Council File # 0 S ���
Green Sheet #�(�� � U a�
WHEREaS, under Section 623 of the Cable Communications Policy Act of 1984, 47 U.S.C. § 543, as amended
(Cable Act) the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, (City) is permitted to regulate rates for basic cable service and
equipment (including installations); and
WHEREAS, Comcast of Saint Paul, Inc., (Comcast) submitted a filing on or about February 27, 2004 purporting to
justify its equipment rates for the period June 1, 2004 through May 31, 2005 (the 2004 Form 1205 Filing); and
WHEREas, after a review conducted by the City, the City by Resolution No. QS-243 adopted a rate order setting
equipment rates and ordering refunds (the 2004 Rate Order); and
WHEREnS, Comcast appealed the Rate Order to the FCC; and
WHEREAS, Comcast submitted a filing on or about March 1, 2005 purporting to justify its equipment rates for the
period June 1, 2005 through May 31, 2006 (the 2005 Form 1205 Filing); and
WHEREas, by letter dated November 4, 2005, Comcast has made an offer to settle outstanding issues with respect to
the Form 1205 for the past and to settle certain issues for future filings (the Settlement Offer); and
WHEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council finds it is in the best interest of City to enter into the settlement.
Now, TxEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of Saint Paul of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota as
The appropriate city officials are hereby authorized to accept the Settlement Offer.
26 2. The City adopts the rates set forth in Appendix C of the Settlement Offer attached hereto and incorporated
27 herein, as the maxinium pennitted rates under the 2005 Form 1205 Filing, subject to the sarisfaction of the
28 conditions in paragraph 4 herein. If those conditions are not satisfied, or Comcast in fact fails to satisfy its
29 obligations under the Settlement Offer, the City may modify or rescind this rate order, and the rates set forth in
30 Appendix C.
32 3. The City finds that if the conditions of pazagraph 4 herein are satisfied, and Comcast satisfies its obligations
33 with respect to the 2004 Rate Review under the Settlement Offer, Comcast will have sarisfied its refund obligations
34 under the 2004 Rate Order. If Comcast does not satisfy these conditions, or if for any reason the Settlement Offer is
35 not fully enforceable according to its terms, then Resolution No. OS-243 shall remain in full force and effect as
36 adopted.
ps- ll�l
38 4. Comcast must confirm, by January 15, 2006:
39 (a) that condition 4 of the Settlement Offer has been satisfied, or waived by Comcast; and
40 (b) it will comply with each and every one of its obligations under the Settlement Offer, and has not
41 withdrawn the Offer.
43 5. This Resolution does not approve any maximum permitted rate other than the rates approved in Appendix C.
44 Subject to applicable FCC rules, Comcast may not levy additional chazges for Form 1205-regulated equipment or
45 acrivities which are not approved in Appendix C, or levy charges for activities or equipment where the cost of the
46 activity or equipment was not included and justified in the 2005 Form 1205 Filing.
48 6. The City's approval of this Resolution and the Settlement Offer is made subject to the Conditions set forth in
49 the Settlement Offer. It shall not be conshued to be an endorsement or approval of any Comcast notices or
50 disclosures of FCC Form 1205 rates calculated hereunder. The City reserves any rights it may have to review such
51 notices.
53 7. This Resolution shall be effective immediately upon passage by the city council and approval by mayor, per
54 city charter Sec. 6.07.
