05-1176Council File #
Presented By:
Referred To:
Green Sheet #
1 RESOLVED, that the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, is authorized to enter into the attached
2 agreement with the Cass County Sheriffs Department for participafion in the Internet Crimes
3 Against Children Task Force. A copy of said agreement is to be kept on file in the Office of
4 Financial Services.
Requested by Department of:
Adopted by Council: Date:�� �/ � a DOS
by ouncil Secretary:
/I�� Sd
r: D`ate: 1 �" Z ;
Fdr� A •oved by City �ttorney:
l{y Mayor for
� Green Sheet Green Sheet
, os- �i��
Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet Green Sheet �
DepartmenUoffice/council: Date Initia[ed:
PD — POliceDepartment ,¢NO�-05 Green Sheet NO: 3028783
CorMad Person & Phone- Deuartrnent Sent To Person Initial/Date
Chief John Harrington � 0 olice De a ent P li e De arimen[
2665588 /�5jyn 1 0li eDe a ent De ardnentD'uec[or
Must Be on Council Agenda by (Date): Number y • pnorn ' A o e ��
Routing 3 or's Office Ma or/Assistant
O�der 4 ou cil Counctl
5 Clerk Ci Clerk
6 Gce De a ent oli De a ent
Total # of Signature Pages _(Clip All Locations for Signature)
Action Requested:
Signatures requested on the attached council resoluUOn authorizing the City of Saint Paul, Police Department, to enter into the
attached memorandum of understanding with the Cass County Sheriffs Department.
Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R): Personal Service Contracts Must Mswer the Following Questions:
Planning Commission 1. Has this person/firm ever worked under a contract for this department?
CIB Committee Yes No
Civil Service Commission 2. Has this person/firm ever been a city employee?
Yes No
3. Does this personffirtn possess a skill not normally possessed by any
cucrent cily employee?
Yes No
Explain all yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, Issues, Opportunity (Who, What, When, Where, Why):
The attached agreement will allow the Cass County Sheriff s Department to participate in the ICAC Task Force of the Saint Paul Police
Department. The ICAC Task Force operates under a U.S. Deparhnent of Justice grant that targets exploitation of children online and
crimes inwlving child pornography. (For more informa6on regazding tlus council resolution or agreement piease give Commander Neil
Nelson a call at 651-266-5566.)
This agreement will assure that the task force is operating per Office of 7uvenile 7usrice and Delinquency Prevention (0J7DP)
guidelines that set uniform operational standazds for participating agencies.
DisadvanWgeslfApproved: �
The work of the ICAC Task Force will be substantially hindered as work with other agencies is an inte�al part of the original grant
ToWI Amount of CostiRevenue BudgMed: �
Trensaction: q
FundinA Source: Fedef8l Gfant Activiry Number. 34056 ��� Cj '7 L�oS
Financial lnfortnation: � ��� �������
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yiin.nes�ta Internei Cr�mes Against G�ld:e�i Task Force
�a�iti-�gencv Las�� �uf�rcement �gre�:neni
ThiS Multi-A�ency L2 W ErifoTCement A�'eement, and amendments and supplements
thereto, (hereinafter "A�eement"} is between the �ity of Saint Paul, aeting through its �olice
�eparYYment (Grantee) and Cass County, l�iinriesota, acting through ifs Sheriffs Deparmnent, 300
Ivlinnesota Ace, P.O. Box 1119, ZValker, N1N 5645� (hereinafter "Undersi�ed Law Enforcerient
Agency") botU which are empowered to enter into joint powers agraements pursuant to vlinn.
Stat. § 471.54, Subd. 10 & 12, and is further empowered to enter into this Agreement by Minn.
