92449-92887_05-20-1932_06-29-1932l A 8A jj 9l VIII bl lull SZ.l lull H�I VIII ,, �� �'I -� I • I VIII I S] I U SERIAL N0. OF ROLL DEPARTITNT � 4/��P/ ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP ��I'ERMANENT RETENTION DATE TO BE DESTROYED I Lim to LIMITED RETENTION DATE UICROFILITP / W. Gf�fl��b �e CONTENTS A, / " / '�Lg- s NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGULAR CONTENTS NUMBER OR NATE OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILIED SIGNED Oncra.or JOINT CITY COUNTY MICROFILMI BY Supervisor CITY OF ST. PAUL r,ic � NO. _t OFFICE OF CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION -GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, by Council File No. 92389, Like Gitcona and Clarence Storms, h'_s deputy, were suspended as COCissiOner and Deputy Commissioner of RP�Jstration respectively, c in_ the course Of an aucit of the telly sheete of the last �:en,—,l election by the'&tete Public Esa,.iner, and W:::-:4( , se"_d Public E;—iner has acvised the City Council that he is unable to make such audit, now therefore be it RE—LVED, that the ;—pension of said two men be and it Is hereby revoked and they are hereby returned to cuty as Comn.issioner of Registration and _eonty Co—iieloner of Re_Sstration respectively. wr. Na uffl—e> J. H. lio IIiE Counee FllearNo. ><. aiew :'.,a ew.asn�roro mei: T. maiuce��.. il vows Nere�� a as e'�rsac,.„.ii ws'aarau o N MeN MAY 8062 Yeas - N; Adopred 1, rhe C .... i1 /Mar ` � / AMDonald h, 1.— Approo 19 �3udh[ime[ � I/Mr. P—id... Bundlic A'fafs ae 4t;—fa dfffis of C—Ffru16 Public (81nutining pibision May 19, 1932 Mr. Mike J. Gibbons 0ity Clerk St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Reference is made to your letter of the 19th instant to which is attached a copy of a r&dolutlon adopted by the St. Paul city oouncll requesting, among other things, that the Comptroller make a complete audit of the tally sheets on the final city els ct ion held May 3, 1932. I referred the re solution of the city council to the Attorney General and requested an opinion as to whether this office had the duty or authority to comply with the request. In anopinion rendered under the date of May 19, 1932, a copy of whioh Is enclosed herewith, the Attorney General states that the request of the city council calls for the ererclse of duties which do not pertain to this office and that I have no authority to comply with the request of the city council. Inview of this opinion I cannot proceed with the audit as requested. Yours very truly, EJP; MR omptrol er Enc. Aevi Bed Draft May 19,- 1932. e trellor, i � a " ' 4 f sill , we htto s eagwagloauoni of tea inn Instant, f ; vItU which y#A'rnolON 000 b1�a-ses6latl= adopted b7 the r 01tr'Counall.of gt. P{ugi• :Tai! resolution, after "citing that certain questions have beenraised relative to the non.. duet of the ally elastic* held DA May 3, 1932,. and �aftor err .Pressing the opinion shat a full Bid fair inveetl2ation of sold election should be bad,. "quite that %he polio eaanincr. be uted�" nate a .00eple%a audit if the ta117 ehcata at said 0100%lon. you tngalrowbetber the powers and duties of your e office ars such -e@ to aushorlce Tom to comply with We request. �Th@ datlu of the polio #ruiner, which now devolve upon the date oceptreller, are oft forth in gaeec's etagntee, obapter 19, as en@ndad by laws 1929, obaptes 339, and Lawn 1931,ohepters IN and 243, respectively. The so" of your powers and duties 32 this connection to Indlmted by @action 3274. Too have 'the CAST ted power to anpervie# all public a000mS@, to pruoribe =4 install 0701=8 of aocmmto sad reports, to :Aspect all records and saeaeaosion@ emneotod with Um receipt, disbars==t and custody of public PR a 1 C" `•" 44 7'4 .faPbn Xpf� .ice Mira 7elf� /li►11 1 � !F, ySif►i#ali •ia st iC�T. ' , ` x <t�•ssYi saw, - 1 7. 4,k •,� ItiR p+a�ti�_-srzis+i! t>r'i�f�.rr,y�•; aw�aga�#r M:. "Vpt polio lSo�� a`i!'d-y3evlf� -Ah{ si�11 � flii X14•, ry �. & Twi asi :•Tfi ti lif 1pf•lrgii•>i•Y 4-v bti � of a* %0*01' �4 r►�fd1s�.4tx �l�• 011T -i13 �f lwMl wa a, 17 � "� otLi� gitil•• •� a$1 f�,'�rt a'7ars�, io114 f�,t�,Silui7! �a1 w .6pit"o• s ,y► a suf• �C•o •ea�ao sbf••1 as,; r r po1� •t '; �x YNt•T�ti 4� e�rof�i R1W of ofhasrl•l: � �;ukr•6"^•dA�lbss�#C. se-�sao.�eas.ei$u`'t�•ergi+enalq►,�►i4 4 z 3 •;aw T+�•l•gb ;z a4nA ih LOS fq• f�ggahqfr al, on�i`i�goslJ�e bol s► • s s.a t•p6 by �lwtson liirY fA i ar• a> 7. ° i° as pito/ la i�j clink A .aA> ees tnri ; ssa . a T ': xP £ q .' Al asli• ow' �` ` go,sAesafJOs+ IR�L'►ia� i� sant � s►+!! aP pgho�#,iq -; � ' ` to. »a!�±lt ,dsh�sD�• 'x+/4�!�t x� Aa+t ess�+.ab�e�3 qty . 14at;i:'�+�r/-.'•�',TI � , r . i a -S�#. Paul may 19, 1933. The Oity Clerk:, at. Paul. I ha.o your letter of may 19, 1938, enclosing copy of a resolntlon adopted by the city council on may 18, 1939, whloh, so lar a■ pertinent here, recites in substance that Questions have been raised relative to. the conduct of the olty elsotiom held 1, 8t. Paul on may 3, 1938, and that the oo®oil is of the opinion that a full and fair investlgation should be had, and requests that the attorney general •mate an investigation of the conduct Of said general election and, if it becomes necessary in the opinion or meld laysstlgator to eramine the ballots out at said election, that then the corporation oounsel be directed upon behalf of the city of 8t. Paul and 1. "al oe of said lavmetlgatloa to petition the court fou pe melon to examine all of the ballots oast at said F� election.• Toa ask ,whether or not I will comply with the request coatalned In thin resolution. I as obliged to say that the making of an investi- gation of the kind requested is outside of the scope of the powers and c2aties of the attorney general. the Guth- - o3Aty of the attornsy general is prescribed by law. His The Odty Olert--a primary duty is to -transact the legal business of the stag. !o far as of-ty meattors are concerned, the statute provides that he shall glvs aim opinion in writing upon application of the city atto ra sy on questions of public importance. The law does not authorise him to make investigations of the kind desired 'by your city council. If he should sake each as invemtigation, he would have no power to make his findings effeotivs _ He would have no authority to initiate criminal promecatiesa• or contest proceedings based upon the inwpstigation . 2a short, each an investigation made by the attorney general w cxxxld be without legal force or affect. rurtlx rd s, the attorney general's office to not, equipped to ooeadaat an investigation of this nature and has no power to ooemXmI. the attendance of witnesses or the production or boots or records therein. The personnel and facilities of his oYfioe are already taxed to the utmost in the transaotiowa of the ever-increasing volume of work with which tho attorney general in expressly charged by law. He oonld mot lawfully divert the means of his office for unauthorised pterposes, to the neglect of duties ex - pronely iaposed upon him. If any 1 rregularitiea occurred in connection with the recent oity slsotlon in St. -Paul, the law provides ample and effeetiwo ssawa= for dealing therewith. If any criminal offenses wero aa= wJ %ted, the power and duty to Investigate th4 04ty Clerk --S y ' the name and to lnotit— a etaeh prooeautlae as the facts ., ,may regal" are ledted la tLo ootmty attorney and Ia the grand in" of faasey oo04Fy _ Z waderatand that the grad jury is now in session. Zt hu power to compel the attend- ance of witnesses and the proQnotion of books and records. It has authority to investigate Doth crimes and official aisoonduct. It any stake a ooaplete and effective investi- gation of the eleotiom ii Condition■ suggest the aeosesity for such Investigation . If the aleotioa oS a particular Candidate is questioned, content proosediagB stay be instituted as pro-- Tided ro-tided by law, and a 11.11 ia�ewtigatiou of all pertinent facts, including a reoount oS the ballots, if necessary, say be had under the dirooti on of the court. I ®derstsud that contest proceedings have b�sn commenced and ax pend - Ing. Io doubt much of the information desired by the city eoonoll will be obtained in Coommeotion therewith. in view of the maple magma mesas which are avail- able for asking the investigation, and In vise of the lack of power on my part to make 1t . I mast respectfully decline the request and ask that Tota adwise the council accordingly. Tons ruly, BBB/K0B -e -�SS0 y General ........ ...... CITY OF ST PAUL vi.e NO.— 924150�- OFFICE OF ERK CO L U ` GENERAL FORM cow.: s c�r�E'� onrE_.Yav IA 1932 ResOLVEo That tha action of the Committee on Lands on behalf of tha Oity, of Ht_ Paul, under and pursuant to Ordinanoe No. 7396, for the purchase of that real estate known as Lot B, BlooY 1, .&taditor's Subdivision No. 50, from the Walsh Investment Oompaay, for the sum of $4,275.00, for land and building thereon, thio prion to include all aaeeeemeate and taxes paid in full, a0 a nit% for an addition to the Hancock School, Is hereby approved, _ sad the proper city officers are hereby authorised and empowered to drat. warrant In amount subject to the above oonditioae, is Savor of the Walsh Investment Company, when the proper deed con— vayA— same, approved by the Corporation Counsel, has bean nellvered to the City Comptroller. The cost of said lead to d ba charged to the School Real Estate Trust rand No. 4009. Yeas Nays Adop,ed by ,hc C...nul.________________ ., ni /MC/// SKI M., McDonald _ In fa..or A, d 19 �SyaBF.cimcr .'�. nn...vorx Mr. Presidcac Bundlic � ' � City of Sainc Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES 2iap MS, 1933 �N REPORT TO THE OOIIHCZL OF THY CITY OT SAINT PAUL TO THE HONORABLE OOII HC 2 L x The Committee on Lands begs to report that it has v.eertaken to purchase that real estate known ae Lot 8. B3 -oak 1, Auditor's Subdivision No. 50, in aocordas,a;e with C. T. No. 91935, approved April 4, 1932, as a site Sor an addition to the Hancock School, and tha t said property can be purchased from the owners the=e—r Sox the sum of Your Thousand Two %,,d ad and 6,ty—rive ($4,375.00) dollars, this price to inolude all tazees and assessments paid in full. The Co.nmittes recommends that the offer of the own =" o2 said land be accepted and the property Purohasad oa the terme above set forth. OONpi 09 LANDS �� yor ones ss on o S uca on purging Agan City of s.i.t Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES . o ocon ST„PAUL••wINN. •u••� May lg. 1938 R990RT TO TRZ OOII)tOIL OF THs CITY OF SiI1T PAUL TO TRZ HONORAHL9: OOOYOII.t The Ooaittee on Lands begs to report tb ftZ it has undertaken to pnro hams that real estate kaowg as Lot So Block I. Auditor's Subdivision 'o. 580, la s000rdenos with O. 1. lo. 91986o approved April 4, 1932, no a site for an addition to the Han000k: 9oktnol, and %bat said property man be purchased from She <), aoze thereof for the sun of Your Thousand Two H¢ndrsd and Seventy—rive ($1,875.00) dollars, this prioe to include all %axes and assessments paid in fu=i The Oosmittee rsoommeends that the Offer Or %:hoe owners of said land be accepted and the property paarohaeed on the terms above eat forth. 00" LAFDB 02?7 or � Commissions or zdacation Purchaelnk 4gen • City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES ---a. .. o.o.a a, 'INN, misrv. •,,••• may 15, 12" J X]E PORT TO THE OOUEOIL Of THE QITY OF �AINT PAUL TO THS HONORABLE OOUNOILi The Oomittes on Lads begs to report that it has undertaken to pumhaae that real es=tate icnOwn as Lot 8, Block 1, Avdltor-a Subdiwlsion IIo- 50, in a000rdanoe with 0. F. 9o. 91985, approwed AJprAX 4. 1939, es a Oita for an addition to the Haaa000lk; School, and that said property can be purchased lros the owners thereof for the eve of your Thousaad W-* Hnxtdred and Beventy-rive ($4,375.00) dollars, tole price to laoluds all taxes and &amendment* paid in lull. The Committee reooamends that the oSiar oS the owners of Bald land be aocepted and the p,royertT purchased on the terms above eat forth. or cowlser o uon oa o • og Ages CITY OF ST. PAUL OFF E OF CITY CLERK CI TION—GENERAL FORM �orEwsvnlss 1oM.' _- — __-- _ f -o d Y REsoLVEo That the leasing of the Como Park main pavilion concession to A. M. Bchmi tt for the park Beason of 1932, by Clyde R. May, Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, upon the basis of -the payment to the City for said concession of a sum eayas of money equal to ten per cent, of thelreoelpte, to hereby approved, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby directed to prepare a con— tract cov ering this lease between the City of St. Paul and the said A. M. 8c11m1t t . Yeas courvciLr.IEry Nays / �sroy May McOonal j'- In favor Ptarcc � Sndhc;mcr Mr. Pres;dcnr Bandl - ate: o' n�ci=8r�nide a-ays � v coe,o,'�al..a4 �vmrn,en wn` ti� � �Pa ki �Ci!?IsrR Yci. Coma � g �t4 �:CIW�- 6i� m mel Adop,,d by ,h� Council M-ky._2_.()_'W`z___ App --d19 ,_. � :P oR CITY OF SAI►JT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNOScAND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS ?,'-y 18, 193:: N'.r. �. L. Anderson, Carpo ration Counsel, C1 t-� Dear Sir: •' It is our plan to 1 oa the Co,.:o 1-erk :min pavi `ion concession to '•_ A e'_-n_jtt, 1062 Ashland Avenue for the park season of 1932, on the bads of ten pe^cant of t` -.e gross proceeds. %111 you Plense pr Epa- t' e necessary rescl �ticn a..d contr-ct co veri. , -1'�is, and oblige? yo,.>rs very tr^.ily, N. CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO. - X2452 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK )O�PUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREASEarl A. Underwood has petitioned the Qounoil for permlesJon to install and maintain a drive-in filling�'station at 1337 Jessamine street; and WHEREAS, Said Earl A. Underwood has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump loca- tion, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Earl A. Underwood to install and maintain said station in accordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automate void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in an ORI roe wl tb the ordinances of the city, ander the direction o Commissioner of Public Safety- the bulldi ng plans and landscaping to be subject to the approval of the Co—isstoner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings; n ed any chargee in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street linea shall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pub11c Works. This ,emit $hall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the nance mainteof said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. COU LMEN Ycas / Conroy }Y [McnDonald I.. favor jo�� _ �. Against /' Sudhc:mcr /Mr. Pres:dcn, B..dl:c 1 _ .a a�� naa�-a�agvooa gnu_ ma'��vl�� erl�evasw. rod. m cwaa�� Adop,cd by chc C... c:l_.��_��_ MAY 91 f) 1�ff19.. _. IfOK x APP o ­d 19 P..1.18LLSHED� ow�a NA1 _ OFPICECOF THE CITY CLERK c.ww . ow.c.. L.0 ,w www c,TT Application For License 'r J AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION DATE ' ie TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made oA PEa T To ,��T LL Amo oPsaATE,c>---� ALso EAI. TA— FILED /_ ---s RE E, Eo oY Ao��,TY LE wE E, Eo—P1F--11—. o�PARTME�T of P ,� FET. �,T. PLA����� woAw a - ------ - --- Dspfr# eftl� +F Frbf► jurepI Mq 12, 1952 Mr_ M_ J_ Gibbons, City Ca_rk, S -1 -Mb Penal, Minnesota Dear Sirs Returned herewith is the application of Ea_ 1 A_ Uncle—od for permission to instal a drive-in gess-1I•a fining station at 1557 Jessamine Street, and raporta of inepectiom prom the Bureau of Fire Prevention sad the Eh—. of Traffic. 'rm vaGk, ts�ly�-' %/f�i Grfr1� Commiesloner of Public Safety W. THE.OEPAFYTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL Yv 11, 1932 X— G—S. C. S.dh.i er Cossai—J..— of P'ublio Safety Deer Sir: Referring to appll.atlon made by Earl A. Under- wood for p a lesion to instal a drive-in 6aso11ne filling station on Lots 20-21, Blook 3, Kiefer Park Addition, whish is ala. desoribed as 1337 Jessamine Street: An inspection of this location was made today by Yr. R- N. Wettergren, Superistendent of Traffis, who reports that the proposed installation will not interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, ��77 Thoma. A. Brown Chief of Polls. HNW File O THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY of ro< CITY OF SAINT PAUL- may AUL may 11,1932. Hcn. Goo. Q. Sudheimer oommissioner of Public safety St.paul,minn. Dear Birt In regard to the application of Earl A. Underwood Station for em,install inlQesor on Lots Block3KieferPark Addition. e1solbed as 1337 Jeeeamine Street. Re have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not inorease the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, chief Ingector. YILTON 1�OiQ1. COrr����owiw ,� i �y�aL �„�y� may is, 1932 Ur. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r L Res Drive -In Filling Station, Lots 20 and 21, Block b, Dear Sir: Keifer Park (1337 Jessamine Street, Earl Underwood, Applicant, 978 Desota Street. The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for Light Industry. This is permissible under the zoning ordinance without a public hearing. �Saxine Brine Report: ( This is an applica- tion £or a gasolne fi illing station in an undeveloped district. There is no paving, curbing or sidewalks on either Jessamine or Prosperity at this location. While theapplicantvs plan shows curbs and 27 foot driveway I s, it is doubtful if the applicant will con- struct more than is absolutely necessary to do business. The storm -water drainage is not affected by the proposed layout. Yours very truly, N. C EY, Chief Engin % o OIQ ROS EN, Commissioner of Public Works. CITY OF ST PAUL ric� NO._ _ 92453 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PT c 5 ry E R WREREAB, The White HY1el &Ice Company has made application to the Couno it for permits to eat ablieh cash and carry Joe houses at the following locations: 234 West Seventh street ' 246 South Cleveland Avenue; On West Seventh street between Randolph and Bey streets, on Lot 21, Block 2, Scbeffer's Addition. AND WHEREAS, Proper notioes have been given pursuant to paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permfbe should be grant edr theta Pore, be it RES OLPED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant permits Por said ice houses, the buildings to be in accordance with the Bull di ng Code. These permits are granted subject to the p—o Jeion that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote oY the Oou_-icil. d Yca co UNci�nnEN N y3 /Conroy May McDonald ill/ [n fa.or Mr. P—id— B—d1w e sa i eQ� oa�.e awnsM. sa ewmiiuee:�' o - a o� o a iTe%edr c<n _ �`• njeo�< n o matte ��ei scene �a r so in xe Adopted by rhos �Cyo--unciP.le... 2. 010'1 ?. 19 19 POST CARD NOTICEI OFFICE OF THE C-OMEnSSIONER OF FINANCE Pursuant to Paragraph F. Sec@on ss, as amended, of Building Zona Ordi- nance, approved July 71h, Le22, you a e hereby notified Ihal the application of for permission to erect or continue retail ice station located _..On_ _lot-21._---- blkA-_2._ Sc_h.9YYBff�'1.• s_J1dd­ W7th. St.het_..Bandolph. h.8ay- - -- mill come up for consideration before the Council of Iha City of SL Paul in the Council Chamber in the City Rally and Court House Building on Iha..-.1@th.__.. day of---- ---�` ---__.ties-.$.--.at Loo'clock A. M. JOHN H. M.DONALD. COMNISSIONEB OF FINANCE. THE BOARD OF ZONING wd M;N U-. w. saw A—,R'— SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE May 17, 1932. Mr. Mike J - Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir-. In the matter of the application of the White Fuel & Ice Co. to erect and operate a cash and carry ice house on 'Nest Seventh Street b between Randolph and Ray, on Lot 21, Block 2, Schefferl.s Addition. This is commercial zoning. This ice house is on the ground GHH—B Yours very truly, Secretary, Board of Zoning. II� .11aw10 �, CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUND D, PUBLIC BUILDINGS March 22, 1932. Hon. Co -11, City o£ St. Paul, Minn. `sem Gentleman: Attached herewith ple—e find City Clerk's file on the on nl It ion o£ the ':'shite Fuel 4 Ice Compnny, who aK for permission to install a cash and carry ice house on Lot 21, Block 2, Scheffer's Addition. This property is on the north -,ide of "lest Seventh street betwa en Randolph and Bay, and is zoned in a commercial elsss i£i aut ion under the zoning ord Snance. The property on the west is occupied by J. Fisher and the property on the east is occupied by Charles Lerck, both £or residence purposes. Both of these o:�mers recom- mend that ti -ie permit be grgnt ed and as there a no other property owners who cnn be damaged-, we recon, end that the permit be granted. Yo—s v^vimtr"i, C .-1 per City cof Saint Pauli OFFi— of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, City Cl— ..,d Cemmtsste.. �. of F.slm.tlen March 17th, 1932. Hon. C. R. May, Coms1r of P.P_ & P_ B1dga_ , Bui l dl ng. Dear C-i.eionar: We aL tach herewith a 11"I'll of the White Fuel & Ica Compa.gp for a permit to Snetal1 a ash and carry ice hoose oa Lot 21, Block 2, Schefferle Addition, located on Mast 3avanth Street between Randolph and Bay Street.. Thia appllcati on was referred to you for investigation a d ra po rt. Y-- very truly, City Clark, �1 DA /.F. 0200 t �hite Fuel & Iee Company/ "Whi, Service" 680 RANDOLPH STREET S"I'. PAUL, MINNESOTA �\JIN J t , POST CARD NOTICEI OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE St. Paul.Minn pursuant to Paragraph F. Section 5 as amended, of Building Zone Ordi- nance. approved July 'nh, razz. you are hereby notified that the application of Hhi ta. for parmrssi t erect or mnhnue retati tce slalwn located aII Int 5 b11c III, -SL. 2Zy.--BSoe-.Fc..Icvim'.s-9dd.--234-R. _—_T__..--.__ mill come up for consideration before the Council .f lha Giton the..p lBLha.1 in t _e ou Cncil Chamber in the City Hafa and Court House Building o deg of---- -�___. .-test.. -..at t..clock JOHN H. McDONALD, CANNISStONEB OF FIHANGE. tr .. dam.=*�►s` THE BOARD OF ZONING 4 SUNT PAUL, MINNESOTA. 214 COURT HOUSE May 17, 1932. Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir: Inthe matter of the application of the White Fuel & Ice Co. to erect and operate a cash and carry ice house at 234 West Seventh Street, on Lot 5, Block 27, Rice and Irvine's Addition. This is between Walnut and Chest - T— t, on the south side of Seventh. It is commercia; zoning. It is two blocks to the nearest ice louse. Yours very truly, _ Secretary, Board of Zoning. G L H -B CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAY GRDUNDS'; ND'PU BLIC BUILDINGS „pril 19, 1 —2 Hon. council, City of Vit. sent le. -:en . tiet urneu '�c reg: ±-tri Plea: e n ':ity Clerk's file o appl icut Son of the te Fuel Zce Company, mho r n pr. --mit e I— tall a cn sh. .. '� ice stat icn ,i, )o t :�eventhnt re��`... �'Y1:; z. •-�^ is vac>r:t lot lee - _n... e recon- :en- t'-. ., r _ -- 1''_ be Your-- t ly,/// U City of Saint Paul Office of City Cl—gc MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cloy Cla t. ril 1Fth, 14"57. Aon. C. P. M, Coms'r of P.P. & P. P1aRs. Pull ding. Pear Co®Sse Sone r: We attach herewltb epolicatlon of the Yrhlte HFlel & Ice Comparyy £or rmit to Snetall cash and carry ice ata tion o al+ot 234 S. Westo SeventRi k 27 end irvine'e Addl tion, 1..ated t 2j Thi. matter w r.....ed to your deoart—nt, by the Council, £or inva stl,Gat ion and report. Your, very truly, i City Clerk. Ui�F/.F, £/.Kif(%RST :Jbv White Fuel & Ice Company -white Se� 6M RAN UPH STREET 9T. PAUL. MINNESOTA Ap,' I 1'. 1. 3' amity Cl Pik r.r Sir: .L1c. ...- 1 t ^ V71 ice' .-.. .,otc Iry iti_r. 11 tT' Ctrent. POST CARD NOTICEI _ OFFICE OF THE CObAMISSIONE!(,W INANCE St, Paul. Minn...Ma9.._, Pursuant to Paragraph F, Secllon S, as amended, of Building lune Ordi- r.ar-re approved Joly'Nh, 1922. you are hereby notified that the application of e_Fa.al.& LQ.Q.._ Sa...__.__. _....._. _. for- parmsslon to erect or m t til ire ration located an Lot_ 12, L.._J1QX--Q!5 Ada- at 298 su, ............ ............ millm up f— consideration before the Council of the City of St. Paul in the me Coundl Cer hambin the City Hall and Cour) House Building on the...... 1SltZ]. day of18y __-183..2...at 10 o'clock A. M. JOHN H. MCDONALD, CONNI-ONEI OF FINANCE. THE BO_ARD_OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 2, 4 COURT HOUSE May 17, 1932. Mr_ LKiXe J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear S3 r: In the matter of the application of thg White Fu -L & Sce Co. to erect and operate a cash and carry ice house at 246 South Cleve- 3--cl- on Lot 12, Bloclz 1, Robert i. Ware's Ad- dition. This is conn—cial zoning. There is now a cash and carry ice house on St. Clair, 3ust around the corner .'i" Yours very truly, G11 -F3 -3B ` I -. i Secretary, Board of Zoning. CITY of SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRZU .jZsND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 1, 1932. Yvon. Counc City o£ "t Gentleman Returned 1-iarewith ple. se Find City Clerk+s file on the aprli- catlon o£ tl-za '.'White Fuel and Ice Company, who ask for permis- sion to to cats a cash and __y ice at on Lot 12, Block 1, Robert - +s Addition, ,hich is located at 246 South Cleveland Avrnue and is in a commercial district under the zoning ord mance. I re comsne rid that this application be denied for the following reasons_ is already an ice station close to this corner facing St _ Clair Street on the southeast corner of the inter- section and on the property facing Cleveland, traffic conges- tions comet Imes take pl¢ce to a considerable degree on account of the street car wye at the intersection. It is also true that great many school children pass this location ,.—a students at the Gr oveland Park School, and £or the e r—s— we ra cormie rid the denial of this application. Yours ver_ trul-; .m ins s loner. ` f. = City ®f saint Pani OFFice of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CRy Cl.h Meu-ch 29th, 1952. Hon. C R. M,,y, Coma'r of P, P, & P. Bldgs.. Bullalz . Dear Cowl eeloaer= The attached applicatlon of the V/hi to F—1 & Ica ComParly for permit to place a cash and carry 1ce house oa Int 12, Block 7, Robert flare's Addl tion, located at 246 So_ Cleveland A-- w referred to your depar tmeat today, for investigation end report. Your. vary truly, City Clerk. OFF(CR, ff—X , .. . SJ.. YARD, I—R -I DALE R2M White Fuel & Iee Company 680 RANOOLPH STREET ST. PAUL, MINNESOI'A , ...arch 2n, 1a}2 City Clerk City of Saint Pail. Derr si— The undersigned hereby cakes —Iicntion Por a P—i, for tl e plaCiap of A Cefit & ^erry icehouse on Lot 12, Elock $ 1 ----Robert Rnre's Addition to the City of Saint Paul, located et 'ay appro—metly 21:6 So. Cleveland Ave. ?fig Respectfully, M:ITF/FFU,FL 6 ICT CU,TANY o...,.�.:o �... F. t CITY OF ST. PAUU NO. J2454 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK • COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL 0FZA M Gow,sn.,EtC:S oNER— _ FIMREAS, Peter G. Arend and Mary G. Arend have made appli- catlon to the Council for a permit to operate a cash and carry ice house at the northwest corner of Snelling and Roblyn avenuee; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Bectlon 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinlon that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RSSOL4ED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicants a permit for Baid cash and carry ice station, the building to be in accord- ,a3 ance with the Building Code. Thispermit is granted subject to i the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Ycas /.c ILM EN Nays ,' McDonalj favor Rosch Aga: s, / Mr. Presid—, B—dlic QAC" 't 15932 Ad.p,cd by ,hc C ... cil 19 App --4-:.. 19 41 voa _POST CARD NOTICE? _OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE 51. Pao,. Minn..._._.kfp:_.7, 2.. — _..--..__.tea._ Pursuant to Paragraph F, Section S. as amended, of Building Zone Ordi, na nCc� a pprooed July 71h, 1822, you are hereby notified that the application of ._.P - d..Ec...iis.r.g_.G.... A,,,d...__.. __..._......_ salon to erect or —t 111-11 ice ocat t fill led Olt L..Z...],. -.._ College Park at norttiviost orner o-- Sn e1 1 in &__ Hobl _ �-- __ ..g.___ _._..Yn_was.•1....._... __..__... - .... <-- oo Q.e h lr i, the Citq before the Coundl of the fit cl., -f Chamber in the City Hall and Court Houae Buildin y of a Paul in the d M q on tM1e_..J.f3t17_ a`1 of ---------�------- _tes_2...at to oclock A. M. JOHN H. MCDONALD, COMMISSIONEe OP FINANCE. THE BOARD OF ZONING »� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA P v 414 COURT HOUSE P May 17, 1932. Mr- >&z1-2ce Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir: In the matter of the application o£ Pater G- aLd Mary -- Arend to erect and operate a cash and carry ice house at * nor t Y-- st corner of Snelling and Roblyn, on Lot 1_ Block I., College Park Addition. Thisis commercial zoning. There is a cash and carry ice house one block away. Yours very truly, Secretary, Board of Zoning. G HI3— B U'1 1 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRLNDS�AND'PUBLIC BUILDINGS April 13, 1. IIon. Counc3.1 Cit ;� of :;t I'au1 At' ched 2zere-:�itri __�1e•ss find City Clerks isle on the an - c io n o£ Fater c, nd plitPr-.issi n to install ine plsce cn tl-.e nort hive stRcorner of ne11'. - md^RoUlyn l,von—s. This n n: --e ;j t£is e'pt nr: :.t edni net d,r-><�F- -�`c Yc-, vc, tr-ly, i inner. City A Saint Paul Office of City Clerk mrU a J. G,880f15. G,y vk 0�.� �..�-Cai d A .nd Cemmiolena of Ry4b.eoe /J tprll 7th, 1932. i Hon. C. R Yay, Comer of P.P. B, P. :Bldg..,Bu.11 d1 ag. Dear Conmmleeioner: We enclose herewith appli—ti.a of Peter G. Arend for permit to lnetall an lee station 1p. the garage on the .—r of Saelli.g and Ably. A--., on Lot 1. Block 1, College Park. This application wa referred to you today, by the Council, for lnvectigation and report. Tours very truly, City Clerk. I ����� ��� .���,� � ,�—,¢-wee �-���e.e. -�-u i r ,�� .� i /_ _ POST �L'.AyR�D NO-MEI QFF1cE OF THE C_e< / blISS7ONER OF FINANCE Sc Mi....... -. May _2..-..._.tes__2. Pursuant to Paragraph F. Sac-tion s, as amended, of Building Zona Ordi- ­m. approv_ad July 'Zth, 1022, you axe hereby nolifled thal the applimtiou of .._P.9�.Qr.._ v.....Ec_SJ.ary_ -_ U_ _ _ _ i',.-Mia___ for rmission to erect or continua retail ice station located ._21IL91 1.... _.._bloc]:-_la-_College __P__�r-1c___at_.northv+est__c orn or._o,1',._. _3ne1_l_in_g___ FCoblsri__Ay erxuas __... _.... _... ............ milletp jordl of the City.151 Palin the Counal Chamber 11'nMthe Gity Hall and Court House Buildinq - th,__.lflill.. day of -__ - 6S__— .-_19/9.-2___ai l0 o'clock A. M. JOHN H. McDONALD. ��r�c. ��� �_ CONNISSION¢Q OF PINANC¢. �lr « � �s �>a = z 92455 CITY OF ST. PAUL owoiw.. •e car. c•. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK GOIJ NC 1 L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PREI­ SED BVR_ OMM 55 C_O_S- T- WHEREAS, J. E _ Moore has made application to the Council for a Permit to operate a cash and carry ice station on Chatsworth street between Ror]ci0 street and St. Anthony avenue (being in the building now ei ^ `ai of 979 Rondo s t re e t ) ; and WHEREAS, Propar notice has been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Or 3lnance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit aho.zld be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and QYrect ed to issue to said applicant a permit for said station, the bui1c11 ag to be in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is gT ari t:ed subject to the provision that the same may be revoked at any tme iby a majorityvote of the Oounc il. Yeas clul—MEN oy Nays ay �M[DOnald — In favor �eacce /Rosso /Sud heim Mc. Preside..- Burd l:� Adop-cd by SLS -hc C000cil 2 0 1912 19 J,19 Approve 19 ./'. _-.. ✓ MAYOR POSTC.�811 NOTICE? .a . -- OFF_10E. OF THE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - _- 51 NO. Mina _...._ law. T...._....... t03... 2.. -- — P-- t Paragraph F, Secli— t­ amended, of Building Zone Ordi- nance_ approved July 2ih, 1922, you are hereby notified Ihal the application of .....J—E. Moose- _ _.......... .. - for ,­j to ­,t o continue retail Ice station howled QA_Chttt—th St.. Anthony--ln. building-.in.. saN.r-. ef-.979-3—:'.o mill ms-r� up {or consideration before the Council of the City of 51. Paul in the e C uaal Chamber is the Cily Hall and Court House Building on the.-�9tll...... ------ 193. Z..al to -bock A JOHN H. McDONALD. COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE, <<t�•• THE BOARD OF ZONING A 4y Sr.dao.4�.—,—I ter.I,va 0 e SAINT PAUL-, MINNESOTA • = 214 COURT HOUSE May 17, 1932. ccoaee �+. H caan. Mr - mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk. �eax Sir: In the matter of the application o£ J. E. Moore to erect and operate a cash a cl carry ice house on Chatsworth between Rondo and St. Anthony in building in rear o£ 979 Rondo. This is commercial zoning. It 3 s one block to the nearest ice house. Yours very truly, Secretary, Board of Zoning. G HH— B J U CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS`AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS —,il 19, ..��. Y.on. Coiuicil, .,ent ler.en: ,tzacted h—r -.t- please find City Clcrl: s t'ile on t'.e ap- pllention of J_ J..,o oand Sr on, who desire a p, nit tc operate ice2-ic use ra 1t Thin the buil din;; a- 979 .,ondo Greet, fronting cn C, t.—th Ctreet. This is in the corinaer c':il classifi—tion under I::.�nce and the buil,, G is ;:lre:3dy there. -%e re com-.:end th,t tLe permit be granted. Yours truly, Csi City of Saint Paul Office of City C1.rk MIKE J. GIBBONS, CRy Cl. _d Commtnton.. of Regt.b.tlon cn,n p.n e...m,� April 15th, 192. Hon.C. R. MBY, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Coneelseioner: Attached please find appllcati- of J. E. Moore and R. Green for permit to operate sn See house wlthln the bnllding in the rear of 979 Bongo St. fronting on Chatsworth St. This application. has been referred to you for investigation and " ort. Your. very truly, City Clerk. �� �u ��� �r �-� a� � ... C I Y OF ST. PAUL isiwci� Nom' ����� OFFIGE OF CITY CLERK CO CSL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMM18810NER.-__owre '�".Y 19, 195E RESOLVED That the �—da o£ Alley in Block 9, _ Holcombe's Addition, from Dale Street to St. Albems Street, in accordance with the red g—de 11.r.e on the accompyang pro£i1e rand as recoruaended by the Commissioner of Pu'o -iic `.VorP_s, be �d the same is hereby adopted — t k- established grade. YGfl6 COUNCILMEN -cplaucY ,» �4r69WN j _bj�gppy Iv favor LOA— _ Asaiv ac /l oinks, �`. PrevidenoF3od� Nl�olm Vii'✓• BG..dIDI^'_gyp' 11 A_ N nA o "..<a s'y °teaiii, Ie v.l Adopted by,hc Council_A.QY 19 App, 19 C// ✓ Nwron :Petition - P.18 (See Grading Order) Council File No...........)/ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The eodemigned hereby pr ,Poeea the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peel, via.: Grading and pal ;ng_A11q-y_ i,, 131pcic 9_, Holcorebets Addition,-- ..frem._Dale _OtSeet_t.0._S t....Alhaas_.;?-tr.eet,__.. Dated this lath -_-day ofMay1932_ ... , nasoA - - - — PRELIMINARR Y ODER. w �tae'i`P n+'Sv WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the following improvement, via.: . Grading_ and Paving A11 ey in _B1ocK 9, _ F3olcombe_ s Addition,, _ _ ___ from Dale Street to St_ Albans Street. h g been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.______.._ ........ .___...._ _ _ ........__....... therefore, be it RE40LVED, Thet the C mmieeroner of Public Works he and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the restore, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said irn pr—er--t ie asked for on the petition of th? or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ ......_..___�..R ___� ...__. Yaes Neva Councilman Coxeor g/� hiwr 7 \ Approved ..... ....... . 4il:at_..i:.�.16._. MCDoxer.n U PIA CE ✓/ILII Rolex 4-1 I Sunaervs. __---- .yc.__..._..........._ ...._......___._....._...._ ....._. M. F.....— _ { ' Meyer r P etitioa G_s 8QQ ((�� Couneil File No............_%2;58 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The usdereigned he:-1by I.—p— making of the following publie improvement by the City of St. Peal, via.: Grading A11ey, A_ Block 9, Holcombe's Addition from Dated this —1—y of -... „Mayr 1932 co u _ _.. .. ._ .. _ - ..... .._. man. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written pro posa] for the making of the following improvement, via.: , .�eni.os�Onene`�eia`er :e e . Grading--A11_ey_--in_Blllk_.9:_Bp_jpQWkp. s_Addj,tipa from..._.. _Dale Street_ --to St-a_Alban$_StFeet.- _.._.. _ob tDa•�:mar; ..._......_.__........___..__.._._.....___.----- ------------------------ ---- . having been presented to Ll— C--eil of the City of St. Paul...-.-_........-..._....._........._....._._.._....._._......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That th.e ( mmissione, of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the — —aity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigate, the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total co.t thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or .ketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more —em 5. To report upon s11 0£ the foregoing matters W the Commissioner of F calm. Adopted by the C -l-------------------------- SAY $ 91932 eun Yana Ndrs Comcilman CoxaaoY ��ll?� G`F � MwY Approved.. /� NZcDoxwzn � / Pswxcnz: Rossi Ma_ Mayor. r�cw ia;ra naso // mm. .crrfrfT Conceit File N . .......... ()�i�q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER.' The ..d.rmg—dhereby Ip.—j— the, —.3d.g of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: gm_qfksement 1p the leA4 pqtqessary, fo;�,_, . ....... —ci 4-n_, the grading of Alley, in Block, 9, Holcomba t s A­Lcl:Ltjort from J?plq Street to St.. Albens Street.... D.tod this ---------- rl—y of May 1932 Cou cre= PRELIMINARY ORDER. so, To— WHEREAS' A proposal for the making of the following improvement,, is.: —4e,, , Cond.lement in the lend necessa t�ak:Lrtg easement ...... .. ........ slopes —17-_s a d fills in the grading of Alley -in Block 9, IIZO.Vt- to St,._Alba4s_ Streets - --- -------------- - - - --------------------- --- .......... -- - ------------ --------------------- h-i,g been presented to tk— Council If the City of St- pool therefore, be it RESOLVED, a -1--c *3-,— r of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate tA— wz­xty for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the —t-, extent and estiroated cost of .aid irep—sces.t, cod the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To .tato whether or not said improvement is asked for no the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon seXX �f th, fo—g.i.g —asre to the Commissioner of Fi..... MAY 2 Adopted by the Council--------------------------..._.___. Yee. 11Z — O,pr ...... ........ - - - ------- �v — ---- --- - --- ------ - Me. F`-- M.Y—. 1—c—ec. 1-11 coudnil n' No- -92-4w PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undemigned hereby propoaea the mal ima of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: ..............__.._......4onstruc t..6,11,ex. _ cr ossiIIgs_ _ nn_th the south-side__lf-Il Iker. . __.....__._ _Street_ ftnd_.',h e.._morLka-.side-_ot_M.ortQxt 9tree.t_.between Charlton Street _ -and Waseca Street.__. Dated this 18t_ h day of _. Mayi 1932_- L aEtev— ♦vhero.., A .Asa°ealio mn — - — m,wxa er the loll°alne r ,rn..m.at. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the followin ' g rmprovement, viz.: , Construct A1 -Ley cro s.sings og_.the south side._of Baker Street.. d--_tk4e XkQxttl-a__side _of__.ldortan Street between _......_._...._._. V97 aceCharlton Street axed Waseca Street --------- ------------- ._.._------ _______ __.___- ___... having been preAented to the Council of the City of St. Paul..._ _...... ........._. _ _._..._. _......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commie—ion— of Ppblic Work, be and in hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, es tent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total eost thereof. 3. To fumiah a plain, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement i, asked for on the petition of three or mom owners 5. To report upon aH of the foregoing tt,o� to_�} Comminei... r of Finmee. Adopted by the Council.____________________________________________________ Yue Nwrs Councilman C.Na p Mwn- Approved_____....._.__ l..°'. _____.._.. ............. McDoxer,n Pswaos / �- Rossi U Sunesrsasa _____f...__ _......_.. _..._......__.... Ma. Pasetnaxi• Mayor. v°,mc. a ar iacu Pf:3I.ISfff.;p� -0 C.-.iI File No---- -------- 9 -mot PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ..d—ig—a lb—lo, p -p— the -.ki.g of the following public improvement by the City of St- Paul, i,.: Cons true tln&, Allea-cxoanin _.on.. tba....e.t sid.—f Far r--Ij3wgton.Ar anus, begl=Jg 125 f-ast nor th f K—yl.-d fa.t- Dated thm ----- 1day of- may. 1.013 r. bramroe: o� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal I— the making Lof the following improvement, i," Constructing A11'e cro"I.&—thewe,;3t, gild-e ox- -------—---- -- D-egixMixig .1,25. feet—.north—of Ma theRcle--nortb 20• feet. , . ... . .... --- --- ---------------- -------- - --- -- --------- ------- - ---------------- -------- h,,i,g been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul-_- ------- - --- --------------- th.-f.t., be it RESOLVED, That the C­,jeei,­ of Public W—k, be -d i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the --ity f,,, or d—imbility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the tottu—, extent ..d estimated e..t of said improvement, ..d the tow coat thereof. 3. To f,tt—htl, a I,I, pmfil, or sketch of said itepto—to—t. 4. To state wI—ta­ o, not said hopt—mett, i, asked for to the petition of three or more —em S. To report upon mll of the f,mgoi.g matters to the C,tootimio— of Fi—ce. UAf 2 Adopted by the (---il Y.— 11T- 2 oaf Mwr App—d-_ --- - - --- - -- - -- --------- IRL— ----- M— --- — -------- E�-- PUBLISHED May— c w u gra 1-1 Council File No. —.924W PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The ..d.—igne:d hereby propoeea the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. P—I, is.: ................_.Fte�onstr�ctizig.__.relay.1mL..aad-. repalring.._ L21e_.sid.eaalk......---- -.. >atas t-.-s1.de...of. ..Richmond -Street--beginning.. at..Han21l._..............._.. --_ 5trvems _.-tkitmce..aQuth &Q..reet. .._ -. --------- -------- -- ----. _.. ..._.. -- ca i_ Dated th a ...day If May: 183 _ n . PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement,vis.: a tr o[ Rets ucting. relaying_._and repairing, the side alk on tyle west side of Richmond Street beginning at Ban£il trash,_-tiien.0e__aoutk_80-SBat.. ................ ...__.... - having been presented tc.o the Coun 1 of the City of St. Paul- ---.. ....-__-- ... -- - ---..---- therefore, be it RFSOI.VF.D, That the C.—issioner of Public Work. be .nd ie hereby ordered ..d directed: pp /, 1. To in eetigate the n eaaity for, or deei-bility of, the -.king of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eetim.ted coat of .aid i—pr... nt, and the total coat thereof. 3- To furnish s plan, profile or sketch of -id improvement. 4. To state whether or not .aid improvement ie -ked for on the petitio. of three or more owners 5- To report upon all of the foregoing—ttttom to the Co-misa.oner or Finance. Adopted by the CounciL-------- -._-..-- MAY _2_0_70-._._.___..-......____ Yaws 1.7— Councilman Coxaos App ¢ �gy�tp MwY roved .. __-.... U\ � 2 t 0 McDoxsa.n / 1p--- i Roar v Mn_ PsEsanErvr /' Mayor. r,.m c 1 11 — .o -.r> PUSLTCiTED'7_L 2B – j 2 Y C .. oil File No.... _ --...q PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. TI...d.-ig..d hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, 'i- _ Q.Qr1 t lxxg a aPawer oulloyt AVenUB. fx.QM.. Niagara.._....- - .. Street; to Cl-tal;sworth Street, and on North Chatsworth t3txeet- ;Cr<>xxk floyt P-v.erlue to Nebraska Avenue. Dated this 1-atOC1 -------- d., U may I, J-9.69. ............. wt PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A writte ra proposal For the making of the f,11 -mg improvement, i,.: It Coors tructing a sewer on Hoyt Avenue from Niagara :ore 3-treoatL- Street, and on North Chatsworth- Strae_'L- Aria=ue to -Neoxask-Avenue. . ................... ....... -- ---- h,,i,g b.n presented Lo zJ— C'—nil of the City of St. P-1 tb.,rf.., be it RF-90I'VED, That the of Public Work. Im avd i. Im-lb, ordered and directed: 1. To investigate C1— —ity for, o, desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and mtim,t,d coat of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof - 3. To fish a plan_ profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether r not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more 0-- 5. To mpft uI-m -11 of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Coutteil -------- Y— Nags, Councilman Co----- Q MwY Approved._.......___.-..._._..___..._. _.------------ - Rossszv - ----- - -------------- M- PasarnaxvT PUT31,,-D _7 Mayor- - f=; Petition �. coenea ne x ......... fli t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the follawiog public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Constructing a sewer on Sche£fer Street from Snelling Avenup_ t9.__BT7.mliall.._ Avenue. _...._.. _..__.... Dated this ...18ta� ..day of May, 1932 conneama- -- PRELIMINARY ORDER. ur _ ascii• WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: —a li a rc� eeiaeiap Constructing e. sewer on Scheffer, Street from Snelling Avenue to BrimYtall A enue. ' .... .._....--_------_-.__._-- - .._'..__..__ __.._ __ _. _._ ...__.. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Peul......._.__........................................___......._.._.__....__._.. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commisar ser of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, aad the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of amid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three -mors owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters W the Commissioner of FSnsnce. Adopted by the Council__-__--......MAY--2._1:.�.f.... .. ........... .........__._. Yaws 117— Councilman Co — Mwr Approved -_.....`_2 �........_._ ..................... Pvwacs U f no.— Ma- PassroExr Meyor. r�cw aonr Joao PUiILIJrlr.t� y �- —3'i– COUNCIL FILE NO. �Cr2VV PRESENTED BY OA¢II:R4110HASSS --- - WHEREAS, The State Public Examiner has advised the Oity that he Is unable to make an audit of the tally sheets of the last general municipal election held on May 3rd, 1932, which he Was recuested to do by the City; and WHEREAS, The Council is of the opinion that such an audit should be made for the purpose of determining whether a more complete investigation of the conduct of said election should be made; now therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby instructed and directed to audit the tally sheets of said election, and to report the results of such audit to the Council as soon as completed; and be it FMTHER RESOLVED, That if the Oorporation Counsel, in the audit of said tally sheets believes it necessary to have the ballots counted In any one or more precincts, that be be direct— ed to petition the Court for the privilege of counting such ballots while the ballots are available for recount. �iay l /Mtr. �,,,�d""e�,� It":,dr" i. F-), f PUisbul���s_— tt' . ITAIM"AfflillmWoomm-NANSWI _f• ■.y 21st. 1932 4r. L. L. Anderson. Corporation Co�eal� BnildinP. Degr sir. The attached oOPY of a resolution edopted by the City Council repaaett" yon to melee en andit of the tally sheets of the Yey 3rd eleotlon m. referred to yon for your information. Tours very truly. City Clerk. .��...... e.. a...• OF ST. PAUL -- '1 NO.—.. /-Y•1uV. O ICH OF CITY CLERK RE90WTION—GHr+eRAl ooRM may 13 1-9-3-2_ R�6C whereas, Additions aAd deductions which might prove to be nec- ess/a/ry on the improvement described as the grading of _ ley in Block 6, Cloverdale Addition, from Frank Street to the east line of Lots 7 and 24, Sohn Sandquist, contractor, have been provided for in trie specifications, and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contract, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make additions and deduc- tions to thecontract as follows: _ '- Additions $14 • 00 Rebuilt Catch Basin to 3 r rn v 2.00 $16.00 Exchanged stones from city yard aov, lr im rr.,,k a 4. J Deductions "+' - 14.00 1 Manhole frame and cover - - 16.00 1 4A Catch Basin using Pir ase�nt$1c 25 er ,7.50 -�• 0 6' 12" Vitrified Clay p 21.50 Ivet Deduction And Whereas, The net deduction 1s $21.50, now, therefore be it Resolved, That tine City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner ofet Public Works and in accordance with the spec" :L cations toebefdeductednfromedthe t lumpd to same not to exceed the sum oP $21.50, known / consideration named 1 o£jat Tie aforesaid mprovementr fore the reasonsthere- L-3636 for the making inbefore.set forth and pursuant to the aforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Bepartmeni o£ public Works bas agreed with the contr ctor, John Sandqui st. the --t the sum of $21.50 is the reaso b1e net dedu tion Le'be made from said contract. Counter signed ommissioner of Public w ks. Comptrol er . "( Con: COUNCILMEN / Adopud by the Council aC"-'2--19 Yea. �- W : tYm 19 Io EApp � _ _avor / Me Prnideva:ierP� - CITY OF ST. PAUL „�. NO. �JI.,YVI OFFICE OF CITY CLERK e�'�fry��[[pp Oeyy COUNCIL FZESOLuyiom,GENERAL FORM COMMI6910NlR - -. - REsoLVEn T!:P .AS t-1—Conunissirner <f Public Works has reported in --d-re with Sect i gj of the City Charter, the existence of an mergency v,hi ch r_d e refl necessary the emp'_oyme nt of certain emp_oye. c.f his Depart.men tP £car mare than eight hours per day and cr. Sunday, said employment be, i r Er more than usual hours of �mplcyment, therefore, be it RE SCiZVm That the p—per city officers are hereby authorized to pay -I- - Following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra emp= oyment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. Burne, J. E. �— Com.Lab .- c -_-- --_-.1--_ --.645 2;z Garbe, P. N. Sub _FO' 1 Johnson, Gustaf A. Sub -Foreman 4 •$4;� McGee. B. D. Gen. ChauSf enir 12 Putnam. Fred SleegJr,Albert W. S— Foreman Com.Lab. 1 .68 •45 Steinberg, M. Xtc.Lab. i Sullivan. Joh= F. Com. Lab. •45 I/dv.-ter aaeo,.xw.o� or°w°i``o.`sa roo,mwa i°a,. ° °im aa:�: et or mmscivoi: +min �o�N� SME MA g Yeas NNa Adopted by the Council 19 ,BacByyg CII'� - ' Iv favor APP Y�d -- ---19--- / Mr. Pre,ide- Ar. in the DP'.PAR;117iNT CF P'JALIC TORI;;, rendering the e::il'loyment of certain ei;.ployoes of that Dep%,rtment for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following iso r3s: Making emergency repairs to sewers and tunnels; fl—LsYiirag concrete work and pulling forme on Concord street P—Li g - This eme rhe=ncy arcs Ly reason of th-' follevinC, facts and circumstances = Emergency calls for sewer repairs received at all hours; taxing care of concrete work poured just prior to quitting time Q[� C dF1I85I TIER Os^ YL'L'LIC V7 COUNCIL'R ';&ZUTION ... Ncun.ENo, 92468 +'�° sa�D% i .'ate a xsai- .`css eysa _ __. _-May 30_ __,9m3 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 5019()1 4Q__ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED -.508'3 TO_._5j.25.._IN CLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. AoaPTEo a. THE it ! � t .1 IFIPIF.EIT I BROUGHT FORWARD i 50 J McDonald 0 C. Fin. 42 oc 13 13 3 5ON John H. McDonald, of 46� 51 .' d ' "cepan""". 50" J.C. �7..;lu'and 56 3: DUPI,ICARI TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAIIT PAUL ICUNIII OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER I ILI No COUNCILMEN- �21_1_ CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION mAY AUDITED CLAIMS May 20 102 PEARCE 0 -A -T ro RESOL ED, TIAT -1- IF CIA- - T.F CITY T -F -Y TBE A-PE.ATF A. -T .1 1 IPEI 5GsqGl4"U"":"' MR PRE$ B4%F"" g ..... ... ' KI PI'l 11541 11, L -TIO -F IEP F ADITIE1 11 COU -11 RPIFI.- .1 TOTAL 11E11 IN FAVOR OF BumBER TRA -IR _E_ .1 IFIPIF.EIT -TE FFTIFNF. I .1 - BROUGHT FORWARD 562 379 4:_ 50 J McDonald 0 C. Fin. 42 oc 13 13 3 5ON John H. McDonald, of 46� 51 .' d ' "cepan""". 50" J.C. �7..;lu'and 56 3: 5086 Meat Company 5087 Linsmaster Baking Company 2121 5 5088 Terminal Motor Bus Company 5089 Bernard Sobultz 9 5090 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7 500 00 5091 Jos. Pavlioak 18 9'1 71 5 5092 Jos, Pavlicek 50N A Rauchwatter 320 8 7' 4 6 509 O; Oar Hoen 5095 David Basbefkin 32 01 5096 Anderson Brothers 138 0( 5097 Chioago, Ill. St,Paul & Pao,4Y.004 4 2" 5096 Hwy Ooodwill1941 5099 Smith 381e8 System 122 5 5100 Speoialty Saleo I SeTv.00rP, 115 5101 C, L. Durooher 7 5( 5102 D.O. Boya 122 5( 510 John H. McDonald 0. of Fin. 6 507 4( 51N John H. McDonald: 0. of Fin.I 12 743 5( 5105 John H. XoDonald, 0, of Fina 6 283 9! 5106 Mrs. Anna D. Johnson 0 01 5107 John H. McDonald, 0. of Fin. i 6K 211 1 5108 3. Berglund Lumber Company 1 67 1 5109 Capital City Lime and Cement Co. 45 1 5110 Coohran-Sargent Company 297 3 5111 Tborman If, Rosholt Company 35 2 5112 Twin City Brick Company 22 51� 511� The Waterous Company 54 1 511 A Stenographic Bureau 28 4 5112 Capitol stationary Mfg. Company p 516 26 511 Griggs, Cooper & company 9 9 5117 H an000 k -Nelson moro.Company 1 59 9 5118 F.G.eslie Paper Company Company �6 1-74 5119 Lin;er Broom City Textile Mille 60 59 5120 Twin Capital Cit Lime & Cement Company 54 15; 5121 5122 CbarleB E. Mullken 10 00 51 Specialty Printing company 1 40 7 65 51R E.17. Johnson 5125 Ford str ane 50 Iii SHEET TOTAL -FORWARD 1 7 500 00 J6.5 780 82; CIT OF ST. PAUL I.. �< NO. �4W— _ 0' OF CITY CLERK OU CIL R OF FORM Me), 20, 193$ ­TL_of io That upon the recommendatio entfbeheandrheule her q, authorized Equipment the purohaaing OS to purcha Re. with the c .seat of the Comptroller, one Diamond •. ]seder 31e 2? ton truck with 1[ead Yorrieon w1noL equipment , 6 -cylinder motor with a minimum Hed - pp• rating of 31.50, _heel bass not lees than 166",a eualoo et of 43406er . 50 for the Bureau of Llghtipg, less $7-2500 Yor one Dodge 1923 1p -ton truck No. 66 to be taken In trade, making the net coat not to ezceed $3261.50, without adv artieement, as the Purchasing Department has had informal bids from C$S0, White, International, LaFT�e.ifio-ti... St, t eecO rring _-rad Dodge dealer., and after comce.r ing e_ CIL of the -Dep ar tmentl forwhomthie�Furohaee ie made thatm thaetcar andt a.eite i aha patentedents nrticle end nos ad vantaghi.e conldeb en ge l ned by advertising for formal bide. Charge General F�md- Municipal Equi ?meat- 3.003-139 COU NCiLM EN / Adop,ed by ,h� C...6 Yca, Nays MaY App ­y d 3 19 3 McDonald - In Ea�oc :done M.M.We C 0 P Y St. Paul, May 19 , 1932 yr. C. A. Cnrl eon, City curt hae inn St. Paul, Minn. Dear air: Referring to your informal bid tabulation No. 4950, our reoulsition I0. 5087, a recommendation hae been ret eiv e3 by thisBureau from Comm Issioner A. J. Conroy, Depvgrt—nt of Public Utlli ties, that one Diamond truck, Model- No - 316 with Mead -Mord eon winch equipment be purchsaed from the Motor Power Equipment Co. of St. Paul for the sum oY The vendor of this truck is not the low bidder, and referring the above ret ommendat icn to Mr. L. L. Andareon, C orpo m tion Counsel, I have a written op Inion atati-`1 that if the Diamond "T" truck is s p2tented artlole the Otty does no! of necesalty have to Hurt ha ae a truck of a lower bid end you may 8ccept this recommendation of 7omcnl asi on=r Conroy and purchase a Diamond ".' truck. Yours very truly, (Slcned) Arthur H. Koch, Director, Bureau Of Munic i?al- Eeuipment Approved: (Signed) Milton Rosen Commissioner of Public Work.. .........o c... c.e.. CITY OF ST. PAUL rric rt NO.. __924.70 OF 1 E OF CITY CLERK L S ;- CO NCIOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coeS.t_NT_ i55ionE onTz _ May 23. 1932 RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Bureau of Municipal Equipment the Purchasing, Agent be, and he is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one new 1932 model Pontiac Tudor sedan, to be aquiFped with aerial wire, motor suppressor, rear view mirror, red lights on cowl, dome light and Trico visional windshield cleaner, for the Bureau of Police, at a ..at of $749.50, lees an allowance of $300.00 for damaged Model 1932 Pontiac Tudor sedan No. 215, to be taken in trade, making the net coat not to exceed $449.50, without advertisement or competitive bide, as this is a patented article and no advantage could be gained thereby. Charge General Fund- Municipal Equipment 1003-139 c veno°nei[Jo—Br ]n[te6 R��m— _ mel X14 �e a ���C �WnpCe ee C4M" � [o mr�l etee4 Rpt 8weiu Po I[vyty. a< .° rS[iJ[960lase en ellawanaa v[. SSeO oo foe eemeRl� 6 e1.teDl Pene o Tve.ee6ew`RNa iet}� Ytenl ' o[tlilve'EI gout srtn�el em Qni svn: see ants°e° attelc[e'ee� ce-uia e Raises. CeP� a e—]fvnlelen oa 1T9. I �vblvmavt- wPeP�ne i e u v.r za, van. I Jve'rD i'c 1 Y—/ Nays / MAY 891 Adopted by rhr C-61 19... �e�a.n.1a ///) In favor APProv---- 19 .:._/ Against - — -.. R _ MAYO Mr. Vic. Preae Sudheinder .� ��2471 - NCILo�RESOLUTION vRivT ��R YtR05h �`•4— LS�a� c rvc �Fi�[rvo. To May 21 2 RESAVEE3, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S-1,..--- COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5126 _Td 5177 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. /% Aoor'Teo er 1.1 CONN—c. DUPLICATE To CITY wennCQTY or SANT PAUL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �iee No �4jij 1 COUNCILMEN—ROLL GALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION N AUDITED CLAIMS 9 /1 V pc RESOLVED T p yq��7 j erop(..Wpjlp T6 C� - C pb775YY1�VV7JJ. D"M�iz�`T PF��,�5 1 7 ONP M NIPM a Tv ll' e �9C°"" c�ecns � yP��ce f oMPTAoc.e. -ns IP IN FAVOR OF TOTAL R C Anx D ` 3—UGHT FORWARD --- --500 Mec ns N N • 5126 George Dixon 54 6 5127 Delia Brown 28 2 5128 urs. Mary Emily Christy OC 40 0 5129 John Lennon 40 5130 Anna -Gagner Peitsch DC 5131 Mrs, Hannah Peterson it 28 9� 5132 Elfrida Soderberg 5133 Dr. J.F, Alden 10 oc 5134 Dr. A.9.Arnquist 16 OO 5135 Bethesda Hospital or 5136 Dr, L.R. Boums 1 5137 Dr, A, Chrietiansen 18 A Oodbout Cha , 110 0 5 5Charles 139 Henry A. Kemper 28 0 510 Drs, Leahy, Dunn, Alberta & 801t 5 5141 Dr, John F, Madden 1I 45 142 Dr, J,L, Martineau 1 0 5143 Murphy Laboratories 0 5144 Dr, ,0, Perry q 0 134 0 5145 Dr. F.J. Plondke 966 514 Dr. H.J. Prendergast SII 5147 Drs. Ryan and Ryan 5148 St.John's Hospital 15 50,' 5149_ St.Joseph'R Hospital 'j, 117 351 5150 St.Paul Clinio 113 00 5151 Dr. J. Short 9 0C '',I 65 5152 Dr. B.J. Singer 00, 515 Dr. J.M. Sprafka 20 00i 515 A,W, Stearns 2 50 5155 Dr. Gordon E. strata 7 00 00 144 5156 Dr, C.P. Teisberg OOi 5157 5158 Dr,Chae, W. wase Dr. F.L. Webber 28 00 5159 5160 I.S. Beckenstein Healy Plumbing & Heating Company 3 351, 239 05 5161 5162 I.S. Marsh Irving C.Pearoe, Com'r. of Equc., 6 00 'I� 45 45i INI 5163 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 18 20' 5164 Van Paper Supply Company '� �9 o6 5165 Arthur Bohn Burne 21 0`l 97 65p !' 5166 5167 John J. Cap8tal City Lime & Cement Cgmpany 270 75''. 5168 Mre, I, Gardner 5 OO 5169 General Motors Truck Company 17 391 24 681 5170 Frank Leitner 4 d01. 5171 5172 A,P. Moore . Sommers and Company 70 17'' 517} R, Y. Thomas 5 0,. 5174 U,a, Rubber Com any e 105 �' 5175 ❑ni—sity of ¢Snn� eta 1n1 n, 5176 5177 viCtcrynniPn5, ryvollan ny 30101 =HEFT TOTAL- FORWARD 7 500 00 � 6oa 434 a1I I CITY OF BT. PAUL eiu NO. 92472 ...........,.. ..... covv OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM May 23_1932 —_— RESOLVED In the matter of in St8111 nE; Ornamental lights on University Avenue between nice Street and Dale Street, under Fin -:1 0-1— C. F. 91617, a::nroved February 6, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications zs submitted by the Commissioner or Public Works for , the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. �= st. aeh i i ,a:an �1 e.�on: a6' weua. ,.w.. �o� Pubiln Wt*� 'IImj�oe µ� rrsdo9 .d y rvr�Cnolvecll Yav il. 18aII. �Y IIII' rieif tyay IIe � Yeas courae��ra eN Nay. / �+PrNl4m /__ �Asainet Mr. Vic. Pre.. Sudhaimer WAY E9 iV Adopted by the Council 19 Appr I CITY OF ST. PAUL r��e � NO.. 9. Y7J i CRIC CITY CLERK Ir R UTION—GENERAL FORM_— LOEinSii SSE -Y WHEREAS, I I WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has to -day let a contract for the paving of Eighth street; and WHEREAS, said City of St_ Paul has heretofore, by ordinance, directed the St. Paul City Railway Company to remove its tracks from Eighth street between Robert and Wabaeha streets, and to place the same on Ninth street between Robert and Wabaeha streets; and WHEREAS, said St. Paul City Railway Company has failed to do as directed by said ordinance; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the City Clerk be and be is hereby instructed to serve notice upon the St. Paul City Railway Company of the letting of this contract, and of the intention of the Council to direct the contractor to forthwith remove the said street car tracks if they are still in the street when the contractor is prepared to pave where the tracks are now located. c�w�e rr�rnea a Ycu /ILMEN Y M�m.1d' _ In favor �P / en Againae �Mdhcimer/ J r. Prcnfdcnr B..rrdl:� Adoprcd by nc� C.-il %AY Q' 4 �g32. 19 l . . YU33LISIiL-I�—?8—'�y Av B MW 24th, 1932. St. P-1 Ci!w xbakiiw Co., }1 gouts 11 zL St - , Y1naPayollmT gas_ Oentl emam s W. amoloee and cell your attention to a copes of s--I-tioa adopted by tba City Ooonall today rslslivaa to LLe T val of your tracks 13th Eighth st~t Lit—a Bot»rt —d Wabash. streets and..Ming yo¢r jtttm*.A a Lm LLo f1.dt that tba City bae let a o— trao0 ror L1y x—,t g of Edghth street. gcldaa TkA. I. for your t.fo—tion and Ioors very truly, City matt. r�acwwc .o c... cuwa ITY OF ST- PAUL O ICE OF CITY CLERK q c��FORM COUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL COMMISSION EY d WHEREAS, Hugh Mullarkey, an employe of the Department of Public Works, vias injured on the 19th day of January 1931, and by reason of such injury received a oe rmanent partial disability to his left arm, which disability at the present time is rated at about twenty per cent by one doctor, and twenty-five per cent by another doctor, and WHEREAS, the Corppensation Act provide. thet for a twenty per cent loss the e:::pl o er shall pay- co :.In e n sat.ion for a seri od of forweeks, and 'WHEREAS, the said HuCh_:ullarkey has already been paia for thirty-seven weeks and is now ent itl _ to three weeks more, and \4^ WHEREAS, the compensation rate of said Hugh Mullarkey is Np$20.00 per week, and WFE-gEAS, the said Hu6h L'_ullar': ey desires to be -paid to date, leaving the question of any balance of comnensat±on to be determined at a later date, therefore be it RESOLVED that the proper city officers are hereby author- ized and directed topay the said Hugh L_ulla key the sum of Sixty General Fund, in par ($60.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation As of the al settlement of his claim for compensation, rr, being for the period to and including May 7, 1932. dl }ue e ....Ad COUI.ICILMEN r�M Yeah Adopted by he C-61 1.111AY 9-4 19ng Na / /soy ... _... p�y.n^^-Il In Eavor Approved 19 /Pearce /f dheimcr � -- Mwvow - /M Pr�.idenr Bundhe o.o..., .o .. .... CITY OF ST. PAUL sits NO._ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL R —GENERAL FORM coE.til 5 ER - - WHEREAO � The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings bsa recommended a lease of the refectory concession at Dunning Athletic Sield to George Nickoe, 577 Burgess street, St. Paul, for the 1 a ri od from May let to November 30th, 1932, at a rental of $70_00 per month, payable in advance; therefore, be it RESOLVED > That the Council concurs in the recommendation of the Commi—:!L q= er of Psiks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the CorpO=at ion Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper lease therefor. Yeas cou rvciyesEri Nays / Conroy May -44.D-.tx=— In £-- Pearce / Rosen -.! Againat Sudhtimct /'Mv . Pttsid— 13-11xe C. ahoNi.9i1> ��> CIyEe lt'Mny— _ le.".�:a�iR�omm"cn�u'"rl°n'lenge e bas. ceuo �en3eC a H�I�` Is4a Y>ela < et- D ¢i> Bv�t+ vtal o! i„OOD�ntty egoatldoya;�61e m e�olreca ,T enLcFL'a C �tielDlnl .-N eC�+w dl - tion >ow?op�eC�>Mt�by aova sl' iey.E£?188L Adop,cd by .he Council MAY.. L.'9' 1M - „ -- Appravyed 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL rice NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RES I GENERAL .1F RM Y / Y cP.OMM s �rvE.. - y{G WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has racoxornended the leasing of the refectory stand boat- ed in the bath—loot a area at Phalen Park, to George Thompson, 18 East College avenue, St. Paul, for the months of June, July, August and September, 1932, at the following rental: $150.00 for the month of June , $1 50 _00 for the month of July, $150.00 for the month of August, and $50_00 for the month of September, all of said sums to be paid in advance on the first of each month respectively; and WHEREAS, As s, condition of this lease, the said George Tbompeon sha11 ar_rr ee to make all necessary repairs to the refectory and to put it 1— Yirst Claes condition, all at his own expense; therefore, be I- t RESOLVED , That the Council conours in the recommendation of the Commissioaer of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, and the Corporation Counsel ie hereby authorized and directed to draw the proper lease therefor. 4e'cl$v°I boa [ tbmm-a.d-lge>1, a[ ouo:ma�:.�da oaiuo�oa l:�nd 10 x.00 [a, tl,sm�'O nla �o-rv� LMEN �IAY 24 gat) Y—Nays / Adopc°d by ,h° Counc _ Conroy May fQ�p,,.e4� In favor19 App Pcaca / Sud6n�nscr / % Mr. P—id— 0aaa53ax'=- w4'77 I o.o... .o c... c... ��I�y OF S UL j—Hiti.�'0. eamdmer- TYRK`TIO G RAL FORM; ^ A ..E� T"n4o a• v A ar mxsisxwx-mac. n WHEREAS, on De ce:nb'er 23, 1531, at Seventh and 'Arcade Streets, a collision Occurred between a car driven cy Axel Wil li amoon and a ..lice radio car u iven by Office: Georpre Tubman, which said radio car was at tha= time answering a call, and WHEREAS, - the result of the collision, Mrs. Axel William- son, a passeng9er s the _i, aison car, suffered per Fonal injuries by r... on o£ 11 .c1n she Was disc bled s and now has a scar on her Face about four inches ifor five week. and , WH=REAS, the saki Axel Tillianson and wife have nresent— e .laic; a -.i --t th.e cr iver of said olice radio car, in the amount of $455.00, and WHl"RE AS, the Corporation Counsel has made an lnve stigat ior. of this acci dP nt and has reported to the Comm ssioner of Public Safety that the question Of legal liability in this case is one that justifies a .ompron, se, and WHERP:AS the said Axel 7Pilliasson and wife have agreed to accent $15000 in £u 11 settlement of their claim against the driver of said police radio car, and WFFAS, the Gene rat Statutes of Minnesota provide that the City Council may ..-prom;. e and settle any claim made aF,alnst the driver of any police or Fire appar etus for per sonal injuries or n daages grouting out o£ the operation of such apparatus, and WHEREAS, the amount of this corpromise is reasonable, now therefore, be it RESOLD triat the proper city officers are hereby authorized and direct e�. to pay to the said Axel 1411, ia.—on and wife the sum of $150.00 in £ul1 set tie ina nt of any and all claims against the said George Tubma_-i, growing out of the said collision above mentioned, and upon receipt o£ proper rel ases of such claim, approved, by the Corporation Couris.sl� S �5 �-,( '�- �.. r-a+r.(✓'.i fZ 5Gp � cou Nci L.nEry ��v q i, +q'�`J Yeas Nays Adoprcd by h Council Y n 19 L4.91—J.4—In favor p•PP Prarrc /� ' mAYoa //yyyoydhcimcr /Mr. Prc.:dcnc Burrdl:c L "•:I.ISIII:D �'f-�� .3Z ST. PAUL -e sone fm'eti. 1 F CITY CLERK a yy r�1- O OLU GENERAL FORM o yN ' ETES aY cOEiaM 55 OrvER _ _n ruvlt.'o�[aWl� O WHERFA_S, on March 16, 1932, at Congress and Clinton Streets, in the City of St_ Peul, a celll Bion occurred bet-reen Fagine Company No. 6, riven by G6Car Fontaine, in answer to a cell, and a automo- bile owned by Abe Orman, driven by Mrs. Abe Oxman, and WHER�_S A, as the re—It of this collision Mrs. Oxman received a laceration of the scalp and multiple contusions anti abrasions of the body, and _rs_ Iro rr is Chase, 187 E. Congrs sa Street, a passenger with ];rs. 0-man, received lacerations of the face and multiple body contu- sions, Mra_ Ohms-1 . doctor bill belne, $52.00 and Mrs. Chasers doctor bill beim; $25.00, and WHEREAS, the automobile beim; driven by Mrs. Oxman and owned by Abe Oxman, v:�s co�nnletely demolished, and WHEREAS, aid'rs. Abe Oxman and husband have made claim for damages in the-nount of y327.15, not including damage for pain and suffering, and ' WHEREAS, said Mrs. Abe Oxman and husband have agreed to settle their claim £or the sum of $125.00, and WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel's office has reported to the Commissioner o£ Public Safety that the question of legal liability in this case vrarrants a compromise if a reasonable compromise can be made, and WHEREAS, the General Statutes of Minnesota provide that the City Council may compromise any claim £or personal injuries and prop- erty damage made as in st the driver of police or fire apparatus, growing out of the operation of ouch apparatus, and be it 7C:F_REAS, the amount of this compromise is reasonable, therefore RESOT,Vthat the proper city officers are hereby authorized and �-ire c=ted to ay to Abe Orman an d 1!rs. Abe Orman the sum of $125.00 in full sett lpam ilt of any and all claims Growingout of the above mea- 1 tioned collision, upon receipt of proper releasee, signed by them and also Mrs. Morr s Ch e approved y the Cornoration Counsel. Y.d 3 ; 1932 Ycaa /ry iLMEN Na� Adoprrd by Thr Council _.. 19 /MaY 1IFf1ILL �4cBvnafd. �`�In favor Appro fd 19 / v MAYOR /$udhc:a,cr � ....... . �o c... �.r.. CITY OF ST. PAUL rcc c J/..`l-l.J /� OFFICE O F CITY CLERK iCp UIye1L RESO GENERAL FORM - COM_J*Eo By May1/{E-T�/ nTe 2 1932 RESOLVED That the action of the 0 :2- t tee en Lands on behalf of the City of 9t. Raul, under and puma u.ant to C. F - No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, for t?>.a puachree of real estate known as Lots 5 and 14, Block 21, A, ?!_ton & Sherburne I. Addition, as a site for a playground, is -I a eby approved, said Committee having reported that they are ­q3;t1e to locate the owner. of the above described property, and t: 7::areVre, rec ommenda that ...3emndatlon proceedings be ins*i—I—CL. under the provisions of the Charter of the City, to .ecu,. sat -3 property, same to be paid from the Playground Bond Issue Frac-L _ _ -- cmt- 1wo at'; 'tile;-ni°uon W4>o "Ce°�Su3�t4 .Vela o..;b _ IDl �a1InY� ee as ttlC. ;�e � nn b. drt��F>>taa.. W ne 11a� l% CbUtb�.eE:.ander � °, aoo:uloeu, a 'bt tgectie- '"ont� . - tw> tatafi V COUNUaMEH •1L'�yA Yeas NT s Adopted by ch. Council MAY 2,} cnnr°y t� . ri May yAcgettard` [n favoc App --d � 19 Pcarcc '//� Rosen ✓ Again.t - --- '__]i: __.. MAYQR Sndhcimct Mr. Rrsidr°t Bnndl�r ✓ E cozy ofsainz Pain DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES o . 2.R ray 23, 1932 REPORT TO THE IL CF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL TO THE Ht,NORABLE COUNC S I - The Committee on T s—:ds begs to report that it has undertaken to purcheea tT,t r=a1 estate known ae Lots 5 and 14, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne' s Addition as a site for a play- ground, in accordance —:3L th 0- F. No. 91311, approved January 14, 1932, but has been unable to locate the owners of the above described property, Therefore, t_17, Committee recon end. that condemnation proceedings be inetitut ed under the provisione of the Charter of the City to secure sai3 real estate, same to be paid from the Playground Bond Issue Find. COW6ITTE3 0'1 LAND,9 r omr ke rda. & Pub. doe. � .moi... Purchas ng Aden Yay 24th, 1912. tion, iN 1 ton awn , Ooi.e'r ,.f A-Wl D13c Rorga. Enildi— Dear Co—I..IL " ,%tn Iled pleese find COPY of a »:olntion ®.d.opted 'by E1aa City Conncil this MMM",, rCCCc-,. .an dine; t,_t coadla tion procoodin.,e lie tnatt- tnted in t- v ttar of ac q+><Sr1nI� Tots F and 14, Ill.& 21, Ashton 8: ShwrDurne' 0 Mal tion a: a "te for a plgrtooad. TY— Cornoll today "furred tilt: y_—ttor to yaep—tr o,nt for the prooaratton of the prolinit y order_ Y."— vory t—V, City Cl -t. O o.a ... o<<�<.... CI7Y OF � r4i g° yj Acp l NO.— _tiJs,iu OFFICE OF _ .r• ea�i , a CI RE d.6>:nA6y Paeser+reosv 5d�1e1ThFiYiFi9c � WHEREAS, Tine Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain one and one- half story frame bv_ilding located on Lot 24, Block 7, Winter's Addi- tion, also known as 824 Capitol avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous conditiori as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be, it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 17th day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and Gi ty Hall, in the City of Bt. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lase than ten days prior to the time fixed Yor said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of .aid property, at hie last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he, shall also oause a notice of such hearing to be given by one gcablication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be pcibldshed not lees t Ylve days prior to the date of siLid ben :L L2:. J IMAY 241 Yeu � NaYs Adopeed by rhe Coaaci ._ _._19 --. n roy 11 May WAY L & �^• i / In favor APProve _.. 19 /Mr. Prc,:dcnc Svz,dl:c � P CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRDUN DS-AN D,PU BLIC BUILDINGS June 14, 19,52. Hon. Council City o£ St_ Paul. jentleman o 1 councilra s olut ion s recently passed by your Honorable 3ody cons irmiz-ice a toad ermat ion on the part of t'iiis Dep art- ment o£ a oris and one—half story frame building, -oxm as 824 Capitol Avenue_ The o•:nv-r of this a' t"'Ss 5'ss. The ophill- Oaebral ski, 342 Front Street. Thea'b— moxzt coned ro sol ut ion providos thut a pui,lic hear- Sn3 be bald on June 17, before the City Council. I.fay I rospoctYully report that this party has let u contract for the wre cling o£ this building :,nd thut it villi ba taen do— shortly anc3 it is, therefore, —d oessury to hold this public hear :5- 1 sub_Iest, therefore, tl"at the Ie,ri��,- be tante llad _ " Yours very truly, C ortmi e a i one r.""",`�- 0 • ,.0 687 -- o. —1— — $� u� COUNCIL RESOLUTION •^' No.—_�_ I rwo�e �j-� tv.r.orn or �ocw� r..vnove..errr ws 19. 193E , Resolved, T]a.at the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and award, the contract for grading Stinson Street from M—kWc in Street to the east line of Lot 8, Block 2, Foundry Addition, in accobdance with plane and specifl- cations heralb attached, to EMIL FREISEIS, he being the lowest ..;� responsible bidder; for the sum of $540.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. sa- tt i --a ne Iso m ,rue1�7T�99ss- °iF' .'°' . wCElUova oramo,�]�t FoveEn,+ i vu ��`�Ne aCeeou��°yer f.�0ifil. fM v lA-iGisl 8802 ...o.+.a . 840.00 .....,...... oP•o. �. �o.m �..��...e..,�..ro ro a° a°�.....,w°°o .o. moo.. o..�u �....o.°....r X347.14 ......... ,:o �...o....«..� �.....o... o..a-�. ..� .o..»..- _ m.. .192.88 -540-00 ... ..... .00......... w�..M1_.. mar 9.� 'n�� 686 COUNCIL RESOLUTION ..PnovE,wEtir rewecn =ocz a w. uav 19 1932 r- • B.esolved, That the Connell hereby concurs in the recommendation • of the Contract Co*e elidr es and awards the contract for grading Sdieffer Street from Raline Avenue to Pascal Avenue, also chang- ing the grade of Albert Avenue from $leanor Street to Bayard Avenue, in acc O`dancs with plane and specifications hereto attached, to EMIL FBEISEIS, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $1,689.00, ad the corporation Counsel y Is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract -� therefore nF. x,e.�r�uai�siee ou1h 8•f.�n' o e`.g�ju lbTLt roneneE*v ee ml `� a ens .oecl�11 d1l E w- 0 e& to E�n�N e�neE reB OP Cite Do ti oun.el c - ee a I,e O�oee [oe • Fer1 Noe !!01 e1 %�eF.neet ^m8laifcll000.. I Novi E Gmnn --- 2.210.00 owM.� ego «n.8801 I.ww... ^..we .... e • e ��o�� o v� w o.....•.... .x. o.........a--� r. �n-�� ..«�. �w.nne... ;1 � 889.00 -- -- — MAY 24 "1 s 0 0 COUNCIL RESOLUTION '"` �� Ertas 19y 1932 , Resolved, That the Cou cil hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing curbing on Stry]cer AP0nt11e from Wast Colcrado Street to Winifred Street, in accordcl c— with plana and specifications hereto attached, to STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form oP contract therefor. COM- P4n�elEpei�MlnR�.'µ �9Ta�IDy .nAo.n..l w pe•�i wno�k'V�v�� =�uema'tM ..M.� .. �.. 8803 1,199.00 .nM• ........ ..... ...ro .....�..,..,....o .o.. �.r o. r��. �r.,....m... 1,129.00 ..o.. .... ....-�... ...n•.�.n.. - - - - :1,129.00 —.. -- - - � - --- - - MAY 4 ig32 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Gi�%L�G�/l �C� ...,r.. a.znnow or �oe.� iMrwovEM.wr .wo�.crs Re.olved , 7 1 t the Council hereby concur. in the recommendation ® of the Contra c ->C Committee and awards the contract for constructing curbing on 1x -Gh sidas of Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avenue to Oxford Street 1a accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to 82ASIDAR STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible 1-> -3- <=LcL ra , for the am of $499.00, and the Corporation Counsel is lzaraby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. I a ) co B ]B or'en 2J�I m �'eitu': —w • '�i tot Oz[nre �t].�In bNeMe o�IBi.ii�t .�dAe�eelAnDraa�O �tatea2- �Fe � titSPn�coune3uY Lee D� • IBB PBB�tom�0 �6ye ]= B. ]Bei.. 698,00 �.e.a .o............ .o.. o..... ....o..i..o.r.499.00 . 499.00 171 vp COUNCIL RESOLUTION Hesolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing oµrbing on ache Peer Avenue, South Side, from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, In accordance with plans end specifications hereto attached, to STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $345.00, and the Corporation Counsel 1s hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. wliw am. n , ..auuroc.� e• Eh w oo .ngoroo. wvo.o`.°,a°'��.or ea uii.�•r :.. n e:. .o.— .10 ..o. 8805 .»a�................ 368.00 ....M ........ »....»o ow..o.e. ve .8345.00 .345.00 oir u.,,. .»o. ,.,...�..... ...o.......m G...o......�o.. �o»...oma.... ...r.'�.....»..�..... ..... ..o�.,�.,o..,..o .«.��............... asb9 I COUNCIL RESOLUTION if1� .. , _ i� ••�T•-•oR.z..r�o.a or �oc.�.,rwova...ezr.eozec.. 19 • - Resolved, That the Coua cll hereby con cnre in the reco�endstioa Sof the Contract and award. the contract for constmzcting curbing on the east s1d.e of Unde- wood -Avenue from Rome Avenue to Saunders Avenua, :L ? accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to STANDSRT STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum d 5125.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to ct•aw up the rr ops r form of contract therefor. / or�oe:�.o A iti r..m n°.a°9na.r. o..iearoe�ia° woc..•• m.r ze-.e ' z.. v I.—P806 .a.�........�.,,.,.. 133.00 .125.00 .w.a 677 G� GOUNetL RESOLUTION •^s No_8_ 'oens .w.rnoven.craT rwoJecrs .n Mev 16. 1932 '• Reetaved, That the 11 hereby Concurs in the recommendation of the Oontre.ot Oom j,tt0a and awards the contract for grading and • paving the southerly part of Eighth St. from Wabasha St. to Robert St., and Ninth St. from 136 feet east of the center line of Wabaeha St. to 140 feet ea6F of telae center line of Cedar St., and Cedar 8t. from Eighth St. to 104 feet south of Exchange St., and Minnesota St. from Eighth St. to 20 Y e: e t south of Eighth St., in accordance with .. plane and epecifiostj oxz hereto attached, to the 0. F. SCULLEY EQUIP- MENT COMk:.liY, they beirig the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of 823,550.00, using o i:31- asphalt, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to up the proper form of contract therefor. Owing to the fact that voro rk on this contract cannot start until the e treat railway trao3— now on Eighth St. are removed in accordance . with an existing ordinance, agrees to the it is understood that the contractor i City save Street Railway Oo. =less in case of undue delay by the is removing its tracks and thereby preventing commencement of wor3c -.x-= er this contract. o....�w,o ... 8776 xo: a —io wood rio.e 6 c'ni <emd4wae.aoo °fee: 23,997.00 - Y L to 7t'4 f m 4te U -re ae — enw....... c.e eaa c �3, o•... n swv.rT oV�.eo.-o.ry ' . 550.00 .wev ucw�eiu�..ov ^ [ .+�.+T¢cxa..rr�iwo..aww� ew��:eF*] ` �i�ti[PYn&'NT • .. w.w�..te - - - - - - - - - X25.550.00 • .�w�....wo w ...rr..o ..a .. a ...o�.�..o... gwF..�w.. owo...00...n._-... • . mss w s .. o. �..n .. r . �.. <. MAY 24 M? ) �Pearce Rceea Sndh iYner .......m` °•x••••�`•••`•••• CITY OF ST. PAUL r�ua a NO. 92488couxrn OF ICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ge m __DA— May 23, 1952 RESOLVED — ---__ In t1— matter of widening West Seventh Street from Franklin Street to Ramsey Street, and from Ramsey Street to Mc©oal Street, and widening the intersection of West Seventh Street with Fourth Street and Eagle Street, under Preliminary Urcler C. F. 92307, approved May 5, 1932. Resoivecl, That all orders in the above mat+.er be and the same are hereby cancelled, annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter discontinued. counclt_a°ery -Yeas � Nay / ..Feesoasm -.bicDvu�ld In favor /� aSnaihoiaaaev � Asa. vsr r•� ° rm`ew'�e mt.rn.oueo .e t�Fve4ntli ItE urtL 4 uv4e�Pna�m°i � 06. drv�.at m a ai o Aoa=°°`.° aesx— Adopted by the Council KAY 2 4 IM7 19 AP➢rov'd � .319__ r/'__- PROPOSAL FOR IMPRMEMENT o.a ror a. i,�uo���i�.�m�oro,emmt. PREI.I,111A.ARI' ORDER. .i �r:,,,, i•�:�xin, i io r 'fh�w„LR.ikned L��rulc pmpnnrr �h�um king �i tL�G,IL�..iug pulJla iu�pr��.u��: I,,iI,, City, ui, viz.: 'f--. °--nth treet t width nt' 86t _t from R�....,n._ erre7t to Rnmsey Street, ,um d� feet .rem I,, -as .. - o - .t to MCB gal Street, utd widening the intersection of At---�ot'n Street •vith Furth Street and Eagle Street by adding the, a t., ;11 those p ;rts of Blocks 6 and 14, Rice and Irvine's Additi,n, lying northerly of Seventh Street and lying southerly of z .ine which is 56 fe.:t northwesterly from the present center line of Rest oevanth Street, -,nd parallel ther_to, alsc by ,'.ling that p,rt of the easterly 13 fe_t of lot 1, Block 14, Nice and Irvine'_, AdditLn, lying between Fifth Street -sad C:a north line of Vest Seventh Street widened is ebove described, by adding that part oflots 7 and 8, Block 14, t,ice and I.,v_net Addition, lying southerly of a line describedas 0110t3: Commencing at a point on the present center line �f W. v. Street 148,85 feet northeasterly froj the intersection present center ire of Nest Sev,nth Street ar.d Tara tnence northwesterly at, right angles to the center Nest Seventh Street 56 feet to the beginnin of said line t'.ence northwesterly '.t an angle to the left if 31 degrees, 42-1%3 �inut,, for a distance of 24.'5 feet, thence on the arc of a curve to the left of 200 feet radius tangent to last described line for a distance of 23,43 feet, thence n a tangent to said curve a dis- tance of 23.55 feet to a point on the easterly line cf gain .Avenue rhich is on a line perpendicular to the center :ine of M in nvsv.ue intersecting the center line of Main Avenue 147.55 feet northerly of its intersection with the center line if Tnird Street ;roduced northwesterly, ..iso by adding all th It :,art f lots d r;1 U, --ltd.: Sc, .lce nd Irvine s A, aition, lying sostherly of !!ne d:,.erlberi follo%st Co,vaencing at :lie intersection of the center :.in:: if w In Av'nue :.nd thv center ilne of Third Street ,roduced nortawes'.ei t :nce northwesterly on s�.tid center line of T}drd Stroat ,roduced -9.?d f .of to its intersection pith the cent_- 11ne jf Fsurtt: street, -.once northwesterly on the cants- line _•f Fourth :;trget e d''s'. nes of F�Ua'W ..isawL:. nag of ,n Can„ant to �;�Li _ury a :�. >-.c ,of 1.1J�f::t to a ':o L:t on the --tor i; i!ne If „vmue n :.inn °r- endicular to tha cents.'-. 1un n 6v nlot2rsec;ln _ con to •�.e of It .v neo 144.16 faut• nor::: a r 1y of it; rvect�:::. ..'h .e center line of 7c.ird Street ,:roduced nonan es'. •�r iy. Also by adding a triangular piece of ,md 'n the santhweste:ly corner of that Dart of lot 9, Block 14, Rice and Irvines -. Addition lying southerly of West Seventh Street, said triangular piece of land measuring 8 feet on the southeasterly line of West Seventh Street and S feet on the northerly line of Fourth Street. Also by adding thereto all those parts of Blocks 26, 27 and 28, Rioe and Tmine's Addition, end Blocks *28 and 29, Dayton and Irvinels Addition, lying northerly of a line which is 53 feet southeasterky from the present center line of West Seventh Street and parallel thereto, also by adding thereto that part of lots 1 and 2, Block 26, Rice and Irvinels Addition, lying northerly of a line described as follows' Commencing at a point un the present center line of West Seventh Street 138.21 feet southwesterly from the intersection of the present center lino of h',st Seventh Street, and the center line of Third Street produced northwesterly, thence southeasterly at right angles to the present center line of West Seventh Street for a distance of 53 feet to the beginning of said line, thence southeasterly at an angle to the left of 29 degrees 4 minutes a distance of 29.11 feet, thence on the aro of a curve to the left of 150 foot radius tangent to last described line for a distance of 58 feet, thence on a tangent to said curve for a distsnce of 29.24 feet to a point on the southwesterly line of Eagle Street Which Is on a line perpendicular to the center line of Third Street inter- secting the center line of Third Street 133.57 feet southeasterly of the intersection of the center line of Third Street produced, and the present canter line of West Seventh Street produced north- easterly. Also by adding those parts of Blocks 1, 2, 4 and 5, Leechfs Addition, lots 3 and 41 Ewing and chute's Subdivision of lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Leech's Addition and Mann's rearrangement of part of Block b, Leech's Addition lying southerly of the present eWer line of West Seventh Street, and lying northerly of a line whioh is &7 feet southeasterly from the present center line of West Seventh Street and parallel thereto, �110 q 81tj thoroto thflt pert of lot it W4 and CNts's subs Milim of lots 0 end 11 KA 11 GMlh Addition, Iliq want of a lino perpedioular to W �terMtiabf tho souths'l3.10 line which fisWest feetSeventh northeasterlywidened sheroin b itsintersectionwitat a Point with south line of said lot 4. Also by adding thereto that part of lot 10, 9=13 Rearrangement Of part of Block 5, Leeobls Addition lying vest of a line perpen- dicular to and intersecting the southeasterly line of West Seventh Street widened as herein proposed at a point which is 5 feet north- easterly of its intersection with the south line of s.ld lot 10. Also by adding thereto that part of lot 7, Block ::, Leechts Add. on the northerly side of west Seventh Street lying west of s line perpen- dicular to and intersecting the northwes-.erly line of lust doveoth Street .•t a point whichis 5 feet northeasterly of its intersection ,ith the westerly line of said lot 7. ALo Dy adding t`:er.on thot n:rt of :.o'. L, st Lin¢ rearrangement of part of Block 4, Luochto :,di;tion 1; iu -= line a Line ;•erperulof I¢r to and Lntere eo�la- the northw.-tar'_7 Of West Seventh Strest at a ,point which is 5 L3 -t Orly south- line of s id lot i. wes'.erly of its Intersection •ith the north ��zeipsq- ,•"�'' b�riD',}'�yriint®hibh is 6 aeE iib heaeter 'oY' �ien G s•7aiteA•sao�on #�?R�; illi 1ty re tM>kr 11x0 of Said lot's, ti 01 add thereto that part of lot 1, C, G, �eipl1 ,g�ti'of, ppa8t or 91ooK 4 ��endi.ouJar to 1d �t �>Iect, ;w v of at 80040,81140 ifig,a . r +rbetealy of its i' saidlbt 1, s t 3rd JI Na„ 1332 ,� 1 � 6 h1 oilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. d M11 Ri:.1c, ,{ .grit t,•n pn,p-al f,, tl,,, -ki,g 4 H, F,11,, -,g tr Hc9>,t 't, t It --t -_t:: N1—th Jtreet ni :..r1- t those rt. 'r ::1 _nc I, v_: �t lying Hort ie-ly t: --t .. .. ,. - ..,3,.n , 56 t :street, r .� t'Jtrt jf t 2 f ... a Iry ne:it n _ tv ni t _ 1 e t o=_ve . th otr ,t ien e-'. t:,:,t dirt ci Lta 7 91t. ,n, 'j-,sou,,-rly of r I i' C aron -t z ,.,int -❑ r:n- _-r - _treet i:3. Sb feet northeasterly fro: '1 .n`.^ _',:� ..... , present o.lt.e- .::e of nest Sew::,,.'., :.r,:_t .,..: ti, northn?, -erly at right - _. ' left �. >1 � • r. �.,, t. r. 1 i',ter r_ :I ntcer1- it: t c:: t:. -t -13o by PJU:.g -'n,r ^+rt :f sots; ba, Irvin aIa .,i atlin, l;:r,� souther.y ,f ' ne !,-crib j,1 Col.,:jencing at the intarseatior, of ',h l Cen"O., 1f -, in dv 13116 and th° cantor line if flird 3tra:t , rodmd orthwe� .efly� t ,vee northwostorl on -iAd osh';or lino of l'I,ird atroot ;roduoed pp Cn�c � n� u� 410 4 ,4� : Sp i... ✓ ,++', vq; uwa avatu .:W .: Yl®!WF ' ... �Xik';i#�'fB;ilf . •Also'. by adding a trianVAat rieoe of land in the southwesterly- `_...,COL7ier.Ai,'JIk�TsF�A Q��.7;9_fr',Br,:$.i�'ihkt��<AP4�.,�7,4es•.., .. _: _:... _:. , c.,w-y�wawu- u ensL Seventh Streeb 188."1 feet eouthwoat—ly Poom the ietersoe ti on of the present oentor Lino of Rest Seventh Street, and She neater , line of Third Street produosd northwps4er4, than.. soiith�..terly at right nnglee,.to��ha present oenter dine, o; Aesp S.�entlk &CtMat for a.di tan09-O 6ert66t td,the'be rfof of said 1106y thI qd southere,44 at e a 4 th@ let q$ 8 degrgaA 4 ttitw r. tan ` '' r '�DQ ,8c1}A �it'�8t Gr19 VSs : Y ,3.' v i Aw. + L u'k 4 A•.il1'I,.: a i41 f ��e1d�. P11151P,115,151 P ��y*�1 a�4�gh ti�p+�a�thyaFroe oanteR of 2t w, f '�„ � gyp, yp , �d�'s` q� ��*: `"• g�� f bq'aHding hbrotb thdt Hast of 'lot d,'9* and thAli�s sub- division oP lots 9 and 7, Block 1, Leech+s addition, lying west of a i ling perpandleular to -,nd Sntersec,,Iag t::a southe urly line o:.'nst Soventh Jtreet widened >,s ._rain ?roposed �,t a Vint .vhich is 5 fast northeasterly of 't,s in - r. rsacti,.th •.h� south li.,e of said lot 4. Also by :,dding thereto relit p.:rt o: :.o'. 1J, s nn,n ,ianr.,ng;mmt of ;,:rt of Block 5, Lsec:,+s Addition lyL..', haat o." L':ry per;,en- dicuLs to •rod intersect -'Ig the southas.s:arly l.n � ,:' 15111 J.venth Street 'Widened +s--re:.n Iroposad ct :, saint -:ich is 5 fa..t north- eraterly of its intorseotiun pith tho south line of avid lot 10i - ep�bY.d I ther®to that part d 141 7, Bleak 8, *.hid Add, on 9 ;r. to 040,,of Rest 5eyegth< *0 Xy10y Rea ;ot=a line perpen- y�+4do,dn AMerseoting: ate northVeitorly Sine o0 Rest 9evonth Wlhitb is 6� toot n.Qi�th6peterly, of lES.,.�SAer'eaation ;it h tR�ti�e� Oi1Y—U4Q of said 10t 7s. A by add thereto that part o;,, lot 1, C. G, halal@', of part of 910ox'A" Leech's of�lolst'OOVGUbh <r �r6ebealy:of its haeing been preecnled to the r...um-u or the Cit, or rt. P-1 i berefor,, be it RC30Ih"Ell, That the Commie=loner of Polio, Work, be and is hereby ordered and direeted: 1. To investigate the necessilr for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To im.estigate the nature, extent and e,u osoed cost of said improvement, and the total cost thcrcof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To slate trlie ther or not said iinprnvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing (natters to the Coin missioner of finance. E 4 I .adopted by the Council_.. uav Sens SATs CounedinanCosnor MAI' Approved PEARCE Roses,.�6��.�.-� i SCDaF.IV Ea Mo. Passmesa - Mayor. I" ORDINANCE COUNCIL F &'�24�J0 PR55ENTED.'; I .//- (/ [/ ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance providing for the extension of the car line on Maryland street from Kennard street to Hazel avenue, to con- nect with present tracks on East Maryland street at Kennard street; also providing for the construction of a car line on White Bear avenue from its intersection with East Larpenteur avenue to Upper Afton Road, thence east on Upper Afton Road to Hazel avenue, thence south on Hazel avenue to its intersection with Lower Afton Road at Point Douglas Road, thence south on Point Douglas Road to the south city limits. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That the St. Paul City Railway Company be and it is hereby ordered and required, pursuant to Ordinance No. 1227, approved September 30, 1889, and more particularly under and pur- suant to Section 18 thereof, and within the time therein required, and pursuant to Chapter 278, Laws of Minnesota for 1921, to lay and construct a double track line of street tallway with all the necessary poles, wires and appliances for the operation thereof, on East Maryland street from Kennard street, to Hazel avenue, to connect with the present tracks on East Maryland at Kennard street; and on White Bear avenue from its intersection with East Larpenteur avenue to Upper Afton Road, thence east on Upper Afton Road to Hazel avenue, thence south on Hazel avenue to its intersection with Lower Afton Road at Point Douglas Road, thence south oe Point Douglas Road to the south city limits, and when so constructed to I run and operate cars upon and over the same. Section 2, That forthwith, upon the passage and publication of this ordinance, the City Clerk 18 hereby directed to serve a copy thereof upon the St. Paul City Railway Company, Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after its passage and publication. l sae Councilmen A'ops Passed 6y if,, Council Conroy \4.y. McDonald In F., Pear Rosen Against Sudheimer Mr. Pre.ident (Bundlie Atreu A 9.11 Approved _ -- - Cuc Clerk \talo' Hlesyden Heights Civic Improvement Assn. Meats 4th Friday of Each Mooch ac Hayden Heights School Hazel and Prospect Avenues 140.1 June 15, 18,;2 Sr. PAUL, MINN.,-- — _ ___193-_.. o ii—.sble Lumbers of the City Council. It has been called to our attention, that certain indiv&duals el gearing before the city council, in the interests of a bus line on White Bear Ave have represe,r tea tl:_...velvee us representatives from this organization. ..e wish you to 3—w that our relresentatives were instructed three months ago to take no farther action on Lois project. Our organization rias never pone on record as favoring this proposed oar or bus 3- iue Yours very truly, Seo'y. J1ms 9th, 1912 Don. C. H. May, Cower of pu"ltc Utilitiaa, City o: 9slnt Paul. Deny Comsiseioaerf The attached nrdi—ag providlnr. for an oatenelon of a atreot c r line on the abet and of, .w. -a bofo re the Clcy Coal -.e11 !or final adoption toddy a r as laid ovor to Jame 1,th,in order tlut yoga mi-:tt more w t'---'h I——ti..tion and report to the C—tl on t' necessity and advisability of this p— eed ertenalon. '.ie also attach a dopy of a petition .ovor ..a est nasion. Yours vary truly, June 30th. 1932. Ron. Clyde R. May, Coce'r of PuDl So Milt ties City of Saint Paul. Dear Coc.nteeinnert The ordi—es pxvvldin[, for em e:tenet on of a oar line on M— 1--a 9lreret and the wnat,ul.. of a ne. line on phi t.a Baer O'—' eta. •ae apain before the Council to daffy mr r Sinma adoption end eae laid over for teo —1cee t.o July 14th for fiml adoption. ^" la papors ire tIjm matter were referred to you on T�malrtii_ 7o.sre vary trc 1,7�r Vit?,' U City Clerk. - CA X— L.th, 1112. Fa, Clyde R. ke;:, C—I, of P. P. f. P. Bl dos_ s Build lnr. Deny Co>�Seetoner� Tha at --2wd ordinance Providing for en extension of a oar 1+ on "--y'and Street end the conetrmtlon of a new 11 ='s® n 7^.S to Paar Aveona, etc. wasreferred batt to yoi for Tr Q—V—r inveetittation and for tin purpose of ooniaz-rias w1 th —id—t. of the die- trict with s vie. of wr�x9cixeq o-1- a —ti a fan tory wervioo to Chia dl strict. June '50th. 7h— c rc%i-,ance .as laid aver to T c--sasrs very trnlg. City Clerk. 00. June 13th, 1 1"52. St. P-1 Cit;- Rsiln Co_ , .1 gout', ll t, St., mtriaemlie, mine. .za -.clow a cn_� n r-1-•-v,c mn•.ttrin . t� aztna•� yo+�r ._ 11^.a n -v t•�?�7ru.A ®tri^C fro.... qtr. •t co .-_ -.�2 .._. r.ta .Ct n- for `,Ate " avenue fro::. E. Lorontenr a e to TT-. ->a_ 01 -tor•. '.Tn nA,ethence east n o 1lpper After. Aa ada Lo 4naei even-- i Lt.anca south on M—el avenue to iti intereeotl— —1-L>7 Loss Afton Road at Point Douples Road, t!:ance south oa Pot n Th -i -1.3a Road to the south of ty limi te. This orci'I n ince -111 be before the City Council for final ado pL ion Sun. 1 ,th ®t 10 o�cloc'- A. m., at which time you X111 t..-�.-i wen full opportunity to De heard. 9©ry truly Yor.re, City Clerk. V Coat of Operating C—est iron. on Vto Hees A,.—, From Iarpenteur to Upp.r BPCoa Road. to Hsael �venne, to Lover Afton !load. to 31 da on Road, to South City T'R+tt a. St. Pail. 7y miles - 3.4as- rail.. --d trip. Se rvi oe - 10• AH aad PSS hour. 15* Midday 20• 2Tiaht IT. 0.3— Running time - 70 =.-I --b.. No. Care - Z :►-- Car hof tur day — w elsclaYe 95 k. days 76 ;k Total hours Per gear — 33.582 33,582 x $3.21 P— motor livor - $107,830.00 per year. .Coat of op orating sate zis3 on of Payne Av, line on L'eryland from nennard to Hazel A -- Dist— - *mile No. additional cars — 3. "and PM iueh No. mile. per deg — 52 52 miles per dap 0 299.16¢ x— mile - $5,533.40 par year. ee \ r, 9 7-77.7 N tL- A_N - < V MUN- ICIPAL 2 �.,... a .' FOREST RESERVE INDIAN MOUNDS MINNESOTA PARK STATE FISH HATCHERI 0 ORT 9� iA To the Uoaera►le,The Mayer,The Uity Uesnail.The Uemr. of Public Utilities of the City of Ut.Paal,miao. �r0}arty owners The uplerglgeed„raacents and Ulab• adjacent to ]Last Maryland St., White bear Ave. and Point Vowtlas Road. Bt. Paul, aim. resyeetfally petition your bonera►le body to have the within attached petition asking for a streetcar and bus extensien.granted. ]Lxaeyt: Where the petition asks for the extension of the street ear from valuth and fast Maryland Ut. on Maryland St. to Shite bear Avg., sharia te•yrem Lenard and last Maryland St..on Zest Maryland St.to Usual AVG.* es ac to someat with the basal Park Street Car Linc,Mow in operation." As,the Street Car Us. In now *"rating its cars from Duluth Ave. to Lenard Ate., on lust saryland St. We also ask that the street ear and Ns fares be at the same rate ee is charged on its regular street ear lines. Transfers to intarseetion or be given at every traasfcr yoint,from street ear to bum and from las to street ears. OaSt tit wools" Ajuont to tho Crab) CO.'S Iroklnt Plops" 9_tc'ic1 �030ittee of the A"Ist ;7 ..ssociated UU65 :tst.)f ®® 1 TO the Homra►le.1he nyor.rhe City Cosuall.rhe Coat. of alis Utilities of the city of :st.: aal.Mlm. property senors The WDdarelpN.Halaants and Ula►s adjacent to Last Maryland St.. t'hlte Hear ;we. and :olnt zouglas Road. St.Tual. nine. respectfully petition your Honorable Hedy to have the within attached petition asking for a streetcar and ►as exteealoD.granted. Lxespt: there the petition asks for the extension of the street ear from nalath and tut Maryland 'it. an Maryland St. to Thlte . ear ;To.. ehamge to•Frem Lenard and last Meryl." St..en Sant Maryland n.to Haul AVM." so as to consent With the Hanel Nark `Strest Car Line.noW in operation." Ae.thn 'gest Uar CO. is DOW Hperatins its ears from Dulath Ah. to Lenard Are.. on last Maryland rM. We Glen ask that the street air end bum farce be at the same rate an is charged on its regular street car linea. Transfers to interuetioo or be given at every transfer polat.fron street ear to bus and from bus to street oars. Omit the words" is acent to the Uudatp Ce.•s looking slant` from the attached petition. Signed: Special Coadtte• of the Hast Side Aeeeclatod Cla►e Hy Frost. of By.Coa. TO THS HONORABLE, THS YAYOR,'TRS'CITY COUNCIL OB THS CITY Oy SAINT PAUL: REVEN = BAST SIDE CLUBS HAVE ENDORSED THE ENCLOSED PETITION. Bast Side Associated Club Arcade Phalem Ce''1 Clab. Dsyten's Buff Co�'1 Club. Dayton's Bluff Property Ossers Association. District No. s, CogatsnitY Club. District No. 19, Oomamity Club, nis Corners Improyemert Assooiation, Hall Sark C9ms'1 Club. Hi&*Od C9m►11 Club, Hjgt"od Q11111 pleb, %char Lain Hdprlon Club. yaks perms 14rotlmsat Assosiaticn. Papua Are, Businalo Hen's Association. South Basal park I"rovsud Association. Afton &OTO DeprOtement Aswciation. Coleman Lake yier Improvement Association. Roliah.Amerlcau Club. Hayden Heights improvement Aseooiation. Gladstone Comm'1 Club. Hamel Park social Center Club. The Conference Board of the CM1WV Pecking Company. oo'Oisting of 21 members and its esperiatsadent. Mr. G. J. Poster have endorsed this petition in behalf of its 800 employees. The Ramsey County Hamm has endorsed this petition With 99 peti- tioners headed by their superintendent Mr. J. Hanley. 9 Sebool.s of the Bast side consisting of the following endorse this petition; prosperity Heights School, Hiss Able Firth. pcpl., 8 tohas. 41 pupils. Hayden heights School. J. U. Johnson. per•, 11 telae. 470 pupils. Ames School, Miriam Adele yurch, pepl., 20 tohrs. 660 pupils. Bmetern Heights School, H.A. Burch. pops.. 3 tohrs. 100 Pupils- Sheridan Sheridan Sabool, Helga Peson. Pte" 6 tshrs. 176 pupils. Dean School, Mary J. Horrigan, popl., 6 tabrs. 220 pupils. Poley School. Sister Alphousus. pool.. 7 tchrs. 301 pupils. Harding High School, B. m. Bounell. per•- 24 tcbrs. 660 pupils. Johnson High school, Jn. M. Wee. pepl•. 41 tehae. 964 pupils. No. of Schools 9 No. of teachers 130 3671 No. of pupils CHURCHES: Boyden Heights Baptist Goa ch, Rev. 0. C. Markham, Pastor. areae Lutheran Chmrah. A. Y. Walok, Pastor. Bysld, gaster. Hope English Evangelical lntheran Church. Rev. A. H. Hamel Park Gospel Tsbersanle. Rev. FJ.� �osead, Pastctor. Bmsel park C 40,pational Mw."h, , pastor. Church of theTotal gc$leease riSarment71Wa. W. Finlay 7. The Hamel Park Theatre has 400 riders. The FoleY A. C. Solving Alley Has 76 ear riders. Sixteen Hamel Park Merchants hate endorsed this petition. CGIMTTRE IN ORARGA: Georg@ Sie941 John Define William Kieffer AnthonyH%99 y Tom Fitzgerald ny Alfred Johnsen barlee Ringold C t"IfIGIlal jOWN.i .1a.31,1930. TO LM Onrable,TLe U"r.T1M City ,:euall,The COW. of teblle Ut11111en of the city of Mt.real.alw4b"tes The waurelpned property owners ad resleaete sCaoest to Cast Maryland pt..phite near Awe. and taint DseNlas Road st.rewl,Mi®., rwepestfally petition year Honorable boy to have the street ear line, operatad by NO n.Paal City Hallway Deapauy on Aaut Maryland Street to llalath Awe. extended so as also to Operate en fest Maryland ',treat to g;". ; ."acs Awe. irem +:bite Dear AN. ed Ba*t "land "trent to sections its transportation lime.(iither. Its street aur line (or its bas alms) we as same to operate an white Dear Ave. from Its later semtlem with Hest Larpentewr Ave. to Its latereeeth.en with Upper Alts Read.gaase hast an Upper Aftem Mead to ata tatereeetlem with Haas', Awe.,theaee seath en Mosel Ave. to its intervention with Lower Aftem Head at Felat Dogaaa Head.thense Reath on Feint D@RSU* Read to its laterwatlen with the Heath City L.1m1N of Rt.iaal.ainu. `md.amana to the cadalq Co. -m .'"Ming 11ant. Dews Or street were to no every ton minutes from 6:30 A.M. until 6:30 :.M. eery wap, and from 6:30 ;.u. until D:U A.M. to no as often en the street sass will ran an mast aaryladd 'it.to ublte Dear Ave. every day.but wt long than every fifteen mlontse. Trans - fare to be elven note Ste street ear* and bweees at every intersee- tlss Or tracefer point. v wwu�uwIJwuWw11n OEM �� NO.. 52491 °,„.,°.. ...,. CITY OF ST. PAUL siLE OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORMIIESE OBMM N16619w rE 1818i►8, the City of Saint Pool, by Oroinance 80. 6974, approved Octooer 3, 1928 and ratified by the elector. of said City at the election held 3oveeber b, 1926, provided for the sale of $7.577.000•00 par whine of tae bolds of the City, and 18umu8, it Se necessary, at this time, toot $W,000.00 of said bonds be .old for carrying on the work therein outlined in subdivision light of Section 1 of .aid Ordinance; MBMVXD, that the Connell lame and sell at this tim oo additional $b0U.0D0.00 par value of the bond. of the City of Saint Pool phrsoant to Ominance It. b974.a °. . e d.° o . - tIon ae Mill Adopted by the --.-.......193 __..- Adopted Nay.. Yea.. j- h1AY - h1cDON ALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX / �yy� Y— COUNCIII _ Na. Adopr.d by rh, Council 5 r1L.. 19 / Co.— WFNZEl' �M.y MR, PRESIDENT h1AtIONEY) McDonald In favor Appro_d j 19 Agalmc i/ MAYOR - Sadhai— Mr. P... id— Buadlic CITY OF ST. PAUL rye NO. 92442 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FOR RESOLVED; (That the si_�n,ent b� Lound., Jnr':-_ St ank rf the City of Saint ?Lul, of 411,000.00 in LSc- ty Lo,.n bon s, es sccj.it, for c^,ositr by .I_ City in:nid 5an�, r ich s,._.i asci._r,:r.c,t i gated L'ay 20t':., !D,2, ao_)roved by the SlnkinF, Fund -,,J tree, L.a ap,rov^d as to =0r ane er.e—tion 'o; t:_e Co=.oration --el, ee and the —ne is hereby ap_rDved and aeceated. 'bl iv 4u l by e �u� CnmtdVoeovnE v(aML <p eB�`o ev BB. 1B Yeas cour9ciLM[ry Nn, McDo ld In (a�oc Pearce _ Rosen A—— S.dh—, / Mr. P­.d­ &.rrdi� Adoprd by nc� C,nr,clMBel 2B'- V2 11 19 MAYoa o.�,,... �.. .�.. CITY OF ST 11", e NO. 3 OF OF CITY CLERK ESO T ON—GENERAL FORM , RO ,E'55 OrvE _ `"�✓ I -TI April 25, WHEREAS, application. for licenses have bem made ea follow.: Samuel Trooetwyh & Arie Venner, 510 Brokerage Bldg. F=d:,tor Apolicetion 1758 Rnth Heflin, 538 Rice St. Rest aurmt " 1890 Harold Hitz , 567} Ho. Grotto St. Bakery " 1806 WHEREAS, said applicants have withdrawn said applications for li—.es; therefore, be it R:SOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they ere hereby authorized to refund to Smuel Trooetryh & A.rie Vmner the fee of $25.00 and to cmcel application 1758 for Fomlgetor lic—.; to refund to Ruth Heflin, the fee of $10.00 and to cmcel application 1890 four Restaurmt license; and to refwd to Herold Hit.—, the fee of $10.00 end to cancel applicktion 1806 for Bakery lienee. wa......_ .e0- ­ N., lay A dd by ,h, Co""ril JA' ? 1iy'„ 19 App ­ ,5_ _ I 19 / � mnroR N., Ma McDo Id 1" f"mor pe... �. R.— Againn S"dhd ., ,Mr. Pre:ids", Bundlie wa......_ .e0- ­ N., lay A dd by ,h, Co""ril JA' ? 1iy'„ 19 App ­ ,5_ _ I 19 / � mnroR o.ci... =r.. e4lE PAUL92494 E C Y CLERK ENERAL FORM , I dtidf�t RESOLVED, That the appli—tol- z -i of J. N. Benson to establish and maintain an ice station at 156 Aurora avenue, is hereby granted, and the proper city officer- are aut2iorized and directed to issue to said J. N. Benson a permit therefor, the building to be in accordance with the provisions o£ the Building Code. This permit is ¢ranted subject to the provieion that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of t2ze Council- coo rvci�r.,cry Ycas Nays/ L.wry� Mey �Doaald: L� L. (armor PP / Agar ss � S�dhumcs / Ms. P—M-1 Bandhc C. ii Wsolv_�2e�— >nM>oe N. aey— ee Aonro TTI > EB le � �1f u> efo�rlt= MAY 2 ` IM Adop,cd by ehc C..—I I9 CITY OF SA ■ — T PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUN OS�AN 9 P U BLIC BUILDINGS M y 1 8 , 19:32. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul, Minneso Ca. cent lemon Attached her—ith please find City 02. 1K � £ i Za on the ap- plication of Bensons who desires tos-usa I- 'L present commercial establishment at 156 Aurora Avaz-i�aa or the pur- pose of selling ice at retail. on -.ant of thefact that the build 1 ng i s a comr.�erclsl one. I recom.-.end that the permit ba Er— t a d _ Yours truly - City of Saint haul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, Cly Oa•k aa�., Ci..• C- 1— •nd Cemml«len« of Rggl.s.xon M -y 15t11, 19;2_ Hon. C. B. May, Comer of P.P. 4 P. Bldg..• Building. Hear Commieelon.r: Attached please fwd applllc t;jon of J. N. B-- for permit to ia.tall Sca tation at 156 Aurora Aveane. Thi* matter has bean —C— ed to your department by th. Council, £or invest iga t; o: aj report. Your- very tx-tilp. City (Clark. PllaMOAT AYA12'1`M EN'P5 ]lay I8. 1932. pffloe Of the City Clerk 9t. gaul, Minn. Gentlemen: t to I would like to be granted a pe I5l iro ra sel1 ice at my present place of business. namely, This building is a very short dlatanoe from the corner Of Rioe and Aurora. The building that Z propose to handle Soe in has been used for oomme ro ial purpo sea for a number of years. At the present time I am using this building h"8& place to O arry on a fuel business: It formerly was used as a stable in oonnection with a laundry that was loo at ed just nest to it: I am 000uping and doing business in this building at the present le time . What g want now Ss a permit to di spenae and he.al los from this same location: - It wi11 not be neoessary too alter the building in any way to carry on this buaineas: I would like to handle ice in oonneo tion with my fuel business. gusting you will take this matter up at your earliest oonvenienoe . I am yours truly, o^'�•"�` •CITY OF ST PAUL r,LE ` NO. 9225 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L E50 GENERAL FORM -- mwilss.orvaY _ _I '%''']•` unTE R EsoL_vEo That the application of Thomas E. Good for permiselon to erect an oversize private garage on Lot 14, Block 9, Macalester Park, located at 200 Amherst avenue, is hereby granted, and the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings is hereby authorized and instructed to issue a permit therefor. e pa. a.r— cr - wnoro.e iv.r'49ax.°ti a .r :s. �e . i Ycas tour,c ism Ery N./Adoprcd by dh Cor... ciA�iV 2� "" I9 In favor Approved / 19 ;mar« $bsen A,im, S.,dl,cimcr ✓ ,nnvorx Mr. P ... idmr 6..dfie City Of Sagnt Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS. Cx Clerk a.i.i ci..k cin .n •nd Cemmlalon�. ei R�glab�ebn May 24th, 19j2, Yr, L, y, Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Banding. Dear Sir: Tha att-11-1 applie.tl— of Th.— B. Good for parml as ion to ar not as ova rel ze at cd 1. garage oa Lot 14, Blo cic 9, Maoaleetar Panic, located at 200 Amherst Straat eferreC to you today, by the Council, £or th roper rasolutio_ Yours vary truly, City Cleric, HO7IC8 OF APPLICAIXO'M YOH FffiZMi? So $R30C? V 0mr]=282 pRXVA m cssu a`Mm Notioe la hereby Sivas that pnrsvant to Seotiam 16-15, Ordinance Bo. 1210, of tb+e, City of Saiat Pa -all Minnesota, application will be made oa 7Ray 24th, 1932, to the City Council of the City Of 8�paid, gjm�sota, by domes H. Good for perm -5- to erect a oversise private garage on the tollos3=6 deacriberd real estate , situated in Hmse9 County, KIM. .sota� to Wits Lot 14, 33100k 9> WaeaZamtar Fara, Saint Paul, Minnesota. On the Seat side of Amherst Street between St. Glair Av 3`an" ®d Frin.ceton Street. Member 200 Amherst Stroat. Dated at Saint Pant, We"^�satae M[a7 10th, 1932- Affidavit of Publication STATE OF MINNESOTA,! County of Ramsey i .net., dmr a via o -�-C� xdls— n�n�mr'�.��a wv uY � BT' PwTTL EW9. earns eurlo[r.l�t we now la.yrin¢tval ¢tp tDot a WCeewepe :tea �eq of �FiamanY. wMlnoeiolw.l w� tdt�, In tben�wb la tbv Piat¢Na v men aoe e.erY d., tb Wp��"r't t�i.Si°u —Md'T: of �w°et. Ca C'1 FA �9i. S�i3.�iR'1t LO CF9GL. 9iY1 GYai 41�P1 ewe �e.� avers.. vats Ga @ ............................................................................... Dart ¢ren4 wv of Bald newevaper, snA wsa Drtated anA vubllened 1° ald se apax ......-.Sht'e.@........ ... a ft —'-_ — _. ._ __'—_` tont the eNa Douce wu �} D+'tnt¢S aa6 Dablfaavd m aald nawempr an ................... �. r„tra.f....: te.t.eld aew.mar w :°Ilten7 °° eu•nea� .a-1—to l eawnola�°dvl t. _ t eculewtl wm� lb" P n�tN Ullahtai tba vam la N'reot, b Wd at>; t a e taa-fa6 all tL e® m E detM in Bt Paul, sad r¢¢.cdlt>g t vunllatl 'n larald lnlomll% tfi m mulcted aced, mA u 1 her o nn a "ST_ rlotM vo lUneC voted, a fi r¢6talar favsod —1 Da Ytago —1d ten or a m ra ¢a as eeta. nr a er r e m. t 1101. Tont at[lant renown txeaoaallY alt [fie tncte eet toren In tole amdse11 end and all tfiet-ato ar¢ ¢. --, that each Sabser.bed and Sworn to before me Ibis ' Fee, $-- -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - Received Payment. ...13Lb day of.... M4.... .A. D 19.32 r -Ig;E UA[LY NEWS PUBLISHING CO. . . . . . ...... 19... Per... Y7 oo®Seeionexpire• Ayzi1 2901939 STATS Of M/N (ESMA, ca,my of nmlpgp. �'a Y.. N . a A nye that ne is and au -8 II the tirnre Te>•el fterpm h, St. -1 b.e Jerk of th,dai publisher or pri nt.r charge of the SL Paul Dispatch, Sl. Paul Pioneer Fre a daily news a tr, printed and pv Dli.shed in the f 9t Paul, In said Ram,aey County, State of blinn,aota- city o/� Thai ne naa kno..,Icdxc �� he Yael��nd knows e prlvted. per4pM1¢lly hereto attached, cut from the e'�l u%J/, f said newspaper, wan d, pdn avd pu M1itshed m e' i r . !'�.-"��^-� -�. times, and that 01 of avid pat,11—Uo nEngliah were mad, m the 1­­­ That That anid native was first inserted, printed and publisngd e the.... /�. , day of .. _ ...193 -_;�d wast and pvb- JpH.ted liahed in . . . ...... .. .../ ............. _tom we.... .day nf.... . .. . . . . . . . . ..... ..19s.?� d. That Tnne during vl the times afor.-said. anis n nanrr wav gnnuHed ee n medmm of oRicial and Irgal publicntiona n - -d bye a 3 end 4 of chapter 486, 8es- ro n Lowe of Minncaota, 1921, and tbaatuit has , mplied with ell the regviremevA Nat stouts n legal n e def4n cd - said ..,tions 9 and 4, tmwit: that for more than pfrpom th ate o firer pub eUon of uid.. .. .......... o neoi pin�oIT '" // �. . _ my yw ...anid e�eapar hes beev f 1) Printed from the Pine-.= £rom hieh it pu .rta to be V din the En least iiax uzi n�i ie� < liah langua¢e. and .n column and sl-.e Pi Yorm ivnlent jn P.I..to t eight pages, w heightT.M.o th--P-'-"— pa's- eac}r twentyu a done-quarter inches ionR. ��ia ass. >M �° aw.nG. 4 uatai°n°zjo a (2) Ieaved daily from ]cnowrr of£ie., .atabilshed in avch place for pnbliu- tion and nipped with akill.d workmen and the necessary material tm pr.W g avd �a own: printing he (A) Made up tan�on in and local news, a mme t and ieeeta ter, wM1(a) duplicating n o[}aer pu}rlication, nd not entirely made aD of patenfa, ural plvte mntt,r d advertia.m enter. r arzy or erthcr of them. tent t least tpnae xn taff . a¢e (a) Ci ecu Vated i and n s place of publication to the of two hundred and forty c . remota Iar2y deliv,,d to paying evbacriben, and that prior to the �rst�publievt"o Y se .._... ..the publisher or vin eY*ss f said wapaper havtng knowledge of ohs (HeLa, file �inaffidavtr showSnh Plhe u sand loc tiunr ofc aaid nawvpBper ens ate. f Minnesaota, n S a-aa e .adtence [conditions constitnti npr it qualifieatione v legRaal ew paper ere required and set faith 'n ee tion 3 f chapter c Ser, S,sf Lnwa of Minns�b 19 a the Toll roving i a r" te-d copy of the lower case Ip, p6 from Ata Z Thati both incltreive, of the a nd hind of type us.d in the compoeitlon, pdntlng and pvb- Ilcatlon of said I,gal ad crtisem.n^ he`r cu ntQo atL ched, viz: Further affiant a ith n tkaat this affidavit la made pursuant to aeefiov 4 a of save o[ chapter 484, Sesaivn "4.,, Minnoaot>, 1921, nd is intended pony tfie bill for publication in avd n apaper oY r id legal adv ea ... Subscribed and sworn to before me this. .� i do .... .198.7! Nota�q Pu Ile, ey Cauvty, tSinvemf yv,m tot My Comrrzvasa9rs exDtree ....................... o<«�e.. CITY OF ST. PAULg>/�4 an)sA NO._—___IQ4J1 V OFFICE OF CITY CLESO, a�l�nera �JJ``�( IL RES 10 —�G EN EF >fuW e - Ty __ WHEREAS, Edward Yani sh the owner of Block "G", Roberts—'s Addition to West St. Paul, real eetate edj acent to the St. Paul Public Baths approach, inert i tut eci a civil action in the District Court o£ Ramsey County against the City of St. Paul, for the recovery of yp2000.00 as damages ae com�exu s;atl on for injuries cacsed to said reel estate ere the rce. ult o£ a Fill constructed by the City of St. Paul, upon Edward Street, aaJ ac ant to said real estate, and which fill cut off access to said by way of said E_',a:d Street, and '!lHERE.AS, said Ed�-.-ard Yarn sh now proposes to settle and satisfy all claims which he has or may have, as the owner of said real estate, atain st the City o St. Paul, by reason of said £111 and otherwise, for the sum o: X1750.00, and to, as part and parcel of said settlement, convey serii creal estate to the City of 3t. Paul, and WEEREAS, the Council deems it for the best interests of the City of St. Paul that szic_' settlement be effected upon the terms proposed, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Cor—oration Counsel be and he, hereby is authorized to stipulate in said action for the entry of judLn,ent against the City of St. Paul in the s n of $1750.00, upon the condition that said Edward YF_af sh deliver to the City of 3t. Paul a good ane sufficient release off' all claims existing or alleged to exist in his favor as thee��. ppie op.,¢a� d �e�l estate, by reason o£ said fill and otherwisee4-�6wii"kx X003 and eu{ficient deed of conveyance, conveying seri x? real estate, clear of encumbrances, to the City of St. Paul, and that upon -the delivery of said release and said deed, the apn oval the roof by the Cornorat ion Counsel and the entry of s id jud_- -t_ the proper city officers be and they hereby are authorized to pay the sura of $1750.00 from the judgment and Comnroml -e Fund in Sat s�"act ion of —id judgment. Yee, eour�ci�rn EN N. /i�cD d ^In favor �Pearcc /_ jpo:�a t_// Againar $udheim / Mr. P—id— Bundhi Adoprcd by xhc Coancil)JAY E 5. I!.v...._.. 19 _ APPr / r 19 lilil).�–.�8-32 rinvoa m c C.F. EoxJ4`t497. 92496, 92499, 92500. � �a�aD� = a�•.n< c �.0 u.. x:. x.x:. HBSOLVID, that checks be drawn on the City T—ex>zry a to _ the aggregets amount Of $65,639.42, covering cheeks m mxbered 5178 to 5401 '1 c1—ive, m per checks on file in the office of the City Comptroller_ Adopted by tz a Council MAY gg M bPj -Coag a ;B5 qr ua� Lj L.j L-1 DUPLICATE TO CITY -A CITY OF -NT PAUL LAI - I ;u%1JI NO. OLL CALL' OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE - COUNCCOUNCILMEN- COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY MCDONALD IN FAvoB AUDITED CLAIMS lay 23 9 j2 PEARCE ROS[N _. �.. SUDHEIMER AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY =RCASUR Y. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f5 - COVERING MA. PAEB. BUNpLIE 1 rL'�36f[ZJQ� Q ', �;l CA CNHECNSMOy(+it E OTOCE OF TME CITY INCLUBIVE. AB 44 P ,j Y COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL..__. APPROVED I'Yjf,F1' uxraR BY TOTAL DATE CHECK NUMBER IN FAVOR OF "-- -- _ RETURNED V TRANSFER i� DISBURSEMENT BY BANK CMEC xS CHECKS BROUGHT FORWARD 7 500 00 5178 Fuel Oil a Gas Company 40 0 5179 John 6. Mullen John H. McDonald C, of Fin. 16 689 5180 181 John H, McDonald, CE of Pin. 1 155 63 5182 William Perry 32 0 5183 state of Minnesota, Metropol ten Drainage Commission 7 871 5 5194 51 85 Joe, Teeemer W.E. Preatoa Company 8 4 38g 518 b Frank J. McDonough ! 0 6o 0 5187 5188 Louie Guerin O'Neil h Pre a ton, Ino. 1 05 03 5189 5190 Pat Kelly Diethert Motor Company 5� 6 8 OO 5191 Anderson Brothers 166 5 5192 Albert Aschenbrenner 90 0 5193 c, 0. Boyum 52 5 5194 C.D. Brown i 00 5195 A.D. Rovde00 2255 5196 Ted Kneip 25 0 5197 Olen 111 57 00 5198 Oakley Parrish 111 00 5199 Curtis 1000, Ina. 298 12 5200 Koehler-8inriche Company I 47 00 5201 The Alpha Creamery 8 00 5202 Wm. 0. Alvin 00 5203 American Dye �lorke ; 5204 Jae. 6. Anderson yireworke Oq, 8 AA 5205 Reuben L. Anderson ! 7 50 5206 Arohambault Pharmacy, 8 00 5207 Chas. W. Arend 6 50 5208 Barry Motor Company 8 00 5209 Frank M. Bartho 8 00 5210 1. Berg 900 5211 BetbleIII Lutheran Church 8 00 5212 George Bettendorf 7 50 5213 Tony Boes1 00 5214 Rev. J.E. Bowes !� 8 5215 Frank W. Burtle ! a 00 Mrs. R. BusCallahan 8 00 5217 W.J. Callahan 8 00 • 5218 5219 Dr. J,A, Cameron Capitol supply Company 8 50 00 5220 A.T. CerYyle, supt. 8 00 5221 Rev. Y,J, Casey 8 00 5222 A. Ohalek 7 00 5 2245 Y. Conn ere Cornwell Tool service Company 5 50 a 00 5225 sec. Crispue Attuoks Rome 7 50 5226 Cypress Street Church 8 00 5227 Day 6 YS ght Garage 8 DO 6 50 5228 5229 Yre, T. A. Def1el W.T.Dreie 8 00 5230 Yre, E.J. Ounnlgan 8 00 5231 Julius Driki ewios j 9 001 5232 East End Motor Company 8 00 I SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD I 7 500 oG 641 o59 ,86 I � of A s INT PAVE t)4,lzk I of A s INT PAVE t)4,lzk DUPLICATE TO C- cc[Bx .ITr JFFICE OF TME COMPTROLLER oUNC " N0. FIDE - -- _ 000NCILMEN 70LL / CAL COUNCIL RESOLUTION HMPRR9. MAY i NALD .. °[ INFAVGR'., AUDITED CLAIMS -key 23 .19_-32 J AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DAAWQn Ox THE C'�TY TREASURY r+JOH EIIn Ea . TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 41&01 COVERING MR. PREB, B-IELIE I CHECI(B NUMBERED. 31] i0 528 INCLUSIVE. AS PEA CHECKS ON FILA J1-+1 /U ITHE 0 ICE OF CITY COM PTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL . .•••- APPROVED �•--� 19 wAr an BY r covert � [w TOTAL DATE CHECK H—ER IN FAVOR OF I cHEC BROUGHT FORWARD - ID Ks .,Cxs i�� c RETURNED ByRAv` East Side Motor Sales Company 88 5233 Charles Egan 5 52354 O 5236 Fairmount Ave. M.E. Church 8 0 5237 J.P. Falvey 7 5 5238 J. Fenlon 6 529 Karl L. Fle8eler 6 5 5240 A.M. Finck 8 0 5241 J. Fink i, 8 0 5242 Allen A. Fischer6 oc 522434 Dr. o, Ward Folsom 11, III 6 Go 54 Michael J. Foley 7 5 5245 Trustees, Forward Lodge No.1d IOOF 8 00 5246 John Fr enkson, Treea. 8 0 5247 5248 Mre. J. R. Gardner Mre. J. Glewwe 700 8 00� 524Q9 C.A. Godbout 4 506j Walter Greenwood 5 52 W.B. Grubbs 4 50 �. 5252 C. d C. Hagelin 9 00 3 5254 Bamline Botel 7 50 525 E.J. Hanlon I1I 7 50 5255 Mrs. John Hanson 6 75 5256 M,O, Hastings 8 00 5251 Highland Park Community Churoh 8 00 5�6 Highood Commeroial Club ) 50 52 9 Hugs Brothers 8 OOI 52 0 Goo, 0, Hutohlns 150 5261 1A Inden j $0 5262 W.J. Irish Motor Company 10 001 5263 5264 Yrs. Axel Johnson O.J. Johnson 6 50 !r 5 50, 5265Fred Jungjohann 7 50 5266Mrs. Anne Kajer 8 00 5267 M. Kanevsky 5268 Kellam Drug store I 8 00 5269 Mrs. H.E. Kempe 6 00 5270 Kemper Chevrolet Company,Inc.. 8 00� 5271 W.G. Kirby a 00 5272 Klinkerfues Brothers 8 00 5273 C.M. K 7 50 'I 5274 . Kohlohle 7 50 • 5275 Frank Kohout 7 5u1 5276 Edward A. Kramer 200 5277 J. Kriz 6 OC 5278 W.P. Kueffner, Agent 6 5 5279 Lake Park Baptist Church 0 5280 V. Lemenoweky 8 00 5281 Long Broth re Motor Company 8 00 5282 lira. J.L. LubV y 6 00 528j 5284 George Luckert Mrs. G.M. Lundeted 7 50 6 5011 ;. 5285 E.W. MOGill 7 501 5286 Maoeleater Upholstery Shop 8 001, 5287 J.J. Maier 7 50 5288 Malmon Motor Company 1 8 00 5289 Manthe 6 Miller Auto Livery 7 50 i SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 Go 641 477 871 I I ! I I • L i I I I I I j i DUPLICATE TO CITY CL ERM CITY OF SAINT PAUL ` �pu NilL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE No rl�-1iI COUNCILFI---EN— DSL BALL COUNCI COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAYo — "`""°" AUDITED CLAIMS key 23 1132 McoDNALo FARCE ROSEN AGAINST r- RESOLVED THA NECKS BE OR1�r''//O N[t E L'1Y TREA5',RY. SUGHEIMER MR PRIES BUNDLIE To THE AGO RE ATE rOUNT OF S Y� S1_a5�. COVERIND INCLUSIVE AS _�, , ' i Y�) CHECX5 NUM E TF -1 0 )�� PER CHECKS F 11M OF ICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUry{i-- --moi- PPROVED�:�.µ- l Y TOTAL D r ur NUMCHECK e AR IN FAVOR OF CH - F - - -RETUFNE ­111—EIT E_ El AHK V BROUGHT FORWARD / {, 00 0 30 Trustees, Masonic Temple 31 L. Maes 32 W.G. Yellin RIRL. Merrill Albert H. Meyers 35 Mrs. Sophie Michel i6 Midway Advertiser 17 Alfred Miller i8 Minnesota Sawdust k Shavings lCo. 19 Mrs. John W. Mitchell j )D Mre. ennie Moore )1 Murray Body Company )2 Neighborhood House )3 Andrew Bel eon 14 J,W. Nelson I5 RobertA. North 16 North Central Commercial Club 17 Northern Motor Company IS Fraoee O'Brien 19 Oakview Improvement Company 0 John Olson 1Olson-Bowmen Company 2 Park Garage 3 Alfred Perlt 4 Quick Service Battery Co.Ino. 5 John J. Riley 6 Mre. C.C. Robinson 7 B. F. Roger. 8Aug. A. Rolf 9 P. Rosenberger 0 J. Roth eteIa 1 St.Andrew's School 2 St.Bernard's Hall 3 St. Paul Plumbing A Heating Company 4 9t.Philllp'a Church 5 Sacred Heart School 6 A.M. Somiat 7 Joseph Schnabl 8 R,M, Schnell 9 John F. Scott 0 Mrs. B. Seidler 1 gel Dale Motors 2 9ervice Sheet Metal Mfg.ComoaQy 3 W.A. Sllpp 4 is 18 Soma 5 Nicholas Steinmetz 66 Anton Stoll 7 Richard G. Strickland 8 H,C, Toenjes 9 Cha., Trayliatofska D Mre. John Turney 1 James W. Vanek 2 Vence Brothers D.M. Vogelgesang Henry Wagner j Warren -Given, Inc. 5 J.O. Weaver j Henry J. Weise SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD 7 500 90 B 50 925.37 I co:ar L l RFAVOR .,I 'EA., AGAINST '.DDHW. O ' NR. W PRGUNOLI[ r� ADOFTCD BY THEAgW STV OF SAINT o.�� g� y.•D w- OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER �j LE NO... COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED Q.AIMSD3¢-- RESOLVED. THAT CNECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY. TO THE ADOREOATE AMOUNT OF !— Sugg-.OVGINO i' ...... NUMBERED_ .TO— —. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FI OFFICE .ITT COMPTROLLER. [Itt cONrt.O�tu ---- ------ BY . _- BY ........... .. ------- _-------- ........-..._ TOTAL DATE IN FAVOR OF — RETURNED v TRANSFER DISBURSEMENT BY BANK 'I CHCCKB ,Ht BROUGHT FORWARD fu8 horn J, O PON, Ouuid it �0 ObllWII of 4*011 Ing 111001 Nall 150 0, A. Whipple 5351 A.I. Wiokrorth 5 52 0, wolf 5353 Zeftan pTgt4ere 5 54 A, JE Zi�� p'eiilegn ReFB,Dtbotk'ZoaDek 5 55 InA. Heylman 5356 5357 Dennie Laughlin. 5355 oaal Robert Jobneon, 5359 Anchor Insurance bompany R0 61 Ballard Storage a Transfer 0 ! Board of 8ducation 5362 Burrpugh@;Adding Machine Om 3 Chicago Bridge a Iron Works MCrew Omppany b 53b5 Crescent areemsry Ompany Dainty Ompany 5367 Produo'Ls . U, A. Dunham company Higporium 5368 5369 II The y Martin Palk Paper Company 5370 N Parnell, Ossuu, Kirk Company 5371 fail Geist Inter City Fuel Oompany,Ino, V. The Journal of Infectious Di wu. B, Joyce A Ompany Mise Louise Markert ;3i5 6 The Matteson Ompany 5377 Miebigan Valve a Foundry Oma 5378 Mple. Bt.Paul 6 Sault Ste.Ma: 5379 John W. Mitchell 5380 K.A. Moeller Ompany 5301 FJ. Mores and Company 539E Tortherm States Power Compaq 363 Northern States Power Oompan; 64 411. 401 Company Peden and Pollen flPink R. Pelts 6 @em Supply Ompany 36 '381 Recreation Magasins 5369, dobe Rogers Jr. Ine, Agency 5390 SVaul Ineuranoe Agency j391 St.,Paul Milk Company j392 StvPau1 vocational Training 1 1393 S"sul white Lead 6 011 Corm 094 WERE Shaw Lumber Company i3gg Saith College 010 046 Donald W. Taylo> 1397 ;398 Tri-State Tel. A Telg. Oompw Tvl�,-Btate Tei. A Telg. Oompai 'I'j99 seed. Parker and Company i400 J.A. Welch Printing Company ;401 Westinghouse Electric supply 4 i 86o 1 085 3 b 15 00 g12 0 1 57 2 441 00 68 o9 24 50 . 21 980 3�6 68 73 17$ 47 2 00 13 29 00 114 1P 21 80 163 Z0 80 2 26 00 58 29 I I An COUNCIL,,t A'- FIPLL CALL _J,'AOY MAY _,-,�`N FAVOR McooNAw PEARCE RgqINN . ,.,.._.AGAINST iUONiIMBR r ` MR, AhEI. UNDUE ADOPTED BY THIS11 7, YM�9� MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL �lrtlVmi OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE N0. __. COUNCIL RBSOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS '_ ---------- — .... .... yey_5...._..,e g_ RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AOOREOATE AMOUNT OF 1_.-3 441— COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED ..TO.—. r. INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON PI OFFICE If COMPTROLLER. ... _....... - CIN COMPTROLLER TOTAL DATE CHECKIN FAVOR OF RETURNED V NUMBER TRANBFEA DIBSURIEMENT BY BANK CHECKS CHECKS SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD BROUGHT FORWARD II 6,500 00 64 92° gj48 buy J. Orepeauo Ouatdia tot Ohi'ldren of A, -Aloha ! 15! 534 9 Reil .Welcome 5 $0 0. A. Whipple ! " 5 51 A.1$. plolnrorth 1 5 52a.Wolf i 5355 Lackmem Brothers 535 4'J. zi;0eraen 7 I 5 556 Rev..Diank Zoubsk .I e 535 L.R. Reylaaa 5357 Dennie Laughlin 5e 35 .5358 0exl-Robert Jobnson.� 5359 Azir Insurance Company I 14 2 5360 Ballard Storage a Transfer 0; 5361 Y Board of Kducation 3 5j62 Burroughs,Adding Machine com'any Ohioago Bridge 6 Iron Works 4 1860 5j63 5366544 crane Company Crescent creamery company ',i 1 085 3 5361. Dainty Products Company .1 5367 o. A. Dunnet: company 5368 The Emporium - '•I 465 5369 Martin Talk Paper Company ''... 5370 Farwell, Orson, Kirk Company 15 32 5371 IEmil Geist ' 0 2 inter city Fuel company Ina 1 34 130 ,$373 The Journal of InfeotioYte DS wm. B, Joyce & company teases 5 12 77�4445 5376 Mies Louise Markert The Matteson Company 1 58 5377 Michigan Valve & Foundry Om y 2 441 5378 1018. St -Paul a Sault 818,1 a Ry.Oo, 68 5379: John W. Mitchell 12 24 5380 F.A. Moeller Company 5301 T,J, lore& and company 175 82 100hern states Power Orap i 4 180 32g4 northern States Power Compen I 21 n,W. Fuel Company 3F 3�5 Pe14en and Peilen 1446 538b� R. Poltt a nom 5387 Pint Supply oompeny 1j6 5388�offoAtion Magaeine 2 • 5389 aobn Rogere Jr. Ins, Agency 29 590 et,Paul Ineurance Agency 13 591 et,Paul Milk Company 2 St,jaul Vocational Training hl, 114 1392 39j 84.Peul White Lead d Oil Oom 'ay 21 3994 W.R. &haw Lumber Company 5390 Smith College Club 9 5396 Donald W. Taylor 163 5397 Tri-State Tel. 6 Te19, Oompaz r a0 5398 T?14%ate Tel, 8 Telg. Oompal F 29 599 Weed, Parker end Company 1, 26 J.A. Welch Printing Company 56 5401 Westinghouse Zleotrio Supply ON, 8 SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uademigoed hereby proposes the makin¢ of the following public improvement by Constructing driveway at the following locations: West side of Prior :.v-. begin: log 145 ft. south :,f Marshall :.v^., thence south to Alley East side Prior Ave. beginning 153 ft. south of Marshall Ave., tri ence south 11 ft. 1!j East side of Prior Ave, beginning 132 ft. south of Selby Avo., Utence south l8. ft. East side of Prior Ave. beginning 156 ft. south of Laurel Ave., thence south 12 ft., beginning ^0 ft. farther south, thence south 10 ft. East side of Prior Ave. beginning 128 ft. south of Ashland Ave., thence south %1 ft., beginning CO £t. farther south, thence south 12 ft. p' West side of Howell Ave. beginning 137 .ft. south of Laura Ave., r thence south 8 ft. castside of Prior Ave, beginning 156 ft. south of Laurel Ave., thence south IL ft., be;;inn_ng 20 ft. farther south, thence s 1� ft. _ast side of Prior Ave. beginning lig ft. seutl: of Ashland Ave., thence south :,1 ft., beg inni.rr; .;� ft. farther south, thence south 1: ft. ::estside of Howell 157 _t. south of Lau,,1 ,.ve , tnence south 8 ft. cite e.. �isn��-{ � .