232191 - �. . . , • ': �0-,. . . ,�•.: .x,: .r ; � i. . •�`. ° y, .. ' - , =� � , �.. � , � -. ` . , � 'r .�'~ • �; _ '�1 -, ri, � ` , . * .,. � �j - ' '� ' • �i ' r � S' [ � : � _. , , . . ,. � . 23�191_. � � . ° COUNGII� FILE N0. �' ` rFINAL - ORDER � _ _ � - r . � - - � < <�. _ � � F $y �� .s _ ,� . . . " . � ��; _ . � , File No. 1717.9 `. � � -; . • . n _ �% � • J4 � " _ • � ' � � T f � . � _ In the Matter of CGn�truatirtg � pU�b�.�.a se�te�c fix 1�5�0'X� A�fEI�E� �'�n Eueti$ �� �� � . _ _ . , � . . � � Street to Gurfew Street, ixi .C� STRE�ST #�cam �e�qy�r �,Yenu� t� Eever],y Road� � - . ,.# s .�. ., ` - � ; . • ; , in BEVE�Y i�QA.D� f�a� Gur�'�w Stre.a� to Eu��i� 6�reet; a11 .o� which �,$ to be knaFm { �� _ . ; � � a��the FR�C�+C� �' SEW�. �t'S�'S{�., � , � - �. r ,� � . . . _ . , . - , • r �- , , _ f ti t y . . . , ,. ' • - i �"'� � � - ', . � • ' ` ` ? � y, . under Prelimina,ry Order � 2�].�iti -� approve� � '�cpm�er 2�—��66 1 ` F - _ ti ; . � . . � � Intermediary Order � approve� � -< < - A public heaxing having been had upon the above improvement upQn due notice,. and the Council • " � having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and��having fully considered - '� • the same; therefore, be it � � ° RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of�im- `c' � provement ta be made by the said City is . � . i ' � � - to ca�struct i�I �u'b�3c sewe� in �SNOX�t �Y� �om Eus�i� �treet to Cur�e�r Str�e��. Fk + � , in Ctk�FEF� sTREk��T �`ra� ,Aesnbyer Av�enta� �� �ever],y Road f ,�n BSYERI.7� RE�IA Yros� Cur���: � - � .j`;�y . � y I �treet bo Susti� Stree�, 811 oP �rli�.ch i� to be ]�own a�` the FRO1��AC-C��RFEFi R�L�EF' � ; SEi�Eft SYBTE�: � �� � `9 , , :: - � • ' - a. � ,. ,`` . " e i _ ,� - - - - - _ _ . .. , . ' #: , � � . t . . � � - - , , " � � ` � ;i � � _ , 1 ' , � . � - - , � / � � . � , and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ma,de. � �i RESOLVED FUR,TIi�R, Z`hat the Commission er of Public Works be and is hereby instructed Fand � ;i directed to prepare plans and specifica.tions for said improvement;and submit same ta the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the pro�er city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro-�; � �. ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. � �� , • �� �� ;� t FEB2 � 16�' � COUNCII.MEN � Adopted by the Counci� � �' ` � Yeas Ca , 4, NaYs ' . � . • ` _ ' • . . .. , _ ;_ j. f rlsoil Appreved ��R� R,-19 �. � � Dalglish ` . � __ � 'r Holland • ` ' � ' �, - ;; � Meredith , , r � ' ;=. � _ Peterson. ` � � Favor T . , \ . . Mayor' ,� � Tedesco . V - ' � ,� Byrne ' , �Against �UBLISH�fD �M�R 4 �96� I €� ' e_sa zm s� �e_i . _ � _ i. - - �� p. � , {'� r � Y � ,_.� ����� . �� '. ,� . '���.�9 � � Y ' y , � ; �57 , ° � ...� OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC 4U ORKS " F � fiEPORT TO COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Q,, .. � '� � j December 29 19 66. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: , � �. The Commissioner of Public Works , having had under consideration the pre= ' �I � li mi nary order of t he Counci 1 known a s Counci 1 Fi le No. 231316 approved December 27 19 66 relative to constructing a public sewer �.n DESNOYER AVENUE from Eustis Street to Curfew Street, in CURFEW STREET from Desnoy�r �� Avenue to Beverly Road, in BEVERLY ROAD from Curfew Street to Eustis Street; all of �I- which is to be known as the FRONTENAC-CURFEW RELIEF SEWER SYSTEM �I �I . �1 , I � and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. The estimated cost thereof ' $� $57,937.00 ��,�78293�D31��, �� ���. �ti, �EC 7S'GS c��'► " �� � ln� C � -v � 2. A plan� profile or �,eto�jo�f ���d u provement is hereto attach��d and made a part here��N`�CE �`J� 3, Initiated by the Commissio��e�r��'�f� Public Works X � } 4, Improvement is asked for upon petition �! � � � _ . ki i ` . Commi ssi oner of Public Wo.'rks � �T �� . � : � . , � �� 1 , • , ANTHONY J. CREA� ^' , • t�.i�GE�NE W. AVERY C I T Y O F S A I N T P A U L DEpUTY COMMI!lION[� CMEF ENGINEER '� • � • � Capital,of Minnesofa , � � , . DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS � t ' - , 234 City Hall & Court House 55102 ' ' i � . � _r- � '�ROBERT F. PETERSON ` Commissioner ° � � � • �. ' �.'