RIOINIIL TO rlTr CLdRK _ CO ENCIL NO.—M�." 4 CITY OF ST. PAUL ��t� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESEVED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the application of Alfred Swanson for permission to operate a public garage on Lots 1 and 2, Block 24, Oakville Park, located at 1103 Arcade street, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNC 'MEN Yeas le�rfe �L'eterson Nays � -Rosen _—__ —lit favor Warren -YL"bwo -_--Against MR. SFn:ON1: V 7�;- Ti,UAX 5M 6. 1 �i C. F. No. 101694—BY Fred 1�i, ns t! Resolved, the aP0 ten to D" That `IAl[red Swanson tot pun bots 1 and st me a public enrage located Block 24. Oakville fe herebY ernnted, 1103 Arcade Street' { Parke. Play - .ad me comtnfesloner grounds and Public Butldinea fe herebg authorized Rd lnetrueted to Issue per [herbf,r. Ad Op ted by the Council ort. 2. 1935- Approv et. 1936. ed O t. i (Oct. 6-1936) 1 Adopted by the Council-- -193- 0,T Z� Approved_____. AotiAg(, Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October let, 1935• Mr. John L, Connolly, Corporation 00uneel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Alfred Swanson for permission to operate a public garage on Lote 1 and 2, Block 24, Oakville Park, being 1103or a Arcade Street was referred to you, by theso- lotion to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. NOTICE OF APPLTCATION FOR PERMIT T - A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on 193 to the C y Co ncil of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, b y for permission $pee#r a public garage on the following describ- ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Countyy, Minnesota, to wit: Lot y Block 7� Addition, Saint Paul, I,iinneso a.On the __side of St. Ave., between Ave. and / St. Ave. Number //O_ziL�- jam' St. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA; l 88 County of Ramsey, J �ese �tiduly sworn, on oath ................... th ted has been clerk of the ul pio ettsays; that he is, and durin6 all the tiein Bt. Pau] Pioneer pioneer Press Co.. Publisher 01 the newsPaPer known as at ane year Press, and hes full Rowledge o1 the facts he relnalter stated: that for mare � prior to the licstlon Min dt the... ........`�.. ........... ........ ....... St- Paul, reiciafter described. said newspaper was Printed and Published the City Of all in the County of Ramsey. State of Mlnnesotal on each day of each Fits known office said time said newspaper bas been Prated in the EttBlfab )abeuBH 01 Publication within the city from which It purports to be Issued as above stated in es, with five columns to a been issued daily each week from a known office coltmm and sheet form equivalent in space to at least Your ped With ed workmen and the page, each sixteen inches long: has established in said Place of Pub and printingcation and �he same; that during all said time in its necessary material for Preparing its to serve; that during all said time ithas makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of tts news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it Pttrpe Pub- not wholly duplicated any other Publication, and has not been entirely made UP place Pa _ regularlydelivered to plate matter and advertisements: hes been circulated in and near its satdTfortyflce; andthat hun licateon tom beret's ut of at least two had entry as second clans matter n its lfocal Post° )yfennesota. 0. paying here there has been on file in the office of the County �owledHe of the facts, showingth name and location of the affidavit er aaperson luving nd the eiders shed newspaper Of nee of the conditions acts, s constituting its qualifications as a lege ... newspaper. . ......... c� .........hereto ......... ..... attached .. That the ............ r m was cut from and Published therein a the columna of said newspaper, and was Pre J .......,mWe-.reelor, the English language, .`.... �2ox-c .....day of the.................. that it was fust so published on.............. ....... ese- �"'^'" and thereafter on..... NOTICE OF APPISOAa'LOtr ,_ T _ ...... ; and sro prmvasfl w rvatrc 6 �11to ..day o ............. .............. Nance v naroby stven t= ura"at the and includi ... •............. abet from A to Z, both lhclusive, 6eeu°a 1a•la, oNinaaco x. is h Printed copy of the lower case a1Ph Composition cay oc saint Taut. Mmnea vrita tin°e to a size and kind of type used in the writ be mw cerosin `. intoe ram. that the following city C.=%l' oe° the city and 1s hereby acknowldged as being th llluaee°tm. •Er An[ep1a L°r a ey° scribes. meat ut tots and publtcatton of said notice, to-wit: nwhtr Minnie Atr waai.1 i-s niopr Ya' onaviae abcaetsbuatmnocaremr«zra slot MI¢a butWae6a]4�W saatim[' ....... 130b Ar• treat. N!W?n . i etnat. ul MitlllMota. 6aDteat• .................... ............ ................................ ,� �aot. SF7R-L..laa0.1 Q ri �� u i8 d...�.. 9.... and sworn to before me thffi..... . —w Subscribed .. ey County. hafnnesota .............(No tary ... bli , Ission experes.11 ° a',Sr: f •.fir' i My conun J �r �� ...... ` lye STATE OF MINNESOTA; i1 ss . . County of Ramsey, says ........ ../... .........'`!..... .. ... being duly sworn, on oath ....... says; that he is, . and during all the times herein fated has been clerk of the Dispatch - pioneer Press Co., Publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Dispatch, Sibul-]Edonaev �' and has full knowledge of the facts /h}erreiin�afffteer� stated; t�hatf�ormote than one year prio�rf� e publi/r/ytion therein of the ... .. °�.. dWi�n-=Qni..... �..... /.....�. .. �..�c_- hereinafter described, said newspaper was Printed and published in the City of St. Paul, I. the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated in column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four Pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has, been issued daily each week from a known office necessary a said Place preparing publicationrin�e0.h same; that during allth skilled rkmen and said time in Its necessary material for twenty-five makeup not less than twenty-five per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it Purports to serve; that during all said time it has not wholly duplicated any other publication, and has not been entirely made up of patents, plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its said Place of pub- lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (340) copies regularly delivered " paying subscribers and had entry ss second class matter in its local postoffice; and that there has been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota, the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting its qualifications as a legal newspaper. That the ...............�� @R.................. hereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in the English language, eftee`�... • • .. .......... that it first so published on -C. �`. �: `. .... the ...... /..�D... .......day of iia i.. each week ..........%:.::......... 19......, 3s— and thereafter .. ......... of`Atmde, etre het—h M&9s 0lla Y fade shut, est aide , , , , and de St r. • D7m.. 1431 street' t0 and B . printed co . of s a s s e alpha bet f ...... ➢slot Paw. lfleutneeots... Oa the and JeeneIDlne 8fieet. NymhR 330b At- 3)ate6 at-fiatst "raw: iJlca ayeem- that the following 1s a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z. both inclusive, alit" 39ss � I and fa hereby acknowldged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition ' 1S and publication of said notice, to -wit: ah detgWklmao "tuv x � sass... �R..('t/t.. .. 000 00 t ............... 19..... Subscribed and sworn to before me this ... /D. .day at... sass// .................. sass .. ......i.�.eo�mn�ty, ........ otaryP lc, Ramnnesota My commission expires. A, 7. J,.'. i .............. 1 19..... ct0(r a HVrrrtr. A. 8—BY Fred M. Troagnd — ' / 'o- Council Flle 11988tan8. D' $ 1936. Por Ca )• 1� anted t - CITY B' OI \ oxlomet. ro elrr e�tae CITY OF S7. PAUL rtaii grd maintain drive OFFICE OF THE CITY CLER.tauon on Hart of not a, sl Irvine's Aodeio oto Fran' ESOLUTION—GENER/ r�'eih streets: d COUNCIL R� e id tette sate* s�r, e Id carts s Olson 1. �ndi to tr +• r tr .� ARES SSIOD BY _.oM"—�— COMMINER SAS, by Oounoil File 100862, approved June 19, 1935, were granted to Carl E. Olson to install permission and authority on part of Lot 3, Block 17, and maintain a drive-in filling station Rice & Irvinets Addition, located at the southwesterly corner of Franklin and Rest Fourth streets; and the said Carl 9PMESkB, by letter dated September 30th, 1935, Z. Olson requested the Council to transfer to Eduard grerck and id Carl E. Olson, aequir- Elmer D. Frerok all rights whioh he, the said erok and ed by said Council File 100862, in which request Edward B'r Elmer D. Frerak joined, and whereas, the Council is of the opinion request should be granted, subject to the same that the transfer condtions as the original grantI therefore, bb it i RESOLVED+ That Permission and authority are hereby gives to Edward Frerok and Elmer D. grerak to install and maintain the location above described, subject, drive-in filling station at the 1 rmiesion to Carl s as the original Pe however, to the same condition the blue -print E. Olson. said station to be erected according to son and attached to said Council File filed by the said Carl E. Ol 100862. COUNCILMEN ea Nays ays eterson In favor tieee" __ ./'1,,/ ---"_Against 11 arren r 1. X Adopted by the Council__w---%-W 193_- WL Actino ma� PUBIJS1M 3 G � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON C� City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October let, 1935. Yr. John L. Connollyr Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached letterrelativetalla- to the application for transfer of a perm or the tion of a filling station on the southwesterly corner of irranklin and Deet Fourth Streets from Carl S. Olson to $dward Frerck and almer D. Frerck were referred to your by the Council, for the preparation of a resolution to grant this transfer. ?ours very trnlyt City Clerk. St, Paul, Minnesota September 30th, 1935. To the Council of the City of Saint Paul: On the,19tb 48y ofJuneted t ,1935, theeigned,cl City Council, he by 1. resolution NO. 100"21 grg Olson, permission and authority to install and maintain a drive-1n filling station on part of Lot 3, Block 17, the oorner of�ineFranklinditionand Westocated Fourthastreets.uthwesterly I now desire to transfer to 11 Edward Frerok and Elmer D. Frerek all rights which T obtained by the Council action above mentioned, for the reason that I no longer have any connection leased byothedescribed Freroks. property, Edward and Elmer D. Frerok join with me in this request, in which each of us requests the Council to tri hts tbc which Iid Edwardhave to erectosuc anderk Elmer Dllingstation' erok all pursuant to the Council lotion aforesaid; atto take said Elmer D. Frerek and Edward Frerek hereby agree said permit subject to all the conditions contained in the grant to me, and agree to erect the station in taccordance with the blu.- o said council File Roe 100882filed by me and attached i JACKSON.WALSH S. YACKEL ATTORNCYS AT LAW ENDICOTT BUILDING SAINT PAUL EARL FJACKBON TKOMAS W.WAL M MARLERJYACKEL MARRMALL F HURLEY - S,ptemoer Eon. C'uncil, City 01 St.Pa.ul, Court House, St. Paul, 11nnesota. Centluu:en:- Tl On ti,e 5t"day of Juiy, 1935, so n o Olson signed a 1:...se with Richard A. also on a certain .i-ce of r, —ty w..ic- is located on t:.. Scum. ast car;:Lr of Fourt., ann Frai_._lin Streets. Tnis uro;�erty was to b� used i r t::e suroose of a Due to iinal,cial tr_uo.s, 16011 was unawl- to carry out n ter .s ane c ,.diti;ns of leas. , so Uh aria: was �e� ally cancelled and r,zur:,..d tj Ricna.Td A.';laish. Subsequ.ot y, a new 1_,se was drawn b,tw,an Ric.iard A.�{i"B" as lessor t ,d Jo. -n S. N-r..rck as lessees, hu _n a.1n"ard Fr rcn a:. ... d.. t ar,-ct ,6 ti.e-oarti, s t.;1— lase arL u;w -ed roc�rty. , a f iliii,_-staQjA on t..e above n,untione_, TIIe a.1 _t ,r ._t filling statio.. WUS ri n ,rained b n C until t Cy,and the a.d- oerulit i:; stll� in ills ._a:rle. T?,is noraol� Body ;'�- ac sitaatiui; and the Wise your lids t� to, lease r. s-:�-ctfully Vbove men%'.; G, . it th 3 trausfu t- cermi. r qac st Council e'- � i &ward now ouldyL, .:-r. Cls ,n ur t i su: ,rerc, do: Z MLr FrLrC4 a,.d- John S.Roth. Tnan.Ki% you 'or yaur nn c.;usilsera' ion in t_is matter, I am, Respectfully your Attorney for Richard A.walsh 1 ORIGINAL i0 CITY Cl.[aK FOUeNCIL No. 161696 t ITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK qC'OOUNL RESOLUTION FORM PRESEh iD BY `/fit"/� DATE—October 2 1935 COMMIS ONER RE190VO6I7[ lied for b and M. Schouveller YPHERE(tS Barber license, application 6789, app Y Raymond at 287 Colburne St. was not granted by the Council; therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Raymond M. Schouveller the fee of Q$10.00 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN 0 C T Yeas Nays Pece Peterson favor ^ �J A-;- n;, TRUA% C. R dNn. 101696—By H. E. Warren _ f FreM Truax— Whereae, Barber license, application 076Y, applied for by Raymond M. 9choo- eller 11 287 Colburne Bt. t t 'granted by the Council; therefore be It Resolved, that the proper cl e c i -be !' to re fund d Raynwndereby a Ihorized 310.00 to ceacel eller ! the fee of and to cancel aid . a ppI"at 10 for license:. Adopted by the Codnoil Oct 2, 1936. ! Approved Oct. 8, 1936. _ ((-L 6-1936) 0CT 2 Adopted by the Couneil______� OCT ? �' Approved �---------- t—_--- 193 Aotffff Mayor 101697 1� COUNCIL FILE NO-- INTERMEDIARY O — INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of oonstruoting monolithic oonorete sidewalk on the west aide of Duluth Avenue from Matgland Street to Magnolia Street, exoept where reo"d sufficient walks now exist, - aARY ORDERS. `1 of constructing mon �,' �,A^_te sidewalk on the .1 Ah Avenue from,M .y .o Magnolia Sf'. s . andtficier le•,°der P", mine•t, .gd Aug. . l.t t -Cd . ^e. under Prelittifnary Order 101374 approved August 27, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance. upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with 1. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is eonstruot monolithic conorste sidewalk on the west side -of Duluth Avenue frau Margland. Street to Magnolia Street, emoept where good and sufffoient walks now exist, , with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1112.64 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 29th ..—day of —Oeteher , 193—_ , at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Buildingin t City' of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OCT 2 �Jaj , 193. Approved OCT 5) 193— • City Clerk ti ayor Councilmar*jd`_;jVattald Pearce CouneilmarLWlt w i4 m peteroon CouncilmarlIftawfOASIM Warren �� i�aY=Y-�"^vcaaa� F,rk%: SSFPF � U I C e: PRES. TRUAX � COUNCIL FILE NO By INTERMEDIARY ORDER 101698 In the Matter of oonstraoting-sidewalk, where neoessary, on Pinehurst Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue, h01698— I• .ntter of constructing sldewal'-- necessary• on Pinehurst Underwood Ave. a Fai •'-� / under Prenminary ordr oved Aug. 27, 1925. Council of the City received the repot^,; of Flns^4 ai.��• nsr. ago under Preliminary Order 101876 approved at 27. 198 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is construot sidewalk, where neoesssry, on Pinehurst Avenue from Underwood Avenue to Fairview Avenue, exoept where,good end suffioisat sidewalks now exist, , with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 370-00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the 99+h _____day of Oatnber , 193A, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council OCT -2.19 %—,193.-- -- Approved —$ 193-- City Clerk --�^L-L,-- / 'Mayor `_ Councilman l/ qQe pewee councilman May.,_,,,; F'etersoa — Councilmam TaeawQ=0 Warren U FormV S. r;s vrcl:�, aar� P'UBLlg'� Doting ortpwl to sty Clerk 4'V n A y ' C ✓ �rdina ce No. ORDINa� '-An ad.inietr �E NO.� - ng the oml tai❑ city po.ltl• approved aa. CE NO. PRESENTEDBY r _ - ,•� the City r 4 tilt . n nt] An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and em- ployments," approved January 23, 1925. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Subdivision 2 of Section II of said ordinanoe, and by inserting inlieu thereof the following:- 82.- --On December 15th of each year, the latest cost -of -living in- dex, as prepared by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall be used to ascertain the adjusting percentages on a soet-of-living basis. For the purpose of this ordinance, the increase in the cost of living from 1916 to 1917 shall be deemed to have been 33%; to this 33% shall be added the current percentage increase shown by the Bureau of Labor Statis. tics as the increase in the cost of living for the City of St. Paul over 1917. If the Bureau's statistics are not available for the City of St. Paul for the period mentioned, then the Bureau's statistics as given for the City of the first class nearest St. Paul shall be used to determine the aforesaid adjusting percentages. The actual percentage of increase so determined by the latest available cost -of -living index on December 15th of,,each year shall constitute the adjusting percentage applicable to Stanard Rates numbered 1 to 10 inclusive, and shall become effective on the.following January, 1. This adjusting percentage for the first .ten Standard Rates sb1l be 53% until December 31, 1927, and thereafter shall be subject to revision as provided herein. The adjusting percent- ages during this same period for Standard Rates numbered 11 to 2t6n olusive shall be ab -shown in Column 2 of subdivision (b). adjusting percentages for Standard Rates 1 to 10 are either inoreased or deoreased through subsequent revision, as provided for in this seotion, the adjusting percentages for Standard Rates 11 to 26 shall be increased or decreased in the same proportion; i. e., the revised adjusting percent- ages for these higher Standard Rates shall bear the same proportion to their respective current adjusting percentages as the revised adjusting percentage for Standard Rates 1 to 10 bears to the current adjusting per- centage r moretshallheserbeecounted asats. In vonengand fractionsustingofelesstthan�J shallfracti be disregarded. No change of rateshall be made unless current adjusting per- living.index shows a change of 2% or moreoentage; and upon any such change, the adjusting percentage shall auto- matioally take effect." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson \ Rosen U Truax Warren Wenzel Attest: 44/910� --------------------- City Cler sou 1-55 Passed by the Council. --- ----- DEC- ----- 1. ------- ------------------ ------In Favor ---------------- -------- --.--- Against r DEG , r Approved:...._._...__.---. --- ----------- �--�--....-..--............... Mayor PU$I,ISIIL:D 1 Laid over t� , 3rd. & a PP---- ! r Adoptcii Yeas Nays Yeas /Pearce Nays Pearce P erson sen ax Peterson Rosen arren / / Truax O Wenzel /Mr. Warren Wenzel Pres. Gehan Mr. Pres. Gehan ortpwl to sty Clerk 4'V n A y ' C ✓ �rdina ce No. ORDINa� '-An ad.inietr �E NO.� - ng the oml tai❑ city po.ltl• approved aa. CE NO. PRESENTEDBY r _ - ,•� the City r 4 tilt . n nt] An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and em- ployments," approved January 23, 1925. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Subdivision 2 of Section II of said ordinanoe, and by inserting inlieu thereof the following:- 82.- --On December 15th of each year, the latest cost -of -living in- dex, as prepared by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall be used to ascertain the adjusting percentages on a soet-of-living basis. For the purpose of this ordinance, the increase in the cost of living from 1916 to 1917 shall be deemed to have been 33%; to this 33% shall be added the current percentage increase shown by the Bureau of Labor Statis. tics as the increase in the cost of living for the City of St. Paul over 1917. If the Bureau's statistics are not available for the City of St. Paul for the period mentioned, then the Bureau's statistics as given for the City of the first class nearest St. Paul shall be used to determine the aforesaid adjusting percentages. The actual percentage of increase so determined by the latest available cost -of -living index on December 15th of,,each year shall constitute the adjusting percentage applicable to Stanard Rates numbered 1 to 10 inclusive, and shall become effective on the.following January, 1. This adjusting percentage for the first .ten Standard Rates sb1l be 53% until December 31, 1927, and thereafter shall be subject to revision as provided herein. The adjusting percent- ages during this same period for Standard Rates numbered 11 to 2t6n olusive shall be ab -shown in Column 2 of subdivision (b). adjusting percentages for Standard Rates 1 to 10 are either inoreased or deoreased through subsequent revision, as provided for in this seotion, the adjusting percentages for Standard Rates 11 to 26 shall be increased or decreased in the same proportion; i. e., the revised adjusting percent- ages for these higher Standard Rates shall bear the same proportion to their respective current adjusting percentages as the revised adjusting percentage for Standard Rates 1 to 10 bears to the current adjusting per- centage r moretshallheserbeecounted asats. In vonengand fractionsustingofelesstthan�J shallfracti be disregarded. No change of rateshall be made unless current adjusting per- living.index shows a change of 2% or moreoentage; and upon any such change, the adjusting percentage shall auto- matioally take effect." Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson \ Rosen U Truax Warren Wenzel Attest: 44/910� --------------------- City Cler sou 1-55 Passed by the Council. --- ----- DEC- ----- 1. ------- ------------------ ------In Favor ---------------- -------- --.--- Against r DEG , r Approved:...._._...__.---. --- ----------- �--�--....-..--............... Mayor PU$I,ISIIL:D Adopted by the Council. ........... .......... ._ Yeas Nays PEARCE PETERSON ROSEN TRUAX WARREN WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) 1, /IV Adopted by the Council ................_.__......'. __/ e.__193.J .. Yeas Nays PEARCE PETERSON �/✓ TRUAX v WARREN MR. PRLrSIDENT (EIiC� _ _ y,CCt I /td� Id CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. PERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration Mr. Hilary J. Flynn, Assistant Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Mr. Flynn: October 17th, 1935• The City Council referred to you and Mr. Probst the attached ordinance amending Ordinance 6446, with the request that you confer with each other and prepare an amendment to the attached ordinance in accordance with the wishes of the Central Council of Public Service Employees as expressed at the informal conference held yesterday. The ordinance was laid over to October 24th. we have received a letter from the Central Council of Public Service Employees recluse ting "that the entire amendment be stricken except portion pertaining to date of government index, namely the October index of each year". Sours very t roly,, �1 City Clerk. SHCCHAN, PROID[NT JOHN C. SCANLON, VICbPRE[IDMI RALPH MERRILL, TREASWIER FRANK W. CHAPMAN. R.C. 3..` Fm. Fu.ue S.wvlO. 6MFLOY[.. CITi Fut.no.i.w. FOLIO. MUiuw1. R....Ii N... aD.00L .7......... I... c..u.. —.. ' Central Council of Public Service Employees Saint Paul, Mignesota ®® PRINT[D ON UNION -NAD[ FAFM AFFILIATES FEDERATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES POLICE MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION SCHOOL ENOINEERS CITY FIREFIGHTERS UNITED CRAFTS New Cllry Nall and C lH m October 11,193—.5L_ To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: Gentlemen: The Central Council of Public Service Ehmloyees respectfully requests postponement of the third reading and approval of the pro- posed amendment to the cost -of -living ordinance, scheduled for today. The attached analysis of the amendment reveals that 49 grades will be deprived of a portion of the increase entitled to under the ordinance in effect. Respectfully submitted, Central Council of Public Service Rmloyees D Chairman 3tandatd Adjusted Adjusted Present Adjusted Under Under Rate Percentage Percentage Adjusted Entrance Amendment Amendment Increase Increase Entrance Rate Adjusted Adjusted Since 1916 for 1936 Rate for 1936 Percentage Entrance Increase Rate 1936 for 1936 1 2 28 28 31 41.60 42.6o 31 42.60 3 28 31 57.2o 64.00 52.40 68'95 31 5 40 58.95 4 28 31 5.50 31 65-50 6 7 28 z8 31 31 70.40 6.80 72.10 78.60 31 31 72.10 �8.6o 8 23 31 31 3.20 89.6o 8K.15 9i.70 31 31 85.�5 .91.70 9 10 28 28 31 31 96.00 102.40 98.25 104.80 31 31 18.80 11 12 27 26 30 2 107.95 110.50 29.875 110.40 13 25 28 113..40 118.75 116.lo 12}-.60 ._ 24.75 2'].625 115.85 121.25 14 15 24 24 27 27 124.00 130.20 127.00 133.35 26,50 26.50 126. 0 132.90 16 i7 23 22 25 24 135.30 140.30 137.50 142.6') 25.375 24.25 137.90 l 22 24 152.50 15.00 24.25 142.90 155.20 19 20 22 162.00 1 4.70 22.125 164.85 2� 16 18 203.00 2 6.5oo 17;825 209.80 22 23 15 14 17 16 212.75 228.00 216.45 232.00 16.5o5 X5.50 21.5.50 231.00 24 26 12 14 13 252.00 275.00 254.25 277.50 13.25 11.00 254.80 277.50 �7 11 4 312.00 312.00 4.375 313.10 375.00 Flat Rate October 31, 1935 To the Central Council of Public Service 1hployees City of at. Paul I have been directed by the City Conrail to inform you that . with respect to your communications to the City Council under dates of October 11 and October 19, both relating to Council piles 101699 sad 101916, amending the cost -of -living salary standardisation ordinance, it is the understanding of the City Council that the majority of the employees in the Classified Service of the city, represented by your Central Council, desire and request substitute amendment 101916 for the following rassons: 1. That the only change that should be made in the present salary standardisation ordinance is the change relating to the dates on which to ascertain the latest available Government coat -of -living indexes, which change of dates is necessary because of a change in the making of the periodic cost -of -living survey by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2. That the additional change inserted in the previous amendment 101699, providing that -- "In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of less than one-eighth shill be disregarded," etc. In recommended stricrosn for the reason that if the present latest avail- able statistics showing a 3,9 increase were used, all present adjusting percentages would be increased three -twenty-eighths (3/26) and the re- sulting new adjusting percentages, if computed on the basis of dropping fractions of less than one-eighth (instead of drooping fractions of lees than one-half, as has been done in the past), would cause nine of the twenty-seven standard rates to have a slightly lower money increase than would be the case under the ordinance as it now stands. 3. The City Council also assumes it as understood that the Central Council realises that if a 3$ downward revision in percentages should take place that the resulting money decreases will be greater under the present ordinance than under the proposed provision of dropping fractions of less than ons -eighth. t2. 4, The City Council also 9881=09 it as understood that the Central Council realises that under their desired amendment 101916 there will be mach greater discrepancies between certain rates than would be the can anter the former the employees under stand amendment twill for example, a month, while the em- etandard Rale 15 will receive as lnoreese of $3.15 2,20 a month. ployses under standard Rate 16 will receive an increase of only 8 wed bothf show ane increa erof the samethamount,namely, $2.60. If the rd s theirst the 3' woul decrease instead of an increase, then change in the coat of living were a of course the employees under standard Rats 15 would take a cut of $3.15 a month, under the plan requested by the emoloyess, while under the first amendment their ant would be only t2.60- 5. The City Council appreciates the expression of the majority opinion transmitted by your Central o�,ucil, and in order that there may be no future oleander standing, the City vouncil presents herewith in greater detail the Council. Acting the for the maJority of the it 3ads them- If the employees affected by Central Council, so ting the atedardiaaticn ordinenee, believes that the eoitente of this letter fairly state the case of the employees, it is requested thnt the Central Council attach 'hereto its of this letter and return etualsrn this cOmted Yorcyocrnoto theles. City Council, copy Very truly yours, City Clerk To the Central Council of Public Service Employees City of St. Paul I have been directed by the City council to inform you that with respect to your communications to -the City Council under dates of October 11 and October 19, both relating to Council Piles 101699 and 101916, amending the cost -of -living salary standardization ordinance, it is the understanding of the City Council that the majority of the employees in the Classified Service of the city, represented by your Central Council, desire and request %lao substitute amendment 101916 for the following reasons: 1. That the only change that should be made in the present salary standardization ordinance is the change relating to the dates on which to ascertain the latest available Government cost -of -living indexes, which change of dates is necessary because of a change in the making of the periodic cost -of -living survey by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2. That the additional change inserted in the previous amendment 101699,providing that -- "In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of less than one-eighth shall be disregarded," etc. is recommended stricken for the reason that if the present latest avail- able statistics showing a 3% increase were used,all present adjusting percentages would be increased three -twenty-eighths (3/28) and the re- sulting new adjusting percentages,: if computed on the basis of dropping fractions of less than one-eighth (instead of dropping fractions of less than one-half, as has been done in the past), would cause nine of the twenty-seven standard rates to have a slightly lower money increase than would be the case under the ordinance as it now stands. 3. The City Council also assumes it as understood that the Central Council realizes that if a 3% downward revision in percentages should take place that the resulting money decreases will be greater under the present ordinance than under the proposed provision of dropping fractions of less than one-eighth. 4. The City Council also assimmesit as understood that the Central Council realizes that under their desired amendment 101916 there will be much greater discrepancies between certain rates than would be the case under amendment 101699. For example, under the former the employees under Standard Rate 15 will receive an increase of $3.15 a month, while the em- ployees under Standard Rate 16 will receive an increase of only $2.20 a month. Under the first amendment presented to the Council these two standard rates would both show an increase of the same amount, namely, $2.60. If the 3% change in the cost of living were a decrease instead of an increase, then of course the employees under Standard Rate 15 would take a out of $3.15 a month under the plan requested by the employees, while under the first amendment their cut would be only $2.60. 5. The City Council appreciates the expression of the majority opinion transmitted by your Central Council, and in order that there may be no $2 future misunderstanding, the City Council presents herewith in greater detail the wishes of the employees as it understands them. If the Central Council, acting for the majority of the employees affected by the standardization ordinance, believes that the contents of this letter fairly state the case of the employees, it is requested that the Central Council attach hereto its approval and return this communication to the City Council, A copy of this letter is also submitted for your own files. Very truly yours, City Clerk To the Central Council of Public Service Employees City of St. Paul I have been directed by the City Council to inform you that with respect to your communications to the City Council under dates of October 11 and October 19, both relating,to Council Files 101699 and 101916, amending the cost -of -living salary standardization ordinance, it is the understanding of the City Council that the majority of the employees in the Classified Service of the city, represented by your Central Council, desire and request Yie substitute amendment 101916 for the following reasons: 1. That the only change that should be made in the present salary standardization ordinance is the change relating to the dates on which to ascertain the latest available Government cost -of -living indexes, which change of dates is necessary because of a change in the making of the periodic cost -of -living survey by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. 