�fi n .,c2 Kry y�'�.�T, G}YA.�v ���.ax-• 25th May, 1932 lg _- Dated th,e ....__ _.day of - �-- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propoeel for the making d the following improvement, viz.: Constrjtrt1 iriv e'a•:y et the follov.ing Lo ca ti -:ns: westside of Prior. berm.. in:� L'.5 ft. south ^f thence south t� /-11ey cast side Prior Ave. oeginn'_r.:- 155 ft.�f Marstr1I Av— thence south 11 ft. east side of Prior Ave. beginnin.- i3e ft. south "Icy _v_, to ence south 16 ft. east side of Prior Ave. beginning 156 ft. south of Laurel Av _., thence south lb ft., beginning u0 ft. farther south, thence s?.: tT� l: ft. As:� Land ,,,t side of Prior J,v . beginning 1u9 ft. south "If Ave. , t thence south ,.1 ft., beK lnn ing -5 ft. farther south, th_nce souh 1., ft. '.gest side of Rowell ::v:,, be:n^_:' ls9 ft. south of Laur_1 t—nee south 13 ft. x.a.r' 'ii crF rtP�7 44d 'Af�a'�. "' ca ."' �."`'"��'2`.y$'E' H'c''� ll ?a -------------------- ---..... _-------=------------'-- having beer, pmsented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .------- ........................................._..__..........__.._.__......_... therefore, be it RESOLVED, Th.t the Commissioner of Public Work- be and is hemby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To fumish a plan, profile - sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the, petition of tbree or more ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregojAyat� _fie �:ommis�oner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ...._.___..._______.....I__ ---------------------- _----- Y.I. Nara Councilmen Ge— M- Approved—_�_____1_.._._._......_._....._..__ Peeaca r,7 Ros.x Bcue�eraaa __ __._____.______....._..__.eyor..__ Ma PasemaAm r. c s m rvs 1— M p[rai IGH h�n�/�f/ ��� err Council File NJ� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT — PRELIMINARY ORDER. Thcuuderzignedherebypropoeen the —king of t1— following pdblic improvementbytt. 19.-!, •nul, viz.: 'he construct!n.', rcla;/ --- na r�-�'=1rin: , '•vher•� n^cess^r,:, si dexa "ks r.t the fnllowi n.: l oc.-, c,a st side of 4'rior %. "• b�t,ir_-� ^-4 £t. south oI' Marshall �ve., t:�ence south i4 f t. ,v b eginn i r"s it. f-�rther south, thence south 10 ft . 47 '"t. n%rth .f Portl-n :. =st ..v.. , tnence north z3 It. '.Nest side of Howell. A— b--71 ^� 145 ft. �.th -;` L ur - C�ience s.' -t- �7 it.; be i - _.. ft. Th=r stn, t' rc ,th i4 it•, oerinni.r �. �t _. ..rt! -z e -r >tt' _. S z side o7 Prior Ave. beg:L iag 44 £t. south �f Me,rshall .-ve., thence south 14 ft., beg+r,., frig SS £t. farther south, thence south 10 ft. East side of Prior Ave., begin-.,ing 47 ft. north of Portland Ave., thence north 23 ft. West side of Howell Ave., begin ir-ig 195 ft. so.. tri of Laurel Ave., Thence south 37 ft.) beginr:in-g 2:. ft. farther south, th ante south 14 ft.; beginning 30 ft. Partlz ar south, thence south 6 ft. Couocilmnn siemmr - '- Mnr / McDoxenc V aj vi Pennca Ci/�% Roeex Scnxeruea _..___.__..._.._.._.."."". Mayor. Ma. P ... I— YlS8L1SHED A rend c r u cru Iwo G.�— May, 1932 DaLed thea .;Sth.__. day of PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written ProPosal for the making of the following im provemeaE� via.. Reconstr—tl— relaying :.nd repairing, where :zec essary, the sidewalks at the following locationsi East side of Prior Ave. beginning 41 ft. south£ M::rshall vs., tY een south 14 ft., beginning SB ft. farther sQu t1,, thence south 10 ft. Er; st side of Prior Ave., begin-�Sng 47 ft. nor tri —T' Portlsd Ave., thence north 23 ft. Westside of Howell Ave, beginning 195 £t_ so'_: t2z o£ Laurzl Ave., Th ante south 37 ft.i beginning 22 ft. farther sout11 then— sauth 34 ft.7 beginning 30 ft. farther south, 1,17—a e south B ft. Councilmae Heanor' A pprove Mer � d__... V/ Pzence , Roaex_ _ __.____._._....._._..... Set—.ea _ _____ ... Mayor. Ma. Paae1nam v�c.ra nm roan L' .. .+�Zuu Sir •1 VV LF' � a:onFFr off.. y�lvz aYaSl .n. i�.'•staQ ioS�oeeTVR {ocs S e booing bnen presented to the Council of the City of St. Parrl------------------------- _ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That tho Commissioner of Public Works !x and is hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To iv "tigste the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said i—,---mat. 2. To investigate the n:ture, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a pl.., profile or sketch of said improvement. C To atob, whether or not said improvement is asked for — the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adapted by the Counea...___... _ - _MAY Q 5 1432 - - - ----------- Y&AB N- C.—til... Bmmer Mer Approved________________ MCD / \ - Psex- cs C/ Roeix Ma—p...mirrr YLT01-iSI iED Mayor. r�cwaoa roan `- .l -Council He No._ .... ... L R MPROE a7.Jvz+ PROPOSAFOIVMRII,, PRELIMINARY ORDER_ The —d—ig.ed hereby propoeee the making of the followi n R ptz hlic i mprovement by the C.°ity of Fi%'Paiil; viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, wk- — necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations= South side of Central Ave. begi.nn;.ng 229 £t _ east of Arundel St., thence east 7 ft.; beginning 18 ft. Partk-.ep east, thence e-+st 24 ft.; beginning 31 ft. farther east, thence east 8 ft. North side of Central Ave. beginning 128 Yt _ west of Arundel St., thence west 11 ft. South side Central Ave., begirin;n„ 48 t�. west .,f Andel St., t':=_nce west 26 ft. South side Central Av 2. b -_ginning, i:b� £t . e -a st of Mackuoin St., thence east 14 ft. North side Central Avg. beginning 6b ft. west of Mnckubin St., thence west 6 ft. \ North side Central Avn. begi—Ing 88 £t. a .st of Kent St., th—ce east 12 ft. North side of Central Ave. beginning L9fl £t. xet of Kent , thence west 6 ft.; begin ing 23 ft. farther west, thence wast 19 ft. Ma Paeemcwr � 1 AN 190 :' �Y f rt• ��4 � ,�' ,y���n user }y� •i L , X i ;t - a d. f 41. 4. rte :Try$1�pT,•4'?rntT�i 47, Br'S 17 Ca d t Dated this _. day of _ -- - zu 0 .. c Councilmen. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.: tneconstrue ting, relaying and yhere rlecess.r , the ai;e,. _7.s at the folloltiing locations. -outh side of Centr,-1 i,ve, beginn'n� >9 ft, east i Nrande: ot,, t!,ence east 7 ft,; begin°:ing 18 ft, farther east, thence e=st .A ft.; beginning 61 ft, farther e,st, taence east j _°tr !worth side of Centre: e.ve. beeinr.inc 128 ft. west .'t., Cnence "est 11 ft. Son th side Centrsl ;w e., b=_ginnin_; .,. 7, t _. n _ .: t., t`snce west :6 _"t 14 rt. [tthB9Ftelef Cmtral h 8 ginning 23 ft- leg t, tthanece o£ete19 £t We .' thence having been presented to the Council of the City of St Paul _._.. _....._ _....._ ._......_. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY E 5 X32 Adopted by the Council _. _.._.. _... Yee. Ners Councilman G ltey Approved^• MCDCNe6p PEenCa ltosr:, Mo. P.sm-e Y JMDUAY OltD=& Black B. glop ILplewao/ in A, to lonform,to th ro�l ho,,to , COUNCIL FILE N0._____________ —el. ".the o.d .-� o ohel.1f,o,ton.00 P—,1, " . to alae , ...... , By---------------------------------------------- go iu. a lo—, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ofalutaging-tha-grBuie-of alloy �- 31cok- fxort- ------- L—tin-A—tn- -------------------- — ----- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- under Preliminary order_________ 22135 _-----_-__-approved ----- 1932__________ The Council of the City of Pa.] having received thecp.1 of the CommissionerCommissionerof Finance rtm, the :b— improvement, and having -raid ... d said report, hereby .... ,,,: 1. That the said report and he ..me to hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the name, of the improvement which the Council recommends with ., alternatives, and that the estimated ,oat thereof i, $I.L(LQ.go ------- Re,,I,,d Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 2 1.1h. --------- day of 1IMQ-1..41? — ------------- at the hour of 10 'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the Fer .... an d in the reanune, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature , the imp—em— and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Cmmri0AY-tk,' --------- 792____ Approved________ ---------- City Clerk. ------------ ------- ------------------- Zo.ort Bold Cur-ci Councilman C ... cil= Council.- lAba—L. Mayor Ibd— B—dli. For. B. S. A. &6 COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ Ey INTERMEDIARY Sia C. F. No. 01106— In the hatter of condemning and tak• Ing an claimant In the land near eery for .100% cute and 014 In the I In. sale rep' er by appra sale Imps R In the Matter of___ao-deffiinl; �nd_totb_sn �asemeni in-thalanL �ecassar___:or_slopus, rdits_and_fills in_tlza gc'i.¢g_nnd_pavia�nS l.11gy_in 31oa1: 9,_KinF'�Slep].avoodhatamen Lrntia.Avazwa_ead yovuit _cur_vn_8ovlevard_____________________ under Preliminary Order._______9::136---------------- —_ approved --- Ape1115,_1332______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ccnclar a_end_taka_fl� ease t_in2ha-land-„="essaxy-to.c-s7npess-c++ts nnd_P,Llla _ia-the-erading_�nd_Rnzin� of Alley_ia Blook 9a_KSng's Gnplevrood betwaen_�retia fiyenue end a:ount Curve Boulevsrd, lIl_fl9L➢L�flIlGH_lY$%h_t1ltL�l11H�1L1rLtJ1El'HL9_Hit9¢ll8d_¢➢-'fld68_paLG_klfl.^_sOf.Y_C[1C_ �.4tGI1Bd carticns_aLo&inQ_.tha_cuts-cad_tYa_chided_ioctiens-chov Sau-LAe-SSllcs___________________ with nn alternatives, and that the estimated cost tbereof is $_.kQ QO _______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 21st--------- day of JT n ._11.32_____________ tote—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hsand City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p so and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timprovement and the total cost thereof es estimated. Adopted by the Couocil__� ZA_�_W_______- 192____ _______ erk. Approved_______-_ �y'�as�vrq ____________192___ -`___- City Cl C --------------- ---- -------------- u��o Cou,cilman""''__ii.... q,jj� old / / Councilman Myalyyeq _lay !'� l,l51 16 Councilman _ .i f'unma Councilman Ir"seu CauneiSodl ,rimer �. Mayorfmaa Bundlie J < Form B. S. A. 86 In 81oc¢n 8Rl Roblyn Pr e the reef Ilea oot lee ory m. t.arta m.a. a tra ora.ent .a.nee .°nr ms nm."' I .Rratvn ain¢ ..a ¢,vmr� COUNCIL FILE NO._------------- a natilrns.r¢ o -.m .tln. Ave. la tie orn- n:n By ______________________________________________ ..n<u .r t .rte , INTERMEDIARY ORDER era In the Matter of__"�T6_ihe_grade_ut911ny__inSloPk fi,_Hatlyn3nrk lromIlnn_____ 6rEnue_Sn_;rati0.AC@81A0._tv_AGAform_tn_Ch@_red __SA@_on_the_pro^ile hereto_attuched sad mllslfl_B_pA[5_h@{59�._the 3{4}_311_gst%bl_ished_grsde beim_sh_rn+n_by thv_blue_1<_ae thereon, elso_ndiny and_°nving alley _in_ Bloc': 6a_Aoblyn Par's Eton FSnn hveaue to —tic Avenue _____ to tho_.pnaPru�d_rerl_liasshan_e;,Sabll;�hfld__________________________________________________ ------------------------------------------------------- ------ -------------- ____ _--- _____________ under Preliminary Ord er_______$2j,67--------------------- approved _ Apr11_ 2 -1932_______________ The Count I of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_chanea_tbs F -6a -of__ _Allay_Sn_&lnck_ii.9ohL¢aPack_Sza�r'irin_2.o@nnP_�a_-r�:ln Avenue to_�tnf'o_rm to tne__ _rsd_11na_rut_the.pco?iLa_haretasttachfld_and�ada_a_part_Ilacae!',._the_.pceS4At_9Rtfl:.}shed _y�adaheia>Lsharm_by_Jhe_hlue_1'tne_i�eL9An. aLt¢_gS'P.dC_PnL_p0._`i a1�By_lA Block ti,__ _Bnblyn3arlcsrffiEinn3v�rwe_ta_CCOzin_� ue_SA_th&:npIlsaiied_J_tue_vd]@tl_9_iLatl i shed, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2,880.M_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the______EJaC--------- day of .Lme,_1fl32_________ f IV=_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Hing in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of aid meeting to the Fermin, and in the manne, provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the imppr��ovvyementyyanndtt�� the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_eAl2-5_YJB,E-------- 192____ ------------- APProed______� �F______________-_-192_-_ I . City Clerk. _ L_________------------------------------------ Mayor. 6weeilm � Pl; 6I.ISliFD,S-� —�� Councilman ap�vage ; c Uouold Cou°cilma°[dappp7Wp Iuy Couvcilvu ibarce Councilma 1`""'° ' Councilman MayorrD000 Bundlie Form H. S. A.86 92JUI COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By---------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__rsnderningand_SskingarL assomant_ia thn.land_naoessary_Snr_slapa5, c ts_andSills is the_FTsdix�_entiRaylrL_0f_Albel-_ip_9S¢91L_6-._R9hlYF_k_ark_fI_ap�_Finn_ Av --------------------------------- c.------------------------------------------------------------- a°nire e.ra o-°PrVT°• s st w.e. a°. zrtee. vrwia wnitzofv ______________ ____________ on. aerenr 92160 1932 under PreliminaryOrder__________________________________approved _____ ay.•m.a __________________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above' mprovani and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___rendemnand_SEk@___ anrssemmtln_thalsnd�ecasssry_Sor_alopeA._cuii_antlSills_in thn_;,tadiIl�_R11.d_Bgp_ng oL911a3c_1afl1.oc1L-E _Enhlyn2-k-2r=Pi.nn.A¢etwa_to_ tetin.hveaua,_ln_npslncdeiw.a_ll'Jth t11A_Clod_yrs.nt_berHtp_Attn9ltad_931d_mnsla-_n_pArf_herggSi_Sh4_h%Sched_parti oas ehowln� thd_anta_antt tha_xhnd.esl_PorSianAskv�.ne-ilt= fi].xs_______________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_IQ -Q 9Q______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 21st day of ;one,_ 1932---------------atM___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of 'd meeting to the p o and in the n provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the one and enc and the total cost thereof as estimated. vem MAY 9,; 1932 Adopted by the Council_______________________, i Approved____________________________192___ �--' Cit Clerk. r, Y i Z ___f________ ------------------------------------ Mayor. ________________________ _________Mayor. Councilman8 9� ,N 1111nsld /v Councilmen ffie" �In`. U I I Coundlmm Counrilmm Councilmen Mayor NWOB Bundlie Form B. S A. 8-6 COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By INTERMEDIARY ORDER yu0u0 In the Matter oL.�nd1a&xllcyy _iahlock 4,_Iauela Hi�tJ�yd,�sck-Sxcu�HmrB1J 9YBnufl_ C. P. No. Bf609— tA_Pldor_i14BAll4------------------------------- ----------------- In the 11a1[ter of grading eller In Blk. 1, Lou.'s Hlghland Park from How. ell Ave. to Prior Ave. under Prellm- mary order Bfoil none oved Avrll 1.. Inlf. The Couv<II v[ tke Cltr of al Pevn - mieelvvervof Plvepee v nahof sae Co - Ir _I. _______________________"___________"_"___________- -------- vest the esla report ane --'-"'"'"'-- vvvrvved vnb under Preliminary Order________ 92C71 ______approved __ AA pril _ 1932________________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement iB hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__�rade_ alley_ in Block 4,_Iana!s_Hi hlAnd Pac;-Smo Eawo719ve e_ta-Erinz-Av n ee______4____ _ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $Ao.1H________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- 21st _______day of _dnnae_L9H2------------- 7.192ca__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the revenue and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the timprovement and the total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_— b y �_�Q:�______- 192____ illi" t •, "? Approved__ _____ `_------ 192 y ___ t _,c} -CF i !"' c C i / ty Clerk. ___ _ - Mayor. councilman yte a d Couvulon ?fav Com_.men Ieurce PGbLIS1IhD���r— Couadlm_ i' -'- Councilman MayorSkUM Bundlie Form B. S. A. 8-6 ................... :7 ............................................... .................................. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matte, oL--d — i , g -and. Aak!124— sa—nent- im-tha -land--n"a-rX 1" ------ --------------- -- ---------------- ..... .. ... -------------------------------------------------- ----- - ------------ te ---------- - a-1 --------------------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order____________ 22072 ---------_----_approved 1932________________ The Council of the City of Pant having received the r,port of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ord red to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council .... mnend, ----------------------------------------- with no .1ter—tives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $-9-q_QQ -------- R—I,ed Further, That , public hearing be had no said improvement 11 the____ 21st ---------- day of j=-_1232 192--, at the hour of 10 o 'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said —ting to the pe ... n, and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of as estimated. hearing, the n.t,,, of the imp"""' t and the total cost thereofAdopted by the Cou,cioK---- I -T?- F � --------- 192_--- � - --Z�1---------------- Approved------------- ------ --------- 192--- City Clerk. ------ ---- ----------------- rLZLIMILD-�L C1116 -n Councilman Councilman P,—ce Councilman Couv Mayor N*yM B=dli. Form B. S. A. 8-6/- COUNCIL FILE NO ............... By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Mattero[_gxadint _alJ_inAlvr�c_�a_ 5ylran knrk_d�sLi�ivn frQm_StanSec9__r_____ 09EDIlB_}.0_$t._SIAL[_$tSflBt.,__________________-- a P. N., 92610-- ------------ to the Hatter of gradlnk .Iler In nlnro --- nos er rom m., et ander _________________________________________________________________ usu— 0-r afa6 eoorov- ________ "as e Hpa raeal�M ia.a n .11., _________________________________________________________________---- er yr T.—vooa tri_________ Imvwremavt vv va esu rwvrt ^ roer nwFee: -------------------------------------------------- _----- _----- rnet eWa rcvar ________ under Preliminary Order --- —----- 92165 pproved _ April 20a 1932 Th Council of the City of Paul having received the report of he Commissioner of Finance upon the at�E"liiiprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: ` 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_geadaallay_inEloel� Z,_SY.dean_Fxc)c_BddikS.an_trAm_Simfvr'SvAssnue _29__5.4,__.kaE:_ ----------------------- with ---____-----_-___-_ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cast thereof is $_L27e36________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- 2]st---------- day of Juneu_ 1932______________ egg___ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe ons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council --- W-2.ar9.712------ 192____ Approved______�__4i1�______]92___ f _ _C_l_e_r_k _____ City � 1 v ___ // ____ --- _ ______________a_.. _Mya Couucilmevi ?Icl)onahl /` / Councilmau'AtSNiS� ?IrX V Cooncnman Councilmen Mayor NLtbW liundlie Form B. S. A. &ti COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__cauia n ng_end_taking_an essemen _iat11a_land_nanas=y-fcu�lnpas, ants_and_Sills,._in_tha_�radinA _af_911ay_Sn ?lnck_2t_$�13nn_Park_ddditinn.trnm________ Stnnfnrd-AsenuaSo_Si._Claic_SLceetT------- ----- ------ m m.'s0uim eoea.ma, .�---- -------------- _----------------------------------- m.i. sc. Ana.. r•r.umi� ------------------- _..q a,... under Preliminary Order_____________ 9ZI§ft__--____------approved ______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby ..solus: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_ condemn and telcc_an_ �asemenlr Sn =..ha lend_.necass arae S or_ slo{las, _ c uis _ enL S Llls, _ do _t ha {5n ailing _ oP 913ey _ in_Blaok_2a Sylvan_Park_A3dition_fron_Stanforyl 6venue_to St__Clair Streeta_in ac_ __ _cvrdance_seitl>_Sha_hiva_prjnt_lutQSn.stiaahed_snd_ mada_a�arLharen£,_ fha�satcheL___ moa-td.nnsshovirsa-tha_cu+ssnd-fhe_shade3..porLi.ons_sLawSly;-ttialills___ ________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof iii $_ 50 a00-______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement no the______ 21st day of j_&,_jqZz --------------- at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the person and in the manner provided by the aCharter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. �etyy Adopted by the Council ---- l-UiQ?2____- 192 ---- ___ Ci __ c__ 1 �S �` .t Approved --------- ___________________192--- Y Clerk ----------------------------------- Pt:uuslusn Councilman'lc I) ..a I Conceit— MnY J U/ Councilman Councilman . Couneilm Mayor l Bundliv Form B. S. A. M COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By O--------------- By------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of- -- ---------- LQffe-oLAvqnuo-- ------------------------------ ---------- n— a -- —. —n ..... -------------------------------------------------- ca ------------------------------------------------- ---- . . .... ----- -------------------------------------------------- - --- ----- ------ --------------------------------------------------- -------------- ---------- --------- ------------ under Prlirri ... y Order ----------- R�.jjj ------------------ pp,—d --- A-rLI !--I 3-11932 ______________ The Council of the City of P, I b,,i,g received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and baying considered said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement i. hereby ordered to be p .... cdcQ with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends west side_ from Stanford Aveaue to Jeff arson Avenue, ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ______________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated —t thereof i, $__341-.-10 ------- Rc,ol,ed Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement no the_____ Q§jo _________day of jtuua J.0 — ------ — -- 2,qM6_ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and 201y Hall Building in the Th :he C.commi.ce, of Finance give notice , S 1,d he 0: said meeting to the pe,—, and in 1hCi%."ncr` p'- by Charter, rating the time and place hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof .. estimated. 6 Adopted by the Council___ 192 ---- ORO, ------------ Approved____________________________192___ - ------ ------------ 192--- City Clerk. - -------- ------------------------------------ Mayor. Councilman Ilou,ld ci m C.. Councilman Pearce Councilman Councilonart Mayor b[d— 13—dli. Form B. S. A. 8-6 1�4'.Al COUNCIL FILE N0.______________ By----------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter o(�annstrnctinr.�lnleZcinf;snS_rnpn_ing_Sha_sidawalk_mthe _________ north side of ^noitol Avenuo berinnin^ 194 feet east or Lexington Avenuo, the^co east Cegt_ --------------------------------------------------- - _ n n _________________________"--"--"-_----_---___________�_.'----______ ander Preliminary Ord er_____------ U?_2L_____—--------- pproved ___A ______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be eroceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_J_flC p.RStiu9t._re�,sy_@pd _rspaic_thasid,availk_nn_tha�orth_sdda_uf_Lapi.'.al�,venue_ bacinnin�134 _faat_naat_el_ _JaflEl�[.teA+�C9All{i.._LilAAGB_RA3t_�Q_iSN ----------------------------------------------------- - __--_-_____ __________________ ______________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-72Q ---------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ----- ?lst---------- day of 1=--I.232_____________,X98x__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Housand City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenotice of said meeting to "" P so and in the manner provided timprovement by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the and the total cost thereat as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ 192---- 92____Approved______- !1�--- .____--------- 192___ Approved ------� � J / - _ City Clerk. --------- ---------------------------- ----f----___________ _____Mgor. Councilman Mcllouald Councilman May W Councilman Pearcy D 1".'::! C.mciIma Sndhelmer Mayor Net— Bundlia Form B. S. A. fib ......, CITY OF ST, P NO.- -92514 OFFICE F. CI LE COUNCIL RESOLUTION • G o _ ss Ese 26TH RESOLVED molo�ae.m. WHEREAS, The Commissioner, of Educr.tion has reported to the Council in accordance ""th Section 53, of the City Charter the xi tence of nn emergency which rendered necessary the emr lo;/r:.ei.t of certain employes of his d epartm.ent for mer, ,,Run their usual hours. of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby au- thorized to pay the £ollovring named emr1eyes, at the rate other,ise fixed for extra employment for extra time here inof ter set for til: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL George Allen Jan. Eng, 9 Hours ,64� $6.76 Georg. Barrett 5} ^ .64¢¢ 3.52 Christina Bauer " " 4 " ,61Q 2.46 William Benton " " 2 .61 123 John Buhl " ^ 2 .64 1.,28 F. Bureinger 3 .64 1.92 J. Callahan 7 ,64 4 4 Frank Chapman " 3}" ,61} 2.15 Joseph Ellenson " ^ 2 " ,61{ 1.23 Andrea Engstrom Hd. Jan, 1 " .64 ,64 Andrew Erickson Jan. Eng, 1 " ,66: .57 Elias Fehr 9} .64 6.08 Charles Gicsel " ^ 7 .64 4.64 George Gunther " ^ 4 " .64 2.56 Os oar Halgren " ^ 91 " .61} 6.84 CharlesHe— rlend ^ " b " .64 3.20 Carl Hedlund n " 1} " ,64 96 Frank Hedlund ° 5} " ,64 3,52 J. A. in " ° 10 " .64 6.40 Werner Hesse ° " 1•� ° .64 ,96 Patrick Hickey " " 21 " ,64 1,60 Elmer Hintz " ° 9 .64 5.76 G. P. Hodge ° " 2 " .64 1.28 BoDert Jabs Janitor lit " .56'F ,85 e.o ..o .., .... - CITY OF ST. PZo E NO. 5 514 OFFICE OF CIT COUNCIL RE UTIO - c MsgoNaa IHVINa 0, PEAR AY-26TA RESOLVED -2- The I-.11,%ioner of -duce. tion has -Ported to -� acrordanco vitri Sncti nn 55. of rhesndered the .-ofnoyry mploy,c of his the. cmr lo, - of cer� unl hours of e!"PIOythnre£or,obe ent for l r :­ RE.hat proper city officers are 1-0 -de Io tti,wise pay the foll"ing fixed nnmed PMT for extra ec,ploymcnt for ertrareinafter oset forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL August Rahler Jan. E„g. 9 Ho� a .64V 5.76 Nei. Landberg 3 .64� 1,92 1.14 L. G. Larson Jan. 2 .56 1.49 Walter Lee "Jan. Isgg. 3 " .491 9.48 Peter Linn ° 7 3 .64 1,92 George Loomis ° 3 ,64 .64 1.92 Giuseppl Lucie " 11 ° .61* 6.77 Thomas Lunzer n n 10} ,64 6.72 J. R. Lynn " 10 .64 6.40 E. Manske ° " .64 3.20 Lester Moller. " " 5 .64 3.20 John Nelson " 7 .64 4.48 Robert Pearmon " 3 " .64 1.92 John Peterson " 4 ° .64 2.66 W. Poeera " 10 ,66f 6.68 Waldemar Richter ° " 6 .64 3.84 Timothy Roddy Joseph S, Soharfb1111�° " 9 .64 5.76 Henry Schneider " ,64 3,20 Bert Seidler " 10 .64 6.40 0...r Smolensky.64 5.44 0. Schneppmueller 2� ,64 1.28 Lloyd Spetzman10} ° .64 6.72 Edward Thomas ° " 11 ° .64 7.04 o.,., .. .. ..... ITY' O T.. GLL NO. OF CE Y ERK COUN IL R OLU —GENERAL FORM C. INVINa_Ct_. _. CE MAX_ 26TH -].93&. RESOLVED -3- WHEHEAS, The Cor.:n]ssloner of Fducntion has repor_tgd to the Council in accordance v. ith Qooti nn 53 e City •tcr the rxi stents of nn ewer whicri rendered necess the emFloyl-elt of tin empl oyes of his department rc �1,- e1r usual hour., of employ- ment; therefor, H�SOLVr.J, Th e proper city office ra nee h. -re thorl to pay the following named r'.r byes, at the r atherrri se fixed for oxtra o"Ployme nt for extra Sme h—lnafter set 1'orth: NANF. TITLE TINE RATE TOTAL I. W. Thompson Jan. Eng. 2 Hon s .64 $1.2A F. 0. Turnquiet ° 3-} .64 2.08 Wllll a. Vi __1.9 ll .64 7,36 Carl Warodell 4.64 2.88 Thomas F. Watters Hd. Jan. 3 .64 1.92 J. Watson Jan. Eng. 10 ^ .64 6.40 Mrs.Jessie Welger Cleaner 7* ^ .47 3.56 Albert Woods Jan. Eng. 11 ^ .61 6.77 Carl Miller Cleaner 5 ^ .47 2.3A Wilbur Simone Jan. Eng. 2 ^ .49 .99 OVERTIME OMITTED ON ROLL OF MARCH 15THa►1938 Pater Linn Jan. Eng. 7 H.—. .64 4.48 J. Watson e 13 .6 4 8.32 Dewey Michels Cleaner 4j ^ .47-k 2.14 Yea.. couNCIMEN Nays Conroy McDonald / I. favor I'-- f Rosen (� Against Sudheimer Mr. President B..dlie aa32a Adopted by rhe Council MAY QS,ry�L...19 t��[.L/JHFr nvoa M -Y 26, Cleaning schools. -h', am._ F y —1— ",y Necessary to keep school buildings open on account of election booths being 1— build iriga his ^ef-�r- :v r. ac,. �.�m �e+., '-h .tea c.�i �r� �S' '_i'ie Ch—'_e:•. o,.a...C TY OF ST P L r .r NO. rIZD . ,o .,., .,... C O)F CE OF CL e OU(cIL T GENERAL F�S s ONE I ro XCFMffiKWrYX WHEP.EAS, the Comit—ioner of Education has rep>rted to the Council, in accordance with 5ectton 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which has re--.;dered necessary the employment o£ cc. tain emg'_oyes o: the Bureau of Audi Lorlum for more than eight flours per day, Bald e.—. ment bei�� more that) --sir hours of e:.�ployment, now therefore, be it RESOLVED, that tiie proper city of_lcers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the fol'. owing named employes, at a oro rata rate, coma e n sats on for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter at forth: ITAl!E TITLE HOURS RATE Bogue, Ralph E. Janitor Hansen, Alfred R. Janitor Carlson, Cecil P. Janitor Yea. courvcicn.ery Nays C..roy /^ McDonald h, f—, Peasce Rosch v Againss s.dbeimer Mr. P—id— Bundbe 169 S .37 167 .37 111 .37 . R. Na. 11 —9> L c Pmrce- •e or, ora I Mlth. eSl 11 — EB. 1112. MAY 2 Ign Adop,cd by 6Council 19 L(� Approved 19 oa d u4 32 h., i._ .,Pn 9aditorium - •,r.a --r--y n•. ^.0 -r-- r r -h , h— s ..,his Pm.s^Een�Y ea �.e Ly +.2 Thea nfi Pwl l C..nei �i h ti�iwvw�� neoeoaitat work before aad after o� - :his re F:or' :s -r. a.... �.e'-m oe vr��h 3e:: i= -n _, ,�£ _.he Chw_•'-z:•. CITY OF ST_ PAUL 21111111 NO. OFFICE OF CITY. CLERK RES NERAL FORM coM By May Zz. 1932 RE!j �Eo 'Whereas by C. F. No. 92144 the Coune it concurred In the �(�� recommen dat lcn o£ the Committee on Lands for the pure ha se of Lot 4, Block 21, Ashton & Sherburne*s Addition to 8t. Paul from Olaf Seaquiet Por the sum of $300.00, this price to include ell rises-- ante and taxes paid in full, and Whereas, through misunderate-nciing the said reeolutlon read .taxes paid in full", when it should :lave been "net $300.00, the City to pay the current taxes" , and wriereas, the current taxa. amount to $9. a3, Therefore, be it resolved that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and empowered to -druw a warrent in the q„ amount of $309.93, payable to tris said Olaf Hea9uiet, eubj ect to the same conditions as C. F. No. 92144, upon delivery of the proper deed for the above be described property, said sum to be payable out of the Playground Pond Issue F:4Zd. T� Be it further resolved that C. F. No. 92144 ice; end the same is hereby amended in accordance with this resolution. Ik Yeas j 'LM e" N., Adop—d by chi Co.. r..it 26 19 _ /Mar 14n- �McD—Id [n (Hoop APproYd._ 19 /Boscn " Ageinsr /�.�— i �Sud6eime[ rnnvoa ZMr. Prnid— B"nd Bc CITY OF ST. PAUL NO c�c'�-„c•"'en A FFICE F CITY CLERK N—GE ERAL FORM �/ ATE _ c _.__ �aCiSYsmx P.l a. r; -. :_._ _­_'_et;e, ::b'_eand ic liabili='l =ncnx ince omead property d ollcl� t: �amage depo_ited to it t:- snd Public B-ai ldinEs, end the mor �ora:ion Jo-.m sel i., cer<oy entn-,r'_ned and circ oted draw the—yl = 1F�ec �.:Erc£o t n paas aei`i I wa°�° w ayRv_ .sae" COUNCILMEN Adopccd by °hc Council - _ 19 Ycas Na�y/s// / May ' M�Dnaald IAgai J-•�`-MIYOA sl ��y._." M,. Presidrn B°°dlic v ....... "„”"" CITY OF ST. PAUL r.�. NO. 92518 FFIC'E OF CITY CLERK I RES —GENERAL FORM 'ROM,` orvBq - may- ,. 1932 RESOLVED Tiieb .tI he Council hereby ap pr Ove s t2 a s ction of the Purchasing Committee in awarding the contra ct jr, Yurnishing approximately 7000 gallons plain van111a 1 oa cream —Za ired for Phalen Park and Battle Creek during the ossa on oP 1932, to J. C. VANDER BIN COEIBMNY INC. at a price of $1.00 par gallon. or a total contract price of approximately $7000.00, is accordance with apeclflca- tions, their bid and award of Contract harato attached, and the Corporation Counsel ie hereby ins t— ctacl to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. F. B. W-0.77$. mm_ a w��K °ee"w�'r<e:aw aj ,«.ry,a i sib Dr. _ Yea. j rvei�en Ery Na/y.�//J Coa�oy � ar �Aonald / P__ [n fa.or O j R...o Agaioa, Mr. N—d— eundl,c Aaop—d by 't— Comma it MAY_2G,?9r. APProv 19 / AYOR a^'O1ini ••••• CITY OF ST. PAUL i,..e �� NO. �( ` CE OF CITY CLERK R SOL ENER— FORM PRE—TED - COM, 11 IIEI =,.�l is 5_i _dingo ham- _rr—.--ded o' a Ki -de A4 11re r_.at coraco sri �n ret rd in :L� C�:_o Park of cric area, _''or tl_e gar.. _,t���r. cf 15:2, t.. C 4, k, th- sa_d T -__c and H_ tl—ty and property damage ' Ovide_iabilit-. - _ >lily ....__ .1 I—d by the C-_ .oration Jou_^l x.ited lith tae „o.... troller, —fP — be it ti.�_ ti:e Coy_ -11 in ti.e c_ the Co_�.__etil oae of FLr=-s, Pl:�� �r�uxid _; �::d P-,.blic ane the Cor_,oration Co, el j_, i_erc cy �,ithorized — directed £or_ Yeas COUHC—IN Nays / �—oy May / McDonald In favor �Pearce Ro:cam A,-.— Sudhcz— j W P—id— Bundh Adop«d h �hc council MAY 2. ""`{q h r ou APPco� df` 19 voR • . � `ter ' U ........ ..... .....• TY OF ST_ PAUL ioir.cii NO. �Gr%^' OF ICE OF GtTY GL�RK OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM EE pp4 V,,// cOMMin IgryEWZ M —once ay 2n, 193, RE Lvtcn harass, Additions and deductions wYLiclz might prove Lo oe necessary on the improvement described as the pavint o£ F'ar Oy Ctreet from Pleasant "°.ruin beet oroviti ud to V�esterr Avenue, Feyen.. Ce n strpoti �n Co - , Co-itr ac tor, nave been sti ulated in the ec:.tr--et, the eer cations, and unit prices ti;erai'or Piave and Whereas, It hn-s been fo,,.r.d .., .-ske a-�iticl:s and c;eSucti„ns to the contre.c '- as follows: Additions -_ _ 65 4.09 6.3 lire ft.:ul.:s curb 4 1-A Cat ei ,ba si rs (less concrete covers casting "J^) 1 00 38.00 S ... .r •• :nd Catch basin cover 14-_0p 14.00 °^��•,"aa 1 Concrete 212.3 sq. yds. 4" black loam 23.6 cu. yo s 1 _00 23.60 ,r196.89 Rearranging ate!, at lrvi ne Piece & it—'s -y St. x,20 Total Adpiti,ns Deductions15 6.8 sq. yds. Class "A° Eeinf -Concrete 7•r �- x:75 205.6 s yds. 4" Asphalt lac..dem 154.90 io o0 40.00 Cutting doom 4 large trees _ 10 00 40.00 4 Catch Basins rebuilt _ 250.11 Nut Deduction 53.22 And li—eas, The net deduction is $F53-22, nov:, therefore, be it Rer.olved, That the City Council I->. by approves the aforesaid work the supervision of the Comm_i ss3oner o£ public Works and in accordance done under due to same not to exceed "t' ons therefor, them— t dac3uc ti on the in the with spec'fi the sum of fi 53 22, to be de:�uc ted frotrie 1i�a.> — considerat'on named contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3648 for the making of the aforesaid suant to the aforesaid improvement for the reasons hereinbefore set in roc II and i>ur trie contract. specifications and unit prices stip',.-lated . .aid The I:epartment of Public Works Y -gas aF,r ed with the Contractor, Fey—,, C—structlor. Co., that the suns of $ 5 the reasonable ne deduction to be made from said contract. <=o issioner of Public Viorks Counter sI, ed Comptrol er ,tom^ counaua W�. y— Nave p t Ado cd b Cou ncil_�Ay-2li. Q" - 19 P� Yr /. In favor Approved , _ 19__— -- /+ ` JtI�1,IS1-IIiU Mr. Preaidml Hades' � �; CITY OF _ 87mwOI.waOAw �c�� (\N� �•°••••••"^ Cwtie u.Yassa—gy � p NO. J' IW syDanarfm.n t aav E50 I jo`M°t ER y �- � a anmxrzac .b . ew--w- a, —hu ss� WHEREAS, Edwin E. Pearce, an empin:.;a^ ,.ue Department of Education, was injured on the 17tb day of October, 1930, as a result of which Snj ury he received a permanent partial disability to his Heft arm; and whereas, this permanent disability was estimated at 15%by the attending phye ician, and the said Edwin E. Pearce was paid in compensation for the said 15%; and WHEREAS, Subseauently he was examined by Dr - C. C. Chatterton who set imated his disability as 25%, and the said Edwin E. Pearce filed a new claim petition asking for an increase of disability to 25%; and WHEREAS, The Industrl al Oommissaion has approved a settlement of his claim in the amount of 20,4 or 5°G more than the attending Physician, and 5% lees than that oP Dr. Chatterton; and WHEREAS, The compensation rate of the a ai d Edwin E. Pearce is $20 per week, and the said S,b entitles him to ten more weeks oom- pensation, excepting that the examination fee of said Dr. Ohatter ton in the amount of $15.00 1a to be paid by the City- therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay to said Edwin E. Pearce the sum of One Hundred Eighty-five Dollars ($185.00) out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Phnd, payable every two weeks, in full and final settlement of any and all claims he may have , Lrrowing out of (J said injury; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the proper city officers are authorized and directed to pay to Dr. Ohatterton the sum of $15.00 for medical services rendered to said Edwin E. Pearce. o N " ` MAY 8 6 1939 Yea.. Nays Ad -P -d by �hc Cou. d - 19 May McDonald 1. (avar Approved-..__-. 19 /S�dhcimcr ✓ �� � nroR /Mc. Pccvdm, Bu d[,e OFF OF CITY -RK OLUTIO ENERAL FORM c. TED Y RESOLVEDThat ti,e ,,er cii nd they e: re .e -by auttor_zed to e -_tar nto tin - `re<._.F :t ..iti. 5. -..:-a-in.. —h ti:. a. be t):a 11., ite_''t-d '.' e-'loy - ... D n —tt ,nt Public W-!-, on tte 4t':- da, o: .. _,,.. , be, it ;.ioh ,c:'_d a_reezer,t, the ?ro ,er city :U ic=r_ a-. _iEx� -oy It hor l zed tt _, y to seid J -e. C. 33-1- ti— -urn of 444.01 out of the C -en- ation .c --t o£ t -n General F -t , _u -rtiel settl--A o: hie cla'-:n a�jain,-t ..2.a city, ��ein,_ -o_ ,,._e - rioc to -a 1-c'-d- 47�. ; 25th, eu n°.< - .°a x itty i� n: o�`uoo.:.°v o�alw ioini l � .` °i°am sure. r1°� a�"e• e°is: ee<w°a ke° - x iw i v°m ME courvcii-Mery MAY 2 B'cOl Yeas Nev Ad., -d by e h< Council . 19 c'. -Y m'Y cDonald Cn favor Appro� 19 /pq Ros<° Aga:nsc -_.7--_-. Mnvorx S.dh.-, Mr. P -id- B-dlic CITY OF ST. PAUL a.�e NO.N5M+ ICE OF CITY GLERK /I R ON -GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the application of the Midwest 01-3- Company, Inc. for permission to install an additional 550—¢a11cm underground storage tank at Sebnaith's Service Station, 874 East B—rnth street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank to be installed in accord- ance with the ordinances of the City of 6t . Paul , and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commisa e, i on— of Public Safety. yea, cou NciuM EN Nays,/) /Conroy // May "McDonald I. fa.or / y<arrr �Ros<„ Agalnn zSuZ-- Mr. Pre:id— B—dk 6 .......... ...... Adopccd by chc Council..19 W, '. Ffm ,. Approved_. t '19 - -iIN DEPEN DENT; -- - HCE HICj Ii" QUALITY v'� PETI20LETJM PRODUCTS o...cc MINN EAPOLI S.MINN.Hp„� May 19, 1932 Chief Inspector Fire Prevention Bureau Bt. Paul,Minn. Dear Bir: We are installing an gdditional 550 gallon under- ground nder ground storage tank at 8ohnaith's Se rvl ce Stat l on, 874 E. 7th Street, 8t. Paul. This will be ready for Snspeotion Friday A.M. Yours very truly, M(IIIWB:ST OIL COMPANY INC. M�� EWB:AJ By [jeparFta!eah vf" (ivbliz �®�ty May 23, 1932 Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sirs Herewith is application of the !Midwest Oil Co. for permission to instal an additional 550—ga11on gasoline tank at Schenith� s Ser -vita Station located at 874 East Seventh Street, and report of inspection and approval of the Btresu of Fire Prevention. 4arp pour/s, �G Co i.ssion ar of blit Safety deparhnet* 9F Pvbtic 15"Fehy U-7 19,1932 Hon.Oeo. C.Sudhaimer Oo®Seeioner of Public SaieSy, Bt.Pavl, Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the appldoation of the Midwest Oil Oo. to Snslall an additional 550 gallon s,eollne tank at Sohnaithle Barvioe Station located at El East 7th Street. He have investigated the Yor ego irig and report that we do not beleive that this addltis oal stacrage tank would increase the fire hazard enough tc, warrant rejection. Respaot Sully yours. C/11/1 Oh1eY Saapector. WHEREAS, Elizabeth Saumweber has made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain an ice station on Lot 3, Block 1, Courtland Addition, located at 732 Front street: and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been elven pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted subject to the provision that it may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Yeas cou nci�m Era Nays ��roy May ,McD—Ids / la fa.or Pearce /Rf a Aeaiasr /S/udhun,cr .R1r. Presldmr Bundlic Adoprcd by rhe CouncY_5t 8-IJJL_--19 --.-. Approved -- 19 L CITY OF ST PAUL NO OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL RE Nw—.G FORM _ENERAL L —=--ftiEDL]NPA1 _. WHEREAS, Elizabeth Saumweber has made application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain an ice station on Lot 3, Block 1, Courtland Addition, located at 732 Front street: and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been elven pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted: therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said station, the building to be constructed in accordance with the Building Code. Said permit is granted subject to the provision that it may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. Yeas cou nci�m Era Nays ��roy May ,McD—Ids / la fa.or Pearce /Rf a Aeaiasr /S/udhun,cr .R1r. Presldmr Bundlic Adoprcd by rhe CouncY_5t 8-IJJL_--19 --.-. Approved -- 19 L ;ity of Saint Pain Office of City Clark MIKE 1. GIBBONS. CR' U -h and ci.n-ciry O.., .M Cemmlvlenn W RrfMb.Iten air Ci.n v.r+..m., �e v* 25 tn> ig 32 Mr. L. L. Gpdareon, Corporation COMBel, Building. Dear Sir: Theanf.11ring %PTI rmat lona Por peit. to install ca.h d carry Sca stations were re- ferred to yon by the Council for re so 1 -to I.--- Eli-beth Ss—eber - at332 Front St _ > a Zo t 3. Blo clr 1, C ---t lead Aad_ N. E. Bollenbecic - To mo a ice station at SS W. 10th St. to 93 W. 10th - Z.o t 2 > Block 58, xry-Snag a sea_ Yours. vary trvly> C 1 ty Cleric. POST CARD NOTICES ... :%'. C.. lF 'fFlE COL4S_SSI0'-.:R CSF T1TI iC� St. P-1, 2.:iry-i_- May 14, 1732. Pursuant to I .......h F, 7ti 5� .ended, of Building Zone - aye roved July , 1�a225 e hereby notified thet the a, -,l icati on of E1ia.abat2z Sail ,ber for permission to erect or —tin— —,t 3 c station located on let 3, blk. 1, Courtland Add. --332 W. r ront�St _ gilo l c up for c sideration before, efe, tY— C -- it of the City of St. Paul in the o Council Ch—b— iu the H-11 and Ceurt House Building on the 25th day o£ May _1932 at 10 o'clock A.M. JOHN H _ ffi0.�0 NA1.D C orrmiiss sonar o£ Finance. e CITU OF SAINT PAUL c PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS May 6, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the application of Mrs. Ll izshe th Saurwmeber, who desires to erect an ice store on the south side of Front Street dust west of Farrington Avenue. This is in a Commercial classification under the zoning ordinance and we recommend that the permit be granted. Yours truly, �k on U `l1 City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk wim 1. GIBBONS, chy Oat assn., cin a.., -Cn .-. el NnflMMnn aa ci.n e.uw.ne. MW 3rd, 1932. i Hon. C. B. Illy, Cams'r of P.P. b P. ffidge., Building. Dear Conelasioner: ve attach herevlth application of 811eabeth Ss®veber for permit to Snetall m See bonne oa Lot 3, Block 1, Cortland Addition, located on 7th side of Pront Street, the third lot vast of arringtoa Avenue. This application has been referred to your department for investigation end report. ions very truly, City Clerk. St. Baul, Minn. May 2, 1832 To the City Council, Gentlemen: I am applying to you for a permit to put up a Ice Houee on Lot 3 block 1, Cortland Add, on Front St. The ai.0 of .ue building to be 10x14 ft. Your. truly, MV 11th, 1932• Hon. J. H. McDonald. Co�iseloner of Finance. Haild1w, Deer Comiesloneri Application has been made by Mre. Ellsebeth Sanm>eber for permit to eredt as Soe store on tle south aide of Front Street gust most of Farrington kvenne, dsecrlbod as Lot 3• Dlock 1, Cortland Witt— The ep?li—Os address is 332 Front Street. still you kindly sot a date of hearing on this application and notify the interested property owners} Tours very trcly. City Clerk. 0(* THE BOA_RDOF ZONING _PAUL,MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE May 25th, 1932. Mr. M. d. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the mater of application of Elizabeth Saumweber to install and )perate a cash end carry ice house on Lot 3, Block 1, Cortland Addition, located on Front Street, the third lot west o£ Farrington. This is a Light Industrial District, and is at the site of e proposed filling station. It is two blocks north to the nearest ice atati on. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh �v CITY OF STPAUfo E.... NO. _. . L _ PR FICE OF CITY CLERK E N GENERAL FORM �. sll ory R WHEREAS, W. E. Bollenbeck has made application to the Council for a permit to establish a cash and carry ice house on Lot 2, Block 58, Irvine's Addition, located at 93 West Tenth street; and WHEREAS, Proper notice has been Given pursuant to Pars- grab F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be ut RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said applicant a permit for said station, the building to be in accordance with the pro- visions of the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the provision that it may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. �E ka�u Rode o..: 4Plo eel ^p° saP^: n[etiye�e n ee anueletni _ n11 oPeo,e June . V19aa1 ae, laid. Yeas couN ILMEN Adoplcd 6 16e Council Rfil u+1 fay. 19 ,ox ��ey 'n. .. . . -Apr d4 _ �, j 19 /S�dhelm�z / w.nroa Mr. Nr drn Bundli. i POST CAR➢ NOTICE! CF 'TIM GOMIESSIO'.7n OF F:NAnC3 St. Paul, Linn— May 14, 1932. Pursuant to 1:1,graph F, Section 5, a landed, of Building Zone t '; _..cO, ap;�r _ Julr y 7, 1922, you n e hereby notified that the an-�l icat' of 17. E. Bcllenback for permission to rotell ice station located at 85 W. 10th St. to 93 W. 10th --lot 2, blk. 68, Irvine's Enlargement ri11 c me up for c nsideratipn before the Council of the City of St.oPaul in the C ncil Chnober in the City 11,11 and Court Nouse Building on the 25th day—of May 1932 at 30 c'c1.0 A.M. JOHN F. MCDOh4ED, Co:issioner of Finance. THE BOARD OF ZONING n,aw B I SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTwmes.A 214 COURT HOUSE May 25th, 1932. Mr. M. S. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir In the matter of application. of W. E. Bollenbeck to move a cash and carry ice house from 85 W. College AVe.to Lot 2, Block 58, Irvine'sEnlarge- ment of Rice & Irvine's Addition, being approximately 93 W. Tenth St. This is Commercial zoning. The location is on the east side of Thorsell & Son's Undertaking parlor at 103 W. Tenth St. Both theundertaking parlor and the ice house would face the opening of Main Ave. The funeral parlor is built back from the street and the yard landscaped. It Is one and one-half blocks to the nearest cash and carry ice station. Yours very truly, f-->1--��--1 Secretary. gh-rh CITY OF SAINT PAUL DScAND•PUELIC BUILDINGS PARKS, PLAYGRZN FI Ilillf',�l �Ilhl!Lu�� April 28, 1932. Hon. Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Attached herewith pleasefind application of v!. L. Bollen - beck, who asks for permission to move the ice house from 85 West College Avenue to a new location known as Lot 2, Block 58, Irvine's Enlargement of Rice k Irvine's Addition, which new location is at 93 'Nest Tenth Street. It isin s commercial classification under the zoning or- dinance and we recommend that this application be granted. Your - a COlmnlesi�. ���� City ®f Saint. Paul Office of City Clerk ,_' %, " MIKE J. GIBBONS, Oly CI.rY .nd Comml..lena of Pe�ld,.een „ i � � o , April 19th, 1932. Ron.C. R. may, %' Mi•' Com..r of P. P. & P. Bldg.., Bull ding. Dear Coasal9eloner: L L.— we attach herewith petition of d. E. Bolleaback for permit to move his ice hone nos located et E5 R• College Avenue to a nes location de- scribed ea Lot 2, Block 59, Irvinela Enlar®ent of Rice & Iralne�e Addition. This application w referred to your department for Snveetlgation and raport. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. M April 14th, 1932. CITY COUNCIL, COURT HOUSE, ST. PAUL, MINN. Honorable Council; The undersigned respectfully petition the council for a license to operate an ice house which Is not connected with a filling station or other business and which is in a commercial zone in the City of St. Paul, ' Ramsey County, Minnesota. The undersigned, William E. Bollenbeck, is now operating an ice house and has a license therefor at number 83 W. College Avenue at the above named city, county and state, the legal description of which is Lot Six (6) and that part of lot Five (5) lying Northwesterly (NW) of College Avenue in Block Bifty- eight (58) of Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine'e Addition to the Town of Saint Paul, according to the recorded plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the register of deeds in and for Ramsey County, Minnesota. The undersigned, William E. Bollenbeck, now desires to move this ice house to a new location de- scribed as Lot Two (2) in Block Fifty-eight (58) of Irvine's Enlargement of Rice and Irvine's Addition, ac- cording to the recorded plat there- of on file and of record in the of- fioe of the register of deeds A and for Ramsey County, Minnesota, which is approximately one half (*) block from the present location, 85 W. College Avenue. his new location is owned by the undersigned, J. Marzolf, 746 Holly Avenue, at. Paul, Minnesota. Respectfully yours, /` / May 9th. 1932• Hon. J. '.i. McDonald. ComnieeSoner of yicanos, Boildl.g. Dear Commiseloaert Application has beau m.da by W. S. Bollanbeek for permission to onus the ice house from 85 West 0011" Avecns to a nes location known as let 2. Blook 99, Irvine-. Mlargocent of Hioa 6 Irvine's Addition, -blob nee location L at 93 West Tenth Street. Mr. Boil—becks address Se 9,4 We -t Tentb street Will you kindly get a date of hserinft on this application and notify the interested property osnereT Tome very truly. City Clerk. ....... CITY OF 5T. PAUL ripe NO._ 925 COU — CLERK GENERA L FORM P servleo ev _onrE— May 18. 1932__ c�ja ssiorveR— . e-srm R sen-' RESOLVED � aR � ,xh t 6 Ww%etata� That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set one 40 foot pole on the southeast corner of Hoyt and Simpson with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Company wires. Municipal Estimate $16305• CourvCiLMEN ,may t1n y�y� Y_ j N., Adopted by the c...61 19.._.._ Conroy // a WD—Id In f.— Approved 19 P"— ^ / R .m /� Agawt mnvoR /Sndh,i— /Mr. P.c.ldent Bundle v / o.�,.c.a �.. ... CITY OF ST. PAUL rices NO. —52 OFFIC F CITY CLERK COUNCIL RES UTION—GENERAL FORM co (%ssE� DATL vTa 193P RESOLVED That the Northern States Power Company be given permission to set two W foot poles on Maryland, between Arundel and Hazzard, with neoeesary guys, wires, anohore, and Telephone Co N jai aT y Company wires. P 1� -Dn a w x rtne,n.. wloa Munioipal Estimate #16306.,„ °vuo°J. ma mumsuw ra.�: co x�. aeie<. .jam s:s.sa°'iry ae, ii` 1 xwae. taii: 1y/yj�\ <//.d%. ✓ .� � 'Y n (ss.e e. ,iii �` R,.Q,, <.Ldl� Yca. courrcl ern Err Nays Conroy May M�D—Id Pcarcc /l Roscn V Again., S°dhcimer Mr. Pcc,ld— 13°ndlic Adopad by the Council _.. OR.FeY.9i.. MAvoN anic....c c,....... CITY DF ST. PAUL .1 OFFIC F CITY CLERK ZZCO IL RES UTION—GEN ERAL FORM CROMM55ioNEd ._ — _____ _. _ -_DATE-R._u.-1JJL�_ RESOLVED �� O�WeRN ie�msee N� eiii Yw4eesnnore, vrove oca ie114. ounces azar Ie. suva.l wvv e t I. 126'" J That the Northern States Power Oompany be given ypermission to set one 40 foot pole on the south aide of Maryland, east of Arundel, with necessary guys, wires, anchors, and Telephone Oompany wires. Eetlmate $16246. ✓,, _� A�, o4�� «( \/ rP, �D�R�ILME� Ycas Nays Adopscd by she C ... �'...q.e.� _... 19. Coeroy May 7 McDonald � In favor Approv __.. / 19 Pcarrc $udheimcr MAYOR Mr. Prcaid— B..dhc !� _ �Tniw.'' a'. eF; .. ON cooNciL v _e No.---.�yGtlbt9 PR—R � Y d. I9dj�it,ai". IgdW PI ,t�.W69ti d>ii �8 RESOLVED, THAT CHECK4. BE 1r,'• 1S DRAWN ON THE CITY TRS RY,��Tn.O. THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 25--6-91.11---. COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED_5'}QP__._ TO—`y _INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. woovre. By rN ne wove._.._ 1 i � a�.. L m. OF TIEma TROLLER .��E OFFICE A 1 NO sf. Ji.,J 1 COUM�NEH—ROL�CA' � COUNCIL RESOLUTION mn AUDITED CLAIMS 9s m�oorvnL° aux—� I peso Lv ep d8rvZ T e c° Ex c 25.691.11 ry -1 TOTAL cxecrc lumeex IN FAVOR OF s L . dR �r F—A- 75�-oa' - - _ - rl 4 ,&74-074- 4---- --------.. 5402 • -.- -_. _ --.. Ignatius Booker II Burry -u I 26 4 21 4' 5403 5404 A 1 Stenogaphic Bald:ln Transfer Company X56 7 332 2 5405 '% H. Bsrber Company Electric Company 1 993 3 5406 5407 Pr1oe Flevle• Publlahing Camcany 50 5408 3t1efel Proauote'I no. 271 5409 CSt1es Service 011 Oomoany lz�Holabird 5410 Fllrrbe ana Company and VIII 11 100 and Root 3 927 5411 Northern States Power comnany 2 p 5412 N.W. Bell Telephone Comoany 60 0 541j Peoples Auto Psrts Company 4 54lµ -v alter J. Swr in, Cashier W.Dept. J. 150 0 5415 Anton I 65 5 5416 Anton Haae 5417 Tllhelmina Mueller and 6 676u 5418 Rose Sophia Thauwald EleamY. Ob -t, Tre as.I� 229 9 PI R R a s ey County, YS nn. 60 5419 5420 Hugb Yu!larkey Abe Oxman, Yr=, Ab= Oxman and 125 0d u Yrs. Yorrle Chase 1 d i I i� • P II i VIII III I s„eeT TpTAL-FopwnAo 7 500 00 it I I I� QI� rel �Ip99 765 36'. I _^COUNCIL rRESOLUTION RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY E 110,382.26 . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5421 TO ON FILE lµeTHE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. n oovTEo vY TH c co,lrvci� 193 M.y 26 2 TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 5/456 INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS '/ L-r��o�ien �JJJ�t. v� r l_ ' I r DUPLICATE TO CITY CLERK CITY OF SAINT PALL OU NCIL OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER FILE NO l)lt�I COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL i . � CONROr ! COUNCIL RESOLUTION MAY FAVOR AUDI•TF,D CLAIMS May 26 19 3 PmONALD 1A C' R OSEN (/E. AGAINST RESOLVED. THAT CHECKS BE ORAK'N ON THE CITY TREASURY. SUCH EIMER TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 110 ']89; CO'JE RING MR PRES. BUNOLIEE .HECXS NUMBERED i0 i CC CLU S'V E. AS �[ t PER CHECKS ON i 4FJ{I1�^L6 OET ICE Uf OClljty COMPTROLLER ADOPTED BY THE COUNCIL RY l TOTAL CHECK IN FAVOR OF BY BAN'O NI'MEERTPANII.�R DISE nEC KSE NT cH EC - DROUGHT FORWARD 1 1vv vv�Y 5421 John Braoe 24 0� 5422 Board of Water Commissioner- 575 119 5428 Board of 'Water Commi:Fionerc. 73 008 00 5424 Board of 'Water Commlelonexe 47 69 5425 Board of Water Commis,ioner:'. 180 01 5426 Board or Weter Cpmmie6ione— 1 271 67 ' 5427 A. J.Conroy, Com'r. of P.U. 3 60 it 5428 Joan H. McDonald, C, of Fin.20 00 p 5429 John H. MoDoneld, C.P.R.F. 1 299 76 q 5430 clyae R. Ysy, 0. Parke, et o. 728 1 ui 5431 Clyda R. Mey, C. S•xk-, eto. 1 465 se II 5432 Clyde R. May, C. Parke, eta 1 326 25 5433 Irving C, Pesroe, O. of Eduo, 19 2 5434 MSlton Rosen, C.P. Works 7 270 23 5435 Milton Rosen, C. P, aorke 291 16 IiI �I 5436 Pilton Aoaen, C.P. Works 2 797 21 r 5437 YSlton Rosen, C.P. Works 463 97 5438 YSlton Rosen, C.P. 'Works 1 902 28 'JI 54 9 Miltoa Rosen, C. P: 'Work- 664 69 1 5440 It on Rosen, C.P. 'Yorks 394 35 II 5441 YSlton Rosen, C.P. 'Work- 1 922 83 5442 Milton Rosen, C.P. ''Yorke 2 675 87 ,I 5443 Pilton Rosen, C.P. 'Yorke 1 080 4 5444 Pilton Rosen, C.P. 'WprkB 1 393 44 5445 Pilton Rosen, C.P. Works 573 72 5446 ydlton Rosea, C, P, Works 86 li 5447 Pilton Rosen, C.P. Work: 430 59 5448YSlton Rosen, C, P. 'Work- 808 4e°I 5448 Pilton Rosen, O.P. 'Works 332 24! 5450 Pilton Rosen, O.P. 'Works 1 959 33 ' 5451 Hilton Rosen, C.P. 'fork: ]59 62 III, ( III 5452 Milton Rosen, C.P. 'Rorke 431 23 II 5453 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works 1 110 85 5454 Milton Rosen, C.P. 'Works 343 13 5455 Milton Rosen, C.P. Works 1 938 61 5456 ueo.C.Sndbeimer, C.P.Saf sty 3 00 j SHEET TOTAL—FORWANo 117 858 26 .699 789 36 ••«..... `.. `Y+'. • �.• ITYOF ST. PAUL .��.. 'c NO. .4c1UY FICE OF CITY CLERK COUN L RESOLUTION—GENERAL Fo EM o co --10424- >] May ::b, 1952 RESOLVED In the matter of aradinp Alley in Block 7, Hillsdale, from Duluth Avenue to Fr-nk Street, aiso trading Duluth AV nue from Jenks Streetto LawsonStreet, under Prelimin-,ry Order 9 01 10, np-ovsd August 19, 1951, and Fin;t] Order 90655, approved Au>ust 13, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifi- cations ne submitted by the Commissioner of Public ry orks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby annroved. g' r. xoan a, arnto�„Ax... o jM<D ... Id 1. fagot /,. Md4dmd . a°%: aa. tu.>°ie-le filar o ro Yeas eourveit-NeN Nays / 0—Y �, re,e�aoar jM<D ... Id 1. fagot /,. Md4dmd �. ARalll.[ Mr. Provident Hod,.— Adopted by the Council_._kW 2j 19 App- 19_ CITY OF ST. PAUL .iLa NO. FFICE OF CITY CLERK OON L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM may _oATe ;-b, 14J `L RESOLVED In the matter of gradinr the A11e35 in Rlock 1, Gerard's Rearrangement of Gibson's Additi.,n and Lot 1, Gibson's Addition from Scheffe- Avenue to any Street, under Preliminary Order C. f. 90866, approved Nov. 2, 19'51, and Final Order C. t• 91263, approved December 2.., 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby Nu oe-s..Rmlr.M enai ei t" approved. .aauP•. auS''a.n aSmAt. ole.R•. o«u- .e'"I.... O: y—COUNCILMEN Nate Giocy...--.. Fuaau4u '� �Cp��I-0 In favor /�I �,mv t/ Aeai et Mr. Presidcntn Adopted by the Council- �.',- 01� Approved C"YOR ,......o........ _ .� CITY OF ST. PAUL io ancn NO. J OFFICE OF CITY CLERK _ RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PaesEnr oM -DATE 25, 1902 coRMlssio� —.. _. . - _ RFsoLvEO In the matter of gr�.::_ng Ailey in block. 3, G. V. Bacon's Addition from 'White bie+u Av-nue to Flandrau Street, under Prelimin.ry 0r1er U. F. d9954, approved July 29, 1931, and Fin:,1 Order C. F. 90531, approved September 29, 1931. resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the �Ommissioner Of eu'oiic +corks for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. � aS� AI(eom WB�ae tnH �v w�e�e PlucnAEpAu el. uoEet pro- OO 9 s'1i160�Ee°e°O�F.I e;1tt�'odp W." tEe o fB. ]NA1. Avo tv eI, C nn ar te, lBal. (Mey to-IBe2) I y— N_ Nay Eugu.Ps. ,yycp AJd In tayo� /�) 9u��a:mr -. V Against w—A c MI. P—idem Hvd@MIIIII- ' Adopted by the Council— - ? 19 App—'d, - /— ------19-. o,......o �. `�1CITY OF ST. PAUL ripe �� Nom. (��JU3 —� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK nc UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM raeseNTEo r May 25, 193`L once i cornrnlsslpyE _ RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 12, A. Gotzlan's Rearrangement of Sigel's Addition from Atlantic Street to Sixth btrest, under Preliminary Order C. r. 90271, aparoved August -B, 1'331, and Final Order �. P. 90087, approved November 10, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the commissioner of Public —rks for the above named improvement, be and the same ':re 0 hereby approved. _ wm.°eue`.i n.°x . .°Ian`+; Y— coUNCIII N Nay Clancy Ferguwn McDonald In I.— RnhLnd / 1 � EYdheimn J .Against Mr. P—idcnt9fiSd"bW Adopted by the 19 Approved - — _. _19. �✓Mnrow Petition G.,8 Council File Nn..__....e7.NJJt� PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The andereigoed hereby propo,ee till .aking fthe followin public imero ant by the Cit of St. Paul, via.: Changing the grade of Alley Sn Illk. 12, 5tlnson s�Boulevard Aydd. from Griggs. It. ._to..a...Po}39 nt-0-ft.-west-o£--the...weat--11— of-Enigga St....c -to 0 -on to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present eistabliahed grade -being shown by--the---Slue line --tITTV00n,-"also grading... tiley... in..Blnck 12, .S tinsont s..Sot l evard...6dditlon. Yrom.._Q;�,ggs.-.Stn to Syndicate Ave. to the proposed red line when established and surface theal3ey-with -concrete 16-FTwide from 6riggsbC o-a-po/i/nptf-L -west Dated this. -25th.... day of .......May, 19M�� " lggs St. esatwneai oro o.�.r'•ior ma PRELIMINARY ORDER. .wi�°,R°ei n'eiroov"oe P o.o• A.aoi g imProvement,m - a • of eu'era rn-alT W EREAS A written pro 1 for the making of the followin ' Changing the grade ofP Alley in Rlock 12,Stinson s Boulevard �-�'e-1 71ggs no n. St..-tn..a..point -396-ft.west-of the, -west-line--erf-Griggs-St:-to eoaf— to the red line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present -established "grade being shown -by -the -blue linethereon,also grad- ing alley_ n_Blo.ok. ].2,...Sons.ons..$oulesard_Additdna_.£rnm_G.r3ggs..S.t.._to.. Syndicate Ave.to the proposed red line when established, and surface the alley with -eenerete-/6'�lw}de-from- Griggs --Str'--to a --point- 180'-ft.'-west"vf having been pre,eoted to the Council of the City of St. Paul.__._ ............. ..................._._.....__Griggs _Bt;_ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeiooer of Public Work, be aad ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To ioveetigate the nconecity for, or dmirebility of, the making of said improvement 2. To iaveetigate the nature, extent and eetimnted coat of said improvement, sad the told coat thereof. 3. To fumieh o plan, profile or ,ketch of said improvement. 4. To ,tete whether or not said improvement is naked for oa the petition of time or mora w,.m 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matter, to the Commissioner of Fi... oc. Adopted by the Council_.8.8-._.....-- Yaee Neva Conncaman Ce ulo. Mev Approved.__-___.--- .. Pae Rern, os Snlucell �e-:.-_....___.._......... Ma. Paseroerex Msyor. eyy r . Council File No.,,, 92536 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER_ The and—igned hereby proposes the making of the following public i nr provement by the City of St. Palll, viz.: Condemning and taking an easement; J­ tTie, _end necessary. - for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of-Alley J. Block 12, _.Stinsnnls.Boulevard.. Addition Sram Syndicate _._Avenue.._.. _._ __. __ _.. .. _....__ May � 1932__ :neo nr. e,e mr u. Dated thre _k5th._ day of ... Y w.: a u to �°a� PRELIMINARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Condemning and taking. an easement in ttie _Land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the gr clirag_ of Alley in Block 12r Stinson'_s Boulevard Addition from Griggs Street to Syndlc to ........._AY.ellne...__ ________ __________ _____ ___________ having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pa.ul_______ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Pubhe Works be and ie hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the tusking of eaid improvement. 2. To investigate the vat"', extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish s Plan, profile or sketch of said improvement_ 4. To state whether or not esid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or marc ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. J 9 Adopted by the Council.__._ Yews Nwre Councilman Coxaov AFAW; MApproved__ ..._ .... __..__ �] McDoxenn U / Pewsca Rolex Ma PaasmaxT - Mayor. s..mc1 it nmi 1 /� Y1115L1 HED CITY OF PAUL = ­ NO. O9 v ~- •o [[YM1 • • IC OF CITY CLEP.K 1/1 LUT `GENERAL FOIRME — co Hiiissio V RESOLVED That permission be and it Is hereby given to the Newell Park Improvement Assoclat Son to conduct a sP,.j, festival on a vacant lot at University and Hamline avenues from May 2�th to June 4th, inclusive, (Sun iy excepted). m DHn me Ip� courvci�MEry Adoprcd by she C-61 �1 19 Yca� N.Y. r / In fa.oc A" --d 19 ' WD—Ad / i Pem.- Rosen �� -Againas -- - - - MIYOR S�dhc�mss � �4. P—d— 6u.dli. City ®f Saint Paul OFFice of City CFerk MIRE J. GIBBONS, C-1 Cle,k .nd C-1 of R.el.e•eon may 26th, 1932 Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear sir: The attached pplication o£ Aerw ell Park Impro+ement Aesoclation £or n rmleelon to conduct nring festival o ant lot at University —,ftF=mune on uey 26th to June 4th incluetve, Sim day anted, w referred to you by the C1ty Cotmcil to draw a re mtlon granting said application. Yours very truly, G Cl ty Cl erk. MacLeod Advertising Service Pubh,h(nq - qdv -hv q - Publicity The M,davy J..—I u,am.v >,vv May 23, 1932 The Honorable George C. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety St. Paul, 'linne nota Dear 91r; We herewith make application for a permit to conduct a Newell Park Improve– ment Association Spring Festival on a vacant lot at the corner o£ a and University Avenue from May 28 to " June 4 inclusive (Sunday excepted). The festival will give employment OI/ toabout twenty–five people, and we L give you definite assurance that we ' will not bring in any out–of–town per– sons or attractions of any kind what– I soever. We thank you for your courtesy in considering this application, and re– main Very sincerely yours ��. AeacLeod For the Newell Park Improvement Association MBI.: DBH COUNCIL RESOLUTION �Or= COUNCIL FILE NO, PRESENTY--- WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended the granting of the privilege to operate the concession at the Como Park picnic stand to Herman Kaufman, 1299 Bargent avenue, Baint Paul, for the park season of 1932, for which the sum of Two Hundred Dollars is to be paid, $100 of which shall be payable June let, and $100 on July let; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommend- ation, and the corporation Counsel is hereby authorized and directed to draw a proper lease therefor. e leRaaeG belt- ndaillon.ereba e herebr e May 11, r1932, 1'cae Councilmen \'ay, I'ass� d b,': he C'ounci l.. 6emoc May McDonald / �' In Fa, Peae.c \1S / r. P-resida dl' JK C,,. L,e.. - , � Mayor•_ 9253(V o`,•[r^/^ CITY OF S7` ... NO. oo.�... FFICE OF CITY CLERFC I RE NG E-N E R A L FORME Yi" -3v PRES[rli[o — RESOLVED ih,L the 1.1-11 O c�1rs in 1E c0.�-.: .e - .._ n o. t.,E .«. ._oo Wren Irv. _- F., .-.. .1-1— o- s , r10 _i o� save _ r..-moo:.,.,. , -tOi,. 1."._ :1:'9t o. ; .,. ,,.._ 50',- of :.c Ie!.,.,e , inc s i of Co. n.r,A ,y-!ive Dollars ID r r=ro n L! , pnye Lle in ad--s; provision c-.- i r - = E_ event t':.c b:cinass .r!ent= r.ccerdec—,ich. ne it etiH^.ISR RESILVRD, Th' t t e Corpora-� i o _ _ .,wn.,el is hereby au the ri ed endtdi^ected to draw ni the _e.-se t-erefor. nB.. aaoaa-v cva. x..w— '....a. -v aa�`�m wo o °'e.W�ij �e:et°.t Fk� x um�m�isiA;'dob '., _ CoeQmSna.� lu BUN, oo.o`:m°S 1.. u,av_v er, ula. o „e ME MAY 27 W 9 Yana N:y:/ A a o peed by ,hr Co�nc�l MaY ✓ f"'ar App—d 19 M<Doml� i^ /YOR . Sudheimer ___ Mr. P—id.., Bundb- ITY OF 5T PAUL rrt NO. .�ZJ10 FFI E Y ERK TIO ERAL FOP.DATE RESOLVED That the eppli*ation of the Saint Paul Dally News for per- mission to install in its garage in the rear of its building at 63 East Fourth street, a 550 -gallon gasoline tank, be and the same is hereby ¢ranted, said tank to be installed in accordance with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Yvav courvci uieN Nay�� - MvD—ld / 7n favor /Roars �budhrime[ /Mr. P—,d— Buvdliv cR w�wa �D�nLi s6 avvun�vn, [vine 1 N Rie�vv 11-111 "Y u4�a�n 'i { �e�c mm s ao o! Yabl c I-- MAYr ,I, Adop,rd !,y Thr Council 19 s Approved � I C ��n j� roa w J, WLI WWWe- peparl-m-tsk a Fvbliv 'jaFeFy Yqy 26, 1832 Yr. Hike J. Gibbose, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Yinnasoto. Deer 811, Herewith ie report of inap_ti__ by the Bureau of F1re Prevention relative to the application of the Saint Paul Daily Rewe for paz-nzia eine to metal is their garage in the rear of their building at Bb East Fourth Street, a 550–gallon g...oIt— tank to service their trucks. Ve/ Opou_ ev `� Co tealGGon- o£ Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 26,1932 ROn.Dao.D.Sudhsimer Commissioner of Public Safety. st.Paul,Linn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of the St.Paul Daily Pew. for permission to install in their garage in the rear of their bull ding at 63 )east 4th Street, a 550 gallon gasoline tank to service their trucks. Re have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired.lo .at ion would not inorease the fire hazard to the extent that It would warrant rejeotion. Re�sspe/ctfully yours, � Ohief Inspector. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL yap '24, 197,2 Mr. William Barron, Chief Inspector, Fire Prevention Dear Sir: Herewith is apPlication or t"' St- Paul Deily News for permission to instal is their garage in the rear of their building at 63 Fast Fourth Street, a 550 gallon gasoline tank to service their trucks Please inspect as to Pira hazard and furnish report./�/�y�/J/,' �yy _ V eTp�LL pour s(�� Co�issioaer o£ Public Safety 1ii�r�;,�;i�_l�iaa�a�;ia S��i)ie; EV€liING AN O,rSj.ijl DAjYrf JORf��f�J.s, r � NO._._ CITY OF ST. PAUL �•141M1•N OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C N—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED55EThat the application Of Anna Corbett for peYml/salon to erect and maintain a cash end carry Ice station on Lot 4, Block 10, Ashton & Sberburne's Addition, also known as 645 Columbia street, Se hereby granted, and the proper city offlcers areautborized and directed to issue to said Anna Corbett a permit for said station, the building to be in accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted subject to the condition that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. .www A Ruaz u _ ,n4 peve�t ciLMeN Yeas Mag Rosas / AH'�nss City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk Mem J. clmsc>ms. CRy Cleo avi��. aOmua .nd Ce��l�b..w ei R�iwaw. -Cb a.n Oen c�.n v.p,.a xRy 27th, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Co—el, Buildtn . Dear Sir: The at taohad av_ o_ llc atioa oS drs. Anaa Corbett for pe rmlt to �t ash sad arty ice stat'on on Lot 4, Block 10, Lshtoaaec sl—l=ama• a Addition, at 645 Columbia Street s a?arr®d to you today, by the Council, for the n _ r ra solution_ Yours vary truly. Citp �C lark. CITY O F SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAY G R CL/N[)7ANp, PUBLIC BUILDINGS May 18, 1932. Hon. Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the appl ication of Mrs. Anna Corbett, who d,si— a permit to erect a cash and carry ice station on Lot 41 Block 10, Ashton ?, Sherb—ne's Addition, at 645 Sol imbia Street. This property is zoned in a Limit =ndustry cl—lfication under the - Snr or" ine rennce. 'Vcommend that the pe -mit be granted. Y,,ely, C3na(i s s i onar. i C' ity of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk Mph 1. C Rs<>N , CRY Oek Ore cl- ci SG.,µ rd CemmWena N Rn4s.�bn awu�art^n..sw.w. may 14th, 1932. Ron.C. R. M-,,,,> Comer of P_1 8n P_ 73EB; 2-3..K Bonding. Dear Caaeol..i- +a r = Lt tackease d plea.- find application of Yrs. Erma Corbett mor permit to erect a cash and carry ice hove. on T— 1-t , Block 10, Lahton and Sherbarne'e Addi- tion. Th • appllcat ion has b i an referred to your depart --> - I-- 1. t igat ion and report. Yovre very Lr�uly_, O City Clerk. �/ C% � g =� !9 32 ORDIN,�, CE k3'�5V, J/ .4 9,90 FILE NO. I� �L PRESENTED BY �O I4 9,RINANCE NO. / An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7210, entitled .<. -bmld.o•e vo woa—� "An ordinance .providing for all matters • „ems Ora- ­se. concerning, regulating or affecting the con— vii•&'"' struction, alteration, regulation, repair, 11.11.ms, a° removal, maintenance, use and inspection of .o we `•unlit �eml oe 1, .5" all buildings, walla or structures erected or aearm ireeu��s o eoieetu.. to be erected within the limits of the City `eieewi thlplr the Imus of h oe' 6fSt. Paul for the protection of property ey eamet ere crus f§r.hej of securing healthful sate against fire, and for the purpose of securing ranllary environments fdr the to of buildings used for hli:1 healthful, safe and sanitary environments for notwtipnorat each ass. aaciagmp' the occupants of buildings used for human 'g,taatme`htoeame.'o� 1111 habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners I ­ habitation o4 for the Ourooee r I g , walls or structures to to prohibit the III of such buildin a upeaay of sllh•I' lructuree; e,tab" . alter, reconstruct or modify the creme, or any prescribing_ part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and dhgh;.`' to prohibit the unlawful use or occupancy of pra' all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers and duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; pro- viding a penalty for the violation thereof, and repealing all ordinances inconsistent herewith. This is an emergency ordinance rendered neces- sary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety," approved May 22, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. • THE COUNCIL OF TRE CITY OF ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930, be and the same is bereby amended by striking out the last sent- ence of Paragraph 1 of Section 11-68, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following sentence: "In no case, however, shall air be supplied to any furnace from the furnace room or any basement room not occupied as living quarters unless such air is filtered and washed. - Section 2. That said Ordinance No. 7210 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 20-7, and by inserting inlieu thereof,the following: "Sec. 20-7. All soil and vent pipes which pass through the roof shall extend at lest twelve inchee above the roof. The top of the roof cap shall be so designed as to permit the insertion of a testing plug of �Councilmen Nay> I'asecd by dm Council Couroy May-- McDonam-- In Facor Pea Roo<o _Against Sudheimer \I r. Prr.idrnl It'11h, Auto: City Clerk \Iayo, - W bit \ ORDINANCE ' COUNCIL FELE NO. PRESENTED By ORDINANCE NO. (2) such form as can be readily seen. The plug shall be removed at once after the system hasbeen approved by the Commissioner of Put:lis Buildings." Section 3. That said Ordinance No. 7210 be and the same is hereby further amended by striking out Paragraph (a) of Sec- tion 31-4 of said ordinance, and by inserting 1n lieu thereof the followinw: "Sec. 31-4. (a) Plaster or. wire or metal lath shall be three coat work consist- ing of a scratch coat, a brown or second coat, and a finish coat. The finish coat may be omitted when the surface is covered with sheet metal, wood wainscot, acoustical material, etc. The scratch coat must be thoroughly set before the brown coat is applied," Section 4. That said orsinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Section 31-10, and by in- serting in lieu thereof the following; "Sec. 31-10. (a) Patent or herd wall plasters shall be of brands approved by the Commissioner of Public Buildings, and shall be received at the scene of building oper- ations in the manufacturers' original package;, and shall be mixed and applied in accordance with manufacturers' specifications. Wood lath shall be spaced not lees than three-ei8hths (3/8) of an inch apart, and joints shall be broken at least every ninth lath with a space left between lath. ends. The mortar of patent or hard wall plaster shall be applied promptly after mixing and sufficient pressure applied to form a good and sufficient key or clinch on the opposite side of the lath. "(b) Ceilings of all buildings con- structed or altered in the fire limits district shall be plastered and have metal lath for a f all inatherfirealimlteceilings districtoshall beildings lathenot d and plastered. "(c) All apartment buildings of two stories or more Jr. height hereafter erected shall be provided with three coat plasterinz in stairways and hallways on walls and ceilings Councilmen Sar P...d by dm Council M, 14cDonald Pea rce Rosen Su dl imer _ \Ir. Presidu,i RinJlir -� iiy Clerk Tn faror _- ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (3) with metal lath used as the plaster base, and partitions separating apartments in such buildings shall be plastered on each side with metal lath used as the plaster base. Tbis shall not be construed as applyin¢ to masonry construction. "(d) Wood stud walls or partitions in buildings hereafter erected in the fire limits district shall be plastered with metal lath or fireproof sheet lath used as the plaster base. All ceilings in such buildings on which steel ceilings are to be erected shall be plastered with metal lath used as the plaster base. "(e) Basement ceilings of all apart- ment buildings hereafter erected, regardless of the location or number of stories in height, shall be plastered with metal lath used as the plaster base." Section 5. That said ordinance be and the same is hereby further amended by striking therefrom Paragraph (i) of Section 31-14, and by inserting in lieu thereof the following: "(i) Exterior stucco work on brick, tile, or concrete shall be three coat work, namely, a scratch coat, a brown coat and a finish coat. The scratch coat in all cases shall be scored with a metal scratcher and allowed to set at least sixteen (16) hours before the brown coat is applied. when stucco is applied to masonry chimneys, metal lath shall first be erected on such chimneys as the plaster base." Section 6, Tbie ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect aed be in force from and after its passage and puhlication, � d n, I[s, c--] .1'12 i,l ra,o, � cd r�;masitro `� Adopted by the Council ..... _-_--___.._.193.._._ Y eae. Nay.. MAY McDONALD /PEARCF; / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL /'MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Council____... 193........ Yeas. Nays. �IA Y McDONALD /ARCF; ROSEN TR W ENZEI. MR. PRESIDENT (31 AIIONEY) / 1st.' J' -✓ _ 2.-1. a Laid o r to Lla1� YeasYra= Na.-. co„roy co„roy May Ma, NlcDonalr Pearce Ni�'DoualcJ Rosen Pearce Sud hei,ner �� Rosen Sudheimer Mr. Pres. B,— lie n ^ J Nlr. Pres. Bundlic CITY OF SAINT PAUL DScAN D,PU BLIC BUILDINGS PARKS, PLAYGRZN iil���!NI�IIj°�' ►�L1 Sure 17, Hon. red . Truax, t� CommisFs ionbiar. Dear :, . In explanation of tine o^:� prs-,111 nt! chsd to the City Clerk+s file, may rrct f�,l i -r ud�•i c� -- fol- lows conearn In:; ri eirs el ;1 ens in ^'lton relis_cn� or .,ecti.^nv11-... 5-+j. -',hi. is rovision to t?:e +ir: a . section of the buildingucode. Tho eat ord inunce st:'tea th.-:t no case sha11 air be sup r>11.. to an, furnuce from the in room or any bssement room not occupied as 11vir,7 uavt er s. The reason fer this pr -vision is that such uir isli Ke ly to be, full of dust and would, of course, be discharged in- to the living rooms. However, various furnace companies can now furnish a niece of equipment which ,ashes and fil- tors such air nd it is to allow the use of �th1s ou_u inment that this revision hus been drafted. Sec{.&Reg-,rdini; the revision to Sectio, 2n-7, this has he do b- tiie revision to t}:e clurab 3ng cod-. .it prosent, the plumb- ing coda ra<iuire. soil and vent pines passing tln•ough tht rocs of bui ld In gs to have around diem n frost shield witri a dead air space of 1" provided all around the Wipe. :•!e are eliminating this frost shield by this revision o ac- count of the £act th.t the air sn¢ce cont±nuully £311. ^•9th water discharg'n;7 on top of the pipe in the form of vapor and this causes . great d - al 0f trouble. S5& {f,3–The remaining sections of this revised ordinance, r- ozv'rz as Section 3, has to do with various items in the piaster ung code. :i11 these items are recom-coded by the plaster u—,E- co g q de committee and are along the line of providing bat ter worlananship end better conditions as to fire hazard TI eyare merely improvements in the present wording o z the plaster section of the building code. 11" fully ubmit t e d '"13. . U Archi City of Saint Paul OFfic Gity Gle:rk �. Clsy Ckak `11 l� Jane 16th, 1932. Bon, 3r—& Y. 'P—, Coae� r of P.P. 6 P. Bldg.. , H¢ildi�. Dear Oeat.i aalcsaars The attachederdinenet proridlssg for .-I __d_te to the Badding Code vat rtfvrrad Dadc to you by the City Coaoeil with the regmtt that you stake a report on Lha ordlnance and the purport of it. Tho ordlnaaoe eae appm-d a to fora ou Jia 9th aad 1e — up for fiml adoption. Tonne very truly, i. City Clark. ^••... CITY OF Sr_ PAULcouwciu NO. t� --- ICE OF CITY CLERK •c[ I(( COUNCIL FZEsag_urION—GENERAL FORM /`^'•'tel _ h May 25, i,932 corenvniissEOHen once _ RESOLVED Wrierevs, The Department of Pub11C Works is charged wit, collection and disposal o£ garbage as sanitary measure, and Whereas, The only available method of disposing :al 'of the garbage is throw._ h hog feeding farms, and Whereas, The only contractor •.v1111n�, to buy the �. ..� garbage collected by the Department of Public Yorks since May 1, 1930, was the Northc^n Stock Comp_.ny, to whom the garbage is delivered at present under their formal bid No. 8706 For the period of September 1, 1931, to August 31, 1932, arsd Whereas 'pro perly executed contract on the above bid could not be secured due to the failure of con- tractor to obtain bond because he was unable to settle his account for garbage delivered up to August 31, 1931, under the contract G-2431, and Whereas,The Department of PublWorks orks had no other means of disposing of the garbage except by delivering same to tl-ie, tiog farm of the Northern Stock Company, and Vhereas, New bids for the s .1e of garbage have beencalled for and -.vi 11 be opened up May 31, 1931Y be it hereby Resolved, That ti -,a Corporation Counsel be and is hereby duly authorized, emnow ered, and directed to make such settlement with the Northern Stock Company, for garbage delivered between $Opt member 1, 1931, to the time when the new contract is effective, ss will safequard the best interests of the city. 1 jAdopd by the Council_ KA 2 3 1411 19 Yeas eouHei�rneN Nays cc / Claacl � -,?,• Fe:gvsava � ' �•' A4eDondd (2 In favor APPro ____._19__ l�trlamd« KtSndhiri>� �_ .Againstron �I Mr. Prceident O1T OP ST. PAUL 2,. a NO.-�Ildl3z OFF{CE OF. CITY CLERK YCOUNCIL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED Nherma the Finance mad Progreae Committee at its meeting of Ysy 27, 1952 duly approved of and concurred in the action of its snb-colmittea, k--.Za the, t Hsa Facadi. Committee, id ..tion being .at forth in a copy the SLinntea of said Fact Finding Committee attached hereto and covering the mattere in this meclutio. contained, Now,Therefore,Be Zt Resolved that all neoaea.ry engl.eeri.g ---t- for the completion of the IIn.ited = provement Council Pagan vhlch era not epeclfically provided Por —der the plane of said Finance and Progrece Coalttee as adopted by Chia C—Ll be paid from Itm No.14 of the _ County Bond Iaena, and Yurthar that before a.y e.—b—.ca are created against Itan 11 o.14 the Comity Ek.& eL r be notified of the contemplated expenditure or eeecombrance —a that he be flualehed with the moeeaary preliminary eetieta-tes of coat_ Be It Further Resolved that Divieioms, F, G and N of Project No.2 ae at forth im the —port or the Fiasmce and Progress Committee, together with the basic data sheets attached thereto and approved by this Council, beco eo dated into one di�ialom to be Yx, p m ea Division I and that Divi. of the same proj act be Chang -"d known as DivielouFthersof. e vT w SRI°e SAY 2 Yam counc�Lwew 1V ay / Adopr� � � �� 19— fJ,wer McDomld � In Svor -APR a 19— Mr. P-.idmr limdWe4 eeLlag or the IF act FCommittee we hc1G in Mr.amer'a office oa May 12th at 2 P_Y_ Yembere present as folloes� �br. Gari Herbert, Len Senear, Fred W:LX a, rZ. J. flolfangle, E. r. Spencer, E. I ekm and C. R. Van, Kravalea- After a abort cl:L amsaioa m mntian was made by Mr. S amer and seconded try Yr. =and;3p that the Bk eaLata Sheet Ho.2 of February 1, 1852 a P�Pai'ad by ant--cc—MMaitt— appointed by Mr. Herbert be approved. Motion .—I d. The following moa+cm ma­-+� b9 Yr. Nilson and seconded by Mr. Spencer that 1:��he aaoaaaaay eag+,=mei-;fig costa for the aompletim of the United �weamt Caonc3l Ps^o�'� w�tah are not epaoifioally peovided for Under the plana or the YiL—once and Progress Comittee as adopted by the City ComCSl aacr C—tsy Board be paid from ltm No.14 of the C,ty Bond I._ Also t a£ora any .membranes are esented against thin &aid item N—:. it is zaomeseaded that the Co cty E giaser be notified of tha s•am>*—g. ated eapmditcre end that he be ftraisbmd with the neoema—y ism,�axu+."7 wetLmtes of costa. Motion carried. A motion was mads Ly &L-- i4+ s sA. and seconded by Mr. Spencer that Divisioae Fe G sad H —If' P- J—t Bo.2 be cmeolldated into one Division to ba Ic cxsm as lKriaiam M and that Livisim I be changed to Division F or tha a¢t. Motion carried. Motion man tbca made sad oar-rl d that the comittee moot at Mr. Seemar'e office at 2 P.Y_. 2wesdaye May 17th. Motion was mach by W r_ P*:LXaoa and seconded by Mr. iolfamgle that the meeting be adjo -.2- 0. R. van xravelm Secretary, Fact FI—Ing Committee CITY OF ST. PAUL r�rcr NO. o+o ...� .o •«<+• OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM EssNTeo av hn A. Mc Donald _._ DATE May 27th 1932. - IShereas, hirs. R. nsby is the owner of City of St, Paul Perti.;i pa t i ng3Cer t i£_care # 187654 for the amount of Seven E—dred Dollars; and ^itlereae, Said ce rtiP Scare has been lost and said owner has made application for a duplicate to be issued in lI eu thereof; and whereas „the said Mrs. R. Sansby rias filed a bond in the sum oi_ Fou'te en Hundred Dollars, or double the amount of said car of kers, indemnifyingend saving hR—less the City of St. Paul 1'rom any loss or damage growing out of said lost car ti float. or the isaue- nce of a new one, and whereas, Said bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and as to surety by Judge John iv. Hoorn ar, of the District Court al] pursuant to Section 1971 of the General Statutes of Minnesota for 1527; therefore be it Resolved, That the proper clty offic ere are author- ized to issue to the aid Mrs. P. -.by a dupmiaat. certificate in lieu of the sold certificate #I in�a.sa wh_ch has n lost or destroyed. once �riEN Adoprcd by ,hc C.Un 1 19 Yc�s ay*% / ,y In favor ApP cUo�ald ' R__ sen A--..A- ­..i MAYOR /Mr' Prer,] Rundlie / o.,..,.... „ _.. «E.. CITY OF ST. PAUL „�,_ NO. 92%6 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM NE 6+tsEr-,rEo ar Nc Donald Mev 27th 1932. RESOLVED Whereas, Anthony Cage is Y.1 is tris own ar of City of St. Paul Participating Certificate # 122762 Por the amount of Twenty Dol lar.; and 'Nhersas Said oertiflcate has been lost and said owner has made ap.at ion for a duplicate to be issued in lieu the ra oP; and whereas, the said Anthony Cegelsl:l has filed a bond in tris sum of F'or ty IUollars, or double the amount of sa Sd ce rtlfica te, indomn ifying and saving harmless the City O1' St. Paul from any toss or damage growing out of said lost certificate or the issuance of a new one, snd Y"^_ -ureas, Said bond baa been approved es to f-- and ezeciition bo the Corporation Counsel, and 1, to aura ty by Judge Jolie "' Doerner, of the Dia tr ict Court all pursuant to Section 1971 of the General Skatutes of M,,_ ota Por 1927, therefore be it Ra sol vad, Yhat the proper c' �yofflce rare auth- A. ad to issue to the ea id Arth "y Cegel slci a duplicate certi f is a to in lieu of the said certificate # 122762 which has been lost or destroyed. coor-iciLrn Eri Yca. Na� Co..roy N4 ��1c Donald In fa�..r Pearce � Roscn J Againsr / Mc• E --d— Bundle Adop-d by rhe Council SAY o A '(��ey JJL 19 ULiK Approved 19 �I � y— o.c.... .c =.. __... CITY OF ST. PAUL si=c �= NO. 9254' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION GENERAL FORM Prx ESESS av, RESOLVEo 1 that resolution, Council File NO 48446, as amended, be further amended by striking therefrom the linea: Painter ...................$1.00 per hoar Painter Foreman ............ $1.05 per hour and inserting in lien thereof the lines: Painter ...................$ .90 per hour Painter Foramen ............ $1.00 per hour. B= IS FURTHER RESOLVED, %bat said rate will take effect and be in force on and after dune 1, 1938. WAY 2 A lqr Adop«d by rhe C..... dl 19 Aporo�.Cd� r� Y I� favor /pM��EDo..ald Rosen �� Ag.—I Mr. Prn1d— BundBc WAY 2 A lqr Adop«d by rhe C..... dl 19 Aporo�.Cd� City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MII� I GIBBONS, C" Or k ,od C..... one of Rykae�tlen a�.i c— Mew 16th, 1932. Hoa. J. H. McDonald sman, Chat, Aage Scale C.—ittee, Building. Dear Commie.ioaer: ♦ttaehed please find letter advieiag that Local Da1oa No. 61, Painters, Dec.store and Paperhangers have reduced their .age soele from $1.00 to 90 ceate per hour for journeymen, and $1.00 per hour for foremen. The C-11 toddy referred thio letter to the Rage Scomm ale Cittee. Your. vary truly, City Clerk. BROTHERHOOD OF ainter�, -Mecoratarg anb i9aperbangero of Zmerica OON818T1N0 OF Hooeo, 91tn. P�oNrlsl, (:mrd. Cr. Carefaae, M Lloery. "P s�M aaLrmd 6gWPmeat Pa1a[eea, On+omtorw, FaPer4eo[e", Raedwood �e.+�o...�.a doer. .as. FInIWe�a, Omlaeea, Olaale�w, Vunlxpe'a, 6mmeb.a and OOUerw ..n 'Local Wnion Ro. 61 418 NORTH FRANKLIN STREET x Feone: oaeseIa dizo n*eea a r'nKadar Saint Paul. Min neeofa_ Mag 16, 1932. To the Cltv Council, of St. Pau 1, Mi nn, so I.. Gentleman: This is t advise yov that Locsl IIni oo No. 61, Painters, Dec rotors and Paperhangers, have reduced t17-1 wage scale from $1.00 to 90 cents per hour for journeymen, and $1.00 per hour for foremen. Rnspe r. tf �,/l/lam. v� -�wrs, V ecra terry. y 3. F CITY O we =s *e eve atsu P NO.—_ OFFICE O yf IDM—' b e�W �pom eu BLEDXMmc WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported t c, the Council that that certain one-story tar paper aback located on Lot 14, Einar T. Schulstad's Subdivision, also known as 1272 Bayard avenue, is In such a dilapidated and danger- ous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; there- fore , be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon the advis- ability and necessity o E wrecking said building, on the 23rd day of June, 1932, at ten o' of ocic A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Cour House and City Hall, in tlae, City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, Tbat not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for amid hsa. iA. v, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings sha11 mail to the last known record owner of said property, at hie last ]mown address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pur- pose of said hea.rine, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one public atton in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing_ IIICILMEN �c�, z a 193T Y ­Nay.+ Adopccd by ,hc Council 9 Conroy McDonald .. In favor APP cov 19. Pearce Rosen / Aga'xase -- --- - ✓ _ — Mc. P—id— Bnndlm c_'s�: xo: stcfe-es Cirae R Mer- , ro 2549 — FFICE OF .=r. P pro NX11Kz= WHEREAS, the 00-1 sai oaer e2 Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain frame garage, located on the Bouth 37 uses* of the Horth 54 feet of Lots 4, 5 end 8, Block 10, Midway HalgLt a, also ]mown as #848 Pusey Avenue, is in such a d1lap3.date.d sand Dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned sad Vora Bowra; therefore, be it RESOLVED, ta4&t a pvabllo Learing shall be had upon the advisability and necessity of said building, on the 34th day of June 1933, at ten o' o1ooY AL. Y. In the Council Chamber In the Court House and City Hall, is t_Le City of St. Paul, Minnesota, and be it rURTHEFt RESOLV=D, tLat not lase than ten days prior to the time fired for said hearing, tha Comissioner of Perks, Play- grounds and Public Bulldinge 8�bum. 1 sail to the last known record owner of said property, at his laa% haosa address, or to the agent or occupant of said property, a aoVioet t.tating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, mad het a11xa11 also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publloalion in the official newspaper of the City of St. Paul, said notion Vo be published not less than five days prior to the date of said L.eaTiag. Ye.. ec-0y Meru Nay, Adop,.d by rhe C...61 enroy H May 1 y};` McDonald �. In favor Appro/vrd .tl'., 19 Pearce Rosen - Aga.n.r Mr. P—idmr Bvndll. �/ v - t OFFICE OFc�Be CITY OFlaa� Plwer'o'L. amR Ye�ul NO.__ea onel�.oMei a eectman � �1 tp EEp L TION= W ~ iaekO;� 8 T app •"/�/%,(J�'' '�/,�/tel j, OMMIPRESE661S ER ml- WE3Rte sem. Tho COamml Be loner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that a certain brick apart- ment building ZOoateQ on Late b and 8, H. Thompson's Subdivision, also known eaQ Qeeoribed ae the rear of #2$8-830 3. Tenth Street, Ss in such a d ---'AL -1 M Idated end Aangerous condition as to warrant its being oondemaeeqc2W_ and torn down; therefore, be it HSBOL—YSD, That a public hearing shall be had upon the advisability ata4 necessity of mreoking said building, on the 34th day of dune las a, at ten o'clock A. Y. in the Counoil Chamber in the Court House and City Hell 1n the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; I and be it rURTAMNZ:3MR REBOLVZD, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed Tor sold hearing, the Co>amissioner of Parke, Play- grounds and Pub 110 Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said pSoperty, at him last known address, or to the agent or occupant of AaLaAd property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpo_s, of said hearing, and he shall also canes a notice of snob hearing; to be given by ome publication in the official news- paper of the pi of St. Paul, said notice to be published not lees than five days ::3�=10r to the date of said hearing. Y­co1rvciLM ery Conroy N2S's Adopt.d by the Coun,MAY 28-fA._. 19 M.y / McDonald (L— In favor App,� 19 P...ce Rwcn Mc. Pcceid— BundZ y^���...r1 ..o�...i .o c... c.... CITY OF ST.-� NO. _ 2WIL OFFICE OF C11rt .(�YYYI'1fII //"//// va Eser�TEo corwmissiorvea— WFDTREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building's has reported to the Council that that certain two-story brick and frame structure located on Lot 1, Block 180, Robertson's Addition, also known as No. 18 W. Indiana avenue, is in eucb a. dilapidated %nd dangerous condition as to warrant its being con- demned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED,That a public hearing shall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 23rd day of Sune , 1932, at ten o' clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be It P'UR'LHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mall to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pants of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of the City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. coutic 1,.+Eti wr 2 w 7q i Yeas Naya Ad—,cd by ,hc Council 19 Co,. o Mayry 'll�,. f o .(a•.* MclJonald Zn favac APPf"J^ / 19 Roscn ._ Againar '� - �t�✓�2 _ w,wvoa -sir j ptjDLlti1.11'FO Mr. P—idcr,r B..,.dlic ~�. 92552 ., o.o... ,o c... r.... CITY OF STNO._ _ e:oae o OFFICE OF GIT :.8�aty�amer�eng ml� IL ION atzz x� WHEREAB, The Commiseioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain garage located on Lot 13, Block 13, Hager's Subdivision, being the north- west corner of South and Rice streets, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public bearingshall be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 22nd day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in 1 the Court House and City Hall, In the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not leas tban ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at hie last known address, or to the agent or occn- pent of said property, a notice Btatine the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such heariow to be s1by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of said hearing_ counc��,.,sN Yra. Nays Aa.,d by Thr Council _MAY..2. R,icAl 19 co.. oy Mayr /. I i McDonald J In favor Apd B 19. _.. Pearce i Roach Mr.. ro s P� t✓ -:,n �� —� MAyo, —id idc.,, Bundlic ow Lu—1 NO.. ' OFFICE O � WAEAEAB, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain two-story frame house located on the east half of Lot 5, Block 8, Warren & Winslow's Addition, also known as No. 440 East Minnehaha street, Is in such a dilapi,9ated and aangerous condition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had upon tUe ad- I / visibility and necessity If wrecking said building, on the 22nd clay of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the Oity of St_ Paul, Minnesota; bs it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten day. prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commi esi oner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Building. shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the aaent or occu- pant of .aid property, a. notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearinc, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be Eiven by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. c MEN MAY 2 R'91' ou�c Yoas /�.oNay9/ Ado Prrd by nc� Council i9 Y , 4. /y{ In favor Appr.- ed 19 a0 Cnald Against. /MgvoR Mr- Prra�drn, Bundlir 6 9 2 �,.. o.., 1— ., . COUNClCIL RESOLUTION ` No.-- •Resolved, 'Pkat the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for widening the existing • roadway on Snelling Ave. from Grand Ave. to Summit Ave. , and paving the Widened portions, also repaving the present roadway, in accordance with plane sad specifications hereto attached, to AANLON & OHES, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $6,700.00, in accordance with bid and supplementary letter attached, reducing price on Item A of addltlon and deduction for extra binder course from $5.00. per ton. to $3.45 per ton, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. • ox" . ^sE; a. BSOO ... 6,920.00 ,. ,...o...,.t.a �..o.. ��r...„,.. o. .o.,.„.,,o,,.......- . _ .00. 31-E1 3,579-26 ... .o.o .,.o.. •.o�,� �....o.,..,...... o .a,.o �..,,. moa. ; _ . 6,700.00 .... 7T'�--- I a - PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council File No. 1- 2&% The undersigned hereby prop.ee, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: Changing the grade of the south side of Ninth Street between Robert Street and a point 85 feet east of , d.:r Street, to conform to the rad line on the profile hereto attached and made a part hereof, also widening the rovdway to a width of 44 ft., and reprving s..me from s point 140 ft. east of the center line of Cedar St. to Robert St., with sewer, water and gas connect'_ons from street mains to property lines where lot already made, also curbiside dlksawheve alley and driveway approaches, slso rsconstructlnR necessary on account of setting back curbs and the new grade. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, viz.. w Ch,,n, inI; the grade of the south side oflin Street bet: ser. kobert Strep` and point 35 ,,^set east of Ced:.r Street, r_o conf­m to tete rad line on the profile hereto attoch ed and made o xereof, al ':+io �ni:xg th to width -f 44 ft., ,,,d t to s me from _Dint 14.0 f t. e•„t f' the .errr -e o Robert ot.,o with sewer, wetar x.ncl Ea% conn esti:.. ns from str: et sirs to property lines i -sera not r. 1re� iy :n -:i e, ='_-o curt.ir nd c �'-:.' alley nd drivez'n 7w` ro ;cher, ��1so r�c�ns trnctinv sia -.1 ks wt�. necessr:.ry on acconnt�oF setting back curbs :and thr newP9'rade. 4. To erste whether or not said improvement is inked for on the petition of three or more owuers. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 2 81� Adopted by the Council.._._ _.. ...._... Ys NAYS Councilman y —d Rl Ma. Pnasrnaxv'r U /.1_ Mayor. i o.e. c w ra rsa s-aw / 1-231_15111: MR MOM Dated thio :-'8th .day of Mays. .1932 Cou Gilman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vis.: Ch--ginf; the grade of the south side of Ninth It—et betw�or .obert Streoc and : point 35 met e^st of Ced:.r Street, to conform F to the r d line o❑ the oro£i le her -:to attached and made ..er sof', also :;iu ani ag tin a .uy to nidth of 44 ft., and — vine sme from 2 _Dint 1?O ft. east :�f' t,h-a^entar fine of Ced;r`:� to Robert ot., with sewer, w:,t.r �.nci - Gonne ctl.,ns from strret mai:s to oroerty lines wYnerr rot r.lre- 3I alley and driv--.y roaches, also r�c->n si;ructinc- ai'±ewrlks wh=re nee--lY on account of setting back curbs and the new grede. 4. To state whether •or •not said improvement ra asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council _... ..MAY 'S 8 "M Ysne N— Councilman i ]f APProved ___.. ,•� V tea. Feasrnetrr � i 3 ivlayor. Petition attached P.24 to grading order - T e t. ieuo:fwr°f°wsref',e,y4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEW1 _ and M. T -p PRELIMINARIY� ORDER. y� b �yMCy�Y n. Changing dtvg r a by g7�A1 e y in�QlocKcl,�o�lynark�andYSLokt�PsBAeerrange- me' t-o.f._the..north. * o.£..Bl otic. 1�. Roblya Park.. from.. Cleveland -.Ave.-. .to a .point 500 ft.west of the west line o£ Cleveland Ave.to conform to the red line on--the--profile--hereto--atter cit eta --and -made -a -part hereof -,the -present estab- lished grade..being .shown by a_ -blue -line thereon,also grading and paving said Alley from Cleveland �-.ve _ to B'inn Ave. to the proposed red line when establ-l-shad,---and oor3 sbraio r:3- a- sewer -in Linn --Ave. from C(anr/oil.-A -:) to a poinbaqhat. north dgy ofttte center line of Carroll Al e7th - --May, 1932 ao�o umeo: PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wrfttev proposal for the m king f the following improvement, vin.: Changing the grade of A11 ey in 331--k 1, Aoblyn Park and Stoke's Rearrange - mertt�--o£-th®---th-I--of. block 1-i-boblyn- Park -from Cleveland -Ave. to-.a�-paint 500 ft.we a of the west line o£ Cleveland Ave.to conform to the red line on-the--profile-here-t0asia made a'-' part "hereof-;the-present-"estab-- lishecl gr eld.q beiIIB._shovv-= Y._ a- b1ye..1S,n.e thgre9Sb&lso_ gradingand paving_ said Alley from Cleveland Pve.to Finn Ave. to the proposed red line when es-tatrli shed, -rnd eons SrueL l -n -g --s- s -ewer in -Finn.. Ave,... from Carroll-. Ave. to a PBg t�t�Ptbht�d4£t �oin�f� tFf�tE�rof�aulo£ Carroll Ave... therefore, he it RESOLVED, Tha64he--F m d—ioner-of Public Work- be and ie hereby ordered and directed:_ 1. To itr—tig-te the vecesaity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvemavt. 2. To ivveetigste the mtum. extent and estimated cost of said improvement, end the tots( cost thereof. 3. To fumieh a p1sr, profile or mketoh of esid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for oo the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upro .11 of the foregoing matters Lo the Commiesiooer of Fivence. . Q tQ 37 Adopted by the Couvcil ..........................0juk Yens N.Y. te•' q n .. ,. _..� .. -__... M ............. a ,zn. �-asp /'� PUBLlSHLD -�— G.76 /(1q��7 Pett -ion FOR IMPROVEMENT C000cil File No._._.....�[GtltJl PROpOSAI. and PRELIMINARY ORDER. ~ The undersigned hereby pmpoeee the —m.hng of the following publie improvement b7 the City of fit. Paul, via.: Chang Sng the grade oi' Alley I. Block 1, Roblyn Park and btoke's he- et—ge®ant---of the -north * oS-.-B-look---l-_Rohlyn Park -from -Cleveland -Ave - to a point 500 ft. west o£ the west line of Cleveland Ave. to conform to the-"red-"-lifts--on "the--prO"£32i --Yi-e i?tb---Attached and --made-a -n2rt-hereof, -- - th,s prssent-e.Stah11shed....graSi. E ---t? iz ..shown.-tY.. a... blue. line thereon, also,,.. grading said alley from Cleveland Av to Pinn —e. to thsed ed lirre--when-established-y e�xel--eozrs-t its et a- -sewer in- €in v from- Car 1 -Ave. to a pg �0 ft no&t�foF tyle center line of Carr _ v 27th - - - May, 1962 r,��itermem ea PRELIMINARY ORDER. �.. nn°xeo WHEREAS, A written �1 for the —akin of the following improvement ori Changing the grade of Alley in Blocgc 1, Roblyn Park an� Stoker's fiearrange mens-o"f---tha""north-"4---o£- B1"©cic" --L, lt-Al a-yn- Park -from- Cleveland Ave. -to -e -point 500ft.west of the west line of* Cleveland Ave.to conform to the red line un the--prefile"hereto--attackx"e"G----Brie---taade--a-- part hereof the present established grade. _ b.kng... s hgw... by.. a_. Al"p,�_ 11As- _ Cki er e�n,....23an _grading_. sai.d..alley...from "...... Cleveland Ave.to Finn Ave.to tkze proposed red line when established, and €� na-true6ln -a-sewer-1i PFLr --10 a f'r- — Carroll-Ave.to-a- point -810 ft—orth of h vrng er Iine pf Iarr o1� Pe _ been preee to the l:ounea'1 of the City of SL. Psul .... ..._..... ..... -.... therefore, be it RE40f.VED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the neceeeity for, or desirability of, the malting of said improvement. 2. To investigate the —tore, extent anal estimated coat of said impmvement, and the tot.1 coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or aketah of maid impmvement. 4. To atnte whether or not said i—prove—ent is asked for — the petition of three or more owuen. b. To report upon all of the foregoissg—sttere to the Commi—Toner of FI—m. Adopted by the Couceil............. INA Q R 10M-.-. Yces Nnrs Couneih—edh� �r.- w �� i'• c'F_ Ma. P.—,.—a` -�_- - -- - [H.f Approved O_ ......__......_......_Mayor...__ Council File No. ....... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT ' azead PRELIMINARY ORDER. Tha uoda�gned hereby propoeee the otalcirtg of the follovarirxg public improvement by the City of Bt. Paul, via.: C,.gpd@mning_ and taking an__eas em enirnthe._ land necessary for slopes, cuts .=d.fillgi in. the _gra.d_ix�g_ _oX'_ A11ey in Block 1, Roblyn Park and Stoke I.s. Rearrangement o£ the NortYs of Block 1, Roblyn Perk ....frojp Cleveland. Aveliye toFSs7Jn Dated Chia 27th .__day of PRELIM INA_RY ORDER. 'c'^,q °:�•jir�.re��o WHEREAS, A written proposal for the —kix g of the following improvement, ria.: ,. .,.. - Condemning and taking an easement 1n the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading o£___A 11ey in Block 1, Roblyn Park and Stoke's _ Rearrangement o£ the Nort2-1 of Block 1, Roblyn Park from __. Cleveland. Avenue, to_. Finn_ Avenue__ having been presented w the Council of the City of St_ Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Communion.. of Public VW or4as be wod ie hereby ordered sad directed: t. To invoaigete the .—.it, for, or desirability of. the ma lung of said improvement. 2. To ioveetigete the aeture, extent and estimated cocci of said improvement, end the total deet thereof. 3. To fumieh a plm, prefile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To .tate whether or not said improvement ize aasleed for on the petition of three or more owoere. 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing meattere to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council ................ ..._MAY QJ g Yee. NAr. i )tl�6Sglla° M. P—oarrr Me Petition > Cnnneil File No. ____9 9 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigoed hereby pmpsem the making of the foRowiug public improvement by the City of St. Ps W, vii.: Cons tructing_ curbing_.. on both sides of Magnolia Street__. from Greenbrier Avenue to Payne Avenue. Dated this 27th .._.day of _. May, 1932 _/. . _ 2 .. e i�lewra� rmvroremwR PELIMINAR ORD RER. �con.�.,m<mr —o, r en veru .r„« WHEREAS, A written prope—1 for the making the f.—mg improvement, Constructing curbing on bo h sides of Magnolia Street ane cemmrweaer at .._. ua r. e.r.ns er- from Greenbrier Avenue to Payne Avenue. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. PeW ................ ............. ....... therefore, be it RESOLVED. That the Commimimmr of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: i. To investigate the necemity for, or dea'vability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To inveetigete the nature, anent and estimated Bost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To (umiak a play, profile or eketeh of mid improvement. 4. To erste whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more —me. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. MAY 2 R t4�9 Adopted by the Council........ .. .. ....... ........... Yrae Nsra Cnnnedman oMNeF— < Approved .__.......------- -.-- ------- .... � r'fi.�lt•'f: U i'iirfM,trtalrUl Ma. Paeemrxr // Mayor. ..ec.una .:7i / �11SI_ISFiEI3 lO –�'�' Council File No.. -._a --t PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propoeee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. PauM,°via.: --.__C9FAs.truc ting_ a_ pldewalk oA_. the east_ side. of Saratoga_ Avenue from Sargent Avenue to St. Clair Street. Dated thia27th ...d y of May, 193E dn— PRELIMINARY ORDER. Cc~ i:Pac~'~'a. �m a.r cna; of e WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Cons tructin& a sidewalk on the east side of Saratoga Avenue from Sargent Avenue to St. Clair Street. having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul .... ......... therefore, be it RESOf.VRI), That the of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neoessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, eztent and eetimated coat of mid improvement, nod the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To .tate whether or not said improvement ie caked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte- to the Commiceiooer of Finance. Adopted by the Couneil-_....................MAY _9 Yaws N.— Councilman mor` - A _.._..__ Ma P.—..—__.. ---._.Mayor. ylt}}7,ICT-Ti�.D C� Co..eil File... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT tend PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vi— Relaying monolithic sidewalk ia.:Relayingmonolithicsidewalk on the south side of Van Buren Streets beginning at Snelling Avenue, thence west 66 feet. Dated this 27th ..day of Matz 193`L --- PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: Belaying monolithic sidewalk on the south side of Van Buren4 Street-_ beginning at Snelling Avenue, thence west 66 feet. having been preesnted to the Council of the City of St. Paul..... -_.....--. ---...-- _..... ......... ...... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To investigate the ......ity for, or desirability of, the making of said impte—meat. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end eetimated ooet of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plax, profile or sketeh of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement i, asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report upon all of the f—g�oinyg matters to the Commissioner of Fi—ee. Adopted by the Council ----------------_Jett- 2 P --- Y.— Nwrs Councilman (eta i. >n s:• •r ,4�L�F+Y� '� Approved............. ................. .._ _--.-.-..._-------_ _--........ e� a ... ....._ .......__. -..... _._ Mx. P.---�.- / 2�- Mayor. . o.m c. .a ran x -nor �� PIJSLLSEIED Petition 4 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER - Council File No. . 92,W2 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Psul, vis.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of St. Clair Street, beginning. at Uount Curve Boulevards thence west 104. feet.... _Dated this._ 27th ._day of May, 1932 _. __- [o ItF'. . rover en4 – PRELIMINARY ORDER. Farm. :y8e WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, vi— 3econstructing relaying and the. sidewalk.. an the - .. _ a north side of St Clair Street.,._ bezil=ixw_ at ld.ount Curve_. -_F _ Boulevard, thence_. west 100 feet. __.._ _ _._.._._.....__..... _..._....__ .• having been presented to the Council of the City of Ft. Paul..... _._ .. ... ... ......... therefore, be it RESOI.VRD, Thst the Commieaionar of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigate the neeeesity for, or desirability of, the mald.g of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nst,m, extent and eetimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, prefde or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ow. - 5. To report upon s11 of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.'9.-o. ___........_.-_ Yaws Ners Councilmanda ..Wn— v dftm� .ung' Approved.... lli� FLEA Iu;E t � c w ra Fza M� PazsFpFcn'r j. � �__ Yo'. 92563 In a'ee Netter'.! 'recev lErn°r°Yk one �e � efot OsuYa4 aaeetEevee pet vvaer Renm�varr Or - COUNCIL FILE N0. Bya:riv:°ntitiea1mer'- ru�ir FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructin:,rrelapin:; anti repairing s_ieualk on the_Lorth side o' Front 'trect tw,,Linin, lc3 feet east_.of_Galltier._ .Street, thence set 16 fejt, –=- — under Preliminary Order _.. 91944.....__.__approved larch 2_3, 1932 Intermediary Order ..___________ _._... _............ -approved _...... _._.___.... ._ _ _...__.._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is rQ4or5tr�act,_-re14y_ R:._ regain_ slle,val_k._on _the north side o..''-r�on;.-.itreeL_herin^_i— 16.5ieet._es-st Street,._ thence-east-l.:—.eat-,-- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement e d submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro• teed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council192 �CltyClerk, Approved __. _.. _ , 192 Mayor. Councilman - nC Councilman L*kwimi ,�i1191� Councilman McDon l Councilman gap / Councilman - ��y"�' e�cdman SY.enrel ` corm B. S. A. a -T / ­ OF PAUL DEPARTMENTSOF FINANCE REPORT OF COtgkU&SSIONER OF FINANCE ON PREIIIIIARY ORDER In the (o) ofnetin� elinf %+id epa lrinF_ sidewalk on the north sidn of Front Street De pinnl nr, lti3 feet. east of `'.a�tl tier ,etraet, thence east 16 feet, under Prchminary Order approved March 22, 1932 T.0- Conned of the City of Sc. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as f„Ilows: The total estimated amount of the assessment for the above improve meat is y al.4o_ " S 'Phe ----d cost per foot for the above improve meat is - - t or "I'he lots or pare els of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each !o parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are as follows: ocscrxi pTiory t_oT a�oc,c ADDITION I�zTAt.unTioN Bld g. 6 46 Auerbach k Handle Add. to the 650 500 City of St. Paul 660 500 w The Commissioner of Finance further reports that nves he has itigated h all of the aforesaid matte and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together ith the report made to rim i reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Pnbhc \\'orks. 1p 19 3 3- �- Com mission cr of Fin nee. � 1 i, Office of Commissioner of Public W�;OW]O f 11VAN(;j Report to Commissioner of Finance March 29, 1932 193 To the Cummimioner of finance of the City of St. Paul_ The Commiseinner of Public Works, having had under consideration the prelimionry order of the 91944 March 22, 1932 Council, known as Council k'ilc N- approved 193 1 relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing sidewalk on the north side of Front Street beginning 163 feet east of Gaultier street, thence east -16feet. and having investigated the mot— and things referred to therein, hereby -p,- 1. Said improv-emeut ie n --y and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated coat thereof is S and the total cont thereof is S and the nature and extent of said improvement is ab follows: - Est. Cost - To Lot 6, Block 46, Auerbaciq & Hand's Add. 8t- Brivsway - - - $14.40 - �_ - - - 8 Sidewalk - - - -- 7.00 $21.40 3. A plan, profile or sketch of Raid improvement is hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement .e... ..asked for upon petition of th or m�/� - of P PerfY. subject to assessment for said improvement. L' - -- .... Commisaioner of Public Worker. 9256 c. F. n°. Ms.— Is the usher of remn.lru°tmF. r ms em renarms, aero « n9 Cae tldew.l9 tee ... arroll Ave., bIg.M.g ae feet f Noore AVFr lee ee e¢rt o Prior Ave' under Freamloarr Order 93911 COUNCIL FILE N0. d u.rce aa, l9aa. v Piha` eeoneren�mc`ro111 ins. b" e°uevouve.nmd me cvvvn By - h.- au . a1mt1°v. sr evrovanran:°.-1d.e tae••. wirca mar onelder9d ' FINAL ORDER R"'� b. 11 ��� y`e Paul lhet the r' Yom'. d uva of In the Matter of reconstructing, -relaying and repairing, where-nensaeary, the eide- walk on the south side of Carroll Avenue, beginaing 36 feet eastofMoore Avenue.,thence east_-to-Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order 81996 _.._ _..approved March 22, 1932 Intermediary Order __....... __-__-approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is_.reconstruct,-relay. and -repair, +Thera-aeeessery, the sidearal1, on the.. southside --of.. Carroll --Avenue, beginning-9&Soatnest- of-.ldoore.Arenue, then,oe eget. to Prior Avenue. ----.... _.. _ __ ----------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said imyZgvGmenj,yp�accordance therewith. Adapted by the Council tgP1INN 1I ``.ff.�tLl. __ 192 Lily L'.IciNc. Approved .196 f/ -- _ Mayor. Councilman Glsliff��. Councilman Ferguson,`n'JA'nfnM -W �-L—'— Councilman MCDona�d/X y' Councilman Wlogan„ Councilman ouncllman Wxxmak Mayorildodnn� Bundlie Form R. S. A. 8-7 01 ST PA— DEP—T—T OF SINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE - ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In then ct ofn tr tjnV, TJl yiny and repa'r1 n�, where n ..spry, the sid—lk_on rhe—thrsida o£ roll Avantasa ba;-Snnirt 36 raet ess toot' Moore Avenita, thev:a esst to Prior Avanua. under Preliminary Order approved M—,h ! . 11,12 To the Council of the City of St. Paul= Th, Commissioner of Finance Irere by reports as f"11 -- Tl- total csnma,cd amount of the rise ssment for the above improve mcnt is - - - j 1b8.40 _ The estimated cost per foot for the above l'hc lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bench,. (or such improvement, and the a.seased valuation of each lot or parcel az last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: oEscwivrior•t mor aiocK wooitiory I da��wl�o Bldg. IF- A. 110 ft o£ lot 61 Miamian Park, Ramsey Co., (all of bincic 20 btinr.. 13000 130000 North 110 ft of 6 20 do 900 11ti00 13900 141500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports the, he hae all of the aforesaid matter , and hereby submits the foregoing as his re Port thereon to the Council, together with the re Fo rt made to him in reference , aid matter by the C'rvm missioner of Public \forks. 193 a-_ llated __ - V C�7 '�« Commissioner of Fin ce Office of the Coznrtiissioner of Public W WF firvnnUr Report to Commissioner of Finance ° a March 29, 1932 193 '110 th, Cua,ni-i„neI of F'i naace oC the City of St. Paul: The Comimavwncr of Public Works, h— ng had wider aoa.id,ratioa the preliminary order of the e'.oua,il, know-" ae Cowidl Nile No. 91943 approved March 22, 1932 .193 , rel.tice to reconstructing, relaying and rei�ariring, where necessary, the sidewalk on the south side of Carroll Avenue, beginning 36 feet east of Moore Av enue� thence east to Prior Avenue. Estimated most - Lot 1, Blk. '20, Yerri am P.3 rK X30.00 2, ' 20, 30.00 3, 20 ^ 30.00 4, " 20,, 30.00 520'^ 30.00 " 6, " 20, n ^ 0.40 - 3. A ph,., profile or sketch of said improvement i. hereto attached sad mad, a port hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i... .._naked for upoa petition of three o mow o "Party, subject to e.ee..mcat for said improvement. A.—L of P.blw Work.. 92565 In the Matter of reconstructin., ralaying and repairing the sidenzalk-on .the north- side. of.Janks Street beginning at Jessie. Street, thence aast ASO feat, ---- under Preliminary Order 91946 -approved March 22, 1932 Intermediary Order —__ __-._..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .. reaunstrunt. relay. and repair ..the. siciaaalk on the north _side .of-Janks Street beginning -Bt- Jessie .-Street,--thence.ea4 6a -feet, --------- and -and the Council hereby orders said improvement be be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by theMAIC Council -'._':--- , 19? � 11rJ`. i t?�`' i//'PL Cit>�Clerk. Approved -- ,192 �� Mayor. Councilman Councilman Councilman M Councilman nrra Councilman,su r Sudhplmer ncilman j 3layur }f9Ugaom� ffimdl ie �// Form B. S. A. 8-7 / C. F. N.. 61686- 6n m. a.um of r...mun.u.g.'.l.y- Lgfl e r -Julth. Iaew.lk ., Bt. b. COUNCIL FILE NO.. h, a.- .1d. .1 Je.k. rl nae°° FrellmYner; om., 91 A pnbu- I'll" I932. Mvlve BY - n 1e . he 6 the ICpuvcll h r 11 p... — 01.111..bfevbloa•.. """�°' I"r' "ere" .p - oua.re:a m. FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructin., ralaying and repairing the sidenzalk-on .the north- side. of.Janks Street beginning at Jessie. Street, thence aast ASO feat, ---- under Preliminary Order 91946 -approved March 22, 1932 Intermediary Order —__ __-._..approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is .. reaunstrunt. relay. and repair ..the. siciaaalk on the north _side .of-Janks Street beginning -Bt- Jessie .-Street,--thence.ea4 6a -feet, --------- and -and the Council hereby orders said improvement be be made RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by theMAIC Council -'._':--- , 19? � 11rJ`. i t?�`' i//'PL Cit>�Clerk. Approved -- ,192 �� Mayor. Councilman Councilman Councilman M Councilman nrra Councilman,su r Sudhplmer ncilman j 3layur }f9Ugaom� ffimdl ie �// Form B. S. A. 8-7 / • DEPARTMENTSOFP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER Innc- nero( e.nnstruetinP. t'al aYi*s:: and repulr..,nt cos teat, the+ idevm.lk on thn north sloe or sank. St..r beginning. street, thence .. under Preliminary Order a1'f roved M—h 22. 193 To rhe Council of th. City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby r.ports as Th, rota) f�sllo ws: ted a of thea t for rhe above imt'tovement is - - 5 36.Of1 — — csnma mount ssc ssm cn $ 'Fhe esnmated cost pct foot for the above im1'rovcment is - - 'rh.Ir�ts or parcels of land that n v b, assessed b ... fill for ­11im Provement, ane{ the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by rhe Assessor, arc as follows: oescRiPTlory t_oT e�ocK nootTloN Pr�u N nsioBld g. 14 9 Fai rc Sar A<73. to tha City 575 4150 n St. P.+ttl ,Mixtn. 575 4150 The Commissioner of Finance further reports chat he has in vestigatcd all of the aforesaid matte s, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together .. i,h rhe rebort made ro rhim in reference to said matter by the Commissions of Publi� NN -k, 19 e ci IJated %2ta<�y y - Commissioner of Finance. Office -of the Commissioner of Public 'U Report to Commissioner of Finance v47 J 1 1932 March 29, 1932 192 ...... W- kms. hu'i­ had �".db . ......i db­­.'�� 0'� tb. Iib N, 91946 .. ............ I Mar. 22, 1932 192 reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on the north side of Jenks St—et, beginning at Jessie Street, thence east 60 feet- ......... Co 6 St. s t I Block 9, Fairview Addition 836.00 nil 'in t lot 14, 1. 2. '111" and flu. -0 :j. ., pja,. p f.]. ,, k, 1, h 1. 5, S411-1 a,k� d f .......... Y' P,0,1i, \Yurko. 92566 C. F. Na. 12686- 1. the hatter of reoonelrucnneC velar In, -1 reyalrl'hn r the etde'ark on na.Mere ean. e south ld, f COUNCIL FILE NO. nea.1 Ave., beslnnlmr1 Ave.; tbenee eut 11 feet anal. Ilml oars Order Bldlr aprov ±. 1112. By. M•bllc hesrivg having above ImDrover� FINAL ORDER In the Matter of.. reoonatruoting, relaying and rapairinr,- where -necessary, -the sidewalk on the south side of Laurel Avenue, beRinni-ng at. Fairview Avsaue, thane. eaa! _� feet,. under Preliminary Order. 91947 ._.approved march 22, 1932 Intermediary Order _. _. __.._ _ ___ ..__ _ approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preciae nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is rola truot, .relay -end rgja r, _whore neaassary, the- sidewalk onthe south side oflaural.Avenua,_*bIl lnoat_Fairviflw-kfln19,_thflue east 46 feet, — --------. .. ---- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said j7mp amen n accordance therewith. Miff o � __Li Adopted by the Council -__ 192 ,•tri Citq Clerk. Approved 192 / Mayor. Councilman OUNIX15 Cm,roy Councilman PeiBuiihi- �j .BLIP D Councilman P1clf%a Councilman Councilman Sudbeio�er , Councilman Mayor };pdwsgq BunLlfe Form B. S. A. 8.7 _ O-P I--Nr OFP FINANCE 19- REPORT OF COMIVL!SSIQNER OF FINANCE T ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 1n,1ema—f r nstrvet ink, rel e.vi r!� na rapai rind, wttare n —y, the sidewalk - the ou`h siderof Iaurel Avenue, baf-inninF eat a r�i ew A—,—, sthence east 46 fa,-t,n under I'rch,ninary Order al, l, --d EA—S 2p, 193? 1'o th, Council of the City of St. Peel: The Commissioner o f Fi... eh—by reports as f—ll—: "Che total estimated amouot o[ the asst ssment for the abov< im},ro.cmeat is - $ 27.60 _. "I'he esrimated cost per foot for the abo..e improve mens is - - - - - - R ----- The lots nr panels of land that may be assessed Fa —fits for sucl, impro.<ment, and the assessed valuation of tach lot or parcel as last repon,d by the Assessor, arc — follows orscAiar,ory mor acoc,c noo�riory Lamp Sunrioor+gldg West 4A feet of 14 :S r'Fbart ('.. F?andy's Add. to :he 1575 7250 City of St.Pn„1 1575 7260 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has i.,,—,igatcd all of rhea(oresa id matt and herebybit sums rhe foregoing as his report thereon to the C,--il, together wid, the report mad, to rhim is ref,rca,c� —to �sa id matter [bey the Commissioner of Public 11 ,y k, ,t L a.s slncd r"trt -/ - 19 ij -�11l r*��.-;� �_C nisein,r f oF c. i THE DEPARTMENT OFi'UBLIC WORHS 0 THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) March 1st, 1932. Mr. D. C. Gayton: Will you have someone inspect the sidewalk In front of 1814 Laurel Ave. Your inspector will also notice that the sidewalk in front of 1816 and 1820 Laurel Ave. is considerably lower than the sidewalk in front of 1814. If an order has not already been introduced to correct this condition, I believe it should be done at once. Yours very truly MR -D COMMISSIONER. i G Office of the Commissioner of PublicP'6'iS`�'�%} .13 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAR it im March 29, 1932 192 Thr tbnuui�dimm of 11W dL Ncork. Ln.'jO hn 1 thr "t.lu 1.a -,f Iha C,11�1 1 rw N�, 91947 ,..... .,1 March 22, 1932112 ,'lonert,, reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk on the south side of Laurel Avenue, beginning at Fairview Avenue, thence east 46 Peet_ ,,-1 hx,i,,, i ­<tiRuti.l ih' ��initi rn „ I iiR. t.. th,­-ii h-. -h, ii l Z y r.......��•nt :a,,.I Ott, 'l.��i,�,t l,l,�. v Lot 14, Block 3, Egbert G. Handy` a Addition - Est. Cost $27.60 _. '1'h, I-.tiii�nt111 „It 1111 f t z. d th, t„t„1 i„ 0—.".4 1,S w111 1h.. untum at'd �t "r -d -I-- 1". 11 ,^ .,_, f.,ll,,..+: :1. A ph", 11111411, "1 4`1-h �.f --I t­F­.-.­­­ 1. 5. i n,anr u ct�mmiK+ionrr �i[ Pttlilic Workv. 92567 1.I" , IF. No. 98a8t— In the Mailer of reconstructing, relay Ing And repalrh1 sidewalk an the 19efeetanorth of Carrroll ng A,1%.boghence north If leaf, ander Prellminry Or. oar c approves having COUNCIL FILE NO, d. A Public hitting having Data pool sad upon the above 0000famant upon due B notice, and the , upon WIN elf lotions d y_ all persona. oblans and recomman- W ono 1112"Ia tha roto. 10 udgerei l fully copy",',... FINAL ORDER" a' I` In the Metter of "�"' "r�'" i `r " � 'pin, S1 1 cn ':he .'o.th a. ';arroll 'venue ,_..._ce_i:o ti, _g under Preliminary Order-.. ..919.1.5 _ _ _-approved , 1172 _ Intermediary Order -.___ --.- -.. - _ - — _ - -_.....approved -_---..-_-.. .............._ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, he it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _ _.._ _ __ _ It,���1�1 „.,,: t , —I„ f. r ,rt:h roll _.._..-.--_ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said it vrsltaccordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 Iraq .. City Clerk. Approved _. _.. - , 192 Councdman,jjpppy' `('n my p. I,1CSim y� Councilmanaii aa'8 Councilman pvaaj{l�CouncilmanG Councilman r i� Y Form B. S. A. 8-7 T ­ ST P l�AUL IEP—T�rNT qF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the macro of r netruct+. nP, ­Jsyi,, ..d repairingsidewalk .. the ---t side 'f S­Jjjrv� Avanue, blgi-7,g 43 —t north of Carroll Avenue, thence north 42 feed, —d- Preliminary Old" -PP ... `1 11—h 22, 1932 T, the Cl -11 of the C"y of St.P-1: Th, Commissioner of F.-- hereby reports as follows:$ The _1 _j_,,d amount o[ �hc assessment (or the above cement .s - The esrim aced cost per foot !or he ab— ,rhe b.t—, parcels of 1—d that may be accessed for im provemcnt, and the assessed v'al�ration of each !ot or parcel as last reported by the Asscseor, arc as follows: DISCIIPT10N DoT awesA011TION Ian s��eTiorvPld g. (Except Snell.5 ng A—) 11 2 Sne 111 nF Park 1. 900 11250 9,0 11250 Th, C...j,i—, of Fi-111, forth .. ...... Char he has inres�ig aced all of the aforesaid mat s, and hereby eby ­1—it, the foregoing as hie .....t lh—.n to the Council, togerherwith rhe report —d, to reference to .id —,— by rhe _j,sj.­ of Public IN .,k, 19 Commissioner of Finance. Office of the Commissioner of Public WWksH,'1ANj;t e4� to Report to Commissioner of Finance March 29, 1932 193 "1'o the Ci,n,n�iveionrr If Fi'I'I', If the CA' of S'. 1'.1 Th, Conuniu+ioncr If IIIIAw Works, having had Inde. ........ tion the preliminary order of th,, C.—O, k-- m Council Fil, No, 91945 appro-d Mar. 22, 1952 193 1 ",I.ti- to reconstruct", relaying and repairing sidewalk an the east side of Snelling Avaoue, beginning 43 feet north of Carroll Avenue, thence north 42 feet. and III,jIg investigated the -,t— ..d things ,f,,,,, -d t. UI,—iI, h,,by ep,- 1. Said improvement ie uecevsary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost to lot 11, Block 2, Snelling Park - $42.00 2. The -i—ted 111-t U -11f i- S , and the total —t thereof is S and the -W, and extent If said improvement ie m follows: 3. A plan, profile or sketch If said improvement i, h-,- attached and -d, , part h --L 4. 5. Said Inp,.