Yeas Nays Absent
Benanav �
Bostrom ;/
Harris ✓
Helgen ✓
Lantry ✓
Montgomery ✓
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;ouncil Secretary
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Adoption Certified by
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Requeste by Office of Technology:
BY� �G�..1���1/lL �"C J����
Form Approved by City
D"ate 1 L=.14� �
� Dep�artrnen�bffice(council: Date Initiated OJ _',�/
Office of Cable Communications i2-a-os Green Sheet No. 3029025
.•. CaMact Person & Phone: � InitiaVdate Initialfdate
Mike Reazdon j� rn� 4 �m,�
. ��9� z c;ryAaumey 5 ciryctertc
Mtst Be crt Cuuncil A9e�da b!! ��) l3tanher Fm�cial Serv D'u. Fmancial Srn/
Fo► 3 Mayot(OrAsst) - _CivilServiceCommission
December 21, 2005 ��
order �
Total # of Sig�ture Paqes _(Clip All Locatiw�s for Signature)
aceo� Reyu��oea: Approve Resolution for Setting Equipment and Installation Rates Chazged by Comcast of St. Paul,
' Inc., Pursuaut to Settlement Between the City of Saint Paul and Comcast of St. Paul, Inc., Regarding FCC Form
1205's Filed in 2004 and 2005.
, Recommendations: Approve (A) or Rejed (R) Personal Service Contracts Must Answer the Foilowing Questior�s:
� 1. HasthispersonlfirtneverworkedunderacontraGforthisdepartment? -
Planning Commission Yes No
' CIB Committee 2. Has this personffirtrr ever been a city employee?
Civil Service Commission Yes No
� 3. Does this personffrtn possess a skill not nortnally possessed by any current city
� - employee? Yes No
.� E�cplain all yes an5wers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
Initiating Problem, lssue, OppoRunity (Who, What, YVhen, VYhere,lNhy): �
' On March 23, 2005, the City of Saint Paul set the rates for ComcasYs Equipment and Installation
activitiesfservices, far the period of June 1, 2004 — May 31, 2005, based on the City's review of Comcast's FCC
1205 Form. Comcast appealed this decision to the FCC. In addition, Comcast filed FCC Form 1205 for June 1,
' 2005 — May 31, 2006 in March, 2005. Since Comcast appeal, and subsequent FCC decision to Stay the City's
Mazch 23 Rate Order, the City and Comcast have reached a settlement for both the 2004 and 2005 1205 rate
� filings.
, naraoa9� iraPProved: 1) Current St. Paul Comcast cable subscribers will receive a credit of $2.50 on their bill
' within approxunately 60 days from time of enactment; 2) Subscribers will receive credit for slight fee overcharges
for remote controls and converters since June, 2005; 3) These fee rates and some installation service fees will be
reduced going forwazd; and, 4) Comcast wiil drop the appeal to the FCC and agree to ahide by the November 4,
, 2005 Settlement Offer submitted to the City. o
� Disadvantages If Approved: NOIlO ��� 0 a 20�5
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n�a�ar�eag� ir Na aPProrea: Equipment and installatian rates dispute for 2004 and 2005 will not be resolved and
` subscribers will not see any benefits from the rate review process during past yeaz.
Total AmouM of Trensaction: no CosURevenue Budgeted No
Funding Source: Aetivity Number:
Fina�ial Mfonnation: (Explain)
as- ii�/
Executive Summary
1205 Settlement Offer for Setting Equipment & Installation Rates
In late February, 2004, as part of Comcast's annual rate adjustment filings with the City
of Saint Paul (City), Comcast filed FCC Form 1205 that sought the City's approval of a
change in the company's equipment rates; i.e., converters, remotes, etc., and installation
rates for the period of June 1, 2004 — May 31, 2005. This same 2004 1205 filing was
submitted to all Comcast communities nationwide, using the data for setting the same
rates for a11 communities. The City of St. Paul joined 19 other local government entities,
wluch represented over 1%2 million Comcast subscribers nationwide, and retained a
financial consultant (Consultant) to review the 2004 1205 rate filing.
Based on the findings from the Consultant's report, presented to the City in February,
2005, the Consultant determined that ComcasYs filed rates for equipment and installation
were "unreasonable" and did not "comply with the FCC rules and applicable law." On
March 23, 2005 the Saint Paul City Council adopted Resolution #OS-243, which ordered
Comcast to make rate reductions and refunds based on the ConsultanYs findings arid
On Apri18, Comcast appealed the City's Mazch 23 rate order to the FCC. The FCC
subsequently issued a temporary Stay of the City's rate order.