2. That the additional change inserted in the previous amendment 101699,providing that -- "In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of less than one-eighth shall be disregarded," etc. is recommended stricken for the reason that if the present latest avail- able statistics showing a 3% increase were used,all present adjusting percentages would be increased three-twenty-eighthe (3/26) and the re- sulting new adjusting percentages,, if computed on the basis of dropping fractions of less than one-eighth (instead of dropping fractions of less than one-half, as has been done in the past), would cause nine of the twenty-seven standard rates to have a slightly lower money increase than would be the case under the ordinance as it now stands. 3. The City Council also assumes it as understood that the Central Council realizes that if a 3% downward revision in percentages should take place that the resulting money decreases will be greater under the present ordinance than under the proposed provision of dropping fractions of less than one-eighth. 4. The City Council also assumesit as understood that the Central Council realizes that under their desired amendment 101916 there will be much greater discrepancies between certain rates than would be the case under amendment 101699. For example, under the former the employees under Standard Hate 15 will receive an increase of $3.15 a month, while the em- ployees under Standard Hate 16 will receive an increase of only $2.20 a month. Under the first amendment presented to the Council these two standard rates would both show an increase of the same amount, namely, $2.60. If the 3% change in the cost of living were a decrease instead of an increase, then of course the employees under Standard Rate 15 would take a out of $3.15 a month under the plan requested by the employees, while under the first amendment their cut would be only $2.60. 5. The City Council appreciates the expression of the majority opinion transmitted by Your Central Council, and in order that there may be no $2 future misunderstanding, the City Council presents herewith in greater detail the wishes of the employees 40 it understands them. If the Central Council, acting for the majority of the employees affected by the etandardization ordinance, believes that the contents of this letter fairly state the case of the employees, it is requested that the Central Council attach hereto its appron communication to the val and return thi City Council. A copy of this letter is also submitted for your own files. Very truly yours, City Clerk Or101na1 to QtY ©erk ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. 1616 L PRESENTED BYId "'V G��k��''•"'�'►' ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 6446, entitled "An administrative ordinance fixing the compensation rates of certain city positions and employments," approved January 23,_1985. TRE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: 8e0t}on 1. That Ordinance No. 6446, approved January 23, 1925, be and the same is hereby amended by striking out Subdivision 2 of Section II of said ordinance, and by inserting in lien there- of the following: 82. On December 15th of each year, the latest ooet-Of-living index, as prepared by the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, shall be used to ascertain the adjusting percentages on a cost -of -living basis. For the purpose of this ordinance, the increase in the cost of liv- ing from 1916 to 1917 shall be deemed to have been 33%; to this.33% shall be added the current percentage increase shown by the Bureau of Labor Statistics as the increase in the cost of living for the City of Saint Paul over 1917. If the Bureau's statistics are not available for the City of Saint Paul for the period mentioned, then the Bureau's statistics for the city of the first class nearest Saint Paul shall be used to determine the aforesaid adjusting percentages. The actual percentage of increase so determined by the latest available oost-of-living index on December 15th of each year shall constitute the adjusting percentage applicable to Standard Rates numbered 1 to 10 inclusive, and shall become effective on the following January let. This adnoting percent�ga for the first ten standard raise shall be 53¢ until December 31, 1927, and thereafter shall be subject to revision as pro- vided herein. The adjusting percentages for the same period for Standard Rates No. 11 to 26 in- clusive shall be as shown in Column 2 of Sub- division (b). When the adjusting percentages for Standard Rates 1 to 10 are either increased or decreased through subsequent revision, as provided for in this section, the adjusting per- centages for Standard Rates 11 to 26 inclusive shall be increased or decreased in the same pro- portion; i.e., the revised adjusting percentages for these higher standard rates shall bear the same proportion to their respective.ourrent adjusting percentages as the revised adjusting percentage for Standard Rates 1 to 10 bears to Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: City Clerk 300 435 Passed by the Council ---------------- ------- ------- In Favor -------- ..... ...............Against Approved:._-- .............- - -- - - - Mayor - Original in Gty Guk ORDINANCE !)#1 (1 COUNCIL FILE NO_a f� ■ 6lQY PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE Yeas (a) the current adjusting percentage for these rates. In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions Of one-eighth emnions shall be disregarded, and in determining the adjusted rates, each rate shall be computed to the nearest multiple of $.05. No change of rate shall be made unless the oost-of- living index shows a change of 2% or more from the current adjusting percentage; and upon any such change, the adjusting percentage shall auto- matioally take affeot." Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) Attest: -- ...— .................... c City Clerk 300 4.35 Passed by the Council October 17th, 1919. Mr. Geo. A. Shea.'uan, C",.M ::rn, Central Council of Pnbiic Service IDmployees, St. -Pail_, Virmesota. Dear Yr. Shea?mni we ret,irn herewith your letter of October 1 ;th addressed to the City Council relative to the oendinr, runendt;ent to the coat-n.`-livin,7 ordinance. '>rnis letter wns rend at t*.e Council mn-tirr7 today and ^b3^cti,n %vr,s rnisod to 'ie wording: o' t`ie letter, nnrtic»lP.rly in I-; to rr ru`:r-•7ice to nm a. ror ant botween t?zo Cont -al Co•urcil. f Public lervice *hmloyeos nn? t'ze Council a-ra Yv'a were directed to return the letter to yn•r With the remuost that you re -word the sar;o leavin^ n,rt any roferonce to finch an n-rcor ant an' merely shoRinr t'ri' the remiest i-, t' -L r, of t`;.: ommloyoos. 'rue oreinar:ce wrs laid over to hctol,er ?4t:r nn.' referred to fiilny rly�,:n r.nd J. L. ?robot with the r::rnert Volt they orerpnre an auond;.ient as rernrested by the Central Co,mcil. Yours very truly, City Clerk. October 17th, 19'15• Mr. J. P. Probet, Chief nxamirer, Civil Sorviee Bureau. Peer 91ri The City Co�mcil referred to you and Mr. 1?ilary Flynn the attached ordinance nmendinr, Ordinruice 641:6, with the rennest that y03 cinfer with each other and -)rooare an amendment to ti>o rttrc`ect ordinpince in accordance wit:. L':e wishes of the Central Co,,.ncil of Public Service as expressed at t �e In' cnnfaroace held 7es- terdPy. "`:e ordinrnce wFe lair ever to October "4th. Re '.'lave r-,Ce1 eC' a letter from the Central C0-)rcil of Pu.i,lic Service ­'naloyees ren,ie4t1nP the entire :,-en;iment be strlc'ez except oortioz pertainint to '.3te of ^overmnent index, namely t`le October index of each year". Yours very truly$ City Clerk. October 17th, 19171- M-. T?ilary T. Flynn, Aq�igtgnt Coroorati,n Cmmsel., Rui1 di_P_ Deur Mr. Flynt The City Co,mcil reforred to you and yr. Probst the attached or�in3nca Tu..endinr, Ordinance 644ri, eitn the ren'ignt tliot yon confer wit" each other and nregere nn aner,dment to t.ie attached orr'ingnce in accordance with t`.e wishes :.f the Cl-ntrFl Cn•r:cii of f "b"c Service Tnaloyeoq aq exprea�ad at the informrl conference hold yegterdey. The ordin—ce s r laid over to ')cto'ler "lth. Is !,ave ree^lved a letter from the Cer.trr-1 Council of Public Service :imnloyees remigsttnR"tart t';a entire amendment be stric'cen except portion pertninin^ to dFte of 7overm:mnt Index, n%+r1e1,Y the Octobe^ index of each year" . Ymirs very t rely, City Clerk. J. B. PROBST M. P. OOOORICx - cniar EaA.�n a. cnu .a.m......uai.... - CITY OF ST. PAUL MINNESOTA CIVIL SERVICE BUREAU aae ercr ALL November 21, 1935 TO THE CITY COUNCIL: With respect to the amendment of the coat -of - living salary standardization, I can see no justification for the refusal of the Hsployeesl Central Council to give its approval to the accompanying explanatory statement sent them, especially when the effect of such approval is merely to give the City Council some assurance that its interpretation of the wishes of the employees is correct and that the employees themselves understand how the amendment will operate. I might also add that in accordance with a Council amendment made in December, 1934, the present adjusted compensation rates will expire on December 31 of this year. The ordinance must be amended at once so as not to cause any difficulty or delay in pay -roll checking after December 31, J BP -B Respectfully, Chief Examiner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 31, 1935 To the Central Council of Public Service ftloyses City of St. Paul I have been directed by the City Counc tonform you datesofat with respect to your communications to the City Council October 11 and October 19, both relating to Council Piles 101699 and 101916, amending the cost -of -living salary standardization ordinance, it is the understanding of the City Council that the majority of the employees in the Classified Service of the city, represented by your Central Council, desire and request substitute amendment 101916 for the following reasons: 1. , That the only change that should be made in the present salary ■tandardisatioa ordinance is the change relating to the dates on which to ascertain the latest available Government cost-ef-living indexes, shich change of dates is necessary because of & chosgS�atee Berman of in the making of the periodic cost -of -living survey by the ionited labor Statistics. 2. That the additional change inserted in the previous amendment 101699, providirg that— "In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of less than one-eighth shall be disregarded," etc. is recommended stricken for the reason that if the present latest avail- able statistics showing a 3$ increase were used, all present reynand the riM percentages would be increased three-twenty-eighths(3/29) ing fracttiona ofnow alesstin� one-eighth (instead of dropping ercentages, if computed on the bfractions is of Of less than one-half. A* has been dose in the past), would cause alasOf the twenty-seven standard rates to bays a slightly lower money than would be the case under the ordinance as it now stands. 3. The City Council also ass' rmvitissiooz in percentages shoouldunderstood that the Central 3% d Council realises that if a 3� take place that the resulting money decreases w will be greater under fractions ns present ordinance than under tbs proposed of less than one-eighth. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration k. Rhe City Council also assumes it as understood that the Central Council realises that under their desired amendment 101916 there will be moch'ggreater discrepancies between certain rates than would be the case under amendment 101699. Per example, under the former the employees Under Standard Rate 15 will receive an increase of $3.15 a month, while the em- ployees Under Standard Rate 16 will receive an increase of only $2.20 a month. Under the first amendment presented to the Conseil these two standard rates would both show an increase of the same amount, namely, $2.60. If the 3% change in the cost of living were a decrease instead of an increase, then of course the employees Under Standard Bate 15 would take a out of $3.15 a month, ander the plan requested by the employees, while under the first amendment their out would be only $2.60. 5. Rhe City Council appreciates the expression of the majority opinion transmitted by yotr Central Council, and in order that there say be se future misunderstanding, the City Council presents herewith in greater detail the wishes of the employees as it understands them. If the Central Council, acting for the majority of the employees effected by the standardisation ordinance, believes that the contents of this letter fairly state the case of the employees, it 1s requested that the Central Council attach hereto its approval and return this communication to the City Council. 1 copy of this letter is also submitted for your own files. Very truly yours. City Clerk Nova.;ber -)th, 19'M,, Mr. .1. ' . Probst, C'iief vxami.ner, Civil Service lhir-au, St. Paul , I'Annesota. Dear 131r: Tho City Co,mcil laid over to novem- ber X'nd an ordinnnce m endin- Vie cost of livin,? ordlnAnce and referred ti Vnrn tho attached 1,�tter of 4eor�e Sheshan, Chnirman,of the Central Conneil of i~,^'ic Service Fmployes to^etler with the attached letter orennre.^ b- y yon, which we transr,i tted to Vie Central Co-r,cil. the Co,mcil desires your npininn as to wS,et':er nr nit the attacled letter of the Central Co•incil will serve as a suf'icient exore�-I,n of the dealre? of the em?loyee. Ti,irs eery truly, City Clerk. CHhtft GEO. A. SHMOHAN, PREEN fc—MI% NJOHN C. SCANLON, VICe •Y lH 2 A RALPH MERRILL, TREASURER FRANK W. CHAPMAN. REC. SeC Fto. PV.ue St.vlct ENPLOT6¢p CITT 1-1—T —1- M11U— 13—1 lT Al... SCHOOL .......... GN¢Ytw Avt. Central Council of Public Service Employees Saint Paul, Minnesota 4® PRINTED ON UNIDN-MADE PAPER AFFILIATES FEDERATION OF PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES POLICE MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION SCHOOL ENGINEERS CITY FIq EFIGHTERS UNITED CRAFTS N—Cry Npllpbd C -11 H.— November 15 195 5 To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council Centlement Your letter of October 31, 1935, relative to the position of the Central Council of Public Service Imployees in the matter of the proposed amendment to the Council Salary Ordinance, is returned herewith without approval after due consideration. When the proposed "lose than l/S%s amendment was submitted, a study of its effect was made by the employees, and permission was granted to appear before you. At the informal meeting, we advised your honorable body that the employees were opposed to the amendment except that portion pertaining to the change in date of oost-of-living indexes. We were told to submit a letter stating the fact of our opposition and we did so. We again desire to record our opposition to the 1/5% provision. Beapeo`fully submitted, Chai— GEO. A. SHEEHAN. PRESIDENT ' JOHN C. SCANLON, VICE-PPI—CENT RALPH MERRR-L, TR.ARUROI PRANK W. CHAPMAN, R.C. SCUT .O- _.u. S.— -1 Crt• ►Invl.n•.n. ro — ... B[N.rI• -.N. 111— SN.iR.M.. 1353 CN.uu AT. - Neo Cfry Hal and Cbm ff Central Council of Public Service Employees Saint Paul, Minnesota rRINT.O ON UNION•MAO. rAr.]t AFFILIATES FEDERATION Or PUBLIC SERVICE EMPLOYEES POLICE MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSOCIATION SCHOOL ENGINEERS CITY rIREFIGHTERS UNITED CRAFTS To the Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Council: October 19, 193 5 Gentlemen: The Central Council of Public Service E=loyees desires to recom- mend the passage of the amendment to the coat-o£-ljving ordinance now pending before your honorable body. The previous amendment provided as follows: "In revising the adjusting percentages, fractions of one-eighth or less shall be disregarded." An analysis revealed that the use of this provision would reduce the adjusted entrance rate of nine standard rates, affecting policemen, firemen, and many other employees. For this reason, the employees objected to the prior amendment. Ve truly yours, J� Chairman 1v,`3 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK �'-ter (•.. G'IW// OF ST. PAUL FoeNCIL NO. � /J OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE llntnhn_r 1%, I SSF WHEREAS, C. E. Duley desires to withdraw application 6785 for On Sale Malt Beverage license at 20 West Tenth Street, and WHEREAS, applicant has reeuested refund of unused Portion of license fee having operated under said license annroximately one month and two days; therefore, he it RESOLVFD, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to C. F. Duley the sum of Q$45.53 and to cancel said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yens Pearce Nays eterson Z141' BnsaR _.___In favor /Warren VGfe VMr __.____Against 1>GR.IS 0 r1L vI, z, i 7i 1:;. TRUAX 5M 6.34 IC. r Iry. Ning. o. C. 191709—ByPearce—F. H. W. E. T[uwaaz— rren— Wherese, C. E. Duley desires to With- draw application 6785 for On Sale Malt .Beverage license at 20 Wset Tenth St., ,and nWhereee. applicant hesquested re- fund of unused portion of license fee havingoperated under said license ap- gereforeelbeone month and two day.; ` Resolved, that the proper cityf9- r r e be d they are hereby authorised in fund to C. E. Daley the sum of E46.53 and to cancel said application for license. Adopted by the Council Oct. 8, 1935. Approved Oct. 3, 1938. (OCL -19935) --- OCT 3 19% Adopted by the Council ___ _193 DCT � 1' 4j proved----------- --193--- -C�xd a Lam— Acting Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY EL[RK COUNCIL IVO'1017 )1 CITY OF ST. PAUL PILe OFFICE OF "Yy{g-G'IT1iCLERK —1 r-nUNr t-IZE OLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESUMEM WHEREAS, George Murray. -desires to withdraw. application 7146 for Restaurant, and application 7147 for On Sale Balt Beverage licenses at 131 W. University Avenue, and requests refund of license fees; therefore, be it RF,SOLOED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to George Murray the fees of $10.00, and $50.00, and to cancel said aprli- cations for licenses. COU CILMEN Yeas Nays ce /Peterson � 1Zosen In favor / --Against ze TRUAX 5M 6.34 C. F. No. 101701-8y H. L. Werren— I. C. Pearoe—F.. W. True — Whereas, George Murray desires to withdraw application 7146 for Res- tauT—t, and application -7147 for On Sala Malt Beverage licensee at 181 W. University- AI"I"', and. requests To - fund of license fees; there[Ot'e, be It Resolved. that_ . proper 0(ty o- cere be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Gs.rge Murray the-jeds of E1Q.00, and 160.00, and to cancel said appliyabytlone for nceneee. - 0O rove the Council Oct. a, 1886. Approved Oct. 8. 1886. _ (Ock 6-1986) OCT 310 Adopted by the Council-- — 1 93--_ Q(;T "'� pro ved --193— )�' Z�t_—� Act%Ap Mayor 101702CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL NO. OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK CO ESOL TION -GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY M1LT0 COMMISSIONER DATE October 3, 1935 - RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streets: Alley -Cook, Magnolia, Cypress, Earl Fifth, Earl to Terry Fish Hatchery Road, Fish Hatchery to Pt -Douglas Rd. Pt. Douglas Rd, City Limits to Fish Hatchery Rd. Prosperity, Maryland to Autumn Johnson Parkway, Hudson Road to Reaney Howard, Bellevue to Burl'engton McMillan, Levee to Elm Montcalm Place, Highland Parkway to Edgcumbe Alley -Osceola, Fairmount, Victoria, Avon Alley-St.Clair, Linwood, Lexington, Oxford Snelling, Edgcumbe to Montreal Maryland, Osage to Dale C. F. No. 301703—By L C. Pearce— "-" And Private Property for the follawi ng: By Request— i Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby au- thorized and directed to oil the fellow_ F. H. Delaney- 16 Ben Hill Road Ing -sea: Allleyey, Cook. Magnolia, Cypress, Earl, Emil Freiseis - Contract Alley FifthEarl to Tarr. Fish Hatchery Road, Fish Hatchery Albemarle -Rice -Front -Hatch to Douglas Rd., City Limits to Fish Rd. UniversityGolf Course RPP.t Hatchery Prosperity, Maryland to Autumn. C. Nystrom -620 Bates Avenue Johnson Parkway, Hudson Road to Reaney. University Farm School Howard, Bellevue to Burlington. Alcnlillan, Levee to Elm. Montcalm Place, Highland Parkway to Edgcumbe. Alley—Oaceola, Fairmount, Victoria, Avon Alley—St. Clair, Linwood, Essington, Oxford. Snelling, Edgcumbe to Montreal. Maryland, Osage to Dale. And Private Property for ing: the follow- '. H. Delaney -16 Ben Hill Road. Emil Fralsele—Contract Alley. Albemarle, Rlce, Front, Hatch. U.lveretty Golf Course. C. Nystrom, 620 Bates Avenue. University Farm School. Adopted by the Counell Oct. 3, 1936. ----- Approved- Oct. 3, 1935. (Oct. 5-1935) v COUNCILMEN Yeas `/ Nays ' Y/eazce /Peterson Y_ D^`"^ _In favor warren Against VVern I M._.,. ... �> TRUAX OC7 31* Adopted by the Council- _-_- ___193_ °CT 3I'l, I Aotins Mavo ._._ coON CIL NO -101M ORIGINAL TO CIT! CLKRK FILE CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY CO DATE October 2 1985 MMISSIONS_, RESOLVED That Louis A Ginther, Acting Superintendent of Police Communications, is hereby authorized to attend the Associated Police Communication Officers[ Convention at Indianapolis, Indiana, from Monday, October 7, and continuing five days thereafter; andv the proper city officers are hereby authorized to issue a warrant in the sum of -D-2 in favor of Louie A. One hundred dollars ($100.00) payable out of Police Fund 7 Ginther for the purpose of defraying the expenses in attending said convention. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays �e ZPeterson favor amen --/— Against Vi enfel MR. S.ECONi) VICE PRES. TRUAX SM 6.34 iC. F. No. 101703—BY x. r Wertent_ Resolved, That Louls X. Ginther, Ac, Superintendent oth Ii- Cto [tend "trona, Is herebY lice Communtcatlon 1 OppCe esoninted Po Aird re' IConventlon nt Inrltanapol e, Indiana.. from Monday.October 7, and ontl 'uo1 five a Ye thereafter; au [heppor Ity mcere Ara herebY he P Ito Issue a warrant of one hundred done 7 D120tn03favor of out o[ Ponos Fan Y de- i.ouls A. Glnthe suers fOr in he attending Bald f onvle g the exp I ntlon. the Council Oct. 3 —1936. Adopted by 1936. Approved Oct. 3, (Oct. 6-1936) oCT 3193 Adopted by the Council—- - OCT e n 4AA_M�-,- ACV"# . ' THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY F " OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION Convention of Association Police Communication Officers Indianapolis, Indiana, October 7, 1935 and continuing five days. The head of the Radio Station of the Minneapolis Police Department will be present at this convention. Mr. Sherman, Federal Radio Inspector for this area strongly recommends that St. Paul be represented at this convention where representatives of'the Department of Justice and Federal Communication Commission will discuss the matter of a nation-wide radio police hookup. with Washington, D. C. to be used for the transmission of All types of police information, and where two-way radio communication, that is, from the squad car to police headquarters as well as from police headquarters will be discussed; and the latest innovations and improvements relative to police radio will be presented. ORIGINAL To CITY cLtR¢ 101704 017 �/, CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ULE NO. 1 V� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK —lay Axel F. Peterson—' COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM I: a application for a permit I',, river crossing below tht filed Ith. the war']), f.rie ATENorthern Natural PRESENTED BY the War Paul of this COMMI3SI R �t T St. Paul of this ,p.0^uncil of the„ D Whereas, an application for a permit for a pipe line river crossing below the high dam was filed with the War Department by the Northern Natural Gas Company and the War Department notified the City of St. Paul of this application, and Whereas, the Council of the City of St. Paul was not possessed of any information as to the nature and proposed use of this pipe line and desiring full information on the subject notified its Corporation Counsel to file an objection with the War Department to the granting of the permit and request a hearing on the matter, and Whereas, since the filing of this objection adequate in- formation has been furnished to the City as to the proposed installation and a satisfactory agreement arrived at between the applicant and the City for the extension of this pipe line through city property, Therefore, Be It Resolved that the Corporation Counsel be and is hereby instructed to communicate with the War Department and withdraw all objections previously filed in the matter of the application for permit for a river crossing. COU AJCILMEN Yeas Peirce Peterson -Aeserr- 'F/ree�' - ,'Warren Nays y In favor Against R SM 6.14 . SEco"_"Vic,: il- TRUAX OCT 3 t93� Adopted by the Council_ _. __—_193 OCT 15 Approved _ — _193_— Aofiny May� ORIGINAL to CITYcL[ne C6UNCIL 101705 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFIC F THE CITY CLERK 1 CO CIL LUTION —GENERA Fohe°sa]Bi pa.. neotal s' I' _;uested the Comm1e81' to send a repreeenl tment or .Education PRE..NTED—,BY DAT`g Paul to a meettn COMMIS � Help For Chlla - Iga9 �������� ��//����[.� lit 'IOJ•et' WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Dental Society has requested the Commissioner of Education to send a representative of the Department of Education of the City of Saint Paul to a meeting of the Good Teeth Council For Children, to be held in Chicago, Friday, October 4th, 1985, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that Dr. George W. Snyder, Director of Hygiene of the Department of Education, be and he hereby is authorized to attend said meeting on slid date, the expenses of transportation, eto. to be charged to Fund 15 F 3. COUN Yeas e rce eterson Nays favor �_>_ln Warren Wewnt- —�LAgainst 5 6.74 TRUAX ocl 3193 Adopted by the Councih--.--193__ 0C Approved_ _193_— . FORM No.- j 0,1706—By F. W. Truax— 101706the Commissioner a P, +� -has reported in aceordrcil File No. Subject: g '11o1 63 oY the City Chr oY an emergency ary the employe' 9 ' oY hls depart- -- h^ rs per Date presented 1935 4� ved, VM REAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Antoine Leroux Water -Shed Lab. 12 g-1 bra. X49' Eugene Tourville do John P. Kruse Utilityman 4 hrs. .6116, Dan Slater Filter -Plant Lab. 6 If •5` Julian J. Duren do 2 " .5 William D. Carlson do 8 " .54 Leonard Munson Utilityman 15 M .61 Ed Kordell Mach. Helper 12 " .56 Sam Ranelli „ n 10 n .5 Thos. Thorson 12 n .56 .Chris Ramer Filter Plant Lab. 1 :N .54 James Tighe Emarg.Repairman " .54 Joe Bruno Ditch digger 6 n .611• 55 Harvey Donahue Utilityman " Roy mane •6 .611 Thomas Fahey Mech.' Helper - 6 e ,, .56 Chas. Deninney Emerg.Repairman 6 " .54 Peter J. Murphy do 6 .54 `rank D. Strongdo 6 " .54 Frank B..Trusdo 6 n .54 Frank Deilke Hydrant flusher 1 .51 Arthur W. Johnson do 1 " 4g.,� Peter Reilly do " .514 Frank F. Raine Ditch digger 6 " .55 William D. Davis Utilityman 7 " .611 Adolph E.Eckman Meter Repairman 7 n .471 Ralph Mulro do 4 .58 Stanley C. Rasmussen Filter Plant Lab.( 2 n ) .541 (Amt.short Sept.2 12 ) .54 " Paul Rulli Ditch digger 3 .55 James Saporito Mach. Helper 10 " .561 Peter Fabio Ditch d Iger 12 hh .It.55 Joe Grappalie It " .55 .55 Ernest R.Hawkinson n Frank Janashak" n „ .56 Wm. N. Langevin If " n .55 Mat Roberto 11 " 10 " .55 Pasquale Tartero 10 .55 n n 2 " .55 Franosue JohnkG?Mandel Filter -Plant Lab. 16 bra. ryl It .554 Antonio Anzevino Ditch d Iger !S$S Antonio Bruno " .55 Joseph D. Filben If 16 " .55 Tommaso Mazzola n " 8j " .55 Aye Ccilmen Nays Co -Peterson gee¢. Adopted by the 193 �ttaec-' .-Warren Approved 1935 Prestden��han-w C -art qf Lrd N. Thompson, seer 1 Superinte FORM No. 1 October 2, 1935 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities. Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Drivina truck.# Operation Highland and Hazel Park Pumping Stations.* Changing 3" meters, 305 St. Peter St., and 704 Drewry Lane.## Lowering 20" main University Ave. at Transfer bridge. * This emergency arose by rbsson of the following facts and circumstances: #taking men to anO, from work at Vadnais Lake *Sundays. ##Work had to be done outside of business hours account of shutting off water. **Had to finish work ahead of contractor BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS By Certified correct � reside 4Lenard N.Thompa General Superintendent Q�� Council File No1--`.............7 PROPOSAL FORIhM--P�ROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposesthe making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, vis.: ---_�omdemning.-and..}ek na aa-.easement--in.-the.-laad_neces....or slopes.- - �..--------------- _..-------- eats.-and_Yilla.-in..the..P,railing-.oP-.Clarenae..3traet-.Yrnm.. Eaat-.Mitut�e7aah _S.tieat._to..Seventh..S-tient-------- ---- ---------------------------------{ LrMrNAAY OBDFU 101707— ......... _ ..........-.....''' . ---------------------------------------. .... Abstract. ........... ............................. ',. A written Drc October 198b the tnjjewmQ •-...--• Dated this 9 da of--------- � nsneacnee t ssary _, --------- - ---------------------the a. -aa Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ...................Condemni??S.. a..taking- an easemeat.in_the land- necessary -_f or_slopear................... Street--from.Fe.ah.tdinnehaha----------------- Street to Seventh Street. ---....----------------_.---------.. ----------------------- ---------------------- ----------------------------------------- - ....................... having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ----- .--- .------------ - ----------- ----- therefore, be it missioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directs RESOLVED, That the Com ty of, the making of said improvement. 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirabili ated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estim 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. / 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. 1 ocj 3195 Adopted by the Council- ------------------------------------- ----------------------------------- YEAS NAYS CouncilmanMaT VIA RKFP! PEABCE ROOM Taemk viswz�a=, • . . �iRUAX F— C a 13 (aM 7-33) Approved-- - -.......... --------- ---------•------• --•-------------- ----- ' Mayor. Roung 1 `/ PL'liL1S1iED 6��/" J W PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT t and PRELIMINARY ORDER. l— Council File No' 1708 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Grade Clarence Street from East Minnehaha Street to Seventh Street - ---. ----------- - - ........................................ r - log— Aeeten P ..he followlnB I -I .................................... ........................ ------------------------------------------------------- street' street to Be' �.e ti Int Paulto t .............................. ._.-....... ...-..... a to ..' "df .......................... 1st October, 1986 '•k; be o q 3 Datedthio.... -- - ...day of. ..._............................................... ......................_-..........LL?ni........-.-.........-......-................... Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Grade Clarence Street from East_itnebha Strebt t.. Seventh Street having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau ----------- .---------- .--- ` --------------------------------------- .------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: L To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners, L11b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. • OCT 31935 Adopted by the CounciL---------------- --------------------------------------------------- YEAS NAYS Councilman lMv WA RFrf H M.D.— l�, (F R fG N PEARCE y 1148 - `'i J'3. TEUAX Porm C ♦ ib (2M 7-3M ---------------------- Rciin� Mayor. Pti13LISIIL'IS1.�-=�� Petition i Council File No.....191'709 ........ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT V� and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: .............. Anthony.. Ayanna-- from_Prior_ Avenue__ to_ Dewey.. Avenue <.. and ............--.--_--....... Bove11.Avenue..from..St...Anthany-.Av.enue-. to..Rob]yn.-kym=8.....------------------------------- * -- .................. .................-------------------------------------------- ............................... ------------ l olvoAb Dated this. 18t day of. October 1935_ _- I Ahetraot ......... ..... .... ...1.....---- A written or000eal [o- the [ollowlnN ImOrOve� ......................� 3[. Anthnnr Ave. fra,:.............. ........... - r Ave., and Row• 1 Councilmen. - 'i thogy � e. to Rob'•n• • to PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: _._...glazb�--Jt-•.