--It is... caked f., upon petition If three 11 -1— owner If PlIP—Y, elhjecl to -w ­t f,, .,id improvement Co.mjmj,,,, If Public I.,k.. - r 92568 C. F. No. 92111— In Na Mnttet of reca.e ,sou... Ing and r D.Ie1nR lba eldewnl�4V d��, t/5 feetb ept of Robert M.'R'81do. 919821¢yyOtraved March 29 � 19 -Order a D.blo bafltl.g b."13 bee. bed COUNCIL FILE NO. t Do. due a use, end the �o cu be,- I.Rabeard11 dallove 014,lveblberolt alo. aa. no me eiully cov:merea lee B}._. I ' �s It me aeu.en or FINAL ORDER In the Matter of reconstructing -,-.relaying and repairing the aideaalk anthe north side of Third Street beglaning 105 feet east of Robert Street, thence east 12 feet, under Preliminary Order 91982 ._.approved March 29, 1932 Intermediary Order -... _--_...... -.. _.-. _approved -.. -.....-..--.-.__ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is _.-_ .reconstruct, relay and repair- the sidevilk on the..north- aide .Lf Third Street. beginning 105_feet _eui_of iohertltraate..thenaa..eaet 12 feat, _ --------------- ---- -_ _ ----- --------- -- _------- _....- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council.,., .� _ -.- - 192 i �+C i City Olcrk. Approved ��- �- _ ' � .192 Mayor. Councilman 914== Counmlma �rguson Counmlma M Donal Councilma G! Counellman ,WRt Coaaneilman 4Ya>®1 �i lgaenx Pvndlie Form B.. S. 5. A. A. 8-7 0 11ty OF ST PAIL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF'COMMISWONER OF FINANCE U ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) In rhe matter of .. releyiar and repairing- the sidewalk on the north side of T}C1 rd Bt. bavinning 105 Cset eat fsoRobert Street, reeonstruotint'thenoa east 11 feet. under P,ehminary Order aprl-"d March 29, 1932 T rhe Council of the City of St. 11au1: The Commission,, of Finance h -1b, reports as follows: Th, total estimat,d amount n( the assessment for the above improvement is - ph'-- ted cost per font for the about improvement is - - _ _ - R The i--, 11-1111, of land that may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed—1—,ion of each lot o, parcel as last aportecl by the Assessor, are -a follows: nootrtoN 1e 11PTION —T e1— Lndnsu Al-1dg. That part o 9 26 Cit, of -lint P'll, Capital 6500 4500 lying Ely of a 11ne from a point of Mi niesota n tha northerly line of Third St. 91.17 ft. sly from the Fly line of +iobor, St to a pt. an the NJy line of said lot 9 92.28 ft Ely from Robsrt St. 6500 4500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid marc s, and hereby submits rhe foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the re fort made to ,him .n reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public 1 As. ^ D -ted —i1an� Y 19 3 J., 6 .,. lyre �v �rrf oFi � Com mission,, of iancc. Office of the Commissioner of Public WdAWF fiNAmCt Report to Commissioner of Finance ° —__-= APA b IS= April 1, 193E 193 To the Commiao.—r of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Cumm,mioner of Public Work,, having had under caneidemtinn the preliminary order of the Council, knnwn ae Council File No. 91982 approved Ya—h 29, 1932 1g,.. relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on the north side of Third Street beginning 105 feet east of Robert Street, thence east 12 feet. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement ie rweary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost to - Lot 9, Block 26, St. Paul Proper 2. The estimated coat thereof le E. , end the Wtal cont thereof ie E. $9.60 and the nature nod extent of a,aid improvement ie m follow,: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of aaid improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie.... ....,eked for upon petition of threeor more w re o[ property, subject to aeee„meat for said improvement A—Z-1111 _ Commie,ioner of Public Works. 92569 'o %M c ae ve Bloek n Orove °[ 1 m Callfafrnle Ave. to . o�eoln, i ander°�°jj vary to e °aml te.rfoa e..nna teen nwi COUNCIL FILE N0. �I :nu� ns'c',n°vmen1 °pO" au°� tlenuot, a r l V�,Je °reaerrve tM1ereoT• haringl By ./ � one M tM1e a "lh,refnre. �_d �h et'`M1 orders'' "t In the Matter of constructing.. sear. in the .allay x&Ja—.t to lot. 16- to 22, lnolus.lve., 1n. Block 1, Mon Grove ..Plat, 1 trot¢ California. Avenue. to a point 25 feet south of-Larpenteur Avenue,. under Preliminary Order _ 91991... __.... approved Maich 29, 1932 Intermediacy Order..... ...... __..... approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it / Rac "'V,A RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p vement to be made by the id City is _ Gzatruct a_ Iter in- the_alley_adj ant.. to. —Icd .. 16 t 22,.. iaclu lve,_in.-lr_Ufton-Grov-6 Pl%-from-Califorala-_AaGa�a-to-a-\- paint feet _south, -of Lar pen _Avenue,- ----............ .-- h>t f4 4M the �_�.hetid7- anc d nd, -------------- inid-mar�r-*�MeG;-flnd-irsda�-r.�— i sn^::reed. -------- - ---- --- -------- ---__ _.. _------ a dthe Council hereby orde a said improvement To be m de. RESOLVED FURTHER, hat the Commiasiorer of Pu Worka be and is hereby ins ted and dire ted to prepare plans and ecificationa for said imprand submit same to the Coc it for appy al; that upon said apprpv the proper city officials are shy authorized and directed to Geed h the making of said im ment in accordance therew' Adopted by the Council fik 3-11_Ign_.. __ , 192 t Approved - - ,lag . Cooroy .l.2 Mayor. Councilman FIwn ergus Ceywilman Ferguson Councilman McDonald Councilman WGlogen 'In�x, S dh "ter [',lune ilman �YNatd+ ,Mayor Iludgaea Sundl. to Form B. S. A. 8-7 �� PAUU DEPARTMENT gOF FINANCE REPQRT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE rS% ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (DJ ' In theate f oonatting a ewer in the alley adjnoent to lots 16 to 22, 1nc1uelve, Sn blook rr1. Ufton Grove Plats1 from California Ave. to e. point 25 feet south of Iarpenteur Ava . under Preliminary Order approved Mssrch 29, 1932 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total esttmatcd a t of the assessment for the above improvement is - - - $.962.00 "I' he estimated co t pdr ffo t for the above im prove m<nt is - - - - $ 3.09---- 71,h lot. or parcels of land that may be —,—d benefits for su cls improvement, and the assessed valuation of eacl, lot or ,-j as last reported by the As.essor, are as follows: o escniPrioN mor euocK aooirioN Iand a_un*io Bldg. 15 1 U£ton Grove, Plst 1, Ramsey 100 Co., Minn. 16 1 do 100 3000 17 1 do 100 15 1 do 100 19 1 do 100 2950 20 1 do 100 21 1 do 100 2550 22 1 do 100 3000 23 1 do 100 900 11500 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has all of the aforesaidmatte and hereby .ubm, s the foregoing a his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to thim in reference to .aidm atter by the Commissioner of Public atea_� .- _ y 1932 � C� enmmi..inne� off F�,ee.- St. Paul, Minn... _ ILaxah_19ta.19U . To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigns -d property owner,, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Construct _a gewOr__in eX;kwy. of BlooA One _.(1)a.. Uft9a. Grove_._, Plat 1 St. Ave. from. 35'- PC- o1 LarpeIIZ6-. St. e.._. to _. Callfornla __ ___$Ave. .I/K Td i.,t rya 'So � WALTER P. KUEFFNER REALTOR B.ok—,e M-9-1 . M -1g 9 s he— — M SAINT PAUL March 24, 1932 To the Rono rable. the Council City of Saint Paul. Minnesota. ^.entle nen: L cloaed pl ea as find petition for the c ons t ru at ion of a sewer in the alley of B1— 1. IIPt oa 'hove Plat No. I. This is the alley running parallel to Sd4ert on Street and between Edgerton Street and Larpenteur Avenue. A survey has been made by the City already and it has been found feasible to construct this sewer. The owner. of these three appreciate it being completed houses would in order that they could as soon as poesihle d o away with their tees -Poole and connect — to the City sewer. Your prompt attention to this matter will be sre at ly aPPredated. II j Truly Yours, 1'. -TkfE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) April 1, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosea, Commissioner of' Public Works. Dear Sir: = transmit herewith pre lminary estimate of cost for tjae construction of a sewer in the alley adjacent to lots 16 to 22, inclusive, in Block 1, Ofton Grove Plat 1 from California Avenue to a point 25 feet south of Lar- - penteur Ave uIe, under Preliminary Order C. F. 91981, approved Mnr c)a 29, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $962.00 Cost per front foot - - - - 3.09 Er M l veering & Inspection 87.00 311 ft. Yours tjruly, WM. N. CAR Chief Rn t pproft:r�4sasllon.to thFiance. OSEN, oof Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of PulAic Report to Commissioner of Finance Ti- APR 11 1902 npr11 8, 1932 193 To the Commissioner of Finsnce of the city of Jt. Paul: The t`ommimioner of Public Works, having had u.der consideration the preliminary order ,f the Council, known as Council File Ivo. 91981 approved Yaroh 29, 1932 _193 , relativo to the construction of a sewer in the a11ey adjacent to lots 16 to 22, inclusive, in Block 1, Uf ton Grove. Plat. 1,_. from California Avenua to a point 25 feet south of Larpenteur Avenue. sad having i—tigated the matters and things referred to therein, hcre by reports: 1. Said improvement is nocesaary end (or) d—irable_ 2. The estimated coat thereof is E. 962.00 and the total cost thereof is 8 _ Cost per front foot $3.09 Bngineering $87.00 Frontage 311 ft. and the .store and extent of said improvement is as follows: _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made n part hereof. 4. l 5. Said improvement is.... .asked for u;eiti of three or more owners of property, s.bject to assessment for said improvement. Com loner o Publio Works. v� r` 92570 CO FILE N0. I i By FINAL ORDER j In the Matter of oonstruoting it aix.foot sidewalk on the south side of Lafond Street from oxford. Street to oonneot with the existing_ sidewalk approximately 396 feet west of Milton Street, except wheregoodand sufficient sidewalks now exist, under Preliminary Order.. 91863- _.approved March 10, 1932 j Intermediary Order .____. __.__.___ ........Approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __.....00nstrhat _e..4.1x _ It s1deere.1-$_94- the.-south_side I of-Lafond.Street fmlt.0sfuLS.treet...to..Donneat_11th..th9Into. ly.396 feet _west _of-Milton.StreetieFeept_wh_e.re._gopd..end_gutf-.-ent..sidewalke_cov e_ist, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be ade. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner Pub c W its be an e h reb structed nd directed to prepare plans and specifications for said mprov men , and b its o the Coun ' for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city icials a )reby orized and directed pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in ac rdance t or Adopted by the Cconcil , 1 Cil, Clerk. Approved . 192 / 1 \ Mayor. Councilmen Councilman Ferguson• I :1WzlTrD Councilman McDomdd5,)� 1. Councilmen MCGlogan 1, I r :, be 3Sfe_at Mayor Itodp a B alis �..i6 ,1 y I Form B. 5. -7 DEPARTMI�NT CjF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSI(%ER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER cD> 6, In than...... of a ,,tructi,E a six foot sl dawelk on the south aide of Lefond St. f,,. Oxford St. to norme.t Mph the existing aldI—Rlk app roz 1m tely- .796 feet west of Milton Street, under Preliminary Order app roved March 10, 1932 To the Council of the CIII of St. Paul: Thr Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The tote) esu mated ..o.- of th. assess meat for the ebove improv<ment i,, - - - f The es�ime�ed cost peifoot for the above "f he lots., barrels of land d— may be assessed benefits for such improvement, end the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last ,,boned by the Assessor, ere as follows: oEscairnory nor evocK AODirioNvS11 suArio�+ldg. 4 2 Chatsworth St. Add. to the City 300 5 2 of St. Paul 300 S 2 do 300 7 2 do 300 8 2 do 300 9 2do 325 Feat 40 ft of A D. W. Moore's Add. 200 Treat 120 ft, of A do 1400 1"So C do 400 1 do 75 2 do 100 3 do 200 4 do 200 5 do 200 8 do 200 The Commissioner of Finance further reports that he has io. estigated all of the ef.,—id "matt, , and I.... by s.bth ,i s e f ... g.ing ee hie report thereon to thoget Tl,, Council, ther with the report made D, him m referenc t. said mater by the Commissioner of P.blie \ 19� 2 Y4�lr ve.m e. s. e. r.sDs ed _. f ". —7710. ,I'm-, Of F-� Com miesioncr of Fina 2e St. Paul, Minn. /!Fl /7 191 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen- We, the undersigned property owners, hnraby petition your Honorable fiody to cause the following improvement to be de 14,r ,pi.�i/C,ti;, mow• ���/�w� from ,� �C St. /!I � ` _ cif %7/I �_v�i.� . % r:•..,. irL� , ,� _Is� _ L' • • • . 4• pr 'Office of the Commissioner of Public wOX>bP FINANCE 9nr��Report to Commissioner of Finance- MAR 21932 Murch :.1, 1932 iqg To the Commissiimer of Fissure of the my of St. Pain The ('omnussioner of Puhlin Works, hn,ing had under conyiderntinn the preliminary order of tha C,-61, known m Caaneii File No. 91063 -PPI,—d March 10, 1932 tg3 rclxdve w constructing a six foot sidewalk on the south side of Lafond Street from Oxford Street to connect with the existing sidewalk approximately 396 feet west f Milton Street. end having imveetim,ted the matters sed things referred to therein, hareby reports: 1. Snid improvement ie mnry and (or) dmimble. $1.10 per front foot 2. The estimated coat thereof is f. and the total roar thereof is S and the nnmre and xtent of mia impravmm�at ie muowe. 3. A plan, profile ,, sketch of mid improvement ie hereto ntt,,h,d end made n pert hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is. ..asked far upon 0, of thre4-- of property, subject to eseeasmmit for a,id improvemmrt. toner of Public Warks. COUNCIL FILE NO.. By FINAL ORDER 92571 In the Matter of r, -o: .11..all-- t91e nartl, id:, .' :.t. :mtl,.A :;: �.rcam, ::c..innic�-= 110 .feet east. of --Louis. S�r.. ,. t, + —t 70 feet., onf. ti1 1s r. �.n•. °vn soy ov:e. p`°4°'e" under Preliminary Order :1':.42. ....__.approved 'arch 22, .1932. _ Intermediary Order -________. _._- _ _-_-_ _ . - _ _approved ___ _ __ _ __.__..__---- --- _.__..._._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVEDI,By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of ba - movement tobemade bythe said City ie__-._ r.cno _.rr`.t^t, _-ls:i _eyi_Z-RM1l..�is1 7a1k_ on._the'..notZe-cine_uf_.=t_ At:-;, ��.11n_£aci_east_n=Loi+'s and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of ,aid improvement in accordance therewith. t Adopted by the Council 192 _.... C y Jerk. Approved._ __... .. .. ._ .192 i __ ... _.... _.._.. _... Mayor. Councilman ' Councilman Councilman u..�...... Councilman �i�2t Mayor &aXd(deK _un�ilic /I Form B. S. A. 8-7 (/// DEPARTMENT OFPFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (D) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 190 In the --1 If ..c ... t—tilf", relaying and llp-llin, the sid—lk 11 th, north aide If St. AnthIW A,,,,,, b,,,Innin, 110 feat II,t ' Louie Street, th.... ­jp, 70 feat, 14 ..d, Plldillti—,Y Order approved march 22, 1932 T. the Council of the C", If Sr. Paul: The C—il,i.,... of Finance hereby «Tarts as follows: Th, 1-1-1 ---d amount If rhe asses —,,s f., the ab— $ 52.67 Th, 111--d —, per foot f., the ab— —p—,—, is s Th, I-- parcels of land that may be assessed bcne5ts f., such ovem.nand she d f each !ot or parcel as leer r,p.,,,d by the A,...o — as f.11— LS­E-­- 8LUAT'o%ldg. 13 1 Dewey,Drakes kI Add. 675 1050 t ISt. P-1 14 1 do 671 1400 .11.y I do N. Valuation 1350 2450 The C—imi-,, of F--, f—h....ports that Le has i-,,l,—d all of the afI,—idmatt -d hereby -b.i,, the foregoing as his report thereon I- the Council, togetherwith the report —d, to •hi, m reference to .id --, by the CI—mi..,, of Public Dated q Jk 19 3 —d --1 A, Office of the Commissioner of Public Wo ' uF H"A"ce Report to Commissioner of Finance �. March 29, 1932 Ip3 Tn the Cvmmieaioncr of Fi —, of the CILy of S4 Paul: The Commi.vioner of P,hli, Works, having h.d ander considnr.linn the p dimi—y order of the Couv61, k.ow. oe C-61 File No. 91942 .,proved March 22, 1932 193 slab., to reconstructing, relaying and repairing, sidewalk on the north side of St. Anthony Avenue, beginning 110 feet east of Louis Street, thence east 70 feet. and having investigated the matters nod thing. referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. S.id imp ... - .t w nene...ry and (or) desirable. 2. The estim.t.d soot thomof i. i. , and the WW coat theroof i. E and the n.ture .nd extent of a.id improvement i... follow.: Es C st -- 10 ft. Brick Alley Crossing = 16.67 of 13, B1k.1,Dewey,Drake & Pence s Add. 18.00 "...14 a 1 _n_. _..rya e n 18.00. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement i, h—,W attached end mode . port r1 --f. 4. 5. Said impr.cement i... ..asked for upon petition of three or more owners property, .ubpa to nssee.mnnt for said improvement. Comrnieeio.er of Public Works. May 111t. 1932 Ron. Hilton Bolam. Camo-r of Pabt io 1or—, Banding. Boor Lbominalomr. the --- in the natter of naonftrmtiat. re-ena and rfpairing ftdpalk as the unrth aide of 9t. Anthaty beams beginning 110 feet foot of Lamle Street the 000t 10 foot oaf Lid over by the Council to friday. Jme 3rd and the matter referred to your apartment for check u to the grade, ate, at #219 St. Anthony Arfmoa. lours very truly. City Olerk. s... NO. OJJ,,�,,P--,,FICE OF CITY CLERK ., COUN''''''''''AAA10N—GENERALFORM �✓� /O�z/ . O.i.y L —___ _ _ _. — 1 Upon the reoom udetiom of the Corporation C—e ftl, reOltiog that special Cireamstamces exist, rendering It aavie ble to employ special OOdnsel to pass upon the �lidity of the lssoe of the Slz Hundrefl 'TL n- d Dollars ($$00.000.00) General Imp_t Bonds of the City of Saint Paul. Miomesota.. a thorised by Goanail vile No. 921191, s VP -1-d bl-7 25. 1932. be it 8ssoly cl, That the 81 7dng Bond Coo oLttaa ba aatb—A—d to employ Llm Oh(alley. Attorney. St. Paul. saa TLomson., rood & HOr:&o-- Attorneys. 8a• York City, to pass pon. the validity of the abora isae_e of bonde. at a ooepeasation of not to aseeed your IDaadred yifty Dollars payable oat of the Debt 8ersice X.peaee Accemat. — I ,n M. e'er, poi, Ycas �yoY/ rnEri�N.� �/� Cn Aga— dhe�mcr P—,dene B..dl- Adop—d by nc� Con m V! '1 a` 19 _- A PPr r mA 19 j � voR CITY OF ST. PA U L -- OFFICE OF �C ITY CLE FV _ REy"Ol J;?Ai15 g -G E N E F2 r WHEREAS, The Commie s ion er of Par 1c Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council t2iab that certain two-story frame building located on the south 48 :E -a et of Lot. 16, 17 end 18, Block 6, A. G. Fuller's Addition, els— 3- --s� ae No. 407409 Rice street, is in such a dilapidated and d— .z F,— r ous condition as to its being condemned end torn 1-- V therefore, be It / Xwarrant RESOLVED, That a public he.,1—. sYa all be bad upon the ad- f / vieeb111ty and necessity of wrecking — i m bvi131na, on the 25th /Y day of June, 19-12, at ten o'clock A. ?L _ 3n the Council Chamber in the Court House oral City Hall, in the Ci ty of St. Paul, Minnesota; I'sit FURTHER RESOLVED, That not 1 e— s t Zia n ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Coo L s s i one r of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Building. shall all to tiia 1 as t known record owner of said property, at his last known ad.cl— —I or to the anent or occu- pant of said property, a. notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of Bald hearing, and he caha.l3L s-1 so cause a notice of such hearing to be Given by one public a t A- ori in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be publ 3 shed not lees then five days prior to the date of said hearing _ Yeas Nay Ado peed by ,he Council 19 oy r 19 YOR 92574 .... CITY OF-y'n� — NO. OFFICE OF CITY' �aune. ann m,ee,o.er nt eooetea so Pun,,.. nul,e- � trema nernn laau.mei]e tn- I ES- eae--D aY .,_ _DATE ,oMM ss oea__ WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame be= located on Lot 21, Block 18, Mgckubin & 11,'�Tshall'a Addition, also known as 419 Carroll avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its belnz condemned and torn gown; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public heerina shall be had upon the ed- /1��// visab111ty and necessity of wrecking Reid buildinz, on the[25th day/ \ of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. Y. in the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said heart—, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent of said property, a notice stating the time, place and netursor purpose of such bearing, and he shall also cause a notice of said hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. Y.a. courvci�M ery Nay: Adop,rd by rhr Coun d ,i 19 C .... y Mey^- MalimrslC _. In Favor APProvcd 19 . Pearcy Rosen ._ Again:, MAYoa Mr. P—c d— Bi.ndBr 1,�•, �,.,.1.-U sf� i 92575 CITY OF..=ttlCowaB�n3-� No.- o.,e.., .a .,... - "eeii 10 a s,o�n� s.I•'•' OFFICE OF CITY CL. v die einina l� In aanee,oue CIL RESo GENL..' c�rvM�slorvea --- WHEREAS, TheCommissioner of Parke,. Playground. and Put11c Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame barn located on Lot 17 , Stineon's Subdivison of Block 3, also known as the southeast corner of Erie and St. Clair streets, is in such a dilapidated and ^.angerous condition as to warrant it. being con- demned and torn down; therefore, be it / RESOLVED, That a public hearin, shall be had upon X the ad- vieability and necessity of wrecking said buildins, on the 24th day of June, 1932, at ten ol-lock A. M. in the Council Chamber, in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lees than ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mall to the last known record owner of .aid property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said hearing, and he .ball also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not lees than five days prior to the date of .aid hearing. Yca. co urvci,. rnary Nay. Adop,cd by ,hc Council Conroy R.— IAgai ., mnvoa Snd6 ctmcr �� 2 Mr. Pcc.id— Bundllc Nn: 8S6S nBY CY4!n� Me (]-nnn/rl �` o.,o �.., .o ... ..... CITYOF ST 1pnwe�new. rt sea ai ea �u� ca a[,JO. .W"V OFFICE OF CIT—43 eQ . m eco S'.cm'e a uanRzan•.. I�REN—G EI\°E1' _, Ina,. d e co oNEa --E WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain barn and e shade located on Lot 14, Borsp's Addl tion, also known ae 585 per- ance street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing be had upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking said buildings, on the 24th day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. In the Council Chamber in the Court House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less tban ten days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings $hell mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occu- pant of said property, a notice ststing the time, place and nature or purpose of such hearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said bearing. �MEry MAY 3' lo'_49 Y— courvc N.Y. Adopccd by nc� Council Conroy 02 May / /�, � 19 Pearce In favor API�r ncr Aga; it Sodhrn Mr. Paaid— B—dhc ,.,.,.- ...,... 693 COUNCIL RESOLUTION —.,..-MaY-�7�_ ma _�.._ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contraot 0001m11tee and award_. the contract for curbing both • sldee of ''Nest Congress Street from Bidwell Street to Bellows Street, in so ordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the FEYEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum c` $496.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. d. Rvem`ioxc°cdo'mo ...,,.� .,. 8806 .­....» ... ..r.. 657.00 .,,..,... .. o�.�. ,.., .... RE.V........ .....,..�,,.,,w....o„�..T .. .„„�...E.V.,,..r ,496.00 . . .496.00 • .unc H.Ei.. k,NOM ernoueRNOU „i</.r<v�+�^'— --`N I ...L. i... o. ......r.. .. ...... r...., ,._ MAY731_ t9z9 NO.. 92578 . � OFFICE OF CITY GLERK � COUN, TION—GENERAL FORM _o..TE _- June . 3-str.1982_ R ESOLV EO That the ra-s,ppointme=t by the Yayor of George H. Harrold as a member cC the Plat Commi ss' v of the City of St. Paul for a term of three years from and after the first day of June, 1932, is hereby approved and confirmed. Yc�s comer Ery N.Y, May o nald Iu fa— cn � Agaiusi �vlr. P—,d— B..dhc Adopted by �hc Council 19 - - AI d r' MAYOR TiYu of mint f fitted S.;zrnat", D'p' l —"t may 31, 1932 Mr. Nike Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minn. My deer Mr. Gibbons: I beg to notify you that I have this day o—appointed Mr. George H. Harrold a ember of the Plat Commission of the City of Saint Paul for a term of three years from and after the first day of Tuns, 1932. Please present attached r solution to the Couacil for approval and confirma- tion of said appointment. Very truly yours, Mayor. a.�..cbo-.. c.... a CITY OF ST. PAU4.c a�Co n�cfri caro NO. 92L..7 OFFICE OF CITY CL -19 a��rr PRE -1 6 FaLIMMIXXX wffi2Y4B, by vlrt'" of Council File No. 496, the same being a resolution adopted by the Oonacil on NAmy 26, 1982 and approved the same day, the Oorporation Counsel was authorized to settle upon the terms therein set forth the pending civil action Instituted by Edward Yonloh against the City of St. Paul in the District Court of Ramsey County, and 1HER8/8, by accident and aintake. the real estate intended to be referred to in said Council File #92496. was misdescribed, and In order to correct snoh misdescription it Is necessary that said Council y11e De modified and amended by Inserting therein immediately following the words eBlook RG', Robertson'a Addition to west St. Psul• where the same appear therela, the following wordst •exospting therefrom the followings 411 that certain strip, piece or parcel of land thirty (30) feet In width, more or 1066, which is part of said Block 'G', and comprises only Be much of said Block as lies within eight and one-half (671) feet on the Southssaterly side, and twenty-one and one-half (21}) feet on the Northwesterly aide of the certain line of the more Southerly of the two railway tracks of the Chicago, St. Paul, mi—eapolis and Omaha Railway 00mpanv7, that exist over, upon and across said Bleck 'G'.e THERE740ELIC BY It RESOLVZD that said Council rile }92496 be and the same hereby to amended by inserting therein, immediately Yc,y counci�ra� N.Y, +d.'—d by cha Count 19 o+.... :o 2'n....+. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 92579 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM —_ 2bI%EK3MZMXx following the words 'Block IGI, Robertson's Additlos to West St, Paul•, where the same agppdar therein, the following words: -excepting therefrom the following: All that oortaln strip, piece or parcel of land thirty (30) feet in width, mora or lose, which is part of said Block 'GI, and comprises only so mach oP said Block as lies within eight and one-half (S}) feet on the Bontheasterly side, and twenty-one and one-half (Bl}) feet on the Northwesterly side of the certain line of the more Southerly of the two railway tracks of the Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolle and Omaha Railway Oomcpany, that exist over, upon and across said Block IGI.a Yea: cour�c��Mcr� Nays �Ma� y "M,D... 18 � favor �Peaae O � en Againn Mr. P,­d­ B..dh Adop-d by shy C'oun<il `wtl i ~� 19 App—d 19 ,� i MAYOR o...... ... CITY OF ST. PAUL FILE NO. 72,.K7l/ ;;�����^^!RM /!'',PFFICE OF CITY CLERK ss+aa-��%%fre ES GENERAL FO -- — RESOLVEo That the time within which to erect a fil g station at the northeast corner of Mounds Boulevard and Third street, permission for which was granted to Eugene L. O'Neill by Council File No. 88056, approved January 29, 1931, be and the same Se hereby ex— tended to and Including January 29th, 1933. Yeas co�r.�c�Lrn EN Na� �ay % McD... Id I� favor P-- earceR.—Mr. R.— M,Presides, B..dlic ewe: n nein rias_ Adop,ed by �hc Council Approvfd 19 f rnnvoR o..�o �...� CITY OF ST. PAI' vp �ea"wnra"s aun�ia- NO. • ••�••• iAd iiet u he evn• OFFICE OF CITY C'�,^^•k RE eAEsa� �• L WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 92303, approved May 5, 1932, the Council did, on the 31st day of May, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., In the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a ,ublic hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame house located on Lots 7 and 8, Rohrer's Sub- division, also known as No. 878 Olive street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building o,c structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. Y.aa c{ov rvc..... N Ya Adopmd 1, ,h" Connci1 JVP ((" IQ1Lj 19 VON ey 1L �1cD...Id ! In favor Approves_`/ 19 /Rosen J � Agai as ✓-- tel"/ nvoa �udhc��n"c YUbidtil-1c:D 6 Mr. Pr"aidena Bondlic .� City of Unit Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, CRy O. 6, ai.�CkA C.n a.n -d Cemmlelone. of R..Im.11on May 31st, 1932 Mr. L. L.Lnderso,, Corporation Coua.el, Hull ding. Dear Sir: At theCouncil meeting held this ming, the order condemning that Certain two-story frame house boated on Lot. 7 end g, Aohrer'e Subdivision, lmom a679 Olive etreat wa confirmed and the matter referred to your department fortheproper re.olutioa. 7oure very truly , 10 City Clark. No. 92582 -Gou W� r n�°':wakiJc'B er. Mi. coM4.ii"ssi My 28, 1932 _- Rasoweo— Whereas, The contract for, the construction of the sewer ]mown as the Loeb Kent 6ysjyem., Comptrollerrs Contract 80. L-35$8, OrBeil & Preston, Ina. _fontractors, was finished in so far as it was open to publibefore the job a m- pletion date specified in the coat act, and Whereas, Work in connection with putting the street ` in the proper condition could not be done until spring, and Whereas, The Corporation Counsel has given as his opinion that the completion and opening for public use con- stitutes,so far as liquidated damages are concerned, a virtual completion of the contract; therefore, be it Resolved, That the city of St. Paul hereby waives claim to any liquidated damages under said contract, which may have accrued due to the non-completion of the entire contract on the completion date specified in the contract, and the proper city officials are hereby directed to make proper payments on said contract without deduction of any amount for liquidated damages, and be it Further Resolved, That the specified completion date of said contract be and the same is hereby extended to May 27, 1932, and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the said contract in accordance here- with, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. �L �Ycae �oaN�, M eN Nay/ Adopted by the Council___. strr CLney� / :PaeoBow ' �17t �/ Meflemstl j In favor aeeu044 APP"fid / _ —19_._ Satlh(fniK hgainer �--^"`— / AVeoeal,^•. euBusfi dMmoron I/Mr. Prnid—Hdd6W61i" / NO. 72liHtl UT NERAL FORM c oEiat onER_ RESOLVED Thatthe application of the Minnesota 011 and Refinine Company for permiseion to install six 15,000—gallon etora¢e tanks at its plant at 50 West Water street, be and the same is bereby granted, said tanks to be metalled in ac—da—.^ttb the and properly dyked to .ati.f—tion of Fire Prevention Bureau ordinances of the City of St. Paul„land under the di reotion and to the estief—tion of the Commissioner of Public Safety. Y°z. cour�ci LrneN Nayz i Bald In f��or �r. Pr°s id— Bundy° Adop«d by rh° Co.° I '11°1 Appco ad 19 r "Yoa GEN]. AI.1Nsi3Ecn( 13ll _EA11 1'IKI: INSIIKANf.L KATF.ti 1-1K17 1'R r1,CM0N E, i1N1. Mi— ` City of St. Paul, 111 ,1 ewrl ML. oeF c r,lt Office of City Clerk, St. Pau 1, Minn. May 31, 1932. Gentlemen: Re: Minnesota 011 & Refining Co., 50 W, Water St., St. Paul Minn. In reply to yours in reference to above, wish to say that a group of oil tanks, if installed as per the regu- lations of theNational Board of Fire Underwriters, having a total capacity of over 50,000 gallons and not exceeding 250,000 gallons, would affect the fire insurance rates on property within one hundred feet. If no dike is providedaround the tanks, the pro- perty within two hundred feet would be affected. Hoping this is the desired information, we are Yours very truly, EDW. A HITT, Bra cq h Mgr., W : AQ GrPurvJ 'DI& r 'i -Pow peparfineah 9-F F% btic ti�FeFy May 26, 1952 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewith in report of inspection by the Bureau of Fire Prevention relative to Lha application of the Minnesota 011 and Refining Company- for permleaion to instal six 15,000 gallon storage tasks at their plant at 50 West Rater Street. Very tr,c3,3r `y-7an 0 , Co ise .- of Public Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 26,1932• Hon.0eo.0.9udheimer Oonmieeioner of Publlo safety, St.raul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application Of the Minnesota Oil and Refining 00. for permissionto install six 15,000 gallon; storage tanks at their present plant at 50 West Water Street. We have investigated the foregoing and report that if all the tanks are properly dyked , tnis install- ation would not inarease the fire hazard. Re''e//peotfully your., Ohief Inepeotor. City of Saint Pare Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONB, Cs, G.,L l cr.n crn cr<T -d C.,nml,. —0R.,1-1o" a.r cr.n e.a•••.o« Nay 21st, 1912 Hon. Geo. C. Sudhaimar, Comslr of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Pear Co®issioner: We enclose herewith application ofthe IR—sots, Oil & Refining Company for a pwrrlt to install air 15,000 gallon storage Lance at their present pleat at 50 West Water Street. This application was referred to your department by the Council, for investigation and report. Very truly your�.", City Clerk. A. P. lick I— N.H., R., H. Cunni, V,—N-d— P -I H. P—e —-1 MINNESOTA OIL & REFINING COMPANY Distributors of Barnsdall Products All 9-a.. of NMOR 7178 \ 2171 UNIVERSITY AVE. 40 S.im P -I, Mlnnna� May, 20, 1932. To the Honorable Council City of St. Paul, Minn.. We wish to apply for a permit to install six Fifteen - thousand gal storage tanks to our present plant at 50 4est Water Street in the City of St. Paul. These tanks are now at our present location at 2171 University avenue, St. Paul, which is very inconvenient for our present business. We will comply with all the laws of the safety Commission, and would appreciate an Information that your Honorable body can furnish, at this time, in order to expldite the movement to as early a date as possible. Thanking you in advance for any thing you can do along these lines, we are Very respectfully yours, Minnesota Oil &. Refining CO., by Manag9,r C �j ..r.r carr O..s• NWk.M�• Nr...4• %m1. s.e.. c.rr w.n.rm Jnr. qaf oU.. carr n.r.wr 7d.,. rr. w— w-11 'OUR HEAT OIL MAKES US WARM FRIENDS' May 27th, 1932. Board of Insurance Underwrite", Sol Cormeree Building, , St. Paul, Minn. Ooatlemenr A. applIosttee to made to the City Connell by the Minnesota M1 and eetintng Compare for permission to install etz 15,E gallas etorege ten}:. at their present addrees, 50 Test slater Street. "" Barron, Chief Fire Inspector repreeente that if three torah a" properly 6.Iced, this tnstalletion weld mot Snoreaee the fire hosard. The Council "meet. your report oa thi. application, aepecially ore to ehether or mot sooh ea Sn.tallatlon sill iwr.an fire tasurenoe rata In the vicinity. Very truly your., City Cleric. CITY OF ST. PAUL ro Exch NO. 924 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK L RESOjt :2U*GENERAL FORM ( 1 Rgri kWa WHEREAS, Emil Diesslin has petitioned the Council for Permission to install and maintain a drive-in filling station at the Bout beast corner of Lexington and Larpenteur avenues; and WHEREAS, Said Emil Dieselln has submitted a blue -print of the proposed ley -out, with driveways, curb return., pump location, sidewalks, etc. for the Information of the Council; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That Permission and authority are hereby given to said Emil Die. el in to install and maintain said station in ac- cordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan as approved will automatically void the permit. The tanks and pumps shall be installed in aocordance with the ordinances of the City Of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commiesionerof Puhllc Safety; the building plans and landsoaping to be subject to the approval of the Commleeioner of Parks; Playgrounds and Public Buildings; and any changes in curbing, eldewalkeiramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lnesshall be made under the direction and to the eatlefaction of the Commis- sioner of Public Works. This permit shall be forever subject to revocation by the Council whenever said Council shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. WIrB:vn 8..... �y�q Ye Nay, Adopted by rhe Couned JU8_.. 1I.7Ja__. 19 b°nald In fa.or Appco d Ig //P�e�aarce "'ORPrnidrnr Bundh, PL¢iIJSHIiDG � .'3� POST CARD NOR E! BFFICE OF THE COMMISSIOAWk OF FINANCF- St. Paul, M;nnn._ . I,y 21t ___ 19'!2_. P--t to Stion 5 of the f3'uildilg Z=— Ordi-- adopted by the cher Couec ec;l of the ca, of St. P-1. July 7th. 1922, you the pph—i- f ere hereby notified eo to erect end install a filli" Hies lie bls. 7, _oma -S.Ecots o the N, 55' of -100' of lot 2, , r, of L—p—tour k LesingtoA wall come up for cooeid—t;uo before the Couac;l _ the Council Ch—b— i. the City Hell and Court Houee Buildia — the let doy of J— , IN et 10 o'clock A. M. ]OILY H, —N—D, esu Comm;es;oner of Finance. ion For License LE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL J/ OF S, OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA A PPLX I PPL ATIOHereby Made Z, FILED I YHE BOARD OF ZONING a SAINT AU PL, MINNESOTA 914 COURT HOUSE n May 20th, 1332. Me61. S. Gibb. 15, City Clerk. Dear Sir : In the matter of application of Emil Diesslin to erect and operate a gasoline f1111 ng station at the southeast corner of Lexington and Larpenteur, on a 1,1 a— of ground 55 ft. on Lexington Ave, and 100 ft. on Larpenteur. This property was rezoned fromaresidence s to tcommercial for the purpose of permitting ng southwest corner has been occupied for years by a filling station, andthe northeast cornor in the County has had a filling sts tion for years. It is believed desirable to concentrate these etati .ns at this intersection and prevent their encroachment any nearer to Como Park. The application for this filling station was recommenoea. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh Oly"Www F PeparhmvO vf pvbliz 5efehl April 25, 1982 Yr. Y. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Ylnneeota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of isil Dieselin for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner of Lexington and Larpenteur A-.., and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic. /very 77 v Commissioner of Puhlic Safety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 25, 1952 Yr. George C. Sudbei— C—i..ioner of Publie Safety Deer Sirs Aeferring to your .letter of April 20 relnti— to nppllantlon ride by Fail Di...Il. for perm a.ion to Snetnl a dri.e-io gasoline filling station on Lot 2, E,_I, " Como dddition, shioh 1e al no den. ribed a. the so utheset .urns of Lexington and Larpenteur A.enues, .111 say khat n. Snepeotion of thee. precise. — today —de by Yr. H. H. wettergren, Superintendent of iraffio. Mr. Wett.rgren report. that the Proposed inetnllatiou .ill not materially interfere with trsffio. Very truly yours, 'fhoaae Chief of Poll.. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL April 23,1932 Ron.Deo.a.eudhelmer Comm iesioner of Puo11c Safety. St.Paul,Minn. Dear Sir: In regard to the application of ]mil Dieeelin for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the southeast corner of Lexington and Larpenteur Avee. We have investigated the foregoing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the extent that It would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, Chief Inspector, THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Date) may `23, 1962 Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C 1 e r k. he: Drive-in Filling Station, Lot 2, Block 7, "Como" Deer Sir: (.'. nnr Lexington & Larpenteur) Emil Diesslin, Applicant, 1670 North Lexington Ave. The proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for commercial use. This is permissible under the zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the Council. The rezoning of this property for commercial use became effective May 21st. Engineering Report: The driveways from Lar- penteur Avenue and from Lexington Avenue should not exceed 27 feet in width as have been indicated in red _pencil on the blue prints filed with the application. Storm -water drainage is not affected by this pro- posed layout. There is no curb or sidewalk constructed on Lexington or Larpenteur at this intersection. Rearing June lat. Yours t•Ily, N. CARE wne-mh Chief E I 2 E 1. AP t' MILTON ROSEN, Commissioner of Public 'Norks. i x'1)-)-I N. C1 S.T^-r10 Ti - a- Y- 2 NC,T0N d-1AR pX A1TyUPR -.ST-F-A-02-- MR a.tv.ii T12��51-.2 TZ- OV�t�2 2� r �. J j H x �I a,•••, .�,..,,. CITY OF ST. PAUL sicc �c NO._ 7Ge O,IYIC. OF CITY CLERK UNCI E50 TnION�—GENERAL FORM vn ES 'TED B coM�5siory _-7iet)uesi._DnrE- _ RESOLVED, ?hat the persons nnaod on. th^ —t, on file in the office of City Cl—k and Co—icsioner cf Registration ar yiali fie -I roters in their respective pro- -ircte, and they era hereby pl-Int,d judges .nd c1,rk, of 3— -- in their precincts In cac:pli once with :S.ection 359 of the Elseticn Lars of the Stste cf L'.innesote, to serve nt thPrimnry Election to be held in t?.e City cf Sflint Paul cn L'.ondsy, Jun. 20th, 1932. courvc��MEry Nay: May; McDonald In fa.or Peace Rosen Agai s� S.dhei — Mr. P,—d— B.ndlic Adop,,d by ,he Council 19 Appro�ved �AF TVQQF� ST PAUL r�c NO. a(d2Ci/ SOLE) VE�SO''L''Uii7710N— NERAL ORM Co, ,iSSiPRESENTEoNEV— RESOLVED, Tdt the Cit/Clark be and ha pis hereby aoth—i-d and directed to p - chase and p—ido t1•e P.1--1, vprli— r oui rn'i for the Yrimar-, Election to ba held Yonday, Jvne 20th, 1V32, coat t1. --f to hA paid out of tho E]s ti— '_' - A.—rt, �'pde 31 B 5, pf the capes -a] 1—d. Yeas COI NI—EN Nays - McDonald in fa.or R.— Agai st Sudheimxr Roid— Bundhr ,.gra aria zw Aooro�:a"i�ao;ti-xe.x,,aa, �. vxs .fes ! Adapted by the Counciltoo19 ' Appravn+ 19 IAYOR o. v... oc„ c.... CITY OF ST/PAUL NO.. 92LllJI rrPnESENT—g3. pSn�nx4 _ on IONER )L- That That the Cit Clerk 1s hereby authoriied, empowered and directed to equip the polling places at the locations in the 237 eleotion p ecinets of the 12 wards hereafter to bo designated by the Counci] for the Primary Flection of 1 —day, June 20t1m, 1932, to be held to the Cit, of Saint Paul, "ay Co nty, ".lnnesota, and, for such ) _ said City Cle r:c is I,areby anthori-d to en- gage the necessary labor and shill and T -chase neo,—y tools and materiels, .ne cost and expense of all thcrpof to be met and paid out of the Flection Expense Account, Code 31 H 6, of the General Fwd. Ycss courvci u.+EN N., , �M omld iP fo�or cc /� /Rosin Ag.inn � Sodhcimcc Mr. P,nd— Bopdhc dEe�ilEoa.1hi E°%a°Taaw �i riao �notm.c°ave°o�d a io Aa esia'c A v1 1 -.a. Ao rµovM�i]une .-1Y1i31vne 3, 38!3. .Adopecd by the CoowcilJu 19 dA1M3�� ,.yYl!T App,yed _ 19 TY OF T PAUL pig. " No. 92588 _._.., .o c.. c,... E OF ITY K ES OLUTIO —GE RAL FORM c OM I PRL T iOry ER. `flt}u¢St — _ T� RESOLVED= That the Pri_ ry Elects. on tO he heli 1'onday, j— 20th, 1932, in the City r,. Saint "aul, ".emaey County, .".innasota, shall he held in the two hundred and thirty- evon election preeincte of the twelve wards Of `,.he said ','i i;{ at the nleoes „ _a in the ",ontreet 9004 cf Election Precincts" en file in the office of the City Clem and �aov^-ssi Doer of "egistration. Yea.. co urvcicM Ery Nay/ -+firf / McDonald Pcaccc /Rosen As"^'c Sudhdi— /M,. P,c d— Baadhc ve p..ev�� io`c%ye �a"` �c " f -P I Adop,ed by ,hc C .... I JW a 19 App Docd / 19 � /Yv- IAYOR CIVOF ST. yPAUL vicc c NO.. 92589 NT ev N y SOLUTION1GE RAL FORM PRC— RESOLVED, That the compepeatl nr. of Judges and Clor4.c of [;lec .._m serving et the Primary Slectior. of M—day. June 20th, 1932, to be held in the City �f Saint Paul, Minnesota, shall be fixed at $7.00 o r day and the City Conptroller is hereby auth:.icad erd directed to audit euah chime on said basis upor. certi- fication of the :Aty C1elk, —. thereof to be paid out cf the Flee*ien E - .se .cfou , Code 31 H 1, n' the General F—d. — eis � �i maw kit ar n Iv'i l..��a�niie atr Rvt mIu'neuW�fiG Nee :i �'. Zug. dTi..�w eons: aasci I Eo�l�!� en sono 1. le o C�er4 Y.-eo1rvci1w,r'+ EN ya/ / Adopred by rhe Council 4. _.. ay F .� McDonald In Favoc PRear ose / ncc / Sudheimcr n+Avoa /Mr. Pl..id— Bundhr �Ot F. No L/ Irese, It'il" ne."our to obtain {600,000.00 in cash to • part of the wet of the iepwvamats authorised by Ordinance No. 6974, approved Ootobw 3. 1928, ratified by the "art_. at the Ospssal Rection held Yo►saber 6. 1928, end save ratified by Cupter US, Toe of Minnesota for the year 1929. and the Council W Re..lotion 1o. 92491, approved War 25, 1932. has antborised the ismance of bonds in that ameant. i'hersfore, Be It Resolved, net the bonds authorised by Ordlnance ff.. 6974, be sold in the mernar provided by las in tbs amount of $600,000.00. Said bands to be in downd— rations of $1,000 Barb, to be dsted,Jaly 1, 1932, bear a rate of interest not arosading rive par cent par annat. payable sasi.anwally an July let and January let, according to the o"pona to is attaobed to said Moods. Said bonds spell be aerial, a portiaa tberwf shall be payable each year, bat soar of said bands shall trn for a longer term tbab thirty yWs, and sball be n®bered 42252 to 424rj1 inoau"M ffie dates or vhich said bonds sWIL maters end4he amounts sbiah .ball ature anteully over seta period shall be ae folla►sr Rate Of Road Ararat Of Data Of ]bad Aaouat Of tlstnrlLrMmbare Bonds ftwts raber Ens 0Q July 1. 1933 4�3 12.000.00 hely 1. 1949 424952 ' 20,000.% July 1, 19 hely 1, 1935 42285-42300 12.000,00. .407 1. 1950 4251 12535 21.000.00 Jry 1, 1936 42286.42300 13.000.00 July 1, 1951 57 22.000.00 Jay 1. 1937 42301-42313 13.000.00 July 1. 1952 405A25n 22,000.00 4n1y X. 1936 42314.42327 14.009.00 Juy 1. 1993 �000.00 J100 ny 7,..1939 "42326d1R341 . 14.000.00 ' July 1. 1954' 626 2245'OODD 00 July 1, 3 � 42342h2356 15,000.00 July 1, 1955 4�7� 2b,ODD 00 July 1. 1941 42j5jJ12371 1g.aoo.00 Daly 1, 1957 4267x.4�26}j Jay 1. 1942 16,000.00 hSy 1..6957 42676J12704 27.000.00 July 11 1943 42 3 16,000.00 Only 1. 1958 26,000.00 My 1,. 17,000.00 0047 1. 1959 - �9.0�00.0000 1�9y4b 42ARIA&M 17.000.00 huly,l, 1960 ' _30. 42792s)WAn 30,000-00 Judy i 1947 424245&Wh 19:000:043$JWAM is 000 00 0-0171. 1962 42622.42851 P-MM Poo, oTo She $!Ad bond. shall be in the folloviag fou mich bsa'Obew 1¢4p12ad}by tb" Slu%%ng Fred Co®ttte. and approved by the Corporation Osoaesl of said City sad is barely approved and adopted, vi.t MM SL4S8 OF -'MoT ► 52M 07 ID>11118M 00DRM OF RUM 0218 Of SAINT PAM 0IMMIRa II@R TMW 3M. No. FLZRA Fnov all msn`by Clues presents that the Oity of Saint Peal, in the 0=0 of pang, spa State. o; SYanewta, acknowledges itself to,ove and fo; valay received hereby promdses to pay to hearer the are of Ona Thoavead Iloll'yre ($1.000) an t6 first day of July 19 togetber with interest "tjkeeoa from tba date b1aroof untJ4 paik at the rate of per coat par amus, payaol9 ssiL40iem0.y an the first days of y. F. �jjyarr"h,./nty in each year as aridemae by and upon the presentation and mrreader of the ancexed interebt pompons as they sweraly become due. Both principal and interest of this bond are payable LD lawful money of the Dnited States of Amerle► at the office of the Commissioner of Finance. In the city of Saint, or at the Fieeal Agency of the city of Saint Paul, in the City of Now York, State of Mswforki and for the proapt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, at maturity, the faith and credit of the City of Saint Pmol are Irrevocably pledged. This bond to one of a series amounting In the aggregate to the was of Six IDmdred Tousand Dollars (6600000.00) lathed by the City for the purpose of paring part of the oust of the imprwaents mthorised in Council File Io. 77y30. Ordinance Mo. 69T4, Passed by the Council of said City and Only signed, attested, approved and published In the amenar required by the Charter of sold City and approved by the electors of the City of Saint Pmt, at the Central Slectlon held November 6, 1925. and also ratified by Chapter 112, Laws of ■lnnesota for the year 1929, also a resolution of the Council Bo. 92491, duly passed end approved My 25, 1932, and nndmr authority of and.la all respsots In full compliance with Section 217 of the 1harter of the City of Saint Paul, and each other sections thereof as may be applicable thereto. It Is Hereby Certified and Bgeited, That all things, ants and conditions required by the Constitution ad Law@ of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond, have happened and been done and performed In regular and due form and time as required by law and that the total indebtedness of said City, including this bond, does hot atceed any constitutional, ststvt or charter limitations. In fitness Whereof, She said City of Saint Peal, by its Council, Pas caused this bond to be sealed with Its corporate seal. to be •Igoed by its Mayor, attested by its City Mark. and coanterwigsad by its Comptrollers sad each of the interest aoapons hereto attached to be eremted by the litbegaphed fmsladle signatures of said offs core this That day of July 1932: . Moor. Atb eft City Clerk Ceantewi®ed Comptroller Ho. t Jam On the t set de, aq of Jn1y 19_. the Oity of Salot Pahl, IinneeoSa, promises to pay to bearer the office of the Comiesie"r of yinauce, in the City of Saint Peal, er At the yi■Cal Agent, of the City of Saint Paul, in the City of HesTork, State of Ie"fork, f or the Interest Sc* tbst day on its CHItM II0BDVXMW NO, dated Jaly 1, 1932. Io........ Attest - — INor City Clerk Countersigned Cooptrolles Resolved yorther, Shat aeolad proposals be received at the office of the City Comptroller, in the Ocart Ions and City Hall Building, is the City of U st Purl, Bimaata, up to tea otelock A. L July 6, 1932, for the cele of all or none of said bods, after giving doe notice of snoh sale is the "mor proscribed b7 lev in the St. Paul Review, the official paper of s aid City. Mach bidder shell be required to accompany his bid by a cartifled check or Cash deposit for two (2) Per seat of the mo4 of bonds bid for, i.. which shall be forfeited to the City as li4ui4td damps if'thq bonds1are net taken and paid for vheu ready for delivery. ". .).The City Comptroller, shall at the asst meting -after receiving said bids, Present the same to the Council for its action thereon. 'IDs said bonds shall be offered to the person who sill pay par or better therefor, at the lceest rets of interest not Weeding rive nor coat. Adopted by the Council ja Approved 1 ------,�I--�— oomdildocH -� . Mayor. 2H18 Ieys i ZW ' ,DomId ✓ Ih. Ptssidant Bna611e. I MITI NEON W591. 925H, NOTocE "`ca[?I�°m o6I 9°c ::. >e'n6"�u"iCIL RESOLUTION coo�c��ri .-- X&y 28 ER� RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF s 9 2 ,COVERING CHECKS NUMBEREDTO INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED OT TIE COUNCIL APraoven—.. __._.qW�—�'yT+--- iso— ay. __ _ of ... oN0 92591 LM �.Uoin nAox UCOUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS May 27 s 32 ooFTEo o� ��MY'— a. « - ,� E oa EEA. -- — — -- +umeEA TOTAL IN FAVOR OF A r 1' ev a�vK w i �recns M p aRo 1—A—_.._117 H5626 6q9 7R9 -3�-- • 5457 Henry e hr 12 60 545E 5459 John H McDonald C, of FSn. C.J. Gal arneault 55.1 90 OSI i 5460 Harris P]umbing Company, I nc. 71 0O'1 VIII 5461 Rall.—y Express Agency 17 46'I' 5462 Jamas E. class 28 801' 5463 Blue and white Cab Company 351 15� 546644 capital City Roofing & cora. mks, ''I 96 Doh 5465 5466 Griggs, Cooper & Company H—ook—Helsoa uero,Comcany 64 141, I 21 60' Ipl 5467 A.P. Hereonler Faotory 'li 24 70 5468 McFadden—Lambert Company 174 28�, 5469 Mrs. Frances MOKuslok30 00. X19 'i 5470 Elea M. Obst, County Treaeuret '.. Ramsey County, St.Paul,Yinn. 13 378 05' 5471 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 49 20. 5472 Sanitary Food Mfg. Company 49 38,, 5477 Straw Producta Company 365 06 i. 5474 Earl L. Vogt 10 Gol 5475 Phil A. lade 50 0011 5476 John Sandquist 353 50 5477 Emil Freiseis ryIry 370 00 ry1 5478 Tri—!tate Tel & Telg. Comoany 3 46 SII 5479 Tri ;tate Tel. & Telg. Company 38 1? 5480 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Company 366 6511 �d 5481 Tri—State Tel. & Telg. Comoany 113 751 5482 H.S. Cason, Attorney for j Southern Surety Company 1 576 901' 5483 city of lt.Peul, m1nn. 123 10 5484 Board of Rater Commissioners 1 176 63 I1 5485 John H. MCDon81 d, C, of Fin. }05 008 49 5486 Peoples Electric Company 3250 5487 American Linen lupoly Company 32 5 P 5488 Armour and Company 3 00 5489 Atlas Gas & oil company 44 20 11 5490 Atlas Gas & Oil Company 34 84 5491 Atlas Gas & 011 company 463 49 5492 Atlas Ga. & oil Comoany a 1 622 70 549j Atlas Jas & 011 Company 1 217 23 '.. 5494 Central Soap Company 20 12 5495 ClevelandAve. Heat a kat 1B 69 IINN 5496 A.B. Dick Company 65 0o 'I • 5497 Electric Blue Print Comoany 269 85 1 5498 Electric Blue Print Company 40 63 5499 Martin F. Falk Paper Company tltl 5 09 5500 Farwell, O.mun, Kirk & Company P, 169 551 5501 A.B. Fuller Co. Deny 102 68 5502 General Electric Supply Corp, 72 52 550}3 Kee Lox Mfg. Company 75 16 550+ a,v, Koepke 64 00 5505 F.G. Leslie Paper Company 5 79 5506 N—Californis Vegetable Gardep 20 90 5507 H, Pelt. & Son 221 00 uy 5508 A.J. Aelser 5 88 j 5509 G. Sommer, and Company 110 56 I. 5510 6tand ard 011 Company II 1 820 73 5511 Axel ai111am eon and SII Yrs. Axel ei111ameon 150 00 4I� S„EET TOTAL—F—Asp 119 034 B9 par3 723 06p i �velfs COUNCIL RESOLUTION May 29 32 XUDITF.D CLAIMS 342979.VTA .SRA, A-11OEa T„E q3” T. oMP,Ao EA TOTAL... .— N�rn ee a c�ec.s 1 c�.eKs e 7 11-1 IN FAVOR OF RET eROU GHT FORWnRO —;U9 o3l, og I ' -06-. 5512A John H. McDonald, C.of Fin. Fin. 412 70ij. 4 3411. 5512B • John H. Yo Donald, C. of 440 00;:. 5513 Job n H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 5514 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. Fin. 812 50" 4 341 52'.°, 5515 Jobn H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 9 334 7611' 5516 5517 John H. McDonald, C. of John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. Fin. 10 332 1 1114 27 9 1 5518 5519 Jobn H. YoDonald, C. of John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 1129 3 71.x; 5520 5521 Mr 6. H. Mitch Feyen Oona truction company I�, 268 75u. 1 760 o0, 5522 ilaf Seaquist 300 00 5523 Elea M. Obst, Treasurer Rem.Cp. 9 83 40 0 5524 5525 Edwin E. Pierce John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. �, 14 168 20� 5526 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 375 891 65jl 5527 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 598 5528 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 2 105 64-,: 5529 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 26 641 49; 5530 John H. McDonald, C, of Fin. 36 864 28' 5531 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. ° 4 323 501 5532 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. Fin. 2444 601 5 436 731, 553 553 John H. McDonald, C. of John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 7 153 491 5535 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 888 7811 5536 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 3 194 76, 5537 John H. McDonald, C. of Fin. 4 554 57 5538 Review Publishing Company 440 5539 Catherine M. Claugherty,GuardIan 00 5540 John E. Fahey 12 671 28 284 5541 Yrs. Etta Flaherty 5542 Yrs. Anna Schneider 17 284 5543 Clara Aamold, Widow of H.A. 30 0011 5544 Ann F. Campion, Yidow of D,H.C, 30 00' 5545 Helen Sullivan, Widow of M.S. 30 00; 5546 society for the Prev, of Cruelty 200 5547 W.R. Anderson 99 00,, 5548 S. Berglund Lumber Company 38 71 5549 Oonsumere Milk Company 1441 2 11 5550 Crescent Creamery Company 897 9 .: 304 941 5551 5552 Drave-Doyle Company Fuel 011 & Gas Company { 3} 30 555} e General Equipment Company 111 00� 87 5554 5555 Gering Supply Company Hans Y. Hovlan 7 39' 5556 Johnson Printing Company I 69 50! Creamery Company 68 674 5557 Midway States Power Company I 1 216 SII' 5558 Northern F. Peglow 5559 5560 Geo. St.Paul Milk Company 286 711. 5561 Standard BraMa.I nc. 16 80 4ri 94,1 5562 Standard Laundry Company 3 5563 Tri-State Tel. & Telg. Company 123 081 5564 5565 Tuffibre Company Twin City Brick Company 27 071 16 70 5566 5567 D.S. Rubber Company v111eume Boz & Lumber Company 289 25' 5568 H.W. wileon Company 7 35 5569 Yoerg milk Company 129 23 o SHEET TOI—FORWIRD 'lig o34 ag 1 1212703 0 _...... ......... - • CITY OF ST. PAULNo. 92593 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT fLLh/ o.T. June 1, 1938 COMMIS o R RESOLVED In fhe matter of grading Alleys in Block 9, Itattook Park from Schaffer Street to Bayard Avenue and from north and south alley to Itacalester Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90480, approved September 17, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 90889, approved December 10, 1931. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commisslonerof Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. I�anr..por'sfio _ --h..nId Yeas CounCiLMEN NaYc Clancy -. Fergveov WDvudd In favor RoW—dr Svdhwm ARa�c.l P—id-11Hvdiff— Adopted by the Council.* uT� 19 1 ApPSv/dd�- __ 19. _ � MnvoR CITY OF ST. PAUL counciu Nom. 92594 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ON C NCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P MSMI lune 1, 1932 ATF — —_ RESOLVED In the matter of grading Horth and South and Bast and West Alleys in lots 18 to 47, inclusive, Carden Homes from Marion Street to Gaultier Street and from Carbon Street to Bast and West Alley, under Preliminary Order, C. F. 90803, approved Oct. 28, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91344, approved January 5, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. r6 onhnew�: e o d o ods ee: ripo t a Yea. eouNeicNen N.y� Claney Adopted byrh, Council _JUN i 19 / F-psaII "MeDnnuld In fa.ar Approved,." ,du' 19_ _ <Itomhnd L BedheSmer _ Again sr C� G tL'W—I _ MAroa /Mr. Preeid—H6dgYa'f'i ` ^• _ CITY OF ST. PAUL J „L¢ NO. 92595 I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /� UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM io°NEn `/""'v / ----- DATE _ Tune 1, 1932 - -- --- -- - - RESOL u In the matter of changing the grade and grading Van Dyke Avenue from Hyacinth Street to Autumn Street, and grading Alley in Block 1, Hazel Park Division No. 5 from Hazel Avenue to Van Dyke Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90273, approved August 28, 1931, and Final Order C. F_ 90891, approved Nov. 10, 1951. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. Y­courvcicw,eN NZ Y Chncy Fagnto td /- McDonald Rohland-� In (a.or �� SbUhtimx `� AHdlcst j Mr. P ... id— HaEpmwt :gmIe�.: n:me I_— A'_t...... Adopted by the Council__AIN - IM 19 Appr./ C. MAYO' Petition. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Council Nile No...__ .921,711 The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of SL Peal, viz.: _ Open widen and extend an alley EO ft. in Width in Block 181 College Place East-Mvisiou, -&zery -ff. ffilyto Subdivision and Sandberg's _... _...A*A=sngamsnt.. by taking ..and ...c,nd.em l g._ths.8outh. B..ft.-of.-Lots-lIB and e1 Emery S. Hill's Subdivision; the South 5 ft. of Lot BlSandberg's _-.._. RaA7raWament;._ and ..the -Worth 2E-M-of"Lota E'and ._4 Block _1B ..College PlfigeHatlt...l?xo1Ad,9n,..A44.d_41100 i''a..... oW.fi'.$o],toP AY4, the Horth and South alle� of 6andberg'a ReArrangeme and lyi en lfealey Dated this... 1st.. y °r ...__. J_ 'C. L%%���BE Cnpitol Are. Es— °` PRELIMINARY ORDER �tP -e e4„ ma WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement xvi,.r Open, widen and extend analley SO ft. in width in Bluer is College 71ac6 rest "751wi81on�"Emery S� Hillis' Subdivision—aadberg'a ...Relrrasgament--by....taking. .affi_....,.n...,.,. �,...the--South."b-.ft....af..Iats. -48 and SI Emery S. III ll'a Subdivision; the South b ft. of Lot 5, 8mdberg'g _.. .....ReAmrangementi and --the-ila. try..ft:--of-- Lots -8..®d...4 'Blmk-xB;OoZiego .11 aee_East Division said alley rg ;w cram-Holton_last_to thg igrth sad South alley in - andberQ�a ReArrang ement and lying between fealsy having bend presented to the Council of the City of 9t. PaW ........................_ ....._.__...".....a�0aybtol-Ave. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commies' ver of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nceresity for, or desirability of, the maki g of said imprevemeat. 2. To investigate the eaturs, attest and setimated coat of said improvement and the total cost thereof. g. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvemeuL 4. To stets whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more oweers. 5. To report upoo all of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Pianos. Adopted by the Council......_...._._....""._-1-.i9�2-.-.-_......__..-_. Y.A. Nars Counearse. Qwosmxa .. I- Approved Maw .. .i.:� Ma Paeernatrr / ..". ".._ Mayor. s.,m c. okra o-n� / / ✓ YUBLISHED6'1/"32 92597 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING F.O1; 1Y1[) FITISG T11i[ Of 11[.1Z!' G W WUGCS In the matter of__ennd&maing And -taking an ea emenL_lu Fh.4 _land_ n_eceseary___ for slopes, cuts and fills In thegrading of Alley in Block 7, Holcombeta Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto street, }mow oe new'' sni°no �'ur under Preliminary Ord er_______-91783--------- 2_________________ Intermediary Order 91993 ------ --, approved --- Mar — 34,_ 1932 . Final Order_ ______-92212___---__, approved--- May_ -_5.x_1932_____ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said assessment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ------ ----- day of ------ __,Tune ---- ___-------- 19.32,atten o'dockA.M.,and that the Com- m r of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. I[!11 a 1Q87 Adopted by the Council ---------- .------------- _--------- 19____ L' ! City Clerk. Approved___ ______________--- .... tyG_-- __ _ � �_-- ____. Nnyor. Cuuncilman�Fe . M .; Cama man,ra�ri��ia I,, r1e Coned lman flmmcilmen .,,anoimer Councilman Mayor B e =M1jSHED -, —y— i -i 92598 RESOLUTION'OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING al .' T, .IND ,. _.._ TlVlli ..;.AR:'.., ,11f 12C In the matter Of- -[Id anlAp. _*,h@_ 1 [hers ti 9t,_ 9f '[in i Pre d_ St.ond_ So at h Wab a__s ha :;t. en the northwest .:ornar b; add:- thereto a man -alar piece or land in the s ,th—, corner of lot 61 bloc`s 52, -Test St. Paul ?roper r ink-, 17 feet on the north limn of 'iiinifrad St. ^nd 15 feet on the northnesterly line can Sooth. '�iabns::a onde�^rinr all lend. and e s ant nae ser t'nere. _ chs nr in the+E^nde oC the=idewalk ab„tt: mr said lot 6 to cegform to thesFrar:es pll�o edea �, n the plan hereto attached e_ part hereof, the present s' ewe Lk Crudes be inyma sho oth,r cm, also ca strati,, mn walk, urbing s. ri pavinf andnmakinF the ne nry Jchan cs i ist'n- s+. dewal'.s s, Povin: shuarnnte, and tate hnbn.: ins for the improvementco fs the streets in . -fo cdity with the caws reef lines and Prudes herein p _ sed, under Preliminary Order_____ 513fl5------------- approved ---- Ya cu: 4,_19;2__-____ Intermediary order ---------- 57114------------- approved____ Anvil_13._1932__.______________. Final Order _________________52328____________, approved____ The Commissioner of Finance having submitted his report in the above matter as to the amount Of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That thesaid assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awardsrof damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said a saeasment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ __29tb__________ day o¢-__.__Juna---- _---- _--------- 19}gat ten o'clock A. M., and that the Com - mi sinner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. Adopted by the Council --- -- , Clerk. Approved___ _/ 19� /� j C -f 4- City --------------------- geym3 - " Mayor. Co ilman Q n llovald eWlLISFIFD G - 1-3Z Councilman:' `lay Councilman Pearce Councilman Mone. Councilman udbaimer Mayor Hundlie 92599 RESOLUTION OF COUNCIL APPROVING ASSESSMENT AND FIXING TIME OF HEARING Womma tir ;V,IFQN: n', r„ ,a „"Ii i :1 " In the matter of_____taking- An' -aaAamant_7.n_She_ land_ A@C.o_aKrY_ for slopes, outs and fills in the construction of a sidewalk on the Rest aide of Dale Street from California Street to Iowa Street, under Preliminary Order ---- 21761------------- approved- --Feb.-25,1932 _, Intermediary Order _______-_32M11------------- approved --- mar�30y_1932 . Final Order................ 92214............. approved___ Iday___ 5,_ 1932 ---------------- The Commission,, of Finance having submitted his report in the ab ove matter as to the mount of damages awarded for the taking of the land or easements therein appropriated for the above im- provement and to whom payable; and also having submitted his assessment of benefits to property from the making of said improvement, therefore be it Resolved, That the said assessment of benefits be and the same is hereby approved. Resolved further, That a public hearing be had before the Council upon said report and for a con- firmation of the awards of damages made by the Commissioner of Finance, and also upon the said aseess ment of benefits; at the Council Chamber, in the Court House in the City of St. Paul on the____ ----- 29_th_----- day of__- --------- June ------------ 1932-, at ten o'clock A. M., and that the C­ missioner of Finance be and he is hereby directed to give notice of said hearing as prescribed by the Charter. ,�...� Adopted by the Council ___-"„V__ �_Iotl ------------------ 19____ Approved--_. _-_---.--- --------------- 19-- 6eemihRaffOe9r2F.... al,���,1 CCouncilman i:; Councilman •Iny �( Counci]man Councilm tiodhei m.•r Councilon,!i . e Mayor City Clerk. sLL r� bfeyur. o..,.... �....... CITY ST. PAULrias �a NO. 9260 OFFICE CITY CLERK UNe _CIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM .-Fi aE an - — -AT. June 1, 1932. RESOLVED Resolved, That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Public Works, the proper city officials are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Mr, H. J. Roadfeldt, 787 Lexington Avenue, for the use of one gunite outfit with hoses and nozzles complete, together with one foremen, one nozzle operator, and one helper, at a total cost per working day of $36.00 for the length of time necessary, but not to exceed thirty days, the same to be obarged to Bridge Building and Repair Fund, Code 14-A3-242, informal bids having been taken by the City Purchasing Agent and the above named rental charge being the lowest bid for the equipment and service required. to ga:1a far:`" Yea, COUNCILMEN Nay, Adopted by the Council �—JUN 1193219 F.'s- 1/�wlN 1. favor App' d �' Bwtl6e�er �.Aeafnet ,�,,,.—✓Lr.. MAYOR PiZLLSFED / Mr. Prnident 4fed�ea� � ........,.,. c.... CITY OF STNO. 92602 . PAUL �i�..cic OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM coi.�wEis'sEoor;�,... -... _...... AT. June 2, 193E ._ RESOLVED -- - - In the matter of paving the west side of Wabasha Street from Fourth Street to Third Street, and south side of Fourth Street from Wabasha Street to St. Peter Street. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Worlja for the above named improvement be and the same are hereby approved. Resolved Further, That the proper city officials are hereby authorised and directed to proceed with the making of said improvement. Yeas sou NerLrneN Nay>,r Clancr ml I. favor I .. dndh h— Aaainer Mr. Preeidcntlla i I ri n"m s ; .,& ee � ", Aed Adopted by the Council_ MH Z IM 19 O DINAtV +� �COUNCIL FILE NO. W603 , PRESENTED BY _ //! / , 3y ORDINANCE NO.J An ordinance amending Ordinance To. 5840, entitled 'An ordinance for the purpose of promoting the publio health, safety, order, convenience, pros- perity and general welfare by providing for the classification, regulation and restriction of the location of trades and industries, and the height and bulk of buildings hereafter erected or altered; and regal sting and determining the minimum Size of lot line courts and other open spaces, ds, ng the boundaries of districts said purposes,' approved July 7th, 1932. This is an emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peaos, health and safety. THE OODEOIL Or TBZ 01TY Or ST. PAUL DOES OHDAID; Section 1. That Ordinance NO. 5840, approved July 7tb, 1933, be and the same is hereby mended so N to rezone Lots 1, 2 a and 20, Blook 2, Drake's Second Addition, in a Oomeroial District instead of a 'B' Hesidenoe Distriet u at present. Section 2. This ordinance is hereby declared to be ea emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 3. This ordinance shall tate effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication. ommenaee. ' i'cn`de'a'm rpt`N�t • n Nlomea ¢meveoe 0. � 68f°•e�nYleld "' motine�in v moo° s YC—61— M" \ad s M \ McDovald U /J R. n �,Fu l Ji �"' aty Clerk I'a ,d b, she Council "vim h Fa. ��'e`a Li0. /df`�-C \layor City ®f Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE O 1. GIBBONS, City vL a 1 d A an ,nd C-1— of RrYI,Mllan O+n ci.n •n,�.nw n May 25th, 1912. Mr. L. L, Anderson, Corporation Conneel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached petition in the matter of reloning Lots 1, 2, 7 and 20, Block 2, Drake's 2nd Addi- tion is a Co®erciel District was approved by the Council today and referred to yon for the proper ordinance. Tour. vary truly, City Clerk. PETITION TO AMEND B 0 A R D OF Z O N I N G ---------------- May 19th, 1932. Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. Date of Petition : May 3rd, 1932. Petitioner Redmont McDonough Location : Lots 1,2,3 and 20, B1..ck 2, Drakels. 2nd Addn. Zone "B" Residence azo Amendment asked for Commercial District....... Date of Inspection April 27th, 1932. ...g�. `o Date of Hearing May 12th, 1932. Appearances for Petitioners Mr. McDonough Appearances for Opposition None Petitioner's Arguments : That he had been given' a. building' permit and had bought the lot on the strength of state' egt'; from the Building Department that he could build a.. store there. Foundation was completed when the permitw4s.re8oi�yd! He owns and lives in a home directly opposite the":etore,z,9, That there was need for a better community store in the - neighborhood. Action of Board : This site faces Acker St., in the block bounded by Cortland St., Sycamore St., Jackson St. and Acker t. Oakland Cemetery lies to the north of Sycamore and an industr 1 district and railroad yards to the south of Acker St.m There are three houses in the industrial district on the south side of the stfeet. The Jackson St. car turns on to Cortland St, at this corner. Foundation for the store building is completed. Oeneral development here is mixed, so no harm can be done by the construction of a new store building. Recommends that Lots 1,233 and 20, Block 2, D kers 2nd Addition, be changed from PB" Residence to IUI�,'ry1nW!/.I 'n om�Crcial. �// BOARD OF ZONING. SIJ/A-A lll...CCC Isaac Summerfield G. 0. House C. A. Bassford Secretary. Mrs. Villars rM5A rIVI T P pep,artm%re ur rine,nc-va H. M9 OO N a lD, Comminn�o.[s cLir anm [[on neo csumca vnw..a. [nuuuu�[n....a Ha ��i c.a.vn n May 11, 1032. To the Council, City of St. P aul. ;entlemen:- I have checked the attached petition, filed in the matter of rezoning: Lots 1, 2, 3 and 20, Block 2, Brake's 2nd Addition from "d" Residence District to Commercial District (Northwest corner of Courtland and Acker Streets), and find that same is aufficient. Very truly yours, Commissioner of Financ . City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MINE 1, GIBBONS, Cary Oek Cnnr chn Cm Ci.n .ed Commiulee.r el Ryl,e,nen urn ci.n v.Y•••iw may 4th, 1932. Yr. Oeo. H. Harrold, City PI ng Board, Building. Dear Sir: !e attach hereelth petition in the wetter of rezoning lots 1, 2, 3 and 20, Block 2, Drake-, Second Addition, located on north aide of Acker Street between yeckeon and Cortland Street.. Th1. matter ran referred to your department today, for the proper plat. Iour. very truly, City Clerk. St. Paul, elan. To the Sonoratle, The City Council, St. Paul, Ni nn. 1 Gentlemen: ,. We, the undersigned own rs of two -thirds of the several descriptions of real estate situated within 100 ft. of the real estate affected, have acquiesced herein; and we, owners of 50,6 or more of the frontage to be � 3 reclassified, petition your le Body to make the o aL follow ink change trram a J - —Dietrict r n�•.uo'p"N�[jS" LO Geta -ren/ t'iq/ District, This petition is made purensat to Section 23 }� / Ordinance No. 5840 - Record Owaer Lot Block Addition :, NF 4 v IMO L, r4, r, f 1 � Ro 'ham C.a� State of Minnesota > / /o County of Ramsey ) se be po ee and says consisting he f tpe rearm who circulated the ai thi.n etltioa ooneieLing OF C}'vtL... age that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed. immediately following each name; that this petition signed by each of said owner. in the presence of this affiant, and that tie signatures above are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. bsc i d and sworn t0 before me Not f eeYQ�u9�W�yaa �b My Commiseicn axplrea Cr- I �GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY COMPANY IR— St. Paul, Minnesota. "w•�"'. M'M. April 30, 1932- Mr. M. J. Gibbons, City Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; 17e are in receipt of letter from Secretory o2 the Board of Zoning, dated A?ril 29, stating that a request hed been made for rezoning iota 1,2,3 end 20, Block 2, Drake's End Addition, St. Paul, from "B" Residence to Commerolal. The Great Hortharn Railway Company Ss the own ar of Lots 5 and 6, Block 1, Drake's End Addition, which you state lie within 100 feet of the area oroposed to be reclassified. The Great Northern Railway Company has no ob 3eation to the proposed rezoning. Yo/urs7 truly" 1YL6;o - G„ co Mr. Geo. H. He rrold, Se crate ry, Board of Zoning. Dip 12th, 1932. Son. J. a. D¢Doneld. Co®Swlooer of Ticeme. Bcildicg. Dear Conmd esiomr� Seering hes ham net for D0.r 255th, 1932 Se the matter a! "seclnC iota 1. 2. 3 and 209 Block 2. Drake'a tad Addition (Sorthaeet eo"er of Courtland and Acker streets) !n a _,OOerdlal district, will you kindly emd out nu boss to the interested property owners? Ton" very truly. City CLrk. o.o....o c... amc CITY OF ST. PAUL riuc c NO._ _ ._.'yldiifY —11— OF CITY CLERK FORM Xxxomm TEMAB, League of Minnesota Munioiyal`4tise, the objects of which ares To perpetuate and develop an agency for the co- operation of Minnesota cities and villages in the practical study of city and village affair*; to promote the application of the beet -methods in all branches of municipal service by collecting and circulating information and experience thereon and by hold - 1 invention and conferences for the discussion of problems; Ud to secure- legislation Which will be beneficial to the municipals of the stats and to oppose legislation imjuri$w thereto, has held conventions annually at municipalities within the State of Minnesota - in 1927 at Minneapolis, 1928 at Brainerd, 1929 at Austin, 1630 at Duluth and 1931 at St. Cloud, and WRERMAS, the 1932 annual convention of League of Minnesota Municipalities will be held at Bed Wing, and . 1HEMUS, it is desirable and conducive to the beat .inter- estuS'of the City of St. Paul that the 1933 annual convention of League of Minnesota Municipalities be held at the. City of St. Pant, 2HMU3= HW IS RESOLUD, that the Cil of 8t. Paul hereby extends to League of Minnesota Municip ties its most cordial invitation to hold the 1933 annual convention of League of Minnesota Moniolpalities at the City of St. Paul, and that a certified copy of this resolution be delivered to Leegae of Minnesota Municipalities at the time and place of its 1932 convention at Med Wing. IN ltlf FeaBa �R ;bOPi�k ft LL EaOgwe_ tlY�mf L�i 4s°Q� dpw ae� M - $.4u.ngn u.i,. .tM ..� °"R"`M`" JUN 21992 Ycv Nay' i Adopted by the Council__.._ --___._—_19___ May 19_. - MAYOR Sudhcimcc /Mc. P—id— Bundhi ` . 1'LbL1JHIiD o.o.c .o c... c...n CITY OF ST. PAUL .iia NO.__ 5� OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �,,,m��Nrr L R N—GENERAL FORM cNdE55ioNER - Sy ffiwe� BZ90LTYD, that the proper elty officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into " agreement with Ddward Bruce, providing for the payment of OempOnsat les to his at the rate of $18.00 per week during sui* time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 39th day of January 1933; be it yUBT9iA BESOLYSD, that in ewcordanoe with said agreement, the proper City officers are hereby authorised to pay to said Ldward Bruce the sum of $98.00 out of the workmen's Compensation d000ent of the General Pund, in final settlement of his Claim against the city, being for the period to and including March 11, 1931. Yca. cou nciLmeH N.y. /coo�oy May McDonald - _ In f-- �Pcatt[ R.— �. Ag.i- 5udh.ima W P—id— 8..dlic Adop,cd by chc Council JON o MZ._.._'. 19 _. Approve /1_. _. I9 _ mnroR CITY OF ST. PAUL �c NO.-. 82606 Y o,�^•••o c•c••••a ��_�L IT CLERKS5EENN ENERAL FORM OMMISSIONEa RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the Parente and teachers Association of the Riverside School to conduct a pavement dance on Lexington Parkway between Otto avenue and Albion street on Jura 10th, between 8:30 and 11:00 o'clock P. Y. _ anon'sYaOra tiy. a p4tea� � t�' ,wi ria pnimLcvi.�i.004r�vr� �a F1, WnM C011—MEN Year Naya 111 Adopmd by rhe C...61 �'aib_.... %s_ "-19_.. May /In picDa�ald favor Approved 19 ' arcc �. /. Againar � y �r. Prcnidmr Bundhc Juoo Sty 1"}= Ron. J. ':cDon.ld, Cover of F,b'tc Safet", St. Pan1r Minn. Doan CavAW111 r1 1?n Jv'. ?-d the City Council -d-It'd a resolution suthorldn� t'.e —t T-.',.r's Aeeooistton of t'.e Riverside Sa!zol to c'ndmt a pave-:ent deme on Lod. -ton Parkway bet ... I Otto A,.—. and Albin Street o. J'we V t:i. between FAX a -d 1101 ?. M. Co ­ 11 this corns n.- ro-efflrtsd this r L,ti'n end r est tilt ynaclose traffic in this portion of t"c atrsot "j r mvid. p'lice pratocti'a t' eel Lint t- d-- .. 1a Feted in ., orderly easier. City of Saint Paul' Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIe6wn. Un ci Y cw[i+a �. rows J®e 1.t, 1932. Yr. L. L. Lndera... CorPoratlon Couneel, Hu11d1ng. Dear 91r: The attached rawest of the Parente ol andtraenceon ti ofLexington ?F krq bthe etweeno0ttoo andconduct e pev.menen 41. " by theJCoune011htoday aendgreferred3 to yon f - the Brea e Lhe proper rea0 3utlon. Sour. very truly. City Clerk. St.Pau1, Sinn. sot., !.;ay Blot, 1932. Mayor and Common Council of the City of St.Pau1, Court House, St.Paul. :..innesota. Cent—en The Parents and Teachers ., ssoo iation of the Riverside School are to hold a Benefit Pavement Dance to raise funds to he used for carrying on the work of the A8eooiation for the benefit of the school. This dance is to be held on the tenth day of June of this Year, between 6:30 and 11;00 P. L:. It is our plan to hold the banes on the l.exinpton Parkway oetween Otto and Albion Streets. 'lie, therefore, request your Honorable Body fora permit to hold this canoe at this time and place, and further request you to lave tno street closed during those hours for the protection of tcose taking part. Yours respectfully, {— 976 B.Lexington Program Chair—.. Parkway, Emerson 8936. ' L ,lune 6, 1932 PETITIOR TO THE H0190RA.BLE CITY CCUNCIL OF TEE CITY CF ST. PAUL-- GENTLEMEN: We the undersigned property owners, and residents, living on South Lexington Parkway strongly object to the Pavement Dance to be held on the evening of June IDth(as per above clipping) which we know, would mean serious damage to our flower beds, lawns anc boule verde. We respectftilly ask you to give this petition your kind consideration, and change the location, to where it will not damage private property, which location can be found only a few blocks away. We thank you In advance for any oo-operation that you mqv give us. Name Address Fronts e 7 � 3 o� Vo �°i ��ca y� ,W* SO dme 9th, 1972 At the. argual msatt" held this moruing • amber of people Stem the Pa t TesobW s AeeDei StIon of tho Birerelde 9otwoi appeared Sod et -ted that they, had alrae0y advertised tha denda to be held on 9oath L03d gtoa Arenm end that tickets tare out. The.fAooell for seta masons, te-afft med the raedlutioD gremtiDg this patuit =0 diteOted M to sari.. Yon of their action. •111 you kindly oODrey this in- f0emetloo to tl,o property esnere opposing WAS dance? rory truly Yours, City Clerk. Mr. Aatb*IW tr—mbum, M do. LeriDgtoA Aro., at. Paul, YSDDasota, S V Dw Uri At the. argual msatt" held this moruing • amber of people Stem the Pa t TesobW s AeeDei StIon of tho Birerelde 9otwoi appeared Sod et -ted that they, had alrae0y advertised tha denda to be held on 9oath L03d gtoa Arenm end that tickets tare out. The.fAooell for seta masons, te-afft med the raedlutioD gremtiDg this patuit =0 diteOted M to sari.. Yon of their action. •111 you kindly oODrey this in- f0emetloo to tl,o property esnere opposing WAS dance? rory truly Yours, City Clerk. 00DHOIL REBOLDYI�. COUNCIL FILE NO. 9260 PRESENTEDBY-- -- ��- -- fRERICLS, R. 0. Lotehaw, doing business as the Bt. Paul Amusement Oompany, owner of that certain property commonly known as MoBoal Island, the legal description of whioh is Lot 10, Soo - tion 6, 'township 38, Range 33, located within the city limits of Dt. Pahl, has made application to operate an amusement park thereon, in accordance with the provisions of Ordinance 3o. 8098, approved July 14, 1933; and WMCRZA3, It Is the opinion of the Council that such app11- cation should be granted; therefore, be it REBOLvfD, That the proper city officers are hereby author- ised and directed to issue to said R. 0. Lotsbaw, doing business " the at. Paul Amusement Company, a license to operate such an amusement park for a period of one year from and after the date saldpLicease to issue „tmoon paymen of sum of nifty Dollars ($360.00) to the oommissloner of yivanoev� eeO0�1N a..<°iv p p a Wm�ei1 uoe io. P.vL Dv m et en IIcW.v t. k Wlertoni I° rop aaerR Ov.'i :° it r ehamYw�pYGY. IE°ed enl°�atCe eevaeal Tvro�BunCte� A U. ]ioll;n inaeam.a:m.e.°n wAl..w°� o $sial°° ra JDN ° !932 }'sae �Oour cilmen \— Passed by she Co°ncil /��yYffcDonald fin/ ✓P<arcc / � ---h F.— S.dheimcr / - - - Agains, ,: \[r. PresidmtlRundlici la j;' ,}rr°.r. wPo,ed - -- �1� - �lapo City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk ALINE J. GIBBONS, CRy Onk adm.n cw— .m Cmnelalene el R�91.tr�llen adc�.n v.pu.ue. June let, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the mo St. Paul Asecant Company for license to operate an emuee- not park on property co®only known ea 1ACBos1 Island, the legal description being Lot 10, Section 5, Town �, Range 22 w referred to you today, by tba Council, for resolutionagrant ing said pe—it. Yours very truly. City Clerk. PETITION To the City Council, City of Saint Paul. May 19th, 1932 Gentlemen: The St. Paul Amusement Company, R. C. Lot - sham, owner, respectfully petitions your honorable body for a license to operate an Amusement Park as 6098, Council Eile 46726, Orovided by Ordinance No. commonly known as MoBoal Island, b- on the property oated in the Mississippi River east of the Robert Street Bridge; a legal description of said property being Lot 10, Section 5, Town 28, Range 22; said Amusement Park to have the usual riding devices such Aa merry-ge-round, ferrie wheel, roller -coaster, eta.; steads and also to have a dance pavilion, refreshment of� various other concessions as are a part and parcel as Amusement Park. .e The 8t. Paul Amusement Company is a loom Se the fee owner of the proper- concern and the owner action on the ty. We respectfully request as early partof your honorable body ae possible, ec that Grew may be placed upon the Seland to prepare samee Lion of the various conn eesi.n.. for ftthhe' erec O /?(/ A# 94 9T. PAUL BEME T COMPANY By R. Loi Owner. By City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MM J. GIBBONS, CRy Ove ad 1 an ax, vnd Cnvmlalone nl R.rlm.eae _M^= v.ewxe. May 24th, 1932 no.. Goo. C. Hadheimer, Comer of Public Safety, - Chairmen, License Committee, City of Saint Paul. Dear Commissioner: Attached please find petition of the St. Paul Amusement Company for license to operate an amusement park on property commonly knows as McHul Island, ileo opinion of the Corporation Counsel in the matter. The City Council today referred this petition to the License Committee for investigation and report. yonre very truly, City Clerk. _ Department of law CITY Of ST. PAUL Ll Hj,ARl I. FLYNN a ZrLEa a. aa, C'—_ il. r .,t for an o_rini or. to v; heti:rr tte City `.,.,s 3—"- u_' I�—ted in ii 'ti�. CcBoal Isle. , 'tin, ore. ,... _ -w..a _.. _ 1.e L_.esi ss_ It P._ver. find tre: ...e i^lami is 4 etion i:: witcin Lisi of t'ne City o` _t. P_l, enc uncle_ tue ter'.., of Ordinance X0090, an'%rove u J11 1 --- of tnc r _i>r_d I1 e... _E , rant a ger-rio for the o enation o' an ----t para: on =.aic is lr. n�.. _...ir,. :ter_: YSu1Ii �ornorntion O��.rsel. +City of Saint Paul Office 04 City Clerk MM J. GIBBONS, Clry Ouk mxd O.hU�c .µ .nd Ce,n I... el May 23rd, 1932• Lr. L. L. Indo reoa, Corporation Counsel, Building. Deer sir: Ittached planes find petition of the St. Paul Amusement Company for license to operate an emeat park on property c amoaly know ae kcBoal Island, located is the NSesiseippi Hiver east of the Robert Street Bridge. Thi, matter w referred to you today, by the Council, for an opintoa as to wheEher or not the Council has jars ediction over this property and who owns the eeme. Very truly yeure, City Clark. r- CITY OF ST. PAUL r, �c c NO.92608. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK EE CI RE—GENERAL FORM i �IDgY _ WEB, Leo jlollahon has made application to the Council , for a permit to Great and maintain a Cash and carry Joe -hone. on the northeast career of Concord and pongrese streets, on the rear of Lot S, Bloat 51, ?own of West St. pan,, facing Congress streets and WAS, proper notice has been given pursuant to Para. graph y, Section S of Ordinance No. 3840, end the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it B=SOLM, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and dir atad to Ss to said dao Yoilahon a permit for the erection of sai Joe-jonse-,Atha buirding to be _ d� In accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted sab- ieot to the provision Shat the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. t C M MMa - P.- ogurtl�C� men '6 •; ft et �1,fkj k, Cnr nnell M�n'iala � s �. COUNCILMEN Y... Nay. Adoprod by rhe Cauncd ._.._ /oy May 1 ,/M.Donald �carcc �R-N, 5,SnI'll mer -..... ON Mr. P—idBundy. '� �/ 3 �� Citgo of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk Wn J. GIBBONS, City CJnk w^�o ,. w�^w and Cemwlelen., of R.ybb.Nen June let, 1932. Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of Leo McMahon for an, ice station on the northeast comer of Connord and Congreve Street. w referred to youeta draft a e.olution granting acid application; the reeo- lution to provide that the station would be placed on the rear of the lot facing Congreve Street. The application come. before the Council .gala on Jvne 2a d. Yonne very truly, i� "' J Cit((yyy Clerk. may_` POST CARD NOTICE: �C-• IF THE C012'_SSIO'.'4R OF P�NApIC.i. St. Paul, la—, Eley 21, Rar s,�� yy 1932. Building Zone < r agraph F, Section 5, ea viended, of not ifi ad t2a,s_t tIza apnllcati onoofd Lao ma' 1922, are hereby on 1 t s issiozz to erect or cortlnua M%hoa ou Concord ¢ Co3c S2' Tovra of i4aet St. Peu1i1N.E­ ot=tion 1—ted 0 11 c gess o. of Daae up £or Ceuac nsId...tion before the Cil of the Cit £ St. peal n t}ie oCouncil hamber in the CS°Ey Hell end Court A.M. -. House Bu 3ldin.g on the let dey of Jan -1-132 et 10 o'clock _ ' JOHN H. IDCDONa4LD, '1 Conuniaaionar f Finance. CIYDE ", MAY CITY OF SAINT PAUL \ �� 6 , PARKS, PLAY GRO UNDSAN DPUBLIC BUILDINGS March 9, 1932. Hon. Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: Ate.ached herewith please find city clerk's file on the application of Leo McMahon, nhe desires permission to erect a as sh and carry ice houae at the intersection of Congress and Concord Streets, this city. This property is zoned in the cor-ercialclassification under the ordinance and the erection of this building will not depreciate adjoining property. "':e recor —d the permit be granted. 7 / i St. Paul, Minnesota, . March 7th, 1932. To the Honorable City Council. Centl seen: I hereby mal® application for a Pexmit to erect and install a cash and carry ice house on Lot 5, Block 51, Tom of Hest St. Pahl, being the northeast corner of Concord and Congress StmOts. Very truly yours, Leo McMahon 1094 Minnehaha E. .=*a. THE BOARD OF ZONING °4.--r ...., sE..o,.... -- . - M1 SAINT UL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE JII Zst, 1988. puE1C1GE a E/aEc 0/54Gro. [�n rn.nw GEORGE H. E.E.. sww Mr. Y. J. Gibbous, City Slerk. Dear Bir : is the at[ttar of app33Ecatioa oS Leo McMahon for e Dash and carry, See home located on Lot Sr Block 61, Town of West Rt. Paul. This Le tum, Wortbeaat corner of Concord and Congress. The sonVw in 0o�ercial. it is 760 ft. to the nearest ice hona�� She sits is adjacent to a wood yard. There are t;- driverw m" in emlatance on the Congress 8t. aide. This house is to be moved Prom Zaabel and So. Robert to the proposed location. ymvi"Svery truiy� Secre gh-rh CITY OF ST. PAUL r-rFr NO. F OF CITY CLERK - SOLU —GENERAL FORM rEo By onre_ c�'o, Ss rR. _... — - -. -- _ WHEREAS, Applications for licensee have been made as follows: Vary Jarosiewleca, 850 forest St. Confectionery application 1 61 1861 Clarence J. Barrett, 1150 E. 7th St. Restaurant w®iRAS, said applicant. have �ithdreD said applio.ti-a for licensee; therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the proper city fficer. be sad they are hereby authorized to refl:nd to Mary Jarosiewiecs, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel said application 1861 for confectionery license, end to ref—d to Clarence J. Barratt, the fee of $10.00 and to cancel application 1881 for Restaurant license. dPu uowd'i cea a t utiye a>iro�H sc't 'FonPL P4 A: Tt 2e t. ... .1W %% nDe r Dan• �. Da twaDtt} t.. oe iimoa`im m°eGw'. MCDIed'6r � tlI 4J.Z1/D7= Iluna 11 IDDB}._� � cOunCirMEry Adoprcd by thr C.—I JPN Y"" Nays /McDonald '/ In favor APP, ed.-------� 19 RosrD MAvoR /$udhnD,er /Mr. P—id-1 B—dIm '� o,c.,..o.,. ,,•a,a CITY OF ST PAUL ri.c " NO.._— 92610 O E / OF CITY CLERK I ESO ON—GENERAL FORM co... ssio NEa_ - ---- - --- - ants June_2•_ 1932 RESOLVED That licensee for which applicktions have been made by persona named on the attached list be and the same are hereby grantedr and the city clerk is instructed to issue such licenses upon the payment into the city treasury of the required f- 711—EN es. GnF..No vFn� 8 -I 0.JE.9 �m.lmmaE' a t w � �nM•otWa --Ne Il lune a,.lYi nof9 n i 1]urie it-tilfl 11 N , Yee: / 1co Ytey McDonald N y d/� /� Pezrceen In Fa.oc Ros ^ / Sodheimee / Me. P—idene bmdim Adopted by rhe Council ti. .y '-*19 _. App,.,, _ 19 � Innvoa June 2, 1932 J Biglow 476 S. Snelling Av. Butcher Frank eafner 887 Rica " M. Rorowlte, 624 Canada " Sam Raport 251 E. 13th Morris Alt 734 N. Snelling Grocery C. A. Anderson 619 Wabash. Bakery 0. A. Anderson 1958 S. Anthony J. A. Batchelder 779 W. Central Grocery Fanny BlI ain aky 361 Carroll Av. ^ Buck. Bros. 1680 Brand Charles Ch-- 1819 St. Anthony " H. H. ElfenbeI. 1738 Grand Av. Oonfectionery H. L. Ellie 995 Van Slyke Orocery Lacad- Eehbach 1210 E. 7th Confectionery A. J. Fashe.ba..r 1021 Arcade Grocery J. P. Freae 385 Robert Confectionery W. F. Grew, 878 S. Smith C.J. Hagelin 2175 St. Clair Grocery Jo 1m Hallberg 955 Arcade Confectionary Meyer Berman 640 Selly Bakery L. Hoist— 842 S. Smith Confectionery L. W, Burd 611 Grand Fruit star^ I. I.pber 651 Canada Grocery Christine Jn..ban, 981 Payne Bakery Jokmaon Bro e. 1710 E. 7th Grocery A. B. Klayman 131 State 2264 Como " Confectionery Nusterman Bros Guy N. Lideted 1460 Grand Grocery P. J. Mah—aid 756 Ed_d " Geo. Marlen HighwoodJohn 752 Pa " Soft drink Julius Miller 1386 Fnrnees Grocery National Tea Co. l 675 Winsow A. Nice--i—g441 Rondo St. " O'Brien Broe. 1321 White Bear Av. " Louie Pappas 715 N. DeleConfectionery Harry Pitteelkow M. Flynn d 0. N. Ratha 569 N. Dale 20 E. 7th Grocery Soft drink Marl- Rauch 703 Heaney Grocery Ritechel, Peter J. 761 N. Snelling Confectionery Jerre- Robinette 23 W. Fairfield Co.Inc. 507 Court Block " Sea—gar ) (St.Paul Suburban Sanitation W. A. Scheffler 758 University Grocery Frank Schultz 251 E. Fairfield Confectionery Spacgenherg Meat Co. 313 W. 7th Grocery Mr-. Olga B. Stromwell 1402 Portland Confectionery Thomas Sweeney, Inc. Lowry Hotel, 539 Webash% Rudolph Tschida 1208 Rice St. Mre. E. Thompson 567 Rice Bakery John Wallblom 154 E. 7th Confectionery June 2, 1932 Ak Nick Belies 117 W. Central Av. Restaurant Ceo. Burgos 408 Cedes n P. Chakeris 1045 Grand n W. A. Chamblie 121 S. Webeahe ^ Y.M. Cherry 1648 Rica n N. Chi.... e17 Selby ^ Francis C. Dunden 870 Univar'Sty ^ C. L. Eckhardt 1 W. 9th n Jack Flym Cafe 20 E. 7th ^ G. 0. Haredorf 424 S. Robert John Hargoff 260 E. 6th ^ B. Lehmann 537 Greenwood ^ Cha'. Nilano 335 Rice n Barbara Nordmann 407 N. Snelling ^ W.J.O'Grady 241 E. 3rd n Schroeder & Clark 540 Cedar ^ E. Scheertberger 1074 Rice ^ Geo. Stapoloue 295 E, 7th n H. M. Stevens 1336 Miesiasippi River Blvd ^ Cha'. B. St. John 368 Robert ^ Beatrice I. '1"412 Prior ^ Geo. Wagner 558 Broadway n Roel C. Williams 469 N. Snelling ^ Will L. Willie's 1598 University ^ We. Yeehout 418 N. Cleveland ^ Nellie Ragen 335 E. 7th Hotel (Hagen) 28 rooms Frank W. Ingham 441j St. Peter (Travelers) 20 rooms Caroline Perrerd 64 W. 10th " (St.George) 33 Ryan Hotel Co. 400 Robert ^ (Ryan) 287 Jo bn Schultz Ased ghen 457 Wabash. ^ (Ca^Stol) 30 room, 380 Jackson ^ (Garfield) 40 n Archie llaweou R. M. Rule 902 Arcade 860 Grand Gasoline station 9 Pumps ^ n A. Huff. 1248 Arcade ^ ^ 3 n A. Jeske 1523 Como n ^ 3 " J. W. McEikenny 1521 Randolph n ^ 3 ^ Miller & Holmes Grove & Lafgyette ^ ^ Geo. Nels on 1185 E. Minnehaha ^ Petroleum Service Co. 317 Como ^ n The Pure 011 Co. 1844 University 3 " Quality 011e Inc 581 Robert n n 6 ^ Sinclair Refining Co. 677 Selby n n Standard 011 Co. 2178 Marshall n n 3 n Stan de rd 011 Co. 140 Front ^ ^ Bilbon Amusement Co. 406 Minnesota 17 pool table, Anthony Beee 129 W. 7th 2 pool tables J. n. Frees 383 Robert 18 ^ ^ John Marino 752 Payne 2 ^ " Frank Schult' 251 E. Fairfield 2 ^ n Rudolph Tachida 1208 Rice 2 n n June 2, 1932 Geo• Crammer 511 Bremer Amada salary Loan Local Lova Co. N— York Life Hldg. " Trustee Pic— Co. 302 1lldland Bldg_ ^ " Fancy Freemen 329 E. 7th ?nd hand dealer John Knowd 230 E. 7th ^ n Clara Schultz 654 Rica 2nd head auto parte David W. Helper 223 E. F13more Junk dealer Harry R. Frye 984 E. 5th 011 burning device CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK IL R N—GENERAL FOURMF NO. __1lJ6i EZZIAMMM WMCR"S, E. A. *endt has =Mde aPP"Ce'tion to the Connell for permission to erect and operate an ioe-hones on Block 10, 011tier's Lddition (went one-third of Lot 6), located at the northeast corner of lisaoain Mad 8t,ens streets; and WEMLS, Proper notice haus been Siren Pursuant to Paragraph }, Section 5 Of OrdinanOO Ho. 5840. and the Coonoll is of the opinion that such permit shaald be granted; therefore, be it MMOLVID, ?hat the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to iemne to said S. A. Wendt a permit for said loo -hoose, the building to be constructed in a000rd- anoe sltb the Building Code. This permit may be reToked at any time by a m0,5erit7 rote of the Cool" Yr+. juN iuMEH Nay �j9 M Y nald fervor /yptcDc \),In �Sudhrimer �// /Mr. Prca�dnnr Bundl�n Ad.,d by Thr C... M --2 ply App -1,5d 19 Innvor+ City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk wueE 1. c -.sous, aer. a.,h a+d aw un aw •^d Commivb,w ai Ry1.e.aen aid ci,d e,..�aa. Jame let, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Pear Sir: Theattached appeal of E. A. Unit for permission to erect end operate an Ice house on Block 10, 011ve_r-a Addition, West 1/3 of Lot 6, located on the north- aet or of M--i.and Stevan. Street. sae approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Your. very truly, r City Clerk. N A P P E A L B O A R D OF Z O N I N G Ma 'Lqth1932.193_ Acting under Ordinance No. 5840 of August 22nd, 1922 and subsequent amendments. - Date of Petition ri Ap1 14th, 1932. ui iue":1't j3 �Po�it0. .�(a�, td.rtst'ae.laQd Petitioner E. A. Wendt wuo��ngn Location Block 10, Oliver Is Addn. West 1/3 of Lot 6 NE corner of Manomin & Stevens. Zone : "A" Residence. Appeal To add an ice house to existing non -conforming Date of Inspection : grocery store. April 26th, 1932. Date of Hearing April 28th, 1932. Appearances for Petttlon�rs None Appearances for Opp=si7ion None Petitioner's Argument : Appeals under paragraph ^b" Section 20 as a means of making a living. Action of Board : Grocery store now existing operated by tenant. Owner will operate ice house. 1000 ft. to nearest ice house. Recommended that mpBs&lbe granted. I Bge? ro BOARD OF ZONING. Secretary. Isaac Summerfield Louis Betz G. O. House Ryland Rothschild Mrs. W. D. Villars TO THTC HONOBABLF-. THE CITY COUNCIL. Saint peal. Mixia¢no ta_ Gentlennn; your p¢titdon¢r, being dissatlefied with the applica- tion of the pr—laiona or the Zoning Ordlnance hereby appeals ttooff your Honorable Boay under paragraph 'If._ of Section/ of said ordinance £or a peral2 f.�,� 4 allo ou .. z.0 �z 2p` ♦ppellant. CITY OF SAINT PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND•PU BLIC BUILDINGS 4� 3 May a, 1932. f n II I1 Hen. Council, City of St. Paul. r Gentlemen! Attached herewith please find petition of E. A. 'W..dt, who asks for permission to install a retail ice et ore in a com- mercial building already on the property on the northeast corner of Stevens and ManominStreets, this city, and also petition attached signed by a greet number of property own- ers. This property is zoned in the "A" Residence .l ase iflcation under the zoning ordinance. However, in such oases where a commercialbuiY3ng is already on the property, its commer- e1s1 use may be continued no matter what the zoning may be. It is, therefore, legal for Mr. Wendt to use this building for commercial purposes and dispose of Sue or any other com- modity at retail. We recommend that the Council go on record as approving this petition. Yours ver t C�Sonar. City of Sant Paul OFFice of City Clack MIKE J. GIBBONS, Oty Uak axd a.1 cin a.n •.d Cw.nk -- of R..-- a!e _i.n e11.1=. April 111th, 1932. Bon, C, R. Bqy, Comas of P.B. & F. Bldg-, Building. Deer Coamisaioner: Atteob.d please Plnd patltlon of E. L. Wendt for permit to install an Sao 1-- on the bleat 1/3 of Lot 6, Block 10, Olivier' a Ada it ion (North - seat corner of Stevens sad ldanomin St—eta) This petition bas baaa raP erred to you, by the Council, for roves tigati oa sad —p ,t To—. very tr¢ly. City Clerk. April 6, 1932, To the Honorable Members of the City Council, City of St Paul, Minn, I am the owner of the West one thied (1/3) of Lot Lot 6 block 10 Olivier's Addition to West St Paul said lot being located on the north out oorner of Stevens and Manomin Streets , and on which lot is located a grocery store, As there is ample space On said lot to build and operate a retail ice house I hereby respectfully petition your honorable body for a permit to erect and operate said ice house . The said ice house x111 be operated by my eon Edward Wendt, I hereby attach a seperate sheet of property owners who are in favor of said ice house. To the undersigned property owners and residents are in favor of the attached petition. • r1 U CO NCIL RESOLUTION Resol-Ad, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for widening the existing roadway on Snelling Avenue from Minnehaha Street to the tracks of the Northern Pacific Railway Company and paving thw widened portions, also repaving present reAdway, in accordance with plane and.apecificatlons hereto attached, to HANLON AND ORES, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the anon of $47,900.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therei `1 .e,.u....,0 8809 ...M.N...r �...ewa., ..�o�.��....o ,o .. ,,.�...�...o .oa �o.r o. r.... �....w...o.r . �........ ... �.., ...,o, ............ . . . . . . . . . _ 21,176.00 .. ,......�.,.. ..........o.,. �.........�,._ - moo. 26,060.00 ......... ... �,. �.......a,Y.,..�., ......,.- .e.. 676.00 47,900.00 2 I �1�- CILrUSOLUTION or —.1i.°rsovaw........ ec�a Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the re commends tion awards the contract for constructing of the Qontraet Committee and curbing on both aides of Simpson avenue from Franks= Avenue to Midway Parkway, in accordance with plans and specifications hereto attached, to STANDARD STCKB COMPANY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the am of $539.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of con- tract therefor. `e o° " •;°•�` <e ami.ti w °erienro°waO°if' ezo°:sa"°ooa �' erde:.a iVIosaaee xe,o <..,.� •�o°. _BSIO ..o�.�a. ...�...... 719.00 °»,..^.•..�.<..v. ... �..A<.o�.,�.o,,.w..�..-. ��...., ..e,..F.� . w ...a�. �.,..w..°o. ,' 539.00 .< _ _ 559.00 ""'°`" 696 COUNc' L,RESOLUTION du _ �x ovaMswr vwo,sare ne 2- 1932 • Resolved That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing curbing on Sherman Street, west 11110, from Smith Avenue to Pleasant Avenue, in seem dance with plane and epecificatione hereto attached, to STANDARD STCKE COMMNY, they being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $178.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ' eru+s usro. coa: q+cmmw`.e1 s �. �......,.. 217.00 178.00 ........ .... ° ° 178.00 M 21919 -- Petition PRe 92615 PROPOSAL FOR IMPELOV.. PRELIMINARY ORDIMISL-1 The de,aig,,d hereby proposee the _eking of the f.H.­jg p-1.1ic improvement bythe 0ity ofH e—ael . ... ....... __._._Subdivision. I-A."_.aal Block- I x__SubdIvIaicn,..-fr0& Abell --- --- Doted thi. day U - ----------- -- PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the feU,,wilig improvement, vim-: A dinBaler 0- A441AA-9A- 494puel-g# ra A A44M 44.1� -"r Vp SubAiVISIon frog Abell Street to Sylvan street, ------- ---- --- ---------- - ............... ­­ ----------- ------- I .. .... .... ------ - - --- b-ing been presented to the Coo,ofl of the City of St. P-1 therefore, be it RESOIXED, That theof Public W-1— be, --d ie hereby ordered ..d directed:1. To investigate the alorelitY for, or desimbility of, the ma7axag of ammid irePwIem.1t. 2. To i—djw6a the acture, extent mood eeti—ted cost of mid i—provero-1, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish . plee, prefile or e1tth of said improvement. 4. To mteto whether or not said improvement is —ked for on the petition of three or —m—rem. B. To report upon III of the foregoing matters to the 0— .. i—iormer of FlImom. Adopted by the Cu,,il 1 ­ ---- ---- ---------- - ------- - Y_. N.ra cennaamen ............. . ..... Ma P I.— ✓ 7 : "AUXII PROPOSAL FOR IMPRO� a a^ aeue., and PRELIMINARY ORI)ER- 4, ..a The undersigned hereby p-,— the -.3d.g of the following public improvement by the C'ctyl. Paul, 'i - .411114,14M. IM(I 0151.304X --- 13aI-A.-neoesseL7 rbr. glopes sut,&..and -Ima- -tjmAl I 4W- J,, -Bt -d& gad.-BeyeatIg Add.7.t1-Qa_.Azm1U.tm3. J3remster's Dated this..., Q!-Ramen. n't ---- --- F-P,ELIMI[NARY ORDER_ WHEREAS, A written prop—al for the making of the following improvement, i- eassumnt- JAX t;kLO- I -d ns*63S&PY for -slopes, cuts md f113.m. lam Z13ta -Y in Bond . md.Bey ---- -------------- ----------- - Av_ AIAO --.p pT! s Aesx-,ictimIL G'kxcLWclI' s8m 5nx. "xw,_Armiter.I.J3 .... -------------- putdi�iaioax r3r.3-M Abe-LBZreet tofily;Ljr Street . ............ . .... having been presented to the c Council of the City of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commisffioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and di -ted: I. To i-eatigate the mecesmity for, or desirability of, the mating of said improimprovementen 2. To investigate the auattare, ewtomt and estimated cost of said improvement, and the WW east thereof. 3. To furnish a Plan, profile or sletoh of said imp—nt. 4. To tate whether or not send improvement is saked for on the petiti.n of three o, more 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Me— Adopted 0_ -- - ----------- Ad,pwd by the Council-.__.___-----------_.- ------ 2 0------- Y- N. - Councilman 1. 1" 2 io, I ---- - ----- .. . ............. ..................... o,pp--,--- Ili MM00- "I SV Useurw/4MMMAW.-. . . .... - ----------- .. . .....--- .......... M- ' - MY- - . . Petition -.92617 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROI.T. and %. a - PRELIMINARY ORDER. The andmeig—di hereby pn,pasm the making,f the following public improvement by the City of St. Pa.], vi- Atrvetfrw ppoln..AVenuff to .............. ... -- - . condition is now ip pleas D.trd this 2nL.,..,dy of dune'. 1932. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, is.: trestfrom Lincoln AT—. to Gredd Avenue except where curbing in good condition is now - ._ - P - .. ........ ........... - having been presented W the Ce-eil of The City of St. Peel therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be end is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the -tensity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To honestipte the nature, astsa sad estimated met of mid improvement, and the tow met thereof. 3. To furnish , plan, prefile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or net mid improvement in asked for on the petition of three or more owners. 5. To report open all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Flamer. Adopted by the C .. a 2 TV- Y.- NAls Councilmen affimpp-als —o., App—rd Mminswas R0.1 M. P—m— F.0 A 13 Council File No......... 9%, 8 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT In. —d PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th. ..drig..d homey p.l.— the m-ki-9 of the f.H..ig public ioepr—moo.17Fy th-,Nook of gi. iWul, vis.: r a. sover-an the nalLtIl. al" of Marshall -Asnaua, Ave=.9 tio, &.90ilat 267 foot 9.aAt of. ElBallm Doted this 2.4d der of -june, cnnnnaman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written propee.1 for the —king of the f.11—i-9 improvement, vis.: ta" "o gowgr go_ t4k"outh. slAo of Ilarsball Avenue..._.........__ flrq!g jjpmli AveAlko_ #9_4.2911at 2.67—reet out at_lamlliuo_ . ...... ... ... - boring been presented to the Conned of the City of St. Poul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Com moi,,ioner of Pblio Work, be and ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To invextigate the nooresity for, ordeembility of, the melting of -id imp—It. 2. To investigate the nature, extent sed etimeted cost of amid improvement, and the tow cost thereof. 3. Tofurnish . play, profile .r.ketch fsaid improvement. 4. To tate whether,r not sold improvement i, asked for on the petition dthree or more Owren. 5. To report up— all of the foregoing mtWm to the Commissioner of Fi ... or. Adopted by the Co—& . JUN.. IM Y— N— C ... am.. 032pas— I 11111"y 2 W9 'WZ§vVVW trnv Approved_._....._....__............_... P ARCL CITY OF ST. PAUL ritt NO, _--921,M FF _ OF CITY CLERK O jj�OLU O —GENERAL FORM EResENTU .v Jmme _ 5, 1952 RESOLVED That the sum of Two IImmdrad Dollar. (:200.00) be and the same is bereby appropriated and set aside out of Fund 7-D-2 for the purpose of defraying the e.p-... of Thomas A. Br—, Chief of Polio., to the 1-teroati... 1 P011oe Chiefs A .... iatioa Cosysntion to be held in Portland, Oregoe, June 14, 15, and 16, 1952. Chief Br.- is s member of the Automobile Theft Divis!ionof---a-id.//' Convsotion, a subdivi-iou of said Association. `•oy/ L%E%1�Gr�^�-'�' �1 z9 '7k mew !°�` ,o€P°m�Yma+a�ase ��"s ealvtu t�.elaw oagq�eua�, w pWutie�ap446 �S�C ae>,(D Rim+'^S 'Daeap u4 n> db Co n y}Y Yeas �o„NC�1ME� N.y, / Adap,cd by �hc C...dl..... _.. _.. 19 5/ lop o1BB2 �McDonvl� In favor App, � 19 - Pearce /. 0 "'R.... _.. Against / ..___ _ MAYOR Sydhdmer / j/�,(" . President Bund1b, ddd FORM No. E . Subjeaty Council File NO .rt Date praeenteId 7/ 193E Re ve ,WHffitHAR, the Commissioner oP Public IItili 'e tees repotedin Section 53 of the City Charter, the axistenes of an accordance with employee emergency wbich rendered neoessary the employment of certain for than eight hours per day and oa Jh y, .aid of hie Department more being more thea usual yonre of employment, therefore, be St employment Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set Porth: x HAMS TITLE 3IIRDAY REOCLAR RATE Thomas Hennea�ey MoMama. .ZZlabo N' >I hes. 45 IIty.laborer ;� b5 t Johns Irvin M. -Haley. - � ca•°` " 45 Common ]ab ae.u. a m ; " 66 Iver Lofgrea 113ward A. Schwartz IIty laborer Mtoti"'dTggar`3 .56 Dan Slater Anthony Flipp IIty.l's .i' .a 8 e ;Ci0 . Maint.laborer e OlaLn L. Clancy IInty.labowrer — Ludwig Zwiraer ;john O,Hell c - 8 Commoff ,laborer 10 bra. 8 ° IItg.laborer��,,.. 'ZbbnF. Conroy , n 8 e 86•. . 16 6° Daniel O'Connor Eioholas J. Wagner e 4 " bb :^c lE ■ ;3 64 — ' t'Leonard M®dca 7 Sub f - lE " ._..,R 6 -` b666_ d thaEs6 7 uty taborer a Collins Davis ° :9E}.- Snb=foreman 8 ■ :65 Lawrence Hammer IInty.lab■orer 8 n ;6b Frank MOHearney ° g ■ .56 Peter J. Murphy ■ g n :68 Wallace J. Murray g n ;55 Ed. Quinliveag ° ° n- 56 Frank F. Racine Joe Cook Ditoh digger g n .:S5 1E Ro Ease Henry J. Conrad IIty.laborer ■ 6 Plumbers Helper 8 S :65 Net Roberto - Dcdifgar 16 bg •45 Joseph Fiorito Tony Roberto g" Common laborer 16 Ayes coun�cilameen Hays - - � c9 �dL Adopted by the �� 1932 y��ewaaroe //Sudheimar Approved 193E /Mr. President ie Approve m oar General ompeon :�cyCn Snperintenden FORK No. 1 June 2, 1932 926;20 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Utilities Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employes of that department for more than eight hour- per day in the doing of the following work:opermtngHazel and Highland Park Pumping padnala Lake.#/% Watching on 6th St.* Stations j/ Patrolling - 9ervice connection malntenan oe.ee This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumatances: #On Sunday. To prevent trespassing. -Account of o an earvice connection ditches. --Account oP Decoration Day. Approved --LiLeee'S' ar eon General Superintenden COUNCIL RESOLUTION. I o....�.e L'•`L••• COUNCIL FILE NO. 9m PRESENTED BY --i\/- i XXX_ RESSOLM, That the asslpeent to the City of Saint Paul by the Empire Eatlonal Rant and Trust OompanY, of bonds of the value of {75,000.00, which said assignment In dated June 2nd, 1932, approved by the Sinking Fuad Co®ittse, and as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. 1"Sas Councilmen \ays //S�udheimcr / . tr. President IRundlier Attest Cit}' Cle,k o. uec—ar a. W. 1� entl� xtee lqe CIIY Bent Paul EmA'ue ��16.000AOe°wGlc� se°I4 v� x I,mmexrae °a n°e a°a. ce». --d s q- nt telexm�avua m1°mei xe: o..=�...o .,.c CITY OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF CITY CLERK EI RES GENERAL FORM PRESE RESOLVED , That upon the recommendation of the Cm ssicner of Parks, Playgrounds ?c Public Buildings the services of utto's L1_tla German Band of ct. Paul, under the direction of Otto J. Zupfer, for the furnishing of band concerts at Harriet Island and neighborhood parks and playgrounds for seven concerts a week., for a period of six weeks or more, during the summer season of 1932, at a price of ,246.00 for the first week and $224.0l. for each succeeding week, are hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the said Otto J. Zupfer for the furnishing of these concerts ns per the attached proposal, payeble froi,, the Harriet Island Health :land Item and the Park Fund Rnte tolnment Item. I ,..,, Yca.. courvciumary Nays Y MCDon]Id / \/ In favor / Sudheimee �Mc. P—id— Hundh. . - Adop,cd by hc Council aim 5 19.. v MAYOR T &.L' tier NO. .- o.�..ERK ERALFORM Eo°Iv --- s 1 inH April 11 1953 toEc deet s Hotel WHEREAS, Licene S 527 p at ll X. Seventh Street nae issued to Neaten and Kit., and WREREAS, The State Department of Sealts, Bureau of SotelInspectlon, reports said premise- unfit for hotel Pnrpoaen' vhich report wareceived by the City License Soman after Llcenae No. 527 vas Sesuedl therefore, be it RESOLVED, that said License No. 527 be transferred to cover relocatlon of hotel at 191 N. Third Street and that address on license be changed to read 191 rt. T31rd Street. a a-UTac.Pn.Lat2.e we" a.rvme s4r:u: t�veKs on t e3� a�gwt.a a> timet axmra°OI�em a t0 ro as' Pofi 1➢tit4J f: ,16at. Y_ �C,j�Donald I. favor Para � Agai.ar �dh.imcr Mr. Prcaid— B—dim Adapted by the Council - - ./ofre Av/ .a_...... V� 19 -- mAvoR ......+. ao c... c.a.. C Y OF ST. PAUL vice �� NO._.. 7l.�Il24 1 OF IC OF CITY CLERK ���E C NCIL OLUTION—GENERAL FORM I I156�o RESOLVED That the plat of 8chulT's Relrrangemat, an recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Ycv couNciLMeN �cDonald 1. (a.or rte O Agaie,r �dheima /Mr. N—d— B..dlic v. Ra'2>'a v-paautry. gp Reeel i Tet W be0 mm' F BohvSr. , avEhE Cammlu 'uL!4nPANZ lu. WaeW h MW tbb- y'vleb b IV L 0 1 ff. a a. a° u. Adopted by �h. C..—I 60A.. . Appcov� 19 v CIjY OF ST. PAUL ^^ 1 OFFIC OF PRE C N IL J%Q/�/T�ION—GENERAL FORM tV9JDA WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 90522, approved September 25th, 1931, the Council did, on the 20th day of October, 1931, at ten o'clock A. M., in the Council Comber of the Court House and City Hall, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and neoeseity of wrecking that certain two-story and basement brick apartment y building g�located on par t of Lot 7, Block 6, Robert YCYlb'4W,f9Edab II*Iff"tikYd` l[e�`drin a. No. en purl annnae oto etr set, also g given purant to Ordinance AAo. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is thea' opinl or. oY the Council that said building ie uneafe.and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; there- fore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of saidbuilding, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Play-, grounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property ;owner, his agent or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. a,^eu ne s1-wz° " t:194V" am N, "M ,, �r I F,M on dec'o['1w�:' geBa� Hna6 Co11CILMEN Ynr N., Adop,cd by rh, Canncil Y �onro /hJ¢Donald In favor App vcd. __ t9 Pnrcc t �oacn__Againrr Mr. Proidcnr Bundlie �17BLIS1DiD m CITY OF SAINT PAUL • PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS ANDPUBLIC BUILDINGS June 20, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Sentlemen; On June 3, 1932, your Honorable Body passed Resolution 92625 confirming the condevmation on the part of this De- osrtmont P on the buildin;,nt 540-542 Minnesota Street and 534 1. -inns soca Street, both of which are immed iataly in the rcnr of the ublic Safety Building` on Tenth and !Jir.nocotn Streets. They are owned by Nr. jnrry Dorgelow, 1123 I:erchants Bank Building. The last paragraph of the above resolution st'.tes that if within ten days after the mailing of the notice to the cror- erty owner, no appeal has been taken from the order, the Conmissione_• of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. In accordance with this paragraph, I respectfully submit to you herewith n copy of an appeal sent to this office by :,r. Dorge low. This pp ul has reached this office within the ten day limit and therefore should be considered by the Council. I would su&;ested that t}a rouoil on sits next viewing trip on personally examine tie se two bl- in r'"'- of this cas ccs Bion. e,/ Yccurs truly, Vn� i- commissioner. U ' C 0 F Y HARRY H. DORGELOH REALTOR June 15, 1932. Mr. H. S. Bronson, Superintendent of Inspection, Department of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Building., St. Paul, Ninnesota. D-ar Sir: Referring to your letter of June 6th enclosing copy of Council Resolution 92625 covering condemnation of buildings located at 534-540 and 542 Minnesota Street. I regret that I have been unable to do anything toward improving this property, but depressed business conditions are principally responsible for it. On several different occasions I have started negotiations which Involved the improvement of this property, but my people, in all cases, have decided to .vithh.ld definite decision until there hes been a noticeable inprovement in the times. This situation you are undoubtedly familiur with. It would be useless at this time to inc's the ex- penseof improving this property, in anticipation of being able to find a tenant for it upon completion. I would appreciate it very much if arrangements could be made with Y. ur Department to postpone any further action in this mat- ter until April let, 1933, at which time very likely I will be warranted in tearing down the present buildings and erecting a new building on the site. Trusting you can see your way clear to grant this extension, I am Very truly yours, (Signed) H. H. Dorgeloh. HHD/a co..c �c NO. - - ri� CITY OF ST. PAUL r�tc - • OFFIC F CITY CLERK ' OUJJCIL R LUTIO GENERAL FORM — IMMM, It is expected that there 8111 be, on Jme "b- a Oomisslenerof Finance other than the present 0emiselanOr; and WMfltnS, She present 00missioner of 7lnsnoe ben asked the Ootmoil to request that the State public Szaminer make an eramin- stion and audit of the accounts and MMOYS and seowities in the bands of the present 00mnineloaer as of the date of the termin- ation of his duties as such Oomiseisner; therefore, be it ROOL7tO, That the State Public =seminar be and be to xeby xegnested to make the audit and examination as above set out, the poet to be paid out of T nd 10. 31-7-18; be 14 FUR: H :ZBOLM, That the OitY Olerk be and be to hereby directed to transmit this request Semmdiatel7 to She State public iRzaminer. a cde.mad i r wa oe. r .su.• a.�1.a a . p{.ay'Thit lob � t aa, pa:,?a;ne u '°mik'a.wewaR d ry,' 6'oY4 couNci unery Adop.cd by "1 C.... _ &W 4--Wa - Yca. yj Na' / M MaY v App" ..........19.. Mr. presia— 5—aim 3 �• 1 iM• 6th# 19y1. pl•t• E#•Vt, 11N:' OL1�Q•�lb�'DO11Afn6R. x ee, rtal,,,eifm•wta# , Dar 411! � rt� {k9 ymT .tt�C�10. � l •tyi •� \ •••e1MiN •Ov� 19 �• ma aeaaq}tK .�.+ans �� .ua..t ►lteo Boa. �. . .�/ 0,f fti• •eoquet•, W ae3f.N b!4 '=ffw tn• trml• o! t1F po•sluloa�e Af :ima%� Pr �?• Otq'r N of - , tsly yams#! alit Olas:'.. x t � s � 1 2 ' 1171f CITY OF ST. PAUL o.�oix.c.o c... c...• • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �. V •COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM GOESERTET a R. Me __ -- - — - SNE _ — MMIeeI R— —��--- —y-- - —E —�— WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council, Sn accordance with Section 53 of the CS ty Charter, the axis tence of an emergency which rendered neces aary the employment of certain employes of demploymantfor beingrmorea than�thours he saidlrusualrhours� of employment, Th at er cit I offi terse are hereby authore It Resolved, ized to pay Phe following med employee, at the rate otheMise fixed for extra emp10'Jment for the extra time he, eat forth. NAME TITLE Martin Amon Laborer IItl. Alfred H. Bonin Charles A. Hsas a Mtce. Joseph J• Wagner COONCILMEN Y.. Nay' /May JI is f:vor �Roecn Reainn / Mr. Proidcn, Bmdlic HOURS 3 1 1 5 RATE OF OVERTIME .55 55 55 .50 Adoplcd by ,hc Council..., - ---19_.__ Appro _.. -,ATOR - (Aug of ft vlani $zortmrnt of'11arka. 1layyrono. 9-961 / ane public $M Ingo enrvssr w. �aNrvaorv. CLYDE R. MAY, co,.ry issio rvtn ziv tax cc June 3, 193:: To t7- :.-onoret le " yor end City Council Gentlemen: An emergency hes arisen in the Dep ur tment of Parke, Playgr)ods t Udo Puor�elni eight h ", lmployesI of that —Ing necessary the e:ep ymen doingtofnthfofcllowing n rk: labor per d'J' in the This emergency arose by reason of theful- lowing feces end circ Co tenee sM1 vao eci;--.' care. .n animals It Yours very tru Comniseloner. ORToPSAINTRAUL Gilewe> b lh< L,cat NanM1weet RA NG. 92628 j mCITY OF 5 I OFFICE O Y C Ri COU E L I —GE t FORM vassenreo ev C 1 on ,7q_y_g_SHD0.193--195 '' RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent with the consent of the Comptroller be and he Se hereby anfor thorized to purchase booke for the �BO2 42 �bwit I" the sum of sot to exceed 61, asking for competitive bide thereon as these booke are copyrightedand etitioe biddautae can be gained in asking This particular list of books is en- tirely for the School Di, alon of the will Libra" owrer efuud oneshalf ofithethas tette expended. The cost will Servicsed to the Public Library PendLjbm� ks IV Sfa! T ny ld r.i �I . Ai..i i b R rtwt n ya tS p u ,u - y LyV tBr. 9e° t' �9a4 i b We � f°:°a ra t a ut t i Tate°oo""iar. v ' °tpe II Juoe .. uti ' .ri ian. F°i+ii%ai u- o'oU Ycaa Nay Adopted by the Couocd JUN A log --- / Cooroy� MP M4Nx MaY ii Io favor APPro /hearce �ROf[n Against cnt Bundlie o,'•Y•L •e C^'cL••• COUNCIL FILE NO, 92M PRESENTED BV/��� the petition of Zdaard J. 8ohurmeier, agent for the 8ohurmeier Land 6 Improvement 00mpany, hes been filed, praying for a reduction in the tares and assessments against Lot 13, Mock 3, Aurora Addition, from theism of $348.87 to the sum of $75.00; and WHEIMAB, It appear. from said petition that the property is of a rural character, is los grade, andls carried on the Assess - oris rolls at a valuation of $75.00; and CMM", It farther appears that the sasessmente levied against said property exceed by far the benefits accr¢i$ thereto; and CBSnEAS, The assessments for local improvements amount to the ,m of $201.91, vhiob tom Snolndes the noosed penalties and Interest $he—=, and .aid cam vas inequitably assessed against said property; therefore, be It HCSOLV20, That the city Cooncil recomands to the State Tax Commission that the said assessments be reduced from the sum of $301.91 to the sum of $50.00; and that the general tax be redmoed from the am of $144.98 to $35.00. �roy Y �r. P 'd<nt,'Rundlie Attest: City Clc'k '.—d b, die C .... il ___ JUN $ lly' h Faro, r1l'1`ror ff GUCUCATE TO CITY CLERK C ITY OF 9.INT P.VL coVNCIL iJcn�n■ OF I E O"THE COMPTP.... R PILE NO...___926 0 �.�• COUNCILMEN— RDr ^VOLE COUNCIL RESOLUTION �ee!CE !'A n AUpITSD Q.AIMSC B Be 0 REEOLVED. iMT cxecae MC uiviRWu¢v.Oe[N aVNO— eY T COUNCIL TO THE AO .... ATE AxOUNT OCE . COV[PINO cHEc[B nuxa[R[¢557no TO CF�9�1 I�MLPIIIBIOELLCR. ..-- PCR CHECK... FIE/ M TH .00rt[0 APCROr[O ..,4.{ - --------- TOTAL CHECK 1�. IN FAVOR OF I ¢ av eAN. E J CHCc¢a cHECHe BROUGHT FORWARD Ail5570 John R. MoDonald. Cour. of 5571 Baldwin supply company Idryl 55732 Charles Tewart 557? John B. MoDonald. 0. of Tin. R Pelts a son 5�3 570 review Pnblisbiag Company St.Paul Builders Material Go 5577 John R. McDonald. 0, of Tino 5579Agnes Tumble 5579 st.Psul Rome Company 5590 �m M. Obet. Treasurer 5591 G railerr County, eale B Minn. 5592 1 Oermia Lametti 55w.H, Moaroarty ;! 552Trod Ambruob 5595 specialty Printing company 6 University Auto Radiator om 5587 James 0. Moore 5588 Oscar Hoon 5589 Walter Bolinger 5590 John H. McDonald, 0, of yin. 5591 Charles 0. .baron 5592 J. HE McDonald, 0, of Yin. 5593 eoott- ?Orman DoE 13 9 4 2 'Taea qui° o To ,m°°..ao.: e°aa .a a[E.a iociWa...r oP m-`-:OLM0ILRESOLUTION ...N.1L FILE NO PR I NTEMw N. civ: A.ABaAw ar Ee. cR°Aon rxv. E.aas -MAY _U ,v2 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF , 36,531• _ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5570 TO- —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. ADOPTED NY THE .0-11 _JUN A fie__ APPROrED___ VA IH[ TOTAL—FORWARD .119 034.991 1249234 1 ISI �YI�YI�I N�11 CITY G aid. ,.". NC)._�ll12L31 ` �9 �h ^ 6 i iAf OFFICE mUM mz rrn�.o�gibio. . (�//✓( a6 zos:�.va "Jane 4�1932 mrnermo e • a.Se'fl �8 — to, WeIRsaH The American City Planning InatiNrta fa'e¢ orgktrYLation eatmbli.bad for the Purpose of advancing the science and art of City and Regional Planning through the edim of emhange of experience among its members and the publication of data relative to City Planning and for the further purpose of giving publicity to cities engaged 1A City Planning work through its official publication, The City Planning Quarterly. and WHEREAS George B. Harrold, City Planning Fagineer* is and for some years last Pact -- has base a member of said Institutep the membership whereof is ands up of one hundred and thirty-two City Planning Englnears.and WHERRAS amid organization is managed by the Board 09 Governors whereof said George B. Harrold is a member and said Board outlines and anmoiatas the policies of said Institute and further advice$ as to the programs of the National Conference on City. Planning, said programs being held annually 1. $one city of the gaited States deelgnated for said pnrpose.and MMMLS the City of Saint Paul has for several years last pact base represented on Bold paogreas either by lifted speakers or through discussions and ben ddjved considerable benefit from much progress and also from the. activities of^_shly in. said institation.and WHEREAS the Council in of the opinion that it is advisable that the City of Saint Paul montiaua to be represented in amid Inetitat&ft and an its said Boardrand WHEREAS the enuual f- for membership in amid Institut�i in the amu of $23.00 HOW T�OSE,BE IT UNSOLVED that said membership fee of $23.00 for agid George S. Herro]A 1a said Instltutgk as a member of its Board'of Governors be paid and the proper Oity Officials be authorized and empowered to draw a warrent in amid sum payable to the American City Planning Instituts, dame to be charged to the Mayor's Contingent Fond, the Mayor being Chairman of the City Planning Board. Yue eotawtea N.Y. / ok ,c,�o,r fI// Pagw.es'�N� ✓ .\1 In hvw Warta Fun . < x ,/ /1 .gtinK W�mi 1R �W. Pteddmu Wd ��na ur Adopted by the Crnaaa7"�— Appmvl9— MAY�a3 CITY OF ST. PAUL r'�r mox.. •o �.. c.... OFFICE OP,CITY CLERK L 50 ERAL FORM/ NMD•E__ SSIONER - v WHEREAS, Joe Novick hoe petitioned the 00uncll for per- northeaetocorne rl of Bnel md 111ngaandin aStanfordn evenuesg andt ion at the WHEREAS,Said Joe Novick haourbsubmitted returnsa, pump 'eoation blue -print of the proposed lay - out, with driveways, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the Council; and th WHBRect8onA5tofr0rdinanceeNo.held 5840; therefore Ce bei It Para- graph F, RESOLPED, That permission aance nd authority are bereby given to Joe Novick to in' all and deviation from the t.iPlan n asc appaoved with the plan submitted; any s ,ball be will automatically void the pe Emit. The tanks end Pump under installed in accordance with the ordinance, of sagafetid City, the direction of the commissioner oombe ioner tof touthec appr oval ofetbe Com -g plans and land aping pun de and Publio Buildings; and any miee0 a.i of Parks, eidewalke, ramps, drainage or otter public changes in curbing, improvements witbin the street line, ,hall be made under t e direction and to theBa ehall beeforever tubjection of the tmi8sionar Of to rev ationubyic Work e. This pe tte Council whenever said Covneil stall determine ttat the ma n- tenance of ea id et ation constitutes a fire or traffic hazard. uh K°eq�si�e��.JiNtNat.y�p.� hl aer�tlla l � � nw.e.u6:44' d 1( COU NCLMEN.unci'. JW --V- -.19. _. Nays Adoprcd by rho C -- Ycaa /wrny / /ay Ap 19_ 11-n,,,,,ld In favor • . /�. � O AgaivrMAYOR Ro.cn � �Zlhplzr . rndcnr Bundlic City of- Saint Paul Office of City Clerk swan �. nomnH nAl� J- GIBBONS. C -a Oak dn.l d.n-dn d.n ..W Ceemkaie..e el R�skWNien a.VFr+a n. noe,ns aiJ O.A,ey�b.ra June let, 1932 Ron. C. R. iday, Comer oS P.P. & P. Bldg.. , Building. Dear Commieeioner: The attached appl is ation of Joseph No ink for pexmieeioa to Sas tall s Baso l iae filling station on the northeast corner oY Sae111ag sad Stanford Ave es WAS referred to your department that you may work out eetisfantory plena and develoj� -b -E, the property vl th the applicant and with the p—perty owaa rs in Lhe neighborhoa d. 6th. The hearing was laid over to Mondgy, ( mav) /j—� Yonra vary truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE! OFFICE OF TFIIZCOMMISSIONER OF FINANOE­ Pursuant to Section 5 rth'e Building Zone Ordi...a adopted �+y the Coun I f h City f St ul. J ly 7th, 1922 y ere he by t{Otified that th ppl tion f mexec dtall ata fill g —ti— oa the N.E s, of Sne111ng. t Stanford '--lot 12, b" 4, .Sylvan Pack Add... ..ill come up for --id—ti..be Fore the Council in the Council Chamber to the City Hell and Court House Building on the let day of Z . 1982. at 10 o'clock A. M. Commissioner of Finance. ��� - oFFiCE OF THE CITY E c,a,,.orria. .o . c•a c... Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE. THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA I / APPLICATION Is Hereby Made FILED av G- )ze-t11G.o.:...:: i E�E��Eo ­1.wow Cir � .no 7 v CIC -- 7` - ==o. TH-E BOARD OF ZONING SAttJT PAUL, MINNESOTA r 214 COURT HOUSE May 20thp 1932- G - 932.c wcE H. i6r. Luke J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sir : Inthe matter of application of Joe Novick to construct a drive-in filling station on the northeast corner of Snelling and Stanford Avenues. This property on Sne111ng Ave. was rezoned from -A- Re AR Residence to Commercial for the purpose of erecting a filling station thereon_ It was the view of the Do - that Snelling Ave. is fast becoming a commercial street, acd that this rezoning was in line with progress, notwitN�stand- ing the fact that the property on the west side of Snelling Ave. was sold for residence : urposes under a perpetual deed restriction. The application for a fi 113 ng station at this corner was recommended. Yours very truly, Secretary. _ gh-rh ['jeperhAenN vF Fvblia jeNkS a...m o..,m may 25, 1952 Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Pa*, Minnesota Dear Sir: Herewtih is returned the application of Joe Novick fpr permission to instal a gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Snelling and Stanford Avenues, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Traffia and Fire Prevestion. very /Vyyn/nJrs. Commlesionar of blic SaYety THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL May 20, 19)2 Mr. George C. Sudheimer Conesiesloner of Public Safety Deer Sir' Referring to applioetion made by Joe Novick for permiseinn to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Park Addition, which Se also described ae the northeast cower of Snelling and Stanford Avenues, will my that an inspection of this location was made by Mr. B. N. Wettergren, Superinteudent of Traffic, who report, that the proposed station will not interfere with traffic. Very truly yours, Thomas A. Brown Chief of Police NNW/'If File 0 May 21,1932 Hon. Geo.C. Sudhs imar oommissioner of Pub110 Sa.fa", St.paul,Hlnn. Dear Sirs In regard to the application of Joe Novick for permied pion to inetAll a drive—ia gasoline filling station on Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Part Addition, also described ae the northeast corner of Snelling sad Stanford Avenues. W e have iava8tigatad the foregoing and report that such an in:tallatloa at tlao desired location would not increase the fire hazard to the eztant that it would warrant re3ootion. Respectfully yours, chief Inspector. CITY V. -t -U "ri' ilmon Vwpair+mvrait v f''�✓ b;lli?c vrTs+s .... w. wood.