232175 — o
PETITION ��2 �� �!
Counoil File No........�...._.C `
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Theunderaignedhereby proposesthemakingof thefollo�ingpubliaimprovement by the City of Saint Paul,�a�.: �
�_.,reconstruct,_the._sidewalk on,the west__�ide of__�aygr�}__Avg.,,.��gm_.���k��ey__Ave_�__.no�th.-:
------ -----•----
approsimatel 126 ft. abuttin 1701 Berkele Ave. and b doin all other work which `
_.............................. .�'----....- --------•------.._....�........ ..------------------y --------•- --...------�-•-------•-- -----•-------.... _.._..---......---•- .
_is_necessar_y_and incidental to complete..said..improvement. � '
...._- •-- ----- ----• -•----_........................••------------•----- � -
.......�.-------•........................•-•--...............-•--•-•--.....-----.._......----------•----...__......�..................................�.._.......................___.._ �� . r.
Dated thie......_24th,......day of.............•-----•--•--February,-- , 6 �
.............�-�!:'.--!_-�-- --------._...... �. ---•--- - ,
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coun�ilman. .
WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: ;�
reconstruct the sidewalk on the west side of Davern Ave. from Berkeley Ave. no,rth ��
• --------------•---.._..--•-----•---------------•---------•--------•-•--------..._......_..._-----------•-----•----------...-•-----.....•-•--•-•-•--------------------- -----------....---...__ �
- � ____apgroximately 126 ft.._abutti ng 1701..Berkeley.Ave.._and..by_.doing_.all_other work��which�
�•- ----- ..............._I__--
_ __is..necessary..and__incidental to complete said improvement _,._,,,�i___ �
• --••-- • ............._._--•---•--- --•------._. �� .
---------------------------•--.._.__...-------•---•------........------..___-------------•---•-•-----....---------------------------------------------•-------------•-----._._..__..___.___ �
having been presented to the Council of the City of Saint Paul..............._.__....__.__..__._......_.._....___.._..._.._......._.___�!_.. i
therefore, be it , �' �
� RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be and ia hereby�ordered and directed: �� ,�
1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of eaid improvement.
2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coet of said improvement, and the total coat thereof: '�
3. To furniah a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement.
4. To state whether or not eaid improvement ie asked for on the petition of threa or more ownere.
5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commiesioner of FYnance. �
�E B 2 4 196� �
Adoptedby the Council._._..----•-----...�-----------------------•--..._.._......---------.._--
YEA6 J � `�
coun�ilman p�g�" IFEB 2 4 196�
Hol land Approved........................___. '
------------------•-------.......---..._.... �
Petersoq� �
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M$. PEF78IDIDNT V-a�v�on�ie-- ,�y,j,�� Mayor. ,
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