-AU3buAY--- Avexiue..frata.Pz iar..AAemua..to Da�eY--.Av�nu�,---anal------------------------- -- _..-.Howell.Avenue..from-.St_..Aaithon3'-.Aveaue..to..Ro venue.------------------......... ..-..--------------- ...... ........................ --------------------------•--- -- ----................. ----------- ------------- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Pau ---------------------- .--------------- _---------------------- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing m ,ttcm to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT 195 Adopted by the Council ........................---- --- -- ..... - . -- YEAS NArs q Councilman M.%* V A R R Fp t ~ OCT Mope,". �'j- T - KApproved -- .... ----• .. ......... ..-----------------... ------ PEARCE Remm / () �- /Acting Mayor. } 'i- 'iRUAX jjj,j$II1;D Q��/� J P«m c A 13 t2M v -sal PILE NO. 101'710 CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOM DATE October 4 1935 RESOLVDtThat the Purchasing Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, one tank car, approximately 8000 gallons, 'IQ" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from the W. F. SMITH TIRE & BATTERY COMPANY, at a price of $0.11478 per gallon, less 1% ten days, including state tax and state inspection, also Federal excise tax, to be spotted on Municipal Equipment Bureau spur at Dale St., on informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardship to the best interests of the city. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment- 1003-134. COUNCILMEN Yeas / Nays �p`yrce /Peterson / G;t _ In favor T. mix � /*arren —Against Weeae SM 'TRUAX C. F. No. 101710—By F. M. Trues— By Regue9t— Resolved. That the Purchasing Agent be, and he le hereby authorized to purchase. with the consent of the PANT, at a price o, $0.11478 per gallon, less 1'90 ten daye,.lncluding state tax end lse state I tat, to abectlon, also Federal a spotted on Municipal Da ' Equipment Bureau spur at ale 8t., n Informal bids as an emergency exists where failure to act promptly would work a hardahip to the best Interests or the city. Charge General Fund— Municipal pa Equipment -1003-184. i Adopted by the Council Oct 4, 1935. Approved Oct. 4, 1986 (Oct. 18-1935) Adopted by the Council_ —10 _193— Approved— OCT 193 Approved—OCT 4 J 193_ Mayor ORmIN..L TO CITY CL.RK // /Cf77' 6F ST. PAUL F LENca No.—,161711 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �/'tjW i lN� tV tL. PRESENTED BY Bctober 14th,.1935• COMMISSIONER _ DATE_ RESOLVED , That Barber license, application 80. 101663, applied for by Vern Framer 8t 170 E. Fnnrth Street be and the same ie hereby granted and the City Clerk is hereby directed to issue said license upon the payment of the required fee. COUNCILMEN Yeas / J Nays Pearce eterson i �___In -Reeeer favor —Truax Waller, _—( __Against --Wenzel Mr. prowao" SM'6.1 A VICE PRE IC. F. No. 101711—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. TrTuhaz— Reeolvd, at Barber iiceaee, by plication No. 101683, applied for by enbe eda the ar atsame ie h by gran ..led the City Clerk " hereby directed to leave said 17cense upon the payment of the r.q.1red fee. Adopted by the Council Oct 18, 1936. ADDroved Oct 18, 1936. (Oct. 26-1986) Adopted by the Council O CT 1 Hj _ 193 Approved__ Mayor Octoter ?nd, 61r, Vern T arer, 1M W. noee St. , St. Paul, Vinnesota, Pear 131 r: The City Co-incil will consider ynur annlicntinn fir a barber licor.so at 17^ '7ert volirth Street on 'r+aa�, ^c+ober 4th At `^ 4. !/, and rer,eat tint yo:. aooear. Yours very trily, City Clerk, October 4th, 1g35, r. 1. r. ' eonard, License Insnectnr, C1 ty. ra^r 41r: The reRnh'ti,n rrnntin, tho r_�mlicati.on o` Torn Trnner fnr n barber license at 17(' Bast Fourth St. wag not Das -ed by the City Crincll today. 4111 yeti, there - ',)r. '-indly bring in a resnl,ition cnverinm tti,e refund of the license fee lieretofnre deposlted nn this application. Ymnrs v,r7 tnIly, City Clerk. � ! / - ' ,. i` ! .., y �,�,- ;;; � - �� -,. �� __ ... ,� ':< . r � .. _ / r' � / �. Y 1 �. .� a� - .. '.��! :� t CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 4th, 1935• Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, City. Dear Sir: The resolution granting the application of Vern Braner for a barber license at 170 Beset Fourth St. was not passed by the City Council today."�� Will you, there- for, kindly bring in a resolution covering"the refund of the license fee heretofore deposited on this application. Yours very truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL Tq_f0­L9RK ' COUNCIL ;.j' , CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe No.— 1117 OFFICE -6F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE— October 4. 1939 RESOLVED C71'V'V� That licensee for Restaurant, application 7142, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 7143, and Off Sale Halt Beverage, application 7144, applied for by OV L. Rice at 541 Ohio St. be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city, treasury of the required fees. COUNCILMEN YeasNays Pearce ✓ , Peterson Rosen V/ O In favor Truax Z Warren v" _Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) I/ SM 6.34 i% .c S Adopted by the Council _193__.__ 193 Mayor October 4, 19'45. Aon. Axel r. Peterson, Comewr of Finance, Building. Dear Sir: 'The City Council has set a hearing for October 11th in the matter of the applications of Guy L. Rice for Restaurant, On Sale Malt Beverage and Off Sale Malt Bev- erage at 541 Ohio Street and reeuested you to send notices of said hearing to property owners. Yours very truly; City Clerk. COUNCIL FIL o ..................... 101713 BY .......... ... .................. t. FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS, In the matter of..widening...of.: Kellom-Doulevard...from..112�east�erlY--Qf ---------- Market Street to Seven Corners. 719—By Milton Rosen— K' of widening "ter' +rd from 112 ft. easter)' Crest to Seven Corner h nee'.." Order 1014"- 3rd, 1995, int'," -492, approved - under Preliminary Order ........10��y2a............................ approved `....S.SB..@A!beL...3iCas--1.935-......_.......... Intermediary Order .................. 101492........._..... ---- ....._, approved ......September...11tht1935------_....------ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore,,be it RESOLVED, By .the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is to widen Kellogg Blvd. from 112 ft. easterly of Market St. to Seven Corners. V � and the Council hereby orders said improvements to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same -are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz-' 7I—^711at part o[ lot 4 and�ihe wen[ 221 blest or lot 9 In Bloek 16, Rio. and J -Ine's A(Wtlon, lyint southerly RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and the proper.city officials are hereby authorized and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council......_............. T...._n. '.' ---------- ........... .......... 193........ ® c? ............_............................................../.......... . City ....Cl..erk-,r-k* .... � � - C. Approved......................................................... 19_! /�....../....., -- ----------------------- --- Mayor. Councilmen /M Peterson mrtmwly Warren `J Pearce o liwea T_...._ Wenzel aoXB. VICE PRES. RO5El - W. THIRD ST. Nfe♦ St. - W. 5evenfh St. \\V I W OPENING BuruoPEnq a S r e e Is f•.loo' k� a iir s�x c1 F j � 14 1;4F ` Foy 5 to .Z ( C7 It I GD s 8 8 FOURTH ST. -- 5 ,S es 5• 3 z I gRA \ \ \ door 1 2 1in I 1 p PSL P a3\ CO G , 3 ,n 9 - .. . J I � - ST) KELLOGG �� B �� •�C, j , THIRD ._ ... - aat vcf Poi �1 Br - ..� ... - ice 1 I. / \! ` ,+- - � a Sec h .2 5l. 25,- st. rt. se/• , sr : 2 =s cI'G.75f V. s t � ` See• �p 2 .c c �' � �� � 4 -J J 6 W ,;w• -�2q D 1 T 0 6• 6zc 14 J ... W - z st �P j' \ y / Rev/Sed Sep. 4 -:935 J8 VA*7�pss 12 i ..vscT resl a 5t J \ _ :4 CITY OF S,T. PAUJ, DEPARTMEN= df FINANCE REPORT OF CQM.MII&41ER OF FINANCE (,A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDS_ R In the matter of widen Kellogg Boulevard from 112 ft. easterly of Market Street to Seven Corners by condemning and taking the following described lots and parcels of land, vistt That part of lot 4 and the west 22 feet of lot 3 in Block 15, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying southerly and westerly of a line described as followsl Commencing at a point on the south line of Fourth Street, 86 feet westerly of the northeast corner of said lot 4, thence south at a right angle with the south line of Fourth Street, a distance of 10 feet, thence southeasterly to the south- easterly corner of the westerly 22 feet of said lot S. That part of lots 4 and 5, Block 16, Rios and Irvine's Addition lying south- westerly of a line drawn from the southeasterly corner of the westerly 12 feet of said lot 5 to a point on the westerly line of said lot 4, 16 feet northerly of the southwesterly corner of said lot 4. All of Auditor's Subdivision No. 29 All of lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, Block 24, Rice and Irvine's Addition All of lots 1, 2, 3, 48 5, 6 and 15, Auditor's Subdivision No, 44 All of Block 22, Rios and Irvine's Addition That part of lots 7 and 8, Block 20, Rice and Irvine's Addition, lying northerly of a line drawn from a point on the westerly line of said lot 6, 11.2 feet southerly of the northwesterly corner of said lot 8, to a point on the northerly line of said lot 7, 112 feet northeasterly from the northwesterly corner of said lot 8. also condemn and take an easement to construct and maintain a railing for the protection of the sidewalk on the south side of Kellogg Boulevard, said easement to be on the northerly 2 feet of lot 1, block 21, Rice and Irvine's Addition, and to extend from Market Street to the present Northern States Power Company's building 13 feet more or less west of Market Street. ost 7,3.61) e+ „r 23.';^ ^t) 2'� '10 191)0 3F00 do 7100 .91)0 TOTAL, Pam B. B. 10 2pc77 Tor .. -:-, .T.r..{,., ,,,p,,... -_F ,:.s,,..;-t•-.�.q�-2,r,-•.3,.r gr;z::ax^-:•• ,. .. p,so under Preliminary Order approved To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ ai n The estimated cost pe�foot for the above improvement is _ $ �1J The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION Li, -n "I T,rv' o .. 'i �I 1 21 c o Tint ,>nrt -,t 1 r—t line ,r -Or +o � l;.�e acid lot 17. It i'r— SI of 1 2-1 do ASSESSED VALUATION r. n()(in 1,0000 198500* incluaes 1-2-3-4 11r)0 1P0C ast 2.i.cn nr _ 2^. 10 Inn 0 3F00 �'.._.7. 2'.51) Pt) 2 do '102 9nn TOTAL, Por- B. B. 10 CIT' OF bT. Jv.UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �tB) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION Lai BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED 2 Auditor's Subdivision No. 44 7600 St. Pa+:l, ;:!inn. 3 '10 1000 4 do 2,000 fi do 3000 G 0 70^0 *innl,ldns lot 7 15 do 1950 1 24 Rion and Tr�ri.ros Add. to "Pint i-500 and that part of lot 2 corvnencing at Paul the r.ortheart corner of lot 2 ti enoe Sly alon; Ely line of lot 2 63.55 ft to Ely line of builr.in7,, thence '.'1y along east line of buildin; 59.38 ft to Sly ]inc of 3rd St. ther.ceEly along Sly lire of 3rd St. 23.51 ft to be7inning (E:<cept ooru -nein- at SEly corner cf -,;ly 1/3 do 2000 of Lot 2 thence lily alorc� Ply line thereof to i:'torsocti.nn with lily wall of :3.one building upon part of Ely 2/3, th. Sly orlon-_".ly line of said stall an'. the nrolongation thereof to Sly line of said Lot 2, thence 1'lly *.o be;-in-nT;, also extent conn -noir. et '71y corner of Lot 2, thence along "1y line thereof 63.55 ft th. Nly 59.38 ft to Sly lirg of 3rd St. thence Ely 23.51 ft to beginning ' Ely 2/3 of 2 24 do Yiest 1/3 of 2 2,1 do 2000 also all that part of east 2/3 of said lot described as follows: 8eginnin- at S. E. corner of 'r'i 1/3 th. T.ly aloe; "ly line of 'oily 1/3 to its intersection with 'Wly viall of a stone buil.dinr (156 V. 3rd St.) situated. or. Part of Ely 2/3, th. Sly alone lily line of said wall,ond the prolongation thereof to Sly line cf Lnt 2 thence i;ly to beginning (except the fol]owin;;: corwencing at the Silt c-rner of Lot 2 aforesaid th. lily aloe; .Yly ling ther2of.67.40 i't to the I'll wall of a stone buildin- situated Partly on Y11y 1of said lot th. Sly ^lore Filywall of said stone building and the prolongation thereof 72.75 ft to a point on Sly lin, of said let, thence ITly 25.80 ft to tho 317 corner of Lot 2 TOTAL 2900 1500* 550 2200 2000 cIT OF 7r!PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE �(B) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT ewCK AonlT.nu commencing at the SPily corner of Lot 2, thence I:ly along the Wly line thereof 67.40 ^t, thence Sly alomr the Wly wall of a stone buildinm, and the prolongation of said wall 72,75 ft to Sly line of said lot 2, thence ','ay 25.89 ft to beginning also the Ely 49.50 ft of I.ot 3 and the "ollowing described trianrla, connencir,7 at the northwesterly corner of said lot 3, ':h°,rca Wly along 3rd Ct. 4.50 ft more or less to center of stone wall thence S ly alon. said center to the `;;ly line of th.e ",ly 49.50 ft or' said Lot 3 thence :ay along said Y'lly line to 3rd St, thence als o t2t f't more or less io bePinnin,R, bein, Dart of Lots 2, 3, and 4, alshe vrnst of 6 24 Rice and Irvines Addition to St. Paul commencing at a point on Sly line of Third St. 29.50 ft ';ily from NEly corns;r of Lot 4 thence Ely alonf; s.id street 25 ft nore or lass to the center of a •tone and ±+rick wall I:hence SF'ly along the center liio of said well to the^.Ry line of the illy 49.50 ft ft of Lot 3 thence S1" aloe; said ''ly lin, to the Rly line of rag le St, thence YYly along said street to a point 22 ft '.'11y from the SE lycorner of said Lot 4 thence Illy to beginni•�g, part of Lots 3 and 4, block 24, Rice and Irvines ;,ddition to St. Paul ''eat 10 ;'t a.. g 24 do Fast 30 ft of 5 24 do (F;:cent Fast 30 ft) 5 24 do F'e.st 1/2 of G 24 do ASSESSED VALUATION 10000 9500 4000 2800 5000 9000 .. 4000 5000 6000 1000 Lot 1 and the SEly 7 ft. of lllily 64 ft of Lot 2, also the SFly 9 ft of that part of said Lot 2 lying betw=.en the aforesaid 64 ft and Auditor's Subr'"i•:isicn "fo.2( eple St. 2 do St.Paul, Linn. 7000 (7xe SEly 7 ft of N71y 64 ft and except the SFly 9 ft of that part " lying between the aforesaid 64 ft and 7-k l o St. 2 do 2600 3 do 1800 (T:Xcsnt St.) 4 do 8500 (7'xcent "Pst '.6 £t) 4 15 Rice and Irvines Add to St.Paul 12000 Fast 46 ft of 4 15 do 9000 Ilest 22 ft of 3 15 do 4200 TOTAL 4300 3500 1400 12500 7500 3000 2100 CITY OR 6T.J(wL ' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ASSESSED ADDITION VALUATIOV Sly of West 48 ft of Lots- 3 and 4 being part of 4 16 "ice and Irrines Add to St.Paula;l000p 10000 East 12 ft of S 99 ft of Lot 3600 4 and ':?ast 12 ft of S. 99 ft of 5 16 do (Except 3rd St and 'ily 15 ft 52000 25000 for alley) Lots 4 and 5 19 do (�xc% the 71estorly 16 inches of .. _ the northerly 77.46 feet) the Easterly 48 1/3 ft of 1 15 do 18000 33500 . (Except^_asterly 48 1/3 ft) 1 also the westerly 16 inches of the northerly 77.46 ft of the easterly 45 1/3 ft of 1 also (rxo. the westerly 26 ft) 2 15 do 13000 5000 W. 26 ft of 2 and Ely 6 ft of 3 15 do 7100 5250 Ely 32 ft of the Ylly 54 ft of 3, 15 do 6500 9500 . 17. 24 ft of E. 48 ft of S. 99 ft of 5 16 do 3250 6600 E. 24 ft of 3 and E. 24 ft of 5 16 do 6600 3700 W. 20 ft of 2 and j/ 20 ft of 6 16 do 5500 2900 W. 20 £t of E. 40 ft of South 100 ft of 6' 16 do 5500 2250 " *includes other property East 20 feet of that part south of alley of 6. 16 do 2500 2000 - VI 40 ft of that part S of alley of 7 16 do 5000 2250 E. 20 ft of that part south of alley of 7. 16 do 2500 1050 - M µ TOTAL b 4E or sr. Sv ut DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (BY DESCRIPTION LOT �BLOCK ADDITION W. 23 ft of that partsouth of alley of 6 16 Rice and Irvine's Addition to 2875 _ St. Paul E. 37 ft of that part S. of alley of 8 16 do 5000 That !)art South of alley of 9 16 do 11000 South 110 ft of 4 and south 110 ft of the ',Vest 1.50 ft of 5 17 (Ex the 11ortherly 43 ft) the .7y 7.8.50 ft of the 1"y 56.50 ft of 5 17 E. 30 ft of S. 108 ft of lot 5 also the west 5 feet of lot 2, also the east 5 ft of lot 3 also the east. 5 ft of the No. 43 ft of 5 and the 'i; 5 ft of 6 17 do ASSESSED VALUATION 7000 3000 12000 12000 10500 do 4275 2000 do 5700 2300 The 1'ly 27.25 ft of the Ely 55 ft of the Sly 99 ft of 6 17 do 4000 3000 (Pxc. the Ely 5z inches) the easterly 27.75 ft of the Southerly 99 ft of 6 17 do 4000 3000 Parts of lots 2, 6 and 7 17 do 11500 2000 com. at a nt on the S line of lot 7, where the Vily line (ext, nded) of tho Wly wall of the 3 story brick b,,rldi.n'- intersects the southerl,, line of said lot; being 21 ft, more or less, westerly from the soutl)eest corner of said lot, th. Nly al.onr the Illy line of the 171y wall extended 100 ft, thence westerly parallel with the S -y line of said lot 7, 18 inches, rore or less, to a pt. 27 ft F!. or the E. line of said lot, th. Nly parallel with the 11". line of lots 2 and 7 to a point �n the Sly line of 4th St.°3- ft 'illy from the 2`L'ly c^rner of said lot 2, th. Wly alone the Baia Sly line of. 4th 3t. 37 ft, th. Sly to the cornor of said lot 7, +hence Slyalor.n the 'illy line of Paid lot 7 to point 99 ft :?ly from the Sly line of said lot, th. Wly parallel with the 1; line of 3rd 2t. 5;Inches, th. Sly parallel with the E lines of lot li, 99 ft to the Sly line of lot 6,th. Ely to bezinning The west 67 ft, mor -,l or less, of the Rice and Irvi.ne's Addition - r. 143 ft of the S. 100 ft of to Saint Paul Block 17 10000 7400 heinr; parts of 1,ots 7 and 8 TOTAL CITY OF ST.S.\UL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF tINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER i� ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION That nart of _flock 17 Rice and Irvines Addition to 30000 120000 - lying; Ely of a line described as taint Paul follows: commencing at a point on the Nly line of 3rd St. 74 ft My from the Wly line of Nash�nrton St. th. Illy parallel with said !lily line 100 ft, th. 'oily parallel frith said 3rd St. 30.50 ft., th. Illy. parallel with said F:'a.shin +on S*.. 98 ft to a point on the Sly line of 4th St. 104.50 ft. Vily from ea,id 51y line of PlashinTton St., - beinparts of lotr l and 8, and all of lot 9 in said block Lots 2 to 18 Auditor's Subdivision --.34 150000 550000 also *ho a^. alleybetween lots St.Paul,:. rn. 2 to 18 Lots 1 and 19 do elso tho vacated alley between lots 1 and 19 75000 375000 (^,-.c. 3rd �t.)4 and 5 19 do 52000 25000 2 21 � r.o included with lot 1 3 21 do 4 21 ) do 5 21 do 50000 20000. 6 21 d� ) the ..T?ly of Ontario St. vac. snd _ ., adj. and 7 21 do .. SPlly z of Ortario St, vacated Rice and Irvine's Add. to and adj. and 1 42 ) do St. Paul 45000 45000 2 42 ). Beg. on the - line of F.aCle St. 69.50 ft $, 15500 4500„ from the corner of Washington th. E. at , right ar-les 42.50 ft, th. IT. pe.rc,lLll with Eagle St. to the S line of lot 3, th. along said Sly line to Eegle St., th. Sly to beginning, also 3 42 do 7 Ai.Iditor's Subdivision 6 2000* No. 44, St. Paul, Minn. *1no138�g lot 8 do TOTAL 2700 3500 CITY OF 6 �.FAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT -CK ADDITION VALUATION 9 Au•fitor's Subdivision No. 44 $200 $500 St. Paul,Minn. 10 do 2700 Part of 11 do 1200 500 corn, et a noint on tl:o SN line of said lot 36 1/3 ft from the rost Sly corner theroof, th, to said corner, th. alon;; the E. line of said lot :1 l/1_ ft, th. 'Tlly 39 2�3 ft to a nt. 53 5/6 ft from the ?'cint of beginnin_;, th. to be -inning Lot 11 do 4000 (Esc.com, at a point on the Sff line of said lot 11, distant 36 1/3 ft frog, the Sly corner ttnoroof; th. to said corner; th. along; the Ely line of said lot 51 1/4 ft; th. :Tilly 39 2.3 ft to a point 53 5/6 ft from the pt of beginning, th. to beginning 12 do 1250 ft) 13 do 1200 T. 2.5 ft of 13 do 800 14 do 1000 4000 7 24 Rice and Irvine's Add. to St. 2500 1000 Paul 1":ay 2/3 ft of 1 33 do 1550 SI -Ely 1/3 of 1 33 do 700 200 (Exc. S, fly 66 ft measured at right 1200 400 angles to IM line thereof) the Northwesterly 50 ft of 1 3 33 do 3350 (2500 Parts of Lots 2, 3, 4, and 5, Block 33, Rice and Irvine's Addition I to Saint Paul; Commencing at a point on the South line of Lot 5, 83.72 feet from the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northwesterly parallel with the East line of Lots 4 and 5, to a point 4.98 feet Northwesterly from the dividing line between said lots 4 and 5; thence Southwesterly 8 inches, more or less, to center of the wall; thence Northwesterly along said wall and the prolongat-on thereof to a point on the Southeasterly line of Lot 2. 66 feet from the Southwesterly corner of said Lot; thence along said Southeasterly line to the Southwest line of l,agle Street; thence Northerly along said Street line to the most Northerly corner of said Lot 2 aforesaid; thence Southwesterly along the Northwesterly line thereof 71.65 feet; thence Southerly to a point on tmz Franklin Street 32.33 feet Northeasterly from the Southwest Corner of lot 5 aforesaid; thence to beginning. TOTAL CITY OR ST. PAUL DEPARTKEN,T ,Pt FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 5 26 Rice o-nd Irvine's Addition to $3850 3100 S+ . Pau l 20 26 do 2500 1700 21 26 do 2750 8921,600 !,1,608,750 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated! _ 19a---�- Commissioner of Finance. Form B. B. 12 I 1. 0 11 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works U Report to Commissioner of Finance Sept. 6, 1955 - - _ .... ...... .193.. ... To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the 101421 Sept. S� 1985 _ _193__...., relative to Council, known as Council File No. - _ _. approved__..__ _ . Widening.o£ -Kellogg Boulevard Prom -112 feet_easterly _of Market_Street to -Seven -Corners and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is S. _ XXXX- -. - and the total cost thereof is $- and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: --- .......... ........ 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ _ ... _. _ _ _._ _ - - ..__.. - ............... ...... 5. Said improvement is...._.___.__.____. ... asked for upon petition of threeor r owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. 0� COM. OF FINANCE. ............... _- ......._...------------------------------------------------------ Commissioner of Public Works. 12 11, •� 2 0 /\ 9; SEP 6 1935 LAW OFFICES OF ALVIN B. CHRISTOFFERSON ' 900 MINNESOTA BUILDING SAINT PAUL ALVIN B. CHRISTOFFERSON MELVIN J. SILVER CLIFFORD N. JAN - Oct. 8, 1935. Ix. Anel F. Peterson, Cormaissioner of Finance, and The Common Council of the City of St. Paul, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: /D / 7/3 We represent Anderson & May Company, the owner of property located on the northerly side of Kellogg Boulevard at the corner of Exchange Street, which property is affected by the proposed widening of Kellogg Boulevard from Market Street to Seven Cor- ners. The proposed widening of Kellogg Boulevard contemplates taking property from the south side of Kellogg Boulevard, and assessing benefits against property on the north side, including the property owned by my client. Before passage of the final order for this improvement, we desire to notify you that we claim and will claim that the property on the north side of Kellogg Boulevard is not benefited by the Improvement, and that there is no ,Justification for the assessment of benefits against this property. The experience of property owners on other streets widened in this city under somewhat similar circum- stances has demonstrated that the theory of benefit- inf abutting property is purely fiction, and that as a matter of fact there is no benefit to the abut- ting property. In this particular case it is claimed by our client that the property owned by it on the ALVIN B. CHRISTOFFERSON -2- north side of Kellogg Boulevard is damaged rather than benefited by the improvement, and therefore our client will resist and refuse to pay any as- sessment for benefits that may be levied against this property, arising out of the alleged improve- ment. Very truly yours, Attorney for Anderson ABC:B ::1a.y Company CITY OF SAINT PAUL LEGAL DEPARTMENT LOUIS P. SHEAHAN JOHN L. CONNOLLY KILARY J. FLYNN CORPORATION COUNSEL EDWIN MURPHY IRVING GOTLIES JAS. F. SULLIVAW -IM INIE.TIGATOR December 17th, 1934. To the Council, City of Saint Paul. Gentlemen: Under date of December 14th, you referred to this office and the Commissioner of Finance the questions presented by C. C. Stetson on behalf of the committee Kellogg representing property owners on the widening o Boulevard from Market street west to Seven Corners. We have gone over this matter with Mr. Seamer, Valuation and Assessment Engineer of the City, and you are advised that the total cost of the project is in excess of of 189,500�which has that rsince been e was lused for able at oother ne mcountysum purposes. At the present time there is available the sum of $9,500 which is wholly inadequate, and as a consequence, until such time that part of the raised by specs ccannotost that special assessment or madeavailablethrough con- demnationeither county Proceeding rshould �beoinstitutend issue, r both, no d I might further call your attention to the fact that if the moneys were available for this improvement, no condemnation proceeding could be completed until after the first of the year 1935. It is our understanding mmate condemnationatthe minimum time required to fully proceedings is at least ninety days. There is no way in which the Council can agree to acquire this property in the future and relieyearh1935. owners from payment of the taxes due during the Yours very truly, ' y.1 v' LCorporation JLC -U Counsel. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Comminloner of Re9lNretion December 14th, 1934. Hon. Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finance, Building. Dear Sir: The attached letter of C. C. Stetson on behalf of a committee representing property owners on Kellogg Boulevard was referred to you and the Corporation Counsel for investigation and report. Some of the questions raised at the discussion were whether or not the City could have this property removed from the tax rolls until actually acquir- ed by the City; whether the Council can agree to acquire the property required for the widening,of those owners who are satisfied with the award of damages offered by the City and relieve them from any further payment of taxes from the time of the agreement if the money is not now available. It was suggested that the Legislature might authorize transfer of funds from some other United Improvement Council project to this project. Yours very truly, City Clerk. E.9 : 3 Mr. Seamer: The Assessor's full value on lot 12, Borup's Addition is as follows: - Land $1,250. Building 950. Total $2,200. The Assessed valuation of this property is $880. The buildings on the property originally covered numbers 544 and 546 Temperance Street. The assessor states number 546 has been wrecked and that there is only one house on the property at present. Gilbert. C' r, a, 1611714 COUNCIL FILE NO.. By------------------------ --------- --------- ----- In the Matter of ----- a -- in o -c,: P ----- -r- k__�-ddit-ion .1'r an i y _,;on PoM lir _}arh d__Anlp _pax a nhl 0 --UTT'ni ��I' S -t. Par'_ i -ti onlron- Lvon Stre a it'r3 L - tn - + 1) n r a. o s e rare --L' -�- -V L�n--- =1 S t lb 13 E hab- - - - - — ------ - ------- under Preliminary Order---. - - - . 2 - 0128 -5 ------------------approved - ------ IntermediaryOrder ---------------------------------------approved-------------------------------------------- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, Berth f,�cj! of the City of St. Paul that 4he pr%yu -aPaa, --fQ4 be W the same are heri?�y nrn-.:'.cA, and resdnw ged 40 planefflM in said matter be c: -1714— .1 hanging the Block 14, Surom, troottAvon street eGt to conform fl, to "I pro -r, hereat, o .. h thereof,o,,, Yi ori 14 S. 92, 92-------- Adopted -b, the- ounce----�------------------------------1 192.------• 92------ Approved--------------------- - -- 192------ ------------------------------- ----------------------------- ------------------ ----------------------------- Lt� ... .. . . ........ ... .. — ____ —Mayor. Councilman61mor e Pearce Councilman rFairg....�, Peterson D Councilman Truax "McGIDSM" Councilman SVARVOWUMMO Warren PUBLISHED -11-3 Councilman' We,nzei P w For% TV. CA. S Roq J 92, CITY OF ST. PAUL DEM' ATMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In thernatterof -rp.d,3 of In 'llock. 14, Perk ;.,4 �r,,roc tr^et - to Vi,;toriv, too( ­form to tlr-jd line -i tl-,) nrnt'519 linrito olt,.,7h.id ajjrl part horeof, thn ­r,�Prt rfvh'i;li-d ;rlldn boin7, sl-orm by !)Iiv) lin,l +h -r--, nlro he v in 7.31o ­,I< ppart.fro, t,, to t ,,rc,lin -Ile proposed red lino whq­, under Preliminary Order approved -list 3 ,, 17:'s To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is $ rrt. The estimated cost pe;Aoot for the above improvement is The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION F- B. B. 10 A' t' -n t 2 14 3 14 4 1,,- 0 1000 7()Q 5 14 (1c, 0 2, 00 13 M )o 5 0 1) 7 14 'Ic ?10"0 6 11 do C00 3000 Y,' 10, 6600 io TOTAL. 1;'00 F- B. B. 10 $55050 118,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n �e� � �y 19 3 SS j Dated f "fit Commissioner of Finance. Form 8. B. 13 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ' REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION 11, 14 Summit Fark Lddition to 2000 4500 St. Paul in Ramsey our.ty, last ,w., 13 and all 12 14 Yinnesota 3000 3250 ',-lost ?;, 13 ar.d all 14 14 do 4200 5100 15 is do 2800 8000 10 14 do 1800 2900 17 14 do 1600 4350 18 14 do 1600 3050 i":e;t N,, 20 :•nc cell 19 1.4 2700 4350 `z + "` -0 !11 9,1 ]4 0 2700 4500 22 14 do 1800 4500 23 14 do 100 5350 21 1.4 do 1:100 5200 25 v: 10 1600 4„00 25 14 do 18no 3300 27 14 -10 1800 2900 28 14 do 3200 14400 $55050 118,450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. n �e� � �y 19 3 SS j Dated f "fit Commissioner of Finance. Form 8. B. 13 St. Paul, Minn.- _- 193-5 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ------v*t. Ave. __lm_•µ,..._ from .0 [T11. - -St. fere. to U I._Z)_ , -St. Ave. NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION — a�L — " Q jot 1 Y' -- -— VP -- — -- - -- 1 F C 0 P I St. Paul, Minn.-- ---- 192..--. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvemerit to be made: ....Grading -of -Alley - -betieenFairmount_Ave._and_ Osceola Ave. --------------- .---- -------------------------------------- - - --------- - ------------------------------ U. Ave. from ------------ von Victoria - - -St. Ade. to -------------- -- ----- ----- -St. Am NAME LOT BLOCK ADDITION Paul C. Thomas 19 & 1 20 14 Summit Park N H. C. Palmer 271 14.Lawrence " " l •' Platt — 17 14 GOM.OF FINAN u ? 3 • 8•. :'4 b 1. 9/ 3 5 Ec.. 2. T 26- z 2 2. I � I 5.%2S.E. %e. � L) N COLLA AV E � 1 6000P -IC r{ Avg. FAIR11MOr-11-r It OO9CEOLA AVE" - 0 r i -- Q -. PL- AC E. LI Nv./000 S r CLATR S T.— - 4 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION August 21, 1935 Commissioner Milton Rosen, Department of Public Works, City of St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirz I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for Changing the grade and grading Alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, under Preliminary Order C. F. 1012863 approved August 13, 1935. Estimated Cost Cost per front foot Inspection Engineering Frontage 'A-oe-xMAS' ON /,,- ROSEN, COMMISSIONER $938.62 0.78 16.05 120.00 1200 ft. Yo very truly , EORG M. sREPARD CAIEF ENGINEER Offices of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 24, 193 To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of theI Council, known as Council File No. 101.28.6 approved-.. August 151 11955_-193...-_.-, relative to changing the grade snd grading Alley in. Block .143 Summit Park Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street, - - --------- and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. necessary and (or) desirable. 958-62 Cost per front foot $0.78 2. The estimated cost thereof is S -- and the total cost thereof is 6 _ - --- -- Inspection $16.05 Engineering $120.00 Frontage 1200 ft. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follows: .... ...... ...... .......... .... ... ..... .............. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. ------ ------ ...................................... --------- 5. Said improvement is. --- - ----- asked for upon petition of three or more ow�er. of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE. ------------------------------------------ ---------- ------------ Commissioner of Public Works. 