^... �....... a... ,.... May 23, 1932 «..ro^.....w..n .�.,... w.....�.. Mr. M. J. Gibbons, C i t y C l e r k. Re: Drive-in Fi111ne, Station, Lot 12, Block 4, Sylvan Park Dear Sir: (N.E, corner Snelling and Stanford) Joe Novick,Applicant, 478 Minnesota Street. Thisproposed station is to be located in a commercial district. This is permissible under the zoning ordinance subject to a hearing before the City Council. Therezoning of this property for commercial use became effective May 21st. Ene ineerinz Reoort: The applicant's plan provides for a 27 ft. driveway from Snelling Avenue and a 28 ft. driveway from Stanford Ave. with expansion joints where thedriveway abut the street pavement, property line and the sidewalk. Storm -water drainage is not affected on Snelling Avenue. On StanfordAvenue with the radius return on the west side of the driveway beginning at the side inlet, there will be no change in the storm water drainage. The manhole on Snelling Avenue boulevard, which happens to be the proposed driveway from this street, will require lowering to meet the grade of the ramp. one-half a Asphaltic Felt shall be provided around this frame as has been indicated in yellow on the applicant's plan. There is attacheda statement of permission to use the boulevard of the adjoining property. Rearing June 1st. Yours,yGly, Ap GGss TO .."4 S N. CAR Commissioner. Chief Eng ne wnc-mh 2 Encls. St: - Pa ¢ 1 . aCi ata _ . 1gy 13, 1932. To Whom it may coacara_ Thia Se to cart ify tesLens Ht I ick the omer of Lot 11 Block 4 Syl- PAQditi o to the Pity of St. art: Pa¢3 do hereby give parosiaa ina to -TOO 9oyiok omer of Lot 12 Block 4 Sylvan Park: A.dUiti o to the Pity of St. Paul to nas for .4-1-a atati on driv eery pn,oeee the boolavard d1ractly is iTorst or nLy lot. PRESENTED B 2MCOUNCIL FILE NO. - 9 psSOLVU, That the assignment by the Security state Bank to the 01ty of at. pool of $35,000.00 in bonds, which SM4 Umsigmimt is doted June 4th, 1933, approved by the giWdng Fund Committee, and as to form and 8"cutlon by the corporation 0ounuel, be and the Mae is hereby approved and accepted. t=z . MM' rcii— N., ;,Z—May r,y Pia C 11, Roa Art-: City Clerk As t IS3" P.—d by the Council. -- — - - 1. Fa, o, CITY OF BT. PAUL ri�� .. NO--- OFFICE/b/� CITY CLERK o.io....+o .�+. --r--RAL FORM RESOLVED net the proper city officers be and they are bereby i authorised to draw a warrant in favor of Joseph 1. Brady in the am of fifty Dollars ($60.00) in fall settlaseut and satis- faction of his claim against the 01ty of St. Paul for damages to his dwelling at 1145 D. Magnolia street, caused by oil being spattered upon said dwelling by c street oiling mobine; said am to be payable out of the Judgment and 0ompro11111ee land. ver C "' I�aae4°,bYl a'VMt�N ly�'�9� 5M UIu lrtaep� I°p DII° c r�o+�'° sero ro�';pa r3 as COUNCILMEN Yca-- Nay. S �.1f9 Adopmd by [hc Caunnl �oy /Mir I rAl r �Sudhcimcc M,. P—idan[ B—dim J. F. Brady, 1143 B' msgnolia et-, 1143 B. magnolia at., at. Paula Minn. at Panl� Minn.- { To Depti 'of PUblic Oorks To Dept!'of Public Works - march 1, p. mercri 1, l ' 1932 For lbboi'and material Used .. in repainting Part of dwelling at „ Fqt 2n anct:mhteniel uae8 t oil s ra $+Pglliag� at above address aoR� P gbb'v8_x'aildr aci bup y from street ciling. Fu11 setile- &bAapaayY ment 854 s fraaQ St ge"rlrioilipgi pal eetale mot$50. a .:i i e �E � ` ,, �:•.;,!fix 5�s.aL NO. -- e.«..... «.. u... CITY OF ST. PAUL- OFFICE OF CITY CLERK EErr I��I YY �O CIL ENERAL FORM PRMM149 DN R — .__ _-.-- - — �.TllII9 d,..19a2 - RESOLVED ' Whereas, The Commissionerof Public Wotks has during the year 1988 oiled, sprinkled, and flushed certain streets and orf ushhiing has in s beenhe tdone upon of St. aulhich petitions ofabuttinging property owners) now, therefore, be It Revolved, That the action of the CommissioneRof Public Works in oiling, sprinkling and flushing streets and alleys for the year 198E to the date hereof be and is hereby approved, be it Resolved Further, That from and after June 15, 1982, the Commieaioaer of Public Works Shall ne=her oil, sprinkle or flush the streetsor alleys of the City of St. Paul except upon new petitions filed therefor by abutting property owners, said petitions to be in the form prescribed by the Charter; be it Resolved Further, That from the date thereof to and including June 14 1982,.the Commissioner of Public Works + shall oil, aDrnKre or flush such street or alleys as shall have been h stofore petitioned for in the year 1982 i w yl. 1 R couNOLrn Adopmdbylhe Cou-61..W 10 --19_ EN N.Y. Euauwn, 19— w­44ipp-ad I favor APPr _Roplaodw Sodhejour Mr. Pr<eidenc ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL ri�r NO.— OFF)q OF CITY CLERK CIL OL UTION coMMissi Com'—GENERAL FORM c DAi April 3. -1932 - RESOLVED L ,fro A errb a." That the Northern Statem Power oempany be given permission to set one 40 foot pole and one 25 foot gny pole on the north side of East Eighth Street, east and west of Aosabel Street, with neo- eeeary gays, tires, anchors, and Telephone company wires. Estimate *16136. Y— COUNCILMEN Na. / M.y AgcOeeald�_.. ._��.....In favor P /S tmcr �Preaidmr Bundlie Adopmd by rhe Comcil___ _ _._ ._i{—CiW`.._ Ap cd .... __ W__.. 19___. MAYOR Connell Resolution. - Playground Bond Issue Punt. 9263' Yi e PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDEALe� The md..lgned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvementby the City of B4 Pad, As, _........._..------------- .a..Boires__jjm .2 14;A_._sad._co�ema_S .-P-laZBL°nnd........---_... ..._.......__....Pp3D.AA.HR..IA�n1F_.V_II.#1..19y--.H1QCaS._R� s__wE174tALA:_L•..6�1A!)IATRfl.I.A._IIGS%1.�1.4A. Dated thie°._..... day °L.._ ........_.dame...---_....—... Coano7m.a' PRELIMINARY ORDRR. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following in�tPmv moat, .is.: _........___............_.._ .. _ ......... . 14,._Bloglf .81e._.11ahon_8.s=Lurns!x Jddiflon. having bean presented to the ComefL"of the City of St. -Paul ------------------- __ ...___j..._.._.....___------___------_.._..___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work. be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the neocaty for, or desirability of, the, maWng of said improiem°nt. 2. To inveetig°to the mtoro, extent and estimatedcost of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish . plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or mora owners. 5. To report up.. au of the form revut r the Commissioner of Finance. Adoptedby the Comml------------------ _._..._----------- _----- _.--------- ... Yses Nero Coosa— Qnswesv oesa4! ibeessewo stwv APProved__._._.._.___ _.. ___._.. ------ --------- b Ma r weavases M. Paremmrr - — — _ —_ aY°r• c�uru.amr GITY F OST. PA .2. .: �OFFICE OF GITY GLE°.y x' '�'� t. 96 y COUNCIL SOLUTI NT— N L �1) Ma 3 _ / as sham up= drehiteot'e 86.44 Resmfam the edvisery Court Hous 4nd City Hall Building dde�noo Oesaiesi the Est• oS its last report, has approved the SodlOring extrams Extra Work Order -Na. 54v OEHEM CONTRACT - lolev Bros11 iao 546.40 Extra Work Order No. 51. aathorising additional the Sanitary work in connection wrath the ea]-argeme� 03 = 60.00Bureau general office . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . work for the statue 1a the *0zLCsourse' at a cost not to Extra Work Order Ho. 5a authorising 88 additional exceed . . . . . . stainless steel letters over 4L3ELs ?bird Street entrance .. 138.00 Extra Work Order Ho. 53, aesathorising changes in the Public Welfare Department, as sham up= drehiteot'e 86.44 sheet Wo. 88E _ _ _ _ n Extra Work Order -Na. 54v aathorislug furnishing and 546.40 installation complete 18 aoasas doors. . . . . . . . . . Extra Work Order No. 50. authorising re-agorcesent work for the statue 1a the *0zLCsourse' at a cost not to 1,601.00 exceed . . . . . . Extra Work Order !o. 56. authoriainn6 the cutting fer llghtilg of two extra openialgs 1n die sad soffits x8.08 fixtures in the ocnoouree Extra Work Order No. 57 of bookcases Sa Judges' Qnambsra. authorising the enlarging se requested by thee, 881.80 YEOH13I06L 0ONTSLOT HSi3L.7 I-XMBMIYO IIID HEiTIHO OOYPAIT Extra Work Order No. 9v astucrisinagg the installa- tion of a pneumatic tube e7sts: ira eertain departments 3,988.00 XLNTRIC OOI'1RI OT O0E CO EMA.1 -S8 SLSOTRIG-MMUYT Extra Work Order =o. 1©. mxA&orising the Installa- tion of a private later-oomssel:ioatileg telephone syetea COUNCILMEN Yeah Nay. Ad°opccd by rhe C...61 � �--- coy Ma �/p�.1�..�� / Pc.rce MAYoa _._.. Pcyidrnc Buadlie o.a... ,o c... cc... CITY OF ST. PAUL-- • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COWIWSfP,rvER_ -------DATE-- R — — DATE R In the court rooms, as requested by the Judges . . . . j 1,313.00 Extra Work Order No. 11, authorising 24 additional sign outlets 319.00 Extra Work Order No. 12, authorizing changing l\ the location of the emasculator signals on the Hailiffts Ag.m., desk in each of the 12 court rooms and each of the four future court rooms 117.00 Extra Work Order No. 130 authorizing additional work in connection with the lowering of switches and Changing location of outlets 970.09 lztsa Work Order No. 14, authorizing electric door epefbre in the Public Works Department . . . . . . . 73.00 and NMMT48 the total extras authorized herein equal X95425.19 the total extras authorized Sixtus the building was starts& =99 232.99, with credits In the amosat of je5,155.00, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council approves of and concern in the action of the Advisory Commission, and the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to add the Oity's proportionate share of the above extras to the respeotiwe contract come. Y.a. coorvciLm Ery N., Conroy May d7.D.naFeH� �IA favor Pcarcc l\ Ag.m., S.dheim Mr. P—idmr B—dim Adoprcd by nc� Council .DUU.__.g_=9..... P+JPSI Ap d. _ / __.._ _19 ... �M YOR Gentlemen: Saint Paul .lace the last reports Municipal Research GMUMLL CONTUCT — FOLEY EMS, - INC, ® Bureau of Extra Work Order Number 61 authorises additional A.hlecic Club Buildm. xi Cud., 4210 in connection with the enlargement of the Sanitary Bursas c �.a Jvna. 3, 1932. work $ general office, coat Extra 1brk�Ordar•Nomber 62-authorise8 29 e.dd1- To the City Counell, tional etal.leee steel letters over the Third Street entrance, City of ..int Pawl, Minnesota. coat . . . . . Sztra Work Order Number 63 authorises changes to Gentlemen: The following extras ba been certified to the contractors .lace the last reports GMUMLL CONTUCT — FOLEY EMS, - INC, Extra Work Order Number 61 authorises additional in connection with the enlargement of the Sanitary Bursas 60.00 work $ general office, coat Extra 1brk�Ordar•Nomber 62-authorise8 29 e.dd1- tional etal.leee steel letters over the Third Street entrance, 132.00 coat . . . . . Sztra Work Order Number 63 authorises changes to the Public Welfare Department se shown upon Architect'- Sheet 86.44 Kimber 223, cost - . . . . . . Extra Wort Order N®bar 64 emtborises far.leb- Sag end installing complete 18 emcees doors, coat. . 246.40 Extra Work Order Kimber 66 •nthordses—.nf.rca- meat Bork for the statue in the conco=as at a cost of not to 1,601.00 exceed . . Council and Che .. extra hes bee. approved by the•01ty County Bosrd, i e cutting Extra Work Order Number 66 author a fixtures t- extra openingm in the and soffits for lighting 32,06 is the coanomee, cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra Work Order Number 67 suthorises enlarging the bookcsses in the Judges, chambers as requested by them, coat. 881.20 MSCHANICAL OONTB6CT — HULY PLUMBING An BELTING COMPANY Extra Werk Order Number 9 antbordeee the Instal- lation of a pueetio tube system in certain dar eptme.ts as pre- viously eutboriced by the City Council and the County Bosrd. im3.998.00 coat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ==TRIG CONTB40T — 0010lOHWELLTH ELECTRIC COMPANY Extra Work Order Number 10 authorises the instal_ y_ To the City Connell J-. 3, 1932. latlon of a private inter-co'®ai.-at'- t"ap system in the ag court room. ae requested by the Jzs - d by the City . $ 1,312.00 C end County oo at . onncil Eztra Rb rk: Order gumber�ll scutbori se. 24 sddi- Wox-k., 319.00 ti...a sign outlets. eo - - ' antborisee•cba�ing the &ztra Rork Order grmbar•l2 xi al�sls on the B iliff'e desk in location oY the a^^^^^iator of the four future court each of the 12 court roosne �� --"k 117.00 roome, cost - - - Order $r�ber-1S authorises adds kloml FScEra-Rork: cork is correction with los ,r, of awi tchea and cbanging lona" 670.09 tion of outlets, cost _ . - - Bttra Rory Orde.r �a>mb er lh swthori sea electric door opemre in the Public Ro ries Department, cost . . . . . . . 73.00 TOT1L ETdiH — CMWIT5 The -t�e eoathorised herein total 59.426.19. The estra. sathorlsed elate tl- $65 -3 -56 -00 - very ; b6 00 a started total X91,232.99, sh11e the oredite aggra� a very trolly �y000r�s,�y�r Secretary, didvi ew ry Cort goose and City Hall Badding Commission. CPH, SH .........o c... cues CITY OF ST- PAUL Pic. �c NO._._. _ _ U 39 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCI ESO LUTION—1 ir, AL FORM (/ PRESENTED BY —_- l//S�/-"'-Y_Ms `E') ��J RESOLVED That the proper city officers be and they are bereby eathorised and directed to pay the nityt. proport1.c,—te .here of the bill. submitted our by the Advisory Ct House and 01 ty Hall Building Co cd.ai.. ae ah._ oa Abstract of Claims Humber 25 of the Advdeory Court Honee and City Hall Building Cummission, totaling $128.294.67„ the city'..hese Of shine is $641147.29, amd all as ahosaa upon the claims submitted by said Commission. g CO.r b a4.a COP Melt tlier.. I- COu LMEN Yeas Nays C/ M.Beos1A' _�._�a f:vor /Pearce Roach —w--48a�c /1.116mer (� /Mr. Presides' Bondlie Adop,M by the C ... 61a.w--mow 9._ two 4w ? Appro 9 MAYOR o.io�....o .� ' OF ST. PAVL riir �� NO. �92640 L4ICE ROF CITY CLERK R..! IL ESOLUTION—GENERAL FO M wA y QflESENTEO ev ��\ 11 J WHEREAS, the Advisory 001st House and City Ball Building Oonrmisol on, With respect to the contract of 1n. Tnogbauer & Sons, Inc. to provide Wood chairs for the now Court HOuee and 01 -by Ha11, ordered the elimination of 154 chairs and the addition oS e11 e*+ -+=s, and WMMMAS, the elimination oS the 154 chairs results in a deduotion of 08597.77, —A the sAdition of 8 chairs an addition of ;131.16,--3clfie a set reduotlon in the oon- tract of 13476.61, thoretoxe be 11L RESOLVED, that the OoUm011 eoneurs in and approves the sotien o1 the Advisory court House and City Hall Building COMM1849a, sad the proper city ofSioers are hereby anthor- ised and directed to degvot the 01*yes proportionate share of 18476.61 from the eoatract aam With Ws. Tnngbauer 6 Sons, Inc. counciLNEN QQ y—j" unc Nays Adop—d by cbo Coil Ma.yy /�"�/ / I. f--- pr OR Sndhemerr ,,1c33r. Pre.id— Bundl;c Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research sr Achlecic Club Building •�•mw�w�.°.���b� To the City Council, CS ty of Saint Pe -a, ml—eaota, Gentlemen: At its last meeting the Advisory Coact Hone. and City Hail Bu_Ll di n,g Commieai on -pp—d a redit of $2,476,61 in the contract for c..1 ra vrith Rm, Yungbe:o-.rad Soas, Ino. Thle order provide. Por the ellminatlon or 164 chairs and the addition of 6, The dedacti o na aggn regatig $2,697,77, with addition. total - S -9 $121,16, male m net redaction in the contract of $2,476.61. Very truly yours, Secretary, Advi eo ry Court City gad City Hall Buildixig Commi e.ion. CPE: SH o.v....o c.r c. c.. CITY OF ST. PAUL rice c NO.--- _ 9 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RE LUTION—GENERAL FORM PP.Es� `oa Tuan 6, 19tP RESOLVED That the plane and specifications for carpets and drapes for the sew Court House and City Ball be approved and the ,Ldvisory City Hall and Court House Building Camieeiou is hereby requested to advertise for bide therefor. Y_COUNCILMEN Naye Con.ay May iA.Ds.etd— 1 Iv favor N.— RweeH^ U Agaiert Hedai— M, P—idcac B—dlic M .t �>�� �na anssirp's aevu .dn +n°A nun a°�� Adopad by .6 Ca..614iP__. 8_RV6_._ 19__-- MAYOR ������1li,l,l�.�:�lA;/,I�I .!ll�lAil:11��I�J�hI%� . P,:�i1�1�'�Ii�+'�tr'�`ia ��'r`i"�ilf'i �i'��i`i'��� ����i'�i���`�'� r ., n'a. oLDslar RESENTED BY — —�(��. �Our ' COUNCIL FILE NO. - 92643' P- Z 9250LPSD, that the Council hereby approve0 the bond of Harold F. Goodrich, as comptroller of the city of St. Paul, whish bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation comneel, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to deposit said bond with the Commissioner of yiaanoes Harold y. Cbodrich City Comptroller $50,000 as follows. Yeas Coil— Nays Id P —id "t (Bu lie =85,000 Royal Indemnity Company, $25.000 United FidaelitytAtGGuaranty Company. me�q,.cc. uwur, e°«cI e t c a°aeta im°�cl cl.rt u. °.n°r alroaaaau; a .wt�..Ia s na, Mto-mitcommaal a Host 8aeolar8 a curiae, Cay c myt5�l-_ - iac.00 y.vapyr�stiva.rla �tr a.,r 2 F'°vM. -(naj ttekk �18 l) Y. 111L�I JUN. 71992 Pas..d by [he Council _ --- 1. 1. F—, _ s� NAgainst og, oe,-ee,ro<r,o„a COUNCIL FILE NO. JNA PRESENTE A4 MOLV D, that the Dotucil hereby approves the following bonds, which bond# have been approved aB to fere and aneution by the Corporation 00=561, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to deposit thea with the City Comptroller: lame Title Aaonni Burets Fred Y. Truer Commissioner of $10,000 Aetna Casualty Surety Parks,playgro A- and Public Building- and Company Jobn r. Doyle Jn-tioo of the Pease 1,000 and 8lurety Standard ty company of law York, Irving 0. Pearoe commissioner of 10,000 Aetna Casualty lducation and Surety company Berman 0. Wenzel commissioner of 10,000 Aetna Casualty Public Works and Surety Company Clyde R. May Commissioner of 10,000 Western Casualty. Public Utilities and Surety Company Thomas J. lash Justice of the Peace 1,000 Aetna Casualty and Surety company Milton Rosea commissioner of 500,000 Manns as follows: 40,000 Fidelity and Deposit peab of 116rylaad 1 , ,��n�ranm�°� ID s,�►°u,, 40,000am Anetezdas Casualty �C piwa+m �I ct Awa �' ompany art ah� f° Lv. 115j000 ALetWOasualty and i axu, c� i w cl Surety Company j } eoauf�t oaa - 50,000 American Surety Oompa:p 'tai R of Wow York 50,000 National Surety tympany of Now Tork fil, --• 56,000 United States Fidelity A Guaranty Company 50,000 Hartford Accident 6 I�n/desaity Oo�op�sa7,� Y JUN 71932 Yoe Cou ilme days / 11....d b -hr Council 1d J -. kF., or �ed6eims .1 r. President IB..dlie At c11Bi7� , axsotutnoa 9 .^L'X•'ref nc„+ i COUNCIL FILE NO. 92645 PRESENTED BY f ORDINANCE NO. - --- AEBOLYED, that the bond of Trask Yiske, as principal and the American hrety Company of Now York, .as surety, in the amount of $1000.00, covering the acts of the said hank Yiske as constable, for the period of his term of office, approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, be and the same is hereby approved, and the City Clerk is directed to file the said bond with the City Comptroller. c,Atti blEsrb d caridt �Nlek N o•D4�.ud W Mm elo6b eorpb Cp bpnt••£ t NDF.rsoek.,.0 ovea4 t tb LnvF t 7110E.Ea:0bov-. ' urlpBJbD Yc4 [tw'Wd�NpYBe 4b1 t rt0 .DDtI [=Aetalro b➢oR1 �pnd.0 t t M:WKF� by' C ap COYNNitpe ' a e mi�yy 4 b :.br D v.E .Da Wb m h'I Ela [eak�Q'mn w!. W DlN1l ,WdinE QMWr'Ws'i;tb emD1K W � dl� r Ellk ADD � 0 g:�INa. �lyr C ��'i (tYvp nit vial r � U r, C IV u N A I AIN z 1932 T� ha..�abyrh,co���ii_ M' ^ McDonald _ _In Fe. r ]/I R.- R...i - Mr. Prceidenr id— 't4eeear� � ....... CITY OF ST. PAUL riLs L NO._— (.U'fV OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ` COUNCIL RErOFYTION—QENERAL FOR)# RESOLVED, That the ap-aintment by the Co®Seaioner blla Works of Geo. Y. Shepard, as City Engineer is hereby oonourred in end approved. I��x�Llirrv��aa�'iacw q�(-1.,. A 4�F11lL COUNC LIEN ..yyi �U7 1•'y�_�•.._ Y_ Nays r Adoprcd by Ih. Council.' 19 Mar y McDonald _ e favo, rtJip 7 '8 - Approvcd Roam _._ ..... _.._19.. -- G.wimen "VOR Mr. President bili CITY OF ST. PAUL . 92(jnL,�My OFFICE OF CITY CLERK NO._ ((JJ Tr�EE COUNCIL RE U I IN— NERAL Fq$M COtuin1ONEY OE RESOLVED. That the appointnent by the Co�lesloae / r blla Work, of Jamee 8, Carroll as Superintendent of The Bar— of Const—tionand Repair Se hereby approved and ...fi—d. COUNCILMEN Y— Nay, May McDonald ... 2 —in Favor i Pearcy R.— _ Agavur /Mr. Prnidenr �N aA SMPlnaatsob � Wl iNm yb� �ebipa e� yP as l 6 Ue tea ] 7a ell ryf}'1 ? �Y' Adopud by nc� Coan, JUN ', 1= 1 19 JIM- Approv d 19 MAY CITY OF ST. PAUL •ice �� NO.— ona.•�.o c.•. c.... OFFICE OF CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLJJ71CXt�—GENERAL FO I/ PROSETPNER CN - W,...3 (/tQY�AT — -- RESOLVED, Thst the appointment by t}ta C�iessior�er of blio works of 1b. L. Parranto, ss Deputy Commissioner of Public Works 5- hereby oonourred in and approved. COUNCI—EN Y_ Nay. Ga..r W ­ my 2 k L i May / M.D... ld In favor Parte R.— -.__-L. Against e.16— m, .16 enMt. P—id— Hen 7i -fLo- �tg pai4+n'Meet f�j �a6tTUT ��� gyp '11'4 Adopted by tht C...61 _.. 19 MAVOR = ` NO. -A7GUYa7 CITY OF ST. PAUL °1C o.oi•.�•a*•=_'"" OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNaL SOL TI —GEN RAL FORM O M SaIONE by the Coumdealener f w4e w k f Harry L Cleytor RESOLVED. That the appointment ae Superintendent of Sanitation Ss hereby approved ead confirmed. ,�'i��I pa WNaN ➢nep5 1� r COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council..-i191�--7--19--- "' Y_ Nays fes. WEN7FL I 7 Apr - may Ap caved. to fvvoc i McDonald Rosen -- Aeaitut MAYOR Mt. Pcnidcnt DINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO. - i PRESENTED B - ORDINANCE NO. -- - I=OLPSD, That the appointment by the Oomiseionsr of Tinanoe of yred Z. Lovell as Deputy 00mmissionsr of yinanos be and the same is hereby oonourred in and approved. 1"<a. C ... 61— Nays t roT May 7 McDonald P.R. c Rosen 'fens= trrc.— Wenzel Alr. Prc.idrnt (IL. P—id aehoney At—, r l� W °bw^na.:m F 3n.r.es 7: ,WN , t9?2 P .... d by the Council. --- ---I. —. Fa. or _ _ ABdi sr Appro.' Mayor c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL s��c �c NO.--g26U OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �= GENERAL FORM L RESOLVED That the appointment by the Com—Assioner of Public Utilities of Louis J. Bartsch— as Deputy C—lssioner of Public Utilities, is hereby concurred 1-n and approved. courvci uaery Yeas Nays i May / McDonald �_.In favor /Pearce ,{ 1Rosen _ Il.._. Againsr /�✓W F I{, t l- ,/ Mr. Proidens !� MnNan-<1' n�A' p�1Euu°.1vl, ase== .. ,array Adopced by rha Council.. JU - 7._ % 19-. Pp � 7 Adpprovc.... _.. 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL siic NO.— _92AL352 ` )�✓ % OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM c ssio°Hca iMvfM6..Q� PEARCE — —_.—DATEADMM 70-1932, RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Education of Donald D. Murray as Superintendent of the St. Paul Municipal Auditorium Se hereby concurred in and approved, COUNCIMEN n Yc Nap Adopmcl d by the C...al Ylp�l7_ M92 19.. McDonald In I-- /Ap d _... 19 � Roacn _ lU.. Agauvt iZu A J( MAYOR r L Pcnidrnt TY OF . PAUL NO. 9 OFFICECIOF CITYSTCLERK siic i� COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM eoeca— _ JUKE 72H-1918 RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Education of Jennie T. Jennings as Librarian of the 9t. Paul Public Library is hereby concurred in and approved, Yana Nay. Q—r May WDmuld _. I. I-- P— /� Rogan A..i- -d— ido rr P -d— AdaP,ad by ba c__jlNMN_ 7 1932 _ ..._ __.19.._.... 7 9932 MAYOR. o.o....o <..< CITY OF ST. PAUL `oorvcii NO.__ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /,- COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESEIT%O.@Y TT Tna C_ PSAHCR _ -.- _—DATE.. 4998 TPH-19bE RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Education of S. 0. Hartwell as Superintendent of Schools is hereby conourred in and approved. Yev CoUNCILMER G.nwy Nay. May McD...Id .In favor // Pearce Ruh% 0 Aga.nae Pcuidmc Mr. &� MhMaNFf' �bim'—�s'•avo�w`ppt�&�m w lµel gL T4vf 1�f�SRT♦b�vML,.�. yyyf��'D T LY Yw�/d'+�Ndt Adapred Sy Ihr C .... il.._JUN 7.M2,9 juli 7 X02 1 Approved 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL sicc Ir NO_ _ OFFICE 30, OF CITY CLERK .�NVVv ppyyo / y COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM COMMISSIONER _--�G C. PEAR_.... —.. �w1e_ _ TTINR 7TIi lA]t9— RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Sdneation of George J. Jacobs sa Deputy Commissioner of &dueation, be and the same in hereby concurred in and approved, ht•$ayab,AY� :t„y1bN•altJb',, T1� tataWF{[Y"`66 d aQtE��.A��L• '. COUI ,LMEN SIN 7 M7 Y_ N.,Adopred by rhe Counul __. _.. _l9 _. r 19 McDonald �.In fa.or 1�PProvcd __.. iPurce /`/_ �R�.e.r V Againe[ MYOR A yA I. CITY OF ST. PAUL -I NO.. _.. OFFICE OF CITY CLERIC COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Parka, Play- grounds and Public Buildings of Otto B. Constans as Deputy Co®issloner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, be and the same is hereby concurred Sn and approved. Yca. c U—Lra N Nays ✓ May ,McDonald -I f voc �Pcara /) A,i— McE �co denc Bailie I art^'Raw oae�tli'oOc°n ° I a°ert.. Maopro�v tllrt, Uif� Adopicd by the C-61 ___ Aft— 7_1992..-. �1 7 1912 //!!✓�//% �M—R ...... .o c... c.e.. CITY OF ST. PAUL sir c NO— .-9 ( OFFICE OF CITY CLERK 'O7.U�NCIILL -RES"O_L UTTION—GENERAL FORM 7 /p SESCOMMI_NEH %h_ RESOLVED, That the appointment by the Commissioner o Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings of Charles A. Bassford as City Architect, be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. Year Nay. McDonald �Pcarce /' Agalmr / crPrcvdm[ 3.10h. �� Nvea; 1'tlai�{e� t pa eplJun �� dl � 6 1SO Adop,ed by rhe C ... 61__.WJJ---—aaaa��--19__-- App --d 19 MPYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL rile NO....__9 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C(1}1NC.L RES N—GENERAL FORM MEI6eiONERCOMLJ'J //y� ✓'S --DAT, RESOLVE4 That the appointment by the Conffiissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Pablio Buildings of William L. Sanfman as Superintendent of Parke, be and the same is hereby ooneurred in and approved. lm a� X44 a wrla`e ,P,' COUNCILIEN Yea. Nays Adop,ed by he Council.. JUN L932... 19...._ JUN 7 M May /McDonald .Ia favor Ad P /earce iR UNP'F AgaSnsr r� Pree dent Y�Iie �...... m....e. CITY OF ST. PAUL e,u NO•--"^"'�' OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED TO THE COIIBOII1, OF TBE CM OF SAINT PARI. OSBBTIBCS, In acceadenae alth provisions of Chapter 8, S --ti- 681 of the City Charter, I hereby appoint A. L. Eggert, 842 Margaret Street, as Secretary to the Ygyor, and ask the conflreatinm of seoh appointment. Be It Bee41ved, that the above appointment be and the ease P. is hereby confirned. �M � m 'G 51 �fra'es ° l ie.Ze�n'aaiAi as —mc -9N Ya, Nay. Cimwy N A r E�P.no c hdcpomld �In Envor RaYr4 (1 < s < n 8_%—Wr R vA)l�Z_— wm>a Nit. Papdents Adopted by the C-1—JR ml a 02 ��yAppppppeovedd 19— ��G'rr."'^""' rawYom CITY OF ST. PAUL „�. ` NO—Am OFFICE OF CRY CLERK - COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM TO RBE COMM OF TIM OM OF "IST PAUL. GREEMSI In accordanee ueith provisions of Chapter 15, Section M, of the City Charts; I hereby appoint Jonas Y. Clanay, Poroh,ed,s dgemt, and re.peotf.117 request the approval of the Council for such appointment. Be It Resolved, that the above appointment be end the same is herety aouf3xmed.SLsp,, myp��al . ' Wbe p 1pTr y 56� aPdr L coumcl— Yen Naye ,,, r4 A Y V. Fen a c e MCDonad _7—ia has• yrd.a RIS ea l weapd Mc. Imadeat i1s}sa Adoptcd by rhe Covaol M 7 M '9— a ? App—.I 19— rnevoc Ate"^°^'^^'• CITY OF ST. PAUL en nXs NO.- 92661 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK rCOUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM •n®r„ ,vo„�� W, f�� nom. Itme 7. 1292 RESOLvEO 82 HAt70E.4f r TO THIN CG9HCIL OF TEES CITS OF SAINT PAUL, GffiME181 Purssant to Provisions of the Charter I propose the moa of Karl L. F1 ... I-, 194E Liyooin A,--, for Deputy Parobaeing Agent of the City and wk that this appointmeat be confined. Be It 11-1 ed, that Lha above eppoi.tme.t be and the same is hereby ...firmed. Yoe couNc—eN N.Y. Q6av MA r a.m.- ?,A, - MAomld �In I.— B.w.d Ror ex *d.b wTn�w• Wenzel Mr. paofdent Ha}e Adopted by 1be Con -A Hj%-T19— App—d—_7 9— APP—d19 MAYOR CITY OF ST, PAUL NO.--- OFFICE O..OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESOLVEDf 'that tha appcintaoaL bJ the coamisoionor paDliO Safety of Thea. G. 0'00nn011, as DeyII Oomiosisnox of Public Safety, is hereby 001".. iII sad opyroTed. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays 6..s -May / — Mrpoaald Pearce i Roacn ABilva[ hX tiueY F SNR'±�j' Ad.p,cd by nc� Council.. _ _..._.-__._-. __.-19 y ...__ _im i APProvcd 19. _... �� MAYOR CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ILe NO. -9++M OFFICE OF CITY CLERK C6DWCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FC_W4 RESOLVED IThat th6 appointment by the Dom BafNy, of Thomas M. Dahill, as the Dity of Boint Paul# be and cononared in and 4PPrOT*d. COUNCILMEN Y_ Naya Gw.ry May N.— /I R.— __V _.As.wv LA EMu � a-vk apl of Public of Police of w is hereby c cu 1 ea°iw'� I �3�airer'�° e. a JIM Ad.p..d by .hc C... l._.JUN _--7-1019----- COUNCIL FILE NO. --- 9204 PRESENTED BY— REBOLP&D that the appointment by a Oomissioner of Publio Safety of Yinoent A. Lydden ae oease Inspeotor of the city of at. Paul be and the eeme in hereby eonourred in and approved. inAeLcemw..z� S-r�mu°'�mrroyr tuceNm calc,p[zev.R. t YN n.m« mv:aza„n.x�nr g�oawHn,�u �.:� 1"eae Councilmen N- 0. ays Passed by the Council __. _.— £men.ey !McDonald In F—, Kara Wenzel Rosen ASgainn Truax 111. P—id-1(S Mahoney Ad Aaest: ---- d City Clerk HZSOLOTI01 e•' _eC^�`• COUNCIL FILE NO. --- 92L60 PRESENTED By--_ - HESOLPZD, that the appointment by the C�Imissiousr of Publio Safety of Owen 0. Dum as Chief of the )ire Depart— ment of the City o1 St. Paul, be and the same is hereby oonoorred in and approved. Y- C .... il — 1; M//l .Y V McDonald Pea rcc Rosen d. Mr. easel Mr. Prxaidcnt ( LaMa honey 4rttar. City Clerk - --- P.s ah'd"C.—il_JUN._71932 _.. 1n F—, __. .4Nain •t Ftesoluldion n T V \�OUNCIL FILE NO. -92" PRESENTED By�� R]CSOLVZD that the Comoil conours In the appointment of E. Y. 8kIpt*n as Deputy Comptroller of the 0117 Of St. Pfiul- MI—Id M�P.— Rocco 7Ienael 4""" M, P—id— Xabosay Ci" . 7tgM�n , Mr 11.... db,,1,Council JW A,i— /� , (—d a 92667 COUNCIL FILE NO. By---------.__....___.. _.._ FINAL ORDER In the Matter of._ 30q.tietructi ,-rela.ying_and_repairinm- the sidewalk_ _- ._on-. the- morth..side _of_Rdmund- Street _ beginning 13p *set .est -of _Pascal xn }!a .-_Avenue-, thence -weet 20 - feet, ' ' om ar oro semis ---- ___-.-_—_____-. under Preliminary Order ....._42110 ------ __ ----- _approved-.. April .13,_1$$E - Intermediary Order —approved — ------- _ — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council: having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City ie_..reoonetruct,- rels9 and repair the sidewalk _..on_the- nortla Aide.. af--Edmund-Street 3eg1xu,J= 139 feet we et oP Paeoel ...Avenge,.-theaoaseat--w fee t,-----_------------- ------ -- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said Improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said Arovefie accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council -..__ - -_ _ 192 _.._.. - ,wyr Clerk. Approved_ _ —._.. _ _--___._.----- --- _-, 192__ Councilmm� Tl 'A A Couneibnan PlcllonaId Councilman Dlny 0 V /Y 7 s Councilman Pearce Rosea Councilmen aimSeat,a:mm Yv F Nl9'l- man Council310=MarnnB.%mC tv r r Form B. S. A. 8-7 1. CITA OF ST- PAUL . DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMISIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELMIMSINARY ORDER (D) Ad. of "I of 1, the e It or 2.-1 1-1 EM oodel Paliminary Order approved Pr U 13. 1931 To the Council -1 the C"y of s, v..I: The Co_i�sjo.et.i Fmt­ b ... by "PlIt"' follows: t­1 e,um.ted -111t If the for -boll i-Pl­ e -e- -Tne estimated cost per foot for I the above impr­­1 Is The late parcels of 1-6 that be assessed benefits for ouch impro and the d ,I,.ti.a of each lot -1 ,_1 ,p.,t,d by he A A-1— VALUATION ,E5C,IPTION -T L, nd Bldg. 72 1 Th ly,,VISt' gnp 3400 'A. Paula _v s600 $1.00 The C­ilsb` er of Pinangfutther ,p,,t, that he nae iolllliWea a11 If the f­.-i..de d ..Itote,hi,o i" -odt, -11 thereon to the Council, tog eth" �ith the I,po,t hereby submits the foregoing I, hie III) r by the nlis"i"t, Ik reference to I.id .-I hCommissioner Public 1 1. 19 -3 -9- c...i.,ior,e, I I to. Th- Office of the Commissioner of Public WDM.oj I fAARM Report to Commissioner of Finance A APA 31 1932 April 21, 1932..._._...193. To the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ea Council File No. 92110.... approved __April 13, 1932___.193...._., relative w reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on _ the north side of Edmund street beginning 139 feet west of Pascal Avenue, thence west 20 feet. _.....__.. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: t, Said improvement ie. mccessory and (or) desirable. 20.00 _ _ and the total cast thereof ie f..._. _..... _..__.._..., p. The estimated coat thereof is f. - -- - ... _....__... ... __ ._.. _..........__.. .. and the nature and extent of said improvement is as follow -: 3. A plan, profile or sketch of sold improvement is heroto attached and made a part hereof. 4. _ _..... _... _.. . ..._._.. __. _. __-asked for upon putrW ' ' throe or more owce a( property, 5. Said improvement is, _..................._.. subject W assessment for said improvement - Of public __. t.. Works. COUNCIL FILE NO...___.... __- FINAL ORDER 92668 In the Matter of_S@o9AaY,r=ting,--r51@yi.AB_5Ad_Sop&IriAge_Rh@re.-.A94-9§0-a !yr sidewalk .-oa_tha-aaat-Hide--of-M6l nt--rux-ve-Boulevard-south-of.-Randolph_ Strawdbi._in front. Of-lnta.26,--M and 28, block -2-,. 4 _E e sea"54 r�.p:mp� Ire •++Nm W�g-et1a{pI�a• < !!li „Fpptev e, under Preliminary Order 921M ----------- _-_—ePProved APri1_],b}.1-93;± n Inteiinediary Order ___--___--___approved _- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully co`neitleied ' the same; therefore, be it _ RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kindofdm=- -provenent to be made by the said City Is- nenanatxtDat,_1e1 ay and PAPRIr _ where neeee- ' aar7*-Bidaealk_oa--tba---eaat_-sida_oLYmrni-_Cvr-xa_Bn++1 evead eonth of Randolph $treat,-_in-froat-ALlota-28,_24._and128-,--hI—k 9. Ryan P1nne! and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plana and specifications for eaid improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council._ +r.9tw 7S2 192_..... _.._.-.-, 192.___-. ity Clerk. C. lion Q 9 '%R un F Councilmen (/ Councilman Fenru: onr uncilmen Councilman tiva++' V"'. Councilman ffiwet MayorAR14P= 900d&b M — • x r Farm B. S. A. 9-7 I�IdSF;el7__<�� y CITY OF — DEPARTMENT OFPAUL FINANCE 49- REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D)l . Vt9 1, the ttt.tt,of recons. rv,et r, y, vidermrY — the -t!, of qt,',lph Street, i, f, -,t of lots 26, ,,&, Preliminary Order approved 4pri1 16, 1162 T.the Council ,f the City of St. Paul: The C—mi.—.f Finan.. hereby reports follows. The —i.—d amount fthe assessment -- t f., thbiotp—— lmt is 'n—ti.—d —t for !mp rove ment i, - - - - S ---- assessed b—fil. for —h improvement, and the .....tied —1—i— of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, f.H.- 1—CRIPTION IOT —... ADD -01 A T I—d Bldg. (E—pt Mount Curve Boulevard) (10t, 2c, -d 27 2 t",, ?1— 150, 7000 28 2 do 1.',00 3800 7000 Th, C..,omio— of Finance further reports that h, h., investigated all of the aforesaidma,d hereby -1,,its the foregoing . his ,— thereon to the C ... cil, together with the report .,d, to hi, it, ,d ...... to ..id matter by the Commissioner of Public W.A.. C...i.�i—, d'ysi—C, Office of the Commissioner of Public iffINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance a — APR 21 1932 April 21, 1932 I93 To the Commisei000r, of Fire— of the City of 6t. Paul: 11 The Commiseiooer of Public Works, having had under consideration the preliminary order of the Council,known se Couneil File No.92134approved. April 15, 193IB3. 2 , relative to .... . reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, sidewalks on the east side of 'count Curve Boulevard south of Randolph Street, in front of lots 26, 27 and 28, Block 2, Ryan Place. end having investigated the matters sad thi.p referred to therein, hereby report.: 1. Said improvement is necessary and (or) desirable. 2. The estimated cost thereof is E...... , and the total Cost thereof i. E. ....... and the nature and extent of said improvement is ae follows __..._ gat. cost to Lot 26, Block 2, Ryan Place $6.88 n 11 " 27, " 2, " n __. i. s _.v. 28, n.. 2, n_.. " _. 6.4D _. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached nod made a part hereof. 4. 5. Bard improvement is ___......asked for upo �tit.th—ore owa of -Party, subject W aeeeaemeat for said iseprovemant. _ _....._. ..... Commieeioner of Public Works. ` 92669 COUNCIL FILE N0.- By— FINAL ORDER In the Matter of _ rec9aetrttc.tIM.-re],aying_and, repairing._ the sidewalk_ on .-the-Borth-aide-of _Rorth-Streat beginning 100_feIet Goat stf-8radlcy Street. --thence- greet 40 feet, e n t+soprea �h �{ e "a i Y r o.t t .cat --- __- -_ - .___----------- under Preliminary Order .__._9207$---- _-------- __.approved _ APl q_ g,_1952-- -------- -s ------ Intermediary Order ----------- ---------------------approved -.------ ----- ---- — A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the game; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St, Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of Im- provement to be made by the said City ia...Z5AMtZU4.t,. 19197 and repair the sidewalk --on..the-.aouth..aide--ofJ0rtb-straet-beginning..100 f8et xeet of Bradley --street-,--thenoe--weet-40--feetr-------- and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. 02 Adopted by the Council ._- !' _ a_ 192 __ , �® rr {� -City Clerk. Approved_- _..-......�...... ... .192 / Councilman a - TR s x Councilman qqr: —' -cTmer ColGon earl num ceaneilm n vcwmc N H r Mfg �3 ✓M yor rm» g.oaife Form B. S. A. 8.7 ~~~~=~ OF FINANCE REPORT orCOMMISSIONER orFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ^ ~ °~ ° ~"~ tt _e,^~__,O,d"~,~+ ^r"".=" = the ... til ^ the CilY^S'-~°. ,^~~_^~~°,_~^~*~~.~°~~ The ~­1_~~^­~~°,he~—m~f- the �b~-~~~~^ Tb. _—edto, p,'°.fnt the .lb— -~~-e~^ The 1—~p-lel-^I..d th.t .y be~. �d be.efi,f., —h —d the~—d ~e.th_ ~~.^^,`^,^~.~.^.^.~.~~. ~.. RlPt— LOT~n.. ~�~ Lat=TIINmdg. bon 1360 ` 'The ~~~-cne.^~~~ °.^ °,t he^.__~~ �11°the ^~..id~.~~~^ ^.*.bm-the °~g.iOg.his `~^~~t,the ~~° ~,^~-^ the ,p~tn.d�~^-^ .^—.~°. 'id ~^~.bythe "lOn_.°~^=°~. " "�� Office of the Commissioner of Public USMHU Report to Commissioner of Finances -- -- 02151St April 13s_ 1932._.193_ 1'a the Commiseiouer of Finonee of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Work,, having had under considemd" the preliminary order of the Cooed, known as Council File No. 92973 .approved.... April Sr 1932 193____, relative to reconstructing, relaying and repairing? the sidewalks on the south side of North Street beginning 100 feet west of Bradley Street, thence west 40 _feet. and baring investigated the matters and things referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is ........ necessary and (or) desirable. Est. Cost Lot 3, Block 2, Bronson's Addition - $25.60 2. The estimated east thereof is E....... _, and the total east thereof is f ..._._._...... and the nature sad extent of curd improvement in as follows _.... _._.. 3. A plan, profile or eketeh of said improvement is hereto attached and made a pert hereof. 9. .... __... ... .......... ..._.. _._.__ __....... ...______ 5. Said improvement is. ..._. _asked for upon petition of three or more ownem of property, subject to assessment for said improvement. Commie®over of PubGa Works. 92670 " COUNCIL FILE NA..--_ _ _- _ -- z ns to e f�Ohr Z" FINAL ORDER t�';, In the Matter of constructing sidewalk extensions to connect exist sidewalks ,to the curb at the oornera of the following street intersectionat Lafond Street from Dale Street to St. Albans Street Wars,ok Avenue from Hartford Avenue to the north line of Otto Huntfe Addition East Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street, Edgerton Street from Rose Street to Jessamine Street Charles Street from Avon Street to Viotoria Street, Stryker Avenue from Colorado Street to Winifred Street Cretin Avenue from Sum"tit Avenue to St. Clair Street W.-MN*grees� Street f%il3idwell St"et'to $bllewe etiroet, Siimmppso��n Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway Fdi4tNltltleE Avenue, from Finn Avenue to"Cretin Avenue Thomatti Street-framlPaeeel Avenue to Simpson'Avbnte �8teeoalA4enVa from Lafond-Street-to.. Thomas Street' ' South aidr'Saker Street from Charlton Street to Waseca Street Capitgl,Aveaas from liexipgton Avenue to .Oxford Street South aide Soheffer Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvdr ,{ ;Thornzi&treetrfrcm Earl Street to Mounds Park - ooaetruct sidewalk extensions to connect ex e e walke`i'f6""fG'e""" curb at the corners of the following street Snterseotionsf Lafond Street from Dale Street to St Albans Street Warwick Avenue from Hartford Avenue to the north 11je of Otto Huntts Addition East Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street Edgerton Street from Rose Street to Jessamine Street Charles, Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street 8 ker(tvpaue .[i�am Colorado Street to Winifred Street Cri53-Ave�m@,Yrom.Bummit Avenue to St, Clair Street W 4� e6a 8trett '1rom,'Sidwell Street to Bellows -Street 8imgsan Avenue from Frahkeon Avenue to Midway Parkway. Fairmount Avenue $ice Avenue to Cretin Avenue Thomaa 5 a from Pad0e1- Avenue toSimpson Avenue Pascal Avenue from Lsfond Street to Thomas Street South side Baker Street from Charlton Street to Waseca Street Capitol Avonue from Lexinnggton 4venue to Oxford Street South s scho:fer SIt o t fro-: 'mttn o to 1—t Curve Blvd. Thorn S'.reet from 1:arl ::treat to .'rr% `rct`"1= c man May I,.,n �Id Councilman Fergvus�oa�,�,r 7 Councilman M"�.Y c Caanniknan Kz,��; Councilman S d n° ' W •-� i Councilman ANExat Mayor Mx2pn=x ➢Arai*- H r Form H. S. A. 8-7 92670 �ZFol tlasvnc T,LIw r x;*.'..F°L s�7" Fo OxLo"� ., esoa Leo}' -o.;Fp z::Io ns1.L .L ,� LsaF F°, r,.�v as�Fs.00F 5sacv7 �..ovRE LL. �nsvne Fo ,a •:ncov ;novno . •U..39 '.`fY9 of 9. L h1c Aoirns FO ?zrsotn.:F .;esvna yLoW p,ZVY Y. lw bsJ.y a� 77Wuaov ;:.oLrrs yzou; �;z:r�rxaon VttanRe Ft fi?`Y �OTS";;.sna '�}-LO U.t yL0�i F71 �11e�7T ':FY69F F° nE77US F 'Lop?u @dokrm+ ;Lo:a pmm:ZF ''nozne Fo 2F' ::7�Zz ^FLosF '.jFLl4�L jtdeRRe SLOW�FL00:. FO Hiv tYsY FzcsF g OlJs7.B5.2FY.osF I.Yow VAov 2FL e6 TL -- go taeeA;'usFg keaF A dy 2FLasF lL.r1J j{oas 2FL F F 7 vf e.n seaF' 1 TO}'ReD`Bp W NdeR7n �,Oa( b�TTE IA04:Y6 FC y••,J 3 2F under Preliminary Order .....__92109 --_...___...__approved - April -.13..1938.. Intermediary Order...--- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the preciee nature, extent and kind of im- „onxorement to be made by the said City ie- -.____. Iconstruct sidewalk extensions to connect exloting sidevalke to the curb at the corners of the following street intereaationet Lafond Street from Dale Street to St Albans Street Warwick Avenue from Hartford Avenue to the north line of Otto Hunt's Addition East Nebraska Avenue from Payne Avenue to Arcade Street j Edgerton Street from Rose Street to Jessamine Street Obarles Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street Sp ker, Avenue.f$om Colorado Street to Winifred Street aiSi°9venup from Suit Avenue to; St♦ Clair Street W, Connte� 1-1 street tp ' 'Bid, 32 Street' to Beilowp'Street Simpaoh'Avenue ffom Frankson Avenneto Midway Parkway Fairmount Avenue fromreet from Fa;,'. Aveane to 'Grath Avenue Passcall Aveenue from La StrMa eet to Thto oass Streets South side Baker Street from Charlton Street to Waseca Street Capitol Avenue from Lexington Avonue to oxford Street South slflo Sc`ieffer :treat fron Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd, Thorn S -.rest ,from Hall *-neat to ':;ovnds .'•.r`.: , C Mey Councilman Ferguson`. ;�'"m:m 7 CouncOman �p X na ✓ RniT�'� T� CounciLnan iilfx= -k Councilman Wilsom CouncilJnan XPUMA Mayor >'! ➢aedi�te M «w aN < y Form B. S. A. 9-7 F „l..,v iormli Cmae H7 9�` 7 0l �_;, n ,.cam t :Fou' s n.: .G Oay,o .o,r'�, eacvgFzeeF (,aaGQ2 6nnG LO �� .. �� ll :A6JIn6 •pro :an 7Fza sF LL oy i,�ac a7 ;navn o y.r '° _ .,.,dL�uotr'F .,Aaune LLoW i;d/7a' pLeufie Fo ^ucFdL "Acz/re nunon s::nu LLow I,,LJvKaon Vienne Fo vidgsv3 I,vuyva� ou`-zone a uo Lzou A., "FzesF F TO gFzscF, -LQIPT+ VAasuru Luo` ?fi dF 'noLlm Fo 2F• ° i �FLseF 3Fz3teri YAuns Lr ow Oo7o ado 2Fuse: Fo rAd Lzo4 yFLcoF •R.pi,os4: iww ynou ,•FzpsF Fo ATcyozl 7FzeaF' :;r�36,7•CVu SFzoGF Lz.m Bono :,Ones Fo S 9e scud- aFzesF t RePLaeTro v, nessra {yow bft2ua yneine Fc dr,cvyu CFzr-GF' r.' nrnr ^z ' V.. si .:1 c.. ..-eF LLwv ids+ 7 t • � IT�Lu.: �Lc.;F .. .,nonne ^.,na g; rs�F �rae:,.ia ;.o �-F' �t;-'{-• F J. 7,Koi, ',noun• i}.o�: r,oi o'-xqo -FLoaF ,'n -a{LLay 3LL eGF End the 'Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- teed with the making of said finem� t in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council __192� d City Clerk. _ Approved_ _.____ ......._.,192... ✓ __i��/.-..._Li3.a 6...wn Ta.,. r- °Y Councilmaa Counciknan. FeTgaeon. s�:,'. 7 Councilm un Cocilmen ilcCaI=-ftc.ae l' Councilman Councilman WY071 ,Mayor 1 ➢u"Mw6 M Form R. S. A. 8-7 — OF WmPAUL DEPAR",E.IkOF FINANCE 'REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER 19 (D) , oqo' I.,b—tW.f o—tm,,t11F, lid -11, —tlro�111 t, —11t llilt,11r the at 11,, , "" ""—irr 'tree`. ....... l, 1—, S o to A.- 'Xntw ick the north 1,- of ,,o Runt's Pard, 11,b—'— A— fro, Pl Iro A— to Arcade Zt.;Paec - f... L,,d Ft. t, Th-- St -!-- . f— �r r ::t. '.o J—mri— St. South , ite,bok— St. from to ch—l's St. Pro, A— St. to vi�t.ri, ';t. , r, ,, - It. Capitol A." f' -dl'. 'rt— A— W. '111-o" St. to Hollows St. Sch.ffr, St" south side, rom Simp I`— Ave.I, 111',".tFy P—k—y Ave, �� V-1, KvI. _ ". _o � Fl1::o1.,t All - f -m Fi ;� 1- ; Th— S,. from E—I S�. 11 P��inrs Fn rY Tho l St. f,— ?--I Ave, :ave. under P,,b.i—y Order approved k-11 17, 1932 To tb, Council of the City f St. P..1: Th, C—imti.— of Finance hereby ,p,tt, as follows: The total —ito—d --t of the ---t f., the above i,prove...[ is S. 'rh, —i. ted cost par foot for the above i,op--to— is - - - - - - V -- Th, lou or parcels of 1-d that .,y b, as sassed b ... fi,. f., such itop—t—t, ..d the ---d -I-ti— of each I., or parcel as 1— reported by the A,,t,,,,, — as fi,11.— A--. Rn M-111ON 91dc, LaI—d St. from Da1, St. to St. Albans St. No:rs Dation W —i o, Ad- from H.,tfr,d A—. to tho north line of 0tt,, 11—tl, IS ,,1.1,bAvo * from Payne Ave, to Arcade St. , rt.,,1. �S,.from Rot, St. to St. Ih,,I:1t1 .. �—, St. VI -1. ,111e 1. Stryker Ave. from Colorado , —11 —d C—t! Ave, from S-1, A—. ;.t,Clair t C.n�-- Ft. from Pid-11 St. to 9.21— St. A— from '—I—o Ave. to Vid—, Parkway F" irmount Ave, fr— F!= A— t, Cretin A— Thome; St. from P—.1 �— to Simp:— Arl, P-1 Ave. from L,f,.d St. 1, Th— St. South: skis Faker St—et f... M—It,, St. to Vh,.s.. l St. "PIt"1v .. .... In " rt, Oxford St. ovth sideto V—pt C.... Blvd. Th... Ft, from bn-1 St. to Park The Commissioner of Finance further rcporta that h, h,, investigated all of the aforesaid to.tt—, -d hereby ..btom the f.,tg.i,g ., his report tb,,,, to the Council, t,gttht, itb the report made to hi, i. reference to id by the C—iatoou of Public Wor D-dDh-, Office of the Commissioner of Public WNA*-61NANQ t� Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 21 1932 April 21, 1932 _.._. .103 To the Commimiover of Finevue of the City of 9t. Paul: The Commimiover of Public Worke, Im ivg hnd under—siderotion the prelimivery order of the C—oil, kvowv ee Council File No. 92109 approved.... April 14, 1932 _103, . rcleti,. to Construct sidewalk extensions to connect existing sidewalks to the curb at the corners of the following street intersections Lefond Street from Dale Street to St. Albens Street Warwick Sven" from flartford Avenue to the North Line 'ppttf otto Bunpls Addition Avj'rud to eteet rr4ufa JessamineStre BYrtonStaeLfrm Street to 1 6 Street from Avon Street to Victoria Street Stryker AvenUa from Colorado Street to Winifred Street CretinAvenue from Summit Avenue to St. �lnir street w. Congress -treat from Bidw,al Street to Bellows Street BigEpapa Avenue from Frankson Avenue to Midway Parkway Fairmount Avenue from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue Thomas Streetfrom Pascal Avenue to Simpson Avenue Pascal Avanue from Lafond Street w Thomas Street South side Baker Streat from ChvrlrletotoStreet to Street Stet Capitol Avenue from Lexington a South side Schaffer Street from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Blvd. Thorn Street from Earl street :o Mounds Park ;y--• Webject W seeeaemevt for said tmprovemevt. Commieaiover of Puhha Works. 1. P and having investigated the mat— and things referred to therein, hereby reporta: 1. Said improvement i. nor—., and (or) dai-ble. 2. The eatirmted a..t timm-f i- V 675.00 , and the total e.t thereof i. S .ad the nature and -tent of anal improvement i. . fall.-: 3- A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement in hereto tm,h,d and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie .. naked for upon petition of three or more own of property, ,ubj,,t W assoaament for avid improvement. COUNCIL FILE NO..._____..._._. BY --- .----- ---.___... __ _..._.-_....___ FINAL ORDER = In the Matter of._ re0=%tX!=t1ng.,_ X 91 and repairing...tha..sidaaalk..on _-tha_�,nt.h..aide_of--BdmUnd-.BtrsaL heginning 20 Seat. esat._nS_Ilaaltier--.-. straet__ themee _east .0 Seet,._ __ an �.--- Sol., ----- ___.. is a. t, �'.- - -- plla as k rsea� a °y;a craeM a under Preliminary Order ___....___$2112• ___.--approved ._. -'Wil _13.t_1832 Intermediary Order __---------- _ ._._.___ _____..._--approved--._ - - A public hearing having been had upon the above improvemen upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully -considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED. By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im. provement to be made by the said City ia_reogetrnp@J rej�ag aid rami. the eideealk _:om._.the�osth-.side.-.oi-Edmund-Stree. _J?,sgJm,Jng-20 post ease of rtfl.,ih`l ­ .Btrsat,thenc e._east--4Q-fee+., ------------ and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. get7 Adopted by the Council ',. -------7 ----------- 192___. m /Cierk. Approved._.__._ --------- _ !_�-�-t.1__ .192..... Me or. councilman i0fii Tn Counc'hnan �7 Co_ hnan 1`ca¢e U / Councilmen 1`4 (/ Councilman r `— WEN 7 F L Councilman )N� PDBl1�� Y Mayor7Hvigara Ba�iiEbi M c H o r r Form B. S. A. 8-7 pEPARTM ENT OF F"�NANCE REPORT OF COMMISS►OWER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER V nstruo*.:n+, rnl ayin� •end r ire - TYav sSdasttal}cnthe south �tdn oC In the matter of rico ePRr re nc -.r r Sllntant St. e b•st;'-nn'. nE ''n : e•.�t >est o£ Gv••] t i. o -- _ 9t � ."_ _ s�st 4C Cant, soder Preliminary Order a pproved To the Council of the City of St Paul: The Commiss,oner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total eatimatcdamountof the assess --t for i he above improvement to - - - 5-7'rr--- The esn mated cost per foot (or the above improvement The lore or parceh of land that may be assessed benefits for aueFa improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot parcel as last rcponcd by the A -- I, e as follows. Forth _y of 7 15 Rob©rt sin - '�s•it Fttan•s .n rl rj _ r o St Psril North ? of 'Bast n 8 13 tISIED anr,n�uwi Pldg. 67'2300 375 1300 $1060 V600 The Com issioner of Finance further sports that 1-ae tags investigated all of the aforesaid ma` s, and the Council, ethwith the report made I,him hereby e,bmi,, the lorcgning as his report thereon to tog er reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public Wor Dated 19z -a_ — / Commissionor of lhnaoce Office *of"the Commissioner of Public Wak FINA wt cl- Report to Commissioner of Finance' AN 31 1932 April 21, 1932 183....._ To the Commieeiover of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Work,, having had under consideration the prehminary order of the Council, known se Council File No. 92112 approved. April 13, 1932 193..._..., rel,ti,, to reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidewalk on .............................._..... the south side of Edmund otreet beginning 20 feet east of Gaultier Street, thence east 40 feet. and having inve,tigated the matters and thing, referred to therein, hereby report,: 1. Said improvement ie..... ,ece„ary and (or) de,irable. 2. rhe eeti—trd cost thereof u f__... 27'00......, and the total coat thereof ie S end the nature end extent of said improvement i, m follows ..... _.__... ____.......______.. ....................__._.......___.... 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hemto attached sad made a part hereof. 4. _....... _.__ .... ..... _._. _..._.. _.___.. _ __ ._..._._..... 5. Said improvement is.._......._.._.._._......._asked for upoo petition of three ar more owvere o property, subject to aecemmvnt for sad improvement. Commimioner of Public Works. Hi80LIITION o•1,1X•, •a rn• c,• COUNCIL FILE NO..---r6r- PRESENTED BY -- - — - - --- Risoun That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with Otto Yuehn, provid- lag for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per reek, during such tine as he shall be totally dis- ablod by reason of injuries received by his mile in the employ of the Department of Ydnoation, on the 27th day of April 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Otto %uehn the sum of 467.60 out of the workmen's compensation Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including Juno 4th, 1932. 7M2 Teas C ... 61men I'asscdbyrheCouncil_._— yY�ay�Nays +Ne6aoe.ri is...id �1 I. Pearce la F—, U Pew.e- RRp�O�umOMaz _ _- _ __- weasel Ag,nsr xal," Mr. Prnid— (4—Mmi Mahoney Arresr: w r�rprorc` _ -- - Ciry Clerk � Mayor onax...o c... cc.nn CITY OF ST. PAUL v.. I� NO.__921l.L3 FILE OF CITY CLERK NN EE O 1 ENERAL FORM E MEI5519N _ RESOLVED Shat Permission and authority are hereby given to the Daytona Bluff Poet No. 115 of the Ameriosa Legion to conduct a summer festival at Bates and Beatings avenues, from June 13th to June 18th, 1933. Y_COUICILtaer✓ Naya .i Gwy ? n• . n May i McDonald 7.In I-- �R.— __O _. Ag.l t Mr. P—id— 2,.Mk Adapted by the Council `JW .._I 1W. 19. 7Iff pAppp,o d _...19 3 xr vAUL g CILMEN--jtOL'L' CALL MtFICE OF T4�� COMPTROLLER P1Lixc�t �rR ,.%,.�■pP '. ,r GbU1�CIL SI".ARaeOLYT10N w •owlL '" AUDITED a AWS — 6 swtl.iwR�'�'v���. - RESOLVEC Tt4 e I �� R n. PR.. aeal•It�A -- i(� � 'F Au• GA v t. TOT/ xuwein _ •IN FAV' dl BOUGHTFORWARD - 55 Board of P�ublipA Welfare 5598 aFe 'R-30 otallp■9N of rin imon�tgxmbe . oowa" Ml', iffigXQFFZ:■'ea0e •ozdaa of 6 ee A., B:o auef of'Ytlio . 64'�'�- .arwell;4,�{m• `Els1r6 Oo. 548 : 9ba Y�rkdt gonee 649 srD '�L's;eoa 5 ole Lea- } Oq = - N -os o m G O � r o o n a m m m A'n �� a p; O A I n A' N n ri O; 377 1 ort r squirent,Oo - o n O t z O {y o 5u < n� > m a` 9 D S A 0 O C _ = 1 O = 509 t ne bieBnreau ny y grapeeu ! 5 634.°a� 5 5 6 ' �La„ QDca■a3A�.0 Or of li>: l21 e 15 • • • ' . • 2C bib 6L7 a- ■ . ■ r e4 3357 692`v. r .. ■ . ■ . lit -.m . 53 fit>. E 62b '. .. . . � ■ • ■ . ■ 1 ■ taneaxaeo6iri0�mppey 3 242 Fin. 2q� r ` 629 ,glte i,B}Sri 0eebier late 2b Ml', iffigXQFFZ:■'ea0e •ozdaa of 6 ee A., B:o auef of'Ytlio . 64'�'�- .arwell;4,�{m• `Els1r6 Oo. 548 : 9ba Y�rkdt gonee 649 srD '�L's;eoa 5 ole Lea- } Oq = - N -os o m G O � r o o n a m m m "Y O K N .101 n _3C a p; O A I n A' N n ri O; 1 o n O t z O {y o z c O < n� > m a` 9 D S A 0 O C _ = 1 O = AUDIT ED GLAIM3u ;; RFsowBc:TH eH uisur a rH� optoA u+oYrr . shG re=B'e CI.RO io r10oL 4 cxacsu eu is 'Fx set o . 10oL P IN FAVOR OF H, - . BROUGHT FORWARD rssn d pe0siwtlouoo. II lsbL.� t�b 9lgasl' Oo, 4rµ _. ro! e tion OOT, !�" 6taoesA tibd !9 F It'f�ifl` elie4Y',market Lets' 65rcaery Co. 3. of Cot YGg 06� ' .�f'Rtaj�pF4F�' vr; .137,76f I _...�. 92676 Coanei[ File N -------- ---_...._.........._ ., By an .r CITY OF BT. PAUL - Resolution Ratifying Assessment -_ In the matter of the eeeceemev[ If beneYite r costs and expenses :er g'3E, Blmmit Park AdditloU from oxford gt.''to gA1�a alley in Bloak Lexington Ave a ,under Prelim[vary Order.--.&7e.Qffi_--.-., 4 821.0 ....... Final Order-NLZ9 approved..t' Bila.'j.4...... ... ... _....19_.U. A public hearing having been had upon the eeeeeeme., for the above improvement, and said easeaament having been further considered by the Council, and having been conaidered finally satisfactory, be it therefore RE90LVED, That tm he said acenaoeact be and the eae is hereby in all resPecta ratified, and the same of the Coanty of R ie hereby ordered to be enbmitted to the District Court amsey for cooermatioa. BE IT FORT RESOLVED, That the said asseeament be and it ie hereby determined to be payable ...._ 1 meta➢menta. m.._.__.._..... ._. eqm JUN _R. .. ... Adopted by the ComciL__..._....._..__.-- 19._<. <. ......., City Clerk. Approved...._........._------------ .___...__....._19........ ... .__. ............_.... mayor. ��Jpe 2_1 CITY OF ST. PAUL, OFFICE OF TILE COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Report of Completion of Assessment May. 11._ 1932......... Fes__.. In the matter of the sarasca— of benefits, costs and expanses for MKX grading alley in Block 38, Scausit Park Addition from Oxford St. to Lexington Ave_ -ds, P"fircia.'y Order...... 1 I. --di., Order . .88071 Float Order.._....8.8299 pp .ed___...._ Feb. 24___ 1951 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: Th, Commissioner of Fla.— hereby reports t. the C..,U the following as , statement of the expect dit.— necessarily incurred and to b, ha--d for and 1a connection with the making of the above improv men,, 'is: Cost of Cast of publishing notice Cast of postal cards 1,,pe,ti,, I— A.,,.t of court costs for confirmation $__....4..Q@____— Engineering 58.35 Total ..pc.dit.,cs . . . . . . . . $ 489-8G___ Said C.acacmi ... r f,nb,r reports that h, has assessed and I-bcd the total ­aot as above ascertained, to -wit: the sum of $-0.9.04.,.. p,, each end every lot, part or parcel of load deemed benefited by the amid icapr-raccal, and io the — of each 1.1, part or parcel of load is accord,.,, with the benefit. .a - f ... d thereon; that the said ......meat has been completed, and that hereto attached, identified by the sig- nature of the said Commissioner, and made , Part hereof, is the amid assessment a. completed by hi., end which is herewith submitted to the Council far such cation th ..... m may b, coataid—d proper. C'Mocissi ... r a MWLDTICN COUNCIL FILE NO.. PRESENTED 'C fL��-/LLJf's/•/*�'�_y _ BWBOLVED, that the bond of William J. Bollan, a e principal and The National Casualty Company as surety, in the mount of $1000.00, which bond has been approved as to form and erecation by the Corporation Counsel, covering the office of the said William J. Bollan, as Justice of the Peace, is hereby approved, sad the City Clerk is hereby directed to deposit same with the Comptroller. a�`°tlir.�w+ceu nu .m din. u Q3 xne ca_rye uav>c.sm..Re. - tl � eefnroEth ,iW IDl.am' J: LekaT Elli.� Olert�4 wm �-,d'e c8a arm;. e, i1i: I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the .ouu ' ..... Qty Clerk v.a. C nom. N,, ye� n y�sDonald �ROscn �I ��aM1einrcr Arai Ni,. P d.nl tnuudli.l �y M-1 1'....d by ibc Council— -R-M .....,....o ��.. �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL r.ir .. NO.— _7208 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK (IGbUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL F.O1jM RESOLVEb 1'hat pgrmleeion and authority are hereby Alvan to the 8t. Clair—enelling Commercial Mub to oonduct a suer frolic on the oorner of anelling avenue and Bt. 01a1r street, from June 8th to June 11th. r �¢ c�x'Is'i}IMINOR;,!" i 's.'0- [norla s. n�mr><a �y� MV! N l bereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the C uu My Gert COUNCILMEN Yc Nay. Ad.pccd by cbr C..61111Al..—O-loqT— 19----- �Y g� May McDonald -.- favor ppcoved _19.._.... Roacn y�� , ftP Adopted by the Council....__....._.___..193__.... Yea.. �. Nuy.. . ry4" AY MCDONALD ,�`PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL /R. PRESIDENT ) /,' City of Saint Paul Office of Qty Clerk MIRE J. GIBBONS, CH, Oak wean �. aomµ and CossWoee d Rum u. un o.n , June 6th, 1932 Nr. L. L, lnder.ou, Corpotation Counsel, Building. ]bar Sir. The attached application of the St. Clair -Snelling Commercial Club to Conduct a e®er frolic on the corner of Snelling and St. Clair Street from June 6th to June 11th sae referred to you today, by th. Council, for the proper resolution. Sour. very truly, 4' City Clerk. The St.Cleir-Snelling Commercial Club Saint Paul, Minnesota V may 31, 1932 The Honorable George 0. Sudheimer Commissioner of Public Safety St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: We herewith make application for a permit to.operate a Summer Frolio on the corner of Snelling and St. Clair from June B to June 11. The Frolic will be held on the ground on the ntlpermiemtater and we have h their sionouse the grounds. The rrolic to being conducted by members of our Club and local residents, and we are not bringing in any outside ebows of any kind. We hope that we may have the pleasure of receiving this permit, and remain Very sinoerely yours, The St. Glair-Sn Commercial C Chairman of the Publicity Committee 243 South Snelling MACALESTER COLLEGE ewiNr vwvL a�vwssarw June 4, 1832 Mr. Mike J. Gibbons, Office of City Clark, City of Saint Paul. My dear Mr. Gibbons: In answer to your otter of June 2 relative to the summer frolic on the corner of St. Clair and Snelling, kindly be advised that we have given our permission for the use of this property gratis and that under the restrictions set down by ourselves to them we have no objections to cooperating with the people of our cosmunity in this manner. We appreciate the courtesy of the City Council and yourself in referring to us in this regard.e��c'!,[���� Vary truly yours, (J Frank� P�P.L Controller FP:H OOOROIL MOLOTIOW COUNCIL FILE NO. - r li MVZD, That ootmoil File. NO. 92638. approved June 6tb, 1932, be amended so as to read as follows: , MMOLylD (1) That the Oammissioner of Public Worts be and he is hereby forbidden to oil or sprinkle r<imc_ ' any street ar allay for which there exists in his de- portment no petition requesting snob oiling or eprinY e''„gf ti °oc t° ling. (2) That the said Oosmrineiener be and be is hereby forbidden forbidden to oil or sprinkle any street ar alley for which he bas a petition, where as examination of — %be ter records discloses that more then fifty per -out- of the aesesswuto levied for sprinkling and ailing remaine unpaid. (3) That beginning Jags 23, 1932, the com- missteaer of Public. Works is bereby instructed and directed to oil and sprinkle snob streets and alleys for which he ban petitions requesting same, Finless by nald date there shall be presented to bin a petition of abutting property owners objecting to said sprinkling or oiling, in which instanoe, the objecting petition eball be referred to the Oo®oll so that the Oofmoil may bold s public, hearing upon the advisability of sprinkling or ailing snob streets or alleys. Be it rgRTRKR HEBOLPED, That the action of the Oommissioner of Public Works in the oiling and sprinkling of streets and alleys to the date of the adoption of this I'— Councilmen \aye Passed by rhe Council Conyroy F -- R.— ARains[ - - - Sudhcimcr Mr. President (B..d1i°1 Approred _- - G er}y-C'I� Mayor COUNCIL RESOLUTION c`••• C COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BV— -..— - (a) resolution, or which streets and alleys have teem prepared for oiling or sprinkling, be and it is hereby approved.* N— Co ... ilmcn Nays -_�'..-5 Tram 6 �cDonald /Roe RamleS ✓ Mr.P-resid�cn�C'f Att—; City Clerk ( hereby certify that the above resOjuhoo was adopted by the uc City Cle'U r .... d b, h� C-61- '9'j2 h F—, _ Against .Yo, MUSON OF 1432 STBENT FLUSMG STREST FROM TO Arcade C.St.P.M. 1 0. By lake Como Phalen Beaumont Decatur Payne Bedford North Decatur Bradley Seventh North Burr Collin. Jenks Gee. Neetmineter Pay.. Collin. Lafayette Bedford Decatur Bedford Beaumont Duluth Maryland Orange Darl York In Frank Maryland In Grove N. S. Mieeieeippi Lafayette H.Vtbor.earl Phalen Hyacinth Earl Orange Ivy Earl Orange Lafayotte Grove Colli.. Maryland Payne N. P. By MinnehahaPayne N. P. By Mis.is.ippi E. S. Grove N. P. By North Bradley Bedford Olive Grove Noodvard Orange Earl Phalen Park Partridge Brunson Bradley pay.. B --..t tarpenteur Seve.th Grove 11. P. By Westminster York Gave. York Nieeie.ippi Bestmineter. 1111 MIUMI �U I N;MI�N, M S'IIIa�T WARD 2. FROM TO Arcade Sixth C.St.F. M. & 0. By. Bate. Beating. $ay..th B.ech Arcade t rl Barna 250• W..t of John.® Pt. Douglao Road C.avay Mount. Blvd Maria Earl Thorn Seventh Fifth Mounds Blvd Maria Meeting. Mounds Blvd Earl Margaret Sev.nth marl Maria num S.v.nth Mendota Beeoh Seventh Mionehaia N. P. By Bast Mounds Blvd C&. -..t Seventh Plum Mound. Blvd Bate. Seventh N. P. Ry Johnson Parkasy Si.th Bridge earl Third Mound. Blvd Bata. Whit. Bear Minnehaha Ames B,iflD j. STR.ZT FEW TO Broadway Third Grove Gmeda Ninth Wove Eighth Jaokeon Hillive Fifth Jack: on John Fourth Jeckeon Kitt... Grove 5 S Jackson Lafayette Jackson E 5 Third Grove John Fourth Seventh Locust Sixth Grove Mi:eie:ippi '. Broadway Grove Ninth Jackson Pine Ninth Loo. et Will.. Norrie Tempermoe Ganda pineFourth Grove Prince Broadway Pine Eoeabel Third Eighth Seventh Jankeon Bridge Seventh 5 S Bridge Grove Sibley Levee Spruce Sixth Jackson Bridge Tempermce Eighth Ninth Tempermce Tenth Grove Tenth Jackson Broadway Tenth Loouet Grave Third Jackson Viaduct (125' E of John) :acouta Third Spruoe XkRD 4. STPUET FROM TO Cedar Third Summit College Fourth Cedar Eagle E S Levee Seventh Eighth Mabasha Jackson Eleventh Cedar Jackeon Exchange Third Cedar Fifth Fourth Jackson Fourth E S Pleasant Seven C—ors FourthSeven Corners Jackson Franklin Third Fourth Franklin Fifth Ninth Jackson i S Third Thirteenth Main Seven Carnere Tenth Market -. Third St. Peter Minnesota Third Summit Ninth Smith Jackeon Pleasant Fourth Sixth Rine College Summit Robert Mississippi River Bridge Summit Robert E S Summit Thirteenth St, Peter Third Summit Seventh Seven Corners Jackson Sixth smith Jackeon Smith Fourth College Summit S S Fourth Robert Tenth Ria Jackson Third Seven Corner. Jackeon imelfth Fabasha Jackeon MabhshaMississippi River Bridge Summit Washington Third Seventh WARD 5• STREET FROM TO Chest.ut L.— Seventh Eagle & S lava. Seventh Edg—b. Road E.3 Uawtr.al Hamlin. Edgcumbe Road Hemline Laxingto. FifthPleasant Fourth Fourth S S Pleasant Seven Corners Franklin cheat.ut Eagle Hamlin. E S Edgcumbe Road St. Clair Lexington Parkway Montreal St. Clair ,..bard Lexington Milt- Ro.tr.el a"dgcumbe Road Seventh O.klaad Iffastorn Ramsey Osceola Seventh Pl—ant Pl.aasnt S S St. Clair Ramsey Pleasant Ramsey Fourth Ramsey Pleasant S.ve.tb Randolph H.mline Seventh St. Clair S S Hemline Pleasant St. Clair pl.-Mt Osceola Seventh 350' 8 of Purnell Sev.. Corner. Smith Cliff Fourth iaehington Che.t.ut Eagle N WARD 6. STREET FROM TO Baker 125' S of Ghippe— Cherokee Cherokee Baker Smith Chicago Wabash. Robert ...cord A. -P.11. Wsbaeba Congreve Wabash. Robert Let Indiana E Fairfield baton mo Fillre Water Eva Indians, Fairfield Fairfield Bella State Fillmore Hyde State George Cherokee Robert Humboldt George Winifred Iv di— Robert State Isabel ;r.baehs Robert Livingston Concord Isabel Oakdale Prescott State Ohio George Winifred Flat. Wabash. Robert Prescott Oakdale Woodbury Robert Annapolis Miaeieeippi River Bridge Robe rt eov Indiana Fairfield Robie Concord State SmithAnnapolis Cherokee Stat. Robert Concord State Robie W Robie S Stat. Utah Fillmore Stryker Augusta Winifred Web. h. Winifred Mieeieeippi River Bridge Walter Fairfield Fillmore Winifred Ohio yebaeha BARD 7. STREET FROM IY�NNII�� TO Arundel summit Ashland Lexington Ha—hall Avon St. Clair Caeiern Laurel Carroll S S Chat aworth Crocue PlaceFairmount 0 oeola a.at.- summit Goodrich Dale Da'0p PairmoS m Carroll Lexington Summit Fairmount Lexington Farrington summit it darahall Goodrich Goodrich3°B 0° Syndicate Grand Schuxmeier'e Allay Grotto 77' S of Linwood Place Out d Hague Hemline S S Syndicate �e Holly St. Clair Victoria ®�- Igl°hart Lexington Farrington rent summit Harahan Laurel Lawt.a Sy-dint. Nine Le ington Parkway Grand Grand lair Lo exin n Par Parkway E S Mrahael D�,ll Ldncoln Carroll Idnvood Pian. Avon Oakland Rennood Parkway Itackubin Summit Mar.h.11 S 8 a.-ii.. Harahall Harebell O° Lexington Harahan S S L.uiagt Louie Eton Ooeaola Summit Sundt Nina summit Selby Oakland O..eola �n�ton s..tarn Oxford O.ceola Pl°sant Summit Pleasant N S St, Cla1r St.Le.lai Portland •aet.rn Summit IY�NNII�� WARD 7. (Cootinnea) STR.MT FROM TO St. 6lbane Fairmou.t Summit St. Albans Iglehart Carroll St. Clair N S Hemline Pleasant Selby Hemline Summit Summit Hemline Fourth Summit Court Last- Summit Victoria Osceola Dayton Virginia Summit Marsball Western Summit Carroll CARD 8. STR&&T FROG[ TO Atwater Albemarle Rice Carroll N S Dale Western Central Dal. Rice Olaghom Como lafond Como Dale Rice Dale R 5 Carroll dhealook Parkway Front Dale Riee iglahart Farrington Rica fe.fend Com. Rice M-ehell N S Louie summit Rice W S Summit South Rondo Dale Riee Sixth Summit Iglehart Summit I! S Furth Ric. University Dale Riee ■..tern Carroll F—t BARO 9. STREET FROM TO Acker Jackson Mississippi Gess" Grove Fourteentb Capitol Blvd University Como Cedar Summit Como Central Rice St. Peter Central Wabaeha Robert Central Park Place S. Summit Central Central Perk Place W. Summit Central Central Terrace Harriet St. Peter 0— Rice Park Fourteenth Robert Broadway Grove N S Jack. on Miseis.ippi lglehart Rice dabaeha Jackson E 5 Grove 'Thirteenth Jackson Thirteenth Sycamore Mississippi Y S Grove N. P. Ry Park Mabeaha Como Rice E S Summit South Robert Y S Summit Thirteenth Robert Thirteenth University at. Peter Summit Central Sherburne Rice Lookout Summit N S Rice Robert Sycamore Rice Jackson University Rice Robert Wabash. Summit University WARD 10. SM= FROM TO Bayless Cromwell Raymond Capitol Snelling Hemline Carleton University Charles Charles Carleton Haden mp Cla=nd Como City Limit. Cam- AveW. City Limits Hemline Cromwell University Boyle.. Fairvie. University 440' S X Thomas H.edine Universe ty Hs.itt Hampden Uni..r .ity Raymond Hewitt Aldine Hamline IafondAldine Snelling Lexington W S University Van Slyke laid—y Parkway Snelling Remline uinasheha Prior Lexington Pillsbury University Territorial Road Prior University Minnehaha Raymond University Como Snelling Univerdty Hoyt University N S Hmerald Lexington Van Buren Fairview Snelling Vandalia University Territorial Road Wesley Fairvie. Snelling STRaT Aldine Aldine Place Ashland Bohn Central Cleveland Como & River Blvd Cretin De.noyer --ter Piece Fairvle® yr.., Clsnh.m Grigg. Remain. Hampden Lexington 'd 5 Mar.bell verehall H 5 Montrose Plea. Otis Palham Pillsbury Portlsnd Prior Riveraood Place Selby anelling Somerville Snurmit Syndicate WARD 1- y� part 1 FRCM TO St. antho.y University Al dins University Sna111ng sal Syndicate Griggs Dunlap Lexin,,,tos "'Tit University Riaeisslppi River Blvd Doan. Sumit iMdssieeippi River Blvd Sumerville Ot is Selby mereld Somerville Bohn University Jabeab Uarshall Missieeippi River Blvd Hamlin. Riv--a.d Plane Missieeippi River Blvd Franklin Myrtle Cleveland Marshall Oti. Fairview Summit Mleeiseippi River Blvd Miseiasippi River Blvd Rohn Como d River °lvd Rivervood Place Marshall University Dennoyer Univeradty 755' S of University University University Hemline l'exington Marshall Somerville University University Pascal University Rxetar Place University Columbus Hemline Uaivereit} University S S Emerald Lexington Vandalia C. M. St. P. & P. University WARD 11, Part 2 STR,IiT FROM TO Amherst St. Clair U...1. Baldwin St. Clair So®it Berkeley Mt. Curve Blvd Snelling Cambridge Princeton Summit Cleveland Highland Ford Parkway Summit Cretin Highland Ford Parkway Otto Adgcumbe Road 'F 5 7(ontroe1 Hemline Fairmount Moodla— Cretin Fairmount Prior Fairview Fairmount eaelling Hemline Fairvie. Hohland Otto Fairview St. Clair Summit Finn Highland Ford Parkway Ott. Goodrich Miasieaippi River Blvd Cretin Goodrich Cleveland Amherst Goodrich Snelling Hemline Grand Cretin Hoaline Hemline w 5 idgcumbe Road Suit Righl%d Ford Parkway Mieeieeippi River Blvd Snelling ill. re at Novell Cleveland Hill.reet Snelling Otto Jame. Fairview Snelling Jaffereon Fairview o..Ili.9 Juliet Fairview ocalling Lincoln Fairview Hacaleater Lincoln Snelling Hamlin Maeal.ater Jeffereon Summit Montreal Snelling odgcumbe Montrose Lane Hartford Randolph Mt. Curve Blvd High Land Sord Parkway Randolph LLt. Curve Blvd St. Clair Fairmount 0....1. Snelling Hemline Otto Miaslesippi River Blvd Hamlin. WARD 11, Pert 2, (continued) STR.F.T FROM TO Palace Fairvi_ Snelling Pinehurst 1'rinceton Hoeell Mississippi River Blvd Fairview Maoaleeter Randolph Mississippi River olvd 11—lin- St. Clair Mississippi River Blvd Hemline Serge" Boodlewa Baldwin Seventh St. Blvd Ft. Snelling Seventh Seventb Fdgdumbe Road 793' D of Devern seventh Madison 350' V of Parnell Snelling Montreal Suit Stanford Fairview Snelling Stanford Court Mississippi River Blvd Stonebridge Blvd Stonebridge Blvd Jefferson St. Clair Vernon St. Cieir Princeton Wellesley Fairview Snelling Moodlawn Highland Ford Parkway Otto woodlsw J-ffereoa Goodrich BARD 12 STRaT FROM TO Central Lexington D.J. Chat.worth Front Yon Slyke Como Blvd Lioryland Dai. Dale B.S Carroll Wheelonk Parkway Front Lexington Dale lexington E E Carroll Van Slyke St. Alban. Oarrall Central St. Anthony St. lbane 4 Dale University Lexington Dale SgASON OF 1932 STRd&T OILING WARD 1. SnR 'T FROM TO &sat & West Alley - De®y - lake Como Phalen - ^reads - Mandate Alley - Hawthorne - Grange - Forest - Gypre •T• Alley - Hawth.rne - Orange - Nerl - Frank Alley - Maryland - Havth-.. - Frank - Duluth •T• Allay - Orange - Hyacinth - liarl - Freak Arkwright Whit.11 Brainerd Beaumont Da Soto Decatur Bedford Decatur Minu.hahe Bradley Beaumont Fauquier Bradley Ga.. Janke Bradley Magnolia Brainerd Braindrd drkwtight gdgerton Brunson Partridge North Burr Jenks Magnolia Burr Maryland in pase P'y. Duluth Cayuga 'Weetminster Alley 120' Last Clark Whitall Cees Clark Roe. Maryland Clear Ar ads Forest Cook We.tmineter Water Go. R/ff Cottage Areade Forest Gyprese Sims Gas. Cypress Maryland Orange Danny Bdgsrloa Forest De Bot. Mi®eheha Fauquier De at. Whitall Magnolia De $oto "land Orainerd D.t.hea. Wells Case Duluth Magnolia Maryland A rl W S N. P. Ry York i;dgarton Decatur Larpeataur Fauquier Payne N. P. Bridge Forest Bridgd "1..dFore at Orange Cottage Faurtaenth uiasiseippi Lafayette Freak Si.. Case WARD 1. (continued) STROT FROM TO Geranium 'deatmineter Arkwight Geranium Buts.-''. Duluth Greenbrier "elle Ravthorue ate.. Grave Moag]®i Lafayette t Soo Idne Tracke Hawthorne ddgarton Arcade Ilavthorne reset Earl Hopkins De Soto Bradley Hyacinth Edgerton Greenbrier St. Paul Luther Gollaga Hyacinth Mendota Ivy Edgerton Payne Iwy Areede Earl 'Laetmina}ar Duluth Te amino Mieeiaeippi Frank Jeanie abitall Brainerd IafayetteGo111ne De Soto Lake O. Phalan Araadf Forest Iake Go— Phalen E Shore Drive N. P. Ry lane Place (East & Weet Joeeamina Maryland of Park} Lave WaetmdnetorEarl Lookout Placa Weetminater Arkvright Magnolia. Weetmineter Water Go. R/W Maryland Mississippi Payne Mendota York Maryland Mendota Iyy leer Minvohsha Rivoli Payne Mieaieeippi York Mat�land .,Ida Rivoll Da oto Nevada Edgerton Wheelook Parkway North Do Soto Bradley OrangeP�yns Oreanbrier Orange :aide Arcade Draage Foreet Earl Oteego Lafayette Mt. Ida Pettit Bradley Brune® Preble Beaumont Minnehehe WARD 1. (Continued) STR"T FROM Reeney tidgerton 77. P. Ry Rivoli Mt. Ids Minaehaha R. �lrkerigbt Clark Roee Seeeia Duluth <Rueeall 91me G- aeeSearle 5 rle IVY Denny Siena Rdgert na Frank Walsh York Magnolia aside York Marylead Wellssdgerfion Well WOUs (North bide) Weet 1„d ar Wall Greenbrier sells (5outh side) Weet Bad of Wail Greenbrier WeA meter Whiten York 'teetmineter I. -.-Maryland Whitall Clark Payne Woodard Lafayette Soa Line Tracks York Weetmineter Forest WARD 2. STREET FROM TO Alley - M.rgaret - Beech - Arcade - Mendota Alley - Minnsheha - Heaney - ualsh - 'Feide Alley - Mi ... haha - Heaney - Forest - Cypreee Arcade Conray Fourth Atlantic Third C. St. P. M. & 0. By Batas LLounds Blvd Hastings Batas (tiaet z Beet of Seventh North Triangle) Bates North Mn¢ry Beech Earl Johnson Parkway Burne Mound 250' T of Johnson (Pavement) Gable Beventh 125' N of Margaret Cherry Mounds Blvd Marin Convey Maria Earl Cypreee McLean Seventh Dellwood Cable Margaret Duluth Sixth C.St.P.M. & 0. By Eieh..wsld Sixth Seventh Eighth Muria North Euclid Hastings Earl Fauquior N. P. Bridge Johnson Parkway Fifth Maria Johnson Parkway Fish Hatchery Road Fish Hatcheries Pt. Douglas Forest McLean Railway Fourth Commercial Hoffinean Fourth Mounds Blvd Johnsen Parkway Frank Margaret Seventh Fremont Arcade earl Gotcian Johnson Parkway Margaret Greenbrier Minnahaha Fauquier Heater Burne Hastings Hiawatha Thom Burne Roffman Euclid Sixth Hope Fourth Minnshoba Hudson Maria Earl McLean Mound. Blvd Job. so. Parkway Maple Hastings Cable Margaret Cable Seventh Murgaret Earl Johnson Parkway Maria Seventh North Mendota Hudson Beech WARD 2, Div. 1, (Continued) SMaT FROM TO Bandota Seventh Fauquier Bound Burne Fleeting. North Marin Seventh Paoifi. Forest Pt. Douglas Plum Be". Beple Rdaney N. P. Bridge Johnson Parkway River IL—de Blvd Bari. Roee Seventh Johne on Parkway Sinnan Sixth Seventh §ixth arl Joh..- Parkway Suburban Zarl Hester Third Commercial Noff— Third aat. . Tell Third N E Baple Arcade Thorn 640' Welt of Earl Snd1.n Bound. Park (End of Street) zraliI 3QM YALMEMINaMma Wm Buren Place Bound. Blvd Baple Wakefield Maple fleeter YARD 2, Di, 2. STP -IT FROM TO 'He Alley - Lake Ramo Phelan - Nevada - "hite Bear - Hazel Autumn 'dhite Bear Hazel Beach Haaalwood white Bear Brand Duncan Hazelw ad Brand Flandrau •'hit. Bear Burne Pt. Douglas St.. Clarence Bursa Hudson Road Duucan 480' N or Maryland Lake Como Ph.D.. (Entrance to Son's of Abraham Cemetery) Fauquier Kennard 'dhit. Bear Flandrau Min.. hub. o.—th Fourth Johne on Parkway Clarenoe Hager Maryland lake Como Phalen Harvester Job.. n Parkway Trany Harvsatar Ksnnard Flandrau R.rveeter dhita Bear Hazel Hazel Margaret Mi—hMi—huh.Hazelwood S.venth Brand Helen Curve Ruth Keller N. P. Ry Fisher Kennard Minnababe Ssth veu K.rwia Flood— •ihits Bear lake Como Phalen N. P. Ry Haselwood Msrgaret Job--- Parkway Eta s. Montana white .or Hegel Nort.ais Minnehaha Stillwater Read - Prospect Furse ea Ruth Stillwater Johnaoa Far kway Prosperity Prosperity Stillwater Inks Como Phalen Raz. lwood lake Como Ph.len Prosperity Prosperity Hacelwood Irpenteur '9,M 2 Di,. 2, (Continued) STREET FROM TO Reaney Johnson Parkway Hazel Roes Fla ndrau Mite Bear Sherwood Furnsse wi¢throp 51zth Johnson Parkway Etna Vasesr Flasdrau White Bear White Baer Omway dinnshaha SdRD 3 STR"T FROM TO John S. ... th Eighth Kitt... Sixth Seventh Neill sixth seventh Olive sixth Eighth Roe.bel Ninth Tenth Sibley spvnoe Norrie spree. T..p._.. G—d. Nilli.. sixth Grow. W; U 4 STREET FROM TO Hill W..hi.gton Third W..hingto. �;.gle Hill WARD 5. STR"T FROM Allay bete.-- 387 - 391 Mill Alley between 394 - 402 Mill Alley between 365 - Mill 6ohool A-11*T". Allay Douglasygrgmith ForHartford -'Griggs - Bdgcuabe Alla _ Jmm� be- - R—_,,y e - Palac- - Hemline - 6dicate Allay - Juno - Randolph - N -pain. _ ryyodicata Allay - Juno - Randolph - Syndioat. - Grigg - Alley - Niles - Juno - n. Hamli- yndionte Alley - Nil.. - Juno - Syndicate - Grigg. Alley - Palso. - Juliet - Hsmline - gyndi tate A11ay - Randolph - Js®e - Hamlin- - Syndicate "T" Allay - Randolph - Jose, a - Sdgcumbe - Lerington Allay - '7.tson - Niles - Ftoslios g Syndicate Adrian Alaska Albion Hnthawa y Albion RgCB Vista And Adrian Seventh Arbor St. Clair James Banfil AnB Auudubondubon Pleasant D aka Sseeatb Drake Banfi1 Duke Smith Hy 'Yard Steuart Grecs Bayard Hemline Milton Victoria Be- Hill Road St. Clair Yi etorSa Butternut Ctto Boedoia �e on Cecelia Dt{. Savavth Place Chesat tnut Stanford S+ Clair 9.avant Chestnut Seventh Seventh pleasant Cliff Colbourn. Yankee Caevede Smith Colbourn. 428' N of Jefferson Jeff— Seventh Colbourn. (pevem-nt) Seventh Superior Daly Douglas Guses. Grace Yon ich sey DD°ue�n rak Minden Goodrich Duke T .... -ra Randolph Jame. Pleasant Eleanor Chat ... rth seventh Elm g®a pre-klia a Rrce 41-t— Cliff a'r hasBa Randolph p 'Wilkin Superior angle WARD $. (Continued) STRUT FROM TO Forbes Douglas Oxchangg Forster Canton gay Franklin 3 I Chestnut Fulton Randolph Jefferson Garfield Goodrich Pleasant Goodhue Duke Cliff Goodrioh Pleasant leech Grace Osceola Richmond Griggs Bayard St. Clair Burris- Goodrich Douglas Hartford Hemline '%.—be Irvine Perk Around Park Irvine 8 S 288 Irvine St 330 Irvine St James Hemline Western Jeff areas Hamlin. F.dgcumbe Rd Jefferson Flaasaat Colbourn Juliet B..Z. Lexington Juliet Fla.. Fla. act victoria Juno R -M. Bdg... be Juno Pleasant via* Lee Seventh Drake Leach Goodrich Ramey levee dilkla - Bast to Pavement Laves dhestaut Dagle Lisbcn Pleasant Douglas Logan Cantm Bay Msy Seventh Alaska M.Boal Douglas Wilkda Mercer Otto Seventh Michigan St. Albans Seventh Middleton.. vi eta Rogere Mill Wilkin gym Milton Seventh Pleasant Milton Ridgewood St. Clair Niles Hemline Griggs Nugent C.M.5t.P & F. Ry St. Clair Oneida Randolph Superior Deceola Tuaoar.ra Sa—th Otto Lexington Stewart QaRD 5, (Continued) STR.'.dT FROR - TO Palace Hemline t..ington Palace Chotssa•th Seventh Pleaeant Chatsworth Victoria Race Albion Chat swath Ramsey Seventh Wilkin Randolph Seventh Toronto Richmond 155' S of ttil.Ry 130' N of Milwaukee Ry. Watson (P.v.... t) (Pavement) Richmond Seventh Goodrich Roane Ben Hill Road St. Clair Rogers Seventh Otto St. Clair Osceola Cliff Sheffer H -lin. Grigg. 'chaffer Chat-orth Seventh Sherman Top of Bluff Pleasant Stanford Hamlin Grigg. Steuart Otto Tuscarora Sturgis Western Douglas Superior Oneida Western Syndicate Otto St. Clair Thompson Ramsey Pleasant Toronto Randolph Grecs Tuscarora Chatsworth 0.-1. Vance James Palace Vance JeMrecn Graoe Victoria Seventh C.M.St.P 1 P.Ry Vies Seventh Pleasant Yieta venth Dexington Yon Minden .,:stem Walnut Pleasant 1Cliff ?`ruins Park Watson Hamlin. idgcumbe Watson Chat—th vias Webster Randolph Grsae We St. Clair Pleasant Wellesley Hamlin. Grigg. ' Westem C. EI.St.P & P. Ry Pleasant Wilkin Bluff Ramey Yankee Western Cliff wARD 6. STRsET FROM TO Ada Co ... rd Dunedin Terrace tad .. Belvidere Gate. Andrew Concord Winifred Anita 0 ..-d Congress Annapolis Oakdale Brown Anguata Bidwell Robert Baker Gharokee Bidwell Bancroft Concord Oongreee Bellow. Bydney Delos Belmont Chippewa Charlton Belvid.r. Winalov Woodbury Belvidere Andrew Concord Bidwell Dodd Road Prospect Terra.. Brown Gate. Page Brom Pr.-.tt 180' Horth of Winifred Beaker Oakdale doodbury f1 Chariton Sydney George Cherokee Annapolis Baker Cherokee Bmith Ohio Chicago Walter Wabaaba Chippewa A.napoli. Cherokee Ht.. Bled Clinton Concord Colorado Colorado Winslow Hall Colorado Webasha i..t to End of Street Co agree. Ohio Waba.ha Congreve Robert 1$0' E of Bancroft Curtice Robert Concord Dearborn Bidwell Robert Delaware °.-Polis Baker Delo. Bellow. 360' East of Hall Delos Starkey Greenwood Eaton Chicago Indiana iaton Fairfield Fill— Elizabeth Bidwell Stryker ,,i -beth Humboldt Livdnget on 'pa Chicago Indiana Edward Fillmore Water Gates Robert Curti.. Goantea Tyler Augu.ta 0ormna Louisa George Greenwood Concord Delos Hall Annapolis Prospect Terrace Harvard Gate. Fraecott Humboldt Curtice George WARD 6. (Continued) STRA&T FROM TO Indiana Sthel Robert Isabel Ohio Wabash. Isabel Robert State Kansas O.Iticg Concord Minceto.ka Kentucky King State Cherokee Bidwell Livingston Lucy Belvidere Livingston blisabeth George Livingston Isabel Wood Livingston Indiana Feirti.1d Louisa Bidwell Stryker Louise. Humboldt Robert Lucy Stryker Robert bucy Oakdale o dbury Manomin Annapolis Cherokee Morton Chippewa Was a - Morton Bellow. Robert Mt. Hope Ourtioe Midway O.kdsle Annapolis Prescott Ohio A...P.lie George Ohio ainifred Sthel Orleans P:,ge Cherokee Ottawa Annapolis Cherok.. Page Ohippewa Bidwell Page Humboldt C..cord lsroepeet Terrane Bidwell Hall RobertsonOhdoago Indiana Robertson Fairfield 2Q0' Northerly Rubio Msnomin Ohio .obi Charlton Humboldt Robie State Andrew Seminole Belmont Sydney Starkey Isabel Delos St.. Ste Concord Robie W State Rob is & C. G. V. By State Baton Champlain Stevens Ottawa Bidwell Stick.ey Annapolis Go .... d Stryker Annapolis Augusta Stryker Wi.ifred Prospect Terra.. Sydney Chippewa Dodd Road Tyler 'Winslow Stryker Tyler Humboldt Robert WnRD 6, (Continued) STRaT FROM TO 'Yaseoa Sydney George Yater gyde Starkey hinifred 0onoord Andrew Winona Chippewa Oharltoa Annapolis Froepeet Terrace ;inelow yeming Chippewa Charltoa Yya Stryker Oakdale Wy®ing Kansas Stiekney BARD 7• SM"T FROM TO Alley - Ashland - Laurel - MLltdn - Victoria Alley - Ashland - laurel - Victoria - Avon Allay - Dayton - Marshall - Grotto - St. Albans North South Allay - Dunlap - Lexington - 0 ...1. - Fairmount Allay - Lincoln - Grand - G. M.St. P & P. By - Dunlap AllaGraffi- y - Gra- S—it - Oakland - Floral Alley - 5t. Glair - Linseed Is.. - Chatseorth - Milton North & South allay - Nast of Dale - Goodrich - Lincoln Arundel lk—hall Carroll Ashland Syndicate Lexington mon_ laurel Carroll Carroll Ghat rn th Dale Gathedral Pima DaytonMarshall Ghatevorth St. Glair Osceola Ch.tsmrth Su=it Carroll Daytm Hemline Laxin gt on MualaP St. Clair Fairmount Munlap Goodrich Marshall Fairmount Hamlin. Griggs Fairmount 120-71 of Duniep Iaxi.gtm F.rrington Marshall Carrell Fisk Laurel . Carroll Flor.1 H they Place Su=11, Goodrich Syndicate Griggs Goodrich C. M. St. P. & P. Ry Lexingt ov Grigg. Sts GSeir Fairmount Griggs Summit Msraball Grotto Summit Garroll H,gon Hamlin. Syndioate Hamlia. Su=it Ashland Hamline Hage. Marshall Heather Place Floral Grand Irvine North Side Nestara R.— of 350 Su=it Kent Marshall' Carroll laurel C.M.St.P d P. By Syndicate Idasood Place Lazi.gton ^von Louis D.yt oa Marshall WARD 7. (Continued) STRas'T FROM TO Mackubin Marshall Carroll Marshall Placa Farrington Louie Milton at. Clair 0 .... Is Milton Summit Carroll a....1. Hemline Griggs Osceola Dunlap Milton $xford St. Clair Osceola :ford Summit Iglehart Portland Hemline Syndicate Portland C.M.St.P. 4 P. Ry Iniington St. Albans Summit Iglebart Sargent Hamlin. Grigg. gyadiaat. St. Clair Summit y.di tate Ashland Marshall Victoria St. Clair Osceola Vietcris Dayton Carroll Virginia Marahall Carroll a..t.rn Irvine summit WARD 8. STRE&T FROM TO Alley - Aurw a - University - Dale - Kent Burges. Alley - Charles - Bdmund - Arundel - Western Gaultier Alley - Oberlae - mdmund - Kant - Mackubin Marion Alley - Thomas - lsfo.d - Arundel - -.star. Carroll Alley - University - Sherburne - Dale - Kent Rice Albemarle Atwater Iasaon Albemarle Oook South Arundel Carroll Min—b hs 'avatar Western ^lbemarle Aurora Dale Rice Blair Dale Coma Burges. Dale Gaultier Carbo. Marion Rice Carroll vrester. Rice Cathedral Place Marshall Fuller Gharlee Dale Rice Cook Western todbridge Cottage Ustilda Rice Danforth Dhealock Cottage ddawnd Dale Rice .1fe1t Oharlse Gomo Farringtca Carroll Como Farrington Burges Garb - Fuller Dale Rine Gsnitier University Como Gaul{isr Atwater South Gltier au Cottage Daks Ocmo Phalan Geranium Gaultier Rice Rana Front Maryland Ratnh Mackubin Rice Jay St. Anthony University Kent Carroll Minnehaha Kent Carbo. 'haelock Dafond Dale Coma Lavaon Mackubin Farriagtom Louie Marshall Fuller �l��f 11�1i w„RD g. (cn.tinned) STR.ST FROM TO M.ckubia Carroll Min.ehehe M.ckubin Com Isweoa Mardon Fu11vr Como Marion Atwater Iaweoa M.riov Cook Soutb M.ryla.d Onle Rive Matilda Front Carbon Milford Gaultier Rina l:invehaba Dale Como NaPton Ieweov 723' S of Maryland 'Item Front (1129 Norton St.) Oliva. Gaultier Rio. Ravou: Igl.halt St. dnthc.y Ravoux C.ntr.l Fuller Roe. Goulti.r Riva St. Antho.y Dale Rice Sherburn Dale Rice Simcoe Atwater�iay:ata South G.ultior l-io. Stinson 'Baster. Gaultier Th—a Dale Como Topping Want.— Gar Mier Van Buren Dale Como Virginia Carroll Como Mayzat. Gaultier Riva 'Item Front Oliver oodbridge Atwater South WARD 9. Mieeieeippi 51SitiBT FROM TO east fl West Alley - Acker - Gene.ee - Berralo - Miseieaippi Jessamine Maryland Abell ° 1 y °II° Jackson Acker Oolumbia Park ArchRi aekeoa Columbia Arcb CCB Sylvan Atwater L on Plane Webaehe Aurora Oedar Robert Airora Rice Grove Valley Broadway Acker Granite Barralo CCB *Yl— F°urteanth valley Peuna lvenia Ca itol Rei to University Cortland Mieeieeippi Lytcn Place Bt. Pater h. � Central SOB Horrid Central Terrace St. Peter Central Central Terrace Pennsylvania Columbia Glencoe Gnpitol Heights Oomo Rice Sylvan Cook Acker Maryland Gortland Broadway Mieeieeippi Fourteenth Rice Sylyan Front Buffalo Mieeisaippi Genesee Rice Agnte Geranium Oolumbia Miseiaeippi On.. Cortland Ili eeieeippi Granite Hardenbergh Place L on Plane Atwater Central Harriet Central Terraea Sylvan Hatch Rice Mieeiaeippl Jeesamine Rice CCB *Yl— Syla Lawe h L'Orlaat BrcadwaY Minneh�ha Sylvan Lytcn Place Rice Ric a Ca tlend Magnolia RiCe By,— Manitoba Cortland Maryland Warren Miseieaippi Mt. Airy WARD 9. (Continued) STRaT FROM TO Park Central 8abaeha Park Como Aroh Park Sycamore Maryland Pennsylvania 22$' F of Columbia Mieeieeippi Robert University Capitol Me. Roe. Rice Cortland St. Pater Central Puller St. Peter Aurora Uaivereity Syoamore Jaokeon Oortland Sylvan Acker ®eon Sylvan Jeeeamine Geranium Temperance Grove Thirt ... th Thieenth rt Robert uis.leeippi Tilton Rice Vabaeha University Robert Rrm dmay Valley J. k.- Br-deey Viola Rine Capitol Height. Warren Mt. Airy Aroh "sy-t. Rine Park ���nepeg Rio. Sylvan inter Rine Capitol Heights WARD 10. STREET FROM TO Alley - Albert - °heldon - Frankson - Lake Como Phalan Alley - Arom - °imps.. - Lake Como Phalen - Nebrask. Bayl..ee des% North d South -Alloy - Carter - Doswell - Keston - Gomo Alley - Charles - Edmund - Griggs - Dunlap Us-1 Alley - Lafood - Blair - Syndicate - Griggs N. P. Ry ^T^ Alley - Lafo.d - Blair - Dunlap - Lexington Midway Parkway Albany Snelling Hamlin. Albert Uaivereity Minnehaha Albert Franke.. Hoyt Aldine Uaivereity Taylor Almond Snelling Hamlin. Arora Wynne tbraek. Asbury ebury University Hewitt pitol Taylor Asbury Midway Parkaey fake Como Phalen Itlanti. Snelling Pascal Atty Scudder Raymond Ba yl a.. L..tie Cromwell Bayl..ee Raymond 1".—Il ' Nayl..s W Bayles. Us-1 Berra University N. P. Ry Biaon Midway Parkway ;outTo Pascal Blair Fairviso Lexington Blake Gordon Raymond Bourne muetie Keeton BradfordBlue $ndioott Branston E 150' S of Hendon 2241 N of Hendon Branston W 150' S of Hendon endon 224' N of Bond- Branston Bran 224' N of Head- Hoyt Breda Snelling Hemline Brompton Doswell Como Buford Brampton Como Buford Grantham Cleveland Capitol Mia -shah. Snelling Capitol Hemline Lexington Garter Gordon Cleveland Oban.. Hampden Vandalia Charles Aldine 1.xingtoa Ohelmeford Do .well Dui ley Shelton Prior Tatum Chilcombe Eustis Keeton 0ommonvealth Gordon West end of Park Commo-salth Hest and of Pnrk Aast End of Park (North Side of Perk) Commonwealth Jest End of Park East End of Pork (South aide of Pnrk) Commonwealth East End of Pnrk Cleveland Cromwell Baylaea Marvel Curfew University Charles Doswell Eustis Cleveland Dudley Grantham Cleveland Dunlap University Mdnnehabe WARD 10. (Continued) STREET FROM To Bdmund Aldine Lexington Ellie Territorial Road Hampden Bustin Univsraity Pearl Falrview 440' South of Thomas H..itt Ystr33a (Pavement) Frank... Midway Parkway Mamux Hamlin. Fry University Hewitt Fulham Como Hendon Gordon Carter Langford (East aide of Park) Gordon Langford Langford Park Place 'Nest Grantham E Doswell S End of Park Grantham 1N S End of Park N End of Park (Want of Park) Grantham N End of P rk Hoyt ',.a Univeraity Hewitt Hamlin Hewitt G. N. Ry Hamlin. N. P. Ry Hoyt Hendon Como Cle veland Hersey Hampden Endicott Hewitt Fairview AlAihe- Hewitt Hamlin. Lezingtom Holton MSanehaha Taylor Holton Nyna. Como Holt® lake Como Phalen Hoyt Hoyt Hamlin. Lexington Hubbard Hemline Lwzington Hythe Doswell Dudley Keston Commonwealth Buford Knapp Langford Cleveland Knapp Place Knapp Como Lefond Fairview Aldine Lafond Snelling Lezingto. Lake Como Phalen Snelling Chelsea Iangford Gommoneealth Cpm. Llangford Park P1. Beat Blake Knapp Langford Park P1. Wast Blake Knapp Long Raymond Ellie McKinley Frank— La:m Como Phalen Manuel Cromwell Raymond Midway Parkway North Service Drive Snelling Pascal Midway Parkway South Service Drive Pascal Hamlin. Nebra.ka hour.. Snelling Hamlin N. P. Ry Gordon *M 10. (Continued) STRaT FROW TO pascal University Taylor pascal Wynne Hoyt Pearl duetie Baylaes W Pierce Brompton Oomo Prior Rinneheha Pennock Pusey Ob.lt m Ta11u1a Raymond Cleveland Dudley Shudder Blake Cls -land SealTerritorial Road EllieSeminary Hamlin. Lexington Sheldon Minnehah. Taylor Sheldon Frankson Nebraska Sherburne Aldine Lexington Simpeca University Taylor Simp" MA—y Par ksay Hoyt Syndicate University Topping Tallula Place Clsyland Fai—iev Tatum Winnehaha Tallule Taylor Uheeler Sh.1doa Territorial Road Bu elle pillabury Thomas Aldine Lexington Van Buren Snelling Lexiagt on Walker Hewitt Taylor Wheeler LapondTaylor Wynne Snelling Hemline WARD 11, Part 1. STR.:dT FROM TO Allay - Ashland - laurel-PI.osl - Albert St, Anthony Alley - Ashlond - laurel - Prior - Hewell Beverly Road West "T" Alley - Selby - Dayton - Finn - Cleveland Glendale Alley - Marshall - lglahart - Cleveland - 'Wilder Cretin Allay - Dayton - Marshall - Howe11 - Davey Carroll Albert Summit Laurel Aldine Summit Marshall Aldine Roblyn St. Anthony Ann Arbor Cretin Finn - Ashland Cleveland Snelling Ashland P -sal Hemline Beacon St, Anthony University Beverly Road Medford Glendale Carroll Cretin Pascal Carroll Syndicate Grigg. Claore Pillsbury Vandalia Cretin Mise. River Blvd St. Anthony Como & River Blvd Doane St. Anthony Cromwell Wabash University Curfew Myrtle University Dayton Otis Saratoga Dewey Summit University Doane Somerville Como & River Blvd Dunlap - St. Anthony Central Sustie Wabash University dieter Plane Riverwood Placa Marshall Fairview :.mmit Selby Fairview Murabell University Ferdinand Carroll St. Anthony aroma Prior Fairview Finn Selby St. Anthony Fry Summit Univeralty Griggs Carroll St. nthony Rogue Fairview Albert Hemline Uor.hall 755' S of University )Pav ®t) Herschel Ashland Carroll He rechel C.M.St.p & P. By Univ.reity Ho -11 summit 5t. Anthony WARD 11, Part 1. (Continued) STRLF.T FROM TO Igleb.rt Cretin Aldine Iglehart Snelling Pascal Is Salle Habash. University IsurelClaveland Hamlin. Lynnhurst R Ferc.ia University Lynnhurst W Feronia University Iris Fla.. Ly-h—t W Lynnhurat S Atria goat to Pavement 1:.11—ukae tagua Place St. Anthony Milwaukee ifoora Summit Terrace Par k Myrtle Ru atie Raymond Myrtle Hampden vandalia O.kley Prior Lynnhuret W Parcel Summit Hague Pascal Marahall Carroll Pelham C.M.St.P a P. Ry Franklin Piaroe Summit Marahall Pierce Carroll Univeraity Portland Pa ... I Hamlin. Prior Summit Marshall Raymond Wabash U.ivereity Rio --d Plane Rxat.r Place Cretin Roblyn Gratin i,der Roblyn Terrane Park Fairview Roblyn reo Hehell Pasnal Rondo Gri . Lexington Roy St. nthony U.ivereity St. Anthony Raymond Lexington Saratoga Summit Dayton SelbyZter Plan. Fairview lhi.lde Fairview Aldir. 8hielde Piers. Roy Summit- North Driveway Baldwin S.alling Syndicate Marshall Carroll byndinat. St. Anthony Rohn Tamp le Court Cretin Robly. Terrane Park dilder St. Anthony Vandalia St. Anthony C. M. St. P ¢ P. Ry Waltham Prior Dewey W..tworth' Dome St. Anthony Wbea1 r Summit Carroll Wheeler St. Anthony University Wilder Summit St. Anthony YARD 11, Part 2. STREET FROM TO Alley - Bayard - Hartford - Fredericka - Underwood Alley - Berkeley - St. Clair - P.acal - Albert Alley - Berkeley - St. Clair - Albert - Hamlin Alley - Eleanor - Schaffer - Fairview - Fredericka Allay - Fairmount - Goodrich - Sue - Fairview "T" Alley - Goodrich - Lincoln - Finn - Cleveland Alley - Goodrich - Lincoln - Saratoga - Pascal Alley - Grand - Summit - Cleveland - Prior Alley - Grand - Summit - Fairview - 117' West of Fairview Allay - Grand - Summit - Fairview - Baldwin Alley - Jeces - Palace - Pascal - Albert Allay - Jefferson - stanfard - Snelling - Brimhall Alley - Jefferson - Stanford - Warwick - Pascal Alley - Jefferson - Stanford - Saratoga - Barrick "T" Allay - Jefferson - Wellesley - Underwood - Macalester Alley - Jefferson - Wellesley - Pascal - Albert Alley - Juliet - Jefferson - Pascal - Albert Alley - Lincoln - Grand - Gleveland - Prior Allay - Lincoln - Grand - Fai view - Baldwin - Alley - Lincoln - Grand - Baldwin - 120' bast of Baldwin Allay - Osceola z- Fairmount - ibert - Hamline Allay - Otto - leanor - Pseami - Albert "T" Alley - Otto-- $leaner - Albert - Hemline Allay - Palace - Juliet - Prior - East fo End of Alley Allay -Palace - Juliet - Paeeal - ltlbert Alley - Randolph - Jere - Sue - Fairview East & West Alley - Randolph - James - Albert - Hamlin Alley - St. Clair - Sargent - Snelling - Saratoga Allay - St. Clair - Sargent - Saratoga - Pascal Allay - St. Clair - Sargent - Pascal - ^ibert Alley - St. Clair - Sargent - Albert - Recline Alley - Sargent - Osceola - BoUlling - Saratoga Alley - Sargent - Oen..1. - Saratoga - Pascal Alley - Sargent - Osceola - Pascal - Albert All ey - Sargent - Osceola - Albert - Hemline Allay -Sargent - Princeton - Glo velend - Kenneth Alley - Sargent - Princeton - rrior - Sue Alley - Sargent - Princeton - Kenneth - Prior Alley - 'Wellesley - Stanford - Kenneth. --Prior' Allay - Wellesley - Stanfx d - Underwood 0 zest to North i S outh Alley Alley - Wellesley - Stanford - Pascal - $bert Albert Randolph Summit Bayard Underwood Snelling Berkeley Pascal Hamlin. Brimhell Hartford St. Glair Cretin Otto Summit 'lesnor Fairview Underwood Eleanor Pascal Hemline WAD 11, Part 2, (Continued) STRMT FROM TO Fairmount Cretin Prior Fairview Hartford St, Clair Fina Randolph Summit Fredericka Randolph St. Clair Goodrich Cretin Cleveland H,ft cord Underwood Pascal Howell Montreal Bahlend Jones Cretin Fairview Jamas Pascal Hemline Jaffersca Nies. River Blvd Fairview Jefferson Snelling Hamlin* Juliet Cretin Fairview Juliet Pascal Hemline Juno Underwood Snelling Kenneth Randolph St. Clair Idncola Cretin Fairview Yaca1*ater Otto Jefferson Mt. Curve Blvd Randolph St. Clair Hilae Cretin Cleveland Hilo* Upderwood Snelling Palace Cretin Fai—ism Palace Snelling Hemline Pascal Randolph summit Pinahurct Fairview Underoo od Prior Randolph S-.dt Rome ^rgonne Fairview Saratoga Hartford Summit Sargent Snelling Hemline Saunders St, Paul Fairview Stanford Nt.Curve Fairview Stanford Snelling tramline Stewart Prior Seventh Sue Randolpbpalace Sue Princeton Grand Summit - South Driveway Baldwin Brlmhall Underwood Randolph St. Clair •9ARD 11, Part 2, (continued) STREET FROM TO Wsreiok }lartford St. Oleir Watson Uad.—" Snelling Wellesley Mt. G—D1vd Fair vier Uelleeley PaenalHamlin. Ward- -th Edgoumbe Seventh Youngman Truman. Ley® Plaee I S "IT FROM TO Alley - Blair - Van Buren - Avon - Grotto Alley - Garbon - South - Boland - Foleom Alley - Central --Fuller - Grotto - St. Albano All. Como Ave N. - Roland - "heelock - Carbon Alley - Hatoh - Orchard - argyle - Chatsva-th Argyle argyle Front N. t. By Van Slyke Aurora NcKenty Lexington Dole - Avon Carroll mi ..ab. Barrett Front M.Keoty Blair Lexington Oxford Blair Victoria Dela Burgess Lexington Chatevorth Capitol 116' B of Victoria Grotto Gharleo Lexington Dale Ghat eeorth Carroll Thoma. Chetseorth Topping Front Churchill Runt Orchard Churchill N.Kenty Gomo Park Col.. Front N. P. By Como Ave N Como Blvd Quincy Quincy Cone Ave N lerpeMavr Chat—ortb Van Slyke Como Blvd Service Drive Como Blvd 5erviea Drive Gh.t.varth I..t d North to 'ad of Drive at 1285 Como Hlvd.) Como Blvd 5ervice Drive Como Ave North South ~ Como Place Front Union Cross Lexington Argyle Crovell Front M.Kenty ddmund Lexington Dole Fisk Carroll Aurora Fuller Lexington Dale Grotto Carroll Owl ary Grotto Batch Como Hat eh Lexington Grotto Horton Van Slyke Como Blvd Jame. o. Front Orchard Kilburn Front Union WARD 12, (Continued) STRFST BUNS TO Iafo.d lexinpon Dale Iake Coma Phalen Como lvd Como Ave North Iek.viem Como Blvd Como Ave North I—th Front Orchard Maryland Como Blvd Dole Milton Carroll Thoma. Ki—Lexington Chateau-th Mianehaha Victoria Dale Orchard hoxingt on Victoria ..rd U.ivereity L fond Oxford Barges. Orchard Osfard MoUenty Cr ­ Roland Wheelock Carban Road. Lexington Dale Ryde Front N. P. Ry St. ^lbane Central IU—.haha at. Anthony Lexington St. Zlbane Seminary Lc ingtoa Chat..arth Seminary It— Grotto Isherburne Lexingto. Dal. $imon 219' E of 1L.Kenty Dale Stinson Lexingto. Chats arth Thomas Lexington Dal. ... Union Chat--th Coma Von Buren Victoria Dale Van Slyke I.axington Chat evorth Vi atarla Carroll Lefond y Victoria Front Orchard a.a..c .o °.. c..°. CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.. _ 92680• OFFICE OF CITY CLERK o•OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM P�ESE«�o,a, � hn. ,J,,.w �✓ RESOLVED That the application of George Nelson for permUsion to Install an additional tent and pomp at the filling station at 1188 E. Ninnehaha street, be and the same is hereby granted, said tank and pomp to be installed In accordance with the ordi- nances of the City of St. Paul, and under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Commissioner of Pablio Safety, COUNCILMEN Y­elan Frr Nay. F.sn..). lanai My MCaDOn°Id In favor Pearce Q Rav'e'n _ Ag.iv Vm Mr. P—iden. s—lu-yayp7 VYF NZEI mta�s oiiiw-s%m�x r mf+2wa u• 1.. a boa° n4 1u Ma A" i hereby c,,'jfy that the above reso}udoh was adopted byte o .City Ger4 .Adup.ed by .b° Couneil.._"_.. F. "I"? i9 k9m L 02 App- ­d 19 �Y*— OFFICE OF TH. Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION .AT./// TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL. MINNESOTA APPLICATION is Hereby Made 7 FILE. T4-- - --- -------- MOM D*"rt AvUt of FvbUr Se fety Sume 8, 1982 Nr. Me J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint,Paul, K nneaota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of George Nelson for permission to instal an additional tank and pump at 1185 E. Yionebaha St. and report of inspection and approval of the Bureau of Fire Preventiou. �veryCy""" Co®leeloneor of Public Safety� VgVm O +f FVIIIIc Cjuf'e m .Time 6th,1932. eon.Geo.O.Sudheimer Commissioner of Publio Safety St.Paul.minn. Dear Uri IiRregard to the applioation of George Nelson permis6ion to eiinStreet. l :,.,additional tank and pump at 11eYinn We have investigated the foregoing and report that hazardhis to theitional extent that it would ware would rantrfire rej eation. Reepaotfully yours, t' Jim-E%r chief Inspeotor. CITY OF ST. PAUL s�rF �c NO.—.. DZ81 •`� / O OF CITY CLERK 10 —GENERAL FORM raESEy*Eo,av p ituta-_3-1m — RESOLVE Whereas, a saving can be made in the purchase of stationery, such as letterheads, envelopes etc.. used In the various departments of the city goverrmentI and, Whereas, it is desirable that these savings be made; therefore, be it Resolved,that the Purchasing Agent be and here Se instructed to await the decision of the council end heads of departmental agencies as to a standardised form for all departments before placing any orders for such supplies. �We teR v�� a Aq�rtC ta' ewa�ern '�ti im d�kar`naat Kas,W..�Enttt td �Ntvle fat ABS.`�`rt4.--.. , a tis co [Krwa,t�'�'iei>ta ae �� t ttFar } I hereby certify Lhat the above reao?a'.ion was adopted by theau J_•______' _City Cleru C—Nci�ME" mal S iQ'a" Y_Nays Adoprcd by nc� Council Ste'' 19 JD:ostR ..MayIn favor McDonald y APProved _ �.l". 'a 19 iN.— carccVw7 Y_ 7�rj/ Adopted by the Couutll. .__193_.__ Yeas. Nays. MAY / McDONAI.D PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) June M. 1932. Hon. J. H. McDonald, aomaySalnlic Safety, of t Dear Coesslssioners We attach a copy of a resolution adopted by the city Council today relative to the pur- chase of stationery for the various departments. The Council requested that you appoint your deputy Or someone else in your department to confer with sirdar representatives from other departmentsnman for the Byoee of working out a standard form for You will note that the purchasing Agent is instructed to await the decision before placing any orders for such supplies. Yours very truly, City Clerk. June 9th. 1982. Don. I. C. Pearoe. Ooms•r of Education. City of saint Paul. Dear Commieeionert we attach a copy of a resolution adopted by the City Council today relative to the pur- chase of sationery for the various departments. The, Council requested that you appoint your deputy or someone also in our d tment to clufar with similar representatives Om other departments for the purpose of working out a. standard form for all departments. You will note that the purchasing Agent is instructed to await the decision before placing any orders for such supplies. Yours very truly. City Clerk. , CITY OF ST. PAWpP tilay a OFFICE OF OF CITY C >'�yap,� C UNCIL RESOLUTION—G OM kNTs�$REn ht %I e c K . . >tMM18, The 0ommisslaner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain frame etruoturs in the rear of the brick store 385 University avenue, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous oondition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RZ80LVZD, That a public hearing shall be bad upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said struoture, on the 2nd day of July, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber in the Court Hanes and City Hall, in the City of Bt. Paul, Minnesota; be it TURTHZR RZBOLVZD, that not lose than ten days prior to the time fired for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall mail to the last known record owner of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or pox - pose of said bearing, and be shall also cause a notice of such bear- ing to be given by one publication in the official newspaper of said City, said notice to be publisbed not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. t hereby certify that [hi above resolution was adopted by the uu City Cler6 couRcILMEN ..,,y,a Y— Nap W / Adop,cd by rhe C...6M__.8 2 ___. 19... _. M Truax May McDonald In favor AP/ .. ..19....... Peaces Rosin Agaimr _ __ .. ..... _ AYOR 1 Wrx:F� CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 11111 71IM1111111 ILI June 9, 1952. !ion. Council, City of it. Paul. ventle-:en: 0n June 8, Council ;resolution 92683 was pawed by your Hon- orable Body, confirming the condenmation by the Department of Public Buildings of the etruct pre in the roar of the building at 385 "lest University Avenue. This resolution sets s date for s public hearing to be held on this matter in the City Council Chambers on July 2, 1932, at ten o'clock. I respectfully report that the structure to question has been wrecked by the owner and the case is, therefore, closed a far as this Department is concerned. I, therefore, suggest that the hearin;; specified in the resolution be cancelled. Yours v-ytruly, �dmSssloner. ,.,.,..,.o.,....... _ COUNCIL RESOLUTION HG(C COUNCIL FILE NO.— --- gyp• ke. ElVmto msfJ4a PRESENTEOBV—. — '' Hyp yy°�°rmuSis� gN�iB�9I - - iHENE•8, She Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain shed looat- ed on Lot 4, Block 5, Edwin Dean's Subdivision, also known as 798 Iglehart avenne, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous oondition as to warrant its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That a public hearing shall be had Open the Ad- visability and necessity of wrecking mid building, on the let day of July, 1932, at tan Wolock A. N., in the Council Chamber in the Count House and City Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Nianesots; / be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not lose than ten days prior to the time fired for said bearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Play- grounds and Public Buildings sball mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known Add ago, or to the agent or occupant of said property, s notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said bearing, and be eball also cause a notice of such hearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not lose than five days prior to the date of said bearing. h,_reuy certify that the r.bove resa;ror. v3as;dopted bythe ou _City CSerk JON P 1'ea, Councilmen \a.'. Paesedb. h,C.o d.—.._ - C — May — - -McDonald -1 1R.— 1Roscn dbdent & u ..Against M�y r: resp OkbM T� YYr H2r� .cd - _. atte�� -- - - -- - - Gty Clcrk - _ _�. Taro / sOUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTEDBY_-- -s/ """. ✓ 'f rei,�'ebGx �C4��p��fn0E1�_ -- �eio' a�eww°�u�u e1i Cee.V a ym4auaba: pu°u5u1�� WHERE", She Commissioner of Paas, Playgrounds and Public Buildings ban reported to the Ooumoil that that Certain frame barn located on Let e, Block 9, Prospect Platean, Bell'■ addition, also known as 243 Oonoord street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to warrant its being oondemaed and torn down; there- fore, be it \ RESOLVED, That a public bearing shall be had upon the a4, \\\ risac lity and necessity of wrecking said building, on thew `. day of July, 1933, at ten otolook A. E. in the Counoil Obamber in the Oourt House and 01ty Hall, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That not less than ten days prior to the bele fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings @hall mail to the last known record owner of said property, at his last known address, or to the agent or occupants of said property, a notice stating the time, plane and nature or purpose of said bearing, and he shall also cause a notice of such bearing to be given by One publication in the dffiotal newspaper of said Otty, odd notice to be published not less than five days prior to the date of said hearing. I hereby certify that the above resolu;i,r was adopted by the Li . F�Z� (��"�". City Gerh Sca, C-61— N. , Passed b, :he C.... d I—, -Truax M.Y ,- Md D ... Id In Favor - P... - - ,i'rn. d...� -o, _ - Eensel ABai,sl �,.� R.ati Ci,y Clerk - NI y / CITY OF SAINT PAUL —• PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS June 15, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. 3entlemen: " June 8, a resolution ,as passed by your Honorable 3ody confirming the candermetion imposed by this office on the building at 243 Concord Street. the number of xhlch resolution is 92685. It iin order for the hearing provided in this resolu- tion on July 5 to be cancelled as the building hes now s been wrecked. yours very truly, HE80LOTIOi Q[/�In /n� •••�� COUNCIL FILE NO. - ---924$6 - PRESENTED BY----- 000" Y_--wl0" HEBOL4ED, that the proper of:, officers be and they are \ hereby authorized to enter into an agreement with A. Debucci, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $18.00 per week durinf such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Department of public Forks, on the 17th day of May 1938; be it FDRTHER REBOLUD, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said A. Debucoi the was of 08.00 out of the Forkmemts Ocmpensation Acoount of the General Fund, in partial " Ey settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including June 7th, 1938. aa.am � riot iwa%oer°at �reoem �t�`°ee°°° ra.x.. r.c.ived_4i 4�m�wA11.-b:: m°� w°c� a°:as .1tti.-ev -ot ai{Y. id{i: �QeM L WoCralmnpavtie�°s mm4wR®s o�W. eWvf.'.,vr�to aiad4u+_�w tG ot1�J_m.0. ueoa uY. i�-1 R�et��.;-c-✓a-a 1"sae Coundlmen SaysJUN McDonald /� ) In F—, - Pc. _.. K✓Tratz a �ea'in t ✓ Apr cd Ciry Clerk Mayor CITY OF ST. PAULvice �c NO. ()W OFFICE OF CITY CLERK r NCN—GEN RA ORM .iaEisslorveR- - 11 > -..on1F S..nu all. 1QA9. RESOLVED Th4t the plat of Huebacherls lddition, as recommended by the Plat Commission and approved by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby accepted. Y- COUNCILMEN NaY. ins TR u . x May i McDonald In favor i Pearce Rosen 0 Again MVIPm�d<nr w"V A �R��9QI�I���iEh 44 8 eb.. t4•i�u f �0i.�m°i. �m .ia� °°°an° bin4 jl'P;It ! 'elP)f..i I hereby certify that the above resolution was adopted by the un -"" City Clark Adopmd by he C ... 61.....R3NR. IT)L 19..__ JIM? Approved _ _19 .OR _ Adapted by the C .... il__... .._____...193____ Yea,. Nay,. _�>MAY MCDONALD /EARCE /SEN /RUAX WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) n.pE� t � .....I nn QQ NO. J��o CITY OF ST. PAUL > e + - OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— NERAL FORM Jane 7, 193E PRESENTEg e� -DATE. CO IS51 RMO11/EO Rte'SEI �• Mtrr D� In the matter of changing the grade of Fred to s ESO feet lbsviE -:13S mems; Street from Bedford Street point the east line of Bedford Btreet, also up d ;a west of grading said Fred Street from Bedford Street of -'0.tr lotsald f Ae to the vest line oY etProm the vest Fred Ontlots, and regrading '• of Outletsad to a line of lot 15, Irvinels 9ddition the vFst91O4 oapprovedd Street, point E50 ft. west 0?fd under Preliminary Final Order C. F. 91740, December 2, 1931, and February 23, 1952- approved Resolved, That the plane and speoi floatioas Comsl7.sa oner of Public Works as submitted by the for the above ameedd. improvement, be and the game are hereby pp 1 hereby cert4ty that thE above res:l by th lu`.iun was adopted e vtu j���-',�'j',(�� GcY 0e119 JUiJ B 19,i1 COUNCILMEN Ad,ptrdbythc Council- 19 Yeas Nay. r� clava• 3J F«sawn pproved —19— ' McRwdd �� Iv (Awr <. . sdnd6eim.r—L�ne•insr ✓Mr: PrceidenodiA/9AIP N'F N �t � ..._... __... CITY OF ST. PAUL viiiNO. 9269 1O„ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ' �COUNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM cRESEOMMP s_.1 __ f l L� - - - _ June 7, 198E RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 2, Gilbert's Greenway Court, from Syndicate Avenue to Hemline Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90978, approved Nov. 18, 1981, and Final Order C. F. 91848, approved February 9, 1982. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. �^yD- g rade Y[PR..Ibf L+Y`ld Bit sre�v �f x ��ae�D�yyce�s<it. F� 4� Drs roeA4 D FewE*�uai:. I hereby certify that the rea.,kilioc was adopted above by the LkCiiy Clerh COUNCiI-MEN Yea Naya ✓TR o n � Elono9'n :Fsscusvm �. lryppyyy In favor ,� RnW�nds i &ud� (� -Against 1€resident Wia�7fL A Adoptedbythe Council_JW R-% 19. AAppp""d. / .__19_ / ✓ Y' • _ r ' : �..��L NO. 92690 CITY OF ST. PAUL I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �J UNCIL RESOLUTION ENERAL FORM coDiMls NES_ L _ —J me T, 19$2 RESOLVED In the matter of grading Alley in Block 8, Highview Addition from Fairview Avenue to Howell Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90974, approved Nov. 18, 1931, and Final Order C. F. 91885, approved February 18, 1932. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of Public Works for the above named improvement, be and the $ame are hereby approved. "JJkb�a'SD 'rio�G„JV a �A, be lsop•� pynna.. .'jr leNiDC.OIDmuC. DFlfvD I DF •e � F en aeokoP WED. De 6.W 1 hereby certify that the above resolu'ioD was adopted by theCouu— ^�City Clerk Yee eouNta�meN N.y. T rl�,;,�• x' ,Clanez•w ;A7cAondd ( In favor 1,1 ... dwhlmds amib v __ Ageinsc .: dNyyenmms= Mr. PrevidentWodt'/61F Adopted by the Council Ja E 'IM -19 oo—ved/�� � —..-19— .1. (—Q�LiLGGll4H`� Petition 0.88 I zfouncil File N 9 .691 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE,y+I Dui +aliwN0i ar0�''rL rt us� and fa us�i ei b y PRELIMINARY ORDER aw et=eaw,v°r°.me The undersigned hereby propoem the meting of the foaowing public improvement by the L5 y of St. Paul, viz.: RradinE_Alien_1a..E194*...2,_Air9ine4aal.s__Fswrfah_asaiaon....__._.....____ ......from.Bogera_Avanna._ta-llay_ straet—........_..___......_._....._.._.....__..........._........._._.. Dated chinh......__..dayof _.__..._ _ An'441. 195E Is PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, is.: _Grading._A.aY_in_Block._2t._Hlrm nghaml.a Fourth Addition.._......... _ _8troet... having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To invmtigete the necessity for, or desirability of, the mddog of said imtpt, ,o,vv�e,,,m,1,e_n,t. za,,�� 2. To iw tigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said impravedengse 10 tCff1 rA"t tht g.To fumieh a plan, profile or sketch of amid improvement. above _ resolution was adopted I To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for on the PJW.Ib 4 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Fimo Adopted by the CouvciL.............._._._...._�......._ Yaes Nave TP s n Councilman e®teg-`Syp� p/�Q .NAY Approved...._.....__.,!'LLN.f_.._?P..:..'d°.':�......_.._.._......_.... _. M- ALD O 'AR 'E / 1 .�_ Ma Paaamnas' W, n r r— ..• Mayor. s..m c.s a uu zvr - � 92692 PROPOSAL FOR IMPRON��rw.taueo�46 -c.,-?N92 and I C�p'bb„^mw WYi kl din frit ._1 6.. P R ELI M INARY ORD _ ( The unda..igoed hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ondemaio8-_and_ taking.. as-ORaf,meat-.Sn_Lha_ land..aan098aTY natill and.. tib]a,...ia_tha...8radtas_2f._A11a7... ..__....__Birminehaw-:.e.-F.aurtb._Addltlon._Sram..B.asara...aT�tae...149 !.w- A14109110– ............. t10911 .._ _. __.. 42 Dated thio. Bth ___daY of,, meat 7' `— u ao. PRELIMINARY ORDER WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: taking-an..easement..ln.-.the_1—A .Mee"aary.-for_._... . .___.._. _slopes:_ou_ta._end__ti114�._.1A...the ..8radkl8...af_.A11my...la.B.UAk..Ea_....__..... Birminghsmr.a Fourth_Addition,from_Hogere_.Avenne.__to._Ygy 4not,.,........ having been pre,eatod to the Council of the City of St. Paul__.._. __..__._..__..._....._.......__..._._._._.. therefore, be it c RESOLVED. That the Commieaioner of Public Work. be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the =, seam and estimated coat of said improve c d the total amt thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. e �enherehy certify that the 4. To state whether or not said improvemev /. t is asked for on the P jkk 9 E8i Aaawww adopted b. To report upon all of the foregai.g matters to the Commimioner eT pp ouacIl. Adopted by the Council- ........__.....__...YW...._�....__....._....... ....... 1mGm.lsf�`� /City Clerk Yaes Ness 'T •rv,r end[a tl81s,- Couvcilmm �AY Approved..___.__._. `-..._..__......_......._..._......_.._... ��Y%n' tlOaeLa[rlrl 'ItI�F�” Mai, esmaar yyrn 1,r,t_ �... . MaYzor./ r..m n. 0-1 r.wr RJB ?etitlon N I ......_.993 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVE.1&14,,�, and PRELIMINARY ORD The undersigned hereby proposes the making Of the f0U0wiog public improvement by the City of St. Paul, rix: In BlOok 12, Lew"'! Elfi*oad- "dw"t"e""M A"ater._Slirqfit, to KlAf9Vd PtVlol, 149L the -0-ley-fron A-WlAtAa- tovii-, Atreet-liq oQ_ to th 9 avwv ...r Dated this —fth., Ay.f. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written Prolmomal for the Making of the following improvement, vim': Atwater Street to 1111ford St.r.e.e.t.? also_ constructing S`J� ........... ...... . .. . ........... - .................. . . ... .. . ...... . -- in the alley from a point 40 feet north of the north line -of - . . ...... .... .. Atwater Street to 0001160t.-t0thii. sew -sr in ........... .... ..... . .... - having presented to the Council of the City If St. Paul. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That, the Commissioner If Public Works be and is horsey ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the ormessity for, or desirability of, the rs-ki g of said improvement. 2. To investigate the neiturs, extent and estimated cost of said iinprovenes It' Wre%ytO"tErP %""l&at tht 3. To furnish.. plan, in.fil. or sket& of said insprolasse-t- bo resolution was adopted 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petia the I r oncts, ensers, 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matt- to the Commissioner on —on. cil--...... ty cterig Adopted by the Coun V­ Nax. casae loses ETSIL�� <'O MAY Noll" xose V, 11 WN"P.M. Mr, Pars— W �— Mayo rar ,P2694 PROPOSAL FOR IMPR( t�fN-11* and PRELIMINARY ORDEP- "', �44 The -deredgreed hereby propeare, the making of the following publi, improvement by the City If at. Paul, vi- 11cludealning and An- mmlLsnmt_i,. thaJazA.J=CR3BM f=. Z19ILe ._oats_Amj fills,.A&Ahe gmdlu Of-lUOY JjL.-j1;kq.qk Beq.md, AWU= ........... 92 Dated thio-... of... cow PRELIMINARY ORDER.' WHEREAS, A written pmpwal for the making of the following improvement, vi - c and taking a m .: jjsw In the - land d .1. n.ecs..s.s.a.r.y. far d ftl1p,ja Atw&tO. atre*t-to xilfor& Strset- having been promoted to the Couald If the City Of St- Paul fluiref.re, be it RESOINED, That the Comm mi of Public Work. be and i. hereby ordered and dirootod: 1. To i—tigate the noozerity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated reet of-fil improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. Tofmihaplan, profile ,rsketch ofMdimpmwmmt. 4. To date whether or cot said improvement i, eaked for on the pe kwo f ore0at th. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commiefonfy ` , 80 Ution W&S of AN 8 02 Adopted by the CounciL..... y— N. - .........CIO awls Councilmen 1R9 ® yyj Retitim C .. cilFile No. %2t695 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The mardamig,ed hereby pmpoa,, the making of the following Public improvement by the city of St. Paul, via.: Cyd 4, tug xkqr.t A --augwrox Qu '83.49 -d -l -T7 .reot-Aq *UOY '11"Q .a Bog =4 .-AT-4=4, Dated thi&-ltA .. day of___. PRELIMINARYORDER. off.wi., brapo'"mart, �i- WHEREAS, A written ""p—, the making -0, the following I. of ivy 9 -ti ............. W the Conned of the City Of St Paul- - having been lone"b'd therefore, be it Commiagome, of pubfic Wo[ he and i, hereby ordered and dimered: RESOLVED, That -1 th, _dd., of Wd hop—eneent. 1. To' be the Mnegaity for, or deabability of, investigate ant and estimated onet of gold ionfor—ent, and the tow -A thereof. 2. To .'.tipwa 3. To furnish a the _timprovement. tify that tho I'ard for *-*a too 1. To elate whotlla` or not naid ip—e---t' of the mgol.g matt— w theCoormineiawtil firt 5. To report upon aU Adopted by the Councily��ri Parti - N-- Y.A. T 11 Councilmen Cr"W-- Approved- .......... swwwwo womwo. w"kaft"aft V"h w .. . ........... - ---------- --- ....... Ma.-verr e.,o,....o ...... F ST P No.__92696 F Cg Y O N L OL —GENERAL FORM jr—Nrso av RESOLVED That the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purebaae, with the can Bent of the Oomptroller, books for the Public Library for the sum of not to exceed $1,620.42, without asking for competitive bide thereon, as these book. are ccopy- righted and no advantae can be gained in asking for competitive bide. This particular list of books Is entirely for the School Division of the Library, toward the cost of which the State will later refund one-half of the amount eipended. The coat will be charged to the Pub 11c Library Fund- Libre ry Berviee- Nen Hooke 16 - A - 7. This resolution cancels, rescinds and annuls 0. F. No. 92628 approved J}}ne 4, 1932, wherein the cost of the bo ks was given as $1,602.42. mftsyam� Yras couNcivaeN Nays May / ..]. Io favor Pea /, 1�_ __0__...Asaims SrdMe9ewa 4,e Z'r Mr. Prrsidms - " M+ Adopsrd by ahr C-61 19 -- 4 , Approved__.... 19 A �8 �n COUNCIL FILE NO. 92W7 PRESENTED aY-�tlha' BE80LPED,t offioil here y approves the following bonds, which bonds have been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to deposit them with the City Comptrollers Name Title Amount Buret. James N. Clancy... Purchasing Agent $50,000 Fireman's Fund Indemnity Company Earl L. FSeseler..Deputy Purchasing 6,000 Fireman's Fund Agent Indemnity Company Willim F. Soott..City Clerk 6,000 Seaboard Surety Company William F. Soott..Ssoretary of Board 10,000 Seaboard Surety of Water Commissioners company W. Lamont Kaufman BuperindeatsaL of Fireman's Fond Parke 6,000 Indemnity Company Yugens A. moniek..Justloe of the Peace 1,000 Harindetffoor kaooidet and ity Donald D. murrsy..Superintandent of 6,000 Rational Surety Auditorium i 1'eae Counc Amen N... vMay_.. sN&D.. W ✓Pear.. I Wenzel e�mah�mm' e* —Truax M,. Ptr.id— (B.dia,) mahoney Attcsl- Oty Clerk P .... d by a�� C—di_ IUB 9" �Iayot In Favor Altai .t -e 92�9R CITY OF ST. PAUL Fi Lc NO.--_ OFFIQ F CITY CLERK MU _RE 1 UTION—GENERAL FORM EN�E�N6q DATE -- THUMB, The Sinking rand Oommittee of the City of Saint Peal owned, on rebraary 1st, 1833, five =1,000, 7% bonds of mmomin County School District No. 1, due in 1838; and IHIHIS, It the request of said District, the Sinking Fund Committee has accepted payment in fall of one bond, with interest to date of payment; therefore, be it HSOLYID, That the action of the Sinking rand Committee in accepting the payment of said bond be and the same is hereby approved. 2h asy (yip k a n. , W } pID9ilI8ut n ! tuy8}9AT 11}9t41vln5a14 �ql'.}R➢B,o,L,WiyyOeCoBl�q "jDp99R1 'Y�lff. .BI [bC(kud�"+�Nmltte# sw°IWn'u ga,w'�wqu f4n"ip Wim n° a wasaega �� m ' Yea. COUNCILMEN Nayc .1 //9.tTrua: / h}CDwald In favor r�p cn - Againn j.sdf,, Wenzel !/ Mc. Preefacnt-BemMlriaLoney Adopted by the C ... 61_ ' 1'JL 19... �j N 1 n 1932 Appy d I MAYON r' CI Y OF ST. PAUL ripe �� NO.�+�L✓ OF 1 E OF CITY CLERK U CIL SOLUTION—GENERAL FORM \y VBZRZAB. the 00mmiseioser of yisanos has advised the Council that heao in Tr need fqr theoLhhis car tAl'U4a�tA.n, official city bnsinessA and WEZEEIB, said Commissioner has been receiving a monthly oar collo-anoe for the nee of said oar, and has advised the Council that there Is therefore no further used for said allowance, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to discontinue the oar allowance now alloted to said Commissioner of Finance. COINCILMEN Yeas /'IG]cDomld �/�/.a� favor wen"I Mr. Proidcn• n – – Mahoney Adaperd by hc C-61 JUN 14 1932 19 - App—,I JUM 14 17JA 19MAYOR . �l�-� r COUNCIL FILE NO. 927% PRESENTED-- b�� WEMA8, one Lawrence Lowell, employed by the Department of Public Works, claims to have been injured on the 8th day of December 1931, and was disabled by reason thereof, and WREREAB, compensation was denied to the said Lawrence Lowell but the State Indubtrial Oommission has decided that he is entitled to receive the ace of $14.40 per week for a period of eight weeks, as compensation for such injury, and WEREAS, the said Lawrence Lowell paid the num of sixty cents (804) for pills, now therefore be it RESOLVED that the proper city officers are hereby authorised and directed to pay the said Lawrence Lowell the sum of :118;80, in accordance with the order of the Industrial Omission, in final settlement of his claim for compensation, said am to be payable out of the Workmen's Oompensation Account of the General Fund. Yeas Co..dl­ N., eo,, Truax May McDonald Roa �vd1R:n,cr ,Wefieel Mr. Preaid— LUeaho1 Mahoney Passed bra,, Coaadi- _ JUN 14 19V _ — In Fera, .cd o 7, M, ro. ,:> RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. -- 927d PRESENTED BY– � • - - - - RESOLVED, that the proper city officers ��b,��ee/ and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with Jen rstanway providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of #14.40 per week during ouch time as he sha11 be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him .hile in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the 19th day of May 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said 'j4tj:2 Stanway, the won, of =43.20 out of the Workmen's Oompensatioa Account of the General Fund, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including June 8th, 1932. Id( f. 7- 1'ne Truaz ...r, Id �P-idi,t,— Wenzel . reaid� {�t Bm,ana��oaey Atttst. 30 l Atw I'asscd by the Council_ - In F—, Alp 14 to" RESOLUT �yF�P2102'�'t Y42' COUNCIL FILE NO. -9 4{/FI-- PRESENTED BYL--- OI` RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with George Williams providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $17.60 per week during ouch time m hs shall be totally disabled by reason of injuries received by him while in the employ of the Depart- ment of Education, on the 7th day of May 1932; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agree- ment, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said George Williams the elm of $41.07 out of the Workmen's Opmpensation Aocount of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for theperiodto and including May 31, 1932. A% --Id c 4anse !