$tat. § 626.76; and
�heYe�s, the above subscribed parties have joined together in a multi-ageney task force
intanded to investigate and prosecute erimes comtnitted against children and the crin'un�l
exgloitation c�f ckuldren that is co�nmittad and/or facilitated by ar through the use of cQ�iputers,
and to disrupe and dismarit.e organi�ations engaging in sueh activity; and
�Vhereas, the undersigned agencies a�ee to utilize applicable state and federal laws to
pros�;cute crimizial, eivii, and forfeituse aetions a�anst i�antified violators, as appropriate; and
�here�5, the Grantee is the recipient of a fedexal grant (attached to this Agreement as Exhibit
A) disbursed by the Office of 7uvenile Just and ➢elinquency Prevention ("07JDP") in
WashingtQn, D.C, to assist law enforcement in investigating and eombating the exploitation of
c;�ildren which oeeurs through the usa of eomputers by providing funding for equiprnent,
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enforc@;nent as a resnit of sueh investigations; and
WI�erC�s, the OJJDP Internet Crimes A�ainst ChiYdren ("SCAC") a Board of Directors has
been estabiished representing each of the existing ICAC Task Forces to oversee the operatian of
the grant and sub-grant reeipi�nts.
l�o�v ']Cberefore, the parties agree as follows:
The Undersigned Law Enforce�nent Agency approves, authorizes, and
enters ir_to this Memorandum of Understanding with the puxpose of
iznpie�rienting a three-pron�ed approach to combat Internet Crimes Against
Chilclren: pr�veStion, educatic�n and enfarcement; and
The Undersi�ned Law Enfoxcement Agency shall adhere to the 4JJ➢P
I�AC Task Force Prograzn Standards, in addition to state federallaws, when
canducting undercover operations relative to ICAC; and
3. The Un�lersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall adhere to fne Minnesota
IvA� �'ask Fo�ce Policy Statement (attached to this Ag�eement as E�,ibit
�); �a
a. A_ll efficers contributed by the Undersigned Law Enforcement Agezicy to
the Minnesota TCAC T'ask �'orce sha11 be licensed peace officers or fou�d by
the Minnesota Board of �eace �f�icer Standards and Training to have
conlparable qualifications; and
s. When a contributeci officer of the Undersigned La�v �nforcament F�geney
��ts t�n the behalf �f the Minnesot� I�AC task �Qrce within the s:,c�pe of
this Agreemer�t, the officer's aetions are within the offieer's line of duty and
�ourse of employment to the same extent as if the officer had acted Q�
behalf of the offieer's �mp�oying Agency; and
6. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall indemnify, save and hQld
harznless the �rante�, its representatives and employees from any anci all
elaims Qr eauses of aetion, including al1 reasonabla attor�ey's fees ineurr�d
by tne C"irarat�e, ariaing frorn the perfQrmance of this Agreament by the
Undersigned Law �,nforee�nent Ager�ey's officex/s/, a.r'�d
�. All members of tk�e Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency sha11 continu�
to be employed by the same Law Enforcement Agency em�aloyer which they
were employed before joinin� the Minnesata IC�C '�ask Forez and all
services, duties, acts or omissions performed by the mernber wi11 be within
the coursa and dtzty of that employment, and therefore, ar� covered by the
Workers Compensation programs of that employer; will l�e paid by that
employer and entitletl tfl that employer fringe benefits; ar�d
s. The Undersigned Law E,nforcexnent Agency s�all submit al1 requests for
ur�d�tccver I��'`: related �peratzons ir. �vriting te the �ornr�ander of the
Minr I� �C `Task �'or�e for presentation to the QJ7I)F I�AC Tasl�
�'oxce �oard a��3izeetors; a��d
9. The Undersigned Law En�orcement Agency must first submit a written
request far funds and reeeive approval for the funds from the �raritee tQ
receive any funds from the Grantee; and
� o�-i���
io. The Undersigned La�u Enforcement Agency must supply original receipts to
be reimbursed on pre-approved requests; and
i i. The UndLrsigned Law Enforcement �gency shall maintair� accurate records
pertaining to prevention, education, and enforcement activities, to be
collected and forwzrded monthly to the Nlinnesota I�AC Task Force
�ornmar.der or his designee far statistical reporti�g purposes; and
iz. The Undersi;ned Law Enforcement Agency shall participate fully in any
audits required by the 073➢P; and
is. The Undersigned Law Enforcement Agency shall make a reasonable good
faith attempt to be represented at any scheduled regional meetings in order
to share information and resources amongst the multiple enti�ies; and
i4. The Undersigned Law Bnforcement Agency shall be solely respansible for
f�rwardine information relative to zuvesti�ative targets to the Child
Pornography Pointer System (CPFS) pursuant to the 0J7DP guidelines; and
is. The Undersid ed T,aw Enforcement Agency shall provide the Minnesota
ICAC T'ask Force Commander in a t�mely manner all investigative
equipment acquired through grant funding as a restllt of this Agreement zn
the event that: future federal funding is no longer available, the Agency
decides to dissolve its binding relationship with the Minnesota ICAC Task
Ferce and the Saint Paui Police Department, or the Agency breaches the
Terz�s of this agree�2nt:
Tbis a�'eenent sha:i be effective upen signa?ures. Nothing i�z this a�eement shall other,�;se
limi± fne j���±s�etian, pow�rs, and res�onsibilities rormaily possessed by �n emplayee as a
r�ernb�z of the 4ganey.