9: AUG 28 1935 Hon. Axel F. Peterson, ComoIr of Finance, Buil dingy. Dear Sir: October 6th, 1935, 4e - Chan:,in, the trade of alley in 91oc'- 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Streat to Victoria Street, also :i7radinr said alley - P.O. 7 it?F6, The City Council today laid over the final order in the above improvement to Aaril Kth, 1976 and renuested that your department send notices to ornperty owners at that time. Yours very truly, City Clerk, ----------------------------- � r wd , 101'715 COUNCIL FILE QNO---------- ----- BY.......A.^^ .."!a... - .. condemn--- and t an easement in the land necessary for slopes In the matter of ................... ..�.......................... ................................V'......... cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Street to Victoria Street 101287 August 13, 1935 under Preliminary Order .......................- ......._.._........., aPProve ._......_...._....... .._...._......... --............... - Intermediary Order ............ .....IQ1404 ---- ...----- ..----- ........... I approved ........_........_September 11, 1935 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council hav- ing heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it / RESOLVED, By .the Counci of the City of Saint Paul that 4W +Nee 119d the same arF k, -^h l' -v , xr.r. _:;rd, and reseed IM-raidl T F. No. 101418— the matter of condemning and tak- been up- �� Resolved, by the Counen of the City of Saint Paul - that ail ardere in the ,have matter ba and the same are hereby canceited, annulled, and re- ',sclnded and all proceedings in said mat- ter be. discontinued. Adopted Approved Apr.e8.. 1936cn Apr. S. 1936. a.,,m.,............-,....-...._ ...... _... - pPR 8 (April 11 , 1936) Adopted by the Council ..........................-------- Approved................... ................. ........ ..... 19........ pN Mayor. Councilmen A489" wepexew Pearce ruax Wenzel 14- gw"4164— ? VICE PRE° . ROSEIv - N - D+IndicatsCut. —1 ALLEY -BLK.14 SummITPAR-K AOD. -INot tesFill. AVON ST. VICTORIA 3T. li Typical Notation +to - - - - - - i a—o I, Fig-5.b— Ime show - - - - Cutor Fill at .properly line. - - - FiS.— below Ime show - - - - — - - - distance to which slopes externd beyond property line. LLoc. Book No.i?z1 X-Sec.Bk. No,1221-- ---- ------ --- Scale 1".40' i „ FAIRMOuNT AVE. 6 S U M M I T P A R K A D D. t 60 14, 12 I 10 8 7 13. bon I 40 I 9 6 S 4 3 2 I 40 60 j a No.fF—r.Dbl. t• s 3 Stu. h Fr. • rt ; Fr. -- Na M a Gar } — _ daYr Ga r.l� Gar t Ga✓ Gg h I� Gar , Gar' wa # Fr ✓+. -41 .�tq ci - ,+10 Oa IIt SIN "' -Y� 1r+� + O '_L--` � - vM `�._..�.,..r. T7. Tlt'G -r.__�� + [[ Db LGar.�� I%2 SFr. r•Dbl�Fr yfi, Fr. yFaDbl. Fr c t GarStu. FSar. Gar. rGar.-j' I li Q I � , p� S16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 .24 25 26 27 28 I OSCEOLA AVE, /OF, 102 ycmo F 60 CITY OF ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMI(SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of o adoc:nin and talon,, an eeser ent in the ]cnd necessary for slopes, arts and fills in t"^ radin ^ of h',I 'r ➢lock 14, Suju it Park 1.ddit:on from 1 -von tre t to vic,torie Street, under Preliminary Order approved "` 3:1, 1` 35 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: $ 25.00 The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improvement is - The estimated cost per foot for the above improvement is - $ The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: Form B. n. so ASSESSED DESCRIPTION LOT BLOCK ADDITION VALUATION 1 14 amanit Park Addition to 5280 8100 St. Paul in Ramsey CountYs 5850 2 ' 19 Minnesota 8000 a 14 do 2000 6050 4 14 do 2000 700 6 14 do 2000 2400 6 14 do 2000 4500 7 14 do 2000 6 14 do 2000 5800 9 14 do 2500 8500 (Ex. B. ao tt, lo, a1 to 14 do 1800 Beet a0 ft TOTAL. Form B. n. so - CITY or ST. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMI ARYORDER . ! DESCRIPTION LOT eLocx ADDITION ASSESSED VALUATION W 14, G mlmit Park Addition to 2000 4600 .. St. Paul in Ramsey 0o»atys Bast a IS and all 12. 14 Minnesota am 8250 Best , 13 and all 14 14 do 4200 5100 - 18 14 do 5800 8000 18. 14 do 1800 2500 •. 17. 14 do 1.800 4aso 16. 14 do 1600 5080 West is 20 and all 19 14 do I .2700 4350 past s 20 and all 21 14 do 2700 4600 22 14 do 1800 4500 .. 23 14. do 1800 5550 24 14 do 1800 8200 25 14 do 1800 4800 26 14 do 1800 5500 27 14 do 1800 2900 25 14 do 5200 14" —i;- $68060 $116.450 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matters, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Works. Dated // 19 3 r–f Porm B. B. 12 Commissioner of Finance. 7 Office of the Commissioner of Public Works Report to Commissioner of Finance August 26, 1955 193 - To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known as Council File No. 101287 approved. August 15, 1955 - _-193__...., relative to condemning andtaking.an easement, in the lan d. Quts—aald.. fills in the grading of Alley in 131ok 14, Summit Park Addition from Avon Street to -Victoria Street -------- .. . .. ...... and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is. . necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is xxxxx - and the total cost thereof is $--- ............. and the nature and extent of said ioaprovemeDt is as follows:.__ , ........ ..... .................. __-------- 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. . ... .. .. . ............ ... - --- --------------- -- -------------------------- 1 5. Said improvement is ............. asked for upon petition of three or more owners of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. COM. OF FINANCE, ............ ---------------------------------------- Commissioner of Public Works. ol 8 9- 1 J-1. AUG 28 1835 2nd. r 1stJ ' Laid over 3rd. SL app. !T/4 Adopted r/l/ S Nays Yeas Nays Yeas i ' �I'earce /�'earce Peterson /TiPen ruax Ijose / - ren ' �l f JW en e l / Wenzel ,21r. Pres.-Gol+en h1r Pres. Gahan orWW t. ©q cask PRESF'Eb BY ORDINA 1017B COUNCIL FILE NO. Ik�I ORDINANCE NO.�� +nae N. 7861 An administrative ordinance amending Ordinance 1:. am decl' g- amended, en' No. 7034 as amended entitled: ' , , 7emanro = $An administrative ordinance fixing and author- izing the payment of compensation for certain empl4yitS*b ii the unclassified service con- nected with the public sohoole of the City. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety" approved January a, 1929. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7034, approved January 2, 1929, as amended by ordinances numbered 7429', 7l9'aud 7597, be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out of Section 1 of said ordinance the two sentences appearing between Paragraph 1 of Section 1 and Subdivision I of Section 19 and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "Provided, however, that because of the reduced amount made available for salaries in the Department of Education by the budget adopted for the year 1936, the compensation schedules hereinafter set out shall, for the year 1936, be ten per cent (10%) less. Provided further that nothing herein contained shall impair said cottpensation schedules for"1937 and subsequent years, but that said schedules shall ,stand as provided in Subdivisions III, IV and VI of said Ordinance No. 7034, and shall be maintained and continued the same as tho this amending ordinance had not been passed," Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication. Yeas Councilmen Nays Pearce Peterson 4wees Truax Warren Wenzel ) MR. I PR ��,,�i0S1 Attest? -. �/ ¢-✓ sty c - wa ass OCT 2,2 1935 Passed by the Council_..- ............................ --_-•----- ........... G.... .......In Favor .......---Q-------..Agaainnst Approve :.- - ......_OCT 2 3 1W. ....... _ Jr/ F-UBLis:.^.n115-1 --- �'Y-y::.3 S ORIGINAL TO CITY CLt RK r� c6UNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. D OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK l COUNCIL R SOL O —GENERAL FORM C F No. 101717—By Axel P. Peterson— PRSENTED BY Whereas, Agnea. 8lckey has maA ' COMMfBI,�NER f aPDllcatlon toe eettlemenf and ment'oC accumulated taxes and e. menta on 4t 5, Block 13, 1n A Browp'�. Subdivision of Block �aet I,y Of Block 13 of Bro• - 'e Addition to I Iaa, Bald apD"On" :e with verbal efl „eClty s .. at •....., '1 n Whereas, Agnes Hickey has made application for settle- ment and abatement of accumulated taxes and assessments on Lot 5, Block 13, in A. Vance Brownts Subdivision of Block 4, and the East z of Block 13 of Brown, Stinson and Ramsey's Addition to St. Paul, and Whereas, Said application is made in accordance with verbal agreement by the Council of the City of Saint Paul with Ernest E. and Agnes Ryden and John A. Burns, attorney for James P. Hickey, contingent upon the development of said Lot 5 by the reconstruction and moving of filling stati`:_:"located on Lot 6, which lot was damaged in the maE#er of widening West Seventh Street so as to render the remainder valueless for a filling station, and Whereas, Said filling station has now been moved and reconstructed and located in the greater part on Lot 5; there- fore, be it Resolved, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul recommends the approval of the application and recommends acceptance of the sum of $450.00 in full payment of all taxes and assessments on Lot 5 as recited in said application for relief. X C Yeas Nays — Pearce Peterson P.eeen In favor Trctnr.. Warren Against Wenzel ,, AR. VICE PRES. ROSEN Adopted by the Council OrB.,_193 Qw n� Approved—___- CT__51193__ Mayor / �'1SLISIIif3/C��(z �'} ORI -AL To CITY CLN-K COUNCIL No. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK .+riprueod M l az COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GEN ERAL.a: ie Cotnmfestom ' 'T t de nd PubltC F �{� "jamthe erectton A u, T:. ., IS' t PRESENTED BY COMMIONER T •em94l IV Iloq WHEREAS, Frank Caruso has appealed from an order of the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, forbidding the erection upon property described as No. 1181 East Minnehaha Street, of an addition to the building thereon, and WHEREAS, a hearing was held, after due notice, and the Board of Zoning recommends that said appeal be granted under the terms of Paragraph B, Section 20, of the Zoning Ordinance per— mitting the extension of a nonconforming use, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he hereby is authorized to issue a permit to said applicant for the extension of said building as set forth in his petition. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ' Pearce Peterson P.QSe^ / _ln favor Truax Warren Tv —_� Against M#;* gxtdrosR6QehwC'h MR. VICE -RF-. 5M 6.34 ROSEN Adopted by the Council _=_ $rj6-193_. ®CT R 193__ Approved— —/ --- Lw Mayor a,/Z-35 CITY OF SAINT PAIL1L Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 3rd, 1935 Mr. John L. Connolly Corporation Counsel City Hall Dear girt The City Council referred to you the attached appeal of drank Caruso for permission to build an addition to his building at 1181 Z. Minnebaha Street with the request that you draw a resolution granting the appeal. Yours very truly, zl-. A City Clerk THE BOARD OF ZONING-�� �.j Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922' SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA n •' �� 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman September 10th, 1935• LOUIS BER ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. WGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Architect GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Mr, L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of appeal of Frank Caruso for permission to build an addition to his building at 1151 9. Mi=ehaha St. This is a non -conforming store in a "B" Residence District. There is about 100 ft. of commercial development at the northeast corner of Duluth and Minnehaha built prior to the zoning ordinance. This is the second store from the corner and the addition goes on the rear. The Board recommend that the appeal 3 be granted under paragraph "b^ Section 20 of the J Adopted by the Council _..__-------- .._.._._._...._..------- .193...... Zoning Ordinance. l Yeas Nays j PEARCE Yours very truly, PETERSON ROSEN GEORGE H. HERROLD, TRUAX Engineer Secretary. j41ARREN gh—rh WENZEL /l�IR. PRESIDENT (GEHAN) St. Paul, Minnesota, August 9th, 1935• St. Paul City Councils St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen= I an the owner of Lot 16 and west six feet of Lot 17 in Bowens Addition, and I am told at the permit office that this is non -conforming property. I wish to appeal from decision of building in- spector under section 20 p b at 1179 and 1181 E. Minnehaha St., ant add tion 12'x20uth Ave.) ndtosmythat I presentebui ding,anted aatermit a costo build $200.00. Addition to be used as a kitchen in place of a small room now being used for this purpose. Thanking you for your consideration, I am Yours truly, September 25th, Hon. Axel F. Petnrsor„ CoLs'r of FinAnce, Duildinn. Dear Sir: The City 1 will consider the apse --1 O` gni Ce.riso, ),rder t -ie !:onin^ Ordinance, for oer:.ds^ion to build an additien to hie building- at 11F1 �. ted thAt you send noticest1of5the `hearinr. toepropertyde owners swithin 20n feet. Yours veru truly, City Clerk. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLARK COUNCIL (�1�'y CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO.—LIJ OFFICE OF THE CITY "CLERK OU L RESOLUTION —GENERA♦ ?y mot r Peterson— i . "It of SC Paul the •Hent t. Pool Toa on the of to Paul t O P„ PRESENT D BY L ...d, o ., t of pound; ander the COMMISSION ER taynd Co... . nr ' WEEMp8, the City of St. Paul bag available for payment $200,000.00 on the $900,000.00 City of St. Paul T= Delinquency Note, forming a part of the General Sinking rind, under the &ntrol of the Sinking Hand Committee, therefore, be it FIWLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the Sinking Hund Committee of the City of St. Paul the sum of $200,000.00 thereby reducing the note to $700,000.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson --�—__IR favor Truax Warren —Against MR. VICE PRFS. ROSEN 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council193 OCT �-1�-- n Approved____ /CieT 193— tf // Mayor / PUBLISIED 6' ! Z ORIGINAL TO CITT CL[RK FILE No.—If� RBn CITY OF ST. PAUL out TT October 4, 1935 ad! 'i:'. ilroed On - ,vttoyjr:, WHEREAS, in the carrying out of Works Progress Administration project for the improvement and extension of Barge Terminal facilities, and the construction of a road along the east river bank from Sibley Street to the Barge Terminal, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Chicago,,Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company for the erection of tool sheds and other buildings on railroad property adjoining the work, and WHEREAS, said railroad company has submitted a form of temporary lease which is satisfactory to the Department of Public Works and the Corporation Counsel, no cost being involved on the part of the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it ! w. RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Com tr ler and City Clerk be and they herein are authorized and instructed to execute said lease on behalf of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce OFFICE OF THE CITY CLrltoa ` COUNCIL carry ESOLUTION—GEMr" ndre Pit A long tt PRESENTED LTZ,Q� �treet t, COMM19S10NE.. oeeeary to l Warren W A"L . Raigo, ift it sh., � n1 tool1 ahe� out TT October 4, 1935 ad! 'i:'. ilroed On - ,vttoyjr:, WHEREAS, in the carrying out of Works Progress Administration project for the improvement and extension of Barge Terminal facilities, and the construction of a road along the east river bank from Sibley Street to the Barge Terminal, it is necessary to obtain permission from the Chicago,,Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific Railroad Company for the erection of tool sheds and other buildings on railroad property adjoining the work, and WHEREAS, said railroad company has submitted a form of temporary lease which is satisfactory to the Department of Public Works and the Corporation Counsel, no cost being involved on the part of the City of St. Paul; therefore, be it ! w. RESOLVED, That the Mayor, Com tr ler and City Clerk be and they herein are authorized and instructed to execute said lease on behalf of the City of St. Paul. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson 34cau —__In favor Truax Warren W A"L �L —Against std AAR . VICE 71'77. oflgr,ll Adopted by the Council OCT R WOLF 193__ fit. Approved [i� f`+'9�"J 193__ Mayor LULISI EI) �D Z— ORIGINAL TO CIA CL[RK yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL Pearce OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK _ IGREsg rEO(/ commis310NER/ UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ' DATE— COUNCIL FILE NO. RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Edward Schwartz, providing for the payment to him at the rate of $17.80 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Water Department on the 17th day of September, 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Board of Water Commissioners, in accordance with said agreement, is hereby authorized to pay to said Edward Schwartz the sum of $35.30 out of the Water Department Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the Board of Water Commissioners, being for the period to noon of October 8th, 1935. C. F. No. 10172t—BY Mll[on Roeen— BY Req. -et -W i Resolved, That the Board of Water Commleslonere be and It Is hereby a thorlsed to enter Into an agreement COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Pearce Peterson —Roxn ._S_ In favor Trttax G Warren — Against Wenael .-_,_.,..i hit. plesitiet with Edward Schwartz, providing for the paYment to him at the rate of i $17.60 per week during such time as he hall be totally disabled by -aeon 0f InJurlee received by him hlle to the employ of the Water Department on the 17th day o[ September. 1936; be ft Further Resolved, That the Board of WaterCommisalo¢ere, In Gordano, j with -aid agreement, le hereby author- 3 Ized to pay to aid Edward Sohwartz the sum of $36.30 out of the Water nt hint telt" against in heLBoardial t of We- ter Commie -loners, being for the period to noon of October 8th, 1936 Adopted Oche, Coun1936cil Oct. 8, 1936. ,Oct. 13-1936) Adopted by the Council. OCT_81%5-193-- 1J Approved— WT g 193_— � _ ted_ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CRY CLt.. COu NCIL t 2 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU N RESOLU ION—GENERAL FORM /q PRESENTEDBY// DATE— COMMISSION E ATECOMMISSIONE RESOLVED That the Counoil of the City of Saint Paul hereby authorize the laying of a water main on the following street in the City of Saint Pauli Eleanor Street from Fairview Avenue to a point 110 feet west of Fairview Ave. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson P --n ----In favor Truax Watren 0—Against 't6t�fTee1 srt 6 -MR. VICE T7,^—. ROSEPJ . C. F. No. 101722-13Y Milton Rose— es — Resolve , That the Connell f the 1'�tha layIng¢of t¢ water in o tL eo1 IoCr lowing street In the City f 3@Int Pxul: Eleanor St. from Falrvlea�Ave to a poi nt 110 feet eet of Fairview Ave. app t, Get e8 C1936 I Oct. 9. 1996. (Oct. 12-193b) Adopted by the Counci1___02CT--C= 193_ — Approved_____ .�C 1 F 193'_— Mayor ORIGINAL t0 CIT CLKRK COUNCIL 101723 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. �OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU GIL ESOLUTION—GENE AL FORM PRESEWED BY DATE COMM IONER WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission, at its meeting on October 2nd, 1935, awarded the con— tract for files for the Probate Court to the Watson Manufacturing Company, the lowest responsible bidder, in the sum of $1500.00; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City 0ouncil hereby concurs in and approves the action of said Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson A -CAL L favor Truax Warren Against SM ,NR. VICE P"'? '?OSEHI C. F. No. 101733—BY L C. Pearce— Whereas, the Advisory Court House nd C,tY Hall Bu11dIw' Commissl aided Its meetlnB Oct. Ind, 1936. the co tract for alea for the Probate Court t the Watson ManufacturtnB Company, the lo�yeet eponefble b1d- der, In the sum of $1,00.00; therefore, be It That the City Council here- A Rcso Cues• in and aPProves the action or aid Commission. Il Oct. 6, 1936. Adopted by the COunc Approved Occtt. ut 3,12 1990) OCT 19�15 Adopted by the Council------- 193 OCT Approved __—• /j� ""� 193_ Mayor O—INAL TO CITY CL[NK 1 1(1"724 CITY OF ST. pC. F. No. 1017hat Pa Fred M Tr NO. Resolved, Thai permission nr OFFICE OF THE CIT thorny be given to Anrold w. r to Install nna malntnin drive, 1n1r statics IAts 1 and Y. B" COUNCIL RES9LUTION— Arungcon Aiiln, locatea,at the CA.®fj !west corner of Arcade ad J. In n cordanae 'Ith the nle, PRESENTED BY , t'V ��.�1�+�.I enY do ViBtlon tb 1 N COMMISSIONER_- ed will, an' DATd: a n.�asN RESOLVED That permission and authority be given to Harold W. Peter- son to install and maintain a drive-in filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, Arlington Hills, located at the southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks streets, in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Works. The permit herein granted shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever it shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson / If"GF- _ In favor Truax Warren W— 16 _____Against Mt. Piesielen4JQa4ap� srot c.AkR. VICE 1",F^. ROSE\; Adopted by the Council__ OCT 8 1��93_- OCT 8 MS Approved_ 193__ / Mayor / CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota, OFFICE OF CITY CLERK =®� L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration �C October 4th, 1935. Mr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Harold W. Peterson for a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks Sts., being Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, Arlington Hills has been referred to you, by the Council, for resolution to grant. Yours very truly, City Clerk. Adopted by the Council .......................... ...........__----------- 193._...... Yeas Nays P/CE /PETERSON -RR/OSEN ---' RUAX W�A REN /iVJENZEL MR.RESIDENT (GEHAN) 7 �� GtfY op THE BOARD OF ZONING Established by Ordinance No. 5840 August 22, 1922 SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 4' �c 234 COURT HOUSE ISAAC SUMMERFIELD, Chairman LOUIS BETZ September 18th, 1935• ALBERT BUENGER EGIN WAHMAN BERNARD J. McGLYNN CHARLES BASSFORD, City Archileci GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary Xr. L. H. S. Ferguson, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Harold W. Peterson for a drive-in filling station at the southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks St. This corner is zoned for Commercial purposes. The plan provides for a two pump station and the driveways are in accordance with State Trunk Highway requirements and the standards of the city, excepting that on Jenks St. the drive- way must be narrowed as shown in red from 24 ft. to 22 ft. The Board, therefore, recommend that the permit be granted. Yours very truly, GEORGE H. HERROLD, Engineer Secretary. gh-rh AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner JOHN G FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMER, Velualion end Assessmem EnOi — HARRY A JOHNSON, Chief Oerk CLIFFORD M NYSTROM, Cashier -40-® September 7, 1935 City Clerk 386 Court House City Pursuant to Section 5 as amended, of the Building Zone Ordinance adopted by the Council of the City of St. Paul July 7th, 1922, you are hereby notified that the application of Harold W. Peterson to erect and install a filling station located at the southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks Streets, on Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, Arlington Hills, will come up for consideration before the Council in the Council Chamber in the City Hall and Court House Building on the 18th day of September, 1935, at 10 o'clock A.M. AXEL F. PETERSON, Commissioner of Finance File 7986 {'r c\ rf. ORIGINAL Z' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ---- --- TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made BY (" rvwIWJ A- L) FOR PERMIT TO INSTALL AND OPERATE A -------I -- -----------I------- ---- ---- --- - ----------------------------------- ------- I IRIVI in OR I—— LOT a'4-' BLOCK, AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION 10 BE LOCATED ON zF "o OF Pumps (,,I) NO OF ... TANKS - CAPACITY OF EACH TANK --j-4;" FILED RECEIVED COPY FR CITY CLERK D. -------- ---- & ;� r --"-'': __"I9 DEPARTMENT PUBLIC --------- ------- - -- ';Z1 INESS ADDRE59. RECEIVED COPY FROM CITY ELERK DATEI - ------ ------ ---- ------------- CITY PLANNING BOARD BY______ _______�/_.�_ _ _ __ ---------- G H. BARFUSS WM. J. SUDEITH Acting Chief of Police Fire Chief ROBERT B. J. SCHOCH, M. D. CITY OF SAINT PAUL JOSEPH MACAULEY Health Officer Supt. of Police and fire Alarm Capital of Minnesota G. H. BRISSMAN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Asst. Supt. of Police and Fire Alarm Tenth and Minnesota Streets H. E. WARREN, Commissioner WALLACE N. JAMIE, Deputy Commissioner September 6, 1955 Mr. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Returned herewith is the application of Harold W. Peterson for permission to install a drive—in gasoline filling station on Lots 1 and 2, Block 20, Arlington Hills Addition, also described as the southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks Streets, and reports of inspection and approval by the Divisions of Fire Prevention and Traffic. Very truly yours, Wallace N. Jamie Deputy Commissioner THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION September 5, 1935 Mr. H. E. Warren Commissioner of Public Safety Deer Sir: This is in reference to the application of Harold W. Peterson for permission to install a drive- in gasoline filling station on Lots 1 and 2. Block 20, Arlington Hills Addition. also described as the south- west corner of Arcade and Jenks Streets. I have made the customary inspection and do not find that the proposed station and driveways will materially interfere with traffic. very truly yours, ! ' `L • ICJ Harry N ettergren Superin e.,dent of Traffic THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL INTEROFFICE COMMUNICATION . August 30,1935 Hon.H.E.Warren Commissioner of Public Safety, Dear Sir; In regard to the application of Harrold W.Peterson for permission to install a drive—in filling station on the Southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks Ste. 2 pumps and 2 550 gallon tanks are to be installed. We have investigated the foregoing and report th&t such an installation at the desired location would not greatly increase the fire hazard in that vicinity. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau. MILTON ROSEN Commiuioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS GEORGE M. SHEPARD Chief Engineer JOHN M. REARDON, Asst Chief Engr. and Supt. of Construction G. H. HERROLD, Office Engineer MARK W. WOODRUFF, Chief Engr. Clerk September 19s 1955 Mr. L. R. S. Fergusons City Clerks Building. t FRED E. LOVELL Deputy Comm. 1. EDWARD GOTTLIEB, Supt. of Sanitation M. S. GRYTBAK, Bridge Engineer RAY J. KARTAK, Supt. of Workhouse Dear Sir: In the matter of applicationst tion of Ha oldsouW. est Peterson for a drive—in filling corner of Arcade and Jenks Streets I beg to advise you that the plans as submitted and revised to provide a eet ead of a ft. driveway on Jenks y meets the approvalof this department 4department driveway from an driveway engineering standpoint. Yours very trulys ?7-7. S4-14 (} M. SFIEPARDs Chie ngineer. AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C. SEAMIER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Clark CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier October 3, 1935. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs Answering your letter of September 21st relative to permission granted by the Council to Harold W. Peterson, to install a drive-in filling station at the southwest oorner of Arcade and Jenks Streets on lots 1 and 2, blook 20, Arlington Bills Addition, you are advised that the taxes are delinquent from 1928 to date. This property has been sold by M. F. Skweree to Harold We Peterson and title is now being examined. As soon as the deal is olosed, taxes will be paid in Rill. Yours very truly, Axel F. Peterson, Commissioner of Finanoe. JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner September 21st, 1935 Rn7. Axel F. "at^rsnn C--ad­'�n-r of Finnnee C, ty 'In, 1 Dear Sir: Thn City Cn,mcil nr,ntem vle aonlicnt{on of n -Ar -le W. 'e+, •*ppn for oncml isiin to in,tal.l a drive-in filling st^.tinn �t t'' -)e n^,Ahwest corner of A7eAde And Jenke Sts., f•rrther dencrlbed in the aoolication as Lots 1 And 2, "Inc'c '*n, A.01--7tnn 11111m Ac'c'ition, su''eot to tic An -)^oval. Will you kindly provide ns with infnrmatinn evid reconr:endntion relative to the tax situation? Yours very tr:l-, City Clerk AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Valuation and Assessment Engineer HARRY A JOHNSON, Chief Oerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier October 8, 1935. L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sirs - JOHN C. FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner Referring to our letter of October 3rd, relative to permission granted by the Council to Harold W. Peterson, to install a drive- in Cilling station at the southwest corner of Arcade and Jenks Streets on lots 1 and 2, block 20, Arlington Hills Addition, you are hereby advised that the taxes have been paid in full. Very truly yours, p Cosgnissioner oP Finance. i C L WHEREAS, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 448 was issued to George F. Foster at 3.100 University Ave., and WHEREAS, George F. Foster has requested that said license be transferred to Lawrence Schumacher at 674 So. Wabasba Street, in which request Lawrence Schumacher concurs, and WHEREAS, Lawrence Schumacher has filed a bond in the stun of $5,000, as requieed by city ordinance, and which bond has been Approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License No. 448 heretofore issued to George F. Foster at 3.100 University Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Lawrence Schmacher at 674 So. Wabasha St. and the bond of said Lawrence Schumacher is -hereby aproved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said George F. Foster from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Scseu � __In favor Truax Q Warren Against '9V6112 b sM 6.74R. VICE PRF.3. RCSTI;ra Adopted by the Council OCT 819%193 Approved_____0_G,T_ l9.+t✓193 Approved__—_0_G,T_193- 6 Mayor / PUBLISTiM /0 -1L - 3S owIooawL TO cin r'' / _Fred M. Troa:— - (� ��%�� twaai.' d L. LioENcv. t CITY' F ST. PAULtil is NO. .loo u.1--fty Av OFFICE OF THE CITY Cr 1e1 pee bay P ,4ohy�chsPRESENTED EF�-�-� COMMISSIONER �UNLUTION—GENE v�''S.—,-'. "E October S. 1955 'k DATE WHEREAS, heretofore On Sale Liquor License No. 448 was issued to George F. Foster at 3.100 University Ave., and WHEREAS, George F. Foster has requested that said license be transferred to Lawrence Schumacher at 674 So. Wabasba Street, in which request Lawrence Schumacher concurs, and WHEREAS, Lawrence Schumacher has filed a bond in the stun of $5,000, as requieed by city ordinance, and which bond has been Approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and WHEREAS, the License Committee has recommended that said request for transfer of license be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that On Sale Liquor License No. 448 heretofore issued to George F. Foster at 3.100 University Ave. be and the same is hereby transferred to Lawrence Schmacher at 674 So. Wabasha St. and the bond of said Lawrence Schumacher is -hereby aproved, and the City Clerk is directed to deposit the same in the office of the City Comptroller, and the Corporation Counsel is authorized and directed to release the surety on the bond of the said George F. Foster from any further liability arising after the date this resolution is published. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Scseu � __In favor Truax Q Warren Against '9V6112 b sM 6.74R. VICE PRF.3. RCSTI;ra Adopted by the Council OCT 819%193 Approved_____0_G,T_ l9.+t✓193 Approved__—_0_G,T_193- 6 Mayor / PUBLISTiM /0 -1L - 3S CITY OF SAINT PAUL�� Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October let, 1935• Hon. R. E. Warrent Chairman, License Oommittee, city. Dear Sir: The attached application for transfer of on sale liquor license issued to George Boater, 1100 Univer- sity Avenue to Lawrence Schimtacher att6�� go- aforhre. Street was referred to your committee , by the To -are very truly, city Clerk. September 25, 1935 Honorable 1:4ayor and City Council St. Paul, Minnesota Gentlemen: So' I have today sold my Him liquor license 6741TabaEha located at 1100 University Ave.