/1� Mahoney A�ces�: JUN it 02 Passed bydhi Council—. -_— In Fa. or Sika-'.— Agai�sc c�� \layor o......CITY OF ST. PAUL .i�[ NO. __9270 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK ,C,p UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That the appointment by the Commissioner of Public Safety of Dr. Benjamin F. Simon as Chief Health Officer of the City of St. Paul be and the same is hereby concurred in and approved. Y.-�Nci�M ER Na n ecn Agauonr lfenzal Mr. Prcaidmr 6Bi9911E Yehmay a �7s�mxk, lP°i .wae°4.a 1. 1, qtr -r Adoprcd by nc� Council . N 11. 1012_.19 _._. Approved 19 � MAYO CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. —JM(A OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM REscumrb Pursuant to Chapter 377, Lass of 1925, I have this day uaned Dr. H. P. Slooa Reed Inspector for tha City of Saint Paul. Said appointment is hereby concurred in and -approved. w+ �8 �91'91I�:dj�y�t vy,� ae&1 � Feta 1 waNcn-m Jun 11 ,D"1 Yue '14 � � N Adoptai by � Colyte 19 McD=dd In 6var App— Monod Ma. PRaidme ilaiRc o.o.. .. clrr of �`A NO._FFICE OFCOUNCIL RESOLUTINS r'-V'c,E�]`EiYh�'�ORM,��� ss8�i_Jn� wTL " --- — ROMMUR 1B3E[dAB, She Commissioner of Parke, playgrounds and Pnblio Buildings has reported to the Council that that certain dwelling located on Lot 9, Mock 30, Rice d Irvine's Addition, also known as 316-317 South Franklin street, is in such a dilapidated and dangerous condition as to wa�=t its being condemned and torn down; therefore, be it RESOLVED, net a public bearing she'll be had upon the ad- visability and necessity of wrecking said building, on the 11th day of July, 1932, at ten olclock A. M. in the Council Chamber 1 the Court Rome and City Ball, in the City of St. Paul, Minnesota; and be it TSRTM RMBOLVED, That not 1068 than tan days prior to the time fixed for said hearing, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings eball mail to the last known record owner of said property, at big last known address, or to the agent or ocon- pant of said property, a notice stating the time, place and nature or purpose of said bearing, and be shall also cause a notice of such bearing to be given by one publication in the official news- paper of said City, said notice to be published not 1080 than five days prior:to the date of said hearing. JUN 141932 courvciLMEN-. l9 Nay. Adopccd 6Y ,hc Council Y_ _.. "--Truax G� 1� o M8Y pPr... d. _ _ 19 -- Donald Io favor Ro,m Aea'"'r a waaru:U �O—B-32 Mwvo Mr. Pr<,idenr y,,,aR�Mahoney g.92706 OFFICEITY OFOF C o.i.i..�.er.. �,... CS{ i II['4vm'4MP�°ja Cry Wr�O._ ° jd ~ , COUNCIL RESOLUTION g P °Au X01° —SENT— �1n � ..a am ,�a s�ai�F� ,. OMMISs — o _ WHEREAS, By council File No. 92277, approved May 4, 1933, the Council determined that the barn and shade located on Lot 10, Block 2, Breweterls Addition, also known as 110-112 V102a street, are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and should be wreoked and removed; and 11M6RMA8, Due notice hue been glvea, as required by Section 1-18 of Ordinance No. 7210, and no appeal has been taken by the ower or his agent, and said buildings have not been torn down; therefore, be it HSSOLVMD, That the Oommissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and be is hereby authorised and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structures, and to do any and all things which In his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and ad- joining property. Y. courvciuMEry Nay, j///n��Qee�ii enala ^ In ra.o� Again., wenzel el /mc. Pcnidcn, &w,dlis.. Mahoney Adopud by ,hc CO..[ JUN 1' 19 'YJAWL App cd 77 19 PUIILI9I�D 6 /,P �'� r CITY OF SAINT PAUL --D;-AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS PARKS, PLAYGRZN May 31, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul, Minna sot a. Gentlemen: Under date of May 4, Resolution 92277 was passed by your Ron or able Body confirming the condemnation by this office of the barn and sheds in the rear of the property at 110- 112 Viola Street. The last paragraph of this resolution provides that if, wit hSn ten days after the malline of it to the property owner, no appeal has been taken from it, the facts shall be reported to the Council. Itherefore, report that no appeal has been taken and Ue building is still in place. Yours truly, sslon�`s o.w..c.o c... c. CITY OF y"^• OFFICE OF COUNCIL RESOLUTI cOMSAss Ory il.-wnµ ari21�0,vi--.—_ _- — �:nY��dR.�,..Pvf:�^-u. wt iMEXAS, By Council dile so. 92266, approved JW 3, 1933, the Council determined that that certain house located on Lot 19, Block 8, Zdmund Bice's 8e00nd Addition, also known as No. 162 Bast Acker street, is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and property, and shoold be wrecked and removed; and WORICLS, Dae notice has been given, as required by Section 1-16 of Ordinance NO. 7210, and no appeal bas been taken by the owner or his agent, and said building has not been torn down; therefore, be it FaSOLVED, That the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to enter upon said premises and tear down and remove said unsafe and dangerous structure, and to do any and all1things whiob in his opinion may be necessary for the protection of life, limb and adjoining property. Yu, Mery Nay. (/C�wTrna= /May mid In levo. �j� Again,c / sau.:...ienzel � m., pmldcneJ—94.iialmay 1 1 _ Adopmd by ,hc Council JU1119 - - - 1 Approved 19 @UJJLJSJiED� R///' 9�7ri7 City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS. Ory avk HNIXD �. Homo, and CemmWanm ei Ry-- as O.n.tagw.xw o.�dnw.on ckn June let, 1932 Mr. L. L. lndereon, CO Counsel, Bullding. Dear Sir' Ifs attach her-ith letter from Com- mieeloner May 6i. C lct ter r9of the condemnation of the building a This matter . referred to you WAY by the Cou�il, for the pmper resolution authori:lgg the ,—king of the buildi g. Yours very truly, Nn ,;�,0 City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS dill ll�'NI I�II�'JJI u -10-40 May 31, 1932. Hon. Council, St. Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: on May 3, Council File 92266 was passed by your Honorable Body confirming the condemnation by this Department of the building at 162 East Acker Street. The last paragraph provides that if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to the property owner, no appeal has beantaken, the Con1111oner shall report this fact to the Council. No appeal against the order hes been taken and the building is still in place. Ne have been notified by the owner that Sanford and Company is agent for this property and has been instructed to obtain figures for the wrecking of the building. The structure is in very dangerous and dilapidated cond It ion and weask the Council to authorize this Department to proceed with the work. Yours ly, asi er. I,�s yle ed�d NO.__ CITY OF ST .hf'R�M• Cyy o.ax.cw c.. «r+-OFFICE OF CJ p[ee�d�wcW�.yy (~p COUNCIL RESOLUTIA a' gWe�[y�[ COM51•t 550 _Y- Yel'i llry?Y a.W\t NNEP .�if `4 Y h R, oil y.le 90. 90296, approved 1f�Rt18, ks provided by Caen lyguet 27, 1931, the Counoil did, on the net day of September, advisability and necessity 1931 bold a public hearing Upon the located of wreokin9 that certain two-story brick and from building on Lot 1, Block 198, Robertson's Addition, also known ae 20. 15 Vest Indiana evens, following due notice of said hearing given par.nent to Ordinance go. 7210, approved Rey 22, 1930; end it is O.unoil that said building is a the opinion of the be wrecked one to life, limb and adjoining property, and should and removeQl therefore, be it °ng be wreaked and removed,x� ,,SOL=, That aid buildi m0Y61 that a *OPT of this resolution, dire..... the wreoking and of ebe mailed by the Cemm.asiOnar of Puts, Play- of building- he lest known record owner of ,ound. and Publ1. Buildings to t Bald Property at bis last known address, or to the agent ox 000u- Pant of eaSd bollding', be SS t, within ten days after the mailing TORTitLR REBOLVSD, That S of .hie notice to said PTOP°rty ow°°r' his agent, or the 000upant. no appeal has been taken from this order, said Cammiseloner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. Jim 14 19 _ _UNC—EN Adop,cd by,h. Council. ...-- /Yca, Naya v I' �yg� f' ,eq irn6t A ' 14'17J' 19.... APP vcd. _ �McDomld In favor IG� �� /�1r. Prcaid— 11--A ° UahOuey City of Saint Paul Office of City CIcrk WKE J. aiesatn, a,v aw4 ..dC<....... IR.ew.u.. o.�m.�...m.... June let, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Comsel, Building. ]bar Sir: The SI�ter of the cond®atloa oY that certain two story brScYreme bail dim, located on Lot 1, Block 166, Robert son's Addition, ]morn as 19 R. Indiana Avenin was referred to you today by the Council fora reealntion authorizing the wrecking of said building. We emloea copy of Resolution #90255 in thio matter. wesi so endow - letter from C 1 sioner May relative to the condemnation oY the barn and shade in the rear of property at 110-112 Viola Street. This matter was also referred to you for the proper resolution authorizing the wrecking of said building. To-. very, truly, City Clerk. e..,....e ,.. ... RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED 1REREAS, Bernard oinske has appealed from a decision of the Commissioner of Parka, PIXygrotmds and Public Build- ings, denying a permltefor the remodelling of a dzWlei into a four family apartment, which duplex to located on Lot 23, Block 19, ltaokubin 6 Yaraball's Addition, also known as +409-411 Iglehart Avenue, and WHEREAS, due hearing was held thereon, and the Board of Zoning recommends that said permit be granted, now therefore BE IT RESOLVED that under Paragraph L of Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinanoe, the Oommissiener of Parke, Play- grounds and Public Buildings be and he is hereby authorized and directed to issue a permit to said Bernard 4inske for the remodelling of said duplex. 9,270. JUN 14 W* 1 cae C...ilmca Na), F .... d by� �hc Council _. MY i May McDonald 1. Favor 4.dL.iaie* I�---- �– -. -_ _ ABai sl Mr. P—id— (9vsilwY A cd- zLa N City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk NR(B J. GIBBONS, Ory Oak 1 aomr.N e,d CueWenu d RW--- P yIA"eo" 1 ` % Jona 8th, 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached appeal of Bernard 11inske for a permit to remodel the duplex on Lot 23, Block 19, Mackubin & Marshall Is addition - 409-411 Iglehart Avenue,into a four family apartment was approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Your" very truly, City Clerk. A it hT Z O�i'I H.O. � •. ,. '. • uoa a 19821 ., - Acting under Ordinance 806.6840 0� 'August 22nd, 1992 and subsequent amead`mente�x Date of Petition s Yay 19th, 1932- Petitioner I Bernard 8011p0ks Location 1 409-411 Iglehart Ave (Lot'2Si Yackublm t ]Isrshallfs Adds Zone : sB' Residence Districb�� ~ Appeal t - To remodel the duplem on this'd into a four family apartment UM Ordrga rph.sla Section 20 of" he 'fo n Date of Inspeotiom- UY 24th, 1982. Date of Hearing1[a7 26th,, 1982: Jams Esd,.1982. Appearances for Petitioners & Submitted petitign iron u@ighbors •2 reoo®ending the granting of appeal'<.;;ry.= Appearances for opposition i ' Hoge. Petitioners Art i That the buildl to thoCt-was-.4n y aperimant boi�ddli�aoggand the'l lag oa thhse Hebt a -boarding`!: houbsj.oat the'ofiaraater of��'�EL._p #bighDorhaod and of the "tents the? could as, q� 8 not ani. tbia d4lez and coatiaaing it as-�I:dnpies { -, that :there.wera•apsrtmen4 bol7diagY�,iVa°both aidlewf 'the ;atreeb and is thb 2. Of, Action of Board s ko Yr. Bernard' 8 k bro0ght. itt a' petition �...- -signed by the owners J-00atel7 iq the ,teer"r`°ilsglediatpl7 ;,, t - on, snob side.of the duplo,to be remodeled and,fram four oornsrs across the street, and es `t3ie ordissioae,� } provddei under paragraph al0,'Seatioa'BO tbdt'ths lot Adjoinin3 s non -co" user any be need !or a daplez Y °_; orktor .a,3qur lmi7j apartment, and.a Inspsotioa 4`61, !',. disdbnad that 4h'e r mgdeii`ng. ik*k,;didEbu1Id1ag z c into a four p1az mould iaprovi the,simitary coaditioae _ / rryy,,,ipyt�@444, and,also,thst the outside appsurenos _.Is�i�r0ved the"goard recommend that'the apposl . %1[,.; ba giantFl.i .. BOAB$.OF 7A8IHO: -• �` Lomb ba Q 0 onas' 0., A H1sford Yrs,.: 11 A Vi11a George H. Harrold, Ryland Rottmchlid"..' �y/Secretary. �cG City of Saint Pau! I/`� Office of City Clerk / " Z� . Ma J. GIBBONS, CIN �A tlO— and Comr6nlnne d Rplrtn11.,lon May 21et, 1932 Mr. Gao. H. Harrold. Senretery, Zoning Bnilding. Bear Sir: We 'tt— h :'jth appealeZflocated at 11G9aLllli.Iglkehartrlv"- i(l,ot 23 Block 199,, yeckn"o @ Harehall-a Lddltion) Snto a four Yem11,y ep-,,t. The Council today referred thio appeal to the Zoning Board for thalr reco®endatioa. Yours very Lro1y, �C-- 2 City Clerk. r ' St.Paul, Minnesota May 19th, 1932. To the Honorable, The City Council, - City of St.. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, @he undersigned, being the owners of the ' property at 401Iglehart Ave.(Lot 23 Block 19, Mackubin & Mars Its Addition) appeal from the decision of the Building Inspector and ask that we be permitted to remodel the duplex on this property into a four family apartment, under paragraph ^1^ Section 20 of the Zoning Ordinance. This duplex has a four family apartment on one side of it and a rooming house on the other. Yours very truly, 1 nsrar- �� �� `�1lur�t � SSGG �e'� �, ifla � ', r• �aewr,un,,. a RT ff74�'" y+ .¢3i� b YiIl� /% ) '•i'. �i+ Bt. Paul, Minnesota 32 May 19 the 19.' f •- h - To the Honorable City Council and Board of Zoning,' City of 8t. Paul. - Gentlemen .' " '... We, property owners,in the ':.. A,, rear of, op either side oiu and aaross..th�iestreet from 408-"}.1 Iglehart Ave.; respectfully. ge ion that this * , a, a h'• 1409 �ddiing be remodelled�as; re4ubated py e' owners iato:4 g P�6arglex as provided for in the Bonin ordinance, whi'Ch'., per°ta a four family apartment in a "B" Resideuee, D tgict on a lot adjoining a non -conforming apartment recommended by the Boatd,�of ' i ing in existence when [,.. rd' J •, i t Y State of Minnesota) ss County of Ramsey ,, a Deing first duly eworn, deposes and eayB that he ie the person who circulated the within petition eonsieting of Y age; that the parties described above are the owners respectively of the lots placed Sswediately fallowing each mese; that this petition was eigved by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the Biguaturea above are the trm and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. Subscribed and ewo to before me this of Not y Public, a y, !line. My Co®Seeioe ezpir WALTER T. RYAN, Nnlery Putllc, R—ey County, Minn. My Commlaion bpims Aug. 181 1 a}e NO. C / coM si ONER— RESOLVED,-w+''��i,' wgRRBAB, in the construction of the Crippled Children's School it was found necessary to install 6 additional corridor light outlets in order to properly space these lights in paneled cei],ing, which additional light outlets were not provided for in the original plane and specifioatioas, and which were installed at ea additional coat of Twenty Two Dollars and Fifty (=22.80) Bente and �/ wRSRSAB, it was found necessary to provide wiring for the Lindsay pieture, which work was not provided for in the atiannoriginal cost OfcTwelve($12but which was Bred done 00) Dollars and wffxRRAS, it was found necessary after the dentist chair was installed to -hang- the location of the floor outlet for the dentist chair and which change was not provided for in the original plane and specifications, but was ordered done at an additional cost of Four Dollars and Twenty Five (14.26) cents, THEREFORE SR IT RBSOOLs�tthat oundenathe Public BuildiOn ings of the theCoawYleloa�R'wf _ Playgrounds Randduoati nithatrthetectplans andconcurred spec specifications for the Crippled by the of the peoples El School se any be and hereebbyyrarelamonddedoto of Peoples Electric Company for this additional work, and the contract price therefor increased in the sum of Thirty Right Dollars and Seventy five ($58.76) cents. coun—MEN Y_ N ya May McD—ld P-- R__ -Aga.naa W P—id— 3.00w Ad.pad by he Council. �N..1 -1..7.2--19 - Ap ��' YUSL1Sfit✓�wvoR Peoples Electric Co. C OP Y. ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER Date June 6, 1932 Contract 6-2610 Contractor Peoples Rleo. Co. Job. Crippled Children's Soh. Under the provisions as contained in Section 96 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, the Commissioner of Education has directed that the following described additional andhes agreed withthe theprovisions Of contractor thatsthe priclane es as givenat lone, below are the reasonable coats for the doing of the said work and the supplying of the materials required. June 6, 1932 June 6, 1932 Clyde R. Yay Peoples 91.0. Co. Commissioner Wm. F. Lindberg Cha.. A. Basford, City Architect. Description,Looatlon,Quantltitea,Terma and Prices for Additional Work: Five Corridor Lights $22.50 Wiring for Lindsay Picture 12.00 Outlet for Dentist Chair 4.25 $58.75 C OP Y. .Two 6, 1932. Hon. I. -C. Pearce, Commission of Education, Endicott Building. RE: CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S SCHOOL. Deer Sirs In checking over the final etatemente on the Crippled Chil- toehave a c=oil File fornthe followingextra': e000unt, balance For Five Corridor Lights $22.60 wiring for the Lindsay Picture 112. 00 Outlet for Dentist Chair f 4 _c 25 In explanation of the first Stem, the five additional corri- dor light outlets were found necessaryto hichproperwas ly doneby these Sights in the paneled ceiling, the mechanical engineer when these lights were spotted. The item of $12.00 for wiring the Lindsay picture Is eelf- explanatory. In regard to the last item, the floor outlet for the dentist chair was installed and after chair was assembled,which entiled It was found necessary to change Its locaton extra of $4.26. These extras were neoe98ary to complete the contract and we believe the prices are fair and reasonable in each 0898. May we, therefore, ask that you introduce aeresolutionxtras to intothePthe Council authorising the Payment plea Electric Company? Yours truly, Approved by (Signed) Chas. A. Bassford, (Signed) Clyde R.Nay City Architect. Commissioner. Hon. I. C. Pearce. • City of Saint Paul Department of P. P. R Y. DY • ADDITIONAL WORK ORDER Date .Irma 6, __193$_ C ntmrt No. 0.2610 Contractor PacMles Blantrin Oe, Job0r1pplad Children!■ BOhFrom___ T.----- o _—_Under Sion 95 of the Charter of ehe City of Saint Paul, the Cnmmimioner of the proven asnn,,d mrct Underm BdnsatiGU has directed that the following described additiotul work be done undu the provisions of the plane and specifications, and has agreed with the con of that ehe prices as given below are the reasonable costa for the doing of the mid work and the supplying of the materials required: l9y- Countersigned 193_ ty Arohit f P.2PQT Ca pndw • D—ription, Loeation, Quantities, Terms and Prices for Additional Work: Five Corridor Lights $82.60 Wiring for Lindsay Picture 12.00 Ontlet for Dentist Chair 4.25 $52.78 LI NO ......•..o =�.. ..... CITY. Of ST PAUL rLc �r ._ V^"�� OFFICEOF CITY CLERK L RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENTEO By DA— RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves the following bonds, which bonds have been approved as to form and e:eaction by the Corpora— tion Oonnsel, and the City Clerk id hereby directed to deposit them with the Oity Comptroller: Name Title Amount Surety Joseph I. Burke Constable $1,000 American Surety Company George J. Jacobs Deputy Commissioner of Education 3,000 Fireman's Fund Albert L. Eggert Secretary to Mayor 5,000 Edward Hanft Constable 1,000 Ycas coo rvcluMEry N'Y'/ or May t. p ca­ / 1 Rost. Ag... Mr. Prtsidms a.dcr Indemnity Company Creat American Indemnity Company Amerioea Surety Company of New York a:eto Fin 4 t u � n � sNl�gmLN. ter one. ad E eunv ..tai nose iv. iea,, D0`p4 'iii ecienoni JUN 1 "_- 1532 Adop,cd by nc� C ... til 19 Appr d 19 1<<M Y.R 92712 1 CITY OF ST. PAUL e......•o,..... I OFFICE OF CITY CLERK g 1 COUNCI[y.SESOLUTION- NERAL FORM -DATE I ------------- RESOLYEO WHERT'.AS, the Ccm Issirrer cf Public Wcrka has repo ted ir. aecordarce with Section 53 cf the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rend Bred n ce ss ary the emn'_oyment <f certain e Coyer, cf his Dep or t.Pn�e being m or, than usual houran eight s per empl,yme ht, therefore, said employmen or be it city officers are hereby RESC:;IED. "hat the proper authorized to pay the fcilowing named empl oyea at the rate Seth forth• fixed for extra emp_cyment for the extra time hereinafter em Baeeford, Mark J. Com.Lab. 1 •54;i Hoppe, Charles J. Gen. Chauffeur .45 Mandell, John"G• Com•La% 1 .5¢ McGee, F. D. Gen. Chauffeur 2 78 Needham, Walter T. Truck Driver 2 qF Froulx, Harvey J. Som.L.b. 18 6g Putnam, Fred ewer Foreman 1 .45 Mtc Scheuneman, Emil Lab. 1 •5D Steinberg, Max 1Stc.Lab. Winkel , Frank W Gen. Ch— aur e��m4. geoue��lP� COUNCILMEN1 A Adopttd by [hc Council�U%�-- - Fero— In lavor Approved --.--19_ MeDaMdd :.. By�o Agnlnec Mc. Pre,identdledw— AL An emergency he. arisen in the DEPARVEUTT OF PJFLIC WORM rendering necessary the e:.'ploysnent of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Making emergency repairs to street., sewer. and tunnels. This emergency arose Ly ruasd` of the follov inu facts and circumstances: Emergency calls for sewer and street repairs received at all hours; finishing up cement work started ,Just prior to quitting time; picking up tools, straightening up equipment and setting lights. C OD�PITMLLlC ABSOLUTION a....... e.... ///•��� A3115dEk' COUNCIL FILE NO. 927 13 PRESENTED By RESOLVED, that resolution No. 0. B. 42448, approved November 1, 1922, as amended, be and the Same IS hereby in eeeardanae with vclostary actio. of International Brotherhood of Electrical further =ends by striking out the following line: aorkere, e Bleotriolan ..................... j1.12} per hour - and by inserting 1n lieu thereof the line: -Electrician .....................$1.00 per hour•. BY IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this resolution will take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval. :ml8.oe :e xw.roner L� u o.eee:e°� ee"wi e :oi �w.s° wnexoe� • o ou a VtrMtv[I�Iveken. Er ec a�en. (ILisµ oar ee a ..11.00 ver o tnef A �E eOa 1I e Co..cR ]une K telt , I ede ..Uwe119-liiil i lea• Co ... 1 en \ays I'a..edb,C.—d jupIt02 M'Lo �- Trnaz ay McDon aid �.� In Favor R.— / "" Agai n,cr tassel M, P—id— I�«..u:.rah �anoaey I ':fig 9. F. Uoodrioh ' �.�.. ....�... 4604 CITY OF ST. PAUL CIVIL SE RVICETBUREAU June B. 1932 IR. L. L• Anderew. Corporation 0, Courrtt H000ues• Deer Birt Will you kindly have a resolution prepared emending the Council Compeneetlo. Ordinance by oh.Wi-9 the rate for electriolaa from $1.121 per hour to $1.00 per hour in eccordenoe with the ottoohed notice which has Just be- received by this Bureau from the buaineee meager of the Eleotricel Un1-? Hasp7;�� JBP-B St.Paul , Linneasta may 28, 1932 TO THE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS OF THE CITY 0: ST.PAUL, :'IP+`:-_SOTA. Dear Sirs: For the past few wee'cs ne;,ctiction. between varioua croups of electrical contractors and representative. of the International Brotherhood of Electrical WorCrs have been carried on. The purpose of ti�ese negotiations was the ad - jus t..,an t of wakes .paid to jaurnvy!aen electrical wor?:cre. In dost instances the contractors requested that the journey ien :ee.ibers of Local Onion '10. 110 reduce their wages from 1.12= far hour to '.1.00 per 'hour, to become effective June 1, 1932. and in ansrrer to the cont ract ore' reeue.t for the afore;..entioned reduction, we h;;reby submit to you the followin- action of the Local Union. At a specially calledceting of Local Union No.110 �+ I.B.E.W. held on the evening of ''ay 26, the Local by voluntary action sanctioned the reduction in ware. for journeymen alec- .— trical workers from "1 .12g per hour to "1.00 per hour. This ,i reduction to becoe effective Jure 1, 19 2, wt It is the wis:. of the electrical workers that insofar as workin,; conditions are concerned, that they remain the s a.�e es in the Hast, and a furt h,•r desire that all contrac- tors receiving this notice will put into effect on June 1, the above wage scale to the extent that ovary shun e:.:ploying :a efo ere of the Brothcrhoou will reco[nize the above wage scale. Consistent with good business it is well for the future of the industry that every contractor see to it that all journeymen shall receive thio :.+iniuum wage, thereby re- lieving any dissension test .:�¢y 'oe caused by a variation in wage scale. Trustin„ that the above voluntary reduction will with the hearty co-ooaration of the contractors and the mere hers as represented by Local Union. No.110 of your city, v:e are, with kindest -,--d., Sincerely yours, LOCAL UNION NO. 110 I By ,f.lut+JLNfw Buei ne ss :San wgc .�ntrrnx#innxl �rnt�erl�nub ni ale r�rirxl �nrkrrs •,•"'•'•LOCAL UNION NO. 110 e. ...e. "EI.cL_1 Word For Bfidd ml Wordar:' ST. PAUL, MINN. June 9, 1932. Hon. Wm. Mahoney, Mayor of St.Paul, Honorable Councilmen, C1 ty of St.Paul. Gentlemen: Please be advised that the Electrical Workers Union No. 110 of St.PaUl voluntarily reduced their wages from $1.1211 per hour to $1.00 per hour, effective June 1st. Yours very truly, Business Manag.*r L. U. 110, I. B. E. W. o, •o,._, ,,_ CITY OF ST. PAUL ALF No. 92714 ' • OFFICE OF CITY CLERK /GPUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM 1932 T" .. _ RESOLVED I SMt lice.... for nhich eppliceti- has been medo by pereone nemed on the attached 11st be end the same are hereby granted end the city cicrY i. instructed to issue such licensee upon the peyment into the city treasury of the required fee. Yex. eourvei�Mery N Ys Mf Do ld para Ii�.ex A6aiA.l Mr. P—id— 9._.G+ m 000w a— :.o%��'�'e:.n�irou. o ncI" .rl. iw ­d nnv urn. to fva '1�5�+66 N 1 A 1932 I9 Ad�p�ed by the Council Approved I9 //r_/rt-gid.! �. / /! (.0 /•• i'R-�` J L H. Abreaovich Barnett Grocery Pat. Belgea M. H. Berk. A. J. Sreacn Bandy & Garrod C.F.DSnger C, M.Dorniden Jacob Fink M. I. Formo Hubert Fran. C. F. Geadesbery J. A. 7. Gleeaw Gottfried & Son E. B. Goold Hall and laderean Jews Hemmer Mel, Henry & Son H. J. Hochwhiedt H. P. Jhhnsoc dobneon Market Hwa. Mrs. 0. A. Jones g, J. Eeieer H. A. Kane Doo Keller Elam', Food Market H. A. Koaberg Cha.. Maier L. S. Measige M. J. M.CertbY i.e. J. Mee Freak M. Meier E. Meyer. Mre. D. M. Mores Haticoal Tea Co. J. W. Sow.k 0—& McColl- MexPotterock S®Boeanblam gem Aoe.ini To.7 Sci.ant. Mex Shear A. F. Slater 82 A. Miltcn 156 A. Dale 605 W. Como 267 AraAdel 550 Jaokew 615} Selby 641 8. Smi$h 1887 AandolPh 740 SeltV 915 Payne 544 Park Av 562 Wabaebe 185} A 7th 942 Aeymond 576 A. 014veland 25 W. 4tb 676 Water 954 Areade 554 H. Milton 1594-96 university 579 Wabe.he 991 Selby 922 Selby 2115 Grand 495 Webasha 580-2 Rica 781 Selby 710 H. Snelling 559 Blair 159 A. Central 1110 W. 7th 255 W. Oaivereity 77 M. Milt - 1257 E. 5th 6B9 W. Snelling 456 Western A- 405 Selby 561 Edmond 175 State 259. Marshall 60 Leech St. 671 Oakdale 455 S. Lexington Jure 15, 1952 9-9714 Botebar Grocery Confectionary Confectionery Grc--ry Bakery Grocery Confectionery Grocery Butcher Grocery Bakery Grocery Soft drlmk Coafacticaery Grocery Bakery Grocery Bakery Grocery Confectionery 92B Haymcad A, All® Bros. Peo1 Boranian 759 S.UW E. F. Broea 676 Winel" 802 university Toho H. Dorr 1250 A. 7th Fraak Drkala 790 Selby Jacob Fink 871 Payne Av. Graven Broe. J121 ens.. & Son Onivereity 1694-98 Onivereity A. P. I b..ca 688 St. Peter William Mayberg 1754 lea B'm Maeller Broe. 2818 RandolPh Christ Sasses 1716 H. 7th A. Woodley H. Abreaovich Barnett Grocery Pat. Belgea M. H. Berk. A. J. Sreacn Bandy & Garrod C.F.DSnger C, M.Dorniden Jacob Fink M. I. Formo Hubert Fran. C. F. Geadesbery J. A. 7. Gleeaw Gottfried & Son E. B. Goold Hall and laderean Jews Hemmer Mel, Henry & Son H. J. Hochwhiedt H. P. Jhhnsoc dobneon Market Hwa. Mrs. 0. A. Jones g, J. Eeieer H. A. Kane Doo Keller Elam', Food Market H. A. Koaberg Cha.. Maier L. S. Measige M. J. M.CertbY i.e. J. Mee Freak M. Meier E. Meyer. Mre. D. M. Mores Haticoal Tea Co. J. W. Sow.k 0—& McColl- MexPotterock S®Boeanblam gem Aoe.ini To.7 Sci.ant. Mex Shear A. F. Slater 82 A. Miltcn 156 A. Dale 605 W. Como 267 AraAdel 550 Jaokew 615} Selby 641 8. Smi$h 1887 AandolPh 740 SeltV 915 Payne 544 Park Av 562 Wabaebe 185} A 7th 942 Aeymond 576 A. 014veland 25 W. 4tb 676 Water 954 Areade 554 H. Milton 1594-96 university 579 Wabe.he 991 Selby 922 Selby 2115 Grand 495 Webasha 580-2 Rica 781 Selby 710 H. Snelling 559 Blair 159 A. Central 1110 W. 7th 255 W. Oaivereity 77 M. Milt - 1257 E. 5th 6B9 W. Snelling 456 Western A- 405 Selby 561 Edmond 175 State 259. Marshall 60 Leech St. 671 Oakdale 455 S. Lexington Jure 15, 1952 9-9714 Botebar Grocery Confectionary Confectionery Grc--ry Bakery Grocery Confectionery Grocery Butcher Grocery Bakery Grocery Soft drlmk Coafacticaery Grocery Bakery Grocery Bakery Grocery Confectionery Jona 13. 1932 ladres gtaohowiak ri7 land St B• Prior Lv . Cracary Confectioeery Yra. E. Stevens StO k. -ll 467 Broedea9 r Bakery Grocery Ali- Christ Sam�ese E. C. Toeni - ISIS Bsadolph $93 Selby 1v. SeiPayb° Confectionery Joseph Raleh 999 H59 Rice St. 'y Yrs. Croce Rest 1158 Creed Grocer Gam Thloaet7 419 E. Clevelani Rm. Teahoe Beetaornot A. J. Branca 330 Jackson 60 Hondo Jennie Dandridge 643 'University nock E. J. Henak 539 Bice Lrahie Lehr 139 R, Central Y. J. YR. rtbyMasi 1930 Bnivssdty Limi. H. Mee3 545 R. Stelling Minnie Montgomery 775 R• th H. Ohanneeeein page and R,yor 270 Rice 57 e• Re""' M. 1, Both 2 R. 6th 122 Fred Srh-L Svmm98� 443 J...Mrs. Marie Sian- 792 s. 14x5 Uaiver ei ty ,—Cram Co. 111 R. 6th Yrs. Leola Thompson 16 E. 12th , .o. Reinsetl 148 W. Summit Tracy Rilcox 1209 A. 7th . Louie Yarns- 191 R. Restore o. G. Tonog Hotel (perk) 39 rooms John. Eersof4 260 E. 6th St. Hotel (Eeyetoae) 16 roe H.—rd Y. Tyrer 379 Carroll 1636 Raivereity Gm station pompe Hilton Ln Oil Ltlae G. Oil co. 62 Leringtoa 1775 E• 7th 3 805 R. 7th 5 14Mar shell 08 6 376 Central Al. 3 s 323 Possn Lv. 3 a. e. Brindley 1054 Pave° Lv. 868 Bice 3 W. J. Coveney Stanley Fedo—w ki 1084 Earl Ford Bridge service stn, Ford Hoed zz35g e 5 S. H. Ycnraviek W 7th 24 S. Snelling 4 c. 1. peteraoa Petroleum Prodacte Co. 2167 Raivereity 3 Philips Petrolam Oo 9 g2 firond 481 Mississippi St. ° e Pore 011 Co. schifferl & Flnagel 861 Raiversity , 3 , Standard Oil Co. 1620 St. Clair 3 , Bernard F. Stoffel° 1598 Como 576 R. Soe111a9 . ° 4 " Sapsrior Refining Co. . 9 e Trac1m9e Oil Co. 1685 linivereity e Peter H. Vogt 2307 R. Como , 3 Jme 13, 1932 o. a. Beaeafeldt (oil Heat S— Co. 1934. Wei—ity Oil bnr.ieg device 86arboraf$M lfelfo�rd 1268 ulleeiej WSrL Wile Oo. Builders Bxrbmge, mPl. Y. Barkan 558 Oeneda Junk Dealer poppy g Garrod 613} Selby 8 pool table. Welter xren. 535 S. Det. 2 • Londe Bea... 449 at. Peter Pawnbroker Som of Herman Bell 7T4 Arm. Deaoe bell Walk., Pea" 00. 75 B. Weetera 0 0. Creamer 924 B.7th - motion picture theatre St. peal Baseball Clab 455 8habert Bldg. Bell Park, Lexington Ave. C. J. plead. 401 Handers 2mobauge Llan 0. J. 0lande201 mo0ell Bldg. •M-7 8t. Pe.1 Credit Co. 412 Bremer iroade • I. 1. SOhiller 376.Bobert . Marx Reims. 377 W 7th 2.d head dealer CITY OF ST PAUL r.1. NO �.4 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK } CO CIL RESOLUTION—GENERA'* '1'`� 92'715 Jose 10, 1932 — RHERF.AS, applications for 1lcroses to operate auto c s upon the on Lheaatl,achen list, of the City of St. Paul for hire by persons named a d streets end s description of each car having been filed with each eppllcation, 11F1FAC, said applicants in a ordeoce with Ordinance 7321, have the Cit? of St. of insus'ance xlicies covering sato auto filed copies d to form co s with byrthe Corporation Counseli °aul, snd said vollcisa have been ap��rove as therefore, be it RESOLVED, that licenses be issued to said St. Paul, subject applicants to operate said to the provisions of auto c p n the streets of the city of said ordinance. �onlo�x Jm.v.na roes) n. a oe`: °e ciirp oPt`su J+m°P�.a° 1h 9YPa° °� la• u� Y _ IProun'° a°i �eq .,tiei 9i urwnv uolae;bn°` die t`siiJ°ae J� Wa F9 ve—� f II Yns cou NCILMeN Nays May MCD—Id f-- 11-- R.— armorPearceR.— Agwins, M,. P—id J.Bwwdi:c Adapl.d by 1h. C ... cil mN 14 ^K 19- App'—d__ 19 June 10, 1982 E. E.Aurand 1 Nash APPl 1092 Edward Apdt 1 Sulk 579 n n 1 Packard 560 1 561 Getty S. Breckinridge 1 Budson 736 737 Wm. C. Breckinridge Mathilda Burnett 1 ^ 1 Pierce—Arrow 1620 Leona Cullen 1 Hupm bile F. Dean 1 Hudson 114 Chas. F. 0. DeMarre 1 Nash 1404 John Gerahen 1 Buick 636 Henry Gottwald 1 Nash 661 Fred T. Ussslack 1 Graham—Paige 693 Harry Sawkins 1 Dodges 764 A. W. Jobnson 1 Nash 1448 457 Wm. C. Lofgran 1 Packard E.J. Loberg 1 1457 1455 E. J. Loberg 1 Pontiac Boy S. Martin 1 Buick 754 Mrs. Josie Peteraon 1 620 934 Clarence D. Sasher 1 Packard Huge Stake 1 LaSalle 1065 David L. Vadnais 1 Buick 1050 Frank 0. Wicker 1 Packard 944 u n 1 n 945 n 1 n 943 T. J.VLatte 1 Aiasell 10&4 Job. Gershon 1 Buick 6 35 Herman E. Poferl 1 Packard 1659 (Private Livery) r JG116 m9s' CITY OF ST PAUL "' NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FO M _E Jan' 1()' 1952___ 0 ssor+aa / WHEREAS, application, for licensee to overate auto care upon the of Sto. ti' ae tasdeahe by Persona named on yah appllcatlov, streets of the City h auto ar being been filed with list, and a description f and q}�(tEAS, ,aid applicants in ac ordance with Ordinance 'City fSt have a 1, ,and cop es liciea cod ringo fosa drmaby theut rCoriWratinthe oonnsel; therefore, 1 of Snaurnnce po aeld policies have been aprrov, be Ltaid gg,SOLYHO, that licensee be f S edPtaol _bjecti to that provlelmesof auto care upon the atreeta of the City sn m�paeei said ordinance. c. neu yereu._onoeu`ivn�� 6 ° nl° wnor ms a°eeo� a wnn •'�°e ppDnw W wIN O ma `� `� e°nle6 MInv�N9 wnn° "e Y.as courvciLM Ery N� May McDonald //�� �" �d4Ot Mr. Pr.nd°os 7�aiic : 193N 14 Y ,g Aa°Prod i,V rhe c°„"rd /(/A,PPraved 9 10 Pmtiaca - 1 Haney 32716 APP 0980 C. A. Barnacle 1 Hnp.obila L. 805 S, w. Clark 10 Oldaobiles 828 Adelina Delmont 1 B d k 1408 }reek 0 Damen. 1 Pontiac 1405 • " • 1 1 Oldsmobile 1101 n 1 Pontiac 1407 1 Hash 1403 725 Cletus P. Dann 1 Desota • 755 Harry Hawkins 1 Haeh ^ 708 H. J. Hiller 1 Pierce -Arrow n 1450 E. J.Loberg 1 Has 834 E. 7, Loberg 1 ^ontiac ^ 1449 �'. J.Loberg 1 ^ 1451 $• J.Loberg 1 Oakland am E.J. Loberg 1 Pontiac 858 E. J. Loben 1 ^ 1454 E. J. Loberg 1 Haeh n 1452 E. J. LoberB 1 Pontiac ^ 1453 E. J. Lob erB 1 ^ 852 0 J. Loberg 1 Dodge 831 E. J. Loberg 1 Pontiac 2145 Hanthe & Miller 8 Stndebakets n 741 C. Harold Heleon 3 Durant ^ 859 Eugene O'Leary 1 Hadsan 1044 Arthur Panet 1 Packard ^ 1045 1448 He, C. Peterson 1 Ch .I- 1Oakland 1447 4 ^ 1 Pontiac 891 Herbert C. Peterson 1 Packard 890 n 952 n n Edward A. Hozier 1 Packard 1 Buick ^ 1175 711 ° n ^ Peer Plahos 1 ^ 1 Dodge • 712 1 ^ 710 ^ n 1 n 10 Pmtiaca - 1 Haney 32716 CITY OF ST. PAUL ���•, ♦a'•`^^ OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM owrE As5io Jna, j3dh.-193?— - -- whereas, applications for licmea base be® made m follow; 1424 peyae Ase. Grocery Application 1402 Otto Sobnaon 1648 Vel II. *m's*eld 98} 8aadalpb 8t. �tlher 1579 ]rant 1111,11 254 e. 7th . 2009. and 1 Soft drint ludolpb B. Job.. -1063 Grand BlSceleee acted aeon rem>®eadatioa Of the Hnreea 1hereee, aid are hereby d of Health; therefore, be it sathorised RMLVM. tbat the proper city Officers be and they ars hereby application 1648 to refund to Otto JobarT moa the fee of $10.00 and to cancel application 1402 for roc license; to reftmfl to Val O ybraeski the fee of $10.00 and to cancel app application cancel far Grocery 1lcanee; to rem r f ad to lDank PbfB Joba2On0the effee oOf $10.00 d to 1579 for Botcher lloenee; cancel application 2009 for Soft drink license. Y—courrci�rAc'+ Na EbeTdy R1vas May McDonald �-fa fa�oc Pcacc. Rosin _ _.. Againn ]teasel Mr. P—idcec N I vehon4 10^" Adop,,d by �2-61 JUti 1 x IP At, 411, R,4r`�C�/1 ja'r'k on b ��.� .eA�.,. P.uL cou�ci�ri�e r.o. T.ay y�Fe v,'�w7a '[or, ' badu:. NCIL RESOLUTION June -10, ___ 2 �• �p6 bdAwe�i1'-iaiit _ , RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF S 158,25-2_ , COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5707.—TO 5741—INCLUSIVE. AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. I -TED BY THE I.—CHL1" 1932 All wo.Eo— L ae "w11 OF MPT -ROLLER OFFICE OF THE COrii GOINICIGMEN—ROLL CALL - ' COUNCIL D CLAIMS \-'"'""°" AUDITED CLAIMS (1 RESOLVED. irvAT cRccxs ee nR on inc cin rnusuR•ty. waw I"� DaaSSSBBelll . io irve "aa"caA- w o a 1b_.252 o_- 53wi Br�ssz Mahone aHe«" naMaePea_ ryZOn w�usvE.l A" — a. ,ne a "a ". Tne41932... ."ane«" ary .- . CP. Aaa.iea �aa - ---- a - — ---- ---- o.... IN FAVOR OF III �I TOTAL ev awrve 'c�icic`s" cnecie c BROUGHT FORWARD !1 • 5707 ? W. E. Preston Go. Whitacre a Co. , 5708 R. H, Milton Rooen.0oilr fin. 57090• of 577111. _ Dennis Langbiln F�50 5TI2 A.E.Ificksorth II 5713 Otto Kuehn INN 6. 571 St.Paul White Lead 8 Oil oo.lao pDoberty I� Rumble,Buna 8 Butler, tt_ye 571 V, O'Neil�B Preston, Inc. - 5715 p Trank Pierson 5717 A. Deboaci' Hringe 8 00. 1 05718 5719 r Pst Ily 5720 N Jones X. Glass 5a 50 28 28a7 . 5721 Delia Brow 00 . 5722 Yrs. Mary Christy 40 00 5723 John Lennon 4o GO 57E Anna w. Peitach ��. 24 92 Mrs.Hannah Peterson 28 90 Soderberg 5727 26 65 Ifsa. He. Miteeh Mrs -8- 5728 P.M. tarioy II 2 4 5729 Milton Rosen.. Com. finance 7 40 00 5730 Edwin E. Pieces '/3L Ellorbe 8 Co.-Holabird 6 He �,, 2 506 45 5732. Coaonsealtb Electric On. ',I 5 Ego 60 573+ Foley Brothers. Inc. On. �I,�,. 100 97 LT 72 00 • Healy Plumbing a Hosting i 5 7 0 0 5 5736 Waiter 0. warren Oc. 10 199 70 5737 Raymond, P. Paolecta 5738 Geo. Cahill. Atty.. for J.R.011 l 000 5739 Or. E. O. meson 40 Yi3ton Roasn, Com IT. Tiasaoe 28 00 17 634 95 5741 Specialty Printing Go u I 26 50 III I I I 6-�a SHEET TOTAL—FORWARD � ' Petition ...92719 Council .. PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdemigned hereby proposes the making of the following public imp.... meet by the City Of St. Paul, .ir.: Conetrggting a sewer on Paeoel,.Avenue_ from Cherlee Street_.___._. a ppint_ 81 feet south of 5dtaund Street,_ Dated We 8th _. day of suns, lay ,19K. vcilmen. eesnmwas: osowasn r.er ens- - m.e° PRELIMINARY ORDER. c�. --�- ur .tva WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foEowing improvement, vie.: �'1•�� e4—T,��iy ra; Canstrnoting a sewer on Pascal Avenue from Charles tg.,s pgl..nt..81 feetgouth of _Edmund Street. ............ _. ..._. _.............. . ...... _............... . hay.vg bee. per°°ted to the Council of the City of St. Paul...... - therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered d di—ted: LTo investigate the vecsecity for, or desirobility of, the making of said improvement. 2. To ivveatig-to the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a piece, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To statewhether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. b. 'to report upon aU of the foregoing mattere W the Commissivver of Fine— Adopted by the Council .. __ _ ___. _..jus-14_ Yes, NAYa App—rd.. mm""m x,o : ,'ll, Ami ,. t ICJ Ms. Paesmaxr rUR[,iSj�D�(o—/5� � u..mcsao.— — Council File No.— 927.2.0 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propom, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pahl, viz.: .constructing, relaying and repairing.,. the sidewalk on the east side of_. Broadway,_ beginning gl feet north of the south. line of.. University., ATOMd..aateuded., th%14e __._..north, 51 Seat.. Doted thin .9th_..... any of June,...183R , lee /l Co dmao. .. _ _. _ -• A- "wN�l:o oro .a ror w. nee followln. Pm,ror.m.va PRELIMINARY ORDER. o.. `;� In. pmposa ant, rir.: ori Vn�b�iirr v wing imProvem x WHEREAS A written 1 for the making of the f E o osa, _. BeoofLatruoting, relaying eno.. repairing,_. the eidewallc ;., ot., on Eke east.. e1,4e...Qf. BFoe4M,-beginning. 31 feet_aorth _.. the south..line..of_ University Ik:venae.. eXtended, thence ____.....__... tk _ _north 61.. fee4. having been prrxevted to the council of the car of St. Paul therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimumer of Public Wmke be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the nenomity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the oatom, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To fnroieh a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said impm, moot ie naked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Co emieahm" of Fioanre. Adopted by the Council....... _........_...... . �{ii-l�..Aapz-..--.... -. Ysas Nays Councilman 0 24— --.F T/�•"+� �' fife ft w;ss " , ApprovedNMI w W�Isee�reeeese �'}r,„y, ._. Pea MMay ,y. Pa.—l�� � r � c w u nn z-mr YllRLISHEDIB=�—�•"" 3 Council File No. .042-721 ' PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the soaking of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paal, via.: Constructing sidewalk extensions to connect existing sidewalk _to. curb at. theBonthaaat._ corner or Carroll..Avenue._. _. and Finn Avenue. _.... _........ _............. Dated this lbth_..Jay of Junes laaRl PRELIMINARY ORDER. ..r%ee a L m e WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the f U wing tmproesee-t, In- Constructing n Constructing sidewalk extensiona..to_ a wnect..exiating sidewalk to,_enrb at__the s4uthaeat._oorner_ of Garroll..Avanue, ------ _ _.. and Finn Avenue. _... _. _. .. __._-._.__..... .. _......._ _....__............... Navin6 boon Pry° bted to the Council of the City of St. Paul -_.. ..__._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cmmissioaer of Publie Work° be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveetigats the aenossity for, or deeirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature; eatavt and estimated cost of mid improvement, and the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s plan, profile ar sketch of said improvement. 4. To stow whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere. 5. To re Port upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Cmmissioaer of Finance. Adopted by the Council.........._....._. ...JUN 14-i9K-_----.__- Yr..+s N.- C uocilmeal pffimompae �Ppoe_.._ ......_. .. VAMOP— Me. P.-t. exr PUL'L1sHL;,:- �Z_ Petition 0.41 Council File No. .927-22 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigved hereby p,000eee the mating of the fouowing public improvement by the City of St. Pmd, vis.: Grading Loath?l . Street.. from Street to..the ..Norther" .- _.pecifiC Railroad Right. of :WAY.June,...__.. _ _.._ Dated this 14th ....day of -- srttz- � Ic. r v° wn.rruyr° Imar.einx N ° r ko PRELIMINARY ORDER. ,a, y,. ��, WHEREAS, A writtev pmpoeal for the fou" mg of the f uvg impro t, ns.. r Grading_Lonth Street „from Qn.on_Street to the Northern Pacifj,o Railroad R1Sht. of way.._.. .. _..._..._.._ ....__._... 6avivg beev pmsented to the Ceuvcil`pf the City of St. Peu -- therefore, be it Public Works be and ie hereby ordered ad directed: RFSOLVED, That the COn"a" one' of 1. To investigate the neeeaaity, for, or desirability Of, the making of said improvement. 2. TO inveetignte the nature, extent aad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total east thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile Or sketch of acid improvement. q. To elate whether or It said improvement ie inked for no the petition of three or more owvera. t Lh nam r of Finance. 5. To report upon Off If the foregoivg r� Omm ne 114 �Y'j1••//.... _._.. Adopted by the Council... -........ ..... Yews NAY Cmaoilreav '"'- Approved...._._.. 'I 0 Mayor. Ma. Peempaxr3z- Council File No. __ _.72-7 I PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT it and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdereigned hereby propoeee the making of the follOwiug p bl mp""orent by the City fat Paul, via.: Condemning end.. taking an. easementin the lend neoeesaryfor slo8e0 ,.-cuts and fills. -.in the.. grading of Louth Street trom .. Union_Street.. to..the _ Northern Pacific Railroad flight of. Way- Dated ay -- ......._.................. .. 7nnar..193E , 192 Dated thio 14th _day of -- /--- % n -Ort 'S u �...__ .. n'�--^ wl deme aR PRELIMINARY ORI*. -1k : . m 11th �.......t r. 1h ao.m.ro a.r WHEREAS, A written pmpoaal for the making of the following improvemevbi Condemning..._ and taking.. an eeaement_in the_land nape; sary for slopes Pots and iiia.,-im-.the..grading-_of..Louth. Street from. ....Onion Street.. to tha.borthern..Paciflc Railroad_ Right. of Hay- __..._..__._. - .._..._.__..___.. having been presented to the ennnnE of the city of st. rain. _ _......_ ..._ therefore, be itad REWLVED That the mmaity far,or,.o( Public tY of, he and is, of mid i rlPro eramtrrected: 1. To investigate the necessity far, or desirability of, the f midi p said im t d the total cost thereof. 2. To iavestfgete the nature, extent and eatimated coat of said improvemen ao 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of void improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownem. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattera to..,�the �Commimiooer of Finance. _..JUN Adopted by the Council__.__... _.__._.. . Y6. Nero �4a+ ti Councilman proved m»ta :.I.p ... Y Y Mo. Pa..— 92724 �oane,t .t-.— "'WhOP COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ r ..... -u = ' By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of___ from_ jlton s Oztbl-strAet ---------- ------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- order preliminary Orde -------------- q2.= -------------- app .... d ------ XLkY-6�.- 1932 The Council of the City of Pan] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .I,.-inap—e-ent, and h-i.g eoraid—d said rep—, hereby—.N— '. That the said report and the same i, hereby pp ... rd and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council mmeml, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof it $--6Q6-2-4----- R-1-d Farther, That . public bearing be had on said improvement on th ------- 12tb- --------- day of --luly—INk ------------ 2orz---, at the h— of 10 o ',I,,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. P-1, That the Commissioner of I'mane, give votiee of ,aid meeting to the Femora and in the provided by the Charter, stating the time and pl— of hearing, the nature o the imp—emem and the total —t thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council M -14-M -------- 192---_ 7 11 'Am 4 I " aQ"----------------- App—ed ---------------------------- 192 --- 71, leity M D .. Id Councilor May Coun,ilmimPenme CouncilRoaev — cou..H— T-- ta We.—I Mayor Mahaney Form B. S.. A. 8fi 92725 Baa . ..... . ta. COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ '^�.< oe em.vv. vvo� rv. e v:: B O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Msm, of ---- ­rA­jne;-­L-tgkl ng --em—t- An--tIce -nd-Men0ss&py ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - - -- ---------------- --------- ----------- ,md,, Preliminary O,de --------- 22Z21 -------------------- pp,—d ----- XAY--Q-15L3? -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Cmo.i,si—, of Finance upon the above imp --.t, ..d having considered said report. he,,hy —]—: 1.Th,t the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted. and the said improvement is hereby -demd to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the C,,..til —mamemle is---- elopaL@­931tsand fills in the chatsworthStjreLqt,- in- accordance_ 2vith_ theblua_jrint hereto attached and -- - --------- _shaded with .. alternatives, and that the estimated e.sl thereof is $zQ'2Q ---------- R,s,l,,d Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on th ------- I �`th --------- d,y of --,Iul,,,- 10Z ------------ IPZZ,--, t the Im., of 10 .'cl-k A. M., m he Council Chamberof he Co.. House and City Hall Building m the City of St. Paul. That the C.,mnmi,me, of Fm.— give notice of said meeting to the Fels... sod a the ..d .... provided by the Ch—- stating the time and place of hearing, the a the imp, ... me,t ajto�h —t thereof , estimated. y,q 14 Adopted by the C .... if ------------- -------- 192--- -- 7 - -- ------------------ Approved________________________ 192 --- oty yor. C-ulci:.,:: 010— C .. ci jun® Cosmoifimm liftlilmodibm I C'undloom fihmlpmmk� P-1 Councilman ffft ' T Meyermau�kftY*1 ' I �M Form B. S. A. 86 92726 COUNCIL FILE NO.____ _________ - [$e6.ree ta O --------------- ,a By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER em—Place--a d Theresa Fifiee ----------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ------ ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --- -- ----------- ----------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- ..d,, Preliminary y Orde ---------- ?�-q pp,—d ---�sy 3 t_193 - 2 -------------- The C .... il of the City of Paul having ree�i�d the ofthe Commissioner of Finance up.. the .aboveimpt—em—r. ..d having considered id report,hereby e, " , _]va That the said -plftad the am, i, hereby approved and adopted, —d the said imp—em— i, beret, orto be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ---ud, - --------- ------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof i, Re,,],,d Further, That , public hearing be had on .,id imp—m— on th ------- 12111 --------- day of _Luly.1932 ------------- P)M_ at the hour of 10 .',],,k A. M., i. the Council Ch—be, of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give .,ti,, of said ro—mg to they ,ra— ", and i, the urpm-- provided by the Ch, stating he time and place of hearing, the nature , the improvement and h. , to., — thereof a. estimated. Adopted by the C .. eil—AU- 20" ------- 192---- e. Appo—ed ---------- f4 ---- ��- I ---------- -- ----------- -- ------------------ 192--- City Clerk. VLWLJS,M. C.U.eil... Councilman AOR®M �' Y ... dl... 0111109N— cc ...... mi'lm"' C C.U..il.- 4PRIllp— Form B. S. A. 8-6 92727 mj.te H.d R— ' ouuva e9 laa fab of at Paul COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.-, of ----- LQ"tmu timg ---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------- -- -------------------------------------- under P,,Ii.i..q O,de -----------gZ19-Z ----------------- app—,d ---- A=u --24-10Z ---------- The Council of the City of P -I having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and b—mg considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby epp.... d ..d adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby orded to be proceeded with. 2. That the vatvrc of the imp .... m— which the Council - -------------- "ith m, alternatives, avd that the estimated cost thereof i, $-Q,.!l$--Pfz-Xr0nt ft. Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .. ..id improvement .. the_____ --------- day of 1Yly--I?32_---------�_ at the h.., of 10 o'clock A. M., i. the Council Ch—be, of the Co.. House and City H,II BmIdmg i. the City of St P—l. That the Commissioner of Fimmee give mi- of ,aid—mg to the persons am] m provided m ..... pided by the Charter, stating the time ..d place of hearing, the . of the imp, .. and d the total t thereof .. estimated. Adopted by the C .... if --- 192---- App—ed ----------ty Clerk. - Z�z - cy - - ---- 1AUy— C ... ei .. d'lh—l'i C .... i=mmmlp� NI� N., ... ei ... umsk..Ad— P,."e C ... it... muwl� Hose CCouadlmaaeihmm TW--[ M'.e Illmlint".".w DfahnneY F— B. S. A. 86 92728 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER"""I" Iv the t.-C-ttg,.-Steat,_-------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- I ---------- ---------- I ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---- -- ------- ------------- _---_--- under Preliminary y O,dc ----------- 9.Z$AQ ----------------- app,. ­d --- he Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —1—: 1. That the ,i report and the same i, hereby app....d and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the i,p,6,em,,t which the Council recommends xnik_na_the_east_si.d=_oL_I7n.nfor_th_5senusl'xom_YOlEP.lDak_P_ssktgdY_ to_ Cottage ion t ------------- ---------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost ther,.f is ft. Revolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------- 12tb --------- day of ------------- A&4.x­ at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Ctmn House and City Hall Building in the City of St P&A That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the r ... on, and in the to ... er provided by the Cb,n,,, stating the time and place of hearing, the at,,, o the improvement and the total cu,t thereof , estimated. Adopted by the Council_______ 192____ , , �. y Vi Sy. 1'� 78�� j_._________------- 92---- ------------------ ---------- Appm,ed ----------- --------------- 192--- qt, Clerk. Hm FU13LIS C ... cil.a. Fi,6106® Councilmen yap, Council. ..n.i Council— l.- 611102iffilli— T,, '7 C 11- F.,. B. S. A. 86 • 3�7�9 e o COUNCIL FILE NO e0ep4 at�mO°h.ot�°e' ts- a ' e..r ei .Duro :°art .ue ra INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter -nrth_slcls_ot geranium_____ __ atrsst1mm31ea1dsanuo.Sn_l s:rinetnnlven A._. __________________ under Preliminary Order -------- 22t?5__—___ ____ ______approved ___L'rx_11L18B2 The Covveil of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Fin—, upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That then of the improvement which the Council recd mks ra__nnnstrnet_a_sw_144t __sideral's_nn_the_mrthai,le, «ra>,; m_StrBflt_It— l3nad_atnnue_-to _ Farcittz=-Axe v.' __—p_t_ebe gena-anctaon_—isL__________________ ____________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________ _______________________________________________ _____________ ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-a.Bs_Aflr__ftt ft. Resolved Further, That s public hearing be had on said improvement on the______12th--------- day of Julys 1932 _____________ry9E3___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and in the n r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the [improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council ----- A d------------------------------' __aaaap-�____, 192____ ` t Pp—e192___ tits Clerk. yor. Councilman '^- f'f111LISI�D ---------- C . Cu ctlm'al' 1.r.,.,. .1 ° I' -- C ... Councilman di hm-" yea r. e ! t Couo Imo �� T., U Council nim \\'marl Mayor Mah„nee Form B. S. A.86 J e.°ee.r a p COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ '^r•+toa.e or rtoaeee rmevove,aem, xavme ` By �.a mgat .atp r INTERMEDIARY-'^ 0- Ri DER In the hia[ter of____Cllnstruc_t1F1„_g__gl<;gqe] QD__tAe_ south _side -of_ Iowa_ 6_v_en_ue fxom_�dger_ton_Str_aeS_to_Yctyn,,y,.A¢enue,____------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- ________________________________________— - _______________________________________________.—_____ _.--__ __-__________._-___ ______________________________________________ ___ under Preliminary Order___________ $2322______ Mfl 6a 1932 ________approved _ __3___ _ vThe Council o [the Citya of Pauol heaving re ived the lull- -_-_------------ -- abo -prove d h ving c ider d said tithe r�portb If -" rssroner of Finance upon the I. r "'bat e y r m hereby o deredhtosbedproeeeded with.s me rs hereby approved and adopted, and the said i vement rs -pro 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Coursed recommends is C9ngt,tu Qt_ _e_ sidewalk __n__th=_s4ltth _side 9r_iowa__,oen,ae from_Edgerton Straet to Payna Avenue• ------------- -- ----------- azcePt-,nhe a_good_an3_sssfPlcieat_s],sie][.a],}cs_ n9v__aStgk_---- ------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------ --------------------- _______________ __________________ ____ __________ ___________ with _________________ no alternatives, and that the estimated ..at thereof is $-f1.Hfi_gor__13­t ft. Resolved Further, That a Public hearing be had on said improvement on the______72t1L__ day of --_Jvlg•_193Z_-----Buil_, g in__, at the hour of " o clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and 4 ity HatlpBuildingna ; he City of SC Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of h_rring, eche nature the ima n the man er provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of provem1e'n1t and dA t��heeyyb�.bd cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Count;; iilpl_ppyy_____��N �1 WVI. 192 APProved----------- ----------------- 192___ ol- ity Clerk. Councilman �---- yor. Councilmen--� May1."uId PUBLISHED l _ io ..Z Couneilmana�-� Pea '�� Couneilman dl -d.... Ronen / Coundlmen Mune7 Wenvel ayoranoocy Form B. S. A. 8-6 92731 K:Ed,, m Ae�e epooG An. te°odnerm,- 'ode I?elmlvur Foa.mii oe ice crp ter- ' e es°t ad a r c. ams. —a. ..o.i COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- IMI, tleretir rear..: �r m. wd n. rro -. r .rotr s..r.ne a By_______________________________________ , me wd tmamr.mear ° ______- mac. tt aroroee.e :. t "` INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter rf-- struntino-a_sldflnalk_ on_the-nneth-side_nP_IC W-tb----- _3tr�at_Srom_HazelanncL 9venne_ _ta-aa—im- Etteat- ------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order_________9229F1----------------- approved __1Qey__2._192________________ The Council of the City of Paul having recri,ed the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above' mprovement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same ig hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. ' 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___ Gj=tr_UC_t_A-AUEI- _xelk_nzL_the_north_sida_af_Marvin_Street_Srtuaiiazelwacsl_Aeenua_tA_k@rl4ein e_g4A�__aAd_ggfTic iantsidewa2 ks _now _exist_----------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $__d.E.._par_1'ront Pt. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the___ 12t71 ----------- day of Jni,Y._12$2------------ 1W3___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in the m nner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_MWT2_______- 192____ � Iy ------- Approved -------- _______________192___ PURLISIiED—�� r Councilman Councilman amomms— Councilman 11,220,44— 1...eerre , } coundlmm riiwiW� councilman tfYiWr Trna: CouneilmanWenael MayorMahoney Form B. S. A. 8-6 -qViV let.. I.— "a- me, COUNCIL FILE NO. d am i By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matta, of --- QrAMre--2tzQPt -trs�-7oz=tpn- Ftrestt--to ----- ---- ------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ --- -- ------- ------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- - --- ----- - -------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------- -- --- ------ -------------------------- omd,, Pteli.m.ty O,dar ----------- q2l@3 ------------------ PPI—d --- AP11 I 27,_1932___________ The 2L,--Iga2----------- The Council of the City of Pant having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the .b.- improvement, and having considered -id report, hereby —.1—: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved .d adopted. and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council ---d, ------------------------- with no site ... ti—, and that the estimated cost tb,,,,f is $-a.aL-.p — fx on t Po of Resolved Funh,,, That , public hearing be bad no said improvement .. the ----- 12ih- ---------- day of 2___________,M—__, at the h— of 10 o'clock A. M., in the C-61 Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Fimmos ggive,ti,, of aid meeting to the F, .... and m the manne, provided by the Ch -el, —ting the time and place of hearing, the n,t,,, o the improvement and the total — —t the , estimated. Adopted by the C ... cil- JUN 14 02 -------------------- 192__ -- Approved______— P-1 1'U13LISi ILLI— � C000cibmm.jiho.pa M,11—.hl C ... ihnandipow— M, c onodoo lm dihdkIll" P-11. c .. cil... dwdqwl> c ... ci .- Couveilman .: 110PIPO11� Wcuzel Mayor �w Form B. S. A." —W733 COUNCIL FILE NO ..te se Mese ` By we t,br,.em.: INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of ---- —tr11Ck1IIg fl118$JfSIIsslIIs-�II-�h8-8cilth_sida _n£_Stat[ena _StteEt_bat98en_Sm],tla_-.issenuaawd-A/ttama-Avon - -------- under Preliminary Order_____ 92319 --------------------- approved ---- may--5r_J-332-------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the A... improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_tAnat—cL_a11ey___ _r oAaing_nn_Sha--th--J-da_nf_St—ens_SLSaet_bat,--_Smith.-, :enus_axtd _-Qtt.6IIA_Ay?ALL@r_________-- _____________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $A.ZCL-p -sq. ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the_______ L2Lnh -------- day of July 1Si�2 ___-_-____- j-9&- at the hoar of 10 o'c�c k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. Yh t the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the persons and in them er provided.Ly the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and tp.F total cost thereof as estimated. " 14 IQ' Adopted by the Councit------------------------ 192____ a�a ______192___ _______ Approved_______ �v_ ___ __ jy'CI Mgor. Council mav® McL><+ea1d PL'RLISIf1;U2 Councilman iwqpx� May /))) CouncilmCouncilman P', / an �wlv Hu°nx / Councilman" 7 Tro _ Couneilman qpjlmvfi� W,—el Mayor volffinwimmimpow Plehlroey Form B. S. A." `2734 w- "m"$n» COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- ----------- .°r or mon uoo. ..m.ot. ma mtn•� w .. INTERMEDIARY ORDER 1. the Matter of_s eG ansLrsseting.-slaying_$.i'eP-a13'in-d_ Vie_ siaew_aik_ana _bvilding-satalnln&-wntl _nn_She-aaV-th--sl-de_ of _R_atgs ay -Street _be�lnn?ng 38 SaeL_aasi_nP_�Yeatarn.3.lCa0.115�__thsnss_s_as@- 26_ f_a_ety----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- under Preliminary Order___923ZIl_______________________approved--- N@Y_12s_ 1932 ____-_-__-___ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the -same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cooncil recommends is... rec onstrue ty_reley -oral-sapa_tc_tha_sideaslk-ani_hulltisatalning_aall_on_t_h4__s4RSh_ side_ of _Bamsag_SLraet._hng-tnning_,10_S9_flL__CASS_ of-R'g stxern_/iv enuei_thenca_east_26 -fsets_____________________________________________________________________________ _____________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated ,at thereof is $_33.1)II_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ l-th_________day of _S41y _18A______________DOL__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Cooncil Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p ons and in the nner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_____________________ ��ypa Approved---------- iµuQA9�L X2,tr�rp2 _____192___ J/l � j City Clerk. Councilman MCDonnld �-- C...eilman CounMa. cilman lmav �{�ypj� fen rrn CounciTruax Councilman dM1 Mayor viii Mal„a•v Form B. S. A. 8.6 D2735 ,a COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY 0h,;;,ER 1. the Matter —t—l-d—of ,J—J, 'F _ _,S tr eAt_ _ t1jene gL _ _,_QUt;b__40 --teat ------------------------------------------ ---------- - ------ ------------ --- ------------------ ------ ------------ ----------------------------- under Preliminary Orde --------- QP.11 A ------------------- ppr—ed ----- ------------- The Co .. ilinip"", d City of the Ciof Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance up.. the above emt, .. having coupidered said report hereby resolves: lThat the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council r—uune.d, --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -ith 11 alternatives, ..it that the estimated cost thereof i, s-26!49 Resolved- Further, That a public hearing be had no said improvement no th ------ 11th ___-__day of ------------ xaxx--, at the hour of 10 ',I,,k A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City Of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give utie, of �aid 'h te stating time ng 1, t e per—a and in he nummer provided by the Chu, the Cd place of hearing,the nature of he improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council WUA32 -------- 192---- Appm,ed ---------- 0-1__ ---------- 192... anoubm"w— M'1"o— C 5 C ... d1o, ... 61nuanvftqp� rmm11bftwW- 11.y 7 COumcilP,.r,. cou'cilrnanddmllg� R—" Ccmncilj;um12W@Wjo T,uu. C ... eifin-ANNINNIMM W'—el Mayor N.b.—Y Form B. S. A. 8.6 92736 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- • ... oe as—d no. nna n.at-.... B INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of --- rapalring_Jdle__sidewaik and bnilding_A_xaSalming_ Wall 011_the__sorlth_ side_ Of_Remsey Street—hegianing aL 0Akland_Avenue,__thaace_WaeL1fiS_Ssflt+_____________________________________ under Preliminary Order__ ---- 23fifl-------------------- approved _____________ The Council of the City of Peel having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the abovet mp...— , and having considered said report, hereby resolves. 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is____�aR4i!stryc Lx relay and_ra}lai_=_the _sRjxth side of Bamseg_SLraeS._heginning_aL OAklaad_Av_enite.__thenc a_ wast 165_ feet-_______ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $2-,536.40____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the__ 12t]3__________day of Jd17$._-la `.'tom—_________- 7RlC__, at the hour of 10 .clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building io the City of SC Panl. That the Commissioner of Finance given of .:d ...e ring r--- . ah. m....,.r pro-- by eh. Ch.rt.... �r a <,.... a..d pta�e. of hea mg,�the natu- . the hopro <nt and the total cost thereof as estimated. r i vem sya�ps) Adopted by the CooncidUN 1410 192 1° CW +wla t� � -- Approved__ ________ _________192 J / y Clerk. _ ._G_f_'�>__�t_3_-111 Council ma"c'm Couneilmata=-a Councilmaemddvcftlwe Coundlmav N lr;R— I" " Coundlm Councilm:::= Mayor �lR Dl:du„�,y Form B. S. A. Bb 92737 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ..' 4XV. By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the matterof__L@9_uD.QtL170_ti.A6.:'_e�gying_and__renalri where -W!q-q§AqKy, Wollt 3 50-fbet ------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------- --- --------------------------------- --- I ---------------------------------------------- -------------------- --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ----------- - ---------------------------------- under Preliminary O,d ------------ 92.332 ------------------ pp .... d -------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the C—ra—i—, of Finance up— the ,b— improvement, and having considered said report, hereby —,l -a: I. That the said report and the same is hereby app—ed and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Conncil recommends is --- r-eQZnat—Pt,-,rfaa7 on-th. Tap,ajng_ZtneAt, hagi uni 150 _feet with no alternatives, and that the estimated —t thereof is $-U§,t6-0------ R ... I -d Further, That , public hearing i,g be had on said improvement on th ------ iath ---------- day of J_4j_y,-39.j? ------------ F)SR_ at the hour of 10o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the of St. Paul.That the of Finance give notice of t City pra'�d by the said meeting to the Ferso., and in he are, Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the .—te , the improvement and the tom] c— thereof a. —i—ed. Adopted by the C .... ---------- 192---- '--J-� - ------- -------------- Approved______Clerk, -f -- Councilman C.U.cilm—dhwa*..kd,= " ,-,e Cou.6 !m.. gyp- , I;. -:i Couvdlman011116-- T C... M.yurl� Form B. S. A. " I OODNOIL RESOLUTION QJJ RR PRESEN COUNCIL FILE NO. 9273" TEDB y ZmzxxxIxxz:wZZ _.- RESOLVED, That Resolution, Council File No. 93873, adopted June 7th, 1933, granting Permission and authority to the Daytona Bluff Poet No. 115 of the Ameriosn Legion to oon- duot a summer festival at Bates and Beatings avenues, from June 13th to June 18th, 1933, be and the same to hereby re- voked. rn° Co.°.em,° X" I 1 :Truax �„uee,a„Nansel Aunt. ��°jjaR 91u6°P°eed °° ru�nl��aj°°he e��°Nu hee°vMt rsE�d n, a,r co°°ai AMUM9 Maptow3 duff 01port lRo. 515 r. ..i. I.i •i, 1rJ M..,.J . vs in�i„I� A, ST.— SAINT PAUL June, 17, 1932. Honorable Membere of the City Council, Saint Pani, Minnesota. Deer Sire: The adverse publicity that our organization has received on account of the revocation of a permit for our summer festival which was to be held this week at Bates and Hastinge Avenues has compelled the executive committee, Sn defense of the good name of the post and Its members and the Legion in general, to make the following statements: First, that the festival was conducted strictly in accordance with the terms of the permit granted. Second, rowdyism and unnecessary noise were not In evidence. Third, gamblingand games of change were strictly prohibited from the grounds. However, we did have three merchandise boo the conducted by mem ere of the post and their wives in which picnic hams, candy end groceries were disposed o by the spin of a wheel, the same as all other organizations have been doing for years. F-. ur th, the following cont ee eione were in operation on the ground e: one merry-go-round, one baseball throwing booth, one popcorn vender, one penny arcade, one sbooting gallery, two soft drink booth,, one magic city built by a local 14 -year-old boy. We had planned for the rest of the week to have free acts consisting of a tight -rope walker and a trained anlmal .how. We also distributed to the children of the community 1,"00 Yree rides on the merry-go-round. Fifth, there was nothing on the grounds that was a detriment to the community or the morals of a child and every- thing was under the Sir ict supervision of the poet, as was evidenced by the mayor's secretary who made an investigation Monday night and found everything satisfactory Sixth, we feel that we have been unjustly discriminated against by the action of the council in th be revoking of our permit on the grounds of gambling, thereby causing unfavorable reflection on US. Martou 13[uff W Post lRo. 515 �� [.4�T �E VF STH :TREET SAINT PAUI, 4ie Seventh, we feel that the council was misinformed and hasty in its action and take this opportunity of presenting our sl dq of the controversy. we are furnishing the press with a copy of `Chis letter for the purpose of enl l ght ani ng the public of the true facts. Although we feel that we have been unjustly de -1t with, we wish to assure the Honorable Payor and the city council that we shall alwaye as heretofore oo-operate with them in every way. Very truly yours, Adjutant � � � � \� >� dd ? 22� \ » \� � /:� � � � ` �.a,���f:»2 . :� © � . � .�� aƒ > ^:� �� a «: \� 2� ��� � �� \�� : � \ ^ .� � ©sem � >s . . .w. <� ��� 2» ..w a«� 2\\~~ <,>. �1 ctl! OF sx. ttul <o..a...io. ro�.e.. LAW DEPARTMENT � ` June 13th, 1932. Hon. •illlem Mahoney, Now of the Oity of Saint Paul. Dear girl This to in response to your request for an opinion of the corporation counsel relating to the petition filed with the city clerk, exeouted by a large number of property owners, re- questing that certain annoying amusements condor ted upon the promises located at the southeast corner of Bates and Hastings avenues be suppressed and remmed. The council adopted the following resolution on June 7th, 1932, the sees being approved on said date: -BZBCLVZD, That permission and anthor- Sty are hereby given to the Dartgns Bluff Post'No. 118 of the American Legion t000n- duct a suhmer festivalatBates and Hastings avenues, from June 13th to 18th, 1932. - The Promisee In question are classified by the Zoning Crdidgnoe as emmercial, Section 8 of said ordinance provides: -In a Commercial District, no build - Ing or premises *ball be used, and no build- ing *ball be *rooted, which is arranged, in- tended or designed to be used for any trade, Industry or use that is noxious or offensive by reason of the emlesion of odor, dust, smoke, gas or noise, or by reason of excessive fire basard.s It Is ear understanding that -.the permittee designated In said resolution is conducting or Se about to conduct upon the -premises in question, ostensibly in reliance upon the antherisatien granted by said resolution, what to oommonly referred to as a carnival or fair, operating ferris wheels, aerry-go-rounds end similar amusement devices. The words -summer featival,- in our opinion, an used In said resolution, do not Include carnival or fair in tbeir, interpretation, and thus no permit has boon granted by the ouncil for the conduct of a carnival or fair within the mean- Zbg of those words as commonly construed and interpreted. 3Gatu DeVaTmumi Ctv_uf."�tjjatt[ Hon. 1m. Iwoney-2. 8-13-32 Ordinance 1o. 5242 Fyrovides that no person, firm or corporation or association ehali, within the limits of the 0ity cf St. pant, oo�vot what U commonly ]mown as s carnival or fair without a license or permit. but provides that nothing in said ordinance *ball be construed to cover or apply to entex- taimmente of a purely local character given by fraternal, obaxi- table or religions organizations for the purpose of raising funds, provided that a permit shall be obtained from the Council after investigation and reoommandation from the Department of Public Safety. Section 817 of the 1831 Compilation of Ordinances provides for the payment of a license fee for maintaining or operating a merry-go-round. in the s® of $lb for each day or part of a. day that such merry-90-rmmd Ss maintained or operated. She Zoning ordinance is primarily directed to the re- etriotion of uses which have a reasonable degree of permanency or wbicb at least are to continue for an appreciable period of in questiwon for the purposever, It it bar epcomplained of ispinion that if enoxious Oruse of eOffensive by reason of the emission of odor, dust, emote, gas or noise, or bsum , action by the reason of exes0sive SCommissione of Publre hazard, mob ties dBafety�rerse6 It is our opinion that the Council has not, by virtue of Said resolution. granted the permittee therein named permis- sion or authorityto conduct a carnival Or fair or to operate a ferris wheel or merry-go-round or any other similar amuseemnt device upon the premises in question. She Commissioner of Public Safety should forthwith investigate this matter and take whatever action may be necessary to prevent a violation of the ordinances of the City, and to enppress by summary action any transgressions thereof. She Council may by resolution annul and rescind the resolution above set forth and revoke the permit granted thereby. Tours very tray, Ase eLant Corporation Counsel. LPS-U, W dune 14th, 1932. Mr. Hillard J. Moran, Attorney -at la., Co—rce Badding, 9t. Paul. Minnesota. Dear Mr. Morant He attach end Call your attention to a Copy of a raeolntton adopted by the City ComCil nt It. meeting held thin morning revoking the per Cit leeusd to Doytons Hlnff Poet of the American Legion to eondnot • f9stival at Hates and Hastings Aveays frm deme 131h to dame 78th, 1932. fhi• eotioa of the Council nes taken at the ret,neat of a =bar of property Coners in the vicinity. Very hely yews$ City Clark. [reperi eaF 9f Qvbiic SeFell a�TM oma June 4, 1952 Mr. Mike J. Gibbose, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Returned herewith is the application of the Daytona Bluff Post Mo. 115 of the American Legion for permission to stage a summer festival at Bates and Baetings Avemae from Jane 15th to 18th. The festival meets with the approval of this Department. V ery t sr Commissioner of Public Safety Ki Aft Magtons -VIuff Post No. 515 A,,..� 1A—T 5E—Tn 9TUET SAINT PAUL Tune 193E T TY7. I r..0'A-LF ': ni ^:r; 11, f:: 7�" Pl,I L: The is Tuff Post '1 .If A:nerioea Legion, her P. by oma kas applt-, �n ('or per':: =sign to atsee a sumr.er "e sti vel 1, the vecent lot at Tates and Yo;tinP,s.„ emus in this �1 L;; on Tune 13th to lF th :nc lu sive. a fes - tival rill be unde- o aus,ices end under 0 c,�ntrol r.ith rembe ro aC our :'o nt in ch: rde o the diffe_ent ao ncessio:is. It is also Dlenned to have trio ridiaC devices. etrust that our :_onoratle body rill e_t .leis pe rmissi,in. '?aepbbt.^ully submitted, :,,,,-T(' '3 3Lrp1' Po To. c15 �y V � City of Saint Paul y �� Office of City Clerk Ae1Q 1. GIReONS, .' s- •nd Co.—. W R•eea•een ,nine 6th, 1932 Nr. L. L. Anderson, Corporatlov Counsel, Buildine.. Veer Sir: The attached application of the Dayton Bluff Poet No. 115 of the American Legion for Av -S"BSf_ .tare a ani r festival at Bates end Re.atl a the Council, June 13th toel8th sea referred to you today by for the proper resolution. Ycure very truly, I City Clerk. r We the undersigned hereby petition that the ennoying of usemenS on the sont lot Batest tand Hastings Lv nuez just eweet of the southeast theCities 9ervloe n' ' oil Station on Hastings sve, be removed, w70 Jt. �. Jai � . �— 'J �l� � �' ✓ � � "Y bI 9&98 % Q He the undersigned herebj petition that the annoying amusements on the vacant lot located on the southeast oorner of Bates and Hastings Avenues Just west of the Cities Servloe 011 Station on Hastings Ave, be removed. i �C��a��,. ; Y11r,� ' Jn �.��� - � v � gYIL-r���.: ✓l We , er,�Mdthere petition that the amn Ing; IL the boated t on the southeastol, Me m a Tth. lot0 of Bates and Hastings (venues just vast of the Cities Sery Oil Statton on Hastings Ive, be removed. CITY OF ST. PAUL _ NO. J41 Jaz OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM �g Y e CQ*.t M19910NER RESOLVED In the matter of reconstructing* relaying and repairing, the sidewalks at following locations on Avon Street beginning at Dayton Avenue to south of Marshall Avenue* under Preliminary Order C. F. 90694* approved October 15* 1981. That all orders in the above matter be and the same are hereby cancelled* annulled and rescinded and all proceedings in such matter dis- continued. a c.."a.•aa °•aalo idea. .rT, I. 1.evia.. ?nt �ei .rya ^^ ehs°ia iii'' Years COUNCIIM N Nay, �rC4..y /444>,add �/ In mint {p#a Against Mc. P-idmtWaEgYtlIP-A" Adopted by the Council115182 19 pproved �.: SRF--19— �� o._ 9271 .R °tanv.uce+s,�ejUNCILvFRESOLUTION ....... Yo &u`ei �n... co ff., Tune _ 14i - 2 er my cevvdllv�edu�+tiaa. RES6LVEV7. I ON THE CITY TREASURY, TD THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 211,323.]1_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5742 T0 -511L INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER Eo BY T.E Eo�NE L_ aoo T mA IYIINflm11iY11■■ FFICECOF TME COMPTROLLER vL[ NO.-.--� OGOUNC11 • -COUNCILMEN—ROLL CALL .80LUTION AUDITED CLAIMS 11Dwinsr RESOLVED. iRwr cnecrte F'gyMRG7r rR,u rRc wDORm is �eIIehone �:�2Fly'L:— covmlRo eD D m 5775 iAlbext �j vcMve. ISI �N FAVOR OF TOTAL er ewnw ccae cne •e 5777 A. D. Rove BROUGHTFORWAR. 296,018 97 May Rynes 7 5¢ly2 (John � Sundquist 5779 1.272 9 q SW44 Charles 9te.art Clau herty,Guard Berglund Lumber Co. 40' C • Iry' 7� 5745 4atDeJr}tne Y. g fioDex Y.NOAdama ;an �pentral 57 5747 �e1ea Oscar Roea Y. Obet, Treae. of Remee'' County, 4. 63. 3 Sargent Co. 57409 John I. Lel,in,c ,UPoohran 77886 1532 '%David R, Laphsm and his attorney i' A. W. Baehr i 1,471 2 350 5750 5751 !Pat 8e11y 75 15709 5752 Goodyear Service, Inc. 215 4 �ieneral rquipment Co. 575 INorthwestem Tire Co. 5791 �#rigge. Oooper d: Go. 574 a. g. Stahl Go.810 .TP. Mai-80hler Factory 1 2 57555 eo Inc. 7 325 575b �G. The v8pan Botex vs.Co., 5757 5758911 „Lillian Geleenteld. Aesignee IIII Olen Leahey 11ton Rosen, 0omir of Finwwo 'Robert. 7.500.100 1j2 ,0 13507 5759 51L W. Copp t'0. R. Nielsen 1 5 00 5761 lid. J. Deragisob 147 ;74 5762 57?� George F. Feller Pilton Rosea. Oom or of Finano 6,595 33 187.803 75 57 5765 Quick Service Battery Co. F-12818Fail Fisels I: 23 85 427 00 Fred Aabruoh 2 4o - 5766 5767 N. T. Webster �C. I�Jemee 15 00 97 50 5768 5769 D. Broen C. No re 9 5770 F771 James 0. Poore ,Rtiefe7 Preduote. Inc. 1 14 401 7999 Z' 00 �01 Ei m 11mmumm 5774 IJ. L. Anderson 5775 iAlbext Asohenbremer 5777 A. D. Rove 5T7d May Rynes 5779 ed 8neip 5760 1 Berglund Lumber Co. • 5781 ins i White Cab 00. o.x repi tol Stationery Mfg- Co. ^Co. �pentral Soap Sargent Co. . ,UPoohran 77886 onorete Steel Co. .578p 0 -Operative Photo Supply Co. 5768 areell.O—ua, 81rY 6 Co. 15709 A. B. Haler 5790 �ieneral rquipment Co. 5791 �#rigge. Oooper d: Go. 574P .TP. Mai-80hler Factory 5793 Ii. C. Born bo. Z' 00 �01 Ei m 11mmumm (� %]✓ OODAOIL RESOLD COUNCIL FILE NO. 7<++41 PRESENTED BV- — - l �-,�m'm"M�� r mow`— TECEW, Barricklayer., Masons end arbls Maeone Benevolent Dnion 80. 1 has vo1-tily redaoed its scale of „age-; RESOLVED, That Council File No. 42448, as amended, be and the same to hereby further amended by striking out of said resolution the line "Bricklayer . . . . $1.25 per hoar," and by substituting in place thereof the line "Bricklayer . . . $1.10 per hour. BE IT rORTHER RESOLVED That said resolution be further amended by striking therefrom the line 'Bricklayer roreman . . . $1.371 per hour,' and by substituting in lieu thereof the line 'Bricklayer Foreman . . . $1.22} per hour." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said resolution take effect and be in force from and after June 18th, 1932. s LY:.x T111 C11-1 mt. ^r.. .. tea � este. r .... ars."t.,.._ ...>,.�" ... �o.... ... r r.rem.n... st.axµ' vee .0 ue.[Itutlwa to ,esu tEere.[ tEe ThR. m. s 1'eae C... n lmen \'— .M.Y ruaz M �icl)onall I'carac �Ir. P.r.ld.m:(Yahonay) I'.—d b, h, n�'i l- N G � , \la, City of Saint Paul C,L!icl.g( City Clerk SNS, Cey G.k .nd Cvmmi..lene al R.van•aon u.i ci.n e.mv.ae,. June 14th, 1932. Yr. L. L. �nderwa, Corporat Son Counsel, Building. Dear girl ,Ltteched please find coomanicatioa from the Hrickl4yere, Nasoae and Y.N. B®evoleaL pnioa Ho. 1 Of 9t. Pnn1, advising the Council tbat they have voluntarily reQuced its souls of vegai �. he p�rbllee rmasonel sealeris boar. yoreman, $1.221 pe $1.25 par hour. The Co_11 today referred this matter to you for the proper revelation providing for the above redoetiona, as of Juue 16th. Your. very truly, city Clerk. �� `igrirhjHUcrs, 4gasons ttnd [• lfl. �genebolent Pnion No. 1 of $ainl VUUI June 9, 1932. Hon. Wm.Mahopey, Mayor of St. aul, and Gentlemen of the Council. Gentlemen1 Please be advised that the Brloklayers & Masons Union No. 1 of st.Paul hes voluntarily reduced its sosle of wages from $1.25 per hour to $1.10 pe hour. Foreman, $1.220 per hour. The marble masons' scale is $1.25 per hour. With very best wish-- for the future, I beg to remain Reepeotfully yours, Secretary. ED B OUNCIL VITIOR 1'� `0�.p 4 ea,, -. .92742 n Alamkt5�sas'�Z —� WHEREAS, By Chapter 61, General Laws of Minnesota for 1989, ^7,J' as amended by Chapter 132, Laws of Minnesota for 1931, there is u/ created for the City of Saint Paul a aommiselon to be known se *Fort Authority of a.-TO-41 ....... and WHEREAS, By the terms of said aot% such oommieelon is to consist of three oommiesionere who are to serve without oompense tion or remuneration save for expenses incurred in the perform- ance of their duties; and WHEREAS, By said act the City Council of the Oity of Saint Paul is obligated to appoint said commissioners, ons for a term of two years, one for a term of four yeers,and .one for a term of six years, and thereafter u a term expires, a commissioner for a term of six years; and WHEREAS, The Oity Council of the City of Saint Paul has heretofore failed to appoint snob commissioners; nam therefore, be it RESOLVED, That David Aberle be appointed mob ocmmiseioner R. P. warner for a term of two years from the date bereof; Aim be appointed a oommi@.loner for the term of four year.; and that deo. C. Lembert t be appointed a Commissioner for a term of six years from the date hereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED That snob Commission be know as sport Authority of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota;• be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That said commissioners take and subscribe the oath of office required by Section 8, Article 6 of the State Oonstitution, said oath to be taken and filed with the City Clerk. 22 IT FURTHER RESOLVED That said Oommiesioners be requested COUNCIL FILE NO. 92742 QCCHCIL AZ9CLiyf1CH• ORDINANCE NO. — LNTED BY (2) to complete their organisation as presoribed by Chapter 61, Laws of 1929, and to prooeed with the performance of the duties therein get out, and that said Commission be direoted to form, together with the port Authority areated for the adjoining oity of the first class, the joint commission as presoribed by Chapter 132, Laws of Minnesota for 1931. !09 ti'eae Councilmen Nays Passed b.0hc Council C %I'D—W 1. In Paso, / Pearce i Rosen — ii 3�e}�axtat ut �f iGaiu CIT. OF e,. PAUL eHEwHAN DWI J. LYNN IRVING 10n1E9 July 12th, 1932. To the 00uncil. Gentleman! At your request, I incuired of the Attorney Ceneral his opinion as to the application of Chapter 61, Laws of 1929, as amended by Chapter 132, Lane of 1931, to the City of 9t. Paul. I asked particularly If the act imposed the duty upon the City Council to elect the three members of the Port Authority. I have received his reply, a copy of which is hereto attached. The letter is In my opinion self- explanatory. , Yours very truly, �k Oorporation Counsel. LL U i L COPY. July 6, 1932. CITIES - ser amendedAuthorbyyLawsa19319, 20haptett 12261, Lewis L. Anderson, E -e., corporation 0cures , St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear BLr: In your letter of June 27, 1972, you call attention to Laws 1929, Obspter 61, as amended by Laws 1931, Ohapter 132, and inquire whether it is mandatory upon the city council Of St. Paul thereunder to appoint the three commissioners who constitute the port authority. our opinion is that this is to be answered in the affirmative. 8eotion 1 of the act as originally enacted pur- ports to establish a commission to be known as "The Port Authority of " in every city of the state having a population of over 50,000 and which is situated upon or ad- jacent to or embraces within its boundaries, In whole or In part, a port or harbor located on a navigable lake or stream. Section 2 of the act provides that such port authority for any city shall consist of three commissioners, who shall be appointed by the city council of every city in and for which such port authority Se created. The fire commissioners are appointed for term- of one, four and six years, respectively. The act by its terms is mandatory, and we believe it is the duty of the council of every city within the terms of the act to appoint this commission. 4, j (Z) You further inquire "as to the authority of the Port Authority, once it is created." Tbie is an extremely comprehensive question. The act itself sets forth the powers and duties of the port author- ity, and, without knowing what specific question you have in mind, we would prefer not to enter upon a general discussion of the powers of the commission. If you will favor us with a con- crete question or aeries of questions, we shall be glad to undertake to answer same. Yours very truly, W. H. Gurnee, Assistant Attorney General. i. a•J• 4& G 4.). 1' 4 JOHN F. SCOTT July 28, 1932- The Honorable Mayor and City Council, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Gentlemen: I have been informed that your body has under consideration at the present time the creation of ul as Ch. a132r Sees. '-aeey1931' andOf St. athat my namesd by has been suggested as one of the three Commissioners wbcare to serve without compensation in the administration of the Port Authority's affair.. While I am not unappreciative of the conslder- ation shown me in this instance, I must respectfully request that my name be removed from the resolution nas ottpermit mydemands acoep tancemy time of an app Ointment nof sthis l nature. I remain Very truly JF0-abd 4 July 29, 1932. ur. Jobn i. Scott, a 7p� 6t. uinneeote &rilding St. Haul, 9lnnewta. ]fear 91r, Your lbeettrer� ad f,, tbeCreeolntl dug tbet your name ase 1a18 pointin6 a HortAutborit Yer St- pe" c over . Acgne l7 by v411 be sg jn pteeeated eben the reeolntion fe coo- ddered. Tome truly. city (nest. Adopted by the Council ___...._._.._..._.191.__... Yea.. Nay.. NIA /McDONA1.D PEARCE, ROSEN ,-'TRUAX "ENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (MAtIO�) V I t L✓,6 L CITY CSF SAI NT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT July 26th, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: On July 219t, I asked yoz_>r body if any members thereof had anymore questions to ask relative to the application of Chapter 61, Laws of 1929, as amaadad by Chapter 132, Laws of 1931. Thle communication 'nae submitted to the member- of the Council by the City Clerk, but no commissioner has suggested any questions in adv ition to those .eked by Com -mi as1 ner Wenzel. Commissioner Rosen, however, did write and sug ire st that if it developed that the Port Authority exercised ce rt aia powers which the Council thought should not be exercised by an independent body, the remedy shuld be legislative rather than judicial. When thla qne st ion was fi=at submitted to the Council, I prepared copies of the two acts acid furnished one to each mem- ber of the Council. The act is quite conclusive. However, Com- missioner Wenzel asked the fol l ow iri.g questions: 1. Has the Port Aut rior ity any power other than advisory? 2. Can the Port Authority override any action ofthe City Council with respect to port matters? 3. Can the Port Autla ity hire lawyers and engineers and other employee without restrictions grid without approval of the City Council? The act in question atz. c;mpts to set out quite fully the powers of the commiaaion but it does not grant to the Port Authority Commission any authority to levy taxes or to enter into contracts which shall become oblij�tions upon property not owned by the Port Authority Cardmcl loam Section 6 provides specifically as follows: "The port authority shall Lave no right or authority to levy say takes or special assessments, nor topledge the credit of the State or nay other sub -division or municipal corporat los thereof, nor to increaseany ob ligation enforcible upon any property either within or without the portdistrict other than property owned by said port author i -1-31- - CITY OF SAINT PAUL LAW DEPARTMENT Council - 3 The Sectionfurther provides that the city may, " in its discretion^ levy taxes. Section 7 provide. that the city council of any city in We district may, "in its discretion", transfer property to the port authority comm ss on. The act former provide. as follows: "But nothing in this act contained shall be construed to impair or in any manner restrict any power of such city or any municipalityto Itself own, develop, use and improve port or terminal facilities." The section further gives the right to the city, in its discretion, "to furnish offices, warehouses and other structures and space to the port authority commission." Said section further provides that the city attorney or other similar law office of any city shall be the attorney and legal adviser of the port authority, without, however, impairing the right of the port authority to employ addi- tional counsel when in its judgment such action Ss advisable. Section 6 of the act enumerates quite fully certain other powers of the commie. on. Section 9 gives power to the port authority commission to hold property and gives it the right to exercise the power of eminent domain but it doe. restrict this power of eminent domain I. this respect'- that the port authority cannot condemn property already owned by the city or other municipal bodies. Section 10 authorizes the port authority "to employ such engineering, legal, technical, clerical, stenographic and accounting and other assistance as it may deem advisable." The same section provides that no obligation or expense shall be incurred unless there ere moneys available and that neither the State nor any municipal corporation shall be liable for any obligation of the port authority oommisslon. I will attempt now to answer specifically the questions asked by Commissioner Wenzel, above Bet out: 1. The port authority has, in my opinion, power .M other than advisory but that this power may a exerc sed pnly with the consent of the Council of the City of St. Paul. In other words, Bitch the act attempts to give broad powera to the port authority commission, It has no m Counoil - 3. way of financing itself except with the consent and assistance of the City Council, assuming it has no property in its name. 2. The answer to the second question is "no". It may recommend to different public bodies differ- ently from the recommendations of the City Council but their recommen,ations are not binding upon the City Council. 3. The answer to the ti:ird question ie "yes", a eauming the said port authority commission has money with which to pay. The above questions have not been submitted in sufficient time for me to obtain the opinion of the Attorney Generalso as to have his opinion available for the 28th. However, please be advised that this Council is bound by my opinion in these matters. If it is, however, the desire of the Council that these questions be again submitted to the Attorney General, I wl11 be glad to comply with such a request. Please bear in mind that the above makes no attempt to fully outline and detail the powers and duties ofthe Com- mission. I have Bet out certain powers of the commission with the restrictions to the exercise of those powers merely for the purpose of answering the specific questions submitted. Yours very truly, LLA -MS. Corporation Counsel. ams 16th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Aadsreon, Corporation Cmmpl, Building. Bear Sirr The attmhed copy of a ""lotion by Co®iaslauer MW was referred to you by the City Council lith the request that yon adHee the members of Lha Coonoll u to the powere and daties of the Port Authority Commissioner as named in the resolation, tr gethar with a statment of the law w»ruing the matter. He oleo regnaeted yon to edvisa them as to the mstbod of appointing, daties, std. of any other docxdtNes- authorired to he appointed under the State Lew, City Charter or ordinances of tjm City. ihne 23rd. The resolution was laid over to 7oura very truly, City Clerk. Ione 24th. 1932. Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Com.el. Badding. Dear Sirt 1. attwh a copy of resolution n.®icg the member, of a Port Antborlty of Belot Peal. Thi. matter s., laid over to Jal7 28th and you nn rs- qo..tedto x4 the to and con.alt with the Mtomly Oanaml of this state regarding the Soterpmtation and .cope of the lbs pert.inlV9 thereto. It see .1.0 .Mge.ted that yon content other cities ep.ratiog mder the .ams or .Smiler 1w. with a ries, to obtaining their apintco. Toa,, very truly. Olty 01.14. Bepnrtment of ?fines \ m or sr. PAUL L. NDERSON LO eV NG GOTL Ee June ao, 1932. To the Council. Gentlemen: On June 16th, the City Clerk conveyed to me your request for my opinion as to the number ll bolediu the mm i iyal provided for by Charter or State law, aDP boards or oommlealone, and their duties. meat o2 the City o2 BL.Pau1, together with a statement as to t s method of appointing such The question arose in connection with Council oils }9tto o4a which provided for the appointment Of three oommiseSoaMel a ota.e The ty Of St. va. arlouepboardethl and oommiseloheOf theiaie enumeraLed�herewith: 1. POAT, AUTHORITY - This commission is provided for by Chapter 61, General Laws o2 Minnesota for 1929, as emended Chapter 132 of She Laws of Minnesota for 1931. I have prepared to il band oth submitof ted lawea�It will be member Of uunscehe eeoary,olbelieve patsLhie time to further describe the duties of this commission. 2. SINKING FUND 001MITTEE - Section 220 of the Charter City Comptroller Pro- creates a committee known as the Sinking Fuad Committee andPro- vides that its personnel be that of the Mayord section , i o of each endthe CommisVAyor sioner of hall be president andi the domptrollere secretiary that Sag ittee. Sinking is provided thatll kept eall ntirely sepazateeend die- tint from sll other funds belonging to. the 01ty; hoar g the exds act socounts of the same shall at all times be kept, ate deg amount and condition of said funds; that a complete deecrifull of sll securities be kept; SIIpDat the OosPof said troller committeall e in albook accurateominutes dud saofkall the l by h1m for that Purpose. to be pr tioa 221 of the Charter provides the class of securities SSeon which such funds shall be invested. Section 222 Provide- that all income arising Srothe moneysor Baa=Sams holfund by that committee for the Sink shalling Fum ad f ' !Caw Dpattauid (rupnfg;nV al City Connoil - a. Section 223 of the Charter permits the Sinking find Committee to sell bonds of the City of St. Paul. This section is the one that provides for what is oommoaly known as the City Bank. Other sections of the Charter prescribe the method of handling the Sinking find, and they are unquestionably known by the Slaking find Committee. There has been some qo sttioon as to Chapter 131, Laws 1927, ; applies to the handling funds of the Sinking fund of the City of St. Paul. Because of the doubt which has s I advised tthat act and theCharte csome eBay within thelimitprescribedby 3. PURCHASING 001WITTii - Section 296 of the Charter r, the provides for end creates a oommiseelnLn *high commissione the oinown Comptroller and the Purchasing AS asthe ae ha csing Committee. The Charter provides that sold htt (a) To establish from time to time standards for each and every article for the use of any and all officers and departments. (b) To make or cause to be made any test, examina- tion or analysis necessary therefor. (c) To require the assistance of any and all officers and departments therefor. (d) To frame or cause to be framed full, proper and uniform specifications therefor and standard and uniform forme of contracts. (e) To provide penalties for the failure of any officer or department to use the same, This section further provides that the foregoing Pro- visions bsh-11 be y and througghlandwith the administrativesnt and ordinanceProval of the 4. LAND COWaTTiH _ Section 203 provides for the creation of a Coittee to be known &a of that �commmitS a is the mayor, tpurchasing Agent and the Committee on JgVoAs. e head ed o=nnel the department requiring the purchase of the land. This section provides that this committee, when directed to attempt to Purchase Kaw +"'413ITMtelit Titr of :�I.jjaul City Council - 3. lands necessary for the City, ahall obtain options where possi- ble and after obtaining options, report the total coat of seour- Sug such land to the Council. This section further provides that the cost of said option shall not exceed one per cent of the value of the land to be purchased. The section further pro- vides that inthe event the Land Committee cannot secure the land at a reasonable purchase price, the Council shall then order the land condemned. 5. ADVISORY SCHOOL BOARD - Section 399 of the Charter provides that the Commissioner of Education shall appoint a resident of each ward of the City of St. Paul, more than twenty- one years of age, as an advisory school inspector. This section provides that said inspectors shall have the power at all times to attend any and all sessions of the public eohools of St. Paul to observe the work In said schools and to report to the Oommis- eioner of Education the needs of the public schools in the ward for which Bald resident inspector may be appointed. The section further provides that said advisory inspector -ball be appointed in the June immediately following each regular spring election and that he shall serve for two years, without pay. This section imposes upon said Commissioner of Educa- tion, the duty of calling together ih,advisory session at least once a month in the offices of Bald Commissioner, the whole body of said school inspectors so appointed and to advise with them as to the needs of the schools and what may be done for their Improvement. This section further provides that said meeting shall be public and that minutes of said meetings shall be kept by a clerk as-igned to that duty by the Commissioner, end that said minutes shall become permanent public records, to be maintained In the office of the said Commissioner. S. ADVISORY LIBRARY BOARD - Section 411 of the Charter provides that It shall be the dnty of the Commissioner of Educa- tion to appoint twelve residents of St. Paul, one from each ward, to serve a term of. two years from August first of each year in which shall be elected a mayor and council. This section provides that such person so appointed, shall mot together with the Superintendent of the St. Paul schools, the principals of the high schools in the City, and a teaoher elected by thgWhole body of teachers in the St. Paul schools, as an Advisory Library Board. It is further provided that the members of said board shall meet at the Library with the Commissioner of Education at least once a month and shall make such recommendations as they may consider will promote the beet interests of said Library. !Caw 15tTadhiuia Q,itp afr Y.vaul City Council - 4. This section provides further that the Library, all Its branches, the art galleries, museums, eto, belonging to the city shall be open at all time to the members of said board for their inspection. It further provides that the recommendations made by the board for the better government of the Library of said City shall be In writing and shell be a permanent record in the office of the Commissioner of Education. The section provides that whether or not the recommendations are acted upon shall remain always within the discretion of the Commissioner of Education. 7. ADVISORY PARE BOARD - Section 439 of the Charter provides that the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall select, with the approval of the Council, an Advisory Board composed of five residents of said City, one of whom shall be a woman, to act, without pay, as advisor of said Commieeloner as to the development and use of parks and playgrounds. The section imposes the duty upon the Commissioner to meet with said board not lees than once each month to receive suggestions of its members as to the administration of the parka and play- grounds. It further provides that said Commissioner shall use hie own discretion in carrying out any suggestions made. It further provides that he shall be solely responsible for the ad- ministration of the parks. The Advisory Board shall hold office for two years and until their successors are appointed and qualify. Said section further imposes the duty upon the Commissioner to appoint such board within sixty days of his assuming hie duties as commissioner. The members of said board shall have the right of the floor in the Council, to be heard on park and playground business. 8. BOARD OF WATER C011I[ MONERS - Chapter EEII provides for the government of the Water Department of the City. Section 451 of said Chapter creates a Board of Water Commissioners, oom- posed of the Commissioner of Public Utilities who shall be the president thereof, theCommissioner of Finance and the Commissioner of Public Works. This section further provides that the City Clerk shall be the secretary of such board and that each of them shall be members and officers of said board so long as they shall hold those respective offices. The duties imyosed upon the said Board of Water Commissioners are set out in said Chapter. ($it�xcf ?�I.�Jxul City Council - 6. 9. CITY HALL AND COURT HOUSE COMMITTEE - Chapter EEIII, which is Section 486 of the Charter, provides for the creation of a joint City Hall and Court House Committee. This section provides that the Mayor of the City shall be ex officio a member and the chairman of said committee. The section imposes upon said Mayor the duty of annually appointing three members of the City Council and three members of the Board of County Commissioners as members of the said committee. The management of the Court House and City Hall, including the employment of employes to operate said building, is imposed upon this committee. Said section further provides that the City and the County taints ningy in equal shares the cost of repairing, heating the building. 10. PLAT COMMISSION - Chapter IEVI of the Charter, Which is Section 488, makes applicable Chapter 108, Special Laws of Minnesota for the year 1887. Said act created a Plat Commission of Ramsey County. The member; of the commission number four and are by eaicl_aSt, ae amended by the Charter the Commissioner of Publio War hree resident freeholders ok the County who shall hold office for one, two and three years respectively. The Mayor is the appointing officer of this commieslon. It is the duty of said commission to pass upon all plate which it is proposed to file. The mot provides that if the plate in question are within the City of 8%. Paul, the commission shall, after performing its functions, report the same to the Council of the City for acceptance. 11. BOARD OF PUBLIC) WELFARE - Chapter 371, Laws of Minnesota for 1989, created a Board of Public Welfare for the City of St. Paul and the Count of Ramsey. Said act, Section H, pro - video that said boards=l consist of five legally qualified citizens of the County who shall hold no elective or appointive goeitlon in said City ar County government. The act provides (same section) that two of them shall be appointed by the Mayor and shall be known s; city members of the board, whose appointment shall be subject to ooafirmation by the City 00un0 11 at a meeting to be held within fifteen days after such appointment. The same section further provides that the remaining three members of the board shall be appointed by the same person and shall be known as county members of each board and that their appointment shall be subject to confirmation by the Board of County Commissioners at a meeting held within fifteen days after such appointment. This section further provides that the Mayor may remove any or all of said members at bis will. It also provides that two members of said board shall serve for one year, two for two years and one for three years and that upon the expiration of each of such terms a successor shall be appointed to serve for three years. The duties �:tt>v li��cllnietlt (CitpnF 4t.�Jaid city Council - 8. of said board are set out in detail in the act. Generally speaking, the duty of this board is to administer the public hospital and almshouse of the Oity and County and to administer to the poor of said City and County. l2. PLABBIMG BOARD - Ordinance $4025, approved March 8, 1918, ae amended by Ordinance $5932, approved December 18, 1922, creates for the City of St. Paul a commiesion known as a City Planning Board. Section 1 of said ordinance, as emended, provides that the said board shall consist of the Mayor of the City, the membere of the Council, the City Comptroller, the Corporation Counsel, the Chief Engineer of the Oity, the superintendent of Parke and fifteen members to be appointed by the Mayor, none of whom shall be In the employ of the city govern- ment. Said ordinance provides that five of such fifteen members shall be appointed to serve until January 1, 1919, five until January 1, 1920 and five until January 1, 1921 after which all terms of such members shall be three years a;;L and until their euooessors are agpoI ted sad qualify. The ordinanoe in question I mposes upon the board the duty of studying the physical conditions of the City, the duty of preparing comprehensive plane for the development of the City and the duty of keeping informed as to the plana ;of the various departments of the City and of all public service corporations and other official and unofficial organizations affecting the development of the City. Said section further imposes the duty upon said board of endeavoring to coordinate the plans of these several organizations and to safeguard and direct the City's physical development. 13. SUING COMMISSION - Section 19 of Ordinance $5840, approved July 7, 1922s creates a board known as a Board of Zoning, which board consists of five members of the Zoning Committee of the City Planning Board, together with the City Architect. The ordinance in question imposes upon the board the duty of designating annually one of its members as presiding officer. The members of said board are required to take the usual oath of office before entering upon the performance of their duties. Mmebels of the Board of Zoning are forbidden to act upon any matter in which he or she is directly or indirectly interested. The ordinaaoe provides that meetings of the board shall be held upon notice from the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings. It further provides that four members shall be necessary for a quorum and that all meetings of the board shall be public. It provides further that the board shall keep minutes of all proceedings, showing the r r r r ?GttiO+�lzy;tthttctt2 �af,�r.�aul City Council - 7 vote of each member upon every question. The ordinance further provides that say, person dissatisfied with the decision or appli- oner cation Play tParYsf pgrro=ds and Public Buildinge,ovision- Of this ordinance bmay happeal itol the Council by filing notice of appeal with the City Clerk, and the ordinance provides that such appeal shall be submitted to the Board of Zoning, which board abs11, within ten days thereafter, hear the appellant, and transmit in writing its recommendations to the Council, together with the reasons therefor, The Zoning Board primarily is an investigating and advisory board for the City Council. 14. ARMORY BOARD - Chapter 509, Lave of Minnesota for 1981 is an act which has to do with the Rational Guard and militia of this State. BeotIon 115 of said Chapter creates an Armory Board to control and mane certain armories of this State. It provides in part as fellewel rIf more than one company of t he anms regiment is quartered therein, the Board shall consist of the senior resident field officer, and if no field officer resides at such place, then of the several company commanders; if compan- ies of more than one regiment or lesser separate organizations are quartered in a single armory, the senior resident line officer of each regiment or lesser separate organization shall constitute the Armory Board{ provided, howewer, that each member--,kf the Armory Board shall have one vote for each company of his organization located in such Armory.' It has been the practice to appoint an Armory Board consisting of the Mayor, the senior officer of the regiment and the Commle- sioner of Fiaanoe of the City. This board was appointed under the provisions of the general statutes which" ropealed by Chapter 509. 15. BOARD OF ABATWNT - A Board of Abatement of the City of St. Paul is created by Chapter 212, Special Laws of Minnesota for 1878, and It consists of the Mayor of the City of aagaet 171h, 1932 Mr. Harld Aborls, Preeldeat, Henry C. Garrott. lnc., St. Paoli. Mtanoeeta. Dear Slrr In aoeordanes alth the P"llana of %%tor 61, 0enaral Eva of Mlncseote for 1929s o saendod by Chapter 132, Loa of Mleneeota for 1931, the 0o®0ll hae appoleted a pormtaslon to be know as the 'Port Antborlty Of St. Paula, Sad $0 mnetet of yoartelf o domelseloaer for a teem of boo years, of Mr. DL P. tamer for a term of four years and of Geo. 0. fsmhert for a tam of six years, rill you kindly can at s7. office at your earllat ooarentmce and take your Bath of offlset Tours, very tray. city Clerk. ♦uCnet 17th. 1932 ft. S. P. taper, Pim President Crt=*,Cooper 8 Oo.,. Ina St. Pant, ytnnesota. Dear Sirs In eoaardenoe elth the Pre,islens Of We�ptar 61, Ceaersl Irn of tylanesot. for 1929, er ®ended by Chapter 132, lams of ■tnneeota ror 1931. the Co®ail hu appotnted a Ca®iesion to be Moen" the *Port hntborty Of St. Pana° and to oensiet of yo elf as —gseiaaer for s Leta of foo, years, of 6r. Dnrid •berle for a Leta of Leo years and of Oeo. C. Im*art for a term of 4z yeaH. rill you klndly call at ry offloe at yoar serlleet oonrealenae and take your oath of offloe7 yoore rery trely, City Clerk. • , , 1Qaln Aqr[Ii ula OtL)ar.-rte City C—ouncil — 8. at. Paul, the County Auditor of Ramsey County and the four members of the City Council who have been elected members of the County Board of Equalization by the Council. The duties are as prescribed by the mot in question. I believe that the above nnewere your request. It may be the I have felled So find mud report upon some board or committee and if I have and that failure to called to my attention, I shall examine and report upon such committee or board. Yours very truly, LLA-yB. Corporation 00uaee1. o a..„a 1 CITY OF sT. AUL ri�c � NO. _. :ill Yl) IC ITY CLER 10 NE ORM -ESENTEo BEY REsowEo That Upon the recommendation of the Department of Public Safety the Purchasing Agent be, and he Is hereby authorized to purchase, with the consent of the Comptroller, one 1932 Model 128 Packard sedan, 128” wheel base, completely equipped, for the Bureau of Fire Protection, at a coat of $1,890.00, less an allowance of $500.00 for one 1927 Packard De Luxe Sedan, to be taken in trade, making the net cost not to exceed $1,390.00, without advertisement or competitive bide, as this is a peternted article and no advnntage could be gained thereby. Charge Fire Fund 8— C-9 New louipment. Yca: cou rvcicM[ry Nays .c.R� jh:ry May M,D—Id / In favor �, c.'.� i, .� Agai a. M,. N—d— Qj.WlIt I.. ,, Adop—d by chc Council(m�.ry� N 1$ IM 19 Approved __.. d'1� yIOJetsE'L City of Saint Paul DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASES C p 0 P Y June fed, 1932 Mr. C. r. Carle on, City Purchasing Agan', Court House. Deer SSr:- N requisition 8 cyln 1932 model,issued farpf ororchFire of Packard Sedan, se type Chief P++en C. Dunn to replace Packard Sedan now in aeorvlce. For your information I am advls Ing you of the condition of the car to be replaced, as you requested; also de to of purchase and all details. c Packard De Luxe Sedan 1927 model, Purchased 14—h 1928. Serial No.136207, Motor No. U-1363008, 6 Cyl. 3#"x511, Wheelbase 126". This auto has bean in F.D. service 4 Yrs.3 Mos., hes traveled 40,809 miles and is In fair condition. If kept in service it would cost approximately condi will hav ao to be In first e finished , callsbrighttend finish.d.pactsrr re-nl ckled, tires renewed, brakes overhauled end nen brake drums and shoes applied. Sotor comp applied aaV mot rlhasasttert- cylinders honed end new p mo s ed to pump o11. I would advise the replacement of this auto now for above rens one and while it has a resale value. Yours truly, (Signed) Ch... L. Willis. Supt. of tiPperatue. Y } 1 y 1 euu....e u.. . �twlOLDTfOR CITY OF 8T. PAUL .. tJ. __ W744 tlT1 �pB�6.0.W ^' i' J, OFFICE OF CITY CLE�ige :lyra e " � //�COUNCIL RESOLUTION—G it pp b$k� a wc$W..18N$JI/,1 o' em^'ttt•• .. Time ia,_ 1932. RasoLvaD — Wherea's, Additions end deductions which might prove to be necessary on the improvement described as the improving of the Third Street Esplanade between Robert and Jackson Streets, J. S. Sweitaer & Son, Inc., contractor, have been provided for in the specifications and unit prices therefor have been stipulated in the contrast, and Whereas, It has been found necessary to make additions and deductions to the contract, Table 1 slowing the additions and deductions made in accordance with the unit prices stipulated in the contract, and Table 2 showing additions made on a force account basis, as provided in the contract. Table 1 Additions Door lintel and iamb guards E39.23 Bolts £or n columconnections 21.68 Wall along Robert St. walk 63.50 Railing and curb along Jackson St. 722.70 847.11 Deduction Elimination of parapet wall and railing along north side of Second St. 1.041.07 Net Deduction Table 1 193.96 Table 2 Additions 0 Lighting Conduitin slab 180.00 Flashing along F.O.E. bldg, and bricking windows 176.00 Removing and replacing curb at south- west corner of 3d & Dackson 10.00 366.00 Total Net Addition $172.04 And Whereas, The total addition is $172.04, now, there- fore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work done under the supervision of the Commissioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the net addition due to same not to exceed the sum of $172.04, to be added to the lump sum consideration named in the contract known as Comptroller's Contract L-3627 for the making of the aforesaid improvement for the reasons re nbefore set forth and pursuant to theaforesaid specifications and unit prices stipulated in the said contract. The Department of Public Works has agreed with the contractor, J. Sweltzer & Son, that the sum of %172.OA is the reasonable total addition to be made to the said contract. Commissioner of Public Wo Countersigned: for Sty Co p ra er L,// i COUNCILMEN Ye Nay, 'Adoptcd by the c.­H_�= 19 FMefle�a [n favor Approved R 1 IOAiPT.� Mar Mr. President f3ftIffi- biIf1LISHE6 6(0 —a ,dam-�%' MM rr Ad.Pted by the Govncll . _— N.Y-. Y -- MAY �',cDONALO � YEARCE ' / ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL / MR. pRES1DENT (MAHONEY) e••�•. •__.••_•_•• CITY OF ST. PAUL •_'� NO. 92745 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL REF—GENERAL FORM owe fooN$i dune 16, 1932. RESOLVED Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary conduits for 4 -corner sad' center type bulls eye traffic signals and safety island flashing signals to be installed on University Avenue between Rice Street and Dale Street, inclusive, as listed below, at an estimated cost of $2,215.99, and that the said cost shall be charged to the project known as the repaving of Untersity Avenue from Park Avenue to Dale Street and to be financed as part of said project, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. Rice and University Marion and University day -Gaultier and Unlversit Farrington and University Virginia and University Western and University Arundel and University Mackubin and University ( 1 gent and University Vy Dale and University �1 Y— N— C6-7 F-P— md:10-d In favor Raw.ds Gwbossw >IVl� Mr. P—id—'§Iedl e Adapmd by ch<Council Ak Approved^y CITY OF sT. PAUL °� o u 9 nut orweao lO' ••••,••�•~ OFFICE OF CITY GLl nie o�bvNx pv U� tvYow n pm a (orae e<vvav CIL Rrs6iunoN— N R.em aaban.. , 1932 • E9y'^/.em.r.. a.ui..'QVpe 11,. - COMMIa810X-� Vv -_ Whereas, Unforeseen conditions d sorlbeds.a thenot re nstructlon in the making of tovided for he Smp J, S. Sweitzer & Son o.n1ractZ bave of slab over Second Street between Robert Street and Farwe 0zmun, Kirk building, to do the following additional arisen, making it necessary work on the force account basis: $34-00 Steel R1R Beam BOlsteRslays, etc. 146.00 Lighting Reflectors 20.00 Additional Loam F11f along Se sonde t• Flashing and Railing closing P 30.00 between F. 0, K. building $230.00 Total Additions Resolved, That the City Council hereby orders the additional work to be done under the supervision of the Commis- sloner oY Public Works and 1n accordance with the specifications wn as Comptroller's therefor the cost of same not to exceed the sum of ovem. nt an to be al�owed as an extra knnere htioresacontract id Smp Contract L 8for the maki g The paper tmeat of Public Works �sofagreed $230.00 1stthe J. S. Sweitzer Son, that thea= o supplying the & contractor, the additional reasonable cost ed doing resolution. material specified in the foregoing Commissioner of Pub11cG�)D`- Countersigned: retractor I tY o trol er W,19 eouMCILMEM Adopted by the Council—, Approved - t}ti`cee�' In fav r - / Me. P. ideneidrdV® ,.,.,,...,`... .... COUNCIL MOLUSION 6112 014gam COUNCIL FILE NO, 92747 PRESENTE..V-- RZSOLVXD, That the request of the Federation of Public Employe■ that a holiday be granted for the City end County Employes' ennual pionio to be held on Thursday, July 29th, 1932, be end the same is hereby granted, and said day Is declaredai to be a holiday for that purposes /-, / /,/ , -' � , m m god w,.o5a,.e -ca.»a-Srusx -."—Wenzel City of Saint Paul Ojj.is%A..0 ty aerk .LasaaereaoNs, City 0.1 ann. 15th, 1932• Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Co -11 Bnildias. Dear Sir: The attached request of the Nderatica of public Service Zsployees that a boliday be granted for the City and Conaty Dcryloy..., m 1 picalc to be he16 oa Thursday, ,inly 28th, — reefferredotvecordfor offlewlation granting the regoee se tot Sour. very traly, City Clerk. -` ,.J... . P.. 11. 1 �jlle 3{ederatisn of Vuhlic *eruice 3Emplogees No. 17034 SAI." 1PAL: I.. AlIti N4'.S(l'I A I" June 15, 1932 To the Mayor and Hon. City Council Cit, of St. Paul, Minnesota Honorable Sire: May we request your Honorable Body to grant s holiday for the City and County Employees' Annual Picnic, which has been a cu.tom for a number of year. peat? We contemplate holding this picnic at Phalen park, Thursday, July 28th. True ting you will give this your Imediate considera- tion, so that arrangements can be made for a gala day, we are Your. very truly, THE FEDERATION OF PUBLIC ERVICE E OYEES Secretary . Mum 92748 000NOIL RESOLUTION COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BV %' "/�' cVJKK1AM3XK3=X — RESOLPSD, That the time within which to erect a service station on the northwest corner of the Tort Snelling Bridge approach and Mississippi River Boulevard under Oounoil Tile No. 89485, approved November 33, 1931, granting permission to Donald A. Saylor to install said station, be and the same is hereby er tended to Deoember 8tb, 1833. C.— I.", G:wvo. Truaz ..\tc Don ulci Roscn �Aensel s..a+.d,. qtr. a.c.�d°�, .u.,.,,��„+ Mahoney) Adopted by the C.... il ____. __... _.....193....... Yea.. Nay.. MAY McDONALD PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX i WENZEL /R. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) lo City of saint Paul Office q �o$ff �City Clerk tllllllltYz'R� W, an amk and Cemmlmlonm of Rnfl,bnibn p,,,i ci.n ¢.,�a.no. Jme 14th, 1932. Yr. L. L. Anderton, Corporation Comtel, Building. Dear Sir% ie eaelo ee heretlth the eppllentioa of Donald 1. Taylor for en ezteneioa of hie permit to install a tilling station at bet Seventh Street and the Tort Snell - Ing Bridge approanh; &leo letter of B. J. Tlyao, AAR'stoat Corpor&tioa Comtel to the matter. The Coanoil today referred thio applioetioa to you for the proper -lotion granting aonh en ezteattou. Tour. very tra17, City Cleric. l DQpartojelit of KLIM 1ITY OF ST. PAUL ONEAHAN ILA. . FLYNN ly INVINc coluEe June loth. 1933. To the Council. Gentlemen: your letter of June 4th, to Yr. Anderson, relative to the applioatlon of Donald f. Taylor for an extension of his permit to toots" a filling station at fest Seventh street and the tort Snelling Bridge approach, was referred to me for reply. It was your request that the permit which Yr. Saylor has from the war Department be checked to determine if It Ss still In force. I have today seen the permit in question, and beg to advise that it is a continuing permit fa a period of five years. yours very,t, Y, Counsel. Assistant Corportyti on DONALD W. TAYLOR �4m—Pnocc AM w`sax� Rxw�roa cwx nn n Min x..c�u+�na }9wwT Pnr�Mwxcarvrw June 3, 193E Honorable City Council City Hall Saint Paul. Dear Sire; With reference to geeoline filling Station permit granted to me last year covering that part of Lot of the E Sne111ngi BridgelApproaoh, I believee'S Subdivisionnthiea Fortpermit will expire on June 8th or Some date during the middle of this month. Coniitlous have been such that I hermit ve abate Ile to complete a deal to make uea of this p am this week arranging to plsoe a tenant on the pras operty l want to u samwill bUie driveway dlayout as grana barbecue ted ndthe lMing station the expecte todhaveshortly gasolinerPucmps insttalled building he In vies of the fact that I am paying $30.00 a year to the War Department for a permit to cross the Gov BrnIn addition o $.ant Bulevard as 88.000 taxes tLS year, provided would In hbe a glanrat hardship to me if this permit were not renewed as to installation of a gasoline filling station. I would, therefore, appreciate an. extension of Sia not be month. in view of thef�tgtenta teohhi at I will sally bei ore the able to complete my resent permit. date of expiration of my p i�I,,I Very tru�jlyy� your/8,�/�/Q ,` � iJ��ira� COUNCIL FILE NO. 92749 PRESENTED 9V "' m=L1KxmLQ= BtZMS, the Bt. Paul Goal Oompany has made application for a permit to erect a cash and carry woe station on Lot 7, Block 9, Prospect Plateau, being on Concord street between Ada and Anita street- - — - - SAB, Proper notice hes been given Pursuant to Paragraph t, Section 5 of Ordinance No. 5840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it REBOL48D, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to issue to said St. Paul Ooal Com- pany a permit for the erection and maintenance of said station, the building to be constructed in accord, a with the Building Dods. This permit may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. sea, C. d—, �+Truaz N)a, P.— aid 1'e Roa -P...t.id— -�Teasel M, . r.r:Ides, «u..4u Yehoaey) JUN 16 193`4- City of Saint Paul OfJiq City Clerk �. uanw �. Cih CI«L aida.n On o,d ,nd Commivlen« el Rngi,bgllen .rune 15th, 1932, Yr. L. L. Ander..., Corporation C—al, Building. Dear 91 r, The atteohed eppli.etion of the St. Pm1 C-1 C.mpeoy for permit to erect a cash and .arty lee h -".n co ... rd gtreet between Ade and d.1 to - Lot 7, Blook 9, ProePe.t Plateau, wee referred to y.0 todey by the 00an.11, for the proper raaolnLioa. Your. very truly, City Clerk. c9 POST CAM NOTICE: 'fIM QQ!J_ .SSIO':�R OF F:NANC- 1., Pool, IU-., June 4, 1932. Pursuant to paragraph F, Section 5, a .,ended, of Building Zone t, o approved July 7, 1922, v re hereby notified that theapplication of St. Paul Coal Go. for permission to erect or cohti,je retail ic, station lcoated on lot 7, blk. 9, Proepeot Plateau--Conoord St. bet. Ada k Anita x111 coma up for--ideration nerM the Council of the City of Sh. Paulin the Council Chenbar 4 City Bell and Court HoVae Building on the 15th day 1932 at 10 o'clock, A.M. MCDOkALD, Coimeiasioner of Finance. 0 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND,PUBLIC BUILDINGS May 16, 1932. Aon. Council, City Of St. Paul. Cent lemon: on ^,ttached herewith please find city cle'10-file forthepeP- plic�tion of the St. Paul C_1 Company, oask Coe)—'dCoe)—'da mit to erect a cash old carry ice house on Cord street between ^..da and Anita. This is on the north side of Concord Stet and is in a Comer cial District, on a vacant lot. "Ie recommend that the permit be granted. Yours truly, 6'�Z- 11�� -A City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk MIKE J. GIBBONS, ci y auk •nd ComnWana el R•ebo-•eo^ aid ci.n x.d.,..w, p�dCDn �C n�•n M, 13th, 1932. Hon. C. A.Yay, Comer of P.P. & P. Bldg.. r Ponding. Dear Commissioner: 9e attach here.ith application of the St. Paul Coal Company for permi.eion to erect ce.h and Carry ice bougie onlock 9d SfrBlocket6 en14 Ada and Anita Ste., - Lot 7, B Proepect Plateau. Thi. application has bean referred to yon for investigation and report. Yours very truly', City Clerk. rm. i.e. 1932. Eon. d. E. uoftwaa. om pa,r of 8inamas. &3lding. Eaar Coamiaeloaerl yppiioati.om JL s 'b� mus" b an. los mmee�osn conmrd 8tre tt bataeaa Ada a d. ,baits streets. Said CWP --W in located st 863 �t. 11111 yon 1.Jaa3,v asE fists of Aasring Md metify the into tad PrOPOVI y o>msi'>• oT Said he1a1n6i 7oiars voa'y e•s.ity. City OInY. r APorn e a� J1- 7—_9•.5 1 '�a�r �-�— �i �a*o. THE BOARD OF ZONING F6 `„ Li.NiA�T, ONiu w.58.0 Anrv.tw4 B I SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA .j 214 COURT MOUSE June 14th, 1932. Mr. Wm. F. Scott, City Clerk. Dear Sir i your letter of May 13th, application of the St. pawl Coal Company for a cash and carry ice house on Concord St. between Ada and Anita Streets. This wningsone alonglot west Of Concord St.neida Concord - There St has a8atreeatrcarl Jim on it. The nearest ice station Is one block away. Yours very truly, Secretary. gh-rh 92'750 COUNCIL FILE NO. e I%J ����(V� COUNCIL RESOLUTION. PRESENTECTBV `>� � l QSOri���, WHEREAS, Dan T. McEvoy ban made application to the council for a permit to install a cash and carry ice station on the north side of the vacant building on the west side of Jackson street at the foot of Mt. Airy street, and the Oouncll is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officer_" and they are hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Dan T. MoZvoy a permit for seld ice station, the building to be in accordance with the Building Code. This permit may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. lcva Coe ncil men \a�= ' �KwTrnaz / \tay / � \1<Donald Pea e ✓ Ros �thd..,rAenzel ��tr. Pree�d<al �.uuwU»�(Yahoney) n 11 �uW s do 11 •"• - ver t> 1<e eVyoo 1>peo �� ego is6: ' n L�Id �e �l�fee avtn°��W >o CodatYTh ro a meal Aporov ens -19ii, a Ie. I99}. P .... d by 1111 Coen.il Ag-- ,J�CCL \la�ar pity of Saint Paul O)Af;rf'o f City Clerk QA O.k qi.l ci.n Cin O.� .M C ... I. ena of a„IW,eon J—. 14th, 1932. Yr. L. L. A derwn, Corporation Counsal, Building. Dear Sir: She Attached application of Dm DF. XcME y for pend esim to Snet&ll A cash And carry ice station on the mrth side of the vacant building on the sect side of Ja&wu Street At the of Of UoffiorAiry Street see referred to you today, by the the proper reeolatioc. Some very truly, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL , PARKS, PLAYGRNDS` AND OUPUBLIC BUILDINGS une 7, ,.,. Hon. Council, City of 3t. feu1, 1Linnesota. Gentlemen: ;tta cued herewith please find City Clerk's file on the application of Dan I.:cLvoy, ,no desires permission to install a cash and carry ice station on the north side of tl;e vacant buildin �, on the west silo of Jackson "treet at the foot of Lfount .Ary Street. Thisis in a Light Industry district and we recomr:end that the permit be granted. Yours truly, U jrt -v J city of Saint Pani Office of City Clerk MIKE ). GIBBONS, Clry CIuk red CommNdeeer of Bryl.breo" � n,.i � ..