City Attorney
7o1u1 M. Hanangton, Chief of Police
Saint Paul Palice Department
Director� Financial Services
$V e"l�.d Z
A enc
A�encvi certifies that the aopropriate person(sl
have �xecuted the A�reement on behaif of the
A�enov and its iurisdictional govemment entity
as reauined bv aUplicaole articles laws
bV-laws resolutions, ox ordinances.
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Saint Paul Police ICAC Task Force
(Intemet Crimes Against Children)
Policy Statement
Policy Purpose:
The purpose of tkris policy is to establish responsibilities and guidelines regazding the St. Paul
Police Departments response to reports of expioitation of clvldren, and the possession and
distriburion of child pomography using computers.
Policy Statement:
It shall be the policy of the St. Pau1 Police Department to adhere to strict guidelines with respect
to investigations of computer related child exploitation. The standards adopted pursuant to this
policy mirror those prescribed by Office of 7uvenile Justice and Delinquency Preventions's
(OJJDP) Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Task Forces, and ensure compliance with
those protocols accepted by the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI), U.S. Customs, and the
U.S. Postal Inspector's Office.
A proactive investigation is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute offenders, which may
or may not involve a specific target, and requires online interaction and a significant degree of
pre-operative planning.
A reactiue investieation involves the invesUgation and prosecution of a lrnown target(s), and
where the need to proceed with the investigation is urgent. It also includes a response within the
community or azea of jurisdiction to a specific complain brought to the departments attention by
another law enforcement agency, a reputable source of information such as the Cyber-Tipline at
the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children or a large Internet Sezvice Provider. The
department must also respond to complaints made by citizens, schools, libraries, or businesses
who believe illegal material has been transmitted or potentially dangerous situations, such as
child lure attempts have been communicated through the Internet.
The term Internet Crimes A�ainst Children (ICAC) includes both proactive and reactive
investigative activities as outlined above.
An investigation is deemed to be urgent when there is a reasonable belief that the target presents
an imm;nent threat to the well being of another person.
U �
Work space and Equipment
Fnternet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) computers and softwaze shall be reserved for
the exclusive use by department designated ICAC personnel. When possible, undercover
computers, software, and online accounts shall be purchased covertly. No personally
owned equipment shall be used in ICAC investigations and all software sha11 be properly
acquired and licensed.
All ICAC online investigations sha11 be conducted in government work space as
designated by the deparnnent.
Care Predication and Prioritization
Cases may be nutiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet 5ervice Providers, or
other law enforcement agencies, and by information gathered through subject interviews,
documented public sources, direct observations or suspicious behavior, public
complaints, or by any other source acceptable under current department policy.