In addition, to compound the 1205 rate issue, Comcast filed on March 1, 2005 their FCC
2005 1205 for the period of June 1, 2005 — May 31, 2006. As the 2004 1205 rate filing
issues had not yet been resolved, the 2005 filing was based on previous assumptions, with
some modifications. However, there were now two years of filings that required
resolufion. The City'continued to retain the same Consultant, with other national
Comcast-served communities, to resolve both filings. The City, Comcast communities
and Consultant entered into settlement negotiations.
Settlement Offer
In November, 2005 Comcast submitted to the City, and the other Comcast nationwide
communities, a Settlement Offer (Settlement) that provides a reasonable settleinent to
both the 2004 and 2005 1205 filings. If the City adopts the Settlement Offer, Comcast
will withdraw its 2004 1205 appeal, and will not appeal its 2005 1205 filing. In
sumtnary, the Settlement provides to the City and Saint Paul's Comcast subscribers:
2004 Rate Filin�:
All current subscribers will receive a one-time credit in the amount of $2.50 and Comcast
will withdraw the current appeal pending before the FCC. Based on the most recent
subscriber count, the cumulative savings for Comcast's Saint Paul subscribers will be
approximately $128,000. The credit will be appiied within 60 days after final approval.
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2005 Rate Filin¢:
Subscribers will receive refunds and rate reductions to the extent the rates actually
charged by Comcast exceed the rates that aze currently being chazged by Comcast. In
Saint Paul, many of the 2005 equipment and installation rates were already lower than
what other Comcast subscribers were paying in other communities. However, there were
two monthly fee categories that were reduced:
• Remote Controls: Filed $.30 - Reduced to $.27
• Non-Basic Converter: Filed $4.70 - Reduced to $4.63
On average, it can be assumed that 75% of Comcast's subscribers pay fox both of these
services on a monthly basis. Therefore, three out of four subscribers would then receive
a one-tune credit, for the period from June to time of payment (presumably Februazy), of
$.80 per customer, or a cumulative savings of $31,000 to Saint Paul cable consumers. In
addifion, the subscribers would then benefit from that same savings on a monthly basis
going forward.
In addition, several one-time servicelinstallation fees were lowered by $.30 to over $4.00
per activity.
2006 1205 Rate Filin�
The Settlement resolves currently disputed issues, and thus should reduce dispute over
ComcasY s 2006 equipment and installation rate filing.
Deadline for Communities' Approvals
It should be noted that Condition 4 of the Settlement requires that at least 90% of the
Communities (as measured by customer count) take action on the Settlement Offer by
December 31, and that if more than 10% of the Communities fail to adopt the Settlement,
then Comcast has the ability to withdraw their offer. It is assumed that most, if not all,
Communities in the nationwide Settlement, will adopt the Settlement Offer.