� e.a. i,. May 11th, 1932. Eon. C. E. 171.1, Co.." of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Building. Dear Co®ie.ioner: We attach herewith application Of Dan F. McEvoy for permlt to install an ice station nthe north side of the vacant building on the west aide of Jack.on Street at the foot of Mount Airy Btree t. This appl icatloa has been re- ferred to your department for inveetigation and report. Your. very truly, City Clerk. 014 MI DWAY 9 O. Co*tz-,*ND ICE UNI—RSI --PttLS y ST PAUL MINN - Z 7/- 3, CITY OF aT. PAUL i*C. 92751 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COU NC RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM / Te -Sone 1-51 1932. P. REsoLVln Whereas, Contract for the construction & ofmonolithic lncca concrete sidewalks for the yeaz 1931, workrordoersdcbyp the Council prior ttooNov November and Whereas, Certain work ordered by the Council prior to that date could not be completed during the construction period of 1931 due to weather conditions in the late fall necessitating the completion of such orders when weather conditions p during the present construction periods now therefore be it Resolvedp That the time specified for the completion of the above contract be andeSthit�aofficie is alscare hereby ext to June 155 19325 and the propcontract authorized and diredied torovlded however�tbattthisir Solution in accordance herewltthe ha P shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties on contract With b—IICitysComptroller, and file such consent Sn writingthe COUNCILMEN Yeas Nvye GWncF ..v Hme�� lduB�W In favor 8»dheimv _ _ Against �Ims Mr. P—id— u Adopted by the ppptppov��d '. v`k -377t ,....,...o.... ..... CITY OF ST. PAUL co i.ci• NO. 92752 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OU CIL R OLUTION—GEN L FORM PeEbENTA uY 7 June 10, 1932 RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 2, Birmingham's Fourth Addition, from Rogers Avenue to May street, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. n m ed'%itieKc 0�ae�d6 9 1 e a s W a a Rse LeN,hO!f.E C j e@s°iia"°° Le,'nrar� f COUNCILMEN OUNCILM / Y-EN Na� JUN 16 1932 Adopted by the Council_ I �p'q McDondd .. - Isudh® . �JIn favor ✓ A, i. ,Approved .u,.. -Wenzel.. Mr. PreaidenrdiafplWlP ' Council File No.. 92753 /j PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT i and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby prop.., the waking of the fdlowing public improvement by the pt of St. Pnul, vis.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, Where _¢eceasary, tie sidewalks at the-- following looation:1 at : elde Seines Bt. beginning 160 ft. west of Albert 8t.1 thence west 2E ft.,beg�tEg 80 t, farther West,the¢ce west 40Yt• Dated tbi, 15th of June, IN& 192 — PRELIMINARY ORDER. P1''t' �__ •- ....a• WHEREAS, A written propoeed for the ona,king of the f a irepro t 0i° the sidewalks Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, were necessary, _.at..tha._foll"Wing--leeationet 9orth..Aide_.Se®ea St. b.eginni¢B 160_ft Weat...O,Y 91ka;t.BL thence west Eg ft.1 beginning 60 t. farther weatl thence wee 40 ft. .... _.. _........ _ _ . _...... .._..._..........._. __.... having been presented to the Couneil of the City of St. Yau ---- .._...__....... th,,dore; be it RESOLVED, That the Commiaeiover of Public Work, be andto hereby ordered and directed: I.To investigate the veeee ity for, or d,eimbility of, the ranking of mid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, eztevt and estimated coat of mid improvemcoat ent, and the total thereof. 3. To furoish a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more ownem. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattere to the Commimioner of Finance. Jfl 1619 U panptea br the c need_ Yves Ne Counoilmnn flYi ­"orY 1�rm^ PProv �LLfIL;LMFi : M . o,mctnna.2 Pa sa^r / , Council File No.— 92754 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The -donfigrod hereby propose. the making of the following Public i.pm,,,,.t by the City of St. Paul. via.: qclijog. relaying 4ppqngtr . repairing,. and Fepairi the 01d.walk and fill, pTQ"qqo, the boglegard on :the, north side of Fast Congress Streat-bagiming. 100 ft- east Of Ads Street...thence__ast 120.rt. ...d k June 193. A*.U1. day of -he,-, A ab�­ PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the ousid,g of the following inula0vassn't, 'ia-5` RaoonaqRcting, Felay and repairing the oide,w.... alk aod_f.i.1'1_­'___ .... .. aA4..9r91eQ&1A9 the b9ml-evard Qn-th 'AsIde-of East gaqvesk- .Q P,.Q.r.t - ,treat bagjnnjn,..lQU_ ft. east.of. Ad&. Street,.. thQAs.e b,,i,g been presented W the Council ollbe City of St. Paul .............. . ..... therefore, be it led: RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and dim 1. To itYastiple the necessity for, or desirability of; the conda, of said improvement. cost thereof. 2. To investigate the net--, attest and estimated coat of aid improvement, and the total 3. To foraigh . plan, profile or sketch of mid ip.Ye...L 4 To state whether or not aid improvement is inked for on the petition of three or more --cre 5. To report upon all of the f,mg,iug matters to the Commissioner of Finance. AIR Adopted by the Counal Y- N,Y. Co—alsoun CONR T MAY Approved_ M.Do.— at P- 0 ­7"y RA.- m.P.= -11 Council File No.__..._...92755 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT end PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned he,jr, Public improvement by the City of St p"" hereby proposes the MW, of the '011' end repairing the sidewalk On the_ 1. — —At b, tT!-kPt b.giJ14-9 A. . thence —th t. the -,.ifte June v le_. Dated thi-.. of eh- ---' nou- -UM".1 —za PRELIMINARY ORDER' WHEREAS. A written propo for the re -W-9 of f.fl—ing improvement, v`u.: and re air "e, Met thet Aq.0 4qrth ...... . ............... ...... having been Preer-to' to the Council Of the City of St. Peel-_ —.—_ . therefore, be it f Publio WoIo, be enooelid in hereby ordered end directed. 'he Commissioner RESOLVED, That.g of said improvement. 1. To ilveetigate the necessity for, or dmirobility of. 'he , and the toW reet the""' ,_mt,goto the enure,r�ut and time" 'ne" of mid ionpre,,nonent 1, To furnish - planprofile or sketch of said improvement. petition -' three or more --re a. To asked for on the p 4. To -tete whether or out said irep—none-t in II 5. To report upon a of the foregoing rnaur. to the Commissioner of Finenee IONI IS 02 Adoptrd by the Connell, Y— N-- Coun,ilreen Approved__..... M- MoDo-- C.nnea n.,.. - qV56 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The umi,migned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ,. Reconstructing relaying end repairing,_ where necessary, the __._..._aidawalka_.at, the.. following_locational ..__...._&outh..side...of..Rone._@t....beginning-6b ft. _west of Rioe St, _thence_. west 62 ft. Dated this. ..15th..day of ..._+TSWa 19x2 _ ... 19 ecrsfmo.o -- PRELIMINARY ORDER - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foEowing improvement, vi,.: Rectmstructing, relaying and re._p.airing, where nee essa_.ry, the .............. _...... _....... _ _. sidewalks at the following locatlanst South side of Roae St. beginning 88 ft. west of Eioe bt ...... _. _...thence wast -92--21: _.._ having been Presented to the Council of the City of St. Peul..__..__.....__._............._.__....... ........ ....._.._._....___ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Coeemieeimer of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To inveategete the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To in..atigete the nature, ertent sad estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furaieh a plan, profile or sketch of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement ie asked for on the Petition of three or more ownere ✓ 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matted to the Commiaefoner of Finance. Adopted by the Council__...._ Ycas Ner e ; Cnuaeamin c.wwe+� ¢ MerApproved. .._.__....___._..........._. __.__......._._ , MCDuNana " 'F/ Paeaca �- i Rosch Me r.. P-1— ca n�ry tea.P Z C,unei, Pile No..__ _ _92757 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The and -r gned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vie.: Recon strutting, relaying andrer,lr'_cgj uh e:e necessary, the sidewalks at the follo' ing 1oc tions South side of Case St. begin 1n, 113 ft. e,st o. .,crl St., tnence e-'.st 40 ft. East side of Payne ave. b=ginuing 31 ft. north of Rs ryland St., thence north 179 ft., b:g inn ng z5 ft. farther north, thence north to H—t—ne St. West side of PP.yne Fv- b ginning It Hawthor^.s St-, thence south 17'_ ft. East side of Payne Ave. beginning 31 ft. north of Maryland St., thence north 179 ft., beginning 23 ft. farther north, thence north to Hawthorne St. West side of Payne Ave. beginning at Hawthorne St., thence south 172 ft. He - 6n �7 Ma PvSeoee�*2 M.7*. ... _.. _. _........... ....... _... Dated this 15th, _ day of _ dime, 1932 fe �a exs, i of m, miio:o"r �n,o�e::m:oe` PRELIMINARY ORDER. ......i WHEREAS, A written proposal for the malting of the foaowing imp—n mt, vi- , Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations Southside of Case St. beginr:ing 279 ft. east of Earl St., thence east . ft. East side of Payne Ave. beginning 31 ft. north of Maryland St., thence north 179 ft., beginning 2b ft. farther north, thence north to Hawthorne St. West side of Payne Ave, beginning at Hawthorne St., thence south 172 ft. Ma Persmawr ._. Mey r. 2."p Tge OL COaG Sp. "."T' TUR Ba"' L". 'WO9 OL RILj 2t" FNeuc= r. --R having been P—d'd to, the Council of the City of St. p,,, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the ClOurnicei-ter of Public W.rka be and i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the —itY for, or dee"bility Of, the making If mid iropro-co..t. 2 To investigate the "turn. natant and intimated coat of said innPro'clue-t, and the total coat; thereof. 3. To furnish ft Pl", Profile or elcorch Of said improvement. 4. To state whether 11 not aid improvement is asked for on the petition of three, or more ceo,on, 5- To mPOd uPOU 1H Of the f-regi.g ccattcna W the Ckelemieaioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council Y.- Na- Counad-4@—..ff axp m APP—d . ..... . ... —40 pla 0. Roa— 'e, Pa=aro>nrr — a Cnunna PH, Ne......... 2758 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The —detwgned hereby propoeee thn matting of the following public improvement by the City of Bt. Paul, vis.: P. scenetructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locationst North side of Hatch St. beginning 12 ft. east of Colne St., thence eat 8 ft. South side of Edmund St. bogin..ing 158 ft. wast of Chatsworth St., - thence west 25 ft. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations: North side of Hatch St. beginAing 12 ft. east of Colne St., thence 9 seat 8 ft. South side of Edmund St. beginning 158 ft. west of Chatsworth St., / thence west 25 ft. Yue N— C Councilmen Cexnv� Mer Approved........... MCDowecn Roeacs ut M. Pasetntur� ........_ _.._...........__...... .. ..................... .........._ ... Doted this 15th d.y or ...._._•Tune, 1932 PRELIMINARY ORDER.' WHEREAS, A written proposal for the melting of the followi.g improvement, v. Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following locations] North side of Hatch St. beginAing 12 ft. east of Colne St., thence east 8 ft. Southside of Fdd St. beginning 158 ft. west of Chatsworth St., / tmua hence west 25 ft. Y.ee Ner e Councilmen Co ... J,....... Met Approved__ ............ r McDoxew P.A.- / Ros.x y Ma Pe.etonwr I � - ...moi./... - _...._........_. or. rt I'Irearrla of HeFaN 'iC' Paft7W-uR l:. LF' eaaC oL Co rue ^C •' FNavca u�covs FrxrreF TUR ioLe LTOTo ?' -b roc-ovar ra r nq r. hs-Tnrle• .vara �aoaaaa°>,� Fna bovin6 been ted to the Council of the City If 9t. Pen' ...... _._... -- ..__...._.. ___..._... p— ted be it REIOLVED, Thet the Commissioner of Public Worke be end ie hereby ordered end directed: f. To investigate the nenewity for, or deairmbibty of, the rookie, of mid improvement. 2. To invmtigote the nature, extent end eetimoted coet of mid improvement, end the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of enid improvement. 4. To state whether or act said improvement ie inked for on the petition of three or more ownere b. To report upon ell of the foregoing rttq{ p t mmiaeioaer of Flvmce. u Adopted by the CounciL.... ___.....___..._......__...... __. _....... Y— Nor a Councilmen C ..4.1 4-1--4, Mer Approved__.__._.__.....:.__..IddIL....._.... Q D McDorena f(, 6 Pveec, / Rosgx J� Me. Pecmn>mrr J ivy Inc ♦ u a� roan Council File No...__._a-V.af.C.59 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uode,eigned hemby pm,a—i the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Peel, vi, Reconstructing, relay Ing an'. ropalrlhg, where neces—ry, the sid-elks at the followI lo-tlonsl Southside of PPge St. begin in. 3? ft, east of Dodd ho d, thence e',at 24 ft. South side of Gates St, berinning 9 ft. -st of Br— Ave., thence east 18 ft. North side of P,,ge St. b_gi--ng :t Kano as St., thence west 62 ft. South side of Page St. beginning 92 ft. east of Dodd Road, thence east 24 ft. ,i South sideof Gates St. beginning 9 ft. east of Brown Ave., thence east 18 ft. North side of Page St. beginning at Kansas St., thence west 62 ft. cnnntam,a�- ,iiA� 1 �; Met Approved_...__.___............._._.___....___....._.�/ McDoaeip ' may/ Peace Roeax f, // taaef�. z. /_L:.LGC......._.._.............._. _ 11. C 1 n ov wa Panmsar 0," 7 4, /I,? y D," thin 16th...d,y d., ._._._June. ISM PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A —it.. proposal f., the making of the NU..ig improvement, A- Iti Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks atthe following locationst South aidePage St. begihr.Jng 92 ft. east of Dodd Road, thence seat 24 ft. South side of Gates St. beginning 9 ft. east of Brown Ave., thence ..:t 18 ft. North Side of Page St. beginning at Kansas St., thence West 62 ft. I C--amss M­App—ed--- MCDMALD Pae wa R— ..__ 1-11-0 M. P—.— .,,,, 111• o., ar "I Lr' I �; nrV wTgs oL bA. Lr' F,;Ep, luE 9:i Lr' cu:'r oL Duq-1 uonq' 41ioico ¢c sun .n+rnnT [�E T�GftLT.pil2e __�-_ having been presented be the Council of the City of 3t. Paul _.. _._...... __ ..__......_... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commieeionar of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To investigate the nscsa ity tor, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, catent cad estimated out of mid improvement, and the told re coat theof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or eketeh of mid improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement is asked for oa the petition of three or more ownere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattes to the Commisefoner of Finance. Adopted by the Coundl Yews NAYS cnancdo m ,«a.���H- m .. wT Approved _ _ _ .. _ _ ......_._..._ MCDO Al. Pawace Run— .__— Ma Pars,ases, 0. r..cw lean u �►y�6—/ -3b 92760 Council File No -- PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The und,migned hereby wopoem, the making of the f,U,,iag public impm,non-t by the City of St Paul, via Recon structingp relaying a;d repairing, where necess-ry, the sidewalks at the following 1-clti 8 outh side of Margaret 't. Wernest, tl of Forest west ,u,it,tw.9,36 ft-, thence west 13 ft., be �Lng b0 ft. farther beginning �l ft. farther west, thence west I f o z PRELIMINARY ORDER. 7; WHEREAS, A Written ProPnee" for the making of the f'Uo'i'g iropro—t. Reconstructing, relaying aVd repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at the following 10C8tiOnS* South side Margaret St beginningf 25O ft. west of Forest St thence ,west t 10 ft., beginning a,i.50 t. farther west, thence west 36 ft., beginning 21 ft. farther west, thence w a a t 12 ft. 2. To investigatethe nature, .teat sad estimated —t of avid improvement. -a the tow —t thereof. 3. To famish . plea, profile or ekeboh of aid improvement. 4. To state whether or not 'lid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more ownere 1, To report 1P11 id' of the foregoing mat.. W the Cmarniaimor of Fine— "opted by the C ... 1--- Y— Neve Councilman 42-owwrlit'--e'� Approved MAr M,D11111 R.. n- M. Paramnrr PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT Dated this 15th ...day of June. 711/c . . .. .......... PRELIMINARY ORDER. -A WHEREAS, A written peed for the melding Of the following hsPrbrrssrOk IL P-9T—T-R ST LP' ,E'zPPl!'-'oa.�.�-�EEfrc'...'!c".fIn ,P' b,,i.g bon p ­W to the Council If the City If St Plot therefore, be it RESOLVED, Thet the Commissioner of Public Work, be —d is hereby ordered end directed: 1. T. jr—tipte, the necessity for, or desirability of, the .eking of said imp.—.t. 2. To ilveetiPts the nature, extent end estimated cost of said imp,o,,me,t, sad the WW rest thereof. 3. To furnish , plan, profile or sketch of said impre-11t. 4. To lato whether or not said improvement is mkd for — the petition of three or more I—Irs ✓ 5. To report op.n on of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner If Me—. Adopted by the Cou,cil .. y... N— C .. eiloss. " e. .. Mer Approved_.... P, M .Do.,- P-- Roean .. . ........ C .... 0 File Ne._.. 92 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby lue, the —king of the f,U,.ing public improvement by the City If St. Paul, via.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalks at a I ti� the following 008 ons' West side of Mina Ave. beginning 170 ft. south of Selby Ave., thence south 70 ft. North side of Selby Ave. beginning 10 ft- west of Avon Stp, thence west 15 ft. — —= —1--g ---o- 6est side of Nina Ave. begin ing 170 ft. s­th ,f Selby A--, thence south 70 ft. North side of Selby Ave. b�91.yd-,; IJ it- west of Avon bt., thence west 15 ft. IN- -Cluleil­ CONE Y d App-- Mev MCONALD P— E R ... Me. Pa.,.— c 1 1. en -11 z—rp zTgssoL 2s7PT 11- PART--T-B 70 LF' oL, ynou 2f" Fpsucs Fpsncs aoa Fp JO LF' 'L, 2o7PT VAC.- szF zT4a oL I1Tua VA. PsRTv .._Tu8 7.10 LF' ^f Fps Lo77oaTx'R 7oc:�f7ot'nu x.sbe7z]UE' .ay eY, r. 2cseasr.T' Fps aT9sn'7Kz y s.........TUB' D.ted this 15th .... d.y of _ Jtmea.. 193E L 19 x xee teuowMc 10GrOY, Ak PRELIMINARY ORDER •� WHEREAS. A written ---1 for the -.kine of the followi— imorove-mt, vi.' 1b rteconstructing, relaying and repairing, wher:- necess:;ry, the sidewalks at the following locc,tionsx Aest side of Nina Ave. begin ing 170 ft, s >,.tth _,f Selby Ave., thence south 70 ft. North sideof Selby Avs. b -ginning 1J ft. west of Avon Jt„ t!,ence west 15 ft. 0' CouncilM.n ConaoY Mer Approved .............___.... .: MCDON.cn PEe.cn Roeee+_ �S' Ma Pnaemrxr x.eaF R LF' c -H 7UUTli', 70 LF' ...I'aI' JT. Y ..•' �t.a. Fpwcs ' �,>:.:V a7c;s Ji 2eTP� VAf'• Fpeuce aQfTfP 40.W. 2.0;!p .L Rejp2, Vee•' p—c aTge of RTUO V40 peBTIItr7ug 7�0 L4:. ^F FVe L-TTOaT.9 Tooa1-- .........._. ....... .............._............. . having been preeeutnd to the Council of the City of St. Paul ... _ ..__..._... therefore, be it RFSOLVED, That the Commieeioner of Public Work. be and i. hereby ordered and directed: l. To investigate the neaee.ity for, or desirability of, the mekiog of mid improvement. 2. To iovcatigate the natum, extent and eetimated coat of mid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To famish a plan, profile or.kctch of said improvement. 4. To state whethar or net said improvement is Baked for on the petition of three or more ownera 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters W the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council....... _ yess Nere Councilmen COaaOT MIApprolld MCDoxew Meacv RUDHEMEI YYY __......_ ....... .. ....._ ' tSr Ma. Pase�nexT r. �' r..c•uma awn ' � .�� �� .v,%..�. ,. _ ��,,,�;�� . r _ , �,. rPJ � �� ,h „ , 7`7� (NHNOHV6V) lNBO(Sa Nd ':�4 j I3ZN3M NBSOH / iONb9d ally NOWN Ab{\ •sFeN seaA F9 pW.PV "' . . ORDINANCE -q1 /7/ COUNCIL FILE NO. PRESENTED BV 7_ ORDINANCE NO. n ✓ �� '1 An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 5375, entitled "An ordinance to prevent the Bale or keeping for sale or use any fire- works, China ae crackers, rockets, torpedoes, or other explosive oontrivancee, in the City of St. Paul, and to provide for the Beiaure and destruction of the same,and to punish violations of the-ordinanoe," approved August 14, 1920, as amended by Ordinance No. 6512, approved June 16, 1925. es ,ce.l"i•w THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 5375, approved August 14, 1920, as amended by Ordinance No. 6512, approved June 16, 1925, be and the same Se hereby amended by striking out Section 1 of said Ordinance NO. 5375, and by ins erting in lieu thereof the following: "Section 1. No person, firm or corpor- ation shall, within the City of St. Paul, sell or keep for elle or use, any fireworks, Chinese crackers, rockets, torpedoes, or other explosive contrivance.; provided, that this ordinance shall not apply to the keeping in storage for shipment out a ids of the City of St. Paul, any such mer- chandise in case a of permit be granted therefor by the City Council upon recommendation of the Fire Prevention Bureau of said City; and provided also that nothing in this ordinance shall beconstrued to prphibit the sale, keeping for sale, or use, of small fireworks commonly known as .park- lerB, snake., snake nests, boa constrictors, snake fountain e, flower pots, cap pistols and ammunition therefor; pin wheels not over four (4) inches in diameter, and ammunition therefor, punk, bing bang cannons, bombing planes, gunboats, tanks, and bang - .Ste ammunition therefor." Section 2. That Ordinance No. 5375, as amended by Ordinance No. 6512, be and the same is hereby further amended by inserting after Section 2-A thereof, the following: "Section 2-B. Any person, corporation or aeeooi M. desiring to fire any salute, or exhibit my display of fireworks prohibited by this ordinance, within the limits of said City, shall fl rat obtain the permission of the Fire Prevention Bureau for the firing of suchsalute or display of such fireworks, which perml s.lon shall be in writing and shall designate the place where and the time whensuch salute shall be fired, or such die,, ay of fireworks shall take place; provided, however, that any such firing of salutes or exhibition or display of fireworks shall be under the supervision of the Bureau of Police and the Division of Fire Prevention of 1"cas C..".1— \no r 1'a �srd h. ihr Counrd Cmvo M'y NkDonald In F- — Pc R.s A i, S.dh6— 11 r- President B -di., A I•pro�cJ - - Gry Clerk.. ORDINANCE..,,,,,,,,,,,. PRESENTED BY ORDINANCE NO. (2) the Bureau of Fire Protection.• Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty day, after its passage and publication. �, a n, m. caunai R rr ; I, F, �_7 M.y Pearce Rosen , .P.i M,M,c. d- lirY­. ' lrics,- Gc 9erk �, a n, m. caunai R rr ; I, F, �_7 ORDINANCE 82762 COUNCIL FILE NO. __ PREMMED BY_ ORDINANCE A. ordinance amanding Ordinance No. 5375, entitled •An ordinance to prevent the cele or keep7n9 for sale o use any fireworks, Chinese crackers, roekate, torpedoes, o other eaploelve contrivmces in the City of St. Poul, end to provide for the seizure and destruction of the adme and to punish violations of the ordinance." approved August 14, 1920, and emended by Ordinance No. 6512, approved dune 16, 1925. This Sean emergency ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. THE COUNCIL OF THE CFfY OF SAINT PAUL DONS ORDAIN: Section 1, That Ordinance No. 5575, approved August 14, 1920, be and the same ie hereby,saended by striking Out Section' of said ordinance and sub- stituting in lieu thereof the following: •Section I. No person, firm or corporation shall, within the City of R. Paul sell or keep for sale or use, any fireworks, Chinese cracker:, rockets, torpedoes, o other explosive contrivances. Provided, that this ordi- nance shall not epp],yrto the keeping in storage for ehiFment outside of the City of St. Paul of any ouch merchandise in case a special permit be granted therefor by the City Council upon recommendation of the Fire Prevention Bureau of said City, and, provided also that nothing in this ordinance shall be construed to prohibit the sale, keeping for :ale or use of small fireworks commonly k.om ae sparklera, anekee, make nests, boa constrictors, snake volcanoes; red, green orsilver dip sticks; torches of all colors, Vesuvius fosmtains, flower pots, cap pistols and eopunition therefor; pin wheels not over four (4) inches in diameter, and ammunition therefor, punk, bing bang Gemma, bombing planes, gunboat:, tacks, and bangeite -Stun therefor.^ 9ectim 2. That the above named ordinance be further amended by inserting after Section 2-� thereof, the following: •Section 2-A. Any person, corporation or association desiring to Tire any salute, or exhibit any display of fireworks prohibited by this ordinance, within the limit. of said City, .bell first obtain the permission of the Fire Prevention Bureau to the firing of such salute or display of ouch fireworks, which permission shall be in writing, and shall designate the place where and the time when such salute shall be fired, or such display of fireworks ebell take place. Provided, however, that any such firing of salutes or exhibition of any display of fireworks shall be under the supervleioa of the Bureau of Police and the Division of Fire Prevention, Bureau of Fire Protection.. PRESENTED Oft -._ ORDINANCE COUNCIL FILE NO 92762 ORDINANCE NO.—_.�:-(L:_ Costisaed Seae Saye lCr. ayer�ll mPe ce Rosas TrD ■—1 ELr. Neh—.y (President Atteet: City Clerk S Pesaed by the Cmmcil_ JUL 6 I Approved may - P � 3 c£�i Payne Avenue Business .Association Payn A- ­ i— Your i— 26th, 1952. B[rcct $, sd So theme City Couaollr of Courtgo[[ae1 at. Paul, YSnnse of e. Gentlemen[ The Board of Direotore of the Payne Avenue Bueinese 6sea. have direoted a to Brite you :ging the retention of lir. L. L. Anderson as City Attorney. Oar Aseeoiation hen a very high regard for )Jr. Anderson �e ability and feels thatgo�repoalent, him is offioe at this tiro would be oo�rary eity governeront. Onr Aseooiat ion has no perso `fie y Se�� eunebs retained If a oity attorney but — do :ge in his present offioe on his pest --d of eervioe to the City If St. Paul. IIs trust this sill be given yo: oerefnl oomideration. Tours very Ernly, 8eoreEary. ,fie 26th, 1972. pens ►oeoae Basins. SYooietiOnl 967 Pans ►rsoas. kttl Y 6 Towzaoist Sem. St. Pad, 11=010e. 0aa{lemml Iovr letter of Jwe 25th -Slog tits » elsotioa of L. L. Anderson, Cite lttoms7. '" rmd to W. C0000il et its eiestin6 bola toda- Toara VM tmly. OltT 010*. CITY OF SAINT PAUL11tl C.Pil.l of Mln....l. DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CRy H.II FRED M. TRUAX, ComwWl.... OTTO E. CONSTANS, D. Cammiw—, .W. July 11, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: May we ask you to cancel the council proceedings on the condemnation issued by this Department on the building at 287-289 State Street? Recently a council resolution was paeaed, aetting a hearing on July 26. This condemnation may be dropped at this time on account of the fact that the owner has called at this office and obtained a permit to make certain repairs which will elim- inate the hazardous condition now existing. Youre truly, � COmmleelo ar. We hereby ask for a hearing this morning. ST. PAUL RETAIL DRUGGIST ASS - V -0. N. Nordrum, Secy. ST. PAUL RETAIL CONF. & CRO. ASSIN. H. L. Eramerman, Secy. SAINT PAUL'S LARGEST AND NEWEST HOTEL v 1„ IloteI vvnlvoPl I'll I, June lb, 1932. _ Honorable Mayor and Council; We,the undersigned, petition your Honorable the matter of celebrating the body for a hearing on anniversary of George Washington for bi—centennial the forthcoring 4th of July. We hereby ask for a hearing this morning. ST. PAUL RETAIL DRUGGIST ASS - V -0. N. Nordrum, Secy. ST. PAUL RETAIL CONF. & CRO. ASSIN. H. L. Eramerman, Secy. SAINT PAUL'S LARGEST AND NEWEST HOTEL city of Saint Paul Office of City Clcrk • 01, I'll p n�i S— R.".... w d Ca Lalena e!•r you. 16th, 1932. Hon. J. H. McDonald, Chat"", License Covmittee, City of Saint Paul. Doer Co®leeioccr: The attached ordisencn rslate firs to Bale of fire sorYseatn thed sae refeCityrradsee back to the reeding this a -"g Lteenee Committee for a oonfirepo�wa1aa seaeadt«es te of the St. Peal Retail Drogg itgat Crocere and Confeotionere 4eoclations end report back to the Comcll. It sae agreed that public haer"g should be held either before the License Comalttee or the Counall. Ionre rery truly, City Clerk. R J.ma 161h.. 1932 - Hoa. J. H. DoDonold. Chaianea, Liaeaee Oesaittes. City of Saint Penl. Door Om-1-tooert She attached ordinawe r+latio to cele of fire works in the City t-0 ttiven a lieyt readlaP, thio wrainq sad vas referred Lsct to taxa ldosnee Co®dttee for s oonferemoe vith reiptros hue t,rvaw of the 8t. Peal Retail Draggi sto Aseootatlo and tLa light dwoeere -d laaooiatle m and rvpest Leos to the Cooaail. It vee agreed that yobbo hraslZ-,-- should be held either before the Liceaae Cmealttaa or the Conrail. Tome very tralye 01 ty dark:. i ry���] p REBOLOTIOIP COUNCIL FILE NO, - �I1liJ .- PRESENTED BV- IfDm]®nFBOD --- -- - _ RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby directed to remove all center type traffic signals from Sixth street between Wabash& street and Smith avenue, ezclusivel however, of the said signals now located It the intersection of iabasha and Birth streets ,axA of Saitb avenue and Sixth streetq of St. Peter and Sixth -treat-, of Seventh end Sixth Streets and of Fronklia end Sixth Street -.d. I m s - n"-i�t`i�Po e> Rwee `-fi o feerenkiln e� B.111.. 2res wo Is... 3Ajjune 11, l. lBii. -C—.a+–Truaz May ✓✓ McDonald ' R.— -idweasel � Mr. P rcefd-eo, 1-�oney A-- __— oN g110 :/,fix In F—', 44 � �`/ � _ `� -__ f 1, � ^� �- ' i . �. J - i _ ____. � - � '`� _ - - - r _, --- __ ..� -� - <� ] � � ..�u... � ' � � � . -3 .._-- � � // _ � �, .. _ _-' �� i' , , . � ;Ydopted by the Co ..___....__...__..193..... Yeae. /MAY Nays. .�...__ Adopted by the Councll _ ...............__193...... / Yeaa. Nuye. _ �N7A1' �cDON AI.D —_ PEARCE I'RUAX / "--� ROSEN TRUAX "4:l . /R. PRESIDENT (NIAOONE:Y) 12 ;Ydopted by the Co ..___....__...__..193..... Yeae. /MAY Nays. / 11 c DONALD /PEARCE: /,OSEN I'RUAX WENZ.EL MR. PRESIDENT (NIAIIONFA1 Adopted br• th l:ouvcil _._ ..._..193..._. Y eve. N.Y, i MAY / 11cDONALD PEARCF. / ROSEN / 7RUAX / /WENZEL M1IR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) ' J 01, of ;E+Aittf Paid E:sen tine i�.Ynen��ent Sun. 21, 1932 To the Honorable City Councll, Saint Paul, Minnesota. Greeting: I em returning herewith unslgned Council File No. KM providing for the removal of traffic signals on Sixth Street from W,basho to Smith Avenue exclusive. Conferences with expert authorities and a reful study of the sLtuation induced me to take thio action. These traffic signals are w installed and operat- ing and have coat the City alarge amount of money. The need for some kind of control at certain important street Intersection: ie c nceZ by every competent Judge. If these signals removed it will be necessary to place traffic officersatthe more important crossings which would involve a greater expense than the Present method of traffic control. The intersections at Saint Peter Street, Seventh Street and Franklin Street e e has rdous pointe at certain periods of the day and unl.ss some kind of con- trol Ss provided may enua. serious accident a. The cost of maintaining the present traffic signals Justifies their retention until such times an improved device an be installed. In view of the financial condition of the city there is little immediate prospect of the City's ability to provide a substitute. There are traffic signals at certain c s:ingswhich may well be di epassed with, but I feel the three points mantioned are of such importance that they should be re- tained. I would suggest that the Resolution be amended to provide for this situation. Respectfully, l� Mayor. l CITY OF ST. PAUL' a Pe.oeew oma g.ro NO. a••'••, ., [', •."•• OFFICE OF CITY leCLt�a ' I ouec RESOLUTIO Gs,� ;ane 13, 1932. - coFs RESOLVED Whereas, Additions and deductions which might prove to be necessary on the Smprovement described as the paving of University Avenue from Dale Street to Arundel Street, Feyen Construction Co•, contractor, have bean Per brovided for in the specifications and unit price. thl 0r haveen stipu- lated in the contract, and Whereas, The plans for the above improvement provided that the water main should be placed on aline 13 ft. out from the south curb line, and Whereas, The said water main has been installed 17 ft. out f expense of installation; t4eieof ang in order to lessen the Whereas, -said change will necessitate additional steel reinforcement as follows: 14,009 lbs. at 04 cents $560.36 now therefore, be it Resolved, That the City Council hereby approves the aforesaid work to be done under the au,.rvi sion of the Commis- sioner of Public Works and in accordance with the specifications therefor, the said addition not to exceed the sum of $560.36 mown added to Sum in the I on making of the-ntract aforesaiantdtimttevafon� for resaid t specificatisons ohe resns and Le prices so. tipuand latedpur an in the said contract. The Department of Public Works bas agreed with the contractor, Feyen Construction Co., that the aim of $560.36 is I1.'►"// the reasonable addition to be made to said c�• Co,maiasioner of Public ks Countersigned: Qv _ C�t� C mptroller dour+ Ado ed b�'— ` I Y— N.y° Chary. tiY Fttga— .Iv favor Approved —19-- McDoaNd — 9wdhelmr —'1_ A6einer �.0 Yom-✓'- ^^,,�� oP Me Pre.id— ileif Rr / o...,... ,�,.... ,. ,.. �P13A&BWE ST F. L[rc�� NO. a92 V5 CLERK COUNCON—GENERAL FORM � Assr�TEo s. IRVINO on,s JUSE 1ST=19521 -_ coMMiss,?NER _ _ RESOLVED WHEREAS, in the construction of the Oroveland Park Addition, it ens found advisable to use a cork earpet 1. the cla.. room. in lieu of cork board as specified in the original plane and speolfications, and this ase ordered done at a reduction in price of Ten (410.00) Dollars, THEREFORE BE IT RWOLVED, that upon the recommendation of the Commi a sioner of Park:,Playgrounde and Public Buildings and the City Architect and oonourred in by the CosmmiSol oner of Education, that the plane for the Grovel "d Park Addition as well as the contract of the A. C. Thoma: Company be so amended to provide for this change and the contract price reduced in the amount of Ten (=10.00) Dollar:. Y.a.. coU rvci LrneN Nays Lsrt.q � , May —) WD—Id/ 1. f-1 P-- Roarn � Againai Mr. P—id— M.�.n; J A8,—d by 6 Council JIlN. 14 W.19 Appy --d _ 9 CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS[ AND•PUBLIC BUILDINGS naroh 9, 1982. Aon. I. C. Pearce, Co^-a^3s31aner of F,ducl,tion, EndlcoI t. Building, St. Paul, Minnesota. RE% BHOVELAND PARK SCHOOL ADDITION. Dear 31, ,lay we ask pon ':a introduce the proper resolution into the Colmcils which will credit the City with $10.00 against the Contract of the C. Thomas Company? thc eharpet wast is useddue the in the *lase rooms offthis additl ion cork In lieu of cork board spe*ifieds at a reduction In price of $10.00. Thanking you for your courtesy in this �m�attte�r,I as, —Toyrctruly, ^ City Architect. CApproved by L eaioaer. NO 92766 O OF CITY CLERK CIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM `co�inin"R IRVING C. PBARCS I,,,,E JM 15TH 1932. -- RESOLVED`` - WHEREAS, by Council File No. 92615, the Commissioner of Education reported to the Counoll in accordance with Section 53of tha City Charter the ..lata... of an emergency which rendered nece!.'ry the employment of certain employesa for the Bureau of Auditorium for more than S bourn per day, .aid employment being more than their usual hours of employment and WHEREAS, said Council File 92515 provided for the payment to employee: Ralph E. Bogue, Janitor 169 hour Alfred R. Hansen, 157 " Cecil P. Carlson 11 at the rate of .37d per hr., which rate is incorrectly stated, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLYHDhat Council File 93515 be amended to read that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to pay the following named employees at a pro rata rate compensation for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter at fortht Bogue, Ralph E. Janitor 169 hrs, at .42 Hansen, Alfred R. ° 187 ° at lson, Cecil PCar ° 11 ° at .42 ° ���eo 6�'C[aNe HCV b"WIX mqp� eelni �a4:: ad e aaiegee EoUN1111EN �� 19183319 1-1-1-1by the c...cil V... Nays 4" May In fay., Ap�,oycd i9 1 Roam Againn Ma. P—id— Beadli-- / lj ei °i etxq wA ` ro 1 clgwire e. t b �Roy� w i°'w"`� rRiNre 3 cr. ... h. ..�� t CIL- RESOLUTION O w..d4� 91g,°;9 sW ii asaa. �' RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 2 j_ COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 5794 _. —..TO. —INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. -OPT- ar JUM 171932 o i �13w Z" E I-] L - .1 ..,- I -L OFFICE OF THE CO—ROLL.1 .ice No .... Co—c—EN-ROLL CALL . 345ax, T CGUNCIL. RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS June - ------- ---- 1-32 RESOLVED T" " e­—Wjaj T v_, - A T UTF' T. A.... 1542 201 7 501) 00 355 TOTAL GAll IN FAVOR OF TRAN-8 �1 --T Y.A.. BROUGHT FORWARD it 5794 Melvin Stanway 4 43 3 u. 579Z Ignatius Booker 1 1 11 579 George Williams 4 41 1 o 0 5797 i Inter-0Sty Fuel Co. 0 1.033 3 3 1 5798 1 Joseph F. Brady 0 50 5799 Thed�,Bamm growing Co. 1,000 5800 St.Paul Builders material On 9 9. 9 5801 Milton Rosen, OOm1r of FIRAM a11,776 5802 09 309 3 7 7 5:2 1.955i 955 7 5 3 .5.5 3.585,7 7 5 50n 13 2.752 3 5907 234,2 5908 55 5809 6.9475t4 5810 547 9 5811 2 .9� 5922 4:340555 0 5813 Specialty Printing Co. J. Swain 3 1 "01 156 6 9 5814 Walter 581 Mary Jaroeiewict 10 5812 ii L:Zl.d Lumber Oo. 47 5817 it Lamprey Products Co. Co. 1147 14:21 5918 F. G. Leslie Paper 5819 Albert Linder 12;25 5820 McFadden Lambert Co. 182;35 5821 "Randler Brush Co. 31 5822 t Paul Builders iat6rial On. 42 5923 StsPaul. Corrugating CO. St.Paul White Lead & Oil Go. 64;1� 63,11 5824 �i 5825 G. Sommers & Co.14 5826 Automotive service Co. 42:36 5827 The Columbia Alkali Corp. 67042 5828 Farwell. Ozmun, Kirk Co. 158,27 5829 U Guar6teed Concrete Co. 391105 5930 Nicoih, Dean & Gregg 5945 5931 S. 0. Ringwald A0.00 5932 Schubert & 50hurmeler 5 00 5933 Speedometer Service Unit Parts Co. AN 9 1 1: 5834 standard 4!5835 StiefelCo. Inc. '00 LProducto 36 00 110 5936 Twin gity Brick Co. 5937 h Abingdon Press 172 5839 Anne Lawn Mower Shop Addressograph Co. 3.00 5 46 509 5940 Ahlbarg Bearing co- 12 5941 Ahrens For Fire Engine Co. 560' 12 5842 11 Air Reduction: Sales Co. 7-80 503 Allis Chalmers Mfg. Co. dZM 5&4 American Otty Magazine 5845 Aerioan Laftanoe ftazit:.I�nd.stries,l .00 o. 398.53 5846 American LibraryA: O.i.ti 21900 American Line 5 9&47 Supply ... . . 1. I 11.58 5 a Am"ioan 1 1542 201 7 501) 00 355 0 David Baebeftin NI Milton Ros!n' Color of Fiords OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER No. 92710— EN—ROLLCOUNCI CALL �% - ---- COUNCIL RESOLUTION : AUDITED CLAIMS 4N RESO-ED. 1- 1— AH�p I I .R.. Mahone 17 0, 7 - ------ -----TOTAL naars 0 ;6 V "`�� TOTAL u. Inc. Reuben Z Anders?, �Ip IN FAVOR OF cus1IROUGHT 15,42.�355•4 FOIWARD 7500100 Mfg. Go. .7�.tveService Co. David Baebeftin NI Milton Ros!n' Color of Fiords 344 1 32 IA 12 r3 : V790 c; George J. Riess County Audit) �r 46 AiiTloanft Corporation9 a Society of Mach. En's "Orlc:� on naars 0 ;6 Anderson Lumber Do. u. Inc. Reuben Z Anders?, 10 Atlas -Cee & Oil Co. Austin Western Road x8ohinarl, Auto I — Works A Mfg. Go. .7�.tveService Co. 5 Had"peter Battery 0". '06 .t Inc. Beebe Laboratories, John Beissel Co. 5 131 8, Berglund Lumber Co. Alfred V. Best Co. 15 BicentenadslBook Co. 1 Bla* & Decks Mfg. Co. 12 B. B.Co,r Book Borchert Ingersoll Co. 12 127 Albert Bonnier Pub. House 5 Bo*au Eagrev"SoC6. 13 80 H. 0. Boyeson 63 86 Brand Co. Sons Baldng Co: 3 Braunig & J. & Co. 59 F. Brings Brown & Day Buffalo Mater Co. NO 10 Fitzhugh & Robert A. purne Bureau. of Applied Economics 5 Capital IIATelope Do. 30 Capitol Laundry Co. 3Z �Pwpitol Welding & Mfg. Co. Ventral Scientific Go. 1 I1 Central Supply Co. 52 obloago Apparatus Company30 Chicago. Burlington & quin0y RY.Co._ 15 ChicagoPtn" umatic Tool Co. Gh1'u=iRubbwr Mfg. Co. Cochran Sargent Co. 122 • 15 Columbia Tool Steel Co. 2� 0. Oombridge, Ltd. ouwasatb neatru, Co. 1 &T Concrete Steel Co. 19 Ip Bureau of Municipal Researd1f$ 50 CarlP. Herbert Review Publishing Co. 25() 51 Milton Rosen, ComIr of Finance 12? '; 77 9 lnm� 110000M 92769 nNAL oRB®te. 027"_ the Mat" r of chmgla the Ggrtade alleIn Blohh 1, Rfng'a COUNCIL FILE FILE N0. km Cretla Ave. to Hopnt e Boulevard, to conform' Ilpe pp the profile yyeW, E "nd made a part hale 1 Y ntbed it�imdreone e dine e , FINAL ORDER In the Matter of changing the._91-de. Of alley :_ ➢look 9, King', L'splemood. free,___ Cretin. Avenue to M.—t Curve fi—le—d,_to conform to thered lira. m the profile -.hereto attached -and Sadoapart hereof,.. the present establishedgrana baing.shorn-by.the..blue line._ theroon... also grading and pavinr allay in Block 9,King', MT^edbat—enthe above,,.atgtsd limits to the proposed. radll.. when:;stablishci, _ __.._.. ...... under Preliminary Order:.. 92135_.._..._ ..._..approved April 15, 1932 _........__ ___..___ Intermediary Order approved -------.------ -- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all Persons, objections and r mmmendationa relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is - change. She.. grade_ nf_alley.in_Blook_2._Kind 's_ _ Mapleyood..from Lratin.Avenue...to_iCaunt_a--,d_Bnulavn_d,_to_d—f.— to_the _-0 llne..nn the profileberet. tt—ha_.and.mada_s_nart.herd f,_the_pr—t..esta--,llshed_grain-__ being shmm.by_the -blue _line- the-roonalsp. aoa_ ane Rave alloy Block--9�_Ai g__ e:aplaxnvd_betmaea.the_abnsa.st ted.11mits_tn_the_jarapedad-ted_11na.srhan..established, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directedto prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro - .V1 with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council ..��.�.�_��.._...... , 192 Approved _ 4'iW 9 192 City Clerk. J MaY Councilman cjzte,yi- .�,,,•� �.... %J 'L. Councilman Fdegueon' �II�,ual� Councilman Me73gNEj `Iay Councilman /\ 7 Councilman lJ / Councilma Mayor Hodom B -666v Form B. S. A. 8-7 OEPARTMENT50 FRFINANCE r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) W In the matter of r:'e.fe of All, in !Hook 9, i's M1Sr, p'.evroo Cron. re t'n Ave sue 1 t t d to Y! - "I• t t sh h li e Lhe soon, d port h f tl�c a_t i.l d �r t b o „t,n .ed lar.i Ls also graving d Pa l.i- all y tl Blooh 9, "1n�'3 Lfaplo-:o bets eon th., nl to Lhe c sad red L_..a .., bu ehed, under Ptcliminary Order approved April 15, 1932 TO the Council of the City Of St. Paul: The Commissioner of F'mance hereby reports as —ioxe The total estimated amount Of the assessment (or the above improve mens 'i, The estimated rust perr%nt (or the abotc improvement .s - .06 benefits III such 'improvement, and n of each !Ot or the essused —1-1— The lots nr parcel, Of land thnt may be assessed an last reported by the Assessor, arc as follows: parcel oescRIITion uoT atoc. nooi.ioN vn� �uAn9ldg 2 9 Y.inl''s b'aplerrood Lot 1 and —t of ' 3100 8500 3000 9B00 '.Test lot 2 an all o. 3 l0 2000 5000 4 �o 2000 �a00 5 9 o 6700 T 94000 6 ttn� 'O 4200 6000 8 and g 9 do 2200 10 9 do 3000 13900 Lot 11 and Yi. 25 ft of 12 9 do Lot 13 and E. 25 it Of 12 9 do 3000 9500 14 9 do 2000 6350 1-11g DEPAFTNIENTOf FINANCE REPORT FPREI_MI COMMISSIONER ARY OF FINANCE ON 15 9 Ki �f;'s Ltnpl ewood 2000 6100 000 6500 16 9 30 2C00 740^ 17 9 0 lA 9 do 2100 5450 36600 98000 e further r, that he has investigated all of the aforesaid maty n, and The Com mesio ner of Fi... e is ether with the re fort made to h'im .n hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, tog reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Vo er 92135 Tothe Honorable City Council, cc= ) Saint Paul. Minnesota. p Gentlemen: QyyO The undersigned respectfully requests that you cause the alley running Easterly and Westerly in the blo b bounded by Sargent, St .Clair, Cretin and Mount Curve AV66uH9J to be paved during the coming season. Q' Respectfully your a, RIa R'01 IN leo, owwe_- N-Co,=NoyRewAVOovnu- —b- 0 H TOE DEPARTME Qp THE PUBLIC WORKS CITY OF ST. PAUL INTEE-OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Daft) April 21, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate off Ma le - cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 9, King P wood from Oetin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, also grading boveewood be astatedalimid itseyunderin lock Preliminary'OrderlC. F. 92135,tweethe Approved April 15, 1932. Length 463 ft. Width O B 0 ft. adway 2Frontage 901 ft. PAVING t CONCRETE Total Sq. Yd. $ 1.85 Property Share 1,860.00 Total 1,660.00 (a) Front 2.06 This estimate includes $180.00 for engineering and inspection. You�Chle?,C . Approved ans ssioa to the C i n of Finance. ILTON ROSEN Commissioner of ¢ublic Works. OfEce of the Commissioner of Public 'W*I&VINANCt Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 23 1932 April 22, 1932 _. _ 193_. To the Commissioner of Finaves of the City of 8t. Paul: The Commieeiouer of Public Works, haviag had wider, consideration the preliminary order of the Council, known ee Council File No. 92155 approved.. April 15, 1932 .193..... , relative to changing the grade of Alley in Block 9, KingIsMaplewood from Cretin Avenue to Mount Curve Boulevard, also grading and paving said Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between the abo1. ve stated limits. and having investigated the matters and thing, referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement is..... necessary aad (or) deatrable. .Total Sq. Yd. $1.85 2. The estimated coat thereof is E 1,.860 - 00 ,end the total cost thereof is i..... sad the nature and extent of said improvement is m fo0owa: -- - - --- '_-- 3. A plan, profile or ek,teh of ,aid improvement is hereto attached cad made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement i,._.. _........ . asked for upon petition of Lhree or more where of property, subject to saeeaarn-t for said improvement. ........ . W rke......__ . u� s2nO COUNCIL FILE O _________ BY ________/-L-L �– FINAL ORDER IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS In the matter of .... QQrdemning_and- taking_ an_ easement_ in_ the- land--_ ------- ___- necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of— Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Avenue and Mount Curve Boulevard ' -n?aaY -- under Preliminary Order_____92138 ____________ approved________April 193E ___-__________________, 82505 _ , a pproved......... May,_ 251932-__________ Intermediary Order________________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objection, and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully con,id- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the (Sty of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of improvement to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Avenue and Mount Curve Boulevard. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands r eaa eats therein be and the same are hereby ordered to be taken, appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvements, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Avenue and Mount Curve Boulevard, to the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmi„ioner f Public Works be and is hereby ' strutted d directed to prepare plane and specifications for said improvement, and the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to Proceed with the making of as id improvement in accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council_dUtl_21 1Q'----------------- ----- 1 __ fAol- City Cle verk. Approd___________________________ 19____ �yor. Councilman 6enser�erraoi/�– CouncilmanFers^=^^ inn( CouncilmanMcDonald Councilman Pearce Councilman Rrid Councuumm SwhJ Mayor r E, . r^" fM CEPARENT�F FINANCE �r REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER J/u (A) In the matter of. condemmlny and tai lnr a asement in the lanrl neoe anrI °or slopes, ci and fills to the Prad!nf a ofo Alley in Block 9e Kle !nP.'ssMnprood between ^.,.tll "onuo and N.—t ^.urve Boal .... drnr under Preliminary Order approved April 16, 1982 To the Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as follows: The total estimated amount of the asecesment for the abose mprovc went k - - - F 60.00 - — The estimated cost per foot for the above mprovement—-'-- The lots o, parcels of land that may be assessed benefits for such improveme ,and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel as last reported by the Assessor, are ar follows: I.od nwnirBldg. Lot 1 and east -4 of 2 9 BSnPsa Maplewood 8100 8600 19eet z-, of lot 2 and all of 8 9 do 8000 9800 4 9 do 2000 6000 8 9 do MIX) 1;900 6 and 7 9 do 4000 6700 8 and 9 9 do 4200 6000 10 9 do 2200 Lot 11 aad P. 26 ft of 12 9 do 8000 18900 Lot 18 and 2. 26 ft of 12 9 do 8000 9600 14 9 do 8000 6350 a o B 0EPARThff_TQF FINANCE REPORT OF ON PRELIMISN IONFIR OF FINANCE ORDER (C) LGT n AOOITION yAUU oESCNIPTION ���� 16 9 1:1s1g's YADlssnod 2000 6100 is 9 do 2000 65oo 17 9 do 2000 7400 18 9 Its, 2100 6460 36600 98000 The Commissioner of Finance, further reports that he has investigated all of the aforesaid matt e, and hereby submits the foregoing as his report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to said matter by the Commissioner of Public \Vo1 Dated 19� C n�Fir—ce. L' ALLEYdLK9K/MGSMAPLEYY000 - - - - ®. i.rwe cw ,M-lW6 Fill Cr�f i. Avi - Mt.CIII—O/ TYdH. cd Mion �y - � - Fiyw..dwr.lin.dww - CdwFillelyrry..ylinr. - - lows f. clock d.,e N - - .dwd 6yi..d w.%.Ny 1;. - L— 9-k N.. E031 x-5e.. Dk14 :4401 0 JAROCNT AX-- M VLM A P L. IY O O O c 4 s z so 0 a u =1 \ 3/u Fn p . - Nwd)e 8 0 `e Neajir a F. -.. 60' 4; A P L dT O O O - 1T. CLA/R _ JT. V Office of the Commissioner of Public-*isANCk Report to Commissioner of Finance _= APF 29 1932 April 22, 1932 193 TI the Commissioner of Finance of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Public Works, having had under--iderntwo the preliminary order of the Council, known ae Couoell File No. 9' 136 approved April 15, 193493. ,relative to condemning and taking an easement in the land necesary for slopes,cuts and fills, in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 9, King's Maplewood between Cretin Avenue and Mount Curve Boulevard. and having investigated the matters and things referred to therein, herohy rnporle: 1. said improvement is necessary and (or) deairable. 2. The eetimated cost thereof ie E. ilc]Gc and the total .at thereof is E -......., and the nature and extent of said improvement is as foflowe: 3. .A plan, profile or sketch of said impravnment is hereto attsehed and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said io,fo-emont i. ked for upon f thr r mor .—I. of property, eubjeet to ereeamneal for said mprovement. / . ......... _. ..... Commiaeioner f ubtie Works. 'k! 92'771 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of grading alley in. Block 4, .Lane's Highland Park from. Raclall A- ­ to Prior --Avenue, - - - -- - -- C.fnft— u� .'FaSaoa°P: k`n'am' Hoven I R.— 9fo•t under Preliminary Order.- M71 __--.....-- _ .approved April 8, 1932 - Intermediary Order .- - - _ ___.approved ­_ -_ -___-_- _ _- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard -all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the some; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is __ cr%de alley- in l lank-A.-Lana_'_-Fighland-Park_. _. from Hawall. AVenue_to Prior_AV..., and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- reed with the making of said ijWffVTei1W accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council '. aahFaa _-- 192 atgA] � a •t�L r • /� 4�t)' Clcrk. i Approved Councilman ®ere�'Y�-.-a.� Mgynr. Councilman `t c Doaeld Councilman'il0MNii .tov Councilman 1'r'arce Councilman- r Councilman g` Mayor-101edg— 8--� Form B. S. A. 8-7 SIT. OF DC PA RTMENT SOF,R FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER r (A) 1^ In thf matter of r di,, All,, Ln :.look �. Lnnu's Iit�hl and i x -F- frog. !!o..all A -.9 -.us to r. or Avon under Prclimi nary Order approved April ,, 1932 To the Canned of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner ,f Finance hereby r. por[s as follows. The total estimate) amount of the assess m cnt for the above iml ro.cment is - - $ 450,_19 rrt g 0,67 "I'he estimai cJ cost pe�toot - 'Phe le of land chat may be assessed benefits for such improvement, and the assessed ve1-1— of eac11 lot or parcel as last by the Assessor, arc as follow..: IEICRivTiON DoT aiooK AOOiT..N LRn�A SESIEI 1 4 I no' II`. Itl and PI rk 525 4 do 475 3 4 d 47'5 4 4 0 475 5 4 do 475 6 4 do 475 7 4 do 500 8 4 do 275 9 4 do 250 Lot 10 and Y'faot or 11 4 do 375 'In o _T. PAUL DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (D) East . of 11 4 L—lo llighl—d Park 125 12 4 do 250 Lot 13 'I'd '+lest ; Of 14 4 -0 375 Eest of lot 14 —1 111 of 15 4 do 400 5450 The Commissioner of Finance fnrther report, that he ha, inve,tigated all of the aforr,aid matt , and hereby submit, the foregoing a, hi, report thereon to the Council, together with the report mad, to him in reference to said matter by the Commi„loner of Pobli, W.,k,� Q Dated --: __- --Ig -$ 2 �L�-d�_ i E' a 2G� Com of Fi..ficc 2A. St. Paul, Minn. 15axch_2R.Lh 199.32 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: Honorable We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Grading of Alley Between'io'•rell noc Prior an" Otto and Pinehurst, Block 4, Lnne'e _...__ _. Highland Park St. Ave. St. Ave. to from __-_ ._..__.St, Ave. 0 TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Oete) April 26, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Rowell Avenue to Prior Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92071, approved April 8, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - $450.18 Cost per front foot - - - 0.67 Inspection - - - - - - - - 6.83 Engineering - - - - - - - 90.00 Frontage - - - - - - - - 669.58 ft. Yours truly, wnc-mh WM. N. CAREY— Chief Engineer. Appro*do to thio r of Financ y Commissioner of Public Works M. F HNANC! Office of the Commissioner of Public for Report to Commissioner of Finance per, 28 t93Z April 28, 1932 193 'I'll tlm ('mnmisnioncr of Finance of the Cay of St. "no' The Comminsioner of peblia Work., having had undo. consideration ter preliminary order of the known uv Council File �o 9'2npprovod 071 April 8, 1962 IN , relative to ('ounril, the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane's "ighland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue. and I—ing inveatiled" the matters and things referred to th—in, hereby cellona: I. Said improvement le n ... sea,and (or) desirable. Cost per front foot $0.67 2. The ratinlated east thereof ie f 450.18cn ineeri gal e$90l00f is F Inspset ion $8.83 g and the nature and extent of said improvement is a9 follows: Frontage 669.58 ft. 3. A plan, profile or sketch of said improvement is hereto attached and made a part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement is asked for upon p,titi f three or more ow�e rs of property, aubject to sesesemeat for emd improvement / Commissioner of Public Works. COUNCIL FtNO,O, t(` 927 72 BY _ _ _ _ �f m FINAL ORDER IN)CONDEMNATI �''� mG�` �'FDINGS 1, the matter of______ condemning and_ taking_ an easement in the land_______ necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue under Preliminary Order_____ 92072 approved_____ April a-1932 -------- ----- Intermediary Order_________ 92hQ9------------- approved ------ _Y_ay_9,5x 1932--_ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council Laving heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the acme; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t the precise nature, extent and kind of improm veent to be made by the said City is condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley In Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue. and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the following land, lands or easements therein be and the same are 'hereby ordered to be taken,appropriated and condemned for the purpose of making the said improvement,, viz.. For slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue, yo the extent shown upon the plan of the Commissioner of Public Works attached hereto which plan is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. iRESOLVED FURTHER, That the Cimmissioner f Public Works be and is hereby instructed d directed to prepare plans end specifications for said improvement, and the proper city oficials are hereby authorized and dfreeted to proceed with the making of aid improvement m accordance there- with. Adopted by the Council____ 2 ' V Councilman G— n'�'` Councilman Fce(peeea Councilman McDonald Councilman Pearce CouncilmanSuslhe Councilman 9ndMei+war Y,� Mayor ' Mayor. 1 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE (A) ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In .. matter . I d — — � .��f` i- ! t,ki� ....Lane's.. 1 d — 1, fh, lb�—,ry f— lop—, -,t, fills F I Alley 11 i1—k 4, Ll, 'li�,,] —71,,­ hl,,Fk f... 111 A-— l to A ....... ,td,, Preliminary Order approved Aprjj n, 1932 T, the C.—.1 of the City of St. P-1: The C—mi,—, of Finance hereby reports ., follows: The total es iro ... d --t of the ---t f., rhe a1,— i.p---1 ie s 25—aG lhe —1—t,d —t per f.., f,, the above improvement is - - - S Th, 1— or parcels of I..d that may b,, assessed b—fi,, f,, —h improve mee t, and the .......d —1—m. of each lot or parcel a, 1— reported by the A--, are ., follows: 11-11-11N — aaoea ADDITION ,Ane—figk. 1 4 Lsnol, I[Ighlnd Park 526 2 4 do 476 3 4 do 476 4 4 do 476 6 4 do 476 a 4 do 475 7 4 do 500 8 4 do 275 9 4 do 250 Lot 10 and I -t of 11 4 do 375 (c) C,— o 5 —.1 DEPAhTMVNTOC FINANCECOMER OF FINANCE REPORT OF PRELIM ISNARYf ORDER DESCRIPTION 21It v, of Lot 13 end :lest -',r of E.at �, of lat 14 end Ill of 11 4 Lanae Highland Pefl[ 126 250 12 4 do 375 14 4 0 400 16 4 da 5450 ar he ha rigac ed all of [h< aforesaid matters, and The Commisssoo" of Finance J—her r[herruo[1[o [he "' to l...... rhe. with [hc rePor[ made to him m eobo, [he foregoing as hie rePor[ eo hereby os b the Commtsatoocr of Pubbc Xk �)e L reference to said mater Y / "`lsi—cof Fina— D * Indi�or.. Ga.-- - Fill. Typtc.l Nm.H.n 'b ALLENBLK.4LA/YES H/GyLAA'O PgRK -- Fi�...es.b.r. lin. ansr " C—.' Fill d pr.p.rly II... Ma .// Avg P ioi AVr - - Fi,. b.I... lin.sher - - - dw..... i. r6;.h .l.pe - _ --1 b—. d propedH line. L.c_ B..k y.. f4f f X -S— Sk N..f422 N - - j OTTO AVC _ f LA/YEJ H/G/!LA/YO _ PARK i 11" $ k 14 i3 I J J _ LA E.J' N/Gill A/YO PARK Ofd ce of the Commissioner of Public - - a Report to Commissioner of Finance APA 23 1932 April 28, 1932 193 To the Commimioner, of Finance of the City of St. Paul. The Commiaei.... of Publio Worke, having hod under conniderotion the preliminary order of the 98pgg April 8, 1932 193 , "I'd— o, Council, known ad Council File No. approved coed awning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 4, Lane's Highland Park from Howell Avenue to Prior Avenue. .od having inveetigatcd Lha mutton, ..d thing. referred to therein, hereby reports: 1. Said improvement i. .... .s..y and (or) dauno lr. xxx 2. The estimated coat thereof ie E.. xxxzx ,and Ihn told coat thereof ie f end the nature and r—ot of .aid improvement il m follows: 3. A pl.n, profile or .ketch of avid improvement is hereto attached end made v part hereof. 4. 5. Said improvement ie...... _a.ked for upon pe. t ,of three or mor, om of property, .ubject W e.se.. urnt for avid improvement - '� _ n // ow _.....__ u.......... Commieai,,,,over of PuLtic Worke. 4ob V 92773 COUNCIL FILE NO. By FINAL ORDER In the Matter of_.aurbina Pascal Avenue_ west side, from Stanford Avenue. to. .Jeffers. Avenue,.�.... m.°.tluin:r o[ o-vw emmm s•. m ,ens soups 1. under Preliminary Order_.__ 92111_..___approved April 13. 1932 Intermediary Order_...__— ___ -_____.._...__approved _..._.__.------------- ___ A public hearigg having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council h_ng-heard all person, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is a=b--Ra—l_Ar—a,_ mat_sida,srnm Stanford....... Avenue.. t. Jeffs c__Lv_.o ......__._.__ _ _.._....__... - _.___.... ...... and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council 192 __. y�ry t> Clerk. Approved/), Mayor. Councilman a0 a %C .,. Councilman ✓✓✓ Councilman pray /1 Councilman Rose _ �/ , � j Councilman �r l,// Councilman SRKi,£dF / Mayor RbRga6K-3..,arbe Form B. S. A. 8-7 c�*o pr sl rI. N oEPA""ENY Or FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER SV� `J (A) In the matter °( curbing west side of Pascal Avenue from Stanford Avenue to Jeffes son Avenue, under Pali min ary Order a rrl— l April 13, 1932 To rhe Council of the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner °I Fi°a°ce hereby reports as lollowa: - - 5347.20.------ tot The al estimated amoF °f the asscssmrnr for the above improvcmcnr is - 0 •59 ( r The es aim eted cost pedroot for the above improvemen— - 'rhe lots- Parcels of land that may be assessed ben efiu for such improvcmcnr, and the assessed valuation °f each dot or parcel as last rep -"d by the :l secssor, arc as follows: nor °�°r� A.."— La As... �.a uAr °NS1d8 ocscsirnoN 16 8 Sylvan Park Addition to 775 2250 the City of St- Paul 700 2650 17 8 do 700 3950 18 8 do 700 4200 19 8 do 700 3400 20 8 do 700 2250 21 8 do 700 2300 22 8 do 700 2400 23 8 do 700 2350 24 8 do 700 2400 25 8 do 4T�'.tj it PAUL OEPARTMEN {aOP'FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) DE5CRIPTION LOT —0. A—T.— A ON 26 B Sylvan Park Add. to the 700 3000 city of Saint Paul 27 8 do 700 2650 28 8 do 700 2750 29 8 do 700 2750 30 8 do 775 2500 10,650 41,800 The C—ook.i.— of Finance further reports that he has m—tigaied all of the aforesaid mat. , and hereby submit, the foregoing a, hie report thereon to the Council, mgether with the report made to bim in relerrnce to said matt.. by the Commiacioncr of Public Work,. DetcdrT.,r ,7,7' __19 30, ((JJ Commissioner of F�nce. St. Paul, Minn....... April_ 4, . _19232. 'To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: Curbing-.Weat_aido_oS_ R.aaCaJ...AYanue............. .............. -..___ _.._ . St. Ave. from Stanford. _...____ -SL Ave. to.--_Je-fforacln _... - _8=Ave. - 325 N ix, N w %i c 1 0_ --T -STCLAIR �y7'. B E GL tt �LcY AVE•• J Ll L � Q � -W E_ii s3t_GY AVE. JEfEE 430N - - qJE. THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Derv) April 29, 1932. Hon. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for the curbing of the west side of Pascal Avenue from Stanford Avenue to Jefferson ~venue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92111, approved April 13, 1932. Estimated Cosi. - - - - - $347.20 Cost per front foot - - - .59 Inspection - - - - - - - 6.01 Engineering - - - - - - 35.00 Frontage - - - - - - - 597 ft. Your tr �'�bj.N.CCI-_R h Approve tr smisslon to the io er of Finance. ROSEN, Commissioner of Public Works. Office of the Commissioner of Public AilwiINANG1 Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 5 IM May 6, 1932 192 Thr ,'onuubniaurr of I'ul dl, M,.,k, )—,"' I'wl malaI, a, nrd, d lln H, N, 92111 April 13, 1932 192 the curbing of the west aide of Pascal Avenue from Stanford Avenue to Jefferson Avenue. y a I Cost t f, e, front foot 590 d 347.20 11'', d Inspection $6.81 Engineering $35-00 Frontage 597 ft. :, A ,Iz 'I'l. ." 'k," 1, of W',"f. 4, I f ��"O'j, Tl T" , ( f 11,14i, Wn,k, 92'774 COUNCIL FILE. N0. i.-`9➢`EY• 0. By FINAL ORDER ' In the Matter ofrecoastructi:y,,..relelin;, an_ -pairing the sidezzallr m the.. nortb. side of Capitol Ale—a beginning -194. feet east of Lexington. Aeenua, thsaoe-asst 10 faet.... _..... under Preliminary Order._... 92241. ..._._.._approved April 27, 1932 Intermediary Order . ._.__ _______. __-_ approved __..._._ _. _.._.. A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St Paul that the precise nature, extent and kind of im- provement to be made by the said City is eQMtP'oto_ relay _Md- _sapair_tha_side-1k.. an She north _.side._of.Capitol.-6venue_be;,innine-31 feat. —t of..Leaingtan_9senua,_thence.ecat 10 feet, and the Council hereby orders said improvement to be made. RESOLVED FURTHER, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and is hereby instructed and directed to prepare plans and specifications for said improvement, and submit same to the Council for approval; that upon said approval, the proper city officials are hereby authorized and directed to pro- ceed with the making of said improvement in accordance therewith. Adopted by the Council A®Yf�g-..--.-- 192 _. t3 Clerk. aiii� fl Approved_ , p Mayes. Councilman Councilman IcUouald Councilman `tar Councilman - Councilman r I?— Councilman Mayor ASJ14h li­iiie Form B. S. A. 8-7 WD TSOPFFINANCE :;REPORT OF ISSIONER OFIFINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER4 1\ �v In the metra.( reconstructing, relaying and repairing the sidexalk on the north side of Capital Avenue begionl ng 194 feet east of Lexington Avenue, thence eget 10 ft., ender Prrlm,inary o,de, approved April 27, 1932 To the Councl of ,hc Gty of St. Pail: l'he Commissioner of Finance hc«by reports as follows: The total esti�na,cd amount of the assessment (or the above improvement is - $..7.20 ---- -- - 'Ihe estimated cos, per foo, fo, ,he e bo.e mprovement is - - - - - - $ ------ '1-he lou or Varcels of Iand that may be and the a......d -I—m. of each lot or parcel as las, reposed by the A........ arc as (ollows. oascaia>•ioN DoT acoo. nooiriors s�T'n- 14 1 Lexington Ave. Add. to the $250 City of St. Paul $250 The Commissioner of Finance further report' that he has iestipeted all of the aforesaid matt ,and herebb y submits he foregoing as hie repo , thereon o tn.he Council, toge,her with the report made to rhim �n reference to said mater by the Commissioner of Public N\'orks. V f Commissioner of Fi 2nce. Office of the Commissioner of Public %NA@W FIMANQ Report to Commissioner of Finance MAY 12 Ima May 10, 1932 1112 'f II ("k-, 1.! 11, ,,,1 a" 11.11'r 'I ih, I I hi. N,, 92241 April 47, 1932 142 reconstructing, relaying and repairing, the sidewalk on the north side of Capitol Avenue beginning 194 feet east of Lexington Avenue, thence east 10 feet. i ha"", 11 01'', A h"." ,5-d �' 'k ...... 1-0" Approximate Estimate$7.20 2, al,'[ . —,"f .l,l 111i 1, :i A p1m, p-ld, ., k, 1, 1, 4 —,d Ot".h,d "A iiia, i I—( h—.4 0 1 H IV k-. 92775 � •�emopiie ewe. to Croat/ Avevve r,�etheaD pea avtehCl n>vE 'b,� e'plve neve' xe dAe E envie 1-. COUNCIL FILE N0. ` ' � ✓ ,<t e, D'�trD. e..a %em \��p0 y BY ill b�'✓— ✓i'r� '�_ .prp' i ii c ne.me In the Matter of.. changing the -grade-.a.-Alley in Block. 6, &oblyn Park -u Finn..-. Aveaua_t¢_Cretin. Avenue to conf¢m to. the. red line on the n -ila Loreto. attached and made. a..pazt. hereof, the present. -established grade beim; shmm hythe blue. line .th.racm' also. gradingand paving alley in Block ..B,..Roblvn Park from Finn Avenue to, Cratin. Avenue to theproposed.red line sl hen .established,.. .. . under Preliminary Order _. 92167 _ _.__ approved April 20, 1932 _ Intermediary Order _.._..___ __._....approved A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully conaidered the same; therefore, be it + _�6 ,�q-,.� -eZ�� RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro ement to be made b the said City is __ , _re tbe-grade._ _^ 'lle_v -in look_ 6 _- oblyn Park. rnm.Finn.Avanus- a Cr:atin-9venue_t confnmSo. the- ed. line. na tha _pr oto ttao and mr-da.s..par'.-iareat,_tha_pcnsan ests611shad__r _6e'_ng.shmm_1- blue line._the enn,_alnn-grads. d_pnva.sllay_ia_91 ak_S,_Babllm.Pazk- nm_Finb3vanua_ Cret:n.Ave 1BIDe we heteh7 ra rfLan hlishe ....__._.________ .b .Fx'opo -- -,Tlnded nail W _ _... _ D!'ddEf �myy iu-eaad-metf^tbediscetir.� t ---------- the Council hereby or a said improvement to be de. SOLVED FURTHER, at the Commissioner of P is Works be and is hereb instructed and directed prepare plans and ape ' ications for said improve nt, end submit same tot aped for approval; t upon said approval, t proper city officials are h shy authorized and directs o pro- ceed with the ing of said improve nt in accordance th.rewit Adopted by the Council n- 4. .__. _. , 192. _._. 1w t ' r' - Approved , 192 J Councilman plaM-.� CouncilmanFergusmt �3+i3a++e1f!— i Pf 7l P LL9I� 7 —�2 Councilman M¢DOwild ✓ '� Councilman kose t 9,f Cou ilman. '�Cauncilman �' -Mayor 1{beiFW Form B. S. A. 8-7 92775 0� peekl ae °he tEe ➢res nN8u,0��y: e COUNCIL FILE N0.'ol.n. w : t. ov By �l __ _ iJ �✓✓f.L tiO�L� mi�o r; *aeee te�v e'�pin In the Matter of.. changing the.. gradeof -Alley in Block s, Roblyn Park --f Finn..... Aveaoe..tn_Cretin Avenue to con.orm to. the. red line c the p ofile. hereta attamhedend made ....part. hereof, the present established C—de be'11t; sham by the b1v.-lina_theraon. also-. y�ading. nod. paving a11ey in Block 6,.. Roblyv Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avacve to. the ..proposed .red .line .,ban established,.- - under Preliminary Order _. 92167 -..-.. _. approved April 20, 1932 - Intermediary Order -_..-..- _-._..-.. _ _.-_.__.-approved-......__._..- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persona, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it,�,/,,,�,y.,,d. },ryyi RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that pro ement to 6e made b the said City is ._^\rejt;h ErnCe"A11evpB 1pcg6�ablynPark- r.m.Finn.Avenus. a-Crstin-Ava d—taline.anetoattar -and=da.a.paz. 1eraaf,. the_pahlishud-.:r _beine.shmm.hy_ blue line.. the .oa..slsn-grad.. d_P--alle..t,Cretsn_Sve -to. tha- opo n -__i. . _-._..-_.._._��rr _.rad_1:ne be and theame are baab7 orce^M-,xmded and all _Mdd .;¢ mid• -matt^- - d I the Council hereby or a said improvement to be\W'o, SOLVED FURTHER, t the Commiasiorer ofs be and is hereb tructed and directed prepare plans and a a' ications for aid `P submit same tot nc I for approval; t upon said approval, t proper city officiyauthorized end �pro- ceed with the ngofsaidimproveatinaccordan Adopted by the Council .�{�-. - '- �4??_.-.- . 192 Approved . 192 � Councilman,pism Z, ROAR M o . cnnnrilmanr,,.,kiw _L;2— —5-2- Cn—i mmm MoD.—Td ,7 —Cauncilmaal _� Conn. M - WE, zt man � -Councild' mayor Form B. S. A. 8-7 Jim July 1, 1912. City Council Saint Paul, Minnesota Gentleman: It wasthe writer'. intention to appear before you on the matter o£ paving the alley between Cretin end Finn on the street. bounded by the above and Iglehart and Marshall. I am �In favor of baving this work done for the reason that this lley has been for many years in a deplorable condition. The work, if undertaken at thio time, would give much needed employ - ant to a umbar of workers. Then, too, I was of the opinion the nowt on the same would be lase then at aro time in the past. I do not know whether o not tae price of.$2.13 per foot as e outldnad ie a ee sive. rIf a , there Se nreason why this ork could not done by another contractor if his price world be m reasonable. with the facts above outlined in mind, I em strongly Sn favor of 1mving the work undertaken and completed at the earliest possible date. This letter ie being written because of the fact that the writer' a ab aence from the City over the Holiday will prevent him from appearing in persoh. Very truly your., Y.L. Gr Lh 1Q.G: HD 2171 e 1 Lv. AUL CEPA RTI{IENT QF FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (A) V In chc mattcrof ch—: ;i,F the Croda of Alley Took ;:rs i, ue to ccnform to the red s Lhn a o`Sln d ret o�attecro,: an. med ee ort FeraoC, the not osteal Irl:=d e, h, Ti .I1ox*•.rl,y the blue Lina thar o-. n, ul s' �redmy lley in "lo c4: 1rno - Ad u oder Preliminary Order approved Aril �Oc 1932 To th. Council of the City of Sc. Paul: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports as t-11-1 The total esu mated amqui of th, ass. ss mcnt for th, abov. mprov.ment is Ilse esumat.J cost pcJtiiollo``t for the abo—i, - - - _ - - mprov.mem "1'he lots or parcels of land that may be --d benefits for such improvement, and the ..sewed valuation d each lot or parcel as lase rc .—d! by the M ... sor, arc as follows: (arc. Iflehert Ave do do do o lot o •ad East ole• s.d do 'gest dolot 9 n 1 ao En t 25 ft n, 1 6 kobly, Pnri: Addition Poul, mirm. 6 V«da 3 6 do 4 6 do 5 6 do 7 6 do 7 6 — 10 6 do L, ...... Bldg. 2200 8750 2000 7300 2000 8106 2000 2000 5650 3000 10150 3000 7800 5®1 CITY 11 IT AUL� DEPARTMF-NT 018 FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (C) LOT 1111TION (E -c. Isla hn rt n -e.) mho .e,t lot 10 -.rest 6.31 ft) 11 6Hob 1}m. P�rl Additt on St.Pxuls ).7::0 580^ ('; r_c. I3lohnrt Ava.) Lot 1C end .o .lo st E.71 't o 11 _ do 2000 G850 !o -c 13 and In 6 d. 3250 4800 15 6 10 1750 5700 1u Id, 17:0 77.50 17 a do 17.0 6100 19 e _0 1750 6300 19 6 'i0 1750 54"0 20 6 do 1750 21 6 do 17$0 7900 22 6 do 1750 23 G ) do 1750 24 6 ) do 1500 8000 44850 117050 The Commisaion<r of Finance further reports that he hay in... igated all of the aforesaid matt and hereby submits the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together . ith the report made to him i. reference to said matter by the Com misaioner of Public Works. Data d Jr m.m n. e. a Commissioner of Finance. St. Paul, Minn. J -_ 19i_2– To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: /y V- t -- 'Sr.- A— fromAve. to �fa/YvrY.0 St_ Ave. WWW -40w= , THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dee.) April 25, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for changing the grade of Alley in Block 6, Roblyn Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, also grading and paving Alley in Block 6, Roblyn Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, under Preliminary Order C. F. 92167, approved April 20, 1932. Length 601 feet. Width of Roadway 20 feet Frontage 1177 feet X n Street 20 feet Total Sq. Yd. $ 1.91 Property Share 2,480.00 Total 2,480.00 (a) Front foot 2.11 This estimate includes $220.00 for engineering and inspection. It should be noted that there are several retaining walls on the north side of the Alley, the foundations of which are above the alley grade. Since these retaining walls will not be adequate for the lateral support of the property after the alley has been graded, the slopes plan has been drawn as though the retaining walls were to be removed. It is probable that these walls could be underpinned, but not knowing whether they are properly designed and constructed, we should prefer not to assume the risk of underpinning them. The slight change of grade proposed is beneficial to the property where these retaining walls exist. Yonr�hieFgn�geer. wnc-mh Approv f P.E. ssion to th sof Finance. 0 , Commissioner of Public Works. -Office of the Commissioner of Public NN)CS"FINANCk Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 26 7932 April 26, 1952 192 of 0 City of St. Pnn1 W111k, k ­mg 1-d "'Mm'i—, -d- of thy 92167 ,_(, April 20, 1932 192 changing the grade of Alley in Block 6, Roblyn Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue, also grading and paving Alley in Block 6, Roblyn Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue. Holl hnvinµ t­­tig,tcd thy . . .... I t,, th.,­,, h,,(I,, 1. Enid ......... ... fl 1. m 1, . (a) Front foot $2.11 2. 'My -6 It -d 2,480.00 . ..... I I,(, t"It'l aoNl th,rcof i, $ Total Sq. Yd. $1.91 of -d fallow :S. A lilnn. Vmfilr or ck,,Irh d —id m, ..... ..... mt i., hent,, nttnchy.l 1-d mn.Iy n I,nrt herrn S.M in.prnvr.nynt i, ­k,,d for nry,n I tit' th— . ... .... of euhjert to "t far "id m, Juae 14, 1932. �- I ✓ Ujectieas to i-avi:f, o ;,1-e;; in :,lock e 1 i—, I„l, tin A -i-,,) hereb;; c:mtci e: `o .nz . es ci c:Q a_r —ti C—t--e— zt3i / 71r.. i J In the matter of___ condemning_ and_ taking_ an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 8, Roblyn Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue under Preliminary Order____ 92188___________, approved______ Apr11.20 _ 1932___________, Intermediary Order -----------92507_____________pproved------- Kay- 25,_ 1932______________ A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendation, relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul th,t t p - -- c ndemning and tak g an easemen in the land nee .oe aw io .err fo slopes, cuts and fills in the rading and pavan of'�`e All in Block 8, Rob Park from inn Avenue to Cre ° h.a Avon e, and the Coun 'I hereby order, said imp ovement to be me e. RESOLVE FURTHER, That the f I—inc 1—° be and the — ■re herby can.e; j ^r.-... .., and rn- Inded d ab In mid matter be docantumed. Adopted by the C.... il----- _______e_1 iG -------------------------------------------- Approved__ .____, Councilman ear, . Councilman F� n r PUBLL% ZZ-- a Councilman Pear ` Councilman Rahlmtd -rti�+•i- Councilman Sxdhuimee Mayor ANCE DEPARTMgNT OFR FIN REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the matter of ondanenSnF and 1,1 1,, n the 1 -1 f— slows, cots anT ff lis in y in 7�1-1: 6, RoIJYI- P—k f—TI ;'inn Avenue t. -ti. —du Preliminary Order approved April X, 19:' T, the Council f the City of St. Paul: The Commissioner of Fi—,,- hereby t,p.tt, ., follows: 'Che i,ni.—d amountf the assessment for ab— iiiip--- i. s The —i.—d ...t per f— f., the above i,,,p--., k - - - - - - S The 1— ., parcels f I..d that may b, as benefits f., such i,np---, .,d the --d —1-6.. of each !.t or parcel .s I.., reported by the A--, — as WK.— lgloh—t do do do ,10 lot 6 —d d, 1;,st n of do lot Band X ,n do �:.at of do lot 9 md do F. t 28 ft of Bldg. 1 6 Robl3m Pork Addltion 2200 8750 St.p..J, Kj t 2 ;_. 6 . 2000 7300 3 a do 2000 8100 4 6 do 2000 5 a do 2000 5650 7 6 do 3000 10050 7 6 do 3000 7800 10 8 do 3000 —P.—E.—F -1 —""fi REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY oRQFR 117U6U The Commumuner of Fm.'— f—h- repo t. that L' t— u' --'-A it A It,- h—by ..bmill the f-9611tt reference —.id Dared 17 + to lluu 1W 17- 7ww 1/.v 116Q 117U6U The Commumuner of Fm.'— f—h- repo t. that L' t— u' --'-A it A It,- h—by ..bmill the f-9611tt reference —.id Dared "I"OF a DEPARTM ENT OF-NANCE ' OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE REPORT ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) LIT .—K AIDITION ASSESSED eht Are.) the ie.t A of Iglar lot 10 end oxoept the —t 6.31 ft) 11 6 m bblyn Pnr1: Addltlen 3t.Pnols 2760 9800 (kxo. Iglehart Ave.) lot 12 2000 6860 and do :Ie et 6.31 ft of 11 0 do lot. 13 and 14 6 do 3250 4800 16 6 do 1760 6700 l6 6 do 1760 7750 17 6 do 1760 6100 18 6 do 1760 6300 19 6 do 1760 6400 20 6 do 1760 21 6 do 1760 7900 22 6 do 1760 23 8 )`r do 1760 24 8 ) do 1900 8000 44850 117050 e further repot s thathe has �nvestigattd all of the aforesaid matt s, and The Commissioner of Financ t c hereby ubmits th< forcgoi, aa hie ItP— [hereon to the Cou cil, [.gether with the report made to him in s reference to said matter by the COm-l"i-.et of Public 1V.rrkk/ 7 Damd 34! __.I9 �'=�'- �Xof Finance.- ALLEKBLK.6ROBLY/Y i3gRK_ -. - - - - " ®+ I�dimtr. C.r. - Finn A✓s. Crrfin Arm. � _. . - _ ' C.ler Fill al yiepenY line. - � - � ' Fir... wl.w W.'d w ,My I;— - L-5—kN..2112 " /GLE/VART AVE xn so 5r1. rn. sru. • Wei/ Sf... Jtu. Sr./ _Sru. Cw. NGer �rt Ho// 3f.1. Gar .77 /Sf�Ak C.n. p�< Y ti P A R K ?. v R O G L - - 4 - MARSHALL AMC Il - Office of the Commissioner of Publicc&V ANu- Report to Commissioner of Finance a �E1 APR ?i IW April 26, 1932 I92 Irnl...... 92168 ;,I,I,r ..,I April 20, 1932 condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading and paving of Alley in Block 6, Roblyn Park from Finn Avenue to Cretin Avenue. H.., .,.:.tl. m e,. l iI'i"' 'f.""i ... th. r. i.i, I.—I, "'-- j, '..,- t. :\ I.In... I,r..l .l.�..r �k,=t.l. .,f -ai.l i.n Vrr,..�....�,.t i. h...,.t.. :,i turh�.l u,..l ..u..l.• u Furl h.�r. �.,f. i.,I.r....... ..t. / L= \4'orkx. 92717 COUNCIL FILE NO. By In the Matter of. gradi.ar .alley im._loot, 2, S;:laan Park. i,dditiom =roc, Stanford Avonue-to St,. -1eir Street, under Preliminary Order 92165.. -.. _. -__approved April 2�, 1932 _. Intermediary Order _ _. _. ___-___. _- _— -approved........-_- A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully considered the same; therefore, be it�N�-,.e RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that p ove t tobemade by`tpe d City Is '-Le, aL." in 91ock a� 1 3sy— Yarkogom _Additii Stanford -A a to 5t, c t. of be all, the tame tre ta—DS ian.�: '..,�, an::.: .h. ,•;,I_ _�-<r rjsd an the Coun d hereby order �d provement m be de. FURTHER, Th thea Commissiorer of P be and is hereby ins acted and direct plans and spec' t'ane for said improve t, and submit same to the Co I for prepare approvn ; at upon said approval, the per city ereceWorks officials reby authorized and directed t1- w,SOoLVED d th th making of said improveme accordance there - Adopted by the Coonnncil JtJ1 F. tqJ-7-...__ _, 192 __.. — APpravcd _ .192 ) _7 `Councilman QWM3W 6enn.,>• Councilman "-Lw. Counc Pearcc /ouncilman C I% Non,:u ✓ YIA Councilman Councilman 7PeSi§15% .i Mayor Ifs Lwid-k4s �� Form B. S. A. 8-7 g2V7 10 COUNCIL FILE NO, eia ic`o—���m:`i "el a.e.I.:. R1. °.. .. in. In the Matter of grading alley in 31oak S;,lyan Park Addition true. Stanford Avanye..to St. Mair Street, - under Preliminary Order-. 9.2165 -__approved April 1n, 1932 Intermediary Order _-_--_.-_.approved A public hearing having been had upon the shove improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully cousiderred2 the same; therefore, he it aa-e2.l-- '-Z -4— RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul that 6k p 6 t t provenie.pt\to be made by`tbe d City is _ grads a12�v in llluci_2, �3g _Pari Additiol . Stanford-paewie.. to.-St.\C33,�L Sts: atm -. - - be and the same ire tunem -y4 - -211- dd--tw be 0.19(:C11� :. - - - - - - _ r _---.-_.- ..- -.___- an the Council he eby order id improvement to be de. SOLVED FURTHER, Th the Commissioner of P Works be and is hereby ins ted and directed o prepare plans and aped ' ationa for 8said improve'�cent, and submit same to the Cuc cil for approval; at upon said approval, the per city officials are p reby authorized and directed t - ceA with th making of said improveme accordance therewl Adopted by the Council J(II $.%tr _ 192 - l--- Approved _ - 192 .�L(N4f(f1YYiQ��i a1'or. `Councilman GaMiiiiiiim G.,, Councilman Councilman '"IQ y ✓ ^ Lam,, 4. /Councilman /VY Councilman�,y -� Councilmen F .i Mayor Iiadgaroni aaws+dkie -� Form R. S. A. 8-7 — OF DEPARTM"T—Of1AUL FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER In the ,natter of grading alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford I 1jy Avenue to St. Clair Street, —d" 1"'Iimi—y O'd" aPj"—'d April 20, 1932 To the C.—Iii of the City of St 1 -I: 'rij, Commissioner of Fi-- hereby reports as blllo— The hh' ---, $ 527-36-- ::'1"'t'd '11, ,1" above S 0.44 — - The I,— or parrels of 1—d that may b, assessed b­,fi,, f., —h im prov nen t, and the assessed —1-6— of each lot or parcel as 1--p,-,d by the A,--, are as b,11.— Bldg 3 2 Sylvan Park Additionp. 1675 3400 odt a City OfS&int toh "a 4 2 0 550 200 5 2 do 600 6 2 do 600 7 2 do 700 1950 8 2 do 700 9 2 do 700 4400 10 2 do 700 4500 11 2 do 700 4050 12 2 do 700 4450 n EPARTMENT 50 FP FINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER (c) 13 2 Sylvan Park Addition to 700 4550 the City of Saint Paul 14 2 do 700 4900 15 2 do 775 5000 16 2 do 775 1000 17 2 do 700 18 2 do 700 19 2 do 700 3350 20 2 do 700 3550 21 2 do 700 4000 22 2 do 700 4750 23 2 do 700 3850 24 2 do 700 4300 25 2 do 700 3000 26 2 do 700 1750 27 2 do 550 3600 Lot 30 and W of 29 2 do 1250 1200 19,525 71,750 The Coo,.hsiner of Finance further reports tbat he Lae m.estigated all of the aforesaid matt r and hereby submits the foregoing - hie report thereon to the Council, together with the re Pot made to him in ref ere nee —id matter by the Commissioner of Public /1\'o1/rks. 19.d :1, i),W,. � -///,L �r. - P^ eo..e o. a. Dated -2Il - - — Commissioner of Pi".." a, So St. Paul, Minn. C71"- 19i<3.Z To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: rr-"St. Ave. St. Ave. to NAME I L(Yr BLACK ADDITION �:1 • JL. �►�i1"�����IllJi�� ` `` m©ten r ��E3ii�itaD APR 7t4 �� ..: 01. Al� _7 F----= El -_ UU A,' 3, I/AlWll K I Ave FA:) C A AllF 03 r r Li L A— ALOE-k-r A,UU � L Z TOE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL INTER -OFFICE COMMUNICATION (Dale) April 26, 1932 Ron. Milton Rosen, Commissioner of Public Works, City of St. Paul. Dear Sir: I transmit herewith preliminary estimate of cost for grading the Alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to St. Clair Street, under preliminary Order C. F. 92165, approved April 20, 1932. Estimated Cost - - - - - - - $527.36 Cost per front foot - - - 0•44 Inspection - - - - - - - - - 10.34 Frontage - - - - - - - - - - 1196.97 ft. Engineering - - - - - - - - $ 125.00 Yours truly, WM. N. CAR —c -.b Chief Engineer. App*. -I t, nsmission toss o ofFinance. ROSIN Commissioner of public Works. flUUM, OF FInANCkfLe of the Commissioner of Public W Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 28 1932 April 26, 1932 193 To the Conunimioncr of Pinnnm A the City of Sl. Pnal: The f`ammissioner A Pablic Works, having had ander eonsid,mien the preliminary order of the Council, known m Cnuocil Flc No. 92165 ypproved. -pril 20, 1932 193 relativc t the grading of Alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford*venue to St. Clair Street. and having iovestigstcd the rtmttem and things ,N -r d to tt))hcrcin, hereby rcporta: 1. Said mq—vemeot is `...awry nndCoStl pen crront foot $0.44 2. The e,timsded —t thereof is S. 527.36 and the total cost thareof is S Inspection $10.34 Frontage 1196.97 ft. end the naturo and extent of said improvement is ss rollows� Engineering $125.00 3. .4 pl-, profile or sketch of mid improvement is horeto stt,,b,d and modes pert hereof. 4. .... 5. Said improvement is.. _asked fur upon petition of thren or more owns of property, ,abject la ssees,menl for said improvement. _ C ,stoner of Public Worka. J -e 27, 1932, WE 1THE PROPERTY 01NEERS OF BLOCK 110. 2, SYLVAN PARK ADDITION PROTEST A(l AI';ST THE PROPO37D GRAPH"G -ND IMPROVFM M1 T OF ALT, I /I IN THIS BLOCK. NAMR ADDIL.SS _ LOT 11.11R I � i r -Colj FILE ---92778 BY r � j —€ condemning and taking an easement Sn the land In the matter of___________________________________________._____._.-. __. necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to St. Clair Street r under Preliminary Order_92168---------------- approved__April 20,_ 1932r____�_-___ Ibtermediary Order ______ 92511________________ approved_. May 25, 1932 A public hearing having been had upon the above improvement upon due notice, and the Council having heard all persons, objections and recommendations relative thereto, and having fully consid- ered the same; therefore, be it BEBOLVED, By the Council of the City of St. Paul thvt the -- - -' --. '- en condo ng and taking easement Sn�hl land❑ essaryforlopes cuts and fills n the gradlley in�c\Bock 2, Sylvan Par Addition from dord Ae t.1 o t. be asd the same tre hereby eanr...'.M.::- ,. o.,d revinded say Lb to said matter be di ccut;rnr_. 1932 Adopted by the Council_.--------- 19____ ve Approd_____ ____________________ ___ --__ 19 ____ Counciman 6enrey' f " Councilman Feegaa+w CounciIman Pearce Councilman H.W_d- Council.- 91, "--- i, Mayor DEPARTMENT OFPFINANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON PRELIMINARY ORDER ,l (o) in the matte.of condemning and taking an easement in the land necessary for slope., cuts and fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to St. Clair Street, ,,.,der Prchmina.y Ord,. approved April 20, 1932 To the Council of the Cty of St Paul: The Commission.. of Finance hereby reports as fellows: The total estimated amount of the assessment (or the above improvement �s - - - $ 50,Q( 'Che eso roared cost per font (or the above im prove meat is - - - - - - - S -- ---- The lots or parcels of land that may be assessed bene(ts for such improvement, and the assessed valuation of each lot or parcel — last ..ported by she Assessor, are as follows: Dasca�PnoH for a�ocK noolrioN �r�sunrior�l 3 2 Sylvan Park Addition 1675 :40C to the City of5alnt Paul 4 2 do 550 200 5 2 do 600 G 2 do 600 7 2 do 700 1950 0 2 do 700 9 2 do 700 4400 10 2 do 700 4500 11 2 do 700 4050 12 2 do 700 4450 1UL OEPARTMENT.OFP FIaANCE REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE Finance further report. that he ha. all of the aforesaid mats , and hereby e,bo,ite the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in ON PRELIMINARY ORDER by the Comtnu.ioner of Public W.,ka. v e a I D—d erg (C) 13 2 Sylvan a^`R Addition to 700 4660 t'.o City of Suint Pmol 14 2 do 700 4900 15 2 do 775 5000 IG 2 do 775 1000 17 2 do 700 18 2 do 700 19 2 do 700 3350 20 2 do 700 3550 21 2 do 700 4000 ' 22 2 do 700 4750 23 2 do 700 3850 24 2 do 700 4300 25 2 do 700 3000 26 2 do 700 1750 27 2 do 650 3600 i.ot 30 and 'N dj of 29 2 do 1250 1200 19,525 71,750 The Commmioner of Finance further report. that he ha. all of the aforesaid mats , and hereby e,bo,ite the foregoing as hie report thereon to the Council, together with the report made to him in reference to ..id matter by the Comtnu.ioner of Public W.,ka. v e a I D—d erg _79� L2 ALLEY-GLK. 2 SYLVAN PARK AOO. - Jlnnfevd Aw. JAC/ �� 3Y: - N7a bdi o .Cnb - AIL - ".a/e Fill. s' - TYII.J A - ae M ri Fy�•...b.w 1'..aM. - C.l..Fill dK.-y16. o � - - F,)..s b.6r Gn. sh— - y - el.a... n , hW, .I,- 2 J% .mne bo•••e N.v.b lin. � Fi. Ne• x.�`F.•n T7 4c 8«4 N. Ila? X -5 --BF. N.•I8`7 ;j'p - .lARATOOA AVL. - Q S y L V A /Y P R K GO w.ii o •9 Y L V A h A A R. K ... HARWICIK AYI: z A s' e' A - ae M ri h o � pie r� y 2 J% � Fi. Ne• x.�`F.•n T7 ;j'p h Office of the Commissioner of Public "fR FINANCE Report to Commissioner of Finance APR 28 1932 April 28, 1932 193 To the Como,minn,, of I --, of the City of St. Peo[ Thr C—ooi.i.re, of poble, Work., he—, had "ed", t a olilb-1-t 1-11 ttln 11111i"'o"Y -d- ..f the Council, known e, Council Fit, No 92166 April 20, 1932 193 1 "I.ti— to condemning and taking ao easement in the land necessary for slopes, cuts md fills, in the grading of Alley in Block 2, Sylvan Park Addition from Stanford Avenue to -t. Clair ,treet. .rd h—.l invuvtignted tt mettery and thing, ,f--1 to therein, hereby 1. Stott improvement i, necea..rY nod (o,) 'ho -14'. 2, Th, -ti.olt16 cost thereof L, Ex,and the total coat thereof i, S .rd the ".to" and --t of eeid —p—000,ol i. . follow.. 3. A 1.., 1-61, or ekrt6h of e.id improvement ie hereto e,.th,d and oe.de . p.rt hereof. 4. 1 / 5. Said improvement i.ked for upon or w ere of property, ­ .,bj,,t to 1o,et for said improvementv C.—i—ter of Public Werke. Laid 3rd.&app.—Aaun�e�l- '1 Yeas Nar- Yea. N'a.s --l"--7' to «iy \lay hla Pearce R-- a R.,m SudMeimw �udheimer \1 r. Pres. WMeF1ie I�hl r. Pres. Bundlie .Adopted by [he Council_..._._.....193...... Ycae. Neys. MAY "'\�oUONAI.0 ,APEARCE. ROSEN /RUAX /W ENZEL /MR. PRESIDNNT (1f AVON EY) 1"' *' (0 0 P T) Presented bred Y. Tr Ooaoail File Io 92916 HSSOLM, That Oowoil File so. 42446, effeotin sof. 1, 1922, as emended, be and the ee.e Se fmtber emended by etrIkiog out, where it 000are, the following title and rates 'Osrpenter, $1.00 per hour', sad inserting Sa lies thereof the followiagt 'Carpenter .85 per hoar' . The ahaoge in rate u above specified shall tab effect and be is !orae fro. and after the first dap of Jply, 1932. Adopted br the Co=il ihlr 1. 1912 1ppmfed July 1. 1412 Hlliea salon Ypor. RKSOLUTIOS y� 0.1•,Y•'•o a'^c,• — ` COUNCIL FILE NO. — 92780- ' PRESENTED BYE\ 4P VMtM, w. J. Gray has filed a claim with the Department of Public Safety for reimbursement for damages paid by him for the repair to the automobile owned by him, which was parked legally on the south side of St. Olair Street, near Snelling Avenue, on the 4th day of June 1932, and was struck by Tire Department Truck $10 when a steering arm broke on the front wheel of the truck, and WHEREAS, after an investigation it was determined that the applicant was entirely without fault in the matter, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to draw a warrant, payable to W. J. Gray, in the amount of 150.75, upon the execution by him of a release approved by the Oorporatlon Oounsel. Peas C.—il— -ew-r— \ave Truax May McDonald Pe.rm / I R.— osen .77= Weasel 9ntltreMrrr Mr. P...id"t (&md}ie� lahOney JON P 1 Ign Passed b, the Council. __. -_.. h ea, o;'� , 'a `/�pprosoed p Mayo. o.�...+o c...., CITY T. �cL ,NO. E1G lTl FFIC T K COUNCIL RESQ GENERAI,�,, P"e.ecs_ CG Eev- .'vve �n SS IRVINO�- ° i °,^..t se. 6Iq jQN$ 17TH1932- RESOLVED WHEREAS, The Cortcnlssinner of Education has reported to the ou Cncil in accordance with Section 53, of the City Chartep the existence of an emergency which rendered neoessary the emFloyr,eit of certain employes of his depart¢ent for more -Lhan their usual hours of employ- ment; therefor, be it, RESOLVED, That the PrOPer city offioers are hereby au- thorized to pay the following named emyloye,s, at the rate othe rwlse fixed for extra employment for extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE TIME RATE TOTAL B. Baleen Jan, Bag. 3 hour" 6 1.82 Charles Hammerlund " • 10 ° B 6.08 E. Manske ° ° 10 n6 6.08 John Nelson • " 14 6 g.61 Henry Sohnelder " " 3 ° 6 1.82 Bert Seidler ° " 6 " 6 4.86 Cesar Smoleasky ° ° 10 " I 6.06 Lloyd Spetzmen ° n 9 6 6.47 William vieveriag ° 6 6 3.66 Nis Berltn Janitor 2 " 1.09 C. Gregory Bch, Ung. 10 7 7.28 Frank Linn JanUng. 21 ° 6 12.76 L. G, Larson Janitor 4 " 64 2.17 James MoDermott Janitor b} q 64 2,98 Nicholas Stadtfeld Jan. Eng. b� 6 3.34 I. W. Thompson Jan. Bug. 2 ° 6 1.22 Ycas Nays Ad.pccd by chc C....1 9 19 Wenzel ��Ipp�R,11 M.y McDonald /1� Appco.cd 19 Rvuv r f/Agvvsc Truax Mc. Preszdcvc U..44c Mahoney 1932 Juno 18th. '�Al. n nv h:.v :i. _.v en _:. :.hn Def u:•'.. -.en'.. o. .,. r.—,..ry '.he C .e_r. eT.p: oJr�s �" '. Y.n. �:Pfar'.mer_` fcr :�.�_e thsn e.,�h'; hc�_•s Cleaning 8ohools .ase by reason of 'he fo-.>wind fa.: :.s an. .±ressSacc�9: Neoee.ary to keep school buildings open on noount of sp offal activities at building. in the evening. 'hi, repo„'- =e _r. with 3_ ,1-- 5.`. of the. Ch -'-r. it - l FORM No. 2 - (� ry(� 92782 Subject: Council File No. Date presented 1932 Resolved WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Utilities as reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of an emergency which rendered necessary the employment of certain employes of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefore, -be it Resolved, That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employes at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employ- ment for the extra time hereinafter set forth: NAME TITLE SUNDAY REGULAR RATE Edward Walsh Common laborer 8 bra. .45 John F. Conroy Utility laborer 10 .55 Daniel 0, Connor 8 .55 Nicholas J. Wagner " " 16 " 55 Ole Munson Foreman 3 hr.. .80 Ed. Eordell Mech.helper 3.59s Leonard Munson Sub -foreman 3 .62 Chris Rauer " 3 " .62 Joe Bruno Ditch diger 3 5 Mike Fritz1 .55 Paul Rulli 1 " .55 Joseph Fiorito " " 16 .55 Tony Roberto Common laborer 16 " mr45 Ayes Councilmen Nsys McDonald may Pearce Rosen Truax Wenzel Mr. President Mahoney I Leo rd�supMnt.n Ga oral Adopted by the o 1 1932 1932 Approved ,�1_!a ° L qA 1932 J-41 is t.yµbLSY1i711: '_ FORM No. 1 June 17, 1932 92782 An emergency has arisen in the Department of Public Otilltiee Bureau of Water rendering necessary the employment of certain employee of that department for more than eight hours per day in the doing of the following work: Operating Hazel and Highland Park pumping stations.* Repairing 3" gate at RB E. 10th 3t-# _ This emergency arose by reason of the following facts and circumstances:_* Sundays #Account of shutting of water, bad to be done Wtside of businees hours. App ovadl&.-...e...✓���e�7K�1/ L onard H. Thompson General Superintendent CITY OF 5T. PAUL NO. 92783 OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVE. , That the proper city officers be and they are hereby author- ised to enter into an agreement with Joseph Patook, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally disabled by reason of injur- ies received by him while in the employ of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, on the let day of June 1932; be it PORTffii RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay to said Joseph Patook the sum of $21.80 out of the Workmen's Compensation Account of the General Fund, in final settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including June 18, COUNCILMEN . ,JUN 2 = l932 Yiur N.Y. A!IupLM by /y Penne f. -,'k "1 .-,i k"1 1 _- 193 SMC. Preeid— N I,—y CITY of ST. r.,$,eO,°Dvumaw. NO. 92784 n°e��„nn OFFICE OF CTCnaie'flru COI CIL RESOLUT-�?ec ,yyq�ID tDe'co��� '44 eealwtr coM�.(iss"fo°NR-4 1Z" __ m ". !'y wr-June 2A,.1332. RE LvzD Whereas In the improving of the Third Street Esplanade from Robert Street to the F, 0. K. building Comp- troller's contract No. L-3638, J. S. Sweitzer & Son, fnc., contractor, was completed in so far as it was open to the public use before the Job completion date specified in the contract, and Whereas, The minor details of the constuction to complete the work did not delay the city in the final com- pletion of the improvement, and Whereas, The Corporation Counsel has given as his opinion that the completion and opening for public use constitutes, so far as liquidated damages are ioncerned, a vir- tual completion of the contract, therefore be t Resolved, That the city of St. Paul hereby waives claim to any liquidated damages under said contract, which may have accrued due to the non -completion of the entire contract on the completion date specified in the contract, and the proper city officials are hereby directed to make proper payments on said contract without deduction of any amount for liquidated damages, and be it Further Resolved, That the specified completion date of said contract be and the same ishereby extended to June 20, 1932, and the proper city officials are authorized and directed to execute an amendment to the said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force or effect unless the sureties on the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. COUNCILMEN Ycae }Jaye .N Fitgvunrs ' MeliorttW �n favor H� u�teww>' Mr. P—id— { 9' Adopted by the Council_ `' ii '9 1 9 Approved. _C L coEr.I rn18s10Nei{— RE OLvao CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. 92785 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK RESoLUTI - GENERAL FORM AT _une 2n, 1932. Whereas, The contract for the improvement of the Third Street Esplanade from the F. O. K. building to Robert Street, Comptroller's Contract No. L-3627, J. S. Sweitzer on, Inc., contractor, was completed in so far as it was open to public use before the fob completion date specified in the contract, and Whereas, The minor details of t -e, construction mii o"tt d': to complete the work did not delay the city in the final Com Aon mg:) pletlon of the improvement, and J a,gBI Whereas, The Corporation Counsel Iles given asoemv1-1ME�[' his opinion that the completion and opening for public use moEL �r¢Gf constitutes, so far as liquidated daages are cncerned, a vir- tual completion of the contract, therefore be it Resolved, That the city of St. Paul hereby waives claim to any liquidated damages under Bald contract, whichmay have accrued due to the non -completion of the entire contract on the completion date specified in the contract, and the proper city officials are hereby directed to make proper payments on said contract without deduction of any amount for liquidated damages, and be it Father Resolved, That the specified completion date of said contract be and the same is hereby extended to o June "' 1932, and the proper city officir als ae authorized and directed texecute as amendment to the said contract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution �k shall not have any force or effect unless the sureties on the ctt1anttrTs bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City Comptroller. OUNCILMEN Yeac c Nay, Adopt/Jed by the Cou ncil-A—UN2 19 Feidaawa MelMdattl � _tn lavot � � $c AP -ed /.1'9— � BiN11l" CJ ABainet T IW22L2tm __—_ _�/-�5�--M• Mr. P—ident4ledpo" Pte` o««.......... . •• CITY OF ST. PAUL io�wciL NO. .7lj / O�1 [OFFICE OF CITY CLERK / Couge+L RESOLUTIO GENERAL FORM 90�NE✓�-��'�"� _-DAA.Suna 17,--1932.CaMM8 - RESOLVED Resolved, That the Commissioner of Public Works be and he is hereby authorized and directed to cause the necessary conduits for 4 corner type traffic signals to be installed in advance of paving on Sixth Street between Wabasba Street and Smith Avenue, as listed below, at an estimated cost of $1,023.79, said cost to be charged to the appropriation known as the repaving of Sixth Street, A. Comptroller's Contract 1-3661, and that the Purchasing Agent be hereby authorized and directed to secure the necessary materials and supplies. 9 P N e:-` s. w••:°I-. �� a 'r°np m c m.�oear. or. i PLm° w°ra...a. ada- L-+nhebs Sixth and Wabasha •a °a41 a°i m "' Sixth and St. Peter w aK ab 1 hfq"nu7.` r'� "I +a" }e ag N lead-. Sixth and Market e h I be ,«raaa-wee r8 p er'-til < h Sixth and Washington aI IJ.a CPon.d rf��° I y� QaLP Sixth and Fr nxl inm G m acm' g . Sixth and ExchangeaN:c Sixth and Main Ia°°• ae.yean Sixth and Smith COUNCILMEN .JUN 11931 9i eourva N f Adopmd by chc Council 19 Ye.. APProved. _ 19— / )) .Rnhb°d, 1./—kdhr / Aeainer -M',` � Mr. Prc.ideoeiiad{a®a No__ CITY OF ST. PAUL 92787 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION NERAL FORM w�o_av ��it�i/r— onTE 112— WHEREAS, WHEREAS, Hugh Yullarksy; eu employe of the Department of i-ai e .400 Public Works, was injured on January 19, 1931, as the result of M which injury he received a permanent disability estimated by one .@•U n ..p doctor as twenty—five per cent and by another doctor as twenty per cent, and Ii WHEREAS, it was thought best to Compromise and award said Al Hugh liullarkey compensation for a twenty-tvo and one-half per cent T lose of use or permanent disability, which agreement met with the approval of the State Industrial Commission which made an order approving the same on the 16th day of June 1932, and WHEREAS, the said Hugh Yullarkey 1s now entitled to the sum -of $43.34 1n full and final settlement of any and all olaime re- sulting from the said injury, therefore be it RESOLVED that the proper City officers are hereby authorised (I .. and directed to pay to the said Hugh 1[ullarkey the sum of $43.34 in full and final settlement of any and all claims resulting from the injury sustained by him on January 19, 1931, said sum to be payable out of the Workmen's Compensation Aocount of the General Fund. COUNCILJIEN JUN 211932 Y­NnYx Adnpteby 0r <'nuiicil __... _ _.. .19:1 _ X932 �Pearoc �llascu - /�P i �Trunx -� _ARninnt u1 C if � Alny�r /lYrnecl CITY OF ST PAUL rue NO.. _ S8 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK Cq UyCILji ESON—GENER FORM coE,nH ss o /l%V—�' �_.rE r' RESOLVED That Permission be and is hereby granted the m �Pnarn:Sie`'�r1 Tri-BFate Telephone 8 Telegraph Company,to set 1.1es and string wrres with the .....eery an h re µa°e.°irom°weie ''e l there® on the following named .treaterT. To ple.e pulse and cable im alley south of Reaney °ilii 1....1. 1.- I St. from White Bear Ave. to Peet Av.. c —il Poles •nd wires to be roved rhea requested to do eo by the Cosmos Council, said out to be Paid by She Telephone Company. y �O1Z Approved: "../ Cat l� 8.F t. or Lighting B.— Apparoved: ' '` � <'. u t. f Poli. Alam Approved ��' ommiaeiwer of Per e' de 1pproveds eeioner of PnhlidA rke Ycas Cou NCLNEN Nays c�a.er?°,max May / McD—ld Iu f—, Roscc ��� Agai rz Mc. Pccsid— aMEIk Ad JUN 2 p,cd by �hc Council ��219 A� Approved_... 19 CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. __(12789 ' J}WfryyyCCCIII OFFICE OF CITY CLERK �O((L RESD�LUTION—GENE FORM -E—NTE­ COMM_ o RESOLVED Yeas COUNCILMEN Na, McDonald 1. (aver P -- R.... A,m,, Mr. P—idevrjNmIr— Adopted by rhe C..ea JUN 2:_1932_19 App—d 19 That Permiaelon be and is hereby gr noted the ! aeL :ioo-de ua.a `>_ Tri-State Taleph—e & Telegraph Company, to act _ ae^ m w a poles and string Aires with the necessary -.here thereon - the following .emed streets, ' o e� o " Place Poles end Cable in alley north of gooney St. lm..,.ea xII from White Bear Ave. to Bast Ave. Poles and Aires to be removed when requested to do so by the Casson Council, said coat to be paid by the Telephone Company. Approved: .'�ri (6j Pate/ Z p't, oo/f//Ligh�ing B— Approved, 1- - C Rl- l �1 r� tii�te7— p of Polioe�larm & Teleg. / Approved: aei-.r of Par undo /� ve Approd: / Data _/' eaioner of hll Works Yeas COUNCILMEN Na, McDonald 1. (aver P -- R.... A,m,, Mr. P—idevrjNmIr— Adopted by rhe C..ea JUN 2:_1932_19 App—d 19 iia ___ � CITY OF 5T. PAUL No_92790 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK I COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ............ o® m.... Ll-Jl.–in---�/ 'c•� ow1E 1 _ _.. .._ 1fHEBElB, the Bray Ioe & Ihel company has meds application to the Council for a permit to erect and maintain a cash and carry Joe station at the southwest Corner of Winifred and Bidwell streets; and 1fHEREAB, Proper notice Dae been given pursuant to Paragraph F, Section 8 of Ordinance No. 6840, and the Council is of the opinion that such permit should be granted; therefore, be it REIMM, That the proper city officers be and they are ` hereby authorized and directed to issue to said Bray Ioe & htel Company a permit for said station, the building to be constructed In accordance with the Building Code. This permit is granted sub- jeot to the provision that the same may be revoked at any time by a majority vote of the Council. 6 re�e4eC lme ��FU�I��e �L illi. i yew 1, nil COUNCILMEN Noye Adopted by the Council )UN 2 i 19U .i May Mc7)onald;, Penne 5 I i fnvor G v Roos. i Truax � ..Agno ait - nlaynr Wenzel �Mr. President Mahaney Adopted by the Couvcll Yeae. / M Ay MI DONAL0 PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX WENZEL �R. PRESIDENT (MAFIONEY) City of Saint Paul O��e�f City Clerk eta C"' a,y a.n Ox.. O.nc" Ci.n .nd Ceavlvlen.e of R.1 -11e. ¢i.an(I n, tltOwS June 17th, 1932 Mr. L. L. Anderaon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached application of the Bray Ice & yunlCanonry for permit to erect a oaeh and carry ice at. on Iot 10, Hlack 155, Roberts..'. Addition - Southeast --.r of Winifred and Bideall Streets sae referred to you today, by the Council, for the proper resolution. Ionrs very truly, City Clerk. POST CARD NOTICE: ''PIT COLMSSIO':i R OF F:[W C6 5t. Paul, 1'. inn., June 4, 1932. Pursuant to ?:'%graph F, Section 5, a tended, of Building Zoce tr<i �.nnrce, ap moved July 7, 1922, ° are hereby notified that the ap;;ll°:tion of Bray Ioe k Fuel Co for permission t° ore.0 or continue retail ice station located ra rear of let 10, blk, 155, Robertson'. Add.-_S,1T, c of Winifred k Bidwell °P• will came up for consider:t ion before the Council of Lim CSty. will Pari in the Coune Pl Climber in the City Nall �3 C2i House Building on .the 11 day of. June 1932 at 1q ook A.M. • ,JOHN H. WDONAI,D,: Commissioner If Finance. CITY OF SAINT PAUL 'L PARKS, PLAYGROUNDScAND•PU BLI C BUILDING June 1, 1952. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: Attached herewith please find City Clerk's file on the ap- plication of the Bray Ica & Fuel Company, ho desires a per- mfor a retail ice station at the r r of P. Rosenberg'. grocery store on the corner of Vii lfred and Bidwell Streets. 611 four corners of this Intersection are zoned in the com- mercial classification under the zoning ordinance and we al- so find that a cash and carry retail ice store has been locat- ed on the propertySn question for a number of years, which station has been removed. "the use has, therefore, been established, we recomrand that this permit be granted. You s y, .r- `� City of Saint Paul Office OF City Clerk MIKE 1. GIBBONS, Ory Ooh Ow., c,.n.Ciry Orn ••d Conmi.,lona or R•.IW.u^ aneFnc[ n. sr May 28th, 1932, Hon. C. H. 6tip , C ---'r of P.P. & P. Bldg.., Buildirg . Dear Commis.ioner: The attached application of the Bray Ise &Fuel Compal. for permit to install an ice at at the corner of Hinifrad and Bidwell Streets, at tha r of P. Boaenberg'e growery store, sae referred to your department today, by the Council, for investigation and report. Yours very truly, City Clark. B (OM qnu> FUEL. Pgn'/ Puf1E CLEW n ICE ® ® COHL lainT PAUL,minn. 2140 UNIVERSITY AVENUE 7H r /yam / (,,m , —4, -�. , �o arms 3rd. 1932• Hon. T. it. un%neid, Ct®dedaaer of Pineede, Building. Dees Co®Letonert Application has Leen made by the Bray Ice d Peel, O.,erp, 2140 University Asn", for a pea:it to erect a retail ice station at the rear of P. Boasob.mis grocery store an the corner of Winifred end Bideell streets - term Lot 10, B1oCM. 155, Addition. fill ,von kindly eat a date 4 heartaP, and ca tity the interested property osnsrst yours very traly. It ty Clark. i THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PA—UL,—Ml INNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE June 14th, 1932. isnnc ssu..weiuu. a....., �osns enz o. ssosag evsnr.o .o*sawm evs. m. °.wines e.i,vses en1s�so�eo. un.w.., GEOPGeK 4WD . 4N .n 5w..ry Mr. Wm. F. Scott, CSty Clerk. Dear Sir : Your letter of May 28th re the application of the Bray Ice and Fuel Company for a cash and carry ice house at the corner of Winifred and Bidwell, in the rear of the P. Rosenbergrs grocery store. -� The corner is commercial zona of the block bel n e ngs the balance Winifred block n6 B Residence on Bidwell and eCe on There is a driveway which will serve the station. There is a street car line on Winifred St., none on Bidwell. l000rding to the neighborhood there was formerly an ice bonus here owned by the Certified Ice Company. There is a cash and carry ice house two blocks affray. Yours very truly. 1:1, 1932 The ll—rabl, 7 H — 1 -or �,d . L'— - '�of the CAit the City of St pa,l hereby o --t to '.�-e maintance of 'ce -.jf� Ih We t :c of "li —d 11 A 6 Y 171 � � 4 June, 13,.193a The Honorable Mayor and Honorable Member* of the Council of �f+ the City of Bt.Paul: Be, the undersigned, hereby object to the maintaaoe of an ice ` store on the South . West coper of Winifred and Bidwell stree&0 y� / G ' Y,4�` ..� Q-f.•�C Com' /1� •ate/ . _ �"fl_- /� 92791 o.a....o c... c.... CITY OF ST. PAUL sire NO OFFICE OF CITY CLERK J;OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM EyG,�,.✓/ O . THQAHwe6r wHBREAS, the Federal Radio Oommisslon has divided the police radio transmitters into various zonae, and Lae plaoed the .,ties of St. Paul and Minneapolis in the same zone, aad requires that the police transmitters of both cities operate upon the Bane more length, and further requires that before a permanent lioenee be granted to said cities said cities must enter into an agreement by the tarma of which a line will be maintained between the two PO trnnemltt era whi oh will permit of a signalling dories which will enable a transmitter not on the air to out in on messages being broadcast, and which agreement will further provide that the police authority of each city shall agree on a list of calla which shall take precedence in the order named, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Commissioner of Public Safety be and he in hereby authorized and directed to enter into such an agreement with the City of Minneapolis, and that a copy of said agreement be forwarded forthwith to the Federal Radio Oommiseioa. COUrvC 1— Y— =X> x trasx May McDO^aid !n I__ Purrs p Rosen Aga ^ar %awamax Wenzel M,. paaid-JEL12mx Mahoney JUN 211932 Adopad by I6 C...61 19 J� IIYIYN F 11��U•_ d 19 ��� prPve $' 4i��Yb3 * carr r ew�Hr rwuu �ea.. "b•.COUNCIL�RESOLUTION 9279 .S!S O;*—i Ab .d.ea"-im�eF N i...17 y a "is nl•` RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF 4 COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED _S9O3__TO 5958 INGLITS�VE. AS ER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. w—P Eo BY TSE .O�N� L JUN ? l 1932 wrrRoveu. ---�----�eb_ L r c. �— L "^ FFICEco, Me^co.. ROLLER „Lr —CALL T NO. �7/iJti M N—POLL ILM COUNCIL EO C � T '9N COUNCIL RESOLUTION I ., � June 17, s 32 a°R.Lo / .....°" ' AUDITED CLAIMS seams W6neei" " • 3EiWen Yeh^neieP `„EcrcS BE I T �yy�ao °"�' 7]V7TI " �' TOTAL IIECI "urn ace IN FAVOR OF Q cr. ec rcs ...... T I a e. eRO HT FORWARD 4 • 59pj 5 Rev. James F. Doyle orrol Harper Turner and � 0 437 6 Jamee 'Milson Turner 1 51 5905 G. ?. DranefiSid M. J. O'Neil 5906 City Fuel Co. Inc. 1949 5907 5908 Inter Ruth Turnquist 37 6 5909 5909-A 5910 The speakee Co. Dr. J.J. YOC arthy Milton Rosen, Com'r of Finang 880 10 565 7 9 65 6 5912 6 091 6 159 40 5913 ^ 59145 Julia B. 1 1663 95 438 l00 59911b7 Elea M. Obet, Treasurer, Ram ey County hats. Trick easurer, " Z7 5818 5919 Milton^Rosen, Com of Finance 25 j;l 5920 A. H. Barber Co. 161 88 5921 Farwell, omun, Kirk & Co. n55 5922 General Elec. supply Co. 48 5927 International Time ReoordingiCo. Coal Co. 2.x4.4 592z45 9tiefelhern Produot a co. Co. ! 96 6 92 5926 Taylor Instrument CO. 996 75 - 5927 Twin City Brick 55 80 5928 U. B. Rubber Co. 20 00 5929 Minnie B. wollan 6o 00 5930 DeFraff Wolff 3 25 5931 Pink supply Co. Cc of 5932 Committee of Reference & eel f H.A. 55 the Foreign Missions Confr. Co -Operative Laundry Co. 31 42 593} Corning Donohue, Inc 140 75 5934 5935 Carol Cox Book Co. Co. 8 10 35 62 5936 Crane & 1505 00 5937 Crescent Creamery Co. 16 5938 5939 Cudahy Packing Co. J. Mark Dalglieh 5 5940 Decker Hardware Co. 175 92 5941 Diebold safe & Look Co. SII 0 20 5942 • 5943 Herman A. DeVry, Inc. brDoyle Co. avo- 157 15 5944 Drewry & sone Co. 19 50 q4, C. A. Dunham Co. Eastman sales service Co. 27 00, 7 30 5946 5947 0. R. Eckhardt Co. 1 80 1 24 5948 Educational Test Bureau 11 84 5949 L. Eisenmenger Meat co. Iii 382 29 ^ 3011 70 1 5895 5952 l Electrical Installation Co. Elk Linen supply Co. 45 a4 55 5953 5954 Elkhart Braa6 Mfg. CO. 26 10 5955 5956 Elvgren Paint supply Co. The Emporium 1321 68 60 5957 Thoe. J. Engel 'Melding & Mf6.h orke 43 1 50 5958 EBelinger & Co. 14 70 — — - 7 500 00 SKEET TOTAL -FORWARD 950 084 0 • • ON e� COUNCILL RESOLUTION ovewier+ Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of thel0ontract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in Block 2, Otto Ave. Addition and Block 2, Galarneault's Addition, from Lscalester Ave. to Underwood Ave., also conetructing a sewer in the easement to be obtained on the easterly 8 feet of Lot 4, Block 2, Galarneault's Addition from the alley to the sewer in Eleanor St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to THMAS H. GARRICK, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $856.00, and the Corporstion Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. 0 .--.1,024.00 ..a ,.. a..�....o..o.,71......, —ooD .o.M..o ........o .o. 0000.• s�o �.,..o......1...• 856.00 • . . 858.00 IIS ......o.....o .... �...o..,..,,....o�.�.o.o. I � .,...o....... H°. __. .oRos....o I•rco�.ao— !T n., rs �..,L�.-- ..�..�o....,00...o • ,,, � „.. ,00...o o.... coo,. Adopted by the Cooncil __. _.....193........ .__193..__. Yea.. NaY.. Y.. ✓J /y%J/ McDONALD ARCM; / t./EOShN !h'I q,�� j/ WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) f) Adopted by the Council -_.._ ___..193_ Yee.. Nay.. r MAY ✓ MCDONALD ✓ PEARCE ✓ ROSEN TRUAX W ENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (MAIIONEY) 1—fl, � �J--,-sem � //: �._" � / �' a � �� �l i' � � i City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk c"' a.,t Oi.l Urn Ory ci... .nd Conmlelenn of R.,I-1 n Tune 21.t, 1932 Mr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The attached reeolutioas —dig contracts to Thoma. H. Carrick were referred to you by the City Council with the request that yon 1-..tlgate his financial standing end also the fin®oial status of Carrick Bros., particularly ea to shetber or not they we indebted to the City. Tours very truly, City Clerk. o . R. ... 706 �,.� o.. ,„, ..� m. COUNCIL RESOLUTION ”" • Ll Ll 0 Resolved, That the Council hereby. concurs in the rscommendatlon of the Contract Committee and aNRrde the contract for grading alley in Block 7, Hillsdala from Duluth Ave. to Frank St., also grading Duluth Ave. from Jenks St. to Lawson St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to THOMAS H. GARRICK, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the euro of $1,518.00, end the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw u^ the proper form of contract therefor.) ea"rm ra a. cw t 6 Ml .o...,.�.0 8821 —.,.,..1,897.00 ..,..,............ ....... ....°......o .E A.�M.�».eo .o. moo.. o. ...�. 1, 518.00 11,518.00 JUN 23-M2- — ��� o ..�. .... JUDY Q3 02 r1 L J u.,..,, b4ti COUNCIL, RESOLUTION 'No—__`��+���_ 11T PRO -1. • Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and award, the c,ntl,ot4-£or grading alley In Dawson's Rearrangement of Block 53, Banning and Olivierts Addit!on to West St. Paul, from Annapolis Bt. to Wyoming 9t., also grading alley in Block 52, Lawton Bros. Addition from 'Wyoming 9t. to Winona 8t., 1n ac-ordance with plane and eoeolflcations hereto attached, to EMIL FREIEEI9, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $543.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. SUL°•"f 8814 543.00 . . . . 543.00 - r1 L J 700 cr.e". r... �.. No.- � ` t�" _^"°�•"' COUNCIL RESOLUTION .ore01-10N or �ocn. wov.Mawr swo>scr 15 e•"Resolved, That the Counc 11 he y concurs in the recommendation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for constructing • curbing or. the south side of Baker Bt. from Charlton et. to Weseca et., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the itHAGEN CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, they 'being the lowest responsible bidders, for the sum of $224.00, and the Corporation Counsel 1e hereby in- structed to draw uo the proper form of contract therefor. fo sate 0 .---290.00 224.00 • 224 OQ E EMI® .BUN 21 1 ---•----- 932 MR 9,-- .... 114 �,,. o...,..w m I J COUNCIL RESOLUTION "`��� No.---_______ —01 or cocwc I MPR veMer.r vwo=c F .T+,nP 18__1933 • •^Resolved, That the Council hereby oncurs in the ;ioommenddion of the Contract Committee and award, the contract for constructing • curbing on both sides of Cretin Ave. from Summit Ave. to St. Clair St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the RAGE& CONSTRUCTION C0MPANY, they being the lowest re aponalble bidders, for the spm of $1,823.00, and the Corporation Couns4 1s hereby in- structed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor, .,,.,....... P.o, „., ..,,..,, ..V........o- - 1,823.00 —e...-.... ..„. ..,,,.-.... 823,00 IIS o,.. ....,,.,... ,„ ,„........,,.. tea.„.,,..w.„ "'---rr---�� • ,,,, „,,, JUN 211934 _ :aa , V. me89a ......... ... .o„„...�o .,.. 8818 ....... —,2,360.00 .,,.,....... P.o, „., ..,,..,, ..V........o- - 1,823.00 —e...-.... ..„. ..,,,.-.... 823,00 IIS o,.. ....,,.,... ,„ ,„........,,.. tea.„.,,..w.„ "'---rr---�� • ,,,, „,,, JUN 211934 .�. w..w '05 �.,.....w .... ,, No ---92%W)- (COO,UNCCIIL RESOLUTION _ AuZ1 e Tvwo1ern June_li_1933 „__ • Resolved, That the Council hereby con urs Inll,, the recommenil/tlon of the Contract Committee end awards the contract fb% grading alleys in • Mu111ken°e Addition from Juno St. to Niles Ave. and from Finn Ave. to the north and south alley, in accordance with plane end specifications hereto at taohed, to CEORGE DICKSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $606.00, and the Corporation C—sel is hereby Instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. e.aromm omwmrrftmt'.Mwun h. a°r�ee8en.l�o �e..trmt tOtt \ O 1e.A0`o sa.�mue i'e:°iu°u o.....�.... 8813 728.00 �.........606.00 . . rvia_nn it .�w�...�� �I .,..°�!.����� o....,...o.......... .m a... .... , <,r....., SOL COUNCIL RESOLUTION -- ^1 yv111v-.r10 -1 /tfwo�ern.i„nn • .. Resolved, That the Council hereby c urs in the Teoomrsandation of the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grading alley in ® Block 3, G. V. Baconts Addition from Wh&te Bear Ave. to Flandrau 8t., In accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to WILLIAM EBERTZ, he being the lowest responsible bidder, for the sum of $668.56, end the Corporation Counsel is hereby instructed to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. s° s” c. w...m— a°n`case- P8 673.00 1 ` ."M,.... o...."......,.......... o .o......,.......o,..... ...... ,....o......". 668 .56 668.56 .W1W 2 i wag R.:. ... o. 7 03 - or ><...— —.,a RESOLUTION /COUNCIL Resolved, That the Council hereby acs—u. as1n 44e recommendation of the Contract Committee and awa.rde the co traot for constructing ourbi.F • on both aides of Fairmount Ave. from Firaa Ave. to Cretin Ave., in accordance with plana and speeifiaatioas hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the Zoweet responsible bidders, for the sum of $523.00, and the Corporation Counael is hereby in- str oted to draw up the proper form of comtract therefor. • i n wan.e., zsa a s . n. zea:. I P o......� .o we. 8817.....w..w . a......... , 632.00 .. ...n..o ....., ...o..� .�.a. o o .. R:.....,....o Fo.z .-o:� or rw.......o.....®.r . � 523.00 - - - - - - 523 00 w...-..oLL.w ........»o.....�.. a...�......� r•....o w�,LL .....o....,.w. wo. JUN 699 , COUNCILRESOLUTION .urltnwl=.rloe o.l o<�� IMawo��w, aao,e�, • v Resolved, That the Council hereby concurs in the recommendation of • the Oontract Committee and swards the contract for eItending present walk. and for building new sidewalks and curb at the east and west side of ROAI-t St. between Third St. and the south line of Second St., in accordance with plane and specifications hereto attached, to the STANDARD STONE COMPANY, they being the lowest reeponelble bidders, for the sum of $1,173.00, and the Corporation Counsel is hereby in- structed to draw un the proper form of contract therefor. tNe •evvin�Mitiov of'fee Comip�{tee a.,.pypp ar �°s u`sa *•m�aa�ia'4?N' ries b �a5m etw • � Avory sl t �"6 v -p _. votes 6.WCeanvlilmeflUtl. (� ea. (ivneiti-liiLi r p \(\�\ 8816 3,153.00 poun•.xa nBosd-1_g. _ _ _ •.. ...... .... 1,173.00 ._-�-- „.., 21 1932 _ �,.....7�..0 .. jjN 7 t taa2 COUNCIL RESOLUTION Resolved, That the Council hereby con a in th^ecommendation oY the Contract Committee and awards the contract for grsding alley in • Block 12, A. Ootzieals Rearrangement Of Bigells Addition from Atlantic St. to E. 81xth St., in accordance with plane and specillcs- tlone hereto attached, to CLEMENT F. SCULLEY EQUIPMENT 00., they beiig the lowest responsible bidder., for the sum Of $931.84, and the Corvoration Counsel ie hereby instructed to drew up the proper form of contract therefor. ;'NI , n .Nies' c' wl n a Yl wA111111 11 11 —11 onh .o.... .,o „o. 8824 ...m........,...... 1,03.2.00 s•....n.n'..n ..o..[��n.......... o...,,..�.°.wo...„,. �....o..,,.,.. ,..93184 931.84 .I o�.n. .,......n.....�...., ..°.......n ..n°.�..�°.,..° ,.°<,,. ,.,......,... n°. .......... o....�n.�on........n �- - JUN 2110 Petition PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT sod PRELIMINARY ORDER. Couoca He No...._._._w7.—M The u,d,,ig,,d hereby pmfmom the malting of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, vis.: ..,..._Arading_kjjQy_ba,.B1..9.a1c_.�„_.a.9(trfid._J.... Anderaam'B_lfid■ev ...A.ddtt1.an...froa_Fry Street_to...Aldiae._&.trent.__ _4'.:.�n oenms.�.•t _.. ....... .... ... ...... ..... .... ..... Strep WYA t wve rp e Dated this 1Sth ....d y of ....... Tnne, 193$ 7 .. 10 come PRELIMINARY ORDER. - WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the foaowing improvement, via: _._.._ Tadlmg._Alley..1p_Block_li_O®orge_J_-.. Addition from Fry Street to Aldine Street. / having 1, promoted to the Council of the City of St. Paul___......._......._....__. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Com rimimm, of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To ioveetigate the oeneseity for, or dmimbRity of, the making of mid improvameot. 2. To investigate the nature, extent end estimated cmt of said improvement, end the tot. coat thereof. 3. To furoiah a plon, profile or sketch of said improvameot. 4. To state whether or not said improvameot is mired for on the petition of three or more owners 5. To report upon aE of the foregoing omttemtootthe Commimimrou of Fiomce. Adopted by the C....'L-. .. .—.._� 4 81 '.p Yeas N— C un if— wr Counciltoan 4ibarav i.---a-v- App—ed � + `. Q M— A 7 MCDoewr.o Pewace U Rosea - 71. SI eyor. FLUiSULD ��� i C—ed File No._.__. ^""y PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby propenes the malting of the MR-ing public improvement by the City of St. Paul, is.: __-P=demmin¢_and ..taking -.an..sae..ament._in_.th.e.]atud...mecee$.a..ry_for_._____-_- elopes+ outs. and fills+_ Sn the grading of Alley in Block 1, _.___..flamr&e..d,....Anderma�a..Yldaag _Addition -fm m_Fry...StreaL_. t.0....________.__..... ._._.....A1d1as..Bd:raat.___.. _. ....._........ ___....._..... ......... ___._..._ _. __....... Dated this_. 16th --day f !bMG 19.49 PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A wdtts, proposal for the making of the following improvement, vu.: Comdemning and taking an easemamt in the land necessary for _elopes wta._and. fillsi _%n the grading of Alley in Block la _______ .. aaerg.a._J._Anderam.l.a._Midway-Addition..%row... Fry .Btraet .to ........-- having been prorented to the Council of the (Sty of St. Paul __.._.___.___..___..._....____..._.._......__.__..___— therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimioner of Public Work, be and is hereby ordered and directed: V I'To investigate the seetaity for, or desirability of, the m.king of acid improvement. U' 2. To investigats the vat—, ertent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or skatoh of said improvement. d. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owners b. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Cammimioner of F7nmce. Adopted by the Councg.......__....___��.Qil.._.. _..._____... Yue N... Contend— Q.aaaf� Mer Approved_..._...._......._._ ................ P- .ata 0 � Y� X Rosas Ma. Pa.,. r r.. c • n nar roan M/� y G•g¢ PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Petition Council File N.. — 9lil1()5 Tbemdereigned h ... bypmp th kag ftl followingp bl p v meet by the City of St P 1, viz.: Grading Alley in Block._1, Ea,pgt s_ Ar ea de _ I'_k, from _Walsh Avenue to Borth and South Alley and Prom envy Street to Wheelock Parkway, el Is. eonetPtwtln9 a se -inI the Worth and8auth All from s point 20 feet north of the north ._..line -of-Denny btreat..to- connect ..WitB the... 96Werin Denny Dated this_ 210___dny of ___Juner r. w.. ereoe— 'a...... .r a ...vtomrnk Pmt PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the fallowing improvement, vie.: Grading Alley in Block 1 King's Arcade, Park from Walsh - Avenue -to North and 8outh fug -end --from Denny Street to -` Wheelock .Parkway_ _also- constructing -a-sewer-.in. .. the..Horth..._..... and South Alley from a point 20 feet north of the north line -of- Denny -6treet-to- connect -with -the _ sewer. in...Dengy._......_..._._._ Street. __. _.._... .. ........ having been Preeeeted to the Conned of the City J St. P..l _. .._..... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Cemmimbner of Public Works be nod ie hereby ordered end directed: 1. To m-etigme the necessity for, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. ✓ 2. To investigate the nature, -.t..d estimated coat of acid improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To etnte b,the, or not said imprevemc.t ie asked for on the petition of three or more ownem 5. To report upon all of the foregoinyg�aynt.. to the C—heioner of Eimm— Adopted by the C il__. �me.$1 Yeee Nnva Ccuvcilmnn (� MAY A McDONALD ... _.....__.. ...............G PEAtta? Ma Paeem—e Mgyor. Council File No..._.....92806 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEdc, P. N6. 1180! Waaru4 6 wr�tl4laLm, and ti�^P pt roe louawtgs —4,' p*e• \n0 t\kl�s \n u PRELIMINARY ORDER. m The undersigned hereby prop.... the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, viz.: Gppd. emaing end taking„ an_ eaeement_in the _lead necessary for . sIA.D.ea. guts =4 fille._in the grading of__A11ey in Block 1! _CSngls Arcade. park from Walsh Avenue to Borth end South Alley .and -Prom Denny _Street to Wheelock Parkway._ Dated thi..._Elst.__ day of _...._.Suus.,..193,� PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following ba rov mens, via.: Condemning and taking an easement in the hand necea nary for slopes. euta_and filleain the _grading of Alley in _Block 1, Eingls Arcade _Park Yrom_Walsh Avenue to Horth and South Alley and Denny_ Sbreet_to Wheelock Parkwgy._ _.__. ...._._._.__._... Laving been prare d to the Council of the City of St. Paul .......... ....._.__.... __.____.._...._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commisei... r of Public Works be and is hereby ordered and directed: ��'' 1. To investigate the peceeaity (or, or desirability of, the mnking of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated coat of said improvement, sod the total coat thereof. 3. To furmnb a plan, profile or sketch of laid improvement. 