ICAC Supervisors are responsible for determining investigative priorities and selecting
cases for investigation. Assuming the information is deemed credible, that determination
should begin with an assessment of victim risk and then consider other factors such as
jurisdiction and known offender behavioral charactexistics. The following prioritizafion
scale was established by the ICAC Task Force Review Board and will apply to the
assignment of cases within the department:
1. A child is at immediate risk of victimization;
2 A child is vulnerable to victimization by a known offender;
3. Known suspect is aggcessively soliciting a child(ren);
q._ Traders of images that appeaz to be home photography with domiciled
5 Aggressive, high volume child pornography traders who either are
commercial distributors, xepeat offenders, or specialized in sadistic nnages;
6 Traders and solicitors involved in high-volume trafFicking or belong to an
organized child pornography ring that operates as operates as a criminal
�. TradeLS in previously known images;
g, Traders in digitally altered images.
Record Keeping
ICAC investigative units shall be snbject to the existing agency incident reporting procedure and
case supervision systems. Investigators will obtain a case number at the outset of each case and
fully document their acrivities through the completion of initial ans supplemental reports.
Reports will be completed and reviewed by a supervisor in a timely fashion. Investigation and
case management activities will occur in accordance with e�cisting deparhnental policies and
procedures. Closeout xeports with indicate the manner in wUich a case has been resolved with
copies forwarded to the prosecutor's office and/or the law enforcement agency continuing the
investigation when appiicable.
Undercover Investigations
Cazefully managed undercover operations conducted by well-trained officers aze among the most
effective techniques available to law enforcement for addressing ICAC offenses. Undercover
operations, when executed and docutx�ented properly, collect virhxally unassailable evidence
regazding a suspect's predilection to sexually exploit children. However, these investigations
can trigger serious legal and etlucal considerations because of concern that inappropriate
government conduct may induce an otherwise innocent citizen into commiitting a crime.
All investigations shall be conducted in a manner consistent with the principles of
due process. Task Force investigators shall avoid unlauvfixl inducement of any
individual not otherwise disposed to commit the offenses being investigated, and
will not engage in conduct that is shocking or offensive to notions of fundamental
fairness as described in applicable case law.
Officers should always be awaze that their actions, in addifion to those of the
offender, may be at issue in deciding if chazges ue bxought, whether refenals to
other law enforcement agencies are acted upon, and in determining the guilt or
innocence of the offender at triaL Therefore, it is critical that this task force work
closely with local prosecutors when investigating ICAC offenses.
Accordingly, the following minimum standards apply to undercover investigations
by the task force:
a) Only sworn on-duty ICAC Task Farc� personnel shall conduct ICAC
investigations in an undercover capacity. Prlvate citizens shall not be asked to
seek out investigative targets nor shall they be authorized to act as police agents in
an online undercover capacity.
b) ICAC Task Fozce personnel shall not, under any circumstances, upload,
transmit, or forward pomographic or sexually explicit images.
c) Other than photographs of law enforcement officers who have provided their
informed written consent, no human images shall be uploaded, transmitted, or
forwarded by ICAC Task Force personnel.
OS - //7Cv
d) Other than authorized above, unages considered for uploading shall be
approved by the ICAC Task Force Project Director and reviewed by a local
prosecutor. Images uploaded for investigative purposes shall be nonhuman and
encrypted. Sexually suggestive tides shali not be used.
e) During online dialogue, undercover officers should a11ow the investigative
tazget to set the tone, pace, and subject matter of the online conversation. Image
uploading shall be initiated by the target.
Evidence Procedures
All undercover online activity shall be recorded and documented. Any deviations from this
policy due to unusual circumstances, shall be documented in the relevant case file and reviewed
by the ICAC Task Force Commander.
The starage, securiry, and destruction of investigative information shall be consistent with
agency policy. At a minimum, information should be maintained in locked cabinets and
under the control of ICAC Task Force personnel. Access to these files should be
restricted to authorized personnel with a legitimate need to know.
Task Force supervisors should ensure that forensic examinations of computers and related
evidence aze conducted by qualified personnel that have received specific training in
computer forensics.
Information Sharing
Conventional boundaries are vii4ually meaningless in the electronic world of the Internet and the
usual constraints of time, place, and distances lose their relevance. These factors increase the
possibility of ICAC Task Forces tazgeting one another, invesrigating the same subject, or
inadvertently disrupting an ongoing invesfigation. To foster coordination, collaboration, and
communication, OJJDP requires that each ICAC Task Force contribute basic case information to
a common database. Federal Guidelines have been established through the Department of
Justice's ICAC Task Force Information Sharing Warking Group. The OJJDP Task Force
Review Boazd reviewed, modified, and adopted the below information sharing system and
procedures. The St. Paul Task Force will comply with these guidelines.