oS /l'1/
Comcast Cable
7500 MarketStreet
Philatlelphia, PA 19102
Peter H. Feinberg
Associate General Counsel
255.320.7934 Tef
215.320.3572 Fax
November 4, 2005
Michael Reardon
Cable Commuzucations Officer
City of St. Paul
Technology & Management Services
68 City Hall
15 West Kellogg Blvd.
St. PauI, MN 55102
Deaz Mr. Reardon:
I am writing on behalf of Comcast Cable Communications, LLC, and its affiliates
(collectively, "Comcast" or the "Company") to extend a settlement offer to resolve the pending
appeal of ComcasYs FCC Form 1205 for 2004, and to prescribe a framework for the approval of
ComcasYs 2005 FCC Form 1205 and for the review of ComcasYs 2006 filing. Comcast
believes that this proposal, which reflects the recent discussions between Comcast and
Ashpaugh & Sculco, CPAs, PLC and Front Range Consulting, 7na (the "Consultants"), if
accepted, would minimize the substantial administrative burdens, uncertainty, and delay
otherwise associated with the rate review process. It provides an excellent opportunity to resolve
the outstanding rate disputes, thereby benefiting all parties concerned, including local cable
This entirety of this offer is being made to each of the franchise communities that
participated in the consolidated review of ComcasYs 2004 Form 1205 conducted by the
Consultants and adopted adverse rate orders (the "Orders") regarding ComcasYs 2004 filing, and
that are also participating in the 2005 review being performed by the Consultants. Any 2004
participant that is not participating in the 2005 review would only receive the benefit of the 2004
portion of this settlement. If a franchise community is only participaring in 2005, only those
portions of the settlement relating to 2005 and 2006 would be applicable to that 2005 participant.
The affected communities (the "Communities") are identified in Appendix A hereto by each
os i171
Michael Reardon
November 4, 2005
Page 2
2004 Rate Review
1. Comcast sha11 issue a$2.50 credit to each subscriber in each of the Communities, except as
noted in Appendix B hereto. Credits shall be issued within 60 days of Final Approval.
2. The Communiries shall take all required approval acrions consistent with their local rules and
regulations accepring the Comcast credit as satisfaction of the refund obiigations of the
3. Comcast sha11 promptly withdraw its Appeal of the Orders to the FCC (or shall remove the
settling communities from the Appeal if not all Communities settie).
4. Comcast agrees that it shall calculate franchise fees owed as if there were no refunds issued
associated with the 2004 filing, and that it shall not take a credit against franchise fees paid to
the Communities based on the refund amount. Comcast shall have the option of calculating
franchise fees using its standazd methodolog}� and sepazately paying a participating community
an amount equal to the product of the local franchise fee percentage multiplied by the
designated customer credit (e.g., 5% x$2.50 =$0.125 per customer).
2005 Rate Review
1. Adjustments.
Comcast shall modify its existing cost claims in the Communities, as set forth in Appendix C
hereto. Adjustments include:
a. Unbundling:
Reznove the following previously challenged cost categories: property ta�ces, insurance, utilities,
building maintenance, equipment maintenance, and tuition reimbursement.
Retain the following previously challenged cost categories: bonuses, commissions, and training,
to the extent that the amounts claimed are related to equipment and installation rates, are limited
to personnel directly involved with regulated equipment and installation, and are allocated to
regulated equipment and installation based on the amount of time such personnel actually
devotes to equipment and installarion-related acrivifies.
b. Other:
9 Comcast understands that the participating communikes aze not endorsing or approving the Comcast standazd
methodology as a result of agreeing to this settlement and the participating communities reserve all of their rights
with respect to a review of the Comcast standard methodology during a review of ComcasYs francluse fee
Michael Reardon
November 4, 2005
Page 3
Include "contracto�' installation times, in addition to "in-house" installarion times, in the
calculation of activity times as depicted in the Form 1205 and statistical sununary included in
Appendix C.
Remove "converter maintenance" at tnne of installation.
Provide survey support for in-house installation and maintenance activity times.
2. Procedures.
The Communiries shall take all required approval actions consistent with their local rules and
regulations for the 2005 1205 rate review establishing maximum permitted rates consistent with
Appendix C, and Comcast shall refrain from appealing any such resolutions.
3. Rate Reductions and Refunds.
Based on Appendix C, if a revised "masimum permitted" rate is lower than an actual rate in a
particular Community, Comcast shall lower the actual rate in that Community and issue credits
to local customers. No offsets shall be computed or claimed to reduce this refund amount. Rate
changes and credits shall be issued within 60 days of Final Approval, as defined in pazagraph 4
of the "Conditions" section of this Settlement. Comcast shall not increase any existing
equipment rates prior to its normally scheduled equipment rate adjustment in 2006. In addition,
Comcast agrees that it will not increase equipment rates in 2006 in the settling communities for
the purpose of offsetting the credits, refunds or rate reductions provided for in this agreement.
