232156 ;
. ..� .- �� � ��� t �`
�F� � COUNCIL FILE N0. � '� �
, R,esdl`�tion Ratifying Assessment By �� � '` �
�� �� ;
In the matter of the assessment of b�,ef'�'���, ct�sts 1�fl e�n�� �Or �cu�'b�et3,qz� � '� �
� 4 2
�CAAS�C�i�.GC! Q�.° �,3'�.(�$� �l� 'W�x'�C �1`C.���� �1@1�3. t
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� ���ratct 65��25� '�vy �o. 3i Dimtri��. �o. 1 ; �
t=--- -- . --�------ ---_ ---- ------- --- ----- - -�-- - —� � -.._.._- ,.``� �,
� " ' A,$SFSSABT.S t .. _ - , ' �� i
� .0. 2 - (irotto St.� �reta� side from Eagl,ewooE! At�. to Pie"rce But.lrer R �- ' �
i F.O. �222� - Alba�mnrle �t.� both eiQes� Pramn Miltord �t. �.o Atwater Bt. �'- `f I
� F'.0. �21 3� - F�d Ave., 'both �idee tr� Ashury S�. ta 83m�ptsc� St.
� 8.0. �37�0 - �aPa�d� Ave., bo�h ni�s Yram Yiet.ori�e► St. to Avnn 8�. �; � i
F.O. �3�9 7 • �a A v e., b o t h e i d e� f r a m n S n e l l i n g A y�. t o A a b c�r y S t. �. .
F.O. �`2217 1�1 - Thome�� Ave.� tiorth �ide from t33mpeou St. tro Pae�cal �t. � -� I
� F.O. �2688 - M�e�cicubttt St.� �o�Ch eidea frc�n L�'and Ava. �Ca Blair Ave. �` � I
, F.�. �22��g6 - V�.etor�a St., both e�ides lraan �dmutid A�re. tc? Charles Ave. ,.• `
' ' F.O. �22].615 • Aibert �t., eaet sid,e irom Van Burea A�. aouth �o t�ie �13ey �- a �
�� A,`Mk!i'# i1Y'° �o:�:T'µ�1�F Y' !'` -ir".`Ff4�r�A�K.Ri��r..�,j....Bhw-kxlM.�-714 K �t'i)+ .'ke
i u�����x���'�y � ��P�;14o--fi�:-�'�butttt�g'hi39��Yau-Huz^ea�Av�e: ...�_ �.�,.__�.�. •,...��.-,
; T F.O. .�'2�235 • ��,,��� AVe.i both sidss� Parodn PaeCa]. St. �o Holtoa.St � FC , 'r
lY:"�. �'�� d_ ��YSrY +►.-���sNwi:sey>'�rA. wr. �.�� �4n- a.�'�' fi,:-� ... �+..tt,+rv-.5-�-:.t:_.,f,�-....,s__.� �a�n� .�-iR�'*iL ;
�:d:��2223�'�'--�ascal 8�:,both °s3daa•°fro��Minue�iaha�Av$..,;to��g1�woaluA�e: `�',� � ,
� �'.0. �222�83 • Eng�trood Ave., ncrth gida froID Lexingtoa Perk�ay to Oxford . t. �� '� i
��1 .,upty... ,rr. nr rr.-�<:a,��ri«�-o�� �*r�r,+��.,�,. 'iu.c.... a-:�i;:s. �„e- �r.�� ar5.,... .r.w�.,.: . .� Lxx� �
�=F�.4:�'-��2�01��- �1oer��b�raet�,irea�C-is�da� �fro�'�an--Buren Ame:�.a°B]ai.r itve: • i
��" F�0� �2 2 2��, - Tr�CB�"1�1 AYe�� bCth eides �rom S�iaaazl Bt� t0 B11r8ede St� e�
. F:O:�' � r=� � �'�'vi�e�rAv�e: �'�ioth��'st�'e$. .��` ''^ �.�t, ;�-:n� ,�,r, � ,afi� :s��-
�d95� , � �Yic�t.orie� Av�e.=to�c� Biva. �
� F,.O. �22190'Tr M�riop Syy�.. �yt��t,h $ides fY� Wayxat� s . to,.��.ford+��: �
. �ne��c .e.►:�_I.� t�Kc:l :iljli�.[.:i" Ll/I�3s1l1C�tY,1 f3,�* t,Cic Ws+�.;,,,.:��tia�i ��•tiv.u.� N�cj�S itiL"l�.cv;t�.•a I- ....1� �c��1a�' {�.��� i
be R01�-A�3Q�.�AT F= ' ��
B' . �= arotto �t.; trest s3de tromi Eng�asKOOd Ave. to Pie�ce Butler �t .;- � I
, F`:0. �22��84 - Albe�tuarle �t., bath sidea. froa� Mil�ori� St. tv Atwst.er 3t. E + ;
F:0�:5�Q13+4�2�'��+�ad�A�.,p�tio�h;�'�id�s'-��u��Asbtti*'y}-3t':'J�ozS�ioqpson'�gt'ati:��d, ?d �,�e E
/ � F.O. _ 3720 - Latc�td Av+�., bath �id�ee from Yicto�ria 8�..�.o.Av S�.��y k �
� � �c:T" ��,��. '_-`.E'T4" '* 4' Hr n?�,ai j � rn k�►P��t�$r}�'G�YD �I1C91��A/Y@� �+O �B�i1�Ty fi3�. .:T'.fJ lfr.� �'.�.;k
l�i�• - �6ffi131u� AV@• `�O�I !f @ .