1. Task Force investigators shall contribute basic and case update information on all cases
(local, interstate, reactive and proactive) to the Case Deconfliction System maintained
through the Law Enforcement Data Exchange (LEDX).
2. Basic case information shall include, but is not limited to:
a) Submitting Task Force
b) Person submitting informarion
c) Telephone number for verification purposes
d) Date of submission
e) Brief synopsis of investigation
fl Offender screen name(s)
g) Identifiers (URL, FTP, Newsgroup, IP Address)
h) True name of suspect (if l�own)
i) Other suspect information (if known)
j) Undercover officer sFreen name(s)
� 1. Case update information shali inciude, but is not limited to:
a) Submitting Task Force
b) Person submitting informaUon
c) Telephone number for verification purposes
d) Date of submission
e) Date investigation initiated
fl Identity of subject(s) including address, date of birth, social security number,
address (when available)
g) Criminal proceedings (e.g., arrest, indictment, search warrant, conviction, etc.)
h) Sentencing information (when available)
Each investigator working with the ICAC task force will sign up for access to LEDX via
their website. Information on how to gain access will be provided by the unit
1. Each investigator shall query LEDX once they have established an anvestiga6ve interest.
For the purposes of the ICAC Task Force Program, an investigative interest is established
when there is reasonable suspicion that a crnne has occurred or there is a reason to
believe that a screen name or other potentially identifiable entity has engaged in a
sequence of activities that is likely Yo lead to the sexual exploitation of a child._Assuming
no other active investigaUons are discovered and that reasonable suspicion is present to
initiate an investigation, the agency will submit case information to LEDX. Each Task
Force should submit this information within 24 hours of inifiating the case or as soon
thereafter as possible.
2. If any duplication is found, the initiating investigator is responsible for contacting the
other law enforcement agency.
3. Additionally, initiating investigators should aiso contact the U.S. Customs Cyber
Smuggling Center (703-293-8005) to ensure there is no duplicarion with regard to their
ongoing investigations. Similarly, once an offender has been identified and associated
with a lrnown address, contact should be made with the U.S. Postal Inspector responsible
for child sexual exploitation offenses whexe the offender resides.
1. Existing deparhnental supervisory systems and procedures shall apply, with specific
emphasis on observation, documentation, and periodic evaluation of cases assigned to
undercover investigators. Written d'uectives will reflect the principles of quality case
management and ensure that ICAC Task Force activities comply with both agency and
ICAC Task Force Standazds.
2. At a minimum, management or supervisory policies and practices shall include:
a) review of daily ICAC Task Farce investigative reports;
b) periodic review of undercover session recordings;
c) d'uect participation in formulating ICAC Task Force investigative plans and
establishing investigative priorities;
d) development of work schedules including approval of specific overtime expenditures;
e) assessment of equipment and training needs; and,
fl review and approval of any ICAC Task Force fiscal matters.
Selection of ICAC Task Force Personnel
W1ule existing agency personnel procedures apply, managers and supervisors should
evaluate prospective ICAC Task Force candidates for work history that indicates prior
investigative experience, court testimony skill, ability to handle sensitive information prudently,
and a genuine interest in the protection of children.
Task Force members should be computer literate, knowledgeable regazding child
exploitation issues, and be familiar wi��h Federal and State statutory and case law pertaining to
ICAC investigations.
Prevention and Education Activities
Prevenrion education activities are a critical component of the St Pau1 Police ICAC Task
Force Program. Supervisors and investigators are expected to develop and lead prevention
programs to foster awazeness and provide practical, relevant guidance to children, parents,
educators, librarians, and other individuals concerned about child safety issues. However, these
presentations shall not depict identifiable victims nor shall they use pornographic or sexually
explicit images. Presenters shall not discuss investigative techniques.