$t.Paul,Mign• to Lawrence Schumacher/ and would like to have same transferred to him at your earliest convenience. Yous Svery �truly, BYS�L�, (` Honorable 1.Ayor and City Council St. Paul *Minnesota Gentlemen: Having purchased the above license from Dor. George Foster, 1100 University Ave., St. Paul, Minneaota, I wish to petition the City Council to transfer same to Lawrence Schumacher, 674;Iabasha Street, St. haul, P.7inn. � Q 0 N yours very truly, CITY OF SAINT PAUL APPLICATION FOR "ON SALE" LIQUOR LICENSE Application No.----- Name o.__— — Name of Applicant_— -- r----- r, Residence Address —�-r ----- ` �--- Telephone No%�v 2 r Are you a citizen of the United States?-- AUL Have you ever �ieen eng ed in ,operating salon] cafes¢oft drink parlor, or business of similar nature? `l - /L/ tw R1 �f % — When and where? ! % S �_'=___1__7___ 1- ' J -" — If corporation, give name and general purpose of corporation --- When incorporated?— ----------------- - If club, how long has corporation owned or leased quarters for club members?--------------- How embers?____—____-_ -- How many members?-------- Names embers? ----- Names and addresses of president and secretary of corporation, and name and address of general manager. Give name of surety company which will write bond, if known Number Street Side Between What Cross Streets Ward 674 s s� How many feet from an academy, college or university (meas dalM s eets)- �"' �'y How many feet from a church (measured along streets) ? — A How many feet from closest pt blie or paroch' 1 gr or high school (measured along streets) ? -- Name of closest school— ___—_—__---_ _ How are premises classified rXonin dinan On what floor located?_—___ Are premises owned by you or leased?---�— —_--If leased, give name, of owner__17 — If a restaurant, seating capacity?---�.? —! -----_----- ----------- If hotel, seating capacity of main dining room? ---- ---------- Give below the name, or number, or other description of e"A additional room in which liquor sales are intended: (The information above must be given for hotels or restaurants which use more than one room for liquor sales). How many guest rooms in hotel?—_ -- Name of resident proprietor or manager (restaurant or hotel)______ ----- --___—_— Give nam and addr - s of three bu§iness rpfere THIS APPLICATION MUST BE VERIFIED OFFICER OF THE CORPORATION DULY AL SEAL OF THE CORPORATION MUST BE ATT Application checked by APPLICANT, AND IF CORPORATION, BY AN D TO MAKE THIS APPLICATION; AND THE Issuance of license is not recommended. Dated 193— SEE OTHER SIDE License Inspector. R. r�a�� mean u�npm e STATE OF MINNESOTA, 1 J}ss. County of Ramsey. _------- -being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he has read the following application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of his knowledge, information and belle,. STotary bed sworn to bef e 17 this --da f- — -- 193 P is Ra ount Minn., Y Y, My commission expires------� / -� STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey. ------- - - - - - - ----- --------------------------being first duly sworn, deposes and says that ------- - -- the -- - --- - -- - - - -- --- - -- - ---- of - -- - -- -- - -- -- - --- , a corporation; that-_ -has read the foregoing application and knows the contents thereof, and that the same is true to the best of -________-_-_knowledge, information and belief; that the seal affixed to the foregoing instrument is the corporate seal of said corporation; that said application was signed, sealed and execute pn behalf of said corporation by authority of its Board of Directors, and said application and the executikth4e- oris the voluptary act and deed of said corporation. ave, 4 Skbspribed and sworn to before me _, _---_------_- --. this- day of__ --_---__-193-_ Notary Public, Ramsey County, Minn. My commission expires______—_ ------------------- 4 r FIRE PREVENTION REPORT INFORMATION REQUIRED IN i Name of Applicant _._ _� J_`= Address Owner of Building Fire Hazards Extinguishers Building Inspectors Report Construction Exits —/ i['�—v'I�' Remarks CITY OF ST. PAUL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Date_ Application ONNECTION WITH.'{t> i .cV l p./� . �r ' + LICENSE c APPROVED— r Chief Inspector 1 Inactor CITY OF ST.,P.AJJL H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES / Date---- --() - 2- 3,5- INFORMATION REQVIRED IN CONNECTION WITH -:tc-fA aCENSE Name of Applicant Address —L Between what cross street and on what side of street to be located 0 V6,41 rD Trade Name, if any Is application for renewal of license in same location? Is place to be operated by new owner or former owner' If new owner, has he been in similar business before? Where_ In any other business? Have there been any complaints against operation of this type place by applicant Has any former owner been arrested for any violation on these premises? '/Z Are you a citizen of the United States? Z' How Long in the City 2 Moral Character Ever Been Arrested__--. __"__- _-- _— -- _-._____.—_---._.— -------------.__.....— __.___-- i Violation rrested— Violation of \k*hat Criminal Law or Ordiriance-��L---- State ANY Licenses Applicant has had Revoked Number of 3.2 Places CVithin 2 Blocks— Closest Intoxicating Liquor Place Off Or If premises now unoccupied state how long and previous use Nearest Church Or School Number Of Booths, Tables And Chairs Time On Citizenship Remarks: 's 1-2f APPROVED NOT APPROVED INSPECTOR Chief of Police License Inspector CITY CW- 2n PAUL d"' " I -'� ✓ H. E. WARREN Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Date INFORMATION FROM COMPTROLLER & FINANCE DEPT./ Application No._ INFORMATION REQ ED IN CONNECTION WITH zwia- �/� dX Sa �i G L� -ICENSE Name of Applicant a�L Taxes Not Paid and How Remarks: By Finance ep. DCT 3 1 •Final /0/%3, Commissioner of Public Safety CITY OF.s H. E. WARR1 . Commissioner of Public Safety BUREAU OF LICENSES Date---/0- HEALTH DEPARTMENT REPORT Application No. INFORMATION REQU�,RED IN CONNECTION WITHL a _ S a C� -lam* yLICENSE Name of Applicant --� AddressJ�Z/— c t Light— Toilet ight Toilet Facilities Hot and Cold Rater Facilities — r General Sanitation— Condition anitation Condition of Equipment Type of Refrigeration - Food Storage Ventilation Remarks APPROVED NOT APPROVED 61 /a -2 Inspector ORIGINAL TO CITY CLKRK 1 , s e cou101726 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NCIL NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COU I RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMJSSIONER DATE_ October 8 1935 'WHM MAS, R. Verness has requested that Gasoline filling station license No. 8848, expiring August 28, 1936, issued to him at 1108 Arcade Street be transferred to C. A. Nelson at the same address, and in which request Mr. C. A. Nelson has concurred; therefore, be it r RESOLVED, that gasoline filling station license No, 8348 be and the same is hereby transferred from R. Verness to C. A. Nelson at 7103 Arcade Street, and the proper city officers are hereby directed to change the city records accordingly. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson / S -RO"R-. In favor Truax Warren Wetzel _______Against SM 6.34 11ER. VICE I RFI,. ROSFM1I C. F. No. 101726—Dy FI, E. Warren— I. C. Pearce—Fred AL Truaz— Whereas, R. Verness has repues[ed that Gasoline filling station llceme No. 3343, plring Aug. 23, 1986, Issued to I'll a 1103 cane Street be transfer-� red to C. A. Nelson at the same address, nd in which reQuest bir. C. A. Nelson has concurred; therefore, be It `p Resolved, the, gasoline filling enation } license No. 3343 be and the same fe hereby transferred from R. eernesa to C. A. Nelson at 1103 Arcade 9t„ and the proper city officer, are hereby directed to change the city records accord) ugly. Adopted by the Council Oct. 8, 1936. Approved Oct. 8, 1936• (O.L 12-1935) Adopted by the Council OCT R ,_193___ Approved-_._ Q�+r 193____ Mayor ��tt �� ... C/�y ��3s ^ � .. ���' � � ����� i ,�` � � � �, � ��� ���` �llD.3 G�-G �/�'tw�'+7, c / I U ' �� v V i����/ c-� ��=�- iyz�0'�'�,��- NOTICE _ _ 101'72' 101'728 101729 29 CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO I COUNCIL FILE NO. PRINTER C. F. Noe. 103727, 101728, 101729— ION Resolved, That checks be drawn oa the Clty T[eaeury, to the aggregate amount of $96,978.96, ousting checks �Q�,AbN} 1, numbered 17803 to 17766 fnclu9lve, ae Y 193_ �Der, checks on file In the office o[ the C1ty Comptroller. Adopted bythe Council Oct. 8, 1996. RESOLVED, THAT CHEC Approved Oct. 8, 1936. (oot. 12-1936) IREASURY,TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF; 9 Tg• 6 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ITT 5 — �--TO / INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. OCT8 �f3 / l ADOPTED By THE COUNCIL 193_, APPROVED_ '✓�� r 1°"}'%'7 193_ ciTv eoo o TT DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL i� ����� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FI E NO. _. - ----ti---_----- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION I..Mfa+� eter_o94AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - - oetober-4------ -- -19---35 M.DONALD arTeII P_E RC ROSEN ---- --_--_--AGAINST RESOLVED. THA CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGAT AMOUNT OF S..- 5* ----• COVERING MR. PRE.. BU..LIE �; CHECKS NUMBE _ 3 _TO__ ______- INCLUS E. AS �� � K++.I PER CHECKS O F E �P OFFIC �F CITY Cqt% OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - ---- -- I f //— APP - VEP. _.. -- � __ -. _._ PTn C BY TOTAL ATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- -_---- _-_-- TURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS _ I Ilp�l BROUGHT FORWARD • 17603 Wm. Wic;:9r25 00 96 00 17604 John Fitzpa'vz;ck 17605 Canitol stationery Mfg.Company 54. 17606 Farwell, Oman, Kirk & Company17 113 17607 Inter City Paper Company 00 9 03 17609 F.J. Morse & Company 40 76 17609 Robinson, Cary & Sands Compan 17610 St.Paul Buillers Material Company 7 75 17611 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Compony 95 17612 Stiefel Products Company 134 5 00 17613 David Bashefkin 32 00 17614 George Sudeith 29 00 65 00� 17615 Emil IsaksOn 458 33 17616 John R. Wolf 17617 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 279 50 17619 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 395 55 40 00 17619 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 17620 Nels Frederickson 57 17621 Mrs. Delia Brown 28' 8 17622 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 27 00 17623 Mrs. Louie Fay 28 80 1716P Mrs. Anna R. Foley 3190 12096 17625 Mrs. bottlieb L. Hafemeister 40 00 17626 17627 John Lennon Mrs. Elizabeth LBterskl 40 o0 17629 Albert J. McCarthy r � 7 17629 Mrs. Hannah Peterson c 24 92 17630 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 29 80 17631 17632 John Sullivan Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan(e 1 21 84 363 00 17633 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL i� ����� COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FI E NO. _. - ----ti---_----- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION I..Mfa+� eter_o94AVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - - oetober-4------ -- -19---35 M.DONALD arTeII P_E RC ROSEN ---- --_--_--AGAINST RESOLVED. THA CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, SUDHEIMER TO THE AGGREGAT AMOUNT OF S..- 5* ----• COVERING MR. PRE.. BU..LIE �; CHECKS NUMBE _ 3 _TO__ ______- INCLUS E. AS �� � K++.I PER CHECKS O F E �P OFFIC �F CITY Cqt% OLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL - ---- -- I f //— APP - VEP. _.. -- � __ -. _._ PTn C BY TOTAL ATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- -_---- _-_-- TURNED V NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS _ I Ilp�l BROUGHT FORWARD • 17603 Wm. Wic;:9r25 00 96 00 17604 John Fitzpa'vz;ck 17605 Canitol stationery Mfg.Company 54. 17606 Farwell, Oman, Kirk & Company17 113 17607 Inter City Paper Company 00 9 03 17609 F.J. Morse & Company 40 76 17609 Robinson, Cary & Sands Compan 17610 St.Paul Buillers Material Company 7 75 17611 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Compony 95 17612 Stiefel Products Company 134 5 00 17613 David Bashefkin 32 00 17614 George Sudeith 29 00 65 00� 17615 Emil IsaksOn 458 33 17616 John R. Wolf 17617 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 279 50 17619 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 395 55 40 00 17619 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 17620 Nels Frederickson 57 17621 Mrs. Delia Brown 28' 8 17622 Mrs. Mary Emily Christy 27 00 17623 Mrs. Louie Fay 28 80 1716P Mrs. Anna R. Foley 3190 12096 17625 Mrs. bottlieb L. Hafemeister 40 00 17626 17627 John Lennon Mrs. Elizabeth LBterskl 40 o0 17629 Albert J. McCarthy 4o Oo 17629 Mrs. Hannah Peterson 24 92 17630 Mrs. Elfrida Soderberg 29 80 17631 17632 John Sullivan Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan(e 1 21 84 363 00 17633 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 1.566 99 17634 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan 6 13 299 34 17635 Duane O'Hara 17 6o 45 53 17636 Chas. E. Daley 3 419 78 17637 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan e 17639 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan a 11 091 31 17640 A 1 Stenographic Bureau 5 80 6o 640 Bacon & Kempie, Agents oo 17641 Geo. Benz & sons 125 DO 17642 Capital Envelope Company 85 21 4o 176144 76 3 Co -Op. Laundry Company,Inc. 59 109 00 41F A.G. Ewert, Agent e 17645 Mrs. Harry Herman 0 00 17646 S.C. Johnson Company 43 50 17647 N.W. Retinning Company 60 17649 Oxidite Battery Mfg.Company 56 70 17649 St.Paul Vocational School Rev .Fd. 17650 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 128 92 17651 Tri—state Tel. & Telg. Company 157 14 17652 Valley Iron works 1 01 17653 'seed, Parker & 9ompany r-• i .� � , a, � I I I TOTAL DATE I t , CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURN BY BAN TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 17654 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan De 44 35 833 17655 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan e 5 01 17656 Louie A. Ginther 100 00 65 30 17657 Capital Envelope Company 17658 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 76 258 17659 H.B. Fuller Company 230 74 17660 The Grinnell Company,Inc. 17661 Mrs. J.T. Jennings, Librarian 7 15 6 35 17662 Ray J. Kartak, Supt. 1 80 17663 17664 Miss Louise Markert Northern Coal & Dock Company 3 3929 17665 17666 A.w. Bell Telephone Company N.W. Fuel Company 7845 4 65 07 17667 17669 service Press Harry J. Simone Lumber Companr 4 40 07' 17669 G. Sommers & Company 8 16 17670 Victory Printing Company DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COU NCfL l OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. -- - - -------- COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL ^"""Y Pe ersoII COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAr W IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS �1RR1eRAL ;e9t -- _------- ---- oatobea ----------..-- g_-35- PEARCE ROSEN -.AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT HECKS BE D Ae I, ..CL' kg5ITY TREASURY. SU DHEIMER TO THE AGGREGAT A pp/�1�y►� S_-_ / v --JJ---- - --. COVERING MR. PRES. BIIND..�a+riF (_ 5(� CHECKS NUMBER D _-.. -=L__. TO_---I_L_-__ INCLUSIVE. AS U 1 PER CHECKS ON E HE OFFICE OF THE COM PTROLLE �.i ADOPTED BY TH SCO UNCIL -_-.�._�`.---- - __._�_.__-_19 __ --------------- _ ___ ____ -- __A _COMPTROLL I/ APPROVE - --- T N..OR v- TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF RETURN BY BAN TRANSFER CHECKS DISBURSEMENT CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 17654 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan De 44 35 833 17655 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan e 5 01 17656 Louie A. Ginther 100 00 65 30 17657 Capital Envelope Company 17658 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 76 258 17659 H.B. Fuller Company 230 74 17660 The Grinnell Company,Inc. 17661 Mrs. J.T. Jennings, Librarian 7 15 6 35 17662 Ray J. Kartak, Supt. 1 80 17663 17664 Miss Louise Markert Northern Coal & Dock Company 3 3929 17665 17666 A.w. Bell Telephone Company N.W. Fuel Company 7845 4 65 07 17667 17669 service Press Harry J. Simone Lumber Companr 4 40 07' 17669 G. Sommers & Company 8 16 17670 Victory Printing Company 101 35 17671 Clara Kvanbeck 10 60 0000 17672 17673 Geo. Hurray The Addressograph Company 427 oo 62 24 1767 Air Reduction Sales Company 17675 American Arthiteot 1 00 2 00 17676 The Aermican City Magazine 3472 17677 American Linen supply Company 17678 17679 Auto Engine works, Inc. Auto Tire Company of st.Paul 40 84 17680 Badger Meter Mfg.0ompany 100.19 61 53 17681 Belmont Corporation 17682 Binkley Coal Company 18125 4 50 17683 R.R. Bowker Company Coal Company 14 50 17684 S. Brand 13 g4 17685 Braunig & Sons Baking Company Company 152 60 17686 17687 F.J. Brings & The Bristol Company 5 81 17688 Brookings Institution 7 26 17689 17690 Brown & Day, Inc. Fitzhugh & Robert A. Burne 28'52 17691 Cedar Rapids Engineering Comp y 14 91 249 56 17692 Central scientific Company 17693 China Society of America 75 33 25 • 17694 17695 Clear Type Publishing Company Coobran-Sargent Company 77 70 17696 Colby Ramm & Company 13 5911 17697 17698 Concord steam Laundry Copy Papers, Inc. 14 00i1 8 14 17699 Corning -Donohue, Inc. 352 22 17700 The Crane Company 7 94 17701 Cudahy Packing Company 44 96 17702 Curtis 1000, Inc. 5 75 17703 Dearborn Chemical Company Downey Typewriter Company 1770044 5 10 17705 O.R. Eckhardt company 42 06 17706 Egeberg Cycle Company 142 81 17707 Electric Blue Print Company 1404 17708 Elkhart Brass Mfg. Companq 29 42 17709 Elk Laundry Company 6 30 17710 H.L. Ettman sponge Company 6 46 92 22 a 10 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I/ DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL .y Y COUNCIL COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO.. E ati -- rmwt - F ter�eon COUNCIL RESOLUTION mC�— �1 py_IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - oetober- 19 MCDONALD 'S___________________ _ PEARCE J 1 ROSEN-------- -__-AGAINST RESOLVED. TH CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDHEIMER Gahan TO THE AGGREGA MO OF S-__4%-226-- j -. COVERING MR.PRS�t71A17!' CHECKS NUMB E __ TO J C----_.__.1 , CLUSIVE. AS T ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_XT PER CHECKS OFFI CIT COMPTROLL - APPROVED ----; .�v)--"---.IB ___-_ ___ __ _________ _______ __,'__CITv coM PTR __ ----- _ M.YoR --- TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF ------ r - RETURNED NUMBER TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD S 17711 Hand G. Kurtz 10 00 17712 John Sandquist 609 00 17713 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finance 2 175 67 1771 Feyen Construction Company 31 6i2 15 17715 N.E. Olson 5 00 269 20 17716 Axel F. Peterson, 0. of Finan 17717 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan 11 $77 6 17718 Raymond Schouveller 10 0 17719 Farwell, Ozmun, Kirk & Company 197 92 17720 H.W. Fisher Photo Supply Company 8 08 17721 Frigidaire Corporation 2 00 17722 Fuller Brush Company 3 20 17723 Gangl IS Company' 51 50 17724 Garland Luggage Shop 50 17725 Emil Geist 17726 General Biological Supply Hou2e 18 10 17727 General Eleotrio Supply Corp. 7J 37 17728 Glad Mfg. Company R 00 17729 Gopher Stamp & Die Company 16 00 17730 R.L. Gould & Company 126 90 17731 ft. R.' Greer 8 00 17732 Griggs, Cooper & company 34 56 17733 Grossmann Instrument Works lr 4 17734 Gruber Auto rleotrio Company 3 04 17735 W.J. Haas Mfg. Company 65 20 17736 Heger Produote Company 30 00 17737 Hersey Mfg. Company 774 4o 17738 Hetfield, Parry, Inc. 47 48 17739 Sigbland Spring Company _j 00 17740 F.T. Hildred & Company 9b 00 17741 J.J. Hill Referenoe Library. 97 17742 Hobart Mfg. Company 5 17 17743 Hydraulic Hoist Company 5 28 17744 Interoollegiate Football, Ino. 1 00 17745 Int. City Manager's Assoo. 1 00 17746 Int. Harvester Co. of Amerioa 74 06 17747 Jurgens Company, Ino. 5 82 17748 Kent—Ervin Eng. Company 738 39 17749 Kremer Auto Spring Company 1 75 17750 W.C. Lanoaster 17751 League of Minn. Munio. 30 00 17752 Librarian 26 19 1 17753 Lowe & Campbell Athletic Goode Co. 177 59 s 00 17754 McClain & Hedman Company 139 36 17755 McFadden—Lambert Company 17756 MoGill—Warner Company 3 00 17757 Mack International Motor Compafty 103 03 17758 Maendler Brush Mfg.Company 11 57 17759 Martz & Degs43 13 17760 Phil. A. Maynard 2 20 17761 Meroo Nordstrom Valve Company 17762 Miobigan Biological Supply Hou a 45 20 1776] Midway Foundry Company 177 Millar—Tarrae 96 $2 17765 Miller Supply Company ORIGINAL— NUMBER 866 CITY OF SAINT PAUL ,�(����o CITY CL[R[ COUNCIL NO V CO NCL RESOLUTION � POR UTHORI ON OIrLOCAL IMPROVEMTT PROJECTS PRESENTED BY HO DAT—YY ober 5 _193_; .y Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading Alley in Block 8, Lexington Park Plat 11 from Syndicate Avenue to Hamlin Avenue, in accordance with plans aryl specifications hereto attached, to EMIL FREISEIS, he being the lowest\ respons able bidder, for the sum of $710.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ' C. F. No. 101730—By Milton Roeen— Re..IY d, That the Council hereby ncurs in the recommendation Of the Contract Commlttee and awards the contract for grading Alley in Block B, Leaingtan Park Plat 13 from Syndicate I Ave. to Hamllne �AYe.. In ordance with Fplans and pctflcatlona hereto t- tached, to EMIL FRES B. he being the lowest Coffailo FITS for the sum of $710.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby niaetructed to draw i p the proper form oY ontract the for. Formal Bid No.' 9216. E�nginser's Estimate $746.00. Adopted by the C uracil Oct. 8, 1936. Approved Oct. 8, 1936. (Oct 12-1936) • FORMAL BID NO. 9216 ENGINEER'S ESTIMATE E 745.00 COUNCILMEN` / • Y-1 NAYS IN FAVOR OAGAINST MR. PREBID[NT tet ILb ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 14i1E� OCT S /t APPROVED NAYOR PERMANENT IMPROVEMENT REVOLVING FUND TO BE REIMBURSED FOR COST OF THIS IMPROVEMENT AS FOLLOWS: 1. ASSESSED AGAINST BENEFITTED FROPERTY - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $710.00 r. APPROPRIATED FROM CRY'S SHARE OF LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS— - - COOS $ e. APPROPRIATED FROM LOCAL IMPROVEMENTS—EXEMPT PROPERTY— - CODE f 4. APPROPRIATED FROM BOND ISSUE—CODE i S. COUNTY AID - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - y 6. 1 TOTAL - - - $710.00 _ COPIES TO: 1 HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THERE IS AN UNENCUMB[RE AL- CITY CLERK AN CB AVAILABLE IN THC ABOVE STATED APPROPRIATI 8 TO COMPTROLLER PUBLIC WORKS REIMBURBETHE P[RMAN[NTIMP EMENT EVO NO IN THE ABOVE AMOUNTS LOCAL IMPROVEMENT NO. _. - _ - PURCHASING .0 CO d./R ' %J - - DATE FINAL ORDER ADOPTED COUNCILMEN` / • Y-1 NAYS IN FAVOR OAGAINST MR. PREBID[NT tet ILb ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL OCT 14i1E� OCT S /t APPROVED NAYOR October 5, 1935 TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND THE C WNNCIL OF THE ClrY OF SAINT PAUL Gentlemen: The Contract Committee hereby recommends that the following contract be awarded: F. B. #9216: For grading Alley in Block 8, Lexington Park Plat 11 from Syndicate avenue to Hamm ns Avenue. TO EVIL FREISEI3 $710.00 For the kum of Engineer's Estimate $745.00. Respectfully submitted, T CONTRACT TEE C- e rma� • _-�---- ti - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Council File —1417- No......- 1- 'wbstract. rNitten Drop ... I for the and �• following improvemer,' and extend Burlin PRELIMINARY ORDER. of ss ft. from nr' .ve. by taking ; ,Mowing d-er' The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by ti„ter.'Ia, �AlntPaul, vis.: _..... ......... -. ........, ... Open, widen and extend Burlington Ave. to a width of 66 ft. from Linwood Ave. to Bast ave. by taking and condemning the following described piece of land, thcrenter line being as follows: Beginning at a point ;� ft. west of the Southeast corner of Section 11, Township 2811 Range Z21. thence on a curve to the right to a point with a radltta, of 200 ft. and a central angle of 59 181, thence on a line tangent to the above curve a distance of 249.01 ft. to a point at the intersection of the center lines of Linwood and hurlington d,venues. from�Linwood Ave. to fast Ave. by taking and condemning the following described piece at l pd the terline being as follows: Beginning the�Bdutheast corner of Section 11, Township 28, Range 22, thence on a curve to the right to a $oint with a radius of 2,09 ft. and a central angle of 59 181, thence on s liiib "t�ft&nt to the above curve a distance of 249.01 ft. to -a poitUt at the intersection Of the center lines of Linwood and Burlington • YEA$ NATE CouncilmanDl= POterSO12 Warren ^ ^ t Approved -------- -----.---....V. ..................... SReamer PEAROE . Twu-Ax / y{Tmasan ................. ...... Mayor. corm Cl lE (RERYEEI VICE PRF. ROS PSIBLISI�D PRELIMINARY l �b t7 � � J , F ( r s cnt.ns C Jr7 - . 2 Fr.r , ?usa of '� F^ i6 OL $ a•or �.�• .)., 01T �.3TI n C+ O7J ]'T' y��et-r F=s 7 r_ruv ;r J P•�Iuc.uC F JOMIJ2A.- ryn H, , sq F cs r O(I r� LC''3 U^` + F Sul�' lou ?; u"2F •,r.e F ................ - F _-`__.sxFcug nL,7,; f' =r, c v; z TTusa ry r r.a Cnx.01. es T2cfvcs :)L 51*d'OT�bp' Thi ° pFrsucs ou s �...j OIT L nH T f el `��A)h `>�'�`J'I�TTfr'..>737y, �z+sron fi a 9 Er, , rTuMooq suq gnLTTuEpou we6uns2• po a bo;up sP ppe TuPGLaecpTou ob pps csul,sL TTus2 ob TTus psu&sup po Vpe spoes cnLas s gT249u�s ob S16* OT bp' ob 500 bp' suq H ¢supLsT BWZTs OT, 26 T8: ppsIIce ou s sure ou s cnLAS po pps LTvpp po s SoTup k.TVP s LsgTn2 ;pe gonppsHap coLvsL 01 2ecpTou TT' yoym2pTb S8' HSWRG SS peTUR sa boTToM2: BORTuuTURsp s boJ'up 33U* M629 off, PVG boTTO&TUR ge2GLTpsq bTecs OL I'V pps CeUpGL TTus r isbm.rnaooa oas• to, Guar w4s• A peRTuS suq oovgsWTuS -- having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..------ ...---------------------- .----- -.----- ...--.-.----------.- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. OCT F MMS (/ Adopted by the Council..-......... YEAS Nets Councilman 1ZEKX Peterson NOEOREM Warren PEARCE SROGRAL T 9 W"L F—CA13t2> VICE P?F.". OSr.n, ------------.-...------- ., 11- c� Approved ---------`.-=- -----V-m ................... Mayor. IMLISHr OalO1NItL; O; ITY OLF11K RESOD; :"',/ Y CITY- OF/ ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �OL LU�ION —GENERAL FORM DATE bctober 8. 1986 PILFNCIL No. 732 AREAS, Restaurant license, application 7167, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 7168, applied for by Morris Schaffer at 869 Rice Street were denied by the Council; therefore, be it R'SSOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Morris Schaffer the fees of $10.00 and $50.00 and to cancel said applications for licenses. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson wee_ > __In favor Truax Warren \Wenrel —Against sM 6MX - VICE PRES . ROSE14 C. F. No. 101732—Ry H. E. Warren— rsd M. I. C. P FTruax—.arc— Whereas, Reetaurant llcenee, appli- cation 7167, and On gale Mn It Beverage, IDPllcatlon 7188, aPPlled for by Morris Schaffer at 669 Rice Street were delved by the Conncll; therefore, be It Resolved, that the Prover cityofd- be and they are hereby author- ` laetl to fund to Morrie Schaller the fee.of $10.00 and $60.00 And to cancel,; _d applications for hceneee. 1936. red ] —do OOL 9,`393b11rOot. ApP9, i (Oct. 12-1936) Adopted by the Council OCT 9_193_—_ W T Approved___ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 3rd, 1935 Mr. Carl R. Leonard License Inspector Public Safety Building Dear Sir: The City Council today felled to pass a resolution granting the licenses of Morrie Schaffer for Restaurant, and On sale Malt Beverage at 859 Rice Street. Will you prepare a resolution denying these licenses? Tours very truly, City Clerk ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. _{. 111222 OFFICE OF THE CITY C UNC ES LUTION —G c. P. xo. r017aa—ar w:el .rel. @@@@ Whereat, DY Anelgg meat de EE, 19E6, the Americ Natlor' [ .slot Paul flnwgoad to th• PRESENTED BY Saint Paul. boade In the e ..,800,000 ee security for depo COMMISSIONER 'by the cfty of .a - I reae, at the reQue^LL•r m r. PV' r:.r YI.I. WHEREAS, by Assignment dated January 22, 1935, the American National Bank of Saint Paul assigned to the City of Saint Paul, bonds in the amount of $800,000 as security for deposits in said Bank by the City of Saint Paul; and WHEREAS, at the request of said Bank the City, by Council File No. 100167, authorized the substitution of $400,000 21% Treas- ury Notes, Series D-1935, due December 15, 1935 in place of $385,000 3 3/8% Treasury Bonds of 1941/43, and J15,000 First Liberty Loan of 1917, 3j% Gd. Bds. of 1932/47, due June 15, 1947; and WHEREAS, at this time the said Bank has requested permieston to withdraw from said Assignment the said $400,000 2j% Treasury Notes due Dec. 15, 1935, and $50,000 3j0 Treasury Bonds of 1944/46., due April 15, 1946, and $50,000 3 1/8,% Treasury Bonds 1946/49, dtAk 15, 1949, and substitute in lieu thereof $500,000 1-% Treasury es, Series B-1940, due June 15, 1940, viz: Noe. 59, 60, 7750, 7751 and 58, of $100,000 each; and ..,,`­ WHEREAS, it is-tbe-recommendation of the Sinking Fund Com- mittee of the City of Saint,Paul that said Bank be permitted to withdraw said bonds and substitute said Treasury Notes; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to deliver and release to the American National Bank the said bonds and accept in lieu thereof the said treasury notes, upon the same obligation and conditions contained in the original assignment; and the Otty Clerk is instructed to file a copy of this resolution with the City Comptroller, to be attached to and become a part of said original assignment. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosetr -_._____ _-In favor C Truax Warren _Against SM 6 -MR. VICE 1 ! r O-T."J Adopted by the Council— -Or___jM3 Approved Om 9 _ -.. _---_._----_--- -193-- ___.----�--.---`-- ----- ---¢may Ma or PL�z.1�1TLD�L— 2- ORIOINAL TO CITY CL/RK C6UNCIL ` NO. W Yeas CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE Pearce OFFIC OF THE CITY CLERK Peterson CIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM; h.t he r. c. roar, 'hat the Droner cit C they ocuyra t out' ea to nthe ay the . ' - are or the bill..ubn PRESENTED BY ---f'_ COMMISSIONER DATE ory Court HoueeP' 1�q t'tmlmleslnn ' Warren RESOLVED a:- •nU That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay the city's proportionate share of the bills submitted by the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commission as shown on Abstract of Claims Number 71 of the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building Commis- sion, totaling $5,993.82, the city's share of which is $2,996.91, and all as shown upon the claims submitted by said Commission. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson C .12csee -__In favor Truax Warren `/, __- Against M bE_$ VICE i'1•y N OSE r Adopted by the Council--- (IGT _910193 Approved___--193_-- �:Y� Mayo CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK t COUNCIL.,. ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTE �� COMMISSION DATE_ FILE No. 101 35 RESOLVED That the City of Saint Paul be and it is hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Joseph J. S� charfbillig, providing for the payment to him at the rate of $18.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Education on the 16th day of August, 1935; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers, in accordance with said agreement, are hereby authorized to pay to said Joseph J. Scharfbillig the sum of $36.80 out of they Work- men's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the City, being for the period to and including September 7th, 1935. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson t/\ B.eeere .__L__ —In favor Truax (3—Against Warren �lewwl _ 5M r.iMR. VI^'_ Adopted by the Council_' 193 Approved----- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CL K 161736 1 / J{� CITY OF ST. PAUL F¢.eNcll NO. L! Y/ l•JlU OFFI THE CITY CLERK COU CIL- RESOLD ION—GENERAL F//ORM PREBEND ER Pearn 1 .. �n ,t q COMMISSIONER ficl t�.0 RATE RESOLVED That the free use of the fifth floor of the Municipal Auditorium be given to the Works Progress Administration, said Works Progress Administration to pay only the cost of opening and operating that portion of the Auditorium. C. F. No. 101736—By I. C. Pearc o Resolved, That the free ee L the fifth floor f the Muni.JI MI Auditorium be E6lven to the Works Progreso Ad- ministratlon, aid Work. Progreso Ad- minletratioa to pay o ly the oat of opening and operatlMgnthat a emittIon of the Auditorium . Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1936. Approved Oct, 9, 1936. 1 (Oct. 12-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_____0C,7j_q� 193 Pearce Peterson 'ii ll Ac �r _1 -_In favor APProved___OCT _ _193__ Truax Warren _Against WeIVIC -- --- Mayor - SM h.,MR. VICE--T:.E:>. RoSE;N 0^I0IM^L to d.- N.