; F:O: :�22].�7�1��-�,:Tho�s�Av�-.r,�nc�?rth�,eidai��r„gm�:S.3mpeoq�;;S���to _I?a�cal- St.�:�ern�iF�e ���.'f�e ?
, �.0. �226$8�- M�ck�bin Bt.� both Qide$ �ram� Ta�oad Ave. to 8�erir�Av�. �� ,i
�:��F.�:O: I�22�596-•Vietofriaz'8t.°;�bot2i�`�icc�,�e� !'roo� Ed�nd Ave. to Cher3RSb Av�e. `, � .
F.O. �16].5 - Albert �t., eaet side trom Van Burea �lve. aouth to tt�a dlLey �
; gPP�• � �• abutt,ing 1�96 'Yan Bure� Ave. - ` �
' 8��. 2a355 • ,�� B�i�� �� ���8 � ��C'aIG1aK� A�� W �.Q� A�• Ft I
a F.4. � - �glewood Av�s.� aorth a�.d� lram Lexi�gto�n ParkWa,y to Ooc�ord � F, ;�
. ,.
� , F.O. �O l - A l b�r� S t r e e t s �t ��.d e i r o m Y e�n B u�n A r n e. t o B l a#r A x e: ` �
,�--� --�- -8.0. � 3 - Xeetern Ave.� both sids� �ram� 3tineon 3t. to Burgeas �t. , � �: i �
� F.O. 26�5 - I�a�aeviex Avet.� both side� Y`rom Vietoris Ave. to C� Hlvd. ' t' �
F.O. ,�- M�riox� St., bath aides frasn Wayssta St. to Mi].ts� 8t. � ;
j r,�Z::...�.�.:�..�4 '�' t �
i�#�S1Q �.�rino � � � Q�'�i�'� �� 'tS} ` �-�---
� Carlson ~J_U Adopted by the Council '�-�
Dalglish FEB 2 3 1967 .' _ '
Holiand � - `
Meredith rove� � ` �
Peterson :,_ _ ; � �: - �� i
Tedesco �
Byrne , �Favor• � ' . . ` � � �
� ' Mayor �� �
D PUBLISFfEO � E� �5 1$,�i
A gainst j �
Form ft-2 2M 10.83 8� , � t
. �
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�`•� "I' i� . CITY OF ST. PAUL . v ,;� 'i 1 .
Aeport of Completion of Assessment i � }
� � fi
�I F
In the matter of the asaessment of ��`3�� �'�'.� �9d �� �#�' C��t�� _�
�y{.� }� "y� y� �Y (� ��j � ' A
�.�MiriiV!�iAW IM�! R7�4�� � '��l� !RFf��� ��� `
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_ - —_ . . - -- ---- - ----- - ------- ----�___—�_ – -- r
, ' � � � � �# � '
- ASSESSAB�: -. � � d
� , _; �F.O. � 2�52 - Grotto St., west side from En . � E -
� glewood Ave. to Pierce Butler Roa,d. �E
- � F.O. �22258�+ - Alberma,rle St.� both sides from Milford St. to Atwater St. F ,j +
; Fs,O. #213�+32 - Edmund Ave.� both s3des from Asbury St. to Simpson St. � � � '
� F.O. �223720 - ���.i Ave;� both sides from {�ictoria Sto to Avon St. �' "
FaO. 23}9? - Edmund Ave., both sides from SneLling Ave. to Asbury St. �- �{
F:O. �2217�1 - Thomas Ave.� north side from .Simpson St, to Pasca,l St.