Media Relations and Releases
Copies of inedia releases related to this initiative will be forwazded thtough the ICAC
Unit Commander to the Public Information Office for dissemination. Copies of radio or video
segments and press clippings will be used to promote and sustain public support for ICAC
activities and circulated within the Review Board.
Media releases relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters conceming ICAC
Task Force operations shall not include information regazding specific investigative techniques
and should be coordinated (when appiicable) with other Task Force pazlicipants, Federal law
enforcement agencies, and State and local agencies involved in the investigation consistent with
sound information management and media relations practices. In each case, copies should be
provided to 03JDP in a timely manner'.
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Ir 'OZL�?1L10P_S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • • • • • • _ 8�� 1
C :SP M,a, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PaaPC 7 — F
A. Jv orxspace and Equipmeni t age 2
B. Case Predication and Prioritization Page 3
C. Record Keeping Page 4
I�. Underccver Investigations Page 5
� E. Evidence Proced'ures Page 6
Lnfortr�ation Shar;ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 7
Supervision . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 8
c�l��t;�n �fT�A_�' '1'ask Force Personnel_ . . . . . . . ?age 9
Community Education and Crime Prevention
Activities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 10
M�.dia Relations and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
ICAC Program G�perationai and Imestigative Standards
� As used herein, the following defi�itior. shall appty;
"033DP" is the Office of Juvenile Iustice and Delinquency Prevention.
"NCMEC" is the Nafional Center for Missing and Exploited Children.
"CEOS" is the Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the United States
Attomey's Office, of the Departrnent of Justice.
"ICAC" is the Internet Crimes Agains± Children prog�am composed of Regional
Task Forces and Satellites.
"REGIONt1L TASK �ORCE" is defined as an ICAC law enforcement agency
-- ---- to T ----- —
"SATELLITE" is de:v �s a law enforce�ent agency u a� was selecte3 to
receive an OJJDP grant to establish a satellite program.
For the purposes of this program, crime is defined as any offense that involves the
exploitation of children facilitated by technology.
fnvestigative interest is esta'oiished when `�riere is reasonabie suspicio� ihat a
screen nazne or other potentially identifiable entity has committed a crune or that
entity is engaged in a sequence of acfivities that is likely to result in the
commission of a crune.
A proaciive investigation is designed to identify, investigate and prosecute
affenu�e:s, which may or �ay net inve�ve a specific ±a*get, and reqves on_iine
interaction and a significant degree of pre-operative plauning.
A reactive ir�vestigation involves the investigation of a complaint of a crime.
t2easonad[e suspicion is es`aoiished when s,:f�c:ent facts exist io iead a:aw
enforce�eat officez to be:ieve tiia: aa indiviclt:al cr orgariza�on is i^volvec in a
dennable criminai activity.
Program Operational and Investigative Standards
D� // 7Co
Fffective Date:
�pac� and
C�Se �
i ef 1
A. Workspace and Equipment
1. ICAC computers a�d softwaze shal be :eserved fo: the exclusive use
by agency designated ICAC personnel. When possible, undercover
computers, soflwaze, and online accounts shatl be purchased covertly.
No personally �,u�ed equipment skall be use3 in ICAC investigat�aas
and all software shall be properly acquired and lice:�sed.
2. ICAC personnel sha11 not use ICAC computers, software ar online
accounts for personal use_ __ _ _ _ `_ _ _ _
3. Absent e�gent or unforeseen circumstances, all ICAC online
invesfigations shall be conducted in government workspace as
designated by the agency. Exceptions must be approved in advance by
an ICAC supervisor.
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative
D� -/17 t�
Case M
? of ?
B. Case Predication and
1. Cases may be initiated by referrals from the CyberTipline, Internet
service providers, or other law eniorcement agencies, and by
information gathered through subject interviews, documented public
sources, direct observations of suspicious behavior, public complaints,
or by any other source acceptable under agency policies.