[Rk COUNCIL NO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1737—Br Syed M- T COUNCIL RESOLUTIONJ —GENERAL FOR! honaoPubuc B-irldl' the IMr.h that 1607 Mar/hall . .. --• ��-- �// .Lot leis Block 4� � DATE geroue c ol+ WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the shed and fence at 1507 Marshall avenue, also described as Lot 15, Block 4, Maoalester View Addition, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said shed and fence, on the 5th day of November, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record pwner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or oocu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Ci Yeas Nays Adopted by the Counci _-_�-19Y Pearce - i / Peterson Flown _ —.In favor Approved-_ -- _.__ 193 Truax Warren ----Against C, We Ma PtJBLISIiI?D�G'��'3 sroi 6.3+ME. VT,.� W. LA MONTKALI FMAN S.". o. P.... _ ERNEST W. JOHNSON Sort. - Pur ... U.o. CHAS. A. ASSFORD CITY "OF SAINT PAUL Capifal of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner ®s October 4, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: :Ye are referring to you for condemnation action the shed and fence at 1507 Marshall Avenue, on Lot 15, Block 4, Macalester View Addition. Our inspecCor reports that the shed and fence are badly bulg- ed and rotted beyond repair. A Danger Notice was posted and the last known owner, Yam. Foley, et al. 1535 Iglehart Avenue notified of its condition. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section•l-14 of the building code. LAP ..0 Yours truly, Commissioner ORIGINAL TO CITY CUR. CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENC1L No. -1017,38 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ; -- COUNCIL-RESOLUTION—GENERAL F,becommli o�e�. - and PubllG Bu' the Council tF PRESENTED BY ,// � � Yy brick and COMMISSIONER Trunr /l (,^� - 29, Block 3, My 7 c of a I.Rca�r WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain one-story brick and frame building on Lot 29, Block 3, Murray & Fay Subdivi- sion of Merriam's Outlots, also described as No. 1885 St. Anthony avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 5th day Of November, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrognds and Publi-o Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or ooeu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days.prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN 0 1., Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Pearce --OCT --q--1. 193_._ Peterson` / }( -_ --,----In favor C,C-T Sed{ Approved_- _..___193__. Truax Warren _Against l — V6lwsee�- _14 PIIBLISIiED o—M 5NI 6.34 MR. VTCF. P7.77^, R7S1i, W. LA MONO; KAUFMAN .un. -P.0 •. ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminlones ®s ... ST lRNEW.L:1N1 J ss � B . Pjtn� CNA.. A. BA..FORO _(J October 4, 1935 Hon. Council City of ;saint Paul Gentlemen: Our attention has been called to a one story brick and frame building at 1885 St. Anthony Avenue, on Lot 29, Block 3, Murray & Fay Subdivision. of Merriamts Outlots. This building is in a very badly dilapidated condition, there being t,,+o bad cracks in the brick. The roof is badly out of level and the brick coping is loose and some of it is missing. The glass has been broken in the windows and the place is, open. A Danger Notice has been posted on the building. Mr. Vim. Sassett, 1930 Iglehart Avenue. is the owner and he was notified of the condition of his building. Kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. Yours truly, I/A� -;A, Commissioner CHidINAL TO d,rr CUERK 739 CITY OF ST. PAUL _collNClt „_ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ,"9-133' ublico Building. . b e. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL sed Council that that hr - the Council that that - �og located on Lot 4, Bln- i IIF. Addition, also deecr PRE TED BYp ^ - � state Street, to In I COMMISSIONER— Truax /l�-�A t�V�,� /t/�^-• td5 and dangerous eng cond mit'' 1bear ereroe, bIt t ssn bellc hr `Jl'JL`JL w � .'- WHEREAS the Commissioner of Parka Playgrounds I � , ygrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain dwelling located on Lot 4, Block 20, Marshall's Addition, also described as No. 219 State street, Is in such a dilapidated and dangerous coir- V, dition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 5th day of November, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in thE,,Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council Pearce Peterson Rseu —In favor, Approved—__ OCT 5 —193__ Truax Warren Against C ,,,,rrp D�T�m7r��� ���� Mayor 5M 'B•5#. VICE T'T}' ^ , DnSFx7 ZULIaI]ED 0� �Z 5-- W. LA MONTKAUFMAN S.". or P.... CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminioner �8 October 4, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: -1(4 ERNE ST W. JOHNSOt/ 5urr. or PLwYo.OVNo• CHAS. A. SASSFOR. In the matter of the condemnation of the dwelling '_nown as 219 State Street, Lot 4, Block 20, Marshall's Addition, please be advised that this building is still in place. Several extensions have been granted the owner, Pars. Molly Green, 2170 James Street, which have now expired. Therefore, in accordance with C. F. 100754, may we report that no action has been taken to remove this buildinC,. L:.R..0 Yours truly, Commissioner ORMINIIL TO CITY CLIERK --- - - -- ST. PAULI O. CITY OF .y Fred nt. Treex— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK : Penii�lamlai�aanue' uounoll-that the barn COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 12 Beeney street, also 12, Block 3, Hill's �h a dilapidated and to arrant its PRESENTED BY ^I - ,C/� -. / torn down; there - COMMISSIONER TTLAz ,•,�—�"� "_���---�/` Dom':• hllc hearing be ity and qs- _ on the ten a', �J �l1�fPilX!&]L`JL'J[ W her WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds,&id Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the barn in the rear of 832 Reaney street, also described as Lot 12, Block 3, Hill's Addi- tion, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said barn, on the 5th day of November, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and CiAq,,Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last knolvn record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson _-._. �_In favor Truax Warren -Against Vbt KI"L. sm R,,4Mb. VIS:-. - pc°,-: Adopted by the Council_ OCT q 1%5 -193__ - Approved— -__—� _'LM—�493_— tz Mayor PUBLISHED % �Z� W. LA MONT KAUFMAN ERNEST W. Suri. o. PM.. - Sart. or PLATO.. uno.Vr�� CHAS. A. BASSFORD Crt A ... IT—T CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF - PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX. Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Comminione, .41Ws October 4, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen; May we refer to you for condemnation the barn in the rear of 832 Reaney Street, described as Lot 12, Block 3, Hills Addi- tion? This barn is sway -backed, out of plumb, sills are rotted, and it has not been used for ten years. A Danger Notice has been posted and a letter sent to the last known address of the owners, David and Emelie Filler, 423 East Bern --rd Street. Kindly set a date for hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. LAR, .. U �Q � Yours truly, Commissioner ORIOINAL TO CITY CLIRK 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL l—BY Fred z xruaz— � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a CoP.bl1. oner old Y and Publla Bundle t ,he the ncil of 418 aX,'ulller es COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL' de...ibed as tot 21, I & Mar.ball'. Add' a dila lldw.rd and PRESENTED ER Tr118.1C ���� C 7 /1 AA JuL. s. to ant ' COMMISSIONER / — _ —' r ^ and torn day :r^v WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the sheds located in the rear of 419 Fuller avenue, also described as Lot 21, Block 6, Maokubin & Marshall's Addition, are in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant their being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 5th day of Novem- ber, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; a be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his las* known address, or to the agent or 000u - pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Pearce Nays Peterson R Own _ V __In favor Truax Warren _Against WetucL f n sm J. R. VICE PRFS. ROSFN Adopted by the Council OCT _193�_ OCT a Approved—__ Mayr, — 11WLISlILD//n -1Z - �3S/ W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Bu Yt, oY PAW.. ERNESTW. JO N • Su , F..p�.s CHAS. A. BASSF `3# � CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner ®e October 4, 1935 Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: May we refer to you for condemnation the sheds in the rear of 419 Fuller Avenue, described as Lot 21, Block 6, Mackub- in And Marshall's Addition. These sheds are badly dilapiJated, roof boards are partly off and the roofs have been patched with different tar paper. The sheds are out of plumb, sides are partly gone, and be- cause of their condition, a danger notice was posted August 12, 1935. Mr. '.7illiam Albrecht, et al, Lake Elmo, owner, was notified of their condition, but we have received no answer from him. Therefore, kindly set a hearing in accordance with Section 1-14 of the building code. LAR. U Yours truly, qkA -u.. C�/t" . Commissioner ORIOINAL TO CITY CL.RK COUNCIL 11117119 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OOF THE CITY CLERK CNC�FFI R SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM i � PRES TED COMMI SIONA'ff�_ DATE Septembl 1a1748—Bythe N Milton Ro.en- -NJ v.M bo given r ermlee8o RESOLVED 35 rpvenule In t a all— Is neof ce9esi'y guys. Tte11 ne7 Comy a to be ra^ That the Northern States Power Company be given Permission to install 1-35 foot Pole in the alley east of Harvard Avenue, south of Vassar Street, with necessary guys, anchors, wires, and Telephone Company wires. Pole and wires to be removed when requested to do so by the Common Council and cost of said removal to be borne by the Northern States Power Company. Estimate 23158. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson („ Rieew - —In favor Truax Warren Woozcl Against 10, sm 4 -MR. VICY - - - - Adopted by the CouncYCT q ___193_ �T T 9ft Approved _-__-_- --193_- _ Mayor iG7�LiSIiL75 �G �� �� COUNCIL OA -743 JRIOINAL T ITY �t-{INt FILE NO.-LOA-743 CITY OF ST. PAUL �%34/ 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK v}COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Fred M. Truax, Milton Rosen October 8q 1935. PRESENTED BY and Axel Peterson DATE COMMISSIONER RESOLVED - That the City Clerk is hereby authorized, emio ens rect the directed to equip the polling places 18 election precincts of the 5th Ward hereafter to be de- signated by the Council for the two Special Elections to be sick 1nMthea5th Ward8rSt4tPau193Minneaoand Mtanday and forber suchlat, purposes, said City Clerk is hereby authorized to engage the necessary labor and skill and purchase necessary tools and materials, the cost and expense of all thereof to be met and paid out of t e the sle tioou Account Code 31-D COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson f Reser— J _ _In favor Truax Warren —j _Against R. VICE PRES• ROSEN SM 6- C. F. No. 101743—By Fred -M. Truea� Milton Rosen—Axel peterson— Resolved. That the City Clerk Is hereby authorized, empowered and et r cted to equip the Dolling Dlanae thelocations In the 13 election pre- incis of the 5th Ward hereafter to ba designated by the Council for the two Special Elections to be held on Man- i day. October 14th, 1936, d Monday, October 21st, 1936, in the 6th Ward, St- pool, L pool, Minnesota, and for each Dur- po�es, aid City Clerk is hereby a- 'thorized to engage the Hees asst tools labor and skill and purchase necessary is ,,ad materials, the coat o d e Ie 11 thereof to be m t and Dald a t of the Speula, Election Acceuat Code 31-D or [he Oeneral Fund. Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1936. Approved Oct. 9, (Oct19-1935) Adopted by the CounciL_- Arj 949N ® 93-- t+ Approved_------- CT Mayor ORIOIKu. 1 r CL.RK 1() 1 , COUNCIL // Y i!X744 � CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO; L �_ COUNCIL OF THE CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM y Fred M. Truax, Milton Rosen PRESENTED BY and AxelPeterson October 8, 1935. COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED— That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies requi"red. for the two Special Elections to be held in the 5th Ward, St. Paul Minnesota, on Monday, October 14th, 1935, and Monday, October 21st, 1935, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Special Election Account Code 31-1) of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson --In favor Truax Warren )x4wA el -----Against 4t_ . plemkielwo (eel 12 11) ,SIR. VICF PP,F.^,. ROSEN C. F. No. 101744—By Fred M. Truaa— Axel Peterson—Milton Rosen— Resolved, That the City Clerk be and he Is hereby authorized and directed to purchase and provide the necessary supplies required for the two Speclal Elections to be held In the 6th Ward, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Monday, Octo- ber 14th, 1936, and Monday, October 21st, 1936, the cost thereof to be paid out of the Special Elecllon Account, Code 31-P f the General Fund. Adopted by the Council Oct, 9, 1935. Approved Oct. 9, 1 935 . (Oct. 19-1935) Adopted by the Council—WT_ Approved—,-_. -- ----_----193-_— Mayor o RI.INw CITY CLKwK F L C�,'%�(y/�y/qq►5 CITY -OF ST. PAUL UNCIL n.Ow NO.�ll1 J g- (�/�L���^/%�///� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM (y Fred M. Truax Milton Rosen COMMISSIONEERR Bnf�B.XB PRE TED 1 eDATE—_OctO r_8- 1935 �- P--eT-SOn t---- tt .i tRESOLVED – That the compensation of Judges of Election serving at the two Special Elections to be held in the 5th Ward, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Monday, October 14th, 1935 and Monday, October 21st, 1935, shall be fixed at $6.00 for each election, and the City Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to audit such claims on said basis upon certification of the City Clerk, cost thereof to be paid out of the Special Election Account Code 31 -D of the General Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rac+n _ __In favor Truax 0 Warren 1AeRie1- _ –_.____Against Li V? Ci. . ._ , . ttUSLN C Axe1Y F. 1Peterconn017 6--B-MiltonFred61Rueen¢ Resolved, That the compensation o[ Judges t Election seryin6 t the cwo Special Elections to be held In the 6th Ward, St. Paul, Minnesota, o Mond.Y. Octherber 21st,1935,l nhe axedU.mla at $6.99 tar ach election, and the CityCom, troller 1s hereby a thorlsod and dl- ected to audit such claims id basis upon certification f the City Clerk, at terene to be paid out Y Ithe Specinl Election Account Code ad. of the General Fund. Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1936. Ap proved Oct. 9, 1936. (Oct 39-1936) I Adopted by the Council_OCT —9 1 1,5 193____ T Approved._-- -_ _-- 193--- ---- ----- -- Mayor OPIOINaL rpCITY CLtRK FILEN NO. CIL �J CITY OF ST. PAUL--3����'�"� ' OFFICE OF THE GIG CLERK � fG�OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM �� Fred M. Truax, Milton Rosen ober PRESEN ED alY 82� AXe� petersol)-, b�_rea 7eS DATES^+ �-. 19'S5 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED _ That the persons named on the lists on file in the office of City Clerk, are qualified voters in their respective precincts in the eighteen precincts of the 5th Ward, and they are hereby appointed judges of election in their precincts in compliance with Section 359 of the Election Laws of the State of Minnesota, to ervetions St.aPaul,aMinnesota,t the two soncial Monday,cOctoberobe l4th,1eld 1935,1 Ward, the 5th and Monday, October 21st, 1935. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Reeen __—_ _.In favor Truax C Warren \Vbof_z — _.—____ Against C. F. No. 101745—By Fled It. True— Alex F. Peterson—Milton Rosen''= By Request— Re,olved, Th¢, the persons ...ad on the lints on file in the office of City Clerk, are qualified voters in their r 'spective precincts in the eighteen precincts of the 6th Ward, and they e . � here y of judge, of election in Y tion precincts69 of tha Election Lawsof with See- to. State of Minnesota, toserve at the two special elections to be held In the 6th `. Ward, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Monday, i October 14th, 1935, and Monday, Octo- ber 21st, 1936. Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1935. APIT—sd Oct. 9j 1935. (Oct. 19-1935) Adopted by the Council off ---9-a%� 193-- - MT « i Approved_— v °'--- '--193__._ G. — – ��-- Mayor OF�OyM� O CITY ItHK FILEN CIL NO. G/ CITY OF ST. PAUL r 10474 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Fred M. Truax,Milton Rosen ��+�>,e� R iQ3F COMMISSIONER andel PeteraDn___ — DATE — RESOLVED That the Special Primary and Special Election to be held in the 5th Ward, St. Paul, Minnesota, on Monday, October, 14th, 1935, and Monday, October 21st, 1935, shall be held in the eighteen precincts of the 5th Ward in said city at the places named in the "Contract Book of Election Precincts on file in the office of the City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration. COUNCILMEN Ycas Nays Pearce i Peterson _.1n favor Truax Wn arre 14%nee4 _-- Against C. AxelN 1`. 1PetersonlMiltonred alRosen— Resolved. That the Speclal Primary and SPeciWordal Election to be held Ione e0. th October 4th, 1935,ea.d Dlonday. Oct 1st 1936,shall benheld 1. the eighteen ober Zpreclncts of the 5th Ward In, sold ity at the place. named In the Prencts Codlealn tBook of fftceEl fc the City clClark end Commissioner f Re gfstratlon. Adopted dhyy th, Council Oct. 9, 1935. Approve 1935- (Oct. 19-1935) i Adopted by the Council_-_iQW93--TUOV - Approved– Mayor NOTICE 74 -. — TO " C. F. Nbp. 3017.,.1O17f9— PAUL 1(?JL i a�J �01i49 PRINTER -' the eClty Treaeoryht7the aggregate LUTION COUNCIL FILE NO..��_ numberoun'ed[ 177060 to 17876V1_.uelveec�e Per Phecke on dle 1n the ofllee of the CIty Comptroller. OOtObA� et Adoptod by the Connell Oct B, 1996. ADPrDVed Oct. 9, 1936. $1 193 �- RESOLVED, THAT C (Oct. 39-1996) =-r=v OF $ TY TREASURY,TO HE AGGREGATE AMOUNT . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 17766 ITS CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE TO INCLUSIVE, AS PER OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL n(%T Q ft 193 / T�' ••VVV•lLL_----- APPROVED IX �y) mrvc r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 10-174S / 'y ¶ ) COUNCIL p ! -1 ([f "A COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. .ILl l$ D�-J- ----- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NR eterBOnAVOR M-W-&6A6ja=eu AUDITED CLAIMS 0ctabsr--8-- ------ ------ PEARCE ROBE AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDS HE $17, 27?70 TO THE AGGREGATE MO TLpGS 5 ------ _____ _--. OVERI MR. PRES. BUNDLIE (jobT 1!' CHECKS NUMBER _- _ YYfO . _17II INCLU SIV AS PER CHECKS ON N OFFICE OF THE I Y COMP LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ ------ -- -- -- - �J..I�• _� ---- - ---- ------------- ----- e ITY —T.- -- T OL TO AL_ y,'hTE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- - - _ _ TURNED V DISBURSEMENT BV BANK NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i� III 17766 Board of Public, Welfare 12 856 46 87 17767 Nassau Paper Company 44 00 17768 Miss Grace Heller 17769 Miss Rosalia O'Connell 56 17770 Minnesota Historical society 00 42 17771 Minnesota Milk Oompany 23 17772 Model Laundry Company •� 1777'j Motor Power Equipment Company 583 17774 Mueller Company it � 17775 National Bushing & Parts Company � ' � 17776 National Wire Cloth Company � �� � 0 17777 � _ � _ 62 25 99 DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL 10-174S / 'y ¶ ) COUNCIL p ! -1 ([f "A COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO. .ILl l$ D�-J- ----- CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NR eterBOnAVOR M-W-&6A6ja=eu AUDITED CLAIMS 0ctabsr--8-- ------ ------ PEARCE ROBE AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE D ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUDS HE $17, 27?70 TO THE AGGREGATE MO TLpGS 5 ------ _____ _--. OVERI MR. PRES. BUNDLIE (jobT 1!' CHECKS NUMBER _- _ YYfO . _17II INCLU SIV AS PER CHECKS ON N OFFICE OF THE I Y COMP LLER. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL------ ------ -- -- -- - �J..I�• _� ---- - ---- ------------- ----- e ITY —T.- -- T OL TO AL_ y,'hTE CHECK IN FAVOR OF -- - - _ _ TURNED V DISBURSEMENT BV BANK NUMBER TRANSFER CHECKS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD i� III 17766 Board of Public, Welfare 12 856 46 87 17767 Nassau Paper Company 44 00 17768 Miss Grace Heller 17769 Miss Rosalia O'Connell 56 17770 Minnesota Historical society 00 42 17771 Minnesota Milk Oompany 23 17772 Model Laundry Company 1777'j Motor Power Equipment Company 583 17774 Mueller Company 52 17775 National Bushing & Parts Company 32 25 17776 National Wire Cloth Company 0 17777 News—week 62 25 99 17778 Nicole, Dean & Gregg 18 27 17779 Northern Auto Electric Company 163 23 17780 Northern states Power Company 26 38 17781 Northern States Power Company 1 805 34 17782 Northern states Power Company 1778} Northwest Airlines, Inc. 118 50 1778844 Northwestern Tire Company Service 7 PO 43 17785 O'Connor's Auto Repair & Brak 3 17786 The Official Aviation Guide 00 17787 Owatonna Tool Company 35 50 17788 Owens Motor Sales Company I 20 81 17789 Owens Motor Sales, Inc. 70 86 17790 Oxford University Press 1 8 17791 The Palmer Company 8 17792 Paper, Calmenson & Company 104 44 66 82 17793 Park Machine Company 84 80 17794 (,.A. Pearson, Ino. 17795 Pergande Publishing Company 1 11 17796 Phillips Petroleum Company 5 00 17797 Pioneer Electric Company 23 07 17798 Pittsburgh Coal Company 55 39 17799 R.L. Polk & Company 1 255 00 179M R.L. Polk & Company 285 00 17801 Princeton University Press 75 17802 Quartermaster Corps, U.S.A. 75 56 28 17803 Quick Servide Battery Company 17804 Rat Lunches Company 3 ZO 17805 Raymer Hardware Company 97 8 17506 A.J. Reiser 26 35 17807 C. Reiss Coal Company 29 00 ® 17808 Resnick Auto Parte Company 12 00 17809 Rex Linen Supply Company 28 31 17810 Thorman w. Rosholt Company 39 22 17811 Rutman Barrell Company 3 00 17812 St.Paul Book & stationery Comp y 190 73 1781 St.Paul Book & stationery Comp y 154 17 1791; St.Paui Foundry Company 8 0 17815 9t.Paul Glass Company 13 32 17816 9t.Paul Pattern & Model 'forks 1 23 17817 St.Paul Welding & Mfg.Company 9 40 17818 St.Paul White Lead & 011 Compamy 82 56 17819 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 38 95 1 17820 Soheffer & Rossum Company 12 81 17821 Jacob Schmidt Brewing Company 527 55 I' IM G30 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD V6 113 70 ' ' ► � � 'P I I 1i � I � i - DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL § 1 I I COUNCILMEN -ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO 1 V 9 CONROY COUNCIL RESOLUTION mow- PIs Br"ANFAVOR_ _ - - ren AUDITED CLAIMS otober- ------ 19-3-5-- M CDONA E - ROB __ - _ AGAINST RESOLVED. T T CHEC BE t}[� N� ,yH___IyTV TREASURY. SUDH EIMER �y,.T.�w TO THE AGGREGA E AMO T OF 5C_,_Jj---CC--j-j---1----. COVERING MR. PR ES. �i�l CHECKS NUMB EIIIyyy-7VE TO__1.797J-----• I LUSIVE. PER CHECKS 5tL FFICE OF THE CITY OMPTROLADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL_y.µ.- .----•� -- _________ APPROV D --------- <OM PT LLEB AYOa� - TOTAL DATE CHECK IN FAVOR OF ---'- - RETURN NUMBER TRANSFER II DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CHECKS IIYII CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD ® 17822 Andrew Schoch Grocery Company 17823 9ahreier's Auto Top 17824 Schwartz Brothers 17825 sinking Fund Committee 17826 Aome Construction Company 17828 St.Paul Voc.School Revl.Fund 17828 Lawrence A. soler, Cashier IN. 17829 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan 17830 Edward Schwartz 17631 Rational Real Estate Journal 17832 John Rogers, Jr. 17833 H. & Val. J. Rothschild, Inc. 17834 Scully Steel Products Company 17835 The Seagrave Corporation 17836 Sinclair Refining Company 17837 Sindelar Athletic Equipment 0 17838 singer Sewing Machine Company 17839 South Park Foundry Company 17940 standard Magling Machine Comp 17841 standard Units Parts Corporat 17842 Stationers Engraving Company 17843 The Sta-vie Company. Inc. 17844 Superior Refining Company 17845 Teachers College Library 17846 Thomas Publishing Company 17847 Transparo Company 17848 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Compan 17849 Twin City Sawdust Company 17850 Twin City Supply Company 17851 University of North Carolina 17852 Taldorf Bindery Company 17853 Geoi T. walker Company 17854 W.M. welch Mfg. Company 17855 Westinghouse Electric Supply 17856 lest Publishing Company 17857 The white Company 17858 James T. white & Company 17859 loltere Brothers 17860 wool Products Industries,Inc. 17861 Yoerg Brewing Company S 17862 17863 Young Motor Company J.L. Shiely Company. Inc. 17864 Star Photo Company 17865 General Battery & Supply 0omp 17866 Dr. Douglas L. Johnson 17867 E.J. Bailey & Company 17868 Drs. Chatterton & Von der Wey 17869 Drs. Cole and Williamson 17870 Industrial Commissioneof Minn 17871 Dr. Arthur H. Pedersen 17872 Dr. D.B. Peterson 1787 The Saint Paul Clinic 1787 Dr. A. E. walker 17875 Dr. Frank Whitmore IM E 30 SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 95 59' 11 9 65 0 000 0,01 1 614 77 17 97 15190 23 Zio - 35 20 4 00 29 84 100 00 39 09 26 9o. 27 72 45 00 7 15' 15 00 6 75. 75 85 2 80' 113 27 18 2 1 46 9 50 , 1 00 82 02 4 00 36 Co 51 67 19 82, 43 6o. 35 08. 0' 24 00 45 o6 5 2 20 1 6o 109 07 44 00 2 00 15 00 10 00 10 00 2 79 2 50 6 o0 177 00 16 no 3 001 995 33 ORIOINRL TO.1-..... •/J \ 101750�• COUNCIL CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER ( .2 _ ., Herr October 8. 1955 WHEREAS, Barber license, application 7045, applied for by Vern Franer at 170 E. Fourth was not granted by the Council; thereforebeit RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Vern Franer thr, fee; of $10.00 and to cancal said application for license. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren -__Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council____ - Approved_---- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY ELKKK r FILECouNCIL 101751 CI OF ST. PAUL NO.— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE October 9 1985 COMMISSIONER - REQ VIBSRM, licenses for Restaurant, application 6989, On Sale Malt Beverage, application 6940, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6941, applied for by Robert Wm. Kemper at 871 Earl St. were not granted by the Council; therefore, -be it RMLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to refwad to Robert 41m. Kemper the fees of $10.00; $50.00; and $@t.e6 and to cancel said applications for licenses. 1� C. F. N 101751—By A. E. Warren— b`red M. Truax—I. C. Pearce— Whereae, 69llc..... for Reetaurant, ag 11spoueatlon 99 0, and Off Sale Malt Beverage, application 6941, applied for byRobert Wm Kemper t 37I Earl': St. re t granted by the Council: herefore, ba it res bel and they a ry at e herebyr uthocitrla�ed to refund to Robert Wm. Kemper the fees f t81o.0o; i60.0o: and 56.00 and to n 1 Id Applications [or licensee. �aAdopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1936. �VD,oved 35. (Oct. 1291935) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce / Peterson BQ"Q— ---In favor Truax n Warren i j_ --Against 5M 6.349)',VILE' 77. E" . ( — Adopted by the Council _g�.OCT —`__193 WT Approved.__._—.._._-- Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY OL[RR�'� . CIT/-! OF ST. PAUL CILE OUNCIL NO.—I 6 175 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE QLUTION-GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE— October 9, 1955 RESjBbYM WHEREAS, licenses for Restaurant, applid*'on`7132, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 7133, applied for by Helen Walczak at 317 E. Seventh Street were not granted by the Council; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to Helen Walczak the fees of $110.00 and $50.00 and to cancel said appli— cations for licenses. C en— FVedNo. 10172—BY M. Truce L C. arca.—arr, Whereas, licenseefor Restaurant, aplDllcaUon 7132, and On $ale Malt Bev- el' ge, pPllca[l on 7133, applied for by Helen Wa1c[ak at the E, Seventheret. 1 [oraeof granted by 1 De. IC Hesolveand that the Dpoper cthorl®d cern be d they a Y to tundto HelenrWalrczn.k the fees f ,10.00 and ,b0.00 and to cancel Bald sppllcatlone for licensee. Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1935' APpro ved Oct. 9, 1935 . (Oct. 12-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays ��T S Adopted by the Council uX' RE Pearce Peterson / -193.____ Rosen OCT g Truax __In favor Approved — --- - -- --193- - Warren n —_—O_ __Against _ Vifetml '-Zy— -- - — Mayor sM 6.3111R . VICE CNIGINeL TO CITY CL... f '- / ) I~�J ,i �Y ,-� , L 1 COUNCIL -CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE No. ����-1 ' OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL �FORM PRESENTED BY� �, member 6, 1935 COMMISSIONER_ --� / 1, I-"- 191`1 RES@AdMD WHEREAS, John Bellami desires to withdrew, application 7044 for Restaurant, application 7045 for 0n Sale Malt Beverage, and application for Off Sale Malt Beverage at 606 Eaat`Third and requests return of the license fees; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to refund to John Bellami the fees of $10.00; $50.00; and $5.00 and to cancel said applications for license@. CF. No. 101763—By H. H. Warren— Fred M. Truaz-1. C. Pearc, . Whereas. Job. Bellaml desire. to Withdraw app)lcation 7044 for Best— runt.application 7045 for On Sale Malt Beverage, and application for Off Sale Malt Beverage at 806 East Third and therefore, be return b[ the license fees;' Resolved, that the proper city fa- r'of and to John s be d they a hereby uthorized �to are lams the fees of $10.00; $60.00; and $5.00 and to cancel said app l lcatlons for licensee. Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 1935. Approved Oct. 9, 1936. (Oct. 12-1935) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the CounciW a �QiS --193_ __ Pearce Peterson 1, g {Z�o _____I❑ favor Approved Truax Warren ---__Against �ewwl Mayor 6M 6AR. VICE PRF. . ROSEN M CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 4th, 1935• Mr. C. R. Leonard, License Inspector, City. Dear Sir: The attached application of John Bellamy for withdrawal of his On Sale Malt Beverage license at 806 E. 3rd Street was referred to you, by the Council, for the proper resolution. Yours very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAU.L' Capital of Minnesota - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration COUNCIL 101'754 ORIGINAL To CITY CLRR[ FILE NO. CITY _9(F ST. PAUL y / OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ?'" October 9, 1955 PRESENTED BY DATE.— COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and they are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licensee upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: Finch Downtown Chevrolet 6th & Main Sts. 2nd hand dealer (Auto) App 6984 Now Bingham & Horton 857 Grand Av. If n n n n 7215 a Wm. Samuel Wolff 815 H. Seventh a a n n n 7555 " N+ COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson In favor Truax n Warren �( _—Against Vlt�azel ,amt;„1”) Im "MR. VICE PRES. ROSFA C. F. No. 191764—By -, E. Warren— btheFred M. Truaz—LC. Pearce— Hesolf,,, That licensee .➢Plied for addressesll Indicatedmbe Ando they[Rra hereby granted and the city clerk le In- [ructed to issue uch 1l ceneee Don the payment into -the city treasury of [he required fee 8`. Finch Downtown Chevrolet, 6th and Main Ste.. 2nd hand dealer (Auto); Appl. 6934, New. Bingham Q Norton, 367 Grand Ave., � and hand dealer (Auto). Appl. 7215 New: Wm. Samuel Wolff. 16 E. Seventh, 2nd hand dealer (Auto). Appl. 733E New. Adopted by the Co u.cll Oct. 9, 1936. Approved Oct. 9. 1936. 1 (Oct. 12-1996) Adopted by the Council_. 'M-_--�-W-193__ _ 193__ Approved--��e.�----�-_ 1� -- �--- Mayor Y._ 161755 ` �' C ORIGINAL TO CITY OL[RR �'�COUNCIL i 4: ¢ITY OF. ST. PAUL FILE NO. � � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED -/---' BY COMMISSIONER DATE—October 9, 1935 _ _ �' RESOLVED That--*icenses applied for by the following named persons at the addressee indi' be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue each licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. R. Ragland 500 St. Peter Barber App. 4451 New owner It " n " " " 4 pool tables a 4452 n n Art Cigel 824 E. 7th Butcher " 7008 Now W. L. Bishop 865 E. Ninnebaha Bakery ^ 4147 " J. H. Buhrman 1158 E. 7th Confectionery " 7173 New owner J. W. Smith 123 S. Wabasha ^ " 7120 New Rosenfeldt, Sam 660 Selby Grocery " 6848 " J. J. Capeti 287 Maria Motion Picture Theatre 6093 " J. H. Bahrman 1158 E. 7th 3 pool tables " 7174 New owner Bad George 472 S. Robert 4 " " a 7212 New Nance Eiles 500 St. Peter Restaurant " 5019 " Wm. Wicker 270 Rice 2nd hand furniture " 7321 " �I C. F. No. 101766—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truce: -1. C. Pearce— Resolved, That licenses applied for dicated tie and the asame addresseelli are hereby granted end the city clerk 19 Instructed to issue such Ilan. up - the payment Into the city treasury of the required fees:. A. R. Ragland, 600 3t. Peter, Barber, ADDL 446' New owner. A. R, Ragland, 600 St. Peter St., 4 Pool tables, Appl. 4462, New owner. Art Cigel, 824 E. 7th, Butcher, ADD I. 7008, New. W. L. Bishop, 866 E. Mlnnehaha, Bak- ery, AD➢1. 