� F.O. �222688 - Ma,ckubiri St.� both sides from I�fond Ave, to Blair Aveo ` � �
� _. F.O: �223596 - Victoria St., both sides from Edmund Ave. to Charles Ave. F� ,,� i
� F.O. �221615 _- Albert St., east side from Van Buren Ave. south to the alley 4 `
� ���3����54,��`�:��aPP.rox:��l?±Oxrft;.'�tiutting��1�3_96r'Yari-.B'uren Ave-'�""�r+�,"`��"°'"'�1-=�-.`�== f���� -�
FoO. �222353 - �D7.ewood Aveo-, both sides from Pascal St. to Holton St, r J+ '
'rars�rol�.��.x+_.'IJt/ 4, y 4-�a` t +i� p?K`f._i!i4!'�' �.,71'. �l9a�P[3lr�t!/��kJF �� �i
� ���F�.O x�222355;:-,. _. _.;,_bothL�sides:�'rom�2Minne'haha-Ave.=•to-_ ��--�
� 3 - Eng], Eaglewood�Ave-. - f E
F.O. 222$ ewood Ave., north side from Lexington Pa,rkway to Oxford ` t.`�
1 �,,�F:0.�`#22�+019,,_-:�A�lbertfStreet;�west�sid,'e'f;froin='Van Bu`r'en�'Ave:�to iBl:air Ave;�� � ^^��� � �
" FaO.. 22 ��
� �'2 �893 - Western Ave., both sides from Stis�on St. to Burgess St. � � ""
T� ��`��,�r�???695i��, �,Lake,view AVet., both sides Prom Victoria Ave. to Como Blvd. ;; �
; F.Oe �221907 - M,arion St.� both sides from Wayzata St, to Milford St. `" � '
�he Gor�msssitnicr af �inl y�:,���are�� ��,�rrr�� tia ttx��c�t��ci��`�i� ft!lowiz���s �ta,t�me�t :n� e +��:' '- �
� peztcNON.A,SSESSABLE:,�,�:3rz��d �' x• ��d �n �c�Y�C:ti�n �vit�:{�� �_;s�����` c,f #he ���Y� ��':�rvtr'eriz�n �vi.�; � �
F:O�:'' • 21:2 2�= Grotto 5�.,, west side from Engl�wood Ave. to Pierce Butler Road: ��
, F.O. �222584 - Alberm�arle St,� both sides fr.om b�ilford St. to Atwater St. •
' F.O. �+ ••�� ��e<3 + t
1 F.O.� ��` 3?�;�.�'dmund Ave,:,,,bo�� sides,from"Asbpry S�:--to-�Si�fu;pdson S��M �? ;i ;
�?23;7•,?Q;�ftl;afondwAyeo,�, ,both, sides from Victoria St. to��Avon�•St. - s
� F.O. �223j97�j��i�Edmurid Aye:,,,both, sides from, Snell�ig;Ave..-to��Asbury-Sta r
' F.O. �2217?�1`�f.Thomas,Aye.r,, nor�h,side �from, Simpson 'St.-•to�Pa,sc'al St`;-- � ;,�
F.O. �22��$8 .��rr�1a,ckubin,St.,,, ,bo�h, sides,�rom, Iafond Ave. .-to=-Bl'air Ave°. - `
� F.O. � < �t�� � E -
�?359�U��Viictoria St:�,, ,both, sides.from Edmund Ave.��to,�Cliarle�;�Ave. �.
; F.O. �2216154� ATber�t��S�t�.,,��east,side„f.r,om.Van• Bu�en Ave.�,south-=toythe-alley `
�a���'��approx:���+0 ft. abutting 1396 Van Buren Ave. y�� i"� �� ;
' F.O. �222355�,-�,Pas,�c._a,11�S,�t�,��both,sides, from,Minnehaha,eAve. to��nglewood��Ave. � {
-�� F.O. �222283��Englewood�Aye:;L nQxtki��ide';from,Lexin'g`ton Parkwa�to�Oxford S.t. � �
F,O. #22�+019 �- Albert Stregt�;�we�t�'s:tde.,f.rom.Van.,Buren-Ave o�to �Blair�Ave. � ��
F o 0. #222893. -„4�e stern Ave � �1 ' }�' i �
�.� ,3.,;.., ..t.�+lp . .. .., *,.both,sides, ,fxom.Stin.�on�St.--t��Burgess St:
� F.O. 22695 - I,akeview Ave,, both sides from Victoria Ave. to Como Blvd.� '� �
F.O: �21907, - Marion St, both sides fro Wa� ata,,_St, to�Milfo� t '
� �a3d t*ommis:�3o�e� �urtnez�r.x�,'�ru� �:.:3� �i� ��as ������:��.,.,v .«�,.<1 :_,� �...�.. ..,��_S_t`.•as a�boc� ps��r- E
, - , ; � �
�—taineii,-�o=wi� e sum of$��i"'� upon eac anci ev-ery�iat�a�-or-p�crce�-�-l����c���-�—�
benefited by the said improvement, and in the ca.se of each lot,part or parcel of land in accordan;e with �
the benefits conferred thereon; that the sa.id assessment has been completed, and that hereto a��ached,,f �
i den t i fie d by t he signa ture o f t he sai d C a m missioner, an d ma de a pa r t hereo f, is t he sai d assesamen t as_�
completed by him, and which is herewith submitted to the Council for such action thereon as �may be.�
considered proper. �' ` }�
l� � ` � �
Date�7 January 24, 1967 Co issioner F`ina `°� �
� �� �
. Form R-2 2M 10-68 8� � �
� t
. 1 � . �