--------- ------ ----
2. ICAC supervisors aze responsible for determining investigative
priorities and selecting cases Por investigation. Assnming the
information is deemed credible, that determination should begin with
a�assessment_of victixn risk and then consider_other factors_such_as_
- jurisdiction and known offender behauioral characterisrics. The
following prioritization scale shall be considered:
a) A child is at immediate risk of victimization
b) A child is vulnerable to vicfimization by a known offender
c) A lmown suspect is aggressively soliciting a child(ren)
d) Manufacturers, distributors or possessors of images that appear
to be home photography with domiciled children
e) Aggressive, high-voluxne child pornography manufacturers or
distributors who either are commercial distributors, repeat
offendezs, or specialize in sadisfic images
fl Manufacturers, distributors and solicitors involved in high-
volume trafficking or belong to an organized ckuld pornography
ring that operates as a criminal conspiracy
g) Distributors, solicitors and possessors of images of child
" h) Any othei' forxn of child victiinization.
Program Operational and Investigative Standards
05 //-Z�
Date: 4 "
Record Keep
? of 1
C. Record I�eeping
1. ICAC units shall be subject to e�sting agency incident reporting
procedures and case supervision systems. At a minimum, a unique
identifier shall be assigned to each ICAC case.
2. Participating agencies will report �rogram accomplishments using the
ICAC Monthly Performance Measures Report. This report is due to
the ICAC Coordinator on the 10�` of every month and does not replace
the semi-annu�i progress report required by the Office of 7ustice
Program's Financial Guide.
ICAC Program Operational and Zrrvestigatzve Standards
., _4-
" ` D S- //7Cv
D. Undercover Invesfigafions
. l. Cazefully man�ged undercover operations conducted by well-tr�ained
o�cers are among the most effective techniques available to law
enforcement for addressing ICAC offenses. Undercover operarions,
when executed and documented properly, collect virtually unassailable
evidence regar�ing a saspec±'s p*edilection io exploit chi?dren.
2. Investigators will be supplied with appropriate training and receive a
copy of the ICAC Operational and Investigative Standazds
--- -
3. � �C�investigahons shal e con ucte m a manner consis en wi
the principies of law and due process. See, for example, Jacobson v.
U.S., 503 U.S. 540 (1992); U.S. v. Archer, 486 F.2d (2 Cir.1973);
U.S. v. Gamache 156 F. 3d 1(l Cir. 1998); U.S. v. Poehlman 217 F.
3d 692 (9� Cir. 2000). ICAC investigators are encouraged fo work in
conjunction with their local prosecutors.
- 4. The following minimum standards apply to ICAC investigations:
a) Only sworn, on-duty ICAC personnel shall conduct ICAC
investigations in an undercover capacity. Private cifizens shall
not be asked to seek out investigative targeis, nor shail they be
authorized to act as police agents in an online undercover
b) ICAC personnel shall not, electronically upload, transmit, or
forwazd pornographic or sexually explicit unages.
c) Other than photographs of law enforcement officezs who have
provided tneir informed written consen�, no actuai human unages
shall be uploaded, transmitted, or forwarded by ICAC personnel.
d) During online dialogue, undercover officers should ailow i.he
investigative tazget to set the tone, pace, and subject matter of Ehe
online conversation. Image transfer shall be initiated by the
target. '
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative
e} undercover oniine activiry si3aii be recardeci and doe,unented.
,�ny depar�ares uo�'. 'uliS a611C� G�llB i0 II11Si:a; Ci2Ciii'i1S`uutCeS
shall be documented in the relevant case file and revi�wed by an
_ ICA� supervisor.
Effective Date:
nce Procedures � Page 1 of
Case Management
E. Evidence Procedures
1. The storage, security, and destruction of investigative information
shall be consistent with agency policy. Access to these files should
be restricted to authorized pexsonnel. __ _ _ __ _ _ __ __ _
2. ICAC supervisars should ensure_ that qualified personnel conduct
examinations of computers and related evidence.
a. Child pomography is contraband and should be maintained
pursuant to each agency's policies regarding such. Absent a court
order specifically ordering otherwise, evidence containing child
pornography shall not be released to any defendant or
representative thereof.
b. When providing evidence containing child pornography ±e another
law enforcement agency, such evidence must be hand-delivered,
digitally protected or sent via a delivery service which tracks the
- shipment. �
ICAC Program Operational and Ircvestigative Standards
1 of 1
Information Shari
1. Conventional boundaries are vixtually meaningless in the electronic world of
the Intemet and the usual constraints of time, place, and distauce lose their
relevance. These factors increase the possibility of ICAC agencies targeting
one another, investigating the same subject, or inadvertently disrupting an
- ongoing investigatior�. To foster coordination, collaboration, and
co�nunication, each ICAC agency must contsibnte basic case infar�ation to
a common database.