2006 Rate Review
i. Comcast shall submit (at appropriate filing date) a 2006 Form 1205 reflecting the same
methodological adjushnents described above for 2005.
2. Comcast shall include more extensive surveys and shall include contractor activity fimes in
the Company's analysis, and shall make that data auailabie to the Communities upon request.
3. Comcast shall update its calculation of productive and non-productive hours to reflect
contemporary circumstances.
4. Comcast shall refine its analysis to ensure the removal of unrelated rental facilities.
5. The Communities shall not dispute the inclusion of "bonuses," "commissions," and
"training." Comcast may include bonuses, commissions, and training provided that such
bonuses, commissions, and training shall be limited to personnel directly involved with
regulated equipment and installations, and such bonuses, commissions and training shall be
allocated based on the amount of time such personnel actually devotes to equipment and
installation-related activities. To the extent that the ratio of the aggregate amount of the
bonuses, commissions and training costs to total salaries for the sample systems for 2006 is
OS- />7/
Michael Reazdon
November 4, 2005
Page 4
in the same relative percentage as the ratio of the aggregate amount of the bonuses,
commissions and traiuing costs to total salaries as reported for the sample systems for 2005
(and allowing for reasonable year-to year fluctuations), the Communiries will not challenge
the relevancy of these costs in the Form 1205. The Communities shall permit Comcast to
include "drop" costs in equipment and insYallafion rates for 2006, provided that the Company
includes the labor hours associated with drop costs, along with the reported drop costs.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in light of ComcasYs inadvertent exclusion of vacation pay
from its 2005 filing, the Company shall be enritled to include that cost category in its 2006
1. Comcast shall issue the 2004 and 2005 credits described above regardless of any finding of
effective competition in any of the Communities subject to the Settlement.
2. The parties to the Settlement shall only be bound by the aforementioned framework for
preparing and reviewing the 2005 and 2006 FCC Forxn 1205 rate submissions. Neither party
is bound by any of the agreed-upon methodologies subsequent to the 2006 rate review, nor
can the compromises be used as evidence against either party in any subsequent rate
proceeding. Comcast and the Communities agree that neither party will attempt to justify
past or future methodologies on grounds that such methodologies were agreed to by the
parties in this Settlement.
3. Comcast and the Communities agree that the purpose of this Settlement is solely to resolve
the dispute between them regarding ComcasYs FCC Form 1205 filing for 2004, and to
establish a framework for the approval of ComcasYs 2005 Form 1205 and for the review of
ComcasYs 2006 Form 1205 filing. The parties filrther agree that this Agreement does not
constitute an admission of enor on the part of either party and shall not be deemed to be an
admission of any such error by either party in any civil or administrative proceeding.
4. Because the Communities pursued a consolidated 2004 rate review, Comcast wishes to
proceed on a consolidated basis in extending this offer. The offer is therefore contingent on
90% of the Communities (as measured by customer count) taking implementing actions by
December 31, 2005 ("Fina1 Approval"). If more than 10% of the Communities (as measured
by customer count) fail to adopt the resolution by that date, Comcast reserves its right to
withdraw the offer, notwithstanding any interoening approval action in any particulaz
community. If Comcast withdraws the offer, any intervening approval action by any
particular community shall be null and void and the community shall retain all its rights with
respect to ComcasYs rates.
os �� �/
Michael Reardon
November 4, 2005
Page 5
5. Comcast shall file with the Comsnunities written verification that the refunds required for
2004 have been issued, and that agreed-upon calculations for 2005, and any rate adjushnents
and/or refunds for 2005, have been made based on this Agreement.
S� c ei�
e er .
cc: Mr. Richard Treich
Mr. Garth Ashpaugh
Lisa Lynn Veith, Esq.
Joseph Van Eaton, Esq.