4147, New11. E. J. H. Buhrman, 68 7th, Confec- , [lo�ry, App 1. 7173, New wast. J. W. Smith , 123 S. Wabasba, CO.- i fectionery, ApDl. 7120, New. it ..nfeldt,Sam. 660 Selby, Grocery, COUNCILMEN Appl. 6843, New. J. J. capeu, 287 Marla, Motion Plc - Yeas Nays Ad tujtl H. ,Burnham, 11683 E. ewh, 3 pooI M93__ _ Pearce tables, AppL 7174, New Owner. Bud George, 472 S. Robert, 4 pool j Peterson ables, Appl. 7212, New. blanc, Ellea, 600 SL Peter, Resta.- ra t, Appl. fi039, New. Wm. Wlcker, 270 Rlce', 2nd hand fur- I -' ^^ •�. favor nIture, A DDL.Yy7321'N New. -- __In Ad o 1. c11 Oct. 9, 1936. bO.t. Truax Approved S. 1935. (Oct. 12-1986) Warren --Against A ai / olTlG/. ----- W4Q=L Mayor sM 6•i4R. VICE I< ORIOINIIL TO CITY CL[RK C. F. No. 101768—By H. E. Warren— 16175 � (I' I%r _f t Fred M. Truss—I. C. F ecce— 67 C{�Y—O�$ Resolved, That llceneee for which ap- - NO. plications have been made by the per - OFFICE OF THE one named on Iiet atemhefl for tha.ad- bree Indlcateq be and the same re COUNCIL RF�OLUTIO� etrecte�to .rants, and such llceneee un n the .. 1 pe vment Into the Cl ty Trsaeury of the r Adopt fees. G ; Adopted by the Council Oct. 9, 3936. PRESENTED BY I Alm ved Oct. 9, 1036. COMMISSIONER PO � - - - I, tact. 1E-1936) RESOLVED That licenses applied for by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: A. 0. Anderson 765 Bradley St. Ice Delivery App. 6549 Renewal R. E. Bowes 1247 Otto Av. • " • 6671 " n" w 1247 n n n n 6672 w n w n e n w " • 6673 " n e e n n • n n 8674 n Forest Mitchell NE cor.Charles & Arundel Ice Station " 6730 " James W. Oresohaiek 1157 Selby n e " 7208 n Wesley Stark 188 Aurora Ice Delivery " 6794 John Stasney 1053 pgestern N. Ise Station " 6727 " A. G. St. Seuver 63 W. Sycamore Ise Delivery • 6542 " Tanners Lake Ice Co. 886 Duchess St. • • " 6433 " Roman Zielinski 1059 N. Western Ice Station • 6689 " West End Ice & Feel Co. 510 Randolph St. Ice delivery 8 trucks " 6876 " West End Ice & Fuel Cc NW eor. 7th & Victoria Ice Station • 6877 " West End Ice & Fuel Co. NW cor Snelling -Randolph " " " 6878 " Morris Saxerud 313 Topping St. Ice Delivery " 6603 New Morris Samarad 313 Topping • • " 6602 " 6 Schleh Bros. 460 Como Av. Ice Station n 6706 Is COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council —QC�'___9._ 9W193___ Pearce / �7t7�1 Peterson ����ryry�� RAWe". 5 __----In favor Approved--- _(__t^15 193___ Truax I) � Warren __ . _Against / Weweei Mayor 5M 6,*R VICE PRFs . ROSFfI ORIGINAL TO CETT EL[Rk d J 101757 ` ����I� 8ITY OF ST. PAUL FOENCIL No, ` Y/ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK /C/OU1/NMCCIIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM DATE ,, October 9, 1955 RESOLVED That licenses for Restaurant, application 7101, and On Sale Malt Beverage, application 7102, applied for by Robert H. Filben at 88 East Fifth Street be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees. Her C FredNo. M. Tru=— - , Pearco..— r ta— Rt, appid allrion 710hat 11,, and On rSale nMalt Bevera8e,application 7102, applied rot by Robert 11Fliben at 38 Eastherlfth eby Street be d th'ty,clerk to l..... ct- granted nd the the pay - ent into, the city treeeu y of the e- Jqulred 'eee. Adopted by he Council Oct. 9. 1936. Approved Oct. 9, 1936. - (Oct. 12-1936) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rpwn —_In favor Truax Q Warren _Against snt ,,%R.- VICE PRF.('. ROSEN Adopted by the Council WT 04W193 — Approved 9 193 Mayor ORIGINAL TO Clrr CL... I'% OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM DATE— October 9, 1955 COUNCILNO. V.) r CITY OF ST. PAULFILE RESOLVED That licenses for which applications have been made by the following named persons at the addresses indicated be and the same are hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fees: W. Kiwus 995 Arcade St. Bakery app. 7189 Renewal M. Lyons 24 W. Sixth Barber ;s—Br m E. Warren— �iaz—t. C. Pearce— n 7299 • li ' Ya beeeenses n made br Ibch en Lee School of Barbering 252 E. 7th w net ttacbea 'Icnted bd " l�g " the ' 0. Wright 604 Jackson • IN 7258 ■ Harry Brotebner 918 Grand Av. Confectionery IN 7139 " R. J. Davini 547 Minnesota • " 7225 " J. A. Dornbach 2059 Randolph • n 7.216 n German House, Inc. 444 Rice ■ " 7294 " James Logar 619 Grand " • 7095 n S. Rubenstein 628 University " n 7180 IN A. L. Divine 1459 St. Clair Butcher • 7501 " Michaud Bros. 125 E. 8th • " 7151 " Anna Stevens 250 Thomas " " 7292 " Westlund Bros. 1219 Arcade • • 5595 " G. Bartusch 567 R. Cleveland Slaughter house " 7259 " G. Bransil 170 E. Fairfield Grocery • 7188 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council______ Pearce Peterson Rosen _-.- -_1n favor Approved_ --. -- _--_ --193- - Truax - Warren —_ __Against Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 ORIOINIIL TO OITY CLCRR COUNCIL 10'1758 CITY OF ST. PAUL vu a NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY DATE October 9 19+15 COMMISSIONER RESOLVED Hove Food Market, Inc. Michaud Bros. Inc. w w w n w n a n w Orville J. Olson 9. Klett H. Lindholm & Clark M. Oglansky S.Rosei J. C. Smith Sigurd Sonnee W. P. Spangenberg C. Sutcliff & Geo.Wents C. F. Wellerming Ede. Sehifferl Patrols= Service Co. St. Paul Recreation Co. Thomas Skweres W. M. Stewart A & A Credit System Inc. C. 0. Holt COUNCILMEN yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen _— Truax -2-- 525 N. Snelling Av. Grocery 450-56 Robert " 1932-1983 n n " 1958-1984 n a " 1954-1985 n n ■ 1935-.1936 869 E. Minnehaha 921 Rondo 494 S. Snelling 205 E. 14th 258 Maria Av. 1828 Fernmia Av. 274 Maple Av. 688 Selby 441 N. Sne"Inno 790 W. 7th 928 University 891 Sibley 28 W. 7th 900 E. 7th 475 N. Snelling .490 N. Snel1�-ono 294 Endicott favor App. 7124 Renewal ■ 7W " " 7248 " " 7247 " " 7248 " 7122 " n 7254 a " 7168 e " 7188 n n 7136 n e 7217 n a 7187 a a n n favor tutu Sae Station 3 pmnpe " 7198 " • • 3 a " 7500 " • n 3 a " 7233 " ■ n 4 " " 7220 " Poolroom 48 tables " 7158 " n 7 n n 7209 " ■ 5 " " 7219 " Chattel Mortgage Loan " 7200 " n n n " 7002 " ouncil__— Adopted by the Council---- Approved-_--_----- Warren pproved-_ - _------ Warren ______-__--Against Mayor Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 ORIGINAL To cm cuRK _e ■ /�� COUNCIL IL No. ` 1® CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF .THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY October 9, 1985 COMMISSIONER __—_ DATE_ RESOLVED —5— C. O. Holt 294 Endicott Bldg. Salary Loan App. 7001 Renewal A. Swain 204 Globe Chatibel mortgage loan ^ 7218 " E. A. Swain 204 Globe Salary Loan • 7214 " Anna Griguld 809 Jackson Chattel mortgage loan " 7114 n Cosmppolitan Finance Co 28 E. 6th ^ ^ " " 7218 " Musicians' Union,Inc. 436 Wabasha Restaurant • 7166 " Snelling Tavern 1557 University ° " 7287 " Joseph Rogowski 151 S. Wabasha St. On Sale Malt Bev. " 7109 " S. B. Mack Sr. 569 Rice St ° " ° " " 7196 " n n n n n n n Restaurant ° 7197 " Thomas Skweres 900 E. 7th On Sale Malt Bev n 72W n Off Sale " a " 7207 " • ^ " " " Restaurant " 7208 " Brown & Bigelow 1310 University Restaurant " 7204 " J. J.Colbert 590 Rice * n 4182 n J. J. Kohn 468 Wabasha " ' 7187 " Jacob Ossery 269 E. 3rd " " 5202 " Union Gospel Mission 235 S. 7th * ° 7105 " COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen In favor Truax Warren Against Wenzel Mr. President (Geha ) sM s1�R. VICE PRES. OSEN Adopted by the Council—OCT__g Ifflr _193_ Approved___ OCT 9t935193 _ /Mayor / PUBLISIIED / -//Z �3 � Council File No.....1`47.J.� " PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENTncARr oRDRIM, 01769— . and t. .e. A written proposal for t• the following lmprovere PRELIMINARY ORDER. '' . ^a nr^ete trectl; The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of Saint Paul, viz.: Constructing concrete trestle and paving on Kellogg Blvd. from 16 ft. west of Market St. to 'aPp'roximatbly--58 -ftp east of"Ma'rket St: wii%ning preifeat..padiii$ ��4Jiti PYtilu 58..ft......east---Q ..J tkst..S.t...tQ_.175...ft_.._.aaSt...Q#.�a lEQ.t_Stte-_? @Q..repaving._Hill,_St.,-from...-- 90 ft. west of Market St. to Kellogg Blvd., also constructing curbing, sidewalks, electrical eonduita- between -the-aforesaid-13mSt-e--andi making at�v ehaegee --•watermalas.. and appurtenances and other existing structures within the aforesaid 1 is necessary to said-- improvesien . - -- - - - --- - Dated this.._.. 9th.......... day of O.etober.,_198 ._-- - 93.. _.... -- ...................................................... ................ Councilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: Constructing concrete trestle and paving on Kellogg Blvd. from 16 ft. west of Market St. to"appreximat'eiy S$' ft: east--of--Market 8t: 9 widentng--preaent -paving-- --from 58 ft. east of MarketSt. to 175 ft. east of Market St., also repaving Bill St. from --- *1 -- - -- ls-- _.... 90 ft. west of Market St. t- Kelogg Blvd., ao constructing curbing, sidewalks, electr-ictal-•conduiits -between--the..aPoxesai d- limits and.-making-any..changes .in--watexmains-- and appurtenances and other existing structures within the aforesaid limits necessary to"s'sid`impr�e eman C. .---------- -------------- ---- ------------------­- .................................. .............. having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul ...................................................................................... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council----------------- -..... ............---- YEAS NAYS Councilman MAY OCT MCDONALD Approved. .................................. ___------------------------------- PEARCE RGGRiS � TRUAX l --------- --------------------------- -- - Mayor. Form c A 13 (A4 -33) v In the Matter of ourbing both sides of Cook Street from welsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, under Preliminary Order 101288 approved August 15, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb both sides of Cook Street from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 682-30 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the bth __day of Noxa bar 1935—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AApproved OCT � 193 ----_---- City Clerk Mayor Councilman� Pearce �ounci1man3Qay Pearce e CouncilmanjPoWn-w_-*A Peterson Truaz �eansms. Councilman Warren Form B. S. tiff 6 VICE PRFS . ROSFN 1 �.�l -r,rbing both eldee _ � (60 :. Walsh Avenu j der Preliminar ved Aug. 19. '. 11L the C' t7 of .L >ne re Dort ^ f O CG_ i:%tb FILE NO-- -By ..�T. By -- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ourbing both sides of Cook Street from welsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, under Preliminary Order 101288 approved August 15, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is ourb both sides of Cook Street from Walsh Avenue to Weide Avenue, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 682-30 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the bth __day of Noxa bar 1935—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council AApproved OCT � 193 ----_---- City Clerk Mayor Councilman� Pearce �ounci1man3Qay Pearce e CouncilmanjPoWn-w_-*A Peterson Truaz Councilman Warren Form B. S. tiff 6 VICE PRFS . ROSFN s COUNCIL FILE NO - 101761' O 101 0 61' bl g Duluth A= 'ederu i j arr'to al- Ity eed Aug. 37. 1935 . f thehreDort ott the to _ .1.. the _having a;_ t 1W INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of curbing Duluth Avenue from Maryland Street to Magnolia Street, under Preliminary Order 101373 approver] August 27, 1935 The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is curb Duluth Avenue from Maryland Street to Magnolia Street, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 1,682.89 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 5th — ---day of November 1935 at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter; stating the time and place of hear. ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Councli-_ 9 193___ Approved _�aT 0 193— City Clerk Mayor Councilman '� Pehree ouneilmalt'94U ,...,,;;=' Peterson 15- �, CouncilmanAWROA—waiwal. Truax ?? Couneilmar ttWrwWarr— r'--.__:1_„ _'tom— ;lieTra.1- PUBL1S:t� D . Form B. S. AR8-6V"' FRES. ROSEN 161762 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[gK COUNCIL `O• CITY OF ST. PAU4— OFFICE OF THE CITY„'ye -aa Is hereby levled Lor the COUNCI f2ON—C•.Ity of saint Paul government e upon all the property tazabh „-. Charter p`und, a taz for the aetlmate of zpend/tutee torr deduct” rom therefin.... PRESENTED BY 't Iq T-, and Mleoellaneoua T I COMMISSIONER le - RESOLVED That there be and is hereby levied for the support of the various departments of the City of Saint Paul government and of the Special School District of said Oity, upon all the property taxable therefor in the Oity of Saint Paul, for each Charter fund, a tax for the year 1936 in an amount equal to the annual estimate of expenditures for each fund as herein recited and set forth, after deducting therefrom the amount of the Departmental Receipts, Delinquent Taxes, and Miscellaneous Receipts of the City as herein recited, being as follows; Fund No. Charter Funds Amount 1 City Officers' Salary ..... $ 37,000.00 2 Mayor's Office Salaries and Expenses .......... 8,448.00 3 Corporation Coudfeel's Office - Salaries and Expenses .......3 ...................... 29,910.00 4 City Clerk's Office - Salaries and Expenses ... 29,075.00 5 Contingent Fund ............................... 6 Finance Commissioner ..........................63,877.00 17-8-9 Public Safety Administration 30,895.00 7 Police........................................664,415.00 8 Fire ............................. 718,589.00 7-8 Police and Fire Signal Service ................ 49,937.00 9 Health,�.................................. 95,419.00 10 Publ o 'forks~ 157,126.00 11 etree Done. ttcn and Repair &7,900.00 12 Sewer cons and Repair -22,480.00 13 Street and Sewer cleaning207,105.00 14 Bridge Building and Repair .................... 23,600.00 15 Public Schools ................................ 3,188,506.00 18 Public Library ................................ 224,477.00 17 Auditorium .................................. 90,677.00- 18 Public Parke .................................. 118,011.00 19 Public Playgrounds ............................. 42,807.00 20 Public Buildings .............................. 39,467.00 21 Public Otilitiies 50,928.00 22 Public Lighting............................... 214,191.00 t 23 Water Department .................1,017,049.00 24 Board of Public Welfare ....................... 300,000.00 COUNCILMEN Yeas, Nays Adopted by the Council---193— Pearce ouncil --193Pearce Peterson Rosen ---In favor Approved-----193-- Truax pproved— — _193_— Truax Warren Against Wenzel — _ Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6,34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLt Rt COUNCIL 161762 62 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILe NO. OFFICE'OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM rJ PRESENTED BY DATE COMMISSIONER 2111990wam (2 ) Fund No. Charter Funds 25 City Hall and Court House .................... 60,459.00 26 Interest ....................................... 1,400,466.00 27 Sinking Fund ................................... 350,000.00 28 . Redemption of Bonds ............................ 778,362.00 29 Judgment and Compromise 5,000.00 30 Comptroller and Civil Service 48,300.00 31 General Fund ................................... 732,335.00 TOTAL GROSS BUDGET .................... $10,896,211.,00 PLUS: 750 000.00 Shrinkage in Tax Collections ................... 111 , 211.00 LESS: Departmental Receipts ........ $1,642,700.00 Delinquent Taxes ............. 300,000.00 Miscellaneous Receipts ....... 1,687,665.00 $ 3,630,365.00 TAX LEVY - 1936 ...................... $ 8,015,846.00 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be directed to certify a copy of the foregoing tax levy for the year 1936 to the County Auditor of Ramsey County immediately upon the adoption and approval of this resolution. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rmett __In favor Truax t Warren —Against �'CrRCI� Mr. Presto/C�awi��0 C. _ . SM 6.74 Adopted by the Councilt'1 r�-193 6irE1'� 4f�?t Approved—_ --- ------_-_-193-- ---- — — - ♦♦TT / Mayo3r ORIGINAL TO CITY C-Ak / CITY OF ST. PAUL COUNCIL CITYNO. 161763 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM \,j .. PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER Wsr?81ft -- DATE WHEREAS, Walter T. Ryan has been appointed by the Mayor as a member of the Board of Appeals or Referees, pursuant to Chapter 409 of the Laws of Minnesota for 1933, in the case of James P. Orumley, an employe of the Department of Public Safety; and WHEREAS, the Otty Oouneil has fixed his compensation at the rate of $50 for the first day and $25 for each succeeding day; and WHEREAS, the hearing in said case began September 12th and ended September 21st, 1935; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the bill of Walter T. Ryan in the sum of $200 be and the same is hereby approved,' and the proper city officers are authorized to draw a warrant in said sum, payable from the Public Safety Fund. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson IS ilesen _—___ ___ln favor Truax Warren Against _VknT"1 Mr. SM 6.34 C. F. Noere. 101763—BY H. E. Warren— So aDP Intede byYthee Dfayorr yan hmember 3 of the Board f ADDeaisaoraReEereee, € Durau Lot to ChaDer 409 of the I.awe of 11inneao[a for 1933. in the case of Same, P. Crumley, an ploys f the Department of Public Safety; and Whereas, the City Council has Hied tlhe fire tday Bond $26t to, each fuc0 far Ing day; and a Whereas, the hearing in Said case [ember821et, 936;tember 1 therefore, and nbe di Sep - Resolved, That the bill of Walter T. Rytan in the sum of $200 be and the is hereby approledh and the draw city olflcer, or. nu able from Sr t In Said ,um, paY the PublicSafety Fund. Approved y thel Ccun611. Oct. 30, 1936. (Oct. 12-1936) Adopted by the Council-MZ1-0-__193___ Approved__- OCT 1010 _ 193_ /-'- -- Mayor WALTER T. RYAN vw�r: vav�., ra�rr. "T"' I), . . n..ITT T- —nrt— , Tr r. ORIGINAL TO CITY OL[RK 101764CITY OF ST. PAUL FI ENC1L NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CO T CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT COMMISSIONER— MILTON ROSEN October DATE- 9, 1935• RESOLVED That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to oil the following streets: Hancock, Third to Terry Terry, Hancock to Fourth COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson i l/ Revel —_In favor Truax Warren __Against Mr. 5NI 6.31 _ ,Gi/ /cu✓) (' r!� .:,,� •' I _ C. F. Nlo. 101761T.—Ry Milton Rosen— �PubllcWork. be aad he le hbyrau[ thorized and direcere Ing .treat.: ted to Oil the follow - Hancock, Third to Terry, Terry, Hancock tp Fourth. Adopted by the Council Oc[. 30, 1996. Approved Oct. 30, 1936. (Oct. 12-1936) Adopted by the Council—_ OCT 1 n T 93 Approved—_-- --_— — --193-- 22 d Mayor OWp M CITr CLERK + ������ CITY OF ST. PAUL __ F4e"nt NO. 1 OFFICE OF THE CITY C. imp—BY muton Rosen—f by leaee doted October 26. COUN L RESOLUTION—GEledcity le renting from the in tmen[ Company the faller ecrlbed sal yroperty, to-v ,rte • et half of the northwest qur PRESENT EB`BY ��- v v��t,� tlon 1 and the northeast qu commiss!"NE i tion 2, d th a no 26, Rar ing In all 239 acren�, , m u,- Bam2kkIlm WHEREAS, by lease dated October 25, 1934, the City is renting from the Inland Investment Company the following described real property, to-wit: The west halt of the northwest quarter of Section 1, and the northeast quarter of Section 2, Township 28, Range 22, comprising in all 239 acres, more or less, according to the Govern- ment Survey thereof; and WHEREAS, said lease will expire on March 15, 1936, unless the City exercises its option in such lease to extend the lease for the further period of one year, namely, to March 15, 1937; and WHEREAS, the City is required to notify the said Inland In- vestment Company, on or before October 15, 1935, of its desire to extend such lease to March 15, 1937; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of, Public Works has recommended that such lease be extended for such further period of one year, namely, to March 15, 1937, at the stipulated rental of $100 per month; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City exercise its option to extend such lease for the period to March 15, 1937, at a rental of $100 per month, and the City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to notify the said 'Inland Indestment Company, on or before October 15, 1935, of this action of the Council, and to forward to said Inland Investment Company a certified copy of this resolution. COUNCILMEN OCT 1 C �F Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council193_ Pearce Peterson In favor O (T Q Approved -_-- ---- 3-- Truax Warren ---_O Against `w-..efieel-'-' Mayo Mr. r'scsidcuj�6ehnw)/.�_ ,Ni 6.34 U� cs' / ✓�! 6 �ri�.. ZUBzasIIED C Oct:;' er II Vi, 19:c7, Inland Inxe�tment Company, c/o 7,cos • Ycmr., 914 i i,naor Building, St. Paul, tilnn,rsota. Gentlemen St. - deci ' to 'ex^^ca s,, 1 t9 ^ati-sr, to r^.n. r v a le—e It ;u-!-;u-!-,n 1, i,--,ronerty Ieccrib-d Ir t"Cl attachedresolution for thr further period of nne =r to i'arch 1Fth, 1,"7. Attached to t`is latter is the resolution aforesaid, 1._ ,r'.1ch the City Council declared It, Intention to exercise Sale= onticn en." dircc+e^ thie of`ice to notify ;Mu of that fact. Y;,vr^ very tr-aly, -ity Clor'c, ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[RK (� CITY OF ST. PAUL v�eN�IL No.� ]�J Jb OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 768 By muton — t1—Ry Requeea he State of PRESENTE AdJutant Gene COMMISSION loaee Pr c1lal Alrp y _ rtlon of G. located its Srl rt5 WHEREAS, the State of Minnesota, through the Adjutant General's office, has agreed to lease a portion of the Holman Municipal Airport, described as the west portion of Government Lot 12, on which is located the hangar now used by the State of Minnesota, such property to be used by the State for the Minne- sota National�Guard Aero Squadron at a rental of $2,500.00 per year beginning July 1, 1935, with options to renew for additional one-year periods to June 30, 1950; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities has recommended that the City enter into such lease; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby directed to prepare a proper lease therefor, and.the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to execute said lease on behalf of the City. COUNCILMEN Yeas — Nays / et�l' esoo rn / ___In favor • L'�Rosen T ruax - We"M _Against -4enzel /Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council -o—'—'-1-5 —1% —5 _193_ to,lil 1JW5 Approved-- S——�—.193-- W:it.iN:Ir1T ORIGINAL TO CITY CL[PK oeUNca CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER DATE RESOLVED That the application of E. R. Richardson for permission to erect an oversize private garage at 1950 Grand avenue, on Lot 3, Block 3, Rosedale Perk, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson 15 In favor Truax Warren O —Against W'eftzel-- Mr. e�lxr,)� 5N 6.14 JC. F. No. 1,,111—By Fred 11. Truaa— Resolved, That the application of D. R. oversize versiIII aero privatfor e permission terect t 1950 Grand Avenue, on Lot 3, Block 3, Rose- dale Park, Is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby author- ised and insrructod"to issue a permit `therefor. Adopted by the Council Oct. 10, 1935. Approved Oct. 30, 1936. i (Oc[. 12-1936 ) Adopted by the Council— of"_0 .193 MOV JCT U Approved------ Mayor CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK m L. R. S. FERGUSON City Clerk and Commissioner of Registration October 9th, 1935• Nr. John L. Connolly, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sirs The attachedipplicatioa of IL B. Richardson for permission to erect an oversize private garage at 1950 Grand Avenue, being Lot 3, Block 3, Rosedale Park was re- ferred to you today, by the Council, for resolution to grant, Sours very truly, d� City Clerk. ,NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR PERIATT TO ERECT GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Pau0�esota,.ap plication will be made or_ 1 to the City L Co of 0 Sal Paul, Minnesota, by for permission toere,c a e following de- scribed real a te, sitd9ted in Ramsey County, Minnesota, to wit: Lo Block , Additi Sain Paul, Minnesot On the side of IV St. Ave., betw St. Ave., and ' o.. '"St. Ave., Number d t. Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Romsey, gg' to and including the.. ...... ....... o ..........................., 19......; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and Is hereby acknowtdged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: atm 1ef9hUkimnoMrstuvwzyr ................................................................ .. ZA ................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this....... day of ..... ... y/ ............. /... 19..... .................. jj (.......... N b11c, R ,m Cbtmty, Minnesota My commission expires ....:........::..:. �,19..... .......... . .... being duty sworn, on oath ...................... •..........�thees says; that he is, and during all herein stated hes been clerk of the Dlspatch- Ploneer Press Co.,'publisher of the newspaper known as St. Paul Pioneer Press,' and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year ,711 he cellon therein of the. .................I.... .. ................ . hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and published in the City of St. Paul, in the County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been printed in the English language from its (mown office of publication within the city from which it purports to be issued as above stated in NOTICE OF "1ld-ZON FOR PEs- Column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least Your pages, with five columns to a VwTE aw.oE AN °��,,.E PRI- Page, each sixteen inches long: has been issued daffy each week from a known olflge Notlee V herby gives tial a t to 6eeemn xs-xs, ommmce No. 'i210. f the established In said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the city f Saint 3'aul, Minna..' ace- tlan aiu ba meas on oemher ash, i8�s to necessary material for preparing and printing the same; that during sl, said time in its Y)ounNI of'tha o of aelvt PaW, E�A9 rgeryeegr• mlor° o' makeup not less than twenty-five y per cent of its news columns have been devoted to local mMithe'CIty o°[eC noII6aN lo�� utae fbllowing deecrmed real eMnto. elt� news of interest to the community it purports to serve; that during all said time 1t has stea in Rama CoaMy. Mmue,ota, to int; rot s, moe�C s Roeeaale'Pa[k adds- not wholly duplicated any other publication, and lies not been entirety made up o1 patents, son, 6a1at Pau), Minneeata, on the south alne of arena wveaua hutweea Pnor wve• - Plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated to and near its said place of pub - 1N. ar Indo U rand awane. lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty rty (240) copies regularly delivered to Dated at salol 39u1, Mlmeeate, set em - paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter 1n its local pCounty, and that (p r aoa nfeu�ent. so, Oct. x -a, xvas) on there hes been on file in the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey Calmly, Minnesota, _ _-- the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the facts, showing the name and location of said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constituting Its qualifications as a legal newspaper. That the .............................. V.. t-.0...!..`.:� ........bereto attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was printed and published therein in 11 the F37gllsh language. onee­-aehe-for, .. ..... that 1t was first so Published on.... ... the ........ .\........ day of / p �/l �d2 ./%-j-or-�acir�veek ...... /�4.!�.. ......:, 19.. and thereaYter on............ /. to and including the.. ...... ....... o ..........................., 19......; and that the following is a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both inclusive, and Is hereby acknowtdged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of said notice, to -wit: atm 1ef9hUkimnoMrstuvwzyr ................................................................ .. ZA ................... Subscribed and sworn to before me this....... day of ..... ... y/ ............. /... 19..... .................. jj (.......... N b11c, R ,m Cbtmty, Minnesota My commission expires ....:........::..:. �,19..... .......... STATE OF MINNESOTA, County of Ramsey, } sO' abc ef9WJklmnomrstuvway, ..................... ............. . ............ Subscribed and sworn to before me this......... day of..... .. R` `� ..........1 119..... ............... .....?....... '` `�Y/� .y ........... o bllc, Ramset� Codnt , Minnesota My commission expires.. .yJ,. ?: t.p_ f ...F .............. 19..... ............... .. .......... being duly sworn, on oath says; that he Is,Eruing a times here stated hes been clerk of the Dispatch - Pioneer Prean Co., publisher of the newspaper kn as SI, Paul Dlspatch,�aul--gloneer P-om and has full knowledge of the facts hereinafter stated; that for more than one year prior to the llcation therein or the..:.�'0:.'``-� O, ..... +!J�\ hereinafter described, said newspaper was printed and Published in the CI of St. Paul,' in the County or Ramsey, State of Minnesota, on each day of each week; that during all said time said newspaper has been In the English printed language from its known office of publication within the city from which it purports to be Issued as above stated In column and sheet form equivalent in space to at least four pages, with five columns to a page, each sixteen inches long; has been issued dally each week from a known office eracwaztxs ,'Orr rax- I 2 AN ovsasrzs rm- established In said place of publication and equipped with skilled workmen and the O'a[van time raue>.,t to, �zio, ortJ�e necessary material for Preparing and prin makeup ting the same; that during all said time in Its p not less than twenty-five per cent of its news atmnoe xa. W tam�eeoMG. i� to Amo row, i. column, have been devoted to local news of interest to the community it Purports to serve; that during all said time it has s tae�°y of xoyadeaie�t�utrmoa for per-, not wholly duplicated any other publication, andhas not been entirely made up of patents, fekmibaa 'ea is raa�fe- Plate matter and advertisements; has been circulated in and near its saWplace of pub - county, nemaeeota, to a�,� edateo south lication to the extent of at least two hundred and forty (290) copies regularly delivered to the ween mor woo- Paying subscribers and had entry as second class matter in its local postofflce; and that 5 Avwm. Number 1959 there has been on file In the office of the County Auditor of Ramsey County, Minnesota pant, x0anmota, se9tem- the affidavit of a person having knowledge of the -facts, showing the name and location of sett. 30, Oct. 1-2, 1935) said newspaper and the existence of the conditions constitutlng its qualifications as a legal -- — newspaper. That the '� e -P ......................... .. .......... . .....hereto attached .......... was cut from the columns of said newspaper, and was ated and published blished therein in the English language, onea.�,ct..................... ........K4; ....dddd----aaaa����.� that it was first so Published on. � ......-the.. ..�............ day of i 5.., �l d Z- / .... •� 19. •�.� and thereafter on l.! .. �......af to ................... ............... ...., 19......; and that the following a printed copy of the lower case alphabet from A to Z, both Inclusive, and is hereby a owidged as being the size and kind of type used in the composition and publication of d notice, to -wit: abc ef9WJklmnomrstuvway, ..................... ............. . ............ Subscribed and sworn to before me this......... day of..... .. R` `� ..........1 119..... ............... .....?....... '` `�Y/� .y ........... o bllc, Ramset� Codnt , Minnesota My commission expires.. .yJ,. ?: t.p_ f ...F .............. 