2. Each
----- — ------ —
as designated by the ICAC Boar o ixectc
submitted at the earliest practical opportunity.
3. _ If any common target is_identified, the initiating ICAC agency is responsible
for contacting the other law enforcement agency targeting the suspect.
4. Initiating ICAC agencies should also consider contacting other local, state,
and federal agencies which may be involved in similar investigations.
ICAC agency shall contribute case information on all active
�tion (local: inter state, reacfive and proactive) to a common databa
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
Each ICAC agency sha11 have supervisory systems and procedures, which
shall pLOVide for observation, documentation, and periodic review of ICAC
activity. Such system should comply witki the principles of quality case
management and ensure that ICAC activities comply with both agency and
ICAC Standards.
2. ICAC agencies x�ay subiait any proposed ope*ations to the Bo�rd for review.
To assist the Board in its review, the proposals shall be submitted to the Board
Coordinator at least 21 days in advance of the next regularly scheduled
meeting. Proposals should be submitted using the following format and
include the following information: _ _ _ ,
------ --"-"------ -� goals an� o �ectrves o��e operahon;
b) personnel assigned and/or responsible for investigation;
c) duration of operation, i.e., projected start and stop dates;
- d) offenses targeted far investigation;
_ _ ---- �- � •
' vesri ahve targets and limrtatron on gove_Tnment contac ;
e) m g
fl operation scenario and techniques (language for contact letters and
advertisements must be included with proposal);
g} liaison and/ox case referral procedures with Federal law enforcement
agencies (include the names of Federal agents when known) and;
h) other relevant information
3. The Boazd, at its discretion, may suggest amendments to the original proposal
following consultation wifh the presenting agency. ivofice oi tue resuits of the
review of investigative proposals from satellites will be communicated to the
sateiiite represenraiives oy tne Boarn �hair.
4. The ICAC submitting the proposal for review may seek the support of 5he
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
D� //7l0
Effecuve Date:
{ Page i of 1
Selection of �CAC Task lFQree Fersomnel
Managers and supervisors shoutd evaluate prospective ICAC candidates for work
history that indicates prior investigative experience, court testimony skills, ability to
handle sensitive information prudently, and a genuine interest in the protection of
" ICAC Program CS`perational and Investigative Standards
l. Prevention education activifies are a critical camponent of the OJJDP ICAC
` Program. ICAC agencies should foster awareness and provide practical,
relevant guidance to children, parents, educators, librarians, and other
individuals concerned abont child safety issues.
2. Presentations to school sta£f, parents, and community gzoups aze excellent
ways to promote awazeness. These presentations shall not depict identifiable
victims, not otherwise in the public domain; nor shall they use pomographic
or sexually explicit iznages. Presenters shall not discuss confidential
investigative tecluuques.
- ------- 3. -- I�Fo member of � IC�C - T`ask Force may en orse any produ�oi service
without the express consent of an OJJDP Program Manager. While appearing
at pubiic presentations, iCfi� memoers may indicate a preierence for a
product or service, but to avoid an implicit endorsement, such ICAC members
should indicafe adequate alternatives.
fCAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
D� //7
Media releases relating to prosecutions, crime alerts or other matters concerning
ICAC operations shall not include information regarding confidentia) investigative
--- ----- --�- techriiques shou�ld be coo�lcr ivated app icaT�e wi h o er --
pazticipants, Federallaw enfarcement agencies, and 5tate and local agencies involved
in tne investigation consistent with sound information management and media
relations practices.
ICAC Program Operational and Investigative Standards
, n -11 -