-2 ``}• � .,�.�i �- . � ' � December 29, 19b6 l � „ . # , j � Hon. James J. Dalglish 1 � Commissioner of Finance � - � City of St. Paul - ` _ . . � Dear Sir: � - . iransmitted 'tierew�ltli is a preliminary estimate of cost for the � � construction of a storm water relief sewer in DESNOYER AVENtJE from �` " Eustis Stree� to Curfew Street, in CURFELd STREET from Desnoyer Avenue � ' � � j t,o Beverly Road, in �iEVERLY ROAD from Curfew Street to Eustis Street; � all of which is to be known as tize FROId'I'ENAC-CURF'EW REL]EF SEWER � �YSTFat�l, under Preliatinary Order C.F. 23131e, approved December 27,1966: � , , i �.�� .�. �:stimated Constri�ction Cost �5�,380•� �., i . � ' �nginee� 13,� . �,5�+g.40 i�;- � Tnsrectien 2� , 1,007.60 �; , � �1 -TOTAL PROJE:CT COS�' �57,937•� � r i � . - C�ty's Share ?1 E-1 51,123.25 i . r I]rainage D�strict Asses�m�nt " 6,313•75 ; � , '{ � . � Assessable Axea, Sq.Ft. 724,000 Residential � � 110,700 Commercial �. + ��� : C�st per �quare Foot 0.0075 Residential � ; - ;._ 0.0125 Commercial ` � � � � . � , •�.,/r Yo s very truly, � ` '� � _ . \`, �� �-�, ��..Gl� Z�c c �c.� -� ; '' J,r�i3:ka , f�ohn A. DesLauriers ; , � Sewer Engineer �,.. f APPROVED: • 2��8�g,�� � , � �h�� �! � ' � ���'� � � � • �� r�``' �:�. � ! ��u ti.� , �, ,� R �£c.., �� �_��--�� - �.' Fc �� ,� -�' ; h,� ne !`. rlver�� � ; , ,� � � � � �'hief �ngine�r �`.�'; �AT �CQ �� o , , � �;._������ w � , �'f CL, .� , �'�.%��-� � �.J ,L� "��✓. ' � i• �,��' � �2ohert �. PPterso:l •'�''Y��.�L� � Ccmmissione� c�f Public 47or�:s ; � i ; `t � ; , i . � ;� � . , , � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE ����p, ; �;' ; CITY OF SAINT PAUL J � MINNESOTA �� � f y I13 CourF House,bb102 ;: F: JAMES J. DALGLISH, Commissioner r; ' LOUIS H.McKENNA, Deputy Commissioner Phone:223-4646 ' )� ' �r t �. �i :� _ � February 27, 1967 _- ' , ' � '_� �: ;. �i f Mr. Earry Nlarshall � ; i � City. Clerk ` � BU.LLDING f � -- - _. _, � , File No. 17119 -' � Frontenac-Curfew Relief Sewer System � Hearing - February 28, 1967 `+ � �i ; Dear Sir: � ;. . r Forwaxded herewith is a letter� with reference to the above pro�ect, 'j ! - r for considera,tion by the City Council. -; � ` # � Sincerely, � � • -� � �= �.; G��� •/ - s J. lish � Co�3.ssiomer of Finance • � cc: Chester J. and Vera P. Mahannah :� _ i - - - ._ ._ . �. p4 ' - �• Ci !� Cf . j i _ ` � � - � _� 1 c - I k. � _i ir �� - _. r � ! �� . �� n . lh ' � � .� ,� � cZ � �_{�� �1 � g� � � �� ' �# � -r � i ,� 2498 Beverly Road � F= St. Paul � �� Minnesota 55104 � - �� • Feb,. 24� 1967, . � � _ � _ I : E . , • � �r. �ames T� Dalglish ,� Commissio�ner of Finance � 113 Court �ouse . � � Saint Pattl ,� M�nneaota 551�2 � ; � ; -� ` 4�1 Dear �� DalgZish: j i : ,� We �igorously protest being a part of y�our proposed Fronte � �t nac�Curfew Relief �ewer System, '� i� . .- ,; It is a well l.rnown fact that thase lower areas presented � � _ �� serious drafnage problems yet the C�tg enaouraged construction* ,: . ,� Sin.ce BeverZy Road'$ drainage has been adequate this long length �t �4 vf time we do not aare to bear the cost of draining the newly � � � de�eloped sections of De�enoyer Park, � � ; � f You may rest assured this will bear fruit in coming elections� � � , � 1 � Sinaer - � • y� � � '� f �_ k ���-� �� �� Ch�ster �Mahannah � Vera P, 3dahannah � + . -- t . ;� . . �_ � . _i � , � �' � -� i : �� 1 �. i _� . :i e- :