4. To etow whether or not said improvement is naked for on the petition of three or more owoere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commimioner of Finance. JUN 21 M Adopted by the Council... __._.... ...... _........_____ Yale Nwsn Councilman MATI1 App ... ed --- PEARCE ROSEN TRUAXWENZEL J/ R _ /// Me. Pa..,.—, Ily— o� rwm c n ra raN �o an �JBLIiF�D�/ IJ eay.e,� NO. J/.M ........ .. ......:.. . _ TY OF 9T. PAUL r,Le ICE OF CITY CLERK qq¢¢gg EE OUN RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED THAT, tie proper city officers are iiereby a,thorized end instructed to issue and draw e warrant :n favor of Joseph F. P.eimbold end Den E. Lane in the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) each, for expert services and testimony given 1n the Summit Avanue pavinE litlCation f—d - Code 5-�-3. COUNCILMEN yeas Nay, Charge Department of Finance i e. ems no v:,oa- I� ve � I ma, sea e e.°. �cwvvrw S toe Couv S e fe. 1f,i iiweaid-iss°ieie� JJA 20 +oat Adopted by the Council— - 19 M,D Id /.,. In favor {. prove ✓ Saib—'"-.f /_ Aeainvt �ii�� --. LNMYOR W." dr Mr. Pre,iden„°„ tMay.u;r� F� No. R LUTION CITY F PAUL ru. - OFFICE F HE --G CLERK GOUDICIL �iENERAL FORM V RESOLVED That the assignment to the Oity of St. Paul by the lmerioen National Bank of Bt _ Paul, of $55,000.00 in Liberty Loan bonds, which Bald assignment is dated June 20th, 1932, approved as to form and ezeoution by the Oorporation Counsel, also approved by the Sinking Mind Committee, be and the same is hereby approved and accepted. 'n%.o sinmu.`..9mm:°i sol .i ei a �i oe iee o0o uo la u 1UC C`Cy�ILM EN Y—/ Naya Adnpted Ly the C --Il JUN 2 1917 May Mcl)oasId Pearced'll vrd__. ,/Mr. Preemie Mahoney CITY OF ST. PAUL No. q'2809 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM RESOLVED that the bond of Vincent A. Ludden, as principal, and Great American Indemnity Company as surety, in the amount of $1,000.00, which bond has been approved as to form and execution by the Corporation Counsel, covering the office of the said Vincent A. Ludden as License Inspector for the City of St. Paul, is here by approved, and the City Clerk is hereby directed to deposit same with the City Comptroller. U. d t_ C% rel .. .. ... "I'll 11 ... .d I. .. ­ C", I. d-- ..... ... iL r , at COUNCILMEN Y— NnYs A,[.I,t,,t by Ili, it 193 M'D.—M AI I JIM Mr. President Mahoney NO_ 92810 CITY OF ST. PAUL .v OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUN4 RESOLUTION—G.NE*, FORM 1 raysENreo' ,r�pgl7y�pAAENEAS, the Southern Surety Company of Haw York has been taken over by the Insurance Commissioner of the State of Hex York, for the purpose of liquidation, and WHEREAS, the 8outhern Surety Company of Now York has written bonds covering various licensee and permits, to -wit: Peter Lametti . . . . . Construction of sewer on Jessamine Street L. Ryan . . . . . . . . .Portion of Hittsondale sewer George Diokeon . . . . . Grading alley, Block 1, HOspee Park Jacob Schmidt Brewing Co. University northwest corner andVirginiaAvenues. Emil Frelseia . . . . . . Grading alley, Block 8, Oakville Park G. Lametti. . . . . . . . Sewer, Fguquier Street, Aetna to Clarence Emil Freiseis . . . . . . Grading alley, Block 8, Lanese Honor, and I — -'—WHEREAS, the Corporation Counsel has advised the Council that new bonds should be furnished in place of the bonds issued by the Southern Surety Oompeny of New York, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Corporation Oouaeel is hereby atrthor- Saed and directed to notify the principals in the above named bonds to fids to conform to the *:Adin" ce with Is new bonds at once, such bon re speot to the nature of the license heretoforl rarnn ,. g Gn'1'.�_1` s,N to--sr'unrvn. Nu. i ce� er BeuthaA Buro� a[ NeM Yoroek Tes Oaev'YY. mptleve, N1�r k [vs4r09-pvry . w �4oek�Eweivwarli °1•. mahl--Conrleuotlrn°'a COUNCILMEN ..198 Y_ N„y, Ador,W,I by sb, Cou-il_Wlv_�?.'? 1 �y 7 �McO neld -> /i`aar�. - mm,�r �`�_?� �` .•I� ���°a -__. los. \VnniP ---'L ,�ir. P­.,dr„L ytebo-Y G 3 , n} o.we.r .e an ae• re OF ST. PAUL se r'enm.,«"n No....... J..V.� • , . 'R Yti u�b.. Id l n O FILE OF THE CITY ILERI.N 'CO)V RESOLUTION—GEN ERA L' -ME comm WHEREAS, the New Jersey Fidelity and Plate Glass Insurance Company of the state of Hex Jersey has been taken over by the Insurance Commissioner foo the State of Hew Jersey for the purpose of liquidation, and WHEREAS, said New Jersey Fidelity and Plate Glass Insurance Company 1s surety on the following bonds: Date Name Nature Executed Amount Re.alck,W.S., John & Morrie, Second Hand Feb.8,1930 $1,000.00 d/b/a General Auto Parte Co. Dealer Reanlok,W.S., John & Morrie, d/b/a American Auto Parte Co. • • Feb.8,1930 1,000.00 Reenick,A.B., John & Morrie, d/b/a Resnick Auto Parte Co. " • Beb.8, 1930 1,000.00 ConraQ_, J. H. Maintain Gasoline Maris, 1930 Tank at 495 10,000.00 Horrlsoa Av. Bartley Minnesota Service Permit to install July 7,1930 Co. oil burners & 3,500.00 Equipment Partridge, Henry, and Beoond Hand Auto Aug.10,1931 Winer, Frank Parte Dealer 1,000.00 MoOrindle, Andrew Sidewalks,Driveways, Curb. Apr.14,1933 5,000.00 Prodger, H. W. House Movers Bond May 7,1933 5,000.00 Sohleh Bros. Co. Maintain Coal Hole at 553 University Mar. 1,1933 5,000.00 Bt.Paul Wreckage Go. Wreck buildings in City Mar.31,1933 10,000.00 f.Y)UNCII.AIEN Yens Nuy" A,IoI,I,"1 liy the (', nin ril .19:5. Mny Mrlh,n ul,l Prurrr Iii In vnr :l yp miv ivl. ... _ IN I<o" .0 Tninx ANni not .... Wenzel \I nyur AI,. 11nnhlenl M"honey CITY OF ST. PAUL mmci. NO.........7�1 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM ATE b and 1fHEREAB, the Corporation Counsel has advised the Oounoll that new bonds should be furnished in place of the bonds issued by the New Jersey Fidelity and Plate Glass Insuranos Company, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Corporation Counsel Is hereby authorised and direoted to notify the principals in the above named bonds to file new bonds at onoe, suoh bonds to ccfxxf = to the ordinance with reepeet to the nature of the 1loenseR heretofore granted, Y Y Mny mdI-- f arcs In (a� Rosr�i r.�n ___AKsinrt \Vey el Mr. 1—id—t Msh... y aduPted by thr ('--d1'7 1 in"_... � .....197._ ei7 1 193. ��� `•�4.atr Zs'�� /110 pl�I.ISIiFD� Z City ®f Saint Paul O, fi'- ity Clerk SNS, Oh Onk aid a.n ciry ci.� .nd CnmmMlenm el R.�M.Ron ai.i ci.n .r«nim Jon. 17th, 1932. Lr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Bir: Toletter relative to the liquidation of the Bee J".." ridell ty Aad ?lets Aleve Insurame Compere see referred back to you by the 0-11 eith the request that you drew the .....eery resolution to carry out the reo—eudatlone made in year letter. Tours very truly, City Clerk. 1 I)eplirfinent of Law f in OF —PAOL LlW18 L ANOlRRON LOUT! P.BHlAXAN HILARY J. FLYNN lIILVINO OOTL, t!! June 17th, 1932. To the Oo®oil. Gentlemen: I attar, hereto a communication from the City Comptroller advising that the Hew Jersey fidelity and Plate Glass Insurance Company has gone into liquidation, and that the City has ten bonds of that Company, as are set out in the letter attached. It is my opinion that the Oounoil should onnoel said bonds, and direot the Comptroller to call upon the prinoipal in each ones to furnish the City with a new surety bond aooeptable to the City of Ht. Paul. Thin should be tsken oars of promptly so that the principals an these bonds will not prooeed longer without adequate guarantee to the City. Tows eery truly, Corporation Counsel. LLA—D /A r,Y t� CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 No. 32812 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CT�7V_ERAL FORM Poi °NEA Y �- �.E June 21, 1938 RESOLVED That the grade of Alleys in Block 1, King's Arcade Park, from Horth and South Alley to Walsh Avenue and from Denny Street to Wheelock Parkway, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the estab- lished grade. Re veA aT 1. C PuW ro ede to wel��j���^�P N im 1; tE p 011id nlaL~e( �. 1e.1 COUNCII.M I?N\n,e Ad,,pt,d by the ('ouncil - J�!U ll 'Q 103 Y,o. �"`U �MeDonald ? Nil' % /earee I favor .� ''irt.i(, AyFj vrd IB:i_ j Wenael '/ `N ' jMr. PrcxiJeat Mahaney Petition G.90 COuacll File No._.... _...M13 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMEN andx!ae A14 n: r PRELIMINARY ORDER. The unde,igned hereby proposes the „king of the following public improvement by the City of St. Paul, via.: ....,,. Grading Alley in Block go,_Anna E,. RMA10 A Additim_......__.._._ from Dunlap Street tq Griggs Street. Doted this. 22nd__. day of ..._June, 1932 Jman. PRELIMINARY ORDER. ✓ WHEREAS A —ittem prop I fe, the making f the following ,pro --t, : _ _____, oradiag,.Allsy ,in..Block EO.,., Anna R,_ Remaey!s_Additiolo _fro@..AW1i4p...Str@st_Sp_ Grigga .Street, having been presented to the Council of the City of St. Paul_ _....... ..... ___ ..........___.... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Worke be sod ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity fm, or desirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the -tum, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the total coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is eeked for on the petition of three ar more n.c. 5. To report upon sll of the foregaiag metiers to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council...........___._._....... Yue Nare l.(..,.> Councilman = MAY MJUN Q ,kECE Approved... TRUA TRUA% Ma. PaeemvRr rice urxu !wn C ... 401. ,%814 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENR, P. xo.0181ea �Zu 1,' and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The un l.nogned hereby Plop.... the making of the following public i-P",,m,,t by the City of St. Paul, A— Zda"Aing and taking. an easement In tlie. land. necessary...__ ....... for slopes..,_out$ and CLI13 ila-the I.Anna .1, _110111,5ey I a Addition from Dunlaj), Street ..to ._Grjgg2..2treat. Dated thi, Any of dune,.. 2932 19 roan an. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written P101)'"I for the making of the following improvement, i_ Condemning -and taking an easement in the land necessary_-- .__. 444 jl�ijlg in the gradlng.,Qr, Alley. in Block 20, Anna I,. Ramsey's Addition from -Dunlap Street to Griggs Stmet, having b.n pnee—ded to the C11161 of the City of St. Pan] therefore, be it RESOLVED, That 11, Commis.ioner of pub,io Work, 11 and i, hereby ordered sad directed: 1. To inveetig,t, the loomitY f,,, or desirability of, the making of mid improvement. 2. To Investigate the nature, --t and estimated cost of said improvement, and the tow cost thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, P11fil, or sketch of e,id improvement. 4. To tate whether or not said improvement i, mined for no the petition of tbuc, or more o—cre 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the C,mmiwio,,t of Mae,,,. Adopted by the C ... cil— JU12 2 IM Y.- Neva Councilmen MAY kdjh 2 t 'W2 M.DGNAI�. Approved PEARCE TRUAX WENZEL M. P. elm— c 1. In. -11 Ma PF W815 aalrmePROPOSAL FOR IMPROV L, "Wft 44Vand PRELIMINARY ORDER. The 11domig—d hereby prop— the making of the following p,bUe improvement by the City of St. Pa.], A- S Surfacing with asphalt mixture, the paving on u4n, St. Pros .7 -------- -- Snqllin Y8,.1,0the­­ . the roadway on. south_. side at__the jnte;�peqtion of Fairview .Ave .,,,to..straighten .,an, existing Jog in the curb line, this work to be done in connection wItki twe- reconstructical -of tEe strest railway tracks Dated this 22day of .—jume-j- -195a PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imPrelleamd, In. Surfacing with asphalt mixte, the paving on Winne-hahn St. from - - -------- Snelling Ave. to Fairview Ave., also widening the roadway on the .......... - south aide at the intersection of Fairview Ave. to straighten an eziating dog in the curb line, this work to be done in connection We s7txFaWtT6a---o-f- -tyie atisef having bear, p—ted to the CI -mil of the City of fjt. P..L .... . ..... therefore, be it -L— RESOLVED, That the Commialm", If P,b1m Welke be and i, hereby ordered and directed: 1. To investigate the necessity for, or doeirability of, the making of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, I,to,t and netimated coat of mid improvement, and the total e,,t thereof. 3. To fish , plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not mid improvement i, naked for on the petition of three or more oweere 5. To report upon an of the foregoing matteme to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council. ...... JUN22 Y— N— C.—ribra. EMMMM — 1,Ml— Appror,d TRUAX WE1423u-ec ........... . M. P—r— — - ----- ........... . A 92816 COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER t ----- -- - -------------------------------- -------------- --------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - ------- --------------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------- ---- ----- ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------- ---------------------------- ,mde, Preliminary Order________ 92818 ------------------- pp --d ------ June 2i_ 193E - Th, Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,b -s improvement, and having considered said report, hereby .... I...; 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved .,d adopted, and the said imp ---t is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the -- of the improvement which the Council ---ds i,--P-Q=tT-Uat-A -------- ----------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- with — Mts—tw­ ..d that the estimated toot ths—f is $AQI�Qg ------ 11-1ed F,nb,,, That . public hearing b, had .n said i.,—m— .. the ----- 191wx --------- day of -1141Y—UM ----------- ZCDL--, at the h.- of 10 .'d..k A. M., i. the Council Ch.mb- of the Court Home and City Hall Building i. the City of St Pa.]. That the Commissioner of Finance give ..ti- of said —mg to the r ... ..d i, the prodded by the Ch -t- stating the time ad place of h'.'ing'the the imp. --m and the total —t thereof as -i.—d. Adopted by the C ... dl --- JM -2-2-M2 ------- 192____ x-rl -v ------- A ----------- - -------- Appm-d ---------------------------- 192 --- / City Clerk. :-- Councilman Councilman .. ci 0 Mxy C .... il.— P—'a C ... i= Mvdx� R C .. : 55810000os T,... JM ciLISLIED Comwilmaja 41ollwAssinig Wenzel Mayo, 1"Flum M.h.." F.— B. S. A. M 92817 ua COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ °n.::oc :ite":tsa hme��:o.a• ..mu of ser.. .aa r.o..tm.:Y B O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER the Matter of- -Ph" th—f—de--of I' t Id t. Robert Street a tom 85 feet east o Cedar Stre widen- ing the roadway to a width of 44 ft., and ':,P'vl' fr - po nioto coo orm to the -Y40 ft. R,b -t -. _n ------ j q��r, ter and gas connections from street mains to property lines where not �salready ala ro tin 0- sidewalks where necessary on acco=t of setting back turbo and the new grade -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------- ........... ----------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- ..de' I'ttli.m.'y Order____________ 9?A*5 --------------approved ---- gva_�2­1_932 ------------- The Council of the City of Pa.] having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance up.. the ,b..e improvement, and having considered said report, hereby .... Nes: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the .,W,, of the improvement which the C. -til recommends is --- chamg—the-iradgi of the south =1 !Lf.11it h t between Robert Street and moint 5 feet ,._=O ..._tg__thq_r - 1 at- tached hereto e" _ of-ae __3_ :t width 6yr'[ ft. toohed and made . Part hereof. also widen the roadway ioth .d_, center_ to, _f_t,__QA_8L_Qf -1-he qriine of_Cedar St. to Robert St., with sewer, water and gas connections fromstrWetinaini to proper-ty--l'-s—hers not a Iready-mada,-alan--onching- and -PRYing-1LUAT-And driveway r0.nh!� .1.o reconstruct sidewalks where necessary on so0ta nt of-ttX_oLa ,Ad--------------------------------- with ., alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is R ... 1-d F,ftb,,, That , public hearing be had on said imp—em— on the_______ 13th_______day of 0�91._Aj? ------------ *49ML_ at the he,, of 10 .'d,ek A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give on,, of e said meeting to the ...... and m the emtmr provided by the Charter, stating the time and plate of hearing, the ma— the imp .... msmt and thetotal cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_ J� N_2 2-1Q.'{? -------- 192---- Appm,,d ---------- 16U -L- 101),___192___ - ---- -- ---------------- City Clerk. C_neilm...SUNWl� DI. Unovhl Co .. cilnum dhWUMPRC- 1"y Councilman Councilman T-. Cc / Z .... if— � May,, PPENOM Mahoney F -en B. S. A. 8.6 (012818 - COUNCIL FILE NO__ ------------ 2 By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of--4radJ=g,-ax.t-pavim&-All&y.- I n Bloak-R,-zo-leambal—ki'll tion fm= -➢I)- I - --------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------- - ------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------ - ------- ---------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------ - ---------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- 29AZZ ---------------- pp,ov,d ---- X4Y -n-10K ------------ The Council of the City of P.,I having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said epon, hereby 1. That the said repoand the same is herebyapproved and adopted, and the said improvement is brt hereby ordered toe proceeded ded with.2. at thestore of the improvement which the Council recommends to St ._A;ljkLRq_ with .o alternative., and that the estimated cost thereof i, ;.21370.00 R _21.370.00R... lved Further, That , public hearing be had no said improvement no th -------- 19-th -------- day of 3U1y 1932___________, =xx, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Corned Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Firs— &e ntio' of said meeting to the ran, and in the manner provided by the Charter, rating the time and place of hearing, the nature j, the maprovement and the total cost thereof a. estimated. Adopted by the Council— JU-11-2 210 ....... 192-_'- , IV* 2, IV' ------ �J�! Approved ---------------------------- 192--- �: City Clerk. - --- -- ---- ---- -- - - M id -yar- C—cilro'n.sul1� C, CC 'll", —"P" Countu....., .'- T . . . . . Mayor X@19W m.h...y Form B. S. A. 86 92819 I6� Ise; WIN', COUNCIL FILE NO._ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Matter f---,gmding -allay I ­Rlork- 9,_Hnl=mba1_s_ AAdl M—frm, ----- _n, I e _.atr at --t—St.-Alb—Stneatt — - - --------- -- ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -- - - - -------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------- -------- ----------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- --- ---- -- --- -- - --------------------- ..d,, Preliminary Otd,, ----------- 924Ld& ----___________approved __218y_2IIt1332______________ The C ... cil of the City of P,,1 having received the rep- of the Commissioner of Finance upoo the .b.- improvement, and having considered said report, hereby 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is b,,,by ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the imp,,,m,,t which the Council --m-d, is_grada_A23,qy_Aa---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no lt—ti— and that the esti—ted cost thereof is------- Resolved F,fthe,, That , public hearing be had . .id improvement .. the ------- 19th ------- d.y of -JULY, ----------- - t the h.,, of 10 A. M., i. the C .... it Chamber of the Court House and City H,11 Building it, the City of St. Paul. That the Commissions of Finance 'we notice of ,,id m,,ti,g 1, the ,�s and it, the man , provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of he .." F,,, .. the ,to,, he mp .... meot and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the C .... -------- 192---- App—d ---------------------------- 192 --- ---------------- Clerk. --- .;-- C ... i:.-:. """— ,+I: . ", "" " C .. ti lag.. C .... i1m.. C... C ... tifin- 9PPIMP-sm 11 --1 Mayor ME" M.L"..y Form 13. S. A 86 92820 n �n:.to �.•; � e �v n Ala,v, aneet vveee reelai. COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- ower. cais,. wnrovee m.; I nen et the Ctb o P '"` elv By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of----- Gondmmni ono-and__taking-all_efldBIDBnt-i.➢_S.hAJAnd-n.QDflBAw7 _Por_slopes,_ cuts_ and fills_ Sn the grading_of_ Allah in Block 9t Boloombets -1dd1S11EaSPsuuJ2sla__S1,r_e_@L_ Gy___s_4,_Albans_-Streets__ ----------------------------- - __-_____--_________________________________________________- ____ __ ____ ____. __-__________ __________________________________-_--__________. __-_----- --- ____--_-__-----------___-_____ under Preliminary Order_______92M9____________________approved __-Eay_20­1932-------------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: I. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is--- n=dema_sndr_take __sn_eA9amBHS-_7,R_AbP__1a tLl_A@�@ssarS_ for _slopes,_ cuts_ end_ Pills _in_ the _grading_nf_9]1e.g_SaBinck_3,_Holcamba!a_AddiLion._fL9m_Dala-34Feet_to_ _-SS._97kens__SxxeAL..___in_accnrdence__�ith_She__b]�ge_yrint- hereto_ attached -_an3_meda_a_p—t-h—ti-t-_the_h-t hfld_Pnr>+Sons_aha'ving_Sh§__4114 and_tha -akuded-porllnna_sho�ng_ilia_filla.r-------------------------------------------------- with _______________with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_25-QQ_______ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on .aid improvement on the______19Sb -------- day of __SY7$.t_1&32_____-___)0825__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of o e said meeting to the p ne d in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of h eari ng , the nature of the imprpPemem and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-----UN ------, 192---- ? ,�/� - >------t-- -- - Approved____________________________192___ /�/ City Clerk. /—------------ ----- --ez----- Councilman® .tl. D,,­Ad l t(ll:l I.S11FI) Councilman F ^ Couneilmandi�asftm Peorre Councilman msa *1.... Cc—cilmandolooikm 1'rnn: Couneilman�rm Lt'euzel Mayor G� Mahoney Form B. S. A, e-6 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ By--------------------------- W 92821 to tp Matt treW1 r tet��'pad�lrat alI q l elapk t"8pwud L MdApapt MEIN eaQ v�IpeY 1,-Lerlpr{po; W8em11ne AVPD oYp'yroveE MaEv RWmluq argal)eper.9Mir. -.Tea]. CYYvell et tae en of_^"'saur r.celvea me remo o. epi e'°e m.R. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ot----- rading_aaat_and_seat-allay _in_Hlonlc_3,-_Edeard_L-_____ ULU, �ddf tion_ead Elnck_�,_Lexiugts>arks] k_PJst__]w_Psvm_ 4ync>l4�te_�y_anue _t.Q_KUa111e_ A7QRUQ�--- ----------- -------------------- -------------------------------------------------------- ---- ---------------------------------- under Preliminary Order ----------- 2332 ----------------- pproved ------ Mag_1(1,.-1218__________ The Council of the City of Paul havingd received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having conmderesaid report, hereby -N- 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_____-gradfl_aa&t_axtd -wart-allay- -in -BSoalc3r-Edwaxd_L._McAdam-Addition- and- -Block-3,_ _ azington _Park_P1aL_1,_..trdwt_Syadtcata_A-¢anus_ to _Aaml7,ne_.B.xanus........................ --------------------------- - with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_ 76l_3,i_____ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the -------- l:ittl------ day of _Jn41_102__________,x9mt___, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance givenotice of said sweeting to the p o and in the m n provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adoptedb- the CouJUN iv � � t v,srn - r App— ________192___ M C it ^1. 1)„nnld Countilma� /l Counellmaa tt"°`-" l/ gLryy �7 gree, Councilmav Mayors Man.— Form B. S A 8b 92822 �F N A71ft—?; mthhwt teom IISA a a ew' l taI sr ea 16zerree�. ..w- Iov. atv,e a r,s�a gt', Plat L rrem Bmaleate n COUNCIL FILE NO"_ aamnne w.+vve, uva.r Pr,rv, _____________ orenr sagas. s vroom aw e ei By______________________________________________"Aegis ma r INTERMEDIARY ORDER .- In the Matter of- --- nnndemnings>id-_taking_s -easaID t--in_Yhe__lmd-nHeaelary f_ar _e4pe s,_ cute. And fills_ Sg__tihe_gradiag of _the_ east _and_ west_ elleg_ in Hl=k_3+-Edw=d_L"._McAdam_Additian,_and_91nck_3�_LexSngtQu.Park_Plai__l, from_flyndicate_Aianue__tn Hemline_Ayanne s --_----__----------------------_- under Preliminary Ordn------- 223.ali___________________approved ------- May -IQs -19H2---------- The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above Improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. a That the said report and the same Is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is_____=A=n_&nd_lae a>Lne.eemen"t_in_the_lend"�aaaasary__YQr_"slopaa._stuts_end_fiLle�_Sn_Abs __ gr - ll _oP_iha._eaahsnd-se i!L -11 ey_in9lock_3,_Edaaxd_-L— M,.Adam .Addition, and_Hlonlc�r_r.a*±nr*on_PardcPlat_1�-Prom_?„conic-aSa_Avenna_ho_.liaml,lAR__ Avenger_Sn_aocnrdsma_td.th_tha_hl..n _print_hotel:o_aLtanhed_anti_made"_a_Dart hereof,_the_hatched_portiona _shows ng_the _cuts and the shaded Rorti ons show- ing the fills, with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_SQe.QQ________ Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____19"th--------- day of ----------- p➢ER__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and in the n r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council____ t �- �1,� __. y :,., _ �_ �____ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ __ __ ___ __ Approved__________ _________192___ / City Clerk. gyve. Councilman McDonald Conncaman May _ Conncaman P—ce Coundlmaa dill— Roam Connctsm �® Truna KIBI.ISHED�2 , J Councilman Olww1® e'eo.d Mayor4011116ii;a Mebonrp Form B. S. A. 8.6 vtt�, ii� 926223 r m w.a mwr:wn og; COUNCIL FILE NO. ______________ '+vonmev ma:: earmv .- s By INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter oL__snr�trucL'n,�,_e_aever__na Schaff c_.`tJ'e95_r>_pLn snellin;__sv_enue_to =:slisll_.hv uew____________________________________ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ _ under Prelimirury Order__9_€I_'4__________________________approved _____ l The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is___censS_"ucY_a YYe=_=D __ Scha£Cer_S4ceskSCAn_6na1_}i�f_nv_enue to_srin�nal� Ava,ue_ ___ ____ ___________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_F00.00 Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the ------ 394h --------- day of __1iu]y�93z------- xHE____, at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Councif Chamber of the C— ourtHouse H ... eand City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p o and in the v r provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. JUN �_ +m� Adopted by the Council_____ 192____ c _ ________ Approved---------------------------- 192___ Tl -_t Clerk. Councilman.@t9mW+T' M,L)—.1d Couvcflman `toy mPrce Cuveilan en Ccundlmev / Covncilmav Tru—: / w—ed Mayor SR!!w M��ebove�ya� Form B. S. A. 8-6 a�� s _ 92824 In wg.j aofilds, ,T"!n opt podtp elde, 6f Saw L "I Reap td glihelda:dgt of the ageq{�Iluelof.Iot 1., crulcke,.v Qaxim Lo t id.dnary .Order *41191, V 1, 1171. The Cvvv'cfl of tp 'Clty COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- 'ane re«t •+ ,. usrt st epov .v. INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter ot__mnstruvtin�s_s+�=-ALU _orL�._e_snut'w r�da_nS _£azitutiBr_ �ttss_t_frs2m_ _5PJr1&LSL_S Lleet._tp_ SC__�oe t -wrest of t: -.e ons` 1 `na of lot .a_ block Cr��ickshardc's __G&LdBAS.QtSt----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________________ under Preliminary Order-------- Z2t?2____________________approved ___ 1932__________________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said repon. hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__99AS431125_e sld_awalk __11R_thAAnYt11 9.de_nl_:ALL�LILaS_$$,Lfl9i_tC4Q__ aryn_nr^._ittF_eet_toSC fe-et vast oC the east ________________________ __liva_nL_1oi3._5]-noL3._^.:a +�c:.sr' 'xLk'S..:a:Asn_Loks._9: C¢pY_SL^.ar5_�44r__"_1'L_ su Cf1 c fent __sidsmalts_mLx_extst__________________________________________________________________________ with no alternatives, and that the estimated coat thereof is $_Q. flllsar_Si4Dt ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 19th day of ------------- dM__ at the hour of 10 o clock A. M., in the Councif Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the p< ono and in the manver provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as esnmated. �H +Onn Adopted by the Council_______ _______________, 192____ ' Approved_______________________lam___ ity Clerk. Cou dlmaoCfjjat�r�eY M�u.•naid �, Cvuncilmaevafioymm May Cou .=_. iel�nbe Feane CouncilmarLiilaiepa�® Hr,een i l p[)B1 Council Tr... n Truax llVll /� Covneilmeu�� N'e„zal Mayordilhe Mab„oey Form B. S. A. 8-6 7 in 92825 COUNCIL FILE NO.______________of ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDURY ORDER In the Matte, of ...... com-trIlctiv& -alley _Gz0&aiMg_ _0n_the__ea.flt - s i cl A -Of- nzId rwood ajad- _31eanar - Streal ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- under -- -- --------------------------------- ..&, P,,Iimi,,U Ord ----------- qP.1iI 7 ------------------- pp --d ----- — ------ Th, Council of the City of P,,I having received the report of the of Finance upon the ,bo,, improvement, ml having considered mid report, hereby 'e s.]v. I That the said report and the -me i, hereby pp ­,d and adopted, ..d the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Cmm,iI recommends i ------ canatrlwt_allay M-4 calp 4 I;gr- -A-ve nw� -he -tv 0_', P� street------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated ... ft. Resolved Further, That . public hearing be had .n said improvement .. the_______ 1-t - ------ day of jjjj,V_'_ a= ------------- 19EXX-, at the ImIT of 10 .'cl,,k A. M., i. the Cm.m6l Chatabe, of the Court House and City Hall Building i, the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ,aid meeting to tb,jem,,, ,d , the an—ner provided by the Chater. 9 -mg the time and place of hearing, ..t.te the impoo, 7 . Tt 2 7d I J� total cost thereof a eama.ttd. Adopted by the Council_______________________, 192---- Appo.—d --------- -------------- 192 --- Councilman Cla-f— C.U.til... W.1.969-- C mmeilman qjt1)wfir4— Councilman qrFIMLISHFI) Councilmen! 't'n::x amm iffk;6w— C.u..iI I May- ncy I—na B. & A- 8-6 .�_ �Aq- W2826 weir rest :A m - <.w�cen ue. au.et a.r COUNCIL FILE NO _____________ ._ Y1ga c er+r,..as.' eUea�Yn, INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of_______ennstrycting_a_brick_crossing_on_She_snutb_slda__oi__ _ Furtlog_Stregt_across_Riv_erview_Avenue,_____,___________________________________ _______________________a------------------------------------------------ order _____________________.______________________under Preliminary Order_______.4290 ___________________approved ------ 4aY_ 4._ 1932 The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1.That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__COn9tMUQt_B_hr1C1E cr_ossing_oA_Lh&_sAt7Sh_Slsia__Q� 933rt19e_Street_ across Riverview- -- Avenue,- - - --------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $_BQ- �gL ------- Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the____ 18th_____ day of _ ulya_ 19 ____4—__, 1$2u__, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the pe ova and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_JUN______ 2 _ 1932 ______, 192____ � !� Approved _______-0-S___________ 192___ CouncilmanE�s� htrli+nal, Councilman ^ Councilman"C�L"a Yenrce i!M.iSHED / .// Councilman Rosen Comcilman iti111�eA'i T— V Couneilman■IINNIP—s WInzet Mayor Mahovey Form B. S. A. 86 : v f 92827 Iv FD nNit(ei a'tcovelrvetivg.. vlvv t[� i feet ith1Y tee., 99tt umliBBeOfEer fri16 a �le ,eCawNl of Ne' ` COUNCIL FILE NO --------------- •e r«etvea me raottm�'or�;:, .1Orte e.rcw - 5-11i w.,_ INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter of__enust—tits e_iv_may_Iv-._Lhe es::L_s icia_eT_ncceLa_Straflt _bsS_Saa.:c_ __iL_Poet_narSl]_oL.:s :LShi.d_5: rapt.-S.neacs_sorTs _12_ eat____ __________________________ __________________ __ _ under Preliminary Ord er________°'315 pprove "u� a 1°32. The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hgeby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is C. hereby ordered to Ve proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends is__p2;.striCt_t'11Y9!TY_4n __ih _ t_sid�_otBccadn_Street_hegintisg_17.2_feat_=nr_tt_cA�esS. �ci:r_S:S9.€L,_ ��C.^o __sacth.l2_fsate_______________________________________________________________________________ with ao aItc— ives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 0_30 nor _., ft. Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had on said improvement on the --- 13tb------------ day of at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall 8 7ding ' yytt¢¢ City of S,G 1. That the Commissioner of Finance giv notice of id smeeting to the peraram iuifi< mt ided by the Charter, slag the time and place of "hearing, the name off provemevt and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council_.JM44 ------- I92____ Approved_______:iW]______192___ yor. Councilman Mc Uoneld Com cilman ri%S�� hl"v !l Courci=nq2Tg1w& s Hoeen YUBLIBCIF,D c�" /� 4 / Councilman 4?da'gie'm� Trnaz Councilman enz wa Couadl�l� lmaa� M,y,rgmw M homey Form 8. S. A 8.6 ,�� 91 28 48 is COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Matter T. - ---- -- --- --------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------- and,, Preliminary, Ord -------------- 2�2E ---------------------- ed ------------------------ 11'C ... if of the City of P—1 having received he report of the Cmamilaim,el of Finance Pon the aboveirep=ereent, and having considered `amd report. hereby resoles: 1. That the said report and the .,me is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement it hereby rd red to be proceeded with. 2 That the nature of the improvement which the C ... ril —..—d, Det. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,ith no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof i, $-7-20 ---------- Re-Ned Farther, That . p.blie hearing be had .n amd i.pr.-.,ot .. eh ----- Lltli ----------- day of at the hone of 10 .'dock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Comte House and City Hall Building in the City of St Fall. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the r1ramn, and in the an —ee provided by the Chan- stating the time and place of It ... mg, the am,, o the improvement and the total cost thereof as eatinated. Adopted by the C .. cile"42-4q." --------- 192 Jb - K-� --------- 192--- Approved__________h Ci Clerk. Councilman2 C ... i y Councilman ddec.Exta— fl'.— C ... cileamn vlsljww� R—'. T-- PUBL"u-0 — C .... ilm— Mayors N.b..ey Form B. S. A. 86 92829 aaev mo. -M-Mut. COUNCIL FILE NO______________ ---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDLARY ORDER In the Mat— of ---- -e—t -- -- —sAia'.ad - —upaLr�- trQ - % t- 1 aq ------- ------------------------- -------------- ---------------------------------- ..dc, Preliminary Order ----22.Z7 9 ------------------------- pp—ed ----- _______________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the above improvement, and having considered said report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and t1n, said improvement is hereby -d...d to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council mm,.d, -------------------------------------- ------ ---- ---- ------ ------- --- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-:21-.02 --------- R—Ned Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement on the_____ 19th_________day of, -LyIy--1212L ------------ 192____, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Cban,be, of the C.—; House and City Hall on—- C—.,.t all Building in the City of St P-1. That the C—mi,, of Finance give notice of ,aid meeting to e F—ns and in the provided by the h., mi. g the and place of hearing, the n,m,e o the impm-mcnt and the total cost thereof f estimated. Adopted by the Council___ ------ 192 ---- it --- EcW-- 92 Approved________- V--� `______________192___ Dlr l,_,f Council— F—gy.. 7 C. -- -'q_ C .... it--- dfldglgfk�— ,,a,. L/ PUBLISTIFT) Co-ed] 15MAIMM, T—c CouncilmanWenzel May., sft� al.hocy Form B. S A. 84 �/,/t+y y/C l��>` 92S330 COUNCIL FILE NO._ aa. Deaver atee nrmt of ebom-I t Ota riot, aeeer --l. Id By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER I, the Matter of ------ re=natzUatin"-zelay-iDg-&ud.-rapair-ing,--tbe-xiAexalk- wang _246._f_ee_t_iceAt_.Qf ---------- _feet,----------------------------__------ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ..de, Preliminary Order___ 9L42_89 ------------------------ pp ... ed ........ jiay4_1932 .......... The Council of the City of Pan] having received the ,p,n of the Commissioner of Finance Pon the ab..e improvement, and having considered said report, hereby .... l,e,: 1. That the said report and the ..me i. h ... lbri, ... ed and adopted, .d the said improvement i, hereby ordered to be proceeded with. th 2. That the improvement: that,,, of the improvement e C.—til recommends i ...... rgMg_U5_trItCt_jela7 I do__QfJU_P_0_ Ait ----------------- with no altetnati—, and that the e,timated coat thereof i, $M t9.9________ Resolved 9.9-------- Resolvcdl Further, That , public hearing be had on said improvement .. the ------ Mtk -------- day of JLvIa—ig3L ------- 192____, at the hour of 10 .'tl.ek A. M., i. the Council Chao,be, of the Court H,,,, and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of ,aid netting to the F ...o.. and in the provided by he Charter, stating the time and late of hearing, the nature o the [improve meet and the total cost thereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council-JUX-22-Tr ------- 192---- ........... App—ed ---------- klk-Z ----------- 192--- mfi 7-Clerk. Counci to 0­M,I...Id MBLISHED- -- C.U.e:.ay c0u",,:_ '""C ... n W. Co ..,o.— T,,. . Councilman AVW_%N— I Mayors M h -l" F- B. S. A. 8-6 4911831 1.? COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ 't ne:i::e.i➢:➢:epvn ef' vr. aTvuee a -ant, aan ➢avl as n_- By O --------------- By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the Met— f --- -h—s—y' -7 _L f-i__e___ 2f_t!_arrY->t—t_t-­ ---rth-4d-f—t ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------- ..de, Preliminary Orde ---------- DZZI.E ------------------- app roved ------------------- above Council fthe City f P..] having received the "P.tt f the CCommisCommissionFinancei.f Finance .,-. the ab , .P.,e.,and having considered said report, hereby . resolves. ... e 1, TThatthe_ ,id report ..d the same i, hereby approved and adopted, ..d the said improvement i. hereby orded t, be proceeded with.2. That the nature of the improvement which the C ... cil ---d, 70 - feat - amth - S -qbqzc.,: -AtF_9 lt_ ttkaTi,ce - ,orth- 40 _C.Ry________ .......................... ------ - -- -- - -- ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with no alternatives, end that the estimated cost thereof i, Resolved Furthet, That , public hearing be had on said btp—tm— on th ------- l9fjt --------- day of ------------ t the h— of 10 o 'd—k A. M., i, the C .... it Chamber of the C- 14 ... e ..d City H.11 Building i. the City of St. P..I. That the C...mi.— of Finance give ..ti- of h to t jl,� -id meeting the .. ..d the T'""' provided by the Ch,,,�,, tdtmg the time ..d place f hearing, the .— he _P_e.e.t .d the 1_1 —, thereof - eet—" Adopted by the C.... ------- 192___ 92 ---- - PProve -------- �R --------------- 192 --- %- — ------- - ------- - ____y______ City Clerk. C .... ilm—camor—e Councilman Councilman c .... i:-- cc PUBUSHKI32 .. eil.— qppvmrm� M.Y., somm" Mehvney Form B. S. A. 8.6 Ga/'���E.�/j' COUNCIL FILE NO.______________ ---------------------------------------------- h,�rsl -.1 'M INTERMEDIARY ORDER I. the Met— of ---- x—t—tlng., -zelaydng- And —P&iring-th—aid—lk-= --------- ______________________-___________________ under P,,Iimi.,U O,der --- — ------- 0928 ---------------- pp—ed --- Xay,-4-19Z2 --------------- The Council of the City of p"I having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,b..e improvement, and having considered said report, h—by resolves: 1. That the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby o,dered to be proceeded with. z Thu the namrt of th�bop--- which the C..—il r_ _ _ _ ________________ with-------------------- with — alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $-3Lt9Q Resolved F—h- That , public he -mg be had on esid improvement on the___ ______12th --- day of -IT—uly-123a ---------- t the h— of 10 .'d -k A. M., i. the Council Ch—be, of the Court H ... e sod City Hall Building in the of SL said .,,ti,to the e .... s sod m the Jth, P.. That the Commissioner pi.=— �— give notice of WCommissioCommissionerity provided by the Chs—" -mg theand Pisof —g imp e.e.t and the hesu,&i.the , I total —t thereof, . unmated.. Adopted by the Council________________________ 192 ---- ------------- App—ed ---------------------------- 192--- ly Clerk. Councilman a.%-- c "6"- Councilman qlsvg�— .665MWM� C Tr -2 C ... Ciloom Mayor WIN" PL--, F— B. S. A. 8-6 92833 nese ai�n�tot COUNCIL FILE NO. Vs.z. . . ... By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ThD . ER" ­1 I,, the Matter of --- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- code, Preliminary Order ------------ 22M ------------------ ppr-ed ------ J---A--I-':lZ ----- -------- The Council of the City of Paul having rec4ed the report of the Commissioner of Finance up., the above improvement, and having -widened said report, hereby .... 1— Inut the said report and the same is hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement is hereby ordered to be proceeded with. 2. That the nature of the improvement which the Council recommends i ----- --------------------------------------- with no alternatives, and that the estimated cost thereof is $ 75._�.� ......... Resolved Further, That a public hearing be had no said imp—cm— no thc--laf�b ------------- day of ------------- 192—, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court House and City Hall Building in the City of St. Paul. That the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meeting to the q. and in the m ... ea provided— ded by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing, the ..n.re Fthe mpr,,em,,t and the total cthereof as estimated. Adopted by the Council___ JUN 22 W2 ...... 192.... -------- - -------------- Approved___________________ --- 77 P;y Clerk. Councilman fibnope—— cssn Ml)old C .. ci� on arm M y .4 Councilman T ..cil.an 66,11—id— P, ." e Council— 8lWlPMrWM V-- Councilman ,n— c Councilman §02nft� num "Femeas—s %% Mayor OPENOW2bt"', Form B. S. A. 8-6 va '1 �W I 'Eq MEW= nav0.43-1;-w "R."s li7 COUNCIL FILE NO______________ By---------------------------------------------- INTERMEDIARY ORDER In the M.tte, of ----- Fdditi L �, '! _th -------------- ------ ----------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --- -- ---- -- --------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------- ----- -- ---- ----- ---------------------- under Preliminary ---- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------- ----------------- -- ------- --------------------------------- ------------------------ pp --d ________________ The Council of the City of Paul having received the report of the Commissioner of Finance upon the ,bo- impr .. m,,t, ,d having considered ,id report, hereby resolves: 1. That the said report and the same i, hereby approved and adopted, and the said improvement i. hereby-d"'d W be proceeded with. 2. That the -t-, of the imp—em— which the Council —mm—ds ----------- ---------------------------------------------- ; ---------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- with .. alternatives, ..d that the estimated —t thereof i. $459 J2 -------- Ree,lved F.fth,,, That , public hearing be had on said imp—em— on th,---Jatb ------------ d.y of __ July - -1232 ___--_____-may_, at the h.- of 10 .'d -k A. M., m the Council Ch..b, of the Cour[ House and City 11,11 Building i, the City of St. Paul. That the C.mmi,sjo.,, of Finance give notice of .id-mannerto the -.d i. he -.-p,.-id- —, stating the Charter, the time ..d pl.oe of jthe hearing, the ..— imp—e.— and the total —t thereof as -ti—ted. Adopted by the C .... 40-29-19-n --------- 192---- App—ed ---------------------------- 192 --- ity Clerk. --- --- --------- --- Cooed m Councilman cl�.­ — M— cc.o.ci ''LILISHFD Co..cilman 42adu� W-- councilman ggM� T, una M. Mayor P51OW pl.b".ey F.— B. S A- M 1)126" Jr COUNCIL FILE NO— .... _...... _._._..._.._. , _ .'•,�-`. By.___...._...._..__.._....__ ..............__......_..... CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the...easment of Sennfits, outs an.. _ _e.. for mtruotin_, ce,tic, and repairing Dement sideealka, 6etiante No. 1, Caatreot No. 6996 -101 ..Ass9esIbl... P.O. 89804 Mississippi Strout, seat Bide, beginning 120 feet north of Lawson Street, theme north 12 feet, F.O. 898tH r7eutaduster Street, seat aide. begimaing 112 feat north of Cook Street theme north to alley P.O. 89004 Seaeamino at»at..wrth aide, beginning 76 feet _at of ':le Otmiaeter St roet theme —at 10 feet F.O. 89426 Burr Street. eaat side. bef;InI'O9 62 feet south of Maryland Street, theme oath 8 feet F.O. 89426 Maryland Street, north Olde. beginning 94 feet east of Burr Strout. thane Beet 10 Stet P.O. 90688 Magnolia street. myth aide, baring 121 Peet seat of Ourr Street, theme —at 9 feet F.O. 89430 Br'ediey Street, net aid.. begim+ing 86 feat north of Cook Street them- mrth 20 feet F.O. 896,0 Cook St»et. south nide, bat— Barr attest and Brad1A,,4tr..t F.O. 89430 Cook Strout. north aide. beglmring 24 feet east of Bradley Street the east 39 feet- bgiscoi$ 60.. fast farther .eat theme aaet 9 flet. beginning 40 fast further east theme east 16 feet F.O. 89428 Iweeon Street, n.rch aide, beginning 104 feet wet of Edgerton Street theme wet 18 fee,, P.G. 894,0 Jessie Street. east Bide, bort ,,, at Iaeon Street theme south 160 feet P.O. 89430 Seaele Street. gnat side, beglnnln, It dauke Street thence south 160 fast F.O. 89430 liege.11n street. north aid., beginning 89 Eget weet of Edgerton street theme .eat 26 feet, F.O. 88789 Hawthorne Street. north aide, beginning 126 feet eget of Pay" Av O. thence east to G"mbrler AV F.O. 87687 Greenbrier AveNre, wet aide, begiminr, at Cook. Street, thence south to allay F.O. 89644 P.O— Avanne, asst aide, beginning 21 feat :Doth of W.11e Stroet then.. south 29 feet, beginning 20 feet further feet outh thorn. Dortuth street. ' hanee F.C. 89803 No, Street, south side, beginni r, m o ...t 9 fbet F.O. 87673 Margaret Street, south aid.. beglmiag et tho west Bide of Frank Street mrtendad thence ..at 100 feet F.O. 89297i90=aq 6traOt. south aide. beginning 60 feet east of Duluth Aveme thence «,haat 70 feet F.O. 87366:00asa Sheet. Oust aide, fron Seat 7th Street to North lin. of Block 2, jY EXanaN'a Subdivision F.O. 87S74VHsW1,A*r4et,wet aide, beginning at Magnolia Strout then-- north 46 feet F.O. 87674W.S=lLa Street. north aide, beginning at Earl Street then.. vest $60 feet P.0.-8737 x— Buren Street, north aide, beginaiag ISO feet weet of Arundel Street thence wast to Maokubin Street F.O. 87221 Fry Street, ,at aide, botweon Von Buren Strout and Blair St»et. �w thence south 84 P,O, 88402 Farrington Avame, wast *I"* beglmin$ 93 feet ncrth�9f Hniwsfalty AtamO ' theme. north 30 fMO PIP wip-I Tv'" ' A. PF I,--'3" Owl FN ,.n LTP..-fTp—P;oof — p ') 4..; T, LosF 7%, T"! T-" L_ T - The .—aa—t of. I-' ........ ............. f- and i, connection with the ab... i,pm,,,,.t I—mg b— eobmitt,d t, the Council, -d the C-61 having considered same and found the said --.,at -M.,0,, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said—aament b, ..d the same i, hereby i, all ... p,,ta approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing b, had on said aaa-- on the_______. 2Dth day of -_ I , 19_32.,at the h— of 10 ',],,k A. K, it, the C ... il Chamber of the C -,I H.... .. d City Hall Building, i. the City of St P-1; that the Commissioner of Finance gi- notice of said meetings, ns ,q,i,,d by the Ch,,t,,, ,t,ti,g in as notice the time end ph— of hearing, tb, nature of the improvement, the total —t thereof, —1 the amonat --d against the ]at or Iota of the particular —u to whom the ..th,e is di—ted. JUN. 22 V2 Adopt d by the C.—il City Clerk. ApW—d 19 C .... il...d 00 .......... Councilman Ca �i P'— C i� domb..k— R".'. PIJMASHL Councilman MOM— T-- Cou'61"n mmmmvmm� Fenzel Mayors M.h 92837 COUNCIL PILE NO By------------ — CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment I. the matter of the —e—a-t of bene; lts, costs =1—Pol— W g,adll, alloy iv 111-1h 5, Sy.,ji.t, :j- 5 Ad,ilti— f111 1116,,1 St. to Syn1—te Ave., and., Peli.i--,Y Old" q,K4? — Intermediary Ord, Maid 19...31 The assessment of his-211­—tts.......... fee and io e—selion with the above imp—e—t h.,i.g bee. submitted to the C—Cil, ..d the C-61 h—i­ e ... id,,tsd aaaae and found the said ssseaemevt a.ti-fal—Y, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the —, is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public h,.ri.9 be had so said assessment .. the____. - 20th I _day of _J`ly 19 32 t the h— of 10o'clock A. M. i. the Coo,ed Cb..b- of the C-1 H.... end City H.11 13aildi.g, i. the Cty of St. pa,a ; that the Commiaaiover of bi ... ee give notice of ..id —ti- as -,ii -d by It, Charter, I—i-9 io ,aid ..ti,a the time sad pl.es of hearing, the -- of the hapt--t, the total eaat thereof', ..d the amount nasessed ag.ivst the lot or lots of the particular —, to a,h— the notice is di—td. Adopted by the Coated City Clerk. A,p,a-d 19 May., Couvcdma DI -Y Conti Pearcy Councilman C .. Covveilmav 14.1a... Mayor 92838 COUNCIL FILE NO.. .----------- til Mtl 4 .sa Erea- By .. gr °�Ld°im`m coact u em[ r•I .._. w' eoaArmwi: tir:a,s�. CITY OF ST. PAUL ' y Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the ass—so-t of be—fits, costs aad a ses for rrndiaC alloy in Block 8, ,loverdaie, from .1r,- St. '.o the east line of lots 7 and 24, under Preliminary Order_._._ 89813Intermediary Order Final Order___......_ 40236__ app ...d.......____.9u4•- 2n. ..... _.__........, 19.31.. The—resment If__. be fl&ts.,._cnsta..nan_e Y.a9ns5s_._........:...........____for aad in connection with the above improvement having been submitted [o the Council, aad the Council having considered same ami found the said ase—er,at satiefacto11, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment be and the came is hereby in alt respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing br had oo said assessment on the...... „.Otl:.............. A, of '.1y — — 1 17..32., at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., in the Council Chamber of the Court Hoose and City Hall Building, in the City of St. Paul; that the Cammisaioner of Finance give notice of laid meetings, aa required by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of hearing, the natur< of the npr—orr,t, the total cost thereof, and the nmmmt assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to whom the notme is d,re<ted JUN 22 IM2 Adopted by the Connml_ 7 /� fyypI nn � City Clerk. Apprn.d ...... _ __19......... Counetlman'9.a..ep— Id / Councilman May 1 Councilman �Jex"'9tS Pearce JfljA-,'u, t -T Councncilman A k""" '� CUBllStILll� Couilman ru Tax Councilman Menzel Mayor � Mahoney 'rte'- 92839 COUNCIL FILE NO um¢axee. By ..__.... ... ................____....._...... pt„aee,,.trom walae avenue tc�rer-. tas;� ee m m� ret:.�in:ra'oma.e CITY OF ST. PAUL _... Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of b -n fits, costs and e _ ses for grxri ing alley in 91ack 1, Lane's Phel en :'lace f m f f the enslt. east hvanux to tree t — 1 Avanuo, slso o ,streeting a n the hll-y f a point 3: foine of Gr -,brier Avenua tcothe sew., A1011", u.der Pr6i.i—y Order..... ...E9.472_..... _.___..., Intermediary Ord,:k.0.1>7 Final Order..._ 0130__._.. eppro�ed P g. 18 __..........., 1931._ The assessment of.._benefitsr casts, and for and in ce—tiov with the above improvement having bee. submitted to the Couu d, and the Council havi.g considered same and found the said assessment satisfactory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said essessmevt be a.d the same is hereby iv all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That n p.blic hearing be had ov -aid assessment on the... _20th......... _._ day of July _ _ _ _ _ _ 1932..., et the hour of 10 o'clock A. Df., in the Council Chamber of the Count fl..sc ..d City Hall Euildi.g, i. the City of St. P-1; that the Commiasiover of Fi....e give notice of said meetings, m rewired by the Charter, stating in said notice the time and place of heari,g, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount aseessed against the lot or lots of the particw,r owner to whom the notice is di ... tMd .rrryrt Adapted by the C``o.neil. JUN.2 '�L --199//(./(//����/� d � � �a, _.. '" _""_''k� ___'."'v'\ _... ('it➢ Clerk. Approved __ _. 19....._.. / Convcilmat/ '1 Il�nxld Co¢.mlmea P Couvci7manQ F'eor.eCi Councilma,� Councilman Tru¢z '^.L15Fi"D C.unsilm �10l5i!P� \\'enact ) MayorN Alahnne. OR 92840 COUNCIL FILE NO_. ____. .� R.4•ery 8traae,a[aeo�� MCih �!' B---------- ._..........._........._- CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of benofits, =o. is anc expenses for grading Baserve Street to e. sndth of 32 foot atith n 20"oat roadwmy Crom Bvrna Ave• to a int 180 feet south of the south line o. - s Ave., nlr.o rradinr the alley in Block 3, Aovnds Park Addition from reserve St. to`e�ponnt 110 east of Reserve St., older Preliminary Order....... :9431 Intermediary Orde _..09667 Moll Order.90126...... PDror ed .#--1S .. .1 19._31 - The assessment of.',enn£Sts.--costs._and_exe9.ns.es.......... .. __.(ar and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the Council, and the Council having considered same and found the said ass tclilt satisfaetary, therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the said assessment ba and the same is hereby in all respects approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That a public hearing be had on acid assessment nn the - POth_......... day of 1\yly„__ ......__._, 19_32_, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. K, in the Council Chamber of the Court Honsc and City Hall Building, in the City of St Paul; that the Commi®inner of Finanve give notice of said meetings, as required by the Charter, at sting in said notice the time and place of bearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amount assessed against the lot or lots of the particular owner to wham the notice is directed. Adapted by the Canned- JUN 22 M2 2`.' ''La city Clerk. Apprnred ._._._. __19_._-.. Couueilman�� McLnnetd Councilman r , Io 1 y T'L781.ISFiFl1 7 Councilman Councilmen Konen Councilman Truxl, Councilman ow1i— \\'ro zel MaYor�s Mahoney 92841y�j COUNCIL FILE NO .._._..__ .............. ge rWr.... ata o gnv5.^e � v CITY OF ST. PAUL Resolution of Council Approving Assessment In the matter of the assessment of bo—fits, ^_oats '.nc os for nstruot+n o n ]aka end Phalon A— fro. a point 21,0 ft. vast of Adema St.Ssawec c n Leko end Ph .1 en ,� orme.t -pith the serer _2 ..ores Sonlavn-L a_1 >Farn o'_y 22G :_. Fautl. o^ Lek a eomo endo Phalen Avenue, under Pralioni—y Order...... "'7 t3 _.._... .........__, Iotermodiary Orde - 90030 , Final Otder___ ..._90290....._. .,, pp—ed- _..:.eRLeTbas...l.. ......._.___ _._, 1931. The aseemot"It If. _L9A:SltS..._.o.R.S.Ls_@n.V....9.�:..@3ves........-_.....................for and in connection with the above improvement having been submitted to the C .... il, a.d the Council haying e ... idered same end found the avid assessment satisfvetory, therefore, be it RESOLVED, Tbat the said assessment be end the soon, ie hereby in all ...pact. approved. RESOLVED FURTHER, That . public hearing be had on said assessment on the.. _ .4th.........___ day of 19_32, at the hour of 10 .'cloak A, M., in the Coonan Chamber of the Court H..oe end City Bell Building, 1. the City of St. Pool; that the Commissioner of Finance give notice of said meetings, m rea.ired by the Charter, s v ing in said notice the time end place of hearing, the nature of the improvement, the total cost thereof, and the amnnnt assessed .,Must the lot or Iota of the partienlar owner to whom the —tieo i. d ..ted JON E2 P982 Adopted by the C uneil.._._.. _.. , 19 APWored .�/ ... ... ca _. ..... Z/v...t1. , City Clerk. cA9.Ve �e%. � 19..... _.. , Counm IN—ld !� Klt:O� J 14UK w . "LISAED� i C.—nonan Flay Councilman o Yenrce Co.neilman Tran: Couneilman Councilmen— 1�'enzel M,aor � Dlabova) Klt:O� J 14UK w . "LISAED� i cO of ar 1, No......... OFFICE OF THE CI� � - COUNCIL RESOLUTION---GEk COM oNen_.-J_ ✓ G W. V:ih grttlit�f� WHEREAS, As provided by 0ounoll rile No'. 'k2, approved May 29th, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the court House and Oity Hall, the Council held a public hearing upon the ad- visability and necessity of wreaking that certain garage located on Lot 13, Block 13, Hager's Subdivision, being the northwest corner of South and Rice streets, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Oounoil that said building 1s =safe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Oounall. COUNCILMEN Y—/ NnYx � Adopted by Lh ( dJ"'.. ryJA .....193_ P arcs .- In fn.or App—,d, ...193... Agninxt IGY(J11� Menzel i'UDid$ID:Di/ M z. /Mr. Prexident Mahoney 3 y Lx d N.b 01K. ti .A4,Om UM1 /.MMm CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.PI1.1 a mi. noel. DEPARTMENT CK PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 CIH H.II FRED M. TRUAX, Commml"', OTTO E. CONSTANS, D.P C.nnlvlmv .f OO July 2, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul- Gentleman- 0. aul.Gentleman:Oa June 23, Council Resolution Ho. 92842 was passed by your Honorable Body, confirming the condemnation on the part of this Department of the building on the northwest ocraer of South and Rice Streets, which is owned by John B. and Annie G. Haglund, 1321 Rios Street. Thelast paragraph provide. that if within ten days after the mailing of the notice to the property owner no appeal has been taken, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds And Public ...ordancee withlthis paragraph, I resport said feet to ectfully report that under date of June 28, a letter was received from John B. Haglund relating to this matter, copy of which 1s herewith attached. Under such circumstances, I reoommend that this matter be laid over for sixty days. Yours very truly, Commissioner. U St. Paul, Minnesota, June 28th, 1932. Sir. C. A. Bsssford, City Architect, Room 219 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir: Referring to C. F. 92842 approved June 25rd 1932, relative to the advisability of wrecking the gar- age leasted on Lot 13, Block 13, Hager's Subdivision, being the Northwest corner of south and Rice Streets. This garage wille repaired and put In such b condition as will ba acceptable to *he Building Depart- ment . Trusting this will be satisfactory, and that ed, I am the above mentioned proceedings may be Yours very truly, John BHaglund, 1321 Rise Street. �.., .. .. 107 July 8, 1932. Hon. Counollr City of St. Paul. Osntlemen: 0. Zone 83, Council Raeunolfct=RcjG90 �tPonss� the your Hoaoreble Bodyr part of thio Hepartmeat of the bnildieg en the aorthweet corner of South and HIM St ooRi,u 8ltreets ovasd by John Nm B. and le G. Haglundr The lest paragraph provides tbat if vithln ton days after the mailing of the ontide to the property caner on appeal has been taken, the 00=18aloner of Parker Playgrounds And Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Cobn- oil. In accordance eith this paragraph, I respeotfutlly report that under date of June 28, a letter vas received from John B. Haglund relating to this matter, copy of which is herewith attached. under such olrowntaneear I racomamnd that this matter be laid over for sixty days. 2oora very tralyr Comsiaeiomr. u /f July 2, 1932. Ron.Comoil, City of St. Pahl. Gentlemen: on Time 23. Comoil Resolution Bo. 982{2 was passed by your Honorebla Body, aoaflrming the aondemsation an the part of this Department of the building on the northwest Corner of South and RSoe Streets, which Is owned by John B. and A—to 9. Ragland, 1321 Rioe Street. The last paragraph provides that if within ton days after the mailing of the notice to the property owner no appeal has been taken, the Commissioner of Parks, Playgrounds And Public Buildings sball report said fact to the Conl- on. In accordance with this paragraph, I respectfully report that under date of June 28, a letter "a resolved from John B. Haglund relating to this matter, copy of whlch 1s her—ith cttaabod. Under such Circumstances, I recommend that this matter be laid over for sixty days. Yours v'ry truly, Comaleaioner. II rl / iii �.,t��� /'� •. 1IYY,,, �� t St. Paul, Minnesota June 88th, 1938. Mr. 0. A. Cityfkrohitect. Room 819 City Hall, St. Paul, Minn. Dear Sir s Referring to 0. F. 99SU approved June the f Wrecking garagerlocated on Olative to Lot 13,iBlock i13o ,Nagar'ss Subdivision, being the Borthwest corner of South and Rica Streets. !� This garage x111 be repaired and put in such condition as x111 be acceptable to the Building Department, Trusting this will be satisfactoryt and that the above mentioned proceedings may be cancelled, I am � Your very truly . John B. ag und, 1381 Rice St. 6�a,a 9 Jane 96, 1938. John B. k Annie G. Haglund, 16¢1 Rice Street. St. Paul, Minnesota. Deer Sir and Dear YadaMt nualosed Herewith please tind,0ooppyy of Council Resolution Ro. 98848, which 41reote the wrecking of the garage locat- ed at tBo northwest corner .of South and Sloe Streets. An you will note this resolution to being mailed to you for your informatl6n, Yours truly, City Architect. May 31, 1938. Tohn Bia Annie 6. Ragland, 1381 Ros Sbreeb. St. Paul. Minnesota. Dear Sir and Dear Madsm: may we call to your attention the enclosed copy of a reso- lution dealing with the condemation of the garage located on the northwest corner of South and Rgee Streets? An you will notes this resolution calls for a public hear- ing to be held in the Council Chambers In the City Rall at ten ololook on the morning of Time 88o ae suggest that YOU be present at this meeting. ]Cour. truly. Superintendent of Inspection. BSB..R I I STATE OF MINNESOTA 90° DEPARTMENT OF PARKS. PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER In the matter of the condemnation by [he Commiedonez of Park, Pl.—.ds and P.— BWldiage, of a da sat, m be owned br .(i(Y John _ $. $ A—I* Qa 82810111d, arW IoratM upon [he wing descnbed reel estate, to -wit: Lot 13. Bloch 13. 81008Snb. ORDER WHEREAS, The Commissioner of Park, Playgrounds — Public BuilJin¢e, bac upon the inepee[ion of the a'ams, I,— and described as,Borthwest OortlOya of ecath and Rice etroots, and situated a on shave described property has found and determined that: This is a dilapidate�d gsrage an the sidewalk line. Doors broken and ewioging ewer sidewalk. An old block building, danae-ous and mslghtly.. by reason pf N shave Sects sail .a una.fe and dangerous to life,13sbv and adjoining property. NOW, THEREFORE, by virtue of the authority corSersed upon the said Commissioner of Park, Playgrounds and Public Baildinga, pureaent tp the laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter end Ordinances of the City of Saint Paul, andparticdarly Ordtnanee Na. 180. entitled "Av Ordinance providing for ell matters concerning, relating to, or nffectiag Na car,atrvetion, alteration, repair, r vol and mainteannee of all buildings or structures or parte cf buildings or structures erected ar to be erected within the City of Saint Pevl." ,,d. __411_y_ —._ ..__ _._ ie hereby condemned end it is ordered that it bejeagMlmAFteken uown— oved) and the materials therefrom re oved rem ,n hum the premises within....... SQ .............. .....days from rhe date of the service of this order said natice upon the owner ccupant thereof. In the event of the failure of the owner or occupant to comply with the terms of this order within the Bme aforesaid, [be avid Commissioner of Park, Pleyg ds and Public Buildings shell cause this order W be complied with, and the expeaves thereof charged to and made a Iien avd-t Ne property above daseribed. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the foregoin: order ie made end signed by the Commiesianer of Park, Plsygrounde and Public Bmldi— nt R. PeW Minnesota hie ...... _.....BB .......day of ....:. April .. 1B.:3.. ea -,bi— by law. _... Commissioner of Yurko, Playgroun,is and Public Buildings. NOTICE Ta.....__......._.John ..B.. -k .Annie... Q.-gaglnad. 1381.. Rise St. ._......... _....._.... Occupant, and to.._.. BQ..._... _. __. _... __...... - Please take notice that the foregoing order was u^ued _. b; the Cammlaelaner of Pnrk, III bide and Public Butidivga on the. _......._.20.................day If ... ....._.... _ _.....19...3A.d you ere hereby directed to comply th—Q, that in Ne event Nat you fail - to do or that you do- file any answer, obj—.. or appeal, ss --fired by the al,- and Otdirmncu of the City of SL Paul, wRidb-...._....1. --- __ ........ days from — nate of —1 " of this order and notice upon you, the said Commieeioner of Parks, Plnygro..de and Public HuRdings will proceed t.. enforce -d order and said property will ba charged with the erperue Hereof and the penalties -riled by comm... PubBe Buildin¢e to 92843 CITY OF ST. FAULc .. ....... V OFFICE OF THE CITY Q hlw�ai el cAt ey ont�ox�N� Il 11tt4 COUNCIL R60LUTION�iENG ns. i9ii.aple'e ot.ln'�eav�nuifA uaeouy >• f T i°* b�P a l PR®BNTED aY SCI✓_ ^/_ -. __.. .__ ffii@tlROC WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 82553, approved May 28tb, 1932, the Oounoil did, on the 22nd day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the 00un011 Ohambar of the Court Bougie, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain two-story frame house located on the east half of Lot 5, Block 8, Warren & Winslow's Addition, also known as No. 440 East Minnehaha street, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordi- nance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it to the opinion of the Oounoil that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it �- RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, direoting.the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner sof Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said build- ing or structure; be it TURTBER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Oounell. COUNCILMEN jUH 97 1 qn Yeux / il Nny, Adopted by the Counc- t 4i 1) •f]�r onxld , Pearce In favor ��'� T'�p �. Approved_-_.. _... __... 193_ /�nxe„ ,c�,Fmul�Lnt _.4Beinet �Wencel � Yrexidenl Mnhoney PUBLISHED �/� City of saint Paul 0,11c, 1 City Clerk •nd Camml+lona of R.fbn.ilon .+ June 22nd, 1932 Y, L. L. Lndereoa, CorporatSea Coua.el, Building. Bear Sir% Lttmbed please find Counoll ofthe follow l552, 992553, in i°'the matter of the condemnation Two -.tory freme houe. on Lhe east half �BLo�o� Block 9, Herren & Aine9trsetIddition, ae 440 3..t YSnnehaha Oerage located on Lot 13, Block 13, W.r's Sub., being the northwest cover of South and Hien Ste. The q .Dose orders ware eeaTde y the lotion. O 00—il todend referred to you for the prop re ooafixming the °amt. Your. sery truly, A,4--4- City CIrk. CIL `RESOLUTION couNa L PILE J,=- 2Q REASURY, TE AMOUNT OF RESOLVED THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY Tal--iNCLUSIVEA AS PER CHECKS s (� OV5 03 --, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED— / ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. /%✓G� irRo �// JUN 2111— AoorTeo eY TH[ I i 92844 aFF E o n NO of THE oLLea �,�E ROLL cnLL courrci T HILT 2ETLT COUNCIL RESOLUTION AUDITED CLAIMS rue 20 #xauxax� pe�ie'f" "�• � ., A Fw, nE<. . � 4��. Oso :. xwwxmr Yeho � ` — — - --_ — — -- TOTAL .... IN FAVOR OF cntcss 500 00 cnEcxs 95n 094 or, 2 995 0 12 2g857 6 ev ewnn 5959 O N11 6 Preston. Inc. 5960 Yllton Rosea, Comlr, of yin. 5961 400011 5962 John E. Mullen '.. 596 N1111em Perry 64 2 5968 8peoialty Printing Co. 5 5966 Theo. Raam Hre.ing Co. 77�5 4 59767 " " 59 8 Delia Bron 6450 0 28 2 27 0 5969 Yre• Yary "I Cbristy 28 2 5970 Yra. Etta IDlaherty 11 0 5971 John Lennon. 40 Anna Nagaer Peitsch 24 9 559 972 3 are. Hannah PetersIn II 17 2 4 Yra. Anna Sohaeider a 5975 Elfrida Soderberg 428 0 9 5976 nlinam Riebolt 109 2 5977 Ford 8trane 6 5979 Agnea Kemble 5979 Pat Eeily 62 5 5980 ohest:r N. Oaskel 136 1 �t lert�son 5982 JohnWillin. B0hmam 6600 yranoes y. nobmert 115 599 Lawrenoe Lovell 42 598 Dr. L. J. o'Connor 5895 milt Rosen. Com. of yinanot 446 5 11 932 2 5986 5 731 5 5987 1 514 5968 " 0 5999 " 5991 sentodsperanza Co. 566 1 875 0 • ' 7 500 00 ..o i L018129 C4 «��,o�,. ,_. X2845 CITY OF ST. PAUL ,ru " NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION G ERAL FORM . PaEr.T� aJune 22, 1952 CoMF�M...,L�f��cT RESOLVED In the matter of paving University Avenue from Jay and Gaultier Streets to Park Avenue, and sewers on University Avenue from Jay Street to Rice Street, also sewer across University Avenue at Karion Street, and sewer connections, under Preliminary Order C. F. 90547, approved November 5, 1951, and Final Order C. F. 91617, approved February 5, 1952, to be known as Contract Ba. Resolved, That the plans and specifications as submitted by the Commissioner of rublic Works for the above named improvement, be and the same are hereby approved. vfwa;•a aFas —�s c5dM rs4a�o:�tlu:l' Iv?:�v°.ati..,reom i ,se':eaa°tlml••T °�� gr. eudao;tivya,.a'xa„: iur. lar°vo lYw�6pa ae66 oil .:a IM CO UNCILMEN Y_ Nara Adopted by th, cuwmiiJUN 29 10.12. I93. M'y McDonald /T�• l _'.,.; ii 7•1 1” Pearce In favor `�x! Approved._ _... _ 198_.. Itoaen ARalaat W'— ennel M . w, 1 Mr. Prcaidenl Mahoney Council File Na..........92i46 1 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undersigned hereby proposes the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Pool, vie.: R.econstNAingi relaying and repairing the sidewalk on .. tha...w.est. side ._of._Wllder...dsenue_.b.egianiu6..47 feet north of Rcblgn..Avmue,_. theacs_north...23..feet. Dated thin.. 22nd day of ......._Janet 1932 _.... . le Couay. PRELIMINARY ORDER. i. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: -- ..__.....____Raconstruoting,_ ralayiug._and_reDairing_ the .._e..idewelk_ on._...._ ............. tha_west_side-of _.Wilder .. Avenue...b.g&j=ing_47 Roblyn_dvenue.,...tbence_north_2.3.. x.eet. _.__. _....._. ....._... ................ ................. -_... bnviug bee, presented to the Council of the City of St. Pnul._...._.......... therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commimio,er of Public Works be and ie hereby ordered and directed: t. To investigate the vmoneity for, or desirability of, the m,king of said improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and estimated cost of said improvement, and the tote) coat thereof. 3. To furnish a plan, profile or sketch of said improvement. 0 4. To stets whether or not said impm,eme,t is asked for on thrtitio, of three or more owuere 5. To report upon all of the foregoing mattem to the C—nnimioner of Fiygnce. Jaw as 10 Adopted by the Council.... - .—Y— Neva Councilman MAY McDONA1D PEAROE ROSIN TRUAX aPNt� r�ca„lam w%R[ tea.Pemr.— ve1 � bna�a sew Approd. 3l'yV� 21 r yor. a.rt CITY OF ST. PAUL ,u "` No......._. 92848 I.w.Ym.lwan ` OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK C�OJUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby' granted to the West Ltd Commercial Club to hold OTestival on the grounds of the Club at Jefferson avenue and Oneida street, from July 18th to 23rd, 1932, both days Snolusive. aC TEaI Oer,q 1°n ad�•w- gn ° ws coMrouwv crun..l -d COUNCILMEN COUNCILMEN Year N°Ye Ad,Wd by the Cuuncil._ _JUN-2-4_IM 193., M.7- n Id!UN Q i P-- IW- We"."I M°Yar Mr. President mm'—Y Adopted by the Council__. .._197_...... Ye— Nay.. MAY /ci)ONALD /FARCE ROSEN TRUAX W ENZEL / MR. PRESIDENT (MART) J City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk aro a..R -.1 ci.n cu. a.n .nd Commlmiona of R.91.l.vlm aid a.n v.yn.xw. Jane 23rd, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Hnilding. D.- Oir: The attached application of the W..t End Commercial Club for pexmieeion to hold a festival oa the gmmde of the Club at Jaffereca I -ace and Cnelde Street from July 16 to 2j, both day. Smlasire — approved by the Council today and referred to you for the proper rseolatlon. Yours vary truly, /— �1/ City Clerk, C� Adopted by the Couu11193_..... Yeas. Nays. MAY /MCDONALD 7"CE ROSEN / TRUAX W ENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Etegarl,menh of Qvbtiv S$(ets �.,.....,.,.. �,e ............ ....,.. �••••N c„�.,. June 25, 1952 `u To the Honorable City Council. Referring to the att-had applin.tioo, of the Weat End Commeroial Club for permisalen to hold a feat ial on the ground. of the Club at Jefferson Aveeue and Oneida Street, July 16 to 25, both days inolu-i"I An imeetigation has been node and I ioald ----d' in ,1— of the petition Ott-h.d, that the perait for this fe.tiaal be granted, all eonoeesione to be handled by the Weat End 0—rofa1 Club. Very /tr Thomne E. Dahill Chief of Polloe APPROVED. Cosmds donor of Pblio Saf y 0 CLU® ERest Eub (fQmmerriul (flub of Sein[ haul, Hlinaesvta 425 WE6T SEVENTH ST.. Con. Eni[ June llth.1932. The Honorable Mayor and City Council, St.paul, Minnesota, Gentlemen:— We respectfully reque at permission to hold aFestival on the grounds of the Club at Jeffer eon Avenue and Oneida Street July 16th.to 23rd.1932,both days inclusive. This Festival will be entirely a Club venture and will be managed and conducted by members of the Club. Respectfully your e, WE/S�T END OMM� �ALLDH'ary. �tA St. Paul, Minn. 192.... To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body er To Scene s permit to the lfest Imd Ommerolal Olnb to hold a festival an the grounds of the Oa®e OW Olab at Jefferson & Oneida Bts. J41y 16th. to 23sd, Both Days iaalnei-y _ St. Ave. from... St. Ave. to St. Ave. , 'n W N!j b I , St. Paul, Minn. _....... 192 To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owner s, hereby petition your Honorable Body to d.W le� for permit to thoIIaet 84d oonmaroi Club to hold a fe.tivai on the groto" of tho oo_oist Mob M Jeffer-on & 0 -id. Ste July 16th, To 23rd, Both Dgye Inolneire. St. Ave from .. St. Ave. to St. Ave. St. Paul, Minn...__. __._.__.. 192. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby peRtion your Honorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: __.. _....... _...__.__._ _. __ St. Ave. from _. _.__ St. Ave. to._.__.____ _._._... _. St. Ave. ro a.ea 3249 • CITY OF ST. PAUL .ea NO. OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION --GENERAL. FORM .M.008.24 --^TE RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby granted to the Riverview 00mmerotal Club, together with the Edwin 0. Perlt Post American Legion and the Riverview Veterans of Foreign Wars, to hold a festival and food exhibit at Lehmannts wood Yard at South Robert and Congress streets, from July 30th to 4 August 6th, inolusive. COUNCILMEN year s,� Nayb �Cnnld //Pupa In favor l lt1'nen _ Against I ex .a Mr. Prebid—t NIA ... y Irh a 90� E 'kO 'bie�e 'tv�PtiN� uapbsob. seouem sue.,.. uu. e s ssiiii Adopted by the (buncil JU?l-21 T-0!.. _19:1 Isn �� Q��`Z..�` J�S4)�p�p.. do� 7♦� ..../'195.. Mvyur / City of Saint Paul Office OF City Clerk ka;,. 1$NS, Car d.h ,wRD 1 eom,,r+ .nd Cemminlonv el R.rhb.eon q„ icl ,...— a,.ne 23rd, 1932 Lr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dear Sir: The etteohed application of the Biv_iae Commercial Club, together with the Edwin 0. Perlt Post American Legion end the Riverview Veterans of n- go Aare, ,jointly for a permit to hold a fae tival and fool exhibit at Lehmann'. WZi lard on South Robert and Congress Streets from Scaly 30 to August 6, inclusive sea refarre4 to you today, by the Council, for the proper resolution granting each petnit. Toure very truly, City Clark. C�i Adopted by the Cou-11 __.193_...... Yea.. N.y.. MAY H¢DONALD PEARCE —'ROSEN �T�UAX WEN EL PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) n.e.1 /� j ✓SV t O 9P M11v cJuFeN " •.m� e,Ma,ec ...,.no.... .,.. o.,.. ........._.o..... .....,o... ...... o..�... June 23, 1932 .�... w.�..a n....... To the Honorable City Counoil, Regarding the attached application of the Riverview Cono .ial club, together with the Edwin 0. P.rlt Poet American Legion and the Riverview Veto—; of Foreign Ward, jointly, for a permit to hold a festival and food exhibit at Lehmsunle Wood yard on South Robert and Congress Streets, fret July 30 to Amgu.t e, inolusive, This application hes bee. inve.tigatld and be.-. of favorable petition attached y would re- apsotfully reoommead that permit be granted. All eano- iaae are to be handled by the orgnniaationa eponeoring thio festival. Pery/fit/r , yours, -�CAC&�a Phomas E. Dahill Chief of Polio. y /APPP/IUV�E.D, � Commissioner of Pblio Safe St. Paul, "i—esote. ,Tune 8, 1532• mo the Honorable btayor and City Council, Court Souse, "inne-t- ,sntle—o. The "il verview Commercial ^.lub, together' with the Sdwin 0. 2erlt ?ost ;,merican Legion and the Riverview 'r:teran3 of F—eign 'jars ,jointly mske applioation for a pe rnlto hal& a festival and food exhibit at Lehmann'e '7ood Yard on South Robert and Congress Streets. This oro pe rty is commonly &ascribed as Lots E, 7, 8, alook 51, '?est St. Paul :'raper. The ^estivslis to be held from .ru1y 30, to luaust e, 1532, inclusive. Riverview Commercial ^.lob L'dwln 0• ?erlt Post, American Letion, 3lverview 7eterans of ^oreign vara. Gust T. ?eters, Chzi rman, T. Ll. a 'Ituhlnan, 'Iioe-Chairnan, ��. L O II �� ny�(diAfGe.ei'1- t4iY To The Honoralp€, TSt. Paul, Mi he Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property owners, hereby petition your Honorable Body to afpYg�i +�esroee�atdrtv�trYe to issue permit to the Riverview Oommercial Olub together with the Edwin 0. Perlt Poet Amerioan Legion and the Riverview Veterans of Foreign Ware, jointly 4o_liold a-faetival and --food exhibit at -Lehmann' -a Wood Yard on -South Robert and Oongress 9t, from July 30th to Aug. 6th 1932. Sno St. Ave. from__.._.. _. _. St. Ave. to St. Ave. ------------ .......... N. 1E I UJT BIACK D t0 AV 0 r ,M. Cu, 4D. ,n. , St. Paul, Minn. 192.._. To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property own s, hereby petition your I-fonorable Body to cause the following improvement to be made: ... _ St. Ave. from _ _ _.. _ St. Ave. to _..... St. Ave. NAME IAT IILOCK ADDITION ME" 'Mmm ► ii St. Paul, Mm -n -�� I '� -re The Honorable, The Council, ����//// City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: s, hereby Ci honorable We, the undersigned property own y pe i ion your Body - er to deny issuance for permit to the Riveralew Commercial Club togeoat ther with the Edwin 0. Farjointly, American Legion sad the Riverview Veterans of Foreign Were, y, to bold-a-feetivel and -food exhibit at Lehmann a Wood.Yard on South Robert and Congress St. from July 30th to Aug. 8, 1933, ino. St Avc. Irom. St. Ave. to -- St. Ave. ,Tune 21, 1532. To the "ayor ani lom— 7oin311, ^oirt ;: o.ise. n1,-ei-^-1, �esiieats iivin- in the im^eiiste neighborhood ant ai-iaoent to lahninn's -?o od�;vrfl on south ?obert and :ongress streets, ani tescribed as Lots 6, 7, 8 'clock 51 '+est 7t. 2au1 fro cer, do not ob)ect to the hot tin:- of :he 'estival on the sad ,rro:mds by the 'tiverviev "; omr.e.-cial ;tub, -i-vin D. 2erlt lost ant the 3iverv'.e✓ rete. -s of 'orelgn Tars from duly 30th. to August 6th., int in fact -ve f1vor .thy r;ra in,- of the —mit -o_ the ooni'ictin.• ani oderitin,; o- th,e ?e s.1vil. ^lane s. xe \d:^e sse s. 1.4 13iresses. TW 11E EAGLE gI'V—TCP STA. 7e n o.o....o... �,... CITY OF ST. PAUL r��E� NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK hCOUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM zf , _N.-�t - . _ _June 24. 1932 RESOLVED That upon the recommendation of the Commissioner of Parke, Playerounde rnd Public Buildings the services of the Minnesota State Bend, under the direction of Robert F.. Gehan, for the furnishing of bandconcerts at Como and Phalen Parke during the summer of 1932, be, and the same are hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the said Robert H. Gehen for the furnishing of these concerts as per the attached proposal, beginning July 4, 1932 and ending July 22, 1932, for a total sum of $1093.25, payable from the Park Fund, Music and Entertainment Itom. f 6F=n }tea-)['I4vv� 1 t4A �7-A UC €,4A. eflv4 I1 °m�a°c° ��u ear'4�fVn bg 6rlt`ia Nnga?��w"�j'^•^ ,ea�HR� sen m a ieor°�iwpaf�aie 0°"i Gia ossa. P°aaSu t9. ifi-. r so lir'-wpm ibq a Mecu nLyva u. iNi COUNCILMEN Yau Naye Adopmd by she CoonciAN 24 1 _ 19 ? 2402 May McDonaldI ( Approved. . 19 o avor Peace Rosen ,/. A Ag.m., S�i�ner n.l�/ MAYOR Mr. P—id— BrYie V o.�..�.o r... r.... CITY OF ST PAUL NO. .. S2851 f OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM June -.74.19.12 RESOLVED TbLt upon the recommendation of the Commiseioner of Parke, Play€rounle and Public Puildinas the services of the Gopher State Band under the direction of Dave Nshinsky, for the furniahing of band concerts and pavement dances at the City e during the .ummer of 1932, ae per the ettached proposal, ?roper end the same are hereby approved, and the /pity officer. are authorized and directed to enter into a contract with the avid Dave Nahlneky for the furnishing of these concerts on the evenlncr of July 26th, 28th and 31st for the sum of $165.00 per concert, and five pavement dances to take place on the even'—, of July let, 8th, 11th, 25th and 29th for the sum of $85.00 per dance, making the total amount of the contract $938.50, which includes surety and compensation bond, payable from the Park Fund, Music and Entertinment Item. M� t a -a courlc loin ery Yeas Naya ldopied by ,he CouncilJUN _9.1. 10... 19 AN 2 4 W2 McDonald In fa.o, �"1 Approved__... 19 MAYO Rosin �, Agai ac EY L .f 1LafLC. R��4-, Mc. P—id.., Ba:llc o.e ....o �,. �.... CITY OF ST. PAUL NO. OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRESENT.. eY COMM�se�orv.s_ __"- _ onre _June 24, 1932_ RESOLVED That upon th'irecommendation of the Oommiasioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings the services of the Albrecht Ooncert Bend, under the direction of Fred G. Albrecht, for the furnishing of band concerts at Como and Phalen Parke for a period of two weeks during the summer of 1932, beginning July 4, 1932, be, and the same are hereby approved, and the proper city officers are authorized end directed to enter into a contract with the said Fred G. Albrecht for the furnishing of these con— certs as per the attached proposal for six evening concerts, in— cluding one concert during the yvening of July 4th, and in addition to this a dance bend of 15 men, including leader for one evening (seven sessions in all) for a total sum of $1154.00, the City to have the option of additional concerts at the rate of $165.00 per concert, payable from the Perk Fund, Music and Entertainment Item. h ' naM}X4�ATPpa,��ia. °db �umi.I I' Yeas eourvciLMEN Na, m y McDonald favor Pca Roacn Againn ` /> Win,. Mr. P, ids xWI Ad.p,cd by ,h� c ... cilj`yN_24 11M___19.._.__ �o75A/pppro�veydp__... In. L=_)/"�` 1199/ No. 92B5U r CITU OF ST. PAUL .u. --" ' OFFICE OF TME CITY CLERK $ L. CgUNCI RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, U. . Swenson made application for Olaes A electrician's license, on June 20th, 1932, and paid the $50.00 fee in connection therewith, and WHEREAS, on June 22, 1932, said applicant advised the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings that he would be unable to engage in the electrical contracting business for this year and requested reimbursement of the fee paid, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings has recommended that said rebate be made, Now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised and directed to issue a warrant payable to U. S. Swanson, in the sum of $50,00, nos WA surrendrr �- dp'+P.NC�l hH�! �BedQila vr7B�'I the license issued on June 20, 1932. _� n, 7 a , „y„s a(oy xi COUNCILMEN Y_ PPce Nuys h r,vor I �/ en Ag inn' WWe-0 'XI,. President L rr Mahoney � Adopted Uy W uncu _.. -. _.•e••.. , ? = go 193 �.�` �L'c � c�. LLGQ&.gym-,�- -•. CITY OF SAINT PAUL S`AN D,PU BLIC BUILDINGS PARKS, PLAYGR�UND W. M-"' June 2?, 1032. Yon. L. L. .vnd or son, "1e nrrmont of Law. On ,Tune 20, this Denurtment issued a Class A Electrician Ll- sons Apt o pa ;50.00 in yment teSwancon. on rec-e r.for. "�o are now advl-ed by this ele ctrlc in test i has done no work under this license and finds t':it hn :+111 be ,51e to carryon an nlectrie',l contracting, budiress this year. th licens- will be of no benefit to t's. ',Ind.. an since it had only been issued sinco June ^0, w e oft the onini-n that a gent hardship will be imposed upon him if he is not refunded this lice -s- fee. Therofore, may nso you to dra- up the necessary rde.luti.n directing the Finance De- partment to refund t.:e fee? �_ e. air nvjc CITY OF ST. PAUL NO .....-i OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK.4 COUNCIL tl COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERALI ; yIi 06 Ayt�°1I Y b YF.}YY . �robe eo BY k/it� hs, dm c.c m am 0o M4� ..... �"' L� e.e , we.. aQanrfxt° WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 92548, approved May 28, 1932, the l ouncil did, on the 23rd day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M. in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain one-story tar -paper shack located on Lot 14, Einar T. Sohul- stad's Subdivision, also known as 1272 Bayard avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and It is the opinion of the Council that said building to unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreoked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at hie last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. cOUNCII,MF.N JUN 24 1972 Y'. NnYs AdoPled Ly th (uwicil _. _. _.IA3.... /Cil D Id : AI I d A .N <_W zel - _ CuuLl�11LU///yC / M Ynr r , P—id— M,honey iJ✓ rc R City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk �, Cev ❑vk np9u+ and ramnlelnnv of Rrfl.krHen Oid O.n-Oh Ow O+d Uw v.pm.uen .Tune 23rd, 1932 Yr. L. L. Anderson, Corporation Conceal, Building. Dear Sir: The following orders condemning bnildiage ware heard before the City Council today and e referred to yon for resolutions confireing the condensation: 0 --tory tar papershack busted on It 14, Ricer T. Sohnletad'e Subdivision, also known ae 1272 Bayard 1- Two-story brick and frame stractore located on Lot 1, Block 166, Boberteon-e Addition, oleo known se No. 19 A. Indiana Avenue. Yours very trayy, City Clerk. CITY OF SAINT PAUL Capital of Mi. ...o.. D --R-- - PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 City H.II FRED AL MIJA%, Commlaa—, August 4, 1932. Mr. Vt.. F. Scott, City Clerk, 221 Court House. Dear Sir: With reference to Council File 92854, which confirms the condemotion by this Department of the building at 1272 Bayard Street, please be advised that the owner has oar- rled out repairs and the building is now satisfactory to this Department. Therefore, council proceedings concerning this condemna- tion should be terminated. Yours truly, Commissioner. -- 1 ., CITY OF ST. PAUL c'c NO. �5/ r 4 / Mr. Yrcaident Mah... y OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTIONC GENERAL FORM .�MM6410New—f/ M -a/ � . 8r>SokY� WHEREAS, Helen J. Frozina has petitioned the Oounoll for perml sslon to inetal1 and maintain a drive-in gasoline filling at atlon at the northe set corner of Eighth and Jackson streets; and WHEREAS, Said Helen J. FTOzina has submitted a blue -print of the proposed lay -out, with driveways, curb returns, pump lo- cation, sidewalks, etc. for the information of the 0ouncll; and WHEREAS, A hearing has been held in accordance with Para- graph F, Section 5 of Ordinance Ho. 5840; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That permission and authority are hereby given to said Helen J. FrOelna to install and maintain said station in acoordance with the plan submitted; any deviation from the plan pumps approved will automatically Vold the parmit. The teaks and pompe shall be Installed In acoordanoe with the ordinances of the City of St. Paul, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Safety; the building plane and landscaping to be subject to the approval of. the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Building.; and any changes in curbing, sidewalks, ramps, drainage or other public improvements within the street lines .hall be made under the direction and to the satisfaction of the Oommi saioner of Public Works. The permission herein granted shall be forever subject to revoastlon by the Council when6ver said Oounoil shall determine that the maintenance of said station constitute. a fire or traffic hazard swea �I s3 Rv.. n r n 1 I..e n�..e-�y�y. •!bL - ,BSI! 8e4vQl .rii:n:rmn..onn COUNCILMEN Ycaa M /Myrso.„ra Nays r 4 / Mr. Yrcaident Mah... y Adopted by the c.na<aJUN -24-L9:iL_Iea. _. Irf- i' 2L 1931 ^qay �d _.. _._.Ica._.. _ 3Mayor, o L'UI:Li,:�u:D 7 /�/ 'City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk ►. r '_ mss, oh a«s .i � cuOvoti' and CommMlann oleyl.trney ai.�ci.. e.ew.u� June 23rd, 1932 Yr. L. L. �adereon, Corporation Counsel, Building. Dees Sir: to attach herewith all papers in the matter of the appli-tion. of Helen J. Frosim for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station. at the northeast corner of Eighth and jeokson Streets. This application .es approved today and referred to you for the proper resolution. Tour. very truly, City Clerk. ��5-' 0""dent 9f Fvb"v JvFeN rwarw.a. �,wwww.r.erwawr Jun. 17, 1932. Mr, John H. McDonald, Commissioner of public Safety. Dear Sir$. With reference to application made by Helen J. ?rosin for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station at Sth and Jackson, which application orae returned for reconsideration. W first report was unfavorable and was objected to on the grounds that there I. a large volume of traffic on this street, and that this street was widened primarily for the purpose of expediting the movement of traffic thrn our Loop district. If this Station Is allowed, there is no doubt that there will be other applications for oil stations on this street. However, the police have authority to eliminate left hand turns into or out of any alley or driveway. so It this station should become a hazard on account of left turas being made in and out, and incidents start to occur on that account, this regulation could be put into effect. Therefore I would have no objection if this application is granted. and will withdraw my former object!... Trusting this meets with your approval, Ism Your. truly,' Harry . Wettergr�ewn�, Sopt. of Traffio. M City of Saint Paul r + Office of City Clerk Ram ...me -d C— mdbru, ., axt cnd ci,n an a,n •nd Cemmlmla•x al R•Ram.n•• Jme 16th, 1932. Hon. J. H. YODonald, Cozolseloner of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Com®iseioner: The application of Helen J. yrysim for permission to Install a drlre-!n filling station at the northeast corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets sae laid over to June 23rd and again referred to you for fur- ther Investigation and report. Tours very truly, Zv :;7-- � J City Clerk. C< 'j � V SI,- I Ir,::I'll "I QVparIVwI* 9i I►vbiic 5at*t% John H. srw arsMcDonald m June 10, 1932 , Hr. Harry N. Nettergren, 9uperintendmt of Traffic Division, Bureau of Police Dear Sirs Attached hereto is entire file on the application of Helm J. Fina for permission to instal a drive—in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets, which permit nae recommended denied by the Traffic Bureau. The Council has referred the matter back to this Department for reconsideration. Very truly Your-, of •inner Public Safe, y I City of Saint Paul OyicF City Clerk ,r-0 Coeablene o! Rr9�Mllen �+�a q. YoeMt June 9th, 1932. Hoa. J. H. McDonald, Comer of Public Safety, City of Saint Paul. Dear Co®iseioaer: for yermt eeioa to install apdriva-tin rilllelen J. ?--I— t roeian tlu aortheaeL corner of &ighth and Jaokeon Streeteng oeaea before the Comnil for hearing today. Then the matter ►aa called, no one appeared and the application ►ae denied atby a unnolmoae vote. Later in the meeting Merle. Hayes aLtora 7, appeared for the applicant. The Council re- considered the denial and after some di-C--i--referred the file back to you for further iaveetigatioa and reeoo- meadatioa. The matter eae laid over to June 16th. The entire file is nEtached. Very truly yours, City Clerk. n„u 1 - '' Cz� Adopted by the Council 193_..... Yen.. Nuys. /NIAY llc'ONA i) --PEARCC ROSEN / TRUAX WENZEL MR. PRESIDENT (b1AIIONEY) Frjr. THE CITY CLERK Application For License AUTOMOBILE FILLING STATION TO THE HONORABLE, THE CITY COUNCIL OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA APPLICATION Is Hereby Made ..`� V FILED AZI . ........ ...... 11 --RR R. 0 1 1 THE BOARD OF ZONING SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 214 COURT HOUSE May 29th, 1932. Hr. H. J. Gibbons, City Clerk. Dear Sirs o In the matter of application of Helen J. Frozina to install and operate a drive-in filling station at the Northeast corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets, the Board wish to advise that this is a Light Industrial District and a filling station Is permissible under the Zoning Ordinance. They believe that the hazards which will be created by the erection of a filling station at this point with two openings on Eighth St. and one oa Jaokson St. should be given careful consideration believe of the increasing traffic on Eighth St. They believe that the best development of Eighth St. would be for other uses than filling stations, and recommend that the permit be denied. Yours very truly, 8ecre$ary. gh-rh VVP-arhA'WIIh 9r Pvblic UeFVP'9 May 29, 1882 Nr. Nike J. Gibbons, City Clerk, Saint Paul, Ninneeota Dear Sir. Returned herewith is the application of Rel® J. Froaine for permission to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Eighth and Jackson Streets, and reports of inspection by the Bureaus of Fire Prevention and Traffic, with r-and ation that station be denied by the Bureau of Traffic. Vary y%ou/rs, V Commissioner of Public Safety 9 THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY CITY OF SAINT PAUL key 26, 1932 Yr. George C. led 11-1 Commis aI._r of Public Safety Lear Sir: With -- to application made by Helen J. FYoci- for par- mlaelon to instal a drive-in gasoline filling station on Lot 1 of v. E. Wal able r - r angement of Lob 1 and 2, Block 16. Robert k Aand"', dddltlon,eanI rBlcok 17, Hoyte Addition, also described as the north ... t corner of Eighth and Jackson Street., On May 2{ an Snepeotion was made by Yr. Earry E. Wettergren, Superintendent oT Traffic. IL ie our opinion that thin appl lcaticn should not be granted on account of the fact that it will interfere with traffic; also, that thle station will require that It will have to be eliminated on Eighth Streot aide of station, end also on Jsokson Street In front of the station. This will take away the parking space forapproximately nine when nvnllable parking space Sas mush needed. Be..... It Se loaetad eo aloe. to the large buai.... oe¢to have ingress and outgreee to this et .tion it x111 be ne esary for care 6o1ng Into the atetlan from the south lone of trerf, la toe- a left-hand tum after aroeaing the rntersectf on, creating a hezard and eo¢fueion, also slowing up traffic traveling xe.t on Eighth Street, and after filling up with gasoline and leaving thisetation from the aseterly driveway and want- i¢g to go nest on ESghth Street it x111 be necessary to oroea traffic moving we at on Eighth Street, again c-singatreffic hazard eM possible —i eco idents. Eighth Street at the present time carries approximately 12,000 vehicles in twblve hours. This ie a very large volume of traffic rmd left hand tune '� ':.g made in each heavy traffla la found to roterd and clew -up the movement and also cause accidents. Therefore, we are opposbd, to granting any oil station permits on this et rest. Trusting this msete with your approval, I remain Very truly your., 0. Ero Chief of Pollee —A File 0 [jvpaphnso or Fvbiiv vsf eN May 23,1932. Hon.Goo.O.Sudhaimer Commissioner of public Safety, St.paul, Minn. Dear Sir: Inregard to the application of Hellen J.trozina for permission to install a drive-in gasoline filling station on the northeast corner of Eight and Jackson Street$. W e have investigated the for ego Ing and report that such an installation at the desired location would not 10- crease the fire hazard to the extent that it would warrant rejection. Respectfully yours, Ohief Inspector. June 3rd, 1932. Helen J. r-.ina, 1191 Ashland Ave., St. Pani, uinneaota. Dear uad®I Tong application for a p. -It to installand operate a filling station on the northeast corner of Elphth and Jackson Street. vee before the Council yest.rder and the epplioation was laid over to June 9th, Kth U, --t that you kindly appear at that bearing or have a repre_tatSve present. The hear!nR will be ].,old at 1�, A. U. in the Connell Chambers. Tongs ver,7 Lr,l,o, City Clark. MILTON Ros8 .c........... .... c Lov.u.o. ...I.- pepa�n�FD:,e���h vF'�'uiblfi�v �Ivr,%s .<...........c.............. .,.... June 4, 1832............w..,................. HrY. J. Gibbous i C t y C l e r L Res Drive-in Filling Station Lot 1 of V. D. Walsh'a He. of Lots 1 and 2 Block 18, Robert R Randall's Add. and Dear Sir% Block 17, Hoyt's Add. (RE corner of Eighth and Jackson Sts.) Helen J. Frosina, Applicant. The above proposed station is to be located in a district zoned for Light Industry. This is permissible under the zoning ordinance. Bnaimeerin¢ Remrts The present curb returns to the alley im the rear of the proposed filling station are constructed as shown on the Department's paving plane. The applicant has. noted this on the blue print attached as present curb. It wodld appear most practical for the driveway returns to meet the end of the alley return radius rather than to change the design of the alley driveway. There are a considerable number of trucks owing this alley and because of their large turning radius this entrance expedites their movement from the street to the Uley. The east driveway from Eighth Street to the proposed filling station should be moved at least 4 ft. west as shown in red pencil on the blue prints attached. The -proposed layout will not attect the storm -water drainage of either Jackson or Eighth Street. Expansion joints should be provided where the driveways abut the sidewalkq property line and the street pavement, as shown by the yellow lines on the attached blue prints. There is attached a statement of permission from the adjoin- ing property owner to start the radius curb in front of the property dirse north of the proposed station. 'S Yours tr %/Chief Engin / OR R086R, Commlaeiaaer of public Works. . The b uc-p1e, PRINTERS ROLLERS AND INKS 464-466 JACKSON STREET SAINT PAUL May 1£'th, 1932 Tc Vhom it mey- mnoern: For y.— info, -tion in regard to e—y to be oat on Jack-- St. — arish to state that pe own rjoiniUg property known as Buckie 2rinte rs Roller and Ink Cmpany located at 404 .,,E4oi, Jaokson St. This driv—w , starts on a part of 4u4 Jackson St. and we -re informed you mould desire this infor—tion. Yours very truly, b 1 Adopted by the Council ..__........ _.._.193........ Yen.. / Nay.. \IAY' NIcDONALD / PEARCE: ROSEN / 'TRUAX / WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) Adopted by the Cou.Ul.._.193........ Ye., Nnya. MAY MCDONALD �PEARCE ROSEN TRUAX —�'W ENZEL ,_MR.PRLSIDENT (MAHON�y7 V June Stn, 1932, 5— J. :.I—eld, cl'.,r of 1vblic Safety, Ctty of Saint Pant. Deer Cowoisoi... r, e 'f 1:4- T. Frost - for p—d•.Eo. to install a drive-in filling station on thm —ti—t corner of 3ighth and Janke— 9trssts was L.foru t- C.—il for hearinr today, a -n the wetter as cu11eL, n one --red and the ap�>li..tt.. was denied by n ten""' vote. "T In the ...ting, Merle. ueyee attorney, a eared for t`,e npp}ScanE. The Council re- coneid—d the dental end after ao:.e die .... to.rof.rred the file bac% to yo, for F-t.�er lnvestf^att.n wx recoo— we.d.tion. .ua laid nvsr to Jeno lCth. Tae entire ftl,a is attar nod. Very .ally J- J1me 16th, 1112. Ho.. J. McDonald, Co.:_te Saner of A,h\tc Snfot;� \ Clv -f Snt -.t Yaul. Do. -r Co..:f I'!." 1ic ttor. of Yelae T. %mains rnl aat,.: to lnntnll a drtve-1n flllfn, station at than,r['�.ea at ^ of rt -`,t': and ,T—Soo Straete laid r to - ??rd i n . nln ro'er-d to + 1 fo, 11- tTer S��vonti-a tt�� and r ort. To ire ve j troly, City Clerk. i t 7lfrnks.i i - a Stlab'w/ Bvi ding' I ; I I I I i I � � I i I I I i A/ / LO � o it C 61 i / I I, „ Eiah th S'f Plat showing' ;Driveways a»a, Fi//in9 Stofioii /m%�rovPn��nfs under,tonr�dPrafion �o�. conrlrucfeon onLof/ of //,0 Aleglr. J Re aJTarll'P7%7Pnf of Zf i a;7a2, 6/0CA /6; ?0,3 rf and /?17," Add .and B/or,¢ /7 Ada! - 9iPoa/ Ming. Mari 37Scale. /0-i ffvanf/.j�pP/ w.fn,?&.SarK 0 • i H.M..R 7 U 9 .. ..A,R..Aw COUNCIL• RESOLUTION No �_ AUTHOR -101 O. LOCAL -P—M-T PRO - ResolveF, That the Council hereby concurs in the reoo—ndstlon of theOontract Committee and awards the contract for grading the alleys in 81.ok 1, Gerard Ta Rearrangement of Gibson's Addition and Lot 1, Gibson's Addition from Scheffer Ave. to Roy St., in accordance with plana and specifications hereto attached, to GEOUZ DICKSON, he being the lowest responsible bidder, fbr the a= of $540.00, and the Corporation Counsel Se hereby Snstru4ted to draw up the proper form of contract therefor. ...M..... M.. 8822 ... —....TQM.... 639.00 ..P ..................,. r m .....,,. - - - 540.00 • H .. ..rt.... TH. �..H.2 JUS Ig (� .. M 841952 M.. 2857 Council File N..__.__`... ... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. Th,,,d,mig,,d hereby lu,p-, the making of the following public improvement by the City of St Peal, vi- Chan ng the grade of the west side of Sibley Street from TbJ-r.l. Street to 5emd 6txvmt,,.to watprim :to the red lines the. profile herato attachad...and, Aft.de a part heregf-the prooent gr%'-sa being Ahq b y,,Uue14es, there=..... Dated this.,. .2.1gd-day of "Tra—i. PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal far the asking of the following i.p,.-.a.t, i- Chapgjm Street from --- ..... . . ..... . Third Street to Second Street, .to to the red lines ...... . ... ....... . ... the profUe.- hereto attafted. axvd —A a par.t..herectf,--this. ................ preaeot. eALtialshad-grades-being shom-by blue-linas tbar.e=, b,,i,g be,, loseented to the Council of the City of St. Paul.....__._ therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the C,mmimi,,,, of Public W,,I, be and is hereby ordered and directed: 1. T, investigate the neesesity for, or desirability of, the .,king of said improvement. 2. To i-asti,.bs the nature, extent sad estimated coat of said improvement, sad the total seat thereof. 3. To furnish . plan, profile .r sketch of said improvement. 4. To state whether or not said improvement is asked for on the petition of three or men owners 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matters to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council.........__.._...14.1 W-K . ..... Y.- Na- Council— MAY Appmved-., MUAX Ma Pass— WEN&L --an 4 t 1 sa. r. ld The luUowiug rulm and regu60— rereml and eubmi— by the 0 it —ire Com- ex fm m they npply, shell ga the {} Clemifidl CivI 6ervirn o! the City pf Bt. NA. -• (b) The Cbier Ewminer under tha direcYou N the Owd F4rvico Cammi®ouer e l bevo direct —"of of ell ereminnUoue eupervieian of dl mrorde, .d —W N ill —pi— and epecid emm be shed iu g "' under the Cammi®auoq be v and ndmiNetmtiva hued of the Civil Uarviee Uuruu. _9 ,.l CSV: ,. ."i i;i ,:. f' '•.L10V''3: of m,,.'.00 r io:Lif i,: 1, nhn11 'lnnn nl.qYr a ooaition �(_-. •. lr - ) '.'a -"n .'r.7. ). : - C.n ro o !ttart`. „csno'rxj _ro+i cf onc.l, n: ,.11 I: t r.,t on i:_o1.ling 1,11f,iblo—our.11 morn n.y peraon A. b:r t'lr'— of ;'oc,,.t_si :o . . - t5.on., io o!ti clop io co�:�tifi.ont oar:: o•^ C1'::i �rml.o:mfont;, or v;io, hnving boon tanpornril� sa�nr.. Cod from tlxe norrico, io-,,itlod to rninacatrn�ont, .. -'�L, , r �, .., I'. i. a All Ieaitinne i.. tM1c ('IneniBul fkrvirn ore hembY divianl I T l tba Pm dd—) y d — like value in tM10 city xrvire. 5x. 5. E.—pt —111--All the 7't" t,,,, c .i�J 1� 5 1,1r m this 1--l", for tha solo Purgae of guleu this aNim engin shell fIlia Council, by ei to u enamreiatretive - I,, Provide. p Uo - U. IG K!,.l I I, ACJ• Im. Vi. (7 ' j -,do i I -d' T� j V,._Illli, ,do 1 -N--o redo ld-- I,r jx—itoct—l'rclftr,� .ani or I e ori n;; 71 rade 1°--"lono ,,,Il 20 -- ,ell, et -h It-t—Il Enginacr t Gull'. EnC1.131 (c,l'y P)rinoih Aaalt=% Civi IIn A.elEtoet CiIii �­,ih_ �­"'iihr) ­Iet t Civil J,,tj .. r I or r".) It '.tent 0111i Chi of of 'r _h ^i,ill.h Chief of cetleg and Ord— ."of of CSroulatinn i—ei on In lo f of 'll—II2 -I`131eh Chief or pori,III-1 ulvisl-o chief of Referents Divi elon Chief of �hool Divi.i-h —city Prosecute - CI I I Mgin—In, Sid—olk Engineer iPzoiel Engineering InapeCtOr T. 't Ing �'C In_ tont uP P C,Iil, er, to I., 3 dL t ll A ,J,,d ­j!A,nt ntinuor j -I i IT, '—p I, "c - 1 1, :0 10 11 p- c t t—p'. I Its idedici'i l�t1 eyelietri It) l eb, uteri^ari in do 21— T;..ig Ill-, " Cie Z'th ,j,eeter f .,�b­ot.ry (He jA­t1r of Tocti'Z Laboratory :'rivoip_1 Ent Cjvjj ,hGj­,r Corporation C -III -11 �,eni.r 1--ht—t ,tiliti.. I.....tnt -,,do 2-, - Engineer 1,1_ote, f �c!­i ljySlen. ,,,do 26-- "JI Se—ic. ef �� ,--1 and­r.eu) T,61,.rj.tend.nt If C-het-Itillo an.. Credo 27-- L3,i,t=t Corporation ClIncal -Title -b-li-hed except eo t. precept In - .—bent .. -se. so.ti.. je d Fygi-i— I.:0 t" 1. br i '1,6—py ;.1.d0 --j o..o: f3 to t 1-b-"". iW I Grad, 1�- e�els G,J I Ino, �,,t cad l,, ont In op odor G,,d. 11---, - 0, 1 nd 1:W 7— .do 14, - 'r. 'Lin ilp'tCh— Flro cInt'll Arfoo— I of oo A 1— L,,—, Tililll.� —.— Md. O "'l sotrlcle.n /:plica': rl- -A .1' f I it i r W *.fitlo bojjnj­j ex,,pt — to pre -It in—b-to. ��- 5. 1- C' I vin I,-- "en .t 14 SLI Chilz 11 --'.lona .1i., Rai " T Gr -tide Grade 14-- t Gffi­ Iv:U., (Continued on next r'—t; ­l", u (:".n _u f Bul.ip'! b :t t 1, T lr� I I Dri— Ird je,.,u,j,,t or It )IT Lr '--:A IT, L-1 t .'Itt.ad.nt ­ 1- 7-- A c k" uperint-dent of t e-- %I !a Ar, "T") "kh-c') ,,ITt n 1. t or Bureau) II.nani. 71ltar tt"j-,.t ' IT of ly", C- lnaor � I. 'c 11"I u D atrj,t 'r' oroman '.til!. 'bi Li,,"ltilg I-Pli-ae 't— ta."'t i.t u fM.n rj�,, =ho (Continued on next r'—t; rade 1� -Pone —d. ll—'l— ono Groan la-- —x,� 'or alt Gr--de 20-- D'lrnctor I ip II L I Genet rel Po� of �Jul.ldS-�,� �onntruot Lon ,,d. 21- 't—dolt .-i 1-t inn 1-d. 22-11— Gr,ds23 - "SUp 0 1111116 It If - " P.rl.tItof -- I1 Go—t-etton If Crede 24--:!One GI.d. 25--Nona Gr 'A. 26--N.— Grad. 27-11- -s-- s--. 5. i.!.p B.7 t �j nt i7, ':;et �o % on a-3 of rior c-,d 2-- odliff Ilea -1 -k cook _1 f -- i— j,lor --ger oln,ol ,, :—.hcon C-11 1j__„0 , -od- 4-- 14__0 1, �Illerlfl .k C1 no ", r on r ­' nor ' ' I '-a t end: ' t Go— U 1tl —C — 111—On 7-- --n- 17----ono ..r nds $__._cn�3 rids 1P__ Llro, .c�xc tc.r� _.ui n0'=r 7-1. 6- !,j r,o t 'At, nd—L Colloc for I,j Gr-d- 7--:1--o Gr 2'j- II-- Gdo ,_erode ?7--.ono L f.Iloap11— G' nd. ---flops - - - - Irld. 1—d. i S. " , , l `I, :"", ^1 _191 OyVrl C ,I Pf, into n for t, I i o1�u-ln ,.sslst nt rr sporty I.nn „ei,ist. st Ct igo —P.— ssisi..rt :.nge Lluet1'lelan ?iiof ils:i sr Pr, rv: _. i1d roPcrav re.n a Crpen ;tnpo :J. octri cl on lingo '.r,pl oyo 'L rltar ('u.il Lorlum.j ?lcrtst :allot Usher (c) Caml-skillo3 Laboe, :�:Ich 11 hereby ds Pinel to Sncludo h 13br Position, o u211y r �miro s . eolal skill, knoml edge, e::Perionco, -:.nd hlcl:usr hilly compone.�.ttad Coro ._n hourly bads, ;hlc aebdlvSslon sh',11olaclude the 2o110n1,, a,playmant S4 lspholt Laborsr A. Z:� t !lal— :.uphult `ho✓alE•s beldgo Laborer BuildingLaborer Con— to and Curb Laborer Dlt.oh Digger Dog Catcher fvdenLaborer !(tittle ?I,. n P-- n ieg Bedmakor Laborer :.tone Blocl< Pnvor r— or T— Leber- ©. COi Sec.9 Go—'11�a co fiaeJl.Y the —.1 I'll v1 grwln uIhh .n g nnreol ehnll wvnlr .11 nnann�ar W u mn u+m �n vuoh grnJe. t bbl 'Che c �� finwl LY the Coun. _ nPlyn�nnt� m R unJ x liem�f PplYeun'ilon�JY W nll yerxam mrving in eurh e� must nnJer �hc titlu Jmigmt�d in uhrae eu'tinn orJnnre with tltitles end g— in u 4.1 tlo 6 0. R, end x hw.[, —b number of Pcrmam m n then wd—.1 Amy Iw^ mmrY for tho Pmpnr d Iw bminma o(nWeir{uativa JeywrU men mA _ _ - T,o ovteoJ t ' oy il��l Lace t m viJ U �I.Jiv Ib)n 9cclian U hereof ahw l lb, hw Coun �il for tha ereJo t 'whic rexribeJ by t inoJ inn U v B pmiUun u nnJ .PW�c"":l —d m Jeh:rm'pinr�nm.t u��Sec- uhnvn; n�mnnt W m nnJ [he oµxifie m —ib by the --1 for We Ivniculnr mnploY newt (b) No poreon holJing n µMinn io the GlmeifiN ser.icn .n wnr of u,w grwem m se.hon a of toms n,lee n mn �,rter wnr raJnn ° mn m� minae nu nrghu emm� numr p,ei mn i, r .o R �i r �I Pre�oxirJ u � u[ IogL.r conk; .iAc+l, L r, Ux.v n elucliulw . x rr nl c ✓Jv'�r^+ Wxu thn ru Irli�nnlY x nxLlcUin thF{.i o virvuu xnl lLv yhi(•iv�r or other .� � r �.rwue Vmo'wianx fixM Ly Y tM ('numiL x�Y ,n eluJl Le nyuirM In xd�nn�n r �c� x eon liUo�1Ni�lxxVl"�i�t4mm�l .� nVloYmeiit Vlo��11. Advo ...ii e Im�guL ail n T rnr the".. adxry xJrxxvement xlh�.LnLla LY n nvJconlin- eurh eeniorit�xhxll <Llo [min LLe time of mgulxr and cnVlnrmcn4i 1 vidvd, hawm'er, lIi lx'tM10 cl rve�l nn �inl a nrwdM .n a�ix . .r enc „�d � wlnrRw�,.ed I N�dxr ur'L n igAi+�ymeuv a vho lx � wn fmm evl r�J u( �Ir ru�ix�onnln mix moloye col vod v ntno rtt t'n—Cf, pro- moLlrn r]. N,!tna vided in xatlov a pro TP,o1nt-e nt hB to e tied cei thug ntt .iia �ntr.nco rata Plzod f'or Cha posi� tion i r�'�i oh B � I:roriotl on So mv_ila, r (i; o^^.hd rxteLl`. i- colving 3n t.�a I:ositlov f—ll IllichB pr oma. Son 1:; pl- ul' 5, of i'.-�e L.'elc fi—d f" the I—iU— t.r r.hich pro�.ro Ll On SB madB. 13. Melnrenxnce o—'1'Lrjc ehxll JMwrnl tm�n the w.IxrY PnyxLlcrundu ILie colo ro xny un.Vlnve wha, in tho Ixeitiun held.. him, rec.ivm mm rhe rale, 1«Igin uvhcr wM1i�M1nlnirlc vlm vtJur ot eucL r xnJ such vuhm el 1 Ic l --,..,d L xyncmcnvr Lcrwacn Ure Jclurtrnrut Imy. e rnM and nw civil ce .um�nm�oier nnJ ehull Lo ny I ruvM Ly vLc I.luyar. cdnl .,Ilowunae. -0nv nlclore fur tnc y ulFulvlmp, i lurnul,inp ..f .u, nu4,monil., n.um......! uvilun,n u timer ry ui tM1r perlununucu of�I�M Juti,e of nie I �nm ar LFr ]IIYUL pert, mlw.Usrl c, plus 10 :�, mr tdl m tneA6 n4 for Ina daily vvl mama u restmnt for Ina Fonrly CCLe III o nJJition u in lieu W vnenuione nnil e ck Ir�ve wiuh pay.) (F1 I1, Inn cnmpcuen4ion fixnl ny .Fv C.„,ncil ie ou 1,,— me Faurly m r anon Ix. nne.iRLth plwse ante JiJly rnln. I rA I.. the n.nmeu RUI.F. 11. Appll.v Ilona, iav minall„ne, nllRlnle I.l— Mr I5. �n� �,1 pl�liv�.li.ine u • I.}n lrJ ,.0 Ilir. n nnla lumielirvl nvtlM1c Civil Mrvicc ulli,iul now np,reinuol. Ikl.mUvc npplivn liav finny Ix ,drJ, nal n1I nppnrnl�one mull le retninN Fv nc peat tho Saqui to enStl n wilM1 nll Iex'e �� tltl© -Poll.. .d —it 1 nRmtinyrvmplorment in nc ne pn.r nlnicli mm' nnlJ)'. "CM10 e a dauuuJ too p .dim liraneen, ,fir �i lirrN.'Flrnrc e(lfii 1..1 it Aeoliu filed for <-- ii zna r rlher with utter nd<-0ecc i�drun rclvt nR v I.c almcr.r>�cT-c3 cry- rtes c';vil Serving fturrnu s Ilurin� 9ucn ull� r,. lul,ne of t -zz �- _ _ P_ <.�ps chat r o eur6 v�Pliev- Ir ' !b) :.1r1 ^:may]. z -c- r.te rind .luuli PSe.-ilonc,.----.pnblis„ad tea. it1S !I-. t`in t. ria=nri ptior. of dutlas C3 i Typ i ea.2 plc -e of dubs* (Ly '-in ivnaz-, <lnlific -tions ¢s to .. esti n.: 2r 33ra in _- exparlanco, �^v13sd, a - - t;tz ntuaddlt Sone'_ t!ifyirt r- a - ri _ _ Weill be entad Sn l.l au oS' - - - :.done tr.31 n1 nt�ci,t1 not o£ uch-addi- .ion:alrtt1if-vY� - axporlanca shrill ba r_crlbod = L2z� ayt>i vel ant f.tete lnc`<in r. uei 11�rri Lscm _- fil c;o ba Snclu dod, n,i on £romy-t Ly o£n ct. nlulcasite11 bo nli-s;iblc £or - civ it __l tion . a£orami>nt© -empl oymen2 guanyr a14_io in the clasalP led rv-1 c©. ile recoiv iz'i ( sucri pension bonefite. K. eaideaee_—Z O pernc>n shall t>c �mit[ed unlevs ho is (ef S i6 R ie�r 'tzon in the eloamified --__ a ika¢ united Metra o heuurnLly ,I;nchargc-d 1 - rf or vailor of the United n- le{Gal mv:d¢u of 3t. 1 .w for nt 1� t}e m•+ the - proc-c-ding thetdvto of each u: nu,ndorytc .—xzd C agleter ed voter or M. Faul e 1 f o £ vo Zing nge . T �`atl of sh®c r¢gWremvn n,>y be .'rd by - of the Council whenevw ,Ire ni fu she 1-1 -e.f the o do ;dra� no chs if t t,fs�. enaible enc is rt.1 uneth¢ vis of boldin reRWvrly xhed- ulod0e min aF Fewe the thine peteonv filo (ur uclt - o the Cczrz r mv�i'iv crrd' tnhluh such +sad rOgis.rnti g2ne:r31}/ �'ble tient �'aw U i19 bL th¢ Ca>u cil of —Y of oC ahallu o force IuuRotru tnen I�¢cezrzi.er 31 of th¢ y r ulwhieh such vuunv,l ect.on bee rz�.Pa eKactzv¢. 1t 1 o,,�loyed by t 1i, .ndrlu:l:�tie tion •j +>P <.laeir o�r; llaity.-a,,,,�,or t661 aer,oe -3 i, a l�to - ,,. '2 vl; p::crpin� _�t'21 unr,_ Soy. 1 Cn ter and Fltneae of AOPI:®ata. Every uPVliyanamoot furnish x tl o[ good hehi¢haraot¢r, w te and PhYe: 1 0,.abJ:ty w Pnrfur o �l. f henith a of the wh:eh ba aealca proof n "yo phymenl d'uab: Producod fo t6a Civil Aervica Humeu o[tthe _ of lM1c bod clwrncwr di®ulut¢ lrab:eta_ re w nrN wndnct, nr of tho public crvicc �[ o Pphcoot o o�Ribl¢ shall ba dermN au(hcient c. x�lude bin, from Bill r for re, al [fon, e r alt ali�bte a\u xhu lue bacnv a<¢d fro dtiv a hecn�¢�nf u y rnult r deli h:a s1oJl he wln�ttcl W nnnnt�on for at leant a y nr �J�er each re� ono. 11. '.`als<> at -... .--r,ny ft nudul--':. 1--d— I.. - nd•.tc'L _ oepilon by <'ppl1- .e.. :,11'Lbla, by rtthar� `ri tis . ::iZ ✓�.�c_, in anappl3oat3 ora - Sn..'.i��nbarynto l: 3ppliXel_1- .v from furt-, a amineati c £o .i't Yivooy���.z-a, if c i -- pl oyar:. .t.li: oLt.,' ...uvl.ce, bor elhriil oit axis nnloycrnt � - - - r�:yu ri"F:it i:•. -J' ::n� al lttal•i bl(e r�i.s pp.— _ - rrlacG festa Lv. 11�-a:l meld Pro.^i the�o - Pthi c, first l:uvmn to . :c - . tnni�i to bC,, d in Itis -ss-nnivunce, nll nE•rt3e� - ,``-.11�n -..-d equ..11y gu11Zy u-:acr 4i:aS sto rcctinn. tiec. Iv. Eeeminarluns. Lu a—(vl All ca t Lv c n�lvllwr, ental br c yv eye vnAeJvJI Le LelJ ruuJrr rna Jim�tico of nl:luy I , ehe :, reiAc, 'u vPecW rV thnm nnduc c afar IoeAivg of nnY a Mille �cex ul niJr wrinl � t'eMll Iw i n.iuJry anal nY unlet enl We g hle+l wn �n wan A nler4, wn oHm, ennn amianae me 1PPlimnb eLNI be natifiwl „f the pmt- I�fnl Iden —earn of Pn who fail i rel,I e.a,n nn n t en aiednmJ'�mpotiw an G s lad �f a n—hn na e hie t ..n �,nW �,uon, nPPI i rut n hu vrkin rhe um4 filal whh thu l;rvil [iervlce Ilnrcyu�v�ul„:rixr enn:eovv elm W J.. thu fur Lim. (d1 eub7vcte vnd Welghce.—TTe eunjcfln �. eignm fnr nnall x enc: II:. hid faiay na jadgmnof to win mlxt� rnnirll nl me —,did— w henn.m thr amim of me P,niJno, vna n: h enl,jvrle mid weign� ennn I„ pwa-rd i� allrlvl a of earn e 'n.aeairt� enbIm indel»na�tq by the eh„nal.: mlc.l y ne nml, w ralnrma a miof vn.e onmembled n �rnnlmnirlK�bnt n �I n d�� a: n ennn ba held n ore n.men of we :hid ucb I,e dmign bA by h.—min ay ,lam-innr �rdhrm a:an,:netinne� nM anau 1� made nr are used to 2aet n qumliome b -"I bRro. w I,e un[air. ia- and d.to`s lmor,lol:do levlinp, rr h. the nntum u[1rvrmn .lu,slione ennll Ln dvlannin..l Ing of the doti.s pf tl,o xiM, end tl:r n as rnt F .m vinacr o1 the t p"It. on ,11, ,.1 and I,h, —I La v IM rithnr ........:- un,fyinq, ne ,—nlaxl h: the nRirial The tasty usod Sn c vii v Y ximl one :hall bo re:trletodt ce The til,- that e: 111 test sn appllc.n (1) ;iia aptitude, training. or knonlodg, if the r,,rk or duties .clfied far the particular poel- ._on•(?, 111. physical ability o 01'311 in performing the duties of th. pncil.lon, (3) f11 r, � nal Sitve se, o per sonal it ;rr Sfrlmportant to the ositien= (?�1: Pactorr rah en fsed, shall not c rry e. —11:ht groater than 2110 of the Height. in the eraminntion.j ?h: .ub]:ct ofU..tion and e porlenc:a 11,111 be .:ed.e . factor % aAepeode shell Iwde—.�i— by -4,9 h, -1 d hy-� a—�b ............ h �,;, la kept on filo m pnLlic m.crJe. lul —;i— 1. —-d ..,I ma -p-1— lh,� 6WbI. �t w which they rclete --[I , 1-1 —.—, t. the -.. e1nnJ- nnb .—king. In addition W the e0,— used fnr nal ar in heu of n[ 1h. entrantq envie b. ,.bj— of — ..d ac.i.nly, and I thew .ig—- l .h .,igh� . i. the j.d­t .,f hu 7 lot meultinp 'b� ,I ol"'.0l We CIn.l .11— 1'; . -ll,.-. I —Y 4 ...� h 1.1, 1 to attain the ratl ha filled Y --I�r -b,—, to t1l,, ward" —.h. —1 1 1 1h, eligible 1'u1. Th If s—shftll .-dldat.. .—Jl to rad ont the 11.'t In the order of t.talr- el.u.l rt—oun, as eIi,ibl. li.t ahsll -�—d to Foch dictirotis�, s act, hol.-sr, t. —ti.no 27 and 34a(b)- In priority on the eligible list shall be do (1) k m—iod leen, or a adriow lith dependants, .;,Ul take Precedence Trb the ..I others,11 ,,a of .1-1 1.1.1. "I'rity is Lima of filing appl i-et'so 11 of 111111 a. ', ,-oil determine th: -the o s list. (2) In the ..I. Of .Dual rot "go of Promotion , motion—Iolldlrts,Ilsir —, n; ice 'et., .or,,.g to ,Iltlll I'. shall determine the pleas. to. .11gill. I C, the hl Fhse—,S, us�ice ',rating 46- in e-- f al ser... seniority hall ta -'lg1b 1 1 Zr 'he gr. -to -t seniority th . so"71j,i2l by him at the time of too promotion examination shall take pre.. d...e on the list. Lha coca of other eligibles, of h.e x11,111 ism .11,-11— mll�l-, rho Wt. form III Ill— 6t _tlw io the soler of their -i.g m lhe 1,,, I -d .1 the Rl,ol- 6.11 w - 11—o of xxY enooe. ix xddr— I.. W1 re 4 Ironthehll� .f "oLl, th—f; r'vi-, ll--, IL-1 by order. , o'j,j %IhUmg, fijIl with No City such Iwnal, no -i- -"6 d in We 0-1-1 nn8lri nn.1 —& f'Alh— .in t:le Fir, Servioa ,r— to rhxt nPlrliciu�w lair rhe fim xrrvier innY Le xe. n m�n�muni bright �[ .5 Ir. a55 in. �Lxm. 4vt Stt. 34. .nnAltlanxl AccePrxnce. .,i v M �mJitiaully ndmilh�l 1 �xinPlolc, x vital eiirh �. ei�la lh�n nPPlirnxlr ix her t xbhTg nice 1, x,hnr�exl Pmnr „ urh e,�hn; rnx e.xm��ml�ma xx xm rr o x„��am��ora�h.� Sec. 33. Mledemcnnor ro Obetrucc Rlghr of Felee ReP tlun In Cvaminorlun — eu�rr wmee wn,�ehdl wun,ny nr l���,�u nerrrlghr u(c mgixl mNio rubs a gulntioi e� I mxri4d �I gvnr. u n( this art, or who enxll willully'—d Ixlmly a u rk, grxJe, Ilw rely rnJine a[ nny� oulxrc 4rm1 rtifinl� thn 'ot thieg eiJx� s,r Joi wha ennllPwillullY�� axkr Ixlm g air g me mrd, x.�wn, xl�m�wiuwlr mn,ieL �m ha r I�J.�r mr tlm xr;wr.wi� a mx h vifiN� a Iw a nP�laxmgwlemd or rtifieJ, `a who ennll Iti arbor I�r�n, ar Ixro�ir er xiJ otlYcr I.:�non w c him, is witlinx �nx �Plal'�nen4 u ,nlrim a. Iw ineJr nP1oYeJe4—,%hell far wrh d-- g-IleR_ew+ he y d „ uiuJmmm�or. RULE 111. Neyul�lUonn xnJ (Krtlll.vtxrua. .M.a. 31. d l of Rllling V \1'Immvcr n � tberhuxibal u. uch v xliNlnbe (Jld whyryver 1- mvthc fxlluwingvardyr. 11 LY n.lu.uvn, ('!) by usrwfr, (l) by nirw�.leinmrr, A mt �. gq.bY ur ginxl u�tmuix_ ec. 31�y�Vncvnclee 1—fi"lh vulelrlyne.—V\'h- the eL.wifial x m, the gvalheer yr I.rJy nhnll rL..ky �tt �� [cr ud n udi ri nllnll Ir: atl�e f.r l,n .J Lv thu .linll 1..Iw Nlnl �' tM G�niniimii�nc ir. making �arGby th i uilaw x.twlvetnrY x n by the allity thrr{ntlrn eve whirlh 'n[ thy r nditi n(a rVlyl r thn of thc�xrrviee invulvydncm ue1, be final Vrylmrl5t by rt ��! nn eligibly y( tlm ma elrerified it the rt ,.nn. utln of Lilo Lr:.: r: _ th o»lt_vn Ss o^_11ars fcl�•.11 'ul_'E.1 Upyu msipt u( the ml the r eImII, uulm Wn veruncY ix w Mrnbllal mrWer, ur raluetibu undyr Urc c of ihetrulm, ccrtll w the.1,, ting ylli— the �f thy thnc lending higbere n the thm order yf ll-, r nJm the ­l, yf Wigihlvw wrly nl�lrn ylhc d l— .1tho ty xnbn,�, e, �,tnt'rw�• v �ip� m nay x� lr t,�rr t i, : el._r;oio 11.�t o wn:oe elntil_�,,l ncltt c. sraz orl1>:_ 5'^r. t. ertS :1•=ntlon na11 bo tch ,t'. I- _ .r rt rt Ely yro['opri- ��^1: of ar, tho c, i Lin er tic ors u provl t'. •cl l:`at the I.— _ti- �•hlch t' bell 'sJnnt ural ch cirac':cr Lc Last nr',1-r t �:Iti nll;. :J,= ;u o:l lir; e,2lcnE o Sg1b, nc to ;Ig. rn�,ll ;. o a�,tl oa i t113_tlon Nrom Uiime certified tylrlwintlyg yRmr yr IxNA.11y nll fill tha v 11 I( tw �. to be final, them twa moor tLxn thu mqurrred umber of pereyrw to�e V in4� eu A �,eertifieJA If a mores f! .�ipblxvta . '- ie�r ax n eirg with Rule IVnyf tlru urdin l.th crardhcn [hay( ouch pp � eligibles ehnll d: given Irrefcrev'rami 2r{ibentiyo end � colntmcnt. ..cv{�t e. ottnt-t,i.eo nravh dc3 �..: tihnre 1 •'�..n pn L.Wnant n1' n elighbl; r the_ list n. reglutrrr p owe A„Y x lig rmgw froiii We city �'+vice d,dl not, dwiug eucL i, Le ecrtifiN Irvin m eligiLle list m el�rjLle, Lut it leucL eelmm ,neY. tion V Iwitl outolnWt ur drlin4 nn M1u Pnr4 M grmbd Jw rigl�,n ul nii uriginnl ewtn,nt an eud, lul. Sec. 36. C tihmllnne. fn) A n u LImW e, nnLe,i by Ilse Civil dery Jrvweau eM1nll lx y llh, to the eligiLle et M1u letmt all- m ehuwo Ly tl,e m'x,r�le of thr. tlunn,,, nwtiug that Lu „ a of threo wLieM1 hm L.xn errUhW lu Ju: i wul.r u n el�ll Ir. x Were euR� r,ec go We ii of the W,ee lJipLlcwg..nili�.l iu the orJer of U.,ir�wnJing n the mrtifiee,ion m t , 1 :SII .:aly 1'_ a bl,'f1.1 cl_phlc Li tn� G:rtlBwrlon on R-., 0.1y. —l— d.—i, —h i.,, ..y d:obi. -j II a lcrwn I— hi. to K., Sec. P F.H.- 1. R -1 d.p—'d —l—five d,. lb. thein 0.11 1ro f—,the 1 —pt Wde rihl I ex 11 U'—di.. f—Ily If, t the t of m earl' .11=h, lde of -hel�, I., —Y 1- -i-ldfi —ld ne :—-— d, d 1-d . —.—i, — - w ,— y 'h,, eligible did not file x waiverW— W 4 Z� 111, ILI l-r, I in '—A- 11 IL, f11I Ll L I ,pp 0 't but ,—A b-' fl— p"o-.11Tec- —1- It cn .,,t, holl b, li—gad to th, po,I,,d of p-t If any y " t-tto— on f.1, tent '1,ul be found :,'I - sallIld to e. f . ,trine dot "..Itl— to Mli.h !,, bell 1-11-111d, III, It p 111tI11 1f'1- el, 1 report such so , "lot in it ler l,, to the vii ry leo cn """'0""'�d ­y' lAth till 11—It of each c spiel fl tally ste.�ed 1.n wri tin+ old p -batl "or at any 'tBoc i:, , thl ix-:,.,,V, pr.b.tt—ory -i.d. A p,,tati,n,,, nho is 1,Jd off b--, be ciltelble f— —1, ltltalllt LL s. t 1—t t— fi, -.7.,k d_.,,, or 201 e-- L—,,; on his b +t— d.rinthQ first sire butt 111y t1,.:1,11 be place en tho IiF, ti-o, which taa — ,pol,t—ot t,do, if "Ch list i.,ctijl Il, force. If i3—h prsmotlon I, h t n th o n th -bt� p' is, hs 11. in tlI s 0� I �, f' .,abcli position — din,q .y T_,t of the •,obl,..ti.. pli.d, be r,,i.et.t.d to the poalti - r by hit the 11_ f such probationary ..... to , sp n . I'll —ln d �ll, 1n addition, ch have his tl.—� to Ste Ple— n suIt.,. .utW�riiv w Thr. o11i�er ur b+I� a�nkiuq .uch ��.mrrnw.. 1, dnnn n. n :dyer er. J3. porvry F. .--Illnn m n .. hy m. .. r',IFr,:r, ow cao� —h s, r, lha µid offi— w iinke r. fill r. �I�I„y of n �ull_r' and tm - vi.l,d� ihnt lhr n nllnyyalhrcr nr bwly �uLh.p regrirat tnr Hach o ll�nrilY Fi�en Ine�n which n mr 7�d�i,em ..t me Co���i�J�h�oer rw�w aunt me nWI nni rouunnc Lm �xl e. uaeA n rc L xi. It nny clig�llo � r lint is willing to reVl 4�nry�rxry e�n�lnyn�enl, IU�rn aurh rlipihle nhnll, en 4hc dinrmtioo �f tho Gnniviraiancr, Lo givan I�rercr nrh ��nlbm.y en�nh,ymn�e. TM1e � n[ e��rh me mFlay�nenv nhnll t thr uwhirl l] f R111111 nen 1M 6w b rery ehon[eione under R`;ei i.n oHI S— S!. Emergcu.y E.Piu enc.—In rwe. n( - .•. -'._ . _n.l - mphryin� oncenlilnY K w - - _ will nu fll 1 ellum of �—ded � 1--, �tMtnau,�hn eh 11 no ra-. - d- wi 1—, Il, II rnl d the (.iviln:lervire Itur . _ �r rc1�+,.• _ cr.. tJ. -.t tl o fhrx �+ „�f�tci. -1�vev l3t ty+�ratir!:,, -,Il bo _ ,,,�ol u_ionar r- re j,:ct a_rvtrc 1. Lx 'c. _; rloul+ o+it �i lin :�', 1i. �ii =':irr �• b .l, r uty gannr+.1 e rvica or lw-g�'. oup oC ox'kar; iso. m to 9—t the follo`Sng .ributl.�n:'ntin S. ;ylj to 90; sh c11 br. lo.w:^, .ad lj to 30� "I, 11 be highrr Sec.... ulecbm and R kvowv eJdrem, ecttinR l- ms chvrgm vgvimt him, enJ eMll iv(onv Lim 1h, ilj 1. the cMrRee me ei- plvinad wtiefvrl d. Ire will Iro mmovwl lrom tLf r rodured, m thx rseo m} Fe d .Py or lIM re n ehvll nt me ems, nr mpelm — mo Oirill lb, en Cup vl , cawed nems me rmrB xrrniri�lr1f ,Mier, ne .Mn reply 1-1 it w within ere Jeyx, mJ eLdl xniJ mply .1— o me v"WinliI' neicer lemonvlly nr xenJ it to him tlrmuRM1 11, moils, sod ehvll oleo hlc v of xvid mMy -11, the (A- Izrvire f'arnrm. SI roolA M1c r. n -1 me ohvRa n erUG- tly specific, M shell -1— two Aeyx, it mk the eppointnM tura bill of I ulvrc -,beMll bn lumlebed by miJ appoinlinRtralficer� lflcr m evil Lill of Iw fN th, the xI im- shel) hove Immo dnye in which tntfile the reply Irrlore provhleJ for. After r<w _1J mplYly a+iJ ogre. -11 r voider rf.,ther said oM . vnA grid r ly, rfle nny .— w be meds —,l,hem see ft U rn 'be Wlh ore (vrbity of the alrergee sod tb. rely. Alter full cna�idemtiun Fe nMll r�r1e eurh mlion ne n hu Ineammt merthe ercusxd oeix relay Yang hi.mcimd Ae- cluing lne ehvrgm unfounded RrTFie decision ehvll be but il —h eid— i—ol- i. . A -, -- W— h, ­dennrRcaey req 2 tt, ,ffi ­ ,zrt.= ,y, ikl Thnt {w hru x+licilal LLc vom of n inemMr n( mn ciir e;nnne�i mr nr ,xai,wt a vrnlwmJ „rai,wova rex,lu,ion, n ,mwl iU a LUJpnt, n oNinnn la c e nie Jelmrtvnsnt, wLrx uchnwliri vlwrprxlnnnJ eewbtianpl to nova Leen male vLicwLen than nt a I,uLlic LeerinK of the (;ity (:ouocil ar of wnnu comnn ce lhemul; nr pl rlwe ha .a aenident .n o,n wrformnnuv of thn JulJm al liu '1 Uun (el.xinc nu ncm M 1>a c1u,r8cJ); � (,nl le eurclim ar negligent of the i.r varuy nt the 0. ollm In,lwl a caku ry wblc 1, r tnw,v V u[ Iiia 1 t deL,e, Jue� N ILY hint. n hemLY � a o I,u eu ar .�i ,,.r yr xcan lnlLw tl,u enr.iw, �) Ilrc ,wl ur thna,tond to .tnJ tc lulitiwl inlluurz in � Irn,vc u[ aLxnneq L ,afar, J,unRu�fngralgr l,aytor chnrubr ul work, (�,) !Im JiraUY ,n inJirecWY mhciWJ nr roc.. r I,ee i neJ i eolic, enlme robot n [or b npolidcal � r Pmlt'"''6 wlw,revcr; or Iwo eoliciteJ, arnllYao v kt lcr, ur IKen in nal i wlici eubecn� Uibut n Iran I.oldI a ymui�n in tl,ecclamincJ euvnc I�r otY Wlitical I, Y r yurl whnlaw a , (q) Ilm Ixcn iiiJocvJ, hw inducts ..r hiw e - t�a m indnea an nlneer nr nwnhrse in m.. aor.iro of ewe t nnlawlw ac elncid re�{ulnUnn or orJer; ur Iw,any ntl,ur vWuaLla io U,e cauree al1 h hu work ur in enn- nocUnn rich il, fur Lu ,wl uec Gom n y Ikr , acini "0" .. .... . ... . . NULL: l'1. I raneler. I.ex.e of AM1nenre. I.uv-llfl. ltenlQnnrlon, Nclnereremenr. ......nn. Ix ou�l. nx h,. ..... ^lel n lher ..I nhu. leaf mL inlrt J�>r „nln, :L1°.� nliurrrcelnJ� �� nlm.eJ w nn.�ne e, n wn�cn a of n „hmre thn fitnrm of 9nuelti el�.Vlul�c [orefvLc lx�a wL�L �lnw.d 4. make uFe « nnrler niW JIJ nolt rcyulm. xnl� tinllr ein�iL�r quxlifientiona; c) r If zte is oA.b- l- r col- t `Jr.._�k1r All «wufnm csco0 ie PrnviJeJ iu uegrn h n ehull Intanhjv':t u vnlrhy Lhe ivil War�vlcc Ifunn.u- - — men! See- It. Lenre of A —(o) I.nve of eh - �e Irnin Jut ehnll i eee he ¢ lel l Ihcur or eml�lnyo wlin hweulxvn in the worvira of rhe t_v for lei rhr�n throe months in�loNinlelY Irru'vyling I..n ti of levee, v. use of olwneo m� the cnf nieknre,vdis�M1ili�ty o .n���� t�axc e�oln„n.,�. r.,r hove eneli t hoa�nnrN<e tnd� rn.J m m,s,�e, .� aye cnmml„Inner ...n>. m p,) The hent ..f tLc Arl>"ren.eLL mu)' W m lu.vo ee amn r�Q�a„r �linv t mhe„ nra�ldnl.. who nm Lmn In aye ar..;ee nr theneltr n,r mo2 mon o�nr n ,ml�a, n dJen, hn,.,.,er, set no leave Or ulwe whether trJ,, reminlo vueJ, nLnll rr.� a „eehomdr�n a�d,n�.�nen lel nnJ fJ) ..I thu SccG�m� � (r) 'ITn Lent nt the JeVerGumit n rt leave of o noble n nRccr a nliloyeQto Wko en rlec eVlro rhe Gtr 9ervio ly Goa Weteloexificluee 1n LY Flinn ay 10001 IFe rch..rer. ane.n le„ve �nnr I,o melee mr n den e. onJ�ng � r we G er a tmd .mJ e. nen Ix t aye l�rn,meon�� �rrt �w�a e, v «erv�w snen�na�eer er eniplcye eM1ell 1m -0— i. ... . —h -1 -.w-I.) ."d (.) "J.- ", 4 nJ, 1,o—h (d) The hest ar th,, 9—t 1-1 ­ ofdimbility —— ed in the Iwr.n. d duty —t d- w th. giig.r —ff; ..d —1, 1-,. .,., 1, gre.kd for ImriwW .d ., �,,A duringh, coo- y tj­, d., r. —Y th. h—I d Ih. d.j.1--t -1 — Jd,t,.W 1— with ,.y t _�mg fif— d,. �,� ..y y., 7� "th. Im f., hal I -lh y 1. h lh. f th. f., 1® ti_ �. �,Z"�7 f., d.biiity m.y 1W ­— with I., f., earn prriuJe of ti . .... 1, d,y, 1, ,,,y g. If) Every , I',— C. -I "t", ""—i . ..... Sec. 13. A A6>e1ce 11-1 Leare.--Alwenm (rum Jury wit1 Imve, ar Inilur. w ralnrt dlrr Imve bee e1Jre4 or M1ee Leun Jiarpyrovnl m rcvakN v�J ru lel LY the l;.n,.dw r, elwll lx dmu,nl a rmigne- at tl�e emylaye �U earn lu�ve, u ux for I�w Jixlwrgc , yroviAW, nawever, mnit ilr tl u alliccr or .ployc ro oluuged dM1dl ehnw r M e�Wlaelion .( Un C.mmim wd tlw eyluintinq aln�rr neat aucL .r (eiliu. uexLlc, mn ('o.a m�mmuer tl� w I mt hw reuuWwmml. (b)Yro11'llt— of novltloa.--'m,y offs cnr u �: i!�1 oho in 'rho cl —ifiod 1JliC It— e/irl.lof f - tlt cert _. 1. Cion c �nd1-1: _cy -MI ontin - i.'�.11 - r t!_Ct�nuin. ttl on.a' talo cel1;1 electto �.'_/ in 11 cu of :,.v;L forl'ai ti tru :h rovcu 1� icln- t 1.v1,n. ^t m ufcio arra m^.1 nya n in i .:lt'nl tnr n_ Sec. 43. 11.141.6 P-'1.. up.—u!— me ea- ol .Imre of ene.nae a� officer emylaye eluJl1ln reinet.4d in nix ymiti..; praviJ lh M1owovcr, met a en.n nLemm wim lmve ereede IninY Jere. .r n me e;ennme aunt dimbilit Yudw and the ryew tno �e nee M1mn fille4 by aertifimti.n L1na enxll he rc .od,a in aorvlencc wnh nr<tio. 4s .n1Y wnen �> mn a( hie Icgnl service grnde rccure, a nd thea irp lne'enme in .w it ho MJ Ixru IxiJ d I,wv. lb la�wevor, tluteGmm,.n ar Ix�li.c .Ibcem urein the lino . l duty e1 d1 be anti—,, w within .if nt1. fm JN A.w .t iuinry or mmy.ciq�, 4 IJpvi.ally e n.Lla .