19..... AXEL F. PETERSON Commissioner CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE LEONARD C SEAMER, Yaluatim and Assessment Engineer HARRY A. JOHNSON, Chief Oerk CLIFFORD M. NYSTROM, Cashier 49w® J# October 10, 1935 L. R. S. Ferguson, City Clerk, Bldg. Dear Sirs - Regarding application of E. R. Richardson for a garage at 1950 Grand Ave., bung Lot 3, Block 3, Rosedale.Park, which was referred to me for a delinquent tax search, I wish to report that the taxes on this property are paid to date. Yours very truly Commissioner of Finance. JOHN C FELDMANN Deputy Commissioner OPIOINl.1. TO Clri CL[pK COUNCIL CITYNO. CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER RESOLVED That the application of E. R. Richardson for permission to erect and maintain a public garage on Lot 3, Block 3, Rosedale Park, also known as 1950 Grand avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen —_ Truax Warren Wenzel Mr. President (Gehan) sM 6.34 Y Adopted by the Council—_ 193_ __In favor Approved__.___________193___ Against CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L. R. S. FERGUSON City Cork and Comminionr of Registration December 4th, 1934. Mr. Sohn L. Connolly, orporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attach application of E. R. Richardson for permission to erect a public garage on Lot 3, Block 3, Rosedale Park, being 1950 Grand Avenue, was referred to you, by the City Council, for a resolution granting this permission. k I' Yours very truly, City Clerk. NOTICE OF (.PPLICATION FOR PERMIT TO ERECT A PUBLIC GARAGE. Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 15-13, 14 Ordinance No. 7210, of the City of Saint -Paul, Minnesota, application will be made on44�I/ 193.4Z to th it u/nci�of the City of/Saint Paul, Minnesota, by / l��- �d ��`+2. ��c.�� for permission to erect a public garage on the following describ- ,ed real estate, situated in Ramsey Councy, Minnesota, to wit: Lot Block 3 , Addition, Saint 1, Minnesota On the side of St. Ave., Betwe St. Ave. and Ave. Number / 9 p St.Ave. Dated at Saint Paul, Minnesota, //— / % 193 ORIGINAL TO CITY GL[R- ' I OF ST. PAUL FILE COUNCILNO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL ESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PR BY COMMISSIONER R DATE- October 10, 1955 WHEREAS, Joseph Ivan desires to withdraw application 3615 for Off Sale Malt Beverage at the Court House, and requests return of the license fee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and -they are hereby authorized to return to Joseph Ryan the fee of $5.00 and to cancel said application for license. i C. F. No. 101768—By H. E. Warren— Fred M. Truaa—I. C. Pearce— Whereas, Joseph Ryan desires to withdraw application 3613 for. OR Sale Malt Beverage at the Court House, and requests return of the llcenee fee; therefore, be it Resolved, that the proper city ofS- re be and they are hereby authorized to return to Joseph Ryan the fee of 16.96 and to cancel said app It cation for llcenee. Adopted by theCouncll Oct. 10, 1935. Approved Oct. le, 1936. (Oct. 12-1936) 4, COUNCILMEN r* OCT 10 Yeas Nays w N Adopted by the Council_-----_ 193__ _ Pearce / Peterson L/J 0 r 10I ft Reaen In favor Approved---_ ----- .___--- 193__ -- Truax V - Warren ____ V _Against Wenzel -- - Mayor- - Mr. ekan)/�J 5M 6.34 4 COUNCIL FILE NO INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of constructing sewers on - Minnesota Street from Second Street to Seventh Street Seventh Street from Cedar Street to Robert Street Robert -Street from Seventh Street to Eighth Street j Sixth Street from center of Cedar Street to 100 feet west [ Sixth Street from center of Minnesota Street to 169 feet east Fifth Street from center of Minnesota Street to 180 feet east Fourth Street from center of Minnesota Street to 75 feet east also constructing connecting manholes at the intersection of Ffth and Cedar Street, and at the intersection of Eighth and Ci dar Streets, also building diversion sewer at the intersection of Ninth Street and Cedar Street,, also constructing oonneotione to the sewers described above, where necessary. oone _.cons truat sewers on - Minnesota Street from Second Street to Seventh Street Seventh Street from Cedar Street to Robert Street Robert Street from Seventh Street to Eighth Street Sixth Street from center of Cedar Street to 100 feet west Sixth Street from center of Minnesota Street to 169 feet east Fifth Street from center of Minnesota Street to 180 feet east I 75P at east 161'769 con9[ruyttng eeD-v- '.�rom rom Secon(r9t. to Cedar St. to :om Seventh St. to enter of r J' tuf•• Fourth Street from center of Minnesota Street o e j also construct connecting manholes at the intersection of Fifth and Cedar Street, and at the intersection of Bighth and Cedar Streets, also building diversion sewer at the intersection of Ninth Street and Cedar Street, also construct connections to the sewers desoribdd above, where necessarT. m mg to the peisons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. VAdicpted-bptha Council dQitT 0 193— / OCT I u Approved 193 City Clerk Mayor o-- Mayor Councilman Councilman -_:77M pearre Councilman %S=q M ;ZD prtersnu Councilman Wsst% ""R 12t sen CcuncilmanOh'1111*4 '*Q Truax Councilma - Warren Mayo wenzel Form B. S. A. 8.6 Geban e 'som Ge"`dsT_ Bt. to ram seventh St. to ^' S., .f.)O la ". •1L _1;IC 02 LI>' �, f.I„�,a;'3' :.Ja.,�{tu: 9{3i`'L :: :. 3L F r. J'• ti J. J 0113}L7 il CUL ]J.:, 1 i�� 3 ff JU iJ 3i: CQA4'4L O ' 711:1.330 •,T,:+Y 2'La.;F 1,Loai o.3uF3L o.. 3` vLaaGFa ...Le'.,F +:07a'3F zr.,`,. 1,Lom caI40L of -:o1vL J00 C ^;'r.a13r Or] ^_ JAa:iF jJ ,^FL3a{� F° {; .: j' Oj?aLr-�F7-�3�eF U.LLG:� i�3:.]US. ?tLa��}�O _.i. �l3:.r ��....da FL�3 •) under Preliminary order 101396 _—approv 6uguat 29, 1935 sioner of Finance upon The Council of the City of St. Paul having received the report of the Commis the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is 0onstraot sewers on- cond Street to Seventh Street Minnesota Street from Se Seventh Street from Cedar Street to Robert Street th Street to Eighth Street Robert Street from Seven Sixth.Street from center of Cedar Street to loo feet west Sixth Street from center of Minnesota Streat to 169 feet east Fifth Street from center of Minnesota Streat to 180 feet east Fourth Street from center of Minnesota Street to 75 feet east 1 also construct connecting manholes at the interhhtnFifth d and Cedar Street, and athe Cedar 1 diversionsewertheon of 8intersaction of Streets, also building ILII tlinth Street and Cedar Street, also construct connections to the sewers describ6d above, to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Wbpted IPthe CnuR OCT 1 v _193 City Clerk Approve�_� ��/ _ Mayor Councilman Councilman Pearce Councilman Peterson Councilman st ""a Rosen Councilmanlfft*OV,*� Truax Councilma- te Mayor Warren Wenzel Form B. S. A. 8.6 Uet3nn ®z� �IDUAII' ol. , 2 IL U Ij 4: J;124m U 14: p �LOW jj�p3L O�.Laos tA o_, a 0 L 2,C I. a 29. 1935 _%L to with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 163.38 .00 .Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the--fit—hday of No,rember '. 193-A— at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of � said meeting to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hear- ing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. dbpted�byAthe C,,cd--=- 193-- oCT 10 Approved- City Clerk Councilman CouncilmanPIrrM p,,,,ce Councilman ft p,q,,nn Councilman WWWIV Councilman* Truax Councilma - Warren Mayo 'enzel Form B. S. A. 8.6 Geh.. Mayor ORIQINnL TO CITY CL[RK Q�7 ® P6 gNCIL NO•LL_,' CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK NS COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F,.1770—By . it H 2? - John Rosa, nn .,'tment Of yublic PRESENTED BY Jaon. ao, iasa, COMMISSIONER -E ' n�rormen. He has I'LL 94 WHEREIS, John Rose, an employe of the Department of Public Safety, was injured on January 30, 1933, while in the course of his employment;9d IWHEREAS, He has been totally disabled for various periods since the date of said injury, in all a total of nine months and three days, to and including the 4th day of October, 1935; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 52 of the Charter, he has been paid full pay for six months of such time, and $20 per week for -two months and three days of such time, and is entitled now to one month.at $20 per week, out of the Compensation Account, less half pay which he has been paid for said month, out of the Police Department funds; and WHEREAS, the difference between the said half pay and $20 per week for the said month is $17.47 which is required to be paid by the terms of the Workmen's Compensation Act; and WHEREAS, said John Rose will continue to be disabled for an indefinite period; and WHEREAS, Section 52 of the Charter provides that half pay shall be given for the second six months of disability only, and the Compensation Act provides that after that time, a disabled employe shall take compensation under the Act, which, in the case of John Rose, amounts to $20 per week; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to pay to said John Rose $17.47, being the differ- ence between half pay and $20 per week for the period to and includ- ing October 4, 1935, and the further sum of $17.47 for each month hereafter that he eoitlnues to be totally disabled, not exceeding two months and twenty-seven days, and the further sum of $20 per week for such time as be continues thereafter to be totally disabled as a result of said injury, not exceeding in all a total of three hundred weeks compensation as a result of said injury of January 30, 1933. COUNCILMEN OCT 11 W-193 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council __ Pearce Peterson OCT 1 Rosen —_ In favor Approved-- Truax pproved_ Truax C) Warren Against / �} or Mr. President (Gehan) � SM 6•34 �� ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRx 161771 CITY OF ST. PAUL P OUeNCIL NO. JJJIY OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK //L (� CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED ' 1.�.�Wy� OctcberlG� , 1930 MISSIONER ��`� — -- DATE _ RESOLVED That the Purchasing Ag nt be, -.nd h: is herety authorized to purchase, with the consent of the iia or and the Comptroll=r, one tank car, a_Y cximately 5000 :_rllons, 'IQ° leaded Ta.celine, 65-70 octane, from the STANDARD OIL C0',,PA-.;Y, at a price of .11465 per _^ll3n, less 1 o tpn 'lays, inclu.l_r.- state tpx and st-t, to be spotted on 1,unicipal Equipment 3urzau spur at Dal? St., on infor:arl bile as can emergency exists v. -.ere failure to act ;rcrai�tl'I v'ould work a hardsniy to the 'gest intereFts of the city. C a - neral s-i.nd- unici_el Equipment- 1003-134 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen ___.._In favor Truax Warren __ --Against Mr. President (Gehan} 5M 6.34 C. F.No. 101771—By billion Rosen— Re. olved, That the Purchasing i Agent be, and he Ie hereby authorized [o purchase, with the oon sent of the Mayor and the Comptroller, ne tank pproxl In ly 8000 gallons, "Q" leaded gasoline, 68-70 octane, from thel STANDARD OIL COMPANY, at a price P$.11466 per gallon, less 1% ten days, Including elate tax and state inspec- tion, to be sppqA,,[ted on Municipal Equlp- m6fiT r@'na"bsput at Dale St., on in- "' U bids a emergency exists where failure to 6act promptly ould ork a hardship to the best Interests oL the city. Charge Oen eral Fuad— Municipal Equipment -1003-184. Adopted by the Council Oct. 11, 1985. Approved Oct. 11. 1935. (Oct. 19-1936) Adopted by the Council . OCT l_l M5193-. -_ Approved ___— _ 1i �- t 5-- `� --193_- -. 4 Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY CLERK CITY OF ST. P•- " OFFICE OF THE CI`Io"c' r CO CIL RESOLUTION -13 ;9a r oRfficlalt n ,/ a aeric Public U tic.iyt� - cons COMPRESMISS ONE 1 .wn W r i T...R. .ul, iVl C6UNCIL FILE Fie NO. Milton 1 of "utho ORM make' e gene eke ' October 11, 1935 WHEREAS, to City Council of the City of St. Paul by resolution C. F. 101393 approved August 29, 1935, authorised the proper city officials to make application to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for a grant to aid in the construction of a sewer in the downtown business area bounded generally by Fifth St., Eighth St., Wabasha St. and Robert St., and WHEREAS, a federal grant of 45% of the total cost of such project has been tentatively allotted to the City of St. Paul contingent upon plans being completed by October 30, 1935, and construction started by December 15, 1985, and 0 WHEREAS, it is necessary that information as to character of soil in the above area at the depth of the proposed sewer be obtained in advance of the final hearing on the project and in advance of the prepara— tion of plans; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is herein instructed to prepare plans and specifications for the sinking of test or drill holes to the proper depth within the Aforementioned area, and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the purchasging Agent be and he is herein instructed to receive bids for the completion of such test or drill holes at a cost not to exceed $500.00 the expenditure to be charged to the Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund and financed from the City Sewer and Paving Aid Fund, Code 81—E1. COUNCILMEN OCT 11 Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council._- -193_ Pearce y Peterson 11T 91 Rosen -._.-In favor Approved__ _- -------- - 193 -- Truax Warren G Against cs%r--lam ----- -- - _ ay Mr. President (Gehan) S W F.)4 ORIGINAL TO CITY CL6Rk COUNCILS 11'7'73 CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUT773—sy Muton Roae•. `•ORM ti;; ImDrovoemen' VVV anconatructlon r g. PRESENTED BY MILTON ROSEN IeCh¢rokeouAvec October 10, 1935 COMMISSIONER —�enva ;to Ottawa 7— DATE r -L tram e• C.0 3436 Gin RESOLVED mrihP.n WHEREAS, in the improvement described as the construction bf Sanitary Sewer Interceptor through Cherokee Park and on Cherokee Avenue from Chippewa Avenue to Ottawa Avenue, and Cherokee Avenue from Smith Avenue to Alice Street, Comptroller's Contract Number G. 3435, International Sewer and Ice Company and H. T.Gerischer, Contractor, the time specified for the completion of the work was October 5, 1935, and WHEREAS, due to the unexpected encountering of rock excavation which caused a considerable delay, it was impossible for the contractor to complete the work within the time specified. Now, therefore, be it Resolved, that the time for the completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to November 1, 1935, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an amendment to said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN QCT 1 Yeas Nays Adoptcd by the Council__.. --___193 _-_ Pearce Peterson Rosen _ In favor APPro, ed i 1 1' _ _193 -- Truax 1 Warren __ ____Against Mayor Mr. President (Gehan) T y // 9 / SM 6.34 11. u1.I?t ) t�� DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PAUL COUNCIL DDD COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO..-_.---..__ GoNRor Peterson COUNCIL RESOLUTION `MAID harrm IN FAVOR AUDITED CLAIMS - -------la-------------19-35-- PEARCE ROSEN -..AGAINST RESOLVED. TH T CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURE SUDH EIMER TO THE AGGREGA OUNT OF S -_l1 - 3----• COVERIN MR. PRESL&4..LIE n�1. �,� CHECKS NUMB iC�- TO INCLUSIVE. 5 PER CHECKS FIL ��E OFFICE OF V�MPT90L R. ADOPTED BY THE COUNCI q�E1�--i-1 It - �i LLL COMP? AP D . I'. -N,-101774— th, I,'I ty :�. �l n-_ , w, :Issl�s:It TOTAL DATE 0—k, — RETURNED CHECK V her�l 1��'��i tri 1.'..li '�,I1 �, :t NUMBER I�a1r ih�: ti.� on III, iii III, u il' cf th, TRA SFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK l'II �' l'��I�I lit rl lir. CHECKS CHECKS qQq -41 • 17876 Morris Schaffer 60 00 184 04 17877 Stiefel Products Company,Inc. 3 006 71 17878 Standard Stone Company 17879 Thornton Brothers Co.Inc. 2 158 91 17880 Mrs. J.M. Ayd, Guardian 0 40 00 00 17881 Mrs. C.M. Claugherty, Guardian 17882 Mrs. Etta Flaherty 28 28 17883 Matthew Towey 16 52 17884 Mrs. Carlotta Trainor 22 90 17885 Mrs. Agnes Weiss 31 86 178x6 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finance 8 70 17887 Robert Wm. Kemper 65 00 17888 Cairnoross Tire & Battery Company 13 03 47 17889 Goodrich-811vertown, Inc. 103 17890 Raymer Hardware Company 36 16 17891 Robinson, Cary & Sands Company 22 93 17892 st.Paul Builders Material Com any 89 07 1789] J.L. Shiely Company,Ino. 233 31 17894 The Texas Company 353 33 17895 Helen Walczak 60 4 00 17896 Axel r. Peterson, C. of Finan4e 105 87 17897 st.Paul Institute 333 33 17299 Axel F. Peterson, C. of Finan(e 549 65 82 17IF9 John Bellemo 00 17900 Joseph J. Soharfbillig 36 80 17901 Duane O'vHa>Ps 35 9 20 60 17902 Capitol stationery Mfg.Compan 46 17903 Cochran—Sargent Company 31 17904 G.E. Dransfield 14 00 17905 Farwell, Ozmun, Birk & Compan 17906 General Electric Supply Corp. 6 63 435 17907 Int. Business Machines Corp. 17908 McKesson—St.Paul Drug Company 40 84 17909 E.A. Moeller Company 162 63 60 48 17910 Robinson. Cary & sande Compan3 17911 Roe—James Glass Company 80 12 17912 Mrs. Arletta Shipman 67 15 17913 Dick SDeakes supply & Fuel Co 479 4P 17914 Twin City Hardwood Lumber Com any 17915 Mrs. H. Mitch 195 15 17916 J.L. shiely Company,Inc. 381 58 ® 17917 W.F.Smith Tire & Battery Comp y 925 89 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD i 11330 909 j 1 o6 I IT! i OHIOINAL TO eirr curt« CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK i —C--OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY /A, , G'� /) COMMISSIONER �'�''�---- DATE October 9, 1935 RESOLVED That the Council hereby Concurs in the recorriendation of the ContractoCommittee end r,^wards the contract for the construction of a sew-er on Kello r Boulevard from Commercial street to Trout Brook seM=,r and. Regulator Chamber at Kellopa Boulevard and Commnercial street, in encordance with pl-• nc, and sr,ecific.-*ions ereto attached, to the I'.`ITE=._. TI . ; AL SO zij & ICE CC. , they being- tn= lowest resNonsible bidders, for the sum of $4,973.00, in accor�2anc= mite bid and su rolemantery letter dated October 7, 1G35, reducing bid to meet the znwineerls estimate, and the Coroor.+ion Co,)..nsel is hereby inst ucted to drar up the proper t'orm of contract t'.lerefor. F. B. 110. 9215. En ineerls Estimete $4973.00. C. F. No. 101776—By Milton Resolved, That the Council it here hereby n urs In the recommendation [ the Contract Committee and awards the a on for the construction of a sow- i er on on Kellogg Boulevard from COM- COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson Rosen --In favor Truax Warren Against a'�C[rl Mr. President (Gehan) SM 6.34 beingVtheLlowest ­11responsible bidders. for the um f $4,973.00, in accordance with bid and euppl.numt.rl letter dated Oct. 7, 1936, reducing bid to meet tt%engineer-e estimate, and the Cor- poration Counsel Is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of con- tract therefor. F. B. No. 9316. Engi- I Wear's Estimate $4973.00. Adopted by the Council Oct. 11, 1936. Approved Oct. 11, 1936. (Oct. 194936) . Adopted by the Council 0 C I 11 1 193_ Approved—_ ®C ------ Mayor OKIOINAL TO CITY CLKnK COUNCIL V76 OF ST. PAUL FIL! NO. �,� • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK a COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM CA. �z October u, lass PRESENTED r/--7Ercr- COMMISSIONERER�.7L` �._— DATE— RESOLVED That license for restaurant, application 7271, applied for by E. 0. Pierce at 540 University Avg. be and the sane is hereby granted and the city clerk is instructed to issue such license upon the payment into the city treasury of the required fee. �! New C FredF. NM. Truaa—o. C. earcp—F. arren— Resolved, That license for eetau- nt, a' 't' "'t' on M1, applied for by E. O. Pierce t 540 University Ave, be and the same Is hereby granted and the city clerit I. in to laeue such license upon the payment Into [he city I treasury of the required fee. i Adopted by the Council Oct. 11, 1935. Approved Oct. 11. 1935. (Oct. 194836) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Pearce Peterson r Rosen ---In favor Truax Warren _ Against Was"L Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.34 Adopted by the Council OCT 1 I f91F__193_—_. 1 Approved__—_OCT — —____193__ Mayor ORIGINAL TO CITY C Le RK777—By Fred M. TTUSK _ � � • CITY OF ST. PAUL Charles Tuchner, n e e Department of Park Bullding e, w OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK hs lndoPubilc th day of Sept., l^ o se of his employr' L COUNCILRESOLUTION —GENERAL tea riment f Parke, "'bllc Bntialn pvt • PRESENTED DATE COMMISSIONERER RENNOMW= WHEREAS, Charles Tuchner, an employe of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, was injured on the 10th day of September 1935, while in the course of his employment with the Department 'of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, when he fell from a tree which he was trimming, causing his death on the same day, and WHEREAS, the said Charles Tuchner left ed twelve years, him his widow and eight children, namely, , g Dorothy, aged twelve years, Loretta, aged ten years, Donald, aged nine years, Russell, aged seven years, Marjorie, aged five years, Jerome, aged two years and Thomas, aged fourteen months, and WHEREAS, the Workmen's Compensation Act provides that there shall be paid to a widow with three or more dhildren, for the benefit of herself and such children, sixty—six and two—thirds per cent of the daily wage of the employe at the time of the injury reebtved, such sum to be paid ever $ two weeks during depen— dency but not to exceed the total sum of $7500.00, and WHEREAS, the daily wage of the said Charles Tuohner was $4.00, and WHEREAS, the Compensation Act provides that funeral expenses not exceeding $150.00 shall be paid by the employer and A. J. Adams was the undertaker in this case, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said Mrs. Charles Tuchner for the benefit of herself and her minor children, the spm of 16.00 per week, payable every two weeks during dependency but not to exceed the total sum of $7500.00, and the further sum of $150.00 to A. J. Adams to apply on the funeral bill, for the benefit of the said Mrs. Charles Tuchner. I COUNCILMEN OCT 151%5 Yeas Nays / Adopted by the Council—_--__ _ __ 193 AP terson OCT r,193' - /Rosen --_---In favor Approved ___.__193___ /ftuax UZavverr— 4enzel / / 9 Mayo ,,Mr. President (Gehan) VUBLISI-IEDL p'( / ' 3J 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLI..\ -. COUNCIL ..O1178- CITY OF ST. PAUL tl—HY Fred M. Truaz— OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK ­aoruovo s tia°i gena COUNCIL RESOLUTION-GENERAL.he Counoll that the cult' n Lute 1 and 2, Block ,. (VV& Band's 4342 RR1ou, e]so No. ice sates. PRESENTF.p BY 1141-dllnDldated and dnn� COMMISSIPNER _ r to we_.ht 1te n dBowAgihthe- WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the building located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 11, Auerbach & Hand's Addition, also described as No. 1141-1143 Rice street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wreckifig said building, on the 8th day of November, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House / and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, la notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said ifearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council_ OCT 15 19W -193 Z erson OC Rosen ____.` _ln favor Approved-_ _T _ c ___193 — /Truax W-sv-v- --Against - -- - 4enzel Mayo Mr. President (Gehan) 5M1t F 1L1JLI�JItLL / ! �� W. LA MONT KAUFMAN BG '. Or P.... ERNEST W. JOHNSON Buri. or PLAYGROUNDS CHAS. A. BASSFORD CITY AP -9— CITY OF SAINT PAUL -4?���� Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commialons, .QN14'.e October 7, 1955 Hon. City Council City of Saint Paul Minnesota Gentlemen: We have received a complaint from the Fire Prevention Bureau relative to the condition of the building at 1141-3 Rice Sheet, located on Lots 1 and 2, Block 11, Auerbach & Hand's Addition. This is a two story frame store and flat building, which is in very bad condition. The floors are sagged and the sills are rotted out. The building is leaning, doors are open, and andcanlettureaddressed htoaS. P. Harbek, Administr, n ator,11ted 46 Rice Street. Kindly set a hearing date in accordance with Section 1-14 of the Building Code. Yours truly, l _ CommissionEr LAR..0 W. LA MONT KAUFMAN Supt. of P.4. ERNEST W. JOH ON tg • Supt, of Playgrounds . ' CHAS. & 4ASSFORD Gty Archited CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hal FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy C—Lion.. �® N May 13, i 1936 Hon. Council ,o City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: Further condemnation action will be unnecessary in con- nection with the building known as 1141-3 Rice Street. Our inspector reports that the buildin3 has been taken down. Yours truly, ')_� )1A u Comni.ssioner ORIGINAL TO CITY CLtRK .COUNCIL • .. CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. I OFFICE OF THE (CITY CLERK I� —BY. Fred M. Tru^ —GENERAL FC'oominissioner of P. COUNCIL RESOLUTION p .d Public Building. the Council tha+' the PRESENTED 6'V�- V W "' ? ed n the wee' . COMMISSIONERER Trn N7dmund Rtce'p• -- DAl2. described ^ In such a di Cl on p' WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that the dwelling located on the west half of Lot 5, Block 4, Edmund Rice's Second Addition, also described as No. 128 Granite street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 8th day of November, 1935, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council OCT 1_,J 5 193 Peterson OCT � j jqq Rosen —In favor Approved—__ 193-- Truax litefram— _._Against ✓ Wenzel May7— Mr. President (Gehan) Pcr�rasrl�D_�O —3� 5M 6.34 W. LA MONT,KAUFMAN SU". or PARR. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Minnesota DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 445 City Hall FRED M. TRUAX, Commissioner CARL E. SPEAKES, Deputy Commissioner Hon. Council City of Saint Paul Gentlemen: ERNEST W. JOHNSON Burt.or PLAI.K.U... CHAS, A. BASSFORD 011 jA.cHiT ,F 0) - �e;> October 7, 1935 Complaints have been filed from the Fire Prevention Bureau relative to the dwelling at 128 Granite Street on West 2 of Lot 5, Block 4, Ed Ricers Second Addition. This dwelling is very dilapidated, old, vacant, and past reasonable repair. A Danger Notice was posted and we have ascertained that Germaine Gage, 1322 Osceola Avenue, is rec- ord owner. As this building is past reasonable repair, we ask that a hearing be set in accordance -with Section 1-14 of -the build- ing code. U Yours truly, Commissioner A OalO1Nl1L TO CITY CLINK CITY OF S7. PAUL nterso srmsion R a T10._ W 780 Sheet � OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK tater or that the Q. States of Amarle. ./ t fawateul r co - v , COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL b of grant in anal j e an elevate e �IaF PRESENTED BY DAYS�­-^l` COMMI 1 NER r RESOLVED Beet on 1. That the offer of the United States of America to the City of Saint Paul for and on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners, to aid by way of grant in financing the construction of an elevated steel wateif#ank, a copy of which offer reads as follows: " ih=GXNC`r A2MISTRATIO19 OF PUBLIC WOMCS Washington, D.C. October 9, 1935 City of St.Paul, Minnesota for and on State File No. Minn.1003 behalf of the Board of Water Co m►issioners. 1. Subject to the Rules and Regulations (PRA Form No. 179, July 22s 1935, as amended to date) which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construoo tion of an elevated water tank of 500 000 gallons capacity (herein called the "Project") by making a grant to City of St.Paul, Minnesota, for and on behalf of its Board of Water Commissioners, in the amount of forty* Sive percent (45%) of the cost of the Project upon completion, as determined by the Federal Snergeney Administratdr.. of Public Works bat not to exceed, in any event, the stns of $16,650- 20 This offer is conditioned upon the concurrence by the Board of Water co missioners of the City of St -Paul, Minnesota, in the acdepto ante of the offer by the City of StPaul, Minnesota, and the agreement by said Board of Water Commissioners to comply with the Rules and Rego," lations as contained in PRA Form No. 179, July 22, 1935• UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works (Signed) Horatio B. Hackett " By ea . 5MMINXITPUCOF. be and the some is hereby in all respects accepted. COUNCIAftolon f. That said City of St. Paul for and on behalf Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council— ._ 193 ce Peterson' Rosen -----In favor--193-- Truax Warren --A"r — ----- Wenzelor Mr. President-(065an) 5M 6.34 ORIGINAL TO CITY CLRRK �y CITY OF ST. PAUL FIILENCIL NO. ® Sheet #2.. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY q COMMISSIONER— RESOLVED OMMISSIONER_ RESOLVED DATE of the Board of Water Commissioners agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations relating to such grant a copy of which rules and regulations were annexed to the Governmentla offer and made a part thereof. section 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works three certified copies of this / Resolution and three certified copies of the proceedings of this meeting in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, and such further docmnents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Federal Emergency Administra- tion of Public Works. COUNCILMEN Yeas 'XI Nays Pearce ieterson /ito n -In favor erten Z2 Against / 4cnzel "'Mr. President (Gehan) 5M 6.14 Adopted by the Council11_ 193__ ' 1 ' OCT Approved---- -__--193__ Mayo PUBLISHED �1. ORIGINAL TO CITY CLBRN 101181—By H. C. V �� ����.( "1� —Axel F. Pete- J ■y •' , CITY OF ST. PAUL ;e�e$C&11Ye t Ahad' NO. Sheet OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERI<;�Kni°°Com nPrynr t COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GEN ERAL`S PRESENTED BY COMMtSS10NER A DATE Section l* • / RESOLVED That the offer of the United States of America to the I. , City of *int Paul for and on behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners, to aid byjtway of grant in financing the construction of an elevated steel wa or tank, a copy of which offer reads as follows: "FSDSRAL EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF PUBLIC WORKS Washington, D.C. October 9# 1935 - City of St.Paul, Minnesota for and on State File No -Minn -1003 behalf of the Board of Water Commissioners. TY 1. Subject to the Rules and RegulRticns (PNA, Form No. 179, July 22, 1935, as amended to date) which are made a part hereof, the United States of America hereby offers to aid in financing the construato tion of an elevated water tank of 200,000 gallons capacity (herein called the "Project") by making a grant to City of St.Paul, Minnesota, for and on behalf of its Board of Water Commissioners, in the amount of forty* five percent (45%) of the cost of the Project upon completion, as determined by the Federal Xnergency Administratbr of Public Works, but not to exceed, in any event the sum of $9,540. 2. This offer is conditioned upon the concurrence by the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, in the accepta anoe of the offer by the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and the agreement by said Board of Water Commissioners to comply with the Rules and Regw. lations as contained in PWA Form No. 179# July 22, 1935* UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works (Signed) Horatio B. Hackett M By. Asst. Administrator be and the sane is hereby in all respects accepted. Section 2. That said City of St. Paul for and on behalf of the Board of COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Adopted by the Council- --_-_ __ - _-193___. Pearc Peterson Rosen _In favor h-AFPr`e— Truax Warren _ Agai Wenzel - -- Mayor - - Mr. President (GehanS 5M 6.14 ( on�me�c ro arr e�awa Sheet CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEIRD BY COMMISSIONER - RESOLVED C6UGNCIL NO. 161781 FIL Water Commissioners agrees to abide by all the rules and regulations relating to such grant a copy of which rules and regulations were annexed to the Govermmentle offer and made a part thereof. Section 3. That the City Clerk be and he is hereby authorized and directed forthwith to send to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Yorks three certified copies of this Resolution and three certified copies of the proceedings of this meeting in connection with the adoption of this Resolution, and such further documents or proofs in connection with the acceptance of said offer as may be requested by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Yorks. COUNCILMENyy Yeas `` Nays Adopted by the Council_— CT_5 _193_ /1'eatce //eterson OCT 15 /Rosen — ___In favor Approved_. Itruax ,Warren _Against y� _ ,,Wenzel Mayor / /Mr. President (Gehan) PUBLISI D Q—�' 5M 614 B StRIAL NO. OF ROLL DEPARTMENT Oit —V e—lri�. ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED If Limited LIMITED RETENTION,O DATE MICROFILI•TD QST /gAv/ CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS 4 O NUMBER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT PRCROFILFIED D 8 ei SIGNED '— Operator JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILM BY Supervisor 11 .. ........ S(IHV(INV.LS JO nV38ne IVNGIIVN �91 -0. z ZN >m- 03