( rmu.dng their dutim. du^.eu'tv,+v t�-J fir u�t6u�,,,,we, u. n;di,i. fin,. t:,,."• ,ak ewT :-/t� � i, Ball xla,J ..rt mne21�0 f'ao Alu. !n ,ltd n ,o) s fscior 1n lay off: i vhl c.. it is pro- . ��� 35, 1 ��fo Ii vt1n.. o d- f f h ! nov tl di t..i 11f, „f �„ .,n d3vlul ons ho onnthe Dnu1n u :iiry;c, dot,_i_d o r ordl nl; to 9j(c ), �Oporc„n iii th two loct :::t intr Sn lnn �rra'tii�ul `r dlvl al on t.to o`•t i> : is et 1:;1%. off, :v,d tha Fereon ^ith e hlchc st n r',�o ruing to ha the lint L a1d ot':, e..ocPt t:nt if t:o o -quo va t_�ri o o lott„r rut, i.rtfor� uor::loa, luno , �V to '�. ,^ec. too ,rrl or I lay off "'ll Ds` nn the Cr�%.is of am:ioritl', the fl.-. one tlTicd � ,.-ip^ointud to he 't'i� 1'Srot Lrld n", I', ?rovidnA, hoe'�v;r: th". 1, all such n the ri rriod m, -Id., 111th dofendente, shnll hove nreferonce lnr retontien, Srroep eot ive oI ani.rity• dW •R1•T mhjwt to ls� off, m4 m.i. •M�d an w. Port 1..1 wiob o6 tq.mt ewt 1• ..or1n{ •o.pl.tlm, W notch oom .ork, Set•Nwtir of th. protlotm. ty tM. M.tim, Dat h• "I oot M »Mtn.dfor p� 6 1m�g.r. t1!m�tlwK�wo �/!_ trM eK (c) !'.oductlon i. .,, nuub— ,f h - omploymant stall bo r,C-dell n _. I,-rttnI liy o11 'rd shell b_ I;ovo rn,ed V-, t— 11Y <. �rovLalonn Sn thic unply to oc untlo dn in t' tror kin; t:m f =,1. '. s�lulc� In Jt entire u :�lca or do}. r=o'`—n., apply In c of n cher,,^,o 1� th.o I. St ^..,� "'un t ilno oP a P°rt>.cu" clean of &mloyocnt :.. uch c ongo i provod by thu Cu.val ^nd to Vny.l. Sc. kfi. Relnrtet.—I.—(n) Any -nn" a mpin5e wno ane hcen R Vn leave of -amara in eordenre w;W the C ilBc ,. r.Im ar hm b n Inid ,.R io emordnnea with said ralm, ehnll M digiWl (or of the cls, grade and awry` and of t,,BCMrn pro( work h m tna nn from wM1ileave u( nmm�ce or InyoR lonk plerol g o.;aea, ewe.er, tent anon eha;niuty rnr of shell v e tinge+ Oun a dmre�ehelm rom>tirt ne wi Nn the of Bundsc a (e) ende(J7'o[ 5atian 11.1 th—rWq -nd'r 'ider.'. fu Ct:, .1st rhnl). bc�oli ibla t' - nctet�n�sO,tu :mpl ol'n Int not ] I t fl.) I`ermrw whose ru ^' r shell !n m tali iu or�iaal,in �' ,.c Llott y;e (c) Any eapinye wno wiWaut fault o, m th arn hie pn.t �, nn, Ibe�uen .n We ;t�ml;en er me een,a,oner, m plum We and 'firvl far re - i.i gin; 1 sac .,� �.,-�-y pr•-,n�:c,�.,. ;..., 1:n AkZ wnr a Irl.>re wno lue Iwcn mdurnl m ine a;�r.,�onnor the n ¢ alnrcr �md weenie nivel ..f the (.-vil Grvim Cammiwti�„ier, Ix t) w nin corn,. r r ,,,, wia:nm I� nl �nindl. itnin eller earl, o.lnrm,n. ..r he m the rhea- -r (IM1e f ivil w i nhn ve tua ry plerud o npVmPrielr nfnr rc n. l- rn„a r�r-sae .;chin � �ormr w I �m�e.r. rca,�rrv:,, _ � > � An oRi.cr .r mf.l,iyr tylia n m. higher he da.. M-rl. n n m1Y� w - - led to Lie h.ni rr --(n51 le,t� Ju 5 n r..a t.lrtrrci � Len evrn M1igher t�rrdtli , <-r1. (�� > N Whcncvcr�tic, a reek in the r. --dec .r. shall be tanolienal nyr vrdiveeo, n ctM1rrwiee, the a Ployee under eurh title nr rank ehvll he pl--, irI hcnordr-.r a.f their x inrity, ov tbo ehgihlr lix r lietn fnr , lhr low mk c grade ithec a Ilne of clmRloy —ili r rthe rank a mlem ether .,lint.ed an Jon which LheycmiRLl have Men legally Irnoaferred_ If n r.rrrh lint nn n, nr­11Mlb— .f de M1rrrdder Layw,rt end r ¢nhalll I...a ell n9, reJ w.nior 1>ry{M1Wnin lee fnll,'win¢ . (1) netlon; ('_'J In nater Jwl ileal m n ehnnRe of ,Ic nlc n[hr .roN rr ,. .., 1 lei Vre iv J. lig lA `I nl x.11 r aw rrJnrti�ei, nnl,ae Nr r.+luclion , � • v Lrll L.' tM1n mvl,lut'r, ,In ofr .r len na� uhdiv,..... La'." iL u+ e�,hliviei,r�iiiv MULE VII. l plea, Lrade, flunk, Reports. nacre— lel 'rnlm a1 the Il' ge w na urrl16w mihl. dcxripevr ..I enI crnJotiaw ,il .=2 iw Llheiodinuive of the Rreda en:l cl:w, nn�l ehull�An�wM umc Inr nll Iweitio�u nuJ Ilu.x ro�poroig aha w�me kinJ ..I :wrvice, ragcr�llcn n[ o[ emplo>'�nr�n, Tam shell n w chaneoA ,t 1._v order of Lhn Comn�wioner is uWo w g from 1. deper0n ld heml eet- ng forth thenn..won why each clungc uriJd Iw made. "I.— lhr n and ib, re umda of, the Civil Suvi c Ibtr nnJ u � dl paY rvlle ole enbmaud w ma e�mmimim,ar rnr mrnneeuome _ (L) Wnanever e:unn or phve f m- r erdOd 'Oy tbo yloymm:t ur�J__—_ I.a nlhien�e � OOCor�.i oeionerr shall I�rvviJe in whe4 cbua nod Rmdo Lhr Iweition eleJl Lc pineeJ, but no Iv-�+itiou shell be .I... by new nr io ¢fleet unlme Lhe duan tnemof re faend by the "y ,t m be eutntnntinllY i- f_,i.three ore Y other cxmenR I-- m Lhe clmwfiW ecrviccvc (c) Na pa o in my of the mrvicm ul w 6 of this ordinenn endl hereniter bo rogmded rcclnmifieJ if comb reg r Ibi® codon will mull, dinctlY a indirml1, lY, i� a pamiLle prvmadun fnr n nfcer o employe in the cLmificl em eubJivieion (J) of Sncuon 101 a[ Lha mer cno<tor. Sec. 4 . e or Reek. 'fhe gmde a�mrk of nploya —dshell not r Iw chengW a pt by v Oo— Lhmn rdm g h Lhe due cot r o(ficon ehangml w tlmL . ..,h eubetentielly RomOeLne A[y pmecr . when such otbm o plea w originally clam i cod trona the dna of mLe LLe grade whim it clnmifieJ, uaL cnengo'ol dotn shell apuele r ulvilieh each petition or place and create o oow pf by t. mi - t and the Cunenimioner prIw clamify ueh olfica ploc cordon— loceed w aubdiv n by it ...b 96 of thio anile, n - fill the ew v�pl certifimliun n1 byY artificeean mm nn ease R eliRiLle list. n. �. cnxeae xr cl.n uxc Rx°rd.. 'rn° gx G5 Lhe Couneil of nny x���endinext'n rhx Civil �erri°e n�ln nhnv®nR ar m�Hlilying my ude °i e , eM1xl1 M JremeJ hunt Inr he l'ivil make the ocrro ep or�� L 4rvivn Ilumxu toSl In ti tI on h. —Y xnY .,P).,Y. who M Mxlxd Gr eu°I' /any employment employment m em �eeamxxy °ed M ror rxn ire e, or r°°n omnl°rm r w° x rine; n°t o an�di Ne�rmr a°xro,m nnhmrity xW1 x.ut Gy 'or eubdivl sloe de Wi.ixion t u(ritixvnn au AS----_ jof SocR lon ilG. (a) ----S— 4-9'4R—m cmD xr.mx mrnp.—ap- ' °mxa ehxu mike, xmoeR °Ner re^w`u, pnneduta rewrL Ne O�vil 9ervi°x Duresu ( h° fou.—.K rogular (1) — —. m wary - r I$N App°inrnienLr, whxWe�.Renvy. m l .. prowl siova�— _.. - p:°bnR°�yu®� nr prmnotln�uf. (2) nr n twa°n who hm Men (3) r�Ntgi�fieJ 1 xpry.in m R xJm I;M1nngm nrnx Ln° emnlwuweion o! rni�ke o r °r °�raa xr mpl°ym 7= Peder nim (4) .ryp �ln'umeu4 m�we Gy him er or�mN°re °mxr T�in hix dxpxrtment m pe,,a— (6) nese vl. r ql Is.ery , Ieee° xr xnx°xre, rsiRx „r nn (mm thth. .,ix under him and ib ¢nose. L,Cmxri°n (7) �lOM °r -""t" ur --y oEee or flex or hu dep (8) m men _ > Ch-- m dep mrnt rR vn�on with detxiln l.,r °hxrtixR. PMei—y, chxvwler °ml —,-,t m°rkixea al 1.,I.y. ix I deluvtlwot xx p nviJnl in line I\'. (b) Dispo.sitlon of aId ftocordD.-- Reporter r ords and c espondence, sdrich la tho JudEmont of the Commirsionsr w important, may be destroysd a'ter a lapse of ten years. RULR VIII. .o n LoMr Service. bur ll, . u,p 6 .Ae Reyl'I I,o (Yv,l e a lar awls, luta of 1nrm,u eligible w employ nentio vhe Com,u„„ LnLor Service, eud, xLwe tl,o onium of vho amyloy mtxnlul, %1 1c lue [or du- � rebunnue. Ap lienors (oreu( the I.alwr flervim eLnll ,'ue(on„ 4:n vho n U of Wr:tia„a 15 w 18-f Wren Itldre. 'rl,e nnl-,A omdi- de� was 1 vl,e tm�a e,r ae,mm�aeev m ,ee diageWified, anWl Le 1.lacad on oliRiLlc regjetw ,e a,a emlu er a,a QW�dvr er watr aprh�avia„a. t" cn:'-:n r,:;b'�r n_il.'1t,n t -. a L s 1111.•.. ., �. i Ad. ;.f yt- ,!.1 b .. t. b _ tc_dr�. it'_II, t n it I n I" :: VI.,n •. fIcio nc• ...ru'1,.�� r�: L1n L[,j. r cf' eluni 1 �- er �l�lr 1 1 o 1 of•. L-. „o _rn�, n� ✓ oPi' sl,ill Le d1s- 'r St t.--!1,,ruIn 1, leadno �Cf n 1•.r�t;d n .r �_,.. C.i;,.; rt'1.;:e vitho•1't 1':u.l'ur dr,_ eln- It ytnnry nt Si hi.r n r t'ro:i tb ednte lir,,t in ica 9vt e in tl—, c a Sfi;,it inr ctienble to do s not in conflict l'it' ' y other :s.etlnn¢ of thle¢ ril—n- Re in:aI 1,17et nl co nr rcabl bo in tn=_ Snv ee order of lay off pl-idodi, L(d) ¢hove. bb 1 rvdin ti Lllil -'11. be d"Pr"I 11"', b, f — hJt t- --,P! ... . .. .....utu Ilu....... .... ... . .... .. . .. ...... . . 1 4, .. ...... 71'��1111 a1..,,IM1r r, - ... d—, . ... ... w "h .... ..... .... d _rM.gunder thr P-- of th, m 1— t I Any -1- bolding . -1., the 8i�, : eligible thereto by i-, d re- + ., tn,nderred I the — &-- Y -t v.].U­ nA-6- � -6 ro f pspv Civil Semen�.h �­..:,ml b- th� m- b, I&Y. the A­ � in in U. C". -A d b 1 fi ,,A, "'"t, "it t tl,,. Com", 6- th� d (k) Lnbocors,Jn i", the" tel duties, .opo.-form,1. oC Ilia Idb in u. i­ ,ppoi,t­1 upon -Itifl—tt- by the 1A,,il S.rvic, _n — from a,p,,pri,t. ­glet­ of Iigibl en in th. I-ne, ­,Ad.d in S.ItIll 2, 11 V,1 11 n led '. n 1 Ir _ b he, 1 b ...... d by ,,,11-1 — blnl'.A, 1,,b,r r,,pl,y­ ,p tin, I A i;_�, I.nt, ,d then -1y "it n the .. prior...... t f the: C —E IX. Rd--. Pey Rolle. s«. gt. aemreeea.. (a) en�waco-, nl eligimrm shell ba in egated and relerencM verified in ml- nl rcrufiutien. Ruchin .-1Iw vueds witL m to LM ee vrthe net, nnJ the ivdy ol ry eholl M taut uv to Jnb. in (h) InvmtigxUon ebdl W aendnclal Mre .-, f .r thruegh the mmdium of Llu�ke of rvR°leticn loon wdnl to ILe re(em ,, e(urb" l by the uppliunle, re1Jim :�[ ndrrenrM hnll Ire uIJ sonfiJeW. (o) 1'hs _ ,... oP y11P1b1 en 1:'no oe rof e: sneer: prova'tmsatl ePadtory eli�l Co r b; too C-.n1::rlonar from the civil carL•1c.t rallulble lietc; pro�ldedr ohall ba a - nn �1i:,ont i —pri tygyp q_ f ronelctin, of I1) 'i'ho Cl L;/ :31;;1n cur. (2j T sal SUI�orlvtondont tn9evdxer unre�tt. ?'irsL :Cslot.ant 9or- poretion connndl. (!); .c. antatSvo nypointod bl- tesrL:syor. C41s1 Cirril 7"", de Lx- rw�lna Mlle CdVl norp d mmitto, eh all molt 1.n t dA V1.1 n. yvide ofYldo upon enll of lix the Ch.lot Civll Servide Exdnorr as needed. (d) Eb i 1. previously diecher d (mm the city m ehnll ba edlal to the Civil Bereice Bureau m mNre eepleuetlnn. ID defewt of each ep am of umotidectory exnleu.tieu, their nemm "in the manor provided .hell be —1.dnl from tho alipble lint. . In nebd1v1 ejon (C) Sar. 53. Pay Rolle. (nl Pey rolls shall Iw rheckM to dale a legality of a Mov —h flbove. aholl con(urm the Civil Rery arorJe. Cor- o the classified es a e1Wl be —1 d L. "legal;' end tncee nhe®-e he Looped 'v;' indimtinq the'v°chnreefer. } h F m eLnll tc red -lined and a rondmn u( thn nt to tho Jepertment which furnished the roll. ee pay (b)lleparnnrsta meet deliver My rolls b the Civil Sornre R — end each M rolls elmll hove the mm —­d—­duiph.Le .11, — of rece pL Mor and b—delivery b the CumPnshell Le - A etamdon —b roll. -11. shell Ire checked w far ce MLIn �n the ordrr of their (c) The IeL°rer'm M -11 eWi show[m addition the IoMrere ne�ne the numLer a! nim merelntem°nt (d) Tne M roll fur n v deportment or bureau ehnll dot ne pemod udrm ell rertif entinn end rc orders marls by the Civil . c Cum uch ftr burrs Mrind ponrby thn employing olfivsr within thirty dale of the ' uch cenifcetion end m�Mletem°nt nrden me meda.e ti). '.Ilen�llwnuub.--('>J ; bry - �:�+�: Mid" �: Jry .n te.0 or f i i r:.nd lcn r .,1n .bl„ 9�1i. rrrt ; +,ia en3 of c —'th �Co tha 0i ill �bcr 1�'n 13r: t'e.rr, op hi -i,. Pura a'.i_r1 hey u U peri r�.'u, � all SSr nbr^.rw= d:.'.n tn: -:r ,tthe tb- -d �a nrnpi�- I.n� for .nlcy �.u`b '�i Rtlr l: t tt nil bP d—td pon,iltic,. I:apt_arlod nt,5'La :rur don :; proof i vty ::-sr:l nd m o thnt;.a I $0(d) 'hat'af-`bou mel-, be upon tl: ^.ppli o:srt or `tn esen J.oy: c1.1;a1" t.r ,rbfbr.;tcb. CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.'i.1 0I Min..... CITY COMPTROLLER ®- 4�� TO THE CITY COUNCIL T!,. pi' poe.d .ewcI'll --i-- rule- now beforo :. C--� I1 nave be.n etudiedby both the Employes' Advisory C—ittee and the Intarda per tmen tel Advl eory Commitlea. Both commlttee- mode ......tlon- for change.. After giving c nelde ration to the r end atlons by both 10=i ttees, I r ectfully r end th etc the changes Sn the a ompa.ying •schedule of chengee• be made In the amendment now before you. I desire ale. to make clear ,y ro-ition with r act to thin amendment; nem-ly, that the ee proposed rules -r.1—s Fared pr l madly to give effect to the re commend ntlone contained to the Fl anagor report made by ht follow-1ng the 'eve atlgation ordered last year by the City Council. Tile cl-.ilf oiv11 a rvice amin er informs me that while he believes the ne role. will pr .vide for greater pr lvi leges and -stag uarda torw the claeelfied employee, well .e better--., s, effective a rvloa to the taap oyer e, she per .... lly does not lien to ma any appeal for the passage of the amendment, as his only purpose In dr afti.g It was to comply with the report .f the Council's 1--tiletor. Personally, I aW nv ince, t:. at the prop. sed n w rules will improve o r FersoM el -,mini-tratlon. ;]amorous compl al nts have already c e to ae from employee and iti-n., alleging un falrnese and a aslon of the rules and of loes of right-. In practically every on se there was points, out to me car Lain pro- vleions in the proposed rule. that would c act the in Justice .mpl wined of. I have no personal feeling,rhowever, wl th re ep act to the ee rules on may o another. I feel that my duty has bean ompleted by presenting to the C ncll an emendme.t to give -fist to the ohanges recomme.deduby the Flanagan report. Re -pec I ruuillyam, Comptroller and Civil Service Comm'esio nor ... it occurs Ln or ti in D Li Sq It I tr, t ,osis'... hiIll "'.-ti— Lj_' tli­ out in. —i't—I "-o,- - I I I do r. in "Y I,1,,dll 'o I be Itta I I n f ^s Silence 1 Lha city limitil bet—rii t,e nor toil 1 lit Ind fi- oh,ll bo porn ttd. tl,,, 20 Lti, pores. 'In the b—I of Proof _h, 1,- li d 1 jt't"' "t' t�, ,pplic nt or —inar, thus ­­� t— bj%ionin 11 "ti— rL" a., f"Ilo, s; ­. 20. ,jio, of , absence of proof "-�i-in- f­'d — fl— Its the 1 1 Lt Jo-, I, ­,oin 11- ppeL ..... od Uertnitll^ ­o of eubdi,,Ii,, (b, of Section 28, lova: :yen re I.Itto fill Ill-tifi-ti— ie d -ti"'; po 'ill I. the _n, ""n.r ii—Il or " Sselp o " tie ,I z .,t� or n11Fibl-, ", ­ 2. employment 1%'1 "'cilit not -I.di.- t.—by., and Ins.1t In 11— thereof the f-ll"A'C: ­" ;„,' In "wasted to fill I 0on the - I pp. officer I1 e,00ify the act ii ourz d,,,I,,,, part-ti:sQ app.l.tee ill be li rSuir.d 1. Ar­ out 11 of the 1­1 of Section 1 '0 bl,llnlnl 7 llthe .,.,d I Jib t­ lords. 'k P_b�, t to. or "”. Is 1,,ld off �-I ending ", th restored to Itli pl.,— on —1i Ii.t.^ D. d toJ.Znt the 'Y i-M f.11.1ing: I tb euah approval Mall t ..tnu. for '. than ten days.- 9 ellbdlvloiiln (3i If '.'action 34 (a) change the ph—ee ^of C or b,;,,,'n to rad -If C— or bett-1. :. '. I. a :_ ',L, . .: _ „•., -r i:.:c.. ^F1C, luya. :1tLl tr t— in, ein, It tr:Fnty .oe tl r,ho s,_,o.. oP ..u'.h _.rvlc., t� �7 noiit of pend,,; the e . on dlvlsl— rs odi.g r-inyns r, f^.13111: �. it; :ie_arty of t. t,e fors�ul.n;; six dlvi eiene 'ril Sns;:': la'.. ._: etas: eof t— fnl3 o: ing: -Teves - rv1c� rellnfs, .,th 1�.;:lcys ssaPd,, r:.t in gs, deter- rt.t..cu c �snrvloe r^_'.Sn os, �etornlnod int:, 'rp'aoyer rho s�, _c —d—, , syn ;, 211 s a�Sri i'.l elan (b) c, s>Id '—tion 144. =v.. - e:nployps :si the s n dlvl slot: .v:.1 pertorminf r,�An Ih �i .y of f, std, nct .v ordo: of liy sff 'ithln .I d lvl el on r.1,1 be c the b�isl; o e�ior'ty v,d the r.,rvlt; i.. m,_.,c�i�lI bu 1"1 oCP 11olhe 't t b �(a+ll Sep.r tment l.��ada ur oppolr'ln6 officers +n+U•r m'.1-rplayaa in tn;: c1 +.:.:,I C1 sd c rvt cr maY Lo ,,d ii snd .a t�+e civil 5�rv1c� ci �'reas, upon D1 -.n:.a ^an+l sired nby t:ia Foroeu, a oniPleto c.onthly r»poet. nP ^_ll bsence 2':Yen by s sa er..ployea under int I t l on• and tite Pureu. n+nallcnot vasa otne P="�' o1•L trr ':ny dsPu-truant nr Duro zea for vdticn a ctt all, leaves �•:L Coon ncdu. och :zpor s c:iall 1nc.una :.vVDccecs t r i : _ n::et:+er oacli le nve wa ulth r cv.o a. s Cor vc.tlon, sick lesve., e s iytel o thorr,�. ny lC thorn v o no lu.voe of aDconce to report ptpsrn].00j it non t'n Itua r it shall naverthelase of _n- sr 1n ^nch case +ta1n a daclnrntl on by _ tuc e•: i•.: c?Po'_nt inf otfScor of t'c d.put-nt. onl cnwc r'._ra t+A_n ar Iir "tn ted during W. VIA "r fill,, ri'l,"I a.- inthe unsr ll l-,bq—.1. .o eholl . 1n f", a, 'p-1,0', if-- "d ,,_"'fjc,tj, f", the 11ol,1111,1 l -b- to pr>nt it; of r, h,' or t 1—z; ibl� I' h t whose i -,t r.1c,,' ek,11 ho I' ­t certified -d If fIIIlI 11 In, ilad ,ho, -71C. In 't_ht, ".e lo,.,ere in such lh-- —do, of th.il t—di., in t n the 'ni. I—t one d t, be the 1111t 1. !a repo'.:repo'.:"'I, -,�h I ly ,f.f—ille, htto the tee ridtest others on the , -Olit, t—h t1l's, h, 1'vId oft u- Ioyo 1 in cT�hthen Fero a, shall certl C; h l"' ddoper"t"%.t f" " - 'a— e p ' h ley ,Ih —— 1d1pl,t,ot u it tl,,b "y if t the laborer we cl ty rhlll at all ti,—. o. ho--ly - — P,, hio, I, h L o0le." 1-1-1?y (priori!.,, of filinp) on the i,i —bor C—d,,.- ',h, U1,11 -111issue b—,,, meat frena the ,le'er, , n Job o l den Lif is it In ohill —ht.ta the lb.r.,- . l, I 1 —.1, - ""'ill priority 01' 11 lt'.n I—old to ' .'or arty of L:: Civil -r—, 5— ln M Pro 1, — f., - Trope, --h, by the I ..... uch 01, 11 be oh-thol—hblo, and or .. l.- "I'o, t",. transfer "J"r won M wn CM, Kul Q Guilty (e) Fail— to ..rtlli .f,—�. —illoyn,-,t —glet— shall r:p.rt to the officer or per do., , to, 4Z, n—, fro, t— ti.,,e cf —111,g ,f notice to their loot known "1 11,11",11' ,. thjy ,u. no% r ....nobly able to rep, rt, h, on i -y' Ith tz,c ,Itt,n pp,.,,l -f tit, opp,inting officers lf,l_ o.h_ O—ed loed th,11-11t of the I.—A-doner, be kept en the register i . Lha Lr — &11 1 order If rt n4ln 1; ;Ith. —11, tpalr —1, lhlll b, st rS ckcn r101 u-h —cloyment -i. tor, (f) labor,, ;7,, Ss s,parnt,,d fro.. too ¢ o for —­ -1 "ho roles,::apPlilt 'Int, ,pl,y,,.,t, or Fh,11 b, stlilkll from th, -r_ot ... .... It nth—i2' 1—'Wod In sub lir irlon (.) of this '—tic (G) 11-b-1.11 A—I .—.I -- —1.k- from th. may re-,pply f,, n,, I[q,t­tjon in I. . . . d­_ ,th lubdlA"on (a) of thi-, :coon, Ind Priority on th, —Ci,t— I, to -ch labors F hall b, -, of th, 1,,t, of such r—ppll—tl­ 2"'' 11, out ,l -11 of ,bdl,it,!— () I —- Snorttib4, d int in lieu them' the ^(2),ill p—z— hOlJo!; —vl --li— 1,.b., cordol*r 11111rIll 11 ;1-11 ,, 1, C I, In. C—.n Labor—vi— 'ir n" '."' 'laa ,, ,pl,y-,t i"Gizt- In 1-- rlth 'ootlon 50 Ind �n-' 1, t�" P'll'ity If filing If to np" 'p"n winch their p,.,,.,,t 1obor 1-11, (lf a.i i. f.lol Lot off­t) —re i—Q., trill, out frog th, first —,r,ph of coon A4 pko�•111.[a r4.d Jul' U, 1952 1 1 1W labor 9.rw1e0 At A matins DOLT at 8 p.G. U4044 1. 199], At the O Oaom11 UMm After woseidarattaa And dlsreetm in madaws WAY "Jeoted the new civil -"I— rules pAupose. cadtmont to Ordiaeooe taw* pertaining to Assam labor serviee. in that the Motion of the labor eereiaa group dean it for the boat fatets-t of the Add of Ot. pmol. 1st. a," B. dao. to "A" deprive. 1M mwtaei000r or department Mans to appoint Gomm labor marTIM in their retgselive deyartmentr neon the proommo ♦►fist of a CMF44 yellow a ghl" Gard mtil the depsr4*A% hoods or oppointlug offioor tenders A r "anion to the oiwil Samtoo contissiomr. And lister the pewpooAd Are, ttls 8. Seo. to "g" O list of olfgibla sorters would be GAbdttei t0 1M oppointl0g officer Amordiag to priority of al&D&&M Ant the appointnente IN". Appsintoeots Mda in this essay Wild tend to delW work W: pmjrtO end Wild AUG depriwO a oosteetOAee of 0M tight to plsm an on A prJrt mere Ike asst beaalits OeAld be derised fee labor aartleG. to tbot tbt be the boot �s�+l+tlM"�bo*etr+re on for the pArOi� sod 1hOO�emplaat d Am Go,town had mW mprwitGA M�OAACCO in WFk AD m"Ired of t!!. kt14 2ho said VX @a4 Goo r4m would depot" the 010* of tit. FMIGf Us fall beOgfits of eaaem labor mrwibe in that it Scald plane All pereom one holdlag long tam, esrolse seeds and OAMAAd u .est-aktued Labor GAdar neo. a pack .4 A%. And "a" the lasts% SIMM JOAUGS at labor. got. iherw would be m lmaStiws fes the laborer to m the best of work aassrdins 10 his ebflity or 907-104 fitme" qhs Gtda the old miss now in faros sad offest a ooman laborer is on a promotional basis timer SOM. 9. old roles. Back *A" betas tbs Iasest rr►toe and does mot rogdtee physlad ability or epmlal U%D"Sdgs. Bad AD" "quo" M Gott"pWalm4 000diNf m 4malOd60 and Mdll OfspmlLellood Loborsort ns en idet of V" Sorb is GOMM It enlOrad pmpla AS the white people Osmond eoom it bssayss of the Mal. ash As eaphOlt raker. bitla firwomr 0ephelt pavin& asphalt trdpessp eta. In got of this asters the h"As of the departaonte Ari better eGAlified to mks appoloteentsp knowing the kind of work b.ot tutted for the iWividuel sod the Wet werwiae obtalmbl*. 8ffie Blit amen the ons rGloo as propo od. 011 persons Mldlmg rank "V Ind "C" O.1Ne will forfeit 044 Gordo and be deprlvaa Of all they Mao built up ror theaaelees by G, of la oral Saw to to the airy in goad tlma And bad Use. and sill all be 4"wd A• comm laborove at the sem. Saba of pay. "dab wsald give WWA the GAAlifion for A gram Glass w4" odd the gam rfgbis as laborers ,mond have given their bast pear. to the serwioe of the 6117 - The new rales if Adopted eoeld Baur leborsre 40 pot in their %too vitMet @Ord". and would doprlve the oily of the enersotia warwlde it hAe rseet"d to the pwtl and deprive the fattbfel servant Or • Mame of promtions ma t"o bevt tntxreA of to city seuld not be pervade The Labor service. therarors. at A Asetln; hold m AOmsatd reeosm,ond the on"IGGAese of the 014 rules in tome at prs.M10 the labor Gervioe mdoras dna r000mammtion of the general oamdttoo. 'lam labor service "Jseta the ode roles As prspoW And paints oat Net amour Gul. a. Eno. :dl. title "S" to Gnao Wtutlonal In that it dgprige A atileso Of hi- political right- a nto gasraad em- r the oenstituttea CC the Jn1to, State. on pno.ldsd by the 161h aagnmwob of t:.0 United u"llte., See. 1. .ill posmo bore or GatoMUsad in the United Gtatas. and wubJrt to the J.MAdistist And of t...tat. aC:a=.Sa tlter rw.tde. vee anee0 mill av wa Amx -Tm -e� t dBG'�pY6odss's'f-Ydvi �.� &1.AAw 9em40 &W -I p,otectim of t. Ines...-- n..._... St. Peal, Minnesota. Angoet 15, 1932. To the Honorable Vsyor and Members of the Cwunuili Gentlemen: Attached hereto is the official report of the 8mployeee Advisory Committee relative to the proposed Oivil Service Hulse. Said report is respectihlly sobmitted in accordance with ioetroctions of the .aid 00omittee. Very truly your Ohairman. REPORT OF THE EMPLOYEES AUVI.;OHY COMMI'PTEE CIVIL SERVICE MATTERS August Zi 1952 } nEIOP.T Y:11- L:1.1PLOYtiP,; .,,).::,Oi'R'/ COM!-;I'TIT.- 0'1 Tho f1 1 +,1 mceti ng ^f the Comml t.' .els on August 1::, Courthouse, :nr _., ca dot_+ lift :, to tt.e r p eed cam. +•ice rules. Tha .^latter of the proposed rules ,:•.d t _i discussci, pr.,Ie 1.he ,ploys es in tb:: variouo s Ir+ th:: m or Lh,. �y crvic embers s,d-committ—s of the r. �rvicos. After :�.re1.:1 cor sideration e. .., y of the oroposcd evil sore ioc r4: .: motion w made t .3cd reaff -ming the action of the Ca: _�d tuts n of July 21., 1:;; �i Iy, that hho P!(o AoSEJ1 The following annlysia is respeetfully suhmitted in accordance :•+i tF. instructions of the Committee: Analysis of the proposed Civil Service Rules. 3—tton 1. No change from present rule. Soctton 2. No change from present rule. Section 3. Sec statements undor Sections 6, 7 ani P. Section 4. No change from present rule. Section 5. Sec statements listed under Section 6, 7 and B. Section 6, 7, and 11. `Phe ('�ormnittoe v+. of the opinion that t. :nwent service class if Scatlons should bo retained ns the types of aloyments, in nwncroua cnscsn e e Int tma tcly rclatod than .:odor the proposed classification.further that n umber of titles n the proposed set-up would be eliminated or re—lass ified, c sept s to present incumbents. It w s thought that this procedure •�+.,:I] to nd to destroy promotional opportunities of those serving in grades lower than those to be alimina tad o c-olnssificd. There urns no general ob,�.etion to the abolition ofrtitlea vrh Loh have romalned u filled for a considerable period of time. S ectien 9. No change from present rule. Section 10, pa ragra�h P.. The Committee was of the opinion that the inserted clauan end as may be provided for by budget or othor ordinanec or s eclllo n an or nn za nc art, ad, 11 b the Council v+ou love c respec ve Commsa onar a spar - ':eniTTc-a —of responsibility in the conduct of his respcctIvc derart- ^nt. It w.s thought tk;It each Cormsissio n.�r and Depnrtmc nt Head should assume full responsibility for the conduct of his Department. Section 11. The (;ommitteo of the opinion that the inscrt- cd clause rclItiv,; to compcnsa tions of promotional appoint.;+.s ",s of no material significance. 1. „colon 12. ➢o cnengo from pnc sent rut-:. „ection 13. J. c_,augc from present ring.. „^ct fee 1.. !Ic change from present rule. oction ]:,. Th`s rule 3cals witY rc q.•ir%mo nts, etc., anal 1� ,rne tiS enl7y id �ntica; With p osent ii.. .. oction 16. 'Phi mmit toe i the oeinion w in se o, nal cond parar,raph in the word v nimoue" is � rcplacod by the word "r+ajor ity"•c Thls sect ion `x -Fa vraivor of rcquircmonts noo-_nry�qucllfy fee rn .xam- iastion.Tl:o p— nt rule requires " ulanin.ous tion of the Council" to waive any or all roqu it emcn s wco rads o nropo �cd rv. woul r.qulrr "majority action nl Sao tie” 16---TF'— G. -'Phare= Parng'62 n Su+rmor reside ncc at n laka, for a period of six months, would bo permissible, if this paragraph. vrere adopted. The Comreit Cec was of the opinion that provision should hcvo been made for employe cs who see nd thoir summer months at n place outside the cit limits other than lrmn nentlsosldnncc sue emp eye os s ou n a mes rc a n e pc r within the city limits. lection 17. No change from present rule. Section 18* This Scatterdeals with false statoments, etc. dative to nppl icntion for examination. This section is practic- •.11y idontical with the present rule, except that n Civc yosr bar eligibillty of npplicon is who have been found guilty of violat- ing the terms of this section. Also, the clause Kw ith faacmor nt int on should have been added aft^.r the words "fa se s Section 10. That portion of this section, under subhead (3) pertaining to personal fitness and nersonnllty was given too much weight, c acially for original :.,ntrants. Alae in that part r lnting to so ducation d oxpar ience" it was the thought of the Committee tTFT e presen procedure be unchanged. Section 20. This Section remains unchanged. The members the, that provision should be made farre ealloSenbld roma lai at if Partial and responsible persons, upon just. c n c p o a pnlicants. This 5 -tion pertains to examinationapapc rs. Section 21. The inserted clause "or who fails to attain the ratan fixed in the official announecmen s n requ re ra ngi or rtcu ar su ec in c exam na o as ou s r c cn. any nn par o c same paragrap per aining to entering names on eligible list should be stricken. Further, that the provisions under subhead 1 and 2 be stricken. Section 22. No change from present rule. Section 23. This Soctien pertains to standard wcights� and heights. The standn rd weight has been to Section 24. No change from present rule. Section 25. No change from present rule. acanc!) Section 26. This section deals v+ith order of filling v The proposed set-up appears to be in conflict wh the charter, a.> the charter rsquir as the filling of vacancies toitbe by promotion, first, I practicable. Section 27. The inserted clause "the dut los of the osit. Son �sthar than the title or name b which os ono s cuf t os tY11 govern nn a car ca on o e os.al X89,, �.e cn se of reduc- CoemnIt.tce tra s r eev - tlon or re-1,etntement on, not In case of pr omo`ton or or t•inbl entrance. The s m ststement is made relative 'c t�.ot Dort ton of the sand para grappe' which pertains tc certifying frcm the "other m early eligible list." Section 2B.Paragraph B. This Paragraph pertains to notice tc e1lgSbles in case of on rt time employment. The cl e:se "in so far as pract Scnble" should be stricken. Sect,ioi& 29. There is no change in the proposed rule, but, kto«ever, the Committee was of the opinion that the necessity of reporting wit 111n twanty-Pour hours is too semploe e period. This leave would be especially true in the case of a employee s or vacation. 11b permanent position needstobe filled as quI ly. Section 30. This Section of the proposed rules pertains to ".. incompetency and flu of probationers. It was the opin ,on of the ysmaitteo that any classif'Sod city employee, whether To candidate or original entrant, should be permitted, iP found to be unqual if led or incompetent, to be reinstated In his former position, without loss of senior Sty. _ Further that in the portion of said Section pertaining theto say lay- off probationers, the above rule should also apply of any classified city employee. Section 31. In this Section the in ser tYclause Some sui%bZ certify a arson for such rovisional appoint me s e g e s �'+ou moo w ..e c ec ons v.n un cr Sec on 2 T o nsert ion relative to not permitting o o rson ! retetve more than one provisional appointment in one year r is noto object ed to by the Committee. Section 32. The insertion in this proposed paragraph that n person shall receive -toes tha those to eligitemble list poo int mt hesopinion ° year should not apply o was of the Com ittac. Section 33. The Snsertion "a serious, unforsoen and real emer �e nc�y" is not objected to by o o+mm ee. owever, w s that the prov kion rel at Sng to length of par mit should road, in no case longer than ten days, even with the conso nt of the Comm is s ionor. Section 34. This Section pertains to the eligibility and rights of promotional candidates. The Committoo Gas of the opinion that the present rules governing those ratters should be retained. The proposed rule would tend to destroy the present acquired rights of promotional eligibles, especially in relation to place on eligible list, and further, might be construed as in conflict with the charter provision relating to filling of vacancies, as outlined under Section 26. Section 35. Paragraph C. This paragraph pertains to the determination of average service ratings. It was the opinion of the Comraittoe that the clause "not to exceed four ratings" should have boon "not less than four ra�'r Soction 35. Paragraph D. This paragraph pertains to rejec- tion of sory ice ratings by the Civil Service Commissioner, etc. It was the thought of the Committee that the members of the Council and the popertment Heads are fully capable, subject to proper appeal of the employees, to make proper ratings of the employees Sn their respective Do pnrtments. Further that no benefit could ba obtained by arbitrer ily uainP, the percentage outlined in the lest sentcncc of this paragraph. Section 35. Paragraph G. This paragraph relates to appeal of employees in the matter of the it service ratings. The Conssittec w of the opinion that the clause "insofar as pro 't' _be" should be stricken. There should bo no di—T..i7nl an „mpl.y.e by reason of his appeal. His right to appeal should be absolute. Section 36. No change from present rule. Section 37. No change from present rule. Soction 38. Paragraph K This pnrngraph pertains to the red, tion or discharge of an employee in case of his soliciting a vote of a Councilman relative to proposed legislation, the Committee wa_. of the opinion that this paragraph should be stricken. Scat ion 38. Paragraph P. The word "pont hc_a�l" should hnvo preceded the word 'pur osc". This sections r a to the so11c1- tntlon of subscrlpI o3 ns. Section 38. Paragraph S. This paragrnph pertains to the reduc- tion or discharge of an employee for taking port in the political affairs, management or campaigns against or for any candidate for office. Tho C.—ittee was of the opinion that tho enactment of this paragraph would tend to deprive individual employees of their cons titutlonal rights, and further it apparently is in conflict with the City Charter, Section 107. Section 39. No change from present rule. Section 40. Paragraph C. Sec statement listed under Section �7 Section 41. No change from present rule. 4. Section 42. Paragraph B. This paragraph pertains to f-'I"It- ure of position of emplo yea upon becoming n candidate, for public office. The Committee w s of the opinion that such action would be justified only in ens- such candidacy interferred with his dut ios nn employee. Also fefor to objoc t Ions outlined under Soction 38. paragraph 3. Section 43. No change from pres..nt rule. Section 44. Paragraph. A. & B. 'Chis section pertaina to method and procedure in case of lay_of'f. The enactment of this socti0n would, in the opinion of the Committee, result in the com- plete destruction of seniority, except in extreme and highly im- probable cases. The seniority rule is the strongest known factor against the spoils system and should prevail. It was agreed that emergency, temporary and provisional employe cs should, in all ns o s, be 3operated, first. Some of the Cortsnitteo could not diff- crcntmarried woman working for the City' whosI husbands are gainfully employed, and the cases of married iato in the cases of mon working for the City whose wives ere gainfully e.pl. ycd, Further, in the fifth subhead rolatin,; to pension, there is n distinction made in the case of employees who are obtaining n pen- sion from sources other than the City pension funds. Further no di stlnction is made in the case of unmarried employe es other than widows with dependents. Purther in the case of employees serving their probationary periods, u city omplo yoc should be permitted to aasume his former position. F rther, the entire paragraph (c) should be stricken. Section 44. Paragraph C. The Committee was of the opinion that tho entire paragraph should be stricken. Section 45. Paragraph A. The insertion requiri,, twcnty- fiv.; days work in the previous thirtoen months period as necessnr; I., roinatatoment should not apply to employees who have been granted leaves for reasons other than to accept employment outnid,� the city service. Section '5. Paragraph B. Sec statement listed under Sectior: 45, Paragraph A. 3ectlon 45. Paragraph C. This paragraph provides that no employee shell be ant it led to roinstatemcnt unless his average service rating is at leas:. a C ^u ting. This is objected to in ca�c of prow ioua resignation, if said resignation vas without fault or delinquency on his part. Soction 45. Paragraph D. The clause "for at to est one dnyn should be inserted after the word "time" it was e op n on of t c Comni ttpe. Section 45. Paragraph E. The Committee was of the opinion that the insertion "not oxeeeding siz months" should be stricken from this paragraph. 5. Section 46. paragraph B. Retain the word "created" instead of the clause s -c. --dad by the Cb—ibcioner Section 47. No change from present rule. Section 413. Practically identical with the present rule. Section 49. Practically identical with the present rule. Section 50. Se c supplen,ntal report of the Labor Service, attached hereto andmade a part of this report. Section 51. Paragraph C. It was the thought of the Committee that the classified employees, other than those in executive position. should be a part of this prop osed Committee. This matter is under the control of the CounclI at pro se at. Section 52. No change from present rule. Section 53. Paragraph A. This paragraph relates to the submis- sion, monthly, to the Civil Service Bureau, by each employee, of n per sonnl report outlining his at tendons., to. Tho Convnit tee was of the opinion that this procedure would result in the entailment of a large amount of additional work for the Civil Service Burc au. The resent method has the aperoval of th^ employe cs, if nr000 rly 'n fare, Section 54. Saving clause section. The Comaittco desires to submit the following rccommondations: 1. The formal establishment of the Employees Advisory Committee, as n part of the Civil Service Rules. Said Committee to be of the same composition as at present, one member from each of the ton services. The members to have a definite term of office and definite duties and responsibilities. 2. The formal establishment of a Board of Review on which tho employees would have proper representation, Said Board to consider and dispose of all complaints and appeals of applicants, employees and omplayers in the matters of lay-off, reduction, service rating, examination, snaps" ton, removal, examination ratings including weights and markings and references. 6. The Membership of tt:o Committee 13 as follows: Sohn Scanlon, representative of the Fire Service Frank McDonough, reprosontative of the Health Service Mabel Lobori""' re presontn tivr, of the Library Service K 1. cfier Vaux, reprosontative of the I'is collancous Servlcc Paul Trimmer, representative of the Engineering Service Baldwin Svendsen, reprosontative of the Ungraded Service Sohn Gleason, representativeof the [iaintenance Sorvicc George 1[ein, representative c the Po11co Service We ltor Bruce, representative of the Labor Service George Sheehan, rcpr esentativo of the Clori cal and Administrative service. The Committee dosiros to avail itself of the opportunity of thanking the Civil Service Cortsnlssionor, the Chief Exnminor and the Honorable Mayor and members of the City Council for the con- fidence expressed 1n the Corunit to by .... on of the submission to it of the proposed civil s.:ry leo rulcs.e The so ry ices of the Committee are available at all times, and it is the intent of the Comma ttec to co-operate, fully, with public officials whenever consultatlon or advice is requested. /1 Resp//ectf,117 submitted, Chaim , E plcyeos Advisory Commits St. Paul, Minnesota August 1932. SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT OF 'BdPL!OYEES OF TRE LABOR SERVICE At the time of the establishment of the Employees Advisory Con-- .Iitoe, ther. was no provision made to have the common labor .orvic.r duly represented on the Co— tto' . Rowovcr, this matter has been Wilts rted Bruce thea soclec teofb the C,i ymhvrsc of and seor ries our in �o rams ti on �,ron meeting in the Council Chambers, on July 29, 1932, and from 't date will ba officially recognized .s a me mbar of the Comml ttcc The labor service at a meeting held at 8 p.m. August 1, 1932 at o Council Chambers aftar cons idoration and discuss On I. unam- m.us body rejected the now civil sorvico rules props sod amendment act0oiofnthe/labor3-5C1 sory icoi group doto es itorthe best interin est Of o the city of St. Paul. 1. Rule 8, Sec. 50 (A) Deprives the commissions rs or department heads to appoint common labor service in their respoctive depart- ments upon the pr...nta tlonolntinof agrofficerl tondorseenelw orwai requisit onito the d.partmcnt heads or app B the civil service coamlisslonors, and under the proposed now Rule 8, Sec. 50 (B) a list of eligible workers would cbe submitted to the anpointing officer according to priority of st¢nding and the appoint- ments made. Appointments made in this manner would tend to delay work and pro joct. and would also deprive a commissioner of the right to place men on a project where the most benefits could be derlvod for labor earvi ce. In that the laborers so certified by the Civil Sor- st qua I, work contemplated andno r may may have hat be the d no previousdoxperionfor c esiniwork r so required of them. 2. Tho said proposed now rules would deprive the city of St. Paul of the full benefits of common labor service in that it would place nil portions now he long term sorvico cards and classed as semi -skilled labor under Sec. 8 Rank as "B" and "C" with the I... at classification of labor. borer to of workThere accordingdtosno his ability orfor the physicalafitness- do the best 4. Under the old rules now in force and affect a common isor- oris on a promotional basis. Under Sec. 7, old rulos, Rank "A" being the lowest service and dons not require physical ability or special knowledge. Rank"B' requires an active physical ability and some special knowledge of skill. Rank "C" requires an active physical condition and knowledge and skill of specialized labor work. Most of this work is done by colored n000lo as the white people cannot stand it because of the heat, such as asphalt raker, kettle firemen, asphalt paving, asphalt tampers, to. In work of this nature the head. of the departments are batter qualified to make 1. appointments, knowing the kind of work beat suited for the indi— - ual and tho most service obtainable. 5. But under the new rubs as proposed, all persons holding Rank "B" and "C" cards will forfeit said cards ¢nd be deprived of all they have built up for themselv.:s by way of faithful sorvico o the city in good timos and bad times and will all be classed ¢� Io ,on laborers at the same rate of pay. Yrhlch would give anyone ro ;he qualifies givenagr theirnbestsyear- to rdthe hservicorofhtheacityi,or- ts s The new rules 1f adopted would cause laborers to put in their timo without service and would deprive the city of the energetic sorvico it has rocolved in the past and doprive the faithful sor- vant of a chance of promotion, and the best interest of the city would not bo so rvod. The labor service, thareforc, at e mooting hold a ¢for...id recommend the continuance of the old rulos Sn forec at present. The labor sorvico ordersa the recossnondation of the general comm- ittoo. The labor servico rejects the now r los as proposed and points out that under Rul. 5, Sec. 38, titlo (s) is unconstitutional in that it deprives a cI ti zon of his political rights as guaranteed under the constitution of tho Unitod States as provided by tho 14th amendment of the United States, See- 1, "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdic- tion thereof, aro citizens of the United States and of the stntc wherein they ro.ide. No .tato shall mak. or enforce any law which .hall abridge the privilogus or iamnini tlos of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state doprivo any person of life, I iborty, or property without duo process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. 2. A .t 10th, 1112 Mr. Geor?e Shoahoo, Chaina:n, Fmployess Advisory Comittea, City of Saint Paul. Dear Vr. Sheehan! Ata scent neetirv, of the City Council the rdl—s, G.1-11 Fite no. 92F59, anandinp, ord!nanca . 72r , ralatin- to tho Civil Service 9arean �f the City nr at. 1-1 vas laid over to k—st I Ah for third roadie- aid approval as to ! rc and the %ployeea' Comittee sera remlasted to -Issit their report at that time. Tome very troly, Ct Cy Clerk. I , Crhe Fourth will Lead the Parade at Bemil i -Aourllt Pmrict �epL -E Minn. Mull, xoxo.ex..a..,.. •. •,'. August 4, 1952 Honorable William P. Wbhu-ey Ysyor, City of Saint Paul Court House Saint Paul, Mihneaots yy dear 1fr. Mahoney: Pery r .oily it has come to the attention of the Fourth DS strict, .Department of Minnesota, American Legion, that eomewh.t ext -11 amendments have been proposed to the civil service rule. of the city of Saint Paul. These change., it appears, are embodied in ae amendment to ordinance hasher 2350$.. It Serunderstood that the emending ordinance will be before the ..hued for Ste final reading and passage on August 5th. The proposed emendm®te were referred by the proper -fficisle of the Fourth District to the Legal Committee for study and report. Owing to the sh.rt.e.. of time it has not been possible to complete this study although several provisos Sn the rule. a e such that undoubtedly. the Legion will feel oblig- ed to express itself in connection with them. Ia view of this .Stuatlon the writer at the direction of the ofllcere of the Fourth District request. that the city council postpone Real action on this ordinance to come reasonable time in the future so that a Complete study may be made and that St may havean opportunity to express its views. The writer 1s advised that other orgehisatione ale- desire to express themselves in connection with the proposed rales. Accept the writer's thanks for your .0uvt.sy and atten- tion. Very truly yours, /}'_✓,'�cY7 Chairmen. Legal Comml tt.. Fourth District The American Legion Y' ,rnF: eh f/ aua wne.ae wows ,. rix.xc.0 ...xe eo,...ux,,. exw.. "/ CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.piUI .fMln.a,on CITY COMPTROLLER ®m August 1, 1932 TO THE CITY COUNCIL: Some time ngo there vas Introduced in the Council on my recommendatipn m msndment to the Civil Service ordinance providing f.0 new civil .ervlce rule.. Through m oversight the title of •Aeeletent Bond Clerk' vas omitted, and I recommend that that title be insarted In Crade 12 of the Clerlosl, Adminletrativ., and Fleoal Service, and that thin title be Sneertad as follow.: •A.ei.tant Bond Clerk R.speotfully, , /I:r-4z-/-� Comptroller and Civil Servl o. commissioner July let, 1932 idr :wr•e s..n.aa, C?.ain.nn, Employcea {dvieory Coomi tree, City of Saint Pawl. Doan Wr. 4.biaw: An nrdtnenco onbmttted by Couoleaioner Pnaen, by rem—t, Frovidfcg `or tl.e revleioa of Che Civil fleraSce rube ... laid .,or to An, -cat 5th by the Clty Coancil and referred to your comdttee for your etady and raco®ondation. Se will try to obtain a ootY of thio ordinnnco for yon. Tours vary truly. City Clork. H. F. Goodrich U. Skipton of ,x Xittt ttllt 0111CI OF C1 (2ummptriatia SAINT PAUL.MINNESOTA .41 a June 23, 1932 TO THE CITY COUNCIL: I re wpectfully present herewith for your approval a wet of mended Civil Service Rule,. The accompanying statement prepared by Nr. probwt will ezplelh the reaeone for the oherge,. Respectfully eubm/itttted�. Comptroller and Civll Service Comml aelomer CITY OF SAINT PAUL 6p1.1 of Mmmao� CITY COMPTROLLER ®o Aogoet 0, 1932. To the Honorable War and City GC -11: Gentlemen; Aa chairmen of the departmental committee on Civil Service, it is requested that your honorable body lay over the ordinance covering change in Civil Service rale, for a period of ten days to two seeks. This request is made necessary on accronnt of the fact that Certain appointment, to this Committee have not been made Hader the new administration; also on account of the fact that vacation. and sickness have rendered it impo.- Bible to obtain more than a partial representation of this comoittee. fle,pectfully submitted, Chairman of the Departmental PHW-IH C.—ittee on Civil Service. . ..t 16. 1932. 1506 :stl Balk Bldg., to tho r City —ply... — b.f— tl. city G-51 this —C — L�id t. 23,d, 1932, ut 2 f,,, lMrC —H4E — cP—1 —Y t—ly. City .11-1:. 6uL at ib. -.b. arm. T. Diehl. 307 Covooree Building. .,.... eul. .ss—to. 'Y doer 1:r. Diehl. otdiv. rele,tSva to tho re- .1..ifiootl— of City employ... — before the City C-11 t1c —.UW. nm] ere laid one —1- t, ;,-,,t 23,d. 1932, of 2 1oc,_ Y.1'.. f'm. thirC mud: rtul cpp—1 0o to form. �-- —,, truly. City LlerY. nugget 16. 1932. Fled RSle®, Chairmn. Lbpartm t,j Com'ittee m Civil Servioe. 115 pity mu - Lomt St. N.I. �dm�oeotn. The ordimume relative to Lha re- olmaifiantian of city eaplor.. nae before the City C-11 thie morning. aM — laid auk to ;uL t 23rd. 199. at 2 0 olaok for third reading —d approval ae to form. 7— very t-ly. ity Clark. Aogaot 16, 1932. . C.—C. -,Iwahem. Chairman,!�.Ploveea Advisory Committee. 115 city IhIll & court houses St. Foul. Iliyn. roar Sir. :hm ordl—e relative to trn r olneolflontion of City expley-. —o before the City Council thia m.rojog. end — lead �k to nmsuet 23rd. 1932, ret 2 Prolook 1'.21. for third rending end eppr—1 ae to form. Your- wry truly, CityClerk. A -r -t 16, 193.. . Josaph FSn]eY, ojo U. .^. Cistriet Court, 221Yederal Cldg., St. "aul, :,J_sota. I%er Girt ardi-- mlative to the ro— olnesifioatlm� of City employees — before the City Coonan this morning, a,d vmo laid w,k to AC st 23rd, 1932, at 2 �olaok 1'.:'.. for third readin[ sad npp—I as to form. Y— vats truly. City Clerk. August 76. 1932. L'r. J. 11. Probst. Chief E: leer, Civil Servloe Bureau. St. Puul, mi—ot- Dear Sir, The ordl— relative to the ee- ole.eifioation of City employee. — before tho City C—il this turning, end mss laid osok to August 23rd, 1932, at 2 elm1, P.U. for third rending and approval a. to form. Your. very truly, city Clork. Aut—t 16. 1932. wrala f. caadrtoh, City C-ptrollor. 11 u 1 I d 1 n g. Mar Sir. The ordimnoo relative to the re- alee.Sflomtloa of City -111 yeoe — before the City Connell this mornl,, nad r laid :7one seek to Ao6uet 23rd, 1932, at 2 0look P.L. for third roading aad app -1 - to farm. Your. vary truly, City Clerk. .rro McDONOUGH & DIE HL wn. c.... .D E �nw august 4, 185E William H. Stott City Clerk St. Pani, Winnesota Dear Sir, Haring been authorized by the labor the -MI w aubeitting herwith report zhlel-g Why rales se proposed by the City Comptroller should be re,7eoted. Will yon therefore kindly --b-it this matter 90 the City Connell for revise and dlsoasslonT Very traly years, VrD, OW g.�T�. DSehl 6J9"o The labor service at a orating held at a P.M. August 1, 1932, at the Council Chambers after ooaalderation and discussion Sa unanimous boy rejected A. now civil aerrlee rale. proposed amendment to 0rdimnna {SB60} park= to nommen labor .erviea, is that the action of the labor .srvdos group deem it for the best interest of the city of 2t. Purl. let. Bole a. Seo. 60 •Ae deprive° the °oonii°sloaor or departaent head° tc wppaint aaemon labor werviae In their reap-tive deyartmeat° apaa the pre.en- t%tior il the ting ooffficceer tamers a requisition totth� ivilteervl ee deommieeI—' endrunder�the proposed now Sul.., Seo. 60 B° a list of eligible Worker. °sold be eebmtted to the appointing officer according to priority of standing and the appointments made. Anclutceat. made in this manner Would tend to delay Work end project° and Would also deprive a comisademor of the right to Dlaeo esu on s project Where the moat benefits could be derived for labor service. Ea that the laborer° w oertifled by the Civil Service Comdssind r my not be the best quildfied for the particular Work emte.plated and my have had On province experience in work so req.ired of thee. god. The .aid prop o..d nes rales Would deprive the oil* of St. Paolo[ the fall benefits of common labor aervioo 1n that it would Place all persons now holding long term ea.nm o. —do am slow. es u d -°killed labor.(nnder Ss°. a Hank u B. and 'C.'th. loat •'`�°atim of labor. fire. Thune would be m incentive for the laborer to do the best of Work according to his are, or physical fitusWa. 4th. Dffier the old rales nom in force and effect a ooncen laborer 1s on a yrotwtional basis color Seo. 7, old rules, Bank -A• being the lowest service and do.. net rgairs PW -1o.1 ability or sp-i.1 k --ledge. Bank B^ require. an setivs physical ability and some spooW knowledge of .kill. Bmk,'C' requires or -,I"pwaiml. condition and knowledge end .kill of specialised laborvrk. Noof this Work is done by colored people se th. Whit- people Cannot stem it beoan.e of the beat, rush m aeph►1/ raker, kettle firemen, °spbalt paving. asphalt tempers, ate. in Work of this nature the heads of tho d°pertecht. are better go•llfied to make appointment°, k..dog the kind of Work best suited for the individual andthe most service obtaimbl.. 6th. But under the new rales a. proposed, all persons holding Bank -B- end eC _ds will forfeit ..id cards and be deprived of all they have built up for themselves by Wayof faithful serri.e to the city 1- goad tics. end bad times and will all be els°°edae occ oa laborers at the Wass rate of W. whion would give anyone mho gcalifie' for a groan °lass •A• card the ease rights as laborers who have given their best years to the service of the city. The naw rule. if adopted would cause laborers to put in their time without service, and Would deprive the city of the energetic service it has received in the part; end deprive the faithful .ervent of •ahem° of promotion, and the beat inter.,* of the city would not be served. The labor service, therefore, at meeting held as aforesaid reemmend the coatlnueaoe of the old rules in force at presort. The labor service color°.. the se recommendation of the general cosdttee. The labor serviceSrejicttometltatiole in proposed and pointe oat that miler Bale 6. Be.. as guartle ects.d soler the nemtltattoa that SL deprive• . aitdaen of his Political right. 04 the united States s• Provided by the 14th ®ender,; of the subject to thetee, See. 1, All pe reons bora ° m ton State°, .nil subject to the jnriedieticn tLL�1, ;F...S.$°+-Tali ` thereof, .ra c1H ae�oi-the Llait.1 3totse and o4 the .tate d�ereln they reel6e. Be state .hall make or enforce any law which sh.11 abridge the privilege' or iwmondtd.. of 0 tissue of the United Statee� nor shall soy elite ceprive aaY Pere.. of life. liberty. r pr.p•rtr• '�cn..+c n•s owe =f -�. • ..�y person within it. Lection oY th.•L>• n- jnriedie� The labor aersloe at a meeting held at 8 P.H. August 1, 1882, at the OoenailChamber. after, consideration and discussion In ua .I-- body rejected the new Civil wnice rules proposed a -d—t to Ordlaanne ►8260 pertaining to oeman labor serrioe. in that the action of the labor .—I.. group deem it for the beet interest of the City of et. Paul. let. Huls 8, Bee. 60 "A" deprives the oomissiemr or department heads to OROin% common labor service in their respective departments upon the presea- t4tioa of • green. yellow or whit. card —111 the dsp-tamt heeds or appoiating, officer bander.. regaleitica to the civil service cosmiseioaer, and under the Poupoewa use Rola B. Bwa. 60 ^H^ s list of eligible workers would be mbmitted to the appointiag officer anoording to priorib• of ff—ding and the appoimtante sada. Appolatamabs sada in this meaner would *and to delay work and projects and would also deprive • aseed-ioner of the right to place mea an a project mere the most bemfite could be derived for labor service. In that "a I"Orarw she certified by the Oivil Service Oomdsaloner my not be the best gaA.Ufiaa for the partlealar work °rmtoWletsd and my have had ao previous erperieaoe In work w vaguired of thar4 Had. The said proposed new rales would deprive the oit3F of Bt. Palct the labor s in at =old plane all sons holding gllong beim of eervicecardds an&clalawswed a hsemieeki 11 ad labor under e Rack m B. and "0^ the lowest ala.drio.tion of labor. erq. Therw would be m Incentive for the laborer to do the beet of work according tohis ability or physical fitmas. M. Under the old rale. now in force and effect eon"" anulus an a yrosatioaal basis under Seo. 9, old role., Hank "A" being the and does Out require physical ability or special knowledge. Hank "B" requires an active Physical ability and some special knowledge of still. Hank "0" requires an active pW.is.l ocmditian and taowledge and skill of sp-I.U-d labor -ft. Hest of this work Se does Dy oo71,ppred people m the white People cannot .tend it bm.ve of the beat, such m *;81911 raker, kettle firsoen, a.pb.lt Paving, asphalt tampers, etc. yII work of this nature the heads of the department. ars better qualified to make APPoiatmmto, knowing the kind of work beat waited for the individual and the most .erwice obtftI=ble. M. But ®der the mw calm ae proposed, all phreoas holding Bar[ ^H" and "0^ cards will forfeit said cards and be deprived of all they have built up for tbemelves by way of faithfal "twice to the oily in good time and bad time and will all be choscad as comm laborers at the came rata of pay. Which would give anyone who qualifies for a groan clue "A" card the same right. as ]aborere who have given their best years to the servim of the city. The new rule. if adopted would Cause laborers to pat In their time without sersiae, and would deprive the city of the energeticserrius it has received in the past; and deprive the faithful earTent of a chance of promotion, and the beet interest of the city —old not be Served. The labor sandoe. therefore, at meting hold m aforesaid recommend the eoatinumoe of the old rales in Yoroe at present. The labor service endorsee the reoommendetdoa of the general oomsdttee. The labor service rejects the now rules m proposed and pointe oat that ander Hu1C 6; Banm . 88, title "S" 1. coaetlintlonal I. that it deprives a cities. of big political right. as guaranteed ower the °oa•titull K of the United State m provided by the 14th amendment of the United State., Ben. 1, 111 pe:ecne Dorn e...f...ssfed•'!r^tllu^iHmtta Stat.., and e¢DJeot t - ,t-- puri edletiOn thereof, are eltl gens ane of the etatB wherein they reside. HO state dull make or mforos say law which shall abridge the privileges Or Imwanities of aitisans of the United States; car shall aur yoreen of life, liberty,Z-2 or h. ° r nee er <+w '°on -thin its 1uri.ddatian thAPr'eteotim ffie labor worries at c meeting held a1 a P.R. Aug"* 1. 19521 at the Council Ohasbors atter ocneideration and dieouavim in euanlmes body rOJO~ Lha now civil eoreloe roles proposed amendwmnt to OrdSEmoe #8800} pertaining to eosooa Lber worries. in that the sotlon of the labor service group denim it for Us best lmorest of the City of at. Pel. lel. We 0, awe. 00 "A" deprives the wamdswLmr or dspartm®t heads to appoint mamma labor service in their Hepeotive departments open the prosen- %UoM of a groa4 yellow or mite Bard until the department heads or appointing effioer tenders a requlsltfma to the civil worries ocamdsoionel', and under the proposed nA HCL a, ane. b0 'T' a Ut of eligible warkara mould be what"" to us appointing offlwer moording to priority of standing sed the appalntiad/s made. Appolntamdts mode In this manner would teod to delay work: add p"Jeots and would also deprism a eemaisrioder of the right to plane man On a pr'oleet where W aout benefits could be derived for labor servieO. In that Lha labours we certified by the Civil service Oomosledoner my out be the best geiilf jA for the particular wont omtsrpiated am rq have hod m prerlade orperianos in wart M required of them. Cid. me said proposed an roles =old deprive the o11j of at. Peeler iha full Dwaine of wwmmod labor service In that it would plane all Pervade now holding lug tern eo*visO cards mea al"B d u wad-ddlled Lour under woo. s Haar .4 B" add 'b" Lha Last WiWieifleatioa of labor. Sri. men aodld be m Sdwansi" for the laborer to do the best of work aomrding to his ability or pby.ival fit=-S, {*h, gtlsr the old Mies now in farce cod Offset a mmmn laborer is on a prartimal basis under Cee, t, old rules. Hank 'A" being the Lnet eervice and does not rOutae phyedoal ali1117 or spool" knowledge. Boob '2" require■ as motive physioal ability add was syOoial km.7edge of skill. Renk "q" requires an actin pymLal omdlllm and knowledge and skill of spmiallsed labortesl4 moat of this Work is doss by colored psople as the white people oaunot mtsnd it because of the beat. such we asphalt raker, "Stu firemen, asphalt pa-ding. asphalt tmmpen. oto, la work of this oats s the heads of the departments are better qualified to make appointosnts, knomleg the kind of work best Wetted for the indlrideal add the met service ebtaiamble. nth. Hat mler the use rtQA]M as proposal, all persons holding sank "9" and "O" Cards Will forfeit Mid OwrMand to dsprivad of all they hen built up for themselves by my of faithful service to the aity in good Lira end bad Uwe and will all be eisased " cowman "borers at the sae rate If Ps4y" ndoh wo.ld give atyede io gealifiee for a green elan "P ward the Baas rights se laborers have given their best year's to the service of the city. fee�r rales 11' adopted would Cause laborere to put in their UM without -nice, mrd ZU doprivs the city of the SAMOUo service It ban received in the pastl add deprin the fMlmfnl servant of a ahems of pro=d=, add The best interest of the city would not be torved, ffie labor sU service, tharefore, at a rong hold we aforesaid recommend the sou .. of old rifles in Lone at prseeot. I s labor sarvfoe endorses the mmm reeddatlen of the "'nol Committee. The labor eoridew rce rejects the rales as proposed add points eat diet nodes Rule e. Bre. se, title "aabs tio—I in nLd that It d.privea a elUaar of his politleal rights gdarouwed under of tba United States as provided by the 16th MAndmedt of the U ited acetas, see. 1, A. Parson. bard el:yeimraitssd-fn-the United states. sod eebl.et to tun ldri.dietlm th roof, ere utlt. of the dhlt.d etetee .wad of the state wmaredn they reside. No state &all asks or saforee any law Wh1eh shall abridge the privil.g•p° immuultd a of eftiaens of the United wtet.v, our .h.11 era • of life, Ube"+.a. ae y-. ••' ` u.gy..s e.rsoa oithld 1!w lnrislieUm the ^pael.eHoa orecn•• she lobo, ser7ln at a me,11.9 held at s p.u. august 1. 1982. at the oommil Ohembers after 6onsideretim am dieecodm in anWeoas body rejected the new civil service Ales proposed awmmaut to oraia,noe mmi pertain s; to ease= Lour service, in SW 1n, sousem1of the labor service grOap decm it for th the beet istereet of e Oity .a of 65, ` Ml- . let, Mae 9, Sm. co silo deprins the ooselulensr or departemt heads to Oppelnt coraco labor service in their respective deyartmts "pen the presea %Um of a greens ywllou or white card mobil the departcrnt heads or appointing 6ffleer tawdns • requislilon b m th6 civil service eocalseles, cod mar the 1.01 saw pale e, Sm, M, "P a list of wligible loaders mould be sabedtted to the appointing officer according to prlorlir Of etendlm am the appointsmtA eau. iWintuMb, aerie in this causer mould Sem to delay work and prejeete ate would also daprire a memtesieosr of the right to place sec on a preJeet at— %a meet be=flta O=dd be derived far labor service. In that the laborers we certifiparticular, work emby tat tagpUted am MY haws hadaymsoyrerlowet be ebeat eaperi� cork ecsd for u requiredof thea. Cade The said proposed West raise mould deprive She wltK of St, pnlaf the fall beadlte of Ommm labor aerviee in that it would place all parsama cos holdfeg lane tam serdee cards sed class" se mad-stilled labor Omer Sm. 9 Sack am ab• Yid sou the lowest asmoiticauas of labor. ISN, 'mere Would be m imantive for the Laborer to do the beet of work according to big ability OR AWSLOal 97109681 41he ®Wes the old rales mw in farm and effect a m®On lobos is m a lrmotiannl basis occur Sec* 1, old roles, Sank sge being the lowest smviw em does not ",,trs Vqw ca ability or speosal Wooelsdge, Bank 0V requires m aetiwa pW aloo, ability am Wass Opp" knowledge of @kills Back "os requires an =11" ptnlawl condition and knowledge am Ydll or apmldL" laborost. lbet of thls work Is don, by colored people am the white pOWpla mmol atend It because of the beat, cab aw aspbalt laws kettle flraman, Mpbelt paving, asphalt Suspect. oto, In work of this "tare the heads of the lop-tmaats are better quell!!" to make aMolutusate, knife the kind of work boot Watt" for the individual am the suet service obtaiambU, M. M under the sec calm as psopes". all person, holding reek shed and Rk" Cara will forfeit cold cards YW he deprived of all they baws built lop for tMmaelwss by my or faithfulasevice to the city In goad time cud es bad tie am will all be alas." as causes laborers at the aces rate at pay. Which Weald give agyees sho qualifies for a green elan a+e card the same r seta as lahossre be bar* giw their beat yaare to the eas"Os of the 6110. The now rules if "opted Would caw laborers to put to their time wlthaut servics, and would deprive the city of the auars kic sereloe it hag received in the past, and daprlwe the faithful current of a Ohanee of plwaetion, and the beat letterer of the city could Out be sarwed. The Labor service. therefore. at • seetiue bold as &for*"" "Oommed the Contiau►ece of the Old ruler in force at pre.Wats The labor se"I" endorsee the recommendation of the gwcaral omedttee, 'rine labor title „is t. the hetnew rates as is propos" am polite Out that under Sole D. Sec. Sss unconstitutional the tionaltI& that It depriree a Oldie= of his political rights asguaranteedufand rthee. ution of thO unit" States as peevided ty Sha 14th sWmsmt t " tb, 1er1"Setloa loll permca6 born y; ntesltecala iha skit" States, em aunjm Thay :"side. thermf. are citiam, of ab, ahttsd state, sec of the state gherein us wlote mall asks er =rorn say lee "blob .ball abridge the peri 1W. s t®mnttia@ of eltlasoa , the ID.dt,d Stater ver Y�all ary�.*.a. v ;i,. per.oarof It. Mar" whoa or . ^err Jok eO° wlthia its Jurisdiction te '1,wteot1— of to �l .a a Me labor sonfas .1 a oeting hold at 6 Puke Aneast 1. 1938, at the oameil ambers smw oousideFetion and dlamedm in Oneammus Leal nJaatas ths ae ciri1 NerieroiN Proposed arNemNt to Ordieesge /9X60} parwalW to Mara labor Meet": 10 %bat the Noon of the labor age"" grasp data it for the best Interest of the ciy Of St, Psal. _ lata Ral, M. Sao. 60 "A" deprives the eo®te.lnner or d p.rtomt heads =appals comm . lor abservice 1. their respestive dW eparnO spa. the P"— ytiNd . a..% Yellow or shite card mt11 the depa,%—% Casae or appointive officertoter a eogatdtisn bo the dHl sereioo aaa,l.eimer. Nd oder le.S.:rhe V- - aa rule 6. Seo. 60 V" . list .9 sub eligible c.elN..00ld be esttas bo who .9pointi.g offl.er McWdle, to priori{► of .ta.ding sae the appoint—t. Made. Appeiat me"m made In this MW1N cola tad to dela: work and PniOote .as Neldelse 4eprtve . N'l.daaer of the right b Plate Olen m a PnJed .here ow Mat b.OKite MOO to derleed for last eereies. la thet ths horses N Nrtified y ths oiell Senisw ooealsdNer My set be the Met %VUMos for the partlsalN week Oatatilated and or here has N Previous 63pwtems in sort N regatr.d of thea. 6066 the Nib proposed mw ra1N rola deprive m. aitj of :t. Anis Us 2011 bM1C=1 of .ammo labor Meet" to that it acrid PUM. all POSMas Me holding long teen ae :174" arde and olevd N toli g-aded labor caner SN. 6 Rant aw '9^ and "d^ who losses dMsdllOagN of labs.. 6666 mere so.id be N lummalve far the lab*~ to do the best Of .eek awarding 1. his ability or DMeleu rna.h 6th. Moder the old niN mw in tone ad dfsat a sesses lahcres is m S prdNtional bade sader Saw t. old :Dias. Mask "A" WAS the lssevt oereioe mm doge sat regain PLYdoal .mliy or NVOOLd kmeledgee Renk ^R" Muteso sa MU" 9hlrisal ability .m eco Spatial koogledge of skill. Renk "C" requires an rouse 00104 oaallttm em kaodadg...d Skill of SpMUU"d laboreolk. 319et of this work is does 1W colored people ss the N whiPOPPle Mosel ".w it be, of th. lad, such as asphalt raker, settle f1rNN, agpLalt paving. .ephait t.apeve 'toe in week of ULs aatrrw the heads of the departments are better goeliffed fe sYe appeant.eabo. kaawiag the situ of work beet petted for the Individual ..e the Nat e. -I- obtaiaebl.. Otho Rat sedor the asw raise a. proposed, all Parvo.. bOlaL.g neck "R" Mas I., O."a ll Miforfeit .sig oaros sea M deprlvw of all they have built op for .e Ih lve. ty w V of fat orld aVriOO to the city in good time aas bas time aped rill all M egueeea .. Oomen lsborerg d the era Ate of pay. ghioh would Kiva wvrMm oho qu.iiflas for a green .legs "a" cera tho aeme ruts as labOVM thO hoes given their Mgt years to the service of the 611W. -- rules if adapted Mold tam. 1.borSes to Pd is thoir wise rtthot service. sad vaald depelre the city Of the eaarg.ti. -TI.. It h.e r=eteed 1. the peon and deprive ths fatttfui OerMM Of a obaosa of PeMmtiOa1 and the beet int.r"t of the city =old not be served. The 10" .Neig, thorefon. at . M OWL.W held an aforesaid r ---.d the 'tl.mme of the old rales in Lone at Dreamt. 7h. labor worm" easoress the .eovvasaaatfon of the geamal oossittn. 'mg lab.. msrviae reJaots the net rales sa proposed and pointe gat that Maser Rule O. Sao. SO. title "6" L umoatlt.tieml la pmt it d.PAU.. eitisen V hi. P011110e1 rlghte Of AsOr"S"d O,A.r the 6Oa01tatiea of the 1.1t.d otat.e m psoeided $' the 14th amenaaat Of t':o L.it6d :.-tete.. 111 Persons hon or mturelt.as In the laiW etas.. and eabJevt to tno J.rledteNMM t—oof, are oitlrma Of _tblligd...4tatpl ad of t -.e elate then&. U-7 "'I". No .tate full M.sONMN'695i sav &ar Oklah ms11 ahriage the privile6ee Or lemycitles t eI$jMoa or ft. ,we.a cmte.i nor shall alp .sots depriveart: Pa*°Oa or V /w liborv. ap.rsy. wpm-eud� ✓rsa oar r.-. n...w a ., vi wase it. hridiotim th ae,•� wP"" ea•'� l COUNCIL FILE NO. - 928W PRESENTED BY � //L '- � WeN�'tF ORDINANCE NO. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7310, entitled ,An ordinance providing for all matters con- oerning, regnlating or affecting the construction, alteration, regulation, repair, removal, maintenance, we and inspection of all buildings, walls or stru.- tures erected or to be ereoted within the limits of the City of St. Paulo the protection of property against Sire, and for the purpose of securing health- ful, safe and sanitary environments for the occupants of buildings used for human habitation or otherwise, to compel the owners of such buildings, walls or atruotuurea to alter, reconstruct or modify the same, or any part thereof, for the purpose aforesaid, and to prohibit the unlawful nee or o..uPanoy of all buildings, walls or structures; establishing fire limits, and prescribing the powers end duties of the Commissioner of Public Buildings in conformity with the Charter provisions; providing a penalty for the violation thereof and repealirg all ordi= nenoes inconsistent herewith. Thi s is an .mer- genordinance rendered neoessary for the presery oy ation of the public pence, health and safety,' / approved May 33, 1930. This is an emergency ordinance render neoeeeary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. A • THS COUNCIL Of THE CITY Of ST. PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Ordinance No. 7310, approved May 33, 1930, be and the same Ss hereby amended by striking out the second sent- ence of Section 30-9 thereof. Section 3. That said ordinance be and the same Se bereby farther amended by striking out the first Benton.. of Seotion 30-10, Paragraph (a), act by inserting in lien thereof the following: •All wirtag for light, heat and parer in now buildings e -rented in the corporate limits of the City of St. Paul shall be in rigid metal oon- duit. All oonaait, outlet boxes, covers and fittings, with the exception of cabinets and out - oat boxes, shall be galvanized, sherardized, or galvanealed. flexible metal conduit may be used where it is impossible to we rigid oondait.• Section 3. This ordinance is hereby declared to be am emer- genoy ordinance rendered necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health and safety. Section 4. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force from end after its passage and publioation. JUL 1 -� S<ae comdl— N,,., F -1d by dm Cmncil c-Truax ,- M'Y—ld / - rt' ' In F—, Rosen .1Fains� ntrr,<sid<c. a.._,,ydYaheney Mayor . _,,, LlS1LED CITY OF SAINT PAUL PARKS, PLAYGRDUNDS7ND• PUBLIC BUILDINGS June 7, 1032. Hon. L. L, Anderson, Corporation Co" Department of Law. Der ,Sir: May werespectfully ask that you draw up in ordinance form the fo11ow]ng changes in the Building Code, which I will introduce in the Council at an early date and which chang- eshave been recommended by the Electrical Code Committee at its last meeting? w Eliminate the second sentence of Section 30-9 as amended and passed by the Council on February 24, 1932. Revise the first sentence of Section 30-10, Paragraph (a) so that this paragraph will read as follows: "All wiring for light , , heatand power in n w build- ings erected In the corporate limits of theeCity of St. Paul shall be in rigid metal conduit. All con- duit, outlet boxes, covers, and fittings, with the exception of cabinets and cut-out boxes, shall be gal- vanized , she rardized , or galvanealed. Flexible metal conduit may be used where it is impossible to use rig- id conduit." You))rstruullgy,,���'�-,'��/ .cm. -.i ss oner. ITY OF 9T. PA - No......._ „4iUA1 OFF E OF r M^ aV UNCI ION EN WHEREAS, the City of 8t. Paul, by Ordinance $8974, approved October 3, 1938, authorized the issuance and sale of $7,577,000 par value of the bonds of the City of St. Paul, the proceeds of which were to be used as set out in said Ordinance, and WHEREAS, the said ordinance was duly approved by the voters of the City of St. Paul, by popular vote, on the sixth day of November 1985, and WHEREAS, bq.Ohapter 128 of the Session Laws of Nine oto for 1929, it Se provided that before the proceeds of any such onds shall be used, the governing body of the City moat, by resolut on, determine the proj aato and the amount of the proceeds of such oads for such projects under each bond issue, and WHEREAS, by Council File #80419, approved April 25, 1929, the Council of the City of St. Paul did make this allocation of funds, and In doing so made allocations for the acquiring of new school sites and the erection of new schools or additions to old ones, �/ Aw EREAS; in carrying out the program set out in Council W4�` y le $8041 the estimated amounts set out by said resolution for schools and school site. have not, in each Instance, been expended, and WHEREAS, it is desirable at this time to make a new allocation of funds for schools and school sites and to provide for a new school on the site known as the Chelsea Heights, located at Hoyt and Hemline Avenue, now therefore be it RESOLVED, that the sum of $11,000 is hereby deducted from the amount net up for an addition to the Oroveland Park School, Code 507; that the a= of $15,000 is hereby deducted from the sum set up for an addition to the Mattocks School, Code 508; that the .um of $14,500 is deducted from the amount set aside for the school for orippled children, Dods 510• that the a= of $3500 is hereby deducted from the amount eat elide for the Washington High School, code 512, and the sum of $9,000 Is hereby deducted from the fund .etup for the Ford District school, Code 513; that the sum of $28,174.98 is hereby deducted from the fund set up in said resolution COUNCILMEN Yeoa Yayn Adapted by the Council.._ ................. .....193.. McDonald Pcarne hf—, ADProveJ___.. _..__.. _... ...... .193... Rosen Ncuzel / M' - M,. P,.idcat. Mahoney onu�pan a.n Cln OF ST. FAU ,0........_.92860 OFFICE OF Y CLERK /� C NCIL UTION -GENERAL F .Y as Equipment and Unforeseen Heoeselties, Code 514; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sum of $ 500.00 be added to the fund eat aside for the aoqui aition of a new Bite in the Edgeoumb Road district, Code 503; that the sum of $950.00 be added to the fund set aside for the aoqul a 1tion and improvement of the site for the Neohanlgg Arte gymnasium, Code 501• that the sum of $4.96 be added to th@�oted for an addition to the Harri soa School, Oode 505; that the sum of $14,220.00 be added to the evm fined for the Harding High 6ohool Addition, Code 506; the t the svm of $500 be added to the sum voted for the new unit in the Eastern Heights district, Code 509; that the sum of $65,000,00 be set up for a new unit on the site known as the Chelsea Hbights district, located at Hoyt and Hemline Avenues, to be known as Code 515. COUNCILMEN Yc. M, nld fnvnr �//j�In m n. Air. 111,.IlImlt MuLaney Ad<,I,I,�I I, lb, U������a 9_£ 54?yA2_lea. App 1 _ _ 108. >, u11LIJIILU / r ow�pa,o.. CI OF ST. PAUL cwmca NO........:,J��v OFFI F THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LUTION—GENERAL FORM ABEBBAS' the City of Bi. Paul did all to the First Rational Baak of the City oY Bt, Paul, Your registered bond., aumbered 868, 889, 872 and 873, of the total face value oY $402,000, under as option whereby the City of Bt. Pani xae to be permitted to re -purchase on or before July 1, 1932, $200,000 of said bonds for the price paid by the Bank sad xae io be per- mitted, under said option, to ra-purchsee on or before December 1, 1932, $202,000 oP Bald bonds on the same basis, and was the CouncillbbyEOovsoildFilee#91669,1thorized approvedand approed Februaryv11, h1932, and WF[68EA8, the Sinking Fund Oommittee has recommended that the City eaerol ee its option to purchase $200,000 of said bond., being Registered Boal. Bo, 888 and Ao, 872, for the General 8lnking Fuad of the City, now therefore be it to purchase R111'd D, that the City of St. Paul exercise its option eatwo bonds at the price paid the City by said Bank, and the proper city officers re hereby authorized and directed to ooneummate au a ch transaction. - _ aloHg.u:ntrN Y— )U Nnys Mny �yx�lonnld / <r 6/ Mr. President Muhuncy WM Aa„htrd by m„ C,,,,, ii _JuR 2-8-1932-.193_ _. Mi r Y� I w,yu,mc,w Gari CITY ST. PAULA HY Ilton RNs,- ,,....92862 � IOnyppt��f MI • OFFICE E CITY a yIt o OY �'.gcaq 1i IL R UTION—GE �I1.nG tI v 4MIC ID N J , Pe®[NTEo y p R�gObOClc WHEREAS, the Empire National Bank and Trust Company has here- tofore assigned to the City of St. Paul, Liberty Loan bonds and City of St. Paul bonds to secure deposits in the a= of $120,000; and WHEREAS, Said Empire National Bank and Trust Company to de- sirous of withdrawing $20,000 in Liberty bondq, namely, 44$, bonds No. 0018228, 0018229, 00000920 and 00016389, each in the amount of $5,000, and substituting in lieu thereof $20,000 in City of St. J_d4 Paul Be. bonde,i due January 1, 1937, being Bonds No. 34946 to 34955 inclusive, and City of St. Paul 4j% Permanent Improvement Revolving Fund bonds, due May 1, 1935, being Bonds No. 5191 to 5200 inclusive, eaoh in the amount of $1,000; and WHEREAS, Said withdrawal and substitution will leave on de- posit, by assignment, sufficient bonds to cover the total amount of deposits, and proper assignments have been drawn to accomplish this purpose and have been approved by the Sinking Fund Committee and the Corporation Counsel; therefore, be It RESOLVED, That the Council hereby approves and accepts said assignments. couNtinter r 197E Yens Y. 1'l AaonLea by to c !,a _��ll • - /�ina�ola rce 1 tnvar % APP r I _ ._. .193..._ �x lY-d nieyy Mr. P -id -t Mahoney 'N •-Ir PUBLISfieD CITY OF ST. PAU, 0 1 THE CITY U8G3 COUNCIL R - UTJONa s. RUMULZ= WHEREAS, the Southern Surety Company, a OOrporation of the State Of New York, has been taken over for liquidation by the Insurance Commissioner of the Stat e of New York, and WHMAB ,t he Southern Surety Company is surety on the bonds hereinafter named, covering lioenses still in force, and WHEREAS,it is necessary that now bonds be furnished the City in lieu of the Southern Surety ty bonds, therefore be it RESOLVED, that ESOLVED'that the Corporation Counsel be and he is hereby authorized and dir eote " to notify the following to furnish new bonds at once: Phillips petroleum Company, Sign—hanger's bond, executed September 8, 1929, Amount $10,000. W. W. Magee, Permit to wreck buildings, e.eouted May 2, 1930, Amount $10,000. Highland Park Company, a corporation, bond for the vacation of alley in Blocks 2, 9 and 29, Lane's Highland Park. (,()I N'C MEN Y'. N., by 16 (',,u , -I ME 'pri ved 193 —,7 .-� ZIIIIPII,nid-t M.h.-, ➢epaehnent of $iaw an or er. PAUL - June aa, 198x. Mr. William F. Scott, 01ty Clerk, St. Paul, Minnesota. Dear Sir; we have Information that the Highland Park' Company, a corporation, sought and obtained the vacation, of an alley and gave a bond, issued by the Southern, Surety Company, as Wrety, protecting the City by reason - of such vacation. The enact location of the alley we, cannot determine. - Will you kindly advise us what alley vacation• the Highland Park Company has been given, for which they, gave a bond in the Southern Surety Company? - Your. very truly,. gM_yq, Assistant Corporation unsel.• aaml„d,a.. CITY OF ST. PAUL f OFFICE OF THE CITY CL N. fe6 �ppH�q � Hit'. COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENE 1 A sl� l oe Sa .��n� PaLSENrzaa i�akxea WHEREAS, As provided by Council Tile NO. 92651, approved May 28, 1932, the Council did, on the 23rd day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock in the Council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking that certain ' two-story brick and frame structure located on Lot 1, Block 188, Robertson's Addition, also known ax; No. 19 W. Indiana avenue, follow- ing due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, appkoved May 22, 1930; and it Is the opinion of the Council that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wreoked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building; be it BDATHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. COO���.PP'ILMEN ,1 Ye / N.ye / K E z ] Adnptnl by the ( ,,,4u,Y_ 2_F 1019 ..193- carte _ .. In favor J,`t' A pprovttl 193__. oaon r. President h� Agninet A- ,1Pr,1zcl Y., ,e .n/ honey '.dl IM1EL��� Adopted by the CouucII 1. .193 Yea.. Noy.. -" MAY �MCDONALD I PEARCE it ROSEN j TRU.AX WENZEL /MR. PRESIDENT (MAHONEY) -ff.� aWo.lna0 a.n CITY OF ST. PAU11C�r'�P t�1C—B �+r.7TY. 'i'r'wx-���-7865 OFFICE OF THE CITU 7Oaa Sw ivmi1 COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL �, 11��i ly'a�6ag. I•�� '7111 S�wy �fnm b IP PRmENTeO av coMMlaelor+ea �OLICQ WHEREAS, As provided by Council File No. 92575, approved May 31, 1932, the Oounoll did, on the 24th day of June, 1932, hold a public bearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain frame barn located on Lot 13, Stinson's Subdivision of Block 3, also known ee the southeast corner of Erie and St. Glair streets, following due notice of said bearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and It is the opinion of the 0ounoil that said building in unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wreaking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Oommieaioner of Parke, Playgrounds and —Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing of thte notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the 0ouncil. COU[[[�0'77]I.M Ycss / N., `�` / I Adopted by th . Council ..... ...193. / Y annnald ' App,—,d _. _. __ 193. Hoses /Truax J... ARainet �L(` Wenzcl Nuynr as e.n/Mz. President 14uhouey maoo., t • 9213G6 CITY OFaT. PAU�j�'`` �.�N��' . OFFICE OF THE CITY `yam �- gC�ogef7., ` COUNCIL RESOLUTION --a EMJ {NY y�quq PeoEN18o By 1 E �� wMMim,onew�25e-,1 _ =4'* - ....__ n t r�. earM �i yY �G_—__.__ .,..nu..r-- llfim[ 11HEREAB, As provided by council Bile No. 92576, approved May 31, 1932, the 0ounoll did, on the 24th day of June, 1932, at ten o'clock A. M., in the council Chamber of the Court House, hold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of vreoking that certain barn and sheds located on Lot 14, Borup's Addition, following due notice o1 said bearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and it is the opinion of the Council that said buildings are unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining Proper- ty, end should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said buildings be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said buildings, be mailed by the 0ommlesioner of Parke, Playgrounds and o Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at his last ]mown address, or to the agent or occupant of said buildings or structures; be It FURTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing o1 this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the ocoupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said oommissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report sabd fact to the council. 2 a �000 COU ILMP•,N �� 1 AJopLed by th Cnnncil ....193_ .. Yeas Nsyn 'tti _. - e..Ina... WW�.f,zcl ,w ` z /�I r, PrceidonL MnLoney q� � CITY OF SAINT PAUL C.ru.1 of MI..uol• DEPARTMENT OF PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 219 at, H.II {RED M MAX , C----ena ConSr/u+5, Daw. G..x.ia... .Qq.. July 26, 1962- H.- Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: on May 31, Council Resolution 92866 was passed by your Honorable Body, ooaf Srming the condemnation of the barn at 506 Temperance Street, owned by Fred Witzig, 141 Hast Twelfth Street. May we advise You that his furth ownerrcarrledloutorepairesandllhe be unnecessary,a. barn Is no longer unsafe? Your. truly, Commissioner. VY, v f,r4', CITU OF ST. PA OFFICE OF THE CITY , COUNCIL RE90LUTION--G rtr ew ,� eseeeNTeO e. �.ur ha., .% s..e•.l""e•.:rr �: AHEREAS, Ake provided by Council File No. 93549, approved May 38th, 1932, the Council did, on the 34th day of June, 1932, bold a public hearing upon the advisability and necessity of wreaking that certain frame garage, located on the south 27 feet of the north 54 feet of Lots 4, 5 and 6, Block 10, Midway Heights, also known as No. 848 Pusey avenue, following due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordinance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; andit is thpbpinion of the 00uncil that said building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wreaked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wreaked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of Said building, be mailed by the Oommissioner of Perks, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner Of said property at his last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FMTHER RESOLVED, That if, within ten days after the mailing Of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the 0ouncil. couPPP4��,n.M@H fa JUN2919V Yeoe / NnYs>�j^ ,' Adopted by tl (. il__ _.-- .IM_ - / t /p,tarse I f vow A P 1 .. 193... /.Truax ✓. ..Aginrl�1�.�-r''�`:'),i'.. Iv—d IN /Mr. President Mahoney CITY OF SAINT PAUL c Casual of Minnesota DEPARTMENT Of PARKS, PLAYGROUNDS AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS 419 City Hall FRED K TRUAX, Com 1-46 ono F. cwmnHs, o.on ce..nw... .ffi.G• ]�y July 26, 1932. Hon. Council, City of St. Paul. Gentlemen: On June 24, Council Resolution 92867 was passed by your Honorable Body, confirming the condemnation on the part of this office of the building at 846 Pusey Street. This resolution directs the wrecking of this building if no appeal is taken within ten days. May we report that the building has now been removed, and there is no need of further proceedings in this matter? Yours truly, - �- Al. Jj1� Commissioner. 9��3t►8 r CITU OF ST. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLFRxaI COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERA``��rr ,ylie� Ie 1 YI4 Yn •�-- R 1fHERElB, 1a provided by Oounoil rile No. 92550, approved May 28, 1932, the Oounoil did, on the 24tb day of June, 1932, hold a public bearing upon the advisability and necessity of wrecking that certain brick apartment building located on Lots 5 and 8, H. TbomP- sonle Subdivision, also known as the rear of No. 228-230 E. Tenth street, folluring due notice of said hearing given pursuant to Ordi- nance No. 7210, approved May 22, 1930; and It is the opinion of the Oonnoil that Bald building is unsafe and dangerous to life, limb and adjoining property, and should be wrecked and removed; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That said building be wrecked and removed, and that a copy of this resolution, directing the wrecking and removal of said building, be mailed by the Commissioner of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings to the last known record owner of said property at bis last known address, or to the agent or occupant of said building or structure; be it FORTNER RESOLVED, That if, Kthin ten days after the mailing of this notice to said property owner, his agent, or the occupant, no appeal has been taken from this order, said Commissioner of parks, playgrounds and Public Buildings shall report said fact to the Council. "tP COUNCILMEN� AdopteJ by the Cuuncil JUN .8.A !0"193_ O_ N¢ys My{fonald AI I J _ _ 193.... P cc In f¢vor i �- %fry¢x _! Ag¢inrt enael �/ ,r ` r�r. Presidenb Mahoney PUUWJHliU�'_.! U / _% CITY OF ST. PAUL NO.�� o�^•,OM1 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK OUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM Jrhe 23 19 RESOLVED aced That licenses for which eppllcatlona h­been made by persons n oa the attached list be and the name are hereby granted and the city clerk ie instructed to issue such licensas -non the Faymant into the city treasury of the required fee. COVfICILMEN �Di'?�' Sr Yca / NaYsF / <-1 Truax / (Ao�aId /Roscac �! Agal�ar Aenzel Mr. Prcaldcar @)BBUe Mahoney — I h' R �M t epW., 04'h4 tylpc 've J � DSIIf _ 4I Ad,"d by hc Cou.c Approved _ <,SG.q June 25, 1932 Wm. Bethke 1053 Forest St. Butcher C.A. Eng9uist 174 E. 7th K. Fidelman 682 Selby E. Gydeeon 105 S. Wabaeha J. P. Jarshishek 1782 E. Minnehaha ^ Moward Joseph 201 Concord John Kruse 1141 ForeeY. Job, R. Sevcik 419 N.Dale F. C. Tucker 1461 Payne n Woodburn and Brandl 854 Rice A. H. Zimmerman 939 E. 3rd C. E. Anderson 370 S. Snelling Grocery Nick Bolles 188 E. Fairfield Confectionery Arthur Harnett & A. Lea 860 Selby Grocery Benson Bros. 656 Oendella Restaurant Wm. Bethke 1053 Foro st St. Grocery George Bulinski 850 Foxest Confectionery Ray Campbell 1576 Portland Grocery G.:J. Flanders 1218 Selby Confectionery Jacob Goldenberg 981 Selby Grocery N. U. Gores 1277 St. Clair Sem K,.-241 Rondo John A. Kruse 1141 Forest Mrs. C. Rohn 1232 Payne Prank Lieka 551 Michigan Confectionery F. gets. hinger ' 292 E. 5th ry Croce.t Michaud Bros. Inc. 1326 Grand 1082 Grand Confectionery Abe Moskowitz 1817 Ashland Grocery W. F. Norcross L. T.Paine 1200 Gaultier Confectionery Elmer Peterson 871 Arcade L W Radke 450 Robert Grocery Frank Russo 477 Colline Confectionery R Ryan 571 Cypress E. A, Schmidt and Son 329 Concord Grocery Confectionery Thos. Skerda 1184 W. 7th A.Stacker 243 E. Fairfield Grocery RN. brevia 325 Jack eon Soft drink Wegth L,. wer 571 Atlantic Grocery Ernest Williams 814 W. 7th Confectionery Gust Ales 161 W. 7th Restaurant Mrs. 0. 8. baker 191 N. Snelling n R, J. Uaviei 305 Robe -t J. . McCab- and L. F. Stanek 250 W. 4th Edward Meier 2028 St. Clair n Dan Mikituk 459 Robert James P—tikie 412 Broad—y Drusille Porter 564 Rice Jura 23, 1932 Serepta Roberts 2203 Ford Bond Restaurant Henry Scheibel 202 Concord " James J. Skelly 1160 E. 7th ^ R. N. Travis 325 Jack— ackSonMarie MarieZiaskas 168 E. 10th ^ Manthe & Miller 86 N. Dale Gasoline station 2 pumps H. W, Richter 636 E. Montane 3 " J. I.Tracy 1545 Marshall 5 " Harry G. NeHe1 236 E. 7th Hotel (Merch=.nts) 50 roo,s Publiz N. W. Theatre Inc 1596 Selby Motion �ict—.e (Park) Nick Balls 188 E. Fairfield 5 pool tables H. Schumeistsr 275E. 7th Cad hand dealer Louis H. Peter 164 Fleasent 011 burner ....... (CITY OF ST PAUL ripe NO. 92370 OFFICE OF CITY CLERK By UNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM PRE_T" WHEREAS, the Home City 011 Co. hes made apvlicatioo (1x90) for Confectionery license at 350 S. Sixth Street, and WEflTJiEl,S, said application for license has been withdraw{ therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to r.'sad to the Home City Oil Campeay the fee of $10.00 and to cancel eoplicatiov 1390 for Confectionery license. .., NEN Y ­ N yam. Truax �Ia �m re.or I.,� c Wenzel /Mr. Proidmr — Mahoney at wnaei� w il u : o ii• n ease N s.ew, r e Ye, o ea 611awcvm a a " a �aiw °pH to;u�� e°n�jn. cowm ooa• as n°a , Adep,ed by ,be C...61 _JUY_2 S 10 I9 _ App --d._ 7♦L //�� 19 onewimav a.n CITY OF Sr. PAUL u No. 92M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK . COUNCIL RESOLUTION- GENERAL FORM 81Issm®c WHEREAS, Arthur P. Goodman, an employe of the Department of Parke, Playgrounds and Public Buildings, was injured on the 29th day of April 1932 but continued to work until June 2nd, 1932, inclusive, at which time he had to quit work as a result of the said injury, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorised to enter into an agreement with said Arthur P. Goodman, providing for the payment of compensation to him at the rate of $14.40 per week during such time as he shall be totally �(•• disabled by reason of such injury; be it (, FURTHER RESOLVED, that in accordance with said agreement, the proper city officers are hereby authorised to pay to said Arthur P. Goodman, the sum of $43.20 out of the Workmen's Compen— sation Account of the General Head, in partial settlement of his claim against the city, being for the period to and including C1. A N6 PtaC Y 1k8u"h June 23rd, 1932. y,Y�or e M tt y�py aNeert COIJ .ILMIiN Yeas N.Y., Adopted by the Council -.193.. 4y App--d - .193.. _ IcoPen VI Y.. W uu cl �/9/���jj .x ..n . President Mnh.-Y •. I JBIASH[iD�-�L ��w 9J" C�am.t.o tan o.n CITY OF ST. PAUL .� NO........._ OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION—GENERAL FORM WHEREAS, the Advisory Court House and City Hall Building 00mmieei0n, at Its meeting on lune 22, 1933, approved the plane and speoifications for departmental signs in the new City Hall and Court House, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the Council hereby approves of and conours in the aotlon of the Commission. C. T:+Na �faif1aC--HT1 ,WfmCOYsseeq— `OI � 'ahl� �� L�emm,M'8owry t.eet t YYGrr t yes. =9 igwa°v'cc°'t� I x_�n Pae. uAY. CO coH Q 81932 u. °.u,MCN � 10' Y— N. l— Adupte�l by U C IJV .. 193_ . /�ondd e _I favor A P 1 � - 193__ /fin !/// AR inet nl.L�`Av�•t['( r�2CC1YY'NNN--- au a-» / zl resident MnM1oney Saint Paul Bureau of Municipal Research A1hlrlc Club Building C,6, 1110 June 22. 1932. To the 111%1-11,L City of Set Paul, inneeotu. Gentlemen: .it rrs m,eting on June 22, 1932, the Aavisory Court House and City Hall Hu11d1-9 Comma axion approved the plana and specl- flcatione for departmental signs Sn the n e building. The cost of these signs is no vered by a, alloeance of $5,000 Sn the electric con- tract. The matter is referred to you for your action. Very truly yours, Secretary, Advisory Court F—..and City Hall Building Comma salon. CPE: SE m OF r... No. O ITV CLERK mu» y TION--.ENERAL FOR COM- oNEa 1_ a y a WHEREAS, by Council File $93157, the proper city officers were authorized and directed to enter into a lease with William J. Kranz for the use of the premises ]mown as the Hollow Skating Rink, for the period from April first to November fifteenth, 1933, at a total rental of Sixty Dollars ($80.00), and WHEREAS, the said William J. Kranz has refused to enter into such a lease, and WHEREAS, it is necessary to clear the records of the office of the Oomptroller, therefore be it RESOLVED, that Council File $93157 be and the same is hereby repealed. Id ,r s—� n al bNe a iir aa.w ercw , ahy rmw.` y.e nt mti 4 wn :egmr I 1 n. §ee ad toraea�-`°w.`.'aaoea"l a'iroDGwo, sea rye e i uvm rdvasr•,acia- on a f.rdr %ieiei ^ COUNCILMEN JUN2F1932 Y—- NnY' Adopted I,y th. (.nuned. m I favor aPPruved __.. _- 193_. n / ) �y /Tran. ' J Lag il Mr. Prexident M.h.-y CITY OF 9T. PAUL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCILESOLUTIOH NERAL FORM coMEN aiionew_ wTE pCOLAiO WHEREAS, in the improvement of the Third Street Esplanade, a large space was made available for use by the City, and WHEREAS, to make this apace available to practical use, it was necessary to put in an additional door and place windows in the north wall of Second Street, at a cost of $307.26, which work was performed by the contractor, J. S. Sweitzer & Son, and WHEREAS, the Commissioner ofy Public Works and the contractor m have agreed that the said suof 370.2 is the correct cost of the additional work, and a memorandum of such agreement has been oountereigned by the City Comptroller and filed in his office, and WHEREAS, the County Engineer has refused to pay this cost out of the County Street Bond Fund for the reason that the improvement was for/the sole benefit of the City and not part of the Third Street development, therefore be it RESOLVED, that the proper city officers are hereby authorized and directed to pay the sum of $307.26 to J. S. Sweitzer & Son, said eum to be payable from the Bridge Building Revolving Fund, Code 14-B. cppvpw eeeisg��tIa��-' 2h1(16Yaa0 u�b� u �h nasi. �y meY W ni �iafFtf) COUNCILMEN JUN 2 Yeas Nays �s �Adapted by Cha zY ,ape i .. Ag,mk ✓� � �Wennel May .r aav/Mr. President Mahoney NHLISHED_��/ Y Berman C. Wenzel, Wm. A. Parranto, jam, coxxunoxu . stia�.fx[ o.«,........«..«� vwy VIIII"I LINIVI1�L peFaj0m,vnt vF Fukiv Wlvrhu x.aa Wwo^ ^ _ • -` I 1 ' June 23, 1932. V W' - Mr. L, L. Anderson, Corporation. Counsel, B u 1 1 d l n g. Dear Sir= Will you prepare a resolution allowing an extra of $307.26 for necessary work done,in addition to the contract bid, by J. S. Sweitzer & Son, for placing windows and an additional door in the north wall of Second St., and oblige, Yours very ^truly, HgAYAN C. �WZN, HCW-D Commissioner ofPublic Works. Whereas, In improving the Third Street Esplanade a large space was made available for use�by the city, and Whereas, To make this space available for practical use it was necessary to put in an additional door and place windows in the north Wall of Second Street at a cost of $307.26, payable to J. — Sweitzer & Son, and Whereas, The County 0ffiig1nabs7 has refused to pay these costs out of their street bond fund as the improvement above mentioned was for the sole benefit 6C the city and not part of the Third Street development, be it hereby Resolved, That the above named cost of $307.26 be paid to J. S. Sweitzer& Son from the Bridge Building Revolv- ing Fund, Code 14-B. W � U U' ara�dlmav a... CITY OF ST. PAUL ..0 NO. - 928 75 iL OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK / OUNCI RESOLUTION— NERAL FORM co�:M"� ,.Kew o>TE June 2,4, 1932 - RESOLVED Whereas, Contract to repair, relay or reconstruct cement tile sidewalks for the year 1931, Standard Stone Co., contractor, Comptroller's Contract No. L-3582, covered all work as ordered by the Council during the year 1931, and Whereas, A certain portion of work ordered by the Council during the year 1931 could not be completed during the construction period of 1931 due to weather in the late fall necessitating the completion of such orders when wea- ther conditions permitted during the present construction period, now, therefore, be it Resolved That the time specified for the completion of the above contract be and the same is hereby extended to June 25, 1932, and the proper city officials are hereby au- tbcrized and directed to execute an amendment to said con- tract in accordance herewith, provided, however, that this resolution shall not have any force and effect unless the sureties On the contractor's bond consent thereto and file such consent in writing with the City C mptroller. EAe�K aarS� d's (in QN SIsN I 7- Yeus AJopLeil by the CnunciL. JW`_pg _.... 19�. 193 �-M r / Trnnx � ` Agou�at K L Mn /yy nzel Z _/ / Mr. Prea�acnt h7uhur�ey ('UEI ISIIEn�� � o CITY OF ST. PAUL s�ce NO. 92A OFFICE OF CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION— NERAL FORM -' RESOLVED VHEREAS, the Commissioner of Public Works has reported in accordance with Section 53 of the City Charter, the existence of sn emergency which rendered necessary the employment of aertain employee of his Department for more than eight hours per day and on Sunday, said employment being more than usual hours of employment, therefire, be it REBCLYED. That the proper city officers are hereby authorized to pay the following named employee at the rate otherwise fixed for extra employment for the extra time hereinafter set forth. ems a Bittner, Clarence Yte. 7ebsrer Ye Gee, B. D. General Chauffeur COUNCILMEN y— Nay. MaY r/ McDonald � In fa.a. ,� P-+ Rmcn is cH2l� y Mr. Pcc,ld— a.."Yin-_"• 1 z j � acea6 eZ m. cgoadrtjv6e la: sir, Adop,cd by ,hc CooncdlUN 8.8.1 .._ --19 ApprovedMIYOR _-. 19 ���. An emergency 'race arisen in the D73ARTMJWT (IF P,MLIC 470RI4S, rendering necessary the e::iploynnent of certain employees of that Department for more than eight hours per day, in the doing of the following work: Watahing equipment in yard and making emergency calls for saner repair@. This emergency arose Ly reason of the folleving facts and circumstances: Working extra shift a000unt relief man not shoeing up and making an emergenoy callfor sever repairs, COMSISSI ITLI 0 UNCILo,RESOLUTION no._ PRnTe �. co�nci� Flee RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY Yo oo,,TREASURY. TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF f 176.71.—_, COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED. _TO— INCLUSIVE, AS PER CHECKS ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPTROLLER. Joh f{ .00PTEoa.TnEco�N�11 APPRa Eo ky g — P oFFi E of.HE" � .......... NCE...c '� NO. y 1 1 M Lo jigx o�COUIL RSOLU . AUDITEDTION "r "' AUDITED CLAIMS June 23, s32 " "xa�imcwlw mnz�ianoaa� °�� �1�939.71- V o - t ! TOTAL N M.. IN FAVOR OF • • � � I sRoucRTroswA— 00 10181 �erem a ams 599 James uorelli 3 353. 599 Sophie Ida Anderson 2 059 44 5995 Elea Y, abet, Treasurer 1 1 5996 United states Internal Raven a 2 5 5997 Dennie Laughlin 35.2 5998 Cashman Nurseries, Inc. 2 150 999 Melvin Stanway 26 000 Joseph Patook 21 6o01 O'Neil & Preston, Inc. 100 0 6001A. T. Pennig 7 00 6002L. H. Lull & Co. 240 6004 Hugh Mullarkey 43 34 6005 x. J. Gray 50 75 6006 Pltt aburgh Coal Company 140 5 6008' Henry O'Brien 136 50 Goo Ylltoa Rosen, Com'r of FScan a l27 505 91 6009 Pat Helly 88 20 6010 Filippo Meatrofranoesoo 124 80 6011 259 25 6012 Elea Y. Obst, Oounty Treasure 17 31 6013 Geo. A. Bernier 7 00 6014 AnnaKeefe 1' 50 00 6015 Li 111 an Geleenfeld, Assignee Glen Leabey 84 00 6016 Thornton Broe. Co. 17 765 j9 6017 Feyen Conatruotlon Co. 1 126 0 6018 Charles J. Edetrom 3 216 76 6019 Braunlg & sone Baking Co. 105 13. 6021) James F. Glass 28 8o 6021 Atlas Gas & Oil co. 88 24 6022 ^ 2 057 46 6023 ^ 1 650 13 6024 Margaret GS gusts 2 472 00 60 SooI atdi Mutuo So000reo It a is, Inc. 6 977 76 6026 Milton Rosen, Com'r of Finano 2 582 00 6027 148 4o 6ops36 99 6029 Al Stenograoblo Bureau 25 j355 6030 0. M. Andereon Lumber Co. 27 44 6031 E. Berglund Lumber Co. 122 50 6o32 Bishop & Bab000k Sales Co. 2 6o33 Bradford Oil Co. 66 6034 Capitol Staty. Mfg. Co. PS 6035 Cleveland Ave. Meat Co. 23 40 6036 Coohran lar gent Co. 140 30 5037 Dainty Products Co. 1 67 6038 Adam Cecker Hdwe. Co. 6 35 io39 Martin F. Falk Paper Co. 2 66 6040 P. M. Farloy L 6041 Farwell,Ozmun, KSrk & Co. __II ��.. 6042 Hertl Coal Co. 5043 Holt Motor Co. 6044 "Internati-sl Harva — 10 10 =045 S'rs. J.T. Jennings, Llbrn. �5 5046 Joe sting & Schilling Co. 223 40 "bj'---Johneon Printing Co. � � I I. L RESo. e.,..;o UNCIOLZ UTION ✓r�)rH lune 24, 1932 RESOLVED, THAT CHECKS BE DRAWN ON THE CITY TREASURY, TO THE AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF $ 8,549,48 . COVERING CHECKS NUMBERED 6045 TO 6105 INCLUS17, AS PER CHECKS A44 ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY COMPe-!-ER. /// woovr�o nr r" .11R—E. •!L�� `. ��'' o No �UNCI-E—ROLL CALL COUNCIL RESOLUTION June 24, AUDITED CLAIMS 1.32 A111111 11 T"I '1-11L TOTAL a 6o49 Edwin E. Pierce Lpl&nd Lmbe, Co. 0 35 21 6o5O Lee El vatoT Co. 1 6, 62 2 6052 McKesson Drug Co. 155 2 6 51 Envelope a" Stmc Works 05 605 Notthve�tern Postal Telegrach do. 23.0 47 0 6C,52 Price Electric Co. Co., 1 678 0 6057 Robinson, Cary and Sand. Co. 372 2 6059 Roe James Glass 1 Material Coo 76 4 60 9 St Pa I Builders 'I Whit 105 2 6o6i 3anttary Food Mfg. Co. 24 696 60N 3p,ak StandardCoTP-2y., Inc. 27 ? 6o67 Itar Photo CO- 20 0 162 9 6069 Tin City Brick Co. 27 0 6070 Fairbanks, Morse & Ccj 29 0 Cc 54 o 6072 60 74 607 607Z 270 1 1 6 77 Fisher Roasting Co. 6079 The Flo. Co-P—Y 3Z 2 6080 Th 15 51 60 Frozen Products Corp. 10 432 6o2 n 6090 Cap N. sobrantz 5 0( 6= Ru h Heflin 6095 Ot to J. bn son 6o96 Rudo ph H Job son 6099 6100 227 6101 27 71 81 B and 27 0 7 500 00 1202718 20 o CITY .7(..'. ST. PAUL NO...q2b7.9 • OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL LOTION—GENERAL FORM 0 'Y C""ZJune 24, 1932. RESOLVED That the grade of Alley in Block 6, Twin City View and Lots I to 6 inclusive Ideal Home Sites, from Scheffer Street to Hartford Avenue, in accordance with the red grade line on the accompanying profile and as recommended by the Commissioner of Public Works, be and the same is hereby adopted as the established grade. COUN "I "N Y'. Aeninxt Wenzel P—id,-M M,h.,,,y ..R ..--d T— -d Ad, U,d by th, 0,,,n, 1 JUR 2 8 1W M Petition v 0-70 Council File N .......... PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The undereigned hereby pmposee the making of the following public improvement by the City of St. Poul, vie.: ...___Grading-AllaY inBlock6 Tivia-- City -Vie,-- Red --Lot.-1- _to..6-inclusive, Ideal_Home_ Bites.Srom. B.aheffor .&tree t.. to _._._...._ Hartford Avenue. Dated thi...___.E4th._day of uucilman. __ L--- A-- orr.lhs t 1 rmDt mwb4 - PRELIMINARY ORDER. WHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the folio m : r aviib 8�re-'1 g provem E tqe; r. __-Qrsdiag-.A1J..eY im bicck 6 TwIn. City View _andLote_,.l_ D - to 8 inclusive.D_Ideal HomeSltee from Scheffe; Btseet to .._Hd3ltfard Avenu@.. _...... _.__... _.. .. _____. h,vlog been presented to the Council of the City of St. Pool...... _. .__ ..____-_...__.. ........._. therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Public Work, be and ie hereby ordered and directed: 1. To inveatig,te the necessity for, or desirability of, the cooking of said improvement. 2. To inveetigste the nature, extent end estimated coat of mid improvement, end the total coot thereof. 3. To fumish , plan, profile or sketch of void improvement. q✓ 4. To state whether or not mid improvemmt is asked for on the petition of three or more ownem µ 5. To report upon all of the fo1e9oi,gg1mtotters to the Communions, of Finance. Adopted by the Counnil..........._.........__._JUN.8.7.._._...._... Yaae Net, Cauneileea MAY Iip9;� q nigu? M<DONA19 Approved.._.......e.H_A..N. ....... .. _... _..._.. _.. ........... DRtARCE ROSkN TRLM( p� 7�� ...._....... .. ..._.... e:......._._. .�nI.12.-1.Panamnva� ���a� rar. PUBLISHED7L/ Council File No. ...._._.7FiM PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uod,migned hereby prap,m, the making of the following public impruvement by the City of St. Poul, vie.: Condemning. and taking Am easementin the ._ land_ necessary_ fox _slocea....onts_.and fills. In.this ..grading _of Alley...lnHlock_8.Tzin - _ City_ View -And,. Lots. .l_ -to . .g_Snalueiva.,_.Ideal ..JIORe Bitea.from __..._... __.Scheffe, _Street ._t¢_Hartford..Avenue..__. .....___. ___. _–...._._... .... Dated this.._...ilittt.__day of _...... Julie ..... .. . 19 . rvo. tte,r�5^,�4.., .• ' ,ay.�ewt[I �vinio�aroir PRELIMINARY ORDER. kn'' WHEREAS A written proposal for the making of the following improvement, via.: "r' " _._.._.._Cr,.re—=-Ino_ end._takinB._en-easement. la of.-A]1ey in Block-8.1iin..._..._-. ...___City lieu. and_Latsyl"..to.- 6.. incluslver®ldeal.Homa..Sit" Pram..._..........__. __ . having been p—ted to the Council of the City of St. Poul._.. ..._ _........."____ _ _ .....".".. the,dgje,Aa,it . . RESOLVED, Th,t the Commissioner of Publin Works be e.d ie hereby ,id—d end directed: 1. To i—stigote the rrvee"aeity for, or deeh,bihty of, the making of eeid improvement. 2. To investigate the nature, extent and eetimeted coat of eeid imp—r,ront, nod the total cost thereof. 3. To furnish s plan, profile or,ketch of said impraveme,t. 4. To atoto whether or not .aid improvement is asked for on the petition of three or more owner, 5. To report upon ell of the foregoing mattere to the Commissioner of Finan,,. JUIV 281 Adopted by the Council........_......... __._......_. _...__.__.._.__...__. f Yen. Nnr. tN,n Counciho Approved.". .. ......_. ..______.. ___... Mx. yor. r„m o w u mu loan � V _,� Q.at.inllED� !/ Couvcil File No.._......g2 PROPOSAL FOR IMPROVEMENT and PRELIMINARY ORDER. The uvdereigned hcroby proposes the making o! the following public improvement by the City of 9t. Paul, viz.: Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst West side of Harriet St. beginning at Central Terrace thence north 44 ft. North side of Central Terrace beginning at Harriet St, thence west 50 ft. ------------ Reconstructing, relaying andrepairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locationst West side of Harriet St, beginning at Central Terrace thence north 44 ft. North side of Central Terrace beginning at Harriet St. thence West 50 ft. Adopted by the Council..__.__......_.._. YewCouncumau MAY PCM A� Approved..... _.::_+l:_;1.{;. _.__......____....._.._. ROSCN TR�AX RNZFl�. Mx. Paeetvaw ar d Ms F. CA u au —1) ea PO I.F' iqe o1 Loce Pc Rnru7sF '=r' Fueuce y,5a: Olge °L HucL FsF 2F' oef;�uu R ...................... ...... Deted thia,.__E.4.th_,Jay of ._.. Julie no. :ail .rf PRELIMINARY ORDER. : f°� et r vWHEREAS, A written proposal for the making of the following imnrovema.t. °view°°e� Reconstructing, relaying and repairing, where necessary, the sidewalk at the following locations: Westside of Harriet St, beginning at Central Terrace thence north 44 ft. North side of Central Terrace beginning at Harriet St. thence west 50 ft. Adopted by the C d...__... YEnCouncilm MAY Councilman c �p PGE Approved........ ROSLN tRUAX ,> F. c w 11 Asa Iaau la' 10 ij, j 7-7 Dated thi,p-L"—day knee having been presented to the Council of the City of St. poul be it RESOI ' VED, That the C,ucmi��cnoo,, of Public Warks be and ie hereby ordered ad directed: i I. To 'v"ti a�e ' the I remity for, or desirability of, the making f said improvement. 2. To investigate,. 'bItu,,, r—ro, and estimated coat of said improvement, nad the total cost thereof. 1. To furnish , plan, 11,11, or akelch of said improvement. f. To Art, whether or not said i,Pllllme-t i, asked for on the petition of three or more .—c. 5. To report upon all of the foregoing matte, to the Commissioner of Finance. Adopted by the Council... Yale IIA - Councilman IRIM MAY INIMM App—rd 1� , AnIE ............. . . M n:m Mn. Paeemarr I— r A 110. —11 1,r.5uu1/21083) RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of—Condemning_ and_ taking. An _flaA97aent_iA_ Shy_ land_neeesear-y__ for slopes, cute and fills in the construo tion of e, eldewalk on the weet aide of Dale Street Prom California Street to Iowa Street, v meamG 01e°DDeanraou uva under Preliminary Order ------ 91261__________, approved --- Ffltl,_ 25,- 1932_________________ Intermediary Order ---- ------- 92001_----------- approved --- �ar, 30 1932 Final Order ------ .---- ------92214___._----_, a pp roved___Mtx9__-_6,_1932---------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easementa therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the ann xed asaesament roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the own rs of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for eonfirmation. issritit¢tiL®L$ - �->d»'� w�,�a�a,mtctraw.kmrrh Adopted by the Council _____"I'____ �__________ ____ •'t'_ _______ City Clerk. Approved________ Counmlman Angrr Co Councilman unmlman 1 r L Ir C. uncilman ko PLMLISHM Counmlman= f Y May 2 99499 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF 13FNEFITS In the matter of oo.d.—IrIg_and_ taking_ an easement 1. the land necessary for slopes, cuts and fills in the conatruotf&K a "siTevalk-on-t218"Beet side of Dale Street Prom California Street to Iowa Street, under Preliminary Order_____ 21761___, approved__ Feb, -25x _ 1932 _ Intermediary Order _________ 82941___, approved___ _3_Q_ 19252 ______________ Final Order________________ 92214___. approved___ May_ --- 5,_1932________________________ TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he hes fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Comm of t' Hance. 32381 RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF D4t- AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOIP .wwlN.pvpa. 1 nt Obekk�a mn yL V_ he the matter of_xidan].ng_the-Sntareactj_f_JYinlfrnd_.2t.__and _$o.trt W6ba she St. on the northwest corner by adding thereto a triangular piece of land M the outheast corner of lot 6, block 62, West St. Paul Proper measuring 17 feet on the north line of Winifred Stand 15 feet on the northwesterly line of South We asha St., and condemning and taking all land. and easement necessary therefor also changing the grade of the sidewalk abutting said lot 6 to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached and made a part hereof, the present sidewalk grades being as shown thereon, also constructing new side- walk, curbing and paving and making the n.ec essary changes in existing sidewalks, paving, hydrants, and catch basins for the improvement of the streets in con- formity with the new street lines and grades herein proposed, under Preliminary Ord er__-----918&5---------- approved --- hfarnh-4-19.32----------------- Intermediary Order ------------ 92U4---------- approved___ April -13, 1952--------------- Final Order -__---_-..--------92328---------- app .... d ---- May___19,..18.32--------------- A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easements therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the lands described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made apart hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners of such lands for said taking and condemnation as set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified and confirmed. Resoh'ed further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the same is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same is hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. �:t �r171 Adopted by the Council -----------------._--------_ 19,___ .y -City Clerk.-- ADproved------------------------- 19__:_ �1 COunci nadM.' Coun`Ic�110 eld k � / Councilman.l_3I.lStiGD���.L�-3 cilman CouF,Fafice... ncilman R�IlEtd: l'"`_-`' Cauncil�ii Mayor M 998 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS AND ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter ol-L 1aSasha_s — the orth,vest o r by addin" thereto a triann:lnr piece of lend i the sovthesst com ref lot ti, hlockr62, 'lest St. P_1 Proper re n- 17 feet — the north iine of M nifred �:t. and 15 raet on the northwesterly line ofn5 utl: ;Inhnshe ,md c tak inr ell lands an ant n therefor, else chnnf'nF the Rrade of therys 11a 11 sbuttire said lot 6 t000 nfor^, to these s proposed a shown on the n_ n hereto attached n nude a part hereof, the present sida,relk r s be in, rnm. the reon,a olso o nstr�ctinr n sidewalk, urbinP and pevinr anr. mni:inp "heart r;: metes in e.-st'_nr s ,mlks, o Y, h�, rants, catch hesins for the L orenent o. the streets in c....-e—ity� vreth the new street :fines pr and grndes herein --red, sed, under Preliminary Order—U865 ------ a ------------------ -- Intermediary Order ------- O.SII3-------- approved—il_1::-19 2_ ---- Final Order------------- 923,8-----__.-pproved--- K[k --- 11.-1412 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- priated for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. Commissioner of Finan In the matter of: Videning the intersection of Winifred Street and South Vabasha Street on the north',vest corner by adding thereto a triangular piece of land in the southeast corner of lot 6, Hbek 62, Town of 'Vest St. Paul (-Vest St. Paul droper), measuring 17 feet on the north line of VSnifred Street and 15 feet on the northwesterly line of So. 'Vabasha street, and condemning and taking all lands ant easements necessary therefor; also changing the grade of the sidewalk abattin6 said lot 6 to conform to the grades proposed and shown on the plan hereto attached ani made a part thereof, the present sidewalk grade being as shown thereon. Also constra—l—, nev sitevalk, curbing ani paving, ani m;king the necessary changes in existing site' caving, hydrants and catchbisins 'or the improvement of the streets in conformity with the ne'., street Lines ant grades herein proposed. 013-1=01-, TO A-V,L47 A'ID ASSFSSI-1— Now comes ;eorge "7. ?ranzmeier as part o'vner on behalf of himself ant on behalf of Adela 'ranzmeier and ^red '7agenknecht his partners in ownership of the above described real estate and the buildings ',hereon and objects to the proceedings as above entitled and all thereof, and the failure to award any damages as set forth in the report of the ,,ommissioner of 71nance to the said :ounoil, and to oppose the assess- ment of benefits as therein set forth, and he claims on behalf of him- self ani his partners that their property will be damaged in an amount greatly in excess of the benefits derived by such improvement, and states the follo-ling reasons and grounds for their objections: 1. That the 'ouncil of the -Ity of S.. Paul has no jurisdiction in the mates-, ani that said proceedings have net been properly and legally conducted. 2.That the value of said oroperty as reported and determined in these proceedings is unfair ant aalust, ani tbr,t to tate tt:e said pro- perty under the alieged condemnation proceedings for the valuations so resorted ^ouli be unlawful ani constitute a takinr the-eof ^ithout com- oensition, ani In viola,ior provi-A o^ ) .-. 'ontitution and Laws OZ *,Y. "nited Mates, ant the 3tats of !'innesota. 3. t:at the failure to allow in.r ..r .:.... as . orted 1-..ereir is not _'air . tC....1, but on. t.- ., ..rtry 1.. - _ 1— ,a r ason :pie .-._r':=.t v:lae _,itholt ilio-^ng lnyti.ing Liz re fo r. 4. That the Ii -ions of :re e1'. arter cf tte :it;; of .. 'aul relati to ...e t3'ci of I_ _!r ty for public -e, under ^+hich pro- visions these ­oeedi^:.'s a_'_ institu"e3, violate the Tourteenth amendment to .onstit�tion p: 'sited States and 'he proceedings herein are null --1 void in that the ssii amity is attempting to deprive the caner of his property '+dthout iue process of Is,. 5. ^i.at )roceedi-..'s :.e reit: are null in. vcii in ,,...c .i.a said Cit? proposes to ase the ovner's property for purposes other thgn as set forth in the order for co.ie.n,ti.n. p. That the o•1.1e1 thereof ra_:ses to abi^.e by said proceeding. because of the f.i1!ire tc award any 1: ages for his ssii property, and to reluirs ssii to consn-,t to such. ogro­nt •'vi thout proper award of dsmages 'would i _ose a, n .Am a haavy sacrifice and loss of money a.. prop=r'y• 7. The "o110 -4_n: is a description of tt.^_ croperty ovine= Ty the o^.ier:4 ped ably 'orl nri -1 to be `..-"�7 '„ :::e .i in -id oroeeedings. d' Lot o 71-: 62, 'own of _s. :. iu1 ('92t .:. _z',1 2ro'ler) gdela '_a­melsr, -).ted June 23, 1552. /(7 94883) RESOLUTION RATIFYING AND CONFIRMING CONDEMNATION AND AWARDS OF DAMAGES AND ASSESSMENT THEREFOR In the matter of__mrTamrin&-and_taking-an-eaaemenS_Sn_Llte_land lraGeaear$__ forelopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Holcombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary order____917B2------------- approved --- eh._25,_1932 __- IntermediaryOrd er--------- n993 , approved__Mar_a_0,_1932----------------- Final Order ------------ -.-_92212 ---- __------- -Pproved___KAT_.__ 5y _1.9.32 ----------- -_____ A public hearing having been had upon the taking and condemnation of the lands or easementa therein, for the above improvement, and the awards of damages therefor, and also upon the assessment of benefits therefor, and the Council having duly considered the same, now therefore be it Resolved, That the taking and condemnation of the I—& described in the annexed assessment roll, identified by the signature of the Commissioner of Finance, and made a part hereof, and the awards of damages to the owners A such land., for said taking and condemnation ne set forth in said assessment roll, be and the same i:. hereby in all zaepects ratified and confirmed. Resolved further, that the said assessment of benefits, be and the eame is hereby in all respects ratified, and the same e, hereby ordered to be submitted to the District Court for confirmation. 4+bma ai1R�'S�9Cx2t1P119ai¢i �` m°d rai�t k�kalSmmiL �.* kmmkp§tjmndxkSiludlhx�x a; 932 Adopted by the Council ------------------- _____________ 19---- ----- -------- 9.________________t -=r._ �_£-d_G{____________ K,iry clerk. � Approved ____ _, 19____ _ ___ __ > < --- yor Councilmaa".,4$.- �4fle"r T`"•` iifD�",4>_x"�. /moi Councilma Councilman Counedoo. 'v`'"` ` Mayor Bundlle y2ss7 REPORT OF COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE ON CONDEMNATION OF LANDS -►NIA ASSESSMENT OF BENEFITS In the matter of__nondemning_end_1,akdng_sn_�aesm9nt_Sn_SJ]5_1atu1_tlfl44a5a39 for elopes, cuts and fills in the grading of Alley in Block 7, Holoombe's Addition from St. Albans Street to Grotto Street, under Preliminary Order ----- 91Z82___, approved ------ F b.-25,-1932 - Intermediary Order________ 9199Il___, approved_____ MVX---3Q,_ 1932 ----------------------- Final ________ _Final Order_______________ 92212___. approved ------ fag___Sr1932 TO THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL: The Commissioner of Finance hereby reports: That he has fixed and determined the value of the land, lands or easements therein taken and appro- printed for the above improvement and the amounts of the awards of damages therefor to the owners thereof, and the persons to whom such awards are payable; that he has also fixed and determined the amount of benefits to property, from the making of said improvement, not exceeding the cost there- of, and that hereto attached is an assessment roll entitled as above and identified with the signature of the undersigned, containing the undersigned's finding on said matters. ��� Commissioner of f5nan6. June 17, 1932 Mr. Milton Rosen commissioner of Finance St. Paul, Minnesota Dear Sir: Being unable to be present at the condemnation hear- ing for grading of alley in block eev en Holcomb add- ition from St. Albons Street to Grotto Street. I want to state that I very much object to such pro- ceedurea on the grounds tLat I feel that the condition of the alley at present is no worse that it has been for some time, and that we can continue to get along as it is until economic conditions IMT)TOVe. Very truly Yours Q yry I 77J 729 Laurel Avenue St. Paul, Vi—e-ta -� PETITIOH.OF MONSTRANCE TO THE COUNCIL, CITY OF ST. PAUL, MI We, the undersigned oropexty owners abutting on > thp,alley in Block 7, Holoombe.s Addition from St. Albans Street t p 8 'eet, moat strenuously object and,object to the uo emning and'. taking of an easement'la the land necessary for slopee'S" outs end.. fills in the'.griding.of alley in said Block 7, Hol000abe'e Addition from St. Albano Street to Grotto 9treet,_,ea proposed by Council File Ho. under a Preliminary Crder. ... 93,782 approved February 25, 1933. Owner Address Lot Block Addition FroataQe . ,F�(iY-FRY �CO.�i���,-��- -STATE OY MIHHE8OTA) COUH'tY O�;;SAM98Y.': )B9 James. if. Armstrong baiMg_first dulyweworn on oath deposes and _ says_thathe is�the Manager for the Perry-Fry_Compan�, the owners of - ' the Sopth 1/2 of, Lota 14 end lb Blook.,.7, Holcombeve Addition, and - that be gi tjulatbd.the foregoing notioe;that the names as shown thereon - are j;hg gignaturee of the owners of the property set_oppositatithereto - and arg personally known_to hig. _ Subegribed and sworn to before !,h 35th day e9*�a�. _ NOTICE OF HEARING IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS matter f Jnr �-e�y1- end to ; ng an as—rt the Land cess , [n the — _- - ....- .- for slopes, cuts and fills is t'le Crn"i oi' nlley in Rlocl- 7, s3trcet to Scotto .:,.rest under Prehminary 917C2 Order...-.. - --. ----., aPPrw cd -..--- ----.-- -e^. 25, 1932. -.-.... - 31093 '.Aar. 30, 1932. Intermediary Order -. -.--zPPmscd--------------- ---.. Final Order-__ -.... 92212 --- approved -- �!.y 5, 1932. ---...... TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Notice is hereby given char a public hearing will be had before the Council of the City of St Paul, in the Couotil Chamber, in the Coun House m the City of St Paul, on the....-.-..29Lh--....-.. day o!_ --_.-_---Sane --------------- 19. ��2., at ten o'clock A. M., upon the report of he Commissioner of Finance as to the amount of damages to be awarded m the ox nes or ox nese of the lands or casements therein, to be app-pti—d for the above improvement, and the persons to whom such awards were payable and for the confirmation of each awards, also upon the assessment of benefits to the property from the malting of said improvement. Objection co the taking of such lands or casements therein, or to the awards of damages therefor, must be in -ming and filed xi,h the Council at the time herein fined fat said hearing, o with the City Clerk prior thereto. Dated_ ---v Lie -1 --...--..--- 19..>?- Commissioner of Finance No....... B28 i1 CITY OF ST. PAUL .� OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK COUNCIL RESOLUTION--GENERAL FORM DATE BEEOtY7II WHEREAS, 0. E. Johnson heretofore deposited the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) with the Olerk of the yuniotpal Oourt as bail money to secure his appearance on June 15th, 1932; and whereas, through an error the calendar of said 0ourt indicated that said C. E. Johnson was to appear in Court on Jame 14th, and as a result, because of his non-appearance on June 14th, hie bail was forfeited; and WHEREAS, Ron. John W. Finebout, one of the Judges of said Oourt,has reoommended the refundment of said bail money; therefore, be it RESOLVED, That the proper city officers be and they are hereby authorized and directed to draw a warrant in favor of said C. E. Johnson for said sum of Twenty-five Dollars, payable out of the proper fund. Iii v�((''N�oai� ss io'e�wo-y• veltCou wSN to Ist�i. 1 n,aneealM1 O�l e4Nrt. jl�N 9 0 +n`rC COUNCILMEN NnAdopted by the. C.ounrll __193_ Ycav j. yn _.. _.. piny i � r nonnId - 'p C m. 19:5 nye /Wenzel qtr. vrca�ae„t Mnl,onoy PIJHLtSI�D City of Saint Paul Office of City Clerk Uh Um4 ..d Cemmlelena ei R�he.eon a.i a.n v.sw June 29th, 1932• Qr. L. L. Anderson, Corporetto. Couaeel, Building. Deny 91r; We etteoh herewith petition of $25.00Jehi hseeQforfeiited refund - J a 14th to polios Court. The Co o cil today referred thi• petition to you for the proper resolution greattug —h refund. loure very truly, City Clerk. TO THE HONORABLE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL: Your petitioner respectfully represents: llllll/^%� 1. On or about June 10, 1932, he was instructed by one of the police officers of the City of St. Fail to report at Traffic Headquarters the following morning for violation of traffic ordinances. B. At said time your petitioner reported to Police Headquarters, and was thereupon charged with violation of the traffic laws, and appeared in Police Court before His Honor John W. Tinebout and thereupon pleaded not guilty. 3. At said time he gave to the proper officer In charge the sum of Twenty-five Dollars ($25) as bail, end was thereupon given a bail receipt, a true and correct copy of which is hereto attached and hereby made a part hereof. 4. Through some mistake the calendar of the Court indicated that he was to appear In Court on the morning of June 14, at nine o'clock A.H., although the oral instructions .given to your petitioner on the morning of June 11 required him to report on Wednesday, June 16, at nine o'clock A.Y. H. As a result of such mistake petitioner's case was called on Tuesday morning, June 14, at nine otclock A.Y., and because of non-appearanoe his bail was forfeited. S. Your petitioner further states that such mis- take was through no fault of his own, and therefore respectfully petitions the Honorable Council to reinstate the bail so forfeited. 0. E. JOHNSON, ♦ thy. or Pew- STATE OF MINNESOTA, i) ee County of Ramsey. 0. E. JOHNSON, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that he Is the petitioner in the foregoing petition; that he has read the said petition and knows the contents thereof; that the same is true except as to the matters therein stated on information and belief, and as to those matters he believes it to be true. Sabeorlbedyyl�and :worn to before me this �`"'d4V of June, 1933. /r a i.v-- Notary P lic, Ramsey County, Min//a. v My Commission expires -2- G ' 3 G APPROVED: pplI�� ((��'� ,� n� n� ) r 4 Proseouting orney.City o at. Paul. APPROVED: -(?#.—.Of Municipal Court. CITY OF SAINT PAUL BAIL RECEIPT MUNICIPAL COURT No. 4438. June 11th, 1932. Received the anm of Twenty-five Dollars, for the appee,ranoe of 0. E. Johnson in Court at 9 A.M., Ned., 15th June, 1932. Amount of ball $25.00. A. N. PAUL Bignatnre NVAUL icer in charge. o.vw�mav avi CITY OF ST. FAUL cwxrn NO....... 92887 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK 1 COUNCIL RE90L ION—GENERAL FORM carom brew RESOLVED That permission and authority are hereby given to the North End Improvement Club to conduct a festival at Aioe and Lawson streets, from July 30th to August 7th, 1932. L rt a ei °y'a COUNCILMEN JUN 291932 Yews / Nnyx �.�.� Ad,,tnl by thr ( inril ti no���dd 101 9�. 1., fi—r APIm 1 __ .......193... �uux / ".....�A6einwl �vG,�Wa'±•P{_. 1���2�v �{1'cuecl Meyor (//f President AIA—y City of Saint Paul QL[4 V,q{City Clerk 5, CO, Cluk oaac�.ncin u.n ad Cemmiwlmm al Rffkeeeoe angio,¢ n. ss June 20th, 1932. Nr. L. L. Ondereoa, Corporatiaa Conn.el, Building. Dear Sir: The attanhed application of the Horth End Improvement Clnb for permission to conduct a festival at Bice and Lawson Street. from July 3Jth to Aaguet 7th was referred to you today by the Council, for the proper resolution. Tour. very truly, City Clerk, Uqmt'�Mvlxa Qf MR915aFeN Snne 28, 1992 Honorable City Counoil D Saint Paul, Hinneeota / Dsatlemea� Referring to attaohed appliaetion of the Horth End Improvement Club for permission to oonduot a festival at Rioe and Lawson 9treste July 30 to August 7t This matter has been investigated -ad I would reoommend that permit be granted. All ooneessione are to be handled by the sponsor. of this festival. �V*ryyyours,my. �C Thomas E. Dahill Chief of Poll** APPROVED, J.H. M.D.—Id. Commissioner of Publio 8araty � �'J•�1w,�CM VIII �I a _ J.r�'J•'!11• X11. f��. h 1 . 0 St. Paul, Minn. June. 21 19b2 - To The Honorable, The Council, City of St. Paul, Minn. Gentlemen: We, the undersigned property wner,, hereby petition your Honorable Body to mrrd- deny issuance of a permit to the North find Improvement Club for the purpose of holding a festival at Rice said Lamson Streets, July 50th to AugVt 7th: St. Ave rrnm St. Awe. to St. Ave. SERIAL 110. OF ROLL 19-711 DEPART I'6'.NT /' ROLL IDENTIFICATION SLIP PERMANENT RETENTIOP DATE TO DE DESTROYED I L m to LIMITED RETENTION DATEMICROFIUl-D� 2G 9 /� CONTENTS NUMBER OR NAME OF FIRST DOCUMENT OF REGu LAR CONTENTS a NU1q®ER OR NAME OF LAST DOCUMENT MICROFILIED SIGHED-- Oper Tor ,JOINT CITY COUIITY MICROFILM BY Sep'—so, 0 2 a` 9\ m A. vt rr oz `/ sM j O1\ t YV11J • n1 JJ V.- AVUU 0 R cam �/o\ o